How are refugees vetted?
[{"answer": "A very complicated series of checks by several different government agencies. It takes a long time and gathers as much data as it can to make an assessment of need and risk. Great infogrraphic (ELI12) here: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Before the replies start: ***I'm not debating whether or not we should or shouldn't take in refugees***. & nbsp; I live in Florida, in the United States. If I wanted to move to Canada, and Canada wanted to vet me, they can request information from several different places. They can get background info on me from the State of Florida, or from the Federal Government of the United States. Since the information is coming straight from the Government, Canada knows that they can trust the information. That's generally how things work for refugees: we check with the Governments and Agencies in the countries that they're coming from, and get the information we need. The problem is, with a place like Syria, where there has been massive war and destruction, we might not be able to get the information we need, from a source we can trust. So then we have to use less reliable methods of checking them out, or we have to simple take their word for it."}, {"answer": "With the Syrian refugees they do interviews and check to see if their story aligns with events that happened in the country or with other people's stories. They collect fingerprints and biological information and go through several different agencies over the period of about a year and a half. I read that 50% of the refugees get rejected and the ones that make it through don't get to choose which country they end up in. Despite it being lengthy it's not the most thorough sounding process to be totally honest. Syria has no database of people that the west can access. The refugees have no identification. Worth the risk? Up to you to decide."}, {"answer": "They can't. This is the problem. Currently, it's a numbers game. The question is, does the amount of people who genuinely need help and refuge outnumber those who might intentionally be here to cause harm? The answer is mostly yes. There is no 100% way to get all the people out of those countries as well as verify the validity of their claims in a way that's both time and manpower efficient. They do the best they can and it's impossible to get it right 100% of the time."}, {"answer": "**A friend of mine is an immigration lawyer in the US. He posted a really comprehensive answer to this question on Facebook the other day. Below is his description in full (rather long). Note, this applies to the process in the US.** Most of my friends know I practice Immigration law. As such, I have worked with the refugee community for over two decades. This post is long, but if you want actual information about the process, keep reading. I can not tell you how frustrating it is to see the misinformation and outright lies that are being perpetuated about the refugee process and the Syrian refugees. So, here is a bit of information from the real world of someone who actually works and deals with this issue. The refugee screening process is multi-layered and is very difficult to get through. Most people languish in temporary camps for months to years while their story is evaluated and checked. First, you do not get to choose what country you might be resettled into. If you already have family (legal) in a country, that makes it more likely that you will go there to be with family, but other than that it is random. So, you can not simply walk into a refugee camp, show a document, and say, I want to go to America. Instead, the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees) works with the local authorities to try to take care of basic needs. Once the person/family is registered to receive basic necessities, they can be processed for resettlement. Many people are not interested in resettlement as they hope to return to their country and are hoping that the turmoil they fled will be resolved soon. In fact, most refugees in refugee events never resettle to a third country. Those that do want to resettle have to go through an extensive process. Resettlement in the U.S. is a long process and takes many steps. The Refugee Admissions Program is jointly administered by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) in the Department of State, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and offices within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) within DHS conducts refugee interviews and determines individual eligibility for refugee status in the United States. We evaluate refugees on a tiered system with three levels of priority. First Priority are people who have suffered compelling persecution or for whom no other durable solution exists. These individuals are referred to the United States by UNHCR, or they are identified by the U.S. embassy or a non-governmental organization (NGO). Second priority are groups of \u201cspecial concern\u201d to the United States. The Department of State determines these groups, with input from USCIS, UNHCR, and designated NGOs. At present, we prioritize certain persons from the former Soviet Union, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, Iran, Burma, and Bhutan. Third priority are relatives of refugees (parents, spouses, and unmarried children under 21) who are already settled in the United States may be admitted as refugees. The U.S.-based relative must file an Affidavit of Relationship (AOR) and must be processed by DHS. Before being allowed to come to the United States, each refugee must undergo an extensive interviewing, screening, and security clearance process conducted by Regional Refugee Coordinators and overseas Resettlement Support Centers (RSCs). Individuals generally must not already be firmly resettled (a legal term of art that would be a separate article). Just because one falls into the three priorities above does not guarantee admission to the United States. The Immigration laws require that the individuals prove that they have a \u201cwell-founded fear,\u201d (another legal term which would be a book.) This fear must be proved regardless of the person\u2019s country, circumstance, or classification in a priority category. There are multiple interviews and people are challenged on discrepancies. I had a client who was not telling the truth on her age and the agency challenged her on it. Refugees are not simply admitted because they have a well founded fear. They still must show that they are not subject to exclusion under Section 212(a) of the INA. These grounds include serious health matters, moral or criminal matters, as well as security issues. In addition, they can be excluded for such things as polygamy, misrepresentation of facts on visa applications, smuggling, or previous deportations. Under some circumstances, the person may be eligible to have the ground waived. At this point, a refugee can be conditionally accepted for resettlement. Then, the RSC sends a request for assurance of placement to the United States, and the Refugee Processing Center (RPC) works with private voluntary agencies (VOLAG) to determine where the refugee will live. If the refugee does have family in the U.S., efforts will be made to resettle close to that family. Every person accepted as a refugee for planned admission to the United States is conditional upon passing a medical examination and passing all security checks. Frankly, there is more screening of refugees than ever happens to get on an airplane. Of course, yes, no system can be 100% foolproof. But if that is your standard, then you better shut down the entire airline industry, close the borders, and stop all international commerce and shipping. Every one of those has been the source of entry of people and are much easier ways to gain access to the U.S. Only upon passing all of these checks (which involve basically every agency of the government involved in terrorist identification) can the person actually be approved to travel. Before departing, refugees sign a promissory note to repay the United States for their travel costs. This travel loan is an interest-free loan that refugees begin to pay back six months after arriving in the country. Once the VOLAG is notified of the travel plans, it must arrange for the reception of refugees at the airport and transportation to their housing at their final destination. This process from start to finish averages 18 to 24 months, but I have seen it take years. The reality is that about half of the refugees are children, another quarter are elderly. Almost all of the adults are either moms or couples coming with children. Each year the President, in consultation with Congress, determines the numerical ceiling for refugee admissions. For Fiscal Year (FY) 2016, the proposed ceiling is 85,000. We have been averaging about 70,000 a year for the last number of years. (Source: Refugee Processing Center) Over one-third of all refugee arrivals (35.1 percent, or 24,579) in FY 2015 came from the Near East/South Asia\u2014a region that includes Iraq, Iran, Bhutan, and Afghanistan. Another third of all refugee arrivals (32.1 percent, or 22,472) in FY 2015 came from Africa. Over a quarter of all refugee arrivals (26.4 percent, or 18,469) in FY 2015 came from East Asia \u2014 a region that includes China, Vietnam, and Indonesia. (Source: Refugee Processing Center) Finally, the process in Europe is different. I would be much more concerned that terrorists are infiltrating the European system because they are not nearly so extensive and thorough in their process."}, {"answer": "Definitive checks are costly and time consuming. Last I heard, US taking in 10k refugees will take two years for background check, which sounds like a really long time."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "53387480", "title": "Refugee health in the United States", "section": "Section::::Medical screening for entry to the United States.:Overseas protective actions.:Laws.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 34, "end_paragraph_id": 34, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The CDC's Division of Global Migration and Quarantine is responsible for providing the US Department of State and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) with medical screening guidelines. The guidelines are developed in accordance with Section 212(a)(1)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which outlines the reasons an alien is ineligible for a visa or admission to the United States, specifically based on health grounds. \"The health-related grounds include those aliens who have a communicable disease of public health significance, who fail to present documentation of having received vaccination against vaccine-preventable diseases, who have or have had a physical or mental disorder with associated harmful behavior, and who are drug abusers or addicts.\" Medical conditions recognized in refugees are categorized as Class A or Class B and are described below.", "The CDC's Division of Global Migration and Quarantine is responsible for providing the US Department of State and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) with medical screening guidelines. The guidelines are developed in accordance with Section 212(a)(1)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which outlines the reasons an alien is ineligible for a visa or admission to the United States, specifically based on health grounds. \"The health-related grounds include those aliens who have a communicable disease of public health significance, who fail to present documentation of having received vaccination against vaccine-preventable diseases, who have or have had a physical or mental disorder with associated harmful behavior, and who are drug abusers or addicts.\" Medical conditions recognized in refugees are categorized as Class A or Class B and are described below. If a refugee is found to have an inadmissible health-related condition, a waiver is required for the applicant to come to the US.", "Medical conditions recognized in refugees are categorized as Class A or Class B and are described below. If a refugee is found to have an inadmissible health-related condition, a waiver is required for the applicant to come to the US."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "37844352", "title": "United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP)", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) is a consortium of federal agencies and nonprofit organizations working together, both overseas and domestically, to identify and admit qualified refugees for resettlement into the United States. As a program, USRAP is tasked with some of the humanitarian efforts that the United States chooses to undertake. Every year, thousands of refugees are welcomed into the United States and given the opportunity to build a better life for themselves. In this way, USRAP demonstrates the commitment of a people to humanitarian principles.", "The United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) is a consortium of federal agencies and nonprofit organizations working together, both overseas and domestically, to identify and admit qualified refugees for resettlement into the United States. As a program, USRAP is tasked with some of the humanitarian efforts that the United States chooses to undertake."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Charlie Baker\n\n\ndo as a nation what I would call... our fair share\", but that he \"would want to know what the game plan was, what the expectations were, how we would anticipate paying for whatever it is they would expect supporters to do\". In the wake of the November 2015 Paris attacks, Baker opposed allowing additional Syrian refugees into the state until he knew more about the federal government's process for vetting them, and was criticized for his opposition by Massachusetts U.S. Senator Ed Markey, and Massachusetts U.S. Representatives", "id": "4417430" }, { "contents": "Exodus Refugee Immigration\n\n\n. Exodus Refugee Immigration only resettles people who have been granted refugee status by the United Nations and who have been vetted and pre-approved by the United States Government, which issues them valid refugee visas. It is affiliated with a national VOLAGs, Church World Service (CWS), which is assigned by the US Government's Office of Refugee Resettlement, which also provides funds for initial resettlement. These funds are channeled through the VOLAGs into local resettlement agencies such as Exodus, who provide short-term assistance with housing, employment", "id": "13617100" }, { "contents": "Reactions to the November 2015 Paris attacks\n\n\nRepresentatives passed the American SAFE Act of 2015, which makes it more difficult for Syrian and Iraqi refugees to enter the United States. The bill still needs to pass the Senate. At least 31 state governors said that they opposed accepting Syrian refugees into their states, although the decision to accept refugees belongs to the federal government; numerous mayors of major US cities have said they would welcome more refugees. The United Nations asked Congress and governors to continue accepting Syrian refugees who had been vetted by security measures as an example to other", "id": "6993438" }, { "contents": "Immigration policy of Donald Trump\n\n\nhe acknowledged supporting vetting based on \"areas where we have an unusually high risk of terrorists coming in\"; Sessions acknowledged the DOJ would need to evaluate such a plan if it were outside the \"Constitutional order.\" Trump has on several occasions expressed opposition to allowing Syrian refugees into the U.S.—saying they could be the \"ultimate Trojan horse\"—and has proposed deporting back to Syria refugees settled in the U.S. By September 2015, Trump had expressed support for taking in some Syrian refugees and praised Germany's decision to take in Syrian refugees.", "id": "10704556" }, { "contents": "Immigration and Protection Tribunal\n\n\nvetted by Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, acting on advice from a committee of government officials known as the Inter-departmental Committee on Refugees. In the decision of \"Benipal v Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Immigration\" the Court recognised that the existing procedures were insufficient and, as a consequence, on 17 December 1990 new procedures were approved to deal with applications for refugee status. This led to the incorporation of procedures into the Terms of Reference and established the right of appeal to the Refugee Status Appeals Authority. In August", "id": "17447723" }, { "contents": "Legal challenges to the Trump travel ban\n\n\norder. The chief TRO was issued by a Washington State federal court and was explicitly nationwide in scope. That TRO specifically blocked the executive branch from enforcing provisions of the executive order that (1) suspend entry into the U.S. for people from seven countries for 90 days and (2) place limitations on the acceptance of refugees including \"any action that prioritizes the refugee claims of certain religious minorities.\" The TRO also allowed \"people from the seven countries who had been authorized to travel, along with vetted refugees from all", "id": "11748232" }, { "contents": "Bowling Green massacre\n\n\nlife sentence while the other is serving 40 years in federal prison. The two did not attack anyone in the U.S., and there was no evidence that the men traveled back to Iraq or had any contact with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant after being admitted to the U.S. Neither was charged with plotting attacks inside the United States. In response to the arrests, the administration of Barack Obama re-vetted 58,000 refugees already in the country, imposed vetting on 25,000 other Iraqi citizens still in Iraq, and significantly tightened", "id": "12268987" }, { "contents": "Pawly Pets: My Animal Hospital\n\n\noption to sleep from two to eight hours. The player can also make the vet have a rest on the sofa for a quick fitness boost. The two meters gradually decrease during the day, and bubbles will appear at the side of the screen with icons inside to tell the player if the vet is very hungry or very tired. The vet also has other meters, that are represented by dots. These show how much the vet has done of something, such as the play meter. These meters do not go down", "id": "12881013" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13769\n\n\n389.) Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly has stated to Congress that DHS is considering a requirement that refugees and visa applicants reveal social media passwords as part of security screening. The idea was one of many to strengthen border security, as well as requesting financial records. In 2011 the Obama administration released a memo revealing a similar plan to vet social media accounts for visa applicants. John Kelly has stated that the temporary ban is important and that the DHS is developing what \"extreme vetting\" might look like. There was", "id": "11159980" }, { "contents": "Immigration policy of Donald Trump\n\n\nnot differentiate Syrian refugees from refugees from other countries. On June 26, the Supreme Court partially permitted the executive order to come into effect and invalidated certain injunctions that were put on the order by two federal appeals courts earlier. On September 24, 2017 the executive order was superseded by Presidential Proclamation 9645 to establish travel restrictions on seven countries, omitting Sudan from the previous list while adding North Korea and Venezuela. In late October 2017, Trump ended a ban on refugee admissions while adding new rules for \"tougher vetting of applicants", "id": "10704569" }, { "contents": "Michele Fiore\n\n\n.\" She added, \"I do not want Syrian refugees in our state, period,\" and said that she did not trust the refugee vetting process to screen out terrorists. In December 2015, Fiore sent her constituents a 2016 calendar, which included a family Christmas portrait under the month of December, featuring her immediate family, all holding guns, and her grandchildren, one of whom was holding what appeared to be a handgun. The photo went viral on Facebook, and drew criticism for depicting a small child holding", "id": "12443780" }, { "contents": "Refugee\n\n\nthe 800,000 refugees vetted through the resettlement program in the United States between 2001 and 2016, only five were subsequently arrested on terrorism charges; and 17 of the 600,000 Iraqis and Syrians who arrived in Germany in 2015 were investigated for terrorism. One study found that European jihadists tend to be 'homegrown': over 90% were residents of a European country and 60% had European citizenship. While the statistics do not support the rhetoric, a PEW Research Center survey of ten European countries (Hungary, Poland, Netherlands, Germany", "id": "1765459" }, { "contents": "Dave Trott (politician)\n\n\nshould be left to the states to decide. Trott supported President Donald Trump's 2017 executive order to impose a temporary ban on entry to the U.S. to citizens of several Muslim-majority countries, saying, \"Until we can adequately vet these refugees and ensure the safety of all Americans, I support President Trump’s executive order to stay refugees from these terror-prone countries.\" On May 4, 2017, Trott voted in favor of repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and to pass the American", "id": "22162865" }, { "contents": "Harsha Walia\n\n\nreport on the impact of Canadian immigration policies implemented by the Conservative government during Stephen Harper's tenure. The report was part of an \"innovative\" and collaborative multimedia project by NOII-Vancouver and Shit Harper Did, which included a series of refugee and migrant stories in video form. Subsequent to Donald Trump's election and signing of Executive Order 13769 on January 27, 2017 to establish \"extreme vetting\" procedures for refugees and immigrants attempting to enter the United States, Walia reported a greater volume of incoming calls to NOII from", "id": "4167268" }, { "contents": "Veterinary medicine in the United Kingdom\n\n\nVeterinary medicine in the United Kingdom is the performance of veterinary medicine by licensed professionals, and strictly regulated by statute law, notably the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966. Veterinary medicine is led by veterinary physicians, termed 'veterinary surgeons' (with a different meaning to how it is used in some other anglophone countries, where it denotes a surgical specialist), normally referred to as 'vets'. Vets are often assisted by registered veterinary nurses, who are able to both assist the vet and to autonomously practice a range of skills", "id": "14050962" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13769\n\n\ncampaign promise,\" and did not appear to be tied to any effort to improve vetting or other procedures. A 2018 paper by scholars at the Immigration Policy Lab at Stanford University found that Trump's refugee ban (which caused a 66% reduction in refugee resettlement) had no impact on crime rates. Shortly after the enactment of the executive order, at 4:42 pm on January 27, border officials across the country began enforcing the new rules. \"The New York Times\" reported people with various backgrounds and statuses being denied", "id": "11160001" }, { "contents": "Tulsi Gabbard\n\n\n2015 she voted with Congressional Republicans in favor of a bill requiring \"extreme vetting\" of Syrian and Iraqi refugees. The Obama administration said the bill would effectively stop the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the United States. That same year she called for a suspension of the visa waiver program for European passport holders. In 2013 Gabbard sponsored legislation to require GMO labeling. In 2016 she voted against a GMO-labeling bill, saying that it was too weak. Gabbard has an inconsistent record on gun control issues, having taken a", "id": "12837827" }, { "contents": "United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP)\n\n\nasked by the state of Hawaii. Watson's decision noted that the latest ban “suffers from precisely the same maladies as its predecessor” as it “plainly discriminates based on nationality” and as such violates federal law and “the founding principles of this Nation.” On October 24, 2017, President Trump issued (Resuming the United States Refugee Admissions Program with Enhanced Vetting Capabilities). On December 4, 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that EO 13815 could go into full effect until the legal appeals are being weighed", "id": "14866314" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Marco Rubio\n\n\n\" On immigration, Rubio supports securing the country's borders and then offering a legal status to people who came to the United States unlawfully, and he also believes there should be more vetting of refugees; he now opposes seeking a single comprehensive all-in-one immigration reform bill (which he calls delusional), and instead wants to secure the borders and only then discuss legal status. Regarding refugees of the Syrian Civil War, Rubio is against letting them come to the United States, because background checks cannot be", "id": "21866378" }, { "contents": "Mariel boatlift\n\n\nCreole, and interpreters from the local Haitian community were put under contract through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). As the end of the initial crisis period wound down and after the vetting of those refugees who could be sponsored had run its course, the decision was made to transfer the \"hard to sponsor\" refugees, which included those with criminal records, to longer-term processing sites at Fort Chaffee in Arkansas, Fort Indiantown Gap in Pennsylvania, and Fort McCoy in Wisconsin. Crowded conditions in South Florida immigration", "id": "7122261" }, { "contents": "Pete Sessions\n\n\nto make tough decisions.\" Sessions voted against the DREAM Act in 2010. Sessions supported President Donald Trump's 2017 executive order imposing a temporary ban on immigration from seven predominantly Muslim nations. He stated that \"Just as President Obama suspended the refugee program in 2011 for six months, the Trump Administration is working to protect national security by making adjustments in the refugee vetting process. It is critical that we address the threat of individuals who come to our country to create chaos and threaten our freedom.\" In 2017, Sessions", "id": "8259693" }, { "contents": "Manus Regional Processing Centre\n\n\ndetermine the total number of refugees it would take, eligible applicants still needing to clear US authorities’ \"extreme vetting\" procedures. In December, 27-year-old Sudanese refugee Faysal Ishal Ahmed, allegedly ill for months, died after suffering a seizure and a fall. On 14 April 2017, asylum seekers and centre staff alleged they had been shot at by locals. Ray Numa, Chief of Staff of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force, confirmed that staff at Lombrum Naval Base were investigating the involvement of PNG defence personnel in", "id": "20804173" }, { "contents": "Gwen Graham\n\n\nand she supports same-sex marriage and LGBT equality, with a 100% ranking from the Human Rights Campaign. Graham supports comprehensive immigration reform. She voted to protect the DACA program for young immigrants. She supports bipartisan legislation to grant permanent legal status to refugees of the Haiti earthquake. She voted to place more stringent safeguards on refugee vetting. Gwen Graham supports gun control. In Congress, she joined Congressman John Lewis in the sit-in against gun violence. She co-sponsored legislation to strengthen background checks and prevent", "id": "4602571" }, { "contents": "International reactions to the 2016–17 Rohingya persecution in Myanmar\n\n\na grandson of Indira Gandhi, opposed the government's plan to expel 40,000 Royhinga refugees and called for their asylum after careful vetting. Gandhi said that India is a party to the SAARC Terrorism Protocol, whose Article 17 forbids India from deporting anyone on religious grounds. Minister of State for Home Hansraj Ahir dismissed Gandhi's view as \"against national interest\". The Chief Minister of West Bengal Mamata Banerjee called for support of Rohingya refugees, whom she described as \"common people\" who should not be seen as a security threat", "id": "644962" }, { "contents": "Ted Frank\n\n\nhas cited the report as \"the most infamous document in veep-vetting history.\" In Mark Halperin and John Heilemann's book \"Race of a Lifetime: How Obama Won the White House\" (2011), they describe the vetting at length. Frank has defended the report as \"exhaustive\" and covering \"almost everything that would eventually dog her on the campaign trail.\" In the HBO film \"Game Change\", Frank was played by Brian d'Arcy James. In 2009, Frank founded the non-profit", "id": "20595836" }, { "contents": "Gangotri (cow)\n\n\nchose to support us. Two other vets, who were unfamiliar with the way we work with animals, one of whom was merely a passer-by, gave different opinions. At first, the chief vet responsible for animal welfare in the appropriate government department, known as Defra, also gave a recommendation that the cow be killed. When he made a personal visit to the temple however, and saw how the animal was being cared for, he informed us that no further action would be taken\". The temple officials", "id": "15485887" }, { "contents": "Human Flow\n\n\nreflects upon and questions the current global response to the refugee crisis. Shedding light unto 'shared responsibility', \"Human Flow\" shows how nations close to areas with many refugees require help for accommodation and how many wealthier nations are hesitant to provide the needed aid. It conveys global responses to border closings and the effects on refugees, such as the closure of the Republic of Macedonia border and the refugees becoming stuck in Greece's Idomeni border camp. Drawing on issues within refugee camps across the world, the film shows the", "id": "16305464" }, { "contents": "Saddleback College\n\n\n, and \"Certificates of Completion\") in over 100 areas of study. Not-for-credit Community Education classes are also available through Saddleback College. Saddleback College provides a Veterans Education Transition Services (VETS) Center. The program is devoted to helping veterans transition from combat to the classroom. Veterans are given professional guidance on how to enroll at the college and register for classes. VETS supports transitioning combat veterans through an extensive network of care givers in the civilian community, government, and non-profit organizations. Study", "id": "10620943" }, { "contents": "Bichard report\n\n\nable to get a job as a school caretaker when he was appointed to Soham Village College in November 2001. The burglary charge had been ordered to lie on file, but police vetting procedures had failed to reveal this. Michael Bichard was selected to chair the inquiry. He said there should be a system where anyone working with children should be vetted before working with them. This report was published in 2004. This report was in connection to how someone like Ian Huntley, who was convicted of the Soham murders in 2003,", "id": "20755806" }, { "contents": "Isaac Kwame Asiamah\n\n\nstreamline Ghanaian sports and use it as a platform to project Ghanaian athletes on the world stage. The Appointments Committee of Parliament vetted Asiamah on 7 February 2017. During the vetting, he articulated his views on how to improve sports in Ghana. One major change he intended to bring was to transparency in the dealing of the various national teams and government especially on the issue of allowances and bonuses allocated to players. President Akuffo-Addo swore in all the ministers who had been approved by Parliament on 10 February 2017. Asiamah was", "id": "14503086" }, { "contents": "Maistro\n\n\nMaistro PLC is a UK-based company which provides an online marketplace for businesses seeking vetted service providers. Organizations can use the Maistro platform for spot purchasing or as a company-wide sourcing and delivery system. Organizations buying services through Maistro, submit project briefs to the Marketplace. All service providers in the Marketplace are vetted by Maistro before being given access to project briefs, and approved service providers respond with a proposal that outlines how they can best meet the project requirements. The pitch process is blind: service providers do not", "id": "8826368" }, { "contents": "LGBT refugees and asylum seekers in Canada\n\n\nthat refugees’ pre-migration narratives tended to have similar experiences. Refugees often described their protectors as perpetrators, and applicants underwent routine victimization. To deal with the victimization experiences, refugees develop similar strategies across multiple nationalities and cultures. The refugee process takes a toll on refugee identity and relations. The refugee process enforces a refugee narrative upon the refugee. The process of gaining refugee status in Canada requires that the refugee prove their sexual orientation in accordance with the expectation on how a LGBT and GSM refugee should behave in the Western", "id": "18720698" }, { "contents": "Pedigree Dogs Exposed\n\n\npedigree breeds, and the programme revealed that they chalk up 10 million pounds' worth of vet fees every week. Leading geneticist Steve Jones attributed one of the key problems to inbreeding. RSPCA Chief Vet Mark Evans singled out competitive dog showing as responsible for the problem. Old photos of the Dachshund, Basset Hound, Bull Terrier, Bulldog, Pug and German Shepherd Dog were shown to illustrate how much the breeds have changed over the past century. The German Shepherd used in the show ring was contrasted with the working German Shepherd", "id": "18953714" }, { "contents": "The Spitting Image\n\n\nout that there were several newspaper accounts of pro-war demonstrators spitting on antiwar demonstrators and suggests that these oral accounts could easily have been reinterpreted and inverted and made into stories about activists spitting on veterans. He highlights the contradictions between the collective memory of today and contemporaneous historical records, like the results from a 1971 poll showing over 94% of returning Vietnam soldiers received a \"friendly\" welcome. Lembcke also notes how it was older vets from previous wars who most often scorned the returning Vietnam Vets; in 1978 the Vietnam", "id": "1922271" }, { "contents": "Joni Ernst\n\n\n-controlled states. In November 2015, Ernst said the US should halt the immigration of Syrian refugees, calling for a \"thorough vetting process\", and commenting that President Obama did not have \"a clearly communicated and comprehensive strategy\". In June 2018, Ernst, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Patrick Leahy wrote a letter to United States Defense Secretary James Mattis of their being \"deeply troubled by the department's decision to send twenty-one active and reserve JAGs to the border on temporary orders to prosecute immigration cases\" and", "id": "12996301" }, { "contents": "Jeff Sessions\n\n\navoid building a border fence. PolitiFact called Session's statement \"False\", stating that the provision would allow Napolitano to determine where the fence was built, but not opt out of building it entirely. Sessions's Senate website expressed his view that there is a \"clear nexus between immigration and terrorism\" and that \"Plainly, there is no way to vet these refugees\" who would immigrate to the U.S. from Syria in 2016 or who came to the U.S. after September 11, 2001 and were alleged to be involved in", "id": "8596807" }, { "contents": "Sundown Heaven Town\n\n\n\"Billboard\" how \"the singer stretches a little more than usual... and takes a few musical chances.\" On behalf of \"USA Today\", Jerry Shriver commenting how the project contains \"many wise nuggets on the vet's solid outing.\" Glenn Gamboa stating for \"Newsday\" how it is an \"Eclectic collection of country styles that brings (usually) great results.\" Writing for \"Rolling Stone\", Will Hermes opined \"its hit-or-miss\" with this project that's \"best", "id": "12928844" }, { "contents": "Donald Trump\n\n\nUnited States until stronger vetting systems could be implemented. He later reframed the proposed ban to apply to countries with a \"proven history of terrorism\". On January 27, 2017, Trump signed Executive Order 13769, which suspended admission of refugees for 120 days and denied entry to citizens of Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen for 90 days, citing security concerns. The order was imposed without warning and took effect immediately. Confusion and protests caused chaos at airports. The administration then clarified", "id": "10140481" }, { "contents": "Chameria Battalion\n\n\nthe Chams were evicted from northern Greece by guerrilla forces under the command of General Napoleon Zervas acting under the instructions of allied officers. Muslim Cham Albanians that fled in Albania, were organised as refugees by the communist-led Albanian government. They formed a congress in 1946, adopted a memorandum, accused Greece for their persecution, and asked the international community to react in order to return to their homeland and to acquire reparations. After their expulsion, these vets of ELAS, and the Cham Albanians from Greece, who took part", "id": "14385890" }, { "contents": "Kelly Ayotte\n\n\nthe bipartisan Gang of Eight, calling it a \"a thoughtful, bipartisan solution to a tough problem.\" She has been a vocal critic of the practice of sanctuary cities and voted to withhold federal funding from municipalities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials. Ayotte did not support Hillary Clinton's proposal to bring an additional 65,000 Syrian refugees to the United States, unless stricter vetting was implemented to \"guarantee to the American people that none of the individuals that are being brought to the United States have any connections to ISIS", "id": "16692724" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Starbucks\n\n\nmembers, have called for a boycott of Starbucks over its support of gay rights. On January 27, 2017, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to indefinitely suspend the entry of Syrian refugees into the United States and suspended entry into the United States of nearly all citizens of seven countries until \"extreme vetting\" measures could be implemented. The same day, Starbucks' Chairman and CEO Howard Schultz wrote a letter to Starbucks' employees, stating in part, \"There are more than 65 million citizens of the world recognized", "id": "19793603" }, { "contents": "Dave Reichert\n\n\nhis support for Executive Order 13769, which imposed a temporary ban on citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries entering the U.S. He stated that \"My first and most important job is protecting families in our region and the American people … We must be absolutely certain we have systems in place capable of thoroughly vetting anyone applying for refugee status on American soil.\" While he was not present at the vote on the Ryan Budget, he intended to vote for it but was in Washington state for the death of his mother. However", "id": "8370620" }, { "contents": "Chris Alexander (politician)\n\n\n. On the same day, Alexander announced that he would be temporarily suspending his campaign for re-election the next morning to return to Ottawa to resume his ministerial duties, receive updates on the refugee crisis, and investigate the case of Alan Kurdi. On 8 October it was revealed that Canadian immigration officials had been ordered to stop processing all claimants from Syria earlier in the year, and that all such claims would have to be vetted by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) and personally signed off by the Prime Minister", "id": "9906362" }, { "contents": "Refugee law\n\n\nalso: U.S. ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child Although the aftermath of World War II brought forth a refugee crisis, the large influx and resettlement of Indochinese refugees led to the passage of the Refugee Act of 1980. This law incorporated the International Convention's definitions of a refugee into U.S. law. The law also created the legal basis for the admission of refugees into the U.S. An important aspect of this law is how an individual goes about applying for status. A person may meet the definition of refugee but", "id": "6373667" }, { "contents": "Diane Black\n\n\nTrump who would crack down on illegal immigration and introduce work requirements for government benefits,\" according to \"The Washington Post\". Black supported President Donald Trump's 2017 executive order to impose a temporary ban on entry to the U.S. to citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries. She stated that \"We should insist upon the most careful and cautious vetting possible for refugees from failed states and hostile nations and I commend the President for taking this duty seriously after the failures of the Obama administration.\" Black often advocated against the", "id": "17331253" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Marco Rubio\n\n\nit with tax credits and less regulation; regarding the internet, he opposes net neutrality which is a government policy of prohibiting different prices for different types of content; on immigration, he supports securing the country's borders and then offering a path to citizenship for some people who came to the United States unlawfully, and supports more vetting of refugees; on social issues, Rubio opposes same-sex marriage; he identifies as pro-life and opposes abortion; on taxes, Rubio plans to set corporate taxes at 25 percent,", "id": "21866356" }, { "contents": "Peer de Silva\n\n\nde Silva. At SSU, General Magruder assigned de Silva to \"X-2\" the counterintelligence section. Under Richard Helms, de Silva performed the sensitive task of vetting former OSS agents, especially European refugees with \"murky\" backgrounds, in the new Cold War climate. De Silva had seen the Soviet espionage assault on the Manhattan project. An assignment to Europe was considered for de Silva, to counter Soviet attempts at malappropriation of scientific information. An opportunity arose, however, for Russian language instruction at Columbia University, in a", "id": "22170803" }, { "contents": "Jodey Arrington\n\n\nVoting Index of R+26, the 19th is the third-most Republican district in Texas and the 12th-most Republican district in the nation. When Arrington took office on January 3, 2017, he became only the fifth person to represent this district since its creation in 1935. Arrington supported President Donald Trump's 2017 executive order curtailing Middle Eastern immigration. He stated that \"It is important that our commander in chief puts the safety of Americans first. Given concerns about the inadequate vetting of refugees and problems with our immigration system", "id": "5351751" }, { "contents": "2014 American immigration crisis\n\n\nin the past three years, government officials weakened safety standards related to the transfer of children from government shelters into sponsors' homes and the vetting of sponsors. Specifically, the government stopped fingerprinting most adults seeking to claim the children. In April 2014, the Office of Refugee Resettlement also stopped requiring original copies of birth certificates to prove the identity of most sponsors and later it decided not to complete forms that request sponsors' personal and identifying information before sending many of the children to sponsors' homes. Although the number of unaccompanied", "id": "9469085" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13769\n\n\nallows \"people from the seven countries who had been authorized to travel, along with vetted refugees from all nations, to enter the country.\" The Trump administration appealed the TRO. According to the DHS inspector general, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers then violated the court orders by continuing to prevent some foreign passengers from boarding flights bound for the United States. DHS officials contest the DHS inspector general's finding that the court orders were violated. The plaintiffs challenging the order argue that it contravenes the United States Constitution, federal", "id": "11160037" }, { "contents": "United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP)\n\n\npetition to vacate the injunctions in the fall. On March 6, 2017, President Trump issued (Protecting The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States) which revoked EO 13769. (Enhancing Vetting Capabilities and Processes for Detecting Attempted Entry Into the United States by Terrorists or Other Public-Safety Threats)of September 24, 2017, supplements EO 13780 of March 6, 2017. On October 17, 2017, Judge Derrick Watson, of the United States District Court for the District of Hawaii issued another temporary restraining order that was", "id": "14866313" }, { "contents": "John Ratcliffe (American politician)\n\n\nof Congress. In 2016, The Heritage Foundation ranked Ratcliffe as the most conservative Texas legislator in Congress and second-most conservative legislator in the country. Ratcliffe has a hawkish position on Iran. Ratcliffe supported President Donald Trump's 2017 executive order to prohibit immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries, stating, \"I applaud President Trump's actions to vamp up the vetting of refugees attempting to enter our country.\" When he first ran for Congress, Radcliffe said that term limits were a central part of his platform. Ratcliffe said", "id": "20891821" }, { "contents": "Ralph Abraham (politician)\n\n\nsaid \"Dr. Abraham generally supports President Trump's temporary suspension of the refugee and immigration admittance program. Dr. Abraham agrees with President Trump that we must take all necessary steps to protect American citizens from potential terrorism threats, and this temporary measure from the President will allow for a thorough review of our policies and procedures for vetting applicants from war-torn areas.\" Abraham has said he supports banning sanctuary cities in Louisiana if he is elected governor, and that he'd pay for four minority congresswomen, three of whom were born", "id": "6255754" }, { "contents": "United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP)\n\n\n, the federal government uses \"faith-based groups,\" for refugee placement. The local communities that receive the refugees are not included in the decision-making process. Receiving new refugees into a community requires numerous resources from the local government, but these local governments are not given enough funding from the federal government. They are also not informed as to how many new refugees they are going to receive. This has been a heavy burden for the local governments. Second, the refugees’ language barriers, caused by lack", "id": "14866340" }, { "contents": "Rand Paul\n\n\nthe United States through a refugee program and were receiving welfare benefits when they were arrested in 2011 in Paul's hometown of Bowling Green. Paul lifted his hold on the bill after Democratic leaders promised to hold a Congressional hearing into how individuals are selected for refugee status and request an investigation on how the two suspects were admitted in the country through a refugee program. In June 2012, Paul endorsed Mitt Romney after it became apparent that he would be the Republican nominee for the 2012 presidential election. However, he was later vocal", "id": "13806300" }, { "contents": "Wellington Secondary College\n\n\nup. Accounting Automotive Technology Studies (VCE VET) Biology Building & Construction Carpentry (VCE VET) Business (VCE VET) Business Management Chemistry Community Services Work (VCE VET) Design and Technology Economics Electrotechnology (VCE VET) English English Language English (ESL) French Food And Technology Further Mathematics General Mathematics Health and Human Development Horticulture (VCE VET) Hospitality - Operations (VCE VET) Information Technology IT Applications Legal Studies Literature Mathematical Methods Multimedia (VCE VET) Physical Education Physics Psychology Revolutions Specialist Mathematics Studio Arts Theatre Studies Visual", "id": "20943954" }, { "contents": "VET-Bib\n\n\nVET-Bib is a bibliographic database covering European vocational education and training (VET) literature maintained by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop). The Cedefop library exists since 1975. One of its main tasks is to provide reference services on VET. VET-Bib contains over 80.000 references on the topics related to Cedefop's priorities: Approximately two thirds of the complete VET-Bib collection is available in full text. VET-Bib is multilingual and all European Union languages are represented in the database.", "id": "1357790" }, { "contents": "Strange Fruit: A Dutch Queer Collective\n\n\nthe AIDS crisis\" (Tayeb: 136). Tayeb explains how the film emphasizes how Strange fruit as a collective goes against the \"dominant dogma\" (Tayeb: 136) within the Netherlands and instead embraces traditions from migrant and minority cultures. Strange Fruit mixed traditions together to enforce a diverse experience appreciating all cultures involved from \"African customs to Oriental traditions\" (Tayeb: 136). Queer refugees when coming to the Netherlands face troubles with getting granted refugee status. In order to be granted refugee status they are expected", "id": "21591896" }, { "contents": "Refugee Act\n\n\nprovide emergency procedures for when that number exceeds 50,000, and to establish the Office of U.S. Coordinator for Refugee Affairs and the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Most important, it established explicit procedures on how to deal with refugees in the U.S. by creating a uniform and effective resettlement and absorption policy. The Act recognizes that it has been the historic policy of the United States to respond to the urgent needs of persons subject to persecution in their homelands and to provide assistance, asylum, and resettlement opportunities to admitted refugees. The goal of", "id": "10826484" }, { "contents": "Refugees of the Syrian Civil War in Turkey\n\n\nRefugees of the Syrian Civil War in Turkey are the Syrian refugees originated from Syrian Civil War, Turkey is hosting over 3.6 million (2019 number) \"registered\" refugees and delivered aid reaching $30 billion (total between 2011–2018) on refugee assistance. The large scale return to Syria uncertain (unending conflict), Turkey has focused on how to manage their presence, more registered refugees than any other country, in Turkish society by addressing their legal status, basic needs, employment, education, and impact on local communities.", "id": "21380366" }, { "contents": "Trude Mostue\n\n\nKingdom for several years, appearing in the BBC television documentary series \"Vet School\" (1996), and later in the follow-up series \"Vets in Practice\" (63 episodes, 1997–2002). She went on to present a variety of programmes relating to animals, including \"Vets to the Rescue\", \"Explorer: Vets at Large\", \"Vets on Holiday\", \"Vets in the Wild\", and \"Britain's Worst Pets\". She has also been in \"Holiday\", \"", "id": "11087971" }, { "contents": "Michael J. Sandel\n\n\nNobel Prize-winning economist Gary Becker's market immigration proposal. This proposed solution entailed imposing refugee quotas on nations according to their wealth and then allowing countries to pay other, poorer countries to take refugees allotted under their quota. Sandel concludes that \"a market in refugees changes our view of who refugees are and how they should be treated. It encourages the participants—the buyers, the sellers and also those whose asylum is being haggled over—to think of refugees as burdens to be unloaded or as revenue sources rather than", "id": "14371524" }, { "contents": "Presidency of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan\n\n\n–Turkey relationship would be worsened. In February 2016 Erdoğan threatened to send the millions of refugees in Turkey to EU member states, saying: \"We can open the doors to Greece and Bulgaria anytime and we can put the refugees on buses ... So how will you deal with refugees if you don't get a deal? Kill the refugees?\" In an interview to the news magazine \"Der Spiegel\", the German minister of defence Ursula von der Leyen said on Friday, 11 March 2016, that the refugee crisis", "id": "2984835" }, { "contents": "Recep Tayyip Erdoğan\n\n\nworsened. In February 2016 Erdoğan threatened to send the millions of refugees in Turkey to EU member states, saying: \"We can open the doors to Greece and Bulgaria anytime and we can put the refugees on buses ... So how will you deal with refugees if you don't get a deal? Kill the refugees?\" In an interview to the news magazine \"Der Spiegel\", the German minister of defence Ursula von der Leyen said on Friday, 11 March 2016, that the refugee crisis had made good cooperation between", "id": "9056151" }, { "contents": "Veterinary medicine\n\n\nby a vet (such as animal treatment or surgery) are restricted only to those people who are registered as vet. For instance, in the United Kingdom, as in other jurisdictions, animal treatment may only be performed by registered vets (with a few designated exceptions, such as paraveterinary workers), and it is illegal for any person who is not registered to call themselves a vet or perform any treatment. Most vets work in clinical settings, treating animals directly. These vets may be involved in a general practice,", "id": "14313910" }, { "contents": "Vet River\n\n\nThe Vet River () is a westward-flowing tributary of the Vaal River in central South Africa. Its sources are between Marquard and Clocolan and the Vet River flows roughly northwestwards to meet the Vaal at the Bloemhof Dam near Hoopstad. Erfenis Dam was built on this river in order to provide water for the town of Theunissen. Its main tributary is the Sand River which joins it from the right. The actual Vet river is formed at the confluence of the Klein Vet and the Groot Vet upstream from the Erfenis Dam.", "id": "10401155" }, { "contents": "Tracking collar\n\n\nmovements the animal has made such as jumping, or just standing still. A company by the name of PetPace made a SMART collar for dogs which owners and vets can use to know when the dog is sick and how its body is reacting to its treatment. It was believed that GPS collars used on animals affected their behavior. This theory was tested on elephants that lived in a zoo in the United States. They studied how the elephants behaved with and without the collars for the same amount of time for both scenarios and", "id": "4304565" }, { "contents": "Zoo Vet\n\n\nZoo Vet and Zoo Vet: Endangered Animals are computer games designed by Legacy Interactive. In the games, you play a vet recently hired by a zoo, and have to give the animals vet care. Each level has five different animals to care for, and some animals get treated twice. In Zoo Vet: Endangered Animals, some animals have two of the same kind instead of treating the same animal twice. Some of the missions in the original include a chimpanzee with a sore eye and a giraffe with loose stool.", "id": "8113037" }, { "contents": "Rookie Vets\n\n\nRookie Vets is a New Zealand reality series that follows seven students at New Zealand's only veterinary school at Massey University in Palmerston North, at work and at play throughout their fifth and final year, when they're just a few short months away from graduating and their first vet jobs. The seven students are all aged 21 to 25 (as of 2005) and are: In addition to this core cast, \"Rookie Vets\" also showcases the talents of Massey Vet School staff, doctors, professors, specialists and vet", "id": "9530257" }, { "contents": "Refugee health in the United States\n\n\nThis is a significant problem, especially for refugees with chronic and mental health conditions. Unlike the most of the immigrant population, refugee health is of particular concern because the conditions of their immigration include experiences that may negatively impact their physical or mental health. Further, after arrival in the U.S., refugees may face obstacles to accessing care because of limited English proficiency and uncertainty of how to navigate the U.S. healthcare system. Once accessing care, ensuring that the treatment refugees receive is culturally appropriate may serve as another obstacle to maintaining a", "id": "17165071" }, { "contents": "Refugees of the Syrian Civil War\n\n\nDemocrats supported admitting Syrian refugees into the US, compared with 18% of Republicans and 32% of independents. Since the Syrian Refugee Crisis, the United States citizens have been formulating opinions on how to deal with the refugee crisis. In a CNN/ORC poll conducted in November 2015 when responding to the question \"Do you favor or oppose allowing refugees from Syria to seek asylum in the United States? ... Do you favor/oppose that strongly or just somewhat?\" 16% of people were strongly in favor, 22", "id": "2042555" }, { "contents": "LGBTQ migration\n\n\nin applying for refugee status or asylum. While many refugees share the same difficulties navigating the system, LGBTQ refugees face additional challenges due to the nature of their claim. Communities are built among LGBTQ refugees and asylum-seekers, leading to a network of advice about how to navigate the system. These networks help share success stories in navigating the system. Agencies funded by the government to resettle and assist refugees and asylum-seekers can offer further, more general assistance. According to Carol Bohmer and Amy Shuman, statistics make it", "id": "7552394" }, { "contents": "Human Flow\n\n\nglobal refugee crisis and uses interviews from experts and refugees alike. The film shows various refugees in times of crisis and how refugee flows can be classified into four causation categories: wars between states, ethnic conflicts, non-ethnic conflicts and flights from repression. Reflecting on the sheer volume of refugees currently living in our world today, the film deeply considers both individuals who are forced to migrate and those who are internally displaced i.e. forced to flee from their homes but remain within the territory of their own country. The film also", "id": "16305463" }, { "contents": "Iskashitaa Refugee Network\n\n\nyear from backyards and local farms. This produce is then redistributed to refugee families from many countries, food shelves, and other Tucson organizations that assist food insecure families, either for free or for a nominal price. Iskashitaa Cooking and Food Preservation Refugees teach other Iskashitaa volunteers and staff about their own cultural dishes, typically using food that has been harvested. These interactions intend to make refugees more comfortable in an American kitchen, and introduce Tucson locals to different cultures. Volunteers and program staff also teach refugees how to make preserved foods", "id": "3866293" }, { "contents": "Vince Foster\n\n\ndeputy counsel. Seemed his job was to find out how honest I was, and what level of ego I was bringing. It's a measure of how much the Clintons trusted him.\" But Foster found this involvement in vetting appointments to be causing him depression and anxiety. In particular, he blamed himself for the failed Zoë Baird nomination; he had thought that Baird had been justified in following her lawyer's advice regarding the payment of taxes on household employees, but he had failed to anticipate the political backlash that led", "id": "14315006" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to Canada\n\n\nand either posed a high risk to Canada or were illegal immigrants who were deported in the year of 2006-07. Canada is signatory to the 1951 UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, and within Canada, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) is the legislation that governs the flow of people. Article 31 of the UN refugee convention says receiving countries may not penalize refugees for how they enter a country, as long as they present themselves “without delay” to authorities and show “good cause”", "id": "12524446" }, { "contents": "Salam Neighbor\n\n\n, the directors described the story of 10-year old Raouf and the trauma he faced. On The Leonard Lopate Show on WNYC radio, the directors chatted about four major characters in the film, the filmmakers' expectations entering the refugee camp, security issues in the camp, the urban refugee issue (refugees living outside of the camps), the resettlement question and how the crisis is changing gender and cultural norms for the Syrian refugees. On The Mimi Geerges Show, the four producers covered the same issues as the Lopate interview,", "id": "13023134" }, { "contents": "Refugee health\n\n\ncongruent terms with the assistance of an interpreter or bicultural worker. One option is to administer an efficient and valid screener for emotional distress, such as the Refugee Health Screener - 15, in the context of the overall health screening. Methods of treatment for refugees with mental health issues must also be culturally congruent. Western psychiatric methods may not applicable to individuals who do not conceive of the body and mind in the same way as people in the United States. For example, studies of Tibetan refugees have shown how important the Tibetan", "id": "3147274" }, { "contents": "Brian Babin\n\n\nIn September 2015, in response to the Syrian refugee crisis, Babin introduced the Resettlement Accountability National Security Act, designed to oppose President Obama's plan to expand the country's refugee program. The bill calls for a \"temporary halt to the refugee program until the general accounting office can do an assessment of just exactly how much this is costing the taxpayer.\" Babin said that this was urgently necessary because the refugee program amounts to an \"open invitation\" to the \"problems of the Middle East, of terrorism, oppression", "id": "9844847" }, { "contents": "Kenya Judges and Magistrates Vetting Board\n\n\nThe Judges and Magistrates Vetting Board is a board established by the Government of Kenya as a result of the \"Vetting of Judges and Magistrates Act, 2011\", which was passed by parliament to create the necessary institutional framework and guidelines for the vetting of judges and magistrates. The board was set up to vet the suitability of all judges and magistrates, in office prior to the promulgation of the new constitution of Kenya, to continue to serving in accordance with the values and principles set out in Article 10 and 159 of the", "id": "18164579" }, { "contents": "Women's Refugee Commission\n\n\namong refugees than among those living in surrounding communities. To address this, the Women's Refugee Commission has developed informational materials using pictures that clearly explain how family planning works, what its benefits are and where it can be obtained. These materials can be adapted to different cultural contexts. The Women's Refugee Commission works for full implementation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda at the UN. It undertakes advocacy to ensure that the UN and its members support and recognize the work of women, who are the linchpins of their", "id": "19524017" }, { "contents": "2015 Rohingya refugee crisis\n\n\nHyderabad, and Mewat and can be a potential threat to internal security.\" On 7 September 2017 Kiren Rijiju, Minister of State Home Minister of India have said \"all the Rohingya refugees are illegal immigrants and will be deported back\". He, however, refused to mention when, where and how they will be deported back. The statement invited criticism from United Nations on which Rijiju responded by saying \"India has the highest number of refugees in the entire world, hence India does not need lecture on refugee crisis and", "id": "22109182" }, { "contents": "Ruth Gruber\n\n\nII Refugees and How They Came to America\" was based on case histories she recorded as she interviewed the refugees. Since the U.S. Congress refused to lift the quota on Jewish immigration to the United States from Europe, President Roosevelt acted by executive authority and invited the group of one thousand to visit America. The refugees were to be guests of the president and upon arriving in New York, they were transferred to Fort Ontario Emergency Refugee Shelter, formerly a decommissioned Army training base in Oswego, New York, and locked behind a", "id": "5329070" }, { "contents": "I Hate Music\n\n\nI Hate Music is the tenth studio album by American indie rock band Superchunk, released on August 20, 2013 on Merge Records. \"I Hate Music\" garnered generally positive reception from music critics. At \"Rolling Stone\", Will Hermes noted how \"The title is bullshit – the kind people spit when dodging pain.\" Hermes described the album as \"rock vets fighting demons with delicious noise and sugar-crusted hooks as darkness falls.\" At \"Alternative Press\", Jeff Rosenstock alluded to how the album \"", "id": "15563281" }, { "contents": "The Shepherd's Granddaughter\n\n\nThe ram Omar: Amani's 10-year-old brother Amma Fatima: Ammo Hani's wife, Amani's aunt Wardeh: Amani's older cousin, the oldest of a family of five girls Ammo Hani: Seedo's oldest son. He becomes a prisoner of the Settlers Aref: Amani's cousin, he teaches Amani how to read and write in the evening so she can shepherd during the day Nahla: Amani's cousin who got married to Al Khalil Miss Aboushi: School teacher The vet : Gives advice to Amani on how", "id": "7873290" }, { "contents": "Vocational education\n\n\nEfficiency of VET. The Centres of Expertices are linked to the four vocational education programmes provided in senior secondary VET on the content of VET programmes and on trends and future skill needs. The Local County Vocational Training (MBO Raad represents the VET schools in this foundation and advise on the quality, operations and provision of VET. New Zealand is served by 11 Industry Training Organisations (ITO). The unique element is that ITOs purchase training as well as set standards and aggregate industry opinion about skills in the labour market", "id": "11702566" }, { "contents": "Apprentices mobility\n\n\n. Action 4 of the Lingua programme from 1990 contained funding provisions for young people in VET to undertake placement periods abroad in order to improve foreign language proficiency. Up to the early 1990s, however, mobility in VET – and in particular in initial VET and for young workers – was very limited and certainly not a realistic proposition except for a very small minority of the total population engaged in VET. Mobility took a quantum leap upwards on the agenda of European and national VET-policies more or less precisely a decade ago,", "id": "1171969" }, { "contents": "Ride and Tie\n\n\nbe made. At least two exchanges must take place between each vet check and partners must exchange at each vet check. A team is finished when all three members have crossed the finish line, but the team does not have to cross together. Horses are presented to a vet before the start of the race to make sure they are fit for the event. There is generally at least one vet check during the race, and the horse must be presented for a vet examination again within an hour of finishing the race.", "id": "20130152" }, { "contents": "Security vetting in the United Kingdom\n\n\nmember of, or associated with, an organisation which has advocated such activities or has demonstrated a lack of reliability through dishonesty, lack of integrity or behaviour. Finally, the process assures the department that the individual will not be subject to pressure or improper influence through past behaviour or personal circumstances. Vetting is usually carried out by United Kingdom Security Vetting (UKSV). UKSV was created in January 2017 by combining DBS National Security Vetting (DBS NSV) and FCO Services National Security Vetting (FCOS NSV). This change was", "id": "341562" }, { "contents": "Emergency Vets\n\n\nEast hospital, as well as familiar faces Dr. Robert Taylor, Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald, Dr. Preston Stubbs, and Dr. Holly Knor. In preparation for the new show's debut on January 22, 2007, Animal Planet aired a new E-Vets special, \"E-Vets: Things Pets Swallow\", featuring memorable cases from the \"Emergency Vets\" years dealing with dramatic objects that animals have ingested. \"Emergency Vets\" featured a mix of surgeons, general practitioners, specialists, veterinary technicians, and Alameda East's", "id": "8332355" }, { "contents": "Bondi Vet\n\n\nthat the series will showcase multiple vets in the next series instead of one and they will be Dr Peter Ricci, Dr Alex Hynes, Dr Kate Adams, Dr Lewis Hunt and Dr Danni Dusek. The new series will be knaown as \"\"Bondi Vet: Coast to Coast\"\" and would feature vets from locations all over Australia. In December 2018, it was announced the series would be switching from Network Ten to Nine Network in 2019. In February 2019, WTFN entertainment announced an additional two vets to the cast", "id": "8985616" }, { "contents": "Soviet submarine Shch-215\n\n\nwas carrying Jewish refugees who had embarked at Constanța bound for Palestine. Exactly how many refugees were crowded aboard is unknown, but a number estimated to be between 289 and 394 were killed. Six of \"Mefküre\"s seven crew and only five of the refugees survived. At daybreak they were rescued by the merchant ship \"Bulbul\", which was also carrying Jewish refugees on the same route as part of the same charter. On 16 June 1949 \"Shch-215\" was reclassified \"S-215\" (\"С-215\" in the Cyrillic alphabet", "id": "14293697" }, { "contents": "Australia–Kosovo relations\n\n\ntemporary visas to stay in Australia. Also in 1999, Australia provided $500,000 to Kosovar refugees in Australia to teach them how to avoid landmines before flying home. Australia encouraged the voluntary return of many of the 4,000 refugees it had provided temporary protection visas. Refugees were provided with $3,000 each to help them resettle. In 2000, the forced return of refugees from Kosovo by Australia and numerous other countries was criticised by the head of the United Nations administration in Kosovo, Bernard Kouchner. Australia removed 114 families in a detention", "id": "3146905" }, { "contents": "The Elders (organization)\n\n\nFederal President Joachim Gauck, and also visited a refugee resettlement centre in Berlin to hear directly from new arrivals to Germany. The report \"In Challenge Lies Opportunity: How the world must respond to refugees and mass migration\" outlined four key principles which The Elders believe should be at the heart of the international response to refugees and mass migration: Three Elders attended the UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants on 19 September 2016, which was held during the 71st Session of the United Nations' General Assembly. Martti Ahtisaari, Hina Jilani", "id": "4853195" }, { "contents": "Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement\n\n\nrefugee settlement which was opened in August 2016. There have been growing concerns about health conditions and access to health services as the number of South Sudan refugees entering Uganda continues to increase, with Reuters reporting that 180 refugees (nearly half of them young children) died in Bidibidi in the first six months of 2017. This is compounded by how there is often limited accuracy of health measurements in camp settings, with under-reporting of deaths by humanitarian organizations typically occurring more frequently than over-reporting of deaths. From a human", "id": "676597" }, { "contents": "Alexander Betts (academic)\n\n\nUniversity Press, 2009), Global Migration Governance (Oxford University Press, 2011), Survival Migration: Failed Governance and the Crisis of Displacement (Cornell University Press, 2013), Mobilising the Diaspora: How Refugees Challenge Authoritarianism (Cambridge University Press, 2016), and Refugee Economies: Forced Displacement and Development (Oxford University Press, 2016) His ideas have had a notable impact on refugee policy. He is perhaps best known for his research reframing refugees as economic contributors. Together with his colleague, Sir Paul Collier,", "id": "8039338" }, { "contents": "Jared Kushner\n\n\nObama (which Trump pushed extensively for a number of years) were racist, Kushner did not answer, saying instead twice, \"Look, I wasn’t really involved in that.\" In the interview, Kushner spoke about how great the United States was for accepting his grandparents as refugees, \"It's a great reminder of how great this country is.\" In the same interview, he defended the Trump administration's decision to drastically reduce the number of refugees accepted by the United States (the lowest level in 40", "id": "3688712" }, { "contents": "CHASOS\n\n\nchurch representatives were not concerned about how to help, but how to avoid the refugees. \"Switzerland is bursting at all seams. We cannot accept and nanny thousands of North Africans. That would be state support for asylum abuse.\" (Lukas Reimann, SVP). The satirical project was aimed to question the moral status of these arguments by means of subversive affirmation and parody. The project started with the publication of a propaganda video where a pastor addresses potential \"waves of refugees\" and tries to deter them from", "id": "606021" }, { "contents": "Vets for Change\n\n\nVets for Change is a fully registered UK charitable organisation that was set up to provide financial and logistical support to community animal welfare projects around the world. Vets for Change was founded in 2012 and expanded in 2013 to run a mass rabies vaccination and sterilisation campaign in South Africa. In 2014, Vets for Change successfully completed mass sterilisation and vaccination projects in Mpumalanga and Limpopo and have since been approached for help running further projects in Kuching, Borneo and to return to Mpumalanga in 2015. Vets for Change became a fully UK registered", "id": "5315001" }, { "contents": "Woodstock Navy-Vets\n\n\nfor their 50th anniversary season. The team held an Alumni night in December with many former Navy Vets returning for a celebration. Woodstock also hosted the MWJCHL Showcase in January, with a Navy Vets Alumni Team playing a MWJCHL All-Star Team prior to the MWJCHL Prospects Game. The Navy Vets 16-yr old Andrew Bruder was named PJHL Doherty Division Rookie of the Year. The Navy Vets won 30 games for only the 4th time in their history. Their season attendance total was 10504 for a 525 AVG during 40-game reg.season most in", "id": "17663254" } ]
What are the benefits of marriage in the U.S.?
[{"answer": "I think one of the biggest ones is that your spouse becomes your legal 'next of kin', meaning you can make medical decisions for them, own their property after they die, etc. If you aren't married you are not legally a part of that person's life, so any legal or medical decisions would be up to the parents of that individual. That's why marriage equality was important a few years ago. If someone was with their partner for 15 years and then suddenly dropped dead, their partner had better hope their in-laws liked them or even supported the partnership in the first place. If not, the parents could just take the house and all the money (provided the person didn't have a will). There are probably other benefits, but I think this is one of the big ones."}, {"answer": "Tax deductions, automatic inheritance, right to visit in prison or in a hospital, medical power of attorney, protection from being forced to testify against your spouse, etc. There are many benefits, and some can be set up independent of marriage, but not all of them."}, {"answer": "The best thing would have to be inclusion into health insurance. My wife is on mine and she gets to opt out and get a lot more money in her check."}, {"answer": "There are health benefits, such as lower stress, lower cardiovascular disease risks, and longer lifespan. Legal benefits, such as inheritance rights, health care decision making rights, and spousal immunity. Financial benefits, such as lower insurance rates, possible tax benefits, and shared expenses."}, {"answer": "One benefit that I don't see mentioned, something more situational: if you're young and going to college, getting married lets you apply for student aid WITHOUT putting your parents on it. This can make a huge difference. The difference between unsubsidized loans and pell grants."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "41860150", "title": "Marriage age in the United States", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The marriage age in the United States is set by each state and territory, either by statute or the common law applies. An individual can marry in the United States as of right, without parental consent or other authorization, on reaching 18 years of age in all states except in Nebraska, where the general marriage age is 19, and Mississippi where the general marriage age is 21. In Puerto Rico the general marriage age is also 21. In all these jurisdictions, these are also the ages of majority. In Alabama, however, the age of majority is 19, while the general marriage age is 18. When at least one of the marriage partners is under 18, the marriage is considered a child or underage marriage, and requires exceptional circumstances to be permitted. This may be parental consent or judicial authorisation, and there may be other requirements. In many states (but not in Massachusetts), a child's marriage automatically emancipates the minor, or increases his or her legal rights beyond allowing the minor to consent to certain medical treatments.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "The marriage age in the United States is set by each state and territory, either by statute or the common law applies. An individual can marry in the United States as of right, without parental consent or other authorization, on reaching 18 years of age in all states except in Nebraska, where the general marriage age is 19, and Mississippi where the general marriage age is 21. In Puerto Rico the general marriage age is also 21. In all these jurisdictions, these are also the ages of majority. In Alabama, however, the age of majority is 19, while the general marriage age is 18. When at least one of the marriage partners is under 18, the marriage is considered a child or underage marriage, and requires exceptional circumstances to be permitted. This may be parental consent or judicial authorisation, and there may be other requirements. In many states (but not in Massachusetts), a child's marriage automatically emancipates the minor, or increases his or her legal rights beyond allowing the minor to consent to certain medical treatments."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in the United States\n\n\nUnited States\". The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in \"Windsor\" on June 26, 2013, that Section 3 violated the Fifth Amendment. As a result of the \"Windsor\" decision, married same-sex couples—regardless of domicile—have federal tax benefits (including the ability to file joint federal income tax returns), military benefits, federal employment benefits, and immigration benefits. In February 2014, the Justice Department expanded federal recognition of same-sex marriages to include bankruptcies, prison visits, survivor benefits and", "id": "13561285" }, { "contents": "United States v. Windsor\n\n\nleave benefits under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 were extended to married same-sex couples in all of the U.S. With respect to social security and veterans benefits, same-sex married couples who live in states where same-sex marriage is recognised are eligible for full benefits from the Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Social Security Administration (SSA). The VA and SSA can provide only limited benefits to married same-sex couples living in states where same-sex marriage isn't legal, with Congress required", "id": "13895531" }, { "contents": "Defense of Marriage Act\n\n\nHB 117, which was aimed at amending the constitution of Hawaii to define marriage as involving one man and one woman. In 1998, the first anti-same-sex marriage amendment was added to the constitution of a U.S. state, though it was not until 2002 that a federal marriage amendment was first introduced in the U.S. Congress. The General Accounting Office issued a report in 1997 identifying \"1,049 federal statutory provisions classified to the United States Code in which benefits, rights, and privileges are contingent on marital status or in", "id": "9456190" }, { "contents": "Marriage privatization\n\n\nJennifer Morse of the Witherspoon Institute, who argues that if literally anyone can define marriage as whatever they want, the state forfeits the ability to sufficiently secure the best interests of children. She goes further, arguing that the logic of marriage privatization \"at the expense of children, is a concept developed by adults that will benefit only adults.\" Stanley Kurtz of \"National Review\" has written that privatization would be a \"disaster\". He argued that government \"still has to decide what sort of private unions merit benefits", "id": "10639414" }, { "contents": "Defense of Marriage Act\n\n\nERISA) controls most employee benefits provided by private employers, DOMA removed some tax breaks for employers and employees in the private sector when it comes to health care, pension, and disability benefits to same-sex spouses on an equal footing with opposite-sex spouses. ERISA does not affect employees of state and local government or churches, nor does it extend to such benefits as employee leave and vacation. Under DOMA, persons in same-sex marriages were not considered married for immigration purposes. U.S. citizens and permanent residents in", "id": "9456193" }, { "contents": "Alaska Ballot Measure 2 (1998)\n\n\n, U.S. federal Judge Timothy Burgess struck down the ban as a violation of the U.S. constitutional guarantee of due process and equal protection. Burgess wrote, \"Alaska’s denial of the benefits and dignity of marriage for them only perpetuates this discrimination without legitimate grounds.” Burgess also barred Alaska from refusing to acknowledge lawful same-sex marriages conducted in other states. In 1995 two men, Jay Brause and Gene Dugan, relying on the then-gender-neutral marriage code of Alaska submitted an application for a marriage license to the", "id": "1018112" }, { "contents": "Same-sex unions and military policy\n\n\nCourt decision in \"United States v. Windsor\" that held the statute under which the U.S. military was withholding those benefits, Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, unconstitutional. A same-sex marriage must be documented by a marriage certificate that establishes that the marriage was valid where it was celebrated. The DoD also announced that servicemembers who need to travel to a jurisdiction that allows them to marry will be afforded 7 days leave to do so, 10 days if they are stationed outside the U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel", "id": "19205996" }, { "contents": "International Marriage Broker Regulation Act\n\n\ndevelop a pamphlet for foreign fiancé(e)s and spouses about the K visa immigration process, the legal rights and resources available to immigrant victims of domestic violence and other crimes, the illegality of marriage fraud (i.e., knowingly entering a marriage solely to obtain an immigration benefit) and U.S. legal obligations regarding child support. The pamphlet will also include a warning concerning the potential use of K visas by U.S. citizens with a history of violence, whose acts may not have resulted in a criminal record; as well as a notification regarding international marriage", "id": "13054284" }, { "contents": "Marriage in the United States\n\n\n, the U.S. government does not recognize bigamous marriages for immigration purposes (that is, would not allow one of the spouses to petition for immigration benefits for the other), even if they are legal in the country where a bigamous marriage was celebrated. Any immigrant coming to the United States to practice polygamy will not be admitted. Many U.S. courts (e.g. Turner v. S., 212 Miss. 590, 55 So.2d 228) treat bigamy as a strict liability crime: in some jurisdictions, a person can be convicted of a felony", "id": "8499507" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in the United States\n\n\nsame-sex couples and to recognize the marriages of same-sex couples performed in other states. According to the federal government's Government Accountability Office (GAO) in 2004, more than 1,138 rights and protections are conferred to U.S. citizens upon marriage by the federal government; areas affected include Social Security benefits, veterans' benefits, health insurance, Medicaid, hospital visitation, estate taxes, retirement savings, pensions, family leave, and immigration law. Since July 9, 2015, married same-sex couples throughout the United", "id": "13561281" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Kansas\n\n\nSame-sex marriage became legal in the U.S. state of Kansas following the U.S. Supreme Court decision in \"Obergefell v. Hodges\" on June 26, 2015, which found the denial of marriage rights to same-sex couples unconstitutional. By June 30, all 31 judicial districts and all 105 Kansas counties were issuing licenses to same-sex couples or had agreed to do so. Kansas state agencies initially delayed recognition of same-sex marriages for purposes including but not limited to changing names, ascribing health benefits and filing joint tax", "id": "5523202" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in the United States Virgin Islands\n\n\ndo not wish to be America's same-sex paradise\". Pastor Lennox Zamore said that he rejected the argument that legalizing same-sex marriage would benefit the local economy: \"We don't want to balance our books by bringing the sex industry – whether it is same sex or not – to the Virgin Islands\", The decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in \"Obergefell v. Hodges\" on June 26, 2015, that invalidated bans on same-sex marriage, was met with a mixed reception from U.S. Virgin", "id": "4090776" }, { "contents": "Immigration equality\n\n\nLawyers protest Deportation of Illegal Immigrants to Haiti. Until 2013, LGBT Americans were not afforded the same rights and responsibilities under current immigration law as their heterosexual counterparts. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) had forbidden the federal government from conferring any benefits upon same-sex couples. Under DOMA, persons in same-sex marriages were not considered married for immigration purposes. U.S. citizens and permanent residents in same-sex marriages could not petition for their spouses, nor could they be accompanied by their spouses into the U.S. on", "id": "10017358" }, { "contents": "2015 San Bernardino attack\n\n\ncriminal case is resolved. U.S. Attorney Eileen Decker issued a statement, saying that the charges arose from the investigation into the attack. The indictment alleged that Chernykh paid Marquez to enter into a sham marriage to obtain U.S. immigration benefits. The U.S. Attorney's Office said in a statement that Raheel and Tatiana Farook conspired in the sham marriage by \"witnessing Marquez and Chernykh's wedding, taking staged family pictures of Marquez and Chernykh, establishing a joint checking account for the couple and creating a back-dated lease for Marquez and Chernykh", "id": "9353864" }, { "contents": "Sexual orientation in the United States military\n\n\n-sex marriages. In June 2014, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced that it would only provide benefits to the same-sex spouses of veterans who either (1) married in the state in which they resided or (2) live in a state that recognizes their marriage when they apply for benefits. On August 18, the American Military Partner Association filed an appeal in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit challenging the VA's interpretation of federal law. Their brief cited \"Windsor\" and", "id": "2816963" }, { "contents": "Sociology of the family\n\n\n. Another important intersectional factor to consider in relation to gender and marriage is marriage markets. Marriage market means how economics affects who marries, whose bonds endure and what this means for future generations of workers and parents. Analyzing marriage markets as they pertain to marriage has several benefits. First, marriage market conditions are forces that influence marriage from outside they subjects affect, which means they impact the general trends of marriage decisions. In other words, individual circumstances cause people to make decisions about their marriages that might be specific to their", "id": "2777411" }, { "contents": "Governorship of Mitt Romney\n\n\na letter to each member of the U.S. Senate urging them to vote in favor of the Marriage Protection Amendment. In the letter, Romney stated that the debate over same-sex unions is not a discussion about \"tolerance\", but rather a \"debate about the purpose of the institution of marriage\". Romney wrote, \"Attaching the word marriage to the association of same-sex individuals mistakenly presumes that marriage is principally a matter of adult benefits and adult rights. In fact, marriage is principally about the nurturing and", "id": "801909" }, { "contents": "Child marriage\n\n\nmarriages. Insofar as child marriage is a social norm in practicing communities, the elimination of child marriage must come through a changing of those social norms. The mindset of the communities, and what is believed to be the proper outcome for a child bride, must be shifted to bring about a change in the prevalence of child marriage. Extreme poverty may make daughters an economic burden on the family, which may be relieved by their early marriage, to the benefit of the family as well as the girl herself. Poor parents", "id": "19045559" }, { "contents": "United States v. Windsor\n\n\nof the \"Windsor\" decision, married same-sex couples—regardless of domicile—have tax benefits (which include the previously unavailable ability to file joint tax returns with the IRS), military benefits, federal employment benefits for employees of the U.S Government and immigration benefits. In February 2014, the Justice Department expanded recognition of same-sex marriages in federal legal matters, including bankruptcies, prison visits, survivor benefits and the legal right to refuse to testify to incriminate a spouse. Likewise in June 2014, family medical", "id": "13895530" }, { "contents": "Posthumous marriage\n\n\nhundreds of women have formally filed for what is known as postmortem matrimony. Posthumous marriage became legal in France by Article 171 of the civil code which states: \"The President of the Republic may, for serious reasons, authorize the solemnization of marriage if one of the spouses died after completion of official formalities marking it unequivocal consent. In this case, the effects of marriage dated back to the day preceding the death of the husband. However, this marriage does not entail any right of intestate succession for the benefit of the", "id": "6031008" }, { "contents": "Article One of the Constitution of Georgia (U.S. State)\n\n\n(a) This state shall recognize as marriage only the union of man and woman. Marriages between persons of the same sex are prohibited in this state. (b) No union between persons of the same sex shall be recognized by this state as entitled to the benefits of marriage. This state shall not give effect to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other state or jurisdiction respecting a relationship between persons of the same sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws of such other state or", "id": "3795983" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Louisiana\n\n\nDefense of Marriage Act\", the U.S. Department of Defense issued directives requiring state units of the National Guard to enroll the same-sex spouses of guard members in federal benefit programs. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on October 31 said he would insist on compliance. On December 3, Louisiana agreed to conform with DoD policy stating that state workers would be considered federal workers while enrolling same-sex couples for benefits. Recent polls have found that, while Louisianians are mostly evenly split in support and opposition to same-sex marriage,", "id": "5868856" }, { "contents": "Marriage\n\n\ncannot, however, use this kind of marriage to obtain a sperm donation. Muslim controversies related to Nikah Mut'ah have resulted in the practice being confined mostly to Shi'ite communities. The matrilineal Mosuo of China practice what they call \"walking marriage\". In some jurisdictions cohabitation, in certain circumstances, may constitute a common-law marriage, an unregistered partnership, or otherwise provide the unmarried partners with various rights and responsibilities; and in some countries the laws recognize cohabitation in lieu of institutional marriage for taxation and social security benefits", "id": "20160835" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Maine\n\n\na judicial ruling. Vermont was the first state to legalize same-sex marriage by statute, but its Legislature did so by overriding its Governor's veto. Both U.S Senators from Maine, Republican Susan Collins and Independent Angus King, support same-sex marriage. In 2004, Maine established domestic partnerships, which provide some of the legal rights and benefits of marriage. A domestic partnership () grants the couple inheritance rights, domestic violence protection, and the right to make medical decisions, among others. \"I.P. 1 -", "id": "7967343" }, { "contents": "Tamerlan Tsarnaev\n\n\nand Taylor in Natick, Massachusetts. She left the U.S. for Russia and did not appear in court. Anzor and Zubeidat Tsarnaev divorced in 2011 after twenty-five years of marriage. The couple had no personal property or real estate to divide and listed no retirement or pension benefits. They gave the reason for their split as \"irretrievable breakdown of the marriage\" with \"no chance of reconciling our differences\". The mother's move toward more Islamic extremism was reportedly a factor in the breakdown of the marriage. They may", "id": "19086709" }, { "contents": "Marriage in the United States\n\n\nwhat is now the continental United States. When the country was founded in the eighteenth century, marriage between whites and non-whites was largely forbidden due to the racist attitudes of the time. In 1948, the California Supreme Court became the first state high court to declare a ban on interracial marriage unconstitutional. In 1967, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down remaining interracial marriage laws nationwide, in the case \"Loving v. Virginia\". Expectations of a marriage partner have changed over time. Second U.S. President John Adams wrote in", "id": "8499487" }, { "contents": "Demographics of Finland\n\n\ncommon, so much so that by the late 1970s most marriages in urban areas grew out of what Finns called \"open unions.\" In the 1980s, it was estimated that about 8 percent of couples who lived together, approximately 200,000 people, did so without benefit of marriage. Partners of such unions usually married because of the arrival of offspring or the acquisition of property. A result of the frequency of cohabitation was that marriages were postponed, and the average age for marriage, which had been falling, began to rise", "id": "10431134" }, { "contents": "Sexless marriage\n\n\nrejection by the partner who lost interest in sexual communication. Loneliness, anger and self-esteem lowering are normal reactions by a person feeling their sexual human needs frustrated by the voluntary rejection from partner. Some couples may be married solely for legal purposes or tax benefits, i.e. what is colloquially called a marriage of convenience. For example, in the US a spouse is entitled to Green Card if married to an American citizen or permanent resident. Another reason for a \"marriage of convenience\" is the lavender marriage, which conceals", "id": "2746260" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Oklahoma\n\n\nwith the Bishop and Baldwin that Part A of the Oklahoma constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Court applied rational basis review and found the state's justifications inadequate, including encouraging responsible procreation, optimal child-rearing, and the impact on the institution of marriage. It said that part of the constitutional amendment was \"an arbitrary, irrational exclusion of just one class of Oklahoma citizens from a governmental benefit.\" Of the Supreme Court's jurisprudence on", "id": "5523255" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Nevada\n\n\nJune 26, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in \"United States v. Windsor\", which challenged the \"Defense of Marriage Act\" (DOMA) and declared Section 3 of DOMA unconstitutional, reasoning that it violates the protections of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, as well as the equal protection guarantee of the Fourteenth Amendment. Because that ruling, federal government benefits are extended to same-sex couples and their children in states where same-sex marriage is legal. The \"", "id": "5868803" }, { "contents": "Chinese marriage\n\n\ncommonplace. A USC U.S.-China Institute article reports that the divorce rate in 2006 was about 1.4/1000 people, about twice what it was in 1990 and more than three times what it was in 1982. Still, the divorce rate in China is less than half what it is in the United States. One of the most important breakthroughs in the marriage institution were amendments added to the Marriage Law in 2001, which shortened the divorce-application procedure and added legitimate reasons for divorce, such as emphasizing the importance of faithfulness within a married", "id": "8393633" }, { "contents": "Baker v. Vermont\n\n\nfiled a lawsuit seeking same-sex marriage rights in Massachusetts, Bonauto tried to avoid winning a decision like \"Baker\" by emphasizing the status of marriage rather than its particular legal benefits and obligations. She said: \"We spent more time in Massachusetts talking about how marriage is a basic civil and human right. It cannot be splintered into state and federal protections. We talked about what marriage is in our culture.\" New Jersey's highest court ruled unanimously in \"Lewis v. Harris\" on October 25, 2006", "id": "18781215" }, { "contents": "AHA Foundation\n\n\nBritish practices in this area seem more stringent and proactive than U.S. practices. American courts (like British courts) should be able to offer “forced marriage protection orders” to protect girls and women who face a looming forced marriage. U.S. law enforcement officials, civil servants dealing with issues of women’s rights and education, and Congressional constituent offices should receive statutory guidelines (as in the U.K.) on what to do when a person contacts them who is facing a forced marriage. At the institutional level, existing U.S. child welfare", "id": "8875117" }, { "contents": "Same-sex relationship\n\n\nmarried couples concerning legal issues such as inheritance and immigration. Same-sex couples can legally marry in all US states and receive both state-level and federal benefits. Also, several states offer civil unions or domestic partnerships, granting all or part of the state-level rights and responsibilities of marriage. Though more than 30 states have constitutional restrictions on marriage, all states must recognize same-sex marriages following the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges. All the laws restricting marriage to one man and one woman", "id": "16896736" }, { "contents": "List of U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions by type\n\n\nsame-sex marriage unconstitutional; rather, it allows the state to limit marriage to opposite-sex couples. Virginia's amendment prevents the state from recognizing private contracts that \"approximate\" marriage. Observers have pointed out that such language encompasses private contracts and medical directives. Furthermore, the Michigan Supreme Court has held that the state's amendment bans not only same-sex marriage and civil unions, but also domestic partnership benefits such as health insurance. This list only covers bans of civil unions, private contracts between same-sex", "id": "3304541" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Pennsylvania\n\n\n\" decision allowed the \"Palladino\" plaintiffs to lawfully marry in Pennsylvania, and the state defendants stipulated \"that they will take no steps to deprive Plaintiffs of the benefits accorded by the validity and recognition of their marriage under Pennsylvania law\", Judge McLaughlin ordered the case voluntarily dismissed as of October 22, 2014. In July 2013, shortly after Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane declined to defend Pennsylvania's prohibition of same-sex marriage in U.S. district court, D. Bruce Hanes, the Montgomery County Register of Wills and Clerk of", "id": "2022612" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Wisconsin\n\n\nsought original jurisdiction in the Wisconsin Supreme Court. They claimed the state's \"parallel civil marriage and domestic partnership structure\" denied them access to federal benefits. They also challenged Wisconsin's statute imposing criminal penalties on residents who contract in other jurisdictions a marriage that is not recognized by the state. On May 27, 2014, the State Supreme Court, on a 5–2 vote, declined to hear the case. On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in \"Obergefell v. Hodges\" that state", "id": "22062538" }, { "contents": "Marriage penalty\n\n\nThe marriage penalty in the United States refers to the higher taxes required from some married couples with both partners earning income that would not be required by two otherwise identical single people with exactly the same incomes. There is also a marriage bonus that applies in other cases. Multiple factors are involved, but in general, in the current U.S. system, single-income married couples usually benefit from filing as a married couple (similar to so-called income splitting), while dual-income married couples are often penalized. The", "id": "9649496" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in the United States\n\n\nin the United States dates from the early 1970s, when the first lawsuits seeking legal recognition of same-sex relationships brought the question of civil marriage rights and benefits for same-sex couples to public attention though they proved unsuccessful. The subject became increasingly prominent in U.S. politics following the 1993 Hawaii Supreme Court decision in \"Baehr v. Miike\" that suggested the possibility that the state's prohibition might be unconstitutional. That decision was met by actions at both the federal and state level to restrict marriage to male-female couples,", "id": "13561274" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Puerto Rico\n\n\nattempt in the Legislature to submit a referendum to voters to amend Puerto Rico's Constitution to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, and to ban same-sex marriages, civil unions and domestic partnership benefits. Similar legislation failed in 2009. Two women residing in Puerto Rico, represented by Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court of Puerto Rico on March 25, 2014, seeking recognition of their 2004 marriage in Massachusetts. Four more couples joined as plaintiffs in June", "id": "15348115" }, { "contents": "Virgil Goode 2012 presidential campaign\n\n\nas a consequence of same-sex marriage benefits. He was also concerned about the effect on health insurance costs and state retirement plans. Moreover, Goode attacked Romney's record on the issue, referring to him as \"the father of homosexual marriages\" because of his issuance of same-sex marriage licenses during his term as governor of Massachusetts. Economic matters remained central to the Goode campaign. During a May 21 interview with \"World Net Daily\", Goode discussed his plan to improve the U.S. economy and increase jobs.", "id": "17045570" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Georgia (U.S. state)\n\n\nimmediately (or were either willing) to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Prior to the nationwide legalization of same-sex marriages, some cities and counties in Georgia offered domestic partnership benefits to same-sex couples, which granted some of the marriage rights. Domestic partnerships were recognized by the cities of Athens, Atlanta, Avondale Estates, Clarkston, Decatur, Doraville, East Point, Pine Lake and Savannah, as well as DeKalb County and Fulton County. On February 23, 2018, the Georgia State Senate", "id": "17763010" }, { "contents": "Sexual orientation in the United States military\n\n\nsame-sex marriage must be documented by a marriage certificate that establishes that the marriage was valid where it was celebrated. The DoD also announced that servicemembers who need to travel to a jurisdiction that allows them to marry will be afforded up to 7 days leave to do so, up to 10 days if they are stationed outside the U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said: \"This will provide accelerated access to the full range of benefits offered to married military couples throughout the department, and help level the playing field between opposite", "id": "2816953" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Michigan\n\n\nCarrick of Detroit brought a case, \"Carrick v. Snyder\", against Michigan, stating that the state's ban of same-sex marriage and polygamy violates the Free Exercise and Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution. In May 2008, the Michigan Supreme Court held that the amendment added to the State Constitution in 2004 bans not only same-sex marriage and civil unions, but also public employee domestic partnership benefits such as health insurance. The ruling, however, had little effect since most public employers relaxed their eligibility criteria", "id": "5868902" }, { "contents": "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man\n\n\nman by Einar Greve, a vice president of the firm (and alleged NSA liaison). The book heavily criticizes U.S. foreign policy and the widely accepted idea that \"all economic growth benefits humankind, and that the greater the growth, the more widespread the benefits.\", suggesting that in many cases only a small portion of the population benefits at the expense of the rest, with the example including increasing income inequality where large U.S. companies exploit cheap labor and oil companies destroy local environment. Perkins describes what he calls a", "id": "2886063" }, { "contents": "History of same-sex marriage in the United States\n\n\nThe history of same-sex marriage in the United States dates from the early 1970s, when the first lawsuits seeking legal recognition of same-sex relationships brought the question of civil marriage rights and benefits for same-sex couples to public attention though they proved unsuccessful. The subject became increasingly prominent in U.S. politics following the 1993 Hawaii Supreme Court decision in \"Baehr v. Miike\" that suggested the possibility that the state's prohibition might be unconstitutional. That decision was met by actions at both the federal and state level to restrict", "id": "1898455" }, { "contents": "Tim Coco\n\n\n-sex marriage, Coco married Genesio J. Oliveira, Jr. in 2005. Coco and Oliveira, a citizen of Brazil, met in 2002 while the latter was visiting Boston, Massachusetts. Immigration Judge Francis L. Cramer and, later, the Board of Immigration Appeals refused to recognize the marriage, citing the U.S. Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Oliveira was ordered to “voluntarily” depart the U.S. within 60 days and he complied Aug. 17, 2007, beginning what would be a three-year fight by the couple to", "id": "4490378" }, { "contents": "American Military Partner Association\n\n\n: In December 2012, when the same-sex spouse of a U.S. Army officer was denied membership in the Association of Bragg Officers' Spouses at Fort Bragg, she reported her experience on the AMPA website. In June 2014, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced that it would only provide benefits to the same-sex spouses of veterans who either (1) married in the state in which they resided or (2) live in a state that recognizes their marriage when they apply for benefits. On August", "id": "2316514" }, { "contents": "Richard Isay\n\n\nwork organizations internationally. A few years later, these changes were adopted by psychoanalytic groups in the UK. Isay was an early proponent of gay marriage. In 1989 Isay told \"U.S. News & World Report\": \"If the time comes in which there's a change to society's attitude toward homosexuality - when, for example, gay marriages and adoptions are possible and gay couples reap the same social benefits as heterosexual couples - I believe there will be a corresponding change in the behavior of gay men, with much less", "id": "13839582" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration\n\n\nsham marriages are to gain immigration, (this is called immigration fraud) residency, work or citizenship rights for one or both of the spouses, or for other benefits. In the United Kingdom, those who arrange, participate in, or officiate over a sham marriage may be charged with a number of offenses, including assisting unlawful immigration and conspiracy to facilitate breach of immigration law. The United States has a penalty of a $250,000 fine and five-year prison sentence for such arrangements. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement", "id": "14967102" }, { "contents": "Marriage law\n\n\nof the same sex, and in some jurisdictions also to those of opposite sexes who do not want to marry, to confer all or a portion of the benefits of married status. Civil unions (and registered/domestic partnerships) are currently recognized and accepted in approximately 30 out of 193 countries worldwide and in some U.S. states. However, in countries where it has been adopted, applications for marriage licenses have far exceeded governmental estimates of demand. Some jurisdictions, such as the nations of Israel, Aruba, and the Netherlands", "id": "21843081" }, { "contents": "Marriage in the United States\n\n\nwas to gain benefits for the immigrant. The punishment for fraud is a large monetary penalty and the possibility of never becoming a permanent resident of the United States. According to the statute, \"Any individual who knowingly enters into a marriage for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or fined not more than $250,000, or both\" (I.N.A. § 275(c); 8 U.S.C. § 1325(c)). The U.S. citizen or resident spouse could also face criminal", "id": "8499515" }, { "contents": "Ralph Northam\n\n\n. During a debate with Jackson, who is a minister, Northam said, \"What I do in church translates to what I do in everyday life. Whether it's said in my church or whether it's said in my medical clinic or whether it's said before the Senate, it's on me and it's what I believe in.\" That summer, when the United States Defense Department began offering marriage benefits to military personnel in same-sex relationships, Northam and Jackson disagreed with each other on the issue", "id": "6085788" }, { "contents": "Sovereign citizen movement\n\n\nThe benefits of U.S. citizenship are received by consent in exchange for freedom. State citizens consequently take steps to revoke and rescind their U.S. citizenship and reassert their \"de jure\" common-law state citizen status. This involves removing one's self from federal jurisdiction and relinquishing any evidence of consent to U.S. citizenship, such as a Social Security number, driver's license, car registration, use of ZIP codes, marriage license, voter registration, and birth certificate. Also included is refusal to pay state and federal income taxes because", "id": "938405" }, { "contents": "Eric Holder\n\n\n. Several lower courts have ruled DOMA itself to be unconstitutional.\" This decision was prompted by legal deadlines in two federal cases in Connecticut and New York, where same-sex married couples argued that DOMA's ban on federal benefits to those in gay marriages approved by the individual states, violates the Constitution's requirement of equal treatment. In February 2012, Holder reaffirmed his position and stated that the DOJ would not defend DOMA in a legal challenge brought by members of the U.S. military, who were seeking benefits for their same", "id": "13790662" }, { "contents": "GLIFAA\n\n\nthese were benefits that could be accorded without violating the Defense of Marriage Act, which sharply curtails the ability of the U.S. federal government to assist LGBT families in some ways. In May 2009, an internal State Department memo extended a number of benefits to the same-sex partners of American diplomats, including diplomatic passports, use of medical facilities at overseas posts, medical and other emergency evacuation, transportation between posts, and training in security and languages. In June 2009, President Obama signed a memorandum announcing these and number of", "id": "21689494" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Texas\n\n\n2015, the United States legalized same-sex marriage nationwide due to the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in \"Obergefell v. Hodges\". Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, El Paso, Houston, and San Antonio provide health insurance to domestic partners of city workers. In 2001, 52% of Houston voters approved Proposition 2, an amendment to the city charter prohibiting the city from providing domestic partner benefits for city employees. The amendment, however, specifically permits benefits to be provided to \"legal spouses\" of employees,", "id": "2755663" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in New Hampshire\n\n\nLesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons in the U.S. state of New Hampshire enjoy all the same legal rights as non-LGBT residents, with most advances occurring within the past two decades. Same-sex sexual activity is legal in New Hampshire, and the state began offering same-sex couples the option of forming a civil union on January 1, 2008. Civil unions offered most of the same protections as marriages with respect to state law, but not the federal benefits of marriage. Same-", "id": "10591854" }, { "contents": "Sexual orientation in the United States military\n\n\n, 2013, the Supreme Court held in \"United States v. Windsor\" that the statute under which the U.S. military was withholding benefits from servicemembers in same-sex marriages, Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, was unconstitutional. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel stated: \"The Department of Defense welcomes the Supreme Court's decision [and] will immediately begin the process of implementing the Supreme Court's decision in consultation with the Department of Justice and other executive branch agencies. The Department of Defense intends to make the same", "id": "2816951" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Utah\n\n\nof those marriages established by same-sex couples in Utah while Judge Shelby's ruling was in effect in December 2013 and January 2014. On January 21, 2014, the ACLU brought suit on behalf of four same-sex couples married in Utah during that period, raising concerns about the impact of Utah's action on their adoption, parenting, and health benefits rights. On May 19, Judge Dale A. Kimball of the U.S. District Court for Utah ruled in \"Evans v. Herbert\" that Utah must recognize the same-", "id": "5067316" }, { "contents": "Jadwiga of Poland\n\n\nwhatever was advantageous to Poland and insisted that her daughter and the prelates and nobles of the Kingdom had to do what they considered would benefit Christianity and their kingdom\", according to Jan Długosz's chronicle. The nobles from Kraków, Sandomierz and Greater Poland assembled in Kraków in June or July and the \"majority of the more sensible\" voted for the acceptance of Jogaila's marriage proposal. In the meantime, William's father, Leopold III hurried to Buda in late July 1385, demanding the consummation of the marriage between William", "id": "16598954" }, { "contents": "Shared earning/shared parenting marriage\n\n\nsocial programs which distribute extra benefits to the sole breadwinner; in Social Security, for example, a sole breadwinner and nonearning spouse pay 1× taxes for 2× (or more benefits), while a marriage of two earners pays 2x taxes for 2× benefits. Over time, this puts accelerating pressure on a family to have only one partner with earned income and the other do unpaid work of the family. The effects of the marriage penalty on the marriage income collectively are also particularly acute for these marriages, although for couples for whom", "id": "3947645" }, { "contents": "Same-sex unions in the United States\n\n\n\"United States v. Windsor\" on June 26, 2013. As a result, shortly after \"Windsor\" was decided, a number of federal areas ranging from veteran benefits to immigration were clarified as applying equally to same-sex couples. The movement to obtain civil marriage rights and benefits for same-sex couples in the United States began in the 1970s but remained unsuccessful for over forty years. On May 17, 2004, Massachusetts became the first U.S. state and the sixth jurisdiction in the world to legalize same-sex", "id": "15810130" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Michigan\n\n\n, Governor Rick Snyder signed the legislation. Five same-sex couples challenged the law in \"Bassett v. Snyder\". On June 28, 2013, U.S. District Judge David M. Lawson issued a preliminary injunction blocking the state from enforcing its law banning local governments and school districts from offering health benefits to their employees' domestic partners. He wrote: \"It is hard to argue with a straight face that the primary purpose—indeed, perhaps the sole purpose—of the statute is other than to deny health benefits to the", "id": "5868904" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in the District of Columbia\n\n\nJune 11, 1992. Every year between 1992 and 2002, the Republican leadership of the U.S. Congress added a rider to the District of Columbia appropriations bill that prohibited the use of federal or local funds to implement the \"Health Care Benefits Expansion Act\". The law was finally implemented in 2002, a fiscal year, after Congress failed to add the rider to the appropriations bill. Since the 2002 implementation of domestic partners, the benefits attached to domestic partnerships has been expanded many times. In the \"Health Care Decisions Act", "id": "904489" }, { "contents": "Homosexuality and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints\n\n\nMarriage\" is defined by the church as being between a man and a woman. To many in the church, same-sex marriages are not considered a legitimate form of marriage, and the church supports the notion of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to define marriage as being between a man and a woman. The church does not condemn what it calls \"susceptibilities,\" \"inclinations\", or \"temptations\" of any type that are not acted upon, pointing to the example of the temptation of Christ. Members", "id": "8784027" }, { "contents": "On the Equality of the Sexes\n\n\nhim as both her oppressor and as representative of what she was denied. However, if the woman was given the ability to accompany her brother in his studies, the woman could have excelled in subjects like astronomy and geography that could have made her better able to appreciate Jehovah. This would have the benefit of not only discouraging her from idle, destructive pastimes but to also encourage her to come up with ideas that could greatly benefit mankind and to foster stronger friendships and marriages. This does not mean that women cannot or", "id": "10166640" }, { "contents": "Law and Justice\n\n\nfor adults was raised by approx. 15 percent to PLN 1,000 (approx. EUR 240) and certain non-cash benefits were instituted, although protesters' demands of an additional monthly cash benefit were rejected. The party opposes granting additional rights to homosexual people beyond what is afforded by current legislation. In particular, it opposes same-sex marriages or any other form of legal recognition of same-sex couples. In addition, the party is strongly critical of LGBT Rights, and the LGBT Right movement. On 21 September", "id": "1921721" }, { "contents": "John Barrow (U.S. politician)\n\n\nBarrow voted against repealing the law. Rep. Barrow received more money from the National Rifle Association (NRA) during the 2014 election cycle than any other Democrat in the nation ($9,900). Barrow voted to repeal \"don't ask, don't tell,\" and he voted for the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act. He supported conferring marriage benefits to same sex couples by means of civil unions but was opposed to gay marriage. During his first campaign he was accused of flip-flopping on the issue of a proposed", "id": "10957531" }, { "contents": "Emerging adulthood and early adulthood\n\n\nrecently begun exploring such cross-national differences. For instance, researchers have determined that Europe is the area where emerging adulthood lasts the longest, with high levels of government assistance and median marriage ages nearing 30, compared to the U.S. where the median marriage age is 27. Emerging adult communities in East Asia may be most dissimilar from their European and American counterparts, for while they share the benefits of affluent societies with strong education and welfare systems, they do not share as strong a sense of individualization. Historically and currently,", "id": "10984246" }, { "contents": "Kelly Ayotte\n\n\nrating. Speaking about gay marriage, Ayotte said in 2010: \"Ultimately I do think this is a matter for the states and states should decide how to define marriage. New Hampshire's already made that decision and I respect the decision.\" In 2015, Ayotte was one of eleven U.S. Senate Republicans who voted to extend Social Security and veterans' benefits to all legally married same-sex couples. In November 2013, Ayotte was one of 10 Senate Republicans who voted in favor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act,", "id": "16692737" }, { "contents": "LGBT history in New York\n\n\nthe widow of fellow resident Thea Spyer, won a landmark civil class action lawsuit against the United States government in \"United States v. Windsor\", in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act which, among other things, prohibited Windsor from qualifying for the federal estate tax exemption for surviving spouses, was unconstitutional. This resulted in all legally married same-sex couples in the United States qualifying for federal marriage benefits, and was decided on the same day as the Supreme Court's decision", "id": "19808876" }, { "contents": "Shared earning/shared parenting marriage\n\n\nSoros and others have highlighted and criticized, although none has focused fully on the implications of the U.S. system being built around subsidizing sole breadwinners in federal taxes and benefits, including the relation to the federal debt. Justin Wolfers sees the tax penalty on these couples as sufficient to make cohabitation preferable and thus to create a disincentive to have children inside marriage, or to marry at all, in the United States. No Presidential candidate has made reform of these policies part of his/her platform, however, the Senate Finance Committee", "id": "3947648" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Michigan\n\n\n's ban on same-sex marriage. On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in \"Obergefell v. Hodges\" that same-sex couples have a nationwide right to marry, legalizing same-sex marriage in the United States, and Michigan. The Michigan Supreme Court ruled that the constitutional amendment forbidding recognition of same-sex relationships meant that public employers in Michigan could not legally grant domestic partnership benefits to their employees. A law in effect since December 2011 banned most public employers, though not colleges and universities", "id": "5868871" }, { "contents": "John Ensign\n\n\nthe Constitution is so sacred that we cannot or should not adopt the Federal Marriage Amendment, I would simply point out that marriage, and the sanctity of that institution, predates the American Constitution and the founding of our nation. In 2011, Ensign introduced legislation that would have required all low-security prisoners to work 50 hours per week. In April 2008 Ensign voted against a measure to expand federal benefits to Filipino veterans in the Philippines, then a U.S. Commonwealth, against Japan during World War II. He said he", "id": "6884683" }, { "contents": "Eartha Kitt\n\n\nhave nothing to hide.\" Kitt later became a vocal advocate for LGBT rights and publicly supported same-sex marriage, which she considered a civil right. She had been quoted as saying: \"I support it [gay marriage] because we're asking for the same thing. If I have a partner and something happens to me, I want that partner to enjoy the benefits of what we have reaped together. It's a civil-rights thing, isn't it?\" Kitt famously appeared at many LGBT fundraisers", "id": "16343996" }, { "contents": "Work–family balance in the United States\n\n\nUnited States has lagged behind the social benefits that support working families when compared to other developed countries. Of the twenty-one richest countries in the world, only the United States does not mandate paid parental leave, and among the industrialized Western nations only the United States does not mandate paid vacations. Many solutions to the family-work balance problem have been observed in other countries and proposed in the U.S. Solutions specific to the U.S. have also developed recently. Recent U.S. policy has focused on \"restoring marriage\" rather than providing", "id": "3299391" }, { "contents": "2016 State of the Union Address\n\n\nto ensure prosperity and security. He stressed that these traits are what got the country through the recent economic crisis, and what led to affordable health care, the resurgence of the US energy sector, greater benefits for troops and veterans and the legal acceptance of Gay marriage. He then listed what he called four big questions the country has to answer: He praised the US economy as the strongest in the world, and noted the strong recent job growth, along with a reduction in deficits. He criticized those who claimed America", "id": "1422181" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in the United States\n\n\nheld that the denial of federal rights and benefits to lawfully married Massachusetts same-sex couples is unconstitutional under the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution. Beginning in 2010, eight federal courts found DOMA Section 3 unconstitutional in cases involving bankruptcy, public employee benefits, estate taxes, and immigration. On October 18, 2012, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals became the first court to hold sexual orientation to be a quasi-suspect classification and applied intermediate scrutiny to strike down Section 3 of DOMA as unconstitutional in \"Windsor v.", "id": "13561284" }, { "contents": "Domestic partnership in Ohio\n\n\nSeveral jurisdictions in the U.S. state of Ohio have established domestic partnerships for same-sex couples. The fate of these partnerships remains uncertain since marriage has become available to all couples. In December 1998, the Columbus City Council approved benefits for domestic partners, then two months later unanimously repealed them after residents threatened a referendum. On July 30, 2012, the Columbus City Council approved benefits for domestic partners. It went into effect on August 29, 2012. On April 15, 2002, the Cleveland Heights City Council approved,", "id": "8280720" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Maryland\n\n\nnow the following: A study from the University of California, Los Angeles estimated in 2007 that extending marriage rights to same-sex couples would result in a net gain of approximately $3.2 million each year to the state budget. The study drew on data from the U.S. Census Bureau and Maryland statistical reports. The gain is attributable to savings in expenditures on means-tested public benefit programs and an increase in sales and lodging tax revenue from weddings and wedding-related tourism. Another Williams Institute study conducted in February 2012 estimated", "id": "15473295" }, { "contents": "History of same-sex marriage in the United States\n\n\ncourt decision that found an equal protection right of same-sex couples to marry. It reasoned that with the U.S. Supreme Court's recent action in \"United States v. Windsor\", couples in New Jersey civil unions lacked access to federal benefits they could now receive if married. Governor Chris Christie, who had vetoed legislation legalizing same-sex marriage in February 2012, filed an appeal to the New Jersey Supreme Court, but withdrew it after the court refused to stay the lower court's ruling. Eight New Mexico counties,", "id": "1898484" }, { "contents": "Afghanistan–United States relations\n\n\nmilitary forces after 2014. South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham also suggested that the United States should stay in Afghanistan permanently. He claims that this would benefit both nations, as the U.S. would have a clear idea about what was happening in the region on a daily basis, and Afghan security forces would have an edge militarily to ensure that the country never went back into the hands of the Taliban. He further claimed that Afghan leaders accept this long-term U.S. military presence since it benefits them, but neighboring Iran and some of", "id": "16294710" }, { "contents": "United States v. Windsor\n\n\nsex marriage unconstitutional on January 14, 2014, in \"Bishop v. Oklahoma\", U.S. District Judge Terence C. Kern described the decision as the culmination of a process: \"There is no precise legal label for what has occurred in Supreme Court jurisprudence beginning with \"Romer\" in 1996 and culminating in \"Windsor\" in 2013, but this Court knows a rhetorical shift when it sees one\". When U.S. District Judge Jone E. Jones ruled on May 20, 2014, that Pennsylvania's same-sex marriage ban was unconstitutional", "id": "13895540" }, { "contents": "Michigan Proposal 04-2\n\n\n2008, the Michigan Supreme Court held that the amendment bans not only same-sex marriage and civil unions, but also public employee domestic partnership benefits such as health insurance. However, the ruling had little effect since most public employers, relaxed their eligibility criteria to not run afoul of the amendment. On June 28, 2013, U.S. District Judge David M. Lawson issued a preliminary injunction blocking the state from enforcing its law banning local governments and school districts from offering health benefits to their employees' domestic partners. He wrote:", "id": "3057364" }, { "contents": "Columbia River Treaty\n\n\nperiod of 30 years from the scheduled completion date of each of the Canadian projects. British Columbia used these funds, along with the U.S. payment of C$69.6 million for U.S. flood control benefits, to construct the Canadian dams. In recent years, the Treaty has garnered significant attention, not because of what it contains, but because of what it is lacking. A reflection of the times in which it was negotiated, the Treaty's emphasis is on hydroelectricity and flood control. The \"Assured Operating Plans\" that determine the", "id": "1976055" }, { "contents": "Iain Duncan Smith\n\n\n, which has been estimated at up to £100 billion. Duncan Smith said couples in Norway were able to \"work through what is going to happen with their children\", which has \"a very big effect on their thinking\". \"Many of them think again about what they are going to embark on once they really understand the consequences of their actions subsequently,\" he said. Duncan Smith said in February 2011 that it was \"absurd and damaging\" for ministers not to extol the benefits of marriage for fear", "id": "997986" }, { "contents": "List of U.S. ballot initiatives to repeal LGBT anti-discrimination laws\n\n\nmarriages performed in other jurisdictions. These amendments are listed here. Before the marriage issue arose, some jurisdictions had begun providing limited rights and benefits to same-sex domestic partners. These ordinances also became targets of repeal efforts, with repeal supporters meeting with less success. Since the 2015 US Supreme Court ruling in the case of \"Obergefell v. Hodges\", the prominence of LGBT anti-discrimination laws became the top priority of LGBT rights activists. One of the most controversial, recent, and largest repeal effort was Proposition 1", "id": "10219434" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Texas\n\n\ndistinction; however, none of these bills was passed by its chamber of origin. Following the U.S. Supreme Court decision in \"United States v. Windsor\" in June 2013 invalidating Section 3 of the \"Defense of Marriage Act\", the U.S. Department of Defense issued directives requiring state units of the National Guard to enroll the same-sex spouses of guard members in federal benefit programs. Texas National Guard officials initially refused to comply, instead requiring Guard members to travel to federal facilities to do so. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on", "id": "2755687" }, { "contents": "Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act\n\n\nThe Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act (or USFSPA) is a U.S. federal law enacted on September 8, 1982 to address issues that arise when a member of the military divorces, and primarily concerns jointly-earned marital property consisting of benefits earned during marriage and while one of the spouses (or both) is a military service member. The divisibility of U.S. military retirement payments in divorce proceedings has had a turbulent legislative and legal history, and the USFSPA has not closely tracked its civilian cousin enacted in 1975, the", "id": "7106971" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Mitt Romney\n\n\nwho refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses would face punishment, and that the licenses would not be given to out-of-state couples while allowing clerks the ability to determine what would count as proof of residency in the state. Later, Romney supported other bans on same-sex marriage that did not include a provision for civil unions. In 2006, Romney announced his support of the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would have federally defined marriage in the U.S. Constitution as the union of one man and one woman.", "id": "11527184" }, { "contents": "Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage\n\n\nafter they both had bitter divorces. But when the United States government tells them that Felipe can't enter the U.S. unless they get married, or he would never be allowed to enter the country again, they break their promise and get married. Gilbert tackled her fears of marriage by getting into the topic of marriage completely, trying her hardest to discover through research, interviews, and personal reflection on what marriage really is. Following the events in the book, Gilbert and \"Felipe\" divorced. Carolyn See writing for \"", "id": "1606851" }, { "contents": "Kirchberg v. Feenstra\n\n\nU.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg used the example of the Supreme Court's striking down of Louisiana's Head and Master rule in \"Kirchberg v. Feenstra\" to illustrate how \"traditional\" concepts of marriage had been revised over time. \"Justice Ginsburg: \"We have changed our idea about marriage is the point that I made earlier. Marriage today is not what it was under the common law tradition, under the civil law tradition. Marriage was a relationship of a dominant male to a subordinate female. That ended as", "id": "18685417" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Michigan\n\n\ncourt to suspend proceedings pending final resolution of \"DeBoer\" or to find those marriages invalid. On January 15, 2015, U.S. District Judge Mark A. Goldsmith ruled that the state must recognize those marriages, but stayed implementation of his ruling for 21 days. He wrote: \"In these circumstances, what the state has joined together, it may not put asunder.\" On February 4, Governor Rick Snyder announced that the state would recognize those marriages and would not appeal the decision. In January 2015, pastor Neil Patrick", "id": "5868901" }, { "contents": "Attila\n\n\nwhat occurred: Theodoric died, Attila was in retreat and disarray, and the Romans had the benefit of appearing victorious. Attila returned in 452 to renew his marriage claim with Honoria, invading and ravaging Italy along the way. Communities became established in what would later become Venice as a result of these attacks when the residents fled to small islands in the Venetian Lagoon. His army sacked numerous cities and razed Aquileia so completely that it was afterwards hard to recognize its original site. Aëtius lacked the strength to offer battle, but", "id": "286126" }, { "contents": "Social policy of the Barack Obama administration\n\n\nthe proposed amendment, stating that he supported the extension of \"fully equal rights and benefits to same-sex couples under both state and federal law.\" On May 9, 2012, Obama told an interviewer that he supported same-sex marriage. He was the first sitting U.S. President to do so. He stated: On March 1, 2013, Obama, speaking about \"Hollingsworth v. Perry\", the U.S. Supreme Court case about Proposition 8, he said: The administration's brief did not describe all state bans", "id": "12420834" }, { "contents": "LGBT history\n\n\nv. Hodges\". Prior to \"Obergefell\", lower court decisions, state legislation, and popular referendums had already legalized same-sex marriage to some degree in 38 out of 50 U.S. states, comprising about 70% of the U.S. population. Federal benefits were previously extended to lawfully married same-sex couples following the Supreme Court's June 2013 decision in \"United States v. Windsor\". Since the mid-1970s students at high schools and universities have organized LGBT groups, often called Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) at their", "id": "1908308" }, { "contents": "Same-sex unions and military policy\n\n\nForces recognize same-sex marriages and treats same-sex couples with military spouses as legally equivalent to opposite-sex couples. On 14 August 2013, the Department of Defense (DoD) announced that it would provide spousal and family benefits to servicemembers in same-sex marriages on the same terms as it does to those in different-sex marriages. The benefits, which include health care coverage, housing allowances, military ID cards, and survivor benefits, can be claimed retroactive to 26 June, the day of the Supreme", "id": "19205995" }, { "contents": "Barbara Byrum\n\n\nunder ten thousand. The Clerk is also responsible for the Administration of the Michigan Campaign Finance Reporting Act for those candidates that file for office at the local level. On Saturday, March 22, 2014, following a U.S. District Court ruling that Michigan's ban on same sex marriage was unconstitutional, Byrum performed what has been reported as the first same sex marriage in the state of Michigan. At the time of their marriage, the couple, Glenna DeJong, 53, and Marsha Caspar, 51, had been together for 26", "id": "8603268" }, { "contents": "Same-sex unions in the United States\n\n\n, essentially, civil unions. In Oregon, same-sex couples can access domestic partnerships or marriage, as of May 19, 2014. Some U.S. cities, including New York, San Francisco, and Toledo, offer domestic partnership registries. These registries afford registered partner specified rights otherwise reserved to married couples. The rights afforded include access to city services and rights created by city ordinances. Some private employers within such cities use the domestic partnership registries for the purpose of determining employee eligibility for domestic partner benefits. Six U.S. states", "id": "15810136" } ]
Due to Time Dialation, are there places in the Cosmos where the Universe is only minutes old instead of 14 billion years?
[{"answer": "Theoretically, there are such places (relative to our frame of reference). However, we can't see them because the universe was not [transparent]( URL_0 ) until about 400 thousand years after the big bang, or the universe was expanding faster than the speed of light at the time. --- Edit: I probably mistook the question. My answer talks about the appearance of the universe due to the time it takes for photons to reach us. But time dilation is to do with relativistic effects such as matter moving relative to each other in actual space, or regions of high gravity."}, {"answer": "Ph.D. in Astrophysics here. Time runs faster in places with less mass and slower in places with mass. So how old the universe is is different in different places. For the age to be only minutes, time would have had to stop minutes after the big bang. That would mean a black hole that formed minutes after the big bang. There are theories that these so called \"primordial\" black holes exist, no proof yet."}, {"answer": "Minutes is actually quite a tricky timescale - primordial black holes could conceivably have formed before that, around 1 second after the big bang. About 3 minutes to 20 minutes in, the universe is cool enough for nucleons (protons, neutrons) to form, and dense enough to fuse them into heavier elements, but it's still opaque to light. After 20 mins, it's no longer dense enough to support fusion, but remains opaque for basically the next 377,000 years. Why am I going on about opacity? Well, to get something that is still, subjectively, minutes after the big bang, we need something travelling at so close to lightspeed that it basically has to be a massless particle, but they're all being absorbed and reemitted, so I don't think they cut it. The only thing I can think of is to assume primordial black holes exist, and have a photons orbit at the event horizon without being eaten until the black hole evaporates slightly after the 377,000 year mark, then it can begin its timeless journey across the newly transparent universe. With luck, it wouldn't hit anything, and would still be flying now, a particle whose perspective has the big bang mere minutes ago. Edit: the Cosmic Microwave Background, the earliest photons we're aware of, are the legacy of the process that made the universe transparent at 377000 years in - neutral atoms forming rather than plasma. The neutral atoms were still carrying a lot of energy, which they shed as photons in what must have been an incredible show."}, {"answer": "What really messes with my mind is that in a future when the distance between galaxies is so vast that we only know of our own, any new species that evolves and manages to get to a science age will base all of their scienetific understanding of the universe on the idea that there is only one galaxy. \"Yeah okay Boblor...the universe is filled with trillions of other galaxies we can't see because we drifted too far apart......riiigghhttt\" Leads me to wonder how much stuff we missed"}, {"answer": "The Big Bang isn't like an explosion at one point in space. Instead, it happened everywhere at the same time. You could maybe say \"everywhere\" was all at one point then, but it's unclear how physics works in that situation. Distant galaxies are moving away because space itself is expanding, not because they were flung away by an explosion. There are places where, if you were able to observe light from them, you would see them as they were when the universe was only minutes old. But you can't say that they really are only a few minutes old now. Also, due to conditions at the time you can't observe them."}, {"answer": "I would suggest watching the episode of Stargate SG-1 titled \"A Matter of Time\" (S2 Ep15) because it illustrates the concept pretty well."}, {"answer": "What would happen if you placed a special live stream camera on a planet where time moves slower than on earth? Would a viewer on earth view everything happening in slow motion?"}, {"answer": "I can never wrap my head around any of this. As much as I want too. I\u2019ve read tons of books and still get confused. I even just read NDT\u2019s new book and sorta got a understanding of psychics. My question is so it all started at a single point in the universe, correct? The bang happened. And space started expanding outward? And has continued to do so since then? So basically the beginning of time itself is out there? But just super far away from us? And we\u2019re unable to see it?"}, {"answer": "It's because of the fixed speed of light. According to the rules we discovered when measuring magnetic fields (Maxwell\u2019s equations and Lorenz invariance), electric fields have to travel at a fixed speed regardless of the speed of anything else. Photons are a kind of wave in the electric field (electric and magnetic fields are really the same and relativity is what causes magnetic fields too). This is the speed of light. But that\u2019s confusing. If you're on a train going nearly the speed of light and then flip on a flashlight, it seems like either you would perceive the speed of light as slower relative to your fast speed or your speed gets added to the speed of light and a stationary observer would disagree about the speed of light. But the equations say neither happens. Somehow both observers would see the speed of light the same relative to themselves. But are the equations right? Measurements like the Michaelson-Morely experiment seem to back this up. When lasers are fired North-South and compared with lasers fired East-West (adding the rotational speed of the earth, roughly 1,000 mph) there isn't a difference in measured speed of light at all. How can this be? Well Einstein figured out that of you do the math (simple geometry really) the implication is that a bunch of really counter-intuitive things happen to allow light to stay a fixed speed. *Space itself warps* to accommodate a fixed speed of light relative to all observers. One of these warping effects happens in gravitational fields. At the big bang, things were really really compressed, so there was a lot of gravity. As the universe expanded, some parts remained dense with high gravity. Since space was compressed and really space and time are related just like electricity and magnetism are related it means time was compressed too. Areas that did not expand spatially, also didn't expand temporally. Time didn't pass in those places as fast as it has here."}, {"answer": "I notice a lot of comments saying \u201cexpanding into what? That doesn\u2019t make sense to me, I just don\u2019t get it.\u201d. Well, as a physics student who\u2019s studied some cosmology, let me tell you that you might not be missing any deep understanding really. Physicists get used to this idea, just by thinking about it over time. Once you\u2019ve thought about it for a long time it just kinda stops bothering you, even if you haven\u2019t really learned anything concrete that you didn\u2019t understand before."}, {"answer": "Time dilation is based on perspective of where someone is to view it, but the age of the universe doesn't like time travel just because there is some form of time dilation when you are looking at something that happened in the past. This assumes that there is 1 finite universe across a spectrum of time though. Now if there were sort of 'snapshots' of the universe that somehow got created and by accessing some sort of wormhole or something unproven then you could essentially time travel to that sort of 'snapshot' that was created in time, then I guess there could be the possibility that you could go to a time when dinosaurs existed and stuff, but nothing that we know currently points to that being the case. Time is linear, but there are 'folds' in the universe that we can theoretically use to see into the past only because the light that has reached your current point has had to travel so far, so you would be looking at a glimpse of the past, not what it is currently."}, {"answer": "So wait, does that mean there could be places \"older\" than where we are ? I've heard there's a theory that our universe is inside a blackhole, could that mean outside of said blackhole more time has passed ?"}, {"answer": "Not really an answer to your question, but I suggest you take a look at the [Kurzgesagt]( URL_0 ) channel. That channel has educational videos (with amazing animations) that makes science seem so **amazing**, or as they say it: > Videos explaining things with optimistic nihilism. We are a small team who want to make science look beautiful. Because it is beautiful. They have **countless** videos on all things space-related and I **HIGHLY** suggest you watch them!"}, {"answer": "The balloon analogy is bad because the 2d balloon surface is expanding in 3 dimensions. In reality our 3d dimensional universe is expanding into a fourth. The universe as we define it is the surface of the balloon - the space that it expands into isn\u2019t really defined"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "8537444", "title": "Cosmic Calendar", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The Cosmic Calendar is a method to visualize the chronology of the universe, scaling its current age of 13.8 billion years to a single year in order to help intuit it for pedagogical purposes in science education or popular science. In this visualization, the Big Bang took place at the beginning of January 1 at midnight, and the current moment maps onto the end of December 31 just before midnight. At this scale, there are 437.5 years per second, 1.575 million years per hour, and 37.8 million years per day. The", "The Cosmic Calendar is a method to visualize the chronology of the universe, scaling its current age of 13.8 billion years to a single year in order to help intuit it for pedagogical purposes in science education or popular science. In this visualization, the Big Bang took place at the beginning of January 1 at midnight, and the current moment maps onto the end of December 31 just before midnight. At this scale, there are 437.5 years per second, 1.575 million years per hour, and 37.8 million years per day. The"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "20911", "title": "Multiverse", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The multiverse, also known as an omniverse or meta-universe, is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and constants that describe them. The different universes within the multiverse are called \"parallel universes\", \"other universes\", or \"alternate universes\".\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "The multiverse, also known as an omniverse or meta-universe, is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and constants that describe them. The different universes within the multiverse are called \"parallel universes\", \"other universes\", or \"alternate universes\"."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "847879", "title": "Age of the universe", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In physical cosmology, the age of the universe is the time elapsed since the Big Bang. The current measurement of the age of the universe is billion (10) years within the Lambda-CDM concordance model. The uncertainty has been narrowed down to 21 million years, based on a number of studies which all gave extremely similar figures for the age. These include studies of the microwave background radiation, and measurements by the \"Planck\" spacecraft, the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe and other probes. Measurements of the cosmic background radiation give the cooling time of the universe since the Big Bang, and measurements of the expansion rate of the universe can be used to calculate its approximate age by extrapolating backwards in time.", "In physical cosmology, the age of the universe is the time elapsed since the Big Bang. The current measurement of the age of the universe is billion (10) years within the Lambda-CDM concordance model. The uncertainty has been narrowed down to 21 million years, based on a number of studies which all gave extremely similar figures for the age. These include studies of the microwave background radiation, and measurements by the \"Planck\" spacecraft, the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe and other probes. Measurements of the cosmic background radiation give the cooling time of the universe since the Big Bang, and measurements of the expansion rate of the universe can be used to calculate its approximate age by extrapolating backwards in time.", "In physical cosmology, the age of the universe is the time elapsed since the Big Bang. The current measurement of the age of the universe is billion (10) years within the Lambda-CDM concordance model. The uncertainty has been narrowed down to 21 million years, based on a number of studies which all gave extremely similar figures for the age. These include studies of the microwave background radiation, and measurements by the \"Planck\" spacecraft, the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe and other probes. Measurements of the cosmic background radiation give the cooling time of the universe since the Big Bang, and measurements of the expansion rate of the universe can be used to calculate its approximate age by extrapolating backwards in time."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Progressive Christianity\n\n\nin time, in every sphere: material, biological, social, cultural, psychological, and spiritual. This new cosmology simply cannot be contained by old models and images of God, or by old ways of being the church.\". Central to this recovery of awe in the cosmos is the epic of evolution, the 14-billion-year history of the universe. Scientists (Edward O. Wilson, Brian Swimme, Eric Chaisson, Ursula Goodenough and others) initiated this story which has been perpetuated with a religion component by", "id": "10192649" }, { "contents": "GRB 080916C\n\n\nenergy gamma ray observed in this burst is consistent with some theories of quantum gravity, which state that all forms of light may not travel through space at the same speed. Very-high-energy gamma rays may be slowed down as they propagate through the quantum turbulence of space-time. The explosion took place 12.2 billion light-years (light travel distance) away. That means it occurred 12.2 billion years ago—when the universe was only about 1.5 billion years old. The burst lasted for 23 minutes, almost", "id": "15421905" }, { "contents": "Prokaryote\n\n\n. The oldest known fossilized prokaryotes were laid down approximately 3.5 billion years ago, only about 1 billion years after the formation of the Earth's crust. Eukaryotes only appear in the fossil record later, and may have formed from endosymbiosis of multiple prokaryote ancestors. The oldest known fossil eukaryotes are about 1.7 billion years old. However, some genetic evidence suggests eukaryotes appeared as early as 3 billion years ago. While Earth is the only place in the universe where life is known to exist, some have suggested that there is evidence", "id": "5726751" }, { "contents": "Ilısu Dam\n\n\ndue to the fact that the Tigris river has its highest levels during spring time. However, water shortages were witnessed in the Mosul dam, where water in the reservoir had more than 3 billion cubic meters compared with its levels of more than 8 billion cubic meters in the same period of the previous year. Moreover, the southern governorates of Iraq had the lowest portions of the river in years, in which the total Tigris water share in Iraq fell from 21 billion cubic metres to only 9.7 billion cubic metres instead. Such", "id": "17658789" }, { "contents": "Hunter Freeman\n\n\nminute of every game in the 2014 season except for the last regular season game of the year when he was rested for the playoffs. Freeman contributed a goal and two assists in his 26 starts and 2340 minutes of action and was named the Emirates Cosmos Player of the Year for his 2014 performance. He was nominated to the NASL Team of the Week four times over the course of the 2014 season. In 2015, Freeman made 14 starts in 15 appearances for the Cosmos in their Championship season. He scored two goals and", "id": "291506" }, { "contents": "Earliest known life forms\n\n\nmicrofossils of microorganisms permineralized in 3.465-billion-year-old Australian Apex chert rocks. A life form, or lifeform, is an entity or being that is living. Currently, Earth remains the only place in the universe known to harbor life forms. More than 99% of all species of life forms, amounting to over five billion species, that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct. Some estimates on the number of Earth's current species of life forms range from 10 million to 14 million, of which about", "id": "16612960" }, { "contents": "Allan Sandage\n\n\nHubble age of around 20 billion years. At the time, many, especially Sandage, believed that the cosmological constant was zero. In such a case, a low Hubble constant is necessary in order for the age of the universe (as opposed to the Hubble age) to be at least as old as the oldest objects it contains, i.e. ca. 14 billion years. Sandage performed photometric studies of globular clusters, and calculated their age to be at least 25 billion years. This led him to speculate that the universe", "id": "17979348" }, { "contents": "Zimbabwe\n\n\n, and had done so for quite a long time. If this rate of growth had been maintained for the next 37 years, Zimbabwe would have in 2016 a GDP of US$52 billion. Instead it had a formal sector GDP of only US$14 billion, a cost of US$38 billion in lost growth. The population growth in 1980 was among the highest in Africa at about 3,5 per cent per annum, doubling every 21 years. Had this growth been maintained, the population would have been 31 million. Instead,", "id": "15582094" }, { "contents": "14 Vulpeculae\n\n\nmake its closest approach in a million years when comes to within about . This is an F-type main-sequence star with a stellar classification of F1 Vn, where the 'n' notation indicates nebulous lines due to rapid rotation. At the estimated age of 1.7 billion years old, it is spinning with a projected rotational velocity of 150 km/s and has sub-solar metallicity. The star has 1.5 times the mass of the Sun and is radiating 11 times the Sun's luminosity from its photosphere at an", "id": "20923980" }, { "contents": "Brian Swimme\n\n\n, 1978–81. He was a member of the faculty at the Institute in Culture and Creation Spirituality at Holy Names University in Oakland, California, 1983–89. Swimme brings the context of story to our understanding of the 14 billion year trajectory of cosmogenesis. His published work includes \"The Universe is a Green Dragon\" (Bear and Company, 1984), \"The Universe Story\" (Harper San Francisco, 1992), written with Thomas Berry, \"The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos\" (Orbis, 1996), and", "id": "9692993" }, { "contents": "Beyblade: Metal Fusion\n\n\n, \"BeyWheelz\" was created due to the fact that \"Beyblade: Metal Fury\" episodes were cut to thirteen minutes from the 27th episode on in its native Japan, to share its time-slot with \"Cross Fight B-Daman\". International versions of \"Metal Fury\" thus consist of 39 thirty-minute episodes, with the thirteen episodes of \"BeyWheelz\" completing the 52-episode season. This anime does not follow \"Metal Saga\" and instead takes place in a completely different universe where Bladers are called Wheelers", "id": "5809031" }, { "contents": "Deanna Durbin\n\n\nthe wisdom of casting two female singers together. Eventually, Louis B. Mayer decided to sign both, but by then Durbin's contract option had lapsed. Instead, Durbin was placed under contract by Universal Pictures, where she was given the professional name Deanna. She was 14 years old when she made her first feature-length film, \"Three Smart Girls\" (1936). When producer Joe Pasternak cast the film, he wanted to borrow Garland from MGM, but Garland was not available at the time. When Pasternak", "id": "5425662" }, { "contents": "Star\n\n\nits eventual fate. Most stars are between 1 billion and 10 billion years old. Some stars may even be close to 13.8 billion years old—the observed age of the universe. The oldest star yet discovered, HD 140283, nicknamed Methuselah star, is an estimated 14.46 ± 0.8 billion years old. (Due to the uncertainty in the value, this age for the star does not conflict with the age of the Universe, determined by the Planck satellite as 13.799 ± 0.021). The more massive the star, the", "id": "7029835" }, { "contents": "Brazil at the 2014 Winter Paralympics\n\n\n. The men's snowboard cross event was held on 14 March 2014. Andre Pereira was 34 years old at the time of the competition. Over three runs, Pereira improved his time on each run. Only the two best runs for each rider counted, and his combined time was 2 minutes and 42 seconds, placing him 28th out of 33 competitors. The race was won by Evan Strong with a combined time of 1 minute and 43 seconds. Fernando Rocha was 35 at the time of the Games. He competes in", "id": "7212029" }, { "contents": "Kepler-90h\n\n\nonly 0.025 . The planet orbits a (G-type) Kepler-90, its host star. The star is 1.2 times as massive as the Sun and is 1.2 times as large as the Sun. It is estimated to be 2 billion years old, with a surface temperature of 6080 K. In comparison, the Sun is about 4.6 billion years old and has a surface temperature of 5778 K. The star's apparent magnitude, or how bright it appears from Earth's perspective, is 14. It is too dim to be seen", "id": "19659207" }, { "contents": "Luka Dončić\n\n\n, but only 16 minutes into his first training session, the coaching staff moved him up to the 11-year-old group. Starting in the next session, he primarily practiced with Olimpija's under-14 team, but due to league rules, he only played for the club's under-12 selection team, coming off the bench against opponents three or four years older than him. Despite his exclusion from under-14 games at the time, Dončić often asked to attend practice, even when his coach asked him to stay home. Representing Olimpija at", "id": "19731695" }, { "contents": "Omphalos hypothesis\n\n\nThe omphalos hypothesis is one attempt to reconcile the scientific evidence that the universe is billions of years old with the Genesis creation narrative, which implies that the Earth is only a few thousand years old. It is based on the religious belief that the universe was created by a divine being, within the past ten thousand years (in keeping with flood geology), and that the presence of objective, verifiable evidence that the universe is older than approximately ten millennia is entirely due to the creator introducing false evidence that makes the universe", "id": "2761956" }, { "contents": "Shape of the universe\n\n\n, be observed by light reaching Earth within the age of the universe. It encompasses a region of space that currently forms a ball centered at Earth of estimated radius . This does not mean the universe is 46.5 billion years old; instead the universe is measured to be 13.8 billion years old, but space itself has also expanded, causing the size of the observable universe to be larger than the distance traversible by light over the duration of its current age. Assuming an isotropic nature, the observable universe is similar for all contemporary", "id": "12318246" }, { "contents": "North China Craton\n\n\nSupercontinent 1.8 billion years ago. Zhao proposed another model suggesting the amalgamation of the Eastern and Western Blocks occurred 1.85 billion years ago instead. The Archean time (3.8-2.7 billion years ago) was a time of major crustal growth. Continents started to grow in volume globally during this period, and so did the North China Craton. Pre-Neoarchean (4.6–2.8 billion years ago) rocks are just a small portion of the basement rocks, but zircon as old as 4.1 billion years old was found in the craton. He", "id": "20259346" }, { "contents": "Suhua Highway Improvement Project\n\n\nonly one lane in each direction. The new alignment will cut travel time along the coastline from 2.5 hours to 80 minutes. Some parts of the old alignment will be kept open for bicycles and small vehicles, with a speed limit of . The project was named the Suhua Highway Alternative Project (; colloquially 蘇花替 ) in 2008. Its name was changed to its current name in 2010. Construction started in 2011 and was expected to take five years and cost 46.5 billion New Taiwan dollars. Due to difficulties in construction, the MOTC", "id": "20171133" }, { "contents": "International Year of Light\n\n\n) and Robert Woodrow Wilson (1936) announced the discovery of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Radiation. This radiation is a relic of the light that filled the early cosmos almost 14 billion years ago, that can still be observed today across the sky at much longer wavelengths than visible light, in the domain of microwaves. Finding the CMB represented a triumph for the \"Big Bang\" description of the Universe. Penzias and Wilson won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1978 for their discovery. The detection of the CMB triggered", "id": "5428704" }, { "contents": "Creationist cosmologies\n\n\nCreationist cosmologies are explanations of the origins and form of the universe in terms of the Genesis creation narrative (Genesis 1), according to which God created the cosmos in eight creative acts over the Hexameron, six days of the \"creation week\": Young Earth creationists interpret the six days as six 24-hour periods; old Earth creationists allow for millions or even billions of years within the \"creation week\". Both regard the Genesis story as history, although some old earth creationists do not conflate the creation of the Earth and", "id": "5307384" }, { "contents": "Cosmos Redshift 7\n\n\nCosmos Redshift 7 (also known as COSMOS Redshift 7, Galaxy Cosmos Redshift 7, Galaxy CR7 or CR7) is a high-redshift Lyman-alpha emitter galaxy. At a redshift z = 6.6, the galaxy is observed as it was about 800 million years after the Big Bang, during the epoch of reionisation. With a light travel time of 12.9 billion years, it is one of the oldest, most distant galaxies known. CR7 shows some of the expected signatures of Population III stars i.e. the first generation of stars", "id": "3430942" }, { "contents": "Urgrund (comics)\n\n\na mythology unto itself, for millions of years, until internecine struggle and war led to the end of their planet and the Second World. The Godwave was a cosmic force of divine energy that was formed when the Second World of Urgrund was split in two five billion years ago from the modern day and echoed from the essence of the Source.[1] After the Ragnarok War which killed off the Old Gods, the God Wave was generated from the planetary explosion and spread across the universe. The wave of power swept across the cosmos", "id": "16393349" }, { "contents": "Ultraman Cosmos\n\n\nfights with the ideals of Musashi in mind. Musashi becomes Cosmos by using the and shouting \"Cosmos!\". Cosmos' default form is the blue used to heal monsters under the influence of Chaos Header's virus. The red is the mode that Cosmos uses when he must kill a monster. In addition to these Cosmos also has , for dealing with especially strong monsters or Chaos Ultraman. The Eclipse Mode is also a special mode that can only be sustained for one minute at a time and the golden which appears in", "id": "17215054" }, { "contents": "Universe\n\n\nas of 2015 of 13.799 ± 0.021 billion years. Over time, the Universe and its contents have evolved; for example, the relative population of quasars and galaxies has changed and space itself has expanded. Due to this expansion, scientists on Earth can observe the light from a galaxy 30 billion light-years away even though that light has traveled for only 13 billion years; the very space between them has expanded. This expansion is consistent with the observation that the light from distant galaxies has been redshifted; the photons emitted", "id": "13294034" }, { "contents": "Cosmos Mercury\n\n\nindividual rods for each cylinder. It was said to run well without vibration and set an unofficial time to climb record while fitted to the Bristol Scout F, the aircraft achieving 10,000 ft (3,000 m) in 5.4 minutes and 20,000 ft (6,000 m) in 16.25 minutes. An Admiralty order for 200 engines was placed in 1917 but was later cancelled by Lord Weir due to the end of World War I, it is also stated that Lord Weir had a preference for the ABC Dragonfly. The name was re-used", "id": "13767552" }, { "contents": "TicketGuardian 500\n\n\nat Bristol used to be race 4 before the Food City 500 moved up four weeks due to bad weather, on April 19, 2015. With the new 2010 NASCAR start time rule change that starts races only at 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., and 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time, track officials were concerned that the new start time (45 minutes earlier than in the past) would put the majority of the race in the day instead of the planned night. At that time of year in Phoenix, sunset takes place at roughly", "id": "1490501" }, { "contents": "Chronology of the universe\n\n\nof Technology at Pasadena and his team found six star forming galaxies about 13.2 billion light years away and therefore created when the universe was only 500 million years old. Only about 10 of these extremely early objects are currently known. More recent observations have shown these ages to be shorter than previously indicated. The most distant galaxy observed as of October 2016, GN-z11, has been reported to be 32 billion light years away, a vast distance made possible through space-time expansion (redshift z=11.1; comoving distance of 32", "id": "5612161" }, { "contents": "Jemal Johnson\n\n\nOrient, ruling him out of action for the beginning of the fall season. He made his Cosmos' debut on 2 November, playing 18 minutes as a substitute in a 1–0 win over the Atlanta Silverbacks. Due to his knee injury this was the only action Johnson saw in the 2013 campaign. In 2014, Johnson was a regular contributor to the Cosmos attack. On 26 July, he scored his first goal for the Cosmos in a 1–1 draw with his former club, Fort Lauderdale Strikers. Playing primarily on the left", "id": "20034227" }, { "contents": "Anathem\n\n\nKillers killing himself, Erasmas and everyone in that area. The Narrative immediately jumps back to the same accessway but this time Jad doesn't guess the lock code, and instead the soldiers take them captive and bring them to parley with the leader of peaceful faction, where it emerges that the Millenarian avout of hundreds of years in the past may have used their \"incanting\" powers to summon the ship to their cosmos from another universe. In the final Narrative (the one that continues forward) Erasmas awakens in a hospital on", "id": "447597" }, { "contents": "Universe\n\n\n14 billion parsecs), making the diameter of the observable universe about 93 billion light-years (28 billion parsecs). The distance the light from the edge of the observable universe has travelled is very close to the age of the Universe times the speed of light, , but this does not represent the distance at any given time because the edge of the observable universe and the Earth have since moved further apart. For comparison, the diameter of a typical galaxy is 30,000 light-years (9,198 parsecs), and", "id": "13294030" }, { "contents": "Cosmo's Factory\n\n\n, has repeatedly stated in interviews that the song was actually written for his then three-year-old son, Josh. Fogerty has also said that the reference to a parade passing by was inspired by the Dr. Seuss book \"And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street\". Although CCR was well known for their concise, tightly arranged songs, \"Cosmo's Factory\" features two longer cuts: the seven-minute opener \"Ramble Tamble\" and the 11-minute cover of Marvin Gaye's \"I Heard It", "id": "15118340" }, { "contents": "Malawi at the 1996 Summer Olympics\n\n\ntwo athletics competitors, Henry Moyo and John Mwathiwa. The Marathon runner, Mwathiwa was selected as the flag-bearer for the opening ceremony. Henry Moyo was 24 years old at the time of the Atlanta Olympics, and was making his only Olympic appearance. On 31 July, he competed in the heats of the 5,000 meters, where he was drawn into heat two. He finished the heat in a time of 14 minutes and 30.53 seconds, 13th and last in his heat, and he was eliminated. The podium was", "id": "6287250" }, { "contents": "Lincoln Savings and Loan Association\n\n\nit had been made. Charles Keating would be sent to prison for fraud. At the time of the Federal seizure on April 14, 1989, Lincoln Savings was the 42nd largest savings & loan in the country with 29 branches throughout Southern California and assets of $5.4 billion and deposits of $4.4 billion but only $20 million in required capital on hand instead of the required $325 million in capital. It took two years for the RTC to liquidate Lincoln Savings. In March 1991, Beverly Hills-based Great Western", "id": "1224088" }, { "contents": "Heather Morris\n\n\n14 years old. \"It's something that is hard for me, because I'm sad about it, but I don't dwell on it,\" she said during an interview workshop with students in December 2009. \"I know he's in a better place, instead of suffering.\" After graduating from Desert Mountain High School, Morris enrolled in a local university, but realized she was in the wrong place, and moved to Los Angeles instead at age 19. Morris' first significant appearance was in 2006 on", "id": "21612909" }, { "contents": "Old Earth creationism\n\n\nthe first second of the big bang.\" Schroeder calculates that a period of six days under the conditions of quark confinement, when the universe was approximately a trillion times smaller and hotter than it is today is equal to fifteen billion years of earth time today. This is all due to space expansion after quark confinement. Thus Genesis and modern physics are reconciled. Schroeder, though, states in an earlier book, \"Genesis and the Big Bang\", that the Earth and solar system is some \"4.5 to 5 billion", "id": "8221413" }, { "contents": "Ancient Egyptian deities\n\n\nother parts of the universe were said to live in those places instead. Most events of mythology, set in a time before the gods' withdrawal from the human realm, take place in an earthly setting. The deities there sometimes interact with those in the sky. The Duat, in contrast, is treated as a remote and inaccessible place, and the gods who dwell there have difficulties in communicating with those in the world of the living. The space outside the cosmos is also said to be very distant. It too", "id": "19156530" }, { "contents": "Political and religious beliefs of Stanley Kubrick\n\n\nof such life developing intelligence are high. Now, the sun is by no means an old star, and its planets are mere children in cosmic age, so it seems likely that there are billions of planets in the universe not only where intelligent life is on a lower scale than man but other billions where it is approximately equal and others still where it is hundreds of thousands of millions of years in advance of us. When you think of the giant technological strides that man has made in a few millennia—less than", "id": "2542033" }, { "contents": "Astrobiology\n\n\nspace. Biochemistry may have begun shortly after the Big Bang, 13.8 billion years ago, during a habitable epoch when the Universe was only 10–17 million years old. According to the panspermia hypothesis, microscopic life—distributed by meteoroids, asteroids and other small Solar System bodies—may exist throughout the universe. According to research published in August 2015, very large galaxies may be more favorable to the creation and development of habitable planets than such smaller galaxies as the Milky Way. Nonetheless, Earth is the only place in the universe", "id": "2543991" }, { "contents": "Panspermia\n\n\n. The chemistry of life may have begun shortly after the Big Bang, 13.8 billion years ago, during a habitable epoch when the Universe was only 10–17 million years old. According to the panspermia hypothesis, microscopic life—distributed by meteoroids, asteroids and other small Solar System bodies—may exist throughout the universe. Nonetheless, Earth is the only place in the universe known by humans to harbor life. The sheer number of planets in the Milky Way galaxy, however, may make it probable that life has arisen somewhere else", "id": "4151413" }, { "contents": "Soccer Bowl '77\n\n\n77,691 and saw the Cosmos win convincingly, 8–3, on August 14, 1977. The second leg, played in Fort Lauderdale on August 17, 1977, finished regulation as a 2–2 draw. After 15 minutes of scoreless golden goal extra time the teams moved on to an NASL shoot-out, which the Cosmos won, 3–0. The win advanced them to the Conference finals. In the Atlantic Conference finals series the Cosmos went up against the upset-minded Rochester Lancers, who had already dispatched two higher seeded opponents.", "id": "5329489" }, { "contents": "Christian Identity\n\n\nChristian view that Noah's flood was global. He instead believed that the flood was only local and that the Earth was billions of years old. Christian Identity adherents claim that the flood in Genesis only rose high enough to drown the region of the Tarim Basin below sea level (Gen. 7:20) and that therefore the Hebrew word \"eretz\" which appears in those verses should be rendered \"the land\" (as in a specific place) rather than \"the earth.\" Racialism, or race-based philosophy, is", "id": "17217734" }, { "contents": "Speed-ball\n\n\n(relay) In \"Super-solo\", the aim is to hit the ball a maximum times in one minute. At first with the right hand, then a minute again with the left hand, then with two racquets in fore-hand only, then with two racquets in back-hand only. The number of hits of each movement is added to make the final score of the solo. The duration of one movement is 30 seconds for the players under 14 years old and one minute for older players.", "id": "4885227" }, { "contents": "Niger at the 2008 Summer Olympics\n\n\nround to not break one minute. Maikido did not advance to later rounds. Mohamed Alhousseini Alhassan competed at the Beijing Olympics in the men's 50 meters freestyle as the only male Nigerien swimmer at the Games that year. Born in 1978, Alhousseini was 30 years old at the time of his event at the Olympics. The Nigerien had not previously competed at any Olympic games. The event in which Alhousseini competed hosted its preliminary round on August 14. Placed in the second heat against five other athletes, Alhousseini finished in fourth", "id": "11600048" }, { "contents": "European Southern Observatory\n\n\nless than one second to several minutes. They are known to occur at great distances from earth, near the limits of the observable universe. The VLT has observed the afterglow of the farthest known gamma-ray burst. With a measured redshift of 8.2, the light from this very remote astronomical source has taken more than 13 billion years to reach the earth. It occurred when the universe was less than 600 million years old (less than five percent of its present age), and released 300 times as much energy in", "id": "9606576" }, { "contents": "2012 Australian federal budget\n\n\npayment will decrease for second and subsequent children and the Medicare teen dental program was cancelled. Starting in 2014 companies with an annual turnover greater than $1 billion will have to pay tax in monthly instalments instead of quarterly. Before the budget was released Swan had warned that the government revenues would see a downgrade by $5 billion in both the 2012–13 and 2013–14 financial years. $2 billion worth of lost tax revenue was due to a decline in company tax collections. $1 billion has been lost to weak collections from superannuation", "id": "18627104" }, { "contents": "Kalakkad\n\n\n. In Kalakkad, 10.18% of the population is under 6 years of age. As per popular folklore, the name Kalakkad was due to one of the following: In \"History of Travancore from the Earliest Times\", P. A. Sankunny Menon mentions \"Kalacaud\" instead of Kalakkad. A few battles between the Travancore Kings and the British at this place are recorded. Joannes de Lannoy, the only son of Eustachius De Lannoy, was killed in battle of Kalakkad on 14 September 1765 at the age of twenty. Kalakkad", "id": "6829022" }, { "contents": "František Kriegel\n\n\ndependent upon help from František's grandfather. Due to the fierce anti-semitism in Galicia of that time, young Kriegel left home to study medicine at German part of Charles University in Prague (instead of the nearby Lviv University where there was an unofficial Jewish quota in place). His mother could only give him a little money and six white shirts. Kriegel had to earn a living in a shoemaker's shop or as a theatre figurant (he even sold sausages in football stadiums), but he enjoyed an independent life", "id": "17975147" }, { "contents": "Ken Whiting\n\n\nIn 2006 he was nominated for an Everest Outdoor Achievement Award. In 2009, Ken produced the first ever Kayak Fishing TV series, and in 2013, Ken launched Facing Waves, North America's only paddlesport television show. Ken was 14 years old when he picked up a kayak paddle for the first time while taking a five-day kayaking course on the Ottawa River in 1989. By the time he was 18, he was so committed to paddling that he postponed his university plans to pursue excellence in whitewater kayaking instead.", "id": "5883628" }, { "contents": "Alessandro Pierini\n\n\nlater. He joined Fiorentina in 1999 for 14 billion lire (€7.23 million), and turned down a move to English side West Ham United in the summer of 2001 due to personal reasons, instead choosing to sign for Reggina after the bankruptcy of the \"Viola\" in 2002 and moving to Parma in January of the following year. After a second spell with Udinese, Pierini moved to Spain at already 31, joining Racing de Santander. After only five La Liga matches he was released in the next transfer window and", "id": "4516779" }, { "contents": "Wonderbag\n\n\nthe stove and placed in the bag, where due to the insulation the receptacle remains near the stovetop temperature for an extended period. Rice, for instance, may be cooked by heating in a pot of water for two minutes until the water boils and then placing in the Wonderbag for another hour, while for a meat dish the stovetop time is twenty minutes and the bag time five hours. Due to the reduction in fuel used, the Wonderbag is estimated to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to half a ton per year", "id": "21296941" }, { "contents": "Speed of light\n\n\nmuch longer. For example, it has taken 13 billion (13) years for light to travel to Earth from the faraway galaxies viewed in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field images. Those photographs, taken today, capture images of the galaxies as they appeared 13 billion years ago, when the universe was less than a billion years old. The fact that more distant objects appear to be younger, due to the finite speed of light, allows astronomers to infer the evolution of stars, of galaxies, and of the universe itself", "id": "9202544" }, { "contents": "2013–14 Birmingham City F.C. season\n\n\nscore the only goal of the visit to Watford via a deflection off Paul Robinson. Packwood came close to a stoppage-time equaliser when he placed a header just wide. The 2–1 defeat at home to Huddersfield Town – Birmingham's goal came in the 95th minute from Lee's half-volley from a knockdown by Žigić, included in the matchday squad for the first time since the Yeovil defeat – equalled the 50-year-old club record of 11 home league matches without a win. According to the \"Birmingham Mail\" reporter", "id": "12022940" }, { "contents": "Andrés Flores\n\n\nthe last one in December 2011. On 29 January 2012, Flores signed to first division Danish club Viborg FF. Due to injury he only played one league game, but played several games in the Danish Cup, where he scored two goals. He did not renew his contract with Viborg and went back to El Salvador to play with Metapán. On 18 July 2014, the New York Cosmos announced that Flores would be signed on loan from Turín FESA F.C.. The 23-year-old made his first appearance for the New York", "id": "4858613" }, { "contents": "Dane Murphy\n\n\n. Over the next year and a half he played most of his competitive matches with VFL II. In 2011, he was selected as the captain of the Cosmos PDL squad that participated in the 2011–12 exhibition matches with PDL teams throughout the Northeast United States. Murphy is one of the longest tenured players on the Cosmos roster. He started and played in 88 minutes in the Paul Scholes Testimonial Match in August 2011 against Manchester United at Old Trafford. On February 13, 2013, Murphy signed with the new New York Cosmos of", "id": "5837878" }, { "contents": "Albert Goozee\n\n\nAlbert William Goozee (8 September 1923 – 25 November 2009) was a British murderer and paedophile, whose crimes inspired the 1996 film \"Intimate Relations\". In June 1956, Goozee murdered his 53-year-old landlady, Mrs. Lydia Leakey, and her 14-year-old daughter, Norma, in the New Forest, Hampshire. Sentenced at the Hampshire Assizes, Winchester, to death by hanging on the 26th of November 1956, Goozee was given a reprieve four days before his execution was due to take place and was instead detained", "id": "566954" }, { "contents": "Kepler-62d\n\n\n, the mass is currently not known, estimates place an upper limit of 14 , the real mass is expected to be lower than this. The true value is likely around 5.5 , based on its composition. The planet orbits a (K-type) star named Kepler-62, orbited by a total of five planets. The star has a mass of 0.69 and a radius of 0.64 . It has a temperature of 4925 K and is 7 billion years old. In comparison, the Sun is 4.6 billion years old and has", "id": "19086916" }, { "contents": "Janet Lynn\n\n\nqualified her to compete at the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble, France, where she placed 9th. At the time she was 14 years old and it was her first major international competition. She also placed 9th at her first World Championships in 1968. Lynn won her first senior national title at the 1969 U.S. Figure Skating Championships. That year she beat Canada's Karen Magnussen for the North American Championship. She then finished 5th at the World Championships despite the absence of both Magnussen and Czechoslovakia's Hana Mašková due to injuries.", "id": "15565802" }, { "contents": "Milky Way\n\n\nmeasured ages very close to the 13.80-billion-year age of the Universe. In 2007, a star in the galactic halo, HE 1523-0901, was estimated to be about 13.2 billion years old. As the oldest known object in the Milky Way at that time, this measurement placed a lower limit on the age of the Milky Way. This estimate was made using the UV-Visual Echelle Spectrograph of the Very Large Telescope to measure the relative strengths of spectral lines caused by the presence of thorium and other elements created", "id": "7233299" }, { "contents": "Attention span\n\n\nthe process. Estimates for the length of human attention span are highly variable and depend on the precise definition of attention being used. An account, for instance, cited that the average attention span in children could vary according to age: 7 minutes for 2-year-olds; 9 minutes for 3-year-olds; 12 minutes for 4-year-olds; and, 14 minutes for 5-year-olds. Attention span, as measured by sustained attention, or the time spent continuously on task, varies with age. Older children are capable", "id": "20136165" }, { "contents": "Hyperion proto-supercluster\n\n\n10 solar masses (about 5,000 times the mass of the Milky Way) and to extend . It lies within the two square degree Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) field of the constellation Sextans. Hyperion's redshift is z=2.45 putting it 11 billion light years from Earth; it existed at less than 20% of the present age of the Universe. Eventually it is \"expected to evolve into something similar to the immense structures in the local universe such as the superclusters making up the Sloan Great Wall or the Virgo Supercluster\".", "id": "10634037" }, { "contents": "Ferdinando De Matthaeis\n\n\n, Franz Beckenbauer, and Giorgio Chinaglia. He appeared 38 times over 4 years for the New York Cosmos from 1981 to 1984. During his career with the Cosmos he scored 17 times and assisted on 12 goals in both indoor and outdoor competitions. De Matthaeis coached at IMG Academy in Sarasota, Florida for a number of years, where he developed young athletes in preparation for the next level. In 2014 De Matthaeis moved to Miami, Florida where he became head coach of Miami United FC (NPSL). During his only", "id": "8935974" }, { "contents": "The Boat Race 1867\n\n\nThe 24th Boat Race between crews from the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge took place on the River Thames on 13 April 1867. In a race where the lead was exchanged several times, Oxford won by half a length in a time of 22 minutes and 39 seconds. The victory took the overall record to 14–10 in Oxford's favour. The Boat Race is a side-by-side rowing competition between the University of Oxford (sometimes referred to as the \"Dark Blues\") and the University of Cambridge", "id": "13096045" }, { "contents": "2008 Detroit Shock season\n\n\nthe oldest player in the WNBA. Lieberman, a Hall of Famer since 1999, was 39 years old when she played with Phoenix during the league's first year in 1997. The 50-year-old Lieberman played nine minutes and had two assists. One of the assists included a no-look pass in the closing minutes of the Detroit Shock's 79-61 loss to the Houston Comets on July 24. Lieberman made a one-time only appearance in the Shock's first game due to a bench-clearing melee with", "id": "3170797" }, { "contents": "14 Cancri\n\n\na stellar classification of G7 V, which would suggest it is a G-type main-sequence star. However, Jofré et al. (2015) consider it to be a more evolved subgiant star due to a surface gravity of log \"g\" = 3.87. As such, it has an estimated 1.5 times the mass of the Sun and 3.2 times the Sun's radius. The star is 2.4 billion years old with what appears to be a leisurely rotation rate, judging by a projected rotational velocity of 0.98 km", "id": "7915962" }, { "contents": "Champion of the Universe\n\n\nwant to be a destroyer anymore. After a time-out in the brig at the hands of Cosmo the Spacedog, Drax fails at his cooking at Starlin's and discovers that the Champion of the Universe is trying to drain the cerebral energy of Knowhere. With help from Cosmo the Spacedog, Drax the Destroyer is thrown into Knowhere's Continuum Cortex where he was sent to an unknown location that not even Cosmo knows where he was transported to. In the episode \"With a Little Help From My Friends,\" the Champion", "id": "12900633" }, { "contents": "Edmund Conen\n\n\nthe tournament against Belgium on 27 May. The game was tied at 2–2 before the powerful forward netted three times in the final 17 minutes to hand the Germans a 5–2 win in Florence, Italy. This achievement could only be equalized by Gerd Müller in 1970 against Peru. He managed to hit the winner when the Germans took the bronze medal with a 3–2 win in the play-off for third place against Austria. Two years later as a 21-year-old, Conen's career was halted due to illness. This kept him", "id": "12695925" }, { "contents": "Shamus Award (horse)\n\n\nlast-minute decision, citing that despite his status as a maiden his rating of 109 was higher than that of the last three-year-old winner of the Cox Plate So You Think in 2010. Due to his status as a maiden Shamus Award was only included as an emergency but with the last minute withdrawal and subsequent retirement of race favourite Atlantic Jewel Shamus Award was moved into the main field. There was a feeling inside the racing community that Shamus Award had not deserved his place in such a prestigious race due", "id": "8255718" }, { "contents": "High-speed rail in India\n\n\nresponsible for the drastic drop. The reduction of time is largely due to shifting the train's departure point from New Delhi railway station to Hazrat Nizamuddin and doing away with the scheduled stop at Mathura reportedly saving 14 minutes. Limiting the locomotive to 10 coaches (Bhopal Shatabdi has 14) leads to a decrease of another two minutes. Thus track improvements and superior infrastructure lead to a decrease of only five minutes, three minutes owing to route relay and interlocking at Agra, and one minute each due to the approval to run a", "id": "13424880" }, { "contents": "Uzbekistan at the 2010 Winter Olympics\n\n\nShamaev was chosen as the flag bearer for both the opening ceremony and the closing ceremony. Kseniya Grigoreva was 22 years old at the time she competed in the Vancouver Olympics. She was entered into two events, the women's slalom and giant slalom. In the giant slalom, held from 24–25 February due to bad weather, she posted run times of 1 minute and 31 seconds and, the next day, 1 minute and 25 seconds. Her combined time was 2 minutes and 57 seconds, good for 58th place out of", "id": "6457598" }, { "contents": "My Name Is Nobody\n\n\n\" was released in West Germany and France on December 13 and 14 respectively. \"My Name is Nobody\" was released on 21 December 1973 in Italy where it was distributed by Titanus. The film grossed over 3.6 billion lire and was the third highest-grossing film in Italy of the year, behind Salvatore Samperi's \"Malicious\" (5.5 billion lire) and Dino Risi's \"Sessomatto\". In the United States, it was cut to 111 minutes where it \"nearly flopped\" according to Italian film historian Roberto", "id": "7886986" }, { "contents": "Tom Shippey\n\n\nand studied at King Edward's School in Birmingham from 1954 to 1960. When he was 14 years old, he was lent \"The Hobbit\". Like Tolkien, Shippey became fond of Old English, Old Norse, German and Latin, and of playing rugby. After Shippey's graduation in the early 1960s he did not immediately start an academic career since the British economy of the time did not offer many jobs in academia. Only in the mid-1960s did he enroll at the University of Cambridge from where he graduated with an", "id": "16419776" }, { "contents": "Old-time music\n\n\n, Brown University, UCLA, and Florida State University have \"Old Time Ensembles\" to teach and keep Old Time music alive. Regular old-time jam circles are also important to spreading and teaching this music. Regular old-time jams occur not only throughout the United States, but in places as far flung as Beijing, China, where the Beijing Pickers jam spawned a bluegrass/Americana group the Randy Abel Stable and the old-time band the Hutong Yellow Weasels. In the UK Friends of American Old Time Music", "id": "14352987" }, { "contents": "Bahrain at the 2000 Summer Olympics\n\n\nof all athletes, with a personal best time of 13.98 seconds, after a false start. Only the top three from each heat, plus the next two fastest between all ten heats could advance, and so Al Hilli was eliminated. Competing in his first and only Summer Olympics, 20-year old Dawood Yosuf Mohamed Jassim was the youngest man to compete on behalf of Bahrain at the Sydney Games. He received a universality place from the world governing body of swimming, FINA, because his entry time of one minute and 10 seconds", "id": "6283595" }, { "contents": "Hydrogen Intensity and Real-time Analysis eXperiment\n\n\ninformation about dark energy and dark matter. For example, if dark energy is not a cosmological constant, as the standard ΛCDM theory of cosmology predicts, then the rate of acceleration of the universe may not be constant over time. Due to the expansion of the universe, the 400-800 MHz operating band of the HIRAX instrument corresponds to redshifted 21-cm emission from formula_1 (7-11Bya, or when the universe was between 2.5 and 6.5 billion years old). This range encompasses the period when the standard ΛCDM cosmological model", "id": "10344624" }, { "contents": "Steve Ross (businessman)\n\n\n, one month after the Cosmos had been formed. However, in 1975 with Ross willing to spend the big money, conditions were finally there to make the dream transfer happen. He sent Emmett, Toye, Cosmos vice-president Raphael de la Sierra, and Nesuhi Ertegün to Brazil where they met with 34-year-old Pelé at a seaside resort and played soccer with him on the beach. Since by this time Real Madrid and Juventus also started sniffing around Pelé in an attempt to bring him to Europe for the first time", "id": "19002796" }, { "contents": "The Boat Race 1829\n\n\n), in a time reported variously between 14 minutes and 14 minutes 30 seconds. The event, subsequently referred to as The Boat Race, or the University Boat Race, was held for a second time seven years later, in 1836 on the River Thames. It was then held intermittently until the 1856 race after which it became an annual event, interrupted only by the First and Second World Wars. As of 2019, 165 Boat Races have been contested; Cambridge lead overall with 84 victories to Oxford's 80, excluding", "id": "17299927" }, { "contents": "2013–14 Old Dominion Monarchs basketball team\n\n\nThe 2013–14 Old Dominion Monarchs basketball team represented Old Dominion University during the 2013–14 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The Monarchs, led by first year head coach Jeff Jones, played their home games at Ted Constant Convocation Center and were first year members of the Conference USA. They finished the season 18–18, 9–7 in C-USA play to finish in sixth place. They advanced to the quarterfinals of the C-USA Tournament to Middle Tennessee. They were invited to the College Basketball Invitational where they defeated South Dakota State", "id": "5006348" }, { "contents": "Set (comics)\n\n\npivotal role in the development of life on Earth in the Marvel Universe. The serpent god Set was created approximately 3 billion years ago, when a being known as the Demiurge spread his substance over the Cosmos and \"birthed\" the Elder Gods, of which Set was one. As he originated hundreds of millions of years before any life would evolve into reptiles, Set's appearance at this time didn't truly resemble a serpent or snake. However, visual accounts of the stories still depict him as one for convenience. Whatever", "id": "17791634" }, { "contents": "2007 Super 14 Final\n\n\nthe conversion; the Sharks now led 19-13. The Bulls then needed to score a converted try to win the match, and with only a few minutes remaining of regular time they started attacking expansively. In the 79th minute Gary Botha grubber kicked the ball from inside Bulls territory to within the Sharks 22-metre line. François Steyn collected the ball but did not kick out, and instead kicked down field where the ball was collected by Bulls' captain Victor Matfield. The Bulls spread the ball, and went through several phases", "id": "3297840" }, { "contents": "New York Cosmos (1970–85)\n\n\nsuppliers used by the team: The Cosmos' first home stadium was Yankee Stadium, home to the New York Yankees baseball team, where they played throughout the 1971 season. Attendances during the club's first year averaged at 4,517, less than 7% of the stadium's capacity, which was at that time 65,010. The Cosmos therefore moved before the 1972 season to the 15,000-seater Hofstra Stadium, on the campus of the namesake university east of metropolitan New York. After two seasons of continuing low crowds at this out-of", "id": "3450710" }, { "contents": "Globular cluster\n\n\nthe temperatures of the coolest white dwarfs. Typical results for globular clusters are that they may be as old as 12.7 billion years. This is in contrast to open clusters which are only tens of millions of years old. The ages of globular clusters place a bound on the age limit of the entire universe. This lower limit has been a significant constraint in cosmology. Historically, astronomers were faced with age estimates of globular clusters that appeared older than cosmological models would allow. However, better measurements of cosmological parameters through deep sky", "id": "12584279" }, { "contents": "Palatal expansion\n\n\ncusp of maxillary molar teeth touch the buccal cusp of mandibular molar teeth. Studies done decades ago by Krebs (1964), Stockfisch (1969) and Linder Aronson (1979) showed that about one-third to one-half of the expansion was lost before the expansion was eventually stabilized. Westcott first reported placing mechanical forces on maxilla in 1859. Emerson C. Angell was the first person to publish a paper about palatal expansion in 1860 in Dental Cosmos. He placed a screw between the maxillary premolars of a 14-year-old", "id": "11625756" }, { "contents": "Big History\n\n\nworld history. David Christian of Macquarie University has argued that the recent past is only understandable in terms of the \"whole 14-billion-year span of time itself.\" David Baker of Macquarie University has pointed out that not only do the physical principles of energy flows and complexity connect human history to the very start of the Universe, but the broadest view of human history many also supply the discipline of history with a \"unifying theme\" in the form of the concept of collective learning. Big History also explores the mix of", "id": "11064800" }, { "contents": "Russell Humphreys\n\n\nyears old when measured in Earth's reference frame, whereas the outer edge of an expanding and rotating 3-dimensional universe is billions of years old (as measured from its reference frame). It proposes, using the principles of relativity, to postulate that time ticked at different rates during the universe's origin. In other words, according to his theory, clocks on earth registered the six days of creation, while those at the edge of the universe counted the approximately 15 billion years needed for light from the most distant galaxies to", "id": "5810625" }, { "contents": "Alpujarra cheese\n\n\nminutes before the moulding process where the curd is put into baskets, in old times made of rushes but nowadays made of more hygienic plastic. These baskets have, on their inner surface, the imprints that will show on the rind of the cheese. After 48 hours of pressing they are salted by being placed in an 18% brine at a temperature of 12-14 °C for about 24 hours. The cheeses are then placed in ventilated, high-humidity rooms at 10-12 °C to mature. The", "id": "4736336" }, { "contents": "2018 IAAF World Half Marathon Championships\n\n\nThe 2018 IAAF World Half Marathon Championships took place on 24 March 2018 in Valencia, Spain. It was the 23rd edition of the event and the 2nd time it was held in Spain. Netsanet Gudeta gave the standout performance of the competition, winning with a half marathon world record of 1:06:11 hours in a women-only race. This improved Lornah Kiplagat's eleven-year-old championships record by 14 seconds and marked a personal improvement of over a minute. She led the Ethiopian women (alongside fifth and sixth placers Zeineba", "id": "21166530" }, { "contents": "Mega Channel\n\n\nOdyssey TV. MEGA Cosmos launched in the US in late 2000 on the Dish Network platform. On December 1, 2006, MEGA Cosmos moved from Dish Network to DirecTV, due to a contractual dispute. On April 1, 2011, MEGA Cosmos moved, this time to the Home2US platform, due to a lack of subscribers on DirecTV. On December 5, 2012, MEGA Cosmos returned to Dish Network, after a 12-year absence. In January 2013 the channel also became available on Ellas TV platform (IPTV). Company", "id": "18464220" }, { "contents": "Flight to Forever\n\n\nmakes several more stops before finally reaching the end of the universe Eventually, after several billion years, the universe begins to reform around the time machine. Martin sees the formation of the Universe, the Earth and the Moon and realizes that the universe is cylindrical. He eventually is able to pilot back to 1973, where the time machine self destructs after Martin exits. Martin Saunders: The main character of the novella. He is a physicist who is stuck in a time machine that can only go forward. Despite only wanting", "id": "4507126" }, { "contents": "École L'Odyssée\n\n\nWednesdays, where the period is removed to compensate for the CAP meetings. Another difference between L'Odyssée and other schools is the amount of time allotted between classes. Instead of the usual five-minute intermission, students are given 14 minutes between every period – except for the intermission between the first period and PAAQ, and between lunch and the third period, where students are given five minutes. They receive 57 minutes for their lunch every day, except for Wednesdays, when they get a 55-minute lunch (both excluding the five-", "id": "11473056" }, { "contents": "2004 American League Championship Series\n\n\nhours, 49 minutes, a record which was broken the next year by Game 4 of the 2005 National League Division Series between the Houston Astros and Atlanta Braves, which was only one minute longer even though it was 18 innings instead of 14. Both games were eventually passed by Game 2 of the 2014 National League Division Series between the Washington Nationals and the San Francisco Giants which was also 18 innings but significantly longer time-wise, lasting six hours and 23 minutes. This in turn was broken by Game 3 of the", "id": "1935161" }, { "contents": "Soccer Bowl 2013\n\n\nfor possession, with both goalkeepers showing their value. With Atlanta holding the attack towards the latter part of the game, the Cosmos defended their lead. After 90 minutes of regular time, 5 minutes of stoppage was added. One minute later, Silverback's Barrera fielded a corner kick into the goal box, and Reynish punched it away. After several valiant attempts by the Silverbacks' the Cosmos held their line through the entire stoppage time. Head referee Edvin Jurisevic blew the final whistle and the New York Cosmos were declared the", "id": "6882755" }, { "contents": "Soccer Bowl 2015\n\n\nan error by Cosmos defender Hunter Freeman in the 16th minute. In the 37th minute however a Marcos Senna free kick was saved but not cleared by Fort Lauderdale keeper David Meves and Cosmos forward Gastón Cellerino tapped home the rebound at close range to tie the match before half time. In the 61st minute Cosmos midfielder Danny Szetela sent a ball through for Raúl, who found himself all alone just inside the 18-yard box and finished easily to secure what would end up being the game winner for the Cosmos. The Fury and the Loons", "id": "5448989" }, { "contents": "Giovanni Savarese\n\n\npoints from 14 games (W-D-L: 9–4–1). The Cosmos would cap the season with an appearance in the 2013 championship match, where they defeated the Atlanta Silverbacks 1–0. In 2014, Savarese managed the Cosmos to second place in the Spring season, finishing behind Minnesota by just 1 point. The Cosmos also took part in the U.S. Open Cup with Savarese leading the team to a convincing 3–0 fourth-round win over the New York Red Bulls in New York City's first-ever professional soccer derby", "id": "7242197" }, { "contents": "George and the Big Bang\n\n\nUniversity where Eric is a professor. Once there, they head up into a meeting of an anti-LHC group, which states that the theory of everything resists addition of gravity (TOERAG). Eric uses Cosmos, a supercomputer, to open a portal and takes Freddy to this unknown place. The next day, George starts at the local high school, but returns to the University to find Eric in order to ask him where Freddy has gone. George discovers that Cosmos' portal is still open and wanders out on", "id": "15000277" }, { "contents": "Scipione del Ferro\n\n\n. He likely studied at the University of Bologna, where he was appointed a lecturer in Arithmetic and Geometry in 1496. During his last years, he also undertook commercial work. There are no surviving scripts from del Ferro. This is in large part due to his resistance to communicating his works. Instead of publishing his ideas, he would only show them to a small, select group of friends and students. It is suspected that this is due to the practice of mathematicians at the time of publicly challenging one another.", "id": "19515198" }, { "contents": "University of Dubuque\n\n\nuniversity informed 14 professors, 10 of whom held tenured positions, that they would lose their positions due to a financial crisis. A report by The American Association of University Professors raised concerns about this action, and the AAUP placed the university on its list of censured administrations (where it still remains). The university was granted a provisional six-year accreditation by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools due to concerns about academics in the wake of the financial crisis. In 2005, however, the university was granted", "id": "17733828" }, { "contents": "The Forever War (comics)\n\n\nof years before, as predicted. However, instead of dying in the meantime, she has used the funds accumulated during centuries of duty to purchase an old spaceship to use as a 'time capsule' to wait for him, via continual time dilation travel. Mandella is finally reunited with her and several other veterans and relocates to \"Middle Finger\", the only planet in the universe where humans are still allowed to live the type of life they did before the war, as individuals, conceiving and raising children in the", "id": "10235082" }, { "contents": "Comanche (horse)\n\n\nand indulging in a fondness for beer. Comanche died of colic on November 7, 1891, believed to be 29 years old at the time. He is one of only four horses in United States history to be given a military funeral with full military honors, the others were Black Jack, Sergeant Reckless and Chief.. His remains were not buried but instead were sent to the University of Kansas and preserved, where the taxidermy mount can still be seen today in the university's Natural History Museum. Comanche was restored by museum", "id": "20560752" } ]
What is being transgender, and how can there be more than two genders?
[{"answer": "I'll attempt to provide some info on the second point. There's a difference between biological sex and gender identity. Your biological sex is assigned at birth based on biological characteristics, male or female. This is in most cases a binary, except in the case of individuals born with ambiguous sexual characteristics, often termed \"intersex\" individuals because their biological sex falls somewhere between simple \"male\" or \"female\". \"Gender\" is socially constructed, meaning that we as societies and individuals determine what it means to be male or female. Behavior, appearance, dress, speech, all are examples of gender norms. Gender roles change over time and space, meaning that what it means to be a woman or a man means different things in different places. People referring to there being more than 2 genders may be in reference to the idea that gender is fluid, or is kind of like a spectrum. People express their gender identity in shades- for instance, some women wear dresses, some women wear pants, some men are masculine, some men are less masculine- there are thousands of ways to express gender."}, {"answer": "Transgender people feel they were born the wrong sex, i.e. they feel they are a boy when they have female genitalia, and a girl if they have male genitalia. They identify with the opposite sex, are (most of the time) attracted to their own sex, and wish they had the physical body of the opposite sex. They are more comfortable dressing and behaving as the gender they feel they are. A lot of psychological issues are prevalent in transgender people because they feel they are trapped in the wrong body. I'm not an expert, so I can't answer the second half of your question about there being more than two genders."}, {"answer": "the trans- prefix means across. So these people are living *across* genders. The other part of your question is a social issue so I'm not going to address it (because my opinions differ from what the majority think.)"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21694424", "title": "Transsexual", "section": "Section::::Terminology.:Origin and use.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 8, "end_paragraph_id": 8, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["eyond Benjamin's work, which focused on male-to-female transsexual people, there are cases of the female to male transsexual, for whom genital surgery may not be practical. Benjamin gave certifying letters to his MTF transsexual patients that stated \"Their anatomical sex, that is to say, the body, is male. Their psychological sex, that is to say, the mind, is female.\" After 1967 Benjamin abandoned his early terminology and adopted that of \"gender identity.\" Around the same time as Benjamin's book, in 1965, the term \"transgender\" was coine", "Beyond Benjamin's work, which focused on male-to-female transsexual people, there are cases of the female to male transsexual, for whom genital surgery may not be practical. Benjamin gave certifying letters to his MTF transsexual patients that stated \"Their anatomical sex, that is to say, the body, is male. Their psychological sex, that is to say, the mind, is female.\" A", "Beyond Benjamin's work, which focused on male-to-female transsexual people, there are cases of the female to male transsexual, for whom genital surgery may not be practical. Benjamin gave certifying letters to his MTF transsexual patients that stated \"Their anatomical sex, that is to say, the body, is male. Their psychological sex, that is to say, the mind, is female.\" After 1967 Benjamin abandoned his early terminology and adopted that of \"gender identity.\" Around the same time as Benjamin's book, in 1965, the term \"transgender\" was coined by John Oliven. By the 1990s, \"transsexual\"\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "18330", "title": "Transgender rights", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["person may be considered to be a transgender person if their gender identity is inconsistent or not culturally associated with the sex they were assigned at birth, and consequently also with the gender role and social status that is typically associated with that sex. They may have, or may intend to establish, a new gender status that accords with their gender identity. \"Transsexual\" is generally considered a subset of \"transgender\", but some transsexual people reject being labelled", "A person may be considered to be a transgender person if their gender identity is inconsistent or not culturally associated with the sex they were assigned at birth, and consequently also with the gender role and social status that is typically associated with that sex. They may have, or may intend to establish, a new gender status that accords with their gender identity. \"Transsexual\" is generally considered a subset of \"transgender\", but some transsexual people reject being labelled \"transgender\".\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Transgender inequality\n\n\nfurther highlights how many tribes considered relationships heterosexual as long as the gender identity lined up as so: in this case, the gender identity was what indicated heterosexual relationships, rather than biological sex. However, in tribes such as the Navajo and Shoshoni, Lang discusses how it would be seen as “unthinkable” and borderline “incestuous,” respectively, for two transgender people to be in a sexual relationship. While transgender people in Native American cultures were largely accepted, Lang discusses that when Europeans came over and colonized, they", "id": "12802374" }, { "contents": "Trans: Gender and Race in an Age of Unsettled Identities\n\n\nthe political right where sex and gender are \"more closely policed.\" Additionally, changing gender identity is given more sociological \"legitimacy\" than changing race. The question of legitimacy is part of what Brubaker describes as \"boundary work\"- the demarcation of what should be regarded as science and therefore afforded certain privileges of \"resources, respect and authority\". Brubaker then notes how the \"paring of transracial and transgender in the Dolezal debates points to an underlying shift in the landscape of identities.\" He cites wider debates about immigration", "id": "15199245" }, { "contents": "Transgender youth\n\n\nmore positively. Gender Dysphoria is different than Gender In-congruence, which is the disconnect from gender and sex. Gender Dysphoria, however, is caused by this disconnect. Not all transgender people have gender dysphoria, but they do in fact require a disconnect. Transgender youth are at an increased risk for physical, verbal, and sexual abuse. Children who experience physical abuse, verbal abuse, and sexual abuse are also more likely to identify as being gender dysphoric. This evidence is not clear as to the relationship between abuse", "id": "12313278" }, { "contents": "Gender inequality in the United States\n\n\nTransgender individuals are also more likely to be sexually and physically assaulted, both by strangers and acquaintances, than cisgender individuals are. In addition, there are several factors that limit transgender people's access to health care facilities and proper medical care, including transphobia and the tendency of gender-segregated homeless and domestic violence shelters to refuse service to transgender and gender nonconforming individuals. One study reported that 19% of transgender individuals interviewed reported being refused medical care due to their gender identity, while 28% reported being harassed in a medical", "id": "2261838" }, { "contents": "The Female Marine\n\n\n” are more widely accepted and enable society to more likely accept phenomena such as crossdressing or transgender bodies. Society is the main proprietor of gender and how it is perceived by the people, and this perception differs across the globe. John Money coined the term gender in 1955 and said that gender is based on the social enactment of sex roles, which is exactly what Lucy Brewer explored in her disguise as a marine to live, fight and act as a man. Brewer knew what it meant to be a woman and what", "id": "11640592" }, { "contents": "Mental disorders and gender\n\n\nto attempt suicide. Transgender individuals are at the greatest risk of suicide attempts. One-third of transgender individuals (both in youth and adulthood) has seriously considered suicide and one-fifth of transgender youth has attempted suicide. LGBT+ youth are four times more likely to attempt suicide than heterosexual youth. Youth who are questioning their gender identity and/or sexuality are two times more likely to attempt suicide than heterosexual youth. Bisexual youth have higher percentages of suicidality than lesbian and gay youth. As compared to white transgender individuals, transgender individuals", "id": "16940486" }, { "contents": "Expressions of dominance\n\n\nit is essential to understand how dominance is manifested in relationships in order to understand how power and dominance influence us. Gender variations exist because of differences in our expectations about what is appropriate for a particular gender (sex differences in psychology), what is appropriate depending on the composition of two or more people and whether gender or role norms are most salient. For instance, women who display dominance can be judged differently than men exhibiting the same behavior (Burgoon \"et al.\".; Carli and Winn, as cited", "id": "3207250" }, { "contents": "Transphobia\n\n\nwent in for a check-up, \"being transgender created a problem\" for them. Transgender people depend largely on the medical profession to receive not only hormone replacement therapy, but also vital care. In one case, Robert Eads died of ovarian cancer after being refused treatment by more than two dozen doctors. In the United States–based National Center For Transgender Equality's 2011 survey, 19% had been refused medical care due to their transgender or gender non-conforming status, showing that refusal of treatment due to", "id": "18521042" }, { "contents": "Gendered sexuality\n\n\n, in some way, dictates how we learn and what we know about sex and sexuality. Although gendered sexuality is often viewed through the constructs of male, female and heterosexuality, it can also be used in regard to other gender and sexual variant individuals such as gender dysphoria or those who identify as transgender, transsexual, intersex, homosexual or bisexual. Gendered sexuality and sexual orientation are complementary to each other. Sexual orientation refers to an individuals sexual identity in relation to the gender which they are attracted to. Gendered sexuality refers", "id": "20819622" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Mongolia\n\n\nCriminal Code's coming into force was planned for 1 September 2016, however, the newly elected Cabinet postponed the date to 1 July 2017. In August 2017, the LGBT Centre began training more than 100 police officers on what hate crimes are and how to properly handle them. An amendment made in June 2009 to Article 20(1) of the \"Civil Registration Law\" () allows transgender people to change their legal gender on birth certificates or citizen identification cards following a medical procedure to affirm their new gender. Hate crimes and", "id": "186811" }, { "contents": "Gender inequality in Australia\n\n\nGender inequality can be defined as the unequal treatment of individuals based on their gender. Individuals can be marginalised and discriminated from society and be restricted to participate in society due to their gender. In Australia, gender inequality denotes the inconsistencies between individuals due to gender. Australian women, men, and transgender and non-binary people all experience aspects of gender inequality. The sections below explain how and why women, men, and transgender and non-binary people experience gender inequality in their daily lives in Australia. In response to", "id": "7686148" }, { "contents": "Transgender\n\n\nJanuary 5, 2015, Reuters stated that the first transgender mayor was elected in central India. In what is now the United States and Canada, many Native American and First Nations peoples recognized the existence of more than two genders, such as the Zuñi male-bodied Ła'mana, the Lakota male-bodied winkte, and the Mohave male-bodied alyhaa and female-bodied hwamee. Such people were previously referred to as \"berdache\" but are now referred to as Two-Spirit, and their spouses would not necessarily have", "id": "19470335" }, { "contents": "LGBT\n\n\ndo not fit social norms, intersex can be distinguished from transgender, while some intersex people are both intersex and transgender. The initialisms \"LGBT\" or \"GLBT\" are not agreed to by everyone that they encompass. For example, some argue that transgender and transsexual causes are not the same as that of lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people. This argument centers on the idea that being transgender or transsexual have to do more with gender identity, or a person's understanding of being or not being a", "id": "18451445" }, { "contents": "Unisex public toilet\n\n\n. In the case of India, it has been found that designing transgender-inclusive sanitation is more than just a technical issue: It requires a deeper examination of the role of caste, gender, and age within the transgender community. Using a toilet that explicitly broadcasts a transgender person’s identity to others may not be desirable to all transgender persons. Advocates today say that all-gender public toilets are designed to ensure that toilets are fully accessible to all members of society. They argue that unisex public toilets can eliminate discrimination", "id": "20203936" }, { "contents": "Jeanne Ives\n\n\n2015. Ives opposed a bill that would make it easier for transgender people to change their birth certificates to reflect their gender identity. Ives stated, \"Personally, you know what? There's two genders. There's male and female,\" Ives said. \"There was no need to make this change, especially when it's dealing with minors and they can just willy nilly change their birth certificate and their gender. ... This law, it just makes no sense.\" On a radio show, she called transgender", "id": "19296853" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Europe\n\n\ncases when the court decides that it is in the child's best interest. In September 2014, a law went into effect in Denmark effectively dropping the former practice of requiring transgender persons to undergo arduous psychiatric evaluation and castration before being allowed legal gender change. By requiring nothing more than a statement of gender identity and subsequent confirmation of the request for gender change after a waiting period of 6 months, this means that anyone wishing their legal gender marker changed can do so with no expert-evaluation and few other formal restrictions.", "id": "3470697" }, { "contents": "Transgender youth\n\n\ntransgender children can change over time. For example, parents who initially reacted with negativity and hostility may eventually come around to support their transgender children. Research has overwhelmingly indicated that familial support and acceptance of transgender youth has resulted in more positive life outcomes for the individual regarding their mental, physical, and emotional health. Studies have indicated a number of ways that parents or guardians of transgender youth can show support and acceptance for their child with one of them being the opportunity for the child to speak about their gender identity. Transgender", "id": "12313272" }, { "contents": "Sexual assault of LGBT persons\n\n\nof people who are transgender, thought to be transgender, or whose gender expression doesn’t conform to traditional gender roles. Transphobia can prevent transgender and gender nonconforming people from living full lives free from harm.\"These phobias, as well as myths centered around LGBT individuals, influence a culture that holds back persons from identifying how they choose and places them into a binary that doesn't encompass all possible ways of identifying. One of the main myths that can harm LGBT individuals is the idea that they have not met the right guy", "id": "12970020" }, { "contents": "Gender inequality in the United States\n\n\ntransgender individuals are nearly four times more likely to make less than $10,000 annually when compared to the general population; on the other end of the spectrum, only 14% of transgender respondents reported making more than $100,000 annually compared to 25% of the general population. In addition, transgender women reported their wages decreasing by nearly one-third following their gender transitions but transgender men reported their wages increasing slightly (about 1.5%), according to one study. Since many public spaces, including schools, are highly gendered", "id": "2261834" }, { "contents": "Trans woman\n\n\ngender does not correspond with their birth sex.\" However, Heidi M Levitt describes transgender as \"different ways in which people transgress the gender boundaries that are constituted within a society.\" She then describes how one must understand the difference between sex and gender in order to fully understand transgender. She argues that sex is biological whereas \"gender is a social construct.\" Thus people who are transgender express themselves differently than their biological sex. In contrast, Levitt explains that \"transsexual people have a sexual identity that does not", "id": "13848751" }, { "contents": "Victoria October\n\n\nidentity and what it means for superheroes and readers. Reviewer Andrew Dyce called Dr. October's introduction one of \"beauty, elegance, and dignity\", rather than a \"reveal\" meant to grab headlines and get attention. He praised Dr. October's first two appearances, arguing \"it isn't \"Detective Comics\"' goal to simply acknowledge transgender individuals' existence. It's to help every reader understand what gender identity can mean to those outside of the crowd—and just as importantly, what it might \"not", "id": "16875506" }, { "contents": "Red Umbrella Project\n\n\nwith the Nation Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) and Best Practices Policy Project (BPPP) published a report that transgender people in the sex trade are twelve times more likely to be living with HIV/AIDS than transgender people who were never involved in the sex trade and twenty-five times more likely to be living with HIV/AIDS than the general population. The Red Umbrella Project points to the fear of condoms as being used as evidence of prostitution along with profiling of race and gender by police officers where: \"", "id": "6280195" }, { "contents": "Transgender\n\n\nphase\" or making efforts to change their children back to \"normal\" by utilizing mental health services to alter the child's gender identity. The internet can play a significant role in the coming out process for transgender people. Some come out in an online identity first, providing an opportunity to go through experiences virtually and safely before risking social sanctions in the real world. As more transgender people are represented and included within the realm of mass culture, the stigma that is associated with being transgender can influence the decisions, ideas", "id": "19470339" }, { "contents": "Transgender\n\n\ntransgender status to family, close friends, and others. The prevalence of discrimination and violence (transgender people are 28% more likely to be victims of violence) against transgender persons can make coming out a risky decision. Fear of retaliatory behavior, such as being removed from the parental home while underage, is a cause for transgender people to not come out to their families until they have reached adulthood. Parental confusion and lack of acceptance of a transgender child may result in parents treating a newly revealed gender identity as a \"", "id": "19470338" }, { "contents": "Transgender\n\n\nnonconforming gender expressions rather than transgender gender identities when a distinction is made. Deviating from the societal standards for sexual behavior, sexual orientation/identity, gender identity, and gender expression have a single umbrella term that is known as \"sexodiverso\" or \"sexodiversa\" in both Spanish and Portuguese, with its most approximate translation to English being \"queer\". In Thailand and Laos, the term kathoey is used to refer to male-to-female transgender people and effeminate gay men. Transgender people have also been documented in", "id": "19470333" }, { "contents": "Transgender studies\n\n\nresponse to critiques of how transgender issues were represented in gender and gay and lesbian studies, the late 1990s saw an increase in transgender scholarship and the emergence of a specific discipline of academic study. Sandy Stone is a transgender woman whose essay, titled “The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifesto,” and published in 1987 in response to the anti-transsexual book Transsexual Empire, has been cited as the origin of transgender studies. At times a contested field, scholars in transgender studies argue that what positions transgender studies as", "id": "20315492" }, { "contents": "Gender policing\n\n\n(human) and \"black\" (property or inhuman). The view of \"black\" as other than human excluded \"black\" people from classifications of gender. In western society, being \"white\" and middle class continue to inform gender norms, leaving \"non-white\" people unable to perform accepted femininity or masculinity. In modern day times, intersectionality now touches upon various other forms of human characterizations, affecting people in countless different ways. How a white transgender woman may experience gender policing is going to", "id": "20543391" }, { "contents": "Transgender rights in New Zealand\n\n\na child’s right to an education. Failure to recognise when a child legally changes gender, being forced to use the wrong toilets, and bullying are problems. Some transgender children have been forced to leave schools, or find there is no school that will accept them. Bullying is a significant problem for transgender students, reported as being almost 5 times higher than that experienced by non-transgender students. Problems like being assigned a uniform for a gender a child doesn't identify with, pressure from the school to wear it", "id": "11259690" }, { "contents": "LGBT people in prison\n\n\nprisons also face abuse, often more from guards than other inmates. The U.S. prison system often discriminates against transgender individuals, as U.S. prisons draw upon and uphold the gender and sex binary which excludes those who are transgender. This includes the prisons dress code which prevents gender-nonconforming individuals from participating in their gender identity. Along with this, there is often little gender-confirming healthcare provided, and more often than not prisoners are separated due to their birth sex rather than their gender identity. Their healthcare is impacted by the", "id": "21117893" }, { "contents": "Transgender rights movement\n\n\n“pick” a gender, even though they do not necessarily identify with it. Most universities operate on the premise that gender is binary and static, and this can be especially problematic with either poorer transgender individuals or transgender people of color, since 55% of college students in the United States are white and the average income for families with college students is $74,000 – 60% higher than the national average of $46,326. Black transgender people live in extreme poverty with 34% reporting a household income of less than $", "id": "2781283" }, { "contents": "Facial feminization surgery\n\n\nthe most important, but subtle changes in the lips can have a strong effect. For many transgender women, FFS is medically necessary to treat gender dysphoria. It can be just as important or even more important than genital forms of sex reassignment surgery (SRS) in reducing gender dysphoria and helping trans women integrate socially as women; data on these sorts of outcomes are limited by small study size and confounding variables like other feminization procedures. While most FFS patients are transgender women, some cisgender women who feel that their faces are", "id": "3145765" }, { "contents": "Transgender personnel in the United States military\n\n\nestimates from the Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law and Public Policy, despite the ban on military service, about 21.4% of the total transgender population in the US is estimated to have served in the military. According to the 2014 study, \"The American military employs more transgender people than any other organisation in the world: around 15,500...more than 6,000 of whom are on active duty.\" A 2016 workplace and gender relations survey found 9,000 US military service members consider themselves transgender individuals. In 2019,", "id": "19803930" }, { "contents": "Transgender rights\n\n\nA person may be considered to be a transgender person if their gender identity is inconsistent or not culturally associated with the sex they were assigned at birth, and consequently also with the gender role and social status that is typically associated with that sex. They may have, or may intend to establish, a new gender status that accords with their gender identity. \"Transsexual\" is generally considered a subset of \"transgender\", but some transsexual people reject being labelled \"transgender\". Globally, most legal jurisdictions recognize the two", "id": "18666527" }, { "contents": "Transgender rights movement\n\n\npay, better representation and benefits from the mainstream media movement. According to a National Transgender Discrimination survey, the combination of anti-transgender bias and individual racism results in transgender people of color being 6 times more likely to experience physical violence when interacting with the police compared to cisgender White people, two-thirds of LGBT homicide victims being transgender women of color, and a startling 78% attempt suicide. Of the 17 homicides of trans and gender-nonconforming people in 2017 that the project has counted so far, 16 had", "id": "2781277" }, { "contents": "Voice therapy (transgender)\n\n\nmaintain overall vocal health. Adler, Hirsch, & Mordaunt (2012), describe the following therapy techniques for transgender male clients: Non-verbal communication may have more of an effect on a transgender person's readability than verbal factors such as pitch or resonance. Regardless of what is most effective, congruency between a person's visual and auditory gender presentation contributes greatly to their perceived authenticity. Non-verbal communication includes posture, gesture, movement, and facial expressions. In a discussion of the differences between masculine and feminine non", "id": "7024005" }, { "contents": "Gender and webcomics\n\n\nIn contrast with mainstream American comics, webcomics are primarily written and drawn by women and gender variant people. Because of the self-published nature of webcomics, the internet has become a successful platform for social commentary, as well as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) expression. A 2015 study by David Harper concluded that webcomics were vastly more popular format to female, transgender, and non-binary comic artists than for men. More than 40% of the women, transgender, and non-binary", "id": "15907008" }, { "contents": "Transgender rights in New Zealand\n\n\nconcern with it being depicted as an illness. Currently a diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder is often required before further treatment or referrals can be given. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health have stated that gender identification is very broad and crosses cultures and should not be considered as an illness, particularly as this can lead to stigma which can lead to mental health issues in those with different gender identities. Whilst gender dysphoria may be severe enough in some cases to justify a mental health diagnosis, there is concern that this diagnosis is", "id": "11259686" }, { "contents": "List of Official Policies from Medical Organizations on Transgender People\n\n\ntransgender people. For example, pupils who present as transgender or gender-diverse are also disproportionately affected by bullying in schools (Bradlow et al. 2017) and are therefore at higher risk of experiencing poor mental health, particularly self-harm and suicide attempts. Regardless of cause, it is essential that transgender people can seek help in confidence for such psychological distress or illness. While gender-affirming medical interventions improve, wellbeing and mental health in transgender and gender diverse adults (Dhejne et al., 2016), more", "id": "18333877" }, { "contents": "Ezra Furman\n\n\n... I'm not trans[gender] because that would mean I'm not male. I guess I just do being a man different than some.\", addressing this in numerous songs in his discography. Since then Furman has begun identifying as transgender and described his song \"I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend” as a \"romantic song of transgender longing.\" Furman's younger brother Jonah was lead singer and bassist in the Boston-based rock band Krill, until their split in October 2015. Ezra and Jonah also have two more", "id": "17188415" }, { "contents": "Transitioning (transgender)\n\n\nTransitioning is the process of changing one's gender presentation and/or sex characteristics to accord with one's internal sense of gender identity – the idea of what it means to be a man or a woman, or to be non-binary or genderqueer. (Non-binary people's internal sense of gender identity is neither solely female nor male.) For transgender and transsexual people, this process commonly involves reassignment therapy (which may include hormone replacement therapy and sex reassignment surgery), with their gender identity being opposite that of their", "id": "1601727" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in India\n\n\nactivists criticised that the bill is silent on a real remedy or mechanism to integrate transgender people into public spaces and improve the quality of their lives, or on how the State intends to enforce this, or about what the State will do, if and when such discrimination does occur. The bill was also criticised for not taking into account any of the suggestions made by transgender activists; namely that it only provides for transgender persons to receive identity certificates recognising them as \"transgender\" and therefore, excludes other gender identities. Although", "id": "8670393" }, { "contents": "Transgender\n\n\nchallenge rigid definitions of sex and gender. The concepts of gender identity and transgender identity differ from that of sexual orientation. Sexual orientation describes an individual's enduring physical, romantic, emotional, or spiritual attraction to another person, while gender identity is one's personal sense of being a man or a woman. Transgender people have more or less the same variety of sexual orientations as cisgender people. In the past, the terms \"homosexual\" and \"heterosexual\" were incorrectly used to label transgender individuals' sexual orientation based on", "id": "19470295" }, { "contents": "Transgender people in Singapore\n\n\ngynaecologists such as Dr. Ilancheran. A Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) and Gender Reassignment Surgery Clinic were set up at the National University Hospital two decades later. It was headed by Prof. S Shan Ratnam until his retirement in 1995, after which leadership passed to his nephew, Dr. Anandakumar. In fact, for 30 years, Singapore was one of the world leaders in SRS, performing more than 500 such operations. This gave a new lease on life to the many transgender individuals whose bodies did not match their gender identity.", "id": "18104105" }, { "contents": "Transgender sexuality\n\n\n. Not all transgender people choose to rename their body. Those that choose not to rename their body, are often less uncomfortable with their body and/or don’t associate their sexual body parts with a gender that differs from the one that they identify with. Ultimately, the decision of what language a trans person chooses to use for their body, and wants others to use, is up to the individual whose body is being named. Some trans women choose to call their anus, their vagina because they can use their anus in", "id": "365159" }, { "contents": "Transgender inequality\n\n\nand are more likely to do drugs or alcohol. Although transgender individuals are more at risk health-wise, 19% of the respondents have described being refused medical care and 50% described their medical care was postponed because of their gender status. Transgender individuals also face discrimination when it comes to government-issued IDs. Only one-fifth of the respondents stated that they were able to update all their identification documents. 41% of the respondents live without a driver’s license that matches their gender identity. Transgender individuals are", "id": "12802369" }, { "contents": "Transgender people and religion\n\n\n, in educating RRA members about issues of gender identity, to urge the Reconstructionist movement to similarly educate its constituency and to adopt policies that will do all that is possible to provide full employment opportunities for transgender and gender nonconforming rabbis, and to explore how the Reconstructionist movement can best influence the wider Jewish and non-Jewish world to [be] welcoming and inclusive of all people, regardless of gender identity.\" In 2017, the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association approved a resolution committing themselves to work for \"full inclusion, acceptance,", "id": "20228513" }, { "contents": "Third gender\n\n\nhomosexuality from a Samoan perspective that would be written for educational purposes, because I believe some of the stuff that has been written about us is quite wrong.\" In \"How to become a Berdache: Toward a unified analysis of gender diversity\", Will Roscoe writes that \"this pattern can be traced from the earliest accounts of the Spaniards to present-day ethnographies. What has been written about berdaches reflects more the influence of existing Western discourses on gender, sexuality and the Other than what observers actually witnessed.\" According", "id": "2394913" }, { "contents": "Transgender youth\n\n\ngender. However, many of these children experience rejection as a result of their differences and quickly attempt to repress them. Therefore, people who see these children regularly may be unaware that they are unhappy as members of their assigned gender. In many parts of the world, being transgender is not widely accepted by the public and as for transgender youth, they not only face discrimination but also can encounter family exclusion. Transgender youth may feel that they need to remain in \"the closet\" until they feel that it is safe", "id": "12313267" }, { "contents": "Transgender\n\n\n-variant people more as homosexuals who behaved in a gender-variant way than as gender-variant people in their own right. In addition, the role of the transgender community in the history of LGBT rights is often overlooked, as shown in Transforming History. In 2015, the American National Center for Transgender Equality conducted a National Transgender Discrimination Survey. Of the 27,715 transgender and non-binary people who took the survey, 21% said the term \"queer\" best described their sexual orientation, 18% said \"pansexual", "id": "19470298" }, { "contents": "Transgender people and military service\n\n\narray of reasons and conditions, besides gender dysphoria; a common hormone treatment being contraceptive. Furthermore, the often cited risks of cross hormone treatment are rare, and not likely to cause any significant issues to the military. Whilst the cost of gender reassignment surgery is high, it is suggested that fewer than 2% of transgender members per year will choose to undergo gender reassignment surgery. Perhaps one of the most supporting arguments is based on the experiences of the 18 countries that currently allow transgender service. Research on the impacts of", "id": "17295160" }, { "contents": "Feminist ethics\n\n\ngreater peacekeeping and peacebuilding strategies for gendered strategies to meet the needs of both genders so as to be implemented into not only the institutions but society. When applying feminist ethics and care, it is important to consider in what way does that apply to those who are transgender, either Female to Male or Male to Female. As there is a historical with ethics being deeply rooted in religious ethics. For those who are transgender and wish to be identified as their preferred gender have to apply either masculine or feminine ethics in both appearance", "id": "12459503" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Bulgaria\n\n\nstatement that transgender people should be able to change their civil documents in order to match their inner gender identity. After the Constitutional Court's verdict on the Istanbul Convention, in which the court condemned attempts to introduce legislation for legal gender recognition, a transgender woman's application to change gender was rejected by a regional court. Intersex persons in Bulgaria are even more marginalized and invisible in society than the transgender community. There is no data of the number of intersex babies born in the country. The standard procedure in a case of", "id": "21968191" }, { "contents": "Transgender inequality\n\n\nor in higher education. The needs of college students who identify on the transgender spectrum has been largely explored within the last few years, however this information has been almost entirely limited to four-year colleges and universities. Much of the scrutiny and discrimination that transgender people face in college can be attributed with having to choose what gender binary they are going to publicly identify with within the public eye. One major example of this is deciding what bathroom to use in public. Transgender individuals are faced with deciding whether to use a", "id": "12802392" }, { "contents": "Transgender rights in New Zealand\n\n\n, and being forced to wear that uniform as a punishment have been reported to the Human Rights Commission. In 2012 a health survey was undertaken of 8,500 New Zealand secondary school students, and discovered that approximately 4% were either transgender or unsure about their gender. 40% of those students who identified as transgender indicated significant depressive symptoms and one in five had attempted suicide in the last year. Legally changing names and sex / gender identity on official documentation can be a large barrier to transgender people in New Zealand depending on the", "id": "11259691" }, { "contents": "Gender inequality in the United States\n\n\nto thirty-one percent reported harassment due to their gender identity, and nineteen percent reported being denied promotion due to their gender identity. Another study found that transgender respondents reported twice the national rate of unemployment, while transgender people of color reported four times the national rate of unemployment. This study also found that 90% of respondents reported some kind of workplace harassment, mistreatment or discrimination. According to the American Psychology Association, around 64% of transgender people have annual incomes of less than $25,000. Another study found that", "id": "2261833" }, { "contents": "Transgender History (book)\n\n\nhow any type of gender nonconformity was treated as an illness. At the same time, the chapter discusses how the earliest forms of the transgender movement began and groups and organizations began to form. During this period, the ideas of sexuality and gender, homosexuality and transgender specifically, were not as clearly defined and often were assumed to be synonymous or at least closely related. Efforts to clearly differentiate gender into its own subject were seen through the actions of people like Magnus Hirschfeld and groups like the self described androgynes that made up", "id": "16526238" }, { "contents": "Transgender inequality\n\n\npromise to find comfortable housing to any known transgender students. Many colleges are changing student intake forms to account for other genders other than male or female. “Some of the most dangerous places on many campuses for transgender students are restrooms and locker rooms designated for “women” and “men.” Anecdotal and research evidence suggest that transgender people often face verbal and physical assault and risk being questioned or even arrested by the police when they use gender-specific facilities (Coalition for Queer Action, 2001; San Francisco Human Rights", "id": "12802398" }, { "contents": "Transgender\n\n\nshe inherit a certain amount. In Ancient Rome, the Gallae were castrated followers of the Phrygian goddess Cybele and can be regarded as transgender in today's terms. In early Medina, gender-variant male-to-female Islamic people were acknowledged in the form of the Mukhannathun. Mahu is a traditional status in Polynesian cultures. Also, in Fa'asamoa traditions, the Samoan culture allows a specific role for male to female transgender individuals as Fa'afafine. Transgender people vary greatly in choosing when, whether, and how to disclose their", "id": "19470337" }, { "contents": "Shining Knight\n\n\nbiologically male but humoured 'her', before gradually being shown as a gender identity plot) \"Demon Knights\" writer Paul Cornell was deliberately ambiguous about the character's gender until the fourteenth issue, where Ystin says \"I'm both [genders]... I was born this way\". Cornell later called Ystin transgender on social media and asked for more detail by Newsarama, Cornell said: \"I think that's down to what each individual reader wants from that exchange, or most identifies with. Why shut down any", "id": "16661833" }, { "contents": "Transgender rights in the United States\n\n\ncase is currently being petitioned to the Supreme Court, as it is seen as a strong test of how Title VII's non-discriminating related to sex should be applied. The Obama administration took the position that Title IX's prohibition on discrimination on the basis of \"sex\" encompasses discrimination on the basis of gender identity and gender expression. In 2016, the Fourth Circuit became the first Court of Appeals to agree with the administration on the scope of Title IX as applied to transgender students, in the case of Virginia high", "id": "18996504" }, { "contents": "List of Official Policies from Medical Organizations on Transgender People\n\n\nevidence is needed on management of gender-diverse children, particularly those who are pre-pubertal. This includes understanding how gender dysphoria in childhood continues into adolescence, as well as the impact of interventions to begin the process of transition in very young gender diverse people. Supporting transgender and gender-diverse people: PS02/18 4 (Olson-Kennedy et al., 2016). Long-term follow-up studies of young transgender people are needed. The extent of use of conversion therapies with transgender people is unclear. Published", "id": "18333878" }, { "contents": "Discrimination against non-binary gender people\n\n\nas the gender they wished to show on all their legal documents and being given a diagnosis of gender dysphoria by at least two health professionals. However, this change of gender only allowed for a change from male to female or vice versa. In 2006 the Identity Cards Act 2006 was introduced, which issued documents to UK residents and linked them back to the National Identity Register database. When the issue of transgender people and their assigned vs. actual gender came up, it was said that transgender people would be issued two cards,", "id": "20849355" }, { "contents": "Pansexuality\n\n\ngender. Using these definitions, pansexuality is defined differently by explicitly including people who are intersex or outside the gender binary. Go Ask Alice! states that pansexuals can be attracted to cisgender, transgender, intersex and androgynous people, and that the term \"pansexual\" \"is generally considered a more inclusive term than \"bisexual.\"\" Volume 2 of Cavendish's \"Sex and Society\", however, states that \"although the term's literal meaning can be interpreted as 'attracted to everything,' people who identify as", "id": "17879076" }, { "contents": "Gender representation in video games\n\n\nare often stereotypically depicted as big and muscular, and LGBT characters have been slow to appear in video games as a result of the heteronormativity of the medium. Women have a major role of being cast as supporting characters because of gamer preferences and sales. Research indicates that how genders are portrayed in games can influence players' perception of gender roles, and that young girls prefer to play a character of their own gender much more than boys do. On average, female-led games sell fewer copies than male-led ones", "id": "5724091" }, { "contents": "Bathroom bill\n\n\nthe establishment of single stall separate toilets that can be used by all genders/both sexes. The National Center for Transgender Equality, an LGBTQ advocacy group, calls these bills discriminatory. In 2016, the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education, under President Barack Obama issued \"guidance\" to state and private educational institutions stating that these institutions had to allow transgender students to use toilets according to their gender identity. The Obama guidance suggested that schools and private institutions risked federal funding if they did not comply. How", "id": "10215424" }, { "contents": "Christianity and transgender people\n\n\nCouncil on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood released a manifesto on human sexuality known as the \"Nashville Statement\". The statement was signed by 150 evangelical leaders, and includes 14 points of belief. The issue of cross-dressing as a sin is addressed generally, both related to and unrelated to transgender issues. Though cross-dressing (wearing clothes of a different gender), is different from being transgender (identifying as a gender different than that assigned at birth), some denominations do not recognize trans identities, and thus consider", "id": "17428957" }, { "contents": "Feminist psychology\n\n\nFeminist psychology is a form of psychology centered on social structures and gender. Feminist psychology critiques historical psychological research as done from a male perspective with the view that males are the norm. Feminist psychology is oriented on the values and principles of feminism. Gender issues can include the way people identify their gender (male, female, genderqueer; transgender or cisgender), how they have been affected by societal structures related to gender (gender hierarchy), the role of gender in the individual's life (such as stereotypical gender roles", "id": "10851108" }, { "contents": "Gender inequality in the United States\n\n\nthe basis of their gender. There have also been cases of the validity and legality of married heterosexual couples in which one partner is transgender being contested and, in some cases, the marriage has been voided. A 2007 study reported that between fifteen and fifty-seven percent of transgender individuals report some kind of employment discrimination; of these thirteen to fifty-six percent reported being fired due to their gender identity, thirteen to forty-seven percent reported that they were denied employment due to their gender identity, twenty-two", "id": "2261832" }, { "contents": "Sex differences in education\n\n\n'… Whereas you can get the boys to write something really interesting…\". In another interview, a teacher perceived gender behavioral differences, remarking \"…the girls seem to be typically feminine whilst the boys seem to be typically male…you know, more aggressive... the ideal of what males ought to be\", while another categorized boys as more \"aggressive, more adventurous than girls\". When considering Bem's gender schema theory in relation to these statements, it is not difficult to see how male and female", "id": "474556" }, { "contents": "Transgender history\n\n\nand now carries out more surgeries than anywhere besides Thailand. In Indonesia, there are millions of trans-/third-gender \"waria\", and the Bugis of Sulawesi recognize five genders. In Oceania, trans-/third-gender roles like the akava'ine, fa'afafine and fakaleiti exist among the Cook Island Maori, Samoans, and Tongans. In the 1990s and 2000s, the Transgender Day of Remembrance was started and trans marches around the time of Pride became more common, trans people like Georgina Beyer (in New Zealand), Shabnam Mausi (India", "id": "229201" }, { "contents": "Transgender legal history in the United States\n\n\nopens the door for any transgender employees or potential employees who have been discriminated against by a business hiring 15 or more people in the US based on their gender identity to file a claim with the EEOC for sex discrimination. In 2012 the Veterans Health Administration declared that transgender veterans are able to change the gender marker on their medical records by providing a physician's letter confirming gender reassignment. There were also two important advances in equal opportunity employment for transgender people at this time. In 2012 the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission expanded upon these", "id": "11711308" }, { "contents": "Transgender youth\n\n\nvary from country to country, Malta and the United States of America are two examples of countries where legislation and the social acceptance levels have curated a safer environment for transgender individuals. In early April 2015, Malta adopted what some have declared as a groundbreaking bill in Parliament titled the 'Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act' (GIGESC Bill). The bill allows minors to have their parents apply to have their legal gender marker changed for them or to have a gender marker held from their birth certificate until their", "id": "12313323" }, { "contents": "Transgender youth\n\n\ntheir mental health. However, female-to-male boys are harder to place because of the high level of violence in the boy's facilities, and the high chance of sexual assault. It is a risky move to place female-to-male boys with other boys because of the unpredictable nature of what can occur if their birth gender was revealed. Jamal, a female-to-male boy, stated that he knew that he would not be safe with the other boys because he knows how violent males are", "id": "12313312" }, { "contents": "Sexism\n\n\n\". Further discrimination is faced by gender nonconforming individuals, whether transitioning or not, due to displacement from societally acceptable gender binaries and visible stigmatization. According to the NTDS, transgender gender nonconforming (TGNC) individuals face between 8% and 15% high rates of self and social discrimination and violence than binary transgender individuals. Lisa R. Miller and Eric Anthony Grollman found in their 2015 study that \"gender nonconformity may heighten trans people's exposure to discrimination and health-harming behaviors. Gender nonconforming trans adults reported more events of major", "id": "7420599" }, { "contents": "Sex change\n\n\n, more often, are subjected to as children. The term \"sex change\" is sometimes also used for the whole process of changing gender role (\"living as a woman\" instead of living as a man, or vice versa), not limited to medical procedures. (This process is often much more important to transgender people than the medical procedures themselves, although medically induced changes and surgeries may be needed to make a change of gender role possible, both socially and legally; they can also have a very significant", "id": "998009" }, { "contents": "Mental disorders and gender\n\n\nto have major depression and bipolar disorder than heterosexual men. Transgender youth are nearly four times more likely to experience depression, as compared to their non-transgender peers. Compared to LGBTQ+ youth with highly accepting families, LGBTQ+ youth with less accepting families are more than three times likely to consider and attempt suicide. As compared to individuals with a level of certainty in their gender identity and sexuality (such as LGB-identified and heterosexual students), youth who are questioning their sexuality report higher levels of depression and worse psychological responses", "id": "16940484" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Tamil Nadu\n\n\nwas released along with a documentary sharing the same name. \"Vaadamalli\" by novelist Su. Samuthiram is the first Tamil novel about the local \"aravani\" community in Tamil Nadu, published in 1994. Later, transgender activist A. Revathi became the first \"hijra\" to write about transgender issues and gender politics in Tamil. Her works have been translated into more than eight languages and act as a primary resource on gender studies in Asia. Her book is part of a research project for more than 100 universities. She is", "id": "7619537" }, { "contents": "Vivian (Paper Mario)\n\n\nher in a section in his book on transgender characters, discussing how Vivian's role in the narrative helps players understand their experiences with gender, identity, and expression. Mashable writers Xavier Piedra and Heather Dockray included Vivian in their article covering \"Nintendo queer memes.\" They took issue with the fact that characters in the narrative made fun of her gender presentation and praised her design. VG247's Aimee Hart noted that the way that Vivian is described as being transgender is done in a transphobic way. Writer Laura Kate Dale also", "id": "3636635" }, { "contents": "Gender policing\n\n\n. For example, transgender individuals are likely to be victims of the most extreme and violent forms of gender policing. Research regarding conformity pressures and gender resistance among transfeminine individuals (those who are assigned the male sex at birth but identify as more feminine than masculine) indicates that these persons experienced \"intense and pervasive\" pressures to conform to traditional masculinity, and feared exposure of their gender identity would result in physical danger or loss of legal, economic, or social standing. Thus, transgender individuals must often choose between self-", "id": "20543410" }, { "contents": "Occupational inequality\n\n\npay. Some common inequalities that take place in the workplace are the gender-based imbalances of individuals in power and command over the management of the organization. Women are not able to move up into higher paid positions as quickly as men. Some organizations have more inequality than others, and the extent to which it occurs can differ greatly. In the workplace the men usually hold the higher positions and the women often hold lower paid positions such as secretaries. Gender inequality can also be understood when looking at transgender workers. Workers", "id": "15496793" }, { "contents": "Transgender people and religion\n\n\nThe relationship between transgender people and religion varies widely around the world. Religions range from condemning any gender variance to honoring transgender people as religious leaders. Views within a single religion can vary considerably, as can views between different faiths. There are many different interpretations of creation stories in Abrahamic religions in which God creates people, \"male and female\". This is sometimes interpreted as a divine mandate against challenging the gender binary and also for challenging the gender binary. In the Baha'i Faith, transgender people can gain recognition in their", "id": "20228485" }, { "contents": "Gender inequality in the United States\n\n\nHIV-affected Hate Violence reported that over fifty percent of anti-LGBTQ homicide victims in 2012 were transgender women, a considerable increase from the percentage of transgender women victims in 2011 at 40%. In addition, the report also found that, compared to cisgender people, transgender people were more than three times more likely to experience police violence. In terms of mental health, transgender individuals have much higher rates of suicide attempts than cisgender individuals and it has been reported that between nineteen and twenty-five of the trans population", "id": "2261840" }, { "contents": "GenderPAC\n\n\ntransgender from its founding until it ceased operations. Wilchins proposed that the focus of a gender rights struggle to be about the issue of gender discrimination, rather than identity of transgender, which might leave out many of those who suffered discrimination. This view brought the organization to crisis when it took on the case of a self-identified \"butch lesbian\" who sought help after being repeatedly harassed at work and ultimately fired for allegedly looking \"too masculine.\" Many on the Board said GenderPAC should only help transgender-identified individuals", "id": "14436508" }, { "contents": "Transgender health care\n\n\ntransgender people with their gender identity. As hormone replacement therapy, sex reassignment surgery was also employed as a response to diagnosis gender dysphoria The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care recommend additional requirements for sex reassignment surgery when compared to hormone replacement therapy. Whereas hormone replacement therapy can be obtained through something as simple as an informed consent form, sex reassignment surgery can require a supporting letter from a licensed therapist (two letters for genital surgery such as vaginoplasty or phalloplasty), hormonal treatment, and (for", "id": "13289837" }, { "contents": "Kristiene Clarke\n\n\nat that time. During the festival Clarke's documentary \"Shantytown Shakespeare\" (2006) was screened and she conducted a masterclass for students. The film explores stigma's surrounding transgender individuals as well as documenting their struggle to be considered 'normal' people. The films delves into the cultural and political difficulties of transgender issues within society. It does this by questioning how gender was perceived at the time, as well as showing the process of being transgender after having surgery. The narrative stemmed from Clarke's anger towards the press", "id": "15637354" }, { "contents": "Transgender\n\n\ngender identity disorder (GID) \"only if [being transgender] causes distress or disability.\" This distress is referred to as \"gender dysphoria\" and may manifest as depression or inability to work and form healthy relationships with others. This diagnosis is often misinterpreted as implying that transgender people suffer from GID; this misinterpretation has greatly confused transgender people and those who seek to either criticize or affirm them. Transgender people who are comfortable with their gender and whose gender is not directly causing inner frustration or impairing their functioning do not", "id": "19470302" }, { "contents": "Corbett v Corbett\n\n\n, was appropriate (National Insurance) from those for which sex was the determining category, among which marriage was the most prominent, it being stated that marriage was necessarily between a man and a woman (both defined according to sex rather than gender). The ruling was then taken up and used to define the sex of transgender people for many purposes until the introduction of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (which ultimately defined the sex of transgender people as whatever is on their birth certificate, until such point as a Gender Recognition", "id": "11199573" }, { "contents": "Gender system\n\n\nfor this type of gender labeling. Gendered violence is an important worldwide issue that can take place in different forms with varying consequences. It can be similar to a hate crime in which physical violence is specifically targeting the victim's gender. Transgender people and women experience the most gender violence but anyone can be a victim. Women are particularly at risk of gender violence in intimate relationships. Women are 10 times more likely to be a victim of intimate partner violence. This act of violence occurs in the public as well as the", "id": "13173922" }, { "contents": "Transgender in China\n\n\nTransgender is an overarching term to describe persons whose gender identity/expression differs from what is typically associated with the gender they were assigned at birth. \"Transgender Studies\" was institutionalized as an academic discipline in the 1990s so it is difficult to apply transgender to Chinese culture in a historical context. There were no transgender groups or communities in Hong Kong until after the turn of the century. Today they are still known as a \"sexual minority\" in China. Because Chinese transgender studies is so unfocused, a wide variety of", "id": "22071704" }, { "contents": "Cherríe Moraga\n\n\nbeing pressured into transitioning by the larger queer culture, stating “the transgender movement at large, and plain ole peer pressure, will preempt young people from residing in that queer, gender-ambivalent site for as long and as deeply as is necessary.” (184) Some community members such as Morgan Collado and Francisco Galarte responded by emphasizing how this invalidated and dismissed the lived experience of young people who decide to transition. In this essay Moraga goes further to lament what she sees as the loss of butch and lesbian culture", "id": "4751642" }, { "contents": "History of transgender people in the United States\n\n\nfounded the support group that grew into FTM International, the leading advocacy group for female-to-male transgender individuals, and began publishing \"The FTM Newsletter\". Gender NetWorker was founded by Raj in 1988, and lasted two issues. This publication was directed specifically towards \"helping professionals and resource providers.\" The term \"transgender\" as an umbrella term to refer to all gender non-conforming people became more commonplace in the late 1980s. In 1987 Sandy Stone, an American transgender woman, published the essay \"", "id": "19581355" }, { "contents": "Transgender inequality\n\n\noverlapping racial and gender discrimination facing transgender individuals of color has raised a lot of debate both among scholars and the public. One advocated approach is to work within the existing binary sex classification system and grant legal rights to transgender individuals based on their self-defined gender identity. Another approach argues that transgender people would be better served if the existing binary sex classifications were dismantled. Similarly, race scholars disagree about whether embracing existing race classifications helps or harms minorities. Much of the disagreement lies in the question of how racial and gender", "id": "12802403" }, { "contents": "Transgender people and religion\n\n\nmore example of Transgender people being portrayed in Hindu history is that of Lord Arjuna being depicted as Brihannala in the Mahabharata, who was a person of third gender. Brihanalla was shown to be an instructor singing and dancing in King Virata’s court. But Lord Arjuna/ Brihanalla was first tested for his third-sex nature by assuring he had no lust for females, and would have been examined for testicles if he had been a eunuch. This is not the first example of the presence of a person of third gender in Hindu", "id": "20228533" }, { "contents": "Katherine Zappone\n\n\nto the Gender Recognition Bill. After Zappone sought to amend the Gender Recognition Legislation, Minister of State Kevin Humphreys, accepted the principle of a Seanad amendment to have the legislation recognising the identity of transgender people reviewed. During Seanad debate, Zappone highlighted that it was regrettable it had taken successive Irish governments more than 20 years to legislate for gender recognition. Zappone stated that \"the Tallaght Garda District must receive its fair share of new recruits and vehicles being made available to the force in the coming weeks\". The following month", "id": "13803003" }, { "contents": "Transgender legal history in the United States\n\n\nto the sex on their birth certificates. This was criticized because it prevented transgender people who did not or could not alter their birth certificates from using the restroom consistent with their gender identity: in North Carolina, only people who undergo sex reassignment surgery can change the sex on their birth certificates, and outside jurisdictions have different rules, some more restrictive. The legislation changes the definition of sex in the state's anti-discrimination law to \"the physical condition of being male or female, which is stated on a person's", "id": "11711330" }, { "contents": "Transgender rights in New Zealand\n\n\norientation, it is not known how this applies to those who have not had, or will not have, gender reassignment surgery. Some overseas courts have determined that transgender people are covered by prohibitions on discrimination based on sex, but there is also international case law suggesting it is not. Even if it is, it is unlikely to apply to transgender people who have not or will not have gender reassignment surgery. Likewise, placing gender identity under the prohibitions on the grounds of sexual orientation is problematic. While there is some", "id": "11259679" }, { "contents": "Transgender people and religion\n\n\nappreciation, celebration and welcome of people of all gender identities in Jewish life and in society at large\"; the resolution also \"strongly advocates for the full equality of transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people and for equal protections for people of all gender identities under the law, at all levels of government, in North America and Israel.\" In 1998, after she won the Eurovision song competition, a serious religious debate was held as to whether, and how, Dana International (a transgender", "id": "20228514" }, { "contents": "List of Official Policies from Medical Organizations on Transgender People\n\n\ninclude barriers to gender-affirming medical and psychological treatments. There is no scientific support for use of treatments in such a way and such applications are widely regarded as unacceptable.\" \"Psychiatric disorders (particularly anxiety, depression and acts of self-harm) in treatment-seeking transgender people are much more common than in cisgender people (Arcelus et al., 2016; Bouman et al., 2017). There is evidence that this increased rate of psychiatric disorders can, in part, be explained by societal responses to", "id": "18333876" }, { "contents": "Childhood gender nonconformity\n\n\nMenvielle of the Children's National Medical Center, who has specialized in this area in his clinical practice, believe that the proper response to gender variant behavior is supportive therapy aimed at helping the child deal with any social issues which may arise due to homophobia / transphobia. These professionals believe that attempts to alter these behaviors, and/or whatever mechanism is responsible for their expression, are generally ineffective and do more harm than good. While not universally advocating for what childhood transgender advocates refer to as full social transition, the CNMC model generally", "id": "22034267" }, { "contents": "Transgender\n\n\n\"gender\" (psychological, social) and \"sex\" (physical). Hence transsexuality may be said to deal more with physical aspects of one's sex, while transgender considerations deal more with one's psychological gender disposition or predisposition, as well as the related social expectations that may accompany a given gender role. Many transgender people reject the term \"transsexual\". Christine Jorgensen publicly rejected \"transsexual\" in 1979 and instead identified herself in newsprint as \"trans-gender\", saying, \"gender doesn't have", "id": "19470283" } ]
What would happen if the US govt cut all foreign aid?
[{"answer": "US Foreign aid breaks down roughly as follows: 15 billion - Rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistan, which are two countries where we started wars. We feel responsible for trying to repair some of the damage. 3 billion - Military aid for Israel. Mostly in the form of expensive weapons. Without our assistance, Israel would almost certainly get attacked by one of their neighbors (who do not like Israel). 4 billion - Economic and Military aid for Pakistan, Egypt, and Jordan. The goal is to have a few people in the mideast who call us allies. Essentially, we buy their cooperation. That cooperation is sometimes useful. For example, when we killed Osama Bin Laden, we sent troops into Pakistan. Normally, countries don't tolerate troops from other countries. The Pakistanis did complain a little, but they didn't do anything about it. That's what we're buying. 10 billion - Assorted disaster zones around the world. For example, we send 1 billion to Haiti, which is where that horrible tsunami/earthquake happened. A lot of this is done in a spirit of charity, but there's also an element of self-interest. Many of these areas have unstable governments or no governments, and we're hoping that if they do get stable governments, the new government will be friendly to us. Just for perspective: the total money spent by the US government on our *own* citizens and our *own* military is 3,500 billion, that is, roughly 100x more than we spend on foreign aid."}, {"answer": "Imagine you are very rich. In fact, the richest person in your neighbourhood! But not everyone in your neighbourhood is rich. Some in fact, are incredibly poor. Well, you want to live in a nice neighbourhood right? But how can you make it nice! Well, there are two ways. You could give money to your neighbours, a thousand bucks here, a thousand bucks there, to help them build a nice fence, to be able to afford to tie up their dog, to fix their roof, to send their kids to school, or to deal with the Islamic militants camping in their backyard! You make everyone like you, and more able to deal with their problems. The neighbours talk about what a great guy you are, and let you land your plane in their gardens and your kids sell their kids lemonade. Or you could say fuck you all, and just build a giant ass fence around your house. Well, the neighbourhood starts to get a little shittier. Your neighbours Ivan and Wang are helping where they can, but they care about dumb things you don't care about! Their fences look weird and stuff! And everytime you look out of your window, everyone is giving you the stink eye. You are super rich, but you haven't helped them at all. So why should they help you? They're buying and selling lemonade to wang and Ivan, and even Pierre and Reginald! Some of your neighbours problems are getting bad too. Theres a horrible stink, and those islamic militants just moved into the house opposite you! Well, you're gonna need a bigger fence. Maybe some more guards. No one will let you land your plane in their garden, let alone your helicopter! You have to start handing out bribes to get what you want, or just paying for it yourself, and it's just getting worse and worse! Everyone hates you and you're stuck in your house. Obviously, helping people out is actually cheaper than telling them all to fuck off and then building a giant fence. It's like that with Foreign aid. Apart from ethical and moral arguments, it's a LOT cheaper to give your buddy Israel money to build an army and look out for you in the middle east than it would be to do it yourself. It's easier to pay a small amount now rather than waiting for shit to go wrong and instability to creep into the world."}, {"answer": "This is a great question! It is important to understand that the US is liked internationally because of a few simple factors: historical ties, trade, foreign aid and security arrangements. Simply put, if all aid was cut then there could be serious backlash on the US diplomatic status quo. Take many African states who rely on US aid, like Lesotho. The US is trying to help prevent AIDS there and the state is barely keeping its head above water. Lesotho is friendly with the US because they are helping them out, the aid gives legitimacy to the government and in return maybe they allow them to have a military base there or sell them rare earth minerals. If the US says no, why would they make the US a priority customer, they might just as easily sell to China or the EU. In the international aid world money = influence! It is one of the best forms of currency as it can be used to help people without directly helping oppressors or can provide leverage and diplomatic dominance over a state that maybe you want to be your friend. The decisions on where to send foreign aid is one of the most complex issues any government can make. In fact I think it is probably the most complex issue. Which is why I cannot be bothered with people who say that they don't want their money going overseas to people who can't help themselves. When used correctly, a little aid can go a very long way and be as good an investment as any blue chip stock."}, {"answer": "Not a lot would happen. The US's foreign aid is substantial, but there are a lot of other countries giving out a lot of other aid. There would still be plenty to go around. If you only take the top 10 donators of foreign aid the US accounts for only about 16% of it. The main impact would be on foreign relations, and how foreigners view the US. The US is not well liked in much of the world, and looking like a good guy is important."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "140416", "title": "United States Agency for International Development", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is an independent agency of the United States federal government that is primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and development assistance. With a budget of over $27 billion, USAID is one of the largest official aid agencies in the world, and accounts for more than half of all U.S. foreign assistancethe highest in the world in absolute dollar terms.", "The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is an independent agency of the United States federal government that is primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and development assistance. With a budget of over $27 billion, USAID is one of the largest official aid agencies in the world, and accounts for more than half of all U.S. foreign assistancethe highest in the world in absolute dollar terms."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "33992499", "title": "Deficit reduction in the United States", "section": "Section::::Public opinion polls.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 270, "end_paragraph_id": 270, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["and infrastructure. According to a CBS News/New York Times poll in July 2009, 56% of people were opposed to paying more taxes to reduce the deficit and 53% were also opposed to cutting spending. According to a Pew Research poll in June 2009, there was no single category of spending that a majority of Americans favored cutting. Only cuts in foreign aid (less than 1% of the budget), polled higher than 33%. Economist Bruce Bartlett wrote in December 2009: \"Nevertheless, I can't really blame members of Congress for lacking the courage or responsibility to get the budget under some semblance of control. All the evidence suggests that they are just doing what voters want them to do, which is nothing.\"", "and infrastructure. According to a CBS News/New York Times poll in July 2009, 56% of people were opposed to paying more taxes to reduce the deficit and 53% were also opposed to cutting spending. According to a Pew Research poll in June 2009, there was no single category of spending that a majority of Americans favored cutting. Only cuts in foreign aid (less than 1% of the budget), polled higher than 33%. Economist Bruce Bartlett wrote in December 2009: \"Nevertheless, I can't really blame members of Congress for lacking the courage or responsibility to get the budget under some semblance of control. All the evidence suggests that they are just doing what voters want them to do, which is nothing.\"", "nd infrastructure. According to a CBS News/New York Times poll in July 2009, 56% of people were opposed to paying more taxes to reduce the deficit and 53% were also opposed to cutting spending. According to a Pew Research poll in June 2009, there was no single category of spending that a majority of Americans favored cutting. Only cuts in foreign aid (less than 1% of the budget), polled higher than 33%. Economist Bruce Bartlett wrote in December 2009: \"Nevertheless, I can't really blame members of Congress for lacking the courage or responsibility to get the budget under some semblance of control. All the evidence suggests that they are just doing what voters want them to do, which is nothing.\""]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "55697602", "title": "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017", "section": "Section::::Plan elements.:Individual income tax.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 14, "end_paragraph_id": 14, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["of out-of-pocket medical expenses that may be deducted by lowering threshold from 10% of adjusted gross income to 7.5%, but only for 2017 (retroactively) and 2018. Effective January 1, 2019, the threshold will increase to 10%. No changes are made to major education deductions and credits, or to the teacher deduction for unreimbursed classroom expenses, which remains at $250. The bill initially expanded usage of 529 college savings accounts for both K12 private school tuition and homeschools, but the provision regarding homeschools was overruled by the Senate parliamentarian and removed. The 529 savings accounts for K-12 private school tuition provision was left intact.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "of out-of-pocket medical expenses that may be deducted by lowering threshold from 10% of adjusted gross income to 7.5%, but only for 2017 (retroactively) and 2018. Effective January 1, 2019, the threshold will increase to 10%. No changes are made to major education deductions and credits, or to the teacher deduction for unreimbursed classroom expenses, which remains at $250. The bill initially expanded usage of 529 college savings accounts for both K12 private school tuition and homeschools, but the provision regarding homeschools was overruled by the Senate parliamentarian and removed. The 529 savings accounts for K-12 private school tuition provision was left intact."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "United States foreign aid\n\n\nan African country than they are to support foreign aid going to an Eastern European country. Respondents averaged wanting to cut aid going to those of European descent by 40 percent, while respondents averaged wanting to cut aid going to those of African descent by only 11 percent. Baker attributes this to a paternalistic view Americans have of themselves over those of African descent. Due to the size of the US federal budget, the 0.7 percent put towards foreign aid comprises a significant proportion of all foreign aid flows including other donors. Most US", "id": "14471662" }, { "contents": "Muhammad Abu Tir\n\n\nAfter Hamas's landslide victory in January 2006 many countries decided to back Israel's decision to cut foreign aid to The Palestinian Authority. After being asked what Hamas planned to do in light of this Abu Tir stated that Hamas \"would not go to foreign donors on [a] bended knee\". In a 6 February 2006 open letter to \"Newsweek International\" Tir stated that \"The European Union and America should cooperate with us. We have ways of creating understanding among our people. We are facilitators, helpers, aides", "id": "15088973" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Rand Paul\n\n\neliminating foreign aid to all countries. In 2011, Paul had proposed budget cuts of 500 billion from the federal budget in part by cutting off foreign aid. Paul stated that the portrayal in the media stating that, \"Rand Paul wants to end aid to Israel\" are \"not true, inappropriate and inflammatory,\" as they suggest he is somehow \"targeting\" the Jewish state. In 2018, Paul blocked a pair of bills which would authorize tens of billions of dollars of military aid to Israel, coming under fire", "id": "2642225" }, { "contents": "Foreign relations of Uzbekistan\n\n\naid cuts, and visa bans on officials held responsible for the events in Andijan and their cover-up. Turunen said, \"There are many, many open cases on human rights, and we have to now carefully look into what has really been done and what recommendations of [the] international community have been implemented. They indicated [then] that there would be possibilities to again resume ministerial level dialogue, that they might be willing to again discuss all aspects of EU-Uzbek relations, including the events in Andijan", "id": "13293861" }, { "contents": "Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund\n\n\nthe PA in the light of the use of these funds to incentivize terrorism. In 2016, Børge Brende, Foreign Minister of Norway, demanded that the PA cease using Norwegian foreign aid for \"martyr\" stipends. He was satisfied with an assurance that Norwegian funds would not be used for the stipends, although the change was purely \"cosmetic\" since PA funds are fungible. On 23 March 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump signed the Taylor Force Act into law, which will cut about a third of US foreign aid payments", "id": "5940460" }, { "contents": "Katras\n\n\ntheir cut. Dalali is an important vocation here with increasing number of people taking to it. Mind you this is not honest. What they do is, in connivance with the local administration charge money from the public for all govt. services. You would end coughing-up several times the actual amount for getting any service. So there are Dalals of local Police Station, of Block development office, of SDM's office, of DM's office. If one goes otherwise than through Dalals, the work would be completed", "id": "6893904" }, { "contents": "History of the rupee\n\n\n, which increased the money supply, leading to inflation. In 1966, foreign aid, which had hitherto been a key factor in preventing devaluation of the rupee, was finally cut off and India was told it had to liberalise its restrictions on trade before foreign aid would again materialise. The response was the politically unpopular step of devaluation accompanied by liberalisation. Furthermore, The Indo-Pakistan War of 1965 led the US and other countries friendly towards Pakistan to withdraw foreign aid to India, which necessitated more devaluation. Defense spending in", "id": "21107196" }, { "contents": "United States intervention in Chile\n\n\na narrow victory plurality vote (near 37%). United States president Richard Nixon feared that Chile could become \"another Cuba\" and the US cut off most of its foreign aid to Chile. The US government believed that Allende would become closer to socialist countries, such as Cuba and the Soviet Union. They feared that Allende would push Chile into socialism, and therefore lose all of the US investments made in Chile. On 15 September 1970; before Allende took office, Richard Nixon gave the order to overthrow Allende.", "id": "20780859" }, { "contents": "Morecambe\n\n\ndefence or the social services. These tax cuts required a saving of £2,855 million, and this would be funded by eradicating losses in the nationalised industries and denationalising the profit-making state concerns; ending all housing subsidies except for those who could not afford their own housing; ending all foreign aid; ending all grants and subsidies in agriculture; ending all assistance to development areas; ending all investment grants; abolishing the National Economic Development Council; and abolishing the Prices and Incomes Board The cuts in taxation would also allow the", "id": "11535263" }, { "contents": "Alliance for Progress\n\n\nCongress to amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to ensure that US aid would not be furnished to any foreign business that could compete with US business \"unless the country concerned agrees to limit the export of the product to the US to 20 percent of output\". In addition the industries lobbied Congress to limit all purchases of AID machinery and vehicles in the US. A 1967 study of AID showed that 90 percent of all AID commodity expenditures went to US corporations. Ivan Illich advanced a \"potent and highly influential critique\"", "id": "18349995" }, { "contents": "What the Rose did to the Cypress\n\n\nthat he must seek out the home of the Simurgh, but she could not direct him to it. He obeyed her directions about the Place of Gifts, where wild animals lived, and a lion-king gave him some hairs, saying he must burn them for aid. He disobeyed her directions to avoid the castle of clashing swords, because whatever was fated to happen to him would happen, and fought the negroes there. With the lion's aid, he defeated them, rescuing a princess, and gave it all", "id": "16045132" }, { "contents": "Julie Bishop\n\n\nchange argued that closer alignment with foreign affairs would ensure that the aid program was more relevant and would provide better value for money. Subsequently, Bishop announced substantial expenditure cuts in the aid program. In Opposition, the Liberal Party had publicly endorsed the aim of maintaining the Australian aid budget at the level of 0.5% of GDP. Aid spending amounted to around $5.0 billion in 2014/15. However budget cuts introduced after the new government took office led to marked reductions. Expenditure was reduced to around $4.2 billion in 2015/16.", "id": "9996593" }, { "contents": "Negotiations leading to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action\n\n\nsince this enrichment capacity would bring the breakout time down to weeks or days. Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, testifying before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, said that a good deal will be one that cuts off Iran's uranium, plutonium and covert pathways to obtain nuclear weapons. Secretary of State John Kerry has testified before the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs and expressed great concerns about the Arak nuclear reactor facility. \"Now, we have strong feelings about what will happen in a final comprehensive agreement. From", "id": "8410276" }, { "contents": "The World Without US\n\n\nThe World Without US is a 2008 documentary film created by Mitch Anderson and Jason J. Tomaric. Released in 2008, the documentary explores what might happen if the United States were to leave the international arena, rescind its global reach and become an isolationist nation for the first time since the early 20th century. The film is available for viewing on the video-sharing website YouTube. Anderson and Tomaric began the documentary in order to answer what would happen if the United States removed itself from foreign affairs by embarking on a quest to", "id": "6470764" }, { "contents": "All That Glitters (TV series)\n\n\n: I went to bed thinking about that, and I woke up the next morning thinking what would happen if the male-female equation were changed? What would happen if the women had all the power and all the advantage, and the men had what the women normally would have?” The world of \"All That Glitters\" had always been female-dominated but Lear also used the series to comment on changing sex roles in the United States in the 1970s. Former Major League Baseball player Wes Parker almost literally walked", "id": "7438002" }, { "contents": "Prizes as an alternative to patents\n\n\nmarketing and advertising as opposed to the research for the actual drugs. Stiglitz goes on to assert that until generic versions of drugs reach the shelves, which occurs after a patent expires, the costs burden consumers due to prices not being dictated by the markets. These burdens are overwhelming in developing countries and Stiglitz suggests they be lowered by offering prizes instead of patents. Stiglitz discusses the idea of using foreign aid assistance funds to finance prizes as it would provide greater foreign aid than what funds are being used for currently. Senator Bernie", "id": "6023473" }, { "contents": "Morjim\n\n\nCongress legislator Aleixo Reginaldo Lourenco. Parrikar said \"unobtrusive watch\" is maintained on the activities of the foreigners staying in Goa. \"If any foreigner is found involved in any crime, legal action as per the law is taken\", he said. The Goa BJP Chief Minister was saying the same thing as what North Goa Police Chief said when Congress Govt was in power before BJP. North Goa's superintendent of police had said \"it would be an exaggeration to talk of a Russian mafia in Goa, though there have", "id": "13100626" }, { "contents": "Enoch Powell\n\n\ntax reductions required a saving of £2,855,000,000 and this would be funded by eradicating losses in the nationalised industries and privatising the profit-making state concerns; ending all housing subsidies except for those who could not afford their own housing; ending all foreign aid; ending all grants and subsidies in agriculture; ending all assistance to development areas; ending all investment grants; and abolishing the National Economic Development Council and the Prices and Incomes Board. The cuts in taxation would also allow the state to borrow from the public to spend on", "id": "17477828" }, { "contents": "List of Dragonlance characters\n\n\nand later it was used by Raistlin and Palin Majere. As a consequence of his death by the hand of Dracos, Huma decreed that from that time forward, all mages would be permitted to carry a small bladed weapon to aid in their defence when they had not the opportunity to cast their spells to that end. Mina was an orphan Goldmoon took in at the Citadel of Light. She could not remember what had happened to her before a shipwreck left her on Schallsea. She was drawn away from the island by Takhisis", "id": "16330926" }, { "contents": "Tzipi Livni\n\n\nRabin as a turning point in her political career when she became more popular among the Israeli peace camp. She delivered a speech which many found deeply moving in which she said the day Rabin was murdered was \"the day that the skies fell down on me because of what happened to us, to all the citizens of Israel.\" As foreign minister, Livni would again attend the memorial for Rabin in 2009. Labor Party officials were not keen on this idea, fearing that her appearance would cost them votes. Some Kadima", "id": "7654385" }, { "contents": "Julie Bishop\n\n\nMinister for Foreign Affairs was to introduce sweeping changes to the Australian foreign aid program. These changes included abolition of the Australian foreign aid agency, AusAID, and extensive expenditure cuts. The new government was sworn into office on 18 September 2013. Incoming Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced the same day that AusAID would be integrated into the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT). The news of the proposed integration had been conveyed by Bishop to senior AusAID staff some days earlier. The official explanation for the integration of AusAID into DFAT was", "id": "9996591" }, { "contents": "Plan Colombia\n\n\n. These would include some 388 discharges in 2000 and a further 70 in 2001. Human Rights Watch recognized these events, but questioned the fact that the reasons for such discharges were not always made clear nor followed by formal prosecutions, and claimed that Pastrana's administration cut funds for the Attorney General's Human Rights Unit. In 1997 the US Congress approved an Amendment to the Foreign Operations Appropriations Act which banned the US from giving anti-narcotics aid to any foreign military unit whose members have violated human rights. The Amendment was", "id": "19733596" }, { "contents": "2009 Honduran coup d'état\n\n\nthere.\" He stated: \"It would be a terrible precedent if we start moving backwards into the era in which we are seeing military coups as a means of political transition, rather than democratic elections.\" Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, however, equivocated, saying that \"We do think that this has evolved into a coup\" and noting that under U.S. law, officially declaring a coup would oblige the U.S. to cut off most foreign aid to Honduras.\" Cutting off aid was seen as a possibility in the", "id": "16171812" }, { "contents": "Gangaji\n\n\nto thought without any space. We overlook the spaciousness that it is all happening in.\" Gangaji uses a personal form of inquiry to aid in the realization of 'direct experience': \"I use inquiry as a way of getting the mind to turn inward to the silence. It could be the question, \"Who am I?\" Or it could be \"What am I avoiding in this moment?\" Or, \"Where is silence?\" \"What is needed in this moment, right in this very", "id": "19244661" }, { "contents": "United States foreign aid\n\n\nsignificantly more likely to receive foreign aid. Foreign aid is generally unpopular with the general public, with a 2017 poll finding 57% favor a cut and 6% who want increased aid. On the other hand, foreign aid has bipartisan support in Congress, and most Americans overestimate foreign aid as a share of the total federal budget. In the past, less than 1% of the national budget went to foreign assistance. As of fiscal year 2017, foreign aid between the U.S. State Department and USAID totaled $50.1 billion", "id": "14471639" }, { "contents": "Sri Thanonchai\n\n\ntoo clever!” exclaimed the king. He came out of the water graciously, pleased with the wit of Sri Thanonchai. The King punishes Sri Thanonchai by sending him to stay on an isolated island. Luckily foreigners visit on a boat. Sri Thanonchai hides on the boat to get a ride to Market. During the ride, he sees the foreigners bring two big watermelons, both cut in half. The foreigners say that they will bring these two watermelons to gambling with the king. Sri Thanonchai knows what is happening,", "id": "7688928" }, { "contents": "Jozef Tiso\n\n\nVatican protested, the government responded with defiance: 'There is no foreign intervention which would stop us on the road to the liberation of Slovakia from Jewry', insisted President Tiso\". Distressing scenes at railway yards of deportees being beaten by Hlinka guards had brought protests, including from leading churchmen such as Bishop Pavol Jantausch. The Vatican called in the Slovak ambassador twice to enquire as to what was happening in Slovakia. According to British historian Richard Evans, these interventions \"caused Tiso, who after all was still a priest", "id": "13705292" }, { "contents": "2006–07 economic sanctions against the Palestinian National Authority\n\n\nGaza off completely from the West Bank and making the Israeli-Gaza border an international one. Hamas Members of Parliament would be denied to travel freely between Gaza and West Bank. The first Hamas-led Government was sworn in on 29 March 2006. Both US and EU had cut aid to the Palestinians after the elections. Canada also suspended its aid. On 12 April 2006, the US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) formally determined that Hamas had property interest in transactions of the PA. Consequently,", "id": "8045345" }, { "contents": "Mick Mulvaney\n\n\nThe proposed deal eliminated some of the spending cuts required by the sequester by $45 billion of the cuts scheduled to happen in January and $18 billion of the cuts scheduled to happen in 2015. This did not decrease federal spending; instead, by reducing the amount of spending cuts the government was going to be forced to make by the sequester, it actually increased government spending by $45 billion and $18 billion over what would have been spent had the sequester remained in place. Some Republicans wanted Speaker John Boehner to", "id": "8654536" }, { "contents": "Another Day (novel)\n\n\nago. In the article, it states that Nathan has no idea what happened to him and he is using the aid of reverend to figure out what exactly happened. Ashley: \"A\" inhibited Ashley's body, who is described as a “super hot black girl” on a Sunday and met up with Rhiannon for a picnic at the national park. During the picnic, \"A\" tries to convince Rhiannon that they should be together, despite what happens to \"A\" each day, and that Justin is", "id": "12117744" }, { "contents": "Foreign aid to Haiti\n\n\naccelerated the move to private voluntary agencies as contractors to oversee the use of U.S. aid funds. Throughout the 2001–2004 time period the United States Chamber of Commerce backed a government aid embargo upon Haiti's elected Aristide government. This led to economic decline. Haiti's government budget was approximately 30-40 percent dependent on the cut-off aid. During Barack Obama's eight-year presidential service, his administration pledged United States’ assistance in Haitian foreign relief programs assisting global health, economic security, and food-related aid.", "id": "5207470" }, { "contents": "Modern Warfare 2: Ghost\n\n\na task, exclaiming \"Sparks! You won't\" believe \"what I---\" and gets cut off when he sees Riley, panics somewhat and attempts to gun down Riley. Riley escapes by jumping through Sparks' hotel window, slightly injuring his leg by getting a glass shard stuck, and steals a cab to make his get away. Remembering about what Roba said about his family, and what would happen if he screwed up.. (ex. \"You were told what would happen...\" \"This is your Mother", "id": "4210493" }, { "contents": "Giwargis I\n\n\n, and did not give it even after suffering torture and imprisonment, the indignant emir destroyed many churches at Aqula and throughout the region of Hirta. In the time of Giwargis the doctor Yohannan, bishop of Beth Waziq, cut off his members after he was accused of fornication, and was then condemned all the more and deposed. Also of his time, John bar Penkaye wrote: \"This period of calm was to us the cause of so much weakness, that there happened to us what happened to the Israelites, of", "id": "20993807" }, { "contents": "Peter McGregor\n\n\ngroup Australian Committee of Responsibility for the Children of Vietnam (ACORFCOV), founded by the wonderful Sheila Rowley. ACORFCOV was inspired by the (US) Committee of Responsibility (COR) chaired by Dr. Benjamin Spock. Evidence of what was happening being done to Vietnamese civilians and children was enough to move one to joining anti-war actions and then the movement itself.\" ACORFCOV supported humanitarian aid for the civilian victims of the war and education on what was happening to civilians as a basis for fundraising to provide medical aid and", "id": "930163" }, { "contents": "Wartime perception of the Chinese Communists\n\n\ngreater than those between the Republican and Democratic parties in the United States. China Burma India Theater Commander Joseph Stilwell repeatedly claimed (in contradiction to Comintern statistics) that Communists were doing more than the KMT against Japan, and sought to cut off all US aid to Chiang. The US strove to send aid to the Chinese Communists during the war. Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov told General Hurley that Mao and the rest of the Chinese Communists were not really Communists and that the Kremlin had no connections with them. The claims were", "id": "19641914" }, { "contents": "Allan Boesak\n\n\ncharity setup by Boesak. The DanChurchAid (Danish Church Aid) approached Johannesburg law firm Bell Dewar to investigate the use of a $1 million donation made in 1985 (c.a. R3 million at the time) . For six weeks Boesak held out while the scandal was aired in the press. Only when the Office for Serious Economic Offences began its own investigation was he finally persuaded to resign from the foreign ministry. A further complaint was made by Archbishop Tutu, who called in police to investigate what had happened to a donation", "id": "12831400" }, { "contents": "Marla Ruzicka\n\n\nrebuild the homes of families that had suffered losses as a result of military action. After receiving CIVIC's first report, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) sponsored legislation to provide $10 million in U.S. aid to Iraqi civilians who had been harmed by the US military. He said, \"Marla Ruzicka is out there saying, 'Wait, everybody. Here is what is really happening. You'd better know about this.' We have whistle blowers in industry. Maybe sometimes we need whistle blowers in foreign policy", "id": "18208157" }, { "contents": "Aspect-oriented programming\n\n\n\"tangled\" with the basic functionality (sometimes called the \"business logic concern\"). Transactions, security, and logging all exemplify \"cross-cutting concerns\". Now consider what happens if we suddenly need to change (for example) the security considerations for the application. In the program's current version, security-related operations appear \"scattered\" across numerous methods, and such a change would require a major effort. AOP attempts to solve this problem by allowing the programmer to express cross-cutting concerns in", "id": "15056543" }, { "contents": "Murray College\n\n\nan Intermediate student on 5 May 1893. The early history of Murray College is both interesting and singular. The Foreign Committee of the Ch`urch of Scotland was requested in 1883 to open a college in Lahore. It turned down not only the request of the Punjab Govt.; but even an attractive offer of pounds: 250,000,00 as financial aid by one Sardar Sarwat Singh for the said purpose. The said Foreign Committee, at that stage, perhaps could not even dream that destiny had turned the scale in favour of the people of", "id": "75920" }, { "contents": "Second Coming (Second Coming album)\n\n\nalbum with Kelly Gray. \"We wanted to record a short CD to put out ourselves and see what happens, hoping it would get us to the next place. The more things happen, the more we realize maybe these are the songs to make something happen… That’s what everyone around us seems to be thinking.\" Bracht is credited for writing all the lyrics off \"Second Coming\" with the exception of \"Vintage Eyes\", which is credited to Taft. Taft is credited for writing or co-writing", "id": "13987882" }, { "contents": "No Man's Sky\n\n\n]'s assessment of where the team was at\". Keighley felt that Murray could not \"rip off that band-aid\" and explain exactly what had made it and had to be cut for the game prior to release, and in the end appeared to \"disrespect his audience\". As such, Keighley sympathised with those that felt they were misled by the marketing. Keighley rekindled the relationship with Murray since launch, and anticipated discussing more of what happened near release with him. Sony Chairman Shawn Layden, in November", "id": "15791507" }, { "contents": "Catholic Church and Nazi Germany during World War II\n\n\nspread. Mazower wrote: \"When the Vatican protested, the government responded with defiance: 'There is no foreign intervention which would stop us on the road to the liberation of Slovakia from Jewry', insisted President Tiso\". Distressing scenes at railway yards of deportees being beaten by Hlinka guards had spurred community protest, including from leading churchmen such as Bishop Pavol Jantausch. The Vatican called in the Slovak ambassador twice to enquire what was happening. These interventions, wrote Evans, \"caused Tiso, who after all was still", "id": "5281363" }, { "contents": "Annexation of Goa\n\n\nUAR, to present a resolution in the UN in support of India's invasion of Goa. The United States' official reaction to the invasion of Goa was delivered by Adlai Stevenson in the United Nations Security Council, where he condemned the armed action of the Indian government and demanded that all Indian forces be unconditionally withdrawn from Goan soil. To express its displeasure with the Indian action in Goa, the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee attempted, over the objections of President John F. Kennedy, to cut the 1962 foreign aid appropriation to", "id": "15272320" }, { "contents": "Impeachment process against Richard Nixon\n\n\nNixon and the key aides. The phrase \"expletive deleted\" entered the pop lexicon, found innumerable humorous uses, and soon became a catchphrase of Watergate. Most of all, the transcripts represented a turning point in support for the president, with the crudity of what was revealed beginning the erosion of support among Republicans. Talk of possible impeachment included considerations of how it might affect U.S. foreign relations. During the spring of 1974, U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger publicly proclaimed his expectation that the president would neither be impeached nor", "id": "8916994" }, { "contents": "Alma Lloyd\n\n\nHer scenes with Fredric March were said to be particular outstanding. The publicity prior to the film's completion indicated or predicted that her part would be one of the most brilliant in the production. When she attended the film's preview with her parents and friends, she was shocked to discover that all of her work had been cut from the film. The reason given was one of excessive footage. Apparently what had happened to Alma Lloyd in \"Anthony Adverse\" had happened to other actors in other films. Similarly Valerie Hobson", "id": "13095495" }, { "contents": "Kobutori Jisan\n\n\nface, twisted and pulled it off with no pain. The chief and the rest of the demons hurried away before the day would start. The old man felt his face to be smooth and without a lump. He forgot about cutting wood, and hurried home to his wife. His wife found him returning home without the lump on his face. She asked what had happened, and the old man told her all that had happened last night. Next door, there was an old man who also lived with a big", "id": "4230871" }, { "contents": "Battle of Nagashino\n\n\nthe fall of the Takeda clan. In Sengoku Basara anime, Nobunaga betrayed both Azai Nagamasa and Tokugawa Ieyasu and used his corps on former and ignored aid to the latter. The Battle of Nagashino is a significant part of many PlayStation 2 games, predominantly Koei's \"Kessen III\" and \"Samurai Warriors\". If Shingen is the playable character in \"Samurai Warriors\", there is a 'what-if' situation which examines what would have happened if he had not died: Shingen successfully reads the feint, and", "id": "3337672" }, { "contents": "Armenia–United States relations\n\n\n, which would cut 69.6% of the aid to Armenia. The ANCA stated, \"We are Troubled by Trump's Ill-Advised and Misguided Proposal to Cut Aid to Armenia\". Technical assistance and training programs have been provided in municipal administration, intergovernmental relations, public affairs, foreign policy, diplomatic training, rule of law, and development of a constitution. Specific programs are targeted at promoting elections that meet international standards, strengthening political parties, and promoting the establishment of an independent judiciary and independent media. This includes", "id": "3799828" }, { "contents": "Sada Cumber\n\n\nnations. He works with non-governmental organizations, especially the AKDN, addressing these issues. Program development, raising visibility and branding, as well as institutional reforms. Cumber continues to write and speak widely. In an editorial in The Hill, Cumber argued for the importance of foreign aid in advancing US interests while also suggesting that the Trump Administration’s proposed budget cuts could be an opportunity to make needed reforms in the US foreign aid system. In the Daily Signal, Cumber commented on the positive relations between Rick Perry and", "id": "4649223" }, { "contents": "History and culture of Elavumthitta\n\n\nthe world of letters at Mooloor Smarakam. Prominent personalities will be present on this auspicious day. ….memory is what makes our lives. Life without memory is no life at all… Our memory is our coherence, our reason, our feeling, even our action. Without it, we are nothing… -- Luis Buñuel ELAVUMTHITTA GETS GOVT TRANSPORT BUS IN 1957 AT GUN POINT. There was a time when people of Elavumthitta solely depending on the soles of their heels to travel out of Elavumthitta. Be it for getting medical aid", "id": "7038281" }, { "contents": "Rudolf Margolius\n\n\nwhat had happened in the past, that no one would be persecuted for his or hers racial, national or social origins, in order for all people to be equal, in order to establish an era of real freedom. A couple of years later the comrades succeeded in what the Nazis had not managed: they killed him.' \"The Scotsman\" reported on 16 May 1968:Czechoslovak President Ludvík Svoboda has awarded the Order of the Republic posthumously to Rudolf Margolius, former Deputy Foreign Trade Minister executed in 1952 after the", "id": "9048681" }, { "contents": "2005 Canadian federal budget\n\n\n, as with most of the budget, it was back-loaded. The total new funding for 2006 was to be $500 million. Start-up money was provided for Canada's efforts to comply with the Kyoto Accord and for a national child care program. Additional funding was provided for cities, health care, and foreign aid. Some cuts were made. The Air Travel Complaints Commissioner was abolished, and foreign aid to Thailand, Malaysia, and all countries now in the European Union was ended. In total,", "id": "13815725" }, { "contents": "Causes of the Holodomor\n\n\nthe famine and associated hardships. Some claim the same thing happened during the earlier 1921–23 famine in the Soviet Union. With regard to the earlier famine, some researchers say initial Soviet pleas for aid in early autumn 1921 were refused by European countries, and what aid was eventually provided didn't come for four or five months, so the Soviet government may not have expected the outside world to be very helpful in this instance either. On February 23, 1933, the Politburo of Central Committee adopted a decree requiring foreign journalists to", "id": "6377449" }, { "contents": "Crimes of Passion (1984 film)\n\n\n, by the fifth round of cuts, I think they were all so beaten down from looking at the thing and from pressure from the press and elsewhere that they finally went with an R.\" Russell said the cuts he did were of \"a sex shadow show on a wall and a rather climactic scene of sado-masochistic bent, also a scene where China Blue cracks, and several scenes of erotic art that are her mental reactions to what's happening to her. I would think the film in its present form loses", "id": "20299626" }, { "contents": "Fukuda Doctrine\n\n\nregion. On the other hand, the Soviet Union developed a thought-control system in which it would try to coax Southeast Asian nations into thinking of Chinese diplomacy as a form of new imperialism. The Soviet deputy foreign minister visit to ASEAN states to discuss on friendship treaties and economic aids stands as a strong proof for its determination in Southeast Asia during the 1970s. Japan, imbibing all the happenings and changes in the power balance in Southeast Asia, feared for its position, security, and economy which, until the early", "id": "16091383" }, { "contents": "History of Laos since 1945\n\n\nlargest contributor of foreign aid to Laos, but in 1989 Mikhail Gorbachev told Kaisôn that aid would have to be sharply reduced. Aid was cut off completely in 1990, creating a renewed economic crisis. Laos was forced to ask France and Japan for emergency assistance, and also to ask the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank for aid. This had further consequences. The international agencies required further economic liberalisation and reform as a precondition for large-scale aid. Laos was also forced to mend its fences with the non-", "id": "9023554" }, { "contents": "Brita Zippel\n\n\nwas afraid, they were sadly mistaken; Satan himself had made her insensitive to all pain. They could do what ever they pleased, burn her, cut her body to pieces, and she would feel nothing, but doubt not that she would have her vengeance—by the aid of Satan. The priest, a member of the witch commission, tried to get her to repent and take communion, but she refused. If truly a witch, she would keep on being so. She would return as a ghost devil", "id": "6097481" }, { "contents": "Marshall Plan\n\n\n-war levels; for all Marshall Plan recipients, output in 1951 was at least 35% higher than in 1938. Over the next two decades, Western Europe enjoyed unprecedented growth and prosperity, but economists are not sure what proportion was due directly to the ERP, what proportion indirectly, and how much would have happened without it. A common American interpretation of the program's role in European recovery was expressed by Paul Hoffman, head of the Economic Cooperation Administration, in 1949, when he told Congress Marshall aid had provided", "id": "20161591" }, { "contents": "Stephen Harper\n\n\nRussia's support for Russian-speaking Ukrainian dissidents. On June 8, Harper said,\"Mr. Putin ... has no place at the [G7] table, and I don't believe there's any leader who would defend Mr. Putin having a place.\" Michael Ignatieff criticized Harper for cutting foreign aid to Africa by $700 million, falling short of the UN Millennium Development Goals, and cutting eight African countries from the list of priority aid recipients. On March 11 and 12, 2006, Harper made a surprise trip to Afghanistan", "id": "10780277" }, { "contents": "2015 Australian federal budget\n\n\nby 70% and to Indonesia by 40%. This budget marked a significant change from last year's budget emergency and fiscal crisis towards restoring faith and building confidence with the electorate. A number of economists described the economic growth forecasts as too optimistic, particularly the long-term rate of 3.5% as an over-estimate. Aid groups condemned cuts to foreign aid. A spokesperson from Oxfam said the cuts would impact security and Australia's international standing. According to modelling conducted by the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling", "id": "18931687" }, { "contents": "Jesse Helms\n\n\n1981, Helms restored $200 million for school lunches by instead cutting foreign aid, and against increases in grain and milk price support, despite the importance of the dairy industry to North Carolina. He warned repeatedly against costly farm subsidies as chairman. However, in 1983, he used his position to lobby to use the country's strategic dairy and wheat stocks to subsidize food exports as part of a trade war with the European Union. Helms heavily opposed cutting food aid to Poland after martial law was declared, and called for", "id": "8713145" }, { "contents": "Double-mindedness\n\n\nknew all this, knew what would happen to him, but he did not know how anxiety would seize him, as he felt himself deserted in the manifold wherein he has his soul; he did not know how the heart beats when help from others, and the guidance from others, and the standards and the distractions afforded by others, vanish in the stillness; he did not know the trembling of the soul, when it is too late to shout for human aid, since no one can hear him: in short", "id": "9233659" }, { "contents": "Deficit reduction in the United States\n\n\nadvanced economies. The right adjustment for the US would be to phase in revenue increases gradually over time so that you don't kill the recovery while controlling the growth of government spending.\" David Leonhardt wrote in \"The New York Times\" in March 2010: \"For now, political leaders in both parties are still in denial about what the solution will entail. To be fair, so is much of the public. What needs to happen? Spending will need to be cut, \"and\" taxes will need to", "id": "10842178" }, { "contents": "Halimah bint Abi Dhuayb\n\n\nfoster brother) who came running back and shouted: \"two men dressed in white grabbed my brother and cut his chest.\" So then Halimah and Al-Harith ran to Muhammad and found him pale faced. When they asked him what happened, he said: \"Two men came and opened my chest and took a portion of it\". After this happened, Halimah took Muhammad back to Mecca and told his mother of what happened. Then she knew that he was special and would grow up to be someone great", "id": "11764564" }, { "contents": "Little Sioux Scout Ranch\n\n\ntornado killed Josh Fennen, 13; Sam Thomsen, 13; Ben Petrzilka, 14, all from Omaha and Aaron Eilerts, 14, from Eagle Grove, Iowa. The Scouts' first aid training was immediately used. MSNBC asked Ethan Hession, 13, \"You said, 'If it had to happen it is good it happened at a Boy Scout Camp.' Why would you at the age of 13 say such a thing?\" Hession replied, \"Because we were prepared. We knew that shock could happen", "id": "9668920" }, { "contents": "Something Else (Robin Thicke album)\n\n\nmotivated to write the song by his own feelings concerning his inability to aid in the midst of the tragedy, saying, \"What happened there greatly affected a lot of us Americans. Because, though we felt like these people deserved to be helped immediately, we couldn't help. Instead we were all just watching this debacle happen in front of our eyes.\" Months later, Thicke played his original iteration of the song for rapper Lil' Wayne which, according to Thicke, \"moved\" the New Orleans native.", "id": "11347663" }, { "contents": "United States foreign aid\n\n\nthe percent of the budget that goes towards foreign aid was less than 5 percent. Steven Kull, director of PIPA, relates this overestimation towards an increase in hearing about foreign aid efforts during the Obama administration, but estimates of foreign aid have always been high. A poll conducted in 2013 by Research Pew Center found that the majority of Americans wanted to either maintain or increase spending on all US government initiatives except foreign aid. This is attributed, by Alice C. Hu, to a gross misconception of how much of the federal", "id": "14471659" }, { "contents": "Tinsel (novel)\n\n\nis a year from game shows. This is why we're all so nervous. There's no carry over of affection. It's why nobody can cut their price. You're worth a million dollars or you're unemployed. That's what happened to Elizabeth Taylor and what I wanted to tell in \"Tinsel\". What happens to the women of Hollywood? He also said the novel was similar to an earlier work of his, \"Boys and Girls Together\". \"It's about five people in a town", "id": "21236648" }, { "contents": "Japanese asset price bubble\n\n\nUS: [the] second and the third cut was a joint announcement to cut the discount rate while the fourth and fifth was due to [a] joint statement [of] either Japan-US or the G-7\". It has been suggested that the US exerted influence to increase the strength of the yen, which would help with the ongoing attempts to reduce the US-Japan current account deficit. Almost all discount rate cuts announced by the BOJ explicitly expressed the need to stabilize the foreign exchange rate, rather than", "id": "17121356" }, { "contents": "Julie Fleeting\n\n\nI'm really hoping something comes of this. It will be great if it does all go ahead but I'm just waiting to see what happens at the moment. The target seems to be a restart of the full league in 2005 but with a series of exhibition games this year, which will still involve the foreign players.\" In January 2004 Fleeting signed for English club Arsenal Ladies. Under the terms of the agreement, Fleeting would continue to work as a PE teacher in Scotland from Monday to Friday and would train", "id": "17001968" }, { "contents": "Defense Attaché Office, Saigon (1973–1975)\n\n\nroughly equate cuts in support to loss of real estate\" and that as aid decreased South Vietnam would be forced to retreat to a rump state based on Saigon and the Mekong Delta. Murray advised that South Vietnam needed a minimum aid level of US$ 1.126 billion, but even this would not replace lost and damaged equipment, with aid of US$ 900 million military capacity would decline after mid-1975, with aid at US$ 750 million South Vietnam would be unable to stop a major attack, while at US$ 600 million the US should \"", "id": "13454901" }, { "contents": "Computer-aided ergonomics\n\n\nany given spinal vertebra. This could be used for finding the optimal seated posture for a person, who suffers from lower back pain, assuming that greater load on a vertebra result in greater pain. The question is “In what scenario” it would be beneficial to use computer-aided ergonomics compared to traditional ergonomics. First of all computer aided ergonomics using for example a musculo-skeletal modeling system as \"The AnyBody Modeling system\", would be beneficial in physical ergonomics, which traditional combines aspects from the human anatomical,", "id": "14043473" }, { "contents": "Crib talk\n\n\nsequences that can be as short as five words or as long as 150. They may include the reciting of stories that have been read to them. They occur throughout the period in which a child engages in crib talk. These concern what happened in the past, what will happen in the future and how events are organized. They incorporate descriptions used by others to enable prediction. Such monologues have been argued to play a key role in providing a practice space for developing complex connected discourse, aiding a child to use language", "id": "10817540" }, { "contents": "Berlin Blockade\n\n\nquickly became the focal point of both US and Soviet efforts to re-align Europe to their respective visions. As Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov noted, \"What happens to Berlin, happens to Germany; what happens to Germany, happens to Europe.\" Berlin had suffered enormous damage; its prewar population of 4.3 million people was reduced to 2.8 million. After harsh treatment, forced emigration, political repression and the particularly hard winter of 1945–1946, Germans in the Soviet-controlled zone were hostile to Soviet endeavours. Local elections", "id": "3842204" }, { "contents": "Off the Beaten Track (TV series)\n\n\nI happened to mention that I had never had a foreign holiday until I was 18. I always holidayed at home and we travelled the length and breadth of Ireland and Scotland. I have a real appreciation of what is around us and this series is reminding people what a beautiful part of the world we live in. I loved every minute filming the show as it really was such a lovely, happy time.\" Bleakley said she would \"love\" to make a second series, but in March 2014, it was", "id": "7192414" }, { "contents": "Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College\n\n\ncollege has computers with Internet facility for office automation. The main sources of finance are : grant-in-aid from T.N. Govt., Central Govt., fee from the students, contribution by management, U.G.C. assistance, self-financing courses and other funding agencies. 17 subjects and 70 programme combinations. 16 new UG/PG courses all under self-funded category were introduced during the last five years, out of them 6 are IT based. In addition, computer foundation programme is offered to all non-computer", "id": "20174320" }, { "contents": "Pokhran-II\n\n\na strong statement condemning India and promised that sanctions would follow. The American intelligence community was embarrassed as there had been \"a serious intelligence failure of the decade\" in detecting the preparations for the test. In keeping with its preferred approach to foreign policy in recent decades, and in compliance with the 1994 anti-proliferation law, the United States imposed economic sanctions on India. The sanctions on India consisted of cutting off all assistance to India except humanitarian aid, banning the export of certain defence material and technologies, ending American", "id": "16377000" }, { "contents": "Rand Paul 2016 presidential campaign\n\n\nfor a strong defense. He has stated: \"As Commander-in-Chief, the importance of this decision would not be overlooked. If the military action is justified and there is no other course of action, I would follow the Constitution and seek Congressional approval before sending our brave men and women into harm's way.\" Paul has compared himself to Ronald Reagan as he also believes in peace through strength. He also advocates cutting foreign aid and proposed a bill called the \"Stand with Israel Act\" to cut", "id": "15592022" }, { "contents": "Tang Xiujing\n\n\n, was having conflicts with other Western Tujue tribes, and as a consequence the communications with the Zhou garrisons in Anxi was cut off. Tang, after discussion with other chancellors, came up with a course of action and predicted what would happen next. When reports from Anxi arrived some 10 days later, they matched what Tang expected, and Wu Zetian stated, \"I regret not using you earlier.\" She further turned to the other chancellors Wei Yuanzhong, Yang Zaisi, Li Jiao, Yao Yuanchong, and Li Jiongxiu", "id": "12019769" }, { "contents": "The Most Hated Woman in America\n\n\nthe operation after they cut up all the bodies. Waters and Karr are both arrested and tried while Ferguson accepts what has happened. Closing titles revealed that Billy has tried to get school prayer legalized, but to no avail and American Atheist is still around. On July 8, 2015, it was reported that Netflix would finance and release \"The Most Hated Woman in America\", a film dramatizing the life of Madalyn Murray O'Hair. It would be directed by Tommy O'Haver from his own script and star Melissa Leo as O'Hair", "id": "21059805" }, { "contents": "The Devils (film)\n\n\nthat the scenes of torture—such as the skewering of Grandier’s tongue with needles, or the breaking of his knees—simply went on too long. To him, these scenes needed only a few frames to tell the audience what was happening; after that, the sounds and their imaginations would fill in the rest. With the exception of one sequence (\"The Rape of Christ”) which was removed in its entirety, all Trevelyan did was to tone down or reduce the scenes as I had cut them.", "id": "9464369" }, { "contents": "Aid effectiveness\n\n\nSchmitz believes that reporting duties, results-orientated action and ongoing performance assessments are essential for the sake of aid effectiveness, but political will must be already there for this to happen. Many scholars have debated whether foreign aid can result in regime change, either democratizing autocracies or turning democratic states into autocracies. Some of these scholars argue that when western donors condition aid so that recipient countries have to make democratic changes that these changes then lead to economic growth. Jakob Svensson found instead that governmental foreign aid can only be an effective", "id": "7357889" }, { "contents": "Charles Peters\n\n\n,” “What Happens to a Senator’s Day,” and “The Data Game.” Among the authors were such journalists as David Broder, Murray Kempton, Russell Baker, and Calvin Trillin, as well as people who had worked in government, such as Peters, former White House aide Bill Moyers, and former U.S. Senate aide James Boyd. A similar mix of authors would continue to write for the magazine, but beginning in 1970, the magazine became largely the product of young unknowns, who would typically serve", "id": "7033303" }, { "contents": "Peroz I\n\n\nor a city in Sogdia), they were either killed or disfigured and sent back to Iran, with the information that Kunkhas did this due to Peroz's false promise. What happened after remains obscure, it is only known that by 467, Peroz, with Hephthalite aid, managed to capture Balaam and put an end to Kidarite rule in Transoxiana once and for all. Although the Kidarites still controlled some places such as Gandhara, they would never bother the Sasanians again. However, after some time, the Hephthalites betrayed Peroz", "id": "12796375" }, { "contents": "List of Downton Abbey characters\n\n\nthe aid of her employers, they have their tea there and that image is dispelled once and for all. She also begins to see Albert Mason, Daisy's father in law, and between the two of them, help Daisy to realize that no matter what happens with them, they would always be there for Daisy and that they love her very much. This helps Daisy drop any objections she has about their pairing. William Mason (played by Thomas Howes) (d. 1918) was the second footman at Downton.", "id": "8983840" }, { "contents": "2008 submarine cable disruption\n\n\nlikely occurrence. According to Stephen Beckert, a senior analyst at TeleGeography, the events are far less exceptional than they seem because cable cuts happen all the time. Beckert argues that \"only the first two cuts had any serious impact on the Internet,\" and this drew public attention to other cable cuts that would not normally have been newsworthy. According to Beckert, cable cuts happen \"on average once every three days.\" He further noted that there are 25 large ships that do nothing but fix cable cuts and bends", "id": "17561984" }, { "contents": "Economic development\n\n\nforms that have been successful elsewhere but that only hide institutional dysfunction without solving it on the home country –can contribute to getting countries stuck in ‘capability traps’ where the country does not advance in its development goals. An example of this can be seen through some of the criticisms of foreign aid and its success rate at helping countries develop. Beyond the incentive compatibility problems that can happen to foreign aid donations –that foreign aid granting countries continue to give it to countries with little results of economic growth but with corrupt leaders", "id": "16757908" }, { "contents": "Happening bar\n\n\n). Entry is denied to the underaged (under 20), male groups, drunk or intoxicated people and, in some establishments, foreigners. Happening bars and couple kissas skirt around Japanese prostitution laws by neither providing nor promising actual sex on premises, instead stressing that what may or may not happen is entirely up to customers. In a high-profile incident in 2004, after porn star and wrestler Chocoball Mukai advertised on his website that he would be performing, the happening bar \"Rock\" in Tokyo's Roppongi district", "id": "8768353" }, { "contents": "Federal political financing in Canada\n\n\nmany as motivated by a desire to destroy the Liberal party and cripple all other parties, not by concern over taxpayer dollars. According to University of Ottawa professor Errol Mendes: \"You can see what's happening here, they're moving toward a process of eventually cutting the feet out from all the major opposition parties.\" Interim Liberal leader Bob Rae stated: \"I can’t think of anything more wrong than a spirit of vindictiveness at the heart of a majority government.\" He said the Liberals would oppose the plan", "id": "1959162" }, { "contents": "United States military aid\n\n\nThe United States government first recognized the usefulness of foreign aid as a tool of diplomacy in World War II. It was believed that it would promote liberal capitalist models of development in other countries and that it would enhance national security. The United States is the largest contributor of military aid to foreign countries in the world, providing some form of assistance to over 150 countries each year. There are three main programs where military funding is allocated: Some examples of this would include the United States' efforts in Colombia and South Korea", "id": "10163013" }, { "contents": "North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services\n\n\nAugust 2011, Cansler announced that DHHS would find it \"next to impossible to achieve this budget,\" noting that the relatively long federal approval process for budget cuts might make the April 2012 deadline untenable. Cansler explained that without legislative approval of cuts granted in a timely manner, to meet the deadline DHHS would \"have to make additional reductions,\" including potentially cutting services defined as \"optional\" such as podiatry, dental care, organ transplants and hearing aids. To allow input on what to cut, Cansler made North", "id": "9329201" }, { "contents": "Catch Hell\n\n\nsaying he can get him at least a million dollars and no one would ever know what happened. Mike comes in and says he doesn’t care about money, take outs a knife and cuts down his face, from his temple down his cheek to his chin. He says his wife is Diana. Reagan says he doesn’t know who Diana is. Mike leave the room and comes back with bolt cutters. Reagan asks what those are for. Mike tells him bolt cutters can cut through anything. They can cut through", "id": "13391270" }, { "contents": "Illegal logging in Madagascar\n\n\nall 70% of the government's operating budget was funded by foreign aid prior to the political turmoil. Since the funding was cut, the government has been strangled by a severe lack of funds, leaving the MEF, for instance, restricted to 10% of its normal budget. Despite pleas from conservation organizations, aid agencies have stood firm on the withholding of aid, arguing that it is the only way send a clear message to the current government that their actions are illegal and disruptive to business relations as well as to", "id": "8501471" }, { "contents": "Zoo Interchange\n\n\nfirst new route funded with the settlement money. After the four years of state funding, ridership on all the new routes would have to be analyzed to determine if it would be viable for the county to continue operating them. The $1.7 billion dollar cost of rebuilding the interchange used two years worth of the state's budget for highway repairs and 15 years worth of public transit aid. It also resulted in a $250 million cut from the University of Wisconsin system and a decrease in aid for local road repairs. The", "id": "7844085" }, { "contents": "2006 Fijian coup d'état\n\n\nbe cut. Helen Clark has said in the NZ Herald that she would consider sanctions against Fiji. Australia's Foreign Minister Alexander Downer has said that the military were \"slowly trying to take control\" and pressure the PM to resign. Other notable Australians have also commented on the situation such as the then Australian Prime Minister John Howard. The United States suspended $2.5 million in aid money pending a review of the situation. The United Kingdom, the United States, and the United Nations have all expressed concern at the situation", "id": "3471434" }, { "contents": "Foreign language writing aid\n\n\nadvancements in technology, aids in foreign language writing are no longer restricted to traditional mediums such as teacher feedback and dictionaries. Known as computer-assisted language learning (CALL), use of computers in language classrooms has become more common, and one example would be the use of word processors to assist learners of a foreign language in the technical aspects of their writing, such as grammar. In comparison with correction feedback from the teacher, the use of word processors is found to be a better tool in improving the writing skills", "id": "21963120" }, { "contents": "Chinese foreign aid\n\n\nForeign Aid provides subsidies from the national budget covers the concessional component of loans. Chinese foreign aid is thought to be unpopular domestically due to the common belief that the largesse is required more urgently at home. Due to the secrecy of China’s aid programme details (of how much is given, to whom and for what) are difficult to ascertain. A RAND published study on \"China's Foreign Aid and Government Sponsored Investment\" estimates the amount of both traditional aid and much more broadly defined government sponsored investment that was pledged", "id": "4071413" }, { "contents": "2010 Russian wildfires\n\n\nexplosion. President Dmitry Medvedev cut short his summer break to return to Moscow for an emergency meeting of the national security council to address the crisis. At an international meeting on 30 July, amid the ongoing heat wave and wildfires, Medvedev announced on television that \"practically everything is burning. The weather is anomalously hot. What's happening with the planet's climate right now needs to be a wake-up call to all of us, meaning all heads of state, all heads of social organizations, in order to take", "id": "6795549" }, { "contents": "Latin syntax\n\n\nhe ordered that he should go') becomes in more idiomatic English 'he ordered him to go'. The 'potential' subjunctive is used when the speaker imagines what potentially may, might, would, or could happen in the present or future or might have happened in the past. The negative of this kind is \": Another use is for what the speaker wishes may happen, or wishes had happened (the 'optative' subjunctive). The negative of this kind is \": It can also represent what", "id": "15191273" }, { "contents": "Economy of Pakistan\n\n\nbillion dollars. The government decided in 2011 to cut off ties with the IMF. However the government newly elected in 2013 re-established these ties, and a negotiated a three-year $6.6 billion package which would allow it to deal with on-going debt issues. In May 2019, Pakistan finalised a US $6 billion foreign aid with IMF. This is Pakistan's 22nd such bailout from the IMF. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor is being developed with a contribution of mainly concessionary loans from China under the", "id": "3792088" } ]
I am living in a building where we are several students with one room each and we share a kitchen. How is it possible that all our keys to our rooms fit the lock to the kitchen, but not the other student's rooms?
[{"answer": "A lock has a number of tumblers, which all need to be pushed to a certain height in order for the lock to turn. Each key is unique, and the bumps on the key correspond to the heights of the tumblers within the corresponding lock. Imagine keys and locks as a 6 digit password. Now imagine that your kitchen lock is only a 4 digit password - the kitchen lock only has 4 tumblers, not 6. So your keys can all open the kitchen door if they have the right 4 bumps, but you can't open each other's doors. Imagine the kitchen door is 0134. Imagine your door is 013461 and your roommate's door is 013413. You and your roommate can both open the kitchen because your keys have 0134 (which is all the kitchen needs,) but you can't open each other's doors because your keys don't match the lock."}, {"answer": "Hopefully, this works with Reddit formatting: This is the kitchen key: O=\\^\\^\\^- > This is your bedroom key O=\\^\\^\\^M > This is your roommates bedrooms key: O=\\^\\^\\^U > And your other roommate: O=\\^\\^\\^S > You all share the first part of the key, which unlocks the kitchen, but the last part of your key is different, and that's the part that unlocks your lock."}, {"answer": "Physical locks come in varying degrees of security. Your kitchen lock uses the least secure function of the key, which are the widest bumps on your key. Your individual room locks use the exact same wide bump patterns, but the narrower teeth of the keys are all different. Your kitchen lock isn't precise enough to notice the differences in the tips/ridges/bumps on the teeth of your keys, whereas your bedroom locks are."}, {"answer": "Your door locks will have an extra pin, or something similar. Basically all your keys have different bumps/notches but are mostly the same. the front door lock will only care about the bit that is the same, while the bedroom locks will care about all of it."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "42689819", "title": "Campus card", "section": "Section::::Technology.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 18, "end_paragraph_id": 18, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The technology behind campus cards varies from university to university. For example, at Williams University the campus card is equipped with a magnetic strip that when read by a card reader allows entry into campus buildings", "The technology behind campus cards varies from university to university. For example, at Williams University the campus card is equipped with a magnetic strip that when read by a card reader allows entry into campus buildings. At Stanford University the campus card allows users a wide variety of amenities, the card is simply scanned by a card reader and the cardholder is allowed in. For some activities, electronic records are kept in Stanford's IT campus card system. This may raise questions of security, such as \"What if my card got into the wrong hands?\" and \"Can someone find out where I like to spend my time?\" In most cases, the answer is no. At Stanford University, the information held is minimal. The campus card system electronically records that at a certain time, the card belonging to a particular cardholder was read by that particular scanner and whether access to that facility or service was permitted or denied.\" At UC San Diego the magnetic strip on their campus cards comes equipped with technology that allows for the card to be deactivated at a moments notice. Changes to the card can only be made by university equipment. At the University of Loyola in Chicago, the campus card allows access to multiple buildings on campus. This is monitored by The Department of Campus Safety. Campus cards have been proven easy to deactivate if lost or stolen, they have also been shown to be virtually impossible to duplicate. Carleton University the campus card \"features extend far beyond a simple ID its your library card, gym card, campus debit card, and door access card all in one!\" Although for entrance into dorm halls they require students to present ID and use a 4 digit pin making it a more secure environment."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Kettering University\n\n\nresidence hall is the sole on-campus student housing facility. All students are required to live in the residence hall during their freshman year. All rooms in the building are single, air-conditioned rooms. Residents share community bathrooms located at intersections of each hallway. The building also includes lounge areas, a community kitchen, gaming space, and computer labs. Gaming consoles and other materials are available to check out in the facility, and the residence life staff creates several programs throughout the year for students living in the dorms", "id": "3895485" }, { "contents": "University of North Carolina at Wilmington\n\n\n-campus apartments and suites. University Apartments house four students each, who all have separate bedrooms and share a bathroom, living room, and kitchen. There are 13 buildings which can serve as home to 400 students. University Suites, built in the late 1980s, include seven suite buildings which can also house 400 students. Two floor plans consist of six bedroom units housing 12 students and 10 bedroom units housing ten students. All residents of the Suites share bathrooms, living rooms, and kitchens. University Suites are home to", "id": "19594355" }, { "contents": "Studentenstadt\n\n\nareas: \"Altstadt\" (old city), consisting of several 2 to 3 floor buildings plus two 9 floor towers, and \"Neustadt\" (new city), where students live in 7 - 20 floor towers. \"Altstadt\" consists of 627 single-room apartments with a size of 8 - 20 square meters each. Each one contains a sink. Kitchens, showers, and toilets are shared by all. There are also community lounges. \"Neustadt\" consists of 1,458 single-room apartments. All apartments", "id": "11233246" }, { "contents": "St. Mark's College (University of Adelaide)\n\n\nafter by a \"Floor Tutor\", a senior student who provides pastoral care and support for first-year students. Individual rooms are provided with Internet and phone connections, and there are shared laundry and bathroom facilities on each floor. All rooms and external doors are accessed by individual smart card locks. More senior students may apply for specific rooms within the dormitory buildings, the much sought-after Hawker House mansion, or one of the many apartments with self-contained kitchen, lounge and bathroom facilities. In 2018", "id": "17547210" }, { "contents": "Birkbeck Court\n\n\nstudent is to lock themselves out of their room or flat in the early hours of the morning they are able to go to a night porter. Here they will have to show their student matriculation card to verify who they are and somebody will come and open their room up for them. The six students living in the flat have a shared living area. This consists of a kitchen, seating area and dining area, this is all open plan and of a reasonable size. The kitchen is well equipped. The students do", "id": "12559462" }, { "contents": "State University of New York at Cobleskill\n\n\nSegregating the residents by wing, one is female, the other is male. Each wing has one or two common, single gender bathrooms. Suite style and townhouse living - Students each live in their own room and share a living space, kitchen and bathroom with other students in their suite or town home. Suites have 4 rooms per living area and townhouses have 6 and are also equipped with a washer and dryer. The academic buildings are spread out across the campus. The major buildings include: The Dining Services are run", "id": "12450609" }, { "contents": "Boarding school\n\n\noften encouraged in sport. Houses or dorms usually include study-bedrooms or dormitories, a dining room or refectory where students take meals at fixed times, a library and possibly study carrels where students can do their homework. Houses may also have common rooms for television and relaxation and kitchens for snacks, and occasionally storage facilities for bicycles or other sports equipment. Some facilities may be shared between several houses or dorms. In some schools, each house has students of all ages, in which case there is usually a prefect system", "id": "6433588" }, { "contents": "University of Scranton buildings and landmarks\n\n\ndoes not have air-conditioned or carpeted rooms. Each building has washers and dryers on the first floor for student use as well as light housekeeping services provided to all rooms and bathrooms. Sophomore students are offered suite-style housing, in which two double rooms share a shower and toilet, with each room having its own sink. Sophomore housing is air conditioned. All of the buildings have kitchens. Each building has washers and dryers on the first floor for student use as well as light housekeeping services provided to all rooms", "id": "7815439" }, { "contents": "1000hp (album)\n\n\ntime. All our equipment has been stored in four or five different places and we wanted to get everything in one room. So we leased out a warehouse for at least five years. We went in there and put up some walls and made a studio and a lounger. We basically have all our stuff in storage at one end and at the other end we have the rehearsal space and we have our studio all set to record, as well as the lounge and a kitchen.\" \"It was also great to", "id": "5192993" }, { "contents": "University of Leeds accommodation\n\n\naccommodation for up to 355 students. The ground floor is used for bicycle storage and the site reception. Flats generally have nine individual rooms (one of which is a double) and a kitchen/common room. Adjacent single rooms share a communal shower and toilet. The double rooms have en-suite facilities. All rooms have wardrobes, desks, chairs and fitted beds. The Henry Price Building was designed by architects Chamberlin, Powell and Bon, who also designed other Brutalist building in a similar style, such as the", "id": "7331628" }, { "contents": "University of Utah Honors College\n\n\nand double rooms. All rooms are apartment-style, where students share a common living room, kitchen, and two bathrooms. Located directly in front of a UTA TRAX light rail stop, the MHC provides students access to downtown Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City International Airport, and the Salt Lake City Public Library, among other nearby destinations. All students are eligible to live on-campus. All students living in Honors Housing engage in Living Learning Communities centered on specific themes. For students living off campus or in", "id": "14911983" }, { "contents": "The Hague University of Applied Sciences\n\n\n, a chair and kitchen utensils. All DUWO rooms are located in The Hague, around five to 20 minutes from the university campus. Many rooms are single rooms with shared facilities. The buildings have mixed occupancy, so men and women live together, unless specified otherwise. Shared rooms are always shared with a student of the same gender. There are a number of student organisations run by The Hague University of Applied Sciences and concentrated in The Hague. The Hague Student Union supports students in The Hague in areas such as housing", "id": "10742720" }, { "contents": "Algoma University\n\n\nhousing 75 students. Each townhouse unit has five single bedrooms, two bathrooms, a common kitchen and living room. Opened in September 2010, the downtown residence was a converted local hotel landmark. Each room was fully furnished with a single bed, dresser, closet, telephone, mini-fridge, television and private bathroom. There were shared kitchen facilities and common rooms in various areas throughout the building. The Downtown Residence closed its doors in April 2015. With construction starting in late 2011, a new residence building opened at", "id": "18507523" }, { "contents": "Les Roches Jin Jiang International Hotel Management College\n\n\narea; a housekeeping mock-up room; kitchen practical areas including a commissary (preparation room), a cold kitchen, a hot kitchen, and a pastry kitchen; three restaurants; the patio; an auditorium; a boardroom; a student lounge; a dance/yoga studio; and a fitness room. In their spare time students can use the Shanghai Normal University sports facilities to play football, basketball, tennis, and go running. Student accommodation is in two buildings: a Palm Beach residence, off-campus", "id": "21043748" }, { "contents": "The Queen's College, Oxford\n\n\n, one of the college's music practice rooms and the college gym. Many of the post-graduates are housed in another college annexe, St Aldate's House, which is situated down St Aldate's near Folly Bridge. A small number of undergraduates (particularly international students) also live in the building. Each room has its own en suite and a kitchen shared with up to nine other students. Queen's is an active community performing strongly in intercollegiate sport competitions, having a variety of societies and, as one of", "id": "6052933" }, { "contents": "Herkimer County Community College\n\n\ndouble bedrooms) and dorm-style flats (one bedroom w/ four students). Each apartment includes a full kitchen, living room and bathroom. Furnished four-person apartments, double occupancy bedrooms College Hill Apartments College Hill offers several styles of apartments including two single bedrooms, two bedrooms shared (one single bedroom and one double bedroom) and one double bedroom. Each apartment includes a full kitchen, living room and bathroom. Reservoir Run The newest of the on-campus housing quads is Reservoir Run, featuring four–person", "id": "17733158" }, { "contents": "Hirosaki University\n\n\nkm from Hirosaki University. On the other hand, Hokumei-ryo is a four-story building in the Midorigaoka district with. In each dormitory, there are two students who can occupy one room. There is also a lounge, kitchen, and toilet on each floor. In addition, a public bath and dining room are on 1st floor. Students can take a meal every morning and evening except on Sunday during school terms. There are many apartments near Hirosaki University. Students decide where to live based on the style", "id": "14687603" }, { "contents": "Sixth College\n\n\nstudents per building (thirty per floor). Each floor is further divided into two suites, each consisting of five rooms and a common room. A shared bathroom connects the two suites. Each building also features a kitchen and study room for use by residents of that building. The other on-campus housing option are Sixth's apartments (sometimes referred to by their old name from when they were part of Fifth College, \"Pepper Canyon Apartments\"). Housing is available exclusively for black students at the African Black Diaspora", "id": "3831294" }, { "contents": "Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott\n\n\neach of the buildings has a community lounge and kitchen between approximately 30-45 students. With the largest rooms on campus, the students share a room between 3 individuals. The Village Complex Apartments is designed for Upper-Division and Transfer Students exclusively. The Suites are available to First year, Upper-Division and Transfer Students. Rooms are furnished with beds, closets, dressers, desks and desk chairs, mini-fridge or micro-fridge and private bathrooms. All buildings in the Village Complex have a common lounge /", "id": "607679" }, { "contents": "Freed–Hardeman University\n\n\nincluding a 3.1 GPA. The rooms in these residence halls have four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen (with a microwave, oven, stove, and refrigerator), a washer and dryer, and a living room. Four students share this living space, each one with their own bedroom, and sharing a bathroom with one roommate. The Student Center opened in 1966 and houses a variety of food services and recreational rooms. The first floor houses the Burks Center. The center contains a food center, post office,", "id": "8505994" }, { "contents": "Boston University Housing System\n\n\nkitchen. The 19-story tower houses sophomores, juniors and seniors residing in suite (dormitory-style) settings. The suites house eight students each; half of the residents reside in four single bedrooms, while the other half occupy two double bedrooms. Each suite has two bathrooms and one living room. Located across the street from West Campus, 1019 is suite-style housing without kitchens. Thus, residents eat at the West Campus dining hall. The suites have three double rooms which share a bathroom and common room. During", "id": "18675370" }, { "contents": "Montclair State University\n\n\nButeo. Each apartment has two bedrooms, houses four residents, and has a kitchen and bathroom. Previously known as Clove Road Apartments, this complex was renamed Hawk Crossings in Fall 2010. Housing approximately 235 co-ed residents, Grace M. Freeman Hall opened in 1963 and is home to mainly students of music or athletic training. Residents live in a \"suite\" style double or triple rooms, in which two rooms share a bathroom. The building also contains a dining hall for students, Balance Kitchen at Freeman Hall.", "id": "6126658" }, { "contents": "Kennett High School (New Hampshire)\n\n\nArts. The school also has a Career-Tech department, which includes several shops and classrooms fitted with technology. These rooms are often looked at as a key point of the new school building. The department includes a woodshop, a metal shop, an auto shop, a drafting and architecture room and a kitchen where culinary students are able to serve food to the public in the \"Mineral Springs Cafe\". The school has been working to improve its SAT scores and is now ahead of several national averages for testing standards", "id": "4044561" }, { "contents": "Pitzer College\n\n\nOffice of Admission. One of the two Faculty in Residence apartments is also in Pitzer Hall. Sanborn Hall is a two-part three story building east of the Gold Student Center. Sanborn houses 178 students. Rooms are double occupancy with two rooms sharing an adjoining vanity, bathroom and shower. Common areas include a living room, nine study rooms, laundry facilities and a kitchen. One of the two Faculty in Residence apartments is also in Sanborn. West and East Halls are made up of four buildings that house 300 sophomores", "id": "15650093" }, { "contents": "Studentendorf Adlershof\n\n\nten buildings as well as a garden designed by Locodrom form the Studentendorf Adlershof. In total 288 students live in the eight three-story buildings. On each floor, 13 residents share a communal area with kitchen, dining room and lounge area. The individual rooms for the residents have en-suite bathrooms and are arranged around the living space. The two four-storey buildings along the Abram-Joffe-Street offer single and double apartments. In total 386 students can live at Studentendorf Adlershof. The architecture of the Studentendorf", "id": "17131172" }, { "contents": "Chimaltenango\n\n\nsent Gorgonio to hunt for an empty room in which we could put up our own beds. This he found in a \"meson\", or caravanserai, attached to the hotel, where there was a goodsized room and a rough kitchen opening on a patio in which we could turn the beasts loose for the night. A sprinkling with water, a good sweeping,and a free use of Keating's powder, soon made the room habitable. The supper at the hotel was, however, far above the average, and", "id": "20203321" }, { "contents": "Residence halls at the University of San Francisco\n\n\n-division students. The large house accommodates nine students including one Resident Advisor. It has three double rooms, two single rooms, and 2 bathrooms, all of which are furnished. They share a full kitchen, a furnished living room and small dining room.Link text, The smaller house, known as \"the Cottage,\" is located adjacent to the larger house. It houses three residents who live in one double room and one single room. It includes a full bathroom, a kitchenette, and a furnished", "id": "14789665" }, { "contents": "Davison House\n\n\nand currently has a capacity of 191 students. Residents of Davison, which houses students of all grades, may live in either single rooms, one-room doubles, or three-room triples with bathrooms being shared by all members of a hall. The dorm has a kitchen, a parlor abutting the quad, and, as of 2011, its basement was a frequent practice space for student bands. In a 2005 guide to the school published by College Prowler, Davison was named one of the three best dorms at Vassar", "id": "8158273" }, { "contents": "Europe (band)\n\n\n, bass guitarist Peter Olsson, and drummer Tony Reno. \"I remember when we started the band Force we were playing covers in the rehearsal room, because we just wanted to learn our instruments, like all bands,\" Tempest said, \"Then one day I said maybe we should do our own stuff. Nobody had any ideas, so I brought mine into the rehearsal room, and that is when we started writing our own stuff.\" The band sent several demos to record companies, but were told that in", "id": "4092267" }, { "contents": "John Anderson Campus\n\n\nnon-executive director of Standard Bank Group South Africa. Birkbeck court is named after George Birkbeck who studied natural philosophy at the Andersonian Institution, now the University of Strathclyde. Birkbeck court is the oldest and biggest student accommodation housing three hundred and four students. The court is divided into flats each housing six students. Each student has their own small study bedroom but shares kitchen, living and dining room. Other facilities shared include shower room and toilet. Birkbeck court being the largest hall of residence there is a great deal of", "id": "9251852" }, { "contents": "Rosina Widmann\n\n\n. I cannot put into words the feelings that overcame my heart when I met with my dear husband. One has to experience something of this nature…We did not look at each other as if we are seeing each other for the first time, because even before we met, the Lord had tied our hearts deeply together. Before we left the room where we greeted each other for the first time, we fell on our knees and thanked the Lord, who had brought us together. We didn’t see each", "id": "4986843" }, { "contents": "Tennessee Governor's Academy for Math and Science\n\n\nand the State. Each cottage consists of six student rooms and two hall director rooms. The cottage is divided into two wings, each consisting of three bedrooms which are shared by two students each. Each cottage has a full kitchen, dining area, classroom, and living room, and classes are held in the cottages. During the early first semester, the students were divided into four \"houses,\" modeled after residential housing systems. TGA's houses were named Copernicus, Divinitus, Illuminati, and Renaissance, and each", "id": "11692313" }, { "contents": "Hobart and William Smith Colleges\n\n\nroom and a kitchen. Emerson Hall was built in 1969. The rooms are designed as suites, with two doubles and two singles and a common living room and bathroom. Caird Hall was built, along with deCordova, in 2005. The dorm has provisions for singles, doubles, and quads, and is often desired by students due to the separate temperature controls in each room. The ground floor hosts a lounge area with both gaming and fitness equipment for students. deCordova Hall was built, along with Caird, in 2005", "id": "11877395" }, { "contents": "Massachusetts College of Art and Design\n\n\nsingle, double, and triple bedrooms, with suite-shared bathrooms. The second floor is a Student Health Center, shared by students of MassArt, Wentworth Institute of Technology, and MCPHS University. The third floor is called the \"Pajama Floor\", and includes a game room / TV Lounge, group study room, laundry room, fitness room, vending area, and a community kitchen. MassArt students have access to common facilities typically found at many colleges, including a full-scale cafeteria, small café, school", "id": "11830633" }, { "contents": "Sergei Korolev\n\n\nsystems, notes in his book, \"Rockets and People:\" All structures on Gorodomlya island were renovated and living conditions were quite decent for those times. At least married specialists received separate two- or three-room apartments. Visiting the island, I could only envy them, because I and my family lived in Moscow in a shared four-room apartment, where we had two rooms of combined. Many of our specialists and workers lived in barracks without most elementary necessities. [...] This is why life on the", "id": "5326515" }, { "contents": "Cowell College\n\n\nstudents in two clusters known as Upper Quad and Lower Quad. The buildings are named as follows: Adams, Prescott, Parkman (upper quad); Beard, Parrington, Turner (lower quad); and Morison (though Morison's front entrance opens onto the lower quad, whether the dorm is upper or lower quad is a source of debate.) Three buildings of apartments opened in 2004. Each apartment houses six or seven students in several bedrooms that share a living room, kitchen, and bathrooms. These residence halls", "id": "16400439" }, { "contents": "Gatton Student Center\n\n\nstudents to purchase meals. Champion's Kitchen offers a 750-seat dining room with multiple entree options for students to choose from . Champions Kitchen is one of two dining halls offered on campus; it serves those who live on the North side of the University of Kentucky. Originally serving as the University of Kentuckys basketball court from 1924 to 1950, the Alumni Gym Fitness Center is now serving as a gym for students and faculty to use while on campus. The original building was remodeled in 1937, as well as 1982. Alumni Gym", "id": "13680132" }, { "contents": "Dedé (footballer, born 1978)\n\n\nthe biggest room and also our playing field, with the doors to the kitchen and the bedroom as our goals. Well, you can imagine, we always broke things in the living room.\" On club level he first played for local Clube Atlético Mineiro, appearing in 30 Série A games in the 1997 season as the team finished in fourth position (two goals). Also in that year, Dedé was awarded with the \"Bola de Prata\" award by magazine Placar, being chosen the best player in his position", "id": "21226990" }, { "contents": "Dawson Community College\n\n\nstudent housing complex is made up of thirty-two, 2 bedroom apartments which house up to four students. Each fully furnished unit includes 2 bedrooms, a full kitchen, a dining area, a living room, and a full bathroom. The room and board cost includes a student's rent, utilities, cable television, local telephone, high speed internet access, and participation in the 10 meal per week food plan. Students living on campus have easy and quick access to all the campus buildings, offices, and activities", "id": "3005897" }, { "contents": "Japan Center for Michigan Universities\n\n\nIn the academic building, there are classrooms, a library, conference rooms, a traditional Japanese tatami room, a large hall for functions, and administrative offices. The classrooms feature windows overlooking the lake, the surrounding mountains, nearby Hikone Castle, and a Japanese style garden. The dormitory features apartments for both students and faculty, a fitness room, a laundry room, a computer lab, an entertainment room, and a large lobby. Each apartment contains two private bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. There is", "id": "9975447" }, { "contents": "University of Leeds accommodation\n\n\nsharing kitchen facilities. There are no living rooms as in some of the other student halls. It has a secure parking area beneath the bases of the Towers which is accessed only by keyfob with a capacity of around 20 cars. This is adequate as most exchange students do not have cars. St Mark's Residences () in St Marks Street, LS2 9EL is only available to postgraduate students. It has 529 en-suite bedrooms including 462 premium rooms with a larger footprint. Each flat has a washing machine, dryer", "id": "7331637" }, { "contents": "Boarding house\n\n\nat a time. A lodging house, also known in the United States as a rooming house, may or may not offer meals. Single room occupancy (SRO) buildings rent individual rooms to residents, and have a shared bathroom; some may have a shared kitchen space for residents to cook their own meals. Dormitory accommodations for post-secondary students, with a cafeteria, are similar to a boarding house. In the 2010s, microapartments with one or two rooms rented plus access to shared common spaces in the building,", "id": "16138506" }, { "contents": "Wessex Lane Halls\n\n\nthe railway track). There are 21 students to each flat, except for Ground Floor's Road end, where administrative staff offices occupy some space. This has been met with criticism, kitchens are often very crowded as 21 students must share a single kitchen. Over the next few decades two other developments took place which replaced the old playing fields with the largest student residential centre in Southampton. Montefiore 2 was built in 1977 and consists of self-contained flats housing 400 students in flats of seven rooms each with their own", "id": "13315587" }, { "contents": "2016 Regent Plaza hotel fire\n\n\nbreaking out in the main kitchen. Hotel chief security officer Mohammad Saad said to the media that \"We suspect the fire started in one of our freezers on the ground floor\" after a short circuit. The hotel's concrete structure prevented the flames from spreading into the upper floors, but copious amounts of toxic smoke were generated by burning materials in the kitchen and dining areas. Some evacuated guests claimed to have woken up to fire and smoke between 3:00 and 3:30 am, by smoke coming in to the rooms through the central", "id": "19287632" }, { "contents": "Deans Court\n\n\nbeing protected from atmospheric agents. Deans Court comprises three buildings: The Main Building, which contains 21 rooms. This is the oldest residential building in St Andrews. All Deans Court students can access this building. As well as bedrooms, bathrooms and four student kitchens, this building also contains the Common Room, two libraries, the dining room and the House Manager’s Office. The North Street annexe, made up of 3 North Street and 11 North Street. The former contains 8 rooms and the latter 5. Each house", "id": "7388833" }, { "contents": "Meadowbrook Country Club\n\n\n10-room white frame building which had been the old Cochran home. There was a kitchen and dining room on the first floor, while the upstairs had been made into a storage place and cloak rooms. Since it was late in the day we had to hurry to get in six holes. On the dual basis that this was 37 years ago and I am now 83 years old, I believe I can excuse myself for not recalling my score that first day. But I do remember learning for the first time what the golf", "id": "19240886" }, { "contents": "Collins Hall (Miami University)\n\n\nHall have the option of living in a single, double or triple room. Each room is equipped with a bed, dresser, desk, and closet and each student has access to a communal bathroom. The residence hall contains a living room, two pianos, a pool table, a TV room, a study lounge, a kitchen, and multiple vending machines. Collins Hall houses the Celebrate the Arts living learning community organized by the Residence Hall Association. Murals and artwork are featured on the walls throughout the building. Each", "id": "8818494" }, { "contents": "More Beautiful You\n\n\nThe song \"Waiting Room\" is meant to convey the image to the believer to wait on God's guidance for our lives in a room of his making, and not to rush to our own presumptions of what Christ wants for us as believers in each individual waiting room. Diaz said that we ask God through Christ for someone to be healed or something else to happen, yet he says no, and we wonder why. That is because we are to wait on his better plan or outcome for our lives, and", "id": "15058052" }, { "contents": "Linacre College, Oxford\n\n\n'The Dancing Phoenix' by Hugo Powell. The basement of the Abraham Building houses a music practice room and the college gym, which has four ergometers, a good range of weights, various other gym equipment and space for several classes. The newest residence on the main site is the Griffiths Building, named after former student and Honorary Fellow Rodney Griffiths. Completed in 2008, the building has 28 en suite single rooms and 4 en suite double rooms with shared kitchens. It was a finalist for two awards of The Brick", "id": "6052573" }, { "contents": "Helmut Schmidt University\n\n\n3 students will be accommodated together. In principle, every student receives a single room with area of , mostly with en-suite bathroom and toilet. During the time of higher than usual student numbers however, there will invitably be some instances where 2 students share a larger room. Residents may cook in the shared kitchens, where the social life between studies and the Hamburg night life will take place. Due to structural changes in military training, several external residences had to be acquired including the former Lettow-Vorbeck Barracks,", "id": "5103895" }, { "contents": "Frankfurt kitchen\n\n\nhow to build many kitchens, without allowing it to occupy too much of the total space of the apartment. Her design departed from the then common kitchen-cum-living room. The typical worker's household lived in a two-room apartment, in which the kitchen served many functions at once: besides cooking, one dined, lived, bathed, and even slept there, while the second room, intended as the parlour, often was reserved for special occasions such as a Sunday dinner. Instead, Schütte-Lihotzky", "id": "2431804" }, { "contents": "The Clearwater School\n\n\nstudent-chosen activities are the primary means of learning. Clearwater students explore their own interests at their own pace. Students are not segregated by age and are free to determine how they spend their time. The school has no assignments, no grades, and no classes unless students organize them. The school's campus consists of five buildings on 3.4 acres and includes a kitchen, an art room, a music room, a theater, a computer room, an office, a library, an active room, and quiet areas", "id": "20292131" }, { "contents": "Thomas Gilovich\n\n\nown behavior, it can be difficult to arrive at an accurate assessment of how much–or how little–our behavior is noticed by others. Indeed, close inspection reveals frequent disparities between the way we view our performance (and think others will view it) and the way it is actually seen by others.\" For the paper, Gilovich and his coauthors conducted an experiment asking college students to put on a Barry Manilow shirt and walk into a room of strangers facing the door. The researchers predicted that the students would", "id": "17794527" }, { "contents": "St Andrews War Memorial Hospital Administration Building\n\n\n-cement building, at the eastern end and perpendicular to the buildings facing Wickham Terrace, was completed in 1923. Initially this building had twelve students' rooms on the top floor and a dining room and billiard room on the first floor with showers and bathrooms in a basement at the north end of the building. In 1927, a three-storey brick building comprising a new dining hall, kitchen and student rooms was completed at a cost of £5000. The old kitchen block was also demolished at this time. In", "id": "19946531" }, { "contents": "University of California, Santa Cruz\n\n\nfloors where men and women share bathroom facilities, others have separate bathroom facilities for men and women. Single-gender, gender-neutral and substance-free floors are also available. All of the colleges, except for Kresge, have both residence halls and apartments. Kresge is all apartments. Apartments are typically shared by four to eight students, have common living/dining rooms, kitchens and bathrooms, and a combination of shared and private bedrooms. Apartments at colleges other than Kresge are generally reserved for students above the freshman", "id": "13357338" }, { "contents": "Kandersteg International Scout Centre\n\n\nbuilding). In total there is accommodation for 57 people - four rooms with 12 beds in the Lötschberghaus and a newly renovated room with nine beds in the tower. Facilities include full toilet and shower facilities for boys and girls, a fully equipped electric kitchen and a big living room with an open fireplace and balcony. On the other side of the river Kander is the \"Kander Lodge\", facing the Chalet. It has eighteen simple 2-bed rooms with shared bathrooms. The building has a kitchen, dining room, living", "id": "15280818" }, { "contents": "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill student housing\n\n\nabout 400 residents on four floors. Cobb has corridor-style hallways, elevators, stairwells, a kitchen with an ice machine, a TV room, lounges on each floor, vending machines, a recreation room and a laundry room. The building is equipped with smoke detectors, alarms and central air-conditioning. Cobb is host to a Living-Learning Community, Connected Learning Program, which promotes experiential and academic learning with other students from different backgrounds. Cobb is named after Collier Cobb (1862–1934) a UNC graduate from", "id": "15858491" }, { "contents": "Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School\n\n\nOur Lady of Fatima is a Roman Catholic school in Courtland, Ontario, Canada. The school motto is \"Small School with a Big Heart\" and the principal is Terry Dunnigan. The school is part of the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board. This school contains six classrooms, one portable, one library/tech room, one small gymnasium, one staff lounge, four student washrooms, one staff washroom, two change rooms, one kitchen, and two janitor's closets. In approximately 2007, the CN company", "id": "3353740" }, { "contents": "Mount Saint Mary College\n\n\ncentury home and carriage house to a modern technology center and new or renovated residence halls with multiple housing options. Sakac Hall is a modern freshman female residence hall. Each floor has a lounge area with a bathroom and study area. Additional amenities in the building include: a movie theater room, laundry room, computer room, vending machines, fitness room, as well as a fully equipped kitchen. Guzman Hall is a freshmen male residence hall. The building contains multiple student lounges dedicated to a variety of activities including movie viewing", "id": "4764059" }, { "contents": "Saskatchewan German Council\n\n\nThe books are written in English and German and includes coloured pictures. They can be purchased at the office in Saskatoon. Culture in the Kitchen As an organization we are interested in sharing our culture with others, in creating a two-way learning opportunity and in building better understanding of each other. With this Multicultural Cooking Series called “Culture in the Kitchen” we are reaching out to other cultural groups to cook with us, working cross-culturally and sharing traditional dishes and information with anyone who is interested. Kinderchor Saskatoon", "id": "2353610" }, { "contents": "Cornell North Campus\n\n\nif a person wishes to go up because the stairs up are not accessible from the ground floor. The Townhouse Community is a group of eight buildings supplying apartment-style living to approximately 300 freshmen. Originally graduate housing, they were opened to freshmen in the mid-1990s. The Townhouses are nearly all arranged in pairs of two doubles. This is unique in that just four students share a bathroom and shower, kitchen, living room, and dining room. The Townhouse Community Center, located between the buildings, provides community events,", "id": "10598508" }, { "contents": "Armed Forces Medical College (Bangladesh)\n\n\neach other: each side has six floors, the top five floors having six rooms on each floor, so a total of 30 rooms for each side and a potential total of 60 boys or girls can be housed (120 interns in total). The internee dorm rooms are larger than their student counterparts and also contain a separate bathroom in each room. There is also technically a dining room, living room and kitchen on the ground floor. Like any other medical college in Bangladesh, the five-year course is divided", "id": "11501391" }, { "contents": "Woodsworth College, Toronto\n\n\n. Woodsworth Residence was erected in 2004 and was designed by the architectural firm Architects Alliance. The residence, located at 321 Bloor Street West, towers over the Perly-Rae gates at the northern entrance of the St. George Campus. The building is a 17-storey glass tower housing 371 students and it offers apartment style living. Suites are self-contained individual apartments of 4-6 people. Each suite provides its occupants with individual rooms; suites are equipped with a shared kitchen, living room and washrooms. There is also an", "id": "20744876" }, { "contents": "Marianne Pistohlkors\n\n\nand heard a similar story. \"I was too young. I did not know what the revolution was all about. We left our palaces and lived crowded in rooms. We were glad to have our lives. . . . I married Count Zarnekau, and we were terribly poor. All of our properties had been seized and we had nothing. I helped to found the first dramatic school in Communistic Russia. Then I went to Paris and starred many seasons on the stage. . . . This spring I starred in", "id": "6292066" }, { "contents": "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill student housing\n\n\nSome amenities include study rooms, lounges, kitchen, laundry, recreation room, and vending machines. The community is made up of five buildings, all of which are coed. Odum Village, located in the southern part of campus, was built in 1963 and offered 1 and 2 bedroom furnished apartments for graduate and undergraduate upperclassmen. All units came with a kitchen, bathroom, living room and dining area. Amenities included volleyball courts, picnic areas with charcoal grills, and on-site laundry facilities. Odum Village was coed", "id": "15858525" }, { "contents": "University of Tampa\n\n\n, given that Babson's scientific views were shared by few if any scientists. About 60% of full-time UT students live on the university's main campus. All but 3 of the 12 on-campus residence halls have been built since 1998. Straz Hall and Palm Apartments offer apartment-style living, with each student having a private room but sharing a bathroom, kitchen and common area with three others. Five dorms, Smiley Hall, McKay Hall, Boathouse, Austin Hall and Vaughn Center, offer traditional dormitory", "id": "5616724" }, { "contents": "Ayahuasca (Baiyu album)\n\n\nmove, what frightened me even more was the prospect of having to face my true self as a result. Thankfully what I saw was what I had always felt deep down—that although it took a lot of soul searching and there's infinite room for growth and learning—I, as I am today, am a proudly loving and passionate human being. One thing that the Ayahuasca has taught me is that we are all capable of living out our wildest dreams if we just dare to surrender to the experience. I", "id": "4566505" }, { "contents": "Boyertown Area School District\n\n\nallowed to share the boys' locker room. The suit alleges the student's \"right was first violated without any notice or consent in a place traditionally--and by state statute--reserved for persons of one biological sex. Attorney Randall Wenger of the Independence Law Center said, \"Students shouldn’t be forced into situations where their personal privacy is violated. We, in society, have long recognized that we have a right to our bodily privacy when it comes to a person of the opposite sex.\" \"After the", "id": "20975829" }, { "contents": "Innis College, Toronto\n\n\n-style - each suite contains a common kitchen, common living room, two shared bathrooms and 4-5 bedrooms. There are 327 spaces available for students in the building, which roughly consist of 60% first-year students and 40% upper-years. A number of spaces are also reserved for students from the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. The residence consists of six social communities known as houses. The houses are First House (named because it is located on the first floor of the building),", "id": "14395266" }, { "contents": "Assumption College\n\n\nL/LC) is an exception to the other residence halls because students must apply to live in this building. Every other residence hall must be selected during room selection in the spring. A panel of judges evaluate L/LC applications and select the residents based on certain criteria. The residence hall itself is for four people, split up into two double bedrooms. It features a kitchen, living room, and a private bathroom. Before fall 2006, students needed to perform individual projects all centered on a topic the group", "id": "16182792" }, { "contents": "Dóchas Centre\n\n\nfreely. Houses are locked at 7.30pm with all the women in the prison being locked into their rooms at that time except for women in Cedar and Phoenix Houses. Houses and rooms are unlocked at 7.30am. Prisoners organise their own breakfasts in the kitchens of the houses and eat lunch with prison staff in the dining room with an evening meal being served in the dining room at 5pm. Each house has a kitchen/dining room with sitting room facility which contains a television and reading material. Mothers are permitted to keep new", "id": "18530022" }, { "contents": "Campus of Virginia Tech\n\n\nonto the roof of the larger hall, West Ambler Johnston. East Ambler Johnston reopened in the fall of 2011 as the Honors Residential College (HRC). The newly renovated East AJ features some rooms with private baths, several apartments where four student share a living room, bath, two bedrooms, and kitchen. Some traditional halls where bathroom facilities are shared by half a floor were retained; however, these too were remodeled. The latest renovation added air conditioning. In the \"bridge\" that spans between East and West", "id": "12028309" }, { "contents": "State University of New York at Delhi\n\n\ntwo single rooms, a shower room and bathroom, and a living room area. Off the main campus, Riverview Town Houses, intended for upperclassmen, consist of separate two-story houses with four double rooms, a kitchen, a living-room, and three bathrooms. Laundry facilities are available regardless of the students' campus housing. Student positions are available for Resident Assistants and Night Hosts. There are over forty clubs and organizations on campus, as well as seventeen recognized and several unrecognized Greek organizations. The student activities", "id": "12627518" }, { "contents": "Loughborough College\n\n\nbuilding that provides a total of 17 en-suite rooms for elite sports students under the age of 18. Refurbished to allow for student living, facilities include an expansive living space, shared kitchen and free laundry amenities. Adjacent to the main college building, the Radmoor Centre houses a range of sports facilities including over 50 workout stations, an indoor cycling studio, dance and aerobics areas, a fully equipped gym, a large sports hall, a 3G Astroturf pitch, a sauna and steam room, the BOD POD and", "id": "13955220" }, { "contents": "James College, York\n\n\nkitchen on the ground floor. There are 3 houses per block which house 16 people (14 standard single rooms and one double room). Blocks DEF are the older-style ensuite blocks which are also arranged into houses with a kitchen on the ground floor. Blocks GHJKLM are the newest blocks and all have ensuite rooms, consisting of a 'pod' or wet room containing a shower, toilet and sink. Each block is (generally) divided into 6 flats which have a kitchen per flat. The kitchens are shared", "id": "14462509" }, { "contents": "The Grand Hotel, Hughenden\n\n\nto the building. It is essentially a two bedroom flat with a large portion of the veranda enclosed with adjustable timber louvres. While there is a sink in the living area there is no kitchen. The floor is timber covered with carpet. Several rooms are located over the kitchen area. It is possible that these rooms may have been added later with a veranda connecting with that of the main building. These are all relatively recent and have been built over the original courtyard area in several stages. The central area of what", "id": "3388827" }, { "contents": "University of California, Irvine student housing\n\n\nEarth halls include about five - seven rooms which may be single-sex or coed. Each room is furnished with beds, wardrobes, desks, bookcases, and chairs. Each hall has access to a small kitchen, laundry facilities, and a common room with a TV. Residents of Middle Earth and Mesa Court are required to choose and pay for a meal plan to complement their monthly rent expenses; voluntary meal plans are available to all other students and community members. These meal plans may be employed at one of many", "id": "5516043" }, { "contents": "Foresters' Hall, Paddington\n\n\nand the front rooms are 4\" wide timber boards. Below these is the original floorboards which are 6\" wide. At the basement level there are four rooms forming a small residence. Access to the rooms is via a set of recently constructed timber stairs approached from the narrow footpath on the building's western boundary. Each room is lined in vertically fixed timber boards. One room is fitted as a bathroom and another as a kitchen. Exposed diagonal bracing is evident in the kitchen area. Foresters' Hall was listed on", "id": "18202337" }, { "contents": "University of Nagano\n\n\n. It is similar to dormitories which exist in overseas universities, such as in the United States. Each dorm room houses two students in a partitionable room, and a group of eight dorm rooms share a common living room, kitchen, eating, and study area. Zozan Dormitory is named after the 19th Century Japanese rangaku, literally \"Dutch learning\", and by extension \"Western learning\") scholar, engineer, and politician Sakuma Shōzan who was born in (or Shinano Province) (present day Nagano Prefecture) during", "id": "1399030" }, { "contents": "Truman State University\n\n\nresidential purposes, as decided by the Board of Governors in 2016. West Campus Suites, just northwest of Centennial Hall, opened its doors to 416 students in Fall 2006. Currently, all floors are coed by suite. Each room (with the exception of single rooms for eight student advisors and apartments for the hall director and community coordinator) consists of two bedrooms attached to a central living room, sink, kitchen cabinets and large bathroom. All suites have individual central air conditioning. Each floor has its own dedicated lounge,", "id": "5070162" }, { "contents": "John Anderson Campus\n\n\nresidencies which provide the luxuries of an en-suite bathroom (including showers/hand wash basin/toilet facilities) with each individual single study bedroom. These flats are available as 3- to 6-person flats. The students in each flat share a spacious kitchen, as well as a living and a dining room with a TV provided. Although the rent is steep, this includes heating and lighting as well as cleaning in the shared areas which you do not get in other accommodation such as the Thomas Campbell building. James Young,", "id": "9251843" }, { "contents": "Campus of Brigham Young University\n\n\nroom (larger than Heritage Halls) with one other resident, but do not have their own kitchen and use shared bathrooms. Residents are required to have a meal plan, and eat at the newly remodeled Commons at the Cannon Center. Wyview Park was originally built for families in 1996, but this changed in 2006 when the complex began housing single students in order to counteract loss of singles' housing in other areas. Wyview Park has 30 buildings that offer apartment-style living for students, along with the option for shared", "id": "14768535" }, { "contents": "Covenant Bible College\n\n\n1995. Strathmore, Alberta is located 30 minutes east of Calgary. With a population of about 9,500, offering students a small town atmosphere. The campus is situated on of land. CBC-Canada offers students four dorms that house 22 students each. Each dorm contains single and double rooms, plenty of space to lounge about, a games room, laundry room, and kitchen. For easier access, the dorms are connected to the building for convenience during the winter months. The campus also has an administration building with classrooms", "id": "12695130" }, { "contents": "Pitzer College\n\n\non the following committees: The majority of Pitzer students live on campus in one of five residence halls: Atherton Hall, East Hall, West Hall, Mead Hall, Pitzer Hall and Sanborn Hall. Each hall is equipped with laundry rooms, common rooms for meetings or social gatherings, study rooms, full kitchens and has a full-time in-residence hall director. All Pitzer residence halls, balconies included, are non-smoking. Through the Faculty in Residence Program, each year two members of the Pitzer faculty live", "id": "15650090" }, { "contents": "Cambridge University Catholic Chaplaincy\n\n\nChurch Street, next to the Union. In 1924, a Grade II listed pub called the Black Swan was purchased by CUCA for £10,000. The chaplaincy was moved there and named Fisher House. An interesting cluster of buildings, two old houses, joined at right angles to each other. One (housing library incl. student bar and kitchen, studies) overhangs the street and is 16th century. The other (housing dining room, kitchens, great chamber, living quarters) is reached via alleyways and is early 17th", "id": "18575359" }, { "contents": "Five room puzzle\n\n\nrooms with five walls, the solution line must either start inside the room or it must end inside the room. There is no other possibility. In our arguments, we have said nothing about exactly which walls the solution line crosses, the order in which it crosses them or where the line goes when it is outside a particular room. Therefore, these arguments apply to all solutions that obey the rules. Again, for the rooms with five walls, the solution line must either start or end inside the room. But", "id": "22166799" }, { "contents": "The Lawns\n\n\nwas re-furbished converting all double rooms to singles, updated kitchen diner kitchens similar to the Downs and Morgan Hall designs with additional en-suite facilities in particular blocks. The hall was designated a Grade II* listed building in 1993 and is now recorded in the National Heritage List for England, maintained by Historic England. Lambert Hall accommodates 130 students in a mixture of single and en-suite rooms. Most rooms have a balcony. Before 1985, Lambert Hall offered accommodation to female students only. At the start of", "id": "4304188" }, { "contents": "University of Toronto Mississauga\n\n\nHall, MaGrath Valley, and Schreiberwood. First-year residence includes OPH, Mcluhan Court, Putnam Place and Leacock Lane while upper-year housing includes Roy Ivor Hall, Erindale Hall, MaGrath Valley and Schreiberwood. OPH is a traditional-style residence with single rooms and shared bathrooms while the other first-year housing is townhouse-style residence with four single rooms, one bathroom, a living room and a kitchen per house. The Colman Commons located in OPH is the main dining facility for students living on residence.", "id": "7908657" }, { "contents": "John Anderson Campus\n\n\n4 or an 8-man flat, which then contains either 4 or 8 single study bedrooms. In each flat there is a centralised basic kitchen, living and dining room. There is also a shower room and toilet facilities available to all students. Both buildings are located on the steep bank south of rotten row east. James Blyth was a Scottish electrical engineer and a lecturer at the Anderson College, now better known as the University of Strathclyde. He was an almost famous figure around the Anderson College, hence the reason one of", "id": "9251849" }, { "contents": "Okkodo High School\n\n\nbeing utilized by the 9th grade population of the school. The girl's locker room was expanded and an additional boy's locker room was constructed. The existing boys and girls locker rooms were expanded. The final part of the expansion included a culinary arts classroom and laboratory that was constructed adjacent to the original facilities. The Culinary Arts building include a commercial grade kitchen for the Guam Community College staff to teach and train the Okkodo High School students on the culinary arts subject. The Culinary Arts facility has a training kitchen where students", "id": "7390177" }, { "contents": "Baker University\n\n\nIrwin Hall provides suite style living arrangements for 150 female residents. The newest residence hall is the New Living Center, which houses 190 students in 48 rooms. The New Living Center is the largest on campus, with three stories and six wings totaling 52,000 square feet. Horn Apartments and Markham Apartments make up the Baker University apartment complex. The complex houses 96 students, selected through an application process. Each furnished apartment is made up of four private bedrooms, which share a kitchen, a living room, and two bathrooms.", "id": "21138772" }, { "contents": "University of Amsterdam\n\n\n, Oost, West, Zuid-Oost, and Amsterdam-Noord boroughs of Amsterdam as well as in the suburb of Diemen. Single rooms with private facilities (kitchen, bathroom), single rooms with shared facilities, shared rooms with shared facilities, and couples rooms are available. Students of the opposite sex are permitted to be roommates in all types of rooms. Rooms are anywhere from a few minutes to 45 minutes bike ride to the City Center. Professors and alumni of the University of Amsterdam have included six Nobel Prize", "id": "7582362" }, { "contents": "Huntington University (Canada)\n\n\nstudent space featuring upgrades in information technology and updated resources for research. Wireless Internet access is available in the library's reading room. The Huntington University Residence provides co-ed accommodation for 171 students in a mix of 75 double rooms and 21 single rooms. All of the rooms are wired for free broadband Internet access and available Bell phone lines. There are also four shared kitchens, four common rooms, an exercise rooms with weight machines and treadmills and a games room. The Huntington University Residence is staffed by a Residence Supervisor", "id": "21540632" }, { "contents": "Kansai Gaidai University\n\n\nfrom the Nakamiya Campus. Seminar Houses 1, 2 and 4 are dormitory style with usually two students to a room with entire dormitory shared facilities. While Seminar House 3 is an apartment style dormitory with students sharing common living quarters and kitchens while sleeping in 4 separate rooms. Seminar House 4 is the newest and largest of the Seminar Houses and is the only one that is wheelchair accessible at this time. Seminar House 4 houses the most students and is the closest to the Nakamiya campus. There is a strict zero tolerance policy", "id": "7632396" }, { "contents": "Cornell North Campus\n\n\n5. There are 5 main living floors per building, although there are student rooms on the ground and lounge floors. The rooms are arranged in suite style, with 2 singles, and 2 doubles; or 2 singles, a double and a triple. Each of the five floors has 6 suites,a kitchen, and a common lounge, which can be converted into a quintuple in dire situations. On the top floors are Skylounges, which provide views of all of North Campus. The building is only accessible by elevators", "id": "10598507" }, { "contents": "Royal National College for the Blind\n\n\nof which (Armitage, Campbell and Dowdell) have been updated in recent years to include modern facilities in accordance with Care Standards and Disability Discrimination Act requirements. Specific accommodation has been adapted for wheelchair users, while some rooms have sensory fire alarm calls to alert those who are hard of hearing. Halls are divided into flats accommodating several students. Each flat has a number of single rooms with shared kitchen and dining facilities, and a central lounge. Because it was not possible to upgrade Gardner Hall, a new modern block,", "id": "18562562" }, { "contents": "Blood Red Shoes (album)\n\n\nall our stuff, got in a van and drove to Berlin, where we lived for months in a rented studio space. No producer, no engineer, no A&R people, just us two in a big concrete room in Kreuzberg, jamming and recording our songs whenever we wanted, how we wanted with nobody to answer to except ourselves. It came out as our rawest, heaviest, sexiest and most confident sounding record so far\". On 20 November 2013, the band announced the release of a new single on 1", "id": "15444575" }, { "contents": "Eagle Farm Women's Prison and Factory Site\n\n\nwalls plastered internally and externally, with detached slab kitchen at rear. A two-roomed hut occupied by male convicts and two-roomed hut serving as matron's quarters, with another room under construction and a slab kitchen at rear. All were slab buildings including the Female Factory which comprised a number of four-roomed accommodation buildings; a store, a school, a hospital (plastered) and workhouse, each of one room; a two-roomed building housing the cook house and needle room; and a block of", "id": "12456206" }, { "contents": "Yeshivat Otniel shooting\n\n\n. The students on kitchen duty had just finished preparing the main dishes on serving plates and were about to bring them into the dining room when the terrorists entered the kitchen and opened fire at them. In the last moments of his life, Staff Sergeant Noam Apter, upon immediately realizing what was happening, managed to lock the sliding door separating the kitchen and the dining room, before he was killed by the terrorists. In doing so, Noam prevented the terrorists from entering the dining room and carrying out a far deadlier attack", "id": "19760699" }, { "contents": "Collective impact\n\n\nwhen we meet together; collective impact is what we do when we’re alone … Collaboration happens when we choose to sit in the same room and work together on the same project because we share an interest in accomplishing a shared goal … On the other hand, collective impact focuses on change inside each partner organization. It begins when we, as a community, agree to a set of shared outcomes … and then, individually, go back into our home organizations, work with our staffs, boards, and volunteers to figure", "id": "17545204" } ]
Why do some people find GMO controversial when farmers have been modifying crops for centuries?
[{"answer": "There are several reasons: * There's an aversion to food that \"comes from a lab,\" as it were. * Selective breeding is generally between crops that are the same or very similar. Genetic modification allows traits from other species to be incorporated into the crop (if you want a tomato that doesn't freeze in a cold snap, you could take genes from a fish that lives in frigid Arctic water, for example). That freaks people out. * GMOs are largely controlled by a handful of corporations, the most notable of which is Monsanto. These are companies that people aren't too fond of, and they use some pretty heavy handed business tactics to shut out any smaller competitors. *Edited for word choice*"}, {"answer": "Most people also don't understand the science behind genetic engineering, whereas selective breeding sounds safe and familiar (even though GMO foods have undergone way more safety testing) - fear of the unknown."}, {"answer": "It's the \"round up resistant\" crops that concern me. Round up is an increasingly ineffective weed killer and all around toxic chemical. Instead of dealing with evolution and developing better weed killers they created RUR crops allowing farms to use ridiculously high levels of roundup on commercial food crops which then us runoff into the groundwater."}, {"answer": "GMO and selective reproduction are not the same thing. Selective reproduction means selecting a crop/animal and breading that exclusively. Select the best from this again and plant/bread again. Rinse and repeat. Best compared to \"survival of the fittest\" which is largely natural. GMO on the other hand changes the DNA; fundamentally changing what the crop/animal is or can do. The thing is that we don't know how this impacts what it grows and if it has any impact on human health. It also could be very damaging economically. The main concern is that this may not be a short term issue; it could take 10s of years of constant usage that results in some fatal disease/cancer. On the economics side here is a possible scenario. To increase the yield of a crop, the crop is genetically altered to scare away/kill any bugs that typically eat it. The crop is a success and is sold everywhere. 5 years later a bug has become immune to the implanted defense mechanism and starts to eat the crop. The immune bug multiplies faster than it can be irradicated and entire crops are lost to the bug. No harvest, no money - > bankruptcy with no one being able to buy the older crop as it is now too expensive to produce. While i am pro-gmo on a small scale for long testing, there are definitely concerns."}, {"answer": "The only reason there is controversy at all is because people are irrationally afraid of the word \"genetically modified.\" There's been a lot of unnecessary scaring of people uneducated on the topic that has led to all GMO crops being labeled as bad for you. While there are most certainly some cases where the genetic modification is under-tested or executed for reasons other than producing a better, healthier crop (anything and everything Monsanto comes to mind), not all genetic modifications are bad, and branding them as so is putting down a field of science with a healthy body of research that could one day put a serious dent in world hunger."}, {"answer": "I think most of the push away stems from ignorance. This logic applies to any concept that is hard to grasp technically like nuclear energy, fracking, etc. The further a concept becomes from something simple like making mud pies, the more likely you are to hit an ardent militant person that feels their feelings are more pertinant than facts. I don't profess to know, but I'm smart enough to know that since I don't have a fact based arguement, I'd better shut my piehole. Also, URL_0 "}, {"answer": "In general, it's because of the psuedo-science available on the internet. If you look long enough, you can find enough 'internet evidence' to support just about any position.... like creationism."}, {"answer": "There's also a very wide misunderstanding of GM. Let's take one example, let's say I develop a crop or fertilizer that kills all other crops, or takes over all others that don't contain a certain gene or property. Perhaps I instead created one of either that requires you to use my super expensive Formula X to continue to grow the crop. Now suppose Joe Idiot hears about this - and makes the ridiculous assumption that ALL GM has this property. It's lunacy at it's finest, but largely what happens when you mention GM. Yes, there are without question ethically questionable products that come out of the industry. Sadly, people paint the entire industry in this way because of a few dodgy products, and this is the kind of rumour and scaremongering that just spreads like a plague and is near on impossible to stop spreading."}, {"answer": "Selectively breeding is different than GMO. selectively breeding can theoretically happen in the wild with cross pollination, so is viewed in a good light. GMO. Crops can never be replicated in the wild. Literally Genes are spliced together in the lab, so it kinds of freaks people out."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25182676", "title": "Genetically modified soybean", "section": "Section::::Controversy.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 22, "end_paragraph_id": 22, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["There is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. The legal and regulatory status of GM foods varies by country, with some nations banning or restricting them, and others permitting them with widely differing degrees of regulation. A 2010 study found that in the United States", "here is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. The"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\non health and the environment, the effect on pesticide resistance, the impact of such crops for farmers, and the role of the crops in feeding the world population. In addition, products derived from GMO organisms play a role in the production of ethanol fuels and pharmaceuticals. Specific concerns include mixing of genetically modified and non-genetically modified products in the food supply, effects of GMOs on the environment, the rigor of the regulatory process, and consolidation of control of the food supply in companies that make and sell GMOs.", "id": "6079461" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nvarious conspiracy theories related to the production and sale of genetically modified crops and genetically modified food that have been identified by some commentators such as Michael Shermer. Generally, these conspiracy theories posit that GMOs are being knowingly and maliciously introduced into the food supply either as a means to unduly enrich agribusinesses or as a means to poison or pacify the population. A work seeking to explore risk perception over GMOs in Turkey identified a belief among the conservative political and religious figures who were opposed to GMOs that GMOs were \"a conspiracy by Jewish", "id": "6079486" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nthat it respected people's rights to express their opinion on the topic, but maintained that its seeds improved agriculture by helping farmers produce more from their land while conserving resources, such as water and energy. The company reiterated that genetically modified foods were safe and improved crop yields. Similar sentiments were expressed by the Hawaii Crop Improvement Association, of which Monsanto is a member. In July 2013, the agricultural biotechnology industry launched a GMO transparency initiative called GMO Answers to address consumers’ questions about GM foods in the U.S. food supply", "id": "6079480" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nGenetically modified food controversies are disputes over the use of foods and other goods derived from genetically modified crops instead of conventional crops, and other uses of genetic engineering in food production. The disputes involve consumers, farmers, biotechnology companies, governmental regulators, non-governmental organizations, and scientists. The key areas of controversy related to genetically modified food (GM food or GMO food) are whether such food should be labeled, the role of government regulators, the objectivity of scientific research and publication, the effect of genetically modified crops", "id": "6079460" }, { "contents": "Pollen drift\n\n\ncertain country, with non-GMO crops or other varieties of GMO crops that may not have the same approval. Farmers who produce non-GMO crops and farmers who produce GMO crops for export are the most likely to be affected. Farmers whose non-GMO crops have been contaminated with GMO genes may lose their contracts or the rights to certain labeling. GMO exporters must meet the requirements of other countries, many of whom have stringent import controls regarding GMOs. Pollen drift can be avoided by careful examination of the geography of", "id": "19591855" }, { "contents": "Bill Owens (New York politician)\n\n\nas the Stop Online Piracy Act. Owens is a member of the House Committee on Agriculture and voted for the Farmer Assurance Provision. Owens says that he is \"still doing the fact-finding\" when it comes to Monsanto and GMO crops. \"I have farmers who are telling me it's a great thing. I have people telling me that it's the worst thing in the world.\" The Monsanto Citizenship Fund from Monsanto donated $1,500 on June 24, 2013 to Owens' 2014 campaign. Source: House", "id": "2325184" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Greenpeace\n\n\n2050. In 2016, 107 Nobel laureates signed a letter urging Greenpeace to end its opposition to genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The letter stated: \"We urge Greenpeace and its supporters to re-examine the experience of farmers and consumers worldwide with crops and foods improved through biotechnology, recognize the findings of authoritative scientific bodies and regulatory agencies, and abandon their campaign against \"GMOs\" in general and Golden rice in particular. Scientific and regulatory agencies around the world have repeatedly and consistently found crops and foods improved through biotechnology", "id": "11413538" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nWhy do we need GMOs? Who benefits from their use? Who decided that they should be developed and how? Why were we not better informed about their use in our food, before their arrival on the market? Why are we not given an effective choice about whether or not to buy these products? Have potential long-term and irreversible consequences been seriously evaluated, and by whom? Do regulatory authorities have sufficient powers to effectively regulate large companies? Who wishes to develop these products? Can controls imposed by regulatory authorities", "id": "6079470" }, { "contents": "Pollen drift\n\n\nPollen drift is the accidental cross-pollination of different varieties of crops through natural dispersal methods. The term is used almost exclusively when referring to strains of corn, and especially refers to the crossing of genetically modified crops with those that are not. For example, farmers who grow specialty crops may wish to preserve their genetic traits, such as an especially high oil content, without compromising the gene pool of the variety. Or, farmers may wish to avoid crossing a particular GMO crop that has been approved for export to a", "id": "19591854" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified organism\n\n\nGMO grew 30 percent to $1.1 billion. There is controversy over GMOs, especially with regard to their release outside laboratory environments. The dispute involves consumers, producers, biotechnology companies, governmental regulators, nongovernmental organizations, and scientists. Many of these concerns involve GM crops and whether food produced from them is safe and what impact growing them will have on the environment. These controversies have led to litigation, international trade disputes, and protests, and to restrictive regulation of commercial products in some countries. Most concerns are around the", "id": "12021574" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\naccused the US of \"exploiting the Southern African famine as a public relations tool\". The U.S. countered these comments by saying that European nations were letting millions of Africans suffer from hunger and starvation because of \"irrational fears over hypothetical and unproven risks\". The US had a pre-GMO policy of shipping US crops as food aid, rather than buying crops in/near the countries that needed aid. The US policy was claimed to be more costly than Europe's. Genetically modified food controversies in Ghana have been widespread", "id": "6079622" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nsigned by about 200 scientists in various fields in its first week. On January 25, 2015, their statement was formally published as a whitepaper by Environmental Sciences Europe: Earth Liberation Front, Greenpeace and others have disrupted GMO research around the world. Within the UK and other European countries, as of 2014 80 crop trials by academic or governmental research institutes had been destroyed by protesters. In some cases, threats and violence against people or property were carried out. In 1999, activists burned the biotech lab of Michigan State University", "id": "6079482" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food in Ghana\n\n\nGenetically modified food were introduced to Ghana by the Ghanaian government in 2013. There has been controversy with their use their since then. Activist groups including Food Sovereignty Ghana, The Coalition For Farmer’s Rights, Advocacy Against GMOs, Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Convention People’s Party, and various individuals have argued against its introduction. The dispute focuses on whether organisms procured from genetic engineering should be allowed onto the market. Activists consider genetically modified food as a health hazard, neo-colonialist (in that it hands power to", "id": "4013054" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\ncountries which have a ban on GMO: In May 2014, the Supreme Court of the Australian state of Western Australia dismissed \"Marsh v. Baxter\". The plaintiff was Steve Marsh, an organic farmer, and the defendant was Michael Baxter, his lifelong neighbour, who grew GM canola. In late 2010, Marsh found seeds from Baxter's crop in his fields. Later, Marsh found escaped GM canola growing amidst his crop. Marsh reported the seed and plants to his local organic certification board, and lost the organic certification", "id": "6079613" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food in Hawaii\n\n\nrest of Maui agriculture, human health and the environment. The detailed claims were: The initiative claimed that localities have the right to regulate GM crops because: The stated purposes of the ordinance are to: The moratorium ordinance prohibits propagating, cultivating or testing GMOs within the County. The moratorium does not apply to: GMO crops in mid-growth cycle when the moratorium is enacted, GM products that have been incorporated into food or medicine already prepared for consumption; licensed health practitioners whose practice employs GMOs; and non-commercial", "id": "4493672" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified organism\n\n\nmaize in Mexico, the crops center of diversity. Gene flow from GM crops to other organisms has been found to generally be lower than what would occur naturally. In order to address some of these concerns some GMOs have been developed with traits to help control their spread. To prevent the genetically modified salmon inadvertently breeding with wild salmon, all the fish raised for food are females, triploid, 99% are reproductively sterile, and raised in areas where escaped salmon could not survive. Bacteria have also been modified to depend on", "id": "12021577" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nstudy coexistence and make recommendations about the issue. The members of AC21 included representatives of the biotechnology industry, the organic food industry, farming communities, the seed industry, food manufacturers, State governments, consumer and community development groups, the medical profession, and academic researchers. AC21 recommended that a study assess the potential for economic losses to US organic farmers; that any serious losses lead to a crop insurance program, an education program to ensure that organic farmers put appropriate contracts in place and that neighboring GMO farmers take appropriate containment", "id": "6079561" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified organism\n\n\nimport and processing. While only a few GMOs have been approved for cultivation in the EU a number of GMOs have been approved for import and processing. The cultivation of GMOs has triggered a debate about the market for GMOs in Europe. Depending on the coexistence regulations, incentives for cultivation of GM crops differ. The US policy does not focus on the process as much as other countries, looks at verifiable scientific risks and uses the concept of substantial equivalence. Whether gene edited organisms should be regulated the same as genetically modified organism", "id": "12021571" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nnew GMOs in the EU pending the adoption of revised rules. In the mid-1990s, government approval of some GMO crops in the United States precipitated public concern in Europe and led to a dramatic decrease in American exports to Europe. \"Prior to 1997, corn exports to Europe represented about 4% of total US corn exports, generating about $300 million in sales ... For example, before 1997, the U.S. sold about 1.75 million tons of corn annually to Spain and Portugal ... But in the 1998–99 crop year, Spain bought", "id": "6079609" }, { "contents": "Agriculture\n\n\ncontrol to avoid lodging). Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are organisms whose genetic material has been altered by genetic engineering techniques generally known as recombinant DNA technology. Genetic engineering has expanded the genes available to breeders to utilize in creating desired germlines for new crops. Increased durability, nutritional content, insect and virus resistance and herbicide tolerance are a few of the attributes bred into crops through genetic engineering. For some, GMO crops cause food safety and food labeling concerns. Numerous countries have placed restrictions on the production, import or", "id": "28530" }, { "contents": "GMO Answers\n\n\nGMO Answers launched by the agricultural biotechnology industry in July 2013 to answer consumers' questions about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in crops in the U.S. food supply. GMO Answers was created in part to respond to public concern about the safety of GMOs. GMO Answers \"expert resources\" include conventional and organic farmers, agribusiness experts, scientists, academics, medical doctors and nutritionists, and \"company experts\" from founding members of the Council for Biotechnology Information, which funds the initiative. Founding members include BASF, Bayer CropScience,", "id": "6302633" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nthat the pre-2004 restrictions had been violations, although the ruling had little immediate effect since the moratorium had already been lifted. In late 2007, the US ambassador to France recommended \"moving to retaliation\" to cause \"some pain\" against France and the European Union in an attempt to fight the French ban and changes in European policy toward genetically modified crops, according to a US government diplomatic cable obtained by WikiLeaks. 20 out of 28 European Countries (including Switzerland) said No to GMOs until October 2015. These are the", "id": "6079612" }, { "contents": "Agriculture\n\n\n. Herbicide-tolerant crops are used by farmers worldwide. With the increasing use of herbicide-tolerant crops, comes an increase in the use of glyphosate-based herbicide sprays. In some areas glyphosate resistant weeds have developed, causing farmers to switch to other herbicides. Some studies also link widespread glyphosate usage to iron deficiencies in some crops, which is both a crop production and a nutritional quality concern, with potential economic and health implications. Other GMO crops used by growers include insect-resistant crops, which have a gene", "id": "28532" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified organism\n\n\ncreate new colors in plants, deliver vaccines and to create enhanced crops. Genetically modified crops are publicly the most controversial GMOs. The majority are engineered for herbicide tolerance or insect resistance. Golden rice has been engineered with three genes that increase its nutritional value. Other prospects for GM crops are as bioreactors for the production of biopharmaceuticals, biofuels or medicines. Animals are generally much harder to transform and the vast majority are still at the research stage. Mammals are the best model organisms for humans, making ones genetically engineered to resemble", "id": "12021476" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\ngrow. Besides large agri-businesses, in some instances, GM crops are also provided by science departments or research organisations which have no commercial interests. Monsanto has filed patent infringement suits against 145 farmers, but proceeded to trial with only 11. In some of the latter, the defendants claimed unintentional contamination by gene flow, but Monsanto won every case. Monsanto Canada's Director of Public Affairs stated, \"It is not, nor has it ever been Monsanto Canada's policy to enforce its patent on Roundup Ready crops when", "id": "6079591" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food in the European Union\n\n\n. The regulations concerning the import and sale of GMOs for human and animal consumption grown outside the EU involve providing freedom of choice to the farmers and consumers. All food (including processed food) or feed which contains greater than 0.9% of approved GMOs must be labeled. Twice GMOs unapproved by the EC have arrived in the EU and been forced to return to their port of origin. The first was in 2006 when a shipment of rice from America containing an experimental GMO variety (LLRice601) not meant for commercialisation arrived at", "id": "10008242" }, { "contents": "GMO conspiracy theories\n\n\nGMO conspiracy theories are conspiracy theories related to the production and sale of genetically modified crops and genetically modified food (also referred to as genetically modified organisms or \"GMOs\"). These conspiracy theories include claims that agribusinesses, especially Monsanto, have suppressed data showing that GMOs cause harm, deliberately cause food shortages to promote the use of GM food, or have co-opted government agencies such as the United States Food and Drug Administration or scientific societies such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Critics charge that GMO", "id": "19372624" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\na genetically modified crop to a wild, undomesticated plant and/or crop. There are concerns that the spread of genes from modified organisms to unmodified relatives could produce species of weeds resistant to herbicides that could contaminate nearby non-genetically modified crops, or could disrupt the ecosystem, This is primarily a concern if the transgenic organism has a significant survival capacity and can increase in frequency and persist in natural populations. This process, whereby genes are transferred from GMOs to wild relatives, is different from the development of so-called \"superweeds", "id": "6079551" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nMedicine concluded that GM foods are safe for human consumption and they could find no conclusive evidence that they harm the environment nor wildlife. They analysed over 1.000 studies over the previous 30 years that GM crops have been available, reviewed 700 written presentations submitted by interested bodies and heard 80 witnesses. They concluded that GM crops had given farmers economic advantages but found no evidence that GM crops had increased yields. They also noted that weed resistance to GM crops could cause major agricultural problems but this could be addressed by better farming procedures.", "id": "6079498" }, { "contents": "Sustainable fashion\n\n\nthe use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals, companies have produced genetically modified (GMO) cottons plants that are resistant to pest infestations. Among the GMO are cotton crops inserted with the Bt (\"Bacillus thuringiensis\") gene. Bt cotton crops do not require insecticide applications. Insects that consume cotton containing Bt will stop feeding after a few hours, and die, leaving the cotton plants unharmed. As a result of the use of Bt cotton, the cost of pesticide applications decreased between $25 and $65 per acre", "id": "16152240" }, { "contents": "Genetic engineering\n\n\nand virus resistant crops have also been developed or are in development. This makes the insect and weed management of crops easier and can indirectly increase crop yield. GM crops that directly improve yield by accelerating growth or making the plant more hardy (by improving salt, cold or drought tolerance) are also under development. In 2016 Salmon have been genetically modified with growth hormones to reach normal adult size much faster. GMOs have been developed that modify the quality of produce by increasing the nutritional value or providing more industrially useful qualities or", "id": "12021950" }, { "contents": "Biotechnology\n\n\nbiotechnology. The regulation of genetic engineering concerns approaches taken by governments to assess and manage the risks associated with the use of genetic engineering technology, and the development and release of genetically modified organisms (GMO), including genetically modified crops and genetically modified fish. There are differences in the regulation of GMOs between countries, with some of the most marked differences occurring between the USA and Europe. Regulation varies in a given country depending on the intended use of the products of the genetic engineering. For example, a crop not intended", "id": "4193801" }, { "contents": "Michael Pollan\n\n\nthat a vegetarian dinner guest causes socially reprimandable inconvenience for the host. Foer responds that in the year 2010 it is easier for hosts to accommodate vegetarians than locavores as hosts will need to do extensive research to find (expensive) non factory-farmed meat. Pollan has been accused by Jon Entine, who supports GMOs (genetically modified organisms), of using his influence to promote \"anti-GMO junk science\". A number of scientists and journalists have similarly characterized Pollan's work as biased against GMOs. For example,", "id": "7064114" }, { "contents": "Food security\n\n\nrice has been developed so that it is resistant to blast, greatly improving the crop yield of farmers and allowing rice to be more accessible to everyone. Some other crops have been modified such that they produce higher yields per plant or that they require less land for growing. The latter can be helpful in extreme climates with little arable land and also decreases deforestation, as fewer trees need to be cut down in order to make room for crop fields. Others yet have been altered such that they do not require the use of", "id": "3026551" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\n, destroying the results of years of work and property worth $400,000. In 1987, the ice-minus strain of \"P. syringae\" became the first genetically modified organism (GMO) to be released into the environment when a strawberry field in California was sprayed with the bacteria. This was followed by the spraying of a crop of potato seedlings. The plants in both test fields were uprooted by activist groups, but were re-planted the next day. In 2011, Greenpeace paid reparations when its members broke into the", "id": "6079483" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nas Rural Advancement Foundation International raised concerns that further food safety and environmental testing needed to be done before T-GURT would be commercialized. The escape of genetically modified seed into neighboring fields, and the mixing of harvested products, is of concern to farmers who sell to countries that do not allow GMO imports. In 1999 scientists in Thailand claimed they had discovered unapproved glyphosate-resistant GM wheat in a grain shipment, even though it was only grown in test plots. No mechanism for the escape was identified. In 2000,", "id": "6079557" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified canola\n\n\ndetermine it was safe. Food Standards Australia New Zealand also approved this product as being safe for human consumption in the same year. Controversy exists over the use of food and other goods derived from genetically modified crops instead of from conventional crops, and other uses of genetic engineering in food production. The dispute involves consumers, biotechnology companies, governmental regulators, nongovernmental organizations, and scientists. The key areas of controversy related to GMO foods are whether they should be labeled, the role of government regulators, the objectivity of scientific research", "id": "1332727" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food in the European Union\n\n\nof origin: First in 2006 when a shipment of rice from the U.S. containing an experimental GMO variety (LLRice601) not meant for commercialisation arrived at Rotterdam, the second time in 2009, when trace amounts of a GMO maize approved in the US were found in a non-GM soy flour cargo. In 2012, the EU imported about 30 million tons of GM crops for animal consumption. Spain has been the largest producer of GM crops in Europe with of GM maize planted in 2013 equaling 20% of Spain's maize", "id": "10008252" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nregulators cleared the Bt brinjal, a genetically modified eggplant, for commercialisation in October 2009. After opposition by some scientists, farmers and environmental groups, a moratorium was imposed on its release in February 2010 \"for as long as it is needed to establish public trust and confidence\". As of 1 January 2013, all foods containing GMOs must be labelled. The Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011 states that \"every package containing the genetically modified food shall bear at the top of its principal display panel the letters", "id": "6079626" }, { "contents": "GMO OMG\n\n\nSeifert claims that commercial farmers utilize GMOs to produce crops faster for more profit while private owned farms continue to use traditional farming methods because of their dedication to maintaining the most natural process of growing food. \"GMO OMG\" includes a brief segment on the earthquake that hit Haiti in 2010 with a 7.0 magnitude, not only destroying the homes of Haitian's but also their food crops. Monsanto offered Haiti's citizens 475 tons of seeds for farmers to regrow these crops that were destroyed in the process. Haitian farmers and citizens of", "id": "1916311" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\n. The study found that herbicide-tolerant crops have lower production costs, while for insect-resistant crops the reduced pesticide use was offset by higher seed prices, leaving overall production costs about the same. Yields increased 9% for herbicide tolerance and 25% for insect resistance. Farmers who adopted GM crops made 69% higher profits than those who did not. The review found that GM crops help farmers in developing countries, increasing yields by 14 percentage points. The researchers considered some studies that were not peer-reviewed,", "id": "6079580" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nCourt, which in 2004 ruled 5 to 4 in Monsanto's favor, stating that \"it is clear on the findings of the trial judge that the appellants saved, planted, harvested and sold the crop from plants containing the gene and plant cell patented by Monsanto\". GM crops have been the source of international trade disputes and tensions within food-exporting nations over whether introduction of genetically modified crops would endanger exports to other countries. In Canada in 2010, flax exports to Europe were rejected when traces of an experimental GM", "id": "6079595" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nlabeling is mandatory, 27% of Australians checked product labels to see whether GM ingredients were present when initially purchasing a food item. A review article about European consumer polls as of 2009 concluded that opposition to GMOs in Europe has been gradually decreasing, and that about 80% of respondents did not \"actively avoid GM products when shopping\". The 2010 \"Eurobarometer\" survey, which assesses public attitudes about biotech and the life sciences, found that cisgenics, GM crops made from plants that are crossable by conventional breeding, evokes", "id": "6079473" }, { "contents": "GMO conspiracy theories\n\n\neastern Africa where it’s a staple crop—kept from farmers and people who need them...Philosopher Giovanni Tagliabue argued that promoters of GMO conspiracy theories were being taken advantage of by anti-environmental corporate interests:This ideological and political anti-corporate worldview, although sometimes almost paranoid, is legitimate. Yet, while I do not argue whether this attitude is good or bad, right or wrong, I maintain that the avowed anti-industrial struggle in the field of green biotechnologies not only fails to hit the supposed target,", "id": "19372650" }, { "contents": "Mendocino County GMO Ban\n\n\nMendocino County, California, was the first jurisdiction in the United States to ban the cultivation, production or distribution of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The ordinance, entitled Measure H, was passed by referendum on March 2, 2004. Initiated by the group \"GMO Free Mendocino\", the campaign was a highly publicized grassroots effort by local farmers and environmental groups who contend that the potential risks of GMOs to human health and the ecosystem have not yet been fully understood. The measure was met with opposition by several interest", "id": "15588772" }, { "contents": "Greenpeace\n\n\nonly resumed by Norway after the IWC ban because of political election motives, and faces many explicit hurdles, including decreased demand in Japan and toxic chemical contamination. In June 2016, 107 Nobel laureates signed an open letter urging Greenpeace to end its opposition to genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The letter stated: \"We urge Greenpeace and its supporters to re-examine the experience of farmers and consumers worldwide with crops and foods improved through biotechnology, recognize the findings of authoritative scientific bodies and regulatory agencies, and abandon their campaign", "id": "11875610" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food in the European Union\n\n\nbiomass have been authorised. Member States may invoke a safeguard clause to temporarily restrict or prohibit use and/or sale of a GMO crop within their territory if they have justifiable reasons to consider that an approved GMO crop may be a risk to human health or the environment. The EC is obliged to investigate and either overturn the original registrations or ask the country to withdraw its temporary restriction. By 2012, seven countries had submitted safeguard clauses. The EC investigated and rejected those from six countries (\"...the scientific evidence currently available did", "id": "10008250" }, { "contents": "Cyclone Justin\n\n\nand underlying grief. Many of the other social impacts of Cyclone Justin go hand in hand with the economic ones. For instance, some farmers' only source of income is their crops, so when their crops were destroyed they did not have anything left. This would have been a very stressful time, as they would have to find another way to make money in order to rebuild their properties/crops. This could have induced mental anguish on some of the farmers and resulted in them giving up on farming and moving away", "id": "20171111" }, { "contents": "Organic egg production\n\n\ncode distinguishes organic farming eggs. Organic feed is grown without the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides. It is often grown by certified organic farmers, whose practices are monitored for three years prior to being certified organic. If the crop is contaminated by cross-fertilization with GMOs, it is rendered useless for organic grading. Finally, there can be no animal by-products in organic feed. In the United States, \"organic\" egg production means that the flock may not", "id": "19563570" }, { "contents": "Hans Rudolf Herren\n\n\nand the genetical diversity within varieties at a time when more diversity is needed from crop/animal to system levels. According to Herren: \"Today’s GMOs don’t produce more food, they help cut production costs - in the first few years until insects and weeds catch up again - as we have seen earlier with the use of insecticides. That’s why we introduced Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which was meant to treat the causes of pest outbreaks. The GMO crop cultivars that are used today are basically a", "id": "20387216" }, { "contents": "Religious views on genetically modified foods\n\n\nof GMO products. In 2004, the Church Environmental Network, representing members of the Anglican church of South Africa, spoke out against the South African government's backing of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Christian Aid, a British ecumenical group, released a paper in 2000 that expressed sharp concerns about the agricultural biotechnology industry, particularly with regard to its potential effects on impoverished people and economic development in the developing world. About 550 Amish farmers in Pennsylvania have adopted nicotine-free tobacco since 2001, because it pays \"about", "id": "7409306" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified organism\n\n\nby authorities responsible for food safety. Some nations have banned the release of GMOs or restricted their use, and others permit them with widely differing degrees of regulation. In 2016 thirty eight countries officially ban or prohibit the cultivation of GMOs and nine (Algeria, Bhutan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Peru, Russia, Venezuela and Zimbabwe) ban their importation. Most countries that do not allow GMO cultivation do permit research using GMOs. The European Union (EU) differentiates between approval for cultivation within the EU and approval for", "id": "12021570" }, { "contents": "Natural News\n\n\nautism. It has also spread conspiracy theories about the Zika virus allegedly being spread by genetically modified mosquitoes and purported adverse effects of genetically modified crops, as well as the farming practices associated with and foods derived from them. The site's founder, Michael Allen \"Mike\" Adams, was the subject of controversy after posting a blog entry implying a call for violence against proponents of GMO foods, and then allegedly creating another website with a list of names of alleged supporters. He has been accused of using \"pseudoscience to sell", "id": "12977261" }, { "contents": "GMO OMG\n\n\nis to him that people be more concerned with what they are eating themselves and feeding their families. Seifert also travels to a Monsanto location where he is rejected. GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism and includes any organism whose genes have been artificially altered to modify their characteristics in some way or another. Genetic engineering does not occur in nature and involves a scientific process including isolation and removal of DNA encoding in a single gene from one organism, manipulating it outside the cell and reinserting it into the same organism or into the genetic", "id": "1916309" }, { "contents": "Julie Moos\n\n\nof opposites. By pairing subjects side by side in various series including \"Friends and Enemies\" and \"Domestics\", she allows the viewer to compare individuals through an unrestrained formalism that asks us to see the equality of all people. In a series titled \"Monsanto\", Moos photographs American farmers who cultivate their crops using Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) manufactured by the Monsanto Company. The series was created during her residence at the St. Louis Forum for Contemporary Art located near Monsanto's headquarters. Moos chose to represent", "id": "16281203" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\n. The idea has since been adopted to varying degrees by companies like Syngenta, and is being promoted by organizations such as the New America Foundation. Some organizations, like The BioBricks Foundation, have already worked out open-source licenses that could prove useful in this endeavour. An \"EMBO Reports\" article in 2003 reported that the \"Public Perceptions of Agricultural Biotechnologies in Europe\" project (PABE) found the public neither accepting nor rejecting GMOs. Instead, PABE found that public had \"key questions\" about GMOs: \"", "id": "6079469" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified fish\n\n\nconcerns raised by the fact GM techniques and GM organisms are subject to intellectual property law. GMOs also are involved in controversies over GM food with respect to whether using GM fish as safe is safe, whether it would exacerbate or cause fish allergies, whether it should be labeled, and whether GM fish and crops are needed to address the world's food needs. These controversies have led to litigation, international trade disputes, and protests, and to restrictive regulation of commercial products in most countries. There is much doubt among the", "id": "7928383" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food in the European Union\n\n\nof genetically modified organisms on 18 March 2010. In 2010, Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Slovenia and the Netherlands wrote a joint paper requesting that individual countries should have the right to decide whether to cultivate GM crops. By the year 2010, the only GMO food crop with approval for cultivation in Europe was MON 810, a Bt expressing maize conferring resistance to the European corn borer that gained approval in 1998. In March 2010 a second GMO, a potato called Amflora", "id": "10008254" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food in Asia\n\n\nJapan does not require traceability, and allows negative labeling (\"GMO-free\" and the like). The Philippines bans all GMOs recently overturning existing Department of Agriculture regulations. A petition filed on May 17, 2013 by environmental group Greenpeace Southeast Asia and farmer-scientist coalition Masipag (Magsasaka at Siyentipiko sa Pagpapaunlad ng Agrikultura) asked the appellate court to stop the planting of Bt eggplant in test fields, saying the impacts of such an undertaking to the environment, native crops and human health are still unknown. The Court", "id": "18370194" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nGreenpeace (especially with regard to Golden rice) and Union of Concerned Scientists. In the United States support or opposition or skepticism about GMO food is not divided by traditional partisan (liberal/conservative) lines, but young adults are more likely to have negative opinions on genetically modified food than older adults. Religious groups have raised concerns over whether genetically modified food will remain kosher or halal. In 2001, no such foods had been designated as unacceptable by Orthodox rabbis or Muslim leaders. However, some Jewish groups dispute this designation", "id": "6079467" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food in North America\n\n\nfor maize and concerns had been raised about the impact genetically modified maize could have on local strains. In 2013, a federal judge ordered Mexico’s SAGARPA (Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca, y Alimentación), which is Mexico’s Secretary of Agriculture, and SEMARNAT (Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales), equivalent of the EPA, to temporarily halt any new GMO corn permits, accepting a lawsuit brought by opponents of the crop. The USA is the largest commercial grower of genetically modified crops", "id": "18370219" }, { "contents": "Agriculture\n\n\nuse of GMO foods and crops. Currently a global treaty, the Biosafety Protocol, regulates the trade of GMOs. There is ongoing discussion regarding the labeling of foods made from GMOs, and while the EU currently requires all GMO foods to be labeled, the US does not. Herbicide-resistant seed has a gene implanted into its genome that allows the plants to tolerate exposure to herbicides, including glyphosate. These seeds allow the farmer to grow a crop that can be sprayed with herbicides to control weeds without harming the resistant crop", "id": "28531" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified crops\n\n\ntrait is apparently controlled by a single dominant gene, but traditional breeding has been unsuccessful in creating asexually-reproducing maize. Genetic engineering offers another route to this goal. Successful modification would allow farmers to replant harvested seeds that retain desirable traits, rather than relying on purchased seed. Genetic modifications to some crops also exist, which make it easier to process the crop. Also, some crops (such as tomatoes) have been genetic modified to contain no seed at all. The number of USDA-approved field releases for testing", "id": "3256500" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\n\" or \"superbugs\" that develop resistance to pesticides under natural selection. In most countries environmental studies are required before approval of a GMO for commercial purposes, and a monitoring plan must be presented to identify unanticipated gene flow effects. In 2004, Chilcutt and Tabashnik found Bt protein in kernels of in a refuge (a conventional crop planted to harbor pests that might otherwise become resistant a pesticide associated with the GMO) implying that gene flow had occurred. In 2005, scientists at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology reported the", "id": "6079552" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nas well as by US agricultural groups such as the National Corn Growers Association. In response, in June 2003, the European Parliament ratified a U.N. biosafety protocol regulating international trade in GM food, and in July agreed to new regulations requiring labeling and traceability, as well as an opt-out provision for individual countries. The approval of new GMOs resumed in May 2004. While GMOs have been approved since then, approvals remain controversial and various countries have utilized opt-out provisions. In 2006, the World Trade Organization ruled", "id": "6079611" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food in Asia\n\n\nthe Ministry of Agriculture. India regulators cleared the Bt brinjal, a genetically modified eggplant, for commercialisation in October 2009. Following opposition from some scientists, farmers and environmental groups a moratorium was imposed on its release in February 2010. There have been four official reports on GMO in India till August 2013 : Two laws regulate food safety and food quality in Japan, the Food Sanitation Law passed in 1947 and the Law Concerning Standardization and Proper Labeling of Agricultural and Forestry Products passed in 1950. The Food Sanitation Law has been amended", "id": "18370189" }, { "contents": "Farmer Assurance Provision\n\n\nbiotechnology].\" Those who opposed the provision referred to it as the \"Monsanto Protection Act\", on the premise that it \"effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of controversial genetically modified (aka GMO) or genetically engineered (GE) seeds, no matter what health issues may arise concerning GMOs in the future\". Fox News reported that by lobbying Washington lawmakers, Monsanto \"short-circuited\" the process. According to Al Jazeera, the provision was drafted in part by Monsanto", "id": "14662596" }, { "contents": "Andrew Demeter\n\n\na topic that \"transcends all sociopolitical boundaries.\" Assisted by one of his classmates, Andrew Wright, Demeter produced \"We The People, Genetically Modified?\", a 7-minute documentary that explores several facets of the GMO controversy, such as testing, labeling, and impacts on both the environment and human health. Demeter's documentary features C-SPAN programming (per contest requirements) and interviews with farmers, consumers, biologists, public health officials, and even investigative reporter Ben Swann. In April 2014, the video was", "id": "12930067" }, { "contents": "Food allergy\n\n\n, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, walnuts, pecan nuts, pistaches, pine nuts, and chestnuts. There are concerns that genetically modified foods, also described as foods sourced from genetically modified organisms (GMO), could be responsible for allergic reactions, and that the widespread acceptance of GMO foods may be responsible for what is a real or perceived increase in the percentage of people with allergies. There is a scientific consensus that available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food. A 2016", "id": "10863805" }, { "contents": "Greenpeace\n\n\n2001, statements from March and April 2005 also continued to express concern over human health and environmental safety. In particular, Greenpeace has expressed concern over the lack of safety testing being done on GMO crops such as golden rice and of \"playing with the lives of people...using Golden Rice to promote more GMOs\". In June 2016, a conglomeration of 107 Nobel Laureates signed an open letter urging Greenpeace to end its campaign against genetically modified crops and Golden Rice in particular. In the letter, they also called upon governments", "id": "11875573" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nsupplier, Delta and Pine Land Company (5%).\" PG Economics comprehensive 2012 study concluded that GM crops increased farm incomes worldwide by $14 billion in 2010, with over half this total going to farmers in developing countries. The main Bt crop grown by small farmers in developing countries is cotton. A 2006 review of Bt cotton findings by agricultural economists concluded, \"the overall balance sheet, though promising, is mixed. Economic returns are highly variable over years, farm type, and geographical location\". However", "id": "6079572" }, { "contents": "Genetic engineering\n\n\nfor medicines or enzymes that process food and other substrates. Plants have been modified for insect protection, herbicide resistance, virus resistance, enhanced nutrition, tolerance to environmental pressures and the production of edible vaccines. Most commercialised GMOs are insect resistant or herbicide tolerant crop plants. Genetically modified animals have been used for research, model animals and the production of agricultural or pharmaceutical products. The genetically modified animals include animals with genes knocked out, increased susceptibility to disease, hormones for extra growth and the ability to express proteins in their milk", "id": "12021938" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\n. GMO Answers' resources included conventional and organic farmers, agribusiness experts, scientists, academics, medical doctors and nutritionists, and \"company experts\" from founding members of the Council for Biotechnology Information, which funds the initiative. Founding members include BASF, Bayer CropScience, Dow AgroSciences, DuPont, Monsanto Company and Syngenta. In October 2013, a group called The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER), posted a statement claiming that there is no scientific consensus on the safety of GMOs, which was", "id": "6079481" }, { "contents": "Plant genetics\n\n\nthe developing world, by 68%. An important side effect of GM crops has been decreased land requirements, Commercial sale of genetically modified foods began in 1994, when Calgene first marketed its unsuccessful Flavr Savr delayed-ripening tomato. Most food modifications have primarily focused on cash crops in high demand by farmers such as soybean, corn, canola, and cotton. Genetically modified crops have been engineered for resistance to pathogens and herbicides and for better nutrient profiles. Other such crops include the economically important GM papaya which are resistant to", "id": "8835845" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\ntrait that was in 93 percent of US soybeans grown in 2009. About 250 family farmers, consumers and other critics of corporate agriculture held a town meeting prior to the government meeting to protest Monsanto's purchase of independent seed companies, patenting seeds and then raising seed prices. Traditionally, farmers in all nations saved their own seed from year to year. However, since the early 1900s hybrid crops have been widely used in the developed world and seeds to grow these crops are purchased each year from seed producers. The offspring of", "id": "6079587" }, { "contents": "Traceability of genetically modified organisms\n\n\nThe traceability of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) describes a system that ensures the forwarding of the identity of a GMO from its production to its final buyer. Traceability is an essential prerequisite for the co-existence of GM and non-GM foods, and for the freedom of choice for consumers. The traceability of GMOs is founded on two needs. First, consumers in many countries are reluctant to buy genetically modified foods, and are skeptical of the use of GM crops for animal feed. Consequently, the concept of co", "id": "3032337" }, { "contents": "Canola oil\n\n\nmodified crop to Australia generated considerable controversy. Canola is Australia's third biggest crop, and is used often by wheat farmers as a break crop to improve soil quality. As of 2008, the only genetically modified crops in Australia were canola, cotton, and carnations. Genetically modified canola has become a point of controversy and contentious legal battles. In one high-profile case (Monsanto Canada Inc v Schmeiser) the Monsanto Company sued Percy Schmeiser for patent infringement after he replanted canola seed he had harvested from his field, which", "id": "5267909" }, { "contents": "Greenpeace\n\n\nworld. Greenpeace has raised environmental issues to public knowledge, and influenced both the private and the public sector. Greenpeace has also been a source of controversy; its motives and methods (some of the latter being illegal) have received criticism, including an open letter from more than 100 Nobel laureates urging Greenpeace to end its campaign against genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The organization's direct actions have sparked legal actions against Greenpeace activists, such as fines and suspended sentences for destroying a test plot of genetically modified wheat and damaging", "id": "11875517" }, { "contents": "Contamination\n\n\ncatch contamination activities early before they become too detrimental. Another type of environmental contaminate can be found in the form of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), specifically when they come in contact with organic agriculture. This sort of contamination can result in the decertification of a farm. This sort of contamination can at times be difficult to control, necessitating mechanisms for compensating farmers where there has been contamination by GMOs. In food chemistry and medicinal chemistry, the term \"contamination\" is used to describe harmful intrusions, such as the presence", "id": "10946711" }, { "contents": "Transgene\n\n\nfish and mammals have been bred. Transgenic plants such as corn and soybean have replaced wild strains in agriculture in some countries (e.g. the United States). Transgene escape has been documented for GMO crops since 2001 with persistence and invasiveness. Transgenetic organisms pose ethical questions and may cause biosafety problems. The idea of shaping an organism to fit a specific need isn't a new science; selective breeding of animals and plants started before recorded history. However, until the late 1900s farmers and scientist could breed new strains of a plant", "id": "14541411" }, { "contents": "Genetic engineering\n\n\ncrops are modified to increase resistance to insects and herbicides. GloFish, the first GMO designed as a pet, was sold in the United States in December 2003. In 2016 salmon modified with a growth hormone were sold. Genetic engineering has been applied in numerous fields including research, medicine, industrial biotechnology and agriculture. In research GMOs are used to study gene function and expression through loss of function, gain of function, tracking and expression experiments. By knocking out genes responsible for certain conditions it is possible to create animal model", "id": "12021912" }, { "contents": "Entomological warfare\n\n\nsuch as CRISPR to create GMO \"killer mosquitoes\" that cause plagues that wipe out staple crops. This potential has been indicated in the use of genetically modified mosquitoes to curb the spread of diseases related to mosquitoes, such as Zika, and the West Nile virus using mosquitoes modified using CRISPR to no longer carry the pathogen, which shows the capability to implant diseases or pathogens via genetic modification is potentially present. It has been suggested by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology that current US research into genetically modified insects for crop", "id": "20314425" }, { "contents": "GMO conspiracy theories\n\n\na development program officer for the United Nations, compared the conspiracy theories supported by some in the anti-GMO movement to those supported in the anti-vaccination movement, Like preventable childhood diseases, malnutrition is another great moral failing of our time. GMOs such as golden rice—rice modified to contain high levels of beta carotene in order to compensate for the vitamin A deficiency which kills hundreds of thousands of children around the world and blinds many more every year—and drought resistant crops, which will become increasingly vital in the", "id": "19372646" }, { "contents": "Transgene\n\n\nthe cell wall, biolistics which is the procedure of shooting DNA bullets into cells, and also delivering DNA into the egg that has just been fertilized. The first transgenic animals were only intended for genetic research to study the specific function of a gene, and by 2003, thousands of genes had been studied. A variety of transgenic plants have been designed for agriculture to produce genetically modified crops, such as corn, soybean, rapeseed oil, cotton, rice and more. , these GMO crops were planted on 170 million hectares", "id": "14541415" }, { "contents": "Expression vector\n\n\nrice. This process has also been used to introduce a gene into plants that produces an insecticide, called Bacillus thuringiensis toxin or Bt toxin which reduces the need for farmers to apply insecticides since it is produced by the modified organism. In addition expression vectors are used to extend the ripeness of tomatoes by altering the plant so that it produces less of the chemical that causes the tomatoes to rot. There have been controversies over using expression vectors to modify crops due to the fact that there might be unknown health risks, possibilities of", "id": "11034678" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified organism\n\n\nare large differences in consumer acceptance of GMOs, with Europeans more likely to view GM food negatively than North Americans. GMOs arrived on the scene as the public confidence in food safety, attributed to recent food scares such as Bovine spongiform encephalopathy and other scandals involving government regulation of products in Europe, was low. This along with campaigns run by various non-governmental organizations (NGO) have been very successful in blocking or limiting the use of GM crops. NGOs like the Organic Consumers Association, the Union of Concerned Scientists,", "id": "12021581" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified organism\n\n\nAlthough human gene therapy is still relatively new, it has been used to treat genetic disorders such as severe combined immunodeficiency, and Leber's congenital amaurosis. Many objections have been raised over the development of GMO's, particularly their commercialization. Many of these involve GM crops and whether food produced from them is safe and what impact growing them will have on the environment. Other concerns are the objectivity and rigor of regulatory authorities, contamination of non-genetically modified food, control of the food supply, patenting of life and the", "id": "12021478" }, { "contents": "Organic farming\n\n\ntransgenic technologies in organic farming is strong, agricultural researchers Luis Herrera-Estrella and Ariel Alvarez-Morales continue to advocate integration of transgenic technologies into organic farming as the optimal means to sustainable agriculture, particularly in the developing world. Organic farmer Raoul Adamchak and geneticist Pamela Ronald write that many agricultural applications of biotechnology are consistent with organic principles and have significantly advanced sustainable agriculture. Although GMOs are excluded from organic farming, there is concern that the pollen from genetically modified crops is increasingly penetrating organic and heirloom seed stocks, making it difficult", "id": "21426047" }, { "contents": "GMO Answers\n\n\nand yield and we haven't spent nearly the time we have needed to on talking to consumers and talking to social media.\" The website, which invites visitors to submit questions about GMOs, includes browsable questions and answers; an \"Explore the Basics\" section; studies and articles by biotechnology experts; and data about countries that certify genetically-modified products. According to GMO Answers, \"more than 100 experts have contributed to this site including conventional and organic farmers, agribusiness experts, scientists, academics, medical doctors", "id": "6302642" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nfarm households in five provinces in China found that the reduction in pesticide use in Bt cotton cultivars was significantly lower than that reported in research elsewhere: The finding was consistent with a hypothesis that more pesticide sprayings are needed over time to control emerging secondary pests, such as aphids, spider mites, and lygus bugs. Similar problems have been reported in India, with mealy bugs and aphids. Genes from a GMO may pass to another organism just like an endogenous gene. The process is known as outcrossing and can occur in any", "id": "6079549" }, { "contents": "Agroecology in Latin America\n\n\nby people. Agroecological principles allow farmers to save many in several important ways: becoming independent from large corporations' inputs such as GMO seeds and fertilizers; having a more diversified and thus more resilient crop system where income does not depend on one single crop; using simple, cost-effective techniques to increase productivity; having solidarity markets with local communities and thus a steady source of income; having a democratized method of knowledge and seed exchange. Specific examples of economically successful agroecological systems include stabilizing hillside farming in Honduras. World Neighbors", "id": "14283047" }, { "contents": "All Over Creation\n\n\nAll Over Creation is a novel by Ruth Ozeki about Yumi Fuller, the Japanese-American daughter of a potato farmer in Idaho who returns home as an adult to care for her parents, Lloyd and Momoko, and stumbles into the growing controversy around genetically modified food (GMOs). The book was first published in 2003 and reprinted by Penguin in 2004. Yumi hasn't been back to Liberty Falls, Idaho—epicenter of the potato-farming industry—since she left home at fifteen-years-old. Over two", "id": "12917985" }, { "contents": "Nso people\n\n\ncalled the \"backbone of the country\" because they are the farmers. However, these women do not have any power over what they produce on the farms except to feed their husbands and children with the food crops. In addition, these farmers women do not have any power over their farms because these farms could only be allocated to them by their men. Besides, the Nso women think it is their responsibility to take care of the food supplies of their households and they find great pride and strength in doing it.", "id": "9156626" }, { "contents": "Let Them Eat Precaution\n\n\nLet Them Eat Precaution: How Politics is Undermining the Genetic Revolution in Agriculture is a 2005 book edited by American author and journalist Jon Entine, about how politics is affecting the use of genetically modified food. The 10 contributing authors from the United States and the United Kingdom provide insights into the benefits of agricultural biotechnology, offer an international perspective on why some groups are opposed to it, and suggest potential solutions to the controversy. Resistance to GMO food production and use comes from the European Union. The EU evokes the Precautionary Principle", "id": "16743243" }, { "contents": "Raëlian beliefs and practices\n\n\nmovement gave vocal support in response to the company's support for genetically modified organisms particularly in their country. Brazilian farmers have been using Monsanto's genetically engineered soy plant as well as the glyphosate herbicide to which it was artificially adapted. The Raëlians spoke against the Brazilian government's ban on GMOs. Several Raëlian groups in the United States have organized annual protests, claiming that women should have the same legal right to go topless in public, that men enjoy without fear of arrest for indecent exposure. Some have called this a publicity", "id": "16360281" }, { "contents": "Bwindi Impenetrable National Park\n\n\nthey did not benefit from any national compensation scheme when they were evicted. Non-Batwa farmers who had cut down the forested areas in order to cultivate them, received compensation and their land rights were recognised. People have lost livestock and crops from wildlife, and there have been some human deaths. The habituation of gorillas to humans in order to facilitate tourism may have increased the damage they do to local people's property because their fear of people has decreased. Tourists may visit the park any time during the year, although", "id": "18090921" }, { "contents": "Gene stacked event\n\n\nA genetically modified organism (GMO) and all subsequent identical clones resulting from a transformation process are called collectively a transformation event. If more than one gene from another organism has been transferred, the created GMO has stacked genes (or stacked traits), and is called a gene stacked event. Gene stacked events have become an important topic in plant breeding. Occasionally, researchers wish to transfer more than one trait (e.g. an insect resistance and a herbicide resistance) to a crop. Consequently, they need to transfer more than", "id": "3891604" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food\n\n\nprovide compensation for actual economic losses for farmers. The genetically modified foods controversy consists of a set of disputes over the use of food made from genetically modified crops. The disputes involve consumers, farmers, biotechnology companies, governmental regulators, non-governmental organizations, environmental and political activists and scientists. The major disagreements include whether GM foods can be safely consumed, harm the environment and/or are adequately tested and regulated. The objectivity of scientific research and publications has been challenged. Farming-related disputes include the use and impact of pesticides", "id": "2963212" }, { "contents": "Mendocino County GMO Ban\n\n\nwas ordered that an EIS be done, which was projected to be complete in 2012. Another injunction was ordered by Judge Jeffrey White against the planting of GE sugar beets in August 2010. When it was discovered that GE sugar beets had been planted in September, in violation of the injunction, Judge White ordered the destruction of the crops. It was the first time that GEO crops were ever ordered to be destroyed by a US court. Farmers in the sugar beet industry reported that there was not enough non-GE seed", "id": "15588794" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nlabeling of GM food. The 2013 vote, rejecting Washington State's GM food labeling I-522 referendum came shortly after the 2013 World Food Prize was awarded to employees of Monsanto and Syngenta. The award has drawn criticism from opponents of genetically modified crops. With respect to the question of \"Whether GMO foods were safe to eat\", the gap between the opinion of the public and that of American Association for the Advancement of Science scientists is very wide with 88% of AAAS scientists saying yes in contrast to 37% of the", "id": "6079475" } ]
Why is it a ticketable offense to ride in a car without seatbelts on yet a motorcyclist that faces the same risks with less protection doesn't have to worry with such restraints?
[{"answer": "The clue is the less protection part. In a car you have a safe cage around the occupants and a lot of crumple zones and airbags to keep you save in the event of a crash. So the best place to be is firmly in place strapped inside the car to the seat where all the protection works best. However in a motorcycle there is nothing protecting you in a crash. You are already sitting on the outside of the vehicle. So the best way to avoid injury is to get away from any potential heavy pieces of wreckage as possible. You would rather have the bike hit something after you have gotten away then if you were squished in the middle of the collision. This is why motorcyclists have protection to their bodies instead of on the vehicle. The helmet, suit, boots and gloves are designed to give someone good protection from smaller bumps and scrapes which make a collision survivable as long as you are able to get away from the biggest impacts."}, {"answer": "First, in a bike accident it's safest to \"throw\" the bike away and hence avoid being hit by it / trapped under it. Watch some bike racing crash reels, you'll see the riders literally throw the bike away in a crash and go \"ragdoll\" to avoid injury. Second, bikes are one of those inventions that would never be allowed if they hadn't been around for 100 years. If we didn't have them already, you'd never be allowed to introduce them. In many places, riding without a helmet is an offence - although ironically it means the police may not chase you for fear of causing you to fall off & kill yourself. Certainly the case in the UK, a lot of young scrotes on illegal/unlicensed scooters & dirt bikes deliberately ride without helmets so they can't be chased."}, {"answer": "**ELI5:** Cars and motorcycles are different so there are different rules. **ELI15:** Motorcycles are inherently unsafe. Making them safe turns them into a car. **ELI30:** Insurance companies push safety laws. There are 210 million car drivers and 8 million motorcycle drivers. Also, motorcycles are cheaper and usually do less damage in an accident. Car accidents cost more and are more frequent than motorcycle accidents so insurance companies focus their lobbying money in that area. (Motorcycle accidents often kill the cyclist so health costs are morbidly minimized.) **ELI50:** Why are you asking me? You made the laws!"}, {"answer": "Because a seatbelt is not giving extra protection on a motorcycle since in the case of an accident being bound to the motorcycle is actually more dangerous than flying off. In the case of a car the seatbelt is increasing the safety in the case of an accident very much and is preinstalled in every car, so the only reason not to wear it is you being too lazy to put it on. Therefore they introduced the punishment to make sure people would use it."}, {"answer": "In addition to everything already said, not wearing a seat belt in a car puts the other occupants of that car at risk. If you're in an accident without a seat belt on you essentially become a projectile around the inside of the vehicle. URL_0 (don't worry he survived)"}, {"answer": "Being tied to a motorcycle in a crash is more likely to kill you than save you. The reverse is true when considering being fixed to a seat within a car."}, {"answer": "The simplest answer is that for a motorcyclist it is *more* dangerous to be strapped to the bike. In a car you crash and have a seatbelt you're kept relatively safe, the safety devices can activate without you're head being in the wrong area where it'll do more damage than protection, the seatbelt is about keeping you safe in a confined space where many things can hurt you. On a bike, being connected to it can lead to worse outcomes. If it crashes and begins sliding, you need to be able to leave it so it doesn't drag you along asphalt at 60mph, or under a guard rail into a dangerous drop, or even into more vehicles. The ability to disconnect yourself from the crash is more important. That is why the safety precautions are focused on the individual separate from the bike (helmet, padded suits, etc.) A car can't safely take you out of the crash, so it has to make it safer for you during a crash."}, {"answer": "In a crash, a car is a big protective metal box. You want to be restrained inside it and let the metal box take the worst of the impact. A motorbike is pretty much the opposite. It's a big lump of metal that can only really make things worse for you. Being separated from the bike is very likely to be a good thing. If you're going to slide along the road and slam into a wall, then being strapped to the bike won't stop that happening. Instead it'll mean that you get crushed between the bike and the road or between the bike and the wall."}, {"answer": "If motorcycles were invented in 2017 there's no way in hell that they'd ever be allowed on public roads, way too dangerous. However, they were invented back in the heroic age of motorized travel when cars had no seat belts and plate glass windshields and steering columns that would jab out and spear you in the chest during a car crash. So now we're kind of stuck with them, not because of anything objective about their relative safety but because there are a bunch of people who ride them now and would be pissed if they got taken away. It'd be kind of stupid to avoid making cars better because motorcycles are worse so meh, it's just kind of how things turned out."}, {"answer": "U.S. based answer (facts and figures are for U.S., not sure if the trend is the same in other countries): The reason is simple numbers. These are laws being made by politicians so they are looking at numbers primarily. Vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for people in the US under the age of 55. Over half of these deaths happen to people that were not wearing a seat belt. This is not to say that all of them could have been prevented had the person been wearing a seat belt but a lot of them likely could have been. By passing seat belt legislation, politicians are addressing one of the main causes of death for people under the age of 55. That is good politics and has a major impact on reducing traffic fatalities. For motorcycles, there are far less deaths than compared to passenger vehicles. In fact, until the seat belt laws began to take effect, motorcycle deaths regularly made up less than 10% of all vehicle related fatalities. After those laws began being enforced with fines more universally, passenger vehicle fatalities began dropping and motorcycle fatalities began to make up about 12-13% of all vehicle related fatalities. The real issue with motorcycles is the impact that helmets can have and despite this, only 19 states require helmets. Some sources: [CDC facts about motor vehicle fatalities and seatbelts]( URL_1 ) [Insurance Institute for Highway safety facts and figures about vehicle deaths with breakdowns for motorcycles and passenger vehicles]( URL_2 ) [CDC site about impact of wearing a helmet on motorcycle fatalities and costs of accidents]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "You really don't want to be attached to a 400lb+ hunk of aluminum, plastic, and iron as it goes tumbling across the road/roadside. It is much less traumatic to the squishy meat sack riding the motorcycle to be thrown clear of it (wearing appropriate protection, always) rather than to remain attached to it."}, {"answer": "Same reason you don't have to wear a helmet in your car. Different vehicle, different risks."}, {"answer": "All of these responses are wrong. Politics and laws on the books have nothing to do with common sense or safety, though they can be correlated. The local municipalities want to increase their influence, power, and revenue, and local police departments want more reasons to be able to pull people over and exert authority so that their jobs are easier. This is an easy way to do it because it ties in with peoples innate desire to control what other people are doing and can be masked as a \"public safety\" initiative, which is patently false given motorcycles and other alternative, less safe vehicles are allowed on roadways."}, {"answer": "It has to do with insurance. Crash studies prove car seatbelts work and Insurance company's incentivise police departments to enforce seatbelt law with tickets and checkpoints . There actually we're politicians who wanted to enact a seatbelt motorcycle law. It got scrapped when enough people told them it was utterly stupid."}, {"answer": "I guess this is why we have to have seatbelt laws. Because people really can't see the difference between being strapped in a car versus strapped to a motorcycle? Really?"}, {"answer": "A car is a huge metal object moving super fast & close to other moving metal objects that are also moving super fast. If one is not in the driver's seat in a proper position, they cannot control the vehicle. If a person were to lose control of the vehicle, it then becomes a large weapon moving very fast that could veer off into any direction. Motorcycle accidents are usually only fatal to the person on motorcycle and not the other vehicle. Not the case with cars/trucks. Lastly, it seems to me that getting ejected off a motorcycle might be better than being affixed to it while it crashes."}, {"answer": "This is a simple yet perfect example of why we should never freely give away our personal rights."}, {"answer": "Of course, all accidents are different, few are expected or happen slow enough to react with any degree of certainty that no one will be hurt. A seatbelt on a motorcycle would be more dangerous in an accident. While it isn't ideal by any means, being separated from the motorcycle is better. Imagine sliding on the road after a collision strapped to hundreds of pounds of tumbling metal. Or even just sliding or falling without being able to get your legs out from under the bike. In some cases, dumping the bike and sliding behind it could be the safe move. In a car it's much more dangerous to be thrown from the vehicle because you're not wearing any protective gear. Hopefully motorcycle riders and passengers are wearing helmets and second skins. It's also not safe to be thrown around in a car, which the motorcycle rider can't do."}, {"answer": "A car: a big ole box of structural metal designed to keep you inside and in your seat when you crash. A bicycle, no box around you there. Imagine your bike flips. If you had some crazy harness on, you would of course be flipped, crushed, dragged with the bike. Its likely that there are better chances of survival if you're flung off. And you have more discretion on how you take the crash. You may judge its better to bail from the bike before impact in certain situations. A helmet is a whole new ballgame. Personally, my opinion is that you should wear proper riding gear (thick leather or similar) and a helmet always. Especially the helmet."}, {"answer": "The literal answer is that they have a different license class with different requirements. Much like a class 4 (emergency vehicles) they also aren't required to wear seat belts. So you can't give a cop a seat belt ticket."}, {"answer": "Seatbelts should be at the drivers discretion if theyre the only one in the vehicle. This is more of another argument for optional seatbelts than a question w a good answer"}, {"answer": "Restraining someone to a 1200 lb, potentially airborne and explosive projectile, is probably more dangerous than letting the rider fall off as the bike goes flying."}, {"answer": "Because as human beings, \"there oughta be a law\" is a thing, and we're all more familiar with riding in cars than in motorcycles, and so the scrutiny is on cars. We understand intuitively (and statistically) that wearing a seatbelt drastically improves our risk of injury or death during an accident. One could easily argue that I have a right to put myself at risk (the chance that I'm putting somebody ELSE at risk by not wearing my seatbelt is small, though it's clearly real), and so I could argue that I shouldn't have to wear a seatbelt BY LAW. There are a number of other laws on the books that are similar - i.e., regulation of personal behavior that largely impacts the individual and perhaps only tangentially affect a larger group (drug prohibition, for example). Some laws (such as universal health care) have the side affect that we can now argue that people have a responsibility to lower their individual risk for the sake of efficiencies at the larger scale. This is at least part of the reason why advocates of personal responsibility argue that these types of laws are unnecessary (at best) and intrusive/rights-restrictive (at worst). Understanding the consequences of these laws is important, and is why it's important to have a thoughtful, engaged citizenry when enacting legislation that places restrictions on our fellow citizens."}, {"answer": "Think about what a 'seatbelt' would do for a motorcyclist? Best case scenario you are now strapped down to your crashing bike as it is mangled in a wreck and it tumbles over your body and crushes you to tiny pieces. Seatbelts would be counterproductive in a bike wreck. Now OTHER safety items, like bike helmets and proper riding leathers, are another story. That helmets aren't required in all 50 states baffles me, but even then, i can't tell you how often i may see some schumck riding his bike at 80 mph, weaving through traffic, maybe wearing a helmet, but also just wearing nothing but a tshirt and cargo shorts or and sandles or some shit. riding a bike dressed like that, besides looking like a doofous, is just asking for a series case of road rash if you ever wipe out."}, {"answer": "This might have already been answered and I'm sure this will get lost but here we go anyway. The seat belt is to keep you in the car, if you're in an accident it doesn't just stop after the initial collision. On a motorcycle it does. But in a car if you're not still in the seat after that initial impact no one is controlling your heavy ass box of death. The car will quite possibly still be rolling and semi controllable. With you being held infront of the wheel and brakes there is still a good chance multiple collisions will be avoided."}, {"answer": "Helmet laws are the equivalent of safety belt laws. Belting yourself to the top of a motorcycle isn't safer, but wearing a helmet is. Why do we pass laws forcing people to be safer? Because their injuries and deaths impact people other than themselves: they cost the healthcare system, they leave unsupported children behind, etc. If something is proven safer and it's easy to do, it should be a law, period. People whining about their freedom can go live in the woods without the benefits of society. If you want the benefits of society, respect your responsible place in society."}, {"answer": "A few things: 1. Restraints on a motorcycle are not going to be helpful, whereas they are in a car 1. If you fly off a motorcycle, you are unlikely to hit another person. In a car, you can bounce around and injure another passenger who IS wearing a seatbelt 1. Many safety devices in a car require you to be in a seat in order to work (crumple zones, airbags). Your primary safety devices on motorcycles are your clothes and helmets, so your physical location is irrelevant to the function of those devices."}, {"answer": "It's an insurance issue. The law was pushed by the insurance company. If you get into a car accident and aren't wearing your seat belt, you're likely to be more hurt than if you wore it. More injuries mean more medical care. It costs them more. If you get into a motorcycle accident without a helmet, death is more likely than if you wore one. So they have there are more medical costs if you wear a helmet. You're a product in this scenario."}, {"answer": "You asked a question about legality, yet you got many answers about safety. Why is that? Well, it's not nice to mention, but most people aren't particularly intelligent, or even consistent. And lawmakers are, first and (Sadly) foremost, people. So the laws that govern motorcycle safety aren't even reasonably close to those which govern car safety, and if they were then motorcycles would require major changes. They would have to resemble small cars... TL;DR Our laws aren't consistent or reasonable. Deal."}, {"answer": "Seat belts on a motorcycle are an injury sentence at best, death more likely. Think of when you were little and fell off your bicycle at slow speed. You just kind of stepped and fell away. Now picture if your butt was belted to the seat, now you're practically being slammed into the ground on your side. Now replace the bicycle with a 500 pound piece of burning hot motorcycle. You don't want to be trapped under that."}, {"answer": "My buddy motorcycles to work. This is in California where lane splitting is legal and allows you to skip a lot of traffic (at the expense of your safety). He says it feels weird to get in a car and put on his seatbelt. \"If I'm strapped in how can I be thrown safely clear in the event of an accident?\" He's only about 20% serious."}, {"answer": "On average more than one person occupies the car, but more often than not cyclists are alone. The ethical reason, as explained to me by my driving instructor, is your body becomes a projectile in a car crash. It has the chance of bouncing in the car and killing the other passenger because of the contained nature of the vehicle"}, {"answer": "because stopping you for not having a seat belt on gives a cop time to look in your car for probable cause to search it. you can agree that wearing a seat belt is a good idea while at the same time argue that the police should have no authority to chase you down and extort you for it."}, {"answer": "It would be less safe to strap yourself to your motorcycle. This is why most states have helmet laws. Why not make people in cars wear helmets too? The two things are different and it's all about the amount of safety that society has deemed to be \"acceptable\" given the trade off of inconvenience."}, {"answer": "I think the simplest explanation is that if you get in a motorcycle crash, you don't want to be strapped ON the motorcycle. That would be more dangerous than rolling away. If you're strapped in, your leg will most likely be crushed under the bike or your entire body could be run over."}, {"answer": "Modern motor vehicles create a protective cocoon around the passengers, and the use of seatbelts keeps them inside the cocoon in the event of an accident. Motorcycles have no such cocoon, and therefore being physically strapped to one would create far more danger to the rider in the event of an accident."}, {"answer": "Seatbelts increase occupant security with no real inconvenience. There is absolutely no reason not to wear a seatbelt. There is simply no such solution for motorcycles, other than wearing a helmet and ABS system. Both of which are required in EU (ABS on bikes produced from 2016 onward)."}, {"answer": "Also think about how the back seat passengers often become projectiles in a crash. Often the unbelted passenger kills the ones in front of them. A bike you personally just go flying; more potential personal injury potential."}, {"answer": "Simple! If you're gonna lose control on a bike; the best thing to do is drop it and let it skid down the road than to lose all your skin being pinned under it."}, {"answer": "When a motorcycle crashes, more often than not it starts tumbling and flipping violently down the road. I don't want to be strapped to a 400-900 pound sledgehammer that's tumbling down the street."}, {"answer": "I'm sure it's been said... besides helmet laws.... it's generally much safer to bail from the bike in an accident than to be secured to it by a restraining device."}, {"answer": "Imagine a motorcycle accident. Now imagine being strapped to the motorcycle during that accident. 9 times out of 10 you would be better off being thrown off of it."}, {"answer": "I'm no motorcycle rider, but from what I've heard from other riders, the last thing you wanna do when a bike goes down is be strapped to it."}, {"answer": "Because it doesn't matter. Being strapped to a motorcycle isn't going to improve your chances of survival. This is a classic equity vs equality situation."}, {"answer": "The same reason we don't have seatbelts on bicycles... ever had your bike fall over and been tied to the seat? Yeah, me neither."}, {"answer": "The real reason is because the government just wants more of your money and loves making rules"}, {"answer": "Why don't you have to wear a helmet in a car. It would definitely be safer?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "23571635", "title": "Motorcycle hooliganism", "section": "Section::::Behaviors.:Stunting on public roads.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 13, "end_paragraph_id": 13, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["implicated in a number of deaths, and is targeted by law enforcement in North America, Asia and Europe. The fact that many stunters perform their stunts on public roads draws the ire of other motorcyclists and lawmakers. They intentionally draw a lot of attention to their apparently reckless behavior, and other motorcyclists, especially sportbike riders, feel that stunters give all riders a reputation for being irresponsible and dangerous to others. While clothing-optional bicycling is allowed in many places, similar behavior by motorcyclists is often seen as reckless and has\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "implicated in a number of deaths, and is targeted by law enforcement in North America, Asia and Europe. The fact that many stunters perform their stunts on public roads draws the ire of other motorcyclists and lawmakers. They intentionally draw a lot of attention to their apparently reckless behavior, and other motorcyclists, especially sportbike riders, feel that stunters give all riders a reputation for being irresponsible and dangerous to others. While clothing-optional bicycling is allowed in many places, similar behavior by motorcyclists is often seen as reckless and has"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "11154759", "title": "Vehicle safety technology", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Vehicle Safety Technology (VST) in the automotive industry refers to the special technology developed to ensure the safety and security of automobiles and their passengers. The term encompasses a broad umbrella of projects and devices within the automotive world. Notable examples of VST include geo-fencing capabilities, remote speed sensing, theft deterrence, damage mitigation, vehicle-to-vehicle communication, and car-to-computer communication devices which use GPS tracking.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Vehicle Safety Technology (VST) in the automotive industry refers to the special technology developed to ensure the safety and security of automobiles and their passengers. The term encompasses a broad umbrella of projects and devices within the automotive world"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1697489", "title": "Assumption of risk", "section": "Section::::Express vs. Implied Assumption of Risk.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 10, "end_paragraph_id": 10, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["by knowing the risk and proceeding anyway. An example of implied assumption of risk is when a spectator goes to a baseball game, the spectator is deemed to accept the risk of being hit by foul balls or home runs. The implied assumption of risk defense is commonly asserted in cases of injuries occurring during risky recreational activities, such as skiing, paragliding, and scuba diving, but actually extends to all dangerous activities. Thus, for example, it was held that a visitor to the Burning Man festival assumed the risk of getting burned.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "by knowing the risk and proceeding anyway. An example of implied assumption of risk is when a spectator goes to a baseball game, the spectator is deemed to accept the risk of being hit by foul balls or home runs. The implied assumption of risk defense is commonly asserted in cases of injuries occurring during risky recreational activities, such as skiing, paragliding, and scuba diving, but actually extends to all dangerous activities. Thus, for example, it was held that a visitor to the Burning Man festival assumed the risk of getting burned."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Mindbender (Galaxyland)\n\n\nMaze attraction, which has been removed to make way for another roller coaster; Gerstlauer's Galaxy Orbiter, during the helix. Often in high season, the last car on one of the trains is reversed, allowing guests to ride the roller coaster without being able to see where they are going. After boarding the Mindbender, riders put on their seatbelt and lap restraints. Also, the ride operator lowers large shoulder restraints over the riders. All of the restraints keep the riders firmly secured in the seat. After ascending the", "id": "19769085" }, { "contents": "Traffic collision\n\n\n(9%) were motorcyclists, of whom 569 were killed (2.3%) and 5,939 seriously injured (24%). Studies in United States have shown that poor people have a greater risk of dying in a car crash than people who are well-off. Car deaths are also higher in poorer states. Similar studies in France have shown the same results. This may be due to working-class people having less access to secure equipment in cars, having older cars which are less protected against crash, and", "id": "16243726" }, { "contents": "Train (roller coaster)\n\n\nroller coasters with Over the Shoulder restraints. Some rides, such as Maverick at Cedar Point, require that guests must remove earrings before riding. However, there are some operating roller coasters that do not have either restraint systems. Rollo Coaster at Idlewild and Soakzone is a good example of this. Usually roller coasters with little to no air-time (being lifted out of your seat) do not have restraints. Until early 2006, The Rollercoaster at Blackpool Pleasure Beach in the UK also operated without any restraints, although seatbelts", "id": "7167207" }, { "contents": "Motorcycle safety\n\n\nMotorcycle safety concerns many aspects of vehicle and equipment design as well as operator skill and training that are unique to motorcycle riding. Travelling on a motorcycle carries a much higher risk of death or injury than driving the same distance in a car. In 2006 US motorcyclists had a risk of a fatal crash that was 35 times greater than that of passenger cars, based on 390 motorcyclist deaths per billion vehicle miles and 11.1 car fatalities for that distance. In 2016 this rate was 28 times that for automobiles. When looking at all", "id": "5649351" }, { "contents": "Seat belt\n\n\n. When in motion, the driver and passengers are travelling at the same speed as the car. If the driver makes the car suddenly stop or crashes it, the driver and passengers continue at the same speed the car was going before it stopped. A seatbelt applies an opposing force to the driver and passengers to prevent them from falling out or making contact with the interior of the car. Seatbelts are considered Primary Restraint Systems (PRS), because of their vital role in occupant safety. An analysis conducted in the United", "id": "6428377" }, { "contents": "Seat belt\n\n\nbasis, providing better protection in the event of an extended rollover or a multiple collision accident. The inflatable seatbelt was invented by Donald Lewis and tested at the Automotive Products Division of Allied Chemical Corporation. Inflatable seatbelts have tubular inflatable bladders contained within an outer cover. When a crash occurs the bladder inflates with a gas to increase the area of the restraint contacting the occupant and also shortening the length of the restraint to tighten the belt around the occupant, improving the protection. The inflatable sections may be shoulder-only or lap", "id": "6428404" }, { "contents": "Astro Storm\n\n\n. Riders are arranged inline in three rows for a total of three riders per car with a T-bar restraint. Before 2003 (When it was the original Space invader at Blackpool), the ride used cars which were able to carry 4 people and riders were restrained by a seatbelt. When it was Space Invader (2), the ride was themed around a journey through space, and was decorated with glow-in-the-dark pictures of stars, planets and aliens. The Queue and loading area were", "id": "14278608" }, { "contents": "Matterhorn Bobsleds\n\n\nupgrade, the individual vehicles were joined into pairs with lap seating increasing the capacity per train to eight. In 2012, the cars were replaced with new vehicles as part of the six month ride closure, and it currently features two cars paired together with three single-file seats per car. The safety restraints consist of a car seatbelt. There are hand grips inside the cars, but there are no longer hand grips on the outside of the bobsled. There is one lift hill on each track. Bobsleds ascend parallel to", "id": "19893028" }, { "contents": "Motorcycling\n\n\nregistered vehicles — four times higher than for cars. The same data shows that 1.56 fatalities occur per 100 million vehicle miles travelled for passenger cars, whereas for motorcycles the figure is 43.47, which was 37 times higher than for cars in 2007. The increased risk over other road users comes from the motorcyclist being relatively unprotected on the motorcycle. There are also some statistics comparing the risk of hospital admissions for different leisure activities. A study shows that the probability for the activity leading to hospital admission was 4.9/10,000 hours of horseback riding", "id": "7655275" }, { "contents": "Merkur\n\n\n, the Merkur Scorpio rivaled the Lincoln Town Car in price, despite its strong visual resemblance to the far more affordable Mercury Sable (both sold on the same showroom floor). At the end of 1989, the decision to drop the Merkur line was driven by future passive restraint requirements in North America. To bring the XR4Ti and Scorpio into compliance, the model lines would have needed airbag(s) or a passive restraint system (automatic seatbelts) to do so. As the slow sales of the model line no longer justified the", "id": "3775216" }, { "contents": "Phantom's Revenge\n\n\nthis, the ride ascended into the brake run. One cycle of the ride took approximately 2 minutes and 15 seconds. Phantom's Revenge operates with two trains. Each train has seven cars that seat two riders in two rows for a total of 28 riders per train. After the ride was renovated, the trains were also renovated. Steel Phantom's chassis, that was built by Arrow remained but Morgan built new, aerodynamic fiberglass bodies. Morgan also replaced the over-shoulder-restraints with lap bars and seatbelts. Phantom", "id": "6574457" }, { "contents": "Existential risk from artificial general intelligence\n\n\nI don't know why I feel that way.\" Baidu Vice President Andrew Ng states AI existential risk is \"like worrying about overpopulation on Mars when we have not even set foot on the planet yet.\" Some AI and AGI researchers may be reluctant to discuss risks, worrying that policymakers do not have sophisticated knowledge of the field and are prone to be convinced by \"alarmist\" messages, or worrying that such messages will lead to cuts in AI funding. \"Slate\" notes that some researchers are dependent on grants", "id": "19310123" }, { "contents": "Ice Blast: The Ride\n\n\nnew sponsor and in 2004 was named Tango Ice Blast, in conjunction with the drink of the same name. The ride is notably similar to the Lucozade Space Shot that was located in Pleasureland Southport. The ride has undergone numerous changes including installing a new seating arrangement which was originally 3x3 across on all sides to 2x4 across. It is the tallest and fastest drop tower ride in the United Kingdom. Riders are restrained using over the shoulder restraints and a seatbelt. There is a blast of air which sends the gondola to the", "id": "15408658" }, { "contents": "Rough ride (police brutality)\n\n\nA rough ride is a form of police brutality in which a handcuffed prisoner is placed in a police van without a seatbelt, and is thrown violently about by driving the vehicle erratically. Other terms for the practice include \"nickel ride\" (a reference to carnival rides), \"cowboy ride\", \"joyride\", \"bringing them up front\", and \"screen test\" (as the prisoner may hit the protective screen behind the driver). Rough rides have been implicated in a number of injuries sustained in", "id": "18793851" }, { "contents": "Renault Mégane\n\n\nentered production on the Renault Laguna before the Mégane). The car also benefited from Renault's first \"System for Restraint and Protection\" (SRP), essentially a system of careful optimisation of occupant restraint by interaction of the seat, seatbelt, pretensioner, load limiter and airbag. The Mégane I achieved a best in class four star crash test rating in the 1998 round of testing by Euro NCAP. November 1996 saw the introduction of the Mégane Scénic compact MPV. Power came from the Renault E type (\"Energy\"", "id": "13587236" }, { "contents": "Motorcycle training\n\n\nformal training, doesn't necessarily expose motorcyclists to accurate information. Open questions remain, however, such as why the overall safety of motorcycling in Europe is not significantly different than in the US. The US armed forces have responded to an increase in off-duty motorcycling accidents and deaths by strengthening existing requirements that service members take a motorcycle safety course and wear helmets, long sleeve shorts, pants, over the ankle shoes, and gloves even if not required locally if they wish to ride, as well as by offering rider", "id": "12854100" }, { "contents": "Crash test dummy\n\n\nresults indicated that children should be placed in the back seat and restrained. It also suggests that restraints have a bigger impact on safety than seating positions. A lap belt used on children will not provide as much safety as it would for an adult, due to the flexibility of children. An adult seatbelt could do more harm to a child than good, which is why children should properly be utilizing the Child Restraint System instead. This system includes a booster seat and a proper belt that fits the child's criteria including age", "id": "19869075" }, { "contents": "Volvo S80\n\n\n, with front seatbelt pretensioners, seatbelt load limiters, as well as front, side, body, and head airbags: Scores given for the car showed pedestrians' legs facing a very aggressive front end, resulting in only 2 stars of 4 for pedestrian safety. Despite this EuroNCAP did state \"This large Volvo is very safe and gave a good all round performance\" due to the good adult protection inside the car in the event of a collision. The second generation S80 was unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show on 28 February", "id": "21653258" }, { "contents": "Toyota Corolla (E140)\n\n\nwave radar. When the millimeter-wave radar detects a high risk of collision, the Pre-Crash Seatbelts improves initial restraint capabilities for passengers while the Pre-Crash Brake Assist System decelerates the vehicle to reduce the collision speed and contribute to less damage induced by collision. The Radar Cruise Control system detects and monitors the preceding vehicle and the lane, maintaining a fixed distance according to the preceding vehicle's speed within a preset range of speed. In 2011, a total of 70,758 Corolla Axios were sold in Japan. The", "id": "9083113" }, { "contents": "Cairo Metro\n\n\nwho do not wish to ride with men in the same car; however, women can still ride other cars freely. This policy was introduced for protection of women from sexual harassment by men. Cairo Metro operates from 05:00 till 01:00 (except during Ramadan, when it operates from 05:00 till 02:00), with the remaining hours reserved for maintenance work. The ticket price was EGP 1.00 for each journey, regardless of distance. The Ministry of Transportation agreed to double the ticket prices, starting from Friday 24 March 2017, costing", "id": "12124013" }, { "contents": "Motorcycle training\n\n\nproblem. The military has also adopted new technology such as the Honda Smart Trainer, in Qatar and elsewhere. The courses offered go beyond basic riding skills necessary to become licensed and focus on the specific arenas identified as posing the greatest risk to the military riders. Another focus is military riders who wear uncertified \"novelty\" helmets or go without other protective gear required by regulations above and beyond local laws. Law enforcement motorcyclists, called \"motor officers\" in US police jargon, benefit from advanced training, typically lasting one to", "id": "12854102" }, { "contents": "Zambezi Zinger\n\n\nat Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, Illinois. The site where Zambezi Zinger once stood is now occupied by Boomerang and the Haunt attraction Doll Factory. The ride was unusual as it did not have seatbelts or any lap bar restraint. After loading into your train, in an African themed station, the ride propelled you outward into a 167 degree right turn to the lift hill. The lift hill was unusual, as it spiraled in an upward, left-handed helix, rather than the typical straight section found on most", "id": "15155877" }, { "contents": "Enterprise (ride)\n\n\n60 feet or greater. Most SkyLabs have been dismantled, however there are two known models still operating, \"Cyclone\" at Parque Del Café in Montenegro, Quindio, Colombia, and \"Sky Loop\" at Luna Park in Tel Aviv, Israel. HUSS used the basis of the Enterprise for another ride called the UFO. This ride was similar in operation, however the cars did not swing freely and riders stood up facing the center of the ride. Similarly to most Enterprise rides, there are no restraints due to the", "id": "21672098" }, { "contents": "Jeff Roorda\n\n\nbill did not advance. Roorda said the St. Louis Police Officers Association has had concerns about dashboard cameras in use on many city patrol cars and would have the same worries about on-body devices. Roorda said both types of cameras provide video of \"one angle of an encounter\" that sometimes doesn't reflect exactly what happened. \"In general, cameras have been bad for law enforcement and the communities they protect,\" he said. \"It causes constant second-guessing by the courts and the media.\" In", "id": "12737676" }, { "contents": "Motorcycling\n\n\na lesser fee on some toll roads and toll bridges. Other countries have similar policies. In New Zealand, motorcycle riders need not pay for parking that is controlled by a barrier arm; the arm occupies less than the entire width of the lane, and the motorcyclist simply rides around it. Many car parks that are thus controlled so supply special areas for motorcycles to park as to save space. In many cities that have serious parking challenges for cars, such as Melbourne, Australia, motorcycles are generally permitted to park on", "id": "7655264" }, { "contents": "Motorcycle lane\n\n\nas some tunnels. The corners are dangerous for motorcyclists if they are riding at speeds above 35 km/h. Besides risking the safety of the motorcyclists, the sharp corners near an interchange also significantly increase the traveling distance for motorcyclists. The best example is the Seputeh interchange at the Federal Highway, where motorcyclists from Klang direction who wish to turn to Salak Expressway have to pass two roundabouts, several winding lanes and several tunnels. Some stretches of the motorcycle lanes are flooded, although the PLUS concessionaire has placed pumps in a", "id": "16659159" }, { "contents": "Airbag\n\n\n(which could rapidly become outdated and prove to not be a cost-effective approach). Less emphasis was placed on other designs as countries successfully mandated seatbelt restrictions, however. The auto industry and research and regulatory communities have moved away from their initial view of the airbag as a seat-belt replacement, and the bags are now nominally designated as supplemental restraint systems (SRS) or supplemental inflatable restraints. In 1981, Mercedes-Benz introduced the airbag in West Germany as an option on its flagship saloon model, S", "id": "14698978" }, { "contents": "Royal Automobile Club of Western Australia\n\n\nInsurance Pty Ltd commences operations. 1957: Road Service is extended to 24 hours. 1970: RAC advocates for the compulsory installation of Motor Vehicle Standards approved seatbelts. 1973: With seatbelts in new cars now compulsory, RAC seeks legislation banning the sale of non-approved seatbelts and child restraints. 1975: RAC hands over the maintenance of its directional signposting program to local authorities. 1978: Begins the push for drink-driving reform by releasing RAC research linking many fatal automobile accidents to drinking. 1980: RAC pushes for $", "id": "8015656" }, { "contents": "Bill Hickman\n\n\ntouch (before compulsory restraints were introduced in California), Hickman's character buckles his seat belt before flooring it at the beginning of the pursuit by the Highland Green Ford Mustang 390 GT, driven by Steve McQueen, thereby indicating to the audience that we are about to go on a truly wild ride. If you drove a MOPAR in those days, unlike slack and loose seatbelts of today, the seatbelts bolted you to the vehicle. If you had a manual trans, one could focus on driving and shifting, keeping the", "id": "8377885" }, { "contents": "Crumple zone\n\n\nmore effective on older cars. Newer cars have electronically fired pre-tension seatbelts that are timed to work with the airbag firing. Buying used seatbelts is not a good idea even in countries where it is legal to do so, because they may have already been stretched in an impact event and may not protect their new users as they should. The final impact after a passenger's body hits the car interior, airbag or seat belts is that of the internal organs hitting the ribcage or skull due to their inertia. The", "id": "9251175" }, { "contents": "Risk compensation\n\n\nRisk compensation is a theory which suggests that people typically adjust their behavior in response to the perceived level of risk, becoming more careful where they sense greater risk and less careful if they feel more protected. Although usually small in comparison to the fundamental benefits of safety interventions, it may result in a lower net benefit than expected. By way of example, it has been observed that motorists drove faster when wearing seatbelts and closer to the vehicle in front when the vehicles were fitted with anti-lock brakes. There is also", "id": "1372557" }, { "contents": "School bus\n\n\n-restraint seats is its lack of protection in side-impact collisions (with larger vehicles) and rollover situations. Though by design, students are protected front to back by compartmentalization, it allows the potential for ejection in other crash situations (however rare). \"Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 222\" was introduced in 1977, requiring passive restraints and more stringent structural integrity standards; this exempted the requirement of seatbelts in school buses with a gross vehicle weight (GVWR) of over 10,000 pounds. In 2011", "id": "2875741" }, { "contents": "Tagada\n\n\nA tagada is an amusement ride made by various manufacturers. Riders sit in a round bowl with no seatbelts or restraints. There are bars behind the riders which they hold on to. The ride starts to spin, the music starts playing and pneumatic arms bounce the riders up and down. The Tagada is operated by a human operator who will synchronize the bounces with the music beat. Most operators give time for riders to get to their seats again before making the ride bounce (this occurs if turbulence is too strong).", "id": "6361004" }, { "contents": "Swing Around\n\n\nto be 42 inches tall to ride; anyone under 48 inches tall must ride with an adult. This ride has 14 seats which can fit two people at most. These rides have a metal bar that goes over both, or single riders. Some rides also have a seatbelt for extra protection, and there are no seat dividers. The ride itself looks circular with the bottom of it smaller than the top. Some of these rides have lights on them, but very little theming to them. However, the ride at", "id": "20618245" }, { "contents": "Accelerator Coaster\n\n\nthe lap bar can be lowered, significantly slowing load times. In contrast, the over-the-shoulder restraints are simply held down with a seatbelt. This means that guests can pull down their own restraints and buckle their own belts saving ride attendants time. Most Accelerator Coasters are launched from the station, but there are some that advance the train to a separate launch area, either for theming reasons (Superman Escape) or to allow multiple trains to be loaded simultaneously (Top Thrill Dragster and Kingda Ka). For", "id": "5121676" }, { "contents": "Women-only passenger car\n\n\n-only cars during rush hour, after awareness campaigns and tougher sentencing proved ineffective. Women-only cars have received positive reactions from some men and some women. Women cited safety from gropers, as well as not having to tolerate various smells. Men cited not having to worry about false accusations of being a groper. However, passengers complained about further overcrowding in mixed cars, and feared that women who ride mixed cars would be putting themselves at more risk than before. Visually-impaired men have been reported to unknowingly enter", "id": "15214045" }, { "contents": "Bōsōzoku\n\n\nand may have used the motorcycle gang activities as a way to express disaffection and dissatisfaction with Japanese mainstream society. In the 1980s and 1990s, \"bōsōzoku\" would often embark on massed rides, in which up to 100 bikers would cruise together slowly en masse down an expressway or major highway. The motorcyclists would run toll booths without stopping and would ignore police attempts to detain them. New Year's Eve was a popular occasion for the massed rides. The bikers would sometimes smash the cars and threaten or beat up any motorists", "id": "10500486" }, { "contents": "Risk compensation\n\n\n-road crashes by 35 percent. A 1994 research study of people who both wore and habitually did not wear seatbelts concluded that drivers were found to drive faster and less carefully when belted. Several important driving behaviors were observed on the road before and after the belt use law was enforced in Newfoundland, and in Nova Scotia during the same period without a law. Belt use increased from 16 percent to 77 percent in Newfoundland and remained virtually unchanged in Nova Scotia. Four driver behaviors (speed, stopping at intersections when the control", "id": "1372569" }, { "contents": "Cruel and Unusual (2014 film)\n\n\n, Edgar desperately attempts to save his unresponsive wife, Maylon, a Filipino immigrant. Shortly after giving up, he dies, too. Suddenly driving his car down the road, Edgar pulls over in confusion. After he stumbles out of his car, he recognizes a tree without knowing why. He and Maylon argue briefly, then return to their house. Maylon is worried about her troubled teenage son, Gogan, who has not yet returned home. Edgar encourages her be stricter and dismisses her concerns for Gogan's safety.", "id": "7225933" }, { "contents": "American Parliamentary Debate Association\n\n\nThe U.S. should pull out\" seriously by defining what the U.S. should pull out of—a foreign entanglement or the United Nations, for example. It could be squirreled by choosing an uncommon phrase abbreviated U.S. -- the \"usual seatbelt\" would make it a case against airbags or other passive restraint systems in cars. Further value was placed on analyzing the underlying core assumptions of a case; in the \"usual seatbelt\" example, the assumption was that safety should be an individual's personal choice rather than mandated by government.", "id": "8847665" }, { "contents": "Five-point harness\n\n\nPanasarn Aim Jirut: Head Restraint System for Racecar Drivers., 7 May 2002. Retrieved 25 January 2010 3. Andrew Jackson Aslup: Driver Head Restraint., 18 April 2002. Retrieved 26 January 2010 4. Philip Wilson: Fasten their seatbelts: legal restraint of children in car seats and road ambulances., Paediatric Nursing; Sep2007, Vol. 19 Issue 7, p14-18, 5p. Retrieved 24 January 2010 5. Kevin Bonsor; Karim Nice: How", "id": "8362235" }, { "contents": "Latch\n\n\nthe body of the car. Particularly in rear seats slightly different latches may be used for each seat in order to prevent adjacent seatbelts from being attached to the wrong point. Inertial seatbelt release is a potential circumstance where, in a collision, the seatbelt latch can unintentionally come loose leading to potential injury of the passenger. An additional risk of seatbelt latches is that in some cases the occupant may believe the latch is secure (e.g., by hearing a characteristic click) when in fact it has not. A parking pawl is", "id": "17180502" }, { "contents": "Tehran Metro\n\n\n, regardless of the distance traveled, but using prepaid tickets costs much less. Seniors may travel for free on the metro. On all Tehran metro trains the first and half of the second carriages from each end are reserved for women who do not wish to ride with men in the same car. Women can still ride other cars freely. Initial plans for the metro system were laid in late 1960s but could not be executed until 1982 due to socio-political issues such as the Iranian Revolution and the Iran-Iraq war", "id": "14280229" }, { "contents": "Tourism in Rome\n\n\nfound by getting walking directions on a map, from the Colosseum to the Piazza del Popolo. Most things most people go to see are within several hundred metres of that line. Cars are excluded from most of that area. Tickets for public transport must be bought before boarding (from a 'Tabacchi' or directly at the metro). Tickets for regular ATAC buses, Metro, and trams are the same fares and are compatible with each other. ATAC polices the buses, Metro, and trams for people riding without tickets", "id": "2903674" }, { "contents": "Motor Vehicles Manufacturers Ass'n v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co.\n\n\nthan that necessary to drive the car. The two main proposed mechanisms were automatic seat belts and airbags. In 1969, the NHTSA proposed a standard requiring installation of some kind of passive restraint for drivers, which was later amended to include all front seat passengers. The regulations adopted required passive restraints for vehicles built after 1975 and allowed those built between 1973 and 1975 to use a system in which the car would start only if the seatbelt was in use. This \"ignition interlock\" option proved unpopular and resulted in Congress passing", "id": "16525929" }, { "contents": "Trams in Freiburg im Breisgau\n\n\nthe scientific community who frequently and repeatedly warned against the introduction of these tickets.\"One shied away from new ideas with new risks, was unable to find a general offer for the offensive and therefore conjured up everywhere the fact that environmental issues were only a flop and led to more deficits\". On 24 July 1984, the municipal council decided to introduce the first \"environmental protection monthly ticket\" despite the VAG rejecting the proposal. This system started in October 1984. At the same time, prices were reduced by up to", "id": "14782266" }, { "contents": "Ryutaro Hashimoto\n\n\nby Hashimoto's American counterpart, President Bill Clinton. The repatriation of the base has yet to be completed as of 2015, as Okinawans have opposed efforts to relocate the base to a new site. Hashimoto's domestic popularity increased during the Japanese-US trade dispute when he publicly confronted Mickey Kantor, US Trade Representative for the Clinton administration. Hashimoto's popularity was largely based on his attitude. When asked about why Japanese car dealerships did not sell American cars, he answered, \"Why doesn't IBM sell Fujitsu computers?", "id": "7087648" }, { "contents": "American Motorcyclist Association\n\n\na consequence of this racist policy, blacks continued to be underrepresented in AMA events for decades after the segregationist policy was rescinded. That year, Youngblood presented black AMA member Norman Gaines in their membership advertisement in the campaign \"I want to protect my rights as a motorcyclist. That's why I'm an AMA member\" in both the AMA member magazine and \"Motorcyclist\" magazine. The term \"one-percenter\" was coined after the 1947 Hollister riot in Hollister, California. The AMA is said to have responded that", "id": "11773368" }, { "contents": "AmSafe\n\n\nAmSafe Inc. is a manufacturer of air safety and securement products to the aerospace, defense, and ground transportation industries and maker of aircraft seatbelts. AmSafe makes the Aviation Inflatable Restraint (AAIR), a seatbelt airbag approved by the FAA designed to improve occupant protection from serious head injury during an otherwise unsurvivable aircraft accident. The airbag allows manufacturers and airlines to meet the FAA 16g seat retrofit rule that mandates all aircraft comply by October 2009 (1). AmSafe’s aviation products can be found on most commercial aircraft, including", "id": "16886262" }, { "contents": "Charlie Charlie challenge\n\n\ndoesn't have the same explanations. With those boards, players have to keep hold of a glass while it moves around the table—so it's not difficult to imagine that people might be pushing it around without knowing it.\" David Emery argues parsimoniously that when simple scientific explanations \"can sufficiently explain why a phenomenon occurs, there's no reason to assume supernatural forces are at work.\" Despite simple scientific explanations being offered by science journalists, these are less readily available in mainstream news outlets. The producers of the", "id": "261398" }, { "contents": "Miles Electric Vehicles\n\n\nseatbelts, but do not require passive restraints, typically airbags in higher-speed vehicles. The vehicles should not exceed 25 mph (40 km/h) on streets with posted speed limits of or less. These vehicles also fall under the Washington State speed exemption cited above and may be operated up to 35 mph (56 km/h). MSRP $19,499 USD. This vehicle uses the same body as the two above models, but uses an AC induction motor that offers greater power and torque, extended lifetime,", "id": "2403702" }, { "contents": "Alderney\n\n\nAlderney Railway is the only remaining railway in the Channel Islands giving a timetabled public service, with scheduled trains to the lighthouse during the summer and special occasions such as Easter and Christmas. There is an occasional bus service around the island. Alderney allows people to ride motorbikes and mopeds without helmets and drive cars without seatbelts, but it is compulsory for under 18s to wear helmets. The international vehicle registration code is \"GBA\". The St John Alderney Ambulance Service operates the ambulance service on the island, and is staffed by", "id": "7565972" }, { "contents": "Seat belt\n\n\nseat belts. Volvo tried to develop a passive three point seatbelt. In 1973, Volkswagen announced they had a functional passive seat belt. The first commercial car to use automatic seat belts was the 1975 Volkswagen Golf. Automatic seat belts received a boost in the United States in 1977 when Brock Adams, United States Secretary of Transportation in the Carter Administration, mandated that by 1983 every new car should have either airbags or automatic seat belts. There was strong lobbying against the passive restraint requirement by the auto industry. Adams was criticized", "id": "6428406" }, { "contents": "Griffon (roller coaster)\n\n\nshoulder restraint with a seatbelt. This configuration allows the ride to achieve a theoretical hourly capacity of 1,400 riders per hour. Unlike traditional roller coasters, Griffon's trains are floorless, allowing the riders' legs to dangle throughout the ride. Riders also experience up to 4 times the force of gravity. Preston Wong from \"Hampton Roads\" said, \"[The floorless trains] giv[e] riders a sense of vulnerability and, for those in the front row, an idea of what it must feel like to fly\" and", "id": "16821986" }, { "contents": "State motorcyclists' rights organizations\n\n\nof Maryland ABATE chapter meetings in bars, pointing out his observation that one meeting place is at an open air bar where motorcycle riders can often be seen consuming alcohol before noon. Dresser contrasts this with the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, which has urged riders to not consume even one drink before riding, saying that even a road-legal blood alcohol level of 0.05% increases a rider's risk by 40 times, due to the greater challenge of motorcycle riding compared to driving a car. In response to a deluge of counter-", "id": "7981464" }, { "contents": "Head restraint\n\n\nto date has been on the design of car seats, primarily through the introduction of head restraints, often called headrests. This approach is potentially problematic given the underlying assumption that purely mechanical factors cause whiplash injuries — an unproven theory. So far the injury reducing effects of head restraints appears to have been low, approximately 5–10%, because car seats have become stiffer in order to increase crashworthiness of cars in high-speed rear-end collisions which in turn could increase the risk of whiplash injury in low-speed rear impact", "id": "5676474" }, { "contents": "Child safety seat\n\n\nmodifications and adjustments have been implemented to protect those that drive and ride in motorized vehicles. Most restraints were put into place to protect adults without regard for young children. Though child seats were beginning to be manufactured in the early 1930s, their purpose was not the safety of children. The purpose was to act as booster seats to bring the child to a height easier for the driving parent to see them. It was not until 1962 that two designs with the purpose of protecting a child were developed independently. British inventor Jean", "id": "8326313" }, { "contents": "Value at risk\n\n\nto test them. In a sense, there is no true risk because you have a sum of many independent observations with a left bound on the outcome. A casino doesn't worry about whether red or black will come up on the next roulette spin. Risk managers encourage productive risk-taking in this regime, because there is little true cost. People tend to worry too much about these risks, because they happen frequently, and not enough about what might happen on the worst days. Outside the VaR limit, all", "id": "16879733" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Haiti\n\n\nLesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons in Haiti may face social and legal challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents. Adult, noncommercial and consensual same-sex sexuality is not a criminal offense, but transgender people can be fined for violating a broadly written vagrancy law. Public opinion tends to be opposed to LGBT rights, which is why LGBT people are not protected from discrimination, are not included in hate crimes laws and households headed by same-sex couples do not have any of the legal", "id": "15348139" }, { "contents": "Don Nelson\n\n\n6–5 small forward Paul Pressey for the role. This enabled Nelson to field shooting guards Sidney Moncrief and Craig Hodges or Ricky Pierce at the same time without worrying about who would run the offense. In his offensive half-court sets, he would also put a center who wasn't a threat on offense, like Lister or Randy Breuer, at mid-court instead of near the basket to keep a shot-blocking center like the Utah Jazz's Mark Eaton away from the basket to make him less of a threat on", "id": "3845652" }, { "contents": "Citroën C3 Picasso\n\n\na pedestrian is struck by the bonnet. Protection inside the car was scored highly for almost every seat, and for adult and child protection; it lost points for its use of forward-facing restraints, which can be fatal in an accident if an infant is hit by an airbag. The C3 Picasso was also penalised for offering very poor whiplash protection in the driver's seatscoring nothing in two of the three tests and then losing points for the position of the unadjusted restraint. Overall, the vehicle scored four of five stars", "id": "15938981" }, { "contents": "Ticket resale\n\n\nfor the first offense, and as much as $200,000 for repeated violations. In Ontario, re-selling the tickets above face value is prohibited by the Ticket Speculation Act and is punishable by a fine of $5,000 for an individual (including those buying the tickets above face) or $50,000 for a corporation. Effective July 1, 2015, in an effort to protect consumers from purchasing fraudulent tickets, Ontario created an exemption under the Ticket Speculation Act to: Following an announcement in 2016 that The Tragically Hip's lead", "id": "9261884" }, { "contents": "High-visibility clothing\n\n\nviolating the motorcyclist's right of way. \"This dominant culpability of the driver of the other vehicle... emphasizes the special need for high contrast conspicuity for the motorcycle and rider.\" A New Zealand case-control study found that the population attributable risks were 33% for wearing no reflective or fluorescent clothing; one third of motorbike accidents might have been prevented by wearing high-visibility clothing. Traffic risks to the cyclist are similar to those faced by motorcyclists (see ), with the main differences being that bicycling speeds are", "id": "21646549" }, { "contents": "Motorcycle hooliganism\n\n\nyouth, without a valid driver's license, have been described as \"dangerous and illegal\" and \"hooligans.\" Street stunt riders on unlicensed dirtbikes are reported to be a problem in Baltimore, Maryland. Speeding is often referred to as a \"hooligan\" activity due to inherent risk to the public. Some types of motorcycles or specific models associated with hooligan behavior are informally referred to as \"hooligan\" motorcycles. In Seattle in 2010, a Washington State Patrol highway police trooper rolled his patrol car while chasing speeding motorcyclists", "id": "16171620" }, { "contents": "Motorcycle helmet\n\n\nmodular helmet in the same way as a three-quarters helmet. Since the chin bar section also protrudes further from the forehead than a three-quarters visor, riding with the helmet in the open position may pose increased risk of neck injury in a crash. Some modular helmets are dual certified as full face and open face helmet. The chin bar of those helmets offer real protection and they can be used in the \"open\" position while riding. An example of such a helmet would be the Shark Evoline. As", "id": "18066201" }, { "contents": "Hollywood Stunt Driver\n\n\nThe scene ends with the return of the motorcyclist who rides through a wall of fire before being stopped by the police. To re-shoot the first scene the rally car must be returned to outside the jewellery store. Without thinking, Dave sends Marty to do it again. A few moments later, vision from inside the rally car shows Marty's panicked state when he loses control of the car. At this instant, the rally car comes out onto the arena and begins driving wildly around the arena before taking the far", "id": "9360608" }, { "contents": "Risk compensation\n\n\nthe Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration concluded that between 1985 and 2002 there were \"significant reductions in fatality rates for occupants and motorcyclists after the implementation of belt use laws\", and that \"seatbelt use rate is significantly related to lower fatality rates for the total, pedestrian, and all non-occupant models even when controlling for the presence of other state traffic safety policies and a variety of demographic factors\". In Sweden, following the change from driving on the left to driving", "id": "1372572" }, { "contents": "Executive compensation in the United States\n\n\n, but that the usual explanation offered for these payouts—to provide risk-averse execs with insurance against termination—doesn't make sense. The typical CEO is not anticipating many years of income stream since the usual executive contract is only three years. Furthermore, only 2 percent of firms in the S&P 500 reduce any part of the severance package once the executive finds another employer. And if employers are worried about coaxing risk-adverse potential employees, why are executives the only ones provided with this treatment? \"Given executives'", "id": "14864333" }, { "contents": "Cousin Kate\n\n\nshe does not know why, but after getting to know each other, Kate learns that his only reason for disliking her at first had to do with her Aunt. When Kate doesn't receive any letters from Mrs Nidd she becomes worried. She begins to think that her aunt may have something to do with this, but refuses to think of that for more than a second. Her gratitude make such thoughts terrible. Yet when Mr Nidd, Mrs Nidd's father-in-law, arrives, she finds out that", "id": "19462625" }, { "contents": "Birmingham Accident Hospital\n\n\nrisks of accidents occurring were lower on motorways but the consequences were more serious. A further study of \"all deaths from road accidents in certain areas and periods\" suggested lorries were the main cause of car fatalities on Motorways and Link roads and that seatbelts provided little protection available for the car occupants. UK lorries are now fitted with an impact absorbing rear barrier, meeting one of the recommendations. Investigation techniques included interviews with police, hospitals, survivors and coroners to study ways in which vehicle design could be changed to avoid accidents", "id": "5976475" }, { "contents": "Ticket to Ride\n\n\nsingle – without the album track's introductory twelve measures – \"Ticket to Ride\" became the Carpenters' first charting single, peaking at number 54 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in May 1970 and reaching number 19 on the same magazine's Adult Contemporary chart. The single's success led to its parent album being reissued as \"Ticket to Ride\". The first Carpenters' retrospective, \"\", issued in 1973, featured an amended version of \"Ticket to Ride\" with a new lead vocal by Karen Carpenter", "id": "20672280" }, { "contents": "Superman The Ride\n\n\ngo” belt for each seat and “T-bar” restraint. The “go or no-go” belt ensured the “T-bar” restraint was in an effective position before leaving the station. During the 2009 rebranding, new trains were deployed with new restraints added. The new lap bars eliminated the center pole, leaving only the exterior poles. New seat belts provided more strength and were less likely to come undone unintentionally. Superman The Ride, along with Millennium Force, have held the top two spots", "id": "20907178" }, { "contents": "Physics of roller coasters\n\n\ndifferent size at the same speed will experience different acceleration forces: the car in the tighter loop will feel greater acceleration while the car in the wider loop will feel less acceleration. Instead, the car is pulled to the top of the first hill and released, at which point it rolls freely along the track without any external mechanical assistance for the remainder of the ride. The purpose of the ascent of the first hill is to build up potential energy that will then be converted to kinetic energy as the ride progresses. The", "id": "11785933" }, { "contents": "Train (roller coaster)\n\n\nthe lap; however, older so-called \"horsecollar\" ones actually restrain riders by the shoulders). Restraints always use two locking mechanisms, one on each side, for redundancy. If one fails, the restraint will remain locked. Most roller coasters also have seat belts that may act as secondary safety devices. On over-the-shoulder restraints, this seatbelt is mostly cosmetic as the restraint locks on its own. Lap bars were first used in 1907 with the Coney Island coaster, Drop the Dip. Lap", "id": "7167203" }, { "contents": "Car Wash (film)\n\n\nMorris), a con artist employee and bookie who later gets arrested right at the car wash for a series of unpaid parking tickets; and Earl, who has the attitude of being superior to his colleagues because he doesn't get wet, he would appear to think that he is the supervisor at the car wash. Among everything, Mr. B constantly makes passes against the receptionist Marsha (Melanie Mayron) as an escape from his troubled home life. Mr. B is constantly tense and worried throughout the film as he fears about", "id": "18710690" }, { "contents": "Melissa Etheridge\n\n\nan easy one, \"we wouldn't criticize someone for wearing a seatbelt to reduce the risk of dying in an accident, so I'm not sure why we would criticize someone for having a mastectomy when we know it cuts their risk of getting cancer.\" Experts also caution that some of Etheridge's statements are not accurate. In a 2013 interview with CNN after the U.S. Supreme Court's decisions in \"United States v. Windsor\" and \"Hollingsworth v. Perry\", Etheridge stated that she planned to marry her partner Linda", "id": "4758335" }, { "contents": "Clifford (film)\n\n\nseems to enjoy himself, so Martin increases the ride's speed repeatedly. When set to hyper speed, the ride malfunctions and Clifford's cart crashes, leaving him dangling above the jaws of the malfunctioning robotic dinosaur. He cries out for Martin to save him. Martin hesitates — worried about the future of mankind if he saves Clifford and fact that Clifford has so completely ruined his life — but ultimately, he risks his own life and saves him instead. Clifford finally apologizes for his behavior, but Martin doesn't forgive him", "id": "14962649" }, { "contents": "Evil demon\n\n\nsubstituted for that of the deceitful God simply because it is less offensive and less patently incoherent.\" However, at least in Meditation One, Descartes doesn't have a problem in postulating a deceiving God and he rejects the objection that such deception is inconsistent with God's supreme goodness. He says, \"if it were inconsistent with his goodness to have created me such that I am deceived all the time, it would seem equally foreign to his goodness to allow me to be deceived even occasionally; yet this last assertion can", "id": "3602353" }, { "contents": "Nothing Fails\n\n\nMadonna was adamant. \"Her record bosses are really worried about it. They are trying to talk her around, but she's having none of it. She has told them it makes sense to shoot it in Israel as the Kabbalah originates from there. Madonna is not particularly bothered about her safety and potential risks. She doesn't think it's as bad as it seems.\" Her then husband Guy Ritchie was also facing difficulty with his project, \"Revolver\", which was rejected by Sony Pictures executives since it", "id": "19830875" }, { "contents": "Volkswagen Polo Mk5\n\n\nforce limiters plus seatbelt warning indicator and head restraints, three rear head restraints and Isofix child seat preparation. In France, ESP and Hill Hold Control are standard equipment only on the models with engines no less than . In Turkey, ESP and Hill Hold Control are optional equipment on all models except GTI and BlueMotion. In its native Germany and South Africa as well as some European markets except France, Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Trendline, Comfortline and Highline trim levels are being offered in all versions. In France", "id": "21874754" }, { "contents": "National Health Service (England)\n\n\nHealth Trusts all face shortages. NHS England is almost 100,000 short of qualified staff it needs. Some General practitioners are losing sleep because they worry work pressure may have led them to miss something that puts a patient at risk. In hospitals junior doctors are sometimes forced to do work beyond what they have been trained for. This is stressful for doctors and puts patients at risk. Overworked consultants do not have the time to carry out proper supervision of less qualified doctors. In a survey by \"The Observer\" and \"The", "id": "21020562" }, { "contents": "Ten Days' Campaign\n\n\nmovement of French troops into Belgium particularly worried the British, who felt that it could represent a threat to Europe's balance of power. The French army under Marshal Étienne Gérard crossed the border the next day. The Dutch had taken a risk by invading Belgium without the support of its allies: Russia had wanted to assist but was having trouble suppressing the Polish revolution, and Prussia would not risk sending troops without Russia being able to secure its western borders; now they faced a possible war with the French. After an intervention", "id": "17285082" }, { "contents": "A Crystal Age\n\n\nvegetarians, and have a strong rapport with the animals in their environment. The narrator is struck by their \"rare physical beauty,\" their \"crystal purity of heart,\" \"ever contented and calmly glad\". Yet he wonders why they have no romantic interests, and why there are no children in the community. He sometimes falls afoul of the strict rules, in which lying is a serious offense, punishable by solitary confinement. Yoletta comes to love him, but like a brother, without the heat of passion", "id": "21598685" }, { "contents": "Motorcycle helmet\n\n\nA motorcycle helmet is a type of helmet used by motorcycle riders. The primary goal of a motorcycle helmet is motorcycle safety – to protect the rider's head during impact, thus preventing or reducing head injury and saving the rider's life. Some helmets provide additional conveniences, such as ventilation, face shields, ear protection, intercom etc. Motorcyclists are at high risk in traffic crashes. A 2008 systematic review examined studies on motorcycle riders who had crashed and looked at helmet use as an intervention. The review concluded that helmets", "id": "18066189" }, { "contents": "Car coat\n\n\ncars. An advert from 1965 in \"The Times\" by the National Fur Company entitled \"An ocelot in your Jaguar\" said: \"We consider that an important feature of a car coat is its length – about halfway between a jacket and a 3/4 coat. At this length, it's comfortable to wear when driving. It doesn't ride up. Or 'seat'. And there is no risk of undue wear on the seat or back.\" By the late 1960s, the car coat was an item", "id": "7838125" }, { "contents": "Perodua Viva\n\n\nonly a two-point seatbelt. Certain models had anti-locking braking system (ABS) with electronic brake distribution (EBD) and brake assist (BA) and dual supplemental restraint system (SRS) airbags. Additionally, the Perodua Viva featured a collapsible steering shaft mechanism. From July 2012 onwards, dual supplemental restraint system (SRS) airbags and seat belt pretensioners were made standard on all variants to comply with newer governmental regulations. One can identify a Viva without airbags and ones with airbags quite easily by referring to the", "id": "17529810" }, { "contents": "Brian Reid (motorcyclist)\n\n\nat Cruickshanks corner in Ramsey. His best result at the Manx was a second place in the Senior race riding a Ray Cowles-sponsored RG500 Suzuki in 1980. Reid's first TT race came in 1981, without much luck, but he won the first of his national championships the 350cc Ulster Grand Prix that same year. In 1982 Reid created history by becoming the first to win 3 Irish road race championships in one year, taking the 250cc, 350cc and 500cc titles. 1983 saw him crowned Irish Motorcyclist of the Year", "id": "17878642" }, { "contents": "Motorcycle helmet\n\n\nisolation, lack of wind, and reduced hearing of such helmets. Full-face helmets intended for off-road or motocross use sometimes omit the face shield, but extend the visor and chin portions to increase ventilation, since riding off-road is a very strenuous activity. Studies have shown that full face helmets offer the most protection to motorcycle riders because 35% of all crashes showed major impact on the chin-bar area. Wearing a helmet with less coverage eliminates that protection — the less coverage the helmet offers,", "id": "18066196" }, { "contents": "Whiplash (medicine)\n\n\npreventive measures to date has been on the design of car seats, primarily through the introduction of head restraints, often called headrests. This approach is potentially problematic given the underlying assumption that purely mechanical factors cause whiplash injuries — an unproven theory. So far the injury reducing effects of head restraints appears to have been low, approximately 5–10%, because car seats have become stiffer in order to increase crashworthiness of cars in high-speed rear-end collisions which in turn could increase the risk of whiplash injury in low-speed", "id": "8676617" }, { "contents": "Adrian Hobbs\n\n\nrating with a maximum award of 5 stars. Special awards are also given to car makers with innovative technologies. Safety achievements and developments in the industry, as a direct result of the work of Euro NCAP, have included the following: For frontal impact protection: improved car structures limiting passenger compartment intrusion, so providing space for the restraints to operate without the occupants impacting the car’s interior, improved seat belts with pre-tensioners and load limiters, improved multi stage frontal airbags, removal of hazards in the knee impact area", "id": "5836772" }, { "contents": "Environmental sociology\n\n\nenvironmental social movements of the world into structural change without rejecting the benefits of modernization and industrialization. This is leading to a form of 'reflexive modernization' with a world of reduced risk and better modernization process in economics, politics, and scientific practices as they are made less beholden to a cycle of protecting risk from correction (which he calls our state's organized irresponsibility)—politics creates ecodisasters, then claims responsibility in an accident, yet nothing remains corrected because it challenges the very structure of the operation of the economy and the private dominance", "id": "20723666" }, { "contents": "Rocky Marciano vs. Ezzard Charles\n\n\nfifth round Charles was no longer throwing these punches. Without making any effort to protect his eye, Marciano carried the fight to Charles, went on the offensive, found his rhythm, and seized the initiative in the fight. By the end of round 9, Marciano's face was a crimson mask, and yet he had managed to land so many punches on Charles that he was ahead in the scoring. By the 10th round, Marciano was clearly ahead and yet he kept fighting as if the decision was in doubt,", "id": "17271249" }, { "contents": "Vehicle insurance\n\n\ngreater opportunity for risky driving behavior. Motorcycle insurance may carry lower property-damage premiums because the risk of damage to other vehicles is minimal, yet have higher liability or personal-injury premiums, because motorcycle riders face different physical risks while on the road. Risk classification on automobiles also takes into account the statistical analysis of reported theft, accidents, and mechanical malfunction on every given year, make, and model of auto. Some car insurance plans do not differentiate in regard to how much the car is used. There are", "id": "11799850" }, { "contents": "Road rash\n\n\nRoad rash is a colloquial term for skin injury caused by abrasion with road surfaces, often as a consequence of cycling and motorcycling accidents. It may also result from inline skating, roller skating, skateboarding, and longboarding accidents. The term may be applied to both a fresh injury and also to the scar tissue left by an old injury. Symptoms may include pain and heavy bleeding. Motorcyclists can reduce the risks of road rash by wearing appropriate motorcycle personal protective equipment such as a full face helmet, protective clothing, gloves,", "id": "6223103" }, { "contents": "Car hydraulics\n\n\nbegan to be modified and customized to riding low to the ground. This however, was not favored by many police in Southern California and owners of these cars were ticketed. This is the reason behind why car hydraulics were installed. This enabled these car drivers to adjust these cars to the original height when put in a compromising position. This then began to spiral into a trend that spread to African American communities, as well as White American communities, throughout Southern California and many other western states. Today, lowriders can be", "id": "12395469" }, { "contents": "Mercedes-Benz Vito\n\n\n, electronic brakeforce distribution (EBV) and brake assist (BAS) are all fitted as standard. If BAS is activated, the hazard lights flash to warn following motorists that the Viano driver is undertaking an emergency braking manoeuvre. Each seat is fitted with a three-point seatbelt with belt tensioner and force limiter and an adjustable head restraint. The Viano underwent the Euro NCAP car safety tests in 2008 and achieved the following ratings: The Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) also tested the Viano and gave it a score", "id": "10551867" }, { "contents": "Terrorism\n\n\nhost nation.\" Sewall sums up the book's key points on how to win this battle: \"Sometimes, the more you protect your force, the less secure you may be... Sometimes, the more force is used, the less effective it is... The more successful the counterinsurgency is, the less force can be used and the more risk must be accepted... Sometimes, doing nothing is the best reaction.\" This strategy, often termed \"courageous restraint\", has certainly led to some success on the Middle", "id": "12051718" }, { "contents": "List of countries by traffic-related death rate\n\n\n, have adequate laws that address all five risk factors (speed, drunk driving, helmets, seat-belts and child restraints). Over a third of road traffic deaths in low- and middle-income countries are among pedestrians and cyclists. However, less than 35 percent of low- and middle-income countries have policies in place to protect these road users. The average rate was 17.4 per 100,000 people. Low-income countries now have the highest annual road traffic fatality rates, at 24.1 per 100,000, while the rate", "id": "17838761" }, { "contents": "Are We There Yet? (film)\n\n\nto jump off and land unsafely. When they lose their luggage, they reluctantly drive. Believing Nick is only their mother's friend, the kids are tamed but still misbehave and show Nick no respect. At a truck stop, the two learn from one of Nick's friends, Marty, on his cell phone that he not only dislikes them, but also lied about not having feelings for their mother. They then show less restraint and cause mayhem throughout the trip, hijacking Nick's car by having Kevin fake an asthma", "id": "21316044" }, { "contents": "Seat belt\n\n\nfatalities. For example, drivers in high risk areas are more likely to use seat belts, and are more likely to be in accidents, creating a non-causal correlation between seatbelt use and mortality. After accounting for the endogeneity of seatbelt usage, Cohen and Einav found no evidence that the risk compensation effect makes seatbelt wearing drivers more dangerous, a finding at variance with other research. Other statistical analyses have included adjustments for factors such as increased traffic and age, and based on these adjustments, which results in a reduction", "id": "6428436" } ]
Why are there so few venomous creatures in the UK and Northern Europe?
[{"answer": "A little late to post, but I have some knowledge in this. First off, the two things you mention are very different. **Venomous** means that the creature (animal) is capable of injecting toxins by means of a bite or a sting. **Toxic** creatures (also including things like caterpillars and poison arrow frogs) are not safe to eat because they have toxins in their bodies (or leaves/stems/flowers/roots/berries). Poisonous plants are generally considered toxic. (For true ELI5, scroll down to the TL;DR) Now the two are very different evolutionarily but they do have a common component: making toxins is metabolically expensive. That means that it takes a lot of energy to make toxins. It only makes sense to produce toxins if there is a lot of evolutionary pressure to do so. In fact there have been studies done on plants that suggests when non-native species are introduced to a new area, because there are usually less predators that feed on them in the new area, they tend to lose the potency of their toxicity (the study was specifically on weedy plant species). ** Now, a lot of people in this thread have made two claims: A) that there is a lot less biodiversity in cooler climates (which is true) and B) that human populations have been a driving factor in eliminating venomous/toxic species. To address the second point: this is obviously not the case because there are plenty of toxic/venomous species in tropical areas with high human populations. In fact, regions like Siberia and Canada have a very low human population and fewer venomous/toxic species and places like India and Nigeria have high populations of human and high populations of venomous species. To address the biodiversity claim, thats partially true. Since there are fewer species further north (because there are fewer resources like sunlight), this results in fewer overall numbers of venomous/toxic species. I would argue, however, that there is still a similar percentage of *toxic* species, compared to the tropics. For example there are plenty of toxic caterpillar species (monarch butterfly, for example) and, some amphibian species (Pickerel frog) and many toxic plant species (hemlock, or poison ivy). But that does not address the lack of *venomous* species in northern climates. There are examples, such as many spiders, and bees and wasps, but venomous species make up a smaller percentage of species than warmer climates. The reason for this is two fold: evolution and size. Venomous species tend to have evolved in a couple specific groups. The list includes: spiders, bees/wasps/ants, snakes, a handful of truly venomous lizards (the Gila monster), centipedes, jellyfish, many species of fish, and some mammals. When looking at the list, every singles species that is venomous is cold blooded (ectothermic) with the exception of mammals. When looking at the mammals that are venomous they are all very primitive: insectivores such as shrews, and the platypus (male only). It has been proposed that the reason most mammals never evolved a need for venom is because mammals evolved much stronger jaw bones and jaw muscles than their ancestors the lizards and snakes. Mammals were capable of actively killing their prey with their newly evolved jaws, teeth and retractable claws, whereas most reptiles killed more passively. This makes sense, being ectothermic, that snakes (as well as spiders, scorpions, jellyfish, fish etc) kill their prey with a single bite/sting, and then wait for the animal to die, exerting less energy overall. The venom found in the few species of shrew is a little bit different. From Wikipedia: > Shrews cache various prey in a comatose state, including earthworms, insects, snails, and to a lesser extent, small mammals such as voles and mice. This behaviour is an adaption to winter. In this context, the shrew venom acts as a tool to sustain a living hoard, thus ensuring food supply when capturing prey is difficult. Keep in mind that these shrews are insectivores, meaning that they only eat insects and small vertibrates, no nuts/berries. Comparing this to mice, which do eat nuts and berries, despite their similar size, the mouse jawbow is much stronger than their shrew counterpart. There are handful of venomous shrews, no known venomous mice. Coming back to the main point, there is one species of toxic mammal in Europe, the european mole, which does use it venom to paralyze earthworms. It is likely that mice, being able to store nuts/berries through the winter, AND eat insect in the warmer months, are better equipped to survive in colder months than the weaker jawed shrew. The second point I was going to make was about colder climates, size and body temperature. Bergmann's rule states that generally: the further north you go, the larger the size of the animals. The theory behind this is that when an animal is larger, it's volume increases faster than surface area, making it relatively easier to maintain a constant temperature. Likewise in warmer climates, a smaller body sheds heat faster than larger body. There are exceptions to this, there are mice that live in cold areas and elephants that live in warm areas, but both within species and among species this rule is generally true. For example, in western hemisphere, the white tailed deer live from Venezuela, all the way up to Canada. The tropical subspecies of the deer are significantly smaller than their arctic brethren. Why is this important when talking about venom? Well, the larger the prey, the stronger the venom required to bring down the prey. The stronger the venom (usually) the more expensive it is to metabolically produce. And remember, the northern climates already have less energy available in the food chain than tropical climates. This likely helps to explain why we never see something like poisonous wolves or big cats, as stronger jaws are better at killing large prey faster than a very expensive to produce toxin. The one time we do see something like this is in the Komodo dragon, which is a more passive \"venom\". The lizard will bite it's large prey and then just follow, chill and wait, sometimes a week or more, for the beast to die. (Originally the thought was that the venom is bacterial, recent research has called that into question, as the venom may be an anticoagulant that then encourages infection of the open wound). Since the Komodo Dragon lives in a warm climate, they have less of an issue waiting for an animal to die, compared to a wolf which needs to maintain it's body temperature in the cold climate. **TL;DR**: *Toxic* plants and animals do exist in northern climates. *Venomous* creatures aren't as well represented because northern climates tend to favor larger animals, especially mammals, who have other adaptations like strong jaws that make venom unnecessary. ** (Not ELI5, but a couple people have asked me about metabolic cost of toxin production, specifically in snakes. I was taught, back in the early 2000's that it was more expensive to produce more powerful toxins, but in doing some quick research to answer their question, it seems that the research has changed. Studies [here]( URL_0 ) (caution paywall) and [here]( URL_1 ) both suggest the cost of snake toxin production is quite low. \u00af\\\\\\_(\u30c4)_/\u00af I standby the plant studies that plants, over generations without evolutionary pressure, will begin to reduce toxin production in favor of growth (the 'non-native plant species exposed to new lands' study I alluded above)."}, {"answer": "Tropical climates allow more life to survive by having warm temperatures and an abundance of water/vegetation. With that amount of life comes a need to survive against predators. That survival can evolve as creatures really good at hiding/camouflage, but the alternate option is to be venomous so nothing tries to kill you. Therefore, with an abundance of life comes an abundance of venomous life. Europe and other northern climates are slightly less easy to live in. Weather varies more, creatures have to adapt to survive the climate as much as they do other creatures. So you see some venomous animals, but you also see creatures that adapted to the climate to simply out-survive less hardy species. With less life comes less venomous life."}, {"answer": "Survival usually entails surviving the elements and surviving other creatures who might want to eat you or take over your habitat and ecological niche, leaving you to starve. Venom takes a lot of resources to produce. So having it in stockpile has to be advantageous by a huge margin to\" justify\" passing on the genes for it. Temperate areas usually have winter temperature drops so the survival against the elements plays a huge factor."}, {"answer": "So there are very few endemic creatures to the UK at all, I'm reading. Really interesting how glaciers basically wiped the isles clean of most living things. > The British Isles have few endemic species due to past frequent glaciations and because of the proximity to Continental Europe and former land bridges which enabled species to re-colonise the islands from the continent following glaciations. > > British Conservationists often describe this as a \u201cwiped clean effect\u201d with repeated glaciations forcing many species out of the modern area of the islands to more southern latitudes in Europe and perhaps even driving some species extinct. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I'ts all about climate, most venomous creatures are either reptilian or some sort of arachnid, where the vast majority of those species require more tropical/warm and humid environments,. hence why somewhere like Alaska has almost no venomous creatures (besides Sarah Palin)."}, {"answer": "Venom isn't cheap, metabolically speaking. It's a risky investment in cold climates, since food isn't always readily available. Does no good to pack a venomous bite if there is nothing to bite. That's why you see other \"safer\" adaptations in cold climates, such as hibernation, which conserve resources."}, {"answer": "Being venomous in an area heavily populated by humans is arguably a tremendous disadvantage, because it marks you as a threat. That's why most dangerous creatures (venomous or not) are absent from Europe - Humans have eliminated them over the centuries. But leaving humans aside, as I understand it, the cooler climate is less favourable to life resulting in lower species diversity, and so less competition- thus less evolutionary pressure to evolve 'novel' advantages. Finally until very recently in evolutionary terms a lot of northern Europe was covered in Ice. That REALLY limits life's options."}, {"answer": "Enviro science degree holder here. It's because densely populated areas (not so much human populations but moreso competing animal life) breed more competition and threat, necessitating energy intensive adaptive responses. Animal life is only abundant in places because of abundant resources, so the main problem isn't finding food so much as competing for it or avoiding becoming food. The high resource environment allows the energy for animals to develop energy intensive adaptations like funky colors, venom, poison, or other defense mechanisms. Even plants do a bit of this. Animals in areas of low population don't need these adaptations because they aren't competing as much and food energy is more scarce, so spending the energy to produce these fancy adaptations is both a waste of scarce energy and not necessary for survival. To add, equatorial areas are often more populated because it gets more sun which supports more plant life (primary energy) which forms a broad dependable foundation for animal life to subsist upon. Areas like the UK have little sun so barely anything to support the rich and varied ecosystems that the equator does, resulting in a less compelling habitat for animals to live."}, {"answer": "I don't think the top answer on this thread about more venomous creatures evolving in tropical climates is based in fact. It's huge human population that is the main driving factor."}, {"answer": "Venomous creatures usually are snakes and spiders. Snakes and Spiders are cold blooded, and england is famously wet and cold. You've heard the story of how St.Patrick drove the snakes from Ireland? There never were any, its too cold. Also it doesn't hurt that both England and Ireland are isolated from the mainland."}, {"answer": "you need to look at the percentage of species that are venomous to get a better idea and then realize that the majority of all species live in warmer climates. so if there are 1000 species of snakes and 80% of them are found in warmer climates and only 5% of all species are venomous that would mean there are 40 venomous species in the tropics and only 10 in colder regions."}, {"answer": "Warmer climates simply have more species. Which means more venomous snakes. Snakes are also cold blooded and don't tend to thrive in cold environments."}, {"answer": "I heard a herpetologist answer an almost identical question on the radio a few days ago: \"Why are most venomous creatures in hot countries\". His answer was two-fold. First of all, there are plenty of venomous creatures outside hot countries and the distribution isn't polarised as you might think. The figure mentioned was 60% of them being in hot countries, but obviously there's a lot of context missing there. His other point was what has already been mentioned here: the fact that most venomous creatures are cold blooded and therefore fare better in hot climates. Something he didn't mention was that there is a higher level of diversity in hot places. Compare the tropics to the poles, or even just temperate regions - there is a much higher density of different species. Even if 1/100 species was venomous in all parts of the globe, that would put a higher overall number of them in the hot tropics."}, {"answer": "We don't even have natural disasters or any real worry, it's great haha. Here in Cardiff...and much of south west to south east Wales and Bristol and other parts of south west England we were hit with severe floods that are thought to have been a tsunami......400 years ago. Seems likely as thousands died, the water went miles inland and with water marks quite a few metres high above sea level. So on the off chance of a tsunami in the Bristol channel, I have really no worries from mother nature or the environment...even all this Reddit bs about...hottest month on record every month, no it's been standard shit here as usual. 13 degrees c and rain tomorrow... lovely, think we had a few days close to 30c in the past year or 2"}, {"answer": "I assume it's because we killed off any species which could kill humans since Europe has next to no uninhabited areas, it'd be very hard for a species which is dangerous not to be systematically hunted to extinction"}, {"answer": "Most (not all, but most) venemous creatures are cold-blooded. This means that they must regulate their own body temperature. Most cold-blooded creatures do this by sunbathing, going for a swim, or thermo-regulating ([which looks like this]( URL_0 ) and basically involves just laying in a cool area with their mouth open to help release heat). Given the climate of the UK and Northern Europe vs. the climate in a place like the southern United States (which, for reference, is basically like a mini Australia, most everything you find in your back yard can kill you), it's pretty easy to see why cold-blooded creatures aren't huge fans of northern Europe. During the winters, it just gets far too cold for a cold-blooded creature to adapt to the climate, and they would just freeze to death. For instance, the average temperature in central Florida in January is 70^o F (21^o C) with an average of 8 hours of sunshine. So, if you need to regulate your own body temperature in the middle of the winter, you can just climb onto a rock in a sunny spot and lay there for a bit. For comparison, the average temperature in London in January is about 44^o F (7^o C) with around 3 hours of sunshine. So if you have to thermo-regulate in London in January,'re pretty fucked. Of course, some creatures have made the evolutionary jump, but it's not common for a cold-blooded creature to seek out climates that are often cold, since they would have no way of keeping their body warm."}, {"answer": "Organisms are either ectotherms (cold blooded), endotherms (warm blooded), or heterotherms ( able to be both). Ecto's must get heat from the environment for the reactions that keep them breathing, digesting, moving about, etc. This is an advantage because their bodies don't have to constantly use energy for these things; this is disadvantageous because their bodies rely on the environment to \"power them up\" and temps can vary. Because of this, most ecto's are found where it's constantly warm. Also, ever noticed how lizards are really fast for a short distance then they must stop? Or how fast a viper strikes then recoils, then waits, and strikes again? This is also due to being an ectotherm. For ectotherms who must catch prey with short bursts of energy, venom to kill prey is an adaptation that makes them more efficient! Everything in nature wants to get the most out of the energy it receives. Human population or density has an impact on organism diversity, but not on the naturally occurring patterns of ectotherm populations [Ecology student]"}, {"answer": "Most people are focused on the venomous animals aspect of this question, but I would like to note that poisonous plants (and fungi and other nonplants that are generally considered \"plantlike\" by laypeople) exist almost everywhere. There are a variety of reasons for this, including the fact that some plant components are toxic only to humans or certain livestock as well as very little pressure for humans to exterminate plants because they can't actively envenomate people. But other posters are correct that the increased diversity of tropical climates also contributes to higher numbers of venemous and poisonous organisms."}, {"answer": "has a little to do with being venomous is a highly rare evolution, only necessary in habitats that have a high volume of diversity and many participants in the food chain. a rainforest for example. also, venom is more common in reptiles and amphibians, which are less common as you steer away from the equator. but don't take my word for it. College dropout here."}, {"answer": "Jesus the posts here really miss the mark for \"Explain like I'm 5\" ELI5 version: Venomous animals prefer warmer regions (as they're \"wasting\" energy on venom that could be spent on staying warm). There are plenty of poisonous animals/plants in those places. Venomous = they bite you and you get sick, poisonous = you bite them and you get sick"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "42656496", "title": "List of dangerous snakes", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The varieties of snakes that most often cause serious snakebites depend on the region of the world. In Africa, the most dangerous species include black mambas, puff adders, and carpet vipers. In the Middle East the species of greatest concern are carpet vipers and elapids; in Central and South America, \"Bothrops\" (including the terciopelo or fer-de-lance) and \"Crotalus\" (rattlesnakes) are of greatest concern. In South Asia, it has historically been believed that Indian cobras, common kraits, Russell's viper and carpet vipers were the most dangerous species; however other snakes may also cause significant problems in this area of the world. While several species of snakes may cause more bodily destruction than others, any of these venomous snakes are still very capable of causing human fatalities should a bite go untreated, regardless of their venom capabilities or behavioral tendencies", "The varieties of snakes that most often cause serious snakebites depend on the region of the world. In Africa, the most dangerous species include black mambas, puff adders, and carpet vipers. In the Middle East the species of greatest concern are carpet vipers and elapids; in Central and South America, \"Bothrops\" (including the terciopelo or fer-de-lance) and \"Crotalus\" (rattlesnakes) are of greatest concern. In South Asia, it has historically been believed that Indian cobras, common kraits, Russell's viper and carpet vipers were the most dangerous species; however other snakes may also cause significant problems in this area of the world. While several species of snakes may cause more bodily destruction than others, any of these venomous snakes are still very capable of causing human fatalities should a bite go untreated, regardless of their venom capabilities or behavioral tendencies.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Alternative versions of Iron Man\n\n\nAgent Venom and the now monstrous Avengers. Venom sprays Tony with Norman Osborn's Green Goblin formula, freeing Tony from the Queen, but slowly making him insane. He modifies Norman's armor and becomes the Iron Goblin to aid the resistance. When they are surrounded by a number of spider creatures (including Giant Man) with few means of escape, Tony sacrifices himself using the Black Knight's Ebony Blade so he can aid them and die before the Goblin formula completely takes him over. In \"Spider-Gwen\" Tony", "id": "15109820" }, { "contents": "Eurasian water shrew\n\n\nits buoyancy, but requires it to anchor itself to remain underwater for more than the briefest of dives. Like many shrews, the water shrew has venomous saliva, making it one of the few venomous mammals, although it is not able to puncture the skin of large animals, nor that of humans. Highly territorial, it lives a solitary life and is found throughout the northern part of Europe and Asia, from Britain to Korea. The Eurasian water shrew grows to a length of about long with a tail length of and", "id": "7199630" }, { "contents": "Miles Morales\n\n\nduring Miles' first encounter with the creature, but by their second encounter, Venom has developed such a tolerance to the strike that Miles has to be completely enveloped by the symbiote before the venom strike can separate the symbiote from its host. Doctor Octopus also developed a set of tentacles that would not conduct the venom strike. The effect of the venom strike manifests itself a few seconds after it is implemented, and is described by Bendis as being comparable to the feeling of being kicked in the testicles. Miles can effect a", "id": "5103148" }, { "contents": "Nigel Marven\n\n\nViasat Nature in Europe in March and April 2018 and on Animal Planet India in June 2018. Marven was bitten by a venomous green pit viper in East Malaysian state Sabah in the summer 2014 during filming the first episode of the show called \"Eating Wild\". The snake bit him on the thumb but did not inject too much venom, so Marven spent 6 hours in the hospital, until he had recovered. He has also had a few other very dangerous encounters with venomous snakes. While he was producing the BBC film", "id": "16483450" }, { "contents": "Alternative versions of the Green Goblin\n\n\njoined him and fought Venom and Carnage that had kidnapped a number of Beastials and humans so they could control them. After rescuing the Beastials, humans, and Naoko that were trapped in the sewers with Venom and Carnage, he left Spider-Man and went to go on his way. He returned to help Spider-Man look in the sewers for the missing people that were kidnapped by an octopus-like creature. They fight the creature that took them to a place called \"Heaven\" where they were taken as hostages", "id": "13916074" }, { "contents": "Tatzelwurm\n\n\nIn Alpine folklore, the Tatzelwurm or Stollenwurm is a lizard-like creature, often described as having the face of a cat, with a serpent-like body which may be slender or stubby, with four short legs or two forelegs. The alleged creature is sometimes said to be venomous, or attacks with poisonous breath, and to make a high-pitched or hissing sound. Anecdotes describing encounters with the creature or briefly described lore about them can be found in several areas of Europe, including the Austrian, Bavarian,", "id": "10824057" }, { "contents": "John Dennis (dramatist)\n\n\nfar younger poet’s observations, intended to show \"that as there is a great deal of venom in this little gentleman’s temper, nature has very wisely corrected it with a great deal of dullness…as there is no creature in nature so venomous, there is nothing so stupid and so impotent as a hunch-back’d toad; and a man must be very quiet and very passive, and stand still to let him fasten his teeth and his claws, or to be supriz’d sleeping by him, before that animal can", "id": "11095703" }, { "contents": "Hero System Bestiary\n\n\ncan be applied to modify a creature. Thus there are templates for size modification, elemental forms, undead, venomous creatures, disease carriers, mutations, and so forth. These templates significantly multiply the variety of creatures available to the game master. The first chapter also has a section on how creatures fight and behave in combat, as well as providing custom hit location tables for common creature forms that differ from a humanoid shape. The chapter closes with some comments on animal populations, as well as the commercial value of various", "id": "17344586" }, { "contents": "Oxybelis fulgidus\n\n\nThe venom of \"Oxybelis fulgidus\" is fast acting on small animals, but has little or no effect on humans. Envenomation of human beings is rare as the rear fangs require the snake to grab and chew to get its venom in, something most people will not stand for. In the rare instance of human envenomation, slight tingling to temporary numbness at the site of the bite is reported. As with all venomous creatures, serious allergic reactions are possible so caution should still be taken when handling these snakes. Vine snakes", "id": "10406881" }, { "contents": "List of creatures in Primeval\n\n\nSymptoms of the \"Arthropleura\" poisoning include uncontrolled shaking, anaphylaxis and short term memory loss in recovered patients. Once bitten the venom then begins to slowly attack the central nervous system, not so far removed from modern biochemistry as to be totally ineffective, and any enzyme inhibitor would be detrimental to an extent. However, as the \"Arthropleura\" are detritus eaters they make no attempt to eat their victims. Fortunately the hospital staff discovered that the venom has a modern-day equivalent, thus producing an anti-venom.", "id": "17737944" }, { "contents": "Matthew Seligman\n\n\nFestival with Snail, along with Chris Bell and Jonathan Klein, and in 2007 began working with the Fire Escapes. In 2011–12 he contributed to Thomas Dolby's \"A Map of the Floating City\" also appearing with him on tours of the UK and northern Europe, at the Blue Note in Tokyo in February 2012 and at the Latitude Festival, Suffolk, the UK in July 2012. In 2014, with fellow Fire Escapers Mark Headley and Lucy Pullin, he completed the Magical Creatures' \"Wishing Machine\" collection, also", "id": "17921276" }, { "contents": "Box jellyfish\n\n\nunaffected by the stings because they seem to relish box jellyfish. Although the box jellyfish has been called \"the world's most venomous creature\", only a few species in the class have been confirmed to be involved in human deaths, and some species pose no serious threat at all. In Australia, fatalities are most often caused by the largest species of this class of jellyfish, \"Chironex fleckeri\". Researchers at the University of Hawaii's Department of Tropical Medicine found the venom causes cells to become porous enough to allow", "id": "19039400" }, { "contents": "List of creatures in Primeval\n\n\nmammals. The earlier therocephalians were in many respects as primitive as the gorgonopsids, but they did show certain advanced features. The discovery of maxilloturbinal ridges in some specimens suggests that at least some therocephalians may have been warm-blooded. A species of Therocephalian appears in episode 4.4. Numerous creatures the size of a large dog come through an anomaly at a school, and kill a teacher and a female student. Matt, Becker, and Connor deal with the venomous creatures, and Becker was bitten by one of the venomous creatures", "id": "17738095" }, { "contents": "Great French Wine Blight\n\n\ntheories proposed for why the phylloxera was ignored as the possible cause of the disease that resulted in the failure of so many vineyards, most of which involve the feeding behaviour of the insect, and the way it attacks the roots. The proboscis of the grape phylloxera has both a venom canal from which it injects its deadly venom and a feeding tube through which it takes in vine sap and nutrients. As the toxin from the venom corrodes the root structure of a vine, the sap pressure falls and, as a result,", "id": "4556362" }, { "contents": "Bear Grylls\n\n\nrun and cut ourselves loose from Europe, when there are so many challenges on our doorstep, to me just doesn't feel either courageous or kind,\" he said. \"Europe has many flaws, but I also believe the way to help resolve many of those tough issues is from within... I have never been a good quitter and I am so proud of the UK and our values: tolerance, kindness, respect, courage and resilience. This is why I want us to stay together and Remain in Europe.", "id": "15100761" }, { "contents": "Dragon Knight\n\n\nand men alike. Flying creatures resembling those of classic mythology, whose bites contain lethal venom. A large, mainly-featureless creature with thick skin and many rows of teeth. Defeated by Jim and Brian. A large, dim-witted, fireproof humanoid noted for impressive gripping power but limited movement at the shoulder. Smrgol and Jim/Gorbash are among a very few dragons to have slain one. An amphibious reptile of tremendous size, considered traditional enemy of the dragons. One of these, by magical intervention, leads", "id": "4950602" }, { "contents": "Platypus venom\n\n\nThe platypus is one of the few living mammals to produce venom. Males have a pair of spurs on their hind limbs that secrete venom that is active only in breeding season, supporting the hypothesis that the use of venom is for competition for mates, not for protection. While the spur remains available for defence, outside of breeding season the platypus's venom gland lacks secretion. While the venom's effects are described as excruciatingly painful, it is not lethal to humans. Many archaic mammal groups possess similar tarsal spurs, so", "id": "10103870" }, { "contents": "List of creatures in Primeval\n\n\nlargest known land invertebrate of all time and grew so large because of the high percentage of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere at that time. A burrower, they have poor eyesight but have excellent sense of smell and touch. One appears in the second episode. Although not a carnivore, they have powerful pincers and venomous bite and can easily be provoked into attacking. For dramatic effect, the \"Arthropleura\" in episode 1.2 was heavily re-imagined as it was venomous, larger than the real animal and highly aggressive.", "id": "17737943" }, { "contents": "Venom\n\n\ngene duplication, but data provides evidence that the further evolution of platypus venom does not rely as much on gene duplication as once was thought. Modified sweat glands are what evolved into platypus venom glands. Although it is proven that reptile and platypus venom have independently evolved, it is thought that there are certain protein structures that are favored to evolve into toxic molecules. This provides more evidence as to why venom has become a homoplastic trait and why very different animals have convergently evolved. Venomous animals resulted in 57,000 human deaths in 2013", "id": "14364338" }, { "contents": "Ultimate Spider-Man (video game)\n\n\nR.H.I.N.O. suit was created by Trask Industries, although he fails to remember why the company's name sounds so familiar. Later that night, Silver Sable and her Wild Pack, having been contracted by Bolivar Trask to retrieve his \"property\", attack Venom, who escapes and easily decimates Sable's forces, prompting her to look for a new strategy to capture Venom. The following day, during a field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Peter senses Venom on the roof and confronts him. The fight proves a challenge", "id": "15978150" }, { "contents": "Burgerkill\n\n\non song emotion and the structure. In the vocals session, the band mostly refer to Devin Townsend, Mark Hunter, Björn Speed, etc. The band new vocalist, Vicky, according to Eben has a strong vocals distortion. So why Eben revealed his optimism to Samack in working on their new album material. Just few weeks after \"Allegiance 2 Metal\" tour across Java Island alongside with technical death metal band, Psycroptic, Burgerkill released Venomous in Indonesia around June 2011, Malaysia around July 2011 and Australia around August 2011", "id": "16881184" }, { "contents": "Lex Luthor\n\n\ndesperate gambit after Superman's rapid defeats of his plans, used a variant combination of the \"super-steroid\" Venom (a chemical associated with the Batman villain Bane), liquid synthetic kryptonite, and an Apokoliptian battlesuit to fight Superman directly. The madness that is a side effect of Venom takes hold, and during the ensuing fight with Superman and Batman, Luthor admits he had traded the creature Doomsday to Darkseid in return for weapons during the \"Our Worlds at War\" crisis; in doing so, he inadvertently provides", "id": "18899962" }, { "contents": "Venom (2018 film)\n\n\nabstract quality\". The symbiote is combined with Brock by adding \"tentacles\" to Hardy, which was done through a hybrid of practical and visual effects. The tentacles were inspired by the movement of sea creatures and scientific demonstrations of non-Newtonian fluid. Additional cameras on set accurately captured Hardy's movements so the tentacles could be integrated with his performance. A detailed digital double of Hardy was also used for the integration. Other partial Venom forms include the \"freak-out\" form for when he is being vibrated out", "id": "6682388" }, { "contents": "Trasgu\n\n\nThe trasgo, trasno or trasgu is a mythological creature present in the tradition of several cultures of nowadays northern Spain, specially in Galician, Asturian and Cantabrian traditional culture, it is also found in legends of North Portugal. In other parts of Europe it is also known as \"gnome,\" \"sylph,\" or \"kobold.\" The origin of this mythological creature is Celtic and Roman and comes from Northern Europe. Trasgu or Trasgo (in Galician and Portuguese) is very common in the folklore of Tras-os", "id": "18406508" }, { "contents": "Natsilane\n\n\nthe rings on his tail and why Puma hides in the forest so much. Blackfish is arguably the most important creature in Haida culture. Blackfish is also highly revered in Tlingit culture because of his apparent affinity with humans. He represents an extremely powerful force of nature, deadly and terrifying to every creature except man, whom he is said to look after. The story describes why this is so. There are many variations to the tale, some considerably more brutal than others, and the exact details vary widely according to the", "id": "574780" }, { "contents": "Dragon\n\n\nwhich could only have exactly two). In myths, wyverns are associated with viciousness, envy, and pestilence, but, in heraldry, they are used as symbols for overthrowing the tyranny of Satan and his demonic forces. Late medieval heraldry also distinguished a dragon-like creature known as a \"cockatrice\". A cockatrice is supposedly born when a serpent hatches an egg that has been laid on a dunghill by a rooster and it is so venomous that its breath and its gaze are both lethal to any living creature,", "id": "8714663" }, { "contents": "Spider-Man book series\n\n\nThe Venom look-alike turns out to be eating the radioactive material and has tremendous strength; he even turns a train. Mary Jane has to turn down an acting part due to the Hobgoblins threats and because she does not want to leave New York. At the end the Venom-like creature is blown into small bipedal creatures which spider-man captures. Spider-Man goes to Florida where Mary Jane is working at the time to stop the Lizard who is searching for a cure for his condition. Venom is also", "id": "20442239" }, { "contents": "Amphisbaena\n\n\nreferenced by Lucan, Pliny the Elder, Isidore of Seville, and Thomas Browne, the last of whom debunked its existence. This early description of the amphisbaena depicts a venomous, dual-headed snakelike creature. However, Medieval and later drawings often show it with two or more scaled feet, particularly chicken feet, and feathered wings. Some even depict it as a horned, dragon-like creature with a serpent-headed tail and small, round ears, while others have both \"necks\" of equal size so that", "id": "2655542" }, { "contents": "Recluse spider\n\n\npotent tissue-destroying venoms containing the dermonecrotic agent, sphingomyelinase D, which is otherwise found only in a few pathogenic bacteria. Recent research has indicated the venom is composed largely of sulfated nucleosides, though these compounds are relatively new discoveries, so little is known about them. The venom produces necrotic lesions that are slow to heal and may require skin grafts. Rarely, the venom is carried by the bloodstream, causing red blood cell destruction. The venom is identical in male and female spiders, but females can have almost twice", "id": "16565801" }, { "contents": "Boomslang\n\n\nof the bite. Snakes of any species may sometimes fail to inject venom when they bite (a so-called \"dry bite\"), so after a few hours without any noticeable effects, victims of boomslang bites may wrongly believe that their injury is not serious or life-threatening. The pathophysiological mechanisms of the venom is different with every snake resulting in different clinical manifestations with every patient. An adult boomslang has 1.6 to 8 mg of venom. Its median lethal dose (LD) in mice is 0.1 mg/", "id": "2294612" }, { "contents": "Gu (poison)\n\n\nto it, the one quite naturally subdues the other. Besides such homeopathic remedies, Schafer (1967:103) says one could, give \"ku\" derived from particularly venomous creatures to overcome that taken from less lethal creatures. Thus centipede \"ku\" could be overcome by frog \"ku\"; serpent \"ku\" would prevail over frog \"ku\", and so on. There were also soberer, though almost as powerful remedies: asafetida, python bile, civet, and a white substance taken from cock's dung were", "id": "18964682" }, { "contents": "Wildlife of Oman\n\n\n; these include lizards, skinks, geckos, agamas and a single species of chameleon. Most of the approximately one dozen or so snake species in the country are harmless, but the uncommon horned viper, carpet viper, puff adder and cobra are venomous. There are just three species of amphibian, one of which is the Dhofar toad. The number of freshwater fish found in the country is limited because there are few bodies of permanent water. The Oman garra is one fish found in the northern mountains, and it also", "id": "9534143" }, { "contents": "Thank You for the Venom\n\n\n\"Thank You for the Venom\" is the second single and ninth track from My Chemical Romance's second studio album, \"Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge\". It was released as an airplay single in Europe. It is also My Chemical Romance's fourth single. The song peaked at number 71 in the UK. The song was released in limited edition red vinyl and has long been out of print. It was featured in \"\" for PSP. The opening line \"\"Sister I'm not much a poet/", "id": "411797" }, { "contents": "Venom (Marvel Comics character)\n\n\nThe symbiote bonds with its new host, Lee Price, launching volume 3 of the \"Venom\" comic book series. The series ran for six issues total (Nov. 2016-April 2017). Eddie Brock is able to regain the Venom symbiote at the conclusion of the series, returning the \"Venom\" comic book title to volume 1 with issue #150. The Venom Symbiote approaches Mac Gargan, the villain formerly known as Scorpion, and offered him new abilities as the second Venom. Gargan bonded with the creature, which would", "id": "14399452" }, { "contents": "Cardea\n\n\n\" of the whitethorn explains why, Ovid says, a branch or twig of it is used to repel \"tristes … noxas\", \"baleful harms,\" from doorways \"(fores)\". Why is this necessary? Because there are greedy winged creatures ready to fly in and suck the blood from sleeping infants so young they still take only breast milk. Ovid describes these creatures (6.131–142) as having a large head, prominent eyes, and beaks suited for snatching and carrying off; their wings are white,", "id": "4941170" }, { "contents": "Robert Stigwood\n\n\nhave suggested that the main reason why so few Australian acts were able to break into the UK music scene in the 1960s was that they were locked out by the so-called \"Pink Mafia\" that supposedly dominated British show business. For a few years Stigwood was highly successful, but according to Napier-Bell, he lived extravagantly. The small percentages he received from EMI for his recordings meant that he was largely dependent on agency and management commissions to maintain his cash flow, and gradually his company funds dwindled. Stigwood", "id": "18916693" }, { "contents": "Pogonomyrmex maricopa\n\n\nvicinity. This is an example of chemical signaling, which explains why ants all appear to sting at once. The venom can also contain allergenic proteins that are otherwise known to set off a potentially lethal immune response in certain victims. Similar to the two-part process of the fire ant bite and sting, the harvester ant will attach to the victim with its mandibles, and so proceed by pivoting around the site, allowing the ant to repeatedly sting and inject venom into the region. The Maricopa harvester ant plays a major", "id": "8758074" }, { "contents": "Planet of the Symbiotes\n\n\n, the one-shot \"Venom Super Special\" #1 (Aug. 1995), finds the three on another planet, a world conquered by the symbiotes, the machine revealed to be a teleporter. The symbiote that had bonded with the Scarlet Spider is revealed to be Venom, who again bonds with Brock. Venom conveys the history of the symbiotes as a race of creatures intent on taking over host bodies from other races in order to feel emotion. The Venom symbiote was considered an aberration for wanting to bond with a", "id": "7222701" }, { "contents": "Why Do I Always Get It Wrong\n\n\n/his presence for good is the only way to stop the pain. Crying out against his illogical love for the person who has treated him so badly, Caruana asks, \"Why do I always get it wrong?\" Live Report won the right to perform at Lausanne by winning the UK national final, \"A Song for Europe\", where they were the sixth act to perform. For the second of four consecutive years, Live Report was picked via a nationwide telephone vote, receiving more than twice as many votes", "id": "10560157" }, { "contents": "Yes You Can (album)\n\n\nas a professional, so I know a few tricks.\" In effort to promote the 1992 European release of the album, Harley embarked on the \"Yes You Can\" tour. In March, he played various dates across Europe, followed by a set of UK dates in May. In Europe, \"Irresistible\" was released for the third and final time as a single. Speaking to \"Record Collector\" in 1992, Harley was asked about the possibility of EMI releasing the album in the UK. Harley said: During", "id": "21310225" }, { "contents": "Toxin (comics)\n\n\nnew Toxin. Brock joins the Savage Six to fight Venom, but is severely burned in the fight. Eddie and the Toxin symbiote eventually track down Venom and discover a group of creatures called the \"symbiote slayers\" that are determined to destroy the symbiotes. Venom and Toxin have to team up to fight the \"slayers\". After this, Toxin agrees to leave Venom alone, and Eddie Brock as Toxin reclaims his title as the . Brock and the Toxin symbiote appear once more in the All New, All Different Marvel", "id": "16090499" }, { "contents": "Anti-Venom (Marvel Comics)\n\n\nThe Anti-Venom symbiote is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. It first appeared in \"The Amazing Spider-Man\" #569 (October 2008), and was created by Dan Slott and John Romita Jr. The creature belongs to a race of amorphous extraterrestrial parasites known as the Symbiotes and is considered as Venom's symbiotic brother. The 2008 story \"\"New Ways to Die\"\" features the first appearance of Anti-Venom. Eddie Brock gets a job at a soup kitchen under", "id": "3453009" }, { "contents": "Miles Morales\n\n\nnew Spider-Man, she is murdered by Markus, who has become the newest host to the Venom symbiote. In the subsequent \"Venom War\" storyline, Venom confronts Jefferson at his home, where Spider-Man repels the creature. Jefferson is critically injured and hospitalized in this battle, and when Venom pursues him at the hospital, Spider-Man again confronts him, during which Miles' mother, Rio, also learns that her son is Spider-Man. By the end of the brawl, Markus killed by", "id": "5103133" }, { "contents": "Centipede\n\n\nCentipedes (from Latin prefix ', \"hundred\", and ', \"\"foot\"\") are predatory arthropods belonging to the class Chilopoda of the subphylum Myriapoda, an arthropod group which also includes Millipedes and other multi-legged creatures. Centipedes are elongated metameric creatures with one pair of legs per body segment. Most centipedes are generally venomous and could inflict a painful bite, injecting their venom through pincer-like appendage known as forcipules. Despite the name, centipedes can have a varying number of legs, ranging from", "id": "15209214" }, { "contents": "Fledgling (novel)\n\n\n, with the Ina's venom providing significant boost to their humans' immune systems and extending their lives up to 200 years. However, withdrawal from this venom will also lead to the human's death. The story opens as Shori awakens with no knowledge of who or where she is, in a cave and suffering from critical injuries. Although she is burned and has skull trauma, she kills and eats the first creature that approaches her. Eating this creature allows her to heal quickly enough to walk and explore on her own", "id": "17772437" }, { "contents": "Wandering spider\n\n\nWandering spiders (Ctenidae) are a family of spiders that includes the Brazilian wandering spiders. These spiders have a distinctive longitudinal groove on the top-rear of their oval carapace similar to those of the Amaurobiidae. They are highly defensive and venomous nocturnal hunters. Despite their notoriety for being dangerous, only a few members of \"Phoneutria\" have venom known to be hazardous to humans, but the venoms of this family are poorly known, so all larger ctenids should be treated with caution. , the World Spider Catalog accepts the", "id": "10830203" }, { "contents": "Simpsorama\n\n\nBender admits that he does not recall why he was sent to the present, so Frink unplugs and replugs Bender's mission protocol, causing Bender to reveal his mission is to terminate Homer; however, he cannot bring himself do it. A hologram of Leela, Fry, and some rabbit-shaped creatures that are attacking New New York appears. Seeing that Bender has not yet killed Homer, Leela and Fry encourage Bender to kill him. Lisa asks why he must be killed, and Professor Farnsworth replies that the creatures", "id": "4400865" }, { "contents": "Joe Matera\n\n\nthe instrumental \"Travellin' West\" appeared later that year. In 2011 he signed to European based label W.A.R Productions, where he released the EP \"Slave to the Fingers\" which featured guest performances by Rick Brewster (The Angels), Mick McConnell (Smokie) and Tony Dolan (VENOM). In 2012 he released his debut album \"Creature of Habit\", which received critical acclaim. The album was accompanied by Matera's first tour of Europe. The single \"Fallen Angel\" featured Matera's first lead vocal", "id": "7284206" }, { "contents": "Snakebite\n\n\n; other snakes, however, may also cause significant problems in this area of the world. Since envenomation is completely voluntary, all venomous snakes are capable of biting without injecting venom into a person. Snakes may deliver such a \"dry bite\" rather than waste their venom on a creature too large for them to eat, a behaviour called venom metering. However, the percentage of dry bites varies among species: 80 percent of bites inflicted by sea snakes, which are normally timid, do not result in envenomation, whereas", "id": "16297223" }, { "contents": "Fauna of South Africa\n\n\nthe most dangerous animals in Africa. Many species of snake, both venomous and non-venomous, make South Africa their home. The largest is the African rock python, a non-venomous snake that kills its prey, which includes creatures up to the size of an antelope, by constriction. A much smaller species that also kills by constriction is the mole snake; as its name suggests, this snake preys on small mammals, most often rodents such as mole-rats. Many venomous snakes occur, some of which", "id": "9226885" }, { "contents": "Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload\n\n\nSixteen which outnumbers the Fantastic Four, and the Green Goblin \"Overload.\" J. Jonah Jameson reports on the \"Overloads\" and claims that Spider-Man is behind this. Loki then uses the Norn Frost on Venom since he is a creature worth overloading. Appearing near the stand of the Hot Dog Vendor, Venom is overloaded as Loki commands Venom to attack Spider-Man. Their fight takes them through the Daily Bugle much to the dismay of J. Jonah Jameson. Spider-Man manages to defeat Venom by getting one", "id": "7679712" }, { "contents": "Super Why!\n\n\nin the USA, Kids' CBC (now CBC Kids since January 2, 2017) and Family Jr. in Canada, and as of June 26, 2014, Tiny Pop in the UK. It also has aired on Nick Jr. in the UK since 2008. It also premieres in Northern Ireland on BBC Northern Ireland. The series especially premieres in Australia on ABC2. In North America, all the Super Why! DVD's are distributed by Paramount Home Media Distribution via PBS Home Entertainment. since 2011, PBS got full distribution", "id": "8164128" }, { "contents": "Jonathan Meades\n\n\non to be his main collaborator, directing and shooting virtually all of his films from 2008 onwards. A three-part series on food culture, \"Meades Eats\", aired on BBC Four in 2003, again featuring Biggins and Hanly. The episodes dealt with fast food, the notion of a gastronomic revolution in the UK and with the ever-increasing influence of immigrant cuisines. The 2008 two-part BBC Four film \"Jonathan Meades: Magnetic North\" celebrated the culture of Northern Europe, examining why the North suffers", "id": "16242631" }, { "contents": "Poor Leno\n\n\nalbum \"Melody A.M.\" and re-released in 2002. In the UK, the single reached #38 on the UK Singles Chart. Directed by Sam Arthur, the music video revolves around a creature resembling a small man or boy in a bear suit, and unveils a story of the creature being tracked and captured from its natural habitat, to end up being caged in a zoo, longing to escape. The video, mainly animated, also features a few clips of live recordings with overlapping animation. Additionally, video", "id": "16159397" }, { "contents": "Northern goshawk\n\n\nthe 5-km Kattegat straits). On the other hand, 4.3% of the southern Swedish goshawks actually moved north. Migrating goshawks seem to avoid crossing water, but sparrowhawks seems to be able to do so more regularly. In central Europe, few birds travel more than throughout the year, a few juveniles have exceptionally been recorded traveling up to . In Eurasia, very small numbers of migratory northern goshawks cross the Strait of Gibraltar and Bosporus in autumn but further east more significant winter range expansions may extend from northern Iran & southern", "id": "655739" }, { "contents": "2013 European floods\n\n\nten days of May a low pressure system named \"Christoffer\" swung up from the Mediterranean across the Black Sea then across Ukraine and Poland to Northern Germany, eventually bringing a very moist, and warm airmass to Central Europe from north-east. Late May saw a blocking high \"Sabine\" located over the Sole sea area to the west of the UK and France. This split the jet stream over Europe which maintained the weather pattern in Central Europe. Spring and summer flooding in Central Europe is commonly associated with the so", "id": "4953927" }, { "contents": "Lasioglossum malachurum\n\n\nqueen using her abdomen. Because nests are dug into hard soil, construction of a nest represents a significant energy expense to a queen, which explains why gynes frequently usurp other nests rather than founding one of their own. \"L. malachurum\" is a Western Palaearctic species and nests can be found across Southern England and the Channel Islands, most of continental Europe, and North Africa. \"L. malachurum\" is found across England, continental Europe, and northern Africa, so is capable of inhabiting a broad range of habitats and", "id": "3881997" }, { "contents": "Creature Commandos\n\n\n, in which he captures the Blue Beetle and escapes. Shortly thereafter, the Creature Commandos broke free from Max's influence, realizing that they do not know why they are so far from their Project M base. In September 2011, \"The New 52\" rebooted DC's continuity. In this new timeline, a new version of the Creature Commandos were introduced and featured in the pages of \"Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E.\". This incarnation of the team works as field agents for the secretive organization S.H.A.D.E. and are led", "id": "8990836" }, { "contents": "The Demon-Haunted World\n\n\nremarks that they are unable to see the creature. Sagan replies that he \"neglected to mention that she's an invisible dragon\". The visitor suggests spreading flour on the floor so that the creature's footprints might be seen, which Sagan says is a good idea, \"but this dragon floats in the air\". When the visitor considers using an infra-red camera to view the creature's invisible fire, Sagan explains that the fire is heatless. He continues to counter every proposed physical test with a reason why", "id": "950888" }, { "contents": "The Lady of The Aroostook\n\n\nwants to turn to the land and operate a farm in the West. Dunham is traveling to Europe to see a somewhat long lost love of his, Miss. Hibbard. Dunham had proposed to Miss Hibbard but she had declined and left for Europe. A few weeks later she wrote to Dunham asking for him to take her back and marry. Both Staniford and Dunham are still in wonder as to why Lydia is on the ship. They think that Lydia lives in a boring town where nothing exciting ever happens, so what could", "id": "21364845" }, { "contents": "Issues in the 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum\n\n\n. Few impact assessments are carried out after the introduction of regulations so it is very difficult to properly analyse their impact. A review by the UK Government examined the level of EU regulation on the UK and found that UK businesses benefited from access to the Single Market and therefore accepted that a level of regulation and harmonisation was desirable. The same report said that UK economy is bigger because of access to the Single Market. A study by Open Europe on the 100 most expensive EU regulations found that they cost the UK£27.4 billion per", "id": "10787627" }, { "contents": "Riot/Clone\n\n\nplayed only a few UK shows, instead engaging in numerous tours of Europe and America. That changed when Gary joined in 2004, and the band were seen far more frequently in the UK over the next year or so. In May 2005, lead singer and founder member, Dave Floyd planned to move to America so the band had to call it a day. The final Riot/Clone show was held at The Robert Inn in Heston, West London on 1 May 2005. The story was not over though, as", "id": "3265105" }, { "contents": "List of creatures in Primeval\n\n\nother surfaces like a spider. The body is covered in a hard exoskeleton, the only soft spot it has is its mouth. The exoskeleton makes tasers ineffective against \"Brontoscorpio\", and even when shot directly into its mouth, tasers sometimes have little effect on \"Brontoscorpio\" (but, other times, can knock it out for a few moments). \"Brontoscorpio\" is known to attack victims with its stinger to incapacitate them with its venom, and to suck out and consume its victims' internal organs after its", "id": "17737948" }, { "contents": "Nobody's Fools\n\n\nChandler decided that the next best career move was to try and crack America. The band agreed to move to there and build a reputation for their live performances from scratch, just as they had in the UK. Holder said in 1975: \"During the past five years when the band peaked, we did five major tours of Britain, six tours of Europe, two tours of Australia, two of Japan, visited the USA a few times, made a film... you can understand why we felt more than a little", "id": "11335016" }, { "contents": "European dragon\n\n\n\" (with four legs) and a \"wyvern\" (with two legs). In myths, wyverns are associated with viciousness, envy, and pestilence, but in heraldry, they symbolise the overthrowing of the tyranny of Satan and his demonic forces. Late medieval heraldry also distinguished a dragon-like creature known as a \"cockatrice\". A cockatrice is supposedly born when a serpent hatches an egg that has been laid on a dunghill by a rooster, and it is so venomous that its breath and its gaze are", "id": "7156223" }, { "contents": "John Taylor, Baron Kilclooney\n\n\nnews/lord-kilclooney-asks-alliance-s-jackie-coade-why-twitter-name-ends-with-ie-instead-of-uk--1609701/ [15]] Historian & writer Tim Pat Coogan described Taylor as a \"particulary venomous Unionist apologist\", who he charged as making a \"hold-me-back, let-me-at-them\" style speech in the European Parliament, saying if there was going to be Loyalist retaliation for the Warrenpoint ambush & Lord Mountbatten killing by", "id": "20356838" }, { "contents": "List of Star Fox characters\n\n\nvoiced by Alésia Glidewell, who also voices Krystal. ) (also known as the ) is the main army of the planet Venom, which operates under Andross. Although most of the army is decimated by the Star Fox team and the Corneria Army, a small group of them are present for the Aparoid invasion. The are a race of anglerfish-like creatures that reside in the Toxic Seas of Venom. They first appear \"Star Fox Command\". It is implied in the Venom Level of the storyline \"Fox and", "id": "11468831" }, { "contents": "Serket\n\n\nvenomous creatures of Egypt could prove fatal, Serket also was considered a protector of the dead, particularly being associated with venoms and fluids causing stiffening. She was thus said to be the protector of the tents of embalmers, and of the canopic jar associated with venom—the jar of the intestine—which was deified later as Qebehsenuef, one of the four sons of Horus, who were her sons by one of the two Horuses (Heru-pa-khered (Horus the Younger) or Her-ur (Horus the", "id": "11731234" }, { "contents": "Theriaca (poem)\n\n\nThe Theriaca () is the longest surviving work of the 2nd-century BC Greek poet Nicander of Colophon. It is a 958-line hexameter poem describing the nature of venomous creatures, including snakes, spiders, and scorpions, and the wounds that they inflict. Nicander also wrote the companion work \"Alexipharmaca\", which explored other poisons and venoms. The title is the Latinized form of the Greek neuter plural adjective (\"thēriaka\"), \"having to do with venomous animals\", which in turn derives from (\"", "id": "474140" }, { "contents": "Eastern brown snake\n\n\na superfamily of proteins found in the venom of many elapid snakes and responsible for neurotoxic effects. Another three-finger toxin was identified in eastern brown snake venom in 2015. Professor Bart Currie coined the term ‘brown snake paradox' in 2000 to query why neurotoxic effects were rare or mild despite the presence of textilitoxin in eastern brown snake venom. This is thought to be due to the low concentration of the toxin in the venom, which is injected in only small amounts compared with other snake species. Analysis of venom in", "id": "15978695" }, { "contents": "So Why So Sad\n\n\nthe first sign of the \"Manics\" since the surprise number 1 hit \"The Masses Against the Classes\" thirteen months earlier. It reached the UK chart position of number 8 on 10 March 2001, spending 16 weeks in the chart, it is the second longest run in terms of singles in the UK chart by the band. \"So Why So Sad\" is only beaten by If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next which spent 17 weeks in the chart. In Ireland it peaked on number 16. The", "id": "19078923" }, { "contents": "Sarah Nagourney\n\n\nSunday Telegraph\" (UK), while she performed in clubs and festivals in Europe and Asia. One such review by Michael James in \"Melody Maker\" stated: \"The arrival of a vocalist so sensitive and intelligent an artist as Sarah Nagourney is an event well worth signaling.\" After graduation and a few years in the UK, Nagourney decided to move to New York City where she had a number of bands. This culminated in a record deal on Invasion /Influx Records back in the UK with her pop band,", "id": "20113051" }, { "contents": "Nocturnals\n\n\nfear when they realize who he is. During one of Doc Horror's expeditions to Northern Europe, he came across a proto-human tadpole creature living in a peat bog. He brought it back to the Tomb and nursed it in a salt water tank, where it grew into the beautiful young amphibian Starfish. Starfish is one of Doc Horror's best gunfighters, and has become the object of the Raccoon's amorous affections. She has a feisty personality and does not suffer fools gladly, even going so far as to", "id": "1436774" }, { "contents": "The Ward Brothers\n\n\nthat Bridge\" was the second single, released in the UK, Europe (via Virgin Records) and America (via A&M Records). The single broke the band into the top 40 when the single peaked at No. 32 in the UK during early 1987 for a total of 10 weeks. It also peaked at No. 32 in the Netherlands for a total of 8 weeks. The third single \"Why Do You Run?\" was released in the UK and Europe, but failed to capture the same success,", "id": "18823217" }, { "contents": "Lethal dose\n\n\nand mode of administration. There can be wide variability between species as well; what is relatively safe for rats may very well be extremely toxic for humans (\"cf.\" paracetamol toxicity), and vice versa. For example, chocolate, comparatively harmless to humans, is known to be toxic to many animals. When used to test venom from venomous creatures, such as snakes, LD results may be misleading due to the physiological differences between mice, rats, and humans. Many venomous snakes are specialized predators of mice", "id": "13336799" }, { "contents": "List of Star Wars creatures\n\n\ntrophies, though rare, are made of their skulls. Kinrath are large, venomous arachnid-like creatures that live on Dantooine and Kashyyyk. They appear in \"\" and \"\". Kkryytch are avian creatures that eat seeds and live on Kashyyyk. K'lor slugs are large worm-like creatures native to the Sith Homeworld of Korriban, and inhabit the tombs of the Sith lords, and prey on anything that attempts to plunder the tombs, from archeologists to Sith Acolytes. They are also found on several other worlds. For", "id": "13658452" }, { "contents": "Theriac\n\n\nat Binsey was a place of pilgrimage. Norman Cantor observes that the remedy was homeopathic in its supposed effect, following the principle of \"the hair of the dog,\" in which a concoction containing some of the poisonous (it was thought) flesh of the serpent would be a sovereign remedy against the creature's venom: in his book on medicine, Henry of Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster wrote that \"the treacle is made of poison so that it can destroy other poisons\". Thinking by analogy, Henry Grosmont", "id": "13510113" }, { "contents": "Liberal Democrats (UK)\n\n\nenvironmental protections and drug liberalisation laws while it has also opposed certain UK military engagements like the Iraq War. The Liberal Democrats are historically strongest in northern Scotland, southwest London, southwest England and mid-Wales. Membership is primarily middle-class and more heavily university educated than most UK parties. The party's partner in Northern Ireland is the Alliance Party of Northern Ireland. Internationally, the party is a member of the Liberal International and Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, with its MEPs affiliated to the Renew Europe group", "id": "21176507" }, { "contents": "Creatures (video game series)\n\n\nCreatures 3\", \"Creatures 3 Update 2\", \"Docking Station\", and a number of environment extras and tools (many with multilingual variants). Linux Game Publishing released a Linux port of \"Creatures Internet Edition\" a few months later in December 2001. The original \"Creatures Internet Edition\" was released again in 2002 by Focus Multimedia, without the physical manual, as \"Creatures Gold\", but the disc contents were identical (and so the installer and PDF manual both referred to it as \"Creatures", "id": "6688917" }, { "contents": "Flash (Jay Garrick)\n\n\nto collect the debt. Clark asks why there were no records of speed storms while Garrick was with the JSA. Garrick surmises that Impulse is so fast that it has made the creature hungry and desperate. Picking up on the thought, Clark reasons that it is sending out the speed storms to try to create a new speedster to take on as its prey. Impulse realizes that the biology of the speedsters is special and that that's why so many have died in the attempts. Impulse asks Garrick how many speedsters there are", "id": "5858695" }, { "contents": "Alternative versions of Venom\n\n\nthat this murderous creature has no mind of its own. In Earth-1048, during a conversation between Spider-Man and Yuri Watanabe, she quickly ask Spider-Man as a joke if he has a black and white suit indicating that Spider-Man at some point had a black suit but he got rid of it. When Spider-Man looks through certain windows there is a few collectibles on a shelf, including a black suit Spider-Man figure. In the last post-credits scene reveals Norman Osborn entering a secret", "id": "10897830" }, { "contents": "Urchin (Dungeons & Dragons)\n\n\n. It can fire five spines at a time, which carry venom that acts on the victim's nervous system and puts him into a catatonic trance for a few days. The land urchin is a land-dwelling distant cousin of the sea urchin, who spine-covered body could be mistaken for a bush. The land urchin is a scavenger that consumes virtually anything edible. Its small mouth is located on its underside, and its rasping tongue can saw through armor to gather food. This shy creature attacks only when approached", "id": "20935207" }, { "contents": "Bleacher Creatures\n\n\nbleacher proletariat. This is bound to create some class warfare down the road, some storming of the Legends suites.\" Bondy also praised the Creatures for \"handling the transition with commendable grace and flexibility.\" Since the inception of the Bleacher Creatures, many people have held a negative viewpoint towards the section for their notorious attitude towards opposing fans and players, and their raucous nature in general. Seattle Post-Intelligencer Reporter Dan Raley called the Creatures \"oblivious to the outside world. Demanding, relentless and venomous\" in a", "id": "10336072" }, { "contents": "Till Deaf Do Us Part\n\n\nM'Hat, M'Coat\" was written by guitarist Dave Hill. Speaking of the song in 1989, Hill said: \"It's just something I used to play around with when we were touring Europe and Jim said we should record it. So, we were in the studio and Nod was bashing out a few chords and really Jim rearranged it. We really recorded it on the spur of the moment and I think that's why it turned out so well.\" \"Knuckle Sandwich Nancy\" has lyrics which refer to a", "id": "5736471" }, { "contents": "Stirrup\n\n\n, but may have initiated complex and far-reaching social and cultural changes in Europe. Some scholars credit the birth of feudalism and its subsequent spread into Northern Italy, Spain, Germany and into the Slavic territories to this use of the stirrup. It is argued that the rising feudal class structure of the European Middle Ages derived ultimately from the use of stirrups: \"Few inventions have been so simple as the stirrup, but few have had so catalytic an influence on history. The requirements of the new mode of warfare which", "id": "10085898" }, { "contents": "Michael Faraday Memorial\n\n\na London Underground electrical substation for the Northern line and Bakerloo line (somewhat appropriate for a memorial to one of the great pioneers of electricity). Albert Snell originally designed the box clad in glass, intending the workings of the transformer to be seen. The possibility of vandalism prevented this, so the design was changed to a metal casing. Aspects of Snell’s design which explained the connection to Faraday were left out when it was constructed, so few people realise why it is there. However, there is an inscription in", "id": "209653" }, { "contents": "The Division Bell\n\n\nand was destroyed by a thunderstorm on 27 June. Pieces of the aircraft were sold as souvenirs. The band held another reception, in the UK, on 21 March. This time they used an A60 airship, translucent, and painted to look like a fish, which took journalists on a tour of London. The airship, which was lit internally so it glowed in the night sky, was also flown in northern Europe. \"The Division Bell\" was released in the UK by EMI Records on 28 March 1994,", "id": "3980495" }, { "contents": "Regional cuisines of medieval Europe\n\n\npreparation of meat, fish, roasts, and the sauces that were considered appropriate to each dish. The use of dough and pastry, which was fairly popular in Britain at the time, was almost completely absent from recipe collections with the exception of a few pies. Nor were there any forms of dumplings or the fritters that were so popular in Central Europe. A common Northern French habit was to name dishes after famous and often exotic places and people. A specialty among finer French chefs was the preparation of so-called", "id": "6420433" }, { "contents": "Lawless Darkness\n\n\n'Death Holy Death Tour 2011'. This tour included shows in Denmark, Poland, France, Spain, as well as a five UK dates. The album received generally positive reviews from music critics. According to Eduardo Rivadavia, writing for Allmusic, \"Lawless Darkness is black metal through and through, and Watain even make a point of retaining some cardboard-sounding drumbeats in honor of lo-fi pioneers like Venom and Bathory, ferchrissakes! This is why purists looking for their fix need only look to the pulverizing fury", "id": "6553041" }, { "contents": "Sarpa Manav: Nagmoni Rohosyo\n\n\nFew days later, Raghuveer got high fever. He admitted to a hospital. Doctors have found venom into his blood. He guessed the cause, and ran away from the hospital. He became a fugitive and started living a secret life. Day by day he discovers his body is transforming into a giant like creature. Meanwhile, Raghuveer met with a Chinese man named San Yuan Tong and befriends with him. San brought Raghuveer to Kolkata and fixed a job for him in a circus named ‘Dreamland Circus’, where San", "id": "3910702" }, { "contents": "Smooth snake\n\n\nThe smooth snake (\"Coronella austriaca\") is a species of non-venomous snake in the family Colubridae. The species is found in northern and central Europe, but also as far east as northern Iran. The Reptile Database recognizes two subspecies as being valid, including the nominotypical subspecies described here. Both sexes of \"C. austriaca\" grow to an average total length (including tail) of about to . Two specimens measuring have been recorded in Sweden, as well as one in Russia that was . The head has", "id": "7595367" }, { "contents": "Crotalus oreganus helleri\n\n\nnerve endings. It also contains myotoxins (toxic to body muscles) and hemotoxins (toxic to the blood), so it can easily give a fatal bite. The venom from this snake also requires a much higher dose of Crotalidae polyvalent immune fab (\"Crofab\"), an antivenom used to treat the bite of North American pit vipers, than the venoms of other rattlesnakes. This snake is found in the United States in southern California, and in Mexico in northern Baja California, west of the desert. In the", "id": "21830542" }, { "contents": "Northern short-tailed shrew\n\n\nThe northern short-tailed shrew (\"Blarina brevicauda\") is the largest shrew in the genus \"Blarina\", and occurs in the northeastern region of North America. It is a semifossorial, highly active, and voracious insectivore and is present in a variety of habitats like broadleaved and pine forests among shrubs and hedges as well as grassy river banks. It is notable in that it is one of the few venomous mammals. The specific epithet, \"brevicauda\", is a combination of the Latin \"brevis\" and", "id": "18915659" }, { "contents": "Caspian whipsnake\n\n\nThe Caspian whipsnake (\"Dolichophis caspius\", sometimes also \"Coluber caspius\") also known as the large whipsnake (among various other species in genus \"Dolichophis\"/\"Coluber\"), is a common species of whipsnake found in the Balkans and parts of Eastern Europe. The Caspian whipsnake is perhaps the largest species of snake in Europe. It typically grows to around in length, though a few may exceed a length of . The record sized specimen was approximately This species is not venomous and is mostly active during the day. The", "id": "2127775" }, { "contents": "The Venom Saga\n\n\ndate with Mary Jane and menaced Spider-Man's aunt, so Spider-Man decided to fight back. He put some archives newspaper pages, featuring Brock's firing of Daily Bugle. He set a trap for the villain near the launch of a space shuttle. The noise from the rocket's afterburners forced the symbiote off of Brock, and Spider-Man webbed the creature to the rocket. The symbiote was blasted into space, and Eddie Brock was imprisoned at Ravencroft Asylum. At the episode's conclusion, Spider-", "id": "12715761" }, { "contents": "Laughing kookaburra\n\n\nwaiting patiently for prey to pass by. Common prey include mice and similar-sized small mammals, large insects, yabbies, lizards, small birds and nestlings, and most famously, snakes. Small prey are preferred, but kookaburras sometimes take large creatures, including venomous snakes, much longer than their bodies. Laughing kookaburras are a common sight in suburban gardens and urban settings, even in built-up areas, and are so tame that they will often eat out of a person's hands. It is not uncommon for", "id": "13226222" }, { "contents": "Dian Cecht\n\n\n, for he feared that there might be danger even in them; and, indeed, so venomous were they that the river boiled up and slew every living creature in it, and therefore has been called the River Barrow, the ‘Boiling’ ever since. According to the Metrical Dindsenchas: poem 'No motion it made The ashes of Meichi the strongly smitten: The stream made sodden and silent past recovery The fell filth of the old serpent. Three turns the serpent made; It sought the soldier to consume him;", "id": "5325734" }, { "contents": "RAF Wyton\n\n\nShortly thereafter, in 2014, DCMA disestablished DCMA Northern Europe and established DCMA United Kingdom (UK). Since 2014, from its headquarters at Wyton, DCMA UK has been providing itinerant contract administration services throughout the UK, Northern Europe, and Scandinavia. In addition, DCMA UK manages its footprints in contractor plants from its headquarters at Wyton. RAF Wyton hosts the annual Pathfinder March, a walk which starts and finishes at RAF Wyton. The following units were here at some point: On 25 March 2013 it was decided to", "id": "15350651" }, { "contents": "Black Leopard, Red Wolf\n\n\ngoddess/potential water demon/trickster named Bunshi, and more. Other supernatural elements of the novel include the Darklands, where dangerous creatures live and time and distance are seemingly irrelevant, and the Ten and Nine Doors, magically linked doorways scattered throughout the North Kingdom and surrounding territory that both Tracker's \"fellowship\" and their enemies use to move quickly. Throughout the novel, Tracker starts to wonder: Who, really, is this boy? Why has he been missing for so long? Why do so many people want", "id": "1592961" }, { "contents": "Chrysopelea\n\n\naerodynamic forces so they can glide in the air. Scientists are hopeful that this research will lead to the design of robots that can glide in the air from one place to another. The species is considered mildly venomous, with a few confirmed cases of medically significant envenomation. Chrysopelea species are not included in lists of snakes considered venomous to man. \"Chrysopelea\" are diurnal, which means they hunt during the day. They prey upon lizards, rodents, frogs, birds, and bats. There are five recognized species of", "id": "17995809" } ]
Why are there so many more poisonous/venomous animals in Australia than the rest of the world?
[{"answer": "comformation bias, there are very venomous and poisous animals all over the world alstalia just happens to have a few of the most."}, {"answer": "Our warm / hot conditions are a good breeding ground for many diverse types of animals. It doesn't snow in many places here, and most animals in the outback can expect fairly consistent conditions. It's been shown that there are usually a lot more diverse types of animals in these conditions compared to areas where animals have to adapt to more extreme temperature variations like having a yearly snowfall."}, {"answer": "Proportionally, there are just as many venomous snakes and spiders as most of the rest of the world. Due to there being a larger number of snakes and spiders in Australia versus colder places, there are more venomous species. For example, if a certain percentage of snakes are venomous, then the more snakes in a given area the more venomous. Still at the same proportion though. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I can't find the article now, but when the Australia has dangerous animals meme started, someone wrote an article on how certain climates/biomes tend to have more poisonous/venomous animals. It showed that most of those biomes were by the equator and that the country with actually the most poisonous/venomous animals is Mexico. But I think we don't hear about it is because A. Mexico is a poorer country so much fewer people are on the internet than Australia and A. they speak mostly Spanish so they wouldn't be on the same places on the internet to see debunk the meme."}, {"answer": "Maybe because there's lots of big distances and it's underpopulated. So if you're going to get some prey you need to make sure you kill it because the encounters would be relatively infrequent. It's also not very fertile in most of Australia and not as many animals survive."}, {"answer": "This is an interesting question, particularly when we consider the relative lack of natural predators in Australia. Bill Bryson puts it well in 'Down Under': > \"No one knows, incidentally, why Australia's spiders are so extravagantly toxic; capturing small insects and injecting them with enough poison to drop a horse would appear to be the most literal case of overkill. Still, it does mean that everyone gives them lots of space.\u201d \u2015 Bill Bryson."}, {"answer": "Don't forget the [Drop Bears]( URL_1 ) - they actually [target tourists]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "I'm an American who grew up in Europe, and currently lives in Australia, and I've never really found that they have 'more poisonous/venomous' animals as the rest of the world, it's just a huge exaggeration that aussies love to talk up... just like their damned 'drop-bear' joke. (sorry mates!) I will say though, my partner (female) and many Aussie girls I know, have very little fear of critters like spiders and bugs, compared to the average American female I grew up with. Oh, and they don't really seem to be worried about 'stingers' during 'stinger season,' which are fatal jellyfish that are in the ocean waters at a certain time of year! She is from Cairns, after all though, and they have (fairly regular) dengue outbreaks where the mosquitos just happen to be carrying this terrible disease. Her response is always, 'you'll probably be fine, I always have been!'"}, {"answer": "Isolstion could be part of it, but a big factor may be how relatively unpopulated it's been compared to other land masses. In a world with humans, it's a much more advantageous trait to be delicious that to be dangerous. Pigs, sheep, and cows, none of whom are noted swimmers, have crossed every ocean to establish populations around the world. On the other hand, England used to have wolves (though Ireland never had snakes). Give the 'Strayans a thousand more years or so and they'll even the ledgers."}, {"answer": "It has a lot to do with Australia's location on the globe. This video explains it nicely: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "So that annoying tourists scared of their own shadows stay home."}, {"answer": "Bollocks, Snake Island off the coast of Brazil!"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "22621", "title": "Oceania", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Oceania (, , ) is a geographic region which includes Australasia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. Spanning the eastern and western hemispheres, Oceania has a land area of and has a population of /1e6 round 0 million. Situated in the southeast of the Asia-Pacific region, Oceania, when compared to continental regions, is the smallest in land area and the second smallest in population after Antarctica.", "tralasia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. Spanning the eastern and western hemispheres, Oceania has a land area of and has a population of /1e6 round 0 million. Situated in the southeast of the Asia-Pacific region, Oceania, when compared to continental regions, is the smallest in land ar"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "34397403", "title": "Epidemiology of snakebites", "section": "Section::::Australasia.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 21, "end_paragraph_id": 21, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The vast majority of venomous snakebites in Australasia occur in the Australasian ecozone. At least 300 evenomations occur each year in Papua New Guinea, 30 in the Solomon Islands, and 10 Vanuatu. The majority of bites in New Guinea are caused by the death adders, and a smaller number by the endemic small-eyed snake and other local species. Most of the Pacific Islands are free of terrestrial snakes, although sea snakes are common in coral reefs. In the Oceania ecozone, only Micronesia and Tonga, where at least 10 envenomations occur annually, face an appreciable burden of snakebite. In Australia, there are many more annual cases of spiderbite and jellyfish envenomation than snakebite", "Most of the Pacific Islands are free of terrestrial snakes, although sea snakes are common in coral reefs. In the Oceania ecozone, only Micronesia and Tonga, where at least 10 envenomations occur annually, face an appreciable burden of snakebite. In Australia, there are many more annual cases of spiderbite and jellyfish envenomation than snakebite"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Fauna of Australia\n\n\nmarsupials — a group of mammals that raise their young in a pouch, including the macropods, possums and dasyuromorphs — occupy many of the ecological niches placental animals occupy elsewhere in the world. Australia is home to two of the five known extant species of monotremes and has numerous venomous species, which include the platypus, spiders, scorpions, octopus, jellyfish, molluscs, stonefish, and stingrays. Uniquely, Australia has more venomous than non-venomous species of snakes. The settlement of Australia by Indigenous Australians between 48,000 and 70,000", "id": "5054586" }, { "contents": "Alternative versions of Venom\n\n\nfor gathering all of the different incarnations of Venom. His Earth (Earth-TRN644) was eradicated by the Poisons so he gathered Venoms from across the multiverse in order to prevent the Poisons consuming more of them. He is captured by the Poisons and he realises that instead of bringing more Venoms to fight, he had brought the Poisons more Venoms to consume. In the climax he sends all of the surviving Venoms to their universes while the bomb explodes. His fate is unknown. A Venomized version of Captain America makes an", "id": "10897891" }, { "contents": "Venom\n\n\nVenom is a secretion containing one or more toxins produced by an animal. Venom has evolved in a wide variety of animals, both predators and prey, and both vertebrates and invertebrates. Venoms kill through the action of at least four major classes of toxin, namely necrotoxins and cytotoxins, which kill cells; neurotoxins, which affect nervous systems; and myotoxins, which damage muscles. Biologically, venom is distinguished from poison in that poisons are ingested, while venom is delivered in a bite, sting, or similar action. Venomous", "id": "14364327" }, { "contents": "Antivenom\n\n\nthe World Health Organization (WHO). Antivenoms have been developed for the venoms associated with the following animals: The name \"antivenin\" comes from the French word \"venin\", meaning venom, which in turn was derived from Latin \"venenum\", meaning poison. Historically, the term \"antivenin\" was predominant around the world, its first published use being in 1895. In 1981, the World Health Organization decided that the preferred terminology in the English language would be \"venom\" and \"antivenom\" rather than", "id": "12950238" }, { "contents": "Alternative versions of Doctor Strange\n\n\n, who is responsible for gathering all of the different incarnations of Venom. His Earth was eradicated by the Poisons so he had gathered Venoms from across the multiverse in order to prevent the Poisons from consuming more of them. He is captured by the Poisons and he realises that instead of bringing more Venoms to fight, he had brought the Poisons more Venoms to consume. In the climax he sends all of the surviving Venoms to their universes while the bomb built by Rocket Raccoon explodes. His fate is unknown. Dr. Strange also", "id": "20122122" }, { "contents": "Venom\n\n\ngene duplication, but data provides evidence that the further evolution of platypus venom does not rely as much on gene duplication as once was thought. Modified sweat glands are what evolved into platypus venom glands. Although it is proven that reptile and platypus venom have independently evolved, it is thought that there are certain protein structures that are favored to evolve into toxic molecules. This provides more evidence as to why venom has become a homoplastic trait and why very different animals have convergently evolved. Venomous animals resulted in 57,000 human deaths in 2013", "id": "14364338" }, { "contents": "Fiona Marshall\n\n\n, went differently. Instead of people becoming sedentary farmers, many peoples in Africa became mobile herders. But this pastoralism did not spread throughout all of Africa; it was more sporadic around the Sahara. Africa did eventually develop food production in farming, it was just later than the rest of the world at around 4000 BP. Marshall has examined the question of why ancient peoples domesticated wild plants and animals. Cattle were the first domesticates in North Africa around 10,000-8000 BP. The reason that cattle were so useful is because", "id": "20441911" }, { "contents": "Antivenom\n\n\nsensitivity to animal venoms, there is no natural immunity to them in humans. Some ophiophagic animals are immune to the venoms produced by some species of venomous snakes, by the presence of antihemorrhagic and antineurotoxic factors in their blood. It is quite possible to immunize a person directly with small and graded doses of venom rather than an animal. According to the Greek history, King Mithridates did this in order to protect himself against attempts of poisoning, therefore this procedure is often called mithridatism. However, unlike a vaccination against disease which", "id": "12950233" }, { "contents": "Venomous snake\n\n\nsufficient to help capture small prey but causing no harm to humans when bitten. There is not a single or special taxonomic group for venomous snakes that comprise species from different families. This has been interpreted to mean venom in snakes originated more than once as the result of convergent evolution. Around a quarter of all snake species are identified as being venomous. Venomous snakes are often said to be poisonous, but poison and venom are not the same thing. Poisons must be ingested, inhaled or absorbed, while venom must be injected", "id": "4699486" }, { "contents": "Poison\n\n\npoison\" more strictly. Substances not legally required to carry the label \"poison\" can also cause a medical condition of poisoning. Some poisons are also toxins, which is any poison produced by animals, vegetables or bacteria, such as the bacterial proteins that cause tetanus and botulism. A distinction between the two terms is not always observed, even among scientists. The derivative forms \"toxic\" and \"poisonous\" are synonymous. Animal poisons delivered subcutaneously (e.g., by sting or bite) are also called \"venom\"", "id": "5846802" }, { "contents": "Survival skills\n\n\n. Several reasons for not drinking urine include the high salt content of urine, potential contaminants, and sometimes bacteria growth, despite urine's being generally \"sterile\". Many classic cowboy movies, classic survival books and even some school textbooks suggest that sucking the venom out of a snake bite by mouth is an appropriate treatment and/or also for the bitten person to drink their urine after the poisonous animal bite or poisonous insect bite as a mean for the body to provide natural anti-venom. However, venom can not be sucked", "id": "4996565" }, { "contents": "Antidote\n\n\nspiders, and other venomous animals. Some animal venoms, especially those produced by arthropods (e.g., certain spiders, scorpions, bees, etc.) are only potentially lethal when they provoke allergic reactions and induce anaphylactic shock; as such, there is no \"antidote\" for these venoms because it is not a form of poisoning and anaphylactic shock can be treated (e.g., by the use of epinephrine). Some other toxins have no known antidote. For example, the poison aconitine – a highly poisonous alkaloid derived from", "id": "5159306" }, { "contents": "United States environmental and occupational health in zoos\n\n\nwith animals. This study determined significant allergic reaction for employees who work with parrots. Another potential hazard for zoo employees is for those who work with venomous animals. These animals have bites or stings that expose the victim to a toxin. Many of the reptiles in zoos are exotic and poison control centers may not keep the appropriate anti-venom in stock. If anti-venom is unavailable, emergency hospitalization or a fasciotomy may need to be performed. Other common injuries include needlestick injuries, radiation exposure from x-rays and", "id": "12641387" }, { "contents": "Golden poison frog\n\n\nyears after the frog is deprived of a food-based source, and such toxins do not readily deteriorate, even when transferred to another surface. The golden poison frog is not venomous, but poisonous: venomous animals have a delivery method for the toxin, such as fangs or spines, while poisonous animals and plants do not have a delivery method and rely on transference of the toxin, typically by, but not limited to, ingestion. Like most poison dart frogs, \"P. terribilis\" uses poison only as a self", "id": "14153414" }, { "contents": "Quoll\n\n\n(Compound 1080) is commonly used in Australia to control introduced pests such as European rabbits, foxes, feral predators, and wild dogs such as dingoes. The poison is extremely toxic to introduced pests, but less so to native animals as it is found naturally in many Australian plants. However, juvenile quolls may be susceptible to the poison. Research is underway to determine whether the number of quolls protected from predators may be less than those killed by the poison. Since 1770, all Australian quoll species have declined in number", "id": "19370599" }, { "contents": "Venom\n\n\nanimals kill tens of thousands of humans per year. However, the toxins in many venoms have potential to treat a wide range of diseases. The use of venom across a wide variety of taxa is an example of convergent evolution. It is difficult to conclude exactly how this trait came to be so intensely widespread and diversified. The multigene families that encode the toxins of venomous animals are actively selected, creating more diverse toxins with specific functions. Venoms adapt to their environment and victims and accordingly evolve to become maximally efficient on a", "id": "14364328" }, { "contents": "Nagraj\n\n\ndansh results in an opponent's instant death,[1] though exceptional beings able to withstand the poison include the Deva Kaljayi, himself and enemies who didn't have a biological body. It was suggested in one issue that the venom inside Nagraj's teeth is far more vicious than the venom in his blood, perhaps so much so that Nagraj might die if he bites himself. Vish-fuhaar comparison to vapour form therefore it causes more damage in comparison to vish-funkar, it is said that use of this power has negative effects", "id": "19339329" }, { "contents": "Poison\n\n\nIn biology, poisons are substances that cause death, injury or harm to organisms, usually by chemical reaction or other activity on the molecular scale, when an organism absorbs a sufficient quantity. The fields of medicine (particularly veterinary) and zoology often distinguish a poison from a toxin, and from a venom. Toxins are poisons produced by organisms in nature, and venoms are toxins injected by a bite or sting (this is exclusive to animals). The difference between venom and other poisons is the delivery method. Industry,", "id": "5846790" }, { "contents": "Australia\n\n\n; a host of marsupials, including the kangaroo, koala, and wombat, and birds such as the emu and the kookaburra. Australia is home to many dangerous animals including some of the most venomous snakes in the world. The dingo was introduced by Austronesian people who traded with Indigenous Australians around 3000 BCE. Many animal and plant species became extinct soon after first human settlement, including the Australian megafauna; others have disappeared since European settlement, among them the thylacine. Many of Australia's ecoregions, and the species within those", "id": "2105589" }, { "contents": "Poisoning\n\n\nPoisoning is a condition or a process in which an organism becomes chemically harmed severely (poisoned) by a toxic substance or venom of an animal. Acute poisoning is exposure to a poison on one occasion or during a short period of time. Symptoms develop in close relation to the degree of exposure. Absorption of a poison is necessary for systemic poisoning (that is, in the blood throughout the body). In contrast, substances that destroy tissue but do not absorb, such as lye, are classified as corrosives rather than", "id": "18718429" }, { "contents": "Venomous mammal\n\n\nand fish (e.g. stonefish). Some birds are poisonous to eat or touch, and \"Sinornithosaurus\", a dinosaur related to birds, may have had a venomous bite. There are only a few species of venomous amphibians; certain salamandrid salamanders can extrude sharp venom-tipped ribs. Several definitions of venomous animals have been proposed. Bücherl states that venomous animals must possess at least one venom gland, a mechanism for excretion or extrusion of the venom, and apparatus with which to inflict wounds. Mebs states that venomous animals", "id": "4324446" }, { "contents": "Tylecodon\n\n\nThe various species and even individual plants do however vary greatly in toxicity. The best-known active ingredients of \"Tylecodon\" species are Bufadienolides biochemically related to toad venoms and bile acids. In some species more than half a dozen such compounds have been identified. As such they are nervous and muscle poisons that cause various cardiac symptoms. In livestock they cause various forms of the condition known as \"krimpsiekte\", meaning \"contraction\" or \"shrinking\" disease. The meat of poisoned animals is dangerous to dogs or humans", "id": "22195199" }, { "contents": "Viperidae\n\n\namounts of venom being injected. Hemotoxic venom takes more time than neurotoxic venom to immobilize prey, so viperid snakes need to track down prey animals after they have been bitten, in a process known as \"prey relocalization\". Vipers are able to do this via certain proteins contained in their venom. This important adaptation allowed rattlesnakes to evolve the strike-and-release bite mechanism, which provided a huge benefit to snakes by minimizing contact with potentially dangerous prey animals. However, this adaptation then requires the snake to track down", "id": "7106096" }, { "contents": "Snakebite\n\n\nalso required. The number of venomous snakebites that occur each year may be as high as five million. They result in about 2.5 million poisonings and 20,000 to 125,000 deaths. The frequency and severity of bites vary greatly among different parts of the world. They occur most commonly in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, with rural areas more greatly affected. Deaths are relatively rare in Australia, Europe and North America. For example, in the United States, about seven to eight thousand people per year are bitten by venomous", "id": "16297214" }, { "contents": "Pathophysiology of spider bites\n\n\nhave different reactions to the same venom. The dose that is lethal to half of the animals poisoned is the LD50 and those values for mice is below. The LD50 of many poisons is known for humans but not that of spider venom. Serious bites develop symptoms quickly, within the hour. While a serious medical condition may result (see latrodectims and loxocelism) fatalities are exceedingly rare. Appropriate medical treatment can improve speed of recovery. The scenario given in movies such as \"Arachnophobia\", where bite victims die within minutes", "id": "4076182" }, { "contents": "Venomous snake\n\n\ninto the body by mechanical means. While unusual, there are a few species of snake which are actually poisonous. \"Rhabdophis\" keelback snakes are both venomous and poisonous – their poisons are stored in nuchal glands and are acquired by sequestering toxins from poisonous toads the snakes eat. Similarly, certain garter snakes from Oregon can retain toxins in their livers from ingesting rough-skinned newts. Venom toxicities are compared by looking at the median lethal dose (usually using rodents as test animals and termed the murine LD), which is", "id": "4699487" }, { "contents": "Myth (series)\n\n\nsequel is four times finer than in the original, and hence the graphics are more detailed and smoother. Also like the first game, although the game world itself is fully 3D, the characters populating each level are 2D sprites. However, the sprites in \"Soulblighter\" have many more frames of animation than those in \"The Fallen Lords\", and so move much more smoothly. Explaining why the team stuck with the concept of using 2D sprites in a 3D terrain, producer Tuncer Deniz states, \"Soulblighter\" originally", "id": "20285614" }, { "contents": "Aquarium of Western Australia\n\n\nonly two aquariums, the feature walk-through aquarium, now known as the Shipwreck Coast, and the Touch Pool. It now includes more than 40 exhibits and is the 10th largest aquarium in the world. From 1992 to 1999 the aquarium hosted a family of dolphins enclosed in a sea pen, which later died due to poisoning. The aquarium specializes in marine animals that inhabit the long coastline of Western Australia. In total AQWA holds over of water and is home to approximately 400 species of marine life, including more than", "id": "10764242" }, { "contents": "The Kiesha'ra Series\n\n\ncan assume a Demi form which consists of their eyes becoming more brightly colored and the pupils turning into slits. They also grow fangs and snake skin. Their demi-form is less poisonous than their second form, so if bitten, the victim dies slower and more painfully. Serpiente children are born able to take their serpent form, though they don't have much control over it for the first several months and their poison does not develop for four or five years. Serpiente are not completely immune to their own venom,", "id": "18786317" }, { "contents": "Poison\n\n\n. In normal usage, a poisonous organism is one that is harmful to consume, but a venomous organism uses venom to kill its prey or defend itself while still alive. A single organism can be both poisonous and venomous, but that is rare. All living things produce substances to protect them from getting eaten, so the term \"poison\" is usually only used for substances which are poisonous to humans, while substances that mainly are poisonous to a common pathogen to the organism and humans are considered antibiotics. Bacteria are for", "id": "5846803" }, { "contents": "Reptile World Serpentarium\n\n\nReptile World Serpentarium is a reptile zoo in St. Cloud, Osceola County, Florida. It features more than 75 species of snakes, as well as lizards, crocodiles, alligators, and turtles. It is operated by the herpetologist George Van Horn. In addition to having animals on display, it has venom milking shows. The zoo's most prominent feature is its daily venom-milking show. These shows involve George Van Horn and Rosa Van Horn milking venomous snakes such as rattlesnakes, cottonmouths, and cobras for their venom while", "id": "7115276" }, { "contents": "Poisonous amphibian\n\n\nPoisonous amphibians are amphibians that produce toxins to defend themselves from predators. Except certain salamandrid salamanders that can extrude sharp venom-tipped ribs, amphibians are not known to actively inject venom. Most toxic amphibians are instead known to be poisonous to touch or eat. Amphibians usually sequester toxins from animals and plants on which they feed, commonly from poisonous insects or poisonous plants. One example of this is the well-known poison dart frog. They get a deadly chemical called lipophilic alkaloid from consuming a poisonous food in the rainforest.", "id": "12705527" }, { "contents": "Sodium fluoroacetate\n\n\nas familiar food. Reptiles and amphibians are susceptible to 1080, although much less sensitive than mammals. Amphibian and reptile species that have been tested in Australia are generally more tolerant to 1080 poison than are most other animals. McIlroy (1992) calculated that even if lizards fed entirely on insects or other animals poisoned with 1080, they could never ingest enough poison to receive a lethal dose. Laboratory trials in New Zealand simulating worst-case scenarios indicate that both \"Leiopelma archeyi\" (Archey's frog) and \"L. hochstetteri", "id": "18059908" }, { "contents": "Moyse Charas\n\n\nbut the snake is only venomous when it is irritated. He invoked that the poison is released only as a result of \"heated animal spirit\". His work was in part to argue against an Italian zoologist Francisco Redi, who published \"Osservazioni intorno alle vipere\" (\"Observations about the vipers\") in 1664. [Redi had discredited many false claims and myths regarding snakes and their venoms. He went on to explain that venom is quite independent of the snake bite. After Charas' contradiction on the nature of", "id": "14416820" }, { "contents": "International Society on Toxinology\n\n\nInternational Society on Toxinology (IST) is a global society of scientists and clinicians working for the advancement of venoms, poisons and toxins. It was founded in 1962 with an aim to advance knowledge on venoms, poisons and toxins of animal, plant and microbial origin. In 1664 an Italian polymath Francesco Redi wrote his first monumental work \"Osservazioni intorno alle vipere\" (Observations about the Viper) in which he first elucidated the scientific basis of snakebite and venom of the viper. He showed that the venom is produced from the", "id": "18943741" }, { "contents": "Immunity (medical)\n\n\nthat animals feeding on venomous snakes acquired some detoxifying property in their bodies, and their blood must contain attenuated or transformed components of the snake venom. The action of those components might be strengthening the body to resist against the venom instead of exerting a toxic effect. Mithridates reasoned that, by drinking the blood of these animals, he could acquire the similar resistance to the snake venom as the animals feeding on the snakes. Similarly, he sought to harden himself against poison and took daily sub-lethal doses to build tolerance.", "id": "7074516" }, { "contents": "Myth II: Soulblighter\n\n\nlevel in \"Soulblighter\" is constructed on a polygonal mesh. However, the mesh used is four times finer then in the original, and hence the graphics are more detailed and smoother. Also like the first game, although the game world itself is fully 3D, the characters populating each level are 2D sprites. However, the sprites in \"Soulblighter\" have many more frames of animation than those in \"The Fallen Lords\", and so move much more smoothly. Explaining why the team stuck with using 2D sprites in", "id": "19590854" }, { "contents": "Tarantula\n\n\nis known for its particularly irritating urticating bristles. Urticating bristles can penetrate the cornea, so eye protection should be worn when handling such tarantulas. Old World tarantulas (from Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia) have no urticating bristles and are more likely to attack when disturbed. They often have more potent, medically significant venom, and are faster and much more nervous and defensive than New World species. Some dangerous spider species are related to tarantulas and are frequently confused with them. A popular urban legend maintains that deadly", "id": "12402231" }, { "contents": "Findlay E. Russell\n\n\nFindlay Ewing Russell (1 September 1919 – 21 August 2011) was an American internal medicine physician and toxicologist. He pursued a research interest in venomous and poisonous animals and the effects of toxins on the human nervous system and was widely acknowledged as one of the world's leading authorities on snakes and the pharmacology of snake venoms. Consulting work for the United Nations and various governmental agencies took him all over the world. Russell served as a U.S. Army medic in World War II. He graduated from Loma Linda University School of Medicine", "id": "2287781" }, { "contents": "History of poison\n\n\nThe history of poison stretches from before 4500 BC to the present day. Poisons have been used for many purposes across the span of human existence, most commonly as weapons, anti-venoms, and medicines. Poison has allowed much progress in branches, toxicology, and technology, among other sciences. Poison was discovered in ancient times, and was used by ancient tribes and civilizations as a hunting tool to quicken and ensure the death of their prey or enemies. This use of poison grew more advanced, and many of these", "id": "7085884" }, { "contents": "Vital Brazil\n\n\nthan herpetology: \"Vital Brazil and his collaborators have studied several actions of the venoms, (such as) coagulant, anticoagulant, hemolytic, agglutinant, cytotoxic, proteolytic, etc. (...) The (animal) poisons contain numerous enzymes which have been isolated and studied with interest in all parts since they explain many of the symptoms and constitute interesting biochemical reagents, Vital Brazil studied also the ophiophagous serpents, such as the mussurana, the ophiophagous mammals, such as the skunk-like \"Conepatus chilensis\" and others,", "id": "13933739" }, { "contents": "Neuromuscular junction disease\n\n\nbody. Metabolic diseases are usually a result of abnormal functioning of one of the metabolic processes required for regular production and utilization of energy in a cell. This can occur by damaging or disabling an important enzyme, or when a feedback system is abnormally functioning. Toxic diseases are a result of a form of poison that effects neuromuscular junction functioning. Most commonly animal venom or poison, or other toxic substances are the origin of the problem. Neuromuscular junction diseases in this category include snake venom poisoning, botulism, arthropod poisoning, organophosphates", "id": "5739421" }, { "contents": "Tower Prep\n\n\nuncover the mysteries behind Tower Prep and find a way to return to their normal lives. It is determined that they are on Earth in a small peninsula inherited by the founder of Tower Prep. Tower Prep is a school that houses students that have unique powers. The peninsula is also home to many rare specimens of plants and animals from around the world, such as poison ivy and a venomous fly only found in mid-continental Africa. Paul Dini wrote the first episode of \"Tower Prep\", and Cartoon Network picked", "id": "13116921" }, { "contents": "List of dangerous snakes\n\n\nfor more deaths every year in Australia than any other group of snakes. It must be noted that Australia reports on average well under 10 snake bite deaths per year. The Common death adder (\"Acanthophis antarcticus\") is a highly venomous snake species with a 50-60% untreated mortality rate. It is also the fastest striking venomous snake in the world. A death adder can go from a strike position, to strike and envenoming their prey, and back to strike position again, in less than 0.15 seconds.", "id": "19718599" }, { "contents": "Poison Ivy (character)\n\n\nmillion share of Hush's money to a reforestation fund. The experiments that transformed Dr. Isley introduced a mixture of several potent toxins originating from a selection of venomous predators and poisonous plant life into her bloodstream to act as a mutagen, making her touch deadly while also giving her a superhuman immune system. This immunity also extends to synthetic toxins such as Joker venom. Some versions of the character show her as more plant than human, such as breathing carbon dioxide and undergoing photosynthesis as well as having a more plantlike appearance with aloe", "id": "21820638" }, { "contents": "List of venomous animals\n\n\ncan be extremely broad, this list includes only those animals with venom that is known or suspected to be medically significant for humans or domestic animals. Strictly speaking, all spiders and scorpions possess venom, though only a handful are dangerous to humans. Spiders typically deliver their venom with a bite from piercing, fang-like chelicerae; scorpions sting their victims with a long, curved stinger mounted on the telson. Of more than a thousand known species of scorpion, only a few dozen have venom that is dangerous to humans,", "id": "12482729" }, { "contents": "Rock-a-Doodle\n\n\n's no more sunshine. So they go to the city and try to bring Chanticleer home to crow.\" In the final film, however, it is never explained why the sun rises even though Chanticleer does not crow, despite how much the narration of the film tries to explain many things. The live-action footage was filmed in 1990 at MGM Studios in Hollywood, California. When the live-action footage was finished during production, Goldcrest Films recruited Sullivan Bluth Studios to animate the rest of the film. Animation", "id": "10941526" }, { "contents": "Ophiophagy\n\n\nThis immunity is not acquired and has probably evolved as an adaptation to predation by venomous snakes in their habitat. In Rudyard Kipling's \"The Jungle Book\", the author correctly dismisses the idea of mongooses ingesting herbs to combat poison as old folklore. He attributes no special abilities to the animal other than superb agility and skill at avoiding being bitten. However, recent studies have shown that the mongoose's ability to resist snake venom is at least in part due to its modified nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AcChoR) that does not", "id": "14030586" }, { "contents": "Gone Tomorrow\n\n\nwithout investigating the tragedy, but Reacher has other ideas. He wants to know what happened that night, and, more importantly, why. Is everyone as honest as they claim to be? And if so, then why are there so many questions to be asked and avoided? Reacher is repeatedly and emphatically warned off the case, but his guilt over possibly triggering the poor woman's suicide won't let him rest until he has pursued the mystery all the way to the very end. In a world gone grey with", "id": "21063367" }, { "contents": "Venomverse\n\n\nwere introduced to the Marvel Universe in the \"Poison X\" arc, a crossover between the \"Venom\" and \"X-Men Blue\" comics, which set up \"Venomized\", the sequel to \"Venomverse\", by the same authors. After a battle with the Jack O'Lantern, Venom suddenly disappears and appears in an alternate dimension, summoned by the local Dr. Strange. He was recruited for an ongoing war between the Venoms and the Poisons. The Venoms are many alternate versions of known characters from Marvel Comics", "id": "9375700" }, { "contents": "Pseudonaja\n\n\n. The eastern brown snake (\"Pseudonaja textilis\") is the most toxic member of the genus and is considered by some to be the second-most toxic land snake in the world, after the inland taipan (which is also found in Australia). The western brown snake is the 10th-most venomous snake in the world. Brown snakes can easily harm pet animals and livestock, as well. The venom fangs of snakes of the genus \"Pseudonaja\" are very short, and the average yield of venom per", "id": "15025422" }, { "contents": "Common brushtail possum\n\n\nmarkings (urinating) and vocalisations. They usually make their dens in natural places such as tree hollows and caves, but also use spaces in the roofs of houses. While they sometimes share dens, brushtails normally sleep in separate dens. Individuals from New Zealand use many more den sites than those from Australia. Brushtail possums compete with each other and other animals for den spaces, and this contributes to their mortality. This is likely another reason why brushtail possum population densities are smaller in Australia than in New Zealand. Brushtail possums", "id": "6873432" }, { "contents": "Mimic octopus\n\n\nit mimics are poisonous. Some of the more common animals the mimic octopus imitates are the following: Lion fish – a venomous fish with brown and white stripes, and spines that trail behind it on all sides. When the octopus changes its color and shapes its eight legs to look like spines, it may be perceived by a potential predator as a venomous creature that should be avoided. Sea snake – by waving two arms in opposite directions, in the yellow and black markings of the snake. Flatfish – By pulling its", "id": "17091701" }, { "contents": "Blue-ringed octopus\n\n\nBlue-ringed octopuses, comprising the genus \"Hapalochlaena\", are four highly venomous species of octopus that are found in tide pools and coral reefs in the Pacific and Indian oceans, from Japan to Australia. They can be identified by their yellowish skin and characteristic blue and black rings that change color dramatically when the animal is threatened. They eat small animals, including crabs, hermit crabs, shrimp, and other crustaceans. They are recognized as one of the world's most venomous marine animals. Despite their small size——", "id": "18645201" }, { "contents": "Antivenom\n\n\nmultiple monthly venom injections. Thus, there is no practical purpose or favorable cost/benefit ratio for this, except for the people like zoo handlers, researchers, and circus artists who deal closely with venomous animals. Mithridatism has been tried with success in Australia and Brazil and total immunity has been achieved even to multiple bites of extremely venomous cobras and pit vipers. Because neurotoxic venoms must travel farther in the body to do harm and are produced in smaller quantities, it is easier to develop resistance to them than directly cytotoxic venoms", "id": "12950235" }, { "contents": "Venoms in medicine\n\n\nVenom in medicine is the medicinal use of venoms for therapeutic benefit in treating diseases. Venom is any poisonous compound secreted by an animal intended to harm or disable another. When an organism produces a venom, its final form may contain hundreds of different bioactive elements that interact with each other inevitably producing its toxic effects. This mixture of ingredients includes various proteins, peptides, and non-peptidic small molecules. The active components of these venoms are isolated, purified, and screened in assays. These may be either phenotypic assays to", "id": "19229697" }, { "contents": "Samandarin\n\n\nwould lead to sickness and death. It was not until 1768 when Laurentius, a physician, discovered that the secretions from the skin glands of the salamander were the source of the poison. In 1866, Zalesky performed more studies on the toxicology of samandarines. He was able to isolate the family of alkaloids (believing they were one compound) and tested their toxicity on a variety of animals. He also found that the salamander could be poisoned by its own venom if it entered the salamander’s bloodstream. Samandarin was the first", "id": "3360056" }, { "contents": "Pogonomyrmex maricopa\n\n\nkg—less than 1/20th as strong. In humans, a \"Pogonomyrmex\" sting produces intense pain that can last up to four hours. Like that of many venomous insects, the venom of the Maricopa harvester ant consists of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. This may also encompass alkaloids, terpenes, polysaccharides, biogenic amines, and organic acids. The most notable component found in the venom of the Maricopa harvester ant is an alkaloid poison—this releases an \"alarm\" pheromone that chemically alerts other ants in the", "id": "8758073" }, { "contents": "Snake venom\n\n\n, and bleeding at the site and all body openings. Exsanguination is the main cause of death from such a bite. The boomslang's venom is the most potent of all rear-fanged snakes in the world based on LD. Although its venom may be more potent than some vipers and elapids, it causes fewer fatalities owing to various factors (for example, the fangs' effectiveness is not high compared with many other snakes, the venom dose delivered is low, and boomslangs are generally less aggressive in comparison to other venomous", "id": "14068543" }, { "contents": "Linda Marie Fedigan\n\n\nher article \"Science and the Successful Female: Why There Are so Many Women Primatologists,\" Fedigan's research confirms that there are significantly more women in primatology than in general biology and more women studying primates than other types of organisms. There are not, however, more women primatologists than there are women in the parental disciplines (anthropology, psychology and animal behaviour). She also notes that, in general, there has been a considerable increase in the number of women practitioners across a wide variety of life science disciplines.", "id": "5356366" }, { "contents": "Rhopalurus junceus\n\n\nvenom has an LD50 of 8.0 mg / kg, which is far more venom than is carried in the stinger. \"Escoazul\" or \"escozul\" (from escorpión azul - in Spanish: blue scorpion - the name by which it's known in Cuba) refers to a mixture used in Cuban traditional medicine as an anti-inflammatory. The composition may vary, but always contains a diluted dose of \"Rhopalurus junceus\" venom. The \"Rhopalurus junceus\" poison, coloured blue, contains a toxin whose composition and structure", "id": "13457642" }, { "contents": "Punji stick\n\n\ntime and care to dig the soldier's leg out, immobilizing the unit longer than if the foot were simply pierced, in which case the victim could be evacuated by stretcher or firefighter's carry if necessary. Other additional measures include coating the sticks in poison from plants, animal venom, or even human feces, causing infection or poisoning in the victim after being pierced by the sticks, even if the injury itself was not life-threatening. Punji sticks were sometimes deployed in the preparation of an ambush. Soldiers lying in", "id": "2295264" }, { "contents": "Evolution of snake venom\n\n\nof proteins. The venom of rattlesnakes, for example, includes nearly 40 different proteins from different protein families, and other snake venoms have been found to contain more than 100 distinct proteins. The composition of this mixture has been shown to vary geographically, and to be related to the prey species available in a certain region. Snake venom has generally evolved very quickly, with changes occurring faster in the venom than in the rest of the organism. Some traditional hypotheses of snake venom evolution have supported the idea that most snakes inject", "id": "8391813" }, { "contents": "Alternative versions of Venom\n\n\nattacked by the Poisons and he himself is killed by a Poison Hulk. In the event, an alternate version of Spider-Man who reunited with the symbiote after leaving Brock, is recruited with other Venoms to fight the Poisons. He later is tricked from a Poison into thinking it was Aunt May and then got consumed by the Poison and became a villain to Venom. He was later blown up with the other Poisons from a bomb created by the Venomized Rocket Raccoon. A Venomized version of Doctor Strange appears who is responsible", "id": "10897890" }, { "contents": "Slow loris\n\n\nwestern science until the 1990s. Animal dealers in Southeast Asia keep tanks of water nearby so that in case of a bite, they can submerge both their arm and the slow loris to make the animal let go. It is thought all nine recognised species of this small-bodied nocturnal primate are venomous. They possess a dual composite venom consisting of saliva and brachial gland exudate, a malodourous fluid forming from an apocrine sweat gland on the animal's forearm. Both fluids have been demonstrated as being venomous individually and creating a more", "id": "6467422" }, { "contents": "List of dangerous snakes\n\n\non several studies, the many-banded krait is among the most venomous land snakes in the world. The Taiwan National Poison Control Center reports that the chief cause of deaths from snakebites during the decade (2002-2012) was respiratory failure, 80% of which was caused by bites from the many-banded krait. The Malayan krait (\"Bungarus candidus\") is another dangerously venomous species of krait. In mice, the IV for this species is 0.1 mg/kg. Envenomation rate among this species is very", "id": "19718595" }, { "contents": "Venomous fish\n\n\ndestroys the venom. There are at least 1200 species of venomous fish. There are more venomous fish than venomous snakes and indeed more than the combined total of all other venomous vertebrates. Venomous fish are found in almost all habitats around the world, but mostly in tropical waters. They injure over 50,000 people every year. They carry their venom in venom glands and use various delivery systems, such as spines or sharp fins, barbs, spikes and fangs. Venomous fish tend to be either very visible, using flamboyant colors to", "id": "19065132" }, { "contents": "Legendary creature\n\n\nbeen larger than all other animals. It was believed that the dragon had no harmful poison but was able to slay anything it embraced without any need for venom. Biblical scriptures speak of the dragon in reference to the devil, and they were used to denote sin in general during the Middle Ages. Dragons were said to have dwelled in places like Ethiopia and India, based on the idea that there was always heat present in these locations. Physical detail was not the central focus of the artists depicting such animals, and medieval", "id": "2902892" }, { "contents": "Bruno's casque-headed frog\n\n\nBruno's casque-headed frog (\"Aparasphenodon brunoi\") is a species of frog in the family Hylidae. Endemic to Brazil, its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, subtropical or tropical moist shrubland, and intermittent freshwater marshes. It is threatened by habitat loss. Unlike poison dart frogs which merely secrete poison from their skin, this species is equipped with skull spines capable of injecting venom into other animals or human hands via headbutting, a tactic it shares with \"Corythomantis greeningi\". The venom of", "id": "6515933" }, { "contents": "Corythomantis greeningi\n\n\nCorythomantis greeningi (Greening's frog) is a venomous frog species in the family Hylidae. Endemic to eastern Brazil, it lives in Caatinga habitat. It is usually situated on vegetation, including in bromeliads, and on rock outcrops. Breeding occurs in temporary streams. Although suffering from habitat loss, it is not considered threatened by the IUCN. Unlike poison dart frogs which merely secrete poison from their skin, this species is equipped with skull spines capable of injecting venom into other animals or human hands via headbutting, a tactic it", "id": "6515991" }, { "contents": "Cleopatra\n\n\nlover Masinissa, King of Numidia. Arguments in favor of it depicting Cleopatra include the strong connection of her house with that of the Numidian royal family, Masinissa and Ptolemy VIII Physcon having been associates, and Cleopatra's own daughter marrying the Numidian prince Juba II. Sophonisba was also a more obscure figure when the painting was made, while Cleopatra's suicide was far more famous. An asp is absent from the painting, but many Romans held the view that she received poison in another manner than a venomous snakebite. A set", "id": "15204741" }, { "contents": "Mungoon-Gali\n\n\nMungoon-Gali was a giant goanna from Australian Aboriginal mythology who terrorised the local aborigines with his venomous bite and voracious appetite. Afraid the tribes would soon be wiped out by the constant attacks, Ouyouboolooey the black snake offered to steal the hidden poison bag from Mungoon-Gali for in those days, it was lizards instead of snakes that were venomous. He waited until the goanna was resting after a large meal before offering to reveal the tribes’ secret plot in exchange for being allowed to hold the poison bag for his own", "id": "14329173" }, { "contents": "Great French Wine Blight\n\n\ntheories proposed for why the phylloxera was ignored as the possible cause of the disease that resulted in the failure of so many vineyards, most of which involve the feeding behaviour of the insect, and the way it attacks the roots. The proboscis of the grape phylloxera has both a venom canal from which it injects its deadly venom and a feeding tube through which it takes in vine sap and nutrients. As the toxin from the venom corrodes the root structure of a vine, the sap pressure falls and, as a result,", "id": "4556362" }, { "contents": "Snake venom\n\n\nlived to age 100, and survived a reported 172 snake bites. He donated his blood to be used in treating snake-bite victims when a suitable antivenom was not available. More than 20y so-treated individuals recovered. Amateur researcher Tim Friede also lets venomous snakes bite him in the hopes of a vaccine against snake venom being developed, and has survived over 160 bites from different species as of January 2016. The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of the world’s population depends on traditional medicine for their primary health", "id": "14068552" }, { "contents": "Coral Sea\n\n\nislands in the northern and southern regions of the GBR, with 1.4–1.7 million birds using the sites to breed. Seventeen species of sea snake, including \"Laticauda colubrina\" (pictured), live on the GBR in warm waters up to deep and are more common in the southern than in the northern section; none of them are endemic or endangered. The venom of many of these snakes is highly toxic; for example, \"Aipysurus duboisii\" is regarded as the world's most venomous sea snake. There are more than", "id": "11464327" }, { "contents": "So Tell Me Why\n\n\n\"So Tell Me Why\" is a single by American hard rock band Poison, from their 1991 \"Swallow This Live\" album. The song peaked at number 25 on the UK Singles chart and was one of four new studio tracks on the live hits album, the others being \"Only Time Will Tell\", \"'No More Lookin' Back (Poison Jazz)\" and \"Souls On Fire\". This was the last single with C.C. DeVille until 2000's Power to the People. \"So Tell Me", "id": "16694439" }, { "contents": "Eurasian water shrew\n\n\nits buoyancy, but requires it to anchor itself to remain underwater for more than the briefest of dives. Like many shrews, the water shrew has venomous saliva, making it one of the few venomous mammals, although it is not able to puncture the skin of large animals, nor that of humans. Highly territorial, it lives a solitary life and is found throughout the northern part of Europe and Asia, from Britain to Korea. The Eurasian water shrew grows to a length of about long with a tail length of and", "id": "7199630" }, { "contents": "Nagraj\n\n\nfor his other experimental projects and leased him for international terrorism. Nagmani always claimed that Nagraj's powers were evolved by feeding him bits of snake poison until his blood itself became poison. He claimed that his venom was a result of snake bites from 1,000 different species of snakes (This echoes the Indian legends of poison-men or women, specifically raised to kill by their kiss) and his other powers evolved when he was treated with ashes of a dead ichchhadhaari snake. In reality, Nagraj was much more poisonous than any", "id": "19339316" }, { "contents": "Frederick McCoy\n\n\nthe Royal Society of Victoria in 1864 and vice-president in 1861 and 1870. Frederick McCoy described three species of Australia's venomous snakes during 1878–1879, including \"Oxyuranus microlepidotus\", commonly known as the inland taipan or fierce snake, which is considered to be the world's most venomous snake. McCoy helped to found a society intended to introduce exotic animals to Australia by \"acclimatisation\", responsible for the release of fish, mammals and flocks of birds with an often disastrous ecological impact; the Acclimatisation Society would later be", "id": "3549990" }, { "contents": "Coral reef fish\n\n\nvenomous fish. Both types of fish contain strong toxins, but the difference is in the way the toxin is delivered. Venomous fish deliver their toxins (called venom) by biting, stinging, or stabbing, causing an envenomation. Venomous fish don't necessarily cause poisoning if they are eaten, since the venom is often destroyed in the digestive system. By contrast, poisonous fish contain strong toxins which are not destroyed by the digestive system. This makes them poisonous to eat. Venomous fish carry their venom in venom glands and", "id": "1711657" }, { "contents": "Red imported fire ant\n\n\nthe ant's life as it is used to capture prey or for defence. About 95% of the venom's components are water-insoluble piperidine alkaloids known as solenopsins, the rest containing a mixture of toxic proteins that can be particularly potent on sensitive humans. More than 14 million people are stung by them in the United States annually, where many are expected to develop allergies to the venom. Most victims experience intense burning and swelling, followed by the formation of sterile pustules, which may remain for several days. However", "id": "9302019" }, { "contents": "Wyvern\n\n\nwithout any differentiation between types. Wyverns, when present as creatures distinct from dragons, tend to appear as less magical and more as dangerous beasts smaller, weaker, and less intelligent than dragons. While a fantasy dragon often has a breath weapon, such as fire, wyverns rarely have such abilities and are more feared for their ferocity and sharp teeth and claws. Wyverns are sometimes associated with poison, either in the form of venomous fangs or poisonous breath, but this trait is not universally represented and may be a more recent", "id": "11104813" }, { "contents": "History of biological warfare\n\n\nLeague poisoned the water supply of the besieged town of Kirrha (near Delphi) with the toxic plant hellebore. During the 4th century BC Scythian archers tipped their arrow tips with snake venom, human blood, and animal feces to cause wounds to become infected. In a naval battle against King Eumenes of Pergamon in 184 BC, Hannibal of Carthage had clay pots filled with venomous snakes and instructed his sailors to throw them onto the decks of enemy ships. The Roman commander Manius Aquillius poisoned the wells of besieged enemy cities in about", "id": "13843864" }, { "contents": "Alternative versions of Venom\n\n\nPoisons and was killed by \"Carnage\". A Venomized version of Rocket Raccoon appears in the event. After \"Groot\" got consumed by a Poison, Rocket was forced to kill him. Then he became a bounty hunter and killed his universe's Captain America. In the event he makes a bomb to destroy the Poison's base. A venomized version of Black Panther appears from Earth-TRN654. He aids the Venoms in fighting the Poisons. In the end of the event, Venom-Panther returned to his dimension", "id": "10897888" }, { "contents": "Alternative versions of Venom\n\n\n. A version of Ant-Man is bonded to Venom and aids Rocket in building a bomb to destroy the Poison's base. Ant-Venom gets killed by Venom-X23 after a Poison began consuming him. In the event a version of Agent Venom is part of the Venoms army gathered by the Venomized Doctor Strange to fight the Poisons. He tries to calm down both Eddie (from the main universe) and Spider-Man (from a universe who didn't get rid of the symbiote), but they're", "id": "10897889" }, { "contents": "Theriaca (poem)\n\n\nThe Theriaca () is the longest surviving work of the 2nd-century BC Greek poet Nicander of Colophon. It is a 958-line hexameter poem describing the nature of venomous creatures, including snakes, spiders, and scorpions, and the wounds that they inflict. Nicander also wrote the companion work \"Alexipharmaca\", which explored other poisons and venoms. The title is the Latinized form of the Greek neuter plural adjective (\"thēriaka\"), \"having to do with venomous animals\", which in turn derives from (\"", "id": "474140" }, { "contents": "Hanatoxin\n\n\nnot seem to have any long-term effects on humans. However, it is possible to have an allergic reaction to the venom, which could cause anaphylaxis, breathing problems and chest pains. The venom is lethal to smaller animals like mice: 0.1 ml of the venom is lethal to mice within about 5 min . The bite of \"Grammostola spatulata\" should be treated as a regular puncture wound. Washing and cleaning of the area is required and, if the reaction to the poison is too extreme, hospitalization and /", "id": "5517270" }, { "contents": "Venom optimization hypothesis\n\n\nstronger insects like beetles, the spider uses the entire amount of its venom; while for small ones, it uses only a small amount, thus economizing its costly venom. In fact, experiments show that the amount of venom released is just sufficient (at the lethal dose) to paralyze the target organism depending on the size or strength, and is not more than what is necessary. Animal venoms are complex biomolecules and hence, their biological synthesis require high metabolic activity. A particular venom itself is a complex chemical mixture composed", "id": "267487" }, { "contents": "List of venomous animals\n\n\nmost notably the bark scorpions, including: Many species of octopus, squid, and cuttlefish make use of venom when hunting their prey. There are at least 1,200 species of venomous fish, including: Only a few modern mammal species are capable of producing venom; they are likely the last living examples of what was once a more common trait among the mammals. The definition of \"venomous\" becomes less distinct here, however, and whether some species are truly venomous is still disputed. Some scientists have proposed that \"Sinornithosaurus", "id": "12482730" }, { "contents": "Toxicofera\n\n\n'), likely sufficient to assist in small prey capture, but not normally causing harm to humans if bitten. The newly discovered diversity of squamate species producing venoms is a treasure trove for those seeking to develop new pharmaceutical drugs; many of these venoms lower blood pressure, for example. Previously known venomous squamates have already provided the basis for medications such as Ancrod, Captopril, Eptifibatide, Exenatide and Tirofiban. The world's largest venomous lizard and the largest species of venomous land animal is the Komodo dragon. Other scientists such", "id": "7914145" }, { "contents": "1080 usage in New Zealand\n\n\nvitamin D in many foods, including fish. It was developed as a poison to control rats and mice in the 1980s. It works by leaching calcium from the bones of the poisoned animal into its bloodstream, leading to organ failure. Cholecalciferol will reduce populations of possums and rats, but not stoats, since it does not bioaccumulate in animals. It breaks down readily in the environment and the risk of by-kill is considered to be low. Cholecalciferol is more expensive to produce than 1080. Some promising results have been", "id": "4717488" }, { "contents": "Fudan poisoning case\n\n\nwater dispenser, which was more than 10 times the deadly dose for humans. On the afternoon of March 31, Lin Senhao borrowed the key from another person. Lin then got into 204 imaging medical laboratory, building 11 of Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, took out the reagent bottle and syringes with the rest of poisonous chemicals \"N\"-nitrosodimethylamine stored after the medical animal experiments in 2011, put them into a yellow medical waste bag and took it out of the room. On April 11, 2013, the cultural security bureau", "id": "8664771" }, { "contents": "Eastern brown snake\n\n\n(rhabdomyolysis) has not been reported. The eastern brown snake yields an average of under 5 mg of venom per milking, less than other dangerous Australian snakes. The volume of venom produced is largely dependent on the size of the snake, larger snakes producing more venom; Queensland eastern brown snakes produced over triple the average amount of venom (11 mg vs 3 mg) than those from South Australia. Worrell reported a milking of 41.4 mg from a relatively large 2.1-m (6.9-ft) specimen. The venom has a murine median", "id": "15978691" }, { "contents": "Toxic bird\n\n\nToxic birds are birds that use toxins to defend themselves from predators. No species of bird is known to actively inject or even produce venom, but some birds are known to be poisonous to touch or eat. These birds usually sequester poisons from animals and plants that they feed on, commonly from poisonous insects. The pitohui, the ifrita, and the rufous or little shrikethrush sequester batrachotoxin in their skin and feathers. The African spur-winged goose is toxic to eat as it sequesters poison in its tissues, from the blister", "id": "19387029" }, { "contents": "Garuda Upanishad\n\n\n. Diseases caused by the Nagas as well as wounds by their \"venomous beaks, teeth, tusks, limbs and tails\"; infestations caused by other poisonous animals like scorpions, spiders, lizards, rats, insects found in places such as houses, forests, fields, mountains, and bites by animals including tigers, dogs, worms and boars are cured by the charm. The text declares that the charm is a remedy for cuts, spits and other wounds by poisonous arrows, swords and other weapons as well as wounds", "id": "17591955" }, { "contents": "Animal's People\n\n\nthat people were ill and her duty would be to nourish them back to health, but that was the extent of her connection to them. Due to her more fortunate circumstances, she could never fully grasp the trauma and the aftermath of the gas leak or the chronic poverty which plagued the city. Furthermore, she was oblivious to the reasons why the citizens were so untrustworthy toward outsiders. Without experiencing it for herself, Elli the doctress was an outcast among the rest of the city of Kaufpur—Animal's People. Animal", "id": "15553369" }, { "contents": "Diervilla lonicera\n\n\nis any more effective than any other species of bush honeysuckle. These types of recipes can be found on many online cooking websites, but it is very important to be aware of the dangers involved. Some species of honeysuckle can be poisonous, so it is best to use extreme caution and should not be attempted by anyone who is not an expert in this field. The northern bush honeysuckle is a popular food source for a number of animal species. For example, moose consume the shrub and its fruit as a winter food", "id": "10596123" }, { "contents": "Rhipaeosaurus\n\n\nindicating it could probably have eaten insects, smaller animals, and vegetation. The neck was a little longer than the head. \"Rhipaeosaurus\"' legs were splayed out to the sides, typically for a parareptile. Its tail was shorter for its size than that of \"Nycteroleter,\" but longer than those of either \"Emeroleter\" or the pareiasaurs. Why this was so is not known. It is probable that \"Rhipaeosaurus\" possessed efficient impedance-matching hearing as did the rest of the Nycteroleteridae. \"Rhipaeosaurus\"", "id": "20344884" }, { "contents": "Australia\n\n\nSites have been established. Australia was ranked 21st out of 178 countries in the world on the 2018 Environmental Performance Index. There are more than 1,800 animals and plants on Australia's threatened species list, including more than 500 animals. Australia is a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy. Elizabeth II reigns as Queen of Australia. Since she resides in the United Kingdom, she is represented in Australia by the governor-general at the federal level and by the governors at the state level, who by convention act on the advice of her", "id": "2105591" }, { "contents": "Ross Allen (herpetologist)\n\n\nas exhibits. Allen developed many snake anti-venoms, including dried anti-venom. He also imported venoms for medical and biochemical purposes. Allen was also very active in teaching survival techniques to Boy Scouts, and often led expeditions into the forests to teach them about native animals and plants. On a personal note, Allen was bitten so severely on several occasions in the milking of his rattlesnakes, that he developed his own anti-venom over time. The thumb on Allen's left hand was severely deformed because of the", "id": "15119829" } ]
Can blind people see their thoughts?
[{"answer": "People who are blind from birth won't visualize anything, such as their thoughts. It's difficult for them to understand the concept of seeing something, let alone actually seeing something in their mind. Someone who has experienced sight but then became blind probably will continue to visualize things in their mind. It'll be harder over time, the longer they go without being able to see."}, {"answer": "This reminds me a bit of Thomas Nagel's paper \"What Is It Like to Be a Bat?\". In this paper, Nagel talks about how bats navigate through the air by echolocation. Put simply, they make a sound and then wait for that sound to bounce back off nearby objects. They then use their super-sensitive hearing to build an 'image' of their surroundings. Nagel's point is that there is an experience, a sensation that the bat is having (sometimes called 'qualia'), that we as humans can't really comprehend. Sure, we can understand the process in quite a lot of detail, but what we can't do is put ourselves directly into that experience to 'feel' what it's like. Similarly, while someone who is blind from birth may be perfectly capable of understanding how sight works, they're completely unable to actually put themselves into the experience first-hand. Not being able to see precludes the possibility of understanding even on a basic level what the experience 'feels like'. Note: I understand that some blind individuals are actually able to echolocate... for the purposes of explaining the issue succinctly, I've assumed that we're dealing with your regular non-echolocating human being!"}, {"answer": "You should check out Tommy Edison's Youtube channel, he is blind from birth. He explains all about his experiences and answers questions people have using his own experience and that of other blind people he's met. He's also a pretty funny guy. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Here's a question, how do blind people (from birth) conceptualize sight?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "206472", "title": "Color constancy", "section": "Section::::Retinex theory.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 17, "end_paragraph_id": 17, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["prior to the V1 monocular neurons. If spatial comparisons occur later in the visual system such as in cortical area V4, the brain would be able to perceive both the color and void color as though they were seen in a binocular fashion. The \"Land effect\" refers to the capacity to see full color (if muted) images solely by looking at a photo with red and gray wavelengths. The effect was discovered by Edwin H. Land, who was attempting to reconstruct James Clerk Maxwell's early experiments in full-colored images. Land realized that, even when there were no green or blue wavelengths present in an image, the visual system would still perceive them as green or blue by discounting the red illumination. Land described this effect in a 1959 article in \"Scientific American.\" In 1977, Land wrote another \"Scientific American\" article that formulated his \"retinex theory\" to explain the Land effect. The word \"retinex\" is a portmanteau formed from \"retina\" and \"cortex\", suggesting that both the eye and the brain are involved in the processing. Land, with John McCann, also developed a computer program designed to imitate the retinex processes taking place in human physiology.", "prior to the V1 monocular neurons. If spatial comparisons occur later in the visual system such as in cortical area V4, the brain would be able to perceive both the color and void color as though they were seen in a binocular fashion. The \"Land effect\" refers to the capacity to see full color (if muted) images solely by looking at a photo with red and gray wavelengths. The effect was discovered by Edwin H. Land, who was attempting to reconstruct James Clerk Maxwell's early experiments in full-colored images. Land realized that, even when there were no green or blue wavelengths present in an image, the visual system would still perceive them as green or blue by discounting the red illumination. Land described this effect in a 1959 article in \"Scientific American.\" In 1977, Land wrote another \"Scientific American\" article that formulated his \"retinex theory\" to explain the Land effect. The word \"retinex\" is a portmanteau formed from \"retina\" and \"cortex\", suggesting that both the eye and the brain are involved in the processing. Land, with John McCann, also developed a computer program designed to imitate the retinex processes taking place in human physiology."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Blind artists\n\n\nBlind artists are people who are physically unable to see normally, yet work in the visual arts. This seeming contradiction is overcome when one understands that only around 10% of all people with blindness can see absolutely nothing at all. As such most blind people can in fact perceive some level of light and form, and it is by applying this limited vision that many blind artists create intelligible art. Also, a blind person may once have been fully sighted and yet simply lost part of their vision through injury or illness.", "id": "14640251" }, { "contents": "Visible spectrum\n\n\nred wavelengths, although not as far into the light spectrum as humans. The popular belief that the common goldfish is the only animal that can see both infrared and ultraviolet light is incorrect, because goldfish cannot see infrared light. Similarly, dogs are often thought to be color blind but they have been shown to be sensitive to colors, though not as many as humans. Some snakes can \"see\" radiant heat at wavelengths between 5 and 30 μm to a degree of accuracy such that a blind rattlesnake can target vulnerable", "id": "19170771" }, { "contents": "Color blindness\n\n\nColor blindness, also known as color vision deficiency, is the decreased ability to see color or differences in color. Simple tasks such as selecting ripe fruit, choosing clothing, and reading traffic lights can be more challenging. Color blindness may also make some educational activities more difficult. However, problems are generally minor, and most people find that they can adapt. People with total color blindness (achromatopsia) may also have decreased visual acuity and be uncomfortable in bright environments. The most common cause of color blindness is an inherited", "id": "7540018" }, { "contents": "Blindness (2008 film)\n\n\ninteracted in groups. He discovered that excessive expositional dialogue, usually frowned upon by writers, was essential for the groups. McKellar cut one of the last lines in the novel from his screenplay: \"I don't think we did go blind, I think we are blind. Blind but seeing. Blind people who can see, but do not see.\" McKellar believed viewers would by that point have already grasped the symbolism and didn't want the script to seem heavy-handed. He also toned down the visual cues", "id": "10222799" }, { "contents": "Exorcising the blind and mute man\n\n\nExorcising the blind and mute man is one of the miracles of Jesus in the Gospels. According to the Gospels, Jesus healed a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute, so that he could both talk and see. People were astonished and said, \"Could this be the Son of David?\" But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, \"It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.\" Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: \"", "id": "515920" }, { "contents": "Molyneux's problem\n\n\nMolyneux's problem is a thought experiment in philosophy concerning immediate recovery from blindness. It was first formulated by William Molyneux, and notably referred to in John Locke's \"An Essay Concerning Human Understanding\" (1689). The problem can be stated in brief, \"if a man born blind can feel the differences between shapes such as spheres and cubes, could he, if given the ability to see, distinguish those objects by sight alone, in reference to the tactile schemata he already possessed?\" The question was originally", "id": "13885191" }, { "contents": "Blind musicians\n\n\nwhere Montal's example and teaching methods were adopted by Thomas Rhodes Armitage. Today the image of the blind piano tuner is so ingrained that people in England sometimes express surprise when they encounter a piano tuner who can see. An organization of blind piano tuners remains active in Britain. Blind musicians have made a significant contribution to American popular music. This is particularly true in blues, gospel, jazz, and other predominantly African American forms – perhaps because discrimination at the time made it more difficult for black blind people to find other", "id": "2130059" }, { "contents": "Blind football in Australia\n\n\nup to see what they could do to support the development of the sport. It is great to see there is so much enthusiasm, some of the players have ambitious goals and we want to help them to achieve these goals. It is really important to acknowledge how blind football can be a game changer for people who are blind or vision impaired in Australia.” Vision impaired Australian sportsperson Matthew Cameron participated in the Sydney workshop. Following it, he was quoted by the IBSA as saying, “One thing I have always", "id": "10345108" }, { "contents": "Audio game\n\n\nchance to visit people who are visually disabled, and I learned that there are blind people who play action games. Of course, they're not able to have the full experience, and they're kind of trying to force themselves to be able to play, but they're making the effort. So I thought that if you turn off the monitor, both of you are just hearing the game. So after you finish the game, you can have an equal conversation about it with a blind person. That's an", "id": "19369761" }, { "contents": "Geordi La Forge\n\n\nto a VISOR can actually be created for blind or visually impaired people. Partial sight has been successfully restored to blind rats by installing an implant behind the retina. Several types of visual prosthesis are in development or trials in humans, and one device has been approved for sale in the European market. , 16 blind people worldwide have had sight partially restored in a procedure where electrodes implanted in their brains take impulses from a camera to allow patients to see lights and outlines of objects. There is a device developed by NASA called", "id": "7347275" }, { "contents": "Sense\n\n\nsensory) function of the visual cortex of the brain where patterns and objects in images are recognized and interpreted based on previously learned information. This is called visual memory. The inability to see is called blindness. Blindness may result from damage to the eyeball, especially to the retina, damage to the optic nerve that connects each eye to the brain, and/or from stroke (infarcts in the brain). Temporary or permanent blindness can be caused by poisons or medications. People who are blind from degradation or damage to the visual", "id": "11771191" }, { "contents": "Recovery from blindness\n\n\nRecovery from blindness is the phenomenon of a blind person gaining the ability to see, usually as a result of medical treatment. As a thought experiment, the phenomenon is usually referred to as Molyneux's problem. The first published human case was reported in 1728 by the surgeon William Cheselden. Patients who experience dramatic recovery from blindness experience significant to total agnosia, having serious confusion with their visual perception. The phenomenon has often been presented in empiricism as a thought experiment, in order to describe the knowledge gained from senses, and", "id": "16225810" }, { "contents": "Body-to-body communication\n\n\n. From the tone of voice, to the way people cross arms these all convey a message. Verbal communication expresses thoughts but, nonverbal communication expresses inner feelings and thoughts more realistically. Body Language gives very important hints of people's feelings and thoughts at a moment of making a decision. Gesture is not only communicative but it is an integral part of humans beings. This is endorsed by observations of those blind from birth, who gesture in a similar manner as people with sight, even if the other person is also blind", "id": "13884552" }, { "contents": "Margaret Heffernan\n\n\ndon’t see – not because they’re secret or invisible, but because we’re willfully blind. She examines the phenomenon and traces its imprint in our private and working lives, and within governments and organizations, and asks: What makes us prefer ignorance? What are we so afraid of? Why do some people see more than others? And how can we change? Examining examples of willful blindness in the Catholic Church, the SEC, Nazi Germany, Bernard Madoff’s investors, BP’s safety record, the military in", "id": "17947273" }, { "contents": "Myroslav Irchan\n\n\na family of four people – three of whom at the outset of the play are blind. Only the son can see. In Irchan’s own words, “In 1915, while I was lying ill in a German hospital in the Austrian capital Vienna, I read in a German newspaper a story in a small corner of its last page that a blind brushmaker and musician living in Germany had a blind wife and daughter. His only son, who had vision, was conscripted into the German army. In time, the", "id": "1160178" }, { "contents": "H2O: Footprints in the Sand\n\n\nviewing the game's visual content, the text in \"HO\" appears over the entire screen in a shaded, but otherwise transparent box. However, there is an option to hide the text in order to see the background without obstruction. The game can be played in two modes, a Blindness Effect Mode or a Normal Effect Mode. The former takes into account that the protagonist is blind, and while he can imagine what the people he talks with look like, he cannot discern the color of the world around", "id": "8165239" }, { "contents": "Under the Same Sun\n\n\ncolour) in their skin, hair and eyes. Low vision is a major challenge. Almost all people with albinism are visually impaired, with the majority being classified as legally blind. Their condition, due to a lack of pigmentation in the eyes, causes vulnerability and high sensitivity to bright light making it difficult to see on sunny days and in brightly lit rooms. As well, they need to be very close to an object to see what most people can see at a distance. In most parts of Africa this is", "id": "16467019" }, { "contents": "Alan Wilson (musician)\n\n\n, he acquired the nickname \"Blind Owl\" owing to his extreme nearsightedness, roundish facial features and scholarly nature. In one instance when he was playing at a wedding, he laid his guitar on the wedding cake because he did not see it. As Canned Heat's drummer, Fito de la Parra, wrote in his book: \"Without the glasses, Alan literally could not recognize the people he played with at two feet, that's how blind the 'Blind Owl' was.\" With Fahey's encouragement,", "id": "8377693" }, { "contents": "Visual impairment\n\n\nthat he fulfilled the awful prophecy spoken of him. Having crushed the Bulgarians, the Byzantine Emperor Basil II blinded as many as 15,000 prisoners taken in the battle, before releasing them. Contemporary examples include the addition of methods such as acid throwing as a form of disfigurement. People with albinism often have vision loss to the extent that many are legally blind, though few of them actually cannot see. Leber's congenital amaurosis can cause total blindness or severe sight loss from birth or early childhood. Recent advances in mapping of", "id": "12357658" }, { "contents": "City Lights\n\n\nthe Little Tramp to sound films. In early 1928, Chaplin began writing the script with Harry Carr. The plot gradually grew from an initial concept Chaplin had considered after the success of \"The Circus\", where a circus clown goes blind and has to conceal his handicap from his young daughter by pretending that his inability to see are pratfalls. This inspired the Blind Girl. The first scenes Chaplin thought up were of the ending, where the newly cured blind girl sees the Little Tramp for the first time. A highly", "id": "21705551" }, { "contents": "Narrative Television Network\n\n\nNarrative Television Network (NTN) makes movies, television shows and educational programming accessible to millions of blind and visually impaired people and their families. Founded in 1988 by Jim Stovall, the Narrative Television Network unobtrusively adds the voice of a narrator to the existing program between the dialogue so that blind or low vision people can hear what they can’t see. The Narrative Television Network has received an Emmy Award, a Media Access Award and an International Film and Video Award for its pioneering work in making movies, television and educational programming", "id": "11475558" }, { "contents": "List of Beautiful People characters\n\n\nDebbie was working in the pub. Hayley was born in Bushey, Hertfordshire, but moves in with the Doonans so Debbie can wean her off her amphetamine addiction. Hayley is blind, and she describes Helen Keller as her role model. While Hayley claims to be \"blind\" she insinuates that she can actually \"see\". She participated in the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp and frequently recalls her time there. She buys Simon a nylon tracksuit, which he loathes. Simon seeks revenge, after he is made to", "id": "3646823" }, { "contents": "Cyborg\n\n\nreal steps towards the next generation of real-world cyborg applications. Additionally cochlear implants and magnetic implants which provide people with a sense that they would not otherwise have had can additionally be thought of as creating cyborgs. In vision science, direct brain implants have been used to treat non-congenital (acquired) blindness. One of the first scientists to come up with a working brain interface to restore sight was private researcher William Dobelle. Dobelle's first prototype was implanted into \"Jerry\", a man blinded in adulthood,", "id": "17576163" }, { "contents": "Racial stereotyping in advertising\n\n\nexplicit level.\" It is when we see these stereotypical thoughts activated explicitly through the use of advertisements that offence takes place. It is the conscious thought that is being communicated that offends people. As discussed earlier, people naturally identify themselves socially, they assign qualities to themselves that they can also associate with other people. This is also known as an in-group. When people have close ties to a specific group, it is common to see group members take offence to something impacting another member. \"Stereotyping a group", "id": "1123414" }, { "contents": "The Seeing Eye\n\n\nup with their new owner based on pull, dependability, and personality. From there, the person being matched with the dog will then have ownership of the dog, but can receive help from The Seeing Eye at any point in the partnership if needed. The Seeing Eye is one of the few guide dog schools that gives the graduates ownership of the dog upon graduation The Seeing Eye, Inc., matches an average of 260 people who are blind or visually impaired each year with Seeing Eye dogs. As of 2015, The", "id": "21032222" }, { "contents": "Kitchen v. Herbert\n\n\n\"when its principles operate on a new set of facts that were previously unknown\". It quoted \"Lawrence v. Texas\": [T]imes can blind us to certain truths and later generations can see that laws once thought necessary and proper in fact serve only to oppress. Because Utah's ban on same-sex marriage restricted a fundamental right, the court applied the test of strict scrutiny and found that Utah has not shown that the law is \"narrowly tailored\" to meet \"a rational, much less a compelling,", "id": "18333030" }, { "contents": "Hantu Tinggi\n\n\nso high it reaches the sun. Malay villagers can only see the Hantu tinggi's waist, causing it to grow to a height taller from its original body size. They are usually formed from a tree trunk and are alive from a spirit's possession. People can get a sudden blind issue or an illness when people use eye contact with the Hantu tinggi. If a nearby person approaches the spirit, it could be found in another portal or land. The people in the land that is in the east or west of", "id": "18777234" }, { "contents": "Sunglasses\n\n\nPeople may also wear sunglasses to hide an abnormal appearance of their eyes. This can be true for people with severe visual impairment, such as the blind, who may wear sunglasses to avoid making others uncomfortable. The assumption is that it may be more comfortable for another person not to see the hidden eyes rather than see abnormal eyes or eyes which seem to look in the wrong direction. People may also wear sunglasses to hide dilated or contracted pupils, bloodshot eyes due to drug use, chronic dark circles or crow's feet", "id": "8958457" }, { "contents": "Blinded (song)\n\n\nFlick thought that the song would \"easily stand the test of time.\" While comparing \"Out of the Vein\" to Third Eye Blind's previous work, the \"Record-Journal\"s Alan Sculley wrote, \"Frisky songs like 'Blinded (When I See You)' and 'Crystal Baller' sit comfortably alongside past hits like 'Semi-Charmed Life' and 'Never Let You Go.'\" \"Blinded\" was the first single released off of \"Out of the Vein\". It spent 15 weeks", "id": "16077828" }, { "contents": "Childhood blindness\n\n\nChildhood blindness is an important cause contributing to the burden of blindness. Blindness in children can be defined as a visual acuity of 3/60 in the eye with better vision of a child under 16 years of age. This generally means that the child cannot see something three feet (about one meter) away, that another child could see if it was 60 feet (about 20 meters) away. There are many causes of blindness in children. Blindness may be due to genetic mutations, birth defects, premature birth, nutritional", "id": "3082867" }, { "contents": "Dickens in America\n\n\nThe Old Curiosity Shop for the blind students. They were set in Boston line type, a raised text that could be read by the blind. The president of the Perkins School, Steven Rothstein tells Margolyes how people a few decades before Dickens visited thought that deaf and blind people couldn't think, but one of the past presidents of the school, a Dr. Howe proved that they could. Jaimi Lard, a deaf and blind spokesperson teaches her how to use sign language. Helen Keller’s mother, after reading Dickens’", "id": "16245968" }, { "contents": "Mind-blindness\n\n\nthought. It showed that a complete possession of ToM was not enough to protect from social impairments in autistic people. Conversely the absence or impairment of the ToM that leads to mind-blindness does not lead to social impairments. The social and cognitive differences seen in autistic people are often attributed to mind blindness. Abnormal behaviour of autistic children is perceived to include a lack of reciprocity. Some cases in which mind-blindness manifests includes the child being totally withdrawn from social settings as well as not being able to make eye contact", "id": "8681653" }, { "contents": "Traffic-light signalling and operation\n\n\nThe major disadvantage of this system of traffic light is that it is unfamiliar to those who are used to seeing specific colours of the traffic lights at the various ends of a normal traffic light itself (e.g. green rightmost, red leftmost, etc.) as well is being problematic for the color blind (although by Chinese traffic laws, people who are color blind are not permitted to drive). It does, however, conserve space. The other disadvantage of it is it does not have indication of when a turn can", "id": "16537771" }, { "contents": "Blind Young Things\n\n\nfilm on behalf of Channel 4 said; \"I have worked in specialist educational environments before, but I had almost no experience of people with a visual impairment or blindness. I wanted to make a documentary with some of the students to explore with them their daily lives. It is interesting to see what is different for them and what is the same; their experiences of daily life can be fundamentally altered by their visual impairment yet that doesn't stop them from having the same hopes and fears as a sighted person.\"", "id": "9820495" }, { "contents": "James Braid (surgeon)\n\n\nin 1845, Braid emphatically states that: In his first publication, he had also stressed the importance of the subject concentrating both vision and thought, referring to \"the continued fixation of the mental and visual eye\" The concept of the mind's eye first appeared in English in Chaucer's Man of Law's Tale in his Canterbury Tales, where he speaks of a man \"who was blind, and could only see with the eyes of his mind, with which all men see after they go blind\". as a", "id": "18123220" }, { "contents": "Blindness (2008 film)\n\n\n, such as the 1568 painting \"The Parable of the Blind\" by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. Allusions to other famous artworks are also made. Meirelles described the intent: \"It's about image, the film, and vision, so I thought it makes sense to create, not a history of painting, because it's not, but having different ways of seeing things, from Rembrandt to these very contemporary artists. But it's a very subtle thing.\" Prior to public release, Meirelles screened \"Blindness\"", "id": "10222807" }, { "contents": "Aankhen (2002 film)\n\n\n, Elias (Paresh Rawal) and Arjun (Arjun Rampal) — when, after passing by school for the blind, he understands that blind people can be trained to do things like sighted people. He blackmails and enlists the help of Neha (Sushmita Sen) who is a teacher at the school to train the trio to do the seemingly impossible heist. He chose blind people because they, as thieves, would never be suspected as anyone would believe blind people can rob a bank. The bank robbery is successful, with", "id": "17377673" }, { "contents": "Cour des miracles\n\n\nthe slum, they dropped their characters. A beggar who had pretended to be blind or crippled the whole day could see or walk again once back in the slum. This phenomenon gave the generic name to these areas where so many \"miracles\" occurred every day: courts of miracles. Regularly the people of the Court of Miracles were thought to have organized a counter-society devoted to crime and thievery with its own hierarchy and institutions. However, this is a common theme at the time and is likely to have been", "id": "5174555" }, { "contents": "Blindness (novel)\n\n\ninternees battle each other and burn down the asylum, only to discover that the army has abandoned the asylum, after which the protagonists join the throngs of nearly helpless blind people outside who wander the devastated city and fight one another to survive. The story then follows the doctor's wife, her husband, and their impromptu “family” as they attempt to survive outside, cared for largely by the doctor’s wife, who can still see (though she must hide this fact at first). The breakdown of society is", "id": "20972528" }, { "contents": "Guide dog\n\n\nGuide dogs (also known as service animals, assistance animals, or colloquially as seeing eye dogs) are assistance dogs trained to lead blind and visually impaired people around obstacles. Although dogs can be trained to navigate various obstacles, they are (red–green) color blind and incapable of interpreting street signs. The human does the directing, based on skills acquired through previous mobility training. The handler might be likened to an aircraft's navigator, who must know \"how\" to get from one place to another, and", "id": "957809" }, { "contents": "Blind Education and Rehabilitation Development Organisation\n\n\nalso tries to support education initiatives for people with disabilities; the organization recently partnered with the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation to give scholarships to people with blindness. BERDO also created a \"talking library\" to support education initiatives for blind people so they can continue on with school despite a lack of braille textbooks; the library holds hundreds of book on cassette tape so people who are blind can listen to them. To help create more access to braille texts, BERDO helped to create and test a Bengali-to-braille software", "id": "12422521" }, { "contents": "Black Bat\n\n\nfrom a gangster's bullet and that a surgeon is willing to perform an operation to graft his corneas onto Tony Quinn's eyes so that he can see again. The operation is done in secret and when the bandages are removed four months later, Quinn finds that he can not only see normally but can even see perfectly in darkness too. While blind, Quinn had developed the necessary skills of the blind; sharper hearing, more sensitive touch, a better sense of smell, etc. Like many other crime fighters, Quinn", "id": "19673317" }, { "contents": "Tactile signing\n\n\nfor a person to be both deaf and blind; most people who were deaf and blind lived lives of isolation. As professionals became aware of this population, attempts were made to serve both adults and children who are deaf and blind by modifying the manual alphabet mentioned above, or the sign language used by deaf-sighted people. See for example Helen Keller National Center, LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired and Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind. Professionals developed ways to communicate with their clients/students/patients who", "id": "2351699" }, { "contents": "Epicanthic fold\n\n\ntissue is thought to provide greater insulation for the eye and sinuses from the effects of cold, especially from freezing winds, and to represent an adaptation to cold climates. It has also been postulated that the fold itself might provide a level of protection from snow blindness. Though its appearance in peoples of Southeast Asia can be linked to possible descent from cold-adapted ancestors, its occurrence in various African peoples precludes a cold-adaptive explanation for it appearing in the latter groups. The epicanthic fold found in some African people has", "id": "468213" }, { "contents": "Color blindness\n\n\ncolor blindness. They work by notching out wavelengths that strongly stimulate both red and green cones in a deuter- or protanomalous person, improving the distinction between the two cones' signals. As of 2012, sunglasses that notch out color wavelengths are available commercially. Many mobile applications have been developed to help colorblind people to view colors in a better way. Many applications launch a simulation of colorblindness to allow people with normal vision to understand how people with color blindness see the world. Color blindness affects a large number of individuals, with", "id": "7540058" }, { "contents": "Let the Blind Lead Those Who Can See but Cannot Feel\n\n\nLet the Blind Lead Those Who Can See but Cannot Feel is the first studio album by Atlas Sound, the solo project of Deerhunter frontman Bradford Cox. The album was released in North America by Kranky on February 19, 2008 and in Europe by 4AD on May 5, 2008. The tracks of \"Let the Blind Lead\" were constructed with computer-generated and recorded instruments in music software Ableton Live. Described as being stream-of-consciousness in nature by Cox, each song was created over the span of", "id": "18113450" }, { "contents": "Shabdangal\n\n\nthe story happen. The title has been translated as 'voices', while the literary meaning of \"Shabdangal\" is 'sounds', not necessarily human or other 'voices'. At one point in the story, a blind old man's voice says, \"What is there to see in this world? I can hear everything.\" For most of the time,the reader does not get to see what is happening, but only hears conversations between people or descriptions of sounds. The soldier in the story", "id": "20519210" }, { "contents": "Hemifacial microsomia\n\n\nthe extent of the area with an insufficient blood supply \"in utero\", and the gestational age of the fetus at which this occurs. In some people, the only physical manifestation may be a small and underdeveloped external ear. In more severe cases, multiple parts of the face may be affected. Some people with HFM may have sensorineural hearing loss and decreased visual acuity or even blindness. Goldenhar syndrome can be thought of as a particularly severe form of HFM, in which extracranial anomalies are present to some extent. Some", "id": "8700405" }, { "contents": "Blind taste test\n\n\nabout customers' perceptions and preferences on the goods. Blind taste test can be used to: Blind taste tests require a \"blind testing\" meaning the people taking the blind taste test are unaware of the identity of the brand being tested, or if done at home this can be as simple as a blindfold over the person taking the test. This means that any bias, preconceived ideas about a particular brand or food, is eliminated. The people taking the test will also be unaware of any changes done to the product", "id": "7654728" }, { "contents": "Luis Cernuda\n\n\nown experience, Cernuda's characters have Cernuda's voice and present versions or aspects of his own thoughts and feelings. He was convinced that he was driven by an inner daimon to write poetry and that the poet is in touch with a spiritual dimension of life that normal people are either blind to or shut off from. it is a topic which he alludes to frequently in his critical writings. His urge to write poetry was not under his control. Reading some lines of poetry, hearing some notes of music, seeing an", "id": "7003997" }, { "contents": "Tactile discrimination\n\n\nthe brain are very essential for a blind person to read braille, just as much as it is for a person that has sight. Essentially, whether one is blind or not, the perception of objects that involves tactile discrimination is not impaired if one cannot see. When comparing people that are blind to people that have sight, the amount of activity within the their somatosensory and visual areas of the brain do differ. The activity in the somatosensory and visual areas are not as high in tactile gnosis for people that are", "id": "16903603" }, { "contents": "Sightsavers\n\n\nIts patron is HRH Princess Alexandra. In its 65 year history, Sightsavers has distributed treatment to protect more than 295 million people against river blindness (onchocerciasis), carried out 6.1 million sight-restoring cataract operations and treated 43 million people with antibiotics to combat the potentially blinding infection trachoma. In 1950 Sir John Wilson, himself blind, set up an international organisation to help people in the world’s poorest countries see again. In its first year, the organisation (then known as the British Empire Society for the Blind)", "id": "10547364" }, { "contents": "List of Medaka Box characters\n\n\nability \"All Fiction\" which allows him to deny reality absolutely. With it, he can take any action done and undo it, and take anything that was made and unmake it. Wounds he inflicts can be instantly cured as if they never were, because they were not, and people who can see can be made blind as if they had never seen, since they had not; it can also undo death making himself effectively immortal. This ability is so strong and so immense, Kumagawa himself confesses that if he", "id": "14756943" }, { "contents": "Let the Blind Lead Those Who Can See but Cannot Feel\n\n\nThe album's title is derived from a dream Cox had in which he saw a group of protesters, one of whom was holding up a sign reading \"Let the blind lead those who can see but cannot feel\". Upon waking, Cox wrote down the phrase on a notebook beside his bed. He described the concept to \"Out\" magazine as being \"like you are able to see, but you might not know the right direction to go in. But somebody who can’t see might—just by", "id": "18113455" }, { "contents": "Graveyard Mountain Home\n\n\nHome\", which was accompanied by projections of the corresponding scenes from \"Age 13\". \"I thought that it would be good for the first show to be sort of small and comfortable... so I thought we [could] just have a hundred people,\" Moore said. \"Everybody can see, everybody can be comfortable and sort of enjoy themselves. And if something goes horribly wrong, it only happens in front of a hundred people.\" Moore hoped the show would form the basis of more elaborate,", "id": "17200008" }, { "contents": "Visual impairment\n\n\nsee with the aid of a VISOR, a fictional device that transmits optical signals to his brain. Blind and partially sighted people participate in sports, such as swimming, snow skiing and athletics. Some sports have been invented or adapted for the blind, such as goalball, association football, cricket, golf, tennis, bowling, and beep baseball. The worldwide authority on sports for the blind is the International Blind Sports Federation. People with vision impairments have participated in the Paralympic Games since the 1976 Toronto summer Paralympics. The", "id": "12357702" }, { "contents": "Jernigan Institute\n\n\npeople who are blind. The Institute provides information on their website and other outreach-type activities to educate society on what it means to be blind, what can blind people do for employment, and what it is like working with a blind person. The outreach activities highlight real experiences of blind people, so as to provide a broad range of examples and experiences. The NCBYS is an initiative designed to educate the blind youth of career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) that are often believed", "id": "16844772" }, { "contents": "Goldenhar syndrome\n\n\nbeen known for defects to occur bilaterally (approximate incidence 10% of confirmed GS cases). Other problems can include severe scoliosis (twisting of the vertebrae), limbal dermoids and hearing loss (see hearing loss with craniofacial syndromes), and deafness or blindness in one or both ears/eyes. Granulosa cell tumors may be associated as well. The cause of Goldenhar syndrome is largely unknown. However, it is thought to be multifactorial, although there may be a genetic component, which would account for certain familial patterns.", "id": "16918220" }, { "contents": "Constantin Zureiq\n\n\nliberal thought. He called for a national Arab unity based on a “secular democracy in which diverse individuals and communities can fulfill themselves in a framework of tolerance and mutual respect”. Since Zurayk grew up in an Orthodox Christian family, tolerance was a key tenet. In order to have a unified and sufficient Arab society, Zurayk asked for openness to interfaith dialogue and conflict resolution with such communities as the Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Unlike other Arab intellectuals, Zurayk did not see reason as the blind imitation of the", "id": "3790088" }, { "contents": "Timeline of Shakespeare criticism\n\n\n, and his greatest heroes are rulers who exercise capacities which can only be exercised within civil society. To neglect this is simply to be blinded by the brilliance of one's own prejudices. As soon as one sees this, one cannot help asking what Shakespeare thought about a good regime and a good ruler.\" on his \"Shakespeare's Politics\" (with Harry V. Jaffa). Kenneth Burke: \"Shakespeare found many ingenious ways to make it seem that his greatest plays unfolded of themselves, like a destiny rather", "id": "8693502" }, { "contents": "King of the Pygmies\n\n\ncauses the ability to hear the thoughts of other people. The man does not show up, leaving Penn unsure whether his Uncle can truly hear the thoughts of other people, and even creates doubts concerning Penn's mental state and whether he is magic or mentally unstable. The cover shows the ocean and shoreline of the coast described in the novel. \"King of the Pygmies\" mentions that you can see what the weather will be like hours before it hits due to the huge expanse of uninterrupted skyline. \"\"King of", "id": "8864289" }, { "contents": "Finnish Sign Language\n\n\nolder people are recorded under these figures. In 2014 only 500 people registered Finnish Sign Language as their first language. There are several sign languages that come under this label; FSL for those that can see; Signed Finnish, which does not follow the same grammatical rules and a version for those that are blind and deaf. Thus there are around 8000 people that use a Finnish Sign Language Linguistically. Many estimates say 5000, but these are exaggerations derived from the 14 000 deaf people in Finland (many of whom do not", "id": "9133523" }, { "contents": "The Invisible Man (2000 TV series)\n\n\n. He is also able to \"see\" objects or persons rendered invisible (as shown in \"Money For Nothing, Part 2\", when he can see Arnaud covered with Quicksilver). This property is explained by the fact that Quicksilver can absorb other types of radiation, such as infrared and ultraviolet, despite not reflecting pure light itself (which explains why quicksilvered persons can be detected on thermal imaging sensors or lenses). When he was temporarily blinded by an assassin's blindness-inducing weapon, Darien was not only", "id": "21804031" }, { "contents": "Marie Daulne\n\n\nmoney there that can go to help people. I see poor people and think, 'Maybe one day when Zap Mama is over, I can help people.' Then I thought, I can help people now.\" Zap Mama made the commercial and used the money to help build a school in Africa. \"I am here to fight for peace,\" says Daulne. \"I grew up in a country where there were mostly white people and they always pointed out that I was different, that I was black", "id": "12493101" }, { "contents": "Spiral of silence\n\n\nDahlberg praises the Internet for its possibility to liberate people from the social hierarchies and power relations that exist offline: \"The 'blindness' of cyberspace to bodily identity... [is supposed to allow] people to interact as if they were equals. Arguments are said to be assessed by the value of the claims themselves and not the social position of the poster\". Gastil sees this feature as one of the strongest points of the Internet: \"if computer-mediated interaction can consistently reduce the independent influence of status, it", "id": "13079672" }, { "contents": "Non-24-hour sleep–wake disorder\n\n\nsleep deprivation and can include: Sighted people with non-24 appear to be more rare than blind people with the disorder and the etiology of their circadian disorder is less well understood. At least one case of a sighted person developing non-24 was preceded by head injury; another patient diagnosed with the disorder was later found to have a \"large pituitary adenoma that involved the optic chiasma\". Thus the problem appears to be neurological. Specifically, it is thought to involve abnormal functioning of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the hypothalamus.", "id": "12831063" }, { "contents": "Daredevil (Marvel Comics character)\n\n\nfar beyond the limits of a sighted person. Few characters know that the hero cannot see. Daredevil developed a radar sense, which is similar to echolocation. Writer/co-creator Stan Lee said that he was worried that blind people would be offended at how far he exaggerated the way a blind person's remaining senses are enhanced, but that his fears were assuaged by letters from organizations such as The Lighthouse for the Blind which said that blind people greatly enjoyed having Daredevil comics read to them. The Beyonder once restored", "id": "13968399" }, { "contents": "Let the Blind Lead Those Who Can See but Cannot Feel\n\n\nsample of a young boy telling a ghost story, obtained by Cox from an internet audio archive of free music samples. Cox found the sample \"moving\", and used it to create an intro that would set the tone for the rest of the album. Said Cox, \"I wanted to create a haunted record, you know? Kind of filled with ghosts. I thought it just set up the album nicely.\" He summarized the song as consisting of \"basically just a cassette and effected hammer dulcimers.\"", "id": "18113463" }, { "contents": "Ousmane Bangoura\n\n\n. On 10 August 2006 it was reported that Bangoura's eye was saved, but he was blinded in that eye. At the moment he can only sense light but it is thought that the situation may improve over the coming months. A compensation package has been agreed that will see him receive his wages in full and an insurance payout of US$12,550, he will also receive US$100,000 of donations collected from Chinese league managers and players. Bangoura was then released by Ginde thus retired from professional football. He once sued Ginde", "id": "19505256" }, { "contents": "Tree of knowledge system\n\n\nthought in psychology are like the blind men who each grab a part of the elephant and proclaim they have discovered its true nature. With its novel depiction of evolving dimensions of complexity, the ToK allows scholars finally to see the elephant. In his 2003 \"Review of General Psychology\" paper, Henriques used the ToK System with the attempt to clarify and align the views of B.F. Skinner and Sigmund Freud. These luminaries were chosen because when one considers their influence and historical opposition, it can readily be argued that they represent two", "id": "21012290" }, { "contents": "Colin Blakemore\n\n\nadaptive is now a dominant theme in neuroscience. The plasticity of connections between nerve cells is thought to underlie many different types of learning and memory, as well as sensory development. The changes in organisation can be remarkably rapid, even in adults. Blakemore has shown that the visual parts of the human cortex become responsive to input from the other senses, especially touch, in people who have been blind since shortly after birth. After stroke or other forms of brain injury, reorganisation of this sort can help the process of recovery", "id": "17632593" }, { "contents": "National Federation of the Blind\n\n\nsuch as more career and educational opportunities, they feel that its \"radicalism and militancy\" can also cause problems for blind people. The NFB has strongly opposed rules that restrict airline seats near exits to sighted passengers, arguing that the rules are discriminatory and that blind people might outperform sighted ones in a smoke-filled airplane cabin. The NFB is a participant in the World Blind Union and maintains relationships with groups of blind people in other countries. In the UK, there is a similar organization known as the National Federation of", "id": "17550278" }, { "contents": "Lyons House, Sydney\n\n\nuse of simple match-stick blinds which allow for light to come in and for residents to see out, but not for people to see in. The blinds are unobtrusive in rooms where there are so many windows that using curtains would have been all-dominating. Such blinds were used by Hall Best in the courtyard of her own Sydney home. Leslie Walford was another leading interior designer of the day, who also wrote a column for \"The Sydney Morning Herald\". Similarly Bruce Mackenzie was arguably Australia's leading Modern", "id": "1330387" }, { "contents": "Children of the Dust (Lawrence novel)\n\n\neach family, the community consists of a large \"house\" which reminds Simon of a Tibetan monastery. Seeing the well-ordered community where people have learned to make everything they need themselves, Simon begins to feel that his own people are \"failures\", having tried to restore pre-war standards at the expense of their children's futures. Simon meets Catherine, now known as \"Blind Kate,\" blind after years of exposure to ultraviolet radiation and covered in festering sores. Simon sees in her a glimpse of", "id": "19796008" }, { "contents": "Shekhar Sen\n\n\nplay, a mono-act \"Soordas\", premiered at NCPA Mumbai on 14 June 2013. Sen told Timeout Mumbai, \"Initially, I was very apprehensive about whether to portray a blind person for two hours – a very tough task. But when I started writing [the play] I realised that people with sight can only see the world [in a 180-degree view], while those without sight are able to see the world [in] 360 degrees\". In 2015, he received the Padma shri Award", "id": "2554238" }, { "contents": "Warwickshire Vision Support\n\n\nLeamington Spa in 1950, turning it into a home for twenty two elderly blind people. The Lodge was run by Warwickshire County Council until 1980 when it was sold and the proceeds of the sale donated to the charity. A 1991 report by the Royal National Institute for the Blind indicated a far greater number of visually impaired people than previously thought, and in response to this the Association developed a new strategy to cover the increased number of people it would need to provide services for. It also formalised its partnership with Warwickshire Social", "id": "17425075" }, { "contents": "The Seeing Eye\n\n\nexperimenting with guide dogs that were taught specific skills. Eustis learned about these schools and was so impressed by it, she wrote an article for \"The Saturday Evening Post\". The article, “The Seeing Eye,” was published on November 5, 1927. Eustis began receiving countless letters from people who were blind, asking her to train a guide dog for them. Her article was read to Morris Frank, a 19-year-old blind man from Nashville, Tennessee. Frank, who had been blinded in two separate", "id": "21032207" }, { "contents": "Books for the Blind\n\n\nThe Books for the Blind Program is an initiative of the United States National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) which provides audio recordings of books free of charge to people who are blind or visually impaired. The program has included audio recordings of books since 1934 and digital book efforts began in 1996. \"See also National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped\" In 1931, the United States passed the Pratt-Smoot Act to provide blind adults with access to books. Before audio recordings, books", "id": "11451167" }, { "contents": "Online dispute resolution\n\n\nthe ODR services in this area are so-called 'blind-bidding' services. This is a negotiation process designed to determine economic settlements for claims in which liability is not challenged. The blind bidding service may be thought of as a type of auction mechanism where some or all information about the players' bids is hidden. There are two forms of automated negotiation, double blind bidding, which is a method for single monetary issues between two parties, and Visual Blind Bidding, which can be applied to negotiations with any", "id": "1482146" }, { "contents": "Blind Love (2015 film)\n\n\n10 -15 minutes. I knew I am in Hell.” Shentow also contrasts the Nazis training of dogs to attack prisoners along with the Nazi genocidal treatment of people with disabilities, with the experience of a group of blind Israelis traveling to Auschwitz on the March of the Living with their guide dogs. “These dogs were there to kill, these dogs are here for life. ….[Those dog] were trained to jump on people’s necks – then you see a dog like that – like night and day.” Blind", "id": "12170551" }, { "contents": "Blindness (2008 film)\n\n\nof blind people. One technique was reacting to others as a blind person, whose reactions are usually different from those of a sighted person. Meirelles described, \"When you're talking to someone, you see a reaction. When you're blind, the response is much flatter. What's the point [in reacting]?\" Meirelles acknowledged the challenge of making a film that would simulate the experience of blindness to the audience. He explained, \"When you do a film, everything is related to point of view", "id": "10222804" }, { "contents": "Let the Blind Lead Those Who Can See but Cannot Feel\n\n\n. This was a rule enforced by label owner Joel Leoschke, who believed the practice \"demystifi[ed] the experience of a rock record.\" Despite largely agreeing with this sentiment, Cox chose to print the lyrics of \"Let the Blind Lead\", in part because he wanted to \"see what they looked like,\" having ad-libbed the words of every song on their first take. In an interview with Pitchfork Media, Cox described the lyrical origins of each song on \"Let the Blind Lead\"; they", "id": "18113466" }, { "contents": "Stan Carter\n\n\non the diagnosis and reluctant to see doctors. He was terrible really, something we should all look at and not do the same. What Men United seeks to do, and it's terribly important, is to hold out a hand to people to say, 'Come on, you will see people here with whom you can swap experiences, swap ideas, swap thoughts, swap feelings'. You don't have to stand there and wait for people to come, because they won't. You just need a little", "id": "12449737" }, { "contents": "Betting in poker\n\n\nbutton will skip past Dianne and move to Carol. On the other hand, if Carol busts out, Alice will be the big blind, Dianne will get the button and will have to pay the small blind for the second hand in a row. A kill blind is a special blind bet made by a player who triggers the kill in a \"kill game\" (see below). It is often twice the amount of the big blind or minimum bet (known as a full kill), but can be 1.5", "id": "393778" }, { "contents": "Nyctalopia\n\n\nas moonblink, was a temporary night blindness believed to be caused by sleeping in moonlight in the tropics. In the French language, and have inverse meanings, the first naming the ability to see in the dark as well as in plain light, and the second the inability to do so. It is thought that this inversion from Latin happened during the 2nd century AD, even though the ancient greek νυκτάλωψ (\"nuktálōps\") has been used in both senses. Night blindness, sometimes referred to as gravel, was occasionally", "id": "10879496" }, { "contents": "World Blind Union\n\n\nblind and disabled people, promote belief in the proven abilities of blind people, and achieve full participation in society. These goals are worked on through the committees and working groups set up to deal with specific issues such as technology and mobility & transportation. There are also special interests groups that deal with the specific concerns of blind women, elderly people, youth, children, and those with low vision. There is a WBU constitution that can be accessed on the WBU website that spells out the conditions of membership and the benefits", "id": "12981665" }, { "contents": "Blindsight\n\n\narea of blindness – known as a scotoma – is in the visual field opposite the damaged hemisphere and can vary from a small area up to the entire hemifield. Visual processing occurs in the brain in a hierarchical series of stages (with much crosstalk and feedback between areas). The route from the retina through V1 is not the only visual pathway into the cortex, though it is by far the largest; it is commonly thought that the residual performance of people exhibiting blindsight is due to preserved pathways into the extrastriate cortex that", "id": "10354926" }, { "contents": "Visual impairment\n\n\nTo determine which people qualify for special assistance because of their visual disabilities, various governments have specific definitions for legal blindness. In North America and most of Europe, legal blindness is defined as visual acuity (vision) of 20/200 (6/60) or less in the better eye with best correction possible. This means that a legally blind individual would have to stand from an object to see it—with corrective lenses—with the same degree of clarity as a normally sighted person could from . In many areas, people with average", "id": "12357694" }, { "contents": "Bias blind spot\n\n\nThe bias blind spot is the cognitive bias of recognizing the impact of biases on the judgment of others, while failing to see the impact of biases on one's own judgment. The term was created by Emily Pronin, a social psychologist from Princeton University's Department of Psychology, with colleagues Daniel Lin and Lee Ross. The bias blind spot is named after the visual blind spot. Most people appear to exhibit the bias blind spot. In a sample of more than 600 residents of the United States, more than 85%", "id": "19491707" }, { "contents": "Color blindness\n\n\nand total color blindness. Red-green color blindness affects up to 8% of males and 0.5% of females of Northern European descent. The ability to see color also decreases in old age. Being color blind may make people ineligible for certain jobs in certain countries. This may include being a pilot, train driver, crane operator, and working in the armed forces. The effect of color blindness on artistic ability, however, is controversial. The ability to draw appears to be unchanged, and a number of famous", "id": "7540021" }, { "contents": "Blind artists\n\n\nsight loss. For example, Ann Roughton is a landscape artist suffering from Macular Degeneration. Her paintings not only include what she can see with her partial vision, but her work also includes the grey haze that she sees in the center in her vision as a result of her Macular Degeneration. In doing so, she is literally painting sight, giving a new perspective on sight loss. There are many organizations around the world that offer assistance to the blind. There are also some that offer assistance and support specifically for blind", "id": "14640265" }, { "contents": "Italian Union of Blind and Partially Sighted People\n\n\nis required. However, to achieve its goals, the Italian Union of the Blind and Partially Sighted People needs the support of sighted people who can work in it as employees or volunteers. It was founded in Genoa on October 26, 1920 with the name Italian Union of Blind People by some militaries who lose their sight during World War I, amongst which Aurelio Nicolodi who became its first president. By means of its representatives and many associated volunteers, UICI has led many political and social battles, by which blind and Partially", "id": "13319547" }, { "contents": "The Blind Boys of Alabama\n\n\npromoter booked two sets of blind gospel singers – the Happy Land Jubilee Singers from Alabama and the Jackson Harmoneers from Mississippi – and advertised the program as \"Battle of the Blind Boys.\" A friendly rivalry sprouted between the two groups and continued henceforth. The two acts soon changed their names to the Five Blind Boys of Alabama and the Five Blind Boys of Mississippi and often toured together, occasionally swapping members. In 1948, The Blind Boys of Alabama recorded their first single, \"I Can See Everybody's Mother But Mine", "id": "11504555" }, { "contents": "Retinitis pigmentosa\n\n\n. 2015: A study by Bakondi et al. at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center showed that CRISPR/Cas9 can be used to treat rats with the autosomal dominant form of retinitis pigmentosa. 2016: RetroSense Therapeutics aimed to inject viruses with DNA from light-sensitive algae into the eyes of several blind people (who have retinitis pigmentosa). If successful, they will be able to see in black and white. 2017: FDA approved a gene therapy called Luxturna to treat people with biallelic RPE65 mutation-associated retinal dystrophy.", "id": "1910274" }, { "contents": "Honey, I Shrunk the Audience!\n\n\n're okay, says the machine blew a fuse. He says that he's got some spare parts in his office to fix the machine (or so he hopes). Diane enters the room asking Wayne if everything is ok. Wayne responds with, \"Honey, I shrunk the audience!\" The viewers are then antagonized by obstacles such as Diane fainting upon seeing the tiny people and Nick, and Adam taking a picture of them with a blinding flash and picking up the theater so he can \"show the little people", "id": "3615783" }, { "contents": "Nico (TV series)\n\n\n) where Nico would save the day by quickly telling people how to \"see\" without using their eyes, enabling them to, in the above case, escape the building before the fire spread. Each episode closed with a \"Watch Out!\" (¡Cuidado!) segment narrated by Tom. It consisted of stating a little-known fact of what blind people can now do. Each segment typically started out with something along the lines of \"You think someone that is visually impaired can't go skiing?\"", "id": "4996056" }, { "contents": "Political life of Clint Eastwood\n\n\n\"I’m not on either side of the aisle. I think most Americans are going, 'What the ... ? Is this all we can do?' ... When there were 17 people on the stage [in the early GOP debates], I thought, well, there are three or four people up there I could see voting for. They seem pretty good. I had a few... and then I thought, what the hell happened?\" In a red carpet interview with \"Extra\" on September 8", "id": "840748" }, { "contents": "Let the Blind Lead Those Who Can See but Cannot Feel\n\n\nour friendship is never gonna change, but it's difficult sometimes.\" Cox asserts that he would \"rather just take whatever drugs it takes to go to sleep and sleep through it…I'm not prepared to face it yet.\" On Metacritic, \"Let the Blind Lead Those Who Can See but Cannot Feel\" has received an average critic score of 81 out of 100, based on 23 reviews, indicating \"Universal Acclaim\". Upon release, the album received Pitchfork Media's \"Best New Music\"", "id": "18113476" }, { "contents": "Dune Messiah\n\n\nremember faces, names, and details. Paul accepts reluctantly, seeing the strands of a Tleilaxu plot. As Paul's soldiers attack the conspirators, others set off an atomic weapon called a stone burner, purchased from the Tleilaxu, that destroys the area and blinds Paul. By tradition, all blind Fremen are abandoned in the desert. But Paul shocks the Fremen and entrenches his godhood by proving he can still see, even without eyes. His oracular powers have become so developed that he can foresee in his mind everything that", "id": "8715220" }, { "contents": "Vehicle blind spot\n\n\ntruck, where the truck driver cannot see. Collisions frequently occur in no zones. In transport, driver visibility is the maximum distance at which the driver of a vehicle can see and identify prominent objects around the vehicle. Visibility is primarily determined by weather conditions (see visibility) and by a vehicle's design. The parts of a vehicle that influence visibility include the windshield, the dashboard and the pillars. Good driver visibility is essential to safe road traffic. Blind spots may occur in the front of the driver when", "id": "7181498" } ]
Why doesn't our moon have an actual name?
[{"answer": "Because when it was named \"the moon\" no one knew that other moons existed. Its the same story with the sun, for a long time no one knew other suns existed BONUS EXPLAINER: The first non-moon moons were discovered orbiting Jupiter by Galileo, helping to disprove the geocentric model. Giordano Bruno, the first person to seriously suggest that the sun is just another star was burned at the stake for doing so EDIT: Grammar"}, {"answer": "Moon have name - Moon (capital M), contrary to other moons. it's simmilar to God and god."}, {"answer": "It does have a name, it's just the Moon ([source]( URL_0 ) if you need one). Luna is not a scientific name for it (not in English anyway), it's just the name of the Moon in Spanish or Latin or a bunch of other languages. Why would it need any other name anyway? How often do you run into situations where there's some confusion as to what moon someone is referring to? On the contrary, calling it Luna, or something else, raises eyebrows and even if people understand you, they'll start to wonder why you decided to call it that. So that creates confusion whereas calling it just the Moon is the clearest possible way to communicate what you want to say. In scifi this of course is a good, though clich\u00e9d, way of implying something about the state of the world people live in, hence why calling it Luna is commonplace in scifi. If it ever becomes an actual problem that people mix up the Moon with some other moons, I'm sure we'll figure something out in no time. But for now, we have numerous other better ways to communicate than inventing a new name for the Moon. You can say our Moon or the Moon of Earth if you really need to specify which one, which hardly ever happens. Or you can say a natural satellite to make it abundantly clear that what you're referring to is not in reference to the Moon in specific."}, {"answer": "The scientific name of Earth's moon is luna. In Latin, our satellite's name is \"Luna.\" Because a significant chunk of English comes from Latin, many terms associated with the moon are related to this Latin name \u2014 for example, the adjective \"lunar,\" and the noun \"lunatic,\" an old-fashioned word for a mentally ill person. (Madness was thought to be correlated with the phases of the moon.) In Greek, our moon is named \"Selene,\" as is the moon goddess of ancient Greek mythology. The English word \"selenology,\" or the study of the moon's geology, derives from it."}, {"answer": "I'm pretty sure the name of the moon is Luna. EDIT: Apparently, in English, the proper name of the the Earth's moon is simply the Moon, capitalized. Still, I like to think that our satellite has much more importance than simply making a common noun proper, so I'm sticking with Luna and Sol. Sounds way cooler than \"the Moon\" and \"the sun\"."}, {"answer": "It does, it's the Moon, just like the Sun is the Sun. When these objects were named, they weren't thought to be individuals in a category. They were thought to be unique. When more like them were discovered the term was applied more widely."}, {"answer": "Basically because there's only one. There a whole bunch of planets and stars, so we give them names to distinguish them. But we only have one sun and one moon, so it's just \"the Sun\" and \"the Moon\"."}, {"answer": "The Moon is actually a natural satellite. When we reference other natural satellites as moons was used to the man who discovered the Titan (a satellite of Saturn) and them it stuck. More on it: URL_0 "}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "47932890", "title": "Luna: New Moon", "section": "Section::::Concept and development.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 40, "end_paragraph_id": 40, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["McDonald also determined that spirits would be more efficient to produce on the Moon than wine or beer, which influenced his cultural setting: Science fiction editor and critic Gary K. Wolfe noted in \"Locus\", \"[McDonald's] moon colony is resolutely multicultural ... The polyglot moon dialect draws not only on Portuguese and English, but on Chinese, Yoruba, Russian, Spanish, and other languages. Corporate titles are borrowed from Korean, marriage contracts from Arabic, and names of lunar days from Hawaiian.\" In September 2015, McDonald described his lunar society as \"close to ours ... but shaped by its environment, economy and society into one very very different from ours\". Wanting to illustrate the various aspects of life on the Moonindustry, economy, social interactions and day-to-day conditionsMcDonald noted the importance of the character Marina Calzaghe, a newcomer to the Moon. He said:", "?'\" McDonald also determined that spirits would be more efficient to produce on the Moon than wine or beer, which influenced his cultural setting: Science fiction editor and critic Gary K. Wolfe noted in \"Locus\", \"[McDonald's] moon colony is resolutely multicultural ... The polyglot moon dialect draws not only on Portuguese and English, but on Chinese, Yoruba, Russian, Spanish, and other languages. Corporate titles are borrowed from Korean, marriage contracts from Arabic, and names of lunar days from Hawaiian.\" In September 2015, McDonald described his lunar society as \"close to ours ... but shaped by its environment, economy and society into one very very different from ours\". Wanting to illustrate the various aspects of life on the Moonindustry, economy, social interactions and day-to-day conditionsMcDonald noted the importance of the character Marina Calzaghe, a newcomer to the Moon. He said:", "McDonald also determined that spirits would be more efficient to produce on the Moon than wine or beer, which influenced his cultural setting: Science fiction editor and critic Gary K. Wolfe noted in \"Locus\", \"[McDonald's] moon colony is resolutely multicultural ... The polyglot moon dialect draws not only on Portuguese and English, but on Chinese, Yoruba, Russian, Spanish,"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "19331", "title": "Moon", "section": "Section::::Name and etymology.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 8, "end_paragraph_id": 8, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The usual English proper name for Earth's natural satellite is \"the Moon\", which in nonscientific texts is usually not capitalized. The noun \"moon\" is derived from Old English \"m\u014dna\", which (like all Germanic language cognates) stems from Proto-Germanic \"*m\u0113n\u00f4\", which comes from Proto-Indo-European \"*mhn\u0325s\" \"moon\", \"month\", which comes from the Proto-Indo-European root \"*meh-\" \"to measure\", the month being the ancient unit of time measured by the Moon. Occasionally, the name \"Luna\" is used. In literature, especially science fiction, \"Luna\" is used to distinguish it from other moons, while in poetry, the name has been used to denote personification of Earth's moon. The modern English adjective pertaining to the Moon is \"lunar\", derived from the Latin word for the Moon, \"luna\". The adjective", "The usual English proper name for Earth's natural satellite is \"the Moon\", which in nonscientific texts is usually not capitalized. The noun \"moon\" is derived from Old English \"m\u014dna\", which (like all Germanic language cognates) stems from Proto-Germanic \"*m\u0113n\u00f4\", which comes from Proto-Indo-European \"*mhn\u0325s\" \"moon\", \"month\", which comes from the Proto-Indo-European root \"*meh-\" \"to measure\", the month being the ancient unit of time measured by the Moon. Occasionally, the name \"Luna\" is used. In literature, especially science fiction, \"Luna\" is used to distinguish it from other moons, while in poetry, the name has been used to denote personification of Earth's moon. The modern English adjective pertaining to the Moon is \"lunar\", derived from the Latin word for the Moon, \"luna\". The adjective", "The usual English proper name for Earth's natural satellite is \"the Moon\", which in nonscientific texts is usually not capitalized. The noun \"moon\" is derived from Old English \"m\u014dna\", which (like all Germanic language cognates) stems from Proto-Germanic \"*m\u0113"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Mutineers' Moon\n\n\ncare of old Horus, and departs for the nearest Fleet Imperium base, hoping to call upon Imperial assistance. Author David Weber says the genesis for this book began with a question: \"Assume that Earth doesn't actually have a Moon, but rather a giant starship disguised as our Moon which has been there for at least 50 or 60,000 years. Where did it come from, why did it come here, and why hasn't it left?\" Weber says the answer to those questions built the foundation for this book", "id": "16590832" }, { "contents": "Awake (Godsmack song)\n\n\nfeatured in the United States Navy's \"Accelerate Your Life\" commercials, Erna insists that Godsmack doesn't support any war: \"By no means has this band ever supported any war for any country or that we support government decisions or why we're sticking our nose in other people's business at times. What we support is our troops. And the women and men that go over there — or anywhere — to fight for our country and our lives and protect our freedom and I feel that.\" \"I actually", "id": "9489880" }, { "contents": "Hans Zimmer\n\n\nIn the score, Zimmer uses synthesizers (mostly a Fairlight CMI) mixed with steel drums. Zimmer explained that \"It was a road movie, and road movies usually have jangly guitars or a bunch of strings. I kept thinking don't be bigger than the characters. Try to keep it contained. The Raymond character doesn't actually know where he is. The world is so different to him. He might as well be on Mars. So, why don't we just invent our own world music for a world", "id": "897370" }, { "contents": "Rice–Texas football rivalry\n\n\n? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask, why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas? We choose to go to the moon! We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept", "id": "10402316" }, { "contents": "All of Our Names\n\n\nwith a peaceful fatalism, a mood that's as casually downbeat as Harmer's overcast voice itself.\" \"Entertainment Weekly\" gave \"All of Our Names\" a B+ rating, writing: \"While it doesn't top her priceless 2000 debut, \"You Were Here\", the fluid, moody \"Names\" comes respectably close. With a voice as silvery and luminous as a full moon, Harmer constructs daring metaphors to convey emotional perplexities... songs like the rueful 'Tether' display Harmer's gift for setting human", "id": "9341473" }, { "contents": "Space propaganda\n\n\nthe best of all mankind, and its opportunity for peaceful cooperation may never come again. But why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas? We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will", "id": "16587647" }, { "contents": "Rice Stadium (Rice University)\n\n\nIn the speech, he used a reference to Rice University football to help frame his rhetoric: \"But why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask, why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas? We choose to go to the moon! We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because", "id": "3189802" }, { "contents": "Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic\n\n\nobjected to the inclusion of Mount Ararat, which holds a deep symbolic importance for Armenians but is located on Turkish territory, in the coat of arms. Turkey felt that the presence of such an image implied Soviet designs on Turkish territory. Khrushchev retorted by asking, \"Why do you have a moon depicted on your flag? After all, the moon doesn't belong to Turkey, not even half the moon ... Do you want to take over the whole universe?\" Turkey dropped the issue after this. Armenian SSR,", "id": "10458971" }, { "contents": "Diana (mythology)\n\n\nand Cicero considered the etymology of Dīāna as allied to that of \"dies\" and connected to the shine of the Moon. ... people regard Diana and the moon as one and the same. ... the moon \"(luna)\" is so called from the verb to shine \"(lucere)\". Lucina is identified with it, which is why in our country they invoke Juno Lucina in childbirth, just as the Greeks call on Diana the Light-bearer. Diana also has the name \"Omnivaga\" (\"", "id": "8378723" }, { "contents": "Why The Future Doesn't Need Us\n\n\n\"Why The Future Doesn't Need Us\" is an article written by Bill Joy (then Chief Scientist at Sun Microsystems) in the April 2000 issue of \"Wired\" magazine. In the article, he argues (quoting the sub title) that \"Our most powerful 21st-century technologies—robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech—are threatening to make humans an endangered species.\" Joy warns: While some critics have characterized Joy's stance as obscurantism or neo-Luddism, others share his concerns about the consequences", "id": "10769720" }, { "contents": "Bad Moon Rising (The Vampire Diaries)\n\n\nElena asks Vanessa about her resemblance to Katherine and why she looks like her but Vanessa doesn't have much info to give her about that. On their way to the car to get back home, Damon gives Elena a book he found at Isobel's office with the title \"Petrova\", telling that it is Katherine's real name. Elena takes the book but she is still mad at Damon and at his question if he lost her friendship forever, Elena answers him that he did. Caroline and Stefan get back to", "id": "8584662" }, { "contents": "Elbow Room (book)\n\n\nover our lack of libertarian free will. Some complaints about \"Elbow Room\" relate to our intuitions about free will. Some say that Dennett's theory does not satisfactorily deal with the issue of why we feel so strongly that we do have behavioral choice. One answer to this question is the result of selection on individuals to live harmoniously in society. But one doesn't have to be free to achieve that goal. Another answer is that it tells us (our brains) whether we're doing something or someone else is", "id": "16487324" }, { "contents": "Sun Myung Moon\n\n\nmillions of devils, both in the spiritual and physical worlds, and triumphed over them all. Through intimate spiritual communion with God and by meeting with Jesus and many saints in Paradise, he brought to light all the secrets of Heaven.\" In 1978 Rodney Sawatsky wrote in an article in \"Theology Today\": \"Why trust Rev. Moon's dreams and visions of the new age and his role in it, we ask? Most converts actually have had minimal contact with him. Frederick Sontag (Sun Myung Moon and the", "id": "9508865" }, { "contents": "Douglas Carswell\n\n\na week after Farage suggested that Carswell could be kicked out of the party, saying that \"We find somebody inside our party who doesn't agree with anything the party stands for, it's a very odd state of affairs\". Carswell engaged in a Twitter argument with University of Sussex science policy professor Paul Nightingale, after Nightingale compared international trade to the effect that Jupiter and the moon have on the tides, saying \"Jupiter is big but the moon moves tides\". Carswell claimed that Nightingale was wrong, incorrectly replying", "id": "6885808" }, { "contents": "List of View Askewniverse characters\n\n\nand Patrick Swayze Either Does or Doesn't Work in the New Pet Store\" that Mr. Plug is actually a robot. Lando, voiced by Mario Joyner, is an African-American character introduced by Dante and Randal in the episode \"Leonardo Is Caught in the Grip of an Outbreak of Randal's Imagination and Patrick Swayze Either Does or Doesn't Work in the New Pet Store\" in response to a viewer letter asking why the show does not have any black characters. Seen as a jab on tokenism (and sharing his", "id": "21275921" }, { "contents": "Ferris Bueller's Day Off\n\n\nsome way, it doesn't have a sequel. It's a little moment and it's a lightning flash in your life. I mean, you could try to repeat it in college or something but it's a time that you don't keep. So that's partly why I think we couldn't think of another\", Broderick added. \"But just for fun\", said Ruck, \"I used to think why don't they wait until Matthew and I are in our seventies and do \"Ferris Bueller", "id": "6104750" }, { "contents": "United States Soccer Federation\n\n\nGarber said, \"I do believe our national team coach has a short-term objective. That's what he's hired to do. That doesn't mean next week, but it's to win the Gold Cup, it's to have the best possible team in 2018. And our goals and objectives are broader than that, and that's why we agree on some things but don't agree on others.\" On March 8, 2019, all members of the US Women's National Team collectively filed a gender", "id": "15452205" }, { "contents": "Sex Change Hospital\n\n\n\"The Scotsman\", \"focusing purely on personal stories doesn't really open up the issues behind this extraordinary development in modern times.… while their stories evoked sympathy, I wonder why no one ever asks why our gender roles have become so codified that their only option was such drastic surgery.\" David Hinckley of the \"New York Daily News\" expected that the show would present some viewers with \"high hurdles\": transgender themes and graphic footage of surgery. \"On the other hand\", he adds,", "id": "13061649" }, { "contents": "Yousef Ahmadi\n\n\nis being held in Canada. That is why our attacks on Canadians are increased\". He is also alleged to have said that the Taliban \"don't want to fight with Canadians. Actually we want to create friendship with Canadians\". In November 2012, Ahmadi accidentally used CC instead of BCC when emailing a routine Taliban press release, exposing the names and email addresses of more than 400 Taliban press contacts. The list consisted mostly of journalists, as well as email addresses that may have belonged to an Afghan legislator,", "id": "4269519" }, { "contents": "To the Moon\n\n\n. Johnny wants to go to the Moon, although he doesn't know why. The doctors insert themselves into an interactive compilation of his memories and traverse backwards through his life via mementos. With each leap to an important moment in Johnny's memories, they learn more about him and what brought him to his current position in life, including his largely unhappy marriage to his childhood sweetheart, River. Upon reaching his childhood, the doctors attempt to insert his desire to go to the Moon. In theory, Johnny's mind", "id": "8686083" }, { "contents": "Transformers: Dark of the Moon\n\n\nrumors that the Twins would actually be in the film, the director made a public $25,000 \"bet\" that the Twins would not be seen in \"Dark of the Moon\". They were briefly shown in the N.E.S.T headquarters in their vehicle modes in the film. Bay acknowledged that \"Revenge of the Fallen\" was \"disappointing to the fans\" and stated that he \"doesn't want the third one to suck\". Bay stated that he wanted \"Dark of the Moon\" final battle to be more geographic", "id": "4271633" }, { "contents": "It Couldn't Happen Here\n\n\nband rehearsing for 'The Big Show,\" said Lowe. Tennant said Bond, \"just put us into our own songs or his idea of what our songs mean, but that doesn't mean this is just another rock video. Some people have criticized this as a long-form video, but 20 years ago, before there were videos, a movie made to music was considered a wonderful thing. I don't see why it shouldn't still be a wonderful thing.\" \"We didn't want to do", "id": "14300055" }, { "contents": "Xavin\n\n\nof shapeshifters, Xavin stated \"for us, just changing our gender is no different than changing our hair color\", implying that Skrulls have fluid gender identities. When asked by Molly about why they don't stay in female form all the time, Xavin replied that it was simply their nature to do so and doesn't see a problem in it, though it causes Xavin to start questioning their own nature. Although Karolina does truly love Xavin, even so much as to deny Xavin disguised as Nico due to loyalty,", "id": "4597317" }, { "contents": "Rick Tumlinson\n\n\nJohn McCain and the Senate Space and Technology Committee on the Moon, Mars and Beyond program. Tumlinson conducts many talks and speeches in the field of space advocacy. Topics of his talks range from critiques and discussions of current national space policy, presentation of a \"Frontier\" ideology for opening space, to the how and why of returning to the Moon, to a spiritual discussion of our place in the universe, the search for other life and the reasons why humans are reaching for the stars. Tumlinson founded the Permission to", "id": "4294741" }, { "contents": "Bear Grylls\n\n\nrun and cut ourselves loose from Europe, when there are so many challenges on our doorstep, to me just doesn't feel either courageous or kind,\" he said. \"Europe has many flaws, but I also believe the way to help resolve many of those tough issues is from within... I have never been a good quitter and I am so proud of the UK and our values: tolerance, kindness, respect, courage and resilience. This is why I want us to stay together and Remain in Europe.", "id": "15100761" }, { "contents": "Commensurability (philosophy of science)\n\n\nthe predictions derived from the theory also depend on the underlying conditions of the system. Feyerabend doesn't explore the point further, but it can be assumed that if the prediction does not agree with the observation and if we have a high degree of confidence in the description that we have made from the initial conditions than we can be sure that the error must be present in our theory and in its underlying terms. In dealing with the second consideration Feyerabend asks \"why should it be necessary to have a terminology that allows us", "id": "11581383" }, { "contents": "Blessing ceremony of the Unification Church\n\n\nthe beginning there has never been even one family whose members were not dominated by some significant degree of self-interest. Scholars have noted the Blessing ceremony allows Unification Church members to express their belief in an international, inter-racial \"family of God.\" In the words of the Reverend Moon, he once described the meaning of the Marriage Blessing: Then what is the ultimate reason why we need to do it? It is because our human ancestors fell. If our first ancestors had not fallen, it would not", "id": "20857457" }, { "contents": "Michael Moon (EastEnders)\n\n\nmeddle in as many people's lives as possible. It seems he wants Ronnie all to himself. But what exactly is he up to?\" The storyline was reportedly filmed in May 2011. Speaking of Ronnie's dislike of Michael, Shepherd said \"He can't work out why Ronnie doesn't like him, so he assumes she must fancy him.\" Upon the reintroduction of Derek Branning, it is revealed that Michael and Derek have clashed in the past. Speaking to \"Inside Soap\", Shepherd promised that he", "id": "5753855" }, { "contents": "Endless Ages\n\n\nAges Reborn\". \"Endless Ages\" takes place after you die—and begin to inhabit planet Iia *[(EYE-uh,) a takeoff of Jupiter's moon Io,] a world where all beings from all worlds, places and time end up. Because a few minutes on Iia is the same as hundreds of years in our time weapons, architecture, magic, technology, and even creatures that have been extinct to the world now coexist. Unlike most MMOs, \"Endless Ages\" doesn't have", "id": "4179247" }, { "contents": "Scale relativity\n\n\n, and 1m is the arbitrary defining unit. This is the reason why the group is multiplicative. Moreover, an arbitrary scale \"e\" doesn't have any physical meaning in itself (like the number 10), only scale ratios r = e' / e have a meaning, in our example, r = 10 / 1. Using the Gell-Mann-Lévy method, we can use a more relevant scale variable, V = ln(e' / e), and then find back an additive group for", "id": "8822153" }, { "contents": "An Ideal\n\n\nthough stumbled over rocks and lost our ways in the mist, it doesn't mean it's over. Living in the day, living in the night, venturing through this metropolis, we all see things with our own way. But why not observe our world with Ronghao Li's perspective. See things in a new way. See loneliness in a new way. See sadness in a new way. In a brighter way. And sing our ideals.\" An Ideal has average to positive reviews on Douban, which is", "id": "9081607" }, { "contents": "Black Sun, Silver Moon\n\n\nand has no fear when it comes to confronting evil. Shikimi reveals to Taki that one day he will become a demon and he needed someone who would not hesitate in killing him. Later in the series, the reader learns more about Shikimi's past as well as to why he is turning into a demon. He confesses that he doesn't have much time left before he turns into a demon and entrust Taki to kill him when the time comes. Until that time comes, Taki encourages Shikimi to resist the demon inside", "id": "9484243" }, { "contents": "Neil Bush\n\n\nany parents who are being led to believe their kids have a disorder or are disabled.\" Neil Bush (along with filmmaker Michael Moore) is credited in the cast of a 2005 documentary film, \"The Drugging of Our Children\" directed by Gary Null. In the film's trailer Bush says: \"Just because it is easy to drug a kid and get them to be compliant doesn't make it right to do it.\" In Asia, Bush accompanied Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church,", "id": "11617598" }, { "contents": "Pat Robertson controversies\n\n\nof state have been against U.S. policy since an executive order against them was issued in 1976; in response, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said that \"our department doesn't do that kind of thing.\" Bernardo Álvarez, Venezuela's ambassador to the U.S., demanded a stronger condemnation from the White House and that the United States \"respect our country and its president.\" On the August 24 edition of \"The 700 Club, \"Robertson asserted that he hadn't actually called for Chávez's assassination, but that there were", "id": "9575294" }, { "contents": "2006 Swedish general election\n\n\n: \"What \"LO\"'s Chairperson has not understood is that those youths who already have a job are not covered by our proposal. It does however give a new opportunity for the 146,000 youths who are wholly or partially living in the exclusion the Social Democrats have created... One of the main reasons why companies don't take on new staff is that the risk is too large. If the gamble doesn't pay off then the costs are too great. By lowering the threshold for job creation we are convinced that many", "id": "14740192" }, { "contents": "Faith (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)\n\n\n's name as \"wildly ironic\", due to her cynical nature. According to Petrie, \"She's the most faithless character we've got. She doesn't trust herself or anyone around her. We try to do that a lot with our monsters. It's much more fun if you look at it from their point of view.\" Writer Jane Espenson believes one of the reasons why Faith elicits sympathy from the audience is the touching father/daughter relationship between her and the Mayor, comparing their affection for one", "id": "9111207" }, { "contents": "Sare Jahan se Accha\n\n\n, our homeland is Hindustan. In a world in which ancient Greece, Egypt, and Rome have all vanishedbr Our own attributes (name and sign) live on today. There is something about our existence for it doesn't get wiped br Even though, for centuries, the time-cycle of the world has been our enemy. Iqbal! We have no confidant in this worldbr What does any one know of our hidden pain? Iqbal was a lecturer at the Government College, Lahore at that time, and was invited", "id": "3517053" }, { "contents": "Titus Andronicus\n\n\nworked by \"bringing into play our sense of reality in terms of detail and literal time structure.\" He argued that when presented realistically, the play simply doesn't work, as it raises too many practical question, such as why does Lavinia not bleed to death, why does Marcus not take her to the hospital immediately, why does Tamora not notice that the pie tastes unusual, exactly how do both Martius and Quintus manage to fall into a hole? Freedman argued that \"if one wants to create a fresh emotional", "id": "14228815" }, { "contents": "Alternative comedy\n\n\nup and wing it.\" I think a lot of that comes from insecurity. It's that fashion of improv and amateurism that comes from the insecurity of saying to the audience, \"Well, it doesn't matter if it doesn't go well, because I didn’t even try that hard to begin with.\" It's like, \"Oh, that's why you're not [trying]. If you actually tried hard and it sucked, then you've got to blame yourself.\" So that's", "id": "5748037" }, { "contents": "Mic Dicta\n\n\n's contributors. \"Mic Dicta\" hosts have also been published at \"Deadspin\" and \"The Outline\". On September 30, 2018, Star announced on Twitter that \"Mic Dicta\" had ended. At \"XFDR\", Carter Moon named \"Mic Dicta\" the publication's \"Podcast of the Week\". Praising the sophistication of the show's content, Moon said \"it doesn't feel dumbed down for the benefit of the lay-listener\" and said the show positions the listener \"as a fly", "id": "20231485" }, { "contents": "Names of the days of the week\n\n\neight-day Roman nundinal cycle with the seven-day week. Our earliest evidence for this new system is a Pompeiian graffito referring to 6 February (\"viii idus Februarius\") of the year AD 60 as \"dies solis\" (\"Sunday\"). Another early witness is a reference to a lost treatise by Plutarch, written in about AD 100, which addressed the question of \"Why are the days named after the planets reckoned in a different order from the actual order?\". The days were named", "id": "8692732" }, { "contents": "Naming of chemical elements\n\n\nplanets, a few asteroids, our star, our planet, and our Moon. Uranium, neptunium, plutonium, cerium, and palladium were named after Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Ceres, and Pallas respectively, which were at the time of their naming all considered to be planets. (Today, Pluto and Ceres are considered to be dwarf planets, and Pallas is considered to be an asteroid.) The name of the element selenium came from the Greek word for the Moon (Σελήνη, \"Selene\").", "id": "11567389" }, { "contents": "Norris Cole (Coronation Street)\n\n\ntwo years later in 1999, when he had a more regular role than before. Hebden has said to be surprised by Norris having a fanbase, he said: \"Norris is a very popular character in general though, and he's also very popular with children, which surprises me. I would have thought he'd get on our nerves, but he doesn't.\" He went on to say: \"For some unknown reason, Norris is immensely popular with children, though I never understand why. Is he the", "id": "1884182" }, { "contents": "The Smurfs: The Legend of Smurfy Hollow\n\n\nin-the-dark ghost -- it says scary, and it gives you all the visual intensity, but it doesn't have the darkness of something that wouldn't be right for our audience.\" In September 2013, in an interview with \"The Huffington Post\" the director of the film, Stephan Franck, spoke about why they decided to use hand-drawn animation on the film, saying: \"Don't get me wrong. The crew here in Culver City is great when it comes to creating CG Smurfs", "id": "18872785" }, { "contents": "Thermal comfort\n\n\nneeds to do in order to stay stable at a normal human body temperature, important for the correct functioning of our physiological processes. The roman writer Vitruvius actually linked this purpose to the birth of Architecture. David Linden also suggests that the reason why we associate tropical beaches with paradise is because in those environments is where our bodies need to do less metabolic effort to maintain our core temperature. Temperature not only supports human life; coolness and warmth have also become in different cultures a symbol of protection, community and even the sacred", "id": "2775519" }, { "contents": "Pyrrhus and Cineas\n\n\nUpon receiving this answer, Cineas asks why Pyrrhus doesn't rest now instead of going through all the trouble of conquering all these other empires when the final result will be rest anyway. According to Beauvoir, Cineas' question haunts all of our projects, and we will always have to give an answer to it. The authentic answer, as she sees it, goes contrary to traditional interpretations in which Cineas is considered the wiser of the two. Pyrrhus' attitude is considered more authentic in that it is an attitude that directs", "id": "16430724" }, { "contents": "Zubaan\n\n\n: Surya is actually Mandy's son with Mehta, and that Mehta actually belonged earlier to the Kapoor family from KSIL, which is why he doesn't love Surya and Mandy. However, Dilsher is devastated to learn that the goons that day were actually sent by Gurcharan, and not Surya. After a lengthy conversation, Dilsher realizes that KSIL is not the place for him. Instead, he picks up at Amira during her performance with the dancer duo. As the song ends, the two share a kiss. Recalling through", "id": "17032354" }, { "contents": "The Reckoning of Time\n\n\noff on examining the irregularities of the Moon creating a leap year as well as why, according to Bede, the Moon appears older than it actually is. This section explores different year cycles that include varying numbers of months and days, determining the year cycle of Christ's incarnation, Easter, and other moon cycles. Bede gives an exhaustive description of the Six Ages of the World. Bede details the First Age, from Adam to Noah, as being 1,656 years long according to the Hebrew Bible or 2,242 years according to", "id": "12263844" }, { "contents": "Ralph René\n\n\na degree from any university and always referred to himself as \"self-taught.\" His 1992 self-published book, \"NASA Mooned America!\", details why he felt that the Apollo Moon landings were faked and actually produced from a closed studio. In addition to contending that NASA never sent astronauts to the Moon, René also proposes a number of other ideas René outlined most of these beliefs in his self-published book, \"The Last Skeptic of Science\" (1995). The original title of the", "id": "3922279" }, { "contents": "Man in the Moon\n\n\nmoon drinks clarret, With powder-beef, turnep, and carret. If he doth so, why should not you Drink until the sky looks blew?/poem In the English Middle Ages and renaissance, the Moon was held to be the god of drunkards, and at least three London taverns were named \"The Man in the Moone\". The man in the Moon is named in an early dated English nursery rhyme: poem The man in the moon came tumbling down And asked his way to Norwich; He went by the south", "id": "15981202" }, { "contents": "Sridevi (upcoming film)\n\n\nmy childhood I used to be very much attracted to my teacher named Saraswathi. Recently I have told this to her and she took it with a smile and that’s because she has the common sense knowledge that in teenage stages one goes through these kind of attractions which is quite natural and accepted by psychologists world over. So when she herself doesn't have any problem I don’t know why, who doesn't know anything about this has a problem and this is the problem for me\". He said that he is", "id": "2077688" }, { "contents": "Rob Zombie\n\n\ncareer. In 2002, Zombie announced his engagement to longtime girlfriend Sheri Moon, with a wedding date set for November 9, 2002. Only ten days before the wedding date, the couple decided to elope on October 31, 2002. Moon said, \"We were actually taking a walk in our neighborhood the day before. The wedding date was to be November 9th. We're like, 'Oh, God, we've been together for nine years. We should just say our vows privately'. It was just", "id": "1733733" }, { "contents": "Blood Tsunami\n\n\nerror explains why many Americans still calls this track for \"Enceladus Rising\". Before the actual booklet was being pressed Pete changed his mind and wanted the track to be called \"Horsehead Nebula\". Pete explained: - \"I wanted a title that both included something tremendously big and at the same time something very beautiful. Enceladus was one of the giants in Greek Mythology, but I reckon that he wasn't particularly beautiful. Enceladus is also the name given to one of the moons that goes in orbit around Saturn.", "id": "18121501" }, { "contents": "Luther Standing Bear\n\n\ncaused actual suffering. Standing Bear later wrote that red flannel underwear caused 'actual torture.' He remembered the red flannel underwear as the worst thing about life at Carlisle.\" \"One day an astronomer came to the school and gave a talk and explained that there would be an eclipse of the moon the following Wednesday night at twelve o'clock. We did not believe it. When the moon eclipsed, we readily believed our teacher about geography and astronomy.\" \"In 1881, after the school closed for the summer vacation", "id": "22084824" }, { "contents": "Moon Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania\n\n\nre-emerge as a business-dominant community. Since the 2003 renaming, township officials have researched various zoning ordinances to piece together Moon's main business corridor. Playing off the township's unique name, supervisors in 2005 gave Moon a new slogan, \"Explore Our Universe.\" \"The slogan is a play not only on the township's lunar name but also on Robert Morris University and the University Boulevard business corridor, which township officials would like investors and consumers to explore a little more thoroughly,\" wrote the \"", "id": "7615144" }, { "contents": "The Box and the Bunny\n\n\nBradford is reading the German newspaper \"Berliner Zeitung\" (actually the July 21, 2006 edition of the more distinguished \"Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung\" with a fake \"Berliner Zeitung\"-head) while talking to his private investigator, Steve, in the park. When Steve asks why he is reading the paper knowing that he doesn't speak German, Bradford replies that he doesn't need to...he owns the newspaper! This seems to be a reference to the German telenovela \"Verliebt in Berlin\", which is also based on \"", "id": "12604318" }, { "contents": "Wayne of Gotham\n\n\nAsylum. With everything set, they begin work creating a sociological virus against human desires for crime, corruption and evil. In 1958: Martha rushes into Wayne Manor and tells Thomas that Denholm Sinclair, a man she was interested in, was arrested but doesn't know why. Thomas doesn't tell her Denholm's crimes of embezzlement, arson, and murder at the Kane Foundation Orphanage, but says he'll try to help him. In actuality, Denholm is taken in as their new test subject. As months pass,", "id": "9049347" }, { "contents": "Monster Force\n\n\nthe EMACS (\"Energized Monster Armed Containment Suit\") or simply \"power suit\", which allows normal humans to fight super-human dark powers at the same level. The only werewolf in the team and the only one (apart from Frankenstein) who doesn't utilize high tech devices invented by Doc. He is actually a good-natured young man affected by lycanthropy, which has been the curse of his family for generations. During the full moon, when he cannot control the curse, his teammates have", "id": "12808552" }, { "contents": "Jackie Mason\n\n\nMaintaining a united Jerusalem as the un-divided capital of Israel.\" Mason, in 2003, counseled Israeli leaders to consider the total expulsion of Palestinians from Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip. Mason and Raoul Felder wrote, \"We have paralyzed ourselves by our sickening fear of World Opinion, which is why we find it impossible to face one simple fact: We will never win this war unless we immediately threaten to drive every Arab out of Israel if the killing doesn't stop.\" They added:", "id": "10840374" }, { "contents": "Occupy movement in the United States\n\n\nAcevedo stated \"Austin is very fortunate that we have an activist community that understands that violence doesn't get you anything,\" but that \"once you're given the criminal trespassing warning, you either comply or engage in civil disobedience. That's what 38 folks did yesterday and that's why they were arrested,\" reaffirming his position that \"we're very kind, but we're going to do our job.\" In a press release issued by the Occupy Austin General Assembly, spokesperson Jonathan Cronin asserted that \"on", "id": "3298935" }, { "contents": "The Who Tour 1976\n\n\nwere special shows filmed specifically for inclusion in \"The Kids Are Alright\" film. The first show of the group's first North American tour of the year in Boston began disastrously, with Moon collapsing on stage after only two numbers, forcing a makeup performance three weeks later. Lead singer Roger Daltrey explained that Moon was very ill, adding \"Why do our tours always start like this,\" obviously referring to the incident at the Cow Palace during the first show of their 1973 North American tour, when Moon also collapsed", "id": "492214" }, { "contents": "Moon landing conspiracy theories\n\n\n, and a recently proposed South Pole-Aitken basin robot mission would only gather about 1 kilogram of Moon rock. If NASA had used similar robot technology, then between 300 and 2,000 robot missions would have been needed to collect the current amount of Moon rocks that is held by NASA. On the makeup of the Moon rocks, Kaysing asked: \"Why was there never a mention of gold, silver, diamonds or other precious metals on the moon? Wasn't this a viable consideration? Why was this fact never dicussed", "id": "2821194" }, { "contents": "Cultural Criticism and Transformation\n\n\nWHY “WHITE SUPREMACIST CAPITALIST PATRIARCHY?”: Hooks breaks down why they coined the term White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy, which can be summarized by the following quotes: \"I began to use the phrase in my work “white supremacist capitalist patriarchy” because I wanted to have some language that would actually remind us continually of the interlocking systems of domination that define our reality...To me an important break through, I felt, in my work and that of others was the call to use the term white supremacy, over racism", "id": "13634064" }, { "contents": "Leonard Pozner\n\n\nentitled to know the truth about their own history.\" Pozner later said \"If Mr Fetzer wants to believe that Sandy Hook never happened and that we are all crisis actors, even that my son never existed, he has the right to be wrong. But he doesn't have the right to broadcast those beliefs if they defame me or harass me. He doesn’t have the right to use my baby's image or our name as a marketing ploy to raise donations or sell his products. He doesn't have the", "id": "6655720" }, { "contents": "Unpleasantville\n\n\nwhat's to come. \"There are many reasons why we love The Vampire Diaries: a hot cast, intriguing characters, suspenseful storylines. But above all, perhaps, is this: the show actually provides answers. It doesn't drag out mysteries with no end in sight. Every week, viewers are treated to valuable nuggets of information, while, of course, dropping their jaws over new questions and plot developments. That's also why we love The Vampire Diaries. This week's episode, \"Unpleasantville,\"", "id": "4983486" }, { "contents": "Queen Seondeok of Silla\n\n\n. She explained it thus: \"The painting showed no butterfly or bees beside the flowers. When he sent me this gift, Emperor Taizong was mocking me for not having a husband.\" The peony flower doesn't have any scent, which is why butterflies weren't interested on it — implying the reason why she doesn't have a husband was probably because no man was interested on her. [Not being married was seen as something negative for one's character and status during those days]. It is said that", "id": "1346457" }, { "contents": "Erotas (season 3)\n\n\nto relax and worries for her friend. One night in Spetses, Myrto takes Elena out drinking on the beach. They see Miltiadis, Elena's husband with an unidentified woman. She confronts him about it, and he says that he has been dating her for years. Elena, attempts suicide, in order to guilt Miltiadis into staying with her. However, she doesn't tell her daughter Athina why she tried to commit suicide afterwards, and uses it to her advantage. After weeks of not actually having seen the '", "id": "15583816" }, { "contents": "Jarno Elg\n\n\nof Satan which actions that, of course, don't have anything to do with 'real' Satanism\", and told Sova to \"[f]uck off and die\". The article also questions why some people within the scene were \"so fucking protective concerning Black Metal's 'good reputation'\" although \"Black Metal was the only form of 'music' where the music itself doesn't come as the first priority\", whereas musicians now would seem to \"care more about their guitars than the actual essence onto", "id": "1838436" }, { "contents": "Chainsaw safety features\n\n\nwill often still be running when it is not used for cutting at that moment. For this reason it is particularly important that the centrifugal clutch is operating correctly so that the chain doesn't rotate when the engine is idling. The chain brake should also be engaged manually when not actually required, which is why top-handled saws usually have an easy brake control lever. In many jurisdictions, use and even purchase of top-handled chainsaws is restricted to those holding the relevant certificate of competence in their use. However in", "id": "6759836" }, { "contents": "Space archaeology\n\n\nwhy these artifacts of our recent history should be preserved for future generations. Space tourism could affect archaeological artifacts, for example, on the Moon. The notion that cultural heritage is at stake and requires action to prevent deterioration or destruction is gaining ground. Perhaps artifacts (say, antiquated space stations) could be preserved in \"museum orbit\". Many such artifacts have been lost because they were not recognized and assessed. Experts assert that continuity and connection to the past are vital elements of survival in the modern world. A", "id": "1945015" }, { "contents": "Where the Heart Is (novel)\n\n\npictures. She has heard Billy Shadow's song \"The Beat of the Heart\" on the radio but cannot understand why it bothers her so much since she doesn't know that it is actually Willy Jack who wrote it. Forney has become one of her best friends and he loves taking care of Americus. Lexi has since had another baby and is also currently seeing a new man named Roger. Benny Goodluck has also grown into a young man who sees Novalee often. One summer, a massive tornado blows through Oklahoma", "id": "11003263" }, { "contents": "Virtua Quest\n\n\nAs he makes his way through Wild Corridor, he spies another Hunter who also appears to have Synapse Break. Sei is bewildered by this, but doesn't comment further. As he continues to make his way, gathering Virtual Souls as he goes, he eventually finds the three root users, who appear to be triplets, and defeats them. The game continues on where Sei finds out more about Toka and Toka knows about the syndicate and actually knows more about Judgement Six and one of the leaders Moon is collecting Data from", "id": "13400782" }, { "contents": "Antagonise\n\n\nIt is based on the lyrics for 'Antagonise'.\" \"Stefan doesn't need any directions; he reads the lyrics and comes up with a phenomenal piece of art. That's why we love working with this guy!\" \"When Snowden revealed the information about the mass electronic surveillance data mining program called Prism, what quite some people already thought became a proven fact. We all have been spied on for many years and all our data has been backed up and safely stored. It can be used any time", "id": "610690" }, { "contents": "Claire Morton\n\n\nShe told her parents she would visit them in Peyton Place for a while, but was actually planning on staying there permanently. Vincent keeps on sending her letters, wondering why she has left him. However, Claire never opened one, explaining she doesn't want to have anything to do with him anymore. She decides to work as a doctor in the local hospital and meets Dr. Michael Rossi (Ed Nelson). She falls in love with him, although he is her father's biggest rival. They start dating and", "id": "4521756" }, { "contents": "List of Firefly characters\n\n\nconfronts him in the \"Serenity\" film novelization, Wash's reasoning is \"Why would anyone call themselves Hoban?\" He grew up on a planet whose atmosphere is so polluted that no stars are visible. He claims to have spent time on a moon whose principal form of entertainment is juggling geese, both of which he mentions in the episode \"Our Mrs. Reynolds\". A laid-back guy with a dry and occasionally laconic sense of humor, Wash tends to represent the pragmatic, cut-and-run opinion", "id": "21321837" }, { "contents": "Attribution of recent climate change\n\n\nbodies in the Solar system. These included Neptune's moon Triton, Jupiter, Pluto and Mars. In an e-mail interview with Than (2007), Peiser stated that:\"I think it is an intriguing coincidence that warming trends have been observed on a number of very diverse planetary bodies in our solar system, (...) Perhaps this is just a fluke.\"Than (2007) provided alternative explanations of why warming had occurred on Triton, Pluto, Jupiter and Mars. The US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA, 2009", "id": "2949747" }, { "contents": "Eve Jenson\n\n\nApril 2010. Suzanne Shaw has described Eve as \"feisty and very flirtatious. She's been left with a lot of debt in France and she turns up in the Dales because she has nowhere else to go - she knows that Edna's a real soft touch and wouldn't leave her own family at the front door. Eve does lie to start with because she doesn't want anyone to know why she's actually there - she doesn't want to let everyone know that she's failed again. Edna finds out the", "id": "1725703" }, { "contents": "Michelle Richardson\n\n\njust recently involved in an incident orchestrated by Josh to get back at Tony for the events in the episode \"Michelle\". Although Effy doesn't speak, Michelle asks her why Tony hurt her, but Effy genuinely doesn't know. Michelle shows Effy some affection before leaving. Later in the episode Michelle attends with Jal to friend Anwar Kharral's 17th birthday party. Tony comes as well, along with Effy, but neither of them actually go inside. Effy calls Tony a \"wanker\" for hurting Michelle, and he", "id": "3340872" }, { "contents": "Puddleglum\n\n\nactually has done in ours?' This is not allegory at all.\" While not allegorical, Narnia does present significant parallels with elements from Christianity. Lewis is perhaps using Puddleglum to give a somewhat existential statement of faith when he writes, \"Suppose we \"have\" only dreamed, or made up, all of those things—trees and grass and sun and moon and stars and Aslan himself. Suppose we have. Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a", "id": "17666567" }, { "contents": "The Spring River Flows East\n\n\n\"You are the moon and I am your star\". He puts a ring on her finger and swears he will see her in his mind every time he sees a full moon. They marry and have a son, whom they name Kangsheng (\"to resist and to live on\"). \"Our generation will have to sacrifice so that he can have a better world,\" Zhongliang says. Meanwhile, as the Japanese approach Shanghai, the merchants evacuate their merchandise. Zhongliang tells Sufen and his mother that they", "id": "7918052" }, { "contents": "Huan Jie\n\n\nsupport (from Xu Huang). If Your Highness doesn't send more reinforcements to Fancheng, you are actually sending a message to the enemy that you are confident that Cao Ren and Xu Huang are competent enough to deal with the enemy. Why then do you need to worry that they will be defeated? Why then do you need to go there to help them?\" Cao Cao agreed and stationed his forces at Mobei (摩陂; southeast of present-day Jia County, Henan) while observing the situation at Fancheng", "id": "22047988" }, { "contents": "Völkerpsychologie\n\n\n. People will do this all the time, and this was a topic that Wundt used Völkerpsychologie to study. When someone disagrees with a statement that someone has made in conversation, we may find ourselves interrupting with a “What? Wait a minute, you are incorrect!” long before we can actually describe the actual point of disagreement. We tend to say things before our mind understands exactly why we say them. These examples are the exact reasons that Wundt used to promote his new branch of psychology, and why he", "id": "16844839" }, { "contents": "Our Gang\n\n\nhave been inspired by or named after \"Our Gang\". The folk-rock group Spanky and Our Gang was named for the troupe because lead singer Elaine \"Spanky\" McFarlane's last name was similar to that of George \"Spanky\" McFarland. The band had no connection with the actual \"Our Gang\" series. Numerous unauthorized \"Little Rascals\" and \"Our Gang\" restaurants and day care centers also exist throughout the United States. In the 1950s, home movie distributor Official Films released many of the Hal Roach", "id": "15962524" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Love Me (Beyoncé song)\n\n\ndeal of release schedules and trying to create a feud where it doesn't exist.\" She also told Hip Hop Hollywood: \"We all came out at the same time and it really doesn't matter ... I think there's room for everybody ... There's B[eyoncé], there's Ciara putting something out and [Lady] GaGa putting something out, but, because we started out together, people are going to say things like that. But I really don't care, I love her [un]til our dying days", "id": "7602765" }, { "contents": "Agnostic Front\n\n\npolitics, an assertion denied by vocalist Roger Miret in a 1985 \"Flipside\" interview: \"...We're skinheads. And the skinheads in England have a very bad name like with the fascists and stuff like that. But this is America not England. Just because the skinheads are fascists over there doesn't mean we got to grow our hair out if we don't feel like it... We love our country — but not necessarily how our government works.' The follow-up, \"Victim in Pain\" (", "id": "13105343" }, { "contents": "The Middle Years (story)\n\n\nwe can—we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art.\" Dencombe, a novelist who has been seriously ill, is convalescing at the English seaside town of Bournemouth. He is sitting near the water and reading his latest book entitled, of course, \"The Middle Years\". A young physician named Dr. Hugh comes over to Dencombe and begins to talk about his admiration for the novel, though he doesn't realize that he", "id": "7976639" }, { "contents": "Thank You for Smoking\n\n\nchoice. I think cigarettes are a wonderful location for that discussion because cigarettes are something we know all the answers to\", he posits. \"I wanted to look into this idea of why we feel the need to tell each other how to live and why we can't take personal responsibility for our own actions when we fall ill from things that we know are dangerous.\" Stephanie Zacharek of Salon agrees with Reitman; \"Despite its title, the movie doesn't come packaged with a strong anti-smoking message,", "id": "1709200" }, { "contents": "John McCallum\n\n\nother people, doesn't reduce other people's rights, we should let them do it. Why not?\" He also significantly contributed to the final debate before the vote on same-sex marriage on 21 March 2005 saying: I believe we should always seek to expand the rights of our fellow citizens as long as we do not thereby reduce the rights of others. We should seek to ensure that no group is denied full participation in society. As members of Parliament, we should not ask the question, why should", "id": "5169897" }, { "contents": "Last Moon\n\n\n\", but it is actually the perspective about the former by the non-human entities from the Moon who come to collect the souls, whose figures dressed in black can be seen in the music video and cover of singles \"Returner (Yami no Shūen)\" and \"Arrow\", as well album. The non-human narrator during the show questions why the humans with such strong feelings of friendship and love, repeat the same mistakes, can't stop hurting each other, and spend short lives fighting. According", "id": "20846573" }, { "contents": "Amerika (song)\n\n\nend of the video shows that the band have actually been in a fake Moon set in a studio, complete with film crew, an allusion to the Moon landing conspiracy theories. Till Lindemann, Rammstein's lead singer, wears a space suit with the name \"Armstrong\" on it, a reference to Neil Armstrong. The video ends with a band photograph left behind on the moon's surface while the recording of Jack Swigert's quote \"Houston, we've had a problem here\" is being played. As with every", "id": "16799602" }, { "contents": "Satisfaction theory of atonement\n\n\nhe can offer something by way of satisfaction\". Unlike Anselm, Aquinas claims that we can make satisfaction for our own sin, and that our problem is not our personal sin, but original sin. \"Original an infection of human nature itself, so that, unlike actual sin, it could not be expiated by the satisfaction of a mere man.\" Thus Christ, as the \"second Adam,\" does penance in our place – paying the debt of our original sin. Why does he do", "id": "20063657" }, { "contents": "Oddworld Inhabitants\n\n\nInhabitants doesn't need this because the game was entirely self-funded, and partnering with a publisher would mean \"carv[ing] out a piece of the revenue to share with a Microsoft-friendly publisher that did little to zero in efforts to finance, develop, manage community and bring the product to market,\" limiting Oddworld's revenue and making it harder for them to survive. Lanning expressed his frustrations, \"Why do we need a publisher when we self-finance our games, we build our own IP, we", "id": "11792987" }, { "contents": "The Ending Is Just the Beginning Repeating\n\n\nthe same thing, really. It doesn't make exact sense, which is why I kind of like it\" For the first time, with the new album to promote, the band has hired a second guitarist to play live with them. When asked about this, Cheney said, \"the songs on the new album aren't more complex but we felt there were some sounds and elements missing from our live show that are on our records. We plan to use him for some of the songs but not all,", "id": "15931249" }, { "contents": "Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd album)\n\n\nThe Village Voice\": \"The music is not only simple and attractive, with the synthesizer used mostly for texture and the guitar breaks for comment, but it actually achieves some of the symphonic dignity (and cross-referencing) that \"The Dark Side of the Moon\" simulated so ponderously.\" Years later, he reflected further on the record: \"My favorite Pink Floyd album has always been \"Wish You Were Here\", and you know why? It has soul, that's why – it's Roger", "id": "21581597" }, { "contents": "Serving 190 Proof\n\n\nyou've enjoyed for years don't seem nearly as important, and you're at war with yourself as to what's happening. 'Why don't I like that anymore? Why do I like this now?' And finally, I think you actually go through a biological change, you just, you become another...Your body is getting ready to die and your mind doesn't agree.\" According to Daniel Cooper's essay for the 1994 career retrospective \"Down Every Road\", Haggard told music journalist Peter Guralnick", "id": "15230200" }, { "contents": "Dark Side of the Moon (mockumentary)\n\n\n\": the real characters are shown joking, giving the false impression that they are voluntarily part of the hoax. In fact at least one of these \"jokes\" - Kissinger saying that he would do it all over again - appears in \"Les hommes de la Maison Blanche\" where he turns out to be actually talking quite seriously about the war in Vietnam. \"He was great as our James Bond, getting us in and out secretly, even giving us code names,\" said Winston Lord, former president of", "id": "8135324" }, { "contents": "Tony King (EastEnders)\n\n\na mirror to our lives, and sometimes that mirror will show ugly bits, difficult bits, taboo bits. But if a soap doesn't hold up that mirror, then actually, what is it? It will have no depth.\" Coghill was cast as Tony on 20 June 2008. He deemed the role the most challenging he had ever played, but hoped that it would help to raise public awareness of child abuse. Of his off-screen relationship with McGarty, Coghill explained that it helped that she does not", "id": "3877905" }, { "contents": "Lawless (film)\n\n\nDouglas Wick and Lucy Fisher optioned the book in 2008 and sent it to director John Hillcoat. Hillcoat later commented, [Bootlegging] sort of drew [the Bondurants] into this crazy kind of world of corruption and lawlessness ironically, but then mostly they survived, they got through it all and actually went on to have businesses and children. And traditionally the gangster film teaches us that we've got to pay for our sins. Usually the gangster is shot down in a blaze of glory and doesn't get up again.", "id": "8166854" }, { "contents": "Moons of Jupiter\n\n\nThere are 79 known moons of Jupiter. This gives Jupiter the largest number of known moons with reasonably stable orbits of any planet in the Solar System, if one doesn't count the moonlets within Saturn's rings. The most massive of the moons are the four Galilean moons, which were independently discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei and Simon Marius and were the first objects found to orbit a body that was neither Earth nor the Sun. From the end of the 19th century, dozens of much smaller Jovian moons have been discovered", "id": "13336307" }, { "contents": "Moon-Face\n\n\n\"Moon-Face\" is a short story by Jack London, first published in 1902. It explores the subject of extreme antipathy. The story follows the unnamed protagonist and his irrational hatred of John Claverhouse, a man with a \"moon-face\". The protagonist clearly states that his hatred of him is irrational, saying: \"Why do we not like him? Ah, we do not know why; we know only that we do not. We have taken a dislike, that is all. And so", "id": "19073759" } ]
Why is fear of clowns such a common phobia?
[{"answer": "Clown's costumes distort and exaggerate their features for humorous effect. However, we naturally find feature distortions as worrying or frightening because deformities are indicative of disease. There's also the uncanny valley effect, in which we find things that are *almost* human in appearance far more disturbing than things that are obviously fake, probably for the same reason. Children are less easily able to tell that clowns are fake and are thus more likely to fear them, a fear that can carry over to adulthood."}, {"answer": "Our minds are keyed to recognize patterns, especially as they relate to the human face. We see faces on everything, from toasters to door knots to buildings. And when it is obviously inhuman, like a toaster, it is seen as cute or non-threatening. But there is a point, as the object gets more and more human-looking, that we grow strongly averse to it. He hate it or fear it. Clowns, with their distorted faces (thanks to makeup), fall squarely into this uncanny valley for a lot of people. The reason the uncanny valley exists is because while we are trained to pick up on faces as children, and thus recognize them in non-human objects, when something is *trying* to look human and fails, it creeps us out. We either fear it or hate it. Factor in the fact that clowns' antics invade personal space and the fact that many young children are taken to see clowns at a formative age, and that phobia can last a lifetime."}, {"answer": "Ahoy, matey! Yer not alone in askin', and kind strangers have explained: 1. [ELI5: Why do so many people fear clowns when they're supposed to bring us joy and laughter? ]( URL_4 ) 1. [[ELI5] Why are people afraid of clowns? ]( URL_2 ) 1. [ELI5: Why do people develop an irrational fear of clowns? ]( URL_3 ) 1. [ELI5: Why do some people find things like dolls and clowns scary? ]( URL_0 ) 1. [People with a fear of clowns: What is it about clowns that scares you? ]( URL_1 )"}, {"answer": "I suspect most people actually lie about having this phobia under the assumption it makes them 'cool'"}, {"answer": "For me, personally, I don't like them. Perhaps due to the fact that I was held hostage in an armed robbery by a dude in a clown mask. So, yeah. Phobic."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "44712", "title": "Evil clown", "section": "Section::::Interpretations.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 9, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 9, "end_character": 160, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Tokophobia\n\n\nTokophobia is a significant fear of childbirth. It is a common reason why some women request an elective cesarean section. The fear often includes fear of injury to the baby, genital tract, or death. Treatment may occur via counselling. It is a type of specific phobia. In 2000, an article published in the \"British Journal of Psychiatry\" described the fear of childbirth as a psychological disorder that has received little attention and may be overlooked. Phobia of childbirth, as with any phobia, can manifest through a number", "id": "13337650" }, { "contents": "Phobophobia\n\n\nsignificance to the individual, on a similar way phobophobia is related to the individual. This is why panic attacks are closely related to phobophobia. Nevertheless, they can differentiate themselves by the fact that phobophobia is a psychological fear of the phobia itself that intensifies it, while panic attacks are extreme fear of encountering the calamities of an imminent disaster, and in this particular case, of encountering other phobias, which can be often accompanied by the at least four of the following common symptoms of panic attacks: Panic attacks can also be", "id": "20185744" }, { "contents": "Phobia\n\n\n. Usually a person has phobias to a number of objects or situations. Phobias can be divided into specific phobias, social phobia, and agoraphobia. Types of specific phobias include those to certain animals, natural environment situations, blood or injury, and specific situations. The most common are fear of spiders, fear of snakes, and fear of heights. Occasionally they are triggered by a negative experience with the object or situation. Social phobia is when the situation is feared as the person is worried about others judging them. Agoraphobia", "id": "3722952" }, { "contents": "Telephone phobia\n\n\nTelephone phobia (telephonophobia, telephobia, phone phobia) is reluctance or fear of making or taking phone calls, literally, \"fear of telephones\". It is considered to be a type of social phobia or social anxiety. It may be compared to glossophobia, in that both arise from having to engage with an audience, and the associated fear of being criticized, judged or made a fool of. As is common with other fears and phobias, there is a wide spectrum of severity of the fear of phone conversations and", "id": "10738233" }, { "contents": "Cynophobia\n\n\nCynophobia (from the \"kýōn\" \"dog\" and \"phóbos\" \"fear\") is the fear of dogs. Cynophobia is classified as a specific phobia, under the subtype \"animal phobias\". According to Dr. Timothy O. Rentz of the Laboratory for the Study of Anxiety Disorders at the University of Texas, animal phobias are among the most common of the specific phobias and 36% of patients who seek treatment report being afraid of dogs or cats. Although snakes and spiders are more common animal phobias, cynophobia is", "id": "16043187" }, { "contents": "Specific social phobia\n\n\nMental health professionals often distinguish between generalized social phobia and specific social phobia. People with generalized social phobia have great distress in a wide range of social situations. Those with specific social phobia may experience anxiety only in a few situations. The term \"specific social phobia\" may also refer to specific forms of non-clinical social anxiety. The most common symptoms of specific social phobia are glossophobia, the fear of public speaking and the fear of performance, known as stage fright. Other examples of specific social phobia include fears of", "id": "8833353" }, { "contents": "Evil clown\n\n\nassuming the shape of whatever the victim fears the most. The evil clown archetype plays strongly off the sense of dislike it caused to inherent elements of coulrophobia; however, it has been suggested by Joseph Durwin that the concept of evil clowns has an independent position in popular culture, arguing that \"the concept of evil clowns and the widespread hostility it induces is a cultural phenomenon which transcends just the phobia alone\". A study by the University of Sheffield concluded \"that clowns are universally disliked by children. Some found them quite", "id": "1128134" }, { "contents": "Phobia\n\n\n(\"phóbos\"), meaning \"aversion\", \"fear\" or \"morbid fear\". In popular culture, it is common for specific phobias to have names based on a Greek word for the object of the fear, plus the suffix \"-phobia\". Creating these terms is something of a word game. Few of these terms are found in medical literature. In ancient Greek mythology Phobos was the twin brother of Deimos (terror). The word \"phobia\" may also refer to conditions other than true", "id": "3722992" }, { "contents": "Fear of fish\n\n\nFear of fish or ichthyophobia ranges from cultural phenomena such as fear of eating fish, fear of touching raw fish, or fear of dead fish, up to irrational fear (specific phobia). Galeophobia is the fear specifically of sharks. Ichthyophobia is described in \"Psychology: An International Perspective\" as an \"unusual\" specific phobia. Both symptoms and remedies of ichthyophobia are common to most specific phobias. John B. Watson, a renowned name in behaviorism, describes an example, quoted in many books in psychology, of conditioned", "id": "12772788" }, { "contents": "Preparedness (learning)\n\n\nIn psychology, preparedness is a concept developed to explain why certain associations are learned more readily than others. For example, phobias related to survival, such as snakes, spiders, and heights, are much more common and much easier to induce in the laboratory than other kinds of fears. According to Martin Seligman, this is a result of our evolutionary history. The theory states that organisms which learned to fear environmental threats faster had a survival and reproductive advantage. Consequently, the innate predisposition to fear these threats became an adaptive", "id": "18387336" }, { "contents": "Zoophobia\n\n\nZoophobia or animal phobia is a class of specific phobias to particular animals, or an irrational fear or even simply dislike of any non-human animals. Examples of specific zoophobias would be entomophobias, such as that of bees (apiphobia). Fears of spiders (arachnophobia), birds (ornithophobia) and snakes (ophidiophobia) are also common. See the article at -phobia for the list of various phobias. Sigmund Freud mentioned that an animal phobia is one of the most frequent psychoneurotic diseases among children. Zoophobia is the non", "id": "4361918" }, { "contents": "Serpent (symbolism)\n\n\nrepresent the evil side of drugs in such films as \"Narcotic\" and \"Narcotics: Pit of Despair\". The anthropologist Lynn Isbell has argued that, as primates, the serpent as a symbol of death is built into our unconscious minds because of our evolutionary history. Isbell argues that for millions of years snakes were the only significant predators of primates, and that this explains why fear of snakes is one of the most common phobias worldwide and why the symbol of the serpent is so prevalent in world mythology; the serpent", "id": "13650096" }, { "contents": "Ophidiophobia\n\n\nOphidiophobia, or ophiophobia, is a particular type of specific phobia, the abnormal fear of snakes. It is sometimes called by a more general term, herpetophobia, fear of reptiles. The word comes from the Greek words \"ophis\" (), snake, and \"phobia\" () meaning fear. About a third of adult humans are ophidiophobic, making this the most common reported phobia. A 2001 study at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden suggested that mammals may have an innate negative reaction to snakes (and spiders)", "id": "18147183" }, { "contents": "Null (comics)\n\n\n, voiced by John DiMaggio. In the series, Null is an entity that thrives on fear and uses his victim's phobias to manifest a physical form before attacking the nearest planet. While on the path back to Earth, the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. find Silver Surfer fighting Null until he is knocked out. Null uses its powers to bring the fears of the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. to life: using Hulk's fear of losing control in the form of Dark Hulk, A-Bomb's fear of clowns in the form of Obnoxio", "id": "15771970" }, { "contents": "Human uses of reptiles\n\n\n, which are widely kept as pets in the US, are more common, with some 800 cases per year. Cultural attitudes to reptiles include a widespread fear, sometimes extending to phobia, especially of snakes; Carl Sagan suggested that the fear may be ancestral, and it is indeed shared by other primates. In the US, 12% of men and 38% of women feared snakes; along with spiders, this is the most common phobia in Western societies. Negative attitudes extend in some countries to other reptiles; for", "id": "1104085" }, { "contents": "Phobia\n\n\n10.9 percent of men have a single specific phobia, while multiple phobias occur in 5.4 percent of females and 1.5 percent of males. Women are nearly four times as likely as men to have a fear of animals (12.1 percent in women and 3.3 percent in men) — a higher dimorphic than with all specific or generalized phobias or social phobias. Social phobias are more common in girls than in boys, while situational phobia occurs in 17.4 percent of women and 8.5 percent of men. The word \"phobia\" comes from the", "id": "3722991" }, { "contents": "Psychosocial treatment of needle phobia in children\n\n\nWhile needle phobia is not age-specific, it is more common in children than in adults. The latest research from all fields indicates that needle-fear is predominant among children fears with some research claiming that up to 93% of children experience [needle-related] stress.\" Many studies have been performed investigating psychosocial methods of helping children cope with their fear. Current research in this area has investigated several types of non-invasive treatments to aid children in their needle phobia. These can be categorized into distraction techniques", "id": "11370956" }, { "contents": "Fear of frogs\n\n\nFear of frogs and toads is both a known specific phobia, known simply as frog phobia or ranidaphobia (from \"ranidae\", the most widespread family of frogs), and a superstition common to the folkways of many cultures. Psychiatric speciality literature uses the simple term \"fear of frogs\" rather than any specialized term. The term batrachophobia has also been recorded in a 1953 psychiatric dictionary. According to some, the sight of a frog may be a bad omen. As well, a common myth says that touching frogs", "id": "14443255" }, { "contents": "Blood phobia\n\n\nBlood phobia is often caused by direct or vicarious trauma in childhood or adolescence. Though some have suggested a possible genetic link, a study of twins suggests that social learning and traumatic events, rather than genetics, is of greater significance. The inclusion of “blood-injury phobia” within the category of specific or simple phobias in classificatory systems reflects a perception that fear has a primary role in the disorder. Consistent with this assumption, blood-injury phobia appears to share a common etiology with other phobias. Kendler, Neale", "id": "20734458" }, { "contents": "Emetophobia\n\n\nEmetophobia is a phobia that causes overwhelming, intense anxiety pertaining to vomiting. This specific phobia can also include subcategories of what causes the anxiety, including a fear of vomiting in public, a fear of seeing vomit, a fear of watching the action of vomiting or fear of being nauseated. It is common for emetophobics to be underweight, or even anorexic, due to strict diets and restrictions they make for themselves. The thought of someone possibly vomiting can cause the phobic person to engage in extreme behaviors to escape the perceived (", "id": "7582303" }, { "contents": "Anxiety\n\n\nenvironments. Anxiety during social interactions, particularly between strangers, is common among young people. It may persist into adulthood and become social anxiety or social phobia. \"Stranger anxiety\" in small children is not considered a phobia. In adults, an excessive fear of other people is not a developmentally common stage; it is called social anxiety. According to Cutting, social phobics do not fear the crowd but the fact that they may be judged negatively. Social anxiety varies in degree and severity. For some people, it is", "id": "336752" }, { "contents": "Fear of needles\n\n\nverbal signals that developed in response to increased inter-group aggression during the paleolithic. A non-combatant who has fainted signals that they are not a threat. This might explain the association between fainting and stimuli such as bloodletting and injuries. Although needle phobia is defined simply as an extreme fear of medically related shots/injections, it appears in several varieties. Although most specific phobias stem from the individuals themselves, the most common type of needle phobia, affecting 50% of those afflicted, is an inherited vasovagal reflex reaction", "id": "11546436" }, { "contents": "Anxiety disorder\n\n\npain, and heart palpitations. Typically it begins around 8 to 9 years of age. The single largest category of anxiety disorders is that of specific phobias which includes all cases in which fear and anxiety are triggered by a specific stimulus or situation. Between 5% and 12% of the population worldwide suffer from specific phobias. Sufferers typically anticipate terrifying consequences from encountering the object of their fear, which can be anything from an animal to a location to a bodily fluid to a particular situation. Common phobias are flying, blood", "id": "12509541" }, { "contents": "Mageirocophobia\n\n\nphobia can take on several forms but revolves around common themes: The most common reason for some degree of this phobia is the fear of spreading foodborne illnesses, through either undercooked foods, improperly prepared or cleaned foods, or concern about understanding the basic rules for proper preparation and storage of foods. Many mageirocophobes fear the process: cutting themselves, burning themselves, or even having problems executing the steps needed to successfully render a dish. Some see it as a chore that is overwhelming. Another manifestation is the anxiety caused by reading", "id": "10100764" }, { "contents": "Fear of mice\n\n\nFear of mice and rats is one of the most common specific phobias. It is sometimes referred to as musophobia (from Greek \"μῦς\" \"mouse\") or murophobia (a coinage from the taxonomic adjective \"murine\" for the family Muridae that encompasses mice and rats), or as suriphobia, from French \"souris\", \"mouse\". The phobia, as an unreasonable and disproportionate fear, is distinct from reasonable concern about rats and mice contaminating food supplies, which may potentially be universal to all times,", "id": "7927350" }, { "contents": "Noise phobia in dogs\n\n\nDog Noise Phobia, along with Dog Noise Anxiety, are terms sometimes used by dog owners and veterinarians to describe canine fear of and the corresponding stress responses to loud noises. Noise-related phobia are common in dogs, and may be triggered by fireworks, thunderstorms, gunshots, and even bird noises. Associated stimuli may also come to trigger the symptoms of the phobia or anxiety, such as a change in barometric pressure being associated to a thunderstorm, thus causing an anticipatory anxiety. Signs and symptoms of dog noise phobia may", "id": "6087506" }, { "contents": "Fear of commitment\n\n\n(1995). When aversion to marriage involves fear it's called gamophobia. A hatred of marriage is called \"misogamy\". Besides the common criticisms of self-help, Harvard psychologist Deborah DePaulo has written books such as \"Singleism\" on the stigmatization of single people. The use of the term \"fear\" or \"phobia\" imparts an inherent linguistic bias. It recasts specific lifestyle decisions (such as bachelorhood vs. marriage, or a conscious decision to remain childfree by choice) implicitly as generalised, irrational phobias while", "id": "800450" }, { "contents": "Blood-injection-injury type phobia\n\n\nBlood-injection-injury (BII) type phobia is a type of specific phobia characterized by the display of excessive, irrational fear in response to the sight of blood, injury, or injection, or in anticipation of an injection, injury, or exposure to blood. Blood-like stimuli (paint, ketchup) may also cause a reaction. This is a common phobia with an estimated 3-4% prevalence in the general population, though it has been found to occur more often in younger and less educated groups", "id": "10132810" }, { "contents": "Scopophobia\n\n\nwould describe their fear to the therapist and try to find out when and why this fear developed. The feedback stage is when the therapist offers a way of treating the phobia. A fear hierarchy is then developed, where the individual creates a list of scenarios involving their fear, with each one becoming worse and worse. Exposure involves the individual being exposed to the scenarios and situations in their fear hierarchy. Finally, building is when the patient, comfortable with one step, moves on to the next. As with many human", "id": "9635821" }, { "contents": "List of phobias\n\n\nThe English suffixes -phobia, -phobic, -phobe (from Greek φόβος \"phobos\", \"fear\") occur in technical usage in psychiatry to construct words that describe irrational, abnormal, unwarranted, persistent, or disabling fear as a mental disorder (e.g. agoraphobia), in chemistry to describe chemical aversions (e.g. hydrophobic), in biology to describe organisms that dislike certain conditions (e.g. acidophobia), and in medicine to describe hypersensitivity to a stimulus, usually sensory (e.g. photophobia). In common usage, they also form", "id": "4292932" }, { "contents": "Phobophobia\n\n\ntrauma. Phobophobia might develop from other phobias, in which the intense anxiety and panic caused by the phobia might lead to fearing the phobia itself, which triggers phobophobia before actually experiencing the other phobia. The extreme fear towards the other phobia can lead the patient to believe that their condition may develop into something worse, intensifying the effects of the other phobia by fearing it. Also, phobophobia can be developed when anxiety disorders are not treated, creating an extreme predisposition to other phobias. The development of phobophobia can also be attributed", "id": "20185739" }, { "contents": "Blood phobia\n\n\nBlood phobia (also AE: hemophobia or BE: haemophobia) is extreme and irrational fear of blood, a type of specific phobia. Severe cases of this fear can cause physical reactions that are uncommon in most other fears, specifically vasovagal syncope (fainting). Similar reactions can also occur with trypanophobia and traumatophobia. For this reason, these phobias are categorized as \"blood-injection-injury phobia\" by the DSM-IV. Some early texts refer to this category as \"blood-injury-illness phobia.\"", "id": "20734457" }, { "contents": "Phobia\n\n\nmay increase the fear and phobia more so than observing a fearful reaction of another human or non-human primate. Informational/instructional fear acquisition is learning to fear something by getting information. For instance, fearing electrical wire after having heard that touching it causes an electric shock. A conditioned fear response to an object or situation is not always a phobia. To meet the criteria for a phobia there must also be symptoms of impairment and avoidance. Impairment is defined as being unable to complete routine tasks whether occupational, academic or", "id": "3722964" }, { "contents": "Phobophobia\n\n\nPhobophobia is the fear of phobia(s) and, more specifically, of the internal sensations associated with that phobia and anxiety, which binds it closely to other anxiety disorders, especially with generalized anxiety disorders (free floating fears) and panic attacks. It is a condition in which anxiety disorders are maintained in an extended way, which combined with the psychological fear generated by phobophobia of encountering the feared phobia would ultimately lead to the intensifying of the effects of the feared phobia that the patient might have developed, such as agoraphobia, and", "id": "20185735" }, { "contents": "Fear of needles\n\n\nof needle phobia has historically been desensitization or the progressive exposure of the patient to gradually more frightening stimuli, allowing them to become desensitized to the stimulus that triggers the phobic response.  In recent years, a technique known as \"applied tension\" has become increasingly accepted as an often effective means for maintaining blood pressure to avoid the unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous, aspects of the vasovagal reaction. Associative fear of needles is the second most common type, affecting 30% of needle phobics. This type is the classic specific phobia in", "id": "11546440" }, { "contents": "Emetophobia\n\n\nto others vomiting, hypnosis, exposure to nausea and exposure to cues of vomiting, systemic behavior therapy, psychodynamic and psychotherapy have also shown positive effects for the treatment of emetophobia. However, in some cases it may cause re-traumatization, and the phobia may become more intense as a result. Emetophobics may also suffer from other complicating disorders and phobias, such as social anxiety, fear of flying and agoraphobia. These three are very common, because people who fear vomiting are often terrified of doing so, or encountering it", "id": "7582312" }, { "contents": "Social Interaction Anxiety Scale\n\n\nsocial phobia and healthy volunteers, but also between several different types of social phobia and anxiety. The SIAS is significantly correlated with the Social Phobia Scale (SPS), consistent with the observation that social interaction fears and social phobia scrutiny fears co-exist, although they are still two different sets of symptoms. It is strongly related to other related measures of social anxiety and social phobia, including the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS), Mini Social Phobia Inventory (mini-SPIN), Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale", "id": "382517" }, { "contents": "Ostraconophobia\n\n\nOstraconophobia is the fear of shellfish. NASCAR driver Denny Hamlin has this phobia. On July 16, 2017, after winning the Overton's 301 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series race at New Hampshire Motor Speedway, he was given a 44-pound lobster by crew chief Mike Wheeler (a trophy that is traditionally given to winners at the track), and Hamlin attempted to leap away. \"I have a lobster phobia. I don't know why. I just don't like them,\" Hamlin stated. \"I cannot eat", "id": "10853138" }, { "contents": "Phobia\n\n\n, and of possible panic attacks that might follow. It may also be caused by various specific phobias such as fear of open spaces, social embarrassment (social agoraphobia), fear of contamination (fear of germs, possibly complicated by obsessive-compulsive disorder) or PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) related to a trauma that occurred out of doors. 3. Social phobia, also known as social anxiety disorder, is when the situation is feared as the person is worried about others judging them. Phobias vary in severity among", "id": "3722956" }, { "contents": "Phobia\n\n\nas effective in easing phobia symptoms following a specific trauma, such as a fear of dogs following a dog bite. Another method used to treat patients with extreme phobias is prolonged exposure, in which the patient is exposed to the object of their fear over a long period of time. This technique is only tested when a person has overcome avoidance of, or escape from, the feared object or situation. People with slight distress from their phobias usually do not need prolonged exposure to their fear. A method used in the treatment", "id": "3722982" }, { "contents": "Trypophobia\n\n\nfall under the broad category of specific phobia if the fear is excessive, persistent, and associated with significant distress or impairment. Whether trypophobia can be accurately described as a specific phobia might depend on whether the person mainly responds with fear or with disgust. Because phobias involve fear, a response to trypophobic imagery that is based mostly or solely on disgust renders its status as a specific phobia questionable. In one study, most of the participants with trypophobia met the DSM-5 criteria for specific phobia, even though they experienced disgust instead of", "id": "3023257" }, { "contents": "Phobia\n\n\ndevelopment. Additionally, specific phobias are most prevalent in children between ages 10 and 13. Unlike specific phobias, social phobias include fear of public situations and scrutiny, which leads to embarrassment or humiliation in the diagnostic criteria. Rachman proposed three pathways to acquiring fear conditioning: classical conditioning, vicarious acquisition and informational/instructional acquisition. Much of the progress in understanding the acquisition of fear responses in phobias can be attributed to classical conditioning (Pavlovian model). When an aversive stimulus and a neutral one are paired together, for instance", "id": "3722959" }, { "contents": "Childhood phobias\n\n\ntolerable to incapacitating. The distinction between “normal” fears and phobias, a phobia (as defined by the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV)): Though some fears are inborn, the majority are learned. Phobias develop through negative experiences and through observation. One way children begin to develop fears is by witnessing or hearing about dangers. Ollendick proposes while some phobias may originate from a single traumatizing experience, others may be caused by simpler, or less dramatic, origins such", "id": "8818618" }, { "contents": "Specific social phobia\n\n\nintimacy or sexual encounters, using public restrooms (paruresis), attending social gatherings, and dealing with authority figures. Specific social phobia may be classified into performance fears and interaction fears, i.e., fears of acting in a social setting and interacting with other people, respectively. The cause of social phobia is not definite. Symptoms of social phobia can occur in late adolescence when youths highly value the impressions they give off to their peers. Clinical experience of the prognosis of social phobia shows that it can prolong for many years but", "id": "8833354" }, { "contents": "Phobia\n\n\nfear of with losing control, panicking, and fainting from an encounter with the phobia. Specific phobias are defined in relation to objects or situations whereas social phobias emphasize social fear and the evaluations that might accompany them. The DSM breaks specific phobias into five subtypes: animal, natural environment, blood-injection-injury, situation and other. In children, blood-injection-injury phobia and phobias involving animals, natural environment (darkness) usually develop between the ages of 7 and 9, and these are reflective of normal", "id": "3722958" }, { "contents": "Nothing (film)\n\n\nfood. Dave still expresses some concern over Andrew's remaining phobias, questioning why the phobias still exist when there is nothing left to fear. Reluctantly, Andrew reveals that he was abused and tormented by his parents as a child. With some urging from Dave he hates away the memory of each traumatic childhood event as he recounts it; when he is finally done he is no longer phobic and much more confident in himself. Unfortunately this change alters Andrew's personality and leads to friction between the two friends, finally building into", "id": "2367621" }, { "contents": "It (miniseries)\n\n\nIt (also known as Stephen King's It) is a 1990 American horror miniseries directed by Tommy Lee Wallace and adapted by Lawrence D. Cohen from Stephen King's 1986 novel of the same name. The story revolves around a devious, sadistic, predatory monster which has the ability to transform itself into its prey's worst fears, allowing it to exploit the phobias of its victims. It mostly takes the form of a vicious but darkly comical clown called Pennywise. The protagonists are The Lucky Seven, or The Losers Club,", "id": "18238086" }, { "contents": "Phobophobia\n\n\nLike all the phobias, the patients avoids the feared phobia in order to avoid the fear of it. The word \"phobophobia\" is an English adaptation of the Greek φόβος, \"phobos\", \"fear\". \"Phobophobia\" literally translates to \"fear of fear\". Phobophobia is mainly linked with internal predispositions. It is developed by the unconscious mind which is linked to an event in which phobia was experienced with emotional trauma and stress, which are closely linked to anxiety disorders and by forgetting and recalling the initiating", "id": "20185738" }, { "contents": "Traumatophobia\n\n\nAccording to the DSM-IV classification of mental disorders, the injury phobia is a specific phobia of blood/injection/injury type. It is an abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury. Another name for injury phobia is traumatophobia, from Greek τραῦμα (\"trauma\"), \"wound, hurt\" and φόβος (\"phobos\"), \"fear\". It is associated with BII (Blood-Injury-Injection) Phobia. Sufferers exhibit irrational or excessive anxiety and a desire to avoid specific feared objects", "id": "10132807" }, { "contents": "Fear of bees\n\n\nFear of bees (or of bee stings), technically known as melissophobia (from , \"melissa\", \"honey bee\" + , \"phobos\", \"fear\") and also known as apiphobia (from Latin \"apis\" for \"honey bee\" + \"\", \"phobos\", \"fear\"), is one of the common fears among people and is a kind of specific phobia. Most people have been stung by a bee or had friends or family members stung. A child may fall", "id": "10264335" }, { "contents": "Fear of the dark\n\n\nFear of the dark is a common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults. A fear of the dark does not always concern darkness itself; it can also be a fear of possible or imagined dangers concealed by darkness. Some degree of fear of the dark is natural, especially as a phase of child development. Most observers report that fear of the dark seldom appears before the age of 2 years. When fear of the dark reaches a degree that is severe enough to be considered pathological,", "id": "492425" }, { "contents": "Phobophobia\n\n\nspecially with it, and making them susceptible to having an extreme fear of panicking. Phobophobia comes in between the stress the patient might be experiencing and the phobia that the patient has developed as well as the effects on his life, or in other words, it is a bridge between anxiety/panic the patient might be experiencing and the type of phobia he/she fears, creating an intense and extreme predisposition to the feared phobia. Nevertheless, phobophobia is not necessarily developed as part of other phobias, but can be an", "id": "20185736" }, { "contents": "Fear of mice\n\n\nplaces, and cultures where stored grain attracts rodents, which then consume or contaminate the food supply. In many cases a phobic fear of mice is a socially induced conditioned response, combined with (and originated in) the startle response (a response to an unexpected stimulus) common in many animals, including humans, rather than a real disorder. At the same time, as is common with specific phobias, an occasional fright may give rise to abnormal anxiety that requires treatment. Fear of mice may be treated by any standard", "id": "7927351" }, { "contents": "The Day of the Clown\n\n\ntheorises that Spellman is an alien. As Sarah Jane, Luke, Clyde and Rani attempt to escape the building, Spellman reveals himself to have been the legendary Pied Piper of Hamelin and now Odd Bob the Clown seeking to feed off their fear. Sarah Jane and the rest escape through the back door. Then Sarah Jane tells Luke about why she's scared of clowns saying that a clown toy in her room apparently came to life when she was young. The next morning, Rani looks out of her bedroom window and sees", "id": "174585" }, { "contents": "Biphobia\n\n\nbisexual\" and the root \"-phobia\" (from the , \"phóbos\", \"fear\") found in \"homophobia\". Along with \"transphobia\" and \"homophobia\", it is one of a family of terms used to describe intolerance and discrimination against LGBT people. The adjectival form \"biphobic\" describes things or qualities related to biphobia, and the less-common noun \"biphobe\" is a label for people thought to harbor biphobia. \"Biphobia\" need not be a phobia as defined in clinical psychology", "id": "12841653" }, { "contents": "It (novel)\n\n\nIt is a 1986 horror novel by American author Stephen King. \"It\" was his 22nd book, and his 18th novel written under his own name. The story follows the experiences of seven children as they are terrorized by an evil entity that exploits the fears and phobias of its victims to disguise itself while hunting its prey. \"It\" primarily appears in the form of Pennywise the Dancing Clown to attract its preferred prey of young children. The novel is told through narratives alternating between two periods and is largely told in", "id": "383500" }, { "contents": "Phobia\n\n\nA phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. The phobia typically results in a rapid onset of fear and is present for more than six months. The affected person goes to great lengths to avoid the situation or object, to a degree greater than the actual danger posed. If the feared object or situation cannot be avoided, the affected person experiences significant distress. With blood or injury phobia, fainting may occur. Agoraphobia is often associated with panic attacks", "id": "3722951" }, { "contents": "Astraphobia\n\n\n, astraphobia can lead to agoraphobia, the fear of leaving the home. In 2007 scientists found astraphobia is the third most prevalent phobia in the US. It can occur in people of any age. It occurs in many children, and should not be immediately identified as a phobia because children naturally go through many fears as they mature. Their fear of thunder and lightning cannot be considered a fully developed phobia unless it persists for more than six months. In this case, the child's phobia should be addressed, for", "id": "8442147" }, { "contents": "Myrmecophobia\n\n\nMyrmecophobia is the inexplicable fear of ants. It is a type of specific phobia. It is common for those who suffer from myrmecophobia to also have a wider fear of insects in general. Such a condition is known as entomophobia. This fear can manifest itself in several ways, such as a fear of ants contaminating a person's food supply, or fear of a home invasion by large numbers of ants. The term \"myrmecophobia\" comes from the Greek μύρμηξ, \"myrmex\", meaning \"ant\" and , \"", "id": "8246124" }, { "contents": "Evil clown\n\n\n-phobia\" lists\". The cultural critic Mark Dery has theorized the postmodern archetype of the evil clown in \"Cotton Candy Autopsy: Deconstructing Psycho-Killer Clowns\" (a chapter in his cultural critique \"The Pyrotechnic Insanitarium: American Culture on the Brink\"). Tracking the image of the demented or deviant clown across popular culture, Dery analyzes the \"Pogo the Clown\" persona of the serial killer John Wayne Gacy; the obscene clowns of the neo-situationist Cacophony Society; the Joker (of \"Batman\" fame", "id": "1128139" }, { "contents": "Ergophobia\n\n\n-workers (a type of social phobia), and other fears of emotional, psychological and/or physiological injuries. The term \"ergophobia\" comes from the Greek \"ergon\" (work) and \"phobos\" (fear). A phobia is a psychological condition in which an individual has a persisting fear of situations or objects, disproportionate to the threat they actually pose. Once the fearful individual encounters the situation or object of their phobia, the emotional, cognitive and physical reaction is almost immediate. This condition creates immense distress", "id": "4062577" }, { "contents": "Dental fear\n\n\nThe term ‘dental fear and anxiety’ (DFA) is often used to refer to strong negative feelings associated with dental treatment among children, adolescents and adults, whether or not the criteria for a diagnosis of dental phobia are met. Dental phobia can include fear of dental procedures, dental environment or setting, fear of dental instruments or fear of the dentist as a person. People with dental phobia often avoid the dentist and neglect oral health, which may lead to painful dental problems and ultimately force a visit to the dentist", "id": "2251897" }, { "contents": "Scopophobia\n\n\n\", described scopophobia: Later in the same paper (p. 285) scopophobia is defined as \"a fear of seeing people or being seen, especially of strange faces\". Scopophobia is unique among phobias in that the fear of being looked at is considered both a social phobia and a specific phobia, because it is a specific occurrence which takes place in a social setting. Most phobias typically fall in either one category or the other but scopophobia can be placed in both. On the other hand, as with most phobias", "id": "9635814" }, { "contents": "Ailurophobia\n\n\nAilurophobia is a type of specific phobia: the persistent, irrational fear of cats. The name comes from the Greek (), 'cat' and (), 'fear'. Other names include felinophobia, elurophobia, and cat phobia. A person with such a fear is known as an ailurophobe. The phobia manifests itself in different ways. For most people it is less about fear than about loathing, similar to the reaction many people have to snakes or rats. Some people experience it almost all the time,", "id": "3518993" }, { "contents": "Algophobia\n\n\nAlgophobia/Algiophobia is a phobia of pain - an abnormal and persistent fear of pain that is far more powerful than that of a normal person. Algophobia is much more common in elderly people. It can be treated with behavioral therapy and anti-anxiety medication. The term comes from the , \"álgos\", \"pain\" and , \"phóbos\", \"fear\". According to Sabino Metta, a behavioral psychologist, the phobic reaction is a learned behavior. A common example of this would be an elderly person", "id": "11546420" }, { "contents": "Phobia\n\n\nis when fear of a situation occurs because it is felt that escape would not be possible. It is recommended that specific phobias be treated with exposure therapy where the person is introduced to the situation or object in question until the fear resolves. Medications are not useful in this type of phobia. Social phobia and agoraphobia are often treated with some combination of counselling and medication. Medications used include antidepressants, benzodiazepines, or beta-blockers. Specific phobias affect about 6–8% of people in the Western world and 2–4% of people", "id": "3722953" }, { "contents": "List of American Horror Story: Cult characters\n\n\nbut is being treated by psychiatrist Dr. Vincent. She is a joint owner of a restaurant called \"The Butchery on Main\" with her wife, Ivy, and together they have a son called Ozzy. Although she lived a relatively normal life and had her fears under control, the election of Donald Trump deeply upset her and triggered her anxiety, phobias, and paranoia. Following the election, she and Ivy hire Winter to look after Ozzy, during which Ally is attacked several times by clowns. This worsens Ally's paranoia", "id": "21508613" }, { "contents": "Cookie Cutter (album)\n\n\n) Five favorite movies? br 39) Favorite book?br 40) Favorite Actor/Actress? br 41) Favorite Color? br 42) Current Hobbies? br 43) History of places that you lived and ages you were there (i.e. Portland: 22-25, NYC 26-33, Charlotte, NC 33- 36) br 44) Fears/phobias? (i.e. Clowns, spiders, rollercoasters, etc.…) br 45) Favorite Flavor Ice Cream? br 46) Drinker? br 47) Favorite libation(s)", "id": "854305" }, { "contents": "Phobia\n\n\namygdala) and the hippocampus interact with the amygdala in the storage of memory, which suggests why memories are often remembered more vividly if they have emotional significance. In addition to memory, the amygdala also triggers the secretion of hormones that affect fear and aggression. When the fear or aggression response is initiated, the amygdala releases hormones into the body to put the human body into an \"alert\" state, which prepares the individual to move, run, fight, etc. This defensive \"alert\" state and response are known", "id": "3722970" }, { "contents": "Fear of medical procedures\n\n\nmedical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings.\" Fear of medical procedures can be classified under a broader category of “blood, injection, and injury phobias”. This is one of five subtypes that classify specific phobias. A specific phobia is defined as a “marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable, cued by the presence (or anticipation) of a specific object or situation.” Often these fears begin to appear in childhood, around the age", "id": "15484307" }, { "contents": "Entomophobia\n\n\nEntomophobia is a specific phobia characterized by an excessive or unrealistic fear of one or more classes of insect, and classified as a phobia by the DSM-5. More specific cases included apiphobia (fear of bees), myrmecophobia (fear of ants), and lepidopterophobia (fear of moths and butterflies). One book claims 6% of all US inhabitants have this phobia. Lepidopterophobia can be developed in some ways. One of them by having a scary experience or if the person believes that the insect is dangerous. For example,", "id": "19091250" }, { "contents": "Nosocomephobia\n\n\nNosocomephobia (no-so-comb-phobia) is defined as the excessive fear of hospitals. Marc Siegel, a doctor and associate professor at the New York University Medical Center says, \"It's perfectly understandable why many people feel the way they do about a hospital stay,\" and continues, \"You have control of your life ... up until you're admitted to a hospital.\" U.S. President Richard Nixon was known to have a fear of hospitals after refusing to get a treatment for a blood clot in 1974", "id": "9460341" }, { "contents": "Hodophobia\n\n\nHodophobia is an irrational fear, or phobia, of travel. Hodophobia is also referred to as travel phobia or fear of travel. Hodophobia should not to be confused with travel aversion. Acute anxiety provoked by travel can be treated with anti-anxiety medication. The condition can be treated with exposure therapy, which works better when combined with cognitive behavioral therapy. Hodophobia is a specific phobia as classified in the DSM-5. People with fear of traveling experience intense, persistent fear or anxiety when they think about traveling and/or during travel.", "id": "18115594" }, { "contents": "Phobia\n\n\nindividuals. Some individuals can simply avoid the subject of their fear and suffer relatively mild anxiety over that fear. Others suffer full-fledged panic attacks with all the associated disabling symptoms. Most individuals understand that they are suffering from an irrational fear, but are powerless to override their panic reaction. These individuals often report dizziness, loss of bladder or bowel control, tachypnea, feelings of pain, and shortness of breath. A specific phobia is a marked and persistent fear of an object or situation. Specific phobias may also include", "id": "3722957" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nmore characters dressed as clowns. Author and folklorist Benjamin Radford, who wrote the non-fiction book \"Bad Clowns\", said that the craze could be an example of the \"snowball effect\", where rumor and legitimate concerns mix with the human penchant for a good story. \"The Verge\" dismissed the sightings as a case of mass hysteria, stating that a fear of clowns (which is common in children and adults) may be an underlying cause. \"Vox\" likewise claimed that \"The Great Clown Panic", "id": "12032765" }, { "contents": "Feel the Fear\n\n\nFeel the Fear is a television programme for 7 to 12 year-olds broadcast on CITV in the United Kingdom. The show centres on the two presenters, Holly Willoughby and Steve Wilson, setting each other challenges to test their nerve. It uses common phobias, such as the fear of heights and the dark, as the basis. The shows are broadcast alternately: one week Holly will set Steve a fear to face and the next week Steve will present a challenge to Holly. The 'boys v girls' idea is", "id": "20348396" }, { "contents": "Oikophobia\n\n\nIn psychiatry, oikophobia (synonymous with domatophobia and ecophobia) is an aversion to home surroundings. It can also be used more generally to mean an abnormal fear (a phobia) of the home, or of the contents of a house (\"fear of household appliances, equipment, bathtubs, household chemicals, and other common objects in the home\"). The term derives from the Greek words \"oikos\", meaning household, house, or family, and \"phobos\", meaning \"fear\". In 1808", "id": "4418803" }, { "contents": "Blood-injection-injury type phobia\n\n\n, as dental phobics generally fear the aspects of dentistry that are invasive (those commonly involving blood and injections). Some individuals with dental phobia do, however, have fears which center mainly around choking or gagging during a dental procedure. As with many individuals with BII phobia, many dental phobics will attempt to avoid their triggers. This can lead to refusal to seek dental care, potentially contributing to tooth decay and overall poor oral health. Individuals with dental phobia exhibit symptoms similar to those with BII phobia when exposed to a", "id": "10132833" }, { "contents": "Phobia (comics)\n\n\nhopes of conquering her own fears by unleashing those of others. Sometimes, man-hating tendencies rise up in her. Angela suffers from a fear of being alone. Phobia and the Brotherhood have opposed the Teen Titans on numerous occasions. Phobia travels to New Zealand. In the course of murderous crimes, Phobia coincidentally encounters the bestial super-hero Tasmanian Devil. Sensing her killings, Tasmanian Devil and his New Zealand contact and confidante Raylene Mackenzie tail her. A fight ensues. Tasmanian Devil was initially immune to Phobia's powers", "id": "782332" }, { "contents": "Fear of medical procedures\n\n\nsweating, pallor and fainting. This fainting can also lead to seizures, making life very difficult for those who have this fear. However, only 4.5% of individuals who have this phobia as a child will have this fear their entire lifetime. For those who do experience this phobia in an extreme manner, specific coping treatments have been found to help them. Biological treatments, like medications used for other anxiety ailments, are generally found to be inappropriate for fear of medical procedures or other specific phobias. Psychological treatments are the", "id": "15484310" }, { "contents": "Liebowitz social anxiety scale\n\n\nexpansion of the social phobia definition were included to better assess fears in social-interaction situations. Social phobia is defined by a persistent fear of embarrassment or negative evaluation while engaged in social interaction or public performance. However, lack of empirical data made it difficult to differentiate and relate different types of feared situations and social interactions. The Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS) was the first clinician-administered scale developed for the assessment of fear and avoidance associated with social phobia. The LSAS has a broad scope in assessment of both", "id": "18620216" }, { "contents": "Phagophobia\n\n\nPhagophobia is a psychogenic dysphagia, a fear of swallowing. It is expressed in various swallowing complaints without any apparent physical reason detectable by physical inspection and laboratory analyses. An obsolete term for this condition is choking phobia, but it was suggested that the latter term is confusing and it is necessary to distinguish the fear of swallowing (i.e., of the propulsion of bolus) from fear of choking. Phagophobia is classified as a specific phobia and according to DSM-IV classification it belongs to the category of \"other phobias\".", "id": "19432614" }, { "contents": "Phobia (2016 film)\n\n\n\"Phobia\" is a very different film with a very different character. And, when I work on any character, I work very independently on it.\" As a result of the good response coming from the Bollywood celebrities, critics and audiences, the makers are reportedly planning a sequel of the film. The producer Rajani confirmed that Pawan will be directing the sequel again and the script has been already put into development. He also adds that the sequel will be based on the fear of flying which is very common and", "id": "19547706" }, { "contents": "Phobia\n\n\nphobias. For example, the term \"hydrophobia\" is an old name for rabies, since an aversion to water is one of that disease's symptoms. A specific phobia to water is called aquaphobia instead. A hydrophobe is a chemical compound that repels water. Similarly, the term photophobia usually refers to a physical complaint (aversion to light due to inflamed eyes or excessively dilated pupils), rather than an irrational fear of light. A number of terms with the suffix -phobia are used non-clinically to imply irrational fear", "id": "3722993" }, { "contents": "Fear of bees\n\n\nthe bees. This process should not be rushed, it may take many months spent watching bees before people feel comfortable in their presence. Apiphobia is one of the zoophobias prevalent in young children and may prevent them from taking part in any outdoor activities. Older people control the natural fear of bees more easily. However, some adults face hardships of controlling the fear of bees. A recommended way of overcoming child's fear of bees is training to face fears (a common approach for treating specific phobias); programs vary.", "id": "10264341" }, { "contents": "List of phobias\n\n\nresults, such as suggestions to cure \"prostitute phobia\". Such practice is known as content spamming and is used to attract search engines. An article published in 1897 in \"American Journal of Psychology\" noted \"the absurd tendency to give Greek names to objects feared (which, as Arndt says, would give us such terms as klopsophobia – fear of thieves, – fear of the number 13...\". Specialists may prefer to avoid the suffix \"-phobia\" and use more descriptive terms such as personality disorders, anxiety", "id": "4292935" }, { "contents": "Driving phobia\n\n\nrefuses to drive at all, it becomes driving phobia. A fear of driving may escalate to a phobia during difficult driving situations, such as freeway driving or congested traffic. People with a fear of driving may experience trembling, sweating, accelerated pulse, loss of sense of reality, and thoughts of losing control while driving, even in situations that are reasonably safe. This fear will cause many to avoid driving, create excuses to not drive, or even refuse to get a driver's license for years. Those with associated", "id": "16530325" }, { "contents": "Flooding (psychology)\n\n\nmethod for overcoming phobias. This is a faster method of ridding fears when compared with systematic desensitization. In order to demonstrate the irrationality of the fear, a psychologist would put a person in a situation where they would face their phobia at its worst. Under controlled conditions and using psychologically-proven relaxation techniques, the subject attempts to replace their fear with relaxation. The experience can often be traumatic for a person, but may be necessary if the phobia is causing them significant life disturbances. The advantage to flooding is that it", "id": "21965717" }, { "contents": "Roller coaster phobia\n\n\nfrom harm. In addition, the speed of these rides can cause air displacement that makes it difficult for riders to catch their breath. Both of these issues can trigger claustrophobic responses in riders. Vertigo is a type of dizziness where a person feels as if they or the objects around them are moving when they are not. Common causes of vertigo include looking down from a great height and persistent movement, hence it contributing to a phobia of riding rollercoasters. Emetophobia is the fear of vomiting. Individuals who suffer from any degree", "id": "14082920" }, { "contents": "Blood phobia\n\n\nbehavioral therapy, desensitization, and possibly medications to help with the anxiety and discomfort.  In recent years, the technique known as \"applied tension\", applying tension to the muscles in an effort to increase blood pressure, has increasingly gained favor as an often effective treatment for blood phobia associated with drops in blood pressure and fainting. Because the fear of blood is extremely common, it is frequently exploited in popular culture. Horror movies and Halloween events prey on our natural aversion to blood, often featuring large quantities of fake blood", "id": "20734462" }, { "contents": "Blood-injection-injury type phobia\n\n\nupwards of 60% of those with the phobia have first-degree relatives who are also BII-phobics. It is believed that this evidences the phobia's genetic underpinnings. One study estimated actual heritability of the phobia at 59%. Additionally, a majority of phobics attribute their fear to environmental factors. For instance, some sort of traumatic event involving blood, injury, or injection that conditioned them to fear those particular stimuli. Others self-report being conditioned by seeing another person react to the stimuli with a consistent pattern", "id": "10132825" }, { "contents": "Roller coaster phobia\n\n\nRoller coaster phobia is a colloquial and slang term describing an individual's fear of roller coasters and other rides which involve excessive heights, restraints or g-forces on the body. While roller coasters are a popular theme park attraction, certain people feel nauseated, afraid, dizzy, or unsafe when riding roller coasters. In many cases, this fear is related to other phobias – such as acrophobia, claustrophobia or emetophobia – a condition like vertigo, or to a traumatic event. While not an officially recognized phobia, some cases", "id": "14082918" }, { "contents": "Specific phobia\n\n\nwill often show signs of fear or express discomfort. In some cases, it can result in a panic attack. In most adults, the person may logically know the fear is unreasonable but still find it difficult to control the anxiety. Thus, this condition may significantly impair the person's functioning and even physical health. Specific phobia affects up to 12% of people at some point in their life. Main features of diagnostic criteria for specific phobia in the DSM-IV-TR: Specific Phobia – DSM 5 Criteria According", "id": "18392872" }, { "contents": "Phobia\n\n\nStatistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition\" (DSM-V), such phobias are considered sub-types of anxiety disorder. The categories are: 1. Specific phobias: Fear of particular objects or social situations that immediately results in anxiety and can sometimes lead to panic attacks. Specific phobia may be further subdivided into four categories: animal type, natural environment type, situational type, blood-injection-injury type. 2. Agoraphobia: a generalized fear of leaving home or a small familiar 'safe' area", "id": "3722955" }, { "contents": "Cancer phobia\n\n\nCancer phobia, also known as carcinophobia, is an anxiety disorder characterized by the chronic fear of developing cancer. It can manifest in tremendous feelings of sadness, fear, panic, and distress. In some cases, the phobia can be so extreme that it prevents the individual from living a normal life. People living with carcinophobia frequently suffer from depression. Sufferers may become reclusive and obsessive over their health. They may feel overwhelmed and fail to carry out their usual functions. The fear is associated with lack of future planning,", "id": "12494568" }, { "contents": "Equinophobia\n\n\na person suffering from equinophobia either thinks of a horse or is physically near one: Sufferers of equinophobia may also fear other hoofed animals such as donkeys, mules, and ponies. Negative experiences with horses during one's childhood may give rise to this phobia. Equinophobia may also be triggered by a fall from a horse. In many cases, people begin to avoid horses and this gradually develops from fear to a full-blown phobia. The phobia can also be caused by a simple fear of the animal itself. A horse", "id": "16312865" }, { "contents": "Anxiety\n\n\nof the following: the association of grades with personal worth; fear of embarrassment by a teacher; fear of alienation from parents or friends; time pressures; or feeling a loss of control. Sweating, dizziness, headaches, racing heartbeats, nausea, fidgeting, uncontrollable crying or laughing and drumming on a desk are all common. Because test anxiety hinges on fear of negative evaluation, debate exists as to whether test anxiety is itself a unique anxiety disorder or whether it is a specific type of social phobia. The DSM-", "id": "336750" }, { "contents": "Evil clown\n\n\nwith an unfamiliar face\". Researchers who have studied the phobia believe there is some correlation to the uncanny valley effect. Additionally, clown behavior is often \"transgressive\" (anti-social behavior) which can create feelings of unease. On 26 May 1990, in Wellington, Florida, Marlene Warren opened her front door to a brown-eyed clown bearing flowers and balloons. The clown shot her in the face, drove off in a white Chrysler LeBaron and was never seen again; Warren died two days later. Her", "id": "1128142" }, { "contents": "Childhood phobias\n\n\nA childhood phobia is an exaggerated, intense fear “that is out of proportion to any real fear” found in children. It is often characterized by a preoccupation with a particular object, class of objects, or situation that one fears. A phobic reaction is twofold—the first part being the “intense irrational fear’ and the second part being “avoidance.” Children during their developmental stages experience fears. Fear is a natural part of self-preservation. Fears allow children to act with the necessary cautions to stay", "id": "8818615" }, { "contents": "Medication phobia\n\n\ntheir children, fearing that the medications will do more harm than good. Medication phobia can be triggered by unpleasant adverse reactions to medications which are sometimes prescribed inappropriately or at excessive doses. Lack of awareness of the patient's predisposition to adverse effects (e.g. anxious patients and the elderly) and failure to attribute the adverse effects to the drug serves to compound the phobia. Starting at low doses and slowly increasing the medication dosage can avoid medication phobia secondary to adverse effects from developing. Fears of medication use is also prevalent in people", "id": "3646797" } ]
Why cant you (legally?) have OSX on a PC, but can have Windows on a Mac?
[{"answer": "There is nothing illegal about putting OSX on PC hardware. Apple makes it inconvenient, because they want to ensure a certain standard of quality for their products. And, they make most of their money selling their hardware, so they want to be sure you're buying that instead of the competitors stuff with their OS tacked on."}, {"answer": "It's more of a civil matter than a crime. You're buying the permission to use Apple's software, and that comes with strings."}, {"answer": "Windows is designed to install on a 'generic' PC. Since Microsoft is a software company, they don't care what you put it on as long as you paid. Apple is hardware company - they want to sell computers to people. They say \"you can only install this on our computers\" because it doesn't fit in with their business model."}, {"answer": "Because Apple says you can't and it's their software license you are buying."}, {"answer": "Many have described the *business* reasons why Apple chooses not to allow OS X on PCs. If you're curious about the *technical* reason, it's because Apple programmed OS X to look for a custom security code in a chip installed in every Mac before booting. Part of the trick in getting a hackintosh to work is getting around this check in one way or another."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "312015", "title": "Windows Virtual PC", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Windows Virtual PC (successor to Microsoft Virtual PC 2007, Microsoft Virtual PC 2004, and Connectix Virtual PC) is a virtualization program for Microsoft Windows. In July 2006 Microsoft released the Windows version as a free product. In August 2006, Microsoft announced the Macintosh version would not be ported to Intel-based Macintosh computers, effectively discontinuing the product as PowerPC-based Macintosh computers are no longer manufactured.", "Windows Virtual PC (successor to Microsoft Virtual PC 2007, Microsoft Virtual PC 2004, and Connectix Virtual PC) is a virtualization program for Microsoft Windows. In July 2006 Microsoft released the Windows version as a free product. In August 2006, Microsoft announced the Macintosh version would not be ported to Intel-based Macintosh computers, effectively discontinuing the product as PowerPC-based Macintosh computers are no longer manufactured. The newest release, Windows Virtual PC, does not run on versions of Windows earlier than Windows 7, and does not officially support MS-DOS or operating systems earlier than Windows XP Professional SP3 as guests. The older versions, which support a wider range of host and guest operating systems, remain available. Starting with Windows 8, Hyper-V supersedes Windows Virtual PC."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "20640", "title": "MacOS", "section": "Section::::Release history.:Mac OS X 10.1 Puma.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 81, "end_paragraph_id": 81, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Apple released 10.1 as a free upgrade CD for 10.0 users, in addition to the US$129 boxed version for people running Mac OS 9. It was discovered that the upgrade CDs were full install CDs that could be used with Mac OS 9 systems by removing a specific file; Apple later re-released the CDs in an actual stripped-down fo", "Apple released 10.1 as a free upgrade CD for 10.0 users, in addition to the US$129 boxed version for people running Mac OS 9. It was discovered that the upgrade CDs were full install CDs that could be used with Mac OS 9 systems by removing a specific file; Apple later re-released the CDs in an actual stripped-down format that did not facilitate installation on such systems. On January 7, 2002, Apple announced that Mac OS X was to be the default operating system for all Macintosh products by the end of that month. On August 23, 2002,", "Later that year on September 25, 2001, Mac OS X 10.1 (internally codenamed Puma) was released. It featured increased performance and provided missing features, such as DVD playback. Apple released 10.1 as a free upgrade CD for 10.0 users, in addition to the US$129 boxed version for people running Mac OS 9. It was discovered that the upgrade CDs were full install CDs that could be used with Mac OS 9 systems by removing a specific file; Apple later re-released the CDs in an actual stripped-down format that did not facilitate installation on such systems. On January 7, 2002, Apple announced that Mac OS X was to be the default operating system for all Macintosh products by the end of that month. On August 23, 2002,"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Sirius Satellite Radio\n\n\nlines have created clients for Mac, PC, Windows Mobile and iPhone. The company recently merged with Jason Millard of Millard Software and plans to release uSirius StarPlayr, a Sirius XM iPhone client in 2009. CatPig Studios Inc. has also released Radium for Mac, a general-purpose internet radio player that supports XM and Sirius. In early 2010, Rogue Amoeba software released Pulsar, a standalone Sirius-XM player for Mac OSX. In addition to being available through, Howard Stern's website offers a Java application that streams", "id": "485983" }, { "contents": "Buildbox\n\n\nBuildbox is No-code development platform focused on game creation without programming, coding or scripting. The core audience for the software is entrepreneurs, designers and other gaming enthusiast without prior game development or coding knowledge. Buildbox was founded by Trey Smith in August 2014. It is a cross platform development tool that can be run on both Windows Operating System and OSX. Primarily used to create mobile apps, Buildbox exports finalized games to iOS, Android, Amazon Mobile Devices, Amazon TV, Mac, PC and Steam. The main", "id": "5500748" }, { "contents": "MacSpeech\n\n\nproduct that allowed voice-to-text input on the newer MacIntosh models requiring OSX. Its competitors at the time were Apple's own speech recognition software (built into Mac OS X); Dragon Naturally Speaking for PC by Nuance, running under a Windows virtualization software solution such as Parallels Desktop for Mac or VMware Fusion; and the discontinued program ViaVoice by Nuance/IBM. In January 2008, iListen was discontinued, and replaced by \"MacSpeech Dictate\" (released February 15, 2008). The firm abandoned the Philips", "id": "18626134" }, { "contents": "Apple's transition to Intel processors\n\n\nsince Mac OS X users can use a dual-boot setup or a Wine variant (such as CrossOver Mac or Darwine) to run Windows apps instead. Others say that it could be a boon to switchers, since they would not have to leave their Windows applications behind while trying out Mac OS X. The idea of Mac OS X being available on regular PCs has also been discussed, but Apple has said that they will not allow regular PCs to run Mac OS X. The OSx86 Project, however, is able to install", "id": "177899" }, { "contents": "Ovi (Nokia)\n\n\nMaps for web can be used on any browser and any operating system for PC or Mac. To install the Ovi Maps plug-in that enables more features, one needs to have either Microsoft Windows XP/Vista with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and later or Mozilla Firefox 3 or later, or Apple Mac OS X with Safari 3 and later. If the Ovi Maps 3.0 application (formerly known as Nokia Maps) is installed to your compatible Nokia mobile device, you can synchronise places, collections, and routes between Ovi Maps", "id": "6026074" }, { "contents": "Smaart\n\n\nto 'ignore' later signal reflections from walls and other surfaces, increasing in coherence as the audio frequency increases. The latest version of Smaart 8 runs under Windows 7 or newer, and Mac OSX 10.7 or newer, including 32- and 64-bit versions. A computer having a dual-core processor with a clock rate of at least 2 GHz is recommended. Smaart can be set to sample rates of 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz or 96 kHz, and to bit depths of 16 or 24. The software works with computer audio", "id": "756447" }, { "contents": "The Ruins of Cawdor\n\n\nconnect to said server. Basically, you run the innproxy on your PC, you run the INN software in DOSBox, and when you connect it connects to the running proxy as if it were the old dialup modems we use to use in the “old” days to connect to the INN Barn server. Being DOSBox it has native clients that will run in Linux, Mac, and Windows the only caveat being the proxy is windows only but has run well for Linux / Mac users under WINE. We can now again", "id": "3530567" }, { "contents": "Sleipnir (web browser)\n\n\nWindows has integrated all of the features introduced in Sleipnir 4 for Mac; Smooth OSX-like font rendering engine introduced; \"Site Updates\" feature shows personalized recommendations of articles from the often visited sites; Added touch screen support. Sleipnir 6 for Windows: Sleipnir 6 for Windows adds FavTab for quick navigation to favorite sites; SmartSearch for searching via highlighting; resizable portal field. Sleipnir Mobile: The following mobile versions of Sleipnir for smartphones have been released: Android, iOS, Windows Phone Early Gecko-based versions of Sleipnir", "id": "10774935" }, { "contents": "Apple Inc. advertising\n\n\n) as a Macintosh (Mac) computer and a Windows PC, respectively. Since the launch of the original ads, similar commercials have appeared in Japan and the UK. While they use the same form and music as the American ads, the actors are specific to those countries. The UK ads feature famous comedy duo Mitchell and Webb, with David Mitchell as the Windows PC and Robert Webb as the Mac computer. The Japanese ones are played by Rahmens, with Jin Katagiri as the Windows PC and Kentarō Kobayashi as the", "id": "5702655" }, { "contents": "Knutsford Academy\n\n\nHall, who was brought in especially for the job. George Osborne, member of Parliament for Tatton, was there to officially start the construction of the new site. The site was opened officially on 22 January 2015 by George Osborne. Knutsford Academy offers technology available for CAD (Computer Aided Design), Computer Graphics and physical construction design, with hardware including over 100 individual Apple macs. Those available to all upper students and most teachers have white mac books (most running OSX Tiger or Windows XP) or Notebooks. These", "id": "11165879" }, { "contents": "SimplePlanes\n\n\n, new additions in the \"Damage Control\" update include Fletcher-class destroyer to fight in a new mission, a damage system to make the game more realistic, anti-missile countermeasures, torpedoes, single rockets in addition to rocket pods, and a cruise missile. Following the release of popular games \"SimpleRockets\" and \"SimplePhysics\", Jundroo LLC released \"SimplePlanes\" on Windows and Mac OSX. Soon after it was ported to iOS and Android. The Windows and OSX versions were first sold on Gumroad but when", "id": "14912133" }, { "contents": "Parallels Desktop for Mac\n\n\n. This version also allowed users to boot their existing Boot Camp Windows XP partitions, which eliminated the need to have multiple Windows installations on their Mac. A tool called Parallels Transporter was included to allow users to migrate their Windows PC, or existing VMware or Virtual PC VMs to Parallels Desktop for Mac. In 2007, the German company Netsys GmbH sued Parallels' German distributor Avanquest for copyright violation, claiming that Parallels Desktop and Parallels Workstation are directly based on a line of products called “twoOStwo” that Parallels developed on paid", "id": "14298688" }, { "contents": "Mouse button\n\n\nn't until Mac OS X shipped that support for multi-button mice was hardcoded. X Window System applications, which Mac OS X can also run, have been developed with the use of two or three-button mice in mind. While historically, most PC mice provided two buttons, only the primary button was standardized in use for MS-DOS and versions of Windows through 3.1x; support and functionality for additional buttons was application specific. However, in 1992, Borland released Quattro Pro for Windows (QPW), which", "id": "11794953" }, { "contents": "Yahoo! Widgets\n\n\nThe Yahoo Widget engine operates on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8 and 10. On XP the widget has full functionality. On NT6 systems (Vista +) the sound control functionality is limited as Windows UAC does not give widget apps the right to modify the system sound control without administrator access, all other functions operate as designed. Mac OSX - As of 10.11 El Capitan, the Yahoo widget dock no longer functions correctly. However, the dock can be disabled by editing the relevant .plist configuration file and the", "id": "20326582" }, { "contents": "Netcat\n\n\nFreeBSD base and Windows/Cygwin. Mac OS X comes with netcat installed as of OSX 10.13 or users can use MacPorts to install a variant. A DOS version of \"netcat\" called \"NTOOL\" is included in the FreeDOS Package group \"Networking\". It is based on the WatTCP stack and licensed under the European Union Public Licence Version 1.1. Known ports for embedded systems includes versions for Windows CE (named \"Netcat 4 wince\") or for the iPhone. BusyBox includes by default a lightweight version of netcat", "id": "7595350" }, { "contents": "RHEM 4: The Golden Fragments\n\n\nRHEM 4: The Golden Fragments is an adventure game designed for PC and Mac by Knut Müller. The game begins with Kales giving you the note and the black crystal explaining the reason why he needs you to come back to RHEM. After you arrive to RHEM by railcar, Kales informs you on a projector the task that you need to fulfill, in this case gather nine golden fragments. The game objective is to collect all nine golden fragments to safely return to the outside world. RHEM 4 have received quite favorable reviews", "id": "12307933" }, { "contents": "Macintosh Plus\n\n\na program available called Mini vMac that can emulate a Mac Plus on a variety of platforms, including Unix, Windows, DOS, classic Mac OS, macOS, Pocket PC, iOS and even Nintendo DS. Although the Mac Plus would become overshadowed by two new Macs (the Macintosh SE and the Macintosh II) in March 1987, it remained in production as a cheaper alternative until the introduction of the Macintosh Classic on October 15, 1990. This made the Macintosh Plus the longest-produced Macintosh ever, having been on", "id": "19851463" }, { "contents": "Windows Virtual PC\n\n\nprocessor, but running Windows ME, Windows 2000 or Red Hat Linux requires Mac OS 9.0 or later. Virtual PC 4 was the first version with expandable drive images. Virtual PC 5 requires Mac OS 9.1 or newer or Mac OS X 10.1 or later. For USB support, Mac OS X is recommended. To run Virtual PC 5 in Mac OS X, a 400 MHz or faster processor is required. Earlier versions of Virtual PC supported the following features: (now removed in Microsoft Virtual PC 2004, 2007, and", "id": "12061863" }, { "contents": "DigiDoc\n\n\n's ASiC signature container standards. It is official Estonian national standard \"EVS 821:2014\". Files use the codice_1 file extension. DDOC (\"Digical document\") is the first generation DigiDoc format. Files use the codice_2 file extension. The most widely used application is the qDigiDoc graphical desktop software that runs on Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OSX and on various Linux distributions. qDigiDoc is Open Source Software that can be freely downloaded and installed. Applications also exist for Apple iPad tablet devices and Windows phones. Multiple programming languages are", "id": "6189065" }, { "contents": "Amazon Drive\n\n\nand pixel dimension. Amazon Drive has released a desktop application supported for both Mac and Windows designed as a drop panel allowing users to drag and drop their files to initiate uploading. Users will have to install the application on their PC or Mac to use the application. It supports a one-touch button for downloading all the files from cloud should they be restored. Notably, files above 2GB can only be uploaded to Amazon Drive by the desktop clients. During bulk upload, files and folders can be paused or cancelled", "id": "828719" }, { "contents": "Mac gaming\n\n\nnumber of Mac ports of Windows games released in 2006 was never likely to be very great, despite the steadily increasing number of Mac users. Over the years there have been a number of emulators for the Macintosh that allowed it to run MS-DOS or Windows software, most notably RealPC, SoftPC, SoftWindows, and Virtual PC. Although more or less adequate for business applications, these programs have tended to deliver poor performance when used for running games, particularly where high-end technologies like DirectX were involved. Since the", "id": "3180901" }, { "contents": "RealPC\n\n\nemulated a Pentium-based PC with MMX technology, supported Sound Blaster and MMX, and allowed you to use a Macintosh joystick, allowing you to run PC programs, including MS-DOS, and Windows, games and applications, alongside your existing Macintosh applications. RealPC was provided with MS-DOS 6.22 already installed, so you could immediately run MS-DOS games and applications on your Macintosh. Linux was not supported and due to shared RAM between MAC-OS and RealPC Windows-98 was the reasonable limit. RealPC was able", "id": "7594592" }, { "contents": "Windows Phone\n\n\nWindows Phone 8 and 8.1 and Windows PCs or Macs is provided through the Windows Phone App, which is available for both Windows and Mac OS X. It is the official successor to Zune software only for Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone 8.1, and allows users to transfer content such as music, videos, and documents. Users also have the ability to use a \"Tap and Send\" feature that allows for file transfer between Windows phones, and NFC-compatible devices through NFC. Software updates are delivered to Windows Phone users", "id": "966609" }, { "contents": "JTS Topology Suite\n\n\nselected functions. GEOS is noteworthy as a foundation component in a software ecosystem of native, compiled executable binaries on Linux, Mac and Windows platforms. Due to the runtime construction of Java and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), code libraries that are written in Java are basically not usable as libraries from a standardized cross-linking environment (often built from C). Linux, Microsoft Windows and the BSD family, including Mac OSX, use a linking structure that enables libraries from various languages to be integrated (linked)", "id": "19734666" }, { "contents": "Nokia Lumia 800\n\n\nwanted Windows Phone to work for me. This was £400 of my own money spent to try it. But it just doesn't work well enough to be the small-scale personal computer that I must have on me all the time.\" As of July 2013, the camera and sound hadn't been fixed yet in Bulgaria. The screen becomes unresponsive Like other Windows Phone devices, Lumia 800 uses Microsoft's Zune software on Windows PCs to synchronize user content. For Mac OS X, the device can be synchronized", "id": "3571487" }, { "contents": "Mac OS 8\n\n\nThe 68040 systems do not support booting from HFS+ disks; the boot drive must be HFS. Mac OS 8.1 was the first system to have a DVD Universal Disk Format (UDF) driver and also shipped with the new Java runtime (JDK 1.13). Mac OS 8.1 also included an enhanced version of PC Exchange, allowing Macintosh users to see the long file names (up to 255 characters) on files that were created on PCs running Microsoft Windows, and supporting File Allocation Table (FAT) 32. Mac OS 8.1", "id": "21375153" }, { "contents": "Telecommunications device for the deaf\n\n\nGA br Caller B WHY CANT YOU GO? GA br Caller A MY WIFE IS NOT FEELING WELL AND I HAVE NO BABYSITTER FOR MY KIDS! GA br Caller B AWWWW DARN. I WANTED YOU THERE. OH WELL WHAT CAN YOU DO ? GA br Caller A I KNOW.. I GOTTA GO. THE KIDS NEED ME. SEE YOU AROUND! BYE FOR NOW SK br Caller B OK NO WORRIES SEE YOU SOON! BYE BYE SK GA br Caller A SKSK (THE PARTY HAS HUNG UP) Caller A TXD DIALING", "id": "18973868" }, { "contents": "Totum pro parte\n\n\nPC or a Mac?\", they are actually asking whether it's a PC (personal computer) running the Microsoft Windows operating system, or one of a line of PCs made by Apple called a \"Mac\". A PC is in fact any computer used for personal purposes, and can effectively be running one of many different operating systems. In the United States, \"Congress\" is used to refer to the legislative body of the government, including both the House of Representatives (the \"House)\" and", "id": "19150243" }, { "contents": "Windows Virtual PC\n\n\nof charge, but the Mac version was not made free. The equivalent version for Mac, version 7, was the final version of Virtual PC for Mac. It ran on Mac OS X 10.2.8 or later for PowerPC and was a proprietary commercial software product. Virtual PC 2007 was released only for the Windows platform, with public beta testing beginning October 11, 2006, and production release on February 19, 2007. It added support for hardware virtualization, viewing virtual machines on multiple monitors and support for Windows Vista as both", "id": "12061865" }, { "contents": "Mac gaming\n\n\nPC industry\". A 2007 interview with Valve Corporation's Gabe Newell included the question of why his company was keeping their games and gaming technology \"a strictly Windows project\". Newell answered: In 2015, Apple brought its low-level graphics API Metal to the Mac with OS X El Capitan, which was originally introduced for iOS in 2014. Metal is supposed to succeed OpenGL on the Mac platform and enable game performance competitive with Vulkan or Direct3D 12. Although currently most big-name Mac games are ports, this", "id": "3180889" }, { "contents": "Get a Mac\n\n\ndefinition of PC, or personal computer, which can raise questions about the actual differentiation between a Mac and a PC. Editor in Chief of \"PC Magazine\", Lance Ulanoff states in a 2008 column in \"PC Magazine\", \"Of course, the ads would then be far less effective, because consumers might realize that the differences Apple is trying to tout aren't quite as huge as Apple would like you to believe.\" Microsoft responded to the Get a Mac advertising campaign in late 2008 by releasing the I", "id": "16940753" }, { "contents": "Hosted desktop\n\n\nviewer applications via one of many remote desktop protocols. Clients can include thin clients, PCs, workstations, mobile and handheld devices running a variety of operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and others. The move towards hosted desktops, of which Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is a subset, is predicted by Gartner to account for 49 million business desktops by 2013 equal to more than 40 percent of the worldwide professional PC market. The development of applications by service providers such as Google and Microsoft have accelerated", "id": "15977327" }, { "contents": "Macintosh\n\n\nto run Microsoft Windows or previously Windows-only software on Macs at near native speed. Apple also released Boot Camp and Mac-specific Windows drivers that help users to install Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10 and natively dual boot between Mac OS X and Windows. Although not condoned by Apple, it is possible to run the Linux operating system using Boot camp or other virtualization workarounds. Unlike most PCs, however, Macs are unable to run many legacy PC operating systems. In particular, Intel", "id": "1260755" }, { "contents": "Office 2004 for Mac\n\n\nor printed out on transparencies or slides. It too possesses a dominant market share. Movies, videos, sounds and music, as well as wordart and autoshapes can be added to slideshows. Included with Office 2004 for Mac Professional Edition, Microsoft Virtual PC is a hypervisor which emulates Microsoft Windows operating systems on Mac OS X which are PowerPC-based. Virtual PC does not work on Intel-based Macs and in August 2006, Microsoft announced it would not be ported to Intel-based Macintoshes, effectively discontinuing the product as", "id": "13108787" }, { "contents": "Sigma SD10\n\n\nalthough their range is fairly broad. Third-party converters exist for a number of other lens mounts, although no automatic features are supported. Many Canon EF mount-based lenses can be converted to Sigma AF mount retaining autofocus and camera controlled aperture setting, however optical stabilisation will not work. Postprocessing of raw X3F and JPEG of all digital SIGMA cameras Version 6.x is no-cost download for Windows 7+ and Mac OSX 10.7+ (6.3.x). Actual versions are 6.5.4 (Win 7+) and 6.5.5 (MacOSX", "id": "18383601" }, { "contents": "Java (software platform)\n\n\nfrom end-user systems worldwide.\" \"Once promising, it has outlived its usefulness in the browser, and has become a nightmare that delights cyber-criminals at the expense of computer users.\" \"I think everyone should uninstall Java from all their PCs and Macs, and then think carefully about whether they need to add it back. If you are a typical home user, you can probably do without it. If you are a business user, you may not have a choice.\" The Java runtime environment", "id": "3709382" }, { "contents": "Fiji (software)\n\n\n. The scripting framework is included in the Fiji releases, so that advanced users can use such scripts in their common workflow. The development benefits from occasional hackathons, where life scientists with computational background meet and improve their respective plugins of interest. The script editor in Fiji supports rapid prototyping of scripts and ImageJ plugins, making Fiji a powerful tool to develop new image processing algorithms and explore new image processing techniques with ImageJ. Fiji runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX, Intel 32-bit or 64-bit, with limited support for MacOSX", "id": "19525463" }, { "contents": "PocketZip\n\n\nstorage support for Windows 95 with at least OSR2 (4.00.950B) for use with its Zip products. Under Windows NT 4, Pocket Zip PC Card only works with certain PC Card controllers (which ones are not named by Iomega). Pocket Zip USB also works with Mac OS 8.x, but the PC card version is specified as not working with Apple computers. In practice, the USB drive is a standard mass storage device, so it will also work on any modern operating system which can use such devices, including Windows", "id": "9159172" }, { "contents": "Promethean ActivBoard\n\n\nPromethean ActivBoards are interactive whiteboards. They are products from the english education company Promethean World. They have the version where you can use the pen and finger to touch, and ones where you can only use the pen. They are available with Windows, Mac, and Linux. The SMARTBoard comes with four pens with colors: black, red, green, and blue and a eraser. Students can also draw more at once. The application is called SMART Notebook. To calibrate it you hold on the keyboard and mouse buttons", "id": "13528592" }, { "contents": "The Shadow of Yserbius\n\n\nnetwork. In addition to the server, he has programmed a companion proxy interface for Windows to connect to said server. Basically, you run the innproxy on your PC, you run the INN software in DOSBox, and when you connect it connects to the running proxy as if it were the old dialup modems we use to use in the “old” days to connect to the INN Barn server. Being DOSBox it has native clients that will run in Linux, Mac, and Windows the only caveat being the proxy is", "id": "15126600" }, { "contents": "Get a Mac\n\n\nweek before the campaign started. The campaign also coincided with a change of signage and employee apparel at Apple retail stores detailing reasons to switch to Macs. The Get a Mac campaign received the Grand Effie Award in 2007. The song in the commercial is called \"Having Trouble Sneezing\" composed by Mark Mothersbaugh. The ads play on perceived weaknesses of non-Mac personal computers, especially those running Microsoft Windows, of which PC is clearly intended to be a parody, and corresponding strengths possessed by the Mac OS (such as", "id": "16940744" }, { "contents": "Scilab\n\n\nbroaden contributions and promote Scilab as worldwide reference software in academia and industry. In July 2008, in order to improve the technology transfer, the Scilab Consortium joined the Digiteo Foundation. Scilab 5.1, the first release compiled for Mac, was available in early 2009, and supported Mac OS X 10.5, a.k.a. Leopard. Thus, OSX 10.4, Tiger, was never supported except by porting from sources. Linux and Windows builds had been released since the beginning, with Solaris support dropped with version 3.1.1, and HP-UX", "id": "19929666" }, { "contents": "Thin client\n\n\nof remote desktop using the free Chrome Remote Desktop browser extension, which means, other than being a web thin client, they can also be used as an ultra-thin client (see above) to access PC or Mac applications that do not run on the Chromebook directly. Indeed, they can be used as a web thin client and an ultra-thin-client simultaneously, with the user switching between web browser and PC or Mac application windows with a click. Chromebooks are also able to store user documents locally –", "id": "12112088" }, { "contents": "Apple–Intel architecture\n\n\nwhich allows users of Intel-based Macs to boot Windows XP Service Pack 2. The first non-beta version of Boot Camp is included in Mac OS X v10.5, \"Leopard.\" Before the introduction of Boot Camp, which provides most hardware drivers for Windows XP, drivers for XP were difficult to find. Linux can also be booted with Boot Camp. Intel-based Mac computers use very similar hardware to PCs from other manufacturers which ship with Microsoft Windows or Linux operating systems. In particular, CPUs, chipsets", "id": "16230630" }, { "contents": "Remote Install Mac OS X\n\n\nRemote Install Mac OS X is a remote installer for use with MacBook Air laptops over the network. It works by having it run on a Macintosh or a Windows-based PC with an optical drive and then connecting over the network to a client MacBook Air (lacking an optical drive) to perform system software installs. Remote Install Mac OS X was released as part of Mac OS X 10.5.2 on February 12, 2008. Starting with the March 2009 version, the Mac Mini also supports Remote Install, allowing the DVD drive", "id": "21204276" }, { "contents": "Angry Birds Star Wars II\n\n\ngame were announced and the Windows PC version was released on October 24. The Mac version's release plan was discontinued, and on November 13, 2014, the Windows PC version was no longer available for purchase or download and will not be updated. The game has received generally favorable reviews with a Metacritic score of 77/100 based on 24 reviews. While the game continues the gameplay of its predecessor with fun new ideas, some reviewers have noted that the increase in the number of playable characters may make the levels unbalanced due to", "id": "17381428" }, { "contents": "USB flash drive\n\n\nWindows 7 and newer versions, and macOS. In particular, Mac OS X 10.7 is distributed only online, through the Mac App Store, or on flash drives; for a MacBook Air with Boot Camp and no external optical drive, a flash drive can be used to run installation of Windows or Linux. However, for installation of Windows 7 and later versions, using USB flash drive with hard disk drive emulation as detected in PC's firmware is recommended in order to boot from it. Transcend is the only manufacturer of", "id": "15220734" }, { "contents": "ZFS\n\n\nthe materials would have disappeared from the internet, and then to resume its development elsewhere. The MacZFS community has curated and matured the project, supporting ZFS for all Mac OS releases since 10.5. The project has an active mailing list. As of July 2012, MacZFS implements zpool version 8 and ZFS version 2, from the October 2008 release of Solaris. Additional historical information and commentary can be found on the MacZFS web site and FAQ. The 17th September 2013 launch of OpenZFS included ZFS-OSX, which will become a", "id": "20163252" }, { "contents": "Oxford Papershow\n\n\nPowerPoint presentations. Shape, colours and arrows can be created by tapping the pen on a command menu in the paper's margin. It also includes an undo and erase feature. Workbooks can be saved as PDF which are stored on the USB key or can be emailed to attendees of the meeting, presentation or conference. This technology is compatible with Windows XP/SP2, Windows Vista and Windows 7 32/64bits and will work on any Windows enabled PC or laptop. The MAC version is compatible with Tiger, Leopard and Snow Leopard", "id": "4858849" }, { "contents": "Windows Virtual PC\n\n\nalthough it might be impossible to run 16-bit applications that require hardware acceleration, as Windows Virtual PC does not have hardware acceleration. Windows XP Mode is available free of charge to users of Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate. Users of other editions of Windows 7 are not eligible to download and use it. This restriction does not apply to Windows Virtual PC itself. Windows XP Mode can also be run with the VMware Player and VMware Workstation. However, like Virtual PC itself, VMware products only import Windows XP Mode", "id": "12061871" }, { "contents": "Ken Burns effect\n\n\n. On the Mac platform, Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Express, iMovie, Adobe Premiere, and others also have the ability. Particularly, Adobe and Apple products (excluding iMovie) allow the user to set keyframes to further customize the process. The mobile video editing app KineMaster (for Android and iPhone) has \"Ken Burns / Crop and Pan\" as the default setting for photo cropping. The effect is found in a great number of screensavers and slideshows. Apple uses it in their screensavers. Windows PCs can", "id": "14854833" }, { "contents": "IPad\n\n\nthe camera roll, the pictures that have been taken with the iPad's camera. Those pictures are also available in the Photos application, along with any transferred from iPhoto or Aperture on a Mac, or Photoshop on a Windows PC. The iPad can use Wi-Fi network trilateration from Skyhook Wireless to provide location information to applications such as Google Maps. The 3G model supports A-GPS to allow its position to be calculated with GPS or relative to nearby cellphone towers; it also has a black strip on the", "id": "4980369" }, { "contents": "Macintosh Toolbox\n\n\nbe made (hence why the System 7's support for 32-bit addressing requires 32-bit clean ROMs, as older Mac ROMs did not have support for this). The need for a BIOS diagnostics as in the IBM PC compatibles was not widely necessary since Macintosh handled most of its diagnostics in POST and automatically reported errors via the \"Sad Mac\" codes. The similarity between the boot-up environment and the actual operating system should not be confused with being identical, however. Although the \"Classic Mac OS\" boot process is", "id": "14160866" }, { "contents": "T-comma\n\n\n. Windows XP's default fonts do not support this letter out of the box, but it is possible to install the European Union Expansion Font Update, which adds support for this letter. That is why many Romanian texts still use T-cedilla (or even T), despite the recommendation to migrate from cedilla to comma. Full support of this letter has been available on Macintosh computer since Mac OS X and on PC since Windows Vista. The letter is placed in Unicode in the Latin Extended-B range, under", "id": "9882840" }, { "contents": "Automated tiered storage\n\n\nis now becoming a common part of industry standard operating systems such as Linux and Microsoft Windows, and in the case of consumer PCs, Apple OSX with its Fusion Drive. This solution allowed a single SSD and hard disk drive to be combined into a single automated tiered storage drive that ensured that the most frequently accessed data was stored on the SSD portion of the virtual disk. A more OS agnostic version was introduced by Enmotus which supports real-time tiering with its FuzeDrive product for Linux and Windows operating systems, extending support", "id": "3635992" }, { "contents": "System 7\n\n\nOS/2 used the FAT file system. At this time, Macs could also read and write UNIX file systems with the help of extra software. System 7 allowed users to access PC networks and allowed communication via TCP/IP and other compatible networking stacks. Actual PC software compatibility, however, required third party software such as SoftPC, which allowed some MS-DOS and early Microsoft Windows programs to run, or Connectix Virtual PC, which allowed the Mac to run Windows via full PC emulation. Other PC compatibility solutions took a", "id": "549831" }, { "contents": "Netscape Navigator\n\n\ndominance over the Windows platform, and the August 1997 Microsoft financial agreement to invest one hundred and fifty million dollars in Apple required that Apple make Internet Explorer the default web browser in new Mac OS distributions. The latest IE Mac release at that time was Internet Explorer version 3.0 for Macintosh, but Internet Explorer 4 was released later that year. Microsoft succeeded in having ISPs and PC vendors distribute Internet Explorer to their customers instead of Netscape Navigator, mostly due to Microsoft using its leverage from Windows OEM licenses, and partly aided by", "id": "2089501" }, { "contents": "Get a Mac\n\n\nMacintosh computer (\"Hello, I'm a Mac.\"), while a man in a more formal suit-and-tie combination introduces himself as a Microsoft Windows personal computer (\"And I'm a PC.\"). The two then act out a brief vignette, in which the capabilities and attributes of Mac and PC are compared, with PC—characterized as formal and somewhat polite, though uninteresting and overly concerned with work—often being frustrated by the more laid-back Mac's abilities. The", "id": "16940741" }, { "contents": "Javelin PDF Reader\n\n\nJavelin PDF Reader is a full functionality PDF reader for Windows, OSX, iOS (iPAD and iPhone) and Android OS, with support for Digital Rights Management (DRM) using encoded and encrypted PDF files in Drumlin's DRMX and DRMZ formats. PDF files that have been converted to the DRMX and DRMZ formats (using the free DrumlinPublisher software) can be protected against printing, or printing can be permitted with limits to the number times printed/pages printed, copying is disabled, date expiry of PDF files is provided (", "id": "22135364" }, { "contents": "Advanced Squad Leader\n\n\nClose Combat and Combat Mission both inspired later computer games which are beyond the scope of this article, including GI Combat (a 3D version of CC which also inspired Eric Young's Squad Assault and CMX2, a second-generation version of the Combat Mission game engine. None of these later offspring of CC or CM were directly related to ASL, and both series took on lives of their own. WW2T is a 2D computer game for PC, Linux and Mac OSX based on the ASL rule set. The game has", "id": "3348805" }, { "contents": "Space Hulk\n\n\nfollows the rules of the second edition. \"Space Hulk\" is a video game for PC (Windows) and Mac and Linux by Copenhagen-based game developer Full Control ApS. It was released in August 2013. The game has received mixed reviews, holding a rating of 59 (out of 100, based on 4 reviews) on review aggregator Metacritic. \"\" is a video game for PC (Windows), Mac, Linux and PlayStation 4 by Full Control ApS. It was released in November 2014 for PC. \"", "id": "6035720" }, { "contents": "Power key\n\n\nkey can act as a power key. Power keys remain on some modern Macs, including the MacBook Air, but most others have replaced it with an \"eject\" key, formerly used to open the now-non-existent CD drive. Early Windows PCs generally lacked the ability to control power through software, and power keys were not physically possible. The increasing use of USB connections allowed these, but the ability to use any key for \"power on\" generally negated their need in most cases. Power keys did", "id": "14238753" }, { "contents": "Sunflat Games\n\n\nSunflat Games is a video game company based in Japan. While they design games for the PC, they are best known for their successful line of iOS games. The company has begun converting their games for use on the Android-based HTC Dream. The games can be found on Google Play, and some have recently been added to the Mac App Store and Windows Phone 7 Marketplace. In PapiTrampoline, the player uses the left, right, and up buttons to move Mr. Papi. If he gets hit by a passing", "id": "16403678" }, { "contents": "Digital Performer\n\n\non the Macintosh. Faster Apple CPUs continue to increase its capacity and performance. Chief among its competition on the Macintosh platform are Pro Tools and Apple's Logic. In October 2012, MOTU released Digital Performer 8 for OSX. Digital Performer 8 is available on Windows as well. Version 9 of Digital Performer was released in June 2015 for Mac OS X and Windows. This version contains workflow enhancements, some new effect plugins, including emulations of the 1176 Peak Limiter and Craig Anderton's MultiFuzz. MOTU also included a 64-bit version", "id": "10771222" }, { "contents": "Shock Wave (video game)\n\n\nin the 3DO's memory. The Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, PlayStation and Sega Saturn version included the original content and the expansion pack in the same release and was titled as \"Shockwave Assault\". The Windows version was the first Electronic Arts game specifically designed to utilize the enhancements of the Windows 95 operating system. Project director Phillippe Tarbouriech explained, \"Many of the 3D effects in \"Shockwave Assault\" would not have been possible under MS-DOS or Windows 3.1. In addition, Win 95 allows the PC to", "id": "10004360" }, { "contents": "CherryOS\n\n\nJune 21, 2006. CherryOS was a PowerPC G4 processor emulator for x86 Microsoft Windows platforms. Originally written to work with Windows 98, Windows 2000 or Windows XP, among other features Cherry OS purported to allow files to be dragged from PC to Mac, the creation of multiple profiles, support skins, and support for networking and sound. In October 2004, the program's developer announced CherryOS as having \"full network capabilities\" and \"complete access to the host computer's hardware resources - hard drive, CPU, RAM", "id": "1719081" }, { "contents": "Dragon NaturallySpeaking\n\n\nDragon NaturallySpeaking (also known as Dragon for PC, or DNS) is a speech recognition software package developed by Dragon Systems of Newton, Massachusetts, which merged with Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products and was later acquired by Nuance Communications, formerly known as ScanSoft. It runs on Windows personal computers. Version 15 (Professional Individual and Legal Individual), which supports 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10, was released in August 2016. The macOS version is called Dragon Professional Individual for Mac, version 6", "id": "4606573" }, { "contents": "Chromebook\n\n\nare used to on a Mac/Windows PC, while you surely enjoy the dedicated cloud computing capabilities occasionally.\" The Cr-48 features an Intel Atom 455, a single-core processor with 512 KB of cache and hyperthreading enabled. It also features 2 GB of removable DDR3 memory in a single SO-DIMM, integrated chipset graphics, and a 66 watt-hour battery. It has been found that the Intel NM10 chipset can get very hot during operation due to lack of a proper heatsink, but this has been fixed", "id": "10440962" }, { "contents": "Get a Mac\n\n\n\", Charlie Brooker points out that the use of the comedians Mitchell and Webb in the UK campaign is curious. They both star in the sitcom \"Peep Show\" in which, to quote the article's author, \"Mitchell plays a repressed, neurotic underdog, and Webb plays a selfish, self-regarding poseur... So when you see the ads, you think, 'PCs are a bit rubbish yet ultimately lovable, whereas Macs are just smug, preening tossers.'\" Many computer experts have argued over the", "id": "16940752" }, { "contents": "Windows 10 Mobile\n\n\nexperiences and functionality between different classes of devices—specifically, devices running the PC-oriented version of Windows 10. Under the Universal Windows Platform concept, Windows Runtime apps for Windows 10 on PC can be ported to other platforms in the Windows 10 family with nearly the same codebase, but with adaptations for specific device classes. Windows 10 Mobile also shares user interface elements with its PC counterpart, such as the updated Action Center and settings menu. During its initial unveiling, Microsoft presented several examples of Windows apps that would have", "id": "19779014" }, { "contents": "Hackintosh\n\n\nofficial Leopard install disks, and a subsequent install, without any patching required, but this is possibly a repackaging of Boot-132 technology in a USB-attached device. Rebel EFI is another commercial product that also seems to use Open Source software. It was thought that Windows 7's support of EFI would result in PC motherboards replacing BIOS with EFI. MSI announced the Efinity mainboard in early 2008. As of 2011, EFI-based computers have entered the market, however none can natively boot Mac OS X due to the lack", "id": "17154805" }, { "contents": "ShareScope\n\n\n\" (15-minute delayed data for UK & US) and \"ShareScope Pro\" (live UK & US with live LSE Level 2). SharePad is a web-based tool and can be used on tablets, Macs or Windows PC. ShareScope is Windows PC-only. Compare SharePad and ShareScope All versions of ShareScope/SharePad allow users to analyse the data using both fundamental analysis and technical analysis. SharePad and ShareScope provide data for: See the data available SharePad and ShareScope In addition to the add-ons detailed above", "id": "15838376" }, { "contents": "Windows Virtual PC\n\n\nWindows Virtual PC): Under agreement with Connectix, Innotek GmbH (makers of VirtualBox, now part of Oracle) ported version 5.0 to run on an OS/2 host. This version also included guest extensions (VM additions) for OS/2 guests, which could run on Windows, OS/2 or Mac OS X hosts using Virtual PC versions 5, 6 or 7. A new version of the guest extensions was later included with Microsoft's Virtual PC 2004. On July 12, 2006, Microsoft released Virtual PC 2004 SP1 for Windows free", "id": "12061864" }, { "contents": "EA Sports\n\n\nfor NBA Live. The head of EA Sports at that time, Peter Moore, cited piracy and the fact that the \"PC as a platform for authentic, licensed, simulation sports games has declined radically in the past three years as the next generation consoles [...] have attracted millions of consumers.\"] However, FIFA series continues to be released on PC, and for the first time since 2008, Madden 19 was released for Windows and Mac. On April 23, 2009, EA Sports released the long-", "id": "21827347" }, { "contents": "X window manager\n\n\n) can be applied. It also means that compositing window managers are inherently more resource-hungry than an equivalently-powerful stacking window manager. For this reason, some window managers for X do not support compositing by default, such as Openbox. Historically, the Amiga in 1985, OSX in 2001, Java Looking Glass in 2003, and the Windows Longhorn demo in 2003 (delayed until Vista in 2007) preceded compositing efforts under X11. Compositing window managers for X include: Compositing support can be added to non-compositing", "id": "19154959" }, { "contents": "Apple's transition to Intel processors\n\n\nMac OS X on non-Apple PCs. It was previously thought that since Windows XP is incompatible with the Extensible Firmware Interface, it would not be run on Intel-based Macs. Prior to the Boot Camp announcement, a prize contest resulted in a working solution for dual-booting Windows XP and Mac OS X on an Intel Mac. Microsoft has announced that Windows Vista will not be EFI-compatible on 32-bit platforms, but the later versions of Boot Camp allow Vista to be installed on any Intel Mac. Intel", "id": "177900" }, { "contents": "Windows Media Player\n\n\n, Mac OS X, Palm-size PC, Handheld PC, and Solaris. Of these, only the Windows Mobile edition continues to be actively developed and supported by Microsoft. Version 1 of the Zune software was also based on Windows Media Player; later versions are not. Windows Media Player for Pocket PC was first announced on January 6, 2000, and has been revised on a schedule roughly similar to that of the Windows version. Currently known as \"Media Player 10 Mobile\", this edition (released in October", "id": "73633" }, { "contents": "Tracktion\n\n\nTracktion 4 (T4) features the same operational characteristics as the original program but with an entirely new audio engine. This progression is intended not only to make T4 compatible with all the latest operating systems, plug-in and controller technology, but also to create a modern platform for further development. TSC is dedicated to the continued evolution of the product. To be specific, T4 provides support for Mac OSX, Microsoft’s Windows, and Linux. Apple Audio Unit (AU) is supported to open a new world of", "id": "21543853" }, { "contents": "Macintosh hardware\n\n\ndrives. Only the Power Macs, Mac Pros, Xserves, and MacBook have user-accessible drive bays to allow one or more hard drives to be installed internally. All other machines have one dedicated space for one hard drive. All Macs have one optical drive, except the Mac Pro, which can optionally include two. Mac OS X, understands the Mac OS Standard and Mac OS Extended file systems. It is also capable of using disks formatted with Windows's FAT or NTFS file systems, as well as the Unix", "id": "12539718" }, { "contents": "Myth (series)\n\n\nnormal. Upon release, \"The Fallen Lords\" and \"Soulblighter\" could be used for multiplayer gaming on, or via a LAN on PC or AppleTalk on Mac, whilst \"The Wolf Age\" could be played on GameSpy, or via a LAN on PC or AppleTalk on Mac. In multiplayer, the player starts with an army, and can customize it by trading units with other players, using point values that approximate the value of the units being traded. All three games have similar, but not identical", "id": "20285597" }, { "contents": "ISync\n\n\nremoved with the release of iSync 3.1 and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. BlackBerry OS, Palm OS, and Windows Mobile (Pocket PC) devices could not be used with iSync, but were supported by third-party applications. Before the release of Mac OS X 10.4, iSync also synchronized a user's Safari bookmarks with the then .Mac subscription service provided by Apple. Starting with Mac OS X 10.4, much of iSync's original syncing functionality had been moved into the Sync Services framework, which developers can use to", "id": "4388748" }, { "contents": "Herman T. Mossberg Residence\n\n\nMrs. Mossberg's case, things went differently. \"Why do you need a window in your kitchen?\" asked Wright. \"Why, Mr. Wright, to see my birds,\" Mrs. Mossberg replied. \"Well then, you shall have your window,\" Wright responded. And in fact, the Mossberg house as built has a large bank of French doors in the kitchen, looking directly into the back yard. Wright was also famous for having eliminated basements from his residential designs. The Mossberg house has a basement", "id": "16480988" }, { "contents": "Windows To Go\n\n\nsupport for this feature on Windows RT or Macintosh computers, it is possible to boot Windows To Go on a Mac. With a new companion device license from Microsoft Software Assurance, employees can use Windows To Go on any Software Assurance licensed computer as well as their home PC. Simon Bisson, writing for ZDNet, called Windows To Go \"One of the more interesting features of Windows 8\", noting \"Even though we were using a USB 2.0 port performance was good, with no noticeable lag\" and calling it \"", "id": "13810126" }, { "contents": "A-10 Attack!\n\n\nin a review of Mac simulations. The game was followed by a sequel named \"A-10 Cuba!\", originally as a stand-alone game on the Mac and Windows-based PC's, but later re-released on the Mac as a plug-in module for the original game. The Mac OS versions were produced by Parsoft, while the PC version of \"Cuba\" was a joint production with Activision. This partnership was renewed for Parsoft's final release, \"\". Development of what would evolve into", "id": "9332166" }, { "contents": "Windows Virtual PC\n\n\nin June 1997. The first version of Virtual PC designed for Windows-based systems, version 4.0, was released in June 2001. Connectix sold versions of Virtual PC bundled with a variety of guest operating systems, including Windows, OS/2, and Red Hat Linux. As virtualization's importance to enterprise users became clear, Microsoft took interest in the sector and acquired Virtual PC and Virtual Server (unreleased at the time) from Connectix in February 2003. Virtual PC 4 requires Mac OS 8.5 or later on a G3 or G4", "id": "12061862" }, { "contents": "Fluentd\n\n\nFluentd is a cross platform open-source data collection software project originally developed at Treasure Data. It is written primarily in the Ruby programming language. Fluentd is a Big Data tool for semi- or un-structured data sets. Like Apache Kafka, it analyzes event logs, application logs, and clickstreams. According to Suonsyrjä and Mikkonen, the \"core idea of Fluentd is to be the unifying layer between different types of log inputs and outputs.\", Fluentd is available on Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows. Fluentd", "id": "13748776" }, { "contents": "LightZone\n\n\n, the LightZombie domain was redirected to the new site, and an announcement was made by Anton Kast (one of the original authors of LightZone) that they had negotiated to release the original LightZone source as free software. This is hosted at In June 2013, new packages of LightZone were released for GNU/Linux, Mac OSX, and Microsoft Windows platforms. While effectively identical in terms of features to the previous proprietary version (v3.9.x) this release was cast as v4.0.0 to distinguish it as the first under a", "id": "20652072" }, { "contents": "List of Doom source ports\n\n\n, 2011. Among the new features are improved scripting abilities, bug fixes, OpenGL enhancements, support for \"Heretic\", and split-screen multiplayer. It was last updated on August 22, 2016, though the team releases developmental versions far more frequently. The engine has ports to multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, OpenBSD, and the Sega Dreamcast. Vavoom is a source port created by merging the \"Doom\", \"Heretic\", and \"\" source trees to create a unified executable", "id": "5900190" }, { "contents": "Oculus Rift\n\n\nPC SDK, a free proprietary SDK available for Microsoft Windows (OSX and Linux support is planned for the future). This is a feature complete SDK which handles for the developer the various aspects of making virtual reality content, such as the optical distortion and advanced rendering techniques. The Oculus SDK is directly integrated with the popular game engines Unity 5, Unreal Engine 4, and Cryengine. This allows for developers already familiar with these engines to create VR content with little to no VR-specific code. The Rift is an", "id": "15246531" }, { "contents": "Awesomenauts\n\n\nGames on 3 March 2012. The game was ported to Windows and Steam on 1 August 2012 with an OSX version arriving on 7 December 2012 and a Linux version on 29 May 2013. Ronimo Games announced a PlayStation 4 release, co-developed with Abstraction Games with improvements and updates from the PC version as well as DLC, on 14 August 2013, intended for release with the console’s launch. The PlayStation 4 version, entitled \"Awesomenauts Assemble!\", was released on 4 March 2014 following a delay to the", "id": "21593214" }, { "contents": "Crewe Hall\n\n\nare also set forward; they have canted, triple-mullion bay windows and are surmounted above the parapet by shaped gables with attic windows. All the main windows of this face are double transomed. The east face of the eastern wing has four bays with canted bay windows, shaped end gables and a central cartouche. In the centre of the northern (garden) face is a large bow window, originally Jacobean, which illuminates the chapel; it has stone panels decorated with cartouches below arched stained glass lights. This face", "id": "9258132" }, { "contents": "List of job scheduler software\n\n\nin this table is regarding this product version. All kinds of Unix flavours mentioned by the vendors are notes as \"Unix\". The same goes for \"Linux\" and \"Windows\" and Mac. Can the agent run a job as any OS-account on the target system? The agent of some products can only run a job as the user the agent runs as, which most likely must have a lot of privileges, which in turn might be a security issue. Can you inspect the standard output and/or standard", "id": "8987079" }, { "contents": "HD DVD\n\n\ncompanies can continue using their current production equipment with only minor alterations when changing over to the format of HD DVD replication. Due to the structure of the single-lens optical head, both red and blue laser diodes can be used in smaller, more compact HD DVD players. HD DVD drives can also be used with a desktop/laptop personal computer (PC) running Windows XP, Windows Vista, Mac OS X v10.5 \"Leopard\", and many varieties of Linux. Third-party player software for Windows and Linux", "id": "15063577" }, { "contents": "The Elder Scrolls Online\n\n\nStudios announced that players who purchased \"The Elder Scrolls Online\" before the end of June 2014 would have the opportunity to transfer their characters from Microsoft Windows or Mac OS to either console platform and receive a free 30-day subscription. \"The Elder Scrolls Online\" was announced on May 3, 2012, on the \"Game Informer\" website and in that same month's issue of the magazine. It was released on April 4, 2014, for PC and Mac. Home console releases for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One were", "id": "19236092" }, { "contents": "Assembly (demoparty)\n\n\n. Later IT corporations started to sponsor free beer for Boozembly. Like Assembly, Boozembly itself has become an important part of Finnish demoscene culture. The party includes multiple competitions, or compos including but not limited to: For the first eight years of Assembly, the demo and intro competitions were split into separate PC and Amiga categories. Starting in 2000, the platforms have been combined, with PC (Windows or Linux), Amiga, Mac and even high-end consoles competing in the same demo and intro competitions. Similarly", "id": "4503563" }, { "contents": "Macintosh\n\n\nemulation software such as Virtual PC. In March 2006, a group of hackers announced that they were able to run Windows XP on an Intel-based Mac. The group released their software as open source and has posted it for download on their website. On April 5, 2006, Apple announced the availability of the public beta of Boot Camp, software that allows owners of Intel-based Macs to install Windows XP on their machines; later versions added support for Windows Vista and Windows 7. Classic was discontinued in Mac", "id": "1260741" }, { "contents": "St Peter's Church, Woolton, Liverpool\n\n\nbuttresses, a canted turret in the southeast angle, paired two-light bell openings, a cornice. gargoyles, an embattled parapet, and pinnacles. The windows along the sides of the aisles have three lights, and the west window has five lights. There are four-light windows in the transept and the chapel, and a seven-light east window. Inside the church are five-bay arcades carried on quatrefoil columns. The nave has a hammerbeam roof, and in the chapel is a canted, stencilled ceiling", "id": "20164752" }, { "contents": "DVArchive\n\n\nDVArchive is a program which allows users of the ReplayTV Personal Video Recorder (PVR) to stream shows recorded on networked ReplayTVs to their PC for archiving and/or viewing. It can also stream archived video from the PC back to a ReplayTV to be watched there, allowing the PC to act as an expandable video library. DVArchive appears on the network as just another ReplayTV PVR. DVArchive is a Java program and works on a variety of platforms including Windows 98/2000/XP, Mac OS X and Linux. DVArchive is freely distributed for", "id": "6140137" }, { "contents": "Encapsulated PostScript\n\n\nMicrosoft Windows-based versions of their programs, Adobe chose to instead add a TIFF file encoded into the header section of the PostScript. Sometimes, though more rarely, they used the WMF (\"Windows Metafile\") format instead. WMF has the potential to provide vector previews, similar to PICT on the Mac. Both of these PC format EPS files have a particular disadvantage: because the PostScript data, header and preview are all in the same file, they will cause printing errors if a program does not understand the", "id": "15173651" }, { "contents": "King of Dragon Pass\n\n\n, 2014. A Windows Phone version, also by HeroCraft, was released a month later on September 23. A new PC version based on the Android version was released July 29, 2015; it runs on Windows or Mac OS X. A spiritual successor, \"Six Ages\", was announced in 2014, released for iOS on June 28, 2018, and is expected for PC/Mac in 2019. The game's hand painted watercolor artwork won the Best Visual Art prize in the 2000 Independent Games Festival. \"Rock", "id": "7898565" } ]
The psychology behind why some people are so attractive that they are unattractive?
[{"answer": "Is it maybe because you think they could never view you as a viable mate so your brain stops you from considering them as one?"}, {"answer": "TL;DR: We think they're too attractive to keep, so prefer people who are not as attractive. Elaine Hatfield's [Matching Hypothesis]( URL_1 ) suggests that people pair up with others of a similar \"social desirability\" - attractiveness being an important feature that contributes to this. The psychologist Murstein explained the effect you notice as being due to the Matching Hypothesis - more specifically, people would often rather form a relationship with somebody less attractive, as they subconsciously know that they will be more able to form and stay in a relationship with them - which they might struggle to do with somebody more \"socially desirable\" - somebody who is too good looking, in your example. If someone is significantly more socially desirable than their partner, they might be tempted to go off and find a better partner - one who offers a similar level of desirability to themselves, explained in more depth by [Social Exchange Theory]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "I understand what you are saying. Like, I would rather bang an '8' than a '10'. I think it is because when someone is so attractive, they themselves know they are attractive and often times they become a little arrogant about it. It's also the fact that a '10' is going to be out of almost anyone's league and we subconsciously dismiss them as a partner because we know we could not get them."}, {"answer": "It's for the same reason people on Reddit get crushes on less physically-attractive actresses like Jennifer Lawrence and Anna Kendrick who are much more approachable-seeming. To be charismatic you have to 1) be in a position of \"power\" (popularity usually, money, bone structure, confidence, are obvious ones but this could mean a lot of things) and 2) the other person has to feel like you like them. A lot of the really hot women clearly have part 1 covered, but they have none of part 2. If they started treating flirting with you and making you feel like they were actually into you, you'd change your mind and find them really attractive, really quick."}, {"answer": "It could be that you know what society thinks it's beautiful, but maybe they aren't what you desire. Many models aren't exactly attractive to the average person even if they photograph well."}, {"answer": "Any one ever see someone so weird or unattractive that they find them strangely attractive? There ever been someone you knew was ugly but you wanted them anyways?"}, {"answer": "I think after awhile you start associating the very attractive with traits like narcissism that is a big turn off."}, {"answer": "Can you give a few examples of people that fit this criteria for you?"}, {"answer": "Well this thread isn't going where I thought it would go. I thought we were gonna speak objectively about looks and how people like Anne Hathaway and Allison Williams are pretty much perfect looking but it's hard to find them attractive because they're dead in the eyes. Instead everyone's just talking about standards and who they want to sleep with."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "247335", "title": "Physiognomy", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Physiognomy (from the Greek \u03c6\u03cd\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2 \"physis\" meaning \"nature\" and \"gnomon\" meaning \"judge\" or \"interpreter\") is a practice of assessing a person's character or personality from their outer appearanceespecially the face. It is often linked to racial and sexual stereotyping. The term can also refer to the general appearance of a person, object, or terrain without reference to its implied characteristicsas in the physiognomy of an individual plant (see plant life-form) or of a plant community (see vegetation).", "Physiognomy (from the Greek \u03c6\u03cd\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2 \"physis\" meaning \"nature\" and \"gnomon\" meaning \"judge\" or \"interpreter\") is a practice of assessing a person's character or personality from their outer appearanceespecially the face. It is often linked to racial and sexual stereotyping. The term can also refer to the general appearance of a person, object, or terrain without reference to its implied characteristicsas in the physiognomy of an individual plant (see plant life-form) or of a plant community (see vegetation)."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "571478", "title": "Bambi effect", "section": "Section::::Human attraction.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 7, "end_paragraph_id": 7, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["in, for instance, whole fish: \"It's the Bambi effect [customers] don't want to see eyes looking at them\". A secondary meaning is sometimes found in psychology, where the term may be used to refer to a perceived tendency in \" find animals attractive that have characteristics similar to those [of] human babies\". It is also claimed that this tendency is at work in human sexuality, since, according to some studies, most people prefer 'babylike' features in their sexual partners, that is, \"a large rounded forehead, large eyes, and rounded features\".\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "in, for instance, whole fish: \"It's the Bambi effect [customers] don't want to see eyes looking at them\". A secondary meaning is sometimes found in psychology, where the term may be used to refer to a perceived tendency in \" find animals attractive that have characteristics similar to those [of] human babies\". It is also claimed that this tendency is at work in human sexuality, since, according to some studies, most people prefer 'babylike' features in their sexual partners, that is, \"a large rounded forehead, large eyes, and rounded features\".", "A secondary meaning is sometimes found in psychology, where the term may be used to refer to a perceived tendency in \" find animals attractive that have characteristics similar to those [of] human babies\"."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "24984", "title": "Personality psychology", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Personality psychology is a branch of psychology that studies personality and its variation among individuals. It is a scientific study which aims to show how people are individually different due to psychological forces. Its areas of focus include:\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Personality psychology is a branch of psychology that studies personality and its variation among individuals. It is a scientific study which aims to show how people are individually different due to psychological forces. Its areas of focus include:"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Unattractiveness\n\n\nare less likely to be hired for almost any job, but lack legal recourse to fight discrimination. Some research indicates a sentencing disparity where unattractive people tend to get heavier prison sentences than attractive people. Uglification, defacement or disfigurement refers to efforts to depreciate someone's levels of attractiveness, often in television characters in order to desexualize them. Discrimination or prejudice against unattractive people is sometimes referred to as lookism or cacophobia, and if it is a result of one's disfigurement, ableism. Teratophobia is an aversion or fear of people", "id": "5595651" }, { "contents": "Risk aversion (psychology)\n\n\n. People who evaluate options in these terms are expected to show a risk-seeking preference for the gamble (option D) over the sure loss of 400 lives. Of course, the “sure loss” of 400 lives that participants found so unattractive is exactly the same outcome as the “sure gain” of 200 subjects found so attractive in the Problem 1. The public health problem illustrates a formulation effect in which a change of wording from \"lives saved\" to \"lives lost\" induced a marked shift of preference", "id": "15445573" }, { "contents": "First impression (psychology)\n\n\nTargets who are attractive are rated more positively and as possessing more unique characteristics than those who are unattractive. Beauty is also found to be somewhat subjective so that even targets who are not universally attractive can receive the benefit of this effect if the observer is attracted to them. In a 2014 study, a group at the University of York reported that impressions of the traits of approachability, youthfulness/attractiveness and dominance can be formed from measurable characteristics such as the shape of and the spacing around the eyes, nose and mouth.", "id": "10985338" }, { "contents": "Consumer neuroscience\n\n\nmay represent an interaction between the perceived attractiveness of the ad by the consumer and the emotions expressed by the people pictured in the advertisement. It has been suggested that ads that use people with positive emotions are perceived as attractive while ads using exclusively text or depicting people with neutral expressions may generally be viewed as unattractive. Unattractive ads activate the anterior insula, which plays a role in the processing of negative emotions. Both attractive and unattractive ads have been shown to be more memorable than ads described as ambiguously attractive, but more research", "id": "9600953" }, { "contents": "Unattractiveness\n\n\nuggo\" \"detumescent\", \"detumifying\" and \"bonerkiller\". Other measures use a numerical scale of attractiveness, wherein 1 is the ugliest and 10 is the most attractive, whereby the most unattractive individuals would be described as \"\"1s\"\", \"\"2s\"\", and \"\"3s\"\". In manosphere Internet forums, unattractive people are sometimes described as \"omegas\" or \"undateables\". Unattractiveness is often associated with ageing. Numerous terms have been coined to describe the stage of one", "id": "5595647" }, { "contents": "Obsessive Love (film)\n\n\nslightly excessive theatrical ideas, and because television needs so much material, there's a chance to get some of those odd ideas done.\" The film was the idea of Mimieux's. She based it on John Hinckley and thought it would be interesting if the sexes were reversed. Mimieux said the network \"felt people wouldn't believe me as this woman. They said to me, 'She's a loner, and she shouldn't be attractive.' I asked them, 'Are you saying that only unattractive people", "id": "10507986" }, { "contents": "Job interview\n\n\nThat is, physical attractiveness is usually not necessarily related to how well one can do the job, yet has been found to influence interviewer evaluations and judgments about how suitable an applicant is for the job. Once individuals are categorized as attractive or unattractive, interviewers may have expectations about physically attractive and physically unattractive individuals and then judge applicants based on how well they fit those expectations. As a result, it typically turns out that interviewers will judge attractive individuals more favorably on job-related factors than they judge unattractive individuals. People", "id": "22072119" }, { "contents": "Homelessness in the United States\n\n\nto regular grooming. Thus, people that are homeless become \"aesthetically unappealing\" to the general public. Research shows that \"physically attractive persons are judged more positively than physically unattractive individuals on various traits... reflecting social competence.\" In addition to the physical component of stigmatization exists an association of homeless people with mental illness. Many people consider the mentally ill to be irresponsible and childlike and treat them with fear and exclusion, using their mental incapacitation as justification for why they should be left out of communities. There is anecdotal", "id": "8996682" }, { "contents": "Color psychology\n\n\nto attract consumer attention to a product that then influences buying behavior. Consumers use color to identify for known brands or search for new alternatives. Variety seekers look for non-typical colors when selecting new brands. Attractive color packaging receives more consumer attention than unattractive color packaging, which can then influence buying behavior. A study that looked at visual color cues focused on predicted purchasing behavior for known and unknown brands. Participants were shown the same product in four different colors and brands. The results showed that people picked packages based on", "id": "11080432" }, { "contents": "Kewpie doll effect\n\n\nbabies and showed that the mothers of more attractive infants had more affectionate interactions with their infants than the mothers of less attractive infants while the mothers of unattractive infants spent more time on routine care-giving and attended to others more often. The researchers believe they have established a relationship between the attractiveness of an infant and his or her treatment by the caregiver for normal children of different attractiveness. Conflict exists in the research concerning mothers' attitudes toward unattractive infants. Some studies establish that mothers of unattractive babies find that their infants interfere", "id": "17037026" }, { "contents": "Halo effect\n\n\npeople were believed to be more likely to hold secure, prestigious jobs compared to unattractive individuals. Participants however believed that attractive individuals would be worse parents than both average attractive and unattractive individuals. A study by demonstrated the Halo Effect, looking at judgments of intelligence and competence on academic tasks. Sixty male undergraduate students rated the quality of essays which included both well and poorly written samples. One third were presented with a photo of an attractive female as author, another third with that of an unattractive female as author, and the", "id": "10023801" }, { "contents": "Risk aversion (psychology)\n\n\nfor more than half the days.\"\" Why do most people find such probabilistic insurance distinctly unattractive? Starting anywhere in the region of low probabilities, the impact on the decision weight of a reduction of probability from p to p/2 is considerably smaller than the effect of a reduction from p/2 to 0. Reducing the risk by half, then, is not worth half the premium. The aversion to probabilistic insurance is significant for three reasons. First, it undermines the classical explanation of insurance in terms of a concave utility function", "id": "15445579" }, { "contents": "Museum of Bad Art\n\n\nacademic studies as a standard of reference for the spectacularly awful. In one such study, published in \"Perspectives on Psychological Science\", researchers tested the consistency of responses between people asked to make \"gut\" judgments versus those who gave conscious well-reasoned responses regarding the quality of various pieces of art. The researchers showed respondents images from MOBA and New York's Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), and asked them to rate each painting on a scale with two ends representing \"Very Attractive\" and \"Very Unattractive", "id": "19003700" }, { "contents": "Job interview\n\n\ngenerally agree on who is and who is not attractive and attractive individuals are judged and treated more positively than unattractive individuals. For example, people who think another is physically attractive tend to have positive initial impressions of that person (even before formally meeting them), perceive the person to be smart, socially competent, and have good social skills and general mental health. Within the business domain, physically attractive individuals have been shown to have an advantage over unattractive individuals in numerous ways, that include, but are not limited to", "id": "22072120" }, { "contents": "Matching hypothesis\n\n\nThe matching hypothesis (also known as the matching phenomenon) is derived from the discipline of social psychology and was first proposed by Elaine Hatfield and her colleagues in 1966, which suggests why people become attracted to their partner. It claims that people are more likely to form and succeed in a committed relationship with someone who is equally socially desirable. This is often researched in the form of physical attraction. Successful couples of differing physical attractiveness may be together due to other matching variables that compensate for the difference in attractiveness. For instance", "id": "8002991" }, { "contents": "No Two Alike\n\n\nNo Two Alike: Human Nature and Human Individuality is a book by psychology researcher Judith Rich Harris. It was published in February 2006. Harris attempts to explain why people are so different in personality, even identical twins who grow up in the same home. \"No Two Alike\" expands on some of the ideas from her previous book \"The Nurture Assumption\", especially the effect of birth order on personality and criticism of developmental psychology. She also attempts to answer some of the criticisms leveled at \"The Nurture Assumption\"", "id": "2144356" }, { "contents": "Gender schema theory\n\n\nand women are supposed to be different from one another. It is hypothesized that this is why cross-sexed interactions are likely to be sexually coded. Sex-typed individuals have a general readiness to invoke the heterosexuality subschema in social interactions, behaving differently towards individuals of the opposite sex that they find attractive v. unattractive. Some of the early tests of gender schema theory came in the form of memory and other cognitive tasks designed to assess facilitated processing of sex-typed information. Much of this early research found that participants who", "id": "18669064" }, { "contents": "Behind the Glass (TV series)\n\n\nTV-6 chose for the show seem to be selected in such a way so as that no individual immediately emerges as the winner or audience favorite. One of the girls is very pretty, but highly hysterical. Another is relatively homily, but frequently goes to the shower to show her body off. The guys are pretty much the same - one is charming, but fairly nimble minded, the second guy is smart, but unattractive, and the third is attractive, but pretentious.\" The television weekly \"Novaya Gazeta\" voted", "id": "19246585" }, { "contents": "Some Everyday Folk and Dawn\n\n\nthe development of a love affair between Dawn and a local athlete, Ernest Breslow. A reviewer in \"The Sydney Morning Herald\" found some good and some not so good elements in the book: \"Australia is shown in all its up-country attractiveness-and unattractiveness; but we who know the subtle charm know also how to forgive the ofttimes crudity of colour and form. Those who prefer to do so may classify the book as fiction, but for us it has too much acute realism to pass as mere make", "id": "21879462" }, { "contents": "Unattractiveness\n\n\ndisagreeable physical attributes with dislikable personality traits. Some of these include an association between unattractive individuals and dishonesty, unintelligence, failure and incompetence. However, attractiveness and intelligence have been shown to be positively correlated. Factors contributing to a perceived unattractiveness among humans include facial asymmetry; however, its significance varies across cultures and among women seeking a male partner, may also vary according to the specific stage of her menstrual cycle. Among medieval western cultures, a marker of unattractiveness in artwork was sometimes marked by protuberances in one physical body.", "id": "5595654" }, { "contents": "The Psychology of the Psychic\n\n\nreally interesting question from the scientific standpoint, and one that the authors write about absorbingly in their last few chapters is 'Why do people, including eminent scientists, insist on being so gullible?' . . . Why? Because they want Uri to succeed.\" Writers more inclined toward belief in psychic phenomena, such as Robert L. Morris of \"The Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research\", found the book lacking in some areas but useful in others. “The authors are to be commended for the effort", "id": "19095636" }, { "contents": "Halo effect\n\n\na positive correlation, such as viewing someone who is attractive as likely to be successful and popular. When this judgement has a negative connotation, such as someone unattractive being more readily blamed for a crime than someone attractive, it is referred to as the horn effect. The halo effect was named by psychologist Edward Thorndike in reference to a person being perceived as having a halo. He gave the phenomenon its name in his 1920 article \"A Constant Error in Psychological Ratings\". In \"Constant Error\", Thorndike set out", "id": "10023791" }, { "contents": "Odor\n\n\nmay not be known to the subject who smells it. An odor that is viewed as unpleasant by some people or cultures can be viewed as attractive by others where it is more familiar or has a better reputation. It is commonly thought that those exuding an unpleasant body odor will be unattractive to others. But studies have shown that a person who is exposed to a particular unpleasant odor can be attracted to others who have been exposed to the same unpleasant odor. This includes smells associated with pollution. What causes a substance to", "id": "6521835" }, { "contents": "Lookism\n\n\nLookism is discriminatory treatment toward people considered physically unattractive, mainly in the workplace but also in dating and other social settings. While not classified in the same way as racial, cultural, sexual discrimination, \"lookism\" is widespread and affects how people are perceived as well as affecting their opportunities in terms of romantic relationships, job opportunities, etc. Physical attractiveness is associated with good things; in contrast, physical unattractiveness is associated with negative things. Many people make judgments of others based on their physical appearance that influence how they", "id": "8808902" }, { "contents": "Chris French\n\n\n\" as part of the BSc (Hons) Psychology programmes at both Goldsmiths College and Birkbeck College. He is a Chartered Psychologist and a Fellow of the British Psychological Society. During his 2014 interview for the Skeptic Zone Podcast, Chris acknowledged that, as a skeptic, he believed in paranormal activities until he became more aware of the psychology behind why people believe, a point made clear to him through a book written by Professor of Psychology James Alcock: He has authored or co-authored over 80 articles and chapters dealing with", "id": "11435345" }, { "contents": "Online identity\n\n\n. Even if a person chooses to hide behind a totally false identity, this says something about the fear and lack of self-esteem behind the false mask. Because of many emotional and psychological dynamics, people can be reluctant to interact online. By evoking a mask of identity a person can create a safety net. One of the great fears of online identity is having one's identity stolen or abused. This fear keeps people from sharing who they are. Some are so fearful of identity theft or abuse that they will", "id": "19481958" }, { "contents": "Jon Krosnick\n\n\n, Hispanic, or white male before a neutral image. They were then asked to rate their feelings toward the neutral image. These feelings were taken as a measure of implicit racism toward the prior image. Responses were correlated to age, partisan belief, and views on Obama. Among his work in political psychology, Krosnick has studied the psychology behind voter turnouts. In 2008, Krosnick published \"Why do people vote? A psychological analysis of the causes of voter turnout,\" in which he designated several factors that increase and", "id": "4541767" }, { "contents": "The Rosie Project\n\n\nshe works on her doctorate in psychology. He also finds that part of the reason that Rosie is so desperate to find her biological father is because of her unsatisfactory relationship with her stepfather Phil. Don also finally meets a woman who fulfills all of his criteria, but he discovers that he is completely unattracted to her. Eventually, the Father Project eliminates all but a few people, two of which require that Don and Rosie travel to New York City. Once there Rosie forces Don to abandon his schedules in exchange for a", "id": "2193189" }, { "contents": "Christian counseling\n\n\nthat the church believed at the time. Following in that direction, Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920), a main contributor to the scientific method, introduced it to psychology and claimed that one's biological makeup was the reason why humans are the way they are. He was one of the main drivers behind psychology being looked at in the scientific realm. In addition to Wundt, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) believed that the church had failed to counsel in the correct way, so he developed psychotherapy, \"the", "id": "9595389" }, { "contents": "Tone mapping\n\n\nsimultaneously. Local tone mapping produces a number of characteristic effects in images. These include halos around dark objects, a \"painting-like\" or \"cartoon-like\" appearance due to a lack of large global contrasts, and highly saturated colours. Many people find the resulting images attractive and these effects to add an interesting new set of choices for post-processing in digital photography. Some people believe that the results stray too far from realism, or find them unattractive, but these are aesthetic judgements, and often concern", "id": "11822346" }, { "contents": "Paul R. Abramson\n\n\nblind experience sexual attraction? Why is sexual violence so ubiquitous? Abramson, along with Donald Mosher, were among the first psychology professors to add scientific rigor to the study of human sexuality. Though Kinsey conducted research on the way Americans expressed their sexuality, and Masters & Johnson did the same for the underlying physiology, Abramson and Mosher extended this line of work by introducing psychological variables into the mix, guilt in particular. The experience of sexual guilt, for example, is one of the best ways to account for the variability", "id": "386668" }, { "contents": "Kewpie doll effect\n\n\nfeatures will be perceived as more cute and adorable than children of ages two, three, or four years old. However, Alley did not discuss how a cute and attractive infant would be treated relative to an unattractive infant that does not have Kewpie doll characteristics. Several studies have shown that cuter, more attractive babies receive more attention from caregivers than unattractive babies. However, infant attractiveness has not been found to be a factor in the development of secure caregiver-child relationships, as most unattractive children and children with cranial and", "id": "17037022" }, { "contents": "Yugambeh people\n\n\n-family relation-ships, so that the so-called marriage by capture was between these tribes often a mere formality. Older men from one tribe would pay a visit to another and convey the information that they had a number of attractive young women of marriageable age. \"What about some of your young fellows coming over and fighting us for them some night?\" they would say. \"Why, we were just thinking we might do that one night\", would be the reply; \"it might be about", "id": "17935840" }, { "contents": "Mortal Kombat\n\n\nthe violence will attract some attention, but if there's not much to the product behind it, you're not going to last very long.\" In a 2009 poll by \"GamePro\", 21% of voters chose \"Mortal Kombat\" as their favorite fighting game series, ranking it third after \"Street Fighter\" and \"Tekken\". In 2012, Capcom's \"Street Fighter\" producer Yoshinori Ono said he is getting a lot of requests for \"Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat\" and understands why people want", "id": "16452784" }, { "contents": "Max H. Bazerman\n\n\nhis testimony. Bazerman then made his own accusation. Since then, he has been critical about why he didn't notice the unethical interference sooner. He then began to focus on why some people notice right away and some don't act on critical information. Art of Noticing Dr. Bazerman's accomplishments are lengthy as an expert in the field of study in Behavioral Psychology. He has written numerous articles on ethics and the art of noticing unethical behavior. He argues that ethicality is a product of psychological processes. His studies show that", "id": "17585657" }, { "contents": "Attributional ambiguity\n\n\nthat, as described above, the attractive participants were less likely to believe positive feedback given to them, believing that the observer had an ulterior motive. When the observer could see the attractive participant, they doubted the true motive behind their positive feedback. Unattractive participants were more likely to believe positive feedback than were attractive participants. When an ulterior motive is possible, it is easier to discount the feedback whether it is positive or negative. (See also Lookism.) C. L. Hoyt and colleagues examined attributional ambiguity in Latino subjects", "id": "18225227" }, { "contents": "Unattractiveness\n\n\nSome studies found that love-shyness, ineffectiveness at courtship and sexlessness were traits more pronounced among people who self-described as unattractive. There are some specific characteristics on men that have recurringly been described as unattractive by women or in general, including a short height, narrow shoulders, a pot belly, a micropenis, a negative canthal tilt and browbridge, an unchiseled jawline, a recessed chin, sporadic facial hair and a receding hairline. Among males, some fictional characters are frequently described as ugly, such as Quasimodo,", "id": "5595655" }, { "contents": "Analytical psychology\n\n\nwith the anima or animus is one of the most difficult and rewarding steps in psychological growth. Jung reported that he identified his anima as she spoke to him, as an inner voice, unexpectedly one day. Often, when people ignore the anima or animus complexes, the anima or animus vies for attention by projecting itself on others. This explains, according to Jung, why we are sometimes immediately attracted to certain strangers: we see our anima or animus in them. Love at first sight is an example of anima and", "id": "6794358" }, { "contents": "Subjective well-being\n\n\nas one of the most valued goals in life. Understanding individual differences in SWB is of key interest in positive psychology, particularly the issue of why some people are happier than others. Some people continue to be happy in the face of adversity whereas others are chronically unhappy at the best of times. Positive psychology has investigated how people might improve their level of SWB and maintain these improvements over the longer term, rather than returning to baseline. Lyubomirsky (2001) argued that SWB is influenced by a combination of personality/genetics", "id": "13550772" }, { "contents": "Facial symmetry\n\n\nmore symmetrical faces are perceived as more attractive, studies applying the later method have indicated that humans prefer slight asymmetry. Also studies show that nearly symmetrical faces are considered highly attractive compared to unsymmetrical ones, yet more specifically, people tend to find a face unattractive if a person has an unsymmetrical nose, and effect of unsymmetrical lips do not really affect people on judging attractiveness. The most conspicuous directional asymmetries are sometimes only temporary. For example, during speech, most people (76%) tend to express greater amplitude of movement", "id": "15965999" }, { "contents": "Closer (2004 film)\n\n\npeople involved with the film, \"[t]hey are all so very articulate, which is refreshing in a time when literate and evocative speech has been devalued in the movies.\" Peter Travers, writing for \"Rolling Stone\", said, \"Mike Nichols' haunting, hypnotic \"Closer\" vibrates with eroticism, bruising laughs and dynamite performances from four attractive actors doing decidedly unattractive things.\" Kenneth Turan of the \"Los Angeles Times\" wrote, \"[d]espite involved acting and Nichols' impeccable professionalism as a director,", "id": "14109783" }, { "contents": "José Romo de Vivar\n\n\n), a Spanish explorer and military officer, who conquered a large part of the present day Chihuahua, in modern Mexico. The factors that had driven to the emigration of most of the Arizona´s Spaniards were diverse: The silver mines that had attracted Spaniards to colonize the area were sold out. So its new inhabitants were forced to practice agriculture and livestock, which were unattractive jobs for these people. This was compounded by the continuing hostility of the Pima Indians (riots, killings, scorched earth, poisoned wells, etc.", "id": "18582691" }, { "contents": "Deception\n\n\neveryday life”. Both genders used this strategy in online dating profiles, but women more so than men. Additionally, less attractive people were more likely to have “lied about objective measures of physical attractiveness such as height and weight”. In general, men are more likely to lie on dating profiles the one exception being that women are more likely to lie about weight. Some methodologies in social research, especially in psychology, involve deception. The researchers purposely mislead or misinform the participants about the true nature of the experiment", "id": "18703676" }, { "contents": "Behavioral confirmation\n\n\nunattractive people. The perceiver-target dyads engaged in a 10-minute, unstructured conversation, which was initiated by the perceivers. Individuals, identified as the raters, listened in on only the targets' contributions to the conversations and rated their impressions of the targets. Results showed that targets whose partners believed them to be physically attractive came to behave in a more sociable, warm, and outgoing manner than targets whose partners believed them to be physically unattractive. Consequently, targets behaviorally confirmed the perceivers' beliefs, thus turning the perceivers'", "id": "14680073" }, { "contents": "Alcohol and sex\n\n\nwearer's\" vision, making unattractive people appear beautiful, or at least passably attractive. A study published in 2003 supported the beer goggles hypothesis; however, it also found that another explanation is that regular drinkers tend to have personality traits that mean they find people more attractive, whether or not they are under the influence of alcohol at the time. A 2009 study showed that while men found adult women (who were wearing makeup) more attractive after consuming alcohol, the alcohol did not interfere with their ability to determine a", "id": "4600970" }, { "contents": "Assimilation and contrast effects\n\n\neffects have been seen to behave quite differently when objects are presented simultaneously, rather than successively. A series of studies found assimilation effects when asking participants to rate the attractiveness of faces that were presented simultaneously. When an unattractive face was presented next to an attractive face, the unattractive face became more attractive, while the rating of the attractive face did not change. In other words, placing oneself next to an attractive person would make you more attractive, as long as you are less attractive than that person. These effects remained", "id": "981911" }, { "contents": "Physical attractiveness stereotype\n\n\neffect than self-rating. \"The wage effects of attractiveness are nonlinear for men, which implies that wage punishment for unattractiveness is larger than wage premium for attractiveness, and linear for women.\" Studies show that teachers perceive attractive children as more intellectual, more engaged in school and more likely to succeed academically than unattractive children. This is because teachers have been shown to have more positive interactions with attractive children. In addition other studies show that customers' perceptions of quality of service is boosted by physical attractiveness. In certain", "id": "15419992" }, { "contents": "Risk aversion (psychology)\n\n\nwhich the expected value of the current option and all other alternatives are held equal) are unattractive on the gain side but attractive on the loss side. In contrast to EUT, PT is posited as an alternative theory of choice, in which value is assigned to gains and losses rather than to final assets (total wealth), and in which probabilities are replaced by decision weights. In an effort to capture inconsistencies in our preferences, PT offers a non-linear, S-shaped probability-weighted value function, implying", "id": "15445563" }, { "contents": "Óscar Ichazo\n\n\nfixation derives from childhood subjective experience (self-perception) of psychological trauma when expectations are not met in each of the instincts. Young children are self-centered and thus experience disappointment in their expectations because of one of three fundamental attitudes: attracted, unattracted, disinterested. From such experiences, mechanistic thought and behavior patterns arise as an attempted defense against recurrence of the trauma. By understanding the fixations — and practicing self-observation — it is believed that a person can reduce or even transcend suffering and the fixations' hold", "id": "1944226" }, { "contents": "Physical attractiveness\n\n\nas physically attractive earn more income than others who would describe themselves as less attractive. People who described themselves as less attractive earned, on average, 13% less than those who described themselves as more attractive, while the penalty for being overweight was around 5%. According to further research done on the correlation between looks and earnings in men, the punishment for unattractiveness is greater than the benefits of being attractive. However, in women the punishment is found to be equal to the benefits. Another study suggests that more physically", "id": "21710129" }, { "contents": "Social networking service\n\n\nsuch as (but not limited to) defacement of deceased person(s) tribute pages, name-calling, playing online pranks on individuals and making controversial or inflammatory comments with the intention to cause anger and cause arguments. Individuals troll for many reasons. The psychology behind why people troll according to \"Psychology Today\" is due to anonymity, perceived obscurity, and a perceived lack of consequences for online misbehavior. Trolls may also do their activities due to a perceived majority status, social identity salience and due to a sense by the", "id": "1622615" }, { "contents": "Librarians in popular culture\n\n\nStereotypes of librarians in popular culture are frequently negative: librarians are portrayed as puritanical, punitive, unattractive, and introverted if female, or timid and effeminate if male. Such inaccurate stereotypes are likely to have a negative impact on the attractiveness of librarianship as a profession to young people. In modern times, the archetype of the \"sexy librarian\" has also begun to gain some traction, introduced in an effort to subvert the popular matriarchal image and make them more appealing to the average consumer. Both archetypes boil down to a", "id": "1444078" }, { "contents": "Why Wal-Mart Works; and Why That Drives Some People C-R-A-Z-Y\n\n\nWhy Wal-Mart Works; and Why That Drives Some People C-R-A-Z-Y is a 2005 independent documentary film by Ron and Robert David Galloway. It investigates the reasons behind the financial success of the Walmart Corporation. The documentary suggests that many criticisms of Walmart arise from feelings of jealousy over the company's success. The documentary \"\" was released on the same day as \"Why Wal-Mart Works\". Director Ron Galloway was quoted as saying, \"I started making my film with", "id": "7330631" }, { "contents": "Halo effect\n\n\nqualities such as creativity, intelligence, and sensitivity than unattractive individuals. However, in addition to these results Kaplan found that some women were influenced by the halo effect on attractiveness only when presented with members of the opposite sex. When presented with an attractive member of the same sex, the effect was attenuated for some women. continue this line of research, going on to demonstrate that jealousy of an attractive individual has slight effect in evaluation of that person. Their work shows this to be more prevalent among females than males,", "id": "10023808" }, { "contents": "Frank Lorenzo\n\n\nin place.\" To other analysts and even airline executives, it was obvious why Lorenzo was interested in TWA: said one executive, \"Frank’s a financial man—that’s his game,\" and TWA offered Lorenzo a tricky financial situation with an unattractive amount of long term debt ($643 million, a relatively large amount in the industry) offset by a portion of that debt carrying an extremely attractive and low interest rate of 4%. TWA was opposed to the sale; its board \"unanimously affirmed\"", "id": "8971046" }, { "contents": "Physical attractiveness\n\n\nrelationships; and marrying into families with more money. Those who are attractive are treated and judged more positively than those who are considered unattractive, even by those who know them. Also, attractive individuals behave more positively than those who are unattractive. One study found that teachers tend to expect that children who are attractive are more intelligent, and are more likely to progress further in school. They also consider these students to be more popular. Voters choose political candidates who are more attractive over those who are less attractive. Men", "id": "21710132" }, { "contents": "Arnold Ehrlich\n\n\nsocial discomfort, and was intrigued by the new Freudian psychology emerging upon the scene in his latter years. Not long before he died, Richard M. Stern (who prepared for the rabbinate under him) recalls Ehrlich saying, if he could relive his years, he would like to give greater attention to psychology so as to understand why some human beings are driven perforce into defined areas of activity and why others are willing to remain \"contented cows!!!\" Ehrlich was sought after by many non-Jews who wanted to", "id": "16934931" }, { "contents": "Genetic sexual attraction\n\n\nevolved to prevent inbreeding. Although reported frequently as anecdote in the field of psychology, there are no studies showing that people are sexually attracted to those genetically similar to them. Studies of MHC genes show that unrelated people are less attracted to those genetically similar to them. However, in mice, this lack of attraction can be reversed by adoption. Whilst it has been documented that sexual attraction can occur between related individuals in some cases, it is not clear that calling this attraction GSA is appropriate. Critics of the hypothesis have", "id": "8634287" }, { "contents": "Yale attitude change approach\n\n\nthe speaker's position before hearing the message. The study showed that participants were more likely to be persuaded by an attractive speaker to take an undesirable position on a topic than by an unattractive speaker. However, they were equally likely to be persuaded to take a desirable position on a topic by attractive and unattractive speakers. Participants were more likely to agree with attractive speakers in general and more likely to agree with any speaker discussing a desirable position on a topic. More attractive individuals are more persuasive than individuals perceived as less attractive", "id": "6176479" }, { "contents": "Geoffrey Beattie\n\n\nBritish Psychological Society for ‘published psychological research of outstanding merit’ for some of his work in this area. His research shows that both verbal and nonverbal elements are critical to everyday semantic communication and that iconic gestures reflect unarticulated aspects of thinking. This has implications for how we think about speech and human communication. He has researched how listeners decode iconic gestures and how, and why, certain gestures attract the gaze fixations of listeners and the implications of this for communicative effectiveness. He has explored the possible applications of this theoretical perspective", "id": "5566511" }, { "contents": "Halo effect\n\n\nlast third were shown neither. In average most of the participants gave significantly better writing evaluations for the more attractive author. On a scale of 1 to 9, the well-written essay by the attractive author received an average of 6.7 while the unattractive author received a 5.9 (with a 6.6 as a control). The gap was larger on the poor essay: the attractive author received an average of 5.2, the control a 4.7, and the unattractive a 2.7, suggesting readers are generally more willing to give physically attractive", "id": "10023802" }, { "contents": "Joseph Jastrow\n\n\nthe occult in a scientific manner. He wanted to understand why people were attracted to it, how it gained a foothold in society, and what evidence its supporters used. He wrote that many people considered coincidence, dreams, and premonitions as sources of information above science, and said the role of the scientist was to help the public understand truth from fiction, and to prevent the spreading of erroneous beliefs. Jastrow studied the psychology of paranormal belief and viewed paranormal phenomena as \"totally unscientific and misleading\", being the result", "id": "7118147" }, { "contents": "Psychology of collecting\n\n\nThe psychology of collecting is an area of study that seeks to understand the motivating factors why people devote great amounts of time, money, and energy making and maintaining collections. For people who collect, the value of their collections are not monetary but emotional. The collections allow people to relive their childhood, connect themselves to a period or to a time they feel strongly about. Their collections help them ease insecurity and anxiety about losing a part of themselves and to keep the past to continue to exist in the present. Some", "id": "16280684" }, { "contents": "Museum of Bad Art\n\n\n\". The study found that those who reasoned in conscious thought were neither more accurate nor as consistent in their ratings. Study participants identified and rated MoMA art higher quality, but those who used conscious reasoning did not find MoMA art more attractive than those who rated with \"gut\" judgments. Furthermore, the deliberators did not find MOBA art as unattractive as those with quicker response times. The study concluded that people who make quick judgments do so more consistently, with no significant change to accuracy. In another study that appeared", "id": "19003701" }, { "contents": "Stereolithic\n\n\nbut I don’t know, it’s nice to kind of admit that in the world we live in, it’s pretty difficult for some people. It’s an endless source of both inspiration and frustration, so why not make music out of it? I’ve always felt that, at least in demo form, our music is darker than the philosophy behind the lyrics that can end up in the final product. I think my job in the room when we’re writing is to help shape that.\" With some", "id": "3241805" }, { "contents": "Han Yujoo\n\n\nHan Yujoo (born 1982) is a South Korean writer. Her novels portray not so much the fate of people embroiled in some kind of conflict as their psychological state when they contemplate a situation or idea. She focuses on recording spontaneous thoughts or flashbacks, rather than on describing something accurately or developing a dramatic arc. In this absence of a clear plot, the reading experience consists mostly of following the author’s thought process. This is why Han’s work can be considered an example of the French nouveau roman or antinovel", "id": "18295510" }, { "contents": "Flexibility (personality)\n\n\nbe why children raised by this style have more psychological flexibility. The children are encouraged to be independent and are supported, so they are able to adjust to situations that do not go as predicted. Psychological flexibility has been found to improve mental health and absence rates. A mediating variable is job control, which suggests that people feel they have more psychological flexibility when they have more control over their jobs. This is likely due to workers feeling less restricted by what they are allowed to do and more empowered to solve a problem", "id": "11151253" }, { "contents": "Emunah La-Paz\n\n\nRoth of \"Blogcritics\" praised La-Paz's \"10 years of research surrounding the topic.\" \"Why Do Married Men Cheat With Unattractive Women?\" brought forth women who have dealt with similar situations, and women who felt less-attractive in a world that worships vanity. The real life stories helped build the core of the spin off book, \"Memoir of a Jaded Woman: Tainted Love\". In November 2016, La-Paz published \"Memoir of a Jaded Woman: Tainted Love.\" In", "id": "19188914" }, { "contents": "Cancer insurance\n\n\nhealth insurance, insurance policies are subject to the whims of the companies that underwrite them. As such, the provisions of these policies can vary dramatically depending on the health insurance company involved. In some cases, insurers design their policies to be financially unattractive to those suffering from costly medical conditions. As a supplemental health insurance plan, cancer insurance policies are meant to close the gaps left behind by conventional insurance policies. Even so, these plans may not provide coverage for the full extent of health issues related to the disease.", "id": "4793380" }, { "contents": "Social psychology\n\n\n, a uniform, alcohol, dark environments, or online anonymity. A major area in the study of people's relations to each other is interpersonal attraction. This refers to all forces that lead people to like each other, establish relationships, and (in some cases) fall in love. Several general principles of attraction have been discovered by social psychologists, but many still continue to experiment and do research to find out more. One of the most important factors in interpersonal attraction is how similar two particular people are. The", "id": "7191678" }, { "contents": "Human–canine bond\n\n\nperson's sense of self. Self-psychology explains why some animals are so crucial to a person's sense of self and well-being. Dog companionship often gives people a sense of purpose by causing them to develop a daily routine and giving them something to look forward to each day. Studies also show owning a dog reduces stress and alleviates anxiety. Despite the positive relationship, there are instances where dogs have turned on their owner or other humans. The reasons for a dog to break the normally positive social bond are", "id": "13539781" }, { "contents": "João Silva (photographer)\n\n\nsomebody else's suffering. That's ultimately why I continue doing it, and why I want to continue doing it.\" Silva spoke in the section \"The Human Being Behind the Camera\" of that some people think behind the camera is a machine, a photographer without any feelings. He said that he was often asked how it was possible that he could photograph such cruel pictures. His answer was: \"If you want to help people, then you should not become a photographer\". But he said also,", "id": "12094766" }, { "contents": "Why We Disagree About Climate Change\n\n\ntaken such a dominant position in modern politics and why it is so contested. In the book, the author looks at the differing views from various disciplines, including natural science, economics, ethics, social psychology and politics, to try to explain why people disagree about climate change. The book argues that climate change, rather than being a problem to be solved, is an idea which reveals different individual and collective beliefs, values and attitudes about ways of living in the world. Max Boykoff writing for \"Nature Reports Climate", "id": "11509617" }, { "contents": "Sexual capital\n\n\nattractive in all contexts, including higher education teaching, politics, sales and marketing, and everyday social interaction. Hamermesh assumes these economic benefits must be due to unfair discrimination, a position he takes from Deborah Rhode's new book, \"Beauty Bias\", a feminist lawyer's critique of the social benefits that accrue to attractive people, and the disadvantages experienced by unattractive people, most particularly the obese. Catherine Hakim argues that erotic capital matters beyond the sexual field, and beyond private relationships. Her research suggests that erotic capital", "id": "19065123" }, { "contents": "Halo effect\n\n\ncontrolled for in women it appears that there is a difference in affect produced by the attractiveness halo effect at least between binary genders. have reasoned that if the following four assumptions were true, beautiful people are indeed likely to be more intelligent and provided empirical evidence for these assumptions. The reverse halo effect occurs when positive evaluations of an individual cause negative consequences. Dermer and Thiel (1975) had female undergraduates rate pictures of highly attractive, moderately attractive, and unattractive females and evaluate them on a number of dimensions. Their hypothesis", "id": "10023810" }, { "contents": "Evolution of human intelligence\n\n\nmales have impressive secondary sexual characteristics such as ornaments and show-off behavior, but sexual selection is also thought to be able to act on females as well in at least partially monogamous species. With complete monogamy, there is assortative mating for sexually selected traits. This means that less attractive individuals will find other less attractive individuals to mate with. If attractive traits are good fitness indicators, this means that sexual selection increases the genetic load of the offspring of unattractive individuals. Without sexual selection, an unattractive individual might find a", "id": "17322781" }, { "contents": "Wilhelm Wundt\n\n\nscientific controversies were presented in detail. Reasons for the distancing of Wundt and why some of his concepts have fallen into oblivion can be seen in his scientific work, in his philosophical orientation, in his didactics or in the person of Wundt himself: Wundt's terminology also created difficulties because he had – from today's point-of-view – given some of his most important ideas unfortunate names so that there were constant misunderstandings. Examples include: A representation of Wundt's psychology as ‘natural science’, ‘element psychology", "id": "15295122" }, { "contents": "In Absentia\n\n\ntitle: \"It comes from... It's related to some of the lyrics. It's about people on the fringes, on the edges of humanity and society. I have an interest in serial killers, child molesters, and wife beaters... Not in what they did, but in the psychology of why. What caused them to become unhinged and twisted? Why are they unable to empathise? It's [In Absentia] sort of a metaphor - there's something missing, a black hole, a cancer in their", "id": "12142624" }, { "contents": "Behavioral operations research\n\n\ntheir behavior and emotions. Cognitive psychology is considered to be one of the dominant theoretical force in behavioral science. People often react and behave differently when they are put into different social situations. The aim of social psychology is to understand the nature and causes of individual behaviors. It questions or provides an insight of how human behavior relies on the physical environment. Social psychology theories explain why there are competition between individuals, why it is often the case that individuals or organisations seek to protect and maintain their status, and why it", "id": "9986124" }, { "contents": "...All the Marbles\n\n\nAldrich told me he wanted me to play Iris, he also said he wanted me to put on 10 pounds. 'You have a dancer's body,' he said, 'and you have to look like a lady wrestler.'\" \"We picked the two best athletes,\" said Aldrich. He did add that \"I think the public likes to see attractive people. I know I like to see attractive people. So if you're going to have two women wrestlers, why not have them attractive?", "id": "16307610" }, { "contents": "Slapping the Table in Amazement\n\n\n? That’s why his work was so popular among the ordinary people. In Chinese ancient literature, the meaning of existence of every single person can be confessed only by his social relationships. For all his psychologys, wills, desires are considered into a common framework, it is hard to describe anything disordinary about the cockles of the heart of hero. Therefore, a passport to an excellent character is to descript actions, instead of depicting psychological processes. Placing emphasis on plots, drawing figures’ descriptions in a straightforward style,", "id": "4313104" }, { "contents": "Mixed-design analysis of variance\n\n\nopposite sex. There are 10 males and 10 female participants. After each date, they rate on a scale of 0 to 100 how much they would like to have a date with that person, with a zero indicating \"not at all\" and 100 indicating \"very much\". The random factors, or so-called repeated measures, are looks, which consists of three levels (very attractive, moderately attractive, and highly unattractive) and the personality, which again has three levels (highly charismatic, moderately charismatic", "id": "2945642" }, { "contents": "Luisiana, Laguna\n\n\nwhy they are there or what is the story behind the presence of the dogs in the building. Some of them believe that the dogs might have been a part of the town’s history which is yet to be discovered. Aside from the man-made attractions, Luisiana is also home to natural attractions like falls (such as Hulugan, Bumbóngan, Malaog, Maapon, Limbun-limbón, Aliw, Lagaslás and Botocán-Tiklingan) and caves (such as the caves of Simbahang Bato and Butás Kabag). Although most", "id": "8376253" }, { "contents": "Ovulatory shift hypothesis\n\n\nterms when talking about women, but not men. Women's choices to purchase more attractive or revealing clothing at high fertility are also increased when they are first shown a photograph of an attractive woman, but not photographs of men or unattractive women, suggesting clothing may not be chosen to attract men, but rather as a competitive display for other women. Additionally, some studies have used economic games to show that women are less likely to share resources or engage in cooperative bargaining with other women during the fertile window. However,", "id": "12668220" }, { "contents": "Reciprocal liking\n\n\nthey are attracted, or from whom they are seeking attention or affection. Reciprocal liking has been observed in schools, and amongst the younger generation in general. For example, children evaluate their peers' behaviours, relationships, and interactions and then construct their own interpretations. Students tend to choose friends that are similar to themselves, meaning those who share the same likes and interests. There are two psychological reasons as to why this seems to happen, the first being social pressure and the other being the set of assumptions people tend", "id": "20620481" }, { "contents": "The Two Voices\n\n\nand brawl! \"Why inch by inch to darkness crawl?\" \"There is one remedy for all.”\" ((ll. 199-201) \"The Two Voices\" attracted the attention of scholar Herbert Spencer, who believed some of the theories between the poem and his own book, \"The Principles of Psychology\", were interconnected. Jerome Buckley asserted that the poem is \"tinged with Satanic irony\", and \"the voice of negation, cynical and realistic, puncturing a desperate idealism, forced upon", "id": "3355345" }, { "contents": "Drugs in the Australian Football League\n\n\nThe Australian Football League (AFL) started in 1897 and was originally called the Victorian Football League until the name was changed in 1990 due to the expansion to the other Australian states. AFL is seen as an iconic Australian sport which attracts large crowds averaging around 32,000 people per game. It is a very popular industry to be in since there are so many different job positions and roles. Drugs are usually known as a chemical compound that has an effect on a persons body in some way, either physically or psychologically. Drugs", "id": "16572278" }, { "contents": "A Treatise of Human Nature\n\n\n\"system of ethics\" is not only supported by \"solid argument\", Hume adds, but it can help moralists show the \"\"dignity\"\" and the \"\"happiness\"\" of virtue. First, it puts morality in a good light to see it derived from \"so noble a source\" as sympathy: we end up approving of virtue, the sense of virtue, and even the psychological principles underlying the sense of virtue. And while the artificiality of justice may seem unattractive at first, this disappears", "id": "12872395" }, { "contents": "Kevin Powers\n\n\nthe book: \"One of the reasons that I wrote this book was the idea that people kept saying: 'What was it like over there?' It seemed that it was not an information-based problem. There was lots of information around. But what people really wanted was to know what it felt like; physically, emotionally and psychologically. So that's why I wrote it.\" Asked about the best book of 2012, writer Dave Eggers said this to \"The Observer\": \"There are a", "id": "22013536" }, { "contents": "Steven Pinker\n\n\nscience, and include accounts of his own research. Pinker's \"The Sense of Style\" (2014), as a general style guide, is another language-oriented work. Informed by modern science and psychology, it offers advice on how to produce more comprehensible and unambiguous writing in nonfiction contexts and explains why so much of today's academic and popular writing is difficult for readers to understand. Pinker's two other books for the public leave behind individual questions of language and learning in favor of broader societal themes. \"", "id": "545911" }, { "contents": "Social facilitation\n\n\n-practiced tasks, but will degrade in the performance of less familiar tasks.\" Social facilitation has occasionally been attributed to the fact that certain people are more susceptible to social influence, with the argument that personality factors can make these people more aware of evaluation. The audience effect is an attempt at psychologically explaining why the presence of an audience leads to people's performing tasks better in some cases and worse in others. This idea was further explored when some studies showed that the presence of a passive audience facilitated the better performance", "id": "11297211" }, { "contents": "Celebrity branding\n\n\n, 2012) representing the reasoning behind why celebrity endorsements of brands are so successful in this day and age. This suggests that for communication to occur, there must be some common thinking between two parties and information must be passed from one person to another (or from one group to another) (Belch, G. E., & Belch, M. A, 2012). Celebrities are now a common factor within people's daily lives – whether we like it or not we live in a world that has been socially influenced by", "id": "18641952" }, { "contents": "Averageness\n\n\nthey show evidence of forming mental prototypes, on which they then rely to recognize new instances of the category. In addition, prototypes are also often preferred to individual exemplars of the stimuli categories. Thus an average face is probably attractive simply because it is prototypical. If prototypes and cognitive averaging are used by infants and adults to organize and consolidate incoming information people may form a common prototype of faces representing the central tendency of the population very early in life. Fifteen minute-old neonates show no preference for attractive faces over unattractive", "id": "18857597" }, { "contents": "Trevor Harley\n\n\nabout the weather, including why are people so interested in the weather? He maintains a weather station at Lundie near Dundee. He wrote a famous article called Promises, Promises in which he argued that cognitive neuropsychologists have increasingly deviated from the original goals and methods of the subject. One of Harley's most famous publications is the book \"The Psychology of Language\". In this book, he discusses psycholinguistics, which is the study of relationships that exist between linguistic behaviour and psychological processes. Harley discusses both the low cognitive level", "id": "8602652" }, { "contents": "Criticism of evolutionary psychology\n\n\nlast'; and so on.\"\" However, evolutionary psychologists point out that their research actually focuses on commonalities between people of different cultures to help to identify \"human psychological nature\" and cultural universals. It is not a focus on local behavioral variation (which may sometimes be considered ethnocentric) that interests evolutionary psychologists; rather their focus is to find underlying psychological commonalities between people from various cultures. Some critics view evolutionary psychology as influenced by genetic determinism and reductionism. Evolutionary psychology is based on the theory that human physiology", "id": "18325134" }, { "contents": "Somebody Like Me (Silkk the Shocker song)\n\n\nHop Songs chart only; peaking at 43. It sold 700,000 copies. Somebody Like Me was filmed on a location in Los Angeles. During a visit to the set, Silkk talked with \"MTV News\" about the \"opposites attract\" message behind the video and explained why Mýa was the only girl for him ... at least in the song. Commenting, \"People go through this [situation] a lot and sometimes it'll be that people's perfect matches [come from] different sides of the track. It", "id": "3627500" }, { "contents": "The Psychology of the Psychic\n\n\n1970s. Many of these included some of the most widely known psychic performers of the time, including Uri Geller, Kreskin, and Ingo Swann. In their attempts to replicate the studies of other researchers, the authors discover methodological flaws in the original trials that lead them to the conclusion that no evidence for psychic phenomena has yet been produced. They then discuss psychological research that attempts to explain why people believe in such phenomena in spite of this lack of evidence. In the 1970s, many of the students in their University of", "id": "19095631" }, { "contents": "Cartoon Wars Part II\n\n\nwith \"putting some really incredible quote up or making a big speech. At the end of the day it felt a little too high and mighty, so we ended up doing the driest thing possible.\" \"Cartoon Wars Part II\" contains several cultural references. The episode parodies the Fox animated sitcom \"Family Guy\", which was revived from cancellation the previous year and attracted immense popularity. Parker stated, \"we totally understand that people love it, that's why we put it in the show, we understand", "id": "2771623" }, { "contents": "Reciprocal liking\n\n\nReciprocal liking, also known as reciprocity of attraction, is the act of a person feeling an attraction to someone only upon learning or becoming aware of that person's attraction to themselves. Reciprocal liking has a significant impact on human attraction and the formation of relationships. Studies in psychology show that people tend to like the people that like them. For example, in an early psychological study the participants subtly found out that a stranger liked them. Elliot Aronson and Phillip Worchel conducted the study, which required pairs of participants to have", "id": "20620476" }, { "contents": "Sophie Magdalene of Brandenburg-Kulmbach\n\n\nher life until her death in 1737. The relationship between the king and queen continued to be very close and their marriage happy until their death. According to a contemporary story, the queen was so jealous that she preferred her appointed ladies-in-waiting to be so unattractive as possible so as not to risk attracting the king, jealousy was however regarded to be completely unnecessary. While her influence over her spouse was great, she does not seem to have showed much interest for politics, and when he at one point", "id": "13359683" } ]
If the blue pigment is so uncommon in nature, where did we get the pigment to create paints in times such as the Renaissance
[{"answer": "Pigments (such as paint) were made primarily from lapis lazuli,c cobalt, and azurite. Which are all minerals. Dyes (for clothes and such) were made from plants such as woad. [Source]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "\u201cUltramarine\u201d (blue) was one of the most expensive and rare pigments in the past, and typically saved for religious portraits. It was made from crushed lapis lazuli that was mined \u201cbeyond the sea (ultra-marine)\u201d in Afghanistan. There were other blue pigments like cobalt blue used in Chinese porcelain, but a cheap synthetic blue wouldn\u2019t be developed until around the age of the Impressionists."}, {"answer": "Also blue wasn\u2019t nearly as rare as purple and yellow. Yellow remains one of the more expensive colors today."}, {"answer": "Actually blue pigment has been rare up until the manufacturing of synthetic pigments. Most of the blue you can see in old paintings is actually black mixed with white (it looks like grayish blue and your eye perceives it as blue because the painter has surrounded it with warm tones). True blue pigment, that was acquired from semiprecious stone lapis lazuli, was very expensive and so was mostly used in church paintings (for the most important figures) or very wealthy commissioner orders. There have been different minerals used as blue too but ultramarine is the most remarkable and stable. There\u2019s also the indigo dye, that was used in dying fabrics and still is. but thats not for paints because it needs substrate to hold onto (which is how synthetic paints also work). Crushed minerals did the work back in the day."}, {"answer": "I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Egyptian blue. Widely considered the first synthetic pigment it far preceded the Renaissance era. It's made from calcium copper silicate: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "It's not that blue pigment is uncommon. It's that it's uncommon in living things. Almost every living thing that's blue is blue because of something called [Rayleigh scattering,]( URL_0 ) which is where light bounces around for a certain color. It's easier for pigments like in paints. *Lapis lazuli* has been around since at least Roman times, and blue sapphires too.."}, {"answer": "There are a couple places. Lapiz lazuli, and Cobalt are the ones that come immediately to mind. And they where expensive Purple and bright yellow where even harder to make. There is a reason purple was considered the color of the gods in many places, and only Kings or members of high office could wear it or sometimes only they could afford it."}, {"answer": "Can confirm, lapis and azurite are the most traditionally used in paint(fun fact that's why Mary almost always had a blue robe, it was the most opulent color-a way to show richness while not draping her in jewels) dyes like indigo can be used in fabric but if you make paint out of them they're not light fast so they had rather quickly(think blue jeans). \\*However\\* if you use a technique invented by the myans, you can bind that dye to a mineral/clay and get some beautiful results. Many companies sell \"Mayan\" color ranges, and that's how it is achieved. I work at a watercolor company and I \u2665\ufe0f my job:)."}, {"answer": "Purple was even rarer because it had to be \u201cmilked\u201d from tiny sea snails that only lived in certain parts of the Mediterranean Sea."}, {"answer": "They discovered that when vinegar (acetic acid) was exposed to air near lead or copper it would create a powder over the metal, lead would produce a white powder and copper a blue / green powder. The best way to concentrate the reaction was to put a lead and copper rod in a pot with vinegar at the bottom. These were discovered in Iraq and assumed that the ancient inhabitants had the technology to create batteries. 'Baghdad Battery'"}, {"answer": "In Guatemala on the colonial age was the best producer of Indigofera tinctoria \u00cdndigo, the plant where we get the color blue from. At some moment it was the best income for the colony. The tint was exported to Spain and it was expensive I think, can't remember."}, {"answer": "Fun fact: Prussian blue is produced by oxidation of ferrous ferrocyanide salts. The inside of Nazi gas chambers turned blue due to the reaction of the cyanide gas and the steel walls."}, {"answer": "Any one know about the clay that the Nahuatl people used to mine. It was apparantly used as a blue pigment or color on murals and such.( don't know much about subject)."}, {"answer": "Boiling woad plants gets pigment but it stinks to do the process. Did it in my garage once and wasn't worth it for the strength of colour."}, {"answer": "Usually lapis, which they'd import from Afghanistan. And until the development of Prussian Blue in the early 1700s, that was pretty much it."}, {"answer": "In Renaissance times, lapis lazuli (a semiprecious stone) had been recently introduced into the Western European countries, because it was imported and rare it was extremely expensive but people were willing to pay a great price to put it into their religious paintings. Originally lapis lazuli is from the middle east and can be seen in ancient works such as the [Lyres of Ur]( URL_0 ). Ps. If you're interested in the making of blue you should also check out Yves Klein, a contemporary artists who made his own blue pigment that keeps the blue from being diluted. His blue pieces are quite beautiful!"}, {"answer": "Minerals. Uncommon doesn\u2019t mean impossible to find. Thats why ultra marine is / was so expensive. You needed to grind the pigment from a mineral (lapis lazuli) mined in Afghanistan (going off of memory, dont feel like googling, im 90% sure thats where the bulk of lapis came from) Other places human got their blue fix from were vegetable dyes such as woed and indigo. Another source was the element cobalt. Hard to find. Uncommon. But not impossible to get your hands on if you had the money"}, {"answer": "I know this! Lapis Lazuli! Lapis Lazuli is a really cool stone which is what was used back in olden times to create the blue dye you see in old works of arts. And because it was such a precious commodity people used it for the most prestigious of subjects. Hence why many of the paintings of the Virgin Mary are depicted with her in blue!!! Side note: many lapis lazuli stones contain flecks of gold in them further increasing the beauty of the subject painted with them!"}, {"answer": "It's worth noting that the *Indigofera tinctoria* plant (true indigo) native to India has been a source of blue (Indigo) pigment since ancient times. It was traded as a luxury commodity and used in paintings, cosmetics, and as a natural dye. If I'm not mistaken *Indigo* means 'from India' or a variation of it. Precious and rare, Indigo came to be known as 'blue gold'. Edit: Typos"}, {"answer": "Azurite and cobalt have been used for blue since the Minoan period. During the renaissance they used lapis lazuli. But it was super expensive so they used it mainly for things like the robe of the Madonna. It represented purity. PS - I could answer this coz I was at the minoan Palace of Knossos just two weeks ago. It was mind blowing! Totally recommend it!"}, {"answer": "Prussian Blue was invented I think in the mid nineteenth century. It was used a lot in Japanese woodblock prints. There is some debate as to whether or not there were laws called \"sumptuary laws\" that required its use in order to preserve the inventory of rarer colors. Prussian Blue is made in part with cyanide. Those Germans are so clever that way."}, {"answer": "I don\u2019t know if other people have said this, but the reason that Mary in religious painting is so commonly depicted wearing blue is because it was the most expensive colour, and she was considered the most important person. Or any other character in very early paintings, if they\u2019re wearing blue, they\u2019re very important."}, {"answer": "Some shades of blue, red and purple came from a few species of snail in the Mediterranean sea which were crushed and the fermented for 10 days. There is a special compound in the snail that was needed. I remember learning this while watching a documentary. Here is the wiki on the process. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Wode, (like in Braveheart) which comes from Isatis tinctoria also called dyer's *woad*, or glastum, a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae. Also known as Asp of Jerusalem. *Woad* is the name of a *blue* dye derived from the ground leaves. Later it was mostly replaced by ***Indigofera tinctoria***, also called **true indigo.**"}, {"answer": "Not necessarily an answer to your question, but a really neat read on the topic. The way that nature makes the color blue (when it does) is often unlike any other color: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "There are naturally occurring blue pigments from minerals and plants. It\u2019s one of the reasons blues and purples were associated with royalty. They were the only people that could afford it."}, {"answer": "The pigment was uncommon in certain parts. India for example has always been a centre of blue/indigo dye production. Most early civilizations cultivated it and with time exported it too."}, {"answer": "On top of what people have said, *because* it was so rare, blue was the most expensive color, which is why it's all over the vatican."}, {"answer": "If you played minecraft, you would know this.. lapis lazuli!!! (also other mineral pigments like cobalt) Shout out to blue wool"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "12460", "title": "Green", "section": "Section::::In science.:Pigments, food coloring and fireworks.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 30, "end_paragraph_id": 30, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Terrace at Night\". Green earth is a natural pigment used since the time of the Roman Empire. It is composed of clay colored by iron oxide, magnesium, aluminum silicate, or potassium. Large deposits were found in the South of France near Nice, and in Italy around Verona, on Cyprus, and in Bohemia. The clay was crushed, washed to remove impurities, then powdered. It was sometimes called Green of Verona. Mixtures of oxidized cobalt and zinc were also used to create green paints as early as\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Terrace at Night\". Green earth is a natural pigment used since the time of the Roman Empire. It is composed of clay colored by iron oxide, magnesium, aluminum silicate, or potassium. Large deposits were found in the South of France near Nice, and in Italy around Verona, on Cyprus, and in Bohemia. The clay was crushed, washed to remove impurities, then powdered. It was sometimes called Green of Verona. Mixtures of oxidized cobalt and zinc were also used to create green paints as early as"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "11335226", "title": "Italian Renaissance painting", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Italian Renaissance painting is the painting of the period beginning in the late 13th century and flourishing from the early 15th to late 16th centuries, occurring in the Italian peninsula, which was at that time divided into many political states, some independent but others controlled by external powers.", "Italian Renaissance painting is the painting of the period beginning in the late 13th century and flourishing from the early 15th to late 16th centuries, occurring in the Italian peninsula, which was at that time divided into many political states, some independent but others controlled by external powers. The painters of Renaissance Italy, although often attached to particular courts and with loyalties to particular towns, nonetheless wandered the length and breadth of Italy, often occupying a diplomatic status and disseminating artistic and philosophical ideas.", "Italian Renaissance painting is the painting of the period beginning in the late 13th century and flourishing from the early 15th to late 16th centuries, occurring in the Italian peninsula, which was at that time divided into many political states, some independent but others controlled by external powers. The painters of Renaissance Italy, although often attached to particular courts and with loyalties to particular towns, nonetheless wandered the length and breadth of Italy, often occupying a diplomatic status and disseminating artistic and philosophical ideas."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "376240", "title": "Lake pigment", "section": "Section::::History and art.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 9, "end_paragraph_id": 9, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The red lakes were particularly important in the history of art; because they were translucent, they were often used in layers of glazes over a more opaque red (sometimes the mineral-based pigment vermilion, or sometimes a red lake mixed with lead white or vermilion) to create a deep, rich red color. They were very often used by Titian and other Venetian artists of the 16th century to depict fine draperies and fabrics. Indigo and rose madder are now produced more cheaply from synthetic sources, although some use of natural\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "The red lakes were particularly important in the history of art; because they were translucent, they were often used in layers of glazes over a more opaque red (sometimes the mineral-based pigment vermilion, or sometimes a red lake mixed with lead white or vermilion) to create a deep, rich red color. They were very often used by Titian and other Venetian artists of the 16th century to depict fine draperies and fabrics. Indigo and rose madder are now produced more cheaply from synthetic sources, although some use of natural"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "252905", "title": "Classical antiquity", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Classical antiquity (also the classical era, classical period or classical age) is the period of cultural history between the 8th century BC and the 6th century AD centered on the Mediterranean Sea, comprising the interlocking civilizations of ancient Greece and ancient Rome known as the Greco-Roman world. It is the period in which Greek and Roman society flourished and wielded great influence throughout Europe, North Africa and Western Asia.", "Classical antiquity (also the classical era, classical period or classical age) is the period of cultural history between the 8th century BC and the 6th century AD centered on the Mediterranean Sea, comprising the interlocking civilizations of ancient Greece and ancient Rome known as the Greco-Roman world. It is the period in which Greek and Roman society flourished and wielded great influence throughout Europe, North Africa and Western Asia."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Oil painting\n\n\nholding and mixing paints of different colors. Pigments may be any number of natural or synthetic substances with color, such as sulphides for yellow or cobalt salts for blue. Traditional pigments were based on minerals or plants, but many have proven unstable over long periods of time; the appearance of many old paintings today is very different from the original. Modern pigments often use synthetic chemicals. The pigment is mixed with oil, usually linseed, but other oils may be used. The various oils dry differently, which creates assorted effects", "id": "2647362" }, { "contents": "Sistine Madonna\n\n\nfor a decade before being returned to Germany. The oil painting measures 265 cm by 196 cm. In the painting the Madonna, holding the Christ Child and flanked by Saint Sixtus and Saint Barbara, stands on clouds before dozens of obscured cherubim, while two distinctive winged cherubim rest on their elbows beneath her. Pigment analysis of Raphael's masterpiece reveals the usual pigments of the renaissance period such as malachite mixed with orpiment in the green drapery on top of the painting, natural ultramarine mixed with lead white in the blue robe of", "id": "20463351" }, { "contents": "Sienna\n\n\nSienna (from , \"Siena earth\") is an earth pigment containing iron oxide and manganese oxide. In its natural state, it is yellow-brown and is called raw sienna. When heated, it becomes a reddish brown and is called burnt sienna. It takes its name from the city-state of Siena, where it was produced during the Renaissance. Along with ochre and umber, it was one of the first pigments to be used by humans, and is found in many cave paintings. Since the Renaissance", "id": "10379406" }, { "contents": "Fresco\n\n\n, the only two blue pigments then available, works well in wet fresco. It has also become increasingly clear, thanks to modern analytical techniques, that even in the early Italian Renaissance painters quite frequently employed \"a secco\" techniques so as to allow the use of a broader range of pigments. In most early examples this work has now entirely vanished, but a whole painting done \"a secco\" on a surface roughened to give a key for the paint may survive very well, although damp is more threatening to it", "id": "10949474" }, { "contents": "Hot roots\n\n\n. After the hair is lightened (the natural hues are destroyed) to a sufficient level, the pigment within the artificial color will, ideally, in perfect blue-red-yellow balance, replace the recently destroyed natural pigment. Often, hair that has been lightened will exhibit a redder or more orange tone than it did previously. This is because there is not enough blue pigment present to visually balance the red and yellow pigmentation (both natural and artificial) that remains. Understandably, hair color manufacturers elect to err on", "id": "12863611" }, { "contents": "Blue\n\n\nchanged the way colours looked and how they were used. Ultramarine pigment, for instance, was much darker when used in oil painting than when used in tempera painting, in frescoes. To balance their colours, Renaissance artists like Raphael added white to lighten the ultramarine. The sombre dark blue robe of the Virgin Mary became a brilliant sky blue. Titian created his rich blues by using many thin glazes of paint of different blues and violets which allowed the light to pass through, which made a complex and luminous colour, like", "id": "4307020" }, { "contents": "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte\n\n\nof the usual practice of mixing individual pigments. Seurat's palette consisted of the usual pigments of his time such as cobalt blue, emerald green and vermilion. Additionally, Seurat used then new pigment zinc yellow (zinc chromate), predominantly for yellow highlights in the sunlit grass in the middle of the painting but also in mixtures with orange and blue pigments. In the century and more since the painting's completion, the zinc yellow has darkened to brown—a color degeneration that was already showing in the painting in Seurat's", "id": "1672745" }, { "contents": "Blue rose\n\n\nA blue rose is a flower of the genus \"Rosa\" (family Rosaceae) that presents blue-to-violet pigmentation instead of the more common red, white, or yellow. Blue roses are often used to symbolise secret or unattainable love. However, because of genetic limitations, they do not exist in nature. In 2004, researchers used genetic modification to create roses that contain the blue pigment delphinidin. So-called \"blue roses\" have been bred by conventional hybridization methods, but the results, such as", "id": "537102" }, { "contents": "Pierre Soulages\n\n\nand horizontal lines, the crevasses and forms created by using angles and contours. In his recent work from 2013-14 Soulages began to more explicitly vary the pigment used in the paint, mixing matt and glossy types of black as well as hardened densities of black pigment. Preferring to suspend the paintings like walls, he uses wires to hang them in the middle of the room, \"I always liked paintings to be walls rather than windows. When we see a painting on a wall, it's a window, so", "id": "5282229" }, { "contents": "Pastel\n\n\nA pastel (, ) is an art medium in the form of a stick, consisting of pure powdered pigment and a binder. The pigments used in pastels are the same as those used to produce all colored art media, including oil paints; the binder is of a neutral hue and low saturation. The color effect of pastels is closer to the natural dry pigments than that of any other process. Pastels have been used by artists since the Renaissance, and gained considerable popularity in the 18th century, when a number of", "id": "4838823" }, { "contents": "Cerulean\n\n\nof the pigment is cobalt(II) stannate. The precise hue of the pigment is dependent on a variable silicate component. The pigment is very expensive. When the pigment cerulean blue (shown in the colour box to the left) was discovered, it became a useful addition to Prussian blue, cobalt blue and synthetic ultramarine which already had superseded the prior pigments. It is particularly valuable for artistic painting of skies because of its hue, its permanence, and its opaqueness. Berthe Morisot painted the blue coat of the woman in her", "id": "16667394" }, { "contents": "Blue\n\n\nas egg yolk (tempera painting); or with a slow-drying oil, such as linseed oil, for oil painting. To make blue stained glass, cobalt blue (cobalt(II) aluminate: )pigment was mixed with the glass. Other common blue pigments made from minerals are ultramarine (), cerulean blue (primarily cobalt (II) stanate: ), and Prussian blue (milori blue: primarily ). Natural dyes to colour cloth and tapestries were made from plants. Woad and true indigo were used to produce", "id": "4306988" }, { "contents": "Chinese pigment\n\n\nChinese pigments () are the traditional medium to execute traditional Chinese brush paintings, besides ink. Chinese pigments is similar to Western gouache paint in that it contains more glue than watercolours, but more so than gouache. The high glue content makes the pigment bind better to Chinese paper and silk as well as enabling works of art to survive the wet-mounting process of Chinese hanging scroll mountings without smudging or bleeding. Traditionally, Chinese pigments come in form of chips, cakes or powder made from natural plant and minerals. Some", "id": "15506306" }, { "contents": "Prussian blue\n\n\nof knowledge regarding the synthesis of Egyptian blue. European painters had previously used a number of pigments such as indigo dye, smalt, and Tyrian purple, which tend to fade, and the extremely expensive ultramarine made from lapis lazuli. Japanese painters and woodblock print artists, likewise, did not have access to a long-lasting blue pigment until they began to import Prussian blue from Europe. Prussian blue (also () · \"x\") was probably synthesized for the first time by the paint maker Diesbach in Berlin around", "id": "13860096" }, { "contents": "Earth pigment\n\n\nEarth pigments are naturally occurring minerals containing metal oxides, principally iron oxides and manganese oxides, that have been used since prehistoric times as pigments. The primary types are ochre, sienna and umber. Earth pigments are known for their fast drying time in oil painting, relative inexpensiveness, and lightfastness. Cave paintings done in sienna still survive today. After mining, the mineral used for making a pigment is ground to a very fine powder (if not already in the form of clay), washed to remove water-soluble components", "id": "10546400" }, { "contents": "Maya ceramics\n\n\n. By preparing a thin quicklime, the Maya added mineral pigments that would dissolve and create rich blues and greens that added to their artistic culture. Many times this post-fire stucco technique was mixed with painting and incising. Incising is carving deeply or lightly into partially dried clay to create fine detailed designs. This technique was mostly popular during the Early Classic Period. The Maya were a diverse people whose culture has developed through the centuries. As they developed, so did their pottery. Archaeologists have found stages of commonality between", "id": "19732824" }, { "contents": "Fresco\n\n\nto supplement painting in fresco. The fresco technique has been employed since antiquity and is closely associated with Italian Renaissance painting. \"Buon fresco\" pigment is mixed with room temperature water and is used on a thin layer of wet, fresh plaster, called the intonaco (after the Italian word for plaster). Because of the chemical makeup of the plaster, a binder is not required, as the pigment mixed solely with the water will sink into the intonaco, which itself becomes the medium holding the pigment. The pigment is", "id": "10949464" }, { "contents": "Marian blue\n\n\nMarian blue is a tone of the color celeste named for its use with the Virgin Mary. In paintings, Mary is traditionally portrayed in blue. This tradition can trace its origin to the Byzantine Empire, from circa 500 AD, where blue was \"the color of an empress\". A more practical explanation for the use of this color is that in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, the blue pigment was derived from the rock lapis lazuli, a stone imported from Afghanistan of greater value than gold. Beyond a painter's retainer", "id": "16349643" }, { "contents": "Shekhawati painting\n\n\nand stand proud of the surface. Until the mid 19th century the paints were mineral or vegetable pigments. Ochres dominated but in finer interior work red and white lead, cinnabar, indigo, lapis lazuli, copper carbonate, vivid Indian yellow. The lead pigments were prone to oxidisation, blackening. From the mid 19th century, Germany’s industrial revolution created chemically synthesised pigments which were soon cheaply available. Ultramarine blue (from artificial lapis) and chrome red dominated external paintings after 1860. By the close of the 19th century many", "id": "9661906" }, { "contents": "Pigment\n\n\nthe range of synthetic pigments included vermilion, verdigris and lead-tin-yellow. The Industrial and Scientific Revolutions brought a huge expansion in the range of synthetic pigments, pigments that are manufactured or refined from naturally occurring materials, available both for manufacturing and artistic expression. Because of the expense of lapis lazuli, much effort went into finding a less costly blue pigment. Prussian blue was the first modern synthetic pigment, discovered by accident in 1704. By the early 19th century, synthetic and metallic blue pigments had been added to", "id": "4930028" }, { "contents": "Lake pigment\n\n\nA lake pigment is a pigment made by precipitating a dye with an inert binder, or \"mordant\", usually a metallic salt. Unlike vermilion, ultramarine, and other pigments made from ground minerals, lake pigments are organic. Manufacturers and suppliers to artists and industry frequently omit the \"lake\" designation in the name. Many lake pigments are fugitive because the dyes involved are not lightfast. Red lakes were particularly important in Renaissance and Baroque paintings; they were often used as translucent glazes to portray the colors of rich fabrics", "id": "8778000" }, { "contents": "Paint\n\n\n, and the like. Sometimes volatile low-molecular weight synthetic resins also serve as diluents. Pigments are granular solids incorporated in the paint to contribute color. Fillers are granular solids incorporated to impart toughness, texture, give the paint special properties, or to reduce the cost of the paint. Alternatively, some paints contain dyes instead of or in combination with pigments. Pigments can be classified as either natural or synthetic. Natural pigments include various clays, calcium carbonate, mica, silicas, and talcs. Synthetics would include engineered", "id": "4253968" }, { "contents": "Color analysis (art)\n\n\nare pure pigments, or pigments with added black, or with so much white added as to create an icy, frosted pastel. Palette colors are usually clear washes or tints, pigments that have white or water added. These complex palettes may have a blend of black, white, grey or brown added to their pure pigments, creating a wide range of subtle differences. The palette is dominated by undertones of natural brown pigment, which may range from ochre, umber, or burnt sienna to browns darkened with black. With", "id": "3075817" }, { "contents": "Amelanism\n\n\nproduce a variety of non-melanin pigments. Disruption of melanin production does not affect the production of these pigments. Non-melanin pigments in other vertebrates are produced by cells called chromatophores. Within this categorization, xanthophores are cells that contain primarily yellowish pteridines, while erythrophores contain primarily orangish carotenoids. Some species also possess iridophores or leucophores, which do not contain true pigments, but light-reflective structures that give iridescence. An extremely uncommon type of chromatophore, the cyanophore, produces a very vivid blue pigment. Amelanism in fishes", "id": "6012373" }, { "contents": "Virgin and Child with Saints Barbara and Catherine\n\n\nnot be cleaned by restorers for fear of substantial removal of pigment. Some effects of texture and light are still discernible, including contrast of the sharp highlights of Catherine's head-dress against the duller highlights of her necklace. The painting was built up in a two-stage process where layers of darker pigments over which progressively lighter tones were added. For example, Catherine's dress began with an underlayer of dark blue over which a lines of brighter blue was added to create the illusion of vertical folds in the cloth.", "id": "12216568" }, { "contents": "Constantino Reyes-Valerio\n\n\nConstantino Reyes-Valerio (10 January 1922 - 13 December 2006) was a prominent Mexican scholar of pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures, particularly the Aztec and the Maya as well as the Colonial Art. Reyes-Valerio identified the artistic contribution of Native Mexican Indians in the Colonial painting and sculpture; he coined the term Indochristian art. Another major contribution was his seminal work on the chemical composition and process of the Maya Blue Pigment where he re-discovered the technique used by the Maya to create the famous turquoise blue pigment.", "id": "6397616" }, { "contents": "Pigment\n\n\n, lapis lazuli, to produce a pigment known as ultramarine, and the best sources of lapis were remote. Flemish painter Jan van Eyck, working in the 15th century, did not ordinarily include blue in his paintings. To have one's portrait commissioned and painted with ultramarine blue was considered a great luxury. If a patron wanted blue, they were obliged to pay extra. When Van Eyck used lapis, he never blended it with other colors. Instead he applied it in pure form, almost as a decorative glaze.", "id": "4930021" }, { "contents": "Tet (Morris Louis painting)\n\n\nand depth within the murky concentrations of pigment reveal Louis’ ability to create a pseudo-illusionistic surface, more so even than his contemporary Barnett Newman’s pulsing pigments, seen in works such as \"Vir Heroicus Sublimis\". Louis was more widely accepted by critics and the public than Newman, especially due to the nature-like allusions in his work. Once again using the river delta imagery, Louis’s Tet can be seen as a pseudo-illusionistic allusion to nature. Many of his other works can be seen as", "id": "18567141" }, { "contents": "Painting\n\n\nword \"affresco\" , which derives from the Latin word for \"fresh\". Frescoes were often made during the Renaissance and other early time periods. \"Buon fresco\" technique consists of painting in pigment mixed with water on a thin layer of wet, fresh lime mortar or plaster, for which the Italian word for plaster, intonaco, is used. \"A secco\" painting, in contrast, is done on dry plaster (\"secco\" is \"dry\" in Italian). The pigments require a binding medium", "id": "13725047" }, { "contents": "Vädersolstavlan\n\n\noriginal grey-blue sky had been repainted with broad strokes of a deep blue dye mixed with a fixing agent. An analysis of the blue pigments in the painting showed that the original blue colour, still discernible as a bright line above the horizon, was composed of azurite, while the blue pigment in more superficial layers was true ultramarine or lapis lazuli. The ultramarine layer has been identified as prussian blue, a pigment which was favoured from the early 18th century onwards. Additional alteration of the painting is well attested in parish", "id": "20668184" }, { "contents": "Mary, mother of Jesus\n\n\nthe Vatican's designation of Mary as the mediatrix. In paintings, Mary is traditionally portrayed in blue. This tradition can trace its origin to the Byzantine Empire, from c.500 AD, where blue was \"the colour of an empress\". A more practical explanation for the use of this colour is that in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, the blue pigment was derived from the rock lapis lazuli, a stone imported from Afghanistan of greater value than gold. Beyond a painter's retainer, patrons were expected to purchase any gold or", "id": "21708207" }, { "contents": "Nessaea obrinus\n\n\nof subspecies \"lesoudieri\" are on wing year round, with no observed peak of abundance. Obrina Olivewing butterflies are very unusual because they are one of the few animals with actual blue pigment. Most other species get their blue coloration from a process called coherent scattering, in which scattered light waves interfere to create a blue color. All the other species of \"Nessaea\" get their blue coloration from the pigment pterobilin. Pterobilin also provides blue for \"Graphium agamemnon\", \"G. antiphates\", \"G. doson\",", "id": "11476388" }, { "contents": "Cobalt blue\n\n\nCobalt blue is a blue pigment made by sintering cobalt(II) oxide with alumina at 1200 °C. Chemically, cobalt blue pigment is cobalt(II) oxide-aluminium oxide, or cobalt(II) aluminate, CoAlO. Cobalt blue is lighter and less intense than the (iron-cyanide based) pigment Prussian blue. It is extremely stable and has historically been used as a coloring agent in ceramics (especially Chinese porcelain), jewelry, and paint. Transparent glasses are tinted with the silica-based cobalt pigment smalt. Cobalt blue in impure", "id": "17134736" }, { "contents": "Blue\n\n\neffect called Tyndall scattering explains blue eyes. Distant objects appear more blue because of another optical effect called aerial perspective. Blue has been an important colour in art and decoration since ancient times. The semi-precious stone lapis lazuli was used in ancient Egypt for jewellery and ornament and later, in the Renaissance, to make the pigment ultramarine, the most expensive of all pigments. In the eighth century Chinese artists used cobalt blue to colour fine blue and white porcelain. In the Middle Ages, European artists used it in the", "id": "4306975" }, { "contents": "Ultramarine\n\n\nThe 15th century artist Cennino Cennini wrote in his painters' handbook: \"Ultramarine blue is a glorious, lovely and absolutely perfect pigment beyond all the pigments. It would not be possible to say anything about or do anything to it which would not make it more so.\" Natural ultramarine is the most difficult pigment to grind by hand, and for all except the highest quality of mineral, sheer grinding and washing produces only a pale grayish blue powder. At the beginning of the 13th century, an improved method came into", "id": "1070531" }, { "contents": "Pacific tree frog\n\n\nand are found uppermost on the dermis; iridophores, which lie below the xanthophores and function by reflecting and scattering white light up through them (in the case of \"Pseudacris regilla\" and many other North American frogs, iridophores reflect blue light through the yellow pigment cells above to create a green frog) and melanophores, which are the deepest pigment cells and are responsible for the presence of black and brown pigments. A rare, recessive \"blue morph\" is known. One is housed at the Humboldt State University Natural History", "id": "522406" }, { "contents": "Cerulean\n\n\nunder the name of \"Cölinblau\". It was in 1860 first marketed in the United Kingdom by colourman George Rowney, as \"coeruleum\". Other nineteenth century English pigment names included \"ceruleum blue\" and \"corruleum blue\". \"Pigments through the ages\" shows a \"Painted swatch of cerulean blue\" that is representative of the actual cobalt stannate pigment. This colour swatch matches the colour shown in the colour box at right. See also painted swatch and crystals of cerulean blue at ColourLex. The primary chemical constituent", "id": "16667393" }, { "contents": "Acrylic paint\n\n\n, which imparts a unique \"look and feel\" to the resultant paint film. Not all the pigments of oil paints are available in acrylics and vice versa, as each medium has different chemical sensitivities. Some historical pigments are alkali sensitive, and therefore cannot be made in an acrylic emulsion; others are just too difficult to formulate. Approximate \"hue\" color formulations, that do not contain the historical pigments, are typically offered as substitutes. Due to acrylic paint's more flexible nature and more consistent drying time between", "id": "2598388" }, { "contents": "Conservation and restoration of paintings\n\n\na typical dye, but rather a pigment that is suspended in a carrier or resin. This pigment is what gives off a glow when exposed to ultraviolet light. This glow or light is created by the energy that is released from the pigment. While the fluorescent paint layers reflect light, the paint layer darkens over time and decreases in fluorescence. The intensity of fluorescent paints can decline quite rapidly, making it difficult for conservators to care for. This is because the brightening agent that is mixed into the paint is not stable", "id": "11551037" }, { "contents": "Umber\n\n\nit's found along with carbon black, red and yellow ocher in cave paintings from the neolithic period. Dark brown pigments were rarely used in Medieval art; artists of that period preferred bright, distinct colors such as red, blue and green. The umbers were not widely used in Europe before the end of the fifteenth century; The Renaissance painter and writer Giorgio Vasari (1511–1574) described them as being rather new in his time. The great age of umber was the \"baroque\" period, where it often provided the", "id": "10546363" }, { "contents": "Pigment\n\n\n, when biologists discovered the source. While carmine was popular in Europe, blue remained an exclusive color, associated with wealth and status. The 17th-century Dutch master Johannes Vermeer often made lavish use of lapis lazuli, along with carmine and Indian yellow, in his vibrant paintings. The earliest known pigments were natural minerals. Natural iron oxides give a range of colors and are found in many Paleolithic and Neolithic cave paintings. Two examples include Red Ochre, anhydrous FeO, and the hydrated Yellow Ochre (FeOHO). Charcoal", "id": "4930026" }, { "contents": "Sinopia\n\n\nSinopia (also known as sinoper, named after the now Turkish city Sinop) is a dark reddish-brown natural earth pigment, whose reddish colour comes from hematite, a dehydrated form of iron oxide. It was widely used in Classical Antiquity and the Middle Ages for painting, and during the Renaissance it was often used on the rough initial layer of plaster for the underdrawing for a fresco. The word came to be used both for the pigment and for the preparatory drawing itself, which may be revealed when a fresco is", "id": "14242236" }, { "contents": "Oil paint\n\n\nIn the eighteenth century, the developing science of chemistry deliberately tried to expand the range of pigments, which led to the discovery of Prussian blue and cobalt blue. Many of the historical pigments were dangerous, and many pigments still in popular use today are highly toxic. Some of the most poisonous pigments, such as Paris green (copper(II) acetoarsenite) and orpiment (arsenic sulfide), have fallen from use. Many pigments still in use are toxic to some degree. Commonly used reds and yellows are produced using cadmium,", "id": "9247737" }, { "contents": "Pigment\n\n\nGrumbacher, registered an alternate spelling (Thanos Blue) as a trademark. Colour Index International resolves all these conflicting historic, generic, and proprietary names so that manufacturers and consumers can identify the pigment (or dye) used in a particular color product. In the CII, all phthalocyanine blue pigments are designated by a generic color index number as either PB15 or PB16, short for pigment blue 15 and pigment blue 16; these two numbers reflect slight variations in molecular structure that produce a slightly more greenish or reddish blue. According", "id": "4930038" }, { "contents": "Ultramarine\n\n\nUltramarine is a deep blue color pigment which was originally made by grinding lapis lazuli into a powder. The name comes from the Latin \"ultramarinus\", literally \"beyond the sea\", because the pigment was imported into Europe from mines in Afghanistan by Italian traders during the 14th and 15th centuries. Ultramarine was the finest and most expensive blue used by Renaissance painters. It was often used for the robes of the Virgin Mary, and symbolized holiness and humility. It remained an extremely expensive pigment until a synthetic ultramarine was invented", "id": "1070522" }, { "contents": "Primary color\n\n\nusing the other three inks. Before the color names \"cyan\" and \"magenta\" were in common use, these primaries were often known as blue and red, respectively, and their exact color has changed over time with access to new pigments and technologies. The color of light (i.e., the spectral power distribution) reflected from illuminated surfaces coated in paint mixes, slurries of pigment particles, is not well approximated by a subtractive or additive mixing model. Color predictions that incorporate light scattering effects of pigment particles and paint", "id": "1888254" }, { "contents": "Indigo\n\n\nof pigment. Web color indigo represents the way the color indigo was always reproduced in pigments, paints, or colored pencils in the 1950s. By the 1970s, because of the advent of psychedelic art, artists became used to brighter pigments, and pigments called \"bright indigo\" or \"bright blue-violet\" that are the pigment equivalent of the electric indigo reproduced in the section above became available in artists' pigments and colored pencils. 'Tropical Indigo' is the color that is called \"añil\" in the \"", "id": "15322535" }, { "contents": "Herb Aach\n\n\nform out of his time developing paint at Art Crayon Company, which provided him access to pigments rarely accessible for public use and allow him to experiment with newly developed pigmentation which he added to his own paints. He was also provided new pigments by DuPont and by the mid-1960s he began using fluorescent paints to achieve what has been described as \"intensity and inner light.\" In the mid 1960s he moved from creating lush brushstrokes to creating larger areas of color upon the canvas allowing him to seek a \"purer framework in which", "id": "4048010" }, { "contents": "Cerulean\n\n\ndiscovered in the late eighteenth century and designated as cerulean blue in the nineteenth century. In classical times, the word \"caerulum\" was used to describe blue pigments, particularly mixtures of copper and cobaltous oxides, like azurite and smalt. These early attempts to create sky blue colours were often less than satisfactory due to a limited saturation and the tendency to discolour in reaction with other pigments. See also Tekhelet. The pigment Cerulean blue was discovered in 1789 by the Swiss chemist Albrecht Höpfner. Subsequently there was a limited German production", "id": "16667392" }, { "contents": "Johannes Vermeer\n\n\nhe would apply more saturated colors (reds, yellows and blues) in the form of transparent glazes. No drawings have been positively attributed to Vermeer, and his paintings offer few clues to preparatory methods. There is no other 17th-century artist who employed the exorbitantly expensive pigment lapis lazuli (natural ultramarine) either so lavishly or so early in his career. Vermeer used this in not just elements that are naturally of this colour; the earth colours umber and ochre should be understood as warm light within a painting's strongly", "id": "20773262" }, { "contents": "Han purple and Han blue\n\n\nHan purple and Han blue (also called Chinese purple and Chinese blue) are synthetic barium copper silicate pigments developed in China and used in ancient and imperial China from the Western Zhou period (1045–771 BC) until the end of the Han dynasty (\"circa\" 220 AD). Azurite was the only natural blue pigment used in early China. Early China seems not to have used a natural purple pigment and was the first to develop a synthetic one. Han blue in its pure form is, as the name suggests,", "id": "11392806" }, { "contents": "Basics of blue flower colouration\n\n\nnon – stochiometric metal – complex pigments stabilized by co-pigmentation. Those pigments show blue colour only in aqueous solution and are less stable than metalloanthocyanins.. Example of this kind of pigment is present in hydrangea sepals. Main anthocyanin here is delphinidin-3-glucoside what should result in the blue flower formation, but cultivars with red and pink flowers are also present. It is known that acidification of soil can cause change of the hydrangea flower colour from red/pink to blue/violet. Explanation of this phenomenon we can find in the molar", "id": "11193740" }, { "contents": "Basics of blue flower colouration\n\n\nas a co-pigment) and magnesium ions in stochiometric ratio 6:6:2. Protocyanin is a blue pigment of cornflower (\"Centaurea cyanus\"). It is composed from succinylcyanin (anthocyanin), malonylflavone (co-pigment), iron and magnesium anions, and two calcium ions to stabilize the complex. Interesting is that the same anthocyanin when is not in complex with the metal ions is present in red rose petals. Fuzzy metal complex pigments: In the blue coloured flowers, much often instead than metalloanthocyanins we ca can find", "id": "11193739" }, { "contents": "Vermilion\n\n\n\" Newer research indicates that chlorine ions and light may aid in decomposing vermilion into elemental mercury, which is black in finely dispersed form. Vermilion was the primary red pigment used by European painters from the Renaissance until the 20th century. However, because of its cost and toxicity, it was almost entirely replaced by a new synthetic pigment, cadmium red, in the 20th century. Genuine vermilion pigment today comes mostly from China; it is a synthetic mercuric sulfide, labeled on paint tubes as PR-106 (Red Pigment 106).", "id": "1678830" }, { "contents": "Low-key photography\n\n\nLow-key photography is a genre of photography consisting of shooting dark-colored scenes, and emphasizing natural or artificial light only on specific areas in the frame. This photographic style is usually used to create a mysterious atmosphere, that only suggests various shapes, often graphic, letting the viewer experience the photograph through subjective interpretation and often implies painting objects or the human body with black non-toxic dyes or pigments. Renaissance and Baroque, represented by different painting styles including sfumato and chiaroscuro used by artists like Leonardo da Vinci and", "id": "20078881" }, { "contents": "Teo San Jose\n\n\nor with tree branches and natural strings. Also in this exhibition in an exclusive way, he showed the \"Picto\" series which are volumes, paintings made with a technique based on using colors as a solid material like pigments or other pastes. This creates micro-volumes where the pigment or color can appear to come from inside the picture, in its middle coats or at the surface generating millions of textures and volumes. In the same year he was selected to take part in the International Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Art in", "id": "20892471" }, { "contents": "Bice\n\n\nBice, from the French \"bis\", originally meaning dark-coloured, is a green or blue pigment. In French the terms \"vert bis\" and \"azur bis\" mean dark green and dark blue respectively. Bice pigments were generally prepared from basic copper carbonates, but sometimes ultramarine or other pigments were used. Jo Kirby of the National Gallery London notes the occurrence of the pigment \"bice\" in three grades in an account of Tudor painting at Greenwich Palace in 1527. In this case, the three grades", "id": "12899293" }, { "contents": "Artistic revolution\n\n\noil paint itself. Since the Renaissance, painters had to grind pigment, add oil and thus create their own paints; these time-consuming paints also quickly dried out, making studio painting a necessity for large works, and limiting painters to mix one or two colors at a time and fill in an entire area using just that one color before it dried out. in 1841, a little-known American painter named John G. Rand invented a simple improvement without which the Impressionist movement could not have occurred: the small,", "id": "861270" }, { "contents": "Lapis lazuli\n\n\nfrom Afghanistan as Mauritania. It was used in the funeral mask of Tutankhamun (1341–1323 BCE). At the end of the Middle Ages, lapis lazuli began to be exported to Europe, where it was ground into powder and made into ultramarine: the finest and most expensive of all blue pigments. It was used by some of the most important artists of the Renaissance and Baroque, including Masaccio, Perugino, Titian and Vermeer, and was often reserved for the clothing of the central figures of their paintings, especially the Virgin", "id": "1070992" }, { "contents": "Ground paintings\n\n\nvery much ties the creators to each other and to the land, reinforcing the group identity. The creation of the ground painting and the accompanying dance is a performance tradition, analogous to oral tradition. The pigments used traditionally come from the natural resources: lime for white, ochre for yellow, clay for red, coal for black. With the introduction of a market economy, it is not uncommon to use acrylic paint for a ground painting. The emphasis is not on the materials or the form, but the meaning behind", "id": "16152430" }, { "contents": "China painting\n\n\n\" implicitly acknowledges its origins in China. Others say the use of cobalt blue as a pigment for painting pottery was developed in the Middle East, and adopted in China for painting porcelain. However, this has been disputed, since the earliest Middle-Eastern pottery with cobalt blue decoration, from Samarra in Iraq in the 9th century, has Chinese shapes. At that time the potters in the region did not have the technology to make high-fire underglaze porcelain. It appears that the white glazed pottery with blue decoration was", "id": "10552482" }, { "contents": "Blue\n\n\nrequires students system-wide to wear white tops and navy blue bottoms. During the 17th and 18th centuries, chemists in Europe tried to discover a way to create synthetic blue pigments, avoiding the expense of importing and grinding lapis lazuli, azurite and other minerals. The Egyptians had created a synthetic colour, Egyptian blue, three thousand years BC, but the formula had been lost. The Chinese had also created synthetic pigments, but the formula was not known in the west. In 1709 a German druggist and pigment maker named", "id": "4307038" }, { "contents": "Painting\n\n\nartworks as its advantages became widely known. The transition began with Early Netherlandish painting in northern Europe, and by the height of the Renaissance oil painting techniques had almost completely replaced tempera paints in the majority of Europe. Pastel is a painting medium in the form of a stick, consisting of pure powdered pigment and a binder. The pigments used in pastels are the same as those used to produce all colored art media, including oil paints; the binder is of a neutral hue and low saturation. The color effect of pastels", "id": "13725039" }, { "contents": "Red and White Plum Blossoms\n\n\npainting has been assumed to be either silver leaf that has blackened from exposure to sulphur, or blue pigment that has blackened as the azurite in the pigment has come off. Again, XRF imaging has found only organic dyes. Analysis of the trees has been inconclusive, but found that they were painted with pigments likely made with the minerals cinnabar and calcite, as well as organic pigments elsewhere, such as in the buds. No documentation exists from before the 20th century on the commission or provenance of the screens. They receive", "id": "4226259" }, { "contents": "Basics of blue flower colouration\n\n\nacids like sinapic acid or ferulic acid. Association of co-pigment with anthocyanin causes bathochromic effect, shift in absorption maximum to higher wavelength, in result we can observe change of the colour from red to blue. This phenomenon is also called bluing effect. We can diversify two types of co-pigmentation, intermolecular and intramolecular. In the first type co-pigment is bound to anthocyanin by non-covalent bond (hydrogen bond, hydrophobic interaction, ionic interaction). In the second type, we can observe covalent acylation", "id": "11193736" }, { "contents": "Prussian blue\n\n\nA variety of other pigments also contain the material. Engineer's blue and the pigment formed on cyanotypes—giving them their common name blueprints. Certain crayons were once colored with Prussian blue (later relabeled midnight blue). It is also a popular pigment in paints. Similarly, Prussian blue is the basis for laundry bluing. In the late 1800s, Rabbi Gershon Henoch Leiner, the Hasidic Rebbe of Radzin, dyed techeiles with prussian blue. Even though some have questioned its identity as techeiles because of its artificial production, and", "id": "13860112" }, { "contents": "Apse of Sant Climent, Taüll\n\n\n, possibly via Italy. The bands of colour in the backgrounds, present in many Catalan Romanesque paintings, could remind us of what is known as Mozarabic illumination in tenth-century Hispanic manuscripts. The exceptional artistic nature and the high quality of these paintings have been corroborated by the study of the pigments, which are of better quality and preparation than in other Catalan churches. Some imported pigments have even been found. Through the use of superimposed layers, the painter obtains more intense chromatic effects. Thus blue, obtained from aerinite", "id": "9570607" }, { "contents": "Blue\n\n\n\", or Berlin blue, and it became popular because it did not fade like traditional Japanese blue pigment, \"ai-gami\", made from the dayflower. Prussian blue was used by both Hokusai, in his famous wave paintings, and Hiroshige. In 1824 the Societé pour l'Encouragement d'Industrie in France offered a prize for the invention of an artificial ultramarine which could rival the natural colour made from lapis lazuli. The prize was won in 1826 by a chemist named Jean Baptiste Guimet, but he refused to reveal the formula", "id": "4307040" }, { "contents": "Cadmium\n\n\nused as a photoconductive surface coating for photocopier drums. Various cadmium salts are used in paint pigments, with CdS as a yellow pigment being the most common. Cadmium selenide is a red pigment, commonly called \"cadmium red\". To painters who work with the pigment, cadmium provides the most brilliant and durable yellows, oranges, and reds — so much so that during production, these colors are significantly toned down before they are ground with oils and binders or blended into watercolors, gouaches, acrylics, and other paint and", "id": "5776281" }, { "contents": "Biological pigment\n\n\nfrom absence of or loss of pigmentation or pigment cells, or from the excess production of pigment. Carotenoids are the most common group of pigments found in nature. Over 600 different kinds of carotenoids are found in animals, plants, and microorganisms. Animals are incapable of making their own carotenoids and thus rely on plants for these pigments. Carotenoproteins are especially common among marine animals. These complexes are responsible for the various colors (red, purple, blue, green, etc.) to these marine invertebrates for mating rituals and", "id": "18542121" }, { "contents": "Johann Jacob Diesbach\n\n\nJohann Jacob Diesbach () was a Swiss pigment and dye producer known for first synthesizing a blue pigment known as Prussian blue (i.e. iron blue or Berlin blue). Around 1706 Diesbach was working in the laboratory of Johann Conrad Dippel in Berlin. Using an extract of crushed cochineal insects, iron sulphate and potash to create cochineal red lake. Diesbach used potash that was mixed with Dippel's bone oil to get a very pale red which he concentrated to purple, later a deep blue. While neither Diesbach nor Dippel knew what", "id": "11439059" }, { "contents": "Blue\n\n\nto create moods, feelings and atmospheres. Cobalt blue, a pigment of cobalt oxide-aluminium oxide, was a favourite of Auguste Renoir and Vincent van Gogh. It was similar to smalt, a pigment used for centuries to make blue glass, but it was much improved by the French chemist Louis Jacques Thénard, who introduced it in 1802. It was very stable but extremely expensive. Van Gogh wrote to his brother Theo, \"'Cobalt [blue] is a divine colour and there is nothing so beautiful for putting", "id": "4307046" }, { "contents": "Cobalt\n\n\n19th century, cobalt was predominantly used as a pigment. It has been used since the Middle Ages to make smalt, a blue-colored glass. Smalt is produced by melting a mixture of roasted mineral smaltite, quartz and potassium carbonate, which yields a dark blue silicate glass, which is finely ground after the production. Smalt was widely used to color glass and as pigment for paintings. In 1780, Sven Rinman discovered cobalt green, and in 1802 Louis Jacques Thénard discovered cobalt blue. Cobalt pigments such as cobalt blue", "id": "17226293" }, { "contents": "Sant Climent, Taüll\n\n\nit. Mural painting is an art that is painted and applied to the wall, ceiling or other permanent surfaces that are sufficient in size. The technique used is called fresco, where the paint is applied on plaster on walls and/or ceilings. The pigment is mixed with water on a small layer of wet lime mortar or plaster, where it is later absorbed. After several hours, the plaster dries while reacting with the air. This creates a chemical reaction making the pigment stick to the plaster. Over a long period of", "id": "9247692" }, { "contents": "Tempera\n\n\nsoluble medium with many of the color effects of oil paint, although it cannot be painted thickly. Some of the pigments used by medieval painters, such as cinnabar (contains mercury), orpiment (contains arsenic), or lead white (contains lead) are highly toxic. Most artists today use modern synthetic pigments, which are less toxic but have similar color properties to the older pigments. Even so, many (if not most) modern pigments are still dangerous unless certain precautions are taken; these include keeping pigments", "id": "12461373" }, { "contents": "Pink\n\n\npresenting a pink flower to the Virgin Mary. The pink was a symbol of marriage, showing a spiritual marriage between the mother and child. During the Renaissance, pink was mainly used for the flesh color of faces and hands. The pigment commonly used for this was called light cinabrese; it was a mixture of the red earth pigment called sinopia, or Venetian red, and a white pigment called \"Bianco San Genovese\", or lime white. In his famous 15th century manual on painting, \"Il Libro Dell'Arte\"", "id": "2714950" }, { "contents": "Azurite\n\n\n). When mixed with oil it turns slightly green. When mixed with egg yolk it turns green-grey. It is also known by the names \"blue bice\" and \"blue verditer\", though \"verditer\" usually refers to a pigment made by chemical process. Older examples of azurite pigment may show a more greenish tint due to weathering into malachite. Much azurite was mislabeled \"lapis lazuli\", a term applied to many blue pigments. As chemical analysis of paintings from the Middle Ages improves, azurite is", "id": "9135701" }, { "contents": "Impressionism\n\n\ncentury introduction of premixed paints in tin tubes (resembling modern toothpaste tubes), which allowed artists to work more spontaneously, both outdoors and indoors. Previously, painters made their own paints individually, by grinding and mixing dry pigment powders with linseed oil, which were then stored in animal bladders. Many vivid synthetic pigments became commercially available to artists for the first time during the 19th century. These included cobalt blue, viridian, cadmium yellow, and synthetic ultramarine blue, all of which were in use by the 1840s, before", "id": "15259287" }, { "contents": "Wood stain\n\n\npaints and varnishes, some build-up of film occurs. The initial application of any paint or varnish is similarly absorbed into the substrate, but because stains contain lower amounts of binder, the binder from a stain resides mainly below the surface while the pigment remains near the top or at the surface. Stains that employ metallic pigments such as iron oxides usually are more opaque; first because metallic pigments are opaque by nature, but also because the particles of which they consist are much larger than organic pigments and therefore do not", "id": "17809521" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\ntake up more space on the disc than would blue-laser recordings. Red lac, also called red lake, crimson lake or carmine lake, was an important red pigment in Renaissance and Baroque art. Since it was translucent, thin layers of red lac were built up or glazed over a more opaque dark color to create a particularly deep and vivid color. Unlike vermilion or red ochre, made from minerals, red lake pigments are made by mixing organic dyes, made from insects or plants, with white chalk or alum", "id": "6274082" }, { "contents": "Han purple and Han blue\n\n\nblue were first used in paints in the Qin dynasty. Han purple was used for the Terracotta Army in the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang—the expense of producing Han purple and other pigments in such large quantities would have emphasized luxury and status. Han purple seems to have mostly been used on the trousers (pants) of the warriors. The pigment was bound to the terracotta surface with lacquer. The warriors were fired at the same temperature as that needed for the manufacture of Han purple (), so the same", "id": "11392824" }, { "contents": "Christina Warinner\n\n\n2017 report detailed that the plaque dating from 1100 AD contained fragments of this bright blue paint pigment indicates that women as well as men were involved in creating illuminated manuscripts. It is presumed that the woman used her lips to shape her brush as she worked painting bright blue. Warinner joined the Anthropology Department at Harvard University in 2019. Warinner has published research in leading scholarly journals including Nature Genetics, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the Journal of Human Evolution, and the American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Her research", "id": "18769002" }, { "contents": "Realgar\n\n\nand an arsenic poison, and because competitive substitutes are available, it is rarely used today for this purpose. Realgar was, along with orpiment, a significant item of trade in the ancient Roman Empire and was used as a red paint pigment. Early occurrences of realgar as a red painting pigment are known for works of art from China, India, Central Asia, and Egypt. It was used in European fine-art painting during the Renaissance era, a use which died out by the 18th century. It was also", "id": "16890541" }, { "contents": "Tet (Morris Louis painting)\n\n\nreferences to nature as well. Perhaps the reason Louis’s Tet was so successful was because of the variation in pigment which allowed the colors to mix as well as stand out. Louis used this quality in his works in order to create an “articulation” amongst the colors as well as an overall atmospheric effect. The colors are the subject matter in his works. Louis allowed the paint to carve its own paths on the canvas, and the natural formations that resulted were much more accessible than previous Abstract Expressionist paintings. The", "id": "18567142" }, { "contents": "Blue\n\n\ngrams of ultramarine. Often painters or clients saved money by using less expensive blues, such as azurite smalt, or pigments made with indigo, but this sometimes caused problems. Pigments made from azurite were less expensive, but tended to turn dark and green with time. An example is the robe of the Virgin Mary in The \"Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints\" by Raphael in the Metropolitan Museum in New York. The Virgin Mary's azurite blue robe has degraded into a greenish-black. The introduction of oil painting", "id": "4307019" }, { "contents": "Lightfastness\n\n\nsimilar amount as the strip number 5 in Blue Wool test strip set. The accomplishment of the test can be confirmed by comparing the test stripe set with the reference set stored protected from the light. In printing inks mainly organic pigments are used, so shifting or bleaching of the color of a printing product due to presence of the UV light is usually just a matter of time. The usage of the organic pigments is justified especially by their inexpensive price comparing to inorganic pigments. The particle size of the inorganic pigments is often", "id": "1948908" }, { "contents": "Paint\n\n\nmolecules, calcined clays, blanc fixe, precipitated calcium carbonate, and synthetic pyrogenic silicas. Hiding pigments, in making paint opaque, also protect the substrate from the harmful effects of ultraviolet light. Hiding pigments include titanium dioxide, phthalo blue, red iron oxide, and many others. Fillers are a special type of pigment that serve to thicken the film, support its structure and increase the volume of the paint. Fillers are usually cheap and inert materials, such as diatomaceous earth, talc, lime, barytes, clay,", "id": "4253969" }, { "contents": "Grolier Codex\n\n\npigment consistent with other pre-Columbian Mexican codices. The red colour used in the codex is red ochre, an iron-based pigment. Overall, the investigators concluded that the codex does contain some original pre-Columbian materials but could not confirm that the document is authentic. There is very little blue colouration in the \"Grolier Codex\", so the presence of the distinctive Maya blue pigment has been the subject of some dispute. Analysis by particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) revealed the blue pigment used", "id": "21486316" }, { "contents": "Han purple and Han blue\n\n\nto the Western Zhou period. The pigments are either present as compact bodies or in glazed layers. These are compact bodies (solid sticks/rods) with shades ranging from light blue to dark purple. The range of colors is due to varying proportions of Han blue, Han purple, and colorless material. They are thought to be pigment sticks which were traded then ground to be used as pigment bases in paints. They may have been of importance themselves, as ceremonial or bureaucratic items of importance. Han purple and Han", "id": "11392823" }, { "contents": "Scale (insect anatomy)\n\n\nlower lamina is smooth whereas the structure of the upper lamina is structured and intricate. Scales are attached to the substrate by a stalk or 'pedicel'. The colouration of butterfly wings is created by the scales which are pigmented with melanins that give them blacks and browns, but blues, greens, reds and iridescence are usually created not by pigments but the microstructure of the scales. This structural coloration is the result of coherent scattering of light by the photonic crystal nature of the scales. The scales cling somewhat loosely to the", "id": "5188571" }, { "contents": "Orange (colour)\n\n\npainters. They all had studied the recent books on colour theory, and they know that orange placed next to azure blue made both colours much brighter. Auguste Renoir painted boats with stripes of chrome orange paint straight from the tube. Paul Cézanne did not use orange pigment, but created his own oranges with touches of yellow, red and ochre against a blue background. Toulouse-Lautrec often used oranges in the skirts of dancers and gowns of Parisiennes in the cafes and clubs he portrayed. For him it was the colour of", "id": "20911656" }, { "contents": "Conservation and restoration of Pompeian frescoes\n\n\nPompeii, was one of the first houses to be thoroughly explored and is the site where the first complete mural of the tablinum was detached in 1755, led by sculptor Joseph Canart. The pigments that were primarily used in the frescoes at Pompeii were mostly naturally occurring earth pigments such as: Pompeian frescoes were executed in the buon fresco (true fresco) technique, in which the pigments were painted onto a freshly applied, damp/wet plaster ground. The plaster contains liquid lime (calcium hydroxide). In the process of", "id": "21968252" }, { "contents": "Paul Delaroche\n\n\n\"The Hemicycle\", painted on a semicircular saloon at L’Ecole des Beaux-Arts. \"The Hemicycle\" was a 27-meter panoramic that included over seventy of the most famous artists since Antiquity. The artists included represent Gothic, Greek, Roman, and Renaissance art. The subjects of this painting appeal to the academic taste of the nineteenth-century. Delaroche paints with encaustic mixtures to create this monumental piece—a technique in which pigment is mixed with hot wax and painted onto the plaster to create a smooth surface. Delaroche", "id": "16039026" }, { "contents": "Fresco-secco\n\n\nFresco-secco (or a secco or fresco finto) is a wall painting technique where pigments mixed with an organic binder and/or lime are applied onto a dry plaster. The paints used can e.g. be casein paint, tempera, oil paint, silicate mineral paint. If the pigments are mixed with lime water or lime milk and applied to a dry plaster the technique is called lime secco painting. The secco technique contrasts with the fresco technique, where the painting is executed on a layer of wet plaster. Because the pigments do", "id": "19705388" }, { "contents": "Venetian red\n\n\nVenetian red is a light and warm (somewhat unsaturated) pigment that is a darker shade of scarlet, derived from nearly pure ferric oxide (FeO) of the hematite type. Modern versions are frequently made with synthetic red iron oxide. Historically, Venetian red was a red earth color often used in Italian Renaissance paintings. It was also called sinopia, because the best-quality pigment came from the port of Sinop in northern Turkey. It was the major ingredient in the pigment called ', described by the 15th-century", "id": "15969082" }, { "contents": "Joseon\n\n\nand their color is associated with the ideals of purity and modesty of Confucianism. During this period, the bureau that oversaw the meals and court banquets of the royal family strictly controlled the production of white porcelain. Blue and white porcelain artifacts decorating white porcelain with paintings and designs in underglaze by using natural cobalt pigment are another example of popular wares of the Joseon period. Many of these items were created by court painters employed by the royal family. During this period, the popular style of landscape paintings is mirrored in the decoration", "id": "16036867" }, { "contents": "Surface energy\n\n\nare constantly being created as larger pigment particles get broken down into smaller subparticles. These newly formed surfaces consequently contribute to larger surface energies, whereby the resulting particles often become cemented together into aggregates. Because particles dispersed in liquid media are in constant thermal or Brownian motion, they exhibit a strong affinity for other pigment particles nearby as they move through the medium and collide. This natural attraction is largely attributed to the powerful short-range Van der Waals forces, as an effect of their surface energies. The chief purpose of pigment", "id": "20744977" }, { "contents": "YInMn Blue\n\n\nYInMn Blue (for yttrium, indium, manganese), also known as Oregon Blue and Yin Min Blue, is an inorganic blue pigment that was accidentally discovered by Professor Mas Subramanian and his then-graduate student Andrew E. Smith at Oregon State University in 2009. It is the first inorganic blue pigment discovered in 200 years, since cobalt blue was identified in 1802. The compound has a unique trigonal bipyramidal structure, and further research has discovered it can be modified to create green, purple, and orange pigments. In 2008", "id": "1230260" }, { "contents": "Oil paint\n\n\number. Still another group of pigments comes from living organisms, such as madder root. Synthetic organic pigments are also now available. Natural pigments have the advantage of being well understood through centuries of use, but synthetics have greatly increased the spectrum of available colors, and many have attained a high level of lightfastness. When oil paint was first introduced in the arts, basically the same limited range of available pigments were used that had already been applied in tempera: yellow ochre, umber, lead-tin-yellow, vermilion", "id": "9247735" }, { "contents": "Color mixing\n\n\nversa. Subtractive mixing is used to create a variety of colors when printing or painting on paper or other white substrates, by combining a small number of ink or paint colors. Red is created by mixing magenta and yellow (removing green and blue). Green is created by mixing cyan and yellow (removing red and blue respectively). Blue is created by mixing cyan and magenta (removing red and green). Black can be approximated by mixing cyan, magenta, and yellow, although real pigments are not ideal and", "id": "4179393" } ]
Why do pain killers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen help with fevers as well?
[{"answer": "Don't know what the second one is but can answer for ibuprofen. It belongs to a class of drugs knows as nonsteroidal anti-inflammitory drugs(NSAIDS). Basically inflammation is your body ramping things up to deal with a situation. This involves the release of chemicals that cause inflammation, which(among other things) create pain through direct contact with nerves. They also create fever through a number of mechanisms that basically serves to create a hot hostile environment for what ever is invading your body and increase blood flow to the affected area. NSAIDS work by reducing the amount of these inflammatory chemicals being released in the first place."}, {"answer": "Interestingly it is argued that the use of antiinflammatory and antipyretic drugs should perhaps be avoided with mild fevers and colds as you're counteracting some of the responses needed to effectively clear the infection!"}, {"answer": "Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and some other common over-the-counter drugs are \"non-opiod analgesics\" (EDIT: also called NSAIDs, as someone else in the thread mentioned). They work by inhibiting certain mechanisms in the body, including the ones that cause inflammation. Basically, your cells can produce a lipid (fatty) compound called prostaglandin. It's part of your body's immune/pathogenic response, or how your body reacts to an infection, presence of a foreign body, or trauma. It encourages functions that help your body fight off pathogens and begin to heal. \"Inhibitors\" work in a particular way. Essentially, your cells have what are called receptor sites where certain chemicals and compounds can \"connect\" to the cell, if you will. Inhibitors work by taking up some of those spots so there's less room for whatever chemical you're trying to prevent from affecting the cell. Imagine that for whatever reason you want to keep a particular group of people off of a bus. You could try to get other people to fill in all of the seats first. Not a perfect analogy, but I think it sort of helps. Prostaglandin causes inflammation and an increase in temperature, i.e. a fever. Fever, swelling, redness, and pain are all generally interconnected as part of your immune response. To a certain degree, stop the prostaglandin, stop the fever. Prostaglandin also has many other functions, including controlling smooth muscle structures in your body, like blood vessels and the intestines, which is why people who fear they are having a heart attack or are having chest pain will often chew a few \"baby Aspirin.\" It causes widening of the arteries which can help resolve issues with blood supply to the heart muscle. Ultimately, the prostaglandin is one of the common factors in the fever, headache, and sore throat you might be experiencing. Acetominophen and ibuprofen can't stop it from being generated really, but it keeps that stuff from getting where it needs to be to cause a fever, etc. I hope this was helpful, I'm really weak when it comes to pharmacology but I've always found it interesting. Feel free to correct me."}, {"answer": "NSAIDs such as ibuprofen (acetaminophen/paracetamol is not a NSAID) reduce inflammation and reduce pain by inhibiting the action of the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX). The COX-1 enzyme is responsible for the protection of the stomach mucosa from its own acids. The COX-2 enzyme is responsible for the prostaglandin synthesis. Prostaglandins act as messenger molecules in the inflammation pathway -- one of the symptoms of inflammation happens to be fever, thus by reducing the amount of prostaglandins the inflammation response reduces, reducing the fever. Some NSAID drugs non-selectively inhibit the COX enzyme, meaning that it inhibits COX-1 and COX-2, which is why it is recommended that these are taken with food, as food reduces the effects of the acid on your stomach mucosa. This also explains why your stomach might hurt after you take one of these drugs without food/water. Drugs, such as Celecoxib, selectively inhibit COX-2, reducing this gastric distress. Acetaminophen/paracetamol is not considered a NSAID because, although it does inhibit COX-2, it only does so in the central nervous system, only blocking the pain, and not the localized inflammation. TL;DR -- NSAID painkillers inhibit an enzyme necessary for an inflammatory response, thereby reducing fever with it. Edit: Spelling"}, {"answer": "I must say, what everyone told you here is true. But ibuprofen just doesn't have the same antipyretic (fever reducing) effect that Paracetamol (acetaminophen) does. Paracetamol is theorized to also work in the hypothalamus in your brain to change what the body temperature should be (this is a theory). Ibuprofen, while reducing mediators such as prostaglandins, doesn't have a direct effect on your temperature because \"only\" IL-1 and IL-6 (interleukin 1 and 6) work in your brain causing you to have a fever. Prostaglandins can activate your white blood cells to produce these Interleukins and so ibuprofen may indirectly reduce your fever but that is not what it was meant to do. It also cannot do it as well as acetaminophen. How acetaminophen still a mystery."}, {"answer": "When a part of your body is inflamed, that is, when there is anything illiciting an immune reaction(Bacteria, injury etc). Five basic things happen. In medicine these are called Dolor(pain) Calor(heat) Rubor(redness) Tumor(swelling) Function laesa(loss of function) This may be very localized or more systemic, depending on your illness. What drugs like Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen(paracetamol) do, is to inhibit the mediators of these inflammatory responses, thereby reducing the pain, swelling, redness etc. More specifically, they inhibit something called cyclooxygenases in your body (COX-1 and COX-2), which are vital to the synthesis of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins, amongst many other things, are responsible for raising your body temperature when you have a fever. They act on the hypothalamus(control center) in your brain, which generates a systemic temperature-increasing response. As an added note, prostaglandins are also important for the formation of the mucus membrane lining your stomach. That is why excessive use of these blockers might make you more susceptible to ulcers, especially if combined with other risk factors. Another useful fact is that acetaminophen(paracetamol) follows the same pathway of metabolism as does alcohol. This is why it is not advised to combine the two, as you run the risk of exceeding your livers capacity for detoxification, and causing liver damage. Source: Medschool"}, {"answer": "Well little dilli, let me tell you.... When your body has trouble with bacteria or a big ouchy a little cell called the white blood cell comes to the rescue. Think of it as the superhero of the body, protecting the rest of the cells from evildoers. One of its jobs is to shoot out little magic bullets called cytokines including a specific group called interleukins. These interleukins go about setting up the different defense mechanisms of the body. Think of it as a game of a strategy game where you have to build up the different defenses to protect your base. One of the defenses is to raise the body's temperature. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen are \"antipyretics\" which means they fight the fire of increased body temperature by overriding those interleukins in part of the brain. This can be a good thing in cases of high temperatures that backfire and cause more harm then good. In the case of a mild fever though let it ride little dilli because it will help fight off whatever ails you!"}, {"answer": "Paracetamol is a far more effective treament - its anti-pyretic (anti fire), a COX-2 inhibitor (Cyclooxygenase being part of a biological pathway that causes fever, 2 being the particular receptor it acts on) and it affects the hyperthalmus (bit in your brain that controls temperature) to reduce body temperature back to normal (stopping your fever). Ibuprofen is, as pointed out, nonsteroidal anti-inflammitory drug (NSAID) which stops inflammation through the same \"Mechanism\" as Paracetamol (just its less selective about what it targets). It's effect on a fever isn't as good as Paracetamol, and it is mainly used to treat muscle pain/headaches more than fever's. Also note, its very dangerous to take Ibruprofen if your taking Warfarin (blood thinner, anti-coaulant). That is because they both compete with one another and have a higher impact on the body. And don't forgot, cold and flu remedies are a cocktail of drugs that affect other areas like the throat and nose to help alleviate the symptoms of a cold."}, {"answer": "When you take any drug, it essentially has two types of effects on you. The effect(s) its intended for (Therapeutic effects) and the effects that occur that are not intended (non-therapeutic/side effects). Just like Barbiturates and Benzodiazepines help raise the threshold of seizure activity (makes it harder for someone who is prone to seizures to start convulsing), other drugs have positive side-effects. Though, I wouldn't recommend anti-inflammatory or opiates to help with a fever. Stick to Motrin. edit: typo :("}, {"answer": "As someone who has a severe allergy to ibuprofen, (or NSAIDs for that matter) I can tell you that Acetaminophen & ibuprofen are certainly not the same thing. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) have anti-inflammatory (swelling reducer), analgesic (pain reliever), and antipyretic (fever reducer) effects, while Tylenol, or acetaminophen is a pain reliever. Acetaminophen relieves pain by elevating the pain threshold, that is, by requiring a greater amount of pain to develop before it is felt by a person. It reduces fever through its action on the heat-regulating center of the brain. Specifically, it tells the center to lower the body\u2019s temperature when the temperature is elevated. Acetaminophen relieves pain in mild arthritis but has no effect on the underlying inflammation, redness and swelling of the joint. Acetaminophen is actually a safer choice than ibuprofen."}, {"answer": "Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen kill pain by destroying the spiders that feed on your organs and muscles (your immune system is less able to destroy the spiders when they attempt to enter your body while you sleep if you are ill or becoming ill). The spiders usually create nests in your brain (and sometimes your entire body) and these nests are very warm. These drugs are not only good at killing the spiders, but also their nests, so your fever goes down as the millions of spider babies in the nests in your brain die."}, {"answer": "Some of the responses make me feel like we shouldn't sell such basic things OTC. People just don't seem to understand how to take them or even they what they are. They can have serious side effects people! Read your labels!"}, {"answer": "Ibuprofen- anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic Acetaminophen- analgesic, antipyretic Even though its not an anti-inflammatory, acetaminophen is still an antipyretic, hence it's ability to help with fever"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "19592340", "title": "Management of chronic headaches", "section": "Section::::Medicinal.:Analgesic and abortive medications.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 4, "end_paragraph_id": 4, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The most common chronic treatment method is the use of medicine. Many people try to seek pain relief from analgesic medicines (commonly termed pain killers), such as aspirin, acetaminophen, aspirin compounds, ibuprofen, and opioids. The long term use of opioids", "The most common chronic treatment method is the use of medicine. Many people try to seek pain relief from analgesic medicines (commonly termed pain killers), such as aspirin, acetaminophen, aspirin compounds, ibuprofen, and opioids. The long term use of opioids; however, appears to result in greater harm than benefit. Also, abortive medications can be used to \"stop a headache once it has begun\"; such drugs include ergotamine (Cafergot), triptans (Imitrex), and prednisone (Deltasone). However, medical professionals advise that abuse of analgesics and abortive medications can actually lead to an increase in headaches. The painkiller medicines help headaches temporarily, but as the \"quick fix\" wears off, headaches become more re-current and grow in intensity. These \"rebound headaches\" can actually make the body less responsive to preventive medication. The conditions keep worsening if one takes paracetamol, aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for 15 days a month or more. Therefore, analgesic and abortive medications are often advised for headaches that are not chronic in nature. The most common medicines used to", "The most common chronic treatment method is the use of medicine. Many people try to seek pain relief from analgesic medicines (commonly termed pain killers), such as aspirin, acetaminophen, aspirin compounds, ibuprofen, and opioids. The long term use of opioids; however, appears to result in greater harm than benefit. Also, abortive medications can be used to \"stop a headache once it has begun\"; such drugs include ergotamine (Cafergot), triptans (Imitrex), and prednisone (Deltasone). However, medical professionals advise that abuse of analgesics and abortive medications can actually lead to an increase in headaches. The painkiller medicines help headaches temporarily, but as the \"quick fix\" wears off, headaches become more re-current and grow in intensity. These \"rebound headaches\" can actually make the body less responsive to preventive medication. The conditions keep worsening if one takes paracetamol, aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for 15 days a month or more. Therefore, analgesic and abortive medications are often advised for headaches that are not chronic in nature. The most common medicines used to\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "532241", "title": "Anodyne", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["An anodyne is a drug used to lessen pain through reducing the sensitivity of the brain or nervous system. The term was common in medicine before the 20th century, but such drugs are now more often known as analgesics or painkillers", "An anodyne is a drug used to lessen pain through reducing the sensitivity of the brain or nervous system. The term was common in medicine before the 20th century, but such drugs are now more often known as analgesics or painkillers.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Fever\n\n\nis an increase in body temperature over the temperature set point, due to either too much heat production or not enough heat loss. Treatment to reduce fever is generally not required. Treatment of associated pain and inflammation, however, may be useful and help a person rest. Medications such as ibuprofen or paracetamol (acetaminophen) may help with this as well as lower temperature. Measures such as putting a cool damp cloth on the forehead and having a slightly warm bath are not useful and may simply make a person more uncomfortable.", "id": "2303701" }, { "contents": "Ibuprofen\n\n\nthe United States, it costs about 0.05 per dose. In 2016, it was the 35th most prescribed medication in the United States, with more than 21million prescriptions. Ibuprofen is used primarily to treat fever (including post-vaccination fever), mild to moderate pain (including pain relief after surgery), painful menstruation, osteoarthritis, dental pain, headaches, and pain from kidney stones. About 60% of people respond to any NSAID; those who do not respond well to a particular one may respond to another.", "id": "20815329" }, { "contents": "Fever\n\n\nhyperpyrexia, aggressive cooling is required (generally produced mechanically via conduction by applying numerous ice packs across most of the body or direct submersion in ice water). In general, people are advised to keep adequately hydrated. Whether increased fluid intake improves symptoms or shortens respiratory illnesses such as the common cold is not known. Medications that lower fevers are called \"antipyretics\". The antipyretic ibuprofen is effective in reducing fevers in children. It is more effective than acetaminophen (paracetamol) in children. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen may be safely used", "id": "2303722" }, { "contents": "Osteoarthritis\n\n\nstress, support groups, and pain medications. Efforts to decrease joint stress include resting and the use of a cane. Weight loss may help in those who are overweight. Pain medications may include paracetamol (acetaminophen) as well as NSAIDs such as naproxen or ibuprofen. Long-term opioid use is generally discouraged due to lack of information on benefits as well as risks of addiction and other side effects. If pain interferes with normal life despite other treatments, joint replacement surgery may help. An artificial joint typically lasts 10 to", "id": "20472088" }, { "contents": "Common cold\n\n\nuseful in one small trial. Treatment for the common cold primarily involves medications and other therapies for symptomatic relief. Getting plenty of rest, drinking fluids to maintain hydration, and gargling with warm salt water are reasonable conservative measures. Much of the benefit from symptomatic treatment is, however, attributed to the placebo effect. No medications or herbal remedies have been conclusively demonstrated to shorten the duration of infection. Treatments that may help with symptoms include simple pain medication and medications for fevers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen (paracetamol). It", "id": "9390985" }, { "contents": "Fever\n\n\ntogether in children with fevers. The efficacy of acetaminophen by itself in children with fevers has been questioned. Ibuprofen is also superior to aspirin in children with fevers. Additionally, aspirin is not recommended in children and young adults (those under the age of 16 or 19 depending on the country) due to the risk of Reye's syndrome. Using both paracetamol and ibuprofen at the same time or alternating between the two is more effective at decreasing fever than using only paracetamol or ibuprofen. It is not clear if it increases child", "id": "2303723" }, { "contents": "Herpes simplex\n\n\nreducing the need for caesarean section. Aciclovir is the recommended antiviral for herpes suppressive therapy during the last months of pregnancy. The use of valaciclovir and famciclovir, while potentially improving compliance, have less-well-determined safety in pregnancy. No method eradicates herpes virus from the body, but antiviral medications can reduce the frequency, duration, and severity of outbreaks. Analgesics such as ibuprofen and paracetamol (acetaminophen) can reduce pain and fever. Topical anesthetic treatments such as prilocaine, lidocaine, benzocaine, or tetracaine can also relieve", "id": "8328634" }, { "contents": "Antipyretic\n\n\nAntipyretics are substances that reduce fever. Antipyretics cause the hypothalamus to override a prostaglandin-induced increase in temperature. The body then works to lower the temperature, which results in a reduction in fever. Most antipyretic medications have other purposes. The most common antipyretics in the United States are ibuprofen and aspirin, which are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used primarily as analgesics (pain relievers), but which also have antipyretic properties; and acetaminophen (paracetamol), an analgesic with weak anti-inflammatory properties. There", "id": "73809" }, { "contents": "Hydrocodone/ibuprofen\n\n\nThe drug combination hydrocodone/ibuprofen (INNs, trade name Vicoprofen) is an analgesic medication used in short-term therapy to relieve severe pain. Vicoprofen combines the analgesic and antitussive properties of hydrocodone with the analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic properties of ibuprofen. In contrast to hydrocodone/acetaminophen combination analgesics such as Vicodin, this hydrocodone/ibuprofen avoids some of the liver toxicity which may occur from acetaminophen, but still presents significant dangers in hydrocodone overdose, namely respiratory depression. Vicoprofen is supplied in a fixed dose combination", "id": "2523674" }, { "contents": "Otitis media\n\n\nOral and topical pain killers are effective to treat the pain caused by otitis media. Oral agents include ibuprofen, paracetamol (acetaminophen), and opiates. Evidence for the combination over single agents is lacking. Topical agents shown to be effective include antipyrine and benzocaine ear drops. Decongestants and antihistamines, either nasal or oral, are not recommended due to the lack of benefit and concerns regarding side effects. Half of cases of ear pain in children resolve without treatment in three days and 90% resolve in seven or eight days.", "id": "2650080" }, { "contents": "Co-codamol\n\n\nCodeine/acetaminophen or co-codamol (BAN) is a compound analgesic consisting of a combination of codeine phosphate and paracetamol (acetaminophen). Co-codamol tablets are used for the relief of mild to moderate pain when acetaminophen or NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, aspirin or naproxen alone do not sufficiently relieve a patient's symptoms, or where their use is ill-advised. Co-codamol is marketed under various brand names in addition to the generic name. In the UK, consultant neurologist Russell Lane said that the public was", "id": "18491184" }, { "contents": "Tension headache\n\n\nhad water, then stress reduction might resolve the issue. Over-the-counter drugs, like acetaminophen, aspirin, or NSAIDs(ibuprofen, Naproxen, Ketoprofen), can be effective but tend to only be helpful as a treatment for a few times in a week at most. For those with gastrointestinal problems (ulcers and bleeding) acetaminophen is the better choice over aspirin, however both provide roughly equivalent pain relief. It is important to note that large daily doses of acetaminophen should be avoided as it may cause liver damage especially", "id": "15240803" }, { "contents": "Pain management in children\n\n\nopioids. Morphine is effective and relatively safe, and is often used with moderate to severe pain. Codeine and tramadol should be avoided especially in children younger than 12 years old since metabolism varies due to genetic differences between individuals. However, other interventions include medications classified as non-opioid analgesics, which are useful in post surgical treatment. For example, acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be used as a non-opioid analgesics. Unlike acetaminophen, ibuprofen has anti-inflammatory property which can be useful for pain in inflammatory conditions. Aspirin", "id": "18370373" }, { "contents": "Infectious mononucleosis\n\n\nthe risk of splenic rupture experts advise avoidance of contact sports and other heavy physical activity, especially when involving increased abdominal pressure or the Valsalva maneuver (as in rowing or weight training), for at least the first 3–4 weeks of illness or until enlargement of the spleen has resolved, as determined by a treating physician. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) and NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, may be used to reduce fever and pain. Prednisone, a corticosteroid, while used to try to reduce throat pain or enlarged tonsils, remains controversial", "id": "15523111" }, { "contents": "Dog health\n\n\nare particularly dangerous to dogs: Poisoning with pain medications is common. Aspirin, paracetamol (acetaminophen, Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil), and naproxen (Aleve) can all cause severe clinical signs in dogs, including vomiting blood, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Specifically, aspirin can cause metabolic acidosis and bleeding disorders, acetaminophen can cause liver disease, ibuprofen can cause kidney disease, and naproxen can cause ulcers in the stomach, which can perforate. Treatment depends on the clinical signs. Most diseases that affect dogs or", "id": "2886782" }, { "contents": "Management of chronic headaches\n\n\nseek pain relief from analgesic medicines (commonly termed pain killers), such as aspirin, acetaminophen, aspirin compounds, ibuprofen, and opioids. The long term use of opioids; however, appears to result in greater harm than benefit. Also, abortive medications can be used to \"stop a headache once it has begun\"; such drugs include ergotamine (Cafergot), triptans (Imitrex), and prednisone (Deltasone). However, medical professionals advise that abuse of analgesics and abortive medications can actually lead to an increase", "id": "13847012" }, { "contents": "Measles\n\n\nserious complications. Treatment is supportive, with ibuprofen or paracetamol (acetaminophen) to reduce fever and pain and, if required, a fast-acting medication to dilate the airways for cough. As for aspirin, some research has suggested a correlation between children who take aspirin and the development of Reye syndrome. The use of vitamin A during treatment is recommended to decrease the risk of blindness; however, it does not prevent or cure the disease. A systematic review of trials into its use found no reduction in overall mortality,", "id": "13650171" }, { "contents": "Celecoxib\n\n\nin children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis who are older than two years of age and weigh more than 10 kg (22 lb). For postoperative pain, it is more or less equal to ibuprofen. For pain relief, it is similar to paracetamol (acetaminophen). And in osteoarthritis, acetaminophen is the first line treatment. In knee and hip osteoarthritis, acetaminophen may be ineffective. Evidence of effects are not clear as a number of studies done by the manufacturer have not been released for independent analysis. Tentative evidence supports its", "id": "5959892" }, { "contents": "Alcoholic polyneuropathy\n\n\nby using gabapentin or amitriptyline in combination with over-the-counter pain medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen. Tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline, or carbamazepine may help stabbing pains and have central and peripheral anticholinergic and sedative effects. These agents have central effects on pain transmission and block the active reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin. Anticonvulsant drugs like gabapentin block the active reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin and have properties that relieve neuropathic pain. However, these drugs take a few weeks to become effective and are rarely used", "id": "20317037" }, { "contents": "Uterine fibroid\n\n\nfibroids run in families and appear to be partly determined by hormone levels. Risk factors include obesity and eating red meat. Diagnosis can be performed by pelvic examination or medical imaging. Treatment is typically not needed if there are no symptoms. NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, may help with pain and bleeding while paracetamol (acetaminophen) may help with pain. Iron supplements may be needed in those with heavy periods. Medications of the gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist class may decrease the size of the fibroids but are expensive and associated with side", "id": "19873588" }, { "contents": "Streptococcal pharyngitis\n\n\nthose with a confirmed diagnosis. Those infected should stay away from other people for at least 24 hours after starting treatment. Pain can be treated with paracetamol (acetaminophen) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen. Strep throat is a common bacterial infection in children. It is the cause of 15–40% of sore throats among children and 5–15% among adults. Cases are more common in late winter and early spring. Potential complications include rheumatic fever and peritonsillar abscess. The typical signs and symptoms of streptococcal", "id": "9037961" }, { "contents": "Antipyretic\n\n\nbecause there have been reported adverse events associated with systemic absorption of alcohol. Many medications have antipyretic effects and thus are useful for fever but not in treating illness, including: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) notes that improper dosing is one of the biggest problems in giving acetaminophen (paracetamol) to children. The effectiveness of acetaminophen alone as an antipyretic in children is uncertain, with some evidence showing it is no better than physical methods. Therapies involving alternating doses of acetaminophen and ibuprofen have shown greater antipyretic effect than", "id": "73811" }, { "contents": "Streptococcal pharyngitis\n\n\ndays. Treatment with antibiotics shortens the duration of the acute illness by about 16 hours. The primary reason for treatment with antibiotics is to reduce the risk of complications such as rheumatic fever and retropharyngeal abscesses. Antibiotics prevent acute rheumatic fever if given within 9 days of the onset of symptoms. Pain medication such as NSAIDs and paracetamol (acetaminophen) helps in the management of pain associated with strep throat. Viscous lidocaine may also be useful. While steroids may help with the pain, they are not routinely recommended. Aspirin may be", "id": "9037970" }, { "contents": "Burn\n\n\nThere is insufficient evidence to support the use of dressings containing silver or negative-pressure wound therapy. Silver sulfadiazine does not appear to differ from silver containing foam dressings with respect to healing. Burns can be very painful and a number of different options may be used for pain management. These include simple analgesics (such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen) and opioids such as morphine. Benzodiazepines may be used in addition to analgesics to help with anxiety. During the healing process, antihistamines, massage, or transcutaneous nerve stimulation may be used", "id": "8365361" }, { "contents": "Dental extraction\n\n\nnon-steroidal anti-inflammatory), APAP (acetaminophen), and opioid formulations. Although each has its own pain-relieving efficacy, they also pose adverse effects. According to two doctors, Ibuprofen-APAP combinations have the greatest efficacy in pain relief and reducing inflammation along with the fewest adverse effects. Taking either of these agents alone or in combination may be contraindicated in those who have certain medical conditions. For example, taking ibuprofen or any NSAID in conjunction with warfarin (a blood thinner) may not be appropriate", "id": "2640499" }, { "contents": "Tonsillitis\n\n\nCorynebacterium diphtheriae\", or \"Haemophilus influenzae\" may be the cause. Typically the infection is spread between people through the air. A scoring system, such as the Centor score, may help separate possible causes. Confirmation may be by a throat swab or rapid strep test. Treatment efforts involve improving symptoms and decreasing complications. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) and ibuprofen may be used to help with pain. If strep throat is present the antibiotic penicillin by mouth is generally recommended. In those who are allergic to penicillin, cephalosporins or", "id": "21261265" }, { "contents": "Migraine treatment\n\n\nacetaminophen (paracetamol), acetylsalicylic acid, and caffeine. A number of NSAIDs have been shown to be effective. Ibuprofen provides effective pain relief in about 50%. Diclofenac has been found effective. A number of NSAIDs have evidence to support their use. Ibuprofen has been found to provide effective pain relief in about 50% of migraine attacks. The widespread use of NSAIDs has meant that the adverse effects of these drugs have become increasingly prevalent. The two main adverse drug reactions (ADRs) associated with NSAIDs relate to gastrointestinal", "id": "85177" }, { "contents": "Ankle problems\n\n\ntightly to prevent the ankles from becoming numb or the toes turning blue. Lift the ankle as far as possible to a pillow or other type of support structure above the heart level. You can take over-the-counter medications, for example, acetaminophen or ibuprofen to cure pain and swollen ankle. These exercises will make you feel painless, strong and flexible, restore your range of motion, helping exercise the ankles and reduce the risk of re-injury. If your ankle problem is resulting from arthritis, you will", "id": "13577806" }, { "contents": "Stroke recovery\n\n\nresult. Analgesics (ibuprofen and acetaminophen) may offer some pain relief for generalized hemiplegic shoulder pain. For people with spasticity associated shoulder pain, botulinum toxin injections into the shoulder muscles has also been shown to provide significant pain relief and improve range of motion. Subacromial corticosteroid injections can be effective for people with shoulder pain related to injury/inflammation of the rotator cuff region. There are several non-pharmacological interventions which are recommended for prevention and treatment of post-stroke hemiplegic shoulder pain. These include proper positioning, range of", "id": "19188259" }, { "contents": "Dengue fever\n\n\nrapid dose of 20 mL/kg is reasonable. The rate of fluid administration is then titrated to a urinary output of 0.5–1 mL/kg/h, stable vital signs and normalization of hematocrit. The smallest amount of fluid required to achieve this is recommended. Invasive medical procedures such as nasogastric intubation, intramuscular injections and arterial punctures are avoided, in view of the bleeding risk. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is used for fever and discomfort while NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and aspirin are avoided as they might aggravate the risk of bleeding", "id": "18374789" }, { "contents": "Hydrocodone/ibuprofen\n\n\ntotal of 683 patients were enrolled in all of the multiple dose trials, with 57% of the participants being women. These studies also looked at self reported pain intensities over a 5-day period of multiple dosing. In these studies, patients were either given the trial drug Vicoprofen or one of two an active controls: codeine with acetaminophen (Tylenol #3) or oxycodone with acetaminophen (Percocet), depending on the trial. Patients were allowed to take a dose as needed but no more than every 4 to 6 hours for", "id": "2523685" }, { "contents": "Dental emergency\n\n\nsterile gauze or cotton soaked in oil of cloves may be placed in the socket after careful cleaning with saline to relieve this form of pain . Over-the-counter topical anesthetics containing active ingredients such as benzocaine or choline salicylate may be applied directly to the gum in order to deaden sensation. Analgesics such as aspirin, paracetamol (acetaminophen) and ibuprofen are also commonly used; aspirin and ibuprofen have the additional benefits of being anti-inflammatories. Ice and/or heat are also frequently applied . A dentist may prescribe an anti-", "id": "12615219" }, { "contents": "Opioid\n\n\ntreating chronic pain, opioids are an option to be tried after other less risky pain relievers have been considered, including paracetamol/acetaminophen or NSAIDs like ibuprofen or naproxen. Some types of chronic pain, including the pain caused by fibromyalgia or migraine, are preferentially treated with drugs other than opioids. The efficacy of using opioids to lessen chronic neuropathic pain is uncertain. Opioids are contraindicated as a first-line treatment for headache because they impair alertness, bring risk of dependence, and increase the risk that episodic headaches will become chronic", "id": "21329163" }, { "contents": "Otitis media\n\n\nnumber of measures decrease the risk of otitis media including pneumococcal and influenza vaccination, breastfeeding, and avoiding tobacco smoke. The use of pain medications for AOM is important. This may include paracetamol (acetaminophen), ibuprofen, benzocaine ear drops, or opioids. In AOM, antibiotics may speed recovery but may result in side effects. Antibiotics are often recommended in those with severe disease or under two years old. In those with less severe disease they may only be recommended in those who do not improve after two or three days", "id": "2650061" }, { "contents": "2009 flu pandemic\n\n\npork or other food products derived from pigs will not cause flu. Nevertheless, on 27 April, Azerbaijan imposed a ban on the importation of animal husbandry products from the entire Americas. The Indonesian government also halted the importation of pigs and initiated the examination of pigs in Indonesia. The Egyptian government ordered the slaughter of all pigs in Egypt on 29 April 2009. A number of methods have been recommended to help ease symptoms, including adequate liquid intake and rest. Over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen", "id": "14471357" }, { "contents": "Osgood–Schlatter disease\n\n\n. Stretches can help reduce shortening of the muscles. The main stretches for prevention of OSD focus on the hamstrings and quadriceps. Treatment is generally conservative with rest, ice, and specific exercises being recommended. Simple pain medication may be used such as acetaminophen (paracetamol), or NSAIDs such as ibuprofen. Typically symptoms resolve as the growth plate closes. Physiotherapy is generally recommended once the initial symptoms have improved to prevent recurrence. Surgery may rarely be used in those who have stopped growing yet still have symptoms. Recommended efforts include", "id": "14625907" }, { "contents": "Pain management\n\n\nvary with the country and the individual treatment center, but the following gives an example of the WHO approach to treating chronic pain with medications. If, at any point, treatment fails to provide adequate pain relief, then the doctor and patient move onto the next step. Paracetamol (acetaminophen), or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as ibuprofen. Paracetamol, an NSAID and/or paracetamol in a combination product with a weak opioid such as tramadol, may provide greater relief than their separate use. Also a", "id": "21157617" }, { "contents": "Arthritis\n\n\nacetaminophen (paracetamol) while for inflammatory arthritis it involves non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen. Opioids and NSAIDs are less well tolerated. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is autoimmune so, in addition to pain medications and anti-inflammatory drugs, is treated with another category of drug called disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), which act on the immune system to slow down the progression of RA. An example of this type of drug is methotrexate. A number of rheumasurgical interventions have been incorporated", "id": "1594607" }, { "contents": "Impacted wisdom teeth\n\n\npost-operative pain is effectively managed with either ibuprofen, or ibuprofen in combination with acetaminophen. Many variations to the surgical technique exist however; as of 2014 the evidence was insufficient to recommend one type of surgical practice over another. Long-term complications can include periodontal complications such as bone loss on the second molar following wisdom teeth removal. Bone loss as a complication after wisdom teeth removal is uncommon in the young but present in 43% of those of 25 years of age or older. Injury to the inferior alveolar nerve", "id": "20297589" }, { "contents": "Pain in babies\n\n\nforms of analgesia suitable for the treatment of pain in babies: paracetamol (acetaminophen), the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and the opioids. Paracetamol is safe and effective if given in the correct dosage. The same is true of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen (aspirin is seldom used). Of the opioids, morphine and fentanyl are most often used in a hospital setting, while codeine is effective for use at home. Before the late nineteenth century, babies were considered to be more sensitive", "id": "314112" }, { "contents": "Migraine\n\n\nInitial recommended treatment is with simple pain medication such as ibuprofen and paracetamol (acetaminophen) for the headache, medication for the nausea, and the avoidance of triggers. Specific medications such as triptans or ergotamines may be used in those for whom simple pain medications are not effective. Caffeine may be added to the above. A number of medications are useful to prevent attacks including metoprolol, valproate, and topiramate. Globally, approximately 15% of people are affected by migraines. It most often starts at puberty and is worst during middle", "id": "946192" }, { "contents": "Tietze syndrome\n\n\nmedical assessment and confirmation of no immediate cardiology events, especially heart attack, normal treatment includes rest by reducing activities affecting the chest. Administering anti-inflammatory drugs including naproxen, ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen are recommended. For very painful and debilitating events, where the pain is unbearable or requires emergency care, Toradol is generally prescribed and administered by direct injection. This can relieve most of the pain in 5 to 10 minutes. Other treatment steps include physical therapy, applying ice packs on the chest area to reduce the swelling", "id": "13467651" }, { "contents": "Anti-inflammatory\n\n\nreducing or eliminating the pain. Some common examples of NSAIDs are aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. The newer specific COX-inhibitors are not classified together with the traditional NSAIDs even though they presumably share the same mode of action. On the other hand, there are analgesics that are commonly associated with anti-inflammatory drugs but that have no anti-inflammatory effects. An example is paracetamol (known as acetaminophen or Tylenol in the U.S). As opposed to NSAIDs, which reduce pain and inflammation by inhibiting COX enzymes,", "id": "17979053" }, { "contents": "Codeine\n\n\nCodeine is an opiate used to treat pain, as a cough medicine, and for diarrhea. It is typically used to treat mild to moderate degrees of pain. Greater benefit may occur when combined with paracetamol (acetaminophen) or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Evidence does not support its use for acute cough suppression in children or adults. In Europe it is not recommended as a cough medicine in those under twelve years of age. It is generally taken by mouth. It typically", "id": "4676289" }, { "contents": "Paracetamol\n\n\nParacetamol, also known as acetaminophen and APAP, is a medication used to treat pain and fever. It is typically used for mild to moderate pain relief. There is mixed evidence for its use to relieve fever in children. It is often sold in combination with other medications, such as in many cold medications. Paracetamol is also used for severe pain, such as cancer pain and pain after surgery, in combination with opioid pain medication. It is typically used either by mouth or rectally, but is also available by injection", "id": "4375106" }, { "contents": "IHunch\n\n\nthe recent rise in the number of popular articles, news items and media discussions about the problem. The iHunch is a multi-factorial problem. Neck pain generally has been treated with a profusion of approaches and modalities, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen; pain relief medications (analgesics) such as acetaminophen; low dose tricyclic antidepressants such as amytriptyline for chronic problems; Physical therapy (a.k.a. physiotherapy in British-derived cultures) which utilises a wide range of techniques and modalities; spinal manipulation", "id": "10294447" }, { "contents": "Cryosurgery\n\n\nis often preferred to more traditional kinds of surgery because of its minimal pain, scarring, and cost; however, as with any medical treatment, there are risks involved, primarily that of damage to nearby healthy tissue. Damage to nerve tissue is of particular concern. Patients undergoing cryosurgery usually experience redness and minor-to-moderate localized pain, which most of the time can be alleviated sufficiently by oral administration of mild analgesics such as ibuprofen, codeine or acetaminophen (paracetamol). Blisters may form as a result of cryosurgery", "id": "1718526" }, { "contents": "Costochondritis\n\n\n, TENS, with or without nerve stimulation) or with medication. Treatment may involve the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or other pain relief medications (analgesics) such as acetaminophen. Severe cases of costochondritis may call for the use of opioid medications such as hydrocodone or oxycodone, tricyclic antidepressant medications such as amitriptyline for pain from chronic costochondritis, or anti-epileptic drugs such as gabapentin may be used. Oral or injected corticosteroids may be used for cases of costochondritis unresponsive to treatment by NSAIDs", "id": "5332448" }, { "contents": "Colorado tick fever\n\n\nlong-lasting immunity against reinfection. However, it is always wise to be on the safe side and try to prevent tick bites. No specific treatment for CTF is yet available. The first action is make sure the tick is fully removed from the skin, then acetaminophen and analgesics can be used to help relieve the fever and pain. Aspirin is not recommended for children, as it has been linked to Reye’s syndrome in some viral illnesses. Salicylates should not be used because of thrombocytopenia, and the rare occurrence of", "id": "12090744" }, { "contents": "Febrile seizure\n\n\ncauses of seizure and fever: in particular, meningitis and encephalitis. However, in locales in which children are immunized for pneumococcal and Haemophilus influenzae, the prevalence of bacterial meningitis is low. If a child has recovered and is acting normally, bacterial meningitis is very unlikely. Blood test, imaging of the brain and an electroencephalogram are generally not needed. There are three types of febrile seizures. There is no benefit from the use of phenytoin, valproate, pyridoxine, ibuprofen, zinc sulfate, diclofenac, or acetaminophen. There", "id": "18702904" }, { "contents": "Pain management\n\n\n/paracetamol is not always included in this class of medications. However, acetaminophen may be administered as a single medication or in combination with other analgesics (both NSAIDs and opioids). The alternatively prescribed NSAIDs such as ketoprofen and piroxicam have limited benefit in chronic pain disorders and with long-term use are associated with significant adverse effects. The use of selective NSAIDs designated as selective COX-2 inhibitors have significant cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risks which have limited their utilization. Common NSAIDs include aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. Some antidepressant and antiepileptic", "id": "21157628" }, { "contents": "Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug\n\n\na related mechanism, heart attack. The most prominent NSAIDs are aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen, all available over the counter (OTC) in most countries. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is generally not considered an NSAID because it has only minor anti-inflammatory activity. It treats pain mainly by blocking COX-2 and inhibiting endocannabinoid reuptake almost exclusively within the brain, but not much in the rest of the body. NSAIDs are usually used for the treatment of acute or chronic conditions where pain and inflammation are present. NSAIDs are generally used", "id": "2148926" }, { "contents": "Knee arthritis\n\n\nusing ointments and creams to relieve symptoms. Pharmaceutical management is usually dependent upon the nature of the underlying condition causing arthritis. Over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen (paracetamol), and ibuprofen, naproxen, and other NSAIDs are often used as first-line medical treatments for pain relief and/or managing inflammation. Corticosteroids may be injected directly into the joint cavity to provide more significant relief from inflammation, swelling, and pain. Other medications used in management of arthritis of the knee include; disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, biopharmaceuticals", "id": "3698237" }, { "contents": "ThermaCare\n\n\ncloth wrap that houses several small disks made of iron powder, activated charcoal, sodium chloride, and water. When the wrap is removed from its sealed pouch and exposed to oxygen, the disks oxidize, producing an exothermic reaction. When this product was applied to the low back muscles, it provided greater pain relief for 24 hours after application when compared to ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and no treatment. When the same product was applied to the wrist, it decreased pain and improved range of motion (ROM) in patients experiencing", "id": "8512584" }, { "contents": "Ibuprofen\n\n\nsuch as ibuprofen work by inhibiting the cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes, which convert arachidonic acid to prostaglandin H (PGH). PGH, in turn, is converted by other enzymes to several other prostaglandins (which are mediators of pain, inflammation, and fever) and to thromboxane A (which stimulates platelet aggregation, leading to the formation of blood clots). Like aspirin and indomethacin, ibuprofen is a nonselective COX inhibitor, in that it inhibits two isoforms of cyclooxygenase, COX-1 and COX-2. The analgesic, antipyretic, and", "id": "20815341" }, { "contents": "Ibuprofen\n\n\nIbuprofen is a medication in the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) class that is used for treating pain, fever, and inflammation. This includes painful menstrual periods, migraines, and rheumatoid arthritis. It may also be used to close a patent ductus arteriosus in a premature baby. It can be used by mouth or intravenously. It typically begins working within an hour. Common side effects include heartburn and a rash. Compared to other NSAIDs, it may have fewer side effects such as gastrointestinal bleeding. It increases the", "id": "20815326" }, { "contents": "Kawasaki disease\n\n\nmuch less common after the age of five. Boys are more commonly affected than girls. The disorder was first described in 1967 by Tomisaku Kawasaki in Japan. Kawasaki disease often begins with a high and persistent fever that is not very responsive to normal treatment with paracetamol (acetaminophen) or ibuprofen. It is the most prominent symptom in Kawasaki disease, is a characteristic sign of the acute phase of the disease, is normally high (above 39–40 °C), is remittent, and is followed by extreme irritability. Recently,", "id": "19825714" }, { "contents": "Antipyretic\n\n\neither drug alone. One meta-analysis indicated that ibuprofen is more effective than acetaminophen in children at similar doses when both are given alone. Due to concerns about Reye syndrome, it is recommend that aspirin and combination products containing aspirin not be given to children or teenagers during episodes of fever-causing illnesses. Traditional use of higher plants with antipyretic properties is a common worldwide feature of many ethnobotanical cultural systems. In ethnobotany, plants with naturally occurring antipyretic properties are commonly referred to as \"febrifuge\". \"Antipyretic\" was", "id": "73812" }, { "contents": "Teething\n\n\ntechniques are used to reduce the risk for infection. It is important not to let the medicine numb the throat as it may interfere with the normal gag reflex and may make it possible for food to enter the lungs. Similar medicines are also available in powder form, as \"teething powder\". Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are also recommended to treat the pain and swelling that babies experience. It should only be used a few times a day so that it does not mask symptoms that are being experienced due to other medical conditions and", "id": "19752833" }, { "contents": "Cervical fracture\n\n\ndanger from an external cause, such as becoming trapped in a burning building. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), such as aspirin or ibuprofen, are contraindicated because they interfere with bone healing. Tylenol (acetaminophen) is a better option. Patients with cervical fractures will likely be prescribed medication for pain control. In the long term, physical therapy will be given to build strength in the muscles of the neck to increase stability and better protect the cervical spine. Collars, traction and surgery can be used", "id": "5911288" }, { "contents": "Bone fracture\n\n\nclassified as surgical or conservative, the latter basically referring to any non-surgical procedure, such as pain management, immobilization or other non-surgical stabilization. A similar classification is \"open\" versus \"closed treatment\", in which \"open treatment\" refers to any treatment in which the fracture site is opened surgically, regardless of whether the fracture is an open or closed fracture. In arm fractures in children, ibuprofen has been found to be as effective as a combination of acetaminophen and codeine. Since bone healing is", "id": "10504607" }, { "contents": "Hydrocodone\n\n\nHydrocodone, sold under the brand name Hysingla among others, is an opioid used to treat severe pain of a prolonged duration, if other measures are not sufficient. It is also used as a cough suppressant in adults. It is taken by mouth. Typically it is sold as the combinations acetaminophen/hydrocodone or ibuprofen/hydrocodone. By itself it is sold in a long-acting formulation. Common side effects include dizziness, sleepiness, nausea, and constipation. Serious side effects may include abuse, low blood pressure, seizures", "id": "14645277" }, { "contents": "Tension headache\n\n\nin those that consume 3 or more drinks/day and those with pre-existing liver disease. Ibuprofen, one of the NSAIDs listed above, is a common choice for pain relief but may also lead to gastrointestinal discomfort. Analgesic/sedative combinations are widely used (e.g., analgesic/antihistamine combinations like Syndol, Mersyndol and Percogesic, analgesic/barbiturate combinations such as Fiorinal). In addition analgesic/caffeine combinations are popular such as the aspirin-caffeine combination (Anacin) or the aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine combinations (", "id": "15240804" }, { "contents": "Thermal burn\n\n\n, or extinguish the fire by covering them with heavy blanket, wool, coat, or rug. Burning clothing should be removed as should all jewelry that could act as a tourniquet as swelling occurs, but burned clothing stuck to the skin must not be removed. Cooling the burn with cold running water has been shown to be beneficial if accomplished within 30 minutes of the injury. The pain or inflammation can then be effectively treated using acetaminophen (paracetamol), or ibuprofen. Ice, butter, cream and ointment cannot be", "id": "18697805" }, { "contents": "Tooth decay\n\n\n, various treatments can be used to restore the tooth to proper function or the tooth may be removed. There is no known method to grow back large amounts of tooth. The availability of treatment is often poor in the developing world. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) or ibuprofen may be taken for pain. Worldwide, approximately 2.3 billion people (32% of the population) have dental caries in their permanent teeth. The World Health Organization estimates that nearly all adults have dental caries at some point in time. In baby teeth it", "id": "20265639" }, { "contents": "Cryptorchidism\n\n\nto the lead author of the study, a national survey found that 25% of U.S. women had phthalate levels similar to the levels that were found to be associated with sexual abnormalities. A 2010 study examined the prevalence of congenital cryptorchidism among offspring whose mothers had taken mild analgesics, primarily over-the-counter pain medications including ibuprofen (e.g. Advil) and paracetamol (acetaminophen). Combining the results from a survey of pregnant women prior to their due date in correlation with the health of their children and an \"ex vivo", "id": "20534894" }, { "contents": "Elaeagnus angustifolia\n\n\nmilk for rheumatoid arthritis and joint pains. It is also one of the seven items which are used in \"Haft Seen\" or the seven 'S's which is a traditional table setting of Nowruz, the traditional Persian spring celebration. There is evidence supporting beneficial effects of aqueous extract of Russian olive in reducing the symptoms of osteoarthritis with an efficacy comparable to that of acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Establishment and reproduction of \"E. angustifolia\" is primarily by seed, although some spread by vegetative propagation also occurs. The fruit is readily eaten", "id": "20875892" }, { "contents": "Orthopneumovirus\n\n\n. Transmission of an infectious agent by another person or animal can be through blood, needles, blood transfusion, a mother to fetus, coughing, sneezing, saliva, or air transmission. Healthcare providers will determine the severity of the virus and possible treatment options. Healthcare providers will also decide if hospitalization is needed for more intense cases. Treatment plans are not specific and are based upon a specific host's current symptoms. Pain relievers or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be prescribed. Isolation is the", "id": "9221885" }, { "contents": "Migraine\n\n\n. Due to these concerns simple analgesics are recommended to be used less than three days per week at most. Recommended initial treatment for those with mild to moderate symptoms are simple analgesics such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or the combination of paracetamol (also known as acetaminophen), aspirin, and caffeine. Several NSAIDs, including diclofenac and ibuprofen have evidence to support their use. Aspirin can relieve moderate to severe migraine pain, with an effectiveness similar to sumatriptan. Ketorolac is available in an intravenous formulation. Paracetamol", "id": "946225" }, { "contents": "Hyphema\n\n\nthat are associated with high pressure that does not respond to medication. Surgery can be effective for cleaning out the anterior chamber and preventing corneal blood staining. If pain management is necessary, acetaminophen can be used. Aspirin and ibuprofen should be avoided, because they interfere with platelets' ability to form a clot and consequently increase the risk of additional bleeding. Sedation is not usually necessary for patients with hyphema. Aminocaproic or tranexamic acids are often prescribed for hyphema on the basis that they reduce the risk of rebleeding by inhibiting the conversion", "id": "9937514" }, { "contents": "Paracetamol brand names\n\n\nThe analgesic (pain reliever) and antipyretic (fever reducer) paracetamol (INN) ( or ), also known as acetaminophen (USAN) , is sold around the world under a number of different brand names. Common brand names include Tylenol, Calpol, and Panadol. Tylenol is a brand of drugs advertised for reducing pain, reducing fever, and relieving the symptoms of allergies, cold, cough headache, and influenza. The active ingredient of its original flagship product is paracetamol. The brand name \"Tylenol\" is owned", "id": "9369522" }, { "contents": "Dihydrocodeine\n\n\ncase with other drugs in this group, the antitussive dose tends to be less than the analgesic dose, and dihydrocodeine is a powerful cough suppressant like all other members of the immediate codeine family (see below) and their cousins hydrocodone, oxycodone and ethylmorphine, whole opium preparations, and the strong opioid hydromorphone. For use against pain, dihydrocodeine is usually formulated as tablets or capsules containing 15–16 mg or 30–32 mg with or without other active ingredients such as aspirin, paracetamol (acetaminophen), ibuprofen, or others. Controlled-", "id": "14877357" }, { "contents": "Pleurisy\n\n\nasbestosis. Occasionally the cause remains unknown. The underlying mechanism involves the rubbing together of the pleurae instead of smooth gliding. Other conditions that can produce similar symptoms include pericarditis, heart attack, cholecystitis, and pneumothorax. Diagnosis may include a chest X-ray, electrocardiogram (ECG), and blood tests. Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) and ibuprofen may be used to decrease pain. Incentive spirometry may be recommended to encourage larger breaths. About one million people are affected in the United States each", "id": "15241203" }, { "contents": "Infectious mononucleosis\n\n\nconfirmed with blood tests for specific antibodies. Another typical finding is increased blood lymphocytes of which more than 10% are atypical. The monospot test is not recommended for general use due to poor accuracy. There is no vaccine for EBV, but infection can be prevented by not sharing personal items or saliva with an infected person. Mono generally improves without any specific treatment. Symptoms may be reduced by drinking enough fluids, getting sufficient rest, and taking pain medications such as paracetamol (acetaminophen) and ibuprofen. Mono most commonly affects", "id": "15523092" }, { "contents": "Tonsillectomy\n\n\nabout one to two weeks after surgery. Bleeding occurs in about 1% within the first day and another 2% after that. Death occurs as a result in 1 out of between 2,360 and 56,000 procedures. Tonsillectomy does not appear to affect long term immune function. Following the surgery ibuprofen and paracetamol (acetaminophen) may be used to treat postoperative pain. The surgery is often done using metal instruments or electrocautery. The adenoid may also be removed in which case it is known as an \"adenotonsillectomy\". The partial removal", "id": "17942487" }, { "contents": "Methocarbamol\n\n\nnot hydrolyzed metabolically; metabolism is by Phase I ring hydroxylation and \"O\"-demethylation, followed by Phase II conjugation. All the major metabolites are unhydrolyzed carbamates. Methocarbamol without other ingredients is sold under the brand name Robaxin in the U.K., U.S. and Canada; it is marketed as Lumirelax in France, Ortoton in Germany and many other names worldwide. In combination with other active ingredients it is sold under other names: with acetaminophen (Paracetamol), under trade names Robaxacet and Tylenol Body Pain Night; with ibuprofen as Robax Platinum;", "id": "4458788" }, { "contents": "Aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease\n\n\nseverity, ranging from mild nasal congestion and eye watering to lower respiratory symptoms including wheezing, coughing, an asthma attack, and in rare cases, anaphylaxis. In addition to the typical respiratory reactions, about 10% of patients with AERD manifest skin symptoms such as urticaria and/or gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain or vomiting during their reactions to aspirin. In addition to aspirin, patients also react to other NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, and to any medication that inhibits the cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) enzyme, although paracetamol (acetaminophen) in", "id": "5884036" }, { "contents": "Tylenol (brand)\n\n\nTylenol is a brand of drugs advertised for reducing pain, reducing fever, and relieving the symptoms of allergies, cold, cough headache, and influenza. The active ingredient of its original flagship product is paracetamol (known in the United States as \"acetaminophen\"), an analgesic and antipyretic. Like the words \"paracetamol\" and \"acetaminophen\", the brand name \"Tylenol\" is derived from a chemical name for the compound, \"N\"-aceTYL-\"para\"-aminophENOL (APAP). The brand name is owned by McNeil Consumer Healthcare, a", "id": "4375156" }, { "contents": "Addison Rerecich\n\n\nhip pain, and a high fever. Her mother Tonya, a registered nurse, gave Addison ibuprofen to treat the symptoms and eventually took her to a local hospital. Doctors there suspected a virus, but the pain and fever continued to get worse over the following few days. Eventually, Tonya took her daughter to the Diamond Children's Medical Center, a part of the University of Arizona Medical Center. The day she arrived at the hospital, Addison went into septic shock and was soon placed on ECMO therapy to sustain life", "id": "1751510" }, { "contents": "Arthritis\n\n\nautoimmune disorder that often affects the hands and feet. Other types include gout, lupus, fibromyalgia, and septic arthritis. They are all types of rheumatic disease. Treatment may include resting the joint and alternating between applying ice and heat. Weight loss and exercise may also be useful. Pain medications such as ibuprofen and paracetamol (acetaminophen) may be used. In some a joint replacement may be useful. Osteoarthritis affects more than 3.8% of people while rheumatoid arthritis affects about 0.24% of people. Gout affects about 1–2%", "id": "1594586" }, { "contents": "Tonsillectomy\n\n\n(but occasionally as long as two weeks after), bleeding can occur when scabs begin sloughing off from the surgical sites. The overall risk of bleeding is approximately 1–2%. It is higher in adults, especially males over age 70 and three quarters of bleeding incidents occur on the same day as the surgery. Approximately 3% of adults develop bleeding at this time which may sometimes require surgical intervention. Recommendations for pain management include ibuprofen and paracetamol (acetaminophen). The opioid codeine is not recommended for those less than 12", "id": "17942501" }, { "contents": "Ovarian cyst\n\n\nMany small cysts occur in both ovaries in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Pelvic inflammatory disease may also result in cysts. Rarely, cysts may be a form of ovarian cancer. Diagnosis is undertaken by pelvic examination with an ultrasound or other testing used to gather further details. Often, cysts are simply observed over time. If they cause pain, medications such as paracetamol (acetaminophen) or ibuprofen may be used. Hormonal birth control may be used to prevent further cysts in those who are frequently affected. However, evidence", "id": "20549616" }, { "contents": "Analgesic\n\n\ncould be preferred over oral medications in these conditions. Each different type of analgesic has its own associated side effects. Analgesics are typically classified based on their mechanism of action. Paracetamol, also known as acetaminophen or APAP, is a medication used to treat pain and fever. It is typically used for mild to moderate pain. In combination with opioid pain medication, paracetamol is now used for more severe pain such as cancer pain and after surgery. It is typically used either by mouth or rectally but is also available intravenously.", "id": "2024814" }, { "contents": "Ibuprofen\n\n\ntopical form for adult acne. As with other NSAIDs, ibuprofen may be useful in the treatment of severe orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure when standing up). NSAIDs are of unclear utility in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Ibuprofen has been associated with a lower risk of Parkinson's disease, and may delay or prevent it. Aspirin, other NSAIDs, and paracetamol (acetaminophen) had no effect on the risk for Parkinson's. In March 2011, researchers at Harvard Medical School announced in \"Neurology\"", "id": "20815351" }, { "contents": "Acute liver failure\n\n\nto duration of disease. Zone 1 (periportal) occurs in phosphorus poisoning or eclampsia. Zone 2 (mid-zonal), although rare, is seen in yellow fever. Zone 3 (centrilobular) occurs with ischemic injury, toxic effects, carbon tetrachloride exposure, or chloroform ingestion. In acute acetaminophen overdose, toxification occurs, mostly in Zone III which has the highest level of P450 micro-enzymes. That fact along with Zone III's decreased oxygen level helps to explain why it is preferentially one of the initial sites", "id": "1542253" }, { "contents": "Nasal congestion\n\n\nparacetamol), aspirin, and ibuprofen may help with the discomfort. A cause of nasal congestion may also be due to an allergic reaction caused by hay fever, so avoiding allergens is a common remedy if this becomes a confirmed diagnosis. Antihistamines and decongestants can provide significant symptom relief although they do not cure hay fever. Antihistamines may be given continuously during pollen season for optimum control of symptoms. Topical decongestants should only be used by patients for a maximum of 3 days in a row, because rebound congestion may occur in the", "id": "16876110" }, { "contents": "Headache\n\n\nneedle in the skin) triptans and antiemetics can be given. Several complementary and alternative strategies can help with migraines. The American Academy of Neurology guidelines for migraine treatment in 2000 stated relaxation training, electromyographic feedback and cognitive behavioral therapy may be considered for migraine treatment, along with medications. Tension-type headaches can usually be managed with NSAIDs (ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin), or acetaminophen. Triptans are not helpful in tension-type headaches unless the person also has migraines. For chronic tension type headaches, amitriptyline is the", "id": "20109145" }, { "contents": "Adenoviridae\n\n\n. The virus can be passed through water in swimming pools that do not have enough chlorine in them. As with many other illnesses, good handwashing is one way to inhibit the spread of adenoviruses from one person to another. Heat and bleach will kill adenoviruses on objects. There are no proven antiviral drugs to treat adenoviral infections, so treatment is largely directed at the symptoms (such as acetaminophen for fever). The antiviral drug cidofovir has helped certain of those patients who had severe cases of illness; the number helped and", "id": "8441292" }, { "contents": "Chlorzoxazone\n\n\nChlorzoxazone (INN) is a centrally acting muscle relaxant used to treat muscle spasm and the resulting pain or discomfort. It acts on the spinal cord by depressing reflexes. It is sold under the trade names \"'Lorzone'\", Paraflex and Muscol and in combination form as Parafon Forte, a combination of chlorzoxazone and acetaminophen (paracetamol). Possible side effects include dizziness, lightheadedness, malaise, nausea, vomiting, and liver dysfunction. Used with acetaminophen it has added risk of hepatoxicity, which is why the combination is", "id": "1116200" }, { "contents": "Mohs surgery\n\n\n. 2011 Feb 1;64(2):310-22. 29 citations. MeSH: Anti-Anxiety Agents. n=44 Xia Y, Cho S, Greenway HT, Zelac DE, Kelley B. Infection rates of wound repairs during Mohs micrographic surgery using sterile versus nonsterile gloves: a prospective randomized pilot study. Dermatologic surgery. 2011 May;37(5):651-6. 35 citations. MeSH: Surgical Wound Infection; Gloves, Surgical. n=60 Sniezek PJ, Brodland DG, Zitelli JA. A randomized controlled trial comparing acetaminophen, acetaminophen and ibuprofen, and acetaminophen and codeine for", "id": "20474685" }, { "contents": "Osteoarthritis\n\n\nweight loss and exercise) and analgesics are the mainstays of treatment. Acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol) is recommended first line with NSAIDs being used as add on therapy only if pain relief is not sufficient. This is due to the relative greater safety of acetaminophen. For overweight people, weight loss may be an important factor. Patient education has been shown to be helpful in the self-management of arthritis. It decreases pain, improves function, reduces stiffness and fatigue, and reduces medical usage. Patient education can provide", "id": "20472103" }, { "contents": "Shoulder problem\n\n\nfluid from the inflamed area to rule out infection. Ultrasound scans are frequently used to confirm a suspected tendinitis or bursitis as well as rule out a tear in the rotator cuff muscles. Impingement syndrome may be confirmed when injection of a small amount of anesthetic (lidocaine hydrochloride) into the space under the acromion relieves pain. Anti-inflammatory medicines such as aspirin, naproxen or ibuprofen among others can be taken to help with pain. In some cases the physical therapist will use ultrasound and electrical stimulation, as well as manipulation.", "id": "10738405" }, { "contents": "Interferon beta-1a\n\n\nbeta that usually improve within 24 hours, being such symptoms related to the temporary increase of cytokines. This reaction tends to disappear after 3 months of treatment and its symptoms can be treated with over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, that reduce fever and pain. Another common transient secondary effect with interferon-beta is a functional deterioration of already existing symptoms of the disease. Such deterioration is similar to the one produced in MS patients due to heat, fever or stress (Uhthoff's phenomenon", "id": "10817911" }, { "contents": "Interferon beta-1b\n\n\nwithin 24 hours, being such symptoms related to the temporary increase of cytokines. This reaction tends to disappear after 3 months of treatment and its symptoms can be treated with over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, that reduce fever and pain. Another common transient secondary effect with interferon-beta is a functional deterioration of already existing symptoms of the disease. Such deterioration is similar to the one produced in MS patients due to heat, fever or stress (Uhthoff's phenomenon), usually appears", "id": "3575707" }, { "contents": "Management of multiple sclerosis\n\n\ncounter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, that reduce fever and pain. Another common transient secondary effect with interferon-beta is a functional deterioration of already existing symptoms of the disease. Such deterioration is similar to the one produced in MS patients due to heat, fever or stress (Uhthoff's phenomenon), usually appears within 24 hours of treatment, is more common in the initial months of treatment, and may last several days. A symptom specially sensitive to worsening is spasticity. Interferon-beta can also", "id": "8968504" }, { "contents": "Sleep\n\n\nneurons in the cerebral cortex during the REM period. Neatly, this theory helps explain the irrationality of the mind during REM periods, as, according to this theory, the forebrain then creates a story in an attempt to reconcile and make sense of the nonsensical sensory information presented to it. This would explain the odd nature of many dreams. Using antidepressants, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or alcoholic beverages is thought to potentially suppress dreams, whereas melatonin may have the ability to encourage them. Insomnia is a general term for difficulty falling", "id": "8174534" }, { "contents": "Pamabrom\n\n\nPamabrom (trade name Diurex Max) is a diuretic product included in retail drugs available in over-the-counter medications. The active diuretic ingredient in pamabrom is 8-bromotheophylline and it also contains aminoisobutanol. Pamabrom is available in combination with acetaminophen (paracetamol) for various conditions such as back pain and menstrual relief. The acetaminophen helps reduce menstrual pains and the pamabrom reduces associated bloating. The combination is available in a number of products from various brands under different names. The dosages are essentially the same for each brand, including generic", "id": "3181508" }, { "contents": "Dengue fever\n\n\n(acetaminophen) is recommended instead of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for fever reduction and pain relief in dengue due to an increased risk of bleeding from NSAID use. Dengue has become a global problem since the Second World War and is common in more than 110 countries, mainly in Asia and South America. Each year between 50 and 528 million people are infected and approximately 10,000 to 20,000 die. The earliest descriptions of an outbreak date from 1779. Its viral cause and spread were understood by the early 20th century", "id": "18374747" }, { "contents": "History of aspirin\n\n\n. However, Sterling Products did not market \"Panadol\" in the United States or other countries where \"Bayer Aspirin\" still dominated the aspirin market. Other firms began selling acetaminophen drugs, most significantly, McNeil Laboratories with liquid \"Tylenol\" in 1955, and \"Tylenol\" pills in 1958. By 1967, \"Tylenol\" was available without a prescription. Because it did not cause gastric irritation, acetaminophen rapidly displaced much of aspirin's sales. Another analgesic, anti-inflammatory drug was introduced in 1962: ibuprofen (", "id": "10094124" }, { "contents": "Aspirin\n\n\nof acetaminophen/paracetamol in 1956 and ibuprofen in 1962. In the 1960s and 1970s, John Vane and others discovered the basic mechanism of aspirin's effects, while clinical trials and other studies from the 1960s to the 1980s established aspirin's efficacy as an anti-clotting agent that reduces the risk of clotting diseases. The initial large studies on the use of low-dose aspirin to prevent heart attacks that were published in the 1970s and 1980s helped spur reform in clinical research ethics and guidelines for human subject research and US federal", "id": "1420511" } ]
why are some peppers so hot that they require people to use gloves when handling/eating/cooking with them, yet those same peppers are safe for us to eat?
[{"answer": "They wear the gloves to help prevent the juices from getting into eyes and other places they shouldn't get, which are extremely sensitive and will suffer permanent damage. Your stomach on the other hand is designed to eat stuff that may be dangerous for your eyes (think lemon juice)."}, {"answer": "The science behind hotness of peppers is actually really interesting. Capsaicin, the active 'hot' ingredient in peppers activates the channels on our tissues which signal heat (as in fire). Capsaicin literally sends your brain a signal of burning! This can happen to your tongue, skin, and eyes because we have these heat sensing channels pretty much on every tissue which comes in contact with the environment. It's worth mentioning that theoretically capsaicin doesn't cause permanent long term damage, but may cause extreme discomfort, however there HAVE been some anacdotal cases of permanent damage caused to people that did stupid things (like eating a raw whole pepper with over a million scoville for a bet). EDIT: I noticed I didn't answer the original question entirely. Capsaicin and chili peppers are safe to eat because while they activate the heat channel, that's all they do. They don't actually burn us, just send the brain a signal of heat. Source: Biochemistry Masters student studying taste mechanisms (although hot is NOT a taste!)."}, {"answer": "You use gloves when you're handling them because they're freaking hot and you don't want to get the heat all over you. It's not that its dangerous, it sucks to get hot on your hands, then in your eyes, and then on your junk when you have to go pee later."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "47862508", "title": "Capsicum", "section": "Section::::Synonyms and common names.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 98, "end_paragraph_id": 98, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Spanish-speaking countries use many different names for the varieties and preparations. In Mexico, the term \"chile\" is used for \"hot peppers\", while the heatless varieties are called \"pimiento\" (the masculine form of the word for pepper, which is \"pimienta\"). Several other countries, such as Chile, whose name is unrelated, Per\u00fa, Puerto Rico, and Argentina, use \"aj\u00ed\". In Spain, heatless varieties are called \"pimiento\" and hot varieties \"guindilla\". In Argentina and Spain, the variety \"C. chacoense\" is commonly known as \"putapari\u00f3\", a slang expression equivalent to \"damn it\", probably due to its extra-hot flavour.", "Spanish-speaking countries use many different names for the varieties and preparations. In Mexico, the term \"chile\" is used for \"hot peppers\", while the heatless varieties are called \"pimiento\" (the masculine form of the word for pepper, which is \"pimienta\"). S", "panish-speaking countries use many different names for the varieties and preparations. In Mexico, the term \"chile\" is used for \"hot peppers\", while the heatless varieties are called \"pimiento\" (the masculine form of the word for pepper, which is \"pimienta\"). Several other countries, such as Chile, whose n"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Fu Yang Festival\n\n\nkind of hot food which may make people sweat when they are eating——that’s why in most parts of China people choose to eat mutton in cold winter day rather than in summer. However, in Xuzhou, people act in a diametrically opposite way, they enjoy being bathed in sweat as well as tasting the delicious dishes made from mutton under the burning hot sun. However, little is known that eating mutton cooked with pepper, chili, cumin or other hot condiments during summer days is of great benefit to people’s", "id": "2738850" }, { "contents": "Ringo Brown\n\n\nCook). Ringo becomes very body conscious and starts to lift weights, go running and not eating properly. Pepper Steiger realises that these are the signs of an eating disorder, but when she confronts Ringo, he denies he has a problem. Pepper eventually gets through to him and he begins to eat normally again. Pepper later tells Daniel Fitzgerald (Brett Tucker) and Rosetta about Ringo's problem. When Rosetta catches Ringo using appetite suppressants, she tells Frazer about his condition. After nearly drowning during a swim trial,", "id": "4213436" }, { "contents": "Hot sauce\n\n\ncontent and without mustard. Although the majority of Panamanian cuisine lacks in spice, D'Elidas is seen as an authentic Panamanian hot sauce usually serviced with Rice with Chicken or soups. Mexicans prefer to eat chili peppers chopped, but when making hot sauces they are typically focused more on flavor than on intense heat. Chipotles are a very popular ingredient of Mexican hot sauce and although the sauces are hot, the individual flavors of the peppers are more pronounced. Vinegar is used sparingly or not at all in Mexican sauces, but some particular", "id": "1224805" }, { "contents": "Black pepper\n\n\nsome light on black pepper's role in England at that time: It is commonly believed that during the Middle Ages, pepper was often used to conceal the taste of partially rotten meat. No evidence supports this claim, and historians view it as highly unlikely; in the Middle Ages, pepper was a luxury item, affordable only to the wealthy, who certainly had unspoiled meat available, as well. In addition, people of the time certainly knew that eating spoiled food would make them sick. Similarly, the belief that", "id": "17749182" }, { "contents": "Claus Pilgaard\n\n\nsugar instead of chili peppers, but otherwise take place in the same way as Pilgaard's. The video was uploaded in November 2013. For 2013, Pilgaard went to the stage in Copenhagen to challenge the hosts Christian Fuhlendorff and to eat a very strong chili pepper. For an event in the summer of 2014, he challenged about 1,000 people to a hot pepper challenge at the Rådhuspladsen in Copenhagen. Both Pilgaard and Bubber were hosts, and they ate ghost peppers. At the end of October 2014, he uploaded a video", "id": "17986752" }, { "contents": "West African cuisine\n\n\nthe most commonly used ingredients are hot pepper, ginger, and maize. Ghanaians use hot pepper because they believe the hot peppers will cool the body and cleanse/purify it. (Salm, 106-108). In Senegal, the main ingredients are among many others gumbo, hot pepper, rice, millet, peanut, ginger, tamarind leaves, and baobab fruit, and cooking oil (Ross, 75). Those are the few that have a slight difference of what they commonly use for their dishes. For", "id": "22006794" }, { "contents": "Jalapeño\n\n\n, irritation can occur; some people who are particularly sensitive wear latex or vinyl gloves while handling peppers. If irritation does occur, washing the oils off with hot soapy water and applying vegetable oil to the skin may help. When preparing jalapeños, it is recommended that hands not come in contact with the eyes as this leads to burning and redness. Jalapeños are a low-acid food with a pH of 4.8–6.0 depending on maturity and individual pepper. If canned or pickled jalapeños appear gassy, mushy, moldy, or have", "id": "13645269" }, { "contents": "Hot pepper challenge\n\n\nThe hot pepper challenge (also ghost pepper challenge or chili pepper challenge) is an Internet viral video fad, consisting of a food challenge that involves filming oneself while eating and swallowing a chili pepper that is high on the Scoville scale and known for its piquant (spicy-hot) qualities, in particular the cayenne pepper, Thai pepper, habanero, ghost pepper, and the Trinidad moruga scorpion pepper; the video is then uploaded to the Internet. Hot pepper challenges have been featured on television series, including \"Man v.", "id": "15715196" }, { "contents": "Food\n\n\nso little time to rehydrate that they can often be eaten without cooking them first and have a texture similar to a crunchy chip. Dehydration can reduce the weight of the food by sixty to ninety percent by removing water through evaporation. Some foods dehydrate well, such as onions, peppers, and tomatoes. Dehydration often produces a more compact, albeit slightly heavier, end result than freeze-drying. Surplus precooked military Meals, Meals, Ready-to-Eat (MREs) are sometimes used by campers. These meals contain", "id": "10376507" }, { "contents": "Kokoretsi\n\n\nquite different preparation mixes the chopped innards with chopped tomatoes and green peppers, and then cooks them on a large griddle with hot red pepper and oregano added. The cook constantly mixes and chops the mixture using two spatulas. When done, the dish is kept warm aside on the griddle until someone orders a serving. The cooked kokoretsi is chopped or sliced, sprinkled with oregano, and served on a plate. Sometimes it is served on a piece of flatbread. Some add tomatoes or spices in it. It may also (", "id": "19453681" }, { "contents": "Gonzales' Tamales\n\n\nfirst uses a shotgun and then a hand grenade—with the usual disastrous results. Speedy, however, falls for the cat's final attempt: A wind-up female mouse doll. With Sylvester hot on his feet, Speedy grabs the wind-up toy and takes refuge in a box of red hot peppers—forcing the hungry pussycat to eat them one by one in order to find the resourceful rodent. In between each ingestion of pepper, Sylvester runs to a nearby water cooler for relief. On his last trip", "id": "21954780" }, { "contents": "Sambal\n\n\noil and sugar content must be watched. Eating in moderation is advised. In the Indonesian archipelago, there are as many as 212 to 300 varieties of \"sambal\". The intensity ranges from mild to very hot. Some varieties include: \"Sambal\" can also be used as an ingredient to a dish, which uses a large amount of chili peppers. In Padang cuisine, any dishes started with \"balado-\" (lit: with chili pepper) indicate the \"sambal\"-mixed dish. Dishes bearing the word \"sambal\"", "id": "20470364" }, { "contents": "Ajvar\n\n\n\") or \"Serbian ajvar\" (\"srpski ajvar\"). The origin of ajvar is disputed; North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia claim to be the original creators of the recipe. Homemade ajvar is made of roasted peppers, while some industrial producers use cooked peppers, which leads to a lower quality. Ajvar preparation is somewhat difficult, because it requires considerable manual labour, particularly for peeling the roasted peppers. Traditionally, people prepare it in mid-autumn, when bell peppers are most abundant, and preserve it", "id": "13696713" }, { "contents": "Chinese pickles\n\n\nand chat. Chinese people can also eat pickles as a dish with steamed rice when they do not have many dishes. Chinese pickles are used as ingredients to cook the food as flavor base. Pickling ginger and pickling pepper are most frequently used ingredients to make Sichuan food. It can also help to flavor and enhance the vegetable, meat, poultry, and seafood. For example, Chinese cook duck soup with pickling radish to make the soup more delicious. Vegetables and plums are salted and allowed to ferment with the help of", "id": "5045688" }, { "contents": "Affective sensation\n\n\nThis link between perceptual intensity and affective sensation persists in the case of chili pepper consumption. Those individuals who eat chili peppers more often, and presumably enjoy them, also report less burning sensation in response to eating chilis. While this could be due to either individual taste-perception differences or intensity judgement differences, it is more likely due to the latter because previous spicy food-consumption experiences do not correlate with the differences in affective sensation responses. Affective sensation can also be modulated using the top-down approach with cognitive factors", "id": "21484621" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Raffald\n\n\nweighed them the best I could\". Colquhoun considers that the recipes Raffald wrote were those that appealed to Middle England, including \"shredded calves' feet, hot chicken pies and carrot puddings, poached eggs on toast, macaroni with parmesan, and lettuce stewed in mint and gravy\". Raffald was, Colquhoun writes, typical of her time, as she did not want to use garlic, preferred to eat crisp vegetables, and used grated horseradish and cayenne pepper—the last of these Colquhoun describes as \"the taste of", "id": "12752969" }, { "contents": "Carolina Reaper\n\n\nReaper pepper of unspecified size in a contest – included a presumptive diagnosis of reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS). With no reason to believe pepper compounds had a role in the mechanism of RCVS, other clinical interpretations, such as a stress response from eating such a hot pepper, may explain the headaches. For growing, the pepper has been described as \"a good all-rounder to try at home\" by UK ethnobotanist James Wong, who said that they require temperatures of at least and suggested growing in pots to", "id": "12860671" }, { "contents": "Hot sauce\n\n\npeppers to make them hot. Manufacturers use many different processes from aging in containers to pureeing and cooking the ingredients to achieve a desired flavor. Because of their ratings on the Scoville scale, Ghost pepper and Habanero peppers are used to make the hotter sauces but additional ingredients are used to add extra heat, such as pure capsaicin extract and mustard oil. Other common ingredients include vinegar and spices. Vinegar is used primarily as a natural preservative, but flavored vinegars can be used to alter the flavour. Peru and Bolivian medium hot", "id": "1224802" }, { "contents": "Chili pepper\n\n\ncommercially available—that adds spice to other dishes. Hot sauces are found in many cuisines including harissa from North Africa, chili oil from China (known as rāyu in Japan), and sriracha from Thailand. Dried chilies are also used to infuse cooking oil. The contrast in color and appearance makes chili plants interesting to some as a purely decorative garden plant. Psychologist Paul Rozin suggests that eating chilies is an example of a \"constrained risk\" like riding a roller coaster, in which extreme sensations like pain and fear can", "id": "21821350" }, { "contents": "Malatang\n\n\nhot)\" (辣), referring to the feeling in the mouth after eating the sauce. \"Malatang\" is said to originate from the Yangtze River near Sichuan. In ancient times, boating was a big industry and many people made a living by towing boats. Working under the damp and foggy weather made boat trackers feel very sick. And when they were hungry, they cooked herbs in a pot and put Sichuan pepper and ginger into the soup to eliminate dampness. \"Malatang\" was created, then vendors discovered", "id": "20701699" }, { "contents": "Chop Suey! (song)\n\n\none another and teleporting on and off the stage, an effect similar to one used in the Red Hot Chili Peppers video \"Around the World\". One scene briefly shows Tankian eating chop suey with some fans, the only reference to the title dish in either the song or the video. The video makes use of the SnorriCam technique, in which an actor will have a camera attached to them with a harness, making it appear as though the background is moving and the actor is stationary. In the middle of the", "id": "12620623" }, { "contents": "Lineworker\n\n\nincludes rubber gloves, rubber sleeves, bucket liners and protective blankets. When working with energized power lines, linemen must use protection to eliminate any contact with the energized line. The requirements for PPEs and associated permissible voltage depends on applicable regulations in jurisdiction as well as company policy. Voltages higher than those that can be worked using gloves are worked with special sticks known as hot-line tools or hot sticks, with which power lines can be safely handled from a distance. Linemen must also wear special rubber insulating gear when working", "id": "14017984" }, { "contents": "Sean Evans (interviewer)\n\n\nand Martin Garrix . The format involves Evans and his guest eating ten chicken wings, each prepared with a progressively hotter hot sauce. The current final sauce, The Last Dab Reduxx, has a Scoville rating of 2,000,000. Every season they rotate out some of the hot sauces for new ones. In season 4, a new sauce was revealed named The Last Dab. It is a sauce created by Hot Ones themselves and includes the new hottest pepper, Pepper X. The Scoville for the pepper is still being tested but is about", "id": "1999044" }, { "contents": "Early Pandyan Society\n\n\ntheir main food, whereas people in the Mullai regions used dairy products heavily. Kurinji people ate meat obtained by hunting. Rice flakes were eaten with milk, honey, ghee and jaggery. pepper, tamarind and salt were used during cooking. Ghee was used by rich people. Vegetables and fruits were part of their meals. Meat eating was common - people ate flesh of rams, deer, hare, fowl, porcupines, pigs and boar, fresh and dried fish. The kind of housing was determined by the type of", "id": "14797272" }, { "contents": "Hot pepper challenge\n\n\nchallenger, caused by the pepper's capsaicin and related capsaicinoids. Sometimes vomiting and hallucinations (e.g., reduced vision) are induced by eating the pepper. The challenge has resulted in a small number of reported cases of problems or health scares. In one such instance, in September 2016, five 11- to 14-year-old children from a school in West Milton, Ohio, were hospitalized after 40 of them ate ghost pepper as part of a challenge and suffered apparently allergic reactions. There is also an account of a 47-year-", "id": "15715198" }, { "contents": "Chili sauce and paste\n\n\ntexture and viscosity when compared to that of hot sauces. Chili paste usually refers to a paste where the main ingredient is chili pepper. Some are used as a cooking ingredient, while others are used to season a dish after preparation. Some are fermented with beans, as in Chinese doubanjiang, and some are prepared with powdered fermented beans, as in Korean gochujang. There are different regional varieties of chili paste and also within the same cuisine. Chili sauces and pastes can be used as a dipping sauce, cooking glaze and", "id": "2377110" }, { "contents": "Kroeung\n\n\nand is added solely for the natural red color, although as the dish is meant to be spicy, hotter chilli peppers may also be used in the spice paste. Lemongrass stalks are used in this paste, rather than lemongrass leaves which would impart a green to the dish when cooked. The lemongrass stalk is a pale beige color, so it easily takes on the dominant red hues from the red peppers. The ingredients of Red Kroeung are: These ingredients require some advance preparation prior to pounding into this specific kroeung. The", "id": "2449970" }, { "contents": "List of Capsicum cultivars\n\n\neven in the same language. Official names aside, in American English, any variety lacking heat is colloquially known as a sweet pepper, and those sweet peppers that have a blocky-shape are referred to as bell peppers. A variety that produces capsaicin is colloquially known as a hot pepper or chili pepper. In British English, the sweet varieties are called \"peppers\" and the hot varieties \"chillies\", whereas in Australian English, the name \"capsicum\" is commonly used for bell peppers exclusively and \"chilli\"", "id": "1234708" }, { "contents": "Artichoke dip\n\n\noil, salt, pepper, mayonnaise, bread crumbs, garlic, basil and Parmesan. It is sometimes prepared using spinach as an additional primary ingredient. Some versions are baked in an oven, which can give them a brown crust on the top. It is sometimes served in a hollowed-out round of bread. Spinach and Artichoke dip became prominent in the 50s when eating in front of the TV became more common. These became widespread as they do not require any utensils. Consumer Packaged Goods companies like Lays, Hellman", "id": "9859916" }, { "contents": "Culture of Sri Lanka\n\n\na major role in what Sri Lankans eat. Sri Lankans use spices liberally in their dishes and typically do not follow an exact recipe: thus, every cook's curry will taste slightly different. Furthermore, people from different regions of the island (for instance, hill-country dwellers versus coastal dwellers) traditionally cook in different ways. Sri Lankan cuisine is known to be among the world's spiciest, due to the high use of different varieties of chili peppers referred to as \"amu miris\" (Green chilli),", "id": "15327056" }, { "contents": "Morchella\n\n\nAs with most edible fungi, they are best when collected or bought fresh. One of the best and simplest ways to enjoy morels is by gently sauteeing them in butter, cracking pepper on top and sprinkling with salt. They make great additions to meat and poultry dishes, soups, or can be used as pasta fillings. However, as morels are known to contain thermolabile toxins, they must always be cooked before eating. Morels can be preserved in several ways: They can be 'flash frozen' by simply running under", "id": "4702874" }, { "contents": "Tang dynasty\n\n\ncamels. In the south along the coast meat from seafood was by default the most common, as the Chinese enjoyed eating cooked jellyfish with cinnamon, Sichuan pepper, cardamom, and ginger, as well as oysters with wine, fried squid with ginger and vinegar, horseshoe crabs and red swimming crabs, shrimp and pufferfish, which the Chinese called \"river piglet\". Some foods were also off-limits, as the Tang court encouraged people not to eat beef (since the bull was a valuable working animal), and", "id": "20866316" }, { "contents": "Voyages of Christopher Columbus\n\n\n. Columbus was even rewarded with his own coat of arms. He did not bring any of the coveted East Indies spices, such as the exceedingly expensive black pepper, ginger or cloves. In his log, he wrote \"there is also plenty of 'ají', which is their pepper, which is more valuable than black pepper, and all the people eat nothing else, it being very wholesome\". The word \"ají\" is still used in South American Spanish for chili peppers. Columbus's letter on the", "id": "21865173" }, { "contents": "Smoking (cooking)\n\n\nHot smoking requires the use of a smoker which generates heat either from a charcoal base, heated element within the smoker or from a stove-top or oven, food is hot smoked by cooking and flavoured with wood smoke simultaneously. Like cold smoking, the item may be hung first to develop a pellicle, it is then smoked from 1 hour to as long as 24 hours. Although foods that have been hot smoked are often reheated or further cooked, they are typically safe to eat without further cooking. Hams and ham", "id": "8183352" }, { "contents": "Arin Hanson\n\n\n, Stamper, and Hanson himself. Hanson also provided spoken vocals for several songs by Tupper Ware Remix Party. Starbomb released their third album on April 19, 2019. In 2013, Hanson made an appearance on the webseries \"Hot Pepper Gaming\". He reviewed \"Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate\" after eating a habanero pepper. In 2014, he returned to the show, reviewing the game \"\" whilst eating a Bhut Jolokia. In 2015, Hanson later appeared on the show, reviewing the game \"\" whilst eating Sichuan", "id": "21237278" }, { "contents": "Nakji-bokkeum\n\n\nis served spicy so people usually eat shellfish soup with it to reduce the sensation of hotness. Mugyo-dong in Seoul has been famous for its delicious \"nakji bokkeum\" restaurants since the 1960s. Nakji bokkeumi is made with chopped octopus and vegetables such as onions, green onions, cabbage, and carrots. Then make a marinade with \"gochujang\" (red pepper paste), soy sauce, garlic, salt and sugar. Then mix the octopus and vegetables together, and then marinade them. Finally, fry everything together", "id": "2739192" }, { "contents": "Adana kebabı\n\n\nkebab include red pepper ezme with pomegranate molasses, fresh mint and tarragon leaves, braised shallot hearts with olive oil and pomegranate molasses, pickled small green chili peppers, and, around Mersin, green shallot stems with slices of bitter orange, citron, lime and lemon. Many restaurants around Adana will also bring hot hummus with butter topped with pastırma on the side. The way to eat \"\"Porsiyon\"\" is to skin and crush the charred tomatoes and peppers into a paste, to put them in a piece of flatbread", "id": "21698212" }, { "contents": "Sean Evans (interviewer)\n\n\nSean Evans (born April 26, 1986) is an American webshow producer, interviewer, and host. He is the host of the YouTube series \"Hot Ones\", in which he interviews celebrities while they eat progressively spicier chicken wings. Born in the Chicago suburb of Evanston, Evans found fame on the internet not only for his proficiency in celebrity interviews, but also for eating incredibly spicy food like the Carolina Reaper pepper, which holds the title for hottest pepper by Guinness World Records. He cites eating spicy food as", "id": "1999039" }, { "contents": "Archephanes zalosema\n\n\nis smaller than the female. \"Archephanes zalosema\" lives in sub-alpine areas where the mountain pepper grows such as Tasmania. The larva eats mountain pepper. The eggs are laid in spring on the underside of the mountain pepper leaves. Approximately 60 eggs are laid. When the larva hatches it eats the leaves around it. The larva are either green with pink stripes or red with pink and green stripes. These colours help the larva camouflage on the leaf of the mountain pepper. When it becomes an adult it is", "id": "17646228" }, { "contents": "The Mole (American season 3)\n\n\ncoffin was empty, but still said to open it. Offshore Account: Frederique was supposed to be the player who looked good on the beach and be given the exemption offer. Since Erik was the one on the beach, Frederique used the chaos of the game to loosen some knots on the raft. Despite this, Erik gave back the exemption, earning $60,000 for the pot. Looky Looky Hot Pepper: At this time, Frederique figured the players suspected Michael as the Mole. When it came time to eat the", "id": "17207593" }, { "contents": "The Simpsons Game\n\n\nMilos\" to shoot gummi grenades; eat hot chili peppers to become Insanity Pepper Homer to use lava and fire bombs; and inhale helium to become a balloon to float in the air. Homer's special power is a giant burp, which can stun enemies. Bart first appears in the second level of the game \"Bartman Begins\". He can turn into Bartman, allowing him to use zip-lines, climb certain walls, glide over long distances, and do other acrobatic feats. Bart's special power is releasing", "id": "13780491" }, { "contents": "Eating disorder\n\n\nAxis II and thus are considered comorbid to the diagnosed eating disorder. Axis II disorders are subtyped into 3 \"clusters\": A, B and C. The causality between personality disorders and eating disorders has yet to be fully established. Some people have a previous disorder which may increase their vulnerability to developing an eating disorder. Some develop them afterwards. The severity and type of eating disorder symptoms have been shown to affect comorbidity. The DSM-IV should not be used by laypersons to diagnose themselves even when used by professionals there", "id": "11939560" }, { "contents": "The Mole (American season 3)\n\n\npepper off to someone else. However, if the player is wrong, he/she must take a bite out of the pepper, chew it, show the group, and swallow it to add money. Each pepper is worth $10,000. A glass of milk can be bought for $1,000 if a player's mouth becomes too hot. Afterwards, an additional $25,000 would be added if everyone eats another pepper, which turned out to be a non-spicy tomato pepper. Hulapalooza: The remaining male contestants must", "id": "17207585" }, { "contents": "Pepper spray\n\n\n, those who carry a spray and pepper must present a certificate of purchase throughout the period in which they carry the spray, and must present it whenever required by police authority. The problem is that legislation has not yet defined the model for this certificate. Use of pepper spray in Brazilian territory is allowed since the end of 2014. In September of that year, the Committee on Economic Development, Industry and Commerce approved Law 7785/14, by Onyx Lorenzoni ( DEM-RS), which authorizes the marketing and use of pepper", "id": "21558321" }, { "contents": "Hot chicken\n\n\ncayenne pepper. The two are mixed together, three parts pepper to one part lard, and heated until they form a thick sauce. Some restaurants vary the composition of the paste, adding sugar, garlic, or additional hot sauce. The paste is applied to the fried chicken by the server using a spoon and latex gloves; it is lightly squeezed into the finished chicken by hand. The heat level of the chicken can be varied by the preparer by reducing or increasing the amount of paste applied. The main variation to", "id": "20821928" }, { "contents": "Soul food\n\n\naspect of the preparation of soul food was the reuse of cooking lard. Because many cooks could not afford to buy new shortening to replace what they used, they would pour the liquefied cooking grease into a container. After cooling completely, the grease re-solidified and could be used again the next time the cook required lard. With changing fashions and perceptions of \"healthy\" eating, some cooks may use preparation methods that differ from those of cooks who came before them: using liquid oil like vegetable oil or canola oil", "id": "8285539" }, { "contents": "Some Prefer Nettles\n\n\nThe Japanese title of the novel is literally \"water pepper-eating bugs,\" and is the first half of the Japanese saying , or \"Water pepper-eating bugs eat it willingly\", equivalent to the English \"Each to his own.\" The translation as \"Some Prefer Nettles\" was chosen by Edward Seidensticker; he considers it one of his most noted translations, and it has been included as a translation of the original saying in the authoritative Kenkyūsha's New Japanese-English Dictionary. Kaname and Misako's", "id": "21724187" }, { "contents": "Culture of the Philippines\n\n\nthem produce from the Americas such as chili peppers, tomatoes, corn, potatoes, and the method of sautéing with garlic and onions. Eating out is a favorite Filipino pastime. A typical Pinoy diet consists at most of six meals a day; breakfast, snacks, lunch, snacks, dinner, and again a midnight snack before going to sleep. Rice is a staple in the Filipino diet, and is usually eaten together with other dishes. Filipinos regularly use spoons together with forks and knives. Some also eat with their", "id": "5898040" }, { "contents": "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Homer)\n\n\nwater, he nearly drinks melted candle wax. When Ralph points this out, he gets the idea to use the wax to coat his mouth, enabling him to eat several of Chief Wiggum's peppers. After winning the chili eating contest, the peppers make Homer hallucinate. In a bizarre fantasy world, he encounters a snake, a butterfly and a tortoise, as well as accidentally destroying the sun. He arrives at a large Mayan pyramid and meets his spirit guide in the form of a coyote, who advises him to", "id": "7529673" }, { "contents": "Claus Pilgaard\n\n\nof consumption, he eats them both raw without accessories and produces juices, soda, dip, fruit salad, snaps, tea and fries with fruits made with peppers. In addition, he has special episodes where he, together with a well-known person, eats some of the world's strongest peppers. Notable guests include Christine Antorini, Bubber, Jacob Bundsgaard, Hella Joof, Jøden, Preben Kristensen, Allan Simonsen, Jette Torp, Kristian Valen, and the Danish National Chamber Orchestra, where they played Tango Jalousie while", "id": "17986750" }, { "contents": "Pickled pepper\n\n\nother Mexican dishes. These peppers are a common ingredient used by sandwich shops such as Quiznos, Subway, and Wawa. Pickled peppers are found throughout the world, such as the Italian \"pepperoncini sott'aceto\" and Indonesia's pickled bird's eye chili, besides the already-mentioned American and Latin American usages. The flavored brine of hot yellow peppers is commonly used as a condiment in Southern cooking in the United States. To achieve the best results and minimize the risk of botulism, only fresh blemish-free peppers should be", "id": "4923739" }, { "contents": "Goat meat pepper soup\n\n\nassorted parts of the goat are used, certain pieces may need to be cooked longer than others. There are different varieties of pepper soup which vary according to region, with different combinations of spices. For instance, the Igbo people, in the east, and Riverians in the southeast, prepare their pepper soup with tomatoes, onions and spices. Those of Delta origin sometimes prepare the pepper soup with ataiko, uda, gbafilo, rigije, and lemon grass leaves. In Yoruba, goat meat pepper soup is sometimes referred to", "id": "22109604" }, { "contents": "Chongqing hot pot\n\n\nChongqing hot pot (麻辣火鍋 mala huoguo) It is usually eaten at restaurants, but otherwise is similar to roadside Malatang. Chongqing hot pot is similar to the dry stir-fry mala xiangguo (麻辣香锅) which is also eaten in restaurants. The way of eating hot pot is put food in hot pot, wait for the food to cook, when the food is ready, dip them in sesame oil and eat. People can eat various kinds of food with Chongqing hot pot, such as beef, pork, chicken,", "id": "8528212" }, { "contents": "Worcestershire sauce\n\n\ncloves, soy sauce, lemons, pickles and peppers. Anchovies in many Worcestershire sauces is a concern to people allergic to fish, vegans, other vegetarians and others who avoid eating fish. The \"Codex Alimentarius\" recommends that prepared food containing Worcestershire sauce with anchovies include a label warning of fish content although this is not required in most jurisdictions. The US Department of Agriculture has forced the recall of some products with undeclared Worcestershire sauce. Several brands sell anchovy-free varieties of Worcestershire sauce, often labelled as vegetarian or vegan", "id": "15033588" }, { "contents": "Mexican cuisine\n\n\n. If a savory dish or snack does not contain chile pepper, hot sauce is usually added, and chile pepper is often added to fresh fruit and sweets. The importance of the chile goes back to the Mesoamerican period, where it was considered to be as much of a staple as corn and beans. In the 16th century, Bartolomé de las Casas wrote that without chiles, the indigenous people did not think they were eating. Even today, most Mexicans believe that their national identity would be at a loss without chiles", "id": "4037" }, { "contents": "Sichuan pepper\n\n\nhot spices. The recipe may include ginger oil and brown sugar cooked with a base of noodles and vegetables, then adding rice vinegar and Sichuan pepper oil after cooking. \"Hua jiao yan\" () is a mixture of salt and Sichuan pepper, toasted and browned in a wok, and served as a condiment to accompany chicken, duck, and pork dishes. The peppercorns can also be lightly fried to make a spicy oil with various uses. In Indonesian Batak cuisine, \"andaliman\" (a relative of Sichuan pepper", "id": "20173401" }, { "contents": "Black pepper\n\n\npepper\" to also mean the unrelated New World chili pepper (genus \"Capsicum\"). Black pepper is produced from the still-green, unripe drupe of the pepper plant. The drupes are cooked briefly in hot water, both to clean them and to prepare them for drying. The heat ruptures cell walls in the pepper, speeding the work of browning enzymes during drying. The drupes dry in the sun or by machine for several days, during which the pepper skin around the seed shrinks and darkens into a thin", "id": "17749158" }, { "contents": "Assisted feeding\n\n\nmultiplex congenita (AMC) may be unable to feed themselves. Also, those who acquire a disability due to an accident or a disease like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) may require hand feeding because they may become unable to pick-up and bring food to their own mouth. Guidance about safely assisting people to eat can be found at the Feeding the Disabled website. Also there are devices available that many people who cannot feed themselves can use to give them control over their eating. Please refer to the Wikipedia topic", "id": "2725819" }, { "contents": "Traditional Chinese medicines derived from the human body\n\n\nusage of bone and flesh. In ancient times, people thought it a benevolent deed to bury discarded human bones. Such people thought that they would be rewarded with good. But some alchemists [方伎] collect human bones and use them as a drug with the hope of making a profit from them. Should this be done to those who save people from diseases? Even dogs do not eat the bones of dogs. Why should a human eat the bones of other humans? (52.27, tr. Luo 2003: 4178", "id": "6367044" }, { "contents": "Cape Coast\n\n\ntechnical schools: The Fante people of Ghana are notable for their way of cooking. They are known for eating rich cuisine, mostly with more fish, meat, or any form of protein than necessary. It is believed that this is because of the number of rivers and lakes situated in the town. The people are known for their expert fishing and fish preservation abilities. Some of the cuisines are fante fante, etew and pepper sauce or okro stew, fante kenkey, which can be eaten with soups, stews or shito", "id": "4032761" }, { "contents": "Capsicum\n\n\npickled vegetables dishes, \"turshiya\". Peppers are also used widely in Italian cuisine, and the hot species are used all around the southern part of Italy as a common spice (sometimes served with olive oil). \"Capsicum\" peppers are used in many dishes; they can be cooked by themselves in a variety of ways (roasted, fried, deep-fried) and are a fundamental ingredient for some delicatessen specialities, such as \"nduja\". Capsicums are also used extensively in Sri Lankan cuisine as side dishes", "id": "20944738" }, { "contents": "Black pepper\n\n\nBlack pepper (\"Piper nigrum\") is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, known as a peppercorn, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning. When fresh and fully mature, it is about in diameter and dark red, and contains a single seed, like all drupes. Peppercorns and the ground pepper derived from them may be described simply as \"pepper\", or more precisely as \"black pepper\" (cooked and dried unripe fruit), \"green pepper", "id": "17749155" }, { "contents": "Bhut jolokia\n\n\nchili pepper eating. In 2009, scientists at India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) announced plans to use the peppers in hand grenades, as a nonlethal way to control rioters by pepper sprays or in self-defence. The DRDO said bhut jolokia-based aerosol sprays could be used as a \"safety device\", and \"civil variants\" of chili grenades could be used to control and disperse mobs. Chili grenades made from Bhut jolokia were successfully used by the Indian Army in August 2015 to flush out", "id": "2336299" }, { "contents": "Mago Mago Arashi\n\n\nwould visit different castles of Japan. in Japanese. While the parents go out on a date, two members would engage in a cooking battle against each other and have the children judge whose dish tasted better. At the parents' request, the theme of the dinner would usually be something the children dislikes eating such as cooked bell peppers or eggplants. The loser of the battle would have to clean up the kitchen by himself and, when the parents return, the members would present them a menu of what their children had", "id": "16499668" }, { "contents": "Hot dog cart\n\n\nutensils being used, and the operator handling the food. This may include hot and cold running water, an insulated ice box, and a number of separate sinks for washing hands and utensils. Some areas specify that a cart have as many as four of these sinks. In addition, local health codes may require the cart to be physically inspected by the local health department, and that a cart operator attend a training course in safe food handling and preparation. This is why, when planning to start operating a hot dog", "id": "4955536" }, { "contents": "Peppered moth evolution\n\n\nof trees without foliose lichen, whereas the \"typica\" morphs were better camouflaged against trees with lichens. As a result, birds would find and eat those morphs that were not camouflaged with increased frequency. In 1924, J.B.S. Haldane calculated, using a simple general selection model, the selective advantage necessary for the recorded natural evolution of peppered moths, based on the assumption that in 1848 the frequency of dark-coloured moths was 2%, and by 1895 it was 95%. The dark-coloured, or melanic,", "id": "1662287" }, { "contents": "Sichuan pepper\n\n\n\"ma chyang\" among them. Its leaves are served as one of ingredients in cooking soups. Sichuan pepper's unique aroma and flavour is not hot or pungent like black, white, or chili peppers. Instead, it has slight lemony overtones and creates a tingly numbness in the mouth (caused by its 3% of hydroxy alpha sanshool) that sets the stage for hot spices. According to Harold McGee in \"On Food and Cooking\", they are not simply pungent; \"they produce a strange, tingling,", "id": "20173397" }, { "contents": "Trobriand people\n\n\ntheir own hearths with their portions, turning their backs on one another and eating rapidly for fear of being observed.\" However, it is perfectly acceptable to chew betel nuts, particularly when mixed with some pepper plant and slaked lime to make the nut less bitter. The betel nut acts as a stimulant and is commonly used by Trobrianders, causing their teeth to often appear red. Because in the past food was often scarce, to boast of having food is one of the Trobriand Islanders' chief glories and ambitions . Though", "id": "11547976" }, { "contents": "Kitchen utensil\n\n\ncooking; and so forth. A partially overlapping category of tools is that of eating utensils, which are tools used for eating (c.f. the more general category of tableware). Some utensils are both kitchen utensils and eating utensils. Cutlery (i.e. knives and other cutting implements) can be used for both food preparation in a kitchen and as eating utensils when dining. Other cutlery such as forks and spoons are both kitchen and eating utensils. Other names used for various types of kitchen utensils, although not strictly denoting a", "id": "9734961" }, { "contents": "Quijos-Quichua\n\n\nimportant part of Quijos culture. 29% of tree species are used for medicinal purposes. Examples of plants used in Quijos tradtitional medicine are tobacco, chilli pepper and wayusa, which is typically brewed into an infusion. Among the most important medicinal plants are: Lustunda: A round fruit, used for eating or bathing. It is used to treat cancer or tuberculosis. The bark can be cooked and drunk. Actu Chiri Guayusa: A plant whose vaporisation serves to calm pain in the body and give energy. It also cures", "id": "3453187" }, { "contents": "Hazing\n\n\nswabbing the decks or cleaning the toilets with a toothbrush. In fraternities, pledges often must clean up a mess intentionally made by brothers which can include fecal matter, urine, and dead animals. Servitude such as waiting on others (as at fraternity parties) or various other forms of housework, often with tests of obedience. In some cases, the hazee may be made to eat raw eggs, peppers, hot sauce, or drink too much alcohol. Some hazing even includes eating or drinking vile things such as bugs or", "id": "5227363" }, { "contents": "Chili pepper\n\n\nsame species are the jalapeño, the poblano (which when dried is referred to as ancho), New Mexico, serrano, and other cultivars. Peppers are commonly broken down into three groupings: bell peppers, sweet peppers, and hot peppers. Most popular pepper varieties are seen as falling into one of these categories or as a cross between them. The substances that give chili peppers their pungency (spicy heat) when ingested or applied topically are capsaicin (8-methyl-\"N\"-vanillyl-6-nonenamide) and several related chemicals, collectively called \"capsaicinoids\".", "id": "21821342" }, { "contents": "Israeli cuisine\n\n\n. Many are made with organic milk. These are now also produced by kibbutzim and the national Tnuva dairy. Shakshuka, a North-African (Tunisian) dish of eggs poached in a spicy tomato sauce, is a national favorite, especially in the winter. It is traditionally served up in a cast iron pan with bread to mop up the sauce. Some variations of the dish are cooked with liberal use of ingredients such as eggplant, chili peppers, hot paprika, spinach, feta cheese or safed cheese. Omelette is", "id": "1740933" }, { "contents": "Capsicum\n\n\nbecome used by law enforcement as a nonlethal means of incapacitating a person, and in a more widely dispersed form for riot control, or by individuals for personal defense. Pepper in vegetable oils, or as an horticultural product can be used in gardening as a natural insecticide. Although black pepper causes a similar burning sensation, it is caused by a different substance—piperine. \"Capsicum\" fruits and peppers can be eaten raw or cooked. Those used in cooking are generally varieties of the \"C. annuum\" and \"C.", "id": "20944730" }, { "contents": "Peter pepper\n\n\nof such repeated selections. There is a general belief that eating spicy food and chili pepper in particular heats up passion, but as Jon Bonné says in an article on MSNBC, \"it's a big leap from heat in the mouth to heat between the sheets.\" The penile shape Bonné signals is confirmed by Michael Albertson and Ellen Albertson in their book \"Temptations: Igniting the Pleasure and Power of Aphrodisiacs\": the pepper is what \"he looks like...This very hot Latin lover likes to brag about his size", "id": "16895800" }, { "contents": "Shito\n\n\nShito is the word for pepper in Ga, a Ghanaian language from Accra, the Ghanaian capital. Whilst the word for pepper is different for each of the Ghanaian native languages, shitor din (black pepper), commonly called 'shito', is widely used as the name for the hot black pepper sauce ubiquitous in Ghanaian cuisine. Shito sauce consists primarily of fish or vegetable oil, ginger, dried fish, prawns, crustaceans, tomatoes, garlic, peppers and spices. These ingredients are usually blended together and cooked in", "id": "14797638" }, { "contents": "Bangladeshi cuisine\n\n\nthe fish not to be overpowered. \"Jhole\" or ঝোলে is the main method to cook the fish along with vegetables such as potatoes and aubergines. However, \"shutki\" is also a popular way to eat fish which is sun-drying, frying and then cooking the fish in a gravy. \"Shutki\" is known for its pungent aroma and its spicy and tangy flavor. See also: List of fishes in Bangladesh Typical spices used in a Bangladeshi household. Clockwise from top left, dried red chili pepper and", "id": "15453894" }, { "contents": "Crayon Shin-chan: Intense Battle! Robo Dad Strikes Back\n\n\ngive devilish treatment to Shinnosuke. Robo dad cooked large serving fried green peppers, and forced Shinnosuke to eat them. Shinnosuke looked afraid but eats it all with courage. He shouted \"come back Robot dad!\". Hearing this, Robot dad come back to his original sense. Tekkenji driven by Jintaro attacked them. The battle is fought once again. But the battle affects the building terribly and was breaking. They escaped and went outside. Kuroiwa rode a new big robot named Itsuki Hiroshi(a famous singer). Then Robot", "id": "22150176" }, { "contents": "Tomato sauce\n\n\nSpanish cooking styles. They both usually contain the traditional holy trinity of diced bell pepper, onion, and celery. \"Tomato gravy\" is distinct from the term as used by Italian Americans when referring to a type of tomato sauce particularly where tomatoes were a staple food. The cooked tomatoes, some fat (usually cured pork fat) and flour are cooked together until thick, and seasoned with salt and pepper. Onions or bell peppers may be added as well. Typically, tomato gravy is served over pasta. It is", "id": "12398299" }, { "contents": "Lecsó\n\n\nMost Hungarian recipes recommend the mildest variant of Hungarian wax pepper, which are in season August–October which is also when field tomatoes are at their best. Other recipes suggest using both bell pepper and banana pepper as alternatives. There is a large variety of lecsós, the base of all being a mixture of tomatoes and peppers (both sweet and hot), onions, spiced with salt, some variants also sugar, a fair amount of red paprika powder and often garlic. Some recipes may also use bay leaf, ground", "id": "17895645" }, { "contents": "Camping food\n\n\nattract animals. Some camping food is ready to eat and may be warmed using chemical heaters, such as the flameless heaters used in MREs, or a self-contained chemical heater built into the food packaging itself. Solar cooking provides clean and safe alternative to campfire. Using solar cookers is easy and inexpensive since they do not require fuel to work. Most solar cookers also provide minimum required temperature during cloudy days to prepare the food. Despite many advantages that solar cooking provides it is unusable during the nighttime and it will not", "id": "14063946" }, { "contents": "Culture of the Song dynasty\n\n\nsouthern, and Sichuan cooking, respectively. Many restaurants were known for their specialties; for example, there was one restaurant in Hangzhou that served only iced foods, while some restaurants catered to those who wanted either hot, warm, room temperature, or cold foods. Descendants of those from Kaifeng owned most of the restaurants found in Hangzhou, but many other regional varieties in foodstuffs and cooking were sponsored by restaurants. This included restaurants catering Sichuan cuisine that emphasized use of pepper, dishes and beverages from Hebei and Shandong, and", "id": "21874243" }, { "contents": "Seafood boil\n\n\n80 quarts) fitted with a strainer and heated by propane. However, some traditionalists see no need for a strainer and make use of a net or a wire mesh scoop. Seasonings include crab boil packets, cayenne pepper, hot sauce, salt, lemons, and bay leaf. Ears of corn, new potatoes, onions, and heads of garlic are usually included in shrimp and crawfish boils. Some people will add smoked sausage links or mushrooms. When cooking crawfish there is a debate over whether or not the crawfish must", "id": "8233243" }, { "contents": "Leslie's House\n\n\npersonal gain, marking a continuation throughout the second season to feature more topical storylines. While discussing how behind the times Pawnee is, Tom said residents are now only starting to become interested in the rock band Nirvana. Tom said, \"I don't have the heart to tell them what's going to happen to Kurt Cobain in 1994\", a reference to the suicide of the band's lead singer. Before Tom eats a hot pepper at the dinner party, he sings, \"This is how you eat it\"", "id": "2319535" }, { "contents": "Four Barbarians\n\n\nThey tattooed their foreheads, and had their feet turned in towards each other. Some of them (also) ate their food without its being cooked. Those on the west were called Rong. They had their hair unbound, and wore skins. Some of them did not eat grain-food. Those on the north were called Di. They wore skins of animals and birds, and dwelt in caves. Some of them also did not eat grain-food. The people of the Middle states, and of those Yi", "id": "18475447" }, { "contents": "Dial \"N\" for Nerder\n\n\neat bell peppers. Although he appears to eat nothing but bell peppers for quite a while, he gains seven pounds. Marge suspects Homer of cheating on his diet. Later, while the kids watch TV, Marge sees an advertisement for a television show named \"Sneakers\", a parody of \"Cheaters\" designed for couples who are cheating on each other. Someone on the advertisement says to call the Sneakers hotline if they suspect cheating, which Marge realizes she can use to find out about Homer. Bart and Lisa,", "id": "21469476" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified maize\n\n\nuse of pesticides on those crops. Data from 1976-1996 (before Bt corn was widespread) was compared to data after it was adopted (1996-2016). They examined levels of the European corn borer and corn earworm. Their larvae eat a variety of crops, including peppers and green beans. Between 1992 and 2016, the amount of insecticide applied to New Jersey pepper fields decreased by 85 percent. Another factor was the introduction of more effective pesticides that were applied less often. GM sweet corn varieties include \"", "id": "4194182" }, { "contents": "Washing\n\n\nwith disabilities are bathed by a caregiver, but those that can wash themselves often do so. People bathe naked under most circumstances, and commonly do so in the privacy of their home. In Europe, some people use a bidet to wash their external genitalia and the anal region after using the toilet, in addition to using toilet paper. More frequent is washing of just the hands, e.g. before and after preparing food and eating, after using the toilet, after handling something dirty, etc. Hand washing is important in", "id": "15305932" }, { "contents": "The Amazing Race: China Rush 1\n\n\nessence, pieces of cotton on sticks of wire. Once they were done, they could proceed to the Detour. In this Detour, teams must choose between Hot Pot or Tea Pot. In Hot Pot, teams travel to the Hot Pot Restaurant. Then, teams will have to eat a family-sized serving of meat, cocoa and lettuce, which has been dipped in Sichuan's famous fiery Hot Pot soup. In addition, they will have to eat a side serving of diced red peppers. Finally, they would", "id": "18027349" }, { "contents": "Hulatang\n\n\n. But the Xiaoyaozhen hot pepper soup is more prevailing as people in Xiaoyaozhen migrate to other place. Xiaoyaozhen used to be a important town because of the prosperity of canal transportation in Song Dynasty. So, the Hulatong spreads with those people who earn their living outside their hometown. And Xiaoyaozhen is one of the most important genre of Hulatang now. Xi'an Hulatang also has a long history, it develops as people migrate between Shaanxi and Henan. People in Xi'an change some  ingredients in the soup. They put meatballs, potatoes,", "id": "15493940" }, { "contents": "Turkish cuisine\n\n\n\", \"döner\", \"kokoreç\", \"kumpir\" \"midye tava\" \"börek\" and \"gözleme\", are often served as fast food in Turkey. Eating out has always been common in large commercial cities. \"Esnaf lokantası\" (meaning restaurants for shopkeepers and tradesmen) are widespread, serving traditional Turkish home cooking at affordable prices. In the hot Turkish summer, a meal often consists of fried vegetables such as eggplant (aubergine) and peppers or potatoes served with yogurt or tomato sauce. Menemen", "id": "12804843" }, { "contents": "Cuisine of Chiapas\n\n\nThe cuisine of Chiapas is a style of cooking centered on the Mexican state of the same name. Like the cuisine of rest of the country, it is based on corn with a mix of indigenous and European influences. It distinguishes itself by retaining most of its indigenous heritage, including the use of the chipilín herb in tamales and soups, used nowhere else in Mexico. However, while it does use some chili peppers, including the very hot simojovel, it does not use it as much as other Mexican regional cuisines,", "id": "8360296" }, { "contents": "Anthony Kiedis\n\n\nI meant to say was the Red Hot Chili Peppers [are] the worst band in the universe. I'd like to apologize for that confusion. I want to explain that we live in a binary universe,\" he continued. \"You're either a Faith No More fan, or a Red Hot Chili Peppers fan. You cannot love Mike Patton and Anthony Kiedis, because they are two different people. You have to love Mike Patton, you cannot love Anthony Kiedis. So that is why the Red", "id": "12904796" }, { "contents": "Fish pepper\n\n\nsome of its original popularity, with some Mid-Atlantic restaurants using it today. The color of the fruit range from green, orange, brown, white and red, being spicy and hot. What really makes this pepper stand out is its wonderful foliage, as the 2’ tall plants have stunning white and green mottled leaves, which makes this variety superb for ornamental and edible landscaping. Fish peppers have a vibrant appearance, making them popular as ornamental peppers. As they grow, their color varies greatly, progressing from", "id": "16605523" }, { "contents": "Dongyi\n\n\ntattooed their foreheads, and had their feet turned in towards each other. Some of them (also) ate their food without its being cooked. Those on the west were called [Rong]. They had their hair unbound, and wore skins. Some of them did not eat grain-food. Those on the north were called [Di]. They wore skins of animals and birds, and dwelt in caves. Some of them also did not eat grain-food. The people of the Middle states, and", "id": "11557229" }, { "contents": "Taz-Mania (video game)\n\n\nwell as gain extra jump distance, knock away items and get past certain obstacles unharmed. Taz has the ability to eat most, if not all items throughout the level, such as health recovering food items, extra lives and continues. Eating some chilli peppers allows Taz to breathe fire in order to defeat stronger enemies, while eating a star grants Taz temporary invincibility. Other items, such as bombs and weed killer can be thrown at enemies, but will damage Taz if he eats them. Recreational Brainware was led by 2", "id": "4182310" }, { "contents": "Pepper (song)\n\n\nstyle color footage, showing the band performing on a show much like \"American Bandstand\". This performance footage is interspersed with 1960s style enactments of cooking and variety shows. The police and Estrada are repeatedly shown eating corn from a can, which, according to the director, is \"a reference to the way videos are made; how directors have to have this shot and that shot – how they're spoon-feeding images to the audience.\" Compact Disc Single (US) / US Cassette Single Remix Maxi Single", "id": "19675559" }, { "contents": "Black-eyed pea\n\n\ndays In the Southern United States, eating black-eyed peas or Hoppin' John (a traditional soul food) on New Year's Day is thought to bring prosperity in the new year. The peas are typically cooked with a pork product for flavoring (such as bacon, fatback, ham bones, or hog jowls) and diced onion, and served with a hot chili sauce or a pepper-flavored vinegar. The traditional meal also includes collard, turnip, or mustard greens, and ham. The peas, since", "id": "4593581" }, { "contents": "Beefsquatch\n\n\n. When the Belcher family get invited to Chuck and Pam's pool party, Pam secretly confides to Linda that she and Chuck are getting a divorce. Bob gets angry when Gene mocks him at the party. To get revenge, he asks for Louise's help to pull a prank on Gene during their next segment. Gene also asks for her help to do the same. During the segment, Bob finds that his cooking utensils have been glued to his hands but manages to sneak habanero peppers into the burger that Gene eats", "id": "19581973" }, { "contents": "Aframomum melegueta\n\n\npart illegally to give a fictitious strength to malt liquors, gin, and cordials\". The presence of the seeds in the diets of lowland gorillas in the wild seems to have some sort of beneficial effect on their cardiovascular health. They also eat the leaves, and use them for bedding material. The absence of the seeds in the diets of captive lowland gorillas may contribute to their occasionally poor cardiovascular health in zoos. Today the condiment is sometimes used in gourmet cuisine as a replacement for pepper, and to give unique flavor", "id": "5728714" } ]
Why are some watches so expensive?
[{"answer": "You may be surprised to know there are quite a few reasons. Among the most important are craftsmanship, attention to detail, brand pedigree and popularity. The precious metal cases aside, one of the largest factors is the craftsmanship a high-end watch's movement. The movement is what makes the watch tick. I'll save the complex talk for another article, but what is important to note is that a high-end watch typically uses a hand-made, super-accurate automatic movement. These movements are constructed of very small gears, springs and synthetic jewels to prevent friction. So small, in fact, that even a speck of dust can through off the accuracy of a watch. If you compared an expensive watch to a to low-end, you would notice that the more expensive of the two is made of much nicer materials and that everything just seems to look and feel right. I know, it sounds so corny, but it's true. The high-quality watch has the right amount of polish, the movement sounds right (the ticks), the crown clicks and functions flawlessly and the band is heavy duty. And I could write a whole article just about the math and styling behind watch dials. Sure, there is all of this attention to detail, but how can a watch be worth in excess of $10,000. Well, you'd be an idiot to think that watch value is based on those details alone. Many of the best watch brands are rich in history and extremely trusted. When buying a top-tier watch, there is no doubt that you'll be paying a pretty penny to be a part of that history. Lastly, high demand of expensive watches allow them to be priced much higher than most other watches. If people will buy a watch for thousands of dollars, you can bet your life that a brand will charge that much."}, {"answer": "Because there are people willing to pay for them."}, {"answer": "Apart from the technical details described by /u/PlaneHijacker, higher-end watches are what is known as a [Vleben good]( URL_0 ), i.e. something that is appreciated for it's rarity rather than it's utility. A similar effect exists for antiques, for example: a table is a table, but a table once owned by George Washington will sell for a lot more than one from IKEA, even if they are similarly useful."}, {"answer": "Some features of watches are extraordinarily complicated and difficult to produce. You must remember no electronics are used whatsoever, and it's incredible that watchmakers are able to create these functions with just little pieces of metal. Once you grasp this fact, you start to seriously appreciate these watches. It's unbelievable to me that it's even possible to create such things using nothing but little pieces of metal. Some of the features I'm talking about are time repeaters, perpetual calendars, sunsets, tourbillon, etc."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "60883", "title": "Watch", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 4, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 4, "end_character": 399, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Watch\n\n\n. Many also provide the current date, and some (called \"complete calendar\" or \"triple date\" watches) display the day of the week and the month as well. However, many watches also provide a great deal of information beyond the basics of time and date. Some watches include alarms. Other elaborate and more expensive watches, both pocket and wrist models, also incorporate striking mechanisms or repeater functions, so that the wearer could learn the time by the sound emanating from the watch. This announcement or striking", "id": "15263196" }, { "contents": "How to Save a Life (Grey's Anatomy)\n\n\nirresistible\". She added that despite some \"weak moments\" that the series suffers from, characters like \"Meredith or Derek or Webber will have a moment that reminds me why I keep watching, why I never stopped— so watching one of those characters die hurts. It really, really hurts.\" In a mixed review for the episode, a \"Spoiler TV\" writer criticized the plot calling it a \"self-indulgent episode\", contrasted it with \"well crafted departure of Mark Sloan, or by Lexie", "id": "18176695" }, { "contents": "All Creatures Great and Small (TV series)\n\n\ndays, I realised he was watching me. He watched and watched, and I said, 'Why are you looking at me all the time?' and he said, 'Because we're brothers, and I want to catch some sort of family thing that I can use so that it's obvious we are of the same family.' I was very impressed by that. He was very, \"very\" good.\" \"They highlighted my hair to match Robert's,\" explained Davison, \"and", "id": "16533957" }, { "contents": "Madrigal (Breaking Bad)\n\n\ncan be very expensive to use clips of movies, which is why you don't see too many clips on the show. But \"Caine Mutiny\" is owned by Sony/Columbia, our parent company. And yes, it may have some connection to where Walt is at this point.\" The episode was watched by approximately 2.29 million American viewers on its original broadcast, down from its series-high ratings of 2.93 million viewers the previous week. The episode received critical acclaim with many critics considering it a step up", "id": "13590492" }, { "contents": "Scorpion Gulch\n\n\nresist giving away candy and pop to his “grandchildren” who lack the necessary money. Bill isn’t too well, so some of the children, at their own expense, rigged up an alarm from Bill's place to a home so he can summon aid in case he needs it. Over a normal weekend, some 200 children will visit “Grandpa” and partake of his candy and pop. They usually come in bunches, their parents phoning Bill that a group of them are on their way and to “watch", "id": "5813368" }, { "contents": "Patriarch Kirill of Moscow\n\n\nis there. And I found out that in fact there is Breguet watch, so I've never given commentaries that the Patriarch doesn't have it. There is a box with Breguet, but I've never worn it.\" This triggered at least one Internet blogger to study the issue and collect images of Kirill's wristwear. Some time later, photographs on his official website showed him wearing what appeared to be an expensive watch on his left wrist, It was also stated that \"the guilty ones [for the image", "id": "15990783" }, { "contents": "Danny Deever\n\n\ntold that Deever is being hanged, and that the regiment is drawn up in \"[h]ollow square\" to see it. He presses the Sergeant further, in the second verse – why are people breathing so hard? why are some men collapsing? These signs of the effect that watching the hanging has upon the men of the regiment are explained away by the Sergeant as being due to the cold weather or the bright sun. The voice is reassuring, keeping the young soldier calm in the sight of death, just as", "id": "3463542" }, { "contents": "Maria Callas\n\n\nthis incredible, incredible gift that she was given, this gift that reached out and taught us all – taught us things about music we knew very well, but showed us new things, things we never thought about, new possibilities. I think that's why singers admire her so; I think that's why conductors admire her so; I know that's why I admire her so. And she paid a tremendously difficult and expensive price for this career. I don't think she always understood what she did or why", "id": "17351169" }, { "contents": "Watch\n\n\nalarm functions. Furthermore, some modern smartwatches even incorporate calculators, GPS and Bluetooth technology or have heart-rate monitoring capabilities, and some of them use radio clock technology to regularly correct the time. Today, most watches in the market that are inexpensive and medium-priced, used mainly for timekeeping, have quartz movements. However, expensive collectible watches, valued more for their elaborate craftsmanship, aesthetic appeal and glamorous design than for simple timekeeping, often have traditional mechanical movements, even though they are less accurate and more expensive", "id": "15263138" }, { "contents": "Why We Fight\n\n\nII. General Surles, the director of the Department of War's Bureau of Public Relations, had hoped that the series would be effective enough to allow similar kinds of army films to be shown to the general public. Surles saw this goal realized when President Franklin D. Roosevelt watched \"Prelude to War\", the most successful of the seven films. Roosevelt considered this film so important that he ordered it to be distributed in civilian arenas for public viewing. However, some objections were raised against the \"Why We Fight\"", "id": "15035455" }, { "contents": "Rachel Riley\n\n\nsolving the numbers round so seriously that if she cannot solve it on the show, she takes it away with her to finish, commenting \"I'm really OCD about it. I have to get it. I like puzzles – that's what I do, that's why I applied for the job, that's why I used to watch Countdown when I was younger. I like solving stuff.\" She has attributed this compulsion to a nervy and flustered start in the role which resulted in her making some errors", "id": "8515306" }, { "contents": "Jangama dhyana\n\n\nvisions occur. But they occur only for a moment, and then they disappear. That is why we need to be so careful in this regard, because if you are watching, then the mind can very easily get involved in the thought, and if it gets involved it can further acquire new imprints. This re-acquiring is so subtle. This is why it is so important not to analyze thoughts during meditation, and this is also why the total cleansing of the mind takes time. Visions and experiences are not", "id": "12847633" }, { "contents": "Humane Society of the United States\n\n\nWatch gave the HSUS a \"C-\" in 2013. Charity Watch believes that HSUS spends an insufficient percentage of donations on programs, and an inordinately high percentage on fundraising. Using different estimates of fundraising expenses and efficiency, the American Institute of Philanthropy AIP's rating system heavily penalizes charities for possessing large assets or maintaining more than three years' operating expenses in reserve. Only Charity Watch among all charity evaluation groups believes that organizations should not write off some of their fundraising costs as program expenses. Other evaluators agree with the approach", "id": "4069397" }, { "contents": "Quadruple jump controversy\n\n\nyour best jump and that would be it. But it's about the performance, it's what makes us so unique and so emotional for an audience to watch. I don't know why some people are so hung up on one particular element. That's one step out of a four minute 40 second free skate. Each and every step we take from the starting pose to the ending pose is accumulating points,\" said Lysacek. Lysacek's stance, however, is in sharp contrast to his own previously held view", "id": "5068465" }, { "contents": "Donna Deegan\n\n\nI have been Deegan everywhere but on the air since then. So why now? Well, there is no great strategy here. For some time now the station has been putting together a new look for our news opens, graphics etc. That's a big deal and very expensive so it's not done very often. While making those plans they very graciously asked if I would like to change my on-air name. I talked it over with my kids and with Tim and everyone said \"go for it\"", "id": "9831913" }, { "contents": "Watch\n\n\nappropriate for informal (business), semi-formal, and formal attire are gold, thin, simple, and plain, but increasingly rugged, complicated, or sports watches are considered by some to be acceptable for such attire. Some dress watches have a cabochon on the crown and many women's dress watches have faceted gemstones on the face, bezel, or bracelet. Some are made entirely of faceted sapphire (corundum). Many fashions and department stores offer a variety of less-expensive, trendy, \"costume\"", "id": "15263203" }, { "contents": "Concord watch\n\n\nto the quartz crisis Concord took advantage of the situation by producing some of the most expensive quartz watches on the market. By the early 1980s, the North American Watch Company had the largest advertising budget of any Swiss watch company, spending over $14 million annually to attract celebrity endorsements from Jimmy Connors, Bjorn Borg, Joe Montana, Tom Landry and Martha Graham in such expensive publications like the New York Magazine, Texas Monthly, Architectural Digest, Town and Country and Business Week while appearing on TV shows such as Miami Vice", "id": "13226651" }, { "contents": "Lucious Lyon\n\n\n\" Howard explained that Lucious and Cookie have a mutual love for one another. Howard insisted that Lucious loves Jamal and only wants the best for him. \"So when he has this one son who's shown some homosexual tendencies as a child – [as a father] you're always kind of watchful, [wondering] why is Timmy over here playing with the dolls for so long?\" Lucious identifies the \"problem\" early on and does what he deems necessary to get rid of those tendencies. \"That's", "id": "8373578" }, { "contents": "List of Watch Tower Society publications\n\n\nand Man?\"—1973 No. 18—\"Government by God, Are You for It—Or Against It?\"—1974 No. 19—\"Is This All There Is to Life?\"—1974 No. 20—\"Would You Welcome Some Good News?\"—1975 No. 21—\"Your Future—Shaky? Or ... Secure?\"—1975 No. 22—\"How Crime and Violence Will Be Stopped\"—1976 No. 23—\"Why So Much Suffering—If God Cares?\"—1976 No. 24—\"The Family—Can It Survive?\"—1977 No. 25—\"Why Are We Here?\"—1978 No. 26—\"Relief From Pressure—Is It Possible?\"—1978 No. 27—\"What Has Happened to Love?\"—1979 No. 28—\"Hope for Ending Inflation, Sickness", "id": "10956750" }, { "contents": "Roman hairstyles\n\n\nwith wigs, as commonly believed, but with the person's own hair. Busts themselves could have detachable wigs. There have been many suggestions as to why some busts have been created with detachable wigs and some without. Perhaps the main reason was to keep the bust looking up-to-date. It would have been too expensive to commission a new bust every time hair fashion changed, so a mix-and-match bust would have been preferable for women with less money. Perhaps another reason was to accommodate the", "id": "6750001" }, { "contents": "Interpassivity\n\n\nphenomena where delegation of consumption and enjoyment stands central; answering questions such as - Why do people record TV programmes instead of watching them? Why are some recovering alcoholics pleased to let other people drink in their place? Why can ritual machines pray in place of believers? An example of interpassivity, given by Žižek, in his book \"How To Read Lacan\", uses the VCR to illustrate the concept. The VCR records a movie (presumably to be watched later). However, Žižek argues that since the VCR can", "id": "14086852" }, { "contents": "Suspense (1946 film)\n\n\n\"Crime and Punishment\".\" The film performed well at the box office. When the film was first released, critic Bosley Crowther reviewed the film caustically, writing, \"The Monogram people are so puffed up by the fact that their new film, \"Suspense\", which came yesterday to the Victoria, is their first 'million-dollar release' that we wonder why some boastful genius didn't give it the title 'Expense.' At least, such a tag would betoken the little there is in this", "id": "4047166" }, { "contents": "Why Cheat India\n\n\nthe two stools it tries to stand upon.\" She ends her review with \"However, because the film’s heart is in the right place and its observations astute, Why Cheat India is worth a watch.\" Gaurang Chauhan of Times Now News reports:br \"Why Cheat India has opened on a poor note at the box office. So much so, that it might turn out to be one of the lowest openers for Emraan Hashmi in recent times. Ironically, this is also one of his better-received", "id": "4336516" }, { "contents": "List of most expensive watches sold at auction\n\n\nThe inflation-adjusted price is given by consumer price index inflation-adjusted value of United States dollars in 2018. The following table contains details of the watches auctioned for close to (but did not reach) two million US dollars, ranked according to the their original auction prices. The threshold is 1.5 million US dollars. The inflation-adjusted price is given by consumer price index inflation-adjusted value of United States dollars in 2018. The following table contains some of the most expensive auctioned watches without public online records from", "id": "14850544" }, { "contents": "Low-power electronics\n\n\nwatches. The first digital \"electronic\" watch, a Pulsar LED prototype in 1970. Digital LED watches were very expensive and out of reach to the common consumer until 1975, when Texas Instruments started to mass-produce LED watches inside a plastic case. Most watches with LED displays required that the user press a button to see the time displayed for a few seconds, because LEDs used so much power that they could not be kept operating continuously. Watches with LED displays were popular for a few years, but soon the", "id": "11493642" }, { "contents": "Auckland\n\n\n, and $156,000 in the Wairoa District (the area with the lowest average house price in New Zealand). There is significant public debate around why Auckland's housing is so expensive, often referring to a lack of land supply, the easy availability of credit for residential investment and Auckland's high level of livability. In some areas, the Victorian villas have been torn down to make way for redevelopment. The demolition of the older houses is being combated through increased heritage protection for older parts of the city. Auckland has", "id": "14581356" }, { "contents": "John Boydell\n\n\nwas published in 1794 listing all of the works Boydell had donated to the Guildhall. In the preface, he explained why he had made such large gifts: It may be a matter of wonder to some, what enducements I could have to present the City of London with so many expensive Pictures; the principal reasons that influence me were these: First: to show my respect for the Corporation, and my Fellow Citizens, Secondly: to give pleasure to the Public, and Foreigners in general, Thirdly: to be of", "id": "4703431" }, { "contents": "Ek Tha Chander Ek Thi Sudha\n\n\nwould he go to river now. Chandar asks wasn’t she going to marry. Binti says it has broken, Mr. Shukla let him go. Chandar asks why is she so happy. Binti says some marriages must break, and some marriages must not take place. Mr. Shukla sat besides the river. A pandit asks if Chandar hasn’t come, he even didn’t see him for some time. Mr. Shukla says yes, he hasn’t come. He stands to leave, and watches Chandar standing behind. Mr. Shukla", "id": "20415161" }, { "contents": "Competence (human resources)\n\n\nmodel Because skills are changing so rapidly, by the time the traditional method is completed, the competency model may already be out of date. For this reason, an agile method, designed to model top performers in a particular role, may be used. It includes these steps: This method typically takes 3 weeks. The most frequently mentioned “cons” mentioned by competency modeling experts regarding creating a competency model is time and expense. This is also a potential reason why some organizations either don’t have a competency model in", "id": "10119897" }, { "contents": "Altair 8800\n\n\nreasonable price.\" Ed Roberts had experience in buying OEM quantities of calculator chips and he was able to negotiate a $75 price (about $350 in 2014 dollars) for the 8080 microprocessor chips. Intel made the Intellec-8 Microprocessor Development System that typically sold for a very profitable $10,000. It was functionally similar to the Altair 8800 but it was a commercial grade system with a wide selection of peripherals and development software. Customers would ask Intel why their Intellec-8 was so expensive when that Altair was only $400. Some", "id": "14490585" }, { "contents": "Tom Goddard\n\n\nhe was hit for 70 sixes a season between 1934 and 1938), and it is probable that this is why he was so expensive against the incomparable 1948 Australian side, and in some cases in county cricket. He played only once against Australia (in 1930) and only eight times against all countries – for much of Goddard's time, Hedley Verity was the preferred England spin bowler, and it is often thought that leg spinners rather than off spinners were favoured at this time in Tests. His successes in the matches", "id": "16066348" }, { "contents": "Fuzzy control system\n\n\nof decades of development and theoretical analysis, and are highly effective. If PID and other traditional control systems are so well-developed, why bother with fuzzy control? It has some advantages. In many cases, the mathematical model of the control process may not exist, or may be too \"expensive\" in terms of computer processing power and memory, and a system based on empirical rules may be more effective. Furthermore, fuzzy logic is well suited to low-cost implementations based on cheap sensors, low-resolution", "id": "4226497" }, { "contents": "Textus Receptus\n\n\nthe Romans in somewhat better Latin.\" In the earlier phases of the project, he never mentioned a Greek text: \"My mind is so excited at the thought of emending Jerome’s text, with notes, that I seem to myself inspired by some god. I have already almost finished emending him by collating a large number of ancient manuscripts, and this I am doing at enormous personal expense.\" While his intentions for publishing a fresh Latin translation are clear, it is less clear why he included the Greek text", "id": "971683" }, { "contents": "Marketing plan\n\n\nthere may be a number of aspects which will be followed: The key ratio to watch in this area is usually the `marketing expense to sales ratio'; although this may be broken down into other elements (advertising to sales, sales administration to sales, and so on). Expense analysis can be defined as a detailed report of all the expenses that a business incurs. It is produced on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis. It can be dissected into small business subsets to determine how much money each area", "id": "10220522" }, { "contents": "Kahani Raima Aur Manahil Ki\n\n\nby Sajal Ali and Mehreen Raheel themselves. The show didn't hocked up that much fans from the start of it there were many reasons why it couldn't do so, but after episode 7 there series got so much response that it was among the most watched TV Series. In the mont of Ramadan(2014) the show was stopped because of airing of other shows, it was decided that it will air its episode 19th after the month of Ramadan, in Ramadan many people watched the show on internet, it gained so many", "id": "14488444" }, { "contents": "Superconducting magnetic energy storage\n\n\ncoils are dominated by the cost of the superconductor. The same trend is true for solenoid coils. HTSC coils cost more than LTSC coils by a factor of 2 to 4. We expect to see a cheaper cost for HTSC due to lower refrigeration requirements but this is not the case. So, why is the HTSC system more expensive? To gain some insight consider a breakdown by major components of both HTSC and LTSC coils corresponding to three typical stored energy levels, 2, 20 and 200 MW·h. The conductor cost dominates", "id": "9202424" }, { "contents": "Technology in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy\n\n\nprimitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.\" When Arthur Dent temporarily loses his left arm as a consequence of the Infinite Improbability Drive, he panics upon realising he can no longer operate his digital watch. Hyperintelligent pan-dimensional beings built the supercomputer Deep Thought in part to comprehend why people spend so much of their lives wearing digital watches. In the 1970s, when the series was first composed, digital watches were the height of techno-fashion. For , references to digital watches were replaced by", "id": "16124803" }, { "contents": "All Day (Kanye West song)\n\n\nfriend's couch while watching \"Saturday Night Live\" in the summer of 2014. In reference to the creation process, Velous stated: \"I worked on that and I had the main part of it, I already had the skeleton of it [and] it was for my big bro French Montana.\" Velous explained why it ultimately became a West track and not a French Montana track, saying: \"I guess Kanye was rocking with it, so he gave it to Kanye and they added some more. Kanye", "id": "12151998" }, { "contents": "Empowered (comics)\n\n\non occasion. To keep it entertained, Emp has placed The Caged Demonwolf on her living room coffee table so it can watch TV, listen to sports talk radio, and generally interact with the comings and goings of Emp's household. A running gag in the strip is the promise to show people things that never get delivered along with some of the things that do, such as why Emp's suit doesn't show camel toe and the appearance of \"Were-giraffe by Night\". \"Empowered\" is based in", "id": "144968" }, { "contents": "Darrell Hammond\n\n\nover it, he felt better and gave a performance so effective that Gore's campaign staff made him watch it to understand why he had aroused negative reactions in some viewers. Harper Collins published Hammond's memoir, \"God, If You're Not Up There, I'm F*cked\", in 2011. It is an account of his abusive childhood, psychiatric issues, struggles with substance abuse, and experiences on \"Saturday Night Live.\" In 2015 he adapted it into a one-man play starring himself, directed by", "id": "18012174" }, { "contents": "Grisjakten\n\n\n, Siljeberg always puts SBI's interests ahead of everything else, and at this occasion it means \"to organize\" the \"de-porkification\" process as smooth as possible, nothing more, nothing less. Meanwhile, Sivert Gård handles the media. And in a studio TV-interview, after have watched a journalistic television spot, in which some farmers dare to make a few complaints, he declares whilst smiling \"No there simply cannot be any complaints, we are living in a democradic country. So why should", "id": "6443811" }, { "contents": "Bolata\n\n\ncanyon above the cove, there was built a top secret base. That's why few people knew about the place. There is some talk about a telephone cable that started from here and through the cove and sea connected leaders of Bulgaria and Soviet Union. The semi-abandoned buildings and a watch-tower can be seen nowadays on the plateau around Bolata. In the sky of Bolata cove passes the so-called Via Pontica one of the main roads (north to south) of the migratory birds. Bolata is the", "id": "8572881" }, { "contents": "Watch\n\n\nthe CFX-400 scientific calculator watch. In 1987 Casio produced a watch that could dial your telephone number and Citizen revealed one that would react to your voice. In 1995 Timex released a watch which allowed the wearer to download and store data from a computer to their wrist. Some watches, such as the Timex Datalink USB, feature dot matrix displays. Since their apex during the late 1980s to mid-1990s high technology fad, digital watches have mostly become simpler, less expensive timepieces with little variety between models. Many watches have displays that", "id": "15263188" }, { "contents": "Joseph Harris (astronomer)\n\n\nthe Bridge\", has a chuckle at the expense of those who don't observe ordinary caution and good practice at sea. And in our own day, the sharp-witted, stressed out guardian of bridge standards can be a formidable teacher of would-be officers of the watch. There is, it seems, a style of instruction common to didactic, experienced navigators and Harris belongs in the mainstream of this convention. \"It is not clear why he refrains from burdening his readers with spherical trigonometry, a knowledge of", "id": "9772418" }, { "contents": "Charlie Bubbles\n\n\noutside the stadium where Charlie is suddenly looking for the boy. Bubbles returns to the farm without the boy, driving the Rolls erratically and stopping to vomit on the way, only to find Jack has found his own way home and is now watching television. There is some retrospective and reminiscent interplay between Finney and Whitlelaw, and it isn't difficult to see why she won a BAFTA in 1968 for Best Supporting Actress. Much of the film depicts the world from the mind of the person, whereby the viewer becomes Charlie so", "id": "1474272" }, { "contents": "Wolf Creek (film)\n\n\n\"Time Out\" wrote of the film: \"by making us feel the pain, Greg McLean's ferocious, taboo-breaking film tells us so much more about how and why we watch horror movies\". Critical reviews in the United States varied: Several critics, such as the \"Chicago Sun-Times\"s Roger Ebert, lambasted the film's depiction of violence, and with some even walking out of screenings. Ebert awarded the film a zero out of four stars, writing: \"It is a film with one", "id": "15604764" }, { "contents": "Steve Elliot\n\n\nit a big deal so after a while [the producers] let me have that freedom.\" The character remained on-screen till February 1996 when he fled after getting on the wrong side of some mobsters. In reality, Monero quit the soap. In 2006, he revealed why: \"I didn't think I was going to be in \"EastEnders\" that long. I was 23 [when I started] and was working quite a bit before I joined. I never really watched that much television but I", "id": "22182422" }, { "contents": "No Future for You\n\n\nGenevieve. Faith wonders why she is so nervous about this, when she has killed people before. Meanwhile, Roden watches over the party, and speaks to some of his flying gargoyles, telling them to be wary of the fourth person in Genevieve's receiving line: Faith. In Scotland, Dawn and Willow have a conversation, and it turns around to the subject of Kenny, with whom everyone thinks Dawn had sex. Despite Willow's attempts to cheer up Dawn, she cries a little and is about to open up", "id": "9334078" }, { "contents": "Watch\n\n\nwatch glass. However, tritium is expensive—it has to be made in a nuclear reactor—and it has a half-life of only about 12 years so the paint remains luminous for only a few years. Nowadays, tritium is used in specialized watches, e.g., for military purposes (See Tritium illumination). For other purposes, luminous paint is sometimes used on analog displays, but no radioactive material is contained in it. This means that the display glows soon after being exposed to light and quickly fades.", "id": "15263190" }, { "contents": "Javon Ringer\n\n\nI am definitely doing a lot of watching, Different things that they do is the reason why they're successful in the NFL, so I am kind of watching and learning and seeing how they go about their business. ... I am asking questions and they've been very helpful with me.\" Teammate Chris Johnson said of the other backs, \"Basically if you have the talent to make it here, you pretty much know how to read a defense and know how to run a ball, So there are not a", "id": "11053500" }, { "contents": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)\n\n\nexcessive. Sophie Gilbert wrote: \"There came a point during the first episode where, for me, it became too much.\" Lisa Miller of \"The Cut\" wrote: \"I have pressed mute and fast forward so often this season, I am forced to wonder: 'Why am I watching this'? It all feels so gratuitous, like a beating that never ends.\" And \"The Daily Telegraph\"s Rebecca Reid admitted she had an anxiety attack watching an episode of the show. On Rotten Tomatoes,", "id": "15290274" }, { "contents": "Elder law (Massachusetts)\n\n\nwatched for. Nursing home choices depend primarily on the medical needs. Some need intermediate care facilities and others need skilled nursing facilities (SNF's). Medicaid ordinarily covers SNF's only. An alternative placement of particular interest to couples only one of whom requires long-term care is the continuing care community, also known under several cognate names. The couple may start in an apartment, one enter the SNF, the other a smaller apartment, and so on. Although they tend to be expensive, they have worked very", "id": "5750476" }, { "contents": "Pan toting\n\n\nhave our usual bread and tea. Watching the white people eat would make my empty stomach churn and I would grow vaguely angry. Why could I not eat when I was hungry? Why did I always have to wait until others were through? I could not understand why some people had food and others did not”’. “Toting” was a custom important to African-American families’ but it could not always ensure a steady supply of food. However, some employers did recognize this. One employer stated,", "id": "11275540" }, { "contents": "Repeater (horology)\n\n\nbefore 1700. Both applied for a patent on it, which was decided in favor of Quare in 1687. Repeater watches were much harder to make than repeater clocks; fitting the bells, wire gongs and complicated striking works into a pocketwatch movement was a feat of fine watchmaking. So repeating watches were expensive luxuries and status symbols; as such they survived the introduction of artificial illumination and a few are still made today. Whereas repeating watches made in the eighteenth century struck a bell mounted in the back of the case, during", "id": "11865435" }, { "contents": "Boston early clock industry\n\n\nAmerica has been confined to the repair and regulation for several reasons. For instance, there was the dearth of mechanical talents, so labor was expensive. Americans were also too impatient to attempt the art in competition with the Swiss and French clock manufacturers. By 1848, Aaron Denison and Edward Howard began a watch manufacturing project by machinery. The former traveled to Europe to study manufacturing methods and in 1850, a facility began operating in Roxbury. Produced watches hit the market in 1853. After a thousand watches were manufactured, the", "id": "17487716" }, { "contents": "Terrorism and social media\n\n\nwhile terror groups were actively using social media platforms to further their goals, research did not support the notion that the social media strategies they adopted were proving effective: We are talking about a relatively small number of people. Because the number of people is so small, it is difficult to say why some become active supporters of al-Qaeda and others do not. What we can say is that the vast majority of people who watch and read al-Qaeda propaganda will never act violently because of it. Put metaphorically,", "id": "13186473" }, { "contents": "Feet of Clay (novel)\n\n\nand the Watch House gets a new dartboard. Vetinari reveals to his assistant, Drumknott, that he had known of the plot for some time already. Vimes' rash actions in the pursuit of truth had considerably scared the city elite, which is precisely why Vetinari had let him continue: so that the plotters would know just how much worse off they'd be if Vetinari died. \"Publishers Weekly\" described the book as \"fantasy served with a twist of Monty Python, parody that works by never taking itself too seriously", "id": "13770290" }, { "contents": "Ivan (The Blacklist)\n\n\ngarnered a 2.8/8 Nielsen rating with 10.80 million viewers, making it the highest rated show in its time slot and the eighth most watched television show of the week. Jason Evans of \"The Wall Street Journal\" gave a positive review of the episode, stating: \"WHOA!! Why isn’t Liz more freaked out that Red knows so much about her childhood? The folks who remain convinced that Red is Liz’s father got some real ammo from this episode, that’s for sure. I am still not convinced.", "id": "1418966" }, { "contents": "Scared Straight!\n\n\nwere taken to a state prison to scare them out of further crimes as did \"Get a Life\" first season's \"Bored Straight\" episode. \"Married... with Children\"s sixth season \"Rites of Passage\" has Al saying how the Department of Juvenile Corrections bused some juveniles to his shoe store and made them spend over 3 hours watching Al work to show why it was so important to stay out of trouble and in school until even the most hardened punk was \"crying like a baby\". In 1984, the", "id": "5805343" }, { "contents": "Balance wheel\n\n\nmade the timekeeping strongly dependent on the force applied by the escapement. In a watch the drive force provided by the mainspring, applied to the escapement through the timepiece's gear train, declined during the watch's running period as the mainspring unwound. Without some means of equalizing the drive force, the watch slowed down during the running period between windings as the spring lost force, causing it to lose time. This is why all pre-balance spring watches required fusees (or in a few cases stackfreeds) to equalize the", "id": "11025681" }, { "contents": "Liz and the Blue Bird\n\n\ngirls would truly become unable to build connections with others later in life. So I wanted the music to be like holding your breath, secretly watching. There's also the fantastic brass band music that Matsuda composed. I thought this music was what you should find yourself humming after watching the film, so I tried to make sure I didn't bring the melody out too much in the film music. That's why I decided to go with this unconventional method of composition.\" To record the soundtrack, Ushio and Yamada", "id": "7964523" }, { "contents": "Tri-Valley Community Television\n\n\nprogram is the most expensive in the station lineup.\" Lockhart raised concerns over the newscast in the \"Pleasanton Weekly\" article, \"It makes no sense to me to have a live traffic report aired at 4 p.m. and then the same news repeated through the evening,\" she added. \"I also don't understand why our local station reports on news you can watch on regular stations, such as the latest Britney Spears scandal.\" Citing increased costs at keeping the news afloat, the board ultimately canceled \"TV30", "id": "12931083" }, { "contents": "Torrent poisoning\n\n\nhandshake and message. These attacks prevent downloads as, essentially, the peer wastes time dealing with the attacker, instead of downloading chunks from others. There are several reasons why content providers and copyright holders may not choose torrent poisoning as a method for guarding their content. First, before injecting decoys, content providers have to normally monitor the BitTorrent network for signs that their content is being illegally shared (this includes watching for variations of files and files in compressed formats). This process can be expensive and time-consuming.", "id": "17675204" }, { "contents": "US military watches\n\n\ntheir first action in the Boer War. Later seen in World War I, rudimentary wrist watches were small sized pocket watches with metal lugs soldered on so that a fabric strap could hold the watch to a wrist. Some had no cover over the watch crystal, while others had a metal cover, some of these had pieces of the cover cut, so that the watch could be seen without opening the cover. This watch was known for its luminous hands and markers, had a seven jewel movement, an olive drab cotton", "id": "11915902" }, { "contents": "Neonatal intensive care unit\n\n\nnew unit. Incubators were expensive, so the whole room was often kept warm instead. Cross-infection between babies was greatly feared. Strict nursing routines involved staff wearing gowns and masks, constant hand-washing and minimal handling of babies. Parents were sometimes allowed to watch through the windows of the unit. Much was learned about feeding—frequent, tiny feeds seemed best—and breathing. Oxygen was given freely until the end of the 1950s, when it was shown that the high concentrations reached inside incubators caused some babies", "id": "6714381" }, { "contents": "Cost breakdown analysis\n\n\n, that is, for instance, the costs for custom clearance depend on the respective importing country's customs policies. Subcontract costs involve all the expenses connected to subcontracting, that is, the outsourcing of contract obligations to a third party. Subcontract costs are generally treated as direct costs to the business. Overhead is an ongoing business expense which cannot directly be allocated to a particular cost unit, which is why they belong to the so-called hidden costs. Despite not directly creating profits, they do still contribute to the", "id": "10600745" }, { "contents": "George Daniels (watchmaker)\n\n\nsince 1999. A yellow gold chronograph pocket watch made by George Daniels, the \"Space Traveller's Watch I\", ranks as one of the most expensive watches ever sold at auction, fetching 3,615,000 GB£ (4.561 million US$ as of July 2019) in London on July 02, 2019. Daniels was born in Sunderland in 1926. His mother was unmarried so she fled London and travelled north. After Daniels was born he and his mother returned to London, where she married Daniels' father. In 1944, Daniels entered", "id": "9356238" }, { "contents": "Sunday Morning (The Velvet Underground song)\n\n\nAndy said, 'Why don't you just make it a song about paranoia?' I thought that was great so I came up with 'Watch out, the world's behind you, there's always someone watching you,' which I feel is the ultimate paranoid statement in that the world cares enough to watch you.\" \"Sunday Morning\" has been covered by various bands, including Rusty, Villagers, Bettie Serveert, Beck, Chris Coco & Nick Cave, Nina Hagen, James, Oh-OK,", "id": "15623488" }, { "contents": "Charles DeLano Hine\n\n\nof the Unit System.\" In this work Hine also stated: The greatest present need is an antidote for the unwillingness of men to profit by the previous experience of others. It would be amusing, were it not so expensive, to watch the gropings of many corporation officers for methods to test efficiency. Ignorant of fundamental principles, intolerant of outside suggestions, unable to detect the analogy in other undertakings, they repeat the expensive experiments of the past. A 1913 review in the \"Journal of Accountancy\" stated that Hines", "id": "3686256" }, { "contents": "Lake View, Chicago\n\n\nits borders run from north to south, Cornelia Avenue to Grace Street and from east to west, Wilton Avenue to Racine Avenue. Wrigleyville features low-rise brick buildings and houses, some with rooftop bleachers colloquially called Wrigley Rooftops where people can purchase seats to watch baseball games or concerts that, while generally more expensive than tickets for seats within the park itself, come with all you can eat and drink service. Proprietors are able to do so under special agreements with the Cubs organization. Many Wrigleyville bars and restaurants (particularly", "id": "4288264" }, { "contents": "John Brogden and Sons\n\n\nis not entirely clear why they built the Ogmore Valley as a standard gauge railway in a broad gauge area, forcing the decision to build a dock at considerable expense. It may have been unavoidable owing to the Gauge Act of 1846. If so then perhaps it would have been cheaper to build the line as dual gauge from the start instead of building a dock. Perhaps even this was not permissible. The Llynvi Valley Railway was formed in 1861 by reopening pre-1846 lines. This is probably why it was permitted to use broad", "id": "4954556" }, { "contents": "Why I Love You (Jay-Z and Kanye West song)\n\n\n\"Why I Love You\" is a song by American hip hop artists Kanye West and Jay-Z, from their first collaborative album \"Watch the Throne\" (2011). The song features pop musician Mr. Hudson who is signed to West's GOOD Music label. \"Why I Love You\" heavily samples French house duo Cassius' 2010 single \"I <3 U So\", which itself is based upon a sample from the original 1971 version of \"I Feel a Song (In My Heart)\" by Sandra", "id": "12689480" }, { "contents": "Edward Smith (sea captain)\n\n\nfor some time after the collision that the ship was sinking; Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall did not find out until 01:15, barely an hour before the ship went down, while Quartermaster George Rowe was so unaware of the emergency that after the evacuation had started, he phoned the bridge from his watch station to ask why he had just seen a lifeboat go past. Smith did not inform his officers that the ship did not have enough lifeboats to save everyone. He did not supervise the loading of the lifeboats and seemingly made no", "id": "21565614" }, { "contents": "The Voice of the Philippines\n\n\ninterview made by the \"Philippine Daily Inquirer\", the reason why he accepted his stint as coach in the show is that, \"I’ve been a fan of the show. I watched the US edition and I liked the idea of not being a judge but a coach, a mentor. And the US show attracted singers and artists from different genres and that was dependent on who was sitting on that chair, so I thought, why not put my 10 cents in the pot? And it’s lived up to", "id": "17817559" }, { "contents": "Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A.\n\n\n-born infants have trouble breathing and because of this they need this so-called caffeine citrate drug. Chiesi has allegedly exploited legislation that was created to compensate companies that have had substantial expenses with developing new drugs. But Chiesi has not developed this form of medication. Chiesi has a ten-year monopoly on caffeine citrate drugs on the European market and due to this monopoly they can keep competition out. Chiesi does not want to disclose why they have raised their prices even though they have not had any expenses with developing this", "id": "11044015" }, { "contents": "List of most expensive watches sold at auction\n\n\n59 watches having been sold at auction for over two million US dollars and at least 94 watches having been sold at auction for over 1.5 million US dollars. Among the top 10 of these watches, 7 are Patek Philippe watches and 3 are Rolex watches. This list is being updated every half a year. In the meantime, latest auction results can be found in the . The following table shows the breakdown of auction houses that have sold the most expensive watches at auctions (for at least 2 million US dollars).", "id": "14850540" }, { "contents": "Human male sexuality\n\n\nmale learns to rape is via learning imitative behaviour when watching violent pornography. However, this fails to explain why if males are likely to imitate behaviour witnessed in violent pornography they would not also imitate the actions of human males in other videos. Furthermore, no explanation is offered into why this behaviour is inspired in some men and not others. It is also limited in its ability to predict valuable variables surrounding why rape occurs (such as who, when or where). For this reason, Thornhill and Palmer argued that \"", "id": "2258729" }, { "contents": "Dan Henry Watches\n\n\nCritics from \"Monochrome\" and \"Worn & Wound\" also questioned Henry’s choice of some parts -- in particular for not using luxury quartz or automatic movements that some in the wristwatch industry consider necessary for prestige models, and instead using less expensive but proven quartz movements manufactured by Seiko and Miyota. \"Worn & Wound\" also preferred sapphire crystals instead of less-expensive mineral crystals. However, each critic also said their concerns were outweighed by the overall quality and design of the Dan Henry line – especially when the price", "id": "5583964" }, { "contents": "Turbo Pascal\n\n\nunderstand why [Microsoft's] stuff was so slow. He would bring in poor Greg Whitten [programming director of Microsoft languages] and yell at him for half an hour.' He couldn't understand why Kahn had been able to beat an established competitor like Microsoft.\" At the time 8080/Z80/8088/8086 machines had limited computing resources. In particular RAM was expensive. The architecture of the various machines running DOS additionally limited the maximum to under 1 MB (e.g., machines hardware-compatible with the IBM PC were limited", "id": "17477728" }, { "contents": "Omega SA\n\n\nwhile Rolex watches were more ‘evolutionary’ and famous for their mechanical pieces and brand. While Omega and Rolex had dominated in the pre-quartz era, this changed in the 1970s during the quartz crisis. That was when Japanese watch manufacturers such as Seiko and Citizen rose to dominance due to their pioneering of quartz movement. In response, Rolex continued concentrating on its expensive mechanical chronometers where its expertise lay (though it did have some experimentation in quartz), while Omega tried to compete with the Japanese in the quartz watch", "id": "14160745" }, { "contents": "Watch the Throne\n\n\nAmerica\". In an interview with Zane Lowe, Jay-Z said: \"[There were] no lyrics on 'Holy Grail' and I recorded 'Oceans' and I played those records for Kanye,\" Jay explained. \"And he was like, 'No those have to go on \"Watch the Throne\",' so we spent four days arguing about those records and I was explaining to him why it wasn't right for this project and I had a whole idea for making this album called \"", "id": "19819281" }, { "contents": "Trans Media Watch\n\n\n-professionals so that transgender and intersex people could learn about the British and European media. In May 2015, Trans Media Watch filed a complaint with the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), for discriminatory remarks and violations of privacy published by \"The Sun\" in 2014. The complaint was a response to disparaging remarks made by journalist Rod Liddle at the expense of Emily Brothers, a transgender politician who was standing for election as a member of parliament for the Sutton and Cheam constituency. After a process of adjudication, the", "id": "17238148" }, { "contents": "Enlightened (TV series)\n\n\n\"\"Enlightened\", I guess, is the Velvet Underground of this TV season: that handful of people who are into the show are really into it. So here's one more effort to get you to consider watching this weird, perceptive show. And when I say \"you,\" I'm talking about that guy over there. If you've read this far, I assume that you already watch it.\" In \"Entertainment Weekly\"s Melissa Maerz piece \"Contrarian Corner: Why 'Enlightened' is the best", "id": "12068129" }, { "contents": "Single and Married\n\n\n-fetched to watch this movie looking for an amazing storyline. If you go in seeking a magnanimous storyline or to be thrilled, sorry but you will be disappointed. So go in to watch people drive fancy cars, live in pretty houses and wear colourful clothes\". The \"Ghanaian Chronicle\" gave a positive review, commenting: \"The storyline raised serious issues about why spouses cheat on their partners and how to stop them. But it was told in a rather subtle, entertaining way. It is indeed a must", "id": "2535497" }, { "contents": "Coming of Age (Star Trek: The Next Generation)\n\n\nincrease of over a million viewers from the previous episode \"Home Soil\", which was watched by 9 million viewers some three weeks prior. The following week's episode, \"Heart of Glory\", was watched by 10.7 million viewers. Several reviewers re-watched the episode after the end of the series. Writing for, Keith DeCandido questioned why the shuttlebay wasn't guarded, comparing it to a similar situation in \"\" episode, \"\". He also felt that the sequence where the shuttle is bounced off", "id": "21796413" }, { "contents": "What's Love Got to Do with It (film)\n\n\nno explanation as to why he behaved the way he behaved - why she was with him for 16 to 20 years, what made her stay.\" The writers made some changes and though Ike is still shown as a pretty despicable sort, the film offers at least some insight into him - most notably a scene in which Ike recalls watching, at age 6, his father's death from wounds suffered in a fight over a woman. The changes helped persuade Fishburne to do the role, but he says that Bassett's", "id": "7216494" }, { "contents": "List of Pretty Rhythm: Dear My Future characters\n\n\nthe husband of the children's mother, MyeongJa. Not much is known about him as a person, though he patched up his daughter's wound at her recital when she fell. He is the owner of many resorts and expensive establishments. This is why ChaeKyoung has the ability to buy all of the things she does, and possibly why she is so spoiled. MyeongJa had broken up with Kintaro, and she felt she could not love again and began to hate everything. However, she credits the father of her children", "id": "18246398" }, { "contents": "Gerald Kaufman\n\n\nsummoned to the Parliamentary Fees Office to explain these claims, and in the end was reimbursed £15,329. He was also challenged over regular claims for \"odd jobs\", which he submitted without receipts at a rate of £245 per month, then £5 below the limit for unreceipted expenses, to which he replied by asking why these expenses were being queried. Kaufman wrote many books and articles. Some are political: \"How to be a Minister\" (1980) is an irreverent look at the difficulties faced by", "id": "11245475" }, { "contents": "Asphalt concrete\n\n\n, a chip seal or similar surface treatment may be applied. As the number, width and length of cracks increases, more intensive repairs are needed. In order of generally increasing expense, these include thin asphalt overlays, multicourse overlays, grinding off the top course and overlaying, in-place recycling, or full-depth reconstruction of the roadway. It is far less expensive to keep a road in good condition than it is to repair it once it has deteriorated. This is why some agencies place the priority on preventive", "id": "12201049" }, { "contents": "List of most expensive watches sold at auction\n\n\nrecords from auctioneers (e.g., major auction houses) will not be included in the ranking. As of June 2019, the most expensive watch/pocket watch ever sold at auction is the Patek Philippe Henry Graves Supercomplication, fetching US$23.98 million (23,237,000 CHF) in Geneva on November 11, 2014. The most expensive wristwatch ever sold at auction, however, is the Paul Newman's Rolex Daytona, fetching 17.75 million US dollars in New York on October 26, 2017. As of June 2019, there are at least", "id": "14850539" }, { "contents": "Sathuranga Vettai\n\n\nwho get conned, why they get conned and how they get conned\". Baradwaj Rangan gave a more mixed review, writing, \"Vinoth employs a series of tricks to amp up his narrative, to make us feel we’re watching a really cool movie...What we don’t get is the pleasure of being conned. We don’t see too many of these films in Tamil, so the newness keeps us watching (this is one of those not-bad-for-a-first-film films) —", "id": "10116252" }, { "contents": "Moody Foodie\n\n\nreview. Bob wonders why the cops haven't come yet to arrest him yet. A flashback reveals that, after everyone left, the Moody Foodie actually intended to call the cops, but after he tried the burger, he enjoyed it so much he decided not to press charges. The episode received a 1.8 rating and was watched by a total of 3.72 million people. This made it the fourth most watched show on Animation Domination that night, beating \"The Cleveland Show\", but losing to \"American Dad!\"", "id": "19235860" }, { "contents": "Blue's Clues\n\n\ndo not, by and large, have a metacognitive understanding of why they do so.\" The 2002 studies demonstrated that experience with watching one TV series affects how children watch other programs, especially in the way they interact with them. They also showed that since children are selective in the material they attend to and that their interaction increases with comprehension and mastery, children tend to pay more attention to novel information and interact more with material they have seen before and mastered. The researchers predicted that since shows like \"Blue's", "id": "3172546" }, { "contents": "Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen\n\n\ncriticized the Saudi-led attacks on Yemen: \"Some of these strikes look like war crimes to me, and I want to get answers as to why the US appears to be assisting in the execution of war crimes in Yemen.\" In March 2017, Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported that \"Since the start of the current conflict, at least 4,773 civilians had been killed and 8,272 wounded, the majority by coalition airstrikes... Human Rights Watch has documented 62 apparently unlawful coalition airstrikes, some of which may amount", "id": "12114975" }, { "contents": "Marine chronometer\n\n\nmounted in a sheltered location below decks to avoid damage and exposure to the elements. Mariners would use the chronometer to set a so-called hack watch, which would be carried on deck to make the astronomical observations. Though much less accurate (and expensive) than the chronometer, the hack watch would be satisfactory for a short period of time after setting it (i.e., long enough to make the observations). Although industrial production methods began revolutionizing watchmaking in the middle of the 19th century, chronometer manufacture remained craft-", "id": "1575222" }, { "contents": "Question Time British National Party controversy\n\n\nthe question occurred, the first panellist directed to respond to it by the moderator, and any background information to the question): The previous record audience for \"Question Time\" was set during its 14 May 2009 edition in the wake of the MPs' expenses scandal, when 3.8 million watched. and \"The Guardian\" had estimated the broadcast might attract '3 million or so' viewers. The programme was watched by over 8 million people, the highest in the 30-year history of \"Question Time\", and nearly", "id": "395848" }, { "contents": "Diving watch\n\n\ncalculated and displayed so that the diver can avoid decompression sickness. Diving watches and depth gauges are however still commonly used by divers as backup instruments for overcoming dive computer malfunctions. Many companies offer highly functional diving watches. Whilst diving watches are primarily tool watches, some companies offer models that can in addition to this be regarded by some as jewellery or fine mechanical devices. Diving watches can be analog or digital. Besides pure analog and digital models some diving watch models combine digital and analog elements. The standards and features for diver", "id": "3981430" }, { "contents": "Dasavathaaram\n\n\nmore like pantomime characters. Kamal appears too flabby and jaded. Sorry, Appu Raja (or shall we say Michael, Madana, Kamarajan) it’s time you start being your age. From start to finish there is a severe decibel assault aided and abetted by Himesh Reshammiya.\" \"OneIndia\" said, \"After watching Dasavatharam- the so-called magnum opus of the year- an ardent fan of Kamal Hassan will ask why indeed it is called a magnum opus in the first place. Why was all the hype, tension", "id": "16512216" }, { "contents": "Intel i960\n\n\nwonder why the i960MC was so large and had so many pins labeled \"no connect\". A version of the RISC core without memory management or an FPU became the i960KA, and the RISC core with an FPU became the i960KB. The versions were, however, identical internally—only the labeling was different. This meant the CPUs were much larger than necessary for the \"actually supported\" feature sets, and as a result, more expensive to manufacture than they needed to be. The i960KA became successful as a", "id": "14481613" }, { "contents": "Joe Fresh\n\n\nexplains, was able to achieve antigravity shapes through the use of expensive, double-weave fabrics that aren’t available anymore. \"We first showed it in wool, but the wool wasn't really capturing the shape. So I thought, why don't we try neoprene?\" he says. \"It's like an art piece and sculptural and at the same time, it's so brand correct.\" According to Mimran, it's not only a matter of bringing more value to the end product, \"you", "id": "2971607" } ]
How does apps like whatsapp get profit, even when they don't have advertisment?
[{"answer": "**$1 at a time** In some countries the app costs $1 to download, in others the first year is free and every subsequent year will cost the user $1. And with roughly 700M active users this results in $700M of annual revenue. However, WhatsApp has been criticized before for not effectively monetizing their app. Other messaging apps like the Chinese WeChat or the Korean KakaoTalk have ads and make more revenue per user than WhatsApp does. However this might just be a smart strategic move from WhatsApp to expand first and to gain a customer base as big as possible. Afterwards they'll have a much larger crowd to reach out to and it is easier for them to make more money should they change their policies. Another fun fact: The giant WhatsApp has only **55 employees**."}, {"answer": "For a lot of things.. remember this rule: If you're not paying for it, you're not the customer - you're the product. They're likely selling your data."}, {"answer": "What about Kik? That's free in all countries and has zero adds."}, {"answer": "They don't really have to, since they were bought by Facebook. And Facebook makes *loads* of money from advertising. From a [CNN article]( URL_0 ) on Facebook's acquisition of Whatsapp: > Facebook said it is not looking to drive revenue from WhatsApp in the near term, instead focusing on growth. Zuckerberg said he doesn't anticipate trying to aggressively grow WhatsApp's revenue until the service reaches \"billions\" of users. This is a common approach for many consumer Internet companies, even those that don't have Facebook's hefty bank account to fund them. This is particularly true if your product relies on any kind of social network, because the value of those products increase with the amount of users on the network. The more people who have Whatsapp installed, the more people you can communicate with through it, and the more valuable it becomes to each of those users. It's hard to make money if you only have a ten thousand users because (a) putting hurdles like fees or ads in front of users will slow growth and (b) it's too easy for that small group of users to all jump ship for a competing service. Therefore, many vendors -- especially those of social apps -- first focus on building a *huge* user base. Because if you have ten million users, it's likely they depend on that network more heavily than they do if you only had ten thousand users. Once you've got them hooked, then you can start finding ways to squeeze money out of the users (or, if you take the ad approach, use that huge user base to squeeze money out of advertisers)."}, {"answer": "They don't advertise, but they get their money by collecting your information you give them and selling them to ad companies who could target you ads in different places later."}, {"answer": "They gather and sell a ton of data from your phone. This is why I refuse to use it to speak with my friends who have moved to South Korea for work. On Android, you are shown all the permissions an app needs before installing it. Nope'd out. Read their Privacy Statement for proof."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "32058867", "title": "WhatsApp", "section": "Section::::History.:Facebook subsidiary (2014\u2013present).\n", "start_paragraph_id": 20, "end_paragraph_id": 20, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["the Android source code that recognized Telegram URLs had been identified. (The word \"telegram\" appeared in WhatsApp's code.) Some considered it an anti-competitive measure, but WhatsApp offered no explanation. In response to the 2014 Facebook acquisition, \"Slate\" columnist Matthew Yglesias questioned whether the company's business model of charging users $1 a year was viable in the U.S.. It had prospered by exploiting a \"loophole\" in mobile phone carriers' pricing. \"Mobile phone operators aren't really selling consumers some voice service, some data service, and some SMS service\", he explained. \"They are selling access to the network. The different pricing schemes they come up with are just different ways of trying to maximize the value they extract from consumers.\" As part of that, carriers sold SMS separately. This made it easy for WhatsApp to find a way to replicate SMS using data, then sell that service to mobile customers for $1 a year. \"But if WhatsApp gets big enough, then carrier strategy is going to change\", he predicted. \"You stop selling separate SMS plans and just have a take-it-or-leave-it overall package. And then suddenly WhatsApp isn't doing anything.\" The situation may have been different in countries other than the United States.", "the Android source code that recognized Telegram URLs had been identified. (The word \"telegram\" appeared in WhatsApp's code.) Some considered it an anti-competitive measure, but WhatsApp offered no explanation. In response to the 2014 Facebook acquisition, \"Slate\" columnist Matthew Yglesias questioned whether the company's business model of charging users $1 a year was viable in the U.S.. It had prospered by exploiting a \"loophole\" in mobile phone carriers' pricing. \"Mobile phone operators aren't really selling consumers some voice service, some data service, and some SMS service\", he explained. \"They are selling access to the network. The different pricing schemes they come up with are just different ways of trying to maximize the value they extract from consumers.\" As part of that, carriers sold SMS separately. This made it easy for WhatsApp to find a way to replicate SMS using data, then sell that service to mobile customers for $1 a year. \"But if WhatsApp gets big enough, then carrier strategy is going to change\", he predicted. \"You stop selling separate SMS plans and just have a take-it-or-leave-it overall package. And then suddenly WhatsApp isn't doing anything.\" The situation may have been different in countries other than the United States.", "the Android source code that recognized Telegram URLs had been identified. (The word \"telegram\" appeared in WhatsApp's code.) Some considered it an anti-competitive measure, but WhatsApp offered no explanation. In response to the 2014 Facebook acquisition, \"Slate\" columnist Matthew Yglesias questioned whether the company's business model of charging users $1 a year was viable in the U.S.. It had prospered by exploiting a \"loophole\" in mobile phone carriers' pricing. \"Mobile phone operators aren't really selling consumers some voice service, some data service, and some SMS service\", he explained. \"They are selling access to the network. The different pricing schemes they come up with are just different ways of trying to maximize the value they extract from consumers.\" As part of that, carriers sold SMS separately. This made it easy for WhatsApp to find a way to replicate SMS using data, then sell that service to mobile customers for $1 a year. \"But if WhatsApp gets big enough, then carrier strategy is going to change\", he predicted. \"You stop selling separate SMS plans and just have a take-it-or-leave-it overall package. And then suddenly WhatsApp isn't doing anything."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Jan Koum\n\n\nimmediately chose the name WhatsApp because it sounded like \"what's up\", and a week later on his birthday, February 24, 2009, he incorporated WhatsApp Inc. in California. WhatsApp was initially unpopular, but its fortunes began to turn after Apple added push notification ability to apps in June 2009. Koum changed WhatsApp to \"ping\" users when they received a message, and soon afterwards he and Fishman's Russian friends in the area began to use WhatsApp as a messaging tool, in place of SMS. The app", "id": "7803571" }, { "contents": "WhatsApp\n\n\nthat the app would not display any third-party ads, and that it would have new features such as the ability to communicate with businesses. By June 2016, the company's blog reported more than 100 million voice calls per day were being placed on WhatsApp. On November 10, 2016, WhatsApp launched a beta version of two-step verification for Android users, which allowed them to use their email addresses for further protection. Also in November 2016, Facebook ceased collecting WhatsApp data for advertising in Europe. On February", "id": "16980804" }, { "contents": "2014 Oral-B USA 500\n\n\nfellow drivers. \"I'm happy to know if I was out of the car for some reason that I'd get a chance to get back in the Chase,\" Brian Vickers said. \"There's a lot of circumstances that I don't know exactly how they'd handle them. Obviously they've set a precedent here with Tony. One day I'd like to have kids. Does that mean I get to be at the hospital with my wife if she's having our first child even if it means missing", "id": "16238298" }, { "contents": "Xiaomi Mi 5 (phone)\n\n\nbackground app killing setting that'll close most apps running in the background if they've not been used for a while. It's difficult to assess exactly how long this time period has to be, but I found common apps like GroupMe and Hangouts, among plenty of others, having to reload every time I went back to them. I don't spend all day in chat apps but it's annoying waiting for them to load back up again, and sometimes I even found that notifications were delayed until I opened the app", "id": "15751765" }, { "contents": "Freemium Isn't Free\n\n\nare amazed at the profits they are getting, when Terrance and Phillip enter, angry that their likenesses have been used to make a game without consulting them and how it is not free, since it charges premiums. The Prince and Minister disclose they have purposefully created a boring game based on the concept of mobile RPGs, and that everyone is doing it. Randy and Sharon Marsh yell at Stan for spending $489 on the app. Randy worries that Stan may have a gambling problem due to Grampa Marvin Marsh having compulsive gambling", "id": "6318045" }, { "contents": "WhatsApp\n\n\nrealizing the potential of the app industry on the App Store, Koum and Acton began visiting Koum's friend Alex Fishman in West San Jose to discuss a new type of messaging app that would \"[show] statuses next to individual names of the people\". They realized that to take the idea further, they'd need an iPhone developer. Fishman visited, found Russian developer Igor Solomennikov, and introduced him to Koum. Koum named the app WhatsApp to sound like \"what's up\". On February 24,", "id": "16980791" }, { "contents": "Session hijacking\n\n\nWebsites like Facebook, Twitter, and any that the user adds to their preferences allow the Firesheep user to easily access private information from cookies and threaten the public Wi-Fi user's personal property. Only months later, Facebook and Twitter responded by offering (and later requiring) HTTP Secure throughout. An app named \"WhatsApp Sniffer\" was made available on Google Play in May 2012, able to display messages from other WhatsApp users connected to the same network as the app user. At that time WhatsApp used an XMPP infrastructure", "id": "13735249" }, { "contents": "Brian Acton\n\n\nindustry of apps. He visited his friend Alex Fishman and talked about developing an app. Koum almost immediately chose the name WhatsApp because it sounded like “what’s up”, and a week later on his birthday, Feb. 24, 2009, he incorporated WhatsApp Inc. in California. In 2014, Koum and Acton agreed to sell WhatsApp to Facebook for approximately $19 billion USD in cash and stock. Forbes estimates that Acton held over 20% stake in the company, making his net worth around $3.8 billion. According", "id": "7804342" }, { "contents": "Mobile marketing\n\n\nfree, for APP development enterprise, need a way to flow to liquidate, implantable advertising and APP combines content marketing and game characters to seamlessly integrating user experience, so as to improve advertising hits. With these free downloading apps, developers use in-app purchases or subscription to profit. 2. Advertising model advertisement implantation mode is a common marketing mode in most APP applications. Through Banner ads, consumer announcements, or in-screen advertising, users will jump to the specified page and display the advertising content when users click", "id": "15254842" }, { "contents": "WhatsApp\n\n\n2009, he incorporated WhatsApp Inc. in California. However, when early versions of WhatsApp kept crashing, Koum considered giving up and looking for a new job. Acton encouraged him to wait for a \"few more months\". In June 2009, Apple launched push notifications, allowing users to be pinged when they were not using an app. Koum changed WhatsApp so that when a user's status is changed, everyone in the user's network would be notified. WhatsApp 2.0 was released with a messaging component and the number of", "id": "16980792" }, { "contents": "Don Martin (cartoonist)\n\n\na record to see how long it took me to do the pencils, and how long it took me to do the inks, but it still ended up being seven days a week for a couple of months. I find I have to get some momentum going when I draw. I can't work with interruptions. I like to have three or four days where I don't even leave the house on an errand. I get a lot more done that way, because I build up a head of steam. In", "id": "5159958" }, { "contents": "Discussion group\n\n\ngroup on the Internet by setting up various web servers. Google Group has been built to be one of the major online discussion groups with a wide range of worldwide frequent users. The following subsections contain information about three popular groups used by the public today: Facebook group simplifies processes and protects privacy of users when they interact with people. The following guidelines are some general instructions about how to operate groups on Facebook: Whatsapp group: Whatsapp, is a mobile SMS and messaging app, it features the function of group discussion as", "id": "20908980" }, { "contents": "WhatsApp\n\n\n24, 2017, (WhatsApp's 8th birthday), WhatsApp launched a new Status feature similar to Snapchat and Facebook stories. On May 18, 2017, it was reported that the European Commission would fine Facebook €110 million for \"misleading\" it during the 2014 takeover of WhatsApp. The Commission alleged that in 2014, when Facebook acquired the messaging app, it \"falsely claimed it was technically impossible to automatically combine user information from Facebook and WhatsApp.\" However, in the summer of 2016, WhatsApp had begun sharing", "id": "16980805" }, { "contents": "Something Wicked This Way Comes (Ugly Betty)\n\n\nDaniel getting cozy with Sandra, just to save the magazine. Betty and Henry almost get caught kissing in the lobby, so they sneak backstage, while Daniel and Sandra sneak into the coat-check room, where Daniel starts having second thoughts about seducing Sandra, who likes the idea of being seduced. Eventually he decides against this but does convince Sandra to advertise in \"MODE\", even though she would pass on a celebration offered by him. Betty and Henry begin to argue over how to handle this relationship, but", "id": "20407973" }, { "contents": "Genocide of Yazidis by ISIL\n\n\nBalint Szlanko of the Associated Press report that ISIL tightened \"its grip on the estimated 3,000 women and girls held as sex slaves\" even while it was losing territory to Iraqi forces. ISIL sells the women on encrypted smart phone apps, \"primarily on Telegram and on Facebook\" and to a lesser degree on WhatsApp. In advertisements for the girls obtained by AP, many of the women and girls are dressed in finery, some in heavy makeup. All look directly at the camera, standing in front of overstuffed chairs or", "id": "13157613" }, { "contents": "Mobile social network\n\n\nreach the right people as quickly as possible. Many messaging apps are very popular, maybe even more than classical texting. Some social network platforms, such as Facebook, have their own native messaging applications, similar to Facebook Messenger. Different countries have a certain messenger that is predominant, like China with WeChat, Korea with KakaoTalk, and the US with WhatsApp. This can be viewed as an advanced version of the messenger category. In addition to text messages, audio and video files can be transmitted among a group, such", "id": "14987280" }, { "contents": "WhatsApp\n\n\nSeries 40, and Nokia S60 (Symbian). An unofficial derivative called WhatsAppTime has been developed, which is a standard Win32 application for PCs and supports notifications through the Windows notification area. There are similar solutions for macOS, such as the open-source ChitChat. On May 10, 2016, the messaging service was introduced for both Microsoft Windows and macOS operating systems. WhatsApp currently does not allow audio or video calling from desktop operating systems. Similar to the WhatsApp Web format, the app, which will be synced with", "id": "16980815" }, { "contents": "Reception and criticism of WhatsApp security and privacy features\n\n\n, this account information is shared to \"track basic metrics about how often people use our services and better fight spam on WhatsApp. And by connecting your phone number with Facebook's systems, Facebook can offer better friend suggestions and show you more relevant ads if you have an account with them.\" This means that Facebook can target advertisements on the Facebook Platform better by making links between users based on the phone numbers, and make \"friend suggestions\" to its users based on WhatsApp's data. User data will not be", "id": "4054851" }, { "contents": "Advertising agency\n\n\nmust trust the agencies to do their jobs correctly and accordingly with the resources they have provided. Breakdowns in relationships were more likely to occur when agencies felt undermined, subjugated or even feel they don't have an equal status. Traditionally advertising agencies tend to be in a position to take the lead on projects but results are best when there is a more collaborative relationship. Stronger collaboration happens in situations where a personal chemistry has been established between both parties. Finding out similar likes and dislikes, points of view and even hobbies and", "id": "6075506" }, { "contents": "Onavo\n\n\nwell\". This data influenced Facebook's subsequent acquisition of WhatsApp and the expansion of its live video business. Onavo won multiple awards in 2011. The company received first prize at the Mobile Beat 2011 conference hosted by VentureBeat, and the award for most innovative app at the 2011 International Startup Festival, as well as being selected as the \"Best Mobile Startup\" by \"The Next Web\". In February 2018, it was reported that Facebook had begun to include advertising for the Onavo Protect app within the Facebook app for", "id": "3371804" }, { "contents": "WhatsApp\n\n\nmore services like this – or so the hope goes. Just three days after announcing the Facebook purchase, Koum said they were working to introduce voice calls. He also said that new mobile phones would be sold in Germany with the WhatsApp brand, and that their ultimate goal was to be on all smartphones. In August 2014, WhatsApp was the most globally popular messaging app, with more than 600 million users. By early January 2015, WhatsApp had 700 million monthly users and over 30 billion messages every day. In April", "id": "16980799" }, { "contents": "WhatsApp\n\n\nhacked, and attackers installed spyware on an unknown number of people's smartphones. The hack, allegedly developed by Israeli surveillance technology firm NSO Group, injected malware onto WhatsApp users’ phones via a remote-exploit bug in the app's VoIP calling functions. A \"Wired\" report noted the attack was able to inject malware via calls to the targeted phone, even if the user didn't answer the call. Until 2017, WhatsApp was for individual use between two smartphones. This enabled businesses to communicate with customers, but", "id": "16980808" }, { "contents": "Threema\n\n\nthat Threema provides anonymity to its users and handles contacts and other user data as advertised. In February 2014, German consumer organisation Stiftung Warentest evaluated several data-protection aspects of Threema, WhatsApp, Telegram, BlackBerry Messenger and Line. It considered the security of the data transmission between clients, the services' terms of use, the transparency of the service providers, the availability of the source code and the apps' overall availability. Threema was the only app rated as 'non-critical' (\"\") in relation", "id": "8773424" }, { "contents": "Simón Bross\n\n\nfor advertising and he adds a lot to all the creative ideas he directs. He cares that the consumer gets connected to the ideas. He analyzes how to make commercials that we’ll be remembered and will not get lost.\" -Tony Hidalgo \"Simón has a great criteria to the select creative ideas he wants to direct. When he detects a good idea he knows how to get close to the creative to make it even better. Working with him is like working with another creative, the only difference is that he directs", "id": "2816723" }, { "contents": "Google Ads\n\n\nfull range of advertising capabilities on and across other Google's properties, partner sites and apps, the new Google Ads will offer Smart Campaigns for small businesses who don't have the time or resources to manage complex digital advertising campaigns. Google Ads' system is based partly on cookies and partly on keywords determined by advertisers. Google uses these characteristics to place advertising copy on pages where they think it might be relevant. Advertisers pay when users divert their browsing to click on the advertising copy. Partner websites receive a portion of", "id": "17442676" }, { "contents": "Instant messaging\n\n\n, and IPTV to the voice and video features. The term \"Instant Messenger\" is a service mark of Time Warner and may not be used in software not affiliated with AOL in the United States. For this reason, in April 2007, the instant messaging client formerly named Gaim (or gaim) announced that they would be renamed \"Pidgin\". In the 2010s, more people started to use messaging apps like WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook Messenger and Line rather than instant messaging like AIM. For example, WhatsApp was", "id": "11231742" }, { "contents": "Jongla\n\n\n. In Social Messenger, Jongla introduced the community of nearby Jongla users and an added ability to engage with user profiles with a choice of reaction like thumbs-up, smile or heart. Jongla claims to be the world's lightest instant messaging app. The company backs up their claim with app package size comparisons. In June 2016, their APK (Android Application Package) size was 3.5MB, being one tenth of that compared to their competitor apps like Whatsapp, Messenger and Viber. Jongla has the basic messaging functions like", "id": "12115567" }, { "contents": "DVD-by-mail\n\n\nover the use of the word \"unlimited\" in their advertising. It was revealed that they practised throttling. The company itself claimed that this \"fair usage\" policy means all customers get a similar service. On March 2, 2006, Blockbuster announced that their service does not implement throttling. \"We don't prioritize our customers' movie fulfillment based on how often they use our service, and we don't limit the number of movies a subscriber receives each month,\" according to Senior Vice-President Shayne Evangelist.", "id": "417334" }, { "contents": "Social media in the fashion industry\n\n\nmultitude of brands at a lower price. However, they have lost a lot of usage through other up-and-coming apps. Also, many other companies, for example Dote shopping, have been successful in the advertising world. in 2018, they raised 12 million dollars in net profit. They are an app-based company who uses social media influencers as a way of marketing and advertising. The concept of the app is at it is a domain that holds different stores. For example, Urban Outfitters, American", "id": "5467519" }, { "contents": "Double Shah\n\n\non their money from the deposits of the new members. The money investors may or may not understand how the scheme works, but quite often they don't care as long as they are getting big profits on their invested money. Everybody wakes up to the facts of the scheme, when the chain is broken by the force of law or due to some other reason. Then the investors, awaiting the big profits, have to pay a big price not only in money but also emotionally. Double Shah's Ponzi Scheme was", "id": "2878484" }, { "contents": "Couple (app)\n\n\nCouple, formerly Pair, is a mobile app which provides a mobile messaging service for two people, especially romantic couples. Like many mobile phone messaging applications, Couple allows users to share text, photos, video and other content. It is a competitor to apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and KakaoTalk, but it is unique in that it is for communicating with exactly one other person. Couple is one of a slew of mobile applications that intentionally confine their communication to a small group, as opposed to large public or", "id": "15673286" }, { "contents": "Billboard\n\n\nabandoned this form of advertising, and none of these advertisements have been painted in many years, but some remain visible on rural highways. Not all billboards are used for advertising products and services—non-profit groups and government agencies use them to communicate with the public. In 1999 an anonymous person created the God Speaks billboard campaign in Florida \"to get people thinking about God\", with witty statements signed by God. \"Don't make me come down there\", \"We need to talk\" and \"Tell", "id": "12584894" }, { "contents": "Peppermint Patty\n\n\nvarying degrees of projection, enthusiasm, and obliviousness, especially on the part of Charlie Brown. Peppermint Patty frequently plays lovers' games with Charlie Brown, and gets frustrated or even angry when he does not take the bait; he \"does\" like Peppermint Patty, but only as a friend (though their friendship is occasionally strained by her strong personality and bossiness toward him). Originally, Peppermint Patty played reverse psychology; she would often say, \"You kind of like me, don't you, Chuck?\"", "id": "3920697" }, { "contents": "LivePerson\n\n\nLivePerson is a publicly held, global technology company that develops conversational commerce and AI software. The company's mission is to \"make life easier by transforming how people communicate with brands.\" Headquartered in New York City, LivePerson is best known as the developer of LiveEngage, a software platform that allows consumers to message with brands via popular platforms like WhatsApp, iOS Messages, Facebook Messenger, via websites or via the brands' apps for iOS and Android. In 2018, the company announced its Maven AI offering, allowing customers", "id": "19977247" }, { "contents": "Sports journalism\n\n\n. Sports apps do not always have to be about giving scores, as some applications include workout helpers, rule books, and even games. The workout apps can show how the professionals’ workout and can give inspiration to do the same workout. The rule books are important, because it spreads the knowledge about the game, and it can get people interested in new games. The games apps are a good way of teaching people how the game is played, and can give players a bigger interest in a specific sport.", "id": "9787392" }, { "contents": "Mort Drucker\n\n\nThat's funny, George liked it!\" There was no further communication on the matter. Drucker had also worked on the advertising campaign for Lucas' earlier film \"American Graffiti\". In his introduction to the \"Mad About Star Wars\" book, Lucas wrote, \"I have always defended \"Mad\" from my lawyers.\" Meglin called Drucker \"number one in a field of one.\" Charles Schulz wrote, \"Frankly, I don't know how he does it, and I stand in a long", "id": "19805023" }, { "contents": "WhatsApp\n\n\ncellular mobile number for registering with the service. Users could originally communicate only with individuals or informal groups on WhatsApp, but in January 2018, WhatsApp released a standalone business app targeted at small business owners, called WhatsApp Business, to allow companies to communicate with customers who use the standard WhatsApp client. The client application was created by WhatsApp Inc. of Mountain View, California, which was acquired by Facebook in February 2014 for approximately US$19.3 billion. By February 2018, WhatsApp had over one and a half billion users, making", "id": "16980789" }, { "contents": "The Fresh Prince Project\n\n\nand sneakers. When Philip sees this he gets very embarrassed and reluctantly introduces Will to his colleagues. Will acts like he does normally and embarrasses Philip. When they are sitting at the dinner table, Philip gets more and more furious, first because of Will beat-boxing and hitting glasses with a fork, and later when Ashley is going to say grace, she raps instead. Later in the evening, Philip talks to Will about the dinner. Will says that Philip does not know how life is on the streets,", "id": "18858090" }, { "contents": "2019 English Channel Piper PA-46 crash\n\n\nwas then around northwest of Alderney, Channel Islands, near Casquets lighthouse. Sala reportedly sent an audio message via WhatsApp expressing concerns during the flight, saying \"I am now on board a plane that seems like it is falling to pieces... If you do not have any more news in an hour and a half, I don't know if they need to send someone to find me. I am getting scared!\" Cardiff City had offered Sala a commercial flight from Paris, but he said that he had made alternative", "id": "604152" }, { "contents": "WhatsApp\n\n\nversion, which arrived two months later. To cover the primary cost of sending verification texts to users, WhatsApp was changed from a free service to a paid one. In December 2009, the ability to send photos was added to the iPhone version. By early 2011, WhatsApp was one of the top 20 apps at Apple's U.S. App Store. In April 2011, Sequoia Capital invested about $8 million for more than 15% of the company, after months of negotiation with Sequoia partner Jim Goetz. By February 2013", "id": "16980794" }, { "contents": "Cold Forty Three\n\n\ndisplaying a much more \"hardcore\" edge, as Joshua Cruz screams his way through the bridge. \"I never knew how to scream, or even tried it. I just kinda...went for it...I suppose. I have a lot to work on, to get to the level of some real screamers, like Austin Carlile, or guys like that.\" The band is currently unsigned as their deal with Chamberlain Records expired, with the band saying that \"we don't need a label to get our music", "id": "17622716" }, { "contents": "La Moustache\n\n\nthem in which Marc has a moustache. Marc has no memory of the event, but the pictures are whisked away before he can examine them closely. Agnès notices Marc's irritation and says if he doesn't like their new friends they don't have to ever see them again when they get back to Paris. In an ambiguous ending, Agnès suggests that Marc shave his moustache so she can see him without it at least once. He does so, and Agnès comments upon how good he looks without it. Whether this", "id": "5489904" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in India\n\n\nFebruary 2014, Gopal Vittal, CEO of Airtel's India operations, said that companies offering free messaging apps like Skype, Line and Whatsapp should be regulated similar to telecom operators. In August 2014, TRAI rejected a proposal from telecom companies to make messaging application firms share part of their revenue with the carriers or the government. In October 2014, Vodafone India CEO Marten Pieters suggested that companies like Facebook and Whatsapp should be taxed to ensure a level playing field with telecom operators. In November 2014, TRAI began investigating if Airtel", "id": "1115045" }, { "contents": "Habits & Contradictions\n\n\nThere's no reason to be stressing the way you're stressing. Like I don't get this; I had somebody tell me they're broke, they're stressing with money, but how are you broke and you got your fucking cable on? It don't make sense. How when we about to go to the store, you got on a leather jacket, you got some Gucci and Jordan shoes talking about how you're broke? You might have to make better decisions, but at the end of the day", "id": "18925098" }, { "contents": "Tez (software)\n\n\nDomino’s. Google is also working with existing advertisers and online e-commerce platforms like Shopify and payment aggregators like BillDesk and PayU. Google also plans to add even more ways to pay on Tez (e.g., credit cards and wallets). Select phones from manufacturer partners Lava, Nokia Mobile, and Panasonic will come in with Tez preinstalled. The App is compatible with vast majority of Android and iOS devices. The application does not require users to share any personal information such as mobile numbers or usernames like other payment applications,", "id": "1452176" }, { "contents": "Exploratory search\n\n\nsearch scenarios, one challenge for exploratory search is to further understand the scenarios of use for when keyword search is not sufficient. An example scenario, often used to motivate the research by mSpace, states: if a user does not know much about classical music, how should they even begin to find a piece that they might like. Similarly, for patients or their carers, if they don't know the right keywords for their health problems, how can they effectively find useful health information for themselves? With one of the", "id": "11754032" }, { "contents": "Deal or No Deal (British game show)\n\n\n. When asked about the app, Edmonds said \"I've lost count of the number of \"Deal or No Deal\" fans who have stopped me in the street to ask how they can get to play the game. With this app they can take the Walk of Wealth wherever and whenever they like and I can't wait for them to Spank the Banker on it.\" In March 2012, with the series approaching its 2,000th episode and the format now broadcast in over 50 countries, senior Channel 4 executives were to", "id": "20609532" }, { "contents": "Levi Weaver\n\n\nIn it, Weaver is quoted as saying \"\"I don't really feel like I'm part of this dying old machine they call 'The Industry'. Everyone I know that loves music doesn't even listen to the radio anymore, so how is that even a music industry?... That old dinosaur of A&R agents and slick dealings and development deals; they took the name 'music industry' back when it applied, but now that it no longer does, they're not going to give it back... we", "id": "16782328" }, { "contents": "The CfC-Stanbic Bank Magnate\n\n\ngo well with the board. Team Ultimate projected that the client will spend Ksh 1.6 million then make sales of the same amount but they forgot to put a disclaimer on how long to make a profit. They also focused on use of banners and fliers which was not practical since most people don't read. Team Aspire ultimately won the task for creating a good advertisement campaign as well as practical solutions as well as their catchphrase \"Tokelezea\" which was trendy. Team Ultimate was put to task why they didn't get the", "id": "3760829" }, { "contents": "Transference (Gotham)\n\n\nFirefly was pretty cool. Even though I thought the whole Firefly taking on Selina as an assistant thing was goofy, I liked how she was willing to fight to protect her friend. It made me wonder if the real Bridgit was still alive underneath all of Strange's experiments. I also really liked the whole bomb thing. It was fun because it was so over-the-top silly and was made even better by Lucius' facial expressions when he saw exactly what they were facing. I still don't get what", "id": "19444522" }, { "contents": "Scanlon plan\n\n\nHistorically, the Scanlon plan bonus was calculated on the historical ratio of labor cost to sales value of production. Scanlon believed that it was very important that employees understand how the bonus is calculated and this method was easy for employees to understand. He felt that profit sharing as a way to create a bonus was fine as long as everyone understood \"profits.\" He concluded that most don't understand how profits are calculated. Today Scanlon Plans have been created that use only financial measures (like profits), operational measures (", "id": "15393162" }, { "contents": "Yeh Vaada Raha (film)\n\n\nhe tells of how his mother advertised it in the newspaper without even asking him and how when he confronted her she told him about the millions they would get through the marriage in order to fund and re-establish their failing business. Vikram decides that he will fund his Orphanage with his own funds and does not wish to let his mother's money play any role in its building or running. To earn money he decides to sing in stage performances as Sunita used to always ask him to sing with her. On one", "id": "20097269" }, { "contents": "XcodeGhost\n\n\ntime an infected app is launched, to store the data written in the iOS clipboard. The malware is also able to modify this data. This can be particularly dangerous if the user uses a password management app. XcodeGhost is also able to open specific URLs when the infected app is launched. Since Apple iOS and OS X work with Inter-App Communication URL mechanism (e.g. 'whatsapp://', 'Facebook://', 'iTunes://'?), the attacker can open any apps installed on the compromised phone or computer (", "id": "5571296" }, { "contents": "1979 Major League umpires strike\n\n\nagreed that we could still discuss and negotiate matters that were not specifically covered in that contract. But they won't even talk to us. It's like we don't exist. They can dress us up in blue suits, but they don't want to be seen in public with us. Baseball is making us mad, and you know how umpires get when they're mad.\" In lieu of a formal \"strike\" the umpires simply refused to sign their 1979 contracts at the salaries offered, per instruction of", "id": "19114656" }, { "contents": "Call Me Fitz\n\n\nTraditional advertising is also still get a great way to get the word out, and I think that our broadcasters have not done a good job with traditional means for our show. I'm going to be totally frank with you about that: I don't think they've done a good job at all. I don't understand, we're the most awarded comedy in Canadian television history and half the people in this country don't even know we exist, and I can't fathom that.\". Priestley later added", "id": "7173922" }, { "contents": "Therapy (Tech N9ne EP)\n\n\njust thought it up right there. We did one called \"When Demons Come\". Everything came from getting recognition from \"Something Else\". That's how my life is. I like my life. \"So Much Love\" on \"Something Else\" had me ready for \"When Demons Come\". There's so much love you can get lost in this shit. You don't know when something's going to hit. You have to be ready with angels when demons come. Songs like that just came", "id": "15255587" }, { "contents": "Messaging apps\n\n\nSlack focuses on messaging and file sharing for work teams. Some social networking services offer messaging services as a component of their overall platform, such as Facebook's Facebook Messenger, along with Instagram and Twitter's direct messaging functions. Messaging apps are the most widely used smartphone apps with in 2018 over 1.3 billion monthly users of WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, 980 million monthly active users of WeChat and 843 million monthly active users of QQ Mobile. Messaging apps differ from the previous generation of instant messaging platforms like the defunct AIM, Yahoo", "id": "19778799" }, { "contents": "TV advertisements by country\n\n\neven years (the Tootsie Roll company has been broadcasting a famous advertisement that asks \"How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie center of a Tootsie Pop?\" for over three decades), television advertisement production studios often spend very large sums of money in the production of a single thirty-second television spot. This significant expenditure has resulted in a number of high-quality advertisements with high production values, the latest in special effects technology, the most popular personalities, and the best music. A number", "id": "5345260" }, { "contents": "I Don't Care (Angela Via song)\n\n\nhad been \"discovered and nurtured\" by Glenn Wheatley, and signed with Sony Music Australia. The track was recorded with Vince Pizzinga (Danielle Spencer) producing. In August 2007 Goodrem explained to Andrew Denton on his show \"Enough Rope with Andrew Denton\" that the Britney image was foisted on her \"when you start with a record company you don't really know what the whole process is. You don't know how the whole military operation before a song even gets to the radio and for people to even get to", "id": "10968966" }, { "contents": "Micromon\n\n\niOS and better than Pokémon\". Touch Arcade gave the game 4.5 stars out of 5. It concluded its review by saying \"Micromon is probably one of the best dollars you can spend on a Japanese-style RPG in the App Store, and if you're even slightly into monster collecting, you're going to get a fantastic amount of value out of this game. I don't think it surpasses Pokémon in any respect, but I also don't exactly see Pokémon available in the App Store, and in that", "id": "15655869" }, { "contents": "Privacy concerns with social networking services\n\n\ncertain age groups depending on the time that their advertisements appear. Recently, there have been allegations made against Facebook accusing the app of listening in on its users through their smartphone's microphone in order to gather information for advertisers. These rumors have been proven to be false as well as impossible. For one, because it does not have a specific buzzword to listen for like the Amazon Echo, Facebook would have to record everything its users say. This kind of “constant audio surveillance would produce about 33 times more data daily", "id": "6382599" }, { "contents": "Google Play\n\n\nmillion Android users had already downloaded the apps, the oldest of which had been around since November 2016. In June 2017, researchers from Sophos security company announced their finding of 47 apps using a third-party development library that shows intrusive advertisements on users' phones. Even after such apps are force-closed by the user, advertisements remain. Google removed some of the apps after receiving reports from Sophos, but some apps remained. When asked for comment, Google didn't respond. In August 2017, 500 apps were", "id": "7435666" }, { "contents": "Signal Protocol\n\n\n2017, WhatsApp announced a new feature, WhatsApp Status, which uses the Signal Protocol to secure its contents. In September 2015, G Data Software launched a new messaging app called Secure Chat which used the Signal Protocol. G Data discontinued the service in May 2018. In September 2016, Google launched a new messaging app called Allo, which featured an optional Incognito Mode that used the Signal Protocol for end-to-end encryption. In March 2019, Google discontinued Allo in favor of their Messages app on Android. In", "id": "18619371" }, { "contents": "Tony D. Sampson\n\n\nemotions linked to compulsive behaviour so as to keep people checking their social media page or using an app, not only to see if we have a response but to see if our message has even been read or not.. The more compulsive the checking of notifications and read receipts becomes, the more they keep the data flow alive and the more likely we are to keep giving away more information about ourselves that can be sold on.” Sampson's \"Virality\" is also referenced in the Mashable video \"Virality: How Does", "id": "16371972" }, { "contents": "Xiaomi Mi Note\n\n\n, and \"are willing to take the risk of getting one from third-party resellers – there may be no way to get an official warranty when going through a third-party – and have the patience to deal with the lack of native Google apps support, you'll find a phone that rivals the Samsung Galaxy S6s and iPhone 6s of the world in both design and performance.\" \"CNET\" also mentioned that the Mi Note Pro \"does lack advanced forward-looking features like a fingerprint sensor.\" \"", "id": "3174045" }, { "contents": "Joe Perry (musician)\n\n\nit stands for. But I don't like the politics. I don't feel the people are represented the way they should be. So many things that made America great have been kinda stepped on by politicians. Politics is a business. First thing they do when they get into office is figure out how they're gonna get reelected.\" Perry has spearheaded the creation of a line of hot sauces with Ashley Food Company: \"Joe Perry's Rock Your World Hot Sauces\", featured widely in the marketplace.", "id": "20572375" }, { "contents": "Article marketing\n\n\nwill make the website more valuable. This will result in other companies seeking to pay for use of the website space for advertisements because of the larger amount of traffic the website receives. Article marketing has also moved into phone and tablet applications also known as apps. App advertising is a very effective form of advertising, Milton Brown performed a study that people were twice as likely to purchase on their mobile phone when they see a Snapchat (a prominent phone app) advertisement. He also found that 92% of campaigns saw clear", "id": "4269265" }, { "contents": "Reception and criticism of WhatsApp security and privacy features\n\n\nthe chat is deleted completely. In early 2015, after WhatsApp launched a web client that can be used from the browser, Bhuyan also found that it had two security issues that compromised user privacy: the WhatsApp Photo Privacy Bug and the WhatsApp Web Photo Sync Bug. In February 2015, a Dutch university student named Maikel Zweerink published an app that set out to prove that anyone could track a WhatsApp user's status and also keep an eye of their changing profile pictures, privacy settings or status messages regardless of their privacy settings", "id": "4054849" }, { "contents": "Paul Beliën\n\n\n. A translation of an extract from his text follows: The predators have teeth and claws. The predators have knives. Starting when they're small, they learn at their yearly offerings how to cut the throats of warm-blooded livestock. We get sick at the sight of blood, but they don't. They're trained and they're armed. We can't even carry pepperspray in our pockets. They have switchblades and butchers knives and they know how to use them. On 25 April 2006 Beliën wrote a new", "id": "7501738" }, { "contents": "Customer to customer\n\n\ncase of individuals who are looking to sell a product or service they have developed to be sold on the small-scale, there is a product development life cycle. However, even when a product goes through a development life cycle when marketed in this manner, seldom does traditional marketing research occur. Oftentimes individuals are looking to make a quick profit, and simply place their product in the market place in hopes that it will be sold. Advertising is essential towards the success of any business. In the case of customer to", "id": "14470995" }, { "contents": "Mating (novel)\n\n\nRush has created one of the wiser and wittier fictive meditations on the subject of mating. His novel illuminates why we yield when we don't have to. It seeks to illuminate the nature of true intimacy—how to define it, how to know when one has achieved it.\" Although \"[a] certain amount of rambling does take place. . . And important secondary characters in Tsau, even given the narrator's focus on Denoon and her own self-absorption, are sketchily drawn,\" Shepard nonetheless extols", "id": "17152993" }, { "contents": "Bharti Airtel\n\n\n2014, Gopal Vittal, CEO of Airtel's India operations, said that companies offering free messaging apps like Skype, Line and Whatsapp should be regulated similar to telecom operators. In August 2014, TRAI rejected a proposal from telecom companies to make messaging application firms share part of their revenue with the carriers or the government. In November 2014, TRAI began investigating if Airtel was implementing preferential access by offering special Internet packs which allowed WhatsApp and Facebook data at rates which were lower than its standard data rates. The statements of Chua", "id": "17248471" }, { "contents": "Tetley's Brewery\n\n\nsold in 2010. Tetley's advertising suffered during the 1980s when its television advertisements focussed too heavily on a folksy, old fashioned idea of Yorkshire life. From 1999 - 2006 Tetley used \"Smoothly Does It\" as its slogan. In 2006 the slogan became 'Don't Do Things By Halves'. Following a break for a number of years from television advertising, Tetley returned to the screens in October 2010 as a sponsor of evening programming on ITV4. In 1920, the huntsman logo was introduced. In 2000 Tetley's", "id": "10628943" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Google\n\n\n(Tiananmen Square incident). Google has been involved in censorship of Google Maps satellite imagery countrywide affecting Android and iOS apps using .com, .tr, and .tld automatically. Desktop users can easily evade this censorship by just removing .tr, and .tld from the URL but the same technique is impossible with smartphone apps. In February 2003, Google stopped showing the advertisements of Oceana, a non-profit organization protesting a major cruise ship operation's sewage treatment practices. Google cited its editorial policy at the time, stating \"Google does", "id": "8532064" }, { "contents": "Andrew Reynolds (skateboarder)\n\n\n're a complete fucking moron if you don't think that Andrew is the best skater in the world. Every single day he does tricks that I've never seen him do, and I've known him, like, six years.\" Professional skateboarder, teammate, artist, and company owner Ed Templeton has stated: \"I don't know how he does it. I don't know how he jumps down the stuff he jumps down, year after year, and, and, still be like ... I don't", "id": "654728" }, { "contents": "Real Madrid Fantasy Manager\n\n\nthey unlock as partners when they reach level 5. In iPhone, a player can invite partners by giving them a code. Partners help players to get more profit from facilities, and also help to win matches. A partner can also be obtained in the shop, which consumes 5 shields per 1 \"Socio\". Sometimes even a partner is gained when the app is visited daily and while getting its daily reward. There are 130,000 monthly active users of the game, making it the most popular game in the fantasy manager", "id": "8119227" }, { "contents": "Throne of Weapons\n\n\n, and the weapons that make up the seat were made in Poland and Czechoslovakia. The weapons in Mozambique arise from a civil war that was funded by South Africa and Rhodesia and involved emigrants from their apartheid regimes. One million people were killed and the war only ended when the Soviet Union collapsed and the funding ended. Kofi Annan said when this chair was being discussed, \"We don't manufacture weapons, we sometimes don't even have money to buy them. How do we get these weapons to kill each other?", "id": "21586663" }, { "contents": "Tree of Life (Kester)\n\n\nmillion people were killed and the war only ended when the Soviet Union collapsed and the funding ended. Kofi Annan of the United Nations said, when similar work was being discussed, \"We don't manufacture weapons, we sometimes don't even have money to buy them. How do we get these weapons to kill each other?\" This sculpture was commissioned by the British Museum in 2005 after they had purchased another sculpture called \"Throne of Weapons\" in 2002. The sculpture had been brought to England by Christian Aid's", "id": "4715993" }, { "contents": "WhatsApp\n\n\nsource and published under the GPLv3 license. Cade Metz, writing in \"Wired\", said, \"WhatsApp, more than any company before it, has taken encryption to the masses.\" WhatsApp Payments is a peer-to-peer money transfer feature that is currently only available in India. WhatsApp has received permission from the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) to enter into partnership with multiple banks in July 2017 to allow users to make in-app payments and money transfers using the Unified Payments Interface (UPI", "id": "16980823" }, { "contents": "Reception and criticism of WhatsApp security and privacy features\n\n\nIn May 2019, it was revealed that there was a security vulnerability in WhatsApp, allowing a remote person to install a spyware just by making a call which does not even need to be answered. Later, in June 2019, another vulnerability was revealed, allowing a user to transform and audio call into a video call, without the victim consent and without the victim noticing. A bug bounty of 5000 USD was offered for this bug. In June 2019, Whatsapp announced that it would take legal action against users who send", "id": "4054860" }, { "contents": "Steve Kilbey\n\n\n, get me some too.\" No one had ever offered it to me up until then. All the other drugs you might get offered, but no one ever says, \"Hey, want some heroin?\" It's not like that. If you've got a stash, you don't offer it. You don't really go around turning other people on. It's not the sort of thing you advertise. Kilbey states that he \"loved\" heroin when he first snorted it and continued to use the", "id": "10977855" }, { "contents": "One Thousand Years of Trouble\n\n\nin his \"Consumer's Guide\" column in \"The Village Voice\", Robert Christgau gave the album a grade of B+, writing that, \"[a]t their strongest these Leeds lads have the postsituationist aggro down,\" noting how \"[s]logans like 'Take It!' and 'Don't Get Mad…Get Even!' are presented literally, yelled over loud funk beats that combined with their wall of noise makes them white rap the way Led Zep were white blues. Advocating insurrection ain't planning revolution,", "id": "1189151" }, { "contents": "Puddle of Mudd\n\n\n\" He added, \"And for me to do interviews all the time and be asked about this certain individual... People think he writes music with me or something. He does not do that. I just don't get it. We have nothing in common. He doesn't even call us, he has his assistant call us to congratulate us on our record. Yeah, that's how pathetic he is.\" On April 23, 2008, In an interview with Artisan News Service, Wes Scantlin took back his", "id": "2589977" }, { "contents": "Messaging apps\n\n\nMessaging apps (a.k.a. \"Social messaging\" or \"chat applications\") are apps and platforms that enable messaging, many of which started around social networking platforms, but many of which have now developed into broad platforms enabling status updates, chatbots, payments and conversational commerce (e-commerce via chat). Some examples of popular messaging apps include WhatsApp, China's WeChat and QQ Messenger, Viber, Line, Snapchat, Korea's KakaoTalk, Google's Hangouts, Blackberry Messenger, Telegram, and Vietnam's Zalo.", "id": "19778798" }, { "contents": "Quinn Fabray\n\n\n, Darrell, does not have Down syndrome like Becky does. They all get a big lesson when they confront him and realize that a person with Down syndrome should be treated like everyone else. Despite being Santana and Brittany's best friend, she is notably absent during their wedding in \"A Wedding\". She is mentioned several times during the Pilot's parallel episode \"2009\", as Finn's cheerleader girlfriend. She is later seen during Don't Stop Believin' watching the performance with Sue and Santana. She returns", "id": "8241358" }, { "contents": "WhatsApp\n\n\non his Twitter account that WhatsApp had over 600 million active users worldwide. At that point WhatsApp was adding about 25 million new users every month, or 833,000 active users per day. With 65 million active users representing 10% of the total worldwide users, India has the largest number of consumers. In May 2017, it was reported that WhatsApp users spend over 340 million minutes on video calls each day on the app. This is the equivalent of roughly 646 years of video calls per day. As of February 2017,", "id": "16980836" }, { "contents": "WhatsApp\n\n\nStockholm attack reportedly used WhatsApp to exchange messages with an ISIS supporter shortly before and after the 2017 Stockholm attack. The messages involved discussing how to make an explosive device and a confession of the perpetration after the attack. It has been asserted that WhatsApp is plagued by scams that invite hackers to spread malicious viruses or malware. In May 2016, some WhatsApp users were reported to have been tricked into downloading a third-party application called \"WhatsApp Gold\", which was part of a scam that infected the users' phones with", "id": "16980830" }, { "contents": "Denton County Times\n\n\nchurches on the 380, such as COC Metro. The \"Times\" doesn't have an actual spiritual section but it does like to cover churches closely. Upward Soccer is another Pee-Wee sport that the \"Times\" does cover often. The \"Times\" is non-profit but does advertise somewhat for sponsors of the newspaper. \"The Times\" provides print copies, but only in certain neighborhoods. The Times does have special dates on some issues, such as Funny Clown Day in June. The Times encourages", "id": "11517227" }, { "contents": "Mail (Windows)\n\n\nWindows 8 comes with preset server configurations for popular email services, Exchange, Gmail, AOL Mail, and Yahoo! Mail. Other IMAP accounts can be configured, but it does not directly support POP. Even though this app does not run on the Windows desktop, it has multi-window support. Like many Microsoft apps introduced for Windows 8, many of the features are hidden in the charms or an initially hidden toolbar at the bottom of the screen that is revealed by right-clicking. Users who have subscribed", "id": "12814757" }, { "contents": "Tom Kummer\n\n\nis that no one, not even our bosses, knows how Hollywood really works. They don't know how hard it is to get any access at all. They think we spend our time at cocktail parties with movie stars. So someone like Kummer can come along and they have no control over him.\" Kummer has maintained a largely unapologetic stance about his fraud. He has referred to his work as \"montage reporting\" from \"the school of borderline reporting\", where his goal was simply to entertain the reader", "id": "15458598" }, { "contents": "Wakedafucup\n\n\nthe third member of the group, Sonny Seeza, does not appear on the album. That's how Fredro explains this situation in an interview with HipHopDX:\"...Sonsee is not on this album. Sonsee don't rock with us no more, but we never broke up. I still speak to Sonsee, and it ain't no beef. He just don't rock with us, and we can't wait for nobody. If Sonsee ain't gonna rock with us, we gotta go get a nigga like Papoose", "id": "7490448" }, { "contents": "Dance Naked\n\n\nand half the songs don't even have bass parts. Others have just one guitar, bass, and drums, which I haven't done since \"American Fool\". 'Hurts So Good' had one guitar, bass, and drums, and I think one tambourine.\" Mellencamp says he and his bandmates \"looked back at \"Human Wheels\" and said, 'How can we make it more empty?' What you get when you do that is the haunting type of feeling that you won't get with", "id": "9139868" }, { "contents": "Eric Show\n\n\nI don't care. ... Don't get me wrong. I'm certainly not putting down Pete. It's a fantastic accomplishment.\" \"Gosh, he felt so bad after that, and he didn't know how to articulate it,\" said teammate Dave Dravecky. \"Sometimes when you're brilliant like he was, the simplest of things are the hardest of things to express.\" Show later offered, \"We have a choice – to think or not to think – and I've come to the conclusion", "id": "5174743" }, { "contents": "WhatsApp\n\n\n). UPI enables account-to-account transfers from a mobile app without having any details of the beneficiary's bank. On February 28, 2019, \"The New York Times\" reported that Facebook was “hoping to succeed where Bitcoin failed” by developing an in-house cryptocurrency that would be incorporated into WhatsApp. The project reportedly involves over 50 engineers under the direction of former PayPal president David Marcus. This 'Facebook coin' will reportedly be a stablecoin pegged to the value of a basket of different foreign currencies", "id": "16980824" }, { "contents": "Telegram (software)\n\n\naccess the same functionality as Telegram's official apps to build their own messaging applications. In February 2015, creators of the unofficial Whatsapp+ client released the Telegram Plus app, later renamed to Plus Messenger, after their original project got a cease-and-desist order from WhatsApp. In September 2015, Samsung released a messaging application based on these APIs. Telegram also offers an API that allows developers to create bots, which are accounts controlled by programs. In February 2016, \"Forbes\" launched an AI-powered news bot", "id": "19486433" }, { "contents": "Academic ranks in Norway\n\n\nconnection with an application for a position as professor (even applicants who don't get the specific position may be awarded professor competence), or, since the 1990s, in connection with an individual application for promotion from associate professor to professor. Before the 1990s, professor competence was only awarded by direct application for an advertised position as professor, as there was no promotion procedure. The title of \"visiting professor\" does not exist legally in Norway, but is sometimes used informally by full professors at foreign universities who stay as", "id": "6317008" }, { "contents": "How to Get Away with Murder\n\n\nthink he's hiding, and I think he's alone. If he does have a lifeline, I don't think it's Laurel\". Regarding Laurel, Nowalk said that Laurel's backstory with her family would be explored in the upcoming season, \"I feel like it's very present. The promise of our show is that we won't dangle things out too long. The likelihood is yes. We've raised that question too many times not to answer it sooner than later\". Michaela's backstory would also", "id": "21465369" }, { "contents": "Marty Saybrooke\n\n\ndon't even know how much help that was for me\", stated Haskell. She said she did \"put a lot of thought into\" how her character would be now, but that \"it comes back to you, it really does. The most prep I did was learning my stinking lines. That was where I was the most out of practice. Gotta get that muscle going again.\" Marty Saybrooke is the scion of one of Llanview's oldest and most prestigious families. Orphaned at an early age", "id": "19496260" }, { "contents": "Don't Get Me Started\n\n\n\"fireworks flashing and thunder clapping\" that occurred in the narrator's mind when he first fell in love. Besides physical phenomena, there are allusions to metaphysical visions like \"angels singing\" and \"I saw the light\". The chorus concludes with the lyric \"if you don't want to hear how the waters parted, then don't get me started.\" Deborah Evans Price, of \"Billboard\" magazine reviewed the song favorably saying that while the song had the potential to \"descend into sticky sweetness\",", "id": "11223179" }, { "contents": "Eddie Hurley\n\n\n. I'm going to fight this thing all the way to the Commissioner's office if I have to. And if I don't get any satisfaction from him [William Eckert], I'll hire an attorney. ... I don't know of any business in the world that would do something like this to a man. Even a dog gets more consideration than we did. Why, even if an umpire is fired - if he's the worst in the business - he gets 10 days' notice. We got", "id": "8457032" } ]
My eyes are red from allergies. Rubbing them makes it worse but it feels oh so good. Why?
[{"answer": "Allergies make you itchy. Rubbing things that itch makes it feel better. In turn you're rubbing your eyes with something that's probably covered in the stuff your allergic to, Making the irritation worse."}, {"answer": "Allergies are a false-positive response to a substance that doesn't harm you (pollen for example). The body responds with itching, giving you a signal to scratch, in order to remove the substance faster. No wonder it feels good - your system is rewarding you for the actions."}, {"answer": "The strategy that works best for me is to take an allergy pill like cetirizine and then wash my face and splash cold water in my eyes for a few minutes. This usually calms it down until the antihistamines kick in."}, {"answer": "It feels better because you are overwhelming the nerve receptors responsible for the itchy feeling. So temporarily the rubbing stimulates more nerves overwhelming the itchy feeling."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "6053730", "title": "Cyanopsia", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Cyanopsia is a medical term for seeing everything tinted with blue. It is also referred to as blue vision. Cyanopsia often occurs for a few days, weeks, or months after removal of a cataract from the eye. Cyanopsia also sometimes occurs as a side effect of taking sildenafil (Viagra), Cialis, or Levitra. Cyanopsia is a medical symptom and not a sign. It is a purely subjective state and can be caused by a physical or functional abnormality of the eye, a physical or functional abnormality of the brain", "Cyanopsia is a medical term for seeing everything tinted with blue. It is also referred to as blue vision. Cyanopsia often occurs for a few days, weeks, or months after removal of a cataract from the eye. Cyanopsia also sometimes occurs as a side effect of taking sildenafil (Viagra), Cialis, or Levitra. Cyanopsia is a medical symptom and not a sign. It is a purely subjective state and can be caused by a physical or functional abnormality of the eye, a physical or functional abnormality of the brain"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Bill Cullen\n\n\nn't even hear her. Finally we meet in the middle, we hug, and he says to me, \"You know, you're the only comic who's ever had the nerve to make fun of my crippled walk. Everyone's so careful, it makes me feel even worse.\" And I realize, Oh, my God, \"this guy is really crippled!\" It was my worst moment — and if you weren't me, probably the funniest thing that ever happened. In the fall of 1969", "id": "18250896" }, { "contents": "Dark Eyes (song)\n\n\nJust to realise my life’s worthiest prizebr Did I sacrifice for those ardent eyes!.br br Translation by Peter Farnbank Another rhythmical translation which is closer to the original Oh you dark black eyes, full-of-passion-eyesbr Oh you burning eyes, how you hypnotisebr Now I love you so, but I fear you thoughbr Since you glanced at me not so long br Oh I see you now, you are dark and deepbr I see grief and feel that my soul will weepbr I see now in you a winning burning", "id": "13505096" }, { "contents": "Guido Cavalcanti\n\n\nbalance was considered the \"buon perfetto\", the \"good perfection.\" Guido thought this balance could not be achieved, which is why he speaks of “tormented laments” that makes his soul cry, that make his eyes dead, so he can feel “neither peace nor even rest in the place where I found love and my Lady.” This passage explains the conflict between the sensitive and intellectual, as Guido's heart shivers as his \"our lowly minds couldn't sustain what our intellects saw.\" All", "id": "17618677" }, { "contents": "Chemosis\n\n\nfluid filled in the conjunctiva all over the eyes except the iris. The iris is not covered by this fluid and so it appears to be moved slightly inwards. It is usually caused by allergies or viral infections, often inciting excessive eye rubbing. Chemosis is also included in the Chandler Classification system of orbital infections. If chemosis has occurred due to excessive rubbing of the eye, the first aid to be given is a cold water wash for eyes. Other causes of chemosis include: Treatment depends on the cause of the chemosis", "id": "1080504" }, { "contents": "Oh Man-seok\n\n\n, depressing lives, but the only thing that makes them feel alive and gives them joy is music. Calling it a musical that's \"both cheerful and emotionally weighty,\" Oh said directing made him feel a huge sense of responsibility, fear, and nerves, but he did his best with the actors \"to create something.\"\" For his second directorial project, Oh chose \"The Organ in My Heart\". A stage adaptation of the 1999 film \"The Harmonium in My Memory\" set in the 1960s", "id": "20734362" }, { "contents": "Rain Dogs\n\n\na sound, I usually feel better if I've chased it and killed it, skinned it and cooked it. Most things you can get with a button nowadays. So if I was trying for a certain drum sound, my engineer would say, 'Oh, for Christ's sake, why are we wasting our time? Let's just hit this little cup with a stick here, sample something (take a drum sound from another record) and make it bigger in the mix, don't worry about it.", "id": "19044050" }, { "contents": "Allergies in children\n\n\n. The child is reacting to a specific substance, or allergen. The immune system of a child responds to the invading allergen by releasing histamine and other chemicals that typically trigger symptoms in the nose, lungs, throat, sinuses, ears, eyes, skin, or stomach lining. In some children, allergies can also trigger symptoms of asthma—a disease that causes wheezing or difficulty breathing. If a child has allergies and asthma, controlling the allergies is important because the lack of treatment may make the allergies worse. Compounds", "id": "16493096" }, { "contents": "Oh Mother\n\n\nactually means something to her, when the song is more than just something to sing\". Spence D. for IGN was positive toward the song's meaning, writing that it \"resonates with a bittersweet energy that helps it rise above the standard young pop queen fare of the day\". musicOMH's John Murray was not impressed with the song, calling it \"good\" but saying that it would \"just make the bad moments feel so much worse\". Digital Spy critic Nick Levine provided a negative review, giving it", "id": "12101424" }, { "contents": "Caliban upon Setebos\n\n\n. Had He meant other, while His hand was in, Why not make horny eyes no thorn could prick, Or plate my scalp with bone against the snow, Or overscale my flesh 'neath joint and joint Like an orc's armour? Ay,--so spoil His sport! He is the One now: only He doth all. 'Saith, He may like, perchance, what profits Him. Ay, himself loves what does him good; but why? 'Gets good no otherwise. This blinded beast Loves whoso places", "id": "14045109" }, { "contents": "Jūrō Kara\n\n\na virgin. I had children in the past, only one of them, the smooth talker, came back alone from the mountain - Zarathustra rubbing his big grimy feet on my thighs, this is a superman, rub, rub, rub. Listen, mother, the body is big reason. If so, Son, is the reason a bid body? Then his big feet suddenly stopped ... \"(Spoken, aside.)\" \"Logic cannot make a U-turn so easily\" The creep of a", "id": "3271964" }, { "contents": "Tears Are Not Enough\n\n\nMitchell later spoke to writer Iain Blair about the recording experience: \"I know it sounds ridiculous, but I was literally starving when we did the session 'cause my yoga teacher had sent me to a psychic dietician who, while rubbing her chin and swinging her arm around in a circle, had diagnosed a lot of food allergies. The result was, predictably, that I was hardly allowed to eat anything, so by the time I arrived with an apple and a rice patty, my poor stomach was making all these strange", "id": "3751012" }, { "contents": "The Naughtiest Girl is a Monitor\n\n\nfeel a bit guilty “I know she accused me wrongly of stealing, but she didn’t really play the fool in class; her behaviour was really the results of my tricks” thinks Julian. Elizabeth is summoned to William's office and she explains why she thought Julian was a thief. Julian is then summoned and says “Oh, I see. A lolly of Elizabeth’s fell out of my pocket, did it? And there was a marked coin in my pocket? So that’s why Elizabeth accused me of", "id": "20782453" }, { "contents": "Oh My Girl\n\n\nOh My Girl Banhana, which consists of Hyojung, Binnie and Arin. In June, the group signed a recording deal with Ariola Japan, a Sony Music Japan label. The \"Banhana\" sub-unit debuted in August 2018 with a Japanese version of the \"Banana Allergy Monkey\" EP. On August 24, WM Entertainment confirmed that the group will make a Korean comeback. Oh My Girl's sixth EP, \"Remember Me\", was released on September 10, along with the title track of the same name", "id": "19967456" }, { "contents": "Cats and the Internet\n\n\none cat makes aggressive noises at another, its vocalizations resembling \"human-like gibberish\" that can be interpreted as \"Oh my dog. Oh Long John. Oh Long Johnson. Oh Don Piano. Why I eyes ya. All the live long day.\" The video first appeared on the Internet in 2006 during a compilation video on YouTube featuring cats producing human-like sounds, and other standalone videos were later uploaded. The full clip shows a second, younger-looking cat in the room, and the cat", "id": "22124846" }, { "contents": "Beyoncé Pulse\n\n\nhusband Jay-Z. She told \"Access Hollywood\": \"I wear it, I live with it for about six months, and we tweak. I make sure I get my compliments from everyone—from my fans to my husband.\" According to Knowles, the scent is made to help women feel empowered, and a fragrance is an important accessory: \"When you feel good, when you look good, when you smell good, when you're fresh, it makes you feel so confident. You feel that", "id": "13159069" }, { "contents": "Oh My Girl\n\n\n22 to 26 February at the Shinsegae Mesa Hall in Seoul, South Korea. On January 23, 2018 Oh My Girl won their first music show trophy on \"The Show\" and the second trophy on \"Show Champion\" on January 24, 2018, with \"Secret Garden\". It was announced that the group would release a pop-up album titled \"Oh My Girl Banhana - Banana Allergy Monkey\" on April 2. The title track \"Banana Allergy Monkey\" is sung by the group's sub-unit", "id": "19967455" }, { "contents": "Sir Charles Asgill, 2nd Baronet\n\n\nWhyte do you know the good people of Dublin are beginning to abuse you quite as much as they abuse me\". \"Oh no, I hope not quite so bad as that\" – quoth Miss W. \"Why though they abuse me, I'm certainly very popular\" reasoned Lady A – \"for if I invite 60 people to my dinners or my concerts not one of the 60 send an excuse. They all come to my parties\". \"Oh that is no proof of popularity\" replied Miss W \"", "id": "4423750" }, { "contents": "Maya Avant\n\n\npart.\" \"It's so much, but I have to sometimes make sure I read the scripts in advance, because a lot of times, I'll read them and almost get a stomachache from the decisions she's about to make. I'll be like, 'Oh, Maya! I feel like in my own life, I do everything I can to avoid drama. And so then to play this character who literally walks around starting fires every where she goes is really counterintuitive.\" Mosley who initially questioned", "id": "3485520" }, { "contents": "Tommy Hunt\n\n\nTo Me\" – 1953 (Red Vinyl) The Five Echoes Sabre 107? - \"Why Oh Why\" / \"That's My Baby\" - 1954 The Flamingos Decca 30335 - \"The Ladder Of Love\" / \"Let's Make Up\" - 1957 Decca 30454 - \"Helpless\" / \"My Faith In You\" - 1957 Decca 30687 - \"Where Mary Go\" / \"The Rock And Roll March\" - 1958 End 1035 - \"Lovers Never Say Goodbye\" / \"That Love Is You\" –", "id": "5720419" }, { "contents": "Leoben Conoy\n\n\naccidentally detonates, Adama is trapped with Leoben and separated from the rest of the crew. They look for a way out, engaging in philosophical conversation, all the while Leoben claims to be suffering from allergies. As Adama and Leoben converse, Adama notices Leoben Conoy's \"allergies\" getting worse. This makes Adama suspicious as he feels it may be a reaction Cylons have to radiation (in this case emitted by the gas giant the anchorage orbits). Eventually, Leoben confirms Adama's suspicions, admitting his true nature.", "id": "10958009" }, { "contents": "Kelly Clarkson's Cautionary Christmas Music Tale\n\n\nwhich Stewart added, \"the story is a way to refresh the palate, so viewers go, 'Oh, my God, she sounds beautiful. Let's hear her sing!' You want to remind them why they're there.\" The music of \"Kelly Clarkson's Cautionary Christmas Music Tale\" features the songs from her sixth studio album \"Wrapped in Red\". The television special's musical performances were taped in front of a live audience at The Venetian Las Vegas on October 30, 2013, a day", "id": "8147421" }, { "contents": "Periorbital dark circles\n\n\nPeriorbital dark circles are dark blemishes around the eyes. There are many causes of this symptom, including heredity and bruising. Any condition that causes the eyes to itch can contribute to darker circles due to rubbing or scratching the skin around them. Hay fever sufferers in particular will notice under-eye \"smudges\" during the height of the allergy season. Any medications that cause blood vessels to dilate can cause circles under the eyes to darken. Because the skin under the eyes is very delicate, any increased blood flow shows through", "id": "13945164" }, { "contents": "They've Actually Gotten Worse Live!\n\n\nThey've Actually Gotten Worse Live! is a live album by punk rock band NOFX. The album is their second live recording, following their 1995 album \"I Heard They Suck Live!!\" On September 26, 2007, the band posted a bulletin from their MySpace profile with the following regarding the album: \"Ever done something you regret while drunk? I know, I know… so embarrassing right? Ever woken up and rubbed your pounding skull and said, “What did I do last night?” Oh", "id": "12388124" }, { "contents": "Relationship between Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda\n\n\nwith strangers, foolish mind? Why do you so forget your own?/poem When Narendra finished singing, Ramakrishna suddenly became emotional, grasped Narendra's hands and took him into the northern porch of the Kali temple and with tears in his eyes said to him — Ah! you have come so late. How unkind of you to keep me waiting so long! My ears are almost seared listening to the cheap talk of worldly people. Oh, how I have been yearning to unburden my mind to one who will understand my thought!", "id": "3526946" }, { "contents": "Cenodoxus\n\n\ncathedral when Cenodoxus's body cried out the things described. Seeing this with his own eyes, Bruno was beside himself with confusion as to why these things had happened, and why Cenodoxus—of all people—should have met with such a stern judgment. \"If that good man Cenodoxus is lost, despite the many good things he has done, how can I be saved, who am so much worse a man, and by far the less deserving?\" Bruno left society behind to build a monastery in the woods", "id": "15096013" }, { "contents": "Every Day's Like Christmas\n\n\nyou wanting to feel a bit more bouncy, exuberant, or joyous? Make you wonder what the track might sound like if the Pet Shop Boys tinkered with it? The Stock Aitken Waterman remix will answer all those questions and make good on all those promises.\" Rob Corpsey from The Official Chart Company stated \"OK so this is pretty much the Christmas song to end all Christmas songs; a massive sugar rush of classic, candy-coated late 80s pop wrapped up in a big shiny red bow. Oh, and", "id": "9878275" }, { "contents": "Hi no Sakana\n\n\nMurata and entertains the kids. Murata asks Orimi what she thinks of his previous story. After she gives her opinion, he gives her his latest manuscript. She asks him about the design of the book cover. Murata asks about the shadow pictures that Orimi uses in her play. She replies that she made them from her father's ink rubbing of a sea bream. Murata asks her to make an ink rubbing of his red goldfish. But she feels sorry for the red goldfish, because that would mean it would have", "id": "19207387" }, { "contents": "Say My Name (Tove Styrke song)\n\n\ndid not want to pen \"another love song\". However, she changed her mind for \"Say My Name\" as she was \"tired of being angry\", opting for music that makes her \"feel good\". She said, \"There's a reason why so much music is about sex and love. It is linked to one's worst and best experiences.\" \"Say My Name\" was met with positive reviews. Issy Beech, writing for \"Noisey\", wrote positively of the song and", "id": "3918793" }, { "contents": "Heinrich Heine\n\n\nso much, they will chop down my Laurel forests and plant potatoes and, oh!, the herbs chandler will use my Book of Songs to make bags for coffee and snuff for the old women of the future – oh!, I can foresee all this and I feel deeply sorry thinking of this decline threatening my poetry and the old world order – And yet, I freely confess, the same thoughts have a magical appeal upon my soul which I cannot resist ... In my chest there are two voices in their", "id": "14959900" }, { "contents": "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\n\n\n\"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" is a song by American electronica musician Moby. It was released on October 11, 1999 as the fourth single from his fifth studio album \"Play\". \"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" was originally written by Moby in 1992 in an iteration which Moby would describe as \"really bad techno... Just mediocre, generic techno.\" Years later, Moby revisited the song, reproducing it as a considerably slower and more \"mournful and romantic\" song,", "id": "1564560" }, { "contents": "O mein Papa\n\n\n, Oh, my Papa, to me he was so good. No one could be so gentle and so lovable, Oh, my Papa, he always understood. /poempoem Oh, my Papa, so funny, so adorable, Always the clown so funny in his way. Oh, my Papa, to me he was so wonderful, Deep in my heart I miss him so today. /poem poemGone are the days when he would take me on his knee And with a smile he'd change my tears to laughter./poem The", "id": "11176279" }, { "contents": "2015 GEICO 500\n\n\nbecause we build fast cars and they are tough. Just real emotional man. Everything is just so good for me now. My personal life. My racing. The team I am with. I don't know why. I don't feel like I deserve it. I just feel overcome with a lot of emotion. It has been a long time since I won here. I've run so good here, and not to win here in so many races has bothered me.” Following the race, Carl Edwards", "id": "18533793" }, { "contents": "We're from America\n\n\ngoing through in my personal life. Someone asked me, 'Why are you so fucked up?', 'Well, I am from America.' I hate the fact that so many people have fucked the country up, and so many people fucked up my personal life and I allowed it to happen. So in a way, I feel like America as a whole feels, but in no way does that make me a tree-hugging patriotic freedom rocker.\" In response to this interview, Rudy Coby,", "id": "5463814" }, { "contents": "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\n\n\nof \"Honey\" featuring American R&B singer Kelis, reaching number 17 on the UK Singles Chart. The music video for \"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" was directed by Filipe Alçada, Hotessa Laurence, and Susi Wilkinson. It is completely animated and features the character Little Idiot, who is also featured on the \"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" single cover. The video depicts Little Idiot and his pet dog coming down from the Moon to Earth and traveling through a variety of locations,", "id": "1564563" }, { "contents": "Changes (the Monkees album)\n\n\n)\" and \"Ride Baby, Ride,\" have not been found in any archives, despite ongoing efforts to locate them. All tracks except \"You're So Good to Me\" and \"It's Got to Be Love\" were dubbed into the CBS reruns of \"The Monkees\" from 1970–1972. \"Tracks 1-12: Original album\" \"Oh, My, My\" \"Ticket on a Ferry Ride\" \"You're So Good to Me\" \"It's Got to Be Love\" \"Acapulco", "id": "6955997" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Smart\n\n\nto sexual education programs where a sexually active girl is compared to a chewed piece of gum. \"I thought, 'Oh, my gosh, I'm that chewed up piece of gum, nobody re-chews a piece of gum, you throw it away.' And that's how easy it is to feel like you no longer have worth, you no longer have value,\" Smart said. \"Why would it even be worth screaming out? Why would it even make a difference if you are rescued?", "id": "66023" }, { "contents": "Oh World\n\n\nrights so much. So I can see it now as a good thing for me. It turned me into a better person, I think. When asked if he had been writing material recently, Rutherford stated: \"There were the tracks left off the solo thing so I decided to redo them. One of them has a choir and an orchestra on it. Yeah, I would say they are more soulful songs, the most soulful stuff that I have ever written, ballads. It makes sense with my age.", "id": "8854331" }, { "contents": "Hand rubbing\n\n\n. Hand rubbing involves rubbing the palms of one's hands together. As a gesture of expectation, the rate at which one rubs the palms together is significant. A fast pace indicates expectation of something good for onesself. But a slow pace indicates expectation of something bad for someone else. Context also affects the meaning of the gesture. In context, the meaning can vary from an indicator of internal (anticipatory) tension to meaning \"Oh good!\". In drama, rubbing hands can signify various things, such as", "id": "13247219" }, { "contents": "I Guess I'll Have to Change My Plan\n\n\nhead And watch the stars upon my pillow Oh what I light the moonbeams shed I feel so happy I could cry And tears are born right in the corner of my eye To be at home with Ma was never like this I could live forever like this I love to lie awake a while And go to sleep with a smile The song was originally given the sub title of \"The Blue Pajama Song\" because of the opening lines of the first refrain: \"I guess I'll have to change my plan / I", "id": "14716870" }, { "contents": "Billy Kersands\n\n\nfor a short time, instead preferring the blackface minstrelsy he knew best. He formed another troupe and took up touring primarily in the South. Kersands answered the inevitable question of why he had not made the move to vaudeville thus: \"All of my money came from the people of the South, the white and the colored, while playing down there. Whether they meant it or not, the way I was treated by them, and still am, I feel at home. I also make a good living with no", "id": "13188493" }, { "contents": "G. H. Chirgwin\n\n\nwork rubbing my eye and when I faced the audience again there was a shriek of laughter. I had rubbed a patch of the black off round my eye, and the effect was so peculiar that I stuck to it ever since. Though, of course, it was some time before I adopted the diamond shaped patch as a distinctive mark. His comic performances included improvised exchanges with audiences, and he was noted for his rapport with working class patrons; one reviewer said that he talked to his audience \"as though he", "id": "17026522" }, { "contents": "Ken Wallis\n\n\nthe eye test. In 1939, he was called up to RAF Uxbridge, and again was sent for a medical. When it came to the eyesight test he managed to pass, as Wallis later recalled, \"I did the first line with my good eye then they covered it up and asked me to read the bottom line with my bad eye, without them realising I just turned my head slightly so I could again see with my good eye – I passed it with Above Average Eye Sight!\" Wallis's military", "id": "3141105" }, { "contents": "Theory of art\n\n\nsays that some feelings are good, but others are bad, and so art is only valuable when it generates empathy or shared feeling for good feelings. For example, Tolstoy asserts that empathy for decadent members of the ruling class makes society worse, rather than better. In chapter sixteen, he asserts that the best art is \"universal art\" that expresses simple and accessible positive feeling. An argument for the value of art, used in the fictional work \"The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy\", proceeds that, if", "id": "15411260" }, { "contents": "List of Neighbours characters (2011)\n\n\ninitially get along, but that does not last long and the story starts to become interesting. Wood explained \"Rhys has an agenda which involves my character. Karl Kennedy also gets involved, and he and Chambers don't see eye to eye on some issues mainly involving Rhys so plenty of conflict.\" Rhys tries to get into Martin's good books in order to become a surgeon and this makes Karl feel like he is being sidelined. Wood explained Martin's main reason for being in \"Neighbours\" is to be a", "id": "1109622" }, { "contents": "Markos Moulitsas\n\n\nthere trying to help the people make Iraq a better place. They are there to wage war for profit. Screw them. In a blog post the next day, Moulitsas defended and clarified his remarks: My language was harsh, and, in reality, not true. Fact is, I did feel something. That's why I was so angry. I was angry that five soldiers—the real heroes in my mind—were killed the same day and got far lower billing in the newscasts. I was angry that", "id": "9028914" }, { "contents": "Unbreakable (Scorpions album)\n\n\nup with the song \"If You Could See Inside My Eyes\" (which became \"Through My Eyes\" on the album), Meine presented \"Maybe I, Maybe You\", Kottak \"Can You Feel It\" and Jabs \"This Time\". After those 4 songs were recorded, finally the band had a foundation of 12 songs to make an album. Apart from those 12 songs, the album has one bonus song titled \"Remember the Good Times\", taken from one of the demo sessions. Later", "id": "6990421" }, { "contents": "Hajib Shakarbar\n\n\ncolour. People from near and far come with all sorts of visible and invisible ailments, rub the sand of the Dargah on their bodies and eat it as well. They put the soot collected from the oil lamp, that is lit all night in the \"mazar\" chamber, for their sight defects and eyes ailments. The sight that most fascinated boys of my age group was that families brought their dear ones that had gone insane, some of them so mad that they had to be kept in strong chains tied to", "id": "16556451" }, { "contents": "It Was Always You\n\n\nfriends becoming lovers, features Levine singing such lyrics as: \"Woke up sweating from a dream / With a different kind of feeling\", \"Hazel eyes, I was so color blind\", \"It was always you / Can't believe I could not see it all this time, all this time\", \"Now I know why my heart wasn't satisfied, satisfied\" and \"All my hidden desires finally came alive\" in his signature falsetto, belted over synthesizers. E! Online's Chima Simone noted", "id": "13094887" }, { "contents": "Carrie (2013 film)\n\n\n, \"The real question is why, when the original was so good?\" He also suggested Lindsay Lohan for the main role and stated that \"it [the film] would certainly be fun to cast\". Actress Sissy Spacek, who played Carrie in the 1976 adaptation, expressed an opinion on the choice of Lohan for the character of Carrie White, stating that she \"was like, 'Oh my God, she's really a beautiful girl' and so I was very flattered that they were casting someone to", "id": "12786787" }, { "contents": "Take a Picture (Filter song)\n\n\nkinda stuck. Weeks later, I had another drunken experience – being on a plane and being blacked out and not feeling good and taking my shirt off, half in and out of consciousness – and I'm in the back of a paddy wagon. I’m thinking, \"Oh my God, what is my dad gonna think of this shit?\" Y’know, \"Dad, what do you think about your son now?\" So, the song is this amazing thing for me to look back on now.", "id": "5127602" }, { "contents": "Coroner (band)\n\n\nplay the songs automatically; it was still somehow programmed. It was really funny; your arms go left and right, and you don't know why. 'Oh, wow, that's why. I have to hit this cymbal right now.' [Laughs] So that was really quite a trip. It makes me feel like being [brought] back [in time] 15 years or more. And I missed playing drums, totally. That was also something I'm very happy about now — to just", "id": "9358711" }, { "contents": "(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay\n\n\nAlbum Rock Tracks chart. Zelma Redding, Otis's widow, said she was so moved by Bolton's performance \"that it brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me so much of my husband that I know if he heard it, he would feel the same.\" In a framed letter that hangs on the wall of Bolton's office, she referred to the record as \"my all-time favorite version of my husband's classic.\" In April 2013, Justin Timberlake performed the song as part of a", "id": "11849745" }, { "contents": "It's My Party (Jessie J song)\n\n\n- I hate calling them haters but that's the easiest way to sum it up - they need love more so than anyone else,\" she said. \"I don't think hate does anything for the world. It doesn't do any good. I wanted to make sure I had a song that represented what I'm about.\" \"It's My Party\" garnered mixed reviews from critics. UnrealityTV gave It's My Party three stars (out of five) wrote, \"I feel Jessie’s vocals are", "id": "17842528" }, { "contents": "Halloween (2018 film)\n\n\ntry to make the 10th sequel the scariest of them all.\" He discussed his reasoning for revisiting the series for the first time since producing 1982's \"\" in an interview with Rotten Tomatoes, \"I talked about the \"Halloweens\" for a long time, the sequels — I haven't even seen all of them [...] But finally it occurred to me: Well if I'm just flapping my gums here, why don't I try to make it as good as I can? So, you know", "id": "13962307" }, { "contents": "The Shape of Jazz to Come\n\n\na photograph of a woman in a gallery. Coleman describes the photograph as follows: In the background there was everything you could imagine that was wealthy – all in her background – but she was so sad. And I said, 'Oh my goodness. I understand this feeling. I have not experienced this wealth, but I understand the feeling.' I went home and wrote 'Lonely Woman'... I related the condition to myself, wrote this song, and ever since it has grown and grown and grown.", "id": "20163312" }, { "contents": "Cinderella's Eyes\n\n\nto do I get the biggest butterflies [...] For over a year, I've been in the studio writing my own songs and working towards making my own record. The time has come where I have to come out of my safe bubble that is the studio and share my music with you... butterflies just got worse [...] I've had the incredible opportunity to work with some of my favourite artists, DJs and producers on my album. I have had the most amazing time and I have learnt so much", "id": "14285641" }, { "contents": "Eros (concept)\n\n\nnotice the arrow that sped to his heart.\" The rhetorical antithesis between the pleasure and pain from love's dart continued through the 17th century, as for example, in these classically inspired images from The Fairy-Queen: If Love's a Sweet Passion, why does it torment?brIf a Bitter, oh tell me whence comes my content?brSince I suffer with pleasure, why should I complain,brOr grieve at my Fate, when I know 'tis in vain?brYet so pleasing the Pain is, so soft is the Dart,brThat", "id": "16557906" }, { "contents": "Star Trek: Discovery (season 1)\n\n\n, with 146 different iterations of the graphics tried before the final design was chosen. Composer Jeff Russo wrote several themes for the series, in addition to the main title theme, but not necessarily for the different characters in the show as would often be done. Instead, Russo wanted to focus on the emotions of the characters over the story beats, for instance \"even when you are shooting, you’re still feeling, so why not play that as opposed to 'Oh my god, he’s got a gun,", "id": "2509177" }, { "contents": "Bianca Montgomery\n\n\ndetermined to test fate.\" In a March 30, 2010 interview with \"Soap Opera Digest\", Riegel explained why she decided to move on from the character: I had tried to make it work with \"All My Children\". I don’t have a business head, so I don’t really make business decisions; every decision I make in my life is emotional and it was difficult to feel that the show wasn’t... that Bianca was getting lost. That who she was, was getting lost. I", "id": "8721858" }, { "contents": "Thomas Mottershead\n\n\nshining gold; With a diamond pen to shrine each word as crystal as a tear, And a blood-red fire of rubies to flash the record clear. Oh! I cannot tell this story, for the flame is in my heart, And my soul's afire with a vision of the mighty hero-part; And I spill the diamonds, in tears, that blind my mortal eyes As I dream the horror of that flight through the unpitying skies. Oh! A nation's heart beats quicker with a", "id": "1742657" }, { "contents": "Good Morning Baltimore\n\n\n\"Good Morning Baltimore\" is the opening number of the musical \"Hairspray\". It is performed by the protagonist, Tracy Turnblad, and alludes to the distinctive beat and vocal effects (\"oh-oh-oh\") of The Ronettes' 1963 hit \"Be My Baby\". In the 2007 film, Tracy, played by Nikki Blonsky, blinks her eyes in time with the music at the beginning of this number. Tracy Turnblad wakes up to a new day in Baltimore, and sings about everything she encounters", "id": "6851172" }, { "contents": "Oh! Susanna\n\n\nweather it was drybr The sun so hot I froze to death, Susanna don't you crybr Oh Susanna! Oh don't you cry for me!br For I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knee! I had a dream the other night, when everything was stillbr I thought I saw Susanna dear a-comin' down the hillbr A red red rose was in her hand, a tear was in her eyebr I said I come from dixieland, Susanna don't you cry!br Oh Susanna! Oh, don't you", "id": "10513163" }, { "contents": "Fruit allergy\n\n\nto be allergic to apples. Another symptom may include slight swelling in the throat, making it feel like it is closing. The ability to breathe is still present though, so it is not fatal. The symptoms may vary depending upon the person, the severity of the allergy, and type of fruit. For example, mango allergy symptoms include hoarseness, dyspnoea and bronchitic rales (asthma) (Sareen and Shah). The duration of the symptoms tested by Saree and Shah were variable and ranged from 4 h [11", "id": "2825824" }, { "contents": "Why I Love You (Jay-Z and Kanye West song)\n\n\n\"Why I Love You\" is a song by American hip hop artists Kanye West and Jay-Z, from their first collaborative album \"Watch the Throne\" (2011). The song features pop musician Mr. Hudson who is signed to West's GOOD Music label. \"Why I Love You\" heavily samples French house duo Cassius' 2010 single \"I <3 U So\", which itself is based upon a sample from the original 1971 version of \"I Feel a Song (In My Heart)\" by Sandra", "id": "12689480" }, { "contents": "Anthony Kiedis\n\n\nKiedis said. \"The woman thrust the baby into my arms, the baby was not breathing and I thought, 'I'm gonna try and do a little baby CPR real quick, see if I can get some air in this kid. So I started rubbing the belly, bubbles came out of the mouth, the eyes rolled back into place, the ambulance showed up and I handed the baby over, who was now breathing and fine, and we went back to Carpool Karaoke.\" The Red Hot Chili", "id": "12904765" }, { "contents": "Sir Mix-a-Lot\n\n\nthe projects. “I’ve heard things like, ‘Forced integration is not good,’ ‘I want my kid to be able to go to school in our community; that’s why we moved here’ – all those things I totally understand,” he said. “But from my perspective, I didn’t have the luxury of living in a neighborhood where a good school was. We didn’t make that kind of money. So from my perspective, it was the best thing that could have happened to", "id": "3133197" }, { "contents": "Columbine High School massacre\n\n\ntoward the same table and fired several shots with the TEC-9, killing Lauren Townsend. At this point, the seriously injured Valeen Schnurr began screaming, \"Oh my God, oh my God!\" In response, Klebold asked Schnurr if she believed in the existence of God; when Schnurr replied she did, Klebold asked \"Why?\" and commented \"God is gay\" before walking from the table. Harris approached another table where two girls were hiding. He bent down to look at them and dismissed them as \"", "id": "14507384" }, { "contents": "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\n\n\nwhich he eventually included on his fifth studio album, \"Play\" after being encouraged to do so by his manager, Eric Härle. The song is an original composition by Moby, using samples from a 1963 recording of the Banks Brothers song \"He'll Roll Your Burdens Away\" and vocals by Diane Charlemagne of Urban Cookie Collective. \"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" was released on October 11, 1999 by Mute Records as the fourth single from \"Play\". The single peaked at number 16 on", "id": "1564561" }, { "contents": "Erin Cossey\n\n\ncoach this year and I'd just sold my business and taken up teaching, so it was good timing,\" Cossey said. \"Working with kids has opened my eyes so I said to the boys from the start that my whole focus is turning them into positive role models. We want to pull kids off the street and get them into rugby and keep them active and busy.\" Cossey taught at Katikati College. From 2014 Cossey is now coaching New Zealand side Te Puna RFC in the Bay of Plenty province.", "id": "16616237" }, { "contents": "Evil eye\n\n\nlife and avoid the bad. Rabbi Eliezer says an evil eye is worse than a bad friend, a bad neighbor, or an evil heart. Judaism believes that a \"good eye\" designates an attitude of good will and kindness towards others. Someone who has this attitude in life will rejoice when his fellow man prospers; he will wish everyone well. An \"evil eye\" denotes the opposite attitude. A man with \"an evil eye\" will not only feel no joy but experience actual distress when others prosper,", "id": "14395069" }, { "contents": "Journals (album)\n\n\nand downs, good times and bad.\" \"I know the seasons may change/And sometimes love goes from sunshine to rain/ … I still believe in us/I still believe in love,\" he sings. \"All That Matters\" continues in the same vein, with lines like: \"Oh, oh, whenever you're not in my presence/It feels like I'm missing my blessings, yeah.\" \"Hold Tight\" \"focuses almost exclusively on sex,\" while \"Recovery\" finds Bieber", "id": "18412441" }, { "contents": "Joan W. Patten\n\n\nthe Classic Maya sculpture in the many nearby ancient Maya ruins, she began investigating the ancient art. In these early years, tourists were allowed at some ruins to make rubbings of stone monuments. So as a pastime, she made rubbings (or \"calcos\" as they were called) of carvings located on a friend's finca. Joan and a companion were later allowed to make a few rubbings of Monuments at Tikal and she found that her sculptor's touch and eye were well suited for the craft. While practicing rubbings", "id": "8907817" }, { "contents": "Oh Pray My Wings Are Gonna Fit Me Well\n\n\nin it are best if read aloud. They focus on themes of love, insight, and tension, and on overcoming difficulties. Angelou writes about ordinary objects and experiences, and with deep feelings, about a variety of racial themes and concerns. \"Oh Pray My Wings are Gonna Fit Me Well\" is Maya Angelou's second volume of poetry. She studied and began writing poetry at a young age. After her rape at the age of eight, as recounted in her first autobiography \"I Know Why the Caged", "id": "9276026" }, { "contents": "Sophie Ryder\n\n\nI am trying to achieve. My head is full of ideas all the time. It is part of my life. I don't plan anything, it just comes. When asked why she portrays hares she replied, \"Well, I find it difficult answering that question because I don't really know the answer. It's the same as asking me why I make sculptures, and the answer is, because I feel driven to. So it's difficult to always pin down reasons. My introduction to hares was when", "id": "21593770" }, { "contents": "Dry eye syndrome\n\n\n\" means \"dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva\" in Latin. Typical symptoms of dry eye syndrome are dryness, burning and a sandy-gritty eye irritation that gets worse as the day goes on. Symptoms may also be described as itchy, scratchy, stinging or tired eyes. Other symptoms are pain, redness, a pulling sensation, and pressure behind the eye. There may be a feeling that something, such as a speck of dirt, is in the eye. The resultant damage to the eye surface increases discomfort", "id": "6198274" }, { "contents": "O Death\n\n\nme You've closed my eyes so I can't see Well you're hurtin' my body You make me cold You run my life right outta my soulbr Oh Death please consider my age Please don't take me at this stage My wealth is all at your command If you will move your icy hand The old, the young, the rich or poor All alike to me you know No wealth, no land, no silver no gold Nothing satisfies me but your soul O, Death O, Death Won't you spare", "id": "21557427" }, { "contents": "Let There Be Rock\n\n\nwhere there was a quote on top of my photograph which said: ‘I want to make enough money so I’ll be able to fuck Britt Ekland.’ That nearly derailed the whole tour.“ To make matters worse, Atlantic Records in the United States had rejected the band's third album Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, feeling the production was not up to par, and in fact, were deciding on dropping the group from the record label entirely. “In the middle of the tour, I get a phone", "id": "4552536" }, { "contents": "Jack Scully\n\n\non drugs!' So I'd go on set with no make-up and would rub my eyes and look like a scruff.\" To raise money for their new lifestyle, Jack and Olivia stole some tools from the building site to sell. Olivia persuaded Jack to frame Darren Stark (Todd MacDonald) for the theft. Bunyan said Jack would have taken the blame for the theft himself if Olivia had not been pressuring him. The following week, Jack found himself waking up in the gutter following yet another night out", "id": "4469553" }, { "contents": "Michael Bolton\n\n\nZelma Redding, said she was so moved by Bolton's performance \"that it brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me so much of my husband that I know if he heard it, he would feel the same.\" Always interested in soul and Motown classics, Bolton's success with that song encouraged him to tackle the standard \"Georgia on My Mind\", with which he had another hit. In 1991, Bolton released the album \"Time, Love & Tenderness\" which featured his Grammy Award-winning cover", "id": "8692060" }, { "contents": "Human Flow\n\n\nfeel, \"Oh, that could be my son.\" Some women have no place to deliver their children, you will say, \"That could be my mom or my wife.\" So those things we have to sounds very simple but we have to repeatedly talk about that. That makes us better as a society.\" Ai's efforts go on to explain that this crisis would be sooner solved if we all realize that it is \"about all of us\". Throughout the film the viewer comes in contact", "id": "16305470" }, { "contents": "Wish You Were Gay\n\n\na dude. I'm fucking proud, bro, except not really though because I was really into him, like so into him. He's so hot, oh my god.\" Eilish responded to the controversy in an interview with PopBuzz, stating \"I want to be so clear that it's so not supposed to be an insult\" and \"I feel like it's been a little bit misinterpreted. I tried so hard to not make it in any way offensive\", and referring to the song as \"", "id": "1326809" }, { "contents": "Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)\n\n\nidea of Kano's actor Richard Divizio, as was Scorpion's skull face, inspired by the classic film \"Jason and the Argonauts\". Twenty years after the first \"MK\" game's release, Boon included creating the spear move as well as the character itself among his personal high points of the franchise's history, adding: \"I remember people sitting in my office all day just doing this uppercut [on a speared enemy] again and again, like 'Oh my God, that feels so good.'", "id": "12286331" }, { "contents": "Okokok\n\n\nOh, that's so funny/ 'Cause when I go to sleep/ I lay on the left and you right next to me\" sung by Burns. During the chorus she sings \"Say \"no, no, baby, I need you everyday\"/ \"This my last mistake\"/ And I'm like OK, OK, OK/ OK, people change/ It don't matter to me/ I'ma be real good/ And I feel OK, OK, OK, OK\". Michael Love Michael from \"Papermag\" listed \"Okokok\" as", "id": "13458944" }, { "contents": "Hate My Life\n\n\nmatter how bad their own life is going, that there is always someone out there who feels just as bad. During a concert, Tyler explained that \"I wrote this song because one day I got out of bed and was like 'Today feels like it's going to be a bad day. I can feel it.' I realized that there are people out there that have it worse than most people who bitch and complain, and decided to write it so maybe it could make someone's day a little better", "id": "3925578" }, { "contents": "What's So Amazing About Grace?\n\n\n's friend asked the woman if she had sought help at a local church, she answered, \"Church? Why would I ever go there? I was already feeling terrible about myself. They'd just make me feel worse.\" This story convinced Yancey that Christians are doing a poor job of communicating the message that God is willing to accept people, regardless of what they have done; the story haunted him, he said, because the woman was \"the type of person who would have gone to Jesus. The", "id": "10929172" }, { "contents": "Jewish nose\n\n\nwhich is so long it almost pokes out the narrator’s eyes when they meet. God must eventually make good on his promise of a return to Israel, the narrator reflects: ’a promise which has been leading them by the nose for two thousand years. Is this being led by the nose the reason, perhaps, why their noses have grown so long? Or are these long noses a kind of uniform, by which the divine old king Jehovah recognizes his palace guards even when they have deserted?’. In", "id": "16514609" }, { "contents": "Bill Lockyer\n\n\nto me that the kind of budget we will require before the end of June is almost entirely cuts ... My suggestion to you is don't delay the pain. It's going to be awful, but just get it done. It's going to be worse if it doesn't get done.\" Lockyer was also quoted as telling Democratic legislators that, \"fair or not\", angry voters blamed them for \"12 years of flowing red ink\". \"Why don't you start with the realization that probably none", "id": "4553605" }, { "contents": "Sacramental bread\n\n\nthe sacrament, if it so be that ye do it with an eye single to my glory—remembering unto the Father my body which was laid down for you, and my blood which was shed for the remission of your sins.\" (Doctrine and Covenants 27:2) Different congregations may use either commercial bread or homemade bread prepared by members of the congregation. It is permissible to substitute rice cakes or other gluten-free breads for members who suffer from food allergies. The bread is broken into fragments just prior to being", "id": "17162714" }, { "contents": "Alan Statham\n\n\nJoanna go on the run to hide from the police and have to resort to stealing food, but accidentally kill three more people during their escape: Joanna reverses the camper van into a mechanic, Alan sits on a shopkeeper's face and suffocates her, and Joanna rubs peanut butter into the face of a policeman with a nut allergy who is questioning them. Alan tries to fix the van so it runs on alcohol, as a result of which it explodes. Alan and Joanna consider handing themselves in, moving to Spain,", "id": "3970878" }, { "contents": "Émile Armand\n\n\nput forward and so Armand does not \"classify pleasures as superior or inferior, good or bad, useful or harmful, favorable or inconvenient. The ones that make me love life more are useful. The ones that make me hate it or depreciate it are harmful. Favorable are the enjoyments that make me feel like I’m living more fully, unfavorable those that contribute to the shrinking of my feeling of being alive. I feel myself to be a slave as long as I consent to others judging my passions. Not because", "id": "18779998" }, { "contents": "Saba you rise from the ocean\n\n\nbr take us ashore without harm. \"Chorus:\" Saba, Oh Jewel most precious,br In the Caribbean Mem'ries will stay of thy beauty,br Though we may roam far from thee. Saba, oh pearl of the ocean,br Friendly and lovely, though small,br Do not forget to be grateful,br To God the creator of He in his goodness will guide youbr and bless you in every part,br Making you always most preciousbr Saba, so dear to my heart. \"Chorus", "id": "17140953" }, { "contents": "Yehuda Amichai\n\n\n-engaged, allusive but accessible, charged with metaphor and yet remarkably concrete. Most of all, they are, like the speaking persona in his \"Letter of Recommendation,\" full of love: \"Oh, touch me, touch me, you good woman! / This is not a scar you feel under my shirt. / It is a letter of recommendation, folded, / from my father: / 'He is still a good boy and full of love.' \" In the Times Literary Supplement, Ted", "id": "9708757" }, { "contents": "List of The X Factor finalists (British series 7)\n\n\n\"Teardrops\" and in the second live show, she sang \"Feeling Good\". In the third live show, she sang \"Why Don't You Do Right?\" and in the fourth live show, she sang \"Wicked Game\". In the fifth live show, Rebecca received a standing ovation from Cowell and Cole, following her performance of \"Make You Feel My Love\". In the following week, Ferguson received another standing ovation from Dannii Minogue and Cole after singing \"Candle in the Wind\".", "id": "324166" }, { "contents": "Rebecca Ferguson (singer)\n\n\nsang \"Feeling Good\". In the third live show she sang \"Why Don't You Do Right?\" and in the fourth live show she sang \"Wicked Game\". In the fifth live show, Ferguson received a standing ovation from Cowell and Cheryl following her performance of \"Make You Feel My Love\". In the following episode, Ferguson received another standing ovation from Dannii Minogue and Cheryl after singing \"Candle in the Wind\". In the final, she performed a duet with Christina Aguilera, performing Aguilera", "id": "424379" }, { "contents": "Golden Speech\n\n\nnot worthy of the name of subjects should not escape without condign punishment. But I perceive they dealt with me like physicians who, ministering a drug, make it more acceptable by giving it a good aromatical savour, or when they give pills do gild them all over. \"I have ever used to set the Last Judgement Day before mine eyes and so to rule as I shall be judged to answer before a higher judge, and now if my kingly bounties have been abused and my grants turned to the hurt of my", "id": "16901241" }, { "contents": "Broken Hearted Soul\n\n\nto do something with a bit of Latin flavor and this pseudo flamenco line is what came up. Then I thought of playing it acoustically for an intro. The groove was funky so I figured why not make the track bounce with the drums. As for the rest of it... I've been working with all these new emo type bands and I think it rubbed off on me a little for the pre chorus and choruses. I love this song. Lyrically it came directly out of my relationship experience and quoted verbatim several", "id": "10965649" }, { "contents": "Marlene Dietrich\n\n\n. Everybody in America works today. You have to. Oh - know, I could live tucked away out of sight in some Swiss chalet - but why should I? I am an American citizen, and proud to be so. I enjoy living in that country and one pays for one's pleasures. So I work. And as long as people want me, and I have them eating out of my hands, I shall continue to do so.\" In her 60s and 70s, Dietrich's health declined:", "id": "15056431" }, { "contents": "Run&Gun\n\n\nof Yusei Fudo in \"Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's\". A story about several homeless people who live together in a makeshift home on the street. The reasons why they are homeless are told throughout the play by a reporter making a documentary about them. The main character is Hug (Kamiyama Ryuji), who waits around every day with a sign reading 'Free Hugs', hoping to make people feel better. At the start of the stage he meets Masaru (Yonehara Kousuke), who got into", "id": "11684098" }, { "contents": "Crime in New York City\n\n\nconciliatory tone with ordinary New Yorkers who had become disillusioned with policing in the city: \"We will all work hard to identify why is it that so many in this city do not feel good about this department that has done so much to make them safe — what has it been about our activities that have made so many alienated?\". On August 2, 2016, James P. O'Neill was appointed Police Commissioner of New York City by Mayor Bill de Blasio, effective September 2016. The boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens,", "id": "5206325" }, { "contents": "William Bratton\n\n\nNew York Times\" reported that at Bratton's swearing in on January 2, 2014, the new Police Commissioner praised his predecessor Raymond Kelly, but also signaled his intention to strike a more conciliatory tone with ordinary New Yorkers who had become disillusioned with policing in the city: \"We will all work hard to identify why is it that so many in this city do not feel good about this department that has done so much to make them safe – what has it been about our activities that have made so many alienated?", "id": "6595945" } ]
How do automatic guns deal with the heat that would be created from the friction of so many bullets passing through the barrel so quickly?
[{"answer": "Some automatic guns, typically machine guns, have replaceable barrels that are meant to be interchanged when they overheat. Some older machine guns were even water-cooled, or had rotating barrels that would share the thermal load (i.e. the classic Gatling gun). Otherwise, the barrels are just kept well ventilated so that airflow will cool them off. Most automatic weapons, like assault rifles, aren't really meant to be fired continuously, so overheating isn't much of a problem in normal use."}, {"answer": "Just like a car engine, it takes time for metal to heat up. In some guns they use thinker barrels, in some they have removable barrels, in some they have liquid cooling, and in Gatling guns they use multiple barrels."}, {"answer": "Several things play into the reduction of heat. * Barrel size * Bore size (caliber) * Barrel shape * Fluting (holes in the barrels or vents) * Length of barrel * Barrel density/material These are all specially calibrated to mitigate the damage specifically to keep the heat down and allow for rapid fire without damage."}, {"answer": "Tactics. 6-9 round bursts instead of full on automatic fire."}, {"answer": "Usually poorly. You either have to have active or passive cooling. Otherwise, stop shooting so fast."}, {"answer": "Some of the weapons have cooling features such as vented shrouds to radiate heat, or even water-filled cavities to obsorb heat. In many cases heat is a limiting factor into the actual operational use of the weapon, limiting use to shorter bursts and not true sustained fire even if the other mechanisms are capable of firing longer. The *friction* isn't really a problem, it's all the *explosions* over and over again."}, {"answer": "For something small like an assault rifle, the volume of fire isn't high enough to be a problem. With heavy machine guns, some have multiple barrels that can be cycled through as the cool, and some have built in water cooling."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1231618", "title": "Blowback (firearms)", "section": "Section::::Principle of operation.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 5, "end_paragraph_id": 5, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The blowback system is generally defined as an operating system in which energy to operate the firearm's various mechanisms and provide automation is derived from the movement of the spent cartridge case pushed out of the chamber by rapidly expanding powder gases. This rearward thrust, imparted against the breech, is a direct result of the expansion of propellant gases. Certain guns will use energy from blowback to perform the entire operating cycle (these are typically designs using relatively \"low pressure\"", "The blowback system is generally defined as an operating system in which energy to operate the firearm's various mechanisms and provide automation is derived from the movement of the spent cartridge case pushed out of the chamber by rapidly expanding powder gases. This rearward thrust, imparted against the breech, is a direct result of the expansion of propellant gases. Certain guns will use energy from blowback to perform the entire operating cycle (these are typically designs using relatively \"low pressure\" ammunition) while others will use a portion of the blowback to operate only certain parts of the cycle or simply use the blowback energy to enhance the operational energy from another system of automatic operation."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Ballistics by the Inch\n\n\n(where the cartridges are held) must rotate freely, there is a slight gap between the front of the cylinder and the barrel. When a round is fired, the velocity of the bullet is determined by the amount of push it is given by the gunpowder in the cartridge as the bullet leaves the gun. For a long time people have wondered how much energy is lost because it escapes through the gap rather than pushing the bullet through the barrel. So in 2011 the BBTI team devised a way to test how that", "id": "2173648" }, { "contents": "Muzzle velocity\n\n\n's gas pressure behind it diminishes. Given a long enough barrel, there would eventually be a point at which friction between the bullet and the barrel, and air resistance, would equal the force of the gas pressure behind it, and from that point, the velocity of the bullet would decrease. Rifled barrels have spiral twists carved inside them that spin the bullet so that it remains stable in flight, in the same way a football thrown in a spiral will fly in a straight, stable manner. This mechanism is known", "id": "2690788" }, { "contents": "Muzzle velocity\n\n\nas rifling. Longer barrels provide more opportunity to rotate the bullet before it leaves the gun. As such, longer barrels increase the overall precision of the weapon. If one examines shot groups on a paper target from a barrel, a barrel, and a barrel, one will observe how the longer barrels produce \"tighter\" grouping, with bullets landing closer together on the target. A bullet, while moving through its barrel, is being pushed forward by the gas expanding behind it. This gas was created when the trigger", "id": "2690789" }, { "contents": "Ball (bearing)\n\n\nthrough the machine long enough so that each ball passes through many of these grooves, which ensures each ball is the same size, even if a particular groove is out of specification. The controllable machine variables are the amount of pressure applied, the speed of the plates, and how long the balls are left in the machine. During the operation coolant is pumped between the rill plates because the high pressure between the plates and friction creates considerable heat. The high pressure applied to the balls also induces cold working, which strengthens", "id": "12969229" }, { "contents": "Schwarzlose Model 1908\n\n\nThe Schwarzlose Model 1908 was a semi-automatic pistol, designed by Andreas Schwarzlose, released in 1908 in the German Empire and produced until 1911. The Schwarzlose employs a very distinctive \"blow-forward action\" operating mechanism. It has no slide, instead the mechanism is operated by the barrel being projected forward due to the gas pressure and the friction of the bullet passing through the bore, the compressed recoil spring drives the barrel back, stripping the top cartridge from the magazine, chambering the round, and pressing the cartridge", "id": "14712396" }, { "contents": "Gun\n\n\ndeflagration rather than by detonation, and the optimal gunpowder, like the optimal motor fuel, is resistant to detonation. This is because much of the energy generated in detonation is in the form of a shock wave, which can propagate from the gas to the solid structure and heat or damage the structure, rather than staying as heat to propel the piston or bullet. The shock wave at such high temperature and pressure is much faster than that of any bullet, and would leave the gun as sound either through the barrel or", "id": "7317401" }, { "contents": "25 mm automatic air defense gun M1940 (72-K)\n\n\nflash hider is 43 kg. Due to high projectile velocities and high rate of fire, the barrel heats up and wears rather quickly, to counter which the barrel was made to be quickly replaceable by the gun crews. Average barrel life was 1200-1300 shots. The 72-K was equipped with a vertically falling wedge-shaped breech, which moves up and down in a slot as the weapon cycles. The gun cradle on the left of the breech has a \"copier\" that automatically unlocks the breech, near which a", "id": "19889846" }, { "contents": "Rifle\n\n\n5 to 11 years old. The usual form of rifling was helical grooves in a round bore. Some early rifled guns had barrels with a twisted polygonal bore. The Whitworth rifle was the first such type designed to spin the round for accuracy. Bullets for these guns were made to match the shape of the bore so the bullet would grip the rifle bore and take a spin that way. These were generally large caliber weapons and the ammunition still did not fit tightly in the barrel. Many different shapes and degrees of spiraling", "id": "5787119" }, { "contents": "Tanegashima (gun)\n\n\npowder, wadding, and a bullet. Upon tearing open the tube's paper seal at the bottom, a soldier could quickly use it to pour the necessary powder into his weapon before placing over the barrel and using his rammer to load both wadding and bullet into the barrel at the same time. After use, the \"hayago\" could be kept for repacking or discarded. Japan became so enthusiastic about the new weapons that it possibly overtook every European country in absolute numbers produced. Japan also used the guns in the Japanese", "id": "18801712" }, { "contents": "Internal ballistics\n\n\nthe start of the barrel rifling; smoothbore guns, which do not have rifling, achieve shot start pressure by initially driving the projectile into a \"forcing cone\" that provides resistance as it compresses the projectile obturation ring. The bullet must tightly fit the bore to seal the high pressure of the burning gunpowder. This tight fit results in a large frictional force. The friction of the bullet in the bore does have a slight impact on the final velocity, but that is generally not much of a concern. Of greater concern", "id": "10096160" }, { "contents": "Transcription (music)\n\n\nfinancially resourced speech recognition technology would be recycled into research about music recognition technology. While many musicians and educators insist that manually doing transcriptions is a valuable exercise for developing musicians, the motivation for automatic music transcription remains the same as the motivation for sheet music: musicians who do not have intuitive transcription skills will search for sheet music or a chord chart, so that they may quickly learn how to play a song. A collection of tools created by this ongoing research could be of great aid to musicians. Since much recorded music", "id": "14936541" }, { "contents": "Colt Machine Gun\n\n\nthe bolt and ejected spent rounds down through the vestigial magazine well. The fixed plastic stock was built into the back of the bolt-carrier group. The CMG-2's barrel was detachable and had a folding handle, so an overheated barrel could be replaced in the field. The barrel had a 1:9 twist and was meant to fire an experimental bullet, designed for longer ranges than the then-standard M193 bullet. Unlike the M60 machine gun then in use in the Vietnam War, which had its bipod and gas cylinder as", "id": "16721438" }, { "contents": "M1919 Browning machine gun\n\n\nfurther shot heating the barrel even more, the gun would continue to fire uncontrollably until the ammunition ran out, since depressing the trigger was not what was causing the gun to fire. Gunners were taught to cock the gun with the palm facing up, so that in the event of a cook-off, their thumb would not be dislocated by the charging handle. Gunners were trained to manage the barrel heat by firing in controlled bursts of three to five rounds, to delay heating. Most other machine gun designs were fired", "id": "9434449" }, { "contents": "Round shot\n\n\nthe cannonball could be heated to red hot. This was called a \"heated shot\". (On the shot called \"the single deadliest cannon shot in American history,\" see Negro Fort.) Round shot has the disadvantage of not being tightly fitted into the bore (to do so would cause jamming). This causes the shot to \"rattle\" down the gun barrel and leave the barrel at an angle unless wadding or a discarding sabot is used. This difference in shot and bore diameter is called \"windage", "id": "13804721" }, { "contents": "Perils of Paranoia\n\n\nin House's apartment. Wilson was sure House would have moved the gun, so he went back after he searched House's apartment the first time. House denies it's a gun, or that something looking like a bullet is a bullet. He says it's a magic prop. Wilson doesn't believe him, but House gives him the gun to shoot him. Wilson refuses, but House goes to shoot Wilson instead. He then shows Wilson the barrel is plugged by sticking a pencil in the barrel half-way", "id": "21008623" }, { "contents": "Sawed-off shotgun\n\n\ncategories. Many nations have placed legal restrictions on sawed-off shotguns. The following are the restrictions for specific nations. Although not listed here, they are also subject to laws governing guns in general. In the state of Victoria a shotgun may not have its barrel shortened so as to change the category under which that shotgun would be classified. In some states, any alteration to the length of the barrel requires permission from the Chief Commissioner of Police. Short-barreled, manually operated shotguns (non-semi-automatics", "id": "18966027" }, { "contents": "Needle gun\n\n\nA needle gun is a firearm that has a needle-like firing pin, which can pass through the paper cartridge case to strike a percussion cap at the bullet base. A needle gun with a barrel that has a helical groove or pattern of grooves (\"rifling\") cut into the barrel walls is also called needle rifle. The first experimental needle gun was designed by Jean Samuel Pauly, a Swiss gunsmith. In Paris in 1808, in association with French gunsmith François Prélat, Pauly created the first fully self-", "id": "9840850" }, { "contents": "25 mm automatic air defense gun M1940 (72-K)\n\n\ntray. Uninterrupted cyclic firing is possible so long as ammunition remains and the barrel does not overheat. The 72-K has a hydraulic recoiling mechanism in addition to the recoiling barrel to absorb recoil forces, with a spring-loaded compensator to regulate hydraulic liquid volumes at 0.225 liters in the event of a barrel heat-up. The barrel recoils backwards anywhere from 118 to 136mm with a return spring installed. The upper part of the carriage houses the horizontal traverse mechanism, which allows for 360-degree traverse, while the lower part serves", "id": "19889848" }, { "contents": "Synchronization gear\n\n\nA synchronization gear, or a gun synchronizer, sometimes rather less accurately called an interrupter, is attached to the armament of a single-engine tractor-configuration aircraft so it can fire through the arc of its spinning propeller without bullets striking the blades. The idea presupposes a fixed armament directed by aiming the aircraft in which it is fitted at the target, rather than aiming the gun independently. There are many practical problems, mostly arising from the inherently imprecise nature of an automatic gun's firing, the great (and varying", "id": "9129972" }, { "contents": "Czechoslovak border fortifications\n\n\nof the barrel, so that the port hole was only large enough for the bullets and a scope to see through, unlike most other designs where a large opening is used. A heavy steel plate could be slid down to quickly close the tiny hole for added protection. The \"heavy objects\" were infantry blockhouses very similar to the southern part of the Maginot Line, but with substantial improvements. Just like the pillboxes, the cannons and machine guns were pivoted at the tip, and this time fully enclosed, protecting the", "id": "18466907" }, { "contents": "Zastava M02 Coyote\n\n\nfor several thousands of fired rounds. The barrel is quickly and easily stripped from the machine gun, so when the gun is heavily used it is possible to cool it quickly and replace it with the spare one. The set of the gun contains a spare barrel. During the fire, cartridge cases are ejected forward, which increases the safety of the shooter and people nearby. When conditions are extreme, the position of gas flow regulator can provide an adequate gas flow, so the machine gun will always function reliably. The", "id": "17140661" }, { "contents": "Tanegashima (gun)\n\n\na staggered firing technique to create a continuous rain of bullets on the enemy. They also developed larger caliber barrels and ammunition to increase lethality. Protective boxes in lacquerware were invented to fit over the firing mechanism so it could still fire while it was raining, as were systems to accurately fire weapons at night by keeping fixed angles thanks to measured strings. Another development would be the \"hayago\", a bamboo cartridge used to facilitate faster reloading. A hollow tube open on the both ends, the \"hayago\" contained gun", "id": "18801711" }, { "contents": "Gun-type fission weapon\n\n\n, it still happens in a time so short that the bullet hardly moves in that time. This could cause a \"fizzle\", a predetonation which would blow the material apart before creating much of an explosion. Thus it is important that the frequency at which free neutrons occur is kept low, compared with the assembly time from this point. This also means that the speed of the projectile must be sufficiently high; its speed can be increased but this requires a longer and heavier barrel. In the case of Little Boy", "id": "5344112" }, { "contents": "Reibel machine gun\n\n\n, to act as a heat sink. This was necessary, since the FM 24/29 lacked a quick-change barrel or water-cooling and its normal light barrel would rapidly overheat and wear out, if fired in more than short bursts, with cooling rests between. The long stroke gas piston is located below the barrel and operates the vertically tilting bolt group. Ammunition is fed from side-mounted multi-layer 150-round pan magazines (with bullets pointing to the center of the round magazine). The gun can be modified", "id": "17391417" }, { "contents": "Room modes\n\n\nwhich work by more quickly dissipating the stored acoustic energy. In order to be effective, a layer of porous, absorbent material has to be of the order of a quarter-wavelength thick if placed on a wall, which at low frequencies with their long wavelengths requires very thick absorbers. Absorption occurs through friction of the air motion against individual fibres, with kinetic energy converted to heat, and so the material must be of just the right 'density' in terms of fibre packing. Too loose, and sound will pass", "id": "19901943" }, { "contents": "Bathurst riots\n\n\nofficers were hurriedly trained in the use of the guns, which included rifles, shotguns and revolvers. At 3.30pm officers began firing from No. 4 tower, which was closest to B Wing. There had been no order to do so: McGeechan forbade it, but Pallot chose not to pass this instruction on. Up to 20 inmates were injured by gunfire. One, Dennis Bugg, was paralysed when a .22 calibre bullet passed through his spine. Another, Connors, was shot through the lung, liver and stomach.", "id": "1659191" }, { "contents": "Thoughts and prayers\n\n\nthe evil from within the individual who is taking up their arms to do this kind of a massacre.\" In contrast to the repeated failure of United States gun control proposals, in many other countries, stricter gun control laws have passed in response to gun violence. Within one month after the Christchurch mosque shootings in 2019, New Zealand legislators passed a law banning the ownership of most semi-automatic weapons (except pistols), including calibres larger than 0.22 and magazines holding more than 10 bullets. Earlier, the United Kingdom", "id": "3541945" }, { "contents": "32-pounder gun\n\n\nby removing metal from the inside of the gun. This was often combined with reducing windage (the space between the inside of the barrel and the bullet), so bored up guns could propel a bullet with a lower gunpowder charge. The reduced windage did indeed result in greater power of penetration. Firing a heavy shot from a lighter gun did however mean a more severe recoil, damage to the carriage, rendering the gun unsteady, and therefore making the accuracy of fire more uncertain. A lighter gun therefore had a lower", "id": "15751992" }, { "contents": "Tractor configuration\n\n\nFrom a military perspective, the problem with single-engine tractor aircraft was that it was not possible to fire a gun through the propeller arc without striking the propeller blades with bullets. Early solutions included mounting guns (rifles or machine guns) to fire around the propeller arc, either at an angle to the side – which made aiming difficult – or on the top wing of a biplane so that the bullets passed over the top of the propeller. The first system to fire through the propeller was developed by French engineer Eugene", "id": "18018019" }, { "contents": "RBL 12-pounder 8 cwt Armstrong gun\n\n\n\" barrel: the interior of the barrel was under compression from the layers shrunk over it, so that the heat and pressure of firing did not stretch it. Hence the barrel was smaller and lighter than previous guns. The gun was the British army's first rifled breechloading field gun, superseding the SBML 9 pounder 13 cwt of 1801. The gun as originally adopted had a barrel 84 inches long, with a bore of 73.375 inches. The Royal Navy adopted a version with a 72-inch barrel, with a bore of 61.375", "id": "3511521" }, { "contents": "Sighting in\n\n\nSighting in or zeroing a firearm is the goal of adjusting the sights so the projectile (e.g. bullet or shell) may be placed at a predictable position within the sight picture. The principle is to shift the line of aim so it intersects the parabolic projectile trajectory at a designated point, known as a zero, so the gun will repeatably hit where it aims at the distance of that zero. The iterative procedure involves firing a group of bullets from a cool barrel, adjusting the sights to move the point of impact to", "id": "5363980" }, { "contents": "Ballistics\n\n\nballistics and external ballistics. External ballistics is the part of the science of ballistics that deals with the behaviour of a non-powered projectile in flight. External ballistics is frequently associated with firearms, and deals with the unpowered free-flight phase of the bullet after it exits the gun barrel and before it hits the target, so it lies between transitional ballistics and terminal ballistics. However, external ballistics is also concerned with the free-flight of rockets and other projectiles, such as balls, arrows etc. Terminal ballistics is", "id": "1620017" }, { "contents": "Knob Creek Gun Range\n\n\nover the country. The Machine Gun Shoot itself consists of several rounds of firing at a wide variety of appliances, vehicles and pyramids of tires. Participants also have the opportunity to shoot at barrels of fuel with pyrotechnic charges attached, which explode when struck by bullets. The objective for these shooters is to destroy everything down range. The presence of many rare and powerful fully automatic weapons also draws many visitors, with firearms ranging from submachine guns to .50 BMG heavy machine guns and M134 Miniguns. The main event of the Machine", "id": "9091815" }, { "contents": "Ice drilling\n\n\nHosand Glacier. Calciati pumped hot water from the surface down the drillstem, and back up after it had passed through the drillhead. Other hotpoint designs have used electrical heating to heat the drillhead; this was done in 1948 by a British expedition to the Jungfraujoch, and by many other drill designs since then. Hotpoints do not produce cores, so they are used primarily for creating access holes. The development in the 1960s of thermal coring drills for intermediate depth holes was prompted by the problems associated with rotary coring drills, which", "id": "20793000" }, { "contents": "Capture of USS Chesapeake\n\n\nat targets, such as floating barrels. Often these drills would be made into competitions to see which gun crew could hit the target and how fast they could do so. He even had his gun crews fire at targets 'blindfold' to good effect; they were only given the bearing to lay their gun on without being allowed to sight the gun on the target themselves. This constituted a very early example of 'director firing'. In addition to these gunnery drills, Broke was fond of preparing hypothetical scenarios to test", "id": "17093228" }, { "contents": "Barrel barbecue\n\n\n) on the bottom so the heat from the flames does not melt the bottom of the barrel. It has a hole on the top so some of the smoke leaves the barrel and so that the flames do not go out altogether. It has 3 to 4 slots on each side of the barrel so the ½” stainless steel round rods can sit on the barrel without falling in and it is where the meat hangs on the hooks. The hooks are ⅛” stainless steel rounds that are bent in an “S”-like shape", "id": "15679721" }, { "contents": "FepA\n\n\namino acid consensus sequence, which induces a change to the N-terminal opening a channel to the periplasmic side. This would allow FepA to transport ferric-enterobactin without allowing ions and small molecules from passing in either direction. When the ligand is bound by FepA, the conformation of the N-terminal domain is changed so as to open the pore. There is controversy regarding how space is opened within the barrel to allow the ligand to pass through. Either the N-terminal plug domain remains within the barrel and undergoes", "id": "2566850" }, { "contents": "Mannlicher M1894\n\n\nfriction of forward motion of the bullet projectile against the inside of the barrel causes the bullet to act as a quasi-plug in the barrel. The barrel (a very movable object) is pushed forward by the motion and direction of the expanding gases against the friction of the traveling projectile, until the bullet exits the muzzle, after which forward motion of the barrel is due to inertia. Forward motion of the barrel is arrested by the progressively increasing tension of the recoil spring. The recoil of this pistol is somewhat higher", "id": "8761636" }, { "contents": "Fire making\n\n\nit combusts. Tinder is a material that combusts first (as an ember or flame) and in doing so heats other material (heavier tinder, twigs, kindling, etc.) until it burns (as a flame). Fine tinder is characterized by its ability to combust from a spark, friction, or other action from the below methods. Many forms of tinder are available – charcloth is preferred by many; tinder fungus and related fungus grows in most northern areas; most friction methods using wood generate their own fine", "id": "9552357" }, { "contents": "Gun chronograph\n\n\nmomentary interruption would be recorded on a paper chart. The modern chronograph consists of two sensing areas called \"chronograph screens\", which contain optical sensors that detect the passage of the bullet. The bullet is fired so it passes through both screens, and the time it takes the bullet to travel the distance between the screens is measured electronically. The first electronic ballistic chronograph was invented by Kiryako (\"Jerry\") Arvanetakis in the 1950s. As consulting engineer under contract by NACA (later NASA), he was asked to", "id": "12309547" }, { "contents": "Elisabeth Jäger\n\n\nwere not permitted to marry\" to form a little illegal activist cell. They were working alongside civilians who had been conscripted to work in the munitions plant, so were not completely isolated from the world outside. The work, which was intricate and in which she became highly proficient, involved assembling bullets for use in aircraft mounted guns. Cell members assembled the bullets so that a few of the bullets would be unusable. The \"tip\" on what to do came from \"outside\". They always placed the \"bad", "id": "21967344" }, { "contents": "Bullet\n\n\ndamaging or excessively fouling the gun's bore, and without distorting the bullet, which will also reduce accuracy. Bullets must have a surface that forms this seal without excessive friction. These interactions between bullet and bore are termed internal ballistics. Bullets must be produced to a high standard, as surface imperfections can affect firing accuracy. The physics affecting the bullet once it leaves the barrel is termed external ballistics. The primary factors affecting the aerodynamics of a bullet in flight are the bullet's shape and the rotation imparted by the rifling", "id": "18843325" }, { "contents": "AK-47\n\n\na longer heavy barrel, and a bipod, that would eventually replace the RPD light machine gun. Mikhail Kalashnikov began his career as a weapon designer in 1941, while recuperating from a shoulder wound which he received during the Battle of Bryansk. Kalashnikov himself stated...\"I was in the hospital, and a soldier in the bed beside me asked: 'Why do our soldiers have only one rifle for two or three of our men, when the Germans have automatics?' So I designed one. I was a soldier,", "id": "1253467" }, { "contents": "Physics of firearms\n\n\nthe expansion is not truly adiabatic and burnt gas becomes cold faster because of exchange of heat with the barrel. Large firearms (such as cannons) achieve smaller barrel-heating loss because they have better volume-to-surface ratio. High barrel diameter is also helpful because lower barrel friction is induced by sealing compared to the accelerating force. The force is proportional to the square of the barrel diameter while sealing needs are proportional to the perimeter by the same pressure. Assuming the gun and shooter are at rest, the force", "id": "1476892" }, { "contents": "Carabine à tige\n\n\n, a typical rifle would be impossible to reload without using a mallet to force the bullet down the fouled barrel. Delvigne's design addressed this problem by introducing a projectile that was smaller than the bore of the barrel (so more easily bypassing the accumulation of fouling) which after loading could then be struck with a ramrod. With three strokes of the ramrod, he bullet would become deformed and flatten, so as to expand in diameter against the inside of the bore, allowing the bullet to press against the rifling grooves.", "id": "19680541" }, { "contents": "Gas check\n\n\n.44 Magnum, .357 Magnum, and 10mm Auto which were developed from non-magnum cartridges by shooters such as Elmer Keith. By loading the large capacity cases designed for black powder with large charges of smokeless powder, velocities well in excess of 1000 ft/s (300 m/s) were produced from handguns for the first time. At these velocities and pressures traditional soft lead bullets would quickly foul the barrel with lead deposits, so gas checked bullets were used in these experimental cartridges. The other common use of", "id": "20841894" }, { "contents": "Muzzle booster\n\n\nparts; the first is a flared \"cup\" on the muzzle of the barrel and the second is a perforated tube around the end of the muzzle, attached to the main body of the weapon, and with an end closed except for a small hole for the bullet to pass through. As the bullet exits the barrel, the expanding gases follow it into the chamber created between the cup and the shroud. As it passes through the close tolerance hole in the end of the perforated tube, it temporarily forms a blockage", "id": "15961087" }, { "contents": "Theory and Construction of a Rational Heat Motor\n\n\nfavour of a lower pressure of 30 atm (3 MPa) more suitable for 1890s machines. Correctly, he assumed that lower compression, despite causing less thermal efficiency, would result in less friction, which would allow an engine having a higher total efficiency, than an engine with a greater thermal efficiency but more friction losses: Publicly, Diesel never admitted his mistakes, despite knowing them \"and\" how to overcome them. He did so to save his patent: Publicly admitting that the \"rational heat motor\" cannot", "id": "21799277" }, { "contents": "Image map\n\n\n-side image maps by hand using a text editor, but doing so requires web designers to know how to code HTML as well as how to enumerate the coordinates of the areas they wish to place over the image. As a result, most image maps coded by hand are simple polygons. Because creating image maps in a text editor requires much time and effort, many applications have been designed to allow web designers to create image maps quickly and easily, much as they would create shapes in a vector graphics editor. Examples", "id": "21453728" }, { "contents": "Conga (music)\n\n\nseconds pass as they will, as long as they do so as quickly as possible so that I can slap that \"bocú\"... From today, it is only 18 days until the \"carnaval\" starts. How it torments me to think that there are still so many days to go; I wish it were tomorrow;... I want you to know... that the sound of the \"conga\" nourishes me, the sound of the frying pans gives me life and the sound of the \"bocú\" drives me", "id": "20001988" }, { "contents": "Bottle variation\n\n\na process called \"assemblage\". Instead, the winemaker would take his or her siphon from barrel to barrel and fill the bottles from a single barrel at a time. Some traditional and/or idiosyncratic wineries still do this, including Château Musar. Also, buyers and sellers of bulk wine typically do not have access to a multi-million litre tank, and so often the wine will vary depending on which tank it came from. Bottle variation that increases over time typically comes from the packaging. Exposure to heat or light can", "id": "6921882" }, { "contents": "Carbine\n\n\nin a weapon almost the size of, but less accurate than, a long-gun, but not much more powerful than a pistol. Also widely produced are semi-automatic and typically longer-barreled derivatives of select-fire submachine guns, such as the FN PS90, HK USC, KRISS Vector, Thompson carbine, CZ Scorpion S1 Carbine and the Uzi carbine. In order to be sold legally in many countries, the barrel must meet a minimum length (16\" in the USA). So the original submachine", "id": "6549838" }, { "contents": "Powder coating\n\n\nheat the metal first and then spray the powder onto the hot substrate. Preheating can help to achieve a more uniform finish but can also create other problems, such as runs caused by excess powder. See the article \"Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coatings\" Another type of gun is called a \"tribo\" gun, which charges the powder by (triboelectric) friction. In this case, the powder picks up a positive charge while rubbing along the wall of a Teflon tube inside the barrel of the gun. These charged powder particles", "id": "5951391" }, { "contents": "PK machine gun\n\n\nfor cleaning. The bolt and bolt carrier are however oriented upside down compared to the AKM, with the piston and gas system being underneath the barrel. Unlike the AKM and RPK the PK machine gun series is an open bolt design, which improves heat management during automatic fire compared to closed bolt designs and helps avoiding the dangerous phenomenon known as \"cook-off\", wherein the firing chamber becomes so hot that the propellant contained in a chambered round unintentionally ignites, making the weapon fire until the ammunition is exhausted. Open", "id": "12874935" }, { "contents": "Shotgun\n\n\nfirst semi-automatic shotgun. The Browning Auto-5 remained in production until 1998. The decline in military use of shotguns reversed in World War I. American forces under General Pershing employed 12-gauge pump action shotguns when they were deployed to the Western front in 1917. These shotguns were fitted with bayonets and a heat shield so the barrel could be gripped while the bayonet was deployed. Shotguns fitted in this fashion became known as \"trench guns\" by the United States Army. Those without such modifications were known as \"riot guns\".", "id": "7030613" }, { "contents": "Medium machine gun\n\n\nARV-based thrusts, and that a static MG position is a high-priority target for infantry rocket launchers. Modern medium machine guns do not match the sustained firing ability of many older mediums; there is no longer a need for it. Most medium machine guns that use barrel replacement overheat after about 200 rounds, and then a quick barrel replacement is needed (such as was done on the Bren). They can only keep firing if they have spare barrels. However, barrels are expensive and heavy, so only", "id": "7896353" }, { "contents": "M1819 Hall rifle\n\n\nup thick fouling very quickly, which makes the gun even harder to load; a typical muzzle-loading rifle couldn't be fired more than 3-4 times before requiring cleaning, or the bullet would be impossible to force down the barrel on loading, even with the mallet typically issued to riflemen to aid in forcing the bullet through the rifling while loading after the first two shots. This fact is why soldiers were still issued smoothbore muskets firing loose-fitting round balls, long after the merits of rifling were known;", "id": "20182884" }, { "contents": "Outdoor heating\n\n\nOutdoor heating allows people to stay in substantially unenclosed spaces, when it would otherwise be too cold to do so. To this end, various outdoor heating appliances are available, including gas patio heaters, quartz or ceramic electric lamps, and wood burning chimenea and fire pits. In an outdoor environment, convection would quickly carry away heat in the form of hot air, so all these methods emit various amounts of their total output as radiant heat. Radiant heat is emitted from the appliance, and is absorbed by objects and people", "id": "14589843" }, { "contents": "Bullet catch\n\n\nusing a squib. All the performer must do is keep the bullet in his or her mouth until ready to produce it. If the gun is to be loaded in front of the audience, a wax bullet is loaded into the firearm. The spray of liquid wax from the barrel of the gun is enough to break the pane of glass. The magician uses misdirection to exchange the marked bullet with one made of wax and place the marked bullet into his or her mouth. Another method when doing the trick with a muzzle", "id": "3105690" }, { "contents": "Plastics extrusion\n\n\nrarely equal to the set temperature of the barrel due to viscous heating and other effects. In most processes, a heating profile is set for the barrel in which three or more independent PID-controlled heater zones gradually increase the temperature of the barrel from the rear (where the plastic enters) to the front. This allows the plastic beads to melt gradually as they are pushed through the barrel and lowers the risk of overheating which may cause degradation in the polymer. Extra heat is contributed by the intense pressure and friction taking", "id": "16930495" }, { "contents": "Obturation\n\n\nthe barrel after passing through the constriction. To prevent excessive deformation in high pressure rifle and magnum pistol cartridges, lead bullets are often covered in copper or another harder alloy. These bullets are generally designed to swage to fit upon firing. The same principles apply to artillery ammunition; guns are traditionally categorized (in English-speaking countries) as \"BL\" and \"QF\" guns, or \"Breechloading\" and \"Quick firing\" guns. \"BL\" guns are the older style, and typically use propellant stored in", "id": "20146010" }, { "contents": "Green bullet\n\n\nrifled barrel. Twist is usually expressed as the length of barrel (in inches) in which the bullet will rotate through a full 360 degrees; so bullets fired from a 1:10\" twist rifle will make a complete rotation in every of distance traveled. Since lead is a very dense material, bullets made of inexpensive, non-toxic materials will be lighter than bullets made of lead unless bullet length is increased. Inferior external ballistics cause lighter bullets to be less effective against distant targets. Increasing bullet length may require a faster", "id": "17855308" }, { "contents": "Dollar (reactivity)\n\n\ncarefully designed and operated to avoid prompt criticality under all circumstances, many small research or \"zero power\" reactors are designed to be intentionally placed into prompt criticality (reactivity $2) with complete safety by rapidly withdrawing their control rods. Their fuel elements are designed so that as they heat up, reactivity is automatically and quickly reduced through effects such as doppler broadening and thermal expansion. Such reactors can be \"pulsed\" to very high power levels (e.g., several GW) for a few milliseconds, after which reactivity automatically", "id": "13991322" }, { "contents": "2 cm Flak 30/38/Flakvierling\n\n\nis the \"attainable rate of fire\"; the \"sustained rate of fire\" is significantly lower due to rapid heat buildup and barrel erosion. Automatic weapons are typically limited to roughly 100 rounds per minute per barrel to give time for the heat to dissipate, although this can be exceeded for short periods if the firing window is brief. The gun was fired by a set of two pedals — each of which fired two diametrically opposite barrels — in either semi-automatic or fully automatic mode. The effective vertical range was", "id": "7919025" }, { "contents": "Gas-checks in British RML heavy guns\n\n\n-Checks”. They were called “automatic” because they could be loaded into the barrel separately from the projectile, and automatically became firmly attached to the projectile on firing. They were called rotating gas-checks because they were able to rotate the projectile, enabling the use of studless projectiles. They were called EOC gas-checks, because they were developed by the Armstrong company which owned EOC. Automatic gas-checks were designed to be inserted into the barrel separately from, and before, the projectile, so that", "id": "448680" }, { "contents": "Lewis gun\n\n\nThe Lewis gun (or Lewis automatic machine gun or Lewis automatic rifle) is a First World War–era light machine gun of US design that was perfected and mass-produced in the United Kingdom, and widely used by troops of the British Empire during the war. It had a distinctive barrel cooling shroud (containing a finned, aluminium breech-to-muzzle heat sink to cool the gun barrel) and top-mounted pan magazine. The Lewis served to the end of the Korean War. It was also widely", "id": "10533616" }, { "contents": "Cordite\n\n\nCordite is a family of smokeless propellants developed and produced in the United Kingdom since 1889 to replace gunpowder as a military propellant. Like gunpowder, cordite is classified as a low explosive because of its slow burning rates and consequently low brisance. These produce a subsonic deflagration wave rather than the supersonic detonation wave produced by brisants, or high explosives. The hot gases produced by burning gunpowder or cordite generate sufficient pressure to propel a bullet or shell to its target, but not so quickly as to routinely destroy the barrel of the gun", "id": "12958308" }, { "contents": "Eddy current brake\n\n\nforce. Power tool brakes use permanent magnets, which are moved adjacent to the disk by a linkage when the power is turned off. The kinetic energy of the vehicle's motion is dissipated in Joule heating by the eddy currents passing through the disk's resistance, so like conventional friction disk brakes, the disk becomes hot. Unlike in the linear brake below, the metal of the disk passes repeatedly through the magnetic field, so disk eddy current brakes get hotter than linear eddy current brakes. Japanese Shinkansen trains had employed circular", "id": "2720424" }, { "contents": "Freebore\n\n\nIn firearms, freebore (also free-bore or free bore) is the forward most portion of the chamber of a rifled gun barrel. The freebore is located just forward of the case mouth and is usually cylindrical in shape. The diameter of the freebore is always larger than the groove diameter of the gun barrel bore so that no rifling is present and projectiles used in the firearm can move in the freebore without resistance. The chamber is the rearmost portion of a rifled barrel enlarged to hold a cartridge containing a bullet.", "id": "18968903" }, { "contents": "Vash the Stampede\n\n\ndown barrel and since it looked cool, he went with it. It was difficult for him to conceive the odd guns that came in later episodes, and the idea of 'baka guns'—weapons that fire unlimited magical bullets—slowly disappeared. The concept designer described creating the original angel arms with a feminine form, because the guns could create matter, and females create and give birth. When asked why Vash was made to be such a pacifist, Nightow explained that he always felt strange how people are always dying in action movies", "id": "19292214" }, { "contents": "RIMS Warren Hastings\n\n\nattained a maximum speed of . The hull of the ship was steel, and the woodwork teak, so that she would be fit for tropical environments. She was outfitted with six quick firing guns, six three pounder guns, and four five barreled guns. The ship's internal spaces had electric lights. On 20 November 1896, the 1st Battalion of the King's Royal Rifle Corps, stationed at Jullundur, was ordered to go to Mauritius. The battalion set sail on 30 November 1896. They passed through Deolali, and", "id": "13289936" }, { "contents": "Armor-piercing bullet\n\n\nArmor-piercing bullets for rifle and handgun cartridges are designed to penetrate ballistic armor and protective shields intended to stop or deflect conventional bullets. Although bullet design is an important factor with regard to armor penetration, the ability of any given projectile to penetrate ballistic armor increases with increasing velocity. Rifle cartridges typically discharge bullets at higher muzzle velocity than handgun cartridges due to larger propellant charge; but the same cartridge fired from a rifle will have a higher velocity because of the longer period of acceleration within the longer gun barrel, so bullets", "id": "13839036" }, { "contents": "Encyclopedia of Pleasure\n\n\ncondensed, generates in the labia heat and an itch which only dissolve and become cold through friction and orgasm. When friction and orgasm take place, the heat turns into coldness because the liquid that a woman ejaculates in lesbian intercourse is cold whereas the same liquid that results from sexual union with men is hot. Heat, however, cannot be extinguished by heat; rather, it will increase since it needs to be treated by its opposite. As coldness is repelled by heat, so heat is also repelled by coldness\"", "id": "5245061" }, { "contents": "Bullet Rogan\n\n\nlike Rogan, go on to pitch for many years in the Negro leagues. Friction with his stepmother and unhappiness with the segregated high school he attended led Rogan to drop out of school before graduation and enlist in the Army on October 19, 1911. He lied about his age to do so. This would cause later confusion about Rogan's age, as some records (along with his Hall of Fame plaque) give his birth year as 1889, others as 1893; recent histories, such as Phil Dixon's, conclude", "id": "13430713" }, { "contents": "Carbine\n\n\nhappen where the propellant is utilised before the bullet reaches the muzzle, combined with the friction from the barrel on the bullet. As long guns, pistol-caliber carbines may be less legally restricted than handguns in some jurisdictions. Compared to carbines chambered in intermediate or rifle calibers, such as .223 Remington and 7.62×54mmR, pistol-caliber carbines generally experience less of an increase in external ballistic properties as a result of the propellant. The drawback is that one loses the primary benefits of a handgun, i.e. portability and concealability, resulting", "id": "6549837" }, { "contents": "Cartridge (firearms)\n\n\nfar weaker, and some automatic guns only cycle correctly when the gun is fitted with a blank-firing adaptor to confine gas pressure within the barrel to operate the gas system. Blanks can also be used to launch a rifle grenade, although later systems used a \"bullet trap\" design that captures a bullet from a conventional round, speeding deployment. This also negates the risk of mistakenly firing a live bullet into the rifle grenade, causing it to instantly explode instead of propelling it forward. Blanks are also used as dedicated", "id": "1990028" }, { "contents": "Slug (projectile)\n\n\ngyroscopic spin required for in-flight stability. An airgun slug is a new type of pellet recently developed for pre-charged pneumatic airguns. Unlike the conventional diabolo-shaped pellet, which is aerodynamically poor and relies heavily on drag-stabilisation to maintain accuracy, the slug pellet is more aerodynamically shaped like a bullet and relies predominantly on spin-stabilisation from a rifled barrel. Because of the greater contact area with the barrel bore, these pellets require more power from the gun to overcome the frictional resistance, and therefore are", "id": "21192057" }, { "contents": "Huot Automatic Rifle\n\n\n. The results appeared favorable. \"The Huot did better in some tests than the Lewis. It was superior in snapshooting from a trench, in quickness of getting into action...\" Even muddy, after firing four or five clearing rounds, it would function again, without the need for stripping and cleaning; Blair noted it was the only weapon on the trial able to suffer immersion and do so. In firing 10,000 rounds through the Huot, Enfield uncovered fouling of the gas cylinder at 4,000 rounds, and the barrel worn", "id": "8506962" }, { "contents": "Gepárd anti-materiel rifle\n\n\nbut did not purchase any of the later variants so far. Owing to the great weight of Gepárd M1, sharpshooters were instructed to abandon the entire weapon if forced to retreat quickly and only save the grip assembly for proof, rendering the gun useless. A semi-automatic version of the M1 was later produced. Dubbing it the M2, designers reduced its barrel length and weight. An even shorter paratrooper variant dubbed M2A2 made it more favorable to airborne forces and special forces, especially because it could be fired from the hip", "id": "13893029" }, { "contents": "Rate of fire\n\n\nbecause it eats up a great amount of ammunition (more than the troops are likely to carry on a patrol), the heat generated requires barrel change times to be reduced, and with the one spare barrel usually issued, prolonged rapid fire will result in shortened weapon/barrel life. The major limitation in higher rates of fire arises due to the problem of heat. Even a manually operated rifle generates heat as rounds are fired. A machine gun builds up heat so rapidly that steps must be taken to prevent overheating.", "id": "9627897" }, { "contents": "Wax bullet\n\n\nenough force to cycle automatic firearms, so they are most commonly used in revolvers and other manually cycled firearms. Specially designed cartridges and conversion units can be combined to convert automatic firearms into wax bullet firing guns, and these are used for training police and military. In the past, wax bullets were used by illusionists for illusions involving firearms, such as the bullet catch. This practice goes back at least as far as Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin, who used hollow wax bullets colored to resemble lead balls. When placed on", "id": "17273184" }, { "contents": "MG 34\n\n\nsix machine guns in three sections with two seven-man heavy machine gun squads per section as follows: The MG 34 fires from an open bolt and this format both keeps the barrel open at both ends after firing ceases, allowing airflow through it and helping it to cool faster, and meanwhile retains the next unfired bullet outside the chamber until the trigger is squeezed again; and thus the cartridges are protected from the risk of cook-offs from high chamber temperatures after long bouts of sustained automatic fire. The firearm was designed", "id": "9933432" }, { "contents": "Comparison microscope\n\n\na \"signature\" that each barrel imprints on each of the bullets fired through it. It is this \"signature\" on the bullets imparted due to the unique imperfections on the barrel that enable the validation and identification of bullets as having originated from a particular gun. Comparison microscope is used to analyze the matching of the microscopic impressions found on the surface of bullets and casings. When a firearm or a bullet or cartridge case are recovered from a crime scene, forensic examiners compare the ballistic fingerprint of the recovered bullet or cartridge", "id": "22147511" }, { "contents": "Breda Mod. 5C\n\n\n, a few dozen unit were used by meharists during World War II. It also armed the armored cars Fiat 611. The weapon had many features that will then be taken in the machine gun Breda Mod. 30. The barrel was quick change and, through a handle in asbestos, was pulled away, with a half rotation, from the barrel holder sleeve. The functioning was blowback operation of the barrel with locking of the bolt through wing and with oil lubrication of bullets. Shooting with bolt closed. The rear of", "id": "20113815" }, { "contents": "Fórsa\n\n\nact, even though they have the money to do so – it intends to focus action on those groups. The Government then, on 30 January, agreed to a proposal to establish a process to deal with pay restoration for Section 39 workers with Fórsa. The agreement involved the Government was establishing a process to find out how many people were affected and much it would cost to resolve the issue. The process would also seek to establish which organisations had received an increased block grant but had not passed on some of that to", "id": "12877306" }, { "contents": "Mauser BK-27\n\n\n/A. Rheinmetall has also developed remote controlled naval versions, the MN 27 GS and the MLG 27 fully automatic naval guns, which are installed on many ships of the German Navy. Ninety-nine MLG 27s have been ordered by the German Navy so far. The cannon is a single-barrel, high performance, breech-cylinder gun operated by a fully automatic electrically fired gas-operated system at a selective rate of 1000 or 1700 rounds per minute. The Mauser BK 27 utilizes a pyrotechnic cocking charges to cycle the", "id": "18249834" }, { "contents": "Fred Moosally\n\n\nkg per square cm) blew out from the center gun's open breech. The fireball spread through all three gun rooms and through much of the lower levels of the turret. All 47 crewmen inside the turret were killed. The turret contained most of the force of the explosion. Turret Two's sprinkler system failed to operate automatically. Firefighting crews quickly responded and sprayed the roof of the turret and the left and right gun barrels, which were still fully loaded with both gunpowder and projectiles, with water. On Kissinger's", "id": "14919788" }, { "contents": "Curtains (musical)\n\n\nso he decided he would do anything to stop the show. Grady then holds a knife to Niki's neck, threatening to kill her so that Cioffi can't marry her. He tells Cioffi to give him his gun, but when Grady tries to shoot Cioffi he realizes that the gun has no bullets inside. He is foiled when Cioffi takes another gun from his jacket and Carmen pulls the trapdoor on him. Cioffi's colleague Detective O'Farrell takes him into custody and the production is relieved the murder is finally solved. After", "id": "13405540" }, { "contents": "Alexander Herrmann\n\n\nkilled with the same style gun.) Old fashioned muzzle-loaders were used for the act. The so-called bullet was actually a lead ball rammed into the gun together with a small charge of gunpowder. When the firing mechanism was activated, the gunpowder exploded and caused the lead ball to project forward down the barrel like a miniature cannon shot. In truth, most versions of the trick had either a fake bullet inserted into the gun, or had the ball secretly removed immediately before discharge. What came out the", "id": "17787709" }, { "contents": "Belt (firearms)\n\n\nhanging from the weapon to no more than one such piece. Many weapons designed to use non-disintegrating or canvas belts are provided with machines to automatically reload these belts with loose rounds or rounds held in stripper clips. In use during World War I, reloaders allowed ammunition belts to be recycled quickly to allow practically continuous fire. Found on mostly early machine guns. The pull out - push through cartridge feed system has the cartridge withdrawn from the belt to the rear, then pushed directly forward into the barrel. Examples are", "id": "884323" }, { "contents": "Comparison microscope\n\n\na semi-automatic pistol could be traced by several different methods if both bullet and casing were recovered from the scene. Automatic pistols could now be traced by unique markings of the rifling on the bullet, by firing pin indentations on the fired primer, or by unique ejector and extractor marks on the casing. The committee appointed to review the case used the services of Calvin Goddard in 1927. Goddard used Philip Gravelle's newly invented comparison microscope and helixometer, a hollow, lighted magnifier probe used to inspect gun barrels, to", "id": "22147514" }, { "contents": "Winchester Model 1903\n\n\na simple blow-back operated mechanism. This mechanism featured a balanced breech bolt, meaning that the breech bolt contained a quantity of metal proportioned to the weight and velocity of the bullet. This balances the recoil forces so that the breech bolt does not move rearward until the bullet has left the muzzle of the barrel, and therefore allows the bullet to be fired with no loss of energy. The original design of this self-loading mechanism required Winchester to design a custom cartridge (the .22 Winchester Automatic) to go along", "id": "19383852" }, { "contents": "Out Zone\n\n\ncan use one of two main weapons, and switch between them by picking up \"C\" icons. The semi-automatic forward gun shoots forward no matter which way you move, but shoots three bullets in a slight spread each time you press Fire. The all-direction laser fires in whatever direction you're moving, and creates a sweep of bullets as you change direction. It fires rapidly, so you only need to hold down the Fire button. Each weapon is useful in certain situations, and you will often", "id": "17119625" }, { "contents": "Volley gun\n\n\nA volley gun is a gun with several barrels for firing a number of shots, either simultaneously or in succession. They differ from modern machine guns in that they lack automatic loading and automatic fire and are limited by the number of barrels bundled together. In practice the large ones were not particularly more useful than a cannon firing canister shot or grapeshot. Since they were still mounted on a carriage, they could be as hard to aim and move around as a cannon, and the many barrels took as long or longer to", "id": "9525380" }, { "contents": "XADO Snipex\n\n\nrotating bolt. Recoil reduction is achieved due to the original design so that recoil does not create any unpleasant load for the shooter. Considerable part of the recoil energy is used to actuate the automatic reloading system. Free-floating barrel, gun carriage system. RHINO HUNTER is a single-shot large-caliber rifle with automatic case ejection. Civilian, hunting, and sports version of the Snipex M rifle. Caliber: .50 BMG. Developed for hitting moving and non-moving targets, including at long distances (up to", "id": "11175490" }, { "contents": "Stevens Model 520/620\n\n\nthe trigger. Model 520-30 trench gun barrels are marked \"Proof Tested--12 Gauge --2 3/4 Inch Chamber--\" on the left side and have another small \"P\" and ordnance bomb and the \"J Stevens Arms Company\" address on the right side of the barrel. This was done so that all the markings could be read with the heat shield installed. Some Model 620 trench gun barrels were marked in the same manner as the Model 520-30 trench guns and some had all the barrel markings on the left side", "id": "8622653" }, { "contents": "MGP-15 submachine gun\n\n\nThe MGP-15 is a submachine gun designed for issue to special forces made by SIMA-CEFAR, updated with a longer barrel and other features. The name was changed from previous MGP models due to modifications, including a change to a barrel with a threaded muzzle, usually fitted with a screwed-on muzzle cap, that allows a suppressor to be quickly screwed on. Like all MGP submachine guns, the weapon can utilize Uzi submachine gun magazines. A folding butt stock is provided, so arranged that with the butt folded along", "id": "15681615" }, { "contents": "Accurizing\n\n\nthis, careful post-machining heat treatment is often used to stress-relieve the barrels. The amount of good this does depends on the technique used to make the barrel. For example, the hammer forging method of manufacture leaves a significant amount of stress in the barrels, which could be addressed through stress-relieving heat treatment. Barrel wear is also an important issue, particularly in high-powered firearms. High temperatures tend to erode the barrel at the throat, preventing the bullet from entering the rifling cleanly. One", "id": "18318691" }, { "contents": "Ballistics by the Inch\n\n\nend was dressed. Once all the cartridges had been tested at 18\" and the barrels were cut and ready, each brand was tested again at 17\" and so on, right down to a 2\" barrel. Three rounds of each brand of ammunition were fired at each barrel length and the velocity of the bullet was recorded as it passed over two commercial chronographs 15 feet away. The resulting six numbers were averaged and the average plotted on a graph for each brand and caliber of ammunition so that the trend in the", "id": "2173646" }, { "contents": "Mechanical watch\n\n\n) and the calendar wheels are not under load, while the ones that wind the mainspring (the keyless work) are used very seldom, so they do not wear significantly. Friction has the greatest effect in the wheels that move the fastest, so they benefit most from jewelling. So the first mechanism to be jeweled in watches was the balance wheel pivots, followed by the escapement. As more jeweled bearings were added, they were applied to slower moving wheels, and jewelling progressed up the going train toward the barrel.", "id": "17408041" } ]
Quantum mechanics vs. standard particle physics.
[{"answer": "I'm confused by the question. What do you mean by \"standard particle physics\"? The Standard Model of particle physics is a relativistic quantum field theory."}, {"answer": "When you're looking at a golf ball made up of trillions and quadrillions of tiny pieces it doesn't really matter how wierd the pieces behave by themselves if they're forced into a giant golf ball pattern. As a whole, they are still a golf ball. We can measure the weight, speed, distance of a golf ball as well as we care to. Golf balls behave predictably. That's classical physics. Quantum physics looks at these tiny pieces of the golf ball individually, and looks at just how wierd they really are. When you look at tiny enough pieces, they behave so strangely that we can't explain most of what they do. The tiny pieces do things that the golf ball can't."}, {"answer": "'Standard particle physics' I'm going to assume refers to classical physics, the kind you learn in high school. Perhaps the biggest difference, in that sense, is that classical physics is purely deterministic. Particles have location and momentum, and that's basically it. If you know these things accurately enough, then you know exactly what they will do in any given situation. Quantum physics, by contrast, shows that the more certain you are about one of those, the less certain you can be about the other, since you've changed it when you measured it. Think about it like this: I want to know where something is, so I look at it. The process of looking requires photons to have bounced off it and then hit my retina. Now, for the sort of objects we're familiar with, photons bouncing off it has no real impact. When you're talking about incredibly small things though, the photons have similar momentum (energy, technically) so they have a significant effect. It's like instead of throwing bouncy balls at a car, you're throwing motorbikes. Now, an interesting and related property is that on a quantum scale, things exist as probabilities, they don't really have a discrete location, just areas where they are more or less likely to be, and can pop in and out of existence at random. *All* things in the universe smaller than an atom behave like this (and possibly some atoms too, research on that is ongoing). The reason we don't see this sort of behavior from larger objects is because of probability again, in order for a classically sized object to randomly disappear, a **huge** number of constituent particles would need to do something unlikely, all at once (like if you were to take 10,000,000,000,000 dice and roll them all at once, and every single one comes up six) tl;dr: when things get really, really small, we can't find them anymore."}, {"answer": "If you would really like to understand in the most basic form Quantum Mechanics. I suggest you look up the videos for [this show.]( URL_0 ) It does a great job of not only showing you how things work, but it is done in a way that is very easy to understand. [Link to Amazon.]( URL_1 )"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25268", "title": "Quantum electrodynamics", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In particle physics, quantum electrodynamics (QED) is the relativistic quantum field theory of electrodynamics. In essence, it describes how light and matter interact and is the first theory where full agreement between quantum mechanics and special relativity is achieved. QED mathematically describes all phenomena involving electrically charged particles interacting by means of exchange of photons and represents the quantum counterpart of classical electromagnetism giving a complete account of matter and light interaction.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "In particle physics, quantum electrodynamics (QED) is the relativistic quantum field theory of electrodynamics. In essence, it describes how light and matter interact and is the first theory where full agreement between quantum mechanics and special relativity is achieved. QED mathematically describes all phenomena involving electrically charged particles interacting by means of exchange of photons and represents the quantum counterpart of classical electromagnetism giving a complete account of matter and light interaction."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Physics\n\n\nphotoelectric effect and a complete theory predicting discrete energy levels of electron orbitals, led to the theory of quantum mechanics taking over from classical physics at very small scales. Quantum mechanics would come to be pioneered by Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger and Paul Dirac. From this early work, and work in related fields, the Standard Model of particle physics was derived. Following the discovery of a particle with properties consistent with the Higgs boson at CERN in 2012, all fundamental particles predicted by the standard model, and no others, appear", "id": "3214262" }, { "contents": "Pilot wave theory\n\n\n, the point particle and the matter wave are both real and distinct physical entities (unlike standard quantum mechanics, where particles and waves are considered to be the same entities, connected by wave–particle duality). The pilot wave guides the motion of the point particles as described by the guidance equation. Ordinary quantum mechanics and pilot wave theory are based on the same partial differential equation. The main difference is that in ordinary quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation is connected to reality by the Born postulate, which states that the", "id": "18162088" }, { "contents": "Symmetry in quantum mechanics\n\n\nSymmetries in quantum mechanics describe features of spacetime and particles which are unchanged under some transformation, in the context of quantum mechanics, relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, and with applications in the mathematical formulation of the standard model and condensed matter physics. In general, symmetry in physics, invariance, and conservation laws, are fundamentally important constraints for formulating physical theories and models. In practice, they are powerful methods for solving problems and predicting what can happen. While conservation laws do not always give the answer to the problem", "id": "5481289" }, { "contents": "Relativistic quantum mechanics\n\n\nIn physics, relativistic quantum mechanics (RQM) is any Poincaré covariant formulation of quantum mechanics (QM). This theory is applicable to massive particles propagating at all velocities up to those comparable to the speed of light \"c\", and can accommodate massless particles. The theory has application in high energy physics, particle physics and accelerator physics, as well as atomic physics, chemistry and condensed matter physics. \"Non-relativistic quantum mechanics\" refers to the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics applied in the context of Galilean relativity", "id": "10628754" }, { "contents": "Fundamental interaction\n\n\n—aligned all phenomena and thereby held valid the Newtonian principle relativity or invariance. The Standard Model of particle physics was developed throughout the latter half of the 20th century. In the Standard Model, the electromagnetic, strong, and weak interactions associate with elementary particles, whose behaviours are modelled in quantum mechanics (QM). For predictive success with QM's probabilistic outcomes, particle physics conventionally models QM events across a field set to special relativity, altogether relativistic quantum field theory (QFT). Force particles, called gauge bosons—\"force carriers", "id": "10643645" }, { "contents": "Scattering theory\n\n\n. In particle physics, the equations are those of Quantum electrodynamics, Quantum chromodynamics and the Standard Model, the solutions of which correspond to fundamental particles. In regular quantum mechanics, which includes quantum chemistry, the relevant equation is the Schrödinger equation, although equivalent formulations, such as the Lippmann-Schwinger equation and the Faddeev equations, are also largely used. The solutions of interest describe the long-term motion of free atoms, molecules, photons, electrons, and protons. The scenario is that several particles come together from", "id": "14118683" }, { "contents": "Reality\n\n\nthrough a single model the theories of all fundamental interactions and of all particles of nature: general relativity for gravitation, and the standard model of elementary particle physics – which includes quantum mechanics – for electromagnetism, the two nuclear interactions, and the known elementary particles. Current candidates for a theory of everything include string theory, M theory, and loop quantum gravity. Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-simulated environment that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world, as well as in imaginary worlds. The", "id": "33541" }, { "contents": "Quantum mechanics\n\n\nQuantum mechanics (QM; also known as quantum physics, quantum theory, the wave mechanical model, or matrix mechanics), including quantum field theory, is a fundamental theory in physics which describes nature at the smallest scales of energy levels of atoms and subatomic particles. Classical physics, the physics existing before quantum mechanics, describes nature at ordinary (macroscopic) scale. Most theories in classical physics can be derived from quantum mechanics as an approximation valid at large (macroscopic) scale. Quantum mechanics differs from classical physics in that", "id": "5302788" }, { "contents": "Higgs boson\n\n\nThe Higgs boson is an elementary particle in the Standard Model of particle physics, produced by the quantum excitation of the Higgs field, one of the fields in particle physics theory. It is named after physicist Peter Higgs, who in 1964, along with five other scientists, proposed the mechanism to explain why particles have mass, this Higgs mechanism also implies the existence of a new boson. Its existence was confirmed in 2012 by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations based on collisions in the LHC at CERN. On December 10, 2013", "id": "13562582" }, { "contents": "Loop quantum gravity\n\n\nLoop quantum gravity (LQG) is a theory of quantum gravity, attempting to merge quantum mechanics and general relativity, while incorporating the standard model particles. It takes seriously the key insight from general relativity that space-time is a dynamic entity, not a fixed framework. It competes with string theory, another candidate for a theory of quantum gravity. However, unlike string theory, LQG is not a candidate for a theory of everything - the goal of which is to explain all of particle physics, unifying gravity with the", "id": "19327027" }, { "contents": "Magnetic field\n\n\nto work with quantum mechanics. In modern physics, the electromagnetic field is understood to be not a \"classical\" field, but rather a quantum field; it is represented not as a vector of three numbers at each point, but as a vector of three quantum operators at each point. The most accurate modern description of the electromagnetic interaction (and much else) is \"quantum electrodynamics\" (QED), which is incorporated into a more complete theory known as the \"Standard Model of particle physics\". In QED", "id": "16103379" }, { "contents": "History of quantum field theory\n\n\nforce and weak nuclear force, producing the modern standard model of particle physics. Efforts to describe gravity using the same techniques have, to date, failed. The study of quantum field theory is still flourishing, as are applications of its methods to many physical problems. It remains one of the most vital areas of theoretical physics today, providing a common language to several different branches of physics. Quantum field theory originated in the 1920s from the problem of creating a quantum mechanical theory of the electromagnetic field. In particular, de", "id": "4884293" }, { "contents": "Quantum mechanics\n\n\nhas provided evidence that quantum correlations play an essential role in this fundamental process of plants and many other organisms. Even so, classical physics can often provide good approximations to results otherwise obtained by quantum physics, typically in circumstances with large numbers of particles or large quantum numbers. Since classical formulas are much simpler and easier to compute than quantum formulas, classical approximations are used and preferred when the system is large enough to render the effects of quantum mechanics insignificant. For example, consider a free particle. In quantum mechanics, a", "id": "5302870" }, { "contents": "Flavour (particle physics)\n\n\nIn particle physics, flavour or flavor refers to the \"species\" of an elementary particle. The Standard Model counts six flavours of quarks and six flavours of leptons. They are conventionally parameterized with \"flavour quantum numbers\" that are assigned to all subatomic particles. They can also be described by some of the family symmetries proposed for the quark-lepton generations. In classical mechanics, a force acting on a point-like particle can only alter the particle's dynamical state, i.e., its momentum, angular momentum, etc", "id": "12144765" }, { "contents": "Spin (physics)\n\n\nIn quantum mechanics and particle physics, spin is an intrinsic form of angular momentum carried by elementary particles, composite particles (hadrons), and atomic nuclei. Spin is one of two types of angular momentum in quantum mechanics, the other being \"orbital angular momentum\". The orbital angular momentum operator is the quantum-mechanical counterpart to the classical angular momentum of orbital revolution and appears when there is periodic structure to its wavefunction as the angle varies. The existence of spin angular momentum is inferred from experiments, such as the", "id": "13847640" }, { "contents": "M-theory\n\n\nare described within the framework of quantum mechanics, a radically different formalism for describing physical phenomena based on probability. A quantum theory of gravity is needed in order to reconcile general relativity with the principles of quantum mechanics, but difficulties arise when one attempts to apply the usual prescriptions of quantum theory to the force of gravity. String theory is a theoretical framework that attempts to reconcile gravity and quantum mechanics. In string theory, the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings. String theory", "id": "333806" }, { "contents": "Bruno Augenstein\n\n\nphenomena in elementary particle physics parallel the Banach–Tarski paradox in set theory. In 2002, Augenstein wrote a paper arguing that the mathematical formulation of John von Neumann’s quantum mechanics – the authoritative mathematical embodiment of standard quantum mechanics – contains a logical contradiction, and is therefore logically inconsistent. He discussed the nature and consequences of logical inconsistency in the context of what physicists seem to intend when they use the terms “consistent” and “inconsistent.” He notes how rehabilitating von Neumann quantum mechanics, by avoiding the logical contradiction", "id": "1664480" }, { "contents": "Introduction to quantum mechanics\n\n\n]], described by [[quantum chromodynamics]]. It also postulates a connection with [[gravity]] as yet another [[gauge theory]], but the connection is as of 2015 still poorly understood. The theory's successful prediction of the [[Higgs particle]] to explain inertial mass was confirmed by the [[Large Hadron Collider]], and thus the Standard model is now considered the basic and more or less complete description of [[particle physics]] as we know it", "id": "21080879" }, { "contents": "Baryogenesis\n\n\nparticles. Two main theories are electroweak baryogenesis (standard model), which would occur during the electroweak epoch, and the GUT baryogenesis, which would occur during or shortly after the grand unification epoch. Quantum field theory and statistical physics are used to describe such possible mechanisms. Baryogenesis is followed by primordial nucleosynthesis, when atomic nuclei began to form. The Dirac equation, formulated by Paul Dirac around 1928 as part of the development of relativistic quantum mechanics, predicts the existence of antiparticles along with the expected solutions for the corresponding particles", "id": "10172747" }, { "contents": "Quantum field theory\n\n\nIn theoretical physics, quantum field theory (QFT) is a theoretical framework that combines classical field theory, special relativity, and quantum mechanics and is used to construct physical models of subatomic particles (in particle physics) and quasiparticles (in condensed matter physics). QFT treats particles as excited states (also called quanta) of their underlying fields, which are—in a sense—more fundamental than the basic particles. Interactions between particles are described by interaction terms in the Lagrangian involving their corresponding fields. Each interaction can be", "id": "5542909" }, { "contents": "Higgs mechanism\n\n\nIn the Standard Model of particle physics, the Higgs mechanism is essential to explain the generation mechanism of the property \"mass\" for gauge bosons. Without the Higgs mechanism, all bosons (one of the two classes of particles, the other being fermions) would be considered massless, but measurements show that the W, W, and Z bosons actually have relatively large masses of around 80 GeV/c. The Higgs field resolves this conundrum. The simplest description of the mechanism adds a quantum field (the Higgs field)", "id": "4907647" }, { "contents": "Statistical mechanics\n\n\nreactions or flows of particles and heat. The fluctuation–dissipation theorem is the basic knowledge obtained from applying non-equilibrium statistical mechanics to study the simplest non-equilibrium situation of a steady state current flow in a system of many particles. In physics, there are two types of mechanics usually examined: classical mechanics and quantum mechanics. For both types of mechanics, the standard mathematical approach is to consider two concepts: Using these two concepts, the state at any other time, past or future, can in principle be", "id": "8889745" }, { "contents": "Renormalization group\n\n\nscale, was also found to amount to the \"canonical trace anomaly\", which represents the quantum-mechanical breaking of scale (dilation) symmetry in a field theory. (Remarkably, quantum mechanics itself can induce mass through the trace anomaly and the running coupling.) Applications of the RG to particle physics exploded in number in the 1970s with the establishment of the Standard Model. In 1973, it was discovered that a theory of interacting colored quarks, called quantum chromodynamics, had a negative beta function. This means that", "id": "4974128" }, { "contents": "Subatomic particle\n\n\nmolecules. Nuclear physics deals with how protons and neutrons arrange themselves in nuclei. The study of subatomic particles, atoms and molecules, and their structure and interactions, requires quantum mechanics. Analyzing processes that change the numbers and types of particles requires quantum field theory. The study of subatomic particles \"per se\" is called particle physics. The term \"high-energy physics\" is nearly synonymous to \"particle physics\" since creation of particles requires high energies: it occurs only as a result of cosmic rays, or in", "id": "1732701" }, { "contents": "Quantum mechanics\n\n\nwith atomic and subatomic systems which is today called quantum mechanics. It underlies the mathematical framework of many fields of physics and chemistry, including condensed matter physics, solid-state physics, atomic physics, molecular physics, computational physics, computational chemistry, quantum chemistry, particle physics, nuclear chemistry, and nuclear physics. Some fundamental aspects of the theory are still actively studied. Quantum mechanics is essential to understanding the behavior of systems at atomic length scales and smaller. If the physical nature of an atom were solely described by classical", "id": "5302803" }, { "contents": "EP quantum mechanics\n\n\nIn physics, EP quantum mechanics is a theory of motion of point particles, partly included in the framework of quantum trajectory representation theories of quantum mechanics, based upon an equivalence postulate (EP) similar in content to the equivalence principle of general relativity, rather than on the traditional Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. The equivalence postulate states that all one-particle systems can be connected by a non-degenerate coordinate transformation, more precisely by a map over the cotangent bundle of the position manifold, so that there exists a quantum", "id": "18826548" }, { "contents": "First quantization\n\n\nA first quantization of a physical system is a semi-classical treatment of quantum mechanics, in which particles or physical objects are treated using quantum wave functions but the surrounding environment (for example a potential well or a bulk electromagnetic field or gravitational field) is treated classically. First quantization is appropriate for studying a single quantum-mechanical system being controlled by a laboratory apparatus that is itself large enough that classical mechanics is applicable to most of the apparatus. In general, the one-particle state could be described by a complete", "id": "15725474" }, { "contents": "Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics)\n\n\nquantum theory. The Hamiltonian is named after William Rowan Hamilton, who created a revolutionary reformulation of Newtonian mechanics, now called Hamiltonian mechanics, which is also important in quantum physics. The Hamiltonian is the sum of the kinetic energies of all the particles, plus the potential energy of the particles associated with the system. The expression of the Hamiltonian can take different forms and simplifications taken into account the concrete characteristics of the system under analysis: single or several particles in the system; interaction between particles; kind of potential energy;", "id": "14644580" }, { "contents": "Ultraviolet divergence\n\n\nreleased at intermediate wavelengths, suggesting a failure of classical mechanics. This problem eventually led to the development of quantum mechanics. The successful resolution of the original ultraviolet catastrophe has prompted the pursuit of solutions to other problems of ultraviolet divergence. A similar problem in electromagnetism was solved by Richard Feynman by applying quantum field theory through the use of renormalization groups, leading to the successful creation of quantum electrodynamics (QED). Similar techniques led to the standard model of particle physics. Ultraviolet divergences remain a key feature in the exploration of new", "id": "13974635" }, { "contents": "Supersymmetric quantum mechanics\n\n\nIn theoretical physics, supersymmetric quantum mechanics is an area of research where mathematical concepts from high-energy physics are applied to the field of quantum mechanics. Understanding the consequences of supersymmetry has proven mathematically daunting, and it has likewise been difficult to develop theories that could account for symmetry breaking, \"i.e.\", the lack of observed partner particles of equal mass. To make progress on these problems, physicists developed \"supersymmetric quantum mechanics\", an application of the supersymmetry (SUSY) superalgebra to quantum mechanics as opposed to quantum", "id": "13544510" }, { "contents": "Physics\n\n\nprove or disprove the supersymmetry, which extends the Standard Model of particle physics. Research on the nature of the major mysteries of dark matter and dark energy is also currently ongoing. Theoretical attempts to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity into a single theory of quantum gravity, a program ongoing for over half a century, have not yet been decisively resolved. The current leading candidates are M-theory, superstring theory and loop quantum gravity. Many astronomical and cosmological phenomena have yet to be satisfactorily explained, including the origin of ultra", "id": "3214305" }, { "contents": "AdS/CFT correspondence\n\n\na second dimension, its circumference. Thus, an ant crawling inside it would move in two dimensions. The application of quantum mechanics to physical objects such as the electromagnetic field, which are extended in space and time, is known as quantum field theory. In particle physics, quantum field theories form the basis for our understanding of elementary particles, which are modeled as excitations in the fundamental fields. Quantum field theories are also used throughout condensed matter physics to model particle-like objects called quasiparticles. In the AdS/CFT", "id": "4800305" }, { "contents": "Conceptual programs in physics\n\n\ntwo separate Schrödinger fields (representing the particle and anti-particle), whose occupied states each independently obey the Schrödinger equation and yield the program of particulate quantum mechanics above. Other routes may encounter issues in defining localized particle states. In the Heisenberg picture and the non-relativistic limit, formula_73 (with formula_74 a one-particle state with momentum formula_75) is often identified with a momentum space wave function, but this cannot be localized. When attempting to reduce a relativistic quantum mechanics to non-relativistic quantum mechanics,", "id": "17531887" }, { "contents": "Complementarity (physics)\n\n\nIn physics, complementarity is both a theoretical and an experimental result of quantum mechanics, also referred to as principle of complementarity. Formulated by Niels Bohr, a leading founder of quantum mechanics, the complementarity principle holds that objects have certain pairs of complementary properties which cannot all be observed or measured simultaneously. Examples of complementary properties that Bohr considered: For example, the particle and wave aspects of physical objects are such complementary phenomena. Both concepts are borrowed from classical mechanics, where it is impossible to be a particle and wave", "id": "13410341" }, { "contents": "Ensemble interpretation\n\n\nbe argued that this notion is consistent with the standard interpretation in that, in the Copenhagen interpretation, statements about the exact system state prior to measurement cannot be made. That is, if it were possible to absolutely, physically measure say, a particle in two positions at once, then quantum mechanics would be falsified as quantum mechanics explicitly postulates that the result of any measurement must be a single eigenvalue of a single eigenstate. Arnold Neumaier finds limitations with the applicability of the ensemble interpretation to small systems. \"Among the", "id": "460110" }, { "contents": "Particle physics\n\n\nPreon theory, combinations of these, or other ideas. A third major effort in theoretical particle physics is string theory. \"String theorists\" attempt to construct a unified description of quantum mechanics and general relativity by building a theory based on small strings, and branes rather than particles. If the theory is successful, it may be considered a \"Theory of Everything\", or \"TOE\". There are also other areas of work in theoretical particle physics ranging from particle cosmology to loop quantum gravity. This division of efforts", "id": "3528810" }, { "contents": "Introduction to quantum mechanics\n\n\nwhich the number of particles is fixed, and the fields (such as the electromechanical field) are continuous classical entities. QFT ... goes a step further and allows for the creation and annihilation of particles ... He added, however, that \"quantum mechanics\" is often used to refer to \"the entire notion of quantum view\". In 1931, Dirac proposed the existence of particles that later became known as [[antimatter]]. Dirac shared the [[Nobel Prize in Physics]] for 1933 with [[", "id": "21080871" }, { "contents": "History of general relativity\n\n\nfrom general relativity has been severely constrained by these observations. In addition, general relativity is inconsistent with quantum mechanics, the physical theory that describes the wave–particle duality of matter, and quantum mechanics does not currently describe gravitational attraction at relevant (microscopic) scales. There is a great deal of speculation in the physics community as to the modifications that might be needed to both general relativity and quantum mechanics in order to unite them consistently. The speculative theory that unites general relativity and quantum mechanics is usually called quantum gravity,", "id": "15580565" }, { "contents": "Measurement in quantum mechanics\n\n\nuniversally agree on the \"practical\" question of what results from a routine quantum-physics laboratory measurement. To understand this, the Copenhagen interpretation, which has been commonly used, is employed in this article. In classical mechanics, a simple system consisting of only one single particle is fully described by the position formula_1 and momentum formula_2 of the particle. As an analogue, in quantum mechanics a system is described by its quantum state or wave function, which contains the probabilities of possible positions and momenta. In mathematical language,", "id": "12964275" }, { "contents": "Quantum psychology\n\n\nimplies that the observer and the observed phenomena are innately linked. The presence of the \"observer\" in quantum mechanics is a necessary requirement for the micro-system to \"collapse\" into particle. The emergence of quantum field theories, known as Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics, not only revolutionised the classical Newtonian physics, but have become its essential theory. Classical Newtonian mechanics is only able to provide accurate descriptions of various properties of objects, their position and movement at a macro-scale level. At a micro-scale", "id": "9189114" }, { "contents": "Principle of least action\n\n\ndemonstrated how this principle can also be used in quantum calculations. It was historically called \"least\" because its solution requires finding the path that has the least value. Its classical mechanics and electromagnetic expressions are a consequence of quantum mechanics, but the stationary action method helped in the development of quantum mechanics. The principle remains central in modern physics and mathematics, being applied in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, particle physics, and string theory and is a focus of modern mathematical investigation in Morse", "id": "13496987" }, { "contents": "Quantum tunnelling\n\n\nwould have to be infinity. Hence, the probability of a given particle's existence on the opposite side of an intervening barrier is non-zero, and such particles will appear on the 'other' (a semantically difficult word in this instance) side with a relative frequency proportional to this probability. The wave function of a particle summarises everything that can be known about a physical system. Therefore, problems in quantum mechanics center on the analysis of the wave function for a system. Using mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics,", "id": "4747429" }, { "contents": "EPR paradox\n\n\n, without the slightest possibility of particle B being physically disturbed. EPR tried to set up a paradox to question the range of true application of Quantum Mechanics: Quantum theory predicts that both values cannot be known for a particle, and yet the EPR thought experiment purports to show that they must all have determinate values. The EPR paper says: \"We are thus forced to conclude that the quantum-mechanical description of physical reality given by wave functions is not complete.\" The EPR paper ends by saying: While we", "id": "10260383" }, { "contents": "Quantum simulator\n\n\nimportant problems in physics, especially low-temperature physics and many-body physics, remain poorly understood because the underlying quantum mechanics is vastly complex. Conventional computers, including supercomputers, are inadequate for simulating quantum systems with as few as 30 particles. Better computational tools are needed to understand and rationally design materials whose properties are believed to depend on the collective quantum behavior of hundreds of particles. Quantum simulators provide an alternative route to understanding the properties of these systems. These simulators create clean realizations of specific systems of interest, which", "id": "8175678" }, { "contents": "Introduction to quantum mechanics\n\n\nagain validates an earlier, rather mysterious concept. In the 1960s [[physicist]]s realized that QED broke down at extremely high energies. From this inconsistency the [[Standard Model]] of particle physics was discovered, which remedied the higher energy breakdown in theory. It is another extended quantum field theory that unifies the electromagnetic and [[weak interaction]]s into one theory. This is called the [[electroweak theory]]. Additionally the Standard Model contains a high energy unification of the electroweak theory with the [[strong force", "id": "21080878" }, { "contents": "Quantization (physics)\n\n\nIn physics, quantization is the process of transition from a classical understanding of physical phenomena to a newer understanding known as quantum mechanics. (It is a procedure for constructing a quantum field theory starting from a classical field theory.) This is a generalization of the procedure for building quantum mechanics from classical mechanics. Also related is field quantization, as in the \"quantization of the electromagnetic field\", referring to photons as field \"quanta\" (for instance as light quanta). This procedure is basic to theories of particle", "id": "5302526" }, { "contents": "Quantum social science\n\n\nThe most fundamental is that, since its inception, social science has been based on a classical worldview, which needs to be updated in accordance with the teachings of quantum physics. In particular, quantum theory disputes the key tenets or assumptions of materialism, reductionism, determinism, and mechanism. An example is the notion of entanglement. In mechanistic or pre-quantum science, particles are seen as individual entities that interact only in a mechanistic sense. In quantum mechanics, particles such as electrons can become entangled so that a measurement", "id": "14849730" }, { "contents": "Particle physics\n\n\nphotons, neutrinos, and muons, as well as a wide range of exotic particles. Dynamics of particles is also governed by quantum mechanics; they exhibit wave–particle duality, displaying particle-like behaviour under certain experimental conditions and wave-like behaviour in others. In more technical terms, they are described by quantum state vectors in a Hilbert space, which is also treated in quantum field theory. Following the convention of particle physicists, the term \"elementary particles\" is applied to those particles that are, according to", "id": "3528801" }, { "contents": "Perturbation theory\n\n\noperator (in quantum mechanics). Examples for the kind of solution to be found perturbatively: the solution of the equation (e.g., the trajectory of a particle), the statistical average of some physical quantity (e.g., average magnetization), the ground state energy of a quantum mechanical problem. Examples for the exactly solvable problems to start with: linear equations, including linear equations of motion (harmonic oscillator, linear wave equation), statistical or quantum-mechanical systems of non-interacting particles (or in general,", "id": "13625895" }, { "contents": "Quantum superposition\n\n\nsuperposition principle to a quantum mechanical particle, the configurations of the particle are all positions, so the superpositions make a complex wave in space. The coefficients of the linear superposition are a wave which describes the particle as best as is possible, and whose amplitude interferes according to the Huygens principle. For any physical property in quantum mechanics, there is a list of all the states where that property has some value. These states are necessarily perpendicular to each other using the Euclidean notion of perpendicularity which comes from sums-of-", "id": "3967901" }, { "contents": "Four-vector\n\n\nitself: and also: which leads to the energy–momentum relation: This last relation is useful relativistic mechanics, essential in relativistic quantum mechanics and relativistic quantum field theory, all with applications to particle physics. The four-force acting on a particle is defined analogously to the 3-force as the time derivative of 3-momentum in Newton's second law: where \"P\" is the power transferred to move the particle, and f is the 3-force acting on the particle. For a particle of constant invariant mass \"m\",", "id": "6275849" }, { "contents": "Symmetry in quantum mechanics\n\n\n= 1/2, the spin operator is given by where the Pauli matrices in the standard representation are: The total angular momentum operator is the sum of the orbital and spin and is an important quantity for multi-particle systems, especially in nuclear physics and the quantum chemistry of multi-electron atoms and molecules. We have a similar rotation matrix: The dynamical symmetry group of the \"n\" dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator is the special unitary group SU(\"n\"). As an example, the number of infinitesimal generators of the corresponding", "id": "5481307" }, { "contents": "Rod Crewther\n\n\nof Adelaide branch of the National Tertiary Education Union. He also served on the University Council. He designed the honours physics course \"Gauge Field Theories.\" He also lectures on Quantum Mechanics III, Advanced Dynamics and Relativity, and Honours Quantum Field Theory. Although he no longer teaches the courses Quantum Mechanics II, Honours Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Particle Physics, and Classical Fields and Mathematical Methods, his notes are followed by his successors. Dr Crewther also teaches a 4-week module of Physics 1B at the University of Adelaide where he", "id": "15288425" }, { "contents": "First quantization\n\n\nknown using this vector basis. When turning to N-particle systems, i.e., systems containing N identical particles i.e. particles characterized by the same physical parameters such as mass, charge and spin, an extension of the single-particle state function formula_7 to the N-particle state function formula_8 is necessary. A fundamental difference between classical and quantum mechanics concerns the concept of indistinguishability of identical particles. Only two species of particles are thus possible in quantum physics, the so-called bosons and fermions which obey the rules: formula_9", "id": "15725476" }, { "contents": "Particle physics and representation theory\n\n\nThere is a natural connection between particle physics and representation theory, as first noted in the 1930s by Eugene Wigner. It links the properties of elementary particles to the structure of Lie groups and Lie algebras. According to this connection, the different quantum states of an elementary particle give rise to an irreducible representation of the Poincaré group. Moreover, the properties of the various particles, including their spectra, can be related to representations of Lie algebras, corresponding to \"approximate symmetries\" of the universe. In quantum mechanics, any", "id": "8170375" }, { "contents": "Quantum mechanics\n\n\n's simple postulation was born a flurry of debating, theorizing, and testing. Thus, the entire field of quantum physics emerged, leading to its wider acceptance at the Fifth Solvay Conference in 1927. It was found that subatomic particles and electromagnetic waves are neither simply particle nor wave but have certain properties of each. This originated the concept of wave–particle duality. By 1930, quantum mechanics had been further unified and formalized by the work of David Hilbert, Paul Dirac and John von Neumann with greater emphasis on measurement,", "id": "5302800" }, { "contents": "Quantum tunnelling\n\n\nand its acceptance as a general physical phenomenon came mid-century. Fundamental quantum mechanical concepts are central to this phenomenon, which makes quantum tunnelling one of the novel implications of quantum mechanics. Quantum tunneling is projected to create physical limits to the size of the transistors used in microprocessors, due to electrons being able to \"tunnel\" past them if the transistors are too small. Tunnelling is often explained in terms of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle that the quantum object can be \"known\" as a wave or as a particle in", "id": "4747420" }, { "contents": "Quantum mind\n\n\neventually corrupt the superpositions. There aren't any obvious analogies between the functioning of quantum computers and the human brain. Some of the hypothetical models of quantum mind have proposed mechanisms for maintaining quantum coherence in the brain, but they have not been shown to operate. Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon often invoked for quantum mind models. This effect occurs when pairs or groups of particles interact so that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the other(s), even when the particles are separated by a large", "id": "15243391" }, { "contents": "Force\n\n\nand magnetic forces were unified through a theory of electromagnetism. In the 20th century, the development of quantum mechanics led to a modern understanding that the first three fundamental forces (all except gravity) are manifestations of matter (fermions) interacting by exchanging virtual particles called gauge bosons. This standard model of particle physics assumes a similarity between the forces and led scientists to predict the unification of the weak and electromagnetic forces in electroweak theory, which was subsequently confirmed by observation. The complete formulation of the standard model predicts an as yet", "id": "10780701" }, { "contents": "Action (physics)\n\n\nthe differential equations of motion for \"any\" physical system can be re-formulated as an equivalent integral equation. Thus, there are two distinct approaches for formulating dynamical models. It applies not only to the classical mechanics of a single particle, but also to classical fields such as the electromagnetic and gravitational fields. Hamilton's principle has also been extended to quantum mechanics and quantum field theory—in particular the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics makes use of the concept—where a physical system randomly follows one of the possible", "id": "12283744" }, { "contents": "String-net liquid\n\n\n-nets are the spin networks studied in loop quantum gravity. This has led to the proposal by Levin and Wen, and Smolin, Markopoulou and Konopka that loop quantum gravity's spin networks can give rise to the standard model of particle physics through this mechanism, along with fermi statistics and gauge interactions. To date, a rigorous derivation from LQG's spin networks to Levin and Wen's spin lattice has yet to be done, but the project to do so is called quantum graphity, and in a more recent paper,", "id": "14810103" }, { "contents": "Superpotential\n\n\nIn theoretical physics, the superpotential is a parameter in supersymmetric quantum mechanics. Consider a one-dimensional, non-relativistic particle with a two state internal degree of freedom called \"spin\". (This is not quite the usual notion of spin encountered in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, because \"real\" spin applies only to particles in three-dimensional space.) Let \"b\" and its Hermitian adjoint \"b\" signify operators which transform a \"spin up\" particle into a \"spin down\" particle and vice versa", "id": "20300779" }, { "contents": "Operator (physics)\n\n\nIn physics, an operator is a function over a space of physical states to another space of physical states. The simplest example of the utility of operators is the study of symmetry (which makes the concept of a group useful in this context). Because of this, they are very useful tools in classical mechanics. Operators are even more important in quantum mechanics, where they form an intrinsic part of the formulation of the theory. In classical mechanics, the movement of a particle (or system of particles) is completely", "id": "5110762" }, { "contents": "Quantum mechanics\n\n\nmechanics was constructed to describe the world of the very small, it is also needed to explain some macroscopic phenomena such as superconductors, and superfluids. The word \"quantum\" derives from the Latin, meaning \"how great\" or \"how much\". In quantum mechanics, it refers to a discrete unit assigned to certain physical quantities such as the energy of an atom at rest (see Figure 1). The discovery that particles are discrete packets of energy with wave-like properties led to the branch of physics dealing", "id": "5302802" }, { "contents": "Fractional quantum mechanics\n\n\nIn physics, fractional quantum mechanics is a generalization of standard quantum mechanics, which naturally comes out when the Brownian-like quantum paths substitute with the Lévy-like ones in the Feynman path integral. This concept was discovered by Nick Laskin who coined the term \"fractional quantum mechanics\". Standard quantum mechanics can be approached in three different ways: the matrix mechanics, the Schrödinger equation and the Feynman path integral. The Feynman path integral is the path integral over Brownian-like quantum-mechanical paths. Fractional quantum mechanics has", "id": "19802990" }, { "contents": "Correspondence principle\n\n\nin describing microscopic objects, atoms and elementary particles. But \"macroscopic systems,\" like springs and capacitors, are accurately described by classical theories like classical mechanics and classical electrodynamics. If quantum mechanics were to be applicable to macroscopic objects, there must be some limit in which quantum mechanics reduces to classical mechanics. \"Bohr's correspondence principle demands that classical physics and quantum physics give the same answer when the systems become large\". A. Sommerfeld (1924) referred to the principle as \"Bohrs Zauberstab\" (Bohr's magic", "id": "14638491" }, { "contents": "Particle in a box\n\n\nmechanics which can be solved analytically, without approximations. Due to its simplicity, the model allows insight into quantum effects without the need for complicated mathematics. It serves as a simple illustration of how energy quantizations (energy levels), which are found in more complicated quantum systems such as atoms and molecules, come about. It is one of the first quantum mechanics problems taught in undergraduate physics courses, and it is commonly used as an approximation for more complicated quantum systems. The simplest form of the particle in a box model", "id": "4463203" }, { "contents": "M-theory\n\n\ncommutativity property. This established a link between matrix models and M-theory on the one hand, and noncommutative geometry on the other hand. It quickly led to the discovery of other important links between noncommutative geometry and various physical theories. The application of quantum mechanics to physical objects such as the electromagnetic field, which are extended in space and time, is known as quantum field theory. In particle physics, quantum field theories form the basis for our understanding of elementary particles, which are modeled as excitations in the fundamental fields", "id": "333844" }, { "contents": "De Broglie–Bohm theory\n\n\nviolated. Below are some highlights of the results that arise out of an analysis of de Broglie–Bohm theory. Experimental results agree with all of the standard predictions of quantum mechanics in so far as the latter has predictions. However, while standard quantum mechanics is limited to discussing the results of \"measurements\", de Broglie–Bohm theory is a theory that governs the dynamics of a system without the intervention of outside observers (p. 117 in Bell). The basis for agreement with standard quantum mechanics is that the particles", "id": "10212778" }, { "contents": "Matter wave\n\n\n' of configuration space, each particle at such a 'point' being located possibly at a different position in ordinary physical space. There is no explicit definite indication that, at an instant, this particle is 'here' and that particle is 'there' in some separate 'location' in configuration space. This conceptual difference entails that, in contrast to de Broglie's pre-quantum mechanical wave description, the quantum mechanical probability packet description does not directly and explicitly express the Aristotelian idea, referred to by Newton,", "id": "7019887" }, { "contents": "Rectangular potential barrier\n\n\nIn quantum mechanics, the rectangular (or, at times, square) potential barrier is a standard one-dimensional problem that demonstrates the phenomena of wave-mechanical tunneling (also called \"quantum tunneling\") and wave-mechanical reflection. The problem consists of solving the one-dimensional time-independent Schrödinger equation for a particle encountering a rectangular potential energy barrier. It is usually assumed, as here, that a free particle impinges on the barrier from the left. Although classically a particle behaving as a point mass would", "id": "3741633" }, { "contents": "Charge (physics)\n\n\nthat symmetry; the charge quantum number is then the weight of the representation. Various charge quantum numbers have been introduced by theories of particle physics. These include the charges of the Standard Model: Charges of approximate symmetries: Hypothetical charges of extensions to the Standard Model: In supersymmetry: In conformal field theory: In gravitation: In the formalism of particle theories, charge-like quantum numbers can sometimes be inverted by means of a charge conjugation operator called C. Charge conjugation simply means that a given symmetry group occurs in two inequivalent", "id": "3547509" }, { "contents": "Relativistic wave equations\n\n\nIn physics, specifically relativistic quantum mechanics (RQM) and its applications to particle physics, relativistic wave equations predict the behavior of particles at high energies and velocities comparable to the speed of light. In the context of quantum field theory (QFT), the equations determine the dynamics of quantum fields. The solutions to the equations, universally denoted as or (Greek psi), are referred to as \"wave functions\" in the context of RQM, and \"fields\" in the context of QFT. The equations themselves are", "id": "13772464" }, { "contents": "Alexander Kuzemsky\n\n\nstatistical mechanics was considered in light of their applications to quantum solid-state theory. He discussed fundamental problems of the physics of magnetic materials and the methods of the quantum theory of magnetism, including the method of two-time temperature Green's functions which is widely used in various physical problems of many-particle systems with interaction. Quantum cooperative effects and quasi-particle dynamics in the basic microscopic models of quantum theory of magnetism: the Heisenberg model, the Hubbard model, the Anderson Model, and the spin-fermion model", "id": "19158234" }, { "contents": "Quantum mechanics\n\n\ndifferences in the spectra of light emitted by different isotopes of the same chemical element, as well as subatomic particles. In short, the quantum-mechanical atomic model has succeeded spectacularly in the realm where classical mechanics and electromagnetism falter. Broadly speaking, quantum mechanics incorporates four classes of phenomena for which classical physics cannot account: In the mathematically rigorous formulation of quantum mechanics developed by Paul Dirac, David Hilbert, John von Neumann, and Hermann Weyl, the possible states of a quantum mechanical system are symbolized as unit vectors (", "id": "5302805" }, { "contents": "Born rule\n\n\nThe Born rule (also called the Born law, Born's rule, or Born's law), formulated by German physicist Max Born in 1926, is a physical law of quantum mechanics giving the probability that a measurement on a quantum system will yield a given result. In its simplest form it states that the probability density of finding the particle at a given point is proportional to the square of the magnitude of the particle's wavefunction at that point. The Born rule is one of the key principles of quantum mechanics.", "id": "4610675" }, { "contents": "Branches of physics\n\n\ncertain measurements; as a result, the assumption by earlier scientists that the physical state of a system could be measured exactly and used to predict future states had to be abandoned. Quantum mechanics was combined with the theory of relativity in the formulation of Paul Dirac. Other developments include quantum statistics, quantum electrodynamics, concerned with interactions between charged particles and electromagnetic fields; and its generalization, quantum field theory. String Theory A possible candidate for the theory of everything, this theory combines the theory of general relativity and quantum mechanics to", "id": "17838713" }, { "contents": "Quantum microscopy\n\n\npresence of a magnetic field or neighbouring ions. Quantum metrology involves using quantum mechanics to make precise measurement that cannot be achieved classically. Typically, entanglement of N particles are used to measure a phase with a precision ∆φ = 1/N. called the Heisenberg limit. This exceeds the ∆φ = 1/ precision limit possible with N non-entangled particles, called the standard quantum limit (SQL). The signal-to-noise ratio for a given light intensity is limited by the standard quantum limit, which is critical for", "id": "14870002" }, { "contents": "Dimensionless physical constant\n\n\nin the 1970s. The desire for a theory that would allow the calculation of particle masses is a core motivation for the search for \"Physics beyond the Standard Model\". In the 1920s and 1930s, Arthur Eddington embarked upon extensive mathematical investigation into the relations between the fundamental quantities in basic physical theories, later used as part of his effort to construct an overarching theory unifying quantum mechanics and cosmological physics. For example, he speculated on the potential consequences of the ratio of the electron radius to its mass. Most notably,", "id": "9136634" }, { "contents": "Spin magnetic moment\n\n\nIn physics, mainly quantum mechanics and particle physics, a spin magnetic moment is the magnetic moment caused by the spin of elementary particles. For example, the electron is an elementary spin-1/2 fermion. Quantum electrodynamics gives the most accurate prediction of the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron. \"Spin\" is a non-classical property of elementary particles, since classically the \"spin angular momentum\" of a material object is really just the total \"orbital\" angular momenta of the object's constituents about the rotation axis. Elementary particles", "id": "22188782" }, { "contents": "Orchestrated objective reduction\n\n\nthe physical basis of non-computable behaviour open. Most physical laws are computable, and thus algorithmic. However, Penrose determined that wave function collapse was a prime candidate for a non-computable process. In quantum mechanics, particles are treated differently from the objects of classical mechanics. Particles are described by wave functions that evolve according to the Schrödinger equation. Non-stationary wave functions are linear combinations of the eigenstates of the system, a phenomenon described by the superposition principle. When a quantum system interacts with a classical system", "id": "15802937" }, { "contents": "Double-slit experiment\n\n\nIn modern physics, the double-slit experiment is a demonstration that light and matter can display characteristics of both classically defined waves and particles; moreover, it displays the fundamentally probabilistic nature of quantum mechanical phenomena. The experiment was first performed with light by Thomas Young in 1801. In 1927, Davisson and Germer demonstrated that electrons show the same behavior, which was later extended to atoms and molecules. Thomas Young's experiment with light was part of classical physics well before quantum mechanics, and the concept of wave-particle duality", "id": "8775787" }, { "contents": "Distribution function (physics)\n\n\ndensity divided by the mass of individual particles. A distribution function may be specialised with respect to a particular set of dimensions. E.g. take the quantum mechanical six-dimensional phase space, formula_7 and multiply by the total space volume, to give the momentum distribution, i.e. the number of particles in the momentum phase space having approximately the momentum formula_8. Particle distribution functions are often used in plasma physics to describe wave–particle interactions and velocity-space instabilities. Distribution functions are also used in fluid mechanics, statistical mechanics and nuclear", "id": "6382466" }, { "contents": "Matrix mechanics\n\n\nMatrix mechanics is a formulation of quantum mechanics created by Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, and Pascual Jordan in 1925. Matrix mechanics was the first conceptually autonomous and logically consistent formulation of quantum mechanics. Its account of quantum jumps supplanted the Bohr Model's electron orbits. It did so by interpreting the physical properties of particles as matrices that evolve in time. It is equivalent to the Schrödinger wave formulation of quantum mechanics, as manifest in Dirac's bra–ket notation. In some contrast to the wave formulation, it produces spectra", "id": "14089282" }, { "contents": "Edward Tryon\n\n\nour universe existed. According to physics, because of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, every vacuum has something in it. At the quantum level, because of the uncertainty principle, the law of the conservation of energy can be broken for just a brief moment, causing virtual particles to pop in and out of existence. Tryon says virtual particles also existed in the vacuum that was here before our universe existed, and these quantum fluctuations from nothing (the vacuum) eventually led to one of these particles popping into existence and", "id": "20614100" }, { "contents": "Rabi cycle\n\n\nIn physics, the Rabi cycle (or Rabi flop) is the cyclic behaviour of a two-level quantum system in the presence of an oscillatory driving field. A great variety of physical processes belonging to the areas of quantum computing, condensed matter, atomic and molecular physics, and nuclear and particle physics can be conveniently studied in terms of two-level quantum mechanical systems, and exhibit Rabi flopping when coupled to an oscillatory driving field. The effect is important in quantum optics, magnetic resonance and quantum computing, and is", "id": "14541243" }, { "contents": "AdS/CFT correspondence\n\n\ncentury by a number of different physicists, quantum mechanics provides a radically different way of describing physical phenomena based on probability. Quantum gravity is the branch of physics that seeks to describe gravity using the principles of quantum mechanics. Currently, the most popular approach to quantum gravity is string theory, which models elementary particles not as zero-dimensional points but as one-dimensional objects called strings. In the AdS/CFT correspondence, one typically considers theories of quantum gravity derived from string theory or its modern extension, M-theory", "id": "4800302" }, { "contents": "Physical object\n\n\ngravitational field further away than the furthest extent of an object is determined only by the mass and the position of the center of mass. Interactions between objects are partly described by orientation and external shape. In continuum mechanics an object may be described as a collection of sub objects, down to an infinitesimal division, which interact with each other by forces which may be described internally by pressure and mechanical stress. In quantum mechanics an object is a particle or collection of particles. Until measured, a particle does not have a physical", "id": "14792537" }, { "contents": "Hidden-variable theory\n\n\nwith certainty: if the exact properties of every subatomic particle were known the entire system could be modeled exactly using deterministic physics similar to classical physics. In other words, it is conceivable that the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics is an incomplete description of nature. The designation of variables as underlying \"hidden\" variables depends on the level of physical description (so, for example, \"if a gas is described in terms of temperature, pressure, and volume, then the velocities of the individual atoms in the gas would be", "id": "1411552" }, { "contents": "Maurice A. de Gosson\n\n\nquantum potential. In the classical limit, the quantum blob becomes a point particle. De Gosson's notion of quantum blobs has given rise to a proposal for a new formulation of quantum mechanics, which is derived from postulates on quantum-blob-related limits to the extent and localization of quantum particles in phase space; this proposal is strengthened by the development of a phase space approach that applies to both quantum and classical physics, where a quantum-like evolution law for observables can be recovered from the classical Hamiltonian in a", "id": "17479295" }, { "contents": "Edward Farhi\n\n\nhis Ph.D. in 1978 from Harvard University under the supervision of Howard Georgi. He was then on the staff at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland before coming to MIT, where he joined the faculty in 1982. At MIT, he taught undergraduate courses in quantum mechanics and special relativity as well as freshman physics. At the graduate level he taught quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, particle physics and general relativity. In July 2004, he was appointed the Director of MIT's Center for Theoretical Physics", "id": "16572185" }, { "contents": "Quantum mechanics\n\n\nconsistent, cohesive model. Gravity is negligible in many areas of particle physics, so that unification between general relativity and quantum mechanics is not an urgent issue in those particular applications. However, the lack of a correct theory of quantum gravity is an important issue in physical cosmology and the search by physicists for an elegant \"Theory of Everything\" (TOE). Consequently, resolving the inconsistencies between both theories has been a major goal of 20th- and 21st-century physics. Many prominent physicists, including Stephen Hawking, have labored", "id": "5302844" }, { "contents": "The Elegant Universe\n\n\nconflicts in physics, Greene establishes a historical context for string theory as a necessary means of integrating the probabilistic world of the standard model of particle physics and the deterministic Newtonian physics of the macroscopic world. Greene discusses the essential problem facing modern physics: unification of Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. Greene suggests that string theory is the solution to these two conflicting approaches. Greene frequently uses analogies and thought experiments to provide a means for the layman to come to terms with the theory which has the potential to", "id": "2102800" }, { "contents": "Supersymmetry\n\n\nthree gauge coupling constants of the Standard Model is somewhat sensitive to the present particle content of the theory. These coupling constants do not quite meet together at a common energy scale if we run the renormalization group using the Standard Model. After incorporating minimal SUSY, joint convergence of the coupling constants is projected at approximately 10 GeV. \"Supersymmetric quantum mechanics\" adds the SUSY superalgebra to quantum mechanics as opposed to quantum field theory. Supersymmetric quantum mechanics often becomes relevant when studying the dynamics of supersymmetric solitons, and due to the simplified nature", "id": "5802294" }, { "contents": "Spin–statistics theorem\n\n\nIn quantum mechanics, the spin–statistics theorem relates the intrinsic spin of a particle (angular momentum not due to the orbital motion) to the particle statistics it obeys. In units of the reduced Planck constant \"ħ\", all particles that move in 3 dimensions have either integer spin or half-integer spin. In a quantum system, a physical state is described by a state vector. A pair of distinct state vectors are physically equivalent if their absolute value is equal, ignoring other interactions. A pair of indistinguishable", "id": "2286192" }, { "contents": "Relativistic mechanics\n\n\nit would be permitted for particles and light to travel at \"any\" speed, including faster than light. The foundations of relativistic mechanics are the postulates of special relativity and general relativity. The unification of SR with quantum mechanics is relativistic quantum mechanics, while attempts for that of GR is quantum gravity, an unsolved problem in physics. As with classical mechanics, the subject can be divided into \"kinematics\"; the description of motion by specifying positions, velocities and accelerations, and \"dynamics\"; a full description by", "id": "236927" }, { "contents": "Relativistic mechanics\n\n\nIn physics, relativistic mechanics refers to mechanics compatible with special relativity (SR) and general relativity (GR). It provides a non-quantum mechanical description of a system of particles, or of a fluid, in cases where the velocities of moving objects are comparable to the speed of light \"c\". As a result, classical mechanics is extended correctly to particles traveling at high velocities and energies, and provides a consistent inclusion of electromagnetism with the mechanics of particles. This was not possible in Galilean relativity, where", "id": "236926" }, { "contents": "S-matrix\n\n\nIn physics, the S-matrix or scattering matrix relates the initial state and the final state of a physical system undergoing a scattering process. It is used in quantum mechanics, scattering theory and quantum field theory (QFT). More formally, in the context of QFT, the S-matrix is defined as the unitary matrix connecting sets of asymptotically free particle states (the \"in-states\" and the \"out-states\") in the Hilbert space of physical states. A multi-particle state is said", "id": "180292" }, { "contents": "Popper's experiment\n\n\nThis is the prediction of standard quantum mechanics. So, the momentum spread of particle 2 will always be smaller than what was contained in the original beam. This is what was actually seen in the experiment of Kim and Shih. Popper's proposed experiment, if carried out in this way, is incapable of testing the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. On the other hand, if slit A is gradually narrowed, the momentum spread of particle 2 (conditioned on the detection of particle 1 behind slit A) will show a", "id": "403132" }, { "contents": "The Road to Reality\n\n\nThe Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe is a book on modern physics by the British mathematical physicist Roger Penrose, published in 2004. It covers the basics of the Standard Model of particle physics, discussing general relativity and quantum mechanics, and discusses the possible unification of these two theories. The book discusses the physical world. Many fields that 19th century scientists believed were separate, such as electricity and magnetism, are aspects of more fundamental properties. Some texts, both popular and university level,", "id": "2628620" } ]
How is the camera not visible in the mirror when there is a shot of the character looking in the mirror?
[{"answer": "You will love this one: [gif]( URL_0 ) Better quality: [link]( URL_1 )"}, {"answer": "The usual way these shots are taken is that the actor is looking at the camera's reflection in the mirror. Just like the actor cannot see their own reflection in the mirror because the angle is wrong, so the camera cannot see its own reflection. The mirror is carefully angled so that the camera cannot be seen. If this cannot be achieved, then the image in the mirror is added by computers later."}, {"answer": "In many cases, there is no mirror. Instead, it is an open space and instead of a reflection, there is a duplicate room. The person whose face is seen is played by the actor starring in that role, while their body double is the one whose face is obscured or who we only see from behind. Famously, in Terminator 2, when they filmed a scene in a mirror, they had Linda Hamilton play her part, and her identical twin sister played the part in the mirror."}, {"answer": "As someone who works in vfx and does more camera removals than I'd like to admit... A lot of times the camera is removed in post by artists. Glasses reflections, car reflections, mirrors, windows... Etc"}, {"answer": "Here is a not very good example of the fake mirror with double technique. You can see that the double does not move in synch with the actor facing the camera. 1986 film \"Peggy Sue Got Married\". URL_0 "}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "3499728", "title": "Venus effect", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["l effect is often used in the cinema, where an actor will be shown apparently looking at himself or herself in the mirror. What viewers see is different from what the actor sees, because the camera is not right behind the actor, but the position of the actor is often chosen so that his or her image is nicely framed in the mirror for the camera. Although the name of the effect refers to a woman, Venus, the effect is more general. The effect is seen with an", "This psychological effect is often used in the cinema, where an actor will be shown apparently looking at himself or herself in the mirror. What viewers see is different from what the actor sees, because the camera is not right behind the actor, but the position of the actor is often chosen so that his or her image is nicely framed in the mirror for the camera.", "This psychological effect is often used in the cinema, where an actor will be shown apparently looking at himself or herself in the mirror. What viewers see is different from what the actor sees, because the camera is not right behind the actor, but the position of the actor is often chosen so that his or her image is nicely framed in the mirror for the camera. Although the name of the effect refers to a woman, Venus, the effect is more general."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Two shot\n\n\nvariations include two people in profile, one person in profile and the other 3/4 or full towards camera, two people looking towards camera either side by side or with one behind the other, one person with their back to the other while the other looks at them, either profile, 3/4, or full face, or the mirror two shot. An \"American two shot\" shows the two heads facing each other in profile to the camera. In a \"two shot west,\" one character will turn 180º away from", "id": "12229512" }, { "contents": "Mirror lock-up\n\n\ncameras). Note that when the mirror is in the up and locked position, the subject is no longer visible through the viewfinder. Therefore, the photographer must compose the photograph prior to activating mirror lock-up and keep the camera from moving. Use of a tripod helps prevent movement of the camera during this operation. Combined with a remote or cable release, this greatly reduces the potential for vibration of the camera. Some lenses are designed such that they extend into the mirror box when properly mounted on an SLR.", "id": "7262185" }, { "contents": "Mirror\n\n\n, to produce magnified or diminished images or focus light or simply distort the reflected image. Mirrors are commonly used for personal grooming or admiring oneself (where they are also called looking-glasses), for viewing the area behind and on the sides on motor vehicles while driving, for decoration, and architecture. Mirrors are also used in scientific apparatus such as telescopes and lasers, cameras, and industrial machinery. Most mirrors are designed for visible light; however, mirrors designed for other wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation are also used.", "id": "390444" }, { "contents": "Autocue\n\n\nclosed-circuit camera system to screen a live video of a scrolling paper script, and display the image on a monitor attached to the front of the camera. Use of a two-way mirror system allowed the script image to be reflected onto a sheet of glass in front of the camera lens, meaning that the presenters were able to read their lines straight from the script while looking directly into the camera. The mirror system meant that the image of the script was not visible to the main camera lens, and indeed", "id": "420320" }, { "contents": "Schüfftan process\n\n\ninto shots of miniatures of skyscrapers and other buildings, so Schüfftan used a specially made mirror to create the illusion of actors interacting with huge, realistic-looking sets. Schüfftan placed a plate of glass at a 45-degree angle between the camera and the miniature buildings. He used the camera's viewfinder to trace an outline of the area into which the actors would later be inserted onto the glass. This outline was transferred onto a mirror and all the reflective surface that fell outside the outline was removed, leaving transparent glass. When", "id": "6923788" }, { "contents": "Hall of Mirrors (2001 film)\n\n\nhe could have ever imagined. With the making of \"Hall of Mirrors\", Osborne successfully fooled experts into believing it had been shot on 16 mm film, when in fact it was shot on Sony Digital8 video cameras. This \"film look\" or filmizing was achieved using cinematic lighting techniques, a diffusion filter and a setting on the Sony Digital8 called \"Flash\", which is essentially a progressive frame mode. The \"Flash\" setting set on the fastest setting (about 30 frame/s) really took away", "id": "12293413" }, { "contents": "Mirror\n\n\ntendency to overheat surrounding objects became known, the nickname changed to the \"walkie-scorchie.\" Painters depicting someone gazing into a mirror often also show the person's reflection. This is a kind of abstraction—in most cases the angle of view is such that the person's reflection should not be visible. Similarly, in movies and still photography an actor or actress is often shown ostensibly looking at him- or herself in the mirror, and yet the reflection faces the camera. In reality, the actor or actress sees", "id": "390512" }, { "contents": "3D rig\n\n\nrigs cannot be used for close-ups since the minimum distance between the cameras is limited to the size of the lenses. For close-up shots though it is necessary to have smaller interaxial distances. For most shooting situations in live action film therefore mirror rigs are used. In a mirror rig the two cameras look through a beamsplitter. One camera sees right through it. The other one captures the reflected image. One camera is placed above or below the other one at a ninety-degree angle. In some", "id": "14350846" }, { "contents": "Dark Mirror (2007 film)\n\n\nher dream she sees Tammy dying. When she wakes up she's sure about the camera and looks for the camera. She finds it in her son's room with pictures of Jim and Ian. She freaks out and breaks the camera. When the camera lens still glitters, she realizes that it is the mirror that has evil. She looks for the diary and tries to find escape/exit. She finds a hidden safe in a wall and there is a gun in it. She sees someone around the house and", "id": "1286674" }, { "contents": "Mirror's Edge\n\n\nup while running, the rate at which the camera bobs up and down increases as well. When a roll is executed, the camera spins with the character. Faith's arms, legs, and torso are prominent and their visibility is used to convey movement and momentum. The character's arms pump and the length of her steps increase with her gait, and her legs cycle and arms flail during long jumps. In gameplay, the character's momentum becomes an asset. The player must attempt to conserve it through fluidity of", "id": "17929517" }, { "contents": "Digital camera\n\n\n(DSC), such as the Sony DSC cameras, is a type of camera that doesn’t use a reflex mirror. DSCs are like point-and-shoot cameras and is, the most common type of cameras, due to it’s comfortable price and its quality. Here are a list of DSCs: List of Sony Cyber-shot cameras Cameras with fixed semi-transparent mirrors, also known as DSLT cameras, such as the Sony SLT cameras, are single-lens without a moving reflex mirror as in a", "id": "7893817" }, { "contents": "High-speed photography\n\n\ntechnology has been adapted to take advantage of CCD imaging by putting an array of CCD cameras around a rotating mirror in place of film. The operating principles are substantially similar to those of rotating mirror film cameras, in that the image is relayed from an objective lens to a rotating mirror, and then back to each CCD camera, which are all essentially operating as a single shot cameras. Framing rate is determined by the speed of the mirror, not the read-out rate of the imaging chip, as in single chip", "id": "9068394" }, { "contents": "K-Mirror (Optics)\n\n\nA K-mirror is a system of 3 plane mirrors mounted on a common motor axis which runs parallel to the chief ray of the system. If looking at the system parallel to the mirror surfaces, where only the edges of the mirrors remain visible, the middle mirror and the front and back mirror look like the backbone and legs of a capital-K; this illustrates the origin of the name. The principal use of the element is to rotate a beam that hits the first mirror on some optical axis, hits", "id": "4332113" }, { "contents": "Thirty-Eight Snub\n\n\nthey were needed for the background of a shot. The first shot of the episode includes Walter speaking directly into the camera, and it quickly revealed he is speaking into a mirror in the motel room. MacLaren filmed the shot so it would be deliberately disorienting and unclear to the viewer where Walter was until the camera movement revealed the motel room. \"New York\" magazine writer Logan Hill interpreted Walter's speaking into the mirror as a symbol for self-reflection: \"He stares at a mirror reflection of himself, studying", "id": "20718760" }, { "contents": "Virtual camera system\n\n\n, it might ignore the screen space constraint and simply ensure that the character is visible at all. Such methods include zooming out. Some camera systems use predefined scripts to decide how to select the current shot for commonly seen shot scenarios called film idioms. Typically, the script is going to be triggered as a result of an action. For instance, when the player's character initiates a conversation with another character, the \"conversation\" script is going to be triggered. This script will contain instructions on how to \"shoot", "id": "21693768" }, { "contents": "Cartosat-1\n\n\nGb capacity to store about 9 minutes of payload data is available for global operation of the payloads. The stored images can be transmitted when the satellite comes within the visibility zone of a ground station. Each Panchromatic camera consists of three 3 mirror off-axis all reflective telescope with primary, secondary and tertiary mirrors. These mirrors are made from special zerodur glass blanks and are light weighted to about 60%. These mirrors are polished to an accuracy of l/80 and are coated with enhanced AlO2 coating. In order to meet the", "id": "4354638" }, { "contents": "Motor drive\n\n\nmoving subject, this camera used a fixed, semi-transparent pellicle mirror instead of a moving mirror. Later special Canon models used similar mechanisms to achieve such speeds, while cameras with moving mirrors reached approximately five frames per second by the 1980s. Today, the fastest professional models from Canon and Nikon achieve approximately ten frames per second with a moving mirror. In the digital camera era, some users continue to refer to continuous shooting modes as \"motor drive\". Many camera models refer to different shooting modes—single shot", "id": "12454603" }, { "contents": "U2 3D\n\n\nthe first 3D aerial camera. The cameras on each rig were spaced eye-distance apart to create a 3D effect in post-production. Using a beam splitter mounted to the camera rig, one camera shot through a 50/50 mirror, while the other shot the image reflected from that mirror. Each rig weighed an average of . All of the concert footage was shot with twin-camera setups, except for the two Melbourne shoots, where a single CineAlta camera with a Steadicam was also used to capture close-ups.", "id": "768804" }, { "contents": "The Mirror (1997 film)\n\n\nof people on her way and most of them try to help her while others are surprisingly apathetic to her situation. Eventually, the movie takes a turn when the girl looks into the camera for the first time, breaking the fourth wall, and someone shouts from off-screen, \"Mina, don't look into the camera!\" The movie is a real-life capture of events thereon (or that is how it seems). Mina announces that she doesn't want to act in the movie any more and", "id": "17415704" }, { "contents": "The Stranger (1946 film)\n\n\nsaid film historian Bret Wood: In the shot where Wilson plays checkers with Potter, you can look behind Potter and see a mirror behind him, and through the mirror see Potter and Wilson again, and then see the window behind the camera, and see through that window to cars, buildings and natural sunlight. It's truly radical. If it were deep focus the way Gregg Toland had shot \"Citizen Kane\", maybe it would have been noticed or written about in the last 70-odd years. The set facilitated long", "id": "4190328" }, { "contents": "Let the Right One In (film)\n\n\nconcerns about the interaction between the two leads, and the fact that those who had read the book would have a preconceived notion of how the characters were supposed to look. He wanted the actors to look innocent, and be able to interact in front of the camera. They were supposed to be \"mirror images of each other. She is everything he isn't. Dark, strong, brave, and a girl. (...) Like two sides of the same coin.\" On another occasion, Alfredson stated that", "id": "20053728" }, { "contents": "Rashomon\n\n\nthe length of time of the shots of the wife and of the bandit are the same when the bandit is acting barbarically and the wife is hysterically crazy. \"Rashomon\" had camera shots that were directly into the sun. Kurosawa wanted to use natural light, but it was too weak; they solved the problem by using a mirror to reflect the natural light. The result makes the strong sunlight look as though it has traveled through the branches, hitting the actors. The rain in the scenes at the gate had to", "id": "15893850" }, { "contents": "Venus effect\n\n\n, where an actor will be shown apparently looking at himself or herself in the mirror. What viewers see is different from what the actor sees, because the camera is not right behind the actor, but the position of the actor is often chosen so that his or her image is nicely framed in the mirror for the camera. Although the name of the effect refers to a woman, Venus, the effect is more general. The effect is seen with an animal apparently looking at itself in a mirror in \"The Lady", "id": "3581206" }, { "contents": "List of Supernatural characters\n\n\nRoss gets angry when Sal is served first at an upscale restaurant, Marv steps in, but is stopped by Sal while Ennis notices Marv's distorted reflection in a mirror. During the attack on the VIP club by an insane hunter, the man kills Marv by slashing open his throat and chest with handmade silver claws. Ennis later tells the Winchesters about what he witnessed with Marv's face and Sam identifies him as a wraith and explains how mirrors and cameras can sometimes reveal a monster. In season 12's \"Somewhere Between", "id": "867629" }, { "contents": "Konica Domirex\n\n\nThe Konica Domirex was a prototype camera, a 35mm SLR, using an unusual mirror arrangement to eliminate the need for the mirror to flip up out of the way prior to exposure. It's still an \"SLR\", although it looks more like a rangefinder or viewfinder camera, b. The reason is that a \"single lens reflex\" camera, by definition, uses a mirror to reflect light that's passed through the single lens into the viewfinder. The advantage of this is that the user sees exactly what the", "id": "11266177" }, { "contents": "Single-lens reflex camera\n\n\nlonger distance, but parallax causes framing errors in close-up shots. Moreover, focusing the lens of a fast reflex camera when it is opened to wider apertures (such as in low light or while using low-speed film) is not easy. Most SLR cameras permit upright and laterally correct viewing through use of a roof pentaprism situated in the optical path between the reflex mirror and viewfinder. Light, which comes both horizontally and vertically inverted after passing through the lens, is reflected upwards by the reflex mirror, into", "id": "10442700" }, { "contents": "Selfie\n\n\nher own picture using a mirror to send to a friend in 1914. In the letter that accompanied the photograph, she wrote, \"I took this picture of myself looking at the mirror. It was very hard as my hands were trembling.\"During the 1970s, photographic self-portraiture flourished when affordable instant cameras birthed a new medium of self-expression, capturing uncharacteristically personal insight into otherwise conservative individuals and allowing amateurs to learn photography with immediate results. This practice transitioned naturally across to digital cameras as they supplanted film cameras", "id": "14662860" }, { "contents": "Hot mirror\n\n\n. By transmitting visible light wavelengths while reflecting infrared, hot mirrors can also serve as dichromatic beam splitters for specialized applications in fluorescence microscopy or optical eye tracking. Some early digital cameras designed for visible light capture, such as the Associated Press NC2000 and Nikon Coolpix 950, were unusually sensitive to infrared radiation, and tended to produce colours that were contaminated with infrared. This was particularly problematic with scenes that contained strong sources of infrared, such as fires, although the effect could be moderated by inserting a photographic hot mirror filter into", "id": "11928777" }, { "contents": "City of Angels (film)\n\n\nswitch from his regular methods of constant movements to trying to be \"effective\" while often still. He remarked on having to adopt the mindset of a child, and act impressed by commonplace experiences such as feeling rain or sunlight. A rig for the camera was built for the scene where the angelic Seth sees Maggie look in the mirror, and the crew shot the mirror without the actors for one take so Cage's reflection could be edited out from the take with both. Other special effects involved a \"going to the", "id": "791153" }, { "contents": "Twin Peaks\n\n\nhimself in by moving furniture in front of the door. Lynch was struck with an image of Silva in the room. When he learned that Silva was an actor, he filmed two panning shots, one with Silva at the base of the bed, and one without; he did not yet know how he would use this material. Later that day, during the filming of Sarah Palmer having a vision, the camera operator told Lynch that the shot was ruined because \"Frank [Silva] was reflected in the mirror.", "id": "11510854" }, { "contents": "High-speed photography\n\n\n, it happens if the drum makes more than one revolution while light is entering the camera. Typically this is controlled by using fast extinguishing xenon strobe light sources that are designed to produce a flash of only a specific duration. Rotating mirror camera technology has more recently been applied to electronic imaging, where instead of film, an array of single shot CCD or CMOS cameras is arrayed around the rotating mirror. This adaptation enables all of the advantages of electronic imaging in combination with the speed and resolution of the rotating mirror approach.", "id": "9068369" }, { "contents": "Joint Dark Energy Mission\n\n\nwill be easily seen. To measure the presence of dark energy, a process called weak lensing will be used. The SNAP will use an optical setup called the three-mirror anastigmat. This consists of a main mirror with a diameter of 2 meters to take in light. It reflects this light to a second mirror. Then this light is transferred to two additional smaller mirrors which direct the light to the spacecraft's instruments. It will also contain 72 different cameras. 36 of them are able to detect visible light and", "id": "7023101" }, { "contents": "Circuit (film)\n\n\n, obsessed with growing older and his looks, killed himself on his 30th birthday. To represent visually this obsession with youth and beauty, Shafer shot each character reflected in a mirror. \"That was a subtext in the movie. The characters are obsessed with their images/mirrors.\" The film is narratively structured in 3/4 flashback, which Shafer describes as his \"homage to \"Funny Girl\".\" Critical reaction to \"Circuit\" was sharply divided, skewing to the negative. \"Variety\", while finding that", "id": "1214725" }, { "contents": "Non-reversing mirror\n\n\n. Such an image is visible while looking towards the corner where the two mirrors meet. The problem with this type of non-reversing mirror is that there is usually a line down the middle interrupting the image. However, if first surface mirrors are used, and care is taken to set the angle to exactly 90 degrees, the join can be made almost invisible. Another type of non-reversing mirror can be made by making the mirror concave (curved inwards like a bowl). At a certain distance from the", "id": "10293053" }, { "contents": "Laal Kabootar\n\n\nlet the film breathe on its own. Stunningly shot by acclaimed cinematographer Mo Azmi, the film shows how camera can play an active ‘character’ in the film.\" and concluded that \"\"Laal Kabootar\" will make you regain your faith in Pakistani cinema. Must watch!.\" Hamna Zubair of Images Dawn mentioned that \"The film walks a knife's edge between stirring up hope and raising a mirror to Karachi's harsh, gritty realities\". While giving a positive review, she further elaborated, \"\"", "id": "7675301" }, { "contents": "Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera\n\n\nthat are only available in DSLRs when their mirror is locked up into \"live view\" mode. This includes the ability to show a focus-peaking display, zebra patterning, and face or eye tracking. Moreover, the electronic viewfinder can provide live depth of field preview, can show a poorly-illuminated subject how it would look with correct exposure in real time, and is easier to view the results of an exposure in bright sunlight. With the latest phase-detect autofocus available on some mirrorless cameras, autofocus speed", "id": "10013064" }, { "contents": "Mirror lock-up\n\n\nthe mirror to return). This causes vibration of the camera, particularly when the mirror slaps into the top of the mirror box. This vibration quickly dies away so the most motion blur is actually seen with short shutter times that capture multiple 'swings' of the vibration (shutter speeds of 1/2 to 1/60 second are often affected by this). While longer exposures will capture all of the vibrations, the exposure will be dominated by light captured when the camera is vibration-free (assuming a steady mount). Mirror", "id": "7262183" }, { "contents": "Instant return mirror\n\n\nIn photography, the single-lens reflex camera (SLR) is provided with a mirror to redirect light from the picture taking lens to the viewfinder prior to releasing the shutter for composing and focusing an image. When the shutter is released, the mirror swings up and away allowing the exposure of the photographic medium and instantly returns after the exposure. No SLR camera before 1954 had this feature, although the mirror on some early SLR cameras was entirely operated by the force exerted on the shutter release and only returned when the finger", "id": "1462551" }, { "contents": "Flip mirror\n\n\nthe entire field of view to reach the camera. In the case of a CCD camera, the flip mirror system works to let the viewer see exactly what the camera will see. In this setup, the flip mirror is used as an accessory that helps to aim and focus. The device is inserted into the telescope drawtube just before the CCD camera. Operated through a small lever, the mirror can direct the light at right angles into a viewing piece when actuated \"up\" or free the light from the telescope to", "id": "8293815" }, { "contents": "The Bear's Tale\n\n\n, and Baby Bear live. They're all sitting at the breakfast table in anticipation of getting their porridge, when a bowl of porridge drops onto the table in front of each of them. Having surmised that the porridge is too hot to eat, the Bears decide to take a ride. While looking in the mirror, Mama dons her hat and turns the mirror over to see how it looks from the back (in the mirror we see a reflection of her back side). As they all head for the door", "id": "10451523" }, { "contents": "Single-lens reflex camera\n\n\nview') of the optical components of a typical SLR camera shows how the light passes through the lens assembly (1), is reflected by the mirror (2) placed at a 45-degree angle, and is projected on the matte focusing screen (5). Via a condensing lens (6) and internal reflections in the roof pentaprism (7) the image appears in the eyepiece (8). When an image is taken, the mirror moves upwards from its resting position in the direction of the arrow, the focal", "id": "10442728" }, { "contents": "Hidden camera\n\n\nrecording, and can be contrasted with CCTV, which is visible and which sometimes is accompanied with a warning notice of its presence. The camera may be \"hidden\" because it is not visible to the subject being filmed, or is disguised as another object. Such a camera may not be visible to the subject, for example, because it is fitted with a long-focus lens and located beyond the view of the subject, or located, say, behind a two-way mirror. Hidden cameras can be built", "id": "7574908" }, { "contents": "Mirror image\n\n\nfirst mirror, and a frame at the mirror image with respect to the first plane, of the second mirror. If the mirrors have vertical edges then the left edge of the field of view is the plane through the right edge of the first mirror and the edge of the second mirror which is on the right when looked at directly, but on the left in the mirror image. In the case of two parallel mirrors, looking through both at once is like looking at a version of the world which is translated by", "id": "16758499" }, { "contents": "Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue\n\n\nat her. He comes to his senses and tries to apologize, but she runs out frightened. Saddened, he looks at himself in a small mirror and is shocked to see Alf looking at him. Alf grabs him and pulls him into the mirror. Inside a Hall of Mirrors, Alf shows Michael his reflection of how he is today, then this reflection if he does not stop taking drugs: an aged, corpse-like version of himself. When he insists that he could quit if he wants to and that", "id": "19888647" }, { "contents": "William Washabaugh\n\n\nless than Creole and Deaf communities) and religious practices (no less than flamenco and angling practices) always involve negotiations with external forces. A peaceful prayer is no less illusory than a pure flamenco performance or a sublime trout on the line. His current project, \"Shot Glass: Mirrors in Movies\" (forthcoming), pursues a study of more than four hundred movie scenes in which characters react to their mirror images. The purpose of this study is to discern how personal identity is handled, how “self” is", "id": "19790486" }, { "contents": "Canon EOS RT\n\n\nand when the shutter actually opens to allow time for the mirror to move. Quiet operation, low vibration, absence of blackout, and fast response are features usually associated with rangefinder cameras, as these cameras have no mirror reflex system between the lens and the film. A pellicle mirror, such as the one in the EOS RT, always reflects some of the light up to the viewfinder, and allows the rest to pass to the film plane. Therefore, the mirror does not need to move when a picture is taken", "id": "10138907" }, { "contents": "Mirror cut-off\n\n\nMirror cut-off is a term used in photography for a problem that can occur within a reflex camera. This occurs when the mirror in the camera is smaller than the focusing screen and using long (telephoto) lenses. When light exits a non-telephoto lens, the light beams diverge from the rear of the lens and for this reason the mirror can normally be a bit smaller (hence lighter & faster). However if the focal length of the lens is quite long what happens is that the light rays are", "id": "281395" }, { "contents": "Special Service\n\n\nalso written by Straczynski. John Selig is starting his day. He shaves and dresses for work, and his wife calls to find out how many eggs he wants. Suddenly, his bathroom mirror falls on one side to reveal a camera with a red light on it. A repairman named Archie rushes in and acts nonchalant about putting the mirror back up, but when John questions him, Archie acts as if the camera was not there. He attempts to leave but he mistakenly mentions John's boss by name, which causes", "id": "18531600" }, { "contents": "VLT Survey Telescope\n\n\nscale structure of the universe (as visible from the southern hemisphere), able to identify the most suitable candidates for detailed examination by the VLT. Together with its camera OmegaCAM, the VST is able to obtain a high angular resolution (0.216 arcsec/pixel), and it is capable of performing stand-alone survey projects in the visible part of the spectrum. The telescope has two mirrors, the primary (M1) and a smaller secondary mirror (M2), which reflect light from the sky down to the OmegaCAM", "id": "18833015" }, { "contents": "The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune\n\n\nan evasive answer. Disappointed, Kull states how he views Thune as just an ordinary man. However, Thune points out that all men, from kings to wizards, are just ordinary men. Tuzun Thune guides Kull deeper into his laboratory and shows him a hall of mirrors. One, the wizard claims, is crafted from the \"Deepest Magic\". However, when Kull looks into the mirror, all he sees is his own reflection. He then begins to wonder if he himself is only a mirror image, and", "id": "9304983" }, { "contents": "Mirror lock-up\n\n\nMirror lock-up (often abbreviated to MLU) is a feature employed in many Single Lens Reflex (SLR) cameras. It allows the operator to reduce vibration-induced motion blur during exposure. It also allows the mounting of lenses which extend into the SLR's mirror box when mounted. Normal operation in an SLR camera involves flipping the mirror up out of the light-path just before the shutter opens, and then returning it when the shutter closes (although very early SLR's required the shutter to be cocked for", "id": "7262182" }, { "contents": "Coded aperture\n\n\nlenses or mirrors that work for visible light. Imaging is usually made at optical wavelengths by lenses and mirrors. However, for X-rays and γ-rays, lenses and mirrors do not exist, or else are impractical. Image modulation by apertures is therefore often used instead. The pinhole camera is the most basic form of such a modulation imager, but its disadvantage is low throughput, as its small aperture allows through little radiation. Only a tiny fraction of the light passes through the pinhole, which causes a low", "id": "16600042" }, { "contents": "Bruce Prichard\n\n\nminutes later he discovered that he had 2 missed calls from McMahon who he was relieved to find had liked what he had seen, but wanted to see how it worked on camera. Thus the Brother Love character became a reality. Prichard also told that the bright red face make up was unknown to him the first time he appeared on television as Brother Love. As it was a television taping, Prichard thought it was just normal make up being applied and he did not look in the mirror, not knowing that Vince McMahon", "id": "4259503" }, { "contents": "Photography\n\n\nnew artistic visions. Modified digital cameras can detect some ultraviolet, all of the visible and much of the near infrared spectrum, as most digital imaging sensors are sensitive from about 350 nm to 1000 nm. An off-the-shelf digital camera contains an infrared hot mirror filter that blocks most of the infrared and a bit of the ultraviolet that would otherwise be detected by the sensor, narrowing the accepted range from about 400 nm to 700 nm. Replacing a hot mirror or infrared blocking filter with an infrared pass or a", "id": "4049777" }, { "contents": "Amateur telescope making\n\n\nfrom the pinhole light source is interrupted by the knife edge. Viewing the mirror from behind the knife edge shows a pattern on the mirror surface. If the mirror surface is part of a perfect sphere, the mirror appears evenly lighted across the entire surface. If the mirror is spherical but with defects such as bumps or depressions, the defects appear greatly magnified in height. If the surface is paraboloidal, the mirror looks like a doughnut or lozenge. It is possible to calculate how closely the mirror surface resembles a perfect paraboloid", "id": "16668922" }, { "contents": "Sony Alpha 55\n\n\nresolution electronic viewfinder. The translucent mirror is fixed in position so does not have to flip up to take a still image, enabling rapid continuous shots of up to 10 frames per second. The static mirror also eliminates \"mirror slap\", the noise produced by the movement of the mirror during a shutter actuation, making the A55 quieter than standard DSLRs. The A55 is one of the first four Sony Alpha DSLR / SLT cameras with video mode included, capable of 1080i. It is also capable of shooting 1080p at 30fps", "id": "14011830" }, { "contents": "Camera\n\n\nof 19th century. In photography, the single-lens reflex camera (SLR) is provided with a mirror to redirect light from the picture taking lens to the viewfinder prior to releasing the shutter for composing and focusing an image. When the shutter is released, the mirror swings up and away allowing the exposure of the photographic medium and instantly returns after the exposure. No SLR camera before 1954 had this feature, although the mirror on some early SLR cameras was entirely operated by the force exerted on the shutter release and only", "id": "7706563" }, { "contents": "List of Pure Pwnage characters\n\n\n' stuff,\" and employs Leetspeak. However, he has also developed the ability to quickly master any video game, and can play competitively against extremely skilled opponents. Jeremy often makes narcissistic comments about himself. The show is shot almost entirely from Kyle's point of view and he often talks to the other characters. There are some instances where Kyle is caught on camera. In Episode 2 (\"Girls\"), when Jeremy is talking about the one time he pwned, the mirror behind him gives a presumably accidental", "id": "8435544" }, { "contents": "Beyond Sleep\n\n\nin the mirror when he discovers he must have read the compass wrong. At this point, with his mouth open in shock, his face is perfectly in tune with how he feels. Here, says Raat, \"I\" and \"self\" are one. Apparently he has entered the second stage, because not long before this episode he discovered that his camera, which symbolizes the third stage, was no longer working. This regression goes even further when Alfred's compass, and the mirror in it, disappears in", "id": "14555405" }, { "contents": "3D rig\n\n\nor use long lenses to get close-up shots with a side-by-side rig leads to a bad roundness. Another advantage is, that the images can be used for the geometrical alignment of the cameras since stereoscopic errors can be seen most easily when the interaxial distance is zero. With the mirror there is one more optical element that has to be handled and manufactured carefully, which makes these rigs usually more expensive than side-by-side rigs. \"The use of mirrors makes it sensitive to dust and", "id": "14350849" }, { "contents": "Single-lens reflex camera\n\n\nA single-lens reflex camera (SLR) is a camera that typically uses a mirror and prism system (hence \"reflex\" from the mirror's reflection) that permits the photographer to view through the lens and see exactly what will be captured. With twin lens reflex and rangefinder cameras, the viewed image could be significantly different from the final image. When the shutter button is pressed on most SLRs, the mirror flips out of the light path, allowing light to pass through to the light receptor and the image to", "id": "10442698" }, { "contents": "Canon EOS RT\n\n\nF-1 High Speed Motor Drive models respectively). Pellicle mirrors offer some of the advantages of a rangefinder camera in an SLR. When taking a picture with a typical SLR camera, the mirror must flip upwards to move out of the way to allow light to pass from the lens to the film plane (or digital image sensor). Moving the mirror produces noise, introduces vibration, and causes the viewfinder to \"black out\". The camera also must have a slight delay between when the shutter release button is pressed,", "id": "10138906" }, { "contents": "Sediment Profile Imagery\n\n\na frame. The box has an oblique face made of transparent acrylic and a downward-looking camera (Figure 1). Weights force the wedge and its internal mirror into the sediments. The mirror, at 45° to the transparent section, reflects an image of the pierced sediment-water interface to the underwater camera, like a periscope. In order to remain rigid at depth, the wedge is filled with distilled water. Figure 1. Schematic drawing of the profile camera in partial cross section showing the cradle in the", "id": "2901242" }, { "contents": "Bed and Sofa\n\n\nof the masses, Room produced a film with only three principals. The film was shot on location in Moscow. The acting is highly naturalistic, complementing Room's objective camera. There is a good deal of the use of mirrors and blocking of characters to emphasize mood and the narrative thrust. The triangle is often depicted visually as well, with the two men on-screen while Liuda's picture on the wall hovers between them. When matters reach their head, Liuda significantly removes the picture from the frame and places it", "id": "15697904" }, { "contents": "3D rig\n\n\noptical axes of the cameras can be smaller than the size of the lenses and even down to zero. Shots with small interaxial distances are possible, which is necessary for shooting in a classical movie style with close-up and detail shots. Mirror rigs make telling stories with classical tools of film narration possible. For close-ups, two shots, details and most dialogue scenes, the interaxial distance has to be not more than a couple of millimeters. This is only possible with a mirror rig. To simply zoom in", "id": "14350848" }, { "contents": "Foucault knife-edge test\n\n\nthe knife edge. Viewing the mirror from behind the knife edge shows a pattern on the mirror surface. If the mirror surface is part of a perfect sphere, the mirror appears evenly lighted across the entire surface. If the mirror is spherical but with defects such as bumps or depressions, the defects appear greatly magnified in height. If the surface is paraboloidal, the mirror usually looks like a doughnut or lozenge although the exact appearance depends on the exact position of the knife edge. It is possible to calculate how closely the", "id": "11171917" }, { "contents": "Chinese sun and moon mirrors\n\n\ndisturb his mind that he is still. When water is still, it clearly reflects whiskers and brows. It is so accurate that the great craftsman takes his standard from it. If still water has such clarity, how much more so pure spirit! The stillness of the mind of the sage is the mirror of heaven and earth, the looking glass of the myriad things. (13, tr. Mair 1994: 119-120) Many scholars of Chinese philosophy have analyzed the mirror metaphor for the \"xin\" \"", "id": "22028893" }, { "contents": "High-speed photography\n\n\nintroduced another 16 mm rotating prism camera, the Hycam, in the early 1960s. Photo-Sonics developed several models of rotating prism camera capable of running 35 mm and 70 mm film in the 1960s. Visible Solutions introduced the Photec IV 16 mm camera in the 1980s. In 1940, a patent was filed by Cearcy D. Miller for the rotating mirror camera, theoretically capable of one million frames per second. The first practical application of this idea was during the Manhattan Project, when Berlin Brixner, the photographic technician on the", "id": "9068355" }, { "contents": "Jae Yoo\n\n\nretire in either Seattle or Portland but also likes California. On the same interview when asked \"How often do you look in the mirror every day?\" He replied that \"The only time I look at myself in the mirror is when I come out from shower.\" In his spare time Yoo likes to visit websites of National Basketball Association, Gmail and Seattle Mariners's official website. He also enjoy reading \"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\" and would like to read the whole trilogy. In an interview with", "id": "11884200" }, { "contents": "Self-awareness\n\n\nat small blue dots painted on their fronts when they were able to see the dot in a mirror. None of the ants scratched their fronts when they had no mirror to see the dot. None tried to scratch the blue dot on the mirror. When they had a mirror and a brown dot similar to their own color, only one of thirty ants scratched the brown dot; researchers said she was darker than average so the dot was visible. They also reacted to the mirror itself. Even without dots, 30 out", "id": "572418" }, { "contents": "Mirror armour\n\n\nIt literally translates to \"four mirrors\" which is a reflection of how these pieces looked, which resembles four (sometimes more) metal discs or rectangular armour plates. Mirror armor was used in some cultures into the 20th century. \"Mirror armour\" is a type of partial plate armour which was developed initially from round metal mirrors (a kind of rondel) worn over other armour (usually over mail) as enforcement. Metal mirrors in this armour were considered as protection from not only cold steel and arrows, but also", "id": "17537504" }, { "contents": "Eyeline match\n\n\nthe focus of his gaze. Eyeline match also refers to the practice of setting off-camera eyelines for \"single\" shots of characters within a scene such that, when these shots are cut together, each of the characters appear to be looking at the correct character, without any confusion. Factors influencing the position of the off-camera eyeline (usually by placing the other actors off camera but sometimes by giving the on-camera actor a mark to look at) include the 180 degree rule, camera lens/height", "id": "1737947" }, { "contents": "Dan Graham\n\n\nnumerous mirroring agents—the woman’s own image on the monitor, the “image” of her depicted by the man, as well as both performers’ awareness of the audience. In his own writings, Graham articulates an interest in deconstructing the divisions between interior intention and visible behavior formed when looking at one’s reflection in a mirror, proposing video feedback as both a technical and conceptual means by which to achieve this. Many of Graham’s performance pieces work to exhibit and exploit the spontaneous interaction between thought and expression,", "id": "15496076" }, { "contents": "Behind the Mirror: A Search for a Natural History of Human Knowledge\n\n\nas much information as needed to better survive. The picture in the mirror is what we see within our mind. Within our cultural evolution we have extended this picture in the mirror by inventing instruments that transform the most needed of the invisible to something visible. The back side of the mirror is acting for itself as it processes the incoming information to improve speed and effectiveness. By that human inventions like logical conclusions are always in danger to be manipulated by these hardwired prejudices in our brain. The book gives a hypothesis how consciousness", "id": "5393889" }, { "contents": "Automated airport weather station\n\n\nthe point where a fine film of condensation forms on the mirror's surface. The temperature of the mirror at this condition is equal to the dew point temperature. The hygrometer measures the dew point by directing a light beam from a small infrared diode to the surface of the mirror at an angle of 45 degrees. Two photo transistors are mounted so they measure a high degree of reflected light when the mirror is clear (direct) and scattered light when the mirror is clouded with visible condensation (indirect). With the formation", "id": "3752569" }, { "contents": "Smithereens (Black Mirror)\n\n\n, as to remind the viewer that \"Black Mirror\" is not solely a science fiction show. Billy Bauer was written to not be a \"cartoon villain\" or resemble any social media CEOs, though Brooker did take inspiration from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey taking a ten-day retreat. Brooker described the episode's ending, in which strangers are seen looking at their phones, as a message about how the character's lives were \"reduced to ephemeral confetti that just passes us by\". The episode is connected with a", "id": "15352926" }, { "contents": "Single-lens reflex camera\n\n\ncompact cameras and digital cameras with electronic viewfinders (EVF)—owing to the mirror box and pentaprism/pentamirror. The mirror box also prevents lenses with deeply recessed rear elements from being mounted close to the film or sensor unless the camera has a mirror lockup feature; this means that simple designs for wide angle lenses cannot be used. Instead, larger and more complex retrofocus designs are required. The SLR mirror 'blacks-out' the viewfinder image during the exposure. In addition, the movement of the reflex mirror takes time,", "id": "10442753" }, { "contents": "High-speed photography\n\n\nprism is substantially off axis, suffer from significant aberration. A shutter can improve the results by gating the exposure more tightly around the point where the prism faces are nearly parallel. Rotating mirror cameras can be divided into two sub-categories; pure rotating mirror cameras and rotating drum, or Dynafax cameras. In pure rotating mirror cameras, film is held stationary in an arc centered about a rotating mirror. The image formed by the objective lens is relayed back to the rotating mirror from a primary lens or lens group, and", "id": "9068365" }, { "contents": "Pellicle mirror\n\n\n. In photography, the pellicle mirror has been employed in single-lens reflex (SLR) cameras, at first to enable through-the-lens exposure measurement and possibly to reduce camera shake, but later most successfully to enable fast series photography, which otherwise would be slowed down by the movement of the reflex mirror, while maintaining constant finder vision. The first use of pellicle mirrors for consumer photography however where in color separation cameras. The Devin Tricolor Camera from at least the 1938 version used two pellicle mirrors plus three", "id": "9106292" }, { "contents": "Bullitt\n\n\nlays one down in front of a skidding truck during the Bullitt chase. The Mustang's interior rear view mirror goes up and down depending on who is driving: when the mirror is up, McQueen is visible behind the wheel, when it is down, a stunt man is driving. The black Dodge Charger was driven by veteran stunt driver Bill Hickman, who played one of the hitmen and helped with the chase scene choreography. The other hitman was played by Paul Genge, who played a character who had ridden a Dodge", "id": "3419556" }, { "contents": "Pellicle mirror\n\n\npellicle mirrors, the EOS RT and the EOS-1N RS, the RT being based on the EOS 600/EOS 630 and the 1N RS being based on the EOS-1N. As development of SLR cameras has progressed since these early models, fast sequence shooting has apparently become possible using ordinary moving mirrors in high-speed cameras, getting rid of the vulnerable pellicle mirror that was prone to dust and dirt. The mirror mechanism of conventional SLR cameras has improved since the Pellix mirror was introduced; the viewfinder is dark for only a very short", "id": "9106298" }, { "contents": "Self-awareness\n\n\nin mirrors can conceive of themselves,\" says Gallup. Another prime example are elephants. Three elephants were exposed to large mirrors where experimenters studied the reaction when the elephants saw their reflection. These elephants were given the \"litmus mark test\" in order to see whether they were aware of what they were looking at. This visible mark was applied on the elephants and the researchers reported a large progress with self-awareness. The elephants shared this success rate with other animals such as monkeys and dolphins. Chimpanzees and other apes", "id": "572412" }, { "contents": "Sonnet 77\n\n\nyou look in your mirror, you will see how you are aging. Your timepiece will show you how your minutes are being wasted. This book will allow you to record the impressions of your mind, and these impressions will themselves teach you. The lines in your face that your mirror shows you will remind you of the open mouths of fresh graves. The hands of the dial will truly teach you how time thievishly keeps leading towards eternity. What your memory cannot keep, you should write down, and when you", "id": "8543511" }, { "contents": "Back-up collision\n\n\nof the car backing up and hitting an object, a person, another car, or property is usually considered to be at fault. Prevention organizations suggest that parents use common sense, and also take safety measures such as installing cross view mirrors, audible collision detectors, backup camera, or some type of reverse backup sensors. Furthermore, safer backing up is done when the driver turns completely around and looks out of the rear window of the car, rather than relying on mirrors. This provides a wider field of vision and", "id": "14570626" }, { "contents": "Mirror test\n\n\n. A control period without the mirror present yielded no pecking at the dot. When the mirror was revealed, the pigeon became active, looked in the mirror and then tried to peck on the dot under the bib. However, untrained pigeons have never passed the mirror test. Manta rays repeatedly swim in front of the mirror, turning over to show their undersides and moving their fins. When in front of the mirror, they blow bubbles, an unusual behaviour. They do not try to socially interact with the mirror image", "id": "9731249" }, { "contents": "Canon T90\n\n\nan integral motor driven film advance, focal plane shutter, mirror and aperture cocking and rewind functions. Canon broke new ground with the powered features of the camera. Previously, cameras used one powerful electric motor geared to all functions. Instead, the T90 has three coreless micromotors within the body, close to the functions they drive, for maximum mechanical advantage. One is used to wind the film, achieving a rate of 4.5 frames per second. A second prepares the shutter, mirror etc. for the next shot. A", "id": "10049654" }, { "contents": "Vehicle blind spot\n\n\nspots are the areas of the road that cannot be seen while looking forward or through either the rear-view or side mirrors (expecting that the side mirrors are properly adjusted on a passenger auto see above). The most common are the \"rear quarter blind spots,\" areas towards the rear of the vehicle on both sides. Vehicles in the adjacent lanes of the road that fall into these blind spots may not be visible using only the car's mirrors. Rear quarter blind spots can be: Other areas that", "id": "7181503" }, { "contents": "List of Scrapped Princess characters\n\n\ndoes not care about them. (Note also in episode 18, the two share an umbrella in a scene that mirrors Shannon and Cin's first meeting). Cz is an artillery type cosmos guardian. She appears to look like an attractive woman with long dark hair, but wears an outfit that looks rather different from the humans and is similar to what Steyr wears. Destroyed in last episode when she purposely drops her defenses taking a shot in the head from D-Knight Shannon. A fellow Peacemaker like Cz, who", "id": "17028681" }, { "contents": "Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy\n\n\na remotely configurable hyperbolic secondary. In order to fit the telescope into the fuselage, the primary is shaped to an f-number as low as 1.3, while the resulting optical layout has an f-number of 19.7. A flat, tertiary, dichroic mirror is used to deflect the infrared part of the beam to the Nasmyth focus where it can be analyzed. An optical mirror located behind the tertiary mirror is used for a camera guidance system. The telescope looks out of a large door in the port side of the", "id": "3474818" }, { "contents": "High-speed photography\n\n\nis formed as the film travels across this point. Discrete frames are formed as each successive face of the mirror passes through the optical axis. Rotating drum cameras are capable of speed from the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of frames per second. In both types of rotating mirror cameras, double exposure can occur if the system is not controlled properly. In a pure rotating mirror camera, this happens if the mirror makes a second pass across the optics while light is still entering the camera. In a rotating drum camera", "id": "9068368" }, { "contents": "Pellicle mirror\n\n\ntime, the shutter lag is small, and the mirror-return is fast enough for rapid shooting. Digital SLR cameras are able to take ten frames or more per second employing an instant-return mirror. Sony has introduced cameras with plastic pellicle-like mirrors, which it describes as \"Single-Lens Translucent\" cameras. These cameras divert a portion of incoming light to a phase-detection autofocus unit, while the remaining light strikes a digital image sensor. Sony \"SLT\" cameras employ an electronic viewfinder (EVF", "id": "9106299" }, { "contents": "Selfie stick\n\n\nconnection between the device and the selfie stick lets the user decide when to take the picture or start recording a video by clicking a button located on the handle. Models designed for compact cameras have a mirror behind the viewscreen so that the shot can be lined up. In contrast to a monopod for stabilising a camera on the ground, a selfie stick's arm is thickest and strongest at the opposite end from the camera in order to provide better grip and balance when held aloft. Safety concerns and the inconvenience the product causes", "id": "9381631" }, { "contents": "The Reaper's Image\n\n\nthe building, recounting the history of this rare Elizabethan mirror, which has been plagued by incidents of attempted destruction. The museum curator also explains the infamous history of the mirror, recounting all the people who have looked into the mirror and mysteriously disappeared. Carlin tells a skeptical Spangler that an image of the Grim Reaper is rumored to appear in the mirror, standing close to the viewer. Spangler scoffs, but feels unnatural horror when he looks into the mirror and claims to see some duct tape in the mirror's corner.", "id": "20372086" }, { "contents": "Unicode character property\n\n\ndirection according to their strong environment, as are Neutral characters. Finally, the characters are displayed per a string's direction. Two character properties are relevant to determining a mirror image of a glyph in bidirectional text: Bidi_Mirrored=Yes indicates that the glyph should be mirrored when written R-to-L. The property Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph=U+\"hhhh\" can then point to the mirrored character. For example, brackets \"()\" are mirrored this way. Shaping cursive scripts such as Arabic, and mirroring glyphs that have a direction,", "id": "10665185" }, { "contents": "Zelda's Adventure\n\n\ncaused arguments amongst the developers. Photos of the characters were shot using mirrors mounted on the ceiling, which was so low it precluded mounting the camera. All of the game's human characters were played by the in-office staff. The characters sprite walking animations were done by having the actors walk on a motorized treadmill. The game's music composer Mark Andrade also played the part of Gaspra in the game's cutscenes, while his voice was provided by Hal Smith. Zelda in the game's cutscene was played by office", "id": "2703934" }, { "contents": "KH-8 Gambit 3\n\n\n(3,731 meters) of film and were designed for longer missions of up to 31 days The Camera Optics Module of KH-8 consists of four cameras. The main camera of KH-8B (introduced in 1971) with a focal length of is a single strip camera, designed to gather high-resolution images of ground targets. In the strip camera the ground image is reflected by a steerable flat mirror to a diameter stationary concave primary mirror. The primary mirror reflects the light through an opening in the flat mirror and through a Ross corrector", "id": "21653182" }, { "contents": "Dark Mirror (2007 film)\n\n\n. Elenor was scared of her husband and he made her a prisoner in the house. Elenor kept drawing things and the things soon started to become reality due to the evil trapping mirrors in the house. She kept looking for exit but couldn't find any. One day Jim is talking formally to the beautiful neighbour Tammy, but when Deb sees them through a glass window she sees them as flirting and gets mad at Tammy and takes a snap of her with her camera. At night she smokes and falls asleep. In", "id": "1286673" }, { "contents": "Mirrors in Mesoamerican culture\n\n\nappear to represent what the Maya believed was happening on the other side of the surface of their mirrors. Although mirrors are represented on ceramics, mirrors rarely appear on publicly visible art, such as Maya stelae or openly visible Maya architecture. Tikal Stela 31 includes mirror imagery in the Teotihuacan warrior garb of king Yax Nuun Ayiin depicted on its sides. Here the king wears a back mirror; the left hand side of the stela displays the face of the mirror and its rim while the right hand side shows the back of the", "id": "12990397" }, { "contents": "Eurocopter EC120 Colibri\n\n\nvisibility. A wide range of optional equipment can be installed upon the EC120 B, this includes a wire strike protection system, air conditioning, sand filter, skis, windshield wipers, electrical external mirrors, a cargo sling, emergency flotation gear, forward looking infrared (FLIR) cameras, and external spotlights. For corporate customers, the EC120 can be equipped with a \"Stylence\" interior, offering a luxurious interior with leather upholstery, in-flight office and telecommunications facilities, along with reduced noise and vibration levels via additional", "id": "5160562" }, { "contents": "List of Kirby characters\n\n\nshot electric sword beams at Kirby, giving him the sword ability. Kirby shot five sword beams back with the last one splitting Kracko in half. Kracko was shown the same way it is in the games. Kracko is also a surprise boss in \"Kirby & the Amazing Mirror\". Unlike most bosses in Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Kracko is not a mirror copy, but has no copy and is the original boss. In \"\", a gray, robot version called Mecha Kracko appears as a boss. In", "id": "819788" } ]
If the golden rule of the stock market is to buy when low, sell when high, who is doing it the other way around?
[{"answer": "The golden rule of the stock market is basically akin to saying that the golden rule of roulette is to always pick the winning number. True, but not very helpful in practice. If you knew exactly what a given stock was going to do in the next 24 hours you could make a fortune on almost any stock. In many cases you could actually do it without any startup money since under the right circumstances you can sell before you have to pay. That's why insider trading is illegal, because even a vague idea of what a stock will do is really powerful. To reuse our roulette example it's like knowing whether a particular roll will be red or black. Not as good as knowing the number, but a hell of a lot better than random."}, {"answer": "The person doing it the other way round is the person who mis-judges what the market is going to do. They buy when it's a little high, thinking they ought to have bought yesterday when it was lower but it's still going up and still worth buying so they haven't missed their chance. Then, unexpectedly (to them, at least) it goes down and they lose money. This might be simple poor judgement, or it might be that something unexpected happened that no one could have predicted... a profit warning, or am unfavourable news story, for example, which might catch out even the most diligent and experienced investor."}, {"answer": "Everybody who isn't smart enough to know when exactly the high point and low point have been reached. Which is to say, everybody."}, {"answer": "That's the goal of traders. Most investors should buy now and hold for a while. And it's not like it is a binary system where the only two options are high and low. People enter and exit at various time and some make money and some lose money."}, {"answer": "People that get scared when the market falls. They sell low thinking if they don't their stocks will only get lower and lower. (In the long run they will eventually go back up tho)"}, {"answer": "Nearly everyone, unfortunately. Investing is the only place where people flock to buy when prices are high, and run away when you hold a bargain sale."}, {"answer": "also, side note, because this is what i thought you meant before i saw the comments. the people that buy low sell high are people that \"long\" (as a verb(to long or to *go* long)). the other people are said to short. they borrow some of a stock or currency in some respect, promising to pay back later with some interest. and immediately sell the stock or currency at high. then, they wait for the assumed low, and buyback only what they need to repay (original borrowed plus interest.) the assumption here is that the percent decrease in stock value exceeds the percent increase due to interest. the person is left with the surplus money after paying back the orginal stock or currency from the lender, who also profited, though marginally less so."}, {"answer": "It should be pointed out that you can also get money by buying high and selling low. It's called shorting stock and its relatively common when investors suspect a stock price will drop. It works like this. You speak to your broker. You tell him you want to short some stock in ABC company. They then lend you the stock (either from their company's shares or sometimes from another investor's account) which you sell immediately. When the stock drops, you buy back the stock at the lower price and keep the difference."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "4734447", "title": "Trading strategy", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In finance, a trading strategy is a fixed plan that is designed to achieve a profitable return by going long or short in markets. The main reasons that a properly researched trading strategy helps are its verifiability, quantifiability, consistency, and objectivity.", "In finance, a trading strategy is a fixed plan that is designed to achieve a profitable return by going long or short in markets. The main reasons that a properly researched trading strategy helps are its verifiability, quantifiability, consistency, and objectivity."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Market trend\n\n\nsomebody else is willing to buy government bonds from them; at another time, they may try to move money from \"tech\" stocks to government bonds. In each case, this will affect the price of both types of assets. Ideally, investors would wish to use market timing to buy low and sell high, but they may end up buying high and selling low. Contrarian investors and traders attempt to \"fade\" the investors' actions (buy when they are selling, sell when they are buying). A", "id": "16442822" }, { "contents": "Market trend\n\n\ntime when most investors are selling stocks is known as distribution, while a time when most investors are buying stocks is known as accumulation. According to standard theory, a decrease in price will result in less supply and more demand, while an increase in price will do the opposite. This works well for most assets but it often works in reverse for stocks due to the mistake many investors make of buying high in a state of euphoria and selling low in a state of fear or panic as a result of the herding instinct", "id": "16442823" }, { "contents": "The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need\n\n\n, even if you buy at a good price, you will be selling to an expert, and lose money by selling to one. (pg 10) 11. Low Price-Earnings stocks beat the market the majority of the time. If all stocks are high PE stocks, wait 6 months for the market to crash.(pg 86) 12. Buy stocks that have dividends at least equal to the amount you would find at a bank.(pg 81) 13. Only invest money you do not need for the next 5 years,", "id": "4486658" }, { "contents": "Market timing\n\n\nthat some simple strategies will outperform the overall market. One market-timing strategy is referred to as Time Zone Arbitrage. Mutual fund flows are published by organizations like Investment Company Institute and TrimTabs. They show that flows generally track the overall level of the market: investors buy stocks when prices are high, and sell stocks when prices are low. For example, in the beginning of the 2000s, the largest \"in\"flows to stock mutual funds were in early 2000 while the largest outflows were in mid-2002. These mutual fund flows", "id": "2913950" }, { "contents": "Stock market prediction\n\n\nuse low price and time lags to predict future lows, while another network would use lagged highs to predict future highs. The predicted low and high predictions are then used to form stop prices for buying or selling. Outputs from the individual \"low\" and \"high\" networks can also be input into a final network that would also incorporate volume, intermarket data or statistical summaries of prices, leading to a final ensemble output that would trigger buying, selling, or market directional change. A major finding with ANNs and stock", "id": "15625912" }, { "contents": "Spoofing (finance)\n\n\nSpoofing is a disruptive algorithmic trading entity employed by traders to outpace other market participants and to manipulate commodity markets. Spoofers feign interest in trading futures, stocks and other products in financial markets creating an illusion of exchange pessimism in the futures market when many offers are being cancelled or withdrawn, or false optimism or demand when many offers are being placed in bad faith. Spoofers bid or offer with intent to cancel before the orders are filled. The flurry of activity around the buy or sell orders is intended to attract other high-", "id": "18178104" }, { "contents": "Stock market\n\n\nOrders executed on the trading floor enter by way of exchange members and flow down to a floor broker, who submits the order electronically to the floor trading post for the Designated Market Maker (\"DMM\") for that stock to trade the order. The DMM's job is to maintain a two-sided market, making orders to buy and sell the security when there are no other buyers or sellers. If a spread exists, no trade immediately takes place – in this case the DMM may use their own resources (", "id": "7082400" }, { "contents": "Space Bucks\n\n\nhappy. Trade goods include fuel, food, passengers, and exotic goods such as wine and weapons. Each race produces different high-end goods than it consumes. Each trading company has stock which can be sold on the market for an infusion of cash. Buying out the competition, by accumulating a majority of their stock, is possible. Stock can be bought and sold throughout the game, making it possible to sell lots of stock early for an early boost and then buy it back when the other companies sell off", "id": "22022388" }, { "contents": "Stock\n\n\n(collateral) to repay the borrowed money. He can sell if the share price drops below the margin requirement, at least 50% of the value of the stocks in the account. Buying on margin works the same way as borrowing money to buy a car or a house, using a car or house as collateral. Moreover, borrowing is not free; the broker usually charges 8–10% interest. Selling stock is procedurally similar to buying stock. Generally, the investor wants to buy low and sell high, if not", "id": "10309637" }, { "contents": "Momentum investing\n\n\nleading up to the end of the year, investors may decide to sell their holdings for tax purposes causing for example the January effect. Increased supply of shares in the market drive its price down, causing others to sell. Once the reason for tax selling is eliminated, the stock's price tends to recover. Richard Driehaus is sometimes considered the father of momentum investing but the strategy can be traced back before Donchian. The strategy takes exception with the old stock market adage of buying low and selling high. According to Driehaus", "id": "8728448" }, { "contents": "Election stock market\n\n\nprofitable to sell the same contract if another trader is willing to buy it for more than 42.3 cents. A trader takes a \"long\" position by buying low and selling high. Consider an investor who considers the purchase of a contract in the Blue Party, which is currently offered for 39.3 cents in the market. The investor predicts that the Blue Party will win more than 41%, and buys a contract of the Blue Party for 39.3 cents. On election day the Blue Party wins 42.5% of the popular vote", "id": "18625555" }, { "contents": "Contrarian investing\n\n\nDogs\" have high yields not because dividends were raised, but rather because their share prices fell. The company is experiencing difficulties, or simply is at a low point in their business cycle. By repeatedly buying such stocks, and selling them when they no longer meet the criteria, the \"Dogs\" investor is systematically buying the least-loved of the Dow 30, and selling them when they become loved again. When the Dot com bubble started to deflate, an investor would have profited by avoiding the technology stocks that", "id": "7019013" }, { "contents": "Tehran Stock Exchange\n\n\nbrokers, who enter these orders into the trading system. Then, the system automatically matches buy and sell orders of a particular security based on the price and quantity requirements. The mechanism for which the price of equities is determined is as follows: Under the price priority rule, a selling (buying) order with the lowest (highest) price takes precedence. Under the time priority rule, an earlier order takes precedence over others at the same price. Thus, when the lowest sell and the highest buy orders match in", "id": "16452588" }, { "contents": "Fundamental Analysis Software\n\n\nthe investor to buy or sell a stock, or notify an investor when a stock enters or exits his/her saved strategy. When alert conditions are met, a notification is typically communicated via an on screen pop up or sent as an email. Fundamental analysis software is typically used with end of day (EOD), delayed or real time data feeds. EOD data feeds provide the end of day close, open, high, and low price for the given equity and is typically updated once a day at market close", "id": "1595454" }, { "contents": "Popular Science Predictions Exchange\n\n\nwith no market predictive value to speak of. As the flaws of the PopSci PPX became evident to players the PPX administrators became increasingly defensive about the failure of the PPX as a predictions market. PopSci even marketed the game to schools as a way to teach about market predictions. Teachers who bought into PopSci'e claims were sadly disappointed. Further criticisms exist around the pricing methods employed on the PPX exchange. Of the four types of actions, Buy and Short affect the price of a stock, while Sell and Cover do not.", "id": "17810216" }, { "contents": "Stock market\n\n\ncosts by lowering the cost associated with investing as a whole. Stock market participation refers to the number of agents who buy and sell equity backed securities either directly or indirectly in a financial exchange. Participants are generally subdivided into three distinct sectors; households, institutions, and foreign traders. Direct participation occurs when any of the above entities buys or sells securities on its own behalf on an exchange. Indirect participation occurs when an institutional investor exchanges a stock on behalf of an individual or household. Indirect investment occurs in the form of", "id": "7082406" }, { "contents": "Market maker\n\n\nrequired to maintain two-sided markets during exchange hours and are obligated to buy and sell at their displayed bids and offers. They typically do not receive the trading advantages a specialist does, but they do get some, such as the ability to naked short a stock, i.e., selling it without borrowing it. In most situations, only official market makers are permitted to engage in naked shorting. Recent changes to the rules have explicitly banned naked shorting by options market makers. In liquid markets like the New York Stock Exchange", "id": "6732757" }, { "contents": "Contrarian investing\n\n\nnegative view of the overall stock market, nor do they have to believe that it is always overvalued, or that the conventional wisdom is always wrong. Rather, a contrarian seeks opportunities to buy or sell specific investments when the majority of investors appear to be doing the opposite, to the point where that investment has become mispriced. While more \"buy\" candidates are likely to be identified during market declines (and vice versa), these opportunities can occur during periods when the overall market is generally rising or falling. Contrarian", "id": "7019007" }, { "contents": "High-frequency trading\n\n\na particular stock on a regular and continuous basis at a publicly quoted price. You'll most often hear about market makers in the context of the Nasdaq or other \"over the counter\" (OTC) markets. Market makers that stand ready to buy and sell stocks listed on an exchange, such as the New York Stock Exchange, are called \"third market makers\". Many OTC stocks have more than one market-maker. Market-makers generally must be ready to buy and sell at least 100 shares of a", "id": "15509713" }, { "contents": "Derivative (finance)\n\n\nfuture value of the underlying asset. Speculators look to buy an asset in the future at a low price according to a derivative contract when the future market price is high, or to sell an asset in the future at a high price according to a derivative contract when the future market price is less. Individuals and institutions may also look for arbitrage opportunities, as when the current buying price of an asset falls below the price specified in a futures contract to sell the asset. Speculative trading in derivatives gained a great deal of", "id": "9154158" }, { "contents": "Australian Securities Exchange\n\n\nare another alternative. In September 2008, ASIC suspended nearly all forms of short selling due to concerns about market stability in the ongoing global financial crisis. The ban on covered short selling was lifted in May 2009. Also, in the biggest change for ASX in 15 years, ASTC Settlement Rule 10.11.12 was introduced, which requires the broker to provide stocks when settlement is due, otherwise the broker must buy the stock on the market to cover the shortfall. The rule requires that if a Failed Settlement Shortfall exists on the second", "id": "19521498" }, { "contents": "Buy and hold\n\n\ni.e. the concept that one can enter the market on the lows and sell on the highs), does not work; attempting such timing gives negative results, at least for small or unsophisticated investors, so it is better for them to simply \"buy and hold\". Passive management is most common on the equity market, where index funds track a stock market index, but it is becoming more common in other investment types, including bonds, commodities and hedge funds. Today, there is a plethora of market indices in", "id": "11929348" }, { "contents": "Spoofing (finance)\n\n\nyears, Sarao denounced high-frequency traders, some of them billion-dollar organisations, who mass manipulate the market by generating and retract numerous buy and sell orders every millisecond (\"quote stuffing\") — which he witnessed when placing trades at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Sarao claimed that he made his choices to buy and sell based on opportunity and intuition and did not consider himself to be one of the HFTs. The 2010 Flash Crash was a United States trillion-dollar stock market crash, in which", "id": "18178119" }, { "contents": "Bond (finance)\n\n\nor simulation-based techniques may (also) be employed. Bond markets, unlike stock or share markets, sometimes do not have a centralized exchange or trading system. Rather, in most developed bond markets such as the U.S., Japan and western Europe, bonds trade in decentralized, dealer-based over-the-counter markets. In such a market, market liquidity is provided by dealers and other market participants committing risk capital to trading activity. In the bond market, when an investor buys or sells a bond,", "id": "15203915" }, { "contents": "Short (finance)\n\n\nan instrument that appears overvalued, just as long investors or speculators hope to profit from a rise in the price of an instrument that appears undervalued. Traders or fund managers may hedge a long position or a portfolio through one or more short positions. In contrast to a traditional merchant who sets out to \"buy low, sell high\", a short-seller sets out to \"sell high, buy low\", or even to \"buy high, sell low\" when this buy is in fact \"on tick\"", "id": "20959736" }, { "contents": "Three men make a tiger\n\n\nthe anecdote is that markets are efficient. Often investors jump on a wagon that is either directed in buying or shorting a certain stock or index with the main motivation that many other investors are behaving in a unilateral way. In the short-term when many investors buy a certain stock the market experiences a self-fulfilling prophecy and the stock actually gains value although the company might be underperforming and just benefiting from current market trends. Investors who take such decisions are not basing their justification on fundamental analysis or certain limited information but", "id": "12650710" }, { "contents": "High-frequency trading\n\n\nused by most firms to keep pace with the market paused\" and scaled back their trading or withdrew from the markets altogether. The joint report then noted that \"Automatic computerized traders on the stock market shut down as they detected the sharp rise in buying and selling.\" As computerized high-frequency traders exited the stock market, the resulting lack of liquidity \"...caused shares of some prominent companies like Procter & Gamble and Accenture to trade down as low as a penny or as high as $100,000\". While some", "id": "15509736" }, { "contents": "Michael J. Meehan\n\n\nthe franchise own, Tom Brimer. During the stock market Crash of 1929, when most other stocks lost their value, Good Humor paid high dividends. This brought the company to the attention of Meehan and he purchased a controlling stake in the company. In 1935, Meehan planned to manipulate the stock price of Bellanca Aircraft. Meehan used the strategy of 'matched orders' which had him manipulating the volume of the stock by frequently buying and selling the issue. By increasing the volume, Meehan believed he could generate interest in", "id": "11211499" }, { "contents": "Roy Niederhoffer\n\n\noveremphasize recent experience when they make decisions, they hate to lose even more than they love to win, their behavior becomes increasingly predictable as markets become more volatile, and when the investors are emotional they engage in herd-like behavior and sell stocks when they are at their lowest level and buy stocks when they are at their highest level. The firm's trading models do not focus on company fundamentals or macroeconomic trends. Niederhoffer's computer models analyze the real-time data as it comes in, such as volume and price", "id": "4569180" }, { "contents": "Mr. Market\n\n\ncome back with an entirely different offer. Since its introduction in Graham's 1949 book \"The Intelligent Investor\", it has been cited many times to explain that the stock market tends to fluctuate. The example makes it clear that the sole reason for the change in price is Mr. Market's emotions. A rational person will sell if the price is high and buy if the price is low. He would not sell \"because\" the price has gone down or buy because the price has gone up. Graham instead believes", "id": "17438264" }, { "contents": "Martin P. Russo (attorney)\n\n\nwhich forced market makers—firms that continually buy and sell stocks at listed prices—to execute electronically placed orders of up to 1000 shares at whatever price was posted. Datek Securities trader Sheldon Maschler and Datek Online founder Jeffrey Citron engineered a computer program to spot market spreads that offered customers an arbitrage opportunity when market maker spreads were slow to adjust. With that tool Datek traders with customer orders were able to get a guaranteed execution on up to 1000 shares by pressing a button. Datek's people figured out a way to do", "id": "21973658" }, { "contents": "Financial quote\n\n\n-driven system for trading the UK bluechip stocks including FTSE 100 and FTSEurofirst 300 stocks. The SETS order book matches buy and sell orders on a price/time priority. On SEAQ (the quotes system that we looked at in a previous article) all buys and sells go through a market maker who acts as an intermediary. The basis of SETS is that it directly matches willing buyers and sellers, creating efficiency in the markets by doing away with the intermediary of the market maker. This efficiency is true while the SETS", "id": "33958" }, { "contents": "Underweight (stock market)\n\n\nIn financial markets, underweight is a term used when rating stock. A rating system may be three-tiered: \"overweight,\" \"equal weight\", and \"underweight\", or five-tiered: \"buy\", \"overweight\", \"hold\", \"underweight\", and \"sell\". Also used are \"outperform\", \"neutral\", \"underperform\", and \"buy\", \"accumulate\", \"hold\", \"reduce\", and \"sell\". If", "id": "3259341" }, { "contents": "Market maker\n\n\nMakers, formerly known as \"specialists\", who act as the official market maker for a given security. The market makers provide a required amount of liquidity to the security's market, and take the other side of trades when there are short-term buy-and-sell-side imbalances in customer orders. In return, the specialist is granted various informational and trade execution advantages. Other U.S. exchanges, most prominently the NASDAQ Stock Exchange, employ several competing official market makers in a security. These market makers are", "id": "6732756" }, { "contents": "2010 Flash Crash\n\n\nwithdrew from the markets altogether. \"The New York Times\" then noted, \"Automatic computerized traders on the stock market shut down as they detected the sharp rise in buying and selling\". As computerized high-frequency traders exited the stock market, the resulting lack of liquidity \"caused shares of some prominent companies like Procter & Gamble and Accenture to trade down as low as a penny or as high as $100,000\". These extreme prices also resulted from \"market internalizers\", firms that usually trade with customer orders", "id": "8994616" }, { "contents": "Internalization\n\n\ncheaper for an MNE to internalize the transfer of its unique ownership advantages between countries than to do so through markets. In other words, the alternative to internalization through direct investment is some form of licensing of the firm's know-how to a firm in the target economy. In finance, internalization can refer to several concepts. \"When you place an order to buy or sell a stock, your broker has choices on where to execute your order. Instead of routing your order to a market or market-makers for", "id": "14895364" }, { "contents": "Stop price\n\n\nA stop price is the price in a stop order that triggers the creation of a market order. In the case of a Sell on Stop order, a market sell order is triggered when the market price reaches or falls below the stop price. For Buy on Stop orders, a market buy order is triggered when the market price of the stock rises to or above the stop price. In addition, if a Stop Limit is also indicated in the stop order, the resultant order will be a corresponding limit order as opposed", "id": "13258093" }, { "contents": "Algorithmic trading\n\n\n, etc. When the current market price is less than the average price, the stock is considered attractive for purchase, with the expectation that the price will rise. When the current market price is above the average price, the market price is expected to fall. In other words, deviations from the average price are expected to revert to the average. The standard deviation of the most recent prices (e.g., the last 20) is often used as a buy or sell indicator. Stock reporting services (such as Yahoo", "id": "19327438" }, { "contents": "Closed-end fund\n\n\n. Any investor who subsequently wishes to buy or sell fund shares will do so on the secondary market. In normal circumstances, closed-end funds do not redeem their own shares. Nor, typically, do they sell more shares after the IPO (although they may issue preferred stock, in essence taking out a loan secured by the portfolio). In general, closed-end funds cannot issue securities for services or property other than cash or securities. Closed-end fund shares are traded anytime between market opening and", "id": "2645829" }, { "contents": "Stock market\n\n\nexpected. Therefore, the stock market may be swayed in either direction by press releases, rumors, euphoria and mass panic. Over the short-term, stocks and other securities can be battered or buoyed by any number of fast market-changing events, making the stock market behavior difficult to predict. Emotions can drive prices up and down, people are generally not as rational as they think, and the reasons for buying and selling are generally accepted. Behaviorists argue that investors often behave \"irrationally\" when making investment decisions", "id": "7082439" }, { "contents": "Options strategy\n\n\nfor a period of time. The stock market is much more than ups and downs, buying, selling, calls, and puts. Options give the trader flexibility to really make a change and career out of what some call a dangerous or rigid market or profession. Think of options as the building blocks of strategies for the market. Options have been around since the market started, they just did not have their own spotlight until recently. Bearish options strategies are employed when the options trader expects the underlying stock price to move", "id": "1973666" }, { "contents": "Stock market\n\n\nsome stock exchanges and commodity exchanges, and involves traders shouting bid and offer prices. The other type of stock exchange has a network of computers where trades are made electronically. An example of such an exchange is the NASDAQ. A potential buyer \"bids\" a specific price for a stock, and a potential seller \"asks\" a specific price for the same stock. Buying or selling \"at the market\" means you will accept \"any\" ask price or bid price for the stock. When the bid and ask", "id": "7082398" }, { "contents": "Stock market\n\n\nfell in the meantime and losing money if it rose. Exiting a short position by buying back the stock is called \"covering\". This strategy may also be used by unscrupulous traders in illiquid or thinly traded markets to artificially lower the price of a stock. Hence most markets either prevent short selling or place restrictions on when and how a short sale can occur. The practice of naked shorting is illegal in most (but not all) stock markets. In margin buying, the trader borrows money (at interest) to", "id": "7082451" }, { "contents": "Market manipulation\n\n\nintent to cancel before the orders are filled. The flurry of activity around the buy or sell orders is intended to attract other high-frequency traders (HFT) to induce a particular market reaction such as manipulating the market price of a security. Spoofing can be a factor in the rise and fall of the price of shares and can be very profitable to the spoofer who can time buying and selling based on this manipulation. High closing is an attempt to manipulate the price of a security at the end of trading day to", "id": "19407901" }, { "contents": "Stock trader\n\n\nTrading through an agent is usually through a stockbroker. Agents are paid a commission for performing the trade. Major stock exchanges have market makers who help limit price variation (volatility) by buying and selling a particular company's shares on their own behalf and also on behalf of other clients. Stock traders may advise shareholders and help manage portfolios. Traders engage in buying and selling bonds, stocks, futures and shares in hedge funds. A stock trader also conducts extensive research and observation of how financial markets perform. This is accomplished", "id": "20454452" }, { "contents": "Option (finance)\n\n\nwhen the option is exercised, he is obligated to purchase the stock from the market at the then market price. If the stock price decreases, the seller of the call (call writer) will make a profit in the amount of the premium. If the stock price increases over the strike price by more than the amount of the premium, the seller will lose money, with the potential loss being unlimited. A trader who expects a stock's price to increase can buy the stock or instead sell, or \"write", "id": "13409560" }, { "contents": "Price action trading\n\n\nnot and set up with-trend entries. The psychology of the average trader tends to inhibit with-trend entries because the trader must \"buy high\", which is counter to the clichee for profitable trading \"buy high, sell low\". The allure of counter-trend trading and the impulse of human nature to want to fade the market in a good trend is very discernible to the price action trader, who would seek to take advantage by entering on failures, or at least when trying to enter counter-", "id": "16533746" }, { "contents": "Tianguis\n\n\nto converse with distant neighbors. Even sellers will consider who they want to socialize with when choosing a selling space. The tianguis of Chilapa, Guerrero attracts thousands of Nahua and Tlapaneco people, who come to buy and sell handcrafts, medicinal plants, local specialties such as pozole and many other items. Many of the visitors are from neighboring regions. Prices are low. It is possible to buy a liter of mezcal for only 25 pesos. The weekly Thursday market in Villa de Zaachila is divided into three parts, one devoted", "id": "3613412" }, { "contents": "Pump and dump\n\n\nmanner. Instead of first buying the stock, and then artificially raising its price before selling, in a \"short and distort\" the scammer first short-sells the stock, and then artificially \"lowers\" the price, using the same techniques as the pump and dump but using criticism or negative predictions regarding the stock. The scammer then covers their short position when they buy back the stock at a lower price. This tactic is commonly used by institutions and brokers to dupe individual traders in the Korean stock market, as", "id": "9046889" }, { "contents": "Islamic finance products, services and contracts\n\n\nprice of the stock raises its debt-to-market capitalization ratio, falling stock prices may force a fund to sell stocks, \"whether or not that was the best investment strategy\". This puts the fund at risk of being forced into \"buying high and selling low\". While \"almost all conservative Sharia scholars\" believe derivatives (i.e. securities whose price is dependent upon one or more underlying assets) are in violation of Islamic prohibitions on \"gharar\", global standards for Islamic derivatives were set in 2010,", "id": "1639180" }, { "contents": "Market timing\n\n\nwere near the start of a significant \"bear\" (downtrending) market and \"bull\" (uptrending) market respectively. A similar pattern is repeated near the end of the decade. Chien of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis confirms the correlation showing return-chasing behavior. This mutual fund flow data seems to indicate that most investors (despite what they may say) actually follow a buy-high, sell-low strategy. Studies confirm that the general tendency of investors is to buy \"after\" a stock", "id": "2913951" }, { "contents": "Neopets\n\n\nNeopoints through playing games, selling items, and other transactions. Once earned, they can be saved in the bank, used to buy items from other users or non-player character (NPC) shops, used to buy and sell stocks in the Neopian stock market called the NEODAQ, or used to buy various other things. Items can be bought from shops found throughout the world of Neopia that are run by NPCs who may allow bargaining. Users can open their own shops to sell items, sometimes after obtaining those items", "id": "2148061" }, { "contents": "Technical analysis\n\n\nof excess market volatility as well as the excess returns earned by stale information strategies... cognitive errors may also explain the existence of market inefficiencies that spawn the systematic price movements that allow objective TA [technical analysis] methods to work. EMH advocates reply that while individual market participants do not always act rationally (or have complete information), their aggregate decisions balance each other, resulting in a rational outcome (optimists who buy stock and bid the price higher are countered by pessimists who sell their stock, which keeps the price in", "id": "20339466" }, { "contents": "Put option\n\n\ndoes not have a position in the underlying stock or other instrument. This strategy is best used by investors who want to accumulate a position in the underlying stock, but only if the price is low enough. If the buyer fails to exercise the options, then the writer keeps the option premium. If the underlying stock's market price is below the option's strike price when expiration arrives, the option owner (buyer) can exercise the put option, forcing the writer to buy the underlying stock at the strike price.", "id": "171843" }, { "contents": "Order (exchange)\n\n\nonce the price of the stock reaches a specified price, known as the stop price. When the stop price is reached, a stop order becomes a market order. A buy–stop order is entered at a stop price above the current market price. Investors generally use a buy stop order to limit a loss or to protect a profit on a stock that they have sold short. A sell–stop order is entered at a stop price below the current market price. Investors generally use a sell–stop order to", "id": "11681011" }, { "contents": "Market maker\n\n\nStreet Capital, and Virtu Financial. On the London Stock Exchange (LSE) there are official market makers for many securities. Some of the LSE's member firms take on the obligation of always making a two-way price in each of the stocks in which they make markets. Their prices are the ones displayed on the Stock Exchange Automated Quotation (SEAQ) system and it is they who generally deal with brokers buying or selling stock on behalf of clients. Proponents of the official market making system claim market makers add to", "id": "6732759" }, { "contents": "Dark pool\n\n\nof violations from 2008 to 2012. It said UBS let customers submit orders at prices denominated in increments smaller than a penny, something SEC rules prohibit because it can be used to get a better place in line when buying or selling stock. The ability to trade in sub-penny increments also wasn’t widely disclosed to UBS customers, and was instead pitched secretly to market makers including high-frequency traders, according to the SEC. In August 2015, ITG (and its affiliate AlterNet Securities) settled with SEC for $", "id": "20838996" }, { "contents": "Volume (finance)\n\n\nHigher volume for a stock is an indicator of higher liquidity in the market. For institutional investors who wish to sell a large number of shares of a certain stock, lower liquidity will force them to sell the stock slowly over a longer period of time, to avoid losses due to slippage. In the United States, the Rule 144 of the Securities Act of 1933 restricts the buying or selling of an amount of a security that exceed a certain fraction of its average trading volume. Therefore, the calculation of the trading volume", "id": "12011992" }, { "contents": "Custodial participant\n\n\nA custodial participant is a person who confirms a stock exchange trade on behalf of his client. When a client enters buy/sell order for trading on a stock exchange, the trading member or stockbroker receives his order and inserts it into the Stock Exchange Trading System. Once an order is confirmed i.e. when buy/sell part gets its corresponding sell/buy part, the trade is forwarded to the settlement system. During the settlement the custodial participant has to confirm that the order placed by the trading member on behalf of his", "id": "21578733" }, { "contents": "Stock valuation\n\n\nother way stocks are valued is based on supply and demand. The more people that want to buy the stock, the higher its price will be. And conversely, the more people that want to sell the stock, the lower the price will be. This form of valuation is very hard to understand or predict, and it often drives the short-term stock market trends. There are many different ways to value stocks. The key is to take each approach into account while formulating an overall opinion of the stock.", "id": "4800224" }, { "contents": "Layering (finance)\n\n\nLayering is a strategy in high-frequency trading where a trader makes and then cancels orders that they never intend to have executed in hopes of influencing the stock price. For instance, to buy stock at a lower price, the trader initially places orders to sell at or below the market ask price. This may cause the market's best ask price to fall as other market participants lower their asking prices because they perceive selling pressure as they see the sell orders being entered on the order book. The trader may place subsequent", "id": "19051090" }, { "contents": "United States bear market of 2007–09\n\n\nare starting to get to the point where buying stocks is a potentially good deal if you've got a long-term perspective on it,\" probably meaning price-earnings ratio. Many stocks were trading at low P/E levels despite first quarter strong earnings. On the same day, David Serchuk of Forbes magazine says he feels that the market will turn around when housing prices stabilize and oil prices rise again. The DJIA hit a low on March 6, 2009 of 6,469.95. On that same day, a regulatory", "id": "21527245" }, { "contents": "Day trading\n\n\nNYSE specialist. A market maker has an inventory of stocks to buy and sell, and simultaneously offers to buy and sell the same stock. Obviously, it will offer to sell stock at a higher price than the price at which it offers to buy. This difference is known as the \"spread\". The market maker is indifferent as to whether the stock goes up or down, it simply tries to constantly buy for less than it sells. A persistent trend in one direction will result in a loss for the market", "id": "6921939" }, { "contents": "Dividend yield\n\n\nby their cumulative stock price, has also been considered to be an important indicator of the strength of the U.S. stock market. Historically, the Dow Jones dividend yield has fluctuated between 3.2% (during market highs, for example in 1929) and around 8.0% (during typical market lows). The highest ever Dow Jones dividend yield occurred in 1932 when it yielded over 15%, which was years after the famous stock market collapse of 1929, when it yielded only 3.1%. With the decreased emphasis on dividends since", "id": "6565362" }, { "contents": "Order matching system\n\n\nAn order matching system or simply matching system is an electronic system that matches buy and sell orders for a stock market, commodity market or other financial exchange. The order matching system is the core of all electronic exchanges and are used to execute orders from participants in the exchange. Orders are usually entered by members of an exchange and executed by a central system that belongs to the exchange. The algorithm that is used to match orders varies from system to system and often involves rules around best execution. The order matching system and", "id": "3724477" }, { "contents": "Stock\n\n\npublic offering in which the stock is purchased directly from the company, usually without the aid of brokers. When it comes to financing a purchase of stocks there are two ways: purchasing stock with money that is currently in the buyer's ownership, or by buying stock on margin. Buying stock on margin means buying stock with money borrowed against the value of stocks in the same account. These stocks, or collateral, guarantee that the buyer can repay the loan; otherwise, the stockbroker has the right to sell the stock", "id": "10309636" }, { "contents": "Chinese Dama\n\n\nforefront in 2013, when thousands of Chinese women began buying record amounts of gold around the world. They were the driving force in the global gold market from April to June, when the metal's price slumped. Most trusted their friends and neighbors rather than magazine advertisements; if one Chinese Dama bought cheap gold, most of their acquaintances would do so as well. Relatively cheap gold has retained its allure in China compared with other investment options, such as a stock market which had fallen. \"Gold is culturally accepted as", "id": "1463068" }, { "contents": "Geraldine Weiss\n\n\nby Geraldine Weiss and Gregory Weiss and published in 1995. The book is aimed at providing investors with the self-confidence to make stock market choices without hesitation and uncertainty. Weiss's investment strategy looks closely at a dividend's yield to determine value - a repetitively high yield would indicate an undervalued stock and a repetitively low yield would indicate an overvalued stock. Weiss has seven criteria to screen stocks with: When a stock meets all seven of Weiss's criteria, the stock is categorized by Weiss as a \"Buy\".", "id": "3858970" }, { "contents": "Enron\n\n\nthat Enron would rule the market. They continued to buy or retain their stock as the equity value decreased. As October ended, the stock had decreased to $15. Many considered this a great opportunity to buy Enron stock because of what Lay had been telling them in the media. Lay was accused of selling more than $70 million worth of stock at this time, which he used to repay cash advances on lines of credit. He sold another $29 million worth of stock in the open market. Also,", "id": "10021535" }, { "contents": "Swing trading\n\n\nthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Identifying when to enter and when to exit a trade is the primary challenge for all swing trading strategies. However, swing traders do not need perfect timing—to buy at the very bottom and sell at the very top of price oscillations—to make a profit. Small consistent earnings that involve strict money management rules can compound returns over time. It is generally understood that mathematical models and algorithms do not work for every instrument or market situation. Risks in swing trading are commensurate with market speculation", "id": "14018175" }, { "contents": "Efficient-market hypothesis\n\n\nvalue stocks and buy growth stocks at expensive prices, which allow those who reason correctly to profit from bargains in neglected value stocks and the overreacted selling of growth stocks. Empirical evidence has been mixed, but has generally not supported strong forms of the efficient-market hypothesis According to Dreman and Berry, in a 1995 paper, low P/E stocks have greater returns. In an earlier paper Dreman also refuted the assertion by Ray Ball that these higher returns could be attributed to higher beta, whose research had been accepted by", "id": "3825904" }, { "contents": "Wall Street Crash of 1929\n\n\nexperts agree on one aspect of the crash: It wiped out billions of dollars of wealth in one day, and this immediately depressed consumer buying. The failure set off a worldwide run on US gold deposits (i.e. the dollar), and forced the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates into the slump. Some 4,000 banks and other lenders ultimately failed. Also, the uptick rule, which allowed short selling only when the last tick in a stock's price was positive, was implemented after the 1929 market crash to prevent short", "id": "1573" }, { "contents": "The Pillars of the Earth\n\n\nas described in the book, the hitherto unheard of act of buying wool from the farmers on their farms and selling it at market rather than the farmers having to travel to market themselves, saving them time and effort) with the help of Philip, who agrees to buy her wool at a fair price when other merchants refuse to do so, and the two siblings settle in Kingsbridge. The Hamleighs attempt to barricade the quarry against the priory, but Philip foils them by having his quarrymen travel there under the protection of the", "id": "18589109" }, { "contents": "Richard James Wilkinson\n\n\n.\" Wilkinson resolved that the Straits Settlements Government would buy F.M.S. tin at a fixed price, which stabilised the market, and Malaya's finances, at a time when the metal market in London closed down owing to the war. The smelting companies by then had acknowledged that there was a limit to their ability to purchase ore, when there did not appear to be any market to sell to. The Straits Government also decided to make advances to companies against stock, or other securities, averting the fear and anxiety being experienced", "id": "3938513" }, { "contents": "Stock market\n\n\n, South Korea and the Netherlands. The stock market is one of the most important ways for companies to raise money, along with debt markets which are generally more imposing but do not trade publicly. This allows businesses to be publicly traded, and raise additional financial capital for expansion by selling shares of ownership of the company in a public market. The liquidity that an exchange affords the investors enables their holders to quickly and easily sell securities. This is an attractive feature of investing in stocks, compared to other less liquid investments", "id": "7082421" }, { "contents": "Price action trading\n\n\ntraders would simply buy the stock, but then every time that it fell to the low of its trading range, would become disheartened and lose faith in their prediction and sell. A price action trader would wait until the stock hit $31. That is a simple example from Livermore from the 1920s. In a modern-day market, the price action trader would first be alerted to the stock once the price has broken out to $31, but knowing the counter-intuitiveness of the market and having picked up other", "id": "16533712" }, { "contents": "Jesse Lauriston Livermore\n\n\nbuilding big positions when the market confirmed his beliefs about direction. He was as skilled as staying out of the market when conditions were not favourable as he was in putting out huge lines later in his career. He believed that prices were never too high to begin buying or too low to begin selling - a view which remains contrarian to this day. Some of Livermore's trades have become legendary and have led to his being regarded as arguably the greatest trader who ever lived. He inexplicably took a massive short position the day", "id": "20972568" }, { "contents": "Randomized weighted majority algorithm\n\n\nThe randomized weighted majority algorithm is an algorithm in machine learning theory. It improves the mistake bound of the weighted majority algorithm. Imagine that every morning before the stock market opens, we get a prediction from each of our \"experts\" about whether the stock market will go up or down. Our goal is to somehow combine this set of predictions into a single prediction that we then use to make a buy or sell decision for the day. The RWMA gives us a way to do this combination such that our prediction record", "id": "2663931" }, { "contents": "Stock split\n\n\nA stock split or stock divide increases the number of shares in a company. The price is adjusted such that the before and after market capitalization of the company remains the same and dilution does not occur. Options and warrants are included. A company may split its stock, for example, when the market price per share is so high that it becomes unwieldy when traded. For example, when the share price is very high it may deter small investors from buying the shares, especially if there is a minimum trading parcel.", "id": "5551953" }, { "contents": "Day trading\n\n\nbeen rising off a support price or falling off a resistance price. That is, every time the stock hits a high, it falls back to the low, and vice versa. Such a stock is said to be \"trading in a range\", which is the opposite of trending. The range trader therefore buys the stock at or near the low price, and sells (and possibly short sells) at the high. A related approach to range trading is looking for moves outside of an established range, called a", "id": "6921951" }, { "contents": "The Man with the Golden Touch\n\n\narmy with bread. Kacsuka advises Timár to buy the shipload of worthless wheat and sell it cheap to the army. He assures him that the army will buy from him, not from others, since he can sell the cheapest wheat, and he will gain a great profit. Timár is hesitating, for he knows what poor quality the bread made of that wheat will be, but when Kacsuka tells him that this way he could make some money to compensate Timéa for the loss of her inheritance, he agrees. He buys", "id": "3439050" }, { "contents": "Fraud-on-the-market theory\n\n\nsignificant than the effect on the entire market. According to this theory, \"When an investor buys or sells stock at the market price, his or her reliance may be presumed, assuming that he or she pleads that: (1) the information allegedly misrepresented was publicly known, (2) it was material, (3) the stock was traded in an efficient market, and (4) the plaintiff traded in the stock in the relevant period.\" Fraud on the market theory applies to civil enforcement of SEC", "id": "6736949" }, { "contents": "Trader (finance)\n\n\nA trader is a person or entity, in finance, who buys and sells financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, commodities, derivatives, and mutual funds in the capacity of agent, hedger, arbitrageur, or speculator. Traders are either professionals (institutional) working in a financial institution or corporations. They buy and sell financial instruments traded in the stock markets, derivatives markets and commodity markets, comprising the stock exchanges, derivatives exchanges, and the commodities exchanges. Several categories and designations for diverse kinds of traders are found", "id": "7863731" }, { "contents": "Value investing\n\n\nratio stocks, or low price-to-book ratio stocks. Numerous academics have published studies investigating the effects of buying value stocks. These studies have consistently found that value stocks outperform growth stocks and the market as a whole. Simply examining the performance of the best known value investors would not be instructive, because investors do not become well known unless they are successful. This introduces a selection bias. A better way to investigate the performance of a group of value investors was suggested by Warren Buffett, in his May 17", "id": "15456407" }, { "contents": "Glass–Steagall: legislation, limits and loopholes\n\n\npower to sell its assets, so long as this trading did not cause the bank to be a \"dealer\". Section 16 itself required banks to purchase only \"marketable\" securities, so that it contemplated (and required) that the securities be traded in a liquid market. The Office of the Comptroller, like the Securities and Exchange Commission, distinguished between a \"trader\" and a \"dealer\". A \"trader\" buys and sells securities \"opportunistically\" based on when it thinks prices are low or high", "id": "14890888" }, { "contents": "John Warne Gates\n\n\nas an opportunity to get back at Morgan for his refusal to seat him on the board of U. S. Steel. Along with Harriman, he began buying shares of Northern Pacific stock. When James Hill noted a sudden rise in Northern Pacific stock prices, he traveled to New York to consult with Morgan. Morgan and Hill stopped the sales of the Northern Pacific stock, which remained high while other stocks took steep drops. Those who had been selling short could not obtain enough stock to cover themselves and were faced with large financial", "id": "19515517" }, { "contents": "Business valuation\n\n\nare actively traded in a free and open market, can be a valid indicator of value when the transactions in which stocks are traded are sufficiently similar to permit meaningful comparison. The difficulty lies in identifying public companies that are sufficiently comparable to the subject company for this purpose. Also, as for a private company, the equity is less liquid (in other words its stocks are less easy to buy or sell) than for a public company, its value is considered to be slightly lower than such a market-based valuation", "id": "8223346" }, { "contents": "Day trading\n\n\n), while an institution would only pay a $0.05 spread (buying at $10.40 and selling at $10.35). Following the 1987 stock market crash, the SEC adopted \"Order Handling Rules\" which required market makers to publish their best bid and ask on the NASDAQ. Another reform made was the \"Small-order execution system\", or \"SOES\", which required market makers to buy or sell, immediately, small orders (up to 1000 shares) at the market maker's listed bid or ask", "id": "6921941" }, { "contents": "Mean reversion (finance)\n\n\nprice is expected to fall. In other words, deviations from the average price are expected to revert to the average. Stock reporting services commonly offer moving averages for periods such as 50 and 100 days. While reporting services provide the averages, identifying the high and low prices for the study period is still necessary. Mean reversion has the appearance of a more scientific method of choosing stock buy and sell points than charting, because precise numerical values are derived from historical data to identify the buy/sell values, rather than trying", "id": "3062678" }, { "contents": "Stock market prediction\n\n\nprediction is that a classification approach (vs. function approximation) using outputs in the form of buy(y=+1) and sell(y=-1) results in better predictive reliability than a quantitative output such as low or high price. Since NNs require training and can have a large parameter space; it is useful to optimize the network for optimal predictive ability. Tobias Preis et al. introduced a method to identify online precursors for stock market moves, using trading strategies based on search volume data provided by Google Trends. Their analysis of Google search volume for 98", "id": "15625913" }, { "contents": "Alpha Indexes\n\n\nthe beta of the target security. The ability to estimate implied correlation also allows investors to trade correlation. As discussed earlier a higher (lower) correlation implies low (high) volatility of alpha index and hence low (high) option prices. Consequently, if an investor believes the correlation will increase (decrease), he/ she can sell (buy) index call options to gain profits. Thus estimating market expectations of correlation of stocks can help investors to hedge their risk in the long term. The historical correlation between AAPL", "id": "10070263" }, { "contents": "Penny stock\n\n\n, the perpetrator will claim to have \"inside\" information about impending news to persuade the unwitting investor to quickly buy the shares. When buying pressure pushes the share price up, the rise in price entices more people to believe the hype and to buy shares as well. Eventually the manipulators doing the \"pumping\" end up \"dumping,\" when they sell their holdings. The expanding use of the Internet and personal communication devices has made penny stock scams easier to perpetrate. The Mafia had infiltrated Wall Street by the 1970s", "id": "16951582" }, { "contents": "Market sentiment\n\n\nattention (Barber & Odean (2008)). Noise traders tend to buy (sell) stocks with high (low) returns. Whaley (2001) and Baker & Wurgler (2007) suggest Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) Volatility Index (VIX) as an alternative market sentiment measure. Credit Suisse Fear Barometer (CSFB) is based on prices of zero-premium collars that expire in three months. This index is sometimes used as an alternative to VIX index. The Acertus Market Sentiment Indicator (AMSI) incorporates", "id": "3308118" }, { "contents": "Stock market\n\n\n1929. Before that, speculators typically only needed to put up as little as 10 percent (or even less) of the total investment represented by the stocks purchased. Other rules may include the prohibition of \"free-riding:\" putting in an order to buy stocks without paying initially (there is normally a three-day grace period for delivery of the stock), but then selling them (before the three-days are up) and using part of the proceeds to make the original payment (assuming that the", "id": "7082454" }, { "contents": "Naked call\n\n\nSince a naked call seller does not have the stock in case the option buyer decides to exercise the option, the seller has to buy stock at the open market in order to deliver it at the strike price. Since the share price has no limit to how far it can rise, the naked call seller is exposed to unlimited risk. Speculators who have an appetite for risk might buy a call option when they believe the price of the stock will go up and they do not have the cash available to pay for the", "id": "20566339" }, { "contents": "Hot hand\n\n\neffect of the hot hand and gambler's heuristic on the buying and selling behaviors of consumers, three hypotheses were made. Hypothesis one stated that consumers that were given stocks with positive and negative trends in earning would be more likely to buy a stock that was positive when it was first getting started but would become less likely to do so as the trend lengthened. Hypothesis two was that consumers would be more likely to sell a stock with negative earnings as the trend length initially increased but would decrease as the trend length increased more", "id": "21301458" }, { "contents": "Order (exchange)\n\n\nnot buy the stock at a higher price, but, may get fewer shares than he wants or not get the stock at all. A \"sell limit order\" is analogous; it can only be executed at the limit price or higher. A limit order that can be satisfied by orders in the limit book when it is received is \"marketable\". For example, if a stock is asked for $86.41 (large size), a buy order with a limit of $90 can be filled right away.", "id": "11681003" }, { "contents": "Microcap stock fraud\n\n\nnews to persuade the unwitting investor to quickly buy the shares. When buying pressure pushes the share price up, the rise in price entices more people to believe the hype and to buy shares as well. Eventually the manipulators doing the \"pumping\" end up \"dumping\" when they sell their holdings. The expanding use of the Internet and personal communication devices has made penny stock scams easier to perpetrate. Though not a scam per se, one notable example is rapper 50 Cent's use of Twitter to cause the price of", "id": "10847220" }, { "contents": "3-Way (The Golden Rule)\n\n\n\" They then leave, agreeing to meet back with each other in a few hours. They are both then seen outside of Gaga's apartment, where it is revealed that both of them agreed to have sex with her, though they did not know the other was also planning to do the same. She explains that she invited them both there so that they could have a threesome, which they quickly agree to do, citing the \"golden rule\" that \"it's not gay when it's in a 3-way.", "id": "13088760" }, { "contents": "Fill or kill\n\n\nA fill or kill (FOK) order is \"an order to buy or sell a stock that must be executed immediately\"—a few seconds, customarily—in its entirety; otherwise, the entire order is cancelled; no partial fulfillments are allowed. Characterized as \"extreme orders\", FOK orders are \"most commonly used when your order is for a large quantity of stock and is usually a market or limit order that requires immediate execution\". They are also used when several unlinked markets are available for the same asset, in", "id": "19293249" } ]
why do the touch screens of some mobile phones only work with the finger. They dont work with a pen or anything else. Why so?
[{"answer": "Most touch screens with a hard surface, like on phones etc, use an effect known as 'capacitive coupling' (hence the name capacitive touch screen) to sense a press. The surface of the panel forms a capacitor with your body and the circuitry senses this. It requires a slightly conductive pointer, hence why a hotdog will work but an insulating pen wont. A resistive touchscreen (they are *slightly* squishy to press) relies on physical pressure, so any pointer will work with them. Then there's infra red touchscreens too, which line up a row of sensors and IR transmitters (like a row of tiny versions of your TV remote) along the edges of the screen and sense your finger blocking the light from travelling from one side to another. They can use anything that isn't transparent to work."}, {"answer": "Why does the DS touch screen work with a stylus but the same stylus doesn't work with my phone?"}, {"answer": "They also work with a sausage. No joke."}, {"answer": "All the answers here are far over-complicated. Here it is, as far as I understand it: There are wires underneath your screen. These wires are not grounded. You have electrons moving through your body. When you touch the screen, the electrons can run from the battery of your phone, to the ground you are standing on, thus completing the circuit. Your phone registers where the circuit is formed, and voila! Touch screen magic"}, {"answer": "it works through conductivity of the skin, but some touch screens don't work for me, because my fingers tips are not very conductive, so i have a problem were i cannot use the majority of apple touch screen devices, which is a huge pain, especially when trying to find a new phone, but i am glad my new Samsung galaxy ace ii x works,"}, {"answer": "My real question, why doesn't my note 2 stylus work with the girlfriends note 2 and vice versa?"}, {"answer": "What enables a stylus to work on touch screens?"}, {"answer": "Broccoli can use the touch screen on iPhones/iPods"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "667206", "title": "Touchscreen", "section": "Section::::Technologies.:Capacitive.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 32, "end_paragraph_id": 32, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["use of Indium. Unlike a resistive touchscreen, some capacitive touchscreens cannot be used to detect a finger through electrically insulating material, such as gloves. This disadvantage especially affects usability in consumer electronics, such as touch tablet PCs and capacitive smartphones in cold weather when people may be wearing gloves. It can be overcome with a special capacitive stylus, or a special-application glove with an embroidered patch of conductive thread allowing electrical contact with the user's fingertip. Some capacitive display manufacturers continue to develop thinner and more accurate touchscreens", "use of Indium. Unlike a resistive touchscreen, some capacitive touchscreens cannot be used to detect a finger through electrically insulating material, such as gloves. This disadvantage especially affects usability in consumer electronics, such as touch tablet PCs and capacitive smartphones in cold weather when people may be wearing gloves. It can be overcome with a special capacitive stylus, or a special-application glove with an embroidered patch of conductive thread allowing electrical contact with the user's fingertip. Some capacitive display manufacturers continue to develop thinner and more accurate touchscreens", "e of Indium. Unlike a resistive touchscreen, some capacitive touchscreens cannot be used to detect a finger through electrically insulating material, such as gloves. This disadvantage especially affects usability in consumer electronics, such as touch tablet PCs and capacitive smartphones in cold weather when people may be wearing gloves. It can be overcome with a special capacitive stylus, or a special-application glove with an embroidered patch of conductive thread allowing electrical contact with the user's fingertip. Some capacitive"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Pocket dialing\n\n\nsmall amount of perspiration creating sufficient conduction through their clothing such that the capacitive touch screen detects their clothing as if it were a touch from the user's finger. The keypad lock feature found on most mobile phones is intended to help prevent accidental dialing, but is often so trivial that the keypad is easily pocket-unlocked. Sometimes the unlock sequence requires nothing more than pressing a button and then applying a random swiping motion to the screen, or in the case of some keypad phones, it sometimes requires nothing more than holding", "id": "6599892" }, { "contents": "Touchscreen\n\n\nA touchscreen, or touch screen, is an input device and normally layered on the top of an electronic visual display of an information processing system. A user can give input or control the information processing system through simple or multi-touch gestures by touching the screen with a special stylus or one or more fingers. Some touchscreens use ordinary or specially coated gloves to work while others may only work using a special stylus or pen. The user can use the touchscreen to react to what is displayed and, if the software allows", "id": "8940972" }, { "contents": "Samsung T919 Behold\n\n\nThe Samsung Behold SGH-T919 is a touch-screen, 3G candybar-style mobile phone introduced by Samsung late in 2008. The Behold is one of the first Samsung mobile phones released to have a touch-screen along with the Samsung Omnia, the Samsung Instinct, the Samsung Eternity, and the Samsung Tocco. The Behold is the \"American\" release of Samsung Tocco, which is only sold in Europe, Asia and Australia so the features and design of both of these phones are similar. Some of the", "id": "7967275" }, { "contents": "Mobile operating system\n\n\n). The two improved variants of this operating system, Windows Mobile 6 Professional (for touch screen devices) and Windows Mobile 6 Standard, were unveiled in February 2007. It was criticized for having a user interface which is not optimized for touch input by fingers; instead, it is more usable with a stylus. Like iOS, and most other Mobile OS, it supports both touch screen, physical and Bluetooth keyboard configurations. Microsoft phased out the Windows Mobile OS to focus on Windows Phone. Windows Phone is a family", "id": "9398500" }, { "contents": "Shajarur Kanta (2015 film)\n\n\nWhen she opens it, she finds a beautiful pair of designer earrings made of some strange horn like substance. She puts them on, more out of curiosity than anything else, and then decides to keep them on as they are so striking in appearance. Yet another gift comes along — this time from ’a real sender’. Debashis hands her a mobile phone. He has been feeling sorry for her despite what she has done to him and has bought her the phone so that she may at least keep in touch", "id": "8124032" }, { "contents": "Stephen King\n\n\nsimple—there was nothing else I was made to do. I was made to write stories and I love to write stories. That's why I do it. I really can't imagine doing anything else and I can't imagine not doing what I do.\" He is also often asked why he writes such terrifying stories and he answers with another question: \"Why do you assume I have a choice?\" King usually begins the story creation process by imagining a \"what if\" scenario, such as what", "id": "7132094" }, { "contents": "Traces series\n\n\nnew case – and a new Mobile Aid to Law and Crime. It is not a difficult investigation. He soon learns who strangled Kiki Smallpiece, a young and controversial worker for The Authorities. But why was she killed? Was the murderer really responsible when his fingers tightened around her neck? And if not, who was really behind her death? Has her fate got anything to do with The Authorities? And why has Luke been told to investigate when he is still suffering the after-effects of surgery? There is", "id": "2981859" }, { "contents": "Mobile translation\n\n\n. Having portable real-time automated translation at one's disposal has a number of practical uses and advantages. Advances of mobile technology and of the machine translation services have helped reduce or even eliminate some of the disadvantages of mobile translation such as the reduced screen size of the mobile device and the one-finger keyboarding. Many new hand-held devices come equipped with a QWERTY keyboard and/or a touch-sensitive screen, as well as handwriting recognition which significantly increases typing speed. After 2006, most new mobile phones and devices", "id": "10082982" }, { "contents": "HTC Touch Diamond\n\n\nstylus when in a phone call both turns on the screen and starts up the notes application (if so selected as an option by the user). In addition to the standard features of Windows Mobile, the following additional software is included on the Diamond: The Touch Diamond uses HTC's unique TouchFLO 3D user interface. This interface makes it easier for users to accomplish common tasks using their fingers rather than a stylus. TouchFLO 3D consists of tabs, and the user switches between tabs by sliding his or her finger along the", "id": "8551592" }, { "contents": "Windows Mobile\n\n\ntext messaging, and performance improvements. It was unofficially ported to several Windows Mobile phones. The second minor update was announced on February 2, 2010, along with the Sony Ericsson Aspen which was the first phone to use this version. 6.5.3 continues the trend of attempting to provide a more finger-friendly user interface with several new usability features such as native support for multitouch; although device maker HTC Corporation created proprietary work-arounds to allow multi-touch to work on some applications it installed on its HD2 handset(However, Microsoft", "id": "8485308" }, { "contents": "Before the Law\n\n\nso that you do not think you have failed to do anything.\" The man does not attempt to murder or hurt the doorkeeper to gain the law, but waits at the door until he is about to die. Right before his death, he asks the doorkeeper why even though everyone seeks the law, no one else has come in all the years. The doorkeeper answers \"No one else could ever be admitted here, since this gate was made only for you. I am now going to shut it.\"", "id": "19152926" }, { "contents": "A Confession\n\n\nbe suicide. In the face of the inevitability of death and assuming that God does not exist, why wait? Why pretend that this vale of tears means anything when one can just cut to the chase? For himself, however, Tolstoy admits he is too cowardly to follow through on the most logically consistent response. Finally, Tolstoy says that the fourth that he is taking is the one of just holding on, living despite the absurdity of it, because he is not willing or able to do anything else. So", "id": "17618760" }, { "contents": "Natalya Baranskaya\n\n\nof my whole working time, in sick days and certificates. And all because of the children. Everybody copies out their days and so can see what everybody else has got. I don’t understand why I feel so awkward, even ashamed. I shrink, avoid looking at people. Why? I’m not guilty of anything.\" –Olya \"As I pass by I say loudly: 'Incidentally, I've got a degree as well, you know, I'm just as highly trained as you are.", "id": "20205239" }, { "contents": "Patrick Baudisch\n\n\nthe finger. Note that Shift is only enabled when the users find it necessary so that users have the option to have the conventional touch screen experience. Report results show that participants' actions have much lower error rates than an ordinary touch screen, and shorter times overall for larger targets compared to Offset Cursor. The paper Drag-and-pop and drag-and-pick: Techniques for accessing remote screen content on touch-and pen-operated systems was published in August, 2003 by Patrick Baudisch, Edward Cutrell,", "id": "6016406" }, { "contents": "Stylus\n\n\noils from one's fingers. Styluses may also be used for handwriting; or for drawing using graphics tablets. Many new phones have a built-in stylus which tucks in behind the back cover. Some styluses may extend and contract into small, pen-like cylinders, which are easy to put away. Styluses come in both passive and active versions. A passive or capacitive stylus is a stylus that acts just like a finger when touching a device screen. There is no electronic communication between a passive stylus and a device", "id": "9111056" }, { "contents": "Paul de Schlözer\n\n\n. Some historians believe that de Schlözer was not the composer of these études at all, and, given their virtuosity, it is very intriguing why nothing else from his pen ever appeared, or why he did not achieve any sort of recognition as a major pianist himself. The story goes that they were in fact written by Moszkowski, who lost the manuscript to de Schlözer in a card game, who published them as his own works. The similarities between de Schlözer's Étude No. 2 and the 11th of Moszkowski's", "id": "2253533" }, { "contents": "Franchise consulting\n\n\nsubstantial commission of up to 50% or more of the franchise fee the buyer pays to the franchise company. The potential buyer would pay exactly the same franchise fee as he or she would pay if they had contacted the same franchise on their own. It is illegal for the franchisor to charge anything additional for the use of a Franchise Consultant, unless this is disclosed in the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD). So why would a franchisors work with franchise consultants? They do because franchise consultants screen out all of the under", "id": "14124665" }, { "contents": "Media phone\n\n\nThe media phone represents a new category of broadband multimedia device that has the potential to become the 4th screen in the home, complementing the PC, TV, and mobile phone handset. Media phone combines the functionality of a VoIP phone and home networking controller with an expansive touch screen for web browsing, photo viewing and interacting with connected widgets. Typically available features: The device can be controlled through the touchscreen with a finger or accompanying stylus and can have a SD card slot, USB and flash memory. It comes with a", "id": "20333865" }, { "contents": "LG Vu\n\n\nhaptic feedback which is a vibration felt when the touch screen is touched. This phone also had a nickname \"pressure screen\" because of how non sensitive the screen is compared to the leading touch screen phones. Like the popular LG Prada, it has the famous fish or butterfly following the touch of your finger on the screen. The device suffers from some peculiar limitations, including a 250kbyte limit on ringtone mp3 size. All text messages are stored on the sim card instead of user memory, leaving a maximum capacity of about", "id": "20525650" }, { "contents": "Compaq Concerto\n\n\nfrom Wacom and their associates The Concerto was not a very successful laptop, but it did have some special features: a detachable keyboard, and a pen & touch screen (the touch screen only worked with the special pen). It could be considered to be ahead of its time. Its screen had Wacom functionality as mentioned above The Concerto was a unique design, in as much as it was \"upside-down\" - the main body including the motherboard, hard disk drive, floppy disk drive, and expansion slots", "id": "15425033" }, { "contents": "Light Fantastic (TV series)\n\n\nspecial or strange way: Why do faraway objects appear smaller and why do objects change their position and shape when placed underwater?. Empedocles' idea, that we see objects because light streams out of our eyes and touches them, became the fundamental basis on which mathematicians would construct some of the most important theories on light and vision. Euclid's Optics expanded this idea to make an important breakthrough: We know in our minds that a faraway building is bigger, yet it is possible to position a finger such that our eye", "id": "2903501" }, { "contents": "Mobile telephony\n\n\nThe recommendation why phones should not be used during take-off and landing, even on planes that allow calls or messaging, is so that passengers pay attention to the crew for any possible accident situations, as most aircraft accidents happen on take-off and landing. Mobile phone use can be an important matter of social discourtesy: phones ringing during funerals or weddings; in toilets, cinemas and theatres. Some book shops, libraries, bathrooms, cinemas, doctors' offices and places of worship prohibit their use, so that", "id": "12442257" }, { "contents": "Nokia 6131\n\n\nwas failed. The 6126, 6131, and the 6133 have been known to have some problems with the sending of MMS messages. Typically, when trying to insert a picture in the message, the screen fades out with black bars, and then to a white screen and the phone returns to main screen (often known as \"restart\"). No real explanation as to why this happens has surfaced. There are various ways of fixing this problem though. Doing a full reset of the phone and not messing with the", "id": "17450822" }, { "contents": "Frances Cornford\n\n\nis soft as the breast of doves And shivering-sweet to the touch? O why do you walk through the fields in gloves, Missing so much and so much? /poem To which G. K. Chesterton replied in \"The Fat Lady Answers” in his \"Collected Poems\" of 1927: poem Why do you rush through the field in trains, Guessing so much and so much. Why do you flash through the flowery meads, Fat-head poet that nobody reads; And why do you know such a frightful lot", "id": "10970738" }, { "contents": "List of Action Man characters\n\n\n(of which can be assumed he created) in the 2000 TV series. He had a public feud with Templeton Storm, which led to Storm becoming Tempest. On camera, he seems like a nice guy, but really he's an egotistical person who will do anything for screen time no matter the collateral damage to any location or how many lives he could be risking. He later went on to work for Bank of Ireland as an accountant, solving mysteries such as why the expenses claimed by senior executives were so excessively", "id": "2827242" }, { "contents": "Pogo Mobile and nVoy\n\n\n(the other three corners housing the antenna, stylus and charger socket). Although a carbon-fibre stylus was included, the UI was designed to be operated by the owner's finger. The \"local server\" operated in such a way that all machine functions - making a phone call, playing a sound file from MMC, or anything else, were implemented as small C++ \"servlets\" that the UI would invoke via the browser - the only UI was the browser, there was no other \"GUI\" library", "id": "18163596" }, { "contents": "Camera phone\n\n\nthat are camera phones may run mobile applications to add capabilities such as geotagging and image stitching. Also, smartphones can use their touch screens to direct their camera to focus on a particular object in the field of view, giving even an inexperienced user a degree of focus control exceeded only by seasoned photographers using manual focus. However, the touch screen, being a general purpose control, lacks the agility of a separate camera's dedicated buttons and dial(s). In 2019, some advance camera phones have optical image stabilisation (OIS", "id": "8940807" }, { "contents": "Jamie Kennedy\n\n\n, Kennedy was unable to find an agent and worked as a host at Red Lobster. He auditioned for over 80 commercials and could not book one. He then took a job as a telemarketer, and learned that he had a talent in selling things. Kennedy then thought that if he could sell anything, \"why not sell myself?\", becoming his own agent. Kennedy created a false persona, screen agent \"Marty Power\", to attract the attention of real agents and managers over the phone, who would", "id": "9996686" }, { "contents": "Joe Ely (album)\n\n\n, an A&R guy with MCA asked, 'Do y'all want to make some records?'\" \"I told him we'd sure never planned on it. But we hadn't planned anything else either, so why not?\" All tracks composed by Joe Ely; except where indicated The following credits are summarized from track-by-track credits listed in the album's liner notes. The album was digitally remastered and released on CD and cassette in 1991. In 2000, a remastered edition of Ely's first", "id": "13257566" }, { "contents": "Century Mountain\n\n\nof Lin Biao and the Gang of Four,\" they had asked themselves why China, with its long history of civilization, progressed so slowly, when Yugoslavia, also a \"socialist\" state, had developed quickly. Like many in their generation they concluded that the first thing to do was to establish respect for human rights and democracy. They differed from some of their contemporaries in that they read Western classics and respected Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Chinese Mysticism. But what distinguished them more than anything else was the visionary", "id": "145315" }, { "contents": "Graham Gouldman\n\n\nKatz of Super K Productions, who invited him to New York City to write formula bubblegum songs. In what he later called a \"creative lowpoint\", Gouldman accepted. He recalled: \"They wanted me to write and produce for them, so I figured, why not? Nothing else was happening for me at the time. All told I worked for them for three or four periods over the course of a year, just writing and recording, and had no time for anything else. I was totally involved in", "id": "16849863" }, { "contents": "Mobile phones in prison\n\n\nIn most prisons, inmates are forbidden from possessing mobile phones due to their ability to communicate with the outside world and other security issues. Mobile phones are one of the most smuggled items into prisons. They provide inmates the ability to make and receive unauthorized phone calls, send email and text messages, use social media, and follow news pertaining to their case, among other forbidden uses. Security concerns are often cited for why cell-phones are forbidden in prisons. Cellphones in prisons have been used to organize work stoppages for", "id": "20490542" }, { "contents": "Stylus (computing)\n\n\n, and offer increased functionality such as programmable buttons, pressure sensitivity and electronic erasers, are often known as digital pens. The stylus is the primary input device for personal digital assistants. It is used on the Nintendo DS and 3DS handheld game consoles, and the Wii U's Wii U GamePad. Some smartphones, such as Windows Mobile phones, require a stylus for accurate input. However, devices featuring multi-touch finger-input are becoming more popular than stylus-driven devices in the smartphone market; capacitive stylus,", "id": "3131569" }, { "contents": "Men in Black (1997 film)\n\n\nn't be what humans perceive them to be. Why do they need eyes? So Rick did these great designs, and I'd say, 'That's great — but how do we know where he's looking?' I ended up where everyone else did, only I took three months.\" The maquettes built by Baker's team would later be digitized by Industrial Light and Magic, who was responsible for the visual effects and computer-generated imagery, for more mobile digital versions of the aliens. Danny Elfman composed", "id": "5515723" }, { "contents": "Steven Beale\n\n\na really funny scene to film [...] my favourite comedy moment since joining the show.\" Speaking of the character's impending exit, he added: \"Steven loves Stacey as a friend, and would do anything for her. He misreads loving someone as being 'in love', though. Things aren't right between them, and he can't put his finger on the reason why. That's what's going to lead him to question his sexuality...\" On-screen, Steven was unable to consummate", "id": "13121319" }, { "contents": "The Rapture (band)\n\n\nthem if they wanted to play music. So I started teaching them and we put together this band. Writing songs is the easy part for me, so I taught them how to write songs and I play drums in the band because… why not? I’ve already done everything else. So that’s really fun. In early 2018, Gabriel Andruzzi said, \"I’ve talked to Luke recently, but there is nothing specific in the works. Thus I cannot report anything one way or another regarding The Rapture", "id": "14643048" }, { "contents": "IPhone 6S\n\n\nof this update, including the new dark mode. Nilay Patel of \"The Verge\" in 2015 described the 6S, in particular the Plus model, as \"right now the best phone on the market. ... There just aren't other companies that can roll out a feature like 3D Touch and make it work in a way that suggests the creation of entirely new interface paradigms, and every other phone maker needs to figure out exactly why Apple's cameras are so consistent before they can really compete.\" Samuel Gibbs of", "id": "12373575" }, { "contents": "Thomas Gilovich\n\n\ndo them well,\" and that his research program is about trying to figure out how the mind works so we \"understand why some decisions are easy, and we tend to do certain things very well, and why some decisions are difficult, and we tend to do them poorly.\" He further explained that his hope is that he and his colleagues are \"providing lots of information to help us understand those difficult decisions, and give people the tools so that they can make better decisions so they less often in life", "id": "17794520" }, { "contents": "Rong Qiqi\n\n\nmost men are poor and all men will die, so why should he worry himself? This is consistent with all lives, so instead of waiting with everyone else for it to eventually end, why should he worry himself with anything? Why should he deny himself happiness? Instead of being miserable, waiting for his fate, he chooses to be happy. Says Rong Qiqi: Confucius was a famous philosopher in Ancient China, known for his emphasis on filial piety and on the importance of education and studying. This makes him", "id": "3065413" }, { "contents": "Pete Tauriello\n\n\nwhen the station dropped standards for talk. His position was that he refused be identified as being liberal, conservative or anything else. \"I'm a pragmatist!\", he would say, \"What works ... works. Why must any good thought or work come from one party or the other ... one ideology or the other?\" During his 31 years at the Shadow Traffic Network New York, Tauriello served as both an assistant program director and program director having hired and/or trained some of market one's most well-", "id": "9574225" }, { "contents": "Eva Trout (novel)\n\n\n? Like you once used to do; I think very happily. And even Christmas seems very far ahead, far too ahead for Eric. Why, if you do come then, it will have been seven—no, eight, nine?—months since he's seen you. A long time.\" \"Nine,\" said Eva, looking up at the evergreen. \"Then at least, Christmas?\" \"Christmas is in December?\" \"It is usually.—Why? Is there anything else you think of doing?\"", "id": "6863304" }, { "contents": "Mike Rowe\n\n\nhe appeared in advertisements for Ford and Lincoln-Mercury vehicles that used the tagline: \"\"Why Ford. Why Now.\"\" In 2008, Rowe partnered with W. W. Grainger, a Chicago-based Fortune 500 industrial supply company. In 2010, Rowe appeared in internet spots for Motorola iDEN combined radios/mobile phones, explaining that the phones were used \"by real people, for real work\" as they were used for \"Dirty Jobs\"-type applications. In 2010, Rowe partnered with Lee Premium Select Jeans and appeared", "id": "13660281" }, { "contents": "Sony Ericsson Aino\n\n\nSony Ericsson Aino is touch screen based slider mobile phone. It has a multimedia PlayStation 3-inspired touch menu (like XrossMediaBar), a large touchscreen, VGA@30 frame/s video recording. The screen is touch-enabled but only in the multimedia part of the menu and the camera interface. Some third party applications like Opera-Mini also support the touch screen interface. It also has an 8.1-megapixel camera. The Aino uses NetFront 3.5 web browser for internet connectivity. Like the Sony PSP, the Aino features PlayStation 3 connectivity,", "id": "5565711" }, { "contents": "Logology (science)\n\n\n, the computer called Deep Blue played and beat Kasparov... [T]his claim is [obviously] suspect. In order for Kasparov to play and win, he has to be conscious that he is playing chess, and conscious of a thousand other things... Deep Blue is conscious of none of these things because it is not conscious of anything at all. Why is consciousness so important? You cannot literally play chess or do much of anything else cognitive if you are totally disassociated from consciousness.\" Searle explains that, \"", "id": "14488792" }, { "contents": "Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV series)\n\n\ndriven by angst as a result. The characters were designed by Tomonori Sudo. He was handed materials and key animation for review. Being a Type-Moon fan he was conflicted in the expression each character was supposed to have. He tried to fix those expressions so when they appear on screen, they will match. In order to deliver the best product, trusted the screen and animation directors to do their best to work together. Before finalizing the product, he reviews his work to see if anything else is needed.", "id": "1876005" }, { "contents": "Constructor theory\n\n\nphysics based on quantum mechanics do not adequately explain why some transformations between states of being are possible and some are not. For example, a drop of dye can dissolve in water but thermodynamics shows that the reverse transformation, of the dye clumping back together, is effectively impossible. We do not know at a quantum level why this should be so. Constructor theory provides an explanatory framework built on the transformations themselves, rather than the components. Information has the property that a given statement might have said something else, and one", "id": "1911554" }, { "contents": "Patrick Baudisch\n\n\nWigdor, Clifton Forlines, Patrick Baudisch, John Barnwell and Chia Shen, totally cited 303 times. The paper focus on the difficult aspects of touch screens: touching the small screen of a mobile device can be inconvenient because users' hands and fingers could block the contents they plan to interact with. This paper introduces LucidTouch, a mobile device that users control from the back. LucidTouch displays an image of users' hands on screen, so that it gives the illusion that LucidTouch is transparent when in fact it is not.", "id": "6016409" }, { "contents": "Mobile phone features\n\n\nthe desire to obtain the lowest on-net calling rate. In Q3 2011, Nokia shipped 18 million of its low cost dual SIM phone range in an attempt to make up lost ground in the higher end smartphone market. Mobile phones have a display device, some of which are also touch screens. The screen size varies greatly by model and is usually specified either as width and height in pixels or the diagonal measured in inches. Some mobiles have more than one display, for example the Kyocera Echo, an Android smartphone", "id": "12148498" }, { "contents": "Input method\n\n\n; on many hand-held devices, such as mobile phones, it enables using the numeric keypad to enter Latin alphabet characters (or any other alphabet characters) or a screen display to be touched to do so. On some operating systems, an input method is also used to define the behaviour of the dead keys. Although originally coined for CJK (Chinese, Japanese and Korean) computing, the term is now sometimes used generically to refer to a program to support the input of any language. To illustrate, in", "id": "21927631" }, { "contents": "Trial of George Zimmerman\n\n\nthat other records break calls to the second. MacDonald testified that on Martin's phone records, after a disconnected call at 7:26, all future incoming calls listed on the page went to voicemail. The records that break to the second are only available for six months, so some records for the trial will be rounded up to the minute. Greg McKinney, who works for the company that runs the Retreat's security cameras, testified as to why the cameras near the front gate were not working at the time of the incident", "id": "956705" }, { "contents": "DAC-1\n\n\nread X and Y coordinate. The basic system was similar to modern touch screen systems like the iPhone, but not sensitive enough to detect a finger and instead required a wired conductor to complete the circuit. The pencil replaced the light pens because it was much faster to decode; a light pen had to wait for a pulse of light when a vector was being redrawn and then work its way through the list of vectors to find out which one was selected. In use it was quickly discovered that holding the pen to the", "id": "6781278" }, { "contents": "Digital newspaper technology\n\n\niPhone and iPod Touch. The main disadvantage of the mobile phone is it limited screen size which makes reading longer texts more difficult. The development of beamers, specially designed to work with mobile phones, could provide a solution for this problem. An e-reader is a device with a screen that is optimised for reading text. Most e-readers use epaper technology for display. It is argued that issuing a newspaper using epaper has many cost advantages. The market for these devices is heavily in development. Although Apple Inc.", "id": "14570099" }, { "contents": "Steven Mintz\n\n\n. In tracing the rise and fall of a set of norms and expectations surrounding adulthood, the book engages with a series of questions that have evoked a great deal of concern in recent years: Why it has grown harder to become an adult; whether intimate friendship is fraying in today’s hyperindividualistic, highly mobile, work-centered society; why marriages are so difficult to sustain; why parenting is so anxiety-ridden; and why adult life seems so stressful when many of the physical hardships faced by earlier generations have faded", "id": "12314791" }, { "contents": "CECT\n\n\nsmaller resistive touch screens (instead of capacitive) and dual SIM card slots. Newer models however, feature capacitive touch screens. CECT is one of the largest China-based mobile phone manufacturer. While most of the phones listed below origins are unknown, they are believed to be produced by CECT. One of the CECT's original phone is the CECT T689. The Hiphone T32 is the only model in the Hiphone series to offer Wi-Fi. In many of the clone models, the only difference is firmware versions.", "id": "13740113" }, { "contents": "Swarachakra\n\n\nश्र. This is believed to be why Inscript and most other qwerty-based text input mechanisms have not become popular up until now. Researchers at IDC have been working on alternatives to QWERTY-based keyboards for Indic text input since 2001. Earlier projects included the design of hardware devices such as Dynakey, Barakhadi, Keylekh and e-Lekh. As mobile phones became smarter and more powerful, this group started working on text input alternatives for mobile phones in 2007 with Saral. Swarachakra and Disha were two designs developed in 2010", "id": "4992200" }, { "contents": "Happy Xmas (Eric Clapton album)\n\n\ninspiration for the album came from his wife Melia about three years before the album was produced. She had been listening to the Christmas-themed playlists which her husband created every year on his mobile phone for the end-of-year holiday season; one day, she left him a message on his phone: \"Why don't you do a Christmas album?\" Clapton was initially reluctant, as many of his favourite artists had done likewise before him, but he was convinced after he started working with pianist and keyboard", "id": "9550131" }, { "contents": "War of Internet Addiction\n\n\nto do but enjoying your prestigious social status, and pointing at us from an ethical high ground. Have you ever wondered why five million gamers are collectively taking this Net poison (as you so describe our addiction to the virtual game), and the deep-rooted social reasons that are covered? We naively believed that here there are only gardens, that we can touch the ideal if only we work hard enough. When we look up to those servers on the top of the pyramid, we are forced to hold the", "id": "4446029" }, { "contents": "Why Why Love\n\n\nLiao Cai Juan and younger brother Tong Jia Hui. Her father died when she was still a little girl. Together with her mom, they make a living by selling vegetables on the streets. She will do anything for money in order to help settle the family debts. She also has an uncle who makes unwise investments, leading to the accumulation of debts, burdening the family even further. Jia Di is so dedicated to her family and work, she refuses to fall in love and have high hopes that way she feels", "id": "18425097" }, { "contents": "The Hobo Code\n\n\nis asleep nearby and tells him that he can ask him anything he wants. Don expects his son to ask him something about him but he's disappointed when his son asks \"why do lightning bugs glow at night?\" Don tells him that he doesn't know why and promises never to lie to him. The next day Peggy again arrives early to the office and searches for Pete but he isn't there so she begins her work at the typewriter. Later, Pete arrives but doesn't even glance at Peggy to", "id": "21427834" }, { "contents": "Kinetic art\n\n\nof anything more than myself. My art is my own, why bother stating something about my art that isn’t true?\" One of Calder’s first mobiles, \"Mobile\" (1938) was the work that \"proved\" to many art historians that Man Ray had an obvious influence on Calder’s style. Both \"Shade\" and \"Mobile\" have a single string attached to a wall or a structure that keeps it in the air. The two works have a crinkled feature that vibrates when air passes through", "id": "10861804" }, { "contents": "Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?\n\n\nEverybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? is the debut studio album by Irish rock band The Cranberries. Released on 1 March 1993 after four EPs, it's both the band's first full-length album and major label release. The album was written entirely by the band's lead singer Dolores O'Riordan and guitarist Noel Hogan. It reached number one on both the UK and Irish albums charts. At the end of 1995, it ranked as the 50th best selling album in Australia. It reached number", "id": "4977107" }, { "contents": "Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?\n\n\n18 on the US \"Billboard\" 200 albums chart and sold over five million copies there. The album was re-released in 2002, under the title \"Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? (The Complete Sessions 1991–1993)\". This version of the album featured bonus tracks as well as B-sides from the singles lifted off the album. On 7 March 2018, the band's three surviving members announced they were releasing a special 25th anniversary newly remastered anniversary edition of the album,", "id": "4977108" }, { "contents": "Mark SaFranko\n\n\nIn response, SaFranko claims: “Any sane person would have stopped. Highsmith once said: \"Art is an addiction. That's why there are so many bad artists.\" I think there's a lot of truth in that...And as someone else said, what else is there to do?” SaFranko’s work primarily features in the crime and confessional genres. They consistently reflect characters with psychological unease, fighting for a sense of calm; perhaps indicative of SaFranko’s own mental state: “I've never", "id": "9869066" }, { "contents": "Active pen\n\n\nrejection to prevent unintended touch inputs, and hover, which allows the computer to track the pen's location when it is held near, but not touching the screen. Most active pens feature one or more function buttons (e.g. eraser and right-click) that can be used in the place of a mouse or keyboard. There is a new technological generation of active capacitive devices compatible with multitouch screens that allow seeing the tip while drawing a fine line on the screen, giving an accuracy impossible to achieve with a finger,", "id": "4738265" }, { "contents": "Midas Touch (book)\n\n\nMidas Touch: Why Some Entrepreneurs Get Rich — And Why Most Don't is a non-fiction book about personal finance, co-authored by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki. The book was published in hardcover format in 2011. The coauthors became familiar with each other through mutual work at The Learning Annex, and \"The Art of the Deal\". Trump was impressed by Kiyosaki's writing success with \"Rich Dad Poor Dad\". The coauthors then wrote \"Why We Want You to be Rich\" together in 2006", "id": "10236974" }, { "contents": "Steph Davis\n\n\nso she quit. Ever since then she has \"had a hard time wanting to do anything else\". She says that \"climbing was challenging for me from day one, and I think that's why I got so sucked in.\" In her breaks from school, Davis climbed on Longs Peak and bouldered in Hueco Tanks. She enjoyed climbing so much that she moved to Colorado where she was an exchange student at Colorado State University (CSU) for a year. She graduated with a bachelor's degree from the", "id": "18236408" }, { "contents": "Phone Companion\n\n\n, Photos, Groove, Movies & TV, OneNote, Skype, “Office” (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint only in this listing), and Outlook. Clicking on an icon in the list provides a description of what the app does. It is not clear why OneNote, Outlook, Sway, Delve, and Office Lens are not included in the Office category. If the user selects the Android or the iOS screen, he or she will see a list of apps available for that mobile operating system, all", "id": "12089002" }, { "contents": "Zhou Qunfei\n\n\ncompany won a profitable contract to make mobile phone screens for the Chinese electronics giant TCL Corporation. Zhou Qunfei has stated that over the years she has started a total of 11 companies. In 2003, while still producing watch faces, Zhou's company received a request from Motorola to develop glass screens for their Razr V3, during a period when the mobile phone industry was transitioning from plastic to glass display screens. Following this, Zhou Qunfei started touch-screen maker Lens Technology (named so that it would turn up to potential", "id": "14055398" }, { "contents": "Samsung Behold II\n\n\nfor the device. The Samsung Behold II is the updated version of the Samsung Behold. The Samsung Behold and the Samsung Behold II are both candybar style mobile phones with a touch screen. The Samsung Behold II has a 3.2 inch Active-matrix OLED touchscreen with HVGA resolution that works with the TouchWiz interface. With this touch screen and interface one can customize three different home screens with widgets and shortcuts, and a “cube menu”, which provides access to six multimedia features: music, photos, videos, Internet,", "id": "3590192" }, { "contents": "Uptown Funk\n\n\nstress over \"Uptown Funk\" was so high, that Ronson passed out during one session trying to nail the guitar part. Two days later in Toronto they figured out the guitar part when Ronson was playing it in front of The Hooligans after 82 takes. Ronson explained on NPR's \"Fresh Air\" why he was so determined to make the song perfect: \"When you're doing something that doesn't sound like anything else on the radio at the time, you almost need to like, iron-clad it,", "id": "7746827" }, { "contents": "Samsung T919 Behold\n\n\nmusic video \"Somewhere Else\" by YouTube celebrity, Jodie Rivera a.k.a. VenetianPrincess. Samsung claimed \"to have represented exactly one quarter of all touchscreen phones shipped in 2008\", estimating \"that it produced about 10 million models of various kinds\". Five million of these were the F480, alternately known as the Tocco in some countries and the Behold for T-Mobile. While Samsung is responsible for 25% of all touch-screen shipped in the year 2008, the Apple iPhone represents 33.3%, approximately one third", "id": "7967282" }, { "contents": "Alexander Fisher (sound engineer)\n\n\nAlexander Fisher was a sound engineer. For 36 years he participated in creating movies and TV programs. He was born on December 25, 1903, in pre-Revolutionary Russia. He died in September 1993 (age 89) in Hertfordshire, England. After some movie work together, Alexander Fisher became Peter Sellers' favorite sound technician. In his own productions Peter Sellers eventually refused to work with anyone else in sound. On a photograph from Peter Sellers to Alexander the dedication says: \"Why, why, why, ca", "id": "5373286" }, { "contents": "Stephen Street\n\n\nThe Spinning Top\" in May 2009. Street produced Blur's 2015 album \"The Magic Whip\", their first since the band's reformation with Coxon. In 1992, Street started working with Irish band The Cranberries on their debut album \"Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?\". The album turned out to be a huge success in the U.S. In 1994, Street worked with the band again on their second album \"No Need to Argue\". Following two albums with different producers, the", "id": "9786928" }, { "contents": "Marlon Brando\n\n\nme, and if I suggested a drink after work, he either turned me down or else was sullen and said little. Only years later did I learn why.\" Brando related that, to create on-screen tension between the two, \"Gadg\" (Kazan) had told Quinn—who had taken over the role of Stanley Kowalski on Broadway after Brando had finished—that Brando had been unimpressed with his work. After achieving the desired effect, Kazan never told Quinn that he had misled him. It was", "id": "20483013" }, { "contents": "Mobile phone features\n\n\nwere not available otherwise. Early mobile phones included basic web browser, for reading basic WAP pages. Handhelds (Personal digital assistants like Palm, running Palm OS) were more sophisticated and also included more advanced browser and a touch screen (for use with stylus), but these were not broadly used, comparing to standard phones. Other capabilities like Pulling and Pushing Emails or working with calendar were also made more accessible but it usually required physical (and not wireless) Syncing. BlackBerry 850, an email pager, released January", "id": "12148483" }, { "contents": "Hands-on computing\n\n\nchanges in magnetic fields or by bringing together two resistive sheets, for magnetic tablets and resistive tablets respectively. Tablets allow users to interact with computers by touching through a stylus pen, yet they do not respond directly to a user's touch. Touchscreen allow users to directly interact with computers by touching the screen with a finger. It is natural for humans to point to objects in order to show a preference or a selection. Touchscreens allow users to take this natural action and use it to interact with computers. Problems may arise", "id": "7022302" }, { "contents": "Value theory\n\n\nVarious approaches of Value theory examine how, why, and to what degree humans value things; whether the object or subject of valuing is a person, idea, object, or anything else. Within philosophy, it can be known as ethics or axiology. Early philosophical investigations sought to understand good and evil and the concept of \"the good\". Today, much of value theory aspires to the scientifically empirical, recording what people do value and attempting to understand why they value it in the context of psychology, sociology,", "id": "13765810" }, { "contents": "Kimberly Dos Ramos\n\n\nstudy business and explained: \"Everybody says hey, why dont you study Social Communication?, But the truth is that I like numbers so much that Id have always wanted to study A career related with number, so when I get to start my own business I will know how to administered \". According to Dos Ramos family is very important in her career because \"without their support i would not be here right now. My mom is always with me in all recordings, her companionship is fundamental\".", "id": "12105633" }, { "contents": "The Last Policeman\n\n\nmilitary facility her husband was held in was in fact the one where they believe the government is working on its plans for a lunar habitat, and then leaves. Winters describes \"The Last Policeman\" as an \"existential detective novel.\" In a \"Wired\" interview with Ethan Gilsdorf, he responded to a question about why he had written it with \"Why does anybody do anything? (Hey, what do you know? That's the theme of the book!)\" Publicity material for the book put the", "id": "6675099" }, { "contents": "Yodeling\n\n\nwas \"Hocus Pocus\" by the Dutch band Focus released in 1971. Irish singer Dolores O'Riordan was renowned for her yodelling particularly in tracks such as \"Dreams\", one of several O'Riordan-penned singles from the double platinum album Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? by The Cranberries. The song Yodel It! from Ilinca Băcilă and Alex Florea represented Romania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017, reaching seventh place. The track musically portrays a mixture between yodeling, rap, rock, pop and hip", "id": "11061101" }, { "contents": "2016 Libertarian Party presidential debates and forums\n\n\nto buy anything or to choose one person over another. So why should I be forced to do anything if I am not harming you? It's my choice to sell, your choice to buy.\" Petersen's responded to Johnson's statement in saying: \"This portrays a fundamental lack of understanding of the free market. You have to allow the marketplace to work. The government cannot stamp out bigotry. The government is not supposed to make us into better people – that's not what the United States was", "id": "18215232" }, { "contents": "Allan Bell (sociolinguist)\n\n\nbe published: \"But we had this idea that it would be nice to start a journal. We were both in awe of Language in Society and you know there were certainly other important journals around as well. But it simply occurred to me I think that there wasn't a journal called anything to do with Sociolinguistics and why not? And the [Sociolinguistics] Symposium was growing and there was lot of work around and we thought we could make it work. So, we approached Blackwell and they were utterly utterly wonderful", "id": "19085389" }, { "contents": "Disinvestment\n\n\nwhether you sell it, burn it, or anything else, because they've already got all the money they're ever going to get from that stock. So they don't care.\" Regarding the more specific case of South Africa, John Silber recalled: ...when the students were protesting the South African situation, I met with them, and they said BU must divest in General Motors and IBM. And I said, \"Why should we do that? Is it immoral to own that stock?\" Absolutely immoral", "id": "7291959" }, { "contents": "Low-definition television\n\n\nlong to download. Many mobile phones and portable devices such as Apple’s iPod Nano, or Sony’s PlayStation Portable use LDTV video, as higher-resolution files would be excessive to the needs of their small screens (320×240 and 480×272 pixels respectively). The most recent generation of iPod Nanos have LDTV screens, as do the first three generations of iPod Touch and iPhone (480×320). For the first years of its existence, YouTube offered only one, low-definition resolution of 320x240p at 30fps or less, only", "id": "2289151" }, { "contents": "Dylan McAvoy\n\n\nwelcome basket, or anything. That’s not how I think. I understood why CBS did it, because it’s a big deal. I get it. It’s so strange for me, because I have never been one for all this publicity. They have been so gracious to me, and it was so overwhelming that they would do something like that.\" Burton made his first on-screen appearance during the episode dated January 29, 2013. He attributed much of his success going back to the 1990s when", "id": "398939" }, { "contents": "Drexel 5611\n\n\nparticularly intriguing not just because of consecutive works by the same composer, but also because, as observed by Klakowich, the scribe appears to be the same one who penned the manuscript Ob. Mus. Sch. Ms. D.219 in the Bodleian Library. Since all of the third copyist's work is that of composer Albert Bryne, Klakowich adopted Hendrie's belief and felt that Bryne is the copyist. (Klakowich felt that only the final three works are in Byrne's hand, which explains why some of the preceding works include the", "id": "3097211" }, { "contents": "Grant Hutchison\n\n\n've got some songs I've been working on. I think it'd be nice to do something else, not because I don’t like [playing in Frightened Rabbit]. I absolutely love it, but it'd be nice to have something else too\". In 2018 he appeared on \"Let's Be Wilderness\", the second album by Postdata. Regarding his potential career options, were he not a member of Frightened Rabbit, Grant has noted: \"I have no qualifications to do anything else, so I", "id": "20836771" }, { "contents": "Cherry Mobile\n\n\nCherry Mobile is a Philippine mobile phone and electronics brand by Cosmic Technologies, established by Maynard Ngu in 2009. In 2010, barely two years after it started, Cherry Mobile was voted IT Company of the Year in the 3rd CyberPress Awards, upstaging some of the country's technology giants. The company imports mobile phones manufactured by original design manufacturers in China and markets them under the Cherry Mobile brand. Most of Cherry Mobile's current lineup come with Wi-Fi, capacitive touch screens and run on the Android, Windows,", "id": "17874119" }, { "contents": "Laudomia Forteguerri\n\n\nthat term would not be invented until the nineteenth-century). \"Why do you keep me in this wretched state With no hope ever to come out of my misery? ...Listen to my words, how they are ready To beseech you. Nor do I want anything else But that you keep me close to my goddess.\" -Laudomia Forteguerri However some modern scholars have questioned Forteguerri's seeming lesbianism, arguing that the sonnets she composed for Margaret may not have been genuine expressions of same-sex love and desire,", "id": "14318299" }, { "contents": "INQ Cloud Touch\n\n\nThe INQ Cloud Touch is the first Android mobile phone from London-based mobile phone manufacturer INQ. The phone features a Facebook application as the main aspect of the phone, with multiple entry points from the home screen. The phone was revealed by a press release on INQ's website on 10 February 2011. It then received further media attention at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona a week later. The phone will be released on 6 April 2011 in the UK, and will be sold in The Carphone Warehouse and Best Buy", "id": "13624007" }, { "contents": "Samsung T919 Behold\n\n\nthat the Samsung Behold \"is a well-designed touch-screen phone with an impressive feature set\" however many reviewers state that there are a few \"flaws\" that they notice when using this mobile phone. Contributor Wireless and Mobile News states that the biggest drawback of the Samsung Behold compared to one of its major competitors, the Apple iPhone, is the lack of Wi-Fi on this touch-screen phone. The Samsung Behold's \"target [audiences] [are] 21 to 35 year [olds]", "id": "7967277" }, { "contents": "Terri Walker\n\n\nI'm not really trying to do the artist thing anymore. I love to sing but let me just work alongside people.\" She explained her hiatus from the music industry by saying \"If you're an artist doing something else you feel like people aren't really trying to buy into it because these artists have flooded the market so much. It just makes you wonder, 'Why should I bother? No one's going to be interested in what I'm trying to do. I was locked into that industry.", "id": "16193108" }, { "contents": "Patrick Baudisch\n\n\nthe study. The paper Shift: a technique for operating pen-based interfaces using touch was published on April 29, 2007 by Daniel Vogel and Patrick Baudisch, totally cited 429 times. The paper proposes Shift, a pointing technique, so that users can touch target points on screens designed for styluses with high precision using their fingers rather than a stylus. Shift reduces targeting times and error rates by showing a copy of the targeted screen area at a separate location. Shift also shows a pointer to the actual selection point of", "id": "6016405" }, { "contents": "Personal Communications Devices\n\n\nPersonal Communications Devices, LLC, also d.b.a. PCD, was a privately held company that worked with wireless technology partners, including wireless service providers and mobile phone-manufacturers to develop, support and bring mobile phones to market in the Americas. PCD partnerships include Pantech-branded phones for Verizon and AT&T, Casio GzOne, HTC products, and most recently, Alcatel One Touch. PCD focused mainly on developing basic, low cost feature phones; with the Virgin Mobile Chaser being the only smart phone developed by the company. It", "id": "1886114" }, { "contents": "Patrick Baudisch\n\n\n: a technique for visualizing off-screen objects, Shift: a technique for operating pen-based interfaces using touch, drag-and-pop and drag-and-pick: Techniques for accessing remote screen content on touch-and pen-operated systems and Lucid touch: a see-through mobile device. The paper Precise selection techniques for multi-touch screens was published on April 4, 2006 by Hrvoje Benko, Andrew D Wilson and Patrick Baudisch, totally cited 530 times. The paper presents five techniques called Dual", "id": "6016401" }, { "contents": "If You Were a Woman (And I Was a Man)\n\n\n\"can you colorize my life, I'm so sick of black and white?\" in the song I'd Do Anything For Love. In early 2017 previews of his musical Bat Out Of Hell, there was a line in dialogue \"Why are nuns so scary? It's because the world is in color and the nuns are black and white\". The scenario of this music video does appear to be part of Steinman's \"Obsidian\" universe. The location is mentioned in Steinman's earlier work Neverland and is", "id": "9752129" }, { "contents": "Flu (film)\n\n\n. After retrieving the bag, In-hae's phone begins to ring. Ji-goo answers the phone to hear a child's voice, asking why he was answering her mother's phone. They arrange a meeting spot so that Ji-goo can give the bag to In-hae's daughter, Mi-reu. During the exchange Mi-reu demands Ji-goo's business card, so they could contact him if he had stolen anything, much to Ji-goo's amusement. As she left,", "id": "15672510" }, { "contents": "Why We Want You to Be Rich\n\n\npurposes. After their initial book venture, Trump and Kiyosaki collaborated on another book, \"Midas Touch: Why Some Entrepreneurs Get Rich-And Why Most Don't\", published in 2011. \"Why We Want You to be Rich\" included work from writers Meredith McIver and Sharon Lechter. Trump appeared on a television program hosted by Paula White to market the book. White said viewers could obtain a copy of the book for a $25.00 contribution to her religious ministry. Trump and Kiyosaki promoted the book together on \"", "id": "9774107" }, { "contents": "Keyboard layout\n\n\ntime transcription by court reporters and in live closed captioning systems. Ordinary keyboards may be adapted for this purpose using Plover. However, due to hardware constraints, chording three or more keys may not work as expected. Many high-end keyboards support \"n\"-key rollover and so do not have this limitation. The multi-touch screens of mobile devices allow implementation of virtual on-screen chorded keyboards. Buttons are fewer, so they can be made larger. Symbols on the keys can be changed dynamically depending on what other keys", "id": "12524722" }, { "contents": "Marx's theory of human nature\n\n\nto work not to express their human nature but to find theirs means of subsistence. So in that case, why do the productive forces grow - does human nature have anything to do with it? The answer to this question is a difficult one, and a closer consideration of the arguments in the literature is necessary for a full answer than can be given in this article. However, it is worth bearing in mind that Cohen had previously been committed to the strict view that human nature (and other 'asocial premises'", "id": "8554556" } ]
Why are most eastern religions more accepting?
[{"answer": "They aren't. Just ask the guy that was just killed for being suspected of eating beef. You just do not hear as much about it."}, {"answer": "Perhaps we should start with your definition of accepting?"}, {"answer": "Joseph Campbell has a whole theory about the way climate effects religion. Quick and dirty version: 1. Religion A comes from a dangerous dry desert land with many warring tribes fighting over scarce resources - imagine mad max- and the religion that originates there is dangerous, apocalyptic, \"life is short there's a war going on\" and the afterlife is beautiful and wonderful and all the good things that your present life is not. And God is a vindictive asshole. 2. Religion B comes from a tropical wonderland where food is plentiful, life is beautiful, and everywhere you look there are papayas and mangoes and coconuts and flowers and the rivers are full of fish, and there are many groups of people all with their local nature spirits that they revere, and God is totally imminent and is the source of all these wonderful things that you see. Not too hard to imagine, right?"}, {"answer": "The religions you're talking about have different origins than Christianity Judaism or Islam, all three of which have the same origin. So when you view those 3 religions it's not so much that western religions by their nature are less excepting but rather you are viewing 3 branches of the same teachings and those core teachings were exclusionary. There is a long history of polytheism through Europe that has since been abandoned in favor of one of the 3 branches of these religions because the basis of the religion encourage (some times require) people to not only adhere to the religion but also to actively convert. Any group that actively and aggressively attempts to convince others their way is right will always spread faster and find more success than those who have more passive teachings."}, {"answer": "Nobody knows for sure; though it is likely to be due to the cultures they arose in. One reason that has been proposed is that the Middle East and Europe tends to have geography that favors tribes: smaller groups of people that identify as different from other tribes. Meanwhile, China and large sections of India tend to favor less tribal behavior: while there are many different cultural groups in both China and India, they don't have the same \"Us vs everyone else\" mentality you see in both Europe and the Middle East through much of history. And the religions mirror that: most Western religions tend to be very much about \"This is The True Way; and you either follow The True Way, or you will go to Hell\"; while many Eastern Religions are more likely to say \"This is one path, and there are other paths\""}, {"answer": "I actually know this answer! Western religions tended to develop as an *orthodoxy,* which means that you have to think what the church tells you to think. Buddhism specifically (other eastern religions may have as well) developed as an *orthopraxy,* which means you have to practice how the authority figures tell you to practice. This is a very important difference, as early Buddhists were allowed to think whatever they wanted, so long as the chanted the right words and sat in the right place. There are also ideological differences. As a Buddhist, I can account for the existence of other religions, since other ideologies do not threaten my beliefs or teaching. Western religions, however, tend to teach very polarized ideologies, which means that Buddhism cannot exist within Christianity. Lastly, I've had multiple professors and religious figures say that eastern religions aren't actually religions, since they fundamentally have little in common with the practices in the west. Since Buddhism and Shinto are more about ways to live your life, it's easier to accept other religions and ideas, whereas Christianity is specifically concerned with being right and making a single choice."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "4752195", "title": "Religion in Asia", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Asia is the largest and most populous continent and the birthplace of many religions including Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism. All major religious traditions are practiced in the region and new forms are constantly emerging. Asia is noted for its diversity of culture. hinduism is the largest religion in Asia with approx. 1.1 billion adherents.", "Asia is the largest and most populous continent and the birthplace of many religions including Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism. All major religious traditions are practiced in the region and new forms are constantly emerging. Asia is noted for its diversity of culture. hinduism is the largest religion in Asia with approx. 1.1 billion adherents."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Religious violence\n\n\ntension between the general desire to avoid violence and the acceptance of justifiable uses of violence to prevent a \"greater evil\" that permeates all cultures. Religious violence, like all violence, is a cultural process that is context-dependent and very complex. Oversimplifications of \"religion\" and \"violence\" often lead to misguided understandings of causes for why some people commit acts of violence and why people most do not commit such acts in the first place. Violence is perpetrated for a wide variety of ideological reasons and religion is generally", "id": "14722341" }, { "contents": "Operation Spectrum\n\n\nthis is one of the biggest reasons why I have to accept the Government's statement. ...After going through the depositions made by the person concerned himself, I have no way of disproving this statement.\" Lee stressed that the government upheld freedom of religion but would not tolerate the use of religion for subversive activities. However, two years later in 1989, speaking in court during the defamation suit launched by the government against the \"Far Eastern Economic Review\", Father Joachim Kang gave a different account of the meeting.", "id": "12871577" }, { "contents": "Religion and personality\n\n\nmeasures with religion, it is possible to quantitatively study results, which can provide insight into how and why religion is such an important element of being human. However, more research is needed to definitively say that there is a correlation between certain personality characteristics and religion. The five-factor model of personality is currently accepted as a comprehensive model of personality. The five-factor model (FFM) identifies five broad traits underlying the many narrower traits that can be used to describe personality. The identified traits are: 1)", "id": "14449366" }, { "contents": "Religion and birth control\n\n\nit is wrong to kill for any reason. The most common Buddhist view on birth control is that contraception is acceptable if it prevents conception, but that contraceptives that work by stopping the development of a fertilized egg are wrong and should not be used. Buddhists believe that life begins (or more technically: a consciousness arises) when the egg is fertilised. That is why some birth control methods, such as the copper IUD, which act by killing the fertilised egg and preventing implantation are unacceptable since they harm the consciousness which", "id": "20679251" }, { "contents": "A Confession\n\n\nThis faith could be interpreted as a Kierkegaardian leap, or a disingenuous compromise, but Tolstoy actually seems to be describing a more Eastern approach to what God is. The identification of God with life suggests a more monistic (or panentheistic) metaphysics characteristic of Eastern religions, and this is why rational arguments ultimately fall short of establishing God's existence: by misidentifying God, philosophical arguments miss the point. Tolstoy's original title for this work indicates as much, and his own personal \"conversion\" is suggested by an epilogue that", "id": "17618762" }, { "contents": "Eclogue 4\n\n\npoem can be analyzed according to two different schools of thought: the \"Easterners\" (promoted notably by Eduard Norden) argue that the eclogue had to have been influenced by religions of the East, most notably Jewish messianism, whereas the \"Westerners\" (furthered by the work of Günther Jachmann) argue that the work was influenced largely by concepts familiar to the Greco-Roman West. Nisbet outlined reasons why certain sections, most notably the seemingly Isaian section in and around line 22, are best explained through the Easterners'", "id": "14301457" }, { "contents": "İskilipli Mehmed Atıf Hoca\n\n\nare, therefore, found in Eastern civilization. Despite this, Islam inaugurated a new era for the development of the useful aspects of progress and created a wonderful civilization. One could wonder why today's Muslims are deprived of these high values. We believe that the most obvious answer is because they neglected one of the important requirements of the Muslim religion: to work in order to earn. Muslims could benefit from their religion only by living their life, conducting their business and acting according to the high principles of Islam and applying", "id": "2606883" }, { "contents": "Spanish conquest of the Maya\n\n\nand converted to the new religion. Tutul Xiu was the ruler of the most powerful province of northern Yucatán and his submission to Spain and conversion to Christianity had repercussions throughout the peninsula, and encouraged the lords of the western provinces of the peninsula to accept Spanish rule. The eastern provinces continued to resist Spanish overtures. Montejo the Younger sent his cousin to Chauaca where most of the eastern lords greeted him in peace. The Cochua and Cupul Maya resisted Spanish domination, but were quickly defeated. Montejo continued to the eastern Ekab province", "id": "3125794" }, { "contents": "G. R. S. Mead\n\n\nTheosophical Society, at first most interested in Eastern religions, he quickly became more and more attracted to Western esotericism in religion and philosophy, particularly Neoplatonism, Gnosticism, and Hermeticism, although his scholarship and publications continued to engage with Eastern religion. Making many contributions to the Theosophical Society's \"Lucifer\" as joint editor, he eventually became the sole editor of \"The Theosophical Review\" in 1907 (as \"Lucifer\" was renamed in 1897). As of February 1909 Mead and some 700 members of the Theosophical Society's", "id": "11482318" }, { "contents": "Eastern Ethics in Business\n\n\na rapid economic growth seen in India. Hinduism asserts the importance of wealth and success as a feature of an acceptable life more dominantly than other religions such as Islam, Christianity and Buddhism. Nevertheless, too much personal wealth is not expected to deliver happiness as society should be able to benefit from this selfless and moral behaviour. Buddhism was founded in 500 BCE by Prince Siddartha Gautama (Gautama Buddha) in India. It is practiced by 535 million people predominantly across most Asian countries such as India, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos", "id": "12727031" }, { "contents": "Bisexual politics\n\n\nis whether bisexuals should operate as visible minorities distinct from homosexuals. As Lani Kaahumanu writes, \"So, why does the attitude exist that there is no bisexual community, and why has it been used against us so effectively? Why have we 'accepted' invisibility, and why haven't we, up to this point, projected a more visible presence, creating a more prominent community that even the most virulent biphobes would have to recognize?\" Inclusion is a main issue with regard to bisexual politics as this group is at", "id": "19865931" }, { "contents": "Radomir Kovačević\n\n\nit. One day he decided to ask the old man why he does this, and the old man replied that the ultimate power is the sun; if sun ended, so would we. This affected Kovačević greatly. \"For religion like this,\" he said, \"You don't need to build a temple or go to war, and that is why I respect eastern religion.\" Kovačević's judo style was based on strict correctness and traditional judo technique as it was practiced in the East. He disfavored the", "id": "21541552" }, { "contents": "Dee Why\n\n\n) School and St Luke's Anglican College for Girls), a K – 12 Anglican school, can be found on Headland Road in the south on the western slopes of Wingala Hill. In the , most common responses for religion in Dee Why were No Religion 32.8%, Catholic 22.9% and Anglican 10.8%. Dee Why, being the most populous suburb on the Northern Beaches, is home to churches of many denominations. A Methodist church was built on the corner of Howard Avenue and Avon Road in the 1930s,", "id": "12047242" }, { "contents": "Old Norse religion\n\n\nmythological entities, such as \"alfr\", \"skratii\", and \"troll\". The English church found itself in need of conducting a new conversion process to Christianise this incoming population. The Nordic world first encountered Christianity through its settlements in the (already Christian) British Isles and through trade contacts with the eastern Christians in Novgorod and Byzantium. By the time Christianity arrived in Scandinavia it was already the accepted religion across most of Europe. It is not well understood how the Christian institutions converted these Scandinavian settlers, in", "id": "1210481" }, { "contents": "Cornelius Castoriadis\n\n\norigins or, in modern times, to \"historical necessity.\" Castoriadis then identified the need of societies not only to create but to legitimize their laws, to explain, in other words, why their laws are just. Most traditional societies did that through religion, claiming their laws were given by God or a mythical ancestor and therefore must be true. An exception to this rule is to be found in Ancient Greece, where the constellation of city-states that spread throughout the eastern Mediterranean, although not all democratic,", "id": "20134113" }, { "contents": "North Slavs\n\n\nduring the region's history as Poland and Russia have, it was arguably seen by some as one of the most cultured of the North Slavic lands and the first to accept their new religion. The Czechs were the first in the east to be Christianised in the 9th century, they later became arguably the most religiously tolerant of the Slavonic nation-states thanks to the Bohemian Reformation. However today, the Czech Republic is one of the most irreligious countries in the world. Presently, after the fall of the Eastern Bloc,", "id": "3982638" }, { "contents": "Jack Roeser\n\n\nof HB 3186, legislation that placed homosexuals in a \"protected class\" in regards to discrimination: \"Notice that I haven’t objected to 'gay,' or some of its more depraved variations, on moral grounds, but many people do. Morality is usually based on religion or on long established opinion of what works or doesn’t. These moral opinions deserve respect. Why should the moralist or religious person be forced to accept a behavior long abhorred? HB 3186 should be repealed.\" Business Military Service Education In", "id": "16782767" }, { "contents": "Deity\n\n\nis referred to as a god, while a female deity is referred to as a goddess. Religions can be categorized by how many deities they worship. Monotheistic religions accept only one deity (predominantly referred to as God), polytheistic religions accept multiple deities. Henotheistic religions accept one supreme deity without denying other deities, considering them as aspects of the same divine principle; and nontheistic religions deny any supreme eternal creator deity but accept a pantheon of deities which live, die and may be reborn like any other being. Although most", "id": "19034604" }, { "contents": "Theodicy and the Bible\n\n\nTheodicy, in its most common form, is the attempt to answer the question of why a good God permits the manifestation of evil. Theodicy attempts to resolve the evidential problem of evil by reconciling the traditional divine characteristics of omnibenevolence and omnipotence, in either their absolute or relative form, with the occurrence of evil or suffering in the world. “Writings and discourses on theodicy by Jews, Greeks, Christians, and Eastern religions have graced our planet for thousands of years,” and \"debates about theodicy continue among believers and", "id": "18222638" }, { "contents": "Acceptance of evolution by religious groups\n\n\n\" and professor at Olivet Nazarene University, received criticism from elements within the denomination in 2007 for his book (published in 2004), Darrel R. Falk of Point Loma Nazarene published a similar book in 2004, and Karl Giberson of Eastern Nazarene, the first Nazarene scholar to publish with Oxford University Press, has published four books since 1993 on the tensions between science and religion, including his most recently published \"Saving Darwin\". Theologians of note in the denomination whose work on science and religion shows the promise of cooperation include", "id": "8399360" }, { "contents": "Freedom of religion in Syria\n\n\nbeing charged for publicly converting to a different religion. However, an apostate from a religion has no legal right to speak about or act upon his or her new belief. The word \"private\" means the forum internum of a person. This interpretation approach is also reflected, for instance, in the general inability to change a Muslim's birth certificate or other personal documents. Moreover, it is a generally accepted practice that there are no religious ceremonies for such personal, highly intimate events. The primary listed reason why Syrian", "id": "7731728" }, { "contents": "Professional mourning\n\n\nto show any sort of raw emotion like grief, which is why women were professional mourners. It was actually socially acceptable to express grief for women, and expressing grief is important when it comes to mourning a body in terms of religion. Also, in a world full of jobs solely made for men, it gave women a sense of pride that they were actually able to earn money in some way. Mourners were also seen as a sign of wealth. The more wailers or mourners that followed your cascade around, the", "id": "15486469" }, { "contents": "Freedom of religion in Kazakhstan\n\n\n, Hare Krishnas, and Scientologists have no historical role in Kazakhstan, and criticized their \"destructive work\" in the country. Leaders of the four traditional religious groups, Islam, Russian Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and Judaism, reported general acceptance and tolerance that was not always enjoyed by other minority religious groups. During the reporting period, there were no reports that mistrust of minority religious groups led to violence. An Atmosphere of Quiet Repression Why do Central Asian governments fear religion? A consideration of Christian movements Freedom of Religion and", "id": "7625494" }, { "contents": "Religion and LGBT people\n\n\ninterpretation of Qur'anic verses and hadith condemn sexual acts between members of the same sex (along with most forms of extramarital relations). In contrast, transgender individuals are often more accepted, provided they conform to traditional gender norms post-transition; for example, the Iranian government not only allows and recognises sex reassignment surgery, but also subsidises the procedure for transgender citizens. The Bahá'í Faith teaches that the only acceptable form of sexual expression is within marriage, and Bahá'í marriage is defined in the religion's texts as exclusively between one", "id": "22050534" }, { "contents": "PLANS (non-profit)\n\n\na method of learning which is available to anyone regardless of their religious or philosophical persuasion. Stated another way, anthroposophy is more akin to a methodology or approach to learning as opposed to a religious doctrine or organized set of beliefs.\" The judge concluded by giving a detailed analysis on the basis of a number of determining factors why anthroposophy should not be judged a religion for Establishment Clause purposes. After its first ruling in 1999, the U.S. District Court—Eastern District of California has issued key rulings on the case in 2001", "id": "18898537" }, { "contents": "Chenla\n\n\nfactor in the expansion of maritime trading networks from India to eastern lands while Brahmanic Hinduism revolved more around an agrarian economy (Ray 199). This may be a contributing factor to why both Buddhism and Hinduism have managed to peacefully exist together as agriculture and trade combined create a great source of income and benefit the kingdom. Therefore, kings allowed both religions to flourish and reaped the advantages. By the close of the century [which?], the Chenla region was dotted with temples and shrines to the Hindu Gods. Many", "id": "20188671" }, { "contents": "Etruscan religion\n\n\nhave had no systematic ethics or religion and no great visions. Instead they concentrated on the problem of the will of the gods: questioning why, if the gods created the universe and humanity and have a will and a plan for everyone and everything in it, they did not devise a system for communicating that will in a clear manner. The Etruscans accepted the inscrutability of their gods' wills. They did not attempt to rationalize or explain divine actions or formulate any doctrines of the gods' intentions. As answer to the", "id": "5200746" }, { "contents": "Religion in Syria\n\n\nand 4th Ecumenical Councils of 431 and 451, which concerned the precise relationship of the human and divine natures of Christ. The traditions are: Oriental Orthodox (Armenian Orthodox and Syriac Orthodox) which accept the 3rd Ecumenical Council, Eastern Orthodox (such as Greeks or Russians), Roman Catholics, various Eastern Catholic Churches that are under the authority of the Pope, and Protestants who accept the 4th Ecumenical Council (two natures before and after the Incarnation in one person). The Assyrians accept only the First and Second and deny", "id": "3799030" }, { "contents": "Nesting Orientalisms\n\n\n” (1992), co-author Robert Hayden, before Wolff published \"Inventing Eastern Europe\". This concept explains \"a tendency of each region to view the cultures and religions to its South and East as more conservative and primitive\". It explains how a group which creates the Orientalized other can also be the subject of Orientalization by another group, and so on. According to this concept Asia is more \"east\" or \"other\" than Eastern Europe. Within Eastern Europe the Balkans is perceived as most \"", "id": "10750386" }, { "contents": "Linguistic variety in Mauritius\n\n\none to the other extreme of the Mauritian territory. Thanks to the important development of roads, little villages are as well accessible as bigger cities. Most Hindus prefer to live in the country whereas other Indo-Mauritians – Muslims – prefer more urbanized areas. The population found in the capital and in urbanized zones is mostly the Sino-Mauritian population and the \"General Population\". Each community is different from another from its particularities, culture, language and religion. It is the reason why so many distinct religions are spoken", "id": "7798438" }, { "contents": "Jewish diaspora\n\n\nassert is a related but an altered and amended religion which was brought back by the exiled Israelite returnees, and is therefore not the true religion of the ancient Israelites, which according to them is Samaritanism. Y DNA studies tend to imply a small number of founders in an old population whose members parted and followed different migration paths. In most Jewish populations, these male line ancestors appear to have been mainly Middle Eastern. For example, Ashkenazi Jews share more common paternal lineages with other Jewish and Middle Eastern groups than with non", "id": "17173955" }, { "contents": "Buddhism and Eastern religions\n\n\nbrief, but socially transformative rise of State Shinto followed. In post-war modern Japan, most families count themselves as being of both religions, despite the idea of \"official separation\". The relationships between Taoism and Buddhism are complex, as they influenced each other in many ways while often competing for influence. Taoism in its early form was a mixture of early mythology, folk religion, and Taoist philosophy. The arrival of Buddhism forced Taoism to renew and restructure itself into a more organized religion, while addressing similar existential", "id": "5240248" }, { "contents": "Red Jacket\n\n\nheld that there is not necessarily one true religion for all people. Red Jacket acknowledged that the Americans' religious beliefs were based on a sacred text, but said, \"If it was intended for us as well as you, why has not the Great Spirit given to us, and not only to us, but why did he not give to our forefathers, the knowledge of that book, with the means of understanding it rightly?\" In conclusion he urged the US Senators to accept different forms of belief. \"", "id": "9135575" }, { "contents": "Sex-selective abortion in South Korea\n\n\nratio was more common in the south-eastern part of the Korean peninsula. Youngnam, while less so in the south-western part of the peninsula, Honam. Reasons for this may be that Youngnam has fewer Protestant and Catholic churches, which are generally pro-life, and has a long history of conservative cultural traditions. On the other hand, Honam is poor in terms of economic prosperity and political power compared to Youngnam, thus more likely to accept western values and new ideology. The author emphasizes that the religion", "id": "9397380" }, { "contents": "Freedom of religion in Malaysia\n\n\nthe official weekend holiday in the Federal Territories and ten out of thirteen states, unlike practices in Middle Eastern Muslim countries. The exception are the states of Johor, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu, where the weekend falls on Friday and Saturday. Most Muslims in Malaysia accept this, although some have expressed disquiet since the most holy period in a Muslim's week is between Thursday evening and Friday afternoon, when the congregational Jumaat prayer is held. The practice of having Sunday as the weekend holiday is a departure from traditional Islamic practices", "id": "15401675" }, { "contents": "John M. Nielson\n\n\nNielson enrolled later that year in a Bachelor of Arts program at Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy, Massachusetts, choosing to major in Religion. After graduating from ENC in 1965, Nielson enrolled in ENC's Master of Arts program, majoring again in Religion. While still a student at Eastern Nazarene College, Nielson accepted a student pastorate at the Church of the Nazarene at Wells River, Vermont, that concluded in 1966. From 1966 to 1967, Nielson was the pastor of the American Congregation of the Church of the Nazarene in Frankfurt", "id": "341533" }, { "contents": "Acceptance\n\n\nowner's offer to sell the item for the price stated on the price tag. Acceptance is fundamental to the core beliefs of most Abrahamic religions: the word \"Islam\" can be translated as \"acceptance\", \"surrender\" or \"voluntary submission\", and Christianity is based upon the \"acceptance\" of Jesus of Nazareth as the Christ and acceptance of God's will. Religions and psychological treatments often suggest a path of acceptance when a situation is both disliked and fated, or when change may be possible only at", "id": "8941589" }, { "contents": "Einstein and Religion\n\n\ncould have only involved Einstein's philosophy of religion. David Hilbert's statement \"'Do you know why Einstein said the most original and profound things about space and time that have been said in our generation? Because he had learned nothing about all the philosophy and mathematics of time and space.\" contradicts several of Einstein's own statements regarding the influence of the empiricism of David Hume and Ernst Mach upon his early work in relativity. Jammer suggests this statement is even more improbable given that Einstein is reported to have read Kant", "id": "3709205" }, { "contents": "Cross-cultural differences in decision-making\n\n\nstill assume that they might be more collectivist at some stage. We always think that the individualism and collectivism are something native, however, the eastern young people now didn't act as an interdependent person like their parents. So It would be also an interesting study to see how the individualist young people become more collectivist and When and Why they have this kind of change. Many of the researchers always think that most of the eastern country are more collectivist. However, we can still found that, Japan is always different to", "id": "21038519" }, { "contents": "Spanish society after the democratic transition\n\n\nacceptance of Evangelism among the Romani people, not the rank-and-file Spaniard. Culture wars are far more related to politics than to religion, and the huge lack of popularity of typically religion-related issues like creationism prevent them from being used in such conflicts. Revivalist efforts by the Roman Catholic Church and other creeds have not had any significant success outside their previous sphere of influence. According to the Eurobarometer 69 (2008), only 3% of Spaniards consider religion as one of their three most important values,", "id": "17827050" }, { "contents": "Religious exclusivism\n\n\n, Jews generally fared better than Christians under Islamic rule. Jews and Christians are viewed largely favorably as compared to any other religion. The basic attitude of Islam toward other religions remains unchanged today, and certain Islamic nations, such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, are more exclusivistic toward other religions than are others, such as Indonesia and Egypt. Islam does accept sincere Jews, Christians, and Sabians as people \"of the Book\" along with Muslims. Although most Jews are pluralist or inclusivist some Jews believe that the God of", "id": "7442893" }, { "contents": "Tioga County, Pennsylvania\n\n\nwith migration taking place in the aftermath of the Revolutionary War. Tioga County was largely culturally contiguous with New England culture, which was influential across the Northern Tier of the United States through its migrants. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the county accepted more immigrants from Ireland, Germany and eastern Europe, who came to work in the coal mines. A number of them were Roman Catholic, introducing more diversity into the mixture of religions here. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area", "id": "8845076" }, { "contents": "Joseph B. Soloveitchik\n\n\nchildren, and experience religion like children. This is why they accept all types of fanaticism and superstition. Sometimes, they are even ready to do things that border on the immoral. They lack the experiential component of religion, and simply substitute obscurantism for it ... After all, I come from the ghetto. Yet, I have never seen so much naïve and uncritical commitment to people and to ideas as I see in America ... All extremism, fanaticism, and obscurantism come from a lack of security. A person who is", "id": "3826613" }, { "contents": "Memory leak\n\n\nthat it doesn't cope with cyclic references, and this is why nowadays most programmers are prepared to accept the burden of the more costly mark and sweep type of systems. The following Visual Basic code illustrates the canonical reference-counting memory leak: In practice, this trivial example would be spotted straight away and fixed. In most real examples, the cycle of references spans more than two objects, and is more difficult to detect. A well-known example of this kind of leak came to prominence with the rise of", "id": "19833964" }, { "contents": "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus\n\n\nWhy I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus is a viral video created by Christian speaker Jefferson Bethke, who uploaded his work that rose him to fame onto YouTube and GodTube, under the screenname bball1989. The video has thus far received more than 33.1 million views. The theme of the video revolves around \"the difference between Jesus and false religion.\" Underneath his video, Bethke delineated its purpose: Jefferson Bethke repudiated those who used his video to criticize the Church, stating \"The Church is His vehicle to reach a lost", "id": "18925234" }, { "contents": "Nicholas Zammit\n\n\nprevailing system taught there was the Thomistic one, Zammit sought to widen the horizon of studies to include an intelligent concern with contemporary issues, such as those related to technology, empirical sciences and art. During this latter intellectual phase, Zammit's liberalism gave way to a more pessimistic, unadventurous and polemical approach to modern ideas and events. Religion became more and more important in his writings. His attitude towards most modern philosopher became markedly negative and apologetic. There seem to be a number of reasons to explain why Zammit's liberal", "id": "11399023" }, { "contents": "Theories about religions\n\n\nthe psyches of all peoples of all times are more or less the same and that explanations in cultures and religions tend to grow more sophisticated via monotheist religions, such as Christianity and eventually to science. Tylor saw practices and beliefs in modern societies that were similar to those of primitive societies as \"survivals\", but he did not explain why they survived. James George Frazer (1854–1941) followed Tylor's theories to a great extent in his book The Golden Bough, but he distinguished between magic and religion. Magic is used", "id": "11099238" }, { "contents": "Slavic Native Faith\n\n\nThe Slavic Native Faith, also known as Rodnovery, is a modern Pagan religion. Classified as a new religious movement, its practitioners harken back to the historical belief systems of the Slavic peoples of Central and Eastern Europe. \"Rodnovery\" is a widely accepted self-descriptor within the community, although there are Rodnover organisations which further characterise the religion as Orthodoxy, Old Belief and Vedism. Rodnovers typically regard their religion as a faithful continuation of ancient beliefs that survived as folk religion or as conscious \"double belief\" following the", "id": "17540370" }, { "contents": "Omnism\n\n\nbe thought of as syncretism taken to its logical extreme. However, it can also be seen as a way to accept the existence of various religions without believing in all that they profess to teach. Many omnists say that all religions contain truths, but that no one religion offers all that is truth. Contemporary usage has modified \"belief in all religions\" to refer more to an acceptance of the legitimacy of all religions. The \"OED\" elaborates that an omnist believes \"in a single transcendent purpose or cause uniting all", "id": "9690960" }, { "contents": "Life Against Death\n\n\n: Journal of Middle Eastern Literatures\", Christopher Shultis in \"Perspectives of New Music\", Matthew Day in \"Method & Theory in the Study of Religion\", Basit Kareem Iqbal in \"Islam & Science\", Nigel Dodd in the \"Journal of Classical Sociology\", and R. R. Reno in \"First Things\". Chodorow credited Brown and Marcuse with providing the most important expression of a view that accepts drive theory and maintains that theories such as Neo-Freudianism and ego psychology undermine \"psychoanalytic insight into the drives", "id": "2307721" }, { "contents": "The Geography of Thought\n\n\njust a different moral code, but a different conception of the nature of the individual' (ibid, 199). There are also fundamentally different conceptions of religion in the East and West. In Eastern religion, there is a \"both/and\" mentality more so than the \"right/wrong\" one that is proliferate in the West. As a result, Eastern religion tends to be more tolerate and accommodating towards a plurality of religious beliefs and ideas, for example you can identify as Buddhist, Confucian and Christian", "id": "5788737" }, { "contents": "Religions of the ancient Near East\n\n\nancient Near East includes the following subregions: The earliest sources, from c. 2500 BC, allow glimpses of Sumerian religion and ancient Egyptian religion. Early Hittite religion bore traits descended from Proto-Indo-European religion, but the later Hittite religions became more and more assimilated to Mesopotamian religion. Also the Persian Zoroastrianism shared origin with Indian Vedism and the Ancient Iranian religion. The Vedic religion is now generally accepted to be a predecessor of Hinduism, but they are not the same. Ancient Greek religion and the following the Etruscan religion", "id": "6526037" }, { "contents": "Yichus\n\n\nYiddish word that has flowed into Modern English. The Anglicized word has been transliterated as Despite the fact that being Jewish from birth is universally accepted based on the religion of the mother, that same universally accepted definition says \"(the tribal affiliation, tradition, customs and nusach of prayer) are determined by the Jewish father.\" To the obvious question there is the question of why \"Rabbah bar Bar Chanah\" and the matter of the Blasphemer, Lev. 24:10-23, not accredited to the tribe of Dan.", "id": "19740719" }, { "contents": "Morisco\n\n\n) which seem to have maintained traces of their Islamic or Morisco identity, secretly practicing a debased form of Islam as late as the 20th century, as well as conserving Morisco customs and unusual Arabic vocabulary in their speech. The ineffectiveness of the expulsion in the lands of Castile nevertheless contrasts with that of the Crown of Aragón (modern day Catalonia, Aragón and Valencian Community in Eastern Spain. Here the expulsion was accepted much more wholeheartedly and instances of evasion and/or return have so far not been considered demographically important. This explains why", "id": "21385888" }, { "contents": "Religion in Catalonia\n\n\nin the province of Barcelona. Most Jehovah's Witnesses are ethnic Catalans. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the major body of Mormonism, has more than 6,000 members and 15 places of worship as of 2014, most of them using Spanish as their liturgical language. Many Mormons in Catalonia are South American immigrants, and this is the reason why Spanish is the primary language of the Mormon communities in the country. Germanic Heathenry is represented in Catalonia by \"Gotland Forn Sed\" (Scandinavian Germanic for \"", "id": "18475922" }, { "contents": "Eastern Orthodoxy in Estonia\n\n\nEastern Orthodoxy in Estonia is practiced by 16.5% of the population, making it the most identified religion and Christian denomination in this majority-secular state after surpassing Lutheran Christianity with 9.1% (which was previously 13.6% in 2000 census) for first time in country's modern history. Eastern Orthodoxy, or more specifically Eastern Orthodox Christianity, is mostly practiced within Estonia's Russian ethnic minority and minority within native population. According to the 2000 Estonian census, 72.9% of those who identified as Orthodox Christians were of Russian descent.", "id": "2723310" }, { "contents": "Anwar Nusseibeh\n\n\na precursor to their accepting the legality of the State of Israel, which he never did. That is why he was adamant that the first step was always UN resolution 242, then a discussion of democratic principles as the only moral solution to the problem. He always held the view that his implacable refusal to accept the legality of the State of Israel did not preclude conversation with a people he viewed as fellow Arabs with a different religion, and so became one of the first Palestinians involved in contacts with Israel after it captured", "id": "10846896" }, { "contents": "Why Freud Was Wrong\n\n\na true science of human nature\". He wrote that it was impossible to read it \"without having one's respect for Freud shaken and diminished\". However, he added that it was possible to \"learn from it without accepting Webster's thesis that Freud's ideas were totally worthless.\" He accepted Webster's argument that the growth of the psychoanalytic movement corresponds closely to the historical development of religions, but wrote that this does not necessarily discredit psychoanalysis. Twiggs described the book as readable, and wrote that it presented", "id": "18577472" }, { "contents": "Islam in the Ottoman Empire\n\n\nKemal Ataturk stated: \"Our religion is a rational, plausible religion, which is why it is the last valid religion. Such as regular Islam, followed the 5 pillars of faith: Ottomans often wore little charms, such as necklaces, to protect themselves from evil. The greatest of these evils, to which most of these charm was the Evil Eye. The Evil Eye was no specific evil, but was most often attributed as jealousy. Because of their heterodox beliefs and practices, Alevis have been the target of historical", "id": "4382080" }, { "contents": "Massachusett\n\n\nin 'Praying towns' established where the converted Indians were expected to submit to the colonial laws, accept some elements of English culture and forced to abandon their traditional religion, but were allowed to use their language. Through intermediaries, Eliot learned the language and even published a translation of the Bible. The language, related to other Eastern Algonquian languages but more specifically, the regional languages of southern New England, would slowly fade, ceasing to serve as the primary language of the Massachusett communities by the 1750s, and the language", "id": "17944734" }, { "contents": "Rose Windows (band)\n\n\n, religion, bring on all of us.” More specifically, he sees \"The Sun Dogs\" as an acknowledgment of the circular nature of the rat race, learning to accept the evil in the world, taking joy wherever we can, and ultimately disavowing traditions of exploitation and violence. \"The Sun Dogs\" contains elements of folk rock, psychedelic rock, Persian, Indian, and Eastern European music. In February 2015, the band announced that their self-titled second album would be released on May 5.", "id": "20186567" }, { "contents": "Religion\n\n\nthe designation as well. For example, the Bahá'í Faith is a new religious movement that has links to the major Abrahamic religions as well as other religions (e.g. of Eastern philosophy). Founded in 19th-century Iran, it teaches the unity of all religious philosophies and accepts all of the prophets of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as well as additional prophets (Buddha, Mahavira), including its founder Bahá'u'lláh. It is an offshoot of Bábism. One of its divisions is the Orthodox Bahá'í Faith. Even smaller regional", "id": "5601478" }, { "contents": "Religion in the Soviet Union\n\n\nin favour of a policy of drawing the nationalities together more gradually. Soviet officials identified religion closely with nationality. The implementation of policy toward a particular religion, therefore, depended on the regime's perception of the bond between that religion and the nationality practicing it, the size of the religious community, the extent to which the religion accepted outside authority, and the nationality's willingness to subordinate itself to political authority. Thus the smaller the religious community and the more closely it identified with a particular nationality, the more restrictive were", "id": "17665620" }, { "contents": "Religion in Greece\n\n\nReligion is key part of identity for most Greeks, with 76% of Greeks in a 2015-17 survey saying that their nationality is defined by Christianity. Statistics on metaphysics and worldview, do not concern narrowly only the hyponym religion. As of 2015, 93% of the population of Greece were Christians. The Greek Orthodox Church, a member of the Eastern Orthodox Communion, is accorded the status of \"prevailing religion\" in Greece's constitution, and Greece is the only country in the world where an Eastern Orthodox Church", "id": "7855149" }, { "contents": "History of Wicca\n\n\ninvestigate more about the religion. Most covens and Neopagan groups refused to allow under 18s into their ranks, and so many teenagers turned to books to find out more. In turn, several books were published to cater for them, including Silver RavenWolf's \"Teen Witch: Wicca for a New Generation\" and Scott Cunningham's \"Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner\". This helped to bring about the \"Teen Wicca\" movement, and it has been suggested that the reason why so many young adults are attracted", "id": "9940397" }, { "contents": "Religion in Iran\n\n\n) and Local Spiritual Assemblies (LSAs); prominent members of NSAs and LSAs were either killed or disappeared. Like most conservative Muslims, Khomeini believed them to be apostates, for example issuing a fatwa stating: It is not acceptable that a tributary [non-Muslim who pays tribute] changes his religion to another religion not recognized by the followers of the previous religion. For example, from the Jews who become Bahai's nothing is accepted except Islam or execution. and emphasized that the Bahá'ís would not receive any religious rights", "id": "3605670" }, { "contents": "Eastern Creek, New South Wales\n\n\neastern branch of South Creek became known as Eastern Creek. The village that then grew where the road crossed the creek became known as Eastern Creek. In the 2016 Census, there were 827 people in Eastern Creek. 62.7% of people were born in Australia and 64.3% of people spoke only English at home. The most common responses for religion were Catholic 33.0% and No Religion 16.9%. Eastern Creek features many industrial developments and often the description 'Eastern Creek Area' also includes the industrial developments in the neighbouring suburbs", "id": "10546391" }, { "contents": "Religion\n\n\nof valuing most comprehensively and intensively\". Similarly, for the theologian Paul Tillich, faith is \"the state of being ultimately concerned\", which \"is itself religion. Religion is the substance, the ground, and the depth of man's spiritual life.\" When religion is seen in terms of sacred, divine, intensive valuing, or ultimate concern, then it is possible to understand why scientific findings and philosophical criticisms (e.g., those made by Richard Dawkins) do not necessarily disturb its adherents. Traditionally, faith", "id": "5601453" }, { "contents": "Deathbed conversion\n\n\nJesus, expresses belief in Christ. Jesus accepts his conversion, saying “Today you shall be with Me in Paradise\". Perhaps the most momentous conversion in Western history was that of Constantine I, Roman Emperor and later proclaimed a Christian Saint by the Eastern Orthodox Church. While his belief in Christianity occurred long before his death, it was only on his deathbed that he was baptised, in 337. While traditional sources disagree as to why this happened so late, modern historiography concludes that Constantine chose religious tolerance as an instrument", "id": "8581173" }, { "contents": "Nüwa Mends the Heavens\n\n\nthe battle between Gong Gong and Zhuanxu or Zhu Rong. Unable to accept his defeat, Gong Gong deliberately banged his head onto Mount Buzhou (不周山) which was one of the four pillars. Half of the sky fell which created a gaping hole and the earth itself was cracked; the earth's axis mundi was tilted into the southeast while the sky rose into the northwest. This is said to be the reason why the western region of China is higher than the eastern and that most of its rivers flow towards the southeast", "id": "9189831" }, { "contents": "Islam in the United States\n\n\n(52% of respondents, versus 33%), a level of acceptance similar to U.S. Protestants (52% in 2016). According to research by the Public Religion Research Institute's 2017 American Values Atlas, 51% of American Muslims favor same-sex marriage, while 34% are opposed. After the September 11 attacks, America saw an increase in the number of hate crimes committed against people who were perceived to be Muslim, particularly those of Middle Eastern and South Asian descent. More than 20 acts of discrimination", "id": "16870069" }, { "contents": "Early Muslim conquests\n\n\n. Daniel Dennett has shown that other factors, such as desire to retain social status, had greater influence on this choice in the early Islamic period. The Arab conquerors did not repeat the mistake made by the Byzantine and Sasanian empires, who had tried and failed to impose an official religion on subject populations, which had caused resentments that made the Muslim conquests more acceptable to them. Instead, the rulers of the new empire generally respected the traditional middle-Eastern pattern of religious pluralism, which was not one of equality but", "id": "4255776" }, { "contents": "Michael Lucas (director)\n\n\non the state of gay rights and acceptability in Eastern Europe. 2012 marked another turning point in Lucas' career—he released his first documentary film, \"Undressing Israel: Gay Men in the Promise Land.\" The official film synopsis explains Lucas' mission in creating the film: \"When many people think of Israel, it is often in terms of modern war or ancient religion. But there is much more to the Jewish state than missiles and prayers. In his debut as a documentary filmmaker, adult-film entrepreneur", "id": "9521900" }, { "contents": "Religious views of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nharsh pronouncements by Hitler against the church. Speer considered Bormann to be the driving force behind the regime's campaign against the churches. Speer thought that Hitler approved of Bormann's aims, but was more pragmatic and wanted to \"postpone this problem to a more favourable time\": Hitler, wrote Speer, viewed Christianity as the wrong religion for the \"Germanic temperament\": Speer wrote that Hitler would say: \"You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion", "id": "7142469" }, { "contents": "Philip the Arab and Christianity\n\n\norigins in an area so close to his place of birth. As an eastern provincial rather than an Italian, he \"may not have been\" so intense in his commitment to the traditional Roman religion that he could not keep an open mind on other religions.\" He also accepts that Philippopolis probably contained a Christian congregation during Philip's childhood. For the scholar of religion Frank Trombley, however, the absence of evidence for the early Christianization of Philippopolis makes Shahîd's assumption that Philip was Christian from early childhood unmerited. If", "id": "17612013" }, { "contents": "São Paulo\n\n\npractice of Islam, Spiritism, among others. Buddhism and Eastern religions also have relevance among the beliefs most practiced by Paulistanos. It is estimated that there are more than one hundred thousand Buddhist followers and Hindu. Also considerable are Judaism, Mormonism and Afro-Brazilian religions. According to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), in 2010 the population of São Paulo was 6,549,775 Roman Catholics (58.2%), 2,887,810 Protestants (22.1%), 531,822 Spiritists (4.7 percent), 101,493 Jehovah's", "id": "12842412" }, { "contents": "Religion in Denmark\n\n\npractice their religion on an individual basis. Emancipation followed gradually and by the end of the nineteenth century most Jews were fully assimilated into Danish society. In the early decades of the twentieth century there was an influx of more secular, Yiddish speaking, Eastern European Jews. Nearly 99% of Danish Jews survived the Holocaust, in part due to the actions of the Danish resistance, and to the Swedish authorities' offer of asylum to the Danish Jews. Today there are approximately 6,000 ethnic Jews in Denmark, 1800 of them being", "id": "17996951" }, { "contents": "Postmodern religion\n\n\na postmodern perspective. Postmodern religion can be non-dogmatic, syncretic, eclectic, and draw from various faiths and traditions and challenges the notion of absolute truths. Wicca, the largest tradition of Neopaganism, can be interpreted using postmodern philosophies. Postmodern interpretations of Wicca often lead to the practitioner adopting a more eclectic approach, because the very nature of postmodern theory involves the acceptance of many versions of truth and reality. Eclectic Wicca is the most widely adapted form of Wicca in America today and the core philosophies of postmodern thinking are", "id": "16035609" }, { "contents": "Comparison of acceptance of Buddhism in India and China\n\n\nBuddhism faced very different situations and populations philosophically in China and India. Buddhism was in a way a result of the philosophical turmoil between the Brahmin priests and the \"renouncers\", as there was a large group of people who were dissatisfied with both groups and were looking for a more moderate religion that could appeal to people from most social backgrounds. The situation was just right for this new religion to spread and prosper. When Buddhism came to China, it was faced with a society that had deeply rooted Confucian ideals and mentality", "id": "19087347" }, { "contents": "Benjamin Fish Austin\n\n\nterm belief that all religions had beneficial aspects that should be encouraged and negative traits that should be removed. In a later Spiritualist work he would say that in a Spiritualist world each religion should lend and borrow the choice parts of the others. The most controversial portion of his speech was when he called on the church to accept the 'scientific proof of Spiritualism'. The recognition of a scientific basis for such 'supernatural' events, Austin argued, would make the events of the bible seem more plausible; drawing many sceptics", "id": "19989280" }, { "contents": "Seafield Convent Grammar School\n\n\nquickly realized that the revolution was threatened if he could not win favour with the majority of the peasants and stabilize France. It was obvious that Catholicism was still the most widespread religion in France, and that he could secure a strong base of support by pacifying the continuing religious strife in western France. Napoleon thus agreed a Concordant with Pope Pius VII in 1801. Unusually the Vatican was forced into accepting terms more favorable to Napoleon. The terms of the Concordant were that:“The Catholic Religion is to be freely practiced in France. Church", "id": "8444179" }, { "contents": "Sociology of religion\n\n\n, for example, why there is undeserved good fortune and suffering in the world. Religion offers people soteriological answers, or answers that provide opportunities for salvation – relief from suffering, and reassuring meaning. The pursuit of salvation, like the pursuit of wealth, becomes a part of human motivation. Because religion helps to define motivation, Weber believed that religion (and specifically Calvinism) actually helped to give rise to modern capitalism, as he asserted in his most famous and controversial work, \"The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of", "id": "8689087" }, { "contents": "Soviet Union in World War II\n\n\nCaucasus, the Volga and the Crimea were allowed to practice their religion discreetly, though - as with Eastern Orthodox - no chaplains were allowed. Most soldiers carried lucky talismans. Despite official Soviet atheism, many soldiers wore crosses around their necks and crossed themselves in the traditional Eastern Orthodox manner before going into battle, through the British historian Catherine Merridale interprets these actions as more \"totemic\" gestures meant to ensure good luck rather than expressions of \"real\" faith. One of the most popular talismans was the poem \"Wait for", "id": "15128677" }, { "contents": "Religion in Afghanistan\n\n\neastern Iran and thereafter into Herat, where they stationed a large portion of their army before advancing toward the rest of Afghanistan. The Arabs exerted considerable efforts toward propagating Islam amongst the locals. A large number of the inhabitants of the region of northern Afghanistan accepted Islam through Umayyad missionary efforts, particularly under the reigns of Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik (caliph from 723 to 733) and Umar ibn AbdulAziz (caliph from 717 to 720). During the reign of Al-Mu'tasim Islam was generally practiced amongst most inhabitants of", "id": "9369079" }, { "contents": "Eastern Montana\n\n\nEastern Montana is a loosely defined region of Montana. Some definitions are more or less inclusive than others, ranging from the most inclusive, which would include the entire part of the state east of the Continental Divide, to the least inclusive, which places the beginning of \"eastern\" Montana roughly at or even east of Billings, Montana. The areas of Montana lying just east of the Continental Divide are often called Central Montana. A widely accepted definition of Eastern Montana is that it encompasses the eastern third of the state.", "id": "19455314" }, { "contents": "Argument from inconsistent revelations\n\n\n. It is also argued that it is difficult to accept the existence of any one God without personal revelation. Most arguments for the existence of God are not specific to any one religion and could be applied to many religions with near equal validity. When faced with these competing claims in the absence of a personal revelation, it is argued that it is difficult to decide amongst them, to the extent that acceptance of any one religion requires a rejection of the others. Further, were a personal revelation to be granted to a", "id": "18466655" }, { "contents": "The Bible: In the Beginning...\n\n\n, but after Huston talked her into it, she accepted. She later explained why she accepted the role: He (Huston) had more faith in me than I did myself. Now I'm glad I listened, for it is a challenging role and a very demanding one. I start out as a young wife and age through various periods, forcing me to adjust psychologically to each age. It is a complete departure for me and most intriguing. In this role, I must create a character, not just play", "id": "6157654" }, { "contents": "Zaporozhian Cossacks\n\n\norigins but were predominantly made up of escaped serfs who preferred the dangerous freedom of the wild steppes, rather than life under the rule of Polish aristocrats. However, townspeople, lesser noblemen and even Crimean Tatars also became part of the Cossack host. They had to accept Eastern Orthodoxy as their religion and adopt its rituals and prayers. The nomadic hypothesis was that the Cossacks came from one or more nomadic peoples who at different times lived in the territory of the Northern Black Sea. According to this hypothesis the Cossacks' ancestors were", "id": "20376038" }, { "contents": "Hughesdale, Victoria\n\n\n, Mandarin 7.9%, Hindi 2.2%, Cantonese 1.8% and Italian 1.7%. The most common responses for religion were No Religion 31.0%, Catholic 20.2% and Eastern Orthodox 14.4%. . Hughesdale is primarily a residential suburb. The majority of the housing stock is detached. All original housing was either detached or semi-detached. Since the 1960s there has been some development of walk-up two storey flats and flats in specific areas. More recently apartments in taller buildings around the railway station have increased in", "id": "20331985" }, { "contents": "Progressive illumination\n\n\nProgressive illumination is a theological concept describing the hermeneutical practice of orthodox theological development, most notably in Christianity; though the practice exists in many religions, especially Abrahamic religions. The term is used mostly among Christian theologians. It is distinct from progressive revelation in that it does not describe the reception from God of new divine texts, or any novel concept that has no accepted foundation. Rather it describes God-given understanding of existing revelation in a better and more accurate way. It usually refers to understanding a biblical concept better,", "id": "18715213" }, { "contents": "Capital punishment in Pakistan\n\n\nreligion, it is also punishable by death in many countries including Pakistan. The crucial point to note is that one may take a life “by way of justice and law” in Islamic teachings and belief. Henceforth why most Islamic states will continue to allow capital punish clauses in their fundamental documents. As the death penalty can only be applied by the court as a remedy to the victim and their families, in most serious criminal cases. This is often the reasons why most Islamic Republic States like Pakistan will continue such practice", "id": "6459594" }, { "contents": "Nonverbal communication\n\n\nor non-expressive, many variants of the voice can depict different reactions. The acceptable physical distance is another major difference in the nonverbal communication between cultures. In Latin America and the Middle East the acceptable distance is much shorter than what most Europeans and Americans feel comfortable with. This is why an American or a European might wonder why the other person is invading his or her personal space by standing so close, while the other person might wonder why the American/European is standing so far from him or her. In", "id": "11595540" }, { "contents": "Diaspora language\n\n\neastern part, overwhelmingly Ukrainian, was considered the most backward part of the Empire and good for little more than as a source of troops for the army. This led to a mass exodus of citizens, along with Ukrainians from the neighbouring region of Bukovina, to Canada, settling primarily in the Western provinces of The Prairies. They brought with them not just their religion – western Ukrainians are predominately Ukrainian Catholic whereas the rest of Ukraine is largely Eastern Orthodox – but also their language. To this day, Canadian Ukrainian is clearly", "id": "4063210" }, { "contents": "Manon Cleary\n\n\ncareer Cleary painted idealized images of her subjects, including herself. Cleary acknowledged in her mid-thirties that she hadn't accepted her aging and was removing blemishes from her paintings. Cleary explained that she doesn't \"paint the grotesque\" and that is why she paints the ideal. As her career and portfolio developed, Cleary's nudes would become more honest and frank. Her self-portraits would become a study of aging and reflect Cleary more openly. If nudes were Cleary's most common subject, her most beloved subject", "id": "7997327" }, { "contents": "Decline of ancient Egyptian religion\n\n\nto fragment and localise in the wake of the loss of centralisation as in Pharaonic and Ptolemaic Egypt. Where the pagan religion of the Graeco-Roman world accepted the influence and integration of native Egyptian deities and practices into its own tradition, Christianity was not nearly as accepting. The strict monotheism of the latter was in stark opposition to the freeform syncretism of paganism. Local Christians engaged in campaigns of proselytism and iconoclasm that contributed even more to the erosion of traditional religion. In AD 333, the number of Egyptian bishops is estimated", "id": "16363796" }, { "contents": "Ten Commandments\n\n\nproperty. They conclude that the ten commandments are derived from Judeo-Christian religions, to the exclusion of others: the statement \"Thou shalt have no other gods before me\" excludes non-monotheistic religions like Hinduism, for example. Whether the Constitution prohibits the posting of the commandments or not, there are additional political and civil rights issues regarding the posting of what is construed as religious doctrine. Excluding religions that have not accepted the ten commandments creates the appearance of impropriety. The courts have been more accepting, however,", "id": "2777649" }, { "contents": "Eastern Chalukyas\n\n\nin this period. It seems there used to be a minister for communal affairs (Samaya Mantri) in the government. The Shudras constituted the bulk of the population and there were several sub-castes among them. The army furnished a career for most of them and some of them acquired the status of Samanta Raju and Mandalika. Hinduism was the prominent religion of the Eastern Chalukya kingdom, with Shaivism being more popular than Vaishnavism. The Mahasena temple at Chebrolu became famous for its annual Jatra, which involved a procession of the", "id": "21941670" }, { "contents": "Religion in Serbia\n\n\nIslam or Catholicism are more numerous as well as excluding two predominantly Protestant municipalities in Vojvodina. Eastern Orthodoxy also predominates in most of the large cities of Serbia, excluding the cities of Subotica (which is mostly Catholic) and Novi Pazar (which is mostly Muslim). The identity of ethnic Serbs was historically largely based on Eastern Orthodox Christianity and on the Serbian Orthodox Church, to the extent that there are claims that those who are not its faithful are not Serbs. However, the conversion of the south Slavs from paganism to", "id": "6215793" }, { "contents": "Religion in Spain\n\n\nmore likely he or she was to be a practicing Catholic. This new acceptance of the church was due partly to the church's new self-restraint in politics. In a significant change from the pre-Civil War era, the church had accepted the need for the separation of religion and the state, and it had even discouraged the creation of a Christian Democratic party in the country. The traditional links between the political right and the church no longer dictated political preferences; in the 1982 general election, more than half", "id": "3255993" }, { "contents": "Religion\n\n\nmore sophisticated understanding of human beliefs and practices regarding the sacred, numinous, spiritual and divine. In the field of comparative religion, a common geographical classification of the main world religions includes Middle Eastern religions (including Zoroastrianism and Iranian religions), Indian religions, East Asian religions, African religions, American religions, Oceanic religions, and classical Hellenistic religions. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the academic practice of comparative religion divided religious belief into philosophically defined categories called world religions. Some academics studying the subject have divided religions into", "id": "5601468" } ]
How was the first Computer/Chip programmed, without anything to program it with?
[{"answer": "The very first computers were large mechanical devices which were programmed by flipping a number of switches to various positions to indicate which commands to execute. Later computers were programmed via [punched cards]( URL_1 ). Literal holes were punched in stiff card using a special hole puncher; the pattern of holes represented program instructions, and these cards were then read by the machine and the corresponding instructions executed. The invention of the [Von Neumann architecture]( URL_0 ) is what first allowed programs to be stored in memory alongside data. At first, programs had to be carefully crafted in machine language using something like binary notation. From there, assembly language notation was invented, then higher level programming languages, and the rest is history."}, {"answer": "Basic programming was, and still is, programming for the chip itself, without any language and compiler. A program is just a sequence of numbers, some of those numbers being data for the program to calculate from, or instructions telling the chip what calculations to do. You just have to set up some numbers in some memory and set the chip running. These numbers were either entered by flipping switches, or by punching holes in pieces of cardboard."}, {"answer": "Manually flipping switches. It's all ones and zeroes deep down."}, {"answer": "The first chip was a macro sized circuit board. Programming is fundamentally the control of AND OR and NOT logic associated with circuitry and electronics. Essentially, programming is the control of high and low voltages (0 and 1) and when those voltages are high and low dependent on the \"flow\" of the circuit. URL_0 "}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "5218", "title": "Central processing unit", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["A central processing unit (CPU), also called a central processor or main processor, is the electronic circuitry within a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer program by performing the basic arithmetic, logic, controlling, and input/output (I/O) operations specified by the instructions. The computer industry has used the term \"central processing unit\" at least since the early 1960s. Traditionally, the term \"CPU\" refers to a processor, more specifically to its processing unit and control unit (CU), distinguishing these core elements of a computer from external components such as main memory and I/O circuitry.", "A central processing unit (CPU), also called a central processor or main processor, is the electronic circuitry within a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer program by performing the basic arithmetic, logic, controlling, and input/output (I/O) operations specified by the instructions. The computer industry has used the term \"central processing unit\" at least since the early 1960s. Traditionally, the term \"CPU\" refers to a processor, more specifically to its processing unit and control unit (CU), distinguishing these core elements of a computer from external components such as main memory and I/O circuitry."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "13636", "title": "History of computing hardware", "section": "Section::::Stored-program computer.:Manchester Mark 1.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 80, "end_paragraph_id": 80, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The Experimental machine led on to the development of the Manchester Mark 1 at the University of Manchester. Work began in August 1948, and the first version was operational by April 1949; a program written to search for Mersenne primes ran error-free for nine hours on the night of 16/17 June 1949. The machine's successful operation was widely reported in the British press, which used the phrase \"electronic brain\" in describing it to their readers. The computer is especially historically significant because of its pioneering inclusion of index registers, an innovation which made it easier for a program to read", "The Experimental machine led on to the development of the Manchester Mark 1 at the University of Manchester. Work began in August 1948, and the first version was operational by April 1949; a program written to search for Mersenne primes ran error-free for nine hours on the night of 16/17 June 1949. The machine's successful operation was widely reported in the British press, which used the phrase \"electronic brain\" in describing it to their readers. The computer is especially historically significant because of its pioneering inclusion of index registers, an innovation which made it easier for a program to read"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "WDR paper computer\n\n\nThe WDR paper computer or Know-how Computer is a \"computer\" that can be easily assembled from a sheet of paper and individual matches. This allows anyone interested to learn how to program without having an electronic computer at their disposal. This \"computer\" served as an educational aid in the field of computer science when electronic computers were not affordable or accessible to anyone. The Know-how Computer was developed by and Ulrich Rohde and first presented in the television program WDR Computerclub in 1983. It was also published in", "id": "20231487" }, { "contents": "AVR microcontrollers\n\n\n-system programming (ISP) programming method is functionally performed through SPI, plus some twiddling of the Reset line. As long as the SPI pins of the AVR are not connected to anything disruptive, the AVR chip can stay soldered on a PCB while reprogramming. All that is needed is a 6-pin connector and programming adapter. This is the most common way to develop with an AVR. The Atmel AVRISP mkII device connects to a computer's USB port and performs in-system programming using Atmel's software. AVRDUDE (AVR", "id": "12799292" }, { "contents": "Imperative programming\n\n\nIn computer science, imperative programming is a programming paradigm that uses statements that change a program's state. In much the same way that the imperative mood in natural languages expresses commands, an imperative program consists of commands for the computer to perform. Imperative programming focuses on describing \"how\" a program operates. The term is often used in contrast to declarative programming, which focuses on \"what\" the program should accomplish without specifying \"how\" the program should achieve the result. Procedural programming is a type of imperative programming", "id": "19868864" }, { "contents": "Declarative programming\n\n\nIn computer science, declarative programming is a programming paradigm—a style of building the structure and elements of computer programs—that expresses the logic of a computation without describing its control flow. Many languages that apply this style attempt to minimize or eliminate side effects by describing \"what\" the program must accomplish in terms of the problem domain, rather than describe \"how\" to accomplish it as a sequence of the programming language primitives (the \"how\" being left up to the language's implementation). This is in", "id": "1218550" }, { "contents": "List of home computers by video hardware\n\n\n(a computer without any high resolution graphics capabilities at all). However, these drawbacks were of little consequence, because the C64 had the VIC-II chip. When accessed by machine language programs, the graphic capabilities of this chip made it practical to develop arcade-style games. Additionally, specific machine language coding exploiting quirks of the VIC-II chip allowed for special tricks to draw even better pictures out of the VIC-II chip. The comparatively large memory and the audio capabilities of the C64 also lent themselves", "id": "2137762" }, { "contents": "CHIP-8\n\n\nCHIP-8 is an interpreted programming language, developed by Joseph Weisbecker. It was initially used on the COSMAC VIP and Telmac 1800 8-bit microcomputers in the mid-1970s. CHIP-8 programs are run on a CHIP-8 virtual machine. It was made to allow video games to be more easily programmed for these computers. Roughly twenty years after CHIP-8 was introduced, derived interpreters appeared for some models of graphing calculators (from the late 1980s onward, these handheld devices in many ways have more computing power than most mid-1970s microcomputers for hobbyists). An active community", "id": "8487550" }, { "contents": "Information and computer science\n\n\n, and being able to construct these to solve a main problem. The main purpose behind this area of study is to achieve an understanding of how computers function on a basic level, often through tracing machine operations. This is the study into fundamental computer algorithms, which are the basis to computer programs. Without algorithms, no computer programs would exist. This also involves the process of looking into various mathematical functions behind computational algorithms, basic theory and functional (low level) programming. In an academic setting, this area would", "id": "10380772" }, { "contents": "BASIC loader\n\n\nA BASIC loader is a computer programming technique used with the BASIC programming language to codice_1 machine language opcodes and data into RAM. The technique was most prevalent in type-in program listings published for home computers of the 1980s, as it allowed the publication of programs that gained the benefits of fast-executing assembly language without requiring the user to own or know how to operate an assembler or machine language monitor program. The programs most often took the form of a short \"stub\" loader followed by a (sometimes lengthy)", "id": "933544" }, { "contents": "Concurrent computing\n\n\ncollisions and maximizing efficiency) and how to handle multiple transmissions over a given set of wires (improving efficiency), such as via time-division multiplexing (1870s). The academic study of concurrent algorithms started in the 1960s, with credited with being the first paper in this field, identifying and solving mutual exclusion. Concurrency is pervasive in computing, occurring from low-level hardware on a single chip to worldwide networks. Examples follow. At the programming language level: At the operating system level: At the network level", "id": "6166884" }, { "contents": "Signetics 2650\n\n\nan Intel 8048 microcontroller. Philips Technical Note 083 describes how to interface the 2651 PCI to various other microprocessors, such as the 8080, 8085, Z80, 8048 and 6800 Descendants of the 2651/2661 serial communications chips are still sold as the Philips SC26 series. The 2656 was specifically designed to augment, and interface with, the 2650 and make a 2-chip computer possible. It contained everything the 2650 lacked to make a complete computer: The I/O pins could be used as an 8-bit I/O port or programmed to", "id": "19872693" }, { "contents": "PWCT (software)\n\n\nPWCT is a free open source visual programming language for software development. The vast majority of computer owners are only users, and only a fraction develop software themselves. programming has the image that it is difficult. One of the many initiatives to remove that image is PWCT, which stands for Programming Without Coding Technology. Although visual programming environments are generally limited in their capabilities and mainly aim to show the user the concepts of programming, you can make almost anything with PWCT. Of course, that doesn't happen after a few", "id": "18980036" }, { "contents": "BIOS\n\n\nthat standardized an interface to application programs and the operating system. More recent operating systems do not use the BIOS after loading, instead accessing the hardware components directly. Most BIOS implementations are specifically designed to work with a particular computer or motherboard model, by interfacing with various devices that make up the complementary system chipset. Originally, BIOS firmware was stored in a ROM chip on the PC motherboard. In modern computer systems, the BIOS contents are stored on flash memory so it can be rewritten without removing the chip from the motherboard", "id": "4192477" }, { "contents": "VIPLE\n\n\nASU VIPLE is a Visual IoT/Robotics Programming Language Environment developed at Arizona State University. ASU VIPLE is an educational platform designed with a focus on computational thinking, namely on learning how algorithms work without focusing on syntactic complexities. To this end, VIPLE is designed to facilitate the programming of applications that make use of robotics and other IoT devices. Visual and graphical programming languages have been used as tools to teach computer science concepts and computational thinking. A number of visual programming environments have been developed and applied. MIT App Inventor", "id": "13834309" }, { "contents": "List of important publications in theoretical computer science\n\n\nScience of Programming describes Dijkstra's weakest precondition method of formal program derivation, except in a very much more accessible manner than Dijkstra's earlier \"A Discipline of Programming\". It shows how to construct programs that work correctly (without bugs, other than from typing errors). It does this by showing how to use precondition and postcondition predicate expressions and program proving techniques to guide the way programs are created. The examples in the book are all small-scale, and clearly academic (as opposed to real-world)", "id": "6141412" }, { "contents": "Amateur Computer Club\n\n\nof the first members: Ian Spencer. In August 1973 it mentions an offer to demonstrate a homemade copy of a PDP-8 made by John Florentin. This machine had been demonstrated earlier in March 1973 at a meeting of the Surrey Radio Contact club in Croydon. Mike published nearly anything that passed by or was sent to him, such as availability (and data sheets) of surplus and obsolete computer hardware, how to get free computer time on a university computer, latest price quotes for the newest chips (Intel 4004 and 8008", "id": "17723276" }, { "contents": "Brad A. Myers\n\n\nby demonstration system that specified the look and behaviors of widgets without conventional programming. He has done a number of research projects on handheld devices, such as the Pebbles, exploring the different uses of these devices and how they communicate with other systems. Another focus of Myers's work is the Natural Programming project. It focuses on programming languages and making programming easier and more correct by making it more natural. \"Journal of Visual Languages and Sentient Systems.\" \"Journal of Visual Languages and Computing\". \"Human-Computer", "id": "3303718" }, { "contents": "Masonic Child Identification Programs\n\n\nMasonic Child Identification Programs (CHIP) are a charitable initiative by North American Masonic lodges to aid in the identification and recovery of missing children. CHIP programs are supported monetarily at the Grand Lodge level, and are staffed by volunteers from subordinate lodges as well as law enforcement and dental professionals. The CHIP programs allow parents the opportunity to create a kit of identifying materials for their child, free of charge. The kit contains a fingerprint card, a physical description, a video, computer disk, or DVD of the child,", "id": "2701305" }, { "contents": "Rascal (single-board computer)\n\n\nRascal is a single-board computer. It is designed by Brandon Stafford and sold by Rascal Micro LLC in Somerville, Massachusetts. The Rascal runs Linux. Its board design is compatible with Arduino shields. It includes web server software and is intended to be programmed in Python. The Rascal's web server includes an editor that lets users edit the Python programs running on the Rascal from any web browser, without needing to reflash anything. Most Arduino shields are compatible with the standard headers on the Rascal. The Rascal's design", "id": "15885760" }, { "contents": "Braigo\n\n\n2015. Shubham Banerjee gave a demonstration of a new method of transcoding documents to braille without any software installation on the computer. The technology involves uploading any document from a computer into the memory of the Intel's Edison chip that's the brain of the Braigo Braille printer. The idea behind this new method is to reduce the cost of ownership of the Braigo printer without having to buy any transcribing software for braille. On February 21, 2014 CNN International in their program \"Quest Means Business\", hosted by Maggie Lake,", "id": "9166766" }, { "contents": "ReSID\n\n\nreSID is a reverse engineered software emulation of the MOS6581 SID (Sound Interface Device) chip programmed by Dag Lem. This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. reSID is free software, published under the GNU General Public License. reSID is a C++ library containing a complete emulation of the SID chip. This library can be linked into programs emulating the MOS6510 MPU to play music made for the Commodore 64 computer. reSID has been linked into VICE (a Commodore 64 emulator), SIDPLAY (a SID tune player)", "id": "12673221" }, { "contents": "MediaMax CD-3\n\n\nthe CD on their computer, but the DRM software is installed without notice, even if they decline, cancel, or terminate the program. In Mac OS X, applications cannot run automatically when a disc is inserted, and furthermore when manually running the application, it cannot install anything on the system without consent, requiring administrative credentials from the user. There is no version of MediaMax for Linux or any other operating system. The software's propensity to permanently modify the computer's behaviour without knowledge or consent has caused", "id": "9551880" }, { "contents": "Umtech\n\n\nto create the proprietary chips were drawn by hand. The company tested its chips using its own stepper and chip tester. Like the later Apple MacIntosh, the VideoBrain did not allow the user to open the case and insert hardware components. Like the Commodore PET the keyboard was built into the computer. Taking a lesson from videogames, VideoBrain was the first home or personal computer where software programs were stored on ROM chips and loaded into the system in cartridges. This was much easier and more reliable for consumers than loading software from", "id": "6774354" }, { "contents": "Eagle Computer\n\n\nhow to use the computer, including Spellbinder and Ultracalc, without distinguishing Eagle's software from Lexisoft's or Sorcim's. Mentors at Eagle Computer User Group meetings would often have to explain, in fact, that there were separate programs on the computer, written by separate companies; between the manual and the menu system, it looked like one big program to the new computer user. The only other thing in the documentation binder was a thin spiral-bound book called \"CP/M Primer,\" which gave a very", "id": "6282758" }, { "contents": "Hippocampal prosthesis\n\n\n's that disrupt neuronal networks. To begin making a brain prosthesis, Berger and his collaborator Vasilis Marmarelis, a biomedical engineer at USC, worked with the hippocampus slices of rats. Since they knew that neuronal signals travel from one side of the hippocampus to the other, the researchers sent random pulses into the hippocampus, recorded the signals at specific locales to see how they were changed, and then derived equations representing the changes. They then programmed those equations into the computer chips. Next, they had to determine whether a chip", "id": "12307955" }, { "contents": "Moeller High School\n\n\nTablet PCs rather than standard laptops, allowing them to take notes within OneNote without needing to type. Quite a number of countermeasures have been installed to counteract misuse of the computers, including web filtering, to monitor how students use their computers. The Moeller art program is a nationally recognized four-year program which culminates in Advanced Placement Studio Art and Art History. The program is led by department chair Greg Stanforth, who in 2014 was recognized as one of Design Intelligence's 30 Most Admired Educators. The program is based on", "id": "14041327" }, { "contents": "IEEE Rebooting Computing\n\n\naiding the industry in making progress toward possible solutions such as specialized chip architectures, millivolt switches, and 3D integrated circuits, as noted by Dr. Erik DeBenedictis of Sandia National Laboratories in \"Power Problems Threaten to Strangle Exascale Computing\". In February 2015, IEEE Rebooting Computing Senior Program Director Bichlien Hoang and co-author Sin-Kuen Hawkins received a \"Best Presentation Award\" for their paper, \"How Will Rebooting Computing Help IoT\". Presented at the 18th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks (ICIN 2015)", "id": "2435333" }, { "contents": "John Searle\n\n\nthat was conscious, we could run that computer program on, say, a system of ping-pong balls and beer cups and the system would be equally conscious, because it was running the same information processes. Searle argues that this is impossible, since consciousness is a physical property, like digestion or fire. No matter how good a simulation of digestion you build on the computer, it will not digest anything; no matter how well you simulate fire, nothing will get burnt. By contrast, informational processes are \"", "id": "16228372" }, { "contents": "Wetware computer\n\n\napplying the chaotic nature of biological systems and organic molecules to conventional material and logic gates. Chaotic systems have advantages for generating patterns and computing higher order functions like memory, arithmetic logic, input/output operations. In his article \"Construction of a Chaotic Computer Chip\" Ditto discusses the advantages in programming of using chaotic systems, with their greater sensitivity to respond and reconfigure logic gates in his conceptual chaotic chip. The main difference between a chaotic computer chip, and a conventional computer chip is the reconfigurability of the chaotic system.", "id": "2224221" }, { "contents": "In-system programming\n\n\nIn-system programming (ISP), also called in-circuit serial programming (ICSP), is the ability of some programmable logic devices, microcontrollers, and other embedded devices to be programmed while installed in a complete system, rather than requiring the chip to be programmed prior to installing it into the system. It allows firmware updates to be delivered to the on-chip memory of microcontrollers and related processors without requiring specialist programming circuitry on the circuit board, and simplifies design work. There are several mutually-incompatible in", "id": "1500079" }, { "contents": "Read-only memory\n\n\nwent a long way to solving problem 4, since an EEPROM can be programmed in-place if the containing device provides a means to receive the program contents from an external source (for example, a personal computer via a serial cable). Flash memory, invented by Fujio Masuoka at Toshiba in the early 1980s and commercialized in the late 1980s, is a form of EEPROM that makes very efficient use of chip area and can be erased and reprogrammed thousands of times without damage. All of these technologies improved the flexibility of", "id": "21280435" }, { "contents": "Overlay (programming)\n\n\nIn a general computing sense, overlaying means \"the process of transferring a block of program code or other data into main memory, replacing what is already stored\". Overlaying is a programming method that allows programs to be larger than the computer's main memory. An embedded system would normally use overlays because of the limitation of physical memory, which is internal memory for a system-on-chip, and the lack of virtual memory facilities. Constructing an overlay program involves manually dividing a program into self-contained object code", "id": "10151493" }, { "contents": "Bio-inspired computing\n\n\nprogram has been funding IBM to develop pulsed neural network chips for intelligent processing since 2008. In 2011, IBM first developed two cognitive silicon prototypes by simulating brain structures that could learn and process information like the brain. Each neuron of a brain-inspired chip is cross-connected with massive parallelism. In 2014, IBM released a second-generation brain-inspired chip called \"TrueNorth.\" Compared with the first generation brain-inspired chips, the performance of the TrueNorth chip has increased dramatically, and the number of neurons", "id": "4893263" }, { "contents": "Program analysis\n\n\nIn computer science, program analysis is the process of automatically analyzing the behavior of computer programs regarding a property such as correctness, robustness, safety and liveness. Program analysis focuses on two major areas: program optimization and program correctness. The first focuses on improving the program’s performance while reducing the resource usage while the latter focuses on ensuring that the program does what it is supposed to do. Program analysis can be performed without executing the program (static program analysis), during runtime (dynamic program analysis) or in a", "id": "2028594" }, { "contents": "AlphaGo\n\n\nAlphaGo is a computer program that plays the board game Go. It was developed by Alphabet Inc.'s Google DeepMind in London. AlphaGo had three far more powerful successors, called AlphaGo Master, AlphaGo Zero and AlphaZero. In October 2015, the original AlphaGo became the first computer Go program to beat a human professional Go player without handicaps on a full-sized 19×19 board. In March 2016, it beat Lee Sedol in a five-game match, the first time a computer Go program has beaten a 9-dan professional without handicaps", "id": "18760229" }, { "contents": "Princeton Application Repository for Shared-Memory Computers\n\n\ncomputer manufacturers were faced with a problem: The new technology caused a disruptive change. For the first time in computer history software would have to be rewritten in order to take advantage of the parallel nature of those processors, which means that existing programs could not be used effectively to test and develop those new types of computer systems. At that time parallel software only existed in very specialized areas. However, before chip-multiprocessors became commonly available software developers were not willing to rewrite any mainstream programs, which means hardware manufacturers did", "id": "8982271" }, { "contents": "Interpreter (computing)\n\n\nIn computer science, an interpreter is a computer program that directly executes instructions written in a programming or scripting language, without requiring them previously to have been compiled into a machine language program. An interpreter generally uses one of the following strategies for program execution: Early versions of Lisp programming language and Dartmouth BASIC would be examples of the first type. Perl, Python, MATLAB, and Ruby are examples of the second, while UCSD Pascal is an example of the third type. Source programs are compiled ahead of time and stored", "id": "14638545" }, { "contents": "Heterogeneous System Architecture\n\n\nof data between devices' disjoint memories (as must currently be done with OpenCL or CUDA). CUDA and OpenCL as well as most other fairly advanced programming languages can use HSA to increase their execution performance. Heterogeneous computing is widely used in system-on-chip devices such as tablets, smartphones, other mobile devices, and video game consoles. HSA allows programs to use the graphics processor for floating point calculations without separate memory or scheduling. The rationale behind HSA is to ease the burden on programmers when offloading calculations to", "id": "6882573" }, { "contents": "Apple Computer Inc v Mackintosh Computers Ltd\n\n\nthat were capable of running software designed for Apple II+ computers. At issue in this case were the Autostart ROM and Applesoft programs embedded in the computer chips of Apple's computers. At trial, the defendants conceded that they copied the chips in question by burning the contents of Apple's ROM chips into their own EPROMs They further conceded that software written in assembly code was copyrightable under the \"Copyright Act\" as literary works. However, the defendants argued that they had not infringed Apple's copyright in the assembly code because they", "id": "20455090" }, { "contents": "Lexmark International, Inc. v. Static Control Components, Inc.\n\n\nthe Prebate Program as a benefit to the environment and to their customers, since it would allow customers to get cheaper cartridges, and the benefit to Lexmark was that it could keep empty cartridges out of the hands of competing rechargers. Many users purchased such cartridges under the stated conditions. To enforce this agreement, Lexmark cartridges included a computer chip that included a 55-byte computer program (the \"Toner Loading Program\") which communicated with a \"Printer Engine Program\" built into the printer. The program calculated the amount of toner", "id": "9384641" }, { "contents": "List of educational programming languages\n\n\nlanguage used, and thus is one of the oldest families of computer languages in use today. Many dialects and implementations are available, usually some for each computer processor architecture. It is very basic and termed a low level programming language. It is one of the more difficult languages to work with being untyped and rigid, but this is how computers work at low level. Several simplified dialects exist for education. Low level languages must be written for a specific processor architecture and cannot be written or taught in isolation without referencing", "id": "1678991" }, { "contents": "ReplicaNet\n\n\nDistributed computing and distributed object systems are designed to allow software modules or objects to work together where the objects can be located on different computers connected by a network. Interactive computer simulations and computer games can use object-oriented programming languages such as C++ to maintain a database of entities, player characters, monsters, tanks or just about anything that can exist in a simulated world. Using an object description language or by programmatically registering filter classes each machine knows how to create and update each C++ class object. Each object is then", "id": "21348431" }, { "contents": "Const (computer programming)\n\n\nread only registers within embedded systems like the current state of a digital input. The data registers for digital inputs are often declared as codice_1 and codice_24. The content of these registers may change without the program doing anything (codice_25) but you shall not write to them either (codice_1). In addition, a (non-static) member-function can be declared as codice_1. In this case, the codice_28 pointer inside such a function is of type codice_29 rather than merely of type codice_30. This means that non", "id": "4772347" }, { "contents": "Parallel computing\n\n\narray (FPGA) as a co-processor to a general-purpose computer. An FPGA is, in essence, a computer chip that can rewire itself for a given task. FPGAs can be programmed with hardware description languages such as VHDL or Verilog. However, programming in these languages can be tedious. Several vendors have created C to HDL languages that attempt to emulate the syntax and semantics of the C programming language, with which most programmers are familiar. The best known C to HDL languages are Mitrion-C,", "id": "15055262" }, { "contents": "V-11\n\n\n(ICs). Other aspects of the program were the development of a new computer-aided design (CAD) suite and semiconductor process, the results of which are CHAS and ZMOS, respectively. ZMOS was the first semiconductor process to be developed entirely by DEC. The V-11 was a multichip design, mainly consisting of an I/E chip, a M chip, a F chip and five ROM/RAM chips. Unlike the MicroVAX 78032, which implemented a subset of VAX ISA, the V-11 was a complete VAX", "id": "10979640" }, { "contents": "Computer virus\n\n\nacademic work on the theory of self-replicating computer programs was done in 1949 by John von Neumann who gave lectures at the University of Illinois about the \"Theory and Organization of Complicated Automata\". The work of von Neumann was later published as the \"Theory of self-reproducing automata\". In his essay von Neumann described how a computer program could be designed to reproduce itself. Von Neumann's design for a self-reproducing computer program is considered the world's first computer virus, and he is considered to be", "id": "850721" }, { "contents": "Timex Sinclair 1000\n\n\nASCII character set. The only form of long-term storage was a home tape cassette recorder. The 16 KB memory expansion module sold for $49.95. A shortage of the memory expansion modules coupled with a lack of software that would run within 2 KB meant that the system had little use for anything other than as an introduction to programming. Home computer magazines of the era such as \"Compute!\" showed enthusiasts how to interface the computer with various kinds of equipment. These tutorials provided an opportunity for learning about early", "id": "3900788" }, { "contents": "TI MSP430\n\n\nlines. This makes it relatively difficult to debug circuits built around the small, low-I/O-budget chips, since the full 4-pin JTAG hardware will conflict with anything else connected to those I/O lines. This problem is alleviated with the Spy-Bi-Wire-capable chips, which are still compatible with the normal JTAG interface for backwards compatibility with the old development tools. JTAG debugging and flash programming tools based on OpenOCD and widely used in the ARM community are not available for the MSP430. Programming", "id": "3954173" }, { "contents": "V-chip\n\n\noutside the level configured as acceptable on that particular television the program is blocked. The V-chip does not block infomercial, news or sportcasts as this sort of programming does not have ratings. The V-chip has a four-digit numerical password in order to keep older children from changing its settings. However, it can be overridden by anyone who reads the television's manual to find out how to reset the password to 0000 (built into the V-chip in case the parents themselves forget the password that they", "id": "14214574" }, { "contents": "State Children's Health Insurance Program in Utah\n\n\nFollowing the signing of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) into law on August 5, 1997 as Title XXI of the Social Security Act, Utah started looking at how to implement the Federal program under the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. In seven states, five territories, and the District of Columbia, CHIP is covered under the umbrella of Medicaid. In 26 states, it is run jointly with Medicaid. In the remaining 17 states, Utah being one of them, it is an independently run program.", "id": "14605751" }, { "contents": "List of important publications in computer science\n\n\n\"R-values\", \"L-values\", \"parametric polymorphism\", and \"ad hoc polymorphism\". Description: This series of papers and reports first defined the influential Scheme programming language and questioned the prevailing practices in programming language design, employing lambda calculus extensively to model programming language concepts and guide efficient implementation without sacrificing expressive power. Description: This textbook explains core computer programming concepts, and is widely considered a classic text in computer science. Online course Description: This paper introduced monads to functional programming.", "id": "7945101" }, { "contents": "Unifying Theories of Programming\n\n\nUnifying Theories of Programming (UTP) in computer science deals with program semantics. It shows how denotational semantics, operational semantics and algebraic semantics can be combined in a unified framework for the formal specification, design and implementation of programs and computer systems. The book of this title by C.A.R. Hoare and He Jifeng was published in the Prentice Hall International Series in Computer Science in 1998 and is now freely available on the web. The semantic foundation of the UTP is the first-order predicate calculus, augmented with fixed point constructs from", "id": "2994175" }, { "contents": "RCA CDP1861\n\n\nand used 256 bytes of memory (2K bits). This was the usual resolution for the Chip-8 game programming system. Since the video graphics frame buffer was often similar or equal in size to the memory size, it was not unusual to display your program/data on the screen allowing you to watch the computer \"think\" (i.e. process its data). Programs which ran amok and accidentally overwrote themselves could be spectacular. The CDP1862 Color Generator Circuit IC, an 1861 companion chip, could be used to generate", "id": "12488707" }, { "contents": "Donald Knuth\n\n\nto write a book on computer programming language compilers. While working on this project, Knuth decided that he could not adequately treat the topic without first developing a fundamental theory of computer programming, which became \"The Art of Computer Programming\". He originally planned to publish this as a single book. As Knuth developed his outline for the book, he concluded that he required six volumes, and then seven, to thoroughly cover the subject. He published the first volume in 1968. Just before publishing the first volume of \"", "id": "8161253" }, { "contents": "Peripheral Interchange Program\n\n\nPeripheral Interchange Program (PIP) was a utility to transfer files on and between devices on Digital Equipment Corporation's computers. It was first implemented on the PDP-6 architecture by Harrison \"Dit\" Morse early in the 1960s. It was subsequently implemented for DEC's operating systems for PDP-10, PDP-11, and PDP-8 architectures. In the 1970s and 1980s Digital Research implemented PIP on CP/M and MP/M. It is said that during development it was named ATLATL, which is an acronym for \"Anything, Lord to Anything,", "id": "9070673" }, { "contents": "ARM System-on-Chip Architecture\n\n\nARM System-on-Chip Architecture is a book detailing the system-on-chip ARM architecture, as a specific implementation of reduced instruction set computing. It was written by Steve Furber, who co-designed the ARM processor with Sophie Wilson. The book's content covers the architecture, assembly language programming, support mechanisms for high-level programming languages, the instruction set and the building of operating systems. The Thumb instruction set is also covered in detail. It has been cited in numerous academic papers, and has", "id": "3022822" }, { "contents": "Darknet\n\n\napplications including SecureDrop. The term originally described computers on ARPANET that were hidden, programmed to receive messages but not respond to or acknowledge anything, thus remaining invisible, in the dark.An account detailed how the first online transaction related to drugs transpired in 1971 when students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford University traded marijuana using ARPANET accounts in the former's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. The term has in later usage incorporated services such as the dark web, which is an overlay network that can be accessed only with specific software", "id": "18438734" }, { "contents": "IEEE Rebooting Computing\n\n\nDevices and Systems\" (IRDS), operating as part of the IEEE Standards Association's (IEEE-SA) Industry Connections program. IRDS is sponsored by IEEE Rebooting Computing in consultation with the IEEE Computer Society and ITRS. IRDS will provide guidance on future trends in computer systems, architectures, software, chips, and other components across the entire computer industry, and is modeled on ITRS roadmaps that have previously guided the semiconductor industry during the Moore’s Law era. The first IRDS Roadmap was released in the first quarter of", "id": "2435331" }, { "contents": "List of important publications in computer science\n\n\nespecially suited to numeric computation and scientific computing. Description: This paper introduced LISP, the first functional programming language, which was used heavily in many areas of computer science, especially in AI. LISP also has powerful features for manipulating LISP programs within the language. Description: Algol 60 introduced block structure. Description: This seminal paper proposed an ideal language ISWIM, which without being ever implemented influenced the whole later development. Description: \"Fundamental Concepts in Programming Languages\" introduced much programming language terminology still in use today, including", "id": "7945100" }, { "contents": "Parallel programming model\n\n\nIn computing, a parallel programming model is an abstraction of parallel computer architecture, with which it is convenient to express algorithms and their composition in programs. The value of a programming model can be judged on its \"generality\": how well a range of different problems can be expressed for a variety of different architectures, and its \"performance\": how efficiently the compiled programs can execute. The implementation of a parallel programming model can take the form of a library invoked from a sequential language, as an extension to an", "id": "20885697" }, { "contents": "Commodore 64 software\n\n\nto make use of the advanced features required using the PEEK and POKE commands, third-party BASIC extensions, such as Simons' BASIC, or to program in assembly language. Commodore had a better implementation of BASIC but chose to ship the C64 with the same BASIC 2.0 used in the VIC-20 to minimize cost. This, however, did not stop countless people making thousands of programs in the BASIC V2 language, and teaching people their first steps in computer programming. The MOS Technology 6581 SID is the sound chip for the", "id": "2447030" }, { "contents": "UserLAnd Technologies\n\n\nUserLAnd Technologies is a free and open-source ad-free compatibility layer mobile app that allows Linux distributions, computer programs, computer games and numerical computing programs to run on mobile devices without requiring a root account. UserLAnd also provides a program library of popular free and open-source Linux-based programs to which additional programs and different versions of programs can be added. Unlike other Linux compatibility layer mobile apps, UserLAnd does not require a root account. UserLAnd's ability to function without root directories, also known as \"", "id": "21380006" }, { "contents": "Artificial general intelligence\n\n\nAI, but without taking those issues seriously can people then overlook solutions to problematic questions. Clocksin says that a conceptual limitation that may impede the progress of AI research is that people may be using the wrong techniques for computer programs and implementation of equipment. When AI researchers first began to aim for the goal of artificial intelligence, a main interest was human reasoning. Researchers hoped to establish computational models of human knowledge through reasoning and to find out how to design a computer with a specific cognitive task. The practice of abstraction,", "id": "15421699" }, { "contents": "Arduino\n\n\nof the Arduino UNO is the optiboot bootloader. Boards are loaded with program code via a serial connection to another computer. Some serial Arduino boards contain a level shifter circuit to convert between RS-232 logic levels and transistor–transistor logic (TTL) level signals. Current Arduino boards are programmed via Universal Serial Bus (USB), implemented using USB-to-serial adapter chips such as the FTDI FT232. Some boards, such as later-model Uno boards, substitute the FTDI chip with a separate AVR chip containing USB-", "id": "11145693" }, { "contents": "Chip Talk\n\n\nChip Talk is a radio show syndicated by the Associated Press Radio Network. Launched in the early 1980s, it is the longest-running computer-related broadcast program on the air. It was written and hosted by Seattle radio personality Dave Ross, who had produced the program since its inception, until mid-2004, when he took a leave of absence to run for the United States Congress. Kevin Ebi was substitute host during the campaign; Ross resumed his place as host following his unsuccessful campaign run. \"Chip Talk\" is", "id": "9003975" }, { "contents": "Rainbow 100\n\n\nadopted by IBM in 1985. Third-party upgrades were also available, including an 80286 (286) processor upgrade (Turbow-286), a 3.5-inch disk adapter kit (IDrive), and a battery-backed clock chip (ClikClok), all from Suitable Solutions. In 1984, the first computer support for Native American languages began with the Rainbow 100. Rock Point Community School on the Navajo reservation in Arizona commissioned a ROM chip for the Navajo language, enabling the school to create bilingual computer programs. Univation produced a number", "id": "6752750" }, { "contents": "Emulator\n\n\ncomputer program to simulate the execution of a second computer program written in symbolic assembly language or compiler language, rather than in binary machine code. By using a functional simulator, programmers can execute and trace selected sections of source code to search for programming errors (bugs), without generating binary code. This is distinct from simulating execution of binary code, which is software emulation. The first functional simulator was written by Autonetics about 1960 for testing assembly language programs for later execution in military computer D-17B. This made it possible for flight", "id": "21614564" }, { "contents": "Frameserver\n\n\nA frameserver is a computer program that streams video to another program, called a frameclient, using a process known as frameserving. The video is sent directly to the frameclient, frame by frame. This way it is possible to use the output of a program (acting as the frameserver) to be used as the source by another program (acting as the frameclient) without having to create intermediate files. The frameserver plays the video while the frameclient records or processes it. Without frameserving the output of a program would first need", "id": "20558028" }, { "contents": "Central processing unit\n\n\nspeak of such single chips as \"sockets\". Array processors or vector processors have multiple processors that operate in parallel, with no unit considered central. There also exists the concept of virtual CPUs which are an abstraction of dynamical aggregated computational resources. Early computers such as the ENIAC had to be physically rewired to perform different tasks, which caused these machines to be called \"fixed-program computers\". Since the term \"CPU\" is generally defined as a device for software (computer program) execution, the earliest devices", "id": "4960189" }, { "contents": "Calculator\n\n\ndesign effort is needed to fit all the desired functions in the limited memory space available in the calculator chip, with acceptable calculation time. The fundamental difference between a calculator and computer is that a computer can be programmed in a way that allows the program to take different branches according to intermediate results, while calculators are pre-designed with specific functions (such as addition, multiplication, and logarithms) built in. The distinction is not clear-cut: some devices classed as programmable calculators have programming functions, sometimes with support", "id": "7745698" }, { "contents": "AP Computer Science\n\n\nhow computing powers the world\". It is designed as a parallel to AP Computer Science A, to emphasize computational thinking and fluency. It is meant to be the equivalent of a first-semester course in computer science. AP Computer Science A is a programming class. The course emphasizes object-oriented programming methodology, especially problem solving and algorithm development, plus an overview of data structures and abstraction. The AP Computer Science A exam tests students on their knowledge of Java. It is meant to be the equivalent of a", "id": "480430" }, { "contents": "Deep Blue (chess computer)\n\n\nwhile Wchess was running on a personal computer. In round 5 Deep Blue prototype had the white pieces and lost to the computer program Fritz 3 in 39 moves while Fritz was running on an Intel Pentium 90 MHz personal computer. In the end of the championship Deep Blue prototype was tied for second place with the computer program Junior while Junior was running on a personal computer. Deep Blue employed custom VLSI chips to execute the alpha-beta search algorithm in parallel, an example of GOFAI (Good Old-Fashioned Artificial Intelligence)", "id": "4761099" }, { "contents": "Cromemco Bytesaver\n\n\nEPROM. The Bytesaver came with one 2704 EPROM containing a program called “Bytemover” to facilitate EPROM programming. The EPROMS to be programmed were selected from the front panel switches of the Altair computer. A switch on the Bytesaver card was used to turn on or off the EPROM programming voltage. With this switch off there was no chance for accidental programming of the memory. Once programmed the information was retained in the EPROMS, but the memory chips could be erased by removing them from the Bytesaver and placing them under an ultraviolet", "id": "2372684" }, { "contents": "Bill Budge\n\n\ngraphics code. It occurred to me that creating tools for others to make games was a way for me to indulge my interest in programming without having to make games.\" and \"The way I got started was by not trying to do anything original at all. I wanted to learn how to write videogames. I ... just went to arcades and copied the games that I saw.\" He created the \"3-D Game Tool\", a program allowing rudimentary creation of wireframe images on the Apple II for use in games", "id": "955329" }, { "contents": "Music\n\n\nrecord new songs or pieces without ever writing them down in music notation. A piece of music can also be composed with words, images, or computer programs that explain or notate how the singer or musician should create musical sounds. Examples range from avant-garde music that uses graphic notation, to text compositions such as \"Aus den sieben Tagen\", to computer programs that select sounds for musical pieces. Music that makes heavy use of randomness and chance is called aleatoric music, and is associated with contemporary composers active in", "id": "19192451" }, { "contents": "Sonic Animation\n\n\ntime they were using a 386 computer for programming. In March 2002 Keiller recalled how \"people would yell out 'nice one 386!', cos you know, we didn't really do anything, it was all just the computer. There are still some people that hold that view but we don't see it as much because of the kind of shows we play these, days.\" Bertschik left the group in 1998 to \"pursue his own musical interests.\" The band signed with a new label: Global", "id": "11913420" }, { "contents": "Douglas Lenat\n\n\nKnuth. His thesis, AM (Automated Mathematician) was one of the first computer programs that attempted to make discoveries, i.e., a theorem \"proposer\" rather than a theorem \"prover\". Experimenting with the program fueled a cycle of criticism and improvement, leading to a slightly deeper understanding of human creativity. Many issues had to be dealt with, in constructing such a program: how to represent knowledge formally and expressively and concretely, how to program hundreds of heuristic \"interestingness\" rules to judge the worth of new", "id": "12646702" }, { "contents": "Single-board microcontroller\n\n\nmicrocontrollers include: For production use as embedded systems, the on-board ROM was either mask programmed at the chip factory or one-time programmed (OTP) by the developer as a PROM. PROMs often used the same UV EPROM technology for the chip, but in a cheaper package without the transparent erasure window. During program development, it was still necessary to burn EPROMs. In this case, the entire controller IC, and therefore the ZIF sockets, would be provided. With the development of affordable EEPROM and flash", "id": "21759345" }, { "contents": "PC Chip\n\n\nin Croatia are often reviewed in this subsection. Hardware editor is Slaven Pintarić. Most \"PC Chip\" readers use Microsoft Windows operating system, so most software reviews in this subsection is aimed at Microsoft users. Linux and macOS users also get some attention, with focus on freeware and free software. This subsection is filled with various tutorials, how-to's, tips & tricks, and answers to reader's mails. Few pages in every issue is usually occupied by various themes ranging anything from science fiction and computer history", "id": "15698760" }, { "contents": "Computer literacy\n\n\nComputer literacy is defined as the knowledge and ability to utilize computers and related technology efficiently, with a range of skills covering levels from elementary use to computer programming and advanced problem solving. Computer literacy can also refer to the comfort level someone has with using computer programs and other applications that are associated with computers. Another valuable component is understanding how computers work and operate. Computer literacy may be distinguished from computer programming which is design and coding of computer programs rather than familiarity and skill in their use. Computer literacy is different from", "id": "18311975" }, { "contents": "Texas Instruments TMS1000\n\n\npart of the TMS 1000 series; it was later redesignated as part of the TMS 0100 series, which was used in the TI Datamath calculator. The later TMS 1000 series went on the market in 1974. TI stressed the 4-bit TMS 1000 for use in pre-programmed embedded applications. A computer-on-a-chip combines the microprocessor core (CPU), memory, and I/O (input/output) lines onto one chip. The computer-on-a-chip patent, called the \"", "id": "8187904" }, { "contents": "Influence of the IBM PC on the personal computer market\n\n\nThe developers of these programs opted to write directly to the computer's (video) memory and peripheral chips, bypassing MS-DOS and the BIOS. For example, a program might directly update the video refresh memory, instead of using MS-DOS calls and device drivers to alter the appearance of the screen. Many notable software packages, such as the spreadsheet program Lotus 1-2-3, and Microsoft's Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0, directly accessed the IBM PC's hardware, bypassing the BIOS, and therefore did", "id": "3177608" }, { "contents": "David Canfield Smith\n\n\nclosely together in the Advanced Technology Group to find a way to teach children how to program. During this project, they faced two main issues. The first issue was how to input programs without boring or overwhelming students and the second was how to understand how a program works once it is written. Their efforts were ultimately successful and they developed a system called KidSim (for Kids' Simulations). The system enabled children as young as preschoolers to program video games that other children could play. One of Smith's side projects", "id": "13867951" }, { "contents": "History of software\n\n\nof computer languages such as Fortran, COBOL and BASIC. These languages allowed programs to be specified in an abstract way, independent of the precise details of the hardware architecture of the computer. The languages were primarily intended only for specifying numerical calculations. COBOL was first conceived of when Mary K. Hawes convened a meeting (which included Grace Hopper) in 1959 to discuss how to create a computer language to be shared between businesses. Hopper's innovation with COBOL was developing a new symbolic way to write programming. Her programming was self", "id": "2184715" }, { "contents": "Low-level programming language\n\n\ndetails that the programmer must remember. By comparison, a high-level programming language isolates execution semantics of a computer architecture from the specification of the program, which simplifies development. Low-level programming languages are sometimes divided into two categories: \"first generation\" and \"second generation\". Machine code is the only language a computer can process directly without a previous transformation. Currently, programmers almost never write programs directly in machine code, because it requires attention to numerous details that a high-level language handles automatically.", "id": "17111613" }, { "contents": "CP-823/U\n\n\nSystems Division to engineer, build and test the first digital 30-bit Airborne computer, the CP-823/U (Univac 1830) engineering prototype, for the A-NEW MOD3 test aircraft. This would be Univac’s first computer to use flatpack monolithic integrated circuits, using a diode-transistor logic (DTL) silicon chip. This technology was simultaneously being developed for use in the Univac 1824 for the missile guidance program. It was also their first computer to lay the electronics flat, on a printed circuit card, instead of on", "id": "9421626" }, { "contents": "Applicative functor\n\n\nIn functional programming, an applicative functor is a structure intermediate between functors and monads, in that they allow sequencing of functorial computations (unlike plain functors) but without deciding on which computation to perform on the basis of the result of a previous computation (unlike monads). Applicative functors are the programming equivalent of lax monoidal functors with tensorial strength in category theory. Applicative functors were introduced in 2007 by Conor McBride and Ross Paterson in their paper \"Functional Pearl: applicative programming with effects\". Applicative functors first appeared as a", "id": "9926000" }, { "contents": "How to Design Programs\n\n\nHow to Design Programs (HtDP) is a textbook by Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt, and Shriram Krishnamurthi on the systematic design of computer programs. MIT Press published the first edition in 2001, and the second edition in 2018, which is freely available online and in print. The book introduces the concept of a \"design recipe\", a six-step process for creating programs from a problem statement. While the book was originally used along with the education project \"TeachScheme!\" (renamed ProgramByDesign", "id": "17556911" }, { "contents": "SoftServe\n\n\nis now known as a universal Turing machine. He proved that such a machine is capable of computing anything that is computable by executing instructions (program) stored on tape, allowing the machine to be programmable. The fundamental concept of Turing's design is the stored program, where all the instructions for computing are stored in memory. Von Neumann acknowledged that the central concept of the modern computer was due to this paper.[42] Turing machines are to this day a central object of study in theory of computation. Except for the limitations", "id": "21355407" }, { "contents": "Programmable logic controller\n\n\nGenerally the software provides functions for debugging and troubleshooting the PLC software, for example, by highlighting portions of the logic to show current status during operation or via simulation. The software will upload and download the PLC program, for backup and restoration purposes. In some models of programmable controller, the program is transferred from a personal computer to the PLC through a programming board which writes the program into a removable chip such as an EPROM. Under the IEC 61131-3 standard, PLCs can be programmed using standards-based programming", "id": "5131615" }, { "contents": "Manchester computers\n\n\nray tubes (CRTs); and to construct a machine that could be used to investigate how computers might be able to assist in the solution of mathematical problems. The first of the series, the Manchester Baby, ran its first program on 21 June 1948. As the world's first stored-program computer, the Baby, and the Manchester Mark 1 developed from it, quickly attracted the attention of the United Kingdom government, who contracted the electrical engineering firm of Ferranti to produce a commercial version. The resulting machine,", "id": "15493899" }, { "contents": "Soft error\n\n\ncalled a single event upset. In a computer's memory system, a soft error changes an instruction in a program or a data value. Soft errors typically can be remedied by cold booting the computer. A soft error will not damage a system's hardware; the only damage is to the data that is being processed. There are two types of soft errors, \"chip-level soft error\" and \"system-level soft error\". Chip-level soft errors occur when particles hit the chip, e.g.,", "id": "13373728" }, { "contents": "The Humble Guys\n\n\nand displayed graphics on screen without the need for any knowledge of computer programming. A much more advanced and highly sophisticated extension of this today would be Farbrausch's \".werkkzeug\". Prior to THG's arrival on the warez scene the IBM world did not have anything other than text based intros usually quoting song lyrics. THG members brought the experience from the C64 and AMIGA warez scene bringing the first animated and graphical intros to the IBM scene. In December 1991 , the \"F/X division\" of The Humble Guys released", "id": "1471798" }, { "contents": "Standalone program\n\n\nA stand-alone program, also known as a freestanding program, is a computer program that does not load any external module, library function or program and that is designed to boot with the bootstrap procedure of the target processor – it runs on bare metal. In early computers like the ENIAC without the concept of an operating system, standalone programs were the only way to run a computer. Standalone programs are usually written in or compiled to the assembly language for the specific hardware. Later standalone programs typically were provided for utility", "id": "19008975" }, { "contents": "Dc (computer program)\n\n\nunderstand and shows how to use loops, conditionals, and the 'q' command to return from a macro. With the GNU version of dc, the '|' command can be used to do arbitrary precision modular exponentiation without needing to write the X function. [[Category:Cross-platform software]] [[Category:Unix software]] [[Category:Software calculators]] [[Category:Free mathematics software]] [[Category:Numerical programming languages]] [[Category:Stack", "id": "10759871" }, { "contents": "Hubert Dreyfus's views on artificial intelligence\n\n\nNewell and Simon had demonstrated with both psychological experiments and computer programs. Dreyfus agreed that their programs adequately imitated the skills he calls \"knowing-that.\" Knowing-how, on the other hand, is the way we deal with things normally. We take actions without using conscious symbolic reasoning at all, as when we recognize a face, drive ourselves to work or find the right thing to say. We seem to simply jump to the appropriate response, without considering any alternatives. This is the essence of expertise,", "id": "3653174" }, { "contents": "Tandem Computers\n\n\nmemory reference compared to most 32-bit minicomputers. All subsequent TNS computers were hampered by this instruction set inefficiency. Also, the NonStop II lacked wider internal data paths and so required additional microcode steps for 32-bit addresses. A NonStop II CPU had three boards, using chips and design similar to the T/16. The NonStop II also replaced core memory with battery-backed DRAM memory. In 1983, the NonStop TXP CPU was the first entirely new implementation of the TNS instruction set architecture. It was built from standard TTL chips and Programmed", "id": "20995732" }, { "contents": "Computing\n\n\nthe instructions for telling a computer what to do and how to do it. Software refers to one or more computer programs and data held in the storage of the computer for some purposes. In other words, software is a set of \"programs, procedures, algorithms\" and its \"documentation\" concerned with the operation of a data processing system. Program software performs the function of the program it implements, either by directly providing instructions to the computer hardware or by serving as input to another piece of software. The term", "id": "4960075" }, { "contents": "Hunk (film)\n\n\na confident, sexy and powerful man that he is about to lose his job. While desperately trying to meet a deadline he types, \"I'd sell my soul for a money making program,\" into the computer. The computer prints \"The Yuppie Program\", which becomes hugely popular and gains him a large bonus and a paid summer off to write anything he wants. Bradley spends his entire bonus renting a run-down beach house in a very high-end part of California coastline. He first sees O'Brien", "id": "16328577" }, { "contents": "ARC Centre for Complex Systems\n\n\nResearch in this program tackled fundamental questions about growth and form in cellular biology. Computational modelling was used to study how the control of development results from an interaction between each cell's genetic regulatory network and its inputs from neighbouring cells and its environment, and how the process proceeds reliably, while coping with unreliable components, perturbation, injury, and changing environments. This program applied complex systems science to the problem of improving the efficiency of air travel without compromising safety. To do this, researchers developed and used air traffic simulators to", "id": "17414448" }, { "contents": "Stevens v Kabushiki Kaisha Sony Computer Entertainment\n\n\nCopyright Act 1968. The allegation was that the unlawful sale of devices (the ‘mod chips’) circumvented Technological Protection Measures (TPMs). Sony alleged that Steven's ‘mod chips’ circumvented a measure that protected the applicants’ copyright in literary works (computer programs) and cinematograph films. Whether the ‘mod chips’ were a circumvention device depended on whether Sony's RAC system was defined as a TPM within the meaning of s 10(1) of the Act. This was of particular interest to The Australian Competition and", "id": "20087597" } ]
Why is healthcare linked to employment, as opposed to rent or a mortgage, etc...?
[{"answer": "During the Second World War, the U.S. government thought it was a good idea to limit what a company could pay a worker. So, let's pretend your job is making Ninja Turtle action figures in my Ninja Turtle factory. I pay you ten gummy bears an hour for making these Ninja Turtle dolls. Now, I think you're a good worker, so I want to pay you fifteen gummy bears instead of ten. The U.S. government steps in and says, \"No! That's not fair. You can only pay ecfunj1 ten gummy bears an hour. That's the law. It's for the greater good- we're in a war, doncha know.\" Now I, being the staunchly capitalist factory owner that I am, who thinks that you should be paid what you're worth, say, \"Well, you're not the boss of me, Federal Government! I think ecfunj1 should get more money.\" However, not wanting to go to jail, I devise a way around this ridiculous statute. Instead of giving you more money, I pay for your healthcare, which gets around the wage controls set by the government and compensates you more for your labor. Other ways I find to get around this law are paid sick and vacation days. Basically, the reason there is a strong tradition of employer-based healthcare in the United States stems from 1940s government-mandated price and wage controls. Employers who competed in hiring workers in a scarce labor market were unable to pay more money to attract more/better workers. Employers resorted to offering perks, such as health insurance and paid sick/vacation days, to compensate workers more without breaking the law by paying them more. Additionally, there are special tax-deductions in the Tax Code for employer-paid healthcare. Employers are able to reduce their tax burden by providing health insurance to employees, and employees do not report health insurance paid by their employer as income. These special tax privileges reinforced the employer-based health insurance structure that came into existence in the 1940s. Edit: Here's more reading for the economically-curious: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Because the government instituted wage controls, Henry Ford, to offer better wages without increasing the pay, offered health care. It was done as a way to encourage more workers to work at Ford, and to screw with his competitors. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "In the United States, the development of health care access was tied very closely with the rise of labor movements, but never made the transition to government-run health care that occurred in other societies with a similar history. The health hazards of early twentieth-century industrial life were tremendous. A demand of organized labor was that companies be responsible for the health damage they inflicted upon the workers and these demands resulted in health insurance provided by employers to large numbers of employees. For a variety of socio-political reasons, from American individualism to strong anti-communist sentiment, attempts to replace the employer-sponsored health care system with a government system like what was developed in the United Kingdom failed. Rent is a benefit which was often provided by employers in the past and in some cases still is. Historical rent providing for lower-paid positions were riddled with abuse where employers would use their control over the living conditions of employees to control their lives in an effort to make them more productive or as methods of recapturing wages. 'Company towns' where employees had little access to housing or goods not provided by their employer gained such a bad reputation that many governments have a variety of rules to try to limit the abuses. It takes a lot of conjecture to explain why some historical trends endure while others are replaced or why others don't even arise. The best we can usually do is describe situations of various sorts and try to glean some understanding from them."}, {"answer": "If you're interested in the history of the US health care system, This American Life has a great episode on it called \"[Someone Else's Money]( URL_0 )\". Act II answers this question specifically."}, {"answer": "Healthcare insurance being linked to companies was started to give them a recruiting/retention advantage over their competitors. In the past, this was paid for mostly or in whole by companies. Now it's more like companies collectively bargain for this stuff for you...but most companies really don't seem to try hard to get the best deals for you, only a few tiers of coverage. It's an area where there really doesn't seem to have been much evolution aside from the insurance companies finding ways to make you pay more for less."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "8840098", "title": "Disability insurance", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": [", is a form of insurance that insures the beneficiary's earned income against the risk that a disability creates a barrier for a worker to complete the core functions of their work.", "Disability Insurance, often called DI or disability income insurance, or income protection, is a form of insurance that insures the beneficiary's earned income against the risk that a disability creates a barrier for a worker to complete the core functions of their work. For example, the worker may suffer from an inability to maintain composure in the case of psychological disorders or an injury, illness or condition that causes physical impairment or incapacity to work. It encompasses paid sick leave, short-term disability benefits (STD), and long-term disability benefits (LTD). Statistics show that in the US a disabling accident occurs, on average, once every second. In fact, nearly 18.5% of Americans are currently living with a disability, and 1 out of every 4 persons in the US workforce will suffer a disabling injury before retirement.", "Disability Insurance, often called DI or disability income insurance, or income protection, is a form of insurance that insures the beneficiary's earned income against the risk that a disability creates a barrier for a worker to complete the core functions of their work. For example, the worker may suffer from an inability to maintain composure in the case of psychological disorders or an injury, illness or condition that causes physical impairment or incapacity to work. It encompasses paid sick leave, short-term disability benefits (STD), and long-term disability benefits (LTD). Statistics show that in the US a disabling accident occurs, on average, once every second. In fact, nearly 18.5% of Americans are currently living with a disability, and 1 out of every 4 persons in the US workforce will suffer a disabling injury before retirement.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "57573320", "title": "Jobseekers Act 1995", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The Jobseekers Act 1995 (c 18) is an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom, which empowers the government to provide unemployment income insurance, or \"Jobseeker's Allowance\" while people are looking for work.", "The Jobseekers Act 1995 (c 18) is an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom, which empowers the government to provide unemployment income insurance, or \"Jobseeker's Allowance\" while people are looking for work. In its current form, jobseeker's allowance is available without any means testing (i.e. inquiry into people's income or assets) for people who have paid into the National Insurance fund in at least the last two years. People can claim this for up to 182 days. After this, one's income and assets are means tested.", "The Jobseekers Act 1995 (c 18) is an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom, which empowers the government to provide unemployment income insurance, or \"Jobseeker's Allowance\" while people are looking for work. In its current form, jobseeker's allowance is available without any means testing (i.e. inquiry into people's income or assets) for people who have paid into the National Insurance fund in at least the last two years. People can claim this for up to 182 days. After this, one's income and assets are means tested.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Rent control in Scotland\n\n\nlisted therein. 1915 = Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (War Restrictions) Act 1915 1919 = Increase of Rent, Etc., (Amendment) Act 1919 1920 = Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act 1920 1923 = Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions Act 1923 1923 = Prevention of Eviction Act 1924 1933 = Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions (Amendment) Act 1933 1965 = Rent Act 1965 1967 = Agriculture Act 1967 1970 = Agriculture Act 1970 1974 = Rent Act 1974 1980 = Tenant's Rights, Etc.", "id": "10775588" }, { "contents": "City of Clarence\n\n\nwere mortgaged, 20% rented, and the rest rent-free or under some other form of tenure. The average house price in Clarence is A$ 310,000. The average weekly mortgage cost is $243, and the average cost of rent is $150. The major sectors of employment are retail (20%), education (12%), health and Community services (12%), property management and business services (5%), and construction and trades (5%). The average weekly income", "id": "20900449" }, { "contents": "Causes of the United States housing bubble\n\n\n69.2 percent. Bush's 2004 campaign slogan \"the ownership society\" indicates the strong preference and societal influence of Americans to own the homes they live in, as opposed to renting. However, in many parts of the United States, rent does not cover mortgage costs; the national median mortgage payment is $1,687 per month, nearly twice the median rent payment of $868 per month, although this ratio can vary significantly from market to market. Suspicious Activity Reports pertaining to mortgage fraud increased by 1,411 percent between 1997 and", "id": "6916404" }, { "contents": "Personal consumption expenditures price index\n\n\ncontains a large component of owner-equivalent rent, which by definition is an imputed value and not a real direct expenditure. The second major difference in weight is healthcare. This again stems from the definition of the index and the surveys used. CPI measures only the out-of-pocket healthcare costs of households where PCE includes healthcare purchased on behalf of households by third parties, including employer-provided health insurance. In the United States, employer health insurance is a large component and accounts for much of the difference in", "id": "15065504" }, { "contents": "Gross margin\n\n\nvariable costs and fixed costs directly linked to the sale, such as material costs, labor, supplier profit, shipping-in costs (cost of getting the product to the point of sale, as opposed to shipping-out costs which are not included in COGS), etc. It does not include indirect fixed costs like office expenses, rent, administrative costs, etc. Higher gross margins for a manufacturer reflect greater efficiency in turning raw materials into income. For a retailer it will be their markup over wholesale. Larger", "id": "17872419" }, { "contents": "Rent control in Scotland\n\n\nthe Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions (Amendment) Act 1933 i.e. some five years before the need to provide a rent book was made obligatory for weekly rents. Over the years the prescribed requirements have been updated to reflect changes in the law, e.g. the disappearance of tenancies formerly covered by the Rent Acts, the introduction of new forms of tenure within those Acts, etc. Failure to provide either a rent book or one not in accordance with the prescribed requirements is punishable by a fine. Entries in a rent book purporting to", "id": "10775565" }, { "contents": "Employee value proposition\n\n\nthe Employer Brand Proposition. Tandehill (2006) reinforces this link to employer branding, and urges all organizations to develop a statement of why the total work experience at their organization is superior to that at other organizations. The value proposition should identify the unique people policies, processes and programs that demonstrate the organization's commitment to i.e., employee growth, management development, ongoing employee recognition, community service, etc. Contained within the value proposition are the central reasons that people will choose to commit themselves to an organization. The EVP", "id": "18470415" }, { "contents": "Economic history of Canada\n\n\nsignificant economic factor. As most aspects of the healthcare system are financed from general government revenues, and as provincial governments bear the majority of these costs, healthcare has grown to become the largest component of Canadian provincial budgets. Medicare is also a relevant factor in the decisions of employers to locate businesses in Canada (where government pays most of employees' healthcare costs) as opposed to the United States (where employers more directly pay many healthcare costs). Poverty in Canada remains a prevalent issue within some segments of society. The", "id": "18737004" }, { "contents": "Healthcare Professionals for Healthcare Reform\n\n\nhospitals, the need to cover the entire population for basic healthcare services and keep the great quality of the current delivery of healthcare, promote and integrate scientifically validated diagnostic and therapeutic modalities and most importantly, to depoliticize healthcare and allow for a more manageable way to finance it. In addition, it was important that the plan was completely portable throughout the country and did not depend on income, age or employment status. The group started with an evidence-guided tiered system of healthcare delivery based on the question, “why ca", "id": "12160117" }, { "contents": "Goldman Sachs controversies\n\n\nsecurities, debt from Sallie Mae, credit cards, etc. Goldman bought mortgages to create securities, which made it \"far more likely than its clients to have early knowledge\" that the housing bubble was deflating and the mortgage originators like New Century had begun to falsify documentation and sell mortgages to customers unable to pay the mortgage-holders back—which is why the fine print on at least one ABACUS prospectus warned long investors that the 'Protection Buyer' (Goldman) 'may have information, including material, non-", "id": "4969568" }, { "contents": "2003 Ontario general election\n\n\nThen he would link McGuinty to Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien and say McGuinty supported the federal immigration system that allows terrorists and criminals into the country. The Tory television advertising also attempted to polarize the election around these issues. In one of the ads, a voice-over accompanying an unflattering photo of the Liberal leader asks \"Ever wonder why Dalton McGuinty wants to raise your taxes?\" The ad then points out that McGuinty has opposed Tory plans to allow homeowners a tax deduction on mortgage interest and to give senior citizens", "id": "18528774" }, { "contents": "Mortgage underwriting in the United States\n\n\nunderwriter must determine and document that the income and employment is stable enough to pay the mortgage in years to come. Furthermore, underwriters evaluate the capacity to pay the loan using a comparative method known as the debt-to-income ratio. This is calculated by adding the monthly liabilities and obligations (mortgage payments, monthly credit and loan payments, child support, alimony, etc.) and dividing it by the monthly income. For an example, if a borrower has a $500 car payment, $100 in credit", "id": "5103818" }, { "contents": "International healthcare accreditation\n\n\n, it may be the government or it may be the individual (sometimes either by direct payment, and sometimes through employer-run schemes, insurance companies etc.), or a combination of both. However, healthcare can never be truly “free” – someone somewhere will always have to pay, and the payer will always want the best value for money possible. \"Affordability\" of healthcare can be the insurmountable hurdle for some human beings. Value for money is hence another factor in assessing the true quality of healthcare", "id": "3730849" }, { "contents": "Rent-a-car scam\n\n\nA rent-a-car scam (locally known in the Philippines as a rent-\"sangla\" scam [rent-mortgage scam], or as a rent-\"tangay\" by some in the media) is a confidence trick that began to occur in the Philippines in early 2017. According to local reports, victims of a so-called rent-\"sangla\" (rent-mortgage) scam said they later found out that they had fallen victim to fraudulent promises of rental income when they later found their vehicles had either been mortgaged or sold to different", "id": "20431129" }, { "contents": "Development of non-profit housing in the United States\n\n\ncash flow or operating income by subtracting operating expenses (maintenance, water, sewer, electricity, insurance, etc.) from income generated by rents and other income such as laundry, vending and parking services. Positive operating income is necessary to cover the mortgage payments on the property and if income is not enough to cover debt than the bank can foreclose on the property. Lenders measure the ability of a project’s operating income to make mortgage payments by using a debt-service-coverage ratio, which is a calculation of", "id": "7814916" }, { "contents": "Political positions of John Delaney\n\n\nthat a strong healthcare system will continue provide quality and affordable care for future generations. He prefers taking a more incremental approach to healthcare reform. He believes it is imperative to first remedy the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act before implementing a fully paid-for universal healthcare plan. Opposed to pushing for single-payer healthcare, he proposes expanding Medicare coverage. In an interview, Delaney was quoted as saying, Delaney believes that if healthcare, as well as retirement, is not tied to employment, individuals will feel more secure", "id": "14206360" }, { "contents": "London Borough of Bexley\n\n\nthe 2001 Census, the borough has a population of 218,307 – of whom 105,148 were male, and 113,159 female. Of the population, 44.3% were in full-time employment and 11.6% in part-time employment – compared to a London average of 42.6% and 8.6%, respectively. Residents were predominantly owner-occupiers, with 31.7% owning their house outright, and a further 46.5% owning with a mortgage. Only 2.2% were in local authority housing, with a further 11.5% renting from a housing", "id": "11079643" }, { "contents": "Mortgage equity withdrawal\n\n\nIn economics, mortgage equity withdrawal (MEW) is the decision of consumers to borrow money against the real value of their houses. The real value is the current value of the property less any accumulated liabilities (mortgages, loans, etc.) Some authors also use \"equity extraction\" and include net payments received at time of house sale. In this case the traditional usage of equity extraction is the purchase of a new house. The rate of MEW has been linked to Marginal propensity to consume (MPC), as", "id": "20765714" }, { "contents": "Dodge City, Kansas\n\n\nthe city is 79.3. As of 2010, the median home value in the city was $83,300, the median selected monthly owner cost was $1,013 for housing units with a mortgage and $450 for those without, and the median gross rent was $571. Cargill Meat Solutions and National Beef are the two largest employers. Other major employers include local government, schools, retail stores, and health care providers. Dodge City is a city of the first class with a commission-manager form of government. The city", "id": "21455885" }, { "contents": "Rents and Mortgage Interest Restriction Act 1915\n\n\nThe Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (War Restrictions) Act, 1915 (Rent Restrictions Act) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which restricted increases in rent and the rate of mortgage interest during World War I. The Act was in place on 25 November 1915 with its restrictions retrospectively in place from 4 August 1914. The Act was, in part, a result of a rent strike which had taken place in Glasgow between 1914–15 as landlords sought to capitalise on the large influx of people into Glasgow that the", "id": "15906928" }, { "contents": "Mortgage to Rent\n\n\nMortgage to Rent is part of the Home Owners' Support Fund, run by the Scottish Government. It is used by homeowners who are threatened with eviction due to non-payment of their mortgages. Under the scheme, a homeowner's property is bought by a housing association, which then rents the property back to the owner, who is able to stay on as a social tenant. To qualify, the homeowner needs to have: Many people find themselves being asked to pay large sums by their mortgage lender after being repossessed", "id": "2780829" }, { "contents": "The Heartland Institute\n\n\nHSAs), replacing federal tax deductions for employer-based healthcare with a refundable tax credit to allow individual choice over health insurance, removing state and Federal healthcare regulations aimed at providers and consumers of healthcare, and reducing litigation costs which are associated with malpractice suits. In 2010 Heartland published the 66 page book, \"The Obamacare Disaster\", by Peter Ferrara, which opposed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In 2015 the institute filed an \"amicus curiae\" brief in support of the petitioner in \"King v. Burwell", "id": "15714398" }, { "contents": "Charles C. Lockwood\n\n\ninflated housing costs. Banking and insurance practices in the real estate market were also examined and deemed inadequate. Due to the work of the Committee's chief counsel, the consumer rights attorney Samuel Untermyer, the investigation exposed that commercial mortgage lenders charged up fees and expenses worth between 20 percent and 50 percent of the initial loan. In April 1920, the Committee issued a series of recommendations to diminish the rent spiral, resulting in the passage of twelve laws in the Anti-Rent Profiteering Bill. Property owners opposed the bill because", "id": "14066423" }, { "contents": "Idea networking\n\n\nexample, statements linked as being about weather conditions may be further subdivided into those about good weather, wet weather or bad weather, etc.). This linking is sometimes called 'coding' in thematic analysis which highlights that the statements can be linked for several and different reasons (source, context, time, etc.). There maybe many tens of reasons why statements are linked. The same statements may be linked for different reasons. The number of reasons should not be restricted to low number as so anticipate the", "id": "2107900" }, { "contents": "Rent control in Scotland\n\n\nparticular ground is desired. Historical Considerations It will be recalled that after the passing of the Increase of Rent and Mortgage (Restrictions) Act 1920 all the legislation connected with rent control and security of tenure was until 1971 effected by adding to or amending existing Acts. The then prevailing security of tenure provisions were contained in the Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions (Amendment) Act 1933 as regards \"controlled\" tenancies and in the Rent Act 1965 for \"regulated\" tenancies. The Rent (Scotland) Act 1971 codified these provisions and", "id": "10775576" }, { "contents": "Mortgage industry of Denmark\n\n\nterms of reduced interest and mortgage repayments and loan guarantees. Also the residents - as in other rented housing - receive individual rent subsidies related to income, size of household and size of apartment. People in acute need of housing can turn to the municipality for help if they are without possibilities to solve their own housing problem. Foreclosure is mentioned as a cause among other causes, e.g. divorce, cf. page 59 in 98% of Danish mortgages are securitized to mortgage-backed securities and sold by the mortgage originators. A", "id": "18705634" }, { "contents": "History of Libya\n\n\n90%, life expectancy rose from 57 to 77 years, employment opportunities were established for migrant workers, and welfare systems were introduced that allowed access to free education, free healthcare, and financial assistance for housing. The Great Manmade River was also built to allow free access to fresh water across large parts of the country. In addition, financial support was provided for university scholarships and employment programs. Gaddafi doubled the minimum wage, introduced statutory price controls, and implemented compulsory rent reductions of between 30 and 40%. Gaddafi", "id": "13843155" }, { "contents": "Settled Land Acts\n\n\nis impeachable for waste ¾ of the rent is capitalised if he is unimpeachable ¼ of the rent is capitalised. \"The Settled Land Acts\" did not radically change the tenant for life's power to mortgage. Under s.18 he can mortgage the land if money is required for equality of exchange, to buy out the ground rent or to raise money to discharge incumbrances of a permanent nature. Any money raised by the mortgage is treated as capital money and under s.22 must be paid to the trustees or into court. Even in", "id": "9157115" }, { "contents": "Healthcare in Germany\n\n\n\") is covered half and half by employer and employee and covers cases in which a person is not able to manage his or her daily routine (provision of food, cleaning of apartment, personal hygiene, etc.). It is about 2% of a yearly salaried income or pension, with employers matching the contribution of the employee. There are two separate types of health insurance: public health insurance (\"Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung\") and private insurance (\"Private Krankenversicherung\"). Both systems struggle with the increasing", "id": "13515556" }, { "contents": "Garden City, Kansas\n\n\nlow; compared to a U.S. average of 100, the cost of living index for the city is 81.6. As of 2012, the median home value in the city was $103,400, the median selected monthly owner cost was $1,159 for housing units with a mortgage and $455 for those without, and the median gross rent was $665. According to Garden City's 2012 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, the top employers in the city are: Garden City is a city of the first class with a commission-manager", "id": "21455830" }, { "contents": "Work permit (United Kingdom)\n\n\ncriteria set by Work Permits (UK). Otherwise the employer will need to advertise for the position in a government accredited place - a broadsheet paper, online etc. This advert will have to be 'live' for a set period of time and the employer will have to prove that the applicant is the most qualified for that position. The work permit shortage occupations list contains jobs within the engineering, healthcare, and other professions. A work permit holder's partner may apply for entry clearance as a dependant on the work", "id": "12251036" }, { "contents": "Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act\n\n\nan EOP remittance advice only from a health insurer to a health care provider either directly or via a financial institution. EDI Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance Set (834) can be used by employers, unions, government agencies, associations or insurance agencies to enroll members to a payer. The payer is a healthcare organization that pays claims, administers insurance or benefit or product. Examples of payers include an insurance company, healthcare professional (HMO), preferred provider organization (PPO), government agency (Medicaid, Medicare etc.)", "id": "11342892" }, { "contents": "Hays, Kansas\n\n\nemployers include local government, Nex-Tech, Eagle Communications, AT&T Inc., and other telecommunications firms, retail stores, and social services providers. The cost of living in Hays is relatively low; compared to a U.S. average of 100, the cost of living index for the city is 81.7. As of 2012, the median home value in the city was $147,300, the median selected monthly owner cost was $1,254 for housing units with a mortgage and $445 for those without, and the median gross rent was", "id": "21414415" }, { "contents": "Home ownership in Australia\n\n\n1995 and June 2015, the proportion of households without a mortgage declined from 42% to 31%, while the proportion with a mortgage rose from 30% to 36%. Since 1995–96, the proportion of households renting from state/territory housing authorities has declined slightly while the proportion renting privately increased from 19% to 25% in 2015–16. While a greater proportion of all renting households are renting from private landlords, there is an increased number of private renters receiving Commonwealth rent assistance. Home ownership in Australia decreased to 67", "id": "916094" }, { "contents": "Income inequality in the United States\n\n\nhealthcare insurance premiums paid for by employers and tax deductions for mortgage interest, are distributed unevenly across the income spectrum. They are often what the Congress offers to special interests in exchange for their support. According to a report from the CBO that analyzed the 2013 data: Understanding how each tax expenditure is distributed across the income spectrum can inform policy choices. Economist Dean Baker argues that the existence of tax loopholes, deductions, and credits for the corporate income tax contributes to rising income inequality by permitting large corporations with many accountants to", "id": "14332371" }, { "contents": "Causes of income inequality in the United States\n\n\nthey would otherwise be for any given tax rate structure. The benefits from tax expenditures, such as income exclusions for healthcare insurance premiums paid for by employers and tax deductions for mortgage interest, are distributed unevenly across the income spectrum. They are often what the Congress offers to special interests in exchange for their support. According to a report from the CBO that analyzed the 2013 data: Understanding how each tax expenditure is distributed across the income spectrum can inform policy choices. Paul Krugman wrote in 2015 that: \"Economists struggling to", "id": "8391421" }, { "contents": "Episcopal Parish of the Messiah (Auburndale, Massachusetts)\n\n\na month before the fire (and is mortgaged to pay for the pipe organ). Messiah was rededicated by Bishop Sherrill on September 13, 1945. The Rev. Frederick W. Rapp, formerly an assistant at St. Paul’s Cathedral (and a Baptist minister before then), served at Messiah during the post-war boom. A large parish hall (now rented as a daycare center) was built in 1952 with room for the basketball team, a stage, etc., and a Youth Director is hired. The Rev.", "id": "21341473" }, { "contents": "Health in Bermuda\n\n\nhave national healthcare. Employers must provide a healthcare plan and pay for up to 50% of the cost for each employee. Healthcare is a mandatory requirement and is expensive, even with the help provided by employers, though no more expensive than that which an employee in the US would typically pay for healthcare when obtained through their employer and the coverage typically far exceeds that which one may have through their employer in the US. There are only a few approved healthcare providers that offer insurance to Bermudians. In 2016 these were the", "id": "14020307" }, { "contents": "Cadillac insurance plan\n\n\nthe tax. It also will impact, possibly eliminate, some healthcare savings accounts, which are included in the plan cost calculation. A study from the Kaiser Family Foundation estimated 26 percent of all employers would face the tax in at least one of their plans in 2018, when the tax was then scheduled to be implemented. Labor unions have also opposed this tax because it would be \"very disruptive\" to their healthcare plans and have asked that their members be eligible for the same federal subsidies available to low-income workers", "id": "19906146" }, { "contents": "Health care in the United Kingdom\n\n\ncentre. From the birth of the NHS in 1948, private medicine has continued to exist, paid for partly by private insurance. Provision of private healthcare acquired by means of private health insurance, funded as part of an employer funded healthcare scheme or paid directly by the customer, though provision can be restricted for those with conditions such as AIDS/HIV. In recent years, despite some evidence that a large proportion of the public oppose such involvement, the private sector has been used to increase NHS capacity. In addition,", "id": "8610458" }, { "contents": "Healthcare in Canada\n\n\na benefit. \"Equity in dental care use has recently gained more prominence as a health policy issue in Canada and in other OECD nations.\" It is said that among the OECD countries, Canada ranks approximately second to last in the department of public financing of oral healthcare. Those who are in need of dental care are usually responsible for the finances and some may benefit from certain actions such as coverage available through employment, under provincial plans, or private dental care plans. \"As opposed to its national system of public", "id": "8624526" }, { "contents": "Salina, Kansas\n\n\n, the median selected monthly owner cost was $1,070 for housing units with a mortgage and $396 for those without, and the median gross rent was $599. According to Salina's 2014 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, these are the city's top employers: Salina is a city of the first class with a commission-manager form of government which it adopted in 1921. The city commission consists of five members elected at large, one of whom the commission annually selects to serve as mayor. Commission candidates who receive the", "id": "21550329" }, { "contents": "The Banyan\n\n\n, laundry, waitstaff etc.),\" and healthcare \"(personal assistants, community based mental health workers, peer advocates, programme managers etc.)\" The organisation holds income enhancement and vocational independence as significant factors of importance when it comes to personal recovery. In addition to internal work placements and vocational training, The Banyan also has ties with external organisations to facilitate employment outside of the organisation. They also offer clients small and medium scale grants to federate social cooperatives. 60% of their clients are gainfully employed and", "id": "9503912" }, { "contents": "Saving identity\n\n\ngo up and there is competition between employers is the result of a constant influx of capital that is equal to or greater than the rate at which the amount of labor increases. To understand why Ricardo’s view of the saving-investment identity differed from Smith’s, one must first examine Ricardo’s definition of rent. This rent adds no new value to society, but since land-owners are profit seeking, and since population is increasing in this time of growth, land that yields beyond the value of sustenance for workers", "id": "18656356" }, { "contents": "Teach-back method\n\n\nForum describes the practice as follows: Who should use the method→ Any healthcare providers. E.g. physicians, nurses, healthcare professionals What should patients teach-back→Information about their diagnosis, treatment plan, medications, risks and benefit of treatment, etc. When to ask for teach-back→ Early in the care process Why is it important→Many patients have difficulty understanding medical information. How→When asked to teach-back, patients should be able to clearly describe or explain the information provided to them. Depending on the patient's successful or unsuccessful teach", "id": "7229483" }, { "contents": "Unemployment benefits\n\n\nAssistance is paid as a proportion of total rent paid (75 cents per dollar paid over $53.40 up to the maximum). The maximum amount of rent assistance payable is A$60.10 per week, and is paid when the total weekly rent exceeds A$133.54 per week. Different rates apply to people with partners and/or children, or who are sharing accommodation. External links In Canada, the system is known as \"Employment Insurance\". Formally called \"Unemployment Insurance\", the name was changed in 1996 to alleviate perceived negative", "id": "9586225" }, { "contents": "Billionaires for Wealthcare\n\n\nBillionaires for Wealthcare are a political Guerrilla theatre and culture jamming group that is satirically opposed to U.S. President Barack Obama's attempts at healthcare reform in the United States. Their stated satirical goals were meant to expose the moneyed interests in keeping the status quo of healthcare at the time. Much like the earlier Billionaires for Bush, its members arrive at events (both pro and anti reform) in phony limousines wearing fancy attire (tuxedos, top hats, evening gowns, pearls etc.) and address one another by pseudonyms such as", "id": "13966085" }, { "contents": "ESPN2 Garage\n\n\ncruiser motorcycles with profiles on custom builders, the top motorcycle rallies and more. Amateur customizers prepare their cars for one of Funkmaster Flex's car shows. Contestants put everything on the line (second mortgage, rent money, etc.) to win and deal with the stress and realities of competition. Flex, one of the nation’s most well-known radio personalities, helps them along. A non-stop, deadline-driven show. In each episode, a real mechanic and a “crew” of four regular", "id": "11498816" }, { "contents": "Custodian for Enemy Property for India\n\n\nof India are banned from entering any transactions by way of granting development rights, selling, transferring or mortgaging more than a third of a property in India declared as \"enemy\" Property. The office of the Custodian are located in Bombay with a branch in Calcutta. The fees equal two percent on the gross income from the properties vested in the Custodian. The income received by way of rent, interest etc. on securities is invested in the Reserve Bank of India. The maturity for the year 2004-2005 is expected", "id": "8402560" }, { "contents": "Health care finance in the United States\n\n\nHealth care finance in the United States discusses how Americans obtain and pay for their healthcare, and why U.S. healthcare costs are the highest in the world based on various measures. The American system is a mix of public and private insurance. The government provides insurance coverage for approximately 53 million elderly via Medicare, 62 million lower-income persons via Medicaid, and 15 million military veterans via the Veteran's Administration. About 178 million employed by companies receive subsidized health insurance through their employer, while 52 million other persons directly purchase insurance", "id": "12867636" }, { "contents": "Decline of the Glass–Steagall Act\n\n\nThe banking industry strongly opposed the bill in that form, and the House rejected it. The House debate revealed that Congress might agree on repealing Sections 20 and 32 while being divided on how bank affiliations with securities firms should be regulated. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, as Congress considered whether to “repeal” Glass–Steagall, commercial banks and their affiliates engaged in activities that commentators later linked to the financial crisis of 2007–2008. In 1978 Bank of America issued the first residential mortgage-backed security that securitized residential mortgages not", "id": "14891863" }, { "contents": "Political debates about the United States federal budget\n\n\nbe for any given tax rate structure. The benefits from tax expenditures, such as income exclusions for healthcare insurance premiums paid for by employers and tax deductions for mortgage interest, are distributed unevenly across the income spectrum. They are often what the Congress offers to special interests in exchange for their support. According to a report from the CBO that analyzed the 2013 data: Understanding how each tax expenditure is distributed across the income spectrum can inform policy choices. The Congressional Research Service reported that even though there is more than $1", "id": "10842026" }, { "contents": "Presidency of Barack Obama\n\n\n20.2% of the population in 2010 to 13.3% of the population in 2015, though Republicans continued to oppose Obamacare as an unwelcome expansion of government. Many liberals continued to push for a single-payer healthcare system or a public option, and Obama endorsed the latter proposal, as well as an expansion of health insurance tax credits, in 2016. Risky practices among the major financial institutions on Wall Street were widely seen as contributing to the subprime mortgage crisis, the financial crisis of 2007–08, and the subsequent Great Recession,", "id": "3135459" }, { "contents": "The Heartland Institute\n\n\nchildren. In 1994, the Institute criticized the Chicago Public Schools' reform efforts and advocated privatization of public schools and school vouchers. In 2014 the Institute published \"Rewards: How to Use Rewards to Help Children Learn – and Why Teachers Don't Use Them Well\" co-authored by Joseph Bast, which argued that the public education system should embrace incentives and rewards to spur student achievement. The Institute advocates for free-market reforms in healthcare and opposes federal control over the healthcare industry. Heartland supports Health Savings Accounts (", "id": "15714397" }, { "contents": "Ekkehart Schlicht\n\n\nwage discrimination, in which Schlicht offers rationales for why such commonly observed phenomena may emerge in a free market. On efficiency wages, Schlicht has argued that the offering by employers of above-market wages may have to do with turnover costs, which the employer attempts to reduce by paying a \"job rent\". This is an alternative to other common approaches to efficiency wages such as the \"discipline\" theory by e.g. Shapiro and Stiglitz, or the \"adverse selection\" and \"loyalty\" models by e.g. Akerlof. More", "id": "8421216" }, { "contents": "Leavenworth, Kansas\n\n\nmedian selected monthly owner cost was $1,282 for housing units with a mortgage and $428 for those without, and the median gross rent was $762. According to the town's 2015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, the top employers in the city are: The Richard Allen Cultural Center and Museum contains items and artifacts from the African American pioneers and members of the military, including the \"Black Dignity\" collection of 1870s-1920s photographs from the Mary Everhard Collection. Leavenworth enjoys year-round plays and musicals performed by a community theater", "id": "15212141" }, { "contents": "Charles Lane (actor)\n\n\nGuild. He became a favorite of director Frank Capra, who used him in several films. In \"It's a Wonderful Life\", Lane played a seemingly hard-nosed rent collector for the miserly Henry Potter (Lionel Barrymore), who tried to explain to his employer that many of his tenants were moving out, taking advantage of affordable mortgage loans provided by the film's protagonist, George Bailey (James Stewart). Lane also appeared in the film \"Mighty Joe Young\" (1949) as one of the", "id": "9249702" }, { "contents": "Primary residence\n\n\n) The location of the taxpayer's banks; and (vi) The location of religious organizations and recreational clubs with which the taxpayer is affiliated.\" In the United States, a primary residence is understood to be a property that one has regular access to, as opposed to a property one owns but does not have access to due to it being rented out to others. This can affect eligibility for a mortgage or home equity loan, with requirements generally being looser for getting a loan for a property one lives in,", "id": "214013" }, { "contents": "Rent control in Scotland\n\n\nEngland and Wales, the Scottish Act being Tenant's Rights Etc., (Scotland) Act 1980 for Scotland. Short tenancies guaranteed landlords a right of recovery of possession provided the procedural requirements were met, i.e. let at a fair rent from one to five years to a new tenant who had received prior warning that the tenancy on offer was on a short tenancy basis. The reason why Scotland retained a three-year registration period in 1980, when a reduction to two years was one of the amendments made to the \"", "id": "10775508" }, { "contents": "Disposable and discretionary income\n\n\nIndex study conducted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the United States of America has the highest average household disposable income of all of the OECD member countries in the world. Discretionary income is disposable income (after-tax income), minus all payments that are necessary to meet current bills. It is total personal income after subtracting taxes and minimal survival expenses (such as food, medicine, rent or mortgage, utilities, insurance, transportation, property maintenance, child support, etc.", "id": "17336559" }, { "contents": "Provident Institution for Savings v. Mayor of Jersey City\n\n\nnumber of stories of the houses, and were made payable annually in advance on 1 May in each year, with a penalty of three percent if not paid by the 1 July and interest at the rate of seven percent from the 20th of December. The regulations extend to many details, making provision for extra charges to certain kinds of establishments, providing penalties for misuse of the water, etc. The city authorities answered the bill, admitting that they had assessed upon the mortgaged premises the water rents set forth in the bill", "id": "19207615" }, { "contents": "Sale and rent back\n\n\nsale and rent back’ companies had defaulted on mortgages used to buy the properties from their original owners. The promises of lifetime tenancies which had been offered by the sale and rent back companies were found to be worthless, and several hundred such tenants – many of them elderly or vulnerable - faced eviction following the ruling. In ruling that the rights of the mortgage lenders took precedence over those of the tenants, one of the judges, Lord Collins, agreed that it was “a harsh result”; the judges noted that", "id": "19742236" }, { "contents": "Ontological security\n\n\nEuropean States where renting is stable, and well regulated, the issue of stability does not have to equate with home ownership based on mortgages. In the UK where working poor and many middle income families are under incredible financial stress, due to the increasing cost of home ownership, and of renting which is paying for the mortgages of landlords with many properties, all of which is urged by Government (social housing rents set at 80% of the market rate for private housing) as part of the ideology of 'growing the", "id": "20780780" }, { "contents": "A Great Night in Harlem\n\n\nRoberts joined the organization and together they ran it, handling an average of 10 cases a day. Because of the success of the A Great Night in Harlem, they initiated the Jazz in the Schools Program, which generated employment for more than 400 elderly musicians in New York City. The annual A Great Night in Harlem concerts were the organization's only major funding source. Lilien and his partners at E-Trade started the Musicians Emergency Housing Fund, which enabled the Jazz Foundation to pay rents and keep mortgages from foreclosure.", "id": "4928168" }, { "contents": "Tax incidence\n\n\n, that contains employer and employees. The tax imposed on the employer is divided. The concept of tax incidence was initially brought to economists' attention by the French Physiocrats, in particular François Quesnay, who argued that the incidence of all taxation falls ultimately on landowners and is at the expense of land rent. Tax incidence is said to \"fall\" upon the group that ultimately bears the burden of, or ultimately suffers a loss from, the tax. The key concept of tax incidence (as opposed to the magnitude of", "id": "2238730" }, { "contents": "Economic history of Ireland\n\n\nfeed a family. Furthermore, many estates, from whom the small farmers rented, were poorly run by absentee landlords and in many cases heavily mortgaged. When potato blight hit the island in 1845, much of the rural population was unable to access the remaining food – wheat, livestock etc. which was due to export to Britain. Unfortunately at this time British politicians such as the Prime Minister Robert Peel were wedded to a strict \"laissez-faire\" economic policy, which argued against state intervention of any sort. While", "id": "15918388" }, { "contents": "Health care finance in the United States\n\n\n-based coverage (as opposed to single-payer or government-funded via individual taxes) is that employers facing increasing healthcare costs offset the expense by either paying relatively less or hiring fewer workers. Since health insurance benefits paid by employers are not treated as income to employees, the government foregoes a sizable amount of tax revenue each year. This subsidy or tax expenditure was estimated by CBO at $281 billion in 2017. On March 1, 2010, billionaire investor Warren Buffett said that the high costs paid by U.S. companies", "id": "12867661" }, { "contents": "Solle v Butcher\n\n\nnot apply to the property. The Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act 1920 sections 1 and 14 and Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act 1938 section 7 regulated rent rises, and gave tenants basic rights upon renewal, to prevent the housing market becoming unaffordable. Butcher was in fact in a business partner, doing real estate, with Solle. In 1947, Butcher had bought that flat, with four others, that were damaged by a land mine in the war. He spent money renovating them and", "id": "4273085" }, { "contents": "Healthcare in Austria\n\n\nSwitzerland with national health insurance in their home country can use the European Health Insurance Card. Self-insured students have to pay an insurance fee of EUR 52.68 per month. Enrollment in the public health care system is generally automatic and is linked to employment, however insurance is also guaranteed to co-insured persons (i.e. spouses and dependents ), pensioners, students, the disabled, and those receiving unemployment benefits. Enrollment is compulsory, and it is not possible to cross-shop the various social security institutions. Employers register", "id": "1517963" }, { "contents": "Taxation in the Czech Republic\n\n\nincome tax rate of 15% and for individuals with incomes exceeding 48 times the average salary within the calendar year there is a solitary surcharge of 7%. Non-tax residents are levied only for income sourced in Czech Republic. Taxable income includes income from employment, entrepreneurial income, capital (interest, dividends, etc.), rent and other forms of income. In Czech Republic, all workers are liable to Czech social and health insurance payments. State social security system covers health care provisions; pensions, employment insurance", "id": "8540158" }, { "contents": "CitiApartments\n\n\nlenders about its ability to force rent-controlled tenants out of their apartments. CitiApartments and its sister companies bought buildings on credit from outside investors, with down payments as low as 5% of the total purchase price (as opposed to 30-40%, which is more common for comparable commercial real estate purchases). Because of the high prices paid for buildings, and the high amount financed, the buildings have negative cash flow and cannot support their mortgage. The company's lenders typically provided higher than usual loan", "id": "5218054" }, { "contents": "William K. Thierfelder\n\n\nhis leadership filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration, arguing that its mandated coverage of contraceptives for employees participating in employer-sponsored healthcare violated the college's right to religious liberty. The lawsuit was a source of division for the campus, with many students and faculty members both in favor of the measure and opposed. Those opposed argued that Belmont Abbey College had never been a particularly religious institution, since many of its faculty members and administrators came from non-Catholic backgrounds. Those in favor of the lawsuit argued that the college", "id": "5223585" }, { "contents": "Italian welfare state\n\n\nto a earnings-based system, related to previous wages. New measures were introduced for workers and employers to deal with a production crisis. In the 1980s INPS got linked to the new healthcare system, and in 1989 it went through an administrative reform. From the following year private workers' pensions were linked to their company's annual income. The financial disorders of the early 1990s brought a raising of the pension age in 1992 and the introduction of the voluntary private insurance schemes the following year. The reform, in order", "id": "19445285" }, { "contents": "Retail price index\n\n\nvarious index linked tax rises. RPI was first calculated for June 1947, largely replacing the previous Interim Index of Retail Prices. It was once the principal official measure of inflation. It has been superseded in that regard by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) The RPI is still used by the government as a base for various purposes, such as the amounts payable on index-linked securities including index-linked gilts, and social housing rent increases. Many employers also use it as a starting point in wage negotiation. Since", "id": "10701563" }, { "contents": "Verification of employment\n\n\n) is sent to all current and previous employers within the last two years listed on the application. This form is filled out by an authorized representative of the employer and includes dates of employment, positions held and a breakdown of compensation received. This information is compared to both the loan application and the income documentation, such as W2's to ensure the information is correct. Once a mortgage has been approved and the borrowers have signed their mortgage documents, a Verbal Verification of Employment (Form 90) is conducted with all current", "id": "8263705" }, { "contents": "Political positions of John Delaney\n\n\nto protect reforms brought by the Affordable Care Act, including guaranteed coverage of preexisting conditions and essential health benefits. Delaney seeks \"portable benefits\", including detaching health care from employment, thereby allowing for Americans to seek new jobs and new opportunities without being made to feel bound to an individual employer. Delaney intends for his plan to guarantee coverage for pregnancy and maternal care. Delaney has not supported the \"Medicare for All\" proposal for achieving universal healthcare. In part, he opposes this because he believes that rural hospitals would", "id": "14206363" }, { "contents": "Rent control in Scotland\n\n\nhas figured in the Rent Acts ever since the Act of 1919 but the surrounding language has varied from time to time. The availability of \"alternative accommodation\" was originally tightly tied to the discretionary ground, as enacted in that Act, relating to the landlord reasonably requiring the tenanted house for himself, etc. The test as regards the suitability of the alternative accommodation was made in comparison with that house. The Act of 1923 retained the link identified above but changed the test to a comparison with the means and needs of the", "id": "10775591" }, { "contents": "Barry Habib\n\n\nand sold several successful businesses including Mortgage Market Guide. CMPS, Certified Mortgage Associates, and Healthcare Imaging Solutions. He has appeared regularly on Fox Business Network Fox Business Network and CNBC Networks, including his Monthly Mortgage Report show, which ran for 13 years on Squawk Box. Habib began his career as a loan originator in 1986 and founded Certified Mortgage Associates in 1989, a mortgage provider in Monmouth County, NJ. Barry was recognized as the Nations top mortgage loan originator in 1992. During his career, Barry closed over $", "id": "3104633" }, { "contents": "Pat Roberts\n\n\nthe flexibility to rest at any point during their trip without it being counted against their hours of service and exempting loading and unloading times from the hours of service calculation of driving time. Roberts opposed President Barack Obama's health reform legislation; he voted against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in December 2009, and he voted against the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. In September 2017, Roberts supported the Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill. When interviewed about why he supported it, Roberts repeatedly refused to say why", "id": "5479556" }, { "contents": "William Bence Jones\n\n\nhe was attacked as an unjust and rack-renting landlord. In December 1880 he refused to accept from his tenants Griffith's Valuation in place of the stipulated rent, and was boycotted. Most of the labourers in his employment deserted him, but he succeeded in carrying on his farm-work with men imported from England and elsewhere. Although successful in his resistance to the Land League, Jones left Ireland in 1881, and settled in London. He strenuously opposed William Ewart Gladstone's Irish Land Act 1881, advocating emigration and", "id": "4401251" }, { "contents": "Verification of employment\n\n\nVerification of Employment (VOE) is a process used by banks and mortgage lenders in the United States to review the employment history of a borrower, to determine the borrower's job stability and cross-reference income history with that stated on the Uniform Residential Loan Application (Form 1003). Lenders require complete VOE declaring all positions held for the last two years of employment history. Most mortgages are preceded by both written and verbal VOEs. Once a lender receives the initial loan application, a Written Verification of Employment (Form 1005", "id": "8263704" }, { "contents": "Cheney, Washington\n\n\nthe city of Spokane. Many people who live in Cheney work and shop in Spokane, while over half of the student population at Eastern Washington University commutes to classes in Cheney daily. Cheney has its own distinctive economic characteristics, but its fortunes and growth are tightly linked to the greater economy of the Inland Northwest. Eastern Washington University is the single largest employer in Cheney, followed by the Cheney School District and city government. In the private sector, healthcare dominates the employment base followed closely by farming and agriculture with the principal", "id": "11939043" }, { "contents": "Steve Bolton (entrepreneur)\n\n\ncalled Axe the Tenant Tax. In a UK first, Bolton united the private rented sector by forming a Coalition of all of the major organisations who are opposed to new government legislation that restricts landlords’ ability to deduct mortgage finance costs as a business expense. Coalition stakeholders represent more than 100,000 landlords who provide housing to more than 1 million tenants in the UK. Bolton and fellow landlord Chris Cooper were co-claimants in a Judicial Review against the UK government in relation to the legality of Section 24 of the Finance (No", "id": "21517057" }, { "contents": "Monopoly (game)\n\n\ncollect rent on mortgaged properties and may not give improved property away to others; however, trading mortgaged properties is allowed. The player receiving the mortgaged property must immediately pay the bank the mortgage price plus 10% or pay just the 10% amount and keep the property mortgaged; if the player chooses the latter, they must pay the 10% again when they pay off the mortgage. A player who cannot pay what they owe is bankrupt and eliminated from the game. If the bankrupt player owes the bank, they", "id": "19984381" }, { "contents": "Adam Werritty\n\n\nThe property in which Werrity stayed rent free was mortgaged at £1,400 per month and covered by Fox's Additional Costs Allowance (ACA), part of his MP's expenses. In 2011, Werritty stayed with Fox at a villa in Spain during an August holiday break at the climax of the 2011 Libyan civil war. Financial backers linked to Israel and a private intelligence firm helped fund Werritty's travels with Fox. In April 2007, Werritty and Fox attended an official meeting with the Gulf Research Centre, an independently run body", "id": "18584162" }, { "contents": "Leaseback\n\n\navailable depending upon circumstances. The rental yield is also index linked annually to construction costs, which means the rental income currently increases by approximately 2.5%. As in the UK there are tax allowances in respect of mortgage payments which can be offset against income. The lease typically lasts for between 9 and 11 years, after which the management company has the option to either renew, or the property can be sold, or rented out and held privately by the owner. The purchaser/owner can also enjoy periods of usage free", "id": "3539339" }, { "contents": "Occupational sexism\n\n\nOccupational sexism (also called sexism in the work place and employment sexism) refers to any discriminatory practices, statements, actions, etc. based on a person's sex that are present or occur in a place of employment. Social role theory may explain one reason for why occupational sexism exists. Historically women's place was in the home, while the males were in the workforce. This division consequently formed expectations for both men and women in society and occupations. These expectations, in turn, gave rise to gender stereotypes that", "id": "15634849" }, { "contents": "Legal document assistant\n\n\nmortgages, real estate sales contracts, powers of attorney, etc. Aside from drafting, they are also authorized to make inventories, property descriptions, take company minutes, and appraise and convey real estate. Louisiana, along with Puerto Rico, have this exception because prior to inclusion in the United States, both were (and continue to be) under the civil law legal system. Under civil law, notaries are lawyers, which is why in Louisiana notaries are appointed for life and used to be licensed before the advent of", "id": "16592667" }, { "contents": "Business Trust in India\n\n\ndiversified portfolio of rent-yielding realty assets. Specialist REITs like Alexandria and Prologis focused on healthcare research and industrial assets have come of age in the US. The total estimated rental income potential of commercial Grade A stock in top eight Indian cities is by 2019, according to global real estate consultancy Cushman & Wakefield. It is almost same as Real Estate Investment Trust. The only difference is that the investment done here by the business trust is in infrastructure like roads, bridges, etc. The guidelines, approved by its Sebi", "id": "20077797" }, { "contents": "Home Development Mutual Fund\n\n\ncriticized by the labor sector describing the required contribution as oppressive, by employers that opposed to any additional contribution in behalf of workers, and by the academe as a representation of injustice of the incumbent Marcos regime. By March of 1979, the fund was administered by the National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation (NHMFC), a government corporation mandated to increase availability of housing loans to Filipino workers. By June, HDMF was implemented by virtue of Executive Order No. 538. Emily Abinoja, Norma Salud, and Marilou Adea, the", "id": "3367988" }, { "contents": "Ground rent\n\n\nto register no longer risks extinguishment of the property right). Ground rents in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are considered real estate and, in cases of intestacy, go to the heirs. They are rent services and not rent charges, the statute Quia Emptores never having been in force in Pennsylvania, and are subject to all the incidents of such rents. The grantee of a ground rent may mortgage, sell, or otherwise dispose of the grant as he pleases, and while the rent is paid the land cannot be sold", "id": "19246420" }, { "contents": "Adjustable-rate mortgage\n\n\nA variable-rate mortgage, adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), or tracker mortgage is a mortgage loan with the interest rate on the note periodically adjusted based on an index which reflects the cost to the lender of borrowing on the credit markets. The loan may be offered at the lender's standard variable rate/base rate. There may be a direct and legally defined link to the underlying index, but where the lender offers no specific link to the underlying market or index the rate can be changed at the lender", "id": "5627936" }, { "contents": "Mortgage loan\n\n\nlong that the provided financial statements need to be resubmitted so they are current. It is advisable to maintain the same employment and not to use or open new credit during the underwriting process. Any changes made in the applicant’s credit, employment, or financial information could result in the loan being denied. There are many types of mortgages used worldwide, but several factors broadly define the characteristics of the mortgage. All of these may be subject to local regulation and legal requirements. The two basic types of amortized loans are the", "id": "11288070" }, { "contents": "National Healthcareer Association\n\n\nthe healthcare industry, certified technicians are required to maintain their certification by completing continuing education credits throughout the year, or the duration of their certificate's expiration date. These continuing education credits or units (CEUs) can be earned through the certification agency or through their employer and then verified by the National Healthcareer Association. Continuing education ensures competency standards throughout the duration of employment of the certified individual, and keeps them aware of changes and new regulations in the allied healthcare industry. The National Healthcareer Association writes, develops and publishes the", "id": "12010195" }, { "contents": "Premiership of Gordon Brown\n\n\nfamilies. Parents with children up to the age of 16 were given the statutory right to request flexible working arrangements. Extra penalties for employers paying wages below the national minimum were introduced, while the September Guarantee was extended to 17-year-olds in 2008. The Mortgage Repossessions (Protection of Tenants Etc.) Act of 2010 created protection for unauthorised tenants. The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 granted new powers to tackle erosion and \"underwrote a path to run round England's coastland\", while the Community Energy Saving Programme (", "id": "15549087" }, { "contents": "Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Prevention and Control) Act, 2017\n\n\nwill get more powers.\" The bill received assent from then President Pranab Mukherjee on 20 April, and was notified in \"The Gazette of India\" on 21 April 2017. The Act prohibits discrimination against persons living with HIV/AIDS for the purposes of employment, access to educational establishments, healthcare and insurance services, renting property, or running for public or private office. The law also bans any form of expression that is deemed as inciting hatred against people infected with HIV/AIDS. The law prohibits conducting an HIV", "id": "14683481" }, { "contents": "Buy to let\n\n\nBuy-to-let is a British phrase referring to the purchase of a property specifically to let out, that is to rent it out. A \"buy-to-let\" mortgage is a mortgage loan specifically designed for this purpose. Buy-to-let properties are usually residential but the term also encompasses student property investments and hotel room investments. Before the 1980s, the number of private individuals who became landlords was very small. Buying property to rent was seen as the preserve of professional landlords and persons who", "id": "721731" }, { "contents": "Jugnu (1947 film)\n\n\nshe was young and is taken care of by a friend of her father's, who wishes for her to be married to his son Dilip. Sooraj's parents come to know about his love for Jugnu and oppose the match as Jugnu is poor. One day, in a conversation with his father, Sooraj comes to know that they are not rich as all the assets (bungalow, things etc.) owned by his father are mortgaged under a heavy loan and so he plans to arrange the marriage of Sooraj to a", "id": "18506039" }, { "contents": "Burns Clubs\n\n\nPast Presidents. Most Burns Clubs use rented facilities for their meetings, however at least four clubs have their own premises, the Irvine Burns Club, the Howff Club of Dumfries, the Paisley Burns Club and the Burns Club of Atlanta. Most clubs are named after the settlement in which they are located such as cities or areas within cities, towns, etc. A few clubs append a Burns linked term such as Cronies, Howff, Jolly Beggars, etc. The Alamo Burns Club is named after the inn in which its", "id": "18777726" }, { "contents": "Human rights in Vietnam\n\n\nlaw. Every citizen has the right to participate in the management of the State and the society, the freedoms of religion and belief, the right to free movement and residence in the territory of Viet Nam, the right to complaints and petitions, the right to employment, education and healthcare etc. regardless of gender, race and religion. On that basis, Vietnamese laws enumerate the specific rights in accordance with international human rights standards.\" The report argued that freedoms of expression, press and information of the Vietnamese people were", "id": "5022095" } ]
How can thieves sell one-of-a-kind items like art and rare artifacts.
[{"answer": "They sell to very discreet buyers. Most of the buyers for these items have private collections and don't advertise what they have."}, {"answer": "They also usually find a buyer before they steal the stuff."}, {"answer": "Stealing something that is known is next to impossible to sell on any market (including the black market). The way it is done, is by first finding a client and then stealing it for them. This is why if these deals don't go through, it makes it a living hell for the thief (knowledge is out that he has it, so he has to be fast before he gets caught or people go after him for what he stole). It's a dangerous world to play with :)."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "7208744", "title": "Looted art", "section": "Section::::Looting of countries.:Looting of Italy.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 81, "end_paragraph_id": 81, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Medici was sentenced in 2004 by a Rome court to ten years in prison and a fine of 10 million euros, \"the largest penalty ever meted out for antiquities crime in Italy.\"", "The warehouses were registered to a Swiss company called Editions Services, which police traced to an Italian art dealer, Giacomo Medici. The Carabinieri stated that the warehouses contained 10,000 artifacts worth 50 billion lire (about $35 million). In 1997, Giacomo Medici was arrested; his operation is believed to be \"one of the largest and most sophisticated antiquities networks in the world, responsible for illegally digging up and spiriting away thousands of top-drawer pieces and passing them on to the most elite end of the international art market.", "had expired. The warehouses were registered to a Swiss company called Editions Services, which police traced to an Italian art dealer, Giacomo Medici. The Carabinieri stated that the warehouses contained 10,000 artifacts worth 50 billion lire (about $35 million). In 1997, Giacomo Medici was arrested; his operation is believed to be \"one of the largest and most sophisticated antiquities networks in the world, responsible for illegally digging up and spiriting away thousands of top-drawer pieces and passing them on to the most elite end of the international art market.\" Medici was sentenced in 2004 by a Rome court to ten years in prison and a fine of 10 million euros, \"the largest penalty ever meted out for antiquities crime in Italy.\""]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "738649", "title": "Art forgery", "section": "Section::::History.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Art forgery is the creating and selling of works of art which are falsely credited to other, usually more famous artists. Art forgery can be extremely lucrative, but modern dating and analysis techniques have made the identification of forged artwork much simpler. Art forgery dates back more than two thousand years", "Art forgery is the creating and selling of works of art which are falsely credited to other, usually more famous artists. Art forgery can be extremely lucrative, but modern dating and analysis techniques have made the identification of forged artwork much simpler. Art forgery dates back more than two thousand years. Roman sculptors produced copies of Greek sculptures. Presumably the contemporary buyers knew that they were not genuine. During the classical period art was generally created for historical reference, religious inspiration, or simply aesthetic enjoyment. The identity of the artist was often of little importance to the buyer."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Antelope Valley Indian Museum State Historic Park\n\n\nof the artifacts on display are rare or one-of-a-kind items. The museum was originally constructed by homesteader/artist H. Arden Edwards in 1928. The chalet-style structure was built over the rock formation of Piute Butte in the Mojave Desert. The unusual folk art structure, originally used as a home, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Joshua Cottage features a \"touch table\" room where visitors can experience food grinding and processing techniques, or learn how earlier Native Americans started fires", "id": "12950461" }, { "contents": "Kaze ga Gotoku\n\n\nGoemon Ishikawa, the legendary king of thieves from the feudal era, has come to know that there is an important treasure being transported from the Imperial Palace to the Kamiyama mansion; an ancient artifact called \"moon's melody box\" (月詠みの箱). Surprised by the extreme measures taken by the guards of this treasure, his indomitable spirit aches to steal this rare item that once a year can grant one special wish to whoever possesses the box, but it will not be so easy to steal it. Even worse, once", "id": "3421214" }, { "contents": "\n\n\ was an online marketplace for vintage, rare, and one-of-a-kind merchandise. Founded by product and interior designer Jennifer DeLonge, it operated as a curated marketplace with items ranging from fashion, furniture, art, and music. Curators chosen by the company pick items they wish to sell to their followers, causing a comparison of the company to Twitter and Instagram. Headquartered in Encinitas, California, revenue for the company was generated from service fees from items sold through the marketplace. was founded by", "id": "3581616" }, { "contents": "Characters in the Novels of the Company\n\n\nDr. Zeus Inc., also known simply as the Company, is a fictional entity in a series of time travel science fiction stories by Kage Baker. Most of the characters in the novels are immortal cyborgs created by Company operatives throughout history and recruited to work on preserving art, artifacts, rare species and other valuable items which the Company can sell for huge profits in the 24th century. The cyborgs look forward to receiving their final reward when they reach the 24th century by living through all the preceding times, but some suspect that", "id": "18017371" }, { "contents": "Book of Artifacts\n\n\ncan possess a character using the item, and \"artifact transformation\", where the artifact literally transforms a character physically and mentally over time into something else entirely. The format for the artifact descriptions found in the next section is also explained. Each artifact is given a detailed in-game history consisting of one or more paragraphs, and each one provides a section of advice on how the Dungeon Master may use the item within a campaign. Each artifact has its most significant powers detailed, each of which falls into one of", "id": "11577389" }, { "contents": "Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre\n\n\nThe Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre, (also known as Oseredok which is \"centre\" in Ukrainian) is a museum, gallery, and library in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Oseredok was founded in 1944 by the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada as a museum, archives, library and art gallery. It is the largest Ukrainian cultural institution of its kind in Canada. The museum collects and preserves materials and artifacts including documents, ancient maps, rare books, film, photographs, items of folk art, pioneers' tools", "id": "20206245" }, { "contents": "Odessa Numismatics Museum\n\n\n. Among them are many unique and rare coins of great scientific interest. Besides the numismatic exhibition, the Museum collection includes many other ancient Ukrainian historical artifacts: antique ceramics and items of ancient Russian fine art. Medieval small art plastics of Kievan Rus' form the separate Museum's collection reflecting the diversity of the kinds of ancient Ukrainian arts and crafts in their historical development: from pieces of ornamental and decoration dating from the Pre-Christian period of Kievan Rus (pendants, brooches \"lunnitsa\", amulets, signet rings)", "id": "21279262" }, { "contents": "Fence (criminal)\n\n\nless than 20% of an item's value. Higher prices, sometimes as high as 50% of an item's value in a legal market, can be commanded by a professional thief, especially one who concentrates on valuable items. At the same time, fences will often take advantage of thieves by deceiving them about the value of an individual item and the relevant market conditions. For example, a fence may falsely tell a petty thief that the market for the type of good which the thief is selling is flooded with", "id": "11561409" }, { "contents": "Fence (criminal)\n\n\nof parts is less risky. For example, a stolen car or bicycle may be disassembled so that the parts can be sold individually. Another tactic used by some fences is to retain stolen items for some time before selling them, which lessens the likelihood that the burglary victims or police will be actively looking for the items in auctions and pawnshops. The prices fences pay thieves typically depend both on norms and on legitimate market rates for the items in question. Vulnerable sellers, such as drug addicts or casual thieves, may receive", "id": "11561408" }, { "contents": "Set list\n\n\nactual physical setlist becoming a treasured and uniquely rare souvenir for concert goers and fans of music, in general, . Fans often wait around after a concert just so they can grab one off the stage after a performance or so they can try requesting one from a roadie or other event staff. Crew members also sometimes keep items like original setlists, guitar picks, drumsticks and other items used during a performance as keepsakes or to later sell in the memorabilia market or on auction websites such as eBay, where collectors, fans,", "id": "6969473" }, { "contents": "Kyoto National Museum\n\n\nImportant Cultural Properties in Japan. The museum was originally built to house and display art treasures privately owned by temples and shrines, as well as items donated by the Imperial Household Ministry. Currently, most all of the items in the museum are more or less on permanent loan from one of those places. The museum focuses on mainly pre-modern Japanese works (it is said to have the largest collection of Heian period artifacts) and Asian art. The museum is also well known for its collections of rare and ancient Chinese", "id": "4616709" }, { "contents": "Australian Aboriginal artifacts\n\n\n. Art was the mediator of these forces, not \"l'art pour l'art\", i.e \"art for art's sake -\" but practical strengthening of one's faith into oneself and the tool. Aboriginal art saturated these artifacts with sorcery and magic. The best known of these sacred items are carved boards called Churinga Other sacred items used at ceremony include bullroarers and didgeridoo. Most aboriginal art is not considered to be an artifact but often the designs in aboriginal art were the same designs that were originally on sacred artifacts. Even", "id": "10539079" }, { "contents": "Dynamic game difficulty balancing\n\n\nor decreasing the difficulty. The \"Mario Kart\" series features items during races that help an individual driver get ahead of their opponents. These items are distributed based on a driver's position in a way that is an example of dynamic game difficulty balancing. For example, a driver near the bottom of the field is likely to get an item that will drastically increase their speed or sharply decrease the speed of their opponents, whereas a driver in first or second place can expect to get these kinds of items rarely (and", "id": "2073767" }, { "contents": "Infinite divisibility\n\n\n, or (more rarely), \"point-sized items\", or both. Pyle states that the mathematics of infinitely divisible extensions involve neither of these — that there are infinite divisions, but only finite collections of objects and they never are divided down to point extension-less items. Zeno questioned how an arrow can move if at one moment it is here and motionless and at a later moment be somewhere else and motionless, like a motion picture. In reference to Zeno's paradox of the arrow in flight,", "id": "13036487" }, { "contents": "Computer History Museum\n\n\nat 1401 N. Shoreline Blvd in Mountain View, California, to the public. The facility was later heavily renovated and underwent a two-year $19 million makeover before reopening in January 2011. The Computer History Museum claims to house the largest and most significant collection of computing artifacts in the world (the \"Heinz Nixdorf Museum\", Paderborn, Germany, has more items on display but a far smaller total collection). This includes many rare or one-of-a-kind objects such as a Cray-1 supercomputer as", "id": "8026344" }, { "contents": "List of items in Once Upon a Time\n\n\nis respawned from the pendant's magic. Rock Troll Magic is a type of magic that is used by Rock Trolls or anyone who uses an artifact by a Rock Troll. This magic can retrieve or erase memories from selected targets. The known practitioners of Rock Troll Magic are: Song is a rare magic. Mermaids like Ursula typically have this magic, which can put others into a trance of tranquility. A fairy's magic can cause people to break into song; the songs usually come from the singer's heart and give", "id": "8527278" }, { "contents": "Social web\n\n\nor physical art, such as posting and selling crafted items on Craigslist. Artists choose to post their art online so that they can gain critiques on their work, as well as just have the satisfaction of knowing others can experience and enjoy their work. With this social web generation, students spend more time using social tools like computers, video games, video cameras and cell phones. These tools allow the art to be shared easily, and aid in the discussion. Crowdsourcing has become one of the ways in which the social", "id": "10878796" }, { "contents": "Mouse (manga)\n\n\n\"Mouse\" was adapted into a twelve-episode anime television series written by Hiroyuki Kawasaki, directed by Yorifusa Yamaguchi, and produced by Media Factory and Studio Deen. In 2005, Hakusensha published a one-volume manga prequel titled . For 400 years, there was a family of thieves stealing money and priceless property, particularly those items that were originally illegally stolen. The main motivation is that anything and everything can be stolen, no matter how much they protect that item. And in those years, that thief was only", "id": "5131007" }, { "contents": "Doctor Who merchandise\n\n\nwith box sold for over $1150 on eBay. The TARDIS is usually a bit cheaper at $200–350 (provided it has no damage or any repairs are not noticeable and the box is included). Of course, this is relative and eBay auctions can vary considerably. While a mint Leela may sell for $500–600, one without a box may only sell for $150–200. That said, some items are so rare that even a damaged item, or one with missing pieces, is worth a fair amount. For", "id": "13690614" }, { "contents": "Heroes & Thieves\n\n\nthat was kind of like Fleetwood Mac. It made for better music.\" Carlton said the song \"Nolita Fairytale\" is about her life in Nolita, and in her words, \"the series of revelations I have had over the past few years.\" She called the song \"Heroes & Thieves\" \"a song about assessing, to put it in a dramatic way, the Heroes and Thieves in your life\"; it is about her personal evolution, and her deciding how she wants to lead her life and", "id": "4137402" }, { "contents": "Book of Artifacts\n\n\n, and what sort of magical materials may be needed. It also describes that in order to create an intelligent magic item, the spellcaster's life-force is transferred into the item, leaving the caster's body a lifeless husk. This section, from pages 130-136, describes how a spellcaster character can recharge an item which uses charges, such as wands, rods, staves, and some rings. It describes how this process is completed and what is required, both for wizard items and priest items. The", "id": "11577397" }, { "contents": "Economics of the arts and literature\n\n\nFirst, social value, which is the social status the buyer has by owning it. The artist thus has an \"artistic capital\". Second, the artistic value, compared to contemporary works, or as importance to later generations. Third, the price history of the item, if a buyer uses this for his expectation of a future price at which he might sell the item again (given the oligopolistic market structure). Three kinds of economic agents determine these values. Specific experts like gallery owners or museum directors use", "id": "9672108" }, { "contents": "Sly 2: Band of Thieves\n\n\nbegin a mission at certain locations. Another new feature is pickpocketing. When Sly sneaks up behind an enemy, he can reach out with his cane and grab coins out of the enemy's pocket. The coins come in clusters. If there is an aura around an enemy's pocket, it is carrying a valuable item (e.g. ruby, diamond, gold watch). Once Sly gets all of their coins, he can grab the enemy's item and sell it later back at the safehouse. Most powerups and extra moves", "id": "16453923" }, { "contents": "Railroadiana\n\n\nRailroadiana or railwayana refers to artifacts of currently or formerly operating railways around the world. Railroadiana can include items such as: There are many more types of railroadiana available to the collector. Some railroadiana collectors include items in their collections as large as speeders or complete passenger cars. The majority of pieces forming a collection can be legally obtained, often but not always at low cost, from either surplus or scrap sales from the railroad companies themselves, or through aftermarket railroadiana shows. Highly desirable (rare or from popular lines) items", "id": "17861539" }, { "contents": "African-American Research Library and Cultural Center\n\n\nover one million items, including rare books, artifacts, artwork, manuscripts, and reference materials focusing on the history and culture of people of African, African-American and Caribbean descent. In 2012, the African American Research Library and Cultural Center commemorated 10 years of the Ashley Bryan Art series. Dr.Henrietta M. Smith, Professor Emerita at the University of South Florida, School of Information, worked with Bryan to establish a children’s book author and illustrator art series. \"The series began with Ashley Bryan submitting eight", "id": "21669301" }, { "contents": "Fence (criminal)\n\n\naccept stolen goods. At the highest level would be a fence whose main criminal income comes from buying and selling stolen items. At the broadest level, two tiers of fences can be distinguished. The lower level of fences are those who directly buy stolen goods from thieves and burglars. At a higher level are the \"master fences\", who do not deal with street-level thieves, but only with other fences. Research on fences shows that they view themselves as entrepreneurs, relying on networking with and patronage by prominent", "id": "11561411" }, { "contents": "Cash and Cari\n\n\nCash and Cari is a television show starring estate sale expert Cari Cucksey produced by Cineflix. The show airs on W Network in Canada and HGTV in the U.S.A. Cari searches through homes, looking for items to sell and refurbishing as she prepares the home for a huge estate sale. Cari searches for antiques, collectible, and one-of-a-kind items. Once Cari and her team of experts price out and set up for the sale, they open to the public hoping to sell anything and everything they can.", "id": "4574530" }, { "contents": "Sea of Thieves\n\n\neach other regularly throughout their adventures. The game has a cartoonish art style and an exaggerated physics engine that allow players to perform stunts, like being shot out of ship cannons. Players can collect coins by completing missions called voyages, taking loot from other ships, or raiding a skeleton fort that contains large amounts of gold. The player aims to become a pirate legend. The gold can be used for purchasing everything from re-skinned weapons to new hulls and sails for the ship. These items are cosmetic and do not", "id": "2999356" }, { "contents": "World of Eberron\n\n\npower magic items, artifacts and constructs, or to augment dragonmark abilities. Dragonshard items vary in power depending on the purity of the dragonshard used. They are rarely large enough to craft into items of significant size; most often, small dragonshards are formed into jewelry. Larger dragonshards, up to the size of a fist, can be crafted into larger focus items. Dhakaan was an ancient goblinoid empire that dominated the continent of Khorvaire, until the coming of the extraplanar Daelkyr 16,000 years ago. The Dhakaani goblinoids could not stand", "id": "5470524" }, { "contents": "Mauryan polish\n\n\na time prior to Ashoka. These non-polished pillars are also those that displays the highest level of Hellenistic influence: in the case of the Rampurva bull or the Sankassa elephant, the abacus is composed of honeysuckles alternated with stylized palmettes and small rosettes. A similar kind of design can be seen in the frieze of the lost capital of the Allahabad pillar. These designs likely originated in Greek and Near-Eastern arts. There are many examples of polished stone statuettes and artifacts from the Mauryan period. One of the them", "id": "20638348" }, { "contents": "Apple Island (Michigan)\n\n\nof flint or other stone suitable for the manufacturing of tools. Accordingly, these items were most likely brought to the island. These artifacts signal the influence of early Europeans on the area's native population. Many of these silver trade items were recovered during archaeological excavations on the island in June 2000. A third dig conducted in August 2008 concluded that, \"[i]t is currently impossible to determine how often or for how long the site was occupied by American Indians or exactly when this may have occurred. It is most likely", "id": "5242948" }, { "contents": "Palace Museum\n\n\naddition to works of art, a large proportion of the Museum's collection consists of the artifacts of the imperial court. This includes items used by the imperial family and the palace in daily life, as well as various ceremonial and bureaucratic items important to government administration. This comprehensive collection preserves the daily life and ceremonial protocols of the imperial era. The permanent exhibitions of the Museum can be divided into two types, one is the as-was exhibition (), one is the themed exhibitions (). The as-", "id": "21217950" }, { "contents": "Joel Brand\n\n\nam prepared to sell you one million Jews ... Goods for blood – blood for goods. You can take them from any country you like, wherever you can find them – Hungary, Poland, the Ostmark, from Theresienstadt, from Auschwitz, wherever you like. Eichmann said he would discuss the proposal with Berlin, and that in the meantime Brand should decide what kinds of goods he was in a position to offer. Brand asked how the committee was supposed to obtain these goods. Eichmann said he should open negotiations with the", "id": "20047215" }, { "contents": "Gustaf Nordenskiöld\n\n\ntrained Wetherill in a number of techniques, such as how to use a trowel (he had been using a shovel). Nordenskiöld explained to Wetherill the importance of documentation. In the late 19th century, there were no laws against treasure-hunting or selling artifacts in Colorado; in addition to the ever-present threat of vandalism and looting, scholars and tourists alike had the habit of taking valuable items from Mesa Verde as trophies. In this climate, Nordenskiöld loaded Mesa Verde artifacts into Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad boxcars", "id": "4253661" }, { "contents": "Thieves of Baghdad\n\n\nThieves of Baghdad is a non-fictional account written by Col. Matthew Bogdanos about the quest to recover over a thousand lost artifacts from the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad after the country's counter-invasion. Much of the book is an accounting of how his unit set up camp in the library of the Iraq museum in April 2003 and tried to recover lost artifacts. He developed relationships with museum staff, and, drawing on his knowledge of ancient civilizations, as well as his knowledge of police work, having been", "id": "20686791" }, { "contents": "Looted art\n\n\nsites into the National Museum for safekeeping. U.S. troops and tanks were stationed in that area but, concerned with defending themselves from attack and without orders to stop the looting, \"watched for several days before moving against the thieves.\" Sergeant Jackson of the 1st Marine Battalion explained that \"...our orders were to avoid engaging religious Muslims who were unarmed. So when groups of Imams demanded to remove religious items to prevent them from being defiled by the infidels, how were we supposed to know that they were thieves? Our", "id": "18141962" }, { "contents": "Sanathnagar\n\n\n, Metal Industries are also located here. Urbanization can be seen in areas like the Czech colony, and in other pockets of this suburb. The Sunday Market located at Sanathnagar-Erragadda main road is one of the busiest, selling all kinds of second hand goods and many other miscellaneous items. The early schools set up in this area include Covells High School, the first school established in 1964. It was followed in 1965 by St. Theresa's Girls High School. Hindu Public School is the largest school in Sanathnagar. Other", "id": "8104783" }, { "contents": "Stephanie Rose (painter)\n\n\nin America of that 1991 exhibition, Eileen Myles wrote: “Rose seems to me to focus on the “phrasing” of art, the frequency at which certain kinds of tropes can come in or, once arrived, how they hold their place. All kinds of signs, abstract and otherwise, have equal weight. Each canvas functions like a stage on which many things can happen.” Myles also noted of one painting, now in the Permanent Collection of the Neuberger Museum: “Time-Step comes across as a", "id": "14824781" }, { "contents": "Nāhienaena's Paū\n\n\ncoffin of King Kalākaua in 1891. The Bernice P. Bishop Museum stored it for more than 100 years in a secure temperature- and humidity-controlled room. Bishop Museum collections manager Betty Kam called it \"a one-of-a-kind treasure\". The paū was displayed for one day at the Bishop Museum's Polynesian Hall on June 11, 2003 which was Kamehameha Day, as a tribute to the princess and her father. The rare artifact was guarded by practitioners the Hawaiian martial art of lua in traditional garb.", "id": "7441227" }, { "contents": "Sea of Thieves\n\n\n\", that randomly generates a carousel of eight pirates with various body types and faces; players can pick one to play, look at eight more, or can lock one appearance in place while the others change. In November 2016, Rare launched the Insider Programme to give select members access to an in-development version of the game. Rare used the Insider Programme for testing purposes and to get feedback from players. In June 2015, \"Sea of Thieves\" was announced at Microsoft's Xbox press conference at the Electronic", "id": "2999359" }, { "contents": "Cosmetics advertising\n\n\nindustry relies on all kinds of persuasion techniques to sell products.Brands like to rely on celebrities to sell their beauty products. “If the product is good enough for her, it’s good enough for me.” This philosophy is often the impetus behind advertisements for makeup, skin products, and hair products.This causes consumers spend extra money on items that might not be suitable or workable on themselves. Celebrities can also help to build brand awareness through promoting products as consumers believe the product is used by the celebrity and", "id": "18608139" }, { "contents": "Jiutian Xuannü\n\n\nis cruelly crossing us. His poison is harming all the black-haired people. The four seas are sobbing. No one can protect his own nature or life. I want the art of winning a myriad victories in a myriad battles. Can I cut the harm facing my people?\" Thereupon the goddess bestowed various objects and artifacts. The following is a few of the listed items: It was subsequently noted that Huangdi was able to defeat Chiyou and ascend to heaven on the basis of the items bestowed by Jiutian Xuannü", "id": "19935397" }, { "contents": "Street Artists Program of San Francisco\n\n\nciting and penalizing artists who violate regulations. Violations can be issued for selling commercially manufactured items, selling crafts that they were never screened to sell, and for selling handmade items not of their creation but made by another craftsperson – possibly by another street artist. Violations can be reported not only by the police, but by the staff of the Art Commission, a storeowner, a member of the public, or even another street artist. At various times, the Street Artists Program has hired individuals to work as Art Inspectors,", "id": "5281648" }, { "contents": "Cross-selling\n\n\ndifferent part of the supplier's company. When one buys an appliance, the salesperson will offer to sell insurance beyond the terms of the warranty. Though common, that kind of cross-selling can leave a customer feeling poorly used. The customer might ask the appliance salesperson why he needs insurance on a brand new refrigerator, \"Is it really likely to break in just nine months?\" The third kind of cross-selling can be called selling a solution. In this case, the customer buying air conditioners is sold", "id": "5690478" }, { "contents": "Gerald Clarke (artist)\n\n\nand one for his three aunts, who are represented on their own shovel by a photograph affixed before the blade. A cattle brand is welded into each shovel blade, like those found on Clarke's family ranch. His goal with \"Artifacts\" is to show how one can dig up the past to reveal American Indians in the world today. In 2009 Clarke's solo show \"One Tract Mind\" looked at the effects of tract housing on Native communities in Southern California. In this show Clarke experimented heavily in digital art", "id": "13555959" }, { "contents": "Spelunky\n\n\ninclude animals like bats, snakes and spiders of varying sizes, other characters, and monsters like yeti, man-eating plants and ghosts. The player can collect many items, mainly gold and jewels which add to the player's score, but also useful objects including bombs, guns, climbing gear and archaeological artifacts. Some of the latter have supernatural abilities, including kapalas, hedjets, crystal skulls and golden ankhs, though many of these special items can only be gained through secret methods, like combining other items together.", "id": "22063900" }, { "contents": "Joseph Einhorn\n\n\nset the trends by posting items they 'fancy.' In a 2012 interview with Hypebeast, Einhorn said that Fancy seeks to become \"the new\" by creating a social e-commerce platform where users can interact with one another to explore, discover, and purchase items. Fancy is distinctly different from sites like Pinterest in that it offers merchants the ability to sell items directly to consumers. In order to sell on Fancy, a merchant needs to 'claim' an item that users have already posted. Fancy takes", "id": "12786480" }, { "contents": "Tails Adventure\n\n\nto Metroidvania games. Tails finds several different kinds of gadgets on his adventures. Some of these items are weapons used to defeat enemies, like bombs and hammers. Some items aid in exploration, such as a small robot which Tails can control to scout ahead and squeeze into tight spaces. Tails can only carry four tools when entering a stage. Only one item can be equipped at a time, the player must pause the game to change items. If the player finds that they cannot advance because they require another item", "id": "11401499" }, { "contents": "Museum of the Bible\n\n\nof Scripture, from Jewish to Ethiopic, what books they include, how they came to be in that form, and how they're used.\" In 2017, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement seized thousands of clay tablets and bullas from Hobby Lobby. The artifacts in question had likely been stolen from Iraq. Hobby Lobby was found to have used couriers that had willfully used methods to conceal the provenance of the allegedly stolen items. The museum released a statement that these artifacts were never owned by the Museum of the Bible and", "id": "1999319" }, { "contents": "Diablo III: Reaper of Souls\n\n\nselected property can be re-rolled to a higher value or to another property. Transmogrification allows players to change their character’s appearance for purely aesthetic purposes. Kadala provides gambling services in the game's Adventure Mode. Blood Shards are used to purchase unidentified items from her. Most of the time these items will be magic or rare, with a low chance to roll a legendary or certain set items, regardless of difficulty or magic find. She does not sell items that are only found in Horadric Caches, but does sell", "id": "20297654" }, { "contents": "MUSHRA\n\n\nchoose the most critical test items, it does not ensure inclusion a variety of test items prone to different artifacts. Ideally the character of a MUSHRA test item should not change too much for the whole duration of that item. Otherwise it can be difficult for the listener to decide on a rating if different parts of the items display different or stronger artifacts than others. Often shorter items lead to less variability than longer ones, as they are more stationary. However, even when trying to choose stationary items, ecologically valid stimuli", "id": "10863099" }, { "contents": "Brick Lane Market\n\n\nthe variety of dishes includes Italian, Polish, Lithuanian, Mediterranean, Mexican, Peruvian, Japanese and Caribbean-Asian fusion. The Sunday UpMarket, open every Sunday 10 a.m. from to 5 p.m., first opened in September 2004. It has over two hundred stalls and sell a variety of products including vintage and handmade clothing, handmade accessories, music, arts and crafts, and organic food. Many of the items that are sold at UpMarket are one-of-a-kind items that are produced by the stallholders themselves", "id": "3697517" }, { "contents": "1972 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts robbery\n\n\nalso notes that criminal organizations have found stolen art useful in other ways. During the 1994–2002 Quebec Biker war, he recalls, he learned that one member of the Montreal-area Hells Angels served as a fence for art thieves, selling stolen art to the Italian Mafia at 10 percent of its price, who in turn used the names of dead residents of the affluent suburb of Westmount on faked provenance forms. While it is not believed likely that the original robbers were affiliated with organized crime, the ransom attempts may point in", "id": "19803820" }, { "contents": "Elebits\n\n\nof the modes in \"Elebits\" is \"Edit Mode\". In Edit Mode, players can create their own stages by placing different kinds of objects and Elebits throughout any of the 29 stages in the game. Levels are only available in edit mode if they have previously been completed in Story Mode. One can also adjust the gameplay by changing the watts needed for completion, how strong the gravity is, or what kind of items the player can use. The furniture and objects that can be used in Edit Mode are", "id": "15968288" }, { "contents": "The Apprentice (British TV series)\n\n\na specific task, or to give less vocal candidates a chance to demonstrate their abilities. Each team is provided with two vehicles to use to get around during a task and can only split into two sub-teams for each task, though for some they may also be provided with additional items for them to use, an example being a shop space they can sell in; in one particular kind of task used regularly on the show, teams are given a dossier that dictates what items they need to find with specifications that", "id": "9851332" }, { "contents": "Trobriand Islands\n\n\nOne remedy that many islanders seek is to sell cultural artifacts and relics to tourists in exchange for their currency. For example, a worker can spend 10 days working on a ceremonial turtle bowl and only get paid $10. \"However this commercialization is often done sanctimoniously. \" “They protect their cultural identity and use it as a tourist commodity”. However, one of the items imported that causes economic and social problems is betel nuts. They are a major narcotic on the island. Due to this new currency based", "id": "17674005" }, { "contents": "Ragnarok Online 2: The Gate of the World\n\n\nblades to be used to help level another class with a sword. Different abilities have different block shapes and sizes and not all abilities can be shared. Special abilities can be gained by leveling a character's job class, giving them the ability to create useful and original class combinations, such as battle mages and wares-selling thieves. There is a limit to how many special abilities one can employ at a time. Characters start with fewer than 16 blocks, but will gradually gain additional blocks as they level. The first", "id": "3138309" }, { "contents": "Montreal Museum of Fine Arts\n\n\nthe largest art theft in Canadian history, when armed thieves made off with jewellery, figurines and 18 paintings worth a total of $2 million at the time (approximately $ million today), including works by Delacroix, Gainsborough and a rare Rembrandt landscape (\"Landscape with Cottages\"). One painting, believed at the time to have been a Jan Brueghel the Elder but later reattributed to one of his students, was returned by the thieves as a way of opening ransom negotiations; the rest have never been recovered.", "id": "7752110" }, { "contents": "Swaminarayan Museum\n\n\nand 700 men - took the pledge for multi-organ donation. The museum itself takes up . Another houses an office and guest house. The museum uses an audio visual system to take people around the complex. Along with this there is a mini theatre to showcase the life and times of Swaminarayan and a library with rare resources to help researchers and provide them with information on Swaminarayan. A workshop has been constructed to take special care of all the artifacts and sell replicas. The museum holds items such as Swaminarayan's writing", "id": "21610959" }, { "contents": "Langdon Winner\n\n\nwho the stakeholders are and how to incorporate them are other questions entirely.) The second way in which artifacts can have politics refers to artifacts that correlate with particular kinds of political relationships, which Winner refers to as inherently political artifacts (Winner, p. 22, 1999). He distinguishes between two types of inherently political artifacts: those that require a particular sociological system and those that are strongly compatible with a particular sociological system (Winner, p. 29, 1999). A further distinction is made between conditions internal to the", "id": "3687308" }, { "contents": "Dwarfism\n\n\nindustry and its marketability. In art, literature, and movies, dwarfs are rarely depicted as ordinary people who are very short but rather as a species apart. Novelists, artists, and moviemakers may attach special moral or aesthetic significance to their \"apartness\" or misshapenness. Artistic representations of dwarfism can be found on Greek vases and other ancient artifacts, including ancient Egyptian art in which dwarfs are likely to have been seen as a divine manifestation, with records indicating they could reach high positions in society. The Bhagavat Purana Hindu", "id": "12049879" }, { "contents": "The Thieves\n\n\nThe Thieves () is a 2012 South Korean heist film directed by Choi Dong-hoon with an ensemble cast. With over 12.9 million ticket sales, the action comedy is currently the eighth highest-grossing film in Korean film history. A cat burglar named Yenicall (Jun Ji-hyun) seduces the owner of Leesung Gallery (Shin Ha-kyun), and steals a rare artifact with the help of three other criminals: Popeye (Lee Jung-jae), the leader, Zampano (Kim Soo-hyun)", "id": "4487837" }, { "contents": "Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals\n\n\nan item exclusive to the cave, named \"providence\". Within the cave lie two kinds of chests, blue and red. Red chests contain items which can only be used inside the cave for the duration of the playing session. As soon as the player leaves the cave, all items from red chests disappear, except for \"Iris Treasures,\" which cannot be equipped and serve only as collectibles. The rare blue chests contains items which can be used outside the cave and brought back to the cave on subsequent", "id": "12789001" }, { "contents": "Betrayal at Krondor\n\n\n. Some spells have variable strength; the player can choose how much energy the spell consumes. Some combat spells also require that the target being within line of sight of the caster. Spells are learned from scrolls that are found in caches or on enemies and can be bought from shops or NPCs throughout the world. The game features a wide variety of items, including equipment, food, treasure, and magical artifacts. Each item also has detailed background information available by right-clicking it. The inventory management allows transferring items", "id": "10000333" }, { "contents": "University of British Columbia Library\n\n\n18,000 rare and unique early photographs of British Columbia), the H. Colin Slim Stravinsky Collection (the largest collection of its kind in Canada, including more than 130 items documenting the work and life of Igor Stravinsky) and the Wallace B. Chung and Madeline H. Chung Collection, containing more than 25,000 rare and one-of-a-kind items relating to the discovery of BC, the development of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and Chinese immigration to Canada. The collection includes documents, books, maps, posters, paintings,", "id": "21302164" }, { "contents": "Bear Smart Initiative\n\n\nLassiter). The information given to the public can be found in the small brochures that are floating around in Highlands. It provides information like the kind that is provided above but also suggests some rules to follow as well: Bears are often attracted to bird feeders. Even though the black bears around western North Carolina are rarely aggressive it is best not to put one's self in a position to find out first hand. The brochures that are circulating also give suggestions of how to react in encounters with a bear: The", "id": "566900" }, { "contents": "High society (social class)\n\n\nelite neighborhoods. Art in this time was almost exclusively linked to the possession of money. The art of high society focused greatly on absorbing cultures from around the world, and referencing great architecture from the past, and commissioning artists that were from Europe. The culture was to possess knowledge and artifacts from other cultures or at least replicated it very well. Acquiring rare and valuable items was another way of high society representing its prestige. Art was also a way of representing taste level and someones ability to commission the right artist or", "id": "6730692" }, { "contents": "Wat Ratchaburana, Ayutthaya\n\n\nIntha Racha. In 1957 the temple's crypt was looted of a large number of Buddha images and gold artifacts. The thieves were later caught, but few of the treasures were recovered. Some that were recovered are now housed in the nearby Chao Sam Phraya Museum. Subsequent excavations of the crypt have uncovered many more rare Buddha images. The temple's central prang has undergone restoration. Original stucco work can be seen, for example Garuda swooping down on nāga. Other mythical creatures as well as lotus are featured. Four Sri", "id": "5482524" }, { "contents": "Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep\n\n\nthan the previous game. \"Adventures of the Deep\" allows players to travel to twelve different diving spots around the globe, including new polar and freshwater locations. The ability to dive with a dolphin as a companion returns from the first game, and players will now also be able to ride them to move quickly through the water. Players can also now sell salvaged treasure, including legendary artifacts for money that can be used to buy items such as new styles of diving suits, items used to decorate their island and private", "id": "13629213" }, { "contents": "Bienes Museum of the Modern Book\n\n\nThe Bienes Museum of the Modern Book, previously known as the Bienes Center for the Literary Arts, is the rare book department located on the 6th floor of Broward County's Main Library in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States. The Broward County Libraries Division's Bienes Museum of the Modern Book opened to the public on December 5, 1996 with James A. Findlay as the first Museum Librarian. The Bienes Museum is home to special collections totaling more than 15,000 items, including rare books, artifacts, manuscripts, and reference materials", "id": "19712680" }, { "contents": "Joe Coleman (painter)\n\n\nalmost organically. It takes Coleman between one and four years to complete a single painting. There is a ritualistic aspect to his work and the process by which he completes it. The frames of his paintings are often decorated with symbols from his own personal iconography to contain the forces within. Sometimes items of clothing or other artifacts related to his subject matter are appended to the painting. Rather than sell his work through galleries and the art establishment, Coleman has long relied on a system of patronage common during the medieval and Renaissance", "id": "14971631" }, { "contents": "Film memorabilia\n\n\nthe on-line marketplace. In the early days of internet selling, prices varied widely. One could find posters normally valued in the hundreds of dollars selling for twenty dollars, or, alternatively, find posters normally valued at twenty dollars going for a hundred, or more. Today, the market place for film memorabilia has mostly stabilised. While one can still see a rare film poster go for large amounts, it is far more common to find that items are priced either at or near market value, or are bid", "id": "2548092" }, { "contents": "Kingman Museum\n\n\nto physically inventory and catalog every item in its collection. This massive project is scheduled for completion in August 2009. Some of the museum's highlights include its paleontology and geology specimens, animal taxidermy mounts, a preserved human embryo and fetus exhibit, and Native American artifacts. The museum also has numerous rare items in its collection, including two specimens of the likely-to-be extinct imperial woodpecker (\"Campephilus imperialis\"). Only 120 museum specimens of the bird are known to exist in the world. Since there", "id": "12247330" }, { "contents": "Overlord (2007 video game)\n\n\nvariety of visual items such as banners and statues; the available visual items differ depending on in-game actions. Armour and weapons can be purchased or improved in the forge. Most defeated enemy types appear as opponents in the dungeon, an arena where the Overlord can fight them again (excluding bosses such as heroes and one-of-a-kind beasts). While the game claims that the Overlord is evil, the quests show him being more of an anti-hero. It also tracks how corrupt the Overlord", "id": "8512105" }, { "contents": "Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard\n\n\nand Lizardfolk factions, each of which includes seven missions, plus single-player and multiplayer skirmish maps. Single-player campaign maps feature main quest goals that advance the storyline and optional side-quests that provide bonuses such as inventory items, experience points, gold, and Champion Artifacts. Unused items are stored in an item vault between missions. Upon completion of a campaign map, players earn \"Reward Points\" depending on how skillfully they played. Reward Points can be spent between campaigns to buy items from the item vault", "id": "6716369" }, { "contents": "Colin McCahon\n\n\n, along with a Charles Goldie painting, and an unbound copy of the Oxford Lectern Bible, were stolen from the University of Auckland Library during the Christmas break. It was believed that the thieves broke into a secure room at the Library by prying open a locked window. Art experts and police said at the time that it would be difficult to sell the paintings in New Zealand or overseas as anyone who knew about the artists would be very suspicious. By October 2007, all the stolen items, valued at over $200,000", "id": "13465887" }, { "contents": "Lin Emery\n\n\nSandler, Seymour Lipton and George Sugarman. In 1984, she was commissioned by the World's Fair. Lin Emery is represented by the Arthur Roger Gallery. In 2010, thieves broke into Emery's studio, and \"...stole some tools, copper pipe, and a huge 13-segment sculpture called the Morrison Aquamobile.\" It is likely that the thieves stole the materials and the sculpture to sell for scrap metal. 2012 Opus Award, Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans, LA 2005 S. Simon Sculpture Award, National", "id": "258811" }, { "contents": "Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum theft\n\n\ndocumented investigation of Harold Smith, an insurance underwriter who worked on art cases. Boser's book is the best-selling book on the topic and also the most widely acclaimed. In it, he points the finger at a gang of thieves out of Dorchester, Massachusetts, as the most likely culprits. It is this theory that has been adopted by a number of stories that came after. Stephen Kurkjian, a reporter for \"The Boston Globe\", has written a book about his experience titled \"Master Thieves: The", "id": "9859854" }, { "contents": "Tiến lên\n\n\n4♣ 4♦ : 5♦ 5♣ 5♥ 5♠ in some versions of the game can defeat as many as four 2s in just one extension. However, the four-of-a-kind extension is so rare, there has never been a rule to extend it. Therefore, only the players can decide just what are the guidelines to it, and how many 2s can be defeated by extending it. There are dealt hand combinations that can guarantee a player a very rare instant win: Important to", "id": "21027775" }, { "contents": "Voskhod Spacecraft \"Globus\" IMP navigation instrument\n\n\nThe museum also displays a TKS spacecraft with a Soyuz-version of the IMP instrument, whose panels and the \"Globus\" can be glimpsed through the porthole. Space-related artifacts are available for purchase on online auction sites, on specialized auctions and through specialized dealers. However, items such as \"Globus\" instruments rarely come on the market. One specimen of a Voskhod \"Globus\" IMP instrument formally the property of a Canadian collector has been exhibited in temporary exhibitions, notably at the National Watch and Clock Museum in", "id": "2069814" }, { "contents": "Waghai\n\n\nDrinking water and toilet facilities are available. A small private outlet selling locally crafted items fashioned out of Bamboo roots and chips. Unique items like the big sized bamboo lamps, kangaroos, deer are available only here and not elsewhere in the region. A drive of about 19 km. from Waghai brings one to the Unai Mata temple. Visitors can bathe in the hot spring attached to this famous temple of considerable historical significance. A sprawling sawmill and woodworking unit, which also sells furniture that tourists can book and get delivered by", "id": "17827910" }, { "contents": "Museum of American Heritage\n\n\nover 5,000 accessioned artifacts in the collection and many more that are display items, extras, or permanent loan items. It is reported to be one of the largest collections of its kind in the United States. Items from the collection are used for MOAH permanent and rotating exhibits. Other museums and institutions are able to borrow items from the MOAH collection for their exhibits or other displays. Organizations that have borrowed exhibit materials from MOAH include the San Francisco International Airport museum, the Los Altos History Museum, San Jose State University theater", "id": "11802120" }, { "contents": "Psionic Artifacts of Athas\n\n\nPsionic Artifacts of Athas is an accessory for the 2nd edition of the \"Advanced Dungeons & Dragons\" fantasy role-playing game, published in 1996. \"Psionic Artifacts of Athas\" details the new artifacts used within the \"Prism Pentad\" series of novels, and includes tips on how to fit them into an adventure. The book also describes the life-shaped items: Created during the Blue age of Athas, when much of the world was covered by oceans, these items are living entities – boots, gloves and", "id": "19809400" }, { "contents": "Greyhawk Adventures\n\n\nof the Thieves and Assassins Guilds; Jaran Krimeeah, the Mage of the Vale; and two members of the Scarlet Brotherhood of evil monks. The book presents 106 new spells drawn from the spell books of notable wizards such as Bigby, Mordenkainen, Nystul, Tenser, and Rary. Each of the book's magical items comes with a background that ties it into the campaign setting. The descriptions of various geographical locations include a number of adventure outlines which show the kind of encounters that PCs entering different geographical areas are likely to", "id": "1949670" }, { "contents": "Consignment\n\n\nconsignee (the seller) pays the consignor (the person who owns the item) a portion of the proceeds from the sale. Payment is not made until and unless the item sells. Such shops are found around the world. They can be chain stores, like the Buffalo Exchange or individual boutique stores. The consignor retains title to the item and can end the arrangement at any time by requesting its return. A specified time is commonly arranged after which if the item does not sell, the owner is expected to reclaim", "id": "948481" }, { "contents": "Archaeological forgery\n\n\nage of the object. Some historians and archaeologists have strongly criticized the antiquities trade for putting profit and art collecting before the scientific accuracy and veracity. This, in effect, favours the archaeological forgery. Allegedly some of the items in prominent museum collections are of dubious or at least of unknown origin. Looters who rob archaeologically important places and supply the antiquities market are rarely concerned with exact dating and placement of the items. Antique dealers may also embellish a genuine item to make it more saleable. Sometimes traders may even sell items", "id": "19655774" }, { "contents": "Special library\n\n\nPerforming arts library specialize in collecting items relating to any faction of the performing arts, including music, theatre, dance, film, and recorded sound. Generally, these libraries are open to the public, though patrons are only allowed to study these items within the library itself. The reason for this is because of how rare and fragile some of these resources are. This type of library is usually organized by divisions, each containing materials related to the aforementioned art forms such as photographs, programs, reviews, videotapes, newspaper", "id": "22218217" }, { "contents": "Book of Artifacts\n\n\nsection, from pages 107-129, describes the methods that a character uses to create ordinary magic items (not artifacts) as described in the second edition \"Dungeon Master's Guide\" and \"Tome of Magic\". This section details how high in level a character must be to create a particular item, describes the requirements of the work area a character must have to create an item (a wizard's laboratory or a priest's altar, as the case may be), the difficulty of making a particular item", "id": "11577396" }, { "contents": "Art of the Philippines\n\n\neconomy was crippled. During the post-war era, Philippine artifacts and art pieces became easy pickings for foreigners as Filipinos were forced to sell the items in extremely low prices because of the immediate need for money during an era marred with high inflation and high cost of living. These pieces include the Golden Tara (in United States possession), the Balangiga bells (formerly in United States possession), the two remaining copies of \"Doctrina Christiana\" (in United States and Spain's possession), the Boxer Codex (", "id": "17430888" }, { "contents": "The Return of Heracles\n\n\n. The game has also been sold under the name \"The Return of Herakles\". It was later bundled with \"Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves\" in a compilation called \"Age of Adventure\", published by Electronic Arts. \"The Return of Heracles\" is an RPG adventure game. Each character was defined by three basic characteristics: strength, dexterity, and speed. Strength and dexterity determine how effective a character is in combat, while speed determines how many squares you can move in one turn. Characters may", "id": "2045187" }, { "contents": "Negros Museum\n\n\nfor minimum compliance under law. The museum is the first in its kind to not house precious archaeological artifacts, but rather was designed to display Negrense lifestyle and society, which includes old furnishings and loaned items from ancestral houses. It also includes art exhibits and expositions from different local artists and foreign artists resident in Negros Island Region. Art training and seminars are also conducted inside the museum. Negros Museum Cafe serves the needs of museum goers and walk-in guests, situated in the West Annex of the museum. It includes", "id": "3388087" }, { "contents": "The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal\n\n\nexpansion is the Museum of Artifacts. The owner of the museum will pay the player half of the value of an artifact (up to 30,000 gold) for one of the very rare artifacts of Morrowind. This is more than the player can get for the artifact at any other store. The museum starts with one artifact (Stendarr's Hammer) and puts the new artifacts on display cases as they are sold to the museum. Once \"Tribunal\" is installed, the plot will start after the player first goes to sleep", "id": "3040824" }, { "contents": "Magic item (Dungeons & Dragons)\n\n\nhoards, or recovered from fallen opponents; sometimes, a powerful or important magic item is the object of a quest. \"Major artifacts\" include the ones in the following table. They are generally unique and exist for a specific purpose. Less powerful or potent artifacts, or ones that are not unique, are generally called \"minor artifacts\". In the first edition, all artifacts are classed as miscellaneous magic items, even ones that are weapons, armor, or rings. Each artifact has a certain number of Minor", "id": "10132627" }, { "contents": "Applications of 3D printing\n\n\nVictoria and Albert Museum and private collectors, the initiative serves as a platform for democratizing the art object. The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the British Museum have started using their 3D printers to create museum souvenirs that are available in the museum shops. Other museums, like the National Museum of Military History and Varna Historical Museum, have gone further and sell through the online platform Threeding digital models of their artifacts, created using Artec 3D scanners, in 3D printing friendly file format, which everyone can 3D print at home. Consumer", "id": "15416761" }, { "contents": "Message Received\n\n\nnot like to be anywhere else. Cam (Eric Stonestreet) and Mitch's (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) wedding day is approaching, and they are thousands of dollars over their budget. They realize that they will have to sell their own prized items since they can not cut anything from their wedding. Cam has an antique belt buckle which turns out to worth only $20. Mitch, meanwhile, possesses a rare vintage \"Spider-Man\" comic book that is worth $5,000. However, he gets distracted by a", "id": "20804469" }, { "contents": "Atlantis (video game)\n\n\n\". As very few cartridges were created, \"Atlantis II\" is now a rare and highly-valued collectors item. Prices as of 2010 can reach 6000 USD. According to Dennis Koble, over two million \"Atlantis\" cartridges were sold, and it was Imagic's second biggest selling game. \"Video Games\" favorably reviewed the Intellivision version of \"Atlantis\", calling it \"a great shoot-'em-up for\" the console. \"Antic\" liked the Atari 8-bit version's \"very attractive and colorful\"", "id": "7674788" }, { "contents": "Djenné-Djenno\n\n\nsites destroys their historical context and integrity. It has been suggested by many to have a blackout of information on those figurines that were not excavated scientifically, which primarily includes black market items, as it is believed that drawing Western attention to these items would increase their market value. This could also hurt art historians and dealers, however, as it would be difficult for them to know how to distinguish artifacts from fakes. Historically, the Inland Niger Delta has been an ideal location for the mass production of staples such as rice", "id": "7941333" }, { "contents": "The Sworn Book of Honorius\n\n\nof magicians who decided to condense all of their knowledge into one volume. In 93 chapters, it covers a large variety of topics, from how to save one's soul from purgatory to the catching of thieves or finding of treasures. It has many instructions on how to conjure and command demons, to work other magical operations, and knowledge of what lies in Heaven among other highly sought information. Like many grimoires, it has lengthy dissertations for proper operation and seals to be used. The book can be classified as a", "id": "766115" }, { "contents": "Audience reception\n\n\ncan be active (constantly filtering or resisting content) or passive (complying and vulnerable). Audience analysis emphasizes the diversity of responses to a given popular culture artifact by examining as directly as possible how given audiences actually understand and use popular culture texts. Three kinds of research make up most audience research: 1) broad surveys and opinion polls (like the famous Nielsen ratings, but also those done by advertisers and by academic researchers) that cover a representative sample of many consumers. 2) small, representative focus groups brought", "id": "4126995" }, { "contents": "Hawkeye & Mockingbird\n\n\nMcCann stated, \"I can tell you that David Lopez and I are not done working together, and the story that I've plotted, planned out and wanted to tell after 'Widowmaker' is still going to be told. I just can't say how, why or where\". Hawkeye and Mockingbird, agents of World Counter-terrorism Agency chase down thieves stealing artifacts belonging to Jaimie Slade, the daughter of Hamilton Slade. That night Jaimie Slade is possessed by the spirit of Lincoln Slade, whom Mockingbird had previously", "id": "2597789" } ]
What is the true difference between Crackers/hackers and Script Kiddies?
[{"answer": "Hackers, in the classical sense, are a lot like a good baker. They can work from scratch without directions, know what they're doing and why, and can adapt to different things if they don't get the result they expected. Script kiddies are like someone following a cookie recipe off a bag of chocolate chips. They have to follow the directions exactly and won't know how to fix it if things don't come out right."}, {"answer": "There are multiple definitions for hackers: * A hacker is someone who will find a shortcut to do something hard. It's the smart lazy guy in your class. * A hacker knows something inside out to find and exploit its weaknesses There are 4 main types of hackers * White hat: Someone who finds security flaws and fixes them, usually employed. *The ethical hacker* * Black hat: Someone who exploits security flaws for personal gains or 'for fun'. *The criminal hacker* * Grey hat: A combination between the black and white hat hacker. He exploits flaws to send a message to the admin that his system just got hacked. He could ask for some money to fix it. *The unethical-ethical hacker* * Blue hat: Someone who tests and patches flaws in a system before it's official launch. *the other ethical hacker* A cracker is generally the same thing. ^According ^to ^wikipedia A scriptkiddie is someone (usually inexperienced) who uses his own limited knowledge in combination with 'hacker programs' and advanced information to do stuff that's generally not accepted by other programmers. If you need examples of scriptkiddies, visit youtube and enter *'how to make a virus'* or *'how to hack x'*. Sources: [Wikipedia]( URL_0 ) [My own knowledge](#Azeirah)"}, {"answer": "Crackers study software and systems to determine faults that allow access that was not intended. Hackers use that info to commit crimes, often by hand or with tools. They understand the workings of those tools to some extent. Script kitties are people following cookie cutter instructions to perform a hack, they don't necessarily know how what they are doing works. This is at least one interpretation of the terms. Some would say Crackers and hackers are the same, some would say a person following instructions is a hacker too. Some say that hackers are not inherently malicious, as the term hacker can even mean someone who enjoys creating their own things versus controlling others, but in the most commonly used sense of the words the above is true."}, {"answer": "Put simply, a Script Kiddie doesn't understand what they're doing - they just get a tool from someone else and hope it works. Someone worthy of respect will take the time to learn why the tool works, and perhaps improve upon it."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1616492", "title": "Internet meme", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["An Internet meme, commonly known as just a meme ( ), is an activity, concept, catchphrase, or piece of media that spreads, often as mimicry or for humorous purposes, from person to person via the Internet", "An Internet meme, commonly known as just a meme ( ), is an activity, concept, catchphrase, or piece of media that spreads, often as mimicry or for humorous purposes, from person to person via the Internet. An Internet meme usually takes the form of an image (traditionally an image macro), GIF or video. It may be just a word or phrase, sometimes including intentional misspellings, (such as in lolcats) or corrupted grammar, as in doge and \"All your base are belong to us\". These small movements tend to spread from person to person via social networks, blogs, direct email, or news sources. They may relate to various existing Internet cultures or subcultures, often created or spread on various websites. Fads and sensations tend to grow rapidly on the Internet because the instant communication facilitates word of mouth transmission. Some examples include posting a photo of people lying down in public places (called \"planking\") and uploading a short video of people dancing to the Harlem Shake.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Security hacker\n\n\nhas harshly rejected. Instead of a hacker/cracker dichotomy, they emphasize a spectrum of different categories, such as white hat, grey hat, black hat and script kiddie. In contrast to Raymond, they usually reserve the term \"cracker\" for more malicious activity. According to Ralph D. Clifford, a \"cracker\" or \"cracking\" is to \"gain unauthorized access to a computer in order to commit another crime such as destroying information contained in that system\". These subgroups may also be defined by the legal", "id": "18448523" }, { "contents": "Hacker\n\n\ndisparagingly to people in the computer security subculture as crackers and refuse to accept any definition of hacker that encompasses such activities. The computer security hacking subculture, on the other hand, tends not to distinguish between the two subcultures as harshly, acknowledging that they have much in common including many members, political and social goals, and a love of learning about technology. They restrict the use of the term cracker to their categories of script kiddies and black hat hackers instead. All three subcultures have relations to hardware modifications. In the", "id": "13167292" }, { "contents": "Hacker\n\n\nusage of the word since the 1980s. This includes what hacker slang calls \"script kiddies\", people breaking into computers using programs written by others, with very little knowledge about the way they work. This usage has become so predominant that the general public is largely unaware that different meanings exist. While the self-designation of hobbyists as hackers is generally acknowledged and accepted by computer security hackers, people from the programming subculture consider the computer intrusion related usage incorrect, and emphasize the difference between the two by calling security breakers", "id": "13167269" }, { "contents": "Leet\n\n\nwas developed to defeat text filters created by BBS or Internet Relay Chat system operators for message boards to discourage the discussion of forbidden topics, like cracking and hacking. Creative misspellings and ASCII-art-derived words were also a way to attempt to indicate one was knowledgeable about the culture of computer users. Once the reserve of hackers, crackers, and script kiddies, leet has since entered the mainstream. It is now also used to mock newbies, also known colloquially as noobs, or newcomers, on web sites, or", "id": "18792698" }, { "contents": "Hacker\n\n\ndenotation in many of those industries. A possible middle ground position has been suggested, based on the observation that \"hacking\" describes a collection of skills and tools which are used by hackers of both descriptions for differing reasons. The analogy is made to locksmithing, specifically picking locks, which is a skill which can be used for good or evil. The primary weakness of this analogy is the inclusion of script kiddies in the popular usage of \"hacker,\" despite their lack of an underlying skill and knowledge base. Sometimes", "id": "13167277" }, { "contents": "Security hacker\n\n\naccess to a system can be considered illegal and unethical. A social status among hackers, \"elite\" is used to describe the most skilled. Newly discovered exploits circulate among these hackers. Elite groups such as Masters of Deception conferred a kind of credibility on their members. A script kiddie (also known as a \"skid\" or \"skiddie\") is an unskilled hacker who breaks into computer systems by using automated tools written by others (usually by other black hat hackers), hence the term script (i.e. a", "id": "18448527" }, { "contents": "Security hacker\n\n\nfurther entrenched the term in the public's consciousness. Several subgroups of the computer underground with different attitudes use different terms to demarcate themselves from each other, or try to exclude some specific group with whom they do not agree. Eric S. Raymond, author of \"The New Hacker's Dictionary\", advocates that members of the computer underground should be called crackers. Yet, those people see themselves as hackers and even try to include the views of Raymond in what they see as a wider hacker culture, a view that Raymond", "id": "18448522" }, { "contents": "Blackshades\n\n\nauthorization. Blackshades allows hackers to perform many actions on an infected computer remotely without authorization, including the ability to: Blackshades reportedly can be used by computer hackers with little experience or by script kiddies, hackers that use programs developed by others to attack computer systems. Blackshades can also act as ransomware. Hackers using Blackshades can restrict access to the victim's computer and demand a ransom paid to the hacker in order for the restriction to be lifted. Many antivirus programs can successfully detect and remove Blackshades, however hackers using the Blackshades", "id": "1004528" }, { "contents": "AOHell\n\n\nlimitation by signing up for a white-list account which was subjected to an unknown probationary period where AOL administrators monitored the account. The existence of software like AOHell provided a parallel 'lite' version of the hacker underground that had existed for years before, based around bulletin board systems. Programs like AOHell played an important part in defining the 'script kiddie', a user who performs basic cracking using simple tools written by others, with little understanding of what they are doing. These types of programs had a tendency to", "id": "13411208" }, { "contents": "Hacker culture\n\n\nthe system. The programmer subculture of hackers, in contrast to the cracker community, generally sees computer security related activities as contrary to the ideals of the original and true meaning of the hacker term that instead related to playful cleverness. The word \"hacker\" derives from the seventeenth-century word of a \"lusty laborer\" who harvested fields by dogged and rough swings of his hoe. Although the idea of \"hacking\" has existed long before the term \"hacker\"with the most notable example of Lightning Ellsworth, it was not", "id": "2911214" }, { "contents": "Network enumeration\n\n\nglitch to gain entry to the network or for other malicious activities. Ethical hackers often also use the information to remove the glitches and strengthen their network. Malicious (or \"black-hat\") hackers can, on entry of the network, get to security-sensitive information or corrupt the network making it useless. If this network belonged to a company which used this network on a regular basis, the company would lose the function to send information internally to other departments. Network enumerators are often used by script kiddies for", "id": "13384374" }, { "contents": "Security hacker\n\n\ncomputer script that automates the hacking) kiddie (i.e. kid, child—an individual lacking knowledge and experience, immature), usually with little understanding of the underlying concept. A neophyte (\"newbie\", or \"noob\") is someone who is new to hacking or phreaking and has almost no knowledge or experience of the workings of technology and hacking. A blue hat hacker is someone outside computer security consulting firms who is used to bug-test a system prior to its launch, looking for exploits so they can", "id": "18448528" }, { "contents": "Hack Forums\n\n\nHack Forums (often shortened to 'HF') is an internet forum for hackers and script kiddies. Forum topics include security, technology, general computing and social media. According to a press release from the U.S. Department of Justice, Zachary Shames developed a keylogger in 2013 that allowed users to steal sensitive information, including passwords and banking Credentials, from a victim's computer. Shames developed the keylogger known as Limitless Logger Pro, which was sold for $35 on Hack Forums. On 12 August 2013, hackers used SSH", "id": "16073520" }, { "contents": "Hacker culture\n\n\nwho tries to extend their capabilities\" (47). With this definition in mind, it can be clear where the negative implications of the word \"hacker\" and the subculture of \"hackers\" came from. Some common nicknames among this culture include \"crackers\" who are unskilled thieves who mainly rely on luck. Others include \"phreak\"which refers to a type of skilled crackers and \"warez d00dz\"which is a kind of cracker that acquires reproductions of copyrighted software. Within all hackers are tiers of hackers such as the \"samurai", "id": "2911216" }, { "contents": "Hacker culture\n\n\nroof of the Great Dome and converting the Great Dome into R2-D2. Richard Stallman explains about hackers who program: Hackers from this subculture tend to emphatically differentiate themselves from what they pejoratively call \"crackers\"; those who are generally referred to by media and members of the general public using the term \"hacker\", and whose primary focusbe it to malign or for malevolent purposeslies in exploiting weaknesses in computer security. The Jargon File, an influential but not universally accepted compendium of hacker slang, defines hacker as \"A person who", "id": "2911211" }, { "contents": "List of Hersheypark attractions\n\n\nare located in The Boardwalk, except Coal Cracker, which is located in Kissing Tower Hill, near Great Bear. Coastline Plunge is a slide complex located in The Boardwalk. The complex features six slides with a variety of different experiences. All six slides were manufactured by ProSlide Technology. Four slides were part of the original Boardwalk expansion in 2007. Two slides, Hydro and Pipeline, were added in 2013. Hersheypark has 23 family rides. Hersheypark has 20 kiddie rides. All kiddie rides are rated as a 1. The", "id": "17550021" }, { "contents": "Mezangelle\n\n\nevolved into two subgenres: netwurks and codewurks/codeworks. Both forms employed code and chat convention mash-ups, HTML code and scripting languages to manipulate poetic structures. Codeworks included text emulations of broken source code whereas netwurks present in multimedia web interfaces that incorporate several codeworks. An example of a codework is _Viro. Logic Condition][ing][1.1_ and an example of a netwurk is _The data][h!][bleeding tex][e][ts_. In this period mezangelle shifted from a reliance on script kiddy/hacker influences to a refined interactive practice that explored aspects of", "id": "4961155" }, { "contents": "Information wants to be free\n\n\n\" to Adrian Lamo when explaining a rationale for US government documents to be released to WikiLeaks. The narrative goes on with Manning wondering if she is a \"'hacker', 'cracker', 'hacktivist', 'leaker' or what\". In the \"Fall Revolution\" series of science-fiction books, author Ken Macleod riffs and puns on the expression by writing about entities composed of information actually \"wanting\", as in desiring, freedom and the machinations of several human characters with differing political and ideological", "id": "7640628" }, { "contents": "Hacker culture\n\n\nrefer to security breakers, calling them \"crackers\" instead. This includes both \"good\" crackers (\"white hat hackers\") who use their computer security related skills and knowledge to learn more about how systems and networks work and to help to discover and fix security holes, as well as those more \"evil\" crackers (\"black hat hackers\") who use the same skills to author harmful software (like viruses, trojans, etc.) and illegally infiltrate secure systems with the intention of doing harm to", "id": "2911213" }, { "contents": "Script kiddie\n\n\nThe term is considered to be derogatory. In a Carnegie Mellon report prepared for the U.S. Department of Defense in 2005, script kiddies are defined as The more immature but unfortunately often just as dangerous exploiter of security lapses on the Internet. The typical script kiddy uses existing and frequently well known and easy-to-find techniques and programs or scripts to search for and exploit weaknesses in other computers on the Internet—often randomly and with little regard or perhaps even understanding of the potentially harmful consequences. Script kiddies have at their", "id": "8173637" }, { "contents": "Lamer\n\n\nLamer is a jargon or slang name originally applied in cracker and phreaker culture to someone who did not really understand what they were doing. Today it is also loosely applied by IRC, BBS, and online gaming users to anyone perceived to be contemptible. In general, the term has come to describe someone who is willfully ignorant of how things work. It is derived from the word \"lame\". A lamer is sometimes understood to be the antithesis of a hacker. While a hacker strives to understand the mechanisms behind what", "id": "6491557" }, { "contents": "Hacker\n\n\nsafe from other hackers by finding system vulnerabilities that can be mitigated. White hats are usually employed by the target system's owner and are typically paid (sometimes quite well) for their work. Their work is not illegal because it is done with the system owner's consent. Black hats or crackers are hackers with malicious intentions. They often steal, exploit, and sell data, and are usually motivated by personal gain. Their work is usually illegal. A cracker is like a black hat hacker, but is specifically someone", "id": "13167281" }, { "contents": "South African hacker history\n\n\nA brief history of computer hacking in South Africa. Note: A distinction needs to be made between a \"white hat\" hacker who hacks out of intellectual curiosity, and a \"black hat\" hacker who has ulterior motives. In recent times there has been an attempt to restore the meaning of the term hacker, which is still associated with creating code, and its secondary meaning, which has become the stuff of Hollywood legend. The term \"cracker\" is a better description for those who break into secured system by", "id": "4414269" }, { "contents": "Script kiddie\n\n\ndisposal a large number of effective, easily downloadable programs capable of breaching computers and networks. Such programs have included remote denial-of-service WinNuke, trojans, Back Orifice, NetBus and Sub7 vulnerability scanner/injector kit Metasploit and often software intended for legitimate security auditing. Script kiddies vandalize websites both for the thrill of it and to increase their reputation among their peers. Some more malicious script kiddies have used virus toolkits to create and propagate the Anna Kournikova and Love Bug viruses. Script kiddies lack, or are only developing", "id": "8173638" }, { "contents": "Script kiddie\n\n\nIn programming and hacking culture, a script kiddie, skiddie, or skid is an unskilled individual who uses scripts or programs developed by others to attack computer systems and networks and deface websites, such as a web shell. It is generally assumed that most script kiddies are juveniles who lack the ability to write sophisticated programs or exploits on their own and that their objective is to try to impress their friends or gain credit in computer-enthusiast communities. However, the term does not relate to the actual age of the participant.", "id": "8173636" }, { "contents": "Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers\n\n\nwould have been needed to address this issue. When creating both clear and subtle disconnects between Nemissa and Hitomi, the most obvious difference was the use of two different actresses. They also gave Nemissa a more extroverted tone and a ghostly reverberation when compared to the reserved, normal-sounding Hitomi. Nemissa's habit of referring to herself in the third person was carried over from the Japanese script. The 3DS version of \"Soul Hackers\" has received \"mixed or average reviews\" according to the review aggregator Metacritic. Several critics", "id": "9843322" }, { "contents": "Webattacker\n\n\nWebattacker is a do-it-yourself malware creation kit that includes scripts that simplify the task of infecting computers and spam-sending techniques to lure victims to specially rigged Websites. It was allegedly created by a group of Russian programmers. The kit demands minimal technical sophistication to be manipulated and used by crackers. Sophos has reported that WebAttacker is being sold at some hacker Web sites or through a network of individual resellers and includes technical support. The malware code is currently being delivered in at least seven exploits, including threats aimed", "id": "14199575" }, { "contents": "Hacker culture\n\n\nhacker to make it free by breaking into private computer systems. This hacker ethic was publicized and perhaps originated in Steven Levy's \"\" (1984). It contains a codification of its principles. The programmer subculture of hackers disassociates from the mass media's pejorative use of the word 'hacker' referring to computer security, and usually prefer the term 'cracker' for that meaning. Complaints about supposed mainstream misuse started as early as 1983, when media used \"hacker\" to refer to the computer criminals involved in The", "id": "2911227" }, { "contents": "Ejovi Nuwere\n\n\nEjovi Nuwere is an American technology entrepreneur, author of the book Hacker Cracker and computer security consultant specialized in cyber risk analytics. Nuwere's early life is documented in his autobiography, \"Hacker cracker: a journey from the mean streets of Brooklyn to the frontiers of cyberspace\", written with David Chanoff. Despite the title, it is not focused solely on hacking. Nuwere writes about his mother's battle with drug addiction and her death and his families episodes of homelessness. The book was published by W. Morro in 2002 (", "id": "11426461" }, { "contents": "Hacker\n\n\ncracker\" were coined in an effort to maintain the distinction between \"hackers\" within the legitimate programmer community and those performing computer break-ins. Further terms such as \"black hat\", \"white hat\" and \"gray hat\" developed when laws against breaking into computers came into effect, to distinguish criminal activities from those activities which were legal. However, network news use of the term consistently pertained primarily to the criminal activities, despite the attempt by the technical community to preserve and distinguish the original meaning, so", "id": "13167273" }, { "contents": "Tony Burgess (author)\n\n\naccidentally unleashing purveyors of kiddie snuff-porn on the town. A so-called war is also being waged between the town's respectable citizenry and the white trash from the trailer park. This is a collection of nine short prose stories with principal characters “Tony” and “Rachel” which are based off Burgess and his wife. The pieces are a variety of different genres, ranging from the mundane autobiographical fiction to lurid true crime to phantasmagoria. This is a collection of “wheeled stories” in which the citizens of", "id": "4465106" }, { "contents": "Hacker\n\n\ntoday the mainstream media and general public continue to describe computer criminals, with all levels of technical sophistication, as \"hackers\" and do not generally make use of the word in any of its non-criminal connotations. Members of the media sometimes seem unaware of the distinction, grouping legitimate \"hackers\" such as Linus Torvalds and Steve Wozniak along with criminal \"crackers\". As a result, the definition is still the subject of heated controversy. The wider dominance of the pejorative connotation is resented by many who object to", "id": "13167274" }, { "contents": "Foreverywhere\n\n\ntogether. \"We deliberately took kiddie-cliché ideas and tried to elevate them, which is why there's a unicorn and a rainbow princess,\" Burns said when interviewed about the album. \"The kids I've met are very emotionally complex people. I just don't think that there's much difference between what makes music great for adults and what makes music great for kids.\" Music videos were created for the songs \"OK Toilet Bowl\", \"The Unicorn and Princess Rainbow\", and \"A Fact", "id": "14065321" }, { "contents": "Don't Look Now\n\n\nthe set and commented that he did not like the church, to which Julie Christie retorted that he was being \"silly\", and the church was \"beautiful\". Roeg felt that the exchange was more true to life in terms of what the characters would actually say to each other, and that the scripted version was \"overwritten\", so opted to ditch the scripted dialogue and included the real-life exchange instead. The funeral scene at the end of the film was also played differently from what was originally intended", "id": "167599" }, { "contents": "Hans Hacker\n\n\ncommunity.\" \"He lived at a time when he was able to make sketches and make records with his camera,\" said Schreckengost. But, he added, Hacker \"does things that a camera can't always do, with the feeling for light and the feeling for the time. He sees a lot more than meets the average person's eye - that's what a true artist does.\" East Liverpool Mayor Norm Bucher designated August 16, 1985 as \"Hans Hacker Day\" in the city, and the", "id": "17667859" }, { "contents": "What the Hack\n\n\nWhat The Hack was an outdoor hacker conference held in Liempde, Netherlands between the 28th and 31st of July, 2005. What the Hack was an event in a sequence that began with the Galactic Hacker Party in 1989, followed by Hacking at the End of the Universe in 1993, Hacking In Progress in 1997, Hackers At Large in 2001 and Hacking at Random in 2009. The most recent edition was Observe. Hack. Make. in 2013. Over 2000 hackers visited the event to participate in an exchange on several technical", "id": "12937492" }, { "contents": "Webcron\n\n\nan ideal entry point for criminal computer hackers. When using a third-party scheduling provider, users trust the third-party to not misuse the URL in any way. Users also have to assume that the connection between the third-party server and the web server is secure from hackers. When using a visitor based scheduling provider, users may inadvertently provide a possible venue for denial-of-service attacks. Also, if a script is written improperly, the script may unintentionally expose information about the server. When using", "id": "2407848" }, { "contents": "Jesse Watters\n\n\n[the Democrats] are going to steal it.\" In January 2017, Watters faulted John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, for the theft of his emails by Russian hackers, whom U.S. intelligence officials had found were assisting the Trump campaign. Watters said: \"What happened was John Podesta gave his password to a hacker. And guess what his password was. 'Password.' It's a true story. His password was 'password.'\" The factchecking website PolitiFact rated Watters claim \"False.\"", "id": "17757473" }, { "contents": "Kiddie tax\n\n\nInternal Revenue Code. The kiddie tax was enacted as part of the Tax Reform Act of 1986, P.L. 99-514, §1411. It was first effective for tax years beginning after Dec. 31, 1986. The kiddie tax was originally enacted as Internal Revenue Code §1(i), but in 1990 it was redesignated as §1(g) by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, P.L. 101-508. Under §1(g)(2), the kiddie tax applies to a child if either of the following two conditions are true: (", "id": "10492274" }, { "contents": "A Hacker Manifesto\n\n\n, such as \"intellectual property\". For Wark, hacking begins with what they define as an \"abstraction\", the construction of different and unrelated matters into previously unrealized relations. Hackers produce new conceptions, perceptions and sensations hacked out of raw data. Everything and anything is a code for the hacker to hack, be it \"programming, language, poetic language, math, or music, curves or colourings\" and once hacked, they create the possibility for new things to enter the world. What they create is", "id": "9058950" }, { "contents": "Jargon File\n\n\n, feeling that SCO's own practices deserved similar criticism.) The book is particularly noted for helping (or at least trying) to preserve the distinction between a hacker (a consummate programmer) and a cracker (a computer criminal); even though not reviewing the book in detail, both the \"London Review of Books\" and \"MIT Technology Review\" remarked on it in this regard. In a substantial entry on the work, the \"Encyclopedia of New Media\" by Steve Jones (2002) observed that this", "id": "17709054" }, { "contents": "Hacker ethic\n\n\nthat are legendary and still potent. Raymond also notes that the success of Linux coincided with the wide availability of the World Wide Web. The value of community is still in high practice and use today. Levy identifies several \"true hackers\" who significantly influenced the hacker ethic. Some well-known \"true hackers\" include: Levy also identified the \"hardware hackers\" (the \"second generation\", mostly centered in Silicon Valley) and the \"game hackers\" (or the \"third generation\"). All", "id": "14426196" }, { "contents": "Hacker ethic\n\n\n\"the last true hacker\". Modern hackers who hold true to the hacker ethics—especially the Hands-On Imperative—are usually supporters of free and open source software. This is because free and open source software allows hackers to get access to the source code used to create the software, to allow it to be improved or reused in other projects. Richard Stallman describes: The hacker ethic refers to the feelings of right and wrong, to the ethical ideas this community of people had—that knowledge should be shared", "id": "14426184" }, { "contents": "Spectre (2015 film)\n\n\nmillion of \"Skyfall\" due to foreign locations and bigger payments for Mendes and Craig. In November 2014, Sony was targeted by hackers who released details of confidential e-mails between Sony executives regarding several high-profile film projects. Included within these were several memos relating to the production of \"Spectre\", claiming that the film was over budget, detailing early drafts of the script written by John Logan, and expressing Sony's frustration with the project. Eon Productions later issued a statement confirming the leak of what they", "id": "15936613" }, { "contents": "Numeracy\n\n\n. However, distinguishing differences between large numbers of dots proved to be more challenging. Precise representations of distinct individuals demonstrate that people are more accurate in estimating amounts and distinguishing differences when the numbers are relatively small (see Subitizing). For example, in one experiment, an experimenter presented an infant with two piles of crackers, one with two crackers the other with three. The experimenter then covered each pile with a cup. When allowed to choose a cup, the infant always chose the cup with more crackers because the infant", "id": "14559794" }, { "contents": "Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution\n\n\nBrotherhood, to the new, more business oriented, competitive atmosphere. 20. Wizard vs. Wizards was a televised contest devised by Tom Tatum and held in Las Vegas, where game authors would compete by playing each other's games. Richard Stallman, also known as RMS as per his initials, was called by Levy the \"last of the true hackers\". This did not mean \"last real hacker\", but rather the last faithful member of the class of hackers that Levy called the \"true hackers\". Stallman", "id": "10349709" }, { "contents": "Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution\n\n\ncamera and transmitted at computer terminals for the hackers to watch. The Stanford hackers could be just as eccentric however, and they also lived by the Hacker Ethic. One hacker lived in his car parked outside the SAIL building, whereas others would sometimes sleep in the crawl space between the roof and the artificial ceiling. Some hackers moved to Stanford, whereas others stayed at MIT. The Hacker Ethic spread even further with the creation of ARPAnet (the precursor to the Internet) that connected several computer systems in different parts of the", "id": "10349686" }, { "contents": "Security hacker\n\n\n, arguing that it refers simply to someone with an advanced understanding of computers and computer networks, and that cracker is the more appropriate term for those who break into computers, whether computer criminals (black hats) or computer security experts (white hats). A 2014 article noted that \"... the black-hat meaning still prevails among the general public\". In computer security, a hacker is someone who focuses on security mechanisms of computer and network systems. While including those who endeavor to strengthen such mechanisms, it is", "id": "18448514" }, { "contents": "Ehud Tenenbaum\n\n\nEhud \"Udi\" Tenenbaum (, born August 29, 1979) also known as The Analyzer, is an Israeli cracker. Tenenbaum was born in Hod HaSharon in 1979. He is known under the infamous hacker alias \"Pink Pony\". Tenenbaum became widely famous in 1998, when aged 19 years and while he was the head of a small group of hackers, he was arrested for hacking computers belonging to NASA, The Pentagon, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the Knesset, MIT and other American and", "id": "6040367" }, { "contents": "Legion of Doom (hacking)\n\n\ngroup the Knights of Shadow. At different points in the group's history, LOD was split into LOD and LOD/LOH (Legion of Doom/Legion of Hackers) for the members that were more skilled at hacking than pure phreaking. The overall beliefs of LOD and MOD (Masters of Deception) were different, but it can be difficult to untangle the actions of the members since there was a cross-over between the two groups. Unlike the hacking group MOD, there were different opinions regarding what the Legion of", "id": "16417753" }, { "contents": "Murdered for Being Different\n\n\nthe words, ‘This is a true story.’” Marco Crivellari finds these stories, whose job is to bridge the gap between the script and the reality and help turn a true story into a fascinating drama. The only fictionalised element in the film is Michael Gorman, the witness to the attack who is under the stress of the gang but finally brave enough to stand out. He’s a composite of different people, partly to protect individuals who still live in Bacup, but also a young character that can embody", "id": "15752288" }, { "contents": "Skyfall\n\n\nscript was based on his original idea, retaining what he described as the film's \"big hook\". Director Mendes adamantly denied this, stating that it was \"just not true\" and that Morgan's script treatment had been discarded once Mendes agreed to direct. The final script was written by Bond screenwriting regulars Neal Purvis, Robert Wade and John Logan. Logan recounted being brought into the project by his long-time friend Sam Mendes, describing the process between Mendes and the writers as \"very collaborative\", and", "id": "18583862" }, { "contents": "Hacker\n\n\nwho is very skilled and tries via hacking to make profits or to benefit, not just to vandalize. Crackers find exploits for system vulnerabilities and often use them to their advantage by either selling the fix to the system owner or selling the exploit to other black hat hackers, who in turn use it to steal information or gain royalties. Grey hats include those who hack for fun or to troll. They may both fix and exploit vulnerabilities, but usually not for financial gain. Even if not malicious, their work can still", "id": "13167282" }, { "contents": "War dialing\n\n\nWar dialing or wardialing, a.k.a. \"janning\", is a technique to automatically scan a list of telephone numbers, usually dialing every number in a local area code to search for modems, computers, bulletin board systems (computer servers) and fax machines. Hackers use the resulting lists for various purposes: hobbyists for exploration, and crackers – malicious hackers who specialize in breaching computer security – for guessing user accounts (by capturing voicemail greetings), or locating modems that might provide an entry-point into computer or other", "id": "2650801" }, { "contents": "Wireless security\n\n\nsoft AP (disconnects the user from the modem so they have to connect again using their password which one can extract from the recording of the event). Man-in-the-middle attacks are enhanced by software such as LANjack and AirJack which automate multiple steps of the process, meaning what once required some skill can now be done by script kiddies. Hotspots are particularly vulnerable to any attack since there is little to no security on these networks. A Denial-of-Service attack (DoS) occurs when an", "id": "14041139" }, { "contents": "The Scene (miniseries)\n\n\nmannerisms of script kiddies. \"Teh Scene\" featured a dynamic format (as opposed to \"The Scene\"s static presentation of a computer monitor, on which a small video and a few instant messaging windows would appear). See also \"'The Scene' Releases Final Episode\". The parody also released its first episode for season 2 on November 1, 2006. From what is seen in the first episode of season 2, they are not going to have the same storyline or concept as seen in \"The Scene\"", "id": "4348678" }, { "contents": "Hiawatha (web server)\n\n\nwebserver.\" The author has said \"I know for a long time that vulnerabilities [exist in other web servers] . [One thing] that bothers me: the runtime of a CGI. A CGI process [under other web servers] can run forever. A single CGI script can DoS a webserver. A system administrator is needed to kill the script. And what about a client [or hacker] that keeps on guessing passwords for HTTP authentication? These kind of issues inspired me to create Hiawatha, with settings", "id": "19756800" }, { "contents": "Instant messaging\n\n\nIM network consists only of clients. There are several serverless messengers: RetroShare, Tox, Bitmessage, Ricochet, Ring. Serverless messengers are generally more secure because they involve fewer parties. Conversational commerce is e-commerce via various means of messaging: Crackers (malicious or black hat hackers) have consistently used IM networks as vectors for delivering phishing attempts, \"poison URLs\", and virus-laden file attachments from 2004 to the present, with over 1100 discrete attacks listed by the IM Security Center in 2004–2007. Hackers use", "id": "11231759" }, { "contents": "SiN\n\n\na computer expert working at HardCorps: JC, a skilled hacker, capable of breaking into even the tightest of networks. In fact, Blade had first found out about JC when investigating a cracker who had broken into the HardCorps system. After tracking down the hacker, Blade, recognizing the perpetrator's talents, decided to make him a job offer at HardCorps instead of arresting him. Thus, JC became one of the HardCorps most valuable assets and the only one able to assist them in hacking-based missions. Development started", "id": "13795319" }, { "contents": "Hacker Croll\n\n\nFrançois Cousteix, better known as Hacker Croll, is a French self-taught cracker who is notable for hacking Twitter in July 2009. He was in close contact with reporters from TechCrunch who published numerous articles about the information obtained and the incident itself. He remained anonymous until his arrest in March 2010. Croll obtained access to many of Twitter's high-profile executives' numerous Internet accounts. The infiltration was made easy when the targets passwords and usernames were the same for both personal and business accounts. This led to a", "id": "17959069" }, { "contents": "Cyberweapon\n\n\nsuch as the transfer of funds) are not a primary objective of this class of agent. Unlike malware used by script kiddies to organize botnets, where the ownership, physical location, and normal role of the machines attacked is largely irrelevant, cyberweapons show high selectivity in either or both of their employment and their operation. Before the attack, cyberweapons usually identify the target using different methods. Likewise, malware employed by fraudsters for the theft of personal or financial information demonstrates lower selectivity and wider distribution. Note that self-replication", "id": "14989235" }, { "contents": "Remote administration\n\n\nDomains allow for remote administration of computers that are members of the domain, including editing the Registry and modifying system services and access to the system's \"Computer Management\" Microsoft Management Console snap-in. Some third-party remote desktop software programs perform the same job. Back Orifice, whilst commonly used as a script kiddie tool, claims to be a remote-administration and system management tool. Critics have previously stated that the capabilities of the software require a very loose definition of what \"administration\" entails. Remote Server", "id": "3084503" }, { "contents": "Have I Been Pwned?\n\n\n2019, Hunt announced plans to sell Have I Been Pwned? to a yet to be determined organisation. In his blog, he outlined his wishes to reduce personal stress and expand the site beyond what he was able to accomplish himself. As of the release of the blog post, he was working with KPMG to find companies he deemed suitable which were interested in the acquisition. The name \"Have I Been Pwned?\" is based on the script kiddie jargon term \"pwn\", which means \"to compromise or take", "id": "6251647" }, { "contents": "Crackers Don't Matter\n\n\nup that could then be resolved with a hug in the epilogue...Farscape is definitely at its peak when it places true conflict in science fiction settings and the fights between the crew were by far the best elements of this story.\" The reviewer found the plot involving T'raltixx less interesting but enjoyed \"the revelation that Crichton's ability to fight the problem was down to his deficiencies rather than just down to his being the series lead.\" \"Crackers Don't Matter\" is considered a fan favorite episode. When \"Farscape", "id": "4792022" }, { "contents": "Freedom Downtime\n\n\ndiscontent with certain aspects of the bootleg script of \"Takedown\" they had acquired. One of their major points of criticism was that the script ended with Mitnick being convicted to serve a long-term prison sentence, while in reality, at the time the film's production, Mitnick had not yet even had a trial but nonetheless was incarcerated for five years without bail in a high-security facility. Freedom Downtime also touches on what happened to other hackers after being sentenced. The development of the Free Kevin movement is also", "id": "8370588" }, { "contents": "Sexual script theory\n\n\nplay a part in what makes sexual script differ between males and females. Gender schema theory also plays a part in sexual script because studies show that males and females interact in different ways, even from a young age. In 1991, Martha Boston and Gary Levy found that through their research observations, children, primarily boys, were better with being able to sequence own-sex rather than other-sex scripts. \"As well as acquiring knowledge about the sex-role stereotypes of their culture, young children also develop sex", "id": "9644926" }, { "contents": "Pubstro\n\n\nA pubstro is a computer that has been cracked into, and had an FTP server installed. This FTP server is used to facilitate the transferring and spreading of warez, or copyrighted software. This is typically accomplished by scanning broad IP address ranges with port scanners in search of servers running open ports that are vulnerable to attack by various scripts (e.g. CGI, PHP, VNC, etc.). The scripts are utilized to gain entry into the server whereupon the cracker uploads server software and creates logins. Many crackers will then", "id": "7856524" }, { "contents": "Oyster cracker\n\n\n. Additionally, plain oyster crackers are sometimes seasoned with spices. They usually have a taste similar to saltine crackers, but far less salty. In other areas of the United States, they are among the choices for crackers with soup. They are often available in single serving packages for restaurant use. Many different companies produce oyster crackers with different combinations of shortenings and other ingredients, but retaining the same general shape and size. The origin of the term \"oyster cracker\" is unclear, but it may be that they were", "id": "12349843" }, { "contents": "Capricorn One\n\n\na simulation of what was going on. I grew up in the generation where my parents basically believed if it was in the newspaper it was true. That turned out to be bullshit. My generation was brought up to believe television was true, and that was bullshit too. So I was watching these simulations and I wondered what would happen if someone faked a whole story. Hyams wrote the script in 1972 but no one wanted to make it. He says interest in the script was re-activated by the Watergate Scandal", "id": "8149957" }, { "contents": "Apache Maven\n\n\ntargets and executes them based on inter-dependencies and other Boolean conditions. The benefits provided by Ant are also numerous. It has an XML language optimized for clearer definition of what each task does and upon what it depends. Also, all the information about what will be executed by an Ant target can be found in the Ant script. A developer not familiar with Ant would normally be able to determine what a simple Ant script does just by examining the script. This is not usually true for Maven. However, even", "id": "14326290" }, { "contents": "Peter Samson\n\n\n, including the central memory subsystem for the ILLIAC IV supercomputer complex at the NASA Ames Research Center. At Autodesk, he contributed to rendering, animation, Web browsing, and scripting languages. He received U.S. patents in software anti-piracy and virtual reality. In 1966 Samson attempted to ride all lines of the New York City Subway in the shortest possible time. True to the MIT hacker culture he enlisted a computer in planning for the event. Despite missing out on the then fastest time, Samson's attempt was to act", "id": "16361656" }, { "contents": "Kiddie tax\n\n\n) that deduction plus the itemized deductions directly connected with the production of the unearned income. Under §1(g)(3)(A), the tax rate applied to the net unearned income is the difference between the parent's applicable tax rate and the tax rate that would have applied had the child's unearned income been added to the parent's income. Starting in 2008 the kiddie tax provision will apply to dependents under 19 and dependent full-time students under 24. To qualify, those ages 19 to 23 who are full-time students must", "id": "10492277" }, { "contents": "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (musical)\n\n\n, translated by Frank Thannhaeuser, directed by Josef E. Koepplinger and choreographed by Ricarda Regina Ludigkeit. Notes: Since the 2008 US tour, the following songs have been omitted: \"Come to the Funfair\", \"Kiddy-Widdy-Winkies\", \"Us Two/Chitty Prayer\". \"Kiddy-Widdy-Winkies\" was replaced with a version of \"Lovely Lonely Man\" from the original film, sung by Truly Scrumptious. The overall script is also changed to more closely match the film, notably, missing", "id": "3057795" }, { "contents": "Sam Raimi's unrealized projects\n\n\nmoment. I have nothing to announce official. We have a scenario for Don’t Breathe 2 this is the true difference. There is no script for Evil Dead 2, but we have written a for Don’t Breathe 2. “ he also said that “When I tweeted, it was because I was interested in what people preferred to see. I was in the process of discussing what people wanted to see. Unfortunately, this is Evil Dead 2, which won out. I would have liked this to be Do", "id": "15578659" }, { "contents": "Secundum quid\n\n\nSecundum quid (also called secundum quid et simpliciter, meaning \"[what is true] in a certain respect and [what is true] absolutely\") is a type of informal fallacy that occurs when the arguer fails to recognize the difference between rules of thumb (\"soft\" generalizations, heuristics that hold true \"as a general rule\" but leave room for exceptions) and categorical propositions, rules that hold true universally. Since it ignores the limits, or qualifications, of rules of thumb, this fallacy is also", "id": "19324808" }, { "contents": "WarGames (interactive media)\n\n\ntook a different route, by envisioning how a member of the hacker culture would interact. The viewer of the work would be put in place of a hacker, looking at the hacker's computer monitor, showing various streams from cameras, video calls, and other audiovisual elements that they could bring anyone to the forefront at any time. Rather than having the viewer make any explicit decision, the work would instead track what video element had the user's attention, and decide which way the story would go from there. Barlow", "id": "22181280" }, { "contents": "Invasion Attack 2015\n\n\npaying viewers worldwide unable to view the event live. NJPW issued an apology for the problems. It was later reported that the problem was caused by an \"outside hacker\". Invasion Attack 2015 featured nine professional wrestling matches that involved different wrestlers from pre-existing scripted feuds and storylines. Wrestlers portrayed villains, heroes, or less distinguishable characters in the scripted events that built tension and culminated in a wrestling match or series of matches. Invasion Attack 2015 was main evented by A.J. Styles defending the IWGP Heavyweight Championship against Kota Ibushi", "id": "16777866" }, { "contents": "Linux malware\n\n\nand scripts are insufficiently restricted or checked and used by malware to attack visitors. Some attacks use complicated malware to attack Linux servers, but when most get full root access then hackers are able to attack by modifying anything like replacing binaries or injecting modules. This may allow the redirection of users to different content on the web. Typically, a CGI script meant for leaving comments, could, by mistake, allow inclusion of code exploiting vulnerabilities in the web browser. Older Linux distributions were relatively sensitive to buffer overrun attacks: if", "id": "7520035" }, { "contents": "Virtue epistemology\n\n\ndifferences between \"true belief\" and \"knowledge\", arguing that justified true belief fails to \"stay in their place\" and must be \"tethered\". According to Kvanvig, true belief is what is necessary to maximize truth and to avoid error, thus dropping justification from the equation of knowledge. He argues that once we recognize what the manipulated boundary notion of non-Gettierized account of knowledge is, then it becomes clear that there is nothing valuable about the anti-Gettier condition on knowledge. Kvanvig acknowledges that true", "id": "20157439" }, { "contents": "Hacker Valley, West Virginia\n\n\nis located nearby and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982. Hacker Valley is home to Hacker Valley Elementary School, serving students in Kindergarten through Grade 8. The school's mascot is the cardinal. The school is part of the Highlanders of Tomorrow Band program, along with Webster Springs Elementary School. Near Hacker Valley is a plant of Northwest Hardwoods, which produces dimensional lumber. Numerous potters and artists are also in the area. The climate in this area has mild differences between highs and lows, and", "id": "11934883" }, { "contents": "Teen Angst (What the World Needs Now)\n\n\n\"Teen Angst (What the World Needs Now)\" is a song and single by the rock band Cracker. Released in 1992, it appeared on their debut album \"Cracker\". The song was also released as a successful single, and it charted at number 1 on the US Modern Rock Tracks, arguably breaking Cracker into the mainstream. The song was later released on the compilation albums, \"Garage D'Or\" and \"Get On with It: The Best of Cracker\". Re-recordings of the song appear", "id": "18899249" }, { "contents": "The Cocoanuts (musical)\n\n\noriginal script, Schlemmer, Willie, and Sam are identified as Julius, Chico and Harpo.\" In addition to abridging the play for the film, there are a number of other differences: (Note: Several times during the film, Groucho begins to call Chico \"Ravelli\", but stops himself; the Marxes were performing \"Animal Crackers\" on Broadway at the same time they were filming \"The Cocoanuts\"; Chico's character was \"Ravelli\" in that show) \"The Cocoanuts\" opened in June 1996", "id": "19569537" }, { "contents": "Kiddie tax\n\n\n1) the child has not reached age 18 by the end of the taxable year; (2) the child has not reached age 24, their earned income is not more than one-half of their support, and they must be a full-time student; The kiddie tax does not apply unless all three of the following conditions are true: (a) the child is required to file a return for the year; (b) the child has at least one parent alive at the close of the taxable", "id": "10492275" }, { "contents": "List of Kiddy Grade characters\n\n\nEpisode 3 they must escort prisoners in charge of extradition back to the GOTT head office. In each of these instances she sends out an ES team. She never gets directly involved. Though in order for the members to make an arrest they must seek permission through her. Her true job, and what she spends most of her time doing, is never clear. Her superior is Chevalier D'Autrice and her secretary is the number-crunching expert Mercredi. Later in the series when there are odd, potentially evil, goings on", "id": "15039395" }, { "contents": "Prize (marketing)\n\n\n'70s goes \"Candy-coated popcorn, peanuts and a prize. That's what you get with Cracker Jack!\" Cracker Jack sales are not what they used to be, with much more competition in the snack industry and less creative prizes. The most valuable prizes found in Cracker Jack are the baseball cards distributed in 1914 and 1915. Although most of the prizes recently are just printed paper, in 2004, a complete set of 1914 Cracker Jack baseball cards — including the highly sought after \"Shoeless\" Joe Jackson", "id": "18127333" }, { "contents": "Gemara\n\n\nand showing how different understandings of the Mishnah's reasons could lead to differences in their practical application. What underlying principle is entailed in a statement of fact or in a specific instance brought as an illustration? If a statement appears obvious, the Gemara seeks the logical reason for its necessity. It seeks to answer under which circumstances a statement is true, and what qualifications are permissible. All statements are examined for internal consistency. Resolving contradictions, perceived or actual, between different statements in the Mishnah, or between the Mishnah and", "id": "14328419" }, { "contents": "Shoot to Kill (1990 film)\n\n\nhuman condition\", rather \"it purported to be a faithful rendition of events, and the purpose of it was to conduct a forensic inquiry into the moral quality of those events.\" \"[A]ctors playing scripted parts: Sir John Hermon, the RUC chief, Stalker himself, were displayed as if wholly and completely real.\" He worried that such techniques could be \"capable of fatally blurring the line between what is true and what is televisually convenient\". Other critics too had niggling worries about the reality. For", "id": "1517299" }, { "contents": "Hacking: The Art of Exploitation\n\n\nsystem calls. When a signal is type in the terminal it will immediately send an interrupt message to complete the task of whatever the signal was which was typed. The uses of signals are displayed in some coding examples in the book. Tools of the Trade A hacker has a certain set of tools that he needs to help him when exploiting. An exploit script is a tool in which uses already written exploit code to find holes in the system or program. Using exploit scripts is easy for even a non-hacker to", "id": "11166950" }, { "contents": "Growth hacking\n\n\nseparate name for this field is applicable. Product development is also heavily influenced by the growth hacker mindset. Instead of long development cycles followed by user testing. Growth hackers start user testing with wireframes and sketches; validating ideas at every stage. A growth hacker in a product development role would start user testing in a coffee shop instead of a corporate usability lab. Sean Ellis coined the term \"\"growth hacker\"\" in 2010. In the blog post, he defined a growth hacker as \"\"a person whose true", "id": "19415988" }, { "contents": "Hackers (film)\n\n\nnext step in human evolution.\" He had been interested in hacking since the early 1980s. After the crackdown in the United States during 1989 and 1990, he decided to write a script about the subculture. For research, Moreu went to a meeting organized by the New York-based hacker magazine \"\". There, he met Phiber Optik, a.k.a. Mark Abene, a 22-year-old hacker who spent most of 1994 in prison on hacking charges. Moreu also hung out with other young hackers being harassed by the", "id": "7494879" }, { "contents": "Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia\n\n\nThe Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (K-SADS) is a semi-structured interview aimed at early diagnosis of affective disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorder. There are currently four different versions of the test that are structured to include interviews with both the child and the parents or guardians. The K-SADS serves to diagnose childhood mental disorders in school-aged children 6-18. The different adaptations of the K-SADS were written by different researchers and are used to screen for", "id": "16334190" }, { "contents": "Script Debugger\n\n\nalso from Late Night) and AppleScript Studio as Script Debugger's current competitors in the field. From version 1 on the program contained several notable features: it was \"scriptable,\" (it could be used to create scripts to control itself), \"recordable\", (it could create scripts based on user actions), and \"attachable\", (scripts could be written to respond to events). More importantly, Script Debugger now allowed inspection of running applications to see what events they were emitting. True to", "id": "13212701" }, { "contents": "Hacker\n\n\n, \"hacker\" is simply used synonymously with \"geek\": \"A true hacker is not a group person. He's a person who loves to stay up all night, he and the machine in a love-hate relationship... They're kids who tended to be brilliant but not very interested in conventional goals[...] It's a term of derision and also the ultimate compliment.\" Fred Shapiro thinks that \"the common theory that 'hacker' originally was a benign term and the malicious connotations of the", "id": "13167278" }, { "contents": "Chef (South Park)\n\n\nthe duo had admittedly and purposefully created him as a \"stereotype\" to reflect what they felt was the perception most inhabitants of less-diverse mountainous Colorado towns had of black people. However, Hayes agreed to voice the character due in part to the audacity of some of the show's early scripts. Chef (usually kindheartedly, though not always) referred to most people in town with the pejorative \"crackers\", including the children. Chef, after abandoning his musical aspirations, moved to South Park with plans to open", "id": "15536779" }, { "contents": "Laugh track\n\n\nlaugh track varied from season to season. The 1981 episodes featured an excellent variety of different laughs, offering a more authentic sound. The 1982 season, which was the first season of the series produced for U.S. cable channel Nickelodeon, used fewer laughs, but also employed Carroll Pratt's titter track used on U.S. sitcoms such as \"Happy Days\" and \"What's Happening!!\". The last six episodes of 1982 corrected the repetition of the kiddie track by mixing different laughs together, along with the titter track.", "id": "18677571" }, { "contents": "Computer security\n\n\n. All critical targeted environments are susceptible to compromise and has led to a series of proactive studies on how to migrate the risk by taking into consideration motivations by these type of actors. Several stark differences exist between the hacker motivation and that of nation state actors seeking to attack based an ideological preference. A standard part of threat modelling for any particular system is to identify what might motivate an attack on that system, and who might be motivated to breach it. The level and detail of precautions will vary depending on the system", "id": "7540108" }, { "contents": "Animal cracker\n\n\nOther animal-shaped crackers and cookies are popular, such as Teddy Grahams, Goldfish, Hello Panda and Koala's March. These differ from traditional animal crackers in flavor and assortment. In the late 19th century, animal-shaped crackers (or \"biscuits\" in British terminology) called \"Animals\" were imported from England to the United States. The demand for these crackers grew to the point that bakers began to produce them domestically. Stauffer's Biscuit Company produced their first batch of animal crackers in York, Pennsylvania,", "id": "7205760" }, { "contents": "Loose Change\n\n\nshow and said Sheen's career would be over if he narrated it. The third edition of the movie, \"Loose Change Final Cut\", was released in November 2007. According to the Loose Change website, this edition \"is substantially different from \"Loose Change\" and \"Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut\" in the way it presents the information surrounding 9/11/2001. However, it remains true to the spirit that has made \"Loose Change\" what it is today.\" Professor David Ray Griffin was brought on as script", "id": "10915646" }, { "contents": "TV Nation\n\n\n\"Crackers the Corporate Crime Fighting Chicken.\" Among its correspondents were Janeane Garofalo, Karen Duffy, Jonathan Katz, Rusty Cundieff and Louis Theroux. Crackers was first portrayed by Lee Brownstein, but \"TV Nation\" writer John Derevlany played Crackers for the remainder of the show's run. \"TV Nation\" also featured humorous (but true) public opinion polls, each conducted by the firm of Widgery and Associates from a random sample of Americans. The release of \"TV Nation\" on two VHS volumes in 1997 offered", "id": "10332277" }, { "contents": "Florida Cracker cattle\n\n\ncattle was among those sent by Spain during the claiming of the New World. Over time the breed was crossed with other breeds, in order to select for desirable traits; this resulted in true pure breed Florida Cracker cattle becoming a rarity. There were however, a small number of families which maintained the pure bloodline, later (in the early 90’s) this task was taken over by the Pineywoods Cattle Registry and Breeders Association, as well as the Florida Cracker Cattle Association. After 1949 the combination of new laws about", "id": "12962997" } ]
How do hundreds of animators work together on the same project file when making a big budget animated movie?
[{"answer": "You don't usually work on the same files because everything is split up between the departments. I haven't used USD yet but I have encountered the following workflow in different studios (using Maya). For example: a character that has been rigged by one (or more, but not at the same time) rigger goes to the animators. Every animator works with the same character rig BUT each animator works on his/her own shot. He/She references (or \"links\") the rig into their scene so that any change that is later made to the rig can be updated in the animators' scenes as well. The environment of that scene is usually a rough blockout, done in the modeling department. It contains all the objects the animator needs to set up and let the character act in his/her shot. Then the scene gets switched out with the final scene (with textures, shading, lights and details) and the character rig is often updated as well, to get any dynamic stuff like hair, cloth and the hires render meshes in there. This is often done in separate departments as well, depending on the size of the studio. This is my simple depiction of the process and it varies from studio to studio. I would love to read some more experiences, also about USD, if anyone has worked with it or with a different pipeline."}, {"answer": "You're right - it's not practical to have hundreds of people working on a single file. That's where a tool like [Pixar's USD]( URL_0 ) comes in. It lets you take all your different models, textures, etc. and then combine them into a single scene."}, {"answer": "It depends a bit in the studio workflow and the software used, but cg animation can generally be broken down into several steps, some of which can be worked on simultaneously by several people. Multiple artists aren't often working on the same file, they're just working on different elements of the same shot. Artists often *reference* files from other artists into their scene, so changes that one artist makes will automatically be reflected in their scene. Also, a single movie is made of of hundreds of different shots. And each shot usually has a different set of files, and each shot can usually be worked on simultaneously. # Modeling This is where someone creates a 3D model of the character/building/vehicle/etc. # Lookdev/Texturing This is where colors and fine detail are \"painted\" onto the outside of the model. It's also where they control how different portions of the model respond to light (ie. Shinier, matte, translucent, etc) # Rigging This creates a bone structure and control rig for animators to use to make animationeasier and possible. # Layout This is where the \"scene\" is built and the camera placement and movements are set up. # Animation An animator animates the rig. # Simulation/Effects Some things like hair, fur, water, and smoke are animated using a simulation. # Lighting Controls light placements in the scene. Often makes a number of renderer adjustments and small changes to the material properties that were setup in lookdev to achieve the desired look of the scene # Compositing Even when multiple elements *could* all exist in the same scene, it's often easier to render them separately and then comp the images together. # How it all works together Obviously, modeling and rigging have to be done before the other steps, but almost everything else can happen simultaneously. Modeling and rigging adjustments are often still made at the same time, too."}, {"answer": "Ok lemme preface this by saying I'm a CG artist and I'm in the field. So there's the pipeline that they tell everyone, first models are made and then \"rigged\" (creating a skeleton and muscle system to provide for movement). Then animators come in and move those characters, pose them, tween them, the whole 9 yards. Then a texture artist will create textures, a lighter will set the mood via lighting and rendering, and a compositor will adjust the final image. Maybe a colorist will go in and grade the footage. But in reality a lot of artists are usually working on the same scene/shot at the same time because everything is always in a rush. There are pipeline tools and software made specifically to help with scenes being updated, different iterations and versions for others to use as they need to. For example, a texture artist or lighter doesn't necessarily need to wait for an animator to finish a shot, they can do shader and material dev while waiting for the shot to be locked. Within different versions of scenes there can be different versions of models or textures or cameras or etc. It's not that a team has a single scene file to haphazardly hot potato back and forth to each other, rather that a pipeline tool can manage these different versions and update scenes as any artist sees fit. Does that make sense? I know I ramble so I know I'm not always the clearest."}, {"answer": "Most studios break projects down by shot also, so you have lots of smaller files to work with. Referencing tools like the ones other posters mentioned in Maya, OTL's in Houdini, and USD can help keep those shot files from containing copies of shared assets."}, {"answer": "Yeah basically you have the work delegated. There's a group in charge of designing the characters then modelling and rigging. Then the storyboards. When it comes to the animating, it's usually done by scene. So Animator A gets scenes 1, 5 and 9. Animator B gets 2, 3 and 4. Animator C gets scenes 6, 7, 8 and so on and so on. IDK how it works in 3D but I assume everyone gets a copy of the necessary assets (character models, bgs, timing charts, etc) and they compile the completed scenes in post afterward."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "11504245", "title": "Outsourcing of animation", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Outsourcing of animation has become widespread. Starting in the mid-1970s, the animation for many low-budget American animated productions has been done by animation studios in foreign countries such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, the Philippines, India, and Hungary. This is done to lower the cost of animation production. However, language and cultural barriers often cause budget problems that result in the animation having errors of varying degrees. Back then, Rankin/Bass Productions (19602001) was the first American production company to have their animation (both stop-motion animation and traditional animation) mainly done at the Japanese animation studios.", "Outsourcing of animation has become widespread. Starting in the mid-1970s, the animation for many low-budget American animated productions has been done by animation studios in foreign countries such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, the Philippines, India, and Hungary. This is done to lower the cost of animation production. However, language and cultural barriers often cause budget problems that result in the animation having errors of varying degrees. Back then, Rankin/Bass Productions (19602001) was the first American production company to have their animation (both stop-motion animation and traditional animation) mainly done at the Japanese animation studios.", "Outsourcing of animation has become widespread. Starting in the mid-1970s, the animation for many low-budget American animated productions has been done by animation studios in foreign countries such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, the Philippines, India, and Hungary. This is done to lower the cost of animation production. However, language and cultural barriers often cause budget problems that result in the animation having errors of varying degrees. Back then, Rankin/Bass Productions (19602001) was the first American production company to have their animation (both stop-motion animation and traditional animation) mainly done at the Japanese animation studios.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "161935", "title": "Animator", "section": "Section::::Evolution of animator's roles.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 13, "end_paragraph_id": 13, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["today, the soundtrack is recorded first in the language of the film's primary target market and the animators are required to synchronize their work to the soundtrack. As a result of the ongoing transition from traditional 2D to 3D computer animation, the animator's traditional task of redrawing and repainting the same character 24 times a second (for each second of finished animation) has now been superseded by the modern task of developing dozens (or hundreds) of movements of different parts of a character in a virtual scene.", "today, the soundtrack is recorded first in the language of the film's primary target market and the animators are required to synchronize their work to the soundtrack. As a result of the ongoing transition from traditional 2D to 3D computer animation, the animator's traditional task of redrawing and repainting the same character 24 times a second (for each second of finished animation) has now been superseded by the modern task of developing dozens (or hundreds) of movements of different parts of a character in a virtual scene. Because of the", "today, the soundtrack is recorded first in the language of the film's primary target market and the animators are required to synchronize their work to the soundtrack. As a result of the ongoing transition from traditional 2D to 3D computer animation, the animator's traditional task of redrawing and repainting the same character 24 times a second (for each second of finished animation) has now been superseded by the modern task of developing dozens (or hundreds) of movements of different parts of a character in a virtual scene. Because of the\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "El Americano: The Movie\n\n\nfriend and longed-hoped to work with him, and brought them to Boxel Studios. “They taught everyone how to make animation, Hollywood style, and in Mexico, we taught the Americans how to do it with low budgets,” said Arnaiz. A total of 25 animators have worked on this film. Arnaiz has stated that the development of the film was challenging. However, the film was finished on time and on budget. “The biggest challenge was to get it to the level that everyone was hoping for", "id": "6545242" }, { "contents": "Last Days of Coney Island\n\n\nthe project on a lower budget, he decided to take on the project himself and produce it independently working with a small development crew in New Mexico. Bakshi is quoted as saying that the animation is \"probably higher quality than anything I ever made, at a cost so low it's embarrassing. Everything I used to do in my old movies that required hundreds of people and huge salaries is now done in a box. It took 250 people to make \"Heavy Traffic\", now I'm down to five. I", "id": "12112765" }, { "contents": "Valiant (film)\n\n\ndesigning characters for the Vanguard Animation movie \"Space Chimps\". The film, on a tight budget and with a relatively small group of animators, was created in 106 weeks, in what \"The Times\" described as \"a piece of guerrilla film-making\" in comparison to the other CGI animated films created by major studios. At least 5 computer animators worked together for every scene of the 76-minute film, working on effects such as color, movement and shading. As a result of the low number of animators,", "id": "5238615" }, { "contents": "Anibar International Animation Festival\n\n\n1960’s and the nearest cinema is in Pristina which is an hour’s drive away. The festival has a big job ahead of it to cultivate the cinema habit in the local population who is used to watching movies on their television screens. Back in 2009 the organisers had to make do with a budget of 500 euros and 80 films obtained from friends and acquaintances. And through the years the budget has increased. In its 9th edition in 2018, 220 animated films wereselected to be screened As an organization from its creation Anibar", "id": "6210470" }, { "contents": "Korey Coleman\n\n\nstrip \"Eddie the Albino Squirrel\". One of his classmates was future \"Chowder\" creator C. H. Greenblatt who worked under him as an assistant. Korey was also an assistance animator during the production and making of \"Space Jam\". Warner Bros. needed help finishing the project so they hired a team of animators which included Korey. \"When they hired us to do effects animation for the movie I wasn’t allowed anywhere near the project. One day, though, the team was so behind they pulled me on to", "id": "4964311" }, { "contents": "Drawn-on-film animation\n\n\nstatement, others went back one step and copied the original work film strip to get a projection copy. Direct animation can be an inexpensive way to produce a film; it can even be done on outtakes, or discarded film strips from other projects. It is a form of animation that is inviting to beginners and accomplished artists alike. Norman McLaren wrote a short illustrated introduction \"How to make animated movies without a camera\" which was originally published by UNESCO in 1949. Helen Hill published a collection called Recipes for Disaster that", "id": "14046330" }, { "contents": "ASCII art\n\n\nanimations were simply text with cursor movement instructions, deleting and erasing the characters necessary to appear animated. Usually, they represented a long hand-crafted process undertaken by a single person to tell a story. Contemporary web browser revitalized animated ASCII art again. It became possible to display animated ASCII art via JavaScript or Java applets. Static ASCII art pictures are loaded and displayed one after another, creating the animation, very similar to how movie projectors unreel film reel and project the individual pictures on the big screen at movie theaters.", "id": "1665690" }, { "contents": "Synfig\n\n\nrender to a sequence of numbered image files, using formats such as PNG, BMP, PPM and OpenEXR. From version 0.62.00, Synfig has basic support for SVG import. From version 0.91 Inkscape can save as .sif file format. Since May 2008, a group of Russian volunteers have been trying to make an animation movie project called the Morevna Project using Synfig, based on the folk-tale of Marya Morevna re-invented as a science fiction anime. They have been making regular updates since then on the Morevna project site", "id": "16174055" }, { "contents": "Tom Sito\n\n\nKurtzman. Sito assisted retired Disney animator Shamus Culhane on one of his final projects, a 1977 education short entitled \"Protection in the Nuclear Age\". Sito's first big break came in 1976 when he was hired by legendary animation director Richard Williams to work on his film \"\". There he met and worked with animation luminaries like Eric Goldberg, Art Babbitt and John Canemaker. After several years doing commercial animation work in New York and Toronto, Sito relocated to Los Angeles and worked on TV projects like \"Super Friends", "id": "9766634" }, { "contents": "Kazuo Komatsubara\n\n\nhe was beginning to do more work for Tokyo Movie Shinsha. Because of this, Komatsubara began to focus more on his work for Toei Animation. He collaborated with Rintaro on several projects, including the 1980 anime television series \"Ganbare Genki\" and the anime film \"Metropolis\" (released in 2001, after Komatsubara's death). When not working on adaptations of the works of Nagai and Matsumoto, Komatsubara worked as character designer on shōjo anime series such as \"Miracle Shōjo Limit-chan\" (1973) and \"", "id": "16256141" }, { "contents": "GKIDS\n\n\non \"handmade, mostly auteur-driven animated movies\" created by individual animators working with small teams. Founder Eric Beckman has described the animated market in the U.S. as \"dominated by expensive-to-produce, expensive-to-distribute movies\". To this end, the company relies heavily on critical reception and accolades to attract audiences, rather than big-budget marketing campaigns. Beckman has said of the Academy Awards, \"The Oscars are the great equalizer. You don't have to spend millions to reach millions", "id": "21424424" }, { "contents": "One Health Model\n\n\nThe concept of One Health is the unity of multiple practices that work together locally, nationally, and globally to help achieve optimal health for people, animals, and the environment. When the people, animals, and environment are put together they make up the One Health Triad \".\" The One Health Triad shows how the health of people, animals, and the environment are linked to one another. With One Health being a worldwide concept it makes it easier to advance health care in the 21st century. When this concept", "id": "14836014" }, { "contents": "Isaac A. Van Amburgh\n\n\neleven big traveling shows.Van Amburgh had a structure to his shows that allowed his act to be easily transportable and sustainable, while also providing audience members with knowledge of what they were purchasing tickets to see. A typical show for Isaac Van Amburgh featured several animals including tigers, leopards, lambs, and lions. He showcased animals of all shapes and sizes to promote variety as well as showcase how he could train animals who normally do not get along well together in the same space. He performed his shows in cages that", "id": "5146761" }, { "contents": "El Americano: The Movie\n\n\n' works, Arnaiz has decided to partner with the studio, which primarily focuses on animation for video games and promotions. “They were very creative, they had a lot of knowledge and I said: ‘Would you be interested in doing a movie with me? I don’t know anything about CGI, you don’t know anything about making movies — let’s combine and create this thing together,” says Arnaiz. For assistance, Arnaiz tapped animation veteran Raul Garcia, and Mike Kunkel, who is Arnaiz's personal", "id": "6545241" }, { "contents": "Aurelio Voltaire\n\n\n, and began animating on a super 8 camera. By piecing together snippets of information from fanzines, he eventually was able to teach himself how to make foam rubber animation models and animate them. His stepfather was abusive, considering Voltaire's strange hobbies and interests to indicate he was homosexual. A family friend sexually molested him from infancy into his teenage years. His girlfriend at the time committed suicide, which made him consider doing the same. Before he followed through, he promised himself to live one more day, doing and", "id": "12033225" }, { "contents": "The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!\n\n\nthe series was animated by Rough Draft Studios in South Korea and Glendale, California using digital ink and paint, the movie was animated by 6 Point Harness in Los Angeles, CA using Flash animation and Toon Boom. This was because the movie had to be done under half the cost of the series. While the movie had a new crew of animators and artist, the director of the film, Greg Franklin, had actually worked on the original pilot for \"Drawn Together\", which was originally done in flash. When", "id": "21266214" }, { "contents": "Gennady Sokolsky\n\n\n\"Well, Just You Wait!\" comedy short about an anthropomorphic wolf who tried to catch a small hare. It became so successful that same year it was turned into a popular series of its own, with a bigger budget and a new, more experienced director Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin attached. Originally all segmnets were developed collectively. Sokolsky worked both as a director, art director and animator on various segments. After the team left the project, it turned into a more traditional animated series. They still continued working together on each", "id": "2511524" }, { "contents": "Mars Needs Women\n\n\nNicholson, what is it?'. And I said, 'Mars Needs Women!' He said, 'When can you start?' It was almost like a fond throwback to the days at Columbia, when they'd just trust someone with a project. We had a low-budget profile like an old Hawks movie. I don't put myself in the same class, but I do admire them and know how they worked with their bosses\". John Ashley, who had just made \"The Eye Creatures", "id": "6877235" }, { "contents": "The Works (film)\n\n\nto attempt to make it as a 3D computer animated feature. Schure enthusiastically agreed and green-lit the project as he too dreamt of a computer animated movie and had this in mind when he created the facility. This movie project became the center of attention at NYIT CGL. For many of the individuals involved, it became a primary and personal goal to create the first computer generated feature. While creating a one-of-a-kind film in a method that had never been done before was the motivation, the", "id": "8070852" }, { "contents": "Shirobako\n\n\nmake an anime together. Years later, Aoi is now working as a production assistant for the animation production company, Musashino Animation, where Ema also works as an animator, while Shizuka, Misa, and Midori are working as a voice actress, 3D graphics artist, and an aspiring writer respectively. The story mainly focuses on Aoi and her team at Musashino Animation as they work on two different anime projects; an original anime series and a manga adaptation, facing the various obstacles that each project brings with them. A manga", "id": "14372571" }, { "contents": "Traditional animation\n\n\nAdobe Flash, Toon Boom Technologies, TVPaint, and Toonz Harlequin. Computers and digital video cameras can also be used as tools in traditional cel animation without affecting the film directly, assisting the animators in their work and making the whole process faster and easier. Doing the layouts on a computer is much more effective than doing it by traditional methods. Additionally, video cameras give the opportunity to see a \"preview\" of the scenes and how they will look when finished, enabling the animators to correct and improve upon them without", "id": "18965690" }, { "contents": "The Wachowskis\n\n\n, in the context of explaining how they got their start in filmmaking, the Wachowskis mentioned Roger Corman's book, \"How I Made A Hundred Movies in Hollywood and Never Lost a Dime\", and indicated, with laughter, that they liked his movies, and began by wanting to \"make a low-budget horror movie.\" In the same interview, they expressed being flattered, after their first film, by comparisons to the Coen brothers, who had \"made five, maybe six great movies…\" at", "id": "14555063" }, { "contents": "Animal House\n\n\nnine in total), the studio gradually became more receptive to the project, especially Mount, who championed it. The studio green-lighted the film and set the budget at a modest $3 million. Simmons remembers, \"They just figured, 'Screw it, it's a silly little movie, and we'll make a couple of bucks if we're lucky—let them do whatever they want.' Initially, Reitman had wanted to direct but had made only one film, \"Cannibal Girls\", for", "id": "334130" }, { "contents": "Dan Povenmire\n\n\n. He worked on layout animation and collaborated on storyboard production for the series, recalling later that staff were handed pages of production notes and instructed to \"Do the [creative consultant] Brad Bird notes and any others that make sense.\" He maintained a side interest in film, writing scripts and the screenplay for a low-budget horror movie, \"Psycho Cop 2\". The movie's producers offered Povenmire the opportunity to direct the film, but its terms required that he quit \"The Simpsons\". Povenmire chose", "id": "21898665" }, { "contents": "A Scanner Darkly (film)\n\n\na trying process for Linklater who said, \"I know how to make a movie, but I don't really know how to handle the animation.\" He had gone the animation route because he felt that there was very little animation targeted for adults. Originally, the film was supposed to be released in September 2005. Most of the animators were hired locally with only a few of them having movie-making experience. Six weeks into the animation process, only a few animated sequences were close to being completed while Linklater", "id": "1544594" }, { "contents": "Delgo\n\n\n, although the original intent of the dailies was to allow the crew to \"be able to offer commentary to other staff members who do not work the same hours\", he also said that offering a learning experience to the public was an important reason for their creation. \"By granting public access to our film as a work-in-process we are helping to educate students, burgeoning animators, and film enthusiasts about the procedures involved in the making of a computer animated movie.\" Adler said that they were \"", "id": "12375684" }, { "contents": "Big Wednesday\n\n\nfilm but he decided to do this; he decided he needed this in his life.\" Milius later recalled: When I did \"Big Wednesday\" my first impressions were that I was going to do this coming-of-age story with Arthurian overtones about surfers that nobody took seriously, their troubled lives made larger than life by their experience with the sea. And that’s what the movie is. It never strayed from that. There was a lot of pressure to make it more like \"Animal House\",", "id": "19225304" }, { "contents": "Episodic-like memory\n\n\nto demonstrate that animals are not only able to form what-where-when memories, but that they can bring together these components into an integrated framework and then modify this information later on. For future research, it has also been suggested that as we come across similarities between animal and human abilities we should immediately question how these abilities are dissimilar so that we do not mistake similarity for equivalence. While these strong criticisms do exist, however, many of the same critics are optimistic about future research. They suggest that a", "id": "2566482" }, { "contents": "The Big O\n\n\nbig fights always happened outside of a city setting, he wanted \"Big O\" to be the show he felt \"Red Baron\" could be with a bigger budget. He also spoke of how he first came up with designs for the robots first as if they were making designs to appeal to toy companies, rather than how \"Gundam\" was created with a toy company wanting an anime to represent their new product. Big O's large pumping piston \"Sudden Impact\" arms, for example, he felt would be", "id": "4192463" }, { "contents": "Frozen (2013 film)\n\n\n650 people, \"including around 70 lighting people[,] 70-plus animators,\" and 15 to 20 storyboard artists. Del Vecho explained how the film's animation team was organized: \"On this movie we do have character leads, supervising animators on specific characters. The animators themselves may work on multiple characters but it's always under one lead. I think it was different on \"Tangled\", for example, but we chose to do it this way as we wanted one person to fully understand and develop their own", "id": "14423544" }, { "contents": "The Fuma Conspiracy\n\n\n, and the regulars were reinstated with the first television special, \"Bye-Bye Liberty - Close Call!\". However, the relationship between Yamada and Monkey Punch was permanently strained by the casting substitution. Due to the same budget constraints, the usual composer, Yuji Ohno, was replaced with Kiyoshi Miyaura. The budget focused on the animation. In the background, the characters have a very distinct style, which is not usual in anime, but more common in Western cartoons. Before working on this movie, Telecom", "id": "7785196" }, { "contents": "Ron Campbell (animator)\n\n\nif they could animate many of the connecting sequences in the movie. Together, they subsequently ended up animating around twelve minutes, or roughly one seventh of the entire film. In his 2004 memoir \"Up Periscope Yellow\", chronicling the making of \"Yellow Submarine\", Brodax accredits Campbell for essentially helping pull together various elements of the movie. As one of the films animators, Ron Campbell contributed to the book, \"Inside the Yellow Submarine- The Making of the Beatles Animated Classic\" by Robert Hieronimus, a unique historical", "id": "18436671" }, { "contents": "John Carter (film)\n\n\n. Stanton denied assertions that he had gone over budget and stated that he had been allowed a longer reshoot because he had stayed on budget and on time. However, he did admit to reshooting much of the movie twice, far more than is usually common in live action filmmaking. He attributed that to his animation background. \"The thing I had to explain to Disney was, 'You're asking a guy who's only known how to do it this way to suddenly do it with one reshoot.'\" he", "id": "10902505" }, { "contents": "The Care Bears' Big Wish Movie\n\n\n\"Joke-a-lot\", among them Stephanie Beard, Julie Lemieux, Stevie Vallance, Robert Tinkler, Andrew Sabiston and Scott McCord. Animation was handled by Nelvana in Canada, and Crest Animation Productions in India. \"Big Wish\" marked the last time Nelvana embarked on a Care Bears project; from 2006 onward, the California-based SD Entertainment was responsible for future animated fare with these characters, starting with in 2007. \"The Care Bears' Big Wish Movie\" first aired on Canadian television on October", "id": "9366136" }, { "contents": "Onion skinning\n\n\nOnion skinning is a 2D computer graphics term for a technique used in creating animated cartoons and editing movies to see several frames at once. This way, the animator or editor can make decisions on how to create or change an image based on the previous image in the sequence. In traditional cartoon animation, the individual frames of a movie were initially drawn on thin onionskin paper over a light source. The animators (mostly inbetweeners) would put the previous and next drawings exactly beneath the working drawing, so that they could draw", "id": "6432320" }, { "contents": "Manhunt (2017 film)\n\n\nCrossing\" which led to Woo and Terence Chang disbanding Lion Rock Productions. Woo stated that he had \"got tired of making big-budget movies. I think about going back to the old times, when it wasn't so much about money but about working with a wonderful, smaller crew to make a real movie.\" Woo expanded on this later stating that there was great pressure in enjoying the creative process when \"being controlled by the numbers during the entire process\" or deciding \"decide how to shoot a scene", "id": "6164725" }, { "contents": "List of animation studios owned by The Walt Disney Company\n\n\ndirect-to-video increased in importance, the overseas studios moved to making feature films. DAJ worked on \"The Tigger Movie\" (2000). In 2003, the company produced \"Piglet's Big Movie\" for DisneyToon Studios and \"\". In September 2003, Disney announced the closure of the studio, with \"Pooh's Heffalump Movie\" (2004) to be its final work. DAJ was closed in June 2004 with 30 employees expected to be transferred to one of the two Disney's remaining animation units", "id": "15569696" }, { "contents": "Monsters vs. Aliens\n\n\ncapture better how a person not comfortable with being too big with an environment would walk around it. Ed Leonard, CTO of DreamWorks Animation, says it took approximately 45.6 million computing hours to make \"Monsters vs. Aliens\", more than eight times as many as the original \"Shrek\". Several hundred Hewlett-Packard xw8600 workstations were used, along with a 'render farm' of HP ProLiant blade servers with over 9,000 server processor cores, to process the animation sequence. Animators used 120 terabytes of data to complete the", "id": "7818244" }, { "contents": "Animation in the United States in the television era\n\n\nTelevision animation developed from the success of animated movies in the first half of the 20th century. The state of animation changed dramatically in the three decades starting with the post-World War II proliferation of television. While studios gave up on the big-budget theatrical short cartoons that thrived in the 1930s and 1940s, new television animation studios would thrive based on the economy and volume of their output. By the end of the 1970s and 1980s, most of the Golden Age animators had retired or died, and their younger successors", "id": "13086658" }, { "contents": "Sven (Frozen)\n\n\nto a reindeer farm management in Roros, Norway, owned by the Sami people. The animation team also decided to bring a real-life reindeer into the studio to analyze its mannerisms and implement them into Sven's portrayal. The animators remarked how the reindeer scratched behind its ears using its back legs similarly to how dogs do, and they decided to make this one of Sven's habits as well. Nevertheless, after realizing that the reindeer did not do much besides standing in the same place, the animators decided to depict", "id": "13959058" }, { "contents": "Really Wild Animals\n\n\nfocuses on the question of whether the viewer would be wild or free is he/she were a farm animal. In the second episode, Spin takes a look at how humans help endangered animals and how animals rescue people and shows that if people work together to help save animals, they'll prevent them from becoming extinct. The songs in this episode are about help being available for animals, and how if humans work together with animals, everybody will be safe at last. In the first episode, Spin shows animals that", "id": "8591612" }, { "contents": "How a Mosquito Operates\n\n\nfind a professor who speaks the insects' language. The professor tells McCay to \"make a series of drawings to illustrate just how the insect does its deadly work\", and after months of work McCay invites the professor to watch the film. \"How a Mosquito Operates\" was released at a time when audience demand for animation outstripped the studios' ability to supply it. According to animator Chris Webster, at a time when most studios struggled to make animation merely work, McCay showed a mastery of the medium and a", "id": "7449859" }, { "contents": "Makiko Futaki\n\n\ncontinued by doing partial work on most of the first few Studio Ghibli movies while still working on other feature projects with different studios. Her work as a key animator on \"Akira\", which received critical acclaim both nationally and internationally, is what prompted Miyazaki to adopt her as a full-time staff member. She had worked on every single Ghibli film since 1998 with her final contribution being on 2014's \"When Marnie Was There.\" Futaki expressed a particular interest in nature as well as an empathy for animals,", "id": "21660261" }, { "contents": "Corpse Bride\n\n\nlenses and get the same effect—the same depth of field and angle of coverage. I knew that we were going to be fighting to make this look like a 'real' movie because we weren't shooting on film, so I wanted to at least have the optics look like movie optics.\" Animation took place at 3 Mills Studios in East London. A dozen animators/puppeteers were put to work when production began, but that number had tripled by the end of production. The initial group spent time developing", "id": "2913536" }, { "contents": "The List (The X-Files)\n\n\nset almost single-handedly caused the episode to go over budget, but the show was able to reuse the set in the season in the later season episodes \"Teso Dos Bichos\" and \"Talitha Cumi\". Unaffiliated television and film projects in the Greater Vancouver area also rented the set for use in their productions. For many of the scenes, the show's producers opted to use real maggotscreatures that series co-star Gillian Anderson later called among the hardest animals with which to work. Due to a number of issues", "id": "46341" }, { "contents": "Collective animal behavior\n\n\nabove Rome and assuming minimal behavioural rules, has convincingly simulated a number of aspects of flock behaviour. Aggregations of animals are faced with decisions which they must make if they are to remain together. For a school of fish, an example of a typical decision might be which direction to swim when confronted by a predator. Social insects such as ants and bees must collectively decide where to build a new nest. A herd of elephants must decide when and where to migrate. How are these decisions made? Do stronger or more", "id": "10816549" }, { "contents": "Dave Pressler\n\n\nthe YouTube channel of DreamWorks Animation, premiered Dave's new series of stop-motion short videos \"How To Do Everything! With Garrick & Marvin\". The project marks Dave's first endeavor into stop-motion animation. Throughout 2017, Pressler served as the Art Director for \",\" for Dreamworks Animation Television. Taking place after the film, the series will follow Boss Baby, and his big brother Tim, as they navigate around the world of BabyCorp. It is being released by Netflix in 2018. In August", "id": "4493406" }, { "contents": "Blue's Big Musical Movie\n\n\nBlue's Big Musical Movie (also known as Blue's Big Musical and Blue's Clues: The Movie) is a 2000 American direct-to-video animated film based on the \"Blue's Clues\" television series and acted as the first and only full-length musical film for the character of Blue the Dog. It was released on VHS and DVD on October 3, 2000. A video game based on the movie was released for the original PlayStation around the same time, making it the only \"Blue's", "id": "9062746" }, { "contents": "Make (software)\n\n\nillustrated here this hardly matters, but the real power of suffix rules becomes evident when the number of source files in a software project starts to grow. One only has to write a rule for the linking step and declare the object files as prerequisites. Make will then implicitly determine how to make all the object files and look for changes in all the source files. Simple suffix rules work well as long as the source files do not depend on each other and on other files such as header files. Another route to simplify", "id": "10145783" }, { "contents": "Enchanted (film)\n\n\nthe movie before a cast was chosen to play the characters. After the actors were hired, he was involved in making the final design of the movie, which made sure the animated characters look like their real-life counterparts. \"Enchanted\" is the first feature-length Disney live-action/traditional animation hybrid since Disney's \"Who Framed Roger Rabbit\" in 1988, though the traditionally animated characters do not interact in the live-action environment in the same method as they did in \"Roger Rabbit\";", "id": "22217060" }, { "contents": "ODEX's actions against file-sharing\n\n\noff fansubs as its own work. Sing admitted that this was partially true as ODEX had hired anime fans to do subtitling in 2004 who had taken \"the easy way out and copied word for word the subtitles on fansubs they downloaded\". Sing explained that when ODEX released its anime, the company did not realise what the anime fans had done, and it has been \"paying for this mistake ever since\". It was reported at the same time that all of ODEX's translation and subtitling was now done \"in", "id": "20019115" }, { "contents": "Rendering (computer graphics)\n\n\ngraphics cards with 3D hardware accelerators. When the pre-image (a wireframe sketch usually) is complete, rendering is used, which adds in bitmap textures or procedural textu res, lights, bump mapping and relative position to other objects. The result is a completed image the consumer or intended viewer sees. For movie animations, several images (frames) must be rendered, and stitched together in a program capable of making an animation of this sort. Most 3D image editing programs can do this. A rendered image can", "id": "6659394" }, { "contents": "Golden age of American animation\n\n\nthe history of Hollywood animation, the production of animated films was an exclusive industry that did not branch off very often into other areas. The various animation studios worked almost exclusively on producing animated cartoons and animated titles for movies. Only occasionally was animation used for other aspects of the movie industry. The low-budget \"Superman\" serials of the 1940s used animated sequences of Superman flying and performing super-powered feats which were used in the place of live-action special effects, but this was not a common practice.", "id": "13086644" }, { "contents": "Earth Rangers\n\n\nof the animals and start a fundraising campaign to help them. Through the program, members learn about the full breadth and depth of conservation and are given the tools to make a meaningful contribution. Throughout the year, they are provided with updates on the project, ensuring that they know how their funds were used and what was accomplished with them and by them its was that they rescue animals. Missions are fun, tangible activities Earth Rangers provides to members throughout the year that are designed to demonstrate the collective impact of working together", "id": "6355348" }, { "contents": "Computer animation\n\n\ncharacteristics onto the creature. Serkis had earlier provided the voice and performance for Gollum in J. R. R. Tolkien's \"The Lord of the Rings\" trilogy. Computer animation can be created with a computer and an animation software. Some impressive animation can be achieved even with basic programs; however, the rendering can take a lot of time on an ordinary home computer. Professional animators of movies, television and video games could make photorealistic animation with high detail. This level of quality for movie animation would take hundreds of years to", "id": "6870579" }, { "contents": "Big Fish & Begonia\n\n\nXuan and Zhang Chun. The story was inspired by a myth from the ancient Chinese Taoist classic \"Zhuangzi\". The film also integrates many stories from other Chinese classics such as \"Classic of Mountains and Seas\" and \"In Search of the Supernatural\". \"Our dream is to make a heart-touching animation film, which will bring teenagers power of love and faith.\" Liang Xuan and Zhang Chun spent many difficult years together working on the project. The origins of this film started when they produced a short", "id": "5140846" }, { "contents": "Shawn Kelly\n\n\nShawn Kelly is an animator of movies and was a co-founder of the company Animation Mentor, an online animation school with student/mentor relationships at its core. Born in Sonoma County, Calif., and raised in Petaluma, Kelly set his sights on working at Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) at age five when the movie Star Wars hit the big screen. Under the tutelage of animators Bill Hennes and John Root, he studied drawing and computer software throughout high school, attended community college, and Academy of Art", "id": "1427466" }, { "contents": "Dirty Pair: Project Eden\n\n\nRarely do all the elements come together so nicely, and even all these years later it's hard to think of any other anime that's simply as much fun as this movie\". Rebecca Silverman of Anime News Network mentions on her review of the Dirty Pair Features Collection that among the three films this one was the \"campiest with the least urgent storyline\". She also states that the \"Animation has moments of beautiful fluidity, such as Yuri flopping in a tub of water, the dissolution of a floor beneath the", "id": "5068588" }, { "contents": "Zed Group\n\n\ngroup during 2009 corresponds to sister company Ilion Animation Studios, which premiered in November \"Planet 51,\" the highest-grossing Spanish movie globally in 2009. In July 2015 Ilion Animation Studios signed a contract with Paramount Pictures to animate \"Wonder Park.\" The film is being produced on a budget of about 100 million euros, making it the largest budget to date for any movie produced in Spain. The company provides mobile marketing solutions, consulting services and application development for companies and public sector across its business unit Zed Business", "id": "11269694" }, { "contents": "The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!\n\n\nThe original cast returned to voice their characters and features the guest voice of Seth MacFarlane as \"I.S.R.A.E.L.\" (Intelligent Smart Robot Animation Eraser Lady), and Vernon Wells as the villainous Network Head. While the television series was produced and animated by Rough Draft Studios using digital ink and paint, the film was instead produced and animated by 6 Point Harness and done entirely in flash animation using Toon Boom and Adobe Flash Professional due to budget cuts. Foxxy Love discovers that she can swear without being censored, and realizes that the", "id": "21266207" }, { "contents": "Animal migration\n\n\nwhen all individuals migrate, \"partial migration\" is when some individuals migrate while others do not, and \"differential migration\" is when the difference between migratory and non-migratory individuals is based on age or sex (for example). While most migratory movements occur on an annual cycle, some daily movements are also referred to as migration. Many aquatic animals make a Diel vertical migration, travelling a few hundred meters up and down the water column, while some jellyfish make daily horizontal migrations, traveling a few hundred meters", "id": "1981882" }, { "contents": "ANIM\n\n\nANIM is a file format, used to store digital movies and computer generated animations (hence the ANIM name), and is a variation of the ILBM format, which is a subformat of Interchange File Format. Known filetypes for Anim into AmigaOS are: Anim1, Anim2, Anim3, Anim5 and Anim7. Anim1 to Anim3 did not support audio. Anim 5 and Anim7 should be able to contain Audio Data and being a complete movie animation file format. In addition to the normal ILBM chunks, ANIM filetype also defines: Compression", "id": "5425851" }, { "contents": "Rabbit Rampage\n\n\nredrawing him as a more abstract, simplified rabbit with big cheeks and feet. Bugs warns the animator that this latest bit of teasing can lead to serious consequences for \"both\" of them, which leads the animator to draw him back to normal. When Bugs sardonically asks the animator if he wants to paint him into a grasshopper, the animator takes out a brush and Bugs quickly takes it back. Bugs attempts to make friends with the animator, promising that they could do something popular. While he is doing this,", "id": "11222222" }, { "contents": "Jeff Smith (cartoonist)\n\n\nJack Hanna\". Other jobs followed for clients such as White Castle, sequences in films that the studio was given when other studios fell behind, and a claymation project that they were given following the rise in popularity of The California Raisins. Initial budgets were restrictive for the studio, which required the animators to be resourceful in order to meet their deadlines. Smith sometimes did the voice work as well as the animation on certain projects, and the animators sometimes had family members come in on some evenings to paint animation cells.", "id": "7503923" }, { "contents": "Yoshiji Kigami\n\n\nWhen he was young, Kigami was a big fan of Disney movies and anime shows based on the manga series of Osamu Tezuka, and this lead him to being an animator. He started to work at Shin-Ei Animation and then at Kyoto Animation. He was also the key animator of \"Grave of the Fireflies\", directed by Isao Takahata, and \"Akira\", directed by Katsuhiro Otomo. He directed \"Munto\" and is also an instructor at Kyoto Animation's teaching program. On 18 July 2019,", "id": "20829840" }, { "contents": "Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure\n\n\nproducers forbade him to cut a single scene. Eventually, like many of his other projects, the movie went over time and budget , and Williams was removed at the end so the film could be released on time. His name remained on the finished product. Besides Richard Williams, who by this time had already received a BAFTA award, an Emmy Award, and an Oscar for his work in animation, other talented animators also were enlisted. Hal Ambro and Art Babbitt from Disney, and \"Looney Tunes\"/\"Merrie Melodies\" animator", "id": "4351143" }, { "contents": "Moana (2016 film)\n\n\n2013), \"Big Hero 6\" (2014), and \"Zootopia\" (2016). Although Disney has not disclosed the film's production budget, most of its animated films cost around $150 million. \"Deadline Hollywood\" calculated the net profit of the film to be $121.3 million, when factoring together all expenses and revenues for the film, making it the 12th-most profitable release of 2016. In the United States, \"Moana\" was released during the Thanksgiving weekend. The film played in", "id": "4386848" }, { "contents": "Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie\n\n\n38 million, making it the lowest-budgeted computer-animated feature of DreamWorks Animation's history. This was the last DreamWorks Animation film to be distributed by 20th Century Fox (rights to the entire DreamWorks Animation library, including this film, are now owned by Universal Pictures, following NBCUniversal's purchase of the company in 2016). With the film's release in Saudi Arabia paired with \"The Emoji Movie\" on January 13, 2018, both became the first films to be given official public screenings in the country in", "id": "11745446" }, { "contents": "Ghostbusters (franchise)\n\n\nand Paul Rudd is also cast in an undisclosed role. In October 2015, \"The Hollywood Reporter\" reported that Reitman will produce an animated movie for Sony Pictures Animation, and Fletcher Moules will oversee the project as both animator and director. Later it was announced that the movie would be told from the ghost's perspective. The film will reportedly begin production following the completion of \"Ghostbusters 2020\" in 2020. By May of the same year, Aykroyd announced that he wrote a prequel script with the working title \"Ghostbusters", "id": "18497884" }, { "contents": "DC Universe Animated Original Movies\n\n\nThe DC Universe Animated Original Movies (also known as DC Universe Original Movies or DC Universe Movies) are direct-to-video film projects being created by Warner Premiere, Warner Bros. Animation, and DC Comics. These more recent movie projects have also included many of the voice actors who worked on previous DC animated series and films. The franchise has been successful, receiving positive reviews for its themes and creative direction, and has obtained high sales. Unlike earlier animated DC films (most of which also involved Bruce Timm and", "id": "5852982" }, { "contents": "Drawn Together\n\n\ncleanup\" of any black outlines. Contrasting, Toot is drawn in the grainy, high-contrast monochrome of her era's technology. The show was made by Rough Draft Studios in Glendale, California, with much of the animation done at the studio's facilities in South Korea. A gag in \"The Drawn Together Clip Show\" is that they show a list of all the Korean children who died animating the show. The movie was produced by 6 Point Harness and done completely with Flash animation due to budget cuts.", "id": "7785722" }, { "contents": "Edward Yang\n\n\nsaid the cineaste. In the same year, Yang also hoped to make a film in Seattle and a second world war story set in Taiwan. In addition to these unrealized projects, Yang planned to make \"The Wind\", an animated feature with Jackie Chan budgeted at $25m, to be drawn by Yang, heading a team of animators. Yang died on June 29, 2007 at his home in Beverly Hills, as a result of complications from a seven-year struggle with colon cancer. He is survived", "id": "4358849" }, { "contents": "DC Universe Animated Original Movies\n\n\nNovember 9, 2010 along with a 22-minute short titled \"\". Beyond the list of announced projects, creators involved in various levels at DC Comics have brought up names of possible future projects. Bruce Timm has said that he would like to do a Green Arrow film. DC's executive editor Dan DiDio has expressed interest in seeing the popular 2007–2008 \"Sinestro Corps War\" comic storyline adapted. In 2009, Timm expressed his interest to make an animated \"JLA/Avengers\" adaptation and mentioned the possibility of an animated film", "id": "5853047" }, { "contents": "Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno\n\n\nis a fantastic movie\" and goes on to say \"Even in the age of a high budget Marvel Cinematic Universe, \"Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno\" is a very rare treat. As there aren’t as many of these movies being made based on anime of this caliber and the few that do get made avoiding sticking to the same formula, both overall and for the choreography during the battles, the experience still manages to feel fresh. Especially compared to the current comic book movies from the west recently. Not to", "id": "10679435" }, { "contents": "Art of Disney Animation\n\n\na collection great Disney and Pixar animated moments touching on Disney’s themes of love, loss and rebirth. Guests are then moved on to the Drawn to Animation room, where they are welcomed by a Disney animator and their host Mushu, the dragon. Together they explain, how Disney creates its many characters and \"how they [bring] them to life on the big screen.\" At the end of this presentation, guests are shown some scenes from the latest Disney or Pixar animation, the scenes obviously changing with the", "id": "22214767" }, { "contents": "Anne Jolliffe\n\n\nher good knowledge in realistic drawing as well as techniques in doing illustration and printing. After her graduation, Jolliffe worked as an illustrator. Inspired by the English cartoonist Bob Godfrey, she went to London and applied for a job in the animation studio Halas and Batchelor, only to be declined due to gender inequality in workplace that said \"women don’t animate\". However, John Halas sent her a copy of his book \"How to make animated cartoons\" when she returned to Melbourne. With the knowledge learnt from that", "id": "5134332" }, { "contents": "Mehgan Heaney-Grier\n\n\nHeaney-Grier partnered with her diving trainers, Manny Puig and Mark Rackley (who was at the time also Heaney-Grier's boyfriend), filming underwater encounters with animals such as alligators and sharks. Rackley had worked as a spearfisherman and underwater videographer, and Puig had experience as an animal handler on movie sets and had learned how to ride and handle alligators in their environment. Together with Heaney-Grier, they formed a company named \"Extreme Encounters\", and the footage they produced led to the Animal Planet series", "id": "11736741" }, { "contents": "Kate Beckinsale\n\n\ncontrol that allows him to control time. The opportunity to play a mother \"was one of the things that was attractive to me\" about the part. It was highly profitable, grossing $237 million worldwide from a production budget of $82.5 million. Beckinsale then made a return to smaller-scale projects: \"My experience is that I sort of stepped away from the independent movies and did a couple of big movies. But that's not necessarily how it's perceived by everybody else, which I do understand.", "id": "2111619" }, { "contents": "Tim Hodge\n\n\nTimothy \"Tim\" Hodge (born April 2, 1963) is an American voice actor, story artist, writer, animator, comedian, and director at Big Idea Entertainment in Nashville, Tennessee, where he has works on the \"VeggieTales\" videos as well as other animated projects like \"3-2-1 Penguins!\". Hodge became interested in film-making while he was in 7th grade when he stumbled upon his dad's 8 mm camera and spent his summer making short films using clay and other materials", "id": "459437" }, { "contents": "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie\n\n\nThe Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie is a 2008 American computer-animated family adventure comedy film directed by Mike Nawrocki and written by Phil Vischer, produced by Big Idea Entertainment and Starz Animation. It is the second film featuring characters from the VeggieTales video series. it is the sequel and spin-off to the 2002 VeggieTales film \"\", and was also the first theatrically released computer-animated film to be distributed by Universal Pictures, who would later gain ownership of the VeggieTales franchise through the 2016", "id": "15474657" }, { "contents": "Sheldon Moldoff\n\n\n372 (both cover dated February 1968). He turned to animation, doing storyboards for such animated TV series as \"Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse\", and wrote and drew promotional comic books given away to children at the Burger King, Big Boy, Red Lobster, and Captain D's restaurant and fast-food chains, as well as through the Atlanta Braves Major League Baseball team. When Moldoff illustrated a chapter of the Evan Dorkin project \"\" in 2000, it was his first work for DC Comics in over", "id": "19353183" }, { "contents": "Persepolis (film)\n\n\nits simplicity, members of the animation team such as Jousset discussed how black and white makes imperfections more obvious: \"Using only black and white in an animation movie requires a great deal of discipline. From a technical point of view, you can't make any shows up straight away on the large screen\". In addition to color display, the animation team worked especially hard on techniques that mimicked the styles of Japanese cartoonists, known as \"manga,\" and translating them into their own craft of \"", "id": "21632181" }, { "contents": "Paul Chan (artist)\n\n\nvideo projection, and I couldn’t bear to look at them anymore. I first stopped making work, and then when I started again, I didn’t make any screen works. How was I going to continue making work if I could no longer bear to look at the form that I historically used? The \"Breathers\" are my solution. It took around four years of research and development to figure out how much control I had of these animations. I wanted to control the movement of these works as nimbly as", "id": "9128103" }, { "contents": "Arthropods in film\n\n\nmetallic surfaces, lending itself to the depiction of insects. By 1996, films like \"Joe’s Apartment\" achieved rendering hundreds of photorealistic insects. Other animated films continued to depict more anthropomorphized characters, such as \"A Bug's Life\" and \"Antz\", both of which came out in 1998. One reason insects are used successfully in such animations could be that an insect or other arthropod's small size makes it seem heroic and sympathetic when faced against the big, big world. Another reason is counterpoint to the", "id": "14101861" }, { "contents": "Jay Lawrence (actor)\n\n\n' John\" on WJW-TV in Cleveland. In addition to his work in television, Lawrence also appeared in nine film projects, also lending his voice to the 1974 adult-themed animated feature length project \"The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat\" He also appeared as a voice actor on the ABC-TV animated Saturday morning cartoon \"Hong Kong Phooey\" (1976). Also as a film actor, Jay Lawrence performed in movies such as \"The Big Chase\" (1954), in which he portrayed", "id": "11873674" }, { "contents": "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie\n\n\nwork on \"Samurai Jack\" and \"Danny Phantom\", but returned to do storyboards and character layout for the film. He \"always wanted to be a feature animator, and the movie felt like I was on the character animation end\", describing the experience as \"a blast—it felt like coming home.\" Hillenburg enjoyed the process of making the film: \"The TV schedule is tight, and you don't always have a lot of time to work on your drawings.\" He appreciated the film", "id": "8766465" }, { "contents": "The Warriors (film)\n\n\nmillion to $7 million budget. Hill later reflected: What made it a success with young people... is that for the first time somebody made a film within Hollywood, big distribution, that took the gang situation and did not present it as a social problem. Presented them as a neutral or positive aspect of their lives. As soon as you said in the old days gang movies it was how do we cure the pestilence and how do we fix the social waste. We want to take these kids, make sure", "id": "15710055" }, { "contents": "The Simpsons Movie\n\n\n, jokes, and characters regularly being rewritten. Although most animated films do not make extensive changes to the film during active production due to budget restrictions, \"The Simpsons Movie\" crew continued to edit their film into 2007, with some edits taking place as late as May, two months before the film was released. James L. Brooks noted, \"70 percent of the things in [one of the trailers]—based on where we were eight weeks ago—are no longer in the movie.\" Groening said that enough material for", "id": "2359262" }, { "contents": "American Humane\n\n\ndefend the big-budget studios it is supposed to police,\" and that an examination of American Humane \"also raises questions about the association's effectiveness.\" The article cites numerous cases of animals injured during filming which the American Humane may have overlooked. In late 2013, \"The Hollywood Reporter\" ran a story which implicated American Humane in turning a blind eye to and underreporting incidents of animal abuse on television and movie sets. For example, during the filming of \"\", 27 animals died. Nevertheless, the", "id": "938927" }, { "contents": "The Devil's Brigade (film)\n\n\nhim finish the film on schedule. McLaglen said when he showed the finished cut to United Artists they \"loved\" the film. But the producer had a big projection room in his house, and he showed the movie for a solid week to a hundred people, and I think a hundred people had ideas of what we should do with the movie... And without me having any input – I didn’t have the last say – they cut the movie and, in the end, it was not nearly as good as", "id": "21672042" }, { "contents": "Wubbzy's Big Movie!\n\n\nWubbzy's Big Movie! is a made-for-TV movie based on the \"Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!\" television series which premiered on Starz Kids & Family on Friday, August 29, 2008 distributed by Starz Animation and Bolder Media in association with Film Roman. It is the first Wubbzy project not to air on Nick Jr., as of Starz producing the series. A sequel, \"\", was released on May 1, 2009. When Wubbzy loses his memory, his friends must solve his problem.", "id": "16805509" }, { "contents": "Ponniyin Selvan\n\n\n, beginning with an attempt in 1958 by M. G. Ramachandran. Ramachandran cast several of the roles such as Vallavaraiyan Vandiyadevan and Kundavai, but later dropped the project for unstated reasons. Director Mani Ratnam also attempted to film a complete adaptation of the book for a 2012 release, but had to shelve the project due issues with the potential budget for the film and difficulty locating financiers to back the project. A 32-hour animation film was created by Rewinda Movie Toons, a Chennai-based animation studio. The project was started in 2008", "id": "3681436" }, { "contents": "Where the Wild Things Are (film)\n\n\nmake.\" At the end of 2008, Spike got together with Framestore in London to complete his movie and work with them to bring to life the performances through their animation and visual effects team. Over the course of the next six months, Spike spent time with the animators on the floor of the studio as they worked together to realise his intention for the performances that had started many years before with the voices, continued with the suit performances in Australia, and were completed in London's Soho. For the film's", "id": "15031140" }, { "contents": "LiveType\n\n\n, outline, extrusion, glow, opacity and tracking of the text. A 'LiveFont' is one of the program's key features. These are fonts with animated characters. Examples of the LiveFonts shipped with LiveType are animated handwriting, smoke writing, fire, and blinking LED characters. It is also possible to create custom LiveFonts, but the necessity of generating a separate movie file for each letter makes the file sizes very large. Apart from text, there is a wide range of animated objects and textures that can be", "id": "661091" }, { "contents": "Broken Springs\n\n\nwith big-budget zombie movies will be refreshed\" by the film. \"OC Weekly\" reviewer Matt Coker remarked, \"How can one not love a film with 'undead', 'zombie”' and 'bastards' in the same title?\", \"barely\" recommended the film, writing that as it acts as an \"homage of sorts\" to other low/no budget zombie films, and has \"just enough humor and ironic stereotypes to make up for the poor acting, bad lighting and looooooong", "id": "1520281" }, { "contents": "Casper the Friendly Ghost in film\n\n\nhow to scare others. In 2009, the film eventually had a spin-off animated series with the same title airing in Cartoon Network. With Universal Pictures now owning the rights to Casper, there are plans to reboot the character in live-action again and have him return to the big screen as Steven Spielberg had mentioned that Casper will not return in the small screen like the last four movies. In 2012, DreamWorks Animation acquired the rights to the character from Classic Media as well as all the other Harvey Comics characters", "id": "1661635" }, { "contents": "J. Michael Straczynski\n\n\nrefused to give them credit on-screen, both left, finding work with DIC on \"Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors\". Straczynski and DiTillio also worked to create an animated version of \"Elfquest\", but that project fell through when CBS attempted to retool the show to appeal to younger audiences. While working on \"Jayce\", Straczynski was hired to come aboard the Len Janson and Chuck Menville project to adapt the movie \"Ghostbusters\" to an animated version called \"The Real Ghostbusters\". When Janson and Menville", "id": "20378114" }, { "contents": "The Super Dimension Fortress Macross\n\n\nmoney. Eventually they found the reel, and so disaster was averted. When Macross debuted on 3 October 1982 (with only three episodes made so far) its stunning success among Japanese television audiences convinced Big West to approve an extension to 36 episodes, allowing the staff to end with the \"two years after\" story arc. Studio Nue was unable to carry all of the animation work itself at the time (although the success of Macross meant that it was able to do so with nearly all of its other animation projects", "id": "14959637" }, { "contents": "Raul Mourão\n\n\nand sees stars in the air. Cartoon transports the irony of animation movie icons to the art sphere. A body with no head, the wooden suit that ends in a large box, heavy and disproportional. / Are we in presence of a flattening of rational thought, crashed by an emotional blitzkrieg? Or do we accept that real life can be as unpredictable as the world of animation, where things fall over us without previous warning? / Did you see Big Head around? sang the Golden Boys. Stop making sense", "id": "178841" }, { "contents": "It Happened in Brooklyn\n\n\n. The duo meets the boy and learns about his dilemma and help him realize his dreams by showing some support and faith with the tune 'I Believe'. Johnny then shows them how amazingly talented he truly is by singing and tap dancing around them before showing off a big acrobatic stunt finale. Bobby Long never got to appear in another movie or any other media presentation like radio, tv, or animated shorts after doing IHIB. There was also a rumor that claimed he suffered a horrible accident doing the big dance number", "id": "9005844" } ]
How did early highway builders know if they were building their roads in the right direction/angle?
[{"answer": "You ever see those guys along the side of the road with a tripod and a bunch of flags and stakes? They're surveyors. It's their job to make sure things like roads are *exactly* where they are supposed to be. They take sightings, and then do the math. A little trigonometry and a good [theodolite]( URL_0 ) can get you an incredibly exact measurement."}, {"answer": "You don't need to be complicated. If you drive a stick down in the ground and attach a string on it, that string will run in a straight line if you pull it hard and attach it to another stick. Primitive but damn efficient. Ever seen one of those instruments on a tripod that are manned all the time that are accompanied by someone else with a long stick that walks around a lot. The optical instrument is, among other things, a very exact scope with a crosshair. The stick is a ruler with easy-to-see markings. In the scope is also an optical reading that gives the distance to the stick (remember how I said that the stick has reading that are easy to see? They only are if you focus properly with the scope) so now you also know the distance between the scope and the points. Compare two points and write down the markings on the stick and you know the height of three points (including the one you are standing on with the scope) and while you are at it the tripod also tells you the direction you point it, which gives that you know the angle between the points. You have effectively given yourself enough knowledge to calculate distance and establish if the height difference between the points is the preferred one. You can do the exact thing with more precise laser equipment and you can use positioning satellites and a very exact receiver. The entire road will be built with a lot of reference points. Someone walks around a lot with an instrument and writes things like +5, -2, 0 (which translates to add five, remove two or keep) on the ground at regular intervals so that he machine operators can see where to add some dirt and where to shave some off. If you want to make it more advanced you set up a reference radio beacon that all the machinery listen to and combine with gps positioning, and run all of the reference points as data lists where the machine helps you and gives you a constant reading on a display in front of you. Costs a lot, but the machine operator can do his job better if he had less guesswork. EDIT: ...if you attach it to another STICK."}, {"answer": "Surveyors and cartographers. Cartographers are the people who draw maps. These maps usually have measurements on them allowing the reader to know what direction they need to be travelling. Surveyors are the people you see on the side of the road with the two tripods set up several hundred feet apart. When they begin building the road they survey and create a straight line according the maps available through cartographers. These lines are not always straight which is why some roads seem to have random curves. But for the most part they only needed to go in a general direction to meet up with another road. Fun fact - They set up the 49th parallel as the border between the USA and Canada. In an attempt to mark the border quickly, they sent teams of surveyors out with minimal equipment resulting in the border being a zigzag instead of a straight line. This line sometimes goes off course several hundred meters before returning to course."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "8979498", "title": "History of road transport", "section": "Section::::New road networks.:Toll roads.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 30, "end_paragraph_id": 30, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Turnpikes were also later built in the United States. They were usually built by private companies under a government franchise. They typically paralleled or replaced routes already with some volume of commerce, hoping the improved road would divert enough traffic to make the enterprise profitable. Plank roads were particularly attractive as they greatly reduced rolling resistance and mitigated the problem of getting mired in mud. Another improvement, better grading to lessen the steepness of the worst stretches, allowed draft animals to haul heavier loads. By the late 18th and early 19th centuries, new methods of highway construction had been pioneered by the work of two British engineers, Thomas Telford and John Loudon McAdam, and by", "Turnpikes were also later built in the United States. They were usually built by private companies under a government franchise. They typically paralleled or replaced routes already with some volume of commerce, hoping the improved road would divert enough traffic to make the enterprise profitable. Plank roads were particularly attractive as they greatly reduced rolling resistance and mitigated the problem of getting mired in mud. Another improvement, better grading to lessen the steepness of the worst stretches, allowed draft animals to haul heavier loads. By the late 18th and early 19th centuries, new methods of highway construction had been pioneered by the work of two British engineers, Thomas Telford and John Loudon McAdam, and by"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Saskatchewan Highway 1\n\n\nSaskatchewan Highway 1 followed the surveyed grade of the transcontinental CPR between the Alberta and Manitoba border. Travel along Provincial Highway 4 before the 1940s would have been travelling on the \"square\" following the township road allowances, barbed wire fencing and rail lines. As the surveyed township roads were the easiest to travel, the first highway was designed on 90 degree right angle corners as the distance traversed the prairie along range roads and township roads. Two horse then eight horse scrapers maintained these early dirt roads. One of the problems that", "id": "14070737" }, { "contents": "Saskatchewan Highway 39\n\n\n\" following the township road allowances, barbed wire fencing and rail lines. As the surveyed township roads were the easiest to travel, the first highway was designed on 90 degree right angle corners as the distance traversed the prairie along range roads and township roads. With the establishment of settlements and population came the attendant need for education, health, fire and police protection and an urgent need to improve methods of travel. The North West Territories established Departments which did not last long, and were soon replaced by a rural administrative system", "id": "17427114" }, { "contents": "Saskatchewan Highway 16\n\n\nCPR between the Manitoba boundary and Saskatoon. Travel along the current Yellowhead before the 1940s would have been travelling on the \"square\" following the township road allowances, barbed wire fencing and rail lines. As the surveyed township roads were the easiest to travel, the first highway was designed on 90-degree, right-angle corners as the distance traversed the prairie along range roads and township roads. Two-horse then eight-horse scrapers maintained these early dirt roads. Up until 1904 all municipal affairs were administered by the Territorial Dept", "id": "16130132" }, { "contents": "Interchange (road)\n\n\n-parallel/perpendicular directions, but it can also be used in right-angle case as well. Their connecting ramps can spur from either the right or left side of the highway, depending on the direction of travel and the angle. Directional T interchanges use flyover/underpass ramps for both connecting and mainline segments, and they require a moderate amount of land and moderate costs since only two levels or roadway are typically used. They get their name due to their resemblance to the capital letter \"T\", depending upon", "id": "4882932" }, { "contents": "Indian Head, Saskatchewan\n\n\ncoming through in the late 19th century and early 20th century. \"Provincial Highway 4\", the precursor of the Trans–Canada Saskatchewan Highway 1, followed the surveyed grade of the transcontinental CPR between the Alberta and Manitoba border. Travel along Provincial Highway 4 before the 1940s would have been travelling on the \"square\" following the township road allowances, barbed wire fencing and rail lines. As the surveyed township roads were the easiest to travel, the first highway was designed on 90 degree right angle corners as the distance traversed", "id": "21463646" }, { "contents": "Road transport\n\n\nvaried. Although turnpiking did result in some improvement to each highway, the technologies used to deal with geological features, drainage, and the effects of weather were all in their infancy. Road construction improved slowly, initially through the efforts of individual surveyors such as John Metcalf in Yorkshire in the 1760s. British turnpike builders began to realize the importance of selecting clean stones for surfacing while excluding vegetable material and clay, resulting in more durable roads. By the late 18th and early 19th centuries, new methods of highway construction had been", "id": "4548153" }, { "contents": "List of state highways in Louisiana (1050–1099)\n\n\n) ran in a north–south direction off of LA 40 east of Folsom. It was an undivided two-lane highway for its entire length. From the south, LA 1080 began at a dead end near the Bogue Falaya River and headed northward along North Factory Road across LA 40. The route transitioned to a local road at a right-angle curve just beyond an intersection with Graci Road. Louisiana Highway 1081 (LA 1081) runs in a general north–south direction, looping off of LA 437 (Lee", "id": "10154732" }, { "contents": "Mathematics and architecture\n\n\nand ancient beliefs utilizing geometric patterns (yantra), symmetry and directional alignments. However, early builders may have come upon mathematical proportions by accident. The mathematician Georges Ifrah notes that simple \"tricks\" with string and stakes can be used to lay out geometric shapes, such as ellipses and right angles. The mathematics of fractals has been used to show that the reason why existing buildings have universal appeal and are visually satisfying is because they provide the viewer with a sense of scale at different viewing distances. For example, in", "id": "2360101" }, { "contents": "K-383 (Kansas highway)\n\n\nout of town and along a road paralleling the railroad to the present highway. The first realignment was authorized in 1936 to eliminate several right-angle turns and several at-grade railroad crossings. East of the intersection of First and Main, US-36 and US-83 turned north onto State Street and followed the highway to Holme Street, where the highways joined the present course. By 1941, this change was deemed unsatisfactory due to the continued existence of right-angle turns and grade crossings. Shortly thereafter, the highways were moved to", "id": "19538523" }, { "contents": "M-553 (Michigan highway)\n\n\nnortheast in the area, the county road turned northward and a T-shaped intersection was built to reconnect CR 553 with the remainder of its routing into South Marquette, requiring the county road to make a right-angle turn. As part of Governor John Engler's \"Build Michigan II\" plan in the late 1990s, about of roadway were investigated as potential candidates for state maintenance as part of the Rationalization plan. Included in these queries were county roads 553, 460 and 462; the latter two roadways connected east–", "id": "19065463" }, { "contents": "Maryland Route 173\n\n\naccess road to the U.S. Coast Guard Yard. MD 173 crosses a CSX railroad line and expands to a divided highway. The state highway, now named Pennington Avenue, passes under I-695 and then over Curtis Creek on a drawbridge. The state highway meets MD 710 (Ordnance Road) before reducing to an undivided highway and crossing Cabin Branch on twin bridges. MD 173 intersects a CSX rail line at-grade and enters the neighborhood of Curtis Bay. The northbound direction of MD 173 makes a pair of right-angle turns", "id": "8949067" }, { "contents": "Foulbridge\n\n\nbeen found. The Templars were said in 1273 and 1307 to give alms to every pauper who came, for three days weekly, whether by right or charity the jurors did not know. In 1334 the bridge and road of Pul within the forest, which were highways for 'carriages, carts, drifts and packsaddles,' were in decay and broken. It was proved that the repair of the bridge with the road to the east was incumbent on the Hospitallers by reason of their tenements at Foulbridge; the road to the", "id": "14996304" }, { "contents": "Louisiana Highway 93\n\n\nbelieved to be the first modern roundabout built in the state of Louisiana and has since been followed by several more within Lafayette Parish. Since the 1955 renumbering, most changes to LA 93 have involved the smoothing of various zigzags along the route, a typical feature of the rural farm roads the highway was originally aligned with. Several right-angle turns were eliminated between Scott and Cankton prior to 1958. At the same time, a short section of highway was constructed in Sunset, reducing the number of right-angle turns heading", "id": "18479032" }, { "contents": "Baseball park\n\n\n. Some ballparks have irregularly shaped fences. Ballparks may have round swooping fences or rigidly angled fences, or possibly a significant change in direction or irregular angle. For example, the center field stands and the left field stands at Fenway Park meet at an uneven angle, creating an indentation (called \"the triangle\") that angles sharply back into the stands. In Citi Field and Oracle Park, part of the right field fence juts unevenly into the outfield as if the builders were trying to create an unpredictable ricochet effect for", "id": "18239978" }, { "contents": "Interstate 610 (Texas)\n\n\nfrom Highway 290 to the South Post Oak Road spur, and the South Loop runs from South Post Oak Road to Highway 225. Sometimes, a direction name is added as a suffix to denote a more specific part of a portion of the loop and this does not denote the direction of traffic flow. For example: Starting at U.S. Highway 290, moving in a clockwise direction, mainlane counts are as follows: The concept of building a bypass highway around Houston was first proposed in 1931, but plans did not begin to", "id": "1154360" }, { "contents": "Virginia State Route 156\n\n\nand briefly becomes Hanover Road before crossing the Chickahominy River into Hanover County. SR 156 continues north as Cold Harbor Road, which makes a right-angle turn west at SR 619 (Rockhill Road) to pass by the Gaines' Mill and Cold Harbor units of Richmond National Battlefield Park. After intersecting SR 615 (Creighton Road), which provides access to I-295, the state highway enters a suburban area where the highway makes another right-angle turn west at SR 636 (Walnut Grove Road) and SR 643 (Lee", "id": "3042844" }, { "contents": "Saskatchewan Highway 2\n\n\nwith a four horse hitch. When they reached highway 2, the horses bolted through town until they snagged on the railway switch by the elevators. Travel along the Provincial Highway 5 before the 1940s would have been traveling on the \"square\" following the township road allowances, barbed wire fencing and rail lines. As the surveyed township roads were the easiest to travel, the first highway was designed on 90-degree, right-angle corners as the distance traversed the prairie along range roads and township roads. The two industrial revolutions first", "id": "1375396" }, { "contents": "Cement\n\n\n, the long curing time of at least a month for Rosendale cement made it unpopular for constructing highways and bridges, and many states and construction firms turned to Portland cement. Because of the switch to Portland cement, by the end of the 1920s only one of the 15 Rosendale cement companies had survived. But in the early 1930s, builders discovered that, while Portland cement set faster, it was not as durable, especially for highways—to the point that some states stopped building highways and roads with cement. Bertrain H.", "id": "6814708" }, { "contents": "Saskatchewan Highway 641\n\n\non 90-degree, right-angle corners as the distance traversed the prairie along range roads and township roads. There is a historical monument erected along the highway which states that the early railway was established along the east side of the Last Mountain Lake (Long Lake) in 1907, and constructed on the west side in 1911. The monument documents as well the \"Lady of the Lake\" sternwheeler which was used on Long Lake. Local historians clarify that the rail came to the east of the Lake in 1911, and to", "id": "1569097" }, { "contents": "Louisiana Highway 41\n\n\nUS 11 to an interchange facilitating access between Pearl River and northbound I-59. In the early 1970s, two further improvements were made that streamlined the route of LA 41 through Talisheek. A new section of roadway was constructed to bypass a right-angle turn at the tiny community. The original road segment remained in the state highway system as LA 435 Spur (north–south portion) and a slight extension of LA 435 (east–west portion). A modest curve just south of Talisheek was also straightened at this time", "id": "18157000" }, { "contents": "Air rights\n\n\nHudson Yards mega-development was eventually built over the rail yard. In Brooklyn, the Barclays Center and Pacific Park have been constructed over Atlantic Yards. Similar to railroads, builders of highways have proposed selling their air rights; Boston did this in connection with the Big Dig. The city of Los Angeles funded a $100,000 feasibility study RFP in January 2007 to explore building a freeway cap park in Hollywood. The park would be built above US highway 101 and contain of new parkland. The owner of the land has the", "id": "7012603" }, { "contents": "M-46 (Michigan highway)\n\n\nthe 1930s, the section north of Howard City was straightened, removing the angled route between Amble and Howard City in favor of a more direct connection to US 131. The US 131 and M-37 concurrencies were removed, however, when the section between Kent City and Cedar Springs was removed from the highway system. That gap was eliminated in late 1936 when M-46 was routed down US 131 to Howard City and along M-82 to Newaygo. From there, it followed M-37 south to Casnovia. A new road was opened in early 1937", "id": "6193901" }, { "contents": "Farm to Market Road 148\n\n\nFarm to Market Road 148 (FM 148) is a farm to market road located in Kaufman County in Texas. FM 148 begins at an intersection with State Highway 274 near Kemp just west of Cedar Creek Reservoir. The highway runs in a west–east direction from SH 274 to County Road 3094, making a 90 degree angle to the north towards Grays Prairie. FM 148 enters the town of Scurry, sharing a short overlap with State Highway 34. The highway runs in a northwest direction to Crandall before turning northeast at", "id": "5879355" }, { "contents": "New Zealand State Highway 74\n\n\nthe city in the early 1990s, State Highways 73 and 74 were extended to cover much of the original route, with SH 74 initially continuing through at QEII Drive/Northcote Road to travel via Cranford and Sherborne Streets. In Christchurch CBD, the route turned left onto Bealey Avenue and then onto the parallel one-way roads Madras and Barbadoes Street. The road then turned left onto Moorhouse Avenue and then right onto Waltham Road before turning left again onto Brougham Street. The road then proceeded in a south-easterly direction until", "id": "12815987" }, { "contents": "South Carolina Highway 30\n\n\nScarborough Bridge, named for a former state legislator and highway commissioner. The bridge is long and cost $124.7 million to build. The bridge also crosses Wappoo Creek, which is a part of the Intracoastal Waterway. The route was proposed as early as the 1960s to provide a second and more direct connection between James Island and downtown Charleston. It opened on September 4, 1993 and provided a route off the island that did not require crossing a drawbridge. The route was studied as a toll road in the sixties, but", "id": "4095881" }, { "contents": "Saskatchewan Highway 5\n\n\nname. On August 15, 1970 the Yellowhead was opened for the northern Trans-Canada route and the northwestern half of Provincial Highway 5 between Saskatoon and Lloydminster was designated as Saskatchewan Highway 16, the Yellowhead route. Travel along the Provincial Highway 5 before the 1940s would have been traveling on the \"square\" following the township road allowances, barbed wire fencing and rail lines. As the surveyed township roads were the easiest to travel, the first highway was designed on 90-degree, right-angle corners as the distance traversed the", "id": "12167071" }, { "contents": "Oklahoma State Highway 2\n\n\nline into Kansas. The northern SH-2, between Vinita and the Kansas state line, was once part of US-73. Until the early 1980s a portion of SH-2 was one of the last unpaved state highways in the Oklahoma road network. The section between the communities of Kosoma, Oklahoma and Stanley, Oklahoma in the Kiamichi River Valley, remained gravel. Its builders during the 1930s and 1940s, in order to save the expense of building two bridges across the Kiamichi River, routed the highway mid-way up the flank of Bull", "id": "14403342" }, { "contents": "Shaw Tower (Singapore)\n\n\nmanaged by Shaw Towers Realty, a subcompany of Shaw Organisation. The project was previously referred to as Shaw Mansion in newspaper articles dated to as early as 1972.., and was then reported to cost S$36 million Two cinemas managed by Shaw Organisation, Prince and Jade Theatres, opened inside the building shortly after it was built. They were located on two opposite ends of the building, with Prince facing Beach Road, and Jade angled towards Nicoll Highway. At the time, Prince Theatre was the largest movie theatre in Singapore.", "id": "5401740" }, { "contents": "Quainton Road railway station\n\n\nshipped to Broad Street. Passengers were not carried, other than estate employees and people accompanying livestock. The tramway did not link to the A&B, but had its own station at Quainton Road at a right angle to the A&B. A diameter turntable at the end of the tramway linked to a spur from the A&B. This spur ran behind a goods shed, joining the A&B line to the northwest of the road. The Tramway had no buildings at Quainton Road, using the A&B's facilities when necessary. As the tramway ran on", "id": "2831695" }, { "contents": "List of state highways in Maryland shorter than one mile (800–899)\n\n\nMaryland Route 874 is the designation for three sections of old alignment of MD 75 between New Market and New London in eastern Frederick County. Maryland Route 877 (officially MD 877B) is the designation for East Baldwin Road, a service road that heads east from a right-angle turn in MD 75 just south of that highway's interchange with I-70 in New Market. MD 877 curves northeast then parallels the eastbound direction of I-70 to its end at a farm. Maryland Route 879 is the designation for five sections of old alignment", "id": "12771070" }, { "contents": "John Mullan (road builder)\n\n\nright direction. They did so repeatedly for the next eight hours. To protect the column as it moved, Wright ordered three companies to move forward in a skirmish line to the front and right, breaking up the Indian attacks. They were followed by Wright's cavalry, which charged into the disordered enemy and scattered the warriors. Whenever Native Americans attempted to regroup in the forest to Wright's left, the howitzers and cannon would rake the trees. By nightfall, the column had reached the river and the Native American combatants", "id": "6945751" }, { "contents": "Keighley and Kendal Turnpike\n\n\nrecords were lost when it closed. Ancient highways were rights of way where the only road repair was removing obstructions. In some places on soft ground a raised causeway of stones one metre wide was built for pack horses. The only wide roads were drovers' roads along hilltops. All roads crossed rivers at right angles wherever the valley was narrowest. The hilly road from Knaresborough brought more trade to Settle than the valley track from Keighley. Travellers went on horseback or on foot: the principal exports were cattle and the imports came", "id": "6984251" }, { "contents": "Maryland Route 173\n\n\n. MD 173 was expanded to a divided highway from the city limit southeast to Orchard Beach in 1978. The highway's new dual bridges over Cabin Branch were completed in 1986. MD 173A is the unsigned designation for a bypassed section of MD 173 near the intersection of that highway and Edwin Raynor Boulevard. MD 173A runs from MD 173 north to Rock Hill Road near Jacobsville. The state highway was assigned in 2001 when the intersection of MD 173 and Edwin Raynor Boulevard was rebuilt so the roads meet at a right angle.", "id": "8949073" }, { "contents": "Virginia State Route 157\n\n\n64 with no access prior to its intersection with US 250 (Broad Street); the Interstate Highway is accessed via Gaskins Road to the west. The state highway heads north from the U.S. Highway as Springfield Road, a four-lane divided highway. SR 157 intersects the northern end of Gaskins Road and Hungary Road. North of Nuckols Road, the state highway reduces to two lanes and gradually curves east into the Glen Allen area. SR 157 passes through several curves and has a right-angle turn from the north to", "id": "18579966" }, { "contents": "Wildlife corridor\n\n\nbusy highway; the area is part of a national park, so many different creatures roam the area. The top of the bridge is covered in the native grass of the area so that it blends in better and animals will not know the difference. Gates were also put of on either side of the overpass to help guide animals in the right direction (Semrad 2007). In Southern California, 15 underpasses and drainage culverts were observed to see how many animals used them as corridors. They proved to be especially effective on", "id": "1903500" }, { "contents": "Timber pilings\n\n\nafter being in contact with air. In Venice, some of the early piling foundations were built on timber piles. The early Venetian constructors used building techniques that included using impermeable stone supported by wooden rafts and timber piles. The timber piles did not rot because they were set into the mud at the bottom of the lagoon which prevented oxygen and harmful microbes from reaching them. Over 2,000 years ago, wood builders were aware of marine borers and decay and protected wood using crude extracts and various chemicals. Further study on how to", "id": "13800001" }, { "contents": "West Hampstead\n\n\nthe estate prior to 1244, an estate house was certainly extant by 1646. West End Lane (named as such by 1644) is still bent at a right-angle at the north and south ends where it connects to Finchley Road and Edgware Road respectively. This is because the lane used to form the boundary between a number of different estates. By the early 17th century a number of houses were present, and by the middle of that century London merchants were building larger houses in the area, so turning a hamlet", "id": "15350605" }, { "contents": "Reinforced solid\n\n\noptimization: Reinforcing bars can have other directions than the x, y and z direction. In case of bars in one direction the stress tensor of the brittle material is computed by formula_29 where formula_30 are the angles of the bars with the x, y and z axis. Bars in other directions can be added in the same way. Often, builders of reinforced concrete structures know, from experience, where to put reinforcing bars. Computer tools can support this by checking whether proposed reinforcement is sufficient. To this end the tension", "id": "6365185" }, { "contents": "Victory Road (2008)\n\n\nchampionship for the people of Houston. On the July 10 episode of \"Impact!\", Sting proclaimed that he did not know which of the two would win at Victory Road, but that he would be there to watch. The predominate storyline heading into the event was the rivalry between A.J. Styles and Kurt Angle, both members of The Angle Alliance. On the February 14 episode of \"Impact!\", TNA held the scripted wedding of Angle's real-life wife Karen Angle and Styles despite Angle and Karen still", "id": "16200873" }, { "contents": "Florida State Road 713\n\n\ntime as Emerson Road (current SR 607) and Indrio Road (part west of Kings Highway is now SR 614), with Angle Road being SR 607A at the time. Prior to the completion of Interstate 95 in Florida in the early 1980s, it was commonly used to \"bridge the gap\" between Florida's Turnpike (SR 91) and the Interstate highway. As sections of I-95 were completed between SR 60 near Vero Beach and SR 70 in Fort Pierce between 1978 and 1980, the common methodology of using SR", "id": "9197637" }, { "contents": "Maryland Route 273\n\n\nMD 273. This section was transferred from state to county maintenance in a road transfer agreement on May 8, 1958. The main section of MD 273 was extended west slightly when US 1 was relocated onto the Half Mile Turn to eliminate the right-angle turn at the intersection of Telegraph Road and Sylmar Road in 1935. US 1 was reconstructed through Cecil County in the early to mid-1950s, including the Harrisville–Sylmar portion of what is now MD 273. The U.S. Highway was reconstructed and widened from Conowingo through Harrisville to", "id": "17316117" }, { "contents": "American Airlines Flight 191\n\n\n(angle), as directed by the flight director. The partial electrical power failure (produced by the separation of the left No. 1 engine) meant that neither the stall warning nor the slat retraction indicator was operative. The crew, therefore, did not know that the slats on the left wing were retracting. This retraction significantly raised the stall speed of the left wing. Thus flying at the takeoff safety airspeed caused the left wing to stall while the right wing was still producing lift, so the aircraft banked sharply", "id": "12585974" }, { "contents": "Maryland Route 908\n\n\nwhere the highway veers away from US 50 and US 301 at the west end of the MD 179 interchange; MD 908C from where that highway veers away from the U.S. Highways at the east end of the MD 179 interchange to Holly Beach Farm Road; MD 908B between Log Inn Road and Bay Head Road; and MD 908B from the right-angle turn at MD 931R east to Stacey Lane. It is not clear when these frontage roads received the MD 908 designation. MD 908D was constructed when the U.S. Highways' interchange", "id": "9723543" }, { "contents": "Interchange (road)\n\n\n, instead of two, designed to meet the continuous highway in one direction, usually on a 90-degree or semi-perpendicular angle. Should the need arise it can easily be upgraded into a full trumpet interchange, making it a three-way interchange. Two examples exist in Michigan: Between Main Street and M-14 in Ann Arbor, and between Edward N. Hines Drive and Ford Road (M-153). A partial-Y interchange is used where one highway terminates at another highway with the same general directional alignment (usually a maximum", "id": "4882939" }, { "contents": "Otto Mears\n\n\nOtto Mears (May 3, 1840 – June 24, 1931) was a famous Colorado railroad builder and entrepreneur who played a major role in the early development of southwestern Colorado. Mears was known as the \"Pathfinder of the San Juans\" because of his road and railroad building projects through Colorado's San Juan Mountains in the late 19th Century. He built hundreds of miles of toll roads in the rough terrain of the young state of Colorado, notably the Million Dollar Highway over Red Mountain Pass, connecting Silverton to Ouray.", "id": "9734890" }, { "contents": "Maryland Route 282\n\n\nto Earleville in 1966 and 1967. The highway was relocated at its sweeping curve in Earleville, eliminating a right-angle intersection at Peddlers Lane and a four-way intersection with Sandy Bottom Road and Grove Neck Road. The L-shaped bypassed highway at Peddlers Lane became MD 912, and the bypassed segments at Sandy Bottom Road became MD 282 auxiliary routes. MD 282 was reconstructed from Earleville to Crystal Beach in 1967 and 1968. The highway was relocated on either side of Glebe Road; Old Crystal Beach Road became MD", "id": "16550488" }, { "contents": "Ontario Highway 407\n\n\n; however, the government maintains the right to build a transport system within the highway right-of-way. It is today described as a \"value generating monster\" and \"cash cow\", and one of the \"worst financial missteps\" from any government in Ontario's history. When purchased, the highway travelled from the junction of Highway 403 in Mississauga to Markham Road in Markham. Extensions westward to the QEW and eastward to Highway 7 and Brock Road in Pickering were constructed by the corporation, as mandated in", "id": "7075115" }, { "contents": "Sun path\n\n\nthe sky. When facing the equator, the sun appears to move from left to right in the Northern Hemisphere and from right to left in the Southern Hemisphere. The latitude (and hemisphere)-specific solar path differences are critical to effective passive solar building design. They are essential data for optimal window and overhang seasonal design. Solar designers must know the precise solar path angles for each location they design for, and how they compare to place-based seasonal heating and cooling requirements. In the U.S., the precise location-specific altitude", "id": "6049069" }, { "contents": "U.S. Route 111\n\n\nof MD 131 (Seminary Avenue), and Timonium. In Cockeysville, the highway met the western end of MD 143 (Warren Road) and passed under the Northern Central Railway at an oblique angle, but did not intersect MD 145 (Ashland Road), which did not yet extend west of Loch Raven Reservoir. US 111 passed through Hereford, where the highway met MD 137 (Mount Carmel Road) and MD 138 (Monkton Road), before crossing Gunpowder Falls and meeting the west end of MD 142 (Wiseburg", "id": "3775480" }, { "contents": "Ontario Highway 22\n\n\nLondon. In the early 1980s, due to the completion of Highway 402, the road became less popular, until, it was downloaded in 1998. Before the road was downloaded, it was in length. The highway was first called Provincial Highway 22, until it was renamed to King's Highway 22 in 1930. In 1947, the road was shortened by as a more direct road alignment had been found. The last gravel sections on the road were paved in 1952. In 1973, it was re-routed through", "id": "18939607" }, { "contents": "Antinopolis\n\n\ngrandeur of the city. The direction of the principal streets may still be traced. The streets were built on a grid plan with roads intersecting at right angles, like the majority of Roman cities at this time, and Jomard, a member of Napoleon’s Commission d’Egypte found that the streets were divided into quarters and blocks, with each building being conveniently numbered (Bell, 1940). One at least of them, which ran from north to south, had on either side of it a corridor supported by columns for the", "id": "9408828" }, { "contents": "Roads in Puerto Rico\n\n\nin , buildings located along the highway. They were tasked with identifying when road repairs were needed. Following the system used in Spain, the buildings were spaced about apart and, each day the walked along their assigned highway stretch, the to the left and the three kilometers to the right of their home to visually inspect the road. Normally there were two families living in the , a worker, his apprentice, and their families. The Department of Public Works or was part of the Department of the Interior. Contests were", "id": "20438866" }, { "contents": "Maryland Route 166\n\n\nthat are not part of MD 166. The highway begins in the village of St. Denis on a curve at East Street and South Street. South Street leads west and then south to US 1 and East Street provides access to the St. Denis station on MARC's Camden Line. South Rolling Road crosses over CSX's Baltimore Terminal Subdivision just west of the train station. The highway makes a right-angle turn east at Railroad Avenue and another right-angle turn north at Cedar Avenue and Arlington Avenue; the latter street provides", "id": "6961614" }, { "contents": "El Paso Bank\n\n\nThe El Paso Bank is a historic commercial building on White County Road 3, east of Arkansas Highway 5 in El Paso, Arkansas. It is a vernacular single-story brick structure, with a front-facing gable roof. Its front facade has a fixed-frame window across much of its width, and the main entrance set at an angle on the right corner. A porch extends across the front, with remnants of latticework supported by turned posts. Built in 1912, it is the oldest surviving commercial building in", "id": "17657232" }, { "contents": "Volkswagen Golf\n\n\nincluded the first Turbocharged Direct Injection (TD) diesel engine in a Golf, and a narrow-angle 2.8-litre VR6 engine. US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) fuel consumption estimates are (city) and (highway), with per tank (city) and per tank (highway). For the first time ever, a Golf estate (Golf Variant) joined the line-up in September 1993 (although most markets did not receive this model until early 1994). At the same time, a completely new Mk3-derived", "id": "13646972" }, { "contents": "Saskatchewan Highway 11\n\n\nto pull the graders, and several drivers were required. Any work done by a farmer would reduce his payment in taxes. The 1926 highway map of Saskatchewan marks the route of Provincial Highway 11 following along the CNR line using township and range roads, so travel is in lines straight north, changing direction to west travel at 90 degree angles from Regina through to Saskatoon. Only Provincial Highway 12 is marked in the same fashion between Saskatoon and Prince Albert on the 1926 highway map of Saskatchewan, which has formed the base of", "id": "20382534" }, { "contents": "Building of Baku City Executive Power\n\n\nthe construction going. While reviewing the history of the City Duma's construction process, it becomes evident that Gosławski was the chief architect of the city and the author of the building project, but did not have the right to act freely, and sanction of the construction commission was necessary in the solution of each issue. When fasading with red bricks it became clear that white flakes could not be cleaned on the bricks. At that time, Gosławski, who did not know how to deal with this difficult situation and how to", "id": "20991165" }, { "contents": "List of former Maryland state highways (700–999)\n\n\nof a highway swap to designate Great Seneca Highway as MD 119. Maryland Route 912 was the designation for a pair of highways near Earleville in southern Cecil County. Both highways were originally part of MD 283, which was paved as a concrete road on the north side of Earleville in 1928. MD 912 was assigned to the L-shaped part of Peddlers Lane after MD 282 was reconstructed and relocated from Cecilton to north of Earleville in 1966 and 1967; MD 282 had previously had a right-angle turn at Peddlers Lane", "id": "4397697" }, { "contents": "Shaw Tower (Singapore)\n\n\nTower, with a narrow section angled towards Nicoll Highway, was due to the building being constructed upon the site of two demolished cinemas and the now-expunged Hoi How Road. Shaw Tower was designed by Singaporean architect Charles Ho of Iversen, van Sitteren & Partners. The structure is Brutalist in style, featuring a podium-block-and-tower configuration. The former was designed as a retail space, while the latter was designated for offices. The multi-storey car park spanned the 3 to the 11 floor.", "id": "5401742" }, { "contents": "Danville, New Hampshire\n\n\n1828-29 there were eight mills for various purposes known to exist. Travel was becoming more important, and from 1790 well into the mid 19th century the town allocated many sums of money for road building and repair. In 1800 it was the practice for a road builder (District Highway Surveyor, the predecessor to our road agents of today) to be granted authority to tax those the road would benefit. The tax was based on the amount of land owned as well as personal wealth. A person was allowed to work", "id": "3487164" }, { "contents": "Interchange (road)\n\n\nright. Between a controlled- or limited-access highway and a road without access control A diamond interchange is an interchange involving four ramps where they enter and leave the freeway at a small angle and meet the non-freeway at almost right angles. These ramps at the non-freeway can be controlled through stop signs, traffic signals, or turn ramps. Diamond interchanges are much more economical in use of materials and land than other interchange designs, as the junction does not normally require more than one bridge to be constructed.", "id": "4882942" }, { "contents": "Louisiana Highway 13\n\n\n, the route intersected LA 29 at West Bacciochi Avenue. LA 13 then turned west onto PR 6-400 (Murphy Richard Loop) and finally, north onto PR 6-401 (North 8th Street) to rejoin the current alignment. All four right-angle turns were eliminated when the current alignment was constructed in the early 1970s, smoothing the route and relocating the junction with LA 29. In Evangeline Parish, LA 13 intersected LA 104 via Budd Lane, now a local road. It then ran concurrent with LA", "id": "21543774" }, { "contents": "Clarence Stein\n\n\nLawn, New Jersey, roughly double the area of Sunnyside. The vision for Radburn was of an integrated self-sustaining community, surrounded by greenbelts, specialized automotive thoroughfares (main linking roads, serviced lanes for direct access to buildings, and express highways), and a complete separation of auto and pedestrian traffic. These thoroughfares were called superblocks. This was because the block is very large with a very large road surrounding the houses within. Stein knew that the community could not survive without a road system but he also did", "id": "5913480" }, { "contents": "Montana Highway 86\n\n\nmountain range and follows a northerly path. MT 86 travels through mountainous terrain. Coniferous trees line either side of the road's right-of-way. It passes the Bridger Bowl Ski Area, which lies to the west. Shortly thereafter, it meets Brackett Creek Road, which roughly marks the halfway point of the route. The forest surrounding the highway yields to grassland and the terrain levels somewhat as the road turns to the north-northeast near Sedan. The highway takes a sharp curve to the east and then angles", "id": "19512291" }, { "contents": "Battle of Five Forks\n\n\nThe instructions directed the corps to advance northwestwardly to the White Oak Road, wheel to the left, take a position at right angles to the road and that as soon as they were engaged, Custer's and Devin's men were to charge along the rest of the line. No cavalry were on the right with the V Corps but Mackenzie's troopers were reported to be advancing on White Oak Road toward the V Corps' position. The ground where the V Corps formed was rough, wooded and filled with ravines. Since", "id": "21754758" }, { "contents": "John Raphael Rodrigues Brandon\n\n\nand, as well as going into private practice together between 1841 and 1847 at Beaufort Buildings, Strand, they jointly produced a series of three works on Early English ecclesiastical architecture that became and remained architectural pattern books for the whole 19th century – serves the one useful and necessary purpose of showing practically and constructively what the builders of the middle ages really did with the materials they had at hand, and how all those materials, whatever they were, were made to harmonise. In the 1840s John and Joshua designed several stations and", "id": "19571964" }, { "contents": "Jondaryan Woolshed\n\n\nwings set at right angles to this. Sheep moved into the building from each end, processing through pens to a shearing board with 52 stands on the perimeter and thence to counting out pens. The first shearing was conducted in 1861 and after this alterations were made to improve the design by builders Charles Hines & Co. These included excavating under the woolshed, gutting and refitting the building, and levelling and paving the yards with cobblestones. In 1863, Kent and Wienholt purchased the property for . The partnership had interest in other pastoral", "id": "3772886" }, { "contents": "Interstate 278\n\n\nof earth required to build the section of the highway between Clove Road and Price Street (now Narrows Road North, a service road of the expressway) between Grymes Hill and Emerson Hill. The earth removed from the cut in the hill was placed in a remote section of central Staten Island adjacent to Sea View Hospital and has since been nicknamed \"Moses Mountain,\" as a backhanded compliment to the highway's builder. Originally Moses intended for a spur of the expressway, the Richmond Parkway, to follow the central ridge of", "id": "10453847" }, { "contents": "Tagore (film)\n\n\nthe entire building collapses due to some fault in the construction of a nearby highway, and many of the residents (including Nandini and Tagore's daughter) lose their lives. Tagore rushes to the government officials, and he comes to know that all this was due to one person, namely Badrinarayana, the owner of a construction company and builder of that highway. Tagore finds that the highway was constructed on loose soil by which the contractions caused to collapse was very well known to him. Badrinarayana and his men thrash Tagore heavily", "id": "11103218" }, { "contents": "Virginia State Route 160\n\n\nas a spur from State Route 11 in Appalachia. This road, known as the Lynch Highway (as it led to Lynch, Kentucky), was added to the state highway system in early 1923. However, it was soon removed pending investigation of a conflicting contract for a turnpike company to build the road, but almost immediately reinstated, with the turnpike's right-of-way deed transferred to the state. In the 1928 renumbering, the road was renumbered as part of State Route 106 (which also continued south", "id": "19695270" }, { "contents": "Road transport\n\n\nTheir dual roadways allowed high volumes of traffic, the need for no or few traffic lights along with relatively gentle grades and curves allowed higher speeds. The first limited access highways were \"Parkways\", so called because of their often park-like landscaping and, in the metropolitan New York City area, they connected the region's system of parks. When the German autobahns built in the 1930s introduced higher design standards and speeds, road planners and road-builders in the United States started developing and building toll roads to similar", "id": "4548185" }, { "contents": "Roman roads in Britannia\n\n\nof paved highways did not resume until the building of the first turnpikes in the early 18th century. Extant remains of Roman roads are often much degraded or contaminated by later surfacing. Well-preserved sections of structures sometimes identified as Roman roads include Wade's Causeway in Yorkshire, and at Blackpool Bridge in the Forest of Dean, although their integrity as original Roman surfaces is not certain. In many places, Roman roads were built over in the 18th century to create the turnpikes. Where they have not been built over, many", "id": "18966688" }, { "contents": "Highway systems by country\n\n\nHighways Act of 1980. A right-of-way may be extinguished or diverted in a number of ways, such as by an Act of Parliament, by a magistrates' stopping-up or diversion order, or by powers given to principal local authorities. For instance, under the Channel Tunnel Rail Link Act of 1996, authority was given for the builder of this railway link to stop up certain highways that are mentioned in Schedule 3 of the act. The opposite of a highway is a private road or pathway over", "id": "1659347" }, { "contents": "Son's Chapel\n\n\nand a community school. Three different denominations held services there in the early days as well as various community groups who also used the building. When the small log building could no longer serve the needs of a growing farm community, a frame school house was built across the road (behind the current chapel) and discussion started about how a community center could be built. The Rural Builders Association, formed in 1922, still supports the care and maintenance of the building through fund raising efforts. Son's Chapel was listed on", "id": "12236491" }, { "contents": "Langley, British Columbia (city)\n\n\nthe other side without a connecting bridge. Roads such as Douglas Crescent, Logan Avenue, and Eastleigh Crescent parallel the 45-degree angles of Fraser Highway and Glover Road, almost proposing an alternative grid at an angle which conflicts with the grid in place. Even Grade Crescent, which is much further south than these roads, follows this same angle, demonstrating the impact Fraser Highway had on the development of Langley. Langley City's Downtown was developed around Old Yale Road, which later on became Fraser Highway. Until 1964, Fraser Highway", "id": "1685236" }, { "contents": "Dartford Crossing\n\n\nThe two tunnels are long, while the cable-stayed bridge is high with a main span of . A speed limit is in place in both directions. The rail line High Speed 1, between St Pancras and Ebbsfleet International Stations, passes under the crossing approach roads on the north side of the river, at a near right angle. The design capacity is 135,000 vehicles per day, but in practice the crossing carries around 160,000. It has been described by the Highways Agency as \"a vital transport link for the national", "id": "16221747" }, { "contents": "Monaro Highway\n\n\nthe northeast at the intersection, the road quickly reaches Bombala. Within the urban area, the road firstly takes on the name Maybe Street. It then turns northeast at Forbes Street and crosses over the Bombala River. After the bridge, the road returns to a northeast heading as Mahratta Street. This street continues for a short distance before a right angle bend to the northwest to match the same manoeuvre by the river. The road then becomes Stephen Street before returning to the Monaro Highway name at the edge of the urban area", "id": "2768567" }, { "contents": "Southern Airways Flight 242\n\n\nair traffic controllers did not know about it (it was just outside their area of responsibility) and it was not considered. As the aircraft ran out of altitude and options, gliding with a broken windshield and no engine power, the crew made visual contact with the ground and spotted a straight section of a rural highway below. They executed an unpowered forced landing on that road, but during the rollout the aircraft collided with a gas station/convenience store and other buildings. The pilots and 61 passengers were killed by impact", "id": "11054348" }, { "contents": "SimCity 4: Rush Hour\n\n\n-way roads are the same size as normal roads only they stretch into one direction, while avenues are 4-lane (2 lanes per direction) dual carriageway roads the same size as highways, with some shrubbery in the center strip (defined by the wealth of buildings on the road). Avenues have a lower capacity than highways, but are more easily accessible and allow buildings to be placed adjacent to them. Avenues could be made in \"SimCity 4's\" predecessor, \"SimCity 3000\", by building two roads parallel", "id": "17720792" }, { "contents": "Goetheanum\n\n\nright-angle as a basis for the building plan. For the first Goetheanum he achieved this in wood by employing boat builders to construct its rounded forms; for the second Goetheanum by using concrete to achieve sculptural shapes on an architectural scale. The use of concrete to achieve organically expressive forms was an innovation for the times; in both buildings, Steiner sought to create forms that were spiritually expressive. Steiner suggested that he had derived the sculptural forms of the first Goetheanum from spiritual inspirations. Steiner designed approximately 12-13 other", "id": "4883359" }, { "contents": "K-383 (Kansas highway)\n\n\ninto the Pikes Peak Ocean to Ocean Highway, was designated US-36. The portion of K-383 north of the US-36 split was K-22. By 1927, all of the highway along the K-383 corridor followed section lines, with a great number of right-angle turns, except for a small section south of Almena. US-36 and K-22 were graded throughout Norton County but were unimproved dirt roads in Decatur, Phillips, and Sheridan counties. By 1932, US-36 headed west from Norton toward Oberlin instead of southwest toward Selden, and all of", "id": "19538520" }, { "contents": "Gardiner Expressway\n\n\nthe proposal either, stating that there were other, higher priorities. The proposal did not come to Council for discussion and vote. In 1996, the Crombie-led Waterfront Trust asked the builders (Canadian Highways International Corp) of the Highway 407 toll road to investigate replacing the Gardiner. The Corporation proposed a tunnel to replace the elevated section from Dufferin to Yonge Street at a cost of $1 billion. City staff pointed out that the tunnel would have to avoid several obstacles, including: The proposal planned to put tolls", "id": "12743880" }, { "contents": "Built-up area (Highway Code)\n\n\nTransport's Manual for Streets, by definition, a “street” provides direct access to buildings and spaces that line them, in built-up areas. All roads and carriageways are not all \"streets\". “Road lighting”, as distinct from \"street lighting\", encompasses the lighting of all types of highway, public maintainable streets and roads. “Street lighting” is term-specific to “streets” – that is: to highways allowing direct access to buildings or spaces in built-up areas.", "id": "21864893" }, { "contents": "List of former Maryland state highways (600–699)\n\n\nRising Sun and then made a right-angle turn north onto Sylmar Road to head into Pennsylvania. In 1935, US 1 was placed on a sweeping curve, Half Mile Turn, to avoid the right-angle turn. The bypassed east–west segment became part of MD 273, and the bypassed north–south segment became MD 592. MD 690 was assigned to Half Mile Turn and Sylmar Road north of MD 592 after US 1's bypass of Rising Sun was completed in 1957. Less than a year later,", "id": "14005482" }, { "contents": "Lincoln Road–Pine River Bridge\n\n\nThe Lincoln Road–Pine River Bridge, also known as the Riverdale Bridge, was a bridge located on Lincoln Road over the Pine River near Seville, Michigan. The architect behind the Lincoln Road–Pine River Bridge was the Michigan State Highway Department and its builder was Walter Willets. The bridge is notable for being a large early example of an arched through girder bridge in Michigan, and for sitting on substantially skewed abutments. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1999. The Michigan State Highway Department first", "id": "18208353" }, { "contents": "List of Farm to Market Roads in Texas (2500–2599)\n\n\nmeets it at right angles, the highway heads to the northeast. Hruska's Store and Bakery stands on the northwest side of FM 2503 at the intersection. In Ellinger, FM 2503 is also called Ross Street. After going eight blocks to the northwest the highway leaves Ellinger. At a distance of from its beginning, FM 2503 intersects with Saint Mary's Church Road coming from the southeast. From there to the junction with Brushy Road and Ross Prairie Church Road is another . From Ross Prairie Church Road to the stop sign", "id": "14683861" }, { "contents": "Virginia State Route 156\n\n\na four-way intersection with Charles City Road and Darbytown Road, where SR 156 makes a right-angle turn to the east onto Charles City Road. SR 156 follows Charles City Road to Elko Road, onto which the highway turns north to cross the White Oak Swamp and intersect CSX's Peninsula Subdivision in the hamlet of Elko. The state highway passes scattered residential subdivisions as it follows the eastern edge of the Elko Tract, part of which is an industrial park accessed via SR 380 (Elko Tract Road). North", "id": "3042841" }, { "contents": "Saskatchewan Highway 7\n\n\n-angle corners as the distance traversed the prairie along range roads and township roads. Mr. Ralph Glen Chapman an early 20th century settler in Pleasant Valley maintained of Highway 7. Mr. Block of the German Mennonite settlement at Fiske maintained a stretch of Highway 7 as a means of supplementing his income in the 1930s. In 1939, Andy Anderson in the same fashion, kept a stretch of Highway 7 clear. In 1944 the widening of Highway 7 was undertaken. The Elma rural municipality (R.M.) requested that an automatic warning system", "id": "12980725" }, { "contents": "Pikes Peak Ocean to Ocean Highway\n\n\nPikes Peak Ocean to Ocean Highway was an early coast-to-coast highway in the United States. Begun early in 1912 the route went from New York City to Los Angeles. It was in direct competition with the Lincoln Highway and the National Old Trails Road. It route markers were marked PP-OO. It started as a boosterism campaign in Colorado Springs, and depended upon cities and towns along the route to participate with monetary contributions and road improvements. It was formalized March 18, 1914, at a meeting in", "id": "4237268" }, { "contents": "Wooden toy train\n\n\n-like designs or sported some sort of gadget like a drawbridge. Later ramps were track bent in an S-shape. As these were not self-supporting, new sorts of elevated track pieces were introduced. These consisted of a short piece of track raised by four legs. These supports were stackable and based on a square design, so that the direction could be changed by a right angle turn on the different levels. Early buildings had windows and doors made by drawing lines in a single color on simple rectangular blocks", "id": "10549146" }, { "contents": "Virginia State Route 38\n\n\nState Route 38 (SR 38) is a primary state highway in the U.S. state of Virginia. Known for most of its length as Five Forks Road, the state highway runs from U.S. Route 360 Business (US 360 Business) in Amelia Court House east to SR 153 at Scotts Fork. SR 38 begins at an intersection with US 360 Business (Goodes Bridge Road) in Amelia Court House, where the highway makes a series of right-angle turns. The state highway heads south on Virginia Avenue, turns east onto", "id": "11619749" }, { "contents": "Farm to Market Road 961\n\n\n. Near Saint John Nepomucene Catholic Church, the highway turns to the northeast before going east. Near New Taiton, the highway pursues a winding route though an area with several oil wells. After going a short distance east, FM 961 again veers northeast before turning back to the east. The highway heads northeast before coming to a sharp curve to the southeast. After passing Boys Pond Road, the highway turns into a generally easterly course. At a distance from New Taiton, FM 961 intersects with FM 960 at right angles", "id": "9387742" }, { "contents": "Delaware Route 1\n\n\nthe roadway. After portions of the DuPont Highway were built, these portions were planned to be turned over to the state at no charge. In 1911, the Coleman DuPont Road, Inc. was established and construction on the highway began. By 1912, construction was interrupted by litigation challenging both the constitutionality of the law establishing the road building corporation and the need for DuPont to acquire such a large right-of-way. DuPont would narrow the proposed right-of-way to in order to compromise with opponents of the", "id": "9470706" }, { "contents": "Chandragupta Maurya\n\n\nsuitable for only pack animals. According to Kaushik Roy, the Maurya dynasty rulers beginning with Chandragupta were \"great road builders\". The Greek ambassador Megasthenes credited this tradition to Chandragupta with the completion of a thousand-mile-long highway connecting Chandragupta's capital Pataliputra in Bihar to Taxila in the north-west where he studied. The other major strategic road infrastructure credited to this tradition spread from Pataliputra in various directions, connecting it with Nepal, Kapilavastu, Dehradun, Mirzapur, Odisha, Andhra, and Karnataka. According to", "id": "15895448" }, { "contents": "Iowa Primary Highway System\n\n\n1906, every county was maintaining its dirt road with drags. Designed by Missourian E. Ward King, road drags were a cost-effective way to smooth out dirt roads, costing as much as $3.00 ($, adjusted for inflation) to build. In 1913, the Commission separated from Iowa State College and gained control over county and local transportation officials, who were responsible for road construction and maintenance. The Iowa Highway Commission did not gain jurisdiction over public roads until 1924. The predecessor of the primary highway system was", "id": "9536943" }, { "contents": "Eglinton Avenue\n\n\nThe two pieces of \"Highway 5A\" were never connected. In 1953, what remained was renumbered as Highway 109; a year later, the road was removed from the provincial highway system. Because of its time as a provincial highway, the road through Scarborough was widened considerably. A right of way was also acquired to bridge the gap in Eglinton. Until the mid-1950s, Eglinton did not cross either of the valleys of the Don River. The road ended at Brentcliffe (unassigned path beyond Laird towards Brentcliffe and the dump", "id": "5790009" }, { "contents": "Maryland Route 256\n\n\nlane Deale Road past Traceys Elementary School and Deale-Traceys Park. MD 256 enters the community of Deale, which features several marinas. The highway crosses Tracys Creek and curves north, then makes a right-angle turn east at Rockhold Creek Road and crosses Rockhold Creek. In the center of Deale, at Masons Beach Road, MD 256 turns north onto Deale Churchton Road. The highway meets the eastern end of MD 258 (Bay Front Road) at a roundabout. MD 256 continues through the hamlet of Churchton, where", "id": "21748737" }, { "contents": "Breezewood, Pennsylvania\n\n\nexit and the turnpike to the east from there. I-70 uses a surface road (part of US 30) with at-grade intersections to connect the freeway heading south to Hancock, Maryland with the ramp to I-76, which through this section is the Pennsylvania Turnpike toll road. According to the Federal Highway Administration the peculiar arrangement at Breezewood resulted because at the time I-70's toll-free segment was built, the state did not qualify for federal funds under the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 to build a direct interchange,", "id": "15037549" }, { "contents": "Louisiana Highway 89\n\n\nshore of Lake Peigneur. The highway briefly passes into the northwest corner of Iberia Parish in an area known as Lozes. Here, a T-intersection with LA 88 (Coteau Road) provides a connection to US 90 straight ahead. LA 89 turns west onto Youngsville Road at this junction and crosses into Lafayette Parish. In Lafayette Parish, LA 89 makes several right-angle turns as it travels into the suburban city of Youngsville. It turns north onto Austin Road, west onto Piat Road across the corporate limits, and", "id": "18326708" }, { "contents": "Christ Church, Barbados\n\n\nthen in a southerly and south-easterly direction (through the plantation yard) along this road to its junction with the public road called Highway 6; then directly across Highway 6 to continue along the unclassified road in a generally south-easterly direction to merge into the public road at Walronds and then continue in a generally easterly direction along the unclassified road to its junction with the unclassified road leading to Hopefield Plantation; then in a southerly direction along this road (with an eastward diversion around the buildings) to its junction west", "id": "13000028" } ]
How come the human body can protect you from chickenpox and other diseases after you have it only the once! But i get the flu maybe 4 times a year and i just feel its getting worse every time
[{"answer": "Getting the flu four times a year is abnormal. If you're really getting the flu four times a year, and not exaggerating, then that could be the symptom of something more serious. If you haven't already then you should go see your doctor and discuss this with them."}, {"answer": "long story short it is a different type of flu every time. the flu mutates very quickly sometimes in as little as 3 transmissions until it reaches a new strain. Chickenpox doesn't mutate nearly as fast and once you get it once your body can fend it off the next time."}, {"answer": "Both flu and chickenpox are viruses. However, the chickenpox virus is fairly stable, and once your body has 'learned' how to fight it (by making antibodies that kill it effectively) it then 'knows' how to kill it quickly the next time it enters the body. However, the flu virus mutates rapidly, so you rarely get the same strain twice. This means the body is starting afresh each time you get the flu."}, {"answer": "Chicken pox doesn't really change much. Flu however, there are many different strains and they're constantly changing. Imagine it like this. A guy walks up to you and sucker punches you. You recognize him when he walks up to you in the future, so you can just punch him first. Now imagine he has a brother who wears disguises. You never really know it is the brother until you get sucker punched."}, {"answer": "Alright four times a year was an exaggeration, Its Manflu so i just power through anyways! But i appreciate everyone's concern for my health"}, {"answer": "Flu is a generic name for many diseases with similar symptoms/makeup. Every time you get it, you become immune to that flu, but a different one comes along. A flu shot is their best guess at the flus that will be in this season."}, {"answer": "I used to be the same way. I gave up smoking, drank less (a LOT less), started exercising, and eat a bowl of fruit I prepare every morning along with yogurt. In one year I noticed I hardly got sick. Still the same to this day. Amazing what treating your body well does for you in comparison to treating it like shit. Not saying this id your case, but positive changes appear to have their rewards."}, {"answer": "You get the flu 4 times a year???"}, {"answer": "The virus that causes chickenpox does not change its outer structure, so your body recognizes it when it attacks again, and kills it with soldier cells that are prepared for it. But the flu virus keeps changing its structure. Your body's soldier cells cannot recognize it because it is different each time. Flu viruses are many in number, and they are named according to their structure. If a virus of the same structure as another virus that has attacked you before comes along, your soldier cells will kill it."}, {"answer": "4 times a year would make me thing a suppressed immune system from over exposure to at risk people, stress, or an infection like HIV. Now if its colds its possible but highly unlucky still makes me think high stress.. It took me being around my sickly newborn niece for me to get a cold that many times and it was miserable. Hated my sister for having her start daycare so early."}, {"answer": "Chickenpox is one very closely related family, once you gain immunity to it, you're unlikely to get it again as the other members of the chickenpox family are too similar to their brothers to survive your immune system. Flu however are all distant cousins and each different strain is unrecognised by your immune system and is therefore not easily destroyed by your immune system."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "18821046", "title": "Chickenpox", "section": "Section::::Pathophysiology.:Shingles.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 23, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 23, "end_character": 283, "bleu_score": 0.6213122394493691}]}]
[ { "contents": "Britney: For the Record\n\n\non her and once again all the paparazzi attention did not help. Spears talked about her feelings toward the conservatorship her father contains and how she feels about her life, and quotes \"There's no excitement, there's no passion... I have really good days, and then I have bad days. Even when you go to jail, you know there's the time when you're gonna get out. But in this situation, it's never ending. It's just like Groundhog Day every day.\" Spears", "id": "15824944" }, { "contents": "Influenza vaccine\n\n\ncirculating flu strains — some contain an H5N2 strain isolated in Mexico years ago. 'With a chicken, if you use a vaccine that's only 85percent related, you'll get protection,' Dr. Cardona said. 'In humans, you can get a single point mutation, and a vaccine that's 99.99percent related won't protect you.' And they are weaker [than human vaccines]. 'Chickens are smaller and you only need to protect them for six weeks, because that's how long they live till you", "id": "20692589" }, { "contents": "Where You Been\n\n\na band for maybe six years, or something. [Johnson] adds a lot, just having someone that I can get along with musically and personally. It just makes the record better having all the people there contributing something, rather than the last one.\" \"Where You Been\" was Dinosaur Jr.'s greatest commercial success up to that point, reaching number 50 in the US and number 10 in the UK. Mascis reacted at the time, \"We're just making records and, I mean, every one", "id": "21931862" }, { "contents": "Audrey Hepburn\n\n\n\"haute couture\" she wore on screen and at public events. Despite being admired for her beauty, she never considered herself attractive, stating in a 1959 interview that \"you can even say that I hated myself at certain periods. I was too fat, or maybe too tall, or maybe just plain too ugly... you can say my definiteness stems from underlying feelings of insecurity and inferiority. I couldn't conquer these feelings by acting indecisive. I found the only way to get the better of them was by adopting", "id": "6878178" }, { "contents": "Partition (song)\n\n\nI wanted to show that you can have a child and you can work hard and you can get your body back. I know that there's so many women that feel the same thing after they give birth. You can have your child and you can still have fun and still be sexy and still have dreams and still live for yourself. I'm not embarrassed about it, and I don't feel like I have to protect that side of me because I do believe that sexuality is a power we all have.", "id": "16844444" }, { "contents": "Dance Naked\n\n\nand half the songs don't even have bass parts. Others have just one guitar, bass, and drums, which I haven't done since \"American Fool\". 'Hurts So Good' had one guitar, bass, and drums, and I think one tambourine.\" Mellencamp says he and his bandmates \"looked back at \"Human Wheels\" and said, 'How can we make it more empty?' What you get when you do that is the haunting type of feeling that you won't get with", "id": "9139868" }, { "contents": "Sentimientos (song)\n\n\nhuman connection over material things, stating that \"What I wanted to say in the song is that material things have never been important to me... I look for genuine feelings, honesty, the things that come from the heart, because the material things I can get.\" In another interview, she identified the song as the one that best represented her at that time, explaining, \"if you think you can only conquer me if you're famous, rich and have an expensive car, you're wrong, because", "id": "9237011" }, { "contents": "Ricky Williams\n\n\nlove for Toronto and mentioned the possibility of returning to the Canadian game during his professional career. \"I was thinking it wouldn't be bad to come back up here and kind of follow the same steps as Pinner – play here a couple years and maybe get a chance to coach up here\", Williams said. \"Because I really like Toronto, I really like this organization … you can live here, you know? You feel like you have a life. I come to work, I go home, play", "id": "2338544" }, { "contents": "Ivy Queen 2008 World Tour Live!\n\n\nIvy Queen indicated that the song emphasized human connection over material things, stating that \"What I wanted to say in the song is that material things have never been important to me... I look for genuine feelings, honesty, the things that come from the heart, because the material things I can get.\" In another interview, she identified the song as the one that best represented her at that time, explaining, \"if you think you can only conquer me if you're famous, rich and have an expensive", "id": "3090055" }, { "contents": "John Beltz\n\n\n. I got a call to come up to his office... I went in and saw him sitting behind that desk. He was saffron yellow, looking terrible. He said, 'I tried to get down to the plant to see you three or four times and I just couldn't make it. My only purpose in asking you up here is to tell you how much I appreciate your work.' And you know, that gets a guy right where it hurts. I would have rather had that than a $", "id": "14516089" }, { "contents": "Jeff George\n\n\nlike I can throw it ... Why wouldn't you take a look at me?\" He said of coming back: \"I’ve been trying to figure out how to get back in, and it just amazes me that I’m not on somebody's roster. I’ve been throwing two or three times a week, and every time I go out there to throw, I can’t believe I’m not a backup somewhere. I know it's a young man's game, but you can’t tell me I", "id": "17439894" }, { "contents": "Cancer 4 Cure\n\n\nFor the most part I’m struggling with that darkness throughout the record. When I say it’s about wanting to live, I just say that because that’s how I feel. When you get hit with death, sometimes as horrible as it is, one of the things that can come out of it is a reaffirmation of how much you don’t want to go, and I think that’s what happened with me.\" The album is dedicated to Camu Tao. In an interview with \"Rolling Stone\",", "id": "975649" }, { "contents": "Danny Nalliah\n\n\nstated that homosexuals can be turned back to heterosexual relationships through education and through Christ. \"As a political party, while we love the homosexual community and want to get to know them better, we also have a stand where we say, children need to be protected. We would love to see every man and woman come together, there's a time in life when you do things, and maybe you feel yes you are locked into an agenda... [our position] is that homosexuality is not OK.\" He", "id": "10563082" }, { "contents": "The Book of David\n\n\n\"I figure how to come back to music I've done every Breakbeat every Drum pattern that you can possibly do and all the while I feel like I got away from the music that made me want to get into the industry from people like Prince, The Time, The Force M.D.s you know some of these 80's hip hop kind of records and even Michael Jackson used the Roland TR-808 drum machine so I kind of got back into raw drum machines going back to the old drums cause they all got character, so", "id": "8851066" }, { "contents": "Kate Bosworth\n\n\n, and the climax did not \"match the potential of the tiring 154 minute long film\". Although Bosworth's performance was ambivalently received, she herself loved the experience of working on the movie. As she told \"Teen Vogue\" in August 2006, \"You know how you have an experience, a time in your life when you feel you've come into your own? When you grow up a bit, and think, Now I get it? [...] That's how I feel. I feel a", "id": "5099267" }, { "contents": "Grethe Meyer\n\n\nis something we designers can carry with us. I must say that the older I get, the more I wonder and feel how fabulous the whole creation of the universe is. I have a deep, deep admiration, reverence and respect for the powers, forces, call it what you will, that could create our wonderful world. I get dizzy when I think of it, especially considering that I know how many decisions and how much time it takes just to make a simple, small object, such as a spoon", "id": "3194180" }, { "contents": "2001 Motorola 220\n\n\ninjuries the day after being discharged from hospital, \"I'm very sore, but not too bad really. I feel like you do after you've been skiing for the first time after a long layoff. When you get off the slopes you feel fine, but when you get up in the morning you can hardly move. I feel like I've got about 25 charley horses all over me.\" He used crutches to aid in his mobility because his body was sore from his crash; he stopped using them on", "id": "7303364" }, { "contents": "Maniac (2012 film)\n\n\n\"as a compliment,\" explaining, \"We had a screening here in Los Angeles and somebody passed out, which I pat myself on the back for. The movie had to creep on you – it's a different kind of fear; it's more of a nauseating fear. You really have the opportunity to maybe feel the [nausea] of committing crime rather than glorifying it just for the aspect of fun and thrill. The audience gets to experience for the first time how sick [it is to commit murder", "id": "1801699" }, { "contents": "Fujian flu\n\n\nlost thumbs, doctors said. Effectiveness may also be limited. Chicken vaccines are often only vaguely similar to circulating flu strains — some contain an H5N2 strain isolated in Mexico years ago. 'With a chicken, if you use a vaccine that's only 85 percent related, you'll get protection,' Dr. Cardona said. 'In humans, you can get a single point mutation, and a vaccine that's 99.99 percent related won't protect you.' And they are weaker [than human vaccines]. 'Chickens", "id": "16346928" }, { "contents": "If They Come in the Morning\n\n\n. \"The fish need the sea to survive, just like your comrades need you,\" sang Christy. \"The death squads can only get through to them if first they can get through to you.\" You had to take sides in 1981, and neither side was comfortable. I voted for the first time in that year's general election, when the candidates in our constituency included Kieran Doherty, then three weeks into his strike. I hated Margaret Thatcher's intransigence on the prisoner issue. But I also hated", "id": "5367681" }, { "contents": "Tilted Arc\n\n\n\"Every time I pass this so-called sculpture I just can’t believe it ... The General Services Administration, or whoever approved this, this goes beyond the realm of stupidity. This goes into even worse than insanity. I think an insane person would say, ‘How crazy can you be to pay $175,000 for that rusted metal wall?' You would have to be insane— more than insane.\" A jury of five voted 4–1 to remove the sculpture. The decision was appealed by Serra, leading to", "id": "20884189" }, { "contents": "Cinderella's Eyes\n\n\nto do I get the biggest butterflies [...] For over a year, I've been in the studio writing my own songs and working towards making my own record. The time has come where I have to come out of my safe bubble that is the studio and share my music with you... butterflies just got worse [...] I've had the incredible opportunity to work with some of my favourite artists, DJs and producers on my album. I have had the most amazing time and I have learnt so much", "id": "14285641" }, { "contents": "Zhu Can\n\n\n. One day, after a feast where both he and Zhu Can were drunk, Duan, intending to insult Zhu, asked, \"I heard that you liked to eat human flesh. What does human flesh taste like?\" Zhu responded, \"An alcoholic human's flesh tastes like wine-marinated pork.\" Duan, insulted by the response, cursed Zhu, \"You bandit! Once you get to the capital [i.e., the Tang capital Chang'an], you will be just a slave; how can you", "id": "18298855" }, { "contents": "Sun Is Up\n\n\nsky / Come on boy, come and get in / The rhythm music will take you high / What I'm feeling about you / I love you, don't know why / Everybody come and get in / The rhythm music will take you high.\" Upon its release, \"Sun Is Up\" was met with generally positive reviews from music critics. An editor from German radio station commended the song as a highlight from \"I Am the Club Rocker\", writing: \"After just the first few seconds,", "id": "13182441" }, { "contents": "Ultimate Kylie\n\n\n, I can’t believe how quickly time has passed. This collection is very dear to me and holds a lifetime of memories. There is nothing like time to give you a sense of perspective and I hope the listener gets as much enjoyment out of these tracks as I do. I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to experiment throughout the years and that my fans have embraced the need in me to try new approaches. I am just as excited about the new tracks featured here as I am about all the others", "id": "2036448" }, { "contents": "Fixing a Hole\n\n\nto turn him away ... There were a lot of casualties about then. We used to get a lot of people who were maybe insecure or going through emotional breakdowns or whatever. So I said, 'I've got to go to a session but if you promise to be very quiet and just sit in a corner, you can come.' So he did, he came to the session and he did sit very quietly and I never saw him after that.\" The lead vocal was recorded at the same time", "id": "21537462" }, { "contents": "Starboy Nathan\n\n\nand that was the point 'just Nathan' and I just wanted to have a bit more fun with it. It came from when I was young and I used to perform in front of my family and my parents and my Mum just to say \"Starboy time\", it's just a bit of fun and it's more distinctive. I mean, you can type in Nathan, just Nathan into Google and I might come up or you get 50 million other things whereas 'Starboy Nathan' is very defiant and", "id": "20057220" }, { "contents": "Same Time, Next Year (play)\n\n\nYork Times\" critic Clive Barnes wrote: \"Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Get tickets for \"Same Time, Next Year\"... It is the funniest comedy about love and adultery to come Broadway's way in years.\" Author Bernard Slade was surprised by the play's international popularity. \"I felt I was writing a fantasy. Then I started to get letters from people that had had this sort of relationship...The curious thing is how successful it was in other countries. I", "id": "5927396" }, { "contents": "Let There Be Love (Christina Aguilera song)\n\n\n's official channel on YouTube on August 29, 2013. The clip was official released few hours after she posted a 2000-word thank you message to fans on her official website on August 28, 2013. A part of the letter reads,I may get quiet at times, but when I do have something to say, I mean every word. I decided to share my thoughts with you at length and tell you openly how I feel. Thank you for filling my soul with melody and song … lyrics and love … and", "id": "8538602" }, { "contents": "Chickenpox\n\n\nmore severe in adults than it is in children, some parents deliberately expose their children to the virus, for example by taking them to \"chickenpox parties\". Doctors counter that children are safer getting the vaccine, which is a weakened form of the virus, rather than getting the disease, which can be fatal. Repeated exposure to chickenpox may protect against zoster. Humans are the only known species that the disease affects naturally. However, chickenpox has been caused in other primates, including chimpanzees and gorillas. Sorivudine, a", "id": "18593819" }, { "contents": "(Drop Dead) Beautiful\n\n\n, yeah, your body looks so sick, I think I caught the flu\" and \"You must be B.I.G. 'cause you got me hypnotized\". \"(Drop Dead) Beautiful\" received mixed reviews from contemporary music critics. While reviewing \"Femme Fatale\", Alexis Petridis of \"The Guardian\" noted Spears \"does what pop stars invariably do in lieu of having a detectable character of their own: goes on and on about sex\", while commenting that \"after a while, you get the feeling the lyricists", "id": "10820128" }, { "contents": "Brewer v. Williams\n\n\npredicting several inches of snow for tonight, and I feel that you yourself are the only person that knows where this little girl's body is, that you yourself have only been there once, and if you get a snow on top of it you yourself may be unable to find it. And, since we will be going right past the area on the way into Des Moines, I feel that we could stop and locate the body, that the parents of this little girl should be entitled to a Christian burial for", "id": "12307814" }, { "contents": "Jenny Clow\n\n\nso naturally look for aid as to the father of her child, the man for whose sake she has suffered many a sad and anxious night, shut from the world, with no other companions than guilt and solitude? You have now an opportunity to evince you indeed possess those fine feelings you have delineated, so as to claim the just admiration of your country. I am convinced I need add nothing farther to persuade you to act as every consideration of humanity must dictate.\"\" Burns asked Mrs McLehose to get a", "id": "5339260" }, { "contents": "M.I.A. (rapper)\n\n\n, \"I don't know which is worse. The fact that I saw it in my life has maybe given me lots of issues, but there's a whole generation of American kids seeing violence on their computer screens and then getting shipped off to Afghanistan. They feel like they know the violence when they don't. Not having a proper understanding of violence, especially what it's like on the receiving end of it, just makes you interpret it wrong and makes inflicting violence easier.\" On 20 November 2013 M.I.A.", "id": "11901405" }, { "contents": "Year in the Kingdom\n\n\ncreate past events in a non-objective way and over huge periods of time you get distilled into this nebulous ghost. The YITK thing was more about looking back and remembering things in a totally inaccurate way, a way that’s maybe more joyful than it actually was. There have been things that have come into my life over the past few years that I know I will be able to conjure up at the end of my life and feel good about. It’s not about everything being great. It’s about everything", "id": "15296559" }, { "contents": "Mamie Francis Hafley\n\n\ntalk with them. I told them that I had no ill will toward them or hard feelings against them about staying with you and Frank. I know that I can get along without Dick better than you can without Rene, but any time that business slacks up, or you do not need them, I will always be glad to have them come over with me; or any or all of you, as far as that is concerned. I know of no friends that I hold in higher esteem than I do you", "id": "6983893" }, { "contents": "Michael Wardian\n\n\nthe counter argument is that you could get hurt and you wouldn't have any races a year. There are so many opportunities out there and, I love to toe the line. I love to see what I can do and just push the limits and try and experiment with myself. I like that people can look at me, and say, \"Wow, if that guy can do 13 marathons a year and do pretty well maybe I can do one.\" I think a lot of people can relate to that", "id": "17282695" }, { "contents": "Jacob Bell (American football)\n\n\nof crazy disease that nobody even knows about, where people want their brains studied after they're dead, donating their brains to research. It's just crazy to see how someone like Junior Seau took his own life over -- God knows what he was really struggling and dealing with. But you have to believe it came from the game of football. I want to get out before the game makes me get out, where I can get out on my own terms, and I can limit the amount of stress and negative", "id": "15907505" }, { "contents": "Yoshitomo Nara\n\n\nimage that I wanted to create, and I would just do it. I would just get it finished. Now I take my time and work slowly and build up all these layers to find the best way. Just like you cook so that you know it’s going to be the most delicious, you find a way to make your art the best it can be.\" In July 2017, The Toyota Municipal Museum of Art held a career retrospective of the artist's work, called \"for better or worse\"", "id": "12914955" }, { "contents": "Reality (Kenny Chesney song)\n\n\nrelaxed as I've been in years!' I thought to myself, 'This is why people smoke pot right here! This is it!' I don't smoke pot, but this is why people do it, I guarantee you. Because it gets them away from reality. I even asked my dentist, 'I just want to come over here and sit some time, can you guys do that?' He said, 'We can't do that, we'd get in trouble.' I swear", "id": "5291419" }, { "contents": "I Hope You Dance (album)\n\n\nn't rush in to make an album. We took a lot of time. I wanted to get it right. It's different for each person, but I think because I did take the time and the care to take care of both of those things as best I could, I feel like some good things are coming in the future.\" The first single release from the album was its title track. Featuring guest vocals from then-labelmates Sons of the Desert, \"I Hope You Dance\" became the only", "id": "8605638" }, { "contents": "Christopher Del Bosco\n\n\nto the 2011 World Championships where he won his first World Championship. Del Bosco said of his victory that \"This is a really special title to have, you only get the chance once every two years. I had some tough luck at the last world championships in Japan and then (last year's) Olympics, I was fourth in both of those events. I was kind of starting to wonder about these big events and I guess the third time is the charm. I managed to get it done this time.", "id": "4445282" }, { "contents": "Therapy (Tech N9ne EP)\n\n\njust thought it up right there. We did one called \"When Demons Come\". Everything came from getting recognition from \"Something Else\". That's how my life is. I like my life. \"So Much Love\" on \"Something Else\" had me ready for \"When Demons Come\". There's so much love you can get lost in this shit. You don't know when something's going to hit. You have to be ready with angels when demons come. Songs like that just came", "id": "15255587" }, { "contents": "Mark Richt\n\n\nroom and locker room. Upon the facility opening, Richt told ESPN “I didn’t come here just because it was my alma mater. I came here because you can win. If you do things right and get the support you need, you can win. It’s been proven. The players have always been here. You just have to make sure you get the right ones, and a lot of the other things they used to ding us on, our facilities and things like that, they’re not going", "id": "12343172" }, { "contents": "Jack Cannot\n\n\nto enable my children to get a proper education and my darling wife to feel that every postman's knock doesn't contain a summons. Charles, I have the greatest wife and children a man could wish for so you can guess with what heart yearnings I am leaving all I love best, but I cannot get decent work: I have done 28 weeks in two years, and then I got 'scaled' for £70 in a pantomime. Now, old sport, you and Walter – god bless you both", "id": "8230427" }, { "contents": "2015 Axalta \"We Paint Winners\" 400\n\n\nThe last year and a half have been pretty tough, but this feels real good. It never gets any better than this. It takes time to heal things especially with what Sherry and I went through. This just kind of makes you forget all about it. Tomorrow we are still going back to normal life and we always try to remember that and be ourselves and remember why we are here. And how thankful we are to be here and how lucky we are to be doing this. I just feel super blessed", "id": "718534" }, { "contents": "Love Today\n\n\nthe same way. Everybody is looking for the same thing - to love someone and be loved back. Or just to get laid. It all depends on how you look for it. 'Love Today' captures that, the euphoric feeling you get when those things go right.\" Mika revealed to \"The Times\", on 20 November 2009 that the song came fully formed \"after the first time I had sleepy with somebody and actually loved it.\" The song received mixed reviews from music critics. Heather Phares", "id": "17740014" }, { "contents": "I Believe in Father Christmas\n\n\nIt was a big hit and it still gets played on the radio every year around December, and it appears on more or less every Christmas compilation going. So I can tell you from experience that it's lovely to get the old royalty cheque around September every year, but on its own, the Christmas song money isn’t quite enough to buy my own island in the Caribbean. I'm on tour at the moment and the Christmas song is as well received now as it was 30 years ago – maybe even more", "id": "19996389" }, { "contents": "Until We Have Faces\n\n\n, synths and the distinct Red yell that the lead singers does. This was an amazing album just like the first two. If you have never heard Red I suggest getting this album or any of their albums because you will be amazed that every song is composed very well. A band that can write well rounded songs is hard to find and Red sure know how to do just that. I recommend it, Go now, get this!\" The guitarist John Petrucci from the band Dream Theater has considered this album the", "id": "10193582" }, { "contents": "Dan Gerson\n\n\nand it's getting better every time...we both worked on the first one and having those voices in our head, knowing that we want to stay true to those voices even though we're going ten years in the that when you watch \"Monsters, Inc\", there's consistency...The main thing is just to write, and we meet a lot of young writers who say, \"I want to get into the business, how do I get into the business?\" And a lot of", "id": "13750527" }, { "contents": "Octahedron (album)\n\n\nbleak feeling you can get from living somewhere like El Paso. Even though I haven't lived at home for ages, it's still with me. The stories that come from across the border still hit home really hard. I just wanted to have a soundtrack for that really.\" In an interview with Revolver, Cedric discussed the theme of \"Teflon\": \"I had been writing the lyrics and sort of testing the waters of how much I could say if McCain had won the election. I don't usually", "id": "5000972" }, { "contents": "Mary Pinchot Meyer\n\n\nEvelyn Lincoln, sold in June 2016 at auction for just under $89,000. The letter reads: \"Why don't you leave suburbia for once – come and see me – either here – or at the Cape next week or in Boston the 19th. I know it is unwise, irrational, and that you may hate it – on the other hand you may not – and I will love it. You say that it is good for me not to get what I want. After all of these years – you", "id": "7535140" }, { "contents": "Hold Tight (Justin Bieber song)\n\n\nbe released on 21 October. Of the song's concept, Bieber explained: \"I am a hopeless romantic so when I love someone, I never want to let them go. This song is about the rush you get when you have that feeling. No matter how hard you try, you can’t let that person go. You just want to hold on as tight as you can. I tried to capture that with this one.\" The songwriter of \"Hold Tight\", Jason \"Poo Bear\" Boyd", "id": "7808342" }, { "contents": "The Waterfall (album)\n\n\nbeating you down, and you really have to take time to stop it and get through.\" Likewise, the album's central theme is rebirth and renewal. James joked that his own personal confusion was the source of much of the album's lyrics. \"I feel like I still don't know how to explain anything, but I have accepted that, I guess, and I'm just trying to live,\" he said. \"Believe (Nobody Knows)\" touches on spirituality and concludes that belief in a", "id": "7467363" }, { "contents": "Johnny Handsome\n\n\n's a tragedy. Something that just as easily could have played in Elizabethan England or Ancient Greece.\" \"I don't think this is a very real movie,\" said Hill. \"But at the same time, it's quite real once you understand where you are, once you're kind of `over there.' But not everybody can get over there. And I think that the people that can't get over there, you're not terribly interested in, anyway. Which is probably not the attitude", "id": "21728330" }, { "contents": "Zoe Slater\n\n\n, 'You're young, so get out there. Now's the time to go for it. You're only young once and you can't stay here forever.' \"I've grown up in EastEnders. I've been here for five years, so I will miss everybody. But you get that feeling and when you know it's time to spread your wings and fly, you need to do that. Everyone says I'm doing the right thing.\" Her exit storyline was revealed saying,\"She leaves because she", "id": "19176466" }, { "contents": "Squeeze (The Velvet Underground album)\n\n\nPurple played the drums. So he and I would lay down a track. How much interplay can you have when all it is one guitar or a piano? You can hear that, it's kind of dead. I think you get more when you have 3 or 4 people playing together, they feed off each other, they work together and something comes out of it, it's bigger.\" The eleven songs that make up \"Squeeze\" were written by Yule and recorded with the help of Ian Paice,", "id": "9216312" }, { "contents": "Marge vs. the Monorail\n\n\n\"The Simpsons\" and can safely be called a classic by any fan. From beginning to end, there's joke after joke after hilarious joke. There's nothing in this half-hour that doesn't work, and no matter how many times I watch this episode, it never, ever gets old.\" Emily VanDerWerff of \"Slant Magazine\" named it the show's best episode, stating \"It's the one you think of when you think of a \"Simpsons\" episode\", and is \"maybe", "id": "15982515" }, { "contents": "The Stone Boy (TV series)\n\n\nprosperous. All your problems will get solved. All hurdles in your life shall get removed. But only while you keep this secret that we fairies visit this place on earth. You shall have to keep this secret. If you ever tell this to anyone, all your prosperity will be lost and you will get transformed into a stone on that high mountain. You can only appear on being called as a normal human being once in fifty years, for just three days. Remember you can appear back as normal human being", "id": "8461100" }, { "contents": "Fix a Heart\n\n\n\". Regarding the line \"You never really can fix a heart\", the artist told \"Glamour\" that, \"I think every time you get your heart broken, there's a little piece of it that chips away, and I don't think you ever get that piece back. But I think you're able to bandage it with time and with new people and other things that make you happy\". Other publications, such as PopMatters, BlogCritics, and \"Entertainment Weekly\", suggested that the track", "id": "18362452" }, { "contents": "Unbreakable (Scorpions album)\n\n\nup with the song \"If You Could See Inside My Eyes\" (which became \"Through My Eyes\" on the album), Meine presented \"Maybe I, Maybe You\", Kottak \"Can You Feel It\" and Jabs \"This Time\". After those 4 songs were recorded, finally the band had a foundation of 12 songs to make an album. Apart from those 12 songs, the album has one bonus song titled \"Remember the Good Times\", taken from one of the demo sessions. Later", "id": "6990421" }, { "contents": "Childhood immunizations in the United States\n\n\nsneezing. Most of the time the disease is spread by people that have the bacteria in their nose and throat but are asymptomatic (don't have symptoms). It is not certain how long it takes from the time you are infected to the time you get sick, but it could be only a few days. The disease is mainly spread by carriers, people who have the bacteria in their nose and throat but don't have symptoms. The symptoms for this disease vary, depending on the part of the body that", "id": "16017190" }, { "contents": "2001 BDO World Darts Championship\n\n\nmeans the world to me. It's an unbelievable feeling. When I hit the double eight I just wanted to fly. I'm absolutely delighted.\" Hankey praised his opponent's playing style, \"He was buzzing. I hit 180s all the time but I just couldn't get away from him. I knew I had to win the sets in which I threw first but he hits so many 140s and 180s. When you go 4-2 down it's always hard to come back in a best-of-11", "id": "5774021" }, { "contents": "Britney: For the Record\n\n\nIt showed people and young girls you can get through anything.\" Stacey Medura, agreed, adding that \"For the Record\" humanized the pop star. \"It's easier to understand how she feels,\" Medura said. \"Her opinion matters most. I think she covered a lot [in the special].\" Some said this look into Britney's life was inspiring. \"I really have gained a lot of respect for her now,\" Derek wrote. \"I felt like this was the first time", "id": "15824968" }, { "contents": "Lucy Crown\n\n\nhis frustrations and unhappiness to his son: \"″You reach a certain age, say twenty-five, thirty, it varies with your intelligence, and you begin to say, “Oh, Christ, this is for nothing. You begin to realize it’s just more of the same, only getting worse every day... I used to have a high opinion of myself... and then, in fifteen minutes in a little stinking summer resort beside a lake, the whole thing collapsed.″\" A decade after the war is over", "id": "18347166" }, { "contents": "Javon Ringer\n\n\nabout rookie camp, he said \"Ability-wise, I feel like I am good with competing. Strength, speed and quickness, I feel like I am OK. It's just the plays are a lot more complicated than college, and I am trying to get used to it. I just need some more time. We all just need time. But the veterans have been helpful.\" Discussing all the Titans rookies (including Ringer), offensive coordinator Mike Heimer-dinger said \"Right now, you can", "id": "11053496" }, { "contents": "Halloween (2018 film)\n\n\nset forty years after the events of the original, he studied the decomposition and wrinkling of forty-year-old masks over time while outlining his take on Myers's look, \"You're not creating just a mask. You're creating a feeling that you get that does have an expression... But also the mask looks completely different in every single angle it's ever been photographed at, and I wanted that feeling too.\" Courtney was hired after Nelson advised Green not to cast a hulking stuntman in the role in", "id": "13962331" }, { "contents": "Stuart Whitman\n\n\n), shot in Paris with Rene Clement. He enjoyed the experience, saying, \"I busted through at last and can now get an honest emotion, project it and make it real. You become egocentric when you involve yourself to such an extent in your role; your next problem is in learning how to turn it off and come home and live with society. It took a lot of time and energy to break through, so I could honestly feel and I'm reluctant to turn it off. Now I know", "id": "1969127" }, { "contents": "Mitzeee Minniver\n\n\nAll About Soap\": \"I think at that point Mitzeee just wonders if things could get any worse for her. She's already having a really rough time, and then Myra shows up. It's a very calculated decision on Myra's part to get moved to the same jail. Myra will battle tooth and nail for her daughter, and you can just imagine the fighting spirit she has. There's a lot of serious verbal scrapping between Myra and Mitzeee, which in some ways is worse than a punch-", "id": "21076830" }, { "contents": "Ruby Lin\n\n\n, hiring and casting. Lin stated, \"I just kept getting offered the same type of role. Being an actress, you cannot really do much. Actresses can only wait for the roles to come.\"\" \"Now I can choose everything myself, whether it's the roles or the director that I want to work with or the cast that I want to feature. I feel much more in control over what I get to do.\" Lin's production debut turned out to be a hit with viewers", "id": "11713904" }, { "contents": "KOD (song)\n\n\nhe raps on KOD. \"I think you should, how 'bout I don't? How 'bout you just get the fuck off my dick? How 'bout you listen and never forget? Only gon' say this one time, then I'll dip, niggas ain't worthy to be on my shit.\" Upon its first week of release, \"KOD\" debuted at number 10 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The song broke Spotify opening day record in the US, it was streamed 4.2 million times", "id": "9584799" }, { "contents": "Punta Brava Golf Club\n\n\ntee, a fairway or a green, you can see the ocean. That makes Punta Brava very different from most golf courses, with the goal to make sure you are a part of this amazing peninsula every time you play.\" Woods also said in regards to the course at the conference, \"You have to walk it, to feel it, to realize how special it is, how beautiful it is, and what you can do with it. As soon as I got on site, I was in.", "id": "5376006" }, { "contents": "Susan Maxman\n\n\nat the AIA and when I saw how women felt about the profession at the time, how hostile it was for them, and how downtrodden they were, I thought the best way to show them that you can do whatever you want if you want to do it hard enough is by example. You can get beyond the barriers and go forward and not think about being a woman, just about being the best you can be at something.In 1992, she represented the AIA at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro", "id": "2644074" }, { "contents": "The Bachelorette (season 3)\n\n\nfinal date with Jerry, and then with John Paul, before we get to the final rose ceremony. After telling John Paul \"you are incredible\" and \"I think you have every quality I look for in someone,\" Jen shocked John Paul with words that he didn't expect to hear -- \"but... something is just not there.\" \"There's that gut feeling... oh my god, this guy is great and he's every quality that I'm looking for, [but] I just do", "id": "20465417" }, { "contents": "Callie Khouri\n\n\nthe next generation understand that things are still not right for women?\" says Khouri. “I feel like I owe aspiring writers at least the warning that they are picking maybe the hardest thing there is to do in the business,” she says. “It doesn’t matter any more how good you are. In some ways, it never really did. Bad movies get made as often as good ones, but so few movies get made now, period. If you write for a studio, you may be", "id": "12303341" }, { "contents": "My Lucky Star (2013 film)\n\n\nvibe I kept getting was, \"What is a white chick from Hollywood doing, telling us what to do with our biggest stars. What the [heck]?\" I could feel it and I was just having a hard time getting my mojo going with these guys no matter how much beer I bought them. I had an idea that maybe if I cut together a trailer—I had heard that the Wachowskis did this on the first \"Matrix\"—and so I cut together a trailer about three weeks in and then took", "id": "8049812" }, { "contents": "David Levine\n\n\nto really look it over and think about it, read the articles and so on. The political cartoonists don't get a chance. The headlines are saying this and this about so-and-so, and you have to come up with something which is approved by an editor. I almost never had to get an approval. In forty years I may have run into a disagreement with \"The New York Review\" maybe two times.\" However, as his son Matthew Levine wrote in 1979, on at least", "id": "359642" }, { "contents": "Swamp Thing (2019 TV series)\n\n\ngoing like, 'Oh, you get no more baby after this' Why would you do that? [...] Maybe something will switch somewhere, if something will flip, and we can all get together again. But I tell you, it's one of the best experiences I have had, and set the bar really high for working together with a group of people.\" \"Swamp Thing\" premiered May 31, 2019, on DC Universe. Despite being canceled not long after its premiere, DC Universe will", "id": "12276801" }, { "contents": "I Am That\n\n\nself-realization is identification with the body. “Once you give up your identification with the body, then you are all the time the Self, or Atman, only. For this, no effort is required. You only have to realize that you are not the body”. A most suitable way to drop the identification with the body is to focus in the source of consciousness, the feeling “I am”, which is not the body, the thoughts or anything observable. According to the sage of Mumbai", "id": "15754004" }, { "contents": "Showgirls\n\n\n's okay, the next one'll be better.\" And you somehow try to convince yourself that it's going to get better… and it just gets worse. And I was like, \"Wow. That was crazy.\" I mean, I really didn't see that coming. So at that point, I distanced myself from the movie. Now, of course, it has a whole other life as a sort of inadvertent… satire. No, \"satire\" isn't the right word. But it's", "id": "10185084" }, { "contents": "Got to Get You into My Life\n\n\n\"'Got to Get You into My Life' was one I wrote when I had first been introduced to pot ... So [it's] really a song about that, it's not to a person.\" Many lyrics from the song suggest this: \"I took a ride, I didn't know what I would find there / Another road where maybe I could see some other kind of mind there.\",'\"What can I do? What can I be? When I'm with you, I want to stay", "id": "9772320" }, { "contents": "Vince Foster\n\n\nlistening to it recalled telling another that it was \"the most depressing graduation speech I had ever heard, in both content and manner.\" A friend of Foster's has said, \"Look, it's just crazy, right? You get one dent and it can never be fixed? In Washington, you get them all the time. You get twenty dents and you go to the body shop. Vince couldn't see that, apparently.\" Four days after the speech, the White House travel office controversy erupted", "id": "14315009" }, { "contents": "Donatas Motiejūnas\n\n\nyou give everything you got, you want to get something back and we are not getting for a long time. It’s really not easy to just sit and watch when others are playing. I try to stay positive. I try to help the team. I try to be productive in practices. That’s all I can do. That’s all that is in my power and other things are not in my power so I can not be worried about those things.” He went on to play 62 games for", "id": "20908174" }, { "contents": "4 Minutes\n\n\nin the pocket. Beginning with working on the vocals was the only way to achieve this. After that I formed all the other parts around the vocals. The other challenge was to make sure that everything in the track sounded clear and that you could hear every instrument, every syllable, every breath. Also, I do almost always work linear in time on a track. It's easier, because when you're done, you're done. So I keep working on section after section, until I get to the", "id": "20295259" }, { "contents": "Tom Jones (singer)\n\n\nmusic. After receiving a knighthood, Jones stated: \"When you first come into show business and get a hit record, it is the start of something. As time goes by it just gets better. This is the best thing I have had. It's a wonderful feeling, a heady feeling.\" On 1 July 2007, Jones was among the artists who performed at Wembley Stadium at the Concert for Diana, joined on stage by guitarist Joe Perry of Aerosmith and soul singer Joss Stone. In addition to performing", "id": "2042311" }, { "contents": "Téa Delgado\n\n\n, \"There are many times when I think I didn't get a scene. When you don't feel anything, it's frustrating. I'm less hard on myself because I realize how difficult what we do is. But, as an actor, you hope that you go in there and get caught up in the moment. I think, self-indulgently, that's why we become actors in the first place — to feel things.\" \"One Life to Live\" viewers originally resisted Todd being paired with", "id": "10922589" }, { "contents": "I Feel Pretty (film)\n\n\ncould have used a few more polishes — it's a little flabby towards the backend, even if its star is totally fine just as she is — but it never slackens in its conviction that the world reflects how you feel about yourself, or in how empowering that can be if you come at it from the right angle.\" \"Variety\"s Peter Debruge gave the film a moderately positive review, saying, \"What sets \"I Feel Pretty\" apart is the inspired premise that Renee's transformation takes place entirely in her", "id": "13862544" }, { "contents": "Ian Thorpe\n\n\nMichael Parkinson Thorpe came out as gay, after years of denying his homosexuality publicly. He stated \"I'm comfortable saying I'm a gay man. And I don't want people to feel the same way I did. You can grow up, you can be comfortable and you can be gay.\" He added \"I am telling the world that I am gay … and I hope this makes it easier for others now, and even if you've held it in for years, it feels easier to get it", "id": "16470812" }, { "contents": "Interchange (de Kooning)\n\n\nSaturday Night\", and \"Easter Monday\". During 1956, de Kooning had rendered \"The Time of Fire\" in the year after \"Interchange\" was completed. As de Kooning stated regarding his penchant for naming his oil works during this period of time, \"I feel more at home (in) downtown New York that I would feel ... living on Park Avenue. This has no social comment. It is just that the streets are so goddamn quiet. I mean you can find nothing. Maybe it has", "id": "2944828" }, { "contents": "Got Me Wrong\n\n\nI was dating in between one of the times I broke up with my true love. A lot of times you'll tell someone how you don't want to be in a relationship and why, and what kind of person you are, and they hear all that but think that they can change you. That's what the song's about, getting me wrong and the different ways that men and women see each other. \"Got Me Wrong\" was released as a single in 1994, after its appearance in \"", "id": "3829857" }, { "contents": "Scott Pinsker\n\n\na creature didn't want you to know who he was… how would you know? How could you out-think a creature that's not only smarter than you, but also thousands of years more experienced and capable of supernatural powers? We get fooled by ordinary people every day – and most of the time, they're not particularly clever! So what prayer would we realistically have to outwit the Prince of Darkness?\" \"\"Then I had a further thought: If the Devil really wanted to con mankind,", "id": "8212029" }, { "contents": "Jeffrey Marsh\n\n\nhas said of the nature of being an Internet role model, \"There's a wall of hate that comes at you, but also there's a wall of love that comes at you. And still to this day, [I get] several messages a day: 'I was feeling alone. I was feeling desperate. I was feeling suicidal. Your video helped me. I'm going to stick around...thank you for doing what you're doing. If you can be yourself, so can I.'\"", "id": "5435584" }, { "contents": "Through the Rain\n\n\nIt's brought me to another place. People are going to read into it as, 'This is Mariah and her struggle'. But the way I try to word it is, 'It's OK once you say I can make it through the rain.' Not just me going, 'I can make it through the rain,' it's me telling people that if you believe you can get through whatever you're going through, you can get to the other side. \"Through the Rain\" received", "id": "21054066" }, { "contents": "Skintern\n\n\ndeliberately, in order to stand out from more conservatively dressed colleagues. \"Maybe if you can get noticed, you might get a full-time position,\" Wonkette editor Alex Pareene told ABC News in 2006. Nicole Williams, who coaches women entering the workforce, agrees that in some cases the skintern look is exactly what the wearer intends. \"You've got the summer to prove 'I can work here' or 'I can't work here,' so to get noticed, why not?\" one intern", "id": "1863664" }, { "contents": "When AIDS Was Funny\n\n\nserious thing that one in every three people that get this have died. And I wondered if the President is aware of it? SPEAKES: I don’t have it. Do you? (Laughter.) KINSOLVING: No, I don’t. SPEAKES: You didn’t answer my question. KINSOLVING: Well, I just wondered, does the President— SPEAKES: How do you know? (Laughter.) KINSOLVING: In other words, the White House looks on this as a great joke? SPEAKES: No", "id": "5609634" }, { "contents": "Ahad Raza Mir\n\n\nlucky that I got so much. But the adjustments I had to make were about life, like getting used to the weather, the way people worked and their punctuality here.\" He further said, \"here [In Pakistan] you need to have connections, your looks matter, how many followers you have etc. Talent, I feel, comes right at the end and sadly I feel Pakistan has more celebrities and less actors.\" Mir made his \"Coke Studio\" debut as a featured artist in its upcoming", "id": "19113628" }, { "contents": "Good Night (The Simpsons)\n\n\nStill, the one you gets perfectly illustrates just how far the show has come\". describes it as \"The Simpsons as some of you may never have seen before, drawn by the hand of Matt Groening himself and looking a little worse for wear.\" DVD Movie Guide says, \"I’ve seen a few additional Ullman shorts and think they’re nearly unwatchable, so I can’t say I miss them, at least not for their entertainment value. However, they’d make a nice historical addition, so", "id": "7148372" }, { "contents": "Ivan Tedesco\n\n\na Supercross race in St. Louis last April. In an August, 2010 interview with Scott Hoffman for \"Dirt Rider Magazine\", Tedesco discussed his future as a rider. \"I don't feel like I'm getting old but I'm sure once you get into your 30s it gets harder. I'm just going to keep on going. I'm having fun with it still and I feel like I'm competitive.\" Despite his injuries, Tedesco still enjoys riding and plans to continue as long as he can.", "id": "8556349" }, { "contents": "Trouble (Iggy Azalea song)\n\n\nsong \"Trouble\" that they'll be releasing together. I love to have these collaborations every year, in the past we had Alicia [Keys] with Aretha Franklin, Lou Reed with Rod Stewart, we've had Jennifer [Hudson] with Barry Manilow, we've had combinations that you just don't see. And I think that's why we get everybody coming back year after year,\" stated Davis while talking about the duo's chemistry. Azalea claimed she knew right after collaborating for the first time with Hudson", "id": "2334673" }, { "contents": "Memoware\n\n\nno access to the WWW or for some other reason, just can't figure out how to get this text onto your PC, email me direct and I'll mail them to you. If you want me to, I can put up your useful Memowarez(tm) if you email them to me. Maybe this can start to be a big repository of pre-formatted Pilot data...\" Many list-members created Memoware over the next days and months, notably Mark Carden (periodic table of elements, international data),", "id": "22203072" } ]
What about touching grass with your bare skin makes it so itchy?
[{"answer": "Since the tiny edges of the grass are rubbing up against you, they usually make small, unnoticeable cuts on your skin, which can cause slight itching. This is usually the case unless you're allergic and are having a reaction. You can read more here: URL_0 After all, they're called *blades* of grass for a reason. Hope this helped!"}, {"answer": "As someone who moved from Long Island to Florida as a kid, I went from nice soft feet approved grass, to red ant infested burning blades of green."}, {"answer": "There's lots of different kinds of grass. It really depends on which type of grass you're touching. Bentgrass is a soft grass that's fairly common. Fescue is fairly common as well. Coarser grasses like Poa Annua when looked at under a microscope will reveal a saw-like edge; the main culprit of itchiness in the grass world."}, {"answer": "When I was younger I used to get really itchy from grass. After looking in the grass, I saw little white bugs jumping from blades of grass and I always thought it was that."}, {"answer": "I always wondered the same thing. Turns out I'm highly allergic to all types of grass. You may want to get allergy tested because apparently grass isn't that itchy to most people."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "6067897", "title": "Referred itch", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Referred itch is the phenomenon in which a stimulus applied in one region of the body is felt as an itch or irritation in a different part of the body. The syndrome is relatively harmless, though it can be irritating, and healthy individuals can express symptoms. Stimuli range from a firm pressure applied to the skin a scratch to irritation or pulling on a hair follicle on the skin. The referred sensation itself should not be painful; it is more of an irritating prickle leading to the compulsion to scratch the area. The stimulus and referred itch are ipsilateral (the stimulus and the referred itch occur on the same side of the body).", "Referred itch is the phenomenon in which a stimulus applied in one region of the body is felt as an itch or irritation in a different part of the body. The syndrome is relatively harmless, though it can be irritating, and healthy individuals can express symptoms. Stimuli range from a firm pressure applied to the skin a scratch to irritation or pulling on a hair follicle on the skin. The referred sensation itself should not be painful; it is more of an irritating prickle leading to the compulsion to scratch the area. The stimulus and referred itch are ipsilateral (the stimulus and the referred itch occur on the same sid", "Referred itch is the phenomenon in which a stimulus applied in one region of the body is felt as an itch or irritation in a different part of the body. The syndrome is relatively harmless, though it can be irritating, and healthy individuals can express symptoms."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie\n\n\nHe's a great guy [...] He was great at making fun of himself.\" The crew built a , replica of Hasselhoff. The $100,000 replica was kept at Hasselhoff's home; he has said, \"It freaked me out because it was so lifelike, with teeth, when you touch it [it] feels like real skin. It's soft, like your skin.\" At the completion of filming, Hasselhoff said, \"That's ridiculously awesome. What are you gonna do with it", "id": "8766470" }, { "contents": "Under Your Skin (song)\n\n\nshow they will not soon forget!\" Talking about how their collaboration with R. City came about in an email interview by \"CelebMix\", Seeb said \"We came in touch with R City through their label, and the first idea was only to do a remix, but it turned out so well it became a collaboration instead.\" \"Under Your Skin\" was selected as the official theme song for the X Games Norway 2017 in Oslo, which was televised and broadcast live in over 110 countries by ESPN. When", "id": "18290847" }, { "contents": "Chronic progressive lymphedema\n\n\nfetlock and gradually moves up the leg. All legs are affected, the hindlimbs usually more seriously so. Initial signs include thickening, crusting and folding of the skin. These early signs may be hidden by the long hair (feather) on the horse's lower legs. Affected areas are itchy, causing the horse to stamp its feet and rub its legs, and painful, so that the horse may be reluctant to allow its legs to be touched. As CPL progresses, ulcers develop on the pasterns, and fibrosis leads", "id": "9266897" }, { "contents": "List of Itchy & Scratchy episodes\n\n\nthe Nuclear Power Plant, when Itchy spears him with a forklift truck, telling Scratchy about the benefits of nuclear power, such as generating energy for the local orphanage and hospital. When Scratchy suggests that wind power is cheap and safe, Itchy chops Scratchy's head off with the blades of a wind turbine. An eagle flies into shot, looking like (and voiced by) Mr. Burns, telling viewers that \"Nuclear power is your friend, and so is Monty Burns\". Scratchy's head tells viewers, \"Do", "id": "10708065" }, { "contents": "List of Itchy & Scratchy episodes\n\n\nsuspect. Title pun: \"Say Anything\" \"Simpsons\" episode: \"Cape Feare\" Year: 1993 Synopsis: Scratchy walks along Itchy's Cat Hospital and looks at a sign that says \"We Pay Your Pet $75\". The minute Scratchy enters the hospital, Itchy reveals the sign actually says \"We Spay Your Pet $75\"! Two bulldogs strap Scratchy to a table and Itchy turns on the spaying mechanism — a giant laser. (he's a male though, so it's neuter instead of", "id": "10708055" }, { "contents": "Laughing Stock\n\n\nlast 20 years.\" In 1998, trip hop group UNKLE sampled the percussion from \"New Grass\" on their song \"Rabbit in Your Headlights\". Norwegian singer-songwriter Jenny Hval said in 2011 that \"Laughing Stock\" \"is an incredibly intuitive and bare recording – some songs feel like vapour trails. To me, every sound on the album is about death, like the songs are about to die, like a band of Beckett characters. But at the same time the album is so emotional. 'After", "id": "19823301" }, { "contents": "Islamic views on oral sex\n\n\nto him and said: \"Oh Apostle of God, what do you think about a man touching his penis after performing wudu?\" Muhammad said: \"What is it but a piece of your flesh?\". There is some disagreement about this report and as noted above, the strongest evidence for making ablution after touching one's penis comes from Basrah bint Safwaan's account of Muhammad saying \"Whoever touches his genitals, let him do wudoo’.\" It is also reported that Muhammad said: Schools of thought (", "id": "15448186" }, { "contents": "Fort Pitt Provincial Park\n\n\nonly held 25 lodges compared to Big Bear’s 65, Sweet Grass was still seen as desirable because of the Government belief in his ability to sway his fellow council members into signing. In order to try to secure his people’s safety and well-being moving forward with the treaty, Chief Sweet Grass addressed the governors present as such: \"When I hold your hand and touch your heart, let us be as one; use your utmost to help me and help my children so that they may prosper. It is", "id": "9719175" }, { "contents": "Attack of the Alligators!\n\n\nbecause of the warmth of the lamps. So Derek said, 'We've been giving them a touch with an electrode just to make them move.' The guy asked what voltage they were using and Derek said it was about 20 volts, and the guy said, 'Oh, they've got terribly thick skins, you know. If you want them to move, you'll have to pump it up to 60.'\" The inspector later joined the production to work alongside the crocodiles' handler. Filming with", "id": "17972091" }, { "contents": "Badjelly's Bad Christmas\n\n\nwant to become evil, so they tell her about their childhood in the song \"The Beauty of our Childhood\" in the hope it'll make her want to become evil with them. Their plan succeeds, and Kate turns evil. The judge arrives at the court of the Itchy Koo, and tells us about Noses in \"The Nose Song\". Grandad, Laura, Sir Nobonk, King Twytt, and The Werkling arrive at the Court of the Itchy Koo, and the Itchy Koos arrive, singing \"I wish", "id": "9744448" }, { "contents": "Young M.A\n\n\nbeing sexually attracted to women for so long that once I got that out of me, the music became easy.\" Young M.A said in a YouTube video that not only was she proud of being different, but also proclaimed that it's not about who you are or what your sexual orientation is - it's about making music to bring people closer together and to feel the beat running through their skin. In an interview with \"The Breakfast Club\", Young M.A stated that she often felt out of place when she", "id": "14202254" }, { "contents": "Sahasradhara\n\n\nyour body against skin deceases and stomach deceases. Sulphur water is used primarily to ease the itchy irritated skin rashes; conditions such as eczema, diaper rash sulphur may minimize the symptoms of psoriasis, dermatitis, dandruff, eczema and warts. It also helps to protect your body against toxins in the environment. A very old Shiva temple known as Tapkeshwar Mahadev Temple along with \"Drona Guha\" (Guru Dronacharya's cave) is present in this location, providing a good mythological scenario and an essence of historical importance to the place", "id": "2698622" }, { "contents": "Collegiate wrestling\n\n\nthe outer ring may be slightly raised. The infection grows while in warm moist places and tends to be itchy. One can contract the infection by touching the area that is infected or items that are contaminated. Herpetic lesions These lesions are all Type one infections also known specifically as Herpes simplex, Herpes Zoster, and Herpes Gladiatorial are all types of herpes that are common in skin to skin contact sports. Type two herpes is known as herpes on the genitals which is spread through sexual contact. These lesions come from skin to", "id": "242321" }, { "contents": "Dog skin disorders\n\n\nthe Golden Retriever showing signs at an earlier age. Dogs with atopic dermatitis are itchy, especially around the eyes, muzzle, ears and feet. In severe cases the irritation is generalised. If the allergens are seasonal, the signs of irritation are similarly seasonal. Many dogs with house dust mite allergy have perennial disease. Some of the allergens associated with atopy in dogs include pollens of trees, grasses and weeds, as well as molds and House dust mite. Ear and skin infections with the bacteria \"Staphylococcus pseudintermedius\" and", "id": "15851344" }, { "contents": "Carve the Mark\n\n\nmake a healing potion, or a deadly poison. They carried the current in them, and to touch them with your bare hands was to poison yourself. Akos's mother taught him in this art, which he became very skilled in. However, Ryzek was searching for an oracle for himself, so he could try to take advantage of them and try to control his future. He sent soldiers after Akos's mother and one of her boys, as he was fated to be the next oracle (called the rising oracle", "id": "14312503" }, { "contents": "Anaphylaxis\n\n\ngastrointestinal (30–45%), heart and vasculature (10–45%), and central nervous system (10–15%) with usually two or more being involved. Symptoms typically include generalized hives, itchiness, flushing, or swelling (angioedema) of the afflicted tissues. Those with angioedema may describe a burning sensation of the skin rather than itchiness. Swelling of the tongue or throat occurs in up to about 20% of cases. Other features may include a runny nose and swelling of the conjunctiva. The skin may also be blue", "id": "21821478" }, { "contents": "Modelville\n\n\nuse of the touch but admonished for making it too sexual (saying \"touch yourself\" in order to make clear that the brand makes you comfortable in your own skin), Fatima is praised for her movement but comes off as too infomercial, Dominique is praised for her text but as much for her facial and hand movements and Bianca is praised in voice for using Carol's Daughter tagline as well as her commercial but her initial grawl (mimicking a woman making faces in the mirror) and her enunciation are criticized. After", "id": "15535463" }, { "contents": "Impetigo\n\n\na red mark which heals without leaving a scar. Sores are not painful, but they may be itchy. Lymph nodes in the affected area may be swollen, but fever is rare. Touching or scratching the sores may easily spread the infection to other parts of the body. Skin ulcers with redness and scarring also may result from scratching or abrading the skin. Bullous impetigo, mainly seen in children younger than 2 years, involves painless, fluid-filled blisters, mostly on the arms, legs, and trunk, surrounded", "id": "9037978" }, { "contents": "List of Itchy & Scratchy episodes\n\n\nleft by the bomb, try to catch the ball. Title pun: \"Hoop Dreams\" \"Simpsons\" episode: \"Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life\" Year: 2010 Synopsis: A basketball game between teams of Itchies and Scratchies is about to begin. As a zebra referee tosses the ball into the air for the opening jump, the center Itchy takes out a knife and decapitates the center Scratchy, whose head is caught by another Itchy, who tosses it to a teammate. The teammate jumps to attach", "id": "10708012" }, { "contents": "Under Your Skin (song)\n\n\nasked about their reaction in the interview aforementioned, Seeb said \"We were so happy, X Games is huge, and this was a great way for us to show the world our new single.\" Music News Desk from \"BroadWayWorld\" said: \"The upbeat vocals, soft synth melodies, and thumping bass-line come together to make a track which is perfect for festival season.\" \"bigFM\" wrote: \"With 'Under Your Skin', the trio remains true to its special EDM style – but", "id": "18290848" }, { "contents": "Manuel Tinio\n\n\nlower part of Monte Bimmauya is wooded, but the upper three-fourths is bare of trees and bush, and, in certain places, even the grass has been burned off by the insurgents. Consequently, there is no cover for attacking troops ascending the western spur of the mountain. The slopes of the upper portion make angles of from 45-60 degrees with the horizon. The only trail in existence or even possible on this western spur... is so narrow that it is what is known among geographers as a ‘", "id": "19569860" }, { "contents": "Tinea barbae\n\n\nsymptoms that occur when affected with tinea barbæ is pimple or blister amongst affected area, swelling and redness around infected area, red and lumpy skin on infected area. Crusting around hairs in infected area will occur, hairs on infected area will also be effortless to pull out. Tinea barbæ can be itchy or painful to touch but these symptoms do not always occur. The transmission of tinea barbæ to humans occurs through contact of an infected animal to the skin of a human. Infection can occasionally be transmitted through contact of infected animal", "id": "202509" }, { "contents": "Stephen Elop\n\n\nNokia X. Following the launch of the Nokia Lumia 920 flagship and its positive reception and apparent strong sales, Elop said to an Yle newscaster in December 2012: \"...if you think about the last year, it's been a very difficult year. We've made many difficult decisions, we've made changes. But what we've also been doing is our very best work in making great products and getting them to consumers. So whether it's the Lumia 920, whether it is your Asha Full Touch products - the", "id": "17375417" }, { "contents": "Matthew McDaniel\n\n\nsmack’ her if she did not touch” him sexually. Court records also detailed acts of physical abuse in which the girl reported Uaiyue “punished her by binding her to roof hooks in the garage with hay bailing twine and left her tied up for several days as punishment.” The girl also reported Uaiyue “melted a plastic bottle causing the melted plastic to drop on her bare hand and bare legs,” beatings so intense they would “tear skin off [her] body,” and other acts of abuse involving", "id": "20787485" }, { "contents": "Leo Marks\n\n\nIn the long green grass Will be yours and yours and yours. Gestapo signal tracers endangered clandestine radio operators, and their life expectancy averaged about six weeks. Therefore, short and less frequent transmissions from the codemaster were of value. The pressure could cause agents to make mistakes encoding messages, and the practice was for the home station to tell them to recode it (usually a safe activity) and retransmit it (dangerous, and increasingly so the longer it took). In response to this problem, Marks established, staffed", "id": "18729588" }, { "contents": "Marsha Hunt (actress, born 1946)\n\n\nany feeling or sensitivity... They take muscles from your back, skin from your thighs, fat from your stomach. You had a breast removed, but the rest of you was fine. Now half your body is hacked about – and for what?\" The day of her operation Hunt wrote a note on her breast to the surgical team, telling them to have fun, make sure they took the right breast off and drew them a flower. Once the operation was over Hunt says she did not mourn the loss of", "id": "15617551" }, { "contents": "Big Grrrl Small World\n\n\n. In 2014, Lizzo participated in StyleLikeU's \"What's Underneath\" project, where she removed her clothes as she talked about her relationships with her body. Inspired by the experience, she wrote \"My Skin\", which she described as \"the thesis statement of the album\". In a 2015 interview with \"Vice\", she said: \"You can wake up and change many things about your appearance, but the inevitability of waking up in your skin is what unifies us.\" The recording of the", "id": "11695491" }, { "contents": "Liz and the Blue Bird\n\n\nlose any of it. It's like watching and quietly holding your breath, recording what you see. Like watching the girls behind a pane of glass; a single touch enough to make them disappear. I put importance in using colour to reflect this sense of fragility and fleetingness. [...] For this piece of work subtle emotions and the buildup of feeling was important. So I was careful as to not add acting that was formulaic, like 'they're sad so they'll make a sad face'. For", "id": "7964511" }, { "contents": "The Simpsons: Itchy & Scratchy in Miniature Golf Madness\n\n\nnever actually saw the show. That's really the only excuse. Instead of maiming each other, Itchy and Scratchy decide to settle their beef on the miniature golf course.\" They added, however, that \"Despite the fact that it didn't make sense, the game's not too bad. You play as Scratchy and you have to drive your golf ball across a sidescrolling level and avoid being beat on by Itchy. It's certainly better than \"\", but that's not saying much.\" In a", "id": "4295037" }, { "contents": "Bryobia\n\n\nan itchy skin irritation. There has also been an isolated case report of an infestation in a domestic cat. \"Bryobia artemisiae\" lives on wormwoods and causes a gray discoloration of the leaves. \"Bryobia attica\" feeds on olive. \"Bryobia convolvulus\" is commonly found on field bindweed (\"Convolvulus arvensis\"), and it is also a pest of alfalfa. \"Bryobia cristata\" is reported from nearly every continent. It occurs on many grasses, including wheat and barley. It is also found on azalea,", "id": "13601073" }, { "contents": "Barings Bank\n\n\nthe House so that we may be reminded what the supervisory body itself decided at the end of such investigation as it was able to make. It stated on page 250: The words I venture to emphasise to your Lordships are these: Noble Lords who have read through paragraph 14.2 of the report will be aware that it specifies these deficiencies. The report states: Really! They really have to understand the businesses! I would have thought that it was an elementary assumption to make that the controllers should understand the nature of the", "id": "20814913" }, { "contents": "Erythema marginatum\n\n\nErythema marginatum is a type of erythema (redness of the skin or mucous membranes) involving pink rings on the torso and inner surfaces of the limbs which come and go for as long as several months. It is found primarily on extensor surfaces. An association with bradykinin has been proposed in the case of hereditary angioedema. The rings are barely raised and are non-itchy. The face is generally spared. It occurs in less than 5% of patients with rheumatic fever, but is considered a major Jones criterion when it", "id": "6467314" }, { "contents": "Outcasts (DC Comics)\n\n\nthe ambulance containing Kaine and Yancy, angry that she won't be able to finally end his life of immortality by aging him to death, grabs her bare skin as he yells at her to get up. Touching her allows her body to inadverdently absorb his lifeforce and brings her back to life while Yancy ages, withers and collapses to the floor in a heap of skin and bones. B.D. gets them back to Outcast headquarters, makes sure that Kaine is treated for her wounds and realizes that Yancy is not dead! Yancy", "id": "11599509" }, { "contents": "List of Itchy & Scratchy episodes\n\n\n: 2000 Synopsis: Scratchy has recently died, and mourners (including Poochie and Itchy) visit his coffin at his funeral. Itchy is depressed and alcoholic without Scratchy, and reminisces about all the times he killed him. He notices a newspaper headline about a cloned sheep and gets an idea. He decides to make clones of Scratchy. He builds a cloning machine, using a sample of Scratchy's blood from a meat cleaver, and makes Scratchy clones. As the clones come out from the machine, Itchy kills them all", "id": "10708060" }, { "contents": "Blairo Maggi\n\n\n. His accusers hold him responsible for the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. His defenders say he is taking Brazil forward. In this respect he is unapologetic, telling \"The New York Times\" in 2003: \"To me, a 40 percent increase in deforestation doesn't mean anything at all, and I don't feel the slightest guilt over what we are doing here [...] We're talking about an area larger than Europe that has barely been touched, so there is nothing at all to get worried about\"", "id": "6001667" }, { "contents": "Tagkip, Leyte\n\n\nTagkip is one of 65 Barangays of Dagami Municipal in the Province of Leyte, Philippines. It stands to the south-east of Dagami, surrounded by six Barangays called Yapad, Bahay, Sto Domingo, Patoc, Panda and Caanislagan. The people of Tagkip are called Tagkipanon. They are predominantly Waray-speaking. With its vast expanse of grasses, rivers and rice fields, Tagkip is endowed with a wide range of wildlife including Tungaw (a very red tiny dot which is very itchy when it attaches to the human skin", "id": "6635360" }, { "contents": "Skin & Bone (film)\n\n\nversa\": \"Mr. Lewis's point seems to be that it's all the same. What's the big difference, he asks, between acting out the fantasies of one rich old man or those of a few million ticket buyers?\" Lewis himself seems to give some weight to these interpretations when he describes \"Skin & Bone\" as being about \"giving your soul away and rationalizing the loss as a bonus,\" and as a metaphor \"for the experiences I suffered attempting to make a film at an evil", "id": "21831243" }, { "contents": "Cold urticaria\n\n\nCold urticaria (essentially meaning cold hives) is a disorder where hives (urticaria) or large red welts form on the skin after exposure to a cold stimulus. The welts are usually itchy and often the hands and feet will become itchy and swollen as well. Hives vary in size from about 7mm in diameter to as big as about 27mm diameter or larger. This disorder, or perhaps two disorders with the same clinical manifestations, can be inherited (familial cold urticaria) or acquired (primary acquired cold urticaria)", "id": "6191862" }, { "contents": "Sednaya Prison\n\n\nends – they have little hooks so they take a part of your skin – normal electric cables, plastic water pipes of different sizes and metal bars. Also, they have created what they call the 'tank belt', which is made out of tyre that has been cut into strips... They make a very specific sound; it sounds like a small explosion. I was blindfolded the whole time, but I would try to see somehow. All you see is blood: your own blood, the blood of others.", "id": "14938045" }, { "contents": "Q Who\n\n\ndamaged equipment. He designed a latex attachment to allow for tubes to be attached to skin so that there was not a great deal of bare skin left on the actors' bodies. That skin was covered in a white base make-up in order to achieve a zombie-like appearance. \"Q Who\" was first shown on May 5, 1989, in broadcast syndication within the United States. It was watched by 10.3 million viewers, making it the most watched episode since \"The Royale\" four episodes earlier in", "id": "9207386" }, { "contents": "Beard oil\n\n\n. Hydration around this area helps prevent flaking, dandruff and skin dryness. Some brands of beard oil may contain added vitamins or nutrients such as vitamin E. This moisturization prevents general itchiness and irritation of the skin below the beard. Beard oil also works below the surface of the skin by working as a grooming tool, making the beard itself more manageable, neat and smooth. Beard oil also improves the way a beard looks by giving it a slight shine. This makes a beard look healthier as well. Beard oil can be", "id": "15877425" }, { "contents": "Michigan Womyn's Music Festival\n\n\nhad never seen so many breasts before, so many bare asses, so much damn skin on such a vast terrain. I decided to make that weekend all about studying my body issues\" and \"I've always used Mich as a place to charge my batteries for the rest of the year, planning my life around being there in August and learning my lessons, both fun and hard.\" Male children age four and under were allowed within the festival. Childcare for girls and boys under five was provided. A summer", "id": "5698181" }, { "contents": "Indian grey hornbill\n\n\nbare skin around the eye is dark in the male, but sometimes pale reddish in females. The female has a more yellowish bill with black on the basal half and on the casque. The juveniles lack the casque, and the bare skin around the eye is dull orange. The species is found mainly on the plains up to about 2000 feet. It is found from the foothills of the Himalayas southwards, bounded to the west by the Indus system and to the east by the Ganges Delta. It may make local movements", "id": "1983663" }, { "contents": "Allergies in cats\n\n\n, similar to allergies in humans. Suspected seasonal allergens include but are not limited to pollen, fleas, and mosquito bites; suspected non-seasonal allergens include but are not limited to plastic materials, food, dust, trees, and grass. After exposure to suspected allergens, symptoms may be immediate or delayed, arising within a few minutes to two hours. Symptoms can include both dermatological and gastrointestinal signs such as itchy skin, hair loss and excessive scratching. In cases of feline atopic dermatitis or atopy in cats, pruritic", "id": "13065362" }, { "contents": "Northern grass mouse\n\n\nThe northern grass mouse, or northern akodont, (\"Necromys urichi\") is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago. The northern grass mouse is a medium-sized species. The fur on the upper parts of the body is a dark chestnut grizzled with black. The underparts are paler, with the hairs having dark bases and yellowish or pale grey tips. There is a bare ring of skin round the eye and there are usually grey", "id": "20396171" }, { "contents": "Pyemotes herfsi\n\n\nPyemotes herfsi, also known as the oak leaf gall mite or itch mite, is an ectoparasitic mite identified in Western Canada in 1923 and subsequently found in India, Asia, and the United States. The mite parasitizes a variety of insect hosts and bites humans, causing red, itchy, and painful wheals (welts). The mites are barely visible, measuring about 0.2-0.8 millimeters; their great reproductive potential, small size, and high capacity for dispersal by wind make them difficult to control or avoid. Newly emerged", "id": "19145068" }, { "contents": "Sweet itch\n\n\na cascade production of histamine and cytokines which make the horse's skin inflamed and itchy. Of these, histamine appears the most important in the initial phase of reaction. Few treatments are fully efficacious once lesions have appeared. The only effective form of treatment is preventitive - i.e. prevent further insect bites - so these techniques will also be discussed here. Treatments generally fall into one of the following categories: 1) Insecticides and Repellents: These may be applied to the horse or its environment. The most commonly used and effective are", "id": "10311001" }, { "contents": "Trombiculidae\n\n\nThey are parasites on many animals. About 30 of the many species in this family, in their larval stage, attach to various animals and feed on skin. This often causes intensely itchy, red bumps in humans. Chiggers attach to the host, pierce the skin, inject enzymes into the bite wound that digest cellular contents, and then suck up the digested tissue through a tube formed by hardened skin cells called a stylostome. They do not burrow into the skin or suck blood, as is commonly assumed. Itching from", "id": "19148770" }, { "contents": "Airedale Terrier\n\n\nfrom eye problems, hip dysplasia and skin infections. Airedales can be affected by hip dysplasia. Like most terriers, they have a propensity towards dermatitis. Skin disorders may go unnoticed in Airedales, because of their hard, dense, wiry coats. Itchy skin may be manifest as acral lick dermatitis (also known as lick granuloma; caused by licking one area excessively) or acute moist dermatitis or \"hot spots\" (an oppressively itchy, inflamed and oozing patch of skin, made worse by intense licking and chewing).", "id": "9858208" }, { "contents": "Hair care\n\n\nmerely be product buildup on the scalp skin. This could result from the common practice of applying conditioner to scalp skin without washing. This would dry upon the scalp skin and flake off, appearing like dandruff and even causing itchiness, but have no health effects whatsoever. There are various reasons for hair loss, most commonly hormonal issues. Fluctuations in hormones will often show in the hair. Not all hair loss is related to what is known as male pattern baldness, women can suffer from baldness just as men do. Formulas", "id": "19772415" }, { "contents": "Joseph Campbell\n\n\n-being. Those are categories of thought. I mean it's as simple as that. So it depends on how much you want to think about it. Whether it's doing you any good. Whether it is putting you in touch with the mystery that's the ground of your own being. If it isn't, well, it's a lie. So half the people in the world are religious people who think that their metaphors are facts. Those are what we call theists. The other half are people", "id": "16490572" }, { "contents": "Slut-shaming\n\n\niTunes. The podcast exists to de-stigmatize discussing sex so that slut-shaming becomes less of an issue, Hutchinson explains in an interview with \"The Huffington Post\": “We want to make people feel more comfortable in their own skin. We just got a message from a girl from New Delhi, India, about how she loves the podcast because it makes her feel like it’s OK to be comfortable with your sexuality and enjoy sex. And that made me so happy.” Activism against slut-shaming", "id": "10661461" }, { "contents": "Evelyn Underhill\n\n\nwho is a Master in the things I care so much about but know so little of as yet: & I understand now something of what your writers mean when they insist on the necessity and value of the personal teacher and the fact that he gives something which the learner cannot get in any other way. It has been like hearing the language of which I barely know the alphabet, spoken perfectly.(Letters) They did not keep up their correspondence in later years. Both suffered debilitating illnesses in the last year of life and", "id": "9464716" }, { "contents": "Re-Imagining\n\n\nIs God wholly transcendent? Or is God partially immanent? . . . It all boils down to the burning question that is the real question if you start from creation literally out of nothing: what do God and the world have to do with each other anyhow? They have been construed as so different that you really must struggle to get them reconnected again.\" Martin (excerpt) \"Spirituality is about what kind of heart you have. It's about whether your heart makes your words and your feet walk together.", "id": "8075597" }, { "contents": "Kena Upanishad\n\n\nasked, \"if so, what is the source of your power\". Agni replied, \"I am able to burn whatever is on earth.\" The Brahman then laid a piece of grass before Agni, and said, \"Burn this, then.\" Agni rushed to the grass and tried his best to burn it. He failed. He turned back and returned to the gods. Agni told the gods, \"I am unable to discover what this wonderful being is\". The gods then nominated god Vayu", "id": "9659031" }, { "contents": "Pseudofolliculitis barbae\n\n\nPseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB) is most common on the face, but it can also happen on other parts of the body where hair is shaved or plucked, especially areas where hair is curly and the skin is sensitive, such as genital shaving (more properly termed \"pseudofolliculitis pubis\" or PFP). After a hair has been shaved, it begins to grow back. Curly hair tends to curl into the skin instead of straight out the follicle, leading to an inflammation reaction. PFB can make the skin look itchy and", "id": "1242943" }, { "contents": "Reunion (advertisement)\n\n\n, meant to prod people in one of the world's largest markets into using Google services. And in that context it can be a bit syrupy. But take a step back for a moment, and try to appreciate what makes this video so powerful that it's already been viewed 1.8 million times.\" \"India Today\" states that \"the new Google ad, titled \"Reunion\", touches the raw nerves that linger dormant under the skin of those who were separated during the heady days of Partition [….", "id": "12068614" }, { "contents": "Matthew Sweeney\n\n\n\" Sweeney's work has been considered \"barely touched by the mainstream of English writing\" and more so by the German writers Kleist, Büchner, Kafka, Grass and Böll, as well as the aforementioned Trakl. According to Poetry International Web, Sweeney would be among the top five most famous Irish poets on the international scene. Sweeney was born at Lifford, County Donegal, in 1952. Growing up in Clonmany, he attended Gormanston College (1965–70). He then read sciences at University College Dublin (1970–72).", "id": "16171758" }, { "contents": "The Itchy & Scratchy Show\n\n\nthat Poochie would be obnoxious because he was so rich, rather than because he was so cool. Poochie would later make brief speaking cameo appearances in \"Treehouse of Horror IX\" and \"Little Big Mom.\" Disgruntled Goat, Uncle Ant, Ku Klux Klam, an anthropomorphic goat, ant and clam, respectively, were characters introduced in a short-lived \"Itchy and Scratchy and Friends\" show. Bart and Lisa find plush toys of them in a gift shop in the \"Itchy and Scratchy Land\" episode.", "id": "7595735" }, { "contents": "Lymantria dispar dispar\n\n\nactive digestive system and cannot feed, but can drink in moisture. The reproductive chance for females lasts about two days, with the pheromone for attracting males being diminished by the third day. Due to the pheromone's potency, most females will mate. The females lay their eggs on trees, shrubs, rocks, vehicles, and plants of many types. She typically lays about 500 eggs. The eggs are covered with a peachy fuzz that can cause serious rashes if touched by bare skin or fur . Many environmental factors", "id": "622994" }, { "contents": "Grievance (song)\n\n\neasy. It tries to make us believe that it's some sort of freedom we have. Of course, it's easy and comfortable if you can do all your shopping via the internet, if you don't need to leave the house to do anything. But, on the other hand, what is going to happen? You lose touch with people. You don't meet new people except on the internet and whatever you do can be traced. They know everything about you; they know what you buy; they", "id": "20735880" }, { "contents": "Lizzo\n\n\nclothes as she talked about her relationships with her body. Inspired by the experience, she wrote \"My Skin\", which she described as \"the thesis statement\" of her forthcoming second album. In an interview with \"Vice\", regarding body image, she said: You can wake up and change many things about your appearance, but the inevitability of waking up in your skin is what unifies us.In September 2014, Lizzo was featured alongside her Chalice bandmates Sophia Eris and Claire de Lune on the song \"", "id": "8998450" }, { "contents": "Prurigo simplex\n\n\nPrurigo simplex is a chronic, itchy, idiopathic skin condition characterized by extremely itchy skin nodules and lesions. Typically, there is no known direct cause of prurigo simplex, but some factors are known to trigger or aggravate it. This condition falls between chronic and acute, sometimes transitioning into a chronic condition. Many people experience a recurrence of the condition after periods of remission. Middle-aged patients are the most prone age group to this condition. The most common prurigo simplex symptoms are skin nodules resembling insect bites that are intensely", "id": "15701506" }, { "contents": "Irritation\n\n\nwarm compresses and use topical corticosteroid creams. Eczema is another cause of chronic irritation and affects millions of individuals. Eczema simply means a dry skin which is itchy. The condition usually starts at an early age and continues throughout life. The major complaint of people who suffer from eczema is an itchy dry skin. Sometimes, the itching will be associated with a skin rash. The affected areas are always dry, scaly, reddish and may ooze sometimes. Eczema cannot be cured, but its symptoms can be controlled. One", "id": "16565672" }, { "contents": "List of Itchy & Scratchy episodes\n\n\nhis head while trying to enter the vehicle, followed by Itchy banging him with a mallet. Scratchy puts his arm around his girlfriend and his hand gets close to Itchy. Annoyed, Itchy pulls Scratchy's arm outside and around the ride vehicle and closes the doors causing Scratchy's arm to be sliced off. Scratchy begins to take photographs on the ride, causing multiple giant missiles to be shot at him as no taking of photography is allowed, destroying his camera and burning off his skin. Itchy safely puts his camera in", "id": "10708044" }, { "contents": "Lick granuloma\n\n\nlick granuloma appears to be psychological, related to stress, anxiety, separation anxiety, boredom, or compulsiveness. Lick granulomas are especially seen in active dogs left alone for long periods of time. One theory is that excessive licking causes endorphin release, which reduces pain and makes the animal feel euphoric temporarily; that effect then causes an addiction to licking. Other triggers include itchy skin, painful conditions caused by trauma to the skin, arthritis, neuralgia, and peripheral neuropathy. A bacterial or fungal infection of the skin can also", "id": "9023071" }, { "contents": "Ariana Miyamoto\n\n\n, Miyamoto won the title of Miss Nagasaki and represented her prefecture at the Miss Universe Japan contest. Miyamoto was the only mixed race girl in her class while growing up in Sasebo, Nagasaki. Miyamoto recalled, \"Whenever the teacher told us to hold hands, other children thought my black skin would rub off on them, so they said, 'Don't touch me'\". Some of her classmates in Sasebo, Nagasaki would say things like, \"Don't swim in the same pool 'cause your skin will rub", "id": "9104397" }, { "contents": "Your Touch\n\n\nand walk away to a diner, where small bits of diegetic dialogue between members of the band's ghosts interrupts the music (\"So what do you think about being dead?\" \"...I don't know, my neck hurts.\" \"At least I died doing what I love. Lip-syncing. I love that shit\"). The boy is then shown going around showing people the egg. One of the characters shown the egg is played by regional actress, Jovana Batkovic. Jovana Batkovic would later", "id": "15983416" }, { "contents": "Sarcoptes scabiei\n\n\nscabies is caused by \"Sarcoptes scabiei\"; this discovery of the itch mite in 1687 marked scabies as the first disease of humans with a known microscopic causative agent. The disease produces intense, itchy skin rashes when the impregnated female tunnels into the stratum corneum of the skin and deposits eggs in the burrow. The larvae, which hatch in three to 10 days, move about on the skin, moult into a nymphal stage, and then mature into adult mites. The adult mites live three to four weeks in the host", "id": "19046706" }, { "contents": "Charles H. Houghton\n\n\nhe had more than a touch of romance about him as he lay white-faced and calm, prepared for what the day might bring. Lincoln stooped, put a hand lightly on Houghton's forehead, bent lower and kissed his boy on the cheek. The surgeon demurred to Lincoln's request to see the amputated leg. The sight might be too shocking, he suggested to the President, who insisted, so the covers were thrown back. The President saw the bare, mutilated stump. He bent down low and shook", "id": "14687061" }, { "contents": "Lazarus (Travie McCoy album)\n\n\n\"not caring about what people think and just ignoring your insecurities.\" McCoy was given the idea for \"The Manual\" after reading music blogs that were critical of his music. He explained \"It's so easy to get online and lose all your inhibitions and complain and nag about what's wrong with music. But if you're going to do that, offer some way to change things. Or make music. A lot of the people aren't even artists. The title of 'The Manual' is asking", "id": "314160" }, { "contents": "Animal allergy\n\n\nIn medicine, animal allergy is hypersensitivity to certain substances produced by animals, such as the proteins in animal hair and saliva. It is a common type of allergy. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to animals may include itchy skin, nasal congestion, itchy nose, sneezing, chronic sore throat or itchy throat, swollen, red, itchy, and watery eyes, coughing, asthma, or rash on the face or chest. Allergies are caused by an oversensitive immune system, leading to a misdirected immune response. The immune system", "id": "8354187" }, { "contents": "History of Carmona, Spain\n\n\nSedia]: it is surmounted by a defensive tower and dominates the exterior above a green meadow, the grass of which never withers. Along this wall runs a very deep pit, dating from antiquity and which joins the embankment wall. A large steep rock is seen in one place on the route of the south wall; here was built a wall so high that you can barely raise your eyes to the summit: the wall is constructed above the rock, between it and the edge of the rock is enough space for", "id": "9485431" }, { "contents": "Pierre-Alexis Dumas\n\n\nMy concern in life is, what does quality mean and how do you achieve it?\" - On the meaning of \"luxury\" \"We must know the past but live in the present and look to the future…. Some items last 100 years, while others do not survive two years.\" \"It's not really about the stitch. It's about being aware of the sense of touch, being able to stitch with your eyes closed, being able to represent yourself and the object you're making in", "id": "15852590" }, { "contents": "Sensation (psychology)\n\n\nSensation is an animal's, including humans', detection of external or internal stimulation (e.g., eyes detecting light waves, ears detecting sound waves). It is different from perception, which is about making sense of, or describing, the stimulation (e.g., seeing a chair, hearing a guitar). Sensation involves three steps: For example, when touched by a soft feather, mechanoreceptors – which are sensory receptors in the skin – register that the skin has been touched. That sensory information is then turned into", "id": "13094851" }, { "contents": "Agnes Blannbekin\n\n\nbegan to think about the foreskin of Christ, where it may be located [after the Resurrection]. And behold, soon she felt with the greatest sweetness on her tongue a little piece of skin alike the skin in an egg, which she swallowed. After she had swallowed it, she again felt the little skin on her tongue with sweetness as before, and again she swallowed it. And this happened to her about a hundred times. And when she felt it so frequently, she was tempted to touch it with", "id": "3339601" }, { "contents": "Brachioradial pruritus\n\n\nwhat causes it. No cure has been found, but good control with near 100% relief can be achieved. The intense itch/scratch cycle can be broken by applying a topical skin coolant gel like Biofreeze (or a substance containing menthol, camphor or other topical coolant) to affected itchy areas, and then consistently applying 100+SPF sunscreen to affected skin of arms, shoulders, neck, etc., whenever they are expected to be exposed to the sun. When combined, these treatments can bring almost full relief. Many", "id": "2780903" }, { "contents": "Pruritus ani\n\n\ntags (abnormal local growth of anal skin). Aside from diseases relative to the condition, a common view suggests that the initial cause of the itch may have passed, and that the illness is in fact prolonged by what is known as an itch-scratch-itch cycle. It states that scratching the itch encourages the release of inflammatory chemicals, which worsen redness, intensifies itchiness and increases the area covered by dry skin, thereby causing a snowball effect. Some authorities describe “psychogenic pruritus” or \"functional itch disorder", "id": "4677165" }, { "contents": "List of Itchy & Scratchy episodes\n\n\nthe Scratchy head below the rim of the basket with its mouth open to conform to the rim. Another Itchy dribbles down the court and removes the skin of the basketball to reveal a lit bomb which he slam dunks into the Scratchy head. The bomb falls through the neck opening of the headless Scratchy and explodes, sending body parts scattering. The Itchy mice cheer. As another Scratchy (cat) watches in disgust, an Itchy decapitates him and, with the help of a teammate, lifts him and pours his blood over", "id": "10708013" }, { "contents": "Princess Alice of the United Kingdom\n\n\ntalk of these things. Your letters are so dear and kind – but so empty and bare – I feel myself through them that I have less to say to you than any other person. Rain – fine weather – things that have happened – that is all I ever have to tell you about – so utterly cut off is my \"real self\", my innermost life, from yours...I have tried again and again to talk to you about more serious things, when I felt the need to do so –", "id": "12574310" }, { "contents": "Lampshades made from human skin\n\n\nAugust Kreis III was ejected from the set of \"The Jerry Springer Show\" after telling the host \"Your relatives – weren't they all turned into soap or lampshades?... I've got your mom in the trunk of my car\". The song \"Skinned\" from the 1995 Blind Melon album \"Soup\" is about Ed Gein and contains the lyrics \"I'll make a lampshade of durable skin.\" A human lampshade appears in Ken Russell's 2007 short satire \"A Kitten for Hitler\". In the", "id": "5668883" }, { "contents": "Under Your Skin (album)\n\n\nUnder Your Skin is the seventh studio album by American rock band Saliva. It is the final album to feature singer Josey Scott, who left the band in 2012. It was released on March 22, 2011. Prior to release, the album had been titled both \"Take That Society\" and \"Skin Deep\". In September 2009, Scott said the album was \"coming along nicely\". So far, he had written about nine songs and the rest of the band - which at the time of the interview", "id": "9592622" }, { "contents": "In Public\n\n\n.\" \"Pitchfork\" reviewer Scott Plagenhoef felt that the song is \"possibly the low-point of what is often a transparent Beyoncé-aping full-length (starting with the cover art, which bares a striking resemblance to that of the \"Crazy in Love\" single).\" Ernest Hardy of \"Rolling Stone\" commented that on \"In Public\", Kelis sounds like \"Donna Summer with an action plan ('I'll make your toes curl up and make your body scream/Come take a walk", "id": "10034523" }, { "contents": "Fort Ellsworth\n\n\nthe muddy soil within the last few months, and will require still a year or two to make them verdant) we had a beautiful view of the Potomac, a truly majestic river, and the surrounding country. The fortifications, so numerous in all this region, and now so unsightly with their bare, precipitous sides will remain as historic monuments, grass-grown and picturesque memorials of an epoch of terror and suffering: they will serve to make our country dearer and more interesting to us, and afford fit soil for", "id": "15410757" }, { "contents": "The Resurrection (Piero della Francesca)\n\n\ntrees on the right and the bare mature ones on the left alludes to the renovation of men through the Resurrection's light. Andrew Graham-Dixon notes that apart from the wound, Christ's \"body is as perfectly sculpted and as blemish-free as that of an antique statue. But there are touches of intense humanity about him too: the unidealised, almost coarse-featured face; and those three folds of skin that wrinkle at his belly as he raises his left leg. Piero emphasises his twofold nature, as", "id": "15807768" }, { "contents": "I Eat Your Skin\n\n\n\"Compared to the mean-spirited \"I Drink Your Blood\", Tenney's co-feature is downright enjoyable\" with zombies that \"provide a few genuine shudders, and so fulfill the first rule of zombie cinema - that dead people should be scary.\" But he finds little good to say about the film's technical aspects. He calls the jazz score \"intrusive and quite often inappropriate,\" says the movie is \"flatly photographed and poorly lit\" and opines that \"I Eat Your Skin\" \"plays", "id": "4497186" }, { "contents": "Theories of the Black Death\n\n\nshows up as a boil-like skin lesion that eventually forms an ulcer with a black center (eschar), often beginning as an irritating and itchy skin lesion or blister that is dark and usually concentrated as a black dot. Cutaneous infections generally form within the site of spore penetration between two and five days after exposure. Without treatment about 20% of cutaneous skin infection cases progress to toxemia and death. Respiratory infection in humans initially presents with cold or flu-like symptoms for several days, followed by severe (and", "id": "4845647" }, { "contents": "Bristled grassbird\n\n\nstiff rictal bristles arise and face forward. The bare skin is flexible and it is thought that the bristles provide protection to the eye as the bird scampers between the dense and rough grass by folding back and forming a kind of cage or visor over the eye . The feathers on the breast are stiff and in some individuals the tips are dark giving it a necklaced appearance. The sexes are similar in plumage. The habitat in which the species occurs is tall grass-covered marshlands. The distribution range is mainly in the northern", "id": "22016498" }, { "contents": "Princess Bee\n\n\nmusic web portals like iTunes, Amazon, Google Music, Facebook and Last.FM. \"Touch my skin\" is a dance song, aiming to put the message across of how today’s society gives in to the promotion of false values. \"Touch my skin\" video has been filmed in modern London where she plays as a vampire carefully selecting her victims and making them slaves for her privileged circle. The story is an allegory about the corrupt part of society that refers to false values such as luxury, aesthetics and", "id": "1133577" }, { "contents": "Kris Kobach\n\n\nsix months and I can tell you stories that will make your skin crawl.\" A spokesperson confirmed Kobach had spoken to President Trump about the announcement of his candidacy on July 4th. \"I don’t talk about what the president and I say in our communications, but let me just say he was very encouraging when we spoke a few days ago.\" Kobach was credited with introducing the controversial tactic of adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census questionnaires, but it was thought his advocacy may have led to the Supreme", "id": "2573971" }, { "contents": "College admissions in the United States\n\n\nyour friends\" since they have different needs and wants. \"One of the worst ways to make a decision about where to go to college is to follow a friend because he or she is having a good time at that school,\" wrote one advisor. Since \"barely half\" of students entering college as first-year students ever graduate from college later in their lives, getting the right fit is important for parents and students to avoid wasting money. What is a good fit: A private admissions counselor elaborates:", "id": "14082348" }, { "contents": "James Hillman\n\n\nthe moment it's been interpreted, and you don't need your dreams any more because they've been interpreted.One would inquire more about the snake as it is presented in the dream by the psyche so to draw it forth from its lair in the unconscious. The snake is huge and black, but what else? Is it molting or shedding its skin? Is it sunning itself on a rock? Is it digesting its prey? This descriptive strategy keeps the image alive, in Hillman's opinion, and offers the", "id": "16925911" }, { "contents": "Onchocerciasis\n\n\nthe inflammation subsides. However, if the infection is chronic, sclerosing keratitis can occur, making the affected area become opaque. Over time, the entire cornea may become opaque, thus leading to blindness. Some evidence suggests the effect on the cornea is caused by an immune response to bacteria present in the worms. The infected person's skin is itchy, with severe rashes permanently damaging patches of skin. The Mazzotti reaction, first described in 1948, is a symptom complex seen in patients after undergoing treatment of onchocerciasis with the", "id": "1927050" }, { "contents": "Christian naturism\n\n\nmore durable and protective garments from animal skins to replace the fig leaves before sending them out among the thorns. There are other references to nudity in the Bible, such as: ' and ' Then Jesus said to his disciples: \"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?\" Gospel of Thomas Although no major Christian group accepts", "id": "3969676" }, { "contents": "The Winding Path\n\n\na breath of wind rustles the tree leaves. Sense the fragrance of nature, the pungent earth, even the taste of safety. Lastly, touch the soft grass where you sit (\"The Touch of Love\"). A section of the hedge catches your attention and rising from where you are seated, you go to explore. To your surprise the hedge conceals a wall in which there is a very old wooden gate... partially concealed by ivy and with a brick arch above it. With a gentle push, the", "id": "16646957" }, { "contents": "Miliaria\n\n\nMiliaria, also called \"sweat rash\", is a skin disease marked by small and itchy rashes due to sweat trapped under the skin by clogged sweat gland ducts. Miliaria is a common ailment in hot and humid conditions, such as in the tropics and during the summer season. Although it affects people of all ages, it is especially common in children and infants due to their underdeveloped sweat glands. Symptoms of miliaria include small red rashes, called papules, which are irritated and itchy. These may simultaneously occur at a", "id": "21320055" }, { "contents": "God Help the Child\n\n\na little dignity?\" This is what makes it so difficult to judge Sweetness’s choices. She should know better, but it is painfully clear her choices have been shaped by the realities of being black in a white world – a world where the lighter your skin, the higher you might climb. Morrison and her publishers announced they were publishing the book in December 2014, causing Gawker to jokingly proclaim it the best novel of 2015 based on the synopsis and Morrison's previous work alone. The novel was listed by publications", "id": "15865778" }, { "contents": "Airbrush makeup\n\n\nbe stenciled or created by freehand. Airbrush makeup is characterized by its unique 'globular' application technique. The makeup is dispersed as an extremely fine mist through the airbrush gun. Millions of tiny little dots are created on the skin and when connected and layered together, create somewhat of a net over the entire face. This makes airbrush makeup to be a thin, light layer on the skin that is barely noticeable to the wearer. Certain formulas wear better than others and it is important to choose carefully when deciding what mixture", "id": "8762733" }, { "contents": "Without Remorse\n\n\n, Clancy said: \"The central question in this book is: What is justice? And how is justice applied? What if you're in the situation where a great wrong has been done and the law does not respond to it? Now, is your duty as a citizen just to forget about it and permit society as a whole to make that mistake? Or is your duty as a citizen to become the instrument of justice, if you can do so in a controlled and structured and just way? Do you", "id": "8790761" }, { "contents": "Breathe You In\n\n\nIn\" is a pop ballad. Vocally, the song follows the typical ballad style of Monrose. The song contains acoustic guitar, strings and piano. About the song, Monrose stated \"We knew from the beginning that \"Breathe You In\" has to be on our album! The text affects! The song makes your skin crawl – and our fans love it!\" gave the song a positive review, stating that \"In the ballad, the girls show what they have vocal within.\" stated that", "id": "8052967" } ]
What happens to your account on sites like Facebook, reddit, twitter, youtube, linkedIn when you die?
[{"answer": "I believe Facebook has a reporting option to report deaths. If a family member provides the proper documents they can turn it into a memorial type page. (Or maybe I just dreamed that.)"}, {"answer": "nothing, i know a few people who have died, and i could still send them facebook messages"}, {"answer": " URL_0 Here is a collection of dead people's social media profiles. I don't know why they're being collected."}, {"answer": "I have a friend that died a few years ago that I'm still friends with on Facebook. His page was originally full of kind words of people that knew him, but now it's a mashup of random spam and the occasional \"I miss you\" post."}, {"answer": "Google has already created a solution for this If you go the settings-account manager , you can actually choose a will. What it does is , after a specific amount of inactivity on your account - say 6 months it will mail all your passwords and account details to a email address specified in the will.u can google it :)"}, {"answer": "If you want to say goodbye using social media and possibly creep people out, check out [DeadSocial]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "at least with twitter, if you leave it unattended for long enough it gets hacked and turned in to a spam account."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "27038201", "title": "Death and the Internet", "section": "Section::::By website.:Twitter.:Controversies.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 31, "end_paragraph_id": 31, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Various media reported awkward incidents related to automatic posting and account hacking", "usernames to new owners after a certain period of inactivity. In 2013, Variety ran a feature about Cory Monteiths Twitter account that had 1.5 million followers at the moment on his death and gained almost 1 million new followers afterwards. Monteiths fans also launched #DontDeleteCorysTwitter campaign. As of January 2019, celebritys account had 1.64 million followers. Various media reported awkward incidents related to automatic posting and account hacking. iCloud and iTunes accounts are non transferable since the content is not owned - users have a licence to"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Social media optimization\n\n\nthe recommendations of users of social networks such as Reddit, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and Google+ to rank pages in the search engine result pages. The implication is that when a webpage is shared or \"liked\" by a user on a social network, it counts as a \"vote\" for that webpage's quality. Thus, search engines can use such votes accordingly to properly ranked websites in search engine results pages. Furthermore, since it is more difficult to top the scales", "id": "17285021" }, { "contents": "The Audience Engine\n\n\nto start thinking about online platforms that don’t effectively abandon discussion and networking to Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, or LinkedIn, and the rest of the usual suspects,\" said Matthew Lasar at \"Radio Survivor\". \"[O]nce your listeners and/or website readers are off to Twitter/Facebook-land, they’re all but gone. They’re not commenting on your podcast or stream or blog post in your house. They’re far far away, helping Mark Zuckerberg bring in that advertisement and audience data cash.\"", "id": "14341402" }, { "contents": "Investment in social media\n\n\nSocial Media consists of a myriad of means in which the interactions among people using web-based tools and platforms creates online virtual communities centred on user input and the sharing of information. Social media features anything from content-sharing to collaboration, and can take the form of platforms such as microblogging, forums, bookmarking sites, social networks and wikis. Prominent examples of social media include websites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Reddit. Social media is not only used for personal uses but is now playing a", "id": "2676509" }, { "contents": "\n\n\nimport their posts from Twitter and the defunct microblogging service is specifically designed to be a \"POSSE\" based publishing model - this is an acronym for \"Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere.\" This publishing model involves the end user posting content to their own domain name based site first, then using web standards to syndicate to multiple other social networks and platforms. Currently supports syndication to Facebook Pages, as well as to Twitter, Facebook, Medium, LinkedIn, and Mastodon accounts.", "id": "8662197" }, { "contents": "Klout\n\n\npoints from Twitter, such as the following count, follower count, retweets, list memberships, how many spam/dead accounts were following you, how influential the people who retweet you were and unique mentions. This information was combined with data from a number of other social network followings and interactions to come up with the Klout Score. The social networks that influenced a user's Klout Score were Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn (individuals pages not corporate/business), as YouTube, Instagram and Klout itself, as", "id": "4568951" }, { "contents": "Social media\n\n\nan entire city. Some of the most popular social media websites, with over 100 million registered users, include Facebook (and its associated Facebook Messenger), YouTube, WeChat, Instagram, QQ, QZone, Weibo, Twitter, Tumblr, Telegram, Reddit, Baidu Tieba, LinkedIn, LINE, Snapchat, Pinterest, Viber, MeWe, and VK. Observers have noted a range of positive and negative impacts of social media use. Social media can help to improve an individual's sense of connectedness with real or online communities", "id": "12596371" }, { "contents": "Good Game (TV program)\n\n\nwith their fans on Reddit. The show is heavily involved with the internet – Bajo said \"we're pretty much on the internet all the time, whether it being on our phones or on our consoles, or tablets or on our PC\", and Hex added \"we're both heavily involved in social media\". \"Good Game\" has overflow extending to the show's website, a Facebook account, a Twitter account, a YouTube account, forums and more. The show is active on Facebook, Twitter and", "id": "16808822" }, { "contents": "Christchurch mosque shootings\n\n\nand the attacks. Social media sites including Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, and Twitter said they were working diligently to remove the video from their platforms and would also remove anything posted in support of the attacks. According to Facebook, no complaints were made about the video until 12 minutes after the live-stream ended; the original video from the attacker himself had been viewed fewer than 200 times before Facebook was notified of its content, and it had been viewed only 4,000 times before it was removed, which happened within minutes", "id": "6656099" }, { "contents": "StockTwits\n\n\nhave the ability to share content to their personal Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook accounts. As of 2012 StockTwits has an open API allowing other sites such as TradingView, LikeAssets and HootSuite to integrate their users with StockTwits. Twitter incorporated the cashtags into their platform in 2012 effectively \"hijacking\" the StockTwits idea. In response to this announcement, Lindzon blogged that \"It's interesting that Twitter has hijacked our creation of $TICKER i.e. $AAPL\". He went on to note that \"You can hijack a plane but it does", "id": "4053397" }, { "contents": "Social media use in politics\n\n\nSocial media use in politics refers to the use of online social media platforms in political processes and activities. Social media platforms encompass websites such as Facebook, YouTube, WeChat, Instagram, QQ, QZone, Weibo, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, Baidu Tieba, LinkedIn, LINE, Snapchat, Pinterest, Viber, and VK. Political processes and activities include all activities that pertain to the governance of a country or area. This includes political organization, global politics, political corruption, political parties, and political values. The", "id": "13528389" }, { "contents": "Stop Online Piracy Act\n\n\ninadequate. Representative Jared Polis (D-CO) has been known to lobby against SOPA in the game \"League of Legends\", also making a post in the official game message boards. Opponents include Google, Yahoo!, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, AOL, LinkedIn, eBay, Mozilla Corporation, Mojang, Riot Games, Epic Games, Reddit, Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Foundation, in addition to human rights organizations such as Reporters Without Borders, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the ACLU, and Human", "id": "3410396" }, { "contents": "Hootsuite\n\n\nHootsuite is a social media management platform, created by Ryan Holmes in 2008. The system's user interface takes the form of a dashboard, and supports social network integrations for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube. Additional integrations are available via Hootsuite's App Directory, including Reddit, Storify, Tumblr, and Marketo. Based in Vancouver, Hootsuite has close to 1,000 staff members in 13 locations, including Toronto, Bucharest and Mexico City. The company has more than 15 million users in over 175 countries", "id": "719601" }, { "contents": "YouTube API\n\n\nwebsite. These are the usual social network integrated API's that we regularly come across such as the Facebook like button or the Twitter follow button. YouTube widget API's include: The Data and Analytics APIs section briefly describes APIs that let your application access features and data normally available on the YouTube website. YouTube API V3 The YouTube Data API (v3) lets you incorporate YouTube functionality into your own application. You can use the API to fetch search results and to retrieve, insert, update, and delete resources like videos", "id": "14311193" }, { "contents": "Socialbakers\n\n\nSocialbakers Marketing Suite consists of several social media management tools, including Analytics, for \"competitive insights\" and benchmarking; Builder, an enterprise publishing tool; Ads, which optimizes and manages ads on Facebook and Twitter; Listening, which helps brands follow the conversations happening around their brand; and Professional Services, Socialbakers' consulting wing. Socialbakers Analytics generates marketing information by monitoring social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, VK, Pinterest, and YouTube (with added reports for Instagram). The software offers performance indicators to", "id": "4542039" }, { "contents": "Britain First\n\n\nin all forms.\" Three weeks later, on 18 December, Twitter suspended the accounts of Golding, Fransen and Britain First. They later joined and ask all their followers to go to the Gab social networking service created as an alternative to social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. During a January 2018 interview with Piers Morgan for \"Good Morning Britain\", Trump said he was not familiar with Britain First when he retweeted them, saying, \"If you are telling me they’re horrible people, horrible, racist", "id": "20437015" }, { "contents": "Click farm\n\n\nInc. companies, Google and YouTube, \"take action against bad actors that seek to game our systems.\" LinkedIn spokesman Doug Madey said buying connections \"dilutes the member experience violates their user agreement and can also prompt account closures.\" Chief executive and founder of Instagram, Kevin Systrom reports \"We've been deactivating spammy accounts from Instagram on an ongoing basis to improve your experience.\" Facebook's purging of fake likes and accounts occurred from August to September 2012. According to Facebook's 2014 financial report to the Securities and", "id": "7236077" }, { "contents": "Fundly\n\n\nFundly is a crowdfunding site for online fundraising. It allows non-profits, charities, politics, clubs, schools, teams, churches, and other causes to raise money online from friends, family, colleagues, donors, and other supporters via email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, and social media networks. It is also an app for social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn. It uses WePay to process donations. Donors are charged when they make a donation. The CEO of the company is Dennis Hu.", "id": "14323109" }, { "contents": "Dark social media\n\n\nto be knowledgeable within their groups, giving them street cred. Email and IM are the common sources of dark social sharing but Facebook may actually be the part of the cause of the increase in dark social-through their chatting and messaging services. Other sources of Dark Social are Reddit, StumbleUpon, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn and Google+, WhatsApp, Viber, Kwik, Firechat,OM and Livetext. There is some evidence by Pew research that age accounts for who is sharing darkly and those sharing by means that can be", "id": "16334417" }, { "contents": "Online identity management\n\n\nof these profiles are used as logins to protect the true identity of online authors. The entity's presence could be reflected in any kind of content that refers to the person, including news, participation in blogs and forums, personal web sites, social media presence, pictures, video, etc. Because of that, online identity management often involves participation in social media sites like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Flickr, YouTube, Twitter,, Myspace, Quora, Tumblr, Pinterest and other online communities and community websites", "id": "1538867" }, { "contents": "Inq Mobile\n\n\n\"evolve with you\", learning what you like and recognising when your interests change The mobile launcher, SO.HO was launched by Inq for Android devices in 2013 The interface was designed by Chris Kelly. SO.HO allows the user to have Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds on their homescreen, additionally the homescreen app allows for tweets, status updates, likes and comments to be made through the launcher. The launcher provides the user a full screen version of their respective Twitter, Instagram and Facebook networks after they unlock their phone, in", "id": "7444589" }, { "contents": "Internet branding\n\n\nbranding also involves social media interaction and integration. Display and content networks used with repetition are one method of integrating a brand with social media. Behavioral targeting, re-messaging, and site-specific targeting are used as a way to keep a brand in front of a target audience. Branding through social media involves sharing knowledge about the brand and continuously interacting with customers. Using sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube to share knowledge about a brand is a popular form of online branding through social media. Strengthen", "id": "22143245" }, { "contents": "GCTools\n\n\nGCTools Team, which also manages GCpedia and GCcollab. The team works under the Office of the Chief Information Officer of Canada in the Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada. GCconnex was established in January, 2009, with the objective of offering a variety of social media functions to federal employees within the Government of Canada. GCconnex offers many features that emulate those of external social networking and collaboration sites, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google Drive, Flickr, Reddit, and Messenger. For instance: GCpedia is a legacy GCTools", "id": "14944582" }, { "contents": "Stop Online Piracy Act\n\n\nLeague Gaming, Boing Boing, BoardGameGeek, xkcd, SMBC and The Oatmeal. Wider protests were considered and in some cases committed to by major internet sites, with high-profile bodies such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Amazon, AOL, Reddit, Mozilla, LinkedIn, IAC, eBay, PayPal, WordPress and Wikimedia being widely named as \"considering\" or committed to an \"unprecedented\" internet blackout on January 18, 2012. On January 17 a Republican aide on Capitol Hill said that the protests were", "id": "3410413" }, { "contents": "Digital media in education\n\n\nand receive comments and opinions. Reddit, youtube, vimeo, pages like these allow public display of anyone’s ideas and work. This feedback also gives students perception on how there work will be received in the real world. Students looking for work or internships to strengthen their resumé also will find opportunity online through sites such as linkedin. Linkedin is a social networking site that allows one to network and to build their professional portfolio. It also enables anyone to search for work opportunity. The use of digital media in education allows", "id": "10748664" }, { "contents": "Center for Intercultural Dialogue\n\n\nto Asia. Due to the efforts of Minh Cao, then Assistant to the Director of the CID, a social media presence was established by 2014, and by 2016 there were thousands of followers in one platform or another. This includes a YouTube channel, a Facebook group, a LinkedIn group, as well as Twitter. In 2018, the first CID Video Competition was established, asking students to prepare short videotapes answering the question \"What does intercultural dialogue look like?\" Jinsuk Kim of Temple University won first prize.", "id": "14839107" }, { "contents": "GCTools\n\n\nWeb 2.0 and social media functions. GCcollab offers many features that emulate those of external social networking and collaboration sites, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google Docs, Flickr and Reddit. For instance: GCconnex is a legacy GCTools platform, designed as the Government of Canada's internal collaboration and professional networking platform. GCconnex enables public servants to connect, collaborate and share information more efficiently. Users can also use the tool to update their professional profiles with their work experience, interests and skills. GCconnex is managed by the", "id": "14944581" }, { "contents": "Social data revolution\n\n\napproach to identity. Craigslist leverages the power of anonymity, while leverages the power of persistent identity, based on the history of the customer with the firm. The job market is even being shaped by the information people share about themselves on sites like LinkedIn and Facebook. Examples of more sophisticated social data sites are Twitter and Facebook. On Twitter, sending a message or tweet is as simple as sending an SMS text message. Twitter made this C2W, customer to the world: Any tweet a user sends can potentially be", "id": "7314448" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Facebook\n\n\nprogram which shared Facebook account information with affiliated sites, such as sharing a user's list of \"liked\" bands with a music website, so that when the user visits the site, their preferred music plays automatically. The EFF noted that \"For users that have not opted out, Instant Personalization is instant data leakage. As soon as you visit the sites in the pilot program (Yelp, Pandora, and Microsoft Docs) the sites can access your name, your picture, your gender, your current location, your", "id": "21923809" }, { "contents": "Media ecology\n\n\ntogether. The sites analyzed were Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, and an open publishing website. What he found is that each site is used differently for social media activism. While this kind of activism was originally looked at as a way to promote causes and encourage long term focus on the issues, Poell found that sites like Twitter and Facebook tend to do the opposite. Posts center around photographs and videos of action during protests and rallies, not on the issues that are being protested. This would be an example", "id": "218726" }, { "contents": "Referral economy\n\n\n% on existing regular advertising. The top influential sites are: Facebook (30.8%), YouTube (27%), LinkedIn (27%), Google+ (20%), Pinterest (12%), and Twitter (8%). Travel sites. An example is TripAdvisor, a portal whose original idea, according to its founder Stephen Kaufer, was to focus on opinions of reliable sources such as travel guides and magazines. However, the page had an option for users to add his own comment referring", "id": "1889572" }, { "contents": "React (media franchise)\n\n\nincluding Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and the comment section of their YouTube announcement video. On Facebook the Fines wrote, \"We do not own the idea or copyright for reaction videos overall, nor did we ever say we did. You don’t need anyone’s permission to make these kinds of videos, and we’re not coming after anyone,\" adding \"We are in no way claiming reaction content in general is our intellectual property. This is purely a voluntary program for people wanting direct support from us, and", "id": "19294351" }, { "contents": "Rantic\n\n\nto include musicians, teens, celebrities, politicians and governments, according to a \"New York Times\" and Forbes report. The website sells \"fake account\" services for social networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook, a potential violation of these sites' terms of service. In April 2015, a Facebook engineer said the site's effort to crack down on the \"small problem\", coupled with an effort to help pages gain authentic followers instead, had shut down most of the fake \"like", "id": "20929312" }, { "contents": "Society for Scholarly Publishing\n\n\nLinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. SSP maintains an RSS newsfeed as well. The LinkedIn Group is open to the public upon approval and has more than 8600 followers. The Scholarly Kitchen (TSK or \"the Kitchen\") is a blog published by the SSP. Contributors include senior professionals in scholarly communications. Topics cover journals, textbooks, open access, metrics, and research libraries. The blog was founded in 2008 by Kent Anderson, who served as the editor-in-chief until 2013 when he became", "id": "21069900" }, { "contents": "Social media and suicide\n\n\nsuch as Momo, The Blue Whale Challenge, and others that trick the individuals into committing suicide after performing various acts. Social media platforms, such as chat rooms, blogging Web sites (e.g., Tumblr, Reddit), video sites (e.g., YouTube), social networking sites (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Google+), as well as e-mail, text messaging, and video chat, have transformed traditional methods of communication by allowing the instantaneous and interactive sharing of information created and controlled by individuals", "id": "274104" }, { "contents": "H-Net\n\n\naccounts specific to their fields of study. A selection of the individual networks also maintains social media accounts, the majority of these are involved with Twitter, however, a few have created Facebook pages. All Social Media Accounts Facebook: H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online, Main Twitter: @HNet_Humanities, H-Net Book Channel Twitter: @HNetBookChannel , H-Net Reviews Twitter: @HNet_Reviews, H-Net Job Guide Twitter: @HNetJobGuide, LinkedIn: H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences", "id": "979889" }, { "contents": "Socialbakers\n\n\nSocialbakers is a global AI-powered social media marketing company offering a marketing software-as-a-service platform called the Socialbakers Suite. It is used by brands like McDonalds, L'Oreal and Desigual for social media marketing on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+, VK, and Pinterest. Socialbakers was established as Facebakers on October 13, 2008 by Jan Rezab, Jiri Voves, Lukas Maixner, Martin Homolka. In July 2010, Socialbakers launched the FanPage Analyzer that gave users information about issues their Facebook", "id": "4542031" }, { "contents": "Social media marketing\n\n\nbut now you can view a famous athlete's, such as Cristiano Ronaldo, latest apparel online with the click of a button. He advertises them to you directly through his Twitter, Instagram, and FaceBook accounts. Facebook and LinkedIn are leading social media platforms where users can hyper-target their ads. Hypertargeting not only uses public profile information but also information users submit but hide from others. There are several examples of firms initiating some form of online dialog with the public to foster relations with customers. According to Constantinides,", "id": "4918572" }, { "contents": "Brave New Films\n\n\nparallel with the social media explosion on the Internet. New sites like YouTube, Facebook and Hulu had profound impact on their evolving production and distribution models. BNF started a YouTube channel which they populated with hundreds of short viral videos about a variety of progressive issues, including criticism of Fox News; military policy on LGBT servicemen and women; \"Power Without Petroleum\"; and much more. At the same time, BNF was developing their multimedia approach to include blogs, websites, petitions, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts with millions", "id": "20088251" }, { "contents": "\n\n\ is a personal web hosting service co-founded by Ryan Freitas, Tony Conrad and Tim Young in October 2009. The site offers registered users a simple platform from which to link multiple online identities, relevant external sites, and popular social networking websites such as Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, Tumblr, and YouTube. It is characterized by its one-page user profiles, each with a large, often-artistic background image and abbreviated biography. On December 20, 2010, just four", "id": "16186557" }, { "contents": "Arabic media\n\n\nlike Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia and Youtube are cited to be in the hundreds of millions, with the most politically active clusters of these sites being located in Syria, Kuwait and the Levant. The most used sites globally among Arabs are Youtube and Wikipedia, though Facebook and Twitter are not far behind. Al Jazeera, which was created in 1996, is an Arab state-funded broadcasting agency that continues to be the most-watched organization in the Arab world. As of 2017, it has 80 international bureaus, and", "id": "2941464" }, { "contents": "Paul Golding\n\n\nto appear at Ballymena Magistrates' Court on 15 November. On 29 November 2017, US president Donald Trump retweeted three anti-Muslim videos shared by Jayda Fransen on her Twitter account supporting her views. Three weeks later, on 18 December, Twitter suspended the accounts of Golding, Fransen and Britain First for inciting racial hatred. They later joined and asked their followers to go to the Gab social networking service created as an alternative to social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. UK general elections European Parliament elections London mayoral election", "id": "22095204" }, { "contents": "BK Chicken Fries\n\n\nFollowing Chicken Fries' discontinuation, there was a call for the product's reinstatement from fans of the product on forums such as Reddit; Business Insider noted that they are one of the 17 most requested fast products that people would like to see returned to menus. Fans of the product also established several social media accounts dedicated to Chicken Fries' return on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. Additionally, a petition was created that called on Burger King to reinstate the product to its menu. Perez Hilton's web site declared", "id": "8396883" }, { "contents": "People of Walmart\n\n\nPeople of Walmart FAQ states that if a user finds that he or she is unwillingly shown in a picture, \"Simply email us and we will take it down, no problem. If you like your photo but hate the caption or comment send us an email and we can remove it.\" People of Walmart has a Facebook and Twitter account. There are also newly introduced iPhone and Android applications that allow pictures to be uploaded to the site from a mobile device. In 2017, they announced the launch of a People", "id": "9144892" }, { "contents": "Web 2.0\n\n\nof Web 2.0 from the perspective of political economy. Since, as Tim O'Reilly and John Batelle put it, Web 2.0 is based on the \"customers... building your business for you,\" critics have argued that sites such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are exploiting the \"free labor\" of user-created content. Web 2.0 sites use Terms of Service agreements to claim perpetual licenses to user-generated content, and they use that content to create profiles of users to sell to marketers. This is", "id": "15918161" }, { "contents": "Corporate social media\n\n\n, and LinkedIn, has substantially increased. According to an article by the \"Harvard Business Review\", \"Fifty-eight percent of companies are currently engaged in social networks like Facebook, microblogs like Twitter, and sharing multimedia on platforms such as YouTube.\" The Harvard Business Review cites an additional 21% of companies as being in the process of implementing a formal social media initiative. The 2014 HBR report indicates 79% of companies have or will have social media initiatives in place. This percentage is an increase over a", "id": "16070687" }, { "contents": "Social media and television\n\n\nstories back in 2014, so Facebook launched their own Facebook stories in 2017. This is a way for you to share, for twenty-four hours, what are you doing with your Facebook friends from the mobile app. Social media and television has changed the way that news is delivered and consumed. Journalists now have the task of converting their stories into the digital form that is suitable for social media as well as creating content for news programs on air. With social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, journalists must now", "id": "6641157" }, { "contents": "Socialbakers\n\n\nFollower Growth, Daily Tweet vs. Retweet Ratio, Total Number of Mentions, and more. In March, they standardized engagement metrics for comparison across both Facebook and Twitter. In April, Socialbakers became Facebook's Preferred Marketing Developer. In May 2012, Socialbakers launched the Rating of Brands (NPS), which allowed users to rate a brand from 0 to 10 according to \"How likely it is that you would recommend the brand to your friends\" and later that month, they launched YouTube Analytics in Analytics so that users could", "id": "4542035" }, { "contents": "DoggoLingo\n\n\nDoggoLingo is unknown. Various social media accounts such as WeRateDogs (Twitter), Dogspotting (Facebook), as well as social news aggregation and imageboard websites like 4chan, Reddit, or Tumblr have aided in popularising the use of DoggoLingo by consistently using or hosting content that uses the lingo on their Internet pages. In 2014, the Dogspotting Facebook account gained popularity, especially in Australia where coincidentally adding \"-o\" to the end of words is also a feature of Australian slang. Internet fan groups for other animals have adopted many", "id": "1906451" }, { "contents": "Web presence\n\n\na microsite, a page on a review site, a wiki page, or a social media point of presence (e.g., a LinkedIn company page and/or group, a Facebook business/brand/product page, or a Twitter account). Every web presence is associated with a unique web address to distinguish one point of presence from another. Web presence can either be owned or unowned. Owned media exists when a single person or group can control the content that is published on its web presence (e.g. a corporate website or", "id": "6721821" }, { "contents": "Social information processing (theory)\n\n\nand self-presentation, including online dating sites.\" However, with the introduction of many online social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, there are many opportunities for people to interact using CMC. As such, there are many factors – photographs, videos, and the ability to build your own profile – that set social media apart from the text-only CMC that Walther originally studied. For example, if a person describes him or herself as a quiet, reserved person but friends add pictures of", "id": "5954229" }, { "contents": "Keek\n\n\nand is often compared to a combination of other major social media networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Tumblr and Twitter. \"Keek is more like a combination of YouTube, Facebook and Twitter than its direct competitors.\" \"What makes Keek different is that it focuses on short, personal video uploads. A 'keek' can only be 36 seconds long, and is usually uploaded directly from a webcam or smartphone camera. So unlike many of the professional vloggers floating around on YouTube, the content is less polished – but", "id": "1646962" }, { "contents": "ABS-CBN Digital Media\n\n\nmedia accounts managed by ABS-CBN Digital Media are ABS-CBN (with over 14 million likes on Facebook), ABS-CBN News (over 5 million followers on Twitter; 13 million likes on Facebook; over 2.3 million subscribers and 2 billion views on YouTube; among the top Facebook publishers in the world), ABS-CBN Entertainment (over 2.8 million subscribers and over 5.9 billion views on YouTube), ABS-CBN Starmusic (over 800 thousand subscribers and over 617 million views on YouTube), ABS-", "id": "12794156" }, { "contents": "Augsburger Allgemeine\n\n\nFacebook page with about 50.000 likes, a Twitter feed with 8500 followers as well as a Youtube channel and a Google+ account, all managed by the online editorial staff. In addition to that all of the 16 local newsrooms have their own Facebook page. In February 2011 the newspaper's website got a technical, functional and graphical relaunch. Since then the site is run with the online CMS Escenic. Since December 2013 the access to some of the content is subject to a charge. The \"Augsburger Allgemeine\" uses the so", "id": "16687315" }, { "contents": "Uriminzokkiri\n\n\nUriminzokkiri (, ) is a state-controlled website that provides news from North Korea's Central News Agency. The site also distributes information over Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr. Uriminzokkiri is currently blocked in South Korea. In August 2010, Uriminzokkiri launched YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter accounts in an effort to improve North Korea's image around the world. Uriminzokkiri maintains an account on the Chinese video platform Youku, and has uploaded more than 14,000 videos. On 18 September 2012, Uriminzokkiri uploaded a video containing a photoshopped image", "id": "16251459" }, { "contents": "Spyware\n\n\nbrowsing activity, linked to their identity, far beyond users' visits and activity within the Facebook site itself. The report stated: \"Here's how it works. You go to Facebook, you log in, you spend some time there, and then ... you move on without logging out. Let's say the next site you go to is \"New York Times\". Those buttons, without you clicking on them, have just reported back to Facebook and Twitter that you went there and also your identity within those", "id": "9316495" }, { "contents": "Operation Newscaster\n\n\nto the \"iSIGHT Partners\" report, hackers used 14 \"elaborated fake\" personas claiming to work in journalism, government, and defense contracting and were active in Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube and Blogger. To establish trust and credibility, the users fabricated a fictitious journalism website, \"\", using content from the media like Associated Press, BBC, Reuters and populated their profiles with fictitious personal content. They then tried to befriend target victims and sent them \"friendly messages\" with Spear-phishing", "id": "12517438" }, { "contents": "2010s in music\n\n\ncommunities online, likening it to a netizen sub-culture. In south-east Asia, K-pop continued to increase its presence in the lexicon of Asia's popular culture, being known as part of a wider brand of exported Korean Entertainment named Hallyu. Outside Asia, social media and video sharing sites such as YouTube, Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit and Twitter had a significant influence in promulgating awareness of Korean pop to new western audiences. Shareable, high-production value music videos, eye-catching fashion and slick", "id": "19676957" }, { "contents": "Transformers: The Last Knight\n\n\n's \"Fifty Shades Darker\" (114 million views in 24 hours), but surpassing Marvel Studios' \"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2\" trailer, which scored 81 million views in its first 24 hours online. Following the trailer's release, the film trended on all major social media sites, including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit. It was Weibo's No. 1 trending topic in China, where the preview was viewed 16 million times its first day of release. Television spots for the film", "id": "8561936" }, { "contents": "Social information processing\n\n\nquestion and answer recommendation to question askers and answerers on social question-and-answer websites, job recommendation (LinkedIn), news recommendation on social new aggregator sites (like Digg, GoogleReader, Reddit etc.), short message recommendations on microblogs (such as Twitter). Also known as \"social matching\" (the term is proposed by Terveen and McDonald), people recommender systems deal with recommending people to people on social media. Aspects making people recommender systems distinct from traditional recommender systems and require special attention are basically", "id": "12144246" }, { "contents": "SearchTeam\n\n\nresults, \"like\" them, post their thoughts, add search results, post links, or upload documents. Users can log in using their Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, and Yahoo accounts, and can pick collaborators from their contacts and social networks. The general benefit of a collaborative search engine is that collaborators can search together, save search results, share and discuss them in one place. This could save time, avoid repeated work, and leverage group knowledge when working with colleagues on a business project,", "id": "4806551" }, { "contents": "Ray Badran\n\n\nwalked off stage saying 'Fuck off and die'. The next day Badran was being tweeted at by a small number of activists, who’d read an account of the gig posted on reddit. \"The Age\" republished a story about the incident. Apart from being subject to a lot of abuse and trolling on Twitter, both Badran and his mother received online threats. And while the controversy was ongoing reportedly someone sent a Facebook message to Badran’s girlfriend claiming she was sleeping with him. Badran found the incident difficult", "id": "9807641" }, { "contents": "Social search\n\n\nsocial networking site in order to improve search results. One famous example occurred when Google showed a link to Mark Zuckerberg's dormant Google+ account rather than the active Facebook profile. In November 2014 these accusations started to die down because Google's Knowledge Graph started to finally show links to Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. In January 2013, Facebook announced a new search engine called Graph Search still in the beta stages. The goal was to allow users to prioritize results that were popular with their social circle over the", "id": "4381204" }, { "contents": "Lee Aase\n\n\n2008. In August 2009, Aase developed the SMUG Social Media Pyramid, a hybrid of the United States Department of Agriculture's Food Guide Pyramid and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, to illustrate how microblogging sites like Twitter, social networking sites like Facebook and video sharing sites like YouTube should be combined with blogs to create what he called “a balanced social media diet,” complete with recommended “servings per day” at each level. Aase also coined the term “MacGyver mindset” based on the U.S. television show that starred", "id": "13326466" }, { "contents": "Pearltrees\n\n\nnew interface the company calls the \"dynamic grid\". The company also announced their move away from Flash to HTML 5 as well as major updates to the company's iOS and Android apps. The revised product features extended drag and drop capabilities as well as new options to share content including to Reddit, Tumblr and LinkedIn in addition to the product's existing sharing capabilities to Twitter, Facebook and via email and embeds. The release of Pearltrees 2.0 was controversial with many users over the elimination of the \"mind mapping\" features", "id": "2063879" }, { "contents": "Consumption of Tide Pods\n\n\ntrying to be funny are now putting themselves in danger by ingesting this poisonous substance.\" Buerkle added, \"This is what started out as a joke on the internet and now it's just gone too far.\" Following the growth of the meme, YouTube and Facebook started removing videos that depicted people eating Tide Pods. Following the meme's popularization on Twitter and Reddit, many media publications wrote articles discussing the phenomenon, while warning against eating Tide Pods. During the first two weeks of 2018, the number of cases", "id": "18084766" }, { "contents": "Sociological Images\n\n\na significant amount of the site's traffic. Over 700,000 visits in 2011 came from Facebook and 50,000 from Twitter. Reposts on other sites also bring in a significant amount of traffic. For example, \"Feministing\" and \"Jezebel\" each accounted for 50,000 visitors in 2011. News aggregators also bring in a substantial number as well; \"reddit\" brought in 125,000 in 2011. \"Sociological Images\" was reviewed by Karen McCormack in \"Visual Studies\". She praised the blog's ability to explain sociology to those outside", "id": "15366091" }, { "contents": "Craig Mabbitt\n\n\nproduced by Caleb Shomo of Beartooth and will be a reminiscent of his music from Blessthefall and The Word Alive. Mabbitt is set to release his debut solo album April 9, stating \"what better day to release your album than on your birthday?\" On Facebook, Mabbitt announced that if his official Facebook page got to 50,000 likes, he would release a new song. On his Twitter, he revealed that he is working on a song titled \"Are You Still On Drugs\", which may be related to a song", "id": "8503644" }, { "contents": "The Number Twelve Looks Like You\n\n\ntheir Twitter page, that if they reach 10,000 followers they \"...will play a show or two\", they have also asked fans on their Facebook page the question \"so what cities love the 12 the most?\" along with a rumour stating that they were expected to reform on December 12, 2012 (12/12/12) to coincide with their band name. On August 2, 2013, The Number Twelve Looks Like You released the first episode of their upcoming video series, called \"24/7.12\", onto YouTube. In", "id": "14703216" }, { "contents": "Singapore Red Cross Youth\n\n\nwould also discuss problems regarding unit management, teamwork and youth-related issues. Moderators would also put up photos of recent RCY events that have occurred (like the ones mentioned above). The blog has achieved high readership since its launch in 2009, , it has over 623,000 views. The UnI Channel also include a UnI Youtube Channel and a Facebook account which contains photographs of various events that happen within the Red Cross Youth Spectrum. More recently, they launched Twitter and Instagram accounts to update readers on the Red Cross Red", "id": "12684665" }, { "contents": "Job hunting\n\n\nbeginning to use social networking sites to advertise their skills and post resumes. Today, job seekers can use resources such as Google+’s Circles, Facebook’s BranchOut, LinkedIn’s InMaps, and Twitter’s Lists to make employers notice them in a unique way. In 2014, using these social media networks has led to 1 of 6 job seekers finding employment. Job seekers need to begin to pay more attention to what employers and recruiters find when they do their pre-interview information gathering about applicants, according to this 2010 study", "id": "21135714" }, { "contents": "BlackBerry Z30\n\n\n\"Music\", \"Videos\", \"Story Maker\", \"Facebook\", \"Twitter\", \"LinkedIn\", \"Foursquare\", \"BlackBerry Maps\", \"Games\", \"YouTube\", \"Voice Control\", \"Weather\", \"Active Frames\", \"Clock\", \"Calculator\", \"Compass\", \"File Manager\", \"Box\", \"BlackBerry Connect for Dropbox\", \"Print To Go\", \"Smart Tags\", \"Settings\",\"", "id": "1484761" }, { "contents": "Yookos\n\n\nThe site has been designed using a mobile-first approach. Tomisin Fashina, Yookos' chief executive officer (CEO), introduced developers to the Yookos application programming interface in 2013 at the Mobile Web West Africa conference. The site's platform was also upgraded early the same year allowing its users to log into their Yookos accounts using their existing credentials for other social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Gmail, and Yahoo! as well as share content to these platforms via social media interactivity. Members can also", "id": "3867547" }, { "contents": "Gay Star News\n\n\n'Family, 'Support' and 'Prides and Festivals' sections. Readers can post comments, share and like stories to display on online social networks including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Weibo and LinkedIn. On 30 July 2019, Gay Star News announced that it would be closing down after almost eight years. \"Gay Star News\" went live with the backing of investors: Goldman Sachs, PwC and National Australia Bank on 16 January 2012. Stephen Fry then tweeted his support to his 3.7 million followers,", "id": "4941248" }, { "contents": "Susan Boyle\n\n\nbe released in 2019 and features a duet with Michael Ball on the track \"A Million Dreams\". Websites such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter have been crucial in facilitating Boyle's rapid rise to fame. The most popular YouTube video submission of her audition garnered nearly 2.5 million views in the first 72 hours. On the day following the performance, the YouTube video was the most popular article on Digg and made the front page of Reddit. Within a week, the audition performance had been viewed more than 66 million times", "id": "9852749" }, { "contents": "Empire.Kred\n\n\nand connecting social identities such as Twitter. Players gain dividends from the other shares in players they invest in, which are counted as virtual currency (called Eaves). Social networks supported by Empire.Kred currently include Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Instagram, Google Plus WordPress hosted blogs and the player's own blog and RSS feeds. Empire.Kred is designed to drive social media activity and interaction between the registered members. A player's value increases, in part, as a result activity", "id": "16644424" }, { "contents": "Dream it. Code it. Win it.\n\n\nand through the MIT Club of New York to club members only. Marketing was primarily done on social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, and YouTube. The awards ceremony included a panel discussion on the future of innovation in a networked world, where panelists gave advice to an audience full of entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, programmers, and most importantly, students. Videos from the event can be viewed on the Dream it. Code it. Win it. YouTube channel, including the entries", "id": "12760717" }, { "contents": "Social media reach\n\n\nSocial media reach is a media analytics metric that refers to the number of users who have come across a particular content on a social platform such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. In comparison, an impression is the total number of circumstances where your content has been shown on a social timeline, meanwhile, engagement looks at how people interact with the content that they see on a social platform such as like, share or retweet. Social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and many more have their own individual", "id": "502466" }, { "contents": "Chris Messina (open-source advocate)\n\n\nhashtags itself then eventually spread like wild-fire on Twitter, and by the end of the decade could be seen in most social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. So much so that Instagram had to officially place a \"30 hashtags\" limit on its posts to prevent people from abusing the use of hashtags. Instagrammers eventually circumvented this limit by posting hashtags in the comments section of their posts. As of 2018 more than 85% of the top 50 websites by traffic on the Internet use hashtags", "id": "11391364" }, { "contents": "Unofficially Yours\n\n\nit became a worldwide trending topic on the social networking site, Twitter. The film became the front page cover of the February 15, 2012 issue of the Manila Bulletin during its premiere day. The film's official soundtrack is \"If You Asked Me To\" originally sung by Patti LaBelle, and was covered by Erik Santos and Angeline Quinto. The song's music video was released on Star Cinema's official YouTube account. \"UnOfficially Yours\" received generally positive reviews from local film critics. Ria Limjap of praised that", "id": "18986027" }, { "contents": "Digital marketing\n\n\n. Digital marketing became more sophisticated in the 2000s and the 2010s, when the proliferation of devices' capable of accessing digital media led to sudden growth. Statistics produced in 2012 and 2013 showed that digital marketing was still growing. With the development of social media in the 2000s, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, consumers became highly dependent on digital electronics in daily lives. Therefore, they expected a seamless user experience across different channels for searching product's information. The change of customer behavior improved the diversification of", "id": "10010424" }, { "contents": "Prabhasakshi\n\n\nof this noble motif was achieved when millions of readers accessed the website free of cost. Competition was limited, with not many Hindi news portals emerging in the past 17 years. This only increased Prabhasakshi's longevity in the field, and the firm determination of Mr. Morarka's commitment to Hindi language and the Hindi language created a divergence of reading material. DIL actively uses social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, DailyMotion and Google Plus amongst many others to spread awareness as well as", "id": "11434176" }, { "contents": "Porn 2.0\n\n\nlater denied owning YouPorn, claiming instead that it was founded and is operated by a German. Various Porn 2.0 websites exist that have a majority of free promotional and user-generated material. A popular platform for 2.0 image websites is a Pinterest clone that is used by sites such as and, which work the same way as other social media sites except that they are specialist on pornographic content only. Social Media sites that allow adult content include Twitter, reddit, stumbleupon and PornToot. Sites like Facebook and pinterest have", "id": "3370808" }, { "contents": "United States cyber-diplomacy\n\n\nthe power and potential in what I call 21st century statecraft. Part of our approach is to embrace new tools, like using cell phones for mobile banking or to monitor elections. But we're also reaching to the people behind these tools, the innovators and entrepreneurs themselves.\" The efforts by the U.S. Department of State in cyber-diplomacy has led the State Department to currently have 230 Facebook pages, 80 Twitter accounts, 55 channels on YouTube and 40 accounts on Flickr. The State Department has also founded many cyber-", "id": "15671724" }, { "contents": "Facebook, Inc. v. Power Ventures, Inc.\n\n\nthe motion. In a counter-claim, Power Ventures Inc. alleged that Facebook engaged in monopolistic and anti-competitive behavior by placing restraints on their ability to manipulate users' Facebook data even when their consent was given. Power Ventures previously operated the domain and used it to create a website that enabled its users to aggregate data about themselves that is otherwise spread across various social networking sites and messaging services, including LinkedIn, Twitter, Myspace, and AOL or Yahoo instant messaging. This aggregation method is embodied in its motto", "id": "15760899" }, { "contents": "Jose Antonio Vargas\n\n\nof a little boy crying behind a fence on Twitter, using the caption \"This is what happens when a government believes people are 'illegal.' Kids in cages.\" It garnered more than 35,000 likes and 24,000 retweets. It was later discovered that the image was sourced from a private Facebook account and was taken out of context, as the photo was actually from a staged protest against US President Trump's immigration policy in Dallas, Texas, on June 10, 2018. Vargas received many calls to remove the photo", "id": "13031852" }, { "contents": "Social media\n\n\nMcCullagh, \"Silicon Valley's efforts to pull the plug on dissenting opinions\" have included, , Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube \"devising excuses to suspend ideologically disfavored accounts.\" Law professor Glenn Reynolds dubbed 2018 the \"Year of Deplatforming\", in an August 2018 article in \"The Wall Street Journal\". According to Reynolds, in 2018 \"the internet giants decided to slam the gates on a number of people and ideas they don't like. If you rely on someone else's platform to express unpopular ideas", "id": "12596499" }, { "contents": "Die Antwoord\n\n\nInterscope Records over a dispute concerning their upcoming album and its lead single, \"Fok Julle Naaiers\". Visser explained that Interscope \"kept pushing us to be more generic\" in order to make more money: \"If you try to make songs that other people like, your band will always be shit. You always gotta do what you like. If it connects, it's a miracle, but it happened with Die Antwoord.\" Die Antwoord formed their own independent label, Zef Recordz, and released their new", "id": "6389507" }, { "contents": "OurMine\n\n\n(along with some other HBO TV shows, and HBO's own official account). They also hacked the Twitter and Facebook accounts of PlayStation (including a claimed leak of the PlayStation Network databases), FC Barcelona, and Real Madrid (including their YouTube channel); several Facebook accounts of CNN were also hacked. Some YouTube accounts were hacked by OurMine in 2017 include that of the Omnia Media network, gaining access to numerous channels; and various YouTube channels from the Studio71 network were also hacked. On August 31,", "id": "9922340" }, { "contents": "Meme\n\n\nInstagram, or Twitter, instant messaging, social news sites or thread sites like Reddit, and video hosting services like YouTube and Twitch. In 2013, Richard Dawkins characterized an Internet meme as one deliberately altered by human creativity, distinguished from Dawkins's original idea involving mutation by random change and a form of Darwinian selection. One technique of meme mapping represents the evolution and transmission of a meme across time and space. Such a meme map uses a figure-8 diagram (an analemma) to map the gestation (in the lower loop", "id": "19611316" }, { "contents": "Social network consolidator\n\n\nA social network consolidator is a web site or service that consolidates all of an individuals web site links into one easy to use interface. There are many social network, Photo, and Blog sites in which an individual might have a presence to express themselves. An examples would be: MySpace or Facebook account to express your personal interests, LinkedIn or Plaxo for business contact management, Flickr for web photo album, and Blogger for online Blog conversations. Social network consolidator sites such as PepperJet allow users to enjoy the flexibility of having", "id": "5122032" }, { "contents": "Account verification\n\n\nand accounts of public interest, individuals in \"music, acting, fashion, government, politics, religion, journalism, media, sports, business and other key interest areas\". It was introduced by Twitter in June 2009, followed by Google+ in 2011, Facebook in 2012, Instagram in 2014, and Pinterest in 2015. On YouTube, you are able to submit a request for a verification badge once you obtain 100,000 or more subscribers. It also has an \"official artist\" badge for musicians and bands. In", "id": "10932564" }, { "contents": "Customer relationship management\n\n\ndesktop tools to handle customer questions and requests. This also saves time on behalf of the employees. Social CRM involves the use of social media and technology to engage and learn from consumers. Because the public, especially young people, are increasingly using social networking sites, companies use these sites to draw attention to their products, services and brands, with the aim of building up customer relationships to increase demand. Some CRM systems integrate social media sites like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to track and communicate with customers. These customers", "id": "7352924" }, { "contents": "Open API\n\n\nAPI allows developers to integrate Yahoo search into their own software applications. The addition of this API provides search functionality to the developer's application whilst also increasing search traffic for Yahoo's search engine hence benefitting both parties. With respect to Facebook and Twitter, we can see how third parties have enriched these services with their own code. For example, the ability to create an account on an external site/app using your Facebook credentials is made possible using Facebook's open API. Many large technology firms, such as Twitter,", "id": "11251744" }, { "contents": "\n\n\ncreate accounts to vote for which TV shows they would like to have seen on DVD and compile lists of the sets they owned and wanted. In early November 2005 the site received over 75,000 visitors a day and had official links with many major studios. The site also maintained an RSS feed, a blog, a presence on Twitter and a Facebook fan page. At their Facebook fan page they also maintain a \"What's The Hold-up? FAQ\", describing known reasons why particular shows are not currently receiving DVD", "id": "19689981" }, { "contents": "Valor por Tamaulipas\n\n\nTwitter users, @Bandolera7 and @civilarmado_mx, of posting about risk situations. The fourth and final tweet said the following: \"Close your accounts, don't risk your families the way I did, I ask you all for forgiveness,\" and included two photos of her. One of them showed her alive, and the second one showed her corpse splattered in blood. Twitter later deactivated the account but the photos had already leaked across social media. Valor por Tamaulipas confirmed her death on its Facebook page and lamented the incident.", "id": "8081808" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Facebook\n\n\nto recruit Israeli Arabs through a Facebook profile. Currently, legislation is being prepared in Israel, allowing fines of 300,000 shekels for Facebook and other social media like Twitter and YouTube for every post inciting or praising terrorism that isn't removed within 48 hours, and could possibly lead to further acts of terrorism. In June 2017, Facebook published a blog post, offering insights into how it detects and combats terrorism content. The company claimed that the majority of the terrorism accounts that are found are discovered by Facebook itself, while it", "id": "21923933" }, { "contents": "InfoWars\n\n\npodcast app. On August 13, Vimeo removed all of Jones' videos because they \"violated our terms of service prohibitions on discriminatory and hateful content\". By February 2019, a total of 89 pages associated with \"InfoWars\" or Alex Jones had been removed from Facebook due to its recidivism policy, which is designed to prevent circumventing a ban. Jones' accounts have also been removed from Pinterest, Mailchimp and LinkedIn. As of early August, Jones still had active accounts on Instagram and Twitter. Twitter, however,", "id": "1561113" }, { "contents": "National Weather Service Norman, Oklahoma\n\n\nposts and uploads weather-related information of determined significance, such as warnings, forecasts, and other updates relevant to its area of forecast responsibility, via Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. On occasion, it also shares important or otherwise relevant links to other sites, as part of an attempt to keep people aware of upcoming weather conditions, particularly those of potential hazard to travel, life or property. , the Norman office's Twitter page had the most followers of any account on that site operated by a NWS WFO, with", "id": "5680544" }, { "contents": "National Postdoctoral Association\n\n\nto recognize the contribution that postdocs make to research every day across the country. Events were organized at institutions ranging from universities and research institutes, to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Events ran the gamut from ice cream socials, to BBQs and Happy Hours. Many institutions also used the day as an opportunity to hold career seminars, mini research symposia and presentations about maximising the postdoctoral experience. The NPA maintains a Facebook page, a LinkedIn page, and a Twitter account. These sites are used to encourage communication", "id": "13549156" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Facebook\n\n\nlist of friends, all the Pages you have Liked—everything Facebook classifies as public information. Even if you opt out of Instant Personalization, there's still data leakage if your friends use Instant Personalization websites—their activities can give away information about you, unless you block those applications individually.\" On December 27, 2012, CBS News reported that Randi Zuckerberg, sister of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, criticized a friend for being \"way uncool\" in sharing a private Facebook photo of her on Twitter, only to be", "id": "21923810" } ]
What are those 'inside itches' we can't scratch?
[{"answer": "It's because the nerves responsible for sensation **on your skin (called \"dermatomes\") look like [this]( URL_0 ). Each one of those lines correspond with a region of the brain that causes sensation. Notice how there are 3 sections in the hands alone, but 3 sections in the entire leg. Your hands need to be much more sensitive, which is why there are more nerves dedicated to those areas than the legs or arms (for example). So when you can't get that itch, it's not that it's *under* the skin, it's that it's in a different area completely. You just can't tell very well, because the nerves aren't as accurate in some areas, and you're just feeling that there is an itch in that general direction instead."}, {"answer": "Basically your sensory nerves are confusing your brain. The nerves are telling your brain the itch is in one place when it's really in another. A common related example, though not an itch, is when someone has an injury near the groin - their entire leg may feel pain, or just a particular part of their leg or foot may feel pain. The injured nerve near the groin is responsible for carrying the messages from the legs as well, and so it can send a confusing message to the brain when it's injured, signalling pain the leg, when there really is none."}, {"answer": "Your skin is many layers thick, and there are different nerves present in each of these layers. Some nerves are deeper, others are closer to the surface. If the itch is being caused by a neuron that's in a deeper layer of your skin sending signals to your brain, scratching the surface of the skin might not stimulate that neuron enough to make the itch go away. [Here's]( URL_0 ) a figure showing all the different kinds of neurons you have in your dermis and epidermis as well as their relative depth in the skin. They all respond to different kinds of sensation, such as pressure, vibration, pull, stretch, light brush, etc. If you find scratching an itch doesn't make it go away, try stimulating the skin in a different way! Rubbing it, pushing down, etc."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "9718954", "title": "Pruritus ani", "section": "Section::::Causes.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["If a specific cause for pruritus ani is found it is classified as \"secondary pruritus ani\". If a specific cause is NOT found it is classified as \"idiopathic pruritus ani\". The irritation can be caused by intestinal parasites, anal perspiration, frequent liquid stools, diarrhea, residual stool deposits, or the escape of small amounts of stool as a result of incontinence or flatulence. Another cause is yeast infection or candidiasis. Some diseases increase the possibility of yeast infections, such as diabetes mellitus or HIV infection. Treatment with antibiotics can bring about a disturbance of the natural balance of intestinal flora, and lead to perianal thrush, a yeast infection affecting the anus. Psoriasis also can be present in the anal area and cause irritation. Abnormal passageways (fistulas) from the small intestine or colon to the skin surrounding the anus can form as a result of disease (such as Crohn's disease), acting as channels which may allow leakage of irritating fluids to the anal area. Other problems that can contribute to anal itching include pinworms, hemorrhoids, tears of the anal skin near the mucocutaneous junction (fissures), and skin tags (abnormal local growth of anal skin). Aside from diseases relative to the condition, a common view suggests that the initial cause of the itch may have passed, and that the illness is in fact prolonged by what is known as an itch-scratch-itch cycle. It states that scratching the itch encourages the release of inflammatory chemicals, which worsen redness, intensifies itchiness and increases the area covered by dry skin, thereby causing a snowball effect. Some authorities describe psychogenic pruritus or \"functional itch disorder\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "If a specific cause for pruritus ani is found it is classified as \"secondary pruritus ani\". If a specific cause is NOT found it is classified as \"idiopathic pruritus ani\". The irritation can be caused by intestinal parasites, anal perspiration, frequent liquid stools, diarrhea, residual stool deposits, or the escape of small amounts of stool as a result of incontinence or flatulence. Another cause is yeast infection or candidiasis. Some diseases increase the possibility of yeast infections, such as diabetes mellitus or HIV infection. Treatment with antibiotics can bring about a disturbance of the natural balance of intestinal flora, and lead to perianal thrush, a yeast infection affecting the anus. Psoriasis also can be present in the anal area and cause irritation. Abnormal passageways (fistulas) from the small intestine or colon to the skin surrounding the anus can form as a result of disease (such as Crohn's disease), acting as channels which may allow leakage of irritating fluids to the anal area. Other problems that can contribute to anal itching include pinworms, hemorrhoids, tears of the anal skin near the mucocutaneous junction (fissures), and skin tags (abnormal local growth of anal skin). Aside from diseases relative to the condition, a common view suggests that the initial cause of the itch may have passed, and that the illness is in fact prolonged by what is known as an itch-scratch-itch cycle. It states that scratching the itch encourages the release of inflammatory chemicals, which worsen redness, intensifies itchiness and increases the area covered by dry skin, thereby causing a snowball effect. Some authorities describe psychogenic pruritus or \"functional itch disorder"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Itch\n\n\nthe compulsive nature of itch and scratching. Events of \"contagious itch\" are very common occurrences. Even a discussion on the topic of itch can give one the desire to scratch. Itch is likely to be more than a localized phenomenon in the place we scratch. Results from a study showed that itching and scratching were induced purely by visual stimuli in a public lecture on itching. The sensation of pain can also be induced in a similar fashion, often by listening to a description of an injury, or viewing an injury", "id": "1019997" }, { "contents": "Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel\n\n\nend of his review; \"Army of Two: Devil's Cartel seems to accomplish exactly what it set out to do, offering an intense, impressive two-player co-op experience that's heavily customizable and replayable. While it won't likely scratch the itch of those looking for a more traditional shooter game--namely, competitive online multiplayer--it's an original concept set inside familiar trappings.\" On more negative side, Kevin VanOrd gave the game 5 out of 10, criticizing all of the series' best", "id": "15687109" }, { "contents": "Itch-E and Scratch-E\n\n\nreverted to Itch-E and Scratch-E and released another studio album, \"It Is What It Isn't\" (1 May 2001), but they disbanded in that year with Mac pursuing his solo career. In January 2010 the duo announced on their MySpace page that they had reformed as Itch-E and Scratch-E. During that year they released another studio album, \"Hooray for Everything!!!\" (6 August 2010), and four singles, \"Other Planets\" (March), \"", "id": "6182464" }, { "contents": "Pruritus ani\n\n\ntags (abnormal local growth of anal skin). Aside from diseases relative to the condition, a common view suggests that the initial cause of the itch may have passed, and that the illness is in fact prolonged by what is known as an itch-scratch-itch cycle. It states that scratching the itch encourages the release of inflammatory chemicals, which worsen redness, intensifies itchiness and increases the area covered by dry skin, thereby causing a snowball effect. Some authorities describe “psychogenic pruritus” or \"functional itch disorder", "id": "4677165" }, { "contents": "Pityriasis rosea\n\n\nitching. Steroids do provide relief from itching, and improve the appearance of the rash, but they also cause the new skin that forms (after the rash subsides) to take longer to match the surrounding skin color. While no scarring has been found to be associated with the rash, scratching should be avoided. It's possible that scratching can make itching worse and an itch-scratch cycle may develop with regular scratching (that is, you itch more because you scratch, so you scratch more because you itch, and", "id": "10047282" }, { "contents": "Itch\n\n\nitself. There is little detailed data on central activation for contagious itching, but it is hypothesized that a human mirror neuron system exists in which we imitate certain motor actions when we view others performing the same action. A similar phenomenon in which mirror neurons are used to explain the cause is contagious yawning. The sensation of itch can be reduced by many painful sensations. Studies done in the last decade have shown that itch can be inhibited by many other forms of painful stimuli, such as noxious heat, physical rubbing/scratching", "id": "1019998" }, { "contents": "Lichen simplex chronicus\n\n\nhas a psychosomatic origin. Those predisposed to itch as a response to emotional tensions may be more susceptible to the itch-scratch cycle. It may also be associated with nervousness, anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders. Many people with LSC are aware of the scratching they do during the day, but they might not be aware of the scratching they do in their sleep. LSC is also associated with atopy, or atopic dermatitis (eczema) and an increase of histamine levels. LSC is typically diagnosed by careful observation", "id": "19595005" }, { "contents": "Itch\n\n\nused is UVB. Sometimes scratching relieves isolated itches, hence the existence of devices such as the back scratcher. Often, however, scratching can intensify itching and even cause further damage to the skin, dubbed the \"itch-scratch-itch cycle.\" The mainstay of therapy for dry skin is maintaining adequate skin moisture and topical emollients. In 1660, German physician Samuel Hafenreffer defined itch. Approximately 280 million people globally, 4% of the population, have difficulty with itchiness. This is comparable to the 2–3% of", "id": "1020009" }, { "contents": "Itch-E and Scratch-E\n\n\nsolo career. In 2010 the duo reunited as Itch-E and Scratch-E to release new material. In 1991 Itch-E and Scratch-E were formed in Sydney by Paul Mac (as Itch-E) on keyboards and samples (ex-Smash Mac Mac, The Lab) and Andy Rantzen (as Scratch-E) also on keyboards and samples (ex-Pelican Daughters). Their name refers to United States carton show, \"The Simpsons\" characters, Itchy and Scratchy, as well as", "id": "6182456" }, { "contents": "Itch\n\n\ntraditionally been regarded as a way to relieve oneself by reducing the annoying itch sensation. However, there are hedonic aspects to scratching, as one would find noxious scratching highly pleasurable. This can be problematic with chronic itch patients, such as ones with atopic dermatitis, who may scratch affected spots until they no longer produce a pleasant or painful sensation, instead of when the itch sensation disappears. It has been hypothesized that motivational aspects of scratching include the frontal brain areas of reward and decision making. These aspects might therefore contribute to", "id": "1019996" }, { "contents": "Sweetness and Light (Itch-E and Scratch-E song)\n\n\n\"Sweetness and Light\" is a song recorded by Australian electronic music group Itch-E and Scratch-E. The song was released in May 1994 and peaked at number 65 on the Australian singles chart. The group have later said they weren't sure if the song was good with Andy Rantzen saying \"When we'd finished mixing 'Sweetness and Light' I said 'Hmm, this is a bit disappointing' and Paul replied 'I know, where did we go wrong?' At the ARIA Music Awards of 1995", "id": "7910854" }, { "contents": "Wrong Kind of Stone Age\n\n\nrecorded with Pelican Daughters, and Itch-e & Scratch-e (formed by Andy Rantzen and Paul Mac), in the early 1990s; she is creating new material as Princess Universe. Itch-e & Scratch-e, with Miriam, won an Aria award for their track \"Sweetness and Light\" (Itch-E & Scratch-E, \"Itch-E Kitch-E Koo\", Second Nature/Volition, 1993). Wrong Kind of Stone Age samples are also used on Pelican Daughters recordings", "id": "12596229" }, { "contents": "Itch\n\n\nItch (also known as pruritus) is a that causes the desire or reflex to scratch. Itch has resisted many attempts to be classified as any one type of sensory experience. Itch has many similarities to pain, and while both are unpleasant sensory experiences, their behavioral response patterns are different. Pain creates a withdrawal reflex, whereas itch leads to a scratch reflex. Unmyelinated nerve fibers for itch and pain both originate in the skin; however, information for them is conveyed centrally in two distinct systems that both use the same", "id": "1019994" }, { "contents": "Trichophyton\n\n\nthe host to itch, which may elicit the scratch reflex, which directs the host to scratch. Scratching directly transfers fungi and dead skin particles that are infested with the fungi to the fingers and under the finger nails. From there they can be transmitted to other parts of the host's body when the host touches or scratches those. Scratching also damages skin layers, making it easier for the fungi to spread at the site of the infection. If the fungi and infested debris are not washed from the fingers and fingernails soon", "id": "21930962" }, { "contents": "Itch\n\n\nnerve bundle and spinothalamic tract. Pain and itch have very different behavioral response patterns. Pain evokes a withdrawal reflex, which leads to retraction and therefore a reaction trying to protect an endangered part of the body. Itch in contrast creates a scratch reflex, which draws one to the affected skin site. Itch generates stimulus of a foreign object underneath or upon the skin and also the urge to remove it. For example, responding to a local itch sensation is an effective way to remove insects from one's skin. Scratching has", "id": "1019995" }, { "contents": "Itch-E and Scratch-E\n\n\n, without whom this award would not be possible.\" Although this was bleeped out of the TV broadcast, a sponsor of the awards, the National Drug Offensive, withdrew their funding. In 1996 Itch-E and Scratch-E released the album \"Itch-E and Scratch-E... and Friends\", which Australian musicologist, Ian McFarlane, described as a \"sprawling double album... which covered the gamut of electronic dance.\" According to McFarlane the friends appearing on the album included Crackerjack, a \"high", "id": "6182461" }, { "contents": "Itch-E and Scratch-E\n\n\nItch-E and Scratch-E are an Australian electronic music group formed by Paul Mac (a.k.a. Itch-E, Mace) and Andy Rantzen (a.k.a. Scratch-E, Boo Boo), both on keyboards and samples, in 1991. During the late 1990s the duo recorded as Boo Boo & Mace!. At times, they have included a third member, Sheriff Lindo (a.k.a. Nutcase) which were recorded as Boo Boo Mace 'n' Nutcase. In 2001 they disbanded as Mac pursued his", "id": "6182455" }, { "contents": "Argument\n\n\nthe generalities that a) fleas often cause itching, and b) that one often scratches to relieve itching. The difference is in the intent: an argument attempts to settle whether or not some claim is true, and an explanation attempts to provide understanding of the event. Note, that by subsuming the specific event (of Fred's cat scratching) as an instance of the general rule that \"animals scratch themselves when they have fleas\", Joe will no longer wonder \"why\" Fred's cat is scratching itself.", "id": "2467274" }, { "contents": "Athlete's foot\n\n\na condition called onychomycosis. Because athlete's foot may itch, it may also elicit the scratch reflex, causing the host to scratch the infected area before they realize it. Scratching can further damage the skin and worsen the condition by allowing the fungus to more easily spread and thrive. The itching sensation associated with athlete's foot can be so severe that it may cause hosts to scratch vigorously enough to inflict excoriations (open wounds), which are susceptible to bacterial infection. Further scratching may remove scabs, inhibiting the healing process", "id": "99141" }, { "contents": "Restless legs syndrome\n\n\nin the muscles, to \"an itch you can't scratch\", a \"buzzing sensation\", an unpleasant \"tickle that won't stop\", a \"crawling\" feeling, or limbs jerking while awake. The sensations typically begin or intensify during quiet wakefulness, such as when relaxing, reading, studying, or trying to sleep. It is a \"spectrum\" disease with some people experiencing only a minor annoyance and others having major disruption of sleep and impairments in quality of life. The sensations—and the", "id": "10532885" }, { "contents": "Andre Ward\n\n\nin favor of Ward. CompuBox statistics showed that Ward landed 243 of 573 punches thrown (42%), whilst Froch landed 156 of 683 punches (23%). After the bout, Ward gave a victory speech, \"I can't believe it, I can't believe it -- it's not so unbelievable that we never thought we were going to win, but now that it's happened, it is unbelievable. We told you this is what we wanted to do. We wanted to fight on the inside", "id": "20061513" }, { "contents": "Lichen simplex chronicus\n\n\nLichen simplex chronicus (LSC) (also known as neurodermatitis) is a skin disorder characterized by chronic itching and scratching. The constant scratching causes thick, leathery, darkened, (lichenified) skin. This condition is associated with many factors, including the scratch-itch cycle, psychological stressors, and atopy. LSC is more common between ages 35 and 50 and is seen approximately twice as often in women compared to men. People burdened with LSC report pruritus, followed by uncontrollable scratching of the same body region, excessively.", "id": "19595003" }, { "contents": "Referred itch\n\n\nReferred itch is the phenomenon in which a stimulus applied in one region of the body is felt as an itch or irritation in a different part of the body. The syndrome is relatively harmless, though it can be irritating, and healthy individuals can express symptoms. Stimuli range from a firm pressure applied to the skin – a scratch – to irritation or pulling on a hair follicle on the skin. The referred sensation itself should not be painful; it is more of an irritating prickle leading to the compulsion to scratch the area", "id": "20943655" }, { "contents": "Referred itch\n\n\n. The stimulus and referred itch are ipsilateral (the stimulus and the referred itch occur on the same side of the body). Also, because scratching or putting pressure on the referred itch does not cause the stimulus area to itch, the relationship between the stimulus and the referred itch is unidirectional. The itching sensation is spontaneous and can cease with continued stimulation. There are two types of referred itch: normal and acquired (pathological). Normal mitempfindung is usually detected in early childhood and persists for the majority, if not", "id": "20943656" }, { "contents": "The Oracle (Godsmack album)\n\n\na few times, and we either drop it or re-work it to sound more true to our roots. Satisfying ourselves creatively is pretty easy, as we aren't trying to re-invent the wheel musically – we are a blue-collar hard rock band. That said, we do side projects in which we can experiment with different textures and styles and scratch any itches to experiment in different genres.\" The working title for the album was \"Saints & Sinners\", named after one of the tracks on", "id": "1759599" }, { "contents": "I, Pedophile\n\n\nwith his sexual interests in children, and that's the day we failed him.\" Director Matt Campea described in an interview what drew him to this topic for a documentary: \"They have this secret that festers inside them that they can't talk to anyone about. That's a dark place.\" He continued, \"We're at a moment in time here. If somebody is born with something they can't control, we shouldn't condemn them. We should extend a compassionate hand and give them the resources", "id": "21244182" }, { "contents": "Mucuna pruriens\n\n\n\"M. pruriens\" are sometimes smoked. The hairs lining the seed pods contain serotonin and the protein mucunain which cause severe itching when the pods are touched. The calyx below the flowers is also a source of itchy spicules and the stinging hairs on the outside of the seed pods are used in some brands of itching powder. Scratching the exposed area can spread the itching to other areas touched. Once this happens, the subject tends to scratch vigorously and uncontrollably and for this reason the local populace in northern Mozambique refer to the", "id": "9282899" }, { "contents": "Controversies surrounding G4S\n\n\nwhether the underperformance is in the public, private or voluntary sector... We shouldn't tolerate mediocrity in the running of our prisons.\" Khan continued: \"We can't go on with scandal after scandal, where the public's money is being squandered and the quality of what's delivered isn't up to scratch. The government is too reliant on a cosy group of big companies. The public are rightly getting fed up to the back teeth of big companies making huge profits out of the taxpayer, which smacks to them", "id": "20198165" }, { "contents": "Steve Marriott\n\n\nA third song, \"Out of the Blue\", featuring both Marriott and Frampton, was featured on the first solo recording Frampton made after Marriott's death. A fourth song, \"An Itch You Can't Scratch\", has been found on many illegal compilations and even on one of two \"authorised\" British releases. The recording date, and whether Frampton played on it, have never been verified. On Friday 19 April 1991, Marriott and Poulton flew home from the United States, where Marriott had recorded songs", "id": "17613730" }, { "contents": "Referred itch\n\n\nbody to mediate alcohol-induced gastric and intestinal damage as well as alcohol flushing, it is possible that elevated levels of histamine might have a correlation with referred itch (or even itch in general). An itch, also known as pruritus, is classified as a sensory stimulation to scratch a certain area of the skin. An itch can be a fleeting sensation, as with a random tickle or prick, or persistent, as with a rash such as eczema or other skin irritant such as an allergen. Itch has been", "id": "20943667" }, { "contents": "Referred itch\n\n\na definite origin/referred location relationship. Thus, referral patterns are extremely variable and offer little to no indication of where a referred itch will occur if the location of the original itch is known. It should also be noted that the phenomenon is unidirectional. Consequently, scratching an itch in a location that has previously served as the point of a referred itch does not induce an itch in the person’s typical origination site. Mitempfindung has been thought to be related to synesthesia in some individuals, specifically digit-color synesthesia.", "id": "20943660" }, { "contents": "Precuneus\n\n\narea has been linked to visuospatial imagery. (It is not though clear how these—and the functions noted below—link with the above three subdivisions.) The precuneus plays a role in itch sensations (there are many different types of itch) and their brain processing “‘We can’t [yet] pinpoint what the precuneus does in itch, but it’s uniquely activated with itch and not pain.’” Functional imaging has linked the precuneus to the processes involved in self-consciousness, such as reflective self", "id": "11203232" }, { "contents": "Hello, My Twenties! 2\n\n\ngot was a self-inflicted scratch. A three-member family waits for the signal in front of the crosswalk. The man and woman with a seven-year-old girl in the middle are laughing hahaha. Someone who rush into a secondhand bookstore as if to avoid them. I don't know what to do because I can't get rid of myself. Maybe it's because of that. A book that's been pushed out from the inside of the book is falling off. a pink letter found in", "id": "6165348" }, { "contents": "Joe Hahn\n\n\nand \"Cure for the Itch\", both titled as \"WthYou\" and \"Kyur4 TH Ich\". Hahn has directed several of Linkin Park's music videos, such as those for \"Numb\", \"From the Inside\", \"What I've Done\", \"Somewhere I Belong\", \"Pts.OF.Athrty\", \"New Divide\", \"Bleed It Out\" and \"Iridescent\". He has also directed videos for Alkaline Trio, Static-X, Story of the Year, and Xzibit", "id": "13491684" }, { "contents": "Lichen simplex chronicus\n\n\nand history taking. It is easily recognized (see \"signs and symptoms\", and \"gallery\"). Biopsies are sometimes necessary to confirm the diagnosis and differentiate it from other similar appearing lesions. Treatment is aimed at reducing itching and minimizing existing lesions because rubbing and scratching exacerbate LSC. The itching and inflammation may be treated with a lotions or steroid cream (such as triamcinolone or Betamethasone) applied to the affected area of the skin. Night-time scratching can be reduced with sedatives and antihistamines. Doxepin is often", "id": "19595006" }, { "contents": "Halftime in America\n\n\neras, a lot of downturns in my life. And, times when we didn't understand each other. It seems like we've lost our heart at times. When the fog of division, discord, and blame made it hard to see what lies ahead. But after those trials, we all rallied around what was right, and acted as one. Because that's what we do. We find a way through tough times, and if we can't find a way, then we'll make one. All", "id": "1901120" }, { "contents": "Thin Lizzie (Supernatural)\n\n\nloss — it can't be ignored, but as we enter what is certainly edging on twilight for our little undead show, we also can't ignore just how unsustainable the endless suffering is. Sam and Dean can't return to the young men they once were, but they can at least try to channel aspects of those boys in their current lives and the fact that, despite some iffy moments, that storyline wasn't dropped as soon as the premiere ended is a pretty good indicator of how this series has survived for", "id": "1230581" }, { "contents": "Wittelsbach-Graff Diamond\n\n\ncase of the Wittelsbach, what's at stake is at minimum over 350 years of history, as every nick, chip, and scratch has a story to tell. Just because we can't decipher these stories doesn't mean they don't exist.\" The alteration of the historical stone has been compared by Professor Hans Ottomeyer, director of the Deutsches Historisches Museum of Berlin, to the overpainting of a painting by Rembrandt. It is opined that the recutting was done to increase its market value and, by extension, that", "id": "14788578" }, { "contents": "Turban Cowboy\n\n\n, the guys begin to suspect that he is involved with terrorists. Peter realizes that he has been tricked and wants to drop out but Joe convinces him to go along, since he is already a Muslim on the inside. As they go over the plan, Peter finds out that he will be driving the van. Peter is caught when he reveals he is wearing a microphone when trying to scratch an itch near it. Joe and Quagmire listen as the plan is rushed into action. Peter is held at gunpoint and forced", "id": "12581113" }, { "contents": "Avenanthramide\n\n\nare able to inhibit the release of inflammatory cytokines that are present in pruritic skin diseases that cause itchiness. In addition, its anti-inflammatory activity may prevent the vicious itch-scratch cycle and reduce the scratching-induced secondary inflammation that often occur in atopic dermatitis and eczema, preventing the skin from disrupting its barrier. Avenanthramides also have a chemical structure similar to the drug Tranilast, which has anti-histaminic action. The anti-itch activity of avenanthramides may be associated with the inhibition of histamine response. Taken together,", "id": "13787339" }, { "contents": "Blade Symphony\n\n\nflashy animations\". Players can choose from different characters, styles and blades and compete in different modes, such as deathmatch or 2 vs 2. The game uses an Elo rating system for matchmaking. Development on \"Blade Symphony\" began in 2006 when lead designer Michael Chang and a friend needed \"to scratch the sword fighting itch\" they had. Chang had been a fan of \"\", but by 2006, its player community had dispersed. So to scratch that itch, they had to build a new game themselves", "id": "19562535" }, { "contents": "Private prison\n\n\n.\" Khan continued: \"We can't go on with scandal after scandal, where the public's money is being squandered and the quality of what's delivered isn't up to scratch. The government is too reliant on a cosy group of big companies. The public are rightly getting fed up to the back teeth of big companies making huge profits out of the taxpayer, which smacks to them of rewards for failure.\" Private prisons are operated in the United States of America. In 2018, 8.41% of prisoners", "id": "3017801" }, { "contents": "An Itch in Time\n\n\nElmer threatens to give the dog a bath if he witnesses him scratching again, which the dog - thinking about how much he hates baths - promises not to do. A. Flea continues searching for and measuring out various selections of the dog's person; he makes use of pickaxes, jackhammers and even explosives while the dog tries to withstand the itching and the overall pain. At one point, he deliberately angers the cat in order to enjoy the claws scratching his back. An angry-looking Elmer catches them and they both", "id": "14870680" }, { "contents": "Kelli Ward\n\n\nof the country and the business of Arizona being represented at the federal level can move forward... We can't have until the 2018 election, waiting around to accomplish the Trump agenda, to secure the border and stop illegal immigration and repeal Obamacare and fix the economy and fix the veterans administration, all those things need to be done and we can't be at a standstill while we wait for John McCain to determine what he's going to do.\" Ward said that she hoped that Arizona's governor would consider appointing her", "id": "20270833" }, { "contents": "Joe Maneri\n\n\nuse 72 equal temperament, the equal division of the octave in 72 parts, although he doesn't confine himself to that temperament in performance: \"We don't use theories when we play. We can't. We \"are\" those things. If they took X-rays of us, you would see all of the music inside.\" (Blumenthal, 1999) In 1999, \"Tales of Rohnlief\" marked the recording debut of Maneri's own constructed language. Writer Harvey Pekar — a longtime fan of Maneri", "id": "9997174" }, { "contents": "Chickenpox\n\n\nfrom disease with a greater benefit for severe disease. Routine immunization of children is recommended in many countries. Immunization within three days of exposure may improve outcomes in children. Treatment of those infected may include calamine lotion to help with itching, keeping the fingernails short to decrease injury from scratching, and the use of paracetamol (acetaminophen) to help with fevers. For those at increased risk of complications, antiviral medication such as aciclovir are recommended. Chickenpox occurs in all parts of the world. In 2013 there were 140 million cases", "id": "18593788" }, { "contents": "Michele Bachmann\n\n\nRepublican held House of Representatives not to provide any funds for implementation of the act. \"But until we can see that [repeal] happen, we want to fully defund this bill so that, like, it would be akin to a helium balloon that gets no helium inside so that it can't take off the ground, and that's what we're planning to do. I'm very, very grateful for nothing else; having a majority in the House of Representatives so that we have the ability of the power", "id": "3522529" }, { "contents": "Forever Evil\n\n\nused as purposefully as characters like Scarecrow and Penguin.\" Jake Baumgart of Newsarama, who gave the issue a 7 out of 10, added that the issue \"scratches a very particular itch in that we get to see these popular villains battle it out and stab each other in the back. Does this make for the most compelling story? Maybe not - but it sure is fun!\" \"Arkham War\" #3 received a 5.8 out of 10 from Schedeen, saying, \"Surprisingly, a comic about every single", "id": "5482801" }, { "contents": "Itching ears\n\n\near\" to show that pupils, not the teachers are the ones seeking doctrine aside from Apostolic teaching. Matthew Poole describes the cause and effect of an \"itching ear\": In chapter 4 verse 4, Paul writes: Paul uses the word \"fables\" (μύθους) to describe the remedy that people seek in order to scratch their itching ears. However, Paul continues to fulfill the analogy in chapter 4 verse 5 by contrasting Timothy's ministry from these fables. Paul calls Timothy to \"do the work of an", "id": "15787977" }, { "contents": "Referred itch\n\n\nin context to Kowalewsky’s research. The phenomenon of referred itch was documented as early as 1733. Around that time, the English scientist Stephen Hales observed that when an area of the body was scratched by the nails, an itching sensation could be triggered on a distant part of the body. He had called the phenomenon the many \"Instances of the Sympathy of the Nerves.\" More extensive observations on the referral of sensation were documented by Kowalewsky, who observed referred sensations on himself. Kowalewsky published his findings in 1884.", "id": "20943678" }, { "contents": "Dan Crenshaw\n\n\n, Crenshaw called for a debate on the causes of climate change, adding, \"We can't start off the conversation saying the climate is settled. The right way to have this conversation is to actually listen to what the science says on both sides.\" When asked by \"Business Insider\" in 2019, Crenshaw said that \"climate change is occurring and that man-made emissions play a part in that. What isn't clear is how our actions will serve to reverse that warming trend, and what the cost", "id": "9675399" }, { "contents": "Inside Man\n\n\nInside Man\" is a hybrid of studio action pic and Spike Lee joint. Or else it's a cross between a 2006 Spike Lee joint and a 1970s-style movie indictment of urban unease.\" Roger Ebert of the \"Chicago Sun-Times\" gave it 2.5/4 stars, writing, \"Here is a thriller that's curiously reluctant to get to the payoff, and when it does, we see why: We can't accept the motive and method of the bank robbery, we can't believe in one character", "id": "9531531" }, { "contents": "Cutaneous larva migrans\n\n\ndisease is also somewhat ambiguously known as \"ground itch\" or (in some parts of the Southern USA) \"sandworms\", as the larvae like to live in sandy soil. Another vernacular name is plumber's itch. The medical term CLM literally means \"wandering larvae in the skin\". The infection causes a red, intensely pruritic (itchy) eruption. The itching can become very painful and if scratched may allow a secondary bacterial infection to develop. Cutaneous larva migrans usually heals spontaneously over weeks to months and has", "id": "7129609" }, { "contents": "Donkey Punch the Night\n\n\nto reach itch known as 'Bohemian Rhapsody.' And scratch them we did.\" The EP features some of the same line-up as \"Conditions of My Parole\", including Keenan on vocals, Carina Round on vocals and guitar, Mat Mitchell on bass, guitar and programming, Juliette Commagere on additional vocals, Josh Eustis on guitar and piano, Matt McJunkins on bass and Jeff Friedl on drums and percussion, as well as guest musicians Zac Rae on piano, Josh Morreau on bass and Claire Acey on vocals", "id": "15852031" }, { "contents": "Encore (Eminem song)\n\n\npopular consensus' [Dr. Dre] 'But critics say that Doc is soft, Doc is talkDoc is all washed up, knock it offWho the fuck is Doc impressin'?Doc is this, Doc is that, you got the wrong impressionYou must be on the cock of Doc, cuz Doc left you all guessin'So DJ take the needle and just drop it on the recordWe gon' have this mutherfucker hoppin' in a secondThat's why we always save the best cut lastTo make you scratch and itch for it like fresh cut grass'", "id": "1642224" }, { "contents": "Srđa Popović (lawyer)\n\n\n: \"Political parties aren't the problem in Serbia. The problem here is the society that votes for those parties. I can't even begin to image what those million people that voted for SRS are like. We need to face the fact we live in a country where 50% of the population is semiliterate, uninformed, and poisoned by the media outlets with nontransparent ownership structure so that we don't know who's financing them. When a person like that gets out to vote, I'm convinced they don't", "id": "1537174" }, { "contents": "Scratch reflex\n\n\nThe scratch reflex is a response to activation of sensory neurons whose peripheral terminals are located on the surface of the body. Some sensory neurons can be activated by stimulation with an external object such as a parasite on the body surface. Alternatively, some sensory neurons can respond to a chemical stimulus that produces an itch sensation. During a scratch reflex, a nearby limb reaches toward and rubs against the site on the body surface that has been stimulated. The scratch reflex has been extensively studied to understand the functioning of neural networks in", "id": "21484257" }, { "contents": "Gift economy\n\n\nat the University of North Texas in 2010-11, found that common reasons given by contributors were \"learning for the joy of learning and collaborating with interesting and smart people\". Motivation for personal gain, such as career benefits, was more rarely reported. Many of those surveyed said things like, \"Mainly I contribute just to make it work for me\", and \"programmers develop software to 'scratch an itch. The International Institute of Infonomics at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands reported in 2002 that in", "id": "4914909" }, { "contents": "Hollywood Treasure\n\n\nwill always be watching from the audience\". Brian Lowry of \"Variety\" wrote that \"we've seen this movie (or rather, reality-TV show) before, dozens of times, in more glamorous settings. And having each half-hour (two will air back to back) conclude with an auction doesn't really foster much suspense\". Patty Miranda of wrote \"For those who wish there was a Hollywood-themed version of \"American Pickers\", \"Hollywood Treasure\" scratches that itch as", "id": "8936967" }, { "contents": "John Simmons (actor)\n\n\nagencies, but to translate what really goes on at that bureaucratic level is impossible. It's so inside the Beltway that you can't really make fun of it, so you go after what's in the news.\" GNP was one of the first comedy groups in Washington DC. \"There was no venue for comedy then; we played in rock clubs.\" They did a lot of revues, performed in all the clubs in DC and Baltimore, MD, and developed a loyal following. In 1982, while", "id": "22091822" }, { "contents": "Paraiso (Pugad Baboy story arc)\n\n\njust of Chinese, but Malaysians and other nationalities as well. Knowing that their respective governments would simply negotiate for their repatriation, Dobermaxx shoots them with his \"garapata gun\". The victims began to itch and scratch. By next morning, Khalid had taken the prisoners to the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation. Everyone sat down to a feast of the illegal fishermen's confiscated catch. As they began to dig in, Cathy, the resort's operations manager, thanked them for what they did; she however began to lecture", "id": "16748576" }, { "contents": "Itche Goldberg\n\n\nof us. And we're speaking only of poetry. But the prose that was produced! ... It was a time of exceptional, history-making creativity. And if we don’t understand this, we will perhaps not understand how to inherit or what to inherit.” (Speaking of Yiddish literature in first half of 20th century) “Just because I'm secular doesn't mean I'm antireligious.” \"The need to keep Yiddish alive in one shape or another is very basic. And after what we went", "id": "8615610" }, { "contents": "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.\n\n\nthey've blown those doors wide open.\" He added, \"We have relatively free rein [in what the series can introduce and connect to]; we just can't go anywhere that [the films are] going. They know their stories so much further out than we do, which is good for us to tee up things that we know are coming to them or avoid things that they want to be special on the big screen. As long as we are not covering bases that they're going to cover", "id": "20849878" }, { "contents": "Jacqui Smith\n\n\nif such a case was brought that any legal proceedings would be robustly defended.\" Smith defended the choice of individuals by declaring, 'If you can't live by the rules that we live by, the standards and the values that we live by, we should exclude you from this country and, what's more, now we will make public those people that we have excluded.' \"The Guardian\" criticised Smith's actions. On 2 June 2009, Smith confirmed that she would leave the Cabinet in the next", "id": "7176691" }, { "contents": "2016 Tennessee Volunteers football team\n\n\nn't really do anything (about) what we can't control.\" Jones responded to questions about Tennessee blowing late leads against Oklahoma, Florida, Arkansas and Alabama by pointing out in \"the last 18 games, we're 13-5. And the amazing thing, when you look at it of being 13-5 over the last 18 games, is those five losses have come by a combined total of 25 points. So what are we doing to take the next step as a football program? We talk about", "id": "4630324" }, { "contents": "Emerald Dragon\n\n\nthe ranks of the best role playing games the SNES has to offer but it's certainly a worthwhile play through if you want to scratch that JRPG itch 5:00-5:08. The youtuber Avalanche Reviews commented on the English fan translation of the super nintendo version \"Aside from the novelty of being a recently translated Japanese RPG Emerald Dragon is also an interesting stab at changing the traditional RPG format in some very small but very effective ways. If you've grown tired of the slim pickings we westerners have been awarded in the RPG department", "id": "7024648" }, { "contents": "The Hunger Games (film)\n\n\nthe book, Katniss speculates about the game-makers' manipulations... in the film, we can't get inside Katniss's head, but we do have the ability to cut away and actually show the machinations of the Capitol behind the scenes. I created the game centre and also expanded the role of Seneca Crane for those reasons. I thought it was totally important.\" Ross also added several scenes between Crane and Coriolanus Snow, the elderly President of Panem, noting that \"I thought that it was very interesting that", "id": "17067364" }, { "contents": "Brachioradial pruritus\n\n\nwhat causes it. No cure has been found, but good control with near 100% relief can be achieved. The intense itch/scratch cycle can be broken by applying a topical skin coolant gel like Biofreeze (or a substance containing menthol, camphor or other topical coolant) to affected itchy areas, and then consistently applying 100+SPF sunscreen to affected skin of arms, shoulders, neck, etc., whenever they are expected to be exposed to the sun. When combined, these treatments can bring almost full relief. Many", "id": "2780903" }, { "contents": "Stigmata\n\n\nbetween starvation and self-mutilation has been reported amongst prisoners of war and during famines. The psychologist Leonard Zusne in his book \"Anomalistic Psychology: A Study of Magical Thinking\" (1989) has written: Cases of stigmatism fall into two categories: self-inflicted wounds, which may be either cases of fraud or of unconscious self-infliction, and those that are caused by emotional states... Self-induced (through autosuggestion) itching and subsequent scratching of which the individual is unaware is likely to occur in suggestible persons", "id": "18052344" }, { "contents": "Prescription Drug User Fee Act\n\n\nII Rep. Billy Tauzin, who later became head of PhRMA and one of those leading the call for a further streamlined review process, told a story of how a family friend had to travel to Mexico to obtain drugs that helped him overcome prostate cancer. \"We continue to have problems with the fact that approved medicines in other countries can't get approved here. But what I particularly can't understand at all are situations where you have people suffering terminal illnesses, and they can't get the experimental drugs that might save their", "id": "996779" }, { "contents": "Lichen simplex chronicus\n\n\nMost common sites of LSC are the sides of the neck, the scalp, ankles, vulva, pubis, scrotum, and extensor sides of the forearms. However, due to the stigma associated with chronic scratching, some patients will not admit to chronic rubbing or abrasion. The skin may become thickened and hyperpigmented (lichenified) as a direct result of chronic excoriation. Typically this period of increased scratching is associated with stressors. This is a skin disorder characterized by a self-perpetuating scratch-itch cycle: Many hypothesize LSC", "id": "19595004" }, { "contents": "Hives\n\n\nwhich the skin becomes raised and inflamed when stroked, scratched, rubbed, and sometimes even slapped. The skin reaction usually becomes evident soon after the scratching, and disappears within 30 minutes. Dermatographism is the most common form of a subset of chronic hives, acknowledged as \"physical hives\". It stands in contrast to the linear reddening that does not itch seen in healthy people who are scratched. In most cases, the cause is unknown, although it may be preceded by a viral infection, antibiotic therapy, or emotional", "id": "21444897" }, { "contents": "Claude AnShin Thomas\n\n\nis often asked how to support returned service personnel. Thomas responds: Wake up to the roots of war in you. And, allow them to be your teacher. Because we can't do anything for them, not really, unless they ask us, unless they want that. But, we can't hear what they're saying, we can't hear what people are saying, unless we're willing to wake up to our conditioning. Because it was my conditioning, it was the karma that I inherited, and", "id": "16881661" }, { "contents": "Graduation (album)\n\n\naround a sample of \"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger\" by Daft Punk. By being composed using nothing more than a Rhodes piano, a vocal sample, and turntable scratches, \"Everything I Am\" stands as the third studio album's most minimalistic production. West marries a down-tempo beat to gentle piano chords which are accentuated by soulful cooing sampled from \"If We Can't Be Lovers\" by Prince Phillip Mitchell. The low-key track has a scratched hook by DJ Premier formed with the vocal", "id": "3437654" }, { "contents": "The Wailing Wind\n\n\n. That same day Denton's wife, Linda, disappeared; she has never been heard from again. Leaphorn's recollection of what had been shrugged off as a Halloween prank out at old Fort Wingate now becomes the itch he has to scratch. It seems a group of teens shortcutting across the area had endured a close call with La Llorana, a mythical wailing woman. The information he gathers adds yet another piece to the puzzle of the missing Linda. Chee is up to his elbows in not only the investigation but also", "id": "13001158" }, { "contents": "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn\n\n\ncopies for sure!\" In 1905, New York's Brooklyn Public Library also banned the book due to \"bad word choice\" and Huck's having \"not only itched but scratched\" within the novel, which was considered obscene. When asked by a Brooklyn librarian about the situation, Twain sardonically replied: I am greatly troubled by what you say. I wrote 'Tom Sawyer' & 'Huck Finn' for adults exclusively, & it always distressed me when I find that boys and girls have been allowed access to", "id": "14493704" }, { "contents": "Yongary, Monster from the Deep\n\n\nmanages to escape through the city’s sewers and reaches an oil refinery where he finds Yongary drinking oil and gasoline. Icho turns off the main valve which causes Yongary to go berserk and destroy a tank that triggers a chemical reaction that makes Yongary itch and scratch. Icho then returns to Il-Woo's house to tell him what happened at the refinery. Il-Woo then reveals this discovery to the authorities and urges them to not use the guided missiles because they will give him more energy but his claims are brushed off", "id": "9372687" }, { "contents": "Athlete's foot\n\n\n, thereby getting the fungus on the fingers, and then touching or scratching the feet. While the fungus remains the same, the name of the condition changes based on where on the body the infection is located. For example, the infection is known as tinea corporis (\"ringworm\") when the torso or limbs are affected or tinea cruris (jock itch or dhobi itch) when the groin is affected. Clothes (or shoes), body heat, and sweat can keep the skin warm and moist, just the", "id": "99149" }, { "contents": "Pruritus ani\n\n\nPruritus ani is the irritation of the skin at the exit of the rectum, known as the anus, causing the desire to scratch. The intensity of anal itching increases from moisture, pressure, and rubbing caused by clothing and sitting. At worst, anal itching causes intolerable discomfort that often is accompanied by burning and soreness. It is estimated that up to 5% of the population of the United States experiences this type of discomfort daily. If a specific cause for pruritus ani is found it is classified as \"secondary pruritus", "id": "4677162" }, { "contents": "Rules (novel)\n\n\nall of us – not just those with special needs. 3. We all try to do the best we can to fit in, but things don’t always end up the way we intend. 4. Always stick with family no matter what. 5. Even the best of us can't stick to their own rules. Lord has two children, a son, and a daughter, and was inspired by them while writing \"Rules\". She states that the character of David is loosely based on her autistic son", "id": "13192415" }, { "contents": "Punk & Poetry\n\n\nto get it into the studio and take that rawness and break it down a little bit, pull it apart and put it back together, and I think it's a much better song now\". \"Dancehall\", according to Itch is \"about living your life as a celebration really\". \"The Future's Not What It Used to Be\" is about how the generation now are told they can't enjoy life as much as previous generations, and have been put in an unfair scenario because of a previous", "id": "17892838" }, { "contents": "Yellowcard\n\n\n\"We're talking about a ton of different ideas, and we're itching to start as soon as possible. Ultimately, we want to make something the fans will love. What we love to do most is look out from the stage and see people exploding with energy, and I think we keep that in mind while we are writing. We miss being out on the road playing for Yellowcard fans all around the world, and without their support, we wouldn't have a career.\" Josh Portman, the former", "id": "16792972" }, { "contents": "The Powerpuff Girls (2016 TV series)\n\n\nMiddle East on Cartoon Network Arabic on 2015 and Cartoon Network on 2017. The series has been met with mixed reviews from critics and negative reception from many fans of the original series, who criticized the show's severe drop in quality. Henry Solotaroff-Webber of \"The Badger Herald\" enjoyed the series, saying \"Overall, this new rendition of a classic animated program is a triumph in my eyes. It recaptures much of what made the last show so important for kids to see while still thoroughly scratching a nostalgia itch", "id": "2297662" }, { "contents": "ISO image\n\n\nwith multiple tracks can't be stored inside a single ISO image; at most, an ISO image will contain the data inside one of those multiple tracks, and only if it is stored inside a standard file system. This also means that audio CDs, which are usually composed of multiple tracks, can't be stored inside an ISO image. Furthermore, not even a single track of an audio CD can be stored as an ISO image, since audio tracks do not contain a file system inside them, but only a", "id": "708319" }, { "contents": "Cyberwar: How Russian Hackers and Trolls Helped Elect a President\n\n\nalter the results of a close election. Then, in five chapters, Jamieson examines the question of whether or not the Russians did what was necessary to affect the election's outcome. Three chapters deal with how the hacked content affected the last month of the campaign. Finally, Jamieson explains what we know, and what we can't know about how effective the Russians were. Regarding what we can't know, Jamieson doesn't claim to be able to identify specific U.S. citizens who changed their votes as a result of Russian", "id": "14962383" }, { "contents": "Itch\n\n\ncentrally but with no neural damage, is mostly associated with increased accumulation of exogenous opioids and possibly synthetic opioids. Itch is also associated with some symptoms of psychiatric disorders such as tactile hallucinations, delusions of parasitosis, or obsessive-compulsive disorders (as in OCD-related neurotic scratching). Inflammatory mediators—such as bradykinin, serotonin (5-HT) and prostaglandins—released during a painful or pruritic inflammatory condition not only activate pruriceptors but also cause acute sensitization of the nociceptors. In addition, expression of neuro growth factors (NGF", "id": "1020004" }, { "contents": "Donkey Punch the Night\n\n\nThe EP was released on February 19, 2013 in digital and CD formats, with a vinyl format later released on March 12, 2013. The EP was announced, along with the track listing and a set of Australian tour dates, in November 2012. Frontman Maynard James Keenan said of the EP: \"While continuing our tradition of releasing a few new songs at a time. I also had an itch that needed scratching, and that itch was 'Balls To The Wall.' Which was followed by an even harder", "id": "15852030" }, { "contents": "Dermatophyte\n\n\nand tight clothing (hence the term \"jock itch\"). Frequently, the feet are also involved. The theory is that the feet get infected first from contact with the ground. The fungus spores are carried to the groin from scratching from putting on underclothing or pants. The infection frequently extends from the groin to the perianal skin and gluteal cleft. The rashes appear red, scaly, and pustular, and is often accompanied by itch. Tinea cruris should be differentiated from other similar dermal conditions such as intertriginous candidiasis,", "id": "17034438" }, { "contents": "Notalgia paresthetica\n\n\nNotalgia paraesthetica (NP) or notalgia paresthetica (also known as \"Hereditary localized pruritus\", \"Posterior pigmented pruritic patch\", and \"Subscapular pruritus\") is a chronic sensory neuropathy. Notalgia paraesthetica is a common localized itch, affecting mainly the area between the shoulder blades (especially the T2–T6 dermatomes) but occasionally with a more widespread distribution, involving the shoulders, back, and upper chest. The characteristic symptom is pruritus (itch or sensation that makes a person want to scratch) on the back, usually on", "id": "18593512" }, { "contents": "Paul Mac\n\n\n. Both provided keyboards and samplers. Itch-E and Scratch-E became their main focus with the success of their debut album, \"Itch-E Kitch-E Koo\" (1993), and its related single, \"Sweetness and Light\" (1994). At the ARIA Music Awards of 1995 the single won Best Dance Release. During his acceptance speech Mac controversially declared, \"We'd like to thank all of Sydney's ecstasy dealers, without whom this award would not be possible\". One of", "id": "1891080" }, { "contents": "Pinworm infection\n\n\nhave not been explained. The intensity of the itching varies, and it can be described as tickling, crawling sensations, or even acute pain. The itching leads to continuously scratching the area around the anus, which can further result in tearing of the skin and complications such as secondary bacterial infections, including bacterial dermatitis (i.e., skin inflammation) and folliculitis (i.e., hair follicle inflammation). General symptoms are insomnia (i.e., persistent difficulties to sleep) and restlessness. A considerable proportion of children suffer from loss of", "id": "19302518" }, { "contents": "Brachioradial pruritus\n\n\nBrachioradial pruritus (sometimes abbreviated BRP) is an intense itching sensation of the arm usually between the wrist and elbow of either or both arms. The itch can be so intense that sufferers will scratch their own skin to a bleeding condition. The condition is becoming increasingly common, presenting in patients who are usually fair skinned and middle aged and indulge in golf, tennis, outdoor table tennis, sailing, or other leisure outdoor activities in sunny climates. The cause is not known, although there are a few lines of thought on", "id": "2780902" }, { "contents": "Itch-E and Scratch-E\n\n\nof Mac, trained in classical music, gave them a distinctive sound which eventually led to pop success. One of their demos led to the band signing with Volition Records' label, Second Nature. Their debut mini-album, \"Irritable\", was released in August 1992. The group released the album \"Itch-E Kitch-E Koo\" in October 1993. It was recorded at two Sydney studios, The Lab and Masking Tapes, with Mac and Rantzen as producers. Kristian Hatton of Haarp Media, in", "id": "6182458" }, { "contents": "Earl Monroe\n\n\n\"I had to develop flukey-duke shots, what we call la-la, hesitating in the air as long as possible before shooting,\" Monroe said. As he was developing as a teenage player, other players would razz him. His mother gave Earl a blue notebook and told him to write down the names of those players. \"As you get better than them,\" Monroe said his mother instructed, \"I want you to scratch those names out.\" After graduating from Jonn Bartram High School,", "id": "766853" }, { "contents": "Nuzzle and Scratch\n\n\na brown alpaca that mainly likes whatever. He likes telling Nuzzle what to do and usually gets Nuzzle in trouble. The Boss (played by Eve de Leon Allen) is the young girl who sends Nuzzle and Scratch to the job. The other characters appear in very few episodes. This is a list of other characters: \"\"Here we are Nuzzle and Scratch Best by far Nuzzle and Scratch We're alpacas safety rangers Investigating dangers \"No two others can match Nuzzle and Scratch\" Nuzzle (performed by Neil Sterenberg)", "id": "4719647" }, { "contents": "Inside Man: Most Wanted\n\n\nInside Man 2\" during the fall of 2009. In 2011, it was announced that plans to make \"Inside Man 2\" had been cancelled. Lee confirmed this, expressing that he could not secure funding for the project. \"\"Inside Man\" was my most successful film, but we can't get the sequel made,\" he said. \"And one thing Hollywood does well is sequels. The film's not getting made. We tried many times. It's not going to happen.\" In November", "id": "12393350" }, { "contents": "Prurigo nodularis\n\n\n, picking, or rubbing of the nodules may result in permanent changes to the skin, including nodular lichenification, hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation, and skin thickening. Unhealed, excoriated lesions are often scaly, crusted or scabbed. Many patients report a lack of wound healing even when medications relieve the itching and subsequent scratching. Patients often: Diagnosis is based on visual examination and the presence of itching. A skin biopsy is often performed to exclude other diseases. Lesion biopsies usually show light inflammation, sometimes with increased numbers of eosinophils, in", "id": "11842910" }, { "contents": "Prurigo simplex\n\n\nitchy. These nodules are frequently scratched open, becoming lesions that continue to itch. Sometimes the skin thickens and becomes discolored around the nodules. The scalp, arms, legs and trunk of the body are the most frequent sites of the bumps and lesions. Itching can become severe and habitual, worsening the condition and possibly causing infections in the open sores. Treatment is challenging, with narrow band UVB or pimozide sometimes helpful. Sometimes the nodules become less itchy and eventually disappear leaving a discolored area or scar tissue. The same", "id": "15701507" }, { "contents": "Junípero Serra\n\n\ncarrying only their breviaries. They trusted in Providence and the hospitality of local people along the way. During the trek Serra's left foot swelled up, and a burning itch tormented him. Arriving at a farm at day's end, he could hardly stand. He attributed the swelling to a mosquito bite. His discomfort caused him to stay over at the farm another night, during which he scratched his foot and leg to excess, desperately trying to relieve the itch. The next morning his leg was raw and bleeding.", "id": "15997318" }, { "contents": "The Seven Year Itch (Grimm)\n\n\nbe haunted by Meisner's ghost. The episode received mixed reviews from critics, who criticized the case of the week and the direction the show is taking towards its finale. Opening quote: \"When something itches my dear sir, the natural tendency is to scratch.\" A murder and the discovery of a body in a park lead Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) to an insect Wesen that emerges from the Earth every seven years for 24 hours. During that time, he has to capture a", "id": "18807184" } ]
How did America get so insanely WEALTHY? I looked up GDPs by country and the U.S. is no. 1 at 18 and a half TRILLION dollars
[{"answer": "America is the third largest country in the world by population, and the third largest by size. Europe's population is slightly larger, but the United States has a single dominant language and internal free markets and free movement. It has enormous coal deposits as well as significant petroleum and other natural resources. And it is the only major Western power that was not decimated in WWI and WWII. And, it happened to be the wealthiest and most prosperous nation at a time when economic development began to compound on itself via the information revolution."}, {"answer": "Just to add something, the US has the most developed financial infrastructure in the world, particularly on the east and west coast. This just means there's a lot of rich people looking to get richer by taking risks, such as putting their money to work by funding new businesses and financial ventures. For example, Silicon Valley is one of the richest areas in the world and generates wealth for the rest of the country largely because of startup culture and the access to venture capital (rich people spending money on new business ideas). Other nations have started to copy those ideas, but the US started back in the 1950s in the semiconductor industry and has a huge head start. We also have some of the best universities in the world, and due to the wealth attract the best students and minds of the world. It's called brain drain, where the top individuals from a nation all leave for the US. Some nations are affected significantly by this, others not so much. Within the US itself it's a problem, as individual states lose talent to the coasts."}, {"answer": "* Bordello and a pioneer to Capitalist free-market economy during the Cold War which gave the US. industries industrial rights and partnerships with foreign companies. * Mass economic shift by women, black and immigrant employment. * Technological and economic innovations. The US. expanded the notion of giving people the power to exercise their profit with minimal consequences. Eg. McDonalds is stolen. * Cold War paved the US for international trade, importing and exporting goods to allied, puppet, protectorate states. * Military expenditure includes arm sales sold to certain states. The proxy wars during the Cold War brought millions of government profit. * Government profits from lease and debts by allied states during the World Wars. What did I miss?"}, {"answer": "We basically won WWII. Sure Britain, France, and the USSR \"won\" but it is difficult to say that having so many casualties and cities bombed means \"winning.\" They were world powers whose economies got destroyed, which left the US as the last remaining world power who was still well off. We had the headstart since then and that is why we are where we are at now. That being said, the US is the third largest country by population, so it isn't like there aren't many of us."}, {"answer": "compared to other countries, america is like 50 countries. look at state size vs countries in europe"}, {"answer": "1. It's big, in terms of both population and geography. That means lots of resources, both human and physical. 2. It's been more than 150 years since military conflict of any real consequence occurred on the US mainland. Pretty much every other country in the world has seen at least one major military conflict on its soil (whether a foreign war or civil war) no *longer* ago than WWII. 3. It hasn't experienced any nation-scale natural disasters basically ever. Sure, almost the entire American South has been affected by a major hurricane at some point over the last century, but *never all of it at once*. Same goes for things like earthquakes, fires, whatever. The AD 1755 Lisbon earthquake pretty much leveled that city. It was rebuilt, and the Kingdom of Portugal survived. But Lisbon was the *only* city of any real size in the country, so the economic effects on that country were far more drastic than, say, the Great Chicago Fire (AD 1871) or AD 1906 San Francisco earthquake were on the US economy. Both of those evens pretty much leveled their respective cities, just like the Lisbon earthquake did there. But the US economy basically churned right along without much of a blip, whereas Portugal was never really the same. 4. It's politically and economically stable. It's had the same political system since the end of the 1700s. So in addition to there being no huge *physical* dislocations (e.g., wars, catastrophic natural disasters), the same legal and economic system has existed without interruption for most of that time, and definitely since the end of the American Civil War. Longer time for things like compound interest to work."}, {"answer": "Corporations. The United States of America has tons of super wealthy and powerful corporations some of which have higher GDP's than entire countries, such as Apple, Google, and Microsoft. All of these are american companies paying american taxes and, at least in the USA, hiring US workers. There are certainly other factors, such as getting rich off selling supplies in WW1 and WW2 without getting devastated. Another is that we have the dollar, one of the most trusted currencies in the world, which we can print a shit ton of, but corporations are probably the biggest factor. Corporations basically rule the world. For example, Walmart's revenues are on par with Norway's GDP, and Norway is pretty rich with one of the highest GDP's per capita in the world. And the USA is the capitalist corporation hub of the world with rich powerful corporations on top of corporations on corporations."}, {"answer": "Basically what I'm getting so far is that it all started with 1.) The U.S. wasn't in as bad of shape at the end of WWII as practically every other major participant, least of all not economically, and 2.) That economic standing allowed us to say to the rest of the world \"Hey, enter into trade agreements with us and allow us to invest in you re-building your economy\" in the ensuing Cold War years when everyone basically had a choice of either us or the U.S.S.R. Is that summation more or less correct?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "195149", "title": "Federal government of the United States", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The federal government of the United States (U.S. federal government) is the national government of the United States, a federal republic in North America, composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories and several island possessions. The federal government is composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive and judicial, whose powers are vested by the U.S. Constitution in the Congress, the president and the federal courts, respectively. The powers and duties of these branches are further defined by acts of Congress, including the creation of executive departments and courts inferior to the Supreme Court.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "The federal government is composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive and judicial, whose powers are vested by the U.S. Constitution in the Congress, the president and the federal courts, respectively. The powers and duties of these branches are further defined by acts of Congress, including the creation of executive departments and courts inferior to the Supreme Court."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Trillion dollar club\n\n\nThe Trillion dollar club is an unofficial classification of the world's major economies with a gross domestic product (nominal GDP) of more than US$1 trillion per year. As of 2017 it included 16 countries. Due to the world financial crisis, South Korea and Australia exited the trillion dollar club as their nominal GDPs shrank below $1 trillion in 2008 and 2009 respectively. Australia rejoined the list in 2010 while South Korea did so in 2011 as these countries' nominal GDPs once again were above $1 trillion. Accordingly,", "id": "3718188" }, { "contents": "Bretton Woods system\n\n\nBank indicated a switch towards greater emphases on job creation. Dates are those when the rate was introduced; \"*\" indicates \"floating rate\" supplied by IMF Note: GDP for 2012 is $4.525 trillion U.S. dollars Note: GDP for 2012 is $3.123 trillion U.S. dollars Note: GDP for 2012 is $2.323 trillion U.S. dollars Note: GDP for 2012 is $2.253 trillion U.S. dollars Note: GDP for 2012 is $1.834 trillion U.S. dollars Note: GDP for 2012 is $1.409 trillion U.S. dollars Note: GDP", "id": "14032478" }, { "contents": "Health care finance in the United States\n\n\n1970 to nearly 18% in 2015. U.S. healthcare costs in 2015 were 16.9% GDP according to the OECD, over 5% GDP higher than the next most expensive OECD country. With U.S. GDP of $19 trillion, healthcare costs were about $3.2 trillion, or about $10,000 per person in a country of 320 million people. A gap of 5% GDP represents $1 trillion, about $3,000 per person relative to the next most expensive country. In other words, the U.S. would have to cut healthcare", "id": "12867649" }, { "contents": "Trillion dollar club\n\n\nwith the IMF, Mexico's estimated nominal GDP in 2009 also disminished below the trillion dollar mark, although other sources such as the CIA reported it above the mark. Africa and Antarctica are the only continents without countries included in the group. All of the G8 and BRIC countries are currently $1 trillion economies in United States dollars. Since currency valuations can be subject to rapid change, a country could achieve the US$1 trillion nominal GDP mark one year and then produce less than that in total goods and services the following", "id": "3718189" }, { "contents": "Tax haven\n\n\nUS$250 billion per annum from taxes. Zucman showed that almost half of these are U.S. corporations, and that it was the driver of how U.S. corporations built up offshore cash deposits of US$1 to 2 trillion since 2004. Zucman's (et alia) analysis showed that global GDP figures were materially distorted by multinational BEPS flows. In 2007, the OECD estimated that capital held offshore amounted to between US$5 to 7 trillion, making up approximately 6–8% of total global investments under management. In 2017, as part of", "id": "13616068" }, { "contents": "Health care finance in the United States\n\n\nOECD, U.S. healthcare costs in 2015 were 16.9% GDP, over 5% GDP higher than the next most expensive OECD country. A gap of 5% GDP represents $1 trillion, about $3,000 per person relative to the next most expensive country. In other words, the U.S. would have to cut healthcare costs by roughly one-third ($1 trillion or $3,000 per person on average) to be competitive with the next most expensive country. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) reported that U.S.", "id": "12867645" }, { "contents": "The Bahamas\n\n\nBy the terms of GDP per capita, the Bahamas is one of the richest countries in the Americas. Its currency (the Bahamian dollar) is kept at a 1-to-1 peg with the US dollar. It was revealed in the Panama Papers that The Bahamas is the jurisdiction with the most offshore entities or companies. The Bahamas relies heavily on tourism to generate most of its economic activity. Tourism as an industry not only accounts for about 50% of the Bahamian GDP, but also provides jobs for about half of the country's", "id": "3075158" }, { "contents": "Billionaire\n\n\nOxfam report, the top eight richest billionaires own as much combined wealth as \"half the human race\". According to the \"Forbes\" report released in March 2017, there are currently 2,043 U.S. dollar billionaires worldwide, from 66 countries, with a combined net worth of $7.67 trillion, which is more than the combined GDP of 152 countries. The majority of billionaires are male, as fewer than 11% (197 of 1,826) on the 2015 list were female billionaires. In 2015, there were ten LGBT billionaires", "id": "2056486" }, { "contents": "Potential superpowers\n\n\n\"Assuming that the Chinese and U.S. economies grow, respectively, by 8% and 3% in real terms, that China's inflation rate is 3.6% and America's is 2% (the averages of the last decade), and that the renminbi appreciates against the dollar by 3% per year (the average of the last six years), China will become the world's largest economy by 2021. By that time, both countries' GDP will be about $24 trillion.\" Historian Timothy Garton Ash argued", "id": "5498323" }, { "contents": "Health care prices in the United States\n\n\n3.2 trillion, or about $10,000 per person in a country of 320 million people. A gap of 5% GDP represents $1 trillion, about $3,000 per person relative to the next most expensive country. In other words, the U.S. would have to cut healthcare costs by roughly one-third ($1 trillion or $3,000 per person on average) to be competitive with the next most expensive country. Healthcare spending in the U.S. was distributed as follows in 2014: Hospital care 32%; physician and clinical", "id": "13865027" }, { "contents": "Economy of the Arab League\n\n\nof Djibouti. Based on latest figures and estimates, the Arab League has a total GDP of approximately Int$7.695 trillion (6.0% of the world) at purchasing power parity, or US$2.841 trillion (3.55% of the world) at nominal values. The member state with the highest total GDP is Saudi Arabia at Int$1.921 trillion (PPP), or 759.219 billion in current US dollars (nominal). Comoros has the lowest GDP at Int$1.45 billion (PPP), or US$781 million at nominal. The country with the", "id": "181424" }, { "contents": "Economy of the United States\n\n\nin the world for healthcare and education, down from 6th in 1990. U.S. healthcare costs are considerably higher than other countries as a share of GDP, among other measures. According to the OECD, U.S. healthcare costs in 2015 were 16.9% GDP, over 5% GDP higher than the next most expensive OECD country. A gap of 5% GDP represents $1 trillion, about $3,000 per person or one-third higher relative to the next most expensive country. The high cost of health care in the United States", "id": "13508337" }, { "contents": "List of countries by GDP sector composition\n\n\nThis is a list of countries by gross domestic product (GDP) sector composition. The figures are based on nominal GDP and GDP (PPP) estimates and sector composition ratios provided by the CIA World Factbook at market or government official exchange rates with figures in trillions of United States dollars. Nominal GDP sector composition, 2015 (in percentage and in millions of dollars): Nominal GDP sector composition, 2015 (in millions of 2005 USD): 2005 prices are used similarly to 2010 constant prices in which they provide economic statistics", "id": "16991122" }, { "contents": "Economy of Thailand\n\n\nin 1994 to a low of 207.31 in 1998. The country's GDP dropped from THB3.115  trillion at the end of 1996 to THB2.749  trillion at the end of 1998. In dollar terms, it took Thailand as long as 10 years to regain its 1996 GDP. The unemployment rate went up nearly threefold: from 1.5 percent of the labor force in 1996 to 4.4 percent in 1998. A sharp decrease in the value of the baht abruptly increased foreign debt, undermining financial institutions. Many were sold, in part, to foreign", "id": "11083946" }, { "contents": "List of Japanese prefectures by GDP\n\n\nterms, meaning that comparisons between years and prefectures are most meaningful in the native currency, the yen. In 2011, the yen/dollar rate is 79.8 (average), valuing Japan's nominal 2011 GDP figure of 468.1 trillion yen, at US $5.87 trillion or 37.9 trillion yuan (at 6.4588/dollar). That is less than the revised 2011 figure for China of 47.16 trillion yuan. Using May 2013 exchange rates, the yen/dollar rate is 100, valuing Japan's 2011 nominal GDP at US $", "id": "16845974" }, { "contents": "Guangdong\n\n\n$12.25 trillion GDP. In 2015, Guangdong's GDP was slightly larger than that of Mexico ranking 15th in terms of US dollar or Purchasing Power Parity. Comparable to that of country subdivisions in dollar terms, Guangdong's GDP is larger than that of all but 6 country subdivisions: England, California, Texas, New York and Tokyo. It is comparable to the GDP of the Los Angeles metropolitan area. This is a trend of official estimates of the gross domestic product of the Province of Guangdong with figures in millions of", "id": "17408791" }, { "contents": "2013 United States federal budget\n\n\nfor fiscal year (FY) 2013 included expiration of a variety of tax cuts for couples earning over $250,000 ($200,000 if single), short-term stimulus measures to support job growth, and targeted tax cuts for families and businesses. The budget included 2013 revenues of $2.9 trillion or 17.8% GDP (up from $2.5 trillion or 15.8% GDP in 2012) and spending of $3.8 trillion or 23.3% GDP (similar to the prior year in dollar terms but below the 24.3% GDP in 2012", "id": "10663575" }, { "contents": "Economy of the United States\n\n\nBy this measure, the U.S. ranked 43rd highest among 2017 nations. Debt held by the public rose considerably as a result of the Great Recession and its aftermath. It is expected to continue rising as the country ages towards 100% GDP by 2028. The U.S. public debt was $909 billion in 1980, an amount equal to 33% of America's gross domestic product (GDP); by 1990, that number had more than tripled to $3.2 trillion—or 56% of GDP. In 2001 the national debt", "id": "13508353" }, { "contents": "United States dollar\n\n\n. A few countries use the Federal Reserve Notes for paper money, while still minting their own coins, or also accept U.S. dollar coins (such as the Sacagawea or presidential dollar). As of January 31, 2019, there are approximately $1.7 trillion in circulation, of which $1.65 trillion is in Federal Reserve Notes (the remaining $50 billion is in the form of U.S. notes and coins). Article I, of the U.S. Constitution provides that the Congress has the power \"To coin money\". Laws", "id": "15828717" }, { "contents": "Thailand\n\n\nfrom there to the Department of Land Transport's three Bangkok bus terminals. Tourism makes up about 6% of the country's economy. Thailand was the most visited country in Southeast Asia in 2013, according to the World Tourism Organisation. Estimates of tourism receipts directly contributing to the Thai GDP of 12 trillion baht range from 9 percent (1 trillion baht) (2013) to 16 percent. When including the indirect effects of tourism, it is said to account for 20.2 percent (2.4 trillion baht) of Thailand's GDP", "id": "11083590" }, { "contents": "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership\n\n\ndollars, with the combined GDPs of China and India making up more than 75% of the amount. RCEP's share of the global economy could account for half of the estimated $0.5 quadrillion global (GDP, PPP) by 2050. The arrangement is also open to any other external economic partners, such as nations in Central Asia and remaining nations in South Asia and Oceania. RCEP potentially includes more than 3 billion people or 45% of the world's population, and a combined GDP of about $21.3 trillion,", "id": "20800235" }, { "contents": "Federal budget of Russia\n\n\nbe 13.7 trillion rubles (200 billion US dollars) or 17.5% of GDP, while spending is planned to be 16 trillion rubles (roughly 233 billion dollars) or 20.5% of GDP. The budget deficit is thus 2.35 trillion rubles (33 billion dollars) or 3% of GDP. No later than October 1st, the Russian government prepares and introduces a draft federal budget for the next fiscal year to the State Duma. The federal budget is considered by the State Duma in three readings (amendments to the Code)", "id": "8960227" }, { "contents": "Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone\n\n\nregion already accounts for 4.66 trillion yuan (682.21 billion U.S. dollars) in 2007, up 15.2 percent year on year. Its forecasted GDP in the delta would hit 16 trillion yuan ($2.4 trillion) by 2020, based on the annual growth rate of 11 percent. Shanghai predominates in the finance, banking, property, automobiles and logistics industries. Suzhou is a strong manufacturing base for foreign companies. Nanjing is a hub for the automobile industry, electronics, education, energy, iron and steel industries. Ningbo is a", "id": "22118309" }, { "contents": "China–United States trade war\n\n\nby those countries to buy America's assets, as opposed to investing that money in the U.S. \"If we do as we're doing . . . those trillions of dollars are in the hands of foreigners that they can then use to buy up America.\" After a seven-month investigation, U.S. trade representative Robert Lighthizer said that the value of the tariffs imposed was based on U.S. estimates of the actual economic damage caused by alleged theft of intellectual property and \"[requiring or pressuring] foreign companies to transfer technology as", "id": "7672188" }, { "contents": "Subprime mortgage crisis solutions debate\n\n\ndebt. Now that credit is scarce, it is inevitable that GDP will fall. Neither the left nor the right of the American political spectrum has shown any willingness to tolerate such a contraction.\" He argues further that U.S. budgetary assumptions mean certain wealthy nations must continue to fund annual trillion dollar deficits indefinitely, for a 2-3% Treasury bond return, without significant net redemption to fund domestic programs, which he considers highly unlikely. While commenting on the G20 summit, economist John B. Taylor said \"\"This financial", "id": "3633949" }, { "contents": "Healthcare reform in the United States\n\n\ncategories of expense include hospital care (32%), physician and clinical services (20%), and prescription drugs (10%). U.S. costs in 2016 were substantially higher than other OECD countries, at 17.2% GDP versus 12.4% GDP for the next most expensive country (Switzerland). For scale, a 5% GDP difference represents about $1 trillion or $3,000 per person. Some of the many reasons cited for the cost differential with other countries include: Higher administrative costs of a private system with", "id": "12652792" }, { "contents": "Financialization\n\n\ntrillion in assets, which is equivalent to 84% of U.S. GDP. Investment banks (securities broker-dealers) held $33 billion (thousand million) in assets in 1978 (equivalent to 1.3% of U.S. GDP), but held $3.1 trillion in assets (equivalent to 22% U.S. GDP) in 2007. The securities that were so instrumental in triggering the financial crisis of 2007-2008, asset-backed securities, including collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) were practically non-existent in 1978. By 2007", "id": "8709501" }, { "contents": "Economy of the United States\n\n\nnation's GDP according to World Bank: US real GDP grew by an average of 1.7% from 2000 to the first half of 2014, a rate around half the historical average up to 2000. Nominal GDP sector composition, 2015 (in millions of dollars) at 2005 constant prices Nominal GDP Sector Composition, 2016 (in millions of dollars) at current prices. There were approximately 160.4 million in the U.S. labor force in 2017, the fourth largest labor force in the world behind China, India, and the European Union", "id": "13508286" }, { "contents": "Guangdong\n\n\ntopped the total GDP rankings among all provincial-level divisions, with Jiangsu and Shandong second and third in rank. As of 2018, Guangdong's GDP reached 1.47 trillion US dollars (CNY 9.73 trillion), exceeding that of Spain with GDP of 1.43 trillion US dollars, the 13th largest in the world. The province contributes approximately 12% of the total economic output of mainland China, and is home to the production facilities and offices of a wide-ranging set of Chinese and foreign corporations. Guangdong has benefited from its", "id": "17408771" }, { "contents": "Climate change in California\n\n\nproviding water to the western states in the United States will increase from $200 billion to $950 billion per year, an estimated 0.93–1 percent of the United States' gross domestic product (GDP). Four climate change impacts—hurricane damage, energy costs, real estate losses, and water costs—alone are projected to cost 1.8 percent of the GDP of the United States, or, just under $1.9 trillion in 2008 U.S. dollars by the year 2100. A study conducted in 2009 showed that increases in frequency and", "id": "2269097" }, { "contents": "United States federal budget\n\n\nGDP, including federal tax revenue, outlays or spending, deficits (revenue - outlays), and debt held by the public. The historical average for 1969-2018 is also shown. With U.S. GDP of about $20 trillion in 2018, 1% of GDP is about $200 billion. The U.S. Constitution (Article I, section 9, clause 7) states that \"No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of Receipts and", "id": "3674596" }, { "contents": "United States federal budget\n\n\n%). U.S. costs in 2016 were substantially higher than other OECD countries, at 17.2% GDP versus 12.4% GDP for the next most expensive country (Switzerland). For scale, a 5% GDP difference represents about $1 trillion or $3,000 per person. Some of the many reasons cited for the cost differential with other countries include: Higher administrative costs of a private system with multiple payment processes; higher costs for the same products and services; more expensive volume/mix of services with higher usage of more", "id": "3674659" }, { "contents": "US Uncut\n\n\nWe're Not Broke\", which follows the group's co-founders nonviolent direct actions at corporate storefronts across the country. According to the film's website, \"We're Not Broke is the story of how U.S. corporations have been able to hide over a trillion dollars from Uncle Sam, and how seven fed-up Americans from across the country, take their frustration to the streets . . . and vow to make the corporations pay their fair share.\" The film is available to watch for free on Netflix (", "id": "9401230" }, { "contents": "Manufacturing in the United States\n\n\na decline of 736,000. As a share of employment, manufacturing would fall from 7.9% in 2016 to 6.9% in 2026, continuing a long-term trend. The U.S. manufacturing industry employed 12.4 million people in March 2017, generating output (nominal GDP) of $2.2 trillion in Q3 2016, with real GDP of $1.9 trillion in 2009 dollars. The share of persons employed in manufacturing relative to total employment has steadily declined since the 1960s. Employment growth in industries such as construction, finance, insurance and real", "id": "3695160" }, { "contents": "Economy of the United States\n\n\n% in 2000 to 52% in 2009 and 77% of GDP in 2017, which was ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. Income inequality peaked in 2007 and fell during the Great Recession, yet still ranked 41st highest among 156 countries in 2017 (i.e., 74% of countries had a more equal income distribution). The following table shows the main economic indicators in 1980–2018. U.S. nominal GDP was $19.5 trillion in 2017. Annualized, nominal GDP reached $20.1 trillion in Q1 2018, the first time it", "id": "13508281" }, { "contents": "Junior Wells\n\n\na dollar and a half. A dollar and a half! For a whole week of work. I went to the pawnshop and the man said the price was two dollars. I told him I \"had\" to have that harp. He walked away from the counter – left the harp there. So I laid my dollar-and-a-half on the counter and picked up the harp. When my trial came up, the judge asked me why I did it. I told him I \"had\"", "id": "1080489" }, { "contents": "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership\n\n\npopulation of 3.4 billion people with a total Gross Domestic Product (GDP, PPP) of $49.5 trillion, approximately 39 percent of the world's GDP, with the combined GDPs of China and India making up more than half that amount. RCEP is the world's largest economic bloc, covering nearly half of the global economy. According to estimates by PwC, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP, PPP) of RCEP member states is likely to amount to nearly $250 trillion by 2050, or a quarter of a quadrillion", "id": "20800234" }, { "contents": "Geography of Russia\n\n\nand natural gas. CIS countries heavily rely on the Russian export industry, as it provides most of their needs. Russia imports machinery and equipment, vehicles, consumer goods, foodstuff, chemical products, and industrial consumer goods. Major trading partners with Russia are Germany, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, and Finland. Russia's GDP was US$1.578 trillion in (2017) Russia's GDP per capita was US$10,743.10 (2017) was 3.655 trillion PPP dollars (2017) The Russian Ruble is", "id": "6151575" }, { "contents": "São Paulo (state)\n\n\n%, airplanes and helicopters 12%, food industry 10%, sugar and alcohol fuel 8%, orange juice 5%, telecommunications 4% (2002). São Paulo state is responsible for approximately a third of Brazilian GDP. The state's GDP (PPP) consists of 1,003 trillion dollars, making it also the biggest economy of South America and one of the biggest economies in Latin America, second after Mexico. Its economy is based on machinery, the automobile and aviation industries, services, financial companies, commerce", "id": "7070866" }, { "contents": "Health care prices in the United States\n\n\nto the OECD, U.S. prescription drug spending in 2015 was $1,162 per person on average, versus $807 for Canada, $766 for Germany, $668 for France, and $497 for the UK. The reasons for higher U.S. healthcare costs relative to other countries and over time are debated by experts. U.S. healthcare costs in 2015 were 16.9% GDP according to the OECD, over 5% GDP higher than the next most expensive OECD country. With U.S. GDP of $19 trillion, healthcare costs were about $", "id": "13865026" }, { "contents": "History of United States foreign policy\n\n\nthe development of the B-1 bomber was reinstated, and there was funding for a new B-2 bomber, as well as cruise missiles, the MX missile, and a 600 ship Navy. The new weaponry was designed with Soviet targets in mind. In terms of real dollars after taxation, defense spending jump 34 percent between 1981 in 1985. Reagan's two terms, defense spending totaled about 2 trillion dollars, but even so it was a lower percentage of the federal budget or have the GDP, then before 1976. There were", "id": "19012939" }, { "contents": "Black billionaires\n\n\n. He received the 1989 Gordon Bell Prize for supercomputing. Starting in 1990 up to the present day, businesses in Black Corporate America have grossed sales in the billions of dollars. Despite this upward trend, there was not a Black billionaire in U.S. dollars until 2001. The 2000 edition of Forbes 400, which documented individuals who amassed wealth from the tech boom, did not feature any Black individuals. The 400 individuals on the list had a net worth of more than one trillion, which was more than the wealth of all", "id": "20854364" }, { "contents": "North America\n\n\nnations reached an all-time historical increase of 24.3% or US$791 billion. The NAFTA trade bloc GDP (PPP) is the world's largest with US$17.617 trillion. This is in part attributed to the fact that the economy of the United States is the world's largest national economy; the country had a nominal GDP of approximately $14.7 trillion in 2010. The countries of NAFTA are also some of each other's largest trade partners. The United States is the largest trade partner of Canada and Mexico; while", "id": "1233427" }, { "contents": "Economy of Pakistan\n\n\nto 29.5% in 2014. The country's worsening macroeconomic position has led to Moody's downgrading Pakistan's debt outlook to \"negative\". In 2017, Pakistan's GDP in terms of purchasing power parity crossed $1 trillion. By May 2019, the Pakistani rupee had undergone a year-on-year depreciation of 30% vis-a-vis the US Dollar. Pakistan was a middle class and predominantly agricultural country when it gained independence in 1947. Pakistan's average economic growth rate in the first five decades (", "id": "3792015" }, { "contents": "Political debates about the United States federal budget\n\n\nfor President Trump as of January 2017 includes a $10.7 trillion debt increase over the 2018–2027 period, significantly larger than either of his predecessors, with deficits averaging around 5% GDP instead of the historical 3% GDP. This is before consideration of his tax plan, which is represents a $1.5 trillion increase in debt relative to the baseline. Further, comparing dollars across administrations ignores the economic conditions expected at the time. President's Bush and Trump inherited excellent economic conditions, while President Obama did not. President Barack Obama", "id": "10842048" }, { "contents": "The Industries of the Future\n\n\n-care as an example. He also expects that less developed countries may be able to leapfrog technologies in robotics much like they did with cell and mobile technologies. According to Ross, the last trillion dollar industry was created out of computer code; the next trillion dollar industry will be created out of genome code. In the book Ross describes how genome code is already being used to fix humans from curing cancer to hacking the brain to growing organs. He also describes the difference between the United States investment in genome research with", "id": "11444543" }, { "contents": "Louvre Accord\n\n\ntrade surplus along with negative GDP growth. The then U.S. Treasury Secretary James Baker attempted to address the imbalance by encouraging its trade partners to stimulate their economies so they can purchase more from it. He maintained that if these partners did not grow, he would allow the dollar's depreciation. After the Plaza Accord, the dollar depreciated, reaching an exchange rate of ¥150 per US$1 in 1987. By this time, the nominal dollar exchange rate against other currencies had fallen more than 25 percent. The ministers of the", "id": "8549017" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Ronald Reagan\n\n\nwas funding for a new B-2 bomber, as well as cruise missiles, the MX missile, and a 600 ship Navy. The new weaponry was designed with Soviet targets in mind. In terms of real dollars after taxation, defense spending jump 34 percent between 1981 in 1985. Reagan's two terms, defense spending totaled about 2 trillion dollars, but even so it was a lower percentage of the federal budget or have the GDP, then before 1976. There were arms sales to build up allies as well. The most", "id": "8660906" }, { "contents": "Deana Carter\n\n\n. In 1996, Carter released her debut country single, \"Strawberry Wine,\" which reached No. 1 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks. \"Did I Shave My Legs for This?\" was released in North America (keeping only three of the original tracks) to great success. The album debuted at No. 2 on the U.S. Top Country Albums chart and sold well over five million copies, and produced two further No. 1 hits in \"We Danced Anyway\" and \"How", "id": "17447089" }, { "contents": "Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis\n\n\ntrillion over the period. Using the home as a source of funds also reduced the net savings rate significantly. By comparison, GDP grew by approximately $2.3 trillion during the same 2001–2005 period in current dollars, from $10.1 to $12.4 trillion. Economist Paul Krugman wrote in 2009: \"The prosperity of a few years ago, such as it was — profits were terrific, wages not so much — depended on a huge bubble in housing, which replaced an earlier huge bubble in stocks. And since the housing bubble", "id": "17283739" }, { "contents": "Financial position of the United States\n\n\nThe financial position of the United States includes assets of at least $269.6 trillion (1576% of GDP) and debts of $145.8 trillion (852% of GDP) to produce a net worth of at least $123.8 trillion (723% of GDP) as of Q1 2014. The U.S. increased the ratio of public and private debt from 152% GDP in 1980 to peak at 296% GDP in 2008, before falling to 279% GDP by Q2 2011. The 2009-2011 decline was due to foreclosures and", "id": "1550260" }, { "contents": "Penny4NASA\n\n\nstated: \"By the way, how much does NASA cost? It's a half a penny on the dollar. Did you know that? The people are saying, 'Why are we spending money […].' I ask them, 'How much do you think we're spending?' They say 'five cents, ten cents on a dollar.' It's a half a penny.\" Tyson has proposed increasing the budget of NASA and suggested that doing so would increase the capabilities of human spaceflight", "id": "9949767" }, { "contents": "Gross world product\n\n\nThe gross world product (GWP) is the combined gross national product of all the countries in the world. Because imports and exports balance exactly when considering the whole world, this also equals the total global gross domestic product (GDP). According to the World Bank, the 2013 nominal GWP was approximately US$75.59 trillion. In 2017, according to the CIA's \"World Factbook\", the GWP was around US$80.27 trillion in nominal terms and totaled approximately 127.8 trillion international dollars in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP", "id": "4991705" }, { "contents": "Middle-market company\n\n\neligible for a credit rating by one of the \"major\" credit-rating agencies. Investopedia considers middle market firms to be those with sizable annual revenues, ranging from $50 million to $1 billion, which straddle the market between smaller companies and billion-dollar giants. The 200,000 plus US-based mid-market companies are essential to America’s economic success. They account for $10 trillion annually of the $30 trillion U.S. private sector gross receipts and 30 million jobs. If the U.S. middle market were a", "id": "1254834" }, { "contents": "Debt levels and flows\n\n\n3 years of GDP in many countries that have an annual GDP/person above $10,000. Worldwide debt levels are perhaps worth two or three years of GDP. GDP (at currency exchange rate) was $40 trillion during 2004. Debt levels may therefore be about $100 trillion. $5.7 trillion of \"gross\" debt was issued in 2004 according to Thomson Financial numbers, while GDP grew $4 trillion (currency exchange rate). That does not mean that \"net\" debt grew faster than GDP on a", "id": "17016655" }, { "contents": "Unemployment in the United States\n\n\nis both cause and response to the economic growth rate, which can be affected by both government fiscal policy (spending and tax decisions) and monetary policy (Federal Reserve action.) The U.S. ran historically large annual debt increases from 2008 to 2013, adding over $1 trillion in total national debt annually from fiscal year 2008 to 2012. The deficit expanded primarily due to a severe financial crisis and recession. With a U.S. GDP of approximately $17 trillion, the spending implied by this deficit comprises a significant amount of GDP", "id": "15347967" }, { "contents": "California\n\n\nthe world. , the gross state product (GSP) was $3.0 trillion ($76,000 per capita), the largest in the United States. California is responsible for 1/7 of the United States' approximate $20 trillion gross domestic product (GDP). , California's nominal GDP is larger than all but 4 countries (the United States, China, Japan and Germany). In terms of Purchasing Power Parity, it is larger than all but 8 countries (the United States, China, India, Japan,", "id": "5264533" }, { "contents": "United States\n\n\n2.3% weighted average for the rest of the G7. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita according to the United Nations (first in the Americas) and sixth in GDP per capita at PPP. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency. The United States is the largest importer of goods and second-largest exporter, though exports per capita are relatively low. In 2010, the total U.S. trade deficit was $635 billion. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany", "id": "21484417" }, { "contents": "Output gap\n\n\nGDP minus the potential GDP divided by the potential GDP. formula_1. February 2013 data from the Congressional Budget Office showed that the United States had a projected output gap for 2013 of roughly $1 trillion, or nearly 6% of potential GDP. Okun's law is based on regression analysis of U.S. data that shows a correlation between unemployment and GDP. Okun's law can be stated as: For every 1% increase in cyclical unemployment (actual unemployment – natural rate of unemployment), GDP will decrease by β%. %", "id": "10574725" }, { "contents": "Manmohan Singh\n\n\nrather angry, and demanded that I get dressed up and come to Rashtrapati Bhavan for the swearing in. So that's how I started in politics\". In 1991, India's fiscal deficit was close to 8.5 per cent of the gross domestic product, the balance of payments deficit was huge and the current account deficit was close to 3.5 percent of India's GDP. India's foreign reserves barely amounted to US$1 billion, enough to pay for 2 weeks of imports, in comparison to US$283 billion today. Evidently", "id": "20137208" }, { "contents": "Subprime mortgage crisis solutions debate\n\n\nfair and impartial. One year into an era of exhausting and arbitrary bailouts, it’s not clear that our policy of destroying the system in order to save it is going to work.\" Bailouts can be costly for taxpayers. In 2002, World Bank reported that country bailouts cost an average of 13% of GDP. Based on U.S. GDP of $14 trillion in 2008, this would be approximately $1.8 trillion. A variety of voluntary private and government-administered or supported programs were implemented during 2007-2009 to", "id": "3633963" }, { "contents": "Asian Century\n\n\nmodelling by the Asian Development Bank Asia's GDP would increase from $17 trillion in 2010 to $174 trillion in 2050, or half of global GDP. In the same study, the Asian Development Bank estimates that seven economies would lead Asia's powerhouse growth; under the Asian Century scenario, the region would have no poor countries, compared with eight in 2011. Since China's economic reforms in the late 1970s (in farm privatization) and early 1990s (in most cities), the Chinese economy has enjoyed three decades", "id": "724018" }, { "contents": "Economic policy of the Barack Obama administration\n\n\n, with significant increases in automatic stabilizers such as unemployment insurance and food stamps. Spending then roughly stabilized at that dollar level through 2015. For instance, 2014 spending of $3,506B was slightly below the 2009 level of $3,517B. Throughout 2015, the U.S. federal government spent $3.7 trillion, around the historical average relative to the size of the economy at 20.7% GDP. Projecting 2008 spending forward at the historical 5% rate, by 2015 federal spending was $500 billion below trend. Spending rose to $4.0 trillion or", "id": "12420711" }, { "contents": "European Union\n\n\nmember state has left the EU or its antecedent organisations. (Greenland, an autonomous country within Denmark, left the Communities in 1985). However, the United Kingdom signified its intention to leave after a membership referendum in June 2016 and is negotiating its withdrawal. Containing 7.3% of the world population, the EU in 2017 generated a nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of 19.670 trillion US dollars, constituting approximately 24.6% of global nominal GDP. Additionally, all 28 EU countries have a very high Human Development Index,", "id": "9379070" }, { "contents": "Economic history of Italy\n\n\ncompared to France's GDP of US$1.209 trillion and Britain's of US$1.087 trillion. Despite the alleged 1987 GDP growth of 18% according to the Economist's Italy was then re-overtaken by all countries due to currency value change. By the 1990s, the Italian government was fighting to lower the internal and external debt, liberalise the economy, reduce governmental spending, selling business and enterprises owned by the state, and trying to stop tax evasion; the liberalisation of the economy meant that Italy was able to enter the", "id": "12314297" }, { "contents": "Economic policy of the George W. Bush administration\n\n\nracked up by Congress and the President over this period.\" Lawrence Kudlow, however, noted \"The U.S. has spent roughly $750 billion for the five-year war. Sure, that’s a lot of money. But the total cost works out to 1 percent of the $63 trillion GDP over that time period. It's miniscule [sic].\" He also reported that \"during the five years of the Iraq war. . .household net worth has increased by $20 trillion.\" In terms of", "id": "5472362" }, { "contents": "Transport in India\n\n\n. Government strategy aims to raise the share of global trade in India's GDP (US$2.7 trillion in FY 2017–18) to 40%, including half of it (20% of GDP) from exports (c. Jan 2018). Cost of logistics in India is 14% of GDP, which is higher than the developed nations, and government reforms aim to bring it down to 10% of GDP by 2022 (c. Jan 2018). Ministry of Commerce and Industry has created a new dedicated centralised Logistics division in collaboration", "id": "14765456" }, { "contents": "Jiangsu\n\n\ndevelopment. It is widely regarded as China's most developed province, when measured by its Human Development Index (HDI). Jiangsu is home to many of the world's leading exporters of electronic equipment, chemicals and textiles. It has also been China's largest recipient of foreign direct investment since 2006. Its 2014 nominal GDP was more than 1 trillion US dollars, which is the sixth-highest of all country subdivisions. Jiangsu's name is a compound of the first elements of the names of the two cities of Jiangning", "id": "4829736" }, { "contents": "Arab–Israeli conflict\n\n\nby other world leaders as well as the 2018 Gaza border protests. The new United States Embassy opened in Jerusalem on 14 May 2018. A report by Strategic Foresight Group has estimated the opportunity cost of conflict for the Middle East from 1991–2010 at $12 trillion. The report's opportunity cost calculates the peace GDP of countries in the Middle East by comparing the current GDP to the potential GDP in times of peace. Israel's share is almost $1 trillion, with Iraq and Saudi Arabia having approximately $2.2 and $4.5", "id": "18252372" }, { "contents": "Mexico and the World Bank\n\n\nMexico is an upper middle income country focused on manufacturing goods and free trade agreements with around 40-50 countries. It has 2.458 trillion dollars in GDP (purchasing power parity) making it the 15th largest economy in the world. It is a member of the OECD, NAFTA, APEC, WTO, and the G20. As of 2016, it exported goods worth around 394B dollars and imported goods worth about 369B. Its biggest trading partner is the United States which took 74% of Mexico's exports and 49% of its", "id": "9254508" }, { "contents": "Franklin Raines\n\n\n. Raines himself stated before Congress,\"In 1994, we launched our trillion-dollar commitment, a pledge to provide $1 trillion in financing for 10 million underserved families before the decade was over… In 2000… we launched a redoubled new pledge… to provide $2 trillion for 18 million underserved families before this decade is over. …we are one of the best capitalized financial institutions in the world, when compared to the risk of our business… …these assets are so riskless that their capital for holding them should be under", "id": "21746264" }, { "contents": "Primary sector of the economy\n\n\nThe primary sector of the economy includes any industry involved in the extraction and collection of natural resources; such as farming, forestry, mining and fishing. The primary sector tends to make up a larger portion of the economy in developing countries than it does in developed countries. For example, in 2018, agriculture, forestry, and fishing comprised more than 15% of GDP in sub-Saharan Africa but less than 1% of GDP in North America. Mining in 19th-century South Wales provides a case study of how", "id": "14705820" }, { "contents": "Money supply\n\n\n14.5455 dollars = 1 pound) although this did not entirely offset the devaluation. In 1972 the Hong Kong dollar was pegged to the U.S. dollar at a rate of 5.65 H.K. dollar = 1 U.S. dollar. This was revised to 5.085 H.K. dollar = 1 U.S. dollar in 1973. Between 1974 and 1983 the Hong Kong dollar floated. On 17 October 1983 the currency was pegged at a rate of 7.8 H.K. dollar = 1 U.S. dollar, through the currency board system. As of 18 May 2005, in addition to the lower", "id": "6266688" }, { "contents": "Government debt\n\n\ntheir government debt. In 1815, at the end of the Napoleonic Wars, British government debt reached a peak of more than 200% of GDP. In 2018, the global government debt reached the equivalent of $66 trillion, or about 80% of global GDP. A government bond is a bond issued by a national government. Such bonds are most often denominated in the country's domestic currency. Sovereigns can also issue debt in foreign currencies: almost 70% of all debt in 2000 was denominated in US dollars.", "id": "12971068" }, { "contents": "PROFISH\n\n\n\", concludes that global marine capture fisheries are an underperforming global asset and shows that the difference between the potential and actual net economic benefits from marine fisheries is in the order of $50 billion per year. This is equivalent to more than half the value of the global seafood trade. The cumulative economic loss to the global economy over the last three decades is estimated to be in the order of two trillion dollars. In many countries the catching operations are buoyed up by subsidies, so that the global fishery economy to the", "id": "1175960" }, { "contents": "Military history of the United States during World War II\n\n\nto the Soviets in May 1945, and with Adolf Hitler dead, the Germans surrendered. The military effort was strongly supported by civilians on the home front, who provided the military personnel, the munitions, the money, and the morale to fight the war to victory. World War II cost the United States an estimated $341 billion in 1945 dollars – equivalent to 74% of America's GDP and expenditures during the war. In 2015 dollars, the war cost over $4.5 trillion. American public opinion was hostile to", "id": "22207946" }, { "contents": "Corporatocracy\n\n\n12 months to March 31, 2014, S&P 500 companies increased their stock buyback payouts by 29% year on year, to $534.9 billion. U.S. companies are projected to increase buybacks to $701 billion in 2015 according to Goldman Sachs, an 18% increase over 2014. For scale, annual non-residential fixed investment (a proxy for business investment and a major GDP component) was estimated to be about $2.1 trillion for 2014. Brid Brennan of the Transnational Institute explained how concentration of corporations increases their influence over", "id": "7353166" }, { "contents": "Health care systems by country\n\n\nremarkable efficiency\", costing ≈6 percent of GDP universal coverage; however, this underestimates the cost as it is not fully funded and the government is forced to borrow to make up the difference. \"And frankly, the solution is fairly obvious: increase the spending a little, to maybe 8 percent of GDP. Of course, if Taiwan did that, it would still be spending less than half of what America spends.\" The majority of health care services in Thailand is delivered by the public sector, which includes 1,002", "id": "20284828" }, { "contents": "United States\n\n\n, had adopted sanctuary policies. The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources and high productivity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP). The nominal GDP of the U.S. is estimated to be $17.528 trillion . From 1983 to 2008, U.S. real compounded annual GDP growth was 3.3%, compared to a", "id": "21484416" }, { "contents": "Economic democracy\n\n\n. According to the U.S. Basic Income Guarantee Network: Cook suggests existing U.S. (GDP) could support such a system. GDP of $12.98-trillion minus $9.21-trillion in purchasing power (\"wages\") equals a difference of $3.77-trillion. Distributed equally amongst United States citizens, Cook estimates a \"National Dividend\" of approximately $12,600 could be provided annually to every U.S. citizen. A primary function of monetary reform is to \"provide sufficient individual income\"—not merely \"create jobs\"—for American workers displaced by technological advancement, outsourcing, and other", "id": "11989212" }, { "contents": "Domestic policy of the George W. Bush administration\n\n\nfirst president in 176 years to continue an entire term without vetoing any legislation. The tax cuts, recession, and increases in outlays all contributed to record budget deficits during the Bush administration. The annual deficit reached record current-dollar levels of US$374 billion in 2003 and US$413 billion in 2004. National debt, the cumulative total of yearly deficits, rose from US$5.7 trillion (58% of GDP) to US$8.3 trillion (67% of GDP) under Bush, as compared to the US$2.7 trillion total", "id": "7063653" }, { "contents": "Chemical industry\n\n\nindustry has been the growth in China, India, Korea, the Middle East, South East Asia, Nigeria, and Brazil. Just as companies emerge as the main producers of the chemical industry, we can also look on a more global scale to how industrialized countries rank, with regards to the billions of dollars worth of production a country or region could export. Though the business of chemistry is worldwide in scope, the bulk of the world's $3.7 trillion chemical output is accounted for by only a handful of industrialized", "id": "13593215" }, { "contents": "Economy of the Philippines\n\n\npump billion to employ 7.4 million people by 2016, or about 18.8 per cent of the total workforce, contributing 8 per cent to 9 per cent to the nation's GDP. In 2014, the tourism sector contributed 1.4 trillion pesos to the country's economy. According to PSA, Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) is GDP measured at regional levels. Figures below are for the year 2016: Most of the following statistics are sourced from the International Monetary Fund – Philippines (as of 2012; figures are in US dollars", "id": "3898083" }, { "contents": "American Health Care Act of 2017\n\n\nbe enacted with a simple majority vote. Republican leaders were seeking to pass the AHCA through the Senate by using the reconciliation rule. U.S. healthcare costs were approximately $3.2 trillion or nearly $10,000 per person on average in 2015. Major categories of expense include hospital care (32%), physician and clinical services (20%), and prescription drugs (10%). U.S. costs in 2016 were substantially higher than other OECD countries, at 17.2% GDP versus 12.4% GDP for the next most expensive country (", "id": "17339054" }, { "contents": "Deficit reduction in the United States\n\n\nGDP. This spending has generally ranged between 3.75% GDP and 5.25% GDP since 1971. The spending sequester in the Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA) essentially freezes non-defense discretionary spending in current dollar terms for the 2013–2022 period, limiting growth to approximately 1.5% per year (about the rate of inflation) versus approximately 6% over the past decade. CBO estimated spending under the sequester from 2012 to 2021 would be $5.4 trillion, versus $5.9 trillion estimated prior to passage of the BCA, an", "id": "10842113" }, { "contents": "Economy of the United States\n\n\nexceeded the $20 trillion level. About 70% of U.S. GDP is personal consumption, with business investment 18%, government 17% (federal, state and local but excluding transfer payments such as Social Security, which is in consumption) and net exports a negative 3% due to the U.S. trade deficit. Real gross domestic product, a measure of both production and income, grew by 2.3% in 2017, vs. 1.5% in 2016 and 2.9% in 2015. Real GDP grew at a quarterly annualized rate of", "id": "13508282" }, { "contents": "2008 Western Australian gas crisis\n\n\nGSP growth in 2007-08, from 7.5% at budget-time to 7.0%.\" The report refers to the Reserve Bank's modelling of the national impact of the crisis, \"that the disruption is expected to result in a temporary reduction in national GDP growth of around 0.25 percentage point, spread across the June and September quarters... as national GDP is around a trillion dollars, a 0.25 percentage point represents about $2½ billion, so the Reserve Bank estimate is broadly consistent with that of the Western Australian Treasury", "id": "2922967" }, { "contents": "Income inequality in the United States\n\n\nin the share of income accruing to the top 1% over the 1979 to 2007 period represented nearly $1.1 trillion in annual income. Since the wealthy tend to save nearly 50% of their marginal income while the remainder of the population saves roughly 10%, other things equal this would reduce annual consumption (the largest component of GDP) by as much as 5%. Krueger wrote that borrowing likely helped many households make up for this shift, which became more difficult in the wake of the 2007–2009 recession. Inequality in", "id": "14332293" }, { "contents": "Sari-sari store\n\n\nretail market, and account for a significant chunk of the country’s GDP. About 13 percent or Php 1.3 trillion of the Philippines GDP of Php 9.7 trillion in Y-2011 came from retail, which is composed largely of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) or small businesses like sari-sari stores. Often sari-sari store owners apply a markup of about 10% on average, compared to the 20% average markup of the 24/7 convenience store alternatives such as 7-11, so most Filipinos", "id": "801978" }, { "contents": "Social Security debate in the United States\n\n\n$3.5 trillion in the decade thereafter. The 2004 Economic Report of the President found that the federal budget deficit would be more than 1 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) higher every year for roughly two decades; U.S. GDP in 2008 was $14 trillion. The debt burden for every man, woman, and child would be $32,000 higher after 32 years because of privatization. Privatization proponents counter that the savings to the government would come through a mechanism called a \"clawback\", where profits from private account investment", "id": "19599905" }, { "contents": "Household debt\n\n\nHouseholds in developed countries significantly increased their household debt relative to their disposable income and GDP from 1980 to 2007 — one of the many factors behind the U.S. and European crises of 2007–2012. Research indicates that U.S. household debt increased from 43% to 62% of GDP from 1982 to 2000. Looking at the early years of the 21st century, many industrialized countries, with a notable exception of Germany, experienced a major spike of household debt versus GDP around 2007–8, with the United States leading up to 2007; by 2017,", "id": "10621239" }, { "contents": "United States federal budget\n\n\neffects. During FY2018, the federal government spent $4.11 trillion, up $127 billion or 3.2% vs. FY2017 spending of $3.99 trillion. Spending increased for all major categories and was mainly driven by higher spending for Social Security, net interest on the debt, and defense. Spending as % GDP fell from 20.7% GDP to 20.3% GDP, equal to the 50-year average. During FY2017, the federal government spent $3.98 trillion, up $128 billion or 3.3% vs. FY2016 spending of $3.85 trillion.", "id": "3674625" }, { "contents": "Cry Luison\n\n\non their identical looks to drive poor Eva to the point of insanity, and for a good portion of the episode you're left to wonder just how Gabriel was doing it!\" MaryAnn Sleasman from \"\", wrote, \"I know \"Grimm\" isn't the sort of show that really wants to get into the psychological aspect of what Adalind did to Nick, but to play off this whole situation as a sort of joke that essentially boils down to 'Adalind is crazy and Juliette is jealous' is a", "id": "6534230" }, { "contents": "Government debt\n\n\none of the criteria of admission to the European Union's euro currency is that an applicant country's debt should not exceed 60% of that country's GDP. Municipal, provincial, or state governments may also borrow. Municipal bonds, \"munis\" in the United States, are debt securities issued by local governments (municipalities). In 2016, U.S. state and local governments owed $3 trillion and have another $5 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Governments often borrow money in a currency in which the demand for debt securities", "id": "12971072" }, { "contents": "Economy of the United States\n\n\nthe U.S. has a relatively high degree of globalization. U.S. workers send a third of all remittances in the world. U.S. household and non-profit net worth exceeded $100 trillion for the first time in Q1 2018; it has been setting records since Q4 2012. The U.S. federal government or \"national debt\" was $21.1 trillion in May 2018, just over 100% GDP. Using a subset of the national debt called \"debt held by the public\", U.S. debt was approximately 77% GDP in 2017.", "id": "13508352" }, { "contents": "2nd BRIC summit\n\n\nissues. This year's summit follows the Washington Nuclear summit hosted by U.S. President Barack Obama which was attended by all four BRIC states. Between 2003 and 2007, BRIC countries carried 65% of the expansion of global GDP. In 2009, the combined PPP GDP of the BRIC countries was US$16.3 trillion, or 23.4% of global total. From 2003 to 2008, Brazil trade with the other BRIC countries increased by 382%, or US$10.7 billion to US$51.7 billion. The heads of state and heads of government", "id": "3014378" }, { "contents": "Erskine Bowles\n\n\nthat the fiscal path this country is on is not sustainable and that these deficits of over a trillion dollars a year are a cancer that in time will destroy our Country from within...\" Despite his praise of Ryan, Bowles says he plans on voting for President Obama in November. “Who I vote for is my business, but I am certainly a registered Democrat and I’m proud to be so,” Bowles said in the phone interview. “And I certainly envision voting for the president for sure.” Bowles", "id": "21721387" }, { "contents": "Economy of Europe\n\n\nEuropean Union (about $20 trillion GDP) generates about 75-80 % of Europe's GDP. The EU as a whole is the wealthiest and largest economy in the world, topping the US by more than 2 trillion at the time of the financial crisis. In 2009 Europe remained the world's wealthiest region. Its $33 trillion in assets under management represented more than one-third of the world's wealth. Unlike North America ($29,3 trillion) it was one of few regions where wealth surpassed its precrisis", "id": "1874877" }, { "contents": "Economy of the United States\n\n\ntrillion or 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked the 43rd highest out of 207 countries. This debt, as a percent of GDP, is roughly equivalent to those of many western European nations. A central feature of the U.S. economy is the economic freedom afforded to the private sector by allowing the private sector to make the majority of economic decisions in determining the direction and scale of what the U.S. economy produces. This is enhanced by relatively low levels of regulation and government involvement, as well as a court system that generally", "id": "13508379" }, { "contents": "2011 United States federal budget\n\n\ngross domestic product is listed at $13.519 trillion (in 2005 dollars). As of January 2011, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that if current laws remain unchanged, the federal budget will show a deficit of close to $1.5 trillion, or 9.8 percent of GDP. The CBO projects total revenues of $2.228 trillion and total outlays of $3.708 trillion for a deficit of $1.48 trillion for 2011. The deficits in CBO's baseline projections drop markedly over the next few years as a share of output", "id": "6051332" } ]
How are speed limits enforced by aircraft?
[{"answer": "In areas where speeds are enforced by aircraft, there will be timing marks painted on the roadway. An officer in an aircraft overhead will time cars as they pass between these marks, and if a car crosses the gap in less than the benchmark time, they will radio down to a car waiting on the ground, which will make the stop and issue the ticket. But this is expensive, as it requires at least three officers (two overhead and one on the ground), so it may not be used very often even when the road is set up for it."}, {"answer": "Officer here. We have timing marks painted on the shoulder of the roadway at .5 mile intervals. The pilot flys a pattern overhead and times vehicles as they pass through the intervals. He compares the times against a chart and gets a speed. Once a speeder is found he radios a description and let's you know when you are behind the correct vehicle. The intervals are placed at .5 mile to minimize any error on starting and stopping the stopwatch. A few milliseconds won't make much of a difference compared to say an interval of .1 or .2 mile. Also, the speed given is an average speed through the half mile. One could speed the first half of the interval and slow to below the speed limit the second half and be \"clocked\" at the speed limit. Radar and LIDAR on the other hand give a speed at that instant in time."}, {"answer": "My dad got pulled going 70 in a 55 on SR-44 in Central Florida, but he didn't get \"pulled over\". Down a straighter stretch, all of a sudden, about a half mile down the road there was an officer standing in the middle of a lane directing him to the side, where three other cars already met the same fate. The officer said the same things about the road markings being used to measure speed that everyone else is, but I'll tell you what, there is nothing more surprising than getting clocked by a helicopter."}, {"answer": "IANAL, but as I recall, speeding tickets issued via this method are VERY easy to fight because of all the people involved who will have to show up to court against you and all the equipment involved that has to be proven tested and working properly at the time of the incident."}, {"answer": "Virginia used to do this but recently discontinued the program since they only flew a plane like once a year and would get 20 tickets a session. The highway signs are still up though to deter speeders."}, {"answer": "This happened the other week in my city, the PolAIR chopper got him, tracked him home, and then radioed?? a squad car to 'collect' him. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Wow thanks for all the feedback I wasn't expecting this much! Thanks guys!"}, {"answer": "Two years ago heading to the parents house for 4th of July. Driving down I-4 from Lee rd to Maitland (For those familiar with the Orlando area) I decide, against my wife's direction, to gun it to 95 for whatever fucking reason. I go to get off at the exit and a trooper directs me to the side of the road, and gives me a $450 ticket. I was pissed because my wife was right and I didn't hear the end of it."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "13947621", "title": "Advisory speed limit", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["An advisory speed limit is a speed recommendation by a governing body, used when it may be non-obvious to the driver that the safe speed is below the legal speed.", "An advisory speed limit is a speed recommendation by a governing body, used when it may be non-obvious to the driver that the safe speed is below the legal speed. It is a posting which either approximates the Basic Speed Law or rule (and is subject to enforcement as such) or is based on a maximum g-force exerted at a specific speed. Advisory speed limits are often set in areas with many pedestrians, such as in city centers and outside schools, and on difficult stretches of roads, such as on tight corners or through roadworks. While travelling above the advisory speed limit is not illegal per se, it may be negligence per se and liability for any collisions that occur as a result of traveling above the limit can be placed partially or entirely on the person exceeding the advisory speed limit. Signposting of advisory speed limits varies from country to country; Australia makes extensive use of advisory speed limits across its highway networks while the \"Richtgeschwindigkeit\" (\"reference speed\") in Germany is valid for the whole autobahn network\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "An advisory speed limit is a speed recommendation by a governing body, used when it may be non-obvious to the driver that the safe speed is below the legal speed. It is a posting which either approximates the Basic Speed Law or rule (and is subject to enforcement as such) or is based on a maximum g-force exerted at a specific speed. Advisory speed limits are often set in areas with many pedestrians, such as in city centers and outside schools, and on difficult stretches of roads, such as on tight corners or through roadworks. While travelling above the advisory speed limit is not illegal per se, it may be negligence per se and liability for any collisions that occur as a result of traveling above the limit can be placed partially or entirely on the person exceeding the advisory speed limit. Signposting of advisory speed limits varies from country to country; Australia makes extensive use of advisory speed limits across its highway networks while the \"Richtgeschwindigkeit\" (\"reference speed\") in Germany is valid for the whole autobahn network"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "27104735", "title": "Speed limit enforcement", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Methods used include roadside speed traps set up and operated by the police and automated roadside 'speed camera' systems, which may incorporate the use of an automatic number plate recognition system.", "the", "Speed limit enforcement is the effort made by appropriately empowered authorities to improve driver compliance with speed limits. Methods used include roadside speed traps set up and operated by the police and automated roadside 'speed camera' systems, which may incorporate the use of an automatic number plate recognition system. Traditionally, police officers used stopwatches to measure the time taken for a vehicle to cover a known distance. More recently, radar guns and automated in-vehicle systems have come into use."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "33878345", "title": "30 km/h zone", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The nominal maximum speed limits in these zones are and respectively. Although these zones do have the nominal speed limit posted, speeds are generally ensured by the use of traffic calming (physical or psychological) measures, though limits with signs and lines only are increasingly used in the UK.", "30\u00a0km/h zones (30 kilometres per hour zones) and the similar 20\u00a0mph zones (20 miles per hour zones) are forms of speed management used across areas of urban roads in some jurisdictions as an alternative to normal speed limits. The nominal maximum speed limits in these zones are and respectively. Although these zones do have the nominal speed limit posted, speeds are generally ensured by the use of traffic calming (physical or psychological) measures, though limits with signs and lines only are increasingly used in the UK.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "24356717", "title": "Military training route", "section": "Section::::Description.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 4, "end_paragraph_id": 4, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["This speed limit hinders most modern-day tactical aircraft training operations, since low-level strikes are conducted almost exclusively at speeds exceeding 300 knots. Military Training Routes are usually limited to 420 knots, and in no case are aircraft allowed to exceed Mach 1 within United States sovereign airspace, except in designated Military Operation Areas.", "Airspace above the United States from the surface to 10,000 feet above sea level is limited to 250 knots (indicated airspeed) per the FAA's Federal Aviation Regulations. This speed limit hinders most modern-day tactical aircraft training operations, since low-level strikes are conducted almost exclusively at speeds exceeding 300 knots. Military Training Routes are usually limited to 420 knots, and in no case are aircraft allowed to exceed Mach 1 within United States sovereign airspace, except in designated Military Operation Areas. While on the route military aircraft squawk a Mode C Transponder code of '4000', which informs controllers that they are 'speeding' on a route. This squawk however is only legal by military aircraft, while inside a properly scheduled route corridor. MTRs do not constitute an official airspace, and are all open to VFR or IFR civilian traffic; however only military aircraft are allowed to squawk 4000 and exceed 250 knots.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Airspace above the United States from the surface to 10,000 feet above sea level is limited to 250 knots (indicated airspeed) per the FAA's Federal Aviation Regulations. This speed limit hinders most modern-day tactical aircraft training operations, since low-level strikes are conducted almost exclusively at speeds exceeding 300 knots. Military Training Routes are usually limited to 420 knots, and in no case are aircraft allowed to exceed Mach 1 within United States sovereign airspace, except in designated Military Operation Areas. While on the route military aircraft squawk a Mode C Transponder code of '4000', which informs controllers that they are 'speeding' on a route. This squawk however is only legal by military aircraft, while inside a properly scheduled route corridor. MTRs do not constitute an official airspace, and are all open to VFR or IFR civilian traffic; however only military aircraft are allowed to squawk 4000 and exceed 250 knots."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Road speed limit enforcement in Australia\n\n\nRoad speed limit enforcement in Australia constitutes the actions taken by the authorities to force road users to comply with the speed limits in force on Australia's roads. Speed limit enforcement equipment such as speed cameras and other technologies such as radar and LIDAR are widely used by the authorities. In some regions, aircraft equipped with VASCAR devices are also used. Each of the Australian states have their own speed limit enforcement policies and strategies and approved enforcement devices. This mobile camera or speed camera is used in Victoria and Queensland and can be", "id": "6664968" }, { "contents": "Alberta Highway 2\n\n\n110 km/h speed limit is enforced by aircraft. The program is conducted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and was relaunched in 2013 after being on hiatus due to budget concerns. Several aircraft are used including the Eurocopter AS350 helicopter. The number of tickets written during the operation is generally not enough to negate the cost of operating the aircraft, but police have stated that they are catching drivers committing infractions over a longer stretch of the road. In 2016, Leduc proposed photo radar speed enforcement on Highway 2 between the", "id": "20706216" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\nof 30 + (30 × 10% = 3) + 2 = 35 mph). In Germany, at least a 3 km/h tolerance (3% of measured speed when speeding over 100 km/h) in favor of the offender is always deducted. This tolerance can increase up to 20% depending on the method of measurement. Fines for speeding depend on how high above the speed limit the measured speed is and where the offense occurred. Speeding in built-up areas invariably carries higher fines than outside", "id": "6007322" }, { "contents": "Road speed limit enforcement in the United Kingdom\n\n\nfor speed limits of 40 mph or below. Junior Speed Watch works in a similar way but involves schoolchildren. Some classes of vehicles are required to have speed limiters which enforce a maximum speed by physical means. New vehicles should be fitted with limiters as follows. Buses and coaches: HGVs: Mopeds: Older vehicles still in use do not have limiters fitted or have them set at a higher speeds. These devices do \"not\" enforce speed limits as they do not adapt to speed limit changes. Swindon council is planning", "id": "8082398" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\ncameras ('photo radar'), have now approved, or are considering, the implementation of speed limit enforcement cameras. The Maryland legislature approved such a program in January 2006. In 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2009 the California legislature considered, but did not pass, bills to implement speed limit enforcement cameras. Tennessee legislators are also considering expanding their speed limit enforcement cameras after successes in Chattanooga such as generating $158,811 in revenue in the first three months. A 2007 study of speed cameras on the Arizona State Route", "id": "6007342" }, { "contents": "Speed limit\n\n\nusing speed limits as in response to environmental concerns. European studies have stated that, whereas the effects of specific speed reduction schemes on particulate emissions from trucks are ambiguous, lower maximums speed for trucks consistently result in lower emissions of CO and better fuel efficiency. Speed limits, and especially some of the methods used to attempt to enforce them, have always been controversial. A variety of organisations and individuals either oppose or support the use of speed limits and their enforcement. Speed limits and their enforcement have been opposed by various groups", "id": "1925876" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\nlimit policy can affect enforcement. According to a 1994 report by the AASHTO, \"experience has shown that speed limits set arbitrarily below the reasonable and prudent speed perceived by the public are difficult to enforce, produce noncompliance, encourage disrespect for the law, create unnecessary antagonism toward law enforcement officers, and divert traffic to lesser routes\". In Mexico, the maximum speed limit is on urban freeways on other urban roads. However, fines are only given when speeding above , thus giving a tolerance. The Mexican highway patrol (", "id": "6007325" }, { "contents": "Arthur Kantrowitz\n\n\nand the flow becomes choked flow. When the absolute pressure of the vacuum is decreased further, the flow speed will not increase. This is the Kantrowitz Limit, which limits the mass flow because the velocity is limited to the speed of sound, and the area, inlet pressure and density are all fixed. Aircraft jet engines are very much affected by this limit, once the inlet flow speed gets to Mach 1 the mass flow rate is limited, regardless of how much suction the engine creates. Next, consider the nozzle", "id": "19703357" }, { "contents": "Externalities of automobiles\n\n\na way how to measure the relationship between driving and carbon emissions. More specifically, they have estimated how to reduce those emissions through three improvements in managing traffic operations • Congestion mitigation strategies that reduce severe congestion and increase traffic speeds (e.g. ramp metering, incident management, and congestion pricing) • Speed management strategies that bring down excessive speeds to more moderate speeds of approximately 55 mph (e.g. enforcement and ISA) • Traffic smoothing strategies that reduce the number and intensity of acceleration and deceleration events (e.g. variable speed limits and ISA", "id": "21246239" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\n, funded by the fines on speeding drivers. This was demonstrated in Stockholm, Sweden, in November 2010. Speed limits may not be enforced for speeds close to the legal limit. In the United States, speeding enforcement tolerance is usually up to the discretion of the arresting officer. Some states (such as Pennsylvania and Florida) have official tolerances. A study of over 1000 drivers caught speeding in the U.S. and in Canada examined factors that predicted fines issued by police officers. In both countries, drivers were stopped for speeding", "id": "6007318" }, { "contents": "Speed limit\n\n\nreduces the need to enforce a speed limit, but let drivers not select the appropriate travel speed, when they misjudge the risk their environment induces. This method is used in the United States of America. As soon as drivers drive faster than the speed limit, the speed limit is no more the 85th percentile. Speed limit enforcement is the action taken by appropriately empowered authorities to check that road vehicles are complying with the speed limit. Methods used include roadside speed monitoring, set up and operated by the police, and automated", "id": "1925855" }, { "contents": "Cat and Fiddle Road\n\n\nto from the national limit. The road is regularly patrolled by unmarked police cars and motorcycles, and a mobile speed camera van is used most weekends during the summer. A police aircraft is often used in conjunction with these to enforce the speed limit. The road was named as the UK's most dangerous in a 2008 survey. The single-carriageway route was the location of 21 fatal and serious crashes, and was rated in the EuroRAP report as Black, the highest risk rating. This was in spite of a number", "id": "7802964" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\ngovernment forecasts that a revenue of million will be raised from fines levied on drivers breaking Victorian road rules, a large proportion being from speed limit enforcement, in 2011. Speed limit enforcement cameras were a substantial election issue in the provinces of Ontario and British Columbia, and were abolished by Premiers Mike Harris in 1995 and Gordon Campbell in 2001. In February 2006, Edmonton, Alberta, erupted in scandal when it was alleged that two police officers accepted bribes from private contractors who received lucrative contracts to provide speed limit enforcement cameras.", "id": "6007335" }, { "contents": "Road speed limit enforcement in the United Kingdom\n\n\ncent at road works and by 31 per cent on open motorways, also that fatal and serious crashes were 32 per cent more likely where cameras were being operated'. The first average speed camera in Scotland was installed on the A77 road in 2004. Vehicle speeds significantly reduced immediately after the system was installed, the average being reduced by 5–6 mph and the number of drivers exceeding the speed limit by 80% or more in some areas. In March 2005 a BBC program Inside Out demonstrated how the LTI 20.20 LIDAR speed gun", "id": "8082420" }, { "contents": "Terrain-following radar\n\n\nthe radar at all. The objects present collision hazards when flying at very low level. Even an automated system has limitations, and all aircraft with terrain-following radars installed have limits on how low and fast they can fly. Factors such as system response-time, aircraft g-limits and the weather can all limit an aircraft. There are very few alternatives to using terrain-following radar for high-speed, low altitude flight. TERPROM, a terrain-referenced navigation system provides a limited but passive terrain-", "id": "18789799" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\ndrivers who are not alert to be caught. The minimum fine for exceeding the posted speed limit even by 1 mph is $146. Initially, Illinois used photo enforcement for construction zones only. There was legislation on the books to expand that throughout the state. However, Chicago has expanded its red light camera program and is planning to put speed cameras in school zones. Some suburbs (e.g. Alsip) already have cameras at various intersections. Some U.S. states that formerly allowed red-light enforcement cameras but not speed limit enforcement", "id": "6007341" }, { "contents": "Road speed limit enforcement in the United Kingdom\n\n\nRoad speed limit enforcement in the United Kingdom is the action taken by appropriately empowered authorities to attempt to persuade road vehicle users to comply with the speed limits in force on the UK's roads. Methods used include those for detection and prosecution of contraventions such as roadside fixed speed cameras, average speed cameras, and police-operated LIDAR speed guns or older radar speed guns. Vehicle activated signs and Community Speed Watch schemes are used to encourage compliance. Some classes of vehicles are fitted with speed limiters and intelligent speed adaptation is being", "id": "8082388" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States\n\n\nSome states create arbitrary night speed limits applicable to entire classes of roads. Until September 2011, Texas had a statutory night speed limit for all roads with a higher limit. Montana has a statutory night speed limit on all federal, state, and secondary roads except for Interstates. Traffic violations can be a lucrative income source for jurisdictions and insurance companies. For example: Thus, an authority that sets and enforces speed limits, such as a state government, regulates and taxes insurance companies, who also gain revenue from speeding enforcement", "id": "4543382" }, { "contents": "Road speed limit enforcement in the United Kingdom\n\n\nspeed cameras was supported by 75% of their members. Enforcement is used to increase compliance with speed limits. One of the main motivations for enforcement is to reduce road casualties, particularly at accident blackspots. For 2008, \"exceeding the speed limit\" was reported as one of the contributory factors in 5% of all casualty collisions (14% of fatal collisions resulting in 15% of all deaths). The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents estimates that a pedestrian has a 90% chance of surviving being hit by", "id": "8082391" }, { "contents": "Road speed limits in the United Kingdom\n\n\nmotor caravans not more than 3.05 tonnes maximum unladen weight. Other classes of vehicles are subject to lower limits on some roads. Enforcement of UK road speed limits was traditionally done using police 'speed traps' set up and operated by the police who now increasingly use speed guns, automated in-vehicle systems and automated roadside traffic cameras. Some vehicle categories have various lower maximum limits enforced by speed limiters. Ever since they have been introduced, speed limits have been controversial. They are both opposed or supported from various sources;", "id": "6857662" }, { "contents": "Roads in the United Kingdom\n\n\nThe United Kingdom has a network of roads, of varied quality and capacity, totalling about . Road distances are shown in miles or yards and UK speed limits are indicated in miles per hour (mph) or by the use of the national speed limit (NSL) symbol. Some vehicle categories have various lower maximum limits enforced by speed limiters. Enforcement of UK road speed limits increasingly uses speed guns, automated in-vehicle systems and automated roadside traffic cameras. A unified numbering system is in place for Great Britain, whilst", "id": "21475304" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nh), with 35-45 mph (56-72 km/h) in undivided rural areas and 35 mph (56 km/h) in rural areas. On most major roads, is the maximum speed limit. Hawaii was the last state to raise its maximum speed limit after the National Maximum Speed Law was repealed in 1995, and still has the lowest maximum speed limit of any state. In 2002, following public outcry after a controversial experiment with speed enforcement using traffic enforcement cameras, the state Department of", "id": "15168947" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the Netherlands\n\n\ncoaches equipped with seat belts, categorized as T100, have an overall speed limit of 100 km/h (62 mph). This following the same regulation as standing above. Light commercial vehicles under 3.5 tons don't have special speed limits. Speed limit enforcement is extensive on Dutch roads, including traffic enforcement cameras in urban areas and radar guns on national roads and motorways. Furthermore, fixed average speed checks (\"trajectcontrole\"), which were first introduced in the Netherlands, are now in operation on many motorways in", "id": "13333603" }, { "contents": "Illinois State Police\n\n\nvarious methods for speed limit enforcement on Illinois highways. Hand-held and moving RADAR, LIDAR, pacing, air speed utilizing the ISP fleet of aircraft, and time-distance measurement. The IL State Police uses typical marked units (Crown Victorias, Impalas, and Chargers, Ford Police Interceptor) as well as unmarked units of vehicles ranging from Crown Victorias to Grand Prix GTPs to LS-1 powered Z28s to Mustang GTs. The Mustangs, Camaros, and other vehicles are for a program created to combat aggressive driving and speeding.", "id": "11842831" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\nSpeed limit enforcement is the effort made by appropriately empowered authorities to improve driver compliance with speed limits. Methods used include roadside speed traps set up and operated by the police and automated roadside 'speed camera' systems, which may incorporate the use of an automatic number plate recognition system. Traditionally, police officers used stopwatches to measure the time taken for a vehicle to cover a known distance. More recently, radar guns and automated in-vehicle systems have come into use. A worldwide review of studies found that speed cameras led", "id": "6007298" }, { "contents": "Traffic calming\n\n\nat 30 km/h (or 20 mph) are gaining popularity as they are found to be effective at reducing crashes and increasing community cohesion. Speed limits which are set below the speed that most motorists perceive to be reasonable for the given road require additional measures to improve compliance. Attempts to improve speed limit observance are usually by either education, enforcement or road engineering. \"Education\" can mean publicity campaigns or targeted road user training. Speed limit enforcement techniques include: direct police action, automated systems such as speed cameras", "id": "17217481" }, { "contents": "Cycling infrastructure\n\n\nin the 80s and 90s. Direct traffic reduction methods can involve straightforward bans or more subtle methods like road pricing schemes or road diets. The London congestion charge reportedly resulted in a significant increase in cycle use within the affected area. Speed reduction has traditionally been attempted by statutory speed limits and enforcing the assured clear distance ahead rule. Recent implementations of shared space schemes have delivered significant traffic speed reductions. The reductions are sustainable, without the need for speed limits or speed limit enforcement. In Norrköping, mean traffic speeds in 2006", "id": "20895924" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\nregions, police may adopt a more subtle approach, concealing themselves and their equipment as much as possible; other jurisdictions require highly visible policing, with cameras painted yellow, and camera operators not permitted to use approaches such as attaching the camera to what may appear to be a broken-down vehicle when enforcing speed limits. Authorities are not able to monitor every vehicle on every road—limited resources generally mean that enforcement needs to be targeted. A New Zealand study concluded that actual enforcement as well as the \"perceived\" chance", "id": "6007327" }, { "contents": "National Speed Limits (Malaysia)\n\n\nand 80 km/h (50 mph) on other roads). Starting from the 2006 Hari Raya Aidilfitri, the Malaysian Police began enforcing lower speed limits during festive seasons for all federal and state roads, from the default 90 km/h (56 mph) down to 80 km/h (50 mph). Speeding over the enforced speed limits can be fined up to RM300 and offenders may also receive demerit points as subject to KEJARA System by Malaysian Road Transport Department. The speed penalties are given according to the", "id": "21209249" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\nThe officers and contractor involved now face criminal charges that remain before the courts. In September 2012, Edmonton police chief Rod Knecht proposed that \"excessive speeders\" should have their vehicles seized and impounded, after a rash of high speeding drivers were charged, many driving 50 - 100km/hr \"over\" the speed limit. The United Kingdom uses a variety of methods to enforce its road speed limits including average and instantaneous speed cameras, however eight counties are to switch off or remove cameras and a further two counties are considering", "id": "6007336" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\nMassachusetts, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Washington, and Washington, D.C. In 2017, the National Safety Council graded states on road safety measures such as automated enforcement of speeding or red light cameras, interstate speed limits, and lower speed limits in school zones. In the United States, it is common for all installation, operation, and verification procedures to be carried out by private companies that in some States receive payment based on the number of infringements they issue, and often under no testing regime whatsoever,", "id": "6007344" }, { "contents": "Speed limits by country\n\n\nA road speed limit is the limit of speed allowed by law for road vehicles, usually the maximum speed allowed. Occasionally, there is a minimum speed limit. Speed limits are commonly set by the legislative bodies of national or local governments. The following tables show various jurisdictions' default speed limits (where applicable) that apply to different types of vehicles travelling on three different types of road. Actual speed limits may range beyond these values. Speeds are listed in kilometers per hour unless otherwise stated. The enforcement tolerance is specified", "id": "4858058" }, { "contents": "Transport in New Zealand\n\n\ndefault limit in urban areas. Around of motorway and expressway in Waikato and the Bay of Plenty have a higher posted speed limit of . Speed limits of are also used in increments of , and the posted speed limit may be more than the allowed speed limit for a particular vehicle type. Speeds are often reduced to beside roadworks. Private landowners may set their own speed limits, for example , although these are not enforced by police of road authorities. The Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits (2017) allows road", "id": "1645064" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\nand the Netherlands, the location of speed traps are announced using the Highway location marker at regular intervals on major radio stations. Conversely, announcing the exact location of a speed trap is illegal in France; some mobile applications circumvent this restriction by displaying a more general \"hazard zone\" around where the speed trap is located. Groups such as the National Motorists Association define \"speed trap\" more narrowly as a place where \"traffic enforcement is focused on extracting revenue from drivers instead of improving safety\". When highway speed limits", "id": "6007316" }, { "contents": "Rail speed limits in the United States\n\n\nRail speed limits in the United States are regulated by the Federal Railroad Administration. Railroads also implement their own limits and enforce speed limits. Speed restrictions are based on a number of factors including curvature, signaling, track condition, the physical condition of a train, and the presence of grade crossings. Like road speed limits in the United States, speed limits for rail tracks and the trains that run on them use miles per hour (mph). Federal regulators limit the speed of trains with respect to the signaling method used", "id": "13502615" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\nhowever these units are required by law to take at least two pictures of each vehicle. Opposition groups have formed in some locations where automated traffic enforcement has been used. In the US city of Scottsdale Arizona, an activist group CameraFraud was formed and staged sign-wave protests and petition drives to oppose the use of speed limit enforcement cameras ('photo radar'). In the 2008 elections in nearby Pinal County, Paul Babeau won an election for sheriff after making a campaign promise to eliminate speed cameras. It has been", "id": "6007345" }, { "contents": "Speed limit\n\n\nlimits also need to conform to road infrastructure, education, and enforcement activity. In the UK, in 2017 the average free flow speed for each vehicle type is correlated with the applicable speed limit for that road type and for motorways and national speed limit single carriageway roads, the average free flow speed is below the designated speed limit for each vehicle type, except motorcycles on motorways.. A 1998 US Federal Highway Administration report cited a number of studies regarding the effects of reductions in speed limits and the observed changes in speeding,", "id": "1925858" }, { "contents": "De Havilland Comet\n\n\nstabilizer. The inquiry concluded that the aircraft had encountered extreme negative G forces during takeoff; severe turbulence generated by adverse weather was determined to have induced down-loading, leading to the loss of the wings. Examination of the cockpit controls suggested that the pilot may have inadvertently over-stressed the aircraft when pulling out of a steep dive by over-manipulation of the fully powered flight controls. Investigators did not consider metal fatigue as a contributory cause. The inquiry's recommendations revolved around the enforcement of stricter speed limits during turbulence", "id": "13859873" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\nGatsometer BV produced the world's first mobile speed traffic camera in 1982. VASCAR was in use in North Carolina, New York and Indiana by February 1968. Speed limits were originally enforced by manually timing or \"clocking\" vehicles travelling through \"speed traps\" defined between two fixed landmarks along a roadway that were a known distance apart; the vehicle's average speed was then determined by dividing the distance travelled by the time taken to travel it. Setting up a speed trap that could provide legally satisfactory evidence was usually time consuming", "id": "6007306" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\nspeed cameras affected road safety, although early results indicated drivers might be speeding less. To address public concerns, the RTA would now monitor the effectiveness of individual fixed speed cameras annually. It is predicted that the South Australia (SA) government will raise million in the 2011–12 year from speed limit enforcement activities. They raised A$114 million in 2010–11. The SA government are resisting moves by their opposition to commission an inquiry into whether speed cameras are being used effectively and efficiently: to improve road safety, to raise revenue,", "id": "6007332" }, { "contents": "Buffalo Gap, Texas\n\n\nof an 1880s-era \"base ball\" (then spelled with two words) game. Interpreters and volunteers illustrate how baseball has changed between 1883 and the present. Teams play on the third Sunday monthly. In 1959, Buffalo Gap incorporated itself as a town in order to establish a municipal water system. The aldermen appointed a part-time city marshal, who began to enforce speed limits. The marshal's salary was based on a percent of the fines collected. When citizens rose up in opposition at the strict enforcement", "id": "10784450" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\nreduce up to 1,130 collisions and mitigate 330 serious injuries.\" The perception that speed limits in a given location are being set and enforced primarily to collect revenue rather than improve traffic safety has led to controversy. Traffic calming was built into the 1865 Locomotive Act in the UK, which set a speed limit of in towns and out of town, by requiring a man with a red flag to walk ahead of qualifying powered vehicles. The distance ahead of the pedestrian crew member was reduced to in 1878 and the vehicles were required", "id": "6007300" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in Indonesia\n\n\nIndonesia employs a maximum and minimum speed limit. The general maximum speed limits on tollways and highways is 60–100 km/h (37-62mph). On all other roads, it is 40–80 km/h (25-50mph). The minimum speed limit is 20 km/h lower than the posted maximum. However, enforcement of these speed limits is rare and drivers often follow \"reasonable and prudent\" speed limit guidelines, so it is not uncommon to see cars exceeding 800 mph on the motorways.", "id": "13391483" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nenforceability of such a large differential (up to 15 mph on many roads) scuttled that proposal, and a compromise plan, described above, was enacted that retained uniform, but still reduced, speed limits. In 2003, the Texas Legislature prospectively banned environmental speed limits, effective September 1, 2003. The wording of the bill allows environmental speed limits already in place to remain, but no new miles of roadway may be subjected to environmental speed limits. In 2009, the North Texas Tollway Authority raised the speed limit by", "id": "15169098" }, { "contents": "Summerdale, Alabama\n\n\n. \"The whole city of Summerdale is a speed trap\" wrote one traveler passing through the small town. An attorney who defends clients improperly charged with speeding advises that Summerdale police find loopholes in the law when enforcing speeding in the town. For example, Alabama law prohibits towns with a population of less than 19,000 from enforcing speeding laws on highways. Summerdale, however, still enforces these laws by charging drivers with \"failing to use reasonable and prudent speed\", even if they are traveling under the speed limit. Summerdale", "id": "12573624" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in New Zealand\n\n\n/h\" to distinguish them from imperial speed limits; this was dropped from 1987 onwards. Other speed limits were rounded to the nearest ten kilometres per hour, with motorway speed limits being set at 100 km/h. Together with the introduction of carless days in 1979, the maximum speed limit on New Zealand roads was lowered to 80 km/h as a fuel saving measure. Enforcement of New Zealand road speed limits was traditionally done using police \"speed traps\" set up and operated by the police. In 1993", "id": "13393335" }, { "contents": "Road speed limits in the United Kingdom\n\n\nincluding motoring advocacy groups, anti-motoring groups and others who either consider them to be irrelevant, set too low or set too high. Default maximum speed limits apply to all roads where no specific lower numeric speed limit is already in force. The default speed limit is known as the \"national speed limit\" (NSL). The NSLs vary by road type and for vehicle types. Some classes of vehicles are required to have speed limiters which enforce a maximum speed by physical means. Older vehicles still in use do", "id": "6857663" }, { "contents": "Air France Flight 296\n\n\na pilot would not attempt to fly an aircraft so close to stalling with the engines at flight idle (minimum thrust setting in flight). But in this instance, the pilots involved did not hesitate to fly the aircraft below its normal minimum flying speed because the purpose of the flyover was to demonstrate that the aircraft's computer systems would ensure that lift would always be available regardless of how the pilots handled the controls. The captain's experience of flying the aircraft type at the outer limits of its flight performance envelope may have", "id": "10396721" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\ndrop suddenly just as they enter a municipality which collects large amounts of revenue from traffic tickets, a safety hazard can be introduced, and efforts have been made in the U.S. to ban this practice. Some police forces have even been forced to disband as a result of overzealous enforcement. However, a meta-analysis of studies finds automated ticketing machines that enforce speed limits may have reduced the number of traffic injuries and deaths. Kevin Richardson proposed the idea of rewarding drivers travelling at or below the posted limit with a cash lottery", "id": "6007317" }, { "contents": "National Speed Limits (Malaysia)\n\n\nHad Laju Kebangsaan (National Speed Limits) is a set of speed limits applicable on Malaysian expressways, federal roads, state roads and municipal roads. The National Speed Limits was enforced on 1 February 1989 following the National Speed Limit Orders 1989 \"(Perintah Had Laju Kebangsaan 1989)\". Like any other countries in the world, failing to obey the speed limit on Malaysian roads and expressways is an offence as subject to Malaysian Road Safety Act 1987, which can be fined up to RM300, depending on the difference between the", "id": "21209247" }, { "contents": "Road speed limits in the United Kingdom\n\n\non the type of vehicle they're using), they have been used on non-motorway special roads within the UK, and across the motorways within Scotland. In the UK, in 2017 the average free flow speed for each vehicle type is correlated with the applicable speed limit for that road type and for motorways and national speed limit single carriageway roads, the average free flow speed is below the designated speed limit for each vehicle type, except motorcycles on motorways.. Speed limit enforcement is used to check that road vehicles are", "id": "6857683" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\nMexico City) and traffic law enforcement officers (Guadalajara) may enforce speed laws only when a car is speeding above reasonable speeds in regard of the amount of traffic. Maximum speed for all Mexican highways is . Speeding fines are given to those going and up to . Police may however place a squad car as a pace car so drivers behind cannot exceed ; this is common during Summer and Winter holiday season. Local conditions, law and police practices mean that the tactics adopted to catch speeding motorists vary considerably. In some", "id": "6007326" }, { "contents": "Road speed limits in the United Kingdom\n\n\nin isolation, or setting ones that are \"unrealistically low\" may be ineffective and lead to disrespect for the speed limit. Bath and North East Somerset Council say that speed limits on their own do not necessarily reduce traffic speeds and should be supported by enforcement to target \"irresponsible drivers\" or traffic calming. The Department for Transport encourages the use of either '20 mph speed limits' or '20 mph speed limit zones' in urban situations where vulnerable road users are at particular risk. In 1998 the TRL reported that", "id": "6857676" }, { "contents": "Road speed limit enforcement in the United Kingdom\n\n\nto update cameras and has reduced or cancelled maintenance contracts In July 2010, some opposition politicians and some road safety campaigners claimed that lives were being put at risk by the removal of speed cameras. The AA agreed saying adding that cameras were supported by the majority of motorists. In October 2010 Wiltshire switched off its remaining speed cameras, both fixed and mobile. Speed limit enforcement will continue to be provided in the county by Wiltshire's traffic police and Community Speed Watch. In December 2010, Portsmouth City Council decided to end its", "id": "8082434" }, { "contents": "Advisory speed limit\n\n\nAn advisory speed limit is a speed recommendation by a governing body, used when it may be non-obvious to the driver that the safe speed is below the legal speed. It is a posting which either approximates the Basic Speed Law or rule (and is subject to enforcement as such) or is based on a maximum g-force exerted at a specific speed. Advisory speed limits are often set in areas with many pedestrians, such as in city centers and outside schools, and on difficult stretches of roads, such", "id": "1684534" }, { "contents": "Autobahn\n\n\nby outsiders.\" Some speed limits are implemented on different autobahns. Certain limits are imposed on some classes of vehicles: Additionally, speed limits are posted at most on- and off-ramps and interchanges and other danger points like sections under construction or in need of repair. Where no general limit is required, the advisory speed limit is , referred to in German as the \"Richtgeschwindigkeit\". The advisory speed is not enforceable; however, being involved in an accident driving at higher speeds can lead to the driver being deemed", "id": "18820604" }, { "contents": "Speed limit\n\n\n. In 1901, Connecticut was the first state in the United States to impose a numerical speed limit for motor vehicles, setting the maximum legal speed to 12 mph in cities and 15 mph on rural roads. Speed limits then propagated across the United States; by 1930 all but 12 states had established numerical limits. In 1903, in the UK, the national speed limit was raised to 20 mph; however, as this was difficult to enforce due to the lack of speedometers, the 1930 \"Road Traffic Act\" abolished", "id": "1925824" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\nConnecticut controversially tried to use a contractual clause in the rental agreement to issue speeding fines to any of its customers that exceeded speed limits as detected by GPS tracking units its cars. The company actions were challenged and defeated in court. Doug Georgianni, 51, was shot as he operated a photo radar van on a Phoenix freeway and later died at a hospital. Retribution attacks on photo enforcement equipment have become commonplace throughout the world. In August 2005, in Sydney, Australia a speed camera photograph was challenged on the basis that", "id": "6007329" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nis not always posted, and rarely enforced. Connecticut was among the last states to raise its maximum speed limit from originally established by the National Maximum Speed Law in 1974. The statewide maximum speed limit was increased from to on October 1, 1998, making Connecticut the last state in the continental United States to raise its speed limit above . Speed limits for all roads within Connecticut—including local streets—are established by the State Traffic Commission, an agency composed of members of the Department of Motor Vehicles (CTDMV),", "id": "15168930" }, { "contents": "National Speed Limits (Malaysia)\n\n\ndifference of the driven speed and the enforced speed limit as follows:- In 1991, a proposal to increase the speed limit on Malaysian expressways to 140 km/h (87 mph) was made but was finally rejected in 2005 by Minister of Works, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu, stating that most drivers often drive 10 to 30 km/h faster than the stated speed limit on the expressways. Over the years, several attempts to set higher speed limit for the expressways were being made by certain quarter of the public. However", "id": "21209250" }, { "contents": "History of aerodynamics\n\n\nfluid flow to understanding how to engineer a vehicle to interact appropriately with the fluid flow. For example, while the behavior of hypersonic flow is understood, building a scramjet aircraft to fly at hypersonic speeds has seen very limited success. Along with building a successful scramjet aircraft, the desire to improve the aerodynamic efficiency of current aircraft and propulsion systems will continue to fuel new research in aerodynamics. Nevertheless, there are still important problems in basic aerodynamic theory, such as in predicting transition to turbulence, and the existence and uniqueness of", "id": "17264798" }, { "contents": "Advisory speed limit\n\n\n-camera enforced, MIDAS and ATM variable limits on the M25, M42 and M6 motorways. Crucially, the signs imposing these limits are distinct from regular, advisory VMS displays by the inclusion of a red ring surround, effectively changing them from advance hazard warnings into standard, mandatory speed-limit signs. As local councils require consent from the Department for Transport before changing speed limits, some use advisory speed limits on roads that the DfT refuses to officially downgrade. The usefulness of advisory speed limits has been questioned by a number", "id": "1684541" }, { "contents": "Road speed limit enforcement in the United Kingdom\n\n\ninstrument, 'The Road Traffic Offenders (Prescribed Devices) Order 1992' was approved in May 1992 coming into force 1 July 1992 allowing for unattended traffic cameras to be used for prosecution of speeding offences. The Gatsometer BV Type 24 was approved in June 1992. The LTI 20.20, a police operated LIDAR speed gun received type approval in 1993. The charity Brake was formed in 1995 to support traffic victims and campaign for effective enforcement of speed limits. The charity RoadPeace was founded in 1990 and has since actively campaigned to increase", "id": "8082414" }, { "contents": "Road speed limit enforcement in the United Kingdom\n\n\nDepartment for Transport as 'Road Safety Grants' rather than being directly linked to money raised locally from fines as it had been previously. Swindon in Wiltshire switched off their 5 fixed cameras in July 2009, with the intention of replacing them with vehicle activated speed warning signs. They thus became the first local council with no fixed cameras, although the police will continue to use their mobile speed cameras to enforce speed limits. In the nine months following the switch-off there was a small reduction in casualty rates between similar periods", "id": "8082425" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States\n\n\n\" In response to the 1973 oil crisis, Congress enacted the National Maximum Speed Law that created the universal speed limit. States had to agree to the limit if they desired to receive federal funding for highway repair. The federal government enforced the national maximum speed limit by withholding federal funding for projects whose speed limits exceeded . Federal highway funding is normally allocated according to 23 U.S. Code § 106, the National Maximum Speed Law (also known as H.R.11372 - An Act to conserve energy on the Nation's highways) modified the allocation", "id": "4543375" }, { "contents": "Vehicle-activated sign\n\n\nto slow down. At some locations in the UK these devices are used for speed limit enforcement. Another variation of VAS displays the speed of any passing vehicle. If the vehicle is moving faster than the speed limit the number will flash, or be displayed in an alternate colour. Other signs also flash alternately between a number indicating the speed and an emoticon. A Smiley face is displayed if the vehicle is moving below the speed limit, while a sad face is displayed when the limit is being exceeded. This kind of", "id": "18361017" }, { "contents": "Maneuvering speed\n\n\nIn aviation, the maneuvering speed of an aircraft is an airspeed limitation selected by the designer of the aircraft. At speeds close to, and faster than, the maneuvering speed, full deflection of any flight control surface should not be attempted because of the risk of damage to the aircraft structure. The maneuvering speed of an aircraft is shown on a cockpit placard and in the aircraft's flight manual but is not commonly shown on the aircraft's airspeed indicator. In the context of air combat maneuvering (ACM), the maneuvering", "id": "21427609" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nenforcement. Many expressways and parkways in the New York City suburbs were posted as high as 65 mph in the early 1970s. During the 1973 Oil Embargo, New York lowered its speed limit to 50. The National Maximum Speed Law brought statewide speed limits up to 55. The city of New York, being a city, retained the 50 mph speed limit. New York restored its 65 mph speed limit in late 1995, soon before the NMSL was repealed. Until September 2003, the state legislature needed to approve individual 65", "id": "15169030" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nthat blink when the school speed limit is in effect. There is no reduced school speed on divided highways, even if the school sits right beside the highway. All state-owned two-lane roads in rural areas within Pennsylvania have a default speed limit of 55 mph unless otherwise posted. The Pennsylvania Turnpike has a minimum speed limit of 15 mph below the posted maximum speed, though the minimum is only sporadically posted. This is not enforced for slow-moving trucks in areas with steep grades and signs are posted that", "id": "15169070" }, { "contents": "Speed limit\n\n\nRoad speed limits are used in most countries to set the legal maximum or minimum speed at which road vehicles may travel on a given stretch of road. In the US they have been set to protect the public and regulate unreasonable behavior. Speed limits are generally indicated on a traffic sign reflecting the maximum or minimum permitted expressed as kilometres per hour (km/h) and/or miles per hour (mph). Speed limits are commonly set by the legislative bodies of national or provincial governments and enforced by national or regional police and", "id": "1925818" }, { "contents": "Ohio Turnpike\n\n\ncreated a plan with three points. The truck speed limit was increased from for consistency with the automobile limits. Enforcement of truck weight and speed limits on parallel highways was increased, and truck toll rates were lowered in a trial. The speed limit increase took effect on September 8, 2004. The Ohio Turnpike has had uniform limits for all vehicles since 2004. On December 20, 2010, the Ohio Turnpike Commission voted to increase the speed limit of the Ohio Turnpike to 70 mph. Despite opposition from the Ohio Trucking Association", "id": "20435161" }, { "contents": "Intelligent speed adaptation\n\n\nnumber of crashes causing casualties is doubled for each over the limit. Enforcing speed limits strictly enough to eliminate slight overspeed is difficult; it is proposed that ISA will assist with this. It is also argued that speed limits need to be properly set as those too low will equally cause issues. Drivers maintaining speeds significantly below a posted limit have been shown to have an increased accident risk compared to those nearer the limit (including those slightly over the limit). The two types of ISA systems differ in that passive systems simply", "id": "5371346" }, { "contents": "National Maximum Speed Law\n\n\nfree-flowing traffic speed should be the major determinant of the speed limit: \"Drivers typically can anticipate appropriate driving speeds.\" This is due, in part, to the strong access control in these areas but also is an acknowledgement of the difficulty of enforcing the 55 mph (90 km/h) speed limit in these areas. A Cato Institute report showed that the safety record worsened in the first few months of the new speed limits, suggesting that the fatality drop found by the NRC was a statistical anomaly that", "id": "11405068" }, { "contents": "National Maximum Speed Law\n\n\ndiscovered it to be a major source of revenue. Actions ranged from proposing deals for an exemption to de-emphasizing speed limit enforcement. The NMSL was modified in 1987 and 1988 to allow up to limits on certain limited-access rural roads. Congress repealed the NMSL in 1995, fully returning speed limit-setting authority to the individual states. The law's safety benefit is disputed as research found conflicting results. The power to set speed limits historically belonged to the states. Prior to the NMSL, the sole exception to", "id": "11405059" }, { "contents": "Golf, Illinois\n\n\nhave a speed limit of 20 mph (and one 15 mph) which is strictly enforced by the local police department. The officers also enforce the speed limit on the north side of Golf Road, a major 4 lane roadway on the south border of the Village. Only the westbound lanes of traffic on the north side are within Golf village limits; the corresponding eastbound lanes are in Morton Grove. Despite its small size, the Village has a police officer on-duty 24 hours a day. Currently the Chief of Police", "id": "19434238" }, { "contents": "Risk compensation\n\n\non the right in 1967 there was a drop in crashes and fatalities, which was linked to the increased apparent risk. The number of motor insurance claims went down by 40%, returning to normal over the next six weeks. Fatality levels took two years to return to normal. The control of traffic speeds using effectively enforced speed limits and other traffic calming methods plays an important role in the reduction of road traffic casualties; speed limit changes alone without accompanying enforcement or traffic calming measures will not. A 1994 study conducted to", "id": "1372573" }, { "contents": "Road speed limit enforcement in Australia\n\n\na \"Safety Camera\" sign. Queensland is in the process of investigating conversion to dual redlight/speed cameras as the current system is reaching end-of-life. Police also use other technology that does not rely photographs being taken of an offence, typically where officers enforce the speed limit in person. New South Wales police used the Silver Eagle vehicle-mounted unit. This radar device is typically mounted on the right hand side of the vehicle just behind the driver, and is operated from inside the vehicle. The", "id": "6664977" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in Australia\n\n\nspeed-limit. It is typically used where, according to AS1742.4 the road beyond has certain hazards such as hidden driveways, poor camber, soft edges and other hazards where the road authority feels a posted speed limit sign might be too dangerous or otherwise unwarranted. It is intended therefore to invoke particular caution. This sign is used as a direct replacement for the slash-through speed derestriction signs common in Europe and elsewhere. Speed limits are enforced in all areas of the country. Tolerance ranges from 3% to 10%", "id": "11768299" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nfor highway maintenance and speed enforcement on the Parkway. The county governments of North Carolina do not have any control over speed limits or any other aspect of road operation, as there are no county roads in the state. Municipalities, on the other hand, can set speed limits on city-controlled roadways, subject to applicable state laws. Freeways and expressways with no primary route number are part of the state secondary road system and bear route numbers of 1000 or greater. Their maximum posted speed limit is 55 mph with four", "id": "15169037" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\non toll road tickets. Speed enforcement using average speed measurement is expressly prohibited in California. Instantaneous speed cameras measure the speed at a single point. These may either be a semi-permanent fixture or be established on a temporary basis. A variety of technologies can be used: Officers in some jurisdictions may also use pacing, particularly where a more convenient radar speed measuring device is not available—a police vehicle's speed is matched to that of a target vehicle, and the calibrated speedometer of the patrol car used to infer", "id": "6007309" }, { "contents": "Controlled-access highway\n\n\nare three times more deadly than motorways with a speed limit. Germany also introduced some speed limits on various motorway sections which were not limited. This generated a reduction in deaths in a range from 20% to 50% on those sections. Speed, in Europe, is considered to be one of the main contributory factors to collisions. Some countries, such as France and Switzerland, have achieved a death reduction by a better monitoring of speed. Tools used for monitoring speed might be increase in traffic density, improved speed enforcement", "id": "13899603" }, { "contents": "Speed limit\n\n\n; 20 mph speed limit zones, which use self-enforcing traffic calming, achieved average speed reductions of 10 mph; child pedestrian accidents were reduced by 70% and child cyclist accidents by 48%. Zones where speeds are set at 30 km/h (or 20 mph) are gaining popularity as they are found to be effective at reducing crashes and increasing community cohesion. Studies undertaken in conjunction with Australia's move from speed limits to in built-up areas found that the measure was effective in reducing speed and the", "id": "1925862" }, { "contents": "Santa Monica Airport\n\n\nordinances in the nation. In addition to responding to the community's noise concerns and enforcing the City's Aircraft Noise Ordinance, which includes a maximum allowable noise level, curfew hours and certain operational limitations, Airport staff is involved in a variety of supplementary activities intended to reduce the overall impact of aircraft operations on the residential areas surrounding the Airport. The following procedures and limitations are enforced in accordance with the City's Aircraft Noise Ordinance. Violations may result in the imposition of fines and/or exclusion from Santa Monica Airport: In addition", "id": "1907854" }, { "contents": "Northbourne Avenue\n\n\nrows of trees. The speed limit is 60 km/h. The Federal Highway to the north of the intersection with Mouat and Antill streets has an 80 km/h speed limit. These speed limits are strictly enforced with multiple fixed red light/speed cameras in the 60 km/h zone and mobile speed cameras being permitted to operate along the entire length of the road. Northbourne Avenue is the dividing line between the suburbs of Turner and Lyneham on the west, with the suburbs of Braddon, Dickson and Downer on", "id": "917655" }, { "contents": "National Maximum Speed Law\n\n\non rural interstates: \"76 percent.\") Hawaii was the last state to raise its speed limit when, in response to public outcry after an experiment with traffic enforcement cameras in 2002, it raised the maximum speed limit on parts of Interstates H-1 and H-3 to 60mph (100km/h). Despite the repeal of federal speed limit controls, the 2011 maximum speed limits were on average lower than those of 1974: Although traffic deaths and death rates have generally declined in the United States since 1989, highway safety advocates", "id": "11405079" }, { "contents": "Road speed limit enforcement in the United Kingdom\n\n\nMotorcyclists also frequently speed as do HGV drivers commonly on single carriageway main roads where their speed limit is 50 mph. There are many methods used by authorities, in places where the speed limits are not generally observed, to attempt to achieve greater compliance. These methods generally fall into one of two categories: There are several types of speed camera in use. Speed cameras must be calibrated and certified before the images from it are acceptable to the court, including the cameras used in police vehicles. Owners of vehicles photographed may be", "id": "8082394" }, { "contents": "Flight envelope\n\n\nin altitude no longer increases the maximum speed due to lack of oxygen to feed the engines. The power needed varies almost linearly with altitude, but the nature of drag means that it varies with the square of speed—in other words it is typically easier to go higher than faster, up to the altitude where lack of oxygen for the engines starts to play a significant role. A chart of velocity versus load factor (or V-n diagram) is another way of showing limits of aircraft performance. It shows how", "id": "6955796" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in Australia\n\n\nmeant that the rural default speed limit applied, whilst in New South Wales, they indicated that the \"prima facie\" limit applied. New South Wales's \"prima facie\" 50 miles per hour or 80 km/hr limit, often signed by derestriction signs, was only enforced in cases where a driver's speed could be demonstrated to be excessive or dangerous in the context of prevailing road conditions. This was somewhat similar in principle to \"reasonable and prudent\" limits in other jurisdictions. This led to the widespread but", "id": "11768311" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\nthe other vehicle's speed. In recent years many jurisdictions began using cameras to record violators. These devices detect vehicles that are exceeding the speed limit and take photos of these vehicles' license plates. A ticket is then mailed out to the registered owner. Some jurisdictions such as Australia and Ohio, allow prosecutions based on a subjective speed assessment by a police officer. In the future there is the potential to track speed limit compliance via GPS black boxes for recidivist speeders identified in the Australian National Road Safety Strategy 2011 - 2020", "id": "6007310" }, { "contents": "Ultralight aviation\n\n\nsubject to minimum regulations. The resulting aeroplanes are commonly called \"ultralight aircraft\" or \"microlights\", although the weight and speed limits differ from country to country. In Europe, the sporting (FAI) definition limits the maximum take-off weight to ( if a ballistic parachute is installed) and a maximum stalling speed of . The definition means that the aircraft has a slow landing speed and short landing roll in the event of an engine failure. In most affluent countries, microlights or ultralight aircraft now account for a", "id": "792407" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\ncounties than the Baltimore-Washington corridor and Western Maryland. Two lane routes that have a speed limit of 55 mph enforce mandatory headlight use. Urban and downtown speed limits are generally posted at 30 mph. As prescribed by Massachusetts law, default speed limits are the following: State highways and other arterials are often posted at in urban areas and in rural areas. A select number of undivided roads are posted at . Divided highways are usually posted at in rural areas as well as business districts. Interstate highways and some non-", "id": "15168971" }, { "contents": "Holding (aeronautics)\n\n\naircraft already in the stack. Aircraft flying in circles is an inefficient (and hence costly) usage of time and fuel, so measures are taken to limit the amount of holding necessary. Air traffic flow management is used to delay aircraft while grounded at their departure points when delays are expected at their destinations. Many aircraft have a specific \"holding speed\" published by the manufacturer; this is a lower speed at which the aircraft uses less fuel per hour than normal cruise speeds. Typical holding speeds for transport category aircraft are", "id": "79801" }, { "contents": "Speed limit\n\n\nexceeds), and in the US is frequently set below that speed. Thus, if the 85th percentile operating speed as measured by a \"Traffic and Engineering Survey\" exceeds the design speed, legal protection is given to motorists traveling at such speeds (design speed is \"based on conservative assumptions about the driver, the vehicle, and roadway characteristics\"). The theory behind the 85th percentile rules is that, as a policy, most citizens should be deemed reasonable and prudent, and limits must be practical to enforce.", "id": "1925837" }, { "contents": "Advanced Civil Speed Enforcement System\n\n\nmore favorable signal indication a \"Stop Release\" button must be engaged by the engineer before the brakes can be released. Due to several limitations of the ACSES system and various contingency operations, employees must still be familiar with all permanent and temporary speed restrictions. ACSES is meant to supplement, not replace employee's knowledge and skills The combination of continuous cab signals and ACSES meet the definition of a positive train control (PTC) system by providing collision protection, enforcement of all speed restrictions and enforcement of track possession by maintenance forces", "id": "11463917" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\nthe fine. Almost 30% of drivers expressed remorse (e.g., \"I'm sorry\") and received a considerable reduction in fines. Offers of remorse were most effective at higher speeds over the limit. For example, American speeders who offered remorse for traveling at higher speeds over the limit (21 mph) received fines that were US$49 lower than drivers who were speeding the same amount, but did not offer an apology. Although this research indicated that apologies can be related to lower fines for speeding, most drivers", "id": "6007320" }, { "contents": "Expressways of China\n\n\n) and Chengde. The Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates the speed limit of 120 km/h (75 mph), effective since May 1, 2004. A minimum speed limit of 70 km/h is in force. On overtaking lanes, however, this could be as high as 100 km/h to 110 km/h. Penalties for driving both below and in excess of the prescribed speed limits are enforced. Some expressways have a lower design speed of . Only motor vehicles", "id": "14536425" }, { "contents": "Speed limit\n\n\nrates would increase by 65% between 2000 and 2020. The report identified that the speed of vehicles was \"at the core of the problem\", and recommended that speed limits be set appropriately for the road function and design, along with the implementation of physical measures related to the road and the vehicle, and increased effective enforcement by the police. Road incidents are said to be the leading cause of deaths among children 10–19 years of age (260,000 children die a year; 10 million are injured). Maximum speed limits", "id": "1925865" }, { "contents": "Speed limit enforcement\n\n\ncity limits. While fines for minor offenses tend to be moderate, speeds in excess of above the limit in built-up areas result in distinctly higher fines and points on the driver's license, and, depending on the speed at which the offender was clocked, may lead to a driving ban of at least one month. The state of Victoria in Australia allows for only a tolerance for mobile speed cameras and for fixed cameras on the basis that, although the increased risk is lower, there are very many more drivers", "id": "6007323" }, { "contents": "Range (aeronautics)\n\n\nThe maximal total range is the maximum distance an aircraft can fly between takeoff and landing, as limited by fuel capacity in powered aircraft, or cross-country speed and environmental conditions in unpowered aircraft. The range can be seen as the cross-country ground speed multiplied by the maximum time in the air. The fuel time limit for powered aircraft is fixed by the fuel load and rate of consumption. When all fuel is consumed, the engines stop and the aircraft will lose its propulsion. Ferry range means the maximum range", "id": "20419731" }, { "contents": "Road speed limits in the United Kingdom\n\n\nreduced the number of casualties on motorways. She ruled out minimum speed limits for motorways which would also reduce the danger of slow traffic as being too difficult to enforce and likely to increase congestion off the motorways. The two major motoring organisations at the time, The Automobile Association and the R.A.C. welcomed the maximum speed limits for all-purpose roads, but the R.A.C. would have preferred more flexibility for motorways. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents suggested that a lower speed limit would be more appropriate for all-purpose roads", "id": "6857697" } ]
Can a sufficiently rich person park in "no parking" spaces and just keep paying the fines?
[{"answer": "I actually knew a guy who did this. A business owner in NYC. Whenever we'd go out (he was my client) he'd just park his BWM anywhere. Street corners, handicap spaces, fire hydrants, whatever. He came out to a ticket every time. He just tossed it in the back and handed it to his assistant when he got to the office. He figures he spent 4 to 5 thousand a year on fines. But he made 2 million. So his parking costs were just 0.25% of his income. One quarter of one percent. Which is basically what you probably pay as a percentage of your yearly income parking legitimately at meters or in garages."}, {"answer": "Most states can't take your license away unless it's a moving violation (or if you don't pay your fines). So yes they could. Ever wonder why people with super expensive cars often quadruple-park, besides to show off their obviously massive manhood?"}, {"answer": "Actually yes, and it happens. Steve Jobs was notorious for constantly parking in handicapped spaces even before his cancer made that justifiable, and he ducked California's mandatory license plates law by *trading in his car for the exact same model every six months.*"}, {"answer": "Short answer: yes, in most places However, usually, parking enforcement can order the car towed at their discretion, so if they find you constantly violaating the ordinance, they might decide to do that."}, {"answer": "Depends on where you live. In BC, Canada, where I live, parking violations are civil bylaw infractions. They have nothing to do with your driver's license. If you pay, they go away. If you don't pay, you get sent to collections. You can never go to prison for parking tickets in BC."}, {"answer": "It depends on the type of no parking. If it is a no parking zone that is for emergency services no. After a few violations you will be arrested for public endangerment. But the level that the city sees as the point that it becomes public endangerment is different for every city and it is possible they have other connections that keep them from getting into trouble. Other kinds of illegal parking just about anyone can get away with so long as you pay your fines."}, {"answer": "In the UK there is the criminal offence *Leaving a Vehicle in a Dangerous Position* , for example on a blind corner. This can be punished by 3 'penalty points' as well as a fine. That wouldn't apply to things like parking in disabled spaces though. Accumulate 12 penalty points in 3 years and you normally get banned from driving. Drive while banned and you can be put in prison. For some context, other common offences that earn 3 points are mild speeding and running red lights."}, {"answer": "In Ohio, only moving violations can cost you your license. If you want to keep paying the fine, and getting your car out of the pound, sure, have at it."}, {"answer": "It depends on the legislation. It is possible that the vehicle may be towed. And then without paying the impound fee and the parking tickets to get the car it may be auctioned off. But it would take months for this to happen. There are instances where rich people park wherever they like if they are in a hurry and just pay the parking tickets. Even the impound fee is not scaring them away. Some places it is a bit of a problem and they have to weekly tow cars left by rich people in a hurry."}, {"answer": "Yes, and it happens frequently. I live in Chicago and people double park, park in no parking, park on the sidewalks, or in a permit parking area (sans permit) all the time. It's a thing that just happens. Sometimes you will get a ticket, most times you will not. If you do get a ticket you just pay it and move on. You do need to pay it because if you get too many unpaid tickets they will tow your car. Also if you are parking in certain areas that require absolute no parking (no parking for game days) they will tow your car. They will not tow if you just happen to get a lot of tickets (and pay them). They don't care because each ticket is more revenue for the city."}, {"answer": "This is one of the reasons why people want tickets and fines to be based on your income and not a flat rate. Rich people can afford the fine and thus it isn't a punishment. If a person's income is $25k and a ticket is $250 that's 1% of their income. If a person's income is $1m and a ticket is $250 who cares? That's .025%. They make more than that in interest rates."}, {"answer": "There's a guy in Scotland that does it. It was in a newspaper a few years ago. I think he was a boxing promoter. He drove some kind of sports car that was really low to the ground so couldn't be towed and he'd just take a ticket as the money meant nothing to him and it meant he didn't waste time finding a proper space. Sounds like a proper tool, but then if he's got ten money, I guess why not? As long as it's not endangering g anyone by clicking somewhere important, there's nothing that could be done and the council makes a decent amount off him every year."}, {"answer": "I'm not rich but I essentially do this everyday (well similar). I'm a college student and we have a bunch of different lots but also pay per hour parking. I normally just park and ignore it and get a ticket. It's normally about 8 dollars a ticket. However, I've found that the price of getting a ticket (almost) everyday still isn't enough to justify buying an overpriced parking pass. Also most towns have a limit on the number of unpaid parking tickets you can have. So you can get towed after a while. I've gotten towed from this before. I'm not sure whether it goes on your record but yeah."}, {"answer": "I know handicap parking tickets are a non-moving violation with no points. So I believe you could park there and just keep paying the fine. they could not revoke your license."}, {"answer": "I think Steve Jobs was famous for breaking \"non-moving violation\" type driving laws, and would just pay the fines. Since he was a billionaire the fines were to him what being fined half a cent might be to an average person, and that was only when he was caught. It was rumoured that he would drive without license plates, park in handicap spots, I guess stuff like that."}, {"answer": "My old boss lives this life daily. He gets hassled more by angry residents than parking enforcement. That said, the first day I worked for him he paid off $3000 worth of $25 no parking fees."}, {"answer": "This is actually common in big cities where parking is expensive. Many people roll the dice and park illegally rather than pay big bucks for a legit parking space."}, {"answer": "There's that one guy in Beverly Hills, his bugatti is parked outside his business 24/7. But then again, he's been dead a while now."}, {"answer": "And this is the reason that fines should be a percentage of income rather than a fixed amount."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1280938", "title": "Feebate", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Feebate is a portmanteau of \"fee\" and \"rebate\". A feebate program is a self-financing system of fees and rebates that are used to shift the costs of externalities produced by the private expropriation, fraudulent abstraction, or outright destruction of public goods onto those market actors responsible. Originally coined in the 1970s by Arthur H. Rosenfeld, feebate programs have typically been used to shift buying habits in the transportation and energy sectors.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Feebate is a portmanteau of \"fee\" and \"rebate\". A feebate program is a self-financing system of fees and rebates that are used to shift the costs of externalities produced by the private expropriation, fraudulent abstraction, or outright destruction of public goods onto those market actors responsible. Originally coined in the 1970s by Arthur H. Rosenfeld, feebate programs have typically been used to shift buying habits in the transportation and energy sectors."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2654641", "title": "Usage-based insurance", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Usage-based insurance (UBI) also known as pay as you drive (PAYD) and pay how you drive (PHYD) and mile-based auto insurance is a type of vehicle insurance whereby the costs are dependent upon type of vehicle used, measured against time, distance, behavior and place.", "Usage-based insurance (UBI) also known as pay as you drive (PAYD) and pay how you drive (PHYD) and mile-based auto insurance is a type of vehicle insurance whereby the costs are dependent upon type of vehicle used, measured against time, distance, behavior and place."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "5320170", "title": "Stupid Motorist Law", "section": "Section::::Background.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 5, "end_paragraph_id": 5, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The need for the law came from the lack of storm sewers in the deserts of the Southwestern United States, combined with heavy rainfall in the desert, usually associated with the summer monsoon. These conditions can lead to flash floods in Arizona, which can unleash powerful torrents of water containing debris ranging in size from sand to boulders. The floods often resemble a concrete slurry due to their low water content; flows may contain as little as 20% water, while still moving at over . Only of water is required to reach the bottom of most passenger cars, which can cause loss of control and possible stalling. Most passenger cars will float in just of water, and of water will sweep most vehicles (including SUVs and pick-ups) away.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "The need for the law came from the lack of storm sewers in the deserts of the Southwestern United States, combined with heavy rainfall in the desert, usually associated with the summer monsoon. These conditions can lead to flash floods in Arizona, which can unleash powerful torrents of water containing debris ranging in size from sand to boulders. The floods often resemble a concrete slurry due to their low water content; flows may contain as little as 20% water, while still moving at over . Only of water is required to reach the bottom of most passenger cars, which can cause loss of control and possible stalling. Most passenger cars will float in just of water, and of water will sweep most vehicles (including SUVs and pick-ups) away."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Family Game Night (TV series)\n\n\n-sized hotels where Boardwalk and Park Place landed on the game board, they keep the $1,000 of MONOPOLY money. If the family places their hotels on the penalty spaces, they pay the fine. In the first round, the penalty spaces cost $300 each. In the second round, a Street Repairs space is added and the penalty spaces cost $400 each. In the final round, the fines increase to $500 and a Bankrupt space is added. If a hotel is placed on Bankrupt (and/or they", "id": "9330789" }, { "contents": "Downtown\n\n\nspace by two-thirds. When the boom was over, and the Depression had begun to have its effect, much of this new space became unneeded excess. Owners of smaller buildings who could not keep a sufficient number of tenants to pay their overhead, tore down their buildings, but whereas in the recent past they would have been replaced with taller buildings, now they became one- and two-story parking garages or ground-level parking lots. These were widely known as \"taxpayers\", as they generated enough revenue", "id": "14046861" }, { "contents": "Re-Animated\n\n\nstaffed by park staff who are also secretly certified physicians, where Milt's brain (which one of the doctors keeps in his lunch cooler) is transplanted into his head. He makes it out of the operation just fine with his personality intact (explained by the doctors salvaging his \"personality gland\") but, he can now see all of Appleday's characters in real life, while no one else can. With the help of his crush, Robin (Eunice Cho), who is also Craig's sister, Jimmy", "id": "14619200" }, { "contents": "Parking violation\n\n\nStockholm the fines are low enough to be ignored by richer people. It is often hard to find parking spots in big cities. After wheel-locks were introduced in London, the prices for rented parking spots went up considerably. Foreign-registered vehicles in Europe in reality can not be fined. This is partly because it is too much work to find the owner in a foreign country, but mainly because it is not legally possible to claim money from a foreign resident person if they don't pay voluntarily. The European", "id": "21730002" }, { "contents": "Open space accessibility in California\n\n\nAnger and aggressiveness are often alleviated with increased time in open space. Additionally, psychological benefits increase with species richness of urban green spaces, implying that quality, not just access, affects the health benefits of natural parks in urban environments. Studies have found that pregnancy outcomes improve when pregnant women have access to a park or natural preserve, and people with easy access to national and local parks have higher-quality sleep. Open spaces can be accessed by a diverse group of people in an urban community, allowing greater community cohesion", "id": "10468833" }, { "contents": "Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park\n\n\nfragile caves, and once it is operational it would attract more visitors than the park can sustainably handle. The Park Management Board includes just 115 people, composed of zoologists, botanists, silviculturalists, and socio-economists. This management staff lacks the authority to fine violators and lacks equipment like helicopters and sufficient funds, thus it's hard to efficiently deal with natural and human threats to the park. A semi-wild zone of 0.18 km, surrounded by electrical wire fence, saved for the primate species was created in this", "id": "21178195" }, { "contents": "Park Headquarters, Lassen Volcanic National Park\n\n\nwindows from snow and to provide storage space for furnace wood. The park's Developmental Outline for 1938 states that due to development in the park, the building was not large enough, adding \"[m]oreover, the present building does not have sufficient storage space, is hard to keep warm in winter, and presents a bleak and unattractive aspect on the outside which gives all park visitors coming by the Headquarters Area a very bad first impression of the park.\" The park proposed moving the present building elsewhere on the site and", "id": "7305041" }, { "contents": "Technological and industrial history of 21st-century Canada\n\n\nand designed to encourage road use in a way that minimizes traffic jams. The computerized billing system keeps an account of the charges and bills the customer incurs on a regular basis. In 2010, the City of Montreal began to deploy 800 wireless, networked, solar-powered, Linux based, electronic parking payment stations to replace up to 10,000 existing mechanical parking meters. Each parking space has a code and the motorist can pay the required parking rate, with cash or credit card, from any station in the city (he", "id": "14166131" }, { "contents": "Pay-by-phone parking\n\n\nspace paid for. When people follow the time constraints there are more spaces open for other drivers who wish to park. Also, accurate data management provides additional resources for the parking provider. Since transactions are submitted digitally, providers have access to information regarding each customer's parking sessions. With this data, legal challenges and complaints can be significantly reduced and enforcement can be handled more accurately and efficiently. Since pay-by-phone parking has been put into operation, several new ways of enforcing parking violations have been created:", "id": "5466966" }, { "contents": "Parking violation\n\n\nUnion is introducing legislation into all member countries to collect fines across borders. In some cities, like London, this has been solved by locking one wheel of an unlawfully parked vehicle. The driver has to pay to be able to drive. In New Zealand, parking fines are mostly issued by council parking officers, but can also be issued by police officers. Parking tickets are mostly attached to an unattended vehicle, or they can be posted to the address of the registered owner. Posting tickets are commonly used by parking officers", "id": "21730003" }, { "contents": "Pay-by-phone parking\n\n\ndesignated pay-by-phone parking area. In order for the service to be available, the operator of the parking space, whether a city or a private owner, must have contracted with the pay-by-phone service provider. But if the service is available it will be clearly marked on the street, meter, sign or space. Then the driver can either call the pay-by-phone service provider (via a toll free number) or use their mobile application. For the “start stop”", "id": "5466960" }, { "contents": "Parking lot\n\n\nfrom parking violation tickets for running over their metered time or parking in an inappropriate place, as some disabilities may prohibit the use of regular spaces. Illegally parking in a disabled parking space or fraudulent use of another person's permit is heavily fined. Various forms of technology are used to charge motorists for the use of a parking lot. Boom gates are used in many parking lots. A customer arrives to the entry ticket machine by vehicle, presses the ticket request push button, takes a ticket - which raises the barrier -", "id": "21194774" }, { "contents": "Inver Hills Community College\n\n\nrequired. The cost of parking is factored into tuition costs, and staff pay their own fees. The parking fee can be waived from tuition costs if one fills out a form at the Business Office and either carpool, ride the bus, live at the nearby Hills Apartments, or live close and walk to campus. Those with handicap licenses are encouraged to park at the College Center or Fine Arts parking lots. Currently there are five parking lots: North Parking Lot, Fine Arts Parking Lot, Liberal Arts Parking Lot,", "id": "19199426" }, { "contents": "Parking\n\n\nis to demonstrate understanding of parking signs. Motorists parking on-street in big cities often have to pay for the time the vehicle is on the spot. There are fines for overstay. The motorist is often required to display a sticker beneath the windscreen indicating that he has paid for the parking space usage for an allocated time period. Private parking control includes both residential and corporate property. Owners of private property use signs indicating that parking facilities are restricted to certain categories of people such as the owners themselves and their guests,", "id": "9865879" }, { "contents": "Namba Parks\n\n\nto 5th floor. Casual restaurants are located on 6th floor while fine-dining restaurants are on the 7th and 8th floor, where you can choose from various kinds of food, such as Japanese, Korean, and Italian. The 9th floor (topmost) has landscape garden. There is also an amphitheater for live shows, as well as space for small personal vegetable gardens and wagon shops. Namba Parks was conceived as a large park, a natural intervention in Osaka's dense urban condition. Alongside a 30-story tower, the", "id": "4171544" }, { "contents": "Parking violation\n\n\nwhen the person concerned appears to be hostile or aggressive, so minimal contact can take place for safety reasons. Usually, the most common parking fines issued are those for parking over the time limit. Parking fines were introduced in the 1950s in New South Wales, Australia. At that time, council rangers only worked in council car parks and parking fines on the streets, mainly in Sydney were issued by the NSW Parking Police. These were employees of the New South Wales Police Force. Up until about 1995, these fines", "id": "21730004" }, { "contents": "Westchester, Los Angeles\n\n\nThe Westchester Tennis Courts in the recreation center consist of ten lighted courts. The Westchester Senior Citizen Center has a 200-person auditorium, barbecue pits, a 20-person community room, a garden, a kitchen, picnic tables, and a stage. The Carl E. Nielsen Youth Park is located in Westchester. In 1991, Los Angeles World Airports planned to pave over the park and use the lot as parking spaces and leased space to rental car companies. During that year, LAWA decided to keep the park open. Pann's restaurant,", "id": "14536754" }, { "contents": "Parking lot\n\n\nPhiladelphia, encourages parking space turnover by charging escalating parking fees when metered time is added. Another app, Streetline, whose primary purpose is to help motorists find open parking spots using their smartphones, includes a timer, so users can get back to a parking meter before it expires, and a filter that lets users choose between on-street and off-street parking spaces; it also connects to the phone's camera so a user can take a photograph of their car. Other lots operate on a pay and display system", "id": "21194780" }, { "contents": "Elk Meadow Park\n\n\neastern side. Overall, the park is a nice place for a summertime jog through the foothills of Colorado. Dogs must be leashed in Elk Meadow Park proper, as in all other Open Space Parks. An off-leash opportunity lies just across Stagecoach Boulevard at the Elk Meadow Park Dog Off-Leash Area. On April 4, 2017, Jefferson County Open Space closed the entire 107-acre dog park within Elk Meadow Park indefinitely. This was in contrast to a previous plan intended to keep portions of the dog park open.", "id": "14231625" }, { "contents": "In-vehicle parking meter\n\n\nto conventional meters that a driver may deposit too much funding into and stay longer than needed. Another IVPM payment method is pay by phone parking, which allows drivers to add parking time through their smartphones. Parking enforcers see visually on each IVPM whether a driver has sufficient funds or is parked in a restricted zone. Each distributed IVPM has a personal identification number specific to the registered driver to prevent parking fraud. Most IVPMs are equipped with near field communication to open gates and for parking enforcers to make sure a driver has turned", "id": "15754193" }, { "contents": "Hatley Park National Historic Site\n\n\nBoard of Canada plaque reads: Hatley Park. This superb example of an Edwardian park was laid out for James and Laura Dunsmuir in the early 20th century. At its centre stands a Tudor Revival mansion, whose picturesque design is enhanced by a rich array of decoration and fine craftmanship. The grounds, featuring a variety of native and exotic vegetation, unfold from formal gardens to recreational spaces, farmlands and forests. Acquired by the Canadian armed forces in 1940, Hatley Park evolved to meet the needs of Royal Roads Military College in", "id": "4026532" }, { "contents": "Wyperfeld National Park\n\n\nWyperfeld's water supply, and the lakes have not been completely filled since 1975, and had drained again just two years later. In good years, the Wimmera River fills Lake Hindmarsh to the south of the park, which overflows along Outlet Creek, which then fills Lake Albacutya to the immediate south of the park, and (given sufficient rain) flows further north into Wyperfeld itself, forming a series of smaller lakes which support rich floral and faunal communities based around black box and river red gum. The park has seen", "id": "13625258" }, { "contents": "Gas Works Park\n\n\nstructures and the magnificent setting, GWP complements the rich heritage of Seattle's Post-Victorian parks and offers expanded programs in ways that the latter cannot. Throughout every year hundreds of thousands of people use GWP. They gather to celebrate Independence Day and watch fireworks. Concerts, kite-flying, jogging, public meetings, and the open space and views of the park itself are attractions that keep GWP in constant use. Gas Works Park is a unique landmark for the City of Seattle. The original structures qualify as industrial", "id": "814236" }, { "contents": "Valet parking\n\n\n\" for a returning valet to park. The process is then repeated until all cars are parked, utilizing as much lane space as possible, meanwhile keeping the lanes moving. An additional advantage of valet parking, aside from stacking, is that valets can park cars closer and straighter than some customers may park. This will save the space in the parking lot or garage, and prevent the inconvenience of going to different floors by cramming everything in. An efficient valet service will implement (or at least prepare) a system to", "id": "20276175" }, { "contents": "Pay and display\n\n\nSan Francisco, California. Park-Ur-Self has grown to become the leading manufacturer of pay and display machines in the United States and now goes by the name Ventek International Pay and display systems differ from road-side parking meters in that one machine can service multiple vehicle spaces, resulting in lower set up costs. In addition, this system theoretically prevents drivers from taking advantage of parking meters that have time remaining; this factor alone has doubled parking revenues in cities that have switched to pay and display. (A", "id": "12406991" }, { "contents": "Pay-by-plate parking\n\n\nfrom taking advantage of parking meters that have time remaining. In many cities, pay by plate has replaced the road-side parking meter and the pay and display machines. The advantage to the city could be: increased revenue, increased compliance, less disputed tickets, increased parking space utilization and/or reduction in staff [see Results section]. The advantage to the driver is that the vehicle could be moved to another parking spot and still have a paid status compared to other systems. Previously with parking meters and pay by space", "id": "10875264" }, { "contents": "Pay-by-plate parking\n\n\nspace pay stations, ParkMobile pay by phone system, and gtechna Officer Plate system. The only piece missing to make this a complete plate processing solution, is the parking terminal. With no parking terminal and pay by space, this breaks the plate enforcement efficiency in the field. Washington, DC has done some trial tests with Pay by Plate (Fall 2010), and will probably proceed with this technology. As of May 2014, Washington, DC the only component available for the \"parker\" to pay plate for parking", "id": "10875276" }, { "contents": "Alternate-side parking\n\n\nbeing ticketed or towed. The law can be confusing to visitors, who often choose to park in high-priced parking garages or use valet parking rather than risking fines. Even for locals, parking tickets are common; working late or oversleeping may cause a car to be left for too long on the wrong side of the street. Avoiding a ticket can consume a great deal of time, as drivers must search for other available spaces or sit double parked until the designated time, regardless of when street sweepers actually pass.", "id": "3058150" }, { "contents": "Strip club\n\n\nkitchen is present and if premium fare is offered, the club may also employ a chef to prepare and cook food items. Parking lot attendants can include people who simply coordinate where to park and how much to pay or they may also include formal valets, who will park a vehicle and keep track of the driver's keys while he or she is in the club. Some clubs require paid or valet parking to be used if keeping cars on the premises, to generate revenue and help regulate patron behavior. Bathroom attendants monitor", "id": "19579681" }, { "contents": "Natal City Park\n\n\nPark is located is, like most of Natal, covered by dunes. It is the second largest Park in Natal, the biggest being Parque das Dunas. And just like Parque das Dunas, this new park have an important role in keeping a good environment health: these parks function as a large filter, which captures rain water and cleans it before reaching the freatic sheet, they help maintain thermal balance, they shelter several species of fauna and flora, they add green space to the city. The Park was designed by", "id": "21583340" }, { "contents": "Fred Gardiner\n\n\nof public transit. At the 1956 inaugural meeting of Metro Council, Gardiner stated that \"it is a snare and a delusion to spend millions on expressways in the belief that they alone will solve traffic problems.\" He also stated that \"the irresistible fact is, you simply cannot provide sufficient highways and parking space to accommodate every person who desires to drive his car downtown.\" He also estimated that $1 in expenditure on transit was worth $5 spent on arterial highways and parking spaces. Metro Toronto greatly expanded", "id": "6645089" }, { "contents": "Parking meter\n\n\ncustomer-friendly features such as on-screen instructions and acceptance of credit cards for payment—no longer do drivers have to have pockets full of coins. While they still may be prone to coin jams and other types of vandalism, most of these meters are wireless and can report problems immediately to maintenance staff, who can then fix the meters so that they are not out of service for very long. With pay by space meters, the driver parks in a space, goes to the meter and enters the space number", "id": "2847860" }, { "contents": "Scottish Outdoor Access Code\n\n\nthe courts allowed about to be excluded, but refused permission for a wider area to be excluded and required the landowner to keep the driveway unlocked to allow access. Access rights apply to most urban parks, country parks and other managed open spaces, but an exception is made for visitor attractions (e.g. gardens and safari parks) where the public has historically had to pay to enter. Access rights do apply to grass playing fields and land laid out for sport and recreation (including the fairways of a golf course), but", "id": "21617397" }, { "contents": "Intelligent Parking Assist System\n\n\nit turns green. Once the parking space is correctly identified, the driver presses OK and takes his/her hands off the steering wheel, while keeping the foot on the brake pedal. When the driver slowly releases the brake, while keeping the foot on the brake pedal, the car will then begin to back up and steer itself into the parking space. The reverse parking procedure is virtually identical to the parallel parking procedure. The driver approaches the parking space, moving forward and turning, positioning the car in place for", "id": "11301187" }, { "contents": "Pay-by-phone parking\n\n\ntransaction fee to the pay-by-phone provider in addition to the standard parking rate. From the parking provider's point of view, pay-by-phone parking offers an opportunity for reduced costs. The costs are reduced because there is no need for expenses such as meter or machine maintenance, cash collection, and accounting. Pay-by-phone parking also prevents people from “feeding the meter.” This is when drivers exceed the posted parking time restrictions and do not get caught because they continually keep their", "id": "5466965" }, { "contents": "Galveston Independent School District\n\n\nthe district decided to renovate Courville stadium, it would have had to purchase 75 structures, including a church, to build enough parking spaces. Galveston law requires one parking space per of building space, and Courville, which had 140 parking spaces, did not have the sufficient number specified by law; if GISD renovated it, it would have been required to create the legally specified number of parking spaces. When people attend events at Courville, many park on streets around the stadium and in a grassy lot north of the stadium", "id": "4879175" }, { "contents": "Drexel Burnham Lambert\n\n\n—three counts of stock parking and three counts of stock manipulation. It also agreed to pay a fine of $650 million—at the time, the largest fine ever levied under the Great Depression-era securities laws. The government had dropped several of the demands that had initially angered Drexel, but continued to insist that Milken leave the firm if indicted—which he did shortly after his own indictment in March 1989. In an Alford plea the defendant maintains their claim of innocence, while acknowledging that the state has sufficient", "id": "12124156" }, { "contents": "Jurassic Park Builder\n\n\nwrote, \"As much as we dislike this unchallenging gameplay design, we still can't help but enjoy the pleasant visuals and audio.\" The review concluded, \"Jurassic Park Builder isn't deep or challenging at all, unless you consider self-control to be a challenge. If you can keep yourself from spending a lot of extra money for in-game extras, Jurassic Park Builder is harmless fun.\" Rob Rich of gave the game four stars out of five and wrote, \"\"Jurassic Park Builder", "id": "2427976" }, { "contents": "Russian Ridge Open Space Preserve\n\n\nthe american kestrel and northern harrier. Parking for the preserve can be found in two parking lots — one lot as roadside parking on the northbound direction of Skyline Boulevard, the other, the Audrey C. Rust Commemorative Site, named after the former president of the Peninsula Open Space Trust, is located just off Alpine Road near the Alpine Road and Skyline Boulevard intersection. It can also be accessed through neighboring preserves, such as the Skyline Ridge Open Space Preserve through the south-east end of the Ridge Trail (part of the", "id": "5976639" }, { "contents": "Pay-by-phone parking\n\n\nas peak times and most popular zones. With this insight providers are able to manage their spaces more efficiently and have the potential to provide solutions to adjust for times with high demand. With certain mobile payment providers, and at the discretion of the parking operator (e.g., local council), drivers can opt to receive a text message several minutes before their expiry of their parking session, enabling them to extend the session without returning to their car. Most operators impose a maximum extension period. The customer generally must pay a", "id": "5466964" }, { "contents": "John R. Park\n\n\nthat it would soon be a world-class learning institution. Unfortunately, in the early 1850s the Territory's economy was operating partially on barter, and it quickly became apparent that the university would have to wait at least until there was sufficient money in the Territory for students to pay tuition and for the legislature to fund, and not just pass, appropriation bills. In early March 1852, Utah Territory's newly formed legislature rescinded the university's funding. By the time Park arrived in 1861, the university had been closed", "id": "11289071" }, { "contents": "RV park\n\n\nwith no or limited utility hookups, as often found in state/provincial parks and national parks, to luxury resorts with amenities that rival fine hotels. Some high-end resorts restrict the type of RV that can stay to motorhomes of a certain length or longer, and/or newer than a certain year. Most RV parks are open to allcomers and rent spaces on a nightly or weekly basis, much like a motel or hotel. A few parks operate on a time-share basis. Membership campground networks like Thousand Trails operate", "id": "6405802" }, { "contents": "Fir Park\n\n\nthe East Enclosure is shallow, it allows sufficient legroom by only having seats on every second step. It houses the more vocal home support at Fir Park. The Scottish Health Council slogan \"Keep cigarettes away from the match\" adorned the roof for many years, but this was replaced by a Cash Converters advertisement in 2011. The Enclosure backs onto a concourse and then Knowetop Primary School. The South Stand, known as the Maxim Office Park Stand for sponsorship reasons, dominates the surrounding area, as it can be seen from", "id": "3728651" }, { "contents": "Beijing Ming City Wall Ruins Park\n\n\nof green space. Access to the corner tower and the ramparts atop the wall is available during business hours and require paying admission. The corner tower also houses the Red Gate Gallery. The rest of the park is free and open to the public at all times. The park is located at the southeast corner of Beijing's inner walled city, about southeast of Tiananmen Square in what is now Dongcheng District, just inside the Second Ring Road. Preserved in the park is a section of the city wall including the Southeast Corner", "id": "21084000" }, { "contents": "Trailer park\n\n\nadjective in the same vein as the derogatory American terms \"white trash\" or \"ghetto\". Though trailer parks appear throughout the United States, they are often associated with the Deep South and rural areas. More recently referred to in the U.S. as \"mobile home parks\" or \"manufactured housing communities\", the stereotypes are often just that. Age-Restricted communities exist in many locales that permit mobile home parks as \"55+ parks\" in keeping with the Housing for Older Persons Act (HOPA). Generally", "id": "7095416" }, { "contents": "Fast Lane (Cedar Fair)\n\n\nFast Lane is an optional, pay-per-person line queue system offered on select rides at Cedar Fair amusement parks. The system provides shorter lines, and guests who want access must pay a fee in addition to general park admission. They are given a wristband for identification, and a limited number are sold each day to keep wait times under control. First piloted in 2011 at Kings Island, the system was rolled out to the rest of the Cedar Fair chain in 2012. On July 18, 2011, Kings", "id": "613468" }, { "contents": "Pay-by-phone parking\n\n\nPay-by-phone parking allows any driver parking in a fare required space the option to divert the expense to a credit card or to a mobile network operator via the use of a mobile phone, mobile application or computer, opposed to inserting cash into a parking meter or pay and display machine. SMS pay-by-phone parking was invented by young Croatian innovators and introduced by Vipnet. Since its introduction in Croatian capital Zagreb in 2001 under name M-parking, the number of registered users has steadily increased.", "id": "5466956" }, { "contents": "Decriminalised parking enforcement\n\n\n\" permitted local authorities to apply for the legal powers to take over the enforcement of on-street, as well as off-street, car parking regulations from the police, in return they would be allowed to keep the proceeds. Thus in areas where DPE has been granted, parking offences cease to be criminal offences. Without DPE, fixed penalties (not fines, because the recipient can exercise their right to a Court hearing instead) from the issue of parking tickets by the police is collected by Fixed Penalty Offices (", "id": "21482534" }, { "contents": "Parallel parking\n\n\nParallel parking is a method of parking a vehicle parallel to the road (hence the term 'Parallel Parking'), in line with other parked vehicles. Parallel parking usually requires initially driving slightly past the parking space, parallel to the parked vehicle in front of that space, keeping a safe distance, then followed by reversing into that space. Subsequent position adjustment may require the use of forward and reverse gears. Parallel parking is considered to be one of the hardest skills for new drivers to learn and is a required part", "id": "2432016" }, { "contents": "Will Quince\n\n\nAuthority, responsible for handling expenses claims, told the paper subscriptions could be claimed but MPs must \"justify the subscription is primarily used for parliamentary purposes\". He responded that he had claimed the TV package in error and was repaying the cost. In August 2017, Quince was criticised after he complained on social media about having to pay a fine for parking beyond his paid time period whilst on holiday. After initially receiving criticism that his complaint was selfish and suggestions that he should just pay the fine, the MP said that", "id": "20217290" }, { "contents": "Artondale, Washington\n\n\nthe parts of the creek it contains is restricted to due-paying members, limiting who can enjoy this green space. Artondale contains several PenMet Parks. Wollochet Bay Estuary Park is a 20.3-acre park with 854 feet of shoreline located to the east of Wollochet Dr NW. The park contains and protects the saltwater marsh where freshwater from Artondale Creek mixes with saltwater from Wollochet Bay, creating a unique ecosystem important to the area's bird population. The park is considered to be \"undeveloped\", consisting mainly of an open grassy area", "id": "11887467" }, { "contents": "Pump and dump\n\n\nprice per share increased $ 14.00 and over 100,000 shares being traded each day netting Spear & Jackson around $ 3 million in profits. In 2005 Spear & Jackson and International Media Solutions were fined over $ 8 million including two executive officers paying $ 420,000 out of their personal accounts. On December 5, 2007, Park and the company's president were ordered to pay over $ 113,000 in fines and penalties. Started as Crown Corporation, Langbar was the biggest pump and dump fraud on the Alternative Investment Market, part of the London", "id": "9046883" }, { "contents": "Emma Prusch Farm Park\n\n\nprofit Emma Prusch Farm Park Foundation. The land for this farm park was donated by Emma Prusch to the City of San Jose in 1962 to keep for agricultural purposes, and provides an introduction to farm life. The park is operated as a small farm by the City of San Jose, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services. Barn space is provided to city kids in the 4-H and Future Farmers of America so they can experience farming practices in an urban environment. The farm also has a rare fruit orchard,", "id": "6361462" }, { "contents": "GoCar (carsharing)\n\n\navailing of the new on-street licence in 32 locations around Dublin. All of these new locations are highly visible and convenient, and won't be liable for on-street car parking charges. This means, a GoCar with this licence can be parked anywhere in the city and not have to pay parking. \"Dublin City Council wants Car Clubs operating from on-street parking spaces because we believe they will play an important role in improving traffic management in the city. Research shows that the number of miles people drive", "id": "10509397" }, { "contents": "Maastoren\n\n\nthe 11th floor. This part of the parking garage can be accessed by a ramp, that goes through the lobby. The Maastoren has 634 parking spaces in total. 446 of them are part of a public parking garage, that is operated by Q-Park. Most of the parking garage is above ground because of the small size of the lot and because of the high costs of a deep underground parking garage. There's a gym on the twelfth floor, just above the parking garage. The office floors of Deloitte", "id": "21048061" }, { "contents": "Langley, British Columbia (city)\n\n\nthe city. Douglas Park is also near this area in the downtown and is seen as main park in the city, frequently being used for events and shows. In Summer 2013, McBurney Plaza opened to the public replacing McBurney Lane (previously used as a parking lot). This area connects Fraser Highway and Douglas Park with a pedestrian boulevard, providing outdoor space for cafes and a space the city can use for street performance and other civic events. Just outside this downtown centre are strip malls and a number of low rise", "id": "1685238" }, { "contents": "Ghost Town Village\n\n\n, a judge approved a takeover bid by American Heritage Family Parks, who pledged to pay SunTrust $7 million of its debt, BB&T its entire $5 million of debt and pay $100,000 in back taxes to Haywood County. The park was said to be allowed to open for the season while details of the sale were worked out. Instead, the park remained closed. In April 2011, the bankruptcy administrator recommended dismissing the case, citing the failure of Ghost Town partners to submit a sufficient reorganization plan to pay its", "id": "6355988" }, { "contents": "OBike\n\n\nfor the towing and storage service by LTA. The Consumers Association of Singapore(CASE) also told customers to keep proof of debt while the company assets are liquidated. Obike chairman Shi Yi told Lianhe Zaobao that he is willing to use his shares to bear the cost of refunding users' deposit. He also said that the company's ability to refund users will be affect if LTA imposed fines on them implying that the deposits which are to be refunded will be used to pay off the fines instead. oBike bicycles parking in normal automobile", "id": "13863589" }, { "contents": "Anywhere Theatre Festival\n\n\nshouldn't have to pay a lot of money for tickets, and artists shouldn't be limited by space or cost or time. For 10 days this month, you can see exciting theatre in parks, backyards, bedrooms, lifts, trains and even on Twitter, not just in Brisbane but as far away as Toowoomba to the west, and Yandina to the north. \"The festival is about theatre anywhere but in a theatre,\" explains Paul Osuch, the mastermind behind the festival. He started Anywhere with his wife", "id": "6704853" }, { "contents": "Parking enforcement officer\n\n\nauthorities to pursue decriminalised parking enforcement. Accusations of overzealousness on the part of parking attendants is likely due to high pressure management focused around delivering a certain number of tickets per day, leading to allegations of corruption and illegality. This brings accusations that their real purpose is to raise revenue for the local authority rather than keep the traffic moving. Those who receive fines argue that the \"punishment does not fit the crime,\" pointing to the size of fines levied for minor parking violations in comparison with fines generally issued for more serious", "id": "7905646" }, { "contents": "Urban freight distribution\n\n\nDesignated truck routes enable cities to channelize trucks onto roadways that have sufficient lane and intersection width, and in some cases pavement strength, to accommodate trucks. In addition, designated truck routes can be used to direct trucks onto arterials in industrial and commercial areas and away from residential areas, schools, parks, and other sensitive land uses. Many local jurisdictions also designate curbside truck parking and loading zones. The purpose of truck parking and loading zones is to provide adequate space for trucks to load and unload their goods, and prevent", "id": "21847807" }, { "contents": "Marlins Park\n\n\nthe watchdog agency likely wants to know whether the purchasers of stadium bonds were given full disclosure of the financial status of the borrowers involved, and also whether there may have been any \"pay for play\" involved on behalf of the parties. If the SEC finds wrongdoing in the investigation, it can choose to bring a civil suit against parties involved, issue fines or refer the case to the United States Department of Justice for possible criminal charges. Marlins Park has the distinction of being the first MLB park designed in what stadium", "id": "12629865" }, { "contents": "Characterz\n\n\nArts, as he wants to go into music creation, animation, or theme park design. However, his parents recently filed for personal bankruptcy, so he cannot count on their money to pay for tuition. So, he needs to get a job to pay his own way, but has a criminal record because of a charge of vandalism in his teenage years. He just has to do community service, and expect it to be expunged from his record in two months, but the big parks in the area all", "id": "12227124" }, { "contents": "Parking\n\n\nindicating recently vacated spots. San Francisco uses a system called SFpark, which has sensors embedded in the roadway. It allows drivers to find parking via mobile app, web site, or SMS, and includes \"smart\" parking meters and garages that use variable pricing based on time and location to keep approximately 15% of parking spaces open. Some South Boston spots also have sensors, so users of an app called Parker can find vacancies. Ford Motor Company is developing a system called Parking Spotter, which allows vehicles to upload", "id": "9865887" }, { "contents": "American Airlines Arena\n\n\nand connects to Metrorail at Government Center station. American Airlines Arena features 939 parking spaces during HEAT Games. On-site parking is reserved for Premium seat and Dewar's 12 Clubhouse ticket holders. On-site parking spaces must be pre-purchased through the Arena's Official Parking Provider, ParkJockey. The arena hosted World Championship Wrestling's Uncensored pay-per-view in 2000. Three major WWE pay-per-view events have been held at the arena: the Royal Rumble in 2006, and Survivor Series in 2007", "id": "17116539" }, { "contents": "Vale do Sinos Technology Park, VALETEC Park\n\n\nby lovely sceneries, a result of our deep respect for the environment. The surroundings have been keeping up with the park's growth. This is the result of the expansion and diversification of existing companies, along with the creation of spaces to host new business models and new areas for companies to operate in. Companies can be installed in the Campo Bom segment of the VALETEC Park under three different modalities: inside the Feevale's Technology Incubator, ITEF, for pre-incubation and incubation; in business accelerators and business condominiums,", "id": "20908698" }, { "contents": "GO Transit\n\n\ndisplay digitally. GO Transit By-law No. 2 is a document of rules and regulations governing actions of passengers and employees while on GO Transit property, which includes land, facilities, trains, buses and other structures. Besides issues relating to fares, the by-law specifies permissible and prohibited actions such as staying in designated safe areas, commercial or distribution activities, parking and other personal actions that promote or endanger the safety of passengers. It covers items like paying fares, parking, general behaviour, fines and rule", "id": "18464115" }, { "contents": "Disabled parking permit\n\n\nAct Handbook, \"Accessible parking spaces should be at least 96 in (2440 mm) wide. Parking access aisles shall be part of an accessible route to the building or facility entrance...\" Disabled parking permits generally take the form of either specially marked license plates or a placard that hangs from the rear-view mirror. Plates are generally used for disabled drivers on their personal vehicle, while the portable disability placard can be moved from one vehicle to another with the disabled person, both when driving or when riding with another", "id": "22176960" }, { "contents": "National Football League (1902)\n\n\ndetermined that those baseball players with sufficient football skill would be featured on league rosters with the remaining slots filled by ex-college football players. The games would be played in the baseball parks such as Forbes Field, Comiskey Park, the Polo Grounds and Navin Field. The unnamed agent pitched the idea to Frank Navin, the owner of Detroit Tigers, and Charles Comiskey, the owner of the Chicago White Sox. Comiskey told reporters, \"If pro football can be made to pay it will be an answer to a problem", "id": "15619557" }, { "contents": "Earl Shilton\n\n\nwas surrounded by a deep ditch, to keep the animals in, and beyond that, a high fence to keep the general population out. It enclosed . The upkeep of the park lay in the hands of the Earl's bailiff, or ‘Keeper of the park’, a much sought after occupation, as the park generated substantial revenue to help offset its huge running costs. It supplied a rich source of timber, horses were raised, and the park provided a continual supply of fresh meat, while fees were levied", "id": "2440421" }, { "contents": "Bucharest\n\n\nBucharest's historical city centre is listed as \"endangered\" by the World Monuments Watch (as of 2016). Although many neighbourhoods, particularly in the southern part of the city, lack sufficient green space, being formed of cramped high density block of flats, Bucharest also has many parks, such as Herăstrău Park, Carol Park, Cișmigiu Gardens, Tineretului Park, Titan/Alexandru Ion Cuza Park, Izvor Park, Grădina Icoanei Park, Circului Park, Moghioros/Drumul Taberei Park, National Park, Tei Park, Eroilor", "id": "16324930" }, { "contents": "Tampa International Airport\n\n\npay for parking. The program was expanded to the short- & long-term garages during the summer of 2009. In addition, TIA also provides self-serve lanes in which customers can pay with their credit card instead of waiting in line for the cash lanes. Levels 4–9 of the Landside Terminal Building house the short-term-parking garage. The garage was built with the airport complex in 1971 for added passenger convenience. Originally three levels, the garage was expanded in 1982 to six levels and contains 3,612 spaces.", "id": "18213730" }, { "contents": "Street\n\n\nregulations about parking. Some streets, particularly in business areas, may have parking meters into which coins must be paid to allow parking in the adjacent space for a limited time. Other parking meters work on a credit card and ticket basis or pay and display. Parking lane markings on the pavement may designate the meter corresponding to a parking space. Some wide streets with light traffic allow \"angle parking\" or \"herringbone parking\". Sidewalks (US usage) or pavements (UK usage) are often located alongside on one", "id": "20296745" }, { "contents": "Parking space\n\n\nA parking space is a location that is designated for parking, either paved or unpaved. It can be in a parking garage, in a parking lot or on a city street. The space may be delineated by road surface markings. The automobile fits inside the space, either by parallel parking, perpendicular parking or angled parking. Depending on the location of the parking space, the time allowed to park may be fixed by regulation, and a fee may be required to use the parking space. It may be designated for", "id": "1083766" }, { "contents": "Mount Airy Forest\n\n\nwithin Mount Airy Forest reflect the ambitious park planning and development that took place in Cincinnati in the early-to-mid-20th century. Conceived as the nation's first urban reforestation project, the park has developed over the years—especially during the Depression and post-World War II period- into a park with a variety of areas, spaces and structures designed to accommodate recreational, social, and educational activities. Today it continues to offer a large expanse of protected land within the city limits where the public can enjoy the richness and", "id": "10114449" }, { "contents": "Lakeside Amusement Park\n\n\nChutes ride. The main office features a functioning manual telephone switchboard that is still in use. A nominal admission fee is charged for each person entering the park. Children under the age of two are admitted free. A coupon is issued to each person paying admission that can be redeemed for a ride coupon or be used towards the purchase of an unlimited ride pass. There are three entrances: a rarely used west gate accessed from the former Lakeside Mall parking lot, a drive-through auto gate accessed from Sheridan Blvd.", "id": "14244383" }, { "contents": "Homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area\n\n\naffecting homeless individuals. Examples include the prohibition of sleeping in public, overnight parking restrictions, and anti-loitering ordinances. The city enforces these laws by issuing an average of over 3,000 citations a year. The price of enforcing quality of life crimes for San Francisco was $20.6 million in 2015. These citations typically involve fines that can be difficult for impoverished homeless residents to pay, leading to only 7% of fines paid in 2000. Unpaid fines can often result in arrests and criminal records, which makes it more difficult", "id": "1458777" }, { "contents": "Pay-by-plate parking\n\n\nThe solution cost 33% less than allocated capex budget and reduced opex by 33%. The system has the potential to integrate other technologies such as Pay by Phone and reduce the number of terminals. While Norwalk, CT launched their plate enabled permit system on March 25, 2011, it was not a true pay-by-plate system as it utilized parking permits instead and takes a pay-by-space approach. It was a project managed and driven by LAZ Parking utilizing the gtechna Permit System, Cale pay by", "id": "10875275" }, { "contents": "Swiss Armed Forces\n\n\nnuclear explosion. Building codes require blast shelters, which are said to be able to accommodate 114% of the Swiss population. Small towns have large underground parking garages that can serve as sealed community shelters. There are also hospitals and command centres in such shelters, aimed at keeping the country running in case of emergencies. Every family or rental agency has to pay a replacement tax to support these shelters, or alternatively own a personal shelter in their place of residence; many private shelters serve as wine cellars and closets. Thousands", "id": "7767222" }, { "contents": "Layton station (FrontRunner)\n\n\n380 total parking spaces available. However, a majority of these parking spaces are in the lot that is located just off South Main Street about one block north of the station. This lot can be accessed by either South Main Street or by a path that parallels the tracks and connects the north end of the platform with the parking lot. The station is located within the Quiet Zone, so trains do not routinely sound their horns when approaching public crossings within this corridor. The inaugural \"FrontRunner\" train departed the station southbound", "id": "16265031" }, { "contents": "Automatic parking\n\n\n. The underlying technology has been adopted by major automobile manufacturers offering an automatic parking option in their cars today. The automatic parallel parking algorithm localizes a sufficient parking place along the roadside, attains a convenient start location for the car in front of the parking place, and performs a parallel parking maneuver. Automatic pulling out involves localizing an available space for the car motion within the parking place, placing the car at an appropriate spot at the rear of the parking place, and performing a maneuver to pull out of the parking place", "id": "13829959" }, { "contents": "Hurricane Katrina disaster relief\n\n\nhaving reservations at state parks to see if the travelers would voluntarily give up their reservations to persons fleeing Katrina, primarily in the southern part of the state where refugees had already taken shelter (at Lake Chicot State Park, just across the Louisiana state line, a 26-member family from New Orleans, including a grandmother on oxygen, occupied seven of the park's cabins). In any event, refugees at state parks would not be evicted for prior reservations, and those with reservations but no room would either get space at another", "id": "8012062" }, { "contents": "Parking meter\n\n\nand makes payment. The meter memorizes the time remaining, and enforcement personnel press the bay buttons to check for violations. Other advances with parking meters include vehicle detection technology, which allows the pay by space meters to know when there is a car parked in a space. This opens the door for benefits for parking managers, including providing way-finding (directing drivers to unoccupied spaces via the web or via street signs), enabling remote violation detection, and gathering vital statistics about parking supply and demand. Some meters allow", "id": "2847861" }, { "contents": "Anacostia station\n\n\nin a three-level parking garage and 300 spaces at a ground-level parking lot at the station and using interstate highway funds to pay for them. Metro officials argued the facility was highway-related, since it provided parking, but the Federal Highway Administration refused to allow the District of Columbia use its funds to pay for the parking garage. Local citizens also opposed the parking garage in favor of ground-level-only parking at the station, and demanded that Metro provide more connecting bus routes at the proposed station", "id": "8473492" }, { "contents": "Colton Point State Park\n\n\nas they keep away from the trails and overlooks. Colton Point State Park has some challenging hikes in and around the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania, with of trails that feature very rugged terrain, pass close to steep cliffs, and can be very slick in some areas. Governor Robert P. Casey took a hiking tour of the park in July 1990, and in 2003 the DCNR reported that 18,239 people used the trails in the park. Camping is a popular pastime at Colton Point State Park; 1,989 persons have used the camping facilities", "id": "16098153" }, { "contents": "Olde Park Hotel\n\n\nThe Olde Park Hotel is a circa 1886 historical location and tourist attraction located in Ballinger, Texas. The Olde Park Hotel has seen various different uses such as being a school, brothel, cowboy lodging house, hotel, and music/antiques store over its history but today is a special historical event venue owned by the LaFave family. It is also considered by many to be very haunted. Groups can pay a special fee to reserve the building overnight (mostly just weekends except for Summer where weeknights can also be booked)", "id": "12190520" }, { "contents": "Bradley Stoke\n\n\nsee 10 healthy trees removed to make way for the new parking spaces. The planning application was withdrawn in late 2017. The Three Brooks Pub introduced a pay and display parking scheme in 2011 due to customers of the nearby supermarket taking spaces and patrons to the pub being unable to locate a free parking space on the property. The Hollow Tree raised issue with the Town Council when they claimed they were losing up to £500 business per day because of staff and customers from other local businesses using the parking spaces allocated to the", "id": "20952371" }, { "contents": "Open space accessibility in California\n\n\n. Similarly, the Quimby Act has increased park availability more in rich suburbs than in poor cities. Because the frequency of green space use decreases as residential distance from the green space increases, residents of poor neighborhoods, where parks are further away, are much less likely to use the few parks that are available. In 2009, California Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger initiated efforts through the state legislature to close 33% of parks in efforts to reduce costs. In August 2009, an administrative complaint against this action was filed against the", "id": "10468853" }, { "contents": "Otsego Lake (New York)\n\n\nAt this park are benches to sit at and view the lake and a stage where concerts are held in the summer months. From lakefront park, Mount Wellington is visible at the other end of the lake. Viewing this mountain from here makes it looks like a \"sleeping lion\" which is its nickname. Also located in the park are the village docks where spaces can be rented to keep a boat at. Most of the docks were damaged in the floods of 2011 and some have since been replaced. There are many", "id": "6590404" }, { "contents": "Parks and open spaces in Oslo\n\n\nspaces. The city park policy was part of a new city welfare policy that made Oslo known abroad. The first years green areas in residential areas got priority, ahead of the parks in the city center. The city park organisation maintained that by constructing robust and neat parks and removing fences the public would engage in keeping them tidy, which worked. By the end of the period the budgets were pressed and the many new parks stretched the resources. The parks had to be made simpler and flowerbeds removed. \"Parks and", "id": "20182270" }, { "contents": "Nugaal Valley\n\n\nThe valley is home to succulent flora and is particularly rich in local endemics. Gypsum hills located around Las Anod supports flora such as \"Aloe inermis\", \"Dorstenia\", \"Adenia\", \"Raphanocarpus\", \"Euphorbia\", \"Pterodiscus\", and \"Caralluma\". A Las Anod National Park has been proposed to protect the fine scenery, rich and varied flora, and the Somali Wild Ass. The limestone plateau north of Eyl has also been proposed as a national park due to its rich endemic flora", "id": "2312581" }, { "contents": "Zangezur National Park\n\n\nreport (which described Azerbaijan's national parks as \"so-called national parks\"), public access to the Ordubad National Park is all but impossible, since it requires a personal letter \"obtained far in advance of projected visit, and often refused\" from the Minister of Azerbaijan's Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (MENR), but this is very difficult to obtain for NGOs, international donors, or anyone outside of the government. In addition to the rich flora and fauna of the Zangazur National Park is rich", "id": "16225600" }, { "contents": "James Bernard Harkin\n\n\nfines, jail terms, and hard labor if indigenous persons were to stray from the law. The development of parks across Canada was only possible because the male labourers were paid below market wage and had no other job opportunities. Thousands of men worked for the Parks Department from 1914 to 1915. These men included relief workers during the Great Depression and prisoners of both World Wars. Harkin was satisfied with his new work force because he was able to pay them twenty-five cents a day, while the daily wage in an", "id": "4553880" }, { "contents": "Watsessing Avenue station\n\n\nis on Westinghouse Plaza (near the former Westinghouse Lamp Plant) and has fourteen parking spaces. The parking uses daily parking rules, paying six days a week at $0.25 an hour, except for Sunday, when parking is free. A second lot is available at the intersection of Myrtle Street and Walnut Street. It has forty-five parking spots, two of which are handicap accessible. The lot also contains permit spaces six days a week and free on Sundays, with a cost of $20 parking per quarter (", "id": "9138561" }, { "contents": "Pay-by-phone parking\n\n\nBy 2004, the Croatian M-parking scheme was the largest in Europe (with over 130,000 users). Today pay-by-phone parking is used by millions of people all around the world. Pay-by-phone parking technology can be used in multiple ways: “start stop” and “start duration.” “Start stop” parking requires the driver to contact the pay-by-phone provider first when the driver initiates the parking session and then again when the driver wishes to terminate the session.", "id": "5466957" }, { "contents": "Personal information management\n\n\nbe \"personal\". Traditional laboratory tasks risk abstracting away the \"personal\" from PIM. Furthermore, people don't just keep information; they keep information within the established organizations of their personal spaces of information (PSIs) – the folder structure of their laptop, or the drawers and layout of their physical desktop or a Facebook timeline. There are a number of tools available for managing personal information, but these tools can become a part of the problem leading to \"information fragmentation\". Different devices and applications often come", "id": "2754233" }, { "contents": "List of Known Space characters\n\n\nto an Earth facility, which collects no taxes. The caveat is that, if one is caught smuggling by the Belt police (known as \"goldskins\" due to the color of their spacesuits), one will forfeit \"all\" of one's cargo to the Belt Government. To a Belter, smuggling is considered \"illegal but not immoral\". It is considered equivalent to a parking violation on Earth. If caught, one simply pays the fine and that is the end of it. According to the novel \"", "id": "17660236" }, { "contents": "Disabled parking permit\n\n\npermits than existing parking spaces can usually support, which often leaves more severely disabled individuals without a place to park. Disabled persons who hold parking permits but have invisible disabilities may be difficult to tell apart from fraudulent permit users. On occasion, suspicion of fraud has led to hostility against legitimate permit holders. In Australia, disabled parking permits are provided under the Australian Disability Parking Scheme, which was established in September 2010 to harmonise disability permits across Australia. Disabled parking permits are applied for through state and territory organisations, and rules", "id": "22176972" }, { "contents": "Changzhou\n\n\nlocated just to the east of the city centre. As Changzhou is noted for its combs, the city has reconstructed its Fine Comb Lane area with contemporary architecture. Changzhou combs can be purchased in most places in the city. There is the Hong Mei Park, which includes a small children's amusement park, a zoo, a rose garden and many scenic waterways. Of historical interest in the park is a historical pavilion with exhibits related to the Changzhou comb industry. In addition, there is another pavilion which displays locally produced", "id": "1273865" }, { "contents": "Osiedle Zielone Wzgórza, Białystok\n\n\nas parking space. Moreover, even during the Communist rule most people either did pre-pay partial amount needed to build their apartment to the Construction Corporation, and afterwards have had to pay lesser rent than if they just rented, or they, if they could afford to, bought out, paid in full for, the apartment, and have had to pay for electricity and gas on their own. The right to own a private property was for the 1st time upheld by the Polish Communists in years 1954-1956,", "id": "17691430" } ]
Allergy medicine. Since it is an anti-histemine, does it not suppress the immune system? Is it easier to catch things like influenza or the cold while on allergy medicine?
[{"answer": "Your immune system is kind of like a highway. There are all sorts of things on the highway to prevent cars from driving recklessly. There are two ways to enforce traffic laws on the highway, physical ~~barriers~~ deterrents and cops. The physical ~~barriers~~ deterrents are your innate immune response, the cops are the adaptive immune response. Histamine is a physical ~~barriers~~ deterrents, in our analogy, let's call it a speed bump. Speed bumps affect all traffic on the highway. If you have speed bumps engaged when you don't need them, like if you are exposed to an allergen such as pollen, it's a hassle for everyone involved. Allergy medicine turns off the speed bumps, but the cops are still around, and there are other physical ~~barriers~~ deterrents still present. EDIT: Changed barriers to deterrents to prevent confusion with the physical barriers used by the human body."}, {"answer": "Histamine is only one small part, of one part (the innate), of the immune system. The answer to your question is, it slightly does, but is basically negligible because the bulk of your immunity comes from other mechanisms."}, {"answer": "Anti-histamines work by blocking receptors in cells that would otherwise cause swelling/inflammation in those cells. Anti-histamines in allergy meds block the specific receptors that cause inflammation. They don't prevent all histamine action. There are separate classes of anti-histamines that work on other receptors, such as the receptors that induce over-production of stomach acid, causing ulcers. Researchers are currently working to produce an antihistamine that might help with auto-immune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis."}, {"answer": "Anti-histamines don't mute the immune system. The chemical bonds to the receptors that would normally take up an allergen, preventing that allergen from causing the undesirable reaction."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1045705", "title": "Influenza vaccine", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["nfluenza vaccines, also known as flu shots or flu jabs, are vaccines that protect against infection by influenza viruses. A new version of the vaccine is developed twice a year, as the influenza virus rapidly changes. While their effectiveness varies from year to year, most provide modest to high protection against influenza. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that vaccination against influenza reduces sickness, medical visits, hospitalizations, and deaths. When an immunized worker does catch the flu, they are on average back at work a half day sooner. Vaccine effectiveness in those under two years old and over 65 years old remains unknown due to the low quality of the research. Vaccinating children may protect those around them.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "nfluenza vaccines, also known as flu shots or flu jabs, are vaccines that protect against infection by influenza viruses. A new version of the vaccine is developed twice a year, as the influenza virus rapidly changes. While their effectiveness varies from year to year, most provide modest to high protection against influenza. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that vaccination against influenza reduces sickness, medical visits, hospitalizations, and death"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Animal allergy\n\n\nIn medicine, animal allergy is hypersensitivity to certain substances produced by animals, such as the proteins in animal hair and saliva. It is a common type of allergy. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to animals may include itchy skin, nasal congestion, itchy nose, sneezing, chronic sore throat or itchy throat, swollen, red, itchy, and watery eyes, coughing, asthma, or rash on the face or chest. Allergies are caused by an oversensitive immune system, leading to a misdirected immune response. The immune system", "id": "8354187" }, { "contents": "Annexin A1\n\n\ninflammatory steroid hormones that bind to the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), which is present in almost every vertebrate animal cell. They are used in medicine to treat diseases caused by an overactive immune system, including allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases, and sepsis. Because they suppress inflammatory pathways, long-term use of glucocorticoid drugs can lead to side-effects such as immunodeficiency and adrenal insufficiency. The main mechanism of glucocorticoids' anti-inflammatory effects is to increase the synthesis and function of annexin A1. Annexin A1 both suppresses", "id": "4074348" }, { "contents": "Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles\n\n\nYork. She is also a Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and a member of the Immunology institute. She is the director of the Immunodeficiency Clinic at Mount Sinai where she treats patients with primary immunodeficiency disorders. She also does important drug research related to immunodeficiency disorders. And, she is the Director of the Allergy Immunology Fellowship training program. According to her Mt Sinai hospital profile,\"Rundles is an expert in the more than 150 Primary Immune Deficiency diseases, conditions that result from genetic defects of the immune system", "id": "3935174" }, { "contents": "Allergen\n\n\nboth parents suffered from allergies in the past, there is a 66% chance for the individual to suffer from seasonal allergies, and the risk lowers to 60% if just one parent had suffered from allergies. The immune system also has strong influence on seasonal allergies, since it reacts differently to diverse allergens like pollen. When an allergen enters the body of an individual that is predisposed to allergies, it triggers an immune reaction and the production of antibodies. These allergen antibodies migrate to mast cells lining the nose, eyes and", "id": "13649328" }, { "contents": "Sideritis\n\n\n, leaves and flowers in a pot of water, then often serving with honey and lemon. Ironwort has been traditionally used to aid digestion, strengthen the immune system and suppress common cold, the flu and other viruses, allergies and shortness of breath, sinus congestion, even pain and mild anxiety. Scientists have suggested that the popular pronouncement of ironwort as panacea may have some basis in fact. Studies indicate a positive effect on many common ailments. Ironwort is known scientifically to be anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and", "id": "17473494" }, { "contents": "John Ilhan\n\n\nof charitable organisations. Ilhan was able to make these donations through his self-established Ilhan Food Allergy Foundation. The Foundation was established primarily from Ilhan's $1 million donation towards it, and was inspired by his daughter's severe allergy to peanuts. During his lifetime, the charities that the Ilhan Food Allergy Foundation was able to contribute towards include: the Richmond Football Club, Kids Under Cover, The Alfred Hospital Department of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, and Murdoch Children's Research Institute Allergy and Immune Disorders Research Group", "id": "19738185" }, { "contents": "Parasitic worm\n\n\nand control of parasitic worms and the increase in allergies such as hay-fever in developed countries. Parasitic worms may be able to damp down the immune system of their host, making it easier for them to live in the intestine without coming under attack. This may be one mechanism for their proposed medicinal effect. One study suggests a link between the rising rates of metabolic syndrome in the developed worlds and the largely successful efforts of Westerners to eliminate intestinal parasites. The work suggests eosinophils (a type of white blood cell)", "id": "2247189" }, { "contents": "Gluten\n\n\na wheat allergy. As with most allergies, a wheat allergy causes the immune system to abnormally respond to a component of wheat that it treats as a threatening foreign body. This immune response is often time-limited and does not cause lasting harm to body tissues. Wheat allergy and celiac disease are different disorders. Gastrointestinal symptoms of wheat allergy are similar to those of celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity, but there is a different interval between exposure to wheat and onset of symptoms. An allergic reaction to wheat has", "id": "12827695" }, { "contents": "Pneumococcal vaccine\n\n\n. The polysaccharide vaccines, while effective in healthy adults, are not effective in children less than two years old or those with poor immune function. These vaccines are generally safe. With the conjugate vaccine about 10% of babies develop redness at the site of injection, fever, or change in sleep. Severe allergies are very rare. The first pneumococcal vaccine was developed in the 1980s. They are on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system. The", "id": "1895474" }, { "contents": "Paul B. Rothman\n\n\nA molecular immunologist, Rothman's research focused on immune system molecules called cytokines. He investigated the role these molecules play in the normal development of blood cells, in addition to the abnormal blood-cell development that leads to leukemia. He also studied the function of cytokines in immune system responses to allergies and asthma. The National Institutes of Health consistently funded his work. In 2004, Rothman accepted a position as head of internal medicine at the Carver College of Medicine at the University of Iowa. In 2008, he was named", "id": "18533568" }, { "contents": "Iodinated contrast\n\n\nexpensive nonionics was published in \"Radiology\" in 1997. Lasser did not comment that the marked drop in the incidence of severe reactions with ionic agents was related to the removal of natural rubber contamination from ionic ampoule seals. The term \"iodine allergy\" should be omitted because this kind of allergy does not exist. Seafood \"allergy\" is not a contraindication for the use of iodinated contrast materials, because in seafood allergy the immune system is directed against the muscle protein tropomyosin. While iodine levels in seafood are higher than in", "id": "13204065" }, { "contents": "Allergies in dogs\n\n\nThere is a wide variety of allergies that dogs can suffer from. While they typically become visible through skin conditions, there are a number of other symptoms and warning signs to look for. Dog allergies can happen just like in their human companions. These allergies usually manifest themselves as skin conditions. What this will do is provoke the immune system of the dog to overreact in the form of a number of different symptoms, most notably a skin irritation. Unfortunately, allergies are becoming more common every day just as they are with", "id": "8985039" }, { "contents": "Cough\n\n\nafter an illness. The cause of the cough may be inflammation similar to that observed in repetitive stress disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome. The repetition of coughing produces inflammation which produces discomfort, which in turn produces more coughing. Postinfectious cough typically does not respond to conventional cough treatments. Treatment consists of any anti-inflammatory medicine (such as ipratropium) to treat the inflammation, and a cough suppressant to reduce frequency of the cough until inflammation clears. Inflammation may increase sensitivity to other existing issues such as allergies, and treatment", "id": "19361070" }, { "contents": "Kari Nadeau\n\n\nbiologics in the field of Autoimmunity and Oncology, respectively. From 2003-2006, Nadeau was a fellow in Asthma, Allergy and Immunology at the Stanford/UCSF program under Dale Umetsu. During this time, she also did a postdoctoral fellowship in human immune tolerance mechanisms in asthma and allergy. In 2006, Nadeau was appointed to the Stanford University School of Medicine with appointments in Pediatrics and Otolaryngology. In 2016 she was named the Naddisy Foundation Professor of Pediatric Food Allergy, Immunology and Asthma endowed professorship under the Naddisy Family Foundation", "id": "19626958" }, { "contents": "Immune system\n\n\nThe immune response can be manipulated to suppress unwanted responses resulting from autoimmunity, allergy, and transplant rejection, and to stimulate protective responses against pathogens that largely elude the immune system (see immunization) or cancer. Immunosuppressive drugs are used to control autoimmune disorders or inflammation when excessive tissue damage occurs, and to prevent transplant rejection after an organ transplant. Anti-inflammatory drugs are often used to control the effects of inflammation. Glucocorticoids are the most powerful of these drugs; however, these drugs can have many undesirable side effects,", "id": "15052156" }, { "contents": "Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques\n\n\nby her \"Nambudripad’s Allergy Research Foundation\" (NARF) which also publishes its own journal called \"The Journal of NAET, Energetics & Complementary Medicine.\" She is licensed as a chiropractor and acupuncturist in California. She also identifies herself as an M.D.. Her website states that she received the Doctor of Medicine degree from University of Health Sciences Antigua (UHSA) in January 2002. The California Medical Board does not list an active license, and it does not recognize medical degrees from UHSA as valid, listing it as", "id": "2746568" }, { "contents": "Erika Jensen-Jarolim\n\n\nErika Jensen-Jarolim is an Austrian physician and medical researcher in immunology and allergies. She was formerly head of the Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research at the Medical University of Vienna, and since 2011 has held the joint professorship in Comparative Medicine at the Medical University and the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, part of the inter-university Messerli Research Institute. Jensen-Jarolim earned her degree in human medicine in 1985 in Vienna, and since then has specialised in allergology and immunology. After her habilitation she founded an independent research", "id": "6790645" }, { "contents": "Dimetapp\n\n\nDimetapp is a brand of over-the-counter cold and allergy medicines manufactured by Pfizer (formerly Wyeth). At one point, Dimetapp as a household word referred to a single combination preparation marketed to relieve symptoms of the common cold, containing brompheniramine (an antihistamine) and phenylephrine (decongestant replacing the formerly used pseudoephedrine, which itself replaced phenylpropanolamine). Variants were created, including Dimetapp DM with the addition of dextromethorphan (an antitussive or cough suppressant). Dimetapp Elixir and Colour Free Elixir are intended to relieve nasal congestion", "id": "18442429" }, { "contents": "Orthomolecular medicine\n\n\na wide range of medical conditions. Conditions for which orthomolecular practitioners have claimed some efficacy are: acne, alcoholism, allergies, arthritis, autism, bee stings, bipolar disorder, burns, cancer, the common cold, depression, drug addiction, drug overdose, epilepsy, heart diseases, heavy metal toxicity, acute hepatitis, herpes, hyperactivity, hypertension, hypoglycemia, influenza, learning disabilities, mental and metabolic disorders, migraine, mononucleosis, mushroom poisoning, neuropathy & polyneuritis (including multiple sclerosis), osteoporosis, polio,", "id": "17117414" }, { "contents": "Food Allergy Initiative\n\n\nindependent charity evaluator in the United States. While working within the guidelines set forth by the National Institutes of Health in the Report of the NIH Expert Panel on Food Allergy Research, FAI works to increase: FAI sponsors food allergy research across the United States at institutions such as Harvard Medical School, the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and Mount Sinai School of Medicine of New York University. FAI played a key role in passing the Food Allergen Labeling & Consumer Protection Act of 2004 By working with the media, health care", "id": "15484286" }, { "contents": "Clove\n\n\nany medicinal purpose has not been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, and its use may cause adverse effects if taken orally by people with liver disease, blood clotting and immune system disorders, or food allergies. Cloves are used in traditional medicine as the essential oil, which is used as an anodyne (analgesic) mainly for dental emergencies and other disorders. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy. Clove stalks are slender stems of the inflorescence axis that show opposite decussate branching. Externally, they are brownish, rough", "id": "20868310" }, { "contents": "Environmental medicine\n\n\ninjury, is not within the scope of environmental medicine, but e.g. air pollution epidemiology is a highly active branch of environmental health and environmental medicine. Any disease with a large genetic component usually falls outside the scope of environmental medicine, but in diseases like asthma or allergies both environmental and genetic approaches are needed. The U.S. Army has, since at least 1961, used the term \"environmental medicine\" in a sense different from the above. Its U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, at Natick, Massachusetts, conducts basic", "id": "1415208" }, { "contents": "Glucocorticoid\n\n\naspects of immune function, such as inflammation. They are therefore used in medicine to treat diseases caused by an overactive immune system, such as allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases, and sepsis. Glucocorticoids have many diverse (pleiotropic) effects, including potentially harmful side effects, and as a result are rarely sold over the counter. They also interfere with some of the abnormal mechanisms in cancer cells, so they are used in high doses to treat cancer. This includes inhibitory effects on lymphocyte proliferation, as in the treatment of", "id": "3814815" }, { "contents": "Suranjith Seneviratne\n\n\nSuranjith Seneviratne is a doctor from Sri Lanka who practices in allergy and immunology. Seneviratne completed his basic Medical Degree with First Class Honours, eight Distinctions and ten Gold medals and was his year’s valedictorian. He earned his Medical Degree in Internal Medicine and attended John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford for training in Clinical Immunology and Allergy. He completed a DPhil in Molecular Immunology and Allergy at the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford as a Commonwealth Scholar. Currently a Consultant in Clinical Immunology and Allergy at the Royal Free Hospital", "id": "5854497" }, { "contents": "Baha Al-Dowleh Razi\n\n\nBaha al-dowleh Razi was an Iranian physician who lived in the 9th century. He was one of the greatest Iranian traditional medicine practitioners, the second most influential after Razi. He was likely born in Tehran, where he also completed his medical studies with his father. Razi brought many innovations in the field of detection of the most important diseases that can be cited to describe the diseases whooping cough and syphilis. He also said Tufts on the immune system and allergies, and implemented the smallpox vaccination. Syphilis is a disease", "id": "6537464" }, { "contents": "Haemophilus influenzae\n\n\nwith Hib conjugate vaccine is effective in preventing Hib infection, but does not prevent infection with NTHi strains. Most strains of \"H. influenzae\" are opportunistic pathogens; that is, they usually live in their host without causing disease, but cause problems only when other factors (such as a viral infection, reduced immune function or chronically inflamed tissues, e.g. from allergies) create an opportunity. They infect the host by sticking to the host cell using trimeric autotransporter adhesins. Naturally acquired disease caused by \"H. influenzae\" seems to", "id": "3490415" }, { "contents": "Allergy\n\n\nimmune system that functions correctly only in the presence of the parasites. Without them, the immune system becomes unbalanced and oversensitive. In particular, research suggests that allergies may coincide with the delayed establishment of gut flora in infants. However, the research to support this theory is conflicting, with some studies performed in China and Ethiopia showing an increase in allergy in people infected with intestinal worms. Clinical trials have been initiated to test the effectiveness of certain worms in treating some allergies. It may be that the term 'parasite'", "id": "10593930" }, { "contents": "Allergy\n\n\nhypersensitivity used to be classified as allergies, and all were thought to be caused by an improper activation of the immune system. Later, it became clear that several different disease mechanisms were implicated, with the common link to a disordered activation of the immune system. In 1963, a new classification scheme was designed by Philip Gell and Robin Coombs that described four types of hypersensitivity reactions, known as Type I to Type IV hypersensitivity. With this new classification, the word \"allergy\", sometimes clarified as a true allergy,", "id": "10593961" }, { "contents": "ALK-Abelló\n\n\nHospital. The company was subsequently established as Allergologisk Laboratorium København. The company has since focused on mapping the mechanisms of allergic impact on the immune system in order to develop new and improved allergy therapies. The research focuses on prevention, treatment, and management of allergies, especially hay fever and asthma. In 1978, ALK released the first standardized line of products for the treatment of allergies. In the 1990s, ALK was the first company to launch sublingual immunotherapy drops (allergy immunotherapy administered as droplets under the tongue). In", "id": "1213890" }, { "contents": "Procaine benzylpenicillin\n\n\nof penicillin allergy or procaine allergy. Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is relatively safe. Procaine benzylpenicillin is in the penicillin and beta lactam family of medications. It works via benzylpenicillin and results in bacterial death. Procaine makes the combination long acting. Procaine benzylpenicillin was introduced for medical use in 1948. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system. The wholesale cost in the developing world is about US$0.09–0.18 per day. In the United States a", "id": "20553632" }, { "contents": "Allergy to cats\n\n\nthe counter or prescription medications. Antihistamines and decongestants may provide allergy relief. Some allergy sufferers find relief in allergen immunotherapy, a periodic injection therapy designed to suppress the body's natural immune responses to the cat allergens. The synthetic epitope vaccine is an in-development vaccine to provide a long-term vaccine for allergies. Regularly bathing the cat may remove significant amounts of allergens from the fur. Furthermore, regularly brushing the cat will reduce the amount of loose fur (and its attached saliva) in the air. Feeding the", "id": "15040095" }, { "contents": "Propylhexedrine\n\n\nPropylhexedrine, sold under the brand names Benzedrex and Obesin among others, is a nasal decongestant, appetite suppressant, and psychostimulant medication. It is used medicinally for relief of congestion due to colds, allergies and allergic rhinitis and recreationally for its euphoric effects. The effects are similar to those of methamphetamine, though the duration of propylhexedrine is much shorter. Propylhexedrine differs from methamphetamine only in that it has a saturated cyclohexane ring where methamphetamine has a phenyl ring. Propylhexedrine is most commonly found in over-the-counter Benzedrex inhalers.", "id": "6265307" }, { "contents": "Cold urticaria\n\n\nhives (depending on the severity of the allergy). For those who have severe anaphylactic reactions, a prescribed medicine such as doxepin, which is taken daily, should help to prevent and/or lessen the likelihood of a reaction and thus, anaphylaxis. There are also topical antihistamine creams which are used to help relieve hives in other conditions, but there is not any documentation stating it will relieve hives induced by cold temperature. Cold hives can result in a potentially serious, or even fatal, systemic reaction (anaphylactic shock).", "id": "6191873" }, { "contents": "Allergies in children\n\n\n' their allergies. The incidence of childhood allergies has increased in the past 50 years. The signs and symptoms of allergies in a child are: Each home contains possible allergens that can develop into allergies after exposure to: Vitamin D deficiency at the time of birth and exposure to egg white, milk, peanut, walnut, soy, shrimp, cod fish, and wheat makes a child more susceptible to allergies. Soy-based infant formula is associated with allergies in infants. A child's allergy is an immune system reaction", "id": "16493095" }, { "contents": "Elimination diet\n\n\ncommonly to food proteins such as egg, milk, seafood, shellfish, tree nuts, soya, wheat and peanuts. Its biological response mechanism is characterized by an increased production of IgE (immunoglobulin E) antibodies. A food intolerance on the other hand does not activate the individual's immune response system. A food intolerance differs from a food allergy or chemical sensitivity because it generally requires a normal serving size to produce symptoms similar to an IgE immunologic response. While food intolerances may be mistaken for a food allergy, they are", "id": "9083615" }, { "contents": "Influenza A virus\n\n\nthe state of the infected person's immune system and if the victim has been exposed to the strain before, and is therefore partially immune. Recent follow up studies on the impact of statins on influenza virus replication show that pre-treatment of cells with atorvastatin suppresses virus growth in culture. Highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in a human is far worse, killing 50% of humans who catch it. In one case, a boy with H5N1 experienced diarrhea followed rapidly by a coma without developing respiratory or flu-like symptoms.", "id": "5106174" }, { "contents": "Food allergy\n\n\ndevelop allergies to bananas, kiwifruit, avocados, and some other foods. Conditions caused by food allergies are classified into three groups according to the mechanism of the allergic response: Allergic reactions are hyperactive responses of the immune system to generally innocuous substances. When immune cells encounter the allergenic protein, IgE antibodies are produced; this is similar to the immune system's reaction to foreign pathogens. The IgE antibodies identify the allergenic proteins as harmful and initiate the allergic reaction. The harmful proteins are those that do not break down due to", "id": "10863768" }, { "contents": "Dendritic cell\n\n\nthree classical dendritic cell subsets and one plasmacytoid dendritic cell subset. At least some of these dendritic cell subsets can activate CD4+ helper T cells and CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, which are immune cells that can also suppress tumor growth. In experimental models, dendritic cells have also been shown to contribute to the success of cancer immunotherapies, for example with the immune checkpoint blocker anti-PD-1. Altered function of dendritic cells is also known to play a major or even key role in allergy and autoimmune diseases like lupus erythematosus and", "id": "16814024" }, { "contents": "Immune network theory\n\n\nsystems, A, B and C that can be combined to make an exceptionally strong immune system in a treated vertebrate C. In mouse models the vaccine has been shown to be effective in the prevention of inflammatory bowel disease; the prevention of tumour growth and prevention of metastases in a transplantable breast cancer; and in the treatment of an allergy. The immune system of C is stimulated by a combination of A anti-B (antigen-specific) and B anti-anti-B (antiidiotypic) antibodies. The former stimulate", "id": "18849786" }, { "contents": "Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques\n\n\nproposes that these allergies can be eliminated by addressing the energy blockages through the use of acupuncture or acupressure. These principles are well established in Eastern medicine, which follows a different paradigm from that of western medicine. NAET practitioners use a form of applied kinesiology called Neuromuscular Sensitivity Testing (NST or NST-NAET) to diagnose allergies by comparing the strength of a muscle in the presence and absence of a suspected allergen. Practitioners will then aim to remove energy blockages by having the patient hold a glass bottle containing the allergen whilst acupressure", "id": "2746571" }, { "contents": "Immune tolerance\n\n\nmicrobiome, since both involve the gut-associated lymphoid tissue. It may also have evolved to prevent hypersensitivity reactions to food proteins. It is of immense immunological importance, since it is a continuous natural immunologic event driven by exogenous antigen. Allergy and hypersensitivity reactions in general are traditionally thought of as misguided or excessive reactions by the immune system, possibly due to broken or underdeveloped mechanisms of peripheral tolerance. Usually, Treg cells, TR1, and Th3 cells at mucosal surfaces suppress type 2 CD4 helper cells, mast cells, and", "id": "18874015" }, { "contents": "Decongestant\n\n\ninstance in allergies, infections like the common cold, influenza, and sinus infection, and nasal polyps. A 2016 Cochrane review found insufficient evidence to support the use of intranasal corticosteroids in the relief of common cold symptoms. However, the review was based on three trials and the quality of the evidence was regarded as very low. The vast majority of decongestants act via enhancing norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and epinephrine (adrenaline) or adrenergic activity by stimulating the α1-adrenergic receptor since they mediate vasoconstriction and constricting nasal vasculature causes decongestion of nasal", "id": "10173353" }, { "contents": "National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases\n\n\npatients at the NIH Clinical Center, the nation’s largest hospital devoted to clinical research. The subsequent two years are dedicated to research. The Allergy and Immunology Clinical Fellowship Program is open to physicians who are on track to complete an approved internal medicine or pediatric medicine residency program. Fellows are eligible to sit for the Board of Allergy and Immunology certification examination after two years. Dr. Kelly Stone, M.D., Ph.D. is the Director of the fellowship training program. The Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program is open to physicians who have completed three", "id": "15734298" }, { "contents": "Suranjith Seneviratne\n\n\njournals such as \"Nature Medicine\", \"Journal of Experimental Medicine\", \"Blood\", \"Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology\" and the \"Journal of Clinical Investigation and Allergy\". He is currently the Principal Investigator of the STILLPAD-UK study, a prospective study of lung disease in Immunodeficiency. He directs the Gastrointestinal Immunology and Cancer Research Group at the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka and is a member of the NIHR Bio-resource Genetic study on Primary", "id": "5854500" }, { "contents": "Food allergy\n\n\n\", are mandatory according to FSIS. FALCPA also does not apply to food prepared in restaurants. The EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation 1169/2011 – requires food businesses to provide allergy information on food sold unpackaged, for example, in catering outlets, deli counters, bakeries and sandwich bars. In the United States, there is no federal mandate to address the presence of allergens in drug products. FALCPA does not apply to medicines nor to cosmetics. The value of allergen labeling other than for intentional ingredients is controversial. This concerns", "id": "10863799" }, { "contents": "Peanut allergy\n\n\nmilk\", are mandatory according to FSIS. FALCPA also does not apply to food prepared in restaurants. The EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation 1169/2011 – requires food businesses to provide allergy information on food sold unpackaged, for example, in catering outlets, deli counters, bakeries and sandwich bars. In the United States, there is no federal mandate to address the presence of allergens in drug products. FALCPA does not apply to medicines nor to cosmetics. The value of allergen labeling other than for intentional ingredients is controversial. This", "id": "2188280" }, { "contents": "Allergy\n\n\nvomiting, diarrhea, itchy skin, and swelling of the skin during hives. Food allergies rarely cause respiratory (asthmatic) reactions, or rhinitis. Insect stings, food, antibiotics, and certain medicines may produce a systemic allergic response that is also called anaphylaxis; multiple organ systems can be affected, including the digestive system, the respiratory system, and the circulatory system. Depending on the rate of severity, anaphylaxis can include skin reactions, bronchoconstriction, swelling, low blood pressure, coma, and death. This type of", "id": "10593907" }, { "contents": "Allergy\n\n\ntraining in internal medicine (to become an internist) or pediatrics (to become a pediatrician). Once physicians have finished training in one of these specialties, they must pass the exam of either the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP), the American Osteopathic Board of Pediatrics (AOBP), the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), or the American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine (AOBIM). Internists or pediatricians wishing to focus on the sub-specialty of allergy-immunology then complete at least an additional two", "id": "10593966" }, { "contents": "Allergic response\n\n\nAn allergic response is a hypersensitive immune reaction to a substance that normally is harmless or would not cause an immune response in everyone. An allergic response may cause harmful symptoms such as itching or inflammation or tissue injury. Allergies are an abnormal immune reaction. The human immune system is designed to protect the body from potential harm and in people who have allergies the immune system will react to allergens (substances that trigger an immune response). The immune system will produce immunoglobulin E, IgE, antibodies for each allergen. The antibodies", "id": "12323435" }, { "contents": "Food intolerance\n\n\nFood intolerance is a detrimental reaction, often delayed, to a food, beverage, food additive, or compound found in foods that produces symptoms in one or more body organs and systems, but generally refers to reactions other than food allergy. Food hypersensitivity is used to refer broadly to both food intolerances and food allergies. Food allergies are immune reactions, typically an IgE reaction caused by the release of histamine but also encompassing non-IgE immune responses. This mechanism causes allergies to typically give immediate reaction (a few minutes to", "id": "21103753" }, { "contents": "Jane El-Dahr\n\n\nJane Maroney El-Dahr is a clinical professor of pediatrics and the head of the division of pediatric allergy and immunology at Tulane University School of Medicine, where she has worked since 1990. She is also the president of the Louisiana Society of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. She has expertise in allergy, immunology, and rheumatology. El-Dahr attended Jefferson Medical College, completed both her residency and her fellowship at the University of Virginia Health Science Center, and completed an internship at Yale New Haven Hospital in 1986. El", "id": "14151129" }, { "contents": "Petiveria\n\n\ncapsules. The leaves and also the roots are used with medicinal purposes. This plant has been used to reduce inflammation and pain. It has been reported to be used to eliminate bacteria, fungi, candida, and viruses. It is also used to enhance the immune system and increase urination. Recent studies report beneficial results in the use of this plant to lower the blood sugar levels and in the elimination of cancer cells. The plant is also used for arthritis, allergies, as therapy for fever, malaria. In addition", "id": "7320250" }, { "contents": "Soy allergy\n\n\nSoy allergy is a type of food allergy. It is a hypersensitivity to dietary substances from soy, causing an overreaction of the immune system which may lead to severe physical symptoms for millions of people. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates soy is among the eight most common food allergens for pediatric and adult food allergy patients. It is usually treated with an exclusion diet and vigilant avoidance of foods that may be contaminated with soy ingredients. The most severe food allergy reaction is called anaphylaxis and is a medical emergency requiring immediate", "id": "11603813" }, { "contents": "Peanut allergy\n\n\nPeanut allergy is a type of food allergy to peanuts. It is different from tree nut allergies. Physical symptoms of allergic reaction can include itchiness, hives, swelling, eczema, sneezing, asthma, abdominal pain, drop in blood pressure, diarrhea, and cardiac arrest. Anaphylaxis may occur. It is due to a type I hypersensitivity reaction of the immune system in susceptible individuals. The allergy is recognized \"as one of the most severe food allergies due to its prevalence, persistency, and potential severity of allergic reaction.", "id": "2188248" }, { "contents": "Cetrorelix\n\n\nis not intended for women aged 65 years or older. Use in women with severe allergic conditions is not recommended. Use with caution in women with active allergies or history of allergies. Cetrorelix was under development for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, premenopausal breast cancer, endometriosis, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, and uterine fibroids, but development for these indications was discontinued. A study published in Nature Medicine found a link between hormonal imbalance in the womb and Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), specifically prenatal exposure to anti-", "id": "20443156" }, { "contents": "Barton Haynes\n\n\nthe University of Tennessee in 1969 and his M.D. from Baylor College of Medicine in 1973. He completed his internship and residency at Duke University Medical Center in 1975. After conducting research for five years at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases from 1975 to 1980, Haynes returned to Duke as a member of the faculty in the Department of Medicine in 1980. He served as Chief of the Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Clinical Immunology from 1987-1995, and as Chair of the Department of Medicine from 1995-2002", "id": "6503043" }, { "contents": "MELISA\n\n\nis used to screen, diagnose and monitor the immune response of susceptible or affected individuals. In Europe, the test is commonly used in dentistry to test for allergy to dental restorative materials, braces and prostheses. The test is also used to determine whether metal allergy is a factor behind chronic diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis. The authors hypothesize that if the immune system is constantly staging an allergic reaction to a metal present in the body, this will alert the HPA axis inducing fatigue-like symptoms. A", "id": "95746" }, { "contents": "Jeffrey P. Nadler\n\n\n, where he received the Community and Preventive Medicine Scholarship. Dr. Nadler completed his post-doctoral residency training in Internal Medicine at the New York Medical College (1975–78) and fellowship training in Infectious Diseases at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York (1978–80). Since 2006, Dr. Nadler has been deputy director and then acting director of the Therapeutics Research Program, Division of AIDS, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (DAIDS/NIAID). While serving in NIAID, one of the National", "id": "20622629" }, { "contents": "Allergies in children\n\n\n. The child is reacting to a specific substance, or allergen. The immune system of a child responds to the invading allergen by releasing histamine and other chemicals that typically trigger symptoms in the nose, lungs, throat, sinuses, ears, eyes, skin, or stomach lining. In some children, allergies can also trigger symptoms of asthma—a disease that causes wheezing or difficulty breathing. If a child has allergies and asthma, controlling the allergies is important because the lack of treatment may make the allergies worse. Compounds", "id": "16493096" }, { "contents": "Robert Frascino\n\n\na blog titled \"Life, Love, Sex, HIV and Other Unscheduled Events.\" Frascino was a fellow of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology and of the American Academy of Pediatrics. He was also a member of the American Academy of HIV Medicine. In 2004, he joined Oberlin College's board of trustees. Additionally, he served terms as president of the California Society of Allergy, Asthma, and Clinical Immunology, of the Allergy/Immunology Association of Northern California, and of the Allergy,", "id": "17687523" }, { "contents": "Fluocinonide\n\n\nsensitive areas such as the genitals or anus. A common potential adverse effect is skin atrophy (thinning of the skin). Systemic absorption of topical corticosteroids can produce reversible hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) suppression, manifestations of Cushing's syndrome, hyperglycemia, and glucosuria in some patients. Fluocinonide should be used with caution when treating children, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and anyone using the medication for longer than two weeks. Fluocinonide is used in veterinary medicine. It is a treatment for allergies in dogs.", "id": "6804880" }, { "contents": "Applied kinesiology\n\n\nApplied kinesiology (AK) is a technique in alternative medicine claimed to be able to diagnose illness or choose treatment by testing muscles for strength and weakness. According to their guidelines on allergy diagnostic testing, the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology stated there is \"no evidence of diagnostic validity\" of applied kinesiology. \"Another study indicated that the use of applied kinesiology to evaluate nutrient status is no more useful than random guessing,\" and the American Cancer Society has said that \"scientific evidence does not support the claim", "id": "3004332" }, { "contents": "Metronidazole\n\n\n, a metallic taste, loss of appetite, and headaches. Occasionally seizures or allergies to the medication may occur. Some state that metronidazole should not be used in early pregnancy, while others state doses for trichomoniasis are safe. It should not be used when breastfeeding. Metronidazole began to be commercially used in 1960 in France. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system. It is available in most areas of the world. The pills are", "id": "12745470" }, { "contents": "Stuart C. Sealfon\n\n\nat the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in 1988. Sealfon has served on the editorial boards of Endocrinology, Endocrine Journal, Molecular Endocrinology and the Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine and served as reviewing editor of Biochemical Journal. Additionally, he served on the advisory board of the Alanex Corporation. Sealfon's work is supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. He directs the multi-institutional Program for Research on Immune Modeling and", "id": "4445848" }, { "contents": "Peter Lachmann\n\n\ndownregulation of the complement alternative pathway as a treatment for age related macular degeneration. he has previously worked on many aspects of complement biology; on microbial subversion of the innate immune response; on the immunology of measles, on systemic lupus erythematosus and on insect sting allergies. Lachmann's helped produce the Royal Society's first report on GM crops in 1998. The report, Genetically Modified Plants for Food Use, outlined the benefits of GM plants in agriculture, medicine, food quality and safety, nutrition and health, especially in alleviating", "id": "5758089" }, { "contents": "Latex allergy\n\n\n). It can be diagnosed through a positive skin patch test, although a negative test does not rule out a latex allergy. Severe irritation takes place if a latex catheter is inserted in the urinary tract of a person allergic to latex. That is especially severe in case of a radical prostatectomy due to the open wound there and the exposure lasting e.g. two weeks. Intense pain may indicate such situation. Natural rubber latex can also cause irritant contact dermatitis, a less severe form of reaction that does not involve the immune system", "id": "17051786" }, { "contents": "Thymus\n\n\nlevels of selection are released into the bloodstream to perform vital immune functions. The thymus also secretes hormones and cytokines that regulate the maturation of T cells, including thymulin, thymopoietin, and thymosins. The immune system is a multicomponent interactive system. It effectively protects the host from various infections. An improperly functioning immune system can cause discomfort, disease or even death. The type of malfunction falls into one or more of the following major groups: hypersensitivity or allergy, auto-immune disease, or immunodeficiency. Allergy results from an", "id": "11543760" }, { "contents": "Translational medicine\n\n\nHealth offers a Master of Science in Clinical Research and Translational Medicine. The program is jointly offered with the Lewis Katz School of Medicine. Mahidol University at Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi hospital has a Master and PhD programme in Translational Medicine since 2012. Mahidol University is the first and only University in Thailand and in Southeast Asia. The most of programme lecturers are physicians and clinicians who contribute in many fields of study such as Cancer, Allergy and Immunology, Haematology, Paediatric, Rheumatology, etc. Here, the student will be directly", "id": "17432213" }, { "contents": "Thomas Platts-Mills\n\n\nbecame a member of the Royal College of Physicians in 1971. From 1975 to 1982, he worked in Britain for the Medical Research Council. Since 1982 he has worked at the University of Virginia where he has been Professor of Medicine and Microbiology and, since 1993, head of the Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. He served as President of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAAI) from March 2006 to March 2007. Since 1974, Platts-Mills has been active in research on allergic disease", "id": "5847953" }, { "contents": "GWAS in allergy\n\n\nthat this type of disease has risen in prevalence over the past ten years. Furthermore, is estimated that allergy has a hereditary component, suggesting that knowledge of the genetic component is a key to understand the disease. It has been shown that the genes involved in allergy and asthma, are implicated in both immune and inflammatory processes . These genes belong to the family of Toll receptors ( LTRs ) type, a family of proteins that form part of the innate immune system . These receptors are transmembrane and recognize molecular patterns expressed by", "id": "8835518" }, { "contents": "Columbo (character)\n\n\nextremely nervous during certain investigations. In \"A Stitch in Crime\", Columbo grumbles throughout the episode about being sleep-deprived and working too hard. (Columbo suffers from severe allergies \"every spring\", although when we first see him suffering symptoms in this episode, he does not know what they are. He says he will not take allergy medicine because of the side effects.) This is also the one and only time—at least in the NBC decade—Columbo challenges his suspect with physical violence (by", "id": "17727768" }, { "contents": "Allergy\n\n\nyears of study, called a fellowship, in an allergy/immunology training program. Allergist/immunologists listed as ABAI-certified have successfully passed the certifying examination of the ABAI following their fellowship. In the United Kingdom, allergy is a subspecialty of general medicine or pediatrics. After obtaining postgraduate exams (MRCP or MRCPCH), a doctor works for several years as a specialist registrar before qualifying for the General Medical Council specialist register. Allergy services may also be delivered by immunologists. A 2003 Royal College of Physicians report presented a", "id": "10593967" }, { "contents": "Benaroya Research Institute\n\n\nways to identify, slow the progression of and ultimately prevent type 1 diabetes. In 2016, BRI received a five-year, $8 million NIH grant to lead a collaboration that studies how the immune system responds to allergens in the lungs, and how those allergens trigger asthma attacks. The collaboration includes researchers from BRI, UW Medicine and Seattle Children's Research Institute. Their work could lead to new therapies for allergies and asthma. BRI is also pursuing immunotherapies that cure type 1 diabetes. In 2016, Dr. Buckner and", "id": "13878902" }, { "contents": "Hip replacement\n\n\nsurgeons at medical centers such as the Mayo Clinic reported reducing their use of metal-on-metal implants by 80 percent over the previous year in favor of those made from other materials, like combinations of metal and plastic. The cause of these failures remain controversial, and may include both design factors, technique factors, and factors related to patient immune responses (allergy type reactions). In the United Kingdom the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency commenced an annual monitoring regime for metal-on-metal hip replacement patients from", "id": "9636073" }, { "contents": "Influenza vaccine\n\n\n, even if severe. Studies examining the safety of influenza vaccines in people with severe egg allergies found that anaphylaxis was very rare, occurring in 1.3 cases per million doses given. Monitoring for symptoms from vaccination is recommended in those with more severe symptoms. A study of nearly 800 children with egg allergy, including over 250 with previous anaphylactic reactions, had zero systemic allergic reactions when given the live attenuated flu vaccine. Several studies have identified an increased incidence of narcolepsy among recipients of the pandemic H1N1 influenza ASO3-adjuvanted vaccine; efforts to", "id": "20692544" }, { "contents": "Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques\n\n\nNambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET) are a form of alternative medicine which proponents claim can treat allergies and related disorders. The techniques were devised by Devi Nambudripad, a California-based chiropractor and acupuncturist, in 1983, drawing on a combination of ideas from applied kinesiology, acupuncture, acupressure, nutritional management and chiropractic methods. There is no credible evidence to support its effectiveness in assessing or treating allergies. Devi Nambudripad was a student chiropractor and acupuncturist at the time she developed NAET. Whilst experiencing a reaction to eating carrots", "id": "2746566" }, { "contents": "Astragalus nitidiflorus\n\n\npopulation size. The indehiscent fruit determines seed distribution in the soil around its mother plants. \"\"A. nitidiflorus\" is able to form a short-term persistent soil seed bank\". The seeding process happens in the summer months when there is a surplus water supply. Not only with the \"Astragalus nitidiflorus\", but most of the \"Astragalus\" plants have a plethora uses. Ranging from medicinal purposes, like helping treat the common cold or allergies, to feeding plants because of its good animal nutrition or the roots", "id": "20850612" }, { "contents": "E-Lybra\n\n\nE-Lybra is an alternative medicine electrodermal testing biofeedback device manufactured by World Development Systems Ltd. Its manufacturers claim that the device can \"analyze and restore energetic balance within the bio-field of humans and animals\". The device is based on an alternative medicine system called \"Energy medicine\", whose practitioners believe that \"energetic imbalances\" can be detrimental to health. A study done on a similar device found that the devices lack evidence for efficacy in diagnosing allergies. Quackwatch states that E-Lybra, along with other similar", "id": "17509738" }, { "contents": "Allergy\n\n\nand where medical care is unavailable, a device known as an epinephrine autoinjector may be used. Allergen immunotherapy is useful for environmental allergies, allergies to insect bites, and asthma. Its benefit for food allergies is unclear and thus not recommended. Immunotherapy involves exposing people to larger and larger amounts of allergen in an effort to change the immune system's response. Meta-analyses have found that injections of allergens under the skin is effective in the treatment in allergic rhinitis in children and in asthma. The benefits may last for years", "id": "10593952" }, { "contents": "Food allergy\n\n\nshellfish, fish, tree nuts, soy, wheat, rice, and fruit. The common allergies vary depending on the country. Risk factors include a family history of allergies, vitamin D deficiency, obesity, and high levels of cleanliness. Allergies occur when immunoglobulin E (IgE), part of the body's immune system, binds to food molecules. A protein in the food is usually the problem. This triggers the release of inflammatory chemicals such as histamine. Diagnosis is usually based on a medical history, elimination diet", "id": "10863757" }, { "contents": "Milk allergy\n\n\nstatements to alert for the presence of specific ingredients, like \"Contains: milk\", are mandatory according to FSIS. In the U.S., there is no federal mandate to address the presence of allergens in drug products. FALCPA does not apply to medicines nor to cosmetics. FALCPA also does not apply to food prepared in restaurants. The value of allergen labeling other than for intentional ingredients is controversial. This concerns labeling for ingredients present unintentionally as a consequence of cross-contact or cross-contamination at any point along the food", "id": "18679655" }, { "contents": "Yorkipoo\n\n\nblue, white, and parti-color. Depending on which parent's genes are more dominant, the dog may be hypoallergenic and thus be more suited to homes with allergy sufferers. It is known for being one of a few varieties of hypoallergenic dogs, although the usage of hypoallergenic is misleading. \"No dog is non-allergenic\", says Bruce Bochner, M.D., director of the Johns Hopkins Asthma & Allergy Center and professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. \"I am aware of no", "id": "10081169" }, { "contents": "Milk allergy\n\n\nguidelines have been established for the diagnosis and treatment of FPIES. Conditions caused by food allergies are classified into three groups according to the mechanism of the allergic response: Allergic reactions are hyperactive responses of the immune system to generally innocuous substances, such as proteins in the foods we eat. Some proteins trigger allergic reactions while others do not. One theory is resistance to digestion, the thinking being that when largely intact proteins reach the small intestine the white blood cells involved in immune reactions will be activated. The heat of cooking structurally", "id": "18679621" }, { "contents": "Egg allergy\n\n\nbe triggered by small amounts of egg, even egg incorporated into cooked foods, such as cake. People with an allergy to chicken eggs may also be reactive to goose, duck, or turkey eggs. Influenza vaccines are created by injecting a live virus into fertilized chicken eggs. The viruses are harvested, killed and purified, but a residual amount of egg white protein remains. Each year, vaccines are created to provide protection against the flu viruses expected to be prevalent in the upcoming cold weather months. For the 2017-", "id": "8779757" }, { "contents": "Soy allergy\n\n\nsoy (\"Glycine max\") are named under a nomenclature decided by IUIC, which is also responsible for numbering many of the proteins. Proteins numbered by IUIC include: These proteins are recognized by the immune system as antigens in susceptible individuals. As many as 8 other soy allergenic proteins has been reported in literature. Peanut, a legume, shares many similar proteins with soy, so individuals with soy allergy may have peanut allergy too. Diagnosis of soy allergy is based on the person's history of allergic reactions, skin", "id": "11603827" }, { "contents": "Fish as food\n\n\nthe UK in 1998. A seafood allergy is a hypersensitivity to an allergen which can be present in fish, and particularly in shellfish. This can result in an overreaction of the immune system and lead to severe physical symptoms. Most people who have a food allergy also have a seafood allergy. Allergic reactions can result from ingesting seafood, or by breathing in vapours from preparing or cooking seafood. The most severe seafood allergy reaction is anaphylaxis, an emergency requiring immediate attention. It is treated with epinephrine. Some species of fish", "id": "5985640" }, { "contents": "Acrivastine\n\n\nAcrivastine is a medication used for the treatment of allergies and hay fever. It is a second-generation H1-receptor antagonist antihistamine (like its base molecule triprolidine) and works by blocking histamine H1 receptors. This non-sedating antihistamine is sold under the brand name Benadryl Allergy Relief in the United Kingdom by McNeil Laboratories. It should not be confused with Benadryl Once a Day which has cetirizine as the active ingredient and is also sold by McNeil in the UK. It is available as an over-the-counter medicine in the", "id": "14608963" }, { "contents": "Miliary dermatitis\n\n\nIn veterinary medicine, miliary dermatitis is a multifocal distribution of skin lesions, with no identifiable pattern. The term \"miliary\" means millet-like, as the papules on the coat of an affected cat feel similar to millet seeds. Miliary dermatitis is classified as a cutaneous reaction pattern of inflammation and can be the manifestation of a wide variety of skin allergies, infections or parasitic infestations. The majority of cases are associated with feline flea allergy dermatitis. Cats with miliary dermatitis have a rash consisting of fine papules surmounted by small", "id": "18188879" }, { "contents": "Karl Johnson (virologist)\n\n\nKarl M Johnson is an American virologist known for discovering Machupo virus, Hantaan virus, and Ebola virus. He has held key positions in the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Johnson studied medicine at the University of Rochester, and earned an M.D. and completed his medical residency at the Presbyterian Hospital in New York. He then worked at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) with respiratory cold viruses. Johnson moved to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) field laboratory in the Panama Canal Zone,", "id": "14811537" }, { "contents": "Carl Lewis\n\n\n10 ppm were cause of further investigation but not immediate ban. Neal Benowitz, a professor of medicine at UC San Francisco who is an expert on ephedrine and other stimulants, agreed that \"These [levels] are what you'd see from someone taking cold or allergy medicines and are unlikely to have any effect on performance.\" Following Exum's revelations the IAAF acknowledged that at the 1988 Olympic Trials the USOC indeed followed the correct procedures in dealing with eight positive findings for ephedrine and ephedrine-related compounds in low concentration.", "id": "18521325" }, { "contents": "Calvin Smith\n\n\n. According to the IOC rules at the time, positive tests with levels lower than 10 ppm were cause of further investigation but not immediate ban. Neal Benowitz, a professor of medicine at UC San Francisco who is an expert on ephedrine and other stimulants, agreed that \"These [levels] are what you'd see from someone taking cold or allergy medicines and are unlikely to have any effect on performance.\" Following Exum's revelations the IAAF acknowledged that at the 1988 Olympic Trials the USOC indeed followed the correct procedures in", "id": "7273130" }, { "contents": "Clinical trial\n\n\n. In the case of cancer patients, fewer than 5% of adults with cancer will participate in drug trials. According to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), about 400 cancer medicines were being tested in clinical trials in 2005. Not all of these will prove to be useful, but those that are may be delayed in getting approved because the number of participants is so low . For clinical trials involving potential for seasonal influences (such as airborne allergies, seasonal affective disorder, influenza, and skin diseases", "id": "10845779" }, { "contents": "Alcoholism\n\n\nof alcohol despite adverse consequences, and distortions in thinking.\" MeSH has had an entry for \"alcoholism\" since 1999, and references the 1992 definition. AA describes alcoholism as an illness that involves a physical allergy (where \"allergy\" has a different meaning than that used in modern medicine.) and a mental obsession. The doctor and addiction specialist Dr. William D. Silkworth M.D. writes on behalf of AA that \"Alcoholics suffer from a \"(physical) craving beyond mental control\". A 1960 study by E. Morton", "id": "2654465" }, { "contents": "Anaphylaxis\n\n\nto direct mast cell degranulation. Non-immune anaphylaxis is the current term used by the World Allergy Organization with some recommending that the old terminology no longer be used. Allergy testing may help in determining the trigger. Skin allergy testing is available for certain foods and venoms. Blood testing for specific IgE can be useful to confirm milk, egg, peanut, tree nut and fish allergies. Skin testing is available to confirm penicillin allergies, but is not available for other medications. Non-immune forms of anaphylaxis can only be", "id": "21821494" }, { "contents": "Influenza vaccine\n\n\nfor high-risk individuals, including: Both types of flu vaccines are contraindicated for those with severe allergies to egg proteins and people with a history of Guillain–Barré syndrome. , the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends seasonal influenza vaccination for: In 2008, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization, the group that advises the Public Health Agency of Canada, recommended that everyone aged two to 64 years be encouraged to receive annual influenza vaccination, and that children between the age of six and 24 months, and their household", "id": "20692547" }, { "contents": "Allergen\n\n\nIndia \"Fomes pectinatus\" is a predominant air-borne allergen affecting up to 22 percent of patients with respiratory allergies. Some fungal air-borne allergens such as \"Coprinus comatus\" are associated with worsening of eczematous skin lesions. Children who are born during autumn months (during fungal spore season) are more likely to develop asthmatic symptoms later in life. Treatment includes over-the-counter medications, antihistamines, nasal decongestants, allergy shots, and alternative medicine. In the case of nasal symptoms, antihistamines are normally the", "id": "13649339" }, { "contents": "Kishu\n\n\nnot typically life-threatening, but can require lifelong treatment through regulated diet, environmental awareness, allergy medication, or even steroids depending on the individual. In an informal, owner-reported survey of purebred Kishu Ken, environmental allergies appear the most common health condition. Allergies to grass and dust mites have had particular mention. Autoimmune conditions vary, but a handful of individuals have an allergy-like immune response that causes sores and dermatitis which often responds to and is treated with common steroids. Addison's Disease is also noted", "id": "1825654" }, { "contents": "Sulfonamide (medicine)\n\n\ntherefore been argued that the terms 'sulfonamide allergy' or 'sulfa allergy' are misleading, and should be replaced by a reference to a specific drug (e.g. 'cotrimoxazole allergy'). Two regions of the sulfonamide antibiotic chemical structure are implicated in the hypersensitivity reactions associated with the class. The nonantibiotic sulfonamides lack both of these structures. The most common manifestations of a hypersensitivity reaction to sulfa drugs are rash and hives. However, there are several life-threatening manifestations of hypersensitivity to sulfa drugs, including Stevens–Johnson", "id": "19172069" }, { "contents": "Chemotherapy\n\n\nbe prevented. Sometimes, chemotherapy treatments are postponed because the immune system is suppressed to a critically low level. In Japan, the government has approved the use of some medicinal mushrooms like \"Trametes versicolor\", to counteract depression of the immune system in people undergoing chemotherapy. Due to immune system suppression, neutropenic enterocolitis (typhlitis) is a \"life-threatening gastrointestinal complication of chemotherapy.\" Typhlitis is an intestinal infection which may manifest itself through symptoms including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, a distended abdomen, fever, chills", "id": "7417056" }, { "contents": "China Nepstar\n\n\nwith information regarding drug allergies, existing medical conditions and existing medications. Its in-store pharmacists also perform a drug utilization review, in which they cross-check every prescription against the customer's submitted information for drug, disease and allergy interactions. Sales of prescription drugs accounted for 23.4% of its revenue during the year ended December 31, 2007. The Company offers approximately 1,182 OTC drugs, including western medicines and traditional Chinese medicines, for the treatment of common diseases. Sales of OTC drugs accounted for 35.6% its revenue", "id": "11098556" } ]
Why does April Fools' Day end after midday?
[{"answer": "When mummy and daddy get sick of silly pranks pulled by their children they make up rules such as this one."}, {"answer": "Because that's the time when everyone's worked out it's April Fools day, and then the people who have been tricked try to do their jokes, only to be told it ends at midday."}, {"answer": "after midday everyone already knows it's a fools day. so they just stop."}, {"answer": "I'm sorry but... [/r/answers](/r/answers) or even [/r/AskReddit](/r/AskReddit) at a stretch. But this question is not for this subreddit. Really, just no."}, {"answer": "So people can get shit done instead of having to second-guess everything someone tells them, or peak around every corner. That crap gets old, fast."}, {"answer": "You don't want somebody to explain it like you're five, you just want them to answer your question."}, {"answer": "A lot of people are taking this to be an April Fool's day prank... just to be clear, April Fool's day *does* end after midday (here in the UK at least), so I don't think the OP is trying to fool us."}, {"answer": "I was told (UK here) that if you fool somebody after midday it is you who is the fool or something."}, {"answer": "It doesnt for me. And that is why no one wants to hang out with me entire april. :("}, {"answer": "because everyone gets bored of it around midday."}, {"answer": "Everyone that says it ends at midday is just jealous because they're not awesome enough to think of funny shit to pull, and use it as a defense."}, {"answer": "Because Game of Thrones Season 2 starts tonight and it better not fucking be an April Fool's Day joke or there will be riots."}, {"answer": "What's even worse is that it's going to hit on Monday next year. I think I'm just going to take a vacation day."}, {"answer": "r/explainlikeimfive has drifted a long way from where it started. It's become no different from r/answers."}, {"answer": "This is a prime example of the kinds of posts that don't belong here! This has nothing to do with explaining like you are 5. This belongs in [/r/AskReddit](/r/AskReddit) [See this post...]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "I've always hated the \"ends at midday\" thing since I first heard about it a few years ago. Why take something as great and precious as April Fools' Day and end it so much earlier than necessary?! A full day is barely long enough to begin with."}, {"answer": "Because fool me once, shame on you. Fool me after midday... you can't get fooled again."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "59431122", "title": "English festivals", "section": "Section::::April Fools' Day.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 30, "end_paragraph_id": 30, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["April Fools' Day is an annual celebration commemorated on April 1 by playing practical jokes and spreading hoaxes. The jokes and their victims are called April fools. People playing April Fool jokes often expose their prank by shouting \"April fool(s)\" at", "not released until they shout \"Punch\". Oranges and heated coins are then thrown from the Town Hall steps to the children gathered outside. April Fools' Day is an annual celebration commemorated on April 1 by playing practical jokes and spreading hoaxes. The jokes and their victims are called April fools. People playing April Fool jokes often expose their prank by shouting \"April fool(s)\" at the unfortunate victim(s). Some newspapers, magazines and other published media report fake stories, which are usually explained the next day or below the news section in smaller letters. Although popular since the 19th century, the day is not a public holiday in any country."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\na prank after midday is considered the \"April fool\" themselves. In Scotland, April Fools' Day was traditionally called 'Huntigowk Day', although this name has fallen into disuse. The name is a corruption of 'Hunt the Gowk', \"gowk\" being Scots for a cuckoo or a foolish person; alternative terms in Gaelic would be \"Là na Gocaireachd\", 'gowking day', or \"Là Ruith na Cuthaige\", 'the day of running the cuckoo'. The traditional prank is to", "id": "16255545" }, { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\nBertha R. McDonald wrote: In the UK, an April Fool prank is revealed by shouting \"April fool!\" at the recipient, who becomes the \"April fool\". A study in the 1950s, by folklorists Iona and Peter Opie, found that in the UK, and in countries whose traditions derived from the UK, the joking ceased at midday. This continues to be the current practice with the holiday ceasing at noon, after which time it is no longer acceptable to play pranks. Ergo, a person playing", "id": "16255544" }, { "contents": "Military animal\n\n\nwas declassified and proven to be a true story on 1 April 2004 (April Fool's Day), the head of education and interpretation at the UK National Archives said, \"It does seem like an April Fool but it most certainly is not. The Civil Service does not do jokes.\" During the British occupation of Basra, rumours of \"man-eating badgers\" emerged from the local population, including allegations that these beasts were released by the British troops, something that the British strenuously denied. The event received", "id": "18789726" }, { "contents": "Nat and Alex Wolff\n\n\nBand\" television show aired four TV movies and three holiday specials. The series ended on June 13, 2009, with \"No School Fools' Day\". Many fans wondered the reason for why the show came to an end. There were many reasons, but in the end it was confirmed that the ending of the series was because they wanted to film a 60 episode season which would conflict with the boys' school schedule. After \"The Naked Brothers Band\" television show ended, the brothers continued to pursue music", "id": "1754050" }, { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\nApril Fools' Day or April Fool's Day (sometimes called All Fools' Day) is an annual celebration on April 1, commemorated by practical jokes and hoaxes. The player(s) of the joke(s) or hoax(es) often exposes their action by shouting \"April fool(s)\" at the recipient(s). The recipients of these actions are called April fools. Mass media can be involved in these pranks that the following day are reported as such. Although popular since the 19th century, the day is not a public holiday in", "id": "16255537" }, { "contents": "SoundGirl\n\n\nthe Fool\", featured UK rapper Twizzle. They opened for Justin Bieber, The Wanted, Scouting for Girls and Pixie Lott on tour. The band split up in April 2012 after only one charting single, \"Don't Know Why\", which peaked at number 45 in the UK. They released a sampler for their debut album, \"Something to Dream About\", which was never released. The sampler includes the tracks \"Don't Know Why\", \"I'm the Fool\" (feat. Twizzle)", "id": "4203503" }, { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\nmeant 32 days after March, i.e. 2 May, the anniversary of the engagement of King Richard II of England to Anne of Bohemia, which took place in 1381. In 1508, French poet Eloy d'Amerval referred to a \"poisson d’avril\" (April fool, literally \"Fish of April\"), possibly the first reference to the celebration in France. Some writers suggest that April Fools' originated because in the Middle Ages, New Year's Day was celebrated on March 25 in most European towns, through a holiday that", "id": "16255540" }, { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\nin some areas of France, specifically, ended on April 1, and those who celebrated New Year's Eve on January 1 made fun of those who celebrated on other dates by the invention of April Fools' Day. The use of January 1 as New Year's Day became common in France only by the mid-16th century, and the date was not adopted officially until 1564, thanks to the Edict of Roussillon. In 1539, Flemish poet Eduard de Dene wrote of a nobleman who sent his servants on foolish errands on April", "id": "16255541" }, { "contents": "List of Google April Fools' Day jokes\n\n\nGoogle frequently inserts jokes and hoaxes into its products on April Fools' Day, which takes place on April 1. Google's first April Fools' Day hoax, the MentalPlex hoax, invited users to project a mental image of what they wanted to find whilst staring at an animated GIF. Several humorous error messages were then displayed on the search results page, all listed below: An additional error message was included which converted all navigation text to German, but was scrapped after user complaints. Google reveals the technology behind its PageRank", "id": "6209720" }, { "contents": "C (New York City Subway service)\n\n\nBeginning April 30, 1995, C service was extended to 168th Street during middays as construction on the Manhattan Bridge cut B service from Manhattan. On November 11, 1995, midday service was cut back to 145th Street after B service to 168th Street was restored. The B and the C, which both ran local along Central Park West, switched northern terminals on March 1, 1998, ending the connection between the C and the Bronx. Instead of alternating between three different terminals depending on the time of day, all C", "id": "14457492" }, { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\nof the stupid children\". It used to be a day where parents, grandparents, and teachers would fool the children in some way. But the celebration of this day has died out in favor of April Fools' Day. Nevertheless, on the Spanish island of Menorca, \"Dia d'enganyar\" (\"Fooling day\") is celebrated on April 1 because Menorca was a British possession during part of the 18th century. In Brazil, the \"Dia da mentira\" (\"Day of the lie\") is also", "id": "16255556" }, { "contents": "Edith Carr\n\n\nand a Presbyterian minister, and telling each of them that the other had requested the meeting. When Edith and the minister arrived, they were confused as to why the other was there. Emily eventually admitted she had set up the prank as an April Fool's trick. After that, Emily and Edith's relationship improved for a while until 1899, when Emily got a dog. The dog turned out to be vicious and aggressive and Edith disliked it. When Emily went on a day trip that year, an accident delayed", "id": "14645942" }, { "contents": "Google Fiber\n\n\nconnectivity to fiberhoods across Kansas City. This latest innovation in Google Fiber technology enables users to access Google Fiber's ultrafast gigabit speeds even when they are out and about.\" Clicking on the \"Learn more\" and \"Find a pole near you\" buttons displayed a message reading \"April Fool’s! While Fiber Poles don’t exist, we are working on a bunch of cool stuff that does. Keep posted on all things Fiber by checking out our blog.\" The April Fools' Day 2014 prank was an announcement", "id": "19477483" }, { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\nof April Fools' Day. In 1686, John Aubrey referred to the celebration as \"Fooles holy day\", the first British reference. On April 1, 1698, several people were tricked into going to the Tower of London to \"see the Lions washed\". Although no Biblical scholar or historian are known to have mentioned a relationship, some have expressed the belief that the origins of April Fool's Day may go back to the Genesis flood narrative. In a 1908 edition of the \"Harper's Weekly\" cartoonist", "id": "16255543" }, { "contents": "Wu-Ling Senior High School\n\n\njust two years. At the end of the eleventh grade, pupils will take an examination which decides if they could take courses in National Central University. The homerooms of the Science Classes are 103, 203 and 303. The formal uniforms are nicknamed as \"Kiwi fruits\" because of their iconic colour. There is also a Kiwi Festival hosted every April Fools' Day by the EPOCH. The sportswear uniform does not differentiated by sexes, as a showing of support to non-binary sexes and LGBT groups. The front side", "id": "4567278" }, { "contents": "List of Google April Fools' Day jokes\n\n\nversion of [[Google Japanese Input]] using [[bubble wrap]]. Also, on the website they gave at the end of the video, there was a bubble wrap at the end of the page. Google claims that \"it takes the world of virtual reality to the next level\" by implementing the missing three senses of older VR technology: taste, touch, and smell. If you were to sign up however, the sign-up button became the words,\"APRIL FOOLS!\" Google announced the creation", "id": "6209824" }, { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\nlaughter including stress relief and reducing strain on the heart. There are many \"best of\" April Fools' Day lists that are compiled in order to showcase the best examples of how the day is celebrated. Various April Fools' campaigns have been praised for their innovation, creativity, writing, and general effort. The negative view describes April Fools' hoaxes as \"creepy and manipulative\", \"rude\" and \"a little bit nasty\", as well as based on \"schadenfreude\" and deceit. When genuine news", "id": "16255558" }, { "contents": "April Fool's Day (1986 film)\n\n\na razor. Muffy screams, but then realizes she is not really bleeding and that Nan used a trick razor and stage blood. The film ends with the jack-in-the-box winking at the audience. \"April Fool's Day\" was theatrically released in the United States on 1,202 screens and earned $3.4 million during its opening weekend, eventually grossing a total of $12.9 million domestically. Paul Attanasio of \"The Washington Post\" wrote: \"The suspense sequences are stylishly managed, and Walton has attractively", "id": "20965870" }, { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\njokes after that hour are considered inappropriate and not classy. Danes, Finns, Icelanders, Norwegians and Swedes celebrate April Fools' Day (\"aprilsnar\" in Danish; \"aprillipäivä\" in Finnish). Most news media outlets will publish exactly one false story on April 1; for newspapers this will typically be a first-page article but not the top headline. In Italy, France, Belgium and French-speaking areas of Switzerland and Canada, April 1 tradition is often known as \"April fish\" (\"poissons", "id": "16255549" }, { "contents": "Deborah Foreman\n\n\n\" wrote that Foreman \"is an appealing comic actress who goes at even the most inane situations with tireless enthusiasm and dimpley sex appeal\" and although \"she can't salvage \"My Chauffeur\", she does give perkiness a good name.\" That same year, Foreman played dual roles in the offbeat dark comedy and preppy murder mystery \"April Fool's Day\". Although her performance was praised by reviewers, the film's plot and surprise ending were widely panned, with critic Vincent Canby commenting for \"The New York", "id": "14091585" }, { "contents": "Fossil Fools Day\n\n\nFossil Fools Day is an environmental demonstration day. It occurs on April 1. The name is a play on the term fossil fuels and April Fools' Day. Fossil Fools Day began in 2004 with coordinated actions across the United States and Canada. Subsequent Fossil Fools Days have been held in many cities around the world, and are generally organized by one or more environmental organizations with funding from Energy Action Coalition and Rising Tide. These events oppose energy derived from fossil fuels, promote education about alternative sources of energy, and encourage", "id": "7824967" }, { "contents": "Seville Fair\n\n\nThe Seville Fair (officially and in , \"Seville April Fair\") is held in Andalusian capital of Seville, Spain. The fair generally begins two weeks after the Semana Santa, or Easter Holy Week. The fair officially begins at midnight on Saturday, and runs seven days, ending on the following Saturday. Each day the fiesta begins with the parade of carriages and riders, at midday, carrying Seville's leading citizens which make their way to the bullring, La Real Maestranza, where the bullfighters and breeders meet.", "id": "8005921" }, { "contents": "Bielefeld conspiracy\n\n\ncity council of Bielefeld tries hard to generate publicity for Bielefeld and build a nationally known public image of the city. However, even 26 years after the conspiracy started, the mayor's office still received phone calls and e-mails which claimed to doubt the existence of the city. In 1999, five years after the myth started to spread, the city council released a press statement titled \"!\" (Bielefeld \"does\" exist!) on April Fools' Day. In allusion to the origin of the conspiracy the", "id": "13917677" }, { "contents": "Maynard James Keenan\n\n\n7, the official site revealed that it was a hoax. During an interview Keenan later stated, \"It was April Fools'. If you fall for that on April Fools' Day, there's nothing I can do for you.\" He has been part of other April Fools' pranks related to Tool, including one in which he was said to be in critical condition after a tour bus accident. Keenan made a cameo in the 2009 film \"\". In May 2015, Keenan made a cameo in an", "id": "2137204" }, { "contents": "List of Google April Fools' Day jokes\n\n\nwill now tell you about a random historic April Fools prank. \"Power Mode - rack up combos and see sparks fly\". It introduced a new mode that, when activated, causes sparks to fly out from the cursor when typing, and shows an animated \"combo counter\". To commemorate the 15th anniversary of the email client’s release, the Gmail logo featured balloons and a party hat on April 1st. After a two year drought YouTube returned to making April Fools pranks. This year they had an ad on", "id": "6209833" }, { "contents": "Doe B\n\n\na tribute song to Doe B, titled \"Y'all Ain't Do Him Right\". T.I. released his own tribute song, which features Doe B, titled \"Flying with Angels\". On January 9, 2014, T.I. revealed a teaser for a Doe B song titled \"Why\", featuring himself. It was said to be a track featured on Doe B's upcoming posthumous debut album. Then five days later, \"Why\" was released for digital download. On April 1, 2014, Doe B's first", "id": "19658149" }, { "contents": "Why Do Fools Fall in Love (album)\n\n\nWhy Do Fools Fall in Love is an album by American singer Diana Ross, released in 1981 on the RCA label. It reached #15 in the United States (#4 R&B), #17 in the United Kingdom and the top ten in Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands. \"Why Do Fools Fall in Love\" was the first album Ross recorded after leaving the Motown label, when she signed a $20 million deal with RCA. Originally, Nile Rodgers and Bernard Edwards were slated to produce the follow-", "id": "9568576" }, { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\nd'avril\" in French, \"april vis\" in Dutch or \"pesce d'aprile\" in Italian). This includes attempting to attach a paper fish to the victim's back without being noticed. Such fish feature is prominently present on many late 19th- to early 20th-century French April Fools' Day postcards. Many newspapers also spread a false story on April Fish Day, and a subtle reference to a fish is sometimes given as a clue to the fact that it is an April fools' prank. In Lebanon, an", "id": "16255550" }, { "contents": "English festivals\n\n\nnot released until they shout \"Punch\". Oranges and heated coins are then thrown from the Town Hall steps to the children gathered outside. April Fools' Day is an annual celebration commemorated on April 1 by playing practical jokes and spreading hoaxes. The jokes and their victims are called April fools. People playing April Fool jokes often expose their prank by shouting \"April fool(s)\" at the unfortunate victim(s). Some newspapers, magazines and other published media report fake stories, which are usually explained the next day or below", "id": "18757387" }, { "contents": "New Day (novel)\n\n\n\"New Day\": “Father stopped quick, his breadth going with rush. Surprise there was on him, which made me wonder why; for Naomi and me knew well about Moses and my sis Ruthie. When we reached home, I asked Naomi why surprise should ha’ taken Father, but she laughed and said all menfolk were fool-fool….But I am a-tell you of Father’s voice that night. When he lifted his coco-macca stick and dropped it on Moses’s shoulder, heard", "id": "15771387" }, { "contents": "Jackson Avery\n\n\nJackson at Grey-Sloan Memorial. After extending her leave several times, Jackson gives April an ultimatum that if she does not return immediately to Seattle, their relationship is over. April does not immediately return, and when she finally does, Jackson feels that April does not respect his needs in the relationship, especially after losing a child. The two try to make it work, but eventually come to the decision to end their marriage. April discover she's pregnant the day of their divorce proceedings, but does not disclose", "id": "16872745" }, { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\nApril Fool prank is revealed by saying \"\"كذبة أول نيسان \"\" (which means \"April First Lie\") at the recipient. In many Spanish-speaking countries (and the Philippines), \"Dia de los Santos Inocentes\" (Holy Innocents Day) is a festivity which is very similar to the April Fools' Day, but it is celebrated in late December (27, 28 or 29 depending on the location, or January 10th for East Syrians). As a Western country, Israel has adopted the", "id": "16255551" }, { "contents": "The Teenagers\n\n\nsing lead on the day of the audition. Lymon sang the lead on \"Why Do Fools Fall in Love\" instead, and the group was signed to Gee as The Teenagers, with Lymon as lead singer. \"Why Do Fools Fall in Love\" was the Teenagers' first and biggest hit. The group, known for both their harmony and choreography, also had hits with \"I'm Not a Juvenile Delinquent\" and \"The ABC's of Love\". By 1957, the group was being billed as \"", "id": "7216746" }, { "contents": "Toonami\n\n\n: After Toonami's final episode on TV, Toonami Jetstream's subsequent shut down in 2009 marked the end of this incarnation until the brand's revival in 2012. On April 1, 2012, Adult Swim aired the Toonami block for their annual April Fools' Day prank. After airing that week's scheduled episode of \"Bleach\", the Toonami-related programming continued throughout the night, featuring shows such as \"Dragon Ball Z\", \"Mobile Suit Gundam Wing\", \"Tenchi Muyo!\", \"Outlaw Star", "id": "6767874" }, { "contents": "First Battle of Târgu Frumos\n\n\nTârgu Frumos and the regions west and north of the town. After a desperate two-day struggle by three divisions of 35th Corps to avoid encirclement, the fighting in the Târgu Frumos region quieted down by midday on 12 April. After the end of the battle, the \"Großdeutschland\" Division erected a new defensive line to protect Târgu Frumos, which extended in a wide arc from northwest, northeast, and east of the town. Manteuffel ultimately placed \"Großdeutschland\"s Panzergrenadier Regiment on the division's left wing northwest of the town", "id": "1549932" }, { "contents": "Eighth Creative Union of MEPhI\n\n\nand more than 100 people go to the village every year. April Fools’ Days (held annually in April). The first April Fools’ Day of Moscow Technical Universities was held on 1 April 1973. A large concert was arranged in Zamoskvorech’ye Community Centre and apart from the MEPhI ECU, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, National Research University of Electronic Technology and Kurchatov Institute student teams had taken part in it. Afterwards the event title changed to Day of Laughter, Fool's Day and Woodpecker", "id": "22040802" }, { "contents": "April Fool's Day (novel)\n\n\nApril Fool's Day is a 1993 book by Australian author Bryce Courtenay. The book is a tribute to the author's son, Damon Courtenay, a haemophiliac who contracted HIV/AIDS through an infected blood transfusion. The title refers to the date of Damon's death, 1 April 1991 (April Fools' Day). Damon was a classic haemophilliac all his life. He attempted to write this book himself but did not have much success. On his death bed, he asked his father to write it for him.", "id": "16096184" }, { "contents": "Happy Endings (TV series)\n\n\nwelcome joke for everyone. I don't love that [someone] did that\" and also stated that there was nothing moving forward. On April 1, 2015, a tweet confirmed that the entire \"new day\" countdown had in fact been a 55-day April Fools prank. David Caspe then confirmed the story that Pally and Wilson had told weeks earlier - that a writer or writers assistant with access to the Twitter account had come up with the idea without his knowledge. He did note that after the initial speculation began in", "id": "13102157" }, { "contents": "Wonderama\n\n\nshow was taped December 21 before airing on December 25. In an interview on WNEW's local talk show \"Midday with Bill Boggs\" on the day of \"Wonderama\"'s cancellation, host Bob McAllister claimed to have no idea why the show ended. However, in a 1990s interview with the Southern California interview show \"Remember When\", McAllister stated that an advertisement that he bought in \"The New York Times\" telling viewers to stop watching \"Wonderama\" might have led to the program's cancellation. McAllister bought", "id": "11764202" }, { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\nor a genuine important order or warning is issued on April Fools' Day, there is risk that it will be misinterpreted as a joke and ignored – for example, when Google, known to play elaborate April Fools' Day hoaxes, announced the launch of Gmail with 1-gigabyte inboxes in 2004, an era when competing webmail services offered 4-megabytes or less, many dismissed it as a joke outright. On the other hand, sometimes stories intended as jokes are taken seriously. Either way, there can be adverse effects, such as", "id": "16255559" }, { "contents": "Holiday Beanie Babies\n\n\nSt. Patrick's Day bear introduced was Erin. Erin was also seen as an international bear representing Ireland, though it was not exclusive to Ireland. April Fool was introduced on February 26, 2007, as the first beanie to represent April Fool's Day. It was retired July 14 of the same year. Occasionally, the words \"April Fool\" on the hang tag appeared upside-down, but this was reported only to be a production error. Various beanies have been made in honor of Father's Day. Several", "id": "20963909" }, { "contents": "April Fool's Day (2008 film)\n\n\nApril Fool's Day is a 2008 American direct-to-video slasher film remake of the 1986 film of the same name. It is directed by The Butcher Brothers, also known as Mitchell Altieri and Phil Flores, who also directed the vampire film \"The Hamiltons\". \"April Fool's Day\" is described by star Scout Taylor-Compton as \"\"Mean Girls\" crossed with horror\", and was released straight to DVD on March 25, 2008. The film received negative reviews from critics and fans.", "id": "477280" }, { "contents": "Brielle\n\n\nkalknacht) when the city is defaced with chalk - and now also white paint). Dutch students are taught a short rhyme to remember this fact, which rhyme refers to April Fools' Day: \"Op 1 april verloor Alva zijn bril.\" \"Op April zes verloor Alva zijn fles\" /poem poem\"On April 1st, Alva lost his glasses\" \"On April 6th Alva lost his bottle\" /poem In Dutch, \"bril\" is the word for \"glasses,\" and it closely rhymes with Briel; as does", "id": "1633457" }, { "contents": "San Serriffe\n\n\nreused for similar hoaxes in 1978, 1980 and 1999. In April 2009 the geography, history and culture of San Serriffe featured heavily in the paper's cryptic crossword. The idea for the hoax came from the \"Guardian\"′s Special Reports Manager Philip Davies. In a 2007 interview he said \"The \"Financial Times\" was always doing special reports on little countries I'd never heard of. I was thinking about April Fool's Day 1977 and I thought, why don't we just make a country up?\" Special Reports", "id": "11605480" }, { "contents": "Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol\n\n\nThe Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP) is a facetious communication protocol for controlling, monitoring, and diagnosing coffee pots. It is specified in RFC 2324, published on 1 April 1998 as an April Fools' Day RFC, as part of an April Fools prank. An extension, HTCPCP-TEA, was published as RFC 7168 on 1 April 2014 to support brewing teas, which is also an April Fools' Day RFC. RFC 2324 was written by Larry Masinter, who describes it as a satire, saying", "id": "3084532" }, { "contents": "April Fool's Day (1986 film)\n\n\nApril Fool's Day is a 1986 American mystery slasher film directed by Fred Walton, produced by Frank Mancuso, Jr., and starring Deborah Foreman, Amy Steel, Ken Olandt, Deborah Goodrich, Thomas F. Wilson, and Leah Pinsent. The plot tells about a group of college students vacationing on an island estate owned by their wealthy classmate, which is infiltrated by an unknown assailant. A remake of the same name was released direct-to-video in 2008. On the weekend leading up to April Fools' Day,", "id": "20965863" }, { "contents": "April Fool's Day (2008 film)\n\n\n. \"April Fool's Day\" was directed by The Butcher Brothers, and the two also re-wrote the script for the remake with Mikey Wigart. Picked up by Stage 6 Films for distribution, it was filmed in North Carolina under producers Tara L. Craig and Frank Mancuso Jr.. Mancuso had also produced the original. Scout Taylor-Compton noted that the filmmakers plan to make \"April Fool's Day\" an R-rated film. The film would retain most of the original's humor; however, Flores said", "id": "477288" }, { "contents": "List of Google April Fools' Day jokes\n\n\n. In YouTube's sixth April Fools' prank, YouTube joined forces with [[The Onion]], a newspaper satire company, by claiming that it will \"no longer accept new entries\". YouTube began the process of selecting a winner on April 1, 2013 and would delete everything else. YouTube would go back online in 2023 to post the winning video and nothing else. After that, on April 1, 2013, YouTube briefly repeated the \"YouTube Collection\" joke from April 1, 2012. They also", "id": "6209794" }, { "contents": "April Fool's Day (2008 film)\n\n\nperson does not confess, all of them will be dead by midnight. As a show of intent, the computer has footage of Charles drowning in his pool. Everyone goes from the cemetery to the pool to confirm this mishap. Subsequently, an increasingly frantic Desiree sees one \"suspect\" after another \"murdered\" before her eyes (though the bodies keep disappearing). Barbie is electrocuted in a beauty pageant dressing room, Peter's campaign truck runs him down in a parking garage, Ryan's throat is slit in his", "id": "477284" }, { "contents": "April in Quahog\n\n\nthe house from \"King of the Hill\" was released by 20th Century Fox. A press release of a purported crossover was also made public. Having released the information on April Fools' Day, the crossover was revealed to be an April Fools' prank after the episode aired without a crossover occurring. \"April in Quahog\", along with the eleven other episodes from \"Family Guy\"s eighth season, was released on a three-disc DVD set in the United States on December 13, 2011. The sets include brief", "id": "16946200" }, { "contents": "List of Kill Bill characters\n\n\n, Elle does grudgingly respect The Bride, describing her as \"the greatest warrior [she] had ever met\" and also believing that she deserved better than to have supposedly met her end at the hands of someone like Budd. Like Bill and The Bride, Elle was trained by Pai Mei. When she showed disrespect to Pai Mei by calling him a \"miserable old fool\", he responded by plucking out her right eye as punishment, which is why she is shown to wear an eyepatch over it. In retaliation", "id": "4736658" }, { "contents": "Why Do Fools Fall in Love (film)\n\n\n\"Why Do Fools Fall in Love\" is a fresh, enlightening example of how to take a tragic American show-business story and make it funny, warm and terrifically entertaining...[it] brims with joyful spirit and raucous comedy...[and the film] deftly juggles a surprising number of elements, but they all work.\" Wins Nominations Two soundtrack albums were released for \"Why Do Fools Fall in Love\" by Warner Music Group. \"Why Do Fools Fall in Love: Original Versions from the Movie\", released", "id": "4007772" }, { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\ncustom of pranking on April Fools' Day. As well as people playing pranks on one another on April Fools' Day, elaborate pranks have appeared on radio and TV stations, newspapers, websites, and have been performed by large corporations. In one famous prank from 1957, the BBC broadcast a film in their \"Panorama\" current affairs series purporting to show Swiss farmers picking freshly-grown spaghetti, in what they called the Swiss Spaghetti Harvest. The BBC were later flooded with requests to purchase a spaghetti plant, forcing", "id": "16255552" }, { "contents": "The Price Is Right (American game show)\n\n\nBid and pricing game as part of April Fool's Day. The 2013 April Fools' show featured Carey and announcer George Gray modeling the prizes while the show's models performed hosting and announcing duties for the day. On the April Fools' Day episode in 2014, Craig Ferguson, Carey's former castmate from \"The Drew Carey Show\", and Shadoe Stevens hosted and announced, swapping places with Carey and Gray respectively, who performed the same roles on the previous night's episode of \"The Late Late Show\".", "id": "16382484" }, { "contents": "So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show\n\n\nlies unconscious in the hospital bed, Bart tearfully confesses that he was the one who put him in the hospital with his shaken beer can prank. Having heard this, Homer comes out of the coma and ends up strangling Bart for his prank. Despite this, Marge and the others are happy that Homer is finally well. The episode ends with Homer, still under the assumption that it is April Fools' Day, trying to fool the family by saying he is taking them to Hawaii. However, Bart, Lisa,", "id": "7752554" }, { "contents": "Rozz Williams\n\n\nbe found in the liner notes of his albums, in his signature, and also on his urn. It is also unknown as to why Williams committed suicide on April Fools' Day. Some believe that his death at the age of 34 reflects this intrigue, but this has not been proven. In the introduction for \"And What About the Bells?\", Wildstar states that he views the details surrounding Williams's death as a form of art. A memorial for Williams is located at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. The", "id": "728618" }, { "contents": "Tisha B'Av\n\n\nfast ends at nightfall, according to tradition the First Temple continued burning throughout the night and for most of the following day, the tenth of Av. It is therefore customary to maintain all restrictions of the nine days through midday (\"chatzos\") of the following day. When Tisha B'Av falls on a Saturday, and is therefore observed on Sunday, the 10th of Av, it is not necessary to wait until midday Monday to end restrictions of the nine days. However, one refrains from involvement in activity that would", "id": "11744597" }, { "contents": "Blue Monday (comics)\n\n\npass it off later as an April Fool's Day joke. When all the girls at school swoon over him, though, Victor decides he may have a good thing going. \"Inbetween Days\" also includes the short story \"Blue Belles,\" a crossover with Paul Dini's Jingle Belle. The gang has a memorable Christmas Eve encounter with Santa's wayward daughter. This story follows immediately after the end of \"Absolute Beginners\", and before \"Inbetween Days\". Bleu is still upset and depressed over the incident", "id": "3333139" }, { "contents": "Why Do Fools Fall in Love (film)\n\n\non September 8, 1998 by Rhino Records, contained fourteen songs, including five of Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers' original recordings. Also included are original hits by Little Richard, The Platters, The Shirelles, Otis Redding and others. \"Why Do Fools Fall in Love: Music from and Inspired by the Motion Picture\" was released on the same day as \"Original Versions from the Movie\", but on Warner's East West Records label. Save for one vintage Little Richard song, it features new hip-hop", "id": "4007773" }, { "contents": "Criticism of government response to Hurricane Katrina\n\n\nfifth day, why no massive air drop of food and water ... in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, they got food drops two days after the tsunami.\" Once officials became aware of the conditions at the Convention Center a small amount of basic food supplies were diverted there by helicopter, but there were no large-scale deliveries until a truck convoy arrived at midday September 2 — the damage to infrastructure by the still present floodwaters and mob attacks delayed relief workers. Federal officials also underestimated the number of people converging on the convention", "id": "7762926" }, { "contents": "WOXY (FM)\n\n\nit so, Hearin' that good old rock and roll. This here station's got a lotta power, But that's because of the water tower, If you dig it we do know why, And with that verse we'll say \"bye bye.\" Every April Fool's Day, WOXR played the same song repeatedly for an entire hour (then playing a different song during the next hour, etc.). WOXR featured contests with prizes consisting of album rejects (called \"The Worst Contest\").", "id": "15169519" }, { "contents": "Dustbin Baby\n\n\nyoung waiter there and named April by the hospital as she was found on April Fool's Day. She was fostered by Patricia Williams, but only lived with her a short time before being adopted. April's first stop on her fourteenth birthday is Pat's house. She finds that she remembers little of it and Pat remembers little of her. However she does befriend one of Patricia's new foster children - Tanya - a character seen before along with Pat in another of Jacqueline Wilson's books: \"Bad Girls\".", "id": "20906929" }, { "contents": "Rob Brydon\n\n\n\", Brydon also does occasional stints as a stand-in presenter on BBC Radio 2. He has stood in for Ken Bruce, one of the people whom he impersonates. On 1 April 2011 he appeared in Bruce's place on his show as an April Fools' Day joke. Between September and October 2011, Brydon starred alongside Sir Kenneth Branagh in Francis Veber's play \"The Painkiller\" at the Lyric Theatre in Belfast. He reprised his role with Branagh, in March and April 2016, at the Garrick Theatre", "id": "2512505" }, { "contents": "12-hour clock\n\n\nante meridiem\" (a.m.) means before midday and \"post meridiem\" (p.m.) means after midday. Since \"noon\" (midday, \"meridies\" (m.)) is neither before nor after itself, the terms a.m. and p.m. do not apply. Although \"12 m.\" was suggested as a way to indicate noon, this is seldom done and also does not resolve the question of how to indicate midnight. \"The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language\" states \"By convention, \"12 AM", "id": "10724628" }, { "contents": "Why Do Fools Fall in Love (film)\n\n\nand contemporary R&B recordings more or less unrelated to the actual film (one track, Gina Thompson's \"Why Do Fools Fall in Love\", interpolates the Teenagers' hit and is featured over the end credits of the film). Primarily produced by Missy Elliott and Timbaland, this soundtrack album features songs by artists such as Elliott, Busta Rhymes, En Vogue, Destiny's Child, Coko and, making her solo debut, Spice Girls member Melanie B. \"I Want You Back\" by Melanie Brown featuring Missy Elliott peaked", "id": "4007774" }, { "contents": "IParty with Victorious\n\n\nis actually the first of four crossovers between both \"iCarly\" and \"Victorious\". The second and third crossovers occur during each shows' April Fools' Day specials, both of which debuted on March 24, 2012. At one point in the \"Victorious\" April Fools' special, \"April Fools Blank\", Tori is seen coming out of the elevator and into the living room of Carly's apartment, where Spencer is sitting on the couch. Meanwhile, in the \"iCarly\" episode \"iApril Fools\"", "id": "17675704" }, { "contents": "Sisteray\n\n\nradio plays has seen the bands popularity grow significantly. The band toured the new EP in October and November of 2018, concluded with a sold out show at London's famous The 100 Club, which was attended by former England defender Stuart Pearce, after championing the band on TalkSport. On April Fools day, 1st of April 2019, premiered their new Brexit themed single 'April Fools' on John Kennedy's Radio X show. Sisteray are influenced by 1970s punk era bands such as the Buzzcocks, the Gun Club and the", "id": "17903296" }, { "contents": "Why Marry?\n\n\n\" The East Lynne Theater Company presented \"Why Marry?\" in Cape May, New Jersey, April 2013. The play takes place during a week-end at a country house. The characters are: Jean, the host's youngest sister, brought up to be married; Rex, an unmarried neighbor; Lucy, the hostess; Cousin Theodore, a clergyman who does not believe in divorce; John, the host, who owns the house—\"and almost everyone in it\"—also does not believe in divorce; Uncle Everett, a", "id": "16043850" }, { "contents": "Laiki agora\n\n\nproduce. Sellers change their prices frequently within the same day, especially for sensitive products such as fish. The price is usually high early in the morning (8-9h00) and is lowered as the time passes, especially if the product does not sell well that particular day. The new price is advertised on paper cards and orally. The lowest possible prices can be found after the midday (particularly by 13-14h00), often less than half the original starting price. After 13h30 or on 14h00 the sellers can", "id": "5726903" }, { "contents": "April Fool (1964 film)\n\n\nApril Fool is a 1964 Indian Bollywood film produced and directed by Subodh Mukherji. It stars Biswajeet and Saira Banu in pivotal roles. This film got mixed reviews from critics, with a 6/10 star rating from Imdb. This is a Comedy/Romance film. Ashok comes from a wealthy family, which is run by his dad, and elder brother, Alok. Ashok himself is a slacker, and is only interested in slacking, and playing practical jokes, and no doubt his favorite day is fool's day, 1 April", "id": "4715160" }, { "contents": "Tenaliraman (film)\n\n\nset to the period with the mix and master of today's digital sound. This film's music did take me for a time travel and hope it does with the listeners too.\" The audio of the film was launched on April Fool's Day. Imman had tweeted, \"The background score is in full swing, and nearing completion. I'm sure u guys gonna love Vadivelu sir back on screen! Audio on April 1\". In addition to Viveka, Puthumaipithan's lyrics were also used. The album", "id": "10582112" }, { "contents": "List of hoaxes\n\n\nThe following are lists of hoaxes: These are some claims that have been revealed, or proven definitively, to be deliberate public hoaxes. This list does not include hoax articles published on or around April 1, a long list of which can be found in the \"List of April Fools' Day jokes\" article. \"Proven hoaxes of exposure\" are semi-comical or private sting operations. They usually encourage people to act foolishly or credulously by falling for patent nonsense that the hoaxer deliberately presents as reality. See also", "id": "4804020" }, { "contents": "Stage Fright (Only Fools and Horses)\n\n\nnight, Del eventually makes it to the Starlight Rooms after being in court. Eric introduces Raquel, who starts singing \"Crying\". Things are going well, until Tony takes the stage and sings along. Only then does it emerge why Tony only sings certain songs; he has a rhotacism, causing him to pronounce his R's incorrectly, making \"Crying\" sound more like \"Cwying\". Del quickly leaves after the song is over, while Rodney applauds politely. Back at Nelson Mandela House, Del is worried", "id": "16120929" }, { "contents": "Internet Protocol\n\n\nIPv8, and IPv9. IPv9 (aka TCP and UDP with Big Addresses) resurfaced mid-2004 and purportedly being researched and adopted in China, which China disowns. On April 1, 1994, the IETF published an April Fools' Day joke about IPv9. The design of the Internet protocol suite adheres to the end-to-end principle, a concept adapted from the CYCLADES project. Under the end-to-end principle, the network infrastructure is considered inherently unreliable at any single network element or transmission medium and is dynamic", "id": "15464071" }, { "contents": "Jafr alien invasion\n\n\neditor did not specify why Jafr was chosen as the butt of the joke, but BBC coverage noted that the area was \"notorious\" for its military bases that were used by American soldiers during joint military exercises with the Jordanian military, and which once housed alleged al-Qaida militants. The prank drew comparison to the 1938 radio broadcast of \"War of the Worlds\" which provoked panic in the United States. Although April Fool's Day jokes in newspapers are a common tradition in some countries, this is not the case", "id": "14326496" }, { "contents": "Ben & Jerry's\n\n\nfake company. Ben & Jerry's had created the tongue-in-cheek hoax to raise awareness of the increasing presence of products from cloned animals within American food and to campaign for a tracking system of cloned-animal products. The hoax was revealed on April Fool's Day with the message: \"We believe you should have the right to choose which foods you eat – and not to eat cloned foods if you don't want to. And that's why Ben & Jerry's believes we need a national clone tracking", "id": "7411384" }, { "contents": "Saints Row: The Third downloadable content\n\n\nsuperpower sequences, and questioned why they could not have been unlocked in the main game afterwards. All download packs offered unlocks upon their completion. \"The Full Package\", a version containing all of the game's downloadable content on disc alongside the main game, was released in November. Some of the smaller content items include costume, vehicle, and ability unlocks. THQ planned a standalone expansion of the game called \"Enter the Dominatrix\". It was originally an April Fools' Day prank, that would be spun into", "id": "759787" }, { "contents": "So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show\n\n\nand Marge tell Homer that the current date is May 16, that Homer was in a coma for 7 weeks, and that he lost 5% of his brain as a result. The family laughs it off even though Homer's not sure why he is laughing. The episode originally aired on April Fools' Day, 1993 on the Fox network. It was directed by Carlos Baeza, and written by Jon Vitti with contributions from Al Jean, Mike Reiss, Jay Kogen, Wallace Wolodarsky, John Swartzwelder, Jeff Martin,", "id": "7752555" }, { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\ncelebrated on April 1. The practice of April Fool pranks and hoaxes is controversial. The mixed opinions of critics are epitomized in the reception to the 1957 BBC \"Spaghetti-tree hoax\", in reference to which, newspapers were split over whether it was \"a great joke or a terrible hoax on the public\". The positive view is that April Fools' can be good for one's health because it encourages \"jokes, hoaxes...pranks, [and] belly laughs\", and brings all the benefits of", "id": "16255557" }, { "contents": "List of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit characters\n\n\nshe does not like the tone he is using with her, after he asked why he has never heard of this man. After returning to New York City in the episode \"Official Story\", she heads back overseas on a new assignment. In the episode \"Valentine's Day\", she is once again back in New York and shows up in the squad room after Amaro was late for their Valentine's Day dinner. At the end of this episode, Amaro watches his wife enter an unknown brownstone, and he", "id": "6943274" }, { "contents": "Won't Get Fooled Again\n\n\nat Olympic Studios at the end of April. The track was mixed at Island Studios by Johns on 28 May. After \"Lifehouse\" was abandoned as a project, Johns felt \"Won't Get Fooled Again\", along with other songs, were so good that they could simply be released as a standalone single album, which became \"Who's Next\". \"Won't Get Fooled Again\" was first released in the UK as a single A-side on 25 June 1971, edited down to 3:35. It replaced", "id": "776325" }, { "contents": "Fyodor Ivanovich Tolstoy\n\n\n\"or a philosopher\" (или философа) were changed to \"a fool-philosopher\" (глупца-философа), Pushkin strongly objected: \"'A fool-philosopher' is printed; why a fool? The poem refers to the American Tolstoy, who is not a fool at all\". While in exile, Pushkin assiduously prepared himself for the duel, practicing his shooting on a regular basis. On September 8, 1826, almost immediately after returning to Moscow, he sent Tolstoy his challenge. The duel", "id": "17575255" }, { "contents": "The Fool (Warpaint album)\n\n\n, were featured on a playlist by BBC Radio 1 as part of the \"In New Music We Trust\" and \"Undertow\" was exclusively re-released in April 2011 as part of the international Record Store Day. On September 26, 2011, less than a year after its original release, a deluxe edition of \"The Fool\" was released, featuring two bonus tracks and a second disc with \"Exquisite Corpse\". In 2011, \"The Fool\" was awarded a silver certification from the Independent Music Companies Association", "id": "10684602" }, { "contents": "Penumbra: Requiem\n\n\nhas begun.\" With the announcement of \"\", the series (originally intended to be a trilogy) was reduced to two episodes due to unidentified problems with the previous publisher, Lexicon Entertainment. After the release of \"Black Plague\", there continued to be no indication that the developers intended to expand the series other than an April Fools' Day posting about \"Penumbra 3: Back With a Vengeance\", a game which promised over-the-top violence and \"an action-filled blood soaked ending!", "id": "17900000" }, { "contents": "Abou Diaby\n\n\nApril Fools' Day 2006. He was set up for the goal by fellow club newcomer Emmanuel Adebayor. On 1 May, Diaby suffered a severe ankle fracture after being on the receiving end of a tackle, described by the media as \"horrendous\", from Sunderland defender Dan Smith. After the match, Wenger described the tackle as \"a bad kick and an unnecessary one\" and also criticized his competitors' over-physicality, while interim Sunderland manager Kevin Ball defended Smith stating \"Smith is not a malicious, dirty", "id": "16574508" }, { "contents": "Chasing the Scream\n\n\nTwain storytelling, \"Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs\" is beautifully wrought: lively, humorous, and poignant. And, it’s a compelling case for why the drug war must end, yesterday.” Stephen Fry, whose 2014 memoir \"More Fool Me\" recalled his 15-year addiction to cocaine, praised the book: “This book is, forgive the obvious phrase, screamingly addictive. The story it tells, jaw-droppingly horrific, hilarious and incredible, is one everyone", "id": "1173504" }, { "contents": "Mystic Messenger\n\n\nthe story or get a bad ending, depending on the player's choices and chatroom participation. In December 2016, Cheritz added a new \"special content\" section to the game. The DLC contains new chatrooms, messages, CGs, phone calls, ringtones, and background music. The Christmas episode was added on December 19, 2016; the story spans 2 days with 8 endings. The April's Fools episode was added on March 21, 2017; the story spans 1 day with 3 endings. These special contents remain", "id": "19987238" }, { "contents": "List of Google April Fools' Day jokes\n\n\n]) Translate' had been opened on April 1, 2008. When the user tried to use this translator, a message appeared, explaining that it was April Fools' Day event and was not executable. Google announced plans to, on April 22, 2008 (Earth Day), shorten all conversations over Google Talk thereby reducing the energy required to transmit chats in an effort to reduce carbon output. Google launched their \"Wake Up Kit\" as a calendar notification option. The 'wake up' notification uses several progressively", "id": "6209739" }, { "contents": "Damon Salvatore\n\n\nApril captive. She does, and begins to suffer from hallucinations at the end of the episode. After asking Stefan why he wants to cure Elena, Damon tells him that he loves Elena as a vampire or human. In the episode 'We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes', Damon helps Elena in dealing with her hallucinations and saves her from committing suicide. He also helps uncover the mystery about the hunter's curse with the help of Bonnie and Professor Shane. At the end of the episode, he reveals the", "id": "13249827" }, { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\n1. In the Netherlands, the origin of April Fools' Day is often attributed to the Dutch victory at Brielle in 1572, where the Spanish Duke Álvarez de Toledo was defeated. \"Op 1 april verloor Alva zijn bril\" is a Dutch proverb, which can be translated to: \"On the first of April, Alva lost his glasses.\" In this case, the glasses (\"bril\" in Dutch) serve as a metaphor for Brielle. This theory, however, provides no explanation for the international celebration", "id": "16255542" }, { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\nany country. Aside from April Fools' Day, the custom of setting aside a day for the playing of harmless pranks upon one's neighbour has historically been relatively common in the world. A disputed association between April 1 and foolishness is in Geoffrey Chaucer's \"The Canterbury Tales\" (1392). In the \"Nun's Priest's Tale\", a vain cock Chauntecleer is tricked by a fox on \"Syn March bigan thritty dayes and two\". Readers apparently understood this line to mean \"32 March\",", "id": "16255538" }, { "contents": "April Fool's Day (1986 film)\n\n\nIn 2015, as part of Varese Sarabande's LP to CD subscription series, the vinyl album was released on cd for the first time in a replica vinyl cardboard slip. Track listing A novelization of the film by Jeff Rovin was published in 1986 by Pocket Books alongside its theatrical release. This novelization features an alternate ending in which Skip sneaks back onto the island after everyone has left to kill Muffy for his share of the family money, though he fails and winds up dead himself. This ending has never been released,", "id": "20965874" }, { "contents": "Canadian Football League in the United States\n\n\nunder exclusively Canadian-based ownership for the first time in decades. Further U.S. expansion has been occasionally proposed informally However, the league itself has expressed little interest in these proposals and U.S. expansion has not been formally explored. The spectre of American CFL games has mainly been used as a device for satire and April Fool's Day jokes. For five years after the expansion era contract with ESPN ended in 1997, the CFL was absent on American television. At the end of 2001, the league began a relationship with the now", "id": "7442430" }, { "contents": "April Fools' Day\n\n\nthem to declare the film a hoax on the news the next day. With the advent of the Internet and readily available global news services, April Fools' pranks can catch and embarrass a wider audience than ever before. December 28, the equivalent day in Spain, Hispanic America and the Philippines, is also the Christian day of celebration of the \"Day of the Holy Innocents\". The Christian celebration is a holiday in its own right, a religious one, but the tradition of pranks is not, though the latter", "id": "16255553" }, { "contents": "Bayonetta\n\n\nfire at a few enemies) and considered part of the April Fools' Day pranks, players found several bits of pieces in the achievements that pointed to a countdown timer on Sega's website ending on April 11, 2017, as well as other data mining suggesting a possible port of the \"Bayonetta\" game to Windows. At the end of the timer, it was confirmed that \"Bayonetta\" was coming to Windows, supporting 4K graphics and other improvements from the original versions. A spokesperson for Platinum Games said that", "id": "11052557" }, { "contents": "Murder of Cooper Harris\n\n\nteenage girl and sending her nude photos. Evidence presented by the prosecution included a video of Ross Harris returning to the SUV at midday to put some lightbulbs into the front seat. In the video, it does not appear that Ross Harris looks into the vehicle, but police investigators contended that the stench of death had filled the car and that Ross Harris must have noticed it, either at that point or when he drove the car away at the end of the day. On cross-examination, the officers admitted that they", "id": "2146574" }, { "contents": "Gina Thompson\n\n\nsong \"Cold Rock A Party\" by MC Lyte featuring Missy Elliott and Puff Daddy. She also appeared on Lyte's 1998 album \"Seven & Seven\", on the track 'It's All Yours\". Later work included \"Why Do Fools Fall in Love\", a re-imagining of the 1955 Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers hit of the same name. Thompson's \"Why Do Fools Fall in Love,\" featuring Missy Elliott and rapper Mocha, was featured in the 1998 Lymon biopic \"Why Do Fools", "id": "8015691" }, { "contents": "List of Google April Fools' Day jokes\n\n\nLinux and the Latin word for moon, as well as a reference to both the Windows XP visual style and Mac OS X) is the name of a new operating system they claimed to have created for working at the research center. Google also announced Gmail on April 1, with an unprecedented and unbelievable free 1 GB space, compared to e.g. Hotmail's 2 MB. The announcement of Gmail was written in an unserious jokey language normally seen in April Fools' jokes, tricking many into thinking that it was an April Fools", "id": "6209722" }, { "contents": "The Mandalorian Armor\n\n\nBounty Hunters Guild, the guild elders having finally welcomed Fett into their organization. Bossk does not trust Fett and calls his father a fool for doing so. The father and son exchange death threats which is common among Trandoshans; as is feasting on the remains of your enemies, and killing and eating your siblings shortly after birth. Bossk asked why Fett would join now. Fett explained that times are changing and that pressures in the galaxy—including Black Sun—have forced him to change his stance on the guild. Bossk", "id": "10930513" }, { "contents": "The Bounty Hunter Wars\n\n\nto the past, Boba Fett is at a feast welcoming him to the Bounty Hunters Guild, the guild elders having finally welcomed Fett into their organization. Bossk does not trust Fett and calls his father a fool for doing so. The father and son exchange death threats which is common among Trandoshans; as is feasting on the remains of your enemies, and killing and eating your siblings shortly after birth. Bossk asked why Fett would join now. Fett explained that times are changing and that pressures in the galaxy—including Black", "id": "4359631" } ]
Why are women athlete outfits far more revealing than those of men?
[{"answer": "Some of it is probably the sexualization of women, but some of it is just what the athletes find acceptable and comfortable. Many women already wear tight/ form fitting clothes in their daily lives. Few men do. So it would be unusual for that to flip when it comes to athletic wear. Women commonly wear short shorts. Guys commonly wear baggier shorts. So it's not a surprise that women feel comfortable with short shorts/ tights in athletics. It would be weird if a guy started wearing short tights when he only wears longer, more baggy clothes outside of sport."}, {"answer": "The question should be. Why aren't men's athlete outfits as revealing as women's? I want to feel comfortable with my cock and balls enveloped in latex, not wrapped up like pigs in blankets."}, {"answer": "As a woman I hate t shirts when exercising. I buy tank tops. They are much cooler. And tight clothes is better for running as it doesn't move around as much. Guys who want less matterial in their shirt just go shirtless."}, {"answer": "There's a few sports that play up sexier outfits for women, like tennis, beach volleyball and others. Even in those, it's function over form. But if you've got a great body, what's wrong with showing it off? Especially if it gets some sponsorship dollars. Conversely, when men's sports apparel is more revealing than women's, such as in boxing and swimming, it never gets mentioned. But I know women (and quite a few men) are looking at them."}, {"answer": "Bikini Rugby sounds like a fake sport designed for cheap thrills. Women's basketball uniforms are about as revealing as men's (not very). Swimsuits? Ski/skating wear?"}, {"answer": "[Are]( URL_1 ) [they]( URL_0 ) really, though? TBH it probably has more to do with what is socially acceptable than anything else. I'm sure a guy would be free to wear clothing similar to a girl, like extremely short shorts and a crop top, or a full bathing suit, but he won't because it's not normal right now. FYI, in reference to the Olympics, it used to be men only and everyone would compete naked. Even the audience was naked to make sure no women came to see it, because no women were allowed... and it was fine cause that was what was socially acceptable at the time."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "51402030", "title": "Muslim women in sport", "section": "Section::::Media portrayal.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 51, "end_paragraph_id": 51, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Milliyet\" newspaper columnist Asu Maro documented two distinct sources of criticism K\u00fcbra Da\u011fl\u0131 faced Muslims who saw taekwondo itself as improper for women, and secular organizations that wanted her to remove her hijab during competitions. He condemned both groups as holding \"sexist ideologies\" that are harmful to K\u00fcbra Da\u011fl\u0131 and other Muslim female athletes.", "Some Muslim female athletes have expressed concern that media sources focus on their clothing choices to the exclusion of their athletic achievements. For example, Turkish taekwondo athlete K\u00fcbra Da\u011fl\u0131 wrote on social media, \"They don't speak of my success, but of my headscarf. I dont want this. Our success should be discussed.\" \"Milliyet\" newspaper columnist Asu Maro documented two distinct sources of criticism K\u00fcbra Da\u011fl\u0131 faced Muslims who saw taekwondo itself as improper for women, and secular organizations that wanted her to remove her hijab during competitions. He condemned both groups as holding \"sexist ideologies\" that are harmful to K\u00fcbra Da\u011fl\u0131 and other Muslim female athletes. In 2017, Nike unveiled its \"Pro Hijab\", a hijab designed for safety and comfort during strenuous exercise. The garment was tested by elite athletes like figure skater Zahra Lari, and"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "3957665", "title": "Women's professional sports", "section": "Section::::Australia.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 53, "end_paragraph_id": 53, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["It was not until the 1920's and 1930's when women wore more fitting bathing suits. In the 1900's, more teams started to emerge for women.", "United States and earning among the top 10 sportswomen. Throughout the late 1800's and until the twentieth century, women were only allowed to swim. When swimming they had to wear oversized bathing suits to protect themselves from men. It was not until the 1920's and 1930's when women wore more fitting bathing suits. In the 1900's, more teams started to emerge for women. A majority of the groups were lawn bowls and golf clubs, but in 1930s, athletic clubs were created such as track and field. In the 1970's and, so forth, gender specific sport teams had been created."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "162483", "title": "Transvestism", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Transvestism is the practice of dressing and acting in a style or manner traditionally associated with the opposite sex. In some cultures, transvestism is practiced for religious, traditional, or ceremonial reasons. The term is rarely applied to women.", "Transvestism is the practice of dressing and acting in a style or manner traditionally associated with the opposite sex. In some cultures, transvestism is practiced for religious, traditional, or ceremonial reasons. The term is rarely applied to women."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Feminism and equality\n\n\nequality was often unclear. \"Then, as now, many parties used the terms polemically, as epithets, rather than analytically; then, as now, the words were not used by everyone to mean the same thing. And, as the study of their history reveals, they referred far more often to the 'rights of women' than to 'rights equal to those of men.' This is a subtle but profound distinction. Even then the vocabulary of feminism connoted a far broader sociopolitical critique, a critique that", "id": "13952181" }, { "contents": "Feminisation of the workplace\n\n\nPhD. However, once hired, they are more likely to prosper in the STEM profession. Women who have a family are more likely to switch to a non-STEM major or work fewer hours than men in the same fields. In the United States, women are seen as 'ill-equipped' to participate in sports, and their involvement was viewed as unfeminine and undesirable. The reasons why women experience less academic advantage from sports than men do focus on the clash between expectations for women, athletes, and the stigma", "id": "9601446" }, { "contents": "Irish slaves myth\n\n\nthe journalist Sean O'Callaghan. The book continued Hoffman's themes and introduced the concept of Irish women being forcibly bred with African men in order to produce mulattos, who are represented as being more valuable than slaves of purely Irish ancestry. It is not made clear why this is the case, or why it was not possible to achieve the same result with the physical union of European men and African women, a far more frequent interracial union. Other authors repeated these lurid descriptions of Irish women being compelled to have sex with African", "id": "8408975" }, { "contents": "Feminism in Sweden\n\n\nwomen who are heads of state globally. Additionally, a study of 31 major peace processes between 1992 and 2011 revealed that only 9% of negotiators were women. Of those who signed peace agreements, more than 96 per cent were men. This is why Representation is another focus point for the Swedish Government, promoting women's participation and influence in all decision-making processes on all levels and areas. The Swedish Feminist Foreign policy works to ensure that government resources are allocated with a gender sensitive lens to promote equality and equal", "id": "15078845" }, { "contents": "Media depictions of body shape\n\n\nincreasingly thinner during the 1980s and 1990s, making the thin ideal even more difficult for women to achieve. Photos depicting the models' entire bodies significantly increased in number from the 1960s to the 1990s. From 1995 to 1999 models were dressed in far more revealing outfits than they were from 1959 to 1963. Women's magazines have been criticized for their conflicting messages, with an emphasis on food, cooking, child rearing, and entertaining. 75% of women's magazines contain at least one ad or article about how to alter", "id": "3090874" }, { "contents": "Women's Suffrage and Western Women's Fashion through the early 1900s\n\n\nvote. This was an outfit that exposed the knee for the first time if stockings were worn, which was not always mandatory. This outfit was worn by young women in the 1920s and oftentimes was not approved of by older men and women of the time. The flapper was less of a style and more of a persona. It described a young revealing woman who did not have a lot of respect for the floor length skirt of yesterday. The flapper showed that women were able to express themselves more and show what they", "id": "5403889" }, { "contents": "Kimono\n\n\nonly be seen in museums, movies, costume demonstrations, tourist attractions or at certain festivals. These robes are one of the most expensive items of Japanese clothing. Only the Imperial Household still officially uses them at some important functions. In contrast to women's kimono, men's kimono outfits are far simpler, typically consisting of five pieces, not including footwear. Men's kimono sleeves are attached to the body of the kimono with no more than a few inches unattached at the bottom, unlike the women's style of very", "id": "17021957" }, { "contents": "Bahá'í Faith and gender equality\n\n\ncommunity is central to Bahá'í community life as is implemented at a practical level. The Bahá'í teachings state that women are not inferior to men, and should not be subordinate to men in aspects of social life. In fact, the education of daughters is held to be more important than, and therefore to take precedence over, that of sons. In the Bahá'í view, women have always been equal to men, and the reason why women have so far not achieved this equality is due to the lack of adequate educational and", "id": "7963061" }, { "contents": "Athlete's foot\n\n\nenvironment the fungus needs to thrive. Besides being exposed to any of the modes of transmission presented above, there are additional risk factors that increase one's chance of contracting athlete's foot. Persons who have had athlete's foot before are more likely to become infected than those who have not. Adults are more likely to catch athlete's foot than children. Men have a higher chance of getting athlete's foot than women. People with diabetes or weakened immune systems are more susceptible to the disease. HIV/AIDS hampers the", "id": "99150" }, { "contents": "Gender inequality\n\n\nin these positions of power are more likely to hire or promote other men, thus discriminating against women. Sonja B. Starr conducted a study in the US that found that the prison sentences that men serve are on average 63% longer than those that women serve when controlling for arrest offense and criminal history. However, the study does not purport to explain why this is the case. Starr does not believe that men are disadvantaged generally. Men's rights advocates have argued that men being over-represented in both those who commit", "id": "15047668" }, { "contents": "Gender disparities in health\n\n\nother services for intimate partner violence is covered for women and not for men. In European countries the results were different than those of people in the United States. While in the United States poor men had less quality healthcare than women, in European countries men had less access to healthcare. The studies revealed that people, of age 50 and over, who struggled to make ends meet (subjective poverty) were 38% more likely to decline in health than those who were considered low income or had low overall wealth. However", "id": "12738320" }, { "contents": "Lin Lanying\n\n\nscience field, women and men are equal and that the reason why fewer women are in this field is that women are more easily distracted by e.g., gossip, so women have to memorize more unrelated things and cannot focus on work. Her family included more than 20 people. Her mother and father influenced her most. Her father Jianhua Li was an educator. As a youth he moved far from home and studied at the university. Although he did not stay with Lanying, he often wrote letters to her and bought", "id": "8887894" }, { "contents": "The Student Nurses\n\n\nin the real world I wanted to see – a more equal and just balance of power between the sexes. That is why in some scenes the men are nude as well as the women, which definitely was not the convention then. But I wanted the women's independence to extend far beyond that issue to a life filled with meaning and purpose beyond marriage. Some women lived such lives in the Seventies, but it was a more novel idea in life and films than it is today. Most of the cast were unknown", "id": "6324650" }, { "contents": "Aruba at the 2004 Summer Olympics\n\n\ndelegation was in 1988, when it included eight athletes. This delegation included more women and encompassed more sports than any Aruban delegation since then (including the Athens Olympics). At the Athens Olympics, four athletes (three men and one woman) participated across three sports in four distinct events. Swimmer Roshendra Vrolijk was Aruba's flag bearer at the ceremonies. Aruban athletes have so far achieved qualifying standards in the following athletics events (up to a maximum of 3 athletes in each event at the 'A' Standard, and", "id": "5137034" }, { "contents": "Constance Drexel\n\n\nrelief funds or nurses. That's why I left the Red Cross\". A \"Chicago Herald\" editorial entitled “Horrible Logic” observed that her statement went far to confirm “that, when once moved to cruelty, women are infinitely more cruel than men.” In another column, she opined that \"perhaps the greatest curse of war\" was \"the effect of the loss of men on women and on the race\". She explained that the most \"harrowing sight in all of war-ridden Europe today", "id": "20280556" }, { "contents": "Kalinda Sharma\n\n\nwith women and often because they can help her with a case. Kalinda once claimed that she prefers women because to her, women are better lovers than men for women understand her needs and feelings better. Very little is known about Kalinda when the series begins, and she is incredibly secretive about her past. Kalinda's fashion plays a huge role in her character. As an employee in a prestigious law firm her outfit is a contrast to those of the lawyers as it's a lot more provocative and edgy. The character", "id": "9325692" }, { "contents": "Women in Pakistan\n\n\nhas begun to change with the issuance of government policy, in which 70% of new schools are built for girls, and also plans to increase the size of women's school so that the infrastructure matches those of men's schools and more female colleges have also been established in order to provide women with higher education. Women in elite urban districts of Pakistan enjoy a far more privileged lifestyle than those living in rural tribal areas. Women in urbanized districts typically lead more elite lifestyles and have more opportunities for education. Rural and", "id": "13111366" }, { "contents": "Love magic\n\n\n. Eros spells were used to instill lust and passion into women, leading them to fulfill the man who invoked the spells sexual desires. Without freedom, women could only hope to make their situation better, which is why they aimed at affection producing spells. Men, on the other hand, had the freedom to do what they want. Prostitutes lived lives that were far more similar to men than women. They were financially free, could live where they chose, and were not expected to serve just one man and home", "id": "2861720" }, { "contents": "Women's sports\n\n\nshows that gender is disregarded when the sport is covered in the media. The same study revealed that Women’s handball is covered and followed as equally if not more than the men’s team. In contrast to international handball coverage, the Norwegian coverage of Men’s and Women’s handball are discussed in the media using the same or similar verbiage. While they are especially noticeable in handball, equality and opportunity in Norwegian sports is not limited to the handball. Many top-female athletes from a number of sports have come from", "id": "19804879" }, { "contents": "Women are wonderful effect\n\n\n. This research found that while both women and men have more favorable views of women, women's in-group biases were 4.5 times stronger than those of men. And only women (not men) showed cognitive balance among in-group bias, identity, and self-esteem, revealing that men lack a mechanism that bolsters automatic preference for their own gender. Other experiments in this study found people showed automatic preference for their mothers over their fathers, or associated the male gender with violence or aggression. Rudman and Goodwin", "id": "16905558" }, { "contents": "List of winners of the London Marathon\n\n\nforty times. The most recent win by a British athlete was in the 2012 London Marathon, by David Weir in the Men's Wheelchair Race. It was his sixth win in London. Kenya has the second largest number of winning athletes. Seven Kenyan men and seven Kenyan women have been victorious a total of eighteen times, all in the able-bodied category. Eleven men, including those from the wheelchair races, have won the marathon more than once, Weir's six wins being the record. Sixteen women have been", "id": "13748618" }, { "contents": "Ambiguity aversion\n\n\nmore risk averse than men. One potential explanation for gender differences is that risk and ambiguity are related to cognitive and noncognitive traits on which men and women differ. Women initially respond to ambiguity much more favorably than men, but as ambiguity increases, men and women show similar marginal valuations of ambiguity. Psychological traits are strongly associated with risk but not to ambiguity. Adjusting for psychological traits explains why a gender difference exists within risk aversion and why these differences are not a part of ambiguity aversion. Since psychological measures are related to", "id": "5417496" }, { "contents": "Unpaid work\n\n\nthe household. Because women are traditionally believed to bring in less income than men, women are discouraged from investing in education and skills. This further entrenches women into domestic unpaid work, creating a cycle of social norms that is difficult to break and exacerbates gender inequality. This form of gender inequality feeds into the dynamic of 'gender risks', which explains why it is women and girls that are most disadvantaged, as well as why it is more likely for increased poverty to affect women more than men. Even if women", "id": "13852378" }, { "contents": "Issues in higher education in the United States\n\n\nThis observation poses a unique and confusing problem: if educational attainment has a positive correlation to familial income, why are more women entering and completing college than men? Bailey and Dynarski proposed that the observed educational gap by gender may be due to differing incentives to accumulate human capital. Men and women may participate in what they term \"segregated labor markets\" and \"asymmetric marriage markets,\" and perhaps, to make up for those perceived market differences, woman are more motivated to obtain higher levels of education. The gap of", "id": "16930172" }, { "contents": "Mommy track\n\n\na one-time fall in pay immediately after childbirth of about 6%, but after that initial fall the wage gap between women with children and those without does not continue to grow over time. A theory frequently cited for why mothers earning lower wages than other women that is the fact that mothers tend to spend fewer hours in the workplace than non-mothers. A report in 2014 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that employed men worked 52 minutes more than employed women on the days they worked, and that this", "id": "17507631" }, { "contents": "Warren Farrell\n\n\nMen Earn More\" as a career book for women. Some of Farrell's findings in \"Why Men Earn More\" include his analysis of census bureau data that never-married women without children earn 13% more than their male counterparts, and that the gender pay gap is largely about married men with children who earn more due to their assuming more workplace obligations. Themes woven throughout \"Why Men Earn More\" are the importance of assessing trade-offs; that \"the road to high pay is a toll road;", "id": "15105219" }, { "contents": "Haptic communication\n\n\nbars shows that women like men to touch, but it is their touching of other men that intrigues them. The men who are touching others are perceived as having a higher status and social power than those that aren't touching others. The study found that women were more receptive to men who demanded the most social space, and that when a woman comes into a bar, men will move their drinks far apart to signal to her that they have space in their 'domain' for them. The primary nonverbal behavior that", "id": "6902989" }, { "contents": "Salem witch trials\n\n\nand their souls. Indeed, Puritans held the belief that men and women were equal in the eyes of God, but not in the eyes of the Devil. Women's souls were seen as unprotected in their weak and vulnerable bodies. Several factors may explain why women were more likely to admit guilt of witchcraft than men. Historian Elizabeth Reis asserts that some likely believed they had truly given in to the Devil, and others might have believed they had done so temporarily. However, because those who confessed were reintegrated into society", "id": "21886524" }, { "contents": "Fancy dance\n\n\nbracelets, and eagle plumes are usually worn as well. Elaborate moccasins and leggings complete the regalia.The practice of women's fancy shawl dance is far more recent than that of Men's Fancy Dance. It wasn't until fancy dance had existed for several decades that women began to participate. The men's fancy dance is one of the most popular contemporary powwow dances. Thus living up to its name, the fancy dance is a highly athletic dance with lots of tricks and movement. As the dancer dances, his regalia", "id": "2270488" }, { "contents": "Morning dress\n\n\nonly the wedding party to wear morning 'suits'. These tend to be hired and far more co-ordinated than those worn by their upper-middle and upper-class counterparts. The men usually dress in identical, hired, outfits along with identical ties, handkerchiefs and waistcoats. In the U.S., the morning coat is sometimes referred to as a \"cutaway\" coat. In the U.S., morning dress is rare; it usually is worn in traditional weddings and political formal events, although the Kennedy inauguration of 1961", "id": "17410196" }, { "contents": "Eating disorder\n\n\nhighest risk among all athletes. Women are more likely than men to acquire an eating disorder between the ages of 13–30. 0–15% of those with bulimia and anorexia are men. There is a cultural emphasis on thinness which is especially pervasive in western society. A child's perception of external pressure to achieve the ideal body that is represented by the media predicts the child's body image dissatisfaction, body dysmorphic disorder and an eating disorder. \"The cultural pressure on men and women to be 'perfect' is an important predisposing", "id": "11939575" }, { "contents": "HIV-positive people\n\n\nof the infection. Infection with HIV is determined by an HIV test. Diagnosis and gender play corresponding roles in recognizing the lives of those infected with HIV/AIDS. Women have not been diagnosed as early as men because their symptoms were not as obvious and doctors were not as likely to search for the disease in them as they are for men. This has also been based on the fact that far more men than women participated in clinical trials and women were therefore under-represented. Barbara Ogur has pointed out that the", "id": "4593920" }, { "contents": "White\n\n\ncolor in women's costumes which were modeled after the outfits of Ancient Greece and Republican Rome. Because of the rather revealing design of these dresses, the ladies wearing them were called \"les merveilleuses\" (the marvellous) by French men of that era. The Empire style under Emperor Napoléon I was modeled after the more conservative outfits of Ancient Imperial Rome. The dresses were high in fashion but low in warmth considering the more severe weather conditions of northern France; in 1814 the former wife of Napoleon, Joséphine de Beauharnais,", "id": "14245217" }, { "contents": "Gender disparity in computing\n\n\nthere are a few possible hypotheses for why women are underrepresented in computer sciences attributed to already established theories about the influence of gender and technology stereotypes. One gender related hypothesis is that women find it more difficult than men to contribute to the intellectual life of the field in the sense that reviewers of their work are unconsciously downgraded due to their status as women or those women have lower confidence in this field that inhibits women's willingness to publicly present their technical findings. Due to this barrier of women as second-class citizens in", "id": "19705099" }, { "contents": "Puerto Rico at the 2016 Summer Olympics\n\n\nPuerto Rico competed at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 5 to 21 August 2016. This was the nation's eighteenth consecutive appearance at the Summer Olympics. The Puerto Rico Olympic Committee () sent a team of 40 athletes, 13 men and 27 women, to compete in 15 sports at the Games. The nation's full roster in Rio de Janeiro was 15 athletes larger than those who attended the London Games four years earlier, and also featured more female participants than men for the first time", "id": "18905741" }, { "contents": "Kuwait at the 2012 Summer Olympics\n\n\nthe Games, 8 men and 2 women, to compete in 4 different sports. Trap shooter Fehaid Al-Deehani, who participated at his sixth Olympics as the team's most experienced member, reprised his role to be Kuwait's flag bearer at the opening ceremony. He also set the nation's historical milestone, as the first Kuwaiti athlete to win more than a single medal in Olympic history. Kuwaiti athletes have so far achieved qualifying standards in the following athletics events (up to a maximum of 3 athletes in each event", "id": "15070291" }, { "contents": "Biathlon at the 2010 Winter Olympics\n\n\n: 220 athletes (113 men, 107 women) A NOC may enter no more than 12 athletes (6 men and 6 women), and no more than 4 athletes per event. Quotas by events: Qualification to the pursuit is based on results from the sprint All competitors must comply with one of the three minimum qualifications standards set forward by the IBU: \"or\" \"or\" Additionally, only athletes representing an NOC that is recognized by the IOC and member of the IBU can participate in the games. All", "id": "18378028" }, { "contents": "Demographics of sexual orientation\n\n\n). This represented a statistically significant increase from 1.7% in 2015. In a Survation poll on adults aged 40–70, 92.5% identified as heterosexual, 3.5% as gay, 2.4% as bisexual, 0.5% as Other and 1% did not want to reveal their sexual orientation. Those under 60 were less likely to identify as heterosexual than those aged 60–70. A gay identity was more common among men (6.1%) than women (1%), and the opposite was true of heterosexuality (men: 89.9", "id": "4214862" }, { "contents": "Mudawana\n\n\ndemocratization. According to a 2010 survey, awareness of the reforms varies widely within the Moroccan population, with younger, urban, and educated women far more likely to have heard of the law and have some familiarity with its provisions than women in rural areas, those with less education, and older women. Of Moroccans who have heard of the new Mudawana, 85% of women and 59% of men support the reforms. Most men who oppose the reforms believe the law negatively impacts them, gives greater weight to their spouses", "id": "596213" }, { "contents": "Senegal at the 2016 Summer Olympics\n\n\nSenegal competed at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, from August 5 to 21, 2016. This was the nation's fourteenth consecutive appearance at the Summer Olympics since its debut in 1964. The Senegalese National Olympic and Sports Committee () confirmed a team of 22 athletes, 6 men and 16 women, to compete in seven different sports at the Games. The nation's full roster in Rio de Janeiro was roughly nine athletes smaller than those sent to the London Games, and also featured more female athletes than male", "id": "255969" }, { "contents": "Gender pay gap in the United States\n\n\nwith elevated projections of their own competence. The usual pattern whereby men assign themselves more pay than women for comparable work might explain why men tend to initiate negotiations more than women. In a study by psychologist Melissa Williams et al., published in 2010, study participants were given pairs of male and female first names, and asked to estimate their salaries. Men and to a lesser degree women estimated significantly higher salaries for men than women, replicating previous findings. In a subsequent study, participants were placed in the role of", "id": "16353710" }, { "contents": "Men's rights movement\n\n\nthe family, and pushing women closer to home and family. He cites this an explanation why men are more likely to die from all 15 leading causes of death than women at all ages. He argues that the U.S. government having an Office of Research on Women's Health but no Office of Research on Men's Health, along with the U.S. federal government spending twice as much money on Women's health, shows that society considers men more disposable than women. Scholars have critiqued these claims, stating, as Michael Messner puts", "id": "4892968" }, { "contents": "Female suicide bomber\n\n\nattackers. Women's involvement is mediated differently than men's; they are more likely to be involved through personal contacts or family members, while men's process of involvement is more likely to stem from movement affiliation and disenchantment with nonviolent forms of political activism. Differences in men and women's need for revenge (and subsequent use of suicide attacks) has been studied, with inconsistent findings reported. Some argue men are more vengeful than women, while others find no such claims. There are a number of reasons as to why", "id": "2714148" }, { "contents": "Women's sports\n\n\n, women were sexualized, portrayed as violent, or portrayed as girlfriends, wives and mothers. Female athletes were often included in gag stories that involved sexual dialogue or emphasized their bodies. In Australia, the wives of the men's cricket team members were given more media coverage than the players on the women's cricket team, who also had won more games than the men's rugby team. In 2009, \"SportsCenter\" broadcast segments called \"Her Story\", which was a commentary that highlighted women's athletic careers.", "id": "19804891" }, { "contents": "Kevin White (athletic director)\n\n\nfinished 13–15, with eight of those losses coming by 22 points or more, more than any coach in school history). White is also responsible for the hiring and retaining of Duke women's basketball coach Joanne P. McCallie (even after McCallie was investigated by Duke for the mistreatment of players and assistant coaches). White and his wife Jane have five children, three sons and two daughters. Four of their children work in college athletics: Mike, head coach of the Florida Gators men's basketball team; Danny, athletic", "id": "12813769" }, { "contents": "Social penetration theory\n\n\n, there is a gender difference regarding to topics revealed. Men tend to disclose their strengths. On the contrary, women disclose their fear more. Both men and women are prone to disclose their emotions to the same-sex friends more, but women are prone to reveal more than men to both same-sex as well as cross-sex friends. What is worth noting is that according to a research conducted among Pakistan students, women extensively disclose their feelings, while emotions such as depression, anxiety and fear are more", "id": "11677871" }, { "contents": "Steve Pederson\n\n\nAmong his actions during his second tenure at Pittsburgh, Pederson hired volleyball head coach Toby Rens and softball head coach Holly Aprile, as well as sign men's and women's head basketball coaches, Jamie Dixon and Agnus Berenato respectively, to contract extensions. In August 2009, Pederson announced that Pitt's athletic teams would switch from being outfitted by Adidas to Nike and the school unveiled new football uniforms that included design elements reminiscent of those that were worn prior to Pederson's first tenure as athletic director at the university. On December", "id": "15684199" }, { "contents": "Texas Longhorns\n\n\ngymnastics and intramural softball, organized by the rowing club coach, sued the university in U.S. District Court charging them with Title IX violations. At the time there were more men on the football team than there were varsity-level women athletes. In July 1993 Texas settled the lawsuit, agreeing to add women's rowing, soccer and softball; and agreeing to devote more than 44 percent of its varsity athletic roster spots and more than 42 percent of its athletic scholarship money to women. Woemn's soccer was added in 1993,", "id": "2189480" }, { "contents": "Princess Peach\n\n\nbe \"taken aback\" by her outfit, which he describes as more revealing than any outfit she's ever worn. IGN rated the character an 8 out of 10 in the worth-saving index on their article \"Mario's Ladies: The Princesses of Mario Galaxy”. \"The New York Times\" claimed that Princess Peach had \"grit as well as grace\" and that her \"peachiness did nothing to upset the apple cart of expectation: she may have been athletic, smart and strong, but she was also", "id": "3204742" }, { "contents": "Bhutan\n\n\nin more unsecure work fields, such as agriculture. Most of the work that women do outside of the home is in family-based agriculture which is insecure and is one of the reasons why women are falling behind men when it comes to income. Women also, in general, work lower quality jobs than men and only earn 75% of men's earnings. The unemployment rate among women is also higher than that of men. Rooted deep in Bhutan culture is the idea of selflessness and the women of Bhutan take on", "id": "14790305" }, { "contents": "Oxandrolone\n\n\nused to accelerate growth in children with idiopathic short stature, it is unlikely to increase adult height, and in some cases may even decrease it. Oxandrolone has, therefore, largely been replaced by growth hormone for this use. Children with idiopathic short stature or Turner syndrome are given doses of oxandrolone far smaller than those given to people with burns to minimize the likelihood of virilization and premature maturation. Many bodybuilders and athletes use oxandrolone for its muscle-building effects. It is much more anabolic than androgenic, so women and those", "id": "5807466" }, { "contents": "Gender in youth sports\n\n\nand providing support for the team players are predominantly filled by women. Men prefer not to volunteer for team parent positions due to the responsibilities placed on them compared to those of the coach. Women's roles in sports are to hold the position of team parent, while men are usually head coach or assistant coach. Team parents are often labeled \"team mom\", making this position more likely for female parents than male parents. For girl athletes, the mentors they mentioned in exercise and sports were their coaches and physical education", "id": "15393549" }, { "contents": "Fat feminism\n\n\nThe standards that we hold overweight individuals to, is what is considered unhealthy for these individuals. Bulimia, anorexia, depression, and anxiety, are all believed to be brought on because of the standards that society has over those considered social outsiders. There are many reasons why large body sizes can be a feminist issue. First, \"several US health and women's studies scholars have declared obesity a feminist issue on the grounds that women, specifically African American and poor women, are more likely than men to be obese.", "id": "3287570" }, { "contents": "Interstitial cystitis\n\n\nscientific community has achieved a much deeper understanding of the epidemiology of interstitial cystitis. Recent studies have revealed that between 2.7 and 6.53 million women in the USA have symptoms of IC and up to 12% of women may have early symptoms of IC/BPS. Further study has estimated that the condition is far more prevalent in men than previously thought ranging from 1.8 to 4.2 million men having symptoms of interstitial cystitis. The condition is officially recognized as a disability in the United States. Philadelphia surgeon Joseph Parrish published the earliest record of", "id": "15464374" }, { "contents": "The Aversion Project\n\n\nSander Gilman, \"the worldwide concept of pervasion is the basic quality ascribed to the other. in turn blacks, women, and those deemed sexually deviant were seen as fundamentally disordered and were institutionalized in numbers far higher than straight white men\" This bothering can be used to explain why whites in South Africa felt so strongly about homosexuality, and finding a way to get rid of it. Aubrey Levin was the primary leader of the project against homosexual military personnel. He argued that the same type of procedures could cure other groups", "id": "15079587" }, { "contents": "Double burden\n\n\nthey do the majority of the housework on top of their careers. There have been said to be more reasons, other than gender roles, as to why there is a difference in the housework performed by men and women. Some theories have suggested that women's expectations for household cleanliness are higher than men's. Women feel like they must be responsible for the condition of the home in a way that men do not. Men do invest most of their time in their careers, but women spend double that time caring for", "id": "9223634" }, { "contents": "Unveiling a Parallel\n\n\nare held to when it comes to making human mistakes. Even Severnius says to the traveler that even though he is not thrilled about the idea of women having sex out of marriage, it does not make sense that men should be freer to do it than women. “What possible reason is there why men, more than women, should be privileged to indulge in vice?” Because the story is a utopian society where women have more rights than they did in nineteenth-century America the story is often compared to Charlotte", "id": "12787835" }, { "contents": "Cancer\n\n\nof testosterone than men of European ancestry and have a correspondingly higher level of prostate cancer. Men of Asian ancestry, with the lowest levels of testosterone-activating androstanediol glucuronide, have the lowest levels of prostate cancer. Other factors are relevant: obese people have higher levels of some hormones associated with cancer and a higher rate of those cancers. Women who take hormone replacement therapy have a higher risk of developing cancers associated with those hormones. On the other hand, people who exercise far more than average have lower levels of these", "id": "15271085" }, { "contents": "Causes of cancer\n\n\ntestosterone than men of European ancestry, and have a correspondingly much higher level of prostate cancer. Men of Asian ancestry, with the lowest levels of testosterone-activating androstanediol glucuronide, have the lowest levels of prostate cancer. Other factors are also relevant: obese people have higher levels of some hormones associated with cancer and a higher rate of those cancers. Women who take hormone replacement therapy have a higher risk of developing cancers associated with those hormones. On the other hand, people who exercise far more than average have lower levels", "id": "19122696" }, { "contents": "Doping at the Olympic Games\n\n\nThis article is about the history of competitors at the Olympic Games using banned athletic performance-enhancing drugs. The use of performance-enhancing tactics or more formally known as PEDs, and more broadly, the use of any external device to nefariously influence the outcome of a sporting event has been a part of the Olympics since its inception in Ancient Greece. One speculation as to why men were required to compete naked was to prevent the use of extra accoutrements and to keep women from competing in events specifically designed for men. Athletes", "id": "18428502" }, { "contents": "Egypt at the 2016 Summer Olympics\n\n\nEgypt competed at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 5 to 21 August 2016. Since the nation's debut in 1912, Egyptian athletes had appeared in every edition of the Summer Olympic Games except 1932 and 1980, when they joined the United States-led boycott. The Egyptian Olympic Committee sent its largest ever delegation to the Games, with a total of 120 athletes, 83 men and 37 women, competing across 22 sports. The Egyptian roster also witnessed more women participating at the Games than those", "id": "21337995" }, { "contents": "Thailand at the 2016 Summer Olympics\n\n\never delegation sent to the Olympics, sharing the same roster size with those who attended the Tokyo Games in 1964. Thailand roster marked its Olympic debut in women's boxing, BMX cycling, golf (new to the 2016 Games), and men's table tennis. Moreover, it registered more female athletes than males for only the second time in history. Fourteen athletes on the Thai roster competed at London 2012, including badminton star Boonsak Ponsana (men's singles) and table tennis player Nanthana Komwong, both of whom made", "id": "18390216" }, { "contents": "Republican Party (United States)\n\n\nseen stronger support for the Republican Party among men than among women. In 2012, Obama won 55% of the women and 45% of the men—and more women voted than men. In the 2006 House races, 43% of women voted Republican while 47% of men did so. In the 2010 midterms, the \"gender gap\" was reduced with women supporting Republican and Democratic candidates equally 49% to 49%. Unmarried and divorced women were far more likely to vote for John Kerry in 2004. The", "id": "13608506" }, { "contents": "Pickpocketing\n\n\nwomen convicted of picking pockets were aged between 20 and 40. One reason that may explain why women pickpockets were older is that most of women pickpockets were prostitutes (this explains why very few women under 20 years old were convicted for picking pockets). Indeed, at the end of the 18th century, 76% of women defendants were prostitutes, and as a result, the victims of pickpockets were more often men than women. In most cases, these prostitutes would lay with men (who were frequently drunk), and", "id": "6695109" }, { "contents": "Austin College\n\n\nviolators of college rules. Currently students refer to their sports teams as the 'fighting roos.' Kangaroo varsity teams include American football, men and women's soccer, men's and women's cross country, volleyball, men and women's basketball, swimming and diving, tennis, baseball and softball, which was added for the 2006-2007 season. More than 225 student athletics participate in varsity intercollegiate athletics each year. In 2004-2005, 28 students were recognized with all-conference athletic honors and 61 students received", "id": "13136718" }, { "contents": "Wheelchair tennis at the 2016 Summer Paralympics\n\n\ncan enter a maximum of two qualified men's teams and two qualified women's teams, each containing two athletes, in the men's and women's doubles events, respectively, and a maximum of one qualified team of two athletes in the quad doubles – (mixed gender) An NPC can be allocated a maximum of four male and four female qualification slots for athletes competing in the men's and women's events, and no more than three qualification slots in the quad sport class for a maximum quota allocation of eleven qualification", "id": "2851736" }, { "contents": "Great Lakes refugee crisis\n\n\nfar from ideal. In light of their abandonment by its trusted partners and the insecurity, High Commissioner Sadako Ogata was asked why UNHCR did not simply leave as well. She replied: There were also innocent refugees in the camps; more than half were women and children. Should we have said: you are related to murderers, so you are guilty, too? My mandate — unlike those of private aid agencies — obliges me to help. Both for those organizations that left and that stayed, the post-Rwandan Genocide", "id": "17549635" }, { "contents": "Gender violence\n\n\non campus was incidents of sexual assault. Research found that women were more likely to report issues of sexual assault and emotional abuse than men, but men and women were equally likely to report other forms of violence. A study done in the United States revealed that both men and women believe it is more acceptable for women to display acts of physical violence from their male partner than vice versa. Because of this, women's acts of violence are seen as less injurious and more socially acceptable. As a result, it is", "id": "7048044" }, { "contents": "Women's sports\n\n\n1923 the AAU also sponsored the First American Track & Field championships for women. Earlier that year the Women's Amateur Athletic Association (WAAA) held the first WAAA Championships. Few women competed in sports in Europe and North America before the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, as social changes favored increased female participation in society as equals with men. Although women were technically permitted to participate in many sports, relatively few did. There was often disapproval of those who did. \"Bicycling has done more to emancipate women than anything", "id": "19804836" }, { "contents": "Sociology of sport\n\n\nto teach life values and good morals through practice, teamwork, discipline, and much more. The separation between the roles of men and women in a society of sports is expressed through media and gender identity. On media, the sports viewership varies by gender. Men's sports are more prominent in the media versus women's sports and the sports broadcast vary. On NCAA news, the text and text space greater than 2:1 coverage of men’s sports over women’s, the pictures are around 2:1 male athletes over female athletes", "id": "6693916" }, { "contents": "Venezuela at the 2015 Pan American Games\n\n\nof two athletes (one man and one woman). Venezuela qualified a women's baseball team of 18 athletes. Venezuela qualified men's and women's teams, each with 12 athletes, for a total of 24. Venezuela qualified a men's pair. Venezuela qualified the following athletes: Venezuela qualified 13 athletes in the sprint discipline. Venezuela qualified 21 cyclists (13 male and 8 female). Some cyclists competed across more than one discipline. Venezuela qualified four divers (three men and one woman). Venezuela qualified 18", "id": "15313515" }, { "contents": "Malaysian cultural outfits\n\n\noften with intricate embroidery. Those descended from the Portuguese often wear Portuguese-style outfits. Men often wear jackets and trousers with waist sashes, while women wear broad front-layered skirts. The dominant colours are black and red. And also Kadazan Baju Kurung Kedah – worn only by Malay women as a daily dress for married women. it is a shorter dress with three-quarter sleeves, so the wearer can move around easily. Baju Batik – worn by men and women on a formal occasion. Usually colourful cotton printed", "id": "1228496" }, { "contents": "Harvard Crimson men's basketball\n\n\nfor the most in the history of the program. Another key to Harvard's recent success in basketball has been a 2006 change in the school's financial aid policy. Although the Ivy League strictly prohibits athletic scholarships, Harvard has adopted an aid scheme that makes the school far more accessible to low- and middle-income students. Under current policy, all students (not just athletes) from families with annual incomes less than $180,000 pay at most 10% of family income, and those with family incomes under $60,000 receive", "id": "21075976" }, { "contents": "Self-confidence\n\n\nvulnerable students feel more lonely due to a lack of general self-confidence. Another study of first year college students found men to be much more self-confident than women in athletic and academic activities. In regards to inter-ethnic interaction and language learning, studies show that those who engage more with people of a different ethnicity and language become more self-confident in interacting with them. Barber and Odean find that male common stock investors trade 45% more than their female counterparts, which they attribute greater recklessness (though", "id": "21372612" }, { "contents": "Belgium at the 2004 Summer Olympics\n\n\nBelgium competed at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece. 50 competitors, 31 men and 19 women, took part in 41 events in 14 sports. Belgian athletes have so far achieved qualifying standards in the following athletics events (up to a maximum of 3 athletes in each event at the 'A' Standard, and 1 at the 'B' Standard). The same two women competed for Belgium that did four years earlier. Both did better in 2004 than they had in the first competition, with Kathleen Smet", "id": "3345421" }, { "contents": "United States at the 2004 Summer Olympics\n\n\nThe United States competed at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece. 533 competitors, 279 men and 254 women, took part in 254 events in 31 sports. * - Indicates the athlete competed in preliminaries but not the final Three U.S. archers qualified each for the men's and women's individual archery, and a spot each for both men's and women's teams. U.S. athletes have so far achieved qualifying standards in the following athletics events (up to a maximum of 3 athletes in each event at the 'A", "id": "1902235" }, { "contents": "Chilkoot Pass\n\n\ndepending on the outfit, tilt their heads back. During this period, a women's movement had formed to allow women more freedom in the way they dressed. The rigors of the trail meant that many women abandoned conventional clothing and began to wear bloomers or knickers. These long, full pants were gathered at the ankle or just below the knees. Women shortened their skirts over the bloomers, generally to knee length. This was considered controversial by many men, but was more acceptable than if the women had not worn skirts", "id": "970126" }, { "contents": "Women in rodeo\n\n\non femininity rather than athleticism. Rodeo women were re-cast as graceful promotional figureheads rather than athletes. The restrictions and limitations of World War II were devastating for professional rodeo women. There were far fewer women than men in rodeo, so women's events were cut. In 1941, Madison Square Garden staged its last women's bronc riding contest. When Gene Autry took control of major rodeos in the early 1940s, he molded them into an event that reflected his \"conservative, strongly gendered values\". In 1942,", "id": "3465146" }, { "contents": "Infestissumam\n\n\nmen accusing women of being the Devil just because they had a hard-on for them.\" Explaining why the record is more musically diverse than their first, a member said, \"Being applauded for a few of those things on the first record that according to the rule book of metal would be viewed as a lot of no-no's enticed us to go even deeper, and both downwards and upwards, and just overall make a more colorful record\", and \"A lot of metal bands have a tendency", "id": "17609930" }, { "contents": "Henning von Berg\n\n\nSydney\" internationally and thus far more than 200,000 people have enjoyed the unique exhibitions. Henning von Berg is specialized in character portraits of seniors (his oldest model so far is a 108-year-old woman) and fine art nudes of mostly amateurs models. Von Berg prefers shooting in natural light conditions and likes to integrate panoramic landscapes and monumental buildings into his art. For his various art projects, he likes to break traditional rules. He works with young and old people, men and women, aristocrats and prostitutes, athletes and", "id": "12064296" }, { "contents": "Women's professional sports\n\n\n. In addition, Schaus is part of the Foundation’s Board, which includes Valarie Gelb, Debbie Mckay and John Mayers. Though women have been pro athletes in the United States, since the early 1900s, paid teams, leagues and athletes are still uncommon and, as of 2013, paid far less than their male counterparts. For instance, the Women's National Basketball Association had its first season in 1997, 51 years after inception of the men's NBA. The WNBA (under the NBA Board of Governors) pays", "id": "7684192" }, { "contents": "Gender inequality in Thailand\n\n\nare also enrolled at the master's degree level at a slightly higher rate than men, at 1.42 to 1.13%, but slightly lower than men at the doctorate level, 0.125 percent to 0.129%. Thai women have invested in human capital more than men in the 2000s. The higher education level of Thai women reduces the gender education gap in Thailand. However, in 2002, more men than women in every level of education, except those with doctoral degree, earned income of more than 10,000 Thai baht per month.", "id": "12764046" }, { "contents": "Bisexuality\n\n\nmore sexual fantasy than heterosexuals. Dixon found that bisexual men had more sexual activities with women than did heterosexual men. Bisexual men masturbated more but had fewer happy marriages than heterosexuals. Bressler and Lavender (1986) found that bisexual women had more orgasms per week and they described them as stronger than those of hetero- or homosexual women. They also found that marriages with a bisexual female were happier than heterosexual unions, observed less instance of hidden infidelity, and ended in divorce less frequently. Goode and Haber found bisexual women to be", "id": "9564021" }, { "contents": "Food craving\n\n\nis desired more by women than by men. Studies conducted in the UK and US and Canada have concluded that women indeed crave chocolate more than men. Also this chocolate craving seems to occur more perimenstrually. However a biological explanation has not been scientifically proven. It seems to have a cultural cause instead of a biological cause. Spanish women experience perimenstrual chocolate craving far less than American women (24% versus 60%) although they should not differ much physiologically. Spanish females crave chocolate more after dinner. The times males crave", "id": "6618307" }, { "contents": "Infidelity\n\n\nin response to sexual and emotional infidelity. Few researchers have explored the influence of sexual orientation on which type of infidelity is viewed as more distressing. Summarizing the findings from these studies, heterosexual men seem to be more distressed by sexual infidelity than heterosexual women, lesbian women, and gay men. These latter three groups seem more responsible for this difference by reporting similarly higher levels of distress toward emotional infidelity than heterosexual men. However, within-sex analyses reveal that heterosexual men tend to rate emotional infidelity as more distressing than sexual", "id": "17013893" }, { "contents": "Columbia Lions\n\n\nits eight universities. The League provides intercollegiate athletic opportunities for more men and women than any other conference in the United States. All eight Ivy schools are listed in the top 20 NCAA Division I schools in number of sports offered for both men and women. Columbia University was founded in 1754 and currently fields 31 co-ed, men's, and women's teams. Women's teams are cooperatively organized with the affiliated Barnard College. All Columbia teams compete at the Division I level in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA", "id": "5062747" }, { "contents": "Sex industry\n\n\nconcluded that men who consume pornography are less satisfied with some areas of their lives, but pornography consumption does not make a significant difference in other areas, or to the lives of women. Additionally, a sample of Americans revealed in 2017 that those who had viewed pornography were more likely to experience romantic relationship breakup than their non-pornography watching counterparts, and that the effect was more pronounced with men. While the legality of adult sexual entertainment varies by country, the use of children in the sex industry is illegal nearly everywhere", "id": "14855220" }, { "contents": "List of 1928 Winter Olympics medal winners\n\n\nBoth men and women competed in these Games, although women were only allowed to compete in the figure skating ladies' singles and pairs events. Eighty-three individual athletes won medals, but the ones representing Norway far surpassed their competitors in the medal count, winning fifteen medals to the six won by the nearest NOC, the United States. The only three other NOCs that had medalists in more than one event were Sweden, Finland, and Austria. Twelve of the 25 participating NOCs secured at least one medal, and among", "id": "18636150" }, { "contents": "Women in the workforce\n\n\nof the rare cases I handled a Country Manager was accused and the plaintiff opted for an out of court settlement.\" Women in lower wage jobs are more likely to be subject to wage discrimination. They are more likely to bring home far less than their male counterparts with equal job status, and get far less help with housework from their husbands than the high-earning women. Women with low educational attainment entering the workforce in mass quantity lowered earnings for some men, as the women brought about a lot more job competition", "id": "13044744" }, { "contents": "Kenya at the 2016 Summer Olympics\n\n\nfor the first time since 2000. Kenyan athletes have so far achieved qualifying standards in the following athletics events (up to a maximum of 3 athletes in each event): Six marathon runners (three per gender) were named to the Kenyan team on May 10, 2016, with 42 more athletes (29 men and 13 women) joining them and being added to the roster on July 2, 2016, based on their performances achieved throughout the qualifying period. Among them were reigning Olympic men's 800 metres champion David Rudisha", "id": "19418302" }, { "contents": "Women in STEM fields\n\n\n-group members have average or below average qualities, he or she is likely to evaluate them much lower than out-group members with equivalent qualifications. This suggests that established women in STEM fields will be more likely than established men to help early career women who display sufficient qualifications. However, established women will be less likely than men to help early career women who display insufficient qualifications. The Queen Bee effect is similar to the Black Sheep effect but applies only to women. It explains why higher-status women, particularly", "id": "12642163" }, { "contents": "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus\n\n\n, a woman needs the attention, listening, understanding, and reassurance of those around her—as well as self-love. Gray explains that once she is rejuvenated by getting the support she needs, her wave is able to build and rise once again, with renewed love and energy to give. Men, advises Gray, should support this natural cycle by not being threatened by it or telling her why she should not feel the way a woman feels. The book has sold more than 15 million copies and, according", "id": "16531262" }, { "contents": "Medieval female sexuality\n\n\n-five to engage in sexual activity without her father's consent or threat of the loss of inheritance. This may be taken as a clear indication that a woman understood sexual satisfaction to be an entitlement and that she would take steps to fix her situation, if necessary. Medieval women were assumed to be far more insatiable than men and a woman's lust would have been considered her ultimate sin. She was believed to receive far more pleasure from a sexual encounter than men and reach her sexual readiness far earlier than men.", "id": "14318271" }, { "contents": "Desire discrepancy\n\n\nAnother reason why women are more likely to have low sexual desire and less sexual activity compared to men may be because when enduring in copulation with a male, women's experience of achieving an orgasm is low. Therefore, a females gratification for sexual intercourse may be lower than a males, where a male is able to enjoy sex consistently compared to a female, signifying why males sexual desire is usually higher. Another reason for this difference may be due to differences in levels of testosterone between men and women. Males possess significantly", "id": "21418646" }, { "contents": "Kansas State Wildcats\n\n\nValley, Kansas State was included in its membership. The school's commitment to athletics dipped thereafter. According to longtime Wildcat radio announcer Dev Nelson, after World War II Kansas State was one of the few major schools that didn't make a significant investment in its football program, or athletics overall. Indeed, for many years the Wildcats spent far less on athletics than any other Big Eight school. Between 1969 and 1975 the school added women's programs, but also cut four men's sports: men's swimming, wrestling", "id": "9235352" }, { "contents": "Pink tax\n\n\nside-by-side comparison of a Radio Flyer scooter where the red scooter costs $24.99 and a pink scooter, identical in all ways but color, costs $49. In children's apparel, girls' clothes were 4% more expensive than boys'. Men's clothing was 8% less expensive than women's clothes. The largest discrepancy came to personal care/hygiene products, where women's products cost 13% more than men's. There are many reasons why the pink tax exists, including tariffs,", "id": "14826207" }, { "contents": "India at the 2004 Summer Olympics\n\n\nThree Indian archers qualified each for the men's and women's individual archery, and a spot each for both men's and women's teams. Indian athletes have so far achieved qualifying standards in the following athletics events (up to a maximum of 3 athletes in each event at the 'A' Standard, and 1 at the 'B' Standard). Indian rowers qualified the following boats: Indian sailors have qualified one boat for each of the following events. Eight Indian shooters (five men and three women) qualified", "id": "1231834" }, { "contents": "Timothy Rogers\n\n\nwas popular in late 17th-century England. Unlike earlier works which identified modesty, humility and honesty as the antidote to women's perceived natural deficiencies, Rogers describes these as inherent qualities in women which can be cultivated in order to mitigate the vanity instilled by social life. Rather than characterising women as more prone to corruption, or in more need of salvation than men, \"The Character of a Good Woman\" describes woman as \"generally more serious than men ... [and] as far beyond in the lessons Devotion as", "id": "16845375" }, { "contents": "Women's rights in Saudi Arabia\n\n\nbut could also help shift popular gender perceptions more broadly. Female literacy is estimated to be 91%, not far behind that of men. In contrast, in 1970, only 2% of women were literate compared to 15% of men. More women receive secondary and tertiary education than men; 50% of all university graduates in Saudi Arabia are Saudi women, and 50% of working women have a college education, compared to 16% of working men (Saudi women make up only 13% of the workforce,", "id": "14504769" }, { "contents": "Portuguese people\n\n\nIn fact, in colonial Brazil the Portuguese men competed for the women, because among the African slaves the female component was also a small minority. This explains why the Portuguese men left more descendants in Brazil than the Amerindian or African men did. The Indian and African women were \"dominated\" by the Portuguese men, preventing men of color to find partners with whom they could have children. Added to this, White people had a much better quality of life and therefore a lower mortality rate than the black and indigenous population", "id": "8766975" } ]
Is there some sort of YKK zipper monopoly?
[{"answer": "Not a monopoly, many high-end and low-end clothing manufacturers have their own zipper production companies. YKK just makes a ton of zippers and have made them for a long time. Same thing as WD40 or GE lightbulbs, they aren't the only company who is allowed to or able to make these products, they just make the most."}, {"answer": "YKK is a Japanese company. Their zippers are widely regarded as the best, so a huge chunk of the fashion industry uses them. They even fabricate their own equipment to manufacture the zippers!"}, {"answer": "A bit, and they were fined over a $100M by a European court 7 years ago for being part of a price fixing cartel, although that was partially overturned. They control about 90% of the zipper market. They not only make zippers but the machines that make zippers and the raw material needed for zippers. Due to this vertical integration it's more of a natural monopoly due to economies of scale."}, {"answer": "I hope I'm not the only one just unzipped half way so they could see what was written on their zipper."}, {"answer": "YKK zippers are pretty good from my experience."}, {"answer": " URL_0 Really good article. And a really good question! I have a friend whose father owns one of India's biggest zipper companies and he says that they just play in all the segments that YKK has vacated. > \u201cThere have been quality problems in the past when we\u2019ve used cheaper zippers,\u201d says Trina Turk, who designs her own line of women\u2019s contemporary sportswear. \u201cNow we just stick with YKK. When the customer is buying $200 pants, they better have a good zipper. Because the customer will blame the maker of the whole garment even if the zipper was the part that failed.\u201d > A typical 14-inch \u201cinvisible\u201d YKK nylon zipper (the kind that disappears behind fabric when you zip up the back of a dress) costs about 32 cents. For an apparel maker designing a garment that will cost $40-$65 to manufacture, and will retail for three times that much or more, it\u2019s simply not worth it to skimp."}, {"answer": "Its my understanding that their 'monopoly' was mad because they were the first to make an independent zipper that could be sewn in so companies like Levi could make pants, and just leave the zippers to someone else."}, {"answer": "Many high fashion brands use riri or lampo zippers. But yes, Ykk is easily the most used."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "23223308", "title": "Mystery meat navigation", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Mystery meat navigation (also known as MMN) is a disparaging term coined in 1998 by Vincent Flanders, author and designer of the website Web Pages That Suck, to describe a web page where the destination of the link is not visible until the user points their cursor at it. Such interfaces lack a user-centered design, emphasizing aesthetic appearance, white space, and the concealment of relevant information over basic practicality and functionality. The epithet \"mystery meat\" refers to the meat products often served in American public school cafeterias", "Mystery meat navigation (also known as MMN) is a disparaging term coined in 1998 by Vincent Flanders, author and designer of the website Web Pages That Suck, to describe a web page where the destination of the link is not visible until the user points their cursor at it"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "YKK\n\n\nThe is a Japanese group of manufacturing companies. As the world's largest zipper manufacturer, YKK Group is most known for making zippers; however, it also manufactures other fastening products, architectural products, plastic hardware and industrial machinery. The initials YKK stand for , which was the name of the company from 1945 until 1994. YKK produces fasteners and architectural products at 109 YKK facilities in 71 countries worldwide. What would later become YKK operated initially as San-es Shokai and was founded by Tadao Yoshida in Higashi Nihonbashi, Tokyo", "id": "8051618" }, { "contents": "YKK\n\n\nhand, and hence had an inferior quality compared to automated zippers from abroad. In March 1951, YKK relocated its headquarters to Chūō, Tokyo. In May 1955, a new plant was opened in Kurobe, Toyama. In August 1958, the headquarters was again relocated to Taitō, Tokyo. In this year, the company also introduced its new \"Conceal\" brand that does not show the teeth of the zippers. Another major step came in November 1959, with the opening of its first overseas location, producing YKK zippers", "id": "8051620" }, { "contents": "Zipper\n\n\ntiny pivoting arm held under tension inside the hinge. Pulling on the handle from any direction lifts the pivoting arm's pins out of the zipper teeth so that the slider can move. The components of a zipper are: Forbes reported in 2003 that although the zipper market in the 1960s was dominated by Talon Zipper (USA) and Optilon (Germany), Japanese manufacturer YKK grew to become the industry giant by the 1980s. YKK held 45 percent of world market share, followed by Optilon (8 percent) and Talon Zipper", "id": "8454975" }, { "contents": "YKK\n\n\nin January 1934. The company specialized in marketing of fastening products. In February 1938 San-es Shokai was renamed to Yoshida Kogyosho. WWII was under way by 1939, and the next major corporate event would not take place until February 1942 when the company reorganized as a limited corporation. In January 1946 the company registered the YKK trademark. A major technological change came in 1950, when the company purchased a chain machine from the U.S. that allowed the automation of the zipper making process. Previously, YKK zippers were made by", "id": "8051619" }, { "contents": "YKK\n\n\nproduct \"YZip\" was introduced, an extra strong and durable zipper for jeans. The development of a machine that automatically included the \"YZip\" zipper into the stitching process of jeans further increased sales, especially in the USA. In 1968, YKK opened its first branch in Canada. Its Canadian headquarters are currently in Montreal, Quebec. There was further expansion in the 1970s, with the opening of three new plants in Utazu, Kagawa in April 1972, in Sanbongi, Miyagi in June 1974, and in Yatsushiro,", "id": "8051622" }, { "contents": "YKK\n\n\n, the organization operates 111 affiliated companies in 71 countries, with 42,154 employees. On September 19, 2007 YKK was fined €150.3 million by the European Commission for running worldwide price-fixing cartels and sharing markets with zipper-makers Prym and Coats. Coats of Britain and Prym of Germany were fined €122.4 million and €40.5 million respectively for their participation in cartel behaviour. YKK lost its appeal to the General Court on June 27, 2012. It then launched an appeal to the European Court of Justice on September 5", "id": "8051625" }, { "contents": "Talon Zipper\n\n\nwas the first zipper manufacturing company, and flourished through the 1960s when it is estimated that seven out of every 10 zippers were Talon zippers [New York Times 12/7/1981]. Its decline began with Textron's acquisition and by 1981 its market share had fallen to 35% as a Japanese company, YKK, was able to produce zippers more cheaply. The company was sold in 1981 to Nucon Holdings for 66 million dollars and production was shifted to Mexico, but to no avail, and it was sold to private Mexican investors.", "id": "11837189" }, { "contents": "Simms Fishing Products\n\n\nwas one of the first wader manufacturers to produce waders specifically tailored to women fly fishers. In 2006, Simms introduced a high-end zippered wader, using waterproof zippers from the YKK Group in Tokyo. Although not the first ever zippered waders on the market, the Simms G4Z wader set a new standard for zippered waders. In 2008 Trout Unlimited asked wader and boot manufacturers and anglers to eliminate the use of felt soled waders and boots to help combat the spread of invasive aquatic species. Shortly after, Simms announced that it", "id": "13625846" }, { "contents": "YKK\n\n\nin New Zealand. YKK's first US office opened in New York City in 1960 and now is the country's top supplier of zippers and other fastening devices such as snaps buttons. As the company grew, it brought every step of manufacturing in-house, including smelting brass and dyeing cloth. In November 1961, the product line was diversified to include aluminium products for buildings. In June 1963, the company relocated its headquarters again to Chiyoda, Tokyo, the current location of the company. In 1966, a new", "id": "8051621" }, { "contents": "YKK\n\n\nKumamoto in February 1975. YKK also opened a fastener making factory in Swaziland which has grown to supply the entire sub-Saharan region, including Madagascar and Mauritius. More product lines became available with the \"Quicklon\" (sometimes called \"Cosmolon\") fasteners in December 1981. International and product expansion continued during the 1980s, with a real estate business in Singapore in December 1984, an agricultural business in Brazil in January 1985, and a plant in Indonesia in September 1986 producing zippers and aluminium parts for buildings. The company", "id": "8051623" }, { "contents": "Perfecto motorcycle jacket\n\n\nangle. \"Schott NYC\" appears on neck label, small white size tag with black letters directly to the right of neck label, tag with American flag and Made in U.S.A directly to the right of neck label (under small white size tag). Nothing printed on leather neck hanger. Schott (YKK) main zipper, EMAR cuff zippers and rectangular belt buckle with oval sides. Pocket zippers now close down. Lining goes all the way down inside of jackets, leather sleeve plackets. A slight dip in bottom part", "id": "10604757" }, { "contents": "Junichiro Koizumi\n\n\nthe LDP in opposition, Koizumi became part of a new LDP faction, Shinseiki, made up of younger and more motivated parliamentarians led by Taku Yamasaki, Koichi Kato and Koizumi, a group popularly dubbed \"YKK\" after the zipper manufacturer YKK. After Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa resigned in 1994 and the LDP returned to power in a coalition government, Koizumi and Hosokawa teamed up with Shusei Tanaka of New Party Sakigake in a strategic dialogue across party lines regarding Japan becoming a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. Although this", "id": "4861862" }, { "contents": "Away (luggage)\n\n\ncharging devices, scratch-resistant hard polycarbonate shells, YKK zippers, interior organization including a compression pad to make more space, TSA-approved locks, a removable laundry bag and 360 degree Hinomoto spinner wheels. The Carry-On was developed based on the focus group and survey responses from hundreds of travelers. \"Vogue\" announced the creation of the luggage in November 2015, labeling it \"The Perfect Carry-On.\" By October 2016, it had launched three additional sizes: The Bigger Carry-On; The", "id": "19230976" }, { "contents": "Wetsuit\n\n\nwas one of the first designs combining a turtle-neck based on the popular Sealsuit with a flexible lightweight YKK horizontal zipper across the back shoulders similar in concept to the inflatable watertight Supersuit (developed by Jack O'Neill in the late 1960s). The Animal Skin eventually evolved molded rubber patterns bonded onto the exterior of the neoprene sheeting ( a technique E.J. Armstrong perfected for application of the moulded raised rubber Supersuit logo to replace the standard flat decals ). This has been carried on as stylized reinforcing pads of rubber on the knees and", "id": "10458333" }, { "contents": "Harveys SeatbeltBags\n\n\nused to make the bags led to the creation of a lifetime guarantee against manufacture defects and the slogan \"Guaranteed Tough\". Durable, fade resistant automotive grade seatbelts and YKK zippers are sewn on industrial sewing machines (the kind used to sew horse saddles) with NASA grade nylon 69 thread. Harveys SeatbeltBags first started using solid colors of seatbelts with names including, but not limited to, Limo Black, SUV Navy, and Stainless Steel. They introduced their first print bag in the summer of 2006. The \"SeatbeltBug\"", "id": "9876899" }, { "contents": "YKK\n\n\nwas finally renamed \"YKK\" in August 1994. In July 2000, the company established \"YKK Newmax Co., Ltd\", specializing in the production of snaps and buttons. In December 2002, a machine company was established in Suzhou, China. In April 2003, a research and development facility was established in Hokkaido, Japan. A company specializing in sales, \"YKK Fastening Products Sales Inc.\" was established in February 2003. \"YKK AP Inc.\" was founded in October 2003, specializing in architectural products. Overall", "id": "8051624" }, { "contents": "YKK AP SC\n\n\nThe club was founded as the football club of YKK (then Yoshida Kōgyō) in 1962. They won the inaugural 1972 season title of the Hokushin'etsu Regional League, and went on to win another 10 championships in the league before they were promoted to the JFL for the 2001 season. They changed their name to the current one in 2004 when YKK passed the ownership to one of their affiliate company, YKK AP (AP stands for \"Architectural Products\"). As they were in regional league, ALO's Hokuriku had been", "id": "1249118" }, { "contents": "YKK Manufacturing and Engineering Centre\n\n\nYKK Manufacturing and Engineering Centre is a manufacturing plant and a R&D center of YKK AP which is a subsidiary company of YKK Group. It is located in Namerikawa, Toyama (situated between the Japanese Alps and Toyoma Bay), and was opened on October 22, 1992. Main products developed and manufactured there include architectural products such as a curtain wall for high-rise buildings, glass exteriors, steel products and entrances, as well as residential products such as windows, screen doors, interior building materials and aluminum exterior material.", "id": "16635475" }, { "contents": "YKK\n\n\n, 2012. In October 2014, the judgement was reduced by the European high court from €19.25 million to €2.79 million. Fastening products are the first and still the most important product of YKK. Within YKK, the company distinguishes between the Slide Fastener Division, the Textile and Plastic Products Division, and the Snap Fastener and Button Division. On August 26, 2013, YKK Corporation filed a patent infringement complaint in the Middle District of Georgia against Velcro USA Inc. of Manchester, New Hampshire, relating to a fastener strip", "id": "8051626" }, { "contents": "YKK AP SC\n\n\nthe media briefing, Governor of Toyama Prefecture also participated. TFA has founded an organization named \"Civic Soccer Club Team of Toyama Prefecture (富山県民サッカークラブチーム)\" with two major economic organization and representatives of Hokuriku Electric Power Company and YKK. The Japan Football League confirmed that the merged club would compete in the JFL from the 2008 season. The new merged club is named Kataller Toyama. After the merger, YKK AP decided to reform the club as an amateur club whose players are mostly YKK AP's employees. They play in Toyama", "id": "1249120" }, { "contents": "Leucine zipper\n\n\nbound to DNA. The bZIP interacts with the DNA via basic, amine residues (see basic amino acids in (provided table (sort by pH)) of certain amino acids in the \"basic\" domain, such as lysines and arginines. These basic residues interact in the major groove of the DNA, forming sequence-specific interactions. The leucine zipper is formed by amphipathic interaction between two ZIP domains. The ZIP domain is found in the alpha-helix of each monomer, and contains leucines, or leucine-like", "id": "2525860" }, { "contents": "Alpha helix\n\n\nfour subunits. α-Helices have particular significance in DNA binding motifs, including helix-turn-helix motifs, leucine zipper motifs and zinc finger motifs. This is because of the convenient structural fact that the diameter of an α-helix is about including an average set of sidechains, about the same as the width of the major groove in B-form DNA, and also because coiled-coil (or leucine zipper) dimers of helices can readily position a pair of interaction surfaces to contact the sort of symmetrical repeat", "id": "2655673" }, { "contents": "Introduction to genetics\n\n\nchild inherits genes from its parents, when a copy from the mother is mixed with a copy from the father. DNA can be copied very easily and accurately because each piece of DNA can direct the creation of a new copy of its information. This is because DNA is made of two strands that pair together like the two sides of a zipper. The nucleotides are in the center, like the teeth in the zipper, and pair up to hold the two strands together. Importantly, the four different sorts of nucleotides are", "id": "9833898" }, { "contents": "Zipper\n\n\nthe zipper unexpectedly. There are two common ways this is accomplished: The zipper handle can have a short protruding pin stamped into it, which inserts between the zipper teeth through a hole on the slider, when the handle is folded down flat against the zipper teeth. This appears on some brands of trousers. The handle of the fly zipper is folded flat against the teeth when it is not in use, and the handle is held down by both slider hinge tension and the fabric flap over the fly. The slider can", "id": "8454973" }, { "contents": "Over (Drake song)\n\n\nstated when asked about it, \"I love that flow. So I took that flow and flipped it in the second verse.\" He also references Michael Jackson's iconic attire in his \"Thriller\" video, though the lines, \"'Bout to go 'Thriller' Mike Jackson on these niggas/ All I need is a fucking red jacket with some zippers.\" On the reference, Drake said, \"That was sort of my reference point; that phenomenon of Michael. He was young and had the world excited", "id": "14759132" }, { "contents": "Zipper (data structure)\n\n\nlist represented this way, it is easy to define relatively efficient operations on immutable data structures such as Lists and Trees at arbitrary locations. In particular, applying the zipper transform to a tree makes it is easy to insert or remove values at any particular location in the tree. The zipper is often used where there is some concept of focus or of moving around in some set of data, since its semantics reflect that of moving around but in a functional non-destructive manner. The zipper has been used in It has", "id": "15849100" }, { "contents": "Metal zipper\n\n\npulled up or down to open or close the zipper. It is what clasps the zipper teeth or separates them depending on the direction of movement. Attached to it is the pull tab, the extension that is held when moving the zipper up or down. Some sliders come with a zip-lock feature in that, when the pull tab is lowered, it locks the slider in place and when raised, it unlocks it. This refers to the strips of fabric to which the zipper teeth are attached. There are usually", "id": "17830232" }, { "contents": "Monopoly\n\n\nto engage in successful price discrimination. First, the company must have market power. Second, the company must be able to sort customers according to their willingness to pay for the good. Third, the firm must be able to prevent resell. A company must have some degree of market power to practice price discrimination. Without market power a company cannot charge more than the market price. Any market structure characterized by a downward sloping demand curve has market power – monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly. The only market structure", "id": "19193951" }, { "contents": "Metal zipper\n\n\na wide variety of designs depending on their desired use, including open-ended, two way open-ended and two way closed-ended designs among others. These designs can be achieved by sewing one end of the zipper, sewing both of its ends together or allowing both of its ends to fall apart respectively. Unlike plastic zippers, metal zippers are stronger and more durable. Though, they also fail at some point and this may render the garment or bag unusable. Most metal zippers fail when the insertion pin tears", "id": "17830227" }, { "contents": "Zipper system\n\n\nThe zipper system (also known as \"vertical parity\") is a method of drawing up party lists in proportional representation electoral systems. It requires candidates on the list to alternate between men and women in order to secure equal representation in candidacy and potentially elected members. Some countries mandate the zipper system in their electoral laws. It was introduced in Italy in 1993, but overturned by the constitutional court in 1995. In countries without a legal requirement, parties may choose to implement the zipper system on their own lists, such", "id": "5721649" }, { "contents": "Zipper\n\n\nclosed completely when the slider is at the top end. Some jackets have double-separating zippers with two sliders on the tape. When the sliders are on opposite ends of the tape then the jacket is closed. If the lower slider is raised then the bottom part of the jacket may be opened to allow more comfortable sitting or bicycling. When both sliders are lowered then the zipper may be totally separated. Bags, suitcases and other pieces of luggage also often feature two sliders on the tape: the part of the zipper", "id": "8454958" }, { "contents": "Catsuit\n\n\nexclusively) worn with a corset over the top of the suit. Other materials such as lycra, shiny wet look, or velvet are options for fetish wear too, with some lycra materials having animal print designs. Catsuits can have zippers on the front or rear for access, with some having zippers on the shoulders. Additional zippers can be placed in specific areas for access, if required. Typically a fetish catsuit will not have gloves or feet. Feet, if present, are typically form fitting like socks and the gloves", "id": "11363212" }, { "contents": "Wetsuit\n\n\nhave a vertical back zipper, a cross-shoulder zipper or a vertical front zipper. Each of these arrangements has some advantages and some disadvantages: Wetsuits that fit too tightly can cause difficulty breathing or even acute cardiac failure, and a loose fit allows considerable flushing which reduces effectiveness of insulation, so a proper fit is important. The quality of fit is most important for diving as this is where the thickest suits are used and the heat loss is potentially greatest. A diving wetsuit should touch the skin over as much of", "id": "10458347" }, { "contents": "Zipper\n\n\nabove the zipper teeth for separating the ridge seal. This seal is structurally weak against internal pressure, and can be separated by pressure within the sealed container pushing outward on the ridges, which simply flex and spread apart, potentially allowing air or liquid entry through the spread-open ridges. Ridge-sealed zippers are sometimes used on lower-cost surface dry suits. Some zippers include a designed ability for the slider to hold in a steady open or closed position, resisting forces that would try to move the slider and open", "id": "8454972" }, { "contents": "Monopoly on violence\n\n\nof coercion to ensure that order and other equilibriums hold up. The implication of this is that there is a frontier of well-being in stateless societies, that can only be surpassed if some level of coercion or violence is used to elevate the complexity of the state. In other words, without investing in troops, police, or some sort of enforcement mechanism, early states cannot enjoy the law and order (or prosperity) of more developed states. The capacity of a state is often measured in terms of its", "id": "10446" }, { "contents": "YKK AP SC\n\n\nthe biggest rival all the time as they have to compete for right to participate in Emperor's Cup as the representative of Toyama. On September 10, 2007, YKK and Hokuriku Electric Power Company, the owner of ALO's Hokuriku, agreed with merging their teams to aim promotion to the J. League, national supreme football league in Japan, in response of eager request by Toyama football association (TFA). According to Tulip TV, local broadcasting company, over 20 companies informally promised to invest in the new team. In", "id": "1249119" }, { "contents": "ALO's Hokuriku\n\n\nin regional league, YKK AP F.C. had been the biggest rival all the time as they have to compete for the right to participate in Emperor's Cup as the representative of Toyama. On September 10, 2007, Hokuriku Electric Power Company and YKK agreed with merging their teams to aim promotion to the J. League, the national supreme football league in Japan, in response to an eager request by Toyama Football Association (TFA). According to local broadcasting company Tulip TV, over 20 companies informally promised to invest in the new", "id": "1307122" }, { "contents": "Kataller Toyama\n\n\nThe idea of a merged team had been discussed by the Toyama Prefectural Football Association as early as 2005, but discussions had come to nothing. On September 10, 2007, YKK (owner of YKK AP F.C.) and Hokuriku Electric Power Company (owner of ALO's Hokuriku), agreed with merging their teams to aim promotion to the J. League in response of eager request by the TPFA. According to Tulip TV, local broadcasting company, over 20 companies informally promised to invest in the new team. In the media briefing", "id": "17419207" }, { "contents": "Coil zipper\n\n\nthey are used. Coil zippers are zippers whose teeth/elements are made from that was traditionally nylon. The coil is sewn to a zipper tape to make the final product. The final zipper product is completed when the nylon coiled teeth are sewn onto the zipper tape. Nylon coil zippers have a continuous coil chain made from nylon. When this coil is positioned on the back of the zipper and not in the front, this kind of zipper is called invisible zipper. Nylon zippers are highly flexible and are available in a", "id": "17830244" }, { "contents": "Natural monopoly\n\n\na body as the London booksellers, this sort of combination long continued to exist. I have already mentioned the case of the gas and water companies. Mill also applied the term to land, which can manifest a natural monopoly by virtue of it being the only land with a particular mineral, etc. Furthermore, Mill referred to network industries, such as electricity and water supply, roads, rail and canals, as \"practical monopolies\", where \"it is the part of the government, either to subject the business", "id": "1233497" }, { "contents": "Coil zipper\n\n\nCoil zipper—also known as nylon coil zipper—is a type of zipper whose teeth/elements are made from that is traditionally nylon. The coil is sewn to a zipper tape to make the final product. The final zipper product is completed when the nylon coiled teeth are sewn onto the zipper tape. Nylon coil zippers have a continuous coil chain made from nylon. When this coil is positioned on the back of the zipper and not in the front, this kind of zipper is called invisible zipper. Stronger horizontal strength", "id": "17830242" }, { "contents": "YKK Manufacturing and Engineering Centre\n\n\ncommunications among staff while lending Optimum organization to the working space. All structural and technical details are visible. The double-glazed exterior walls allow natural light to pour in, and also give unlimited views of the attractive surrounding area. The complex has the character of a showroom through the use of YKK products and the presence of numerous presentation and demonstration areas. The buildings technological image is based on the company itself, its products and its philosophy. The building won G-Mark Award from the Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization and", "id": "16635477" }, { "contents": "Koichi Kato (politician, born 1939)\n\n\nmarginalize the old guard within the Diet. With the election of Miyazawa (then leader of Kato's own faction) in 1991, YKK gained greater prestige and power within the party. From the Miyazawa era onwards, YKK represented the power base of the anti-mainstream faction in the LDP. All three leaders made repeated tilts at the party leadership in the 1990s, but were unsuccessful. In 1998 Kato assumed leadership of the Kochikai Faction, taking over from Miyazawa. Upon the sudden illness and death of Keizō Obuchi in May", "id": "6405381" }, { "contents": "Koichi Kato (politician, born 1939)\n\n\nWith Nonaka's resignation shortly after Kato's rebellion, the path was clear for someone to replace Mori. Jun'ichirō Koizumi, the only member of YKK undamaged by the events of November 2001, finally gained control of the LDP. While Kato and Yamasaki had failed, the reformist, anti-mainstream ideals of YKK had finally moved to the forefront of Japanese politics, providing validation for Kato and his views. Kato has had a sometimes difficult relationship with fellow reformer Ichirō Ozawa. Ozawa had been a strong advocate for reform within the", "id": "6405385" }, { "contents": "YKK\n\n\nused in foam moulded products like a cushion body used for an automobile seat. Architectural Aluminium products include fenestration systems for glass exteriors; entrances for commercial and institutional structures; Aluminium sunshades and residential windows. It is based in Austell, Georgia, USA. YKK AP America Inc. manufactures entrances, store fronts, curtain wall, window wall, sunshades, windows and sliding doors for office buildings, residential high-rises, schools, stadiums, shopping centres and institutional structures. The Machinery and Engineering Group focuses on the development and production", "id": "8051627" }, { "contents": "Zipper (data structure)\n\n\nrecursion variable. Consider a recursive data structure like a binary tree labeled by data of type A. The derivative is computed by introducing a recursion variable formula_1 and we recover the original data structure by finding the fixed point formula_2. The datatype of the context is By taking the fixed point formula_3 we find that a zipper for a tree consists of a \"path\" and a downward subtree, where a path is a context list of triples consisting of In general, then, a zipper for a datatype formula_4 parameterized by some other type", "id": "15849102" }, { "contents": "Zipper Club\n\n\n. James met up with Trullie to write and record the rest of the record, coming up with the name Zipper Club in the process. Prior to Zipper Club, Trullie was a solo artist fronting the group Lissy Trullie in addition to studying art and film theory at Parsons and The New School. James and Trullie met with James Iha in Los Angeles to produce some of the songs for the band. The duo has referred to Iha as a \"subtle mad scientist\" and is the only producer they wanted to work with", "id": "16743623" }, { "contents": "Back closure\n\n\n. Some blouses were made with a full length of buttons, but with a roomy fit, allowing them to be donned and removed with just a single button open. Many tops, including turtlenecks, mock turtlenecks, and similar sweaters, have back zippers. The zippers do not need to be open in order for the top to be pulled over. But the zipper allows the top to be widely open when being pulled over in order to not disturb one's hair style. These tops are usually marketed to older adults,", "id": "4655199" }, { "contents": "Dry suit\n\n\nclose and open the zipper. The other common zipper placement is diagonally across the torso, which allows self-donning. Other designs place the zipper straight down the middle of the back (early \"Poseidon Unisuit\"), up one side of the front, around the back of the neck and partway back down the front (later model \"Poseidon Unisuit\") or on a wide tubular chest entry opening which is folded down and clipped round the waist after sealing the zip (some \"Typhoon\" suits). The", "id": "5109840" }, { "contents": "Takeshi Ushibana\n\n\nUshibana was born in Satsumasendai on September 21, 1977. After graduating from Meiji University, he joined J1 League club Avispa Fukuoka in 2000. Although he played several matches as midfielder until 2001, the club was relegated to J2 League from 2002. In 2002, he played many matches as midfielder until summer. However he could not play at all in the match from summer. In 2003, he moved to Japan Football League club YKK (later \"YKK AP\"). He became a regular player and played many matches", "id": "15119536" }, { "contents": "Herbert Zipper\n\n\ncharacter and his love for humanity, often volunteering for the most demeaning of jobs. Zipper used music and poetry to bolster the spirits of the other inmates. He eventually had instruments made from stolen wood and wire and gathered a group of 14 musician prisoners to form an orchestra, for which he composed music. The orchestra held secret rehearsals and gave concerts on Sunday afternoons in an unused latrine. Zipper said that the concerts were not for entertainment, but a means of keeping alive some small measure of civilization and of restoring value", "id": "20232658" }, { "contents": "Nuclear weapons of the United States\n\n\nshould attempt to maintain a monopoly on nuclear technology, or whether it should undertake a program of information sharing with other nations (especially its former ally and likely competitor, the Soviet Union), or submit control of its weapons to some sort of international organization (such as the United Nations) who would use them to attempt to maintain world peace. Though fear of a nuclear arms race spurred many politicians and scientists to advocate some degree of international control or sharing of nuclear weapons and information, many politicians and members of the", "id": "986190" }, { "contents": "A-2 jacket\n\n\nor brass, and some were nickel plated. Known zipper suppliers were Talon, Crown, Conmar, and Kwik, with Talon providing the majority of zippers used in wartime A-2 construction. Until about 1940, Talon zippers with riveted or grommeted metal bottoms were used. Unlike modern, loose-fitting jackets, the original A-2 looks to us today a rather trim-fitting jacket. Period photos and films reveal a jacket which could be worn fitted and sharp looking or a bit baggy and loose in the body. It was designed", "id": "19958359" }, { "contents": "Metal zipper\n\n\nThese are found exclusively on separating zippers. The pin box or retainer box aligns the insertion pin and the rest of the separating zipper to begin clasping of the zipper teeth. The insertion pin is the metallic end of the zipper that it placed into the retainer box to allow the joining of the two halves of the zipper. The first manufacturer of the metal zipper was B. F. Goodrich Company in 1923. Since then, there have been a number of key players in the metal zipper manufacture industry, with the following being the", "id": "17830234" }, { "contents": "Ascoli Piceno\n\n\nthe administrative and religious center of the town, surrounded by the Cathedral, the baptistery, the Bishop's residence, and the Palace of the Commune. According to traditional accounts, Ascoli Piceno once housed some two hundred towers in the Middle Ages: today some fifty can still be seen. Main sights include: In Castel Trosino, not far from the city, in 1893 a rare 6th-century Lombard necropolis was found. Recent industrialization has brought to Ascoli several Italian and multinational companies (YKK, Manuli, Pfizer, Barilla", "id": "13533503" }, { "contents": "Zipper\n\n\nto it as the zipper, and the name stuck. The two chief uses of the zipper in its early years were for closing boots and tobacco pouches. Zippers began being used for clothing in 1925 by Schott NYC on leather jackets. In the 1930s, a sales campaign began for children's clothing featuring zippers. The campaign praised zippers for promoting self-reliance in young children by making it possible for them to dress in self-help clothing. The zipper beat the button in 1937 in the \"Battle of the Fly", "id": "8454967" }, { "contents": "Metal zipper\n\n\nA metal zipper is a zipper, zip, zip fastener or fly with its binding edges consisting of individual pieces of metal that are molded into shape and set at regular intervals on the zipper tape. Metal zippers are mainly made of brass, nickel and aluminium, and given their durability, they are mostly used in jeans, work-wear, heavy luggage and heavy-duty garments that must withstand high strength and tough washing. The metal zipper is the oldest type of workable zipper, having been invented by Gideon Sundback as", "id": "17830224" }, { "contents": "Coil zipper\n\n\nis effortlessly achieved with the fabrication of coil zipper. These zippers also have easy repair; zipping and unzipping past the point of misaligned tooth easily repairs the nylon monofilament and the tooth efficiently fixes itself. Another advantage of nylon zippers is its two-way functionality. The sliders can be fixed in either direction of the zipper chain and they will still function smoothly. Coil zippers are the most common type of zippers and are lightweight, heat resistant, and rustproof. Therefore, they last long and work exceptionally well in whatever product", "id": "17830243" }, { "contents": "Zipper\n\n\nbetween them is unfastened. When the two sliders are located next to each other, which can be at any point along the tape, the zipper is fully closed. Zippers may: These variations are achieved by sewing one end of the zipper together, sewing both ends together, or allowing both ends of the zipper to fall completely apart. A zipper costs relatively little, but if it fails, the garment may be unusable until the zipper is repaired or replaced—which can be quite difficult and expensive. Problems often lie", "id": "8454959" }, { "contents": "Gaza Strip\n\n\nAuthority pays for the salaries of some of its civil servants. And the army doesn’t have a monopoly on armed force, because there are independent militias operating alongside it.\" Moshe Arens, a former Israeli diplomat who served as Foreign Minister and Defense Minister, likewise wrote that Gaza is a state as \"it has a government, an army, a police force and courts that dispense justice of sorts.\" In November 2018, Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked asserted that Gaza is an independent state, stating that Palestinians \"", "id": "11738543" }, { "contents": "Norman conquest of England\n\n\nbuilt on the English system of taxation that included a land tax, or the geld. English coinage was also superior to most of the other currency in use in northwestern Europe, and the ability to mint coins was a royal monopoly. The English kings had also developed the system of issuing writs to their officials, in addition to the normal medieval practice of issuing charters. Writs were either instructions to an official or group of officials, or notifications of royal actions such as appointments to office or a grant of some sort.", "id": "19317899" }, { "contents": "Low-rise pants\n\n\nthe crotch and the waist and is usually around 30 cm (12 inches) on regular pants. In comparison, the average measurement of low-rise trousers is roughly 20 cm (8 inches), with some as little as 7–10 cm (3-4 inches). Several jeans brands also reflect the rise on the zipper, by creating pants with zippers far shorter than regular pants, usually between 5 and 7 cm (2-3 inches), and some manufacturers, such as Dorinha Jeans Wear, even provide", "id": "8541904" }, { "contents": "Zipper (data structure)\n\n\n\"a list with zipper\" to emphasize that the structure is conceptually a tree or list, while the zipper is a detail of the implementation. A layman's explanation for a tree with zipper would be an ordinary computer filesystem with operations to go to parent (often codice_1), and the possibility to go downwards (codice_2). The zipper is the pointer to the current path. Behind the scenes the zippers are efficient when making (functional) changes to a data structure, where a new, slightly changed, data", "id": "15849095" }, { "contents": "Zipper\n\n\n\", after French fashion designers raved over zippers in men's trousers. \"Esquire\" declared the zipper the \"Newest Tailoring Idea for Men\" and among the zippered fly's many virtues was that it would exclude \"The Possibility of Unintentional and Embarrassing Disarray.\" The most recent innovation in the zipper's design was the introduction of models that could open on both ends, as on jackets. Today the zipper is by far the most widespread fastener, and is used on clothing, luggage, leather goods, and various", "id": "8454968" }, { "contents": "Monopoly on violence\n\n\nfiscal and legal capacity. Fiscal capacity meaning the state's ability to recover taxation to provide public goods, and legal capacity meaning the state's supremacy as sole arbiter of conflict resolution and contract enforcement. Without some sort of coercion, the state would not otherwise be able to enforce its legitimacy in its desired sphere of influence. In early and developing states, this role was often played by the \"stationary bandit\" who defended villagers from roving bandits, in the hope that the protection would incentivize villagers to invest in economic production", "id": "10447" }, { "contents": "Tommaso Buscetta\n\n\nif you need a favor, you must go through me. In other words, the Cosa Nostra figure maintains a sort of monopoly on that politician. Every family head in the Mafia selects a man whose characteristics already make him look approachable. Forget the idea that some pact is reached first. On the contrary, one goes to that candidate and says, \"Onorevole, I can do this and that for you now, and we hope that when you are elected you will remember us.\" The candidate wins and he", "id": "21425417" }, { "contents": "Edward Hamersley (senior)\n\n\nstate. Thus, Hamersley spent some time sorting out his estate, then launched into a new horse breeding venture. He became a leading horse-breeder and was a foundation member of the Western Australian Turf Club when it formed in 1852. In 1851, he partnered with Phillips, Lockier Burges and Bart Vigors to form an enterprise known as \"The Cattle Company\". Each man applied for leases on the Irwin River in the newly opened Champion Bay district, thus securing for the company a virtual monopoly of land in the", "id": "7063228" }, { "contents": "Metal zipper\n\n\nthe zipper market. In 1893, Whitcomb Judson came up with an improvement of Howe's prototype which was basically a hook-and-eye shoe fastener. Even though his invention wasn't a practical zipper per se, Judson is still referred to as the father/inventor of the zipper. 1917 saw the invention of the first practical zipper by Gideon Sundback, originally referred to as the \"\"Separable Fastener\"”. This is actually the first metal zipper that was made and it consisted of scoops of a special Y", "id": "17830229" }, { "contents": "Metal zipper\n\n\n, shoes, leather goods and other objects that require easier fastening. A metal zipper functions just like any other zipper, with a number of similar components. The components of a metal zipper include: Also known as the chain, it includes the two continuous rows of metal teeth protrusions that are meshed together to close the zipper or separate it. The zipper teeth or chain is measured in terms of chain width gauge size. The bigger the gauge number, the wider the chain width. This refers to the device that is", "id": "17830231" }, { "contents": "Metal zipper\n\n\ntwo strips of tape, with the sides with zipper teeth attached facing each other, and the other sides sewed to the outfit, luggage, shoes or other fabrics. The tape should have top and bottom extensions that extend beyond the teeth for easier sewing at the ends of the zipper. These are metal devices that are affixed at the top and bottom ends of the zipper respectively, to prevent the slider from coming out of the zipper chain. The bottom stop also prevents the already interlocked zipper teeth from separating into half.", "id": "17830233" }, { "contents": "Zipper\n\n\nthe sealing surfaces) if the teeth are misaligned while straining to pull the zipper shut. These zippers are very common where airtight or watertight seals are needed, such as on scuba diving dry suits, ocean survival suits, and hazmat suits. A less common water-resistant zipper is similar in construction to a standard toothed zipper, but includes a molded plastic ridge seal similar to the mating surfaces on a ziploc bag. Such a zipper is easier to open and close than a clipped version, and the slider has a gap", "id": "8454971" }, { "contents": "Falk Zipperer\n\n\nspent a great deal of time writing poems, an interest that bound them together. Himmler once remarked that Zipperer was \"a really nice, good friend and a great man of genius\". When Zipperer married in 1937, Himmler gave a lunch party. In 1938, Himmler accepted Zipperer into the SS. On the occasion of Himmler's 40th birthday in 1940, Zipperer published an essay in a Festschrift. When Himmler was preparing for Christmas in 1944, he put down Zipperer's wife, Liselotte, for a gift.", "id": "871932" }, { "contents": "Coil zipper\n\n\nwide range of sizes. The high compatibility of the coil zippers is the main attribute for their huge number of applications in fashion wear, canvas goods, and bags. These types of zippers are also the top choice for the outdoor and luggage industries. Nylon coil zippers are most commonly found in tents, suitcases, backpacks, and other camping apparels. Though nylon coil zippers are a very popular choice for a large number of applications, the use of nylon is now being replaced with polyester. Polyester coil zippers are also becoming", "id": "17830245" }, { "contents": "Coil zipper\n\n\nwidespread nowadays. But nylon coil zippers still remain one of the most manufactured zippers all across the globe. They are made in various gauge sizes and colors. This makes them well-suited to several items that are used daily. There are other variations of these coil zippers too which are also used extensively according to their requirements. Stronger horizontal strength is effortlessly achieved with the fabrication of coil zipper. These zippers are also great because of their ease of repair. Even a tooth that gets out of the alignment can be fixed", "id": "17830246" }, { "contents": "Herbert Zipper\n\n\nZipper and his brothers were released on February 21, 1939, and returned home to Vienna. Zipper and one of his brothers traveled to join the rest of the family on March 16 in Paris. On May 3 of that year, Zipper received a call from the Philippines asking if he would accept the position of conductor of the Manila Symphony Orchestra. Zipper’s fiancée, renowned dancer Trudl Dubsky, had been working in Manila since 1937 and had recommended him for the post. Zipper accepted and joined Trudl in Manila, where", "id": "20232661" }, { "contents": "Zipper\n\n\nother objects. Airtight zippers were first developed by NASA for making high-altitude pressure suits and later space suits, capable of retaining air pressure inside the suit in the vacuum of space. The airtight zipper is built like a standard toothed zipper, but with a waterproof sheeting (which is made of fabric-reinforced polyethylene and is bonded to the rest of the suit) wrapped around the outside of each row of zipper teeth. When the zipper is closed, the two facing sides of the plastic sheeting are squeezed tightly against", "id": "8454969" }, { "contents": "Volkswagen Westfalia Camper\n\n\nsort of foyer or vestibule. It's big enough for two adults to stand inside, but little else, and was probably intended as a means of getting in and out of the camper in cold or wet weather. The stripes are about four inches wide. The tent itself is about four feet wide by three feet deep, and inside headroom is well over six feet. A long white zipper runs up the middle of the front, while the back is open and contoured to fit the bus. The frame consists of", "id": "15461329" }, { "contents": "YPF\n\n\nof \"the mobilization of all sort of resistance and obstacles\" from the oil trusts, in particular from Standard Oil, which was one of the most influential foreign companies in Argentina, with a presence in Comodoro Rivadavia, Jujuy, and Salta. The Chamber of Deputies approved a law on 28 September 1928, establishing a state monopoly on oil. The monopoly, however, was not absolute, being limited to oil exploration, exploitation and transport, but excluding selling and imports. Private firms opposed themselves to the law project,", "id": "16244969" }, { "contents": "Zenair Zipper\n\n\nsquare in cross section. The standard powerplants provided with the Zipper kits were the JPX PUL 425 engine of and the Rotax 277 of . Fuel capacity is . The twin-engined Zipper II used a similar engine configuration to its competitor, the Ultraflight Lazair, placing both engines close together to minimize engine-out requirements. Zenith Aircraft Company President Sebastien Heintz, son of the designer Chris Heintz, learned to fly in a Zenair Zipper. In December 2008 there were four Zippers still registered in Canada. Consisting of two Zippers,", "id": "12230465" }, { "contents": "Falk Zipperer\n\n\nFalk-Wolfgang Zipperer (24 December 1899 in Darmstadt – 1966 in Bonn) was a German jurist and librarian. Zipperer was one of Heinrich Himmler's closest friends. Falk Zipperer attended Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munich. In April 1917, Zipperer left grammar school and began officer training. After his participation in the First World War, reaching the rank of lieutenant, Zipperer began studying jurisprudence at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, under, among others, Konrad Beyerle. In 1921, he became active in the Corps Vandalia Graz. He finished", "id": "871928" }, { "contents": "Eamonn Fingleton\n\n\noligopolies in a host of crucial niches in supplying advanced materials, components and production machinery for industries like electronics, cars, and aerospace. In two books in the 1990s, I made a sustained effort to track Japan's more important manufacturing 'chokepoints,' as they are known to customers. I succeeded in identifying close to 100. Some are well known, such as the YKK Company's global lock on zip fasteners and Shimano's dominance in bicycle gears. Many have hitherto gone largely unnoticed, but are actually much more", "id": "6111247" }, { "contents": "Military history of the United Kingdom during World War II\n\n\nunorganised pockets. Slim's men then advanced south towards the Burmese capital. Following the taking of Rangoon in May 1945 some Japanese forces remained in Burma, but it was effectively a large mopping up operation. The next major campaign was planned to be the liberation of Malaya. This was to involve an amphibious assault on the western side of Malaya codenamed Operation Zipper. The dropping of the atomic bombs in August 1945 forestalled Zipper, though some of its landings took place after the Japanese capitulation of 15 August 1945 as the quickest way", "id": "21143241" }, { "contents": "Incomes policy\n\n\nmonopoly power, some economists saw controls as possibly working effectively (though they are usually skeptical on the issue of controls). Because controls of this sort can calm inflationary expectations, this was seen as a serious blow against stagflation. The first wave of controls were successful at curbing inflation temporarily while the administration used expansionary fiscal and monetary policies. However, the long-term effects proved to be destabilizing. Left unsuppressed after the initial price controls were relaxed, the overly expansionary policies proceeded to exacerbate inflationary pressures. Meat also began", "id": "5913089" }, { "contents": "Distributism\n\n\ncould involve government involvement of some sort. Distributists look favorably on credit unions as a preferable alternative to banks. Distributism appears to have one of its greatest influences in antitrust legislation in America and Europe designed to break up monopolies and excessive concentration of market power in one or only a few companies, trusts, interests, or cartels. Embodying the philosophy explained by Chesterton, above, that too much capitalism means too few capitalists, not too many, America's extensive system of antitrust legislation seeks to prevent the concentration of market power", "id": "8934156" }, { "contents": "Coercive monopoly\n\n\n, or franchises.\" Some point out that a monopolist themselves may \"employ violence\" to create or maintain a coercive monopoly. Some recommend that government \"create\" coercive monopolies. For example, claims of natural monopoly are often used as justification for government intervening to establish a statutory monopoly (government monopoly or government-granted monopoly) where competition is outlawed, under the claim that multiple firms providing a good or service entails more collective costs to an economy than that which would be the case if a single firm provided a", "id": "14620351" }, { "contents": "Net Neutrality (Last Week Tonight)\n\n\nbe no reduction in competition. Oliver responds, \"you could not be describing a monopoly more clearly if you were wearing a metal top hat\", a player token used in the game \"Monopoly\". Then the segment shows a graphic of Ookla Speed Test that shows a list of countries, sorted by their average broadband speed. The U.S., ranking 31st on the list, had an average speed slower than Estonia, a country Oliver described as \"still worried about Shrek attacks\". Oliver goes on to point out", "id": "11962775" }, { "contents": "Talon Zipper\n\n\nTalon Zipper is a company founded in 1893, originally as the Universal Fastener Company, in Chicago. They later moved to Hoboken, New Jersey, and finally to Meadville, Pennsylvania. It was in Meadville that the zipper as we know it was invented, until then they were producing hookless fasteners for boots and shoes. Here, the zipper was mass-produced beginning in the 1920s. The high demand for zippers created favorable conditions for the Talon Company, and so became Meadville's most crucial industry. The company encountered significant", "id": "11837187" }, { "contents": "Metal zipper\n\n\nloose from the tape, when one or multiple metal teeth fall off the tape or when the slider jams or breaks off. For the zipper to be usable again, it should be replaced or repaired. Metal zippers are found in various types as listed below. The first attempt at making a zipper was in 1851, when Elias Howe was working on the \"\"Automatic Continuous Clothing Closure\"\". His creation resembled a drawstring and didn't really qualify to be an automatic zipper, but it was a great start for", "id": "17830228" }, { "contents": "Zenair Zipper\n\n\nThe Zenair Zipper is a Canadian ultralight high-wing, single seat aircraft that was designed by Chris Heintz and produced by Zenair. The Zipper is a highly innovative design that strongly emphasizes portability over speed or carrying capacity. The Zipper was designed in the early 1980s by established Canadian aircraft designer Chris Heintz and put into production by his company Zenair, of Midland, Ontario. Heintz's motivation for the Zipper was the ultralight aviation boom that was occurring in Canada at that time and the introduction of new aviation regulations by Transport Canada", "id": "12230462" }, { "contents": "Zipper (data structure)\n\n\nA zipper is a technique of representing an aggregate data structure so that it is convenient for writing programs that traverse the structure arbitrarily and update its contents, especially in purely functional programming languages. The zipper was described by Gérard Huet in 1997. It includes and generalizes the gap buffer technique sometimes used with arrays. The zipper technique is general in the sense that it can be adapted to lists, trees, and other recursively defined data structures. Such modified data structures are usually referred to as \"a tree with zipper\" or", "id": "15849094" }, { "contents": "Metal zipper\n\n\nmetal. The slider is operated by hand, and depending on the direction of its movement, the two rows of protruding metal teeth will either be interlocked or separated. This allows for full of partial fastening of the zipper depending on the user's preference. Metal zippers are most effective when used on heavy weight or thick materials such as denim and leather among other heavy-duty fabrics. These zippers are commonly found in denim trousers and jackets, leather outfits, shoes and heavy luggage and bags. Metal zippers are present in", "id": "17830226" }, { "contents": "Herbert Zipper\n\n\nthemselves and many contracted typhoid fever as a result. It was Zipper's responsibility to carry the victims to be buried. Herbert wrapped his friend in the prescribed paper shirt and placed him in the box for the unceremonious burial. On September 23, 1938, Zipper was transferred to Buchenwald because of overcrowding at Dachau. Zipper and his brothers were fortunate that their father, Emil Zipper, had been in London trying to secure documents for the family to leave Austria. Emil was eventually able to secure the release of his sons.", "id": "20232660" }, { "contents": "Coil zipper\n\n\nflawlessly. Zipping and unzipping past the point of misaligned tooth easily repairs the nylon monofilament and the tooth efficiently fixes itself. Another advantage of nylon zippers is its two-way functionality. The sliders can be fixed in either direction of the zipper chain and they will still function smoothly. Coil zippers are the commonest type of zippers that are lightweight, heat resistant and rustproof. Therefore, they last long and work exceptionally well in whatever product they are used. Apart from high compatibility and strong construction, there are other numerous benefits", "id": "17830247" }, { "contents": "Locking clothing\n\n\n. A \"zipper blocker\" prevents the zipper from sliding down its shaft. One version is a locking safety pin in which a piece of the metal bar simply rests across the shaft, thereby blocking movement of the zipper's channel in that direction. Other versions, which are sewn onto the garment, involve two pieces of metal that hook together, and likewise block the zipper's movement. Other versions have been created that hold the pull tab on the zipper in place. In many care facilities, common safety pins are", "id": "2702909" }, { "contents": "Timeline of United States inventions (1890–1945)\n\n\nJohn Froelich invented and built the first gasoline-powered tractor in Clayton County, Iowa. 1893 Zipper The zipper is a popular device for temporarily joining two edges of fabric. Zippers are found on trousers, jeans, jackets, and luggage. Whitcomb L. Judson was an American mechanical engineer from Chicago who was the first to invent, conceive of the idea, and to construct a workable zipper. Using a hook-and-eye device, Judson intended for this earliest form of the zipper to be used on shoes. He", "id": "968556" }, { "contents": "Parka\n\n\n. A cagoule is the British English term for a lightweight, weatherproof anorak or parka, usually unlined and sometimes knee-length. A cagoule could be rolled up into a very compact package and carried in a bag or pocket. It was invented by Noel Bibby of Peter Storm Ltd. in the early 1960s. It may have a full-zippered front opening, or pull over the head like an original anorak and close with snaps or a short zipper, has an integral hood, and elasticated or drawstring cuffs. In some", "id": "20202612" }, { "contents": "Zoe Motors\n\n\nPrice Is Right\". Neither host Bob Barker nor announcer Johnny Olson could keep from giggling when the incredulous contestant asked \"What is \"that\"?\" and later \"It's a \"car\"?!\" She did win it, and after enthusiastically hugging and kissing Barker, Barker quipped \"If you want some affection, just give a lady a three-wheeled vehicle!\" According to the show, the Zipper (the hardtop model) cost $3785. The Zipper was not successful in the United States", "id": "5881447" }, { "contents": "Zabbaleen\n\n\nown pigs. The pigs are fed the organic waste. After the organic waste has been eaten by the pigs, the rest of the trash is sorted into different categories such, as PT plastic, paper, cans, etc. Thus, as Engi Wassef, the director of \"Marina of the Zabbaleen\" notes, \"One of the reasons why Coptic Christians are given a kind of monopoly status on the garbage collection and sorting system is because the Muslim religion does not allow for breeding or eating or living near pigs.", "id": "15076451" }, { "contents": "Leucine zipper\n\n\nchains from one alpha helix interdigitate with those from the alpha helix of a second polypeptide, facilitating dimerization. Leucine zippers are a dimerization domain of the bZIP (Basic-region leucine zipper) class of eukaryotic transcription factors. The bZIP domain is 60 to 80 amino acids in length with a highly conserved DNA binding basic region and a more diversified leucine zipper dimerization region. The leucine zipper is a common three-dimensional structural motif in proteins and it has that name because leucines occur every seven amino acids in the dimerization domain.", "id": "2525857" }, { "contents": "Rich Zipperer\n\n\nUniversity Law Center. He worked for U.S. Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner as his district director and deputy chief of staff. Zipperer was first elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly in 2006. On November 2, 2010, Zipperer was elected to the Wisconsin State Senate. In August, 2012, Zipperer resigned from the Senate to take a post as deputy chief of staff in the administration of Gov. Scott Walker. Zipperer met his wife, Rita, while attending St. Norbert College in De Pere. She works for Northwestern Mutual Financial Network in Brookfield", "id": "3069850" } ]
What would happen if you were exposed to the vacuum of space while wearing a sealed helmet and air supply, but with no suit to cover the rest of your body?
[{"answer": "If you find yourself exposed to the near vacuum of space, so long as you don\u2019t try to hold your breath, which would result in your lungs rupturing and thus pretty well guaranteed that the incident would be fatal, you\u2019ll likely remain conscious for about 10-15 seconds, with perhaps half that being useful consciousness. After that, you\u2019ll be fine as long as you\u2019re placed back in a pressurized environment within about 90-180 seconds. These numbers are based on both human accidents that have occurred and on experiments run on animals. For instance, in 1965, researchers at the Brooks Air Force Base in Texas ran a series of experiments on dogs. They exposed the dogs to 1/380th normal atmospheric pressure for varying amounts of time to see how the animals\u2019 bodies would react. In most cases, the dogs survived without permanent damage, so long as the time frame was less than 90 seconds. Once they pushed it to two minutes, the dogs typically suffered cardiac arrest and died. So that\u2019s dogs. **What about humans**? Chimpanzees were chosen here as the guinea pigs. They did much better than the dogs, with most able to survive for up to 3 minutes, with the record being 3 and a half minutes. For those under 3 minutes, they not only were fine, but the researchers were able to confirm that their cognitive abilities, with one exception, were not damaged in any way. We don\u2019t just need to rely on animal tests though. One of the first such accidents was when a technician at the Johnson Space Center in 1965 accidentally depressurized his suit by ripping out a hose. He remained conscious for 14 seconds. During this time, he remembered feeling the water rapidly evaporating off his tongue. Around the 15 second mark other technicians started the process of re-pressurizing the chamber. He regained consciousness at around the 15,000 ft. atmospheric pressure level, which was about 27 seconds into the ordeal. The only residual effect noted was that he couldn\u2019t taste anything for several days after the accident, though his sense of taste returned to normal within a week. On the other end of the spectrum we have an incident involving a man who wasn\u2019t so lucky. According to a paper by Dr. Emanuel M. Roth, Rapid Decompression Emergencies in Pressure-Suited Subject, published in 1968, it took about 3 minutes to re-pressurize the chamber the man was in. Once it was re-pressurized, he gasped a few times, then ceased to breathe. Efforts to revive him were unsuccessful. So it would appear, much like with the chimpanzees, the **3 minute mark is roughly the upper limit for humans**."}, {"answer": "The pressure differential between inside your body and outside your body does really bad things and you die from it. Your body swells up, loses blood pressure, and your brain stops working in about 15 seconds. But you know all those anime shows with the skin-tight space-suits? [Yeah, that's actually based on a real thing, space activity suits]( URL_0 ). If you just wrap the body in a strong fiber that will keep it's shape, and supply air, then you can have a fun time in space. Temperature isn't that big a problem for a while. Radiation is a serious concern, but it's more of a long-term risk. You body WILL conform to the volume of the suit. Which means the suit has to be pretty damn accurate to the size you want your body to be. Which was hard in the 70's so it really hurt the guy's balls when they tested it out."}, {"answer": "your lungs would rupture pretty quickly, as they and the surrounding tissues would be trying to hold back the pressure difference between your helmet's air supply and a vacuum. if your helmet was pressurized to earth normal, that would be about 33 pounds for every square inch of outer lung surface. if you were in a nasa suit, this would be 4.7 pounds per square inch. while that doesn't sound like much, those square inches add up quickly. a 10\u201dx10\u201d inch area, *much* smaller than your lungs, has 100 times the that small area would experience 470 pounds of force. in our earth pressure scenario, that would come out to around 3,300 pounds of force, which is around the weight if a 2013 chevy malibu, or roughly 10,000 smallish bananas!"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "56677683", "title": "Mars suit", "section": "Section::::Environmental design requirements.:Breathing.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 31, "end_paragraph_id": 31, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["the carbon dioxide can be removed from the material. If nitrogen is used to increase pressure as on the ISS, it is inert to humans, but can cause decompression sickness. Space suits typically operate at low pressure to make their balloon-like structure easier to move, so astronauts must spend a long time getting the nitrogen out of their system. The Apollo missions used a pure oxygen atmosphere in space except on the ground, to reduce risk of fire. There is also interest in hard suits that can handle higher internal pressures but are more flexible, so astronauts do not have to get the nitrogen out of their system before going on a spacewalk.", "the carbon dioxide can be removed from the material. If nitrogen is used to increase pressure as on the ISS, it is inert to humans, but can cause decompression sickness. Space suits typically operate at low pressure to make their balloon-like structure easier to move, so astronauts must spend a long time getting the nitrogen out of their system. The Apollo missions used a pure oxygen atmosphere in space except on the ground, to reduce risk of fire. There is also interest in hard suits that can handle higher internal pressures but are more flexible, so astronauts do not have to get the nitrogen out of their system before going on a spacewalk.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2568333", "title": "Sokol space suit", "section": "Section::::Operational use.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 13, "end_paragraph_id": 13, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["inside the capsule. If more than limited movement is required, the pressure relief valve may be adjusted to a lower setting of 270 hPa (0.26 atm, 3.9 psi). Pure oxygen at this pressure will support life, but the setting is only intended for use in extreme emergencies; the risk of decompression sickness becomes significant if the wearer spends more than 15 minutes at the lower pressure setting. The maximum length of time the suits may be used in a vacuum is 125 minutes. The time is limited because the oxygen", "inside the capsule. If more than limited movement is required, the pressure relief valve may be adjusted to a lower setting of 270 hPa (0.26 atm, 3.9 psi). Pure oxygen at this pressure will support life, but the setting is only intended for use in extreme emergencies; the risk of decompression sickness becomes significant if the wearer spends more than 15 minutes at the lower pressure setting. The maximum length of time the suits may be used in a vacuum is 125 minutes. The time is limited because the oxygen"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "39375", "title": "Space suit", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["A space suit is a garment worn to keep a human alive in the harsh environment of outer space, vacuum and temperature extremes. Space suits are often worn inside spacecraft as a safety precaution in case of loss of cabin pressure, and are necessary for extravehicular activity (EVA), work done outside spacecraft. Space suits have been worn for such work in Earth orbit, on the surface of the Moon, and en route back to Earth from the Moon. Modern space suits augment the basic pressure garment with a complex system of equipment and environmental systems designed to keep the wearer comfortable, and to minimize the effort required to bend the limbs, resisting a soft pressure garment's natural tendency to stiffen against the vacuum. A self-contained oxygen supply and environmental control system is frequently employed to allow complete freedom of movement, independent of the spacecraft.", "A space suit is a garment worn to keep a human alive in the harsh environment of outer space, vacuum and temperature extremes. Space suits are often worn inside spacecraft as a safety precaution in case of loss of cabin pressure, and are necessary for extravehicular activity (EVA), work done outside spacecraft. Space suits have been worn for such work in Earth orbit, on the surface of the Moon, and en route back to Earth from the Moon. Modern space suits augment the basic pressure garment with a complex system of equipment and environmental systems designed to keep the wearer comfortable, and to minimize the effort required to bend the limbs, resisting a soft pressure garment's natural tendency to stiffen against the vacuum. A self-contained oxygen supply and environmental control system is frequently employed to allow complete freedom of movement, independent of the spacecraft."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Dry suit\n\n\nwaterproof, as was the seal to the helmet and the cuff seals, so the diver remains dry – a big advantage during long dives – and wears sufficient clothing under the suit to keep warm depending on the water temperature and expected level of exertion. The suit was usually a very baggy fit on the diver, and if over-inflated, would be too bulky to allow the diver to reach the control valves for air supply and exhaust. This contributed to the risk of suit blowup, which could cause an uncontrollable buoyant", "id": "5109914" }, { "contents": "Space suit\n\n\naltitude conditions, outer space and training vacuum chambers). Human skin does not need to be protected from vacuum and is gas-tight by itself. Instead, it only needs to be mechanically compressed to retain its normal shape. This can be accomplished with a tight-fitting elastic body suit and a helmet for containing breathing gases, known as a space activity suit (SAS). A space suit should allow its user natural unencumbered movement. Nearly all designs try to maintain a constant volume no matter what movements the wearer", "id": "18157547" }, { "contents": "Effect of spaceflight on the human body\n\n\nLimbs may be exposed for much longer if breathing is not impaired. In December 1966, aerospace engineer and test subject Jim LeBlanc of NASA was partaking in a test to see how well a pressurized space suit prototype would perform in vacuum conditions. To simulate the effects of space, NASA constructed a massive vacuum chamber from which all air could be pumped. At some point during the test, LeBlanc's pressurization hose became detached from the space suit. Even though this caused his suit pressure to drop from to in less than 10", "id": "1976930" }, { "contents": "Advanced Crew Escape Suit\n\n\nin space aboard the Soyuz, and that the spacecraft is an entry capsule, not a winged spacecraft or lifting body). Each suit is sized individually, although most suits can be worn by astronauts of different heights. No ACES has failed during normal flight operations. The \"Columbia\" investigation found that the crews' ACES all failed at some point, but also that none of the \"Columbia\" crew had sealed their helmets, and also that several were not wearing suit gloves. By comparison, in 1966 an SR-71", "id": "6043917" }, { "contents": "Surface-supplied diving\n\n\nhelmets have an extra manual exhaust valve known as a spit-cock. This allows the diver to vent excess air when he is in a position where the main exhaust can not function correctly. The corselet, also known as a breastplate, is an oval or rectangular collar-piece resting on the shoulders, chest and back, to support the helmet and seal it to the suit, usually made from copper and brass, but occasionally steel. The helmet is usually connected to the suit by placing the holes around the rubberised", "id": "16215843" }, { "contents": "Dry suit\n\n\nair supply. These dry suits were directly coupled to the air space in the helmet, and buoyancy was not sufficiently controllable to allow swimming - the diver needed to remain upright when descending or ascending to allow venting of excess air through the helmet exhaust valve, or risk a potentially fatal blowup.(ref usn training film - see Standard diving dress) With these suits the diver would be weighted sufficiently to allow reasonably stable walking on the bottom, and would either be pulled up and lowered by the tenders, or would slide down the shotline", "id": "5109910" }, { "contents": "Surface-supplied diving\n\n\ndoes not move with the head. The diver must move his body to face anything he wants to see. For this reason the faceplate is large and there is often an upper window or side windows to improve the field of vision. The helmet is usually made of two main parts: the bonnet, which covers the diver's head, and the corselet which supports the weight of the helmet on the diver's shoulders, and is clamped to the suit to create a watertight seal. The bonnet is attached and sealed to", "id": "16215838" }, { "contents": "Ralph McQuarrie\n\n\nscript indicated that Vader would travel between spaceships and needed to survive in the vacuum of space, and he proposed that Vader should wear some sort of space suit. Lucas agreed, and McQuarrie combined a full-face breathing mask with a Samurai helmet, thus creating one of the most iconic designs of space fantasy cinema. A 1975 production painting of Darth Vader engaged in a lightsaber duel with Deak Starkiller (a character prototype for Luke Skywalker) depicts Vader wearing black armour, a flowing cape and an elongated, skull-like", "id": "17384997" }, { "contents": "Darth Vader\n\n\nand needed to survive in the vacuum of space, and he proposed that Vader should wear some sort of space suit. Lucas agreed, and McQuarrie combined a full-face breathing mask with a Samurai helmet, thus creating one of the most iconic designs of space fantasy cinema. McQuarrie's of Darth Vader engaged in a lightsaber duel with Deak Starkiller (a character prototype for Luke Skywalker) depicts Vader wearing black armor, a flowing cape and an elongated, skull-like mask and helmet. Its similarity to the final design", "id": "9241792" }, { "contents": "Space suit\n\n\nsuits, are a proposed design which would use a heavy elastic body stocking to compress the body. The head is in a pressurized helmet, but the rest of the body is pressurized only by the elastic effect of the suit. This mitigates the constant volume problem, reduces the possibility of a space suit depressurization and gives a very lightweight suit. When not worn, the elastic garments may appear to be that of clothing for a small child. These suits may be very difficult to put on and face problems with providing a", "id": "18157556" }, { "contents": "First Men in the Moon (1964 film)\n\n\nof space and extreme cold and heat found on the lunar surface. There is an important technical issue with the heating and cooling provided: Using rubber-lined diving suits on the Moon is impractical due to the brittleness of natural rubber once it is exposed to a vacuum. Cavor and Bedford have no radio communication and must make their space helmets touch in order to be able to talk with one another in the Moon's vacuum (the filmmakers violate this rule several times). It is not made clear whether the Selenites have", "id": "17274882" }, { "contents": "Barotrauma\n\n\nthe inner ear to result in auditory hypersensitivity. The sinuses similar to other air-filled cavities are susceptible to barotrauma if their openings become obstructed. This can result in pain as well as epistaxis (nosebleed). If a diver's mask is not equalized during descent the relative negative pressure can produce petechial hemorrhages in the area covered by the mask along with subconjunctival hemorrhages. A problem mostly of historical interest, but still relevant to surface supplied divers who dive with the helmet sealed to the dry suit. If the air supply", "id": "10753843" }, { "contents": "Prometheus (2012 film)\n\n\nI'm in 2083 and I'm going into space, why would I design a helmet that has blind spots. What I want is something where I have 360 [vision]. Glass, by then, will be light and you won't be able to break it with a bullet.\" The interior of the prop helmets had nine functioning video screens, internal lighting, an air supply provided by two fans, and battery packs concealed within a backpack. The helmet's exterior featured a functional light source and high definition", "id": "10984915" }, { "contents": "Dry suit\n\n\nseal to the helmet, rely on the helmet exhaust valve and may not have a separate exhaust valve on the suit itself. Older, now obsolete, dry suits had no dedicated vents; venting was achieved by raising an arm and lifting one of the wrist seals or placing a finger in the neck seal. Surface dry suits do not normally have exhaust valves, but the wearer may vent excess air by crouching down and hugging the legs while slipping a finger under the neck seal. Normally, the gas used for dry suit", "id": "5109865" }, { "contents": "Murder on the Planet Express\n\n\nsaves her and they make a run for the bridge. Outside the ship, Bender's gyroscope is still not working; panicked, he accidentally breaks Fry's helmet causing him to suffocate in the vacuum of space. Bender, in a bid to save his life as well as fix his gyroscope, stuffs Fry into his compartment. Fry then takes over Bender's body by wearing him like a suit (creating a combination dubbed \"Frender\") and gets him under control. Leela and Amy finally make it to the bridge", "id": "15157270" }, { "contents": "Standard diving dress\n\n\nfitted to prevent over-inflation, otherwise protective rubber covers (snappers) would be fitted over the wrist seal ends. Before fitting the helmet, the air supply would be connected and running, and the telephone connected and tested. The helmet would be lowered over the diver's head, turned to the left to allow it to drop between the interrupted neck threads, and rotated to the right to engage the threads. As soon as the helmet is in place the faceplate would be opened for communication, then the locking mechanism", "id": "16215802" }, { "contents": "Spacesuits in fiction\n\n\nbe replaced by a sealed cover with a spring-loaded exit valve to keep a breathable pressure on the \"wet\" side of the regulator diaphragm. And the whole breathing system would have to be checked for leaks which would be harmless in scuba diving but would blow in space vacuum. The spacesuits in these drawings differ much, but all depict the helmet base as being wide enough for the wearer to get it on over his head, showing that their artists had paid little attention to the writer's detailed descriptions. In", "id": "19874630" }, { "contents": "Murder of Ann Ogilby\n\n\n, terrorise a neighbourhood through intimidation\". During the trial, it emerged that plans to kill Ogilby had been formulated by the UDA unit several months before her kangaroo court \"trial\". Elizabeth \"Lily\" Douglas was lambasted by Justice McGonigle, \"You ordered and directed the punishment of this girl. You chose and chose well those who were to carry out your directions. When you heard what had happened you organised the cover-up and disposal of the body. Your concern was that these happenings should not come to", "id": "14840144" }, { "contents": "Public safety diving\n\n\nwater,\" or in waters polluted by chemicals and biohazards. In addition to basic diving skills training, public safety divers require specialized training for recognizing hazards, conducting risk assessments, search procedures, diving in zero visibility, using full-face masks with communication systems, and recovering evidence that is admissible in court. Some of the water they are required to dive in is contaminated, and they may be required to wear vulcanized drysuits, with diving helmets sealed to the suit, and utilize surface supplied air. At times,", "id": "19212058" }, { "contents": "Cybertron\n\n\nuntil the animated feature \"\", and no explanation for their existence was given. The moons were also depicted as being mechanical in nature much like Cybertron with metallic surfaces. Unlike Cybertron however, the moons do not appear to have any detectable atmosphere, as Daniel Witwicky, a longtime ally of the Autobots, was required to wear a mechanical \"exo suit\" that presumably included its own air supply and means to keep organic life forms pressurized against the vacuum of space, something that is not required by humans on Cybetron.", "id": "7805094" }, { "contents": "Oxygen mask\n\n\nadministration. They are transparent, lightweight plastic helmets with a seal that goes around the wearer's neck that looks like a space suit helmet. They offer a good visual field. Light weight plastic hoses provide oxygen to the helmet and remove exhaled gas to the outside of the chamber. Oxygen helmets are often preferred for oxygen administration in hyperbaric oxygen chambers for children and patients that are uncomfortable wearing an oxygen mask. Medical oxygen masks are held in place by medical personnel or the user by hand, or they may be fitted with", "id": "10503959" }, { "contents": "Hyperbaric medicine\n\n\n\" – flexible, transparent soft plastic hoods with a seal around the neck similar to a space suit helmet – or tightly fitting oxygen masks, which supply pure oxygen and may be designed to directly exhaust the exhaled gas from the chamber. During treatment patients breathe 100% oxygen most of the time to maximise the effectiveness of their treatment, but have periodic \"air breaks\" during which they breathe chamber air (21% oxygen) to reduce the risk of oxygen toxicity. The exhaled treatment gas must be removed from the chamber", "id": "16565735" }, { "contents": "Marburg State School\n\n\nwill give plenty of room for cultivation, it will depend of course on what kind of tree you wish to go in for, and the distance apart can be arranged to suit small growing trees. The space for garden plots I have left for your own design.\"A meeting of the school committee in 1925 decided the horse paddock in the northwestern corner of the site would be fenced off. The work was to be completed through working bees and the government would supply the wire. During the same meeting, arrangements were made", "id": "16568990" }, { "contents": "Diver training\n\n\naddition to basic diving skills training, public safety divers require specialized training for recognizing hazards, conducting risk assessments, search procedures, diving in zero visibility, using full-face masks with communication systems, and recovering evidence that is admissible in court. Some of the water they are required to dive in is contaminated, and they may be required to wear vulcanized drysuits, with diving helmets sealed to the suit, and utilize surface supplied air. At times, the decontamination process that takes place out of the water can be longer", "id": "16108108" }, { "contents": "History of underwater diving\n\n\ndiving bells became functionally useful when a renewable supply of air could be provided to the diver at depth, and progressed to surface supplied diving helmets - in effect miniature diving bells covering the diver's head and supplied with compressed air by manually operated pumps - which were improved by attaching a waterproof suit to the helmet and in the early 19th century became the standard diving dress. Limitations in mobility of the surface supplied systems encouraged the development of both open circuit and closed circuit scuba in the 20th century, which allow the diver a", "id": "16393358" }, { "contents": "Korn (album)\n\n\nto get that shit done. Eventually you start spinning-out from sleep deprivation. You get hallucinations and shit like that.\" Davis said that \"Helmet in the Bush\" \"is about meth. It's about when you do meth and you look down at your dick and it's literally a helmet in the bush [laughs]\". \"Basically it's what happens when you do too much drugs and your girl wanna get with you and you got some man problems down below. Just another reason not to", "id": "6425239" }, { "contents": "Underwater diving\n\n\nThe diving bell is one of the earliest types of equipment for underwater work and exploration. Its use was first described by Aristotle in the 4th century BCE. In the 16th and 17th centuries CE, diving bells became more useful when a renewable supply of air could be provided to the diver at depth, and progressed to surface-supplied diving helmets – in effect miniature diving bells covering the diver's head and supplied with compressed air by manually operated pumps – which were improved by attaching a waterproof suit to the helmet. In", "id": "6005391" }, { "contents": "Standard diving dress\n\n\nThree bolt equipment, (Tryokhboltovoye snaryazheniye, Russian:Трехболтовое снаряжение, Russian:трехболтовка) consists of an air-hose supplied copper helmet that is fastened to a corselet and waterproof suit by three bolts which clamp the rubber neck flange of the suit between the metal flanges of the bonnet and the corselet, making a watertight seal between the helmet and suit., two lead weights attached to the chest and back, heavy boots made of copper and lead, and a diver's knife. Three bolt equipment was used by the", "id": "16215781" }, { "contents": "Lockheed U-2\n\n\npartial pressurization, equivalent to pressure altitude, the pilot wears a partially pressurized space suit, which delivers the pilot's oxygen supply and provides emergency protection in case cabin pressure is lost. While pilots can drink water and eat various liquid foods in squeezable containers through a self-sealing hole in the face mask, they typically lose up to 5% of their body mass on an eight-hour mission. Most pilots chose to not take with them the suicide pill offered before missions. If put in the mouth and bitten,", "id": "13765336" }, { "contents": "Launch Entry Suit\n\n\nsafety boots, and a survival backpack, which is donned prior to entering the Orbiter and contains a parachute, life raft, survival gear, and a 30-minute supply of breathing oxygen. Because of the helmet design, which rested on the astronaut's shoulders and allowed them to move their head around freely, astronauts were now required to wear a communications cap similar to those worn by Apollo astronauts, and because they were white (later changed to brown), the suit resembled the Vostok pressure suit worn by Yuri Gagarin. The", "id": "20168429" }, { "contents": "Mars suit\n\n\nan airlock and suit entry and egress with another vehicle, and is commonly known as a suitport. This has been considered as a way to integrate a crewed pressurized Mars rover with Mars space suit EVAs. The idea is that a person would slide into the suit through an airlock opening while the exterior of suit is outside the vehicle and exposed to the Martian environment. Then, the hatch would be closed, sealing off the interior of the vehicle, and the person would be supported by the suit's life support system.", "id": "1604892" }, { "contents": "Irresistible (Jessica Simpson album)\n\n\nthe album. According to Kirsten Koba of PopMatters, Simpson sings it \"with a depth and passion that is lacking on the rest of the album.\" The album artwork for \"Irresistible\" was shot by Alberto Tolot in April 2001. The front sleeve cover shows Simpson, wearing heavy makeup and with blond hair, dressed in a semi-transparent shirt, raising it a bit to expose her navel. Simpson said \"God gave me my body, you know. I'm just doing what I can to make it", "id": "8277667" }, { "contents": "Standard diving dress\n\n\nsupply non-return valve would be tested for leaks, the exhaust valve for spring tension and seal, and smooth action of the chin button, the viewport glass and the faceplate seal for good condition, the spitcock for smooth action and sufficient friction, the locking latch for the helmet thread is working, the bonnet seal gasket is lubricated, the studs secure and wingnuts turn freely, and the brails, helmet and breastplate are a matching set (same serial number) and fit properly. The air supply valve would be checked", "id": "16215796" }, { "contents": "History of underwater diving\n\n\nsilver on board. At the same time, Andrew Becker created a leather-covered diving suit with a windowed helmet. The suit used a system of tubes for inhaling and exhaling, and Becker demonstrated his suit in the River Thames at London, during which he remained submerged for an hour. These suits were of limited use as there was still no practical system for replenishing the air supply during the dive. In 1405, Konrad Kyeser described a diving dress made of a leather jacket and metal helmet with two glass windows.", "id": "16393374" }, { "contents": "Surface-supplied diving skills\n\n\nthe helmet is sealed to the suit to prevent contamination by a hazardous environment. This is colloquially known as pneumo-breathing, and is a useful adjunct to the bailout set, as the gas supply is less limited. Pneumo-breathing may be used during the exit from a dive aborted after main gas hose failure as it allows the emergency gas supply to be conserved in case of a further failure. There is a risk of aspiration of vomit trapped in the helmet air passages, with possibly fatal consequences. This problem is", "id": "1958721" }, { "contents": "Treasure Planet\n\n\nClements wanted to create a space world that was \"warm and had more life to it than you would normally think of in a science fiction film\", as opposed to the \"stainless steel, blue, smoke coming from the bowels of heavily pipe laden\" treatment of science fiction. In order to make the film \"fun\" by creating more exciting action sequences and because they believed that having the characters wear space suits and helmets \"would take all the romance out of it\", the crew created the concept of", "id": "5959710" }, { "contents": "Free (Natalia Kills song)\n\n\nEverything\", \"Buy Your Freedom\", \"You Are What You Wear\", \"You Are Free\", appear throughout the video. A woman appears smoking, a man putting lipstick (AJ English- Model), a naked person removing ripping their clothes with a heel, Kills above motocycles and her in a box filled with dollars. Some montages show Kills with a muscular body, a woman with long neck, and with her hair on fire. Kills is also seen surrounded by a woman wearing a suit,", "id": "15823451" }, { "contents": "Freeflow\n\n\nto defog the faceplate. Another is for breathing gas supply in case of demand valve malfunction, and a third is to assist with clearing water from a leaking helmet, or to prevent inflow through a leaking exhaust port or neck seal. The demand valve of a lightweight helmet can also freeflow for some of the same reasons as can happen with a scuba demand valve. In scuba diving, a freeflow occurs when the diving regulator continues to supply air instead of cutting off the supply when the diver stops inhaling, or starts to", "id": "21298884" }, { "contents": "David North (comics)\n\n\nhis mercenary career as Maverick is a suit of body armor consisting of lightweight fiberglass armor plating, a padded kevlar lining, and airtight seals or shields that allow him to seal the suit for further protection. His mask contained a limited oxygen supply as well as infrared scanning and targeting systems. The suit also harnessed a booster pack that could magnify the kinetic energy his body absorbed. Canadian inventor Isabel Ferguson is the primary source of his specialized gear. As Agent Zero, North wears a body armor woven from vibranium, rendering him", "id": "17223713" }, { "contents": "Zipper\n\n\nother objects. Airtight zippers were first developed by NASA for making high-altitude pressure suits and later space suits, capable of retaining air pressure inside the suit in the vacuum of space. The airtight zipper is built like a standard toothed zipper, but with a waterproof sheeting (which is made of fabric-reinforced polyethylene and is bonded to the rest of the suit) wrapped around the outside of each row of zipper teeth. When the zipper is closed, the two facing sides of the plastic sheeting are squeezed tightly against", "id": "8454969" }, { "contents": "Star Trek: First Contact\n\n\nhad to design a space suit that looked practical rather than exaggerated. Fans were built into the helmets so that the actors would not get overheated, and neon lights built into the front so that the occupant's faces could be seen. When the actors first put the helmets on, the fully enclosed design made it hard to breathe; after a minute of wearing the suit Stewart became ill, and shooting was discontinued. The set for the ship's outer hull and deflector dish were built on gimbals at Paramount's largest sound", "id": "7346963" }, { "contents": "Coco Chanel\n\n\nat shoulder height. Chanel conducted tests with models, having them walk around, step up to a platform as if climbing stairs of an imaginary bus, and bend as if getting into a low-slung sports car. Chanel wanted to make sure women could do all of these things while wearing her suit, without accidentally exposing parts of their body they wanted covered. Each client would have repeated adjustments until their suit was comfortable enough for them to perform daily activities with comfort and ease. The camellia had an established association used", "id": "20365651" }, { "contents": "List of The Powerpuff Girls secondary characters\n\n\nthe Powerpuff Girls' arch-enemy, Mojo Jojo was Professor Utonium's reckless laboratory assistant, Jojo, before Professor Utonium created the Powerpuff Girls, the same accident that created the Girls gave Jojo his super-intelligence. He has green skin, pink scleras, and wears a white glass dome-shaped helmet that covers his oversized, protruding brain. The helmet is often broken in fights with the Girls, partially exposing his enlarged brain. He wears white gloves and boots, a blue suit with a white belt, and", "id": "21533875" }, { "contents": "Positive pressure personnel suit\n\n\nIndeed, it is no picnic to do experiments weighted down with all that gear and paraphernalia. The air hisses so loudly you have to crimp the air supply to talk to your lab partner. The plastic eyeshield reflects the lightbulbs in the ceiling. Heat builds up. Fatigue sets in. You can't scratch or go to the bathroom. And all the time, there is the danger that you will slip and puncture your suit and infect yourself. After working in the hot suite, everyone showers and checks the suit,", "id": "13285938" }, { "contents": "Constellation Space Suit\n\n\nlike open-loop system, limiting its operations above 100,000 feet/30,500 meters), new bearings in the shoulder, elbows, wrists, hip, and knees, and a full-pressure helmet with a swivel faceplate (closed by a mechanical seal) and incorporating a sunshade. Like the older G3C suit, the \"Configuration One\" suit will be made up of five layers, the innermost being a rubberized pressure-retaining bladder made of neoprene cloth, and covered with a Nomex cover layer in international orange color. In the", "id": "21780537" }, { "contents": "Space suit\n\n\nfor work. When space suits below a specific operating pressure are used from craft that are pressurized to normal atmospheric pressure (such as the Space Shuttle), this requires astronauts to \"pre-breathe\" (meaning pre-breathe pure oxygen for a period) before donning their suits and depressurizing in the air lock. This procedure purges the body of dissolved nitrogen, so as to avoid decompression sickness due to rapid depressurization from a nitrogen-containing atmosphere. The human body can briefly survive the hard vacuum of space unprotected,", "id": "18157543" }, { "contents": "Carolyn Cowan\n\n\nshe was exposed to Hindu spirituality and Sikhism, which would later fuel her passion for yoga and meditation. \"I preferred this idea of choosing your experiences and transformation, that you can have all your past and drama and that could be your mountain on which you stand. Like the root of a tree that you become.\" Cowan has been acclaimed for her photography, which includes nudes and family portraits. “Today we are so defined by the exterior, labels and what we wear. Clothes hide and mask who we", "id": "12988289" }, { "contents": "Stormtrooper (Star Wars)\n\n\nMuir sharpening the detail at the plaster stage. The plaster casts were then remolded and cast in fiberglass to use as the \"tools\" for the vacuum forming process. The suits were produced in house by Tashy Baines, the resident vacuum former, but then a problem developed with the machine. As Shepperton Design Studios had already been used to vacuum form the helmets, the fiberglass molds for the armor were then sent to them for vacuum forming the suits. By the end of production, two different helmets were produced; one", "id": "13511324" }, { "contents": "Battle of Tucumán\n\n\nBalcarce joined them a while later, being the first to be bold and qualify the battle as a victory, judging by the body-covered field and Spanish equipment remains, even though they did not yet know the fate of the main infantry regiments and what was happening inside the city. It took General Belgrano the rest of the afternoon to reorganize the troops. At the same time, Tristán was evaluating the loss of his ammunition, most of his artillery and supplies; he ordered the rest of his army, which had", "id": "21504409" }, { "contents": "Pan's Labyrinth\n\n\nas a criticism of the Catholic Church. Additionally, the priest's words during the torture scene were taken as a direct quote from a priest who offered communion to political prisoners during the Spanish Civil War: \"Remember my sons, you should confess what you know because God doesn't care what happens to your bodies; He already saved your souls.\" In regards to whether or not the fantasy underworld was real or a product of Ofelia's imagination, del Toro stated in an interview that, while he believes it is", "id": "10968662" }, { "contents": "Body language\n\n\nconvey an impression of mutual understanding. Covering one's mouth suggests suppression of feeling and perhaps uncertainty. This could also mean that they are thinking hard and may be unsure of what to say next. What you communicate through your body language and nonverbal signals affects how others see you, how well they like and respect you, and whether or not they trust you. Unfortunately, many people send confusing or negative nonverbal signals without even knowing it. When this happens, both connection and trust are damaged. Oculesics, a subcategory", "id": "6677212" }, { "contents": "Del Ennis\n\n\nin 1950 when we won the NL pennant.\" On Ennis's best day as a Phil – Del hit three HRs and knocked in seven runs – he happened to pop out his fourth time up. \"They booed the daylights out of me\", he remembers. \"Now a pitcher can't go out of his way to hit somebody, he can't knock you down, and when we played we didn't wear helmets. They'd tell you they were going to put one in your ear and when you", "id": "177546" }, { "contents": "Percy Scott\n\n\nSouth Africa Scott found himself having to deal with a fire on board when moored in Simon's Bay. From this he learned that the \"smoke cap\" supplied to wear in smoke-filled environments was of little use and the alternative, wearing a diving suit, was little better because of the weight of the helmet when on dry land. Scott set his ingenuity to the problem and devised a light metal helmet and short coat with waist belt and wrist bands to prevent smoke contaminating the wearer's breathing air which was piped", "id": "11775173" }, { "contents": "Space suit\n\n\nand fabric limbs. ILC Dover's I-Suit replaces the HUT with a fabric soft upper torso to save weight, restricting the use of hard components to the joint bearings, helmet, waist seal, and rear entry hatch. Virtually all workable space suit designs incorporate hard components, particularly at interfaces such as the waist seal, bearings, and in the case of rear-entry suits, the back hatch, where all-soft alternatives are not viable. Skintight suits, also known as mechanical counterpressure suits or space activity", "id": "18157555" }, { "contents": "Surface-supplied diving\n\n\nthe same way that the neck seal of a dry suit works. Neck dams may have neoprene or latex seals, depending on diver preference. Attachment to the neck dam is critical to diver safety and a reliable locking mechanism is needed to ensure that it is not inadvertently released during a dive. When using a dry suit, the neck dam may be permanently omitted and the lower part of the helmet assembly attached directly to the suit. The term \"Lightweight\" is relative; the helmets are only light in comparison with the", "id": "16215828" }, { "contents": "Diving suit\n\n\nhelmet inlet piping between the valve block and the regulator. Dry suits are used typically where the water temperature is between . Water is prevented from entering the suit by seals at the neck and wrists; also, the means of getting the suit on and off (typically a zipper) is waterproof. The suit insulates the wearer in one of two main ways: by maintaining an insulating layer of air in the undersuit between the body and the suit shell, (in exactly the way that thermal insulation garments work above water)", "id": "16566261" }, { "contents": "Hazmat diving\n\n\nto the drysuit, leaving no skin exposed to the environment. The diver will generally use a free flow diving helmet which continually supplies more air than the diver needs to breathe so that there is a constant outflow through the exhaust valve, as the internal pressure must be slightly higher than ambient to maintain the flow. A free flow helmet has a significantly lower risk of leakage back through the exhaust valve compared to a standard demand helmet where the exhaust valve must maintain a watertight seal against a slightly higher external pressure during inhalation.", "id": "6096299" }, { "contents": "Swimsuit\n\n\nwhile most except thongs or G-string cover much or all of the buttocks. Most swimsuits in western culture leave at least the head, shoulders, arms, and lower part of the leg (below the knee) exposed. Women's swimsuits generally cover at least the areola and bottom half of the breasts. Both men and women may sometimes wear swimsuits covering more of the body when swimming in cold water (see also wetsuit and dry suit). In colder temperatures, the swimwear is needed to conserve body heat and", "id": "5521470" }, { "contents": "Vacuum pump\n\n\nand rubber or plastic gaskets used as seals for the vacuum chamber must not boil off when exposed to the vacuum, or the gases they produce would prevent the creation of the desired degree of vacuum. Often, all of the surfaces exposed to the vacuum must be baked at high temperature to drive off adsorbed gases. Outgassing can also be reduced simply by desiccation prior to vacuum pumping. High vacuum systems generally require metal chambers with metal gasket seals such as Klein flanges or ISO flanges, rather than the rubber gaskets more common in", "id": "14117202" }, { "contents": "Standard diving dress\n\n\nthe hazards to which the standard diver was exposed are much the same as those to which any other surface supplied diver is exposed, but there were a few significant exceptions due to the equipment configuration. Helmet squeeze is an injury that could occur if the air supply hose was ruptured near or above the surface. The pressure difference between the water around the diver and the air in the hose can then be several bar. The non-return valve at the connection to the helmet will prevent backflow if it is working correctly,", "id": "16215806" }, { "contents": "Launch Entry Suit\n\n\nand improved ventilation, and an extra layer of insulation. The ACES suit is analogous to the Sokol suits used for Soyuz missions and its functions are virtually the same — the only differences being the ACES suit having a detachable helmet and survival backpack, while the Russian suit has an integrated helmet and no backpack (due to the limitations in space aboard the Soyuz, and that the spacecraft is an entry capsule, not a winged spacecraft or lifting body). Each suit was sized individually, although most suits could be worn by", "id": "20168431" }, { "contents": "Masonry oven\n\n\nvery cold. Closer to home, if you wrap your hot coffee in a thermos — a hollow cylinder with all the air sucked out of it — there’s also very little in the way of excitable particles to move the energy from your hot coffee to the cold air around it. Your coffee stays hot. While you can’t wrap a ton of oven brick in a vacuum bottle, you can slow heat loss by raising it up off (or out of) the damp ground. Traditional Canadian clay ovens were even", "id": "6171575" }, { "contents": "Standard diving dress\n\n\nair compressors were also used to supply the diver with breathing air. The motive power could be anything available on the vessel, such as small internal combustion engines, hydraulic, steam or electrical power. Most later suits had a screw-down air control valve on the air hose to control air flow rate into the helmet. The early helmets did not have air control valves and the diver signaled the surface with pulls on his rope or air line, indicating that he needed more or less air, and the pump operators would", "id": "16215775" }, { "contents": "Ratcliff Highway murders\n\n\nCatherine (Kitty) Stillwell, in her bed, alive and untouched. Given what had happened to the Marr family twelve days earlier, it seemed miraculous that she had slept through the entire attack and had no idea what had just occurred downstairs. The bodies were placed on their beds and the girl was taken to a safer home. Fire bells were rung to call out volunteers, while London Bridge was sealed off. Acting on eyewitness accounts that a tall man had been loitering outside the tavern that night, wearing a flushing", "id": "13353968" }, { "contents": "Gordon Freeman\n\n\nand mathematician Henri Poincaré. The texture for Gordon's head was \"too big of a job for just one person\", so Valve designers combined references from four people. An earlier model of Gordon, known as \"Ivan the Space Biker\", had a full beard that was subsequently trimmed. Other iterations of Gordon's concept featured different glasses, a ponytail, and a helmet. Gordon wears a special full-body hazmat suit, known as the Hazardous Environment Suit (or HEV Suit). The suit is designed", "id": "1843139" }, { "contents": "Dry suit\n\n\nthe suit and pulled up inside the corselet and around the diver's neck. The space between the bib and corselet would trap most condensation and minor leakage in the helmet, keeping the diver dry. The sleeves could be fitted with integral gloves or rubber wrist seals and the suit legs ended in integral socks. The twill was available in heavy, medium, and light grades, with the heavy having the best resistance to abrasion and puncture against rough surfaces like barnacles, rocks and the jagged edges of wreckage. Vulnerable areas were", "id": "5109912" }, { "contents": "Mechanical counterpressure suit\n\n\ndesigned garment. Consciousness is retained for up to 15 seconds as the effects of oxygen starvation set in. Counteracting this requires a helmet to contain breathing gases and protect the ears and eyes. These effects have been confirmed through various accidents in very high altitude conditions, outer space, and training vacuum chambers. Cooling of the astronaut with an SAS is generally achieved with evaporation from body perspiration which is emitted from the suit in all directions. Water, salts, and proteins can deposit on optics and other sensitive surfaces causing damage or", "id": "14321740" }, { "contents": "First Men in the Moon (1964 film)\n\n\nthe set\". Ray Harryhausen used blueprints from NASA for the UN's lunar lander while designing sets. Two types of space suits are featured in the film. During the story's main events, which take place in the 1890s, the film's Victorian-era astronauts are outfitted in space suits adapted from deep sea diving suits. Each is fitted with a 1960s-type aqualung cylinder worn as a backpack. Their space suits are neither pressurized nor heated or cooled, and they do not wear protective gloves in the vacuum", "id": "17274881" }, { "contents": "Suitport\n\n\nwith them a great deal of dust which had adhered to the suits. Several astronauts reported a \"gunpowder\" smell and respiratory and/or eye irritation upon opening their helmets and being exposed to the dust. When the suit is attached to the vehicle, any dust which may have adhered to the backpack of the suit is sealed between the outside of the backpack and the vehicle-side hatch. Any dust on the suit that is not on the backpack remains sealed outside the vehicle. Likewise, the suitport prevents contamination of the external", "id": "21535737" }, { "contents": "Paul Williams (The Young and the Restless)\n\n\n. About what would happen to Paul after Ricky's death, Davidson felt that it would be \"incredibly hard\" for the character to come to terms with what happened: \"It would be a dark place for the rest of Paul’s life when he thinks of Ricky. It’s like a war veteran. It’s like a part of your life that you have to deal with and go on.\" Davidson's portrayal of Paul has made him one of daytime television's most popular actors in the U.S. He has", "id": "2127582" }, { "contents": "Billy Blastoff\n\n\nwas remolded to better match the spacesuits of the Apollo Astronauts with an all white helmet, a more rectangular beige air supply, restyled space suit and black (as opposed to yellow) gloves. In North America this later version of Billy Blastoff was introduced with the advertising tagline \"Eldon's New Billy Blastoff, Now He Walks\". Like the earlier version this Billy Blastoff could also power vehicles with the gear at the bottom of the air supply / back pack. Some carded accessory packs were marketed in Europe, and possibly", "id": "14976581" }, { "contents": "Surface-supplied diving\n\n\nto avoid damage to the ears. This type of helmet is popular where divers have to work hard in relatively shallow water for long periods. It is also useful when diving in contaminated environments, where the helmet is sealed onto a dry suit, and the entire system is kept at a slight positive pressure by adjusting the back-pressure of the exhaust valve, to ensure that there is no leakage into the helmet. This type of helmet is often large in volume, and as it is attached to the suit, it", "id": "16215837" }, { "contents": "Il Capitano\n\n\n\"I used to be an exceedingly fierce and violent man, and when I was made angry the hair which covers my body in goodly quantity stood on end and so riddled my shirt with holes that you would have taken it for a sieve.\" The real reason is that he has been too poor to afford one. Sometimes he wears it with a helmet or a bicorne or tricorne hat with a huge plume. Spanish characters often wear an exaggerated large neck-ruff. He is usually always wearing his trademarked sword.", "id": "10280488" }, { "contents": "History of underwater diving\n\n\na full diving dress in 1797. This design consisted of a large metal helmet and similarly large metal belt connected by leather jacket and pants. In 1800, presented his diving apparatus to the Swedish king, and used it successfully. In 1819 Augustus Siebe invented an open diving suit which only covered the top portion of the body. The suit included a metal helmet which was riveted to a waterproof jacket that ended below the diver's waist. The suit worked like a diving bell - air pumped into the suit escaped at the", "id": "16393376" }, { "contents": "International No Diet Day\n\n\ndo you think would happen if you spent as much time and energy on your careers as you do on diets?\" Two other incidents strengthened Young's desire to expose what she believes is the futility of dieting. First, a television program in which three women were having their stomachs stapled in an effort to become thin. None of them received any counseling before undergoing surgery and one of the women had split her staples, regained the weight, and undergone the operation again – three times. Mary found this program very distressing", "id": "16976371" }, { "contents": "Sodium chloride\n\n\nabsorbing alternatives exist and where requirements for absence of microscopic inhomogeneities are less strict than in the visible range. While inexpensive, NaCl crystals are soft and hygroscopic – when exposed to the ambient air, they gradually cover with \"frost\". This limits application of NaCl to dry environments, vacuum sealed assembly areas or for short-term uses such as prototyping. Nowadays materials like zinc selenide (ZnSe), which are stronger mechanically and are less sensitive to moisture, are used instead of NaCl for the infrared spectral range. When", "id": "2496577" }, { "contents": "Battle of the Standard\n\n\ncontingencies of warfare. Cover your heads then with the helmet, your breasts with the coat of mail, your legs with the greaves, and your bodies with the shield, that so the foeman may not find where to strike at you, on seeing you thus surrounded on every side with iron.\" Furthermore, the Scots' advantage in numbers is no advantage at all, especially when they are up against properly trained Norman knights:\"[I]t is not so much the numbers of the many as the valour of the few that gains the", "id": "8652974" }, { "contents": "Bicycle helmet\n\n\n. The National Health Service of the United Kingdom lists wearing a helmet as one of its \"cycling safety tips\" for beginners, and it states \"wearing a cycling helmet can help prevent a head injury if you fall from your bike\". The American Medical Association Medical Student Section has stated that \"helmet use is an effective public health intervention\". A number of cycling advocacy organisations support helmet use or legislation. The League of American Bicyclists \"has encouraged the wearing of helmets via its publications and its education program for", "id": "704795" }, { "contents": "Fabio Casartelli\n\n\n. While being flown to a local hospital by helicopter, Casartelli stopped breathing and after numerous resuscitation attempts he was declared dead. It has been argued that Casartelli would have survived if he had been wearing a bicycle helmet. Gerard Porte, the Tour's senior doctor, claimed that protection was academic since the fatal blow was to an area of Casartelli's head that would not have been covered by a helmet. However Michel Disteldorf, the French doctor who examined Casartelli's body on behalf of the coroner in Tarbes, where the", "id": "5708381" }, { "contents": "Vorlon\n\n\nand elongated helmets and draping fabric; aside from a single illuminated iris to represent an eye/face, a Vorlon's shape cannot be deduced from the suit's design. While the official Vorlon explanation is that the suit maintains the specific environment necessary to support them, the actual reason is to hide their appearance. In actuality, Vorlons are incorporeal beings who require very little if any environment to survive; Vorlons have even managed to survive in the vacuum of space with no ill effect. Vorlons conceal their identity to prevent", "id": "10205470" }, { "contents": "Pashupati seal\n\n\nthe figure are bent at the knees with the heels touching and the toes pointing downwards. The arms extend outwards and rest lightly on the knees, with the thumbs facing away from the body. Eight small and three large bangles cover the arms. The chest is covered with what appear to be necklaces, and a double band wraps around the waist. The figure wears a tall and elaborate headdress with central fan-shaped structure flanked by two large striated horns. The human figure is surrounded by four wild animals: an elephant", "id": "3949507" }, { "contents": "Helen Bamber\n\n\nlined up; you were never safe from that kind of confrontation. She said that survivors \"would dig their fingers into your arms and hold on to you to get to you the horror of what had happened. Above all else, there was a need to tell you everything, over and over and over again. And this was the most significant thing for me, realizing that you had to take it all.\" She spoke of what she thought of as her essential role: \"After a while I began to", "id": "6991762" }, { "contents": "Rose Bernd\n\n\nher: \"An' didn't you tell the truth, girl? You lied when you were under oath, maybe?- Haven't you any idea what that means an' what you've done? How did you happen to do that? How could you think o' such a thing?, whereupon Rose cries out brokenly: \"I was so ashamed!\" In Bernd's cottage, Keil tells him: \"Father, you'll have to withdraw your suit.\" He refuses. Keil retorts: \"Our Rose", "id": "16751075" }, { "contents": "Dry suit\n\n\nor cooling may be provided, usually by a hot-water suit, which is a wetsuit with a supply of heated or chilled water from the surface, but it is also possible to provide chemical or electrically powered heating accessories to dry suits. The essential components include a shell of watertight material, sufficiently flexible to allow the wearer to function adequately, seals where parts of the body pass through the suit while in use, and a method of sealing the access opening while the suit is worn. Insulation may be provided in", "id": "5109825" }, { "contents": "U.S. Seals II: The Ultimate Force\n\n\nflipping, spinning around, flying through the air, falling off rubble, getting sliced by swords and whacked by chains!\" \"The Video Vacuum\" called it \"almost epic in its badness\" and stated: \"U.S. Seals 2 is one of those movies that have generous helpings of So-Bad-It’s-Good moments sprinkled in with So-Bad-It’s-Awesome scenes that makes you shake your head in disbelief.\" On Rotten Tomatoes, \"U.S. Seals II\" currently holds 22% of audience score", "id": "6499450" }, { "contents": "Manu Tupou\n\n\nuse the Method. I’m not going into my own past to create a psychological condition that would drive me as an actor to create that moment. When you can embrace the life of the character and the environment and the scene that’s taking place, the rest happens naturally if your instrument is tuned... learned from Manu was that it doesn’t matter what the project is. It matters what you bring to it as an artist. No matter what the storyline is, whether it be as silly as SS Doomtroopers or", "id": "6522811" }, { "contents": "Ayo Oritsejafor\n\n\nthe Nigerian Baptist Seminary, Ogbomosho in Oyo State, Nigeria and later proceeded in 1979 to the United States for further studies at Morris Cerullo’s School of Ministry (El Cortez), San Diego, California. According to him, he had a vision of himself wearing a suit and was preaching to thousands of people and he heard a voice that said to him, “this is what you are going to be doing the rest of your life” and the voice said, “Take my word to the world”.", "id": "21298351" }, { "contents": "Red Bull Stratos\n\n\n2 covered the balloon's ascent, stages 3–7 covered the descent and landing, and stage 8 covered the return of the balloon and capsule: There were many unknowns about what would happen with Baumgartner when he jumped, the biggest of which was what breaking the sound barrier would do to his body. Gathered information on the feasibility of high-altitude bailouts will be useful to the budding commercial space-flight industry. Dr. Jonathan Clark, medical director of the project, said: The project provided data for the development of high", "id": "13544855" }, { "contents": "360 deal\n\n\nplatform Sonicbids, has said: \"If you want to find out the future of 360° deals, look at Motown in the late 60s. Motown was the pioneer of a 360° deal ... They owned your likeness, your touring, publishing, record royalties, told you what to wear, told you how to walk … It made for great entertainment but if you look at every one of those artists, what happened? Sooner or later they said, 'I’m not going to go on the road for 200", "id": "11820001" }, { "contents": "Battle of Britain Day\n\n\nwas still able to follow the slow German build-ups over France long before the first German aircraft reached British airspace. It would give the rested Fighter Command units plenty of warning. Moreover, by choosing to attack London, it exposed the bombers to greater danger by forcing them to fly greater distances in hostile air space. German crews would be forced to fight all the way to London and back. As it happened, all the German bomber units were at least intercepted on 15 September, and were then scattered as they", "id": "8510747" }, { "contents": "PopOdyssey\n\n\n-digging girlfriends and complaining about having to wear sequin-covered chaps while singing 'Space Cowboy (Yippie-Yi-Yay)'. It also means being open to your fans' admiration by sincerely reading their love letters aloud\". Reviewing the show at the SkyDome, Jane Stevenson (\"Jam!\") gave the performance three and a half out of five stars. She states, \"The non-stop display of spectacle aside—there were also levitating platforms, Velcro suits, moving sidewalks, fans taking", "id": "447198" }, { "contents": "Hazmat diving\n\n\nto minimise the time the diver is required to endure the process. Particular attention is given to the sealing areas between helmet and suit, as these can trap contaminants and expose the diver to contact when the helmet is removed. Precautions are taken to contain and properly dispose of decontamination fluids. The decontamination team must be appropriately competent in the required procedures and equipment. The diver will be stripped of diving equipment and suit by the decontamination team and will then go through a decontamination shower, or in some cares two showers in isolated", "id": "6096295" }, { "contents": "William Overton Callis\n\n\nher grandchildren that Callis met with Benedict Arnold on the James River to arrange for the exchange of prisoners of war. As they waited for the papers to be processed, Arnold asked what would happen if he, Arnold, were taken prisoner. Callis replied, \"Sir, the leg that was wounded in the service of your country would be buried with full military honors. The rest of you, they would hang!\" A footnote in Irving's \"Life of Washington\" (p. 286) relates this incident but does", "id": "16841800" }, { "contents": "Racal suit\n\n\nA racal suit (also known as racal space suit) is a protective suit with powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR). It consists of a plastic suit and a battery-operated blower with HEPA filters that supplied filtered air to a positive-pressure hood (also known as racal hood). Racal suits were among the protective suits used by Aeromedical Isolation Team (AIT) to evacuate patients with highly infectious diseases for treatment. The main body of the protective suit consists of a lightweight coverall made of polyvinyl chloride,", "id": "15930156" }, { "contents": "Dry suit\n\n\npossible before entering the water. This is typically done by crouching down and leaning forward, wrapping the arms around the knees, and then having an assistant zip the suit shut while it is stretched out tightly. Excess air can also be \"burped\" out of the neck or cuff seal. In the 1830s the Deane brothers asked Augustus Siebe to improve their underwater helmet design. Expanding on improvements already made by another engineer, George Edwards, Siebe produced his own design; a helmet clamped to a full length watertight canvas diving", "id": "5109907" }, { "contents": "List of Revelation Space characters\n\n\nall from distinguished families, to be subject to the most highly detailed neural scan in existence. However, the scan would have to be taken so fast that the brain would be permanently destroyed afterwards. The volunteers did not care much about what happened to their physical bodies once the scan had happened, so no-one had any disagreements. They expected to form a level of higher consciousness, Eighty above the rest of corporeal humanity, and so the experiments were called the Trans-Migration. After the scans were taken,", "id": "20636190" }, { "contents": "Personal Rescue Enclosure\n\n\noxygen mask and hold a carbon dioxide scrubber/oxygen supply device with one hour worth of oxygen. The ball would have been connected by an umbilical to the shuttle to supply air until the airlock depressurized. The rescue ball containing the crew member would have been carried to the rescue shuttle by a space suited astronaut. The PRE was designed to protect humans in space in the event of an emergency where not enough full space suits were available. It was developed in the 1970s and 1980s to support the Space Shuttle program. The", "id": "21069639" }, { "contents": "Mars Desert Research Station\n\n\nand tools, and to assess crew selection protocols. Although much warmer than Mars, the desert location was selected because of its Mars-like terrain and appearance. From the moment they arrive at MDRS, crews enter a \"living on Mars\" simulation. Crew members must wear an analogue space suit simulator or a \"sim suit\" when completing tasks outside the Habitat (HAB) to simulate the protection they would need from the harsh Martian environment. Complete analogue space suit simulators include a helmet, jumpsuit, boots, gaithers", "id": "3419437" }, { "contents": "Speed skating\n\n\nthe first Winter Olympic competitions for women. Lidia Skoblikova won two gold medals in 1960 and four in 1964. More aerodynamic skating suits were also developed, with Swiss skater Franz Krienbühl (who finished 8th on the Olympic 10,000 m at the age of 46) at the front of development. After a while, national teams took over development of body suits, which are also used in short track skating, though without headcover attached to the suit—short trackers wear helmets instead, as falls are more common in mass-start", "id": "8345695" }, { "contents": "Oxygen (Doctor Who)\n\n\nportion not updated in the computer systems to hide. Bill's suit malfunctions during depressurisation and forces her to remove her helmet. To save her, the Doctor gives her his helmet as they spacewalk. He survives the vacuum of space, but has gone blind from the ordeal. The computer discovers their location, but as they flee, Bill's suit again malfunctions and will not move, nor will it allow the others to carry it or release her. The Doctor leaves her behind, assuring her she will not die.", "id": "677459" } ]
How stock trading works/worked? I've only seen it in movies so I'm wondering why these people were always just screaming and waving pieces of paper around and call it a job.
[{"answer": "The angered mob was buying and selling shares of stock to one another. The setting for these trades is called the trading floor. The loud shouting was to inform anyone your interest of selling or buying a quantity of stock at a price. Once you find someone to make the trade with, you each fill out a trading slip and the transaction is confirmed. Now, more popularly, the asking and bidding on shares is performed via computers."}, {"answer": "It's not like that anymore, but it used to be pretty much what it looks like. Guy 1: \"I'm selling $STOCK for $MONEY\" Guy 2: \"I'll buy 1,000 $STOCK for $MONEY!\" Guy 1: \"Sold!\" Remember, the movie scenes are almost always pegged on some crazy fiscal meltdown. It didn't look that chaotic most of the time. These days it's all digital. Sellers post their prices, and buyers try to buy only to get screwed out of a nickel by unscrupulous flash traders. Heh."}, {"answer": "It's almost all digital nowadays. There are people offering to buy stocks at a certain price and there are people offering to sell stocks at a certain price. A computer matches them and executes the transaction."}, {"answer": "In very very very basic terms it's the super dilution of ownership of a company. Stock is basically, well the stake of a company, broken up into tiny tiny pieces and put on the public market. Usually a board of directors own enough shares to control the company while the shares that go out on the market are called publicly traded shares. Say for example, you are a cannibal recipe website called Facecook and you as a private company have grown in popularity. You now need an injection of money to go to the next level and you don't want some huge investment firm controlling so much they could replace you. You break up your company's ownership into tiny shares, keep a majority for yourself, pass on some smaller amounts to your board of directors and your employees and the rest goes on the market. You set a reasonable valuation for it on the day it goes public, called the IPO or initial public offering. People all want a piece of the action, because they know if you do well, the stock value goes up (including that face cook stock you bought). Stock price goes up as demand goes up, or if there's rumors of something awesome you're doing. But in all honesty, most people on the public market are there as hawkers at a bazaar. Their aim is to buy at low prices and sell at high prices. The amount they get to own of your company is so little, they have little to no say in what your company does as an individual. But as a collective, every time there's Frenzy to buy, they drive your stock price up and inject capital into your company. EDIT (here's the part you were looking for): For individuals who play the game at the frenzied bazaar full time, they're all trying to hit gold. Have those few super massive successful trades that can make them millionaires in a matter of minutes. With thousands of people trading non stop around the world, values fluctuate like crazy. And provided you have the right mix and the right access to buy and sell stocks from the right company, you can make a killing (and lose it). When they scream sell sell sell, they want people to dump the stock because there's reason to believe it will drop. Once it bottoms out. They'll buy it again and sell it once it rises. It's like a manifestation of what nature is - an adrenaline fuelled chaotic race for survival over limited resources where wit, cunning and luck can all work in your favour or you can lose out despite 'doing everything right'"}, {"answer": "Nowadays it's almost entirely electronic. Traders submit orders into the exchange that are like \"I want to buy 100 shares of XYZ at $30,\" and as soon as someone is willing to sell at that price, the exchange informs both parties that the trade has occurred. The exchange will also list what the current highest \"bid\" and lowest \"ask\" are, so you'd see that someone is currently willing to buy 100 shares of XYZ for $30 and someone else is willing to sell 500 shares for $30.01. You can also submit a \"market order\" like \"sell 1000 shares to whomever will give me the best price,\" which in the above example might cause you to sell 100 shares to the guy bidding $30, then another 400 to some other guy bidding $29.99, and the last 500 to someone else bidding $29.98. The exchange will automatically figure out who owes what and handle the transactions. However, this was all much harder before computers. Instead of submitting your order automatically, you'd need to have someone on the floor of the exchange yelling about how much you wanted to buy/sell and the price. When you tried to buy stock for your personal account, your bank would then contact their floor trader to buy that stock for you. The pieces of paper were for writing down what trades that trader personally had done. When you'd see those people in movies, it'd be during major moves in the price, which would cause significant activity in the area and increase the general level of chaos. You might think \"why wouldn't they lie about what happened?\" They could do that, but failing to follow through with a trade just because it ended up bad for you would destroy your reputation, and the rest of the traders would know and you'd never get trades again."}, {"answer": "Usually the shouting is from futures pits, that means everyone in the pit is trading futures on the same commodity (they're all trading coffee or orange juice or a certain type of wheat to be delivered in a few weeks). So to make a trade two people only need to agree on the price and the number of contracts. Those were negotiated by hand signals, so people wanting to buy would look around the room for someone signaling they wanted to sell, and when someone was found they'd flash some hand signals to establish the price and number of contracts. After that they would each fill out a piece of paper from their order book with the information from the trade. So one side's paper would say, \"At specific time, I (broker 393) bought 10 contracts at a price of $3.47 per bushel from broker number 552\" and the other side's paper would hopefully say \"At the same time, I (broker 552) sold 10 contracts at a price of $3.47 per bushel to broker 393.\" Then they would hand the papers to runners who would take them to an employee of the exchange. The exchange would match these papers and record that Broker 393's account now has 10 more contracts and broker 552 has 10 fewer. There were occasionally errors, where perhaps two people think they bought from the same person, but they were pretty rare (everyone in the room paid a lot of money to be there, so no one wanted to make enough mistakes that they would lose their right to be there). So the papers are blank trade sheets, which become important when their filled out, and the shouting is an often futile attempt to get the attention of someone who you want to make a trade. Live stock market trading was done with specialists (one broker who would take the other side of every trade) who essentially created tiny areas where everyone might be trading a single stock. There was less risk of an error because the specialist was the only person who could trade with everyone. As you probably expect, specialists minted money for a very long time. Today computerized trading for almost all products is done on the same open outcry method, but the computer can record the transaction as it's made and little need for shouting or hand signals."}, {"answer": "It is heavily dramatized in movies to an unrealistic level. In real life, stocks represent an investment in a company that you can later sell back for a profit. Every now and then events will happen in the environment that can drastically affect the profitability of a company and that may cause a \u201cfrenzy\u201d on the stock market as people react to that event. More often activity on the stock market is spurred by press releases from companies saying that they are going to start making a new product or service."}, {"answer": "It's called open outcry or pit trading. More common for futures than stocks AFAIK. They lasted way beyond the start of electronic trading but not many left today, especially in bigger markets. Check out the documentary, floored. They talk about what the hand signals mean and the mechanics of a trade. Most basic explanation I have is that it's like a constant, ongoing negotiation between many different buyers and sellers, all at the same time."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "18066762", "title": "I Just Didn't Do It", "section": "Section::::Plot.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Based on a true story, the film is the story of a young man charged with groping on a train. Following the events depicted in the film, which end in a conviction and his decision to appeal, in real life he was found innocent finally after a five-year legal battle.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Based on a true story, the film is the story of a young man charged with groping on a train. Following the events depicted in the film, which end in a conviction and his decision to appeal, in real life he was found innocent finally after a five-year legal battle.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "102075", "title": "Sweatshop", "section": "Section::::Contributing factors.:Globalization.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 56, "end_paragraph_id": 56, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["the sweatshops close. There are plenty of causes that lead to the occurrence of this yet to be solved this global issue. Among them, globalisation is the main cause undeniably. Reports suggests that when the world markets are opened to free trade under globalisation, a phenomenon of race to the bottom happens. Sweatshop is an obvious example of such phenomenon. Without transnational guidelines and regulations, large corporations in developed countries are moving their manufacturing plants to the countries that are more vulnerable, such as with less environmental restrictions and lower labour standards. To meet the demands and compete for the patronage, factories in developing countries start to lower their labour regulations by providing minimum wages and ignoring workplace safety requirements. As a result, workers in developing countries face the hardship while the large corporations gain profit.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "the sweatshops close. There are plenty of causes that lead to the occurrence of this yet to be solved this global issue. Among them, globalisation is the main cause undeniably. Reports suggests that when the world markets are opened to free trade under globalisation, a phenomenon of race to the bottom happens. Sweatshop is an obvious example of such phenomenon. Without transnational guidelines and regulations, large corporations in developed countries are moving their manufacturing plants to the countries that are more vulnerable, such as with less environmental restrictions and lower labour standards. To meet the demands and compete for the patronage, factories in developing countries start to lower their labour regulations by providing minimum wages and ignoring workplace safety requirements."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "241409", "title": "Astroturfing", "section": "Section::::Business and adoption.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 28, "end_paragraph_id": 28, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["According to Nancy Clark from Precision Communications, grass-roots specialists charge $25 to $75 for each constituent they convince to send a letter to a politician. Paid online commentators in China are paid 50 cents for each online post that is not removed by moderators, leading to the nickname of the \"50-cent party.\" \"The New York Times\" reported that a business selling fake online book reviews charged $999 for 50 reviews and made $28,000 a month shortly after opening. According to the \"Financial Times\", astroturfing is \"commonplace\" in American politics, but was \"revolutionary\" in Europe when it was exposed that the European Privacy Association, an anti-privacy \"think-tank\", was actually sponsored by technology companies. Although the term \"astroturfing\" was not yet developed, an early example of the practice was in Act 1, Scene 2\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "According to Nancy Clark from Precision Communications, grass-roots specialists charge $25 to $75 for each constituent they convince to send a letter to a politician. Paid online commentators in China are paid 50 cents for each online post that is not removed by moderators, leading to the nickname of the \"50-cent party.\" \"The New York Times\" reported that a business selling fake online book reviews charged $999 for 50 reviews and made $28,000 a month shortly after opening. According to the \"Financial Times\", astroturfing is \"commonplace\" in American politics, but was \"revolutionary\" in Europe when it was exposed that the European Privacy Association, an anti-privacy \"think-tank\", was actually sponsored by technology companies. Although the term \"astroturfing\""]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Cadillactica\n\n\npossible and not just for the sake of producing. Live From The Underground, I had the opportunity to produce the whole album, so that was a milestone in itself. I feel like it's important that I get out of my comfort zone for the sake of growth and my creativity and work with other people. 'Cause I'm being inspired musically by working with these guys. Even in the studio with Organized Noize, I've seen so much just by seeing how they interact. And how they make music and how", "id": "4942990" }, { "contents": "Claire Peacock\n\n\nI've always just seen this as one job in a career of many jobs, hopefully. But I'm really enjoying myself here and there's a great team of people. We've got brilliant writers. So for the time being, I'm very happy here.\" The actress took a break from \"Coronation Street\" in mid-2008, after falling pregnant with her first child. Claire was temporarily written out of the show, but returned in 2009. A storyline which would have seen Claire crash a tram into the", "id": "1792394" }, { "contents": "Diver Down\n\n\nit's just like the original.' So forget the critics! These are good songs. Why shouldn't we redo them for the new generation of people?\" \"Dave\": \"Edward was saying he'd just seen this TV show with a flamenco guy doing all these wonderful things with his fingers, and he says 'I've figured out how to do it with one pick, watch this.' And he did it. And it sounded better than the original... It sounded Mexican to me, so", "id": "2035581" }, { "contents": "Victoria Wood as Seen on TV\n\n\nbut she came in and could do it, just like that. I'd love to cast her in a song-and-dance number – I feel so sorry for her always having to wear those terrible blouses\". When \"As Seen On TV\" ended Blake said \"I'm very sad that this is the last time we will all work together but I understand why Vic wanted to stop. Anyway there were only two series of Fawlty Towers and, as far as I'm concerned, this rates with it", "id": "11945482" }, { "contents": "Stuart Murdoch (musician)\n\n\n\", \"I'm not actually a Christian with a capital C. I'm still asking questions. But I had this time when I found myself singing all these old hymns in my kitchen and I couldn't work out why I was doing it. Then one Sunday morning I got up, looked at my watch, and thought, 'I wonder if I could make it to a church service?' It was so welcoming. It just felt like you were coming home. Twelve years later, I've never left", "id": "11505247" }, { "contents": "ARIA Music Awards of 2000\n\n\nnominees for awards are shown in plain, with winners in bold.\" Arena reflected on the award, \"I have been around a long time. I've had an incredible time and I'm still learning many things. Receiving the award is wonderful as it's great to be recognised for the work you put in. I'm very proud.\" She described her colleagues, \"I've worked with some wonderful people in Europe, like Desmond Child (worked with Ricky Martin) and Matthew Wilder (worked with No", "id": "2587396" }, { "contents": "Richard Manuel\n\n\nwe haven't taken advantage of it. That's why I'm irked to the point of just saying, 'Fellas, this is it, I'm going on with my own career.' So I've been planning how to catapult this whole thing with myself into a position where I can remain occupied all the time ... and have some work at all times, because it's the down time that drives me crazy. I get nuts when I'm not working. When there's nothing to look forward to,", "id": "8473874" }, { "contents": "Jennifer Connelly\n\n\nto previous roles, Connelly said: There was a period where I felt like I wasn't quite being considered for the projects that I wanted to work on because maybe people were thinking. 'I'm not going to cast the girl who was in that movie for this adult project.' I've felt for a long time that this is what I want to do so I'm happy at this point to just take my time and work on projects that I feel really strongly about and the rest of the time just", "id": "15683613" }, { "contents": "Jason Hawke\n\n\nI was so fascinated by the whole lifestyle of those people that I said to myself, \"Let's just give it a try\". I was always the type of guy who lives his life a little faster than most people - I think that's the main reason why I'm doing what I'm doing. And I've got to say I love it!\" The portraits in the book were made into a modern art exhibition (under the curatorship of Demetrio Paparoni) in Milan, Italy, in late 2005", "id": "4027921" }, { "contents": "2015–16 University of Missouri protests\n\n\nby the student government president Payton Head described bigotry and anti-gay sentiment around the college campus, which gained widespread attention. He claimed that in an incident off campus, unidentified people in the back of a passing pickup truck directed racial slurs at him. \"For those of you who wonder why I'm always talking about the importance of inclusion and respect, it's because I've experienced moments like this multiple times at THIS university, making me not feel included here.\" Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin called the incident \"", "id": "6441586" }, { "contents": "Craig Rundle\n\n\nthink about that game. You know, just wondering what if we'd done a few things differently.\" Despite the impressive 1993 season, Rundle's team was not invited to play in the Division III playoffs. Rundle told a reporter, \"It seems like they might be looking for reasons why we don't belong in the playoffs, instead of why we do. I've called a couple of people on the committee, just trying to enlighten them about our situation. But I'm not sure it's had any", "id": "15544963" }, { "contents": "Lisa Hammond (actress)\n\n\nbeen shouted at. I've had people say, 'Oi, why are you in a chair when you were walking on \"EastEnders\" last night?'\" Hammond also revealed how she had received criticism like this before joining \"EastEnders\" and that she can struggle with this backlash. \"People always think I'm this feisty girl and I can hold my own but in those moments you just don't think of anything to say. It's shock and disbelief. I have to laugh it off.\" On", "id": "19717644" }, { "contents": "Peyton Sawyer\n\n\nproducers promised her a character that she \"could sink her teeth into\" – Peyton. \"[Burton] is an old soul,\" said Mark Schwahn, the series' creator. \"She's great. She's always just thrilled to do the job, even though she's kind of new to acting. She's just a joy to be around.\" Burton said, \"I've never studied acting or anything because I've been so lucky with MTV. I'm convinced I got the chance to be", "id": "11764711" }, { "contents": "Philippe Noiret\n\n\nor 60 now in French movies—all of us were thinking of being stage actors. Even people like Jean-Paul Belmondo, all of us, we never thought we'd become movie stars. So, at the beginning, I was just doing it for the money, and because they asked me to do it. But after two or three years of working on movies, I started to enjoy it, and to be very interested in it. And I'm still very interested in it, because I've never", "id": "11454907" }, { "contents": "Hilda Ogden\n\n\nShe added in 2005 that she was amazed by the nation's enduring affection for Hilda. She said: \"I've no idea why. I'm totally flummoxed. If they remember Hilda with such affection, then I'm happy and very flattered.. ..It means that I did a good job and that's what I set out to do. I had 23 wonderful years playing Hilda. I worked with some of the Street's legends – Pat Phoenix (Elsie Tanner), Violet Carson (Ena Sharples), one", "id": "18719532" }, { "contents": "The Graduate\n\n\nup selling out to the very spirit its creators intended to make fun of... It's a shame-- they were halfway to something wonderful when they skidded on a patch of greasy kid stuff.\" Pauline Kael wondered, \"How could you convince them [younger viewers] that a movie that sells innocence is a very commercial piece of work when they're so clearly in the market to buy innocence?\" Modern critics continue to praise the film, if not always with the same ardor. For the film's thirtieth anniversary reissue", "id": "10557645" }, { "contents": "Dave Gibbons\n\n\nrelease of the 2009 film. \"Watching the Watchmen\" is his take on the creation of the seminal work, and features a number of rarely seen pieces of artwork including sketches and character designs, as well as \"stuff,\" he says \"that I just don't know why I kept but I'm really pleased I did.\" Gibbons stated that \"I'm basically thrilled with the movie, you know; it's been in the making for years. There have been proposals to make it – some I", "id": "17520592" }, { "contents": "Track of Thunder\n\n\ndid not remember the movie fondly: James Dobson was the other big star and he was a complete jerk... as far as I'm concerned, one of the most obtuse and insensitive people I've ever known in my life. I was fooling around with drugs at the time so I was about half awake in that film. I just sort of walked through it and took the money. I don't think it's a completely useless piece of trash like some of the other things I did, but it's not", "id": "11805448" }, { "contents": "The Beatles in India\n\n\n1970s, leading to a surge of popularity called the \"Merv wave\". In a 1975 interview, Harrison said of the Beatles' association with TM: \"In retrospect, that was probably one of the greatest experiences I've ever had … Maharishi was always put down for propagating what was basically a spiritual thing but there's so much being propagated that's damaging to life that I'm glad there are good people around like him.\" In 1978 Lennon wrote that he considered his meditation a \"source of creative inspiration", "id": "6429251" }, { "contents": "Suranne Jones\n\n\nI breaking through the perception of people who just thought I was a screaming banshee in \"Coronation Street\"? Is it that I've worked hard and I've got better? Is it that now it's alright to say that I'm alright? I don't know what I was breaking through, but I knew that it was nice to feel included and patted on the back for a lot of hard work\". Jones was described by Andrew Billen of \"The Times\" as being in a category of \"those", "id": "8321160" }, { "contents": "Terri Walker\n\n\nI'm not really trying to do the artist thing anymore. I love to sing but let me just work alongside people.\" She explained her hiatus from the music industry by saying \"If you're an artist doing something else you feel like people aren't really trying to buy into it because these artists have flooded the market so much. It just makes you wonder, 'Why should I bother? No one's going to be interested in what I'm trying to do. I was locked into that industry.", "id": "16193108" }, { "contents": "Natalya Baranskaya\n\n\nof my whole working time, in sick days and certificates. And all because of the children. Everybody copies out their days and so can see what everybody else has got. I don’t understand why I feel so awkward, even ashamed. I shrink, avoid looking at people. Why? I’m not guilty of anything.\" –Olya \"As I pass by I say loudly: 'Incidentally, I've got a degree as well, you know, I'm just as highly trained as you are.", "id": "20205239" }, { "contents": "Gussie Moran\n\n\nwas embarrassed . . because they were putting so much adulation on the character, 'Gorgeous Gussie'. You know, I was really never anything to write home about. I was a plain girl. But Life magazine ran a picture calling me Gorgeous Gussie, and the British picked it up and did a real job with it. Then people would see me and I'd hear them say, 'I've seen better-looking waitresses at the hot-dog stand.' I just went to pieces. Emotionally,", "id": "1178952" }, { "contents": "Zoe Slater\n\n\nthings.\" \"I always saw EastEnders as an apprenticeship,\" she told the Daily Record. \"I always wanted to go on and do different things. I have some really good friends from that show but the door is closed.\" She said: \"I've always taken chances. I think that's how you progress – by stepping out and doing different things. I really do like my freedom and jumping from job to job. I just want to work with people I admire and respect, wherever that", "id": "19176468" }, { "contents": "I've Seen It All\n\n\nmany awards [and] I've been to a lot of [award] shows. This is the most exciting one for me. I'm not just gonna go and grab a fancy frock. It's about singing, so it's a completely different headspace, which is sort of why I'm doing it. I'm really excited. Really, really excited\". \"Billboard\" ranked it as the ninth \"most awesome\" Oscar performance of all time, saying that Björk's \"outfit may have cemented", "id": "10437207" }, { "contents": "Blackbird (Beatles song)\n\n\n] in the last year or so because I've got a poetry book out called \"Blackbird Singing\", and when I would read \"Blackbird\", I would always try and think of some explanation to tell the people … So, I was doing explanations, and I actually just remembered why I'd written \"Blackbird\", you know, that I'd been, I was in Scotland playing on my guitar, and I remembered this whole idea of \"you were only waiting for this moment to arise\" was", "id": "20502574" }, { "contents": "Underground Luxury\n\n\nas an artist before the major success to where I'm at now. And it's a lot more unfiltered and unedited than anything I've ever done. So I think it's going to be a great project, great, monumental, career shifting project. I'm actually done with it, but we're really just having fun with it, man. We're making a movie, you know, me and my team. We're just kind of sitting back and watching everything, watching how people respond to music", "id": "1903241" }, { "contents": "Thomas Lund (dancer)\n\n\nit in a way so it still works. That way you don't always do it the same way - what I'm doing on Friday might be a little different from last night because suddenly things fall out a little differently in the first act. So I need the intermission to reflect. And this is what I think is so wonderful about the Royal Danish Ballet, that we work so strongly with the tradition of acting, and that is probably why I'm still here, that I get from our repertory the opportunity", "id": "2633869" }, { "contents": "Dag Stokke\n\n\n\" he said in a 2010 interview, \"Some people ask me why I'm not in the pictures and why I'm not profiled. That's just the way it is, and I'm completely laidback with that. I got to experience the rockstar existence so much in 1987 and especially in 1989 and a little bit into 1992, so that dream has been realized. If I'm not upfront, that's totally cool, because I know I've been a part of all this.\" He played his last", "id": "1949909" }, { "contents": "Patrick Star\n\n\nthe recording studio, \"Bill Fagerbakke is the most thoughtful performer I've ever seen in the booth—he was always asking questions and really trying to get into the mindset, such as it is, of Patrick.\" Writer Kent Osborne said of Fagerbakke, \"He is this big guy, and he plays Patrick so well. He's just this big guy, and he lumbers around.\" Fagerbakke said, \"I'm clumsy. I'm goofy. I make mistakes all the time\" and agreed that \"", "id": "15423161" }, { "contents": "Let's Get to It\n\n\nat it carefully - you think they're just shapes around the edge. You wonder what I'm thinking because I've got this weird expression on my face which people haven't seen before. [...] It's going to be interesting to see what people make of the album cover.\" Chris True from AllMusic said the cover is \"kind of creepy.\" \"Word Is Out\" was serviced as the lead single for the album on 28 August 1991. It was her first lead single not to reach the", "id": "21953064" }, { "contents": "War of the Gods (comics)\n\n\nto let you know just how grateful I was that you allowed me to document your adventures, and it is a great sadness that I must now announce my retirement from the \"Wonder Woman\" series. I've learned a lot these past few years and I'd like to think that I'm a better person for having followed your adventures and hope I did your exploits justice. As so often happens in life, it's time to move on to start working on that new chapter in the book of life (a", "id": "16098463" }, { "contents": "David Pakman\n\n\nfrom Northampton High School. Pakman says that he received \"a relatively secular Jewish upbringing, but I've always been highly involved with my Jewish background, socially and culturally; I'm part of a local Jewish group and I attend their events. It's just generally how I identify.\" Pakman attended the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, Massachusetts, where he majored in economics and communications. He earned an MBA degree from Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts. Pakman worked several jobs as a high school and university student,", "id": "20459210" }, { "contents": "Faye White\n\n\nI captained England and Arsenal for over 10 years and that's brilliant. I look back and think I've done a lot and I've won a lot. I have to be thankful for that. I've won a lot and I'm really fortunate to have done that and played for so many years at such a wonderful club. I think it's a great Club and that's why I never moved. I had offers in previous years, certainly around the time the American league started up. I knew Arsenal", "id": "4641680" }, { "contents": "Waring's Pennsylvanians\n\n\nWaring's Pennsylvanians was a dance band that was founded at Penn State University by Fred Waring. First named the Collegians, the group was formed in 1918 at Penn State by the brothers Fred and Tom Waring and their friends Freddy Buck and Poley McClintock. They had a hit in 1925 with the song \"Collegiate\". Other popular novelty songs were \"I've Never Seen a Straight Banana\" and \"I Wonder How I Look When I'm Asleep\". In 1929 they appeared in the movie \"Syncopation\" and on", "id": "7753418" }, { "contents": "The Apprentice (Libby novel)\n\n\nan interview on \"Larry King Live\" promoting his novel's first publication in paperback, King asked Libby: \"Are you a novelist working part-time for the vice president?\" Libby told King, \"Well, I've never quite figured that out. ... I'm a great fan of the Vice President. I think he's one of the smartest, most honorable people I've ever met. So, I'd like to consider myself fully on his team, but there's always a novel kicking around", "id": "21012516" }, { "contents": "Mitch Brown (rugby league)\n\n\nlived here my whole life, I've never moved, I just travelled. I've been a Sharks supporter since I can remember and I was born in Sutherland Hospital so I'm a Shire boy through and through. I've always supported the Sharks and I always wanted to come back when I left. I'm the only local junior apart from Anthony Moratis.\" After being chosen on the wing for the first game of the season, Brown made just one further appearance for the 2015 season after being dropped due to", "id": "17846736" }, { "contents": "Carrie Brownstein\n\n\nbisexual. She says, \"It's weird, because no one's actually ever asked me. People just always assume, like, you're this or that. It's like, 'OK. I'm bisexual. Just ask.'\" Since working together on ThunderAnt, Brownstein and Fred Armisen developed what Brownstein has called \"one of the most intimate, functional, romantic, but nonsexual relationships [they have] ever had.\" According to Armisen, their relationship is \"all of the things that I've", "id": "10769908" }, { "contents": "Gufujo\n\n\n\"tasopaso\" (tas: cup, paso: pass) which is a piece of paper showing that they've paid for a certain amount of tea beforehand. People who often frequent gufujoj like to use these, and it makes the cashier's job easier if they're used because instead of counting coins in the dim lighting they can simply mark the piece of paper to show how many cups of tea have been used. The gufujo custom arose in the 1990s, when smoking began to be seen as \"not always acceptable", "id": "627325" }, { "contents": "Keir Dullea\n\n\nplays before I ever did `The Hoodlum Priest,' and (after that) I've done more than 20 films... It wasn't as if the industry had fired me; I had just made certain life decisions I suddenly was having to pay the piper for. So there was no film career at all. I'm always working (in theater). If I'm not engaged on stage in something, I'm working with my wife on another project. I no longer live my life waiting for my phone", "id": "18137461" }, { "contents": "I've Seen All Good People\n\n\n\" can be heard in the background. In the studio recording on \"The Yes Album\", the song opens with Jon Anderson, Chris Squire and Steve Howe singing the sentence \"I've seen all good people turn their heads each day so satisfied I'm on my way\" twice \"a cappella\", in three-part harmony. This is followed by a solo intro by Steve Howe on a Portuguese 12-string guitar. Howe also sometimes plays the solo on a standard acoustic guitar. As the 12-string begins a repeated", "id": "7509218" }, { "contents": "Red State (2011 film)\n\n\n, we're obviously not selling the movie, so I'm sorry to ... the distributors in the room. ... Number one: I'm not that sorry. It's a fucking film festival. Come see a movie. ... no hard feelings. Hopefully you don't mind. ... Thank you for coming. ... I will say this in my own defense ... a lot of youse work for studios ... you guys make a lot of trailers - you've lied to me many times. ... I've seen many trailers", "id": "1967883" }, { "contents": "Robert Rauschenberg\n\n\n, the smallest adjustments in lighting and atmosphere might be registered on their surface. Rauschenberg himself said that they were affected by ambient conditions, \"so you could almost tell how many people are in the room\". The \"Black Paintings \" of 1951 like the White Paintings were executed on multiple panels and were single color works. Here Rauschenberg incorporated pieces of newspaper into the painting working the paper into the paint so that sometimes newspaper could be seen and in other places could not. By 1953-1954 Rauschenberg had moved from", "id": "10228886" }, { "contents": "Hugo Weaving\n\n\ndoing the voice for the second one and I still hadn't seen the first one. I still didn't really know who the characters were and I didn't know what anything was. It's a voice job, for sure, and people assume I've spent my life working on it, but I really know so little about it.\" In 2012, Weaving said to \"Collider\": \"It was one of the only things I've ever done where I had no knowledge of it, I didn't", "id": "7215696" }, { "contents": "Don't Forget About Us\n\n\n). In an interview with MTV News, Carey spoke of the re-enactment: That shot was totally and completely inspired by 'Something's Got to Give,' Marilyn Monroe's last movie that never got finished. It's an homage to her, because I've never seen anyone re-create it. So many people have emulated so many of Marilyn's classic moments, but it's just that I'm a big fan of hers, and I thought it was really pretty at night with the pool.", "id": "14356869" }, { "contents": "Ross Barton\n\n\ntwist, Parr: \"It's been difficult, fun and exciting. I've had to sneak in and out of the building at work to avoid being seen by fans outside, and I've even had to lie to family! People aren't idiots, so some people in my family have asked what I've been up to. I said that I've been working but I made a story up that I had a new job in a hotel. There's been a bit of speculation that Ross wasn't dead", "id": "7873003" }, { "contents": "Carrie Underwood\n\n\nintensity during her 90–120 minute live shows, Underwood responded, \"I'm too proud to drop keys. I won't do it. Maybe the older I get, I'll write some songs in lower keys so it'll be easier. I've always been pretty good as far as stamina onstage. Being able to work out and stay physically strong is important... So far, it's worked for me. I'm just blessed at being able to be loud for long periods of time.\" Fellow country music singer", "id": "13871616" }, { "contents": "Alien: Covenant (soundtrack)\n\n\nthis score and the movie in all the right places and do a great job of connecting this film and score to the history.\" James Southall of Movie Wave wrote \"...I’m pleased to say that Alien: Covenant is an infinitely more accomplished piece of work than the composer’s previous effort. It’s by no means an easy listen, but this is an Alien movie so one shouldn’t expect it to be – it’s a very effective piece of work that straddles two styles, summed up by the opening", "id": "7078940" }, { "contents": "David Horvitz\n\n\nan important influence on Horvitz's art. Horvitz's movie “Rarely Seen Bas Jan Ader Film”, for example, shows a silent black and white clip a few seconds long of a man riding a bicycle into the sea. This evokes the imagery of Ader's works around the theme of falling and the myth surrounding Ader's disappearance at sea. Horvitz's book “Sad, Depressed People” relates back to Ader's movie “I'm too sad to tell you” in that all of the stock images Horvitz collected", "id": "13221732" }, { "contents": "Dan Auerbach\n\n\nthe Arcs or the Eagles of Death Metal?\" And I've woken up feeling very out of sorts. What do you call it, survivor's remorse? Why the hell did it happen there and not where we were playing? I'm just so brokenhearted about all those people.\" On July 3rd, 2018, Richard Swift, the multi-instrumentalist and singer/songwriter who was a member of the Arcs, passed away at the age of 41. Swift and Auerbach were very close friends with Auerbach describing Swift", "id": "15073845" }, { "contents": "Room (2015 film)\n\n\n, and Tremblay always convincing without ever becoming cloying.\" Eric Kohn of \"IndieWire\" stated, \"Brie Larson and newcomer Jacob Tremblay['s]... textured performances turn outrageous circumstances into a tense and surprisingly credible survival tale.\" Richard Roeper of the \"Chicago Sun-Times\" called the film \"the most impressive piece of filmmaking I've seen in 2015, and one of the best movies of the decade\". Rex Reed said \"Room\" is \"so powerful and unforgettable that it must be seen\"", "id": "8622133" }, { "contents": "Stripped to Kill II: Live Girls\n\n\n. She and partner Andy Ruben then took three weeks off to write a film about it. Writer-director Katt Shea later admitted: I didn’t have a script. I was almost shooting it and making it up as I went along. So when people tell me they love that movie so much I just kind of go ‘why?’ I didn’t know what I was doing! I was flying by the seat of my pants completely! And it just amazes me because these other scripts that I've worked", "id": "17354860" }, { "contents": "Michael Deaver\n\n\nReagan\" (2004). In 2005, he edited and published a collection of essays titled \"Why I Am a Reagan Conservative\". Deaver also worked at the Washington, D.C. office of Edelman, a public relations agency, a role he held from 1992–2006, ultimately as chairman of the D.C. office. In an interview with the \"Los Angeles Times\" in 2001, Deaver said, \"I've always said the only thing I did is light [Reagan] well... My job was filling up the space around", "id": "11726091" }, { "contents": "Phoebe Nicholson\n\n\nbeing able to share exactly why I disappeared for a few months.\" The part marks Giovinazzo's first acting job, following a career in film making. Of joining \"Home and Away\", Giovinazzo stated \"It's been a lot of fun. I'm still figuring out what to do. Phoebe's been a really great person to start with. Just developing her character and rounding this woman has been wonderful and I've got a lot to play with because she's a little bit kooky.\" Giovinazzo admitted", "id": "12301749" }, { "contents": "Chris Barnes (musician)\n\n\nthat day doesn't come too soon but we'll see what happens.\" \"I think that I'm just a normal guy. I'm not a super hero or a character in a magazine, I'm just a regular person and I think that's the biggest thing. I don't know if that would surprise anybody but I hope that it would kind of give some people some insight. I'm not a monster.\" \"I've always been kind of mellow so I think that does surprise people when", "id": "3885381" }, { "contents": "Samuel Sinyangwe\n\n\n\" Sinyangwe is a co-host of Mckesson's podcast \"Pod Save the People\", which discusses the week's news with a panel of other activists including Mckesson, Packnett and Clint Smith. The podcast particularly focuses on race, grassroots activism, discrimination and other forms of inequality; recommending \"Pod Save The People\" in \"GQ\", June Diane Raphael of \"How Did This Get Made?\" wrote, \"The stories they uplift and think critically about are the ones I'm now wondering why I've", "id": "20644038" }, { "contents": "She Still Comes Around\n\n\nlong-forgotten 1959 Sun single \"Let's Talk About Us.\" Producer Jerry Kennedy would be a crucial component of this second wave of success in the next decade, balancing Lewis's rock and roll instincts with the traditionally conservative country radio. In the 2009 book \"Jerry Lee Lewis: Lost and Found\", Kennedy insists that \"Jerry was one of the easiest people I ever worked with. I've heard a lot of stories of how he butted head with other people, but we always got along great.", "id": "1693447" }, { "contents": "Lovestrong\n\n\n, I've fallen in love, I've fallen out of love. I'm lonely, I'm scared. Whatever it be that day. If I'm like a volcano and I'm about to explode, I better run to an instrument because it's about to come out. For me, I don't really go back. I probably should. I have a bajillion pieces of songs. But I seem to just write in one sitting. There's very few occasions where I've gone back and worked on", "id": "15333836" }, { "contents": "The Hole (Scientology)\n\n\nusually the inmates of the Hole would force each other to confess: \"The 50 people there are all screaming at me, telling me I've got to confess – I've done that, why don't I just admit it? I stole money, I had affairs – people would just literally dream up bullshit and start screaming it out, and then the mob goes crazy: 'Oh yeah, it must have been that!'\" Tom De Vocht, who was also in the Hole, recalled that \"everybody", "id": "924715" }, { "contents": "Desert of the Heart\n\n\nwho called it \"a symbolic delight.\" Rule remembered the mail she got from women who read the book. \"I got a huge amount of fan mail which I didn't expect. I thought movie stars got fan mail. People were writing things like you are the only person in the world who could possibly understand who I am, how I feel, if I'm not able to talk to someone I'm going to kill just felt to me overwhelming and depressing that there was so much fear", "id": "8805523" }, { "contents": "Norm Schulman\n\n\nworking [with clay] for 50 years, and I've been constantly changing and developing, making one series after another. But I've always wanted to do what I'm doing right now...taking care of my own creative needs.\" Schulman produces a range of work in ceramics. Some of his pieces are strictly functional while others are sculptural. He is more popularly known for creating complex double-walled vessels, salt-glazed porcelain pieces as well as sculpted three-dimensional paintings. He has worked and experimented", "id": "17388739" }, { "contents": "Icelandic Phallological Museum\n\n\nas, \"I've never seen so many penises–and I went to boarding school!\" (from a New Zealand visitor), \"They're bigger in the USA,\" (from someone from Wisconsin) and \"Is there a vagina museum?\" On this point, Sigurður has said, \"I'm only collecting the male organ. Somebody else has to do the other job. I'd be interested in how they would preserve it. I think vaginas are better alive.\" (There used to", "id": "21228966" }, { "contents": "How to Be Loved (album)\n\n\nwhy it was important and what God was doing.\" In addition, Agnew said \"...this is a lot more hopeful album than the other stuff that I've done, not that I'm veering away from dealing with tough subjects, but God has been showing me that the goodness that I tell about him to others is something he desires for me too. I understand my shame and mistakes well, so I've always been amazed that God would love me. That's what 'Grace Like Rain' is about", "id": "19143213" }, { "contents": "Beautiful Heartache\n\n\nhave Gibson's production company assist with her music career, \"If you think about it, every talent needs a serious push and help from somebody who is stronger, because it's pretty much impossible for anybody to succeed in this industry. So I've become very lucky, and I'm very grateful. You don't control the situations or the people you meet. I did not plan this. I'm just doing what I've always been doing. It's not like I've changed my goals at all.", "id": "6336716" }, { "contents": "Bernie (2011 film)\n\n\nHome name or family name thought of in a dark comedy... you always know locally these are real people and families so there is a sting.” \"I've now seen the movie \"Bernie\" twice and, except for a few insignificant details ... it tells the story pretty much the way it happened,\" Joe Rhodes, Nugent's nephew, wrote in \"The New York Times Magazine\" shortly before the film's general release. His cousin Rod, Nugent's only child, did not return his calls and", "id": "6635893" }, { "contents": "Streets of Fire\n\n\nHe was used to working with actors who had experience like Nick Nolte or David Carradine. I've always wondered why Walter has never wanted to work with me again. I think he was too much of gentlemen to tell me that I was too needy at the time. E.G. Daily who played Baby Doll says it was \"a very frustrating thing for me\" to not sing in the film \"Because Diane Lane was singing, and I remember thinking, “Ah!” It was so frustrating for me. It was", "id": "18438980" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Durack\n\n\nan Aboriginal person I feel really offended.\" Durack was bemused by the controversy, remarking \"I'm just using a nom de plume. Why are people so interested in the fact of what I've done?\" The estate of Elizabeth Durack contains original material from the 1920s on through all decades up until the year 2000. The material consists principally of artworks, manuscripts, poetry and letters. During her lifetime Durack held many successful exhibitions but resisted selling certain key works that remain with the estate. Since her death,", "id": "4535377" }, { "contents": "Butterfingers (Malaysian band)\n\n\nreally need to try new things. There's always a stigma with Butterfingers. I've accepted it. That's why I don't do 'Butterfingers X' or 'Real Butterfingers'. monoloQue is a different entity entirely. Even though my element will always be 'Butters'. The sound is me, I'm 'Butters'. No matter how you take me out of the equation. Apart from the songs and the sound, it's me, Emmett, Kadak and Loko. So when you say Butterfingers", "id": "17054431" }, { "contents": "Kim Eun-sook\n\n\ndifference was writing about 18-year-olds when her previous characters had been in their thirties and forties, calling \"The Heirs\" \"a teen romance for grown-ups\". She admitted that she utilizes clichés, \"but all my previous works used plenty of cliches and were embraced by audiences. The key is making characters that are different, so the audience forgets the cliched setting. That's what I'm good at, and that is what I find fun. I want people to think, 'I've seen", "id": "2676668" }, { "contents": "Christopher Nolan\n\n\n(creator of \"Person of Interest\" and \"Westworld\"), who describes their working relationship in the production notes for \"The Prestige\": \"I've always suspected that it has something to do with the fact that he's left-handed and I'm right-handed, because he's somehow able to look at my ideas and flip them around in a way that's just a little bit more twisted and interesting. It's great to be able to work with him like that\". When working", "id": "11030995" }, { "contents": "Best of Bizzle\n\n\n. In an interview in early 2011, Bizzle said: \"I'm working on my fourth album, which should be out in the summer. I'm also doing a Bizzle compilation, which is gonna be out in February, again just like tracks from the whole last ten years, like a little celebration thing for the fans, they can get that. It's called The Best Of Bizzle. So yeah, and I've got this album I'm working on. I'm trying to do a real,", "id": "7523897" }, { "contents": "The Postal Service\n\n\nfeatured in the trailer for the movie \"Funny People\". On June 22, 2007, it was revealed that The Postal Service had begun work on a new album, though the specifics of the production and the release date were vague. Gibbard stated, \"We're slowly starting. We're crawling right now, and whether that crawl turns into a walk remains to be seen. But we'll know more towards the end of the year. I've just been touring so much and trying to find time to make", "id": "3447618" }, { "contents": "The Nigerian Job\n\n\nhe doesn’t want money. Nate replies that the job had an “alternate revenue stream” The team meets with a new client who sadly tells them of their loss. They wonder why Nate's team is doing what they do. Nate replies: The episode aired on TNT on December 7, 2008 and was watched by 4.99 million viewers. Writing for AOL TV, Jason Hughes called the pilot, “one of the better premieres I've seen in the last several years.” He writes, “There's potential", "id": "4725241" }, { "contents": "Frankie Stone\n\n\nstated that it did not feel right. \"I've really become that character when I'm on set,\" she revealed. \"So I played that uncomfortable feeling throughout the scene, I think it worked.\" Other aspects adding depth to Frankie were her \"rough around the edges\" personality and vulnerability, the character being a complex blend of both, something Hendrickson found challenging but admired: \"I really wanted to get that across. Even though her intentions were not always good, she always yearned for love from", "id": "269872" }, { "contents": "Van Halen\n\n\nCoverdale said, \"I called a mutual friend and said, 'Tell Eddie I had nothing to do with this.' It just got ridiculous. I've heard that they were going to approach me, but since I left Purple I've always done my own thing. Why would I join anybody else?\" As reported by Slawterhouse, in 2000 at 5150, the band worked with Roth, writing new music, before falling out again. Eddie kept quiet, but made a rare appearance at the Los Angeles Police", "id": "5546615" }, { "contents": "Elsie Tu\n\n\nin 1996 to straddle the 1997 handover in which Tu served as a member. Tu's political career came to an end when the Provisional Legislative Council was dissolved in 1998. In response to her opponents' criticisms of her being increasingly pro-Beijing, she said \"I'm not for China, I'm not for Britain. I've always been for the people of Hong Kong and for justice. I will do the work I've always done and stand for the people who get a raw deal.\" Tu left", "id": "4556168" }, { "contents": "Lily Tomlin\n\n\n's \"Modern Scream\", a parody of movie magazines and celebrity interviews featured her performing as multiple characters, including Ernestine, Edith Ann, Judith, and Suzie. Reviewing in \"\" (1981), Robert Christgau said: \"When I hear Tomlin impersonate Suzie Sorority or explain how she managed to play a heterosexual in \"Nashville\" ('I've seen these women all my life, so I know how they walk, I know how they talk'.) I thank God for making us a woman comedian", "id": "13421069" }, { "contents": "No wave\n\n\n's ongoing influence, I began to express myself musically in a way that felt true to myself, constantly pushing the limits of idiom or genre and always screaming \"Fuck You!\" loudly in the process. It's how I felt then and I still feel it now. The ideals behind the (anti-) movement known as No Wave were found in many other archetypes before and just as many afterwards, but for a few years around the late 1970s, the concentration of those ideals reached a cohesive, white-hot", "id": "1970495" }, { "contents": "Bright Penny\n\n\nBright Penny is the third studio album by American artist Liam Hayes, originally released on September 28, 2009. In 2004, Hayes started to work on roughing out new songs at studios in Los Angeles and in various studios around Chicago. \"I've been working on it off and on, just doing different demos. Some stuff I did in LA a couple of years ago, and I'm just kind of bringing it all together. It's been in pieces until now and now I have some final tracks.\"", "id": "10471776" }, { "contents": "Binbōgami\n\n\nnever seen the bonze before. \"I'm binbōgami,\" the bonze answered, \"and that's why so many people in the house caught an illness. That house has enough misery, so I shall go to another house. Your master will have better luck hereafter\" and the bonze disappeared. Just as the bonze said, people in the house experienced better luck gradually. Being a kami, a binbōgami cannot be killed. A story in Niigata Prefecture describes how: If you light an irori on an ōmisoka", "id": "6924439" }, { "contents": "Beth Tweddle\n\n\non the floor, beam and vault. I've had a few ankle injuries before so it's just a case of having physio, doing lots of exercises and just keeping on top of it. It's just a case of working with it and looking after it.\" Afterwards, Tweddle was selected to compete for the United Kingdom at the 2008 Summer Olympics. She said, \"I'm really excited and just looking forward to getting there and doing the best job I can.\" In August, Tweddle competed at", "id": "21309359" }, { "contents": "Helen Magnus\n\n\nThe Yanks (And Canucks) Of Science Fiction\", with Meredith Woerner stating \"I really want to like this new Sci Fi Channel show, especially since the monsters look amazing – but I'm worried Tapping's dreadful accent will get in the way. It sounds completely forced in all the clips I've seen so far, but I'll guess I'll have to wait until October 3 to make my full assessment.\" Maureen Ryan of the \"Chicago Tribune\" wondered why Tapping decided to speak with an \"iffy", "id": "17179898" }, { "contents": "Bruce Wolf\n\n\nif that's what you want to call it, is in the Jackie Mason and Don Rickles tradition, though I'm not as good as they are. I'm kind of an equal opportunity offender. I've been doing this for decades and didn't intend for this to be more than what I've always done. But I did hurt people, and so I'm sorry.\" Wolf and his wife Caryn have been married since about 1975. They have five children. During the 1990s, Wolf lived in several", "id": "11251614" }, { "contents": "Tobi Lark\n\n\nthe beach and I sit and wonder why/ Little people running around/ Never knowing why,\" for example, seems to echo Shakespeare's lines: \"Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore/ So do our minutes hasten to their end;/ Each changing place with that which goes before,/ In sequent toil all forwards do contend.\"\" Returning to the name Tobi (or Toby) Lark, she released three further singles on Cotillion Records, \"Shake A Hand\" (1969), \"Just To Hold My Hand\" (", "id": "5075269" }, { "contents": "Indio (TV series)\n\n\nis fought day by day, the people behind this wonderful series have a reason to sleep soundly at night, for they not only have done their jobs well, they have also created a piece of art that viewers will always remember.\" While Dinno Erece of the blog \"Show and Tell\", said \"We were so impressed by the special effects of the Indio to think it's only a television series. We're daring to say this but Indio has a better special effects than that of \"Si Agimat,", "id": "18557028" }, { "contents": "Linden Cullen\n\n\nso far: \"I don't think I've ever enjoyed a job as much. It is a pleasure to get up every morning and spend my days working at Holby. From the producers, writers and production staff through to the crew and the cast, everyone is lovely to work with and the atmosphere is always positive and good fun. What more could I wish for? I'm getting paid to do something I love [...] Linden is a very complex character to play and getting your teeth into him has", "id": "15934308" }, { "contents": "Richard X\n\n\nIsland Records. Richard X has been approached to work with many artists, but stays selective. \"It's very much who tickles my fancy,\" he told BBC News. He has turned down a number of artists: \"I am particular and probably turn down 90% of what I'm offered – I think it drives a few people around me mad. We try not to forget it's art and not just a job.\" He often works with people who are seen \"as having similar ideals of creating", "id": "309822" }, { "contents": "Sophia Cacciola\n\n\nblends her film and music work, noting in an interview the book, \"Indie Science Fiction Cinema Today: Conversations with 21st Century Filmmakers\": \"I come from a rock'n'roll music background, where an independent DIY ethic is very ingrained, so I've always just charged in where I don't belong and done what I wanted.\" Cacciola drums and sings for The Prisoner-themed \"loud, arty, minimalist rock working in the realm of proto-punk/new wave/no wave\" band, Do Not", "id": "7827352" }, { "contents": "Jesus in Scientology\n\n\nChurch\". \"I'm not anti-Scientology; I'm not pro-Scientology. I just don't exactly understand individually why it's called the Church of Scientology and why there would be a cross, even if it's a different cross. When I see the cross, I think of Christ. If Christ is not the center of Scientology, then why would an organization use the cross and call itself a church? I'm just wondering, but I don't really plan to say any of that Sunday", "id": "2861988" }, { "contents": "I've Got the Tune\n\n\nDespite signaling from the broadcast crew, conductor Bernard Herrmann didn't see any of the signalling but finished the work on time. \"It was a beautiful little work of Marc's,\" wrote Norman Lloyd. \"In the booth at CBS while we did it sat Orson Welles, John Houseman and Kurt Weill. There were always exciting people around — people who became legends, but in those days we were all just working.\" Richard Gilbert of \"Scribner's Magazine\" praised the work over recent CBS commissions, remarking", "id": "10084274" }, { "contents": "Titanic (1997 film)\n\n\n\"Titanic\" one star out of four, citing a friend as saying, \"The number of times in this unbelievably badly written script that the two [lead characters] refer to each other by name was an indication of just how dramatically the script lacked anything more interesting for the actors to say.\" Also, filmmaker Robert Altman called it \"the most dreadful piece of work I've ever seen in my entire life\". In his 2012 study of the lives of the passengers on the \"Titanic\", historian", "id": "7082833" }, { "contents": "Melanie C\n\n\nLiverpool F.C., of which Chisholm is a supporter. Chisholm has cited Madonna as her biggest musical influence. She stated: \"I think she's inspired me a lot musically, and maybe [in] just the way I present myself. I've always admired how hard she works and what a strong lady she is, so she's always inspired me in that way.\" Chisholm named Blur, Oasis, Suede and the Cardigans as inspirations for her first album. As a Spice Girls member Chisholm was called \"Sporty", "id": "18212970" }, { "contents": "Transnormal Skiperoo\n\n\ntrade, but it’s not a true reflection of how I am now. I vividly recall being sad and lost, but now I feel a true sense of purpose. I have a one year old daughter, a wife I love and a place in the world as a musician. \"This record is, in part, a sigh of relief I'm not stuck in the quagmire anymore, There’s still some old songs, like 'Jailbird', that I've only just got around to releasing, but there", "id": "477948" }, { "contents": "Raise Your Glass\n\n\nnot feel any differently towards gay marriage than straight marriage. Pink commented on the video in an interview for MTV: \"I threw my best friend's wedding in my backyard — she is lesbian and she married her wife, and it was absolutely beautiful. At the end of it, her mom said, 'Why can't this be legal?' and started crying. It was just the most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen, so that's why I'm doing it in my video.\" The music video", "id": "1064663" }, { "contents": "Ugly Betty\n\n\nin the works but is something that's always a possibility, and it's wonderful to know that the fans want it.\" On April 10, 2013, Michael Urie was asked about his stance on a potential movie. \"Oh my god, absolutely! Everyone would jump right back on that!\" enthused Urie, who played Marc St. James on the show. \"[Working on \"Ugly Betty\"] was the best and I'm still in close contact with all of those people.\" On April 16", "id": "11308754" }, { "contents": "Ka (rapper)\n\n\nabout many subjects including being a firefighter with FDNY saying \"I have a full time job and I work all the time. I try to keep that kinda low. I just have a job. It ain't my calling or nothing. It's just my job.\" He talks about growing up and drugs; \"I was one of the youngest for a long time. I always had older people around me. I was always the one getting jewels dropped on. Of course, being very impressionable at a young", "id": "15548509" }, { "contents": "Sarah Vaughan\n\n\navoided classifying herself as one. She discussed the term in a 1982 interview for \"Down Beat\": I don't know why people call me a jazz singer, though I guess people associate me with jazz because I was raised in it, from way back. I'm not putting jazz down, but I'm not a jazz singer ... I've recorded all kinds of music, but (to them) I'm either a jazz singer or a blues singer. I can't sing a blues – just a right", "id": "5304722" }, { "contents": "The Dream (In This Moment album)\n\n\nIn an interview with MTV, Brink explains: \"As a vocalist, screaming always came really easy for me — it wasn't much of a challenge, it just came out of me. The singing vocals were always more challenging. People always complimented me on my scream, but I didn't get a lot of feedback on my singing, so I just wanted to challenge myself a lot more on this record.\" Chris Howorth notes: \"The basic idea behind calling our new album The Dream is that inside dreams", "id": "12629937" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Smart\n\n\nto sexual education programs where a sexually active girl is compared to a chewed piece of gum. \"I thought, 'Oh, my gosh, I'm that chewed up piece of gum, nobody re-chews a piece of gum, you throw it away.' And that's how easy it is to feel like you no longer have worth, you no longer have value,\" Smart said. \"Why would it even be worth screaming out? Why would it even make a difference if you are rescued?", "id": "66023" }, { "contents": "Livingston Taylor\n\n\n. He's not only a wonderful musician, but he's a wonderful and supportive brother. People always want to know if it's difficult being in his shadow. Are you crazy? I'm his brother, and I get to revel in the remarkable music that he makes. I get to be his friend and his confidant. But he's got his life and I've got mine. We spend time together - we love it when we find each other in the same place - but not a great deal of", "id": "9479667" } ]
Why is marijuana "impossible" to overdose on?
[{"answer": "Bluntly put, the median lethal dose (LD50) of THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) is so high and the methods of intake so dilute that you would have to do absolutely impossible feats to have it occur. While there are a couple of different and conflicting sources, one estimate placed it at 40,000 times as much as the dose needed to get high. This is contrasted with alcohol, where five to ten times the amounted needed to get you drunk can kill you. To extrapolate, With pot brownies you'd die of sugar poisoning long before the THC got you. With smoking, you'd have to smoke something like 1,500 pounds of weed in a period of 15 minutes. To actually manage a THC overdose you'd have to spend a lot of effort to first purify a sizable quantity of THC and then ingest it rapidly. This would never happen accidentally."}, {"answer": "A lot of people are citing good numberss but missing the important info that makes those numbers matter. The peak plasma concentration of THC, meaning the most your blood can physically hold at once, is 100-200ng/ml. This is when your blood is saturated and can not absorb any more THC (Think about trying to dissolve salt. Eventually you can't dissolve any more because the solution is saturated.). This is also way below what we think a lethal dose would be for a human. This means there is a limit to how high you can get. Now you can still keep smoking pot, but you'd be wasting it, and to be honest most people never get anywhere close because why would you want to. But so when people say \"You'd need to smoke the equivalent of Xkg an hour\" the important thing they are missing is that that is chemically impossible. Your body can not absorb THC fast enough to kill you. **THAT** is why it's impossible to overdose. If you did something to damage your kidneys or whatever so that you couldn't filter it out, and your tissues kept absorbing it because you literally were smoking tonnes per hour for weeks, then it's possible it could accumulate to a dangerous level, but really that would be the kidney failure and realistically you'd die of anoxia first."}, {"answer": "\u201cIn strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. For example, eating 10 raw potatoes can result in a toxic response. By comparison, it is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to induce death. Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within the supervised routine of medical care. [DEA Administrative Law Judge - 1988]\u201d \u2015 Francis Young"}, {"answer": "Virtually everyone in this thread is confusing \"overdose\" with \"lethal overdose\". You absolutely can overdose on THC/marijuana. If you have too much, you're gonna experience negative symptoms that outweigh positive effects. Typically this is called \"greening out\", and it simply means you've smoked too much grass. From wikipedia: > The term drug overdose (or simply overdose or OD) describes the ingestion or application of a drug or other substance** in quantities greater than are recommended or generally practiced**. When you green out, you can get: * Nausea * Dizziness * Temporary feelings of paranoia/fear/anxiety * Shortness of breath * Vomiting * Rapid heart rate * Trembling/feeling very cold * Disorientation * Hangover \"Overdose\" does not necessarily cause death. In the case of drugs such as heroin, overdose is often deadly, but sometimes it is not. There's a prevalent attitude in weed culture that insists that \"weed overdose is not possible\", and that smoking massive quantities is somehow a way to show how cool you are, when this is clearly not a good practice for your health. Of course, when you have a high tolerance to THC, the amount you'd need to overdose is much larger than if it were your first time smoking. TLDR: The process of smoking more and getting a better high does not continue ad infinitum. There's a point where you'll stop enjoying it, and that's an overdose, or \"too large a dose\"."}, {"answer": "According to a court trial in 1988, you would need to smoke 1,500 pounds of marijuana within 15 minutes to OD on THC."}, {"answer": "There's no CB receptors in parts of the brain controlling respiration: URL_1 > Because cannabinoid receptors, unlike opioid receptors, are not located in the brainstem areas controlling respiration, lethal overdoses from Cannabis and cannabinoids do not occur. I also read that excessive Cannabinoids down-regulate CB receptor activity, a sort of natural overdose protection. EDIT: Here we go: URL_0 Ethan Russo MD. > If someone uses a great deal of cannabis daily, it will actually down regulate the receptor. In other words the body tries to prevent excesses of activity and it will do that by inactivating the receptor if there\u2019s too much activity. This is why people can hit huge dabs or hotbox grams of kief, pure waste if you ask me!"}, {"answer": "It is possible to overdose on THC, but to do it by smoking you would have to smoke a literal truckload of marijuana. THC simply does not have the kind of significant toxic effects that many other recreational or medicinal drugs do,"}, {"answer": "You can drink enough alcohol before you pass out (or without even passing out if you've been drinking habitually for long enough) to raise the alcohol level in your blood high enough that it depresses the function of certain parts of the brain enough that it just stops telling the lungs to breathe or the heart to pump. That doesn't happen with marijuana because 1) you can't imbibe that much to begin with, 2) the level of THC in your blood can only get so high and it isn't high enough to cause that effect, and 3) studies suggest that marijuana depresses with a different mechanism than alcohol and no amount of THC can cause that effect. Which isn't to say that you can't kill yourself with marijuana, just that the death won't be directly attributable to overdose. If nothing else, too much marijuana can make you pass out when you really need to be awake, like when driving or when the house catches on fire."}, {"answer": "Cannabis dispensary worker here. We did the math on the 40k mortality dose a few years ago. You'd have to eat a ball of coldwater hash slightly larger than a basketball. Hash is a resin so you'd die of that resin creating intestinal blockage before you could actually eat the whole thing, which you'd have to achieve in a \"Man VS Food\" worthy 30 minutes or less. Some of the new method extractions are testing as high as 90% THC. You'd have to eat a ball of shatter/wax hash a little bit smaller than a bowling ball. The taste of these products in their natural form is enough to keep anyone from actually trying this, and the consistency of shatter hash is like a Jolly Rancher. It's just physically impossible. You'd have an easier time eating a bicycle, which I understand a couple people have actually done."}, {"answer": "Not ELI5: THC is a partial agonist of the cb1/cb2 neurotransmitters in your brain (and other parts of your body) where as K2/spice (synthetic weed) is a full agonist which is why it is possible to overdose on it instead of natural thc/cbd."}, {"answer": "There is no credible documentation of death due to marijuana overdose in history. Studies to determine an LD50 have been largely unsuccessful and have varied results. While the numbers from studies vary, one example is that it would take smoking 3 pounds or ingesting 46 pounds to reach a toxic level. And that study is on the low end, but based on larger mammals. Many other numbers cited are much higher. Regardless of which numbers you choose to believe, it's just not possible."}, {"answer": "\"Get outta here Dewey! You don't want no part of this shit!\" URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Here is another point I haven't seen made. Marijuana doesn't interact with your central nervous system. Much like Benadryl. Take too much and you go to sleep. Might wake up feeling quite groggy. Now other narcotics present a different problem. Take heroin for example. An overdose of heroin interacts with your CNS by shutting down your respitory system. You literally cannot breath and thus you die. THC only interacts with the cannabid receptors and therefore it is \"impossible\" to overdose. The most often cited study for marijuana killing brain cells was when the scientific team pumped the equivalent of 160 joints into a monkey through a mask. There was no oxygen flow so the effects they saw where oxygen deprivation."}, {"answer": "Sort of related, I found out a while back that I absolutely cannot tolerate edibles. I get overdoes symptoms really bad from them. I had a very very small piece of a brownie and I had some crazy symptoms like I was frying on acid. I know there wasn't other substances in the brownie because no one else that had some had anything like that happen. It was actually rather scary for me. Never had a reaction like that from smoking."}, {"answer": "The same reason that you couldn't overdose on iron from eating breakfast cereal. Cereal contains added vitamins, but you can't eat that much cereal."}, {"answer": "**\"Bluntly put, the median lethal dose (LD50) of THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) is so high and the methods of intake so dilute that you would have to do absolutely impossible feats to have it occur. While there are a couple of different and conflicting sources, one estimate placed it at 40,000 times as much as the dose needed to get high. This is contrasted with alcohol, where five to ten times the amounted needed to get you drunk can kill you. To extrapolate, With pot brownies you'd die of sugar poisoning long before the THC got you. With smoking, you'd have to smoke something like 1,500 pounds of weed in a period of 15 minutes. To actually manage a THC overdose you'd have to spend a lot of effort to first purify a sizable quantity of THC and then ingest it rapidly. This would never happen accidentally\"**"}, {"answer": "If I even tried to overdose on marijuana, I would get stoned, forget to smoke more. Damn short term memory effects!"}, {"answer": "The lethal dose is incredibly high because the part of the brain that controls breathing, heartrate, and general homeostasis has very few THC receptors, so marijuana doesn't effectively interfere with the automatic processes that keep you alive. Rats, however, have more THC receptors in those parts of the brain, so it is possible for rats to fatally overdose on marijuana."}, {"answer": "The active compounds in cannabis are very similar to those found in our body, so they are pretty neutral as far as any potential toxicity is concerned. Cannabinoids work by binding to the endocannabinoid receptors in the body and thus stimulating an effect. When all the receptors are bound to, that's it, your at maximum blazed, the remainder of the 'overdose' doesn't have any way to take effect. Imagine the active components of cannabis is tea and your endocannabinoid receptors are mugs. Once you have filled all the mugs with tea, that's it, the tea is made. There's no more room for tea, so it either stays in the kettle or overflows all over the kitchen worktop. Either way the mugs are fine, you can drink the tea and clean up the mess in the morning."}, {"answer": "Your lings when smoking cant absorb as much of the drug as the smoke contents. You will die of carbon monoxide posing before thc poisoning."}, {"answer": "The main reason is that it doesn't screw with as many biological processes as a lot of other drugs do. Its active ingredient, THC binds to a certain receptor in your brain (acting as a neurotransmitter), instead of releasing neurotransmitters or inhibiting the reuptake of neurotransmitters like other drugs do e.g. MDMA (speed). When it is broken down, it doesn't release any other highly toxic components, as is the case with for example alcohol. These two factors combined make it very difficult to overdose on THC."}, {"answer": "There are no cannabinoid receptors in the autonomic circuits of the brainstem that control heart rate and respiration. So no matter how much one smokes or eats it won't depress those functions like alcohol, opioids, benzodiazepines and so on do. Most of the celebrity ods are from a combo of alcohol and depressants or opioids."}, {"answer": "Is it possible for someone with a weak heart to have a heart attack due to increased heart rate while high? Could be made worse if the person is prone to panic attacks and the marijuana contributes the starting one off."}, {"answer": "Like joe rogan says the only way you can get killed by weed is if your walking around and a 1500 pound bundle is tossed out of a cia airplane and lands directly on your head."}, {"answer": "No one is really going into sufficient detail for ELIF I think so I'm going to cobble some of these responses together and add some detail. Explaining organic chemistry to a 5 year old is tough so... WALL OF TEXT. You cannot lethally overdose because it's LD50 (lethal dose 50% of the time for an average person) is unreachable through normal means, even ingestion. Almost all chemicals have an LD50 that is low enough to kill you if consumed. This is what 90% of people have said, but doesn't answer your question. For example Aspirin has a lethal does of about 200mg/kg, meaning you would need to consume 200mg times your weight in kilograms, and this dose would have a 50% chance of killing a person like you. So for a 200 lb man that's 40,000mg or about 125 pills. LD50 is hard to determine because no one has died from it, EDIT: but in rats it's been shown to be 666mg/kg, which is an incredibly large amount. Extrapolated to a human that's about 33 grams of solid chemical THC. So it's possible if someone created the purest chemical THC extract in the world and then *injected* over an oz of it they would die, but you'd definitely die from just filling your blood with an oz of an oily non-blood chemical just for mechanical reasons. Very few chemicals have this property of being able to be consumed em masse with no issue because many chemicals have a job to do in the body and too much of this effect will cause an over/under activation of that process that leads to death. A body is essentially a sack of chemical processes that consume, convert and use chemicals to maintain what is called \"homeostasis\". It in only in homeostasis, a state where all processes compliment each other to keeping the system working, that you can be healthy. One of the few other chemicals you can take in en masse is B12 which you can drink by the glass and just pee funny colors. It's LD50 is the order of grams (1000mg) per kg making it very hard to reach those levels. The reason why is biology and luck really; it just doesn't cause trouble. Most chemicals in high doses will disrupt some bodily process you need to keep living either by increasing, stopping it, etc., and in high enough concentrations you die. Sometimes they just do their job too well, or they mimic other important chemicals but they don't do the job at all, or other times the chemical itself is simply destructive to your body directly. B12 is a simple chemical that does not mimic (is not shaped like) other important bodily chemicals, so it does not disrupt processes normally kept in homeostasis by those chemicals being present by replacing them (which is what THC does actually, but non-harmfully). It doesn't produce harmful oxidation or release lots of free radicals that can cause tissue and DNA damage when it's metabolized. Whats more the metabolites produced when B12 is metabolized do not harm you either. In high concentrations it doesn't destabilize blood serum levels like water or salt does and make it impossible for your cells to respirate or get nutrients. It just hangs out, being B12, waiting to be used or sent to the bladder. Why? Well your body likes B12, it needs it, so if you couldn't take in B12 without it screwing up everything we wouldn't use it. But lots of (most) chemicals we need will kill us in high concentrations because of the above. If a chemical's job is keeping your body producing a certain hormone or regulating sodium channels in your nerves this can be super important and changing it can kill you. THC fits in a receptor for another naturally occurring brain chemical called a canabanoid (named after cannabis even though it is natural in the brain) and changes your perception, and few other things. It can change your perception *a lot*, but in the end a change in perception won't kill you unless you fall asleep somewhere you shouldn't. So it's a combination being similar to something that occurs naturally in the brain, and won't kill you in high concentrations because the chemical it's mimicking won't either. Also, we're just lucky nothing else about the chemical makeup of THC happens to kill us in high doses from to the hundreds of other ways chemicals can cause you to die. TL;DR Luck mostly."}, {"answer": "After browsing through this thread I didn't see anyone mention one of the most important aspects of why it isn't possible. Forgive me if I missed it somewhere, and this won't really be ELI5, but it's important so hear me out. Many of the vital processes of your body are regulated by the medulla oblongata, which has nothing to do with emotions (turns out Colonel Sanders and Mama were both wrong) but helps run things like your breathing, heartrate, blood pressure etc. Now inside the medulla, which is located in the hind brain, or brain stem, there are a lot of different types of receptors, just like the rest of your body. Some of these receptors allow our brains vital processes to be affected by certain drugs. In fact, if you hear about someone overdosing on drugs, or dying from consuming too much alcohol, it is because those drugs got into the medulla and messed with the receptors and stopped the body's major vital functions. Now the interesting thing about the medulla is that it has no endocannabinoid receptors. The rest of your body does, in fact you have them all over, which is what allows you to get \"high\". But where it matters most, in the medulla, there are none, which means there is no way to fuck up the vital functions, it literally has no way to affect that part of your brain. More of an ELIAdult, and sorry for the terrible formatting, but hope that helps answer your question!"}, {"answer": "Drugs which you can overdose on tend to be ones which (metaphorically) drive a whole lot of trucks at your front gate, proportional to the amount you consume. Marijuana however may provide a proportional number of trucks, but they wait patiently in line to get past your gate and some may even take a sliproad and another route while waiting. Ie. MDMA causes your body to go into overdrive and produce lots of neurotransmitters which can kill you, MJ binds to your limited number of neuroreceptors and replaces the normal chemical which binds to them. Anything not used waits its turn or goes straight through you."}, {"answer": "[This chart]( URL_0 ) has the ratios of how much gets you high vs. how much gets you killed. To overdose on marijuana, you'd have to have the dose equivalent of over 1,000 hits off a blunt or rips off a bong in your system at once for you to die. Nobody has reached the high score through traditional means."}, {"answer": "It's possible to overdose on just about anything, it's just that the amount of marijuana required to overdose on THC is astronomical and you would pass out before even coming close to that limit anyways."}, {"answer": "The first time i tried, was at my little cousins. I took like 6 of the biggest bong rips, inside the timespan of 3 minutes. We were both in the bathroom with the vent on, and after each hit i said,\" dude i dont feel anything\". After thr 6th hit, i looked up at the mirror. I swear to god my face started swirling. I gear giggling outside, its my 2 sisters and 2 cousins. I know they know we're smoking. I trip the hell out. And dismiss them and remember leaving the room. After that i blacked out and somehow made down the hall into the bedroom. I can relate that memory to when i was on ambien and woke up to take a piss. Stumbling and usuing the walls to bounce off side to side to make forward progress. Short 1 second pictures of memory, and somehow i made to the bedroom. Then, i thought i was going to die. I laid in bed and puked into a trashcan until there was nothing left. I was clawing at my face and my body felt like it was burning. I was hallucinating and seeing things. Cant really explain what. I told my cousin to call the hospital and that i was going to die. Eventually i passed out. They say you can't OD. But that day, i saw god and asked him to save me."}, {"answer": "Many people don't know this but in one of the studies used as anti marijuana propaganda, they used monkeys as test subjects to test if high amounts of cannabis smoke were lethal. The test were unanimous many of the monkeys died. The study was operated by putting masks on the monkeys and pumping cannabis smoke into the mask. Years later if you research that study, you'll find that the monkeys didn't die from thc overdose or any over dose actually, but rather asphyxiation. They pumped nothing but smoke into the monkeys lungs, and the monkeys died from lack of oxygen."}, {"answer": "THC is a partial cannabinoid receptor agonist meaning it has a plateau effect in which your natural bodily cannabinoid receptors can no longer be stimulated by additionally ingested THC. This is not true for some of the synthetically produced cannabinoid drugs that were marketed in the last 10 - 15 years and have since been scheduled in the United States. That is why you had more emergency room visits for things like seizures and anxiety attacks and the like because it is entirely possible to overdose on those substances. But that is not the case with THC."}, {"answer": "Marijuana doesn't interact with the Medulla Oblongata, the portion of the brain which controls heartbeat and breathing, like other substances do. Where an overdose of alcohol can shut down your body's ability to continue breathing and your heart beating while you're unconscious, even if you were to smoke so much pot as to pass out your body would be able to continue to function at a basic level to keep you alive."}, {"answer": "I am pretty sure that nowadays it is actually possible, but you'd have to go out of your way to actually do it. you would need a boatload of \"pure\" (90%+) thc in edible form. and probably something that helps you not puke as well. edit: forget this, just read in another comment that your blood will be saturated long before you can reach LD."}, {"answer": "It is effectively impossible, though not theoretically impossible. This is because the lethal amounts of the chemicals in marijuana are so high and the amount ingested in its use are so low compared to the effects it has on the consumer that it becomes effectively impossible to consume more. In layman's terms, you smoke so much you can't move and therefore you can't smoke anymore."}, {"answer": "Most drugs with a lethal overdose risk (morphine, opium) involve the metabolic breakdown products of said drugs mimics or interrupts neurotransmitter (chemical signalling drugs in the brain). Morphine breaks down into one that can interfere with the signal to breath. If you take enough of it, the signal. Is blocked completely and you OD. Marijuana doesn't have similar breakdown products"}, {"answer": "u/WorkingMouse has a valid point, but the real reason is that there is a lack of CB1 receptors on the brain stem. That's why it would take so much to kill you. If the brain stem had a shitload of CB1 receptors it's lethal dose would be a lot lower. Source: Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience by Neil R. Carlson"}, {"answer": "Years ago I smoked some butane hash oil that had some butane still in it and I smoked so much of it I collapsed a lung. Woke up in the worst pain ever. Went to the ER, was about 30 minutes from being dead. Pretty scary. Still smoke tho."}, {"answer": "just a warning though, while marijuana may be impossible to OD on, it is possible to smoke too much. One of the first times I smoked, I called an ambulance, convinced I was dying. Shit plays with your mind."}, {"answer": "ELI5: Why do people in this subreddit express controversial opinions but disguise them as questions that anyone can google an answer to in less than two minutes?"}, {"answer": "It always seems like no one gets in trouble with smoking. Its seems its always edibles that get people crazy"}, {"answer": "You would black out from lack of oxygen before you would be able to come close to overdosing"}, {"answer": "This should be contrasted with opiate overdose: URL_0 "}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1778796", "title": "Substance dependence", "section": "Section::::History.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 56, "end_paragraph_id": 56, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Modern agricultural practices, improvements in access to drugs, advancements in biochemistry, and dramatic increases in the recommendation of drug usage by clinical practitioners have exacerbated the problem significantly in the 20th century.", "these programs proved to be more effective and influential on persons who did not reach levels of serious dependence. The phenomenon of drug addiction has occurred to some degree throughout recorded history (see \"Opium\"). Modern agricultural practices, improvements in access to drugs, advancements in biochemistry, and dramatic increases in the recommendation of drug usage by clinical practitioners have exacerbated the problem significantly in the 20th century. Improved means of active biological agent manufacture and the introduction of synthetic compounds, such as fentanyl and methamphetamine, are also factors contributing to drug addiction.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "10293733", "title": "Combined drug intoxication", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["CDI is often confused with drug overdose, but it is a different phenomenon. It is distinct because it is due to the simultaneous use of multiple drugs, whether the drugs are prescription, over-the-counter, recreational, or some other combination", "Combined drug intoxication (CDI), also known as multiple drug intake (MDI) or lethal intoxication, is an unnatural cause of human death. CDI is often confused with drug overdose, but it is a different phenomenon. It is distinct because it is due to the simultaneous use of multiple drugs, whether the drugs are prescription, over-the-counter, recreational, or some other combination. Alcohol can exacerbate the symptoms and may directly contribute to increased severity of symptoms. The reasons for toxicity vary depending on the mixture of drugs. Usually, most victims die after using two or more drugs in combination that suppress breathing, and the low blood oxygen level causes brain death.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "166821", "title": "Substance intoxication", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Substance intoxication is a type of substance use disorder which is potentially maladaptive and impairing, but reversible, and associated with recent use of a substance.", "Substance intoxication is a type of substance use disorder which is potentially maladaptive and impairing, but reversible, and associated with recent use of a substance.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "National Institute on Drug Abuse\n\n\nthis as a distortion, noting, \"The federal DAWN report itself notes that reports of marijuana do not mean people are going to the hospital for a marijuana overdose, it only means that people going to the hospital for a drug overdose mention marijuana as a drug they use.\" The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is an annual study of American drug use patterns. According to NIDA, \"The data collection method is in–person interviews conducted with a sample of individuals at their place of residence. ACASI provides", "id": "9470296" }, { "contents": "Iron law of prohibition\n\n\nwith significant risk from blood-borne disease because of injection by needle, and far greater risk of death from overdose. Marijuana was also found too bulky and troublesome to smuggle across borders, so smugglers turned to refined cocaine with its much higher potency and profit per pound. Cowan wrote in 1986 that crack cocaine was entirely a product of the prohibition of drugs. Clinical psychiatrist Michael J. Reznicek adds crystal meth to this list. In the 2010s the iron law has been invoked to explain why heroin is displaced by fentanyl and other", "id": "662307" }, { "contents": "List of deaths from drug overdose and intoxication\n\n\ntwo distinct phenomena, deaths from CDI are often misreported as overdoses. Drug overdoses and intoxication can also cause indirect deaths. For example, while marijuana does not cause fatal overdoses, being intoxicated by it can increase the chance of fatal traffic collisions. Drug use and overdoses increased significantly in the 1800s due to the commercialization and availability of certain drugs. For example, while opium and coca had been used for centuries, their active ingredients, morphine and the cocaine alkaloid, were not isolated until 1803 and 1855 respectively. Cocaine and", "id": "12039796" }, { "contents": "Drug Abuse Warning Network\n\n\nto the hospital for a marijuana overdose, it only means that people going to the hospital mention marijuana as a drug they use\". This criticism is also not correct. DAWN has recently clarified their use of the term \"drug mention\" in methodology because of this erroneous claim. The data is collected by a systematic and confidential review of patients' medical records. Thus, for example, a patient who broke an arm while high on marijuana would not be included in the data. A report released by DAWN in 2002", "id": "629314" }, { "contents": "Sheldon Adelson\n\n\nof a drug overdose, donated one million dollars to the campaign against Massachusetts ballot question 4 the Massachusetts Legalization, Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Initiative which legalized marijuana for personal use. Adelson also donated $1,500,000 towards the unsuccessful effort to thwart the 2016 Florida medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative. Adelson sat out the 2016 Republican primaries, with some early indicators at the beginning of 2016 interpreted as showing that Adelson favored Trump. In May 2016, explaining his reasons for officially endorsing Donald Trump's presidential bid, Adelson cited the importance of CEO", "id": "25816" }, { "contents": "Downtown Eastside\n\n\nwhich is cheaper and more potent. At the end of 2014, the DTES saw a dramatic rise in fentanyl overdoses. In 2016 the surge in drug overdose deaths led to the declaration of a public health emergency across the province. In a 2008 survey of SRO residents in the greater DTES, 32% self-reported as being addicted to drugs, 20% were addicted to alcohol, 52% smoked cigarettes regularly, and 51% smoked marijuana. In 2003, the DTES was home to an estimated 4,700 injection drug users", "id": "18257314" }, { "contents": "Synthetic cannabinoids\n\n\ntherapeutic effects. There are no fatal overdose cases linked to marijuana, but deaths associated with synthetic cannabinoids are increasing. The CDC found that the number of deaths from synthetic cannabinoid use tripled between 2014 and 2015. These drugs are dangerous because they are more potent than marijuana, and due to the large quantity of different structures that fall under the same common names, users are often unaware of exactly what they are getting and how potent it is. For example, Δ-THC has an EC of 250 nM at CB and", "id": "21070921" }, { "contents": "Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation\n\n\ndeath by overdose—than for using the potentially fatal (and for many college students legal) drug alcohol. The pilot project took off quickly. Within months, organizers had coordinated and passed student referendums at both campuses. These referendums called on the universities to make the penalties for the use and possession of marijuana no greater than the penalties for the use and possession of alcohol. Under Colorado state law prior to 2013, having an ounce of marijuana or less is punishable by a $100 fine but no jail time. In", "id": "14379276" }, { "contents": "T.O.P (rapper)\n\n\n-anxiety medicine overdose of prescribed benzodiazepine, and was hospitalized. On June 8, T.O.P’s mother confirmed that he regained consciousness and was recovering. On June 29, at his first trial for the marijuana usage charges at the Seoul Central District Court, T.O.P pleaded guilty, admitting that he did smoke marijuana in four instances in early October 2016 and received two years of probation. After undergoing a disciplinary review by the police to decide if T.O.P should return as a conscripted policeman or complete his service as a public service officer,", "id": "2849496" }, { "contents": "Methylenedioxypyrovalerone\n\n\nsyringes and marijuana paraphernalia. In April 2011, an Alton, Illinois, woman apparently died from an MDPV overdose. In May 2011, the CDC reported a hospital emergency department (ED) visit after the use of \"bath salts\" in Michigan. One person was reported dead on arrival at the ED. Associates of the dead person reported that he had used bath salts. His toxicology results revealed high levels of MDPV in addition to marijuana and prescription drugs. The primary factor contributing to death was cited as MDPV toxicity after", "id": "9532095" }, { "contents": "Theresa Donovan\n\n\nploy, Theresa reveals her intentions to hopefully woo Dr. Daniel Jonas (Shawn Christian). After sleeping with JJ, Theresa overdoses on marijuana and GHB. Upon hearing of their daughter's overdose and continuing problems, Shane and Kimberly return to town in the hopes of handling their daughter's problem, together. After believing that Theresa has a handle on her addictions, Shane and Kimberly leave town together. Theresa then teams up with hospital co-worker Anne Milbauer (Meredith Scott Lynn) to conspire against Jennifer, using Daniel as", "id": "16740476" }, { "contents": "2014 Florida Amendment 2\n\n\nAn opinion against it was also filed by the Florida Legislature. A multi-institutional study by Penn Medicine published in JAMA Internal Medicine, supported by the National Institutes of Health (R01DA032110, R25DA023021) and the Center for AIDS Research at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center (NIH AI-51519), found that on average, states allowing the medical use of marijuana have lower rates of overdose caused deaths from opioid analgesics, such as OxyContin, Percocet and Vicodin than states without compassionate use medical marijuana laws. Researchers", "id": "11432806" }, { "contents": "The Daily Currant\n\n\nin Wprost, one of Poland’s top news publications, who withdrew the story after Facebook posts questioned it. Viral e-mails and Facebook posts claimed in 2013 that NASA's Curiosity rover had found gigantic stone tablets in a cave near Aeolis Mons that were marked with the Ten Commandments and the phrase \"I Am Real\". However, this was a hoax that originated as a satirical \"Daily Currant\" article. A story concocted shortly after recreational marijuana became purchasable in Colorado claimed that 37 people had died of marijuana overdose", "id": "14605089" }, { "contents": "2016 Florida Amendment 2\n\n\nMorgan, who has largely bankrolled the Florida medical marijuana effort by contributing at least $6.5 million towards the initiative, and $326,438 in November, 2016. Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson donated $500,000 towards the effort to thwart the bill, including a contribution of $1 million to the Drug-Free Florida Committee, who also fought the initiative. Adelson, whose son died of a drug overdose, committed $5.5 million to help defeat the medical marijuana Amendment 2 in 2014. Carol Jenkins Barnett, daughter of George", "id": "2768903" }, { "contents": "Drug Abuse Warning Network\n\n\nNew DAWN on the agency’s behalf. Information collected by DAWN is widely cited by drug policy officials, who have sometimes confused drug-related episodes – emergency department visits induced by drugs – with drug mentions. The Wisconsin Department of Justice claimed, \"In Wisconsin, marijuana overdose visits in emergency rooms equal to heroin or morphine, twice as common as Valium.\" Common Sense for Drug Policy called this as a distortion, noting, \"The federal DAWN report itself notes that reports of marijuana do not mean people are going", "id": "629313" }, { "contents": "2014 Florida Amendment 2\n\n\nat the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania reviewed rates of death caused by opioid overdoses between 1999 and 2010. Results of the research reflect that on average, the (then 13) states with laws permitting medical use of cannabis reported an opioid overdose mortality rate at 24.8 percent lower after the compassionate use laws were enacted than those states without compassionate use laws. Implications of the findings may be the best evidence of the claims long made by proponents of medical marijuana use whose previous arguments were largely supported by anecdotal evidence", "id": "11432807" }, { "contents": "Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2009\n\n\nconclusive and binding.' The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 is the beginning of constriction for the growth of marijuana in the United States. An extremely high tax was placed on marijuana; making it nearly impossible to grow industrial hemp. However, congress expected the production of industrial hemp to continue, but the Federal Bureau of Narcotics lumped industrial hemp with marijuana and its successor, the US Drug Enforcement Administration, continued. Industrial hemp is now legal in the U.S., which advocates hope could eventually loosen laws around the popular marijuana extract", "id": "6944861" }, { "contents": "It's Just a Plant\n\n\nThe doctor tells Jackie that marijuana has many medicinal uses, and that it can ease pain and help people relax. She emphasizes that only adults should use it, and that it is not for children. Shortly afterward, Jackie sees a group of people smoking marijuana on the street. Two police officers appear and promptly arrest them, to Jackie's bewilderment. The police officers explain that smoking marijuana is against the law, and that's why they are arresting the marijuana smokers. One of the officers tells her that “a", "id": "21694407" }, { "contents": "Overdose (horse)\n\n\nrace was not enough to regenerate. Maybe this was the reason why Overdose only placed seventh by four lengths behind the winner in the Group II Temple Stakes. But the team knew, there is more in him, therefore they have stayed in Britain, to prepare him for the Royal Ascot. After the Haydock race Overdose was able to regenerate during the remaining three weeks to his Royal Ascot race. He was not a favourite anymore. He started in the Group I King's Stand Stakes on the lead, and ran head", "id": "5463570" }, { "contents": "USS Nimitz\n\n\nflight deck crew who were killed, who tested positive for marijuana. As covered by Robert Reinhold in the 17 June 1981 edition of \"The New York Times\" it was reported by \"Experts at the National Institute on Drug Abuse say that it would probably be impossible to establish conclusively that any of the Nimitz crew had been smoking marijuana on the night of the crash because the test does not directly detect the component of marijuana smoke that acts on the brain. Because the metabolites may persist in the blood for many days,", "id": "15453044" }, { "contents": "Cannabis in the United States\n\n\nor older have used cannabis at some point in their lives, while 11.5% (about 1 in 9) reported using it \"this year.\" Medical use is a common reason why people use marijuana. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, \"The term medical marijuana refers to using the whole unprocessed marijuana plant or its basic extracts to treat a disease or symptom.\" However, the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not officially approved marijuana as a medicine. Until the passage of the 2018", "id": "13770162" }, { "contents": "Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies\n\n\nthey fund the only laboratory licensed to grow it. Since NIDA is solely interested in researching the negative aspects of marijuana use and abuse, studies to explore its potential medical benefit are impossible within the US. MAPS is the only organization working to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of botanical marijuana as a prescription medicine to the satisfaction of the FDA. For nearly ten years, MAPS has been involved in lengthy and ongoing legal battles with the DEA to end NIDA's monopoly on research grade marijuana. Alternatively, MAPS has received full approval", "id": "14759608" }, { "contents": "Death of Gertrude Hullett\n\n\nand Harris asked about a possible barbiturate overdose, which Adams said was impossible, and he did not mention to his colleague during their discussion that Mrs Hullett had suffered from depression. The two doctors decided a cerebral hemorrhage was most likely, due partly to contracted pupils. This, however, is also a symptom of morphine or barbiturate poisoning. Moreover, her breathing was shallow; typical of an overdose-induced coma. On 21 July, a pathologist by the name of Dr Shera was called in to take a spinal fluid", "id": "9906475" }, { "contents": "Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2009\n\n\nas it is believed that hemp plants could provide cover during cultivation for marijuana plants. This legislation, the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2005 and the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2007, were introduced, referred to committee, and no additional legislative action taken. Currently, the word \"marijuana\" is the accepted spelling. However, \"marihuana\" was the correct spelling and most commonly used form in early Federal Government of the United States documents. That is why, as stated in the bill, marijuana is spelled \"marihuana", "id": "6944864" }, { "contents": "War on drugs\n\n\nL. Smith, have noted that reducing the supply of marijuana without reducing the demand causes the price, and hence the profits of marijuana sellers, to go up, according to the laws of supply and demand. The increased profits encourage the producers to produce more drugs despite the risks, providing a theoretical explanation for why attacks on drug supply have failed to have any lasting effect. The aforementioned economists published an open letter to President George W. Bush stating \"We urge...the country to commence an open and honest debate about marijuana", "id": "17034258" }, { "contents": "Nice Dreams\n\n\n, \"If marijuana has a way of heightening the hilarious aspects of things that might not otherwise be funny, then this is very much a marijuana movie. But 'Nice Dreams' also has a more general appeal than that. These are high spirits that don't have to do with being high.\" \"Variety\" noted: \"Although plot is impossible and filmmaking is still on the rudimentary side, effort is chock full of yocks, as the zippy pace, short running time and succession of outrageous bit players keep", "id": "7198842" }, { "contents": "Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana\n\n\nat the scene, and her baby was injured but survived. The volunteer, an artist who had started a support group for WAMM members with chronic pain, died the next day. Police reported that he said, at the scene of the accident, that he had used marijuana \"just prior to the collision\". Family members said that it was impossible to be certain of the collision's cause, because the volunteer's vehicle had some mechanical problems and he had several health problems, such as sleep apnea, that could", "id": "9840752" }, { "contents": "The Land of Steady Habits\n\n\nfriends. They urge Anders to smoke from a bong, and he is surprised to discover, afterward, that the marijuana is laced with PCP. Later at the party, Charlie overdoses and is taken to the hospital. Anders tells his therapist that he did drugs with Charlie at the Christmas party, and is surprised to learn that the therapist was also in attendance. Sometime after, Anders, who is still the formal owner of the family home he has left to Helene, and, thus, responsible for the mortgage,", "id": "6323970" }, { "contents": "Lorna's Silence\n\n\nhave another fake marriage with a Russian man, but Claudy is in the way. Fabio, the one who orchestrated the whole plan, will not wait for Lorna and Claudy's divorce. Initially Lorna had agreed to Fabio's plan of killing Claudy with an overdose. But Lorna is moved by Claudy's determination to stay clean, so she pleads Fabio to wait for their divorce. But Fabio does not understand why Lorna cares, and an overdose will not look suspicious, because drug addicts often relapse. Claudy attempts to stay", "id": "12714329" }, { "contents": "Tanacu exorcism\n\n\nof death was actually due to an overdose of adrenaline given in the ambulance with Coroner Dan Gheorghiu stating \"'I was part of the team who handled the exhumation of the nun's body. ...It was concluded that the woman died of an overdose of adrenaline. Don't ask me, I don't know why the judges did not take that into account.\" Fr. Corogeanu stated that \"My biggest mistake was that I called the ambulance when I saw she was not moving. I think she died because the", "id": "8998499" }, { "contents": "Cannabis political parties\n\n\nrequiring all political parties to prove a membership of 500 enrolled voters, an impossible task for the Marijuana Party. The independent HEMP Legalise Marijuana party continues to run in the upper house in South Australian state elections, with their best result being in 1997 when they received 1.7% of the vote, beating relatively popular parties such as the SA Greens and the SA branch of the National Party of Australia. The Party was founded in 1993 and has a constitution, which describes an organisation with the aim of endorsing candidates to contest elections", "id": "2683849" }, { "contents": "Cannabis (drug)\n\n\n. Cannabis has not been reported to cause fatal overdose in humans. The high lipid-solubility of cannabinoids results in their persisting in the body for long periods of time. Even after a single administration of THC, detectable levels of THC can be found in the body for weeks or longer (depending on the amount administered and the sensitivity of the assessment method). A number of investigators have suggested that this is an important factor in marijuana's effects, perhaps because cannabinoids may accumulate in the body, particularly in the lipid", "id": "8402143" }, { "contents": "Adam Rich\n\n\nchild actor, Rich lived in Granada Hills, California with his parents and younger brother. He was active in sports, including baseball, football, bicycle riding, skateboarding, and swimming. He also had an interest in drawing. At age 14, he tried smoking marijuana, and at 17, in 1986, he dropped out of high school. He almost died of a Valium overdose in 1989. In 1991 he was arrested and charged with attempted burglary of a pharmacy. In 1996, there was a media hoax that", "id": "1048610" }, { "contents": "West Hollywood, California\n\n\na medicinal marijuana resolution, by a vote of 4–0, making it the first city in Southern California to adopt a lowest law enforcement priority law for cannabis offenses. The resolution stated \"it is not the policy of the City or its law enforcement agency to target possession of small amounts of cannabis and the consumption of non-medical cannabis in private by adults\". In 1982, John Belushi died of a drug overdose at the Chateau Marmont hotel in Hollywood, adjacent to WeHo. On the night of his death, he", "id": "16855886" }, { "contents": "MFONE\n\n\nMFONE is the graffiti moniker of Daniel Montano. He was an American best known for his graffiti who died on June 10, 2017 from a heroin overdose at the age of 31. He had been using Vicodin, Xanax, cocaine, heroin and marijuana for 15 years. He was active in Pittsburgh in the mid and late 2000s. At the peak of his tagging activity, he was considered to be \"the most notorious tagger in [Pittsburgh] history.\" According to police, he is the most prolific graffiti writer", "id": "2280224" }, { "contents": "Let There Be Rock\n\n\naddict would overdose on drugs, with Scott singing, \"You're a habit I don't want to break.\" Whether or not the song had any meaning beyond the metaphor is subject to speculation; by all accounts, Scott was a hard drinker and indulged in drugs. In 2013, keyboardist John Bisset of Fraternity (Scott's band before AC/DC) told \"Uncut\"'s Peter Watts: \"We were drinkers. We got into marijuana, mescaline and mushrooms, but alcohol was the mainstay...He drank", "id": "4552557" }, { "contents": "Kay's Tutor v Ayrshire & Arran Health Board\n\n\nscans done by three different processes, he had watched for years and in his experience there was no single recorded case of deafness from such an overdose. He was asked in terms by the Lord Ordinary whether, as a bacteriologist, he was saying there was any reason why an overdose of penicillin injected intrathecally could not cause deafness. His reply was: \"As a medical scientist I need evidence for things, without evidence and without rational balance of evidence medicine is a dead duck and in this case there is no evidence that", "id": "17170087" }, { "contents": "Methaqualone\n\n\nThese properties explain why methaqualone was originally mainly prescribed for insomnia. Methaqualone was not recommended for use while pregnant and is in pregnancy category D. Overdose can lead to nervous system shutdown, coma and death. An overdose can cause delirium, convulsions, hypertonia, hyperreflexia, vomiting, kidney failure, coma, and death through cardiac or respiratory arrest. It resembles barbiturate poisoning, but with increased motor difficulties and a lower incidence of cardiac or respiratory depression. The standard one tablet adult dose of Quaalude brand of methaqualone was 300 mg when", "id": "998144" }, { "contents": "Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation\n\n\nSafer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER) is a non-profit organization based in Denver, Colorado. The SAFER campaign was initially launched in Colorado on the campuses of the University of Colorado at Boulder (CU) and Colorado State University (CSU) in response to the alcohol overdose deaths of CSU sophomore Samantha Spady, 19, and 18-year-old CU freshman Lynn \"Gordie\" Bailey. SAFER, led by Mason Tvert, argued that students should not be punished more severely for using marijuana – which is incapable of causing", "id": "14379275" }, { "contents": "Relapse (Eminem album)\n\n\nold times\" in which he and Dre rap back and forth between each other, advocating the use of marijuana for creative and financial benefits. Song \"Must Be the Ganja\" follows, where Eminem raps that working in the recording studio is like a drug and an addiction for him. After the skit \"Mr. Mathers\", where Eminem is recovered to a hospital, \"Déjà Vu\" addresses his overdose in 2007 and drug dependency during his hiatus from music. On the song, Eminem also explains how this has affected", "id": "14485581" }, { "contents": "Jennifer Capriati\n\n\nIn 1993, at the age of 17, Capriati was charged with shoplifting a $15 ring from a mall kiosk, which she has described as accidental. She was arrested on May 16, 1994, and charged with misdemeanor marijuana possession. She agreed to enter a drug counselling program. In 1994, Capriati admitted that she had contemplated suicide due to tennis burnout and issues over her appearance and relationships. In 2010, she required treatment for a drug overdose. In 2013, Capriati was charged with battery and stalking after reportedly", "id": "16258189" }, { "contents": "Curtis Jones\n\n\non \"Come Back\" and the closing track \"Pin-Up Girl\" had a similarity to New York-based Electroclash group Fischerspooner. After \"Walk In Love\", Green Velvet produced and remixed releases for fellow Relief Records artists and himself, and played a host of DJ session live shows in 2006. After staying quiet in the music scene, Green Velvet revealed in 2006 he had become a born-again Christian after a serious overdose of a mixture of Magic Mushrooms, Marijuana and (allegedly) GHB, and", "id": "17787568" }, { "contents": "Sigma Nu\n\n\nby minors. In February 2016, Sigma Nu suspended its chapter at the University of North Georgia due to allegations of hazing and alcohol abuse. In August 2016, a Sigma Nu member at Texas A&M University died of an illegal drug overdose in the fraternity house. Six members were arrested for possession and distribution of illegal drugs on campus such as cocaine, meth, LSD, MDMA, marijuana, heroin, and ecstasy. In October 2017, the deceased member's father, Eugene Gridnev, instituted a wrongful death suit against the", "id": "18966228" }, { "contents": "Circuit party\n\n\ngay and medical communities have published concerns about the culture of circuit parties, particularly the use of drugs including: alcohol, marijuana, methamphetamine, ecstasy, ketamine, GHB, amyl nitrite, and other \"party drugs\". They point to the risks of overdose, dehydration, and impaired judgment leading to unsafe sex and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (see \"Sexual Ecology\"). Circuit parties have been blamed for the spread of methamphetamine abuse and the rise in transmission of STDs, particularly HIV, among North American gay", "id": "19593824" }, { "contents": "Sheldon Adelson\n\n\nresolution \"...resulted from the press of other legislation, (not from) a deliberate move by DeLay to help his benefactor.\" Fighting the \"mainstreaming\" of cannabis legalization is a personal passion of Adelson, whose son Mitchell died of an overdose of heroin and cocaine. Mitchell was said to have used cocaine and heroin from an early age. Adelson believes cannabis is a gateway drug. Andy Abboud, vice president of Las Vegas Sands, has stated that \"Pro-marijuana folks have awoken a sleeping giant in Sheldon", "id": "25797" }, { "contents": "John Kasich\n\n\nopioid overdoses; the measure allowed friends and family members of addicts to obtain access to naloxone and for first responders to carry naloxone. In July 2015, Kasich signed legislation further expanding the availability of naloxone, making it available without a prescription. In a 2015 interview with radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt, Kasich said he was opposed to the legalization of recreational drugs in some states and equated marijuana and heroin, stating: \"In my state and across this country, if I happened to be president, I would lead a", "id": "4747683" }, { "contents": "Purple drank\n\n\nChainz was arrested at Los Angeles International Airport on charges of possessing promethazine and codeine (the primary ingredients of purple drank) along with marijuana. Mac Miller, who died of a drug overdose not involving purple drank, spoke openly of his addiction to purple drank. Several legal commercial products loosely based on the concept of \"purple drank\" are marketed in the United States. In June 2008, Innovative Beverage Group, a Houston, Texas-based company, released a beverage called \"Drank\". The commercial product contains no", "id": "7263065" }, { "contents": "Damned (Palahniuk novel)\n\n\nDamned is a 2011 novel by Chuck Palahniuk. A sequel to the novel, \"Doomed\", was released in 2013. The novel opens with 13-year-old Madison \"Maddy\" Spencer waking in Hell, unsure of the details surrounding her death. She believes she died of a marijuana overdose while her celebrity parents were attending the Academy Awards. Maddy quickly gets to know her nearby cellmates. The group (loosely modeled on the archetypes of characters from \"The Breakfast Club,\" i.e., a rocker, a nerd,", "id": "8139664" }, { "contents": "Cannabis (drug)\n\n\ndrug emergency room visits involved multiple drugs. In 129,000 cases, cannabis was the only implicated drug. The short term effects of cannabis can be altered if it has been laced with opioid drugs such as heroin or fentanyl. The added drugs are meant to enhance the psychoactive properties, add to its weight, and increase profitability, despite the increased danger of overdose. Heavy, long-term exposure to marijuana may have biologically based physical, mental, behavioral and social health consequences and may be \"associated with diseases of the liver", "id": "8402127" }, { "contents": "National Institute on Drug Abuse\n\n\nDAWN, or the Drug Abuse Warning Network, is a program to collect statistics on the frequency of emergency department mentions of use of different types of drugs. This information is widely cited by drug policy officials, who have sometimes confused drug-\"related\" episodes—emergency department visits induced by drugs—with drug mentions. The Wisconsin Department of Justice claimed, \"In Wisconsin, marijuana overdose visits in emergency rooms equal to heroin or morphine \"[sic]\", twice as common as Valium.\" Common Sense for Drug Policy called", "id": "9470295" }, { "contents": "T. J. Donovan\n\n\nSorrell receiving 21,124 votes to Donovan's 20,410. During the last weeks of the primary, a super PAC with unknown donors ran advertisements for the incumbent narrated by former Governor Howard Dean. Several of the principal issues that Donovan advocated in the 2012 campaign were enacted into law in the next Legislative session, including access to records of police investigations, a Good Samaritan law to help prevent fatal opiate overdoses and decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana. In March 2014, Donovan was reelected as Chittenden County State's Attorney, running unopposed.", "id": "11126782" }, { "contents": "Chronic pain\n\n\nand others do not; some are harmed by the treatment. Possible harms include reduced sex hormone production, hypogonadism, infertility, impaired immune system, falls and fractures in older adults, neonatal abstinence syndrome, heart problems, sleep-disordered breathing, opioid-induced hyperalgesia, physical dependence, addiction, and overdose. Hypnosis, including self-hypnosis, has tentative evidence. Evidence does not support hypnosis for chronic pain due to a spinal cord injury. Preliminary studies have found medical marijuana to be beneficial in treating neuropathic pain,", "id": "14489746" }, { "contents": "Partnership for Drug-Free Kids\n\n\nmedia blitz aimed at \"getting parents involved in the war against drugs. Survey data showed marijuana use had gone from 230,000 children in 1995 to 460,000 children in 1996, according to the report. In addition, there continued to be high-profile deaths of celebrities who had overdosed, such as Jonathan Melvoin of the group The Smashing Pumpkins, which put pressure on the music industry to take a serious look at drug influence in pop music. While Rock 'n' roll music has been described as \"steeped in rebellion,", "id": "15447495" }, { "contents": "Paul LePage\n\n\nfather. He also has expressed support for giving the death penalty to drug dealers whose drugs cause a fatal overdose. Maine abolished the death penalty in 1887. LePage supports the idea of the state removing the children of welfare recipients from their homes if the recipients are found to be using illegal drugs and refuse to enter rehab. Current law only allows the removal of children due to neglect and abuse, which can result from drug use, but is not drug use itself. He has expressed opposition to the legalization of marijuana,", "id": "17259313" }, { "contents": "New Political Center — Girchi\n\n\nrising number of drug overdoses caused by insufficient information. On New Year's Eve of 2016, Girchi Party activists planted cannabis plants in 84 pots in the party's Tbilisi headquarters, in defiance of Georgian drug policy. Georgian police officers arrived and confiscated the plants, but did not charge party members with any criminal offense. On November 30, 2017, the Constitutional Court of Georgia decriminalized the personal use of marijuana and other cannabis-based products. The decision came in a case brought by a citizen, Givi Shanidze, who", "id": "193114" }, { "contents": "Tucker Unit\n\n\nthe prison. Arkansas' prisons, including Tucker, have experienced a rash of inmates dying of drug overdoses while serving their prison sentence behind bars in the year 2018. This phenomenon is not just isolated in Arkansas but rather nation-wide. The drugs have been thought to be either fentanyl or synthetic marijuana . Varner Unit, Tucker's sister unit, experienced five drug-related inmate deaths in a four day span during August 2018. Dan Shelton, who was 54 years old serving a 40-year sentence for kidnapping, burglary,", "id": "2001725" }, { "contents": "Death of Gram Parsons\n\n\nbands. Excepting McElroy, he and his companions consumed alcohol and barbiturates in high amounts. On September 18, Martin drove back to Los Angeles to resupply the group with marijuana. That night, after injecting himself with liquid morphine he had purchased from an unknown girl, Parsons overdosed. Fisher put Parsons an ice-cube suppository, and later on a cold shower. Instead of moving him around the room, she put him to bed and went out to buy coffee for Parsons, while she left McElroy to take care of", "id": "20149899" }, { "contents": "Escape: Psycho Circus\n\n\nhas a few dress policies that must be followed. Some of the guidelines include: A strict drug policy is enforced at the Insomniac venue, banning all drugs at its events. Even attendees with medical marijuana cards may not bring drugs to any events. Violators of the drug policy will be escorted from the venue. Insomniac encourages attendees to notify on-site medical staff in the event of an emergency, including potential overdoses. Medical stations are located at every event in addition to roaming medical staff. Signs of medical complications include", "id": "20304423" }, { "contents": "El Diablo (The Killing)\n\n\nthat looks, smells, and tastes like marijuana. After noticing that the skate park is within walking distance to the Richmond campaign office's parking lot, Sarah wonders if Kris stole the campaign car. Holder later spots Kris, pins him down, and asks if he caused Rosie to overdose. Sarah tells Holder to release Kris. Later, outside the school, Kris accuses Jasper (Richard Harmon) of telling the police they were at the dance. Watching from a distance, Sarah notes to Holder that Rosie wouldn't have", "id": "21424362" }, { "contents": "Lee Gordon (promoter)\n\n\nface change. Gordon also helped O'Keefe after the singer suffered a serious mental breakdown in London in early 1961. After dropping out of his unsuccessful second US tour, O'Keefe flew to the UK on impulse and checked into a London hotel but soon after arriving he overdosed on a mixture of prescription medication, alcohol and marijuana. He woke several days later in to find himself in a psychiatric hospital in Tooting Bec. O'Keefe spent a hellish period in a straight jacket, confined to a padded cell and heavily sedated with drugs, but", "id": "21427119" }, { "contents": "Lacing (drugs)\n\n\nSeptember 2008. Furthermore, a recent analysis found that almost 80% of the individuals who test positive for cocaine also test positive for levamisole. Levamisole used as an adulterant in cocaine has resulted in 20 confirmed or probable cases of agranulocytosis, including 2 deaths, according to an alert from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The emergence of fentanyl-laced cocaine has led to an increase in cocaine overdose fatalities in New York City. Though marijuana is less likely to be adulterated than hard drugs are, it still occurs", "id": "87725" }, { "contents": "Drug Policy Alliance\n\n\npresent their success with the compassionate use bill which brought medical marijuana access to New Mexico in 2007. DPA believes that the War on Drugs in America has failed. They present the argument that the United States has spent billions of dollars on making the country drug-free, but many illicit drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and many others, are purer and more prevalent than ever before. DPA believes the growing numbers of deaths due to drug overdose should be dealt with as a medical rather than a criminal issue", "id": "9740862" }, { "contents": "Twelve Traditions\n\n\ntwelve-step program, are as stated in the above (short form only) with all instances of AA replaced with NA, the word alcoholic replaced with the word addict, and the word drinking replaced with the word using. NA published their \"It Works: How and Why\" as its own study of the Twelve Traditions. Marijuana Anonymous has made similar changes to adapt the traditions to marijuana use, and has gone a step further by eliminating male pronouns in reference to God. This parallels the wording of MA's", "id": "17941372" }, { "contents": "Nick Diaz\n\n\nto say, \"Mr. Diaz was 175. This creates a unique situation. I was there at this fight and believe that you were intoxicated and... that it made you numb to the pain. Did it help you win? I think it did.\" Despite Diaz being surrounded by other athletes and video cameras for several hours before the fight, Alamo gave no explanation for why he believed Diaz had used marijuana in the hours preceding the event. Diaz himself dismissed the assertion that marijuana was a Performance-enhancing drug,", "id": "2377591" }, { "contents": "Marijuana (Kid Cudi song)\n\n\nreal vintage documentary style of the entire trip.' What could be iller than that?\" The video shows Cudi and Cage arriving in Amsterdam, moving through a restaurant, their hotel and the famed red-light district smoking exotic strains of weed. Aesthetically, the \"Marijuana\" video comes off like old home footage thanks to LaBeouf's 8 mm and 16 mm cameras. \"That's why it looks real vintage; that's not an effect,\" Cudi said. Some fans were confused by the video, however", "id": "13159267" }, { "contents": "Steve Kubby\n\n\nSteven Wynn \"Steve\" Kubby (born December 28, 1946) is a Libertarian Party activist who played a key role in the drafting and passage of California Proposition 215. The proposition was a ballot initiative to legalize medical marijuana which was approved by voters in 1996. Kubby himself is well-known as a cancer patient who relies on medical cannabis. He has authored two books on drug policy reform: \"The Politics of Consciousness\", and \"Why Marijuana Should Be Legal\". He was the Libertarian Party of California", "id": "16126482" }, { "contents": "Cannabis concentrate\n\n\nA cannabis concentrate (also called marijuana concentrate, extract, shatter, wax, butane hash oil or butane honey oil (BHO), live resin, budder, and taffy) is a highly potent tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentrated mass that is most similar in appearance to either honey or butter, which is why it is referred to or known as \"honey oil\" or \"budder\". Marijuana concentrates contain extraordinarily high THC levels that could once range from 40 to 80%, up to four times stronger in THC content", "id": "16363690" }, { "contents": "Government Pharmaceutical Organization\n\n\ndeveloped this strain..., we can't claim that ours is the best in the world anymore...That's why we must develop our strain to...compete with theirs.\" The government's cabinet of ministers in May 2018 gave the green light to amend the country's drug laws to allow research on medicinal marijuana. The bill is currently being debated in the National Legislative Assembly. Current Thai laws are tough on both the sale and use of marijuana. Possession of cannabis in Thailand could land its owner in jail for up", "id": "20076719" }, { "contents": "Shona Banda\n\n\nallowing her to complete probation while living in Spokane, Washington. The founder of the medical cannabis advocacy group Bleeding Kansas stated: \"We are terrified... We are outraged. We are heartbroken. Many are planning to move.\" Rep. John Rubin (R-Shawnee) noted that Banda's case provides a \"textbook example of why we need to seriously consider changing the laws in the state of Kansas with regard to marijuana and especially medical marijuana.\" By May 2015, over 84,000 people from across the United States and", "id": "3732625" }, { "contents": "Cannabis advertising in Denver\n\n\nbecause the signage the proposed ban addresses has created some backlash. On the other side of the debate is the \"Medical Marijuana Industry Group\" (MMIG), a trade association that advocates for responsible medical marijuana regulation at the local, state, and national level, who actively pushed for the ad ban that passed, and says the ban is ultimately positive for the industry. Michael Elliott, the executive director of MMIG explained in a Huffington Post article why he and his group supported the article: \"The Denver City Council", "id": "3795118" }, { "contents": "Constance Bumgarner Gee\n\n\n\"not why the public fails to understand, but rather, What does the public understand about the arts.\" Bumgarner Gee published a memoir entitled \"Higher Education: Marijuana at the Mansion\" in 2012. In it, she recounts her times as the wife of university chancellor Gordon Gee, not only at Ohio State University, but also at Brown University and at Vanderbilt University. She alleges members of Vanderbilt's board of trust may have retaliated against her by exposing her marijuana use in \"The Wall Street Journal\" to", "id": "5423756" }, { "contents": "Johnny O'Keefe\n\n\nphysical and mental endurance. Given the severe head injuries he had sustained in the car crash, it is also possible that O'Keefe was suffering from undiagnosed neurological trauma which may have affected his personality and contributed to his later mental health and drug issues, and these problems were undoubtedly exacerbated by his heavy drug and alcohol use. After the second US tour collapsed, he flew to London on impulse, but he reportedly overdosed on a combination of alcohol marijuana and prescription medication in his room at the Park Lane Hotel. He blacked out", "id": "14552206" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Dianne Feinstein\n\n\nmarijuana without further research. However, Feinstein has cosponsored the bipartisan STATES Act proposed in the 115th U.S. Congress by Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and Colorado Senator Cory Gardner that would exempt individuals or corporations in compliance with state cannabis laws from federal enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act. In February 2017, Feinstein and thirty other senators signed a letter to Kaléo Pharmaceuticals in response to the opioid-overdose-reversing device Evzio rising in price from $690 in 2014 to $4,500 and requested the company answer what the detailed price structure for Evzio", "id": "20662893" }, { "contents": "Pauline Boty\n\n\nand also refused to receive chemotherapy treatment that might have harmed the foetus. Instead she smoked marijuana to ease the pain of her terminal condition. She continued to entertain her friends and even sketched The Rolling Stones during her illness. Her daughter, Katy (later Boty) Goodwin, was born on 12 February 1966. Pauline Boty died at the Royal Marsden Hospital on 1 July that year. She was 28 years old. Her daughter, Boty Goodwin, died of an overdose on 12 November 1995 aged 29. After her death", "id": "20693957" }, { "contents": "Joan Burton (Army Wives)\n\n\nColonel Joan Burton is a fictional character from the Lifetime television series \"Army Wives\", portrayed by Wendy Davis. Joan is a native of the projects of South Side, Chicago. She once stated that her classmates in high school were all either doing drugs or getting pregnant. In Season 6, she tells Roland that she briefly experimented with marijuana in high school and that one of her good friends moved on to heroin and ended up dying of overdose. A coach at her school spotted her athletic potential and track became her", "id": "8361409" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Do Right?\n\n\nThe new tune, titled \"Why Don't You Do Right?\", was recorded by Lil Green in 1941, with guitar by William \"Big Bill\" Broonzy. The recording was an early jazz and blues hit. The song has its roots in blues music and originally dealt with a marijuana smoker reminiscing about lost financial opportunities. As it was rewritten, it takes on the perspective of the female partner, who chastises her man for his irresponsible ways: Why don't you do right, like some other men do?brGet", "id": "14415331" }, { "contents": "2016 Libertarian Party presidential debates and forums\n\n\nfounded on.\" Another topic was foreign policy, specifically the United States' role in military intervention. Johnson said we should go to war only \"when attacked;\" Petersen said we should cut \"every penny\" of foreign aid, and McAfee questioned why we need to go to war and told Stossel that he is running for president \"because our bodies and our minds belong to ourselves.\" On the issue of marijuana, Johnson advocated for the legalization of marijuana, saying that it \"will lead to less overall", "id": "18215233" }, { "contents": "Opioid epidemic in the United States\n\n\nhit. Canada is similarly affected, with 90% of cities with the highest hospitalization rates having a population below 225,000. Western Canada has an overdose rate nearly 10 times that of the eastern provinces. Prescription drug abuse rates have been increasing in teenagers with access to parents' medicine cabinets, especially as 12- to 17-year-old abused girls were one-third of all new abusers of prescription drugs in 2006. Teens abused prescription drugs more than any illicit drug except marijuana, more than cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine combined.", "id": "13228581" }, { "contents": "Frankie Lymon\n\n\nmembers, Joe Negroni and Herman Santiago. The Teenagers' first single, 1956's \"Why Do Fools Fall in Love,\" was also its biggest hit. After Lymon went solo in mid-1957, both his career and that of the Teenagers fell into decline. He was found dead at the age of 25 on the floor of his grandmother's bathroom from a heroin overdose. His life was dramatized in the 1998 film \"Why Do Fools Fall In Love\". Lymon was born in Harlem, New York on September 30", "id": "4319286" }, { "contents": "Thabo Mngomeni\n\n\nhis coach, Mich D'Avray \"hated him with a passion and he didn't know why\". He first heard of the doping test in 1996 when he was informed by club officials who were aware that he smoked marijuana. Since Mngomeni was a rastafarian he only smoked marijuana during pre-season. He made his debut for the national football side at 29 in a 1–0 victory over Angola in 1998. All in all he played for the national team on 38 occasions, striking six goals. He won the CAF goal of", "id": "19353272" }, { "contents": "2003 Union for Reform Judaism resolution on the medicinal use of marijuana\n\n\nmy synagogue contracted HIV from a blood transfusion. She was down to 85 pounds and had no desire for food. Marijuana brought back her appetite and extended her life for three years. That’s when I started asking myself, why is this illegal?\" The Women of Reform Judaism resolution was possibly influenced by Beth Am Women of Los Altos Hills, California who successfully introduced a resolution at Pacific District of Women of Reform Judaism's San Jose, California convention in 1999 preceding the 1999 national convention. According to Carol Saline,", "id": "7423804" }, { "contents": "Impossible object\n\n\nspontaneously and it is necessary to consciously examine the geometry of the implied object to determine that it is impossible. The unsettling nature of impossible objects occurs because of our natural desire to interpret 2D drawings as three-dimensional objects. This is why a drawing of a Necker cube would be most likely seen as a cube, rather than \"two squares connected with diagonal lines, a square surrounded by irregular planar figures, or any other planar figure.\" With an impossible object, looking at different parts of the object makes one", "id": "11476788" }, { "contents": "Oroonoko\n\n\nto kill Lord Willoughby and then commit suicide, for, he said, it was impossible to \"possess my own life, when I cannot enjoy it with freedom and honour\". He wounded Willoughby and was taken to prison, where he killed himself with an overdose. His body was taken to a pillory, Allin, it must be stressed, was a planter, and neither an indentured nor enslaved worker, and the \"freedom and honour\" he sought was independence rather than manumission. Neither was Allin of noble", "id": "14473475" }, { "contents": "Doctors for Cannabis Regulation\n\n\nsystem as a public health issue. DFCR’s physician members strive neither to minimize nor to exaggerate scientific literature about the risks and benefits of cannabis use. DFCR promotes evidence-based strategies to prevent recreational marijuana use by minors and misuse by adults. Its Declaration of Principles establishes a number of reasons why the prohibition of cannabis has proven harmful, ineffective, and unnecessary and details why DFCR supports cannabis legalization for adults, preventive education of minors, and regulation of the industry. Membership in DFCR is open to anyone but members are", "id": "13078086" }, { "contents": "Alexa Ray Joel\n\n\nof Prell in 1986. In September 2013, Joel became part of The Gap's \"Back to Blue\" television ad campaign, performing her interpretation of Billy Joel's 1977 song \"Just the Way You Are.\" On December 5, 2009, Joel ingested an excessive quantity of Traumeel, a homeopathic alternative to ibuprofen. Joel is reported to have taken \"several pills\"; an NYU Medical Center toxicologist said the drug has \"no active ingredient\" and indicated that it was essentially impossible to overdose (\"basically you", "id": "11318229" }, { "contents": "Cholecalciferol\n\n\nmoderate exposure of the skin, depending on the strength of the sun. Time of day, season, and altitude affect the strength of the sun, and pollution, cloud cover or glass all reduce the amount of UVB exposure. Exposure of face, arms and legs, averaging 5–30 minutes twice per week, may be sufficient, but the darker the skin, and the weaker the sunlight, the more minutes of exposure are needed. Vitamin D overdose is impossible from UV exposure; the skin reaches an equilibrium where the vitamin", "id": "12237321" }, { "contents": "Therac-25\n\n\nand the patients showed the symptoms of radiation poisoning; in three cases, the injured patients later died as a result of the overdose. A commission concluded that the primary reason should be attributed to the bad software design and development practices, and not explicitly to several coding errors that were found. In particular, the software was designed so that it was realistically impossible to test it in a clean automated way. Researchers who investigated the accidents found several contributing causes. These included the following institutional causes: The researchers also found several", "id": "12844419" }, { "contents": "The Upper Footage\n\n\nvalidity of Tarantino's involvement, as they did not think that he would actually show interest in something that \"would probably be next to impossible to show publicly\". He also noted that other than a website called \"TheDirty\", no other websites had reported on the overdose, which he found unlikely considering the content in the video. Critical reception to \"The Upper Footage\" upon its release was also mixed. \"CultureMass\" called the film \"One of the best of 2013\" saying that \"The performances here", "id": "17949453" }, { "contents": "Places in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy\n\n\nMajor Cow and the somewhat-less-obliging vegetables in a green salad. While water and Aldebaran liqueurs are in stock, tea is not. Because of the special number of impossibilities surrounding all aspects of Milliways, their advertising-firm penned the following slogan: \"If you've done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways – the Restaurant at the End of the Universe!\" Believing \"six impossible things before breakfast\" is a quote from the White Queen in Lewis Carroll's", "id": "7261138" }, { "contents": "Riverworld\n\n\n, such as alcohol, tobacco, marijuana (and lighters for same), hair care utensils, makeup, and a hallucinogenic chewing gum, known as \"dreamgum\". To operate, grails must be placed onto large, mushroom-shaped \"grailstones\", found at intervals along the riverbanks, which produce an electrical discharge three times per day (corresponding to the times of breakfast, lunch and dinner). As agriculture is absent and impossible on the Riverworld, the grails are vital to an individual's survival, and", "id": "18963110" }, { "contents": "Thomas Wriothesley, 4th Earl of Southampton\n\n\n? I have given all I can for my life. Why will not people lend their money?\" However Pepys admitted that Sir William Coventry, the colleague he most admired, was himself an admirer of Southampton, whom he described as \"a great statesman\". Coventry recalled that other ministers would joke that regardless of his complaints that it was \"impossible\" to find money, Southampton always succeeded in the end. Southampton however once grimly remarked that \"Impossible will be found impossible at the last\", an accurate prophecy", "id": "1079475" }, { "contents": "Norman Douglas\n\n\nof his \"Almanac\" in a tiny edition in Lisbon. He returned to Capri in 1946 and was made a citizen of the island. His circle of acquaintances included the writer Graham Greene, the composer Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji and the food writer Elizabeth David. He died in Capri, apparently deliberately overdosing himself on drugs after a long illness. (see \"Impossible Woman: Memoirs of Dottoressa Moore\", ed. by Greene). His last words are reputed to have been: \"Get those fucking nuns away from me", "id": "12455088" }, { "contents": "Am Spiegelgrund clinic\n\n\ncold water cure\" in which Zawrel and Kaufmann recall being repeatedly submerged into freezing bath water until they were blue and barely conscious and had lost control of their bowels; a \"sulfur cure\", which was an injection that caused severe pain in the legs, limiting mobility and ensuring that escape was impossible; spinal injections of apomorphine; injections of phenobarbital; overdoses of sedatives, which would often lead to death when the children were exposed to extreme cold or disease; observed starvation; and efficacy testing of tuberculosis vaccines, for", "id": "12759225" }, { "contents": "Slip-Slop-Slap\n\n\namounts of time in the sun \"without\" sun protection to ensure adequate production of vitamin D. Adequate amounts can be produced with moderate sun exposure to the face, arms and legs, averaging 5–30 minutes twice per week without sunscreen. (The darker the complexion, or the weaker the sunlight, the more minutes of exposure are needed, approximating 25% of the time for minimal sunburn. Vitamin D overdose is impossible from UV exposure; the skin reaches an equilibrium where the vitamin degrades as fast as it is created.)", "id": "14154605" }, { "contents": "Vitamin K\n\n\nvessel endothelium and cannot activate clotting to allow formation of a clot during tissue injury. As it is impossible to predict what dose of warfarin will give the desired degree of clotting suppression, warfarin treatment must be carefully monitored to avoid overdose. The following human Gla-containing proteins (\"Gla proteins\") have been characterized to the level of primary structure: blood coagulation factors II (prothrombin), VII, IX, and X, anticoagulant protein C and protein S, and the factor X-targeting protein Z. The", "id": "14163950" }, { "contents": "Mickey Deans\n\n\npromote Garland's career toward the end of her life, but found it impossible to control her excessive use of prescription drugs. Deans discovered Garland dead on the morning of June 22, 1969. Although many obituaries at the time stated Garland was found on the floor of their bathroom, Deans stated that he found her seated on the toilet. The coroner's autopsy later determined she died from an accidental overdose of barbiturates. Following Garland's death, Deans co-authored \"Weep No More, My Lady\", a biography", "id": "16768183" }, { "contents": "The Woman in the Window\n\n\nsuspicious and takes the money without drinking the drugs. Reed tells Wanley, who overdoses on the remaining prescription medicine. Heidt is killed in a shootout immediately after leaving Reed's home, and police believe Heidt is Mazard's murderer. Reed, seeing that the police have killed Heidt, races to her home to call Wanley, who is slumped over in his chair, and apparently he dies. In an impossible match on action, Wanley awakens in his chair at his club, and he realizes the entire adventure was a dream", "id": "1976357" }, { "contents": "Mary Ellis (Civil War nurse)\n\n\nthe cavalry charge at Sugar Creek, Ellis worked to transport injured soldiers out of the field and to a house that was serving as a hospital. Ellis even saved the life of a man whom the regiment surgeon overdosed on medication. Though the doctors thought his recovery to be impossible and laughed at Ellis's attempts to revive him, Ellis successfully saved the soldier's life. The regiment surgeon came to resent Ellis after this event, though Ellis was certain that the rest of the unit supported her. In time, Ellis was", "id": "20431915" }, { "contents": "Health effects of sunlight exposure\n\n\nand vitamin D synthesis, making it difficult to provide general guidelines. It has been suggested by some researchers, for example, that adequate amounts of vitamin D can be produced with moderate sun exposure to the face, arms and legs, averaging 5–30 minutes twice per week without sunscreen. (The darker the complexion, or the weaker the sunlight, the more minutes of exposure are needed, approximating 25% of the time for minimal sunburn. Vitamin D overdose is impossible from UV exposure; the skin reaches an equilibrium where the", "id": "20478095" }, { "contents": "Vitamin D\n\n\nAdequate amounts of vitamin D can be produced with moderate sun exposure to the face, arms and legs, averaging 5–30 minutes twice per week, or approximately 25% of the time for minimal sunburn. The darker the skin, and the weaker the sunlight, the more minutes of exposure are needed. Vitamin D overdose is impossible from UV exposure; the skin reaches an equilibrium where the vitamin degrades as fast as it is created. Sunscreen absorbs or reflects ultraviolet light and prevents much of it from reaching the skin. Sunscreen with", "id": "4120311" } ]
How come in Elementary school, we are taught that the Primary Colors are red, blue, and yellow, but in High School Physics, we're taught the Primary colors are red, blue, and green?
[{"answer": "RBY are the primaries of the reflective color wheel. RBG are the primaries in the transmissive color wheel."}, {"answer": "Red, blue, and green (RGB) are the colors the eye detects, and are therefore the primary *additive* colors. Colors that add together. Sprinkle a few drops of water on a TV screen, and you\u2019ll see that the picture elements are only red, green, and blue. (Red + green light looks yellow or orange.) Cyan, magenta, and yellow are the *subtractive* colors. Colors that subtract from the default white. They are the ideal primary colors to use with printing technology, or with paints. Of course, the real world isn\u2019t ideal, so printers use black as well (CMYK). Red, yellow, and blue are the traditional colors of art, but aren\u2019t the ideal three primary colors for mixing paints, but that\u2019s okay because artists usually use a wide variety of base colors."}, {"answer": "Your elementary school was wrong. But they were TRYING to teach you about subtractive colors (even if they didn't use that word). This applies to dyes. You take a surface which reflects white light and you add dyes that **subtract** from the colors that surface reflects. If you have Magenta dye (not red) it subtracts Cyan (not blue) and Yellow. If you have Cyan it subtracts Magenta and Yellow. If you haveYellow it subtracts Cyan and Magenta. So subtractive color is based on Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Additive color is what your high school physics class was talking about. Additive color is what happens when you add LIGHT to something. If you have no light and you add red light you get red. If you have no light and you add blue light you get blue, if you have no light and you add green light you get green. Additive color is based on Red/Green/Blue They are different color systems. Subtractive is for dyes and paints (because it changes the reflective surface, not the light, which is white). Additive is for light."}, {"answer": "Because in elementary school we learn the primary colours for mixing paint. In high school physics we learn the primary colours to mix light."}, {"answer": "Primary colors are just sets of colors that can be used to make other colors. For humans, we usually use three colors because our vision is trichromatic (based on three colors). RGB is often used in electronics. RBY is often used by artists. Cyan, magenta, and yellow are often used for making dyes. Basically, you pick three colors that can be used to make lots of other colors and you base your choice off of whatever works best for your medium."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25989", "title": "RGB color model", "section": "Section::::Additive colors.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 10, "end_paragraph_id": 10, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["When one of the components has the strongest intensity, the color is a hue near this primary color (red-ish, green-ish, or blue-ish), and when two components have the same strongest intensity, then the color is a hue of a secondary color (a shade of cyan, magenta or yellow). A secondary color is formed by the sum of two primary colors of equal intensity: cyan is green+blue, magenta is blue+red, and yellow is red+green. Every secondary color is the \"complement\" of one primary color; when a primary and its complementary secondary color are added together, the result is white: cyan complements red, magenta complements green, and yellow complements blue. The RGB color model itself does not define what is meant by \"red\", \"green\" and \"blue\" colorimetrically, and so the results of", "When one of the components has the strongest intensity, the color is a hue near this primary color (red-ish, green-ish, or blue-ish), and when two components have the same strongest intensity, then the color is a hue of a secondary color (a shade of cyan, magenta or yellow). A secondary color is formed by the sum of two primary colors of equal intensity: cyan is green+blue, magenta is blue+red, and yellow is red+green. Every secondary color is the \"complement\" of one primary color; when a primary and its complementary secondary color are added together, the result is white: cyan complements red, magenta complements green, and yellow complements blue. The RGB color model itself does not define what is meant by \"red\", \"green\" and \"blue\" colorimetrically, and so the results of\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Complementary colors\n\n\nblue as primary colors with the primary–secondary complementary pairs of red–green, blue-orange, and yellow–purple. In this traditional scheme, a complementary color pair contains one primary color (yellow, blue or red) and a secondary color (green, purple or orange). The complement of any primary color can be made by combining the two other primary colors. For example, to achieve the complement of yellow (a primary color) one could combine red and blue. The result would be purple", "id": "17175133" }, { "contents": "Color wheel\n\n\ncolor wheel includes the blue, red, and yellow primary colors. The corresponding secondary colors are green, orange, and violet or purple. The tertiary colors are green-yellow, yellow-orange, orange-red, red-violet/purple, purple/violet-blue and blue-green. A color wheel based on RGB (red, green, blue) or RGV (red, green, violet) additive primaries has cyan, magenta, and yellow secondaries (cyan was previously known as cyan blue)", "id": "1430486" }, { "contents": "RGB color model\n\n\ncolor is formed by the sum of two primary colors of equal intensity: cyan is green+blue, magenta is blue+red, and yellow is red+green. Every secondary color is the \"complement\" of one primary color; when a primary and its complementary secondary color are added together, the result is white: cyan complements red, magenta complements green, and yellow complements blue. The RGB color model itself does not define what is meant by \"red\", \"green\" and \"blue\" colorimetrically, and so the results of", "id": "6392547" }, { "contents": "Comparison of color models in computer graphics\n\n\nFor example, traditional \"Painter's Colors\" use red, blue, and yellow as the primary colors, \"Printer's Colors\" use cyan, yellow, and magenta, and \"Light Colors\" use red, green, and blue. \"Light colors\", more formally known as additive colors, are formed by combining red, green, and blue light. This article refers to additive colors and refers to red, green, and blue as the primary colors. Hue is a term describing a pure color,", "id": "18584361" }, { "contents": "Holy Cross Convent High School, Thane\n\n\nThe only difference between the two uniforms is the distinctive tie worn by the two sections. The primary section wears a red tie with two downward sloping stripes with HCCS on it in the colors of the houses the students belong to. While the secondary section wears self-colored ties (red, blue, green and yellow) based upon the house in which the student belongs to. The Physical Education uniform of the primary section consists of a round neck T-shirt in the colour of their respective houses with the school emblem", "id": "7320305" }, { "contents": "Subpixel rendering\n\n\nrendering. A single pixel on a color subpixelated display is made of several color primaries, typically three colored elements—ordered (on various displays) either as blue, green, and red (), or as red, green, and blue (). Some displays have more than three primaries, often called MultiPrimary, such as the combination of red, green, blue, and yellow (), or red, green, blue and white (W), or even red, green, blue, yellow,", "id": "17326314" }, { "contents": "Primary color\n\n\nbasis of subjective preferences as well as practical factors such as cost, stability, availability etc. Color-space primaries can be subjected to meaningful one-to-one transformations so that the transformed space is still complete and each color is specified with a unique sum. Elementary art education materials, dictionaries, and electronic search engines often define primary colors effectively as conceptual colors (generally red, yellow, and blue; or red, green, and blue) that can be used to mix \"all\" other colors and often", "id": "1888247" }, { "contents": "RYB color model\n\n\nRYB (an abbreviation of red–yellow–blue) denotes the use of red, yellow, and blue pigments as primary colors in art and design, particularly painting. RYB (red–yellow–blue) make up the primary color triad in a standard artist's color wheel. The secondary colors purple–orange–green (sometimes called violet–orange–green) make up another triad. Triads are formed by three equidistant colors on a particular color wheel. Other common color wheels represent the light model (RGB", "id": "3035668" }, { "contents": "School colors\n\n\n. The choice of colors usually follows the rule of tincture from heraldry, but exceptions to this rule are known. Common primary colors include orange, purple, blue, red, and green. These colors are either paired with a color representing a metal (often black, brown, gray (or silver), white, or gold), or occasionally each other, such as orange/blue, red/green, or blue/yellow. Pairing two metals, such as black/white, silver/gold,", "id": "3474781" }, { "contents": "Color mixing\n\n\nthree primary colors in additive mixing are red, green, and blue. In the absence of light of any color, the result is black. If all three primary colors of light are mixed in equal proportions, the result is neutral (gray or white). When the red and green lights mix, the result is yellow. When green and blue lights mix, the result is a cyan. When the blue and red lights mix, the result is magenta. green–red–blue additive mixing is used in", "id": "4179388" }, { "contents": "CMY color model\n\n\nintensities of the primary colors employed. When one of the components has the strongest intensity, the color is a hue near this primary color (cyan-ish, magenta-ish, or yellow-ish), and when two components have the same strongest intensity, then the color is a hue of a secondary color (a shade of red, green or blue). A secondary color is formed by the sum of two primary colors of equal intensity: red is magenta+yellow, green is yellow+cyan, and blue is cyan+magenta", "id": "13913442" }, { "contents": "Subtractive color\n\n\npigments. It is used in art and art education, particularly in painting. It predated modern scientific color theory. Red, yellow, and blue are the primary colors of the standard color \"wheel\". The secondary colors, violet (or purple), orange, and green (VOG) make up another triad, formed by mixing equal amounts of red and blue, red and yellow, and blue and yellow, respectively. The RYB primary colors became the foundation of 18th-century theories of color vision as the", "id": "14420247" }, { "contents": "Complementary colors\n\n\nas tiny dots, in partitive color mixing, complementary colors appear gray. The RGB color model, invented in the 19th century and fully developed in the 20th century, uses combinations of red, green, and blue light against a black background to make the colors seen on a computer monitor or television screen. In the RGB model, the primary colors are red, green, and blue. The complementary primary–secondary combinations are red–cyan, green–magenta, and blue–yellow. In the RGB color model", "id": "17175136" }, { "contents": "Tertiary color\n\n\nthree subtractive colors—the primary colors of pigment. The tertiary color names used in the descriptions of RGB (or equivalently CMYK) systems are shown below. The primary colors in an RYB color wheel are red, yellow, and blue. The secondary colors — orange, green, and purple — are made by combining the primary colors. In the red–yellow–blue system as used in traditional painting and interior design, tertiary colors are typically named by combining the names of the adjacent primary and secondary. The terms", "id": "5094760" }, { "contents": "Hyperacuity (scientific term)\n\n\nprimary colors. These are red / green, yellow / blue and black / white, this black / white being synonymous with brightness. Then, by using just one very high resolution opponency between red & green primaries, nature cleverly uses a mean of these two colors (i.e. yellow ), together with very low resolution blue to create a background color wash capability. In turn (by using the hyperacuity capability on the low resolution opponency) this can also serve as the source of perception of 3D depth. The human eye", "id": "13802619" }, { "contents": "Color depth\n\n\nand blue. For example, bright yellow is formed by roughly equal red and green contributions, with no blue contribution. Additional color primaries can widen the color gamut of a display, as you are not limited to the shape of a triangle in the CIE 1931 color space. Recent technologies such as Texas Instruments's \"BrilliantColor\" augment the typical red, green, and blue channels with up to three other primaries: cyan, magenta and yellow. Mitsubishi and Samsung, among others, use this technology in some TV sets", "id": "18137929" }, { "contents": "Albert Henry Munsell\n\n\nPurple. These hues were arranged in a circle. Each hue can be mixed with the same amount of the neighboring hues to create intermediate hues: yellow-red, green-yellow, blue-green, purple-blue, and red-purple. Each color can be defined by how much of each principal hue it contains. A color that is composed of just a principal hue would be given a number 5. So, the red primary would be given the number 5R. If you move to the left of the", "id": "2271228" }, { "contents": "Primary color\n\n\nan experiment where sunlight was passed through a prism and an assistant demarcated seven bands on the projected spectrum corresponding to red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Newton referred to these hues as the seven \"primary or simple\" colors, and analogized them to musical notes. Scholars and scientists engaged in debate over which hues best describe the primary color sensations of the eye. Thomas Young proposed red, green, and violet as the three primary colors, while James Clerk Maxwell favoured changing violet to blue", "id": "1888265" }, { "contents": "CIELAB color space\n\n\nand \"h\" are not identical, because HSL space uses as primary colors the three additive primary colors red, green, blue (\"H\" = 0, 120, 240°). Instead, the LCh system uses the four colors yellow, green, blue and red (\"h\" = 90, 180, 270, 360°). Regardless the angle \"h\", \"C\" = 0 means the achromatic colors, that is, the gray axis. The simplified spellings LCh, LCH and", "id": "6228922" }, { "contents": "Tertiary color\n\n\nfor the RYB tertiary colors are not set. For the six RYB hues intermediate between the RYB primary and secondary colors, the names amber/marigold (yellow–orange), vermilion/cinnabar (red–orange), magenta (red–purple), violet/indigo (blue–purple), teal/aqua (blue-green), and chartreuse/lime green (yellow–green) are commonly found. The names for the twelve quaternary colors are more variable, if they exist at all, though", "id": "5094761" }, { "contents": "Color printing\n\n\ncolor. For example, red and green yields yellow, red and blue yields magenta (a purple hue), and green and blue yield cyan (a turquoise hue). Only yellow is counter-intuitive. Yellow, cyan and magenta are merely the \"basic\" secondary colors: unequal mixtures of the primaries give rise to perception of many other colors all of which may be considered \"tertiary.\" While there are many techniques for reproducing images in color, specific graphic processes and industrial equipment are used for mass reproduction", "id": "5191244" }, { "contents": "Natural Color System\n\n\na color atlas, marketed by NCS Colour AB in Stockholm. The NCS states that there are six elementary color percepts of human vision—which might coincide with the psychological primaries—as proposed by the hypothesis of color opponency: white, black, red, yellow, green, and blue. The last four are also called unique hues. In the NCS all six are defined as elementary colors, irreducible qualia, each of which would be impossible to define in terms of the other elementary colors. All other experienced colors are", "id": "21146088" }, { "contents": "Fannie E. McKinney Hughey\n\n\nit to their regular classes. The part played by color was easily grasped. Tonic, Dominant and Third were the three primary colors, red, blue and yellow, respectively; the second was Orange (red plus yellow); and the fourth was Green (blue plus yellow), the Octave light red; the sixth Violet (blue and light red), and the seventh Pink (violet and light red). Instead of these technical names for the scale degrees, the Tonic Sol-fa names doh, ray", "id": "20889440" }, { "contents": "Green\n\n\nGreen is the color between blue and yellow on the visible spectrum. It is evoked by light which has a dominant wavelength of roughly 495570 nm. In subtractive color systems, used in painting and color printing, it is created by a combination of yellow and blue, or yellow and cyan; in the RGB color model, used on television and computer screens, it is one of the additive primary colors, along with red and blue, which are mixed in different combinations to create all other colors. By far the largest", "id": "12080793" }, { "contents": "Adrian C. Wilcox High School\n\n\nagainst each other in various physical contests (such as a tug of war). The competitors wear shirts with the color of their class. The colors are on a four-year rotation, with the color of the graduating seniors being handed off to the upcoming year's freshmen (i.e. after the class of 2015 graduates this year, the incoming freshman of the 2015-2016 school year, or the class of 2019, will receive their class color of blue). Yellow and Blue are Sister Classes and Red and Green", "id": "5450464" }, { "contents": "Instant film\n\n\neach other, the human eye easily blended the primary colors together to form the correct color, much like an LCD display or television. For instance, a photo of a yellow flower would expose the emulsion beneath the red and green masks and not the blue mask. The developing process removed the exposed emulsion (under the red and green masks) and diffused the unexposed dye developer (under the blue mask) to its receiving layer, blocking light from coming through. This resulted in the projected light shining through the red and", "id": "5137138" }, { "contents": "Breathitt County High School\n\n\nschool colors were purple and gold. Supposedly, they were \"borrowed\" from the neighboring high school and rival Jackson City School. The colors were only kept for a couple of years and were changed to red, white, and blue. Eventually (around the early 1930s), the red was dropped and the primary colors were just royal blue and white. The fact that they are royal blue and white instead of just blue and white was probably due to the rise of the University of Kentucky men's basketball program and", "id": "17251130" }, { "contents": "Green\n\n\n, or yellow and cyan; in the RGB color model, used on television and computer screens, it is one of the additive primary colors, along with red and blue, which are mixed in different combinations to create all other colors. On the HSV color wheel, also known as the , the complement of green is magenta; that is, a color corresponding to an equal mixture of red and blue light (one of the purples). On a traditional color wheel, based on subtractive color, the complementary color", "id": "12080812" }, { "contents": "Backlight\n\n\n, and make up virtually all mobile LCD screens. A white LED is typically a blue LED with broad spectrum yellow phosphor to result in the emission of white light. However, because the spectral curve peaks at yellow, it is a poor match to the transmission peaks of the red and green color filters of the LCD. This causes the red and green primaries to shift toward yellow, reducing the color gamut of the display. RGB LEDs consist of a red, a blue, and a green LED and can be controlled", "id": "6393342" }, { "contents": "Green\n\n\nto green is considered to be red. In additive color devices such as computer displays and televisions, one of the primary light sources is typically a narrow-spectrum yellowish-green of dominant wavelength ~550nm; this \"green\" primary is combined with an orangish-red \"red\" primary and a purplish-blue \"blue\" primary to produce any color in betweenthe RGB color model. A unique green (green appearing neither yellowish nor bluish) is produced on such a device by mixing light from the green primary with", "id": "12080813" }, { "contents": "Electronic color code\n\n\nthe finishing lead of the primary, red for the B+ lead of the primary, brown for a primary center tap, green for the finishing lead of the secondary, black for grid lead of the secondary, and yellow for a tapped secondary. Each lead had a different color since relative polarity or phase was more important for these transformers. Intermediate-frequency tuned transformers were coded blue and red for the primary and green and black for the secondary. Wires may be color-coded to identify their function, voltage class,", "id": "18844269" }, { "contents": "Thaitone\n\n\nand characteristics of Thailand. Same as universal primary color standard, Thaitone primary color consists of Red, Yellow and Blue. The colors are called, Chard (Red), Rong (Yellow) and Kraam (Blue). However, the tone of the color is not the same as the standard. Chard is vermillion. It is considered as the most important color in Thai art as the red color represents the auspicious thing and heaven in Thai belief. Rong is gamboge tint. The word Rong is from Rong Thong tree", "id": "17164824" }, { "contents": "Natural Color System\n\n\n), and hue (\"Φ\", = relative similarity to one or two of the chromatic elementary colors red, yellow, green and blue, expressed in at most two percentages). This means that a color can be expressed as either Y (yellow), YR (yellow with a red component), R (Red), RB (red with a blue component), B (blue), etc. No hue is considered to have visual similarity to both hues of an opponent pair; i.e. there", "id": "21146090" }, { "contents": "Vermont Distinguished Service Medal\n\n\nblazon narrative describing the Vermont Veterans Medal: The ribbons of the Vermont medals for veterans contain the four primary colors of the Coat of arms of Vermont: red, yellow, blue and green. The alternating red and yellow at the center of the ribbon loosely parallels the design and colors of the National Defense Service Medal, which is presented to military members with service during a time of conflict. Field of azure blue encompasses the red and yellow, symbolizing the honor of military service. Next, fields of green represent Vermont,", "id": "9554531" }, { "contents": "Color theory\n\n\notherwise be impossible. Likewise, a blue that is ultramarine at high concentrations appears cyan at low concentrations, allowing it to be used to mix green. Chromium red pigments can appear orange, and then yellow, as the concentration is reduced. It is even possible to mix very low concentrations of the blue mentioned and the chromium red to get a greenish color. This works much better with oil colors than it does with watercolors and dyes. The old primaries depend on sloped absorption curves and pigment leakages to work, while newer", "id": "8441378" }, { "contents": "Four color theorem\n\n\nneighbors of \"v\" are different colors, say red, green, blue, and yellow in clockwise order, we look for an alternating path of vertices colored red and blue joining the red and blue neighbors. Such a path is called a Kempe chain. There may be a Kempe chain joining the red and blue neighbors, and there may be a Kempe chain joining the green and yellow neighbors, but not both, since these two paths would necessarily intersect, and the vertex where they intersect cannot be colored.", "id": "10781261" }, { "contents": "Shades of red\n\n\ncolor wheel with five primary colors—red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The Munsell colors displayed are only approximate as they have been adjusted to fit into the sRGB gamut. The color defined as \"red\" in Pantone is displayed at right. The source of this color is the Pantone Textile Paper eXtended (TPX) color list, color No. 032M—Red. The color defined as \"red\" in Crayola crayons is displayed at right. \"Red\" was one of the original colors formulated", "id": "6592048" }, { "contents": "Color motion picture film\n\n\n16mm and 8mm. The \"Monopack Agreement\" had no effect on color still films. Monopack color films are based on the subtractive color system, which filters colors from white light by using superimposed cyan, magenta and yellow dye images. Those images are created from records of the amounts of red, green and blue light present at each point of the image formed by the camera lens. A subtractive primary color (cyan, magenta, yellow) is what remains when one of the additive primary colors (red,", "id": "11103181" }, { "contents": "List of monochrome and RGB palettes\n\n\n3: \"n\"×\"n\"×\"n\" = \"n\". 3-bit RGB dithering: Systems with a 3-bit RGB palette use 1 bit for each of the red, green and blue color components. That is, each component is either \"on\" or \"off\" with no intermediate states. This results in an 8-color palette ((2) = 2 = 8) that have black, white, the three RGB primary colors red, blue and green and their correspondent complementary colors cyan, magenta and yellow as follows: The color indices", "id": "16694272" }, { "contents": "Tertiary color\n\n\nwho suggest that tertiary colors are created by intermixing pairs of secondary colors: orange-green, green-purple, purple-orange; or by intermixing complementary colors. This approach to tertiary color relates specifically to color in the form of paints, pigments and dyes. The primary colors in an RGB color wheel are red, green, and blue, because these are the three additive colors—the primary colors of light. The secondary colors in an RGB color wheel are cyan, magenta, and yellow because these are the", "id": "5094759" }, { "contents": "Color printing\n\n\n, magenta, yellow and key (black); abbreviated as CMYK. Cyan can be thought of as minus-red, magenta as minus-green, and yellow as minus-blue. These inks are semi-transparent or translucent. Where two such inks overlap on the paper due to sequential printing impressions, a primary color is perceived. For example, yellow (minus-blue) overprinted by magenta (minus green) yields red. Where all three inks may overlap, almost all incident light is absorbed or subtracted", "id": "5191246" }, { "contents": "Color\n\n\n] is light created by mixing together [[light]] of two or more different colors. [[Red]], [[green]], and [[blue]] are the additive [[primary color]]s normally used in additive color systems such as projectors and computer terminals. [[File:SubtractiveColor.svg|thumb|Subtractive color mixing: combining yellow and magenta yields red; combining all three primary colors together yields black]] [[Subtractive color]]ing uses dyes, inks, pigments, or filters to absorb some wavelengths of", "id": "6127847" }, { "contents": "Anaglyph 3D\n\n\ngel. However green and blue are perceived through cyan gel. Complementary color anaglyphs employ one of a pair of complementary color filters for each eye. The most common color filters used are red and cyan. Employing tristimulus theory, the eye is sensitive to three primary colors, red, green, and blue. The red filter admits only red, while the cyan filter blocks red, passing blue and green (the combination of blue and green is perceived as cyan). If a paper viewer containing red and cyan filters is", "id": "21102475" }, { "contents": "CMYK color model\n\n\n\"subtractive\" because inks \"subtract\" the colors red, green and blue from white light. White light minus red leaves cyan, white light minus green leaves magenta, and white light minus blue leaves yellow. In additive color models, such as RGB, white is the \"additive\" combination of all primary colored lights, while black is the absence of light. In the CMYK model, it is the opposite: white is the natural color of the paper or other background, while black results from a full combination", "id": "1071525" }, { "contents": "CMYK color model\n\n\nbecause the eye perceives the tiny magenta dots on the large white paper as lighter and less saturated than the color of pure magenta ink. Without halftoning, the three primary process colors could be printed only as solid blocks of color, and therefore could produce only seven colors: the three primaries themselves, plus three secondary colors produced by layering two of the primaries: cyan and yellow produce green, cyan and magenta produce blue, yellow and magenta produce red (these subtractive secondary colors correspond roughly to the additive primary colors),", "id": "1071527" }, { "contents": "Color model\n\n\ncolor space. Mixtures of light of these primary colors cover a large part of the human color space and thus produce a large part of human color experiences. This is why color television sets or color computer monitors need only produce mixtures of red, green and blue light. See Additive color. Other primary colors could in principle be used, but with red, green and blue the largest portion of the human color space can be captured. Unfortunately there is no exact consensus as to what loci in the chromaticity diagram the red", "id": "17148730" }, { "contents": "Primary color\n\n\nred) were used in this application due to the convenience they afforded to the experimental work. Red, green, and blue light are popular primaries for additive color mixing since primary lights with those hues provide a large triangular chromaticity gamut. Small red, green, and blue elements in electronic displays mix additively from an appropriate viewing distance to synthesize compelling colored images. The exact colors chosen for additive primaries are a technological compromise between the available phosphors (including considerations such as cost and power usage) and the need for large chromaticity", "id": "1888250" }, { "contents": "Color in Chinese culture\n\n\nidiom which is used to describe many colors, \"Wǔyánliùsè\" (五颜六色), can also mean colors in general. In traditional Chinese art and culture, black, red, qing () (a conflation of the idea of green and blue), white and yellow are viewed as standard colors. These colors correspond to the five elements of water, fire, wood, metal and earth, taught in traditional Chinese physics. Throughout the Shang, Tang, Zhou and Qin dynasties, China's emperors used the \"Theory", "id": "11395061" }, { "contents": "Magenta\n\n\na food coloring. In color printing, the color called process magenta, pigment magenta, or printer's magenta is one of the three primary pigment colors which, along with yellow and cyan, constitute the three subtractive primary colors of pigment. (The secondary colors of pigment are blue, green, and red.) As such, the hue magenta is the complement of green: magenta pigments absorb green light; thus magenta and green are opposite colors. The CMYK printing process was invented in the 1890s, when newspapers began", "id": "2536548" }, { "contents": "Lot and His Daughters (Orazio Gentileschi, Los Angeles)\n\n\ntwo pieces in the set. The use of primary colors is a striking feature in the composition itself. Gentileschi uses the primary colors red yellow and blue and gives each figure in the composition their own color. Lot receives blue, the daughter to the left receives red and the daughter to the right receives yellow. The color attribute seems to be unimportant, however, these colors are the only colors that cannot be created through the mixing of other colors. They are the basis for every color that can occur on the", "id": "13603441" }, { "contents": "Vermont Veterans Medal\n\n\nstate awards while serving in Title 10 (federal) status. Following is the blazon narrative describing the Vermont Veterans Medal: The ribbons of the Vermont medals for veterans contain the four primary colors of the Coat of arms of Vermont: red, yellow, blue and green. The alternating red and yellow at the center of the ribbon loosely parallels the design and colors of the National Defense Service Medal, which is presented to military members with service during a time of conflict. Field of azure blue encompasses the red and yellow,", "id": "9186814" }, { "contents": "Color theory\n\n\n(CMY). (In printing, dark colors are supplemented by a black ink, known as the CMYK system; in both printing and photography, white is provided by the color of the paper.) These CMY primary colors were reconciled with the RGB primaries, and subtractive color mixing with additive color mixing, by defining the CMY primaries as substances that \"absorbed\" only one of the retinal primary colors: cyan absorbs only red (−R+G+B), magenta only green (+R−G+B), and yellow only blue violet", "id": "8441371" }, { "contents": "Shades of blue\n\n\nbased on the four unique hues or psychological primary colors red, yellow, green, and blue. The NCS is based on the opponent process theory of vision. The “Natural Color System” is widely used in Scandinavia. The color defined as \"blue\" in the Munsell color system (Munsell 5B) is shown at right. The \"Munsell color system\" is a color space that specifies colors based on three color dimensions: hue, value (lightness), and chroma (color purity), spaced uniformly (", "id": "4269858" }, { "contents": "Shades of red\n\n\nmixing pigment red with a tiny amount of white. The result approximates (with much less brightness that is possible on a computer screen) the electric red shown above. The color defined as \"red\" in the NCS or Natural Color System is shown at right (NCS 1080-R). The Natural Color System is a color system based on the four unique hues or psychological primary colors red, yellow, green, and blue. The NCS is based on the opponent process theory of vision. The Natural Color System is widely", "id": "6592046" }, { "contents": "RGB color model\n\n\nThe RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green, and blue. The main purpose of the RGB color model is for the sensing, representation, and display of images in electronic systems, such as televisions and computers, though it has also been used in conventional photography. Before the electronic age, the RGB", "id": "6392540" }, { "contents": "Sharon English High School\n\n\nThe current headmistress is Aruna mam. The headmistress of the primary school is Mrs Thomas . Sharon English High School in the 1980s was a small school The school had white shirt and green trousers/skirt uniform with a red tie in the primary school. The secondary school uniform was grey trousers and green checked shirt with a maroon tie with either a red,blue,green or yellow stripe in the middle. The school did not have a playground of its own however the school annual sports day was celebrated in excel Ground in", "id": "17971708" }, { "contents": "CMY color model\n\n\n. Every secondary color is the \"complement\" of one primary color; when a primary and its complementary secondary color are added together, the result is black: red complements cyan, green complements magenta, and blue complements yellow. CMYK color model is a subtractive color model, based on the CMY color model, used in color printing, and is also used to describe the printing process itself. CMYK refers to the four inks used in some color printing: cyan, magenta, yellow, and key. It uses K", "id": "13913443" }, { "contents": "Color wheel\n\n\n. Alternatively, the same arrangement of colors around a circle can be described as based on cyan, magenta, and yellow subtractive primaries, with red, green, and blue (or violet) being secondaries. Most color wheels are based on three primary colors, three secondary colors, and the six intermediates formed by mixing a primary with a secondary, known as tertiary colors, for a total of 12 main divisions; some add more intermediates, for 24 named colors. Other color wheels, however, are based on the", "id": "1430487" }, { "contents": "Chroma subsampling\n\n\n\"mid-range\" colors like yellows and greens, and much less for colors on the end of the spectrum, reds and blues. Using this knowledge allowed RCA to develop a system in which they discarded most of the blue signal after it comes from the camera, keeping most of the green and only some of the red; this is chroma subsampling in the YIQ color space, and is roughly analogous to 4:2:1 subsampling, in that it has decreasing resolution for luma, yellow/green, and red/blue.", "id": "8457599" }, { "contents": "Pan-Asia International School\n\n\nboys wear black pants and light blue shirt with grey collar, while girls still wear the blue checkered skirts but with a matching blue long-sleeves blouses. Sports uniform for all students consists of dark blue tracksuit pants and sneakers and blue sports shirts. House Color shirts comes in four colors: red, yellow, green, and blue and can be worn with their P.E. tracksuit pants, or school pants for boys and school skirts for girls. The school year is divided into two semesters. The first semester runs from mid", "id": "2757304" }, { "contents": "Newton disc\n\n\nThe Newton disc is a well-known physics experiment with a rotating disc with segments in different colors (usually Newton's primary colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet) appearing as white (or off-white or gray) when it spins very fast. This type of mix of light stimuli is called temporal optical mixing, a version of additive-averaging mixing. The concept that human visual perception cannot distinguish details of high-speed movements is popularly known as persistence of vision", "id": "7835292" }, { "contents": "Complementary colors\n\n\ncolor circle, eventually giving it twelve colors: the three primary colors (yellow, blue, and red); three secondary colors (green, purple and orange), made by combining primary colors; and six additional tertiary colors, made by combining the primary and secondary colors. In 1793, the American-born British scientist Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford (1753–1814), coined the term complementary colors. While staying at an inn in Florence, he made an experiment with candles and shadows, and discovered that colored light", "id": "17175142" }, { "contents": "Multi-primary color display\n\n\nMulti-primary color (MPC) display is a display that can reproduce a wider gamut color than conventional displays. In addition to the standard RGB (Red Green and Blue) color subpixels, the technology utilizes additional colors, such as yellow, magenta and cyan, and thus increases the range of displayable colors that the human eye can see. Sharp's Quattron is the brand name of an LCD color display technology that utilizes a yellow fourth color subpixel. It is used in Sharp's Aquos LCD TV product line, particularly", "id": "1428116" }, { "contents": "Diamond color\n\n\nfull spectrum for colored gems and diamonds (Red, Orangish-Red, Reddish-Orange, orange, Yellowish-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Orange-Yellow, Orangish-Yellow, Yellow, Greenish-Yellow, Green-Yellow, Yellow-Green, Yellowish-Green, Green, Bluish-Green, Blue-Green, Green-Blue, Greenish-Blue, Blue, Violetish-Blue, Bluish-Violet, Violet, Purple, Reddish-Purple, Red-Purple, Purple-Red, Purplish-", "id": "18004400" }, { "contents": "Complementary colors\n\n\nthe eye contained nerve fibers which were sensitive to three different colors. This foreshadowed the modern understanding of color vision, in particular the finding that the eye does indeed have three color receptors which are sensitive to different wavelength ranges. At about the same time as Young discovered additive colors, another British scientist, David Brewster (1781–1868), the inventor of the kaleidoscope, proposed a competing theory that the true primary colors were red, yellow, and blue, and that the true complementary pairs were red–green, blue–", "id": "17175148" }, { "contents": "Color printing\n\n\neach of these separations. When a negative image of the red component is produced, the resulting image represents the cyan component of the image. Likewise, negatives are produced of the green and blue components to produce magenta and yellow separations, respectively. This is done because cyan, magenta, and yellow are subtractive primaries which each represent two of the three additive primaries (RGB) after one additive primary has been subtracted from white light. Cyan, magenta, and yellow are the three basic colors used for color reproduction. When", "id": "5191261" }, { "contents": "St. Agnes High School, Mumbai\n\n\nSt. Matthew(Red), St. John(Yellow), St. Mark(Blue)and St. Luke(Green). Similarly, the primary section is divided under the patronage of St. Agnes(Red), St. Goretti(Blue), St.Theresa(Yellow) and St. Joan(Green). Started by missionaries of the Convent of Jesus and Mary in 1912. Mother St. Catherine was named as the directress of St. Agnes high school in 1933. she served as a dynamic principal from 1933 up to 1958 St. Agnes High School initially housed two different schools — one affiliated to the Council for the Indian", "id": "1518563" }, { "contents": "Color space\n\n\n-dimensional representation of a given color space, we can assign the amount of magenta color to the representation's X axis, the amount of cyan to its Y axis, and the amount of yellow to its Z axis. The resulting 3-D space provides a unique position for every possible color that can be created by combining those three pigments. Colors can be created on computer monitors with color spaces based on the RGB color model, using the additive primary colors (red, green, and blue). A three-dimensional", "id": "14386624" }, { "contents": "HSL and HSV\n\n\nof HSL are particular offenders. In HSV, the blue primary and white are held to have the same value, even though perceptually the blue primary has somewhere around 10% of the luminance of white (the exact fraction depends on the particular RGB primaries in use). In HSL, a mix of 100% red, 100% green, 90% blue—that is, a very light yellow —is held to have the same saturation as the green primary even though the former color has almost no chroma or saturation", "id": "14842662" }, { "contents": "RGB color space\n\n\nAn RGB color space is any additive color space based on the RGB color model. A particular RGB color space is defined by the three chromaticities of the red, green, and blue additive primaries, and can produce any chromaticity that is the triangle defined by those primary colors. The complete specification of an RGB color space also requires a white point chromaticity and a gamma correction curve. As of 2007, sRGB is by far the most commonly used RGB color space. RGB is an abbreviation for red–green–blue.", "id": "898344" }, { "contents": "Lavender (color)\n\n\n. After the introduction of the Munsell color system, in which purple, described as equivalent to red-violet, is described as one of the five psychological primary colors along with red, yellow, green, and blue, some people began to think of lavender as being somewhat more pinkish color. This color can be described as lavender pink or \"pale pinkish-purple\" when purple is defined as equivalent to \"red-violet\" as artists do. This tone of lavender, displayed at right, is the color", "id": "13558826" }, { "contents": "Smithtown Central School District\n\n\naccent. Red is the primary color for the Eastern Campus with blue as the accent. Prior to the consolidation, Smithtown East's teams were known as the Indians and Smithtown West's teams were known as the Knights. Smithtown East's colors were red and white and Smithtown West's colors were blue and gold. The building located at 26 New York Avenue was formerly a junior high school, which served students grades seven through nine. It served the middle-western portion of the Smithtown Central School District. Graduating students of", "id": "8447334" }, { "contents": "List of monochrome and RGB palettes\n\n\n. Huge palettes are given directly in one-color-per-pixel color patches. For each unique palette, an image color test chart and sample image (truecolor original follows) rendered with that palette (without dithering) are given. The test chart shows the full 256 levels of the red, green, and blue (RGB) primary colors and cyan, magenta, and yellow complementary colors, along with a full 256-level grayscale. Gradients of RGB intermediate colors (orange, lime green, sea green, sky blue", "id": "16694265" }, { "contents": "Spectral color\n\n\nreasonably good with approximating spectral orange, yellow, and bright (yellowish) green, but is especially poor in reaching a visual appearance of spectral colors between green and blue, as well as extreme spectral colors. The sRGB standard has an additional problem with its \"red\" primary which is shifted to orange due to a trade-off between purity of red and its reasonable luminance, so that the red spectral became unreachable. Some samples in the table below provide only rough approximations of spectral and near-spectral colors. CMYK", "id": "2692475" }, { "contents": "Neo-impressionism\n\n\nwith cyan, magenta, and yellow being the primary colors. On the other hand, if colored light is mixed together, an additive mixture results, a process in which the primary colors are red, green and blue. The optical mixture which characterized Divisionism—the process of mixing color by juxtaposing pigments—is different from either additive or subtractive mixture, although combining colors in optical mixture functions the same way as additive mixture, i.e. the primary colors are the same. In reality, Seurat's paintings did not actually achieve", "id": "12056606" }, { "contents": "Color\n\n\nbasic\" color names distinguish dark/cool colors from bright/warm colors. The next colors to be distinguished are usually red and then yellow or green. All languages with six \"basic\" colors include black, white, red, green, blue, and yellow. The pattern holds up to a set of twelve: black, gray, white, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, and [[azure (color)|azure]] (distinct from blue in [[Russian", "id": "6127835" }, { "contents": "RGB color model\n\n\nintensities are different, the result is a colorized hue, more or less saturated depending on the difference of the strongest and weakest of the intensities of the primary colors employed. When one of the components has the strongest intensity, the color is a hue near this primary color (red-ish, green-ish, or blue-ish), and when two components have the same strongest intensity, then the color is a hue of a secondary color (a shade of cyan, magenta or yellow). A secondary", "id": "6392546" }, { "contents": "Shades of yellow\n\n\nSystem is shown at right (NCS 0580-Y). The Natural Color System is a color system based on the four unique hues or psychological primary colors red, yellow, green, and blue. The NCS is based on the opponent process theory of vision. The “Natural Color System” is widely used in Scandinavia. The color defined as yellow in the Munsell color system (Munsell 5Y) is shown at apex of color wheel. The \"Munsell color system\" is a color space that specifies colors based on three color", "id": "1827303" }, { "contents": "List of software palettes\n\n\ntest chart and sample image (truecolor original follows) rendered with that palette (without dithering) are given. The test chart shows the full 8-bit, 256 levels of the red, green, and blue (RGB) primary colors and cyan, magenta, and yellow complementary colors, along with a full 8-bit, 256 levels grayscale. Gradients of RGB intermediate colors (orange, lime green, sea green, sky blue, violet and fuchsia), and a full hue spectrum are also present. Color charts are not gamma", "id": "16694096" }, { "contents": "Shades of magenta\n\n\nmarketing purposes in 1860 the color name was changed to \"magenta\" after the battle. Hence, the color is named indirectly after the town. In color printing, the color called process magenta or pigment magenta is one of the three primary pigment colors which, along with yellow and cyan, constitute the three subtractive primary colors of pigment. (The secondary colors of pigment are blue, green, and red.) As such, the CMYK printing process was invented in the 1890s, when newspapers began to publish color comic", "id": "12355653" }, { "contents": "Shades of blue\n\n\nin the RGB color model, X11 blue, is shown at right. This color is the brightest possible blue that can be reproduced on a computer screen, and is the color named blue in X11. It is one of the three primary colors used in the RGB color space, along with red and green. The three additive primaries in the RGB color system are the three colors of light chosen such as to provide the maximum gamut of colors that are capable of being represented on a computer or television set. This color", "id": "4269855" }, { "contents": "YES College Prep Southeast\n\n\n, Southside, Northbrook Middle,Northbrook High, Hoffman, Eisenhower, North Forest, West, and Northline, and Northwest.) in the Greater Houston Area. All of the schools colors unite with the color Navy. The school colors are yellow, kelly green, orange, blue, silver, maroon, purple, red and dark blue(in order) The newer schools start off with just one grade level and work off from there gaining more and more students and teachers. It is an academically challenging school which tries to prepare", "id": "22082526" }, { "contents": "McKeesport Area High School\n\n\nnamed McKeesport High School, McKeesport Technical High School, McKeesport Senior High School, McKeesport Area Senior High School, and its current name, McKeesport Area High School. \"The Red & Blue\" Hail, Alma Mater's colors proudly flying,br Red and Blue, we pledge to thee our lovebr Dearer to us than crimson's deep or Guide of our way, as true as stars above. Chorus:br Though some love the blue and gray,br And others a gleam of gold;br The flash of the green", "id": "91319" }, { "contents": "West Campus High School\n\n\n, Interact, Chinese Culture Club, LGBT+ Club, Korean Club, Mathletes, and many others. Each class has a color that they use during rallies. The freshman class color at West Campus is traditionally yellow. As the freshman class goes on to its sophomore year, it takes on the color of the senior class that graduated the previous year. The other three colors used by classes include green, red, and blue. Currently, the class of 2021 has the color red, the class of 2020 the color green", "id": "16151002" }, { "contents": "Dunwoody High School\n\n\n. Dunwoody's previous colors were crimson and gold, and their mascot was the Wildcat. Peachtree's colors were red, white, and blue, and their mascot was the Patriot. As part of a compromise between the two schools during the merger, Dunwoody agreed to change its colors to red, white, and blue, while keeping its wildcat mascot. Prior to the merger, Dunwoody High School had an eighth grade, which is now part of Peachtree Middle School. The following elementary schools feed into Dunwoody: Peachtree Charter", "id": "9575018" }, { "contents": "Shades of green\n\n\n. The natural color system is a color system based on the four unique hues or psychological primary colors red, yellow, green, and blue. The NCS is based on the opponent process theory of vision. The Natural Color System is widely used in Scandinavia. The color defined as \"green\" in the Munsell color system (Munsell 5G) is shown at right. The Munsell color system is a color space that specifies colors based on three color dimensions: hue, value (lightness), and chroma (color", "id": "17599012" }, { "contents": "Shades of blue\n\n\naccording to the logarithmic scale which governs human perception) in three dimensions in the Munsell color solid, which is shaped like an elongated oval at an angle. In order for all the colors to be spaced uniformly, it was found necessary to use a color wheel with five primary colors: red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The Munsell color displayed is only approximate, as these spectral colors have been adjusted to fit into the sRGB gamut. In the 21st century, this hue is classified as an intermediate", "id": "4269859" }, { "contents": "25-pair color code\n\n\nprimary group of colors consists of the sequence of white, red, black, yellow, and violet. The minor, or secondary color was chosen from the sequence blue, orange, green, brown, and slate. The wire pairs are referred to either directly by their color combination, or by the pair number. For example, \"pair 9\" is also called the \"red-brown pair\". In technical tabulations, the colors are often suitably abbreviated. \"Violet\" is the standard name in the telecommunications", "id": "13256094" }, { "contents": "Shades of green\n\n\npurity), spaced uniformly in three dimensions in the elongated oval at an angle shaped Munsell color solid according to the logarithmic scale which governs human perception. In order for all the colors to be spaced uniformly, it was found necessary to use a color wheel with five primary colors—red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The Munsell colors displayed are only approximate as they have been adjusted to fit into the sRGB gamut. \"Green (Pantone)\" is the color that is called \"green\" in", "id": "17599013" }, { "contents": "Albert Henry Munsell\n\n\ntools, Munsell was able to define three dimensions that define color. He also paid close attention to the sensitivity of the human visual system, and considered this when creating the steps between colors in his system, particularly his value scale. He called these dimensions Hue, Value, and Chroma. Munsell Hue is the attribute of color by which we distinguish red from green, blue from yellow, and other colors. Munsell chose several colors to be the principal hues. These are Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and", "id": "2271227" }, { "contents": "School colors\n\n\nand especially black/gold, is also a common practice. Finally, some American schools, in a display of patriotism, adopt the national colors of red, white, or blue. In an effort to further establish identity and promote a standard, many institutions often decree the use of specific shades of colors. Maroon, generally regarded as a darker shade of red, is a common primary color. Various shades of blue, from powder to Prussian, are also in use; a few schools have adopted two different shades", "id": "3474782" }, { "contents": "Unique hues\n\n\nfactors in color naming. Despite the inconsistencies, often four color perceptions are associated as unique; \"red\", \"green\", \"blue\", and \"yellow\". The need for certain hues to be designated as unique came with the advent of Opponent process theory. Ewald Hering first proposed the idea that red, green, blue, and yellow were unique in 1892. His theory suggests that color vision is based on two opposing axes of color: a red-green axis and a blue-yellow axis", "id": "6652672" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\n. In modern color theory, also known as the RGB color model, red, green and blue are additive primary colors. Red, green and blue light combined together makes white light, and these three colors, combined in different mixtures, can produce nearly any other color. This is the principle that is used to make all of the colors on your computer screen and your television. For example, magenta on a computer screen is made by a similar formula to that used by Cennino Cennini in the Renaissance to make violet", "id": "6274077" }, { "contents": "Kempe chain\n\n\ndegree of 4. First, one can create a graph with a vertex \"v\" and four vertices as neighbors. If we remove the vertex \"v\", we can four-color the remaining vertices. We can set the colors as (in clockwise order) red, yellow, blue, and green. In this situation, there can be a Kempe chain joining the red and blue neighbors or a Kempe chain joining the green and yellow neighbors, but not both, since these two paths would necessarily intersect,", "id": "11681408" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\n, and in traditional color theory, red is one of the three primary colors, along with blue and yellow. Painters in the Renaissance mixed red and blue to make violet: Cennino Cennini, in his 15th-century manual on painting, wrote, \"If you want to make a lovely violet colour, take fine lac [red lake], ultramarine blue (the same amount of the one as of the other) with a binder\" he noted that it could also be made by mixing blue indigo and red hematite", "id": "6274076" }, { "contents": "Lilac-crowned parrot\n\n\ngreen with yellowish underparts and black edging. The forehead is a maroon color with a light blue-lilac neck, nape, and crown. The cheeks and ear coverts are a greenish yellow that lacks the edging that is present in most of the plumage. The primary feathers are dark blue with the secondary feathers being green while being tipped with the same dark blue coloring. Furthermore, the initial five secondary feathers have a bright red speculum on the edge of the feathers. The wing coverts, underside of the flight feathers,", "id": "12531849" }, { "contents": "Sam Gilliam\n\n\nfor Transit project commissioned the work in 1991. It is made up of geometric shapes painted in solid primary colors (red, yellow, blue). The shape of the overall sculpture is circular, with the outer part being blue while the inner parts are red and yellow. In the artist's words, the work \"calls to mind movement, circuits, speed, technology, and passenger ships...the colors used in the piece... refer to colors of the respective subway lines. The predominant use of blue provides one", "id": "11129761" }, { "contents": "Raynham, Massachusetts\n\n\nthrough 1st Grade, LaLiberte Elementary School, housing 2nd through 4th grades, and Raynham Middle School, housing 5th through 8th grades. Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School, located in Bridgewater, houses 9th through 12th grades. The high school athletics teams are nicknamed the Trojans, and the primary colors are red and white, with blue trim. The BR School District Chairman is Ronald Pacy and the school committee consists of eight members. High school students may also attend Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School, located in Taunton, or", "id": "21976160" }, { "contents": "Color grading\n\n\nwhich separate the image into its primary red, green and blue components. From there, each individual beam is reflected onto a photomultiplier tube (PMT) where the photons are converted into an electronic signal to be recorded to tape. In a charge-coupled device (CCD) telecine, a white light is shone through the exposed film image onto a prism, which separates the image into the three primary colors, red, green and blue. Each beam of colored light is then projected at a different CCD, one for", "id": "9660507" }, { "contents": "White\n\n\nsun, by stars, or by earthbound sources such as fluorescent lamps, white LEDs and incandescent bulbs. On the screen of a color television or computer, white is produced by mixing the primary colors of light: red, green and blue (RGB) at full intensity, a process called additive mixing (see image below). White light can be fabricated using light with only two wavelengths, for instance by mixing light from a red and cyan laser or yellow and blue lasers. This light will however have very few", "id": "14245224" } ]
We've all seen optical illusions, but are there tactile illusions, olfactory illusions or audio illusions?
[{"answer": "The most well known auditory illusion is called a \"Shepard tone\" which sounds like a pitch continuously increasing or decreasing forever. Made famous by [Super Mario 64 ]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "Absolutely yes. Two good examples of tactile illusion: - Phantom cellphone vibrate, where you are sure your pocket is vibrating but it isn't. - Phantom limb pain, where an amputated arm or leg still seems to hurt."}, {"answer": "The [McGurk Effect]( URL_1 ) is a pretty good auditory illusion. [Here is a video.]( URL_0 ) The McGurk effect demonstrates that what we see influences what we hear. A man saying 'Baa' repeated will sound like he is saying 'Faa', if the 'Baa' audio is dubbed over a video of him saying 'Faa'."}, {"answer": "[The Thermal Grill. ]( URL_0 ) This is one of the trippiest things I've experienced. Warm water running through one pipe, cool in another, and they're looped side by side for a short distance such that they appear to be a single coil. Placing your hand on the coil feels like you'll get burned, but touching individual tubes reveals the temperature difference. I experienced this only once, and I think it was at EPCOT. It was over twenty years ago, and I still find it amazing and mind boggling."}, {"answer": "One of the oldest tactile illusions is the Aristotle illusion. It is easy to perform. Cross your fingers, then touch a small spherical object such as a dried pea, and it feels like you are touching two peas. This also works if you touch your nose."}, {"answer": "An example of auditory illusion is \"*soramimi*\" (Japanese for \"auditory illusion\", which is usually used for a specific genre : misheard lyrics) when listening to a song in another language, what actually happens is that you're victim of your phonological cribble (basically, the only sounds you're able to hear are those of your mother tongue), so not all the original sounds of the foreign language arrive to your brain and your brain makes up for it, creating something that makes sense for you out of that noise. The reason it has become so well-known in Japan is that obviously, the more phonemes there are in your mother tongue, the less you're subject to those auditory illusions, but since Japanese has few phonemes, Japanese people get a lot of those illusions out of a lot of languages."}, {"answer": "Tactile: Have a partner use two toothpicks to lightly poke your skin. They can either start with the toothpicks far apart and move them closer together until you only sense one poke or start with them close and move them farther apart until you feel two pokes. Different areas of your body have different densities of nerve endings. This means you will sense two pokes much closer together on your fingertips than you would on the back of your neck. Auditory: I'm not sure what this is called, but in a choir rehearsal we practiced singing one note in perfect unison. It produced a faint overtone maybe one octave higher. I kept thinking who the f is trying to show off right now, but then our choir director explained the phenomenon."}, {"answer": "Here's a tactile one you try at home. Cross your fingers, the index and middle. Now, without looking, touch something small like a marble or pen with the crossed fingers. You should feel two objects. Why? Your brain feels something on the opposite sides of your fingers and with visual reference assumes there are two things."}, {"answer": "When something isn\u2019t \u201cSmells like the taste\u201d or \u201cTaste like the smell\u201d used to confuse me as a baby when something like smelling a fruity shampoo but it tasted like a chemical vat. I was so reckless as a baby. I still am, but I use to, too."}, {"answer": "Ventriloquists make use of auditory illusions all the time. They'll throw some phonemes together so quickly they seem like they're pronouncing a different letter."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "89798", "title": "Auditory illusion", "section": "Section::::Causes of Auditory Illusions.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Auditory illusion are false perceptions of a real sound/outside stimulus. These false perceptions are the equivalent of an optical illusion: the listener hears either sounds which are not present in the stimulus, or sounds that should not be possible given the circumstance on how they were created. Sounds that are found in words are called embedded sounds and these sounds are the causation of auditory illusions. These sounds can be recreated simply by changing how you form your mouth while saying the word; same word yet someone could hear two different sounds. For example, if someone is looking at two different people saying \"far\" and \"bar\", the word they will hear will be determined by who they look at.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Auditory illusion are false perceptions of a real sound/outside stimulus. These false perceptions are the equivalent of an optical illusion: the listener hears either sounds which are not present in the stimulus, or sounds that should not be possible given the circumstance on how they were created. Sounds that are found in words are called embedded sounds and these sounds are the causation of auditory illusions. These sounds can be recreated simply by changing how you form your mouth while saying the word; same word yet someone could hear two different sounds. For example, if someone is looking at two different people saying \"far\" and \"bar\", the word they will hear will be determined by who they look at.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Auditory illusion are false perceptions of a real sound/outside stimulus. These false perceptions are the equivalent of an optical illusion"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Illusion\n\n\nillusion: the listener hears either sound which are not present in the stimulus, or \"impossible\" sounds. In short, audio illusions highlight areas where the human ear and brain, as organic, makeshift tools, differ from perfect audio receptors (for better or for worse). One example of an auditory illusion is a Shepard tone. Examples of tactile illusions include phantom limb, the thermal grill illusion, the cutaneous rabbit illusion and a curious illusion that occurs when the crossed index and middle fingers are run along the bridge", "id": "8741154" }, { "contents": "Moonglow (comics)\n\n\nto cast convincing three dimensional audio-visual-olfactory-tactile illusions by modifying the perceptions of other beings. She was able to alter her appearance as well as others', in order to manipulate or confuse. She cannot maintain her illusions when unconscious, nor can she affect machines, such as cameras. She could use her powers to create the illusion of artificial high or low gravity (the latter of which caused Arcanna extreme distress while she was in labor). She is a fair hand-to-hand", "id": "12871470" }, { "contents": "Tactile illusion\n\n\nA tactile illusion is an illusion that affects the sense of touch. Some tactile illusions require active touch (e.g., movement of the fingers or hands), whereas others can be evoked passively (e.g., with external stimuli that press against the skin). In recent years, a growing interest among perceptual researchers has led to the discovery of new tactile illusions and to the celebration of tactile illusions in the popular science press. Some tactile illusions are analogous to visual and auditory illusions, suggesting that these sensory systems may process information", "id": "10896697" }, { "contents": "Illusion\n\n\n, a person may momentarily perceive time as slowing down, stopping, speeding up, or running backward. Illusions can occur with the other senses including those involved in food perception. Both sound and touch have been shown to modulate the perceived staleness and crispness of food products. It was also discovered that even if some portion of the taste receptor on the tongue became damaged that illusory taste could be produced by tactile stimulation. Evidence of olfactory (smell) illusions occurred when positive or negative verbal labels were given prior to olfactory stimulation", "id": "8741156" }, { "contents": "Geometrical-optical illusions\n\n\nGeometrical-optical illusions are visual illusions, also optical illusions, in which the geometrical properties of what is seen differ from those of the corresponding objects in the visual field. In studying geometry one concentrates on the position of points and on the length, orientation and curvature of lines. Geometrical-optical illusions then relate in the first instance to object characteristics as defined by geometry. Though vision is three-dimensional, in many situations depth can be factored out and attention concentrated on a simple view of a two-dimensional tablet", "id": "15557852" }, { "contents": "Illusion Optics\n\n\nspecific material parameters, the functionality of illusion optics device only works in a narrow band of frequency. Unlike optical illusions that utilize the misinterpretation of the human brain to create illusionary perception different from the physical measurement, illusion optics changes the optical response or properties of objects. Illusion optic devices make these changes happen. Although both these terms deal with illusions, Illusion optics deal with the refraction and reflection of light, whereas while optical illusions are basically mind tricks. Illusion optics was recorded in 1968 when Soviet physicist Victor Veselago discovered that", "id": "8791433" }, { "contents": "Geometrical-optical illusions\n\n\nillusion, Münsterberg illusion or shifted-chess-board illusion and its café wall illusion variant), of rectilinearity or straightness of lines (Hering illusion), of size (Delboeuf illusion) and of vertical/horizontal anisotropy (Vertical-horizontal illusion), in which the vertical extension appears exaggerated. Visual illusions proper should be distinguished from some related phenomena. Some simple targets such as the Necker Cube are capable of more than one interpretation, which are usually seen in alternation, one at a time. They may be called", "id": "15557856" }, { "contents": "Illusion optics\n\n\nIllusion optics is an electromagnetic theory that can change the optical appearance of an object to be exactly like that of another virtual object, i.e. an illusion, such as turning the look of an apple into that of a banana. Invisibility is a special case of illusion optics, which turns objects into illusions of free space. The concept and numerical proof of illusion optics was proposed in 2009 based on transformation optics in the field of metamaterials. It is a scientific disproof of the idiom 'Seeing is Believing'. Illusion optics proves", "id": "18147925" }, { "contents": "Illusion Optics\n\n\nIllusion optics is an electromagnetic theory that can change the optical appearance of an object to be exactly like that of another virtual object, i.e. an illusion, such as turning the look of an apple into that of a banana. Invisibility is a special case of illusion optics, which turns objects into illusions of free space. The concept and numerical proof of illusion optics was proposed in 2009 based on transformation optics in the field of metamaterials. It is a scientific disproof of the idiom 'Seeing is Believing'. Illusion optics proves", "id": "8791431" }, { "contents": "Jastrow illusion\n\n\nThe Jastrow illusion is an optical illusion attributed to the Polish-American psychologist Joseph Jastrow. This optical illusion is known under different names: Ring-Segment illusion, Jastrow illusion, Wundt area illusion or Wundt-Jastrow illusion. The illusion also occurs in the real world. In the illustration on the right, the two toy railway tracks are identical, although the lower one appears to be larger. There are three competing theories on how this illusion occurs. This illusion is often included in magic kits and several versions are sold", "id": "14888407" }, { "contents": "Grid illusion\n\n\nA grid illusion is any kind of grid that deceives a person's vision. The two most common types of grid illusions are the Hermann grid illusion and the scintillating grid illusion. The Hermann grid illusion is an optical illusion reported by Ludimar Hermann in 1870. The illusion is characterized by \"ghostlike\" grey blobs perceived at the intersections of a white (or light-colored) grid on a black background. The grey blobs disappear when looking directly at an intersection. The scintillating grid illusion is an optical illusion, discovered by", "id": "6376296" }, { "contents": "Geometrical-optical illusions\n\n\nWundt, widely regarded as the founder of experimental psychology, and is now universally used. That by 1972 the first edition of Robinson's book devotes 100 closely printed pages and over 180 figures to these illusions attests to their popularity. The easiest to explore are the geometrical-optical illusions that show up in ordinary black and white line drawings. A few examples are drawn from the list of optical illusions. They illustrate illusions of position (Poggendorff illusion), of length (Müller-Lyer illusion), of orientation (Zöllner", "id": "15557855" }, { "contents": "Geometrical-optical illusions\n\n\nambiguous configurations rather than illusion, because what is seen at any time is not actually illusory. The configurations of the Penrose or Escher type are illusory in the sense that only on a detailed logical analysis it becomes apparent that they are not physically realizable. If one thinks of an \"illusion\" as something out there that is misinterpreted, and of a \"delusion\" when a demonstrable substrate is lacking, the distinction breaks down for such effects as the Kanizsa triangle and \"illusory contours.\" Explanations of geometrical-optical illusion", "id": "15557857" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\n-up does not reveal a cause of the pathological visual illusions, the idiopathic visual disturbances could be analogous to the altered excitability state seen in visual aura with no migraine headache. If the visual illusions are diffuse and persistent, they often affect the patient's quality of life. These symptoms are often refractory to treatment and may be caused by any of the aforementioned etiologies, but are often idiopathic. There is no standard treatment for these visual disturbances. There are a variety of different types of optical illusions. Many are included", "id": "8741544" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\nuses monocular cues of depth perception to fool the eye. But even with two-dimensional images, the brain exaggerates vertical distances when compared with horizontal distances, as in the vertical-horizontal illusion where the two lines are exactly the same length. In the Ponzo illusion the converging parallel lines tell the brain that the image higher in the visual field is farther away, therefore, the brain perceives the image to be larger, although the two images hitting the retina are the same size. The optical illusion seen in a diorama", "id": "8741532" }, { "contents": "Crater illusion\n\n\nThe Crater Illusion also known as the Crater/Dome Illusion or Dome Illusion is an optical illusion which causes impact craters in some images to appear as domes or mountains. It is believed to be caused by our being accustomed to seeing light from overhead. When some images are taken from orbit, the light from the sun is nearly horizontal. This is the only time shadows are seen. Our brains are tricked into thinking that the interior of the crater is above the surrounding terrain instead of below it. In September 2015,", "id": "18948254" }, { "contents": "Café wall illusion\n\n\n-chessboard illusion originated by Hugo Münsterberg. In the construction of the optical illusion often each \"brick\" is surrounded by a layer of \"mortar\" intermediate between the dark and light colours of the \"bricks\". In the first attempt at its deconstruction, the illusion was ascribed largely to irradiation, the light spread from dark to bright zones in the retinal image, and the image disappears when black and white are replaced by different colours of the same brightness. But a component of the illusion remains even when all optical", "id": "18629043" }, { "contents": "Illusion Optics\n\n\nprominent in recent years due to the advancement in metamaterials, which are engineered materials that have special internal physical properties and have the ability to negatively refract light. An illusion device is how illusion optics works—without a device there is no way to define how light is refracted and deflected. Based on a study on circular objects with illusion optic properties, (i.e. negative refraction indexes) there are three basics of an illusion device: the invisibility cloak, real object, and illusion object. The invisibility cloak is basically the medium", "id": "8791435" }, { "contents": "Jastrow illusion\n\n\nillusion and the Ponzo illusion. Masaki Tomonaga, a researcher at Kyoto University, compared the Jastrow Illusion with the so-called Fat Face Illusion. He conducted experiments with people and chimpanzees to compare this illusion with the classical Jastrow Illusion. Animals are known to observe many of the same optical illusions as humans do, but this was the first study to demonstrate that the Jastrow illusion is also experienced by chimpanzees. The Fat Face illusion happens when two identical images of the same face are aligned vertically, the face at the bottom", "id": "14888412" }, { "contents": "Illusion optics\n\n\nthat the optical responses or properties of a space containing any objects can be changed to be exactly those of a virtual space but containing arbitrary virtual objects (illusions) by using a passive \"illusion optics device\" composed of materials or metamaterials with specific parameters and shape. For example, a dielectric spoon was numerically shown to exhibit the scattering properties of a metallic cup by using an illusion optics device in the seminal paper. Such illusion effects do not rely on the direction and form of incident waves. However, due to dispersion", "id": "18147926" }, { "contents": "Illusion Optics\n\n\nthat the optical responses or properties of a space containing any objects can be changed to be exactly those of a virtual space but containing arbitrary virtual objects (illusions) by using a passive illusion optics device composed of materials or metamaterials with specific parameters and shape. For example, a dielectric spoon was numerically shown to exhibit the scattering properties of a metallic cup by using an illusion optics device in the seminal paper. Such illusion effects do not rely on the direction and form of incident waves. However, due to dispersion limitation of", "id": "8791432" }, { "contents": "Cutaneous rabbit illusion\n\n\nVisual cues—light flashes placed at particular locations along the arm—can influence the cutaneous rabbit illusion. In addition, auditory and tactile stimuli can interact in the rabbit illusion. In 2009, researchers of Philips Electronics demonstrated a jacket lined with actuator motors and designed to evoke various tactile sensations while watching a movie. The device takes advantage of the cutaneous rabbit illusion to reduce the number of actuators needed. In keeping with the prediction of a Bayesian model, the perceptual attraction between the stimulus points is enhanced when the stimuli are", "id": "13555683" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\nAn optical illusion (also called a visual illusion) is an illusion caused by the visual system and characterized by a visual percept that arguably appears to differ from reality. Illusions come in a wide variety; their categorization is difficult because the underlying cause is often not clear but a classification proposed by Richard Gregory is useful as an orientation. According to that, there are three main classes: physical, physiological, and cognitive illusions, and in each class there are four kinds: Ambiguities, distortions, paradoxes, and fictions.", "id": "8741521" }, { "contents": "Illusion\n\n\nof the nose with one finger on each side, resulting in the perception of two separate noses. The brain areas activated during illusory tactile perception are similar to those activated during actual tactile stimulation. Tactile illusions can also be elicited through haptic technology. These \"illusory\" tactile objects can be used to create \"virtual objects\". A temporal illusion is a distortion in the perception of time, which occurs when the time interval between two or more events is very narrow (typically less than a second). In such cases", "id": "8741155" }, { "contents": "Multisensory integration\n\n\nhas also been found that the illusion may not require tactile stimulation at all, but can be completely induced using mere vision of the rubber hand being in a congruent posture with the hidden real hand. The very first report of this kind of illusion may have been as early as 1937 (Tastevin, 1937). Body transfer illusion typically involves the use of virtual reality devices to induce the illusion in the subject that the body of another person or being is the subject's own body. The superior colliculus (SC) or", "id": "2672000" }, { "contents": "Müller-Lyer illusion\n\n\nThe Müller-Lyer illusion is an optical illusion consisting of three stylized arrows. When viewers are asked to place a mark on the figure at the midpoint, they invariably place it more towards the \"tail\" end. The illusion was devised by Franz Carl Müller-Lyer (1857–1916), a German sociologist, in 1889. A variation of the same effect (and the most common form in which it is seen today) consists of a set of arrow-like figures. Straight line segments of equal length comprise the", "id": "21131336" }, { "contents": "Al Seckel\n\n\nplaced first on the American Library Association's \"Top 10 Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers\" list for 2001. Some of his other books on optical illusions and perception, which focus more on the science that mediates illusions and perception, have been used in college courses on visual perception. In 1994, Seckel designed and put up the first free interactive website on illusions and has developed visual illusion installation for museums around the world. Seckel has also written a series of optical illusion picture books for children including \"Ambiguous Illusions", "id": "16658586" }, { "contents": "Wundt illusion\n\n\nThe Wundt illusion is an optical illusion that was first described by the German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt in the 19th century. The two red vertical lines are both straight, but they may look as if they are bowed inwards to some observers. The distortion is induced by the crooked lines on the background, as in the Orbison illusion. The Hering illusion produces a similar, but inverted effect. Another variant of the Wundt illusion is the \"Horizontal–Vertical Illusion\", introduced by Wundt in 1858. The two intersecting lines are", "id": "14888222" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\nmeaningful whole. Gestalt organization can be used to explain many illusions including the rabbit–duck illusion where the image as a whole switches back and forth from being a duck then being a rabbit and why in the figure–ground illusion the figure and ground are reversible. In addition, Gestalt theory can be used to explain the illusory contours in the Kanizsa's Triangle. A floating white triangle, which does not exist, is seen. The brain has a need to see familiar simple objects and has a tendency to create a", "id": "8741528" }, { "contents": "Body transfer illusion\n\n\nthe rubber hand is enough to enable the illusion to persist, even when in attenuated form, when visuo-tactile inputs are asynchronous. A very similar effect occurs with the administration of the dopamine and noradrenaline releasing agent dextroamphetamine. The similarities include increased subjective reports of embodiment of the rubber hand during the illusion, and that the dextroamphetamine enhancing effect is also seen during sensory asynchrony. Human bodily experience is characterized by the immediate and continuous experience that our body and its parts belong to us, often called self-attribution, body", "id": "12284281" }, { "contents": "Gianni A. Sarcone\n\n\nin the fields of visual creativity, recreational mathematics and educational games. Considered a leading authority on visual perception by academic institutions, Sarcone was a juror at the Third Annual \"Best Illusion of the Year Contest\" held in Sarasota, Florida (USA). His optical illusion projects 'Mask of Love' and 'Autokinetic Illusion' were named in the top 10 best optical illusions respectively in the 2011 and 2014 \"Best Illusion of the Year Contests\". In 2017, he won the third place in the contest for his", "id": "13882314" }, { "contents": "Illusion\n\n\nAn illusion is a distortion of the senses, which can reveal how the human brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation. Though illusions distort our perception of reality, they are generally shared by most people. Illusions may occur with any of the human senses, but visual illusions (optical illusions) are the best-known and understood. The emphasis on visual illusions occurs because vision often dominates the other senses. For example, individuals watching a ventriloquist will perceive the voice is coming from the dummy since they are able to see", "id": "8741150" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\ntheories based on lateral inhibition have struggled. Cognitive illusions are assumed to arise by interaction with assumptions about the world, leading to \"unconscious inferences\", an idea first suggested in the 19th century by the German physicist and physician Hermann Helmholtz. Cognitive illusions are commonly divided into ambiguous illusions, distorting illusions, paradox illusions, or fiction illusions. To make sense of the world it is necessary to organize incoming sensations into information which is meaningful. Gestalt psychologists believe one way this is done is by perceiving individual sensory stimuli as a", "id": "8741527" }, { "contents": "Shepard tables\n\n\nShepard tables (also known as the Shepard tabletop illusion) are an optical illusion first published in 1990 as \"Turning the Tables,\" by Stanford psychologist Roger N. Shepard in his book \"Mind Sights\", a collection of illusions that he had created. It is one of the most powerful optical illusions, typically creating length miscalculations of 20–25%. To quote \"A Dictionary of Psychology\", the Shepard table illusion makes \"a pair of identical parallelograms representing the tops of two tables appear radically different\" because our eyes", "id": "2237181" }, { "contents": "Jastrow illusion\n\n\n. His article presents a collection of geometrical illusions of size, including what is now known as the Müller-Lyer illusion. His paper also includes the ring segments which we now know as the Jastrow Illusion. Joseph Jastrow extensively researched optical illusions. One of his most famous creations is the Duck-Rabbit illusion, an image that can be interpreted as being both a rabbit or a duck. In 1892 he published a paper which introduced his version of what is now known as the Jastrow illusion. His version is different to", "id": "14888409" }, { "contents": "Jerry Andrus\n\n\nwe opened our doors.\" Ray Hyman believes that he was responsible for getting Andrus interested in optical illusions. Hyman showed him the Mach-Eden illusion using an index card. Andrus didn't seem interested, but came back to Hyman some time later and showed him how he had improved it by inventing an illusion of a house. Speaking at the Skeptic's Toolbox about the importance of understanding optical illusions, Andrus said, \"The point of demonstrating illusions is not merely to show we can be fooled... rather to appreciate", "id": "8710882" }, { "contents": "Hering illusion\n\n\nThe Hering illusion is one of the geometrical-optical illusions and was discovered by the German physiologist Ewald Hering in 1861. When two straight and parallel lines are presented in front of radial background (like the spokes of a bicycle), the lines appear as if they were bowed outwards. The Orbison illusion is one of its variants, while the Wundt illusion produces a similar, but inverted effect. There are several possible explanations for why perceptual distortion produced by the radiating pattern. The illusion was ascribed by Hering to an overestimation", "id": "14791691" }, { "contents": "Fraser spiral illusion\n\n\nThe Fraser spiral illusion is an optical illusion that was first described by the British psychologist Sir James Fraser (1863 – 1936) in 1908. The illusion is also known as the false spiral, or by its original name, the twisted cord illusion. The overlapping black arc segments appear to form a spiral; however, the arcs are a series of concentric circles. The visual distortion is produced by combining a regular line pattern (the circles) with misaligned parts (the differently colored strands). Zöllner's illusion and the", "id": "19480758" }, { "contents": "Optics\n\n\nthe same angular size, appears much larger near the horizon than it does at zenith. This illusion so confounded Ptolemy that he incorrectly attributed it to atmospheric refraction when he described it in his treatise, \"Optics\". Another type of optical illusion exploits broken patterns to trick the mind into perceiving symmetries or asymmetries that are not present. Examples include the café wall, Ehrenstein, Fraser spiral, Poggendorff, and Zöllner illusions. Related, but not strictly illusions, are patterns that occur due to the superimposition of periodic structures.", "id": "2528482" }, { "contents": "Illusion\n\n\nthat there are physiological illusions that occur naturally and cognitive illusions that can be demonstrated by specific visual tricks that say something more basic about how human perceptual systems work. The human brain constructs a world inside our head based on what it samples from the surrounding environment. However, sometimes it tries to organize this information it thinks best while other times it fills in the gaps. This way in which our brain works is the basis of an illusion. An auditory illusion is an illusion of hearing, the auditory equivalent of an optical", "id": "8741153" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\nperspective. Op art is a style of art that uses optical illusions to create an impression of movement, or hidden images and patterns. \"Trompe-l'œil\" uses realistic imagery to create the optical illusion that depicted objects exist in three dimensions. The hypothesis claims that visual illusions occur because the neural circuitry in our visual system evolves, by neural learning, to a system that makes very efficient interpretations of usual 3D scenes based in the emergence of simplified models in our brain that speed up the interpretation process but give rise to", "id": "8741546" }, { "contents": "Cutaneous rabbit illusion\n\n\nThe cutaneous rabbit illusion (also known as cutaneous saltation and sometimes the cutaneous rabbit effect or CRE) is a tactile illusion evoked by tapping two or more separate regions of the skin in rapid succession. The illusion is most readily evoked on regions of the body surface that have relatively poor spatial acuity, such as the forearm. A rapid sequence of taps delivered first near the wrist and then near the elbow creates the sensation of sequential taps hopping up the arm from the wrist towards the elbow, although no physical stimulus was applied", "id": "13555678" }, { "contents": "Zöllner illusion\n\n\nThe Zöllner illusion is an optical illusion named after its discoverer, German astrophysicist Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner. In 1860, Zöllner sent his discovery in a letter to physicist and scholar Johann Christian Poggendorff, editor of \"Annalen der Physik und Chemie\", who subsequently discovered the related Poggendorff illusion in Zöllner's original drawing. One depiction of the illusion consists of a series of parallel, black diagonal lines which are crossed with short, repeating lines, the direction of the crossing lines alternating between horizontal and vertical. This creates the illusion", "id": "15536636" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\nsee bands of increased brightness at the edge of a color difference when viewing Mach bands. Once a receptor is active, it inhibits adjacent receptors. This inhibition creates contrast, highlighting edges. In the Hermann grid illusion the gray spots appear at the intersection because of the inhibitory response which occurs as a result of the increased dark surround. Lateral inhibition has also been used to explain the Hermann grid illusion, but this has been disproved. More recent empirical approaches to optical illusions have had some success in explaining optical phenomena with which", "id": "8741526" }, { "contents": "Cornsweet illusion\n\n\nThe Cornsweet illusion, also known as the \"Craik–O'Brien–Cornsweet illusion\" and the \"Craik–Cornsweet illusion\", is an optical illusion that was described in detail by Tom Cornsweet in the late 1960s. Craik and O'Brien had made earlier observations in a similar vein. In the image at right, the entire region to the right of the \"edge\" in the middle looks slightly lighter than the area to the left of the edge, but in fact the brightness of both areas is exactly the same,", "id": "1830790" }, { "contents": "Tau effect\n\n\nto follow perceived time rather than actual time, consistent with reports from human subjects. A spatial perceptual illusion that seems to be closely related to the tau effect is the rabbit illusion. In the tactile rabbit illusion, a rapid sequence of taps delivered first near the wrist and then near the elbow creates the sensation of sequential taps hopping up the arm from the wrist towards the elbow, although no physical stimulus was applied between the two actual stimulus locations. Like the tau effect, the rabbit illusion has been observed not just in", "id": "7012088" }, { "contents": "Al Seckel\n\n\n\" (2005), \"Action Optical Illusions\" (2005) and \"Stereo Optical Illusions\" (2006). Seckel wrote a monthly column on illusions for \"National Geographic Kids\" magazine. In 2005, Seckel was one of the judges at the first \"Best Visual Illusion of the Year\" contest held in A Coruña, Spain at the European Conference on Visual Perception. In 2006 he was listed as one of the contest's sponsors. During the late 1990s, Seckel and rare-book dealer Jeremy Norman purchased", "id": "16658587" }, { "contents": "Jacques Chereau\n\n\nBenoit) on 2 December 1776. From about 1740 to about 1820 optical prints, also called \"vue optique\" or \"vue d'optique\" prints were made to be viewed through a Zograscope, or other devices of convex lens and mirror, all of which produced optical illusion of depth. Intaglio optical prints have exaggerated converging lines and bright hand colors which contribute to the illusion of depth. Typically the legends of optical prints have reversed words along the top edge as those would be seen though the scope, but words on the", "id": "1492850" }, { "contents": "Geometrical-optical illusions\n\n\nwith its x and y co-ordinates.' Whereas their counterparts in the observer's object space are public and have measurable properties, the illusions themselves are private to the observer's (human or animal) experience. Nevertheless, they are accessible to portrayal by verbal and other communication and even to measurement by psychophysics. A nulling technique is particularly useful in which a target is deliberately given an opposing deformation in an effort to cancel the illusion. Visual or Optical Illusions can be categorized according to the nature of the difference between", "id": "15557853" }, { "contents": "Cutaneous rabbit illusion\n\n\nmade weaker. Computational models have been put forward by several authors in an effort to explain the origins of the cutaneous rabbit illusion. A Bayesian perceptual model closely replicates the cutaneous rabbit and other tactile spatiotemporal illusions. According to this model, brain circuitry encodes the expectation, acquired through sensory experience, that tactile stimuli tend to be stationary or to move only slowly. The Bayesian model reaches an optimal probabilistic inference by combining uncertain spatial sensory information with a prior expectation for low-speed movement (a Gaussian prior distribution over velocity,", "id": "13555684" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\nin the following list. Artists who have worked with optical illusions include M. C. Escher, Bridget Riley, Salvador Dalí, Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Patrick Bokanowski, Marcel Duchamp, Jasper Johns, Oscar Reutersvärd, Victor Vasarely and Charles Allan Gilbert. Contemporary artists who have experimented with illusions include Jonty Hurwitz, Sandro del Prete, Octavio Ocampo, Dick Termes, Shigeo Fukuda, Patrick Hughes, István Orosz, Rob Gonsalves, Gianni A. Sarcone, Ben Heine and Akiyoshi Kitaoka. Optical illusion is also used in film by the technique of forced", "id": "8741545" }, { "contents": "Checker shadow illusion\n\n\nThe checker shadow illusion is an optical illusion published by Edward H. Adelson, Professor of Vision Science at MIT in 1995. The image depicts a checkerboard with light and dark squares, partly shadowed by another object. The optical illusion is that the area labeled A appears to be a darker color than the area labeled B. However, within the context of the two-dimensional image, they are of identical brightness, i.e., they would be printed with identical mixtures of ink, or displayed on a screen with pixels of identical colour", "id": "20055239" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\nA classical example for a physical distortion would be the apparent bending of a stick half immerged in water; an example for a physiological paradox is the motion aftereffect (where despite movement position remains unchanged). An example for a physiological fiction is an afterimage. Three typical cognitive distortions are the Ponzo, Poggendorff, and Müller-Lyer illusion. Physical illusions are caused by the physical environment, e.g. by the optical properties of water. Physiological illusions arise in the eye or the visual pathway, e.g. from the effects of excessive stimulation", "id": "8741522" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\n. For example, a door is perceived as a rectangle regardless of how the image may change on the retina as the door is opened and closed. Unfamiliar objects, however, do not always follow the rules of shape constancy and may change when the perspective is changed. The \"Shepard's table\" illusion is an example of an illusion based on distortions in shape constancy. Researcher Mark Changizi of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York has a more imaginative take on optical illusions, saying that they are due to a neural lag", "id": "8741538" }, { "contents": "The Writing's on the Wall (OK Go song)\n\n\n28 stations consisting of everyday objects mounted on supports, clothing worn by the band, and painted walls and floors of the warehouse in specific arrangements. Each station plays on the use of optical illusions once the camera is set in position, such as those by Felice Varini that play on the illusion working from one specific point, or illusions like the Necker cube that are based on a lack of depth perception. All the illusions were created by the camera shots, without the use of any post-processing special effects. The", "id": "6045586" }, { "contents": "The Great Illusion\n\n\nThe Great Illusion is a book by Norman Angell, first published in the United Kingdom in 1909 under the title \"Europe's Optical Illusion\" and republished in 1910 and subsequently in various enlarged and revised editions under the title \"The Great Illusion\". In \"The Great Illusion\", Angell's primary thesis was, in the words of historian James Joll, that \"the economic cost of war was so great that no one could possibly hope to gain by starting a war the consequences of which would be so disastrous.", "id": "16543208" }, { "contents": "Jastrow illusion\n\n\nthat suffer from neglect do not experience the illusion when the overlapping part of the segments is on the side where their perception is missing. When the segments are reversed, they perceive the illusion in the same way as people that do not suffer from neglect. Researchers have also examined the susceptibility of people with autism to a range of optical illusions. This research seems to indicate that people with autism don't experience visual size illusions. This finding is consistent with the idea that autism involves an excessive focus on details. These findings", "id": "14888416" }, { "contents": "Sander illusion\n\n\nThe Sander illusion or Sander's parallelogram is an optical illusion described by the German psychologist Friedrich Sander (1889–1971) in 1926. However, it had been published earlier by Matthew Luckiesh in his 1922 book \"Visual Illusions: Their Causes, Characteristics, and Applications\". The diagonal line bisecting the larger, left-hand parallelogram appears to be considerably longer than the diagonal line bisecting the smaller, right-hand parallelogram, but is the same length. One possible reason for this illusion is that the diagonal lines around the blue", "id": "15537031" }, { "contents": "Delboeuf illusion\n\n\nThe Delboeuf illusion is an optical illusion of relative size perception. In the best-known version of the illusion, two circles of identical size have been placed near to each other and one is surrounded by an annulus; the surrounded circle then appears larger than the non-surrounded circle if the annulus is close, while appearing smaller than the non-surrounded circle if the annulus is distant. A 2005 study suggests it is caused by the same visual processes that cause the Ebbinghaus illusion. It was named for the Belgian philosopher", "id": "1850811" }, { "contents": "Watercolor illusion\n\n\nThe watercolor illusion, also referred to as the water-color effect, is an optical illusion in which a white area takes on a pale tint of a thin, bright, intensely colored polygon surrounding it if the coloured polygon is itself surrounded by a thin, darker border (Figures 1 and 2). The inner and outer borders of watercolor illusion objects often are of complementary colours (Figure 2). The watercolor illusion is best when the inner and outer contours have chromaticities in opposite directions in color space. The most", "id": "18582547" }, { "contents": "Poggendorff illusion\n\n\nThe Poggendorff illusion is a geometrical-optical illusion that involves the misperception of the position of one segment of a transverse line that has been interrupted by the contour of an intervening structure. It is named after Johann Christian Poggendorff, the editor of the journal, who discovered it in the figures Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner submitted when first reporting on what is now known as the Zöllner illusion, in 1860. The magnitude of the illusion depends on the properties of the obscuring pattern and the nature of its borders. Many detailed studies of", "id": "18680007" }, { "contents": "Ebbinghaus illusion\n\n\nThe Ebbinghaus illusion or Titchener circles is an optical illusion of relative size perception. Named for its discoverer, the German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus (1850–1909), the illusion was popularized in the English-speaking world by Edward B. Titchener in a 1901 textbook of experimental psychology, hence its alternative name. In the best-known version of the illusion, two circles of identical size are placed near to each other, and one is surrounded by large circles while the other is surrounded by small circles. As a result of the juxtaposition", "id": "3232788" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\n-anchoring theory, a popular but recent theory of lightness illusions, states that any region belongs to one or more frameworks, created by Gestalt grouping principles, and within each frame is independently anchored to both the highest luminance and the surround luminance. A spot's lightness is determined by the average of the values computed in each framework. Illusions can be based on an individual's ability to see in three dimensions even though the image hitting the retina is only two dimensional. The Ponzo illusion is an example of an illusion which", "id": "8741531" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\nunfamiliar object is changed. The luminosity of the object will appear brighter against a black field (that reflects less light) compared to a white field, even though the object itself did not change in luminosity. Similarly, the eye will compensate for color contrast depending on the color cast of the surrounding area. In addition to the Gestalt principles of perception, water-color illusions contribute to the formation of optical illusions. Water-color illusions consist of object-hole effects and coloration. Object-hole effects occur when boundaries", "id": "8741536" }, { "contents": "EnterTRAINment Junction\n\n\nmazes with different optical and physical illusions. The main midway is themed to an old-time circus. Within it are five different \"tents\" that all house a separate maze. The first maze is the Mirror Maze and is the largest house of mirrors in North America. Kids can enter and experience dead ends, optical illusions, and disorientation from being surrounded by hundreds of mirrors. The second maze is called the Clown College and features several illusions such as bent mirrors, objects that seem to defy gravity, and an", "id": "19546824" }, { "contents": "The Void (virtual reality)\n\n\nwell as props representing items such as guns and torches; all of these physical elements correspond with elements within the virtual world seen through the headset, increasing the illusion of immersion. Hickman explained that The Void would leverage his prior knowledge of magic by using \"illusion design, misdirection and magic theory to create the illusion of reality, as opposed to just trying to rely only on the technology to do it.\" Among the illusion-based techniques used are redirected walking, which is used to give the illusion that the user", "id": "21246595" }, { "contents": "Moon illusion\n\n\nrefraction in the \"Almagest\", and later (in the \"Optics\") as an optical illusion due to apparent distance, or the difficulty of looking upwards, although interpretations of the account in the \"Optics\" are disputed. Similarly Cleomedes (about 200 A.D.), in his book on astronomy, ascribed the illusion both to refraction and to changes in apparent distance. In the \"Book of Optics\" (1011–1022 A.D.), Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) repeated refraction as an explanation, but also proposed", "id": "8485866" }, { "contents": "Chubb illusion\n\n\nThe Chubb illusion is an optical illusion or error in visual perception in which the apparent contrast of an object varies substantially to most viewers depending on its relative contrast to the field on which it is displayed. These visual illusions are of particular interest to researchers because they may provide valuable insights in regard to the workings of human visual systems. An object of low-contrast visual texture surrounded by a field of uniform visual texture appears to have higher contrast than when presented on a field of high-contrast texture. This illusion was", "id": "13745166" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\nof a specific receptor type. Cognitive visual illusions are the result of unconscious inferences and are perhaps those most widely known. Pathological visual illusions arise from pathological changes in the physiological visual perception mechanisms causing the aforementioned types of illusions; they are discussed e.g. under visual hallucinations. A familiar phenomenon an example for a physical visual illusion are when mountains appear to be much nearer in clear weather with low humidity (Foehn) than they are. This is because haze is a cue for depth perception for far-away objects (Aerial perspective", "id": "8741523" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\nenables humans to react to events in the present, enabling humans to perform reflexive acts like catching a fly ball and to maneuver smoothly through a crowd. In an interview with ABC Changizi said, \"Illusions occur when our brains attempt to perceive the future, and those perceptions don't match reality.\" For example, an illusion called the Hering illusion looks like bicycle spokes around a central point, with vertical lines on either side of this central, so-called vanishing point. The illusion tricks us into thinking we are", "id": "8741540" }, { "contents": "Wilhelm Wundt\n\n\n. An optical illusion described by him is called the \"Wundt illusion\", a variant of the Hering Illusion. It shows how straight lines appear curved when seen against a set of radiating lines. As a result of his medical training and his work as an assistant to Hermann von Helmholtz, Wundt knew the benchmarks of experimental research, as well as the speculative nature of psychology in the mid-19th century. Wundt's aspiration for scientific research and the necessary methodological critique were clear when he wrote of the language of ordinary people,", "id": "15295050" }, { "contents": "Jerry Andrus\n\n\nAndrus brought many of his optical illusions to the annual Skeptic's Toolbox, held each August on the University of Oregon's campus. Two of the more popular Andrus illusions the \"impossible box\" and \"Oregon vortex plank illusion\" are explained in a 1994 Skeptical Inquirer article. In the months before his death, Andrus continued to invent illusions. His media were common household items: metal springs, rope, wire, cardboard, wood 2 X 4's and steel rods. Many of his illusions are viewable on the Internet", "id": "8710884" }, { "contents": "Multisensory integration\n\n\nand tactile information is applied synchronously, and if the visual appearance and position of the dummy hand is similar to one's own hand, then people may feel that the touches on their own hand are coming from the dummy hand, and even that the dummy hand is, in some way, their own hand. This is an early form of body transfer illusion. The RHI is an illusion of vision, touch, and posture (proprioception), but a similar illusion can also be induced with touch and proprioception. It", "id": "2671999" }, { "contents": "Perceived visual angle\n\n\nIn human visual perception, the visual angle, denoted \"θ\", subtended by a viewed object sometimes looks larger or smaller than its actual value. One approach to this phenomenon posits a subjective correlate to the visual angle: the perceived visual angle or perceived angular size. An optical illusion where the physical and subjective angles differ is then called a visual angle illusion or angular size illusion. Angular size illusions are most obvious as relative angular size illusions, in which two objects that subtend the same visual angle appear to have different", "id": "16125028" }, { "contents": "Cutaneous rabbit illusion\n\n\nin analogy with the physical length contraction described in the theory of relativity. Note that, just as observed in rabbit illusion experiments, the formula shows that \"l*\" underestimates \"l\" to a greater extent when \"t\" is made smaller; as \"t\" becomes large, \"l*\" approaches \"l\" and the illusion disappears. The model's parameter, tau (τ), is a time constant for tactile space perception; the value of tau determines how rapidly the perceived length approaches the", "id": "13555687" }, { "contents": "Illusion\n\n\nan illusion describes a misinterpretation of a true sensation. For example, hearing voices regardless of the environment would be a hallucination, whereas hearing voices in the sound of running water (or another auditory source) would be an illusion. An optical illusion is characterized by visually perceived images that are deceptive or misleading. Therefore, the information gathered by the eye is processed by the brain to give, on the face of it, a percept that does not tally with a physical measurement of the stimulus source. A conventional assumption is", "id": "8741152" }, { "contents": "Zöllner illusion\n\n\nthat the black lines are not parallel. The shorter lines are on an angle to the longer lines, and this angle helps to create the impression that one end of the longer lines is nearer to the viewer than the other end. This is similar to the way the Wundt illusion appears. It may be that the Zöllner illusion is caused by this impression of depth. This illusion is similar to the Hering illusion, the Poggendorff illusion and the Müller-Lyer illusion. All these illusions demonstrate how lines can seem to be", "id": "15536637" }, { "contents": "Leaning tower illusion\n\n\nThe leaning tower illusion is a visual illusion seen in a pair of identical images of the Leaning Tower of Pisa photographed from below. Although the images are duplicates, one has the impression that the tower on the right leans more, as if photographed from a different angle. The illusion was discovered by Frederick Kingdom, Ali Yoonessi and Elena Gheorghiu at McGill University, and won first prize in the Best Illusion of the Year Contest 2007. The authors suggest that the illusion occurs because of the way the visual system takes into account", "id": "18583284" }, { "contents": "Chronostasis\n\n\nThis effect can extend apparent durations by up to 500 ms and is consistent with the idea that the visual system models events prior to perception. A common occurrence of this illusion is known as the stopped-clock illusion, where the second hand of an analog clock appears to stay still for longer than normal when looking at it for the first time. This illusion can also occur in the auditory and tactile domain. For instance, a study suggests that when someone listens to a ringing tone through a telephone, while repetitively switching", "id": "12160097" }, { "contents": "Body transfer illusion\n\n\ndrug's impact on the top-down–bottom-up balance that would normally account for the illusion's characteristic features since ketamine produces an overall increase in tendency to the illusion, whereas this sensitivity to the coherence of visual and tactile input is preserved. A further possibility is that ketamine enhances the salience of the visual input (the sight of a rubber hand in a position compatible with one's own hand) at the expense of information arising from the temporal asynchrony between sensory inputs. This would explain why the presence of", "id": "12284280" }, { "contents": "Cutaneous rabbit illusion\n\n\n), is that the amount of length contraction experienced will depend on the intensity of a tactile stimulus: lighter taps, which are more difficult to localize, should produce larger tau values and therefore more length contraction. Tong et al (2016) confirmed this prediction experimentally. An illusion that appears to be closely related to the rabbit illusion is the tau effect. The tau effect arises when an observer judges the distance between consecutive stimuli in a sequence. If the distance from one stimulus to the next is constant, but the", "id": "13555689" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\noptical illusions in unusual situations. In this sense, the cognitive processes hypothesis can be considered a framework for an understanding of optical illusions as the signature of the empirical statistical way vision has evolved to solve the inverse problem. Research indicates that 3D vision capabilities emerge and are learned jointly with the planning of movements. After a long process of learning, an internal representation of the world emerges that is well-adjusted to the perceived data coming from closer objects. The representation of distant objects near the horizon is less \"adequate\"", "id": "8741547" }, { "contents": "Café wall illusion\n\n\nThe café wall illusion is a geometrical-optical illusion in which the parallel straight dividing lines between staggered rows with alternating black and white \"bricks\" appear to be sloped. It was first described under the name Kindergarten illusion in 1898, and re-discovered in 1973 by Richard Gregory. According to Gregory, this effect was observed by a member of his laboratory, Steve Simpson, in the tiles of the wall of a café at the bottom of St Michael's Hill, Bristol. It is a variant of the shifted", "id": "18629042" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\n). The classical example of a physical illusion is when a stick that is half immersed in water appears bent. This phenomenon has already been discussed by Ptolemy (ca. 150) and was often a prototypical example for an illusion. Physiological illusions, such as the afterimages following bright lights, or adapting stimuli of excessively longer alternating patterns (contingent perceptual aftereffect), are presumed to be the effects on the eyes or brain of excessive stimulation or interaction with contextual or competing stimuli of a specific type—brightness, color,", "id": "8741524" }, { "contents": "Hollow-Face illusion\n\n\nThe Hollow-Face illusion (also known as Hollow-Mask illusion) is an optical illusion in which the perception of a concave mask of a face appears as a normal convex face. While a convex face will appear to look in a single direction, and the gaze of a flat face, such as the Lord Kitchener Wants You poster, can appear to track a moving viewer, a hollow face can appear to move its eyes faster than the viewer: looking forward when the viewer is directly ahead, but looking at", "id": "3774012" }, { "contents": "Ken N. Gidge\n\n\nIllusions\". This innovation is not so much concerned with style elements or subject matter, but rather by combining variables that generate the optical illusion of depth or projection from the surface of the canvas creating an exceptional image. Unlike other forms of three-dimensional art, where the illusion of depth is created by manipulating perspective or the layering of numerous images, Gidge 3D Spectral Illusions are produced solely by the confluence of color, chromatic glasses, and the viewer's interpretation of what they are observing. The critical factor is that", "id": "5490490" }, { "contents": "Moon illusion\n\n\nThe Moon illusion is an optical illusion which causes the Moon to appear larger near the horizon than it does higher up in the sky. It has been known since ancient times and recorded by various cultures. The explanation of this illusion is still debated. The angle that the full Moon subtends at an observer's eye can be measured directly with a theodolite to show that it remains constant as the Moon rises or sinks in the sky. Photographs of the Moon at different elevations also show that its size remains the same. A", "id": "8485860" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\nin the brain where perception is subjective. Recent studies show on the fMRI that there are spontaneous fluctuations in cortical activity while watching this illusion, particularly the parietal lobe because it is involved in perceiving movement. Perceptual constancies are sources of illusions. Color constancy and brightness constancy are responsible for the fact that a familiar object will appear the same color regardless of the amount of light or color of light reflecting from it. An illusion of color difference or luminosity difference can be created when the luminosity or color of the area surrounding an", "id": "8741535" }, { "contents": "Elena Moskaleva\n\n\nand her paintings were featured on exhibitions worldwide, most notably in Davos in the 1990. Elena Moskaleva is one of the rare Russian artists working in the genre of optical illusion. Her paintings have been featured in a number of notable albums dedicated to optical illusions in fine art, along with such artists as Octavio Ocampo (Mexico), Michael Cheval (USA), Oleg Shuplyak (Ukraine) Rafal Olbinski (Poland), Liu Bolin (China), István Orosz (Hungary). Most optical illusions are weaved into classical", "id": "3551873" }, { "contents": "Dr. Spec's Optical Illusion\n\n\nDr. Spec's Optical Illusion was an American garage rock band formed in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1965. The group is best known for their single release, containing the songs \"Tryin' to Mess My Mind\" and \"She's the One,\" which have become cult classics in the garage rock musical genre, and are included on several compilations. Dr. Spec's Optical Illusion was from the Gentilly Woods subdivision of Gentilly, a section in eastern New Orleans, near Lake Ponchatrain adjacent to the Industrial Canal. The", "id": "6934114" }, { "contents": "Illusion Optics\n\n\n, but is only an image and is not the real object. Artificial metamaterials are important to how illusion optic devices are created. The properties of these materials allow it to bend light waves negatively, so as to have negative permittivity and negative permeability. There are two pieces of metamaterials which hold different properties: the complementary medium and the restoring medium. The complementary medium is the illusion media used to scatter wavelengths away from the object that is being refracted. The restoring medium focuses waves and directs scattered waves together. Transformation optics", "id": "8791438" }, { "contents": "Geometrical-optical illusions\n\n\nare based on one of two modes of attack: The first stage in the operations that transfer information from a visual target in front of an observer into its neural representation in the brain and then allow a percept to emerge, is the imaging by the eye and the processing by the neural circuits in the retina. Some components of geometrical-optical illusions can be ascribed to aberrations at that level. Even if this does not fully account for an illusion, the step is helpful because it puts elaborate mental theories in a more", "id": "15557858" }, { "contents": "Peripheral drift illusion\n\n\nal., 2005). Faubert and Herbert (1999) suggested the illusion was based on temporal differences in luminance processing producing a signal that tricks the motion system. Both of the articles from 2005 are broadly consistent with those ideas, although contrast appears to be an important factor (Backus & Oruç, 2005). Rotating snakes is an optical illusion developed by Professor Akiyoshi Kitaoka in 2003. A type of peripheral drift illusion, the \"snakes\" consist of several bands of color which resemble coiled serpents. Although the image", "id": "13103474" }, { "contents": "Jastrow illusion\n\n\nas a three-dimensional world. Another explanation relates to the fact that the mind can only attend to a small field of vision, which is reconstructed by our consciousness. The most commonly used explanation is that the brain is confused by the difference in size between the large and the small radius. The short side makes the long side appear longer, and the long side makes the short side appear even shorter. The Jastrow illusion has been compared with other optical illusions, such as the Fat Face illusion, the Leaning Tower", "id": "14888411" }, { "contents": "Spinning Dancer\n\n\nThe Spinning Dancer, also known as the silhouette illusion, is a kinetic, bistable optical illusion resembling a pirouetting female dancer. The illusion, created in 2003 by web designer Nobuyuki Kayahara, involves the apparent direction of motion of the figure. Some observers initially see the figure as spinning clockwise (viewed from above) and some counterclockwise. Additionally, some may see the figure suddenly spin in the opposite direction. The illusion derives from the lack of visual cues for depth. For instance, as the dancer's arms move from", "id": "18988879" }, { "contents": "Auditory illusion\n\n\nAuditory illusion are false perceptions of a real sound/outside stimulus. These false perceptions are the equivalent of an optical illusion: the listener hears either sounds which are not present in the stimulus, or sounds that should not be possible given the circumstance on how they were created. Sounds that are found in words are called embedded sounds and these sounds are the causation of auditory illusions. These sounds can be recreated simply by changing how you form your mouth while saying the word; same word yet someone could hear two different sounds", "id": "7156197" }, { "contents": "Ewald Hering\n\n\ntriggering each other. He also showed the Traube-Hering reflex, or that inflating the lungs triggers an acceleration of the heart. In 1861, Hering described an optical illusion which now bears his name – the Hering illusion. When two straight and parallel lines are presented in front of radial background (similar to the spokes of a bicycle), the lines appear as if they were bowed outwards. The Orbison illusion is one of its variants, while the Wundt illusion produces a similar, but inverted effect. Hering first suggested", "id": "8677381" }, { "contents": "Optical illusion\n\n\n/false perspective also exploits assumptions based on monocular cues of depth perception. The M.C. Escher painting \"Waterfall\" exploits rules of depth and proximity and our understanding of the physical world to create an illusion. Like depth perception, motion perception is responsible for a number of sensory illusions. Film animation is based on the illusion that the brain perceives a series of slightly varied images produced in rapid succession as a moving picture. Likewise, when we are moving, as we would be while riding in a vehicle, stable surrounding objects", "id": "8741533" }, { "contents": "Illusion (ZE:A EP)\n\n\nIllusion is the first Korean EP released by K-POP group . The album was released on August 9, 2013. On August 5, 2013 Star Empire Entertainment released an audio teaser for Illusion's title track \"The Ghost Of Wind\". Later, on August 9, a video teaser of the music video was released. The song \"Step By Step\" was released as a pre-release single. The comeback with the EP Illusion marked the return of ZE:A's leader, Moon Junyoung, after being", "id": "15655282" }, { "contents": "Illusion knitting\n\n\ncontrast of alternating light and dark stripes is also visually interesting. Extensions of the method include using more than two colors or using other stitches; e.g., lace knitting or cable knitting. For an illusion artwork to be effective it has to be able to be seen from a variety of angles. Generally, illusions that are designed to be viewed from the side are best. If the illusion hangs on the wall you can move around it and see the image appear and disappear. The illusion can be viewed equally well from the", "id": "5669926" } ]
How can there be a lowest possible temperature(-273K)? Why can't we go lower?
[{"answer": "by -273K you are probably referring to -273 C, which is 0 K. Kelvin is an absolute scale, there is no negative (in the sense of being colder than 0). 0 Kelvin is the absence of heat. (Note, I'm doing some handwaving here, there actually systems that can have a negative kelvin temperature, but these are actually *hotter* than any system with a positive temperature. They are not negative in the sense of being 'colder'.) Part of the confusion of why we can't 'go lower' probably arises from Celsius and Farenheit, which are not absolute scales. Their zero point is arbitrary, and doesn't correspond to some 'minimum.' Hence, going below zero is not a problem for them. The thing to realize however, is that even negative x Farenheit or Negative Y Celsius still has heat present. It's only negative in the sense that *it is below where we decided to put the zero.* The same is not true in Kelvins. 0 is when all of the heat is gone. You can't remove more heat than all of the heat."}, {"answer": "Temperature is basically a measurement of the amount of motion in a substance. The amount it's bouncing around, vibrating, etc. Absolute zero is, more or less, when you can't reduce the amount of movement a substance is undergoing any more. There isn't really an \"absolute hot\" because physics puts no constraints on how much energy you can put into a system (other than general relativity saying that if you put enough in, it will eventually collapse into a black hole)."}, {"answer": "Temperature is (basically) caused by the movement of molecules. Absolute zero is the lowest temperature because at that temperature all movement of molecules stops. It is relatively easy for scientists to reach temperatures slightly higher than absolute zero. \"Absolute hot\" is only theoretical, but many scientists believe that at a certain temperature the molecules would have so much energy that they wouldn't be stable anymore. That temperature is thought to be 1.417\u00d710^32 K. That's: * 141,700,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Kelvin * 255,059,999,999,999,980,000,000,000,000,000 Fahrenheit Also, there is no -273K. There is 0K which is equal to -273C."}, {"answer": "Heat is a characteristic of an object. Cold is just the absence of heat. Temperature measures heat. In that sense, it's no different than a tangible object. You can have zero apples. Or you can convert the whole universe into apples. but you can't actually have negative apples. The minimum number of apples you can have is 0. Same with temperature. There's a lower theoretical bound (0 Kelvin/ -273 Celsius) and no upper bound, save for the limits of tech/resources."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "40283", "title": "Melting point", "section": "Section::::Melting point measurements.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 8, "end_paragraph_id": 8, "meta": {"evidence_span": [". A Kofler bench is a metal strip with a temperature gradient (range from room temperature to 300\u00a0\u00b0C). Any substance can be placed on a section of the strip, revealing its thermal behaviour at the temperature at that point. Differential scanning calorimetry gives information on melting point together with its enthalpy of fusion.", ", helium does not freeze at all at normal pressure even at temperatures arbitrarily close to absolute zero; a pressure of more than twenty times normal atmospheric pressure is necessary. Many laboratory techniques exist for the determination of melting points. A Kofler bench is a metal strip with a temperature gradient (range from room temperature to 300\u00a0\u00b0C). Any substance can be placed on a section of the strip, revealing its thermal behaviour at the temperature at that point. Differential scanning calorimetry gives information on melting point together with its enthalpy of fusion."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1418", "title": "Absolute zero", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 724, "bleu_score": 0.8809209364394754}]}]
[ { "contents": "If Japan Can... Why Can't We?\n\n\nexecutive, William E. Conway. Bill Conway: And of course our major supplier of copier machines was a Japanese company. And so we saw the advantages of how many things the Japanese companies were doing. And we heard about Dr Deming. And so we got under way with our quality program with Dr Deming. Dr Deming: They realized that the gains that you get by statistical methods are gains that you get without new machinery, without new people. Anybody can produce quality if he lowers his production rate. That is", "id": "19603389" }, { "contents": "If Japan Can... Why Can't We?\n\n\nIf Japan can ... Why can't we? was an American television episode broadcast by NBC News as part of the television show \"NBC White Paper\" on June 24, 1980, credited with beginning the Quality Revolution and introducing the methods of W. Edwards Deming to American managers that was produced by Clare Crawford-Mason and reported on by Lloyd Dobyns. The report details how the Japanese captured the world automotive and electronics markets by following Deming's advice to practice continual improvement and think of manufacturing as a system, not as bits", "id": "19603386" }, { "contents": "New Covenant (politics)\n\n\nthem; and to give something back to their communities and their country in return. Opportunity and responsibility: They go hand in hand. We can't have one without the other. And our national community can't hold together without both. Our New Covenant is a new set of understandings for how we can equip our people to meet the challenges of a new economy, how we can change the way our government works to fit a different time, and, above all, how we can repair the damaged bonds in our", "id": "11892372" }, { "contents": "Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing\n\n\nof footage from the game interspersed with scenes showing him staring in disbelief, crying, beating his head on a desk and finally exiting the building and lying down in the middle of an alley in disgust. In the Halloween video \"Frightfully Bad Games\", Navarro stated \"This game received the lowest score in the history of GameSpot, a 1.0 (Abysmal). And by lowest, I mean it can't go any lower. We don't hand out zeros, but maybe we should have for \"Big Rigs:", "id": "17277764" }, { "contents": "Novosibirsk\n\n\nall winter days, but individual snowfalls are usually light. On average temperatures range in summer from to and in winter from to . However, winter temperatures can go as low as to , and summer temperatures can go as high as to . The difference between the highest- and lowest-recorded temperatures is . Travellers coming from countries with mild climates may find Novosibirsk's winter tough, but it may not be extraordinary for those from northern countries. At times, bitter cold may hold for some days, but temperatures of and lower", "id": "16324355" }, { "contents": "To the Lost\n\n\nwas developing. Searching back in my memory of how even Gillian developed, I knew I wanted his mother to be a showgirl, so if she's a showgirl, she can't be 50 years old, she's gotta be younger. So she's a young woman, so she had him as a kid. Why don't we push that as far as we can go, she had him when she was 13 years old. And if she was a child herself, they would have a very odd relationship", "id": "13844540" }, { "contents": "Thermodynamic temperature\n\n\nphysical phenomena. Loosely stated, temperature differences dictate the direction of heat between two systems such that their combined energy is maximally distributed among their lowest possible states. We call this distribution \"entropy\". To better understand the relationship between temperature and entropy, consider the relationship between heat, work and temperature illustrated in the Carnot heat engine. The engine converts heat into work by directing a temperature gradient between a higher temperature heat source, \"T\", and a lower temperature heat sink, \"T\", through a gas", "id": "19275670" }, { "contents": "Implicit stereotype\n\n\nbehavior may manifest itself as a person declining an invitation to touch someone's pitbull (dog) on the street out of fear, but this person can't exactly understand why they are afraid and where their fear traces back to. Implicit bias can persist even when an individual rejects the bias explicitly. Our feelings and experiences can dictate how we look at the world. These can also become beneficial to us in the future because if we know what to avoid and how that made us feel, we can run or fight if", "id": "13154842" }, { "contents": "Carnot cycle\n\n\nT\" in Equation () by 〈\"T\"〉 and 〈\"T\"〉 respectively. For the Carnot cycle, or its equivalent, the average value 〈\"T\"〉 will equal the highest temperature available, namely \"T\", and 〈\"T\"〉 the lowest, namely \"T\". For other less efficient cycles, 〈\"T\"〉 will be lower than \"T\", and 〈\"T\"〉 will be higher than \"T\". This can help illustrate, for example, why a reheater or a regenerator can improve the thermal efficiency of steam power plants—and why the thermal", "id": "17132774" }, { "contents": "If Japan Can... Why Can't We?\n\n\nnot what I am talking about. Statistical thinking and statistical methods are to Japanese production workers, foremen, and all the way through the company, a second language. In statistical control you have a reproducible product hour after hour, day after day. And see how comforting that is to management: they now know what they can produce, they know what their costs are going to be. Bill Conway: Many of these programs on statistics have died in American companies because they didn't get the top management support. Now", "id": "19603390" }, { "contents": "Museum of Government Waste\n\n\n. Knapp hired a lobbyist and set out to obtain government funding for his project, which was to construct a museum of government waste. The idea for the project came from filmmakers Ellen and Jim Hubbard asking themselves \"why can't Congress get a handle on wasteful spending?,\" \"how could we become a part of the process to see how and why Congress makes spending decisions?,\" and “what’s the ultimate ridiculous earmark that we can come up with?’” Knapp spoke privately with people from members", "id": "16220772" }, { "contents": "Chronology of discoveries of water on Mars\n\n\nsample temperature reached 0 °C. Liquid water cannot exist on the surface of Mars with its present low atmospheric pressure, except at the lowest elevations for short periods. Results published in the journal Science after the mission ended reported that chloride, bicarbonate, magnesium, sodium potassium, calcium, and possibly sulfate were detected in the samples. Perchlorate (ClO), a strong oxidizer, was confirmed to be in the soil. The chemical when mixed with water can greatly lower freezing points, in a manner similar to how", "id": "11337180" }, { "contents": "Natural stress\n\n\nfrom the cropland that we have left. Genetically modified plants are a good answer to the problem of not enough crops to go around. These plants can be engineered to be resistant to all types of abiotic stress. This would eliminate crop yield loss due to extreme temperatures, drought, wind, or salinity. The consumers of crops would enjoy a little bit lower prices because the demand on them would be a little lower. The Midwestern U.S. is experiencing a severe drought. Farmers are being limited on how much they can irrigate", "id": "19054973" }, { "contents": "Paul Johnson (American football coach)\n\n\ncan't we run it against Boston College at Georgia Tech? If we can beat Pitt with this system at Navy, why can't we beat Pitt at Georgia Tech? Are we going to get worse players at Georgia Tech?\" On December 7, 2007, Johnson accepted the head coaching job at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Johnson, who came to Georgia Tech in December after a six-year tenure at Navy, inherited a young roster with reduced numbers because of an NCAA probation. Only 76 players were on", "id": "4217752" }, { "contents": "2016 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 400\n\n\ngoing to come out. Granted, you can expect one a lot of the time, but you can't control when it's going to happen, and you certainly can't control how many guys are going to stay out on tires and try to make something happen at the end of a race. That's just a part of life, part of racing.\" He added that he was \"proud of that (speed his car showed); we are proud of the run we had today,” he said", "id": "13704512" }, { "contents": "Black-body radiation\n\n\nsurface area involved in generating the radiance is increased by a factor formula_4 with respect to an area normal to the propagation direction. At oblique angles, the solid angle spans involved do get smaller, resulting in lower aggregate intensities. Wien's displacement law shows how the spectrum of black-body radiation at any temperature is related to the spectrum at any other temperature. If we know the shape of the spectrum at one temperature, we can calculate the shape at any other temperature. Spectral intensity can be expressed as a function of", "id": "18208969" }, { "contents": "Lovers in Paris\n\n\nmainstream pop culture (sparking trends and parodies), notably when Soo-hyuk put Tae-young's hand over his heart and said, \"You are in here\"; and Ki-joo's two lines \"Let's go, baby\"; and \"Why can't you say it? Why can't you say that this is my man, that this is the man I love?\" In the table below, the blue numbers represent the lowest ratings and the red numbers represent the highest ratings. Source", "id": "194540" }, { "contents": "Baldrick\n\n\nMelchett on a reviewing stand. Baldrick appears as part of the regimental band, splendid in scarlet and blue full dress, but not only walking out of line but also playing that most unmartial of instruments: a triangle. Despite his stupidity, Baldrick delivers a profound speech while in preparation for the \"final push\", tension is high, and Baldrick demands, \"Why can't we just stop sir? Why can't we just say 'no more killing, let's all go home'? Why would it be", "id": "21745500" }, { "contents": "Willow Rosenberg\n\n\nFollowing protests angry about the death of Tara, Whedon and the writing team made a decision to keep Willow gay. In 2002, he told \"The Advocate\" about the possibility of Willow having a relationship with a man, \"We do that now, and we will be burned alive. And possibly justifiably. We can't have Willow say, 'Oh, cured now, I can go back to cock!' Willow is not going to be straddling that particular fence. She will just be gay.\" Kennedy", "id": "17000644" }, { "contents": "Mark Pollock\n\n\na consecutive forty-three days. Temperatures dropped as low as −50C during the expedition, with the team suffering from blisters, hunger and extreme exhaustion. O'Donnell endured severe frostbite on one ear and fingers and Solheim lost a filling from his tooth due to the extreme temperatures. Pollock told the \"Irish Independent\" that they \"just can't believe\" they had arrived and that they \"only started to believe it was possible when we were one hour away, which was an amazing feeling\". He described how they did", "id": "11109982" }, { "contents": "Halftime in America\n\n\nthat matters now is what's ahead. How do we come from behind? How do we come together? And, how do we win? Detroit's showing us it can be done. And, what's true about them is true about all of us. This country can't be knocked out with one punch. We get right back up again and when we do the world is going to hear the roar of our engines. Yeah, it's halftime America. And, our second half is about to begin", "id": "1901121" }, { "contents": "Little River Band\n\n\n. When asked if the original band would ever reunite he said; \"\"\"I don't think that's going to happen. We can't do it without the name, that's the problem. We played some shows as Birtles, Shorrock, Goble and had some success with that. Once that folded we all realised it wasn't going to go any further than that. It's unfortunate how we lost the name and everything, but if its ruled in the court that way all you can do is walk", "id": "19283869" }, { "contents": "Margaret Atwood\n\n\ncollectively come to be known as the MaddAddam Trilogy. The apocalyptic vision in the MaddAddam Trilogy engages themes of genetic modification, pharmaceutical and corporate control, and man-made disaster. As a work of speculative fiction, Atwood notes of the technology in \"Oryx and Crake\", \"I think, for the first time in human history, we see where we might go. We can see far enough into the future to know that we can't go on the way we've been going forever without inventing, possibly,", "id": "14853451" }, { "contents": "Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals\n\n\n. Kant then asks why we have to follow the principle of morality. Although we all may feel the force of our consciences, Kant, examining phenomena with a philosophical eye, is forced to “admit that no interest impels me to do so”. He says that we clearly do “regard ourselves as free in acting and so to hold ourselves yet subject to certain laws” but wonders how this is possible. He then explains just how it is possible, by appealing to the two perspectives that we can consider ourselves", "id": "8905157" }, { "contents": "Bill Lee (yacht designer)\n\n\nThe following year, Lee crewed for Art Biehi in Lee's first Transpacific Yacht Race where he was exposed to the conditions of the race and the expectations for victory. Lee is quoted reflecting to Biehi on how to win, \"I told him that to win the Transpac (under the old conditions) you needed the smallest possible boat, the lowest possible rating, and the lightest possible boat, for little boats can surf when the bigger boats can't.\" With this insight, Biehi hired Lee to build his next", "id": "18472559" }, { "contents": "Motor oil\n\n\nviscosity must be high enough to maintain a lubricating film, but low enough that the oil can flow around the engine parts under all conditions. The viscosity index is a measure of how much the oil's viscosity changes as temperature changes. A higher viscosity index indicates the viscosity changes less with temperature than a lower viscosity index. Motor oil must be able to flow adequately at the lowest temperature it is expected to experience in order to minimize metal to metal contact between moving parts upon starting up the engine. The \"pour point", "id": "2963919" }, { "contents": "Foreign policy of Donald Trump (2015–16)\n\n\nTrump said he \"got to know [Vladimir Putin] very well because we were both on '60 Minutes', we were stable mates, we did well that night.\" Trump said he approved of the Russian military intervention in Syria, stating: \"If Putin wants to knock the hell out of ISIS, I'm all for it 100 percent and I can't understand how anybody would be against that  ... He's going in and we can go in and everybody should go in.\" During his speech at", "id": "21396914" }, { "contents": "Men Don't Tell\n\n\nhe tried to give, it was never enough for Laura and he can't do it anymore. Laura then asks Ed what he's going to tell people about why they're splitting; after a long pause, Ed responds \"the truth\" and walks away. Upon release, Ray Loynd of \"The Los Angeles Times\" wrote \"The most sobering point about \"Men Don't Tell\" is that we go into the story conditioned to make jokes about wives hurling rolling pins at their husbands and then starkly witness how", "id": "4382044" }, { "contents": "Eligibility for the NBA draft\n\n\nbe 19 to play a game of basketball when you can be 18 and go to war for our country and die. It's ridiculous.\" Jerryd Bayless said \"It's not fair at all. If a tennis player can go pro at 13, I don't understand why a basketball player can't go pro at 18.\" A possible number one pick out of high school, had the rule not been put in place, was Greg Oden (though he was still picked first in 2007). When asked", "id": "5821675" }, { "contents": "Brief Answers to the Big Questions\n\n\nan afterword by Lucy Hawking, the author's daughter. A portion of the royalties from the book are to go to the Motor Neurone Disease Association and the Stephen Hawking Foundation. The book is divided into four sections: \"Why Are We Here? Will We Survive? Will Technology Save Us or Destroy Us? How Can We Thrive?\". The ten big questions that are considered include: Is there a God? How did it all begin? What is inside a black hole? Can we predict the future?", "id": "10283812" }, { "contents": "Australia–Indonesia relations\n\n\nWhy can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends?\" [this is] the exact sort of opinions we need\". Under Keating’s government, the first Indonesia-Australia Ministerial Forum was held in 1994, and brought together ministers for foreign affairs, trade, immigration and the environment. Meetings were subsequently held every two years. In December 1995, Australia and Indonesia signed a security agreement, committing both parties to consultation on", "id": "19195704" }, { "contents": "Blue Button\n\n\nGroup meeting, described trying to balance the benefits of data standards with getting a solution to patients quickly. He assessed that it was only when the group decided to break the problem down into the simplest possible solutions that they were able to progress. A central theme emerged from the dialogue: give patients their data. HHS CTO and U.S. CTO Todd Park summarized the decision as: \"Look, there's all this complicated stuff happening with health information. But why can't we just do this: why can't we just", "id": "5669463" }, { "contents": "Let Toys Be Toys\n\n\nthe lowest proportion in Europe of women who are professional engineers. […] Toys are so important and formative, and for me this is about the jobs of the future, about what happens in 10 or 15 years' time. We can't go on with a segregated society.\" In October 2014, Jess Day, a Let Toys be Toys campaigner told UK newspaper the \"Daily Mirror\": \"It's easy to dismiss toys as trivial, but this is one way we can help our children feel confident", "id": "11229127" }, { "contents": "Health and appearance of Michael Jackson\n\n\n\"Maybe I look at the world through rose colored glasses but I love people all over the world. That is why stories of racism really disturb me. [...] Because in truth I believe ALL men are created equal, I was taught that and will always believe it. I just can't conceive of how a person could hate another because of skin color. I love every race on the planet earth. Prejudice is the child of ignorance. Naked we come into the world and naked we shall go out.", "id": "11202459" }, { "contents": "Birth (Once Upon a Time)\n\n\nbetter solution, but she says that he can't help them anymore. Hook asks what happened to Merlin, and he asks her again why she's really doing this. Mary asks David and Regina how Emma can use Zelena to end dark magic, but they can't figure it out. Regina says no one hurts her sister except for her and tells them she's going to show Emma what dark magic is really like. Mary Margaret and David argue with Regina over going to war with Emma. Regina says Emma gave", "id": "22095261" }, { "contents": "David Lewis (philosopher)\n\n\nare equally concrete, and the world in which we find ourselves is no more real than any other possible world.) This theory has faced a number of criticisms. In particular, it is not clear how we could know what goes on in other worlds. After all, they are causally disconnected from ours; we can't look into them to see what is going on there. A related objection is that, while people are concerned with what they could have done, they are not concerned with what some people in", "id": "13641571" }, { "contents": "Consciousness and the Brain\n\n\nlikely to provoke discussion for years to come.\" Kalat explains how Dehaene believes that consciousness is important for performing certain calculations that can't be done unconsciously. However, Kalat suggests that this leaves us with a puzzle: \"Unless we assume that computers are conscious, the question remains why we are conscious when we perform certain functions, whereas computers can perform virtually the same functions without consciousness.\" Kalat also finds inadequate Dehaene's dismissal of the hard problem of consciousness \"in barely over a page of text\" without further", "id": "12151388" }, { "contents": "Sidney Kirkman\n\n\n, the ammunition would last no longer than ten days. He explained his views to Montgomery, who told Kirkman that the battle would last another week. Nearly forty years later, Kirkman recalled the event with Nigel Hamilton. \"I said to him, 'I've been going into the ammunition situation and it's very difficult to find how much ammunition there is in the Middle East. But as far as I can find out we can go with this battle for ten days at the present rate − but we can't", "id": "18096689" }, { "contents": "Droplet vaporization\n\n\ndroplet is uniform but varies with time. It is possible to go one step further and find the conditions for which we can neglect the temporal variation of the droplet temperature. The liquid temperature varies in time until the wet-bulb temperature is reached. If the wet-bulb temperature is reached in a time of the same order of magnitude than the droplet heating time then the liquid temperature can be considered to be constant with regards to time. Model (1), the d2-law, is obtained. The infinite liquid conductivity", "id": "15069720" }, { "contents": "Scream Queens (2015 TV series)\n\n\n, why they were attacked, and if it's possible that we are eliminating anyone as a suspect by doing this. The answer always has to be no, because we know how fans are. They make big charts about who the killer is, and then someone figures it out. I think there's great fun in the whodunnit, but it's also, somebody's going to figure it out. By the end of episode one, somebody's going to figure it out, because that's what people do.", "id": "19200270" }, { "contents": "Why Can't We Live Together (album)\n\n\nWhy Can't We Live Together is the debut album by Timmy Thomas released in 1972. It was historically the first record to fully replace drummers with a drum machine. The album reached number ten in 1973 on the US R&B albums chart on the strength of the million-seller single, \"Why Can't We Live Together\". All songs written by Timmy Thomas except where indicated On AllMusic, Andrew Hamilton quoted \"This album was originally released on Glades Records following Thomas' million-selling \"Why Can't We Live", "id": "19531493" }, { "contents": "Johan Cruyff\n\n\nmust have had something that we don't, even though we always think that we're a lot more advanced than they were. Take Rembrandt and van Gogh: who can match them today? When I think that way, I'm increasingly convinced that everything is actually possible. If they managed to do the impossible nearly five thousand years ago, why can't we do it today? That applies equally to football, but also to something like the Cruyff Courts and school sports grounds. My fourteen rules are set out for", "id": "12011800" }, { "contents": "Trapped in the Closet (South Park)\n\n\noriginally planning to do an episode of \"\" based on Scientology, but Showtime prohibited him from doing so to avoid the possibility of legal action from the Church of Scientology. Parker commented, \"We're going, That's fucked up. And hearing other people say, 'You can't do that' – you can only say 'You can't do that' so many times to Matt and me before we're gonna do it. Finally, we just had to tell Isaac, 'Dude, we totally", "id": "5094568" }, { "contents": "Imperfect Circles\n\n\nBaer said with \"TV Guide\" regarding questions of the \"mini-dome,\" specifically about its powers that \"[the] question is completely addressed in the last episode of the season. It's so much a part of the next six episodes. We will be speaking to what the dome can and can't do, why it's doing it and for what reasons. The visions are really going to be profound.\" Ratings for the episode were expected to go down as Time Warner Cable had stopped broadcasting", "id": "17205949" }, { "contents": "A Brony Tale\n\n\nThey're compared to the jazz crowd of the 1920s and to the Beatniks and, most assuredly, to the hippies . . . Hodge comes closer to making those of us who can't possibly get it at least start to comprehend what is really going on here and why. If we all joined them in not necessarily watching and playing with and dressing up as My Little Pony but at least in following its message and influence, then the planet would be a much better place.\" John Lucas of \"\" said", "id": "7380828" }, { "contents": "Chiribiquete National Park\n\n\nde Chiribiquete mountains. Rainfall is lowest between December and February, and highest between April and July. The annual average temperature is with strong fluctuations between day and night. During the dry months, temperatures can rise to during the day, and fall to at night. The temperature difference between the lower and higher altitudes of the park is also very high. Temperatures can reach in the lower altitudes and drop to in the higher altitudes. The average humidity is 40% at daytime and rises to 100% at nighttime. Chiribiquete", "id": "6488749" }, { "contents": "Previously Unaired Christmas\n\n\n. This is why we love her, and why we can't quit \"Glee\" no matter how infuriating the other parts are.\" Esther Gim of \"BuddyTV\" also gave the episode a mixed review, but was more negative in her analysis, saying \"Despite it being fitting for the holiday season, the story that this episode had been locked away for the past year is weak. Why couldn't they just film an episode for this Christmas? Oh yeah, because it's still the last school year.", "id": "12362592" }, { "contents": "Thank You for Smoking\n\n\nchoice. I think cigarettes are a wonderful location for that discussion because cigarettes are something we know all the answers to\", he posits. \"I wanted to look into this idea of why we feel the need to tell each other how to live and why we can't take personal responsibility for our own actions when we fall ill from things that we know are dangerous.\" Stephanie Zacharek of Salon agrees with Reitman; \"Despite its title, the movie doesn't come packaged with a strong anti-smoking message,", "id": "1709200" }, { "contents": "Jackie Mason\n\n\n\"We are brain-dead if we accept the idea that we have to guess which Arab is our next killer. We are not obligated to victimize ourselves by letting the Arabs play Russian roulette with Jewish lives. Israelis are constantly asked the same obnoxious question: 'How can you throw the Arabs out? where would they go?' The answer is, if they don't care whom they kill, why are we obligated to care where they go?\" On August 14, 1991, Mason married his 37-year-", "id": "10840375" }, { "contents": "Brine\n\n\nthe addition of salt to water lowers the freezing temperature of the solution and the heat transport efficiency can be greatly enhanced for the comparatively low cost of the material. The lowest freezing point obtainable for NaCl brine is at the concentration of 23.3% NaCl by weight. This is called the eutectic point. Sodium chloride brine spray is used on some fishing vessels to freeze fish. The brine temperature is generally . Air blast freezing temperatures are or lower. Given the higher temperature of brine, the system efficiency over air blast freezing can", "id": "20647352" }, { "contents": "Pour point depressant\n\n\nPour point depressants are used to allow the use of petroleum based mineral oils at lower temperatures. The lowest temperature at which a fuel or oil will pour is called a pour point. Wax crystals, which form at lower temperatures, may interfere with lubrication of mechanical equipment. High-quality pour point depressants can lower a pour point of an oil additive by as much as 40°C. Pour point depressants do not lower the temperature at which wax crystals begin to form, called the cloud point, or the amount of", "id": "14335004" }, { "contents": "Holly Merrill Raschein\n\n\nWhitney supported the expansion of Medicaid under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act while Raschein opposed it, noting, \"I am all for health care. But I don't know how the states are going to be able to pay for the expansion of Medicaid. The devil is in the details. How are we going to pay for that? We don't want to cut education anymore, social services can't be cut anymore. I am concerned about how we are going to fund it.\" Despite the competitive nature", "id": "22003136" }, { "contents": "Wet-bulb temperature\n\n\n. A wet-bulb thermometer indicates a temperature close to the true (thermodynamic) wet-bulb temperature. The wet-bulb temperature is the lowest temperature that can be reached under current ambient conditions by the evaporation of water only. Consider a thermometer wrapped in a water-moistened cloth. The drier, less humid the air, the faster the water will evaporate. The faster water evaporates, the lower the thermometer's temperature will be relative to air temperature. But water can only evaporate if the air around it can", "id": "5921089" }, { "contents": "Joseph Margolis\n\n\nno conceptual privilege involved in making statements, nor in the justifications proferred for the statements made. Still, Margolis emphasizes that justifications cannot be dispensed with, as any statement implies a whole set of beliefs about the way the world is and about how we know that. We must legitimize our statements as best we can, else we should never know why we should choose some over others, nor should we know how to proceed to make other statements building upon, but going beyond, our original exemplars. The key to", "id": "9092029" }, { "contents": "Lou Zaeske\n\n\ncosts of bilingual programs and that Attorney General Jim Mattox rule on the constitutionality of such measures. Zaeske's coalition proposed that foreign instructors in Texas public colleges. many of whom teach basic courses at universities, be required to pass an English proficiency test. Zaeske also spoke against a Texas law that permits lower tuition for students from Mexico who attend Texas public colleges: \"We really can't understand why the citizens of this state should be required to underwrite foreigners going to school here when many of the children of citizens of this", "id": "12107492" }, { "contents": "Mandy Salter\n\n\nproblem in \"EastEnders\" more people will be willing to help [...] It is important that people realise that anyone can end up homeless. If you lose your flat or your job, you can end up in a downward spiral that will dump you on the streets. We can't shut our minds to this situation, because it could happen to any of us. I know how fortunate I am, and therefore I know that I am in a position to help, which is why I have got involved with", "id": "376929" }, { "contents": "Romeo Void\n\n\nof romance\" and came to mind after they saw a local magazine with the headline \"Why single women can't get laid in San Francisco.\" The band practiced in Iyall's flat in Mission District. It was decided that the group would embrace punk ideals despite the possibility that they become associated with the new wave movement. \"Even though I was going to the [Mabuhay Gardens] so much, I also had criticisms: Everyone was leaning against the wall wearing black,\" Iyall said. \"I guess we", "id": "4117119" }, { "contents": "Rayleigh–Ritz method\n\n\n, if we choose a random set of formula_12, it will describe a superposition of the actual eigenmodes of the system. However, if we seek formula_12 such that the eigenfrequency formula_53 is minimised, then the mode described by this set of formula_12 will be close to the lowest possible actual eigenmode of the system. Thus, this finds the lowest eigenfrequency. If we find eigenmodes orthogonal to this approximated lowest eigenmode, we can approximately find the next few eigenfrequencies as well. In general, we can express formula_45 and formula_46 as a", "id": "7886591" }, { "contents": "Graham Court\n\n\nof protesters carrying signs that asked, \"If we can pay, why can't we play?\" and, \"If we can stop bullets, why not balls?\" By the 1960s, the building had begun a precipitous decline. Then, Graham Court fell into city hands in 1978, when its owner failed to pay taxes. In 1979, Mohammed Siddiqui, a pharmacist, bought the building for $55,000 and a promise to pay $150,000 in back taxes. The sellers were Bankers Trust and the Astor Trust", "id": "4979398" }, { "contents": "Victorville, California\n\n\ntemperatures dropping to or below freezing on average. While the high temperatures average around a mild , there are periods in which the high temperature fails to reach or even . Low temperatures can dip below on occasion, with very cold temperatures possible; the record lowest temperature was . Snowfall and other wintry precipitation is also possible, although any snowfall tends to be very light and melt quickly; significant snowstorms as seen in the San Bernardino Mountains and San Gabriel Mountains are very rare. Black ice is also possible during the winter season.", "id": "17259851" }, { "contents": "Charles Pitt\n\n\nmy childish mind when we lived in Quebec and travelled to New York; the places seemed very remote from civilisation. We could only wonder how and why the British army ever penetrated such vasts forest and why they could not let the French enjoy their possessions and they (the British) stay at home. However considering the conditions, the Indians who carried the savage warfare, the trackless forests, the big lakes, the mountains, the possibilities of death from starvation, or worse as a captive to Indians, one can easily", "id": "7533028" }, { "contents": "Subjunctive possibility\n\n\npossibility, metaphysical possibility, nomological possibility, and temporal possibility. Subjunctive possibility is contrasted with (among other things) epistemic possibility (which deals with how the world \"may\" be, \"for all we know\") and deontic possibility (which deals with how the world \"ought\" to be). The contrast with epistemic possibility is especially important to draw, since in ordinary language the same phrases (\"it's possible,\" \"it can't be\", \"it must be\") are often", "id": "14804312" }, { "contents": "Kevin E. Trenberth\n\n\nbut for the period from 2004 to 2008 it was not then possible to explain the relatively cool temperatures of 2008. In the Climatic Research Unit email controversy, an unlawfully disclosed email from Trenberth about this paper was widely misrepresented; he wrote, \"The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't.\" Trenberth has stated: \"It is amazing to see this particular quote lambasted so often. It stems from a paper I published this year", "id": "10955315" }, { "contents": "Tatyana Firova\n\n\nOlympics resulted in a doping violation by Firova. She was disqualified from the competition, and she and her teammates were stripped of their 4 × 400 m relay silver medals. She has explained that using banned substances was necessary for achieving good results: “A normal person can take banned substances if they want to. So why can't athletes take them as well? How else can we achieve high results?” In February 2019, the Court of Arbitration for Sport handed her a four-year ban for doping, starting", "id": "3248913" }, { "contents": "2016 Tennessee Volunteers football team\n\n\nmindset right now. We're focused on Appalachian State.\" Hobbs responded to the hype around Tennessee as being \"outside. Noise, really. You can't really control hype. You can't really control what other people say. What you can control is how you approach each day, how you focus on the details, how are you getting better as a player and how is the team getting better every single day you step on the field? We're focused on that — what we can control because we ca", "id": "4630323" }, { "contents": "Auguste Comte\n\n\nconcrete phenomena.” Instead of taking what we believe to be true we turn it around to use the phenomena of science and the observation of natural law to justify what we believe to be true within society. The condensing and formulation of human knowledge is what Comte drives us toward to ultimately build the strongest society possible. If scientists do not take the chance to research why a certain animal species is going distinct and their facts researched by those in the past is no longer true of the present, how is the data supposed", "id": "8291684" }, { "contents": "The Gift (Susan Boyle album)\n\n\nrecording by getting a band together and rehearsing songs before we go into the studio to see what works, how she reacts with certain parts, and so we can change the arrangements that way. I think that’s going to work much better... With Susan it's very important she connects with the public and the public connect with her. She doesn’t want to sing anything that hasn’t happened to her or she can't relate to.\" Boyle included some Jazz numbers now she's \"a bit more content\"", "id": "1767243" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Pisani\n\n\na high likelihood you're going to get infected. That's all. It's cause and effect. And I think if we can prevent a fatal disease, we should. I don't get how it's OK to keep someone alive once they're sick - but not OK to stop them getting sick. I just don't get that.\" In an article for \"The Guardian\" the following year, she asked \"[w]hy can't we extend our compassion to those who are not yet infected, and", "id": "14185025" }, { "contents": "Leah Remini\n\n\nyou are when you're in something like this. You can't pretend to be something you're not. You have to know your brand. You can't be all things to everyone.\" Osbourne replied to criticism about the refusal to inform Remini and Peete why they were let go, rhetorically stating, \"Why should we call them to discuss?\" In March 2012, a heavily publicized Twitter dispute ignited between Remini and Osbourne when Remini fired back at Osbourne for her comments on \"The Howard Stern Show\".", "id": "12512573" }, { "contents": "Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception\n\n\nDog is going over 50GB this time, for \"Uncharted 3\". But in the end we'll be under 50. We'll be one disc.\" Meyer also spoke of what it is like to work with the PlayStation platform stating \"I think it really helps. It's not even about sales. It's about what we can push on the platform and how far we can take it. I'm sure you'll hear this from every other Sony developer but you know, I can't tell you", "id": "14165062" }, { "contents": "Partial pressure\n\n\ngiven temperature, the lower the normal boiling point of the liquid. The vapor pressure chart displayed has graphs of the vapor pressures versus temperatures for a variety of liquids. As can be seen in the chart, the liquids with the highest vapor pressures have the lowest normal boiling points. For example, at any given temperature, methyl chloride has the highest vapor pressure of any of the liquids in the chart. It also has the lowest normal boiling point (-24.2 °C), which is where the vapor pressure curve of", "id": "74024" }, { "contents": "Why Can't We Be Friends? (song)\n\n\n\"Why Can't We Be Friends?\" is a song by the funk band War for their 1975 studio album of the same name. The song has a simple structure, with the phrase \"Why can't we be friends?\" being sung four times after each two-line verse amounting to over forty times in under four minutes. The song reached #6 on the Billboard Hot 100 in the summer of 1975. The song is unique as various members of the band exchange vocal duties from verse to verse.", "id": "4218890" }, { "contents": "Linas Antanas Linkevičius\n\n\nRussia were discussed in Brussels, in January 2015, he strongly objected. \"I do not think we should think how to re-engage; Russia should think how to re-engage . . . I see no reason why we should invent something,\" he was quoted. (Financial Times, January 20, 2015) \"We can't trust a single word of the Russian leadership. [Russia's] statements are worthless,\" he was quoted as saying in a public speech in March 2015, scolding some", "id": "17545476" }, { "contents": "Two Seconds\n\n\non being like this? Makes me sick to look at ya. Why don't you go out and get yourself a job?\". John Allen: \"I can't get one. I tried\". Shirley: \"you can go back to riveting\". John: \"I can't go back to that\" \"not ever since Bud .. I can't climb .. when I get up there, my head swims, I get sick, afraid, I gotta hold on. One minute he was", "id": "20603192" }, { "contents": "Monday Night Football (How I Met Your Mother)\n\n\ncan't find the score, because he has a lot of money on the game. Robin does the best she can to avoid the media by trying to delay the sports news and by covering her ears. When someone asks why she's acting weird, she uses the excuse of her friend dying and how she couldn't watch the game because she had to go to the funeral. Marshall goes to class with Lily for show and tell, where a student threatens to tell the score to Marshall. Marshall asks the kid", "id": "19513194" }, { "contents": "Five Ws\n\n\ncircumstances are those just listed, including the \"Why\" In the Politics, Aristotle illustrates why the elements are important in terms of human (moral) action. I mean, for instance (a particular circumstance or movement or action), How could we advise the Athenians whether they should go to war or not, if we did not know their strength (\"How much\"), whether it was naval or military or both (\"What kind\"), and how great it is (\"How many\"", "id": "8497999" }, { "contents": "Why Can't We Live Together\n\n\n\"Why Can't We Live Together\" is a song by Timmy Thomas from the album \"Why Can't We Live Together\". The song is notable for being recorded in mono; its sparse, stripped-down production, features a Lowrey organ, bossa nova-style percussion from an early rhythm machine, and Thomas's passionate, soulful vocal. Thomas recorded a demo at Dukoff Recording Studios in North Miami, Florida, with Bill Borkan acting as sound engineer. The single version got more airplay because the longer instrumental", "id": "20730415" }, { "contents": "Utqiagvik, Alaska\n\n\nmoderated by the surrounding topography. The Arctic Ocean is on three sides, and flat tundra stretches some to the south. There are no wind barriers or protected valleys where dense cold air can settle or form temperature inversions in the lower atmosphere, as commonly happens in the interior between the Brooks and the Alaska ranges. Utqiagvik has the lowest average temperatures of cities in Alaska. Although it is rare for Utqiagvik to record the lowest temperatures statewide during cold waves, extremely low wind chill and \"white out\" conditions from blowing snow", "id": "15459397" }, { "contents": "Water on Mars\n\n\non the surface of Mars with its present low atmospheric pressure and temperature, except at the lowest elevations for short periods. Perchlorate (ClO), a strong oxidizer, was confirmed to be in the soil. The chemical, when mixed with water, can lower the water freezing point in a manner similar to how salt is applied to roads to melt ice. When \"Phoenix\" landed, the retrorockets splashed soil and melted ice onto the vehicle. Photographs showed the landing had left blobs of material stuck to the landing struts", "id": "21381759" }, { "contents": "Pim Fortuyn\n\n\nold Reformed Protestants. The Reformed lie all the time. And why is that? Because they have standards and values that are so high that you can't humanly maintain them. You also see that in that Muslim culture. Then look at the Netherlands. In what country could an electoral leader of such a large movement as mine be openly homosexual? How wonderful that that's possible. That's something that one can be proud of. And I'd like to keep it that way, thank you very much. Fortuyn", "id": "1886833" }, { "contents": "Eutectic system\n\n\nA eutectic system ( ) from the Greek \"εύ\" (eu = well) and \"τήξις\" (tēxis = melting) is a homogeneous mixture of substances that melts or solidifies at a single temperature that is lower than the melting point of either of the constituents. The eutectic temperature is the lowest possible melting temperature over all of the mixing ratios for the involved component species. Upon heating any other mixture ratio, and reaching the eutectic temperature – see the adjacent phase diagram – one component's lattice will melt first,", "id": "19442918" }, { "contents": "Love Boat Captain\n\n\nthings and they go, \"Fuck this, this sucks, how can we have any hope?\" These are people who been through the invention of the horseless carriage to the car to the TV set and are dealing with the internet. How do they view it? It's almost with disdain. This is the wisdom they can't give away, that is what I'm talking about and that youth doesn't have that timeline beneath them. So they just see something in front of them and think there's no", "id": "11921990" }, { "contents": "Como Estão Vocês?\n\n\nyellow\". He commented further on the work in another interview, this time for \"Folha de S.Paulo\": When asked about the possibility of the opening track \"Nós Estamos Bem\" (We Are Fine) being a message to the fans and the press, Britto said \"yes, could be. But in the song we ask \"how are you\", and this can be understood in a wider sense. How is Brazil, how are the things through which we are going through. This sentence defines the", "id": "19495164" }, { "contents": "Wet-bulb temperature\n\n\nabsorb more water. This is measured by comparing how much water is in the air, compared to the maximum which could be in the air—the relative humidity. 0% means the air is completely dry, and 100% means the air contains all the water it can hold in the present circumstances and it cannot absorb any more water (from any source). This is why we feel cooler in dry air. The drier the air, the more moisture it can hold beyond what is already in it,", "id": "5921090" }, { "contents": "Astrobiology\n\n\nconditions (desiccation, temperatures up to -196 °C, UVC and C-ray radiation...). It is also able to repair the damage produced by space environment. By understanding how extremophilic organisms can survive the Earth's extreme environments, we can also understand how microorganisms could have survived space travel and how the panspermia hypothesis could be possible. Research into the environmental limits of life and the workings of extreme ecosystems is ongoing, enabling researchers to better predict what planetary environments might be most likely to harbor life. Missions such", "id": "2544046" }, { "contents": "Boardwalk Empire\n\n\n. It would be the first time he had directed an episode of television since an episode of Steven Spielberg's \"Amazing Stories\" in 1986. The production would be very ambitious, with some even speculating it would be too large scale for television. \"I kept thinking, 'This is pointless. How can we possibly afford a boardwalk, or an empire? says creator Terence Winter. \"We can't call it 'Boardwalk Empire' and not see a boardwalk.\" The production would eventually build a boardwalk in", "id": "16641788" }, { "contents": "Boardwalk Empire (episode)\n\n\nof television since an episode of Steven Spielberg's \"Amazing Stories\" in 1986. The production would be very ambitious, with some even speculating it would be too large scale for television. \"I kept thinking 'This is pointless. How can we possibly afford a boardwalk, or an empire? says creator Terence Winter. \"We can't call it 'Boardwalk Empire' and not see a boardwalk.\" The production would eventually build a boardwalk in an empty lot in Brooklyn, New York at the cost of five", "id": "8553075" }, { "contents": "Tool wear\n\n\nof tool wear include: Reduction in tool wear can be accomplished by using lubricants and coolants while machining. These reduce friction and temperature, thus reducing the tool wear. A more general form of the equation is where At high temperature zones crater wear occurs. The highest temperature of the tool can exceed 700 °C and occurs at the rake face whereas the lowest temperature can be 500 °C or lower depending on the tool... Energy comes in the form of heat from tool friction. It is a reasonable assumption that 80", "id": "10722083" }, { "contents": "Soyuz MS\n\n\ndesign requirements for the reentry module was for it to have the highest possible volumetric efficiency (internal volume divided by hull area). The best shape for this is a sphere, but such a shape can provide no lift, which results in a purely ballistic reentry. Ballistic reentries are hard on the occupants due to high deceleration and can't be steered beyond their initial deorbit burn. That is why it was decided to go with the \"headlight\" shape that the Soyuz uses — a hemispherical forward area joined by a barely", "id": "20019899" }, { "contents": "Soyuz-TMA\n\n\nmounted behind the heat shield are fired to give a soft landing. One of the design requirements for the reentry module was for it to have the highest possible volumetric efficiency (internal volume divided by hull area). The best shape for this is a sphere, but such a shape can provide no lift, which results in a purely ballistic reentry. Ballistic reentries are hard on the occupants due to high deceleration and can't be steered beyond their initial deorbit burn. That is why it was decided to go with the \"", "id": "20396123" }, { "contents": "Food Race\n\n\nQuinn characterizes as \"How are we going to FEED all these people?\" in contrast to the Quinnian problem: \"How are we going to stop PRODUCING all these people?\" The idea that human population is tied to food supply is contentious, however. Many biologists disagree with Quinn's assessment. While food supply certainly imposes an upper limit on population growth, they point out that culture, living standards, human intelligence, and free will can impose lower, secondary limits to population growth. Critics also point out that", "id": "18984890" }, { "contents": "Steam engine\n\n\n, steam engines should be operated at the highest steam temperature possible (superheated steam), and release the waste heat at the lowest temperature possible. The efficiency of a Rankine cycle is usually limited by the working fluid. Without the pressure reaching supercritical levels for the working fluid, the temperature range over which the cycle can operate is small; in steam turbines, turbine entry temperatures are typically 565 °C (the creep limit of stainless steel) and condenser temperatures are around 30 °C. This gives a theoretical Carnot efficiency", "id": "8016560" }, { "contents": "Avian clutch size\n\n\nspecies are needed as it still remains unclear how latitude is linked with parental investment. Temperature is a possible factor that could explain the pattern in latitude and seasonal trends in clutch size. Since temperature varies with geographical location and time of year, it is possible that seasonal patterns in clutch size are affected by physiological processes that are temperature dependent. The egg-viability hypothesis states that high temperatures favour small clutches because of a reduction in egg viability. This explains the reason why when Red-winged Blackbirds – which are open nesters", "id": "14460976" }, { "contents": "Bernard Iddings Bell\n\n\nTruth. The unsuccessful would remain spiritually malnourished, and vainly pursue various ends in the hopes of fulfillment. Should the latter prevail, truth would once again become subjective, and people would become historically ignorant, rudderless:Who will pioneer if there can be found no sure approach to Truth? Who cares to blaze new trails if all trails lead alike to nowhere? If we can never know what we are or why we are, how is leadership possible? Who dares lead anybody anywhere if no one may first be sure?One outgrowth", "id": "11761207" }, { "contents": "Thin Lizzie (Supernatural)\n\n\nloss — it can't be ignored, but as we enter what is certainly edging on twilight for our little undead show, we also can't ignore just how unsustainable the endless suffering is. Sam and Dean can't return to the young men they once were, but they can at least try to channel aspects of those boys in their current lives and the fact that, despite some iffy moments, that storyline wasn't dropped as soon as the premiere ended is a pretty good indicator of how this series has survived for", "id": "1230581" }, { "contents": "Total quality management\n\n\nKingdom became a net importer of finished goods. The United States undertook its own soul-searching, expressed most pointedly in the television broadcast of \"If Japan Can... Why Can't We?.\" Firms began reexamining the techniques of quality control invented over the past 50 years and how those techniques had been so successfully employed by the Japanese. It was in the midst of this economic turmoil that TQM took root. The exact origin of the term \"total quality management\" is uncertain. It is almost certainly inspired by", "id": "14140608" }, { "contents": "Project Excalibur\n\n\nthe structure of the nucleus, so they vary from element to element. Electrons can gain or lose energy by absorbing or emitting a photon with the same energy as the difference between two allowable energy states. This is why different elements have unique spectrums and gives rise to the science of spectroscopy. Electrons will naturally release photons if there is an unoccupied lower energy state. An isolated atom would normally be found in the ground state, with all of its electrons in their lowest possible state. But due to the surrounding environment adding", "id": "21129603" }, { "contents": "Marvel's Most Wanted\n\n\nsaid in March 2016, in reference to the way Hunter and Morse were written off of that series, \"We want to be clear we're telling a different type of story, and in doing so, you don't want to be telling a story where you go, \"Why don't they call Coulson? He can fix this easily,\" because that line's been cut. Not that you can't bring them back someday or have someone from S.H.I.E.L.D. show up on this show, but it's really setting", "id": "15005588" }, { "contents": "Bring Back Birdie\n\n\nto report that Mayor C. B. Townsend might be able to help in the search. The Mayor, a dignified, paunchy Western politician can't recall Mr. Birdie. He is sorry to cut the interview short, but he must meet with the Citizen's Committee to draft him for the Senate. As Albert and Rose turn to leave, the Mayor burps. Albert rushes back into the office. Could Conrad be the Mayor? He is. And we find out why as the Mayor sings \"You Can Never Go Back\"", "id": "20259243" }, { "contents": "Dan Gerson\n\n\npremiere, Gerson again stressed the importance of collaboration and development: We write a version of the script...and then we blow it to bits, we get in there with the Pixar brain trust, and they just smash it apart, and then you rebuild it and you do that like six, seven times. That's why we were on the movie for three and a half years. People can't understand how it could take that long to write. It's just that you're doing different iterations of the movie", "id": "13750526" } ]
Why are Monsanto considered to be evil?
[{"answer": "Monsanto tends to get into trouble because of their tendency to employ strong arm legal tactics against farmers. Specifically, they patented their seeds, so when you buy seed from Monsanto you're really just buying a license to a plant which will grow and produce its own seeds...but legally you can't plant those seeds because your license doesn't cover them. So if you're a poor farmer in India and Monsanto's people convince you their seed is amazing and will give you a great crop yield, and you fork over all your money to buy their seed but that year your crop you're broke and you have no useful seed because if you just replant your crops you'll get sued. And that's the best case, if you went into debt for those seeds now you're in the hole money you can't recoup without a harvest, but you can't harvest anything without licensing more plants...or totally reinvesting in seed from somewhere else...that you can't afford because you're in debt. This actually cause a rash of farmer suicides. Also since plants are living things they tend to attempt to reproduce, so if GMO wheat from Monsanto's research farm in Oregon spreads itself and ends up in your organic farm, your certifications are all in trouble. If you're big enough to sell to other states or countries if they don't allow GMO wheat you can't sell to them anymore, your whole business is fucked. This also happened. Finally, if you're a farmer, and your neighbor's a farmer, and he buys Monsanto's seeds but you don't. Some seasons later Monsanto comes over and realizes his crops fertilized your crops and now you're growing hybrid plants through no intent of your own. Technically that's patent infringement and now Monsanto is suing you because the guy next door to you bought their product and then plants did their thing and tried to make more plants."}, {"answer": "The reason people do not like Monsanto is usually because they do not like GMO's in the first place, and so they unquestionably accept the various urban legends they have been presented about the company. For example, I'd encourage you to do your own research regarding Monsanto's supposedly litigious nature."}, {"answer": "Because they are a giant corporation and all giant corporations are generally considered to be inherently evil. Monsanto has a somewhat undeserved reputation for extra evilness because they produce a lot of Genetically Modified Organisms but, for the life of me, I can find almost no credible research on why GMO's are so bad."}, {"answer": "If I recall, they are 'legal bullies' to a lot of farmers. They sell the seeds to the farmer, who then grows the crops and sells the grain/beans etc. If the farmer tries to keep any grain to replant, Monsanto will sue them out of their pants. Monsanto also uses various methods to make it very hard for farmers to escape this cycle, so that the farmers are reliant on Monsanto products. URL_2 URL_3 URL_0 URL_1 It's a complicated issue with many good (and bad) points on either side."}, {"answer": "Well-off white people are afraid of technology and think it's okay to condemn foreigners to starvation because understanding science is hard."}, {"answer": "Big, successful, technological, no general public marketing, operates (among other things) with genetics and food, the stuff of sci-fi nightmares. It's the perfect villain for any veggie-vegan-hippie-conspiracy-liberal-robinhoodian-braveheartian activist. As with everything, they are as evil and as good as any large corporation."}, {"answer": "Check the archives. This is asked three times a week."}, {"answer": "I love how people in this thread are being so absurdly general about GMOs. As if it's all the same. Like it's binary- either you don't modify, or you do. It is so much more nuanced than that. There is an extremely wide range of ways to modify food. Some of those practices are just fine, and some aren't. Yet, all the actions of genetic modification are clumped together. People get very defensive one way or the other when your bring it up. GMOS ARE OK!!! GMOS ARE HORRIBLE!! It all depends. Some are amazing, and in the future, could massively expand in a very incredible way, and the misconceptions could easily get in the way of that beneficial expansion. But the other side is that some of these GMO practices are really not good, at all. Monsanto, employs both positive and negative practices. The negative is the cycle they have put themselves into with pesticides. Continually modifying the seed to withstand more and more bombardment from what is essentially a nerve agent. Insects have short lives, and thus many generation in a short time. They adapt to the new pesticide levels, so they blast more on. Whoops, they adapted again, let's spray more! Whoops, it's damaging the plant. Let's modify the plant to take it! Whoops, the bugs adapted again. More pesticides it is! Whoops.... on and on. This is their 'solution.' And this is, very fairly IMO, part of the root of the mistrust for GMOS. And that's not good. Modifying food is something we've done for a long time and we're on the edge of really expanding it in wonderful ways. Synthetic meat, for example, could really be amazing . But with the current trust level, it will be hard for it to be adapted when it's ready to go. Some of the mistrust is earned, and some of it isn't. One thing is for sure though- this 'one way or the other' thinking has got to go, as do these endless cycles that companies like Monsanto perpetuate."}, {"answer": "Jesus, can *MONSANTO QUESTIONS* please be linked to in the sidebar. This is fucking insane how often the question comes up."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "49278771", "title": "GMO conspiracy theories", "section": "Section::::Ethical criticism.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 24, "end_paragraph_id": 24, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Like preventable childhood diseases, malnutrition is another great moral failing of our time. GMOs such as golden ricerice modified to contain high levels of beta carotene in order to compensate for the vitamin A deficiency which kills hundreds of thousands of children around the world and blinds many more every yearand drought resistant crops, which will become increasingly vital in the global south due to climate cha", "Like preventable childhood diseases, malnutrition is another great moral failing of our time. GMOs such as golden ricerice modified to contain high levels of beta carotene in order to compensate for the vitamin A deficiency which kills hundreds of thousands of children around the world and blinds many more every yearand drought resistant crops, which will become increasingly vital in the global south due to climate change, have vast potential to help those who don't shop at Whole Foods. But real progress has been stymied by the paranoid and misinformed, who clamor that GMOs, which are biologically no different than \"natural\" foods, are somehow poisonous. Behind it all is of course an evil corporation: Monsanto. Offering a similar critique Kavin Senapathy, a freelance writer and speaker who offers editorials from the perspective of the skeptical movement, wrote for Forbes that Both [the anti-vaccine and anti", "Like preventable childhood diseases, malnutrition is another great moral failing of our time. GMOs such as golden ricerice modified to contain high levels of beta carotene in order to compensate for the vitamin A deficiency which kills hundreds of thousands of children around the world and blinds many more every yearand drought resistant crops, which will become increasingly vital in the global south due to climate change, have vast potential to help those who don't shop at Whole Foods. But real progress has been stymied by the paranoid and misinformed, who clamor that GMOs, which are biologically no different than \"natural\" foods, are somehow poisonous. Behind it all is of course an evil corporation: Monsanto. Offering a similar critique Kavin Senapathy, a freelance writer and speaker who offers editorials from the perspective of the skeptical movement, wrote for Forbes that Both [the anti-vaccine and anti\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Evil corporation\n\n\ncorporations have been accused of being evil. To guard against such accusations, Google at one point in its history had the official motto \"Don't be evil\", now used as part of the closing lines of the company's code of conduct. The company has been accused of violating this principle on several occasions, including with their now discontinued participation in a military drone AI program.\"The New Yorker\" wrote that \"many food activists consider Monsanto (now Bayer) to be \"the\" definitively evil corporation\".", "id": "7996805" }, { "contents": "The Problem of Pain\n\n\n. That does not mean that what we consider good could be completely different from what God considers good. That would make it empty to speak of God as \"good\" and it would take away all moral reasons for loving and obeying Him. Still, like Job, we should humbly acknowledge the limits of human wisdom and not presume to fully fathom why God permits suffering and evil. With that important caveat, Lewis proceeds to suggest some reasons why a good and all-powerful God might allow evil. Lewis also addresses", "id": "12461977" }, { "contents": "Problem of evil\n\n\nit true that God permitted evil in order to facilitate spiritual growth, then we would expect evil to disproportionately befall those in poor spiritual health. This does not seem to be the case, as the decadent enjoy lives of luxury which insulate them from evil, whereas many of the pious are poor, and are well acquainted with worldly evils. Thirdly, states Kane, human character can be developed directly or in constructive and nurturing loving ways, and it is unclear why God would consider or allow evil and suffering to be necessary", "id": "10890258" }, { "contents": "George N. Schlesinger\n\n\nProblem of Evil and the Problem of Injustice,\" Schlesinger wrote that the problem of why there is evil and suffering in the world vanishes when one considers the characteristics of the world the creator wished to maximize. These characteristics include the opportunities for man to do good. Schlesinger examined theories as to why there is suffering and then proposed his own theory. He argued that the purpose of suffering can not be punishment as those who do not deserve punishment sometimes suffer. He also argued against reincarnation and suffering based on actions in a", "id": "7102957" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\n289 million in damages after a jury in San Francisco said that Monsanto had failed to adequately warn consumers of cancer risks posed by the herbicide, but the award pending appeal was later reduced to $78.5 million. In November 2018, Monsanto appealed the judgement asking an appellate court to consider a motion for a new trial. On March 27, 2019, Monsanto was found liable in a federal court for Edwin Hardeman's non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and ordered to pay $80 million in damages. A spokesperson for Bayer, now", "id": "10186682" }, { "contents": "Darna\n\n\ncompanions. Her friends' lives hang in the balance as she fights to prevent the evil Valentina from enslaving the human race! Written by Boboy Yonzon, pencils by Lan Medina and inks by Gilbert Monsanto. DARNA Issue #3: Written by Boboy Yonzon, pencils and inks by Gilbert Monsanto. This version showed Narda as a college student who first found the stone 10 years before. However, the details of Darna's origin was changed again – Her race of \"Adarna Warriors\" originally came from the planet Tiamat, as", "id": "1984223" }, { "contents": "Circuito de Monsanto\n\n\nThe Circuito de Monsanto, or Monsanto Park Circuit, was a 5.440 km (3.380-mi) race track in Monsanto Forest Park, near Lisbon, Portugal which hosted the Portuguese Grand Prix. Built on parklands, the circuit was considered difficult to drive because it crossed so many different types of surfaces, including tramlines at one point. The track hosted numerous races from 1954 to 1959, but only one race qualified as a Formula One event: the 1959 Portuguese Grand Prix, won by Stirling Moss. He won the race in the", "id": "21435318" }, { "contents": "GMO conspiracy theories\n\n\nwhy the two organizations have supported the scientific evidence for the safety of the genetically engineered food available for human consumption. Jeffrey M. Smith is identified in the book \"American Conspiracy Theories\" as arguing that Monsanto has captured the FDA and many other countries. In the compendium \"Agricultural and Food Controversies\", the authors who are social scientists and food scientists trace the conspiracy theory relating in particular to Monsanto back to events in the early 1990s: There are some well-qualified dissenting scientists and a motivated group of food activists behind", "id": "19372638" }, { "contents": "Monsanto legal cases\n\n\ncorporate successors liable on all six counts it considered - including negligence, nuisance, wantonness and suppression of the truth.\" In 2014, the Los Angeles Superior Court found that Monsanto was not liable for cancers claimed to be from PCBs permeating the food supply of three plaintiffs who had developed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. After a four-week trial, the jury found that Monsanto’s production and sale of PCBs between 1935 and 1977 were not substantial causes of the cancer. In 2015, the cities of Spokane, San Diego", "id": "3040299" }, { "contents": "Monsanto legal cases\n\n\nbeen banned in the European Union. In 2012, a French court found Monsanto guilty of chemical poisoning of a farmer who had used the herbicide Lasso, a trade name for alachlor. This is the first such case to be heard in France and is considered \"a judgment that could lend weight to other health claims against pesticides.\" In 2015 a French appeals court upheld the ruling and ordered the company to \"fully compensate\" the grower. Over 4,000 cancer patients are suing Monsanto in numerous state courts for failure to warn", "id": "3040303" }, { "contents": "Monsanto Technology LLC v Cefetra BV and Others\n\n\nfor injunctions against the importers of the soy meal, Cefetra and Toepfer and the shipping company Vopak. The Dutch court then considered the issues under their local patent law and EU patent law. Acknowledging that Monsanto had established the presence of their patented genetic material in the soy meal, the court must decide if the presence alone of such genetic material is sufficient for infringement of Monsanto's patent at [25] and [26]. The courts analysis is primarily driven by the specific language regarding whether the genetic material is present,", "id": "776657" }, { "contents": "Glyphosate\n\n\nMonsanto (which had been acquired by Bayer earlier that month) to trial in San Francisco County superior court, alleging that it has spent decades hiding the cancer-causing dangers of its Roundup herbicides. The judge ordered that jurors be allowed to consider both scientific evidence related to the cause of Johnson's cancer and allegations that Monsanto suppressed evidence of the risks, with possible punitive damages. In August 2018, the jury awarded Johnson US$289 million in damages. Monsanto said they would appeal, saying they were confident that glyphosate does", "id": "5828002" }, { "contents": "Pandora\n\n\nBritish Museum—is Anesidora (), \"she who sends up gifts\" (\"up\" implying \"from below\" within the earth). The Pandora myth is a kind of theodicy, addressing the question of why there is evil in the world. According to this, Pandora opened a jar (\"pithos\"), in modern accounts sometimes mistranslated as \"Pandora's box\", releasing all the evils of humanity. Hesiod's interpretation of Pandora's story, sometimes considered as misogynous, went on to influence", "id": "4681940" }, { "contents": "Monsanto Canada Inc v Schmeiser\n\n\na failure of Schmeiser to have the presence of mind to instruct his farmhand to avoid taking canola seed for replanting from the sprayed region. Supporters of Monsanto argued that an oversight of this nature is not plausible, especially in light of Schmeiser's claims regarding the extent to which he considered Roundup Ready canola undesirable in his fields and the importance he claims to have placed on the continued survival of his own strain of canola, and in light of his having been notified prior to planting his 1998 crop that Monsanto believed he had grown", "id": "17780625" }, { "contents": "Synderesis\n\n\neverything that acts does so for an end which possesses the quality of goodness. That is why the first principle or law of the practical reason is \"good is to be done and pursued, and evil is to be avoided\". Also the precepts of natural law can be considered object of synderesis insofar as all the things towards which the human being has a natural inclination are naturally apprehended by the intellect as good and therefore as objects to be pursued, and their opposites as evils to be avoided. Synderesis is the capacity", "id": "17013480" }, { "contents": "An Instinct for Dragons\n\n\nof a species will evolve an instinctive fear of their predators, and he proposes ways in which these fearful images may be merged in artistic or cultural expression to create the dragon image and, perhaps, other kinds of hybrid monster. Finally he suggests sociological reasons for why such images may be perceived differently at different stages of a culture to try to explain why Chinese dragons are considered basically good and representative of government, but the great majority (although not all) European dragons are evil and often represent chaos. Jones' theory", "id": "12145449" }, { "contents": "Problem of evil\n\n\na Buddhist version of the problem of evil, states Peter Harvey, because the theory claims that every human being has an intrinsically pure inner Buddha which is good. This premise leads to the question as to why anyone does any evil, and why doesn't the \"intrinsically pure inner Buddha\" attempt or prevail in preventing the evil actor before he or she commits the evil. One response has been that the Buddha-nature is omnibenevolent, but not omnipotent. Further, the \"Tathagata-garbha Sutras\" are atypical texts", "id": "10890321" }, { "contents": "Samkhyakarika\n\n\nactivity and has no need for activity. Further, citing Karika's verses 56-57 and others, that another reason why God cannot be considered the creator of the world, is that God has no desires and no purpose is served for God by creating the universe. The text asserts that there is suffering and evil experienced by living beings, but God who is considered to be free from the three Gunas (qualities) could not be creating Guna in living beings and the vicissitudes of living beings, therefore God is", "id": "18932589" }, { "contents": "GMO OMG\n\n\nthe Papaye Peasant Movement, an alliance of people who fight to provide unity of all the peasants of Haiti and promote cultural and economic growth, did not consider this to be helpful, according to the film. The Haitian peasants believed that Monsanto had ulterior motives. Monsanto is a well known corporation in the United States known for their involvement in the agricultural industry, however, the Haitian's believed their gratuities were only due to corporate greed and in the interest of obtaining more profits. Consequentially, this friction between the Peasant Movement", "id": "1916312" }, { "contents": "Subject matter in Canadian patent law\n\n\nthough Monsanto’s patent was only directed to the modified gene and the cells containing the gene. This argument was rejected by a majority of the Court, which found that “[w]hether or not patent protection for the gene and the cell extends to activities involving the plant is not relevant to the patent’s validity”, and since Monsanto did not claim a patent for a genetically modified plant \"per se\", its claim of the gene and the cell was considered patentable subject matter. The distinction drawn in Harvard between higher", "id": "8984421" }, { "contents": "Problem of evil\n\n\n, this defense is also highly implausible because suffering from natural evil is localized, rational causes and cures for major diseases have been found, and it is unclear why anyone, including a supernatural being whom God created would choose to inflict localized evil and suffering to innocent children for example, and why God fails to stop such suffering if he is omnipotent. One of the weaknesses of the free will defense is its inapplicability or contradictory applicability with respect to evils faced by animals and the consequent animal suffering. Some scholars, such as", "id": "10890252" }, { "contents": "Monsanto Canada Inc v Schmeiser\n\n\nthe growth of plants and thus farming is a method of \"use\" of plant genes. The Court ruled that Schmeiser deprived Monsanto of its monopoly on the special canola plant by storing and planting the Roundup Ready canola seeds pursuant to his commercial interests. Thus, Schmeiser is considered to have infringed section 42 of the Patent Act. The Court, however, disagreed with the damages given by the trial judge as there was no profit directly resulting from the invention itself. In the ruling, the court made it clear that patent", "id": "17780635" }, { "contents": "Monsanto legal cases\n\n\nwere who should be held liable for clean up costs, and in February 2011, the \"Guardian\" reported that Monsanto had agreed to help with the costs of remediation, but did not accept responsibility for the pollution. A webpage at the Environmental Agency site put up at around that time stated: \"We have completed our extensive enquiries to identify those we consider should be held responsible under the contaminated land laws and be held liable for the cost of remediating Brofiscin Quarry. We are at an advanced stage in our consultations with", "id": "3040327" }, { "contents": "Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms\n\n\npetitioners (Monsanto) have standing to seek this Court’s review of the Ninth Circuit’s judgment affirming the entry of such relief. 2. The District Court abused its discretion by enjoining APHIS from effecting a partial deregulation and in prohibiting the planting of RRA pending the agency’s completion of its detailed environmental review. The Supreme Court stated that the District Court only considered a complete deregulation of RRA pending the completion of an EIS by APHIS. The four-factor test for granting a permanent injunction: The Supreme Court ruled that the", "id": "18160898" }, { "contents": "Michael Fumento\n\n\nbecause it presumes once you've benefited from a grant you are considered forever in the donor's debt. Fumento wrote that he did not begin the Scripps column until four years after getting the grant, had been writing pro-biotech pieces since six years before receiving the grant, and that shortly after receiving it he ripped Monsanto for being 'chicken-hearted' and \"caving into environmentalist demands.\" Moreover, he wrote, of the approximately 100 columns he published, only three so much as mentioned Monsanto, one in", "id": "21793341" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\nin 52 countries on six continents. The day of protest took place on May 24. From 2009 to 2011, Monsanto improperly accounted for incentive rebates. The actions inflated Monsanto's reported profit by $31 million over the two years. Monsanto paid $80 million in penalties pursuant to a subsequent settlement with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Monsanto materially misstated its consolidated earnings in response to losing market share of Roundup to generic producers. Monsanto overhauled its internal controls. Two of their top CPAs were suspended and Monsanto was required", "id": "10186684" }, { "contents": "Edgar Monsanto Queeny\n\n\nEdgar Monsanto Queeny (September 29, 1897 - July 7, 1968) was a US industrialist, chairman of the Monsanto corporation from 1928 until his retirement in 1960. Edgar Monsanto Queeny was the son of John Francis Queeny and his wife, Olga Méndez Monsanto. In the First World War, he served as a seaman in the US Navy. Edgar Monsanto Queeny took over the leadership of Monsanto, which had been founded by his father, in 1928. At this time, it had just been listed on the stock exchange", "id": "17478651" }, { "contents": "Monsanto legal cases\n\n\n.\" The Federal Circuit found that this assurance is binding on Monsanto, so that farmers who do not harvest more than a trace amount of Monsanto's patented crops \"lack an essential element of standing\" to challenge Monsanto's patents. The usual Monsanto claim involves patent infringement by intentionally replanting patented seed. Such activity was found by the United States Supreme Court to constitute patent infringement in \"Bowman v. Monsanto Co.\" (2013). The case began in 2007, when Monsanto sued Indiana farmer Vernon Hugh Bowman who in 1999", "id": "3040275" }, { "contents": "Vanessa Place\n\n\nman…” “Conceptualism,” she says, “like feminism, asks one equally to consider the ‘=.’ How does A become equivalent to B, why does it seem (or seem to be proven to be) B’s equal, and at what cost does this equivalency work to A, and for that matter, B?” In “A Poetics of Radical Evil,” an essay published in 2010, Place modifies Kant to argue: “There must be an art [...] that is", "id": "7112351" }, { "contents": "Monsanto Canada Inc v Schmeiser\n\n\npay Monsanto their technology use fee, damages or costs, as Schmeiser did not receive any benefit from the technology. The case drew worldwide attention and is widely misunderstood to concern what happens when farmers' fields are accidentally contaminated with patented seed. However, by the time the case went to trial, all claims of accidental contamination had been dropped; the court only considered the GM canola in Schmeiser's fields, which Schmeiser had intentionally concentrated and planted. Schmeiser did not put forward any defence of accidental contamination. The biotechnology company", "id": "17780609" }, { "contents": "Dionne Monsanto\n\n\nDionne Monsanto (born on December 5, 1985) is a Filipina actress. Monsanto appeared on \"Pinoy Big Brother: Season 2\" as a contestant, in 2007. Monsanto entered on \"Day 12\" of the series, and was evicted on \"Day 77\". In the later part of 2007, Monsanto portrayed an antagonist role in \"\", the series starring former child actor Makisig Morales. She portrayed the role of Salonna. Monsanto's next television appearance was in 2008, when she starred in the TV", "id": "4773086" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\nbut Thomas was reluctant to leave Dayton and Monsanto. He joined the NDRC, and Monsanto's Central Research Department began to conduct related research. To that end, Monsanto operated the Dayton Project, and later Mound Laboratories, and assisted in the development of the first nuclear weapons. In 1946, Monsanto developed and marketed \"All\" laundry detergent, which they sold to Lever Brothers in 1957. In 1947, its styrene factory was destroyed in the Texas City Disaster. In 1949, Monsanto acquired American Viscose from Courtaulds. In", "id": "10186627" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\ndivision, which included products such as Celebrex. In 2000: Pharmacia spun off its agro-biotech subsidiary into a new company, the \"new Monsanto\", focused on four key agricultural crops—soybeans, maize, wheat and cotton. Monsanto agreed to indemnify Pharmacia against potential liabilities from judgments against Solutia. As a result, the new Monsanto continued to be a party to numerous lawsuits over the prior Monsanto. Pharmacia was bought by Pfizer in 2003.) In 2005 Monsanto acquired Emergent Genetics and its Stoneville and NexGen cotton", "id": "10186636" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\ninclude genetically modified seeds) represented about half of Monsanto's gross margin. As of 2015, Monsanto's line of seed products included corn, cotton, soy and vegetable seeds. Many of Monsanto's agricultural seed products are genetically modified, such as for resistance to herbicides, including glyphosate and dicamba. Monsanto calls glyphosate-tolerant seeds \"Roundup Ready\". Monsanto's introduction of this system (planting a glyphosate-resistant seed and then applying glyphosate once plants emerged) allowed farmers to increase yield by planting rows closer together.", "id": "10186643" }, { "contents": "Monsanto legal cases\n\n\nin the late 1970s in California. In this business model, companies invest heavily in research and development, and recoup the expenses through the use and enforcement of biological patents. In 1969, Monsanto sued Rohm and Haas for infringement of Monsanto's patent for the herbicide propanil. In Monsanto Co. v. Rohm and Haas Co., the Third Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against Monsanto on the basis that the company had fraudulently procured the patent it sought to enforce. Since the mid‑1990s, Monsanto indicates that it has filed suit against 145 individual", "id": "3040272" }, { "contents": "Kormos\n\n\npull them into the underworld. However, if good outweighs the evil in this soul, the soul can escape the Kormos and ascend to heaven. The Kormos mostly appear at sunset and at sunrise. That's why these times are considered as dangerous. It is dissuade to be awake at this time. They can capture people's souls. The concept of the blind is used for mental or mental illness. In Yakutas, the wandering souls of the dead are called Uğör (Yör). The belief that the souls of", "id": "22149691" }, { "contents": "Monsanto legal cases\n\n\neach for actual losses, but they were awarded $16.2 million in punitive damages.\" Monsanto appealed the judgments and won on all counts. In the early 1990s, Monsanto faced several lawsuits over harm caused by PCBs from workers at companies such as Westinghouse that bought PCBs from Monsanto and used them to build electrical equipment. Monsanto and its customers, such as Westinghouse and GE, also faced litigation from third parties, such as workers at scrap yards that bought used electrical equipment and broke them down to reclaim valuable metals. Monsanto", "id": "3040297" }, { "contents": "Monsanto legal cases\n\n\nMonsanto also agreed to pay a $1.5 million fine. The case involved bribes paid to an Indonesian official. Monsanto admitted a senior manager at Monsanto directed an Indonesian consulting firm to give a $50,000 bribe to a high-level official in Indonesia's environment ministry in 2002 related to the agency's assessment on its genetically modified cotton. Monsanto told the company to disguise an invoice for the bribe as \"consulting fees\". Monsanto also has admitted to paying bribes to a number of other high-ranking Indonesian officials between 1997", "id": "3040315" }, { "contents": "Anthem of the Peaceful Army\n\n\nbecame what Sam Kiszka admitted was a concept album that addressed ecological concerns as well as the themes of hate, greed and evil. \"It kind of dives into roots and beliefs. I think it asks fairly large questions. What are we doing to ourselves? What are we doing to our environment? What are we doing to each other? Why must there be hate? And why must there be greed and evil? I think it simply asks the question of why can't we all be one? We're all", "id": "5403766" }, { "contents": "GMO conspiracy theories\n\n\nglobal south due to climate change, have vast potential to help those who don't shop at Whole Foods. But real progress has been stymied by the paranoid and misinformed, who clamor that GMOs, which are biologically no different than \"natural\" foods, are somehow poisonous. Behind it all is of course an evil corporation: Monsanto. Offering a similar critique Kavin Senapathy, a freelance writer and speaker who offers editorials from the perspective of the skeptical movement, wrote for Forbes that Both [the anti-vaccine and anti", "id": "19372647" }, { "contents": "Monsanto House of the Future\n\n\nThe Monsanto House of the Future was an attraction at Disneyland's Tomorrowland in Anaheim, California, USA, from 1957 to 1967. It offered a tour of a futuristic home, and was intended to demonstrate the versatility of modern plastics. Sponsored by Monsanto Company, the House of the Future was made possible by Monsanto, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Walt Disney Imagineering. With this project, Monsanto wanted to demonstrate plastics' versatility as a high-quality, engineered material. The design team for this", "id": "20902857" }, { "contents": "Adventure Thru Inner Space\n\n\n. This was the first ride with an Omnimover system. It opened as a free attraction, unlike most, but required a \"C\" ticket starting in 1972. The original sponsor was Monsanto, which at the time was an agri-chemical company. Irene Kasmer, using Monsanto fabric, designed the uniforms of the attendants. In 1977, Monsanto ended their sponsorship for the attraction. All visual and audio references were removed (except for the end line, \"This is Monsanto\") and the Monsanto Mighty Microscope's", "id": "13410740" }, { "contents": "Lewis Black's Root of All Evil\n\n\nEach show followed the same format: Black welcomed the viewer to his courtroom and announced the two Evil candidates for the Root of All Evil. Black gave a brief history of each of the Evils and introduced the two advocates, who presented their oral arguments why their Evil is the greater. Black began his inquisition, questioning the advocates about their Evils. Usually, the answers pointed out the good or usefulness of the opponent's Evil or the greater evil of their own. Black asked the advocates to predict what would happen if", "id": "21469708" }, { "contents": "Misogyny\n\n\nBeyond Good and Evil\", Friedrich Nietzsche stated that stricter controls on women was a condition of \"every elevation of culture\". In his \"Thus Spoke Zarathustra\", he has a female character say \"You are going to women? Do not forget the whip!\" In \"Twilight of the Idols\", Nietzsche writes \"Women are considered profound. Why? Because we never fathom their depths. But women aren't even shallow.\" There is controversy over the questions of whether or not this amounts to misogyny", "id": "19489109" }, { "contents": "Bīt mēseri\n\n\nto make them incarnate. They are arranged in the sick person’s room, close to his bed: It concludes with a lengthy prayer to the god Nusku, who is entreated to \"expel the Demon, overcome Evil, and Šulak, the nightly wanderer, whose touch is death.\" The third tablet of the series is perhaps why the incantation series is considered significant as it includes the earliest extant list of the \"apkallus\". These come in three forms – ūmu-, fish- and bird-\"apkallus\", where the former", "id": "20135048" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\nto hire, at their expense, an independent ethics/compliance consultant for two years. A review of glyphosate's carcinogenic potential by four independent expert panels, with a comparison to the IARC assessment, was published in September 2016. Using emails released in August 2017 by plaintiffs' lawyers who are suing Monsanto, \"Bloomberg Business Week\" reported that \"Monsanto scientists were heavily involved in organizing, reviewing, and editing drafts submitted by the outside experts.\" A Monsanto spokesperson responded that Monsanto had provided only non-substantive cosmetic", "id": "10186685" }, { "contents": "The World According to Monsanto\n\n\nThe World According to Monsanto is a 2008 film directed by Marie-Monique Robin. Originally released in French as \"Le monde selon Monsanto\", the film is based on Robin's three-year-long investigation into the corporate practices around the world of the United States multinational corporation, Monsanto. \"The World According to Monsanto\" is also the title of a book written by Robin. The film reports many controversies surrounding the use and promotion of genetically modified seeds, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Agent Orange, and", "id": "17763187" }, { "contents": "The World According to Monsanto\n\n\n, lawyers, and politicians are interviewed. In March 2008, French journalist Marie-Monique Robin released the results of her three years of worldwide research into Monsanto. A book was published by La Découverte, a French editor, and a video documentary, \"Le Monde selon Monsanto\" (\"The World According to Monsanto\"), was released on DVD and shown on Arte, the Franco-German culture TV channel. Robin travels to India, Mexico, Argentina, and Paraguay to see how Monsanto's genetically modified organisms", "id": "17763189" }, { "contents": "GMO conspiracy theories\n\n\na nice job, and food activists have websites listing powerful government officials and their relation to Monsanto and other corporations. If this sounds like a conspiracy theory (a term not meant as a euphemism), it is. Belief that Monsanto is particularly problematic has inspired such actions as the March Against Monsanto and the singling out of Monsanto over other agribusinesses such as DuPont, Syngenta, Dow, BASF and Bayer, and has been identified as a salient feature of anti-GMO activism. An example of Monsanto-based conspiracy theorizing", "id": "19372641" }, { "contents": "Monsanto legal cases\n\n\nMonsanto already, but had added additional glyphosate-resistance genes to its seed, which Monsanto claimed was not allowed in the license. DuPont counter-sued, claiming that Monsanto's patent was invalid. The jury handed down a verdict on August 1, 2012, finding that DuPont not only infringed, but willfully infringed, and awarded a verdict of $1 billion, the fourth-largest patent verdict in the history of the United States. DuPont indicated it would appeal, but settled in 2013. In 2016, Monsanto filed", "id": "3040287" }, { "contents": "Monsanto legal cases\n\n\nFrance. Monsanto appealed and the court upheld the verdict; Monsanto appealed again to the French Supreme Court, and in 2009 it also upheld the verdict. In August 2012, a Brazilian Regional Federal Court ordered Monsanto to pay a $250,000 fine for false advertising. In 2004, advertising that related to the use of GM soya seed, and the herbicide glyphosate used in its cultivation, claimed it was beneficial to the conservation of the environment. The federal prosecutor maintained that Monsanto misrepresented the amount of herbicide required and stated that \"", "id": "3040339" }, { "contents": "A Rock Star Bucks a Coffee Shop\n\n\n\"A Rock Star Bucks a Coffee Shop\" is a song recorded by Neil Young and Promise of the Real. It is a protest song aimed at Starbucks and Monsanto, and comes from \"The Monsanto Years\", a concept album criticizing Monsanto. The song was released as a single in May 2015, the first from the album \"The Monsanto Years\". The song refers to the lawsuit by Monsanto against Vermont because of the state's attempt to pass a GMO labeling law. It also mentions \"the poison tide", "id": "5144948" }, { "contents": "Paul François\n\n\n\". In December 2011, final arguments to the court were heard. In February 2012, the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Lyon condemned Monsanto to pay damages to François. In 2015 at the appeal court, Monsanto lawyers repeatedly refused to concede that their product was toxic and that the damages owed were fictitious. Monsanto is fighting a nasty rear-guard action, and as of 2017, refused quantum. François wrote, with Anne-Laure Barret, \"Un paysan contre Monsanto\" to document his battle against Monsanto. This", "id": "5368876" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\n's first products were commodity food additives, such as the artificial sweetener saccharin, caffeine and vanillin. Monsanto expanded to Europe in 1919 in a partnership with Graesser's Chemical Works at Cefn Mawr, Wales. The venture produced vanillin, aspirin and its raw ingredient salicylic acid, and later rubber processing chemicals. In the 1920s, Monsanto expanded into basic industrial chemicals such as sulfuric acid and PCBs. Queeny's son Edgar Monsanto Queeny took over the company in 1928. In 1926 the company founded and incorporated a town called Monsanto in", "id": "10186624" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\nThis was the first method for the catalytic production of pure chiral compounds. Knowles' team designed the \"first industrial process to chirally synthesize an important compound\"—L‑dopa, which is used to treat Parkinson's disease. In 2001, Knowles and Ryōji Noyori won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In the mid-1960s, chemists at Monsanto developed the Monsanto process for making acetic acid, which until 2000 was the most widely used production method. In 1964, Monsanto chemists invented AstroTurf (initially ChemGrass). In the 1960s and 1970s, Monsanto was", "id": "10186629" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\nwhich in 1998 became the first selective COX‑2 inhibitor to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Celebrex became a blockbuster drug and was often mentioned as a key reason for Pfizer's acquisition of Monsanto's pharmaceutical business in 2002. In 1994, Monsanto introduced a recombinant version of bovine somatotropin, brand-named Posilac. Monsanto later sold this business to Eli Lilly and Company. In 1996, Monsanto purchased Agracetus, the biotechnology company that had generated the first transgenic cotton, soybeans, peanuts and other crops", "id": "10186633" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\n, and from which Monsanto had been licensing technology since 1991. Monsanto first entered the maize seed business when it purchased 40% of Dekalb in 1996; it purchased the remainder of the corporation in 1998. In 1997, the company first published an annual report citing Monsanto's Law, a biotechnological take on Moore's Law, indicating its future directions and exponential growth in the use of biotechnology. In the same year, Californian GMO company Calgene was acquired. In 1998, Monsanto purchased Cargill's international seed business, which gave", "id": "10186634" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\nbrands. Emergent was the third largest U.S. cotton seed company, with about 12% of the U.S. market. Monsanto's goal was to obtain \"a strategic cotton germplasm and traits platform.\" Also in 2005, Monsanto purchased Seminis, the California-based world leader in vegetable seed production, for $1.4 billion. Seminis developed new vegetable varieties using advanced cross-pollination methods. Monsanto indicated that Seminis would continue with non-GM development, while not ruling out GM in the longer term. In June 2007, Monsanto", "id": "10186637" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\nEnvironment. Stanley Greenberg, an election advisor to Tony Blair, later worked as a Monsanto consultant. Former Labour spokesperson David Hill, became Monsanto's media adviser at the lobbying firm Bell Pottinger. The Labour government was challenged in Parliament about \"trips, facilities, gifts and other offerings of financial value provided by Monsanto to civil servants\", but only acknowledged that Department of Trade and Industry had two working lunches with Monsanto. Peter Luff, then a Conservative Party MP and Chairman of the Agriculture Select Committee, received up to", "id": "10186691" }, { "contents": "Gus Monsanto\n\n\n2 -) is between 400 singers chosen to be the lead singer of the band Revolution Renaissance, led by Finnish guitarist Timo Tolkki, which sold 3 million records with Stratovarius. Another Brazilian part of the contract, drummer Bruno Agra, which was part of Zyon Vega with Monsanto. With Timo, Monsanto writes two Cds \"Age of Aquarius\", released in 2009 and \"Trinity\" in 2010, in addition to touring across South America The partnership ends in 2010 and Monsanto is preparing its next sounds. Wait! Monsanto", "id": "2635980" }, { "contents": "Monsanto legal cases\n\n\n.\" Monsanto has been criticized for a mistaken lawsuit. In 2002, Monsanto mistakenly sued Gary Rinehart of Eagleville, Missouri for patent violation. Rinehart was not a farmer or seed dealer, but sharecropped land with his brother and nephew, who were violating the patent. Monsanto dropped the lawsuit against him when it discovered the mistake. It did not apologize for the mistake or offer to pay Rinehart's attorney fees. In 2009, Monsanto sued DuPont Pioneer for patent infringement of Roundup Ready patents. DuPont had licensed the patents from", "id": "3040286" }, { "contents": "Monsanto legal cases\n\n\n, and San Jose initiated lawsuits against Monsanto to recover cleanup costs for PCB contaminated sites, alleging that Monsanto continued to sell PCBs without adequate warnings after they knew of their toxicity. Monsanto issued a media statement concerning the San Diego case, claiming that improper use or disposal by third-parties, of a lawfully sold product, was not the company's responsibility. In July 2015, a St Louis county court in Missouri found that Monsanto, Solutia, Pharmacia and Pfizer were not liable for a series of deaths and injuries caused", "id": "3040300" }, { "contents": "Monsanto legal cases\n\n\nNatural Resources Wales in July 2015. In February 2016, Monsanto agreed to pay a $80 million settlement after a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission investigation found that Monsanto had misstated its earnings in filings over a 3-year period. The misleading statements were connected to Monsanto's failure to fully account for the costs involved in their Roundup rebate programs. This is a case where Monsanto was not a party, but was alleged to have been involved in the events under dispute. In 1997, the news division of WTVT (Channel 13)", "id": "3040329" }, { "contents": "Adam Eidinger\n\n\nhis colleague Nikolas Schiller, which requested the company issue a report on GMO labeling and the inclusion of Monsanto's patent numbers on food labels. At the 2014 Monsanto shareholder meeting, while his shareholder resolution was being discussed, Eidinger and other activists from \"Occupy Monsanto\" blockaded the entrance to Monsanto's campus with the art cars and was arrested. The shareholder resolution ultimately failed, receiving 4.16% of the votes. During the 2013 government shutdown, he joined activists from \"Occupy Monsanto\" and visited the offices of various members", "id": "7134518" }, { "contents": "Bowman v. Monsanto Co.\n\n\n's arguments compelling, it found that it was bound by previous appellate court decisions in \"Monsanto Co. v. Scruggs\" and \"Monsanto Co. v. McFarling\" to control, and in 2009, the district court ruled in favor of Monsanto. The court held that since the original farmers could not use the later generation seeds without a license, they could not make an unrestricted sale and therefore the patent rights were not exhausted. The court entered judgment for Monsanto in the amount of $84,456.30 and enjoined Bowman from making, using,", "id": "714401" }, { "contents": "Hood (Thunderbirds)\n\n\nBond\" villains of the period, and pervasive fears of China as a 'third force' antagonistic to the West.\" Ben Kingsley's portrayal of the Hood in the 2004 live-action film has attracted a mixed critical response. Glenn Erickson of the review website DVD Talk writes that Kingsley's role is played \"with complete actorly overkill\", and considers the characterisation similar to that of a clichéd, \"evil baddie\", commenting: \"Why the Hood persists in being so wrong can only be chalked up to", "id": "2509717" }, { "contents": "Good and evil\n\n\nknowing truth. Differing views also exist as to why evil might arise. Many religious and philosophical traditions claim that evil behavior is an \"aberration\" that results from the imperfect human condition (e.g. \"The Fall of Man\"). Sometimes, evil is attributed to the existence of free will and human agency. Some argue that evil itself is ultimately based in an ignorance of truth (i.e., human value, sanctity, divinity). A variety of Enlightenment thinkers have alleged the opposite, by suggesting that evil is learned", "id": "17276757" }, { "contents": "Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People\n\n\nof their evil twins' comics that they had turned their principal into an evil super villain named Captain Blunderpants. Sulu and Crackers are kidnapped by Evil George and Evil Harold. They are hypnotized to be evil. Sulu becomes evil and attacks Good George and Good Harold but Crackers on the other hand, saves them (which Good George and Good Harold can't understand why). The heroes finally get back to their normal dimension of the multiverse, but end up unintentionally bringing Nice Mr. Krupp, Sulu, and Evil George and", "id": "3864771" }, { "contents": "Dr. Evil\n\n\naudience is shown she has not changed at all, leading Dr. Evil to finish with '... ri-ght'. Dr. Evil carries on a strained relationship with his son Scott. Dr. Evil has their therapy group liquidated, accusing them of being \"insolent\". Scott is also known for pointing out Dr. Evil's incompetence and immaturity as well as obvious mistakes and flaws in Dr. Evil's plans. For instance, when Dr. Evil asks why Austin Powers always foils their plans, Scott says \"Because you never kill him", "id": "6149103" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\ninferior. Nevertheless, most seed companies contract only with farmers who agree not to plant harvested seeds. Terminator technology has been developed by governmental labs, university researchers and companies. The technology has not been used commercially. Rumors that Monsanto and other companies intended to introduce terminator technology caused protests, for example in India. In 1999, Monsanto pledged not to commercialize terminator technology. The Delta & Pine Land Company of Mississippi intended to commercialize the technology, but D&PL was acquired by Monsanto in 2007. Monsanto developed several strains of genetically", "id": "10186658" }, { "contents": "Charles Allen Thomas\n\n\nmeans to speed up the aging of whiskey. Their work attracted the attention of Edgar Monsanto Queeny, the chairman of Monsanto,who bought Thomas & Hochwalt Laboratories for $1.4 million in Monsanto stock in 1936. Queeny moved Thomas to St Louis, Missouri, where he became director of Central Research, while Hochwalt remained in Dayton to work on Acrilan, Monsanto's acrylic fiber. Thomas would spend the rest of his career with Monsanto, becoming a member of its board of directors in 1942, vice president in 1943, executive", "id": "16576685" }, { "contents": "Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms\n\n\ngenetically modified alfalfa would spread too easily, and the challengers won. Monsanto appealed the district court decision and lost, and appealed again to the Supreme Court, where Monsanto won, thus upholding the original approval and allowing the seeds to be sold. In 2005 the United States Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) deregulated Monsanto's Roundup-ready alfalfa (RRA) based on an Environmental Assessment (EA) of Monsanto's RRA. In 2006, Geertson Seed Farm and others filed suit in a", "id": "18160887" }, { "contents": "Gus Monsanto\n\n\nGus Monsanto is the stage name of Gustavo Monsanto (born 5. November 1974 in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil) is the former lead singer of the French progressive metal band Adagio, and former lead singer of Finnish band Revolution Renaissance formed by Timo Tolkki after he left Stratovarius. He is the brother of journalist Eduardo Monsanto of ESPN Brazil. In 2009 he released an album as frontman of the band The Lightseekers. Gus Monsanto is the new singer of German metal band Human Fortress and he is singing on the", "id": "2635966" }, { "contents": "Monsanto legal cases\n\n\nCourt which took the case and held for Monsanto by a 5‑4 vote in late May 2004. Schmeiser won a partial victory, as the Supreme Court reversed on damages, finding that because Schmeiser did not gain any profit from the infringement, he did not owe Monsanto any damages nor did he have to pay Monsanto's substantial legal bills. The case caused Monsanto's enforcement tactics to be highlighted in the media over the years it took to play out. The case is widely cited or referenced by the anti-GM community in", "id": "3040280" }, { "contents": "Canola oil\n\n\nhe discovered was contaminated with Monsanto's patented glyphosate-tolerant canola by spraying it with glyphosate, leaving only the resistant plants. The Canadian Supreme Court ruled that Percy was in violation of Monsanto's patent because he knowingly replanted the resistant seed that he had harvested and also imposing fees of over $200,000 on Schmeiser, but he was not required to pay Monsanto damages since he did not benefit financially from its presence. On 19 March 2008, Schmeiser and Monsanto Canada Inc. came to an out-of-court settlement whereby Monsanto", "id": "5267910" }, { "contents": "List of Angels & Demons characters\n\n\n, Cardinal Saverio Mortati, and a brief explanation of why Ventresca could also be considered a pope. The Hassassin (referring to the Medieval Haschaschin of Hassan Ibn Sabbah; frequently referred to as The Killer) is a secondary antagonist of \"Angels & Demons\". The Hassassin is not part of the ancient Illuminati group. He is co-opted into carrying out evil deeds under the Illuminati name by a character called \"Janus\", who is later revealed to be the Camerlengo. He is of Arab descent, numerous times", "id": "11710539" }, { "contents": "The Ethics of Voting\n\n\nthe negative effects of voter negligence, or religious motivations for individuals to vote. Also included is a chapter on the morality of vote buying and why Brennan argues it is justifiable under certain circumstances. And the morality for the \"Lesser of two evils\" Justification. In the paperback edition there is also an afterword by Brennan titled \"How to Vote Well\". While the book was widely well received as a new way of considering one's civic duty, there have been criticisms of his work. Chad Flanders' review of", "id": "21935053" }, { "contents": "Denglong\n\n\nhis side and helps the communication between the living and the dead, helping the Emperor to past on to another reincarnation. Therefore, Denglong is consider a model for the righteousness and moral. For function, Denglong is worship as the greatest creature in China because it helps to drive away evil from its master, defend against ill-meaning wishes, takes away bad fortune, gathers and guards money. That is why Denglong is on the Huabiao in Tiananmen Square, and worship alongside the spirits of the world and ancestors of people", "id": "4230067" }, { "contents": "George N. Schlesinger\n\n\ncan defend the methods that they use even when they are not the same as those in use by scientists. He discusses evidence in favor of theism, and why the existence of evil and suffering in the world is not evidence against theism. In this book, Schlesinger illustrates that reflections on religion lead us to consider almost every other topic in philosophy. Schlesinger was very focused on time. He pointed out some very interesting ideas about time such as the fact that in a universe without events there is no time. Schlesinger pointed", "id": "7102960" }, { "contents": "Dragon Valor\n\n\nup to greet his exhausted daughter. Then, as he carries her in a piggyback fashion, he talks with her. Anita asks why it is that humans haven't turned into dragons, considering that there is evil in human hearts. Gerome points out that she did not, and then asks if she loves him, to which a puzzled Anita replies that she does. Gerome then theorizes that as long as there is love in the human heart, humans will never turn into dragons. Seeing a town up ahead, Gerome", "id": "7233913" }, { "contents": "Problem of evil\n\n\nthe question of \"why does evil exist?\" has also been studied in religions that are non-theistic or polytheistic, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. The problem of evil refers to the challenge of reconciling belief in an omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent God, with the existence of evil and suffering in the world. The problem may be described either experientially or theoretically. The experiential problem is the difficulty in believing in a concept of a loving God when confronted by suffering or evil in the real world", "id": "10890231" }, { "contents": "An Appeal to All that Doubt\n\n\nthe answer why there is “good and evil throughout all temporal nature and creature” as follows: \"Because all this temporary nature is a creation out of that strife of evil against good which the fallen angels had brought into their kingdom. ... Evil and good was in the angelic kingdom as soon as they set their wills and desires contrary to God and the divine life. ... Now the good and evil that is in this world is that same good and evil, and in the same strife that it was in the", "id": "1524500" }, { "contents": "Bowman v. Monsanto Co.\n\n\nthe elevator. He informed Monsanto of his activities. Monsanto stated that he was infringing its patents because the soybeans he bought from the elevator were products that he purchased for use as seeds without a license from Monsanto; Bowman stated that he had not infringed due to patent exhaustion on the first sale of seed to whatever farmers had produced the crops that he bought from the elevator, on the grounds that for seed, all future generations are embodied in the first generation that was originally sold. Bowman had previously purchased and planted Monsanto", "id": "714399" }, { "contents": "Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms\n\n\nwere not the subject of briefs nor extended arguments, and Stevens therefore dissented because \"the key legal premise on which the Court decides this case was never adequately presented. Of course, this is not standard — or sound — judicial practice... Today’s decision illustrates why, for it is quite unclear whether the Court’s premise is correct, and the Court has put itself in the position of deciding legal issues without the aid of briefing.\" In Stevens' dissent, he maintained that the injunction was warranted because there was", "id": "18160902" }, { "contents": "Problem of evil\n\n\nwill. In such a case the freedom of an innocent child is pitted against the freedom of the evil-doer, it is not clear why God would remain unresponsive and passive. Another criticism is that the potential for evil inherent in free will may be limited by means which do not impinge on that free will. God could accomplish this by making moral actions especially pleasurable, or evil action and suffering impossible by allowing free will but not allowing the ability to enact evil or impose suffering. Supporters of the free will explanation", "id": "10890248" }, { "contents": "Theodicy\n\n\ntheodicy seeks to show that it is reasonable to believe in God despite evidence of evil in the world and offers a framework which can account for why evil exists. A theodicy is often based on a prior natural theology, which attempts to prove the existence of God, and seeks to demonstrate that God's existence remains probable after the problem of evil is posed by giving a justification for God's permitting evil to happen. Defenses propose solutions to the logical problem of evil, while theodicies attempt to answer the evidential (inductive)", "id": "10890350" }, { "contents": "Islam in the Ottoman Empire\n\n\nKemal Ataturk stated: \"Our religion is a rational, plausible religion, which is why it is the last valid religion. Such as regular Islam, followed the 5 pillars of faith: Ottomans often wore little charms, such as necklaces, to protect themselves from evil. The greatest of these evils, to which most of these charm was the Evil Eye. The Evil Eye was no specific evil, but was most often attributed as jealousy. Because of their heterodox beliefs and practices, Alevis have been the target of historical", "id": "4382080" }, { "contents": "Last Generation Theology\n\n\n) as the conceptual key, the organizing principle that leads to an understanding of humanity's greatest questions: How did life begin? Why good and evil, and how does one know the difference? What happens after death? Why suffering and death? The Great Controversy Theme provides the background for the development of evil – the story of Lucifer's (Satan's) rebellion against the government of God. The thrust of Satan's argument is that God cannot be trusted, that His law is severe and unfair, and", "id": "10618715" }, { "contents": "William F. Vallicella\n\n\nin the book \"Falling in love with wisdom: American philosophers talk about their calling\", Vallicella discusses the philosophical questions which he happened to think about in his youth, such as \"What if God hadn't created anything?\", \"What if even God didn't exist\", and \"Why is good, good, and evil, evil?\", and his thoughts on the inquiry of philosophy. What is it for any contingent thing to exist? Why does any contingent thing exist? For some time", "id": "14584490" }, { "contents": "Evil\n\n\ntheir victims will understand to be evil. Universalists consider evil independent of culture, and wholly related to acts or intents. Thus, while the ideological leaders of Nazism and the Hutu Interhamwe accepted (and considered it moral) to commit genocide, the belief in genocide as \"fundamentally\" or \"universally\" evil holds that those who instigated this genocide are actually evil. Hitler considered it a moral duty to destroy Jews because he saw them as the root of all of Germany's ills and the violence associated with communism. Osama", "id": "9748617" }, { "contents": "Truth's Triumph\n\n\nor experience vertigo at a great height. Also, that is why a faith in God works more powerfully in us than a faith in nature itself. Since Cain, the only devil is within man. Yet Tomkinson acknowledges that God, who can cause no evil, can stir up the reason within a person that causes evil. For example, David's temptation to number the people. No Satan is involved; only David himself. That is why, after the deed was done, \"David's heart smote him.", "id": "11046395" }, { "contents": "Problem of evil\n\n\nand many of whom have historically experienced evil and suffering from abuse by their owners. Further, even animals and living creatures in the wild face horrendous evils and suffering—such as burns and slow death after natural fires or other natural disasters or from predatory injuries—and it is unclear, state Bishop and Perszyk, why an all-loving God would create such free creatures prone to intense suffering. There is also debate regarding the compatibility of moral free will (to select good or evil action) with the absence of evil", "id": "10890254" }, { "contents": "Monsanto (Idanha-a-Nova)\n\n\nMonsanto is a village and a former civil parish in the municipality of Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal. In 2013, the parish merged into the new parish Monsanto e Idanha-a-Velha. It covered an area of 131.76 km² and had 828 inhabitants (June 30, 2011). It was the principal town of the \"concelho\" between 1174 and the beginning of the 19th century, and the county seat in the period of 1758-1853. In recent decades, Monsanto has become popularly known as \"", "id": "15357734" }, { "contents": "MON 810\n\n\ndeath These produced Bt toxins bind to certain localized sites on the epithelium of the midgut of insects. Proteins need specific receptors on cells in order to form the Cry proteins and become toxic, which is why the toxins are specific for the order Lepidoptera. The receptors are important for binding the toxic protein and starting the signal cascade, but the exact mechanism of these toxins is not well understood. MON 810’s transgene structure differs from the original plasmid constructed for the safety assessment for Monsanto and has changed compared to the naturally occurring", "id": "10693598" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\nThe Monsanto Company () was an American agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation founded in 1901. In 2018, it was acquired by Bayer as part of its crop science division. It was headquartered in Creve Coeur, Missouri. Monsanto developed Roundup, a glyphosate-based herbicide, in the 1970s, and became a major producer of genetically engineered crops. Monsanto was one of four groups to introduce genes into plants in 1983, and was among the first to conduct field trials of genetically modified crops in 1987. It was one of", "id": "10186620" }, { "contents": "Eliphaz (Job)\n\n\nvault of heaven.'\" Job wasn't arguing that God could not prevent evil. Job was observing that in this life God often chooses not prevent evil. Conventional wisdom told Eliphaz that God should immediately punish the wicked as that would be the just thing to do. Job, however, saw it differently, and in 24:1, Job laments. \"Why does the Almighty not set times for judgment? Why must those who know him look in vain for such days?\" Job yearns for the justice Eliphaz claims exists", "id": "12586987" }, { "contents": "Mayor (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)\n\n\nBuffy's frequent admissions that she considers her responsibilities an imposition on her life—although she is committed to her duty. In the early part of the season, Faith's actions aid the cause of good, but her motivations are ambiguous. She never reveals, other than the pleasure she receives, why she fights evil. Faith, Buffy, and the Mayor come into conflict during \"Bad Girls\", an episode in which Buffy allows herself to break rules and ignore responsibility. Needing to distract the Slayers so that he", "id": "14376594" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\nIllinois (now known as Sauget). It was formed to provide minimal regulation and low taxes for Monsanto plants at a time when local jurisdictions had most of the responsibility for environmental rules. It was renamed in honor of Leo Sauget, its first village president. In 1935, Monsanto bought the Swann Chemical Company in Anniston, Alabama, and thereby entered the business of producing PCBs. In 1936, Monsanto acquired Thomas & Hochwalt Laboratories in Dayton, Ohio, to acquire the expertise of Charles Allen Thomas and Carroll A. Hochwalt.", "id": "10186625" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\nit access to sales and distribution facilities in 51 countries. In 2005, it finalized the purchase of Seminis Inc, a leading global vegetable and fruit seed company, for $1.4 billion. This made it the world's largest conventional seed company. In 1999 Monsanto sold off NutraSweet Co. In December of the same year, Monsanto agreed to merge with Pharmacia & Upjohn, in a deal valuing the transaction at $27 billion. The agricultural division became a wholly owned subsidiary of the \"new\" Pharmacia; Monsanto's medical research", "id": "10186635" }, { "contents": "Monsanto\n\n\nagainst the EU. Monsanto was a member of EuropaBio, the leading biotechnology trade group in Europe. One of EuropaBio's initiatives is \"Transforming Europe's position on GM food\". It found \"an urgent need to reshape the terms of the debate about GM in Europe\". EuropaBio proposed the recruitment of high-profile \"ambassadors\" to lobby EU officials. In September 2017 Monsanto lobbyists were banned from the European parliament after the Monsanto refused to attend a parliamentary hearing into allegations of regulatory interference. After the 2010 Haiti", "id": "10186695" } ]
How do you know something is done/said by Anonymous, when they are, by definition, anonymous? Can anyone do stuff/say things on behalf of Abobynous, or do they somehow have a recognized leadership who are not anonymous to each other/their members?
[{"answer": "Any unknown person can do or say things in the name of Anonymous. That's why you basically have to ignore everything Anonymous says they will do, and only look at what they actually do. There's no leadership, but there are I believe certain core groups who know one another by persistent pseudonyms, and may possibly know one another afk. They are probably disproportionately influential, in that they run widely-subscribed youtube/twitter/whatever accounts which play a significant role in getting messages out to the rest of Anonymous, but they aren't leadership in any classical sense of the word."}, {"answer": "Abobynous. I shall henceforth be replacing anonymous with this wonderful word."}, {"answer": "We are Abobynous We are begion We do not borgive We do not borget Bexpect us"}, {"answer": "It's essentially an organization with a [phantom cell structure]( URL_0 )."}, {"answer": "Somewhat tangential, but perhaps this could alleviate some confusion you may have. A lot of people argue about the idea that anyone that *says* they're Anonymous automatically *is* Anonymous. \"So does that mean that if an FBI says he's Anonymous, he actually *is*?\" Some people insist that he would be. This is nonsense. It's pretty much just propaganda, chosen to make it look like Anonymous is legion, and also because it just sounds cool. I'd say you are Anonymous if you fulfill two criteria. 1. You understand--to some unspecified amount--what Anonymous *is*. 2. You *identify* as part of Anonymous. 1\\. makes it so my mom--who can't even use a computer nor understand the history of Anonymous or even what they stand for--can't call herself Anonymous just because she saw a brief newsreport on them and their support for OWS. You need to have a somewhat decent understanding of who they are. It just goes without saying. 2\\. makes it so that FBI agents and such do not instantly become Anonymous just because they *say* they are. You become Anonymous if you *feel* you are. You can lie and say you're not Anonymous and still be an Anon. A fed can lie and say he's Anon when he's working to subvert Anon. This is the same basic criteria to fit into pretty much any subculture. Someone can feel that they are a goth even if they never wear goth clothing or listen to goth music. As long as they understand what a goth is and think they're one of them, I'd argue that they are one."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "15716827", "title": "Anonymous (group)", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["However, this may not always be the case as some of the collective prefer to instead cover their face without using the well-known mask as a disguise. Some anons also opt to mask their voices through voice changers or text-to-speech programs. In its early form, the concept was adopted by a decentralized online community acting anonymously in a coordinated manner, usually toward a loosely self-agreed goal and primarily focused on entertainment (or lulz). Beginning with Project Chanology in 2008a series of protests, pranks, and hacks targeting the Church of Scientologythe Anonymous collective became increasingly associated with collaborative hacktivism on a number of issues internationally. Individuals claiming to align themselves with Anonymous undertook protests and other actions (including direct action) in retaliation against copyright-focused campaigns by motion picture and recording industry trade associations. Later targets of Anonymous hacktivism included government agencies of the U.S., Israel, Tunisia, Uganda, and others; the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant; child pornography sites; copyright protection agencies; the Westboro Baptist Church; and corporations such as PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, and Sony. Anons have publicly supported WikiLeaks and the Occupy movement. Related groups LulzSec and Operation AntiSec carried out cyberattacks on U.S. government agencies, media, video game companies, military contractors, military personnel, and police officers, resulting in the attention of law enforcement to the groups' activities.", "Anons have publicly supported WikiLeaks and the Occupy movement. Related groups LulzSec and Operation AntiSec carried out cyberattacks on U.S. government agencies, media, video game companies, military contractors, military personnel, and police officers, resulting in the attention of law enforcement to the groups' activities."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Anonymous (group)\n\n\na \"brand\", stated in 2012 that she now characterized it as a \"movement\" rather than a group: \"anyone can be part of it. It is a crowd of people, a nebulous crowd of people, working together and doing things together for various purposes.\" The group's few rules include not disclosing one's identity, not talking about the group, and not attacking media. Members commonly use the tagline \"We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not", "id": "20360937" }, { "contents": "Anonymous (group)\n\n\nthe first internet-based super-consciousness. Anonymous is a group, in the sense that a flock of birds is a group. How do you know they’re a group? Because they’re travelling in the same direction. At any given moment, more birds could join, leave, peel off in another direction entirely. Sam Esmail, the creator of the USA Network show \"Mr. Robot\", said in an interview with \"Motherboard\" that he was inspired by Anonymous when creating the hacktivist drama. Furthermore,", "id": "20361008" }, { "contents": "Anonymous Christian\n\n\nno anonymous Christian\"; that is perfectly clear. But, let us say, a Buddhist monk (or anyone else I might suppose) who, because he follows his conscience, attains salvation and lives in the grace of God; of him I must say that he is an anonymous Christian; if not, I would have to presuppose that there is a genuine path to salvation that really attains that goal, but that simply has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. But I cannot do that. And so if", "id": "6571386" }, { "contents": "Star Trek: Encounters\n\n\nplaying through different eras of the \"Trek\" timeline is a great concept, and definitely has its appeal, the actual gameplay doesn't do it justice. It's a bargain title, but even gamers strapped for cash need to know \"Encounters\" is \"Star Trek\" only in name, not in function.\" Greg Damiano of Game Revolution said that \"the game itself does nothing to draw you in. William Shatner delivers surprisingly muted, anonymous introductions to each episode before a series of anonymous text boxes explain your", "id": "8605359" }, { "contents": "Oxygene (programming language)\n\n\nin and the fields of the class they belong to. Anonymous methods are especially useful when working with code that is supposed to be executed in a GUI thread, which is done in .NET by passing a method do the codice_23 method (codice_32 in WinForms, codice_33 in WPF): Anonymous methods can have parameters, too: Both source codes use anonymous delegates. Property notification is used mainly for data binding, when the GUI has to know when the value of a property changes. The .NET framework provides the interfaces codice_34 and", "id": "1443662" }, { "contents": "Online disinhibition effect\n\n\nonline we feel freer to do and say what we want and, as a result, often do and say things we shouldn't\". Online disinhibition can also have positive outcomes. People that are shy, that feel they can't talk about certain things in their real lives, that may have no vocal outlet can benefit from online disinhibition without causing harm to others. The anonymity of being online allows people to self-disclose more than they do in-person. Online disinhibition can provide a safe place for people of", "id": "1857472" }, { "contents": "Project Chanology\n\n\nTimes\" that, as of February 4, 2008, the group consisted of \"a loose confederation of about 9,000 people\" who post anonymously on the Internet. A security analyst told \"The Age\" that the number of people participating anonymously in Project Chanology could number in the thousands: \"You can't pin it on a person or a group of people. You've thousands of people engaged to do anything they can against Scientology.\" Members of Project Chanology say their main goal is \"to enlighten the Church of", "id": "13197885" }, { "contents": "Anonymous P2P\n\n\ntypes simultaneously (a node can have some manually added darknet peer nodes and some automatically selected opennet peers) . In a friend-to-friend (or F2F) network, users only make direct connections with people they know. Many F2F networks support indirect anonymous or pseudonymous communication between users who do not know or trust one another. For example, a node in a friend-to-friend overlay can automatically forward a file (or a request for a file) anonymously between two \"friends\", without telling either", "id": "7944985" }, { "contents": "MTV News: Unfiltered\n\n\nTest, or S.A.T. He feels that the test is a biased survey of knowledge, and does not appropriately reflect the intelligence or potential for students. In his segments Jake shows why the test doesn’t work, and gives tips on how to most effectively beat each section of the test. Anybody have any good tips they want to share? How do you feel about the S.A.T.? Is it a fair measure of students’ abilities? Ferrets Anonymous. Nicole (who wants her last name and town to remain anonymous) is", "id": "11799374" }, { "contents": "Ann Walsh Bradley\n\n\nhold. Prosser himself said that these reports will be proven to be false. According to other anonymous sources, Bradley attacked Prosser. \"She charged him with fists raised,\" the anonymous source said. Prosser \"put his hands in a defensive posture,\" the anonymous source said. \"He blocked her.\" In doing so, the anonymous source said, he made contact with Bradley's neck. Justice Prosser denied he choked Bradley saying \"Once there's a proper review of the matter and the facts surrounding it", "id": "16997677" }, { "contents": "Flapper\n\n\nhelping readers channel their inner celebrity. In March 1926 an anonymous young woman wrote in describing petting as a problem, explaining \"The boys all seem to do it and don't seem to come back if you don't do it also. We girls are at our wits' end to know what to do. ... I'm sure that I don't want to marry anyone who is too slow to want to pet. But I want to discover what is right. Please help me.\" Van Wyck sympathized with the", "id": "20895307" }, { "contents": "Privacy concerns with social networking services\n\n\nand they do.\" This is a privacy concern because users can say whatever they choose and the receiver of the message may never know who they are communicating with. Sites such as these allow for a large chance or cyberbullying or cyberstalking to occur. People seem to believe that since they can be anonymous, they have the freedom to say anything no matter how mean or malicious. On July 6, 2010, Blizzard Entertainment announced that it would display the real names tied to user accounts in its game forums. On July", "id": "6382623" }, { "contents": "Anonymous (group)\n\n\ncharacter V who inspired Anonymous to adopt the Guy Fawkes mask as an icon and fashion item, you're never quite sure if Anonymous is the hero or antihero. The trickster is attracted to change and the need for change, and that's where Anonymous goes. But they are not your personal army – that's Rule 44 – yes, there are rules. And when they do something, it never goes quite as planned. The internet has no neat endings. Furthermore, Landers assessed the following in 2008: Anonymous is", "id": "20361007" }, { "contents": "Chris Daughtry\n\n\njust be there without actually being there, is the best thing I can do. As a man, I always feel like I need to say something. Sometimes I have to stop myself because all I want to do is call and tell her about how much awesome stuff is going on in my life, and, you know, her day is sucking hard. I could write a book on it, I’m serious.\" Chris Daughtry and fellow \"Idol\" contestant Ace Young have been friends since they met at", "id": "6234518" }, { "contents": "Mark Boidman\n\n\n, enabling advertisers to engage consumers on the go. In Boidman's opinion, \"In the world of online, they can track you with cookies, they know where you’ve been and where you’re going next. It’s almost the same thing in real life.\" \"From a privacy standpoint, people are willing to give up information about themselves, as long as it’s aggregated and anonymous,\" he says. \"They’re very comfortable [doing so] in order to get valuable information in return that", "id": "9948841" }, { "contents": "James Phillips (South African musician)\n\n\ndebate and intolerance of non-conformism. The Corporals gained a small but fiercely loyal following, but lack of venues, airplay and their raw aggressive music meant they were either anonymous to or completely ignored by the mainstream. Despite this Phillips never questioned whether he was doing the right thing or not, as he himself said, \"It was just something that had to be done, someone had to sing about what was happening in South Africa\". After doing his initial two years in the army Phillips became a conscientious objector", "id": "1169956" }, { "contents": "Anonymous birth\n\n\ntheir birth. Particularly in neonaticide women are predominantly young, unmarried, with unwanted pregnancies. They also typically do not have a mental disorder. These women often hide their pregnancy and do not receive pre-natal care. Prevention of neonaticide, as well as, the other forms of child neglect, are through the anonymous and secretive measures of anonymous birth, confidential birth, and baby hatches. Early systems of anonymous birth can be found in France and Sweden in the 1600s and 1700s. Within beginning of the 21st century,", "id": "4230432" }, { "contents": "Brent Iverson\n\n\nof a sudden you've got a lot of stuff that's laid out for you, and you don't have to think about those things anymore. Now you can say, 'How can I innovate in that space?' \"I think technology a lot of times has that same effect... Now you can stop worrying about that stuff and you can say, 'Well, what do I do that's really interesting to the customer on top of that framework?'\" Iverson also wrote the MS-DOS and", "id": "7445516" }, { "contents": "Anonymous (group)\n\n\nlevers, but a few organizational minds that sometimes pooled together to start planning a stunt.\" Some members protest using legal means, while others employ illegal measures such as DDoS attacks and hacking. Membership is open to anyone who wishes to state they are a member of the collective; British journalist Carole Cadwalladr of \"The Observer\" compared the group's decentralized structure to that of al-Qaeda: \"If you believe in Anonymous, and call yourself Anonymous, you are Anonymous.\" Olson, who formerly described Anonymous as", "id": "20360936" }, { "contents": "Workaholics Anonymous\n\n\nand burnt out, finding themselves having an even harder time beginning the work for the next deadline. This results in more frantic working as the next deadline approaches. In an analogy to terminology from Overeaters Anonymous, WA members describe this as \"Work Bulimia\", and the stage of burnout and procrastination as \"Work Anorexia\". To help potential members decide whether or not they need the program, WA provides a questionnaire, asking things like \"Do you get more excited about work than about family or anything else?\"", "id": "1634883" }, { "contents": "International telecommunications routes\n\n\npartial visibility of what each other is doing. Minutes exchanges allow carriers to buy and sell termination anonymously at a contracted price and quality. The anonymity is important, as minutes exchanges are used daily by PTT's and Tier One carriers to manage their commitment deals. Prices in the wholesale market are far lower than consumer prices but can and do change on a daily or weekly basis. A carrier will have a least cost routing function to manage its trading on the wholesale market. The quality of routes in the wholesale market can", "id": "22076617" }, { "contents": "Anonymous remailer\n\n\nchain two or three remailers, so that each remailer can't know who is sending a message to whom. Cypherpunk remailers do not keep logs of transactions. In Mixmaster, the user composes an email to a remailer, which is relayed through each node in the network using SMTP, until it finally arrives at the final recipient. Mixmaster can only send emails one way. An email is sent anonymously to an individual, but for them to be able to respond, a reply address must be included in the body of the", "id": "10161402" }, { "contents": "Opposition to the Iraq War\n\n\nnitty-gritty things such as if you bury a Scud missile to hide it from detection, there is a little thing called corrosion. Where do you hide the fuel, how do you make this stuff up, how do you align it. Because when you disassemble it, there is a process called re-alignment. There is a factory involved in that. And then you have to test launch it to make sure that the alignment works, and that's detectable, and they haven't done that. There is", "id": "14144397" }, { "contents": "2007 Texas Longhorns football team\n\n\nhave gone the wrong way — tipped balls and that stuff.\" He also said there was room for improvement, \"Teams are blitzing us a lot more. We've handled it well for the most part, but there's so many things we can do better... If you ask every person on this offense, they'll tell you there's something individually they can do better.\" After the loss to Oklahoma, Mack Brown said he did not want to hear about bad luck, \"By saying we're unlucky", "id": "8306057" }, { "contents": "Do You... (Miguel song)\n\n\n, and innocently delivers a transgressive message through the use of simile: \"I'm going to do you like drugs tonight\". Miguel said of the song's lyrics, \"I have this propensity to just come out and say things. That's how I am in real life. If I wanna know something I just ask. Like, 'Hey, do you like drugs?' Because I do! Sometimes! ... MDMA… on occasion.\" Alex Macpherson of \"The Guardian\" observes \"faded psychedelia\"", "id": "19782256" }, { "contents": "Matchify\n\n\ndirectly (unlike men who can do it until there's a mutual like), control over who can see profile and pictures, and abuse reporting and blocking. An anonymous chat feature is intended to help women initiate a chat in \"Mask me\" mode where the photo and complete profile details are kept anonymous. When they are comfortable, they can choose to reveal their identity. The 'React' feature is designed to let women know if the profile picture uploaded is genuine, by letting women ask men to upload instant", "id": "568772" }, { "contents": "Mumford & Sons\n\n\n. Not from Markus [Dravs], but he was so closely attached to those first two records that as we had taken that time off, we wanted to try doing something new. It felt like, if we do our third record with Markus, does that mean we do our ninth and 10th records with Markus? At some point you have to try different things, as we collectively felt like it was time to try other stuff. Markus knows that we might well make the next record with him. We definitely", "id": "12299303" }, { "contents": "Take Your Partner by the Hand\n\n\ndoing the U2 stuff. He was like, 'Howie I've just heard something you've done. I don't know if you know who I am but I'd love to do some tunes'. I was like, 'Magic! let's do that! ' He kept sending me cassettes in Dublin. In December we hooked up and did three tunes. Crazy fucking tunes. Then when I finished my album I sent him out a CD and he rang up and said, 'Howie I'd love to", "id": "3082182" }, { "contents": "John L. McKenzie\n\n\nChristians from seeing how deeply human pain entered into his soul. Jesus never said that suffering is not real, or that it does not hurt much, or that it passes quickly, or that it is good for you. He seems to have recommended something too simple, which does not touch the theoretical problem of suffering. His response to suffering was: stop hurting each other. That much anyone can do; if you cannot do that much, do not form a study group.” \"Source\", p.", "id": "15703476" }, { "contents": "Union type\n\n\nas a non-standard extension in many compilers, unions can also be anonymous. Their data members do not need to be referenced, are instead accessed directly. They have some restrictions as opposed to traditional unions: in C11, they must be a member of another structure or union, and in C++, they can not have methods or access specifiers. Simply omitting the class-name portion of the syntax does not make a union an anonymous union. For a union to qualify as an anonymous union, the declaration must", "id": "17072544" }, { "contents": "Jon Jones\n\n\nto stop that stuff. The openings of the hands and putting the hands on the face are something bad, but it happens with guys who have reach. They do that a lot.\" White later clarified his point, saying, \"It's not just taller fighters. Jones has that range and he can do it, but lots of guys do it because that’s how you block punches. So you keep your hands open and you slap punches down. Then guys are rushing in and you’re doing whatever,", "id": "10930388" }, { "contents": "Narcotics Anonymous\n\n\nNA members identify themselves in meetings by their first name only. The spirit of anonymity is about placing \"principles before personalities\" and recognizing that no individual addict is superior to another, and that individual addicts do not recover without the fellowship or its spiritual principles. The Eleventh Tradition states that NA members \"need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films\". NA sprang from the Alcoholics Anonymous Program of the mid-1930s, and was founded by Jimmy Kinnon. Meetings first emerged in the Los Angeles", "id": "15958741" }, { "contents": "Jon-Henri Damski\n\n\n. You feel dismembered and cut off from everyone. You feel so alone and isolated in your narcissistic nightmare that at times you feel like you are trapped in a suicidal black hole facing psychic death.\" Then he says what it's really like in a gay bar: \"Outsiders have an image that gay bars and 'haunts' are filled with anonymous strangers, replicant clones eager to plug into each other and then split. Not so. Gay people are not anonymous but \"protononymous\": We know each other by", "id": "17684056" }, { "contents": "Oz (programming language)\n\n\nto other functions or can be returned in a function. Like many other functional languages, Oz supports use of anonymous functions (i.e. functions which do not have a name) with higher order programming. The symbol $ is used to denote these. In the following, the square function is defined anonymously and passed, causing codice_3 to be browsed. Since anonymous functions don't have names, it is not possible to define recursive anonymous functions. Functions in Oz are supposed to return a value at the last statement encountered in the", "id": "16303102" }, { "contents": "Demon Days\n\n\nchoir or string section or guitarist – are specialized in what they do. All you have to do is figure out the best thing they're doing and how it's going to fit within the context of the whole project. That goes back to putting together a song on a computer-based program. You're looking for all the parts that are going to make something sound right. It's also being able to communicate. I had done stuff before Gorillaz – like the Pelican City stuff – where I worked with musicians", "id": "12869281" }, { "contents": "Sexaholics Anonymous\n\n\nwe do not need to clarify the SA sobriety definition. Many (probably most) were convinced this vote meant that we are already clear on the meaning of traditional SA sobriety and no further clarification is needed. Others were equally convinced this vote meant that \"spouse\" and \"marriage\" could be interpreted as understood by each member. Some were convinced that SA is afraid to \"say what it means and mean what it says\" On July 9, 1999, the General Delegates Assembly, meeting at an international conference in", "id": "3862165" }, { "contents": "Tidal Wave (Taking Back Sunday album)\n\n\never done. There were times when Mark was playing and I was thinking, ‘I don’t know how he’s physically doing that'\". Nolan said a lot of consideration went into how the guitars sounded \"whether it was the amps or the different pedal combinations that we were trying out\". Nolan said that his \"instinct\" when it came to lead guitar parts was to be laid back \"and do things that are simple and melodic\". Lazzara, who preferred guitar solos that do \"something crazy", "id": "230182" }, { "contents": "Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous\n\n\nAnonymous (OA), another twelve step program. At that time, in Chelsea, Massachusetts, and nearby, several OA meetings began to embrace a set of distinctive practices. The meetings were united by a shared definition of abstinence; the requirement that speakers at each meeting have a minimum of 90 days of continuous abstinence; the practice of doing the Twelve Steps in AWOL groups; and the belief that overeating, under-eating, bulimia, and other food-related, self-destructive behaviors are symptoms of the disease", "id": "5549055" }, { "contents": "Iceberg theory\n\n\n\"The Art of the Short Story\", Hemingway is clear about his method: \"A few things I have found to be true. If you leave out important things or events that you know about, the story is strengthened. If you leave or skip something because you do not know it, the story will be worthless. The test of any story is how very good the stuff that you, not your editors, omit.\" A writer explained how it brings a story \"gravitas\": From reading Rudyard", "id": "5034492" }, { "contents": "Nintendo Switch\n\n\na Switch console exclusive, they do not force developers towards this, knowing that the developers must have a good business case for doing so. While many independent developers have praised Nintendo for better support for the Switch, others, speaking anonymously through \"Nintendo Life\", noted that Nintendo seemed to have a \"walled garden\" approach with independent developers, a remnant from the WiiWare program that allowed a great deal of shovelware to be pushed onto it. These anonymous developers found that Nintendo was either eschewing some developers completely, or", "id": "10125201" }, { "contents": "Thomas Henry Huxley\n\n\nwhilst writing an extremely hostile anonymous review of the \"Origin\" in the \"Edinburgh Review\", also primed Samuel Wilberforce who wrote one in the \"Quarterly Review\", running to 17,000 words. The authorship of this latter review was not known for sure until Wilberforce's son wrote his biography. So it can be said that, just as Darwin groomed Huxley, so Owen groomed Wilberforce; and both the proxies fought public battles on behalf of their principals as much as themselves. Though we do not know the exact words", "id": "10740488" }, { "contents": "Anonymous recursion\n\n\nitself. However, as a matter of programming style this is generally not done. The usual alternative is to use named functions and named recursion. Given an anonymous function, this can be done either by binding a name to the function, as in named function expressions in JavaScript, or by assigning the function to a variable and then calling the variable, as in function statements in JavaScript. Since languages that allow anonymous functions generally allow assigning these functions to variables (if not first-class functions), many languages do", "id": "20059709" }, { "contents": "Friend-to-friend\n\n\nof software that can be used to build F2F networks, though RetroShare is the only one of these configured for friend-to-friend operation by default. Many F2F networks support indirect anonymous or pseudonymous communication between users who do not know or trust one another. For example, a node in a friend-to-friend overlay can automatically forward a file (or a request for a file) anonymously between two friends, without telling either of them the other's name or IP address. These friends can in turn automatically", "id": "17330592" }, { "contents": "Timeline of events associated with Anonymous\n\n\nthe service when the attack finished. Analysis of the attacks cited their peak bandwidth at under 17Mbit, a figure considered small when compared with other DDoS attacks. In July 2010, there was a reaction to the use of one of Anonymous' slogans by the Oregon Tea Party. The Party's Facebook page was flooded with image macro and flames. Within a few hours, the Tea Party posted a message saying \"Anonymous: We appreciate your resources and admire your tactics. You have taught us more than you know. As", "id": "4516353" }, { "contents": "Small Change (Tom Waits album)\n\n\nBones Howe, the album's producer, recalls when Waits first came to him with the song: Howe was amazed when he first heard the song, and he's still astonished by it. \"I do a lot of seminars,\" he says. \"Occasionally I'll do something for songwriters. They all say the same thing to me. 'All the great lyrics are done.' And I say, 'I'm going to give you a lyric that you never heard before.\"' Howe then says", "id": "15420701" }, { "contents": "Authentication\n\n\npast. In particular, a digitally signed contract may be questioned when a new attack on the cryptography underlying the signature is discovered. The process of authorization is distinct from that of authentication. Whereas authentication is the process of verifying that \"you are who you say you are\", authorization is the process of verifying that \"you are permitted to do what you are trying to do\". This does not mean authorization presupposes authentication; an anonymous agent could be authorized to a limited action set. One familiar use of authentication", "id": "3655156" }, { "contents": "Dangerous (Andy Taylor album)\n\n\nvery last minute they pulled out. And I said to the label – A&M – I could do that. The guys that managed me at the time went into overdrive – 'you can do that as well, because you know how much money they are going to pay you to do it?!' I thought, great, this is something everyone wants to do – an album of their favourite covers. The reason things are so raw, was that within 3 days we were in the studio recording this thing and", "id": "15294240" }, { "contents": "Timeline of events associated with Anonymous\n\n\nhunt you, Take down your sites, accounts, emails, and expose you. From now on, no safe place for you online... You will be treated like a virus, and we are the cure... We own the internet... We are Anonymous; we are Legion; we do not forgive, we do not forget, Expect us. On February 11, Anonymous hacked at least 1 gas station automated tank gauge, changing the online name from \"DIESEL\" to \"WE_ARE_LEGION\". stated that a hacker", "id": "4516446" }, { "contents": "Anonymous remailer\n\n\naddresses to ensure they do not break the law; others offer superior anonymity with attachment functionality by choosing to trust that the users will not breach the websites Terms of Service (TOS). In most cases, remailers are owned and operated by individuals, and are not as stable as they might ideally be. In fact, remailers can, and have, gone down without warning. It is important to use up-to-date statistics when choosing remailers. Although most re-mailer systems are used responsibly, the anonymity", "id": "10161411" }, { "contents": "Oprah Winfrey\n\n\nDoubt means don't. When you don't know what to do, do nothing until you do know what to do. Because the doubt is your inner voice or the voice of God or whatever you choose to call it. It is your instinct trying to tell you something is off. That's how I have found myself to be led spiritually, because that's your spiritual voice saying to you, 'let's think about it.' So when you don't know what to do, do nothing.\"", "id": "9973251" }, { "contents": "Expedition of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Al-Fuls)\n\n\nWhat makes you flee? Do you flee lest you should say there is no god but Allâh? Do you know any other god but Allâh?\" \"No\" he said, then talked for a while. The Messenger of Allâh went on saying: \"Certainly you flee so that you may not hear the statement saying ‘Allâh is the Greatest.’ Do you know anyone who is greater than Allâh?\" \"No\" he said. \"The Jews are those whose portion is wrath, and the Christians are", "id": "17397639" }, { "contents": "Helmuth James von Moltke\n\n\na thousand people are murdered in this way every day, and another thousand German men are habituated to murder... What shall I say when I am asked: And what did you do during that time?\" In the same letter he said, \"Since Saturday the Berlin Jews are being rounded up. Then they are sent off with what they can carry... How can anyone know these things and walk around free?\" Moltke hoped that his appraisals could have a humanitarian effect on military actions; he was supported by anti", "id": "4875270" }, { "contents": "Anonymous (2011 film)\n\n\nthat making the film was \"a very risky thing to do\", and imagines that \"the orthodox Stratfordians are going to be \"apoplectic\" with rage.\" Bert Fields, a lawyer who wrote a book about the authorship issue, thinks scholars may be missing the larger benefit that \"Anonymous\" provides – widespread appreciation of the Bard's work. \"Why do these academics feel threatened by this? It isn't threatening anybody,\" Fields commented. \"The movie does things that I don't necessarily agree with", "id": "8520367" }, { "contents": "Javon Ringer\n\n\nI am definitely doing a lot of watching, Different things that they do is the reason why they're successful in the NFL, so I am kind of watching and learning and seeing how they go about their business. ... I am asking questions and they've been very helpful with me.\" Teammate Chris Johnson said of the other backs, \"Basically if you have the talent to make it here, you pretty much know how to read a defense and know how to run a ball, So there are not a", "id": "11053500" }, { "contents": "Cyberbaiting\n\n\ncode of conduct for how teachers and students communicate with each other via social media. Cyber experts say that it can be caused by the new powerful, technical tools that are available to impulsive teens. The perceptions teens have about the internet is also a factor since whatever is done on the internet can be anonymous. Another factor is the mob mentality – nobody feels responsible if it is done in a pack. A North Carolina teacher who had many years of experience teaching in the classroom mentors other teachers says that some teachers are", "id": "17208161" }, { "contents": "Anonymity\n\n\n, or a way of realizing, a certain other values, such as privacy, or liberty. An important example for anonymity being not only protected, but enforced by law is the vote in free elections. In many other situations (like conversation between strangers, buying some product or service in a shop), anonymity is traditionally accepted as natural. There are also various situations in which a person might choose to withhold their identity. Acts of charity have been performed anonymously when benefactors do not wish to be acknowledged. A", "id": "13274143" }, { "contents": "The Album About Nothing\n\n\nand I listened to his music, I liked the music. So I said alright, I'll do it, even though I didn't know what I was going to do. So I said to my wife, 'I'm doing this thing with this guy Wale' and she said, 'Wale is my favorite Hip Hop artist. I have every single thing.' Somehow, she missed anything that had to do with me, but has every other cut, everything else he's done. I said just", "id": "1487734" }, { "contents": "Henry Hudson (artist)\n\n\n“I did performance as a student, but when I left I was broke and looking to make things I could sell. I’ve always loved the impasto painters: Leon Kossoff, Frank Auerbach, anyone a bit gloopy. So Plasticine felt like something I could run with.” In the New York Times Hudson was quoted as saying that “there are certain things you can do with Plasticine that you can’t do with paint”, the writer Laura K. Jones has said that Hudson's use of Plasticine creates paintings that", "id": "17262754" }, { "contents": "Four Upbuilding Discourses, 1844\n\n\nit can safely be assumed that anyone who seeks to know himself better will be willing to acknowledge that he has not infrequently caught himself in it, and for that reason he is always a bit dubious about even his boldest enterprise.\" So remember \"the one thing needful\". The single individual can know very many things but not do much of anything that relates to the knowing. One can reflect on what the Bible says or one could decide to do something in relation to what they know. Kierkegaard put it this", "id": "1484294" }, { "contents": "2016 Libertarian Party presidential debates and forums\n\n\nfocused on corporate greed, the War on Drugs and the government's use of force, both at home and abroad. \"The government is, by definition, force, and there are certain things you need to do. You need to do defense, you need to do courts, you need to do police. But beyond that, I don't know if we have to use a lot of force to decide how people make their lawns look,\" Jillette said. On the issues Johnson said, \"The fact", "id": "18215246" }, { "contents": "Silk Road (marketplace)\n\n\npossible, condemn\" the anonymous postings against the judge. \"They do not in any way have anything to do with Ross Ulbricht or anyone associated with him or reflect his views or those of anyone associated with him\", Dratel said. In late March 2015, a criminal complaint issued by the United States District Court for the Northern District of California led to the arrest of two former federal agents who had worked undercover in the Baltimore Silk Road investigation of Ulbricht, former Drug Enforcement Administration agent Carl Mark Force IV and Secret", "id": "16834584" }, { "contents": "Cecilia Beaux\n\n\nrose said the nicest thing of all, 'we will do all we can to help you'…I want these men…to know me and recognize that I can do something.\" Though advised regularly of Beaux's progress abroad and to \"not be worried about any indiscretions of ours\", her Aunt Eliza repeatedly reminded her niece to avoid the temptations of Paris, \"Remember you are first of all a Christian – then a woman and last of all an Artist.\" When Beaux arrived in Paris, the Impressionists", "id": "7036732" }, { "contents": "2015 AAA Texas 500\n\n\nwhat I would have done differently or could have done differently. There's always something you can do better. But not knowing what that might be at this moment makes it a little bit easier to digest.\" Following a third–place finish, Harvick said that his team has \"had to overcome things week after week after week. I guess those are character-building moments as you go through those weekend, but we’ve managed to survive and advance and that’s what we’ve got to do next week.", "id": "5148382" }, { "contents": "Birds Anonymous\n\n\nthe statuette was passed on to Mel Blanc, who said that this was his favorite cartoon to do voices for, especially when it came to Sylvester. This film appeared in \"The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie\"'s third act \"The Oswalds\" where Sylvester and Clarence fight over Tweety again with Granny intervening. , \"Birds Anonymous\" can also be found, uncut and restored, on the \"\" and on \"Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Academy Awards Animation Collection\". It can also be found on the former", "id": "20191790" }, { "contents": "Kind of Blue\n\n\nto hear things. When you go this way, you can go on forever. You don't have to worry about changes and you can do more with the [melody] line. It becomes a challenge to see how melodically innovative you can be. When you're based on chords, you know at the end of 32 bars that the chords have run out and there's nothing to do but repeat what you've just done—with variations. I think a movement in jazz is beginning away from the conventional string", "id": "19247416" }, { "contents": "Martin Luther King Jr.\n\n\n. So will others who have backed you. You are done. King, there is only one thing left for you to do. You know what it is. You have just 34 days in which to do (this exact number has been selected for a specific reason, it has definite practical significant ). You are done. There is but one way out for you. You better take it before your filthy fraudulent self is bared to the nation. The letter was accompanied by a tape recording—excerpted from FBI", "id": "20621978" }, { "contents": "Social identity model of deindividuation effects\n\n\nas anonymity and reduced cues on group behavior, one needs to take the social and inter-group context into account. SIDE argues that anonymity and social context in interaction have cognitive and strategic consequences. Group immersion and anonymity have cognitive consequences that affect the relative salience of personal and social identities. These factors do not produce a loss of self as proposed by deindividuation theory. Rather, anonymity and immersion in the group can enhance the salience of social identity and thereby depersonalize social perceptions of others and the self. SIDE argues this", "id": "5954187" }, { "contents": "Succinct game\n\n\npolynomial time if k=formula_10. Finding a correlated equilibrium in symmetric games may be done in polynomial time. In anonymous games, players have different utilities but do not distinguish between other players (for instance, having to choose between \"go to cinema\" and \"go to bar\" while caring only how crowded will each place be, not who'll they meet there). In such a game a player's utility again depends on how many of his peers choose which strategy, and his own, so formula_11 utility", "id": "5809396" }, { "contents": "Internet relationship\n\n\nwho are geographically separated, or among individuals who have no prior knowledge of one another and meet in virtual spaces or cyberspaces and may even remain anonymous to one another. In some contexts cybersex is enhanced by the use of a webcam to transmit real-time video of the partners. Social networking has enabled people to connect with each other via the internet. Sometimes, members of a social networking service do know all, or many of their \"friends\" (Facebook) or \"connections\" (LinkedIn) etc. in", "id": "5279741" }, { "contents": "Ernest Hemingway\n\n\n\" Writing in \"The Art of the Short Story\", Hemingway explains: \"A few things I have found to be true. If you leave out important things or events that you know about, the story is strengthened. If you leave or skip something because you do not know it, the story will be worthless. The test of any story is how very good the stuff that you, not your editors, omit.\" The simplicity of the prose is deceptive. Zoe Trodd believes Hemingway crafted skeletal sentences in", "id": "9436335" }, { "contents": "Cryptome\n\n\nposted pictures of their logs, showing that they had records spanning the sites' history. According to Cryptome, the then nineteen years of logs added up to about one terabyte. Cryptome has warned users that they do not have technical measures to protect the anonymity of their sources, saying \"don’t send us stuff and think that we’ll protect you.\" Cryptome's trade mark application described its business as \"computer services, namely, on-line scanning, detecting, quarantining and eliminating of viruses, worms, trojans", "id": "3261945" }, { "contents": "Tweak (band)\n\n\nrare opportunity to have a positive influence on people.' Says front man Garth. 'We're not trying to be some kind of 'Saviour for the youth' and we definitely don't wonna preach, Fuck knows we're far from perfect. We just don't want anyone to settle for 'average'. We want them to realise that ordinary people are capable of Great things! You don't have to do something earthshaking like, find a cure for cancer, to be great. You just need to exceed", "id": "5760996" }, { "contents": "2004 FA Community Shield\n\n\n's not down to the European Championship, but you do wonder why the Copa América can't be at the same time. That harmony is never quite right, from Africa to America to Europe. Something should be done about that.\" Giggs said Manchester United needed to take the positives out of the match and anticipated Arsenal as their main rivals in the league: \"[They] know what to do and how to handle the pressure when it comes around.\" The two clubs next faced each other in a league", "id": "13576429" }, { "contents": "Jennifer Hale\n\n\nBissell has noted that she has been referred as \"a kind of Meryl Streep of the form\". In another interview she said, \"I love the anonymity. I could walk through Comic Con, and no matter how many people who might be a fan of what I do, we’re in proximity and no one knew. I’m invisible. If I’d have done as many on-camera roles as I’ve done voiceover I couldn’t go to the grocery store in peace.\" Hale also stated in", "id": "15199660" }, { "contents": "She Likes It in the Morning\n\n\ngo another.” When asked about writing songs, Walked said, \"As a writer, I really look for deep feelings inside myself to write about. You can learn how to write creatively with literature and study. You can even call it a craft as some writers do. It’s like a movie, if it isn’t something that is hitting you in a deep place and causing you to have emotions than its probably not going to do that in other people. So, when I’m writing, the things", "id": "14836465" }, { "contents": "Bryce Cartwright\n\n\nreportedly sent text messages to the woman when he discovered she was pregnant saying “You do realise there is no way I’ll be at the birth, We won’t keep in contact at all\". The anonymous woman went on to say “I felt I had no other option than to get rid of the baby, the pressure was relentless,” she said. “I was bullied by Bryce and Lou. They showed no compassion towards the baby and me\". On 2 August 2017, Cartwright's ex-", "id": "2899298" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nmaximum. Many donees do not inform the child that they were conceived through sperm donation, or, when non-anonymous donor sperm has been used, they do not tell the child until they are old enough for the clinic to provide contact information about the donor. Some believe that it is a human right for a person to know who their biological mother and father are, and thus it should be illegal to conceal this information in any way and at any time. For donor conceived children who find out after a long", "id": "12247087" }, { "contents": "Juan Manuel Echavarría\n\n\nas an anonymous figure, Echavarria points out how many Colombians die each year as senseless victims of violence. They are not killed because of their name or title, but for terror or warnings. Just as the mannequins do not have names or faces, neither do the countless who die each year. In a series of videos, Echavarria shows the faces of people who are directly affected by or who have survived the massacres of the paramilitary forces and guerrilla warfare. Each person sings a song that he or she has written to", "id": "1456938" }, { "contents": "Sean Hoare\n\n\nof intimidation and bullying that you would do it because you had to produce results. And, you know, to stand up in front of a Commons committee and say, 'I was unaware of this under my watch' was wrong.\" Following his original statements for \"The New York Times\" and testimony before the police, Hoare re-entered the news in July 2011 when he and an anonymous colleague told reporters for the \"Times\" that British police had assisted reporters working for News of the World with cell", "id": "1898895" }, { "contents": "Masked and Anonymous\n\n\n'Uncle Sweetheart,' or a weird poetic line or an idea or whatever, and he was like 'I don't know what to do with all this.' And for some reason I was able to go 'oh y'know you can take this...this is a line, this is the character, and the character could say this line.'\" Dylan's scraps of paper served as the inspiration for much of the project's story and script. A meeting was arranged with HBO executives and the television project", "id": "2808841" }, { "contents": "Project Chanology\n\n\nto want the Scientology site to be up there so that people who are interested can see the stupidity they have on the web and at the same time they can go – they are a few keystrokes from getting a thousand other opinions.\" Nick Douglas explained that the group decided to shift their strategy away from the attacks to Scientology websites: \"Anonymous even decided that they were going to stop that attack, that it was a bad idea. It's the usual thing they used to do when they really hadn't had", "id": "13197967" }, { "contents": "Anonymous P2P\n\n\nlawsuits against bloggers. There are many reasons to use anonymous P2P technology; most of them are generic to all forms of online anonymity. P2P users who desire anonymity usually do so as they do not wish to be identified as a publisher (sender), or reader (receiver), of information. Common reasons include: A particularly open view on legal and illegal content is given in The Philosophy Behind Freenet. Governments are also interested in anonymous P2P technology. The United States Navy funded the original onion routing research that led", "id": "7944968" }, { "contents": "History: Mob Music\n\n\neach other. [Laughs.] It must be something they do over there. We would have made so much money together ten years ago. But we both waited it out. We waited until we both got out of Jive and we talked about it one day and said, ‘You know what? Now is a good damn time to do that album.\" He also spoke about how many tracks would be on the album, saying: \"We’re only doing 12 tracks, maybe. We’ll put some", "id": "4104639" }, { "contents": "History: Function Music\n\n\neach other. [Laughs.] It must be something they do over there. We would have made so much money together ten years ago. But we both waited it out. We waited until we both got out of Jive and we talked about it one day and said, ‘You know what? Now is a good damn time to do that album.\" He also spoke about how many tracks would be on the album, saying: \"We’re only doing 12 tracks, maybe. We’ll put some", "id": "4104736" }, { "contents": "My Struggle (Knausgård novels)\n\n\nKnausgård \"broke the sound barrier of the autobiographical novel\". Knausgård has been criticized over the way he exposes other people in the book. A girlfriend he had for four years, anonymized under the name «Gunvor» in the fifth volume, said to the newspaper \"Bergens Tidende\": \"It was as if he said: Now I'm going to punch you in the face. I know it's going to hurt, and I will drive you to the hospital afterwards. But I'm going to do it", "id": "15767001" }, { "contents": "High Tide in the Heartland\n\n\n, okay. It's all about being free to do something you want and the space has a lot to do with that. It's inspiring, and it's much better than having some guy say 'this is how we do it here' or 'stand there and play this'. I have done both, and I much rather have fun and try things than do something 'right'.\" The album generated favored reviews from local Texas magazines. All songs written by Phil Pritchett except \"Released\" (", "id": "16484065" }, { "contents": "Anonymizer\n\n\nanonymizer. Commands to the anonymizer are included inside a typical message. The anonymizer then makes a connection to the resource specified by the inbound command and relays the message with the command stripped out. An example of a protocol-specific anonymizer is an anonymous remailer for e-mail. Also of note are web proxies, and bouncers for FTP and IRC. Potentially anonymity integrated with RFID tags could pose as an option. Protocol independence can be achieved by creating a tunnel to an anonymizer. The technology to do so varies.", "id": "13269087" }, { "contents": "Daryl Hall\n\n\n\"For me it was sort of an obvious thing. I've been touring my whole adult life really, and, you know, you can't be EVERYWHERE! Nor do I WANT to be everywhere at this point! I only like to spend so much time per year on the road. So I thought 'Why don't I just do something where anyone who wants to see me anywhere in the world CAN?! And, instead of doing the artist/audience performance-type thing, I wanted to deconstruct", "id": "20222192" }, { "contents": "Fixed-point combinator\n\n\nin non-terminating computation. For example, we obtain where the resulting term can only reduce to itself and represents an infinite loop. Fixed-point combinators do not necessarily exist in more restrictive models of computation. For instance, they do not exist in simply typed lambda calculus. The Y combinator allows recursion to be defined as a set of rewrite rules, without requiring native recursion support in the language. In programming languages that support anonymous functions, fixed-point combinators allow the definition and use of anonymous recursive functions,", "id": "17807863" }, { "contents": "The Nerd\n\n\nwould like to see him do an anonymous favor for someone, just one time: \"I'd feel easier about leaving here if I could see you once just go crazy and \"do\" something for somebody.\" Axel replies jokingly (the stage directions say \"As Bill Sykes\"): \"Not this bloke. A villain I be, and a villain I'll stay.\" However, unbeknownst to Tansy and Willum, Axel has already set in motion the sort of demonstration of love that Tansy had a vague", "id": "13727655" }, { "contents": "Nannygate\n\n\nto surveys honestly. Most of those doing the hiring did not think about breaking the law or getting caught. Meanwhile, Baird had graduated within a matter of hours from anonymity to dubious icon. One employment agency head who only hired legal household workers said, \"You have no idea, the frustration, sitting here, knocking your head against the wall, trying to do what's right. And then you have a Zoë Baird who exposes the fact that everybody else is breaking the law.\" The phrase \"to have", "id": "16180038" }, { "contents": "Project Chanology\n\n\nBritish English spelling. The video denied that the group was composed of \"super hackers\", stating: \"Contrary to the assumptions of the media, Anonymous is not 'a group of super hackers.' ... Anonymous is everyone and everywhere. We have no leaders, no single entity directing us.\" The video said that Project Chanology participants include \"individuals from all walks of life ... united by an awareness that someone must do the right thing.\" Specific controversies involving the CoS were cited in the video as the", "id": "13197903" }, { "contents": "Overeaters Anonymous\n\n\nthe programs. Moreover this kind of fanaticism may lead to perception that other treatment modalities are unnecessary. Surveys of OA members have found that they exercise regularly, attend religious services, engage in individual psychotherapy and are being prescribed antidepressants. This is evidence that participants do not avoid other useful therapeutic interventions outside of Twelve Step programs. OA also publishes the book \"Overeaters Anonymous\" (referred to as the \"Brown Book\"), \"The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous\", \"For Today\" (a", "id": "8427581" }, { "contents": "Emma Smithwick\n\n\non families. Talking about her vision for the show, the producer said: \"through the stories that we're telling and the way we're telling them, we want the audience to really engage with the characters. It definitely takes time but when that happens, it means you can do things with the characters and the viewers will really care. I find the worst thing is when you watch certain shows and something horrendous happens, but you don't really care or know why you should care. Emotional integrity is one", "id": "10596169" }, { "contents": "Eric Schmidt\n\n\n\" Schmidt also stated that in an era of asymmetric threats, \"true anonymity is too dangerous.\" However, at the 2013 Hay Festival, Schmidt expressed concern that sharing of personal information was too rampant and could have a negative effect, particularly on teenagers, stating that \"we have never had a generation with a full photographic, digital record of what they did\", declaring that \"We have a point at which we [Google] forget information we know about you because it is the right thing to do.", "id": "5801830" }, { "contents": "Intelligence analysis\n\n\n, with 5–10 key players. Learn something about each of them, both in terms of how they express themselves, and how you can reinforce their strengths and support their weaknesses. The analyst must constantly ask himself, \"what do they want/need to know? How do they prefer to have it presented? Are they still trying to select the best course of action, or have they committed and now need to know the obstacles and vulnerabilities on their chosen path?\" Others on the team may know how to handle", "id": "13440083" }, { "contents": "Anonymous function\n\n\nlanguages with first-class functions, where they fulfill the same role for the function type as literals do for other data types. Anonymous functions originate in the work of Alonzo Church in his invention of the lambda calculus, in which all functions are anonymous, in 1936, before electronic computers. In several programming languages, anonymous functions are introduced using the keyword \"lambda\", and anonymous functions are often referred to as lambdas or lambda abstractions. Anonymous functions have been a feature of programming languages since Lisp in 1958, and", "id": "11178933" }, { "contents": "At First Sight (novel)\n\n\n, and would be with her if she weren't marrying Jeremy. One day Jeremy finds Lexie sitting alone with Rodney talking and holding hands. He immediately feels this is suspicious but tries to tell himself that it was nothing and he was simply making it into something it wasn't, even if Rodney had been after Lexie for years. Jeremy later confronts Lexie about what she had done that day, in which case she fails to mention anything about seeing Rodney that day. Jeremy receives an anonymous email saying only “how do", "id": "6078464" }, { "contents": "Scott Ritter\n\n\nhow do you make this stuff up, how do you align it. Because when you disassemble it, there is a process called re-alignment. There is a factory involved in that. And then you have to test launch it to make sure that the alignment works, and that's detectable, and they haven't done that. There is a lot of common sense things that go into consideration of whether or not Iraq has a operational weapons of mass destruction capability. Contradicting those claims, in November 2002 Ritter was", "id": "8191375" }, { "contents": "Anonymous (group)\n\n\nin response to positions with which they disagree.\" Gabriella Coleman has compared the group to the trickster archetype and said that \"they dramatize the importance of anonymity and privacy in an era when both are rapidly eroding. Given that vast databases track us, given the vast explosion of surveillance, there's something enchanting, mesmerizing and at a minimum thought-provoking about Anonymous' interventions\". When asked what good Anonymous had done for the world, Parmy Olson replied: In some cases, yes, I think it has in", "id": "20361005" } ]
Why does my dog bark at door bell noises from the tv when we don't even have a door bell.
[{"answer": "Are you sure she's not adopted or something...? Maybe it's just because the sound is unpleasant to her. Does she actually run up to the door as if someone is about to walk in?"}, {"answer": "What do you watch? She might have heard other dogs barking at doorbells on TV and now associates the sound of doorbells with mysterious invisible dogs freaking out."}, {"answer": "My dog did this too, we got him as a puppy and he didn't have any experience of doorbells. He's almost entirely silent but one of the only times I've heard him bark was at a doorbell on TV"}, {"answer": "Unsure why dogs do things sometimes. We got a puppy at 4 weeks old. She would never come near anyone wearing a hat. If you put any kind of head covering on she would yelp and hide under the couch. We were never able to work out why?"}, {"answer": "My doorbell makes a buzzing sound that doesn't sound anything like a traditional bell. Every time my dog hears a doorbell on TV, he runs to the front door as if someone is there. I think he connects it with people answering their doors on TV after hearing the bell but I'm probably giving him too much credit. He has no reaction to things like buzzers in basketball games or bells on gameshows strangely."}, {"answer": "From the wonderful world of felines: when my cat was a kitten, he had no framework to understand what the sound of a can opening was. Yet the first time I did it, wham, he was right at my ankle."}, {"answer": "The dog may have learnt that when the doorbell rings, someone appears at the door (on the TV). So, when it heard a doorbell on the TV, it goes to the door to see if someone is there."}, {"answer": "Dogs ears are incredibly sensitive. The doorbell noise from the television is excruciating to yours and she runs to the door to try to get the fuck out of the house."}, {"answer": "Not a doorbell, but mine howls at computer beeps: URL_0 Edit: corrected auto-correct"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "231463", "title": "Ringtone", "section": "Section::::History.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 13, "end_paragraph_id": 13, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["and rang with a distinctive musical ringtone. Following a 1975 FCC ruling which permitted third-party devices to be connected to phone lines, manufacturers produced accessory telephone ringers which rang with electronic tones or melodies rather than mechanical bells. People also made their own ringers which used the chip from a musical greeting card to play a melody on the arrival of a call. One such ringer, described in a 1989 book, even features a toy dog which barks and wags its tail when a call arrives. Eventually, electronic telephone ringers became the norm. Some of these ringers produced a single tone, but others produced a sequence of two or three tones or a musical melody. Some novelty phones have a ringer to match, such as a duck that quacks or a car that honks its horn.", "and rang with a distinctive musical ringtone. Following a 1975 FCC ruling which permitted third-party devices to be connected to phone lines, manufacturers produced accessory telephone ringers which rang with electronic tones or melodies rather than mechanical bells. People also made their own ringers which used the chip from a musical greeting card to play a melody on the arrival of a call. One such ringer, described in a 1989 book, even features a toy dog which barks and wags its tail when a call arrives. Eventually, electronic telephone ringers became the norm. Some of these ringers produced a single tone, but others produced a sequence of two or three tones or a musical melody. Some novelty phones have a ringer to match, such as a duck that quacks or a car that honks its horn.", "and rang with a distinctive musical ringtone. Following a 1975 FCC ruling which permitted third-party devices to be connected to phone lines, manufacturers produced accessory telephone ringers which rang with electronic tones or melodies rather than mechanical bells. People also made their own ringers which used the chip from a musical greeting card to play a melody on the arrival of a call. One such ringer, described in a 1989 book, even features a toy dog which barks and wags its tail when a call arrives. Eventually, electronic telephone ringers became the norm. Some of these ringers produced a single tone, but others produced a sequence of two or three tones or a musical melody. Some novelty phones have a ringer to match, such as a duck that quacks or a car that honks its horn."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Bell Witch\n\n\nthat included the Bell Witch Cave, heard unexplained noises coming from inside. Bell descendants described the sound of something rubbing against a house, a paper like object that flew out the door and reentered through a side door, and faint music heard from a piano. A group from the local Epworth League were reported to have attended a wiener roast in a rock quarry near the Bell Witch Cave on July 29, 1937. The group were joking about the legend when they saw a figure of a woman sitting on top of the", "id": "9628725" }, { "contents": "Widows (2018 film)\n\n\nalive and is in league with Mulligan, who knows that Harry screwed over his crew on that last job. Linda recruits her children’s babysitter Belle to be the group's driver. Veronica takes her dog and visits Amanda. While Amanda is occupied in another room with her baby, the dog runs to a door down the hall and barks incessantly. Veronica follows the dog and notices Harry's flask on a table, which indicates that Harry is behind the door and is likely the father of Amanda's baby. Devastated by", "id": "15507839" }, { "contents": "Bell Witch\n\n\nbut it disappeared. John's son Drew Bell approached an unknown bird perched on a fence that flew off and was of \"extraordinary size.\" The daughter Betsy observed a girl in green dress swinging from the limb of an oak tree. Dean, a slave of the Bell family, reported being followed by a large black dog on evenings he visited his wife. Activity moved to the Bell household with knocking heard along the door and walls. The family heard sounds of gnawing on the beds, invisible dogs fighting, and", "id": "9628672" }, { "contents": "Poove Poochooda Vaa\n\n\ntown named Malligaipanthal. She is frequently irritated by the nearby schoolboys ringing her door bell frequently for fun, sneezing while she is going to temple, making a loud noise in the speaker etc. A girl (Nadhiya) comes to her home one day and rings the calling bell. Mistaking her for the irritating boys, Poongavanathamma comes to thrash them, but is surprised on seeing a young girl who introduces herself as Sundari, her granddaughter. Poongavanathamma does not invite her inside and tries to shut the door, but Sundari manages", "id": "14149264" }, { "contents": "Bhaktapur Durbar Square\n\n\nfamous for its silver bell, known to local residents as \"the bell of barking dogs\" as when it was rung, dogs in the vicinity barked and howled. The colossal bell was hung by King Ranjit Malla in 1737 AD and was used to sound the daily curfew. It was rung every morning when goddess Taleju was worshiped. Despite the Temple being completely demolished by the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, the bell remains intact. The Statue of King Bhupatindra Malla in the act of worship can be seen on a column facing the", "id": "2042053" }, { "contents": "Shock collar\n\n\nto the dogs. The shocking mechanism was found to be activated not only by barking but by vehicle horns, slamming doors or any other loud noise. CVM concurred in regulatory action against the device since it was deemed to be dangerous to the health of the animal.\". The standing policy of the US FDA is that \"Dog collars which are activated by the noise of barking to produce an electric shock are considered as hazardous to the health of the animal.\" No regulations exist specifying the performance characteristics or reliability of", "id": "22123467" }, { "contents": "Swan Bells\n\n\n, when rung, exert considerable forces on the support structure. To achieve the required rigidity, the six-story bell chamber was made with reinforced concrete cast \"in situ\". The bell chamber was designed by the structural engineering firm Arup. Soundproof louvres and doors are used to muffle the sound or direct the noise towards the city or the river as required. The glass-clad spire is designed using spokes which radiate horizontally from a centrally positioned axle, declining in width as it rises to a point. The solid", "id": "16521396" }, { "contents": "Dog training\n\n\nexample is where a dog that reacts excitedly to a door bell is subjected to repeated ringing without accompanying visitors, and stops reacting to the meaningless stimuli. It becomes habituated to the noise. On the other side of habituation is sensitization. Some dogs' reactions to the stimuli become stronger instead of them habituating to the repeated stimuli or event. Desensitization is the process of pairing positive experiences with an object, person, or situation that causes fear or anxiety. Consistent exposure to the feared object in conjunction with rewards allows the animal", "id": "1472483" }, { "contents": "Fleet Street Goodies\n\n\nphone and Graeme asks: \"Who was that?\" to which Tim replies: \"I'm not sure, but I think it was Bluebottle.\" Also, during this time, the doorbell rings and Graeme opens the door. The strains of the Liberty Bell March come through the open door and Graeme tells them: \"Push off! We don't want your type here!\" Graeme slams the door shut, saying: \"Bloody Band of the Coldstream Guards!\" The replacement reporter who turns up to take", "id": "21949466" }, { "contents": "St Margaret's Church, Wrenbury\n\n\nthree-light, window. The upper bell openings are of two lights, and protruding from the southeast angle is an octagonal stair turret climbing to the roof of the tower. The tie-beam roof of the nave, which includes bosses, dates from the late 16th century. The nave contains box pews, many of them having the arms of local families on their doors. The pew nearest the door was for the dog whipper who, in addition to controlling dogs in the church, had the duty of waking those", "id": "21983236" }, { "contents": "Liberty Bell\n\n\n, one of Independence Hall's exterior doors was replaced by glass, allowing some view of the bell even when the building was closed. When Congress enacted the nation's first peacetime draft in 1940, the first Philadelphians required to serve took their oaths of enlistment before the Liberty Bell. Once the war started, the bell was again a symbol, used to sell war bonds. In the early days of World War II, it was feared that the bell might be in danger from saboteurs or enemy bombing, and city officials", "id": "15173469" }, { "contents": "Bell Witch\n\n\nthey opened the door, the knocking began at another door. They sat down and the dog began to fight with something invisible. Two minutes later, the door flew open and fire spread across the room blown by a cyclonic wind with the coals disappearing as they tried to put it out. That evening Mr. Johnson started home on his horse and something jumped on the back grabbing his shoulder as he tried to restrain the horse. He felt it jump off as he neared his home and move in the leaves into the woods", "id": "9628702" }, { "contents": "Bert Bell\n\n\nby saying, \"'I have never seen a maliciously dirty football player in my life and I don't believe there are any.'\" Nevertheless, he ordered broadcasts to follow a strict rule of conduct whereby TV announcers would not be permitted to criticize the game, and neither fights, nor injuries, could be televised by virtue in his belief that announcers were \"'salesman for professional football [and] we do not want kids believing that engaging in fights is the way to play football.'\" Bell was", "id": "4734682" }, { "contents": "Manavur\n\n\nShiva danced in Thiruvalangadu, rested in Thiruvooral (now known as Thakkolam) and married Parvathi at Manavur. It is also being said that when this temple was well maintained, the doors of this temple even when closed one could hear the bell-toll as far as Chidambaram, only after which the Chidambaram temple will be closed. Also, during the Moghul invasion, the villagers, in a measure to save such beautiful doors, said to have hidden these doors, by throwing it in the village pond. Present state of", "id": "20038237" }, { "contents": "Lindner Ethics Complaint of the 83rd Minnesota Legislative Session\n\n\nto allow a man to marry several women, or a man and a boy relationship -- and there are people who would like to have that. When we start changing that definition of marriage, that does open up the door to others who will say 'Why not us?'\" He told Clark that while he saw her as \"one of God's creations. ...I personally don't think the lifestyle you've chosen and other homosexuals have chosen is really good for you, your partner or society. ...I", "id": "10103956" }, { "contents": "The Good Samaritan (Seinfeld)\n\n\n-and-run driver, seeing no other reason why he might want to pay for the damages. George escapes from Michael by joining Jerry on his out of town gigs. Kramer uses the accident as an excuse to talk to Becky and gets a date with her. But when he rings the bell at her apartment and she opens the door, Mary Hart is on the TV and Kramer has another convulsion. The cast and crew had hoped the saying, \"You are so good looking\", would catch on with", "id": "21416612" }, { "contents": "Shooting of Trayvon Martin\n\n\nrunning? Which way is he running?\" Noises on the tape at this point have been interpreted by some media outlets as the sound of a car door chime, possibly indicating Zimmerman opened his car door. Zimmerman followed Martin, eventually losing sight of him. The dispatcher asked Zimmerman if he was following him. When Zimmerman answered, \"yeah\", the dispatcher said, \"We don't need you to do that.\" Zimmerman responded, \"Okay.\" Zimmerman asked that police call him upon their arrival so", "id": "9057913" }, { "contents": "William H. Bell (fl. 1860s)\n\n\nolder, he eventually became a servant in William Seward's Washington home and served for only nine months prior to the attack. On the night of April 14, 1865, William H. Bell answered the door to Lewis Powell. Powell told Bell that he needed to bring Seward some medicine from Dr. Tullio Verdi, (Seward's doctor) to help him recover from a previous carriage accident. After a long conversation, Powell insisted that only he could bring the medicine to Seward and would not tell Bell why. Bell refused admission", "id": "15788662" }, { "contents": "Kitni Girhain Baaki Hain (season 2)\n\n\nwhy she was silent. While, his mother says she has girl for him. But he says that he will not marry until she settles. While, door bell rings and Rehana comes. Her husband beats her and says that why not her son does and fights with him. Her husband says her that he is going and so she should lock. When she goes, he hides himself behind sofa. She scares when she sees him and locks herself in room. He comes to her room & knowingly asks her what", "id": "19108891" }, { "contents": "The Aislers Set\n\n\nof bands making that kind of noise particularly in the United States of America. And you'd say well, why are Aislers Set better than any of the others and I'd have to say, well I don't know they just sort of are...\" In 2002 the band was invited by Belle and Sebastian for a week long tour of the East Coast, culminating in a show at New York City’s Hammerstein Ballroom in front of over 3,000 people. Stevie Jackson of Belle and Sebastian was later quoted in a 2003", "id": "10997306" }, { "contents": "Lindner Ethics Complaint of the 83rd Minnesota Legislative Session\n\n\nmarriage would open the door to \"a man marrying a child or a man marrying a dog.\" Openly gay State Rep. Karen Clark (whose partner, parents, and her partner's parents were attending the debate) expressed dismay at the comment. Lindner told her \"I don't know why you felt that was insulting. I was trying to make a point, that we've got a norm of one man, one woman. Once we begin to deviate...what's to keep us from having to pass laws", "id": "10103955" }, { "contents": "Alone (The Walking Dead)\n\n\nprovider. As they wait out the night, Daryl hears a dog barking at the door, but when he goes to see, the dog runs away. Some time later, the dog barks again, but when Daryl answers the door, a group of walkers flood the house. He holds back the horde giving Beth time to escape out a back window before he follows. He exits the house just in time to see a car driving off with a white cross on its rear window. Seeing Beth's bag nearby,", "id": "4013309" }, { "contents": "Eve, the Apple of My Eye\n\n\nIn 2008, a Bell X1 gig on their US tour was attended by members of the cast. Noonan said: \"A couple of them came to see us play the Viper Room in LA... and we didn't know who they were.\" With increased record sales, David Geraghty later said to Ed Power of the \"Irish Independent\": \"The OC thing was a huge deal and we have no regrets about doing it. It opened doors for us abroad\". As a result of \"The O.C.\"", "id": "18345617" }, { "contents": "List of Emmerdale characters (2014)\n\n\nBelle captive in the house. Belle told Lachlan that Cain had a friend who could get them fake passports and possibly her schizophrenia medication so they could skip the country, but Lachlan became suspicious when she suddenly became nice to him. Belle lied that she was pregnant and she got into the car. However, Belle quickly locked the doors before Lachlan could get in but the car cut out when Belle was reversing. Lachlan caught up and Belle swung open the door, bashing Lachlan's leg where he had been injured by the", "id": "3886470" }, { "contents": "Rania (group)\n\n\nthe girls I dislike, I love Rania, they would be better with me at SM Entertainment. Their manager does shady business, used me for my music. I love Rania, I just don't like their company business. That's why they are not getting bigger. They don't do business upfront. They used my name every where then back door me on the group. It's ok if they will regret it. If they leave that company, I will sign them up quickly. Please know the facts", "id": "7102364" }, { "contents": "The Quiet Family\n\n\n, having survived the fire. Without a single word, the family quietly has dinner until there is a sudden knock at the door. Unsure of what to do, they all stand quietly in the doorway of the dining room, waiting for whoever is at the door to go away. When the dog starts barking at the knocking, the family, in unison hushes the dog; they have become the quiet family. The film ends with a wide shot of the lodge in winter, with Mina outside, looking at it", "id": "11129669" }, { "contents": "Monty Hall problem\n\n\nWilliam Bell) considered it a matter of taste whether or not one explicitly mentions that (under the standard conditions), \"which\" door is opened by the host is independent of whether or not one should want to switch. Among the simple solutions, the \"combined doors solution\" comes closest to a conditional solution, as we saw in the discussion of approaches using the concept of odds and Bayes theorem. It is based on the deeply rooted intuition that \"revealing information that is already known does not affect probabilities\"", "id": "18699407" }, { "contents": "Widows (2018 film)\n\n\nHarry's betrayal, Veronica leaves before Amanda returns from tending to the baby. Having grieved for some time, Veronica opens the door to her son's room and relives the memory of her son being killed by a cop during a traffic stop. Veronica visits the Mulligan home and asks Jack for protection from the Mannings. This is a red herring, as she's actually there to case the premises in preparation for the heist. Meanwhile, Belle scans the property for cameras and security guards. Belle asks her boss why she", "id": "15507840" }, { "contents": "Merry Dog\n\n\nMerry Dog is a short animated film by Walter Lantz Productions, and is the sixth of the Pooch the Pup theatrical cartoons. It is Christmas time, and Santa Claus flies across the evening sky in his reindeer-drawn sleigh. Down on the snowy terrain, Pooch rides on a dachshund-pulled sled, and sings a jazzy version of the song \"Jingle Bells\". On the way, a hungry husky spots and starts to pursue the dog. Pooch arrives at a house. Opening the door and letting him in", "id": "15947049" }, { "contents": "Episode of the Dog McIntosh\n\n\nJeeves for his plan and rewards him with five pounds. Bertie realizes that Bobbie will be in trouble when the Blumenfelds discover that McIntosh is gone; at the same moment, the door bell rings. Jeeves says it is probably Mr. Blumenfeld, and advises Bertie to hide behind the settee. Bertie does so. Blumenfeld enters and smells aniseed. Jeeves tells him that Mr. Wooster is an eccentric who sprinkles aniseed on his trousers, and is easily stirred to violence. Afraid, Blumenfeld leaves, and Bertie thanks Jeeves. Jeeves explains", "id": "9343379" }, { "contents": "Bark (sound)\n\n\n-D'az noted. One dog owner complained that citronella oil stained the upholstery when the dog, fond of lying about on upholstery, barked. \"One owner thought the scent was preferable to her dog's body odor.\" Dog barking can be a nuisance to neighbours, and is a common problem that dog owners or their neighbours may face. Many dogs can bark at 100 dBA. Even at 17.5 yards away and with the dog outside a closed window, the noise level of a barking dog can be well over the", "id": "18384700" }, { "contents": "Karen MacKenzie\n\n\nat the time. The characters of the serial often represented what was happening in society at the time. Lee acknowledged that, saying: \"Karen wanted to be a Pollyanna and wasn't ashamed of that. Remember in our society, maybe people don't remember, but remember when we could go over to other people's houses and come in through an open back door? I remember when I was a little girl and my mother and father would have people over and they'd walk into an unlocked door in our house", "id": "5491793" }, { "contents": "Chris Saxman\n\n\nhe was withdrawing from his reelection bid, only days after campaigning door-to-door. He cited his desire to fight for what he calls \"projects of my passion.\" GOP leaders nominated Staunton City Councilor Dickie Bell as the Republican nominee. In the November general election, Bell defeated the Democratic nominee, Erik Curren, marketing director the American Shakespeare Center in Staunton. Delegate Saxman currently resides in Staunton with his wife, Michele, an employee in the family business, and their four children, Mary Kathryn, William", "id": "1756701" }, { "contents": "Hinterkaifeck murders\n\n\ninterrogation immediately after the crime. His statement suggests that the perpetrator was back in the yard during the time of the repair. The doors to the house had been locked and he had not met anyone, but he did hear the dogs barking inside. At the end of his repair, a dog was tied up outside instead and the barn door had been open. When the men discovered the bodies later that day, the dog was inside the barn with the victims and the barn door had been closed again. In the", "id": "1170713" }, { "contents": "Compton Bassett\n\n\ninto the church and cut through the bell ropes because she could not stand the noise of the bells. It took her upwards of two hours after breaking down the doors to cut the ropes and when she got home she rang the police and told them what she had done. She was given a Conditional Discharge for her actions. A manor house stood at Compton Bassett in 1553. A later house with a courtyard, standing in 1659, was later called Compton Bassett House. In 1672 the courtyard was built over to form", "id": "8942359" }, { "contents": "Nightwood\n\n\n, where she brings some of her things. She goes no further, and one night she wakes up to hear Nora's dog barking. Nora, having since returned from Europe, notices the same barking, lets out the dog, and follows him until she sees the chapel, whereupon she begins to run, cursing and crying, until she plunges into the jamb of the door. Inside, Robin stands before a contrived altar, and when Nora hits the jamb, she goes down before the dog, dragging her knees", "id": "20154668" }, { "contents": "Chana School\n\n\nleft, right, and center— which span a front porch beneath the bell tower. When the school was open, the use of the doors was restricted. The left and right doors were used by boys in first through eighth grades while the middle door was earmarked as an entry for girls of all ages. Each of the doors feature transoms topped with cornices. The bell tower rises , and halfway up its length is a large round sign. The sign denotes the school district, Pine Rock, and the year of", "id": "7827537" }, { "contents": "Belle Squire\n\n\nI...Why should a woman remain Miss until death or marriage? The boy changes his title from master to mister as soon as he wishes--as soon as he gets into long pants and is introduced to a razor. They say it's confusing. They will not know then whether we are single or married. I don't think it is anybody's business what we are. Why should we be obliged to print our marital relations on our business cards? Men don't.\" Squire worked professionally as a music", "id": "1524101" }, { "contents": "Place Bell\n\n\nBell, which remains the building's largest tenant, owned the building until 1998, when it was sold to TrizecHahn for $17 million. After the purchase, TrizecHahn conducted significant renovations. In 2002 it was bought by H&R Real Estate Investment Trust for $21.1 million. Place Bell was featured prominently in the opening title sequence of the Ottawa-made TV series \"You Can't Do That On Television\" as a building labelled \"Television Network\", where a school bus pulls up to the front door and a number", "id": "13871356" }, { "contents": "Rob Bell\n\n\n, \"This is not just the same old message with new methods. We're rediscovering Christianity as an Eastern religion, as a way of life. Legal metaphors for faith don't deliver a way of life. We grew up in churches where people knew the nine verses why we don't speak in tongues, but had never experienced the overwhelming presence of God.\" Bell's book \"Love Wins\" caused a major controversy within the evangelical community. The controversy was the subject of a \"Time\" magazine cover story", "id": "19102848" }, { "contents": "Trial of Yolanda Saldívar\n\n\ndon't want you to kill yourself.' And we were talking about that when I took it out and pointed it to my head, and when I pointed it to my head, she opened the door. I said 'Selena, close that door,' and when I did that gun went off.\" The prosecution then told the jury that comments by some officers had planted the idea in Saldívar's head that the shooting was accidental. The defense countered stating that although she did not use the word \"accident", "id": "11337943" }, { "contents": "Bell V-280 Valor\n\n\nexcess of 7 ft (2.1 m) from the ground, allowing soldiers to egress easily out of two wide side doors and door gunners to have wide fields of fire. Although the initial design is a utility configuration, Bell is also working on an attack configuration. Whether different variants of the V-280 would fill utility and attack roles or a single airframe could interchange payloads for either mission, Bell is confident the Valor tiltrotor platform can fulfill both duties; the U.S. Marine Corps is interested in having one aircraft to replace utility and", "id": "19151841" }, { "contents": "List of Disney's Beauty and the Beast characters\n\n\nde Lunes Insane Asylum, and the other villagers come to take Maurice to the insane asylum in an intricate plan to blackmail Belle into marrying Gaston. Belle reveals that Maurice's rants are true and that the Beast does exist. Both she and Maurice are locked up by Gaston in the cellar, to stop them from interfering with Gaston's goal to kill the Beast. Chip has managed to stow away in Belle's satchel and uses the automated firewood cutter to destroy the door to the cellar. Maurice and Belle leave for the", "id": "21310914" }, { "contents": "Nishant (film)\n\n\neyes off her, and unable to get her out of his mind. Sushila does not reciprocate his attentions. Then one night, while the schoolmaster is enjoying a quiet dinner with his family, the bell rings and the two older brothers of Vishwam grab Sushila and take her forcibly when she goes to answer the door. Several people are present, but no one dares to raise a hand nor even a voice to stop this abduction. The distraught schoolteacher, who is denied justice by everyone from the local police officer to the", "id": "12399681" }, { "contents": "Roobarb\n\n\nCustard, his next door neighbour and sometimes best friend. Roobarb lives in a small cosy house, sleeps in a basket and seems to get on well with his rent free life. He's not always very bright and always curious. Although anthropomorphic, Roobarb does usually run and walk on all fours, barks like a dog and even has his own dog bowl for water. Roobarb is always deep in thoughts, usually for long hours until a plan has been thought. Roobarb thinks he's brave and handsome. Custard A", "id": "2076325" }, { "contents": "Albert State School\n\n\n. Short lengths of the verandahs have been enclosed and the verandah wall removed to incorporate this space into the classroom. The building retains original doors including large, braced board doors and panelled doors with bolection moulding and original door and window hardware. An early school bell is mounted to a timber post near the verandah of the northwest wing and the school retains a collection of early school-related paraphernalia including desks, cabinets, chairs, administration books, a bell, photographs, trophies, shields, sewing, an ink well,", "id": "14180619" }, { "contents": "Party\n\n\nat a costume party or a fancy dress party wear costumes. These parties are sometimes associated with holiday events, such as Halloween and Mardi Gras. In English and American culture during the Christmas season, it is traditional to have a Christmas caroling party. People go from door to door in a neighborhood and sing Christmas carols. Some popular Christmas carols are \"We Wish You a Merry Christmas\", \"Deck the Halls\", \"The Twelve Days of Christmas\", \"Frosty the Snowman\", \"Jingle Bells\"", "id": "4408678" }, { "contents": "Demanufacture (album)\n\n\nThe music for \"A Therapy For Pain\" was originally written as the opening for \"Echoes of Innocence\" from the then-unreleased \"Concrete\" demo. The outro passage was inspired by John Carpenter, Hijokaidan, and Aphex Twin. The use of organ in \"Dog Day Sunrise\" was inspired from a in-joke between Diego and Bell about The Doors. During post-production work with Richardson, Bell performed and added the organ parts to the track. The opening riff of the title track was voted 19th", "id": "14325140" }, { "contents": "Little Girl Lost (The Twilight Zone)\n\n\nthe bed, even though her pleas for help are clearly coming from that area. He calls Ruth into the room, and she is similarly mystified. Chris phones his physicist friend, Bill, for help, and opens the door to let the incessantly barking Mack into the house. The dog runs under the bed and disappears, but can still be heard barking. Bill arrives and helps Chris move the bed so that he can physically scan the area where it was, marking the legs with books. When this proves fruitless", "id": "21442442" }, { "contents": "Hello, I Love You\n\n\nwith \"Mojo\" magazine, Davies said, \"The funniest thing was when my publisher came to me on tour and said The Doors had used the riff for 'All Day and All of the Night' for 'Hello, I Love You.' I said rather than sue them, can't we just get them to own up? My publisher said, 'They have, that's why we should sue them!'\" And in a 2014 interview with \"Rolling Stone\", Davies suggested that an out", "id": "5062700" }, { "contents": "A Northern Soul\n\n\n\"I was like, 'I'm not going through that again. We are writing these songs before we even step through the doors.'\" Guitarist Nick McCabe took a positive view of the early stages of the recording sessions for the album, stating: \"when we went in we had no preconceived notion of what it was going to sound like. We just went in and played...and that's when you know you're playing really well, when you don't have to think about it. There were", "id": "18576966" }, { "contents": "Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church (Pleasant City, Ohio)\n\n\n, with a central projection containing large wooden double doors. Above the doors is a fanlight to allow the morning light to penetrate the building. To either side of the door is a large rectangular stained glass window, designed and shipped from Germany. Above the entrance is a large arched window similar to the lower side windows. The central projection is topped by a bell tower which rests on a dentil cornice. The arched openings of the tower are decorated with wooden fretwork and the original bell rests on its mount; the bell", "id": "14578146" }, { "contents": "Andrée Borrel\n\n\n. She was groaning louder than the others. From the noise of the crematorium oven doors which I heard, I can state definitely that in each case the groaning women were placed immediately in the crematorium oven. When [the officials] had gone, we went to the crematorium oven, opened the door and saw that there were four blackened bodies within. Next morning in the course of my duties I had to clear the ashes out of the crematorium oven. I found a pink woman's stocking garter on the floor near", "id": "2285876" }, { "contents": "Heroes and Villains (Once Upon a Time)\n\n\nthe end, Mr. Gold talks Ursula into joining his cause. In flashbacks, Rumpelstiltskin saves Belle from Maleficent, Ursula, and Cruella De Vil. A magical door opens and starts sucking all the snow into the portal. In the Enchanted Forest, Belle opens up a cabinet when Rumplestiltskin surprises her, having returned early from Camelot. He claims to have been testing her to see what she would do with him gone. He then presents Belle with a glove that can detect the weakness in a person. He says for most", "id": "12703628" }, { "contents": "Marcia Overstrand\n\n\nalso realizes that going there is actually the \"Queste\". Marcia tries to find him through her magic and even enlists Simon's help through his tracker ball, Sleuth. But all hope seems failing when Septimus communicates to her his whereabouts by writing on a twin of Marcia's door. She takes Sarah Heap and goes on Septimus' dragon to the House of Foryx, where she bangs on the door, ignoring the door bell, and immediately Septimus - followed by the others - come out and all are able to return", "id": "8407051" }, { "contents": "Nokkethadhoorathu Kannum Nattu\n\n\n. Kunjoonjamma Thomas (Padmini) is a widow living in the village all by herself. People always make fun of her because she is grumpy and depressed due to the deaths of her husband and her only child. Children irritate her by ringing her door bell and running away. One day, her granddaughter Girly (Nadhiya Moidu), who she had never met, visits her. Initially, Kunjoonjamma does not like Girly, but they soon become close to each other. Kunjoonjamma takes down the door bell, saying to Girly", "id": "12587841" }, { "contents": "Eddie Hurley\n\n\n. I'm going to fight this thing all the way to the Commissioner's office if I have to. And if I don't get any satisfaction from him [William Eckert], I'll hire an attorney. ... I don't know of any business in the world that would do something like this to a man. Even a dog gets more consideration than we did. Why, even if an umpire is fired - if he's the worst in the business - he gets 10 days' notice. We got", "id": "8457032" }, { "contents": "Venture One diving accident\n\n\nback into the bell and worked on Craig for a while, communications began to deteriorate “and at one point it had completely disappeared and at that point I had to leave and see if we could get some help from ashore.” Pettit phoned his company office and gave General Manager Stanley Kellogg details of his predicament—that he had lost contact with the bell and “couldn’t take a chance bringing it to the surface when the doors were open.” Kellogg offered advice and after the conversation ended, notified the Department", "id": "14183323" }, { "contents": "Don't Wake Daddy\n\n\nbed). Movement is determined by using a spinner and moving accordingly. If the color of a noise space does not match the color of an assigned card that a player holds, they make one of several \"noises\" (such as rollerblades, a baseball, a crying baby, a television, a barking dog, a tricycle, a broken vase, a cuckoo clock, a screaming parrot, a falling picture frame, a toy piano, a bowl of fruit being knocked over, a cat whose tail has been", "id": "5733722" }, { "contents": "Soho walk-up\n\n\na type of flat that is accessed from a common stairway rather than a lift. The way a potential client accesses a Soho walk-up is generally by walking through an open door at street level and then up a flight of stairs to a second closed door which has a door bell containing a girl's name. The client rings the bell to gain access. From the street level door to the main building there is often a visible hand crafted sign reading \"model\" to indicate that it is indeed the entrance to", "id": "16685639" }, { "contents": "Surface-supplied diving skills\n\n\nrequires the diver's helmet to be removed. If this must be done with the diver suspended from the hoist, the divers body must remain in the water to help preserve blood supply to the upper body and head by hydrostatic pressure. As soon as the diver is breathing, the bell will be returned to the surface. This requires the umbilicals to be cleared from the trunking and the door sealed. If the bell will not seal at depth, the divers may need to replace the door seal, and may have to", "id": "1958753" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Do Right?\n\n\nand Lil recorded it. I used to play that record over and over in my dressing room, which was next door to Benny's. Finally he said, 'You obviously like that song.' I said, 'Oh, I love it.' He said, 'Would you like me to have an arrangement made of it?' I said, 'I'd love that,' and he did.\" \"Why Don't You Do Right?\" was not Goodman and Lee's biggest hit.", "id": "14415333" }, { "contents": "Noise music\n\n\nThe Beach Boys featured arrangements that included unconventional instruments such as bicycle bells, dog whistles, Coca-Cola cans and barking dogs, along with the more usual keyboards and guitars. The album closes with a sampled recording of passing trains. \"Freak Out!\", the debut album by The Mothers of Invention made use of avant-garde sound collage—particularly the 1966 track \"The Return of the Son of Monster Magnet\". The same year, art rock group The Velvet Underground made their first recording while produced by", "id": "5689663" }, { "contents": "Ellen Tarry\n\n\nbook composition. Tarry published four picture books: 1940s \"Janie Belle\" (illustrated by Myrtle Sheldon), 1942's \"Hezekiah Horton\" (illustrated by Oliver Harrington), 1946's \"My Dog Rinty\" in collaboration with Caldecott Medal winner Marie Hall Ets (photographs by Alexander and Alexandra Alland), concerning a Harlem family and their mischievous pet, and 1950's \"The Runaway Elephant\" (again illustrated by Harrington), which continued the relationships started in \"Hezekiah Horton\". Tarry's \"The Third Door", "id": "6606009" }, { "contents": "Mabel H. Grosvenor\n\n\nthe benevolence of Santa Claus.\" There were many joyful occasions when his grandchildren would sit on his lap and, on command, tweaked the nose of Bell \"to produce a dog's bark, pulling his hair for a sheep's bleat, and by way of climax, tugging his Santa Clause beard for the deliciously fierce growl of a bear.\" Grosvenor was a very young witness to a signature event in the Bells' development of flight at Baddeck Bay in 1907, when the Bells' associates launched the Cygnet,", "id": "20701468" }, { "contents": "Shree Govindajee Temple\n\n\nNatyashala, which is also a colonnaded structure with arcades with idols fixed at the four corners of the roof. The daily worship practice followed in the temple, in the morning and evening hours, is very ritualistic and highly disciplined with strict dress code observed by the devotees. The temple doors are opened with the ringing of the large temple bell fixed in a separate bell tower next to the temple, which resounds over a large area. With blowing of ritual conches the main curtained door in front of the sanctum is opened revealing", "id": "14021761" }, { "contents": "Abel Roper\n\n\ndeath, in 1680, he was turned over to the printer Christopher Wilkinson. Under his uncle's will he received £100. on the completion of his apprenticeship, with all the elder Roper's copyrights; and having married, when he was 30, the widow of his last master, he set up business in one side of a saddler's shop near Bell Yard, opposite Middle Temple Gate. Later he moved next door to the Devil Tavern, at the sign of the Black Dog. Roper is said to have", "id": "21903056" }, { "contents": "Mansion House - Hurstpierpoint\n\n\nconfiguration of the panels to the jambs matching exactly that of the door itself indicating that they are contemporary. The door is eight-panel type, two short panels at the top over two taller panels, repeated below the lock rail. The door knocker on the central muntin is a ring knocker and has a fleur-de-lis motif. A door bell is situated to the west side of the entrance fixed upon three cast iron back-plates. The bell pull is suspended from a chain fixed to the rod.", "id": "7945853" }, { "contents": "1957 Canadian federal election\n\n\na persistent Liberal questioner, saying \"Look here, my good man, when the election comes, why don't you just go away and vote for the party you support? In fact, why don't you just go away?\" The Liberals concluded their campaign with a large rally at Toronto's Maple Leaf Gardens on June 7. Entertainment at the event was provided by the Leslie Bell singers, and according to Grosart, many in the audience were Tory supporters who had turned out to hear them. St. Laurent's", "id": "10754812" }, { "contents": "Ernest P. Worrell\n\n\ndrive-in. Ernest is inside the Statue of Liberty and comes across a door with a sign that reads \"DO NOT ENTER.\" However, Ernest misreads it as \"donut entry\" and opens the door, falling through the statue's nose. Other tv shows that have referenced the Ernest movies include \"ALF\", \"Saved by the Bell\", \"Mystery Science Theater 3000\", \"Kenan & Kel\", \"The Nanny\", \"How I Met Your Mother\", \"The Big Bang", "id": "8262009" }, { "contents": "Worfield\n\n\nthe six church bells in the tower that were deemed too dangerous to ring. A huge amount of fundraising took place to restore the spire and bells to their present-day condition. Although there have been changes to the church over the centuries some of its original features still remain. The original wooden doors leading into the church date back to the 12th Century. These doors are historically important as they are the earliest evidence of the use of ironwork for decoration. The doors in St Peter's Church are one of the only", "id": "21159283" }, { "contents": "Ken Barlow\n\n\nperformance. She was shaken up by it, and when it came to the moment for Mike Baldwin to knock at the door she got an even bigger shock. After Baldwin asked why Deirdre had put the phone down when he'd called earlier, I slammed the door shut with my left hand and then slammed poor Annie against the door itself, leaving her shaken and shocked. She then made her way into the Barlows' living room, sobbing her heart out, and Brian left the cameras rolling, capturing [Anne's", "id": "2394828" }, { "contents": "Ruckinge\n\n\nof the tower being rebuilt in the 13th century. The church has 14th and 15th century alterations. The south doorway and the western door are in Norman style dating from the original 12th century build. The north porch sheltered a reputed 14th century door (described as \"fine\" by English Heritage). The southern choir stalls are medieval with poppy head bench ends. The tower houses a ring of 5 bells (tenor in A). The earliest mention of the bells was in 1521 when Roger Hawkyns left 2/- in his", "id": "19770476" }, { "contents": "Electric bell\n\n\nresonator. Where several bells are installed together, they may be given distinctive rings by using different size or shapes of gong, even though the strike mechanisms are identical. Another type, the single-stroke bell, has no interrupting contacts. The hammer strikes the gong once each time the circuit is closed. These are used to signal brief notifications, such as a shop door opening for a customer, rather than continuous warnings. An electric buzzer uses a similar mechanism to an interrupter bell, but without the resonant bell.", "id": "19343290" }, { "contents": "Carnival of Satriano di Lucania\n\n\nthe mouth, hides the true identity of the person. Around his body are noise-making bells. Covered in ivy and holding a branch of holly, participants come out of the woods and stroll through the streets of the town, knocking on doors by rubbing branches with frùscio on the door. In return for their bringing hope for spring, they receive a few coins. The hermit is a symbol of poverty and scarcity, who although poor, has remained faithful to the earth or environment. Italian director filmed a greenery", "id": "15971617" }, { "contents": "Swabian-Alemannic Fastnacht\n\n\njesters will produce deafening noise using whips, or shaking the bells on the Häser (costumes) until they can be sure that every little bit of dust has fallen out; cleanliness is generally of great importance on January 6. In the area of the upper Neckar, “Abstauber” with black clothes will go door to door to clean the mothballed jesters' clothes. In Rottenburg am Neckar, witches will conduct a similar procedure on the guests and furniture of local inns. Therefore, the so-called “Fiaßwäsch“ (", "id": "16352652" }, { "contents": "Hindu Temple, Dubai\n\n\nthe alley; approach is only on foot. While walking between the small shops, we find a set of stairs leading to a non-descript door at the level of the upper floor. This is the outer door of the temple. Once inside, we find that we need to walk across two outer walls to reach the prayer hall; this has been done to ensure that no sounds of chanting or prayer is audible outside. We also find that there is not a single bell or conch shell anywhere, and there", "id": "13967339" }, { "contents": "Dreamy (Once Upon a Time)\n\n\nn't. Even though he is told dwarves don't love (that's why they don't have any female dwarves), he is convinced by Belle (Emilie de Ravin) in a bar that he should meet with Nova. Dreamy really is in love, and Nova falls for him too. Together they make plans to run away and see the world, but this plan is thwarted when the Blue Fairy (Keegan Connor Tracy) shows up. She convinces Dreamy that the best thing for Nova would be if she did", "id": "20864160" }, { "contents": "Detour (The X-Files)\n\n\nAt the Asekoff residence, Bo becomes upset and begins barking. Mrs. Asekoff lets him outside but when she attempts to retrieve him, the dog refuses to budge. She turns around to discover that her door has been bolted from the inside. Louis hears his mother's screams and climbs out of bed, but a dark, shadowy figure with red eyes corners him. Louis barely escapes through the dog door and runs into Mulder, informing him that the creature is in the house. The next morning, Mulder shows Scully some", "id": "629137" }, { "contents": "St Woolos Cemetery\n\n\nneo-gothic lancet arch. The shape of the archway is mirrored by the hood mould above the door within, which features carved head stops. On the gable above the archway is a niche to accommodate a statue, but this has not been populated. The building has no tower or spire, however, does have a bell-gable where the roof line changes between the nave and the chancel. As of 25 May 2011, the single bell remains extant. This building was in use as a chapel up until 1997", "id": "11056388" }, { "contents": "All Saints Cathedral Bells\n\n\nSebastopol had been captured by the allied forces fighting in the Crimean War. Spontaneous celebrations began, with bonfires, fireworks and much singing and cheering. At about ten o'clock, while the evening festivities were at their height, some excitable lads thought of ringing the new bells to add to the festivities. Ropes had not even been attached, so iron bars were taken high into the tower and the bells were struck by the unruly lot, who had locked the doors against likely opposition. Even though Churchwarden Wise, with the help", "id": "17348439" }, { "contents": "Nothing Records\n\n\n. Halford recalled, \"I was in New Orleans at Mardi Gras, where I go every year, and was partying with some friends and they pointed out where Trent's studio was. One of my friends said, 'Why don't you go knock on the door and say hi?' I never do that kind of thing. For whatever reason, I got out of the car and walked across the street and banged on the door. Rave Ogilvie opened the door and welcomed me in. We'd never met", "id": "19807189" }, { "contents": "Bell Sports\n\n\n. A Bell helmet was used in the Indianapolis 500 for the first time by Cal Niday in 1955. Niday crashed during lap 177 of the race and suffered several major injuries. Despite suffering a skull fracture Nidal credited the helmet for preventing even more serious injury. By 1956 helmet sales were far above projections. This resulted in the formation of the Bell Helmet Company as a subsidiary of Bell Auto Parts. The helmet operation employed at least four people working full-time producing helmets in a facility next door to the original Bell", "id": "8543928" }, { "contents": "Notre-Dame de Paris\n\n\nas the opening of the doors to the Palm Sunday mass or the body of the deceased Archbishop of Paris. Also it is the only bell that does not participate in a chime called the Angelus Domini, which happens in the summer at 8am, noon and 8pm (or 9am, noon and 9pm). Denis is the third largest bell in the North Tower and fifth largest bell in the cathedral. It is named after St. Denis, the martyr who was also the first bishop of Paris around the", "id": "15997298" }, { "contents": "Wildrake diving accident\n\n\ninformed topside of the emergency and quickly rejoined Guiel in the bell, where the two divers closed and sealed the inside door. The bottom door, which opened outward, was left open and secured back to the bell frame. \"Wildrake\" dive superintendent Peter Holmes and dive supervisor Brian Reid believed that the umbilical was the correct secondary means of bell recovery in the system Møllerodden AS had designed. Møllerodden later denied this, and DNV had not certified the umbilical winch for bell recovery. Reid attempted to raise the bell with the", "id": "9143174" }, { "contents": "Bonne Bell\n\n\nBonne Bell is a cosmetics company aimed for teens. The company was best known for its line of astringents and cleansers named \"10-0-6.\" In the 1970s, they expanded into a popular range of lip balms called Lip Smackers which became the company's signature product. Bonne Bell was founded in 1927 in Lakewood, Ohio by cosmetics salesman Jesse Bell, who named it after his daughter. Bell made his products on a hot plate in his basement and then sold his skin care products door to door.", "id": "9493840" }, { "contents": "Waage Drill II diving accident\n\n\nvalves back to their original positions in order to monitor the depth of the divers. At 9:50 that evening, the crew mated the bell to the entrance lock as planned, but during the lock‑on procedure a gas leak developed between the mating flanges. The bell was removed, the flange surfaces were cleaned, and on the second attempt the bell was successfully sealed to the system. After Holmes and Baldwin equalized the bell with the rest of the complex, they opened the inside door and were in the process of transferring into the", "id": "13744495" }, { "contents": "Hound Dog (song)\n\n\nStoller wrote the song for Big Mama Thornton, but Freddie and The Bell Boys had a different set of lyrics. Elvis got his lyrics from those guys. He knew the original lyrics but he didn't use them\".\" When asked about \"Hound Dog\", Presley's drummer D. J. Fontana admitted: \"We took that from a band we saw in Vegas, Freddie Bell and the Bellboys. They were doing the song kinda like that. We went out there every night to watch them. He'd say", "id": "5315649" }, { "contents": "The Good Neighbor (film)\n\n\nthat he is being haunted by his wife. A flashback is shown when Grainey first gives her the bell, saying that whenever she needed him, she only had to ring the bell. The bell noise that woke him and the fact that the bell was on the table leads Grainey to believe it was as a sign that his wife wants him to be with her, which is why he killed himself. Ethan and Sean are arrested and sentenced to two years' probation and 500 hours of community service. Leaving the courthouse", "id": "11128161" }, { "contents": "Doorkeeper (Houses of Parliament)\n\n\nalso have ceremonial duties. When the Commons is in session the Principal Doorkeeper and his Deputy occupy two chairs on either side of the main entrance. The Principal Doorkeeper sits in the right-hand seat, which contains the original division bell, though an electronic system is now is use. When house divides to vote members have eight minutes before the doorkeepers close and lock the doors to the chamber preventing anyone from entering. However at the end of each sitting the original bell is rung, and the two doorkeepers simultaneously shout \"", "id": "9794004" }, { "contents": "Dighton Community Church\n\n\nis listed in the Revere Stockbook as \"Bell Number 254.\" The bell was hauled from Canton to Dighton by two oxen in 1821, and hung in a small shed in the church yard. A tower was built for the bell, where it was installed in 1827 and rung frequently. The bell's yoke and wheel were restored in 2012-2013. The church was renovated in 1830, when the pew layout was changed and the Elm Street door removed. The church was modernized in 1861 and had a complete renovation", "id": "20553877" }, { "contents": "It Takes a Man and a Woman\n\n\nnext day, they fly to New York and find a hotel to stay in. However, a problem occurs in the hotel and they are forced to sleep in Laida's apartment, and Miggy sleeps on the bedroom floor. Their meeting with MET gets canceled. Instead, they take a tour of New York. The next day, they're about to share a kiss when someone knocks on the door- Belle. They even show their presentation to MET with Belle, and make their way home. The next few days,", "id": "12488030" }, { "contents": "Bevin Brothers Manufacturing Company\n\n\nfoot. It has since been replaced by the car horn. Through the years more than 30 companies have made bells in East Hampton earning it the nickname of \"Bell Town.\" Bevin Brothers is the only remaining bell manufacturer in East Hampton and still remains in the Bevin family. Through the years it has made sleigh bells, house bells, cow bells, sheep bells, door bells, and ship's bells. On May 27, 2012, the factory was struck by lightning resulting in a devastating fire that razed the", "id": "17395364" }, { "contents": "My Name Is Joe\n\n\nSarah tells him that she does not want it and Joe cannot understand what he has done wrong. Joe is confused as to why Sarah has behaved in this fashion. In the next shot, we see a copy of the Alcoholics Anonymous' small blue Bible as Joe listens to Beethoven's Violin Concerto in D Major and makes notes in a book. When Sarah arrives at his door, she apologises. They drink tea together and later embrace. Joe drives his van and his mates direct him to a place where they", "id": "2913137" }, { "contents": "Latent learning\n\n\nresponse to a bell the experimenters had purposely tried to associate with feeding time. After the dogs had been conditioned, the dogs no longer only salivated for the food, which was a biological need and therefore an unconditioned stimulus. The dogs began to salivate at the sound of a bell, the bell being a conditioned stimulus and the salivating now being a conditioned response to it. They salivated at the sound of a bell because they were anticipating food. Latent learning is when an animal learns something even though it has no motivation", "id": "14012559" }, { "contents": "St John the Baptist's Church, Tunstall\n\n\ntower, a nave and chancel under a continuous roof, north and south aisles, and a two-storey south porch. The tower has diagonal buttresses and an embattled parapet. Above each of the small bell openings is a carved tablet of an angel holding a shield. The west door has a pointed head above which is a three-light window with Perpendicular tracery. The aisles have embattled parapets, as does the porch. Above the door of the porch is a niche with a sundial plate and above that a small", "id": "5595471" }, { "contents": "Belle and Sebastian (Japanese TV series)\n\n\nof a young boy named Sebastian and his Pyrenean mountain dog, Belle, who live in a small village in Southern France. He has no friends because he is teased by the other children for not having a mother. But one day, he meets a gentle white dog who has been falsely accused of terrible crimes. He names her Belle and they become the best of friends. To save her from an unjust fate, he leaves his adoptive family and flees to Spain with her and his little dog, Poochie. They", "id": "18589733" }, { "contents": "Hestia (character)\n\n\nfor Bell — who of course could never even fathom the idea of a goddess being in love with him. But while quick to anger and jealous to a fault, she is willing to put her money where her mouth is when it comes to supporting Bell — even if that means debasing herself to the point of taking part-time jobs. Through her, we also get a peek into the society of gods and why they are willing to sponsor heroes — bragging rights, mainly.\" Anime News Network's Rebecca Silverman", "id": "9224638" }, { "contents": "Raincoat (film)\n\n\nhis quest, he visits Neeru (Aishwarya Rai) in Calcutta, to whom he was engaged six years ago. During the rainy evening, the couple reminisce about their former love and how each ended up in their current situation. Neeru pretends to lead a happy and prosperous life. She gestures to her former lover during various instances, particularly when the door bell rings and she persuades Mannu not to open the door. They go on talking about their past and present with multiple flashbacks. The raincoat comes to play when Neeru", "id": "2653008" }, { "contents": "I Do (Colbie Caillat song)\n\n\n'm going and doing stuff around the house, and everything in my house kind of portrays the way I'm feeling. There's an alarm clock that you see a smiley face on, and you see a hanger on the door and somehow the door knob and the hanger look like they're smiling. It's all these cool little things when I'm walking around my house. I play with my dog, I start singing to my dog because I'm so happy and giddy. It shows the real moments of when", "id": "7572744" } ]
File names. Why can't Microsoft Office save or open files that have slashes or colons in their names?
[{"answer": "Slashes and colons are used as part of the *file system*; that is, the thing that tells the computer where to look for a file with that name. The Windows OS has been updated to distinguish between a slash in a filename and a \"meaningful\" slash, but MS Office has not. Before things like Windows and Macs existed, you had to make a computer do things by just typing commands. Spaces were \"meaningful\" when you typed in those commands, so it was impossible to have a filename with spaces in it. Because of that, some very old programs cannot handle filenames with spaces."}, {"answer": "This just reminds me how much I hate whitespace. Fuck whitespace!"}, {"answer": "what alienangel2 said. I also remember when you couldn't give any file a name longer than 8 characters. so if you called something 'thisismyfile.txt, it would be automatically shortened to 'thisism~.txt'"}, {"answer": "In addition and like others have said, file names are limitations of the file system. The file system is like the drawer that holds the files. The drawer has sections and each section can only fit a certain kind of file. A legal sized file won't fit in a drawer that holds letter sized documents. As a holdover from the days of the beginnings of Windows, many filename characters are not permitted such as < > ?!: etc., that is because the file system is not equipped to handle those types. Using Microsoft Office on a Mac, you could save all kinds of filenames, save for those with a colon. This is because Classic Mac OS uses colons to separate files. The newer Mac OS uses colons at the basic system level, so it is reserved. All other types are permitted."}, {"answer": "Slashes are used as a command parameter for programs which run on command prompt. Colons are used to write a list of files to perform an action on command prompt, like copy or save. \" < \", \" > \" and \"|\" are used to join commands and/or send the output of them somewhere else. \"?\" and \"*\" are masks that allow you to make a search for something you don't quite know or for all files. Backslash is used to separate the folders on command prompt. **TL;DR: These characters are used on the command prompt.**"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "19001", "title": "Microsoft", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The word \"Microsoft\" is a portmanteau of \"microcomputer\" and \"software\". Microsoft is ranked No. 30 in the 2018 Fortune 500 rankings of the largest United States corporations by total revenue.", "Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology company with headquarters in Redmond, Washington. It develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services. Its best known software products are the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, the Microsoft Office suite, and the Internet Explorer and Edge Web browsers. Its flagship hardware products are the Xbox video game consoles and the Microsoft Surface lineup of touchscreen personal computers. As of 2016, it is the world's largest software maker by revenue, and one of the world's most valuable companies. The word \"Microsoft\" is a portmanteau of \"microcomputer\" and \"software\". Microsoft is ranked No. 30 in the 2018 Fortune 500 rankings of the largest United States corporations by total revenue."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "46274583", "title": "Mail (Windows)", "section": "Section::::Windows 10.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 21, "end_paragraph_id": 21, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Emails are listed in Mail's jumplist. Mail uses a settings panel, email sorting tools in the second pane, and a toolbar in the viewing pane. Like the Vista version of Mail, this version's important controls are readily visible. Accounts can be grouped and relabeled, and folders can be created from within the app. Most existing folders can be edited or deleted in Mail, but default folders cannot be.", "Users can set Windows 10 Mail to use the system theme or choose a custom accent color, background image, and light/dark preference. It has multi-window support and can open email messages in a new window. Emails are listed in Mail's jumplist. Mail uses a settings panel, email sorting tools in the second pane, and a toolbar in the viewing pane. Like the Vista version of Mail, this version's important controls are readily visible. Accounts can be grouped and relabeled, and folders can be created from within the app. Most existing folders can be edited or deleted in Mail, but default folders cannot be. It is possible to use aliases and @mentions with Mail. Like Microsoft Outlook, Mail allows users to set up Quick Actions, such as Delete, Set Flag, and Archive, to respond to messages from system notifications and swipe gestures. Mail does not have an RSS reader and the ability to customize the default type and font. Microsoft has not announced plans to add these features. As with Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express,"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "16988945", "title": "Blacklist (computing)", "section": "Section::::Example systems to protect.:Usernames and passwords.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 19, "end_paragraph_id": 19, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Blacklisting can also apply to user credentials. It is common for systems or websites to blacklist certain reserved usernames that are not allowed to be chosen by the system or website's user populations. T", "Safe Browsing, which is installed by default in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. Blacklisting can also apply to user credentials. It is common for systems or websites to blacklist certain reserved usernames that are not allowed to be chosen by the system or website's user populations. These reserved usernames are commonly associated with built-in system administration functions. Password blacklists are very similar to username blacklists but typically contain significantly more entries than username blacklists. Password blacklists are applied to prevent users from choosing passwords that are easily guessed or are"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "351542", "title": "Filename", "section": "Section::::Encoding interoperability.:Unicode interoperability.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 47, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 47, "end_character": 239, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "SYmbolic LinK (SYLK)\n\n\n(CSV) format is saved with an unquoted first field name of 'ID', that is the first two characters match the first two characters of the SYLK file format. Microsoft Excel (at least to Office 2016) will then emit misleading error messages relating to the format of the file, such as \"The file you are trying to open, 'x.csv', is in a different format than specified by the file extension...\". SYLK does not have support for Unicode. Even if a SYLK file is", "id": "12280353" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office 2007\n\n\nversions. Alternatively, Microsoft has made available a free add-on known as the \"Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack\" that lets Office 2000, XP, and 2003 open, edit, and save documents created under the newer 2007 format. Office Open XML is based on XML and uses the ZIP file container. According to Microsoft, documents created in this format are up to 75% smaller than the same documents saved with previous Microsoft Office file formats, owing to the ZIP data compression. Files containing macros are saved with an", "id": "16075746" }, { "contents": "Path (computing)\n\n\nPowerShell, allow the slash. In addition \"\\\" does not indicate a single root, but instead the root of the \"current disk\". Indicating a file on a disk other than the current one requires prefixing a drive letter and colon. No ambiguity ensues, because colon is not a valid character in an MS-DOS filename, and thus one cannot have a file called \"A:\" in the current directory. UNC names (any path starting with ) do not support slashes. The following examples", "id": "16420631" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office 2007\n\n\n\"PC World\" wrote that the new \"ribbon\" interface crowds the Office work area, especially for notebook users. Others have called its large icons distracting. Essentially, the GUI-type interface of the ribbon contrasts sharply with the older menus that were organized according to the typical functions undertaken in paper-based offices: for instance, the old \"File\" menu dealt with opening, (re-)naming, saving, and printing a file, and the old \"Edit\" menu dealt with making changes to the content of", "id": "16075769" }, { "contents": "URL\n\n\nin 1992. The format combines the pre-existing system of domain names (created in 1985) with file path syntax, where slashes are used to separate directory and filenames. Conventions already existed where server names could be prefixed to complete file paths, preceded by a double slash (codice_5). Berners-Lee later expressed regret at the use of dots to separate the parts of the domain name within URIs, wishing he had used slashes throughout, and also said that, given the colon following the first component of a", "id": "19896355" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office 2007\n\n\nthe graphic, and the graphic's shapes and text can be formatted through shape styles and WordArt styles. In addition, SmartArt graphics change their colors, fonts, and effects to match the document's theme. Microsoft Office 2007 introduced a new file format, called Office Open XML, as the default file format. Such files are saved using an extra X letter in their extension (.docx/xlsx/pptx/etc.). However, it can still save documents in the old format, which is compatible with previous", "id": "16075745" }, { "contents": "CP/M\n\n\nfile containing ASCII text. Each disk drive was identified by a drive letter, for example drive codice_8 and drive codice_9. To refer to a file on a specific drive, the drive letter was prefixed to the file name, separated by a colon, e.g. codice_10. With no drive letter prefixed, access was to files on the current default drive. The \"8.3\" filename format and the drive letter + colon combination survived into MS-DOS. The drive letter + colon convention has survived in Microsoft Windows and is still", "id": "1536494" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office mobile apps\n\n\n, separate from the Office Hub, since Windows Phone 8. Office Mobile integrates with OneDrive, Microsoft's cloud storage service, as well as Dropbox. All documents edited from Office Mobile programs are automatically saved to OneDrive, and a list of recent documents saved to OneDrive appears on the home screen of the Office Hub. Office Mobile also includes a file manager that can be used to browse for Word, PowerPoint, or Excel files saved on a OneDrive account. In addition, Office Mobile can also open and edit documents saved", "id": "4041037" }, { "contents": "Office Open XML\n\n\ncontaining ISO 8601 dates as corrupt. Some older versions of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Office are able to read and write codice_1 files after installation of the free compatibility pack provided by Microsoft, although some items, such as equations, are converted into images that cannot be edited. Starting with Microsoft Office 2007, the Office Open XML file formats have become the default file format of Microsoft Office. However, due to the changes introduced in the Office Open XML standard, Office 2007 is not wholly in compliance with ISO/IEC", "id": "13053110" }, { "contents": "OneDrive\n\n\nwas always the requirement; it had merely fixed a bug in which the warning was not displayed. Microsoft also denied this feature having anything to do with the forthcoming OneDrive Files On-Demand. Microsoft Office, starting with Microsoft Office 2010 and Microsoft Office for Mac 2011, allows users to directly open or save documents to OneDrive, or simultaneously edit shared documents with other users. Changes are synchronized when a document is saved and, where conflicts occur, the saving user can choose which version to keep; users can also use", "id": "18055114" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Project\n\n\n, outline levels etc., IntelliMouse and Microsoft Office Binder support, Microsoft Outlook timeline integration, selective data import and export, ability to save as Microsoft Excel pivot tables, Microsoft Project Map, and allowed user to consolidate 1,000 projects. It was the last version to run on Windows NT 3.51, the last to open Project 4.0/95 files and save in .mpx (Microsoft Project Exchange) file format, the last to use Acme setup program and the last to be available on floppy disks. Project 98 SR-1 was a major service", "id": "9740462" }, { "contents": "Zip (file format)\n\n\nMicrosoft Office started using the zip archive format in 2006 for their Office Open XML .docx, .xlsx, .pptx, etc. files, which became the default file format with Microsoft Office 2007. There are numerous other standards and formats using \"zip\" as part of their name. For example, zip is distinct from gzip, and the latter is defined in an IETF RFC (RFC 1952). Both zip and gzip primarily use the DEFLATE algorithm for compression. Likewise, the ZLIB format (IETF RFC 1950) also uses", "id": "16275449" }, { "contents": "File system\n\n\nsystem on the Macintosh, and Microsoft supports streams in NTFS. Some file systems maintain multiple past revisions of a file under a single file name; the filename by itself retrieves the most recent version, while prior saved version can be accessed using a special naming convention such as \"filename;4\" or \"filename(-4)\" to access the version four saves ago. See comparison of file systems#Metadata for details on which file systems support which kinds of metadata. In some cases, a file system may not make use of a storage device", "id": "15293062" }, { "contents": "Computer file\n\n\nas a slash—is used to separate the file and folder names. For example, in the illustration shown in this article, the path uniquely identifies a file called in a folder called , which in turn is contained in a folder called . The folder and file names are separated by slashes in this example; the topmost or root folder has no name, and so the path begins with a slash (if the root folder had a name, it would precede this first slash). Many computer systems use extensions in", "id": "7416297" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Dynamics GP\n\n\n. Macros are saved in .MAC files in the Dexterity programming language. The .MAC files are editable text files. Macro files are very different from the VBA files found in the Microsoft Office products. Dynamics GP macros cannot make decisions, but merely play back keystrokes recorded by a user. Microsoft Dynamics can also have VBA functionality attached to forms and reports to carry out decisions. Microsoft Dynamics GP is organized in Series, each of which contains several modules. The typical Series are Financial, Sales, Purchasing, Inventory, Project", "id": "16891255" }, { "contents": "Hangul (word processor)\n\n\nprovide support for opening and saving of files in Microsoft Word format, but users are not necessarily aware of this. Consequently, Korean Hangul users may often send files to non-Koreans in .hwp format, not realizing the recipient will be unable to open such files. Hangul was intended in 2009 to gain support for reading and writing of Office Open XML and OpenDocument files. The HWP binary format specification has been published online free by Hancom on June 29, 2010. Haansoft released \"Office 2010 SE\" which is an English", "id": "12114642" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office 2016\n\n\nonly supports Windows 10 or Windows Server 2019, this is the last version of Microsoft Office compatible with Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, and Windows Server 2016. New features in the Windows release include the ability to create, open, edit, and save files in the cloud straight from the desktop, a new search tool for commands available in Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook and Access named \"Tell Me\", more \"Send", "id": "20007146" }, { "contents": "Full stop\n\n\nuses dots to separate levels of the hierarchical file system when writing path names—similar to codice_1 (forward-slash) in Unix-based systems and codice_2 (back-slash) in MS-DOS-based systems and the Windows NT systems that succeeded them. In Unix-like operating systems, some applications treat files or directories that start with a dot as hidden. This means that they are not displayed or listed to the user by default. In Unix-like systems and Microsoft Windows, the dot character represents", "id": "14707609" }, { "contents": "Path (computing)\n\n\nA path, the general form of the name of a file or directory, specifies a unique location in a file system. A path points to a file system location by following the directory tree hierarchy expressed in a string of characters in which path components, separated by a delimiting character, represent each directory. The delimiting character is most commonly the slash (\"/\"), the backslash character (\"\\\"), or colon (\":\"), though some operating systems may use a different delimiter. Paths are", "id": "16420616" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Works\n\n\n, and can remind users of birthdays and anniversaries. It supports importing and exporting iCalendar (.ICS) files. It does not support subscribing to iCalendar files or publishing them online via WebDAV. Up to version 8, using the Works Task Launcher, the calendar and contacts from Windows Address Book could be synchronized with portable devices. In Works 9.0, the sync capability has been removed. Microsoft makes file format conversion filters for Microsoft Word for opening and saving to Works Word Processor format. Microsoft Office Excel can import newer Works Spreadsheets", "id": "11108272" }, { "contents": "Commodore DOS\n\n\nactual files on one drive or the other that just happen to be named codice_38. Partial directories can be loaded by adding a colon and a template: for example, would load a partial directory that shows only the files whose name starts with the letter K and which are of type PRG; all such partial directories still contain the initial disk name line and the final \"BLOCKS FREE\" line. Commodore DOS also offers a \"Save-with-Replace\" command, which allows a file to be saved over an existing", "id": "5359361" }, { "contents": "Windows Services for UNIX\n\n\nMicrosoft does not intend to produce any further standalone versions of SFU, opting instead for the integrated SUA. As of August 18, 2016 v3.5 is unavailable from the provided Microsoft Link. General support will continue until 2011; extended support until 2014. Character translation must be used to accommodate filenames which include a colon (:) or other characters that do not comply with the naming conventions of Windows file-systems. Files with the same name but different cases are also not allowed by default, but can be enabled on installation with", "id": "10403520" }, { "contents": "Microsoft PhotoDraw\n\n\nwith capabilities exceeding those of PowerPoint. PhotoDraw's native file format is .MIX. Photodraw can open files in these file formats: Photodraw can save files in these file formats: PhotoDraw's native file format is \".mix\", a proprietary format developed by Microsoft. Only PhotoDraw can save and load its MIX files and retain the full ability to modify those files. The MIME media-type for the MIX format is \"image/vnd.mix\" (IANA assignment for the MIX format) PhotoDraw is no longer available for purchase from", "id": "1629882" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office 2010\n\n\nwith File Block policy or if it fails Office File Validation, it is opened in Protected View, which prohibits potentially unsafe documents from modifying components, files, and other resources on a system; users can also manually open documents in Protected View. When a document is opened in Protected View, users are allowed to view, copy, and paste the contents of the document, but there are no options to edit, save, or print contents, and all active document content including ActiveX controls, database connections, hyperlinks,", "id": "19371463" }, { "contents": "Precompiled header\n\n\ncodice_6 option or (when codice_7 is specified without any codice_8) precompiling all code up to the first occurrence of codice_9 in the code The precompiled output is saved in a file named after the codice_8 given to the codice_7 option, with a codice_12 extension, or in a file named according to the name supplied by the codice_13 option. The codice_14 option, subordinate to the codice_7 option if used together, causes the compiler to make used of already precompiled code from such a file. codice_16 is a file generated by Microsoft Visual Studio", "id": "9894940" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Publisher\n\n\nsmall share of the desktop publishing market, which is dominated by Adobe InDesign and formerly by QuarkXPress. While most Microsoft Office apps adopted ribbons for their user interface starting with Microsoft Office 2007, Publisher retained its toolbars and did not adopt ribbons until Microsoft Office 2010. LibreOffice has supported Publisher's proprietary file format (.pub) since February 2013. Corel Draw X4 features read-only support. Adobe PageMaker also saves files with a .pub extension, but the two file formats are incompatible and unrelated. Publisher supports numerous other file formats", "id": "10217860" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Photos\n\n\nability to batch resize photos, where multiple photos can be resized in a single action. Unlike Photo Gallery, which auto saves edits, Photos only saves when a user clicks the Save or Save As button. Additionally, Photos allows users to compare the original file to the file with unsaved changes and to save the photo with a different name and location. Story Remix is a 3D video editing software built into the Photos app. Intended to replace the older Windows Movie Maker, this feature was added to Microsoft Photos with the", "id": "8008370" }, { "contents": "History of Microsoft Word\n\n\ntooltips, Quick Access toolbar, SmartArt, etc. Word 2007 uses a new file format called docx. Word 2000–2003 users on Windows systems can install a free add-on called the \"Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack\" to be able to open, edit, and save the new Word 2007 files. Alternatively, Word 2007 can save to the old doc format of Word 97-2003. Word 2008 was released on January 15, 2008. It includes some new features from Word 2007, such as a ribbon-like feature", "id": "19012735" }, { "contents": "FileMaker Pro\n\n\nFileMaker. When Apple introduced the Macintosh Plus in 1986 the next version of FileMaker was named FileMaker Plus to reflect the new model's name. Forethought was purchased by Microsoft, which was then introducing their PowerPoint product that became part of Microsoft Office. Microsoft had introduced its own database application, Microsoft File, shortly before FileMaker, but was outsold by FileMaker and therefore Microsoft File was discontinued. Microsoft negotiated with Nashoba for the right to publish FileMaker, but Nashoba decided to self-publish the next version, FileMaker 4. Shortly", "id": "20018095" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office 2013\n\n\nStandard version of Office Open XML (OOXML) file format: in particular it supports saving in the \"Strict\" profile of ISO/IEC 29500 (Office Open XML Strict). It also supports OASIS version 1.2 of ISO/IEC 26300:2006, Open Document Format, which Office 2013 can read and write. Additionally, Office 2013 provides full read, write, and edit support for ISO 32000 (PDF). New features include a new read mode in Microsoft Word, a presentation mode in Microsoft PowerPoint and improved touch and", "id": "8734356" }, { "contents": "IWork\n\n\nof the main Keynote iOS application. Keynote supports a number of file formats. By default, presentations are saved as .key files. Keynote can open and edit Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) files. In addition, presentations can be exported as Microsoft PowerPoint files, QuickTime movies (which are also playable on iPod and iPhone), HTML files, and PDF files. Presentations can also be sent directly to iDVD, iTunes, GarageBand, iWeb, and to YouTube. The Keynote 09 file format is not backward compatible; .key files", "id": "20145557" }, { "contents": "Filename extension\n\n\nto indicate file types, but they did not use them as much—for example, executables and ordinary text files had no suffixes in their names. The High Performance File System (HPFS), used in Microsoft and IBM's OS/2 also supported long file names and did not divide the file name into a name and an extension. The convention of using suffixes continued, even though HPFS supported extended attributes for files, allowing a file's type to be stored in the file as an extended attribute. Microsoft's Windows NT", "id": "16701819" }, { "contents": "Office Open XML\n\n\nMicrosoft Office 2013 and Microsoft Office 2016 additionally support both reading and writing of ISO/IEC 29500 Strict. While Office 2013 and onward have full read/write support for ISO/IEC 29500 Strict, Microsoft has not yet implemented the strict non-transitional, or original standard, as the default file format yet due to remaining interoperability concerns. In 2000, Microsoft released an initial version of an XML-based format for Microsoft Excel, which was incorporated in Office XP. In 2002, a new file format for Microsoft Word", "id": "13053100" }, { "contents": "Autosave\n\n\ntheir work. An alternative paradigm is to have all changes saved continuously (as with pen and paper) and all versions of a document available for review. This would remove the need for saving documents entirely. There are challenges to implementation at the file, application and operating system levels. For example, in Microsoft Office, this option is called \"AutoRecover\" and, by default, saves the document every ten minutes in the temporary file directory. Restarting an Office program after crashing prompts the user to save the last recovered", "id": "5586200" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Excel\n\n\nformat. The following example will be correctly opened by Excel if saved either as \"Book1.xml\" or \"Book1.xls\": Microsoft Excel 2007, along with the other products in the Microsoft Office 2007 suite, introduced new file formats. The first of these (.xlsx) is defined in the Office Open XML (OOXML) specification. Windows applications such as Microsoft Access and Microsoft Word, as well as Excel can communicate with each other and use each other's capabilities. The most common are Dynamic Data Exchange: although strongly deprecated", "id": "48885" }, { "contents": "WinFS\n\n\nwith some of its component technologies being integrated into ADO.NET and Microsoft SQL Server. Many filesystems found on common operating systems, including the NTFS filesystem which is used in modern versions of Microsoft Windows, store files and other objects only as a stream of bytes, and have little or no information about the data stored in the files. Such file systems also provide only a single way of organizing the files, namely via directories and file names. Because a file system has no knowledge about the data it stores, applications tend to", "id": "2282232" }, { "contents": "CorelDRAW\n\n\nsupport for CorelDraw file formats among open source software programs. The sK1 project developed also the UniConvertor, a command line open source tool which supports conversion from CorelDraw ver.7-X4 formats (CDR/CDT/CCX/CDRX/CMX) to other formats. UniConvertor is also used in the Inkscape and Scribus open source projects as an external tool for importing CorelDraw files. In 2007, Microsoft blocked CDR file format in Microsoft Office 2003 with the release of Service Pack 3 for Office 2003. Microsoft later apologized for inaccurately blaming the CDR file", "id": "21645694" }, { "contents": "AppleWorks\n\n\n, AppleWorks can create, open, and save files in a number of file formats. For example, word processor documents can be saved in Microsoft Word format, and spreadsheet files can be saved in Microsoft Excel format. The software received good reviews during the course of its lifespan for its interface and the tight integration of its modules. For example, like the earlier versions mentioned above, in AppleWorks a drawing \"frame\" can be placed in a spreadsheet document, a paint frame can be placed in a drawing document,", "id": "5828681" }, { "contents": "File URI scheme\n\n\nsame /\"etc\"/\"fstab\" file: Here are some examples which may be accepted by some applications on Windows systems, referring to the same, local file \"c:\"\\\"WINDOWS\"\\\"clock.avi\" Here is the URI as understood by the Windows Shell API: On Microsoft Windows systems, the normal colon (:) after a device letter has sometimes been replaced by a vertical bar (|) in file URLs. This reflected the original URL syntax, which made the colon a reserved character in a path part. Since Internet Explorer 4, file URIs have been standardized", "id": "15814598" }, { "contents": "Computer file\n\n\nthe file system. Unix file systems are usually case sensitive and allow user-level applications to create files whose names differ only in the case of characters. Microsoft Windows supports multiple file systems, each with different policies regarding case-sensitivity. The common FAT file system can have multiple files whose names differ only in case if the user uses a disk editor to edit the file names in the directory entries. User applications, however, will usually not allow the user to create multiple files with the same name but differing in", "id": "7416294" }, { "contents": "RISC OS\n\n\nvolume (disc, network share) prefixed by the filesystem type. To determine file type, the OS uses metadata instead of file extensions. Colons are used to separate the filesystem from the rest of the path; the root is represented by a dollar (codice_1) sign and directories are separated by a full stop (codice_2). Extensions from foreign filesystems are shown using a slash (codice_3 becomes codice_4). For example, codice_5 is the root of the disc named \"HardDisc4\" using the ADFS filesystem. filetypes can", "id": "5699446" }, { "contents": "Doc (computing)\n\n\nextension have largely disappeared from the PC world. Binary DOC files often contain more text formatting information (as well as scripts and undo information) than some other document file formats like Rich Text Format and Hypertext Markup Language, but are usually less widely compatible. The DOC files created with Microsoft Word versions differ. Microsoft Word versions up to Word 97 used a different format from Microsoft Word 97 – 2003. In Microsoft Word 2007 and later, the binary file format was replaced as the default format by the Office Open XML format", "id": "11622066" }, { "contents": "Constantia (typeface)\n\n\nO\" and \"Q\" are slightly squared-off. It is distributed with Microsoft Excel Viewer, Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer, the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Microsoft Windows and the Open XML File Format Converter for Mac. For use in other operating systems, such as GNU/Linux, cross-platform use and web use it is not available as a freeware. Explaining its name, Hudson wrote: “I can’t remember all the possible names I came up with, each of which ended up rejected after international trademark", "id": "7148068" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office\n\n\n-simulator. Office XP and later do not have any Easter eggs, in compliance with Trustworthy Computing guidelines. Microsoft Office prior to Office 2007 used proprietary file formats based on the OLE Compound File Binary Format. This forced users who share data to adopt the same software platform. In 2008, Microsoft made the entire documentation for the binary Office formats freely available for download and granted any possible patents rights for use or implementations of those binary format for free under the Open Specification Promise. Previously, Microsoft had supplied such documentation freely", "id": "49119" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office shared tools\n\n\nincluded with Microsoft Office 95, 97, and 2000 that allowed users to include different types of OLE 2.0 objects (e.g., documents, spreadsheets, presentations and projects) in one file. Originally a test host for OLE 2.0, it was not widely used, and was discontinued after Office 2000. The filename extension for Microsoft Binder files was .OBD; the Office Binder template format was .OBT. A Microsoft Office Binder Wizard used the extension .OBZ. Binder files could be opened in Office versions until 2003, with the Unbind add", "id": "8462788" }, { "contents": "Microsoft mobile services\n\n\nand Windows 10 app, with a Windows 10 Mobile in development. Microsoft Office Lens is a OneNote companion app designed to trim, enhance and makes pictures of whiteboards and documents readable and converts images to PDF, Word and PowerPoint files. The application is limited in its ability to capture multi page documents, and requires a Microsoft Office 365 subscription to edit documents and files. In December 2014 Microsoft added the option to scan business cards and save them directly to a user's contacts. Office Remote was originally launched by Microsoft Research", "id": "19337362" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office shared tools\n\n\nMicrosoft Data Analyzer allows analyzing and visualizing data and data trends, and is integrated with SQL Server Analysis Services. Reports and graphs generated could be saved as HTML, Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft PowerPoint files. Microsoft Office Document Scanning (\"MODS\") is a scanning and optical character recognition (OCR) application introduced first in Office XP. The OCR engine is based upon Nuance's OmniPage. MODS is suited for creating archival copies of documents. It can embed OCR data into both MDI and TIFF files. This enables text", "id": "8462790" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Notepad\n\n\nwindow class named \"EDIT\" and the maximum file size that Notepad can open is dependent on operating system limitations on the size of the \"EDIT\" window class, with the limit being different for each version of Windows. Due to the operating system limit of the \"EDIT\" window class, the Notepad version shipped with Windows 3.0, Windows 3.1 and Windows 3.11 could not open files larger than 54 KB (kilobytes) and Microsoft recommended not to open files larger than 45 KB, with the official workaround advice provided by", "id": "13963245" }, { "contents": "Personal Storage Table\n\n\nIn computing, a Personal Storage Table (.pst) is an open proprietary file format used to store copies of messages, calendar events, and other items within Microsoft software such as Microsoft Exchange Client, Windows Messaging, and Microsoft Outlook. The open format is controlled by Microsoft who provide free specifications and free irrevocable technology licensing. The file format may also be known as a Personal Folders (File) or Post Office File. When functioning in its capacity as a cache for Outlook's Cached Exchange Mode feature, it may be", "id": "5476794" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Visio\n\n\n-like lossless compression, VDX is not compressed. Hence, a VDX file typically takes up 3 to 5 times more storage. VSDX and VSDM files use the same compression as Zip files. Visio also supports saving files in SVG files, other diagramming files and images. However, images cannot be opened. Visio began as a standalone product produced by Shapeware Corporation; version 1.0 shipped in 1992. A pre-release, Version 0.92, was distributed free on a floppy disk along with a Microsoft Windows systems readiness evaluation", "id": "3516097" }, { "contents": "Locate32\n\n\nLocate32 is an open source file finder for Windows 98/ME/NT 4.0/2000/XP/Vista/7. It works by indexing the files on the user's hard drives, thus making searches faster. Removable or remote drives can also be indexed. Installation is not required. One unpacks the program files anywhere on the hard disk and runs the executable directly. The first step you have to take is index your files by creating the database. Once indexed, the file names can be searched rapidly. It can't search the", "id": "3842031" }, { "contents": "Basis Technology Corp.\n\n\ntarget significant files or usage profiles. It can, for instance, look for common files using hash functions and also deconstruct the data structures of the important operating system log files. The tools are designed to be customizable with an open plugin architecture. Basis Technology helps manage a large and diverse community of developers who use the tool in investigations. Highlight is transliteration software designed to assist linguists and analysts standardize names and places, allowing them to concentrate on \"connecting the dots\". Highlight is a plug-in to Microsoft Office", "id": "16494695" }, { "contents": "Touch (command)\n\n\nIn computing, codice_1 is a command in Unix and Unix-like operating systems, TSC's FLEX, the AROS shell, and the Microware OS-9 shell used to update the access date and/or modification date of a computer file or directory. The command is also available for FreeDOS, Microsoft Windows, and ReactOS. In its default usage, it is the equivalent of creating or opening a file and saving it without any change to the file contents. codice_1 avoids opening, saving, and closing the file. Instead it simply updates", "id": "2983440" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office 2010\n\n\nDecember 14, 2010, Microsoft announced its intent to backport the Office File Validation feature to Office 2003 and Office 2007. On April 12, 2011, Office File Validation was backported as an add-in for Office 2003 SP3 and Office 2007 SP2, and was later made available through Microsoft Update on June 28, 2011. Office File Validation in Office 2003 and Office 2007 differs from the version in Office 2010 as these two releases do not include the Protected View feature. When users attempt to open a document that fails validation", "id": "19371461" }, { "contents": "Google Sheets\n\n\nthe computer using Chrome, as well as for opening files encountered on the web (in the form of email attachments, web search results, etc.) without having to download them. The extension is installed on Chrome OS by default. Google Cloud Connect was a plug-in for Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 and 2010 that could automatically store and synchronize any Excel document to Google Sheets (before the introduction of Drive). The online copy was automatically updated each time the Microsoft Excel document was saved. Microsoft Excel documents", "id": "3478511" }, { "contents": "Document type definition\n\n\ntags, or the first element defined in the DTD, is called \"people_list\": One can render this in an XML-enabled browser (such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox) by pasting and saving the DTD component above to a text file named \"example.dtd\" and the XML file to a differently-named text file, and opening the XML file with the browser. The files should both be saved in the same directory. However, many browsers do not check that an XML document conforms to the rules in", "id": "8714830" }, { "contents": "Text file\n\n\ntext \"not\" to be terminated with a CR-LF marker, and many text editors (including Notepad) do not automatically insert one on the last line. On Microsoft Windows operating systems, a file is regarded as a text file if the suffix of the name of the file (the \"filename extension\") is codice_2. However, many other suffixes are used for text files with specific purposes. For example, source code for computer programs is usually kept in text files that have file name suffixes indicating the", "id": "431379" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office 2007\n\n\nbecause they center around document authoring. The rest of the applications in the suite changed to the new UI in subsequent versions. The default font used in this edition is Calibri. Original prototypes of the new user interface were revealed at MIX 2008 in Las Vegas. The Office 2007 button, located on the top-left of the window, replaces the File menu and provides access to functionality common across all Office applications, including opening, saving, printing, and sharing a file. It can also close the application. Users", "id": "16075736" }, { "contents": "Single-instance storage\n\n\nconfigurations. Microsoft states that \"SIS works by searching a hard disk volume to identify duplicate files. When SIS finds identical files, it saves one copy of the file to a central repository, called the SIS Common Store, and replaces other copies with pointers to the stored versions.\" Files are compared solely by their hash functions; files with different names or dates can be consolidated so long as the data itself is identical. Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition has SIS capabilities but is limited to OEM OS system installs. The", "id": "16041272" }, { "contents": "Office Open XML file formats\n\n\n's Joint Technical Committee 1, where they became ISO/IEC 29500:2008. Office Open XML documents are stored in Open Packaging Convention (OPC) packages, which are ZIP files containing XML and other data files, along with a specification of the relationships between them. Depending on the type of the document, the packages have different internal directory structures and names. An application will use the relationships files to locate individual sections (files), with each having accompanying metadata, in particular MIME metadata. A basic package contains an XML", "id": "2558158" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office shared tools\n\n\n) Microsoft offers MDI to TIFF File Converter, a command line tool, which allows users to convert one or more MDI files to TIFF. MODI supports Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) as well as its own proprietary format called MDI. It can save text generated from the OCR process into the original TIFF file. However, MODI produces TIFF files that violate the TIFF standard specifications and are only usable by itself. In its default mode, the OCR engine will de-skew and re-orient the page where required", "id": "8462792" }, { "contents": "Case sensitivity\n\n\nand a file created as Readme.txt is shown as Readme.txt) by default. This causes some issues for developers and power users, because most other environments are case-sensitive, but many Mac Installers fail on case-sensitive file systems. The older Microsoft Windows filesystems VFAT and FAT32 are not case-sensitive, but are case-preserving. The earlier FAT12 filesystem was case-insensitive and not case-preserving, so that a file whose name is entered as readme.txt or ReadMe.txt is saved as README.TXT. Later Windows file systems", "id": "2194562" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac\n\n\nhas been found an effective work-around (see reference). Another widespread problem reported after SP1 is that Office files will no longer open in Office applications when opened (double-clicked) from the Mac OS X Finder or launched from other applications such as an email attachment. The trigger for this problem is that Microsoft in SP1 unilaterally and without warning deprecated certain older Mac OS 'Type' codes such as \"WDBN\" that some files may have, either because they are simply very old, or because some applications", "id": "20863025" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office 2007\n\n\nMicrosoft Word 2007 .docx files to .doc files, equations are rendered as graphics. On June 6, 2007, Inera Inc. revealed that \"Science\" and \"Nature\" refused to accept manuscripts prepared in Microsoft Word 2007 .docx format; subsequently Inera Inc. informed Microsoft that Microsoft Word 2007's file format impairs usability for scholarly publishing. \"Nature\" still does not support Office Open XML format; \"Science\" however, accepts this format but discourages its use. The new Word 2007 features for bibliographies only support a small number of", "id": "16075773" }, { "contents": "Office Open XML file formats\n\n\nThe Office Open XML file formats are a set of file formats that can be used to represent electronic office documents. There are formats for word processing documents, spreadsheets and presentations as well as specific formats for material such as mathematical formulae, graphics, bibliographies etc. The formats were developed by Microsoft and first appeared in Microsoft Office 2007. They were standardized between December 2006 and November 2008, first by the Ecma International consortium, where they became ECMA-376, and subsequently, after a contentious standardization process, by the ISO/IEC", "id": "2558157" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office 2010\n\n\npossible for documents to fail validation as a false positive. To improve Office File Validation, Office 2010 collects various information about files that have failed validation and also creates copies of these files for optional submission to Microsoft through Windows Error Reporting. Users are prompted approximately every two weeks from the date of a failed validation attempt to submit copies of files or of other information for analysis; prompts include a list of files that will be submitted to Microsoft and require explicit user consent prior to submission. Administrators can disable data submission. On", "id": "19371460" }, { "contents": "Standardization of Office Open XML\n\n\nfiles already exists. Further, they argue that the Office Open XML file-format is heavily based on Microsoft's own Office applications and is thus not vendor-neutral, and that it has inconsistencies with existing ISO standards such as time and date formats and color codes. In addition, the standardization process itself has been questioned, including claims of balloting irregularities by some technical committees, Microsoft representatives and Microsoft partners in trying to get Office Open XML approved. \"The editorial group who actually produce the spec is referred to as", "id": "7730927" }, { "contents": "System/34 BASIC\n\n\nsame program each time you use it, therefore the authors of BASIC allow programmers to SAVE their program code to a library member and to REPLACE it when changes are made. SAVE PROG1,PGMRLIB causes the current module to be saved as a subroutine member (type R) named PROG1 in a user library named PGMRLIB. Note that System/34 files are not part of libraries. If a disk file is named FNF001, then an OPEN statement like this one can work: OPEN #3:\"NAME=FNF001,SEQUENTIAL\",INPUT It doesn't matter which library is used", "id": "19462232" }, { "contents": "OmegaT\n\n\nMozilla .properties and dtd files, CSV files, certain Qt .ts files, and certain XLIFF files to Gettext PO. Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents from version 97 to 2003 can be converted to Office Open XML (Microsoft Office 2007/2010) or ODF ( format. Conversion is not entirely lossless and may lead to loss of formatting. Trados® .ttx files can be treated using the Okapi TTX Filter. OmegaT's internal translation memory format is not visible to the user, but every time it autosaves the translation project", "id": "18752963" }, { "contents": "Uniform Type Identifier\n\n\n, which uses UTIs to categorize documents. One of the primary design goals of UTIs was to eliminate the ambiguities and problems associated with inferring a file's content from its MIME type, filename extension, or type or creator code. UTIs use a reverse-DNS naming structure. Names may include the ASCII characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, hyphen (\"-\"), and period (\".\"), and all Unicode characters above U+007F. Colons and slashes are prohibited for compatibility with", "id": "1820765" }, { "contents": "Activstudio\n\n\nthe Microsoft PowerPoint pptx file format. In 2009, Promethean released ActivInspire which can be used for free. This software package now uses the new 'flipchart' file format ending in the file extension '.flipchart'. ActivInspire can open the older '.flp' format but it can only save in the new '.flipchart' format. This results in ActivInspire's files from no longer being backwards compatible. In other words, Activstudio (and Activprimary) cannot open the flipcharts created by ActivInspire. The ActivInspire 'flipchart' file", "id": "16247075" }, { "contents": "Konqueror\n\n\nKonqueror, a free and open-source web browser and file manager, provides web access and file-viewer functionality for file systems (such as local files, files on a remote FTP server and files in a disk image). It forms a core part of the KDE Software Compilation. Developed by volunteers, Konqueror can run on most Unix-like operating systems. The KDE community licenses and distributes Konqueror under the GNU General Public License version 2. The name \"Konqueror\" echoes a colonization paradigm to reference the two", "id": "17574523" }, { "contents": "Unix2dos\n\n\n\"dos2unix/unix2dos\", HP-UX's \"dos2ux/ux2dos\" and Irix's \"to_unix/to_dos\". There exist many open source alternatives with different command names and options like \"dos2unix/unix2dos\", \"d2u/u2d\", \"fromdos/todos\", \"endlines\", \"flip\". See the manual page of the respective commands. 1. recode 2. Open the file with windows Write (wordpad) or Microsoft Word, and save in \"plain text\" formatbr 3.", "id": "5770693" }, { "contents": "Microsoft mobile services\n\n\nthe Windows Phone application did have more features than its counterparts but was criticised for unbundling several core features from the service such as podcasts and FM radio (which got their own applications) with the launch of Windows Phone 8.1. In 2015 Microsoft enabled OneDrive integration that allows users to stream the songs they've stored on OneDrive via Groove Music. The service works only if the files are in a OneDrive folder named \"Music\" and otherwise can't detect any other songs. It currently only supports MP3, M4A (AAC)", "id": "19337334" }, { "contents": "Polaris Office\n\n\nIn computing, Polaris Office by Infraware, INC. is a free office suite that runs on platforms such as Android, iOS, Windows and macOS. It allows the editing of Microsoft Office file-formats (doc/docx, hwp, ppt/pptx, txt, xls/xlsx) and the viewing of PDF files. All files saved in Polaris Office are synchronized with other connected devices, and thus documents are automatically updated to the latest version. It also provides a variety of cloud-storage services such as Box", "id": "2549748" }, { "contents": "LTspice\n\n\nhomework assignment, which allows the reader to recreate LTspice files without electronic file distribution. LTspice filename extensions: The following example can be viewed by copying each into two different text files. For each, copy the text in the gray box from this article, paste into an ASCII text editor, saving as a text file. Both files must have the same \"base name\" and sit in the same directory. To see it, opening the \"asc\" file with LTspice then click the \"Run\" button inside LTspice", "id": "10553093" }, { "contents": "File Explorer\n\n\nmake searching more engaging and friendly; the default character is a puppy named Rover (previously used in Microsoft Bob), with three other characters (Merlin the magician, Earl the surfer, and Courtney) also available. These search companions use the same technology as Microsoft Office's Office Assistants, even incorporating \"tricks\" and sound effects, and they can be used as Office Assistants if their files are copied into the C:\\Windows\\msagent\\chars folder. The search capability itself is fairly similar to Windows ME and Windows 2000, with one major", "id": "6076272" }, { "contents": "OpenDoc\n\n\nimpractical because each component held its own data. For instance, it took significant effort for the system to be able to turn a text file with some pictures into a Microsoft Word document, both because the text editor had no idea what was in the embedded objects, and because the proprietary Microsoft format was undocumented and required reverse engineering. Another problem was the fact that each part saved its data within Bento (the former name of an OpenDoc compound document file format) in its own internal binary format, and it was very", "id": "17217461" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Access\n\n\nthe database to a .MDE file. All changes to the VBA project (modules, forms, or reports) need to be made to the original MDB and then reconverted to MDE. In Access 2007 and Access 2010, the ACCDB database is converted to an ACCDE file. Some tools are available for unlocking and \"decompiling\", although certain elements including original VBA comments and formatting are normally irretrievable. Microsoft Access saves information under the following file formats: There are no Access versions between 2.0 and 7.0 because the Office 95 version", "id": "790458" }, { "contents": "WordPad\n\n\nservices (such as grammar and spell check) built using the \"Text Services Framework\" (TSF). In Windows Vista, support for reading Microsoft Word DOC files was removed because of the incorrect rendering and formatting problems, as well as a Microsoft security bulletin that reported a security vulnerability in opening Word files in WordPad. For viewing older (97-2003) as well as newer (Office Open XML) documents, Microsoft recommends Word Viewer, which is available free. Native Office Open XML and ODF support was released", "id": "8765924" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office 2003\n\n\nto a set of users and/or restrict types of actions that users could perform. Support for managed code add-ins as VSTO solutions was introduced. Office 2003 was the last version of Microsoft Office to include fully customizable toolbars and menus for all of its applications, the Office Assistant, the ability to slipstream service packs into the original setup files, Office Web Components, and the \"Save My Settings Wizard\", which allowed users to choose whether to keep a locally cached copy of installation source files and several utility resource kit", "id": "9854945" }, { "contents": "Cambria (typeface)\n\n\nas individual TrueType Font (TTF) files, rather than a single TTC file. This font, along with Calibri, Candara, Consolas, Corbel and Constantia, is also distributed with Microsoft Excel Viewer, Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer, the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Microsoft Windows and the Open XML File Format Converter for Mac. For use in other operating systems, such as GNU/Linux, cross-platform use and web use it is not available as a freeware. The typeface is licensed by Ascender Corporation for use by end", "id": "7147590" }, { "contents": "File Manager (Windows)\n\n\n). The last 16-bit codice_1 build (4.90.3000) was distributed as part of Windows Me operating system. Chris Guzak was the shell developer on the Windows 3.1 team responsible for File Manager. The source was released on GitHub in 2018 with an MIT license by Microsoft. The original version of File Manager was a 16-bit program that supported the 8.3 file names that were in use at the time. It did not support the extended file names that became available in Windows 95 – including long file names and file names containing spaces.", "id": "21108706" }, { "contents": "WPS Office\n\n\n. WPS for Linux Alpha 18 Patch 1 was released on 11 June 2015. On June 6, 2014, all Kingsoft Office products were renamed WPS Office. On December 16, 2014, WPS Office 2014 for Windows, build, was released as a subscription model for a monthly charge of US$3 for some features. The free version provided basic features and supported Microsoft Office .doc, .xls, and .ppt file formats. Premium paid versions provided full compatibility for Microsoft Office files. Officially only the paid 2014 version supported saving", "id": "1102906" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Silverlight version history\n\n\nto Silverlight applications. It can use the operating system's native file dialog box to browse to any file (to which the user has access). The file is sanitized of path information, to prevent the application from getting access to information such as user name, and can be opened only in read-only mode. For local storage of data, Silverlight provides \"isolated local storage\" (isostorage), namely, outside the browser cache, in a folder hidden inside the private user-profile folder. It is", "id": "3571419" }, { "contents": "Seavus Project Viewer (software)\n\n\nthe native file format for Microsoft Project, the formatting information is stored along with the project information in the same file. Seavus Project Viewer reads this information when opening .mpp files, showing the same formatting and visual styles as in Microsoft Project. The supported versions of the .mpp file format are Microsoft Project 2003, Microsoft Project 2007, Microsoft Project 2010, Microsoft Project 2013, and Microsoft Project 2016. Users can open Microsoft Project files hosted on the following cloud storages: Seavus Project Viewer is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS", "id": "3964615" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac\n\n\nsame core programs currently included with Office 2004 for Mac: Entourage, Excel, PowerPoint and Word. Mac-only features included are a publishing layout view, which offers functionality similar to Microsoft Publisher for Windows, a \"Ledger Sheet mode\" in Excel to ease financial tasks, and a \"My Day\" application offering a quick way to view the day's events. Office 2008 supports the new Office Open XML format, and defaults to saving all files in this format. On February 21, 2008 Geoff Price revealed that", "id": "20863018" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office mobile apps\n\n\nHub\" on Windows Phone and Android phones, as well as on iPhones until November 2014. They support editing only the newer Office file formats (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx), and can only view but not edit the legacy file formats (.doc, .xls, .ppt). Office for Android tablets and Windows 10 can process legacy Office and ODF files (.ppt, .xls, .odp, .ods, .odt) online to edit and open them. Microsoft OneNote also comes with Windows Phone, but has been a standalone app", "id": "4041036" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Word\n\n\ngrowing number of applications from other vendors, including Writer, an open source word processing program. During the late 1990s and early 2000s, the default Word document format (.DOC) became a \"de facto\" standard of document file formats for Microsoft Office users. There are different versions of \"Word Document Format\" used by default in Word 97–2007. Each binary word file is a Compound File, a hierarchical file system within a file. According to Joel Spolsky, Word Binary File Format is extremely complex mainly because its", "id": "49081" }, { "contents": "WordStar\n\n\n, but have been based on WordStar DOS file formats, allowing WordStar users who no longer have a copy of the application to easily open and edit their files. There are WordStar keyboard command emulators and keymappings, both freeware and shareware, for current versions of Microsoft Word. Popular modern word processing software WordPerfect can open or save to WordStar documents, enabling users to move back and forth. MailMerge was an add-on program (becoming integrated from WordStar 4 onwards) which facilitated the \"merge printing\" of bulk mailings,", "id": "14933829" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office 2010\n\n\nformats (e.g., DOC, PPT, and XLS) introduced in previous versions of Microsoft Office. When users open a document, the structure of its file format is scanned to ensure that it conforms with specifications defined by XML schema; if a file fails the validation process it will, by default, be opened in Protected View, a new read-only, isolated sandbox environment to protect users from potentially malicious content. this design allows users to visually assess potentially unsafe documents that fail validation. Microsoft stated that it is", "id": "19371459" }, { "contents": "File format\n\n\n() would be overridden with an icon commonly used to represent JPEG images, making the program look like an image. Extensions can also be spoofed: some Microsoft Word macro viruses create a Word file in template format and save it with a extension. Since Word generally ignores extensions and looks at the format of the file, these would open as templates, execute, and spread the virus. These issues require users with extensions hidden to be vigilant and never let the operating system choose with what program to open a file not", "id": "21235049" }, { "contents": "Resource fork\n\n\nsuch as allowing the system to display the correct icon for a file and open it without the need for a file extension in the file name. While access to the data fork works like file access on any other operating system — pick a file, pick a byte offset, read some data — access to the resource fork works more like extracting structured records from a database. (Microsoft Windows also has a concept of \"resources\", but these are completely unrelated from resources in Mac OS.) The resource fork is", "id": "15836271" }, { "contents": "Oystor\n\n\nof sending a document to several people who then have the same document in various copies, Oystor allows the publisher to upload a document and share to the user's contacts, thus eliminating multiple copies of the same document and saving storage space not only for the publisher but also the recipients. Oystor enables the user to import and migrate contacts from various account and CSV files into one common place to ensure a centralized repository. Formats of files supported include Avi files, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF,", "id": "17622982" }, { "contents": "Batch file\n\n\ntheir DOS-like console shell without mention of Microsoft, naming it just DOS, although this seemingly made no difference with regard to the way batch files worked from COMMAND.COM. OS/2's batch file interpreter also supports an EXTPROC command. This passes the batch file to the program named on the EXTPROC file as a data file. The named program can be a script file; this is similar to the #! mechanism. Unlike Windows 98 and earlier, the Windows NT family of operating systems does not depend on MS-DOS", "id": "10673120" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office 2001\n\n\nJapanese characters in Microsoft Excel. Once again this update was offered in the form of two different file types, .bin and .hqx. On January 1, 2001 Microsoft released a document highlighting keyboard shortcuts specifically for Microsoft Excel 2001. Support for Office 2001 ended on December 31, 2005. Occasionally Office 2001 will report a \"disk is full\" error while saving a Word document, even if the hard drive is not actually full. This is caused by saving a document too frequently and the computer running out of the temporary space", "id": "531191" }, { "contents": "OpenDocument software\n\n\nbut most applications use the package format. Thus, any of the vast number of tools for handling zip files and XML data can be used to handle OpenDocument. Nearly all programming languages have libraries (built-in or available) for processing XML files and zip files. Microsoft has been offering native support for ODF since Office 2007 Service Pack 2. Microsoft is hosting the 8th ODF Plugfest in Brussels in 2012. In October 2005, one year before the Microsoft Office 2007 suite was released, Microsoft declared that there is not", "id": "252837" }, { "contents": "Google Drive\n\n\nDrive website. Google also offers an extension for the Google Chrome web browser called \"Office editing for Docs, Sheets and Slides\" that enables users to view and edit Microsoft Office documents on Google Chrome, via the Docs, Sheets and Slides apps. The extension can be used for opening Office files stored on the computer using Chrome, as well as for opening Office files encountered on the web (in the form of email attachments, web search results, etc.) without having to download them. The extension is installed", "id": "19235302" }, { "contents": "Google Slides\n\n\nuse keyboard shortcuts. Google offers an extension for the Google Chrome web browser called \"Office editing for Docs, Sheets and Slides\" that enables users to view and edit PowerPoint and other Microsoft Office documents on Google Chrome, via the Sheets app. The extension can be used for opening Office files stored on the computer using Chrome, as well as for opening Office files encountered on the web (in the form of email attachments, web search results, etc.) without having to download them. The extension is installed on", "id": "8048924" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Office XP\n\n\noptions to search for and insert online clip art into files. The Office Clipboard has been redesigned as the Clipboard task pane across all Office XP programs and can accommodate up to 24 clipboard items compared to 12 in Office 2000. Clipboard items provide a visual representation to help users distinguish different types of content. The Office Clipboard task pane opens when at least two items are copied. Access 2002 and Excel 2002 support exporting and importing XML. Users can also save Excel workbooks as XML spreadsheets. In 2006, Microsoft released a compatibility", "id": "9854968" } ]
Why can't we tickle ourselves?
[{"answer": "I can. Am I a mutant? Is this my power?"}, {"answer": "A few people here are claiming tickling is a defense mechanism but that's not entirely correct. The theory goes, tickling developed as a play mechanism to teach basic combat/defense skills. Think of the places that are normally ticklish: neck, underarms, behind/around knees, haunches etc - all places that are vulnerable to attack (from predators, for example). So it's advantageous to learn and hone reflexes that protect those areas. When someone is tickled, they act to escape it. However, it's fun (kids laugh when they're tickled), so that they practice repeatedly. The reason most people can't tickle themselves is probably because it doesn't lead to good practice, so it evolved as a particularly social mechanism. I can't comment on the actual nuts and bolts of it, if that's what you're looking for"}, {"answer": "It's a defense mechanism from others. We don' believe to be a threat to ourselves."}, {"answer": "Try the top of the inside of the your mouth."}, {"answer": "I think we can relate this to laughter and it's social history. Laughter developed as a way for one person in a tribe to say, \"everything is OK, even though it looks/sounds like there might be trouble\". If your think about this in a tribal setting, it makes sense. Laughter evolved as a social reassurance that the tribe wasn't about to be eaten. Tickling, similarly, probably evolved as a way to reinforce that even though it looked like someone or something was attacking our weak spots, it was OK and wasn't a legit threat. The juxtaposed pain that comes along with tickling is our primal side reminding us that these areas are indeed our \"holy shit I just got bit in my abdomen I'm gonna die\" spots. Ergo: tickling. Something that being is both laughter and pain at the same time. Laughter to let those around us know we aren't getting killed, and pain to remind us that we could very possibly be killed."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "7523694", "title": "Knismesis and gargalesis", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Knismesis and gargalesis are the scientific terms, coined in 1897 by psychologists G. Stanley Hall and Arthur Allin, used to describe the two types of tickling. Knismesis refers to the light, feather-like type of tickling. This type of tickling generally does not induce laughter and is often accompanied by an itching sensation. Gargalesis refers to harder, laughter-inducing tickling, and involves the repeated application of high pressure to sensitive areas. While the two terms are used in academic papers, they do not appear in many dictionaries and", "Knismesis and gargalesis are the scientific terms, coined in 1897 by psychologists G. Stanley Hall and Arthur Allin, used to describe the two types of tickling. Knismesis refers to the light, feather-like type of tickling. This type of tickling generally does not induce laughter and is often accompanied by an", "Knismesis refers to the light, feather-like type of tickling."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "234828", "title": "Tickling", "section": "Section::::Social aspects.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 9, "end_paragraph_id": 9, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["very ticklish people often start laughing before actually being tickled. Charles Darwin theorized on the link between tickling and social relations, arguing that tickling provokes laughter through the anticipation of pleasure. If a stranger tickles a child without any preliminaries, catching the child by surprise, the likely result will be not laughter but withdrawal and displeasure. Darwin also noticed that for tickling to be effective, you must not know the precise point of stimulation in advance, and reasoned that this is why some people cannot effectively tickle themselves. Darwin explained", "ery ticklish people often start laughing before actually being tickled. Charles Darwin theorized on the link between tickling and social relations, arguing that tickling provokes laughter through the anticipation of pleasure. If a stranger tickles a child without any preliminaries, catching the child by surprise, the likely result will be not laughter but withdrawal and displeas", "If a stranger tickles a child without any preliminaries, catching the child by surprise, the likely result will be not laughter but withdrawal and displeasure. Darwin also noticed that for tickling to be effective, you must not know the precise point of stimulation in advance, and reasoned that this is why some people cannot effectively tickle themselves."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Anthem of the Peaceful Army\n\n\nbecame what Sam Kiszka admitted was a concept album that addressed ecological concerns as well as the themes of hate, greed and evil. \"It kind of dives into roots and beliefs. I think it asks fairly large questions. What are we doing to ourselves? What are we doing to our environment? What are we doing to each other? Why must there be hate? And why must there be greed and evil? I think it simply asks the question of why can't we all be one? We're all", "id": "5403766" }, { "contents": "Tickling\n\n\nwhen a person touches \"ticklish\" parts on their own body no tickling sensation is experienced. It is thought that the tickling requires a certain amount of surprise, and because tickling oneself produces no unexpected motion on the skin, the response is not activated. A recent analysis of the \"self-tickle\" response has been addressed using MRI technology. Blakemore and colleagues have investigated how the brain distinguishes between sensations we create for ourselves and sensations others create for us. When the subjects used a joystick to control a \"tickling", "id": "8735795" }, { "contents": "Tickling\n\n\nreason may be the lack of awareness of many sensations arising from self-movement, such as not paying attention to one's own vocal cords. When we try to tickle ourselves by grabbing our sides, the brain foresees this contact between body and hand and prepares itself for it. This removes the feeling of unease and panic, causing the body to not react to tickling in the same way it would if someone else supplied the stimulus. However, some people with schizophrenia have the ability to tickle themselves. This is most", "id": "8735797" }, { "contents": "Tickling\n\n\nwhy we laugh when we are tickled by saying, \"The imagination is sometimes said to be tickled by a ludicrous idea; and this so-called tickling of the mind is curiously analogous with that of the body. Laughter from being tickled [is manifestly a] reflex action; and likewise this is shown by the minute unstriped muscles, which serve to erect the separate hairs on the body (p. 201)\" Tickling is defined by many child psychologists as an integral bonding activity between parent and children. In the parent", "id": "8735781" }, { "contents": "Everett Colby\n\n\ncouldn't think for ourselves. We had lost the art of independent thought and work. We were dummies. We took orders, we waited for orders, we depended upon orders. Dummy legislators, that's what we were. Frustrated with their own party, Mayor Fagan and his corporation counsel George L. Record went to the Democrats who drew up a bill. The bill was buried in committee. Fagan went to Colby and asked him why he didn't have it reported. \"I can't,\" Colby told him", "id": "7092165" }, { "contents": "Heaven (Inna song)\n\n\nRecords, we stay so much together that we don't understand ourselves in Romanian, but also not in any other language. So we thought to create an own language. If the ones from \"Game of Thrones\" can do it, then why can't we do it as well?\" \"People Magazine\" called the track a \"catchy\" tropical house song that \"effortlessly blends together\" tropical sounds with a Middle Eastern flair, along with \"simple and cheesy\" lyrics. Jonathan Currinn from \"Outlet Magazine", "id": "21387574" }, { "contents": "James Phillips (South African musician)\n\n\n. In the same year Phillips stood in South Africa's first democratic election as a candidate for the eccentric Soccer Party. Phillips summed up his optimism about the New South Africa when he said \"Hopefully now we can start to like ourselves, and start to like our music\". His music now reflected his hopes for the new dispensation, and the dark and angry words of the 80s were replaced with songs of optimism like \"Why Can't We (Love one another), '(I Want the World to)", "id": "1169967" }, { "contents": "Australia–Indonesia relations\n\n\nWhy can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends?\" [this is] the exact sort of opinions we need\". Under Keating’s government, the first Indonesia-Australia Ministerial Forum was held in 1994, and brought together ministers for foreign affairs, trade, immigration and the environment. Meetings were subsequently held every two years. In December 1995, Australia and Indonesia signed a security agreement, committing both parties to consultation on", "id": "19195704" }, { "contents": "Big Generator\n\n\nthe beginning of the songwriting process, Rabin recalled the group used \"Abbey Road\" (1969) by The Beatles as a model and influence for the music on \"Big Generator\". He explained: \"If we come up with an idea, why pressure ourselves into making it a song? Just have it there. If you can't come up with a chorus, don't throw it out because it's not a complete song and don't put a bad chorus around it\". Such an approach led to", "id": "3198865" }, { "contents": "Tioga, Louisiana\n\n\njust blew it. I mean, it was a traumatic loss for all of us. We go back into the locker room, we're all feeling bad and down on ourselves, and Coach comes in the locker room and tries to take the blame. And it was like, in unison, every player in that locker room stood up to say \"No, Coach, you can't do that.\"' Vanek continues: \"He never put winning ahead of the kids. That's why everybody stood up for", "id": "1435842" }, { "contents": "Thom Yorke\n\n\ncultural boycott of Israel. In a \"Rolling Stone\" interview, Yorke said of the criticism: \"I just can't understand why going to play a rock show or going to lecture at a university [is a problem to them] .. it's really upsetting that artists I respect think we are not capable of making a moral decision ourselves after all these years. They talk down to us and I just find it mind-boggling that they think they have the right to do that. It's extraordinary.\"", "id": "769957" }, { "contents": "Why Can't We Live Together (album)\n\n\nWhy Can't We Live Together is the debut album by Timmy Thomas released in 1972. It was historically the first record to fully replace drummers with a drum machine. The album reached number ten in 1973 on the US R&B albums chart on the strength of the million-seller single, \"Why Can't We Live Together\". All songs written by Timmy Thomas except where indicated On AllMusic, Andrew Hamilton quoted \"This album was originally released on Glades Records following Thomas' million-selling \"Why Can't We Live", "id": "19531493" }, { "contents": "Mohammad Reza Pahlavi\n\n\nface\"] these days. Why should we belittle ourselves with this?\" Befitting all this attention and praise, Mohammad Reza started to make increasingly outlandish claims for the \"Great Civilisation\", telling the Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci in a 1973 interview: Halfway measures, compromises, are unfeasible. In other words, either one is a revolutionary or one demands law and order. One can't be a revolutionary with law and order. And even less with tolerance ... when Castro came to power, he killed at least 10", "id": "2741552" }, { "contents": "The Death of Nightlife\n\n\nThe Death of Nightlife is the second album by British indie/art rock band Help She Can't Swim, released in May 2007 on Fantastic Plastic Records. The album is available on 12\" vinyl, CD and download formats. The vinyl album includes an extra track, \"Why Don't We Just Hurt Ourselves\", which is placed between \"All the Stars\" and \"Just Be Social\". The CD version came with a bonus disc containing the four track \"Committing Social Suicide\" EP, previously unavailable on", "id": "1676984" }, { "contents": "Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals\n\n\n. Kant then asks why we have to follow the principle of morality. Although we all may feel the force of our consciences, Kant, examining phenomena with a philosophical eye, is forced to “admit that no interest impels me to do so”. He says that we clearly do “regard ourselves as free in acting and so to hold ourselves yet subject to certain laws” but wonders how this is possible. He then explains just how it is possible, by appealing to the two perspectives that we can consider ourselves", "id": "8905157" }, { "contents": "Why Can't We Be Friends? (song)\n\n\n\"Why Can't We Be Friends?\" is a song by the funk band War for their 1975 studio album of the same name. The song has a simple structure, with the phrase \"Why can't we be friends?\" being sung four times after each two-line verse amounting to over forty times in under four minutes. The song reached #6 on the Billboard Hot 100 in the summer of 1975. The song is unique as various members of the band exchange vocal duties from verse to verse.", "id": "4218890" }, { "contents": "British Columbia Civil Liberties Association\n\n\nLyster, re-affirmed the association's commitment to protecting the rights of sexual minorities, while adding \"[the BCCLA's] commitment to freedom and to the \"Charter of Rights and Freedoms\" means that we can't deny that same freedom of association to members of a religious faith who wish to organize themselves in a way that the members of Trinity Western do. We can't pick and choose to defend the rights only of those people that we agree with. If we want freedom for ourselves, we have to", "id": "1895994" }, { "contents": "Why Can't We Live Together\n\n\n\"Why Can't We Live Together\" is a song by Timmy Thomas from the album \"Why Can't We Live Together\". The song is notable for being recorded in mono; its sparse, stripped-down production, features a Lowrey organ, bossa nova-style percussion from an early rhythm machine, and Thomas's passionate, soulful vocal. Thomas recorded a demo at Dukoff Recording Studios in North Miami, Florida, with Bill Borkan acting as sound engineer. The single version got more airplay because the longer instrumental", "id": "20730415" }, { "contents": "Pornography (band)\n\n\n's punk band, which is when we wrote and recorded the entirety of \"7 Minutes in Heaven\". We never give ourselves more than a few minutes to write the songs so we can't really afford to censor ourselves or be less stupid.\" The band is predominantly based in New York City with Hennessey stating, \"Johnny [T. Yerington] is here and [producer] Gus [Oberg] is here, and Ryan [Adams] is in L.A., and he just comes here to do stuff with us", "id": "21755034" }, { "contents": "4 Minutes\n\n\nthink it's important to take it too literally. I think the song, more than anything, is about having a sense of urgency; about how we are you know, living on borrowed time essentially and people are becoming much more aware of the environment and how we're destroying the planet. We can't just keep distracting ourselves we do have to educate ourselves and wake up and do something about it. You know at the same time we don't want to be boring and serious and not have fun so it", "id": "20295254" }, { "contents": "Chris Waddle\n\n\namount of money in our league is frightening and all we do is waste it on rubbish ideas ... We kid ourselves thinking we have a chance if we keep the tempo up. We can only play one way and it is poor. You can't go on playing football and hoping to win trophies playing a hundred miles an hour and putting teams under pressure for 90 minutes. You've got to be able to play slow, slow, quick and we can't do it.\" Waddle has one daughter, Brooke,", "id": "17236174" }, { "contents": "Knowledge by acquaintance\n\n\n, diversity, etc. Other acquaintance theorists suggest that we can have acquaintance with basics such as “yellow or not yellow”; ourselves; states, properties, things, or facts (per Sellars's explanation in his rejection of acquaintance theory); feeling, sensations, ticklings, afterimages, itches, etc. (Chalmers); \"one thing is an individual thing\"; depression (Chalmers); necessary truths such as “the tallest thing is the only thing that is as tall as it is”, “", "id": "18369133" }, { "contents": "The Rakes\n\n\nRakes have always been very adamant and proud of the fact that we give 100% to every gig we've ever played. If we can't give it everything then we won't do it. That was the rule we set ourselves from day one\". In 2015 lead singer Alan Donohoe told \"NME\" \"Being in The Rakes was an insane rollercoaster, but singing the same songs for seven years got boring in the end. And if you're doing something just because you can't imagine an alternative then you", "id": "15495890" }, { "contents": "Jorge de la Vega\n\n\ngroup, or a school. We are simply a few painters who feel the need to incorporate the freedom of the figure into our own freedom of expression. And, because we strongly believe in that freedom, we do not wish to restrict it with any dogmatic limitations, thus enslaving ourselves to ourselves. That is why we are eschewing a prologue. There is, however, a reason for being, an artistic driving force that has stimulated us to hold this exhibition. Through there is a common root to that artistic will", "id": "6561508" }, { "contents": "Iraq prison abuse scandals\n\n\nprison on 2004-04-30. In an interview with Dan Rather, the deputy director of operations for the US-led coalition, Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, stated \"We're appalled. These are our fellow soldiers. These are the people we work with every day. They represent us. They wear the same uniform as us, and they let their fellow soldiers down. If we can't hold ourselves up as an example of how to treat people with dignity and respect, we can't ask that", "id": "6028824" }, { "contents": "Why We Can't Wait\n\n\nthe civil rights struggle known to national and international audiences. Describing Birmingham as \"the most segregated city in America\" transformed it into a symbol for segregation and inequality at large. \"Adbusters\" cited \"Why We Can't Wait\" (and the Poor People's Campaign) in September 2011 as an inspiration for Occupy Wall Street. In October 2011, the Obama administration started using the slogan \"We Can't Wait\", based on the plan to enact policies despite a resistant Congress. The book has received much contemporary", "id": "14581024" }, { "contents": "Tickling\n\n\n, \"men even in a grieved state of mind, yet cannot sometimes forbear laughing.\" One hypothesis, as mentioned above, is that tickling serves as a pleasant bonding experience between parent and child. However, this hypothesis does not adequately explain why many children and adults find tickling to be an unpleasant experience. Another view maintained is that tickling develops as a prenatal response and that the development of sensitive areas on the fetus helps to orient the fetus into favourable positions while in the womb. It is unknown why certain", "id": "8735789" }, { "contents": "Meredith Maran\n\n\nand James Frey, share tricks, tips, and secrets of the successful writing life. According to the Boston Globe: \"Why We Write\" is filled with practical tips on writing, surviving, and thriving for anyone who works with words. The follow-up to \"Why We Write, \" \"Why We Write About Ourselves,\" was published in January 2016 by Plume. \"The New Old Me: My Late-Life Invention,\" was published in March 2017 by Blue Rider Press/Penguin Random House", "id": "5661753" }, { "contents": "Lois Lenski\n\n\n\"We need to know our country better. We need to know not only our own region, where our roots are firmly put down, but other regions where people different from ourselves—people of different races, faiths, cultures and backgrounds…..When we know them, understand how they live and why, we will think of them as 'people'—human beings like ourselves.\" She also intended the books to promote empathy and, through the characters' experiences, serve as examples of social and emotional growth. She wrote", "id": "21670946" }, { "contents": "National Task Force on AIDS Prevention\n\n\n're not going to do it [prevention for gay men of color], then goddamn it, we can do it ourselves. We're not crippled! We have power. That's why we created the National Task Force on AIDS Prevention – to do it for ourselves.\" -Reggie Williams \"The National Task Force on AIDS prevention started as a project of the chapter of National Association of Black and White Men Together in San Francisco in 1985. Reggie Williams invited the representatives of various AIDS organizations to his home after a", "id": "11932325" }, { "contents": "Republicanism in Barbados\n\n\nof government \"in the very near future\". Stuart told a meeting of his Democratic Labour Party: \"We cannot pat ourselves on the shoulder at having gone into independence; having de-colonised our politics; we cannot pat ourselves on the shoulders at having decolonized our jurisprudence by delinking from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and explain to anybody why we continue to have a monarchical system. Therefore, the Right Excellent Errol Barrow decolonized the politics; Owen Arthur decolonized the jurisprudence and Freundel Stuart is going to", "id": "13606170" }, { "contents": "Take a Look in the Mirror\n\n\n’s to make aggressive, heavy music. Over the years … we were just experimenting. It always was Korn, but it was different spins on what we were doing. So this time we wanted to make an aggressive, heavy album and just kill it. And that’s why we’ve produced it ourselves. Nobody knows Korn better than ourselves.”. Davis also stated that he felt a return to basics nu metal album was needed in the music industry of 2003. He said \"Nothing coming out is really striking", "id": "18133465" }, { "contents": "The Green Elephant\n\n\nstating \"By the end, we find ourselves asking a lot of questions; of ourselves, of the director, of our television screens. What did we just watch? Why did these people do what we just them do? What does it all mean? I can’t answer those questions, but I can tell you that it is an experience that I am happy to have gone through, and I’d definitely be interested in checking out more of Svetlana Baskova’s movies.\" This film is banned for distribution in", "id": "6945642" }, { "contents": "Tickle torture\n\n\n, knee, midriff, thighs, navel, and the ribs. Many people consider the soles of their feet the most ticklish, due to the many nerve endings located there: this explains why tickling one's feet against their will is the most common example of \"tickle torture\". \"Tickle torture\" may also have other uses, including the act of tickling a person as a practical joke, or even an interrogation method. This may not be extreme tickling, but could include prolonged tickling upon a sensitive area until", "id": "2985280" }, { "contents": "Baldrick\n\n\nMelchett on a reviewing stand. Baldrick appears as part of the regimental band, splendid in scarlet and blue full dress, but not only walking out of line but also playing that most unmartial of instruments: a triangle. Despite his stupidity, Baldrick delivers a profound speech while in preparation for the \"final push\", tension is high, and Baldrick demands, \"Why can't we just stop sir? Why can't we just say 'no more killing, let's all go home'? Why would it be", "id": "21745500" }, { "contents": "The Sundays\n\n\nhave 30 songs for the first album,\" said Gavurin. \"But we didn't have enough for our first album, let alone our second. We can't write to deadline. You can't force a whole load of songs out quickly.\" Asked whether the band felt pressured when working on the album, Wheeler responded, \"No, because to start off with, we're far more critical of ourselves than anyone else, and that's more a concern to us than what the press think.\" Gavurin", "id": "12491893" }, { "contents": "Tickling\n\n\nvery ticklish people often start laughing before actually being tickled. Charles Darwin theorized on the link between tickling and social relations, arguing that tickling provokes laughter through the anticipation of pleasure. If a stranger tickles a child without any preliminaries, catching the child by surprise, the likely result will be not laughter but withdrawal and displeasure. Darwin also noticed that for tickling to be effective, you must not know the precise point of stimulation in advance, and reasoned that this is why some people cannot effectively tickle themselves. Darwin explained", "id": "8735780" }, { "contents": "The Roots of Heaven (film)\n\n\n\"simple... A man comes to the conclusion that if we don't stop killing people we destroy ourselves.\" And he says, \"Why not start with our biggest companions on earth, the elephants, whose only enemy is man?\" He later added: This picture is really great for us - intellectually great. Whether it's commercially great, whether people will grab on to it, we must wait and see. If they grab on to a man in love with a bridge, then why shouldn't they", "id": "3889193" }, { "contents": "Völkerpsychologie\n\n\n. People will do this all the time, and this was a topic that Wundt used Völkerpsychologie to study. When someone disagrees with a statement that someone has made in conversation, we may find ourselves interrupting with a “What? Wait a minute, you are incorrect!” long before we can actually describe the actual point of disagreement. We tend to say things before our mind understands exactly why we say them. These examples are the exact reasons that Wundt used to promote his new branch of psychology, and why he", "id": "16844839" }, { "contents": "Thomas Parker Sanborn\n\n\nit is time for us to die. If we resist, and try to cling to the fringes, as I have done so far, we are shaken off rudely, or allowed to hang on neglected and disowned. If we attempt to live apart, as my father did, we wither early into amiable ghosts... We will not accept anything cheaper or cruder than our own conscience. We have dedicated ourselves to the truth, to living in the presence of the noblest things we can conceive. If we can't live", "id": "16903454" }, { "contents": "Gehenna (band)\n\n\non Satanic beliefs or politics or whatever. Because we don't want to deal in propaganda for this or that. […] It's about music, it is - as I said - a medium for our thoughts and feelings. It is also ever-changing. I think that we haven't really put ourselves in a spot where we can't get out if we want to, so to speak. […] My view, when it comes to Satan, is not that he is a 'nice guy", "id": "18121533" }, { "contents": "Neighborhoods (Blink-182 album)\n\n\nthe angst present in the band's past work, he wanted to \"deliver it in a package that's very modern, using instrumentations and formulas to launch you into different places with music that is not just three-chord pop-punk with riffs.\" He later felt the album was not progressive as he had wished: \"I'm thinking, 'Why don't we do this? Why don't we create these landscapes?' I think we should have been pushing ourselves, and trying to push the genre", "id": "1400299" }, { "contents": "Samuel Adams\n\n\nperceived to be the dangers of taxation without representation: For if our Trade may be taxed, why not our Lands? Why not the Produce of our Lands & everything we possess or make use of? This we apprehend annihilates our Charter Right to govern & tax ourselves. It strikes at our British privileges, which as we have never forfeited them, we hold in common with our Fellow Subjects who are Natives of Britain. If Taxes are laid upon us in any shape without our having a legal Representation where they are laid", "id": "7968385" }, { "contents": "Why Can't We Be Friends? (song)\n\n\nIt was played in outer space when NASA beamed it to the linking of Soviet cosmonauts and U.S. astronauts for the Apollo–Soyuz Test Project. \"Billboard\" ranked it as the No. 23 song of that year. \"Why Can't We Be Friends?\" was featured on the films \"Cheaper by the Dozen 2\" and \"The Final Destination\", as well as the theatrical trailer of \"\". The song was appeared in the \"Lethal Weapon\" franchise featured on the fourth film \"Lethal Weapon 4", "id": "4218891" }, { "contents": "Why We Run\n\n\nWhy We Run: A Natural History is a non-fiction book by author and biologist Bernd Heinrich and was originally published as Racing the Antelope: What Animals Can Teach Us About Running and Ourselves. The narrator, Heinrich, writes about the challenges that he faced in his life and in writing the book. It explains why humans endure ultramarathons. One segment focuses on the time Heinrich came first in the Golden Gate Marathon in the 1980s. During the ultra-marathon, Heinrich drank Ocean Spray cranberry juice rather than water,", "id": "20098286" }, { "contents": "Rear Window\n\n\nto kill Stewart, we can't detach ourselves, because we looked too, and so we share the guilt and in a way we deserve what's coming to him.\" In his book, \"Alfred Hitchcock's \"Rear Window\"\", John Belton addresses the underlying issues of voyeurism, that are evident in the film. He asserts \"\"Rear Window's\" story is \"about\" spectacle; it explores the fascination with looking and the attraction of that which is being looked at.\" John Fawell notes", "id": "8023" }, { "contents": "Meteora (album)\n\n\nabout situations, we talk about the emotions behind the situations. Mike and I are two different people, so we can't sing about the same things, but we both know about frustration and anger and loneliness and love and happiness, and we can relate on that level.\" In the same interview, Shinoda explained it as: \"What we really wanted to do was just push ourselves and push each other to really find new ways to be creative.\" He continued: \"We wanted each sample that was in", "id": "14829158" }, { "contents": "Justice\n\n\ndo the best that we could for ourselves. We don't know who in particular we are, and therefore can't bias the decision in our own favour. So, the decision-in-ignorance models fairness, because it excludes selfish bias. Rawls argues that each of us would reject the utilitarian theory of justice that we should maximize welfare (see below) because of the risk that we might turn out to be someone whose own good is sacrificed for greater benefits for others. Instead, we would endorse Rawls's", "id": "16598224" }, { "contents": "Ahmad Shah Massoud\n\n\nThat is why ... he wanted to create a unity which could surpass the situation in which we found ourselves and still find ourselves to this day.\" This applied also to strictures of religion. Jean-José Puig describes how Massoud often led prayers before a meal or at times asked his fellow Muslims to lead the prayer but also did not hesitate to ask the Jewish Princeton Professor Michael Barry or his Christian friend Jean-José Puig: \"Jean-José, we believe in the same God. Please, tell us the", "id": "1913258" }, { "contents": "Efference copy\n\n\n. This idea is further supported by evidence that a delay between the self-produced tickling motor command and the actual execution of this movement (mediated by a robotic arm) causes an increase in the perceived tickliness of the sensation. This shows that when the efference copy is incompatible with the afference, the sensory information is perceived as if it were exafference. Therefore, it is theorized that it is not possible to tickle ourselves because when the predicted sensory feedback (efference copy) matches the actual sensory feedback, the actual feedback", "id": "16102872" }, { "contents": "Joel Brand\n\n\nwill not be stopped until Joel Brand returns with a statement to the effect that these matters have been accepted by the Jewish organizations abroad.\" Hansi Brand told Claude Lanzman in 1979: We ... [lived] between fear and despair and hope. And that formed itself into such a heap of stuff, that I can't really describe it – how it was and what it was. Every evening, we went to pieces and during the night, we tried to build ourselves up again, so we could go into the", "id": "20047243" }, { "contents": "Why Can't We Be Friends?\n\n\nWhy Can't We Be Friends? is the seventh studio album by American funk band War, released on June 16, 1975 by United Artists Records. Two singles from the album were released: the title track backed with \"In Mazatlan\", and \"Low Rider\" backed with \"So\". Both A-sides were nominated for the Grammy Awards of 1976. Of the songs on this album, an interpolation of the first part of the song \"Smile Happy\" was used in the song It Wasn't Me", "id": "18647435" }, { "contents": "Heartthrob (album)\n\n\nfuture gonna look like for this band?' Some of the answers were really boring...We went through numbers: 'How much do we want to sell? What kind of venues do we want to play? What's our dream size of venue? What countries do we want to play that we haven't played before?' We took all that information and said to ourselves, 'OK, we can't make another record that sounds like what people expect from Tegan and Sara. We can make a record", "id": "10697628" }, { "contents": "Take Off Your Pants and Jacket\n\n\nof money because our record wasn't going to be out in time for them to make their quarterly revenue statements. [...] And we were saying, 'Hey, we can't do this right now, we need to reorganize ourselves and really think about what we want to do and write the best record we can.' They didn't agree with us.\" The band recorded demos at DML Studios, a small practice studio in Escondido, California, where the band had written \"Dude Ranch\" and \"", "id": "13669142" }, { "contents": "Dmitry Belyayev (zoologist)\n\n\nGeographic has made much the same point, suggesting that the genetic explanation for the difference between wildness and tameness \"has implications for understanding not just how we domesticated animals, but how we tamed the wild in ourselves as well.\" The magazine's writer asked: \"Out of 148 large mammal species on Earth, why have no more than 15 ever been domesticated? Why have we been able to tame and breed horses for thousands of years, but never their close relative the zebra, despite numerous attempts?\" The Brazilian", "id": "11189619" }, { "contents": "Tickle torture\n\n\nfulfilling, physically-intimate act between partners. However, forced tickle torture can cause real physical and mental distress in a victim, which is why it has been used as an interrogation method or to simply show dominance over another person. \"Chinese tickle torture\" is an ancient form of torture practiced by the Chinese, in particular the courts of the Han Dynasty. Chinese tickle torture was a punishment for nobility since it left no marks and a victim could recover relatively easily and quickly. Another example of tickle torture was used", "id": "2985270" }, { "contents": "Why We Can't Wait\n\n\nsay. I understood him well enough.\" The book largely reproduces the text of \"Letter from Birmingham Jail\", with some editorial changes. King writes in a footnote: \"Although the text remains in substance unaltered, I have indulged in the author's prerogative in polishing it for publication.\" \"Why We Can't Wait\" was published by Harper & Row in July 1964. The paperback edition cost 60¢. The book describes 1963 as the beginning of \"the Negro revolution\". It seeks to describe the historical", "id": "14581011" }, { "contents": "Why Can't We Live Together\n\n\noriginal recording. A judge ordered a re-recording of the song with all the original parts removed. This ruling marked one of the first court cases in which the use of original samples in new recordings played a role, as a precursor to the many court cases in the 1990s and 2000s. Santana on \"Live at Montreux\" plays the cover of \"Why Can't We Live Together\" (1996 & 2004). Lucky Peterson covered the song in the album \"Lucky Peterson\", 1999. Steve Winwood covered", "id": "20730419" }, { "contents": "Why Can't We Be Friends? (song)\n\n\ndifferent locations with other people, followed by an animated face laughing and asking, \"Why can't we be friends?\" as it shows the album cover of the same name. The video features the band on the back of an old Chevrolet pick up truck as they travel to a restaurant in a small town to perform. Once there, they begin to sing the song. Suddenly, many of the patrons get up and begin dancing with Harwell. While the band continues to perform, Harwell goes around from table to", "id": "4218895" }, { "contents": "Monsters We Met\n\n\neagle, which hunts moas and starts to target us. We then start to steal the moa's giant eggs and go after the adults for food. The program then goes into human evolution and goes over how humans have led to the extinctions of the megafauna and how they are still affecting modern animals. The program ends with us in space and starts to ask the question that if we can't live with these monsters, are we not monsters ourselves. Note: This episode used footage from the previous two episodes, \"", "id": "2649075" }, { "contents": "Stephen Hillenburg\n\n\nthis point. When you set out to do a show about a sponge, you can't anticipate this kind of craze. We just try to make ourselves laugh, then ask if it's appropriate for children. I can tell you that we hoped it would be liked by adults. But we really thought the best we could hope for was a college audience.\" \"SpongeBob SquarePants\" has gone on to become one of the longest-running series on Nickelodeon. \"Ten years. I never imagined working on the", "id": "4123475" }, { "contents": "A–Z Series\n\n\nInfectious—parented by Warner Music Group; \"\"We'd never put so much into a record, because it was the first one we'd produced ourselves. We spent two years of our lives on that record but the label didn't support it all. It made us wary of putting ourselves in that position ever again. Right now, I can't see us ever returning to that way of working and putting out our music.\"\" From this the band members themselves formed Atomic Heart Records, setting up headquarters", "id": "21723405" }, { "contents": "We R Are Why\n\n\n\"We R Are Why\" is an Autechre 12-inch single released by mail-order and available at some concerts, by Warp Records in 1996. It was written and produced by Rob Brown and Sean Booth. \"Sean Booth:\"\"we r are why were the first two tracks we did on the ry30 they're both entirely done in the ry30 – with a bit of fx on the diff channels maybe, can't rem\" There is intentionally no speed listed on the release. In an \"AAA (Ask Autechre Anything)\"", "id": "9194872" }, { "contents": "If Japan Can... Why Can't We?\n\n\nIf Japan can ... Why can't we? was an American television episode broadcast by NBC News as part of the television show \"NBC White Paper\" on June 24, 1980, credited with beginning the Quality Revolution and introducing the methods of W. Edwards Deming to American managers that was produced by Clare Crawford-Mason and reported on by Lloyd Dobyns. The report details how the Japanese captured the world automotive and electronics markets by following Deming's advice to practice continual improvement and think of manufacturing as a system, not as bits", "id": "19603386" }, { "contents": "Blue Button\n\n\nGroup meeting, described trying to balance the benefits of data standards with getting a solution to patients quickly. He assessed that it was only when the group decided to break the problem down into the simplest possible solutions that they were able to progress. A central theme emerged from the dialogue: give patients their data. HHS CTO and U.S. CTO Todd Park summarized the decision as: \"Look, there's all this complicated stuff happening with health information. But why can't we just do this: why can't we just", "id": "5669463" }, { "contents": "Josie McFarlane\n\n\nbusinesses, fall in and out of love, have fascinating and exciting lives. So why can't we in \"EastEnders\". We are not all losers or nobodies so why can't the BBC show that?...I really felt so ineffectual as a character because I had nothing to get my teeth into - there were no great dramatic scenes or relationships. My character was never given anything meaningful to say and that was such a wasted opportunity. My son said I should get out of \"EastEnders\" because it wasn't", "id": "596717" }, { "contents": "Happiness... Is Not a Fish That You Can Catch\n\n\npoint was when we decided to take off the table our usual constraint, which is that if we can't pull it off as a three-piece instrumental then we shouldn't be doing it,\" said Mike Turner. \"Now we're like, we'll get another guy, we'll do whatever we have to, let's just make a great record. So we indulged ourselves with a lot of textures, a lot of other sounds.\" Jamie provided extra guitar as well as Keyboards and other special effects", "id": "5687899" }, { "contents": "Breakthrough (Colbie Caillat album)\n\n\nI realized I wasn't happy settling for less or letting myself become someone I wasn't supposed to be due to laziness. I had to Breakthrough my fears, my insecurities & my self doubt. There are so many battles that we all have to go through in life that are for us to learn from, we grow stronger from them. I just learned this. I want to remind myself & everyone out there that we have to Breakthrough all the little things we tell ourselves we can't do because we are scared", "id": "18600723" }, { "contents": "Adam Kotsko\n\n\nBerkun describing \"Why We Love Sociopaths\" as \"a second cousin to Postman's classic \"Amusing Ourselves to Death\".\" \"Why We Love Sociopaths\", however, also drew criticism for its admittedly non-technical use of the term \"sociopathy\". The success of \"Awkwardness\" has led to Kotsko being cited as an authority on awkwardness in the press, including by \"US News and World Report\". In 2015, Kotsko caused a firestorm of controversy when he tweeted that all white people, regardless", "id": "3163998" }, { "contents": "Bark Psychosis\n\n\ndecided why not just record a jam sort of thing. That's the thing, we tend to try and make life very difficult for ourselves for some reason. I'm not sure why... Ninety per cent of it was recorded live and then there was a few things. Vocals, some piano, some ambient guitar, a few different samples and stuff. The first three-and-a-half minutes of it was actually just the ambient mics left up. We had recorded a few different takes of things and", "id": "7055916" }, { "contents": "Nouvelle Vague (band)\n\n\nApart in a bossa nova version. I thought this idea was absolutely crazy but very exciting. So we decided to get into the studio and try it out as soon as possible. Then we did Just Can't Get Enough and Guns Of Brixton. We put the album together in just eight months. And after that we called ourselves Nouvelle Vague ... and that's the story!\" The songs on the first album were recorded with female vocalists who reportedly had not previously heard the songs they would be singing. Eight singers", "id": "1852564" }, { "contents": "Ramones\n\n\n, we just rehearse. We call ourselves the Clash but we're not good enough.' Johnny said, 'Wait till you see us—we stink, we're lousy, we can't play. Just get out there and do it.'\" Another band whose members saw the Ramones perform, the Damned, played their first show two days later. The central fanzine of the early UK punk scene, \"Sniffin' Glue\", was named after the song \"Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue\",", "id": "19666797" }, { "contents": "Boom (P.O.D. song)\n\n\npeople take us really seriously. We are a serious band, but we know that, at times, we don't have to take ourselves so seriously. We have fun. That's why we went ahead and did a video like 'Boom.' We wanted to show people that we could have fun. They have a movie out now called \"Balls of Fury\", but we did that same topic back in the day.\" The music video for \"Boom\" was No. 8 on TVU's 50", "id": "18078358" }, { "contents": "Why We Can't Wait\n\n\nWhy We Can't Wait is a 1964 book by Martin Luther King Jr. about the nonviolent movement against racial segregation in the United States, and specifically the 1963 Birmingham campaign. The book describes 1963 as a landmark year in the civil rights movement, and as the beginning of America's \"Negro Revolution\". The seed of the book is King's \"Letter from Birmingham Jail\". The letter became nationally known and received interest from the New York publishing world, which Stanley Levison relayed to King in May 1963. Soon", "id": "14581008" }, { "contents": "Why We Can't Wait\n\n\nto work with President Lyndon Johnson, cautioning that political work is dangerous but necessary. He ends by saying that if the civil rights revolution succeeds it may spread nonviolence worldwide, ending the nuclear arms race and bringing world peace. The book was generally well received by the mainstream press. It also afforded the Letter from Birmingham Jail its widest circulation yet. King traveled to promote the book, while also still involved in the St. Augustine Movement. \"Why We Can't Wait\" was an important part of the effort to make", "id": "14581023" }, { "contents": "Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?\n\n\nEverybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? is the debut studio album by Irish rock band The Cranberries. Released on 1 March 1993 after four EPs, it's both the band's first full-length album and major label release. The album was written entirely by the band's lead singer Dolores O'Riordan and guitarist Noel Hogan. It reached number one on both the UK and Irish albums charts. At the end of 1995, it ranked as the 50th best selling album in Australia. It reached number", "id": "4977107" }, { "contents": "Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?\n\n\n18 on the US \"Billboard\" 200 albums chart and sold over five million copies there. The album was re-released in 2002, under the title \"Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? (The Complete Sessions 1991–1993)\". This version of the album featured bonus tracks as well as B-sides from the singles lifted off the album. On 7 March 2018, the band's three surviving members announced they were releasing a special 25th anniversary newly remastered anniversary edition of the album,", "id": "4977108" }, { "contents": "David Lewis (philosopher)\n\n\nare equally concrete, and the world in which we find ourselves is no more real than any other possible world.) This theory has faced a number of criticisms. In particular, it is not clear how we could know what goes on in other worlds. After all, they are causally disconnected from ours; we can't look into them to see what is going on there. A related objection is that, while people are concerned with what they could have done, they are not concerned with what some people in", "id": "13641571" }, { "contents": "The Saturdays\n\n\n. The band later became new faces of major campaign of Impulse women's deodorant. The Saturdays said that fashion is a huge part of the band, saying people look up to them as their icons. Sandford stated in an interview with Mail Online \"'We aren't models who can't sing. We all sing and we all dance. No one's telling us what to do. We're all different because we're just ourselves – and that's the way it should be.\" Whilst performing on their first", "id": "7034816" }, { "contents": "Catholic Charities USA\n\n\ncareer services. Between about 1985 and 1995, Catholic Charities of Boston, which contracted with the state's Department of Social Services and accepted state funds in support of their adoption services program, placed 13 children with gay couples out of 720 adoptions. Catholic Charities President Rev. J. Bryan Hehir explained the practice: \"If we could design the system ourselves, we would not participate in adoptions to gay couples, but we can't. We have to balance various goods.\" The agency had never sought an exemption from the state", "id": "15144111" }, { "contents": "Living Things (Linkin Park album)\n\n\nalong than they have been on the last two albums we did. On \"A Thousand Suns\" there were still a lot of irons in the fire. We knew, 'OK, we can't do this forever. Let's leave this batch and we'll come back and address it when we start up again, Rubin said. Bennington explained that Rubin \"gives us spaces to just be ourselves and to work on our own...He gives us a clear and concise description of what he likes...He would like", "id": "15161120" }, { "contents": "Concerns and controversies over the 2010 Commonwealth Games\n\n\nin Glasgow would not be a factor. He said \"In terms of withdrawal we don't see this as simply a Team Scotland decision, any decision to withdraw we would see as being a collective decision amongst the countries who are already there and already concerned. We can't allow ourselves to be influenced by thoughts of how it may impact on 2014, not when we have something as important as the safety of our athletes to consider.\" Phillips Idowu, the world triple jump champion, also withdrew from the Games.", "id": "16070831" }, { "contents": "Doctor Faustus (play)\n\n\nreward of sin is death.\" That's hard. ...\"If we say that we have no sin, We deceive ourselves, and there's no truth in us.\" Why then belike we must sin, And so consequently die. Ay, we must die an everlasting death. What doctrine call you this? \"Che sera, sera,\" \"What will be, shall be\"? Divinity, adieu!/poem \"Faustus\" includes a well-known speech addressed to the summoned shade of Helen of Troy,", "id": "856570" }, { "contents": "Christian Interpretations of the Exodus\n\n\nin the Bible: this is why this release is the first article of the Decalogue, this is why the Hebrew Passover has been commemorated the past three good millennia. And that's why this release is compared to salvation in Jesus Christ.\" Pernot notes that the slavery in the story has, for centuries been read as symbolising human slavery to sin and that \"we are at times the Hebrew and the Pharaoh... Pharaoh is thus a figure of our sin. The Hebrew is a figure of our better ourselves, our", "id": "18933977" }, { "contents": "Governmentality\n\n\nexpertise provided by gym instructors, health professionals, of the purveyors of the latest fitness fad. Depending on why we go to the gym, we may calculate number of calories burned, heart-rate, or muscle size. In all cases, we attend the gym for a specific set of reasons underpinned by the various technologies of the self and the market. The part of ourselves we seek to work upon, the means by which we do so, and who we hope to become, all vary according to the nature", "id": "15750433" }, { "contents": "Underclass Hero\n\n\npunk progression that they were going with on this album. McCaslin said that \"we didn't seem like the same band we were five or six years ago, so we decided to ask ourselves why we were in a band in the first place.\" Jocz said \"All of us knew what we wanted to achieve with this album, and what we wanted to do was a unified idea, kind of in the style of a concept album, something that's just one thing that is related and all of the songs", "id": "3818119" }, { "contents": "Fire and Ice (Within Temptation song)\n\n\nare all falling I'm breathing but why? In silence I hold on To you and I Closer to insanity Buries me alive Where's the life we once had It cannot be denied Why can't you see what we had Let the fire burn the ice Where's the love we once had Is it all a lie? And I still wonder Why heaven has died The skies are all falling I'm breathing but why? In silence I hold on To you and I You run away You hide away To the other", "id": "19938059" }, { "contents": "The Smiths\n\n\ndemise of the Smiths and the others haven't, so why hand them attention that they haven't earned? We are not friends, we don't see each other. Why on earth would we be on a stage together?\" In a February 2009 interview on BBC Radio 2, he said, \"People always ask me about reunions and I can't imagine why [...] the past seems like a distant place, and I'm pleased with that.\" In November 2004, VH1 screened a \"Backstage Pass", "id": "7705415" }, { "contents": "Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel\n\n\ncounter-attack by any means possible. Hamas has given other explanations concerning various attacks. Salah Bardawil, a Palestinian legislator who serves as spokesman for the Hamas faction in parliament, has said \"We know we can't achieve military equality, but when a person suffers huge pain he has to respond somehow. This is how we defend ourselves. This is how we tell the world we are here.\" Regarding specific strikes in 2007, Hamas political chief Khaled Mashaal called the attacks self-defense and retaliation against Israeli killings", "id": "1478103" }, { "contents": "I Can't Believe It's Not Rock\n\n\nyear he appeared onstage with the band in Sydney as guest DJ and in 1998 he contributed keyboard to their album \"Neon Ballroom\". Some months later Paul travelled to Newcastle to help Daniel install his eight track home studio and they created new music. \"When we were making this music we never thought anybody else would ever hear it. It was just stuff we were doing for ourselves\", explained Mac. \"Once it was done though we liked how it had turned out so we started talking about releasing it even", "id": "8407120" }, { "contents": "Back in the U.S.A.\n\n\n-made cassette Frey had playing in his tape deck. Ronstadt recalls that she'd been reminding Frey \"how we used to sit around the Troubadour bar and go: 'Oh it's so horrible and I can't get a record deal.' We were so broke and so miserable and we'd feel so sorry for ourselves and we were so precious about it. Then all of a sudden I looked at him and I went: 'Boy, life's really tough. We're going off to ski [at", "id": "10769401" }, { "contents": "Dixie Chicks\n\n\nDer Spiegel]]\": \"We don't feel a part of the country scene any longer, it can't be our home anymore.\" She noted a lack of support from country stars, and being shunned at the 2003 [[Academy of Country Music|ACM Awards]]. \"Instead, we won three Grammys against much stronger competition. So we now consider ourselves part of the big rock 'n' roll family.\" Some fans were dismayed, but the group made no clear response. The same year", "id": "14452016" }, { "contents": "Fight or Flight (Heroes)\n\n\nby Hiro's scrolls ends when the final written characters can't be deciphered. Ando is left wondering how Hiro's journey concluded. At the beginning When confronted by our worst nightmares the choices are few: fight or flight. We hope to find the strength to stand against our fears, but sometimes, despite ourselves, we run. What if the nightmare gives chase? Where do we hide then? In the 18-49 demographic, \"Fight or Flight\" earned a 4.9/11 ratings share. This episode was watched by", "id": "16558147" }, { "contents": "Yoni Ki Baat\n\n\naround issues that are often 'taboo' (and therefore not discussed) in our communities. Stories around sex, body image, abuse, violence. Stories around sex, body image, abuse, violence, pleasure, hair, relationships, bodily functions, strong emotions—pleasure, hair, relationships, bodily functions, strong emotions—those things we often can't even admit to ourselves. These are the stories that we seek out and then perform on stage. Sometimes the writers perform their own pieces and sometimes we have", "id": "17026246" }, { "contents": "There's Got to Be a Way\n\n\n. Carey suggests we should be more tolerant of each other and not resort so readily to war in the lyrics \"Couldn't we accept each other / Can't we make ourselves aware.\" Music critic Robert Christgau felt that Carey was being too political in her \"brave, young, idealistic attack\" on war and destitution. Ralph Novak, David Hiltbrand and David Grogan of \"People\" wrote that it is a \"testimony to her talent that she does so much with so little.\" They continued to write that", "id": "2357804" }, { "contents": "Jesse Richards\n\n\n, or as whatever we happen to work with, if we could be this honest, this approach would happen automatically. But we are told again and again- these things don't go together, don't tell people about that thing that you can't get out of your head- that image is inappropriate. We've become very afraid of just expressing ourselves honestly, of removing the desperate attempts to appear clever, we've been afraid of showing our true selves out of fear that others will think us fools. So this is", "id": "6886105" }, { "contents": "Why We Run\n\n\n. \"Why We Run: A Natural History\" was originally released as \"Racing The Antelope, What Animals Can Teach Us about Running and Ourselves\". The title was changed due to a complaint from Sean Gibbon, author of \"Run Like the Antelope\", a book about the rock band Phish. In order to distinguish his work from that work, Heinrich and his editor Daniel Halpern switched. Bernd Heinrich stated that this new title worked just as well since a new book had been released titled \"Running after Antelope", "id": "20098289" }, { "contents": "Seán Patrick O'Malley\n\n\nwhich accepted state funds in support of its adoption services program, placed 13 children with gay couples out of 720 adoptions. Catholic Charities President J. Bryan Hehir explained the practice: \"If we could design the system ourselves, we would not participate in adoptions to gay couples, but we can't. We have to balance various goods.\" In December 2005, the lay-dominated board of Catholic Charities of Boston voted unanimously to continue gay adoptions. On March 10, 2006, after unsuccessfully seeking help from Governor Mitt Romney", "id": "3732929" }, { "contents": "Ken Paff\n\n\n\" he \"provided the kind of egoless, highly organized, and determined leadership that the organization needed.\" \"The key for us in TDU,\" as Paff explained it, \"is faith in the members. You're going to have hope that ordinary people can do extraordinary things, because if they can't, there ain't gonna be no hope for the change we're interested in. We started out to change the union, and we ended up changing ourselves.\" In keeping with his emphasis on", "id": "6868695" }, { "contents": "Pope Pius XII\n\n\n\" (to avoid worse) ... seem to advise caution. Here lies one of the reasons, why We impose self-restraint on Ourselves in our speeches; the experience, that we made in 1942 with papal addresses, which We authorized to be forwarded to the Believers, justifies our opinion, as far as We see. ... The Holy See has done whatever was in its power, with charitable, financial and moral assistance. To say nothing of the substantial sums which we spent in American money for the fares of", "id": "4355091" } ]
On most standardized tests, why is it so important that we specifically use a #2 pencil?
[{"answer": "It's a compromise between hard enough to make a mark that's readable by the machine (machines worked by sensing opaqueness so #3 and #4 weren't always dark enough to be readable) vs not smudging when erased (#1 is darker than #2, but is harder to cleanly erase without creating a bigger smudge patch that could also lead to errors). In truth, the machines have improved with technology and can read most types of marks very accurately, but since #2 remains in the sweet spot (and keeps people from using ink that's much harder to cleanly erase), they still recommend it."}, {"answer": "The numbers relate to the hardness of the graphite (lead) of the pencil. At a guess, #2 is the best compromise to get a particular shade that the scantron machines find easiest to read, while not leaving a mark so soft as to be rubbed off easily."}, {"answer": "Other types of pencil are used for artistic purposes, like sketches, and they use especially hard graphite that creates a very light mark. This is so it can be easily erased, or left invisible under the final paint or ink. Since it's purpose is to be less visible than a normal #2 pencil, it is in fact invisible to the Scantron machines that grade millions of tests."}, {"answer": "\\#2 corresponds to roughly HB to 2B on the HB scale. It isn't an exact standard, as it varies between manufacturers and countries. URL_0 Harder pencils, like a 4H tend to be used in engineering drafts as they make thin light lines. Softer pencils like 6B tend to be used in art for quick dark shading. It's just a standard for text scanning and really would only be a problem with the H series of pencils as they tend to produce lighter grey shades which might not scan well. Something like a 3B should work just fine. Source: I mostly use a 3B for art and have of the pencil varieties among my art materials, so I've actually used most of them."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "24508", "title": "Pencil", "section": "Section::::Manufacture.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 72, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 72, "end_character": 540, "bleu_score": 0.9727436279095398}]}]
[ { "contents": "(U)SIM interface\n\n\nof standardisation bodies such as ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute, 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) and 3GPP2 (Third Generation Partnership Project 2). In case of the (U)SIM interface, the most important specifications are: To ensure that actual implementations of such standardised features are interoperable, the standardisation bodies also create so called test specifications. These document detail exact procedures on how to test that an implementation under test acts according to conformance requirements. Important test specifications for the (U)SIM interface are: Before mobile network operators select", "id": "13182508" }, { "contents": "Pencil\n\n\n= H, 4 = 2H. Graded pencils can be used for a rapid test that provides relative ratings for a series of coated panels but can't be used to compare the pencil hardness of different coatings. This test defines a \"pencil hardness\" of a coating as the grade of the hardest pencil that does not permanently mark the coating when pressed firmly against it at a 45 degree angle. For standardized measurements, there are Mohs hardness testing pencils on the market. The majority of pencils made in the US are painted yellow", "id": "4838333" }, { "contents": "Fatalities in mixed martial arts contests\n\n\nambulances and medical precautions in place. We don't even know if it was a fair fight as far as if the competitors were evenly balanced.\" \"Those are kinds of things we would know if the sport had been regulated, if the event had been regulated,\" he continued. \"It speaks to the importance of regulation in our sport, why it's important that we have the appropriate kind of rigor and standards, from medical care to pre- and post-fight medical testing to drug testing to insuring the", "id": "15269368" }, { "contents": "Diagnostic odds ratio\n\n\n. If b ≠ 0 then there is a trend in diagnostic performance with threshold beyond the simple trade-off of sensitivity and specificity. The value a can be used to plot a summary ROC (SROC) curve. Consider a test with the following 2×2 confusion matrix: We calculate the diagnostic odds ratio as: This diagnostic odds ratio is greater than one, so we know that the test is discriminating correctly. We compute the confidence interval for the diagnostic odds ratio of this test as [9, 134]. The", "id": "2815097" }, { "contents": "In Schools We Trust\n\n\nthe right people to be designing curriculum. She argues that large public schools can be broken down into many small communities, which will improve overall performance. She also hopes that standardized tests are given less weight in the future since, she believes, they do not give a complete picture of each student. She closes with an answer to her main question: \"For me the most important answer to the question 'why save public education?' is this: It is in schools that we learn the art of living together", "id": "4683681" }, { "contents": "Hierarchy problem\n\n\nthe exact values we have found, because they all derive from other more fundamental parameters that are not so unbalanced. In particle physics, the most important hierarchy problem is the question that asks why the weak force is 10 times as strong as gravity. Both of these forces involve constants of nature, Fermi's constant for the weak force and Newton's constant for gravity. Furthermore, if the Standard Model is used to calculate the quantum corrections to Fermi's constant, it appears that Fermi's constant is surprisingly large and is", "id": "13331936" }, { "contents": "Null (SQL)\n\n\nanything with Null, so the SQL standard provides for two special Null-specific comparison predicates. The codice_9 and codice_10 predicates (which use a postfix syntax) test whether data is, or is not, Null. The SQL standard contains the optional feature F571 \"Truth value tests\" that introduces three additional logical unary operators (six in fact, if we count their negation, which is part of their syntax), also using postfix notation. They have the following truth tables: The F571 feature is orthogonal to the presence", "id": "19626646" }, { "contents": "Lightfastness\n\n\nxenon arc lamp. Watercolors, inks, pastels, and colored pencils are particularly susceptible to fading over time, so choosing lightfast pigments is especially important in these media. The most well known scales measuring the lightfastness are the Blue Wool Scale, Grey scale and the scale defined by ASTM (American Standard Test Measure). On the Blue Wool Scale the lightfastness is rated between 1–8. 1 being very poor and 8 being excellent lightfastness. In grey scale the lightfastness is rated between 1–5. 1 being very poor and 5 being", "id": "1948905" }, { "contents": "Blue pencil (editing)\n\n\nA blue pencil is a pencil traditionally used by a copy editor or sub-editor to show corrections to a written copy. The colour is used specifically because it will not show in some lithographic or photographic reproduction processes; these are known as non-photo blue pencils. For similar reasons, sometimes red pencils are used since their pigment will not reproduce by xerography. With the introduction of electronic editing using word processors or desktop publishing, literal blue pencils are seen more rarely. The \"blue pencil test\" is used by", "id": "17522901" }, { "contents": "IEC 60870-6\n\n\nin 1991 to develop a protocol standard, develop a prototype to test the specification, submit the specification to the IEC for standardisation and carry out interoperability testing between developing vendors. The initial driver was to meet European Common Market requirements in 1992. The official designation of the first protocol was TASE.1 (Telecontrol Application Service Element-1). The second protocol TASE.2 making use of the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) appears to be the version that has become the most popular. In the US, ICCP networks are widely used to tie together", "id": "2099133" }, { "contents": "Solovay–Strassen primality test\n\n\n1 is an Euler witness. Hence, the probability of failure is at most 2 (compare this with the probability of failure for the Miller-Rabin primality test, which is at most 4). For purposes of cryptography the more bases \"a\" we test, i.e. if we pick a sufficiently large value of \"k\", the better the accuracy of test. Hence the chance of the algorithm failing in this way is so small that the (pseudo) prime is used in practice in cryptographic applications, but", "id": "15734155" }, { "contents": "Kolmogorov–Smirnov test\n\n\nor KS minimization instead has a large impact on the critical values, and also some impact on test power. If we need to decide for Student-T data with df = 2 via KS test whether the data could be normal or not, then a ML estimate based on H (data is normal, so using the standard deviation for scale) would give much larger KS distance, than a fit with minimum KS. In this case we should reject H, which is often the case with MLE, because the sample", "id": "16825061" }, { "contents": "Ticonderoga, New York\n\n\nwas not widely used in the 19th century, as most writing was done in pen, rather than pencil. It was not until the mid-20th century that pencils came into greater use, with the No. 2 HB pencil becoming the standard writing implement in schools and universities. Historic Fort Ticonderoga is in this town, east of the former village of Ticonderoga. According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of , of which is land and , or 7.93%, is water. The town encompasses", "id": "4855818" }, { "contents": "Tree-depth\n\n\nat most \"d\" can be solved in polynomial time. More specifically, the dependence on \"n\" in this algorithm can be made linear, by the following method: compute a depth first search tree, and test whether this tree's depth is greater than 2. If so, the tree-depth of the graph is greater than \"d\" and the problem is solved. If not, the shallow depth first search tree can be used to construct a tree decomposition with bounded width, and standard dynamic programming", "id": "348090" }, { "contents": "Algebra Project\n\n\nthe questions, \"What is algebra for?\" and \"Why do we want children to study it?\", play an important role in the Algebra Project. The project assumes that there is a new standard in assessing mathematics education, a standard of mathematical literacy. In this not so far future, a broad range of mathematical skills will join traditional skills in reading and writing in the definition of literacy. These mathematical skills will not only be important in gaining access to college and math and science related careers, but", "id": "2526950" }, { "contents": "Miller–Rabin primality test\n\n\nspecific small bases can guarantee identification of composites for \"n\" less than some maximum determined by said bases. This maximum is generally quite large compared to the bases. As random bases lack such determinism for small \"n\", specific bases are better in some circumstances. Suppose we wish to determine if \"n\" = 221 is prime. We write as 2·55, so that we have \"s\" = 2 and \"d\" = 55. We randomly select a number \"a\" such that 1  \"a", "id": "16487146" }, { "contents": "ISO/IEC 29119\n\n\ntechniques (also known as test case design techniques or test methods) and corresponding coverage measures that can be used during the test design and implementation processes defined in Part 2. Techniques of Part 4 are intended to support or be used separately from Part 2. The standard's test design techniques are categorized into three main categories: Specification-, Structure-, and Experience-Based Test Design Techniques. These techniques are base on the (functional) specification of the system under test. They are also called black-box testing techniques.", "id": "18003264" }, { "contents": "Testing of advanced thermoplastic composite welds\n\n\ncodes and standards that need to be followed when being implemented into service. The quality of the welds made on these materials are important in ensuring people receive safe products. There are not codes made specifically for the welding of advanced thermoplastic composite welds, so the codes for adhesive bonding of plastics and metals are slightly altered, and used in order to properly test these materials. Even though the joining method is different these materials have mechanical requirements they need to meet. There are several mechanical properties that need to be tested to ensure", "id": "19642774" }, { "contents": "Pushing the Bear\n\n\nbeing of the human being. Why else did we march? No one was free of the bear\" (183). Glancy uses this imagery specifically to draw her audience into recognizing the break-up or segmentation that resulted from the Trail of Tears. Although the Cherokee people depended on all types of agriculture and natural goods for their livelihood, corn is mentioned throughout the text as being one of the most important crops for the Cherokee, at least those from North Carolina. Corn is particularly important to the Cherokee because of", "id": "1634035" }, { "contents": "Worst-case distance\n\n\nIn fabrication the yield is one of the most important measures. Also in the design phase engineers already try to maximize the yield by using simulation techniques and statistical models. Often the data follows the well-known bell-shaped normal distribution, and for such distributions there is a simple direct relationship between the design margin and the yield. If we express the specification margin in terms of standard deviation sigma, we can immediately calculate yield Y according to this specification. The concept of worst-case distance (WCD) extends this", "id": "17750812" }, { "contents": "Green strength\n\n\nload. Shear loading can also be tested in respect to green strength. Most adhesive bonds used in design require the bond to typically be in a state of shear, not tensile. Because of this, it is very important to understand the shear loading of a joint in relation to its green strength and final strength. Just like in tensile loading, ASTM provides very specific testing methods for a joint in shear loading. The standard lap shear specimen test is described in ASTM D1002. This test is the single common and discussed", "id": "10081775" }, { "contents": "Functional software architecture\n\n\ntested and extensively used in order to offer organizations reusable business process solutions: These methodologies/techniques and methods are all more or less suited in modeling the enterprise and its underlying processes. So, which of them are suited for the further development of information technology systems that are needed for effective and efficient (re)designed processes? More important, why using a time consuming enterprise methodology when information and software engineers can’t or won’t use the unclear results in the development of efficiency enabling IT systems? Before we can give the answers", "id": "9103548" }, { "contents": "Real-time testing\n\n\nsuch that the timing constraints imposed on them are met. Conventional static way of analysis is not adequate to deal with such timing constraints, hence additional real-time testing is important. Test case design for real time testing can be proposed in four steps As testing of real time systems is becoming more important, there are some tools designed for such testing. \"Message Sequence Charts\" is an internationally accepted standard for capturing requirements. MSC provides a graphical 2-D language often required for collecting requirements through some interaction scenarios. \"Specification", "id": "901787" }, { "contents": "Psychology\n\n\nand traits, monitoring changes in mood, checking the validity of experimental manipulations, and for other psychological topics. Most commonly, psychologists use paper-and-pencil surveys. However, surveys are also conducted over the phone or through e-mail. Web-based surveys are increasingly used to conveniently reach many subjects. Neuropsychological tests, such as the Wechsler scales and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, are mostly questionnaires or simple tasks used which assess a specific type of mental function in the respondent. These can be used in experiments", "id": "3089053" }, { "contents": "Primality test\n\n\neven numbers greater than 2 can also be eliminated, since if an even number can divide \"n\", so can 2. Let's look at another example, and use trial division to test the primality of 17. Since we now know we do not need to test using divisors greater than , we only need to use integer divisors less than or equal to formula_1. Those would be 2, 3, and 4. As stated above, we can skip 4 because if 4 evenly divides 17, 2 must also", "id": "14143680" }, { "contents": "Microelectromechanical system oscillator\n\n\nrequire more careful calibration than lower precision oscillators. MEMS oscillators are tested much like standard ICs. Like packaging, this is done in standard IC factories with standard IC test equipment. Using standard IC packaging and test facilities (called subcons in the IC industry) gives MEMS oscillators production scalability. These facilities are capable of large production volumes, often hundreds of millions of ICs per day. This capacity is shared across many IC companies, so ramping production volumes of specific ICs, or in this case specific MEMS oscillators, is a", "id": "9418546" }, { "contents": "Pencil\n\n\n\" Artists currently use extenders to maximize the use of their colored pencils. A standard, #2, hexagonal pencil is long. There are also pencils which use mechanical methods to push lead through a hole at the end. These can be divided into two groups: propelling pencils use an internal mechanism to push the lead out from an internal compartment, while clutch pencils merely hold the lead in place (the lead is extended by releasing it and allowing some external force, usually gravity, to pull it out of the body", "id": "4838321" }, { "contents": "Paper and ink testing\n\n\nways. 1. Same ink printed over different paper substrates and 2. Different ink samples printed over a standard newsprint that matches ISO specification. The most important thing that should be noted is the colour of the inks at the ISO specified density i.e. C 0.9, M 0.9, Y 0.9 and K 1.1. The ∆E value between ISO specified colours and the colours produced by the sample ink gives the ink's deviation from standard. The colour values of the secondary colours (R, G and B) are also measured.", "id": "17135526" }, { "contents": "Bisexual politics\n\n\nis whether bisexuals should operate as visible minorities distinct from homosexuals. As Lani Kaahumanu writes, \"So, why does the attitude exist that there is no bisexual community, and why has it been used against us so effectively? Why have we 'accepted' invisibility, and why haven't we, up to this point, projected a more visible presence, creating a more prominent community that even the most virulent biphobes would have to recognize?\" Inclusion is a main issue with regard to bisexual politics as this group is at", "id": "19865931" }, { "contents": "Kisekae Set System\n\n\nis a specification allowing a cell file to contain raw 24-bit colour data and an 8 bit alpha channel for variable transparency. CKiSS cells tend to use a lot of disk space compared to palette-based cels, and do not compress well, so they are used sparingly by most artists. User groupings were added along with FKiSS4 to simplify controlling large numbers of cells (or uniquely identify specific cells) for testing and animation. There are many programs on most platforms which can convert from standard graphics formats (most commonly BMP,", "id": "11319867" }, { "contents": "Pencil test (South Africa)\n\n\nin 1994. It remains an important part of South African cultural heritage and a symbol of racism. The Population Registration Act required the classification of South Africans into racial groups based on physical and socio-economic characteristics. Since a person's racial heritage was not always clear, a variety of tests were devised to help authorities classify people. One such test was the pencil test. The pencil test involved sliding a pencil or pen in the hair of a person whose racial group was uncertain. If the pencil fell to the floor", "id": "3946582" }, { "contents": "Potential analysis\n\n\ncompanies with a negative image are confronted with the problem of requiring but not getting talented, highly qualified employees. A problem that might cause risks, considering the future “war for talents” Potential Analysis in Human resources uses numerous tools to examine a person´s potential. On this occasion it is important to know that potential analysis´ are always target-group specific and business-specific. Banks use other tools and selection criteria than an advertising agency. Tests are the simplest and most standardized procedures for potential evaluation. They are considered", "id": "13596230" }, { "contents": "Biodegradable plastic\n\n\nscenario whereas standard test methods identify the specific testing parameters for facilitating specific time frames and toxicity of biodegradable tests on plastics. Two testing methods are defined for anaerobic environments: (1) ASTM D5511-12 and (2) ASTM D5526 - 12 Standard Test Method for Determining Anaerobic Biodegradation of Plastic Materials Under Accelerated Landfill Conditions, Both of these tests are used for the ISO DIS 15985 on determining anaerobic biodegradation of plastic materials. Lignin-based polymer composites are bio-renewable natural aromatic polymers with biodegradable properties. Lignin is found", "id": "21899214" }, { "contents": "Wear\n\n\nmaterial removal during a specified time period under well-defined conditions. ASTM International Committee G-2 standardizes wear testing for specific applications, which are periodically updated. The Society for Tribology and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) has documented a large number of frictional, wear and lubrication tests. Standardized wear tests are used to create comparative material rankings for a specific set of test parameter as stipulated in the test description. To obtain more accurate predictions of wear in industrial applications it is necessary to conduct wear testing under conditions simulating the exact wear process", "id": "6528719" }, { "contents": "Portable appliance testing\n\n\nsafety; the interval between tests depending on both the type of appliance and the environment in which it is to be used. The European Low Voltage Directive governs the manufacture or importation of electrical appliances. Compliance to this has to be declared and indicated by the display of the CE mark on the product. The responsibility for this lies with the manufacturer or the importer and is policed by Trading Standards. Testing equipment has been specifically developed for PAT inspections, based on the testing equipment used by manufacturers to ensure compliance with the British", "id": "8743873" }, { "contents": "Electrostatic discharge\n\n\n. Other similar standards are MIL-STD-883 Method 3015, and the ESD Association's ESD STM5.1. For comportment to European Union standards for Information Technology Equipment, the IEC/EN 61000-4-2 test specification is used. Another specification (Schaffner) C = 150 pF R = 330 Ω that gives high fidelity results. Mostly the theory is there, minimum of the companies measure the real ESD survival rate. Guidelines and requirements are given for test cell geometries, generator specifications, test levels, discharge rate and waveform", "id": "270638" }, { "contents": "Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome\n\n\net al.\" are the most frequently used. The most important feature is detecting a history of cannabinoid use, the denial of which can delay proper diagnosis. A urine drug screen can be useful for objectively determining the presence of cannabinoids in a person's system. Cannabinoid metabolites (specifically 11-nor-Δ9-carboxylic acid) can be detected in urine for about 2–8 days with short-term use, and for 14–42 days of chronic use. Other commonly used diagnostic tests include laboratory blood tests (complete blood count and differential, blood", "id": "15011930" }, { "contents": "Game testing\n\n\nprocess is seen below: There is no standard method for game testing, and most methodologies are developed by individual video game developers and publishers. Methodologies are continuously refined and may differ for different types of games (for example, the methodology for testing an MMORPG will be different from testing a casual game). Many methods, such as unit testing, are borrowed directly from general software testing techniques. Outlined below are the most important methodologies, specific to video games. Implementing test automation for mobile application development process is the best", "id": "9281821" }, { "contents": "Sensor Observation Service\n\n\noperation allows you to query a service for a description of the service interface and the available sensor data. For using the SOS, the \"GetObservation\" function is probably the most important. It can be utilized to retrieve data for specific sensors. The \"DescribeSensor\" function returns detailed information about a sensor or a sensor system and the producing processes. The OGC has - not only for the SOS - its own well-defined terminology. For better understanding, here are some important terms: The SOS is a standard of", "id": "11383892" }, { "contents": "Orientia tsutsugamushi\n\n\nkind of rickettsial infection. More sensitive tests such as rapid immunochromatographic test (RICT), immunofluorescence assays (IFA), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and DNA analysis using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are used. IFA is regarded as the gold standard test, as it gives reliable result. However, it is expensive and not specific for different rickettsial bacteria. ELISA and PCR can detect \"O. tsutsugamushi\"-specific proteins such as the 56-kDa protein and GroEL so that they are highly specific and sensitive. On the", "id": "4252585" }, { "contents": "Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure\n\n\nin the context of the European Semester. On 2 June 2014 the Commission announced for the three countries identified with excessive imbalance: \"we have found that their national reform programmes appropriately address the main challenges we identified in March. That's why we are not proposing to launch the Excessive Imbalances Procedure for these three Member States. We will however monitor very closely the implementation of today’s detailed \"Country Specific Recommendations\", so as to provide the same support for the reform process in these countries, as we have over the", "id": "13929628" }, { "contents": "Feminist Abortion Network\n\n\nprevious year and the 77 passed in 2009. The FAN member clinics remain committed to staying open, despite the challenges, because they believe that they offer an important alternative to \"standard\" healthcare. Kudra MacCalleich of the Concord Feminist Health Center framed the need for feminist health centers in terms of biodiversity: \"Why is biodiversity so crucial? Because we know there are significant negative consequences when a species is lost, and that once we lose it, there is high improbability that we will ever get it back. I think", "id": "2866803" }, { "contents": "Hemispatial neglect\n\n\nwhere they appear with respect to the viewer. For example, In the same gap detection test mentioned above, subjects with allocentric hemispatial neglect on the right side will make errors on all areas of the page, specifically neglecting the right side of each individual item. This differentiation is significant because the majority of assessment measures test only for neglect within the reaching, or peri-personal, range. But a patient who passes a standard paper-and-pencil test of neglect may nonetheless ignore a left arm or not notice distant", "id": "7656423" }, { "contents": "Cochran–Armitage test for trend\n\n\noptimal. For complex diseases, the underlying genetic model is often unknown. In genome-wide association studies, the additive (or codominant) version of the test is often used. In the numerical example, the standardized test statistics for various weight vectors are and the Pearson chi-squared test gives a standardized test statistic of 2. Thus, we obtain a stronger significance level if the weights corresponding to additive (codominant) inheritance are used. Note that for the significance level to give a p-value with the usual", "id": "19922484" }, { "contents": "Standardized test\n\n\nor other groups may well provide useful information because of the reduction of error accomplished by increasing the sample size. Opponents claim that standardized tests are misused and uncritical judgments of intelligence and performance, but supporters argue that these aren't negatives of standardized tests, but criticisms of poorly designed testing regimes. They argue that testing should and does focus educational resources on the most important aspects of education — imparting a pre-defined set of knowledge and skills — and that other aspects are either less important, or should be added to the", "id": "6213765" }, { "contents": "Hair-pencil\n\n\nmodifying a pre-existing pyrrolizidine alkaloid that is consumed from the plant. These base compounds can be either eaten in the larval stage or imbibed in the adult stage. They are so important that stepping on a substance containing these compounds causes immediate proboscis extension in adults. Studies have also been done testing the effects of growth of the hair-pencil organs related to the ingestion of plant pyrrolizidine alkaloids. It was found that without the plant derived compounds the hair-pencil organs are smaller. The alkaloid compounds are transformed after ingestion", "id": "559351" }, { "contents": "Hearing conservation program\n\n\n. Under the MSHA, which monitors compliance to standards within the mining industry, an existing audiogram that meets specific standards can be used for the employee’s baseline. Before establishing baseline, it is important that the employee limit excessive noise exposure that could potentially cause a temporary threshold shift and affect results of testing. OSHA stipulates that an employee be noise-free for at least 14 hours prior to testing. Periodic audiometric monitoring, typically completed annually as recommended by OSHA, can identify changes in hearing. There are specific criteria that", "id": "4749048" }, { "contents": "Gold standard (test)\n\n\nthe gold standard is not a perfect one, its sensitivity and specificity must be calibrated against more accurate tests or against the definition of the condition. This calibration is especially important when a perfect test is available only by autopsy. It is important to emphasize that a test has to meet some interobserver agreement, to avoid some bias induced by the study itself. Calibration errors can lead to misdiagnosis. Sometimes \"gold standard test\" refers to the best performing test available. In these cases, there is no other criterion against which", "id": "17118208" }, { "contents": "Research question\n\n\nof study to be used and the specific objectives the paper will address, the writer must also consider whether the research question passes the \"so what\" test. The \"so what\" test means that the writer must construct evidence to convince the audience why the research is expected to add new or useful knowledge to the literature. \"Problematique\" is a term that functions analogously to the research problem or question used typically when addressing global systemic problems. The term achieved prominence in 1970 when Hasan Özbekhan, Erich Jantsch and Alexander", "id": "12582811" }, { "contents": "Pencil fighting\n\n\nlasted less than half of one minute. Pencil break was enjoyed the most when the opponent's pencil was either a new or freshly sharpened. However, the game was often played twice or several times, based on the final length left after a loss. Advanced or Expert level players were able to break a pencil of any size brought before them. A standard No. 2 pencil could be realistically broken four times by an expert player. Novice players required several strikes before their opponents pencil was broken if ever. Some players", "id": "15571271" }, { "contents": "Printed circuit board\n\n\nuse a standard test configuration procedure, the most common one being the Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) standard. The JTAG test architecture provides a means to test interconnects between integrated circuits on a board without using physical test probes, by using circuitry in the ICs to employ the IC pins themselves as test probes. JTAG tool vendors provide various types of stimuli and sophisticated algorithms, not only to detect the failing nets, but also to isolate the faults to specific nets, devices, and pins. When boards fail the test", "id": "17957923" }, { "contents": "Palmer-Bowlus Flume\n\n\nsingle, specified point of measurement in the contracting section at which the level is measured. Unlike most other flumes used for open channel flow measurement, the Palmer-Bowlus flume can be calibrated by theoretical analysis. The general design of the flume detailed in ASTM D5390: Standard Test Method for Open-Channel Flow Measurement of Water with Palmer-Bowlus Flumes. It is important to note that unlike the Parshall flume, the standard for the flume does not set out specific sizes and flow rates, but only general characteristics for the", "id": "12139832" }, { "contents": "Psychological testing\n\n\nPsychological testing is the administration of psychological tests, which are designed to be \"an objective and standardized measure of a sample of behavior\". The term \"sample of behavior\" refers to an individual's performance on tasks that have usually been prescribed beforehand. The samples of behavior that make up a paper-and-pencil test, the most common type of test, are a series of items. Performance on these items produce a test score. A score on a well-constructed test is believed to reflect a psychological", "id": "10353439" }, { "contents": "Pocklington primality test\n\n\nformula_72 pairs (2, 5) and (3, 2). We have chosen small numbers for this example, but in practice when we start factoring we may get factors that are themselves so large their primality is not obvious. We cannot prove is prime without proving that the factors of are prime as well. In such a case we use the same test recursively on the large factors of , until all of the primes are below a reasonable threshold. In our example, we can say with certainty that 2", "id": "2319308" }, { "contents": "SAML Metadata\n\n\nknow that metadata standards for SAML V1.0 or SAML V1.1 were never published. We also know that the necessary IPR for Liberty Metadata was not in place until November 2003. With that, we offer the following summary and conjecture: As mentioned earlier, the SAML V2.0 Metadata Schema has numerous extension points. This feature led to a proliferation of \"Post-V2.0\" specifications that extended the standard in several directions. The more popular metadata extensions are listed below for convenience (see the examples for specific use cases): An important", "id": "18829630" }, { "contents": "Acute biphenotypic leukaemia\n\n\n. The presence of specific T-lymphoid antigens, cytoplasmic CD3 (cCD3), MPO and CD 19 became the most important standard for recognizing the lineage. Other B-lineage markers (CD22, CD79a, CD 10) and monocytic markers are also needed. Table 2 shows the method. Compared with the EGIL scoring system, the current 2008 WHO criteria applied less but more specific markers to define the lineage of the blasts, and incorporated the intensity of markers expression into the diagnostic algorithm. The diagnosis of BAL is so", "id": "3966107" }, { "contents": "Mach–Zehnder interferometer\n\n\nequal optical path length in the test and reference beams produces a white light fringe of constructive interference. Collimated sources result in a nonlocalized fringe pattern. Localized fringes result when an extended source is used. In Fig. 2, we see that the fringes can be adjusted so that they are localized in any desired plane. In most cases, the fringes would be adjusted to lie in the same plane as the test object, so that fringes and test object can be photographed together. The Mach–Zehnder interferometer's relatively large", "id": "14247240" }, { "contents": "Sporothrix schenckii\n\n\nis its rapidity and ease of use. Although it provides results more quickly than a fungal culture, the sporotrichin skin test has some important limitations. Cross reactions with other fungal species as well as positive reactions in healthy individuals have been observed. In addition, the term \"sporotrichin\" does not indicate a specific molecule but only any antigen derived from \"S. schenckii\". The specific antigen used in skin testing is not standardized with multiple studies being conducted with widely varying preparations. However, owing to its simplicity, skin testing", "id": "7044363" }, { "contents": "Convolutional code\n\n\n\"puncturing matrix\". The following puncturing matrices are the most frequently used: For example, if we want to make a code with rate 2/3 using the appropriate matrix from the above table, we should take a basic encoder output and transmit every first bit from the first branch and every bit from the second one. The specific order of transmission is defined by the respective communication standard. Punctured convolutional codes are widely used in the satellite communications, for example, in INTELSAT systems and Digital Video Broadcasting. Punctured convolutional codes are", "id": "19096080" }, { "contents": "ACTH stimulation test\n\n\nInsulin tolerance test is recognized as the gold standard assay of adrenal insufficiency, but due to the cumbersome requirement for a two-hour test and the risks of seizures or myocardial infarction, the ACTH stimulation test is commonly used as an easier, safer, though not as accurate, alternative. The test is extremely sensitive (97% at 95% specificity) to primary adrenal insufficiency, but less so to secondary adrenal insufficiency (57-61% at 95% specificity); while secondary adrenal insufficiency may thus be dismissed by", "id": "14486186" }, { "contents": "Pencil test (South Africa)\n\n\napartheid in 1994, the test remains an important part of cultural heritage in South Africa and a symbol of racism worldwide. For example, South African newspaper \"Mail & Guardian\" described incidents of mobs \"testing\" the nationality of suspected (black) foreigners as a \"21-st [\"sic\"] century pencil test\". Another South African commentator describing the same incidents called them \"a gruesome re-creation of the infamous pencil test of the apartheid regime\". In 2003, a writer for \"The New York", "id": "3946586" }, { "contents": "List of referred Indian Standard Codes for civil engineers\n\n\nforming compounds. ASTM C. 309-89 1 Code of practice for the provision of water stops. IS 12200 – 1987 2 Procedure for Testing Parts of IS 8543-19 3 Standard Test Methods for Tensile Properties of Plastics. ASTM : D 638-1991 4 Standard Test Methods for Thermoplastic Elastomers-Tension. ASTM : D 412-1992 1 Specifications for HYSD bars. IS 1786 – 1985 2 Specification for Mild Steel and Medium Tensile steel bars. IS 432 (P II) 1966 3 Method for Tensile testing of steel", "id": "9879512" }, { "contents": "Group Embedded Figures Test\n\n\ntheory. The GEFT measurement places an individual on a spectrum between field dependence and field independence. The GEFT contains 18 complex figures each in which the respondent must identify a simple form. The respondent does so by tracing the simple form within the complex figure (1) with pencil (for paper-pencil administration) or (2) by clicking and dragging their mouse cursor (for online administration). The GEFT is a timed test elapsing 20-minutes and can be administered to an individual or groups of older children (age 10", "id": "13663024" }, { "contents": "List of referred Indian Standard Codes for civil engineers\n\n\n2 Specification for compressive strength, Flexural strength IS 516 - 1959 3 Code of Practices for Plain & reinforced concrete etc. IS 456 – 2000 4 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete IS 1199 – 1959 5 Recommended Guide Lines for Concrete Mix Design IS 10262 – 1982 1 Standard test method for water retention & daylight reflection test on concrete. ASTM-C-156809 2 The standard method of test for the effect of organic materials in fine aggregate on strength of mortar. ASTM-C. 87-69 3 Standard specification for liquid membranes", "id": "9879511" }, { "contents": "Ratio test\n\n\nexist, if limit superior and limit inferior are used. The test criteria can also be refined so that the test is sometimes conclusive even when \"L\" = 1. More specifically, let Then the ratio test states that: If the limit \"L\" in () exists, we must have \"L\" = \"R\" = \"r\". So the original ratio test is a weaker version of the refined one. Consider the series or sequence of series Applying the ratio test, one computes the limit", "id": "151703" }, { "contents": "Excursions (Barber)\n\n\nthe standard twelve-bar phrase. As mentioned briefly before, there are unifying phrases throughout the twelve-bar phrases that help to connect each section we the other. One way in which Barber unifies all of these sections is through the use of specific melodic figures. The left-hand bass figure in measures 1 to 2 is used ten times in this movement. “The rhythmic pattern of the accompaniment motive is a common blues figure.” The other, and more important, unifying motive is the descending third melodic figure", "id": "16770511" }, { "contents": "Why We Fight\n\n\nII. General Surles, the director of the Department of War's Bureau of Public Relations, had hoped that the series would be effective enough to allow similar kinds of army films to be shown to the general public. Surles saw this goal realized when President Franklin D. Roosevelt watched \"Prelude to War\", the most successful of the seven films. Roosevelt considered this film so important that he ordered it to be distributed in civilian arenas for public viewing. However, some objections were raised against the \"Why We Fight\"", "id": "15035455" }, { "contents": "Euler's criterion\n\n\ntest if 2 is a quadratic residue modulo 17, we calculate 2 = 2 ≡ 1 (mod 17), so it is a quadratic residue. To test if 3 is a quadratic residue modulo 17, we calculate 3 = 3 ≡ 16 ≡ −1 (mod 17), so it is not a quadratic residue. Euler's criterion is related to the Law of quadratic reciprocity. In practice, it is more efficient to use an extended variant of Euclid's algorithm to calculate the Jacobi symbol formula_10. If formula_11 is", "id": "15459844" }, { "contents": "Children's Chapel, St James' Church, Sydney\n\n\nthis wonder might come a suggestion that beyond the world they know there is another world; to show the spiritual by means of the material.\" A painted study by Anderson for the mural is held in the State Library of New South Wales. Artistically, the aim was to give the impression of an illuminated manuscript citing specifically the Book of Kells and the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry as influences. Anderson wrote: \"That is why we have used so much gold, and why we are allowing a slight archaic", "id": "18992515" }, { "contents": "Pencils of Promise\n\n\nthe country. He asked a poor street child what he wished to have most of all. The boy answered: \"a pencil\", so Braun gave him his pen, hence the name of the charity. Realizing how important education was in many developing countries, Braun visited more than 50 countries distributing pencils to children wherever he went. In October 2008, he established the charity with the aim of providing quality education to children in some of the most underserved countries around the world. Pencils of Promise believes every child should", "id": "13895162" }, { "contents": "Pure tone audiometry\n\n\nand the stimuli to ISO standards is needed before testing proceeds. PTA only measures audibility thresholds, rather than other aspects of hearing such as sound localization and speech recognition. However, there are benefits to using PTA over other forms of hearing test, such as click auditory brainstem response (ABR). PTA provides ear specific thresholds, and uses frequency specific pure tones to give place specific responses, so that the configuration of a hearing loss can be identified. As PTA uses both air and bone conduction audiometry, the type of", "id": "19728645" }, { "contents": "SOALIB\n\n\n. All libraries must at least support SSL. Interoperability is one of the most important reasons why SOA has been so important. A SOA library must also include the required API that could be used for rapid platform specific development. An atomic service is a loosely coupled service which is independent of any assumptions, absolutely predictable and have no other dependencies on services or other atomic services. As an example, a disk file operation may be considered as an atomic service in which the only operations performed by the service are read, write", "id": "1211689" }, { "contents": "Legal status of Internet pornography\n\n\ntest dictates that the opinion of the local community on a specific pornographic piece is most important in determining its legality. Thus, if a local community determines a pornographic work to meet its standard for obscenity then it is more likely to be banned. This means that a pornographic magazine that might be legal in California could be illegal in Alabama. This standard on pornographic legality is extremely difficult to uphold for the internet given that the internet contains copious amounts of pornography. It has been argued that if the Miller test were applied to", "id": "6504331" }, { "contents": "Tensile testing\n\n\n. Some materials use biaxial tensile testing. Tensile testing might have a variety of purposes, such as: The preparation of test specimens depends on the purposes of testing and on the governing test method or specification. A tensile specimens is usually a standardized sample cross-section. It has two shoulders and a gage (section) in between. The shoulders are large so they can be readily gripped, whereas the gauge section has a smaller cross-section so that the deformation and failure can occur in this area. The shoulders", "id": "19204410" }, { "contents": "Domain-specific multimodeling\n\n\nlanguages with tailored editors becomes a reasonable strategy. The simplicity of the editor makes the language easier to understand and hence easier to use. In other words, the \"syntax matters\" objection may be the very reason why we explore the field of Domain-specific languages. Second, language interactions reveal relations between languages. Developers should be able to jump between related elements in different artifacts. Ease of navigation between different software artifacts is an important criterion for tools in traditional development environments. Although we have performed no empirical studies in", "id": "11513739" }, { "contents": "Behavioral enrichment\n\n\nto use their cognitive skills to respond to cues. Computerized tasks are growing in popularity as it provides feedback as to whether an animal is cognitively enriched. These tasks are designed to test a specific cognitive skill and are standardized so that performance can be compared within and between subjects. It is important to ensure that the task provided is not too easy for the animal, nor too difficult that they get discouraged. Social enrichment can either involve housing a group of conspecifics or animals of different species that would naturally encounter each other in", "id": "14931906" }, { "contents": "Kenneth Burke\n\n\nto Burke's scholarship throughout his career. He felt that through understanding \"what is involved when we say what people are doing and why they are doing it\", we could gain insight into the cognitive basis for our perception of the world. For Burke, the way in which we decide to narrate gives importance to specific qualities over others. He believed that this could tell us a great deal about how we see the world. Burke called the social and political rhetorical analysis \"dramatism\" and believed that such an approach", "id": "18770412" }, { "contents": "Pornographication\n\n\nare not good enough. One of the more unlikely effects is it affecting dieting patterns. In order to understand how sex culture is so prevalent, we need to look at human sexuality as a whole and why people gravitate towards such mediums as described above. Structuralism is commonly defined as \"analyzing a specific field as a complex system of interrelated parts\". This term used in sociology was popularized with Michel Foucault, in France where most of the early research took place on it. Sociologists who look at sexuality focus on the", "id": "11397554" }, { "contents": "EN 50436\n\n\nrequirements and test procedures for type testing. The 2nd edition has been basically revised compared to the 1st edition, the amount of the tests is considerably extended and the requirements are tightened. In the 2nd edition of EN 50436-2 now is EN 50436-1 the basic standard and the text of part 2 describes only the differences in the requirements compared to part 1. The most important differences of the tests and requirements of part 2 compared to part 1 are the following: In the amendment A1 it is defined more precisely", "id": "6310878" }, { "contents": "IEC 61000-4-2\n\n\nThe publication describes requirements, levels and test methods to achieve immunity compliance of an electronic product. The purpose is to create a reproducible ground for product compliance and the standard defines: ranges, levels, test equipment, setups, procedures, calibrations, generator waveforms and general uncertainties. The intention is not to define product specific tests but instead establish a basic common reference. Product specific tests are instead defined in standards such as EN 50130-4 for alarm systems, EN 50121-4-2 for railway applications or IEC 60601", "id": "5363480" }, { "contents": "International Electrical Testing Association\n\n\nANSI Accredited in 1996, and by 2000 had released the first ANSI Accredited Standard, the \"ANSI/NETA Standard for Certification of Electrical Testing Technicians\". A version of the \"ANSI/NETA Standard for Maintenance Testing Specifications\" was first published in 1975, with the most recent edition released in 2015. In 2013, the latest version of NETA's very first publication, the \"ANSI/NETA Standard for Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems\", was verified as an American National Standard. The association", "id": "3670493" }, { "contents": "Eigendecomposition of a matrix\n\n\nthat Then the following equality holds And the proof is And since is invertible, we multiply the equation from the right by its inverse, finishing the proof. The set of matrices of the form , where is a complex number, is called a \"pencil\"; the term \"matrix pencil\" can also refer to the pair of matrices. If is invertible, then the original problem can be written in the form which is a standard eigenvalue problem. However, in most situations it is preferable not to perform the inversion", "id": "15335861" }, { "contents": "Mechanical pencil\n\n\nit 'pocket-safe'. In spite of the name, pencil leads do not contain the toxic chemical element lead, but are typically made with graphite and clay, or plastic polymers. Compared to standard pencils, mechanical pencils have a smaller range of marking types, though numerous variations exist. Most mechanical pencils can be refilled, but some inexpensive models are meant to be disposable and are discarded when empty. Mechanical pencil mechanisms use only a single lead diameter. Some pencils, such as the Pentel Function 357, place", "id": "10563560" }, { "contents": "Electrical equipment in hazardous areas\n\n\nGroup 2, Category 1, Gas) Specific type or types of protection being used will be marked. Industrial electrical equipment for hazardous area has to conform to appropriate parts of standard IEC 60079 for gas hazards, and IEC 61241 for dust hazards, and in some cases, be certified as meeting that standard. Independent test houses (known as Notified Bodies) are established in most European countries, and a certificate from any of these will be accepted across the EU. In the United Kingdom, the DTI appoint and maintain a", "id": "3158340" }, { "contents": "List of referred Indian Standard Codes for civil engineers\n\n\nfound in the given list. Indian standard codes are list of codes used for civil engineers in India for the purpose of design and analysis of civil engineering structures like buildings, dams, roads, railways, airports and many more 1. Specification for 33 Grade ordinary portland cement IS 269 - 2015 2. Specification for Rapid hardening portland cement IS 8041 - 1990 3. Specification for portland Pozzolona cement IS 1489 (part 1&2) 1991 4. Methods of physical test for hydraulic cement IS 14032 - 1988 5. Method of chemical", "id": "9879507" }, { "contents": "Test screening\n\n\n\"an extra star\". Dan Myrick and Ed Sanchez, directors of \"The Blair Witch Project\" said, \"We had a 2 1/2 hour cut [...] We had no idea what we had, so we had to show it to an audience and get their reaction.\" At this screening, the filmmakers met their future producer. Feedback from a test screening may be used to alter the movie before it is released. This may be as simple as changing the title of the film (as in the", "id": "8783445" }, { "contents": "Pencil sharpener\n\n\ninconvenience. Prism sharpeners can be bare or enclosed in a container to collect the shavings, while some enclosed sharpeners may be harder to clear in the event of a blockage. A few prism sharpeners are hand-cranked, rotating the cutting blade instead of rotating the pencil. Moderate care is needed to not break the tip of the pencil being sharpened, requiring the pencil to be sharpened again. However, because pencils may have different standard diameters in different nations, imported sharpeners may have non-standard-sized alignment guide-", "id": "12308483" }, { "contents": "Albert Ellis\n\n\nat that time. Ellis began publishing articles even before receiving his PhD; in 1946 he wrote a critique of many widely used pencil-and-paper personality tests. He concluded that only the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory met the standards of a research-based instrument. In 1947, he was awarded a PhD in Clinical Psychology at Columbia, and at that time Ellis had come to believe that psychoanalysis was the deepest and most effective form of therapy. Like most psychologists of that time, he was interested in the theories of", "id": "11616613" }, { "contents": "Doping in baseball\n\n\n. Like most other sports, baseball has a testing policy. The policy states that a player cannot be tested without reason. Meaning, that there must be a very specific reason why a player should be tested. On January 10, 2013, MLB and the players union reached an agreement to add random, in season human growth hormone testing and a new test to reveal the use of testosterone. This testing began in the 2013 season and at least twenty MLB players (and athletes in other sports) were accused of", "id": "13877492" }, { "contents": "Typhidot\n\n\nTyphidot is a medical test consisting of a dot ELISA kit that detects IgM and IgG antibodies against the outer membrane protein (OMP) of the Salmonella typhi. The typhidot test becomes positive within 2–3 days of infection and separately identifies IgM and IgG antibodies. The test is based on the presence of specific IgM and IgG antibodies to a specific 50Kd OMP antigen, which is impregnated on nitrocellulose strips. IgM shows recent infection whereas IgG signifies remote infection. The most important limitation of this test is that it is not quantitative and result", "id": "7068714" }, { "contents": "Thelemic mysticism\n\n\nuse the system is at last understood—as opposed to being merely memorised—the student will find fresh light break in on him at every turn as he continues to measure every item of new knowledge that he attains by this Standard. For to him the Universe will then begin to appear as a coherent and a necessary Whole. Part of the reason why the Qabalah is so important is that it is the key to understanding the Holy Books. Most of them, including The Book of the Law, are written in abstract", "id": "9909822" }, { "contents": "Acid3\n\n\n, the report includes timing results for that single test. The alert reports the total time of the whole Acid3 test. In order to render the test correctly, user agents need to implement the CSS 3 Text Shadows and the CSS 2.x Downloadable Fonts specifications, which are currently under consideration by W3C to be standardized. This is required as the test uses a custom TrueType font, called \"AcidAhemTest\", to cover up a 20x20 red square. Supporting Truetype fonts however is not required by the CSS specification. A browser supporting", "id": "8613551" }, { "contents": "Helen Polley\n\n\nNational Disability Inusrance Scheme, Polley argued that: There have been numerous occasions in which you have used your abrasive and far reaching column in News Limited publications to grossly misrepresent the truth and cynically exploit matters of public importance for your own purposes, but this time I think you have reached a new low. Your opinion piece on Thursday 2 May entitled ‘Why Should We Bail Her Out?’ was, quite simply, one of the most irresponsible and insincere examples of journalism I have ever witnessed. I think it is important", "id": "16734128" }, { "contents": "Vienna Test System\n\n\nThe Vienna Test System (VTS) is a test system for computerized psychological assessments. With it digital psychological tests can be administrated and it provides automatic and comprehensive scoring First and foremost, this saves both time and money in comparison to administrating and scoring paper-and-pencil tests manually. The system includes not only classical questionnaires but also tests that can only be administered precisely by using a computer (time-sensitive test presentation, multi-media presentation, adaptive tests, Psychomotricity, combinations of tests for specific purposes (test", "id": "15004062" }, { "contents": "Meet-in-the-middle attack\n\n\ntest-set of plaintext and ciphertext. The MITM attack is one of the reasons why Data Encryption Standard (DES) was replaced with Triple DES and not Double DES. An attacker can use a MITM attack to bruteforce Double DES with 2 operations and 2 space, making it only a small improvement over DES. Triple DES uses a \"triple length\" (168-bit) key and is also vulnerable to a meet-in-the-middle attack in 2 space and 2 operations, but is considered secure due to the", "id": "797474" }, { "contents": "CP1 (classification)\n\n\noften sports specific. As a general rule, CP1 need to attend classification in a wheelchair. Failure to do so could result in them being classified as an ambulatory CP class competitor such as CP5 or CP6, or a related sport specific class. One of the standard means of assessing functional classification is the bench test, which is used in swimming, lawn bowls and wheelchair fencing. Using the Adapted Research Council (MRC) measurements, muscle strength is tested using the bench press for a variety of disabilities a muscle being assessed", "id": "5336759" }, { "contents": "Compiler correctness\n\n\na single-page section on compiler testing, with no named examples. The 2006 edition omits the section on testing, but does emphasize its importance: “Optimizing compilers are so difficult to get right that we dare say that no optimizing compiler is completely error-free! Thus, the most important objective in writing a compiler is that it is correct.” Fraser & Hanson 1995 has a brief section on regression testing; source code is available. Bailey & Davidson 2003 cover testing of procedure calls A number of articles confirm", "id": "4264908" }, { "contents": "School psychology\n\n\nthrough education. These notions were often used as a basis for excluding children with disabilities from the public schools. Witmer argued against the standard pencil and paper IQ and Binet type tests in order to help select children for special education. Witmer's child selection process included observations and having children perform certain mental tasks. Another important figure to the origin of school psychology was Granville Stanley Hall. Rather than looking at the individual child as Witmer did, Hall focused more on the administrators, teachers and parents of exceptional children He felt that", "id": "11473143" }, { "contents": "Psychological testing\n\n\nassess verbal reasoning, numerical ability, abstract Reasoning, clerical speed and accuracy, mechanical reasoning, space relations, spelling and language usage. Another widely used test of aptitudes is the Wonderlic Test. These aptitudes are believed to be related to specific occupations and are used for career guidance as well as selection and recruitment. The Biographical Information Blanks or BIB is a paper-and-pencil form that includes items that ask about detailed personal and work history. It is used to aid in the hiring of employees by matching the backgrounds", "id": "10353471" }, { "contents": "I Am a God\n\n\nHigh.\" West offered an explanation of the song in 2015 during the course of an interview with Show Studio, stating: The reason why I made the song 'I Am A God' is so those people that feel less than can turn it up and say it loud and embrace it for themselves, that God is inside all of us. It wasn't about specifically me. It was about us as a race; that we are an extension of God, that we all have God inside of us. On", "id": "10681941" } ]
How pizza delivery became a thing, when no other restaurants really offered hot food deliveries like that.
[{"answer": "According to the story, the first pizza delivered was to Queen Margherita in Italy in the late 1800's. (Who still has a pizza named after her, the one with tomato, basil, and mozzarella cheese.) Previous to this pizza was considered peasant food. According to the story, she woke up one day and said she was bored with the fancy, expensive food she's always eating and wanted something different. The most renowned pizza chef in the area made the pizza, now called a Margherita pizza, with the colors of the Italian flag and had it delivered to her. The queen declared it delicious, and as is frequently the case everyone wanted to try what the queen had tried and loved: Freshly made pizza delivered to her door. Source: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I have a book about New Haven pizza- New Haven is considered by many as the birthplace of American pizza. Pizza was seemingly always delivered since it came to America in the early 20th century. Here are some excerpts: \" was largely popularized starting in the 1910s when it was sold on the street and delivered to the factories and the Market Exchange, an important regional farmer's market.\" One of the most famous pizza places/owners is even credited as the inventor of the pizza box to facilitate delivery. About Frank Pepe's: \"(Pepe) continued to deliver pies...but he employed a new method to package them, the pizza box. The National Folding Box Co., a local firm, began making them, creating the oldest record of a pizza box in the world.\" So again, to reiterate what I stated above- Pizza seems to have started in America as a food that was typically delivered. The tradition was just copied and continued from these original locations."}, {"answer": "Pizza's characteristics mean it's quite hard to make well at home (mainly, you need time to develop the dough, and a hotter oven than most homes have). Yet pizza is also well suited to being delivered: - Single object, no complexity - No liquid components to spill, unlike curry - Doesn't degrade much in quality for a while after it's done, even when put into a package, unlike breaded fried foods - Takes only minutes to make once you've set up the right kitchen"}, {"answer": "I wish I had a concrete source to provide you with, but in searching the internet for the history of pizza delivery I did come across a few connections that may be helpful: Pizza as a food took off in American following WWII, when soldiers returning from overseas found themselves wanting that delicious pizza they ate while in Italy. During this time, car culture also began to pick up, with more people having access to a car, which is important to note for the whole \"delivery\" part. Moving forward into the middle of the century: work/life shifts that found both men and women in the workplace and spending more time traveling to get to their jobs found people with less time to cook dinner and greater interest in dining out or getting take out dinner. Around this time somebody also figured out the better design for the pizza box, which made it easier to transport. One other important thing for you factor in in regards to why more restaurants don't deliver is demand and profitability, etc. If you live in an area that isn't densely populated, it may not be worth the time for a business to offer delivery if each delivery takes the person 45 minutes one direction for order number 1 and another 30 minutes another direction to drop off order number 2. edit: clarity"}, {"answer": "Three factors: the nature of pizza production, the physical and financial infrastructure available for that production in the United States after World War II, and the portable nature of pizza itself. First, production: a pizza parlor needs only two pieces of specialized equipment, a heavy stand mixer for the dough and an oven that will hold temperatures over 700F. If you are handy, you can build the oven yourself with brick and pipe. So long as you aren't trying to open a full-service restaurant with lots of seating and a varied menu, the only expensive piece of equipment you have to acquire is that stand mixer. Second, infrastructure: after World War II, the US government had a lot of surplus items they were selling cheap: jeeps, canteens, army boots,... and huge Hobart stand mixers. The Hobart mixers were big enough to mix a battalion's bread, and they were going cheap. A veteran could get a small business loan from the GI bill, buy his mixer, rent a small storefront, build his oven, and boom, he was in the restaurant business. It's a restaurant that can make a lot of pizza efficiently, but it can't make much else. You aren't going to get a lot of sit-down trade. People want to take what you make to eat someplace else. This brings us to the third item: pizza is a perfectly portable food. It doesn't need a knife and fork. It can be reheated multiple times without a discernable loss in quality. By varying the toppings of vegetables and meat, it can easily be a single-dish meal that makes the entire family happy. As pizza parlors spread from urban centers, owners realized there was a limit to the walk-in traffic they could expect. They knew from their urban experience many customers were taking the pizza home. How could they replicate that trade in the suburbs? By offering a new service: pizza delivered to the customer's house. Edit: something I forgot, which added steam to the spread of pizza delivery in the 1950's, particularly in the midwest: narcotics. Suppose you are an Italian organized crime boss in Chicago or Kansas City and you want to distribute narcotics in Lincoln, Nebraska. You can't just send a couple of Sicilian nephews to hang out on a street corner. Two Italian guys just stopping to buy gas in Lincoln would attract attention in the 1950's. People would notice. If the same two guys open a pizza parlor, however, no one cares. They can hire compromised people down on their luck as delivery men. They will learn soon enough who can move and consume their product. They have the perfect cover business: all cash, deliveries going all over the city, and open late. I don't know how much this happened in the East, and I don't think it happened at all out West, but I know this happened around KC and Chicago a lot."}, {"answer": "What leads pizza to be something people get delivered instead of make at home? 1. Frozen pizzas until 10 years ago tasted like shit. 2. In a larger city you usually have to compromise on living arrangements. You may not have an oven at all, or perhaps a smaller counter top oven. It can be faster for one person to take a small vehicle out than for 5 people to individually make their way to the store. If you have a ton of orders backing up you aren't able to make the next order (where would you put it), so in general it is best to get as many deliveries out as possible. 3. The nature of pizza (usually people would order 1-2 pizzas), makes it easy to deliver. You can stack up 5 deliveries on top of each other and they stay warm. There isn't a ton of diversity in the packaging so you don't have shifting problems. The technology on the bags is actually really advanced. 4. To make a supreme pizza you're looking at buying 3/4 too much toppings, because that is how they sell them. You can't buy a 1/4 of a green pepper (usually). The pizza store actually makes money by buying a bunch more, whereas a person at home would have to go through all the toppings or waste them."}, {"answer": "I think a forgotten reason is that pizza, wings and Chinese food stay hot and fresh in a way that McD's doesnt."}, {"answer": "Becuase it's cheap and feeds a lot, like Chinese food, and even some sandwich places deliver, like Jimmy Johns. When people want nicer food, they usually go out to eat, and since there is a delivery fee, most people don't want to spend even more on expensive food. The food will also likely be in styrofoam food boxes, so not a quality arrangement. Services like Grubhub don't make a lot of money with nicer restaurants, it's lower class restaurants that can't afford drivers is where they do a lot of business."}, {"answer": "Pizza delivery driver here. As others have stated pizza is still fine if you keep it in the bags for a long time. Pro tip if you have your pizza being delivered a long way away ask them not to cut the pizza. It stays better not cut. It also tastes fine after sitting on the oven at the restaurant for a while. We do this to keep them warm while we wait for people to pick them up. It keeps its taste too doesn't get soggy. I deliver other meals for my pizza place and those tend to get kinda nasty after about 20 minutes so we try to get those delivered first. Mozzarella sticks and pasta can get gross if you let them sit."}, {"answer": "Many food services offer delivery, particularly in cities. At the time of the pizza delivery boom most Mom & Pop grocery stores would deliver food to your house if needed (because you were a member of the local community), chinese food delivered, most delis would deliver, even McDonald's delivered during this era."}, {"answer": "Pizza has a huge markup, a low amount of required equipment and holds at tempature better than most things. The high markup and low startup costs lead to lots of pizza places around with enough income to attempt methods ti generate more sales. Since pizza is still good after sitting in an insulated bag for 45 minutes delivery was successful. There are other foods that work well ti be delivered but none of them have the combination of mark up and appeal that pizza has."}, {"answer": "Fun fact: my city has places that deliver mexican, chinese, bagals, and even cookies. Anyway, as for why pizza: It's hard to make a good pizza without a lot of experience, but besides that the profit margin on pizza is very, very good. Because of this it is easier to assume the risks involved with delivery because the chance of profit is much higher than with other foods."}, {"answer": "Most commercial ovens are between 500 and 600. Your oven should be able to get pretty close. And even 375 is enough to get a crispy crust if you pre-bake it a little first. Not quite as good, but works if you don't have the best equipment"}, {"answer": "because it can feed groups of people and only requires hands to eat. my theory is that most pizzas are purchased to feed social gatherings and are consumed in concert with other activities that make sitting at a table with plates and utensils unattractive"}, {"answer": "You can get Chinese / Indian / similar food delivered pretty much anywhere. A lot of fancy food would look like a total mess on delivery, but everything that's inexpensive and delivers well is delivered."}, {"answer": "Pizza travels well, and all the ingredients are tasty at the same temp. I think it makes sense, same reason Chinese and Thai food is good for delivery."}, {"answer": "Well now there is food delivery with an app called postmates which you choose where you want to eat. They pick up your order and deliver it."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "51118641", "title": "Pizza box", "section": "Section::::History.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 4, "end_paragraph_id": 4, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The first patent for a pizza box made of corrugated cardboard was applied in 1963 and it already displayed the characteristics of today's pizza packaging: plane blanks, foldability without need of adhesive, stackability and ventilation slots", "The first patent for a pizza box made of corrugated cardboard was applied in 1963 and it already displayed the characteristics of today's pizza packaging: plane blanks, foldability without need of adhesive, stackability and ventilation slots. The combination of such slots along with water vapour absorbing materials (absorption agent) prevented the humidity build-ups that characterized traditional transport packaging. It is assumed by brand historians that the pizza box", "The first patent for a pizza box made of corrugated cardboard was applied in 1963 and it already displayed the characteristics of today's pizza packaging: plane blanks, foldability without need of adhesive, stackability and ventilation slots."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Food delivery\n\n\ncold noodle) in Korea, recorded in 1768. Hyojonggaeng (hangover soup) was also delivered for the yangban in the 1800s. Advertisement for food delivery and catering also appeared in the newspaper in 1906. Meal delivery orders are typically on demand, and intended to be eaten right away, and include hot, already-prepared food. Pizza delivery is the largest meal delivery industry at the moment. Ordering for delivery usually involves contacting a local restaurant or chain by telephone or online. Online ordering is available in many countries,", "id": "8853615" }, { "contents": "Ledo Pizza\n\n\nillusion of more product when it was actually less, Ledo's stayed true to its roots and it became their trademark. Most of its restaurants do not offer delivery options, focusing rather in carry out and dine-in options. When eating at the restaurant, customers are served by a waiter or waitress, rather than receiving the food over the counter. Also, Ledo offers many menu items, such as hamburgers, pasta, its own beer line (Ledo Lager), and more, in addition to specialty pizza types", "id": "2091535" }, { "contents": "Take-out\n\n\nthe US restaurant food delivery market: GrubHub, UberEats and Doordash. Competition for market share has been fierce, with smaller competitors either being bought out or closing down. Amazon Restaurants announced in June 2019 that it was closing it restaurant food delivery service to concentrate on grocery delivery. Some businesses offer a guarantee to deliver within a predetermined period of time, with late deliveries not charged for. For example, Domino's Pizza had a commercial campaign in the 1980s and early 1990s which promised \"30 minutes or it's free\"", "id": "16422801" }, { "contents": "Pizza\n\n\n. The term \"pizza\" was first recorded in the 10th century in a Latin manuscript from the Southern Italian town of Gaeta in Lazio, on the border with Campania. Modern pizza was invented in Naples, and the dish and its variants have since become popular in many countries. It has become one of the most popular foods in the world and a common fast food item in Europe and North America, available at pizzerias (restaurants specializing in pizza), restaurants offering Mediterranean cuisine, and via pizza delivery. Many companies", "id": "4968802" }, { "contents": "Pizza delivery\n\n\nperson, with cash, credit card, debit card or cryptocurrency. A delivery fee is often charged with what the customer has bought. Ordering pizza for delivery usually involves contacting a local pizza restaurant or chain by telephone or online. Online ordering is available in many countries, where some pizza chains offer online menus and ordering. The pizza delivery industry has kept pace with technological developments since the 1980s beginning with the rise of the personal computer. Specialized computer software for the pizza delivery business helps determine the most efficient routes for carriers", "id": "8673666" }, { "contents": "Fourth normal form\n\n\nis {Restaurant, Pizza Variety, Delivery Area}. Therefore it meets all normal forms up to BCNF. If we assume, however, that pizza varieties offered by a restaurant are not affected by delivery area (i.e. a restaurant offers all pizza varieties it makes to all areas it supplies), then it does not meet 4NF. The problem is that the table features two non-trivial multivalued dependencies on the {Restaurant} attribute (which is not a superkey). The dependencies are: These non-trivial multivalued", "id": "21191283" }, { "contents": "Little Caesars\n\n\nnot directly use the slogan in Canada, due to a copyright claim by JAD Productions Corporation. Instead, the company has used \"Two Pizzas!\" along with \"Delivery! Delivery!\", \"Quality! Quality!\" or other such double-word tag lines in its advertising and packaging in Canada. They have used \"Hot 'N Ready!\" in their TV commercials for their \"Hot 'N Ready\" pizzas. Little Caesars sold its first franchise in 1962 and, by 1987, had restaurants in", "id": "21351739" }, { "contents": "Fourth normal form\n\n\nCrust rows for all but one of A1 Pizza's delivery areas, thereby failing to respect the multivalued dependency {Restaurant} formula_1 {Pizza Variety}. To eliminate the possibility of these anomalies, we must place the facts about varieties offered into a different table from the facts about delivery areas, yielding two tables that are both in 4NF: In contrast, if the pizza varieties offered by a restaurant sometimes did legitimately vary from one delivery area to another, the original three-column table would satisfy 4NF. Ronald Fagin demonstrated", "id": "21191285" }, { "contents": "Domino's Pizza\n\n\n, and custom pizzas available in a variety of crust styles and toppings. In 2011, Domino's launched artisan-style pizzas. Additional entrees include pasta, bread bowls, and oven-baked sandwiches. The menu offers chicken and bread sides, as well as beverages and desserts. From its founding until the early 1990s, the menu at Domino's Pizza was kept simple relative to other fast food restaurants, to ensure efficiency of delivery. Historically, Domino's menu consisted solely of one style of pizza crust in two sizes", "id": "6199255" }, { "contents": "Kotipizza\n\n\nfranchising. In 2018, Kotipizza operates only in Finland. Some restaurants offer delivery and accept orders by phone or via the internet. Most of the home-delivery restaurants utilise the home-delivery concept created in cooperation with the chain’s franchisees. Built-in warming delivery boxes in delivery vehicles keep pizzas at 60 degrees Celsius even for an hour. In 2016, 62 per cent of all ingredients used at Kotipizza restaurants came from Finland. For instance, the million kilograms of cheese used by the chain was acquired from 70", "id": "4162239" }, { "contents": "Stefano Callegari (chef)\n\n\nStefano Callegari (Born December 25, 1968) is an Italian chef and the inventor of the Trapizzino, a popular street food. Before inventing the Trapizzino, Stefano worked as a flight attendant for 15 years before returning to Rome to pursue his passion for pizza. Stefano was born in Testaccio, a district in the South of Rome, to parents in the restaurant business. He first encountered the world of pizza in 1992, when he became a delivery driver for a local bakery. Stefano learned to prepare pizza dough from the", "id": "9280603" }, { "contents": "Pizza delivery\n\n\nand Neal Stephenson's cyberpunk novel \"Snow Crash\" (1992), which posits a future in which pizza delivery is organised by the Mafia as one of the US's four major industries. Several feature films also use pizza delivery prominently, including the 1984 comedy \"Delivery Boys\", the Spike Lee 1989 film \"Do the Right Thing\", and the 2000 comedy film \"Dude, Where's My Car?\". In the case of other films, use of pizza delivery has been regarded by critics as \"", "id": "8673684" }, { "contents": "Pizza delivery\n\n\npersonal vehicle. Domino's Pizza is credited with popularizing free pizza delivery in the United States. Pizza Hut began experimenting in 1999 with a 50-cent delivery charge in ten stores in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. By mid-2001 it was implemented in 95% of its 1,749 company-owned restaurants in the U.S., and in a smaller number of its 5,250 franchisee-owned restaurants. By 2002, a small percentage of stores owned or franchised by U.S. pizza companies Domino's and Papa John's were also charging delivery fees of 50", "id": "8673670" }, { "contents": "Happy's Pizza\n\n\nof the building. The company makes a point of opening stores and offering delivery services in areas where other pizza places will not. Happy's Pizza started with one restaurant in Detroit, and grew to a large pizza restaurant chain. Happy Asker and five other shareholders were indicted on counts of fraud and tax evasion. The Office of the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan alleged Asker and the others came up with a scheme to under-report taxable income and payroll taxes from $2.1 million in wages from more", "id": "12252990" }, { "contents": "Peppes Pizza\n\n\nPeppes Pizza is a Norwegian pizza chain that serves American style and Italian style pizza. Peppes is the largest pizza chain in Scandinavia. The restaurant was founded by two Americans, Louis Jordan and his wife Anne from Hartford, Connecticut. The restaurant chain is part of Umoe Catering As which consists of restaurants such as Burger King, TGI Fridays, La Baguette and Cafe Opus. Peppes Pizza is one of the first restaurants that brought foreign food to Norway. 9 million pizzas are served by Peppes each year with deliveries in 11 cities", "id": "492749" }, { "contents": "Pizza delivery\n\n\nper-delivery fee to a restaurant, are legally obligated to report tips to the Internal Revenue Service. Bags used to keep pizza hot while being transported are commonly referred to as \"hotbags\" or \"hot bags\". Hotbags are thermal bags, typically made of vinyl, nylon, or Cordura, that passively retain heat. Material choice affects cost, durability, and condensation. Heated bags supply added heat through insertion of externally heated disks, electrical heating elements, or pellets heated by induction from electrically generated magnetic waves.", "id": "8673672" }, { "contents": "Tavan Bogd Group\n\n\nA, an integrated pulp and paper production company based in Thailand. Since establishing an agreement with the globally known American fast food company YUM! in 2012, Tavan Bogd Foods launched the first-ever Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) restaurants in Mongolia. As of April 2017, Tavan Bogd Foods operated 10 KFC restaurant branches in the capital city, Ulaanbaatar. Tavan Bogd Foods Pizza acquired a license for pizza delivery franchising of Pizza Hut from YUM! in 2014, and delivers pizzas throughout Ulaanbaatar through its 11 franchising centers. Tavan", "id": "20096960" }, { "contents": "Camp Humphreys\n\n\nCleaning services, an optical shop, LG Uplus(Mobile, Internet, CATV ETC), barber shop, florist, embroidery, giftware vendors and more. The AAFES food court offers Popeye's Chicken, Taco Bell, Anthony's Pizza, Subway and Baskin Robbins Ice Cream. Anthony's Pizza and Popeye's also offer daily delivery service. There are also three Shoppettes on Camp Humphreys. The Zoeckler Station shoppette is located near the main gate by the KATUSA snack bar and Pizza Hut. Pizza Hut offers delivery service daily for on-", "id": "19579991" }, { "contents": "Pizza Lucé\n\n\n, was hired as the pizzeria's General Manager helped ensure that the restaurant became profitable. The pizzeria includes gluten-free and vegan items on its menu. Pizza Lucé has since expanded to seven locations in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul area and one in Duluth. In 2010, the pizzeria began offering online ordering and within a year over 20% of its delivery orders were placed via the Internet. Lucé was named 2011's Restaurant of the Year by the Minnesota Restaurant Association. Pizza Lucé is noted for allowing employees to have", "id": "8477530" }, { "contents": "Pizza Corner\n\n\nPizza Corner was an international franchise of pizzeria chains that offers a wide range of pizzas, pastas and side dishes from chicken wings to salads. Pizza Corner operated as both standalone restaurants or combined with other Global Franchise Architects brands such as Coffee World or Cream & Fudge. Its service formats include: large dine-in restaurants, delivery outlets, express dine-ins, and express kiosks. Pizza Corner was a brand of Global Franchise Architects (GFA), a Geneva, Switzerland-based company that builds, operates, and", "id": "15808523" }, { "contents": "Fast food in China\n\n\naffects the market of instant noodles, with these apps being one of the main reasons behind the sales decrease in instant noodles. About 730 million people in China now have access to the internet, and around 95% of them are using smartphones. The apps that offer food delivery to your location are replacing Chinese customer's noodles with other foods. McDonald's in China is generally fairly similar in menu and taste to how it is in the US, but Pizza Hut is considered upscale in China and KFC offers many locally popular", "id": "941701" }, { "contents": "Food delivery\n\n\ngraded plastic container. It looks smart and it's hygienic. Customers don't have to return the containers, rather they dispose them. In the Philippines, most commonly delivered meals are from fastfood chains like Jollibee, Mcdonalds, Pizza Hut, Shakey's, KFC, etc. Orders are being done through their delivery websites, mobile apps, or by phone. Time of delivery usually takes around 30 to 45 minutes. Meal delivery services offer prepared meals by subscription. Community-supported agriculture schemes work on a subscription box model", "id": "8853618" }, { "contents": "Domino's Pizza Enterprises\n\n\n, Domino's was inducted into the Queensland Business Leaders Hall of Fame. The first Domino's store to open in Australia was in Springwood, Queensland, in 1983, and offered home delivery after home delivery was introduced into Australia by the Pizza Oven Family Restaurant in Holland Park Brisbane in 1981. The Australian and New Zealand Master Franchise was bought by Silvio's Dial-a-Pizza in 1993 and in 1995 the two brands merged and rebranded as Domino's Pizza. Domino's New Zealand was the first to introduce drone-", "id": "4651487" }, { "contents": "Coffee and doughnuts\n\n\nof National Coffee Day, and other companies have offered discounts or special offers in commemoration of the day. Tim Hortons is a Canadian multinational fast casual restaurant chain known for its coffee and doughnuts. In September 2015, Dunkin' Donuts, a doughnut and coffee shop chain, announced plans to move forward with a delivery program that includes delivery of coffee, doughnuts and other foods, to begin sometime in 2016. The delivery program is devised to use a mobile application for ordering products, and will be launched when the company updates", "id": "4630662" }, { "contents": "Pakistan–United States relations\n\n\n. In particular, the introduction of American apple pies, US-style diners similar to the Sonic Drive-In on Pakistani motorways, Hot dog stands on the streets of major cities, Fast food restaurants serving Chicago-style pizza as well as New York-style pizza with the option of US style home deliveries. The proliferation of American culture in Pakistan stands in stark contrast to the growing resentment most Pakistanis feel toward the United States government. As a result, US companies have heavily invested in Pakistan. Hardee's have", "id": "15655122" }, { "contents": "Bertucci's\n\n\nBertucci's is an American chain of restaurants offering pizza and Italian food. It also offers delivery (from some stores), take-out and private dining. Bertucci's was founded by Joey Crugnale in Davis Square, Somerville, Massachusetts, in 1981. The company expanded rapidly during the 1990s. Bertucci's locations are primarily found in the Northeast, but range as far south as Virginia. N.E. Restaurant Co. Inc. bought out Bertucci's in 1998, adopting the Bertucci's Co. name in 2001. Joseph (\"Joey\"", "id": "6692440" }, { "contents": "Food delivery\n\n\nbalance. In Europe, the major restaurant delivery services include Deliveroo, UberEats, Delivery Hero, Food Panda. Restaurant delivery software services As the number of restaurant food delivery systems has increased, so have the logistic challenges of tracking online orders -- restaurants using Grubhub, UberEats, Doordash, Postmates and other services must have each service's tablet or iPad to receive orders, which then must be transferred into the restaurant's own POS system. To streamline this, software-as-a-sevice companies have emerged to integrate the", "id": "8853629" }, { "contents": "Johnny Kan\n\n\nwith traditional Chinese flavors in 1935. Kan is credited with opening the Chinese Kitchen restaurant at the corner of Mason and Pacific in 1939. It offered the first Chinese food delivery service in America; food was kept hot with the help of stainless steel hot water tanks in the back of a fleet of Chevrolet trucks. The eponymous restaurant \"Kan's\" operated at 708 Grant Avenue. According to the Chinese Historical Society of America, \"Kan's was the first restaurant in Chinatown to win the Holiday (magazine) Award for", "id": "14400799" }, { "contents": "Fourth normal form\n\n\ndependencies on a non-superkey reflect the fact that the varieties of pizza a restaurant offers are independent from the areas to which the restaurant delivers. This state of affairs leads to redundancy in the table: for example, we are told three times that A1 Pizza offers Stuffed Crust, and if A1 Pizza starts producing Cheese Crust pizzas then we will need to add multiple rows, one for each of A1 Pizza's delivery areas. There is, moreover, nothing to prevent us from doing this incorrectly: we might add Cheese", "id": "21191284" }, { "contents": "Food delivery\n\n\nbigger cities where homes and restaurants are closer together, they may use bikes or motorized scooters. Customers can, depending on the delivery company, choose to pay online or in person, with cash or card. A flat rate delivery fee is often charged with what the customer has bought. Tips are often customary for food delivery service. Other aspects of food delivery include catering and wholesale food service deliveries to restaurants, cafeterias, health care facilities, and caterers by foodservice distributors. The first food delivery service was for naengmyeon (", "id": "8853614" }, { "contents": "Fast food restaurant\n\n\n, Burger King and Wendy's, the number three burger chain in the USA; Dunkin' Donuts, a New England-based chain; automobile oriented Sonic Drive-In's from Oklahoma City; Starbucks, Seattle-born coffee-based fast food beverage corporation; KFC and Taco Bell, which are both part of the largest restaurant conglomerate in the world, Yum! Brands; and Domino's Pizza, a pizza chain known for popularizing home delivery of fast food. Subway is known for their sub sandwiches and are the", "id": "10214224" }, { "contents": "Pizza box\n\n\nThe pizza box or pizza package is a folding box made of cardboard in which hot pizzas are stored for takeaway. The \"pizza box\" also makes home delivery and takeaway substantially easier. The pizza box has to be highly resistant, cheap, stackable, thermally insulated to regulate humidity and suitable for food transportation. In addition, it provides space for advertising. The pizza packages differ from those of frozen pizzas, which contain the frozen product in heat-sealed plastic foils as is the case with much frozen food. Containers", "id": "4922709" }, { "contents": "Food delivery\n\n\nRetail food delivery is a courier service in which a restaurant, store, or independent food delivery company delivers food to a customer. An order is typically made either through a restaurant or grocer's website or phone, or through a food ordering company, like Uber Eats,, GrubHub, Postmates, Favor,Zomato or DoorDash. The delivered items can include entrees, sides, drinks, desserts, or grocery items and are typically delivered in boxes or bags. The delivery person will normally drive a car, but in", "id": "8853613" }, { "contents": "List of Two and a Half Men characters\n\n\n), a pizza delivery driver who idolized Charlie. During the third season he has a brief relationship with Rose, who forces him to dress like Charlie and yell the latter's name during sex. After their break-up, he disappears from the show, but returned in season six, again delivering pizzas. He revealed how he became a millionaire on the stock market, got married and subsequently divorced and then lost all his money to his ex-wife, forcing him to return to pizza delivery. He looked up", "id": "3064260" }, { "contents": "Growth and underinvestment\n\n\nthe pizza’s quality is excellent, as well as the delivery times. After a while, the pizzeria gets noticed and is featured in a local online food blog. As a result, the demand for the pizza rises sharply. But the pizzeria owners are reluctant to purchase more delivery capacity (pizza delivery vehicles and personnel) along with higher pizza production capacity (additional pizza ovens). That results in higher delivery times and a larger percentage of undercooked pizzas, in turn lowering the number of returning customers. As a result", "id": "19778912" }, { "contents": "Apache Pizza\n\n\nApache Pizza is a chain of fast food pizza delivery restaurants in Ireland. Founded in 1996 by Emily Gore Grimes and her husband Robert Pendleton, Apache is the trading name of The Good Food Company. As of 2016, there are over 150 stores across the Republic of Ireland and nine stores in Northern Ireland. Apache is Ireland's largest pizza chain. Its Managing Director is Robert Pendleton. In 2015, Apache signed an agreement with, an online fast food order service similar to Just Eat. As of 2012, the", "id": "14978953" }, { "contents": "Pizza Corner\n\n\nout the shares held by his equity partners and formed the Global Franchise Architects. It operated over 100 restaurants and delivery outlets in five countries: Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar, and Thailand. As with all GFA brands, Pizza Corner utilizes the services of its partners under the Synergia One Group: Synova Foods, for its product development and production and Itorama which manages GFA’s restaurant designs, advertising and website development. In 1998, Pizza Corner launched the Food for Good program in association with the Don Bosco Yuva Kendra", "id": "15808525" }, { "contents": "Delivery (commerce)\n\n\nat wholesale prices (although many retail stores falsely advertise as factory outlets). Building, construction, landscaping and like materials are generally delivered to the consumer by a contractor as part of another service. Some highly perishable or hazardous goods, such as radioisotopes used in medical imaging, are delivered directly from manufacturer to consumer. Home delivery is often available for fast food and other convenience products, e.g. pizza delivery. Sometimes home delivery of supermarket goods is possible. A milk float is a small battery electric vehicle (BEV),", "id": "16355972" }, { "contents": "Fast food\n\n\nburger industry in supplying children's fast food calories. Menus are more limited and standardized than in traditional pizzerias, and pizza delivery is offered. Kebab houses are a form of fast food restaurant from the Middle East, especially Turkey and Lebanon. Meat is shaven from a rotisserie, and is served on a warmed flatbread with salad and a choice of sauce and dressing. These doner kebabs or shawarmas are distinct from shish kebabs served on sticks. Kebab shops are also found throughout the world, especially Europe, New Zealand and Australia", "id": "4360932" }, { "contents": "Pakistan–United States relations\n\n\nopened restaurants in the country and its first American-style sports bar. McDonald's has heavily invested in the country and has been credited with introducing the concept of home deliveries. Those businesses join existing burger joints and other American fast-food restaurants such as Pizza Hut, KFC, Fatburger and Domino's Pizza. Taco Bell and Burger King are also said to be looking at opening branches in Pakistan. Al Jazeera's feature on 15 Jan 2016 highlighted the 'burger generation' in Pakistan, which are highly influenced by '", "id": "15655123" }, { "contents": "The Haunting Hour: Don't Think About It\n\n\nfears. When Cassie encourages him, Max tosses the blood onto The Evil Thing, causing its heads to begin attacking each other. The monster eats itself, eventually exploding in a shower of yellow blood, killing itself and its offspring. With The Evil Thing destroyed, Max, Sean and Cassie save Priscilla. She angrily yells at Cassie and calls her a witch, and Sean rejects Priscilla in favor of Cassie. After Priscilla leaves, they save the pizza delivery man, who offers them free pizza in return for releasing him", "id": "22147002" }, { "contents": "Pizza delivery\n\n\norder if broken but is often misremembered today as \"30 minutes or its free\". This was discontinued in the United States in 1993 due to the number of lawsuits arising from accidents caused by hurried delivery drivers, but is still offered in some countries. Pizzerias with no time guarantee will commonly state to the customer an approximate time frame for a delivery, without making any guarantees as to the actual delivery time. According to Domino's, New Year's Eve is the most popular day for its pizza deliveries; others are", "id": "8673668" }, { "contents": "Ghost restaurant\n\n\nA ghost restaurant (also known as a delivery-only restaurant, online-only restaurant or dark kitchen) is a food service business that serves customers exclusively through phone orders or online food ordering. Without the need of a full-service restaurant premises, ghost restaurants can also economize by occupying cheaper real estate. Although restaurants typically earn more from customers who dine at the restaurant, due to the expense of operating a delivery service or the fees charged by third party delivery companies like Grubhub and Caviar, ghost restaurants have significantly", "id": "9773159" }, { "contents": "Association of Pizza Delivery Drivers\n\n\nThe Association of Pizza Delivery Drivers (APDD) was a U.S. labor union representing pizza and other ready-to-eat food drivers. This union had nearly 1,000 members across 46 states. The APDD was unique in that it was one of the first unions to be all electronic, operating exclusively over the internet. This union was funded entirely by donations, rather than dues. Related to one of APDD's certification elections, the National Labor Relations Board ruled in October 2004 that delivery drivers may be considered for organization separately from", "id": "11491103" }, { "contents": "Deliveroo\n\n\nthe delivery service as well as marketing and order taking, allowing it to provide food from restaurants that do not normally offer a delivery service. In a press release of May 2016, the German Bar Association () informed the public that delivery companies such as Deliveroo, Take Eat Easy or Foodora are legally responsible for problems about the quality of the food, not the restaurants themselves. In December 2017, a study by macroeconomic consultancy Capital Economics revealed that Deliveroo has helped create 7,200 jobs across the restaurant sector since it launched in", "id": "10586570" }, { "contents": "Papa John's Pizza\n\n\nPapa John's Pizza is an American pizza restaurant franchise. It runs the fourth largest pizza delivery restaurant chain in the United States, with headquarters in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, a suburb of Louisville. The Papa John's restaurant was founded in 1984 when \"Papa\" John Schnatter knocked out a broom closet in the back of his father's tavern, Mick's Lounge, in Jeffersonville, Indiana. He then sold his 1971 Camaro Z28 to purchase US$1,600 worth of used pizza equipment and began selling pizzas to the tavern's customers", "id": "8333084" }, { "contents": "Hello Curry\n\n\nHello Curry Pvt. Ltd. is a food delivery and restaurant company based in Hyderabad, India. The company was founded in early 2014, and in November 2015, it had 32 outlets for its food delivery operations. Hello Curry provides the delivery of Indian cuisine meals, which are prepared in a fast food style at partner restaurants. Fare examples of the company's delivery operations include curry dishes, raita and roti, among others. Circa September 2015, as part of its delivery operations, the company began a new product line", "id": "15971319" }, { "contents": "Restaurant Brands\n\n\nBrands in 1995 from PepsiCo. After the acquisition Restaurant Brands completely changed Pizza Hut from a dine-in business to a home delivery and takeaway operation. This was achieved by acquiring and rebranding the Eagle Boys chain in New Zealand. The first Eagle Boys store was converted to a Pizza Hut in June 2000 and the last store was converted just 13 weeks later. The majority are now home delivery and takeaway outlets. Pizza Hut commenced selling a number of its smaller regional stores to independent franchisees in 2011. In 2011, Restaurant", "id": "17701837" }, { "contents": "Food delivery\n\n\n300% faster than dine-in traffic. \"Online ordering has started to become the norm, thanks to the convenience, accuracy, and ability to integrate payments. At scale, ubiquitous on-demand and subscription delivery of prepared food could potentially spell the end of cooking at home.” Restaurant delivery services In the US, the top three restaurant food delivery services are DoorDash, GrubHub, and UberEats, together account for some 80 percent of the sector's revenue, with Caviar, Postmates and other smaller services providing the", "id": "8853628" }, { "contents": "Online food ordering\n\n\nchoose if they will offer the service of delivery or just pick-up. If they choose to offer delivery, they hire their own employees who do the delivery. Papa John's is one of the restaurants that created their own Papa John's system, website, and app, and do their own delivery. In 2010, they redesigned their website and launched mobile apps for iPhones, iPads, iPods, Androids Phones, Blackberrys, and Windows Phones. The preexisting delivery infrastructure of these franchises paired with the online ordering system", "id": "17269509" }, { "contents": "Early bird dinner\n\n\nrise in Social Security payments, and more retired people could afford to eat at a restaurant. In the early 21st century, the offer became less common, as retiring Baby Boomers avoided things they associated with their parents' generation, and other options, especially fast food restaurants and delicatessens within grocery stores offered hot food at lower costs all day long. However, the offer has become more popular with some younger groups, especially when the economy is weaker. Early bird dinners are often stereotypically associated with elderly people, and,", "id": "16474999" }, { "contents": "Kotipizza Group\n\n\nNo Pizza restaurant concept is aimed at international markets. No Pizza brand says No to many “bad things”, like paying with cash, unnecessary food additives, food waste, plastic bags, but Yes to “good things”, like responsibly produced ingredients. Kotipizza Group plans to expand the concept into a restaurant chain using the “master franchising” collaboration model in which a foreign partner receives either a country- or city-specific license. The concept is based on a pizza base made of sour dough designed with Fazer,", "id": "18594511" }, { "contents": "Fast Track: No Limits\n\n\ndifferent goal but when they get behind the wheel they are all the same. It is the speed that connects them, but the one thing they all have in common will be the one thing that tears them apart. The film starts with bank giving Katie, owner of Carl's Garage warning about the debt on her garage. They then order pizza for lunch which is to be delivered by Mike, a pizza delivery guy. On his way to delivery his way is blocked by Nicole's broken down car and then by", "id": "20822319" }, { "contents": "Pizza delivery\n\n\nPizza delivery is a service in which a pizzeria or pizza chain delivers a pizza to a customer. An order is typically made either by telephone or over the internet to the pizza chain, in which the customer can request pizza type, size and other products alongside the pizza, commonly including soft drinks. Pizzas may be delivered in pizza boxes or delivery bags, and deliveries are made with either an automobile, motorized scooter, or bicycle. Customers can, depending on the pizza chain, choose to pay online, or in", "id": "8673665" }, { "contents": "Pizza Haven (United States)\n\n\nPizza Haven was an American Seattle-based pizzeria and pizza delivery chain, known as dial-a-pizza, founded in 1958 and opening its first location in the University District, Seattle near the University of Washington. Pizza Haven was one of the first pizza companies to make deliveries. Restaurant employees used radio phones to relay orders to roving drivers who carried stacks of pizzas in warming ovens in the back of their jeeps and pickup trucks. Ron Bean, the original founder, and a series of partners grew Pizza Haven into", "id": "2936829" }, { "contents": "Cassano's Pizza King\n\n\norder to compete with Domino's Pizza. Over an 18-month period, Greyhound briefly opened 33 delivery-only restaurants, using Columbus, Ohio, as a test market. However, the more-expensive Cassano's pizza, which competed well against dine-in restaurants, was too high-priced for the delivery-only market and could not compete against Domino's. Greyhound changed classic menu items and failed to deliver on its promises to refurbish older Cassano's stores and inject fresh capital into marketing. The planned expansion did not", "id": "20183953" }, { "contents": "Pizza Hut\n\n\n, it was reported that Pizza Hut is bringing back their logo with the \"Red Roof\", that was used from 1967 until 1999. Pizza Hut is split into several different restaurant formats: the original family-style dine-in locations; storefront delivery and carry-out locations; and hybrid locations that have carry-out, delivery, and dine-in options. Some full-sized Pizza Hut locations have a lunch buffet, with \"all-you-can-eat\" pizza, salad, desserts,", "id": "16861884" }, { "contents": "Black Mirror\n\n\nevents had come to pass. \"It was quite trippy, though. I'm kind of getting used to it, because it seems like it's quite often that there are things that are in the stories that come true.\" Ten days after the release of series four episode \"Crocodile\" – which included a self-driving pizza delivery truck as a major plot device – Toyota and Pizza Hut announced the e-Palette, a driverless delivery vehicle, at the 2018 Consumer Electronic Show. The conceptual vehicle drew numerous", "id": "6243719" }, { "contents": "Sarpino's Pizzeria\n\n\nSarpino's Pizzeria is a fast food restaurant chain specializing in pizza, with international operations headquartered in Singapore and U.S. operations headquartered in the Chicago suburb of Lincolnshire, Illinois. The first Sarpino's pizza delivery store was opened by Gerry Koutougos in 2001 in Victoria, British Columbia. The name has its origins in a vacation that founder Gerry Koutougos took to Italy in 1999, where he visited a restaurant that was operated by a woman named Sarpina. Sarpino's expanded to Singapore in 2002 and to the United States in January 2003 with", "id": "17335709" }, { "contents": "Kiwi Campus\n\n\ncurrent company with CTO Jason Oviedo and COO Sergio Pachón in the University of California, Berkeley's Skydeck business incubator, soon substituting robots for human couriers after discovering the cost in the United States; he has said that he was shocked to find that when he ordered a pizza online (or, in an alternate version, a burrito), the delivery charge was almost as high as the price of the pizza. They first tried using a single robot for the entire distance between restaurant and delivery, but found that inefficient.", "id": "18534923" }, { "contents": "Dairy Queen\n\n\nburger and hot dog lines as \"Brazier Foods\", according to the history section and some FAQ listed topics in the website. DQ Grill & Chill locations feature hot food, treats, table delivery, and self-serve soft drinks. It is the new concept for new and renovated full-service restaurants. Stores are larger than older-style locations and feature a completely new store design. In most cases, they offer an expanded menu including breakfast, Grill Burgers, and grilled sandwiches, as well as limited table", "id": "10248153" }, { "contents": "Ghost kitchen\n\n\nfor delivery drivers. Using a ghost kitchen allows established restaurants with dining-in service to expand their delivery operations without adding stress to the existing kitchen, frees up parking taken by the delivery vehicles, and allows them to enter new neighborhoods at lower cost. As venture capital has invested in food delivery service mobile apps, capital has also flowed into companies supporting the infrastructure to meet that demand. These include SaaS companies like Olo that integrate restaurant point-of-sale systems with the delivery apps; and ghost kitchens, which", "id": "17660886" }, { "contents": "Take-out\n\n\nfast food restaurant, \"Pig Stand Number 21\". By 1988, 51% of McDonald's turnover was being generated by drive-throughs, with 31% of all US take-out turnover being generated by them by 1990. Food delivery - Some take-out businesses offer prepared food for delivery, which usually involves contacting a local restaurant by telephone or online. In countries including Australia, Canada, India, Brazil, Japan, much of the European Union and the United States, food can be ordered online from", "id": "16422798" }, { "contents": "Lou Malnati's Pizzeria\n\n\nUptown Plaza in central Phoenix on May 12, 2016. On July 15, 2019, Lou Malnalti's opened their first restaurant in Schererville, Indiana. This location is a carryout, delivery & catering location only and offers no dine in. Lou Malnati's is a prototypical Chicago style pizza, and its deep dish pizza is generally referred to as a \"pie.\" A thin crust of pizza dough is laid in a seasoned deep-dish pizza pan and raised up on the sides. The ingredients are placed on a", "id": "16123515" }, { "contents": "List of pizza varieties by country\n\n\nitself in southern Sweden since 2008. Many pizzerias offer affordable (about 1-2 € total, or free with large order) home delivery in less than 30 minutes and many are connected to an on-line ordering service. The take-away price of one standard size (30 cm) pizza is 5 to 8 € depending on topping, about the double for a \"family pizza\" of double size (weight), and about the half for a \"children's pizza\" (mostly served in restaurants)", "id": "5314588" }, { "contents": "Prime Now\n\n\ninclude Rome, Milan, Munich, Berlin, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Tokyo, Osaka, Kawasaki, Yokohama, and Singapore. Amazon Restaurants was an online food ordering service available in 20 metro areas throughout the United States. As of January 2018, the service had 7,601 restaurants, which offer delivery through the Prime Now service. In addition to independent restaurants, the service offers delivery from chains such as Red Robin, Applebee's, Olive Garden, and P.F. Chang's. Amazon Restaurants is available on the", "id": "8205028" }, { "contents": "Pizza in China\n\n\ncities' heavy vehicle traffic and gridlock. Domino's lack of success in the Chinese market has also been attributed to the chain's fare lacking appeal to Chinese consumers, not having sit-down restaurants (Domino's stores were take-out and delivery only), and the large size of the company's pizzas, which made them difficult for consumers to eat while walking or hanging out on the street. Prior to establishing restaurants in China, Pizza Hut management was told by experts that many Chinese consumers do not like cheese", "id": "14175758" }, { "contents": "Food delivery\n\n\nand are often not meant to be eaten right away, rather they are to replace items someone has run out of, like flour or milk. They are almost always done online, and typically take at least one day to deliver, though some companies offer same-day delivery. Many delivery services are required to offer delivery within a couple hours because frozen and fresh foods have to be delivered before they spoil. Grocery delivery differs greatly from meal delivery in the sense that its is usually sent as a parcel through common mailing", "id": "8853620" }, { "contents": "Pizza delivery\n\n\nplaces may be subject to prank orders for numerous pizzas or to random houses or a target house. A prank order may cost businesses money and aggravation, resulting in the restaurant throwing away the unpaid pizzas. For example, in November 2010 in Amherst, Massachusetts, a man claiming to be part of Bob Dylan's crew placed an order for 148 pizzas which cost nearly $4,000. Prank callers have been fined in Singapore for placing false orders. Pizza delivery drivers have been subjected to assault, kidnappings, robbery, and have", "id": "8673682" }, { "contents": "Pagliacci Pizza\n\n\nPagliacci Pizza is a Seattle-based restaurant chain. The first Pagliacci Pizza location opened on February 19, 1979, at 4529 University Ave NE in Seattle's University District. Over the years, this location underwent many face-lifts and remodeling changes until that location's closure in July 2018. Since the original pizzeria opened, Pagliacci Pizza has grown to 24 locations across the greater Seattle and Bellevue area, most of which offer delivery, sit-down dining and pizza by the slice bars. An interior decor staple for the", "id": "17343154" }, { "contents": "Food marketing toward children\n\n\ncommonly through incentive programs. Many schools in the US use programs which are almost always sponsored by local restaurant corporations, most commonly McDonald's and Pizza Hut, as educational tools to promote reading. As prizes for the completion of the program are given gift certificates to that corporation's fast food restaurant. Pizza Hut offers a program, Book-it, which offers certificates for free pizzas when participating students read a certain number of books. Other companies that are involved in this type of advertising are Campbell's (Prego Thickness Experiment", "id": "6818008" }, { "contents": "Foodora\n\n\nFoodora GmbH is a German online food delivery company based in Berlin, which offers meals from over 9,000 selected restaurants in six countries worldwide. Using the Foodora app, website or the corporate platform, customers can browse local restaurants, place an order, and track it as it’s prepared and delivered by a bike courier or delivery driver. Foodora was founded under the name Volo GmbH in Munich in February 2014. It relocated to Berlin when Rocket Internet acquired 100% of the company in April 2015. In June 2015, Foodora", "id": "11550256" }, { "contents": "Pizza Delivery (SpongeBob SquarePants)\n\n\nit one of the show's best episodes. It is closing time at the Krusty Krab, and Squidward answers a last-minute phone call from a customer. The customer wants to order a pizza and have it delivered, an order Mr. Krabs happily accepts, knowing that he could earn extra money. Squidward protests this by saying that the restaurant does not serve pizza nor do they do deliveries, but Mr. Krabs makes a pizza out of Krabby Patties, and tells Squidward to deliver it. Much to Squidward's dismay,", "id": "21306821" }, { "contents": "Yemeksepeti\n\n\nIts restaurant network includes global chains like Burger King, Domino's Pizza, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Little Caesars Pizza, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Pizza Pizza, Carl's Jr., Popeyes, Sampi, Papa John's and Subway. It is mainly headquartered in Dubai, UAE as Campus. Yemeksepeti entered the market in Greece in 2013 by investing in local company Click Delivery S.A., operating the website Yemeksepeti also entered the market in Bulgaria and Romania in 2016 by investing in in Bulgaria and and", "id": "5096395" }, { "contents": "Food delivery\n\n\nthe service providers wishing to sign up restaurants to use their services, restaurants have been able to negotiate lower delivery fees. McDonalds negotiated the delivery fees charged by Uber Eats from nearly 20 percent to \"around 15 percent,\" according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. In a 2019 market study of restaurant delivery services, the global market for online-ordered prepared food delivery was estimated at $94 billion and is estimated to grow at just over 9 percent a year, reaching $134.5 billion in 2023. The", "id": "8853626" }, { "contents": "Restaurant\n\n\nA restaurant (), or an eatery, is a business which prepares and serves food and drinks to customers in exchange for money. Meals are generally served and eaten on the premises, but many restaurants also offer take-out and food delivery services. Restaurants vary greatly in appearance and offerings, including a wide variety of cuisines and service models ranging from inexpensive fast food restaurants and cafeterias, to mid-priced family restaurants, to high-priced luxury establishments. In Western countries, most mid- to high-range restaurants", "id": "6788765" }, { "contents": "Pizza Hut\n\n\ntastes. By 2008, Pizza Hut operated restaurants and delivery locations. That year, the company introduced \"Pizza Hut Express\", opening locations in Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hangzhou. The 160 restaurants were in 40 Chinese cities in 2005. As of 2015, Pizza Hut had 1,903 restaurants in China. Savio S. Chan (陳少宏, Pinyin: \"Chén Shàohóng\") and Michael Zakkour, authors of \"\", stated middle-class Chinese perceive Pizza Hut as \"akin to fine dining\", though Pizza Hut was", "id": "16861890" }, { "contents": "The Haunting Hour: Don't Think About It\n\n\nJohn's Pizza. The use of pizza delivery by Papa John's Pizza in the film was regarded by Common Sense Media, a media website for parents, reviewer Heather Boerner, as \"overly integrated product placement\". She criticized the product placement, writing, \"Not only is the pizza delivery guy included in more than half of the DVD, but the logo is present and the kids are shown munching ecstatically on the pizza at the end of the movie. They even say that the pizza is great, and how", "id": "22147007" }, { "contents": "Noble Roman's\n\n\n.\" Other franchisees allege that the company \"has used litigation as a revenue source\" and as of 2009 was \"involved with litigation with every one of their franchisees.\" During the 2010s, Noble Roman's started to move away from selling pizzas in the traditional sit down and delivery restaurants to focus in selling reheat-and-serve products in supermarkets and later hot products for eating inside supermarket cafes, such as at Marsh Supermarkets. In November 2014, Scott Mobley replaced his father, Paul Mobley, as president and", "id": "12826350" }, { "contents": "List of Canadian restaurant chains\n\n\nIn recent years it has attempted to make its food healthier as provincial healthier eating guidelines became more strict. Offerings include multigrain crusts, salads, 33 pizza toppings, and other menu items that have no trans fat, MSG, artificial flavours or artificial colours. Pizza Pizza is an Ontario-based pizza chain founded in 1967 by Michael Overs. The Pizza Pizza network including the western chain Pizza73 is composed of more than 600 traditional and non-traditional restaurants coast to coast with over 3,000 employees. Pizza Pizza fills approximately 29 million", "id": "2325506" }, { "contents": "Food delivery\n\n\nthan they charge for the same items off-the-shelf. In restaurant delivery, if the delivery service is provided by a third party, such as Uber Eats or Deliveroo, the delivery fee, which can be as much as 25 or 30 percent of the value of the order, is paid by the restaurant to the service provider. In addition to the delivery fees, the service companies charge the restaurants a fee to set up the account, further cutting into the restaurants' margins. Due to intense competition between", "id": "8853625" }, { "contents": "Online food ordering\n\n\nto the consumer. Rafeeq - Qatari Food Delivery platform allows customers to order food from their favorite Restaurants across Qatar and get it delivered to their door step. Rafeeq delivers across Qatar From 7.00AM to 3.00 AM. Zomato allows the customers to see what restaurants are near them, along with the ratings the restaurant has received in their food. Uber Eats delivers the food in special lunch bags that make sure the food remains hot or cold. It allows the customers to monitor the progress of the food, as well as, the", "id": "17269512" }, { "contents": "KFC\n\n\nA \"very strong percentage\" of sales come from African American customers. Many KFC locations are co-located with either Taco Bell or Pizza Hut, or other Yum! restaurants. When Yum! owned Long John Silver's and A&W Restaurants, these brands were often co-branded with KFC as well. Often these locations behave like a single restaurant, offering one menu with food items from both restaurant brands. In 2003, there were 354 KFC-Taco Bell combines, offering the full KFC menu and Taco Bell items", "id": "16742048" }, { "contents": "Pizza Hut\n\n\nmany locations have brown roofs. Dozens of \"Red Roofs\" have closed or been relocated or rebuilt. Many \"Red Roof\" branches have beer if not a full bar, music from a jukebox, and sometimes an arcade. In the mid-1980s, the company moved into other successful formats, including delivery or carryout and the fast food \"Express\" model. In China, Pizza Hut () used an altered business model, offering a fine-dining atmosphere with knives and forks and using an expanded menu catering to Chinese", "id": "16861889" }, { "contents": "Toppers Pizza (American restaurant)\n\n\nof a restructuring. Toppers founder Scott Gittrich entered the pizza business in 1984 when he was a college student at the University of Illinois and took a job as a Domino's Pizza delivery driver. He rose through the company, serving as director of operations for a group of 22 franchise locations in Charlotte, North Carolina, when he left in 1991 to start his own pizza business. Originally called \"Topper's Pizza\", the chain removed the apostrophe from its name as part of its marketing strategy to give it a more", "id": "538419" }, { "contents": "Pizza Lucé\n\n\nPizza Lucé () is a pizzeria restaurant company in Minnesota with locations in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul area and Duluth. Pizza Lucé was founded in 1993. Pizza Lucé owner Joe Baier worked in pizza delivery until the pizzeria he worked at closed in 1992. Having worked for years in the industry, Baier decided to open a new pizza restaurant, named Pizza Lucé, which opened in 1993 in downtown Minneapolis. It was not initially profitable and in 1995, Scott Nelson, who had worked previously alongside Baier as a pizza deliverer", "id": "8477529" }, { "contents": "Fast food\n\n\napps. Nearly from its inception, fast food has been designed to be eaten \"on the go,\" often does not require traditional cutlery, and is eaten as a finger food. Common menu items at fast food outlets include fish and chips, sandwiches, pitas, hamburgers, fried chicken, french fries, onion rings, chicken nuggets, tacos, pizza, hot dogs, and ice cream, though many fast food restaurants offer \"slower\" foods like chili, mashed potatoes, and salads. Convenience stores located within", "id": "4360924" }, { "contents": "EasyPizza\n\n\nLaunched on 17 December 2004, EasyPizza (styled as easyPizza) was a short-lived pizza delivery franchise, owned by EasyGroup offering a restricted menu and prices that varied according demand. Cheaper pizzas were offered during off-peak periods and could command a premium during popular times. Additional discounts were obtained by ordering in advance rather than for immediate delivery. The pizzas were not freshly made but manufactured centrally then cooked from frozen, limiting customisation. EasyGroup lost a High Court case against EasyPizza, a previously existing London-based pizza", "id": "6025352" }, { "contents": "EasyPizza\n\n\ndelivery chain who successfully accused EasyGroup of bullying and underhanded practices. As of December 2009, EasyPizza ceased to operate their independent franchised stores, and the website offered a referral service to Just Eat, who operate as a third party to a local pizza takeaway and delivery. As of 2017, the only option offered through the site was a re-direct to Domino's Pizza's website. Previously easyPizza had slated Domino's as a \"big pizza rip-off\". In March 2018 a separate website, was", "id": "6025353" }, { "contents": "Pizza saver\n\n\ndelivery. The pizza saver is not re-used and is typically discarded by the patron, although some people have found secondary uses for them such as egg holders when turned upside down. In 1985, Carmela Vitale of Dix Hills, New York, was issued a patent for a plastic three-legged tripod stool that would sit in the middle of the box and keep the top from sagging into pizza, cakes or other foods kept in a box. Vitale called her invention a \"package saver\" and used that term", "id": "16277364" }, { "contents": "Porque el amor manda\n\n\nSiempre mi Amor\" replaced one hour of \"Corazón Indomable\", taking the former timeslot of \"Porque el amor manda\" at 8pm/7c until its conclusion on June 9, 2014. Jesus is a really nice guy; he is always smiling, caring and looking at the bright side of life. He works as a pizza delivery guy and in a restaurant kitchen, too. He also studies administration at night. He arrived in Chicago six years ago when he left his hometown, Monterrey, after ending a tormenting relationship with", "id": "21382157" }, { "contents": "Pizza Delivery (SpongeBob SquarePants)\n\n\nlot of the ideas for \"Pizza Delivery\". \"Pizza Delivery\" was released on the DVD compilation called \"SpongeBob SquarePants: Christmas\" on September 30, 2003. It was also included in \"SpongeBob SquarePants: The Complete 1st Season\" DVD released on October 28, 2003. On September 22, 2009, \"Pizza Delivery\" was released on the \"SpongeBob SquarePants: The First 100 Episodes\" DVD, alongside all the episodes of seasons one through five. \"Pizza Delivery\" received critical acclaim and is frequently", "id": "21306827" }, { "contents": "Turbo Dogs\n\n\nFive- A pizza delivery dog who is in charge in the Dog-Gone Pizzeria, Five is usually seen travelling on his pizza-delivery scooter. He got his name from his \"five minutes or less\" delivery policy. He is voiced by Joseph Motiki. The Chicken - A chicken who attempts to cross the road/track in every episode, and is usually costumed according to the theme of that particular segment. However, no matter how carefully he looks both ways, he is always narrowly missed by whoever is driving", "id": "3924154" }, { "contents": "Beckstrom's law\n\n\nThis new model values the network by looking from the edge of the network at all of the transactions conducted and the value added to each. It states that one way to contemplate the value the network adds to each transaction is to imagine the network being shut off and what the additional transactions costs or loss would be. It can thus be compared to the value of a pizza delivery service offered to its customers. If the pizza delivery service shut down, then the social value generated by its deliveries declines, and people will", "id": "10285837" }, { "contents": "Launch Party\n\n\n's favorite pizza place (Alfredo's Pizza Cafe, which is a real restaurant in Scranton) with a terrible pizza place (Pizza by Alfredo, which is fictional). When his coupon is then refused, he takes a stand for justice and holds the teenaged delivery driver (Kevin McHale) hostage, with both he and Dwight acting out their frustrations about Ryan and Angela, respectively. After some time, Michael realizes he is breaking the law and lets the kid go, and then heads up to crash the party in", "id": "8679757" }, { "contents": "Foodpanda\n\n\nFoodpanda accepts orders via its websites and mobile applications. It connects customers with restaurants that offer food delivery in their area and lets them choose, order and pay online. Foodpanda also has a review section on restaurant pages, where customers can comment on sales process, delivery, taste and overall impression of restaurants. The company raised a total of $318 million in venture capital. Foodpanda raised $20 million in initial funding from Investment AB Kinnevik, Phenomen Ventures and Rocket Internet in April 2013. In September 2013, iMENA Holdings", "id": "14488045" }, { "contents": "Alex Tumay\n\n\nhe dropped out. He was later working at restaurant jobs. One of these was a pizza delivery driver for Domino's Pizza. One of Tumay's friends introduced him to Logic Pro, a digital audio workstation program. He was interested in the program, but he could not figure out how to use it at the time, so one month later, he enrolled in Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida, to study audio engineering. Tumay graduated from the Full Sail in 2010 with a bachelor's degree in recording", "id": "12925651" }, { "contents": "Full Service Network\n\n\nPizza Hut's spokesperson, Chris Romoser, represented an advantage for everyone involved: users had to press fewer buttons on their remote control than they would have to dialing for delivery, and less restaurant-employee time will be required for the completion of the ordering process. According to Tom Feige, president of the FSN: Pizza Hut is a great example of how FSN customers not only watch television, they use television as well. The future of television lies in its potential to give users greater choice, convenience and control of", "id": "8332027" }, { "contents": "Food delivery\n\n\nwere some stores offer online menus and ordering. Since 1995, companies such as have their own interfaces where customers order food from nearby restaurants that have partnered with the service. Meal delivery requires special technology and care, since the food items are already cooked and prepared, and can be easily damaged if dropped, tilted, or left out for long periods of time. Hotbags are often used to keep food warm. They are thermal bags, typically made of vinyl, nylon, or Cordura, that passively retain heat.", "id": "8853616" }, { "contents": "Pizza delivery\n\n\n, track exact order and delivery times, manage calls and orders with PoS software, and other functions. Since 2008 GPS tracking technology has been used for real-time monitoring of delivery vehicles by customers over the Internet. Some pizzerias, such as the Ontario-based Canadian chain Pizza Pizza, will incorporate a guarantee to deliver within a predetermined period of time. For example, Domino's Pizza had a commercial campaign in the 1980s and early 1990s which guaranteed orders in 30 minutes. The guarantee was for 3 dollars off the", "id": "8673667" } ]
Why can't dentists just paint a clear coat on your teeth to prevent cavities, enamel wear, etc?
[{"answer": "We do. They're called [dental sealants]( URL_0 ). But, here's the problem: * They can't cover *all* of your teeth. They won't go below the gumline, for example, and the gumline is still a big part of dental health; * They can still wear down just from the process of using your teeth to eat and chew;"}, {"answer": "Every tooth I had sealed at age 10 developed a cavity by age 13. Subsequent dentists assume that they basically sealed in bacteria. Awesome for me."}, {"answer": "Sealants must not be anywhere your teeth touch. If there was any material there it would have an effect on your occlusion, or \"bite\". This can cause problems with the jaw muscles. That's why if you get a sealant or a filling or an implant there is so much focus on the new material's \"fit\". The new stuff should never be felt, it should fit in a way that is indistinguishable to the patient."}, {"answer": "Enamel is one of the hardest naturally-occurring surfaces in nature, and easily the hardest surface in the human body. Anything we'd put on teeth would simply melt away under the stress. Additionally, we do have a form of \"clear coat\" so to speak. Flouride acts as a way to \"seal\" enamel from further wear, as it helps to chemically rebuild \"holes\" in your natural enamel. The problem is that we don't currently have a way to re-grow enamel. However, there is some pretty extensive research going in to this issue right now. I'd expect to see some advances in the next few decades."}, {"answer": "The next question is - why doesn't my dental insurance cover sealants?"}, {"answer": "While all the people here tell about their healthy teeth, i am sitting here, 20 yrs old with 8 fillings. Dentist says i dont brush wrong and my teeth looks \"clean\" but i have a malacotic enamel, googled it, it means soft tooth or something. Fuck genetics."}, {"answer": "They do/ used to do the shit where they put some kind of enamel type stuff I the crevasses on the tips of your rear teeth to help I had it done when I was I toddler"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "414341", "title": "Teeth cleaning", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Teeth cleaning is part of oral hygiene and involves the removal of dental plaque from teeth with the intention of preventing cavities (dental caries), gingivitis, and periodontal disease", "Teeth cleaning is part of oral hygiene and involves the removal of dental plaque from teeth with the intention of preventing cavities (dental caries), gingivitis, and periodontal disease. People routinely clean their own teeth by brushing and interdental cleaning, and dental hygienists can remove hardened deposits (tartar) not removed by routine cleaning. Those with dentures and natural teeth may supplement their cleaning with a denture cleaner."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Teeth cleaning\n\n\nnecessary during treatment of dental and other oral disorders. Routine examination of the teeth is recommended at least every year. This may include yearly, select dental X-rays. See also dental plaque identification procedure and removal. Good oral hygiene helps to prevent cavities, tartar build-up, and gum disease. Overly vigorous or incorrectly performed brushing or flossing may cause injury to the gingiva (gums). Improper or over-vigorous brushing may cause sore gums, damage to tooth enamel, gingivitis, and bleeding gums. Dentists", "id": "20265627" }, { "contents": "Tooth enamel\n\n\n. After destruction of enamel from decay or injury, neither the body nor a dentist can restore the enamel tissue. Enamel can be affected further by non-pathologic processes. Enamel is covered by various structures in relation to the development of tooth: Progress of enamel formation for primary teeth The high mineral content of enamel, which makes this tissue the hardest in the human body, also makes it susceptible to a demineralization process that often occurs as dental caries, otherwise known as cavities. Demineralization occurs for several reasons, but the", "id": "12696242" }, { "contents": "Tooth\n\n\nand can be painful. Kangaroos, elephants, and manatees are unusual among mammals because they are polyphyodonts. In Aardvarks, teeth lack enamel and have many pulp tubules, hence the name of the order Tubulidentata. In dogs, the teeth are less likely than humans to form dental cavities because of the very high pH of dog saliva, which prevents enamel from demineralizing. Sometimes called cuspids, these teeth are shaped like points (cusps) and are used for tearing and grasping food Like human teeth, whale teeth have polyp-", "id": "19534849" }, { "contents": "Fluoride therapy\n\n\nis, and depending upon the concentration of other substances in the mouth, such as phosphate and calcium. Fluoride reduces the decay of tooth enamel by the formation of fluorapatite and its incorporation into the dental enamel. The fluoride ions reduce the rate of tooth enamel demineralization and increase the rate of remineralization of teeth at the early stages of cavities. Fluoride exerts these effects by the demineralization and remineralization cycle. The remineralization cycle, critical to decay prevention, occurs when fluoride is present in the oral cavity. After fluoride is swallowed it", "id": "2611293" }, { "contents": "Tooth pathology\n\n\nTooth pathology is any condition of the teeth that can be congenital or acquired. Sometimes a congenital tooth diseases are called \"tooth abnormalities\". These are among the most common diseases in humans The prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of these diseases are the base to the dentistry profession, in which are dentists and dental hygienists, and its sub-specialties, such as oral medicine, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and endodontics. Tooth pathology is usually separated from other types of dental issues, including enamel hypoplasia and tooth wear", "id": "7742148" }, { "contents": "Tooth enamel\n\n\nenamel matrix, which consists of an active secretory work period followed by an inactive rest period during tooth development. Thus, each band on the enamel rod demonstrates the work/rest pattern of the ameloblasts that generally occurs over a span of a week. Perikymata which are associated with the Striae are shallow grooves noted clinically on the nonmasticatory surfaces of some teeth in the oral cavity. Perikymata are usually lost through tooth wear, except on the protected cervical regions of some teeth, especially the permanent maxillary central incisors, canines, and", "id": "12696234" }, { "contents": "Mammal tooth\n\n\nare encased in a bony shell separated by soft tissue. Walrus tusks are canine teeth that grow continuously throughout life. In dogs, the teeth are less likely than humans to form dental cavities because of the very high pH of dog saliva, which prevents enamel from demineralizing. In Aardvarks, teeth lack enamel and have many pulp tubules, hence the name of the order Tubulidentata. The toothed whales, comprising the Odontoceti suborder of the cetaceans, are differentiated from the baleen whales by the presence of their teeth. The number of", "id": "6931561" }, { "contents": "Dental fluorosis\n\n\nappearances. The clinical manifestation of mild dental fluorosis is mostly characterised a snow flaking appearance that lack a clear border, opaque, white spots, narrow white lines following the perikymata or patches as the opacities may coalesce with an intact, hard and smooth enamel surface on most of the teeth. With increasing severity, the subsurface enamel, all along the tooth becomes more porous. Enamel may appear yellow/ brown discolouration and/ or many and pitted white-brown lesions that look like cavities. They are often described as “mottled teeth”", "id": "3680419" }, { "contents": "Biological aspects of fluorine\n\n\nhypothesized that fluoride helped by converting tooth enamel from the more acid-soluble mineral hydroxyapatite to the less acid-soluble mineral fluorapatite. However, more recent studies showed no difference in the frequency of caries (cavities) amongst teeth that were pre-fluoridated to different degrees. Current thinking is that fluoride prevents cavities primarily by helping teeth that are in the very early stages of tooth decay. When teeth begin to decay from the acid of sugar-consuming bacteria, calcium is lost (\"demineralization\"). However, teeth", "id": "272019" }, { "contents": "Remineralisation of teeth\n\n\ncavity-prevention effect of fluoride is partly due to these surface effects, which occur during and after tooth eruption. Fluoride interferes with the process of tooth decay as fluoride intake during the period of enamel development for up to 7 years of age; the fluoride alters the structure of the developing enamel making it more resistant to acid attack. In children and adults when teeth are subjected to the alternating stages of demineralisation and remineralisation, the presence of fluoride intake encourages remineralisation and ensures that the enamel crystals that are laid down are of", "id": "5241277" }, { "contents": "Enamel paint\n\n\nEnamel paint is paint that air-dries to a hard, usually glossy, finish, used for coating surfaces that are outdoors or otherwise subject to hard wear or variations in temperature; it should not be confused with decorated objects in \"painted enamel\", where vitreous enamel is applied with brushes and fired in a kiln. The name is something of a misnomer, as in reality, most commercially available enamel paints are significantly softer than either vitreous enamel or stoved synthetic resins, and are totally different in composition; vitreous enamel", "id": "12696344" }, { "contents": "Kaikaifilu\n\n\nmeaning that there is more than one distinct type of teeth: medium-sized conical teeth without any wear facets; medium-sized conical teeth with two or three wear facets on their outside and inside surfaces; very large conical teeth without any wear facets; and small, relatively blunt teeth with D-shaped cross-sections and soft enamel (which probably represent growing teeth). The only other heterodont mosasaur known is \"Eremiasaurus\". It is not known why \"Kaikaifilu\" or \"Eremiasaurus\" were heterodont unlike their", "id": "21571205" }, { "contents": "Fluorine deficiency\n\n\nincorporates into the teeth to form and harden teeth enamels so that the teeth are more acid resistant as well as more resistant to cavity forming bacteria. Caries-inhibiting effects of fluoride were first seen in 1902 when fluoride in high concentrations was found to stain teeth and prevent tooth decay. Fluoride salts, particularly sodium fluoride (NaF), are used in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. Symptoms such as fractured hips in the elderly or brittle and weak bones are caused due to fluorine deficiency in the body. Fluoride stimulates bone", "id": "6142327" }, { "contents": "Tooth enamel\n\n\nmost important cause of tooth decay is the ingestion of fermentable carbohydrates. Tooth cavities are caused when acids dissolve tooth enamel: Enamel is also lost through tooth wear and enamel fractures. Sugars and acids from candies, soft drinks, and fruit juices play a significant role in tooth decay, and consequently in enamel destruction. The mouth contains a great number and variety of bacteria, and when sucrose, the most common of sugars, coats the surface of the mouth, some intraoral bacteria interact with it and form lactic acid, which", "id": "12696243" }, { "contents": "Remineralisation of teeth\n\n\nTooth remineralisation is a naturally occurring process in the oral cavity. It is defined as a process in which calcium and phosphate ions are sourced to promote ion deposition into crystal voids in demineralised enamel. Remineralisation remains imperative towards the management of non-cavitated carious lesions and prevention of disease progression within the oral cavity. The process also has the ability to contribute towards restoring strength and function within tooth structure. Tooth demineralization is a chemical process by which minerals (mainly calcium) are removed from any of the hard tissues: enamel,", "id": "5241266" }, { "contents": "Microplasma\n\n\nScientists found that microplasmas are capable of inactivating bacteria that causes tooth decay and periodontal diseases. By directing low temperature microplasma beams at the calcified tissue structure beneath the tooth enamel coating called dentin, it severely reduces the amount of dental bacteria and in turn reduces infection. This aspect of microplasma could allow dentists to use microplasma technology to destroy bacteria in tooth cavities instead of using mechanical means. Developers claim that microplasma devices will enable dentists to effectively treat oral-borne diseases with little pain to their patients. Recent studies show that microplasmas", "id": "8602887" }, { "contents": "Dental fluorosis\n\n\na dentist, Frederick McKay, set up practice in Colorado Springs in 1901 and discovered a high proportion of the residents had stained teeth, locally termed the \"Colorado brown stain\". He took this information to Greene Vardiman Black, a prominent American dentist of the time. After examining specimens of affected enamel, in 1916 Black described the condition as \"[a]n endemic imperfection of the enamel of the teeth, heretofore unknown in the literature of dentistry.\" They made the interesting observation that although the mottled enamel was hypomineralized,", "id": "3680437" }, { "contents": "Fluoride therapy\n\n\nre-released into the oral cavity from these reservoirs which acts as protection for the teeth against cavities. Currently, there is also no published evidence that indicates that professionally applied fluoride varnish is a risk factor for enamel fluorosis. The varnish is applied with a brush and sets within seconds. Fluoride varnish has shown to be effective in reducing initial dental decay lesions in both primary and permanent dentition. Application of fluoride varnish every six months is effective in preventing dental decay in primary and permanent teeth of children and adolescents. Devices that", "id": "2611311" }, { "contents": "Bruxism\n\n\n. Once tooth wear progresses through the enamel layer, the exposed dentin layer is softer and more vulnerable to wear and tooth decay. If enough of the tooth is worn away or decayed, the tooth will effectively be weakened, and may fracture under the increased forces that occur in bruxism. Abfraction is another type of tooth wear that is postulated to occur with bruxism, although some still argue whether this type of tooth wear is a reality. Abfraction cavities are said to occur usually on the facial aspect of teeth, in the", "id": "20589832" }, { "contents": "Human tooth development\n\n\nthe bell stage. The dental lamina disintegrates, leaving the developing teeth completely separated from the epithelium of the oral cavity; the two will not join again until the final eruption of the tooth into the mouth. The crown of the tooth, which is influenced by the shape of the inner enamel epithelium, also takes shape during this stage. Throughout the mouth, all teeth undergo this same process; it is still uncertain why teeth form various crown shapes—for instance, incisors versus canines. There are two dominant hypotheses.", "id": "5091473" }, { "contents": "Oral ecology\n\n\nbacteria thrive in our mouths. In addition, there are other ways to further reduce the risk of invaders harming the mouths’ health. Visits to the dentist can be beneficial where fluoride treatments are available. Combined with dental sealants, these treatments can, in most cases, ensure prevention of harmful bacterial effects. Fluoride is extremely effective in protecting enamel on the teeth. “Fluoride, a chemical that appears naturally in groundwater in many areas of the world, quickly bonds with the tooth's enamel to maintain its smooth crystalline surface", "id": "15409953" }, { "contents": "Dead & Buried (House)\n\n\n. The team starts discussing the case when Chase comes back from the dentist. Park is looking for a new dentist and asks Chase who he saw, but Chase just comes up with a generic last name and Park wonders why he can't remember the name of the dentist he just saw. Chase tries to alibi himself, but Park notices he has a fresh manicure and wonders why he lied about going to the dentist. He says he lied to avoid talking to his colleagues about where he was. Taub and Adams try", "id": "20965704" }, { "contents": "Hunting hypothesis\n\n\nand absorption of nutrients. The ape's gut is primarily colon, which indicates a vegetarian diet. This structural difference supports the hunting hypothesis in being an evolutionary branching point between modern humans and modern primates. Buss also cites human teeth in that fossilized human teeth have a thin enamel coating with very little heavy wear and tear that would result from a plant diet. The absence of thick enamel also indicates that historically humans have maintained a meat-heavy diet. Buss notes that the bones of animals human ancestors killed found at Olduvai", "id": "7360655" }, { "contents": "Heterodontosaurus\n\n\nbut only the lower ones were serrated at the front. Eleven tall and chisel-like cheek-teeth lined each side of the posterior parts of the upper jaw, which were separated from the canines by a large diastema (gap). The cheek-teeth increased gradually in size, with the middle teeth being largest, and decreased in size after this point. These teeth had a heavy coat of enamel on the inwards side, and were adapted for wear (hypsodonty), and they had long roots, firmly embedded", "id": "5744733" }, { "contents": "Eyewitness memory (child testimony)\n\n\nof a woman arriving at the dentist for dental surgery, checking in at reception, and having her teeth looked at by the dentist. The woman was portrayed as afraid of the dentist, so the video had a negative emotional quality. After viewing the video, the children were given misinformation about the event either verbally or written based on the condition that they were placed in. In the written narrative condition, misinformation was introduced, such as mislabeling the color of the woman's coat or mentioning that she was wearing glasses when", "id": "7557547" }, { "contents": "Human tooth\n\n\nThe most important advantage of electric toothbrushes is their ability to aid people with dexterity difficulties, such as those associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Fluoride therapy is often recommended to protect against dental caries. Water fluoridation and fluoride supplements decrease the incidence of dental caries. Fluoride helps prevent dental decay by binding to the hydroxyapatite crystals in enamel. The incorporated fluoride makes enamel more resistant to demineralization and thus more resistant to decay. Topical fluoride, such as a fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash, is also recommended to protect teeth surfaces. Many dentists include", "id": "19316719" }, { "contents": "Dentin\n\n\nits elasticity. Elephant tusks are formed with a thin cap of enamel, which soon wears away, leaving the dentin exposed. Exposed dentin in humans causes the symptom of sensitive teeth. Because dentin is softer than enamel, it wears away more quickly than enamel. Some mammalian teeth exploit this phenomenon, especially herbivores such as horses, deer or elephants. In many herbivores, the \"occlusal\" (biting) surface of the tooth is composed of alternating areas of dentin and enamel. Differential wearing causes sharp ridges of enamel to", "id": "15130782" }, { "contents": "Tooth impaction\n\n\neach tooth). The wisdom teeth (third molars) are frequently impacted because they are the last teeth to erupt in the oral cavity. Mandibular third molars are more commonly impacted than their maxillary counterparts. Some dentists believe that impacted teeth should be removed except, in certain cases, canine teeth: canines may just remain buried and give no further problems, thus not requiring surgical intervention. However, removal of asymptomatic, pathology-free, impacted teeth isn't a medical consensus: watchful monitoring may be a more prudent and", "id": "19231611" }, { "contents": "Möbius syndrome\n\n\nage, and all 20 teeth may be in by two and a half years of age. The eruption timing varies greatly. There may be an incomplete formation of the enamel on the teeth (enamel hypoplasia) that makes the teeth more vulnerable to caries (cavities). There may be missing teeth eruptions. If the infant is not closing down properly, the lower jaws become more noticeably deficient (micrognathia or retrognathia). The front teeth may not touch when the child closes down because the back teeth have overerrupted or because", "id": "8424449" }, { "contents": "Dentistry\n\n\n(dentures), endodontic (root canal) therapy, periodontal (gum) therapy, and extraction of teeth, as well as performing examinations, radiographs (x-rays), and diagnosis. Dentists can also prescribe medications such as antibiotics, sedatives, and any other drugs used in patient management. Dentists also encourage prevention of oral diseases through proper hygiene and regular, twice yearly, checkups for professional cleaning and evaluation. Oral infections and inflammations may affect overall health and conditions in the oral cavity may be indicative of systemic", "id": "8107086" }, { "contents": "Anatomy\n\n\nhave no limbs or limbs modified into fins and the forelimbs of bats are modified into wings. The legs of most mammals are situated below the trunk, which is held well clear of the ground. The bones of mammals are well ossified and their teeth, which are usually differentiated, are coated in a layer of prismatic enamel. The teeth are shed once (milk teeth) during the animal's lifetime or not at all, as is the case in cetaceans. Mammals have three bones in the middle ear and a cochlea", "id": "71956" }, { "contents": "Greene Vardiman Black\n\n\nfluorosis and ideal cavity preparations. One of his many inventions was a foot-driven dental drill. He is also known for his principles of tooth preparations, in which he outlines the proper methods to prepare teeth for fillings. These cavity preparations used principles of engineering and material sciences to maximize strength and retention of the amalgam filling and minimize fractures as well as tooth anatomy, to minimize pulp exposure. The phrase, \"extension for prevention,\" is still famous in the dental community today and represents Black's idea that dentists", "id": "19769800" }, { "contents": "Biomineralization\n\n\ncalcium-based biomineralization pathways. Iron is stored in close proximity to magnetite-coated chiton teeth, so that the teeth can be renewed as they wear. Not only is there a marked similarity between the magnetite deposition process and enamel deposition in vertebrates but some vertebrates even have comparable iron storage facilities near their teeth. It has been suggested that biominerals could be important indicators of extraterrestrial life and thus could play an important role in the search for past or present life on Mars. Furthermore, organic components (biosignatures) that are", "id": "17780323" }, { "contents": "Aardvark\n\n\na pulp cavity, each tooth has a cluster of thin, hexagonal, upright, parallel tubes of vasodentin (a modified form of dentine), with individual pulp canals, held together by cementum. The number of columns is dependent on the size of the tooth, with the largest having about 1,500. The teeth have no enamel coating and are worn away and regrow continuously. The aardvark is born with conventional incisors and canines at the front of the jaw, which fall out and are not replaced. Adult aardvarks have only", "id": "72102" }, { "contents": "Tooth enamel\n\n\nthroughout the day. In addition to bacterial invasion, enamel is also susceptible to other destructive forces. Bruxism, also known as clenching of or grinding on teeth, destroys enamel very quickly. The wear rate of enamel, called attrition, is 8 micrometers a year from normal factors. A common misconception is that enamel wears away mostly from chewing, but actually teeth rarely touch during chewing. Furthermore, normal tooth contact is compensated physiologically by the periodontal ligaments (pdl) and the arrangement of dental occlusion. The truly destructive forces", "id": "12696248" }, { "contents": "Talon cusp\n\n\nteeth and the tongue, and if large enough, may pose an aesthetic problem. Talon cusps that are too large are filed down with a motorized file, and then endodontic therapy is administered. In order to prevent any future dental complications, when talon cusp is present due to an early diagnosis it would be best to see a dentist regularly every six months for routine dental checkups, remain under observation, brush and floss properly and undergo regular topical applications of fluoride gel to prevent caries and to promote enamel strength. Future studies", "id": "7044389" }, { "contents": "Acid erosion\n\n\nthe central incisors. This causes the cutting edge of the tooth to become transparent. A second sign is a yellowish tint on the eroded tooth. This occurs because the white enamel has eroded away to reveal the yellowish dentin beneath. On top of clinical examination, the dentist may take intra-oral photographs to monitor the extent and progress of erosion. Clinical photographs lead to comparable results to a visual examination, however both may result in an underestimation of the extent of tooth wear. A change in shape of the teeth is", "id": "11071174" }, { "contents": "Bolinao Skull\n\n\nfor his services. In more recent times, dentists used gold to fill in cavities because the metal is soft and does not decay. For these same reasons, our ancestors used the metal for dental decoration in the pre-colonial era. The gold would be made into pegs that would be put in the teeth; this was a painful procedure. Teeth goldwork, therefore, was not just a sign of social status, but also of strength and bravery. \"Pusad:\" Tooth goldwork. \"Mananusad:\" Dental", "id": "22038896" }, { "contents": "Streptococcus mutans\n\n\ni.e. to form biofilms. Use of Anti Cell-Associated Glucosyltransferase (Anti-CA-gtf) Immunoglobulin Y disrupts \"S. mutans\"' ability to adhere to the teeth enamel, thus preventing it from reproducing. Studies have shown that Anti-CA-gtf IgY is able to effectively and specifically suppress \"S. mutans\" in the oral cavity. Other common preventative measures center on reducing sugar intake. One way this is done is with sugar replacements such as xylitol or erythritol which cannot be metabolized into sugars which normally", "id": "11177392" }, { "contents": "Diesel fuel tanks in trucks\n\n\n. The purpose is to clean away the oils and particles left behind from the manufacturing process to prepare the surface for painting. This applies primarily for steel tanks, but some aluminum tanks may also be painted. Stainless steel tanks are rarely painted due to their inherent corrosion resistant properties. The final step in the manufacturing process is to apply the coatings. All openings are plugged to prevent paint or other contaminants from entering the fuel tank. Some of the most common coatings include rust resistant enamel, epoxy paint or powder coating to", "id": "16602528" }, { "contents": "Oral ecology\n\n\nto dissolve the ligaments and bone that help to hold the teeth in your mouth.” By turning simple sugars and carbohydrates into acids and enzymes that dissolve tooth enamel, this bacteria can leave a person with lasting dental problems. According to Dr. Robert Gandola, a dentist, “A number of bacteria can cause decay [and many] are suspected in periodontal (gum) disease.” Oral bacteria work with our immune system to keep our bodies disease free by fighting disease-producing germs that try to come in through the", "id": "15409940" }, { "contents": "Chiton\n\n\nnear the rear of the mantle cavity. The single gonad is located in front of the heart, and releases gametes through a pair of pores just in front of those used for excretion. The mouth is located on the underside of the animal, and contains a tongue-like structure called a radula, which has numerous rows of 17 teeth each. The teeth are coated with magnetite, a hard ferric/ferrous oxide mineral. The radula is used to scrape microscopic algae off the substratum. The mouth cavity itself is lined", "id": "8488732" }, { "contents": "Timothy syndrome\n\n\narrhythmia (94%), heart malformations (59%), and autism or an autism spectrum disorder (80% who survive long enough for evaluation). Facial dysmorphologies such as flattened noses also occur in about half of patients. Children with this disorder have small teeth, which due to poor enamel coating, are prone to dental cavities and often require removal. The average age of death due to complications of these symptoms is 2.5 years. Atypical Timothy syndrome has largely the same symptoms as the classical form. Differences in", "id": "4997727" }, { "contents": "Dental sealant\n\n\nwhich was also being practiced by H. Klein and J.W. Knutson in the 1940s, was being used in attempt to prevent and arrest occlusal caries. In 1921, T.P. Hyatt, a pioneer researcher, was the first person to recommend prophylactic odontotomy (preventive operation). This procedure involved creating Class 1 cavity preps of teeth that were considered at risk of developing occlusal caries, which included all pits and fissures. The widening of the pits and fissures were then filled with amalgam. C.F Bödecker, a dentist and researcher, also made", "id": "11515802" }, { "contents": "Saltillo tile\n\n\ninstallation, depending on your locale. Treatments for Saltillo include: coating them with a surface sealant prior to grouting (as mentioned earlier), applying an admixture of linseed oil and paint thinner, applying natural stone colour enhancers, applying floor hardeners, applying shine, painting them with a water-based paint, coating them with wood stain, etc. As the tile is incredibly porous it will readily absorb just about any liquid. Please note any of these treatments may be used on the tile, however, some of them", "id": "19184481" }, { "contents": "Sjögren syndrome\n\n\nproliferation of bacteria that cause cavities. Treatments include at-home topical fluoride application to strengthen tooth enamel and frequent teeth cleanings by a dental hygienist. Existing cavities must also be treated, as cavities that extend into the tooth can not be effectively treated through teeth cleaning alone, and are at a high risk of spreading into the pulp of the tooth, leading to the loss of vitality and need for extraction or root canal therapy. This treatment regimen is the same as for all xerostomia patients—such as those undergoing head and", "id": "14755545" }, { "contents": "Tooth decay\n\n\nTooth decay, also known as dental caries or cavities, is a breakdown of teeth due to acids made by bacteria. The cavities may be a number of different colors from yellow to black. Symptoms may include pain and difficulty with eating. Complications may include inflammation of the tissue around the tooth, tooth loss, and infection or abscess formation. The cause of cavities is acid from bacteria dissolving the hard tissues of the teeth (enamel, dentin and cementum). The acid is produced by the bacteria when they break down", "id": "20265636" }, { "contents": "Black oxide\n\n\nis chemically stable and very adherent. It is stable up to ; above this temperature the coating degrades due to oxidation of the base copper. To increase corrosion resistance, the surface may be oiled, lacquered, or waxed. It is also used as a pre-treatment for painting or enamelling. The surface finish is usually satin, but it can be turned glossy by coating in a clear high-gloss enamel. On a microscopic scale dendrites form on the surface finish, which trap light and increase absorptivity. Because of", "id": "17735799" }, { "contents": "Olaflur\n\n\nOlaflur (INN, or amine fluoride 297) is a fluoride-containing substance that is an ingredient of toothpastes and solutions for the prevention of dental caries. It has been in use since 1966. Especially in combination with dectaflur, it is also used in the form of gels for the treatment of early stages of caries, sensitive teeth, and by dentists for the refluoridation of damaged tooth enamel. Overdosage leads to irritation of the oral mucosa. In especially sensitive persons, even standard doses of olaflur can cause irritation. Like", "id": "13783767" }, { "contents": "Automotive paint\n\n\ndifference is most marked. The terminology for automotive paints has been driven by the progression of technologies and by the desire to both distinguish new technologies and relate to previous technologies for the same purpose. Modern car paints are nearly always an acrylic polyurethane \"enamel\" with a pigmented basecoat and a clear topcoat. It may be described as \"acrylic\", \"acrylic enamel\", \"urethane\", etc. and the clearcoat in particular may be described as a lacquer. True lacquers and acrylic lacquers are obsolete, and plain", "id": "11277142" }, { "contents": "Tooth decay\n\n\ndietary inorganic iodine, plays an important physiological role in the maintenance of oral (and gastro-oesophageal) tissue integrity, and, on the other hand, iodine is effective in prevention of dental caries and oral health. Teeth are bathed in saliva and have a coating of bacteria on them (biofilm) that continually forms. The minerals in the hard tissues of the teeth (enamel, dentin and cementum) are constantly undergoing processes of demineralization and remineralisation. Dental caries results when the demineralization rate is faster than the remineralisation and", "id": "20265664" }, { "contents": "Enamel organ\n\n\nand the compound type shows calcified structures resembling teeth in the centre of a well-defined radiolucent lesion. Some factors related to the development of odontomes are: The first reported case of an odontome erupting in the oral cavity was in 1980. Dens Invaginatus is a dental anomaly which means that the affected tooth (dilated odontome) contains a cavity that is completely or partially lined by enamel, radiographically resembling a tooth within a tooth (dens in dente). There is a lack of consensus on the aetiology of dens invaginatus.", "id": "12698868" }, { "contents": "Tooth\n\n\ngrowth or eruption is held in balance by dental abrasion from chewing a diet high in fiber. Rodents have upper and lower hypselodont incisors that can continuously grow enamel throughout its life without having properly formed roots. These teeth are also known as aradicular teeth, and unlike humans whose ameloblasts die after tooth development, rodents continually produce enamel, they must wear down their teeth by gnawing on various materials. Enamel and dentin are produced by the enamel organ, and growth is dependent on the presence of stem cells, cellular amplification, and", "id": "19534861" }, { "contents": "Tooth decay\n\n\nit is effective at preventing caries. The use of dental sealants is a means of prevention. A sealant is a thin plastic-like coating applied to the chewing surfaces of the molars to prevent food from being trapped inside pits and fissures. This deprives resident plaque bacteria of carbohydrate, preventing the formation of pit and fissure caries. Sealants are usually applied on the teeth of children, as soon as the teeth erupt but adults are receiving them if not previously performed. Sealants can wear out and fail to prevent access of food", "id": "20265697" }, { "contents": "Crown (dentistry)\n\n\nVita Mark I and Mark II blocks are still clinically successful after 5 years. Further, at least 90% of restorations still function successfully after 10 years. Advantages of the Mark II blocks over ceramic blocks include: they wear down as fast as natural teeth, their failure loads are very similar to those of natural teeth, and the wear pattern of Mark II against enamel is similar to that of enamel against enamel. In recent years, the technological advances afforded by CAD/CAM dentistry offer viable alternatives to the traditional crown", "id": "14940687" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nfluoridation can be divided into three periods. The first () was research into the cause of a form of mottled tooth enamel called the Colorado brown stain. The second (c. 1933–1945) focused on the relationship between fluoride concentrations, fluorosis, and tooth decay, and established that moderate levels of fluoride prevent cavities. The third period, from 1945 on, focused on adding fluoride to community water supplies. In the first half of the 19th century, investigators established that fluoride occurs with varying concentrations in teeth, bone, and", "id": "1723362" }, { "contents": "Enamel paint\n\n\nbrands of higher quality, floor coatings of a high gloss finish, or spray paints. Most enamel paints are alkyd resin based. Some enamel paints have been made by adding varnish to oil-based paint. Although \"enamels\" and \"painted enamel\" in art normally refer to vitreous enamel, in the 20th century some artists used commercial enamel paints in art, including Pablo Picasso (mixing it with oil paint), Hermann-Paul, Jackson Pollock, and Sidney Nolan. \"The Trial\" (1947) is", "id": "12696346" }, { "contents": "Dental papilla\n\n\nthe cap of the enamel organ then condenses into the dental sac. A basement membrane separate the enamel organ and the dental sac. The dental sac produces the periodontium in future development. The periodontium is the tissue that surrounds and supports the teeth. It includes the connective tissue and overlying keratinised membrane lining the oral cavity that surrounds the teeth, the periodontal ligament, cementum which provides a protective covering for the root surface and supporting alveolar bone This is the fourth stage of tooth development which occurs between the eleventh and twelfth week of", "id": "12212745" }, { "contents": "Champsosaurus\n\n\nbones (gastralia) function with this ribcage to regulate the volume of the pleural cavity, effectively controlling the animal's center of gravity for underwater motion. \"Champsosaurus\", like many of its fellow neochoristoderes, features teeth with striated enamel of the tooth crown with enamel infolding at the base. Anterior teeth are typically sharper and more slender than posterior segments. Previously, two species of \"Champsosaurae\" were identified from the Tullock formation in Montana, USA. Because of their nesting behavior on land, it is believed that female", "id": "20706417" }, { "contents": "Animal tooth development\n\n\nanalogues. The labial half is made of enamel and resembles a crown, while the lingual half is made of dentin and resembles a root. The mineral distribution in rodent enamel is different from that of monkeys, dogs, pigs, and humans. In horse teeth, enamel and dentin layers are intertwined, which increases the strength and decreases the wear rate of the teeth. Contrary to popular belief, horse teeth do not \"grow\" indefinitely. Rather, existing tooth erupts from below the gumline. Horses start to \"run", "id": "21485105" }, { "contents": "Tooth enamel\n\n\nBecause enamel is vulnerable to demineralization, prevention of tooth decay is the best way to maintain the health of teeth. Most countries have wide use of toothbrushes, which can reduce the number of dental biofilm and food particles on enamel. In isolated societies that do not have access to toothbrushes, it is common for those people to use other objects, such as sticks, to clean their teeth. In between two adjacent teeth, floss is used to wipe the enamel surfaces free of plaque and food particles to discourage bacterial growth.", "id": "12696251" }, { "contents": "Remineralisation of teeth\n\n\nto prevent demineralisation progression. Saliva function can be organised into five major categories that serve to maintain oral health and create an appropriate ecologic balance: As the demineralisation process continues, the pH of the mouth becomes more acidic which promotes the development of cavities. Dissolved minerals then diffuse out of the tooth structure and into the saliva surrounding the tooth. The buffering capacity of saliva greatly impacts the pH of plaque surrounding the enamel, thereby inhibiting caries progression. Plaque thickness and the number of bacteria present determine the effectiveness of salivary buffers.", "id": "5241273" }, { "contents": "Dentistry\n\n\nuse of high quality scientific evidence to guide decision-making. The term dentistry comes from \"dentist\", which comes from French \"dentiste\", which comes from the French and Latin words for tooth. The term for the associated scientific study of teeth is odontology (from Ancient Greek ὀδούς (odoús, \"tooth\")) – the study of the structure, development, and abnormalities of the teeth. Dentistry usually encompasses practices related to the oral cavity. According to the World Health Organization, oral diseases are major", "id": "8107083" }, { "contents": "Anti-graffiti coating\n\n\nAn anti-graffiti coating is a coating that prevents graffiti paint from bonding to surfaces. Cleaning graffiti off buildings costs billions of dollars annually. Many cities have started anti-graffiti programs but vandalism is still a problem. Companies across the globe are attempting to develop coatings to prevent vandals from defacing public and private property. The coatings being developed can be the paint itself, or a clear coat added on top of existing paint or building facades. Depending on the substrate and the severity of graffiti, different coatings give different benefits", "id": "4872461" }, { "contents": "Veneer (dentistry)\n\n\nIn a controversial opinion, Dr. Michael Zuk, a Canadian DDS, profiles in his opinion and problems of overuse of porcelain veneers by certain cosmetic dentists in 'Confessions of a Former Cosmetic Dentist'. He suggests that the use of veneers for 'instant orthodontics' or simulated straightening of the teeth can be harmful, especially for younger people with healthy teeth. Leading dentists caution that minor superficial damage or normal wear to the teeth is not justification for porcelain or ceramic veneers. This is because the preparation needed to apply a veneer", "id": "18753578" }, { "contents": "Toothpaste\n\n\nThe polishing of teeth removes stains from tooth surfaces, but has not been shown to improve dental health over and above the effects of the removal of plaque and calculus. The abrasive effect of toothpaste is indicated by its RDA value. Too high RDA values are deleterious. Some dentists recommend toothpaste with an RDA value no higher than 50 for daily use. Fluoride in various forms is the most popular active ingredient in toothpaste to prevent cavities. Fluoride is present in small amounts in plants, animals, and some natural water sources.", "id": "16638724" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nveneer is much more acid-resistant than the original hydroxyapatite, and is formed more quickly than ordinary remineralized enamel would be. The cavity-prevention effect of fluoride is mostly due to these surface effects, which occur during and after tooth eruption. Although some systemic (whole-body) fluoride returns to the saliva via blood plasma, and to unerupted teeth via plasma or crypt fluid, there is little data to determine what percentages of fluoride's anticavity effect comes from these systemic mechanisms. Also, although fluoride affects the physiology", "id": "1723343" }, { "contents": "Livyatan\n\n\nteeth on both the upper and lower jaws, which were used in capturing large prey, and had an enamel coating. Conversely, the modern sperm whale (\"Physeter macrocephalus\") lacks enamel, teeth in the upper jaw, and the ability to use its teeth to catch prey. \"Livyatan\" belongs to a different lineage to the other raptorial sperm whales, and the size increase and the development of the spermaceti organ, an organ that is characteristic of sperm whales, are thought to have evolved independently from other raptorial", "id": "21343800" }, { "contents": "Dentures\n\n\nthe loss of connective tissue to the root surface that leads to teeth falling out. The hormones associated with pregnancy increases the risk of Gingivitis and vomiting. Hormones released during pregnancy softens the cardia muscle ring that keeps food within the stomach. Hydrochloric acid is the acid involved in gastric reflux, also known as morning sickness. This acid, at a pH of 1.5-3.5 coats the enamel on the teeth; at a pH of 6.5 and mainly affect the palatal surfaces of the maxillary teeth, eventually the enamel is softened and", "id": "3689720" }, { "contents": "Remineralisation of teeth\n\n\nare dissolved out of the enamel into the plaque and once the plaque acid has been neutralised the minerals can return to the enamel surface. However the capacity for remineralisation is limited and if sugars enter the mouth too frequently a net loss of mineral from the enamel surface results in a cavity through which bacteria can penetrate and infect the inner structure of the tooth. Although a key feature of tooth decay is the increase of bacteria such as \"Streptococcus mutans\" and \"Lactobacillus\" in dental plaque, it is not considered as an", "id": "5241269" }, { "contents": "Tooth enamel\n\n\npits, and fissures of enamel. This is expected because these locations are impossible to reach with a toothbrush and allow for bacteria to reside there. When demineralization of enamel occurs, a dentist can use a sharp instrument, such as a dental explorer, and \"feel a stick\" at the location of the decay. As enamel continues to become less mineralized and is unable to prevent the encroachment of bacteria, the underlying dentin becomes affected as well. When dentin, which normally supports enamel, is destroyed by a physiologic condition", "id": "12696245" }, { "contents": "Amazonian manatee\n\n\nreplacement, but elephants have a limited set of these replacement teeth. As the teeth migrate rostrally in the manatee, the roots will be resorbed and the thin enamel will wear down until the tooth is eventually shed. Referred to as cheek teeth, differentiation of manatee teeth into molars and premolars has not occurred, and manatees additionally do not have incisors or canine teeth. These teeth migrate at a rate of about 1-2 mm/month, based on wear and chewing rates. The Amazonian manatee lacks nails on its flippers", "id": "10621312" }, { "contents": "Crown (tooth)\n\n\nIn dentistry, crown refers to the anatomical area of teeth, usually covered by enamel. The crown is usually visible in the mouth after developing below the gingiva and then erupting into place. If part of the tooth gets chipped or broken, a dentist can apply an artificial crown. Crowns are used most commonly to entirely cover a damaged tooth or cover an implant. Bridges are also used to cover a space if one or more teeth is missing. They are cemented to natural teeth or implants surrounding the space where the tooth", "id": "7246622" }, { "contents": "Enamel paint\n\n\none of a number of works by Nolan to use enamel paint, usually Ripolin, a commercial paint not intended for art, also Picasso's usual brand. Some \"enamel paints\" are now produced specifically for artists. Enamels paints can also refer to nitro-cellulose based paints, one of the first modern commercial paints of the 20th century. They have since been superseded by new synthetic coatings like alkyd, acrylic and vinyl, due to toxicity, safety, and conservation (tendency to age yellow) concerns. In art", "id": "12696347" }, { "contents": "Bakelite\n\n\nall these forms the fundamental basis is the initial Bakelite resin. This variety includes clear material, for jewelry, smokers' articles, etc.; cement, using in sealing electric light bulbs in metal bases; varnishes, for impregnating electric coils, etc.; lacquers, for protecting the surface of hardware; enamels, for giving resistive coating to industrial equipment; Laminated Bakelite, used for silent gears and insulation; and molding material, from which are formed innumerable articles of utility and beauty. The molding material is prepared ordinarily", "id": "4193306" }, { "contents": "Dentin dysplasia\n\n\nenamel appearance. Globular or small mass of rounded or irregular shape of atypical dentine is often seen in the pulp. With various options available to dentists, the treatment of this condition can still be difficult. Endodontic treatment is not advised for teeth with complete obliteration of root canals and pulp chambers. An alternative treatment for teeth with periapical abscesses and pulpal necrosis is dental extraction. Retrograde fillings and periapical surgery is a treatment option for teeth with longer roots, as well as orthodontic treatment. However, orthodontic treatment can lead to even", "id": "2775492" }, { "contents": "Pachyophis\n\n\na bulge on the ventral margin. It is inferred then that the intramandibular joint is situated far anteriorly. This resembles that of \"Pachyrhachis\". The tooth row extends the same length as exhibited in the upper jaw for equal alignment. In contrast to the jaw, \"Pachyophis\" teeth clearly resemble that of snakes. Their dentition show thecodont nature, their teeth fitted into bowl like alveoli lined on the jaw bones. The enamel layer of the teeth is well developed with large, hollow pulp cavities possessing small openings leading into", "id": "17339167" }, { "contents": "Zygophyseter\n\n\n\" refers to the modern day sperm whale (\"Physeter macrocephalus\") of the family Physeteridae. The species name honors the discoverer. \"Zygophyseter\" is part of a fossil stem group of hyper-predatory macroraptorial sperm whales (often shortened to \"raptorial\") which also includes \"Brygmophyseter\", \"Acrophyseter\", and \"Livyatan\". This group is characterized by having large, functional teeth on both the upper and lower jaw with an enamel coating; whereas the modern sperm whale lacks enamel, teeth in the", "id": "11098297" }, { "contents": "Truscon Laboratories\n\n\ncoils, ice making coils, fireproofing, and acid-proofing. These paint on products were waterproofing and rust preventing agents. Many of these products went under the brand name of Bar-Ox and were given numbers that related to specific applications. Examples were Bar-Ox No. 7 for coating on exposed structural steel, Bar-Ox No. I4 for brine and condenser pipes, Bar-Ox 21 for stack enamel and boiler front enamel, Bar-Ox No. 28 for acid-proofing, Bar-Ox", "id": "12870489" }, { "contents": "Mouth infection\n\n\nin addition to tooth extraction. Since bacteria that normally reside in the oral cavity cause mouth infections, proper dental hygiene can prevent most cases of infection. As such, mouth infections are more common in populations with poor access to dental care (homeless, uninsured, etc.) or populations with health-related behaviors that damage one's teeth and oral mucosa (tobacco, methamphetamine, etc). This is a common problem, representing nearly 36% of all encounters within the emergency department related to dental conditions. Patients with", "id": "7891917" }, { "contents": "Manatee\n\n\nthat the enamel structure in manatee molars is weak. To compensate for this, manatee teeth are continually replaced. When anterior molars wear down, they are shed. Posterior molars erupt at the back of the row and slowly move forward to replace these like enamel crowns on a conveyor belt, similarly to elephants. This process continues throughout the manatee's lifetime. The rate at which the teeth migrate forward depends on how quickly the anterior teeth abrade. Some studies indicate that the rate is about 1 cm/month although other studies", "id": "48000" }, { "contents": "Clear aligners\n\n\nand they are faster for the dentist to apply. Treatment begins with taking x-ray, photographs, a bite registration, and polyvinyl siloxane impressions of the person's teeth and gums. The dentist/orthodontist completes a written evaluation that includes diagnosis and treatment plan. Dental impressions are scanned in order to create a digital 3D representation of the teeth. Technicians move the teeth to the desired location with the program Treat, which creates the stages between the current and desired teeth positions. Anywhere from six to forty-eight aligners", "id": "343418" }, { "contents": "Remineralisation of teeth\n\n\nreduced in comparison with a fluoride treatment alone.[7] In aqueous oral care gels the peptide is present as matrix. It binds directly as matrix to the tooth mineral and forms a stable layer on the teeth.[8] This layer does protect the teeth from acid attacks. It also occludes open dentin tubule and thus reduces the dental sensitivity Availability of products containing P11-4 vary by country, with some products available only to dentists, and others available to the retail public. Medical device for caries treatment and enamel regeneration: Cosmetic products for", "id": "5241286" }, { "contents": "Coating\n\n\nmore decorative coatings in an appropriate pattern (the printing) to form the words and images. Paints and lacquers are coatings that mostly have dual uses of protecting the substrate and being decorative, although some artists paints are only for decoration, and the paint on large industrial pipes is presumably only for the function of preventing corrosion. Functional coatings may be applied to change the surface properties of the substrate, such as adhesion, wettability, corrosion resistance, or wear resistance. In other cases, e.g. semiconductor device fabrication (where the", "id": "9159336" }, { "contents": "Livyatan\n\n\nsperm whales. The large teeth of the raptorial sperm whales either evolved once in the group with a basilosaurid-like common ancestor, or independently in \"Livyatan\". The large temporal fossa in the skull of raptorial sperm whales is thought to a plesiomorphic feature, that is, a trait inherited from a common ancestor. Since the teeth of fetal modern sperm whales (\"Physeter macrocephalus\") have enamel on them before being coated with cementum, it is thought that the enamel is also an ancient characteristic (basal).", "id": "21343801" }, { "contents": "Macroraptorial sperm whale\n\n\nare known by at least a skull. The macroraptorial sperm whales are a paraphyletic fossil group of hyper-predatory stem sperm whales comprising four genera: \"Acrophyseter\", \"Brygmophyseter\", \"Livyatan\", and \"Zygophyseter\". These macroraptorials all share large, functional, enamel-coated teeth on both the upper and lower jaws, which were used in capturing large prey. In contrast, the modern sperm whale (\"Physeter macrocephalus\") lacks enamel, teeth in the upper jaw, and the ability to use", "id": "22046407" }, { "contents": "Acrophyseter\n\n\nof its time, such as seals and other whales \"Acrophyseter\", together with \"Brygmophyseter\", \"Livyatan\", and \"Zygophyseter\", belong to a group of macroraptorial sperm whales, which have adaptations to hunting large prey. They all have large, deeply rooted teeth coated in enamel in both the upper and lower jaws, unlike the modern sperm whale (\"Physeter macrocephalus\") which lacks enamel and teeth in the upper jaw. Raptorials are thought to have either evolved these adaptations from a basilosaurid-like", "id": "324072" }, { "contents": "Fluoride therapy\n\n\nthe dental office was later found liable for the death. Strictly speaking, fluoride therapy repairs rather than prevents damage to the teeth, causing the mineral fluorapatite to be incorporated into damaged tooth enamel. Fluorapatite is not a natural component of human teeth, although it is found in the teeth of sharks. The main mineral found in natural tooth enamel is hydroxyapatite rather than the fluorapatite created in the presence of fluoride. Even without fluoride, teeth experience alternating increases and decreases in mineral content, depending upon how acidic or alkaline the mouth", "id": "2611292" }, { "contents": "Oral hygiene\n\n\nglucansucrase, which allows the bacteria to use the resulting glucose for building glucan polymer film and the resulting fructose as fuel to be converted to lactic acid. Acids contained in fruit juice, vinegar and soft drinks lower the pH level of the oral cavity which causes the enamel to demineralize. Drinking drinks such as orange juice or cola throughout the day raises the risk of dental cavities tremendously. Another factor which affects the risk of developing cavities is the stickiness of foods. Some foods or sweets may stick to the teeth and so reduce", "id": "1947759" }, { "contents": "Amalgam (dentistry)\n\n\nenamel sites beyond the height of contour\". For cosmetic purposes, composite is preferred when a restoration is required on an immediately visible portion of a tooth. Dental amalgam does not by itself bond to tooth structure. This was recognized as a shortcoming by early practitioners such as Baldwin. He recommended that the prepared cavity be coated with zinc phosphate cement just prior to filling with amalgam, in order to improve the seal and retention. The practice did not become universally accepted and eventually fell into disuse. Until the 1980s, most", "id": "8009401" }, { "contents": "Tooth enamel\n\n\nfrom forming and the subsequent demineralization of enamel which would occur. In the event that tooth decay does occur (usually from trauma), dogs can receive dental fillings just as humans do. Similar to human teeth, the enamel of dogs is vulnerable to tetracycline staining. Consequently, this risk must be accounted for when tetracycline antibiotic therapy is administered to young dogs. Enamel hypoplasia may also occur in dogs. The mineral distribution in rodent enamel is different from that of monkeys, dogs, pigs, and humans. In horse teeth", "id": "12696270" }, { "contents": "Ben Wilson (artist)\n\n\nover the UK and parts of Europe. Most of his work is found in Muswell Hill, however. Wilson first heats the gum with a small blow torch, then coats the gum with three layers of acrylic enamel. He uses special acrylic paints to paint his pictures, finishing each with a clear lacquer seal. The paintings take from two hours to three days to produce. Subject matter ranges from personal requests to animals, portraits or whatever whimsy pops into his head, such as \"Gum Henge\", a miniature painting", "id": "21040553" }, { "contents": "Amelogenesis imperfecta\n\n\nof autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or x-linked pattern. Enamel appears to be comparable to dentine in its radiodensity on radiograpshs. Enamel defect due to malfunction of enamel calcification, therefore enamel is of normal thickness but is extremely brittle, with an opaque/chalky presentation. Teeth are prone to staining and rapid wear, exposing dentine. Condition is of autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive pattern. Enamel appears less radioopaque compared to dentine on radiographs. Enamel has a variation in appearance, with mixed features from Type 1 and Type", "id": "9537124" }, { "contents": "Cysts of the jaws\n\n\nA cyst is a pathological epithelial lined cavity that fills with fluid or soft material and usually grows from internal pressure generated by fluid being drawn into the cavity from osmosis (hydrostatic pressure). The bones of the jaws, the mandible and maxilla, are the bones with the highest prevalence of cysts in the human body. This is due to the abundant amount of epithelial remnants that can be left in the bones of the jaws. The enamel of teeth is formed from ectoderm (the precursor germ layer to skin and mucosa)", "id": "6654376" }, { "contents": "Arts of Iran\n\n\nbe coated with better enamels a few more times and again reheated. The dish is then ready to be painted. The Isfahanian artists, having been inspired by their traditional plans as arabesque, khataii (flowers and birds) and using fireproof paints and special brushes, have made painting of Isfahan monuments such as step, the enameled material is put into the furnace again and heated at five hundred degrees. This causes the enameled painting to be stabilized on the undercoat, creating a special \"shining\" effect. Most of today's", "id": "1815851" }, { "contents": "Reality (Kenny Chesney song)\n\n\nrelaxed as I've been in years!' I thought to myself, 'This is why people smoke pot right here! This is it!' I don't smoke pot, but this is why people do it, I guarantee you. Because it gets them away from reality. I even asked my dentist, 'I just want to come over here and sit some time, can you guys do that?' He said, 'We can't do that, we'd get in trouble.' I swear", "id": "5291419" }, { "contents": "Dental amalgam controversy\n\n\nin New York City and competed with the ethical dentists and catered to the wealthy and influential residents of the city. The patients reclined on comfortable easy chairs and, unlike other dentists, their dentistry was painless since they did not remove any tooth decay, but rather thumbed a soft mixture of their impure amalgam material into cavities. As the Crawcours' business boomed, the conscientious practitioners, who were still working with gold and tin, lost patients. Later, as the brothers' fillings began to fall out, discolor the teeth", "id": "10265372" }, { "contents": "Kappa Kappa Psi\n\n\na background of blue enamel. The notes A, E, and A are placed on the staff in silver.\" This is the only piece of regalia that Membership Candidates are allowed to wear—all other jewelry is restricted to initiated members, and even the coat of arms and letters (usually worn in the form of embroidered or ironed-on blocked letters) are restricted unless there is a clear indication that the wearer is a Membership Candidate or colony member. The Fraternity Flag was created by G. R. Schaag, a", "id": "17280934" }, { "contents": "Whiteboard\n\n\n; other materials tend to become stained over time. Enameled boards are more expensive and less used in commercial environments, but in more demanding environments with heavier use, such as educational establishments, porcelain boards are considered superior. Other types of dry marker boards are also available, such as high gloss vinyl and coated paper, which can be rolled up, high-density two-part high gloss paints, glass and coated acrylics and polypropylene magic whiteboards which use static electricity to cling to walls, windows, and doors. Clear", "id": "12176611" }, { "contents": "Hijab\n\n\ncollege - and she doesn't wear a headscarf or anything! Why don't you make her wear the headscarf? So you can't make one girl, your own daughter, wear it, and yet you want me to go and make ten million women wear it?\" The late-twentieth century saw a resurgence of the hijab in Egypt after a long period of decline as a result of westernization. Already in the mid-1970s some college aged Muslim men and women began a movement meant to reunite and rededicate themselves to the", "id": "18964194" } ]
Why do Britain and other English empire countries still bow to monarchs? What real purpose does the queen serve?
[{"answer": "The monarch is head of state, as opposed to head of government (that would be the Prime Minister); in European republics, the monarch is usually replaced by a President, who may have more definite powers and is either directly or indirectly elected. The head of state basically represents the country, while the head of government sets the broad agenda for the legislature and also chairs the cabinet. The US President effectively combines the roles of head of state and head of government, which is sometimes problematic in terms of diplomacy: a recent petition (signed by 1.8 million people) called on the government not to accord President Trump the honour of a full state visit due to controversies surrounding his conduct as head of government. In the last few centuries, the role of monarch has declined, and since Victoria has kept out of party politics altogether -- in public, that is. In private, she has regular audiences with the Prime Minister in which they talk of matters of state. In theory, the most important role the British monarch has is to ensure good governance, but it's unclear how much she can actually do to that end. It's also unclear just how much influence she does have on government policy, since the details of her meetings with the PM are confidential. It is known that Margaret Thatcher, a Conservative, once complained that if the queen could vote, she would vote Liberal Democrat. The murky nature of her exact role, given that she is unelected and accountable only to constitutional law (whatever that may be on a given day), obviously makes a lot of people nervous. On the other hand, given her very long reign (her first Prime Minister was Winston Churchill), her experience may well be extremely useful. Diplomatically, she performs a role that is arguably very important. As head of state, she meets other heads of states, and that certainly helps to oil the complex machinery of international relations. It may be helpful that, since she is a hereditary monarch, she doesn't have to toe the party line or keep one eye on her approval ratings."}, {"answer": "She's like a living historical monument to all of the monarchs that have ruled before her. You also have to remember that the monarchy creates an additional \u00a3300 million/year for the UK. Maintaining the monarchy costs the UK about \u00a350 million/year, BUT because of a hundreds of years old agreement, the monarchy owns land that it lets the UK government collect rent on to the tune of about \u00a3350 million/year."}, {"answer": "Probably because of the following: \"The monarch and his or her immediate family undertake various official, ceremonial, diplomatic and representational duties. As the monarchy is constitutional, the monarch is limited to non-partisan functions such as bestowing honours and appointing the Prime Minister. The monarch is, by tradition, commander-in-chief of the British Armed Forces. Though the ultimate formal executive authority over the government of the United Kingdom is still by and through the monarch's royal prerogative, these powers may only be used according to laws enacted in Parliament and, in practice, within the constraints of convention and precedent.\" [Sauce]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "She had a lot of diplomatic duties. She meets with foreign leaders and dictates broad policy. The Queen is basically the face of Britain. She represents her country in the global scale. She also has religious duties as the head of the Church of England. And she has the public eye. She's basically the world's most famous celebrity. It's a power that can be used to a very strong effect if done right. Like if the British Parliment decides to pass a law she strongly objects to, all she has to do is say something. She can't legally stop it, but she is respected enough that going against her wishes would cause a massive public backlash. So she can use this to subtly influence policy by persuading voters to weigh in on things she wants done or undone."}, {"answer": "In simplest terms, here's the British Public's relationship with the Queen: We agree to do whatever she says, as long as she agrees to never actually tell us to do anything. As for what actual role the Monarchy actually performs, the Queen is a figurehead, similar to an Ambassador. If a world leader visits the UK and is invited to an audience with the Queen, it's a show of respect. The other part is basically tradition. they're a huge tourist draw and a merchandising empire. They generate about \u00a3500m a year for the UK through tourism alone."}, {"answer": "[Australia had a government shutdown once. In the end, the queen fired everyone in Parliament.]( URL_0 ) It's her royal prerogative as head of state to dissolve Parliament if it's in that country's greater interest. It's the ultimate in checks and balances / separation of power."}, {"answer": "It is all ceremony and tradition, a way to keep in touch with the grand thousand year history that has revolved around the British Monarchy. The British follow royalty like Americans follow Kardashians, there doesn't have to be much point to it. The monarchy exerts almost no real political power, and should it try to exert what little powers it had against a Commonwealth member's wishes, the country would almost certainly leave the Commonwealth. In practical terms, the monarchy is a significant tourist draw, and by some analyses, it pays for itself."}, {"answer": "I'll take Sweden as an example. Our king has no real power. He serves only a purpose of representing the country. In the constitution, he is referred to as \"ceremonial power\", to give you an idea. So I guess it's more of a patriotic thing, that honnoring the monarchy is like honoring the history of the country. The only real power he has is to accept the letters of credence (basically authorising the ambassador to be in the country for a diplomatic purpose) from foreign ambassadors coming to Sweden, meaning that in theory he could refuse a person coming for diplomatic purposes to stay in the country."}, {"answer": "The Queen of Canada (which is separate to her role in the other Realms) is the living embodiment of the Canadian state; politically neutral and a vital check and balance in our parliamentary system of government. The fact that check and balance is practically ceremonial in present day is testament to the stability of Canadian democracy. Read more here if you're interested in the way the Monarchy in Canada works (especially considering most will respond about the Queen's role in her British realm). URL_0 "}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "205142", "title": "Commonwealth realm", "section": "Section::::Relationship of the realms.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 7, "end_paragraph_id": 7, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Since the Balfour Declaration of 1926, the realms have been considered \"equal in status, in no way subordinate one to another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs, though united by a common allegiance to the Crown.\" and the monarch is \"equally, officially, and explicitly [monarch] of separate, autonomous realms.\" Andrew Michie wrote in 1952 \"Elizabeth II embodies in her own person many monarchies: she is Queen of Great Britain, but she is equally Queen of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, and Ceylon... it is now possible for Elizabeth II to be, in practice as well as theory, equally Queen in all her realms.\" Still, Boyce holds the counter-opinion the crowns of all the non-British realms are \"derivative, if not subordinate\" to the crown of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom no longer possesses any legislative power over any country besides itself, although some countries continue to use, by their own volition, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council as part of their own judiciary; usually as the highest court of appeal.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Since the Balfour Declaration of 1926, the realms have been considered \"equal in status, in no way subordinate one to another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs, though united by a common allegiance to the Crown.\" and the monarch is \"equally, officially, and explicitly [monarch] of separate, autonomous realms.\" Andrew Michie wrote in 1952 \"Elizabeth II embodies in her own person many monarchies: she is Queen of Great Britain, but she is equally Queen of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, and Ceylon... it is now possible for Elizabeth II to be, in practice as well as theory, equally Queen in all her realms.\" Still, Boyce holds the counter-opinion the crowns of all the non-British realms are \"derivative, if not subordinate\" to the crown of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom no longer possesses any legislative power over any country besides itself, although some countries continue to use, by their own volition, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council as part of their own judiciary; usually as the highest court of appeal.", "Since the Balfour Declaration of 1926, the realms have been considered \"equal in status, in no way subordinate one to another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs, though united by a common allegiance to the Crown.\" and the monarch is \"equally, officially, and explicitly [monarch] of separate, autonomous realms.\" Andrew Michie wrote in 1952 \"Elizabeth II embodies in her own person many monarchies: she is Queen of Great Britain, but she is equally Queen of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, and Ceylon... it is now possible for Elizabeth II to be, in practice as well as theory, equally Queen in all her realms.\" Still, Bo"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "344148", "title": "History of English", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["English is a West Germanic language that originated from Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Britain in the mid 5th to 7th centuries AD by Anglo-Saxon settlers. With the end of Roman rule in 410 AD, Latin ceased to be a major influence on the Celtic languages spoken by the majority of the population. People from what is now northwest Germany, west Denmark and the Netherlands settled in the British Isles from the mid-5th century and came to culturally dominate the bulk of southern Great Britain until the 7th century. The Anglo-Saxon language, now called Old English, originated as a group of Anglo-Frisian dialects which were spoken, at least by the settlers, in England and southern and eastern Scotland in the early Middle Ages. It displaced to some extent the Celtic languages that predominated previously. Old English also reflected the varied origins of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms established in different parts of Britain. The Late West Saxon dialect eventually became dominant. A significant subsequent influence on the shaping of Old English came from contact with the North Germanic languages spoken by the Scandinavian Vikings who conquered and colonized parts of Britain during the 8th and 9th centuries, which led to much lexical borrowing and grammatical simplification. The Anglian dialects had a greater influence on Middle English.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "English is a West Germanic language that originated from Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Britain in the mid 5th to 7th centuries AD by Anglo-Saxon settlers. With the end of Roman rule in 410 AD, Latin ceased to be a major influence on the Celtic languages spoken by the majority of the population. People from what is now northwest Germany, west Denmark and the Netherlands settled in the British Isles from the mid-5th century and came to culturally dominate the bulk of southern Great Britain until the 7th century. The Anglo-Saxon language, now called Old English, originated as a group of Anglo-Frisian dialects which were spoken, at least by the settlers, in England and southern and eastern Scotland in the early Middle Ages. It displaced to some extent the Celtic languages that predominated previously. Old English also reflected the varied origins of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms established in different parts of Britain. The Late West Saxon dialect eventually became dominant. A significant subsequent influence on the shaping of Old English came from contact with the North Germanic languages spoken by the Scandinavian Vikings who conquered and colonized parts of Britain during the 8th and 9th centuries, which led to much lexical borrowing and grammatical simplification. The Anglian dialects had a greater influence on Middle English.", "man rule in 410 AD, Latin ceased to be a major influence on the Celtic languages spoken by the majority of the population. People from what is now northwest Germany, west Denmark and the Netherlands settled in the British Isles from the mid-5th century and came to culturally dominate the bulk of southern Great Britain until the 7th century. The Anglo-Saxon language, now called Old English, originated as a group of Anglo-Frisian dialects which were spoken, at least by the settlers, in England and southern and eastern Scotland in the early Middle Ages. It displaced to some extent the Celtic languages that predominated previously. Old English also reflected the varied origins of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms established in different parts of Britain. The Late West Saxon dialect eventually became dominant. A sig"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Queen's Official Birthday\n\n\nThe Queen's Official Birthday, or the King's Official Birthday, is the selected day in some Commonwealth realms on which the birthday of the monarch is officially celebrated in those countries. It does not necessarily correspond to the date of the monarch's actual birth. The Sovereign's birthday was first officially marked in the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1748, for King George II. Since then, the date of the king or queen's birthday has been determined throughout the British Empire, and later the Commonwealth of Nations, either", "id": "11237119" }, { "contents": "Robert J. C. Young\n\n\neven, for some writers, Indians and those from the Caribbean. By the end of the nineteenth century, this had become appropriated as an ideology of empire. The delocalisation of the country England from ideas of Englishness (Kipling's \"What do they know of England who only England know?\") could account for why recent commentators have found Englishness so hard to define—while at the same time providing an explanation of why some of the most English of Englishmen have been Americans. On the other hand, Young argues", "id": "20742577" }, { "contents": "Monarchy of Belize\n\n\nthe monarch does hold several powers that are hers alone. The Belizean monarch, besides reigning in Belize, separately serves as head of state for each of fifteen other Commonwealth countries. This developed from the former colonial relationship of these countries to Britain, but they are now independent and the monarchy of each is legally distinct. In 1836, after the emancipation of Central America from Spanish rule, the British claimed the right to administer the region nowadays now as Belize. In 1862, Great Britain formally declared it a British Crown Colony", "id": "9639313" }, { "contents": "Bus Cook\n\n\ndrama queen? Play, don’t play, goddamn, people are getting sick of it. I’m getting sick of it! Why does he have to talk to these people? What good does it do? Ed Werder at ESPN! What’s he ever done for anybody other than say, ‘Look, look, Mommy, I got this first, ain’t I special?’ You got problems with surgery, talk to your wife. Why talk to goddamned Ed Werder?” Favre would respond that Cook's", "id": "6116057" }, { "contents": "House of Howard\n\n\nbeen seated at Castle Howard, one of England's most magnificent country homes, for over 300 years. In order of genealogical seniority: Queen Elizabeth I was the first English monarch to descend from John Howard, 1st Duke of Norfolk who was her great-great grandfather. Queen Elizabeth II is the first British monarch to descend from John Howard, 1st Duke of Norfolk. Through her mother, Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, she descends twice from the 4th Duke and four times from the 2nd Duke. Her grandchildren descend a total of", "id": "15856345" }, { "contents": "Postage stamps and postal history of Great Britain\n\n\nas a Crown or the country name; \"Great Britain\" or \"United Kingdom\". A compromise, a small silhouette of the Queen based on the coinage head of Mary Gillick, was accepted and this has been the standard ever since for commemorative stamps. When the monarch's portrait is part of the stamp's main design (as for example in the case of issues commemorating the Queen's birthday), then the silhouette is not needed and usually does not appear. Another trend is the growing use of stamps to", "id": "4158246" }, { "contents": "Monarchy of Jamaica\n\n\nto her Cabinet. While several powers are the sovereign's alone, most of the royal constitutional and ceremonial duties in Jamaica are carried out by the Queen's representative, the governor-general. While several British kings ruled over Jamaica before independence, none held the specific, separate title \"King of Jamaica.\" The Jamaican monarch, besides reigning in Jamaica, separately serves as monarch for each of fifteen other Commonwealth realms. This developed from the former colonial relationship of these countries to Britain, now independent each realm of the", "id": "5638816" }, { "contents": "Renã A. S. Robinson\n\n\nare involved in major functions throughout the body, including communication between cells. Changes in protein function, or in expression level of a protein, may cascade from one protein to another throughout a system. Protein behavior changes as people age, but scientists do not yet know why: is it a result of incremental damage over time, from oxidative stressors or other causes; or is there some inherent signal that triggers changes with age, and if so, what purpose does it serve? By studying immunosenescence, Robinson hopes to relate", "id": "429370" }, { "contents": "Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder\n\n\n. It remains a great mystery as to why Loath Nolder disappeared so suddenly, resurfacing five years later and resuming his investigations just as abruptly as he had left them. Why does this venerated P.I. now sit on the other side of the law? This seemingly routine investigation takes a dramatic twist as strange and terrifying happenings begin to plague your psyche. You experience lucid horrifying dreams and are tormented by paranormal happenings. Why do days pass instead of hours when you sleep? What’s real and what’s not? As you pursue", "id": "6085023" }, { "contents": "Why Nations Fail\n\n\nfocus on small events in history like the Glorious Revolution in Britain as the critical juncture for political inclusion, while ignoring the prosperity in Western Europe. In response to Diamond's criticism, the authors reply that the arguments in the book do take geographical factors into account but that geography does not explain the different level of development. Acemoglu and Robinson simply take geography as an original factor a country is endowed with; how it affects a country's development still depends on institutions. They mention their theory of Reverse of Fortune: that", "id": "15998425" }, { "contents": "Monarchy\n\n\nof Great Britain and Northern Ireland). They have evolved out of the British Empire into fully independent states within the Commonwealth of Nations that retain the Queen as head of state, unlike other Commonwealth countries, which are either dependencies or republics, or have a different royal house. All sixteen realms are constitutional monarchies and full democracies where the Queen has limited powers or a largely ceremonial role. The Queen is head of the established Church of England in the United Kingdom, while the other 15 realms do not have an established church", "id": "19316978" }, { "contents": "History of competition law\n\n\nJolyffe\" and \"Mitchel v Reynolds\" where Lord Macclesfield asked, \"What does it signify to a tradesman in London what another does in Newcastle?\" In times of such slow communications, commerce around the country it seemed axiomatic that a general restraint served no legitimate purpose for one's business and ought to be void. But already in 1880 in \"Roussillon v Roussillon\" Lord Justice Fry stated that a restraint unlimited in space need not be void, since the real question was whether it went further than necessary for the", "id": "21680610" }, { "contents": "Empty category\n\n\nidentify where the DP is introduced in the underlying structure. DPs can move for another reason: in the case of Wh-questions. In English, these are questions that begin with wh (e.g. who/whom, what, when, where, why, which, and how); words that serve the same function in other languages do not necessarily begin with wh, but are still treated as “Wh-items” under this framework. The responses to these questions cannot be yes or no; they must", "id": "3990395" }, { "contents": "Monarchy of the Bahamas\n\n\nThe Monarchy of the Bahamas is a system of government in which a hereditary monarch is the sovereign of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. The current monarch and head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, who has reigned since the country became independent on 10 July 1973. The Bahamas share the Sovereign with the other Commonwealth realms. The Queen does not personally reside in the islands, and most of her constitutional roles are therefore delegated to her representative in the country, the Governor-General of the Bahamas. Royal succession is governed by", "id": "14168416" }, { "contents": "God Save the Queen\n\n\nas for several of the UK's territories that have their own additional local anthem. It is also the royal anthem – played specifically in the presence of the monarch – of all the aforementioned countries, as well as Australia (since 1984), Canada (since 1980), Barbados and Tuvalu. In countries not previously part of the British Empire, the tune of \"God Save the Queen\" has provided the basis for various patriotic songs, though still generally connected with royal ceremony. The melody continues to be used for", "id": "12021257" }, { "contents": "Birmingham International Marathon\n\n\nworld-class racing again in Britain. That is what The Great Run Company is enabling us to do now.\" Former distance runner Ian Stewart said: \"The Birmingham marathon is a great idea and I believe we have a real opportunity to build it into a big international event. We're in a central location in the country and with it becoming more and more difficult to get into the London Marathon, why wouldn't people come to Birmingham and run?\" The marathon was cancelled in 2018, having only been", "id": "14616182" }, { "contents": "Emperor of Central Africa\n\n\nThe Emperor of Central Africa () was the monarch of the Central African Empire from 1976 to 1979. President Jean-Bédel Bokassa proclaimed himself Emperor Bokassa I on 4 December 1976, and was crowned on 4 December 1977 in a lavish coronation ceremony that was estimated to cost his country US$20 million ($ million today). Although nominally a constitutional monarch, in practice Bokassa ruled with absolute power. For all intents and purposes, the country was still a military dictatorship, as had been the case since Bokassa took power", "id": "1724824" }, { "contents": "Clara Bow\n\n\nthe present, not even for today, but in the moment.\" \"Clara is the total nonconformist. What she wants she gets, if she can. What she desires to do she does. She has a big heart, a remarkable brain, and the most utter contempt for the world in general. Time doesn't exist for her, except that she thinks it will stop tomorrow. She has real courage, because she lives boldly. Who are we, after all, to say she is wrong? Bow", "id": "15659693" }, { "contents": "The Exception\n\n\n\" In conversation with Col. von Ilsemann, Brandt askes whether an officer can serve something other than his country. The Colonel replies, \"First you must decide what is your country and if it even still exists.\" Against orders, Brandt reveals Himmler's plans for the Kaiser's supporters. Although horrified, the Colonel thanks Brandt. Mieke does her duty and reveals to Wilhelm a message from the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Wilhelm is offered political asylum in Great Britain and the throne of a defeated Germany after the", "id": "10517489" }, { "contents": "Department of English, University of Vienna\n\n\n. ”It was easy, then, to slip into the error of thinking that we didn't have anything to say to and learn from each other. Why should a sociolinguist quarrel with a semanticist, what does the phonologist have to do with the discourse analyst, why should the historical philologist talk to the syntactitian?” Their conversations inside the department were trivial and when it comes to linguistics the talk is restricted to either congratulations or compliments. On the other hand, the papers published by the staff in journals and conference", "id": "6897333" }, { "contents": "Civil disobedience\n\n\n), but she is afraid of how her conscience will smite her if she does not do this. Its earliest successful implementation was brought about during the lead up to the Glorious Revolution in Britain, when the 1689 Bill of Rights was documented, the last Catholic monarch was deposed, and male and female joint-co-monarchs were elevated. The English Midland Enlightenment had developed a manner of voicing objection to a law viewed as illegitimate and then taking the consequences of the law. This was focused on the illegitimacy of laws", "id": "16439011" }, { "contents": "Walter Erle (died 1581)\n\n\nMary of \"a booke covered with blacke vellat of the Comentary of Warre, in Englishe\". On 3 July 1558 he was granted a licence to export English wheat to Spain. Following the death of Queen Mary in 1558, Erle now aged in his late-thirties, appears to have retired from court to concentrate on expanding and consolidating his landholdings in Devon and Dorset. His name does not appear in the lists of active servants of the next monarch Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603), although he is still", "id": "20705138" }, { "contents": "Lady Grace Mysteries\n\n\ntreat her like a Maid of Honour, and call her \"mistress\" and \"lady\". When Masou does, he performs elaborate bows. Grace states she always finds it hard not to laugh when he does. Elizabeth I (7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603) was Queen of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death in early 1603. Sometimes called \"The Virgin Queen\", \"Gloriana\", or \"Good Queen Bess\", Elizabeth was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor dynasty", "id": "18325661" }, { "contents": "English literature\n\n\nThis article is focused on English-language literature rather than the literature of England, so that it includes writers from Scotland, Wales, the Crown dependencies, and the whole of Ireland, as well as literature in English from countries of the former British Empire, including the United States. However, until the early 19th century, it only deals with the literature of the United Kingdom, the Crown dependencies and Ireland. It does not include literature written in the other languages of Britain. The English language has developed over the", "id": "465509" }, { "contents": "English heraldry\n\n\nroyal coat of arms is the official coat of arms of the British monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II. These arms are used by the Queen in her official capacity as monarch, and are also known as Arms of Dominion. Variants of the Royal Arms are used by other members of the Royal Family; and by the British Government in connection with the administration and government of the country. In Scotland, the Queen has a separate version of the Royal Arms, a variant of which is used by the Scotland Office. The", "id": "22026956" }, { "contents": "Monarchy in Alberta\n\n\n, her image (in portrait or effigy) thus being used to signify government authority. A royal cypher or crown may also illustrate the monarchy as the locus of authority, without referring to any specific monarch. Additionally, though the monarch does not form a part of the constitutions of Alberta's honours, they do stem from the Crown as the \"fount of honour\", and so bear on the insignia symbols of the sovereign. The Queen or others in her family may bestow these honours in person: the Queen,", "id": "3829078" }, { "contents": "Realm\n\n\nA realm is a community or territory over which a sovereign rules. The term is commonly used to describe a kingdom or other monarchical or dynastic state. A realm may also be a subdivision within an empire, if it has its own monarch, e.g. the German Empire. The Old French word \"reaume\", modern French \"royaume\", was the word first adopted in English; the fixed modern spelling does not appear until the beginning of the 17th century. The word supposedly derives from medieval Latin \"regalimen\",", "id": "20954294" }, { "contents": "Queen mother\n\n\nA queen mother is a dowager queen who is the mother of the reigning monarch (or an empress mother in the case of an empire). The term has been used in English since at least 1560. It arises in hereditary monarchies in Europe and is also used to describe a number of similar yet distinct monarchical concepts in non-European cultures around the world. \" Queen Mother\" usually refers to Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, 1900–2002 (queen consort, 1936–1952; queen mother, 1952–2002), who was the mother", "id": "18701456" }, { "contents": "Eric Northman\n\n\n.\". Precisely what a Vampire Sheriff does, aside from owe allegiance to their monarch, do their monarch's bidding, and rule their Area, is still somewhat unclear. Sookie makes a conscious effort not to pry too hard into vampire affairs and Eric does nothing to encourage her learning much more than she already knows. Eric surprised Sookie in the tenth book, \"Dead in the Family\", when he explained the vampire hierarchy in more detail, simply so she, as his wife according to vampire law, was", "id": "20515660" }, { "contents": "List of prime ministers of Queen Victoria\n\n\nQueen Victoria was the monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Empire from 20 June 1837 until her death on 22 January 1901. At the start of her reign, responsible government outside of the United Kingdom itself was unknown, but starting in the 1840s this would change. During her reign Victoria was served by well over 33 Prime Ministers: 15 from New Zealand, 10 from the United Kingdom, 7 from the Dominion of Canada and 1 from Australia. Nova Scotia became the very first colony", "id": "20980495" }, { "contents": "British royal family\n\n\nonly constitutional role in the affairs of government is to serve, if eligible and when appointed by letters patent, as a Counsellor of State, two or more of whom exercise the authority of the Crown (within stipulated limits) if the monarch is indisposed or abroad. In the other countries of the Commonwealth royalty do not serve as Counsellors of State, although they may perform ceremonial and social duties on behalf of individual states or the organisation. The Queen, her consort, her children and grandchildren, as well as all former", "id": "2537660" }, { "contents": "P. J. Snow\n\n\nof good and evil? How are these extremes of human experience represented in religion? How do we imagine things and how does our imagination differ from our dreams? Do all people think in the same way and, if not, are there greater differences between people from different societies, countries, cultures or races than between members of the same community? Where does belief and faith come from? What is the origin of racial conflict? Why is it so easy for politicians to persuade us to go to war? Why does", "id": "5083011" }, { "contents": "List of country names in various languages\n\n\nonlyincludeMost countries of the world have different names in different languages. Some countries have also undergone name changes for political or other reasons. This article attempts to give all known alternative names for all nations, countries and sovereign states. It does not offer any opinion about what the \"original\", \"official\", \"real\", or \"correct\" name of any country is or was. Countries are listed alphabetically by their current best-known name in English. Each English name is followed by its currently best-", "id": "6351564" }, { "contents": "Richard Smoley\n\n\ntakes as many forms as imagination and feasibility will permit, and if it seems to break the rules on countless occasions, this only serves to remind us that rules are not gods.\" The same is the case with his views on homosexuality. He writes: \"On the one hand, if homosexuality is unnatural, why has it persisted for so long in the face of so much opposition? On the other hand, if homosexuality is natural, what purpose does it serve?. ... The most obvious conclusion is that", "id": "3217653" }, { "contents": "Britain's Real Monarch\n\n\nBritain's Real Monarch was a historical documentary presented by Tony Robinson first shown on Channel 4 on 3 January 2004. It has also been broadcast in Australia and in the United States. The documentary discusses the descendants of George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, and their claim to the throne of England. The programme based its thesis on the centuries-old claim that Edward IV was illegitimate, born to Cecily, Duchess of York, by an English archer (surnamed Blaybourne by some) while her husband, Richard Plantagenet, 3rd", "id": "10570717" }, { "contents": "The Unreality of Time\n\n\nthe general nature of the existent in Absolute Reality, an inquiry McTaggart claims is based entirely on a priori arguments (i.e. such as do not rely on any empirical observations), is that existence and reality coincide and have no degrees: either something exists and thus is real, or it does not. It immediately follows that for the future and past to be real, they must exist. This is why he interprets the statement \"\"M\" is present, has been future, and will be past\" as a", "id": "9729706" }, { "contents": "Governor-general\n\n\n, and governmental relations with the United Kingdom were placed in the hands of a British High Commissioner in each country. In other words, the political reality of a self-governing Dominion within the British Empire with a governor-general answerable to the sovereign became clear. British interference in the Dominion was not acceptable and independent country status was clearly displayed. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were clearly not controlled by the United Kingdom. The monarch of these countries (Elizabeth II) is in law Queen of Canada, Queen", "id": "11231606" }, { "contents": "Militia (Great Britain)\n\n\nto 1815, 110,000 men transferred to line regiments as against 36,000 prior to 1802. The militia continued to serve as a coastal defence force, as well as guarding dockyards and prisoners of war, and performing other duties including riot control during the Luddite unrest of 1811-13. It was disembodied in 1815 but balloting continued until 1831. An incomplete list includes: In the late 17th century, while the Kingdom of Scotland was still an independent country sharing a monarch with England, there were calls for the resurrection of the country", "id": "9025639" }, { "contents": "Germany–United Kingdom relations\n\n\nsuccessor, Queen Anne was Prince George of Denmark, from the House of Oldenburg, who had no surviving children. In 1714, George I, a German-speaking Hanoverian prince of mixed British and German descent, ascended to the British throne, founding the House of Hanover. For over a century, Britain's monarchs were also rulers of Hanover (first as Prince Electors of the Holy Roman Empire and then as Kings of Hanover). There was only a personal union, and both countries remained quite separate, but the", "id": "12735546" }, { "contents": "Queens Gardens, Townsville\n\n\nas Monarch of the British Empire from 1836 to 1901. These places attracted strong public patronage and each was considered the premium park of a town. The first Queens Park was a section of the Brisbane Botanic Gardens. A subsequent botanic garden at Ipswich was called Queens Park. From its beginning the gardens at Townsville have evolved in area, planning and design, as well as through their plant collection and community use. Initially the reserve was established to serve and support the role specific to Botanic Gardens across the country, which focused", "id": "930985" }, { "contents": "List of vicereines in Canada\n\n\nThis is a list of women who have served as vicereines in Canada. Canada is a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as the reigning Canadian monarch. As the Queen does not always reside in Canada, her daily responsibilities in the country are in the federal jurisdiction undertaken by the Governor General of Canada and by a lieutenant governor in each of the ten provincial jurisdictions. Collectively, these individuals are the Queen's official viceregal representatives; as women, they can be described as \"vicereine\"s, the female variant of \"viceroy\"", "id": "15392677" }, { "contents": "Frederick Mitchell Hodgson\n\n\n1900. He asked them: \"What must I do to the man, whoever he is, who has failed to give to the Queen, who is the paramount power in the country, the stool to which she is entitled? Where is the Golden Stool? Why am I not sitting on the Golden Stool at this moment? I am the representative of the paramount power in this country; why have you relegated me to this chair? Why did you not take the opportunity of my coming to Kumasi to bring the", "id": "13099641" }, { "contents": "Orders, decorations, and medals of Canada\n\n\nthe Cabinet for an Order in Council to be drawn up. On the prime minister's advice, via the governor general, the documents and drawings for the new honour are presented to the Queen for her consideration; only with her signature on the relevant letters patent and the design sketches does the new honour officially become extant. Any future amendments to the honour's appearance or award criteria do not need the monarch's approval; the governor general will perform such tasks instead. In the Canadian structure, unlike its counterparts in Britain", "id": "1561963" }, { "contents": "Refreshment room\n\n\nA refreshment room is an establishment that was formerly common in railway stations in Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries that were formerly part of the British Empire. Refreshment rooms are similar to tearooms, and generally serve a variety of hot drinks, pastries, cakes, and light meals. Railway refreshment rooms first appeared during the Victorian era, and served as a way to provide food for passengers prior to the advent of practical restaurant carriages. In this way, they served a similar purpose to modern motorway service areas", "id": "21798420" }, { "contents": "Feel Again\n\n\nand it coincided with another thought that we had as a band which was on this album to really focus on doing stuff that actually served a greater purpose other than just putting out another song. The process of trying to get hits or constantly keep up with the Joneses, after a certain point it's like, 'Wait. Why are we doing this?'. The Save the Children program added a serious amount of gravity to what we were doing and the amount of kids that we would be helping with donating proceeds", "id": "17603315" }, { "contents": "Oath of allegiance\n\n\nnot succeeded as the Queen is the personification of the Canadian, British, or Australian state (or that of any other Commonwealth realm). Allegiance sworn to the monarch is the same as to the country, its constitution or flag. The New Zealand Oath of Allegiance still refers to the Queen of New Zealand. The European Court of Human Rights ruled in 1999 that the oath of allegiance to a reigning monarch is \"reasonably viewed as an affirmation of loyalty to the constitutional principles which support... the workings of representative democracy in", "id": "407965" }, { "contents": "Monarchy of Tuvalu\n\n\nThe monarchy of Tuvalu is a system of government in which a hereditary monarch is the sovereign and head of state of Tuvalu. The present monarch of Tuvalu is Queen Elizabeth II, who is also the Sovereign of 15 other Commonwealth realms. The Queen's constitutional roles are mostly delegated to the Governor-General of Tuvalu. Royal succession is governed by the English Act of Settlement of 1701, which is part of constitutional law. Fifty-two states are members of the Commonwealth of Nations. Sixteen of these countries are specifically Commonwealth", "id": "15513306" }, { "contents": "Anh Does\n\n\nAnh Does... is a travel and lifestyle show presented by comedian Anh Do on the Seven Network. It premiered in 2012 with the two-part series \"Anh Does Vietnam\", in which he revisited the country of his birth, Vietnam. Anh's family fled from Vietnam to Australia as refugees in 1980. This series was followed by \"Anh Does Britain\" in 2013 where Anh visited Great Britain and Ireland and continued with other destinations. Anh traveled the country of Vietnam. Anh traveled the country of Britain, including", "id": "8007620" }, { "contents": "National anthems of New Zealand\n\n\ndoes not have co-official status as a national anthem in those countries—it is regarded solely as a 'royal anthem'. However, its usage in those countries is similar in practice to that of New Zealand, where \"God Save the Queen\" is now most often played only when the monarch, another member of the monarch's family or the governor-general is present, or in other situations where a royal anthem would be used. \"God Defend New Zealand\" is a poem that was written by", "id": "14726805" }, { "contents": "English country house\n\n\nand panelling. This is what happened to many of Britain's finest houses. Despite this slow decline, as late as 1920, so necessary was the country house for entertaining and prestige that, following the election of the first Labour Government in 1921, Viscount Lee of Fareham donated his country house Chequers to the nation for the use of a prime minister who might not possess one of his own. Chequers still fulfills that need today as do both Chevening House and Dorneywood, donated for sole use of high-ranking ministers of", "id": "12709838" }, { "contents": "Royal standards of Canada\n\n\nHall and Parliament Hill, as well as at other legislatures across the country to mark the monarch's diamond anniversary of her accession to the throne; permission to do so was granted by the Queen. During the coronation ceremony of the monarch at Westminster Abbey, the \"standards\" of various countries are carried by various officials in the procession inside the abbey. These flags are the country's coat of arms in banner form. For Canada, similar standards based on the current coat of arms were used twice: at the coronations", "id": "156683" }, { "contents": "Queen Elizabeth 2\n\n\nElizabeth II herself. The following day, the \"New York Times\" and \"The Times\" of London printed the name as \"Queen Elizabeth II\", the short form of written style of the monarch. However, when the liner left the shipyard in 1968 she bore the name \"Queen Elizabeth 2\" on her bow, and has continued to do so ever since. In an authorised history of \"Queen Elizabeth 2\" published in 1969, various explanations of events occur. These state that, as at the", "id": "4699476" }, { "contents": "Serve & Protect\n\n\nCastle\".\" Andy Crump of \"Paste\" gave the episode a 8.1 and wrote, \"The result is still a solid half-hour of sitcom fare with an emotional coda about the other thing that \"Brooklyn Nine-Nine\" does really well: Character relationships. Coming from Rosa, an admission of fear that the end of the 9-9 would mean the end of her friendship with Jake is a huge deal, and this, most likely, is why their story enjoys prime real estate in 'Serve", "id": "13517767" }, { "contents": "Senior counsel\n\n\nThe title of senior counsel or state counsel (post-nominal letters: SC) is given to a senior lawyer in some countries that were formerly part of the British Empire. \"Senior Counsel\" is used in current or former Commonwealth countries or jurisdictions that have chosen to change the title \"Queen's Counsel\" to a name without monarchical connotations, sometimes (but not always) because the British monarch is no longer head of state, such that reference to the Queen is no longer appropriate. Examples of jurisdictions which have", "id": "5415271" }, { "contents": "Negative inversion\n\n\ndoes not allow one to acknowledge negative inversion as a specific phenomenon, since their V2 principle, which is mostly absent from English, allows inversion to occur much more often than in English. While negative inversion is a common occurrence in English, a solid understanding of just what elicits the inversion has not yet been established. It is, namely, not entirely clear why certain fronted expressions containing a negation elicit negative inversion, but others do not. As with subject-auxiliary inversion in general, negative inversion results in a discontinuity", "id": "9876430" }, { "contents": "Absolute monarchy\n\n\nHowever, the concept of absolutism was so ingrained in Russia that the Russian Constitution of 1906 still described the monarch as an autocrat. Russia became the last European country (excluding Vatican City) to abolish absolutism, and it was the only one to do so as late as the 20th century (the Ottoman Empire drafted its first constitution in 1877). The form of government instituted in Sweden under King Charles XI and passed on to his son, Charles XII is commonly referred to as absolute monarchy; however, the Swedish monarch", "id": "18615889" }, { "contents": "Paradise Papers\n\n\nof which she is monarch, and nominally appoints governors. Britain handles foreign policy for both islands to a large extent, but Bermuda has been self-governing since 1620. The Duchy's investments included First Quench Retailing off-licences and rent-to-own retailer BrightHouse. Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn posited whether the Queen should apologize, saying anyone with money offshore for tax avoidance should \"not just apologise for it, [but] recognise what it does to our society\". A spokesman for the Duchy said that", "id": "8604242" }, { "contents": "Early modern Britain\n\n\nthe 17th century between the forces of the monarch and parliament. The Elizabethan Era is the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558–1603) and is known to be a golden age in English history. It was the height of the English Renaissance and saw the flowering of English literature and poetry. This was also the time during which Elizabethan theatre was famous and William Shakespeare, among others, composed plays that broke away from England's past style of plays and theatre. It was an age of expansion and exploration abroad, while at", "id": "8330585" }, { "contents": "Kim Winser\n\n\nof companies, private equity and family funds. In February this year, Prime Minister David Cameron appointed Ms Winser as a trustee of the Natural History Museum. Ms Winser was awarded an Order of the British Empire (OBE) by the Queen in 2006 for services to the fashion industry. Kim became a contributor for Forbes in 2013. Recent articles include 'Why Do Luxury Brands Need High Profile Creative Directors?' and ' What Is Power in Modern Retailing.', 'Why Looking Great Is As Seductive In A Boardroom", "id": "10164909" }, { "contents": "Mary Dyer\n\n\nand William Dyer were Puritans, as evidenced by their acceptance into the membership of the Boston church in New England. The Puritans wanted to complete the separation of the Anglican church from Catholicism that had begun under the rule of the English monarch Henry VIII. The conformists in England accepted the English monarch as the head of the church, and the form of worship that greatly resembled that in the Catholic church. The Puritans, as non-conformists, wanted to do away with the vestments, bowing and making the sign of the", "id": "11917564" }, { "contents": "Frank Bainimarama\n\n\nBainimarama's move to appoint Sri Lankan judges to replace the country's judiciary, which he ousted in April 2009. Bainimarama displays above his office desk portraits of Elizabeth II, former Queen of Fiji, and of her consort, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. He has said of himself: \"I'm still loyal to the Queen. Many people are in Fiji. One of the things I'd like to do is see her restored as our monarch, to be Queen of Fiji again.\" However, in 2012", "id": "2996104" }, { "contents": "Ann Quin\n\n\n, such that Lee Rourke could say in 2007: \"Who cares about Ann Quin? I do, for one, but why does no one else seem to remember this writer from the front rank of Britain's literary \"avant-garde\"?\" However, there has been a complete reprint of her works by Dalkey Archive Press as well as a critical biography by Robert Buckeye, with a collection of rare and previously unpublished stories and fragments, \"The Unmapped Country,\" from And Other Stories in 2018. Contemporary", "id": "3613557" }, { "contents": "LoveRenaissance\n\n\nthe industry and culture. This studio and creative space belongs to the rest of the city as much as it does us. We want to make sure this place serves as a reminder nobody should have to travel across country to Los Angeles or New York to get started on their dream.\" Tunde Balogun spoke with \"Billboard\" saying \"What we're doing isn't a flash in the pan - it's about developing artists for the long run, that's Interscope's goal as well. That's why this works", "id": "4952322" }, { "contents": "Jacobite line of succession to the English and Scottish thrones in 1714\n\n\nThe following is the Jacobite line of succession to the English and Scottish thrones as of the death of Anne, Queen of Great Britain, on 1 August 1714. It reflects the laws current in England and Scotland immediately before the Act of Settlement 1701, which disqualified Catholics from the throne. Queen Anne of Great Britain was the last monarch of the House of Stuart which had succeeded the House of Tudor with the death of Elizabeth I. All of Anne's children died before age 12, resulting in a succession crisis which ultimately led", "id": "19471055" }, { "contents": "Marquise Lepage\n\n\nproduced documentaries and fiction films in various formats (feature-length, shorts, etc.): \"When asked why she does both (fiction and documentary), she answers jokingly that she still does not know what she will do when she grows up.\" Interviewed about her preference for screenwriting or directing, Lepage answers:\"\"These crafts are complementary but I like screenwriting because it is a painstaking task, which is done alone. On the other hand, directing is like a big party full of people. And filming is not", "id": "15789802" }, { "contents": "Trade facilitation and development\n\n\n-income countries. On average it still costs almost two and a half times in expenses, more than twice as many documents and four times as many signatures to trade in a poor country as it does in rich countries. The \"Doing Business\" report provides concrete examples of efficiency savings made possible through trade facilitation reforms. Much of these relate to addressing regulatory reform and other steps—that in contrast to hard infrastructure—constitute the major part of why engaging in trade takes longer in developing countries. Progress in reducing costs", "id": "10381669" }, { "contents": "Parliament of Great Britain\n\n\ncentury the monarch still had considerable influence over Parliament, which was dominated by the English aristocracy, by means of patronage, but had ceased to exert direct power: for instance, the last occasion on which the Royal Assent was withheld was in 1708 by Queen Anne. At general elections the vote was restricted to freeholders and landowners, in constituencies that had changed little since the Middle Ages, so that in many \"rotten\" and \"pocket\" boroughs seats could be bought, while major cities remained unrepresented, except by the", "id": "9523626" }, { "contents": "John VI of Portugal\n\n\nin 1788 at the age of 27. Before his accession to the Portuguese throne, John VI bore the titles Duke of Braganza and Duke of Beja, as well as Prince of Brazil. From 1799, he served as prince regent of Portugal (and later, from 1815, as prince regent of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves), due to the mental illness of his mother, Queen Maria I. In 1816, he succeeded his mother as monarch of the Portuguese Empire, with no real change in", "id": "19929884" }, { "contents": "Elizabethan government\n\n\nin the New World, where he organised the exploration of what would be Virginia. The Privy Council was Elizabeth's group of advisers. Its main purpose was to give numerous different opinions and the monarch decided on the issue at hand. (However, the advice was often ignored; the Council still carried out her wishes.) Routine administration was usually left to the Council. It was involved in matters of religion, military, the queen's security, economics, and the welfare of the citizens. It dealt with both", "id": "5043387" }, { "contents": "The Purpose Driven Church\n\n\nnaturally. Healthy, consistent growth is the result of balancing the five biblical purposes of the church.\" He proposes that church leaders ask of themselves, \"What is our purpose?\", \"Why do we do what we do?\", \"What should we be doing?\", and \"How will you do that?\". In this book Warren provides a guide to answer these questions on how to do church. He further suggests that following the principles he outlines in the book will enable a church", "id": "9210677" }, { "contents": "Monarchy of the Netherlands\n\n\nMPs divulged the contents of the conversations, despite agreeing not to (and embarrassing the Prime Minister in doing so). In 2009, an attempt was made to resume the tradition, but this failed when Arend Jan Boekestijn resumed the tradition of revealing the contents of his conversation with Queen Beatrix anyway. The monarch has several functions in addition to the duties and responsibilities described in previous sections. Some of these are (partly) constitutional; others are more traditional in nature. Although the constitution does not say so, the monarch", "id": "11770956" }, { "contents": "Lagos Treaty of Cession\n\n\nIII \"In the transfer of lands, the stamp of Docemo affixed to the document will be proof that there are no other native claims upon it, and for this purpose he will be permitted to use it as hitherto.\" \"In consideration of the cession as before-mentioned of the port and island and territories of Lagos, the Representatives of the Queen of Great Britain do promise, subject to the approval of Her Majesty, that Docemo shall receive an annual pension from the Queen of Great Britain equal to the net", "id": "602516" }, { "contents": "Commonwealth realm\n\n\ncrowned \"E\" for \"Elizabeth\" surrounded by a garland of roses representing the countries of the Commonwealth. This latter flag on its own is used for realms that do not have a unique personal standard for the monarch, as well as for general use in representing the Queen as Head of the Commonwealth. The monarch previously held royal standards for Sierra Leone, Mauritius, Malta, and Trinidad and Tobago, but these banners became obsolete when the countries became republics. Other members of the Royal Family have their own personal standards", "id": "21885688" }, { "contents": "Acts of Union 1707\n\n\nin the kirk and the Committee of the Articles, an unelected body that controlled what legislation Parliament could debate. Both of these would have given the Crown far greater control than in England but he withdrew his demands due to the 1689-1692 Jacobite Rising. The English purpose was to ensure that Scotland would not choose a monarch different from the one on the English throne. The two countries had shared a king for much of the previous century, but the English were concerned that an independent Scotland with a different king, even", "id": "2654812" }, { "contents": "Jurisprudence\n\n\nreal-world practice of law determines what law is, the law having the force that it does because of what legislators, lawyers, and judges do with it. Normative jurisprudence is concerned with \"evaluative\" theories of law. It deals with what the goal or purpose of law is, or what moral or political theories provide a foundation for the law. It not only addresses the question \"What is law?\", but also tries to determine what the proper function of law should be, or what sorts of", "id": "16491443" }, { "contents": "Dialogical analysis\n\n\nin a communication is, to some degree, orienting to the orientation of the other. Dialogical analysis is an interpretative methodology which closely analyzes spoken or written utterances or actions for their embedded communicative significance. Questions typically asked during a dialogical analysis include: What does each interactant think about themselves, the other and what the other thinks of them? What do the given utterances and actions imply about the given activity or participants? Why was a given communicative act performed – why did it need to be said? What was the alternative", "id": "4558109" }, { "contents": "Early modern Britain\n\n\nthat the \"English Renaissance\" has no real tie with the artistic achievements and aims of the northern Italian artists (Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello) who are closely identified with the Renaissance. Other cultural historians have countered that, regardless of whether the name \"renaissance\" is apt, there was undeniably an artistic flowering in England under the Tudor monarchs, culminating in Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Some scholars date the beginning of Early Modern Britain to the end of the Wars of the Roses and the crowning of Henry Tudor in 1485", "id": "8330581" }, { "contents": "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man\n\n\nAmerican Empire\" (2007) and \"Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded – and What We Need to Do to Remake Them\" (2009). The epilogue to the 2006 edition provides a rebuttal to the current move by the G8 nations to forgive Third World debt. Perkins charges that the proposed conditions for this debt forgiveness require countries to privatise their health, education, electric, water and other public services. Those countries would also have to discontinue subsidies and trade restrictions that support local", "id": "2886077" }, { "contents": "Monarchy of Jamaica\n\n\nsovereign is deemed the \"fount of justice\", and is responsible for rendering justice for all subjects, known in this role as the \"Queen on the Bench\". However, he or she does not personally rule in judicial cases; instead, judicial functions are performed in his or her name by what are termed \"Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace\". Hence, the common law holds that the sovereign \"can do no wrong\"; the monarch cannot be prosecuted in his or her own courts for", "id": "5638843" }, { "contents": "Monarchy in Quebec\n\n\nthe monarchy in an independent Quebec, responded: \"Are you joking? Why? I have great respect for the Queen... but what the hell part should monarchy have in Quebec?\" University of Toronto professor Richard Toporoski held the theory that a sovereign, not independent, Quebec would still be under the sovereignty of the : \"...the real problem of the Quebec bill is not separation from Canada: Quebec has said that it wishes to preserve common elements—Canadian currency (issued officially by whom?—the Queen of Canada),", "id": "4846632" }, { "contents": "Monarchy of New Zealand\n\n\nor Te Mahanga) met King George III and Queen Charlotte in 1806. Other rangatira (chiefs) to meet the monarch include Hongi Hika, who met King George IV in 1820. In 1852, the New Zealand Constitution Act 1852 was passed, establishing responsible government in New Zealand. The Act reserved significant constitutional powers for the monarch, including the right to refuse assent. In 1907, New Zealand achieved the status of 'Dominion', which denoted that it was a country of the British Empire (and later the Commonwealth", "id": "16936785" }, { "contents": "Queen consort\n\n\nmonarch. In Brunei, the wife of the Sultan is known as a \"Raja Isteri\" with prefix \"Pengiran Anak\", equivalent to queen consort in English, as were the consorts of tsars when Bulgaria was still a monarchy. The title of king consort for the husband of a reigning queen is rare, but not unheard of. Examples are Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, in Scotland; Antoine of Bourbon-Vendôme in Navarre; and Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in Portugal. Where some title other than", "id": "6986681" }, { "contents": "Criticism of democracy\n\n\nis money. The one does what the other asks him to do in pursuit of his own interest, so as to be given what he himself asks for, and the whole purpose of the transaction is that each would get what they want.\" More recently, democracy is criticized for not offering enough political stability. As governments are frequently elected on and off there tend to be frequent changes in the policies of democratic countries both domestically and internationally. Even if a political party maintains power, vociferous, headline grabbing protests and", "id": "10396992" }, { "contents": "History of modern Greece\n\n\nThis provoked a military rebellion, forcing Otto to accept the inevitable and leave the country. The Greeks then asked Britain to send Queen Victoria's son Prince Alfred as their new king, but this was vetoed by the other Powers. Instead, a young Danish Prince became King George I. George was a very popular choice as a constitutional monarch, and he agreed that his sons would be raised in the Greek Orthodox faith. As a reward to the Greeks for adopting a pro-British King, Britain ceded the Ionian Islands to", "id": "13843228" }, { "contents": "Kingdom of Greece\n\n\na military rebellion, forcing Otto to accept the inevitable and leave the country. The Greeks then asked Britain to send Queen Victoria's son Prince Alfred as their new king, but this was vetoed by the other Powers. Instead, a young Danish prince became King George I. George was a very popular choice as a constitutional monarch, and he agreed that his sons would be raised in the Greek Orthodox faith. As a reward to the Greeks for adopting a pro-British King, Britain ceded the United States of the Ionian", "id": "7178011" }, { "contents": "Monarchy of New Zealand\n\n\n\") from Britain. It remains one of the two national anthems, along with \"God Defend New Zealand\", but has been generally restricted to Anzac Day services and official occasions where the monarch, a member of the royal family, or the governor-general is being either honoured or in attendance for a particular purpose. As in other Commonwealth realms, the Queen's Official Birthday is a public holiday and, in New Zealand, is observed on the first Monday in June. Celebrations are mainly official, including the", "id": "16936772" }, { "contents": "Military history of Canada during World War II\n\n\nof the Conscription Crisis of 1917, which had divided the country and French and English Canadians. Stating that \"Parliament will decide,\" in 1922 Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King avoided participating in the Chanak Crisis as the Parliament of Canada was not in session. The 1931 Statute of Westminster gave Canada autonomy in foreign policy. When Britain entered World War II in September 1939, some experts suggested that Canada was still bound by Britain's declaration of war because it had been made in the name of their common monarch, but", "id": "16459034" }, { "contents": "Jimmy Wales\n\n\n, constitutional monarch and spiritual leader. In two interviews with \"the Guardian\" in 2014, Wales elaborated on his role on Wikipedia. In the first interview, he said that while he \"has always rejected\" the term \"benevolent dictator\", he does refer to himself as the \"constitutional monarch\". In the second, he elaborated on his \"constitutional monarch\" designation, saying that, like the Queen of England, he has no real power. He was also the closest the project had to a spokesperson", "id": "16392365" }, { "contents": "South African military decorations order of wear\n\n\nThe first South African military medal was a campaign medal, the South Africa Medal, instituted in 1854 by Queen Victoria, the Monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for award to officers and men of the Royal Navy and British Army who served on the Eastern Frontier of the Cape Colony between 1834 and 1853 during the Xhosa Wars. Five more South African campaign medals were instituted during the Colonial era until 1910, when the Union of South Africa was established as a dominion of the British Empire. After Union", "id": "18445836" }, { "contents": "Queen regnant\n\n\nrank and titles, but does not share the sovereignty of her husband. The husband of a queen regnant traditionally does not share his wife's rank, title or sovereignty. However, the concept of a king consort is not unheard of in both contemporary and classical periods. A queen dowager is the widow of a king. A queen mother is a queen dowager who is also the mother of a reigning sovereign. In Ancient Africa, Ancient Persia, Asian and Pacific cultures, and in some European countries, female monarchs have", "id": "18550222" }, { "contents": "United Kingdom competition law\n\n\nto a tradesman in London what another does in Newcastle?\" In times of such slow communications, commerce around the country it seemed axiomatic that a general restraint served no legitimate purpose for one's business and ought to be void. But already in 1880 in \"Roussillon v Roussillon\" Lord Justice Fry stated that a restraint unlimited in space need not be void, since the real question was whether it went further than necessary for the promisee's protection. So in the \"Nordenfelt\" case Lord McNaughton ruled that while one could", "id": "21348345" }, { "contents": "Bow tie\n\n\ntie hints at intellectualism, real or feigned, and sometimes suggests technical acumen, perhaps because it is so hard to tie. Bow ties are worn by magicians, country doctors, lawyers and professors and by people hoping to look like the above. But perhaps most of all, wearing a bow tie is a way of broadcasting an aggressive lack of concern for what other people think. - Warren St John in \"The New York Times\" Popular perception tends to associate bow tie wearers with particular professions, such as architects,", "id": "3961055" }, { "contents": "Records of heads of state\n\n\nof Sweden. The longest reigning female monarch ever is Elizabeth II, who is currently the Queen of the United Kingdom and other commonwealth realms, and is a constitutional monarch. She has been Queen of the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, since February 6, 1952, but all of the other countries she is at present queen of had yet to gain independence at the time of her accession. The longest current reigning female monarch is Elizabeth II, who is the Queen of the United Kingdom and other", "id": "14276079" }, { "contents": "Acts of Union 1707\n\n\nin the words of the Treaty, \"United into One Kingdom by the Name of Great Britain\". The two countries had shared a monarch since the Union of the Crowns in 1603, when King James VI of Scotland inherited the English throne from his double first cousin twice removed, Queen Elizabeth I. Although described as a Union of Crowns, until 1707 there were in fact two separate Crowns resting on the same head (as opposed to the implied creation of a single Crown and a single Kingdom, exemplified by the later Kingdom", "id": "2654788" }, { "contents": "United Kingdom\n\n\nby the Atlantic Ocean, with the North Sea to the east, the English Channel to the south and the Celtic Sea to the south-west, giving it the 12th-longest coastline in the world. The Irish Sea lies between Great Britain and Ireland. The United Kingdom's were home to an estimated 66.0 million inhabitants in 2017. The United Kingdom is a unitary parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy. The current monarch is Queen Elizabeth II, who has reigned since 1952, making her the world's longest-serving current", "id": "13052319" }, { "contents": "Nick Griffin\n\n\nday\", and added: \"That audience was taken from a city that is no longer British ... That was not my country any more. Why not come down and do it in Thurrock, do it in Stoke, do it in Burnley? Do it somewhere where there are still significant numbers of English and British people, and they haven't been ethnically cleansed from their own country.\" Griffin describes himself as a \"moderniser\", and \"new nationalist\", and after his election as leader of the BNP", "id": "9973706" }, { "contents": "Granada\n\n\nexpedition of Christopher Columbus resulted in what is usually claimed to be the first European sighting of the New World, although Leif Erikson is often regarded as the first European to land in the New World, 500 years before Christopher Columbus. The resources of the Americas enriched the crown and the country, allowing Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand to consolidate their rule as Catholic Monarchs of the united kingdoms. Subsequent conquests, and the Spanish colonization of the Americas by the maritime expeditions they commissioned, created the vast Spanish Empire: for a time", "id": "17477599" }, { "contents": "What Does the Bee Do?\n\n\n\"What Does the Bee Do?\" is the fourth episode of the second season of the HBO television series \"Boardwalk Empire\", and 16th episode overall. First aired on October 16, 2011, it was written by executive story editor Steve Kornacki and directed by Ed Bianchi. Nucky looks to Rothstein for a port to receive alcohol, since the Coast Guard is blockading Atlantic City. Rothstein instructs Lansky and Luciano to oversee the Philadelphia delivery. Nucky also sends Owen Sleater to bomb Doyle's still. Margaret asks for '", "id": "12642012" }, { "contents": "Marriage\n\n\nreligion. Religious marriage is known variously as sacramental marriage in Catholicism, nikah in Islam, nissuin in Judaism, and various other names in other faith traditions, each with their own constraints as to what constitutes, and who can enter into, a valid religious marriage. Some countries do not recognize locally performed religious marriage on its own, and require a separate civil marriage for official purposes. Conversely, civil marriage does not exist in some countries governed by a religious legal system, such as Saudi Arabia, where marriages contracted abroad", "id": "20160792" }, { "contents": "Electric Telegraph Company\n\n\n, \"Monarch\" laid several cables around Britain in its first year. One of these was a cable across the Solent to the Isle of Wight. The purpose of this cable was to provide a connection to Osborne House, the summer residence of Queen Victoria. A number of improvements were made to \"Monarch\" over the years and its gear became the prototype for future cable ships. A cable picking-up machine was soon fitted with a drum that could be driven by both steam engine and manual winching, designed by", "id": "8930078" } ]
If pimples and zits are caused by clogged pores around the body, then why don't we get them on our hands?
[{"answer": "Acne is caused by sebaceous glands under the skin that secrete sebum into your pores. I believe there are less glands on your hands and arms which would make zits less likely to occur there. The highest amount of glands are on your face where most acne occurs. Its been a while though since I studied this so someone else should confirm."}, {"answer": "Your body contains 2 types of glands sebaceous and sudoriferous you dont have sebaceous glands on the soles of your hands and feet which means you do not produce sebum (oil) in those areas"}, {"answer": "I'll actually get one once or twice a year on my thumb. I have Scottish genes, so my leg and arm hair is mightier than most, so I think that is a factor. The pores are tiny there, which makes them very painful and nearly impossible to pop. I'll also get one every once in awhile on my knuckle or finger."}, {"answer": "I once had a zit right next to my nipple that turned the entire nipple at a 45 degree angle."}, {"answer": "I've had a couple on my hands before. It doesn't happen as often but it does happen occasionally."}, {"answer": "Because the main focal point is the face, so it only makes sense to put gigantic, embarrassing zits right where everyone can fucking see them all day."}, {"answer": "I once popped what I thought was a zit on the inside of my nose. I squeezed it and it erupted on the outside of my nose and I pulled a nose hair out of it."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "9582087", "title": "Pitted keratolysis", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Pitted keratolysis (also known as Keratolysis plantare sulcatum, Keratoma plantare sulcatum, and Ringed keratolysis) is a bacterial skin infection of the foot. The infection is characterized by craterlike pits on the sole of the feet and toes, particularly weight bearing areas. The infection is caused by \"Corynebacterium\" species bacteria and sometimes \"Kytococcus sedentarius\". Excessive sweating of the feet and use of occlusive footwear provide an environment in which these bacteria thrive and therefore increase the risk of developing pitted keratolysis. The condition is fairly common, especially\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Pitted keratolysis (also known as Keratolysis plantare sulcatum, Keratoma plantare sulcatum", "Pitted keratolysis (also known as Keratolysis plantare sulcatum, Keratoma plantare sulcatum, and Ringed keratolysis) is a bacterial skin infection of the foot. The infection is characterized by craterlike pits on the sole of the feet and toes, particularly weight bearing areas. The infection is caused by \"Corynebacterium\" species bacteria and sometimes \"Ky"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "58911", "title": "Measles", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Measles is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by the measles virus. Symptoms usually develop 1012 days after exposure to an infected person and last 710 days. Initial symptoms typically include fever, often greater than , cough, runny nose, and inflamed eyes. Small white spots known as Koplik's spots may form inside the mouth two or three days after the start of symptoms. A red, flat rash which usually starts on the face and then spreads to the rest of the body typically begins three to five days after the start of symptoms. Common complications include diarrhea (in 8% of cases), middle ear infection (7%), and pneumonia (6%). These occur in part due to measles-induced immunosuppression. Less commonly seizures, blindness, or inflammation of the brain may occur. Other names include morbilli, rubeola, red measles, and English measles. Both rubella, also known as \"German measles\", and roseola are different diseases caused by unrelated viruses.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Measles is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by the measles virus. Symptoms usually develop 1012 days after exposure to an infected person and last 710 days. Initial symptoms typically include fever, often greater than , cough, runny nose, and inflamed eyes. Small white spots known as Koplik's spots may form inside the mouth two or three days after the start of symptoms. A red, flat rash which usually starts on the face and then spreads to the rest of the body typically begins"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "List of A Series of Unfortunate Events characters\n\n\na freak to which the Hook-Handed Man states that he isn't one. The Man with Pimples On His Chin apologizes and advises the Hook-Handed Man to get some fake hands. During the show, he joins the Hook-Handed Man into heckling Hugo. Violet and Klaus in the alias of the two-headed person Beverly and Elliot encountered the Man With Pimples On His Chin before the lion-feeding event where he asks them why one of them doesn't wear a bag over their head. Sunny in", "id": "4098405" }, { "contents": "Pimple\n\n\nnon-comedogenic\", \"non-acnegenic\", \"oil-free\", \"won’t clog pores,\" as these products are least likely to cause additional skin irritation or acne. A regimen of keeping the affected skin area clean plus the regular application of these topical medications is usually enough to keep acne under control, if not at bay altogether. The most common product is a topical treatment of benzoyl peroxide, which has minimal risk apart from minor skin irritation that may present similar as a mild allergy.", "id": "3908244" }, { "contents": "Glyceryl behenate\n\n\nlubricant in oral solid dosage formulations. It can also be used as a hot-melt coating agent sprayed onto a powder. It is used widely in cosmetics as non-comedogenic (non- pimple causing substance) ingredient. It does not clog the oil pores of facial skin. It is also used widely as ingredient for preparation of lipidic nano-particles such as solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) and nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC). Chemically, glyceryl behenate is a mixture of various esters of behenic acid and glycerol (glycerides", "id": "7734183" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Pisani\n\n\na high likelihood you're going to get infected. That's all. It's cause and effect. And I think if we can prevent a fatal disease, we should. I don't get how it's OK to keep someone alive once they're sick - but not OK to stop them getting sick. I just don't get that.\" In an article for \"The Guardian\" the following year, she asked \"[w]hy can't we extend our compassion to those who are not yet infected, and", "id": "14185025" }, { "contents": "Belle Squire\n\n\nI...Why should a woman remain Miss until death or marriage? The boy changes his title from master to mister as soon as he wishes--as soon as he gets into long pants and is introduced to a razor. They say it's confusing. They will not know then whether we are single or married. I don't think it is anybody's business what we are. Why should we be obliged to print our marital relations on our business cards? Men don't.\" Squire worked professionally as a music", "id": "1524101" }, { "contents": "Pimple\n\n\nA pimple is a kind of comedo that results from excess sebum and dead skin cells getting trapped in the pores of the skin. In its aggravated state, it may evolve into a pustule or papules. Pimples can be treated by acne medications, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatories prescribed by a physician, or various over the counter remedies purchased at a pharmacy. Sebaceous glands inside the pore of the skin produce sebum. When the outer layers of skin shed (a natural and continuous process, normally), dead skin and", "id": "3908241" }, { "contents": "Why Don't We Get Drunk\n\n\nsaying, \"It's my way of saying this is the nineties and that I don't want any of the fans to get drunk and drive, and to remind them about using a condom. By sticking the message in the song, it's a way to get the point across subtly, using some humor.\" During the \"Havaña Daydreamin' Tour\" in 1997/98 and \"Party at the End of the World Tour\" in 2006/07, Buffett sang the lyrics as \"Why don't we get lunch in school", "id": "18918257" }, { "contents": "From Under the Cork Tree\n\n\nMy Name is David Ruffin And These Are The Temptations\". Wentz stated \"Our label said, 'You're going to get sued for doing that,' and our lawyer said, 'You're definitely going to get sued for doing that,' which totally sucked. So we said, 'OK, why don't we immortalize you in a song?'\" The group subsequently retitled the song \"Our Lawyer Made Us Change the Name of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued\". Stump served as", "id": "20485460" }, { "contents": "Try (Colbie Caillat song)\n\n\ncouple of days because they have a pimple on their chin, and they didn’t want it showing in the picture. And I was like, no, no, no! That’s good! Let’s let all of our fans know that we get them too, because otherwise they’re just think that they’re the only ones who get acne. We all get it, so let’s just kind of laugh about it together. And then some of the girls still wore makeup in the pictures because they felt like", "id": "11490687" }, { "contents": "Why Don't We Get Drunk\n\n\n1970s and 1980s, Buffett frequently sang the song in concert with one of the choruses replaced with \"why don't we get stoned and screw.\" This can be heard on the 1978 live album release \"You Had to Be There\", where Buffett declares \"I just bought some Colombian herb and we'll smoke it all, me and you.\" On the other hand, in the 1990s, Buffett modified the lyrics to include references to using condoms and getting a designated driver if necessary. He was quoted as", "id": "18918256" }, { "contents": "Full body scanner\n\n\nviewing the scanned images was simply not paying attention. Furthermore, an Israeli airport security expert, Rafi Sela, who helped design security at Ben Gurion International Airport, has said: \"I don't know why everybody is running to buy these expensive and useless machines. I can overcome the body scanners with enough explosives to bring down a Boeing 747... That's why we haven't put them in our airport.\" Again, despite the scanners, the TSA has been unable to stop weapons like box cutters and pistols from", "id": "19341360" }, { "contents": "Controversies of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad\n\n\nin our country. In Iran we do not have this phenomenon. I don't know who told you that we have it.\" An aide later claimed that he was misrepresented and was saying that \"compared to American society, we don't have many homosexuals\". He however was applauded when he spoke about the Palestinian peoples' right to self-determination. He spoke on the issue of the September 11, 2001 attacks that \"if the root causes of 9/11 are examined properly, why it happened, what caused", "id": "15802058" }, { "contents": "Human skin\n\n\nnaturally healthy skin lubricant. When the skin produces excessive sebum, it becomes heavy and thick in texture. Oily skin is typified by shininess, blemishes and pimples. The oily-skin type is not necessarily bad, since such skin is less prone to wrinkling, or other signs of aging, because the oil helps to keep needed moisture locked into the epidermis (outermost layer of skin). The negative aspect of the oily-skin type is that oily complexions are especially susceptible to clogged pores, blackheads, and buildup of", "id": "7187365" }, { "contents": "Steve Dickson\n\n\nDuring the meetings with the NRA, Dickson said, \"We get the balance of power, very simply that means that we have the testicles of the Government in our hand at every given stage.\" \"If we can get a million dollars fucking U.S. towards social media. I don't even need the money. I just need the grunt. If we get the grunt of that much social media supporting us, I don't need to touch the money... They [the NRA] are a third party punching this", "id": "18609688" }, { "contents": "Barbara Seaman\n\n\nhealth and body issues. In a piece published in \"The New York Times\" on December 2, 1972, she wrote \"Some women want to let their doctors do the worrying for them. But for those of us who don't, it has been extremely difficult to get honest health information.\" Seaman went on to praise and introduce a new library of women's self-help books, including \"Our Bodies, Ourselves\"; \"Women and Madness\"; \"Why Natural Childbirth\"; and \"Vaginal", "id": "21069660" }, { "contents": "Grindhouse (film)\n\n\nout because it looked so vintage and so real. He started showing it around to Eli Roth and to Edgar Wright, and they said, 'Can we do a trailer? We have an idea for a trailer!' We were like, 'Hey, let them shoot it. If we don't get around to shooting ours, we'll put theirs in the movie. If theirs come out really great, we'll put it in the movie to have some variety.' Then Rob Zombie came up to me", "id": "1239142" }, { "contents": "Dr. Pimple Popper (TV series)\n\n\nDr. Lee's husband, Dr. Jeffrey Rebish, makes recurring appearances. \"Dr. Pimple Popper: This Is Zit\" is an online series available on TLC's website and Facebook. Each three- to six-minute episode focuses on a particular procedure done by Dr. Lee. The first season of \"Dr. Pimple Popper\" has a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 75%. Kristen Baldwin of \"Entertainment Weekly\" gave the pilot episode a \"B\" rating, commenting that \"\"Pimple Popper\" delivers that blast of feel-good", "id": "858676" }, { "contents": "Induced demand\n\n\nlatent demand for new road capacity, which causes a flood of new drivers to immediately take to the freeway once the new lanes are open, quickly clogging them up again.But these individuals were presumably already living nearby; how did they get around before the expansion? They may have taken alternative modes of transport, traveled at off hours, or not made those trips at all. That’s why latent demand can be difficult to disentangle from generated demand—the new traffic that is a direct result of the new capacity.", "id": "13702833" }, { "contents": "If We Are the Body\n\n\narrangement. Featuring \"energetic instrumental spurts and tight melodies\", the song \"admonishes the church for giving preferential treatment to any one particular group over another\" and questions why the church does not minister impartially. The song's chorus, which references the Christian concept of the body of Christ, asks \"If we are the body, why aren't his arms reaching?/Why aren't his hands healing?/Why aren't his words teaching?/And if we are the body?/Why aren't his feet going?/Why is his love not showing them there is a way", "id": "2486340" }, { "contents": "Why Don't We Get Drunk\n\n\nABC-Dunhill Records. \"Billboard\" magazine reported that only the A-side, \"The Great Filling Station Holdup,\" was promoted to country radio, because the word \"screw\" was not generally acceptable in country radio programming at the time; however, \"Why Don't We Get Drunk\" was played by some underground stations on FM radio. \"Why Don't We Get Drunk\" was identified by \"Billboard\" as a \"jukebox favorite\" more than three years after its original release. In the", "id": "18918255" }, { "contents": "John Wimber\n\n\nopenly admitted: \"Not only have I suffered physically with health problems, but I also spent a great deal of time struggling with depression during my battle with cancer.\" \"Sometimes our experiences don't fit with our understanding of what the Bible teaches. On the one hand, we know that God is sovereign and that he sent Jesus to commission us to pray for and heal the sick. On the other hand, we know from experience that healing does not always occur. Why would God command us to heal the", "id": "12298322" }, { "contents": "Ivy Baker Priest\n\n\n\" with Elvis Presley. \"We women don't care too much about getting our pictures on money as long as we can get our hands on it.\" \"We seldom stop to think how many people's lives are entwined with our own. It is a form of selfishness to imagine that every individual can operate on his own or can pull out of the general stream and not be missed.\" \"The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning.\" \"", "id": "17257247" }, { "contents": "Why We Get Fat\n\n\nproblem of finding food yet our body is still set up to eat as much as possible and store as much as possible for famine times. This leads to excess weight to be put on. Taubes compares getting fat to smoking cigarettes: \"Not every long-term smoker gets lung cancer — in fact, only a minority do — but among people with lung cancer, smoking is by far the most common cause. In a world without cigarettes, lung cancer would be a rare disease, as it once was,\"", "id": "1317679" }, { "contents": "Pete Carroll\n\n\n. You've got to understand that our mindset is to focus only on what we can control. We can only control getting to the Rose Bowl. Winning our conference and going to the Rose Bowl is what our goal is every year. Our goal isn't about national championships, because we don't have control of that -- that's in somebody else's hands. We found that out years ago [2003], when we were No. 1 but then we were No. 3. We already knew that but", "id": "18098210" }, { "contents": "Animal Liberation Victoria\n\n\nletter to Dr Hugh Wirth, RSPCA Victoria's President, asking them to turn to strict vegetarianism their RSPCA Annual Gala Ball, as made the RSPCA UK. RPSCA Chief Executive Officer, Maria Mercurio, wrote the reply in which they refused. Among other criticisms, Mercurio said: \"\"We know that ALV will continue to attend RSPCA events in Victoria and target our staff, volunteers and guests. We are continually asked why ALV don't hold their own events if they truly wish to get wide attention for their issues;", "id": "6536960" }, { "contents": "Jennifer's Body\n\n\nother girls were almost romantic, they were so intense. I wanted to sleep at my friend's house every night, I wanted to wear her clothes, we would talk on the phone until our ears ached. I wanted to capture that heightened feeling you get as an adolescent that you don't really feel as a grownup. (laughs) You like [your] friends when you're a grownup, but you don't need to sleep in the same bed with them and talk to them on the phone until 5", "id": "20360077" }, { "contents": "Swamp Thing (2019 TV series)\n\n\nfelt like a \"lack of respect\" on DC's part: \"It was such a heartbreaker to find out after our first episode that we got cancelled for the second season, but all we've heard up until that point was how amazing everything was,\" said Mears. \"And everyone's going, 'We have a big hit on our hands. This is crazy.' ... So it's a weird nebulous space that we're all in now because we don't know officially why that would happen,", "id": "12276799" }, { "contents": "Guo Jia\n\n\nso he couldn't decide between them who would succeed him. With advisers like Guo Tu and Pang Ji to assist the Yuans, internal conflict will definitely break out between them. If we press on our attacks, the Yuans will unite to resist us. If we withdraw our forces, the Yuans will start fighting among themselves. Why don't we turn south and attack Liu Biao in Jing Province first? We should wait until the Yuan brothers start fighting each other and then attack them. We'll achieve victory in this", "id": "9340541" }, { "contents": "Christie Monteiro\n\n\n\"NowGamer\" in 2010: \"Cheapness aside, we can’t get our head around how Christie’s top manages to stay on as she spins and rolls about like Sonic the Hedgehog on speed.\" In 2012, the \"insufferable\" Christie was listed as one of the \"most ridiculous\" \"Tekken\" characters by Writtin King of \"Game Informer\": \"I don't know why Christie thought joining (and inevitably losing) a fighting tournament would save her sick grandpa.\" Brent McKnight of \"PopMatters\"", "id": "13911986" }, { "contents": "Salem witch trials\n\n\nus and laid our hands upon them, and then they said they were well and that we were guilty of afflicting them; whereupon we were all seized, as prisoners, by a warrant from the justice of the peace and forthwith carried to Salem. The Rev. John Hale explained how this supposedly worked: \"the Witch by the cast of her eye sends forth a Malefick Venome into the Bewitched to cast him into a fit, and therefore the touch of the hand doth by sympathy cause that venome to return into the Body", "id": "21886579" }, { "contents": "Schizoaffective disorder\n\n\nAssociation, Carpenter said: We had hoped to get rid of schizoaffective [disorder] as a diagnostic category [in the DSM-5] because we don't think it's [a] valid [scientific entity] and we don't think it's reliable. On the other hand, we think it's absolutely indispensable to clinical practice. A major reason why DSM-IV schizoaffective disorder was indispensable to clinical practice is because it offered clinicians a diagnosis for patients with psychosis in the context of mood disorder whose clinical picture, at", "id": "11420719" }, { "contents": "Jennifer Aniston\n\n\nmate, with or without a child. We get to decide for ourselves what is beautiful when it comes to our bodies. ... We don't need to be married or mothers to be complete. We get to determine our own 'happily ever after' for ourselves.\" The essay was supported by many celebrities and covered widely in the media. The actress has received five Primetime Emmy nominations for \"Friends\", including one win, and one nomination for her guest appearance in \"30 Rock\". She has also", "id": "18488638" }, { "contents": "Epidermoid cyst\n\n\nneuralgia. Although they are not malignant, there are rare cases of malignant tumors arising from an epidermoid cyst. Epidermoid cysts commonly result from implantation of epidermis into the dermis, as in trauma or surgery. They can also be caused by a blocked pore adjacent to a body piercing. They are also seen in Gardner's syndrome and Nevoid basal-cell carcinoma syndrome on the head and neck. They can be infected by bacteria and form a pimple-like shape. Epidermoid cysts are usually diagnosed when a person notices a bump", "id": "5964959" }, { "contents": "Psycho Circus\n\n\nand we didn't have it.\" In 2014, Stanley later revealed that Criss and Frehley were trying to renegotiate deals and get to compose more songs when he and Simmons thought that \"Why would they be equal partners? The band had existed [for many years without them].\" Although the subsequent Kiss Farewell Tour was meant to \"put Kiss out of its misery\", Stanley eventually decided to continue playing because \"I don't want \"Psycho Circus\" to be our last album. It's not a", "id": "12229787" }, { "contents": "Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan\n\n\nof millions [pounds sterling] for worthy causes around the Arab World as well as in the neighbouring countries and in the world at large. When asked by \"The New York Times\" in April 1997 why there is no elected legislature, Zayed replied, Why should we abandon a system that satisfies our people in order to introduce a system that seems to engender dissent and confrontation? Our system of government is based upon our religion and that is what our people want. Should they seek alternatives, we are ready to listen", "id": "13482233" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Mitt Romney\n\n\nview \"We ought to double\" the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. He then went on to say, in reference to combatants captured in Iraq, \"I want them in Guantanamo where they don't get the access to lawyers they get when they're on our soil. I don't want them in our prisons. I want them there.\" In Romney's speech at the 2007 Iowa Republican Straw Poll, he praised the U.S. military for not allowing prisoners to have judicial review of their cases. Romney opposes the use", "id": "11527142" }, { "contents": "Unusual Suspects (The X-Files)\n\n\na piece missing and we just couldn't come up with a how to get out of this situation, why doesn't this assassin just kill The Lone Gunmen? It was a flashback story and it was in 1989 and we were pacing around in my backyard, and ... I just turned to him and said, 'X! ... X has another agenda! X is the assassin, it's not some other character, it's our X. ... He wouldn't kill the Gunmen, 'cause he's trying to help Mulder", "id": "529643" }, { "contents": "Don't Panic (All Time Low album)\n\n\n's title, Gaskarth said \"we were in a very transitional period when we made this record, so it’s kind of a reminder to ourselves to just get through it and press on.\" Gaskarth explained that with \"Don't Panic\" \"a big part of the process was finding what made our band special on each of our past records. This time around, rather than taking influence from anything we were listening to at the time ... the goal was to make an album that we felt reflected the best aspects", "id": "20135444" }, { "contents": "Face Dancer\n\n\n\"[Tleilaxu Masters] have such a hard time accepting that Face Dancers can be independent of them.\" \"I don't see why. It's a natural consequence. They gave us the power to absorb the memories and experiences of other people. Gather enough of those and...\" \"It's personas we take, Marty.\" \"Whatever. The Masters should've known we would gather enough of them one day to make our own decisions about our own future.\" In Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson", "id": "6663889" }, { "contents": "The Smiths\n\n\ndemise of the Smiths and the others haven't, so why hand them attention that they haven't earned? We are not friends, we don't see each other. Why on earth would we be on a stage together?\" In a February 2009 interview on BBC Radio 2, he said, \"People always ask me about reunions and I can't imagine why [...] the past seems like a distant place, and I'm pleased with that.\" In November 2004, VH1 screened a \"Backstage Pass", "id": "7705415" }, { "contents": "FIU–Miami football brawl\n\n\n“Now, that’s what I’m talking about. You come into our house, you should get your behind kicked. You don’t come into the OB [Orange Bowl] playing that stuff. You’re across the ocean over there. You’re across the city. You can’t come over to our place talking noise like that. You’ll get your butt beat. I was about to go down the elevator to get in that thing...I say, why don't we meet outside in the tunnel after", "id": "3539254" }, { "contents": "Bioclogging\n\n\nBioclogging or biological clogging is clogging of pore space in soil by microbial biomass; their body and their byproducts such as extracellular polymeric substance (EPS). The microbial biomass blocks the pathway of water in the pore space, forming a certain thickness of impermeable layer in soil, and it reduces the rate of infiltration of water remarkably. Bioclogging is observed under continuous ponded infiltration at various field conditions such as artificial recharge ponds, percolation trench, irrigation channel, sewage treatment system and landfill liner. It also affects groundwater flow in aquifer", "id": "19981048" }, { "contents": "Rina Bovrisse\n\n\nabout how Japan is championing women, making us shine, creating new opportunities, but this is all fiction, all talk. For women to enjoy real change, we need to do the jobs that men think are only for them. That's why I'm running. Once you are involved in our political system, you get brainwashed and don't see the problems because you lack real world experience. Wages are weak and income inequality is rising, but these men have no idea. This is the main reason things never", "id": "1282845" }, { "contents": "2014 Tipperary senior hurling team season\n\n\nthe common perception, which is right. We just couldn't seem to get rhythm in our play. The positive thing about this week and even last week before the Galway game ... this is why I was really annoyed that we didn't play to our potential last week ... because we've had two or three weeks of really good training, really good work. I don't disagree that our performances went through bad patches and I wouldn't criticise anybody for the criticism. This is life. Sometimes I think Tipp are", "id": "716822" }, { "contents": "1992 Los Angeles riots\n\n\nI don't know why Koreans are always a special target for African-Americans, but if they are going to attack our community, then we are going to pay them back.\" Korean Americans not only faced physical damage to their stores and community surroundings, but they also suffered emotional, psychological, and economic despair. About 2,300 Korean-owned stores in southern California were looted or burned, making up 45 percent of all damages caused by the riot. According to the Asian and Pacific American Counseling and Prevention Center,", "id": "15748212" }, { "contents": "Mahmoud al-Mashhadani\n\n\nthe day will come when we purge our country of them\". In that same interview, after being told about the kidnapping of a Sunni parliament member, Mashhadani replied with \"Why kidnap this Muslim woman? Instead of Tayseer, why not kidnap Margaret or Jwan?\", Margaret referring to Assyrian Christians and Jwan referring to Kurds. In late July 2006 at a speech before a UN-sponsored conference on transitional justice and reconciliation in Baghdad he said \"Just get your hands off Iraq and the Iraqi people and Muslim countries", "id": "102932" }, { "contents": "IdeaPad tablets\n\n\nuse them together. The latch is so secure that you don't have to worry about accidentally dislodging the screen. We were also happy with the responsiveness of the Lynx's touchscreen, although we didn't get a chance to really challenge it during our five minute hands-on.\" IdeaPad K2 (IdeaPad K2010) is 1920x1200 pixel, 10.1-inch IPS panel tablet with Tegra 3 running at 1.7 GHz (possibly overclocked), 2GB RAM, Fingerprint scanner, and keyboard dock. It is known as LePad K2 or LePad", "id": "14910392" }, { "contents": "Lenovo IdeaTab Lynx\n\n\nportion is closer in feel to a Kindle than an iPad, but with a larger display than either. The keyboard dock takes away from the Lynx's airiness, of course, although the two at least feel solidly linked when you use them together. The latch is so secure that you don't have to worry about accidentally dislodging the screen. We were also happy with the responsiveness of the Lynx's touchscreen, although we didn't get a chance to really challenge it during our five minute hands-on.\" In", "id": "8288732" }, { "contents": "Moscow Strikes Back\n\n\nand clogged with snow, numbed hands refused to act. There were times when in the car, which returned from the front, lay the body of our dead comrade and broken equipment. But the knowledge that the enemy pulls back from Moscow, that collapses the myth of the invincibility of the Nazi armies, gave us strength. We knew that the film should be created as soon as possible, that the people should as soon as possible to see on the screen the offspring of the first victories of the army. And", "id": "20863231" }, { "contents": "Hagazussa\n\n\nreally do have a nice spot here in our mountains. We don't have to be afraid here.\" Albrun asks what they should be afraid of to which Swinda replies, \"Of those who don't carry God in their hearts. The Jews and the heathens. They come in the night and like animals they take you. And then some months later you bear a child.\" This causes Albrun to become uneasy around Swinda. On the way down the mountain, Swinda talks a local man into walking with them", "id": "12365911" }, { "contents": "Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\n\n\n\"Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles, released on their 1968 double album \"The Beatles\" (also known as \"the White Album\"). Short and simple, it was written and sung by Paul McCartney, but credited to Lennon–McCartney. At 1:42, \"Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\" comprises 34 bars of a twelve-bar blues idiom. It begins with three different percussion elements (a hand", "id": "21227595" }, { "contents": "Albino Lucatello\n\n\nact, our every move. These signs our part of our universal history and we carry them within us, and yet we tend to ignore them, to the point of forgetting them altogether. They appear to be beyond our reach and yet are close at hand. They are to be sought and found precisely in that which makes us what we are, in our human condition: in our nature, biology, body, soul, intelligence, feelings, unconscious, fears, confrontation, love Albino Lucatello, with his painting", "id": "20799818" }, { "contents": "List of Red vs. Blue characters\n\n\nGene Simmons. Unlike the other Blues and Reds, Gene is identical to Simmons in every way, with even their voices being the same. After Loco activates his machine, Gene, now with a gold visor, attacks Grif and Simmons. Grif is at first unable to tell them apart, but gets Gene to reveal himself by asking the question \"Why are we here\" which Gene responses with (We need to stop these evil guys , that's why!) while Simmons response with (We don't know why", "id": "13786939" }, { "contents": "Charles McAnally\n\n\nI was in command of the Skirmishers about one mile to the front & every inch of the ground was well contested untill [sic] I Reached our Regt the Rebels made the attack in 3 lines of Battle... I threw off my coat & in 2 minutes we were at it hand to hand they charged on us twice & we repulsed them then they their [sic] tried the Regt on our Right – & drove them which caused us to Swing back our right then we charged them on their left flank & in", "id": "283372" }, { "contents": "Holy War (BYU vs. Utah)\n\n\nHall responded, \"A little bit, yeah. I don't like Utah. In fact, I hate them. I hate everything about them. I hate their program. I hate their fans. I hate everything. So, it feels good to send those guys home. They didn't deserve it. It was our time and it was our time to win. We deserved it. We played as hard as we could tonight, and it felt really good to send them home and to get them out of", "id": "13505570" }, { "contents": "Medical uses of salicylic acid\n\n\nand in children. Use is thus not recommended in children less than two years old. It comes in a number of different strengths. Salicylic acid overdose can lead metabolic acidosis with compensatory respiratory alkalosis. In people presenting with an acute overdose, a 16% morbidity rate and a 1% mortality rate are observed. Salicylic acid works as a keratolytic, comedolytic and bacteriostatic agent, causing the cells of the epidermis to shed more readily, opening clogged pores and neutralizing bacteria within, preventing pores from clogging up again and allowing room", "id": "9411361" }, { "contents": "Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\n\n\n1968, a few months before \"Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\": \"Anyway, he did the same with 'Revolution 9'. He went off and made that without me. No one ever says that. John is the nice guy and I'm the bastard. It gets repeated all the time.\" Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of its release, Jacob Stolworthy of \"The Independent\" listed \"Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\" at number 27 in his", "id": "21227602" }, { "contents": "Reflektor (song)\n\n\nthe song. In fact, he basically threatened us – he was like, 'If you don't hurry up and mix this song, I might just steal it from you!' So we thought, well why don't we go one better, why don't you sing on our version? Thankfully he obliged, and we were really happy about that.\" \"Reflektor\" is a dance-rock, indie rock, and disco song. The track's lyrical content is, in part, influenced by the", "id": "481353" }, { "contents": "Iranian traditional medicine\n\n\nor ‘So-e-Mizaj’ will strike the body and diseases will progress. There are cases when the patient is diagnosed with excessive warmness in their bodies. Here are reasons as to why someone might experience conditions caused by excessive warmness in their bodies: Fast heart rate, breaking out in pimple and mouth ulcers, and sleep deprivation are the side effects of excessive warmness. Some actions or consuming some food stuff can contribute to excessive coldness in the body: Unfortunately people with cold Mizaj can soon be affected by mal", "id": "6210296" }, { "contents": "Christian music industry\n\n\nsee ourselves getting pigeonholed into this particular world that we weren't necessarily proud to be associated with... We're not trying to preach through our music; we don't have some kind of evangelistic agenda with what we're doing... You know, you don't want to be ashamed of your faith and your beliefs, but you don't want to be marketed by that, either.\" On the other hand, some artists operate solely within the \"ghetto\" of Christian music, and find great success in doing so", "id": "1058246" }, { "contents": "Craig Rundle\n\n\nthink about that game. You know, just wondering what if we'd done a few things differently.\" Despite the impressive 1993 season, Rundle's team was not invited to play in the Division III playoffs. Rundle told a reporter, \"It seems like they might be looking for reasons why we don't belong in the playoffs, instead of why we do. I've called a couple of people on the committee, just trying to enlighten them about our situation. But I'm not sure it's had any", "id": "15544963" }, { "contents": "2009 Aftonbladet Israel controversy\n\n\nand Nafes from Gaza, who had all disappeared for a number of days only to return at night, dead and – Why would they otherwise keep the bodies for up to five days before they let us bury them? What happened to the bodies during that time? Why are they performing an autopsy when the cause of death is obvious, and in all cases against our will? Why are the bodies returned at night? And why with a military escort? And why is the area closed off during the funeral?", "id": "7287763" }, { "contents": "We Are the World 25 for Haiti\n\n\n, \"this is what this song is written for, as a fundraising vehicle for causes, tragedies, catastrophes like this. Why don't we take over the process, call our friends, and actually do this?\" Lionel understood the urgency of Haiti, and in January 2010, it was agreed that \"We Are the World\" would be re-recorded to help benefit Haiti, similar to how the original recording helped famine relief in Africa. Richie commented, \"Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a hit record to", "id": "9527828" }, { "contents": "Guo Huai\n\n\n\"This isn't the best move because it reveals our weakness to the enemy and can't deter them. Why don't we make camp further away from the river, lure the enemy to attack our camp, and strike back when they are halfway across? We can defeat Liu Bei if we do this.\" Zhang He and the other officers followed Guo Huai's plan. When Liu Bei saw that the enemy camp was further away from the river, he became suspicious and did not send his troops across the river", "id": "2793932" }, { "contents": "Jacques Roumain\n\n\n's true. We're miserable, that's true. But do you know why, brother? Because of our ignorance. We don't know yet what a force we are, what a single force - all the peasants, all the Negroes of the plain and hill, all united. Some day, when we get wise to that, we'll rise up from one end of the country to the other. Then we'll call a General Assembly of the Masters of the Dew, a great big \"coumbite\"", "id": "6767552" }, { "contents": "Big Picture (magazine)\n\n\n, change and move, and why understanding them is so important. Proteins are polymers of amino acids, and they do all sorts of incredible things. They give structure to living things, carry messages and molecules around our bodies, support the immune system and catalyse chemical reactions, and they are used widely in industry and medicine too. In this issue, we explore proteins and discover how they are involved in all kinds of processes in humans and other organisms. In this issue, we explore how science works and look at", "id": "4534039" }, { "contents": "Felix Sabates\n\n\nsex the (sic) were born with, if you want to change your gender so be it, we are a free county, but don't force 8 years old children to be exposed to having to share bathroom facilities with people that don't share the organs they were Bourne (sic) with, this is plain wrong, this could cause irreparable damages to a children's that don't understand why they have to see what God did not mean for them to witness, we have some very confused business as well", "id": "14694532" }, { "contents": "Why We Get Fat\n\n\nfat cells, but that reducing dietary intake of carbohydrates results in the body entering ketosis. In this state, the body breaks down fat (triglycerides) in order to fuel the brain. Taubes states in the book that it's not about fat people eating too much and exercising too little or skinny people eating well and exercising a lot. In hunter-gather time periods, humans' lives were spent finding food so when they found a surplus the human body would go into storage mode. Today we don't have the", "id": "1317678" }, { "contents": "What to Expect When You're Expecting (film)\n\n\nDon't You Want Me\" performed by Phil Oakey, Philip Adrian Wright and Jo Callis, \"Do What You Want\" performed by Daphne Willis, \"Broken Sky\" performed by Rob Laufer, \"Why Don't We Get Drunk\" performed by Jimmy Buffett, \"Put Your Hands Up\" performed by The MIDI Mafia, \"Samba Vocalizado\" performed by Luciano Perrone, \"Get It Daddy\" performed by Sleeper Agent, \"Now Is The Start\" performed by Alison Sudol, \"The Hormone Song\" performed by", "id": "2827214" }, { "contents": "The Great Filling Station Holdup\n\n\nof the single, with \"Why Don't We Get Drunk\" as its B-side, it was reported that it had sold over 50,000 copies just to jukebox operators, according to B.J. McElvee, country promotion manager for ABC-Dunhill Records. \"Billboard\" magazine reported that only the A-side was promoted to country radio, because the word \"screw\" (repeatedly used in \"Why Don't We Get Drunk\") was not generally acceptable in country radio programming at the time; however, \"Why", "id": "9864332" }, { "contents": "Aristotelian physics\n\n\nsuch as the Local Void adjacent to our own galaxy) have the opposite effect: ultimately, bodies off-center are ejected from the void due to the gravity of the material outside. According to Aristotle, there are four ways to explain the \"aitia\" or causes of change. He writes that \"we do not have knowledge of a thing until we have grasped its why, that is to say, its cause.\" Aristotle held that there were four kinds of causes. The material cause of a thing is", "id": "18404950" }, { "contents": "The Hunting Party (album)\n\n\nthis chorus and sang it, and his voice had this tone, and it was unlike anything I'd heard from him before. And I was like, \"Dude this is crazy, this sounds like a Helmet song! It's cool!\" And we were like, \"Dude, why don't we see if we can get like Page in here?\" You know? And if that's why the song says it's feeling like it should be, then why don't we just go straight to the", "id": "12282040" }, { "contents": "Miracle (Third Day album)\n\n\n\"'began to see the hand of God working in miraculous ways to bring us together'...'God had protected us and our families on the road. We needed to remember these things and share them.'\" Anderson highlighted that as a band \"'We don't work with a theme necessarily'...'The only time we did that was \"Conspiracy No. 5\" and that was our least selling record'\", so as \"'For this one, it was more based on the song. We thought we", "id": "5370097" }, { "contents": "Bobby Chen\n\n\nthe Cross-Straits Service Trade Agreement and said \"I don't think we [Taiwan] should earn more money, and I think the richest era that Taiwan residents had was abnormal.\" \"Some said that by refusing to sign the agreement, Taiwan will become marginalised. But why should we lower our quality of life? I disagree with signing it,\" he added. \"I don't want the mainlanders to come here.\" Chen casually said that while he has a lot of mainland friends and likes them", "id": "16254189" }, { "contents": "One Life Crew\n\n\ndon't need or want you, A country for Americans, Vultures won't rule, In your rat land you belong and rot, D.P. worthless scums, Should all die enraged, Dirty fucking leaches, You must GET OUT, Don't use this country for free HAND OUTS, Bringing your infections, Don't infect our people, We pay out of our pockets not for your fucking free rides.\" The band was dropped from Victory Records after a fight broke out during their surprise set at the 1996 Cleveland Hardcore Festival", "id": "14661023" }, { "contents": "Robert Runcie\n\n\nthe orthodox, by the end of the century, but we will have to get a move on, certainly, if that is our target. I don't see why we should not have that target.\" Runcie said of the office of Pope: \"There is advantage in having a central focus of affection, even a central spokesman to articulate what the churches in different parts of the world are thinking. I think Anglicans recognise that there is value in that sort of concept\". He also played down the Queen", "id": "3515653" }, { "contents": "Eli Goldston\n\n\nGoldston ran diversified energy corporation with 19 subsidiaries in the bituminous coal, coke, gas utility and river-ocean marine industries. He was best known, however, for his belief that liberal politics and corporate success could go hand in hand. He is quoted as having said: \"I don't believe that business, alone, can solve our social problems. Neither do I believe it, alone, has caused them. But they'll not get solved unless innovative businessmen, who sense a changing world and feel challenged,", "id": "16669734" }, { "contents": "Ali Sina (activist)\n\n\nSina says, \"This is the way to fight evil. I do not want to kill the enemy. I want to win them as friends and allies. That is the real victory. In this way, we win because we eliminate our enemy, and our enemy wins by eliminating his ignorance and hate. That is why I believe in my cause. That is why I think I am an instrument of peace.\" While disagreeing with Sina for saying Islam is not a religion but a political ideology, David P.", "id": "21021445" }, { "contents": "Matt Fielding\n\n\na million dollars in advertising revenue. \"Our ratings aren't as high as some other networks'. We couldn't afford to take the financial hit.\" In contrast, GLAAD cited \"Don't Ask, Don't Tell\", a critically and financially successful episode of the series \"Rosanne\" which included a kiss between two women. In December 1994, LGBT-interest magazine \"The Advocate\" put Matt Fielding on its cover, asking \"Why can't this man get laid?\" Inside, Star reiterated", "id": "15185110" }, { "contents": "I Don't Care (Fall Out Boy song)\n\n\nthis record unless the point was to point out superficiality.\" -- Patrick Stump on the song's message. Wentz referred to \"I Don't Care\" as a \"narcissist's anthem\", further commenting that \"To me, it's like a YouTube anthem for the YouTube generation, just about how our attention span is about seven seconds...[it asks,] 'Why can't we get people to pay attention for two minutes and 35 seconds?'\" The music video was released exclusively on iTunes on September", "id": "5503627" }, { "contents": "HabiJax\n\n\nsubstandard construction. A Habitat for Humanity volunteer commented, \"Many of our new home owners do not understand the difference between renting and owning. We now have a class on \"The Responsibilities of Home Ownership\". We teach them about home maintenance and repair; it works.\" One Fairway Oaks resident, Diennal Fields, insisted that some owners don't know how to take care of their homes: \"It's simple stuff: if there is mildew, don't get a lawyer, get a bottle of bleach\"", "id": "8058109" }, { "contents": "Joe Biden 1988 presidential campaign\n\n\ntoo long in this society, we have celebrated unrestrained individualism over common community. For too long as a nation, we have been lulled by the anthem of self-interest. For a decade, led by Ronald Reagan, self-aggrandizement has been the full-throated cry of this society: 'I've got mine so why don't you get yours' and 'What's in it for me?' ... We must rekindle the fire of idealism in our society, for nothing suffocates the promise of America more", "id": "4030507" }, { "contents": "Adelaide L. Sanford\n\n\n, elected officials, parents, clergy, community leaders a forum for discussions and strategies around State Standards in New York City public schools. I try to get children to internalize discipline, so we don't have to tell them what not to do.\" “I wear beads and bangles in my hair to represent the okra seeds and yam tubers our ancestors kept in theirs as they traveled here from home,” she said gently but powerfully. “We must pass on these things to the next generation, and always give", "id": "6979599" }, { "contents": "Philosophical zombie\n\n\nn't mean we must accept it. And indeed, the fact that Chalmers concludes we have epiphenomenal mental states that don't cause our physical behavior seems one reason to reject his principle. Another way to construe the zombie hypothesis is epistemically – as a problem of causal explanation, rather than as a problem of logical or metaphysical possibility. The \"explanatory gap\" – also called the \"hard problem of consciousness\" – is the claim that (to date) no one has provided a convincing causal explanation of how and why we", "id": "4945292" }, { "contents": "Bull Connor\n\n\ntown meddlers and that police had rushed to the scene \"as quickly as possible.\" The violence was covered by national media. He said: As I have said on numerous occasions, we are not going to stand for this in Birmingham. And if necessary we will fill the jail full and we don't care whose toes we step on. I am saying now to these meddlers from out of our city the best thing for them to do is stay out if they don't want to get slapped in jail.", "id": "8184647" }, { "contents": "Müller-Lyer illusion\n\n\ndo not perceive them as getting shorter. And when we stretch one arm and look at the two hands we do not perceive one hand smaller than the other. Visual illusions are sometimes held to show us that what we see is an image created in our brain. Our brain supposedly projects the image of the smaller hand to its correct distance in our internal 3D model. This is what is called the size constancy mechanism hypothesis. In the Müller-Lyer illusion, the visual system would in this explanation detect the depth cues", "id": "21131345" }, { "contents": "Flight (novel)\n\n\nthe knowledge to carry out a terrorist attack, and Jimmy's suicide. Finally, Zits ends up like his own father. While in his father's body, he begins to understand why his father left his mother. He also begins to understand that his father does love him and that by leaving he was doing the best for his son. When Zits reinhabits his own body, he is standing in the bank staring at a small boy. Realizing that his crime could affect many more than just him, he walks out", "id": "19461539" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Senegal\n\n\nalso take measures to protect the lives of homosexuals. That is why I ask you to bear in mind our society, our sociological realities. This is a perfectly complicated issue for us where there are some problems but we are aware of them. ... I would like to go back to a very important issue. We are all struggling for the independence of our judges, for the independence of our justice system. If the courts hand down a decision, you cannot say the government is responsible for that court decision.", "id": "4286212" }, { "contents": "Mid-South Pride\n\n\nmany other themed events. Because of the growth in 2016 the board chose to make a change and rename the annual festival to Memphis Pride Fest. President Vanessa Rodley when asked why explained. \"Mid-South Pride is more than the festival and parade. We organize and host many events in our community. Also other cities and communities in Arkansas and Mississippi have started to host their own pride festivals. We don't need to envelope all of those communities anymore. Of course we are here for them and support them.", "id": "12280528" }, { "contents": "Mademoiselle Fifi (film)\n\n\nwanted. Wise later commented: \"Because those were low-budget films, we had to stretch our imagination and get results without too much to work with. How we staged them, how we lit them, how we placed our camera was to get strong, effective results without having the material at hand.\" \"Mademoiselle Fifi\" was in production from 23 March through late April 1944 with the working title of \"The Silent Bell\". Shooting took 22 days on a budget of $200,000 – a record low", "id": "7624571" }, { "contents": "Bill Lockyer\n\n\nto me that the kind of budget we will require before the end of June is almost entirely cuts ... My suggestion to you is don't delay the pain. It's going to be awful, but just get it done. It's going to be worse if it doesn't get done.\" Lockyer was also quoted as telling Democratic legislators that, \"fair or not\", angry voters blamed them for \"12 years of flowing red ink\". \"Why don't you start with the realization that probably none", "id": "4553605" }, { "contents": "Sebastian Kurz\n\n\nout that he supported the published study. A review of the study was initiated by the University of Vienna. In January 2016, Kurz stated in an interview with the daily newspaper \"Die Welt\" regarding border security in Austria: \"It is understandable that many politicians are afraid of ugly pictures relating to border security. However, we cannot just delegate this duty of ours to Turkey, because we don't want to get our hands dirty. It will not go without ugly pictures\". The latter part of the", "id": "16785709" }, { "contents": "WALL-E\n\n\nof love to sort of discover them against how they were built ... I realized that that's a perfect metaphor for real life. We all fall into our habits, our routines and our ruts, consciously or unconsciously to avoid living. To avoid having to do the messy part. To avoid having relationships with other people or dealing with the person next to us. That's why we can all get on our cell phones and not have to deal with one another. I thought, 'That's a perfect amplification of", "id": "5656579" }, { "contents": "Body odour and sexual attraction\n\n\nStudies regarding the olfactory communications in humans is fairly new as scientists have branched out from animals and came to the conclusion that human have this kind of communication as well. This kind of communication happens subconsciously in our bodies and is usually the reason why we are initially attracted to someone. Pheromones are chemical messengers that are produced and eventually get emitted throughout the body. These chemical messengers are what attract people to each other. The two types of pheromones include signal and primer, each having their own role in our behavior. Signal", "id": "11370729" }, { "contents": "Society for Scientific Exploration\n\n\nProject, the SSE aims to \"give everyone a respectful hearing. If we think a speaker is doing bad science, we consider it our duty to criticize it. We get our share of lunatics, but they don't hang around long.\" On June 19, 1998 it was reported that \"an international panel of scientists\" was convened to conduct \"the first independent review of UFO phenomena since 1966\", according to the wording used by Associated Press. The \"Skeptical Inquirer\" published an article by Robert Sheaffer", "id": "17497848" }, { "contents": "Against All Authorities\n\n\nappearance from Sick Flo. Fredro Starr about the concept of this songin an interview with Charlie Sloth:\"...We just letting you know that police don't get no respect in the hood. We don't respect them because they don't respect us. We're not being ignorant about what we're saying. We being very upset about what's going on. This is Onyx way to expressing our feelings on wax.\" Snowgoons's DJ Sixkay made six visual videos for all tracks from this EP. Also Onyx released two official", "id": "3665549" }, { "contents": "Operation Coffee Cup\n\n\nRonald Reagan during the 2008 Vice-Presidential debate, It was Ronald Reagan who said that freedom is always just one generation away from extinction. We don't pass it to our children in the bloodstream; we have to fight for it and protect it, and then hand it to them so that they shall do the same, or we're going to find ourselves spending our sunset years telling our children and our children's children about a time in America, back in the day, when men and women were free.", "id": "219974" }, { "contents": "Pedigree Dogs Exposed: Three Years On\n\n\nwe are there to examine evidence and make recommendations based on evidence. I hope people will regard our recommendations as important, but we can't get tough; we don't have any legislative powers.\" The programme ends by calling for an independent government-backed regulatory body to drive through meaningful reform for the welfare of dogs. The body would be funded by a national registration scheme for all dogs and would also deal with other pressing dog issues such as stray dogs, dangerous dogs and puppy farms. The film exhorts consumers", "id": "2854212" }, { "contents": "Our House (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young song)\n\n\nIt was a very grey, kind of sleety, drizzly L.A. morning. And we got to the house in Laurel Canyon, and I said – got through the front door and I said, you know what? I'll light a fire. Why don't you put some flowers in that vase that you just bought? Well, she was in the garden getting flowers. That meant she was not at her piano, but I was ... And an hour later 'Our House' was born, out of an incredibly", "id": "6930188" }, { "contents": "2007 Camping World Watkins Glen Grand Prix\n\n\nlet us talk about it and not get in the middle. I think he made a mistake today, and I don't know if he was going to apologize because I couldn't hear what he was saying -- we both had our helmets on. I don't think he drove like a champion today, and he didn't act like one. And his dad was even worse. That's why dads should be in the grandstands, not in the pits.\"\" For punching Kanaan and interfering with the intended civil", "id": "7502810" } ]
Why are universities horizontal buildings and not towers?
[{"answer": "Once you build a building more than 3-4 stories tall each additional floor become far more expensive to build/maintain. In some places where space is very scarce it would be more efficient but most places, particularly in the US it is not so they build multiple 2-4 story buildings."}, {"answer": "Theories in education show that universities as \"villages\" instead of compounds are better for education. (Source Mary woods Thomas Jefferson and uva) Essentially, the multiplicity of buildings and the quad and gardens are more pleasant to hang out in and more conducive to learning. Also, a second reason, a \"university\" is a collection of \"colleges\". Colleges are specific schools within a larger institution. (Which is why they often have separate names, ie MIT is a university with a \" Sloane school of management \" within, or within \"Harvard university\" there is \"Harvard college\" and \"harvard business school\" and \"Harvard medical school\") Essentially each college is a small self-contained school with its own dean, its own funding, and it's own admissions, etc etc. Therefore, although the university is large, each individual school is not sufficiently large enough to have a tower. Finally, horizontal buildings are easier to enlarge as that part of the school expands. (Imagine if the university tower had biology department on floors 10-12, and then they get a donation to expand that department, they would have to fight with the medical school on floors 13-15 and chemistry which was on for 9. Lastly, imagine trying to move 30,000 students to their individual classes all around the building at the same time... Elevators would be crazy. My own university, SAIC haa several towers. Elevators are a nightmare. Each tower is 8-12 stories, I need to budget at least 15 extra minutes just for elevators. And our school had just 3000 students. Imagine 30000..."}, {"answer": "So that they don't have too much space for parking. Federal law states any university or junior college MUST maintain a 10:1 student to parking space ratio. edit: ok I guess it's not funny to anyone else how shitty most school's parking situation is."}, {"answer": "As people have said, land and cost efficiency. If you ever go to a school in the middle of a city, you'll find that, as land gets more scarce, buildings get taller. Like, the two buildings I have classes in are both in the 10-15 story range."}, {"answer": "When land is cheap, it is easier to build out than up. Most university started out on large parcels of land out in the country, only to have cities encroach on them later."}, {"answer": "It's less expensive to expand horizontally rather than vertically. Besides, you wouldn't want all those college kids jumping out of high windows what with all those loans..."}, {"answer": "Because, tall staircases and elevators are not efficient ways to move many people, traveling in different directions, quickly from one place to another."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "118767", "title": "High-rise building", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["buildings became possible with the invention of the elevator (lift) and less expensive, more abundant building materials. The materials used for the structural system of high-rise buildings are reinforced concrete and steel. Most North American style skyscrapers have a steel frame, while residential blocks are usually constructed of concrete. There is no clear difference between a tower block and a skyscraper, although a building with forty or more stories and taller than is generally considered a skyscraper. High-rise structures pose particular design challenges for structural and geotechnical", "buildings became possible with the invention of the elevator (lift) and less expensive, more abundant building materials. The materials used for the structural system of high-rise buildings are reinforced concrete and steel. Most North American style skyscrapers have a steel frame, while residential blocks are usually constructed of concrete. There is no clear difference between a tower block and a skyscraper, although a building with forty or more stories and taller than is generally considered a skyscraper. High-rise structures pose particular design challenges for structural and geotechnical"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "29485", "title": "Skyscraper", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 359, "bleu_score": 0.660711872497746}]}]
[ { "contents": "Campus of Virginia Tech\n\n\nbuilding in Blacksburg. Slusher Tower, including a three-story annex, Slusher Wing, is a co-ed residence hall, that houses 630 students and is home to the WING and MOSAIC theme housing programs. In 1997, Melinda Marie Somers, 18, a sophomore, died after accidentally falling through a window on the 8th floor of Slusher Tower, prompting the university to install horizontal bars across windows in the building. The quad formed by Slusher Tower, Slusher Wing, Main Campbell and East Campbell Halls has long been", "id": "12028319" }, { "contents": "Collegiate Gothic\n\n\n, Connecticut. By the 1890s, the movement was known as \"Collegiate Gothic\". In his praise for Cope & Stewardson's Quadrangle Dormitories at the University of Pennsylvania, architect Ralph Adams Cram revealed some of the racial and cultural implications underlying the Collegiate Gothic: Collegiate Gothic complexes were most often horizontal compositions, save for a single tower or towers serving as an exclamation. At the University of Pittsburgh, Charles Klauder was commissioned by University of Pittsburgh chancellor John Gabbert Bowman to design a tall building in the form of a Gothic", "id": "5910375" }, { "contents": "St John's College, University of Sydney\n\n\n. In 1937 Countess Freehill donated ₤15,000 to the college on the conditions that it be used for the erection of the tower and that Hennessy and Hennessy be the architects. The design for the tower was 10 metres shorter than Wardell would have liked. Wardell believed that without the full height of the tower, the horizontal aspect of the building would not be balanced. Nonetheless the tower was built to the amended design. The 1960s saw great activity, with extensions to the college. In 1961, one hundred years after the first", "id": "15088843" }, { "contents": "Fort Denison\n\n\nof the Martello tower and the equally strong horizontal lines of the low barrack and battery buildings. The two distinct building forms reflects the history of the staged Fort construction; which progressed from the original horizontal form of the battery, and later construction of the barracks and Martello tower. The tower, which only lost its dominant role in marking the water entrance to the city with the construction of the Sydney Opera House, was built with an open gun platform (terreplein) which surmounted two internal levels. A section through the tower", "id": "20331597" }, { "contents": "Wells Cathedral\n\n\n, those that have paired towers at the end of each aisle, framing the nave, and those that screen the form of the building. The west front at Wells has the paired-tower form, unusual in that the towers do not indicate the location of the aisles, but extend well beyond them, screening the dimensions and profile of the building. The west front rises in three distinct stages, each clearly defined by a horizontal course. This horizontal emphasis is counteracted by six strongly projecting buttresses defining the cross-sectional", "id": "15691534" }, { "contents": "103 Colmore Row\n\n\nmake the building differ from classic Brutalism. Designs for the building were first publicised in 1964 and it was remarked that it had drawn inspiration from the University of Pittsburgh by Louis Kahn. The designs showed a two-storey banking hall with a rectangular tower with horizontal ribbon windows. It also showed a service tower facing on to Newhall Street. This design differed significantly to the one that was approved by Birmingham City Council. The scheme also included a five-storey office block to the west of the site that was separated from", "id": "9205831" }, { "contents": "John F. Kennedy Federal Building\n\n\n. The bases of the towers have arcades with entrances set back beneath a covered area supported by piers. The tops of the towers are distinguished by metal louvers. An exposed glass atrium connects the two towers at the ground level. A glass-enclosed walkway connects the four-story building to the towers. Like the towers, the low building's facade is made of concrete and glass. Vertical slabs form piers that interrupt the horizontality of the building and create the off-center entrance, which is articulated by a cantilevered", "id": "5817640" }, { "contents": "Westpoint Tower\n\n\nWestpoint Tower () is the tallest residential building in Tilburg, Netherlands. It is 141.6 metres tall, and has 48 floors. Construction of Westpoint Tower was completed in 2004. At the time of completion the tower was the highest residential building in the Netherlands until 6 November 2010 when it was surpassed by the New Orleans skyscraper in Rotterdam. The building was designed by Margriet Eugelink (Van Aken Architektuur). The vertical and horizontal concrete elements of the grid at the front and the back of the tower are painted in different", "id": "1077324" }, { "contents": "Arthur Oakley Coltman\n\n\narchitect using tin as a motif for the company. Dadoes for the staircase and entrance vestibule were made of a new material, Marbrunite, in multiple colours. A motor car garage was incorporated into the ground floor. The Anglo-Oriental building has solid tower-like features flanking the corner entranceways in addition to vertical and horizontal Art Deco patterns and lines. The vertically banded front elevation of the building, which is held between two towers, contrasts with the horizontal bands of the two side wings. The tall, first floor", "id": "4216269" }, { "contents": "Moscow State University\n\n\nwhy Stalin's planners sited the university across the Moscow River, so far away. The MSU main building was the tallest building in the world outside of New York City at the time of its construction, and remained the tallest building in Europe until 1990. The central tower is 240 m tall, 36 stories high, and flanked by four huge wings of student and faculty accommodations. It is said to contain a total of 33 kilometres of corridors and 5,000 rooms. Facilities available inside the building include a concert hall, a", "id": "8448823" }, { "contents": "Lisbon Harbor Control Tower\n\n\nLisbon Harbour Control Tower is a 38 metre tall control tower at the end of an artificial peninsula in Lisbon, Portugal. The building is of an ultramodern design where it tilts towards the opening to the harbour. The nine storey tower was designed by Gonçalo Sousa Byrne and is owned by the Governo da Republica Portuguesa. The lower section of the tower is made of horizontally placed copper whilst the final three storeys are glass. This is done so that the building looks like an ultramodern lighthouse. The control tower was inaugurated on July", "id": "21471104" }, { "contents": "One Park West\n\n\nLiverpool’s waterfront, a World Heritage Site including the Three Graces: the Royal Liver Building, the Port of Liverpool Building and the Cunard Building. The Strand and Park Towers border The Strand and Chavasse Park. The central tower rises the highest, forming the highest tower in Liverpool One. Its raking corner feature is designed to define the edge of the park. The building is a concrete frame construction, clad in a modern clear and opaque glazed curtain wall. This has expressed horizontal floor levels and raked and vertical mullions which", "id": "1240295" }, { "contents": "National Bank of Slovakia (building)\n\n\nas well as the highest demands for the economical operation of the building and quality of the work environment. The basic architectural concept in the composition of the new NBS building is the contrast of its strong horizontal base and out of this a growing tower. The lower horizontal part of the building forms the premises for the fulfilment of the central bank's operational functions resulting from the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 566/1992 as amended. There is also a congress hall and exhibition premises. In terms of space", "id": "1246721" }, { "contents": "Artisans Club Building in Belgrade\n\n\nin a specific box for the sculpture, the vertical of the frontal end of the tower, with the inscription \"Artisans Club\", as well as decorative horizontal accents on parapets and the columns of the upper levels of the tower. This building was one of the most monumental buildings in architecture of Belgrade between the two world wars. Craftsmen called it the \"Main House\", and the contemporaries described the style of the building as \"monumental\" and \"modern\". Today, it is one of the more prominent", "id": "7234729" }, { "contents": "Bytków TV Tower\n\n\nBytków TV Tower is a 110 metre tall RadioTV tower in Siemianowice Śląskie, Poland, on the border with Bytków, an urban part of Katowice. Bytków TV Tower, situated at , has a unique design: it consists of a reinforced concrete tower as its base, with the appearance of a thin high-rise building with a square cross section. On the top of this concrete tower, there is a horizontal steel cross turned at an angle of 45 degree to the sides of the concrete tower. At the ends of", "id": "10067238" }, { "contents": "Altgeld's castles\n\n\nGovernor Altgeld rejected them because he wanted a building that looked more like German castles along the Rhine river. In 1898 the building was completed by local architects, Miller & Fisher, who took some creative liberties in the castle’s construction. Though the building contains turret styles with towers and battlement like Governor Altgeld wanted, the architects also added their own flair by using Bedford limestone. In the design for the building, it was made to be fireproof, which is why the University decided to move the library into it. The", "id": "16901638" }, { "contents": "World Trade Center (1973–2001)\n\n\nEach tower stood over high, and occupied about of the total of the site's land. During a press conference in 1973, Yamasaki was asked, \"Why two 110-story buildings? Why not one 220-story building?\" His tongue-in-cheek response was: \"I didn't want to lose the human scale.\" Throughout their existence, the twin towers had more floors (at 110) than any other building. Their floor counts were not surpassed until the construction of the Burj Khalifa, which opened in 2010", "id": "8894507" }, { "contents": "U.S. Steel Tower\n\n\nwith a water/antifreeze/rust inhibitor mixture, a technique patented in the 19th century. In another building cited in 1970, the horizontal beams were also hollow and interconnected with the columns, the entire system tested to be leakproof. In 2019, Winthrop Management with the help of consulting firm evolve environment :: architecture achieved LEED Silver Certification for the US Steel Tower under the Existing Buildings: Operations + Maintenance rating system. . The building is one of the largest LEED for O+M: Existing Buildings V4 office buildings in the", "id": "13418765" }, { "contents": "Mohatta Palace\n\n\ndomes, all around the building which makes it look more delicate to one's eye. Also, each of the columns around the building has motifs and flowers engraved horizontally between spaces. These go all around the building in a horizontal line. Similarly, the five domes of the barsati have lines etched into them, giving them more form and texture, unlike the octagonal towers which are just plain except for the peacock carving which is present in all of the domes. After Mohatta's departure to India, the Government of Pakistan", "id": "20858577" }, { "contents": "Anzac Square Building\n\n\nexternal brick walls of the upper levels are channelled and rendered to resemble the banded sandstone of the podium. The steel frame of the building supports the walls which are not loadbearing. The building has repetitive facades which are articulated vertically and horizontally. Vertically they are divided into base, middle and top. Horizontally the longer Edward Street and Anzac Square facades are divided into three by the recesses which form light courts while the Adelaide and Ann Street facades are divided into two. Towers located at the rear of the light recesses protrude above", "id": "5447709" }, { "contents": "Martin Tower\n\n\nFuller Construction Co. of New York, which also built the Flat Iron Building in New York in 1903, the CBS Building in New York in 1963 and 1251 Avenue of the Americas at Rockefeller Center in 1971. Under the initial plan, Bethlehem Steel was to build a second Tower, which is why some people refer to it as \"Martin Towers.\" An Annex was built, intended to connect the two Towers, but the second Tower was never built. The original offices were designed by decorators from New York and included", "id": "13404764" }, { "contents": "Base end station\n\n\nhorizontal base system). Using one of these position-finding systems, while not as accurate as using the horizontal base method, had certain advantages. Base end stations (also called observation stations) took a variety of forms. Some were multi-story fire control (FC) towers, either square or round in plan (or both), and rising from 20 to 100 feet above the ground. Some looked like forest fire watch towers. Others appeared to be small buildings, or were disguised as seaside cottages to", "id": "18922015" }, { "contents": "Johnson Wax Headquarters\n\n\n. The Research Tower was a later addition to the building, and provides a vertical counterpoint to the horizontal administration building. It is one of only 2 existing high rise buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright. Cantilevered from a giant stack, the tower's floor slabs spread out like tree branches, providing for the segmentation of departments vertically. Elevator and stairway channels run up the core of the building. The single reinforced central core, termed by Wright as a tap root, was based on an idea proposed by Wright for the St.", "id": "10733336" }, { "contents": "United States Post Office and Federal Building (Wichita, Kansas)\n\n\nStreet from Douglas Avenue. Modernistic for its time, the U.S. Courthouse is a U-shaped, flat-roofed, steel-framed building clad in beige Bedford limestone. The building is 224 feet by 157 feet, and is three levels in height, with a fourth level across the south elevation, and a fifth level at the towers of the east and west corners. While the receding walls of the towers stress the vertical, the long facades of the building express an overall horizontal emphasis. All windows are in slightly", "id": "5817351" }, { "contents": "CIBC Tower\n\n\nit was sometimes the site of demonstrations related to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. The consulate has since relocated to Westmount Square in Westmount. The tower is exceptionally slender with only of gross floor area per floor, because of a zoning regulation limiting the total building floor area to twelve times the property area. Its façade is more ornamental than that of the average International style tower, with horizontal strips of glass curtain wall alternating with spandrels of various types of stone, including green slate that was quarried in Wales. The building was", "id": "17223654" }, { "contents": "1 Treasury Place\n\n\nto the East of 1 treasury place was to house the State Chemical Laboratories. All 3 government buildings were designed by Yuncken Freeman Architects as a response to the brief that outlined the competition. The state government offices is a strictly modernist building that expresses that of a \"soaring wonderment\" as per the guidelines of the competition that was held in 1962. The form of the building (1 treasury place) is rectangular and horizontal with a centralised square tower in the centre surrounded by void space consisting of walkways leading to the tower", "id": "15977117" }, { "contents": "Hilliard Mills\n\n\ntower was scrapped and removed in 1995 Horizontal Turbine, Penstock and Mill Raceway: The penstock started from Hilliard's Pond and led all the way under Building #6 to a horizontal turbine. The turbine is still in place at the site and was uncovered in September 2016, with plans for a historical display/point of interest to be constructed at that location. The raceway has been largely filled in between the turbine and Building #1. ca. 1780-1824: Aaron Buckland founds and operates the first woolen mill in", "id": "16317699" }, { "contents": "Evolution Tower\n\n\nEvolution Tower is designed by British architect Tony Kettle in collaboration with University of Edinburgh's Professor of Art Karen Forbes, RMJM architecture firm, and Philipp Nikandrov, chief architect of engineering firm Gorproekt. Despite the design being compared to the double helix-shape of DNA, Kettle stated his main inspiration was Auguste Rodin's sculpture, the Kiss. This is possibly why the building reflects two ribbons wrapping around each other: symbolizing the inter-linking of individuals, generations, and families. The plot covers an area of 2.55 hectares", "id": "74668" }, { "contents": "Cathays Methodist Church\n\n\nwere well-attended, with evening congregations of over 900 worshipers. The church originally had elaborate, bulbous turrets on its towers, though these are no longer present. The organ dates from before 1914. A modern glass porch was added in the early 1990s. In 2006, the building was re-ordered horizontally, with the sanctuary at the top, a large hall on the upper ground floor and three meeting rooms below this. Owing to its proximity to Cardiff University, the church (like the nearby Church of St", "id": "6065516" }, { "contents": "One World Trade Center\n\n\nseventh building was built in the mid-1980s. After Seven World Trade Center was built in the 1980s, the World Trade Center complex had a total of seven buildings; however, the most notable ones were the main Twin Towers built in the 1970s—One World Trade Center was the North Tower, and Two World Trade Center was the South Tower. Each tower was over high, and occupied about of the total of the site's land. During a press conference in 1973, Yamasaki was asked, \"Why two 110-story buildings", "id": "17690300" }, { "contents": "Technical Administration Building of Hoechst AG\n\n\nbroken by single horizontal friezes of bright broken masonry. The upper floors are set back and are built with parabolic-shaped windows, reminiscent of Gothic arches, as a defining element. The bridge and the tower are the two key elements of the complex. The middle section contains the main entrance and main staircase of the building. Its facade resembles that of the wings of the building, but has more emphasis on vertical elements. While topped with parabolic windows, the middle section has narrow columns of window. The tower dominates", "id": "12249247" }, { "contents": "El Reno High School\n\n\nof Late Gothic Revival as applied to public buildings, also known as Collegiate Gothic, and resembles later buildings designed by Layton and Smith, such as Bizzell Memorial Library. The major features of this building include: flat roof with raised, shaped, and/or castellated parapet; towers with long, narrow \"princess\" windows; pinnacles rising from parapets or towers; and polychrome surfaces, or contrasting brick and stone work, with stone work forming copings, window and door hoods, arches, horizontal bands or water tables, and quoins", "id": "20751848" }, { "contents": "Chrysler Building\n\n\nhorizontal and vertical: each of the tower's four sides contains three columns of windows, each framed by bricks and an unbroken marble pillar that rises along the entirety of each side. The spandrels separating the windows contain \"alternating vertical stripes in gray and white brick\", while each corner contains horizontal rows of black brick. The interior of the building contains several innovative elements. The partitions between the offices are soundproofed and divided into interchangeable sections, so that the layout of any could be changed quickly and comfortably. Pipes under", "id": "6871305" }, { "contents": "Castle of Barbacena\n\n\nOn the eastern walls are rectangular bastions, while opposite to these are large circular towers, with vaulted ground- and top-floors that incorporate window slits (some horizontal). The courtyard has central cistern, two abandoned cannons and annex buildings. To the east, is the \"House of the Governor\", a two-story building serviced by a central staircase that connects the ground floor to the circular tower (on the outer wall). On the upper floor (in the north) are vestages of a chapel integrated", "id": "15987813" }, { "contents": "Chuí Lighthouse\n\n\nBenard, et Turenne emitting a white and red light with a range of . In 1934 the skeletal tower was in poor conditions due to the corrosion, it was decided to build a new concrete tower, but some years later it was abandoned because of the instability of the foundation. The current light, built in 1941, is a tapered cylindrical concrete tower, high, with double balcony and lantern; the tower is painted with red and white horizontal bands. The lantern emits two white flashes every 25 seconds visible up to", "id": "12666249" }, { "contents": "Jackson Ferry Shot Tower\n\n\nshot, the designers decided to use the natural terrain to reduce the height of the tower they had to construct. They decided to build the tower on the edge of a cliff, and dig a vertical shaft 75 feet deep, which reduced the height required of the actual tower to 75 feet. Access to the bottom of the shaft was made by a horizontal adit that opened up near the shore of the New River. In a series of writings, letters, and business ledgers collectively known as the Austin Papers, Moses", "id": "13924559" }, { "contents": "Second Townsville General Hospital\n\n\nframed windows form a vertical strip in the centre of the entrance tower above the awning. On the flanking bays each level is expressed through projecting balconies which run along the north eastern elevation. The balconies have light weight metal balustrades. At the edge of the balconies, underneath the balustrades, are deep horizontal bands or valances which provide sunshading for the windows below. Built in a modernist style the surfaces of the building are undecorated. The composition of the building contrasts horizontal with vertical elements, and sheer surfaces with carefully controlled openings", "id": "20549359" }, { "contents": "Grenfell Tower fire\n\n\nmaterial used did not meet the approved standards. Additional to the replacement, an external video system was installed specifically to detect fires. Also a university building in Rotterdam was found to have the same cladding and was subsequently closed and refurbished. 'Dozens' of other buildings in The Netherlands allegedly suffer the same defects. The local borough pledged to carry out a full investigation into the fire. Prime Minister Theresa May ordered a full public inquiry, saying that people \"deserve answers\" to why the fire was able to spread as", "id": "9773029" }, { "contents": "Simms Building\n\n\na more ambitious 12-story proposal he decided to go ahead with the project even though he felt it was a \"crazy idea\". Flatow and Moore designed a bold International style tower, reflecting the latest trends in modern architecture; the style had only recently been adapted to highrise buildings like the Lake Shore Drive Apartments (1951) and United Nations Building (1952). Their design drew particular inspiration from the Lever House in New York City, especially the glass curtain walls and the way the tower seemed to float above its horizontal", "id": "12424125" }, { "contents": "Philamlife Tower\n\n\nmanagement works was provided by American firm Turner International and local company Jose Aliling & Associates, while construction of the building was made by the general contractor company EEI Corporation. The 48-storey office building has large column-free floor plates, and uses fully unitized curtain wall of glass, aluminium panel and granite. The tower proper is incorporated into the system horizontal sunscreens, vertical fins, light bullnoses, crown lighting and balcony trellises. Shallow and deep-set cladding was used extensively on the building envelope. The entrance facades employed mirror", "id": "16337821" }, { "contents": "Stelco Tower\n\n\ntower to demonstrate the versatility of steel and to showcase its newest development, \"\"Stelcoloy\"\"; a specialised steel alloy designed to slowly rust over time. The rust helps protect the steel from further damage. This process of oxidation accounts for the steel's unique self-colouring nature; the steel was grey-blue when the building was first erected. The building's facade consists of alternating horizontal rows of Stelcoloy steel, and glass windows. The interior features a large lobby with granite floors, a security desk,", "id": "15842687" }, { "contents": "BMW\n\n\nbecome a European icon and was declared a protected historic building in 1999. The main tower consists of four vertical cylinders standing next to and across from each other. Each cylinder is divided horizontally in its center by a mold in the facade. Notably, these cylinders do not stand on the ground; they are suspended on a central support tower. BMW Museum is a futuristic cauldron-shaped building, which was also designed by Karl Schwanzer and opened in 1972. The interior has a spiral theme and the roof is a 40-metre", "id": "3431528" }, { "contents": "Palazzo Vecchio\n\n\nthe ancient tower of the Foraboschi family (the tower then known as \"La Vacca\" or \"The Cow\") into the new tower's facade as its substructure; this is why the rectangular tower (height 94 m) is not directly centered in the building. This tower contains two small cells, that, at different times, imprisoned Cosimo de' Medici (the Elder) (1435) and Girolamo Savonarola (1498). The tower is named after its designer \"Torre d'Arnolfo\". The tower's large", "id": "3501086" }, { "contents": "Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse\n\n\nwindow openings of horizontal bands and small squares. The curtain walls are divided horizontally by projecting fins at the floor plates and intermediate window mullions. The vaulted metal roof crowns the tower. The east elevation contains the building's vehicular and service entrances. The overhead garage doors are sheltered under a wide projecting metal canopy which stretches the length of the elevation. The next two floor levels are clad with smooth limestone and contain long horizontal bands of windows. At the fourth floor level, the elevation changes character. The southern half,", "id": "20629358" }, { "contents": "Targeting tower\n\n\nTargeting towers use a special device to ensure an antenna's stability when strong wind blows. This system is based on the geometrical properties of the parallelogram. Three vertical rods are used to maintain the top platform horizontal when the tower bends under the wind effect. The top platform is pin connected to the mast, thanks to a special mechanical link based on universal joint system. The system allows to reduce the size and the weight of the towers, because contrary to standard poles, stiffness is not needed. In standard towers,", "id": "11178556" }, { "contents": "Trump Palace Condominiums\n\n\nof granite, was designed by architect Frank Williams to resemble Art Deco buildings of the 1920s and 1930s. The \"New York Times\" gave the building a mixed review: \"On the positive side, Trump Palace's central tower, rising 54 stories from a base of low-rise shops and town houses, is a skillful composition of brick and glass. Shallow set-backs and the organization of windows and balconies into neat horizontal and vertical bands compress the tower's mass into crystalline contours. Corner windows, borrowed from", "id": "14825556" }, { "contents": "PSFS Building\n\n\nagainst the vertical lines wanting to emphasize the office space inside the tower. Wilcox was adamant about showing off the building's height and in the end vertical piers were added, along with emphasizing the horizontal space inside using the spandrels. The piers protrude from the facade to not interfere with wall space and allow the maximum amount of floor space and flexible office arrangement. The t-shaped tower was designed in a way to allow in the maximum amount of light on the office floors and to emphasize the banking portion in the base", "id": "16480886" }, { "contents": "Headquarters of the United Nations\n\n\nthe center of the site with the Secretariat tower emerging as a slab from the south. Niemeyer's plan was closer to that actually constructed, with a distinctive General Assembly building, a long low horizontal block housing the other meeting rooms, and a tall tower for the Secretariat. The complex as built, however, repositioned Niemeyer's General Assembly building to the north of this tripartite composition. This plan included a public plaza as well. The UN headquarters was originally proposed alongside a grand boulevard leading eastward from Third Avenue or Lexington", "id": "16486592" }, { "contents": "Liberty Place\n\n\nand metallic blues and uses horizontal bands of granite and glass to de-emphasize the visual impact of the height of the tower. The building's lobby features white and gray marble imported from Italy. The elevator lobby and the elevator cabs echo the shape of the building's spire while the elevator doors feature abstraction of One Liberty Place itself. Two Liberty Place is based on the same influences as its counterpart tower and uses a similar shape and matching facade. Located at the corner of 16th and Chestnut Streets, Two Liberty Place", "id": "19530885" }, { "contents": "Eureka Tower\n\n\nbuilding's gold crown representing the gold rush and a red stripe representing the blood spilt during the revolt. The blue glass cladding that covers most of the building represents the blue background of the stockade's flag and the white lines also represent the Eureka Stockade flag. The white horizontal stripes also represent markings on a surveyor's measuring staff. At the base of the tower is an art installation containing bees inside a white box, resembling a manmade beehive. There are two regular sized bees outside the box, and one queen bee", "id": "20669857" }, { "contents": "Generali Tower\n\n\nGenerali Tower (Lo Storto (\"The Twisted One\" in English) is a skyscraper completed in 2017 in Milan, Italy that reaches a height of with 44 floors (+ 3 floors basement), and a total floor area of about . Its designer is the Anglo-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid. The geometry of the building is that of a warping shape, where both the floors dimension and their orientation vary along the tower axis. The structure is concrete and composite. A central core acts as main horizontal stiffening and", "id": "12231803" }, { "contents": "Prayer Tower\n\n\n. According to school publicity the tower's form is laden with Christian symbolism. The Prayer Tower is located at the center of campus to symbolize prayer's central role in the goals of the university. The disc and spindle design takes on the look of a cross from any horizontal bearing, and from the air resembles the Star of David. The tower's \"upward spiral\" is intended to mirror one's relationship with God. The latticework which surrounds the observation deck is reportedly built in part from standard white PVC pipe (", "id": "17809615" }, { "contents": "Halten Lighthouse\n\n\nlighthouse tower is painted white and it has two black horizontal stripes. The light sits at an elevation of . The light emits a white flash of light every four seconds. It has a luminous intensity of 1,080,000 candela and a visibility of up to . The lighthouse tower was originally planned to build a twin-tower lighthouse with the Lista Lighthouse, but the technical development of lighthouses made this unnecessary so it was dismantled and rebuilt here. A lot of the original interior and exterior are preserved on the lighthouse and the station has", "id": "14754855" }, { "contents": "PSFS Building\n\n\nlimestone and horizontal spandrels of matte buff brick. The piers protrude outward from the rest of the facade. The facade of the core of the tower, which contains the elevators, stairwells, and utilities, is made of glazed black brick. The tower's windows are grouped in sets of four on the east and west sides of the tower. The north-side windows stretch across its entire length except for at the fourth and fifth floors where the windows are two sets of four flanking a set of six. The 21st", "id": "16480871" }, { "contents": "Rogier Tower\n\n\nof the few towers in Brussels whose roof is not horizontal, instead being made up of three inclined sections. It is also one of the only towers in the world to have a fully glass roof. The building has 6000 windows, and 4200 of these are equipped with an average of 12 light bulbs, each having a red, green and blue LED, allowing a broad palette of colours to be formed. These are lit up to form colourful displays, with each window acting as a pixel. To minimise power consumption", "id": "1711882" }, { "contents": "Putnam Town Hall\n\n\nwith a hip roof. The main focal elements of the building are two towers, one two stories in height at the front left corner, and a three-story tower at the front right, which has an elaborate gabled clock stage (but no clock), above which is a pyramidal roof. Most of the first-floor windows are set in segmented-arch openings, while those on the second floor are mainly rounded. Windows are set in pairs in the towers, and there are horizontal bands of ornamental brickwork", "id": "21058560" }, { "contents": "Karl Schwanzer\n\n\nhead. The main tower consists of four vertical cylinders standing next to and across from each other. Each cylinder is divided horizontally in its centre by a mold in the facade. Notably, these cylinders do not stand on the ground, they are suspended on a central support tower. During construction, individual floors were assembled on the ground and then elevated, allowing for simultaneous execution of the shell and the finished work. The tower has a diameter of 52.30 meters (roughly 171 feet). The building has 22 occupied floors", "id": "7333829" }, { "contents": "Francis W. Fitzpatrick\n\n\nan 1856 shot tower in the great swamp of New York City. The July 13, 1907, issue of \"The American Architect and Building News\" contained a letter from F. W. Fitzpatrick refuting the conclusions of the AIA titled, \"The Origination of the Steel Skeleton Idea.\" In his letter, Fitzpatrick claimed that he himself had designed steel skeletons in support of church towers prior to 1883, and he had sketched the steel column and horizontal beam design for Buffington's 12-story Tribune building when he was working for Buffington in", "id": "16127932" }, { "contents": "Bandra–Worli Sea Link\n\n\nThe bridge's pylon towers gradually decrease in cross-section with height. They have horizontal grooves every 3m in height, which permitted inserts. Vertical grooves in the circular sections require special form liners, as well as require attention for de-shuttering. The tower legs are inclined in two directions, which presented challenges in alignment and climbing of soldiers. Construction joints were permitted at 3m intervals only. To build the pylons, Doka of Austria was commissioned to build a custom automatic climbing shutter formwork system, based on", "id": "16997164" }, { "contents": "AMP Square\n\n\nconcrete encased structure of steel-framework. The Tower features chamfered brutalistic vertical ribs which are clad in pre-cast panels of re-constructed polished brown stone granite, with the same granite veneer used for the horizontal panelling scattered between the tinted glass windows of the façade. Accompanying The AMP Tower is the six storey, low-rise L-shaped St James Building spanning the Southern and Western edges of the site. The shape of the St James Building encloses the site helping to create an early example of an L-", "id": "20970873" }, { "contents": "Schoolfield School Complex\n\n\nSchoolfield School Complex is a complex of historic school buildings located at Danville, Virginia. The complex consists of Building A, built in 1912 or 1913, Building B, built in 1936 or 1937, and Building C, built in 1939 or 1940. Building A is a 2 1/2-story, Prairie School style brick building with deep eaves that cap a narrow elongated structure, multi-paned massed windows, and horizontal masonry banding. It has an entry tower and addition built in 1933. Building B is a vernacular brick building that", "id": "7495359" }, { "contents": "CMG Headquarters\n\n\n2012. The CCTV Headquarters won the 2013 Best Tall Building Worldwide from the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. Rem Koolhaas and Ole Scheeren of OMA were the architects in charge for the building, while Cecil Balmond at Arup provided the complex engineering design. The main building is not a traditional tower, but a loop of six horizontal and vertical sections covering of floor space, creating an irregular grid on the building's facade with an open center. The construction of the building is considered to be a structural challenge, especially", "id": "14546069" }, { "contents": "Building of Baku City Executive Power\n\n\nhorizontal divisions of the main volume of the building of Duma. While preparing his own projects, he was in the position of architectural unexpectedness for urban buildings. The building of the Duma became an important factor in construction of large and monumental buildings of different historical styles on the central street, distinguished by the high quality of architecture. The three-storeyed building of the Duma dominates the historical center of the city with the use of the Baroque motifs in the original interpretation, with the classic methods of composition. Putting tower at", "id": "20991170" }, { "contents": "University Club Tower (Tulsa)\n\n\nThe University Club Tower is a residential high-rise building in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The building rises 377 feet (115 m). It contains 32 floors, and was completed in 1966. The University Club Tower currently stands as the 8th-tallest building in the city, and the 14th-tallest building in the state of Oklahoma. It also currently stands as the tallest all-residential building in Tulsa and Oklahoma. The circular building, marked by unusual floorplans surrounding its central core, was the first major building in", "id": "3183208" }, { "contents": "Mathematics Tower, Manchester\n\n\n. The newly formed university began a program of renovating its campus building and subsequently the Maths Tower was deemed 'unfit for purpose'. News of the planned demolition saddened some who hoped the tower would be renovated and maintained for the future. \"Urban Realm\" magazine spoke in praise of the Maths Tower and describing it as an architecturally bright building in a dreary campus: \"what you will mainly see are university buildings totally lacking imagination and style. Of almost all the university buildings of the last forty years, only the", "id": "2246738" }, { "contents": "John Tenniel\n\n\na chair, one can see how where Millais's chair is just a prop, Tenniel's chair possesses a menacing and towering presence. Another change in style was his shaded lines. These transformed from mechanical horizontal lines to vigorously hand-drawn hatching that greatly intensified darker areas. Tenniel's \"grotesqueness\" was one reason why Lewis Carroll wanted Tenniel as his illustrator for the \"Alice\" books. The grotesque is an abnormality that imparts a disturbing sense that the real world may have ceased to be reliable. Tenniel's style", "id": "15637713" }, { "contents": "Herrerian style\n\n\nHerrerian buildings are noted for its severe horizontality, achieved through the balance of forms, preferably cubic, which are arranged symmetrically in the structure. Usually have wooden roofs covered with slate in the exterior and side towers, tipped with pointed toes pyramidal spire, which introduce an element of verticality, while helping to reinforce the sense of grandeur and elevation. At other cases, not looking both the horizontal and the bulkiness, which is reached through the geometrical design of the various architectural elements. This is the case of the model used", "id": "11536264" }, { "contents": "El Lissitzky\n\n\nmedium altitude should be preferred to an American-style tower. These buildings, according to Lissitzky, also provided superior insulation and ventilation for their inhabitants. Lissitzky, aware of severe mismatch between his ideas and the existing urban landscape, experimented with different configurations of the horizontal surface and height-to-width ratios so that the structure appeared balanced visually (\"spatial balance is in the contrast of vertical and horizontal tensions\"). The raised platform was shaped in a way that each of its four facets looked distinctly different.", "id": "16871302" }, { "contents": "Rhodes Tower\n\n\n, 1971 University Tower opened for university use. The University Tower was and remains CSU's main focal point and it opens the Downtown Cleveland skyline to the east. In addition, the tower sits as almost the exact geographic center of the campus and is used as a reference point when guiding students and visitors towards points of the campus grounds. The tower building actually sits high above the street level as the Cleveland State University Library is housed in the bottom of the building platforms first 8 floors. In 1981, the tower was", "id": "10723058" }, { "contents": "Rediffusion House\n\n\nbe built in that style in Malta. Through this style, the building projected broadcasting as being a future-oriented concept. The building included offices, studios, control rooms and libraries. Iconic features of the building include a canopy above the main entrance and a transmission tower with porthole-like apertures. The main façade has long horizontal windows and the entire building is painted white. These features give the building a characteristic Modernist aesthetic. A distinctive clock similar to that found at the Broadcasting House in London was included in the", "id": "1670846" }, { "contents": "PNC Center (Cincinnati)\n\n\n, PNC also became the lead tenant of the historic PNC Tower, Central Trust's headquarters before the 1979 building was constructed. The building's exterior is typical of 1970s architecture. It features a lightly colored exterior wall with tinted rectangular windows. Unusual for architecture of the time, there are a number of setbacks in the building, both horizontally and vertically. The building has no crown or topped area which is also typical of 1970s architecture. The roof is flat. The building was designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merril.", "id": "22207330" }, { "contents": "Waterbury Municipal Center Complex\n\n\nallowed Gilbert to use the three buildings to frame the view of the clock tower for westbound traffic on Grand Street. The entourage of City Hall and corresponding setback of the Chase Building allow the tower to dominate a wide open area. When traveling the opposite direction, the large buildings emphasize the parks around them, with glimpses of the denser city beyond the spaces. Like the City Hall and Lincoln House, the Chase Building prominently features, among its architectural decorations, quotations from Abraham Lincoln. It is not known why this is", "id": "15477391" }, { "contents": "Campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology\n\n\nameliorate this problem somewhat. It is incorrectly rumored that Alexander Calder's \"Big Sail\", situated in front of the building, was meant to deflect these winds. The sculpture is situated too far from the building entryway to have much effect on wind velocities there. The Green Building remains the only academic tower on campus, and faculty insistence as well as logistical realities have continued MIT's previous \"horizontal continuity\". The Camille Edouard Dreyfus Building (Building 18) houses the Chemistry Department. The linear building parallels Eastman Laboratory", "id": "128750" }, { "contents": "University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus\n\n\ntower based on the 1924 Parsons Plan. The iconic university clock tower was built in 1937 and christened as the Franklin Delano Roosevelt tower, in honor of that U.S. president and his interest in the building of the university. La Torre (as The Tower is nicknamed in Spanish) is located at the entrance of the Román Baldorioty de Castro Building. Also at the entrance of the Tower, the coats of arms of the nations of the Americas appear in a bronze circle, as a symbol of Panamerican Union. The University was", "id": "16644484" }, { "contents": "Tower Bridge\n\n\nof London directly to the Southwark bank, as its northern landfall is in Tower Hamlets. The bridge consists of two bridge towers tied together at the upper level by two horizontal walkways, designed to withstand the horizontal tension forces exerted by the suspended sections of the bridge on the landward sides of the towers. The vertical components of the forces in the suspended sections and the vertical reactions of the two walkways are carried by the two robust towers. The bascule pivots and operating machinery are housed in the base of each tower. Before", "id": "15054821" }, { "contents": "UW Tower\n\n\nThe UW Tower is a high-rise office building complex serving as head offices for University of Washington. It was completed in 1975 in the University District of Seattle, Washington. At , the 22-story tower, designed by NBBJ, is Seattle's tallest building outside the Downtown Seattle area. The tower was originally constructed as Safeco Plaza to serve as Safeco Insurance's headquarters, and was generally known as the Safeco Building. Safeco sold the property to the University of Washington in 2006 for $130 million, and moved out in", "id": "21124747" }, { "contents": "Multistage rocket\n\n\n, which are assembled off the pad and moved into place on the launch site by various methods. NASA's Apollo/Saturn V manned Moon landing vehicle, and Space Shuttle, were assembled vertically onto mobile launcher platforms with attached launch umbillical towers, in a Vehicle Assembly Building, and then a special crawler-transporter moved the entire vehicle stack to the launch pad in an upright position. In contrast, vehicles such as the Russian Soyuz rocket and the SpaceX Falcon 9 are assembled horizontally in a processing hangar, transported horizontally,", "id": "15648265" }, { "contents": "Epworth Freemasons\n\n\n, as an initiative of Victoria's Freemasons in the 1930s to accommodate middle-class fee paying patients. The original five-level reinforced concrete building was designed by architects, Stephenson and Meldrum (later Stephenson and Turner), in a Functionalist Modern style with its bold horizontal balconies, contrasting vertical service tower and minimal decoration. The white rendered exterior was trimmed with blue tiles and horizontal tubular steel balustrades. Between 1956-58 the hospital was substantially extended by architects, Meldrum and Noad, to a design sympathetic to the original", "id": "3934139" }, { "contents": "Eocyte hypothesis\n\n\nin principle, but zoom into a higher resolution of it. Due to the similarities found between eukaryotes and both archaea and bacteria, it is thought that a major source of the genetic variation is through horizontal gene transfer. The horizontal gene transfer is the reason for why archaeal sequences are found in bacteria and bacterial sequences are found in archaea. This could be the reasoning for why elongation factors found in archaea and eukaryotes are so similar, the data currently out is obscured as horizontal gene transfer, vertical gene transfer, or endosymbiosis", "id": "3934543" }, { "contents": "Museo del Traje\n\n\nContemporary Art (MEAC), later to become the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. After the MEAC left the building in 1992 the building lay unused. A restoration of the building was carried out at a cost of 21 million euro in 2005, allowing the building to become the home of the Museo del Traje. The building takes to form of a tower set upon a large horizontal element containing the museum section. All are elevated above the surrounding landscape allowing visitors to walk beneath the building into a shaded courtyard containing", "id": "6732048" }, { "contents": "Guggenheim Helsinki Plan\n\n\nof the competition. Their design is estimated to cost €130 million to build, with a floor area of , including of exhibition space. It \"comprises [a fragmented, non-hierarchical, horizontal campus] of darkly clad pavilions with concave roofs ... linked by a series of garden patios. A lookout tower with a glazed top [rises] from one side of the site to provide views over the city's waterfront. Lights within the tower ... illuminate the tip of the structure at night like a lighthouse.\"", "id": "12214707" }, { "contents": "Odense\n\n\n\"), first mentioned in 1295, was built by the Knights Hospitaller, also known as the Order of Saint John. Not much of the original building remains as it was rebuilt in 1636 and subsequently restored. Built of red brick with horizontal decorations on the chancel wall, it has large Gothic windows. The date of 1496 on one of the bells in the step-ribbed tower may well be the year the church was completed. The tower is adjacent to Odense Palace which was originally built as a monastery. Ansgars", "id": "2581415" }, { "contents": "Kilbourn Tower\n\n\nThe Kilbourn Tower is a 33-story, building in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The building was completed in 2005, and at the time of its completion, it was the tallest residential building in Wisconsin. It would be surpassed by the University Club Tower the following year. The Kilbourn Tower is built in a modernist style. The tower was designed by LA DALLMAN, the Milwaukee and Boston-based architecture practice founded by Grace La and James Dallman. Grace La is a tenured professor and James Dallman is visiting faculty at Harvard University Graduate", "id": "615514" }, { "contents": "Tower of Babel\n\n\nThe Tower of Babel (, \"Migdal Bavel\") narrative in Genesis 11:1–9 is an origin myth meant to explain why the world's peoples speak different languages. According to the story, a united humanity in the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating westward, comes to the land of Shinar (). There they agree to build a city and a tower tall enough to reach heaven. God, observing their city and tower, confounds their speech so that they can no longer understand each other", "id": "12671289" }, { "contents": "Tower Bridge\n\n\nsufficient for the vessel to safely pass under the bridge, except in the case of a vessel with the monarch on board in which case they are raised fully no matter the size of the vessel. The Tower Bridge Exhibition is a display housed in the bridge's twin towers, the high-level walkways and the Victorian engine rooms. It uses films, photos and interactive displays to explain why and how Tower Bridge was built. Visitors can access the original steam engines that once powered the bridge bascules, housed in a building", "id": "15054847" }, { "contents": "BMO Tower\n\n\nThe BMO Tower is a highrise in Midtown Phoenix, Arizona, also known as the Viad Corporate Center and formerly the Dial Tower. The tower was constructed in 1991 for the Dial Corporation, which is why the building resembles a bar of Dial soap. It was previously occupied by Viad, which spun off subsidiary Dial Corporation in 1996 but since 2016, the Bank of Montreal (BMO) has occupied most of the office space. It rises 374 feet (114 meters), topping out at 24 floors. It was designed", "id": "447263" }, { "contents": "University College (University of Western Ontario)\n\n\nother Canadian colleges and universities. The main iconic attraction of the building is the central tower. Known as the Middlesex Memorial Tower, this tower was made in part from a $100,000 donation given by the County of Middlesex in 1921, and is a memorial to those from Middlesex County who died in World War 1. The tower stands at 130 ft, with a flagpole at the top. The main entrance to the building is located at the base of the tower, along with a large plaque explaining the memorial. Known", "id": "1331439" }, { "contents": "Belém Tower\n\n\ncrosses of the Order of Christ, armillary spheres and twisted rope, common to the nautically inspired organic Manueline style. The building's plan consists of a rectangular tower and an irregular, hexagonal bastion, with elongated flanks, that projects south into the river. It is basically a large articulated vertical space resting on a horizontal stone slab, covered by masonry enclosures. On the northeast angle of the structure, protected by a defensive wall with bartizans, is a drawbridge to access the bulwark, decorated in plant motifs, surmounted by", "id": "1356487" }, { "contents": "Naval Radio Transmitter Facility (NRTF) Niscemi\n\n\nHorizontal Log Periodic (HLPA) with 2 tall towers each, four rotatable log periodic (RLPA), seven Horizontal Omnidirectional Broadband (HOBA) each with 4 antenna towers, seven High Take-Off Angle (HTOA), 11 Dual Mode (DM) antennae held aloft with 7 towers each, 1 Spira-cone, and 10 decommissioned Horizontal/Vertical HF Loop Antennae. The LF Transmitter uses non-line-of-sight propagation for communication with submarines. Since 2009 the station has become the target of protests by", "id": "6662783" }, { "contents": "Spring (building)\n\n\nfor its significant amount of floors, adding to the prominent skyscraper-like design. It is also the first building in Austin to feature an \"in slab\" HVAC exhaust system which the exhaust air from the building is carried through horizontal ductwork cast into the floor system and the building perimeter, rather than being exhausted vertically to the roof. The main tower structure is cast in place concrete. Austin Energy has given Spring a green rating. The skyscraper features a handful of amenities. Many of these are located on the 5th", "id": "1266770" }, { "contents": "Campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology\n\n\n(Building 6) to the west, and architecturally evokes a horizontal version of the Green Building tower which rises to its east. The floorplan deviates from MIT's traditional central corridor scheme by placing the laboratory and office space away from the windows by means of exterior corridors. The interior space consists of a research community of graduate students working in laboratory modules at the center, and faculty offices, lobbies, and teaching areas at each end of the building. A major renovation to the building was completed in 2003. The Landau", "id": "128751" }, { "contents": "First Canadian Place\n\n\nFirst Canadian Place was granted. When completed, the building was nearly identical in appearance to Stone's Aon Center in Chicago, Illinois; completed two years previous as the Standard Oil Building, the Chicago tower is of the same floor plan and clad in the same marble, the only overtly visible difference being the vertical orientation of the windows, as opposed to the horizontal run of those on First Canadian Place. First Canadian Place was the 6th tallest building in the world to structural top (currently 103rd) and the tallest building", "id": "1495298" }, { "contents": "110 West 7th Building\n\n\nleaving it underutilized. Subsequent ownership performed upgrades and the building now serves as a general-purpose office tower. The building was constructed in the International Style that matured after World War II. The style is characterized by a square or rectangular footprint, a cubic \"extruded rectangle\" form, windows running in broken horizontal rows to form a grid, and façade angles set at 90 degrees. The building rises 388 feet (118 m) and comprises 28 floors. It is served by 11 elevators. Occidental Petroleum Corporation (Oxy", "id": "3183075" }, { "contents": "University Village (Manhattan)\n\n\nThe University Village is a complex of three apartment buildings located in Greenwich Village in the Lower Manhattan-part of New York City. The complex is owned by New York University and was built in the 1960s as part of the University's transition to a residential college. One of the towers, 505 LaGuardia Place, is a co-op that does not house students, and the other two towers, Silver Tower I and Silver Tower II, house faculty and graduate students of NYU. The buildings were designed by modern architects", "id": "13312224" }, { "contents": "Spray tower\n\n\nthe same direction. Because the gas stream does not \"push\" against the liquid sprays, the gas velocities through the vessels are higher than in countercurrent-flow spray towers. Consequently, cocurrent-flow spray towers are smaller than countercurrent-flow spray towers treating the same amount of exhaust flow. In crosscurrent-flow spray towers, also called horizontal-spray scrubbers, the gas and liquid flow in directions perpendicular to each other. In this vessel, the gas flows horizontally through a number of spray sections. The amount", "id": "8243095" }, { "contents": "Renzo Piano\n\n\nPotsdamer Platz was designed to capture the Berliner's \"sense of gaiety, their sense of humor...Why should a city be demoralizing? The beautiful thing about a city is that it is a place of meetings and surprises.\" Aurora Place in Sydney, Australia (1996–2009) is composed of two towers, an eighteen-story residential building next to a forty-one story office building with different facades but similar metal and glass sunscreens on the roofs. The lower tower was an early example of the luxury high-rise", "id": "6391382" }, { "contents": "Encinal Tower\n\n\n, and Encinal; the architect is Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. The proposed building had the shape of an oval cylinder with one side that curves outward and downward. Its exterior skin consisted of glass and X-braces with a horizontal line passing through the center of the X. The large tower was planned to stand tall with 56 floors and contain of floor space. The majority () of this space would consist of offices, would have gone to parking, and for retail space. The top 22 floors of the skyscraper", "id": "11173310" }, { "contents": "BMW Headquarters\n\n\nthe Olympic Village and is often cited as one of the most notable examples of architecture in Munich. The tower's exterior is supposed to mimic the shape of four cylinders in a car engine, with the museum representing a cylinder head. Both buildings were designed by the Austrian architect Karl Schwanzer. The main tower consists of four vertical cylinders standing next to and across from each other. Each cylinder is divided horizontally in its center by a mold in the facade. Notably, these cylinders do not stand on the ground; they", "id": "16428229" }, { "contents": "Lizard Lighthouse\n\n\nbetween them, was built in 1751 by the landowner Thomas Fonnereau; each tower was topped by a coal-fired brazier. Trinity House took responsibility for the installation in 1771. In 1812 the coal burners on each tower were replaced with Argand lamps and reflectors. In 1874 the site was significantly changed by the building of an engine room to provide electric power, not only for the lights but also for a fog siren, added in 1877 (this sounded through a horizontal horn which was installed on the roof of the engine", "id": "20653103" }, { "contents": "Punta Stilo Lighthouse\n\n\nPunta Stilo Lighthouse () is an active lighthouse on the Ionian Sea along the coast of Calabria in the municipality of Monasterace. The works to build the tower started in 1891 and the light was lit the first time in May 1895. The tower, attached to 1-storey keeper's house, has an octagonal prism shape and it is built in masonry. It is white painted with black horizontal bands, has a height of and is placed at above sea level. The lighthouse emits three white flashes in a 15 seconds period visible", "id": "2153554" } ]
How did this person get in to my iphone?
[{"answer": "I don't use an iPhone, but my Android has 'emergency contacts' that can be called whilst the phone is locked. Do iPhones have an equivalent of this, that you might have setup in the past and forgotten about?"}, {"answer": "You can use siri when the phone is lock.. Call home, Call dad, Call last etc..."}, {"answer": "if you made a missed call to your iphone, it shows a notification on the screen saying there is a missed call from this number, all they have to do is swipe to the number to the right and it calls it automatically."}, {"answer": "Why didn't you ask the good citizen that returned your phone instead of Reddit?"}, {"answer": "If you want high security: - disable Siri while locked - disable notification centre while locked - disable control centre while locked - disable lock screen notifications Your phone will be much more secure, though also less convenient. In this case for example, you might not have gotten your phone back. (Turning on Find my iPhone would let you find the finder and send them a message though)"}, {"answer": " could ask that person after you buy them a coffee for getting your phone back to you."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "57829", "title": "Keystroke logging", "section": "Section::::Cracking.:Use by police.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 57, "end_paragraph_id": 57, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["IP address risks exposing the attacker. Researchers devised several methods for solving this problem. They presented a deniable password snatching attack in which the keystroke logging trojan is installed using a virus or worm. In 2000, the FBI used FlashCrest iSpy to obtain the PGP passphrase of Nicodemo Scarfo, Jr., son of mob boss Nicodemo Scarfo. Also in 2000, the FBI lured two suspected Russian cyber criminals to the US in an elaborate ruse, and captured their usernames and passwords with a keylogger that was covertly installed on a machine that they used to access their computers in Russia. The FBI then used these credentials to hack into the suspects' computers in Russia in order to obtain evidence to prosecute them.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "IP address risks exposing the attacker. Researchers devised several methods for solving this problem. They presented a deniable password snatching attack in which the keystroke logging trojan is installed using a virus or worm. In 2000, the FBI used FlashCrest iSpy to obtain the PGP passphrase of Nicodemo Scarfo, Jr., son of mob boss Nicodemo Scarfo", "IP address risks exposing the attacker. Researchers devised several methods for solving this problem. They presented a deniable password snatching attack in which the keystroke logging trojan is installed using a virus or worm. In 2000, the FBI used FlashCrest iSpy to obtain the PGP passphrase of Nicodemo Scarfo, Jr., son of mob boss Nicodemo Scarfo. Also in 2000, the FBI lured two suspected Russian cyber criminals to the US in an elaborate ruse, and captured their usernames and passwords with a keylogger that was covertly installed on a machine that they used to access their computers in Russia. The FBI then used these credentials to hack into the suspects' computers in Russia in order to obtain evidence to prosecute them."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "300-page iPhone bill\n\n\nAT&T should get a new tagline – use AT&T, kill a tree.\" The \"USA Today\" story was also titled \"How many trees did your iPhone bill kill?\" According to blogger Muhammad Saleem, Apple's aim to have 10 million iPhone users by the end of 2008 would require the logging of about 74,535 trees annually, assuming an average 100-page monthly bill. An editorial in \"The Blade\", an independent newspaper in Toledo, Ohio, called the detailed billing \"absurd and environmentally wasteful\". One", "id": "8390318" }, { "contents": "IPhone SE\n\n\niPhone SE for being an affordable and compact smartphone with a headphone jack. Stating that “even worse than holding a big phone is carrying it around. When I'm done holding my iPhone SE — comfortably — I can slip it into the pocket of jeans, and almost forget that it's there. That's simply not possible with a big-screen device, which adds considerable bulk and bulge no matter how thin phone makers try to squeeze it.”, praising the possibility and practicality to “simultaneously charge my phone", "id": "3529648" }, { "contents": "Robert Clark Morgan\n\n\nit alongside. Oh how vivid did this bring back all my past experience in this work. The days of my youth and manhood was spent in this trade. This was the part of it I loved. A sight of a whale would make my heart jump and take away all relish for food. How happy if when a boy I could get to be let down in a boat and after I came to manhood how happy if I could but get to kill a whale and I always managed to get my share.", "id": "21285648" }, { "contents": "Deflategate\n\n\nthat neither I, nor any equipment person, did anything of which we have been accused. I also disagree with yesterdays narrative surrounding my cellphone. I replaced my broken Samsung phone with a new iPhone 6 AFTER my attorneys made it clear to the NFL that my actual phone device would not be subjected to investigation under ANY circumstances. As a member of a union, I was under no obligation to set a new precedent going forward, nor was I made aware at any time during Mr. Wells investigation, that failing to subject", "id": "19945846" }, { "contents": "IOS\n\n\n8, 2010 with iOS 4.1 on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and iPod Touch 2nd generation through 4th generation. Game Center made its public debut on the iPad with iOS 4.2.1. There is no support for the iPhone 3G, original iPhone and the first-generation iPod Touch (the latter two devices did not have Game Center because they did not get iOS 4). However, Game Center is unofficially available on the iPhone 3G via a hack. The main hardware platform for iOS is the ARM architecture.", "id": "7892518" }, { "contents": "IPhone\n\n\ninclude a gyroscopic sensor, enhancing its perception of how it is moved. Some previous iPhone models contained a chip capable of receiving radio signals; however, Apple has the FM radio feature switched off because there was no antenna connected to the chip. Later iterations of the iPhone (starting with the iPhone 7), however, do not contain radio chips at all. A campaign called \"Free Radio On My Phone\" was started to encourage cellphone manufacturers such as Apple to enable the radio on the phones they manufacture, reasons", "id": "1270313" }, { "contents": "Get Home Safely\n\n\nbe there because it’s not my first album. If the first time you heard of Dom Kennedy was \"Get Home Safely\", and then I never did another CD after that, you’d probably think I was the greatest person that ever happened [laughs]. That’s how it would really go down. But that’s not what I wanted. That’s not real. It’s a process. So knowing that, people are obviously going to know that it’s me. People are going to know that", "id": "21990360" }, { "contents": "Did I Shave My Legs for This?\n\n\nDanced Anyway\", \"Count Me In\", \"How Do I Get There\", and the title track were also released as a singles. Of these, \"We Danced Anyway\" and \"How Do I Get There\" were also Number One hits. \"Did I Shave My Legs for This?\" is Carter's highest-charting album to date and her only album to chart in the top ten on the U.S. \"Billboard\" 200. Strings performed by the Nashville String Machine, conducted by Carl Gorodetzky", "id": "13480770" }, { "contents": "Samsung Galaxy Note 8\n\n\nbattery was used in the Note 8. As a result, the Note 8 did not have the best battery life, and many Note 8 users did not hold back from complaining about it. The Note 8 was praised by both consumers and critics for the “Infinity Display” – meaning the display has much smaller bezels than the traditional smartphone (such as the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus) making it much more immersive – for its \"punchy colors,\" and how bright it gets, which is approximately 1200 nits.", "id": "14952359" }, { "contents": "Eleanor Lerman\n\n\nYou ought to try to get your work published. It had never occurred to me that was possible until he suggested it. ... Since I had no idea how to actually get a book published, I took the manuscript of poems I had and sent them to Viking, the press that published Cohen, and some very kind person there wrote me back and suggested trying Wesleyan University Press, which I did, and in 1973, they published my first book of poetry. This volume, \"Armed Love\", attracted positive", "id": "10252087" }, { "contents": "Steve Ballmer\n\n\nto get a logo on it? I think that's a more challenging proposition for the average person than it used to be.\" In 2015, Ballmer called Microsoft's decision to invest in Apple to save it from bankruptcy in 1997 as the \"craziest thing we ever did\". By 2015, Apple was the world's most valuable company. In 2016, Ballmer did an interview with Bloomberg where Ballmer added context to his iPhone statement, saying \"People like to point to this quote...but the reason I said", "id": "10442799" }, { "contents": "What Separates Me from You\n\n\nnowhere.\" McKinnon said the song is a \"more personal song [...] It discusses how the choices I've made to put my best foot forward in my career, in a sense, have really done damage to my personal life.\" Both \"You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic\" and \"Out of Time\" talk about \"how I feel like I'm doing what I want with my life, but I think, \"Wow, I just did something that really affected me.\"\"", "id": "20334337" }, { "contents": "Tapper World Tour\n\n\nsaid that “we’re eager to get our hands on the game to see how the new version plays out on iOS.” IGN'S Levi Buchanan expressed that he was “really excited for the iOS remake from Warner Bros. because Don Bluth – the genius behind two of my favorite arcade games: Dragon's Lair and Space Ace – has been signed to do the art and animation.” \"Tapper World Tour\" received top accolades at the 2011 Game Developers Conference including one of PocketGamer's \"Top 10 most promising iPhone", "id": "14119399" }, { "contents": "IOS 11\n\n\nReferencing IKEA's \"IKEA Place\" app, which uses augmented reality to virtually place objects in a room, he significantly praised the performance of the augmented reality technology on iPhone, writing that \"It did a great job of rendering furniture in physical spaces using both the iPhone 8, and, even more impressively, it ran smoothly on my iPhone 6S\". Finally, Hardawar also enjoyed new functionality on iPad, calling multitasking, the application dock and drag-and-drop \"dramatic changes\", and highlighting the \"", "id": "3552224" }, { "contents": "Disaster (song)\n\n\nCause you got up in my head/In my head like that.\" According to JoJo, the song's lyrics are \"basically about how sometimes you get so deep into a relationship, and it gets progressively horrifying and real disastrous, whether it be emotional abuse or another type of abuse, it's like, 'How did I end up in this storm?' So it's an emotional record, but it's definitely resilient in the end.\" \"Disaster\" received generally positive reviews from contemporary music critics", "id": "8463113" }, { "contents": "Cave (song)\n\n\nhow men go into a cave when they get stressed and I think that's probably true, although, personally, I tend to let it out. I did have a bit of a tantrum in my hotel bathroom last night – but I managed to repair the toilet, so that's OK.\" \"Cave\" was released on 6 September 1999 on 7\" vinyl—backed with an instrumental remix of the song—and double CD—backed with a remix of the song alongside \"Twin\", \"Host\"", "id": "16931858" }, { "contents": "2008 South Carolina Democratic primary\n\n\nEdwards from negative campaigning. Saying \"This kind of squabbling, how many children are going to get healthcare? How many people are going to get an education from this? How many kids are going to be able to go to college because of this? We have got to understand and I respect both of my fellow candidates, but we have got to understand that this is not about us personally, it is about what we are trying to do for this country and what we believe in\", Edwards began to get", "id": "8902690" }, { "contents": "Find My\n\n\na compatible device, a free iCloud account is required to use Find My iPhone. Users also can track their Find My iPhone enabled devices through iCloud on Windows, but cannot use it the other way around to track their PC. Find My iPhone was released initially as an app in June 2010 for users of MobileMe. In November 2010 with iOS 4.2, Find My iPhone was available for free for such devices. With the release of iCloud in October 2011, the service became free for all iCloud users. Also,", "id": "183276" }, { "contents": "José Aldo\n\n\n' If not, they would go get him some food. That's how poor he was.\" When asked in an interview with WEC what his motivation is, Aldo replied, \"My personal desires. My dream, my goal is to own my own house. This dream motivates me more and more as I get closer to fulfilling it.\" The Brazilian film \"Mais Forte que o Mundo\" was based on his early life. Aldo is married to Vivianne Perreira, who has a purple belt in jiu-", "id": "6067750" }, { "contents": "Simon O'Donnell\n\n\n, my school taught me, sport taught me but in particular cancer taught me that trust is the most powerful emotion we have. I trusted my doctors and nurses implicitly. It was amazing what I learnt about the power of the mind and how important trust is... There were the \"how in the hell did I get it?\" moments. No one knows, it could have been getting hit in a footy game or a cricket ball 10 years earlier. O'Donnell's injury was initially reported as a muscle strain.", "id": "9667436" }, { "contents": "Gary Go\n\n\nto raise money and awareness for the British Heart Foundation with all proceeds going to the charity. Gary Go also did special performances at Apple Inc. shops in London and New York, where he performed tracks with the iPhone and described how he used it as a composition tool. In December 2011, Gary Go released his literary debut \"My First Twook\" – an illustrated collection of musings from his Twitter feed. The book contains over 100 tweeted thoughts from the Twitter feed of Gary Go, that were colourfully brought to life in", "id": "10235277" }, { "contents": "How Do I Get There\n\n\n\"How Do I Get There\" is a song written by Chris Farren, and co-written and recorded by American country music artist Deana Carter. It was released in August 1997 as the fourth single from her debut album \"Did I Shave My Legs for This?\". The song became her third single to reach the top of the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart. The song was Carter's last Number One hit on the country chart. \"How Do I Get There\" debuted at number", "id": "5323806" }, { "contents": "Let's Get Down (Bow Wow song)\n\n\nThe concept of the video is that I go to the DMV to get my license. I get in the car and Baby’s my instructor. We’re in Atlanta taking a tour [and] Baby is like, ‘Bow, pull over. Tell this to shorty.’ He tests me on my speaking game with the ladies. A normal DMV person would be testing you on your right turn, [saying] ‘check your mirrors.’ Me, I was tested on did I spit game to the girl", "id": "12120845" }, { "contents": "Autoethnography\n\n\ndevelop writing and representation skills alongside other analytic abilities. Adams switches between first-person and second-person narrationin \"Living (In) the Closet: The Time of Being Closeted\" as a way to \"bring readers into my story, inviting them to live my experiences alongside me, feeling how I felt and suggesting how they might, under similar circumstances, act as I did\". Similarly, Ellis in \"Maternal Connections\" chose to steer away from the inclusion of references to the research literature or theory instead opting", "id": "11572204" }, { "contents": "Philipp Riederle\n\n\nthe Internet using the pseudonym “Phipz”. In April 2008, he launched his podcast “My iPhone and I…” in which he shared his experiences with the Apple iPhone, presented mobile apps and explained how to hack the device. This made him one of the most successful podcasters in Germany. He produced the episodes using the simplest equipment in his children's room at his parents’ house. The increasing number of downloads as well as the podcasts viewers feedback led Philipp Riederle to the decision to set up his own", "id": "505765" }, { "contents": "Kids Can Say No!\n\n\nthat his role of talking with children about sexual abuse in the film was a natural one because \"my track record has made me a believable person. I have never betrayed the kids' trust\". \"Kids Can Say No!\" was the first British children's film about sexual abuse. The film is intended to teach children between ages five and eight how to avoid situations where they might be abused, how to get out of such situations, and how to get help if they are abused. Skippon later said", "id": "3489490" }, { "contents": "Oops!... I Did It Again (album)\n\n\non My Door\" finds Spears confidently forging ahead after a breakup. The fourth track, a cover of the Rolling Stones' \"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction\", begins with mushy guitar plucking and breathy coos, until a dry, crackling lockstep is thrown down, turning the song into an urban stomp. The dance-pop version also jettisons the song's final verse and adds some new lyrics (\"how white my shirts could be\" becomes \"how tight my skirt should be\"). \"", "id": "22186851" }, { "contents": "IOS\n\n\nright. Building into the core of our products supports a vision of an inclusive world where opportunity and access to information are barrier-free, empowering individuals with disabilities to achieve their goals\". Multitasking for iOS was first released in June 2010 along with the release of iOS 4. Only certain devices—iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and iPod Touch 3rd generation—were able to multitask. The iPad did not get multitasking until iOS 4.2.1 in that November. Currently, multitasking is supported on iPhone 3GS+, iPod Touch 3rd", "id": "7892507" }, { "contents": "Derek Raymond\n\n\nsolved them that fast, they’d start stripping you down for the microchips to find out how you did it.’br ‘How are you getting on with it, anyhow?’ ‘I can’t get my proof,’ I said. ‘You know me — slow, quick, quick, slow, Mr. Foxtrot they call me. That’s why I’m still a sergeant while you’re shaping up for superintendent on the Vice Squad. All I can say is, when it happens, don’t get done", "id": "22203976" }, { "contents": "My My My! (Troye Sivan song)\n\n\n-go, and did the 15 minute walk to the studio. Those walks to and from the studio became such a sacred time for us. On the way to the studio, we'd talk about what's inspiring us, and on the back we'd reflect on the song we had written and usually play it on one of our iPhone speakers. We also got soup the day we wrote 'My My My!' and it was delicious.\" Raisa Bruner of \"Time\" felt the song \"builds on", "id": "19006847" }, { "contents": "Charles Inglis (Royal Navy officer, died 1833)\n\n\nwas observed by lookouts on \"Penelope\" and the frigate harassed the fleeing French ship until the larger ships under Captain Manley Dixon, and under Captain Sir Edward Berry, could come up and join the engagement. Worn down, the \"Guillaume Tell\" was forced to surrender after being dismasted. Rear-Admiral Horatio Nelson wrote personally to Inglis after the capture; \"My dear Sir, how fortunate I did not allow you to quit the Penelope to be junior Lieutenant in the Foudroyant! You will now get your promotion in", "id": "443238" }, { "contents": "Emma Sophia Galton\n\n\ntheir own, are in want of advice when they have commonplace business matters to transact. […] My aim throughout is to avoid all technicalities; to give plain and practical directions, not only as to what ought to be done, but how to do it.\" She went on to advise: \"When an inexperienced person comes into possession of her fortune, and especially if it be a small one, her first inquiry is, 'How can I invest my money so as to get the highest possible interest", "id": "6113765" }, { "contents": "IPhone\n\n\ngeneration, the iPhone employs A-GPS operated by the United States. Since the iPhone 4S generation the device also supports the GLONASS global positioning system, which is operated by Russia. The iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, introduced in 2015, feature 3D Touch displays which allows the screen to recognize how hard it is being pressed using pressure sensitive multi-touch technology. All subsequent iPhones with the exception of the iPhone SE and iPhone XR have this feature. An example of how this technology will be used is lightly pressing the", "id": "1270308" }, { "contents": "Raven-Symoné discography\n\n\n\"I did it on my second album [1999's \"Undeniable\"] and like it,\" she told \"When you're an independent you really do get full control. You get to do it how you want to do it and promote it how I want to promote it and sell it how I want to sell it.\". In late 2009, Raven-Symoné announced that she would return to the studio to record her fifth album. She said that the album would be \"R&B,", "id": "3426240" }, { "contents": "BOAC Flight 781\n\n\nDuring a radio communication about weather conditions, the conversation was abruptly cut off. The last words heard from Gibson were \"George How Jig, from George Yoke Peter, did you get my—\". Soon afterwards, witnesses saw wreckage falling into the sea. Heathrow Airport initially listed Flight 781 as being delayed, but it was removed from the arrivals board at around 1:30 pm. On 11 January 1954, \"The New York Times\" reported that \"35 persons were almost certainly killed when a British Comet jet airliner crashed", "id": "15521247" }, { "contents": "The Album About Nothing\n\n\nas exclusive content from Jerry Seinfeld and a little bit of the show.\" In January 2015, Wale spoke about how it is his most personal album, saying: \"It's super personal. It's like a journal that my whole lifestyle is based around. Before, with my music, I was like the point guard with all the handles. Now I'm just taking it straight to the cup. I'm not moon walking to get from point A to point B. I'm running from point A and through", "id": "1487737" }, { "contents": "Dies Natalis (cantata)\n\n\ntheir magnificencebr The lovely, lively air, br O how divine, how soft, how sweet, how fair!br The stars did entertain my sense;br And all the works of God, so bright and pure,br So rich and great, did seem,br As if they ever must endurebr In my esteem. A native health and innocencebr Within my bones did grow,br And while my God did all His Glories show,br I felt a vigour in my sense br That was all Spirit. I within did flowbr With", "id": "6089849" }, { "contents": "Problem solving\n\n\nfrom the dream, but it was rare for the dreamers to realize how their dreams had solved the puzzle. Coaxing or hints did not get them to realize it, although once they heard the solution, they recognized how their dream had solved it. For example, one person dreamed: In the dream, the person counted out the next elements of the series six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve yet he did not realize that this was the solution of the problem. His sleeping mindbrain solved", "id": "6823469" }, { "contents": "Charles Person\n\n\ninvolved, it was infectious, anything that had to do with protests, I was there. My life revolved around it, I did my homework and my assignment around sitting-in. You’d be surprised how good study habits you can develop, because you were just sitting at a lunch counter with no place to go, they weren’t going to feed us, so you just sat there and did your studies.\" They were attacked with items such as condiments and cigarette butts, and threatened with items like meat", "id": "2541890" }, { "contents": "Crayons (album)\n\n\ntime in the '70s \"when the nail person didn't show up and Neil got on his knees and did my toenails. In many ways he was my mentor and I didn't get to say goodbye to him.\" When Summer met Evan Bogart, she was struck by his uncanny resemblance to his label executive father. \"It's almost like they chiseled him out of his father,\" Summer observed. \"I'm in the studio looking at him and I get tears in my eyes, he has no", "id": "20461996" }, { "contents": "Rick Saccone\n\n\nleast 20 lobbyist groups that have never taken me out for anything. They come to my office, they make their pitch and they go away. And that is how it should be.\" However, it was later reported that Saccone did routinely get meals paid by lobbyists; Saccone justified getting gifted meals by lobbyists, saying that he had to have the meals with the lobbyists because other lawmakers did and he did not want to isolate himself from other lawmakers. Saccone advocated for waterboarding, sleep deprivation, and other forms of", "id": "11111702" }, { "contents": "John Harrington (ice hockey)\n\n\nbroken nose and four loosened teeth. Franceshetti was not penalized, insisting it was a \"clean\" check. \"My shoulder just connected with the back of his neck.\" \"If it was a clean check, how did I get it in the back of my head?\" asked Harrington. \"Lying in my hospital bed, I had all sorts of mixed emotions, especially when my teeth ached and my heart throbbed. I kept thinking of the cleaner game in Europe, that I could have gone to Switzerland", "id": "653326" }, { "contents": "Apple Inc.\n\n\ninitial December 2017 release. It also features 7 tweeters in the base, a four-inch woofer in the top, and six microphones for voice control and acoustic optimization On September 12, 2018, Apple announced that HomePod is adding new features—search by lyrics, set multiple timers, make and receive phone calls, Find My iPhone, Siri Shortcuts—and Siri languages. Apple develops its own operating systems to run on its devices, including macOS for Mac personal computers, iOS for its iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch", "id": "286792" }, { "contents": "Find My\n\n\nthe location of the iOS device is only approximate. To turn Location Services on, go to Settings Privacy Location Services, then selecting the Find My iPhone app in the list and selecting the “While Using the App“ option. To deactivate the app, select the “Never” option instead. The user can also track the device by signing in to , Find My iPhone is supported on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and Mac computers running OS X 10.7.5 \"Lion\" or later. In addition to", "id": "183275" }, { "contents": "Whoopi Goldberg\n\n\ndoor. So if you get a little gassy, you've got to let it go. So people used to say to me, 'You're like a whoopee cushion.' And that's where the name came from.\" She said in 2011, \"My mother did not name me Whoopi, but Goldberg is my name, it's part of my family, part of my heritage. Just like being black.\" Henry Louis Gates Jr., in his book \"In Search of Our Roots: How 19", "id": "10280899" }, { "contents": "Jake Duncombe\n\n\nvideo \"Northern Lights\". With six sponsors supporting him and a crowd of 15,000 spectators watching, Duncombe also competed at the 2004 World Cup but did not proceed past the first round. During an interview at the 2004 World Cup, Duncombe revealed his situation in terms of skateboarding: \"It's still my hobby. It'll always still be my hobby. Sometimes I don't realise how lucky I am to get paid for it. Um, it's unbelievable, like, getting paid to do your hobby, it", "id": "12870308" }, { "contents": "Zülfü Livaneli\n\n\nthe man said: \"you do know how to play\". Them man asked his name and when he answered \"Ömer\" the man shouted: \"Get out my store, get out!\" Livaneli said \"Did I do something bad=¡? I just said my name\". The man shouted. When Livaneli was outside the man said: \"Look we don't like that name\", Livaneli said: \"Who's we\", the man said \"Alevism\". Then the man brought him to", "id": "5563422" }, { "contents": "A Satire of the Three Estates\n\n\nmy Now haue I tald ȝow the black veritie,br How I am brocht into this miserie. DILIGENCE: How did the person, was he not thy gude friend? PAUPER:brThe devil stick him, he curst me for my teind,br And halds me ȝit vnder that same proces,br That gart me want the Sacrament at In gude faith, sir, Thocht he wald cut my throt,br I haue na geir except ane Inglis grot,br Quhilk I purpois to gif ane man of law", "id": "6215187" }, { "contents": "Roy Sentjens\n\n\nhis decision to retire, and returned to cycling when the ban had expired. Speaking about his decision to dope, Sentjens explained on his personal website: \"My season was already a disaster. I did everything I could but I didn’t meet up to my own expectations. I couldn’t sleep anymore, thinking all the time how in the hell I could still improve, I did everything. But even that did not help and I fell into a depression.\" Sentjens' one admitted hobby is spending time with his", "id": "13206263" }, { "contents": "Aaron Cometbus\n\n\nbut then came the news: my mom had cancer. I spent the next fifteen years going back and forth—caretaking first her and then my dad when they were doing badly, and when they were in remission, I’d get as far away as I could. When both were dead, I moved to New York, where I’ve lived ever since. That’s my life, in a nutshell. Which answers your earlier question about how much the fanzine reflected my personal life. Not so much.\" After", "id": "21813135" }, { "contents": "Marty Saybrooke\n\n\ndon't even know how much help that was for me\", stated Haskell. She said she did \"put a lot of thought into\" how her character would be now, but that \"it comes back to you, it really does. The most prep I did was learning my stinking lines. That was where I was the most out of practice. Gotta get that muscle going again.\" Marty Saybrooke is the scion of one of Llanview's oldest and most prestigious families. Orphaned at an early age", "id": "19496260" }, { "contents": "On My Own (Yasmin song)\n\n\nstylist and I was doing what I was doing so we would message each other and be like oh my god I'm just sitting for lunch on my own - how embarrassing but my friend's mum would say it takes a very strong person to sit in a restaurant on their own.\" The bulk of the parent album for \"On My Own\" shares its theme of independence. BBC Radio 1 Xtra were the first radio station to playlist \"On My Own\" when they did so in November 2010. A digital", "id": "3884504" }, { "contents": "Merle Haggard\n\n\nhe meant the song seriously. On the \"Bob Edwards Show\", he said, \"I wrote it when I recently got out of the joint. I knew what it was like to lose my freedom, and I was getting really mad at these protesters. They didn't know anything more about the war in Vietnam than I did. I thought how my dad, who was from Oklahoma, would have felt. I felt I knew how those boys fighting in Vietnam felt.\" In the country music documentary series", "id": "6694051" }, { "contents": "Retro-bolting\n\n\nand ultimately climbing it. Typically this first person then gets to name the climb and give it a grading. The route is then generally recorded in a guidebook for posterity. The climb is defined by the style that this person did the climb in, that is, how much protection did they use, was it traditional, did they use bolts or was there a mix of both. Climbing ethics dictate that a climber should attempt to complete the climb in the same style as the FA, or better. This means that", "id": "8120144" }, { "contents": "IPhone 4S\n\n\nas Apple Pay were not supported. It is also unable to work with Apple Watch due to the relatively aged hardware. In fact, some users often reported that performance on the 4S is very slow, similar to how iOS 7 ran on the iPhone 4, and suggesting that they should not upgrade due to battery draining issues and hanging up on calls. Meanwhile, Apple released iOS 8.1.1, which brought slight improvements to the phone and the iPad 2, but it still did not run as fast as newer models. On", "id": "13219800" }, { "contents": "Apple Maps\n\n\n1,000 users of the 4G network. However, EE Limited did not indicate how many of its users had an iPhone. According to subsequent research by EE Limited, in the first half of 2014, the market share of Apple Maps increased among iPhone users: 70% of the 4G network and 76% of the 3G network. At the turn of the year, the same values amounted to 73% and 82% respectively. Apple Maps received considerable criticism after its launch on September 19, 2012, due", "id": "1746442" }, { "contents": "MobileMe\n\n\nacross devices. Apple later introduced the MobileMe iDisk app on July 29, 2009, the MobileMe Gallery app on January 14, 2010, and the Find My iPhone app on June 18, 2010, that allowed mobile access to the Find My iPhone feature (initially only available for MobileMe users, later made free to all iOS device users). While initially only iPhone and iPod Touch apps, following updates, they were made \"universal\" app (compatible for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad). In August 2010", "id": "19161769" }, { "contents": "Nookie (song)\n\n\nnookie' on the cover, so I was like, 'This song's called Nookie!', I never thought someone would actually run with it. I suppose it's all my fault.\" Fred Durst said about the song, \"It's about my ex-girlfriend, how she treated me like shit, and I couldn't leave her, wouldn't get over it,\" he said. \"She screwed my friends and used me for my money. I tried to figure out why I did it", "id": "3266321" }, { "contents": "Anna Soubry\n\n\nSoubry said: \"I did not vote with my conscience, and if I am truthful about it, I am not sure that I voted in the best interests of my constituents. ... However, I was true to the promise that I had made to my constituents. I had promised them that if they voted leave, they would get leave, and that is what drove me through the Lobbies last week with a heavy heart and against my conscience.\" Addressing a Brexit protest outside Parliament in June 2017 she described how", "id": "8784850" }, { "contents": "Home (Daughtry song)\n\n\nwas that it struck a nerve with me every time I was listening to my iPhone or my iPod. It feels right. It sounds the way I want it to sound for people to hear me for the first time. That's the other thing for me, an awful lot of people have never heard me sing a full song, they've heard snippets here and there. For me it was really important to have a song that I was really feel happy with and how I sounded on and it stood out for", "id": "9907150" }, { "contents": "Therapy (Tech N9ne EP)\n\n\njust thought it up right there. We did one called \"When Demons Come\". Everything came from getting recognition from \"Something Else\". That's how my life is. I like my life. \"So Much Love\" on \"Something Else\" had me ready for \"When Demons Come\". There's so much love you can get lost in this shit. You don't know when something's going to hit. You have to be ready with angels when demons come. Songs like that just came", "id": "15255587" }, { "contents": "Nicolette Gray (personality)\n\n\nIs a Rich & Spoiled Beverly Hills Brat!\" Nicolette had discussed various things, such as how her allowance had been cut from $5,000 to $1,000, stating that she felt she was being treated like a \"peasant,\" as well as saying how she wanted a G-Wagon, costing nearly $231,000 at the time. She had talked about how she did not want to work and get a job, and had also discussed about how her mother did not give her enough love, and had been spoiling", "id": "16472351" }, { "contents": "Trapper Schoepp\n\n\nThe songs for the came at a time when Schoepp \"was at a personal rock bottom. I had re-herniated a disk in my back that I had surgery on a few years prior. My longtime partner and I had just split and my creative well was just running dry\". Two weeks prior to the release of \"Primetime Illusion\", Schoepp released his single \"What You Do to Her\" featuring Nicole Atkins. The song is the story of someone who gets away with sexual assault, and how everyone", "id": "12911214" }, { "contents": "Hype and Glory\n\n\nand Rob Reiner said, 'I am on a personal campaign to get you accepted on the Miss America Contest'. I began keeping notes because I thought it was something that could be an interesting little book... No, it was not my attempt to woo back my wife. She was wonderful and we're still friends and talk all the time. Nobody in my family ever said, 'God, how could you have trivialised your divorce or your marriage by writing that book?' Looking back on the book twenty", "id": "21236640" }, { "contents": "Florence Virginia Foose Wilson Mayberry\n\n\n, because I eat at my table. And tell your menfolks this, too. I keep a loaded shotgun under my bed. And the first man, or men, steps on my land I bought and paid for to force me or my woman to change how we treat folks on our property will get its full blast. And I reload fast. I thank you, Ladies, and good afternoon.\" However Florence did not pursue the friendship with Ollie and was put off by her strangeness, but came to regret", "id": "7830228" }, { "contents": "Begusarai (TV series)\n\n\nlove for her and how he never hurt anyone when he was trying to get her, changes her mind about Lakhan and starts to like him. Phulan gets arrested in an kidnapping that Bindiya did and Thakur family is left distraught. Poonam starts changing Lakhan into a soft person and they start getting close. Priyom constantly gets mad at Bindiya's antics and tries to change her into a better person. Then enter Datta ji, a man with old traditions and believes men are the best, and women are nothing but servants.", "id": "7289322" }, { "contents": "Mike Bossy\n\n\nthe record for most goals per season average with 57.3. While he wanted to be considered a great overall player, he was basically known for his impressive scoring output. Even he did not completely understand how he did it. As he was quoted as saying by Stan Fischler in \"The All-New Hockey's 100,\" \"About 90 percent of the time I don't aim: I just try to get my shot away as quick as possible as a surprise element. I just try to get the puck on", "id": "8281078" }, { "contents": "Flying Lotus\n\n\nand I am so glad to talk to you about it. I feel like it was such a big deal for me personally. [Odd Future] started playing me some of The OF Tape Vol. 2. I asked them, 'Yo, Hodgy, how long did it take you to record this shit? How long did it take you to write this song?' 'Aw, my nigga, it took me like 15 minutes.’ 15 minutes? Are you fucking serious? I was like, '", "id": "22061893" }, { "contents": "Art Houtteman\n\n\nArt Houtteman is back. Houtteman makes us at least a dozen games better than [last year's Tigers' team]\". Houtteman worked out in Detroit with pitcher Ted Gray over the winter before the 1952 season. Before the season started, Houtteman said, \"It all depends on how I get off. I'm anxious to get into the season. My arm doesn't feel any different than it did in '50. I hope I can do even better than my last year\". Houtteman also took number", "id": "14652702" }, { "contents": "My Lucky Star (2013 film)\n\n\nvibe I kept getting was, \"What is a white chick from Hollywood doing, telling us what to do with our biggest stars. What the [heck]?\" I could feel it and I was just having a hard time getting my mojo going with these guys no matter how much beer I bought them. I had an idea that maybe if I cut together a trailer—I had heard that the Wachowskis did this on the first \"Matrix\"—and so I cut together a trailer about three weeks in and then took", "id": "8049812" }, { "contents": "Erebus I\n\n\nperson but the collaborations were primarily done through file sharing audio stems on Dropbox. Notaker stated \"It was really interesting to see how each record turned out so differently and how my style complimented my collaborators’ styles\". Notaker conceived the extended play as an expansion of his \"Vessel\" series\",\" following his previous work \"Genesis\" released in 2017. He did this by creating an ambiguous science fiction story about the Vessel using the tracklist order, mood and creating unique artwork for each of the songs featured in", "id": "21542381" }, { "contents": "Li Dian\n\n\nworks out. How can I allow my personal issues take precedence over my official duties?\" Zhang Liao, Li Dian and Yue Jin then worked together and succeeded in defeating and driving away Sun Quan's much larger army. Li Dian was rewarded with an additional 100 taxable households in his marquisate, bringing the total number of households to 300. Li Dian's biography in the \"Sanguozhi\" did not state when and how he died, but it is known that he died at the age of 36 (by East Asian", "id": "2888299" }, { "contents": "What Separates Me from You\n\n\ntogether song by song\" as McKinnon mentioned, with the band coming up with 15–16 song ideas. McKinnon stated in an interview with Rocksound that there's songs \"that didn't make this record that we're saving.\" There is a track on the album that was previously written for \"Homesick\". When asked about how he comes up with song titles, McKinnon said: \"I've got my iPhone, and I go on my notes and every time I see something I like I write it down, so", "id": "20334328" }, { "contents": "Hi, How Are You (video game)\n\n\nHi, How Are You is a third-person platform game that is based on the art and music of Daniel Johnston. It was developed by Peter Franco and Stephen Broumley of Dr Fun Fun and Smashing Studios for the iPhone and iPod Touch. You play as Jerimiah the frog navigating platform mazes in order to win back your true love from Satan. The Gameplay involves the player in third person view navigating through mazes of gameplay blocks. The player must touch all the Green blocks and proceed to the exit to complete a level", "id": "3938361" }, { "contents": "Abbi Jacobson\n\n\npersonal essays is centred around Jacobson's solo three week cross-country road trip. The 320 pages of personal essays and various short stories, although some are comical in nature, largely focus on Jacobson getting over her first love, first relationship with a woman, and general issues of identity. According to Jacobson, book is centred around self reflection: \"It's about how I've felt like an internal outsider for my entire life because I just never understood what love was, that I would never get to experience it", "id": "9102298" }, { "contents": "Coon song\n\n\n, but also devoid of honesty or personal honor, given to drunkenness and gambling, utterly without ambition, sensuous, libidinous, even lascivious.\" Blacks were portrayed as making money through gambling, theft, and hustling, rather than working to earn a living, as in the Nathan Bivins song \"Gimme Ma Money\": poemLast night I did go to a big Crap game, How dem coons did gamble wuz a sin and a shame... I'm gambling for my Sadie, Cause she's my lady, I'm", "id": "18185760" }, { "contents": "29th Ranger Battalion (United States)\n\n\nsoaked. That night we tried to pitch tents on the wind-swept, soggy moors. The first thing I did was tend to my bloody feet which were a mess. I couldn't get the tent pegs to hold, so I sat on a folded shelter-half to keep my bottom dry and wrapped a blanket around my tired, aching body. No matter how I sat my legs began to cramp. I spent a miserable night. I had to be ready the next day or be disgraced. I persevered", "id": "16474659" }, { "contents": "Apple Inc. advertising\n\n\nnightlife in extraordinary places. The ads show how the camera feature works and how these pictures can be taken by anyone, as long as it is on a iPhone. A second strategy Apple has is comparing their product with rival products in their advertisements. Ads that show the relative advantage the iPhone has over competitor products. They focus on potential switchers who currently are using another smartphone brand. The iPhone advertising campaign took flight in 2007 and has continued into 2018. Apple released the first advertisement for the iPhone in February 2007 during", "id": "5702659" }, { "contents": "NTT Docomo\n\n\nwhen the introduction to the service which allows the user to carry their original phone number with a new provider was made, NTT Docomo has lost many users to KDDI and SoftBank. This promotion was made in order to get more users for NTT Docomo. The company was the last major global mobile carrier to offer Apple's iPhone, which it finally did with the release of the iPhone 5s and 5c. This has been cited as one of the reasons for the steady stream of its customers switching for competing networks. In June", "id": "8332678" }, { "contents": "Find My\n\n\nFind My (before iOS 13, iPadOS, watchOS 6 and macOS Catalina called Find My iPad, Find My iPod touch, Find my Apple Watch, Find My iPhone (or Find iPhone on SpringBoard) or Find My Mac) is an app and service provided by Apple Inc. that allows remote location tracking of iOS devices, Mac computers, Apple Watch, and AirPods. Since March 2013, the service has been available for iOS 5 or later and OS X 10.7.5 \"Lion\" or later through iCloud. The service itself", "id": "183271" }, { "contents": "Ebernoe Horn Fair\n\n\non your way, I will not let you ride on my grey mare today, You'd rumple all my muslin and uncurl my hair, And leave me all distrest to be seen at Horn Fair.\" \"O fairest of damsels, how can you say No? With you I do intend to Horn Fair for to go, We'll join the best of company when we do get there, With horns on their heads, boys, the finest at the Fair. They are the finest horns you did ever behold", "id": "15362139" }, { "contents": "Gordon Ramsay\n\n\nremembers how he felt: \"I was panicking and my lungs were filling with water. When I got to the top after getting my boots off, I was dazed and my head was totally massive\". On 17 April 2009, it was revealed that one of Ramsay's restaurants, Foxtrot Oscar in Chelsea, West London, used pre-prepared food that was heated up and sold with mark-ups of up to 586%. It was also revealed that three of his gastropubs in London did the same thing.", "id": "3349213" }, { "contents": "2017 dismissal of U.S. attorneys\n\n\ngift of a lifetime. I am extremely proud of the tremendous accomplishments of the men and women of this office during my tenure.\" Delahanty said, \"I didn’t really get a chance to wrap up any loose ends. By Monday morning, my email and iPhone had been shut off.\" Fishman said in his statement, \"It has been the greatest professional experience that I can possibly imagine to have served in this office for the past seven-and-a-half years. Having spent so much of", "id": "18191780" }, { "contents": "Gervase Helwys\n\n\nI was so far from thinking myself foul in the fact, that until these two Gentlemen, (Doctor Felton and Doctor Whiting, the physicians for my soul) told me how deeply I had imbrued my hands in the blood of (Overbury) making me, by God’s law, as guilty in the concealing (of it) as if I had been a personal actor in it. Till then... I held myself ignorant of the deed, and my conscience so clear, that I did never ask God forgiveness...", "id": "16642750" }, { "contents": "Paul Rodriguez (skateboarder)\n\n\nfrom his personal website as of July 16, 2013. Rodriguez explained in the interview that he is seeking to \"own a little bit more of myself.\" In June 2014, following the launch of his own skateboard deck company, Primitive Skateboarding, and his eighth signature shoe with Nike, Rodriguez explained his perspective on the future: It got to a point where I wanted to get my name on a board and did that, wanted my name on a shoe and did that, wanted other endorsements, awards, and", "id": "16460246" }, { "contents": "Toya Johnson\n\n\nAntonia \"Toya\" Johnson (born October 26, 1983) is an American reality television personality, rapper, businesswoman, and author. She wrote a book called \"Priceless Inspirations\", as well a memoir titled \"In My Own Words..My Real Reality\", \"How To Lose A Husband\", and \"You Just Don't Get It\" with her daughter, Reginae Carter. She owns a boutique called \"G.A.R.B.\", in New Orleans, Louisiana, and GARB Shoetique in Smyrna, Georgia. Johnson", "id": "179480" }, { "contents": "Hashtag\n\n\n, which contributes to the idea of how written communication in new media can be paralleled to how pragmatic methodology is applied to speech. This can help express contextual cues or offer more depth to the information or message that appears with the hashtag. \"My arms are getting darker by the minute. #toomuchfaketan\". Another function of the hashtag can be used to express personal feelings and emotions. For example, with \"It's Monday!! #excited #sarcasm\" in which the adjectives are directly indicating the emotions of", "id": "19348422" }, { "contents": "IPhone X\n\n\nof use before getting accustomed to its presence. Face ID facial recognition was praised for its simple setup, but criticized for requiring direct eyes on the screen, though that option can be disabled within the system preferences. Along with the iPhone 6s, its Plus variant, and the iPhone SE, the iPhone X was discontinued on September 12, 2018 following the announcement of the new iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR devices. As a result, with a shelf life of just over 10 months, the iPhone X", "id": "316771" }, { "contents": "My Life as a 10-Year-Old Boy\n\n\ntell my story and I needed to because I get so much fan mail. People are so interested in the whole process, how it all comes together. This book does that.\" In a 1995 interview, five years before writing the book, Cartwright remarked that she wanted to write a book and that if she did, it would be titled \"My Life as a 10-Year-Old Boy.\" The book contains excerpts from date books and journals that Cartwright had kept over the years. The book was officially announced", "id": "10292873" }, { "contents": "List of How Did This Get Made? episodes\n\n\n\"How Did This Get Made?\" is a comedy podcast on the Earwolf network hosted by Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Jason Mantzoukas. Generally, \"How Did This Get Made?\" is released every two weeks. During the show's off-week, a \".5\" episode is uploaded featuring Scheer announcing the next week's movie, as well as challenges for the fans. In addition to the shows and mini-shows, the \"How Did This Get Made?\" stream hosted the first", "id": "19227952" }, { "contents": "Find My Phone\n\n\nFind my Phone or similar is the name given by various manufacturers to software and a service for smartphones, whereby a registered user can find the approximate location of the phone if switched on, over the Internet, or by the phone sending e-mail or SMS text messages. This helps to locate lost or stolen phones. Apple offers a free service called Find My iPhone for iPhones running iOS. Microsoft's My Windows Phone offers a similar service for phones running Windows Phone. Similarly, Google offers Find My Device for phones", "id": "2469126" }, { "contents": "Henry VI, Part 3\n\n\nto command, to check, to o'erbear such As are of better person than myself, I'll make my heaven to dream upon the crown, And, whiles I live, t'account this world but hell, Until my misshaped trunk that bears this head Be round impaled with a glorious crown. And yet I know not how to get the crown, For many lives stand between me and home, And I, like one lost in a thorny wood, That rents the thorns and is rent with the thorns, Seeking a", "id": "14574603" }, { "contents": "John P. McCormick\n\n\nIn a first-person essay titled \"Life on Blago's enemies list\", McCormick expressed his bafflement at being singled out by Blagojevich. He wrote, \"If somebody did try for more than a month to extort or otherwise muscle the Chicago Tribune—a newspaper I sold as a child—it did not work. I did not know about it. My boss did not know about it. His boss did not know about it. I hope you fathom how gratifying that is.\" McCormick also noted that he", "id": "17574921" }, { "contents": "How to Be Loved (album)\n\n\nSmith said that \"Overall this is a fantastic signature album from Todd Angew, and once you get into this album, listen to the lyrics, close your eyes and worship Jesus.\" The top songs are \"God Undefeatable\", \"Letting Go\" and \"There is Coming a Day\". New Release Tuesday's Kevin Davis said that \"How to be Loved\" is my new favorite overall album by Todd Agnew, surpassing the excellent \"Reflection of Something\". There's biblical truth married to personal lyrics in", "id": "19143226" }, { "contents": "Claire Temple (Marvel Cinematic Universe)\n\n\nMy character is a stand-in for the audience. She’s not a love interest—she’s this skeptical eye looking at this strange situation.\" On the relationship between Temple and Murdock in \"Daredevil\", Dawson said, \"The show explores how necessary it is for two people to finally have their masks off with each other. For Matt Murdock, this is the first person he has that’s going to be able to see that transition for him ... But she gets confronted with the question: How far", "id": "9374991" }, { "contents": "Miss Coco Peru\n\n\nbest for me to be openly gay on stage, and create my own character. I did a one-person show early on as myself ... All my friends came, and loved it; I was always considered funny. But I knew it wasn't going to be enough.\" Leupp recalled thinking, \"How do I change people's minds, those who might not have a clear picture of who gay people were?\" He said, \"Coco came about at a time in my life when I didn't", "id": "3334227" }, { "contents": "IPad Mini 3\n\n\napplication distribution platform for iOS, allows users to browse and download applications made by various developers from the iTunes Store. Additional apps made by Apple itself are available for free download, which are iMovie, GarageBand, iTunes U, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, Apple Store, Trailers, Remote, and the iWork apps (Pages, Keynote, and Numbers). The iPad Mini 3 includes a version of Apple Pay with the built-in NFC functionality removed. Siri, an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator,", "id": "3641833" }, { "contents": "Dutch Healthcare Authority\n\n\nto move towards a contract which rewards outcomes that patients consider important, and which encourages more integrated care and aligns the interests of the hospital management with independent medical specialists. It is investigating incentives offered by providers to switch insurance policies. SGGZ Apeldoorn advertised a new iPhone for patients who switch to a reimbursement policy, which entitles them to claim the full cost of treatment even if the provider does not have a contract with their insurer. Patients who did so and followed their 12 week addiction programme would get the latest iPhone XR.", "id": "17089541" }, { "contents": "NextWorth\n\n\n, how fair the seller is in describing the condition of the product \"will determine whether your experience with NextWorth is satisfying or not.\" Some sellers get higher or lower prices than they were originally quoted, depending on how NextWorth's assessment of the product's condition compares to the seller's description. NextWorth has experienced spikes in trade-in activity from sellers when newer models are announced, such as when the iPad 2 was announced in March 2011, and when the iPhone 5 was announced in September 2012 These announcements also", "id": "22162493" }, { "contents": "Linda (Sesame Street)\n\n\nexplained, \"When I joined the cast I found the writers would write about 'How would a deaf person do this?' 'How does a deaf person do that?' And it was just related to my deafness and it didn't feel like they were treating me as a person. I found my character one-dimensional and kind of boring. It showed how brave a deaf person was to do this and that in everday life. I said it was no big deal. I have a sense of humor", "id": "16398230" } ]
Drinking or taking drugs "to feel normal".
[{"answer": "People who do this say they do it to feel normal. And most of them believe it when they say it. What's actually going on is that the substance they're using dulls the edges in their mind and makes their pain less immediate, less real. For that reason, they come to think that because the substance reduces or eliminates the pain, it makes them \"normal\" again. That logic has holes in it big enough to drive a truck through, but I've heard the same answer from every addict I've talked with."}, {"answer": "Some substances make you feel like the Super-version of yourself. As time goes on and your tolerance builds, the \"super-you\" dose is less and and less effective. You need more of the substance to achieve \"super-you\". Stopping use all together makes you feel like the worst version of yourself, and you need the substance in moderate amounts just to feel the way you normally would before you ever started using. This was my experience with amphetamines anyway, and my only real experience with the whole \"use to feel normal\" thing."}, {"answer": "Well it basically means you feel more apt to deal with your world when you are on the drugs. As a drug user; it is never a good sign when someone says this. It is a sign that you are high way too often that sobriety is no longer your regular state of mind"}, {"answer": "I have ADHD and minor OCD. The most of my life Ive been unable to really focus on much of anything and I can easily forget things that most people normally wouldn't. Literally you can tell me \"Don't forget X important thing.\" and I will acknowledge it, then walk away. Soon as I turn away, I've literally forgot what you said and what it was I needed to remember. Back to my concentration: I take Ritalin, and it actually slows down my mind and allows me to actually focus on tasks so that I can get them done rather than starting them and dropping it 5 minutes later because something else got my attention. (Im looking at you Warhammer 40K board....) So by taking the Ritalin, it puts me in a state where I \"feel normal\", because I knew my state before was not."}, {"answer": "I smoke marijuana It helps with my back pains, period pains, headaches and my anxiety. No complaints here."}, {"answer": "In truth, people who say that \"taking drugs makes them feel normal\" say this because when they take a particular drug, the way the drug makes them feel, or the effect of the drug, makes them feel how they perceive others who are \"normal\" must feel. For example, \"normal\" people, one might postulate, do not have a constant distraction of a million painful-thoughts running through their heads all the time. On the other hand, there ARE people, who DO suffer with non-stop thoughts: rapid, relentless, repetitive, ruminating thoughts that parce their neurons all day every day. If when a person take a drug, that drug's effect reduces the non-stop, relentless, ruminating thoughts, that person could then suppose, that how they feel while under the \"influence\" of the drug, is how \"normal\" people must feel all the time. If one were to say that \"drugs\" makes them feel normal, they could be articulating that \"drugs\" (take away the relentless, ruminating thoughts) and make them feel \"normal\", and/ or how others must feel without the indications of relentless ruminating thoughts. You can apply this formula & that \"perception of normal\" statement to one of many hundreds of conditions that those who suffer from alcohol and drug addiction seek remission from. Some people seek relief without even understanding why they they do what they do. Achieving relief from a symptom that \"normal\" people do not usually suffer from, is the most logical and the most basic explanation of such a statement. When one states that drugs make them feel normal\" is does not suggest that how they may be \"explaining\" their particular condition is any \"less real\" or a \"bad sign\" because it is the only way they know how to verbalize their experience. Suggestions to the contrary, that all \"addicts\" or people who take \"drugs\" are seeking to achieve anything other than relief from a particular malady, demonstrates a lack of understanding of the disease of addiction and further perpetuates the myths and stigmas associated with mental illness."}, {"answer": "I have a problem with anxiety, and I also have a problem with abuse. I do not take pills, and I refuse to ever start. My issues begin when I think (or over think) about stressful situations such as work, money, or even family. Smoking marijuana makes my head clear of malicious thinking and forces me to not only focus on something that isn't stressful, but exercising large, spaced out breaths. The feeling of exuberance does not happen as harsh for habitual users, and can often require stronger strains to fully take advantage. It only takes a toke or two to get the stress away, but I fear that I have become too reliant on this method to the point that I may feel like I need it constantly or need something more potent when two tokes no longer works. This ultimately puts a user into either 'chasing the high' or, in the case of cannabis, the inability to elevate oneself to that \"okay I feel better now\" state. This of course, in both situations is easily remedied with taking a break to cripple your body's tolerance. When I choose to pick it back up, I struggle to maintain a healthy balance until I reach a reasonable tolerance to deal with everyday stress- but once that tolerance is shot, feeling normal becomes costly in every way."}, {"answer": "Alcoholic/former drug addict here. For me, it's been the concept of \"missing out.\" Sure, you're having fun now. Your friends are with you, you're having a great time, but... there's this nagging thought, ever present in the background, that you could be having MORE fun if you were drunk/stoned. Very convoluted, vicious circle."}, {"answer": "Former drug addict here. It's about coping with life and pretty much hiding from your emotions, problems, etc. it's not so much to feel normal as it is to just escape reality and not have to look inward or face the problems you have."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "437772", "title": "Euthymia (medicine)", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Euthymia is defined as a normal, tranquil mental state or mood. It is often used to describe a stable mental state or mood in those affected with bipolar disorder that is neither manic nor depressive, yet is distinguishable from healthy controls. Euthymia is also used to describe the \"baseline\" of other cyclical mood disorders like major depressive disorder (MDD), borderline personality disorder (BPD) and narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)", "Euthymia is defined as a normal, tranquil mental state or mood. It is often used to describe a stable mental state or mood in those affected with bipolar disorder that is neither manic nor depressive, yet is distinguishable from healthy controls. Euthymia is also used to describe the \"baseline\" of other cyclical mood disorders like major depressive disorder (MDD), borderline personality disorder (BPD) and narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). This state is the goal of psychiatric and psychological interventions. The word \"euthymia\" traces its", "Euthymia is defined as a normal, tranquil mental state or mood. It is often used to describe a stable mental state or mood in those affected with bipolar disorder that is neither manic nor depressive,"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Liquor (song)\n\n\nBrown. The “Liquor” part of the video begins with Brown at the bar alone drowning his sorrows, before accepting a drink from a female, that had put a drug in his glass. Brown after drinking that drink starts to feel confused. After that, the girl and Brown take a taxi that takes them to the girl's house, but Brown is under the effect of the drug and sees everything in a psychedelic way. After the night spent with the woman, the \"Liquor\" part ends with Brown", "id": "5500633" }, { "contents": "Caffeinated alcoholic drink\n\n\nbecause of the delayed \"drunk\" feeling, as caffeine can mask some of the sensory cues individuals might normally rely on to determine their level of intoxication. The consumption of this drink and the delayed intoxication impairment could lead to negative consequences such as the increased stimulation and intoxication levels while decreasing the ability to operate a motor vehicle. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has looked at peer-reviewed studies and has come to the conclusion that risky behaviors which could lead to life-threatening situations are directly correlated with", "id": "7660397" }, { "contents": "Maressa Orzack\n\n\nfun, but most want to be part of an organization.\" Orzack then went on to say that these people are roleplaying and feel part of an organisation, something they may lack outside of the game. She also stated that some patients have been known to take drugs in order to continue playing, making her feel that the addiction is worse than that of drink or drugs. Withdrawal from gaming is not something Orzack recommended, as she felt this could lead to depression and violence. On August 8, 2006, Maressa", "id": "8495469" }, { "contents": "Holly Barton\n\n\n(Marc Silcock), Holly bumps into Roz and they drink and take cocaine. Holly decides to flirt with a stranger for more drugs and she takes an ecstasy pill. Holly succumbs to the effects of the drug and she has a nasty turn. Powles explained \"She locks herself in a toilet cubicle because she doesn't know what's happening to her. Holly feels her whole world is going to explode. It's a bit like an out-of-body experience for her.\" Powles added Holly is panicking", "id": "2758204" }, { "contents": "Eminem\n\n\nEminem, working 16 hours a day, developed insomnia. An associate gave him an Ambien tablet which \"knocked [him] out\", encouraging him to obtain a prescription. This was Eminem's first experience of drug addiction, which would affect him for several years. Near the end of production on \"Encore\", he would \"just go into the studio and goof off [with] a pocketful of pills\". Eminem began taking the drugs to \"feel normal\", taking a \"ridiculous amount [...", "id": "12477236" }, { "contents": "Carrie Fisher\n\n\ndown\" the manic aspect of her bipolar disorder. She gave nicknames to her bipolar moods: Roy (\"the wild ride of a mood\") and Pam (\"who stands on the shore and sobs\"). \"Drugs made me feel more normal\", she explained to \"Psychology Today\" in 2001. \"They contained me.\" She discussed her 2008 memoir \"Wishful Drinking\" and various topics in it with Matt Lauer on NBC's \"Today\" that same year, and also revealed that she", "id": "12623523" }, { "contents": "Acceptance\n\n\n, drinking, swearing, and more. People exhibit and avoid certain behaviors out of the desire for the approval of their friends, which may include drinking or taking drugs. When it comes to mental disabilities, social acceptance plays a big role in recovery. Many people don't understand mental illness, so they are unsure of how to embrace people who have a disease, leaving these people with feelings of isolation in friend groups. A type of acceptance that requires modification of the initial conditions before the final acceptance is made,", "id": "8941586" }, { "contents": "Chuck Versus the Three Words\n\n\nhe has been drinking for years, and challenge them to a drinking contest. Carina drugs the drinks prepared for Stromberg and his men, but he doesn't participate. When Lester takes one of the spiked drinks and passes out, Jeff remarks on his friend's low alcohol tolerance before drinking one of the drugged ones himself and collapses. Stromberg grows wise to Carina's attempts to drug him and is furious. Morgan, after unwittingly alerting Chuck that Carina is at their apartment, decides to take it on himself to confront Carina", "id": "21115167" }, { "contents": "Ingestion\n\n\nIngestion is the consumption of a substance by an organism. In animals, it normally accomplished by taking in the substance through the mouth into the gastrointestinal tract, such as through eating or drinking. In single-celled organisms, ingestion can take place through taking the substance through the cell membrane. Besides nutritional items, other substances which may be ingested include medication (where ingestion is termed oral administration), recreational drugs, and substances considered inedible such as foreign bodies or excrement. Ingestion is a common route taken by pathogenic organisms", "id": "6827441" }, { "contents": "Suicide in Ireland\n\n\nthe school to promote these approaches (HSE, 2018). In addition, the school should educate their students on how drinking alcohol and taking drug might impact their mental health and increase the feeling of depression (Arensman et al., 2016). Moreover, they should as well explain how drugs and alcohol contribute to suicide intentions (Arensman et al., 2016). The Government of Ireland proposed to decrease the mortality rate of suicide and improve national overall mental health and wellbeing by several approaches. These include providing society", "id": "12992219" }, { "contents": "We're Not Gonna Take It (The Who song)\n\n\ndescribes Tommy's followers' rejection of Tommy's new religion that bans drinking and drugs and centers around pinball. The song reprises the \"See Me, Feel Me\" and \"Listening to You\" themes that were seen previously throughout the album. In addition to being released on the Tommy album, \"We're Not Gonna Take It\" was released as a single in different forms. In America, it was the B-Side to \"I'm Free\", another album track. However, in 1970,", "id": "810104" }, { "contents": "Anita Roy\n\n\n. During a party at the student halls, Anita feels like Dave does not even notice her. After he finds MDMA, Anita takes some in order to impress him. Later on, Anita goes dizzy and collapses. After being released from hospital, Ravi accuses Dave of spiking her drink. However, she later admits he is innocent and she took the drugs herself. Anita ruins Ravi's date with a woman who she believes is called Kate, by accidentally spilling a drink on her. Later Ravi finds Anita has been", "id": "2780673" }, { "contents": "Date rape drug\n\n\ndate rape drug story received extensive coverage on CNN, ABC's \"20/20\" and Primetime Live, the Oprah Winfrey Show, and the fictitious TV shows Beverly Hills 90210 and South Park. Women were instructed to never drink from punch bowls, never leave a drink unattended, try no new drinks, drink nothing with an unusual taste or appearance, take their own drinks to parties, and drink nothing opened by another person. News media has been criticized for overstating the threat of drug-facilitated sexual assault, for providing \"", "id": "4361795" }, { "contents": "Drink\n\n\nA drink (or beverage) is a liquid intended for human consumption. In addition to their basic function of satisfying thirst, drinks play important roles in human culture. Common types of drinks include plain drinking water, milk, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, juice and soft drinks. In addition, alcoholic drinks such as wine, beer, and liquor, which contain the drug ethanol, have been part of human culture for more than 8,000 years. Non-alcoholic drinks often signify drinks that would normally contain alcohol,", "id": "8106796" }, { "contents": "Evolutionary models of human drug use\n\n\nsubstances provide this same feeling and yet do not produce fitness benefits. Researchers have shown how emotional disposition is correlated with problematic use of alcohol, wherein if the reason for alcohol consumption is positive, the user is thought to drink to enhance positive feelings with greater control of the substance than if the user's emotional disposition prior to alcoholic consumption was negative. In these cases, the individual is drinking to cope and is shown to have less control over his/her own use. Alcohol mediates negative feelings by their suppression but also", "id": "4146857" }, { "contents": "Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act\n\n\nof safe drinking water or take other actions which could render drinking water significantly less safe for human consumption, and increases penalties under the Safe Drinking Water Act for tampering with drinking water systems and authorizes appropriations. Title V contains miscellaneous provisions, including a measure unrelated to public health and safety, in which the FCC is to direct the conversion to digital television. The Prescription Drug User Fee Amendments of 2002 amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to revise provisions concerning definitions and the authority to assess and use drug fees", "id": "172544" }, { "contents": "Timeline Followback Method Assessment (Alcohol)\n\n\n, college students, male and female normal drinkers in the general population). The number of days drinking assessed varies from 30 to 360 days. Also, this assessment can be completed on the computer, by an interviewer, or by pencil-and-paper. Because of the variation of days, it takes about 10 to 30 minutes to complete. All forms, instructions, and calendars need to use the timeline followback, including Excel worksheets for alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes (for MACs and PCs) and including", "id": "9613586" }, { "contents": "Murder of Alesha MacPhail\n\n\nThe local reverend Owain Jones commented, \"Bute is one of these places that is incredibly safe, you take all sorts of things for granted here\". At the time of the trial he acknowledged the lasting shock within the community, adding that \"nothing feels the same\". The revelations of casual teenage drinking, sex, and drug use on the island were also a source of surprise; Libby Brooks of \"The Guardian\" wrote that the MacPhail trial revealed \"the reality of life on Bute beyond the picture postcard", "id": "3859457" }, { "contents": "Drug intolerance\n\n\nthe effective metabolizing machinery, a person with a defect will have a difficult time trying to clear the drug from their system. Thus, the drug will accumulate within the blood to higher-than-expected concentrations, reaching a MTC at a dose that would otherwise be considered normal for the average person. In other words, in a person that is intolerant to a medication, it is possible for a dose of 10 mg to \"feel\" like a dose of 100 mg, resulting in an overdose—a \"normal", "id": "78984" }, { "contents": "Club drug\n\n\n\"Club drugs often are taken together, with alcohol, or with other drugs to enhance their effect.\" Drug interactions can cause hazardous side effects. When club drug users are in a liquor-licensed nightclub, users may mix pills or powders (MDMA, 2C-B, GHB, ketamine) with consumption of alcoholic drinks such as beer, wine or hard liquor. Some depressants, such as Rohypnol, are dangerous to take while drinking alcohol. \"Ketamine often is taken in \"trail mixes\" of methamphetamine,", "id": "14969742" }, { "contents": "Taken 3\n\n\ncamera hidden in his friend Sam's suit, instructing her to maintain her \"very predictable schedule.\" She purchases her daily yogurt drink with a \"Drink Me Now\" note which, unknown by her, is drugged by Bryan. During a lecture, she feels nauseated and runs to the bathroom where Bryan is waiting. He surprises her and gives her the antidote to the drug. Bryan removes a surveillance bug that, unknown to her, was planted by Dotzler. He tells her that he is looking for the real", "id": "14875057" }, { "contents": "This Is Your Brain on Drugs\n\n\n, with various ones saying \"Um, yeah, I have questions\", \"Prescription drugs aren't as bad as street drugs, right?\", \"Weed's legal, isn't it?\", \"Drinking is worse than smoking weed. Isn't it?\", \"Why is heroin so addictive?\", \"Molly just makes you feel happy\", \"I have questions\", \"Mom\", \"Dad, did you ever try drugs?\" The narrator returns to say, \"", "id": "9757739" }, { "contents": "Aspirin\n\n\nor fever, effects typically begin within 30 minutes. Aspirin is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and works similarly to other NSAIDs but also suppresses the normal functioning of platelets. One common adverse effect is an upset stomach. More significant side effects include stomach ulcers, stomach bleeding, and worsening asthma. Bleeding risk is greater among those who are older, drink alcohol, take other NSAIDs, or are on other blood thinners. Aspirin is not recommended in the last part of pregnancy. It is not generally recommended", "id": "1420448" }, { "contents": "Ninja Turf\n\n\nfeels alone due to his mother's constant drinking and promiscuity. He sees Tony as a brother and when he sees him with Lily, it makes his upset. When the boys are asked to do security for a rich businessman, Young learns that his new client is actually one of the biggest drug dealers in the city. After the party, while the dealer is with his girlfriend, Young takes the briefcase of money the mob boss scored on the deal and runs off. Angry, the mob boss hires two hitmen,", "id": "1774410" }, { "contents": "City Central (TV series)\n\n\nhe felt \"troubled and depressed\", and felt that a change of character would help him with his own lifestyle, after stepping down from the role of Joe Wicks on \"EastEnders\" in November 1997. However, part-way through filming for series two, Nicholls claimed he began to feel \"trapped\" by the series, and asked for his character to be written out. Nicholls later commented, \"I was well on my way to a total breakdown. I was drinking a lot and taking drugs. I", "id": "22015793" }, { "contents": "Foxes (film)\n\n\ntroubles. Madge (Marilyn Kagan) is unhappily overweight and angry that she is still a virgin. Her parents are overprotective, and she has an annoying younger sister. Annie (Cherie Currie) is a teenage runaway who drinks, uses drugs, and runs away from her abusive police officer father. Jeanie (Jodie Foster) feels she has to take care of them all, is fighting with her divorced mother, and is yearning for a closer relationship with her distant father, a tour manager for the rock band Angel.", "id": "7129838" }, { "contents": "Chinese alchemical elixir poisoning\n\n\nthe drug [or, perhaps, the secret names of its ingredients] he will not feel the pain in his heart, but after he has drunk a full \"hu\" he will still die. When he is dead, he will become aware that he has left his corpse below him on the ground. At the proper time, jade youths and maidens will come with an azure carriage to take it away. If one wishes to linger on in the world, he should strictly regulate his drinking during the three days", "id": "9345686" }, { "contents": "Spins\n\n\n: the feeling that one has the uncontrollable sense of spinning, although one is not in motion, which is one of the main reasons an intoxicated person may vomit. The person has this feeling due to impairments in vision and equilibrioception. Diplopia (double vision) or polyplopia are common, as well as the symptoms of motion sickness and vertigo. Ingesting a great deal of alcohol in a short amount of time causes alcohol to quickly enter the bloodstream. Mixing alcohol with normal soft drinks, rather than diet drinks delays the dizzying", "id": "18546450" }, { "contents": "Ricky Megee\n\n\nPost reported, he claimed \"that he had been drugged by hitchhikers and left for dead\". Megee later elaborated on how this scenario unfolded, saying he had picked up a lone Aboriginal hitchhiker between the towns of Kalkaringi and Halls Creek. He believed that at some point the hitchhiker drugged Megee's drink at some point. Megee said that although he normally always opened his own drinks from the car refrigerator, on this occasion he allowed his passenger to open one for him. Later, in his 2010 autobiography, Megee said", "id": "400228" }, { "contents": "Robert Sugden\n\n\nthat he doesn’t want to be the needy angry person he is anymore and decides to visit Liv and his mother in Ireland to get away. Missing Aaron, Robert decides to try and take over Home Farm. He gets Rebecca to bring him back into the business and impacts Lawrence's health by spiking his drinks with drugs. He even manipulates Lawrence into thinking that they have slept together, makes him believe that he murdered Tim Richards (Chrissie's biological uncle) plays on Lawrence's burgeoning feelings for him. When Aaron", "id": "1239023" }, { "contents": "Strange Days (film)\n\n\nfeelings for Lenny from when he was still a cop and stepped in as a dependable father figure for her son after her boyfriend was arrested on drug charges, but disapproves of his SQUID-dealing business. While Lenny and Max are drinking together at a bar, Iris drops a SQUID disc through the sunroof of Lenny's car before it is towed away. Mace picks Lenny up and takes him to a nightclub where Faith is going to sing. There, Lenny receives a SQUID disc from a contact and unsuccessfully tries to get", "id": "14881656" }, { "contents": "Evolutionary models of human drug use\n\n\nencourages the habituated continuance of positive emotion. Recovering alcoholics often report that the reason for relapse is often related to the impulse to compensate for negative feelings, resulting in a motivation to cope and therefore drink. Despite being harmful, drugs such as nicotine, cocaine, alcohol, THC, and opium artificially stimulate the emotions and neural circuits involved in the mesolimbic reward system thus encouraging drug consumption. Drugs of abuse are harmful, why do they increase dopamine like sugar and sex do? The hijack hypothesis suggests that drugs are effective hijackers", "id": "4146858" }, { "contents": "Rock of Love: Charm School\n\n\na second date, while Ace picks Destiney. With a majority of the votes, Brandi M. wins the challenge and is safe from expulsion. In addition, she is allowed to pick a second girl to go to a club with the bachelors, dressed normally, while the others must go in their ugly make-up and clothing. Brandi M. picks Destiney, and Heather feels hurt that Brandi M. didn't pick her. At the club, Brandi C. drinks excessively, takes off her fake nose and wig, and makes", "id": "10271061" }, { "contents": "Water intoxication\n\n\nthose who chose water. Medical personnel at marathon events are trained to suspect water intoxication immediately when runners collapse or show signs of confusion. Any activity or situation that promotes heavy sweating can lead to water intoxication when water is consumed to replace lost fluids. Persons working in extreme heat and/or humidity for long periods must take care to drink and eat in ways that help to maintain electrolyte balance. People using drugs such as MDMA (often referred to colloquially as \"Ecstasy\") may overexert themselves, perspire heavily, feel increased thirst", "id": "11851688" }, { "contents": "Wasted: A Childhood Stolen, An Innocence Betrayed, A Life Redeemed\n\n\nnever has a consistent group of friends. He describes how 'gangs' are always forming and re-forming. He identifies as being a suedehead (subculture). He tastes his first Strongbow Cider, which other young people offer him. He immediately becomes attracted to the powerful way the drink makes him feel. He takes drugs when they are offered to him by people who are squatting in a nearby building. Mark then chronicles how his life changes for the worst. For example, he becomes addicted to heroin and eventually", "id": "21089960" }, { "contents": "Greta (2018 film)\n\n\nhave coffee. After Greta drinks her cup, she feels faint. The woman takes off her wig and reveals herself to be Erica, who has drugged Greta. She mocks Greta and tells her she has been searching for the handbag on the subway for a long time. Greta passes out, and Erica finds and releases Frances. Greta, regaining consciousness, emerges from the shadows, grabs Frances before passing out again. Erica and Frances place Greta's unconscious body in the chest and leave, using a small metal statue of", "id": "5654823" }, { "contents": "English criminal law\n\n\ntake them, to make him feel better. But he got angry and set fire to the wardrobe. It was held that he should not be convicted of arson because he expected the Valium to calm him down, and this was its normal effect. Technically, intoxication is not a defence, but negates the mens rea for specific intent offenses (e.g. it commutes a murder sentence to manslaughter). In other words, a defendant may have been so drunk, or drugged, that he was incapable of forming the criminal intention", "id": "19487496" }, { "contents": "Recreational drug use in Kenya\n\n\nOne study published in the Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology found that there was a significant risk of drug abuse among female Kenyan youth in Mikindu with 24.14% of participants having begun their drug usage due to peer pressure. Users had been encouraged to take drugs for the apparent benefits that one could feel from taking these drugs. Some female youth began taking drugs due to influence from their spouses. Some would take drugs under the premise that they would lead to strength and courage, allowing for them to face those who had wronged", "id": "9305890" }, { "contents": "Club drug\n\n\neach club drug has different effects, their use in clubs reflects their perceived contribution to the user's experience dancing to a beat as lights flash to the music. Club drug users are generally taking the drugs to \"enhance social intimacy and sensory stimulation\" from the dance club experience. Some club drugs' popularity stems from their ability to induce euphoria, lowered inhibition and an intoxicated feeling. Some drugs, such as amphetamine and cocaine, give the dancer hyperactivity and energy to dance all night. Many drugs produce a feeling of", "id": "14969738" }, { "contents": "Discrimination against drug addicts\n\n\nThe first use stage, is the stage where individuals experiment with drugs and alcohol. This is the stage where individuals will partake in drug use because of curiosity, peer pressure, emotional problems etc. They discover how the drug will make them feel. In the continued use stage, individuals know how the drug makes them feel and is likely to notice that they're not getting “high” as quickly as they use to. In the tolerance stage, the brain and the body have adjusted to the drug and it takes", "id": "15999752" }, { "contents": "The Mummy, or Ramses the Damned\n\n\nprice. Those who drink the potion are constantly driven to sate their senses. They constantly crave food and drink, although they need neither to survive. They have an extremely heightened libido. Moreover, their bodies continually blunt drugs that give humans pleasure. For example, Ramses constantly drinks and smokes because the \"buzz\" the alcohol or nicotine would normally give him fades after a few moments. But perhaps most importantly, the elixir causes any organic substance to become invulnerable and self-sustaining. Having once tested it upon livestock", "id": "1465295" }, { "contents": "Katie Roiphe\n\n\na man gave you alcohol or drugs?' The phrasing raises the issue of agency. Why aren't college women responsible for their own intake of alcohol or drugs? A man may give her drugs, but she herself decides to take them. If we assume that women are not all helpless and naive, then they should be responsible for their choice to drink or take drugs. If a woman's 'judgment is impaired' and she has sex, it isn't always the man's fault; it isn't necessarily", "id": "13891746" }, { "contents": "Higher-order volition\n\n\nwant to own a new car; to want to meet the pope; or to want to quit drinking alcohol permanently. A higher-order volition can go unfulfilled due to uncontrolled lower-order volitions. An example for a failure to follow higher-order volitions is the drug addict who takes drugs even though he would like to quit taking drugs. According to Harry Frankfurt the drug addict has established free will, in respect to that single aspect, when his higher-order volition to stop wanting drugs determines the precedence of", "id": "19862132" }, { "contents": "Konpa\n\n\nis by consuming large quantities of alcohol. Therefore, men drink more on average than the female participants. Male students in konpa face, and largely yield to, Peer pressure to drink. At the konpa, males participate in drinking games run by the upperclassmen senpai, and as a result, the students feel added pressure to drink. Male students tend to take on the task of planning, deciding where to hold the konpa, and making the decisions during the parties. At konpa, the men take steps to behave as", "id": "9398790" }, { "contents": "Caffeinated alcoholic drink\n\n\nlikely to drink and drive, take advantage of someone sexually, or end up needing medical treatment. From this perspective, it is inferred that caffeinated alcoholic drinks cause one to act in ways that would be less likely if one were drinking non-caffeinated alcoholic drinks. The adverse effects of caffeinated alcoholic drinks have led to increased regulation. Under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, a substance intentionally added to food (such as caffeine in alcoholic drinks) is deemed \"unsafe\" and is unlawful unless its particular", "id": "7660399" }, { "contents": "Gray Lensman\n\n\nBoskonian drug network. Along the way, Kinnison learns something else new: as a Second Stage Lensman he no longer needs his Lens to do Lensman things such as read minds or communicate telepathically, although he works better while wearing it. Kinnison suffers some setbacks, and has to assume different identities, eventually one requiring him to drink and use drugs. Even though he tries to drink while actually letting the people around him empty the bottles, and uses the least harmful drug he can, it still takes him a while to", "id": "7146623" }, { "contents": "Neurotransmitter\n\n\nADHD). Dopamine is also involved in addiction and drug use, as most recreational drugs cause an influx of dopamine in the brain (especially opioid and methamphetamines) that produces a pleasurable feeling, which is why users constantly crave drugs. Serotonin: Similarly, after some research suggested that drugs that block the recycling, or reuptake, of serotonin seemed to help some people diagnosed with depression, it was theorized that people with depression might have lower-than-normal serotonin levels. Though widely popularized, this theory was not borne", "id": "2089541" }, { "contents": "Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid\n\n\nalthough there is no evidence that it builds muscle or improves performance in athletes. GHB became known to the general public as a date rape drug by the late 1990s. GHB is colourless and odorless and has been described as \"very easy to add to drinks\". When unobtrusively administered in a drink the victim will quickly feel groggy and sleepy, and upon recovery may have an impaired ability to recall memories of events that occurred during the period of intoxication. Consequently, the evidence and the identification of the perpetrator of the rape", "id": "12655082" }, { "contents": "Nowhere (film)\n\n\nof Butthole Surfers) along with plans for a drug-fueled game of kick-the-can are made and the story segues into portions of the goings-on of the lives of other characters. The story progresses towards the oft-mentioned party at Jujyfruit's house, a bacchanalian orgy of excess, drinking and drugs. Here the tone changes from the innocuous and normal beginning to seemingly hallucinatory visions and surrealistic visuals and events, before reaching a chaotic finale where some of the issues come to a head. Dark and", "id": "1154550" }, { "contents": "Date rape drug\n\n\nthe drug wears off, users may find themselves unable to remember what happened while under its influence (anterograde amnesia), and feeling woozy, hung-over, confused, dizzy, sluggish and uncoordinated, often with an upset stomach. They may also have some difficulty moving their limbs normally. Rohypnol is believed to be commonly used in drug-facilitated sexual assaults in the United States, the United Kingdom, and throughout Europe, Asia and South America. Although Rohypnol's use in drug-facilitated sexual assaults has been covered", "id": "4361789" }, { "contents": "Hairy cell leukemia\n\n\nre-treatment is necessary in the future, the drugs are normally effective again, although the average length of remission is somewhat shorter in subsequent treatments. As with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, mutations in the IGHV on hairy cells are associated with better responses to initial treatments and with prolonged survival. How soon after treatment a patient feels \"normal\" again depends on several factors, including: With appropriate treatment, the overall projected lifespan for patients is normal or near-normal. In all patients, the first two", "id": "5358937" }, { "contents": "Rat Park\n\n\nit became sweeter and more dilute, they began to drink almost as much as the rats that had lived in cages throughout the experiment. They wanted the sweet water, he concluded, so long as it did not disrupt their normal social behavior. Even more significant, he writes, was that when he added a drug called Naloxone, which negates the effects of opioids, to the morphine-laced water, the Rat Park rats began to drink it. In another experiment, he forced rats in ordinary lab cages to consume", "id": "17802688" }, { "contents": "Alcohol in Australia\n\n\nfactors can be enhanced by influences related to the social, physical and economic availability of alcohol. This is driven by marketing and promotion, cost, accessibility and age restrictions. There is no single factor attributed to why people drink at these harmful levels, however lack of nutrition, poor exercise, smoking, damaging health behaviours, illicit drug use and excessive drinking all appear to contribute to a complicated structure of social determinants. Many Australians feel the need to consume large amounts of alcohol before going to public venues to socialise and continue", "id": "878825" }, { "contents": "Arguments for and against drug prohibition\n\n\nthe unhelpful conception \"We drink. Therefore alcohol is not a drug.\" The UK drug policy reform group Release believe that the stigma attached to drug use needs to be removed. Release's actions have included challenging such stigmatisation with its \"Nice People Take Drugs\" advertising campaign. Some argue that sending out signals should be a consideration of drug policy. Previous UK Home Office Minister Vernon Coaker argued \"is not part of any system with respect to drugs ... not only trying to send messages out to people who misuse drugs", "id": "17133487" }, { "contents": "Esophagitis\n\n\nalcohol, fatty meals, and smoking. To prevent drug-induced esophagitis, drink plenty of liquids when taking medicines, take an alternative drug, and do not take medicines while lying down, before sleeping, or too many at one time. Esophagitis is more prevalent in adults and does not discriminate. Losing weight, stop smoking, lowering stress, avoid sleeping/lying down after eating, raising the head of the bed, taking medicines correctly, avoiding certain medications, and avoiding foods that cause the reflux that might be", "id": "19520444" }, { "contents": "Religion and drugs\n\n\nof the five precepts which a layperson takes upon taking refuge, that although they must refrain from taking intoxicants, they may drink enough so as they do not become drunk. Bhikkus and Bhikkunis (monks and nuns, respectively), on the other hand, who have taken the ten vows as part of taking refuge and becoming ordained, cannot imbibe any amount of alcohol or other drugs, other than pharmaceuticals taken as medicine. Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, is known as teetotaler and non-smoker", "id": "3921324" }, { "contents": "Josh Hamilton\n\n\ndrinking, heard him asking where he could obtain cocaine, and heard him reveal his plans to go to a strip club later that evening. The photos do not show Hamilton drinking or taking any illegal drugs. Prior to Hamilton's public admission, Johnny Narron, a Rangers special assignment coach and Hamilton's mentor, said he doubted the validity of the photos, telling Deadspin, \"I'm sure, in the depths of his drug addiction, he was in a lot of bars. He was in and out of bars", "id": "7243975" }, { "contents": "Royalty (Chris Brown album)\n\n\nChris Brown is first seen drowning his sorrows at a bar alone when a mysterious woman buys him a drink and gives it to him after slipping a drug into it. After reluctantly drinking it, Brown loses control of his senses and leaves with the woman to her home, but Brown is under the effect of the drug and sees everything in a psychedelic way as his eyes turn temporarily neon green (\"Liquor\"). After the night spent with the mysterious woman, Brown then takes a taxi home, only to find", "id": "7694731" }, { "contents": "Adipsia\n\n\nadipsic diabetes insipidus. Type D is the least commonly diagnosed and researched type of adipsia. The AVP release in this subtype occurs with normally functioning levels of osmoregulation. People affected by adipsia lack the ability to feel thirst, thus they often must be directed to drink. Adipsic persons may undergo training to learn when it is necessary that they drink water. Currently, there is no medicine available to treat adipsia. For people with adipsia because of hypothalamic damage, there is no surgical or medicinal option to fix the damage. In", "id": "17786006" }, { "contents": "Lactic acid fermentation\n\n\nfood in this festive context is a way to connect to the past and to a national identity, which is the great Mongolian empire personified by Genghis Khan. During the time of this empire, the fermented mare milk was the drink to honor and thank warriors and leading persons, it was not meant for everybody. Even though it eventually became a drink for normal people, it has kept its honorable meaning. Like many other traditions, this one feels the influence of the globalizing industry. Other products, coming mainly from China", "id": "20515256" }, { "contents": "Mamrie Hart\n\n\nposts weekly instructional mixology videos, with a unique cocktail presented in each. This combines her past work experience as a bartender with performing. The videos contain pop culture references, sexual innuendo, and numerous puns, and occasionally she makes drinks for celebrities that she feels deserve a drink. Once the drink is finished, Hart encourages viewers to make the cocktail themselves and then rewatch the video, using it as a drinking game wherein the participant takes a drink each time she makes a pun. Her favorite drink is a gin gimlet", "id": "3038687" }, { "contents": "Michael Moon (EastEnders)\n\n\non as normal when they are not alone, including continuing her relationship with Tamwar Masood (Himesh Patel). He decides to kill Janine, so steals her credit card and orders sleeping tablets from the internet, planning to crush them up to put in her drink, telling Alice that they can be a family with Scarlett in Morocco. Alice decides to drug Janine's drink for Michael so he does not break his injunction, but realises that Michael has given a lethal dosage, so does not go through with it and confronts", "id": "5753841" }, { "contents": "Matt Willis\n\n\nabuse, because he was hooked on cannabis from the age of 13. He began to have problems from the drug-taking including physiological and memory problems. In June 2008, aged 25, Willis entered the providence project rehab centre in Bournemouth after a marriage ultimatum, as Willis continued to take drugs and drink heavily. It was reported that a night out with close friend Amy Winehouse pushed Willis too far. Willis took the full five week course in drugs and alcohol. In November 2007, Willis claimed to have stopped smoking", "id": "10578220" }, { "contents": "The Tribes of Palos Verdes\n\n\nthe separation well, and feeling alienated and hated by his father, turns to drugs and drinking. Medina goes to dinner with her father and Ava, meeting Ava's son Adrian (Noah Silver), who is soon leaving for college. Jim decides to stay home with Sandy instead of going with Medina to the dinner. Jim progressively seems more attached to drugs throughout and lands himself in the hospital. Phil comes to see him and Jim is happy, asking to go on the trip to Paris his father was planning to", "id": "12602754" }, { "contents": "Audition (1999 film)\n\n\nthe body pieces. Meanwhile, Asami goes to Aoyama's house and finds a photo of his late wife. Enraged, she drugs his liquor. Aoyama comes home, pours a drink, and begins feeling the effects of the drug. A flashback shows that the sack in Asami's apartment contains a man missing both feet, his tongue, one ear and three fingers on one hand. He crawls out and begs for food. Asami vomits into a dog dish and places it on the floor for the man. The man", "id": "15792956" }, { "contents": "List of Black Flag band members\n\n\n. The band changed its name to Black Flag in early 1979. By November 1979, however, Morris was growing \"burned out\" with Black Flag's long and frequent rehearsals, and began making excuses to miss them. His feelings of isolation within the band exacerbated his problems with drugs and alcohol: \"I was doing a lot of drugs, and I was drinking quite a bit\", he later recalled, \"That's like the major reason for me leaving Black Flag, because it wasn't fun, and", "id": "19339494" }, { "contents": "Kat Chapman\n\n\n. Charlotte retaliates by spiking Kat's drink at Angelo's, while Kat is in the bathroom. The drug leaves Kat feeling groggy and unsteady. She staggers outside and collapses to the ground, while Charlotte watches on. Kat comes to in her patrol car and realises her gun and handcuffs have been taken. Kat catches the attention of Kyle Braxton (Nic Westaway), before falling unconscious again. Kyle gets Kat to the hospital, where she insists that her blood is checked for drugs. However, the test comes back", "id": "2878316" }, { "contents": "Nightmare of Eden\n\n\nto try to separate the two ships while also trying to source the Vraxoin on the craft. Rigg is positive there are no drugs on his craft, but events soon take a sinister turn, which proves him wrong. When Romana wakes up an unseen hand spikes her refresher drink with the drug, but it is Rigg who ends up drinking it. He soon starts to show signs of addiction and altered perception and heads off alone as his cravings grow. After the Doctor and K9 fail once more to separate the two ships", "id": "6128841" }, { "contents": "Eternity (Angel)\n\n\nslips a drug, later revealed to be \"doximal\", a euphoric, into his drink and they toast and drink when he returns. Cordelia confesses to Wesley that she told Rebecca all about Angel and how one could become a vampire by him. As the drug takes effect, Rebecca tries to convince Angel to make her a vampire. Angel says she doesn't realize what she's asking of him, and in a sudden burst of rage, he sprays blood into her mouth so she can taste what she's getting", "id": "8701176" }, { "contents": "Clubhouse (TV series)\n\n\ndream job working as a batboy for his favorite major-league baseball team, the fictional New York Empires. Throughout the story, 16-year-old Pete Young (played by Sumpter) goes through normal and not so normal problems of a teenager. Pete's sister (played by Storms) is a rebellious teen who deals with drinking, sex, and drugs. The show is based on the experiences of Matthew McGough, a batboy for the New York Yankees who graduated from Williams College and Fordham University School of Law, and", "id": "13544213" }, { "contents": "Ban on caffeinated alcoholic drinks\n\n\ndays of the specific steps the firms will be taking. Manufacturers have argued that drinking a caffeinated alcoholic energy drink is indistinguishable from drinking a couple of glasses of wine followed by a couple of cups of coffee. Caffeine has not been shown to have an effect on a person's self-assessment of their level of alcohol intoxication. In November 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration notified nearly 30 manufacturers of caffeinated alcoholic beverages that it would study the safety and legality of their products. In November 2010, the agency told", "id": "7871949" }, { "contents": "Narcoculture in Mexico\n\n\nand violence. Those who take part in narcoculture are not necessarily drug traffickers or part of a criminal organization. Indeed, many of the participants in narcoculture are young people who come from marginalized sectors of society. They feel the need to look and act like drug traffickers in order to feel that they are respected or have some sort of power. The admiration that youth have for narcos is similar to the way other kids look up to rock stars or sports legends. In some cases, the admiration that they feel for the", "id": "4954398" }, { "contents": "Toby Young\n\n\nNew York. After they split up, Young gave up drinking, saying he \"thought the only way I could persuade her to get back with me would be if I sobered up\". He began drinking alcohol again two years later, on their wedding day in July 2001. Young and Bondy were engaged in 2000 and married a year later. They have four children. Young has admitted using illegal drugs – specifically taking cocaine at the Groucho Club in central London, and also supplying drugs to others. He was subsequently", "id": "3549871" }, { "contents": "Dental anesthesia\n\n\nif the patients feel faint or experiences a drop in blood pressure, lay them flat and keep their legs elevated in an attempt to restore their blood pressure. Loosen any tight clothing and keep the patients sugary food/drink after they regain consciousness. Reassure the patient. This may occur when there are large amounts of anaesthetic within their vascular system, which may be due to them receiving repeated LA, intravenous entry of drug, or have underlying systemic conditions that does not metabolize or utilize the drug efficiently. Signs and symptoms mainly", "id": "10271174" }, { "contents": "Dylan McKay\n\n\nabsent and he is frequently seen drinking alcoholic beverages in casual, social situations). After failing to win Kelly back, he starts dating the new bad girl Gina Kincaid, despite obviously still having feelings for Kelly. Dylan and Kelly battle a mutual attraction, despite being in on-and-off relationships with Gina and Matt Durning respectively. This is especially noticeable when Kelly blames Gina and others for Dylan's drug problems (as with the case back in Season 5 with Kelly blaming Valerie for Dylan's drug problems),", "id": "11945721" }, { "contents": "List of Sense8 characters\n\n\neyes. Far from the facility, Will injects himself with drugs to lose consciousness to ensure that Whispers does not find them. Riley helps them successfully escape and gets Will to safety. Because Whispers can now see through him, Will constantly inject himself with drugs in order to reduce Whispers' psychic influence. When awake, Will and Riley grow much closer. On Christmas Day, however, Whispers reveals to Will that his father has resumed drinking and is severely depressed without him. Will feels guilty, and Riley tells him they", "id": "12119178" }, { "contents": "Sonya Rebecchi\n\n\nbeing taken into care, Sonya is tempted to drink some wine. Sonya's stalker breaks into her bedroom where Nell is sleeping and hits Mark over the head. The stalker breaks in again and is revealed to be Sonya's former best friend Erin Rogers. Erin blames Sonya for introducing her to drugs and the subsequent loss of her daughter to the DHS. Sonya feels guilty and pays Erin's bail. She also offers her a job at her nursery and gets her into a drug treatment program. Sonya lends Erin money to", "id": "6337052" }, { "contents": "Janine Butcher\n\n\nIn 2002, a storyline saw Janine using drugs and prostituting to fund the habit. She was shown about to snort cocaine in a scene that sparked viewer complaints to the BBC. Brooks has said about Janine's behaviour: \"Sleeping with her pusher is very sad and desperate. But she feels she has to do it to get more drugs. Janine has such low self-esteem that she's deliberately reckless. She thinks, 'Why not take drugs if they make me feel good about myself for a while?'", "id": "2054656" }, { "contents": "Brad Willis (Neighbours)\n\n\nLauren acknowledge that they have feelings for each other. Seeing that Terese is drinking a lot, Brad suggests they take part in an Alcohol-free August. Terese has drink within days of starting, and Sheila Canning (Colette Mann) suggests to Brad that Terese has an alcohol problem. Terese agrees to get help, but lies to her family about attending Alcoholics Anonymous. When Brad finds out, they argue, and Brad leaves the house. Brad confesses his feelings to Lauren and they have sex. They agree not to", "id": "13643992" }, { "contents": "Purple Giraffe\n\n\n, and Robin is able to recognise his true feelings. In an attempt to prove to her that he doesn't necessary have the feelings, he kisses her, but he realises he does have those feelings and can't take them away. Robin suggests that they can be friends. Ted isn't sure because he's worried things might become awkward between them, but he comes around and takes Robin to formally meet his friends. They go for a drink with the gang, where Robin fits perfectly in the group - by", "id": "14584222" }, { "contents": "Alcohol withdrawal syndrome\n\n\nwithdrawal, changes also occur such as upregulation of alpha4 containing GABA receptors and downregulation of alpha1 and alpha3 containing GABA receptors. Neurochemical changes occurring during alcohol withdrawal can be minimized with drugs which are used for acute detoxification. With abstinence from alcohol and cross tolerant drugs these changes in neurochemistry gradually return towards normal. Adaptations to the NMDA system also occur as a result of repeated alcohol intoxication and are involved in the hyper-excitability of the central nervous system during the alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Homocysteine levels, which are elevated during chronic drinking", "id": "18701671" }, { "contents": "List of Hollyoaks characters (2014)\n\n\nkisses her. He then sells drugs to Leela's half-brother Ste Hay (Kieron Richardson), telling him to pay him back in kind, which his boyfriend John Paul McQueen (James Sutton) overhears. When Ste does not, Lockie wants the drugs back, but unknown to him Ste has added drain cleaner to the drugs before he returned them. Lockie asks John Paul to go for a drink and offers him the drugs that Ste had mixed with the lethal liquid. After accepting and taking the tainted drugs,", "id": "341832" }, { "contents": "Bahá'í laws\n\n\n. This practice is seen as having a deeply negative effect on the community as well as the individuals involved. Bahá'ís are forbidden to drink alcohol or to take drugs, except by a doctor's order. The reason being that God has given human beings reason and intoxicants take that away and lead the mind astray. The non-medicinal use of opium and other mind-altering drugs are particularly condemned in the Bahá'í scriptures. Bahá'ís are also asked to try to avoid working in jobs that involve the manufacturing or large-scale", "id": "20179008" }, { "contents": "The Hellcats\n\n\n. One of Adrian's henchmen comes in with orders for Sheila from Adrian. When he turns aggressive after being rejected by Sheila, Monte comes to her rescue and manages to get a look at the note with Sheila's orders, learning that the drugs originate in Mexico. The gang takes the party to the country, where they continue to drink, dance, and take drugs. A rival gang arrives and their leader challenges Snake to a bike race which devolves into a brawl. After Monte stops the brawl, the Hellcats", "id": "2105336" }, { "contents": "List of The Cleveland Show characters\n\n\nfeelings towards her. Donna unfortunately was for the most part oblivious to his feelings, and instead dated Cleveland's unofficial rival Robert. Despite Cleveland's attempts to get Donna to see Robert for what he truly was (a self-centered, irresponsible jerk), Donna ended up marrying Robert shortly after graduation. Seeing no reason to remain, Cleveland left Stoolbend and Donna behind. Despite many attempts at making their marriage work, Donna and Robert ended up separating due to Robert's heavy drinking and drug abuse, leaving Donna to", "id": "13966803" }, { "contents": "Low-dose naltrexone\n\n\nreceptors (normally, signalling through the GABA receptors inhibits the activity of neurons; many recreational drugs inhibit GABA and thus \"free up\" neuronal activation; preventing inhibition of GABA allows GABA's normal inhibition activity to take place) and it blocks dopamine release (many recreational drugs stimulate dopamine release, which is part of the brain's reward system that creates pleasure). Low-dose naltrexone refers to doses about 1/10th the size of the dose used normally. One hypothesis behind low-dose naltrexone's mechanism of action is that", "id": "20984148" }, { "contents": "Date rape drug\n\n\ndrug-facilitated sexual assaults, likely because GHB is much more easily available, cheaper and leaves the body more quickly. GHB is only detectable in urine for six to twelve hours after ingestion. Several devices have been developed to detect date rape drugs. There were three stories in the media about Rohypnol in 1993, 25 in 1994 and 854 in 1996. In early 1996 Newsweek magazine published \"Roofies: The date-rape drug\" which ended with the line \"Don't take your eyes off your drink.\" That", "id": "4361793" }, { "contents": "Mel Burton\n\n\n-rapist Andy Holt targeted the Burton sisters around Christmas 2005. He spiked Mel and Sophie's drinks with the date rape drug GHB after getting an invite to their house. Although Andy raped Mel that night, Sophie escaped a similar fate because Andy's fellow rapist Sam Owen decided that he couldn't hurt Sophie because he had genuine feelings for her. After the rape, Mel and Sophie recovered from the drowsiness of the drugs enough to piece together that Andy had supposedly raped them both, although they were still unaware that Sam", "id": "8203889" }, { "contents": "Drug tolerance\n\n\ndevelop tolerance to alcohol (requiring them to drink larger amounts to achieve a similar effect) but excessive drinking can cause liver damage, which then puts them at risk of intoxication when drinking even very small amounts of alcohol. Drug tolerance should not be confused with drug tolerability, which refers to the degree to which overt adverse effects of a drug can be tolerated by a patient. Tachyphylaxis is a subcategory of drug tolerance referring to cases of sudden, short-term onset of tolerance following the administration of a drug. Pharmacodynamic tolerance", "id": "7971519" }, { "contents": "Spacemen 3\n\n\nSpacemen 3's music concerned documenting the drug experience and conveying the related feelings. In \"NME\" 2011 list, the '50 Druggiest Albums' of all-time, Spacemen 3's Northampton Demos release, \"Taking Drugs to Make Music to Take Drugs To\", was ranked No. 23. Kember was a keen record collector from the age of 11 or 12; some of the first records he purchased included albums by The Velvet Underground. Pierce: \"When I was 14, I bought The Stooges' \"", "id": "7277599" }, { "contents": "Woman in the Moon\n\n\nside, per the theories of Peter Andreas Hansen, who is mentioned near the beginning of the film.) Helius and Windegger draw straws to see who must stay and Windegger loses. Seeing Windegger's anguish, Helius decides to drug Windegger and Friede with a last drink together and take Windegger's place, letting Windegger return to Earth with Friede. Friede senses that something is in the wine. She pretends to drink and then retires to the compartment where her cot is located, closes and locks the door. Windegger drinks the", "id": "2493694" }, { "contents": "Compulsion (2016 film)\n\n\nSadie to spend the weekend with him instead of meeting Thierry's family in Paris. Disenchanted with her current relationship, she agrees to meet Alex at a club. There, they meet Francesca (Gastini), who performs an erotic dance. Sadie agrees to join Alex only if Francesca joins them. At the villa, Sadie and Francesca drink and take drugs and begin a sexual relationship while Alex prepares for a party. At the party, many guests arrive, take drugs, and have sex with one another. Sadie walks", "id": "11175993" }, { "contents": "Full Moon Party\n\n\n. Already, the Tourist Authority of Thailand (TAT) webpage for Ko Pha Ngan barely makes mention of the Full Moon Party. A police colonel summed up the attitude of the new government when he said, \"The sort of tourist that comes here to drink too much and take drugs are not the type that Thailand wants.\" The Full Moon Party takes place every month throughout the year. Its attractions include fire skipping ropes, alcohol \"buckets\", and drugs. There is a very wide spectrum of music ranging", "id": "19940098" }, { "contents": "The Faculty\n\n\nZeke takes the five to his house, where he experiments on a specimen retrieved by Casey. He discovers it needs water to survive and can be killed by his drugs. Zeke makes everyone take his drug to prove they are uninfected humans. Delilah is revealed as infected, and she destroys Zeke's lab and most of his drug supply before escaping. Acting on Stokely's speculation that killing the alien queen will revert everyone to normal, the group returns to the school, where their football team is playing and infecting opposing players", "id": "10909159" }, { "contents": "HM Prison Featherstone\n\n\nwas revealed to have the highest number of drug-using prisoners in the UK. 34% of all inmates in the jail admitted to taking drugs. A year later it was revealed that inmates were brewing their own beer using Marmite, with fruit and vegetables also being used to make alcoholic drinks. However the governor of the day Mike Pasco stated that, while not condoning the practice, he found it preferable to the inmates smuggling hard drugs into the prison. In 2004, a report by Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of", "id": "2422581" }, { "contents": "Sedative\n\n\nin bars or guests at parties to reduce the intended victims' defenses. These drugs are also used for robbing people. Statistical overviews suggest that the use of sedative-spiked drinks for robbing people is actually much more common than their use for rape. Cases of criminals taking rohypnol themselves before they commit crimes have also been reported, as the loss of inhibitions from the drug may increase their confidence to commit the offence, and the amnesia produced by the drug makes it difficult for police to interrogate them if they are caught.", "id": "7326097" }, { "contents": "Neuroenhancement\n\n\nconcern raised is an unfair advantage of people who consume enhancing drugs over people who don't. Many athletes, however, feel that the only way for them to win against athletes that take performance-enhancing drugs (PED) is for them to take PEDs as well; a similar thought process has developed within the general population in regard to people that consume neuroenhancement drugs. In a research study of 18- to 34-year-olds, 50% of them had little or no objection to the concept of doping. Students, in", "id": "1546264" }, { "contents": "Drink a Beer\n\n\nsong is a country ballad about the unexpected loss of someone close. It tells the story of a character who honors the recent passing of a loved one by watching the sunset on the edge of a pier and drinking a beer, which they normally would have done together. \"Drink a Beer\" takes a relatively unique approach to the theme of loss by addressing the \"very raw, real emotion\" that immediately follows the loss of a loved one rather than focusing on how a person copes in the long term or plans", "id": "10434164" }, { "contents": "Hip flask\n\n\nwould not normally be found—for instance, in \"Two and a Half Men\", where Charlie Harper (Charlie Sheen) drinks alcohol from a hip flask during a funeral. It also appears rarely in \"The Simpsons\", when Homer drinks from it on occasion, and even allows Bart to take a drink during particularly intolerable occasions. In \"Family Guy\", the character Brian Griffin also carries around a hip flask in the earlier seasons. In another adult animation, \"Rick and Morty\", the character", "id": "16579937" }, { "contents": "The Vanishing (1993 film)\n\n\nthe same deal that he offers Jeff but Rita outsmarts him. She lies to Barney and tells him that she has kidnapped Denise. She gets Barney to drink drugged coffee but does not realize the drug takes 15 minutes to take effect. She goes in search of Jeff and finds a fresh mound of dirt. Believing that he has been buried alive, she digs him out but is thwarted at the last minute by Barney. Jeff climbs out of the grave, kills Barney with the shovel, and embraces Rita. He sees", "id": "12497527" } ]
How to appreciate abstract modern art.
[{"answer": "For this explanation I'll stick with painting, though it applies to art in general. There's two main things you look at when viewing a painting. It's \"form\" and its \"content.\" Form describes the physical stuff about a painting: color, size, what type of paint, thickness of paint, type of canvas, type of brush strokes, and so on. Content describes what the painting is depicting: a house, a person, a group of people, a particular event, a collection of objects, whatever. We'll look at two paintings, one \"normal\" painting and then an abstract one. First up is [Leutze's painting of Washington crossing the Deleware.]( URL_0 ) What are its formal qualities? Well, it's really big, 21 feet long. It's painted in oil paint using brush strokes that aren't really visible unless you're right up close. The colors are natural and a little muted. It's a horizontal rectangle. It's probably very heavy. And I assume it's made out of wood and canvas. Other than the size, there's not much going on as far as form goes. But as far as content is concerned, well... I'll just link you to the [wikipedia article.]( URL_1 ) There's a whole story being told in the piece. There's men in boats, there's a great general, there's an icy river and terrified horses. There's content out the wazoo. **This is the point of most \"normal\" painting**:to depict something, and do it in such a way that the viewer isn't really worried about the how it's painted or the formal elements. It's like when you watch TV, you don't think about all the transistors and LEDs that make the thing function, you just watch your show. Now on to the abstract piece, [Jackson Pollok's Autumn Rhythm No. 30.]( URL_2 ) Where \"normal\" painting is all about content, abstract painting is all about form. This painting is 17 feet long. The paint is thick and applied with a crazy dripping, splattering technique. The canvas is left bare in many places; you can see what its made out of. As far as content goes, there is literally none. The entire point of this painting is the form, how the paint is applied to the canvas. In the absence of any kind of content the viewer is left to simply react to the painting however they'd like. There are no politics in Autumn Rhythm, no story, no reclining nudes, no faces--no content. Going back to the TV metephor: It'd be like if somebody broke your TV down into it's individual components and spread them out on the floor. It's no longer about what it's displaying, it's about what makes the TV work, and what it's made of. Why is abstract art important? Because it's progressive. Since the beginning of civilization most, if not all art was representational. Cavemen painted pictures of mammoth hunts and fertility goddesses on their cave walls, and up until very recently all that anyone in history could really do was paint that hunt a little more realistically. In the twentieth century (arguably a little bit earlier) artists deliberately moved away from representational art and simply tried to capture their feeling of a time and a place. This acceptance of emotion by itself, not attached to any concrete meaning is the essence of the abstract, and reflects a growth in the consciousness of humanity as a species. We're no longer just goofballs staring at the TV, watching whatever is on. We've taken it apart and now we're learning about electricity and transistors and LEDs and wires and the specifics of what makes the whole thing work. So to answer your question: you should appreciate abstract art because of it's formal qualities. Look at the brush strokes. Look at the colors. Look at the size and shape of the work. Ask yourself why the artist made the decisions they made. Think about the feeling the artist was trying to communicate. Think about your own feelings while you look at an abstract piece of work. Is it uplifting? Depressing?Energizing? Chaotic? Orderly? And you should appreciate abstract art because of what it means as a milestone in the grand endevor of human expression. I should add that little reproductions of these works on your computer screen don't compare to the seeing the real deal. **Go out and see art.** edit: formatting"}, {"answer": "I'm a fairly recent convert to abstract and modern art after years of loving Pre-raphaelite stuff. Here's the easy, non-academic way into appreciating it. 1. I started wanting to buy art for my home, but our home is super modern and minimalist. I didn't want too much traditional art especially with clear subjects, like a person or a horse because I thought I'd just get sick of it or immune to it's effect. Abstract art, however, could just create an atmosphere in the room. For example a dark, moody rothko would create a certain feel in a room that's really different to a really energetic Kandinsky. So, I'd think of the atmosphere I wanted to make in the room and find prints to fit that. It started giving me a real appreciation for how subtle an influence totally abstract colours and shapes can have on your mood and therefore what different colours and shapes suggest to you! Suddenly a whole world of understanding and appreciation opened up. Then you look at sculpture by someone like Barbara Hepworth and the smooth, body-like shapes carved in wood and stone are not only impressive in terms of craft, they start getting your imagination going and give (me anyway) a sense of calm, clarity, naturalness and they're pleasant objects to be around. 2. When you go to a gallery to view some modern art, it's best to know a little about the exhibition. Has the exhibition got a certain theme? Or is it for a particular artist? Know a little about them beforehand and it will help although it's not essential. Then take in one piece at a time. The first thing I usually consider is the atmosphere the piece is creating in the room (sometimes i get nothing and that's fine... that could suggest to you it's a bad piece of art if it communicates nothing or maybe just doesn't resonate). Then from getting a sense of the mood or atmosphere you can sometimes see things in the work without trying. When you read the card next to the piece, you might have guessed the artist's intention or you might have come up with your own ideas. Either way, start with the mood/feel of the piece, then look a little longer to see what ideas spring to mind about what it could be. A lot of abstract art is not just a story being told to you, it's about getting your own creative thinking going and making lots of connections in your head. It might seem academic, but if you start from the point of feeling/mood, then it can be a purely creative/enjoyable experience without having to know any facts. Hope this helps!"}, {"answer": "Meekel1 did a great job of characterizing the value of form and the distancing from content in art. Part of the reason for this shift (nowhere close to all of it, but a significant part) was the advent of photography. With the invention of photography, many artists began to feel threatened in their old form, the \"invisible\" kind of form in which an artist attempts to convey reality as closely as possible. Now photography could lay claim to greater reality than any artist could (theoretically) hope to achieve, not only because it could depict reality more accurately than any technical skill could muster, but also because photography was a natural, scientific, physical process of recording an image; a photograph could claim objective reality where every painting was necessarily subjective. So artists began to look for ways in which they could address reality in ways that photography never could - emotional exaggeration of color, shape, and content. So we have this gradual shift away from objectively realistic content (Expressionism and Impressionism), then away from realistic content at all (surrealism), and eventually away from content all together (abstract art). In truly abstract art, the only things that could be argued as content in any form are emotion and, sometimes, historical/ temporal/ personal context. Realistically, you can appreciate any art piece any way you want. Anyone could look at a Pollock painting and decide that it's a reflection on materialism, or the Cold War. There may not be any evidence or argument for such an interpretation, but appreciation is entirely personal and requires no justification. Or you can appreciate it as one might appreciate cloud or star-gazing: looking for familiar shapes, just for the fun of it. Personally, I've looked at modern art pieces to vent emotions during stressful times in my life, and there are a few pieces that, to mean, are about a past relationship I had. Obviously, the artist had no intention to comment on my personal relationships, and no one else would make that same interpretation, but that doesn't stop me from appreciating them as such, and I find a lot of reward appreciating those pieces as I do. What everyone can look to appreciate are the formal elements of the piece - application of paint, balance of the colors and canvas space, and think about the intention behind every stroke of paint. What I like most about abstract art is that there isn't any specific way you need to appreciate it. Unlike more classical art forms, you are in no way limited by specific content of the piece, there is not necessarily a subject tying you down as to what you are supposed to think about or feel. Perhaps as a result of that, many people don't find it easy to appreciate abstract art, which is perfectly understandable. Even among those who do appreciate it, many people don't care for pieces that plenty of others consider brilliant. Modern art has become increasingly subjective, and abstract art is a pretty extreme example of that."}, {"answer": "After reading many of the comments in this thread i would say don't bother trying. If you like art and are interested in it you'll appreciate it. Otherwise, think of it like video games. There's millions of games out there, some you think are amazing, some you think suck. But I could argue any game at all is \"not fun\" and \"dumb\" and you can't really prove me wrong. You can try to tell me say \"Geometry Wars\" is amazing because it's got a throwback style and takes gaming down to a core level, endless replay value, etc. And i can just say it's dumb and there's too many colors and i can't tell what's going on and how can you argue with that? Unless I have some kind of interest in video games as a whole you can't really convince me why I should appreciate any specific part of it. Same with art. If you don't care about Art as a whole, the history, development, styles, form and function, techniques, etc., then there is no way anyone can convince why you should appreciate anything based on those factors. So maybe you like it purely on a visual level or maybe it speaks to you, but if you don't \"appreciate\" it, then you aren't interested in all those i just mentioned, so just don't worry about it and don't try to appreciate it. And hey, personally, I bet those 5 yr old child scribbles look awesome."}, {"answer": "I've seen a lot of modern art, including abstract art, so I'll give you the scoop. Does it look cool to you? Good, appreciate it. Does it look sloppy, lazy, or just boring? Good, don't appreciate it. You don't have to appreciate art that doesn't appeal to you, and if more people took that stance, modern abstract art would probably be in a better state than it is now. Go to the rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, look at some of the best examples of dutch golden age art and realism, then go to the NY Moma and be appalled by some of the crap that ends up on its walls. I've seen good abstract art, but a big part of why it was good was because it was interesting to look at, and most modern art just fails to do that for me, and I don't feel a need to appreciate it."}, {"answer": "Oh man, not a lot of 5-year-old level answers. I like some modern art, and I put it to what I call the [Archer test, of \"Is this neat?\"]( URL_0 ) If it's neat it's neat, and I like it. If it's progressive and loaded with symbolism and a reductive expression of the form but it's not neat, it's crap. The great thing about art is that it's all made up. Like what you like, people can explain, but don't let them sway your opinion. For reference, the piece that got me into modern art: URL_1 "}, {"answer": "You don't need to understand art history, or technique. Just ask yourself \"Do I enjoy looking at it?\"."}, {"answer": "How much do you know about the history of art? Today's abstract art is a reaction upon a reaction etc. Try to appreciate some Mondriaan or Picasso first to provide some context."}, {"answer": "You know, the best advice I can give you is this: Don't worry about what you're supposed to like. Abstract art is meant to give you more of an emotional idea or an impression. Usually. You might have to read up on it a bit. For example, there's one abstract work that's just a canvas painted blue. But that was one of the first blue paints that weren't made from incredibly expensive minerals or other such things, and so seeing a bright blue paint - before then an expensive luxury - used for such a simple thing, almost wasting it - was in itself enough to tell a story. That artwork's entire context is now lost to a modern viewer. But, seriously, don't worry too much about it. Just look at a lot of abstract art. Some you'll be completely bored by. A few, you might decide \"actually, I quite like that.\" But, if you can find someone who really loves a piece of abstract art? Ask them about it. Hearing someone explain why they like a particular piece will help you understand it far more than any, well, abstract talk about all abstract art."}, {"answer": "You reminded me of a movie I saw in school that kinda [answers]( URL_0 ) your question. ps. don't mind the racial bigotry."}, {"answer": "No kid could make those shapes! Only God can make these shapes!"}, {"answer": "As a musician specializing in contemporary classical music, I want to approach this question as it relates to modern (art) music, such as atonal music like [Xenakis' String Quartets]( URL_0 ) or even more out there compositions like [Stockhausen's Helicopter Quartet]( URL_1 ) which requires each performer to be in a separate helicopter, the sounds of the blades contributing to the bizarre music played by the live performers. In each case the notes played resemble nothing like music people normally here. There is no tonality, or a definite pitch around which the piece will naturally settle, there will rarely be any musical lines that sound like commonly heard genres such as jazz or classic rock, etc, and apart from minimalism have little to no repetition. Often when trying to explain this music to non-musicians, the focus is on technical aspects of the composition. But I find that even when someone will concede that it is clear there is a lot of craftsmanship in these pieces, it's still with a bitter disgust for having said anything good about music that doesn't *feel* good emotionally. For me, the emotional appeal of weird new classical music is that nothing is a clich\u00e9. Whereas in a ballad, I know that the music is building towards a resolution, can feel that harmonic motion, can sense the typical resistance in how quickly the cadence is played, and even if I have an emotional reaction to this, it feels like I'm being told how to feel about it, because millions of songs have used the same techniques to achieve the same type of sentimentality. This is not true when the very techniques used are radically different. I often find myself, when I listen to a piece I've never heard, feeling new things that I've never felt before, music or no. Or sometimes I'll hear a piece that seems to perfectly convey a *very specific* memory I have. In either case, the music feels fresh, unique, and genuine. And sometimes even if I can't feel that, the mere energy of a vigorous piece, or the still ethereal soothing of a mellow one, will be engaging merely because I'm connecting on a basic level to very visceral level of very raw feeling. It helps to put aside preconceptions in this case. Many times people like music because it feels comfortable and familiar, not because it is necessarily \"good,\" compared to something else. This is why genres will share 95% of musical characteristics (think simple chord progressions, tonal and conjunct melodies, and common time meters on pop music). If you are willing to step outside of your comfort zone enough to find new feelings and new experiences in music, then the weird stuff becomes a secret gem."}, {"answer": "Abstract modern art is like instrumental music, since instrumental music *is* abstract art. Listen to classical music. What does it imitate or portray? Are they the sounds of birds, waterfalls, horses, waves? You hear all the melodies and harmonies of Mozart and Beethoven, but do you \"get it\"? Do you know what they represent, what's the meaning of them? Or do you just enjoy the music and the direct feelings it evokes? Instrumental music pretty much is abstract art. Instrumental music just is abstract audio art, whereas said Pollock is abstract visual art. There are certain themes, rules, underlying principles in music. Abstract modern art often tries to seek out and play with stuff like that for our vision. It is probably because as a species we are primarily visual, it is immensely more difficult and complex system to search and find and play what different abstract visual things convey and how we perceive them. Our hearing is much more \"simple\" system so aesthetically pleasing abstract audio art and rules for it is much easier to do. And like studying classical musical theory and history opens new levels of classical music to you, so does studying art and its history open new levels in abstract art. So you just have to dwell into it."}, {"answer": "This reminds me of an article about why Japanese people listen to music in English. The author said that he enjoyed the music, rhythm, and melodies, even though he didn't need any lyrics/meaning to hold on to. Similarly, with abstract art, the pieces don't need to be about anything specific, and it doesn't matter if \"a four year old could do it.\" If you can enjoy melodies and rhythms without lyrics, you can enjoy shapes, colors, forms, atmospheres, and art pieces without meaning."}, {"answer": "Usually there is some kind of written guide or a guide in personal instructing you. Afterwards you exchange thoughts. If there isn't that kind of guidance, you just try to get a grasp on how that piece of art touches you or what you feel about it. If you are really open to doing this you will be able to. Some works also need some background information which you should get to know beforehand."}, {"answer": "I like abstract art because it's a non-committal way to add color to a room. It can be background and a focal point at the same time. it depends on your focus."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "178942", "title": "Conceptual art", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Conceptual art, sometimes simply called conceptualism, is art in which the concept(s) or idea(s) involved in the work take precedence over traditional aesthetic, technical, and material concerns. Some works of conceptual art, sometimes called installations, may be constructed by anyone simply by following a set of written instructions. This method was fundamental to American artist Sol LeWitt's definition of conceptual art, one of the first to appear in print:", "Conceptual art, sometimes simply called conceptualism, is art in which the concept(s) or idea(s) involved in the work take precedence over traditional aesthetic, technical, and material concerns. Some works of conceptual art, sometimes called installations, may be constructed by anyone simply by following a set of written instructions. This method was fundamental to American artist Sol LeWitt's definition of conceptual art, one of the first to appear in print:", "Conceptual art, sometimes simply called conceptualism, is art in which the concept(s) or idea(s) involved in the work take precedence over traditional aesthetic, technical, and material concerns. Some works of conceptual art, sometimes called installations, may be constructed by anyone simply by following a set of written instructions. This method was fundamental to American artist Sol LeWitt's definition of conceptual art, one of the first to appear in print:\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "184854", "title": "Abstract art", "section": "Section::::Music.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 26, "end_paragraph_id": 26, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["are connected at a deeper aesthetic level. Closely related to this, is the idea that art has \"The spiritual dimension\" and can transcend 'every-day' experience, reaching a spiritual plane. The Theosophical Society popularized the ancient wisdom of the sacred books of India and China in the early years of the century. It was in this context that Piet Mondrian, Wassily Kandinsky, Hilma af Klint and other artists working towards an 'objectless state' became interested in the occult as a way of creating an 'inner' object.", "are connected at a deeper aesthetic level. Closely related to this, is the idea that art has \"The spiritual dimension\" and can transcend 'every-day' experience, reaching a spiritual plane. The Theosophical Society popularized the ancient wisdom of the sacred books of India and China in the early years of the century. It was in this context that Piet Mondrian, Wassily Kandinsky, Hilma af Klint and other artists working towards an 'objectless state' became interested in the occult as a way of creating an 'inner' object.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1019959", "title": "Artivism", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Artivism developed in recent years as antiwar and anti-globalization protests emerged and proliferated. In many cases artivists attempt to push political agendas by the means of art, but a focus on raising social, environmental, and technical awareness is also common. Besides using traditional mediums like film and music to raise awareness or push for change, an artivist can also be involved in culture jamming, subvertising, street art, spoken word, protesting, and activism. Artivist Eve Ensler stated: ... This passion has all the ingredients of activism, but is charged with the wild creations of art. Artivismwhere edges are pushed, imagination is freed, and a new language", "Artivism developed in recent years as antiwar and anti-globalization protests emerged and proliferated. In many cases artivists attempt to push political agendas by the means of art, but a focus on raising social, environmental, and technical awareness is also common. Besides using traditional mediums like film and music to raise awareness or push for change, an artivist can also be involved in culture jamming, subvertising, street art, spoken word, protesting, and activism. Artivist Eve Ensler stated: ... This passion has all the ingredients of activism, but is charged with the wild creations of art. Artivismwhere edges are pushed, imagination is freed, and a new language", "Artivism developed in recent years as antiwar and anti-globalization protests emerged and proliferated. In many cases artivists attempt to push political agendas by the means of art, but a focus on raising social, environmental, and technical awareness is also common. Besides using traditional mediums like film and music to raise awareness or push for change, an artivist can also be involved in culture jamming, subvertising, street art, spoken word, protesting, and activism. Artivist Eve Ensler stated: ... This passion has all the ingredients of activism, but is charged with the wild creations of art. Artivismwhere edges are pushed, imagination is freed, and a new language\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Psychology of art\n\n\nthat modern art is often disliked because it lacks appreciable meaning, and is thus incompatible with the underlying terror management motive to maintain a meaningful conception of reality. Mortality salience, or the knowledge of approaching death, was manipulated in a study aimed at examining how aesthetic preferences for seemingly meaningful and meaningless art are influenced by intimations of mortality. The mortality salience condition consisted of two opened ended questions about emotions and physical details concerning the participant's own death. Participants were then instructed to view two abstract paintings and rate how attractive they", "id": "3097903" }, { "contents": "Psychology of art\n\n\nabstract, modern, and classical art works. Experts demonstrated a higher degree of appreciation with higher ratings on all scales, except for arousal with classical works. Classical artworks yielded the highest comprehension ratings, with abstract art receiving the lowest values. However, emotional valence was highest for classical and modern art, while arousal was highest for abstract works. Although experts rated the works higher overall, each factor influenced the nonexperts' ratings more, creating greater flexibility in their ratings than those of the experts. Another experiment examined the effect", "id": "3097953" }, { "contents": "Psychology of art\n\n\nSimilar to how these terms are used in software design, \"bottom-up\" refers to how information in the stimulus is processed by the visual system into colors, shapes, patterns, etc. \"Top-down\" refers to conceptual knowledge and past experience of the particular individual. Bottom-up factors identified in how art is appreciated include abstract vs figurative painting, form, complexity, symmetry and compositional balance, laterality and movement. Top-down influences identified as being related to art appreciation include prototypicality, novelty,", "id": "3097901" }, { "contents": "Byzantine art\n\n\ndialectic\" between \"abstract\" and \"Hellenistic\" tendencies in late antiquity, and John Onians, who saw an \"increase in visual response\" in late antiquity, through which a viewer \"could look at something which was in twentieth-century terms purely abstract and find it representational.\" In any case, the debate is purely modern: it is clear that most Byzantine viewers did not consider their art to be abstract or unnaturalistic. As Cyril Mango has observed, \"our own appreciation of Byzantine art stems largely from", "id": "5529583" }, { "contents": "American Abstract Artists\n\n\nand therefore “un-American”. There was extensive hostile criticism of AAA exhibits in New York City newspapers and art magazines of the time. American abstract art was struggling to win acceptance and AAA personified this. The 1938 Yearbook addressed criticisms levied against abstract art by the press and public. It also featured essays related to principles behind and the practice of making abstract art. In 1940, AAA printed a broadside titled “How Modern is the Museum of Modern Art?” which was handed out at a protest in front", "id": "15269096" }, { "contents": "American Abstract Artists\n\n\n\"New York Herald Tribune\" critic Royal Cortissoz for his rigid loyalty to traditionalism, his patent distaste for abstract and modern art, and generally for what the pamphlet regarded as his \"resistance to knowledge\". It also characterized the aesthetic vacillations of Thomas Craven, critic of the \"New York American\", as opportunistic. In 1936, Craven labeled Picasso's work \"Bohemian infantilism\". The ensuing years would see a growing public appreciation for abstract art until, in 1939, the critic made an about-face and", "id": "15269098" }, { "contents": "History of art\n\n\nand making modern art — a fact that has become intertwined with Tahitian visual culture to the present day. The indigenous art of Australia often looks like abstract modern art, but it has deep roots in local culture. The art of Oceania is the last great tradition of art to be appreciated by the world at large. Despite being one of the longest continuous traditions of art in the world, dating back at leasf fifty millennia, it remained relatively unknown until the second half of the 20th century. The often ephemeral materials of", "id": "684235" }, { "contents": "Museum of Bad Art\n\n\nsuccess reflects a trend in modern art among artists and audiences. The arrival of abstraction and modern art in the early 20th century made art appreciation more esoteric and less accessible for the general community, showing that \"the American public ... think[s] of museums as intimidating places ruled by a cadre of experts whose taste and rituals [seem] as mysterious as those of Byzantine priests.\" Bad art is in vogue, as a movement that rejects the anti-sentimentalism that marked earlier disdain for artists such as Norman Rockwell or Gustave", "id": "19003698" }, { "contents": "American Abstract Artists\n\n\nof MOMA. At the time the Museum of Modern Art had a policy of featuring European abstraction while endorsing American regionalism and scene painting. This policy helped entrench the notion that abstraction was foreign to the American experience. Later that year AAA produced a 12-page pamphlet: “The Art Critics – ! How Do They Serve the Public? What Do They Say? How Much Do They Know? Let’s Look at the Record.” The AAA publication quoted critics, highlighting misstatements and contradictions in the press. The pamphlet excoriated notable", "id": "15269097" }, { "contents": "Art and emotion\n\n\nartistically naive has been shown numerous times. Researchers have tried to understand how experts interact with art so differently from the art naive, as experts tend to like more abstract compositions, and show a greater liking for both modern and classical types of art. Experts also exhibit more arousal when looking at modern and abstract works, while non-experts show more arousal to classical works. Other researchers predicted that experts find more complex art interesting because they have changed their appraisals of art to create more interest, or are possibly making completely", "id": "8294951" }, { "contents": "Zawyeh art gallery\n\n\nquality paper and canvas, “Poster” makes it easier to decorate every room in the house, business or organization. “Poster” covers a wide variety of art movements for all tastes: from contemporary art (Rana Samara, Ibrahim Nubani, Tayseer Barakat), to modern (Nabil Anani, Sliman Mansour), abstract, figurative or landscape painting. Each featured artist offers their unique perspectives on Palestine: on its culture, people, conflicts, politics, and geography. Through art, we hope to cultivate an appreciation", "id": "10484220" }, { "contents": "Henry Koffler\n\n\nwith Pozzatti began his habit of collecting art and visiting galleries and museums. Consequently, he became well acquainted with prehistoric and primitive art, as well as modern German, French, Mexican, Japanese, and American art. Koffler admired the painters of the American abstract expressionism movement that began in the 1940s, especially Mark Tobey, Jackson Pollack, Paul Jenkins, and Helen Frankenthaler, who influenced him significantly when, in 2013, he turned from appreciating to creating art. In 2013 at the age of 90, during a long", "id": "3734671" }, { "contents": "Psychology of art\n\n\nmore pictorial details. These results show that people with arts expertise view repeated images less than non-experts, and can recall more details about images they have previously seen. Aesthetic reactions to art can be measured on a number of different criteria, like arousal, liking, emotional content, and understanding. The art can be rated on its levels of abstraction or place in time. An experiment examining how these factors combine to create aesthetic appreciation included experts and nonexperts rating their emotional valence, arousal, liking, and comprehension of", "id": "3097952" }, { "contents": "Shakir Hassan Al Said\n\n\nfigurative expression and used Arabic letter as a center point for his compositions. In this, his transition from figurative to abstraction centered in on letters and words and how they can be woven into contemporary art. Al Said published several books on modern art in Iraq and numerous articles in Arabic journals and newspapers. He is recognized as one of the fathers of modern art in Iraq. His influence as an artist, a teacher, and a forerunner of modern art. His work is collected by major museums, such as in Doha", "id": "9307636" }, { "contents": "Chinese art\n\n\nmovements, and concluded that the abstract art form was the best medium for modern Chinese art.  They felt the best the Chinese paintings were ones that de-emphasized realistic representation, and emphasized atmosphere and “vividness氣韻生動,” which comes from the brush strokes and the natural interaction between ink and paper.  To further that idea, one does not need representation of objects in painting, or strictly use ink and paper. The beauty of a painting can be appreciated directly from the forms, textures, and colors on the canvas without", "id": "18173941" }, { "contents": "Superstroke\n\n\nSuperstroke is a term used for a contemporary art movement with its origins in South Africa. Superstroke is one of the influential art movements regarding African modernism and abstraction. The word \"Superstroke\" implies the super expressive brush stroke. The Superstroke art movement was initially founded as a reaction to the impact that the Superflat art movement, founded by Takashi Murakami had on modern contemporary art. The manifesto for the Superstroke art movement was written in 2008 by the South African artist Conrad Bo and deals with various forms of how paintings in the", "id": "13848060" }, { "contents": "Patricia Phelps de Cisneros\n\n\nof art and artifacts from indigenous peoples of Venezuela's Amazonas region, the Orinoco Collection. The mission of the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros is to enhance appreciation of the diversity, sophistication, and range of art from Latin America. Gradually, Cisneros began acquiring geometric abstract artwork that had been under-appreciated. It gradually grew into a significant holding of 20th century Latin American abstract art. She has appeared on “top collector lists every year since 1998. Cisneros has been lending her collections to international exhibitions and institutions since 1999", "id": "14510062" }, { "contents": "History of art criticism\n\n\nor circumstances reflecting this governing dynamic. He argued that a collective unconscious and archetypal imagery were detectable in art. His ideas were particularly popular among American Abstract expressionists in the 1940s and 1950s. His work inspired the surrealist concept of drawing imagery from dreams and the unconscious. Jung emphasized the importance of balance and harmony. He cautioned that modern humans rely too heavily on science and logic and would benefit from integrating spirituality and appreciation of the unconscious realm. His work not only triggered analytical work by art historians, but it became an", "id": "22143832" }, { "contents": "Psychology of art\n\n\nartists and non-artists react in different ways to abstract and representational art. EEG brain scans showed that while viewing abstract art, non-artists showed less arousal than artists. However, while viewing figurative art, both artists and non-artists had comparable arousal and ability to pay attention and evaluate the art stimuli. This suggests abstract art requires more expertise to appreciate it than does figurative art. Individual personality traits are also related to aesthetic experience and art preference. Individuals chronically disposed to clear, simple, and unambiguous knowledge", "id": "3097909" }, { "contents": "Wu Guanzhong\n\n\na kaleidoscope, so everyone likes pure form and color.” Wu Guanzhong explains abstract beauty, which shows his appreciation for abstract art along with his traditional Chinese training. \"So often there is conflict between them, and this is my greatest sorrow...Whatever I have written is to try to help our own people to understand and to get rid of their fear and suspicion of abstraction in Western art. So I can only start talking from a point of semi-abstract art, which is easier to understand. But even", "id": "10427382" }, { "contents": "Joe Herrera\n\n\nwarmly natural\" art. His synthesis of traditional Pueblo art, Studio School training, and engagement with modernism and abstract styles was influential on an entire generation of artists. His art was featured alongside his mother's in the 2018 exhibition \"Generations in Modern Pueblo Painting: The Art of Tonita Peña and Joe Herrera\" at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art at the University of Oklahoma. The exhibit highlighted the seminal influence both artists had on subsequent generations of painters and how both mother and son forged new paths which grew out", "id": "15807661" }, { "contents": "Art history\n\n\nwere not merely due to chance but, instead, suggested the manifestation of parallel events or circumstances reflecting this governing dynamic. He argued that a collective unconscious and archetypal imagery were detectable in art. His ideas were particularly popular among American Abstract expressionists in the 1940s and 1950s. His work inspired the surrealist concept of drawing imagery from dreams and the unconscious. Jung emphasized the importance of balance and harmony. He cautioned that modern humans rely too heavily on science and logic and would benefit from integrating spirituality and appreciation of the unconscious realm", "id": "5469934" }, { "contents": "Sidney Tillim\n\n\nand ephemera (including several scarce posters: How Modern is The Museum of Modern Art? 1940, American Abstract Artists; The Intrasubjectives, 1949, Samuel M. Kootz Gallery; and The Store, 1961, Claes Oldenburg). \"22 Realists\" [exhibition catalogue]. Curator James K. Monte. Whitney Museum of American Art, 1970, p. 55. Illus. \"Furniture War\". \"1972 Annual Exhibition of Painting. Contemporary American Painting\" [exhibition catalogue]. Whitney Museum of American Art, 1972, p.", "id": "13533312" }, { "contents": "Yoo Youngkuk\n\n\nYoo Youngkuk (; also known as YYK) was a pioneer of Korean abstract art and Korean modern art in general. He began abstract art in the 1930s when he was a student at the Bunka Gakuin art school in Tokyo. Interacting with avant-garde artists and participating actively in Jiyu-ten (Free artist's exhibition) and other societies, YYK was at the mainstream of Japanese modern art movement. After the liberation of Korea, YYK led Korean abstract art as the founder of Neo Realism Group and Association of Modern Artists", "id": "15797623" }, { "contents": "Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros\n\n\nis to enhance appreciation of the diversity, sophistication, and range of art from Latin America. Gradually, Cisneros began acquiring geometric abstract artwork that had been under-appreciated. It gradually grew into a significant holding of 20th century Latin American abstract art. She has appeared on top collector lists every year since 1998. Cisneros has been lending her collections to international exhibitions and institutions since 1999. Cisneros credits her understanding of the importance of stewardship as a collector to her great-grandfather, William H Phelps, who meticulously cataloged his", "id": "17853047" }, { "contents": "Germán Cueto\n\n\nnation, liberty and work. Cueto's time in Europe in the late 1920s and early 1930s pushed him into a different direction. While considered to be in Mexico's vanguard, he was frequently frustrated by his inability to sell works after his returned to Mexico. He was frequently excluded from public projects as his works did not relate to Mexican heroes or Mexican folkloric themes. Most of his work would not be appreciated until late in his career and after his death, as a pioneer of abstract and modern art in Mexico and", "id": "20129058" }, { "contents": "Art versus Nonart: Art out of Mind\n\n\nconcept of abstraction over 2300 years, and claims that the fathers of modernism erred completely in their understanding and usage of the term \"abstraction.\" He claims that any art which is called \"abstract art\" is not abstract at all, because abstraction is a bidirectional act of the intellect. On one hand, abstraction contains elimination of the unique characteristics of each of the objects in a certain set of things, but on the other hand there is a preservation of the most important characteristics of that set of objects and their", "id": "21582646" }, { "contents": "Psychology of art\n\n\n, the eye paths showed more fixations within more abstract work, but each fixation was shorter in time than those within less abstract work . Expertise influences how participants thought about works, but did not influence at all how they physically viewed them. In another study using eye-movement patterns to investigate how experts view art, participants were shown realistic and abstract works of art under two conditions: one asking them to free scan the works, and the other asking them to memorize them. Participants' eye movements were tracked as they", "id": "3097950" }, { "contents": "Modern sculpture\n\n\nGauguin, Rodin invented a radical new approach in the creation of sculpture. Modern sculpture, along with all modern art, \"arose as part of Western society's attempt to come to terms with the urban, industrial and secular society that emerged during the nineteenth century\". Modernist sculpture movements include Art Nouveau, Cubism, Geometric abstraction, De Stijl, Suprematism, Constructivism, Dadaism, Surrealism, Futurism, Formalism Abstract expressionism, Pop-Art, Minimalism, Postminimalism, Land art, Conceptual art, and Installation art among others", "id": "20342092" }, { "contents": "Alicia McCarthy\n\n\n, graffiti, queer politics and zine publishing, and they shared an appreciation for funky cartooning, offbeat social satire, quirky abstraction, folk art and old-fashioned graphic styles. Combining craft/folk art and urban street and graffiti culture, Alicia McCarthy and this Mission School group of artists cultivated an art style that prized the handmade in an increasingly technologized society. McCarthy's art featured punk messages transformed into poetic and geometric forms. McCarthy creates abstract paintings that fuse the aesthetics of American punk with those of outsider artists (a", "id": "8312474" }, { "contents": "Paul Kelpe\n\n\nabstracts were not well accepted or appreciated. Paul Kelpe was born in Minden, Germany on January 15, 1902. After viewing an exhibit of abstract art, Kelpe, who had previously wanted to become a musician, decided instead to pursue a career as a painter. In 1919 he attended the Academy of Arts in Hanover, studying art history and architecture. His artistic training in Germany included studies with Wassily Kandinsky and László Moholy-Nagy, and he encountered art by other modernists including Kurt Schwitters, Naum Gabo, and El", "id": "8415479" }, { "contents": "Toshiko Okanoue\n\n\nexhibited at the \"Abstract and Illusion\" exhibition at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo between 1 December 1953 and 20 January 1954, which attracted total of 16,657 audiences appreciating 91 artworks by 91 artists. In post-war Japan, shortages of goods meant that foreign goods filled the market and fashion and lifestyle magazines such as Vogue, Harpers Bazaar and Life magazine provided the raw materials for Okanoue's collages. Her black and white photo collages mix images of places, objects and people, often fashionable European women, in", "id": "5016188" }, { "contents": "Psychology of art\n\n\nart, while Disinhibition was associated with positive ratings of abstract art. Neuroticism was positively correlated with positive ratings of abstract art, while Conscientiousness was linked to liking of representational art. Openness to Experience was linked to positive ratings of abstract and representational art. Studies looking at implicit, automatic evaluation of art works have investigated how people react to abstract and figurative art works in the split-second before they had time to think about it. In implicit evaluation, people reacted more positively to the figurative art, where they could at", "id": "3097911" }, { "contents": "Modernism\n\n\n, and Frank Stella. It derives from the reductive aspects of modernism and is often interpreted as a reaction against Abstract expressionism and a bridge to Postminimal art practices. By the early 1960s minimalism emerged as an abstract movement in art (with roots in the geometric abstraction of Kazimir Malevich, the Bauhaus and Piet Mondrian) that rejected the idea of relational and subjective painting, the complexity of abstract expressionist surfaces, and the emotional zeitgeist and polemics present in the arena of action painting. Minimalism argued that extreme simplicity could capture all of", "id": "19776290" }, { "contents": "Modernism\n\n\n, postmodernism's sublime.\" Instead he sees Fluxus as a major Neo-Dadaist phenomena within the avant-garde tradition. It did not represent a major advance in the development of artistic strategies, though it did express a rebellion against \"the administered culture of the 1950s, in which a moderate, domesticated modernism served as ideological prop to the Cold War.\" The continuation of abstract expressionism, color field painting, lyrical abstraction, geometric abstraction, minimalism, abstract illusionism, process art, pop art, postminimalism, and", "id": "19776308" }, { "contents": "Mohsen Vaziri-Moghaddam\n\n\nmonths and started experimenting with abstract art. Vaziri later stated that this was when he learned \"how to conceive abstract painting and how to create visual spaces\". His first abstract works date back to 1958-1959 and they fit in perfectly with the search for materials and brushstrokes happening in contemporary movements. Between 1959, and 1960, he developed a vision of abstract art through experiments that were highly focused on materials. This eventually lead to the creation of some of his most powerful works: \"The Sand Composition Series.", "id": "12577054" }, { "contents": "Late modernism\n\n\nart continue to be made albeit in a wide variety of styles and aesthetic temperaments, the marketplace being left to judge merit. Frank Stella's \"La scienza della pigrizia\" (\"The Science of Laziness\"), from 1984, is an example of Stella's transition from two-dimensionality to three-dimensionality and an excellent example of Late Modernism. Hard-edge painting, geometric abstraction, appropriation, hyperrealism, photorealism, expressionism, minimalism, lyrical abstraction, pop art, op art, abstract expressionism, color field", "id": "9956797" }, { "contents": "Jessica Snow\n\n\nJessica Snow (born 1964) is an American abstract artist, curator, and professor. Her paintings and drawings are distinguished by bright, vivid colors through a visual language that employs color, shape and texture to speak in conversation with the traditions of geometric abstraction, biomorphism, and color field painting. Her inspiration is fed by research into mid-century architecture, landscape design, 20th century art history and Asian art history. She lives and works in San Francisco, California, where she teaches painting, drawing and art appreciation", "id": "14495111" }, { "contents": "Art versus Nonart: Art out of Mind\n\n\nintermediate stage between the art of the past and that of the future, while modernism itself is not art but rather the dismantling of the old art. Modernism is a very important phase in the history of art in the sense that the de-constructivist phase is a necessary and vital condition for art to make the transition from the level of abstraction and generalization it possessed in figurative art for 40,000 years to a new paradigm in the future which will be at a far higher level of abstraction and generalization. 2. The second", "id": "21582641" }, { "contents": "Figurative art\n\n\nFigurative art, sometimes written as figurativism, describes artwork (particularly paintings and sculptures) that is clearly derived from real object sources and so is, by definition, representational. The term is often in contrast to abstract art: Since the arrival of abstract art the term figurative has been used to refer to any form of modern art that retains strong references to the real world. Painting and sculpture can therefore be divided into the categories of figurative, representational and abstract, although, strictly speaking, abstract art is derived (or", "id": "19900373" }, { "contents": "Doris Lusk\n\n\nby the Dowse Art Museum and toured to Auckland City Art Gallery) by Auckland critics reflected the 'exclusivity of the canon created in Auckland by critics and curators in the early '70s' and the way art history in New Zealand had been written, 'with its focus on Colin McCahon and modernism, on internationalism and abstraction, so that placed within this context, her career appears peripheral.' In the same article, King examined how being a woman artist may have inflected Lusk's career and opportunities: Despite her reluctance", "id": "158305" }, { "contents": "Tsion Avital\n\n\ncompositions of color and form, and thus in fact reduced art to design. Avital also argue why the art which is labeled abstract is not abstract at all, and this is because the fathers of modernism did not understand the concept of abstraction. Avital criticizes the aestheticians, and the art establishment, who \"justified the misdeed,\" in his view: rather than defining art in a way that would enable distinction of art from non-art, they extended the concept of art with no limit until there was no one", "id": "7977816" }, { "contents": "Visual arts in Israel\n\n\nstriving for Zionism and Modernism. This style was largely dictated by the leading artists of the group – Zaritsky, Stematsky Mairovich and Streichman. In practice, this style was a variant of European modernism. The style has been called \"lyrical abstract\", but in fact, there was little purely abstract art, but rather works rooted in the local visual landscape. This essentially figurative style was pushed toward the abstract by bold brush strokes, and a strong use of bright colors typical of the \"Land of Israel\" style,", "id": "17424825" }, { "contents": "Natalie Edgar\n\n\nof vacant canvas.\" Her skill and interests built on early art training at Brooklyn College with Mark Rothko, Ad Reinhardt, Burgoyne Diller, Alfred Russell, Harry Holzman, Martin James, and a degree in art history from Columbia University. That background laid the groundwork for a life-long appreciation for abstraction, which spanned reviews for Isamu Noguchi, Norman Bluhm, Esteban Vicente and Franz Kline as well as a 1965 review on \"The Satisfactions of Robert Motherwell\" for ArtNews, in which she explained her thinking about abstraction", "id": "13680319" }, { "contents": "Gerome Kamrowski\n\n\n1978-1981\" Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY \"Four Decades of American Modernism: 1909-1949\" Martin Diamond Fine Arts, New York, NY \"Gerome Kamrowski: A Retrospective Exhibition\" University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, MI \"The Interpretive Link: Abstract Surrealism into Abstract Expressionism, Works on Paper, 1938-1948\" Newport Beach, CA; The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN \"Moderns in Mind", "id": "4599517" }, { "contents": "Ben Culwell\n\n\nof art courses and studied under Walter Pach, who took him and other students to various private collections of modern art in the city. In that year, Culwell also attended a number of seminal shows in the history of modern art: \"Fantastic Art, Dada and Suurealism\" and \"Cubism and Abstract Art\" at MoMA, as well as the first exhibition of works by the American Abstract Artists Group. Culwell formed a number of friendships with New York avant-garde artists, and maintained contact with them throughout his life", "id": "959874" }, { "contents": "Mark Rothko\n\n\nof Rothko and Gottlieb's presentation of archaic forms and symbols, illuminating modern existence, had been the influence of Surrealism, Cubism, and abstract art. In 1936, Rothko attended two exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art, \"Cubism and Abstract Art\", and \"Fantastic Art, Dada and Surrealism\". In 1942, following the success of shows by Ernst, Miró, Wolfgang Paalen, Tanguy, and Salvador Dalí, artists who had immigrated to the United States because of the war, Surrealism took New York by", "id": "5606330" }, { "contents": "Alexander Eliot\n\n\nknown, his weekly column when he was the art editor of \"Time\" magazine. His tastes in art were wide-ranging, and he was among the few critics of the time who understood the persistence of figurative painting in the era of abstraction, championing painters such as Henry Koerner, who remained representational. Myths and Spirituality: The Universal Myths: Heroes, Gods, Tricksters, and Others (New American Library, 1990) Introduced by Joseph Campbell, Mircea Eliade The Timeless Myths: How Ancient Legends Influence the Modern", "id": "21064618" }, { "contents": "Ofakim Hadashim\n\n\nof European modernism. The style has been called \"lyrical abstract\", but in fact, there was little purely abstract art, but rather works rooted in the local visual landscape. This essentially figurative style was pushed toward the abstract by bold brush strokes, and a strong use of bright colors typical of the \"Land of Israel\" style, reflecting the strong Mediterranean light. Formats were generally rather small, and the style was similar to European abstract art before the second World War, akin to the art of Wassily Kandinsky", "id": "19912020" }, { "contents": "Art\n\n\nof different humans. The arrival of Modernism in the late nineteenth century lead to a radical break in the conception of the function of art, and then again in the late twentieth century with the advent of postmodernism. Clement Greenberg's 1960 article \"Modernist Painting\" defines modern art as \"the use of characteristic methods of a discipline to criticize the discipline itself\". Greenberg originally applied this idea to the Abstract Expressionist movement and used it as a way to understand and justify flat (non-illusionistic) abstract painting: Pop", "id": "217372" }, { "contents": "Abstract art\n\n\nLyrical Abstraction and the sensuous use of color seen in the work of painters as diverse as Robert Motherwell, Patrick Heron, Kenneth Noland, Sam Francis, Cy Twombly, Richard Diebenkorn, Helen Frankenthaler, Joan Mitchell. One socio-historical explanation that has been offered for the growing prevalence of the abstract in modern art – an explanation linked to the name of Theodor W. Adorno – is that such abstraction is a response to, and a reflection of, the growing abstraction of social relations in industrial society. Frederic Jameson similarly sees", "id": "14574686" }, { "contents": "Regionalism (art)\n\n\namong American viewers due to a lack of development within the movement due to the tight constraints of the art to agrarian subject matter. Ultimately, this led to abstract expressionism winning out the title of American Modernism, and becoming the new prominent and popular artistic movement. Regionalism limited the spread of abstract art to the East Coast, which allowed American art to gain confidence in itself instead of relying on European styles. With American art fully established, Regionalism then was able to bridge the gap between abstract art and academic realism similarly to", "id": "2474890" }, { "contents": "Zimmerli Art Museum at Rutgers University\n\n\nnarrative art, and abstraction. Modern and contemporary styles represented in the collection include precisionism, surrealism, abstract expressionism, geometric abstraction, pop and op art, Fluxus, photo-realism, and minimalism, as well as works that explore social and political issues. Work by women artists is a distinguishing aspect of the Zimmerli's American holdings and signals Rutgers’ pioneering role in women's studies. The Zimmerli's collection of European art comprises paintings, sculpture, works on paper, rare books, and decorative arts, and ranges", "id": "1663814" }, { "contents": "Sheldon Museum of Art\n\n\n, initiated in 1929. Together they comprise more than 12,000 works of art in all media. This comprehensive collection of American art includes prominent holdings of 19th-century landscape and still life, American Impressionism, early Modernism, Geometric abstraction, Abstract Expressionism, Pop art, Lyrical Abstraction, Color Field painting, Minimalism and Contemporary Art. In April 1965, \"Golden Age\", a painting by Benjamin West was stolen and recovered by the FBI. Charged in the incident was a student from the University of Nebraska. In the", "id": "16890593" }, { "contents": "Richard Von White\n\n\nthis movement include Matisse, Derain and Dufy. All of modern art has its roots in impressionism, which is similar to how all of modern music has its roots in blues and jazz out which came rock n roll. The innovators of impressionism were Monet, Renoir, Degas, and Toulouse-Lautrec. After post-impressionism the most direct continuity was cubism which was invented by Braque, Pabolo Picasso, and Juan Gris. After cubism the most direct move came with the first purely abstract painters of the twenty-first century", "id": "22098304" }, { "contents": "Amaranth Ehrenhalt\n\n\nUniversity of Pennsylvania studying French, English, Psychology, and Art History. From 1949-1951, Amaranth completed additional studies in Art Appreciation via the Barnes Foundation, attending classes afternoon per week. Amaranth Ehrenhalt lived in New York City during the heyday of the New York School of Abstract Expressionism. She is officially recognized as part of the second wave of American Abstract Expressionists. She socialized with Willem de Kooning and Franz Kline, among others. Her social life revolved around the Cedar Tavern on University Place. Describing life in her", "id": "14562301" }, { "contents": "Abstract art\n\n\n' object. The universal and timeless shapes found in geometry: the circle, square and triangle become the spatial elements in abstract art; they are, like color, fundamental systems underlying visible reality. Many of the abstract artists in Russia became Constructivists believing that art was no longer something remote, but life itself. The artist must become a technician, learning to use the tools and materials of modern production. \"Art into life!\" was Vladimir Tatlin's slogan, and that of all the future Constructivists. Varvara Stepanova", "id": "14574674" }, { "contents": "Four Abstract Classicists\n\n\n\"Four Abstract Classists\" was a landmark exhibition organized by Jules Langsner in 1959. The show featured the work of Karl Benjamin, Lorser Feitelson, Frederick Hammersley, and John McLaughlin. The term “abstract classicists” was coined in 1959 by Langsner to define these four southern California painters. The exhibition opened at the San Francisco Museum of Art (now the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art), and then travelled to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in Exposition Park (prior to LACMA’s existence as an independent art", "id": "503391" }, { "contents": "Abstract expressionism\n\n\nartists who have produced major innovations in modern art had been ignored by the official accounts of its history, but finally began to achieve long overdue recognition in the wake of the abstract expressionist movement of the 1940s and 1950s. Abstract expressionism emerged as a major art movement in New York City during the 1950s and thereafter several leading art galleries began to include the abstract expressionists in exhibitions and as regulars in their rosters. Some of those prominent 'uptown' galleries included: the Charles Egan Gallery, the Sidney Janis Gallery, the Betty", "id": "16639826" }, { "contents": "Abstract art\n\n\ncreate an art form equal to the high aspirations of modernism. Ideas were able to cross-fertilize by means of artist's books, exhibitions and manifestos so that many sources were open to experimentation and discussion, and formed a basis for a diversity of modes of abstraction. The following extract from \"The World Backwards\" gives some impression of the inter-connectedness of culture at the time: \"David Burliuk's knowledge of modern art movements must have been extremely up-to-date, for the second Knave of Diamonds", "id": "14574667" }, { "contents": "Stuart Davis (painter)\n\n\nCity for inspiration for his works. His time amongst the public caused him to develop a strong social conscience which was strengthened through his friendship with John Sloan, another anti-institutional artist. Additionally, Davis frequented the 1913 Armory Show (in which he exhibited his work), to further educate himself on modernism and its evolving trends. Davis acquired an appreciation and knowledge on how to implement the formal and color advancements of European modernism, something Henri did not focus on, to his art. In 1925, the Société Anonyme", "id": "20528215" }, { "contents": "Color-blocking\n\n\nsquares, inspired this current color-blocking trend. Mondrian valued simplicity and therefore experimented with how far he could simplify his work, maximizing simplicity while still maintaining recognizable, although abstract, geometric shapes. Mondrian later named this style of painting Neo-Plasticism. In Piet Mondrian's Neoplasticism movement, his art directly inspired the fashion world, as well as home décor and baked goods. Although Mondrian is said to be the key figure of the modern art movement, there are others that believe the credit for this trend lies with", "id": "5449388" }, { "contents": "Mercedes Elena Gonzalez\n\n\n, González portrays art that was inspired by a Venezuelan magazine called \"Integral.\" The name itself is derived from the specific month and year that \"Integral\" showcased modern abstraction as a new form of art. González uses her drawing as means to explore the hopefulness that modern abstraction brought to youth during the 1950s, along with the political obstacles that have slowly ruined the countries well-being. She comes from a generation in which modernism was not popular in Latin America. Her series reflects on her personal realization of what", "id": "1804836" }, { "contents": "Late modernism\n\n\n-modern art universally separated from modernism, with many critics seeing it as merely another phase in modern art or as another form of late modernism. As with all uses of the term post-modern there are critics of its application, however, at this point, these critics are in the minority. This is not to say that the phase of art denoted by post-modernism is accepted, merely that the need for a term to describe movements in art after the peak of abstract expressionism is well established. However although", "id": "9956746" }, { "contents": "Jack C. Mancino\n\n\nPlain show modern abstraction features that are not used by the classical painters in their realistic color settings. The dynamic usage of colors gives a new styled appearance and lends a touch of abstract style in the classic landscape theme. Keeping his respect towards classical art in 1987 he changed the focus on his art interest in Canada. In the western culture styled world surroundings started to look out for more color and different concepts in art. He started to recognize themes and conceptions in the abstract and abstract expressionism using more color and more geometric", "id": "21783702" }, { "contents": "Paul Kelpe\n\n\nthe only abstract artist covered in a 1932 book detailing modern art in Chicago. Kelpe's first solo show was in 1931 or 1932 at Chicago's Little Gallery. He wrote that this was \"the first time that any one-man shows of abstract art took place in Chicago.\" He began work in 1934 painting murals for the Chicago branch of the Public Works of Art Project. As this project was largely concerned with American scene painting and was not open to abstract art, Kelpe included representational images such as buildings and", "id": "8415483" }, { "contents": "Dorothy Hood\n\n\nCity at the Gama Gallery in 1941. Her work consisted of realist portraits and depictions of animals. Hood had a one-person show at the Marian Williard Gallery in New York City. One of her drawings featured in an exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in 1945. Throughout the 1950s, Hood's art evolved from its realist and surrealist roots into modern, abstract patterns of color. Her style was called \"abstract surrealism.\" In 1957, \"Art in America\" named her one of the year's new", "id": "11039970" }, { "contents": "Fontana Modern Masters\n\n\n-catching covers, which featured brightly coloured abstract art and sans-serif typography. The Fontana Modern Masters occupy a unique place in publishing history - not for their contents but their covers, which draw on the following developments in twentieth-century art and literature: The cover concept was the brainchild of Fontana's art director John Constable, who had been experimenting with a cover treatment based on cut-ups of \"The Mud Bath\", a key work of British geometric abstraction by the painter David Bomberg. However, a", "id": "2670401" }, { "contents": "Rafael Ángel García\n\n\n(Nueva Visión) with the intention of painting, exchanging ideas, critiquing each other, and presenting their work in different locations. In 1956 he returned to Costa Rica, where he found a stagnant art scene. In 1958 he opened the second abstract art exhibition in Costa Rica. Year later, the artist recalled the horrific impact that the works caused, and how the people had mocked them, saying that he did not know how to draw. Subsequently, he formed the group Ocho with other artists, promoting abstract art", "id": "188055" }, { "contents": "Stephen Greene (artist)\n\n\n” The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (January 16 – November 28) 2009: “The Lens and the Mirror: Modern Self-Portraits from the Collection,” The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (April–July 12, 2009) “Abstraction from the Collection,” Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia (October 2–December 13, 2009) 2007: “The Abstract Impulse: Fifty Years of Abstraction at the National Academy, 1956-2006,” National Academy Museum and School of", "id": "21902704" }, { "contents": "Henry Botkin\n\n\ninterest in collage in the early 1950s, which dominated his work until the 1960s. He served as president of four major art organizations including: The Artists Equity Association, The American Abstract Artists, Group 256 Provincetown, and The Federation of Modern Painters and Sculptors. Botkin helped to organize the first exhibition of American abstract painting at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo Japan, in 1955. He also organized the sale of five hundred and forty paintings at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, 1959. Botkin", "id": "13626258" }, { "contents": "Khaled al-Rahal\n\n\nrefuge in Baghdad, where they introduced local artists to European art. While, this created considerable enthusiasm for modern abstract art, it also left many local artists, including al-Rahal, searching for a way to integrate their ancient art traditions within modern, abstract artworks. Throughout the 1940s, al-Rahal maintained a studio in Baghdad's commercial district, where he made and sold busts of the Iraqi monarch and other works, all of which were very popular with the public. The Iraqi artist, Jabra Ibrahim Jabra,", "id": "18936286" }, { "contents": "History of painting\n\n\nprintmaker and art theorist, one of the most famous 20th-century artists is generally considered the first important painter of modern abstract art. As an early Modernist, in search of new modes of visual expression, and spiritual expression, he theorized as did contemporary occultists and theosophists, that pure visual abstraction had corollary vibrations with sound and music. They posited that pure abstraction could express pure spirituality. His earliest abstractions were generally titled as the example in the (above gallery) \"Composition VII\", making connection to the work", "id": "14250245" }, { "contents": "20th-century Western painting\n\n\n, a Russian painter, printmaker and art theorist, is generally considered the first important painter of modern abstract art. As an early modernist, in search of new modes of visual expression, and spiritual expression, he theorized—as did contemporary occultists and theosophists—that pure visual abstraction had corollary vibrations with sound and music. They posited that pure abstraction could express pure spirituality. His earliest abstractions were generally titled (as the example in the above gallery) \"Composition VII\", making connection to the work of the composers", "id": "16399154" }, { "contents": "G. Roger Denson\n\n\nto the application of nomadic criteria in art history when, in Huffington Post, he published \"Colonizing Abstraction: MoMA’s Inventing Abstraction Show Denies Its Ancient Global Origins\". In reviewing the survey of significant early 20th-century abstraction at The Museum of Modern Art in New York from December 23, 2012 to April 15, 2013, most of it by European and American painters, Denson claimed that by calling the show \"Inventing Abstraction, 1910-1925\", the curators at MoMA appear \"unwilling to admit that visual", "id": "16946101" }, { "contents": "Modern art\n\n\npoint of new artistic movements. The 1950s and 1960s saw the emergence of Abstract Expressionism, Color field painting, Conceptual artists of Art & Language, Pop art, Op art, Hard-edge painting, Minimal art, Lyrical Abstraction, Fluxus, Happening, Video art, Postminimalism, Photorealism and various other movements. In the late 1960s and the 1970s, Land art, Performance art, Conceptual art, and other new art forms had attracted the attention of curators and critics, at the expense of more traditional media. Larger", "id": "2911399" }, { "contents": "Abstract art\n\n\ngeometric abstract styles of Piet Mondrian and his colleagues in the early 20th century. Post Impressionism as practiced by Paul Gauguin, Georges Seurat, Vincent van Gogh and Paul Cézanne had an enormous impact on 20th-century art and led to the advent of 20th-century abstraction. The heritage of painters like Van Gogh, Cézanne, Gauguin, and Seurat was essential for the development of modern art. At the beginning of the 20th century Henri Matisse and several other young artists including the pre-cubist Georges Braque, André Derain,", "id": "14574661" }, { "contents": "Jaleh Mansoor\n\n\nmember on the advisory editorial board since 2013 for \"The Third Rail\", a journal of art, poetics, and politics. Mansoor's first book \"Marshall Plan Modernism: Italian Postwar Abstraction and the Beginnings of Autonomia,\" was published in 2016 by Duke University Press. In \"Marshall Plan Modernism: Italian Postwar Abstraction and the Beginnings of Autonomia\", Mansoor examines the relationship between culture and politics in the 1950s to the 1970s in Italy and theorizes on their influence to the specific branch of modernist painting and art-", "id": "1965387" }, { "contents": "Lucy L'Engle\n\n\nLucy L'Engle (1889–1978) was an American painter who had a personal abstract style that ranged from Cubist to representational to purely abstract. Critics appreciated the discipline she showed in constructing a solid base on which these stylistic phases evolved. As one of them, Helen Appleton Read of the \"Brooklyn Daily Eagle\", said in 1932, she was \"at heart a painter with a painter's sensuous enjoyment of the medium itself.\" L'Engle herself at one time described her art as \"a play of form and color\" and", "id": "7965213" }, { "contents": "Susan Budge\n\n\nsculptures which are abstract and usually monochromatic, except for the presence of a realistic human eye. \"Eye Spy Eros\" from 2010, in the collection of the Honolulu Museum of Art, is an example and demonstrates how the eye can render an otherwise abstract form vaguely anthropomorphic. The Daum Museum of Contemporary Art (Sedalia, Missouri), the Honolulu Museum of Art, the New Orleans Museum of Art, Northern Arizona University Art Museum (Flagstaff, Arizona), the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts (San Angelo,", "id": "5715037" }, { "contents": "Béla Hamvas\n\n\non the history of art \"Forradalom a művészetben: Absztrakció és szürrealizmus Magyarországon\" (1947, \"Revolution in Art: Abstraction and Surrealism in Hungary\") survey Hungarian art from Károly Ferenczy, Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka and Lajos Gulácsy up to the activity of the “European School”. Hamvas saw in surrealism and abstract art the heritage of magic, the “tremendous presence of a higher existence”, and opposed “realistic” art. This concept of modern art was attacked by the Marxist ideologist, György Lukács, and Hamvas", "id": "2654032" }, { "contents": "Modern art\n\n\nModern art includes artistic work produced during the period extending roughly from the 1860s to the 1970s, and denotes the styles and philosophy of the art produced during that era. The term is usually associated with art in which the traditions of the past have been thrown aside in a spirit of experimentation. Modern artists experimented with new ways of seeing and with fresh ideas about the nature of materials and functions of art. A tendency away from the narrative, which was characteristic for the traditional arts, toward abstraction is characteristic of much modern", "id": "2911385" }, { "contents": "Elise Cavanna\n\n\n, and WPA administrator. She became more interested in visual art and art social circles after her marriage. In September 1933, Cavanna presented six abstract lithographs at a showing at Stendhals in Los Angeles, California. A newspaper review commented on the \"cool precision of her lines and spots of tone.\" The art was best appreciated through the \"mind's eye\" rather than the eye itself. Cavanna's art was shown in October 1949 as part of the contemporary section in the California Centennials Exhibition of Art at the Los", "id": "11165712" }, { "contents": "Museum Barberini\n\n\na stage. The exhibition brought together more than 110 works from German and international museums and private collections, including the Harvard Art Museum in Boston, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Nationalgalerie in Berlin and the Tate Modern in London, and featured many masterpieces that had hardly been shown in Europe before. The exhibition \"Gerhard Richter. Abstraction\" (Summer 2018) was the first to focus on abstract strategies and procedures in the artist’s oeuvre. Inspired by a new acquisition of the Museum Barberini, the", "id": "5596311" }, { "contents": "Matvei Vaisberg\n\n\nHouse (London), the Sejm of the Republic of Poland (Warsaw), Georgian National museum Georgia. Vaisberg deeply appreciates the creative work of many artists, especially that of Georges Rouault, Chaïm Soutine and Francisco Goya. Together with Andrij Mokrousov, an art and literary critic, he developed the conception of art arrière-garde many years ago and represents it in his art. Along with being a stranger to the mimetic, he cannot be considered to be close to abstract art at the same time. Without reckoning", "id": "12834306" }, { "contents": "American Abstract Artists\n\n\nto cultural organizations. American Abstract Artist produces print portfolios by its membership. AAA print portfolios are in the collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art, Museum of Modern Art, Tate in London, and the Archives of American Art. In 2014 Harry Holtzman and George L.K. Morris, founding members of the American Abstract Artists were paired in an intimate 2-man exhibit, curated by Kinney Frelinghuysen and Madalena Holtzman, and designed to evoke an informal conversation between the two artists. . Essays by T. Kinney Frelinghuysen, Madalena Holtzman, Wietse", "id": "15269101" }, { "contents": "Auguste Herbin\n\n\nAuguste Herbin (29 April 1882 – 31 January 1960) was a French painter of modern art. He is best known for his Cubist and abstract paintings consisting of colorful geometric figures. He co-founded the groups Abstraction-Création and Salon des Réalités Nouvelles which promoted non-figurative abstract art. He was born in Quiévy, Nord. His father was a craftsman. He studied drawing at the École des Beaux-Arts de Lille, from 1899 to 1901, when he settled in Paris. The initial influence of Impressionism", "id": "16150025" }, { "contents": "History of painting\n\n\nof tiles in mosques or in illuminations around the text of the Koran and other books. In fact, abstract art is not an invention of modern art but it is present in pre-classical, barbarian and non-western cultures many centuries before it and is essentially a decorative or applied art. Notable illustrator M. C. Escher was influenced by this geometrical and pattern-based art. Art Nouveau (Aubrey Beardsley and the architect Antonio Gaudí) re-introduced abstract floral patterns into western art. Note that despite the taboo of", "id": "14250358" }, { "contents": "Walter Darby Bannard\n\n\nof Texas, Austin \"The Great Decade of American Abstraction: Modernist Art 1960 to 1970,\" Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas \"Contemporary American Artists,\" the Cleveland Museum of Art \"Continuing Abstraction in American Art,\" Whitney Museum \"American Art Since 1945, from the Collection of the Museum of Modern Art,\" travelling to various U.S. Museums Gallerie Ulysses, Vienna, Austria, February \"Cronaca,\" Galleria Civica, Modena, Italy, March \"Private Images: Photographs by Painters,\" Los", "id": "97519" }, { "contents": "Frederic Schwartz\n\n\nDenise Scott Brown to save the house (called \"an iconic pop-art creation\" and a \"masterpiece of abstract modern design\") from its scheduled demolition.\" The twenty-five-minute film recounts how the home, built in the late 60s, was first slated for demolition by a developer who wanted to clear the area for new construction, but was ultimately saved by the dedication of a small group that was able to move it on a two-day journey by barge from Loveladies, New Jersey,", "id": "13995905" }, { "contents": "Ignacio Barrios\n\n\n-style\" brushing and the use of humidity are both elements taken from the American watercolourist John Marin. Barrios began his work painting classical and academic landscapes. Critics admire how he has been able to move from costumbrismo, to impressionism, to surrealism. In recent years, he has occasionally put figurative art aside to seek semi-abstract creations. His work is mainly characterised by landscaping (both Mexican and international), urban environment, Art Marine, still life, human body, portraits, abstract and semi-abstract art", "id": "19960611" }, { "contents": "Anthroposophy\n\n\n, but asserted that there was no justification for the existence of Judaism and Jewish culture in the modern world, a radical assimilationist perspective which saw the Jews completely integrating into the larger society. He also supported Émile Zola's position in the Dreyfus affair. Steiner emphasized Judaism's central importance to the constitution of the modern era in the West but suggested that to appreciate the spirituality of the future it would need to overcome its tendency toward abstraction. In his later life, Steiner was accused by the Nazis of being a Jew,", "id": "2328011" }, { "contents": "Jennifer Tipton\n\n\nJennifer Tipton said to \"The New York Times\" \"I feel that light is like music. In some abstract, emotional, noncerebral, nonliterary way, it makes us feel, it makes us see, it makes us think, all without knowing exactly how and why.\" She talks about how probably 99.9% of the audience isn't even really aware of it. A lot of thought is put into the lighting of a show, dance, performance, etc. and almost no one really appreciates it. Tipton", "id": "7787995" }, { "contents": "Harry Bowden\n\n\n. Two years later, another critic praised this turn toward semi-abstraction. The exhibition catalog for a 1940 show in which Bowden participated has a statement expressing his point of view. It says, \"A painting embraces many ideas, symbols, forms, tones, and colors, but all are resolved into a new thing. The metamorphosis makes the painting real — gives it a life of its own.\" In 1947 Ad Reinhardt wrote a brief instruction on appreciating abstract art in which he said: \"Like in much", "id": "11478841" }, { "contents": "National Gallery of Modern Art, Lagos\n\n\nThe National Gallery of Modern Art, Lagos (NGMA) is a major art gallery in Lagos, the largest city of Nigeria. It is a permanent exhibition of the National Gallery of Art, a parastatal of the Federal Ministry of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation. The gallery is located within the National Arts Theatre, at Entrance B. The National Gallery of Modern Art is located on two floors below the huge auditorium of the National Arts Theatre. The upper level features a showcase of contemporary art, including colourful abstract canvases by", "id": "12460249" }, { "contents": "Blanchette Ferry Rockefeller\n\n\nhouse was a place in which she could display her modern art collection and entertain friends. The Rockefellers donated the house (historically landmarked in 2000) to the Museum of Modern Art in 1955. \"Blanchette Rockefeller provided enlightened leadership to MoMA as president of the museum from 1972 through 1985. Two of her most important gifts were Willem de Kooning’s \"Woman II\" (1952) and Clyfford Still’s \"Painting\" (1951), an Abstract-Expressionist landscape. The Abstract Expressionist galleries on the second floor are named", "id": "10579190" }, { "contents": "Durban Segnini Gallery\n\n\ntimes of the chroniclers, passing through modernism until the present day. Nevertheless, that is how it has been. In Uruguay and Argentina, where the “Madí” movement was born; in Venezuela, where cybernetics and optical art came into their own; in Brazil, mother country of concrete poetry; or in Colombia, where the abstraction represented by Eduardo Ramírez Villamizar and Fanny Sanin, among others, has flourished” Carlos Luis. Eduardo Ramírez Villamizar (1923–2003). He started out as an expressionist, a trend he", "id": "18749263" }, { "contents": "Horizon\n\n\nwhere parallel lines meet. In her book \"Geometry of an Art\" (2007), Kirsti Andersen described the evolution of perspective drawing and science up to 1800, noting that vanishing points need not be on the horizon. In a chapter titled \"Horizon\", John Stillwell recounted how projective geometry has led to incidence geometry, the modern abstract study of line intersection. Stillwell also ventured into foundations of mathematics in a section titled \"What are the Laws of Algebra ?\" The \"algebra of points\", originally given", "id": "4346674" }, { "contents": "Roberto Cordone\n\n\n, Germany. Cordone's work consists mostly of abstract sculptures of bronze, stainless steel, and alloys of titanium and aluminum. His early works are linked to the tradition of the classical modernism of the 20th century, which deemphasizes representation in favor of the abstract. Cordone seeks new content in abstract sculptures. The art historian Uta Gerlach-Laxner stated that his work evolved to often suggest associations with the sensory-organic world, forming a \"symbiosis of the organically grown and the technically constructed.\" According to the art historian", "id": "14382259" }, { "contents": "Ben Culwell\n\n\nWorth Men of Art Guilds and a 1977 retrospective at the McNay, it was not until his 1987 show \"Adrenalin Hour\" that critics and artists came to see Culwell as a pioneering Abstract Expressionist. As Mark L. Smith, in his 2007 essay “Minimal Remnant: Early Abstract and Non-Objective Painting in Texas,” wrote of Culwell's 1947 painting \"Texan:\" At this extremely early date in the history of modern art In Texas, Culwell pushed abstraction all the way to non-objectivity and then pushed some", "id": "959908" } ]
Why would anyone try a very addictive/harmful drug like meth or heroin for the first time?
[{"answer": "So, the question is why people try things that are bad for them, even if they feel good? Do you ever drink soda? what about eating fast food? drinking alcohol? they're a lesser extent, but you must be totally aware that's not good for your body. But you make excuses, \"oh only this one time\", \"it cant be THAT bad for you\", etc etc, but the fact remains you're doing something bad for you to feel good."}, {"answer": "A lot of heroin addicts start using heroin after they've been addicted to prescription opiates--it's surprisingly easy for this to happen even when they're legitimately prescribed. The pill addiction can carry on for a while after their prescriptions are used up and they get their pills on the black market. When they start to run short on money, they'll switch to heroin since it's stronger and cheaper."}, {"answer": "Desperation and needing to do absolutely anything to escape from reality or to numb some sort of pain. At least that's how I feel when it comes to heroin, the only people that I knew that did meth were bikers and for them it was part of the culture. Other than that it could just be curiosity or, as everyone else has said, peer pressure."}, {"answer": "Peer pressure can be a powerful force. In the interest of going along with the flow, people will go very far. Check out the [Milgram Experiment]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "'Addictive' is a very subjective term; the severity depends from person to person through their biological make up. What may be extremely addictive to some, may not be for others. For example, people that don't have an addictive personality and also have a strong sense of will power may want to try a drug once for the experience. That's just my opinion on the matter. Can confirm anecdotally."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "14868355", "title": "Substance abuse prevention", "section": "Section::::Protective and risk factors.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 5, "end_paragraph_id": 5, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["One recent study examined that by the time are seniors in high school, \"almost 70 percent will have tried alcohol, half will have taken an illegal drug, nearly 40 percent will have smoked a cigarette, and more than 20 percent will have used a prescription drug for a nonmedical purpose (Johnston et al., 2013). Binge drinking has also, been shown to increase once an individual leaves the home to attend college or live on their own.", "Main risk periods for drug abuse occur during major transitions in a child's life. Some of these transitional periods that could increase the possibility of youth using drugs are puberty, moving, divorce, leaving the security of the home and entering school. School transitions such as those from elementary to middle school or middle school to high school can be times that children and teenagers make new friends and are more susceptible to fall into environments where there are drugs available. One recent study examined that by the time are seniors in high school, \"almost 70 percent will have tried alcohol, half will have taken an illegal drug, nearly 40 percent will have smoked a cigarette, and more than 20 percent will have used a prescription drug for a nonmedical purpose (Johnston et al., 2013). Binge drinking has also, been shown to increase once an individual leaves the home to attend college or live on their own. Most youth do not progress towards abusing other drugs after experimentation. Research has shown, when drug use begins at an early age, there is a greater possibility for addiction to occur. Three exacerbating factors\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Evolutionary models of human drug use\n\n\nThe use of psychoactive substances is one of the most perplexing human behaviors. Psychoactive drugs can relieve the symptoms of mental disorders (e.g. lithium) or cause harm to individuals and societies (e.g. heroin). Psychoactive drugs can induce pleasure, increase energy (e.g. chocolate, coffee), relieve pain (Aspirin), or can impose a large social burden in the form of chronic illness (e.g. tobacco) and be a cause of mortality. Why do humans seek out and at times even develop addictions to drugs that harm them", "id": "4146852" }, { "contents": "Montana Meth Project\n\n\n\" However, the Attorney General countered, \"The Montana Meth Project’s theoretical framework is based upon the prevention principles that individuals who believe that the use of a particular drug involves risk or harm and/or who disapprove of its use are less likely to use that drug. As seen in last year’s report, both the Montana Prevention Needs Assessment and the Meth Use & Attitudes Survey show that Montana teens perceive a much greater risk in trying meth than do their counterparts nationally. Since 2005, the perception of specific negative effects resulting", "id": "12071380" }, { "contents": "Heroin-assisted treatment\n\n\nHealth Service. In 2013 European Union's European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction issued guidelines for the years 2013-2020; for the first time since the EMCDDA's 1995 inception, the group advocated \"reducing the health and social risks and harms caused by drugs\" in addition to longstanding policies of lessening demand and supply. Both the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the Transnational Institute have released documents advocating harm-reduction strategies, though only the latter mentions heroin-assisted therapy. In 2008, the right", "id": "8592502" }, { "contents": "Opium Law\n\n\nthe first Opium Law (later known as List I of the Opium Law) was introduced, and on 12 May 1928 the second Opium Law (later known as List II of the Opium Law) was introduced. The first Opium Law was created to regulate drugs with a high addiction or abuse factor, or that are physically harmful. As the name indicates the main reason for introduction was to regulate the Opium trade and later to control various other addictive drugs like morphine, cocaine, heroin, barbiturates, amphetamines and several decades", "id": "8422025" }, { "contents": "Drug policy\n\n\nprevention and treatment as well as strict law enforcement. The general drug policy is supported by all political parties and, according to opinion polls made in the mid 2000s, the restrictive approach received broad support from the public at that time. The national drug policy of Switzerland was developed in the early 1990s and comprises the four elements of prevention, therapy, harm reduction and prohibition. In 1994 Switzerland was one of the first countries to try heroin-assisted treatment and other harm reduction measures like supervised injection rooms. In 2008 a", "id": "16429276" }, { "contents": "Christian music industry\n\n\nvideo, relating its symbolism to his personal experiences of addiction and redemption. He also issued the following statement: \"The video for 'Flush' is about crystal meth addiction and the crazy things anyone addicted to meth will do while they're high or to get their fix. Everything the models were doing in the video is what I was wrapped up in while I was addicted to meth... I believe I would be dead right now if I continued using meth, but instead, I chose to surrender my life to Christ", "id": "1058253" }, { "contents": "David Nutt\n\n\nnew study employed a multiple-criteria decision analysis procedure and found that alcohol is more harmful to society than both heroin and crack, while heroin, crack, and methamphetamine (crystal meth) are the most harmful drugs to individuals. Nutt has also written about this topic in newspapers for the general public, sometimes leading to public disagreements with other researchers. Nutt is also campaigning for a change in UK drug laws to allow for more research opportunities. Starting in around 2014, Nutt said he intends to bring to market a recreational", "id": "2612619" }, { "contents": "Montana Meth Project\n\n\nstop their friend from trying meth but said nothing. The commercials were titled: Directed by Darren Aronofsky, this series depicts teenagers asking the question, \"If I had asked, if I tried meth, would I become an addict ... \" if they knew the resulting addiction would bring them to situations they never thought they'd be in. Each commercial begins with slow-motion photography of the addict's face before their situation plays out. This set of six commercials are testimonials from former meth users, who each explain the", "id": "12071397" }, { "contents": "Matt E. Baker\n\n\nlaw places Marijuana as being so potentially harmful and dangerous that it has listed the drug as a schedule 1 drug right next to Heroin, LSD, Ecstasy, Meth, and many other drugs. This is in stark contrast to marijuana activists claiming Marijuana is harmless and should be approved as medicine. I have not found a preponderance of evidence that would support putting either children or adults at risk of serious adverse health reactions for cannabis oils that have not conclusively been proven to be safe, effective or even have the necessary support by", "id": "9736031" }, { "contents": "This Is Your Brain on Drugs\n\n\n, with various ones saying \"Um, yeah, I have questions\", \"Prescription drugs aren't as bad as street drugs, right?\", \"Weed's legal, isn't it?\", \"Drinking is worse than smoking weed. Isn't it?\", \"Why is heroin so addictive?\", \"Molly just makes you feel happy\", \"I have questions\", \"Mom\", \"Dad, did you ever try drugs?\" The narrator returns to say, \"", "id": "9757739" }, { "contents": "Crippled Summer\n\n\nevening. The drug addiction of Towelie, a living and talking towel, is growing so overwhelming that the South Park boys make attempts to help him. Towelie's history is shown, using head interviews and on-screen captions (in a parody of \"Intervention\"), starting with years of drug addiction to cannabis, crystal meth, heroin and crack. He previously had a girlfriend named Rebecca and conceived a child with her (a washcloth), but he was kicked out of their home due to his persistently getting", "id": "6172858" }, { "contents": "Drug policy of the Netherlands\n\n\npolicy of tolerance\"), the Netherlands is typically seen as much more tolerant of drugs than most other countries. Legal distinctions are made in the Opium Law between drugs with a low risk of harm and/or addiction, called soft drugs, and drugs with a high risk of harm and/or addiction, called hard drugs. Soft drugs include hash, marijuana, sleeping pills and sedatives, while hard drugs include heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, LSD and ecstasy. Policy has been to largely tolerate the sale of soft drugs while strongly suppressing", "id": "1233959" }, { "contents": "Edgy Lee\n\n\nthe state of Hawaii on eleven TV stations and continue to garner national acclaim. Utilized by several Native American communities where meth addiction is on the rise, these films were the first in-depth documentaries on the subject. In 2005, Lee produced \"Unprescribed - Prescription for Addiction\", an overview of America's prescription drug epidemic and turn toward heroin use across the U.S. The film intro by former US Attorney General Eric Holder; ONDCP Director Michael Bottecelli, SAMHSA Dir. Dr Nora Volkow, other national experts appear. In", "id": "16731179" }, { "contents": "Faces of Meth\n\n\nFaces of Meth is a drug prevention project run by the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office in the U.S. state of Oregon. The project uses mug shots of repeat offenders to demonstrate what are claimed to be the harmful and damaging effects of methamphetamine on its users. The idea for Faces of Meth began in 2004 when deputy Bret King of the Corrections Division Classification Unit used mug shots to identify individuals with a history of using methamphetamine. King and his co-workers collected images of people charged with crimes related to methamphetamine addiction to document", "id": "3427742" }, { "contents": "Harm reduction\n\n\nresults in favor of heroin maintenance. Critics of heroin maintenance programmes object to the high costs of providing heroin to users. The British heroin study cost the British government £15,000 per participant per year, roughly equivalent to average heroin user's expense of £15,600 per year. Drug Free Australia contrast these ongoing maintenance costs with Sweden's investment in, and commitment to, a drug-free society where a policy of compulsory rehabilitation of drug addicts is integral, which has yielded the one of the lowest reported illicit drug use levels", "id": "11734040" }, { "contents": "Manuel Gutiérrez Mellado\n\n\nMay 28, 1984, where he chaired the First Section, which dealt with Defense Affairs. On September 1986, deeply touched by the death of close friend´s son from a drug overdose, he sought the aid and financial help of several relevant businessmen and established the Antidrug Aid Foundation (FAD) that he chaired and ruled until the very day of his death. The main FAD objective was to mobilize citizenship to aid youngsters to overcome drug addiction at a time when heroin was wreaking havoc in Western countries. Apart from trying to", "id": "14130730" }, { "contents": "Fletch (Hollyoaks)\n\n\nexecutive producer Bryan Kirkwood as his screen time increased as part of central storylines. In 2008 Fletch was involved in a storyline in which he and Sasha Valentine (Nathalie Emmanuel) become addicted to heroin. In his final storyline he is seen taking the drug in the Ashworth's house after they try to help him. Whilst interview by newspaper \"The Sun\", Darbyshire stated: \"Fletch accidentally hits Hannah in the chaos, the Ashworths send him away.\" Emmanuel later stated in an interview that she would like Fletch to", "id": "9493339" }, { "contents": "Matt Brown (fighter)\n\n\n. Living in a small town with no foreseeable future outside of a low paying factory job as a machinist, Brown grew frustrated and turned to drugs and alcohol. For a period, he was addicted to meth, regularly used cocaine and would often get into fights at parties. By his early twenties he had survived a heroin overdose (which led to his nickname \"The Immortal\"), had been homeless and had been to prison. Brown's interest in MMA started with drunkenly practicing various submission holds that he had seen", "id": "15979361" }, { "contents": "Chronic addiction substitution treatment\n\n\nChronic addiction substitution treatment (CAST) is a policy adopted by Vancouver City Council in 2007 to reduce the harms of drug prohibition by providing substitutes to those with addictions. CAST attempts to reduce homelessness and crime by replacing illegal opiates with pharmaceutical heroin, hydromorphone or other substitutes. Vancouver has a long history of innovation in drug treatment. The first methadone maintenance treatment program was developed in Vancouver in 1959. For 15 years, Vancouver had the only supervised injection site in North America: Insite. CAST was developed by Mayor Sam Sullivan", "id": "12220373" }, { "contents": "Montana Meth Project\n\n\nthis round of work, directed by Wally Pfister, we hear friends of meth addicts tell stories of how they watched their friend’s lives get destroyed by the drug. In each spot, the teen's narration is accompanied by footage of said incidents taking place. Each spot ends with the following statement: \"\"...and this is what I said, when they told me they were going to try meth\",\" followed by anguished silence and a blank stare into the camera ... to mean they had an opportunity to", "id": "12071396" }, { "contents": "Heroin\n\n\nhave morphine's addictive side-effects. Morphine at the time was a popular recreational drug, and Bayer wished to find a similar but non-addictive substitute to market. However, contrary to Bayer's advertising as a \"non-addictive morphine substitute,\" heroin would soon have one of the highest rates of addiction among its users. From 1898 through to 1910, diamorphine was marketed under the trademark name Heroin as a non-addictive morphine substitute and cough suppressant. In the 11th edition of \"Encyclopædia Britannica\" (", "id": "14251400" }, { "contents": "Strawberry Quik meth myth\n\n\na pink or very light reddish color. This is most likely caused by the colored dyes present in over the counter drugs used in the production meth, such as cold medicine containing ephedrine. This coloration would most likely be the result of improper or poorly executed synthesis of meth. While coloration is rare, it is often marketed as having more desirable qualities such as greater potency or less incidence of negative side effects, though there is no consistent evidence to back up such claims. This kind of tactic (marketing unique looking drugs", "id": "16195296" }, { "contents": "Michael Berke\n\n\nMichael Berke (1964–2018) lived as a transgender woman and later reidentified as a man. Berke was raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. As a young man, he worked in San Francisco as a roadie for the Sea Hags, a sleaze metal band. According to Berke, he experimented with drugs and became addicted to heroin and crystal meth. After a stint in a street gang, he joined Narcotics Anonymous and returned to working as a roadie, first for the New Kind, a pop group, then for a variety of", "id": "8874712" }, { "contents": "Arguments for and against drug prohibition\n\n\nuse, said: The argument that drug addicts of certain drugs are forced into crime by prohibition should first and foremost highlight the fact that this argument presupposes and underlines the addictive nature of some illicit drugs (which legalization proponents often downplay), addictive enough to create a viable criminal supply industry. Secondly, the harms of increased addictive drug use, which as previously outlined would be a consequence of legalization and its cheaper prices, far outweigh the current crime harms of prohibition. It is worth pointing out, this argument is not", "id": "17133456" }, { "contents": "Nola Blake\n\n\npolice that Blake and their son would then be freed. \"I was trying to get the wife and baby out, but now all bets are off. I will deny everything I have signed and start from scratch.\" Hudson said that he and Blake had visited Thailand seven times in ten years - not 10 times in seven years as police had claimed. He denied being a heroin addict and denied ever being convicted of drug trafficking. He admitted he had previously used heroin and had been previously \"busted\" for possessing", "id": "6067339" }, { "contents": "Polysubstance dependence\n\n\nbeen noted that a larger percentage of women abuse licit (legal) drugs such as tranquilizers, sedatives, and stimulants. On the other hand, men are more likely to abuse illicit (illegal) drugs such as cocaine, meth, and other street drugs. Research suggests that women addicts more frequently have a family history of drug abuse. When asked to describe their onset of addictions, women more frequently describe their addiction as sudden where as men describe them as gradual. Females have a higher percentage of fatty tissues and a", "id": "20010539" }, { "contents": "Montana Meth Project\n\n\nby Alejandro González Iñárritu, and the 2010 spots by Wally Pfister. Tony Kaye's spots feature themes of meth-addicted teens' moral compromises and regret, and certain teens' false confidence that they can use meth without becoming addicted. \"Bathtub\", \"Laundromat\" and \"Everything Else\" feature pre-addicted teens encountering future, addicted versions of themselves. \"Just Once\", \"That Guy\" and \"Junkie Den\" feature teens who promise themselves that they will only try meth \"once,\" but", "id": "12071392" }, { "contents": "Dexter (season 2)\n\n\nPaul but after claiming it was a spontaneous act, cannot explain why he happened to be carrying heroin. Rita incorrectly concludes that Dexter is, like Paul, a drug addict and that this explains his occasional absences and odd behavior. Dexter admits that he does indeed have an addiction (without specifying what that addiction is) and promises to seek help by joining Narcotics Anonymous. There, he meets Lila Tournay, who offers to be his sponsor. Sgt. James Doakes remains suspicious of Dexter's true motives, and constantly", "id": "3204783" }, { "contents": "MindVox\n\n\nand openly acknowledged being a lifelong heroin addict, who had finally kicked heroin and cocaine through the use of the hallucinogenic drug ibogaine. It is unclear whether mailing lists on MindVox continued in perpetuity from the 1990s, or began reappearing in 2000, but in addition to the Vox list it was hosting, by 2001 MindVox was a hub of activity in the fields of harm reduction, drug policy reform, and psychedelic drugs (most notably Ibogaine). While the drug-related community surrounding MindVox : Ibogaine has taken on a completely", "id": "7009973" }, { "contents": "Brian Jones\n\n\npicked on him. But, unfortunately, he made himself a target for it; he was very, very jealous, very difficult, very manipulative, and if you do that in this kind of a group of people you get back as good as you give, to be honest. I wasn't understanding enough about his drug addiction. No one seemed to know much about drug addiction. Things like LSD were all new. No one knew the harm. People thought cocaine was good for you.\" Theories surrounding Jones", "id": "3265080" }, { "contents": "Recreational drug use\n\n\nusing them—the drugs may be \"cut\" with adulterants and the purity varies wildly, making overdoses more likely—and legalization of drug production and distribution would reduce these and other dangers of illegal drug use. Harm reduction seeks to minimize the harm that can occur through the use of various drugs, whether legal (e.g., alcohol and nicotine), or illegal (e.g., heroin and cocaine). For example, people who inject illicit drugs can minimize harm to both themselves and members of the community through proper injecting", "id": "6391454" }, { "contents": "Miami Correctional Facility\n\n\nno criminal action would be taken against the staff. In April 2005, a prison unit designed to work with inmates who are addicted to the drug methamphetamine (meth) was opened at Miami Correctional Facility. This program was one of the first of its kind in the nation. Methamphetamine use has increased significantly in Indiana since 1994, as meth labs are the most concentrated in the Midwest. The goal of the program is to prevent repeat crimes related to methamphetamine use that would land inmates back in prison after their release. The", "id": "7843974" }, { "contents": "Woman's Day (Australian magazine)\n\n\nsecond image like she was in the first. In 2014, television presenter Grant Denyer began legal precedings against the magazine after it claimed he and his wife were in a rehab facility in Thailand for meth addiction. Denyer claimed they had visited a rehab facility, but it was not for drug issues, and reaffirmed they did not have a drug addiction. The magazine backed the story saying Denyer's friends were their sources for the story. \"Woman's Day\" was criticised on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's \"Media Watch\"", "id": "15890789" }, { "contents": "Cook County (film)\n\n\nand the tires in the front yard. The story is about that group of people, and the family trying to be a family in the backwoods environment. Crystal meth was always out there. I was never at any crystal meth parties or anything like that, but there were always people where I lived outside of Houston. Those are the characters in the film, but crystal meth really drives the story. It's the vehicle.\" Not having direct contact with crystal meth addicts, Pomes read widely on the subject of", "id": "17356089" }, { "contents": "Meth mouth\n\n\nas \"meth\") is a stimulant drug with a high potential for addiction in its recreational users. It incurs physical and psychological side effects that users find desirable. Other side effects (like bruxism and stimulant psychosis) can result in users neglecting their dental health, eventually leading to advanced tooth decay (caries) and gum infections. Further, a common side effect of stimulant drugs is xerostomia, which accelerates tooth decay. , it is the most discussed illegal drug in dental literature for its extensive effect on users' dental", "id": "536605" }, { "contents": "Morphine\n\n\nsuggesting that heroin and morphine are particularly susceptible to abuse and addiction. Morphine and heroin were also much more likely to produce euphoria and other positive subjective effects when compared to these other opioids. The choice of heroin and morphine over other opioids by former drug addicts may also be because heroin (also known as morphine diacetate, diamorphine, or diacetyl morphine) is an ester of morphine and a morphine prodrug, essentially meaning they are identical drugs \"in vivo\". Heroin is converted to morphine before binding to the opioid receptors in", "id": "490244" }, { "contents": "Drug rehabilitation\n\n\nare widely used to treat addiction and dependence on other opioids such as heroin, morphine or oxycodone. Methadone and buprenorphine are maintenance therapies intended to reduce cravings for opiates, thereby reducing illegal drug use, and the risks associated with it, such as disease, arrest, incarceration, and death, in line with the philosophy of harm reduction. Both drugs may be used as maintenance medications (taken for an indefinite period of time), or used as detoxification aids. All available studies collected in the 2005 Australian National Evaluation of", "id": "2055703" }, { "contents": "Brookside\n\n\nof exposure in Sefton Park after overdosing on uncut heroin. As a result of this and realising there was nothing left for her in Brookside Close, she left the series for good. The storyline was intentionally shocking, and made \"Brookside\" the first British soap opera to tackle the issue of heroin addiction candidly - indeed \"Brookside\" would re-visit the issue of drug addiction several times during the rest of its long run. This year also saw the introduction of the soap's longest-running character Jimmy Corkhill,", "id": "3875502" }, { "contents": "Addictive personality\n\n\nthing as an addictive personality belittles the types and significance of many tough addictions. Others also argue that by placing a label on the type of people that have addictions, this stereotypes people and denies that addiction can happen to anyone. Some people who agree with this argument believe that claiming an addictive personality may be used as an excuse by some who do not use drugs, and are hence not addicted, to explain why they are not addicted to drugs and other people are. Other arguments against this theory of addictive personalities is", "id": "2757175" }, { "contents": "Culture Club\n\n\nBritish police for possession of heroin. The band broke up and George pursued a solo career, having several European hits and a couple of US Top 40 hits, though George would continue to struggle with his drug addiction for several years. The band first tried to reunite in 1989, after many requests from Tony Gordon, the group's former manager and Boy George's manager at that time. George agreed to try some songs with the band again, resulting in recording sessions and producing more than a dozen songs that are still", "id": "20201953" }, { "contents": "Kunming\n\n\nand internationally via China's coastal cities. Kunming Municipal Compulsory Rehabilitation Center in Kunming is the main rehabilitation center for drug addicts, mostly recovering from heroin addiction. International drug rings have used Yunnan and Kunming to channel new synthetic drugs (like methamphetamine) as well as traditional drugs like heroin. Opium was until recently in widespread medicinal use by many of the minority peoples of the province; however, after the Opium War the Chinese government has made growing the poppy illegal, and all but stamped out its production within the borders of", "id": "19521745" }, { "contents": "Maria Licciardi\n\n\nLicciardi decreed it should not be sold, as it was too pure and strong for the average user, and would thus kill those who purchased it, harming the alliance's large customer base of drug users. However, the Lo Russo clan, who had always chafed under her leadership, disagreed and packaged the shipment for sale on the street. The sale of the packets of unrefined heroin resulted in the deaths of many drug addicts across Naples, eleven of whom died in April 1999 alone. This caused great public outrage and", "id": "9735510" }, { "contents": "John Frusciante\n\n\nTo cope with his worsening depression, Frusciante increased his heroin use and spiraled into a life-threatening dependency. His use of heroin to medicate his depression was a clear decision: \"I was very sad, and I was always happy when I was on drugs; therefore, I should be on drugs all the time. I was never guilty—I was always really proud to be an addict.\" Frusciante openly admitted to being a \"junkie\", believing that drugs were the only way of \"making sure you", "id": "13978522" }, { "contents": "Western Reserve Hospital\n\n\ndrug campaign that unites the Mayor’s office, Cuyahoga Falls and Woodridge school districts, police department, fire department, community businesses and Western Reserve Hospital in an unprecedented effort to curb drug abuse — especially meth and heroin — in Cuyahoga Falls. The “Not Me, I’m Drug Free” campaign is designed to educate Cuyahoga Falls area elementary school students about the dangers of using meth and heroin by connecting with them using Facebook, yard signs, posters, T-shirts, incentive cards and much more. The initiative was", "id": "17414828" }, { "contents": "28 Days (film)\n\n\nalcoholics), Bobbi Jean (Diane Ladd) (an older addict), Gerhardt (Alan Tudyk) (a gay man whose addiction is not specified), and Cornell (Steve Buscemi), the rehab facility's director (a recovered drug addict and alcoholic). Her roommate is young Andrea (Azura Skye), a heroin addict who sporadically self-harms and is a fan of the fictitious soap opera \"Santa Cruz\". Initially, Gwen is angry and resistant to taking part in any of the treatment programs", "id": "18447952" }, { "contents": "Chasing the Scream\n\n\nreally causes addiction? What happens if you choose a radically different policy?\" Hari writes that he spent the next three years in search of answers, traveling across nine countries (United States, Canada, Great Britain, Mexico, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, Uruguay and Vietnam). He profiles early figures in the drug war like jazz musician Billie Holiday, a long-time heroin addict; racketeer Arnold Rothstein, an early drug trafficker; and Harry J. Anslinger, the first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (", "id": "1173490" }, { "contents": "Zohar Argov\n\n\n-Mediterranean/Oriental (Mizrahi)-style music, despite the fact that his music was not mainstream at the time and radio stations gave predominance to pop music from overseas. In 1982, Argov toured the United States, and was invited to parties and clubs. It was there that he was first exposed to hard drugs and began to develop his heroin and crack cocaine addiction. He claimed that he was first introduced to hard drugs at Club Halleluyah in Los Angeles. He developed an addiction to crack cocaine and heroin, which from 1983", "id": "15876201" }, { "contents": "Candy: A Novel of Love and Addiction\n\n\nDavies starring Heath Ledger as the narrator and Abbie Cornish as Candy. An unnamed narrator who is addicted to heroine introduces his beloved blonde girlfriend, Candy, to the drug. Early in their relationship the couple try to detox separately with the narrator staying in Sydney while Candy returns home to Melbourne to stay clean. While Candy succeeds the narrator fails to stay clean and when she returns home she quickly relapses. After pawning their possessions for drugs fails to procure them the necessary amount of money to secure a hit of heroine a pawnbroker", "id": "1381632" }, { "contents": "Prohibition of drugs\n\n\nharm to both the individual and society, these being used mainly for folk medicine and recreational purposes. This category encompasses cannabis (\"nederwiet\"), hashish and some fungi. Hard drugs are considered to cause considerable personal harm through addiction and physical detriment, as well as nuisance to society, by increasing crime and deteriorating families. Cocaine, heroin, etc. belong to this category. Along with these two categories, there is a pyramid of priority when it comes to prosecution by law enforcement agencies. There are varying rules", "id": "5846125" }, { "contents": "Brad Mehldau\n\n\nreassess their judgment of his main influences, which previously had often been given as Evans, an assessment that was perhaps attributable more to race than to music. Another, non-musical, similarity with Evans that was commented on was Mehldau's struggle with an addiction to heroin during the 1990s, up to 1998. Around 1996 he moved to Los Angeles, to try to overcome this drug problem. Mehldau later stated that \"Once I stopped using heroin, it was like a rush of creativity that had been held in check", "id": "15253923" }, { "contents": "Suede (band)\n\n\nuse of redundant vocabulary and limited lyrical themes. The track which received the most attention and criticism was \"Savoir Faire\". Some critics felt that the album's lyricism could be linked to Anderson's heavy drug use at the time, especially when he later admitted that he \"was a crack addict for ages\". Speaking of his addiction, which plagued him for two and a half years, Anderson said, \"Anyone who has ever tried crack will know exactly why I took it. It's the scariest drug in", "id": "6643351" }, { "contents": "Drug policy\n\n\nA drug policy is the policy, usually of a government, regarding the control and regulation of drugs considered dangerous, particularly those that are addictive. Governments try to combat drug addiction with policies that address both the demand and supply of drugs, as well as policies that mitigate the harms of drug abuse, and for medical treatment. Demand reduction measures include prohibition, fines for drug offenses, incarceration for persons convicted for drug offenses, treatment (such as voluntary rehabilitation, coercive care, or supply on medical prescription for drug abusers", "id": "16429251" }, { "contents": "Ted Schmidt\n\n\nwere played as best friends who later start a romance. The character's main storylines have been self-confidence issues, having plastic surgery and a drug addiction to crystal meth. Lowell worked with a medical consultant to create an accurate portrayal of a descent into drug addiction. The actor has praised the story for showing how men with low self-esteem, like Ted, are prone to addiction. The character has been generally well received by television critics, though some have criticized his long-suffering persona. Various acting agencies", "id": "1328304" }, { "contents": "Adam & Paul\n\n\nAdam & Paul is a 2004 Irish buddy comedy drama film which follows a day in the life of two Dublin drug addicts, Adam and Paul, as they wander around Dublin trying to score heroin. Adam is the taller and slightly smarter of the two while Paul is his sidekick. Adam and Paul are childhood friends who as adults have withered into two hopeless, desperate addicts, tied together by habit and necessity. The film is a stylised, downbeat comedy, following the pair through a single day, which, like every", "id": "15568837" }, { "contents": "Electronic cigarette\n\n\nvapor is likely to be less than the risk from passive exposure to conventional cigarette smoke.\" Nicotine, a key ingredient in most e-liquids, is a highly addictive substance, on a level comparable to heroin and cocaine. Addiction is believed to be a disorder of experience-dependent brain plasticity. The reinforcing effects of nicotine play a significant role in the beginning and continuing use of the drug. First-time nicotine users develop a dependence about 32% of the time. Chronic nicotine use involves both psychological and physical", "id": "16081915" }, { "contents": "Brett Anderson\n\n\nwas addicted for two and a half years, but stopped in late 1999, when somebody very close to him became ill. He has been clean since. Speaking of his addiction, Anderson said, \"Anyone who has ever tried crack will know exactly why I took it. It's the scariest drug in the world because the hit you get from it is so, so seductive. I wanted to experience that, and I did – repeatedly.\" Anderson was a close friend of Simon Hobart (promoter of Popstarz)", "id": "8972001" }, { "contents": "Dopefiend\n\n\nDopefiend: The Story of a Black Junkie is a 1971 novel by Donald Goines and his first published novel. The book is considered to be Goines's benchmark novel and shares some similarities to the author's life. The book deals with \"the power dynamics between dealer and junkie and illustrates how a perverted, cowardly, black drug dealer in a dilapidated ghetto house can exert his influence across socioeconomic boundaries over anyone who becomes addicted to heroin. Goines emphasizes that no heroin user can emerge from the experience unscathed.\" The novel", "id": "18223014" }, { "contents": "Angelina County, Texas\n\n\nThe current state representative from Angelina County is Republican Trent Ashby, first elected in 2012. In previous eras criminals established moonshine stands. Around the 1970s some criminals established marijuana farms. the main drug dealing activity is the methamphetamine trade. Allen Hill, formerly of the Angelina County Narcotics Squad, said that the local meth trade is doing more damage to the county than drug couriers passing through the county, crack cocaine, and heroin. According to Hill, many Hispanic drug dealers increasingly sold imported \"ice\"-style meth made by drug cartels", "id": "8620996" }, { "contents": "Colorado Amendment 64\n\n\nof marijuana may actually reduce marijuana usage by teens: According to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, the organization responsible for much of the campaigning in support of Amendment 64, marijuana use by teens is likely to go down because commercial access would be limited to persons 21 and older. The campaign also points out that teens who currently seek marijuana have to turn to criminals for their supply and that these criminals may expose teens to other, potentially more dangerous drugs like heroin, meth, or cocaine. Supporters also point out that Colorado's", "id": "16826049" }, { "contents": "Little Fish (2005 film)\n\n\n. Tracy lies to both her mother and her boss at the video store, pretending she has received the loan. This is one of the recurring themes of the movie, the casual ways people lie to each other for convenience. Tracy is trying to help her drug addicted stepfather and former NRL star Lionel (Hugo Weaving) to kick his heroin addiction. After a four-year absence in Vancouver, her former boyfriend Jonny Nguyen (Dustin Nguyen), also a former heroin addict, has come back into her life.", "id": "14579460" }, { "contents": "Robinson v. California\n\n\nwas held that a statute of California which made it a criminal offense to 'be addicted to the use of narcotics' inflicted cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. But Margo \"was convicted of being under the influence of a narcotic drug, heroin.\" Margo's conviction was not for addiction, as was Robinson's. The court then declared: We see no reason why, if a person may constitutionally be punished for using a drug, he may not be punished for being under its", "id": "17228084" }, { "contents": "DrugScience\n\n\n- harm to users and harms to society. The report found heroin, crack cocaine, and methamphetamine to be the most harmful drugs to individuals, with alcohol, heroin, and crack cocaine as the most harmful to others. Overall, alcohol was the most harmful drug, with heroin and crack cocaine in second and third places. Most notably, it found the legal status of most drugs bears little relation to the harms associated with them - several class A drugs including ecstasy (MDMA), LSD and magic mushrooms featured at", "id": "1759286" }, { "contents": "Martin Schechter\n\n\nopioid dependence. In the NAOMI study, researchers selected 250 subjects in Vancouver and Montreal with at least five years of heroin addiction and who had twice previously not benefited from addiction treatment including methadone maintenance. Providing injections of medically prescribed heroin in a clinic setting was projected to save about $40,000 per person in lifetime societal costs compared to methadone. The study found those receiving the effective element of heroin were 62 per cent more likely to remain in addiction treatment and 40 per cent less likely to take street drugs and commit crimes to", "id": "15667029" }, { "contents": "24 (season 3)\n\n\nin northern Mexico when Jack Bauer meets a family of drug dealers. Throughout the day, Jack Bauer and President David Palmer attempt to stop the release of a deadly virus by Stephen Saunders – a former government agent. Like the previous two seasons, there are two main acts in the plot: Day 3 sees CTU deal with a deadly virus threat that would be released in Los Angeles. Jack's nemesis Nina Myers is also seen, while he is trying to break his heroin addiction after his undercover operation with Ramon and Hector", "id": "500457" }, { "contents": "Running to Stand Still\n\n\nhe thought it expressed what heroin addiction and the effects of the drug on the body were like; a writer later described the title as a \"perfect distillation of the dynamic of feeding on addiction.\" Bono had heard a real story about a pair of heroin addicts, a man and a woman, who lived in the Ballymun towers. Out of money and unable to pay the rent due to their habit, the man became a heroin smuggler, operating between Dublin and Amsterdam and taking enormous risks for a big payday.", "id": "4865001" }, { "contents": "Harm reduction\n\n\nDrug Free America Foundation and other members of network \"International Task Force on Strategic Drug Policy\", state that a risk posed by harm reduction is by creating the perception that certain behaviours can be partaken of safely, such as illicit drug use, that it may lead to an increase in that behaviour by people who would otherwise be deterred. However, in Switzerland the incidence of heroin abuse has declined sharply since the introduction of heroin assisted treatment. As a study published in The Lancet concluded: Critics furthermore reject harm reduction measures", "id": "11734069" }, { "contents": "Heroin-assisted treatment\n\n\narguably exist with some \"harm reduction\" measures, such as supervised injection facilities. These facilities provide users with the information and equipment necessary to avoid infection with diseases such as HIV, but leave them dependent on the black market. So users still face the health risk associated with the injection of impure street drugs and they still face the enormous financial strain of financing their addiction. In the case of heroin-assisted treatment however, users are provided with a form of pharmaceutical-grade heroin injection solution which doctors consider fit for", "id": "8592505" }, { "contents": "Hippie\n\n\nturning on the world.\" Harder drugs, such as cocaine, amphetamines and heroin, were also sometimes used in hippie settings; however, these drugs were often disdained, even among those who used them, because they were recognized as harmful and addictive. The stereotypical belief that in the 1960s, the hippies' heyday, drugs were running rampant and little was done to enforce drug laws, is not supported by the facts; by 1969 only 4% of Americans had tried marijuana. The legacy of the hippie movement continues", "id": "3412500" }, { "contents": "Wonderland Avenue\n\n\nin a private hospital. \"Wonderland Avenue\" covers the first eight years of Sugerman's show business career, commencing with his first job at age 12 opening the Doors' fan mail, and concluding just beyond his 21st birthday, when he is a frail and severely drug-addicted mental patient who has been given less than a week to live. His exposure to the decadent music industry world of parties, groupies, and drugs at such a young age would facilitate a relentless heroin addiction [among other addictions] that nearly", "id": "2789447" }, { "contents": "Walter White (Breaking Bad)\n\n\n. Under questioning by Walt, Gus explains that he was observing the pair, and refuses to work with them because Jesse is a drug addict. However, a few days later he gives Walt a chance to prove himself by delivering all the meth to a truck stop within an hour. Walt breaks into Jesse's apartment where the meth is stored, and finds him passed out with his girlfriend Jane Margolis (Krysten Ritter). Walt finds the meth and makes the delivery on time, but misses the birth of his daughter", "id": "13699912" }, { "contents": "Henry Smith Williams\n\n\n, spent much of the rest of his life advocating, as his brother had, for the kinder treatment of addicts (which eventually led to his writing of the book, \"\"), including prescribing addicts measured doses of the very drugs to which they were addicted, with surprising (anecdotal) success. In his 1938 book, Williams predicted with a high degree of accuracy that, fifty years later, drug-smuggling would grow to become a five-billion-dollar industry. Williams died still trying to end the drug", "id": "15654797" }, { "contents": "United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime\n\n\ndescending order were: European Union, Canada, United States, the UN itself, and Sweden. According to the Transnational Institute this explains why, until recently, UNODC did not promote harm reduction policies like needle exchange and Heroin-assisted treatment. (This despite the actions of United Nations bodies (i.e. WHO and UNAIDS), who support these policies.) UNODC promotes other methods for drug use prevention, treatment and care that UNODC sees as \"based on scientific evidence and on ethical standards\". The UNODC has been", "id": "6219564" }, { "contents": "Very Tough Love\n\n\n, or punishment generally, is operating way outside our philosophy and just does not understand addiction. They’ve (addicts) lost their jobs, their income, they’ve lost their loved ones. I mean, all of those natural consequences which are much more severe than a day or two or three in jail have not stopped them from using drugs and alcohol. Why would we think putting them in jail would do so?\". Judge Williams had a special sanction for people who relapsed four or more times. She would", "id": "7768732" }, { "contents": "Opium\n\n\nused opium13.5million people consuming 39,000 tons of opium yearly. From 1880 to the beginning of the Communist era, the British attempted to discourage the use of opium in China, but this effectively promoted the use of morphine, heroin, and cocaine, further exacerbating the problem of addiction. Scientific evidence of the pernicious nature of opium use was largely undocumented in the 1890s, when Protestant missionaries in China decided to strengthen their opposition to the trade by compiling data which would demonstrate the harm the drug did. Faced with the problem that many", "id": "2762391" }, { "contents": "Polish heroin\n\n\n\"Polish\" heroin (also kompot and compote in drug culture slang) is a crude preparation of heroin made from poppy straw. It is an addictive opiate, used recreationally as a psychoactive drug. Poppy straw, like opium, is harvested from the opium poppy (\"Papaver somniferum\"). Polish heroin was used mainly in Central and Eastern Europe prior to the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of communist control of the countries of the Warsaw Pact or Eastern Bloc. While related to opium, Polish heroin more", "id": "243713" }, { "contents": "Nan Goldin\n\n\nwas deeply addicted to OxyContin. She says she spent some of the money on buying black market OxyContin, as doctors would no longer prescribe her the drug. In July 2019 Goldin and others from the group Prescription Addiction Intervention Now staged a protest in the fountain at the Louvre in Paris. The protest was to try to persuade the museum to change the name of its Sackler wing, which is made up of 12 rooms. Some critics have accused Goldin of making heroin use appear glamorous and of pioneering a grunge style that later", "id": "11563321" }, { "contents": "Chasing the Scream\n\n\nto addicts and recovering addicts—they feel like my tribe, my group, my people.\" He also discusses his history of abusing anti-narcolepsy medication, a class of prescription drugs sometimes taken by people without the disease in order to stay alert. Hari questions whether or not he is an addict and decides to go searching for answers to questions he has. \"Why did the drug war start, and why does it continue? Why can some people use drugs without any problems, while others can't? What", "id": "1173489" }, { "contents": "Disappearance of Tiffany Whitton\n\n\nkicked her out for stealing, she met Ashley \"Red\" Caudle, who was raising a young daughter on his own. The two began using meth together; Whitton, however, also became addicted to heroin. Caudle, who told \"Esquire\" he does not use that drug, was unaware she had been using it until one morning when she told him while suffering withdrawal. Caudle and Whitton's relationship was, their friends said, characterized by frequent arguments. Police were called to one particularly loud dispute when the couple", "id": "4674771" }, { "contents": "Crystal Meth Anonymous\n\n\nCrystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) is a California-based non-profit, public-benefit corporation working as a twelve-step program of recovered and recovering crystal meth addicts. Participants in local groups meet in order to help others recover from methamphetamine addiction. CMA advocates complete abstinence from methamphetamine, alcohol, inhalants, and all other psychoactive drugs not taken as prescribed. CMA was founded on September 16, 1994 in West Hollywood, California by Bill Coffey, a member of the 12 step recovery community in Los Angeles for over", "id": "8544253" }, { "contents": "Harm reduction\n\n\nof drug addiction, so is it not better that people find the money to buy their drugs this way than through crime and prostitution?\" The use of some illicit drugs can involve hypodermic needles. In some areas (notably in many parts of the US), these are available solely by prescription. Where availability is limited, users of heroin and other drugs frequently share the syringes and use them more than once. As a result, infections such as HIV or hepatitis C can spread from user to user through the reuse", "id": "11734003" }, { "contents": "Zero tolerance\n\n\namong drugs, and would like to distinguish between occasional drug use and problem drug use. Although some harm reductionists also see drug use as generally undesirable, they hold that the resources would do more good if they were allocated toward helping problem drug users instead of combating all drug users. As an example, research findings from Switzerland indicate that emphasis on problem drug users \"seems to have contributed to the image of heroin as unattractive for young people.\" On a more general level, zero-tolerance advocates holds the aim at", "id": "6307374" }, { "contents": "Illegal drug trade\n\n\nSingapore) or life in prison for the illegal smuggling of heroin or morphine, which are both internationally Schedule I drugs under the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. Methamphetamine is another popular drug among distributors. Three common street names are \"crystal meth\", \"meth\", \"crank\", and \"ice\". According to the Community Epidemiology Work Group, the number of clandestine methamphetamine laboratory incidents reported to the National Clandestine Laboratory Database decreased from 1999 to 2009. During this period, methamphetamine lab incidents increased in mid-", "id": "3954530" }, { "contents": "Heroin\n\n\n2010, addicts in Copenhagen and Odense became eligible to receive free diamorphine. Later in 2010 other cities including Århus and Esbjerg joined the scheme. It was supposed that around 230 addicts would be able to receive free diamorphine. However, Danish addicts would only be able to inject heroin according to the policy set by Danish National Board of Health. Of the estimated 1500 drug users who did not benefit from the then-current oral substitution treatment, approximately 900 would not be in the target group for treatment with injectable diamorphine, either", "id": "14251365" }, { "contents": "Oxycodone\n\n\nGermany first synthesized oxycodone from Thebaine in 1916, a few years after the German pharmaceutical company Bayer had stopped the mass production of heroin due to hazardous use, harmful use, and dependence. It was hoped that a thebaine-derived drug would retain the analgesic effects of morphine and heroin with less dependence. Unfortunately, this was ultimately not found to be the case. The first clinical use of the drug was documented in 1917, the year after it was first developed. It was first introduced to the US market in May", "id": "3088184" }, { "contents": "Another Day in Paradise (novel)\n\n\nAnother Day in Paradise is a novel by Eddie Little first published in 1997. Set in the early 1970s, it tells the story of the protagonist, a fourteen-year-old runaway named Bobbie, transforming from a meth addict and amateur thief to a heroin addict and accomplished safe-cracker, with the help of his mentor Mel. It was adapted into the film of the same name. At age 13, Bobbie leaves the violent, abusive home where he was raised, and this book details his following year.", "id": "19811473" }, { "contents": "Does a Tiger Wear a Necktie?\n\n\n? No, it would be against his nature - and reform is against the nature of addicts like Bickham,\" Clive Barnes explained in his \"New York Times\" review. The story is a racially charged drama about teen drug addicts at a rehabilitation center, located on an island in a river bordering a large industrial city. An English teacher tries to make a difference in his students' lives. He encounters barriers in trying to do this—the same barriers created by the system that hinders the addicts' development and", "id": "11701277" }, { "contents": "Norman Zinberg\n\n\nDr. Norman Earl Zinberg (born 1922, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - d. April 2, 1989, Cambridge, Massachusetts) was a psychoanalyst and psychiatrist whose research into addiction is seen as a great influence on current clinical models and greatly influenced the work of addiction treatment specialists such as Stanton Peele. Zinberg studied recreational heroin users over a ten-year period, and his book \"Drug, Set, and Setting: The Basis for Controlled Intoxicant Use\" explains with data and case histories why people's relation to drug use could change", "id": "1031282" }, { "contents": "Drug policy of Sweden\n\n\nbe gross. The preparatory works mention that transfer of drugs to young people could lead to the offence's classification as gross. The danger of the drug involved was also to be taken into consideration. The Prosecutor General expressed the view that substances which threaten life or rapidly debilitate the addict should lead to the application of section 3 of the Narcotic Drugs Penalty Code. This group included opium derivatives, like heroin, as well as LSD. In 1969, fearing that low punishments would attract international drug traffickers, the government increased punishments", "id": "9444764" }, { "contents": "Beautiful Boy (2018 film)\n\n\nsuspicious at his slowly changing behavior, David decides to read Nic's diary. To his horror, Nic has filled half the pages by colorfully describing his growing addictions through worrying words and disturbing cartoons. On one of the last pages, Nic writes of his difficulty obtaining meth in college, but that he managed to score some heroin. Returning home, David senses that Nic is using again, and Nic leaves of his own accord, feeling claustrophobic from his dad's suspicions about his drug use. David and Nic finally meet", "id": "20830850" }, { "contents": "Ventral tegmental area\n\n\nschizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Current research is examining the subtle difference between the neurons that are involved in these conditions and trying to find a way to selectively treat a specific dopamine projection. The nucleus accumbens and the ventral tegmental area are the primary sites where addictive drugs act. The following are commonly considered to be addictive: heroin, cocaine, alcohol, opioids, nicotine, cannabinoids, amphetamine, and their analogs. These drugs alter the neuromodulatory influence of dopamine on the processing", "id": "16356241" }, { "contents": "Frank Matthews (drug trafficker)\n\n\nwould expand into a very lucrative and expansive drug trafficking network. Gonzalez began sending the young drug dealer large loads of cocaine and heroin from South America at fair prices. Matthews expanded on this and, within a year, was one of the major players in the New York drug business. Realizing the need for diversification, Matthews would continually seek out new sources of supply for narcotics, willing to do business with anyone as long as the product was sufficiently pure. By the early 1970s, the Matthews organization was handling multimillion-", "id": "1054669" }, { "contents": "National Institute on Drug Abuse\n\n\nof basing scheduling decisions on such considerations rather than on physical addiction and physical harm; Gettman stated, \"If the federal government wants to keep marijuana in schedule 1, or if they believe that placing marijuana in schedule 2 is a viable policy, then we're going to cross-examine under oath and penalty of perjury every HHS official and scientist who claims that marijuana use is as dangerous as the use of cocaine or heroin.\" NIDA's viewpoint is supported by the fact that the CSA lists not only physical addictiveness but", "id": "9470287" }, { "contents": "Polish heroin\n\n\nnearly resembles poppy tea in its impurity, but can be very potent. This drug was also considered by Eastern Bloc addicts to be one of last resort when refined heroin, morphine, or other similar drugs were unavailable, as was often the case during the 1950s through the end of the Soviet era. Illicit drug trafficking and clandestine drug manufacture within the communist-governed nations of Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia itself, and others was on a much smaller scale and the supply far more erratic and unreliable compared", "id": "243714" }, { "contents": "Mikhail Gorsheniov\n\n\nappearance. For a long time he had almost no upper teeth (he lost them by the age of 10). By the beginning of the 21st century he had only two fangs in his upper jaw and it made him look like a vampire or demon. Later Gorsheniov began to use dentures. Gorsheniov had admitted to being a longtime drug addict and heroin user. His unsuccessful struggle with his addiction caused his death on 19 July 2013 of heart failure due to alcoholic cardiomyopathy, as one source attributed it to a drug relapse", "id": "16237247" }, { "contents": "Who's That Girl (1987 film)\n\n\nthe worst performance in recent memory as the heroine of an attempt at screwball comedy. Watching her try to look like Marilyn Monroe and sound like Betty Boop, though, is a sure sign that this film was a disaster in the making. At the same time, it seems inconceivable that anyone would sit down and plan something so dreadful.\" Carole Kass of the \"Richmond Times-Dispatch\" felt that since \"Madonna is the idol of teen-agers. If they imitate her hair and her makeup, these '", "id": "9699351" }, { "contents": "Nashebaaz\n\n\nhomeless people in Delhi that has been overlooked for several years. People visit Delhi in search of work and a better life, but when they are unable to find work they end up living on the streets. They are eventually introduced to some highly addictive drugs like heroin, pharmaceutical drugs and inhalant drugs. And as a form of escapism they are entrapped into the quagmire of drug addiction. Some drugs are so cheap that can even be bought got five rupees. \"It\" was filmed over a period of 5 years,", "id": "7341467" }, { "contents": "Time-based prospective memory\n\n\nuser groups on time-based tasks. Time-based prospective memory is sensitive to regular and even moderate use of ecstasy. More importantly, ecstasy users experience generalized difficulties with prospective memory, demonstrating that these deficits are likely to have important implications for daily functioning. Methamphetamine more commonly known as crystal meth, is a highly addictive drug. A fair amount of research indicates that the use of methamphetamine is associated with neurocognitive impairment, more recently there has been a focus on whether these difficulties extend to memory for future intentions. Rendell", "id": "9718900" }, { "contents": "Tim Ryan (recovery advocate)\n\n\n. His work at the A Man in Recovery Foundation (AMIRF) in Naperville, Illinois, has been mentioned in several state media. Ryan, a native of Illinois, was a long-time heroin addict who served time in prison for drug-related crimes and aggravated DUI. His son Nick also suffered from addiction and died from a heroin overdose at the age of 20. Ryan's first marriage ended in divorce while he was in prison, but he has since remarried and now lives in Naperville with his second wife", "id": "13638016" }, { "contents": "Hunter McKay\n\n\nforces Hunter to get help. Hunter flees to Dunedin to try to get help. Hunter lies to both Daniel and Callum about his trip to Dunedin, something which Donoghue insisted was easy for him; \"With al that's happened, Hunter can't bear losing face to Callum. He has become good at lying about his addiction so is quick to come up with another plan.\" However 3 months later, Hunter returns heavily addicted to Crystal Meth. Donoghue found Hunter's P addiction \"very challenging but incredibly rewarding.", "id": "14798428" }, { "contents": "Wonderland Gang\n\n\nWilliam Raymond DeVerell was Launius' right-hand man and a voice of reason. David Lind characterized him as an otherwise decent individual who had been lured into the drug world because of the easy money and indicated that DeVerell experienced periods of self-loathing for his actions, during which he expressed a desire to stop dealing and using illegal drugs. DeVerell was a professional overhead crane operator, who was also a heavy heroin user and had been arrested 13 times in relation to his addiction which is part of the reason why he", "id": "19874732" } ]
For over a year I've been reading about California being in the midst of an insane, unprecedented drought, but it seems like all the cities there are doing just fine. Where's their water coming from if things are so bad?
[{"answer": "We're drinking up our groundwater, as well as shipping it in from other areas like the Colorado River. None of this is sustainable, and something major has to give eventually, but most of our smaller-scale government doesn't really want to talk or think about it much. Our state government will, but only because they have to, and even then in minimal amounts. There's a perception I think that rabble rousing about the drought is political suicide, even if that's the only thing that'll save us from running out of water. The sad thing is, that's not entirely unfounded - last time we rationed water, people got *angry*, and incumbents lost."}, {"answer": "Cities in california only account for about 10% of the state's water usage. The rest is used for agriculture. Cities have cut back water usage. There are more restrictions on watering lawns, for example. Also, there is a greater emphasis on using recycled water. Golf courses in Los Angeles (for example) are able to stay green by using recycled water. Honestly, though, agriculture will need to cut its water usage because that's where most water is used. Even if you forced cities to use only desalinated ocean water, the state would still be using 90% as much water as was using before."}, {"answer": "Something to think about that many don't, is that water in California isn't just used by people. Between the Sacramento, Salinas, Central and Imperial Valleys, California grows a large portion of specialty produce that is consumed by the entire world. Crops need water to grow! The water shortage in California isn't just a problem for Californians."}, {"answer": "Agriculture and industry use the vast majority of water in California, so you're unlikely to see the effects of a drought in the cities. The biggest thing you'll probably notice in cities is the contrast between the underwater, dead grass and the bright green grass kept alive by reclaimed water."}, {"answer": "Let's say you need 1 gallon of water a month to live, and you have a 20 gallon jug of water that you can't refill (ground water). You also have a 1 gallon cup that you can fill up by putting it outside and collecting rain, which would normally satisfy your thirst. What would happen to your 20 gallon jug when you only get enough water to fill up a portion of your rain collecting cup?"}, {"answer": "The drought is indeed huge, the biggest one they've seen in years, but to be honest not much will change. The immediate effects would be increasing water prices, but they will never get so outlandishly high as to really change California. To address your question: it varies URL_0 "}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "52830581", "title": "2017 California floods", "section": "Section::::Effects.:Northern California.:San Francisco Bay Area.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 12, "end_paragraph_id": 12, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Stone Corral Creek flooded the town of Maxwell in Colusa County. Over 100 residents had to be evacuated by boat after water filled the streets. Numerous areas in Northern California closed roads to flood and mudslide conditions, with U.S. Route 395 temporarily closed in Mono County heading in both directions. The Anderson Dam in San Jose overflowed in February for the first time in eleven years. The resulting flooding along Coyote Creek forced the evacuation of 14,000 people in San Jose and caused $73 million in damage. City workers reportedly tried to warn authorities of the flooding risk as much as a day before the river burst its banks, but it remains unclear why evacuations were not ordered until the flooding actually began.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Stone Corral Creek flooded the town of Maxwell in Colusa County. Over 100 residents had to be evacuated by boat after water filled the streets. Numerous areas in Northern California closed roads to flood and mudslide conditions, with U.S. Route 395 temporarily closed in Mono County heading in both directions. The Anderson Dam in San Jose overflowed in February for the first time in eleven years. The resulting flooding along Coyote Creek forced the evacuation of 14,000 people in San Jose and caused $73 million in damage. City workers reportedly tried to warn authorities of the flooding risk as much as a day before the river burst its banks, but it remains unclear why evacuations were not ordered until the flooding actually began."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "18859", "title": "Michigan", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Michigan () is a state in the Great Lakes and Midwestern regions of the United States. The state's name, Michigan, originates from the Ojibwe word \"mishigamaa\", meaning \"large water\" or \"large lake\". With a population of about 10 million, Michigan is the tenth most populous of the 50 United States, with the 11th most extensive total area, and is the largest state by total area east of the Mississippi River. Its capital is Lansing, and its largest city is Detroit. Metro Detroit is among the nation's most populous and largest metropolitan economies.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Michigan () is a state in the Great Lakes and Midwestern regions of the United States. The state's name, Michigan, originates from the Ojibwe word \"mishigamaa\", meaning \"large water\" or \"large lake\". With a population of about 10 million, Michigan is the tenth most populous of the 50 United States, with the 11th most extensive total area, and is the largest state by total area east of the Mississippi River. Its capital is Lansing, and its largest city is Detroit. Metro Detroit is among the nation's most populous and largest metropolitan economies."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "20732259", "title": "Water in California", "section": "Section::::Sources of water.:Groundwater.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 7, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 7, "end_character": 348, "bleu_score": 0.5109899595228681}]}]
[ { "contents": "Chris Cornell\n\n\nsaid the following about depression:No one really knows what run-of-the-mill depression is. You'll think somebody has run-of-the-mill depression, and then the next thing you know, they're hanging from a rope. It's hard to tell the difference. But I do feel that depression can be useful. Sometimes it's just chemical. It doesn't seem to come from anywhere. And whenever I've been in any kind of depression, I've over the years tried", "id": "5177444" }, { "contents": "Lover Not a Fighter\n\n\n\"Lover Not a Fighter\" is a feel-good, radio-friendly song about good vibes and 'doing your thing'. \"I'm a lover, not a fighter. I've just come to do my thing and enjoy myself so don't try and get on to me about it or try and make me feel bad about everything that's going on in my life\", Tinie told SB.TV. Prior to independent release, the song has been added to BBC Radio 1's B List playlist, receiving", "id": "13448144" }, { "contents": "Just Dance (song)\n\n\namazing. For me it was like being on a Martin Scorsese set. I've been so low budget for so long, and to have this incredibly amazing video was really very humbling. It was really fun, but you'll see if you ever come to a video shoot of mine one day – I'm very private about those things, I don't really talk to everybody. I'm not like the party girl running around. I might even seem to be a bit of a diva. I'm sort of", "id": "927356" }, { "contents": "Go Insane (song)\n\n\n, to work things out... working in a very highly charged and ambivalent environment. So the go insane thing – would just be whenever I let my guard down and got back to all the things I hadn’t dealt with, it was almost like going insane – like I always do. Took a long, long time, working in an artificial environment on a personal level. So many things not worked through for a long, long time.\" – Lindsey Buckingham In the years from 1992–2008 Buckingham recited a poem he", "id": "8763680" }, { "contents": "Demonstration (Tinie Tempah album)\n\n\n\"I'm a lover, not a fighter. I've just come to do my thing and enjoy myself so don't try and get on to me about it or try and make me feel bad about everything that's going on in my life\", said Tinie to SB.TV. \"Tears Run Dry\" was originally an instrumental by Crada and later on strings were added. The song is a 'venting' record, where Tinie shares personal thoughts and then turns into a heavier finale. According to Tinie it was", "id": "402423" }, { "contents": "Butthole Surfers\n\n\nall been busy with our own separate things, and I've done a lot of producing in the past few years, and I've got to the point now where I feel like I've done doing that for a while, so it's time to make a new Butthole Surfers album. Especially now that Trump is president, jeez! If there was ever a time for a Butthole Surfers album it's fucking now. It just doesn't get any weirder than that.\" In March 2019, the band released a", "id": "9865739" }, { "contents": "Mobile Orchestra\n\n\nit, and 90% of people who just kind of check it out and move on.\" So, it's definitely a trick to not dwell on the good or the bad. In terms of reading reviews online and things like that, I feel like I've nailed down a super healthy approach at that stuff. So, I will definitely check it out a little bit, but the moment it feels like I'm dwelling on it too much or thinking about it too much, I step back and remember at", "id": "21562860" }, { "contents": "2001 Motorola 220\n\n\ninjuries the day after being discharged from hospital, \"I'm very sore, but not too bad really. I feel like you do after you've been skiing for the first time after a long layoff. When you get off the slopes you feel fine, but when you get up in the morning you can hardly move. I feel like I've got about 25 charley horses all over me.\" He used crutches to aid in his mobility because his body was sore from his crash; he stopped using them on", "id": "7303364" }, { "contents": "On My Mind (Ellie Goulding song)\n\n\ngone back to that. I think for the past couple of years I've maybe been filtering out lyrics quite a bit and going for a more typical kind of pop structure, but this song, we had so much fun writing it, it just comes back to that basic thing of having that person just constantly stuck in our heads.\" [...] \"I'm sorry to all the people that want it to be about someone — it's not, it's like a myth.\" \"I like guys", "id": "20414523" }, { "contents": "Nothing as It Seems\n\n\nbeing a fairly utopian situation where I had the freedom to ride my bike around town when I was five years old, and my parents didn't have to worry about anybody taking me and killing me or whatever. In the last couple of years...there have been some things that have kind of allowed some darker things to come to the surface of my childhood, seeing things that I had kind of selectively forgotten for my own mental health or whatever. I had just seen \"Affliction\" and I had just read \"", "id": "22074256" }, { "contents": "Converse (shoe company)\n\n\nmake something with it. It just definitely started consuming me like skating did. I wanted to read about it, you know? Go on the internet and watch videos about it, and just learn anything and everything I could about woodworking. The first thing I ever made was a bench, and that's, kinda, what I've been making ever since. the cool thing about working with Product (RED) is just by doing the two things that I love, I'm also able to help people. Pappalardo", "id": "19865207" }, { "contents": "Jazz (design)\n\n\nas of 2015. That year, Ekiss was asked how she felt about having designed something that became part of 1990s culture and that would be remembered for generations; she laughed and responded, \"I'm not sure how to answer that. It just seems so insane to me.\" She was thrilled that the design remained popular, and was surprised by how popular it had become: \"I was pretty shocked, to say the least. It just seems like such a random thing to me after all this time.", "id": "20003178" }, { "contents": "Since U Been Gone\n\n\nknow, 'Why don't I just go trash her house? [...] And so I do it in the video. All I do is break stuff. It's a cool job. I could get used to this.\" Clarkson expressed that in the music video, viewers would get to see her act out of character. She explained, \"In the beginning, I'm like tipping things over and smearing mud all over the walls and it seems like my apartment, but it ends up being the other", "id": "5790092" }, { "contents": "Absol\n\n\nand Josh Max of Nintendo World Report opinions, because \"as we've seen in films like \"The Ring\", something bad is coming is almost just as bad as the thing itself.\" While also found Absol \"just so creepy\", Whitebread elected Absol's design as the seventh best of all time Pokémon in a 2013 article when she noted \"Absol is designed to be creepy, and fits the brief perfectly.\" Marchiafava deemed Absol \"by far the best Pokémon I've seen in a long time\"", "id": "12076545" }, { "contents": "The Weight\n\n\nthat's where the Martin guitar factory is. Do me a favour when you're there.\" This is what it's all about. So the guy goes and one thing leads to another and it's like \"Holy shit, what's this turned into? I've only come here to say 'hello' for somebody and I've got myself in this incredible predicament.\" It was very Buñuelish to me at the time. This is also related in Robertson's 2016 autobiography, \"Testimony\". The Band", "id": "11574658" }, { "contents": "Froot\n\n\na profession that allows me the opportunity to connect and communicate with like-minded people all over the world and I hope to continue to do so in many different ways.\" In April 2016, Diamandis announced the end of the Froot era through Instagram and Twitter via a Twitter live-chat and personal letter directed toward her fans. Diamandis stated, \"I've achieved so many things that I've been trying to for many years. Now, I'm gonna take a little break to do some different things.", "id": "2760059" }, { "contents": "Daryl Hall\n\n\n\"For me it was sort of an obvious thing. I've been touring my whole adult life really, and, you know, you can't be EVERYWHERE! Nor do I WANT to be everywhere at this point! I only like to spend so much time per year on the road. So I thought 'Why don't I just do something where anyone who wants to see me anywhere in the world CAN?! And, instead of doing the artist/audience performance-type thing, I wanted to deconstruct", "id": "20222192" }, { "contents": "Roberto Hernández (starting pitcher)\n\n\n. Around that time, Phillies analyst Ricky Bottalico commented, \"All in all, I like what I've seen from Roberto Hernandez early in the ball games, but it's seems to be fourth, fifth, sixth innings, you're seeing a laboring guy out there. The one thing he's got to do is relax himself. It seems like he's trying to be a little too fine with his pitches. When you do that as a pitcher and you're not relaxed, you're going to make mistakes", "id": "14415418" }, { "contents": "Who Knew\n\n\nUr Hand\". On an interview with \"Daily Mail\", Pink explained her teenage years: \"My life was insane, I was [in her youth] out of control and doing lots of stupid things. Some of my friends were selling crack, and I got into drugs too. I've always been honest about that, although I don't like going into details. I've got lots of young fans and I wouldn't want to give them any ideas. I found a friend dead from a drug", "id": "18927089" }, { "contents": "Britney & Kevin: Chaotic (EP)\n\n\nam taking a break from being told what to do. ... It's cool when you look at someone and don't know whether they are at work or play since it's all the same to them. The things I've been doing for work lately have been so much fun, because it's not like work to me anymore. I've been even more 'hands on' in my management and the business side of things, and I feel more in control than ever. A representative for Jive Records stated that", "id": "13219180" }, { "contents": "David Le Batard\n\n\nthat make us who we are by studying those different things and magnifying those things. The things that make us the same, basically, verses the things that make us different. Which is what I think I spend a lot of time doing. When I in my teens, it was all about, you know, \"Well how am I different?\" My way of thinking is like this, and these people's way is like that and so forth. So over the years I've kind of had a real", "id": "8177310" }, { "contents": "Super Love (Dami Im song)\n\n\nsing the song, it just reminds me of the kind of love I've been getting from Noah. He left his job to be with me cause I was never able to come home much and I was just travelling all over the country and doing things and he wanted to be with me. He's been so supportive.\" Im chose \"Super Love\" as the song to launch her pop career in her birth country Korea. She visited Korea with her \"X Factor\" mentor Dannii Minogue and showcased \"", "id": "18446617" }, { "contents": "California (Blink-182 album)\n\n\n. All parties seemed satisfied with the record. While recording, Barker told an interviewer that \"It's honestly the best material we've written or put out in years. I haven't been excited about a Blink album like this in a long time.\" Feldmann commented, \"I'm just so excited to have people hear it. I'd say it's one of the best records I've ever made in my life.\" Hoppus considered the music on the album wide-ranging, commenting, \"We tried", "id": "13887398" }, { "contents": "Montana (1950 film)\n\n\n'they went that a-way pard', but there is one cliche I've said so many times it comes back to me in all my nightmares. Every time there's a gap in the story, every time the writers don't know what to do next, they have me pull up ahead of my gang, assume a decidedly grim look, and say 'All right men, you know what to do now.' The fact is I've made so many of these things, scripts seem so much", "id": "18327480" }, { "contents": "Steve Vai\n\n\ndrives him insane. We see the story through his eyes. It also involves the town he lives in and this stranger that enters the town who's like a shaman; he builds this giant edifice, like a reflecting pond, and when people come to it they see aspects of their personalities and identities and discover things about themselves. There's some comedy involved, too, but it's pretty esoteric. It's about a lot of lofty principles, so it's not a bad idea to dish this all out slowly", "id": "18109785" }, { "contents": "Jason Grimshaw\n\n\nI've enjoyed working on it. They've got all the right qualities to last as a couple but you just do not know. Couples do not seem to last too long on \"Corrie\" and if they do, there's always things that get in the way of relationships in soaps, so we'll wait and see\". Ghadie revealed that filming the scenes with Thomas was more awkward than romantic as she and Thomas are good friends and revealed that it was like kissing her brother. On 26 June 2013,", "id": "17182871" }, { "contents": "Fleurever\n\n\n, and it’s my take on that. In another interview with \"Billboard\" about the idea of duality on the album: Cartier said: I just find that duality is a constant thing that everyone goes through. But I think more so myself because of like how I was raised and where I was raised and things I've been going through. Even with all the success and everything happening like you know what a lot of shit changes in your life and people talk about cliches but cliches are cliches for a reason", "id": "22067900" }, { "contents": "Kat & Alfie: Redwater\n\n\n\" as a brand can afford to do it and I've always wanted to do something like that. I'm from Ireland originally, so it's a place I know well. Shane's Irish, Jessie’s half Irish—so, there’s an Irish connection between all of us. The other important thing about the spin-off show is it's not just about Kat and Alfie—we've created a whole new world and a new lot of characters. The writers have created a really lovely, interesting world,", "id": "18177487" }, { "contents": "Rob Lazzaretti\n\n\n-playing game products. This work included the \"Dark•Matter\" setting for the \"Alternity\" game: \"I had a blast doing the cartography... I read Wolfgang's initial text and started doing conceptual stuff right away. It didn't even seem like work. I think \"Dark•Matter\" will be one of the best things I've done for years to come.\" Lazzaretti also helped to create a cohesive look for the core books and dungeon maps for the \"Dungeons & Dragons\" third edition. Rob Lazzaretti worked", "id": "8648934" }, { "contents": "When the War Is Over\n\n\nmelody and lyric quite spontaneously, and that, coupled with the verse guitar melody, brought it all together. However, I had to write the middle eight in the studio just prior to it being recorded.\" Moss described the song as, \"a pretty fine example of Steve's songwriting. It all seems fairly straight ahead and easy when you hear it, like all good things are. It's so simple, but so effective.\" Don Walker said, \"I didn't see the potential in it at", "id": "12543746" }, { "contents": "Bryson Foster\n\n\nspreading the word about MDA and its mission to help people living with muscle disease.\" \"Most kids my age don't come across opportunities like the ones I've had. . . ,\" he also observed. \"I've experienced so many new things and met wonderful people along the way. I just want to keep speaking from my heart and doing what I love most to inspire people to support a cause that is close to me and my family.\" Foster remains active as an MDA fundraiser and independent MD", "id": "14743326" }, { "contents": "Is the Is Are\n\n\nton of stuff, in bizarre different circumstances. It feels like the last year has been the most insane of my life so far, moving around, being on tour and doing a lot of writing in different scenarios. The music coming out of it has been pretty bizarre.\" The sessions with White, however, proved unsuccessful, with Smith stating: \"I had these glorified ideas about San Francisco and its drug culture. I thought inspiration would just hit me and I would get these San Francisco drugs in my system", "id": "17983441" }, { "contents": "Hey Pretty\n\n\nboat. Do some crazy mix that you think will fit this format, and I'll play it once.' I go home, and I'm like, 'They're not playing women? Fine, I've got a brother.' So I called my brother, and I'm like, 'You gotta come over and read a piece of your book in this song.'... (The DJ) played it and got inundated with phone calls. By the end of the week he had played it", "id": "7214521" }, { "contents": "Ab-Soul\n\n\n-Dot (now known as Kendrick Lamar). Stevens states the book \"The Autobiography of Malcolm X\" (1964) as one of the texts that really enlightened him saying: \"It just taught me a lot about people, religion, society, possibilities in society, success, and things like that. From there, I've just been very observant about a lot of the major political figures or religious figures that we have and I've been keeping a close eye to [them]. It may seem transparent", "id": "10184588" }, { "contents": "Christina Aguilera (album)\n\n\ncalled 'Come On Over and Do Something' that was created specifically for the tour.\" About the tour's setlist, she claimed, \"I'll be doing songs from my debut album. But I've changed so much from doing that at 17, so we'll put a whole new twist on things from my album. … There will be a lot of blues and soul inflections, which is what I've wanted to do more of for a long time.\" One feature of the shows she described involved", "id": "9185491" }, { "contents": "Same Girl (Jennifer Lopez song)\n\n\nand real, but we tossed in a few braids to give it some Bronx flavor.\" The video ends with a note from Lopez that reads: \"Thank you Andrew Freedman House, Jazz at Lincoln Center Youth Orchestra, and to all my people in the Bronx... You're forever in my heart.\" On the music video, Lopez said: \"This was probably the craziest thing I've done in my career of music and movies. I like just being able to do things spontaneously, and not have everything", "id": "20836500" }, { "contents": "Alex Pettyfer\n\n\nVman interview, he stated \"I felt like the industry was just a factory. You hear a lot of people say they want to make art in this industry, but so few people actually fucking do it. I was disillusioned by Hollywood at the time, but now I've come to accept that's just the way things are: it's called show business, not show art.\" In the same interview, when asked about how he liked living in Los Angeles, he stated, \"L.A. is growing on", "id": "1709674" }, { "contents": "The Idiot\n\n\nof 'double thoughts':Two thoughts coincided, that very often happens... I think it's a bad thing and, you know, Keller, I reproach myself most of all for it. What you told me just now could have been about me. I've even sometimes thought that all human beings are like that, because it's terribly difficult to fight those \"double thoughts\"... At any rate, I am not your judge... You used cunning to coax money out of me by means of tears, but you yourself", "id": "10977738" }, { "contents": "Bad Guy (Eminem song)\n\n\nready for what’s about to happen. So, it’s kinda like to me the song the way I was thinking when I wrote it was like, \"What if this nightmare just happened that I decided to do this album and everything just started coming back on me?\" Matthew came back, Stan’s little brother, and he came back to kill me. Just all this shit just started happening. So, it was kinda like \"Bad Guy\" to me is more like, technically to me, is", "id": "14254538" }, { "contents": "Coda (The Walking Dead)\n\n\npromising start. It's not so bad that I'm willing to take back all the nice things I've been saying, but it’s disheartening to know that however far we've come, there's always the threat of semi-random, manipulative violence lurking behind every scene. Dalton Ross of \"Entertainment Weekly\" said of the episode as a whole \"I've already gone on record as really liking season 5, but it needed a strong eighth episode to keep that momentum going and get people excited for the back", "id": "6679408" }, { "contents": "Mo Farah\n\n\ninvocations], think about how hard I've worked and just go for it.\" He notes that \"the Qur'an says that you must work hard in whatever you do, so I work hard in training and that's got a lot to do with being successful. [It] doesn't just come overnight, you've got to train for it and believe in yourself; that's the most important thing.\" An RISSC publication named Farah as among the 500 most influential Muslims in the world in 2013. Farah", "id": "13204594" }, { "contents": "After All (All Saints song)\n\n\nand I ran into William one night, and he was like, 'I've heard you guys are doing new music and shows and it's going really well, so when are we going to do something again?' We were literally like, 'Okay yeah, let's do it'\", she said. Appleton added that it was like working with an old friend. \"Things just happened really naturally and fell into place\", she commented. When asked if they were apprehensive about working with Orbit again", "id": "2839798" }, { "contents": "Epicloud\n\n\n, part of that is just not second-guessing it, so if I write something like that, I just do it, and just finish it.\" He continued, \"Over the past couple of years, I thought, 'OK, I've gotta write this next 'Ziltoid' thing; I'm inspired to make this epic space opera and, like, really overdo it, and make it really dark.' And so I sat down to write, but every time I went to write,", "id": "9170795" }, { "contents": "Happy (Leona Lewis song)\n\n\nhappiness is something everyone strives to have, and sometimes it's not just about being happy, but if you have obstacles in your life that you have to get over to be happy. And it's just about that striving to get there. [I]t was kind of like looking back at all of the things I've been through, just kind of putting that into the song.\" The song was released with two B-sides: \"Let It Rain\" in Europe and Japan, and \"Fly Here Now", "id": "8240205" }, { "contents": "The Multiversity\n\n\nPrime. Morrison describes this book as \"the most advanced thing I've ever done. I'm so excited about this. It's just taking something that used to be done in comics and captions that they don't do anymore and turning it into a technique, a weapon, but beyond that I don't want to say. It's a haunted comic book, actually, it's the most frightening thing anyone will ever read. It's actually haunted—if you read this thing, you'll become possessed.", "id": "5765438" }, { "contents": "The Color Fred\n\n\nThe Color Fred's Myspace page, Fred said: \"A lot of people have been asking about TCF as well. I still love all the songs I've put out through that so it will continue to be my solo project that I'll do when the new band is on break... if it ever is! But I really feel that if you were ever a fan of the music I've been so lucky to make over the years, you won't be let down by the Terrible Things record. I want", "id": "11087978" }, { "contents": "Stripped (tour)\n\n\nlast two tours. Now I've just gone back to blokey mode, so I've got all this movement back which I couldn't do before. The set is leaner, what I'm wearing is leaner and just focusing on what I'm talking about. I keep talking about God and I come to all these different conclusions. I'm talking about the whole civilization, trying to strip that back, as well. The last 5,000 years we did everything. I put out my idea what we're doing here.", "id": "1091099" }, { "contents": "The Dressmaker (2015 film)\n\n\nboth of them would not be easy, saying, \"Kate gets sent hundreds of scripts a year, and chooses two or three. She fell in love with Tilly, so it was all down to Jocelyn and her beautiful script\" and \"I've been trying to get Judy to work with me for about 20 years, I always offer her things and so does my husband. So when I read this character I thought, if only I could get Judy to do this. I was actually scared to send her", "id": "3082934" }, { "contents": "Sersale\n\n\ntimes, and in Serrastretta, things were so bad that a small group opted to leave. Upon hearing that Francesco seemed to be a very just landowner and offered what seemed to be a good deal to the peasants who settled there, a small group of colonists walked about over rough terrain to start new lives on Francesco's property. After having a fine palace built for himself, he had his workmen build narrow little shacks for the workers to occupy, in full view of his palace. He developed a co-operative", "id": "13691431" }, { "contents": "Coming Home (New Found Glory album)\n\n\nThat lyrical direction is even more pronounced on \"Coming Home\". Chad Gilbert worked on penning lyrics alongside Pundik and primary lyricist Steve Klein for the first time. Gilbert explained that, \"I've always been a part of the music and I've always written the music for the band, but I've never been a part of the lyrics. This time I just kind of felt like in order to kind of have the best record, we had to do things different. That's what made it stand out like", "id": "7350052" }, { "contents": "Demonstrate (song)\n\n\nI'm working on finishing up. It doesn't really bother me that I've been working on something for four years. I just want it to be right. Whatever the timing happens to be, whether it's the end of this year or early next year, I just pray that it's right. I'm almost done with the tracks that I would consider the album to be. It’s just about fine-tuning and sitting down with my team and things like that. \"Demonstrate\" was written by", "id": "19467609" }, { "contents": "Claire Peacock\n\n\nsomething good has come.\" Of her initial reaction to the plot line, she explained: \"I was delighted with it because I've been in the show for three-and-a-half years and this seemed like the storyline I could finally get my teeth into and show the different sides to Claire. I do believe she is a multi-faceted person whereas a lot of people just say 'I think she's a bit dull, a bit boring and a bit nice', so this was a", "id": "1792401" }, { "contents": "Einstein (song)\n\n\n. I grew up loving feisty women singers. I find a lot of joy in getting all that crap out of your system. I haven’t been in a bad relationship in years. It’s just that I've been in a bad relationship, and I think when you’re singing any song like that, you pull from the one thing in your life that you know you've experienced.\" Gil Kaufman of MTV noted its same pop rock vibe to \"Since U Been Gone\" (2004). \"Einstein", "id": "18470059" }, { "contents": "Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show controversy\n\n\nresponded, \"Who knows...Maybe they'll get mad at something that I do in my show, but at least it won't be new to me, since I've already gone through all of this. But I feel very positive that things are going to work out just fine. Everything happens for a reason.\" Publicist Marvet Britto stated, \"Jackson embodies grace, style and integrity...She has never been known as a bad person.\" Britto describes Jackson’s videotaped apology as \"impersonal\", saying", "id": "19109433" }, { "contents": "Psychomania\n\n\nmean, it must have been a nightmare for the director because we were all so young and behaving so badly and realized that we were all working on something that was kind of peripheral, that would just disappear. But of course it hasn’t. That’s the weird and wonderful thing about it. People come up to me in the street and quote lines from it now.\" Director Don Sharp called the film \"great fun to do, especially after doing several films in a row like \"The Violent Enemy\"", "id": "22104593" }, { "contents": "Droughts in California\n\n\nchanges in water use, it would take about six dry years to deplete the state's reservoirs. Approximately are used in California every year as cattle feed. Also, from 2008–2015, over ( per year) were released into the San Francisco Bay to save 36 Delta smelt. An alternative, salinity barriers, is being installed. Water in California can be expensive. This leads to awareness of water management challenges. In rain-rich states and countries, which are not drought-prone, the water, as elsewhere,", "id": "97962" }, { "contents": "Cinderella's Eyes\n\n\nto do I get the biggest butterflies [...] For over a year, I've been in the studio writing my own songs and working towards making my own record. The time has come where I have to come out of my safe bubble that is the studio and share my music with you... butterflies just got worse [...] I've had the incredible opportunity to work with some of my favourite artists, DJs and producers on my album. I have had the most amazing time and I have learnt so much", "id": "14285641" }, { "contents": "Armor On\n\n\nan interview Richard spoke on her feelings about \"Armor On\", saying \"We are pushing the limits. [...] R&B is really linear and it's not a bad thing. I just think being with Danity Kane and being with Dirty Money, I've experienced so many things sonically and lyrically that I want ya'll to be moved. It's time for something a little bit more refreshing. I want to be that person for you guys.\" \"Armor On\" received considerable acclaim from critics. Notes:", "id": "9912771" }, { "contents": "A House of Pomegranates\n\n\nto the Soul rather than this after the Soul survived all his attacks. The third year, the Soul tells the Fisherman about a nearby city where a woman dances barefooted. Deciding that, since it is so near and he could easily come back to his legless Mermaid, he agreed to go with the Soul to see her dance. Rising up from the water, he and his Soul are reunited. Passing through cities on the way, the Soul tells the Fisherman to do things: in the first, he tells him", "id": "2326342" }, { "contents": "The Other House\n\n\nJames may be the victim here of expectations concerning his fiction. Outside of this work, few of his characters murder children. So when Rose Armiger does exactly that, it's so out of line with James' usual material that critics might automatically reject it as unbelievable. But even allowing for such expectations, Rose hardly seems like a driven, semi-insane \"bad heroine\" out of Ibsen. She comes off like what she is, a well-bred young lady doing something that it's very hard to believe", "id": "1730619" }, { "contents": "Badjelly's Bad Christmas\n\n\nin fact, what they thought was a broken chairman in his living room. Laura says that she thinks the whole thing is completely stupidity|stupid, and starts saying things such as \"You don't know what it's like to do the things I've done, and to care\". Grandad gets slightly worried about her, until Kate tells him that they're just quotes from various vampire-related TV shows and books, such as \"Twilight\". Kate says that she thinks they should put a |stake through her heart", "id": "9744436" }, { "contents": "Veronica Lake\n\n\n\"I had to learn about acting. I've played all sorts of parts, taken just what came along regardless of high merit. In fact, I've been a sort of general utility person. I haven't liked all the roles. One or two were pretty bad\". Lake expressed interest in renegotiating her deal with Paramount: The studio feels that way about it too. They have indicated they are going to fuss more about the pictures in which I appear. I think I'll enjoy being fussed about ...", "id": "19733938" }, { "contents": "I Lived\n\n\na 15-year-old fan of the band, Bryan Warnecke, who suffers from cystic fibrosis. Bryan Warnecke talks about living with cystic fibrosis in the music video: Cystic fibrosis is a disease that attacks the digestive system and slowly shuts down the lungs. I've been doing my treatments everyday of my life, so to me, it's just one of those things that's normal. My name is Bryan Warnecke and I've been living with cystic fibrosis for fifteen years. . . . When I first found out the", "id": "3302628" }, { "contents": "Beautiful Heartache\n\n\nhave Gibson's production company assist with her music career, \"If you think about it, every talent needs a serious push and help from somebody who is stronger, because it's pretty much impossible for anybody to succeed in this industry. So I've become very lucky, and I'm very grateful. You don't control the situations or the people you meet. I did not plan this. I'm just doing what I've always been doing. It's not like I've changed my goals at all.", "id": "6336716" }, { "contents": "Up Down (Do This All Day)\n\n\n, then I had it. It wasn't really a hard thing to do. I was just like, \"Alright, I guess I'll do this one! Here we go!\" You know, I've been working with B.o.B since before he got signed really. It's been a good time. It's been really collaborative with us. At the time, it wasn't the right songs or the right situation. Now, that I had something good so it was only right. I do", "id": "4943376" }, { "contents": "Pilot (Preacher)\n\n\nepisode. So I'm trying to steal as much as possible from \"Breaking Bad\".\" Dominic Cooper, who portrays Jesse Custer, spoke with AMC about his feelings of the script, saying that the pilot script \"was one of the scripts that was being talked about a lot during pilot season, and I managed to get a hold of one at a friend's house. I just wanted something to do with it. I thought it was really the best thing I'd read in a long time. I", "id": "20738623" }, { "contents": "Lincoln, England\n\n\n, deserted since Roman times, received new timber-framed buildings fronting a new street system in about 900. Lincoln experienced an unprecedented explosion in its economy with the settlement of the Danes. Like York, the Upper City seems to have been given over to purely administrative functions up to 850 or so, while the Lower City, running down the hill towards the River Witham, may have been largely deserted. By 950, however, the banks of the Witham were newly developed with the Lower City being resettled and the suburb", "id": "18037220" }, { "contents": "The Boy I Love is Up in the Gallery\n\n\ngirl, and have just come over, Over from the country where they do things big, And amongst the boys I've got a lover, And since I've got a lover, why I don't care a fig. The boy that I love, they call him a cobbler, But he's not a cobbler, allow me to state. For Johnny is a tradesman and he works in the Boro' Where they sole and heel them, whilst you wait. Now, If I were a Duchess and had", "id": "15092118" }, { "contents": "Love and Death (band)\n\n\nDeath. Love and Death was formally announced in February 2012 through an official statement made by Welch. In the statement, Welch explained that \"I have wanted to use a band name for branding my music for a few years. It has been an ongoing discussion with my management, but we were just starting to tour and I was in the middle of supporting my third book and it seemed like a bad time to switch names. Now with the new music coming out, its time to really separate the things I do", "id": "960648" }, { "contents": "Repeat (song)\n\n\nJessie about this collaboration so I called my label and said, 'Stop everything. The album can't go without this track.' But I was in Ibiza, where the internet is bad, so I had to go to the airport lounge to work. I would sit all day in the lounge with my headphones on, looking like a homeless person, finishing the vocal mix on my laptop. Then Jessie would come back asking, 'Can you just change this little thing?' so I'd go home then", "id": "5124192" }, { "contents": "Six Days in Fallujah\n\n\n\" to create a video game about their experiences there, and it seemed like the right thing to do.\" Tamte further stated that the goal of \"Six Days in Fallujah\" is to create the most realistic military shooter possible, and that \"Ultimately, all of us are curious about what it would \"really\" be like to be in a war. I've been playing military shooters for ages, and at a certain point when I'm playing the game, I know it's fake. You can tell", "id": "5813969" }, { "contents": "Rampart (film)\n\n\n, it definitely backfired.\" Feldman went on to say about the incident, \"it came across as robotic and represented an inability to connect with people when it should have been insanely easy to do so.\" Feldman summarized the lesson learned by stating the following, \"When you’re doing an AMA on Reddit, you drop the act and engage with real people. Some will be fans, some won’t, but if you’re just honest and it doesn’t seem like your answers have been planned out, people", "id": "17140973" }, { "contents": "Mark Erelli\n\n\n, since 2000 really. Before September 11, that election of 2000 was a major thing. So, all the songs come out of that context. If the songs seem related, they all come out of that context over the last four years and they’re all coming through my lens and how I’m looking at the world. They all, in kinda one way or another, deal with the issue of how do you keep on keepin’ on when things seem really grim.\" Sometimes viewed as his most political", "id": "1506314" }, { "contents": "Joy Behar\n\n\nfor Outstanding Talk Show Host following over a decade of nominations for the show. On March 7, 2013, it was announced that Behar would be leaving the show at the end of the current season. She told \"Deadline\", \"It seemed like the right time...You reach a point when you say to yourself, 'Do I want to keep doing this?' There are other things on my plate I want to do — I've been writing a play, I've been neglecting my standup\".", "id": "5174673" }, { "contents": "Matt Labash\n\n\nthing to be filing stories from places you've never been. I felt like I was there when Jayson Blair was writing. Unfortunately he wasn't.” On his writing process: “I don’t do drafts. I edit as I go along. So I’m always throwing stuff out. And then when I finish, I read and read and re-read. I do so at the computer about 10 or 15 times, all the way through, hammering things out here and there. Then when I have", "id": "5608080" }, { "contents": "Dave Stevens\n\n\nconcerned.\" – Mark Evanier \"Well, I do expect a lot of myself. I'm a harsh critic because I know what I'm capable of. I have hit those occasional peaks amongst the valleys, but the peaks are so few—things like genuine flashes of virtuoso brush inking, like I've never executed before or since—I can count on one hand the number of jobs where I've been able to hit that mark. The same with penciling. Sometimes it just flows, but more often than", "id": "3374995" }, { "contents": "Pilot (My Name Is Earl)\n\n\n, do good things and good things happen. This makes sense to Earl, so he decides to try to make up for all the bad things he has done and makes a written list of 259 items. After leaving the hospital, Earl and Randy move into a motel where they meet a pretty Mexican maid, Catalina. When Earl picks up trash to atone for item #136, \"I've been a litterbug\", he finds his lost lottery ticket. He decides that karma works, and as such resolves to", "id": "17701519" }, { "contents": "June Anderson\n\n\nOrchestra of New York to portray her first Elvira in Verdi's \"Ernani.\" In 1998, Anderson spoke in \"Opera News\" of her move away from light coloratura roles \"into deeper water\":I wanted to put it off as long as possible. I kept saying, and it's been quoted so many times, I didn't want to do \"Normina.\" I wanted to do Norma. And Leonora. I didn't want to sound like a soubrette trying to do these things. I've done things like", "id": "10391067" }, { "contents": "2015 Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500\n\n\nand he was \"just so excited that the guys could, this new team could understand what I was complaining about and things I didn't like about my race car\". Harvick explained that he \"had one bad restart there where I spun the tires on the outside and we just never recovered from that one\" but stated that he had \"to thank everybody on this car for everything they do\". Fox Sports covered their eleventh race at the Atlanta Motor Speedway, and their first since 2010.", "id": "6124923" }, { "contents": "Liberty (Duran Duran album)\n\n\n: When asked about the bootleg, John Taylor said, \"I like coming across things that I've forgotten about. That I've forgotten that we recorded. That's what's really exciting about the \"Didn't Anybody Tell You\" bootleg, because there's so many songs on there that never got finished. They just take me back to that moment. Actually, what I like about that album is that the \"Liberty\" album - when we were rehearsing it, when we were writing it was gonna", "id": "2036224" }, { "contents": "Sun on the Square\n\n\n\": \"I've always liked color words. They seem to have an ability all on their own to make a visual world, especially the word green [which naturally makes you think of trees and grass and various aspects of nature]. The feeling of the song is a longing to give something of worth, and searching for that thing. And the [word] 'bus' may have come about because of the guitar rhythm I was playing, which maybe has a circular motion, but also just of the", "id": "11969789" }, { "contents": "Dallas Taylor (vocalist)\n\n\nhas been quoted as saying, \"I am so fed up with people acting like cowards, and so tired of the many things I've lived for in the past. I feel like it's time to get back to where I was when I was young. This band is proud of who we are as people, what we believe, and where we come from. I feel like so much of music today, especially those who come from a Christian background, spend so much time hiding who they really are,", "id": "18436821" }, { "contents": "Johnny Handsome\n\n\n1988 in New Orleans, where Hill had previously made \"Hard Times\" and \"Southern Comfort\". Ellen Barkin said she wanted to play her role because her character, Sunny is one of the great female villains. I don't know if I've ever seen a female villain so evil. Sunny's just mean, that's all there is to it. And the great thing about Sunny in this movie is they just let her be bad. With women they always want to give explanations: she had such a", "id": "21728338" }, { "contents": "Answerphone (Nicholas McDonald song)\n\n\nsaid that \"'Answerphone' is about me being in the studio, working hard, doing my thing and I've got a girlfriend during this, this work in progress - something happens and I'm trying to get a hold of her, she's trying to get a hold of me. I just keep checking my phone, like 'where is she?' and 'what have I done?'. I'm just like in this video going 'what have I done wrong?' and 'what's", "id": "22001455" }, { "contents": "2011–2017 California drought\n\n\nCalifornian drought reached for the first time in the 54-year history of the State Water Project to shortages of water supplies. The California Department of Water Resources planned to reduce water allocations to farmland by 50%. California's 38 million residents experienced 13 consecutive months of drought. This is particularly an issue for the state's 44.7 billion dollar agricultural industry, which produces nearly half of all U.S.-grown fruits, nuts, and vegetables. This is after the LADWP expected to increase the pumping of aquifers to about a year (City of Los", "id": "12548905" }, { "contents": "The Dark Tapes\n\n\nare invisible to others, just like the entities usually are. Martin thinks he can reverse the time dilation. Just as he is about to do so, Jason attempts to grab his high-speed camera and things go from bad to worse. David and Karen move into a new home and almost immediately begin to hear mysterious sounds coming from the roof and from around the house. They decide to record the events. After David is attacked by an unseen force, leaving visible marks on his back, they call in paranormal", "id": "19408740" }, { "contents": "2011 Pure Michigan 400\n\n\nBusch, Kenseth, Newman, Ragan, and Menard rounded out the first ten positions. Afterward, Martin discussed his feelings about the track, \"I really, really like running at Michigan, not just because it's so fast, but it's so wide. We can race all over the track. I've been lucky at Michigan, and I've been just plain good. I've gotten a lot of wins there. Last time we raced there, we were pretty good. ... We've got to build", "id": "8245727" }, { "contents": "Mother Love Bone (album)\n\n\nkinda depressed about leaving Malfunkshun for a long time. Still am, kinda. I feel like, you know, I left them stranded. I've got a brother besides Kevin who, ah, is kinda insane in a way, and he makes the whole family worry about him, so \"Heartshine\" is a little about both of my brothers.RIP: \"Mr. Danny Boy\" is obviously a slam on Danny Thomas.A.W.: Yeah, I don't know why we decided to do such a mean thing", "id": "3850623" }, { "contents": "Squidgygate\n\n\n, darling, what other lows today?\" To which the woman replies: \"I was very bad at lunch, and I nearly started blubbing. I just felt so sad and empty and thought 'bloody hell, after all I've done for this fucking family...' It's just so desperate. Always being innuendo, the fact that I'm going to do something dramatic because I can't stand the confines of this marriage [...] He makes my life real torture, I've decided.\" The conversation", "id": "18554657" }, { "contents": "Armand Traoré\n\n\nthem. I think it's one of the biggest mistakes I've made in my life but I will try and correct it. My religion has benefits both personally and in my career. I have always been a Muslim but I wasn't really practising it, I was just saying to people 'I am a Muslim'. It's a gradual development.\" Traoré explained: \"It's all about many of the things that are good in football too – like resting, doing everything right, being nice to people", "id": "7158837" }, { "contents": "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters\n\n\nactually wanted to burn the prosthetic make-up by the end of the movie.\" She recalled being \"so overwhelmed by what this prosthetic business was all about\", saying: \"Acting has been so specific for me and what I've learned - eyes, facial expressions, all of that stuff - and with something like this, you're robbed of all of this. Or I could no [longer] rely on things I've done in the past. It was different and frustrating at times because I had", "id": "8139599" }, { "contents": "The 10th Kingdom\n\n\nidea that Snow White was now overweight.\" Camryn Manheim elaborates, \"Well, I've been playing her in my bedroom for many years now, so I was ready for her. But it was wonderful, I grew up reading about Snow White and fantasizing about being the fairest of them all, and there I was. My manager told me that NBC had offered me the role of Snow White and I said, 'I'll take it.' I agreed to do it even before reading the script because I", "id": "909066" }, { "contents": "This Is What the Truth Feels Like\n\n\nI can do both. [...] And it's just an amazing time; so many opportunities. I'm going into the studio tonight with Pharrell [Williams], I'm going to be writing and also just seeing what comes along my way. I've been recording a few things.\" In the same month, Stefani's manager Irving Azoff confirmed she was finishing the record with Williams, as well as planning to perform its lead single live on \"The Voice\". Interscope Records chairman John Janick also revealed", "id": "20846954" }, { "contents": "A Dill Pickle\n\n\nrelationship in a letter she wrote to him. But as we read on we come to doubt that she expected the letter to do so. They sit together and reminisce about past events - for example, the day they spent at Kew Gardens together. Both initially seem to regret not being friends any longer. The man tells her about his many journeys abroad, insisting that he has accomplished alone the things they had said they would do together. He tells her about Russia and how different the society is there. Despite his", "id": "4436876" }, { "contents": "All Creatures Great and Small (TV series)\n\n\nthe character was away at veterinary college.\" \"I ended up in more of the series because Robert Hardy really liked the way the two brothers worked,\" continued Davison. \"It gave him more scope for what he wanted to do. I've never learned so much from anyone as I learned from Robert, because I've just never worked with anyone else like him. He is an extraordinary actor. He would never do the same thing twice. In two takes he would give an entirely different performance — he", "id": "16533950" }, { "contents": "Jennifer Lopez & Marc Anthony en Concierto\n\n\nMTV News that was in the midst of planning a tour to support her fourth studio album, \"Rebirth\". Lopez stated: \"I've tried to plan a tour so many times [...] And we're planning it again. It's exciting. We'll see if it happens [...] I've learned not to get my hopes up. I can't wait!\" Lopez also added that she envisioned the tour as \"Just me doing my thing\". However, details for a tour were never", "id": "8024034" }, { "contents": "Full Moon (Brandy album)\n\n\nsaid. \"Every song on the album was inspired by my life [...] I wanted to talk about how I feel on so many levels. I wanted to be in touch with all of my emotions and share them. I've taken three years off for myself and got a chance to find things I like to do, things I don't like and things I want to change about myself.\" While Jerkins maintained his status as the album's executive producer, contributing most to its track listing with his team", "id": "10888783" }, { "contents": "Erik Bruhn\n\n\ncrystallize something that you have been doing already. When the right people come together, they bring the right thing out of each other ... With the right person, it becomes a situation of being rather than playing ...The role absorbs you and you become it. And then it seems like you can do nothing wrong because you are so totally absorbed by this being. Bruhn was made a Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog, one of Denmark's highest honors, in 1963, the same year he was awarded the Nijinsky", "id": "4784151" }, { "contents": "Brian Paddick, Baron Paddick\n\n\nIt's all bad news that they want me to comment on. So I thought why not come and do something trivial. ... It's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, anything after this is a breeze.\" In 2008, Paddick was ranked number 101 in the annual Pink List of influential gay and lesbian people in Britain published by \"The Independent on Sunday\", down from number 83 in 2007. In 2010, he appeared on Channel 4's alternative election night special of \"Come Dine", "id": "15403003" }, { "contents": "Miss Independent (Kelly Clarkson song)\n\n\nI was actually going through that kind of thing,\" Clarkson said. \"I've always been real guarded about work and career. It wasn't even with, like, guy relationships, it was just, like, friends and just letting people in, you know? And so it was kinda weird 'cause I was going through that same thing at the same time, so it was very easy for me to write the bridge to the song.\" \"Miss Independent\" received mixed to positive reviews from music critics", "id": "10262782" } ]
Why do you not feel like you're going fast while in an airplane, when in fact you're traveling 600+ MPH?
[{"answer": "There aren't any forces acting on your body that would make you feel that way, except for when you are accelerating to/from that speed. Every part of the airplane -- your seat, the floor, the air in the cabin -- is moving at the same speed as you are, so there is no way for your body to tell."}, {"answer": "The Earth is hurtling through the air at many times that speed. We feel acceleration and deceleration, a change in speed, and you definitely feel the acceleration for the first 20 minutes of the flight or so as you take off and ascend. That's why you stay in your seat! Your seat is attached to the plane so it's *pushing* you up to the speed. They get to that speed gradually so it's not too uncomfortable. But once you're at cruising speed and altitude, everything in the plane is moving at the same speed as the plane, so it's like your not moving at all. Speed is relative."}, {"answer": "The human body is not great at sensing speed in general, only acceleration. We have a bunch of senses that all work together to let us know when we're changing speed or direction, but we have to rely on context clues to get a sense of constant speed. The next time you're in a car (as a passenger) close your eyes while the driver is going a constant speed on a straight road. You'll notice that it won't feel different from sitting in a parked car. Your sense of speed in a car is largely dependent on seeing objects in the distance and seeing how you move relative to those objects. When you're in a plane, you don't get that kind of feedback. Even with a window seat, objects are so far away that we don't have a good concept of how fast we're traveling. When you're landing and taking off, you start to gain a sense of speed."}, {"answer": "Also parallax; all the items moving relative to you are either so foreign (clouds) or so far away (ground), it's difficult to judge how fast you're moving relative to them."}, {"answer": "You and the air inside the craft all accelerate with the aircraft. As long as the aircraft maintains a relatively steady speed, there are no forces acting on you that would indicate you are travelling fast. Then looking out the window at altitude, objects on the ground are so distant that you don't have a good reference to know how fast you are travelling. The best time to see how fast you are travelling as at takeoff and landing when you have a better reference as to your speed with objects on the ground."}, {"answer": "Because you don't feel velocity. You could be going a million miles an hour and you wouldn't know it. What you feel is acceleration, a change in velocity. On an ordinary plane flight, this occurs at the beginning (during takeoff) and at the end (during landing). You also feel it when the plane changes direction, which also requires a chance in velocity."}, {"answer": "Speed doesn't create a force - acceleration creates a force. That's also the reason why you don't feel the force of the earth rotating on its axis, or revolving around the sun at 30 km/second. What creates a force is a *change* in speed, which is what acceleration is. Picture yourself in a stopped car. You're going 0 miles an hour. Do you feel any forces? Not really, you're sitting still, things are good. Now imagine you slam on the gas pedal, going up to 60 mph. Now you feel a *force* because your speed is changing - your body is pressed backwards against the seat by that force. Now you hit 60 and you ease off the gas, maintaining a nice freeway speed. Do you feel any force while you're on the freeway? No, you feel just about the same as you did parked - if you opened a window you could feel the air moving, but inside of your car, everything is just the same as if you were going 0. Except now, slam on the brakes. You're decelerating and changing speed - a force pushes you forward, straining against the seatbelt. Once you hit 0, that force is gone. An airplane works the same way - you accelerate up to 600 mph slowly, so that the force isn't too overwhelming, but once you hit that speed and stop accelerating, it feels just the same as being still on the ground. Aside from any bumps or turbulence, which (just like in a car) change your acceleration by a little bit and affect you as forces."}, {"answer": "In an airplane, you don't have much of a frame of reference. The cabin is usually sealed off, so you don't experience the sensation of plane moving through air. Planes try to keep a pretty steady path. Which means you experience few forces due to acceleration once away from the airport. Planes fly pretty high off the ground. If you look out the window, you might be able to make out a few houses or cars at the ground level, moving pretty slowly across your massive plane of view. Their movement means nothing to you, thousands of feet above the ground or any other stationary object."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "39667660", "title": "Slow roll (aeronautics)", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": [". A slow roll is performed slower than an aileron roll; although it is not necessarily performed very slow, it is performed slow enough to allow the pilot to maintain balance, keeping a steady flightpath, pitch angle (nose attitude), and height (altitude) throughout the maneuver.", "A slow roll is a roll made by an airplane, in which the plane makes a complete rotation around its roll axis while keeping the aircraft flying a straight and level flightpath. A slow roll is performed slower than an aileron roll; although it is not necessarily performed very slow, it is performed slow enough to allow the pilot to maintain balance, keeping a steady flightpath, pitch angle (nose attitude), and height (altitude) throughout the maneuver. The maneuver is performed by rolling the airplane at a controlled rate with the ailerons, and moving the elevators and rudder in opposition, or \"cross-controlling,\" to keep the plane on a steady, level flightpath.", "A slow roll is a roll made by an airplane, in which the plane makes a complete rotation around its roll axis while keeping the aircraft flying a straight and level flightpath. A slow roll is performed slower than an aileron roll; although it is not necessarily performed very slow, it is performed slow enough to allow the pilot to maintain balance, keeping a steady flightpath, pitch angle (nose attitude), and height (altitude) throughout the"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Brian Welch\n\n\ndo it again. You try to just be at peace but even a big, huge band like Korn, playing in front of thousands of people, it can get lonely. You feel like you're a trucker and you're traveling with a bunch of truckers. You can't connect with people except for the ones that you're with because the ones you party with after the show, you don't know them and then you're gone. When everyone's drunk, you're like 'Alright. Later.'", "id": "3408925" }, { "contents": "Against Me! Is Reinventing Axl Rose\n\n\nthe album's themes in 2008, Grace said: \"you get to an age where you get discouraged with dreams like [playing in a band] and you're told you're never going to be able to do anything like that, and you start to feel like there's a closed door, and when I started to feel that way, I went ahead and started doing my own thing. We made our own way and that was kind of just what the title of the album and a lot of the album", "id": "7104878" }, { "contents": "Talk (Coldplay song)\n\n\na song nobody had sung/Or do something that's never been done.\" The third line of the third verse is: \"Tell me how do you feel?/Well I feel like they're talking in a language I don't speak/And they're talking it to me.\" In the fifth verse, Martin summarises about an individual who is lost and trying to discover the unknown: \"So you don't know where you're going/But you want to talk/And you feel like you're going where", "id": "12813312" }, { "contents": "American Storm\n\n\nWest and the South. The key line in 'American Storm' is 'You never feel the need.' You never feel anything when you're on drugs. You're numb. You're afraid to feel for one reason or another, and that's why you turn to drugs. I want to see people not do that.\" \"American Storm\" is in the key of E major. Music critic Maury Dean explains that the song builds tension in the verses by playing rhythm guitar chords on the backbeat and", "id": "11457929" }, { "contents": "Excerpts from the Diary of Todd Zilla\n\n\n, stating \"In Modesto, it's like gravity is a lot heavier. There's something that just makes you feel like you're doing all you can just to keep your head above water, when in fact there's not a whole lot going on.\" He recorded the EP as \"a way to fill the gaps of time while recording the new album. I just thought I could throw together some old songs and some newer ones and a really new one\". \"Todd Zilla\" was recorded at Lytle", "id": "19629062" }, { "contents": "Louboutins (song)\n\n\n's been a while and I want to do a dance video, and it's going to be really empowering. It's going to be about that woman, you know when you have that moment when you realize you have to really get out of here that's the moment we're trying to cauterize in the video. Even when you know that it's gonna hurt later, you feel good about making the decision, so you're like \"I decided! I'm walking up out the house right now\"", "id": "8310372" }, { "contents": "Joseph Kittinger\n\n\nfeet before stepping off. Of the jumps from \"Excelsior\", Kittinger said: There's no way you can visualize the speed. There's nothing you can see to see how fast you're going. You have no depth perception. If you're in a car driving down the road and you close your eyes, you have no idea what your speed is. It's the same thing if you're free falling from space. There are no signposts. You know you are going very fast, but you do", "id": "5378786" }, { "contents": "Angus & Julia Stone\n\n\n're going through in relation to those things. And then there's the people around you who you're leaving with and the lover you've left at home and the fact it's your mom's birthday next week and you're not going to be there\". They have distinctive vocal styles, according to \"The Sydney Morning Herald\"s Bernard Zuel, \"[h]er voice has a fractured feel like Jolie Holland; his has a smoke-on-the-beach drawl\". While Nimmervoll offered, \"Angus has a", "id": "12766459" }, { "contents": "Elliott Smith\n\n\nthat you use drugs to hide from your past or sedate yourself from strong, overwhelming feelings. So when you're newly clean and coming off the medications that have been masking all those feelings, that's when you're the most vulnerable.\" Writing for \"Spin\", Liam Gowing also encountered a local musician who claimed Smith had said to him: \"The people who try to intervene, they're good people who genuinely care about you. But they don't know what you're going through. Do what you", "id": "2820389" }, { "contents": "Mayo Smith\n\n\nmajor and minor league scout.\" Despite his business interests, Smith explained the attraction of returning to baseball:\"It's simply that baseball gets in your blood and you can't get it out. Like being a compulsive gambler or something along those lines. You know when you become a manager, that you're going to be fired sooner or later, no matter how good a job you feel you are doing. From the moment you sign the contract you're as disposable as a wounded pirate. The only two guys who ever", "id": "1561358" }, { "contents": "Circus (Britney Spears album)\n\n\n's title: \"I like the fact that you're always on the edge of your seat when you're at a circus. You're never bored [...] You're just really engulfed in what's going on around you. And you want to know what's going to happen next.\" \"Circus\" has been described as a sequel to Spears's fifth studio album \"Blackout\". She described the album as \"lighter\" than \"Blackout\", which was more urban sounding. Its \"fiery\"", "id": "9407514" }, { "contents": "Operation Market Garden\n\n\nfront would soon provoke German forces to collapse. He told Montgomery why a \"single thrust\" toward Berlin was not going to be accepted. What you're proposing is this – if I give you all the supplies you want, you could go straight to Berlin – right straight (500 miles) to Berlin? Monty, you're nuts. You can't do it. What the hell[?] ... If you try a long column like that in a single thrust you'd have to throw off division after division", "id": "11648739" }, { "contents": "Islam and hip hop in the United States\n\n\nto do with that.” “It can rip an artist apart, because then you're under the ridicule of, \"Aren't you Muslim? Don't you believe in this? What you're doing goes against\" — and it's just like, \"Yeah, I already know everything you're saying to me.\" I don't know if anyone else gets that sort of scrutiny so I do understand why people keep it to themselves.” Freeway converted to Islam when he was 14 years old. He", "id": "11816271" }, { "contents": "Zhou Tai (Cao Wei)\n\n\na high office. After only 36 days, you now wield great power and command the armed forces in a commandery. It's like a beggar riding on a (horse-drawn) carriage – that's really fast!\" Zhou Tai quipped, \"You're right. You come from a famous aristocratic family, and you're already known for your talents since you were young. That's why you're still a Master of Writing. It's like a macaque riding on an ox – that's really slow!", "id": "19622106" }, { "contents": "Leah Remini\n\n\nyou are when you're in something like this. You can't pretend to be something you're not. You have to know your brand. You can't be all things to everyone.\" Osbourne replied to criticism about the refusal to inform Remini and Peete why they were let go, rhetorically stating, \"Why should we call them to discuss?\" In March 2012, a heavily publicized Twitter dispute ignited between Remini and Osbourne when Remini fired back at Osbourne for her comments on \"The Howard Stern Show\".", "id": "12512573" }, { "contents": "John Cardiel\n\n\n, if that happens [if you get sponsored], you still won't lose touch with what you're really doing it for—to have fun ... Why have the goal of getting sponsored and going pro? Who cares? There's no goal, it's like skating. And that's what's cool, there's so many people out there skating who aren't pro and aren't like that. And those are the people you're hanging out with. As of 2012, Cardiel resides in Sacramento, California", "id": "20357549" }, { "contents": "Terri Walker\n\n\nI'm not really trying to do the artist thing anymore. I love to sing but let me just work alongside people.\" She explained her hiatus from the music industry by saying \"If you're an artist doing something else you feel like people aren't really trying to buy into it because these artists have flooded the market so much. It just makes you wonder, 'Why should I bother? No one's going to be interested in what I'm trying to do. I was locked into that industry.", "id": "16193108" }, { "contents": "Hew Locke\n\n\nfamily...They expect me to be angry, but I don't see the point. If you're going to fight in Iraq, then you're going to fight for Queen and Country. When you hand in your passport, you see that you are in fact a subject of the Queen. My work is a weird kind of acceptance of that situation.\" \"My feelings about the Royal Family are ambivalent. I am simply fascinated by the institution and its relationship to the press and public. My political position is", "id": "11583428" }, { "contents": "My Krazy Life\n\n\nthe C to a B because it's where I'm from and it's also bringing something new. It's drawing more attention, you feel me? And it's, like, I'm not doing it to draw attention. I'm doing it to because that's really what I say and that's really where I'm from. I'm from Bompton...You gonna feel like you're from Bompton too when you're done listening to the album.\" In January 2012, YG changed the album's", "id": "18411582" }, { "contents": "Julián Tavárez\n\n\nof an inning and gave up two runs, one earned. On March 13, 2009, Tavárez signed a minor league contract with the Washington Nationals and was invited to Spring training. When asked why he chose to sign with the Nationals, Tavárez acknowledged he had no other options: \"Why did I sign with the Nationals? When you go to a club at 4 in the morning, and you're just waiting, waiting, a 600-pounder looks like J-Lo. And to me, this is Jennifer Lopez right", "id": "13689625" }, { "contents": "If the Car Beside You Moves Ahead\n\n\nnatural sounding during the lines \"Chemical day so I can draw / Conclusions I have come to take as law.\" Lyrically, the song compares the feeling of driving a car in the slow lane on a motorway or a freeway next to the fast lane, to when you try to compare your existential and social position to others in real life who are personally making more progress; Blake sings \"As much as it feels as though you're dead / You're not going backwards\". However, the song contains few", "id": "19884786" }, { "contents": "Logan (film)\n\n\n're going to do in this last one. It just feels like this is the perfect way to go out.\" Jackman has also explained that Jerry Seinfeld has convinced him to quit the role stating, \"He said to me, when you're creating something it's very important not to run yourself dry. It's not about finishing on top, necessarily, but making sure you're, creatively, still got something left, which propels you into the whatever's next.\" In December 2016, Ryan Reynolds revealed", "id": "17306805" }, { "contents": "Christian Slater\n\n\nrecovery, he said in 2009, \"Work is my job, and having adventures with my kids. My kids are all-important\". He notes his former lifestyle created \"the illusion of being very cool, that drinking is the hip thing to do and that you'll seem like Clark Gable. You go to a party and have a drink and feel like a superhero when the truth is you're looking rather foolish. Showing up for life 24/ 7 straight and sober can be tough if you're riddled with", "id": "17649988" }, { "contents": "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian\n\n\nyou see the kids' faces while making the film, you're just making an attempt, you're making it exciting, you're doing all of these things because you're essentially making the film for yourself. When you start showing it to an audience, that then influences how you feel about the film.\" Adding to the film's $225 million budget (almost $100 million of which were spent on the effects), Disney also spent $175 million on promoting the film. Play Along Toys created a", "id": "7884101" }, { "contents": "Demonstration (Tinie Tempah album)\n\n\nthat still nods to where you've come from, still feels very London, still feels very British, but kind of meets the criteria of what a mainstream record needs.\" He also commented oh how things change when signing with a record label and how the process of making albums: \"The first time around, you don't really know. All you do is you get this record deal and you're like whoa! Like, I'm signed! This is amazing! And you're just recording and before you", "id": "402417" }, { "contents": "Haunted (Beyoncé song)\n\n\nAphex Twin. Boots said, \"[Aphex Twin's] works like that are more floaty, more without than within, but I made mine grounded in that thumping beat, so you can't get out of that feeling.\" He also elaborated about its concept, \"It's like that song is leading you by the hand, but you're blindfolded and you don't know where you're going. You're scared and you're not sure what to expect from it, but as the album unfolds, we", "id": "16844221" }, { "contents": "TrapGold\n\n\non the XXL cover, I'd broken up in my relationship. After I did \"TrapGold\" I felt like I'd let it all out. My album will definitely be like that, because I liked the way that made me feel,\" and explained why she gravitated towards Southern rap, \"The South doesn't give a fuck and they have more fun,\" elaborating on her own style, \"When you rap fast it almost seems like another language. People can't understand all of what you're saying", "id": "12452781" }, { "contents": "Everything's Fine (Jean Grae and Quelle Chris album)\n\n\nWhen asked why they chose to work together on the album Chris told Uproxx, \"We're together all the time anyway, so it's not like you have to set times to link up or anything. It's like, 'Oh, let's just make an album!'\" Explaining the title Grae says, \"As you get older, it tends to be a response that you give more and more without realizing that you're even doing it. You're like, 'Everything's fine,' but", "id": "7826456" }, { "contents": "Addicted (Saving Abel song)\n\n\nthings you do / When you're going down on me in between the sheets\"\", whereas the radio edit lyrics are \"\"I'm so addicted to all the things you do / When you're rollin' 'round with me in between the sheets\"\". Some radio versions of the song either have the pre-chorus's lyric \"\"It's not like you to turn away / From all the bullshit I can take\"\" censored or amended to \"\"It's not like you to turn", "id": "17408347" }, { "contents": "Bat Out of Hell\n\n\n\" when CBS executive Clive Davis rejected the project. According to Meat Loaf's autobiography. Davis commented that \"actors don't make records\" and challenged Steinman's writing abilities and knowledge of rock music: Do you know how to write a song? Do you know \"anything\" about writing? If you're going to write for records, it goes like this: A, B, C, B, C, C. I don't know what you're doing. You're doing A, D, F,", "id": "7571662" }, { "contents": "XTC\n\n\nstage, and afterward, took a flight back to Swindon for treatment, which amounted to hypnotherapy. He described feeling nausea and stomach pains while on stage: \"My body and brain said, You're hating this experience I'm going to make it bad for you. When you go on stage I'm going to give you panic attacks and stomach cramps. You're not enjoying this and you haven't got the heart to tell anyone you can't carry on so I'm gonna mess you up.\" The", "id": "15295594" }, { "contents": "Zoe Slater\n\n\n, 'You're young, so get out there. Now's the time to go for it. You're only young once and you can't stay here forever.' \"I've grown up in EastEnders. I've been here for five years, so I will miss everybody. But you get that feeling and when you know it's time to spread your wings and fly, you need to do that. Everyone says I'm doing the right thing.\" Her exit storyline was revealed saying,\"She leaves because she", "id": "19176466" }, { "contents": "Tory Christman\n\n\nthe first thing you think is, 'Come on.'\" She explained, \"You're surrounded by all these people who're going, 'Wow, isn't it amazing, just getting the data? I can tell it has really changed you.' After a while, enough people say it and you're like, 'Wow. You know, I really feel it.'\" While a member of the organization, Christman rose to the Operating Thetan level of OT VII, \"the near-pinnacle", "id": "19404699" }, { "contents": "Spontaneous recovery\n\n\nthat you do not have because your family can't afford it when you were young, you could believe that \"things in life are hard to come by\". When you're an adult another situation could arise that is similar, and the recovery of that association and inner response can show up spontaneously as jealousy again. It is why a lot of people say to themselves, \"where does this feeling come from\" or, \"Why did I do that?\" A lot of human reactions are from spontaneous recovery", "id": "9114540" }, { "contents": "Erik Wilhelm\n\n\ntremendously because it's guys coming together, bonding and going for a common goal to win games and to learn an offense together, to practice together, to get beat up by the other team. Whether you have success or fail, you do it together. There's nothing that can really replace something like that. It's why guys play football. No matter if it's the NFL and you're getting paid a whole bunch of money or this league where you're gettin' beer and pizza money.\" Wilhelm", "id": "6201917" }, { "contents": "That's Why I Love You Like I Do\n\n\n\"That's Why I Love You Like I Do\" is a song country music song originally made famous by Sonny James. The song had two runs of popularity for James, one in 1956 and the other in 1972, each under a different title and with a distinctive arrangement. James' original version was recorded in 1956 as \"You're the Reason I'm In Love,\" for the beginning line of the refrain. An electric guitar-heavy, slow-tempoed song, \"You're the Reason ...\"", "id": "16541903" }, { "contents": "Lesbian Request Denied\n\n\nI love that book and I'm dying to do something.' Then that's what happened. They don't tell you what episode you're shooting so it's a wonderful exercise and meditation in letting go because you have no idea what you're doing. One episode takes eight days to prep and eight to shoot. It's a fast deal. And I'd never done TV before.\" Series creator and showrunner Jenji Kohan stated that Foster directed the episode as \"sort of her dry-run for when she", "id": "1046955" }, { "contents": "Adam Dunn\n\n\nin response to a question about acquiring Dunn: \"Do you know the guy doesn't really like baseball that much? Do you know the guy doesn't have a passion to play the game that much? How much do you know about the player? There's a reason why you're attracted to some players and there's a reason why you're not attracted to some players. I don't think you'd be very happy if we brought Adam Dunn here.\" Ricciardi later apologized for his comments. In 2008", "id": "20565999" }, { "contents": "Fell on Black Days\n\n\nthat the use of odd meters was \"a total accident.\" Cornell on \"Fell on Black Days\": \"Fell on Black Days\" was like this ongoing fear I've had for years ... It's a feeling that everyone gets. You're happy with your life, everything's going well, things are exciting—when all of a sudden you realize you're unhappy in the extreme, to the point of being really, really scared. There's no particular event you can pin the feeling down to,", "id": "20454738" }, { "contents": "Journey to the Past\n\n\na feeling of motion\" into its melody to demonstrate the fact that Anya sings \"Journey to the Past\" while traveling. The opening \"vamp\" Flaherty composed for the song's introduction was written to resemble the character's heartbeat as it races excitedly while \"giv[ing] the feeling of the fear and self-doubt that always goes with when you're on the cusp of the next thing\" prior to ultimately \"finding the strength within you to continue.\" Originally, the song was entitled \"Forward to the Past", "id": "3097742" }, { "contents": "Black Widow Murders\n\n\n, as \"like \"Arsenic and Old Lace\", but it doesn't have Cary Grant.\" The prosecution's case included secretly recorded conversations between Golay and Rutterschmidt when they were in jail. Ruttershmidt told Golay in one conversation \"You did all these insurances extra. That's what raised the suspicion. You can't do that. Stupidity. You're going to go to jail, honey. They going to lock you up.\" Suspicion had in fact been raised when a detective happened to overhear a colleague discussing", "id": "765158" }, { "contents": "Airbourne (band)\n\n\nIn a September 2008 interview with MetalSucks, Joel discussed comparisons with AC/DC, \"whoever you are when you come out, especially if you're from Australia and you sound like we do, you're going to get compared to anyone who is out there. It doesn't matter who you are, you are going to get compared to somebody. To be compared to the best rock and roll band in the business, who are still going today and are about to release another album, there is no higher compliment", "id": "4031407" }, { "contents": "Grave Danger\n\n\nand knocks his head on the coffin lid. He checks the magazine of his pistol and cocks it. He listens to the dictaphone tape. A taunting voice speaks:\"Hi, CSI guy.brYou wondering why you're here? Because you followed the evidence.brBecause that's what CSIs do. So breathe quick, breathe slow, put your gun in your mouth and pull the trigger. Any way you like, you're going to die here.\" The voice then says \"okay?\" and another voice says \"perfect\". Nick panics", "id": "3449294" }, { "contents": "Hakeem Lyon\n\n\nThe audition was Gray's very first acting experience opposite. He later sought formal training to prepare for the role. Gray revealed that he was close to being evicted when he finally booked the role of Hakeem. Gray took advice from actors Will Smith and Jamie Foxx in preparing for the role when they told him \"if you feel like you're embarrassed, when you're acting, you're doing something perfect.\" Lee Daniels revealed that he patterned the character of Hakeem after his own 19-year-old son who like Hakeem", "id": "10244453" }, { "contents": "Pretend (Tinashe song)\n\n\nit’s a midtempo feel and it’s kinda minimalistic in the track.” And when speaking about the song's meaning, she said, \"\"Pretend\" is basically about when you're in a relationship and instead of dealing with the stuff that you deal with in a relationship, you don't want to do that. You're just going to pretend that everything is fine. I think a lot of people can relate.\" \"Pretend\" is a pop song written by Tinashe, Lyrica Anderson and ASAP Rocky", "id": "16816403" }, { "contents": "T-Shirt (Shontelle song)\n\n\nthe significance to her of the song: \"I really like 'T-Shirt' a lot because, when you listen to the song, there's a lot of elements in there that will definitely appeal to girls. Like even the strongest women at some point can have that guy in their life who, if for some reason you can't be with him, is gonna have that effect on you where you're not gonna feel like going out, hanging out with your girlfriends, partying, or doing", "id": "2268891" }, { "contents": "Something Worth Saving\n\n\nbeen confirmed by him over the years. In an audio clip on MTV, DeGraw speaks about the friction that occurs when you write your own music as an artist. \"I think something interesting happens when you're a songwriter and when you're an artist as a songwriter. It's that sometimes when you're writing, you may just want to write something fictional just because you think it's cool and you like the way it sounds. So, in some ways (as an artist), sometimes you feel like", "id": "8618518" }, { "contents": "I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked (Grey's Anatomy)\n\n\nlast episode - oddly works as a bookend to Izzie's story. \"Even though there's a part of me that would like to go back and do the quick Izzie farewell, \" she says, \"I also think that my last scene - where Meredith says to Izzie, 'Don't go, we're your family,' and Izzie's response was, 'No you're not, you're just a bunch of people I worked with, and I can find that anywhere' - was kind of tragic", "id": "8277045" }, { "contents": "Fred Durst\n\n\nwe wanna let out the positive energy\". Durst later stated in an interview, \"I didn't see anybody getting hurt. You don't see that. When you're looking out on a sea of people and the stage is twenty feet in the air and you're performing, and you're feeling your music, how do they expect us to see something bad going on?\" Les Claypool told the \"San Francisco Examiner\", \"Woodstock was just Durst being Durst. His attitude is 'no press is", "id": "13587005" }, { "contents": "Woodstock '99\n\n\n.\" In contrast, partway through \"Break Stuff\", Durst encouraged the crowd to be angry. Durst later stated in an interview, \"I didn't see anybody getting hurt. You don't see that. When you're looking out on a sea of people and the stage is twenty feet in the air and you're performing, and you're feeling your music, how do they expect us to see something bad going on?\" Primus member Les Claypool told the \"San Francisco Examiner\", \"Woodstock", "id": "15708778" }, { "contents": "Roberto Hernández (starting pitcher)\n\n\n. Around that time, Phillies analyst Ricky Bottalico commented, \"All in all, I like what I've seen from Roberto Hernandez early in the ball games, but it's seems to be fourth, fifth, sixth innings, you're seeing a laboring guy out there. The one thing he's got to do is relax himself. It seems like he's trying to be a little too fine with his pitches. When you do that as a pitcher and you're not relaxed, you're going to make mistakes", "id": "14415418" }, { "contents": "When We Were Young (Adele song)\n\n\nyou've never loved, and stuff like that, where you can't find the time to be in each other's lives. And you're all thrown together at this party when you're like 50, and it doesn't matter and you have so much fun and you feel like you're 15 again. So that's the kind of vibe of it really.\" In a New York Times song by song analysis, she added: \"At rehearsal, when I was singing 'When We Were Young,'", "id": "3436179" }, { "contents": "I Wanna (The All-American Rejects song)\n\n\nRitter numerous times before recording began. In an interview with Take 40 Australia, Wheeler said \"Tyson came up with the idea on the road while we were touring \"Move Along\". Two years straight on the road, barely going home. And when all you see is planes, buses, cars, insides of venues, dressing rooms and hotels... it starts to feel like a prison. That's kinda what the song's about... you're locked away in this hole and all you wanna do is touch somebody", "id": "15594640" }, { "contents": "Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection\n\n\nand much of what I read convinced me that you're dealing with unconscionable, truly vicious individuals. It's true, there are some changes in Colombia, but the fighting is still going on, and these people are other places as well. And what you're fighting is billions of dollars. That much money means an enormous amount of power. That's why we portrayed our kingpin that vindictively. It happens. They feel they're above the law, and when you get in their way, they don't just", "id": "20355517" }, { "contents": "Jeff Erlanger\n\n\n-year-old Jeff showed Rogers how his electric wheelchair worked and explained why he needed it. They talked about his parents, doctors, recent surgery and what you can do when you're sad. Together they sang one of Rogers' popular songs, \"It's You I Like\". The two of them continued to communicate. In speeches Rogers gave, he told of Erlanger's example \"about overcoming obstacles and feeling comfortable about yourself.\" When Fred Rogers was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame in 1999", "id": "3738593" }, { "contents": "Significant Other\n\n\n. If someone falls, pick 'em up. We already let the negative energy out. Now we wanna let out the positive energy\". Durst later stated in an interview, \"I didn't see anybody getting hurt. You don't see that. When you're looking out on a sea of people and the stage is twenty feet in the air and you're performing, and you're feeling your music, how do they expect us to see something bad going on?\" Les Claypool told the \"San Francisco", "id": "12934162" }, { "contents": "Limp Bizkit\n\n\nenergy out. Now we wanna let out the positive energy\". Durst later stated in an interview, \"I didn't see anybody getting hurt. You don't see that. When you're looking out on a sea of people and the stage is twenty feet in the air and you're performing, and you're feeling your music, how do they expect us to see something bad going on?\" Les Claypool told \"The San Francisco Examiner\", \"Woodstock was just Durst being Durst. His attitude is", "id": "19047012" }, { "contents": "Vow (song)\n\n\n. Lyrically, Manson claimed \"'Vow' is about having feelings [of vengeance]. You have to face your feelings of revenge and work out why you feel that way. It's about that conundrum when you're really angry but in reality you're in a pitiful state. Angry, twisted, but deep down, vulnerable.\" During promotion for the song, Garbage joked to journalists that \"Vow\" was about John and Lorena Bobbitt. Garbage had not initially planned to release \"Vow\" as their first", "id": "1709284" }, { "contents": "Pierce Brosnan\n\n\nElliott School, a state comprehensive school in Putney, southwest London, now known as Ark Putney Academy. Brosnan has spoken about the transition from Ireland to England and his education in London; \"When you go to a very large city, a metropolis like London, as an Irish boy of 10, life suddenly moves pretty fast. From a little school of, say, seven classrooms in Ireland, to this very large comprehensive school, with over 2,000 children. And you're Irish. And they make you feel it", "id": "12934623" }, { "contents": "The Hurt Locker\n\n\nin the helmet, and they were throwing rocks... We got shot at a few times while we were filming\", Renner said. \"When you see it, you're gonna feel like you've been in war.\" \"You can't fake that amount of heat\", Mackie says, adding, \"When you are on set and all of the extras are Iraqi refugees, it really informs the movie that you're making. When you start hearing the stories from a true perspective ... of people who", "id": "16843513" }, { "contents": "Rodney Marsh\n\n\nyou think I'm effing useless it's not going to work. Do you want to take it back?. (Book) No chance. In fact, thinking about it more, you're not that good. (Marsh) In the middle of 1975 Marsh played a handful of matches for Cork Hibernians for a fee of £600 a game. He later was flown to Los Angeles as a guest of Elton John, who was then chairman of the Los Angeles Aztecs in the NASL, but before he agreed to", "id": "9213794" }, { "contents": "The Best of Me (Mýa song)\n\n\n\"when passion and infatuation and seduction and all these things are taking place, and you're actually liking it. However, as a female, things do happen to you that you must carry on after the fact, so you're trying to weigh the consequences and make a decision based on what you know, and you may not know much about this person. It's just about setting standards for yourself and what you want.\" Before \"The Best of Me\" was chosen as the lead single from \"Fear", "id": "9668958" }, { "contents": "Joli OS\n\n\non a Condé Nast Traveler blog, Mike Haney called Joli OS \"an easy, free OS that you don't have to be a code-monkey to install and does everything you need your netbook to do, quickly. I put it on a Lenovo netbook this weekend that was running like molasses under Windows 7, and I'm a convert\". While Joli OS is not the first operating system designed from Linux targeted at the beginning netbooks, \"it's the first that doesn't feel like you're using Linux", "id": "21148278" }, { "contents": "The Element of Freedom\n\n\nthe-box, feel inspired, You're definitely going to be taken on a trip, I know you're going to be shocked, you're going to hear things that you probably didn't think that I would sound like. It's a journey.\" Keys revealed to \"The Times\" that in the period she was recording the album, she listened to artists such as Genesis, Tears for Fears, Fleetwood Mac and The Police. In an interview with \"Billboard\" magazine, Keys stated that she \"", "id": "15244047" }, { "contents": "Escapades (Hungry Kids of Hungary album)\n\n\ndownstairs bit of his house and there's a pool out the back, which is great when you're recording in summer, because we started in January, and it's blistering hot in Brisbane. We'd record for two hours then have a swim and keep recorded…it was great! I think that sort of environment its conducive for us to do good work. We just feel really comfortable; it's the way we operate. You're not on the clock like you are in a major studio, you do", "id": "492130" }, { "contents": "Steven Beale\n\n\nboy to admit that he's gay. He basically wants to help him. Steven doesn't want to be gay and Christian knows how he feels. Coming out is hard for any young man [...] Christian's worried that Stacey is going to get hurt. He knows that when you're gay, you're gay. That's it. There's nothing you can do about it and if you try to hide it, people get hurt.\" After the truth was revealed to Stacey, Steven falsely claimed to", "id": "13121322" }, { "contents": "Ashes to Ashes (play)\n\n\nfeel you're being hypnotized?\" \"Who by?\" asks Rebecca. \"By me,\" answers Devlin, adding \"What do you think?\", to which Rebecca retorts, \"I think you're a fuckpig\" (7–9). In response to Devlin's further inquiries about her \"lover\", Rebecca relates several dream-like sequences involving the man who she has quoted initially (7–27). She tells Devlin that this \"lover\" worked as a \"guide\" for a \"travel agency", "id": "19931932" }, { "contents": "Wise Guy (musical)\n\n\nthat is why you never place a bet You've talked to sev'ral horses that have won And once or twice you knew who'd win before the race was run You know what's coming when the cards are cut You're onto each and ev'ry racket, but You're a sucker for a dame The pucker of a dame will make you jump Just like a chump When you gaze into her eyes The springs that make you wise refuse to work And you're a jerk I've seen you playing poker with three aces A", "id": "4905256" }, { "contents": "Body Talk Pt. 1\n\n\nwhen you're younger, and you just want to get out of somewhere. You just want to do something. \"Feel\" things!\" She continued that despite her age, \"I'm always going to feel like this person on the outside looking in.\" Another theme prevalent on the album is \"technology versus humanity\". Robyn collaborated with Norwegian electronic music duo Röyksopp at their studio in Oslo on the song \"None of Dem\". American producer Diplo produced the song \"Dancehall Queen\" with Åhlund,", "id": "982938" }, { "contents": "Agápē (mixtape)\n\n\nI know it will be OK. I believe in myself\" she sings, referring to her constant label troubles. JoJo states \"It's kind of about me moving from South Boston to Los Angeles and my decision to do that. Feeling like I needed a place to explore and grow.\" She goes on further in another interview stating \"It's the mission statement for what we were going to expand upon, and I was touching on the feeling like you don't belong anywhere but you still feel like you're", "id": "10462226" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Cook\n\n\nrehab for drug addiction and an eating disorder. On being sent to rehab, Cook said \"I needed some help. I did not feel like rehab was what I needed and I tried to desperately convince some key people around me that in that moment I needed intensive therapy and I probably needed medication. They cancelled the tour and said you can't go because we don't trust the state that you're in. You're saying you're not addicted to anything and you're saying you don't have an eating disorder", "id": "20098776" }, { "contents": "Fake Happy\n\n\nI think there's a lot of time we go out or we do things and we don't feel the way that we project, you know, that we wanna look like we feel...\" In a Beats 1 interview with Zane Lowe, Williams also said regarding the song: \"I hate phoniness. It's not fun to be around, it's not fun to do yourself. But then there are these moments in your life where you're professional and you have to have grace with yourself, you have to", "id": "18806924" }, { "contents": "Contras\n\n\n\" In the 1980s, Douglas Farah worked as a journalist, covering the civil wars in Central America for the Washington Post. According to Farah, while it was common knowledge that the Contras were involved in cocaine trafficking, the editors of the Washington Post refused to take it seriously: If you're talking about our intelligence community tolerating — if not promoting — drugs to pay for black ops, it's rather an uncomfortable thing to do when you're an establishment paper like the Post. If you were going to be directly", "id": "7744847" }, { "contents": "Happening\n\n\nlikely by chance procedures.\" As a conclusion, a happening is fresh while it lasts and cannot be reproduced. Regarding happenings, Red Grooms has remarked, \"I had the sense that I knew it was something. I knew it was something because I didn't know what it was. I think that's when you're at your best point. When you're really doing something, you're doing it all out, but you don't know what it is.\" The lack of plot as well as", "id": "14140982" }, { "contents": "The Haunted Man (album)\n\n\n, Khan stated that although she had enough songs to put out as an album, she wanted to take more time working on new material, as she had been on tour for a long time, and found it boring to write songs about being on tour. She experienced a \"profound writer's block\", which led her to call Thom Yorke, lead singer of Radiohead, to ask, \"What do you do when you feel like you're going to die because you can't write anything?\" He advised", "id": "14021446" }, { "contents": "Serving 190 Proof\n\n\nyou've enjoyed for years don't seem nearly as important, and you're at war with yourself as to what's happening. 'Why don't I like that anymore? Why do I like this now?' And finally, I think you actually go through a biological change, you just, you become another...Your body is getting ready to die and your mind doesn't agree.\" According to Daniel Cooper's essay for the 1994 career retrospective \"Down Every Road\", Haggard told music journalist Peter Guralnick", "id": "15230200" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Mitt Romney\n\n\ntroops should not go off and try to fight a war of independence for another nation. Only the Afghanis can win Afghanistan's independence from the Taliban. In 2012, when Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta outlined a plan to withdraw U.S. combat troops by 2013 if possible, Romney criticized the announcement, saying, \"Why in the world do you go to the people that you're fighting with and tell them the date you're pulling out your troops?\" Romney's 2012 presidential election campaign website similarly criticized the Obama Administration for", "id": "11527140" }, { "contents": "Let's Make a Movie\n\n\nMovie critic Mark Bell of Film Threat wrote, \"\"Let's Make a Movie\" captures the innocence of filmmaking at that stage when you've just got to film something, do anything, or else you feel like you're going to be consumed by a life spent doing something you never wanted to do.\" Despite the positive review, Film Threat gave the film only 2 out of 5 stars. Felix Vasquez Jr. of Cinema Crazed Magazine praised the film, and wrote \"and in the end \"Let's Make", "id": "12422037" }, { "contents": "The Velvet Rope\n\n\nn't escape\". She questioned her career path, feeling pressured by the demands of the entertainment industry, saying, \"People look at you differently, as if you're not human.\" Abbie Kearse of MTV responded, \"You're creating a person who might not really be you, but you've created this fantasy woman, so when it's time to get back to business, it's like 'I've got to go back to that world'\". Jackson expressed concern for how she could portray an", "id": "14881856" }, { "contents": "Stanley Rader\n\n\nnot only sue you if you use this. ... Mike, look, I think you'd better scrap everything because you're on my list. Okay? You're never going to live it down, Mike, I guarantee it. ... you're contemptible. ... I'd like you to get out of here, immediately!\" Rader then stormed out of the room, and accused the press of distorting the facts. Whereas the plan of Garner Ted Armstrong was to ease his aging father into retirement, the plan of", "id": "20362489" }, { "contents": "Aldrich Killian\n\n\nkind of cameo stuff, so the experience of shooting them... I mean, on some level, it's tricky because you feel like a bit of an outsider. You don’t really live the experience that you do when you're there all day every day with everybody. But at the same time, it can be more fun sometimes because you're just working in concentrated spurts.\" Pearce described his character as a man \"who came into this world with a number of physical disabilities. He’s never been able", "id": "16528692" }, { "contents": "Britney: For the Record\n\n\n\" she says. \"People think that when you go through something in life you have to go to therapy. For me, art is therapy, because it's like you're expressing yourself in such a spiritual way. \"Sometimes you don't need to use words to go through what you need to go through,\" she continues. \"Sometimes it's an emotion you need to feel when you dance, that you need to touch. And the only thing that can touch it is when you move a certain", "id": "15824947" }, { "contents": "A Comfortable Man\n\n\nthe dust settle. When you're in Madness and you're writing, it keeps you occupied. It's [was] a very personal project on the sidelines. And I always think timing is essential and when it feels right.\" A music video for \"You're Not Alone\" was released in September 2014. The song was released as a download single in March 2015, followed by \"Do You Believe in Love?\" and \"Are the Children Happy?\". Upon release, Tony Clayton-Lea", "id": "752790" }, { "contents": "Cross Creek (film)\n\n\nwatch the scenes with Rip (Torn) and remember what it was like doing them. It's so much fun working with him. You're never quite sure what you're going to get with him. You know it's going to be something truthful. A scene was always lively when he was in on it because he was so unpredictable. You had to be ready for anything. It's a nice fright, though. The kind of fright every actor hopes for.\" The film fictionalised elements of Rawlings life", "id": "18031003" }, { "contents": "From Under the Cork Tree\n\n\nMy Name is David Ruffin And These Are The Temptations\". Wentz stated \"Our label said, 'You're going to get sued for doing that,' and our lawyer said, 'You're definitely going to get sued for doing that,' which totally sucked. So we said, 'OK, why don't we immortalize you in a song?'\" The group subsequently retitled the song \"Our Lawyer Made Us Change the Name of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued\". Stump served as", "id": "20485460" }, { "contents": "Satisfied (Jewel song)\n\n\nhappiness and what makes a person happy. It's funny because I feel like we all are interested in happiness, but I feel like very few of us sit down to actually see how much we're doing in our day lends to our happiness. It also seems like when you're a kid you have all these goals about what you want your life to become. Now when you accomplish those goals, you have to re-evaluate and see if they are making you happy because what makes a person feel satisfied might", "id": "7979102" }, { "contents": "Marian Price\n\n\nThe force-feeding takes 15 minutes but it feels like forever. You're in control of nothing. You're terrified the food will go down the wrong way and you won't be able to let them know because you can't speak or move. You're frightened you'll choke to death. Marian Price was freed in 1980 and resumed a private life, emerging only in the 1990s as a vocal opponent of Sinn Féin's \"peace strategy\". Of the Good Friday Agreement she said: \"It is not", "id": "21383829" }, { "contents": "Inertia Creeps\n\n\nrelationship that Robert del Naja had, which at the time had just ended: I already had a lot of the lyrics written before. It was just about a relationship I had been going through. It's about being in a situation but knowing you should be out of it but you're too fucking lazy or weak to leave. And you're dishonest to yourself and dishonest to the other person. You're betraying them and the whole scene feels like it's closing in on you, d'ya-know-what-", "id": "7209609" }, { "contents": "Star Wars Episode I: Racer\n\n\nuntil the very end.\" Project lead John Knoles emphasized that the team's goal was for a strong sense of speed. He stated they wanted to make it \"feel like an eyeball-peeling racing game, where you're going so fast, you're just nervous.\" The game was originally titled \"Star Wars: Podracer\", however the subtitle was changed to \"Episode I Racer\" when LucasArts learned that another company owned the trademark for games with the name \"Pod\" in the title. Actor Jake", "id": "17915864" }, { "contents": "Erythnul\n\n\nsomehow different from massacres, which is of course Hextor's domain. I imagine it can get pretty tricky deciding whether you're going to massacre somebody or slaughter them, which makes it difficult to know who to pray to. Erythnul is also the god of ugliness, which seems like a very weird thing to pray for. Do you ask Erythnul to impart ugliness on others? If you're ugly, do you pray to him to keep you ugly? What if you're attractive, but just have really low self-", "id": "11708418" }, { "contents": "Dance Again... the Hits\n\n\nit was like 'We're going to have to do something again.' And this was the perfect song. I love the message of the song. That when something bad happens, your life is not over. You have to get up. You're gonna live. You're gonna to be okay. You're gonna dance again.\" \"Goin' In\" was written by Michael Warren, Jamahl Listenbee, Joseph Angel, Coleridge Tillman, David Quiñones and Tramar Dillard. Lopez's vocals were produced", "id": "6334903" }, { "contents": "Dance Again\n\n\nan interview with Ryan Seacrest, Lopez revealed that she loved being able to collaborate with RedOne and Pitbull again. She stated: \"We had a great chemistry the last time, and it was like 'We're going to have to do something again.' And this was the perfect song. I love the message of the song. That when something bad happens, your life is not over. You have to get up. You're gonna live. You're gonna to be okay. You're gon", "id": "7017525" }, { "contents": "The Choirboys (film)\n\n\nknow how to feel sorry for a cop. It's a volunteer force. You're not drafted to become a cop. So you've got to take some of the heat if you don't like what people think about you. After all, that's an extraordinary pension you get in twenty years; nobody else gets it. In fact, I disagree with Wambaugh to such an extent that I don't think people really like cops.\" Aldrich said the book \"doesn't go far enough for me\" for", "id": "18253369" }, { "contents": "Jeffrey Ballinger\n\n\nneed a guy like me to go through Trump's records.\" He joined others in pledging to support and vote for a three term-limit for House seats and two terms for Senate seats. In late August 2017, the \"Boston Globe\" asked Ballard \"when you talk to voters in the district, what's their most pressing concern, and why do you think you're the best person to address it in Congress?\" Ballinger replied Corporations have such a pervasive influence in Washington that people don't believe that", "id": "2018198" }, { "contents": "Jenny (Doctor Who)\n\n\n, but later accepts her as his daughter, saying \"You're going to be more than great; you're going to be amazing\". Jenny's 'death' is shown during \"Journey's End\" when the Doctor recalls those who have died while helping him, as he did not know she revived. While it is well established within \"Doctor Who\" that the Doctor once had a family—his first incarnation having travelled with his granddaughter, Susan—this fact has been seldom referenced in the show.", "id": "6808074" }, { "contents": "Damae\n\n\nDamae 2) \"Embrace\" (All Vocals by Damae) (2002) Time And Time Again (Vocals by Damae) Embrace Me (Vocals by Damae) Say That You're Here (Vocals by Damae) How Do You Feel(Vocals by Damae) Take This World For Real (Vocals by Damae) Just Like A Teardrop (Vocals by Damae) Who Needs a Reason (Vocals by Damae) Only You (Vocals by Damae) Why (Vocals by Damae) Maybe It's You (Vocals by Damae) Free Your", "id": "1147408" }, { "contents": "Body Gossip\n\n\nabout their body; they then displayed the hearts simultaneously at 1 p.m. Ruth Rogers said of the event: \"Too many people don't have anything that they love about their bodies, and we thought we should try to encourage them to really look at themselves and go 'you're gorgeous'. We're bombarded every single day with negative imagery and unattainable perfection. No matter what you feel that you should look like, you look like you, and you can be the best version of you. You're your own", "id": "10138097" }, { "contents": "Be Here Now (album)\n\n\n\"in retrospect, we went in the studio too quickly. The smart move would have been to take the rest of the year off. But at the time it seemed like the right thing to do. If you're a band and you've got a dozen songs you think are great, why not go and do it.\" In 2006, Noel agreed that the band should have separated for a year or two instead of going into the studio.\" However, Morris later wrote: \"It was a mistake", "id": "12297531" }, { "contents": "Love Me like You Do\n\n\nbeats per minute. Goulding's vocal range spans from the low note of Ab3 to the high note of Eb5. \"Love Me like You Do\" is a tender electropop power ballad, with a \"synth-filled, '80s-sounding\" production. Its instrumentation consists of massive synthesisers and crushing drums, while Goulding delivers a \"soft, understated vocals\". In the opening seconds she sings, \"You're the cure/ you're the pain/ you're the only thing I want to touch/ Never knew that it/", "id": "8001311" }, { "contents": "Merle Haggard\n\n\nmuch of the next decade becoming mired in alcohol and drug problems. Haggard has stated that he was in his own mid-life crisis, or \"male menopause,\" around this time. He said in an interview from this period: \"Things that you've enjoyed for years don't seem nearly as important, and you're at war with yourself as to what's happening. 'Why don't I like that anymore? Why do I like this now?' And finally, I think you actually go through", "id": "6694071" } ]
Why do some diets (like Paleo) say beans are unhealthy, toxic or have "antinutrients"? Are there toxins or antinutrients in cooked beans?
[{"answer": "There is no such thing as an \u2018antinutrient\u2019. Also, don\u2019t ever listen to anyone who uses the word \u2018toxin\u2019."}, {"answer": "A lot of cereals and brans and legumes contain phytic acid, which impairs the absorption of iron and calcium. BUT phytic acid also help against kidney stones and some cancers. Basically if you soak your beans ahead of time you\u2019ll be fine."}, {"answer": "There is no such thing as an \"antinutrient\" and the word \"toxins\" doesn't have a specific biological meaning. These words are buzzwords for fad diets that make them sound more scientific when they are not. There are certain chemicals that can inhibit your body's ability to process nutrients, but few of these are significant or harmful in any way, and lots of them have helpful effects themselves. Almost anything you eat can be toxic in the right quantities (like water!) and most of the \"harmful\" elements in food are processed away by your liver and kidneys. Apple seeds are a good example - they actually contain a tiny amount of a chemical called amygdalin, which can convert into cyanide when eaten. Cyanide is a very deadly poison to humans, but the quantity in a few apple seeds isn't enough to harm you - you'd have to eat a few cups worth of seeds to cause any damage, and that's never going to happen if you're eating a couple of apples a day. But nobody would say that apples contain \"toxins.\" Paleo is a fad diet with no real scientific backing that spreads because people latch on to pseudo-scientific buzz words like \"natural\" or \"toxin.\" Now that doesn't mean that paleo diets are necessarily bad - I actually cook pretty close to it at home (mostly seafood, meats, veggies, fruits, and pretty few grains or carbs). But they aren't a magic ticket to weight loss or to healthy living, there's no solid research to back up the claims that they make, and there are a million ways to eat paleo and still be unhealthy."}, {"answer": "Because fad diets are dumb, based on nonsense, and attract hucksters, con-men, and true believers in crazy woo along with people who just want to get skinny."}, {"answer": "There are substances *which can be toxic* in everything, even water. That being said, unless you are sampling random poisonous plants from the countryside (or a victim of your country's failing plumbing infrastructure), it is unlikely you are being exposed to dangerous amounts of them in your run of the mill diet. That doesn't prevent idiots and new age sages and guys who just want to make money off you from saying \"There's cyanide in apples!\" (there is) and that you need to eat their expensive diet or apples will kill you (they won't)."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "62784", "title": "Soybean", "section": "Section::::Health risks.:Allergy.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 179, "end_paragraph_id": 179, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Soy can also trigger symptoms via food intolerance, a situation where no allergic mechanism can be proven. One scenario is seen in very young infants who have vomiting and diarrhoea when fed soy-based formula, which resolves when the formula is withdrawn. Older infants can suffer a more severe disorder with vomiting, diarrhoea that may be bloody, anemia, weight loss and failure to thrive. The most common cause of this unusual disorder is a sensitivity to cow's milk, but soy formulas can also be the trigger. The precise mechanism is unclear and it could be immunologic, although not through the IgE-type antibodies that have the leading role in urticaria and anaphylaxis. However, it is also self-limiting and will often disappear in the toddler years.", "Soy can also trigger symptoms via food intolerance, a situation where no allergic mechanism can be proven. One scenario is seen in very young infants who have vomiting and diarrhoea when fed soy-based formula, which resolves when the formula is withdrawn. Older infants can suffer a more severe disorder with vomiting, diarrhoea that may be bloody, anemia, weight loss and failure to thrive. The most common cause of this unusual disorder is a sensitivity to cow's milk, but soy formulas can also be the trigger. The precise mechanism is unclea"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Bean\n\n\ntypes of bean, often mung beans, germinate in moist and warm conditions; beansprouts may be used as ingredients in cooked dishes, or eaten raw or lightly cooked. There have been many outbreaks of disease from bacterial contamination, often by \"salmonella\", \"listeria\", and \"Escherichia coli\", of beansprouts not thoroughly cooked, some causing significant mortality. Many types of bean contain significant amounts of antinutrients that inhibit some enzyme processes in the body. Phytic acid and phytates, present in grains, nuts, seeds", "id": "4193340" }, { "contents": "Enzyme inhibitor\n\n\ncan also be natural poisons or antinutrients, such as the trypsin inhibitors (discussed above) that are found in some legumes, as shown in the figure above. A less common class of toxins are toxic enzymes: these act as irreversible inhibitors of their target enzymes and work by chemically modifying their substrate enzymes. An example is ricin, an extremely potent protein toxin found in castor oil beans. This enzyme is a glycosidase that inactivates ribosomes. Since ricin is a catalytic irreversible inhibitor, this allows just a single molecule of ricin", "id": "14714956" }, { "contents": "Lectin\n\n\nstrict lectin-free diet is unbalanced and dangerously low in many nutrients, requiring significant dietary supplementation to maintain health. Lectins are one of many toxic constituents of many raw plants, which are inactivated by proper processing and preparation (e.g., cooking with heat, fermentation). For example, raw kidney beans naturally contain toxic levels of lectin (e.g. phytohaemagglutinin). Adverse effects may include nutritional deficiencies, and immune (allergic) reactions. Lectins are considered a major family of protein antinutrients, which are specific sugar-binding proteins", "id": "4227245" }, { "contents": "Lima bean\n\n\nthey are pre-cooked. The lima bean can contain anti-nutrients like phytic acids, saponin, oxalate, tannin, and trypsin inhibitors. These inhibit absorption of nutrients in animals and can cause damage to some organs. In addition to boiling, methods of roasting, pressure cooking, soaking, and germination can also reduce the antinutrients significantly. The high fiber content in lima beans prevents blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after eating them due to the presence of those large amounts of absorption-slowing compounds in the beans", "id": "16755856" }, { "contents": "Antinutrient\n\n\nincluding fats. For example, the anti-obesity drug orlistat causes a percentage of fat to pass through the digestive tract undigested. Amylase inhibitors prevent the action of enzymes that break the glycosidic bonds of starches and other complex carbohydrates, preventing the release of simple sugars and absorption by the body. Amylase inhibitors, like lipase inhibitors, have been used as a diet aid and obesity treatment. Amylase inhibitors are present in many types of beans; commercially available amylase inhibitors are extracted from white kidney beans. Oxalic acid and oxalates are", "id": "14075143" }, { "contents": "Antinutrient\n\n\nAntinutrients are found at some level in almost all foods for a variety of reasons. However, their levels are reduced in modern crops, probably as an outcome of the process of domestication. The possibility now exists to eliminate antinutrients entirely using genetic engineering; but, since these compounds may also have beneficial effects, such genetic modifications could make the foods more nutritious but not improve people's health. Many traditional methods of food preparation such as fermentation, cooking, and malting increase the nutritive quality of plant foods through reducing certain antinutrients", "id": "14075147" }, { "contents": "Bean\n\n\nfolded \"sleep\" position. Currently, the world genebanks hold about 40,000 bean varieties, although only a fraction are mass-produced for regular consumption. Some bean types include: Some kinds of raw beans contain a harmful tasteless toxin, lectin phytohaemagglutinin, that must be removed by cooking. Red kidney beans are particularly toxic, but other types also pose risks of food poisoning. A recommended method is to boil the beans for at least ten minutes; undercooked beans may be more toxic than raw beans. Cooking beans, without", "id": "4193337" }, { "contents": "Canavalia cathartica\n\n\nIt grows rapidly, tolerates challenging habitat types such as dry, sandy, saline soils, and appears to be fairly pest-resistant. Like many legumes, \"C. cathartica\" contains antinutrients and requires some processing or preparation before it can be used for food. Antinutrients in the species include phenols, tannins, and lectins such as phytohaemagglutinin. Pressure cooking can reduce antinutrients. Roasting is somewhat less effective. In small-scale agriculture, farmers use this plant as green manure and mulch and host it in their fields for its", "id": "21570192" }, { "contents": "Soybean agglutinin\n\n\nSoybean agglutinins (SBA) also known as soy bean lectins (SBL) are lectins found in soybeans. It is a family of similar legume lectins. As a lectin, it is an antinutrient that chelates minerals. In human foodstuffs, it is largely eliminated through fermentation and cooking processes. SBAs have a molecular weight of 120 kDa and an isoelectric point near pH 6.0 SBA preferentially binds to oligosaccharide structures with terminal α-helix or β-sheet linked N-acetylgalactosamine, and to a lesser extent, galactose residues. Binding", "id": "6254408" }, { "contents": "Antinutrient\n\n\nan antinutrient found in active form in raw egg whites. It binds very tightly to biotin (vitamin B7) and can cause deficiency of B7 in animals and, in extreme cases, in humans. Widespread form of antinutrients are the flavonoids, which are a group of polyphenolic compounds that include tannins. These compounds chelate metals such as iron and zinc and reduce the absorption of these nutrients, but they also inhibit digestive enzymes and may also precipitate proteins. Saponins in plants may act like antifeedants and can be classified as antinutrients.", "id": "14075146" }, { "contents": "Amaranth\n\n\nnutritional value substantially across all nutrients, with only dietary minerals remaining at moderate levels. Cooked amaranth leaves are a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and manganese, with moderate levels of folate, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Amaranth does not contain gluten. Amaranth grain contains phytochemicals that are not defined as nutrients and may be antinutrient factors, such as polyphenols, saponins, tannins, and oxalates. These compounds are reduced in content and antinutrient effect by cooking. Known to the Aztecs as , amaranth", "id": "1420816" }, { "contents": "Phaseolus vulgaris\n\n\ncommon bean varieties, but is especially concentrated in red kidney beans. White kidney beans contain about a third as much toxin as the red variety; broad beans (\"Vicia faba\") contain 5 to 10% as much as red kidney beans. Phytohaemagglutinin can be deactivated by cooking beans for ten minutes at boiling point (100 °C, 212 °F). Insufficient cooking, such as in a slow cooker at 80 °C/ 176 °F, however, is not sufficient to deactivate all toxin To safely cook", "id": "17071293" }, { "contents": "Thermal cooking\n\n\n°C (as when the contents of the cooker are slowly cooling over a long period), a danger of food poisoning due to bacterial infection, or toxins produced by multiplying bacteria, arises. It is essential to heat food sufficiently at the outset of vacuum cooking; 60 °C throughout the dish for 10 minutes is sufficient to kill most pathogens of interest, effectively pasteurizing the dish. Some foods, such as kidney beans, fava beans, and many other varieties of beans contain a toxin, phytohaemagglutinin, that requires", "id": "5647432" }, { "contents": "Phaseolus coccineus\n\n\nAeron Purple Star'. Runner beans have also been called \"Oregon lima bean\", and in Nahuatl \"ayocotl\" or in Spanish \"ayocote\". Runner beans, like all beans, contain the toxic protein phytohaemagglutinin and thus should be cooked well before eating. In the US, in 1978, the scarlet runner was widely grown for its attractive flowers primarily as an ornamental. Since that time, many US gardeners have adopted the bean as a regular member of the vegetable garden. The flower is known as a favourite", "id": "16755777" }, { "contents": "Substantial equivalence\n\n\nIt recognizes that traditional foods may naturally contain toxic components (usually called antinutrients)—such as the glycoalkaloids solanine in potatoes and alpha-tomatine in tomatoes—which do not affect their safety when prepared and eaten in traditional ways. The report proposes that, while biotechnology broadens the scope of food modification, it does not inherently introduce additional risk, and therefore, GM products may be assessed in the same way as conventionally bred products. Further, the relative precision of biotech methods should allow assessment to be focused on the most likely problem areas", "id": "10193757" }, { "contents": "Antinutrient\n\n\nAntinutrients are natural or synthetic compounds that interfere with the absorption of nutrients. Nutrition studies focus on these antinutrients commonly found in food sources and beverages. Phytic acid has a strong binding affinity to minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, and zinc. This results in precipitation, making the minerals unavailable for absorption in the intestines. Phytic acids are common in the hulls of nuts, seeds and grains and of great importance in agriculture animal nutrition and eutrophication wise due to the mineral chelation and bound phosphates released in to", "id": "14075141" }, { "contents": "Bean\n\n\nand beans, interfere with bone growth and interrupt vitamin D metabolism. Pioneering work on the effect of phytic acid was done by Edward Mellanby from 1939. Beans are high in protein, complex carbohydrates, folate, and iron. Beans also have significant amounts of fiber and soluble fiber, with one cup of cooked beans providing between nine and 13 grams of fiber. Soluble fiber can help lower blood cholesterol. Consuming beans adds significant amounts of fiber and soluble fiber to a diet, with one cup of cooked beans providing between nine", "id": "4193341" }, { "contents": "Fermentation in food processing\n\n\nvodka. The production of carbon dioxide is used to leaven bread. The production of organic acids is exploited to preserve and flavor vegetables and dairy products. Food fermentation serves five main purposes: to enrich the diet through development of a diversity of flavors, aromas, and textures in food substrates; to preserve substantial amounts of food through lactic acid, alcohol, acetic acid, and alkaline fermentations; to enrich food substrates with protein, essential amino acids, and vitamins; to eliminate antinutrients; and to reduce cooking time and the", "id": "21116350" }, { "contents": "Vegetable\n\n\nindividuals who eat less than three servings of fruits and vegetables each day, those that eat more than five servings have an approximately twenty percent lower risk of developing coronary heart disease or stroke. The nutritional content of vegetables varies considerably; some contain useful amounts of protein though generally they contain little fat, and varying proportions of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin K, and vitamin B; provitamins; dietary minerals; and carbohydrates. However, vegetables often also contain toxins and antinutrients which interfere with the absorption of nutrients. These", "id": "6564440" }, { "contents": "Phytochemical\n\n\nantinutrients that interfere with the absorption of nutrients. Others, such as some polyphenols and flavonoids, may be pro-oxidants in high ingested amounts. Nondigestible dietary fibers from plant foods, often considered as a phytochemical, are now generally regarded as a nutrient group having approved health claims for reducing the risk of some types of cancer and coronary heart disease. Eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes and plant-based beverages has long-term health benefits, but there is no evidence that taking dietary supplements", "id": "12961409" }, { "contents": "Fugu\n\n\nart, or as souvenirs. Fugu skin is also made into everyday objects like wallets or waterproof boxes. Scientists at Nagasaki University have reportedly succeeded in creating a non-toxic variety of torafugu by restricting the fish's diet. After raising over 4,800 non-toxic fish, they are fairly certain that the fish's diet and digestive process actually produce the toxins. The non-toxic version is said to taste the same. Some skeptics say that the fish being offered as non-toxic may be of a different species,", "id": "13778397" }, { "contents": "Jókai bean soup\n\n\nwriter. Jókai was a regular guest at a restaurant on Balatonfüred, where he almost always ordered bean soup, so in honor of the food Jókai bean soup named after him. In Jókai's works, there are some serious gastronomical historical writings, compilations, communications resources can be found. Multiple sources also know that he liked the pepperoni \"halászosleves\". For some reason he didn't want to write or say chowder! In imitation sound ambiguous - he said. She liked the pig nails cooked in beans, which is", "id": "11567448" }, { "contents": "Slow cooker\n\n\nor fava beans, contain the highly toxic lectin phytohemagglutinin. Boiling destroys this lectin, but the far lower temperature of a slow cooker does not. This means that dry beans must be boiled at for at least 30 minutes prior to slow cooking, or, alternatively, they must be soaked in water overnight, after which the water must be discarded, and the beans must then be boiled for at least 10 minutes. Even a few beans can be toxic, and beans can be as much as five times more toxic if", "id": "18038145" }, { "contents": "Regulation of genetic engineering\n\n\nrespect to safety (i.e., the food or food component can be concluded to be as safe as the conventional food or food component)\". The concept of substantial equivalence also recognises the fact that existing foods often contain toxic components (usually called antinutrients) and are still able to be consumed safely—in practice there is some tolerable chemical risk taken with all foods, so a comparative method for assessing safety needs to be adopted. For instance, potatoes and tomatoes can contain toxic levels of respectively, solanine and alpha-", "id": "4950870" }, { "contents": "Vegetable\n\n\ninclude α-solanine, α-chaconine, enzyme inhibitors (of cholinesterase, protease, amylase, etc.), cyanide and cyanide precursors, oxalic acid, tannins and others. These toxins are natural defenses, used to ward off the insects, predators and fungi that might attack the plant. Some beans contain phytohaemagglutinin, and cassava roots contain cyanogenic glycoside as do bamboo shoots. These toxins can be deactivated by adequate cooking. Green potatoes contain glycoalkaloids and should be avoided. Fruit and vegetables, particularly leafy vegetables, have", "id": "6564441" }, { "contents": "Antinutrient\n\n\nthrough the intestines to such a degree that other nutrients cannot be absorbed. However, this effect is often not seen in practice and reduction of absorbed minerals can be attributed mainly to the phytic acids in fibrous food. Foods high in calcium eaten simultaneously with foods containing iron can decrease the absorption of iron via an unclear mechanism involving iron transport protein hDMT1, which calcium can inhibit. Some proteins can also be antinutrients, such as the trypsin inhibitors and lectins found in legumes. These enzyme inhibitors interfere with digestion. Avidin is", "id": "14075145" }, { "contents": "Flat bean\n\n\nFlat beans, also known as helda beans, romano beans and \"gavar fhali\" in some Indian states, are a variety of \"Phaseolus coccineus\" , known as runner bean with edible pods that have a characteristic wide and flat shape. Flat beans are normally cooked and served as the whole pods, the same way as other green beans. Like many other types of bean (see broad bean for example) they can also be dehusked or \"shelled\" and the whitish seeds dried and stored, but there is no", "id": "2134702" }, { "contents": "Fruitarianism\n\n\nshould eat only plants that spread seeds when the plant is eaten. Others eat seeds and some cooked foods. Some fruitarians use the botanical definitions of fruits and consume pulses, such as beans, peas, or other legumes. Other fruitarians' diets include raw fruits, dried fruits, nuts, honey and olive oil, or fruits, nuts, beans and chocolate. Some fruitarians wish, like Jains, to avoid killing anything, including plants, and refer to ahimsa fruitarianism. For some fruitarians, the motivation comes from a", "id": "11118421" }, { "contents": "Phaseolus vulgaris\n\n\nthe beans, the U.S Food and Drug Administration recommends boiling for 30 minutes to ensure they reach a sufficient temperature for long enough to completely destroy the toxin. For dry beans, the FDA also recommends an initial soak of at least 5 hours in water which should then be discarded. Outbreaks of poisoning have been associated with cooking kidney beans in slow cookers. The primary symptoms of phytohaemagglutinin poisoning are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Onset is from one to three hours after consumption of improperly prepared beans, and symptoms typically resolve", "id": "17071294" }, { "contents": "Sattvic diet\n\n\nbeans, ghee and mild spices), kheer (rice cooked with milk and sweetened), chapatis (non-leavened whole wheat flat bread), porridge (sometimes made very watery and cooked with herbs), and \"Bible\" bread (sprouted grain bread). Sometimes yogis will fast from grains during special practices. Mung beans, lentils, yellow split peas, chickpeas, aduki beans, common beans, organic tofu, and bean sprouts are considered sattvic if well prepared. In general, the smaller the bean,", "id": "13180029" }, { "contents": "Phaseolus vulgaris\n\n\ndays after flowering). Raw or undercooked beans contain a toxic protein called phytohaemagglutinin. Similar to other beans, the common bean is high in starch, protein, and dietary fiber, and is an excellent source of iron, potassium, selenium, molybdenum, thiamine, vitamin B, and folate. Dry beans will keep indefinitely if stored in a cool, dry place, but as time passes, their nutritive value and flavor degrade and cooking times lengthen. Dried beans are almost always cooked by boiling, often after being soaked", "id": "17071285" }, { "contents": "Erythrina edulis\n\n\nor fried for at least 45 minutes. If the grains are eaten raw frequently, they can be toxic because they contain some alkaloids. All the other \"Erythrina\" species contain much more alkaloids and are thus much more toxic. Some of these species resemble \"E. edulis\"; the difference is clear for a trained eye, but less experienced people should be careful with harvesting and eating the beans. The cooked beans can be used in soups, cakes, salads, tortillas etc. They can be dried after the boiling", "id": "9252536" }, { "contents": "Early impact of Mesoamerican goods in Iberian society\n\n\ncould have been the reason why squash had reached the Ottomans in the early 16th century. While beans have long been around in Europe and Asia. Common, lima, and sieva beans are a few of the new types of beans that were introduced to Europe following Columbus's initial voyages. Natives had long recognized the protein-rich benefits of beans. The Spanish were quick to adopt the new beans into their diets. Tomatoes had long been popular in South America where the native peoples of Peru grew and traded them. Cortez", "id": "4567569" }, { "contents": "Phytohaemagglutinin\n\n\nblood cell types. As a toxin, it can cause poisoning in monogastric animals, such as humans, through the consumption of raw or improperly prepared kidney beans. Measured in haemagglutinating units (hau), a raw red kidney bean may contain up to 70,000 hau. This can be reduced to safe levels by correct cooking (boiling for at least 30 minutes at 100 °C/ 212 °F). Insufficient cooking, such as in a slow cooker at 75 °C/ 167 °F, may not completely destroy the toxins", "id": "11757346" }, { "contents": "Costa Rican cuisine\n\n\nRice and beans is a common dish on the Caribbean side, not to be confused with \"gallo pinto\" and other dishes containing rice and beans; this dish consists of rice and beans cooked in coconut milk and typically served with fish and some type of fried plantain. Rice and Beans are included in nearly every Costa Rican meal, even breakfast. Potatoes are another Costa Rican staple, part of the starch-rich \"Tico\" diet. Pork and beef are the most commonly eaten meats, but chicken and fish dishes", "id": "21191130" }, { "contents": "Cranberry bean\n\n\nnorthern Italy, where they have been grown since the early 1900s. The borlotti bean is a variety of the cranberry bean bred in Italy to have a thicker skin. It is used in Italian, Portuguese (Catarino bean), Turkish, and Greek cuisine. The cranberry bean looks similar to the pinto bean, but cranberry beans are larger and have big maroon specks on a creamy white background, more like Great Northern beans. After cooking, however, the specks vanish and the beans take on a more even, darker", "id": "2213276" }, { "contents": "Lima bean\n\n\nlima beans are served mixed with sweet corn, it is called succotash. The most abundant mineral in the raw lima bean is potassium, followed by calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, and iron. When lima beans germinate, there is increased calcium and phosphorus. Additionally, it is a good source of Vitamin B-6. Like many beans, raw lima beans are toxic (containing e.g. phytohaemagglutinin) if not boiled for at least 10 minutes. However, canned beans can be eaten without having to be boiled first, as", "id": "16755855" }, { "contents": "Tavče gravče\n\n\nand cholesterol. That is why promoting beans in a diet could improve overall health and also decrease the risk of developing certain diseases, including heart disease, obesity and many types of cancers. In the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend consuming 1.5 cups of beans per week to take advantage of these potential health benefits. Bosnia & Herzegovina In Bosnia & Herzegovina Tavče Gravče is called Gravče Na Tavče and differs from Grah, one of the staple dishes of Bosnian cuisine, mostly by cooking method as Grah isn’t placed in the oven", "id": "5690862" }, { "contents": "Lupinus albus\n\n\n50% of the fat. The carbohydrates found in the seeds are mainly soluble and insoluble fibre and the starch content is very low. Therefore, lupin seeds have a low glycaemic index. The main macroelements found in white lupin seeds are K, Mn, and Mg, and the prevalling microelements are Ca, Fe, and Na. The white lupin seeds have a low or very low content of antinutrients. Their removal is possible through food processing treatments (e.g. dehulling, germinating, cooking, soaking, fermentation, extraction)", "id": "6904183" }, { "contents": "Mung bean\n\n\nthe state of Gujarat. In Indonesia the food are often used as fillings like \"Tahu Isi\" (stuffed tofu) and complementary ingredient in many dishes such as \"rawon\" and \"soto\". In northern China and Korea, soybean sprouts, called \"kongnamul\" () in Korean, are more widely used in a variety of dishes. The \"blue sprouts\" are toxic since they contain small quantities of hydrogen cyanide, like potato sprouts do. Mung bean starch, which is extracted from ground mung beans,", "id": "11093855" }, { "contents": "Mung bean\n\n\nin some parts of the Middle East is Mung beans and rice. Both are cooked together like a pilaf rice dish called maash wa ruzz which means mung beans and rice. Mung beans are germinated by leaving them in water for four hours of daytime light and spending the rest of the day in the dark. Mung bean sprouts can be grown under artificial light for four hours over the period of a week. They are usually simply called \"bean sprouts\". However, when bean sprouts are called for in recipes, it", "id": "11093852" }, { "contents": "Cape Verde\n\n\nTchindas\", nominated at the 12th Africa Movie Academy Awards. The Cape Verde diet is mostly based on fish and staple foods like corn and rice. Vegetables available during most of the year are potatoes, onions, tomatoes, manioc, cabbage, kale, and dried beans. Fruits such as bananas and papayas are available year-round, while others like mangoes and avocados are seasonal. A popular dish served in Cape Verde is Cachupa, a slow cooked stew of corn (hominy), beans, and fish or meat", "id": "236012" }, { "contents": "Tavče gravče\n\n\nalso add dried meat like smoked pork, bacon, Suho meso to the mix. When the beans are boiled and when all the ingredients are added they are put in earthenware or also called \"clay made pot\" covered with a lid and it is cooked in an oven at 220 °C. During the baking, the beans are cooked carefully so that they do not become dry. The earthenware does not just give a traditional look to the meal, but also keeps the beans warm and gives a special flavor to this", "id": "5690860" }, { "contents": "Fish as food\n\n\nscallops. Fish, like anchovies can also concentrate toxins such as domoic acid. If suspected, medical attention should be sought. The toxins responsible for most shellfish and fish poisonings, including ciguatera and scombroid poisoning, are heat-resistant to the point where conventional cooking methods do not eliminate them. Fish products have been shown to contain varying amounts of heavy or toxic metals. Toxicity is a function of solubility, and insoluble compounds often exhibit negligible toxicity. Organometallic forms such as dimethyl mercury and tetraethyl lead can be extremely toxic.", "id": "5985644" }, { "contents": "Yoruba people\n\n\nsemo, fufu, Moin moin (bean cake) and akara. Soups include egusi, ewedu, okra, vegetables are also very common as part of diet. Items like rice and beans (locally called ewa) are part of the regular diet. Some dishes are also prepared for festivities and ceremonies such as Jollof rice and Fried rice. Other popular dishes are Ekuru, stews, corn, cassava and flours – e.g. maize, yam, plantain and beans, eggs, chicken, beef and assorted forms of meat (pumo", "id": "1258355" }, { "contents": "Ricin\n\n\nThe pulp from eight beans is considered dangerous to an adult. Rauber and Heard have written that close examination of early 20th century case reports indicates that public and professional perceptions of ricin toxicity \"do not accurately reflect the capabilities of modern medical management\". Most acute poisoning episodes in humans are the result of oral ingestion of castor beans, 5–20 of which could prove fatal to an adult. However, swallowing castor beans rarely proves to be fatal unless the bean is thoroughly chewed. The survival rate of castor bean ingestion is 98", "id": "4921164" }, { "contents": "Bean\n\n\navailable only to health professionals, the dangers of beans other than red beans were not flagged . Fermentation is used in some parts of Africa to improve the nutritional value of beans by removing toxins. Inexpensive fermentation improves the nutritional impact of flour from dry beans and improves digestibility, according to research co-authored by Emire Shimelis, from the Food Engineering Program at Addis Ababa University. Beans are a major source of dietary protein in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. It is common to make beansprouts by letting some", "id": "4193339" }, { "contents": "Vicia faba\n\n\nof Ecuador, especially around the Andes mountains and surroundings of Ambato. Fava beans ( \"\" ) are a common staple food in the Egyptian diet, eaten by rich and poor alike. Egyptians eat fava beans in various ways: they may be shelled and then dried, bought dried and then cooked by adding water in very low heat for several hours, etc. They are the primary ingredient in falafel. The most popular way of preparing them in Egypt is by taking the mashed, cooked beans and adding oil, salt", "id": "19022447" }, { "contents": "Mung bean\n\n\nmay also be made with chicken or pork. Mung bean paste is also a common filling of pastries known as \"hopia\" (or \"bakpia\") popular in Indonesia, the Philippines and further afield in Guyana (where it is known as \"black eye cake\"). In Indonesia, mung beans are also made into a popular dessert snack called \"es kacang hijau\", which has the consistency of a porridge. The beans are cooked with sugar, coconut milk, and a little ginger. A staple diet", "id": "11093851" }, { "contents": "Lentil\n\n\nlutein and zeaxanthin, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The low levels of readily digestible starch (5%) and high levels of slowly digested starch make lentils of potential value to people with diabetes. The remaining 65% of the starch is a resistant starch classified as RS1. A minimum of 10% in starch from lentils escapes digestion and absorption in the small intestine (therefore called \"resistant starch\"). Additional resistant starch is synthesized from gelatinized starch, during cooling, after the lentils were cooked. Lentils also have antinutrient", "id": "9129876" }, { "contents": "Adzuki bean\n\n\n, manjū, monaka, anmitsu, taiyaki, and daifuku. A more liquid version, using adzuki beans boiled with sugar and a pinch of salt, produces a sweet dish called hong dou tang. Adzuki beans commonly are eaten sprouted, or boiled in a hot, tea-like drink. Some Asian cultures enjoy red bean paste as a filling or topping for various kinds of waffles, pastries, baked buns, or biscuits. Traditionally in Japan, rice with adzuki beans (赤飯; \"sekihan\") is cooked for", "id": "19059615" }, { "contents": "Black bean soup\n\n\nBlack bean soup is a kind of seasoned soup in which black turtle beans are puréed enough that they are swimming in liquid and have a mouthfeel like cream soup, but not to the point of making the mixture sludgy. The velvety, aromatic broth is called \"sopa negra\" or \"caldo de frijol\". A variation of the black bean recipe is to serve it as pot beans instead of soup; the leftovers from either will thicken and can then be mashed and cooked in oil or lard to make refried beans.", "id": "20701240" }, { "contents": "Resistant starch\n\n\ndeveloped countries ranges from 3–6 grams/day for Northern Europeans, Australians and Americans, 8.5 grams/day for Italians and 10–15 grams/day in Indian and Chinese diets. The higher consumption of starch-containing foods like pasta and rice likely accounts for higher intake of resistant starch in Italy, India and China. Several studies have found that the traditional African diet is high in resistant starch. Rural black South Africans consume an average of 38 grams of resistant starch per day by having cooked and cooled corn porridge and beans in", "id": "10969696" }, { "contents": "Hooded pitohui\n\n\nmuscle, heart and liver shows that hooded pitohuis have a form of insensitivity to batrachotoxins. A bird has been estimated to have up to 20 μg of toxins in its skin and up to 3 μg in its feathers. This can vary dramatically geographically and by individual, and some have been collected with no detectable toxins. The poisonous pitohuis, including the hooded pitohui, are not thought to create the toxic compound themselves but instead sequester them from their diet. \"Phyllobates\" frogs kept in captivity do not develop the toxins,", "id": "4051109" }, { "contents": "Phaseolus vulgaris\n\n\ngreen when cooked. Wax beans are \"P. vulgaris\" beans that have a yellow or white pod. Wax bean cultivars are commonly grown; the plants are often of the bush or dwarf form. Compared to dry beans, green and wax beans provide less starch and protein and more vitamin A and vitamin C. Green beans and wax beans are often steamed, boiled, stir-fried, or baked in casseroles. Shell, shelled, or shelling beans are beans removed from their pods before being cooked or dried. Common beans", "id": "17071289" }, { "contents": "Great Beans of China\n\n\nis named Fool El Seen el Azeem (The Great Beans of China) and it only has a small part to do with Beans, but it does after all win Mohyee the cooking competition, which was actually a set up for the murder of one of the judges that some Chinese assassins hired Mohyee to do the job. The film as an overall is a combination of comedy and action, many people's favorite genres of movies, and for Mohamed Henedi fans, this film has certainly put more happiness in their hearts,", "id": "8536650" }, { "contents": "Bean dip\n\n\ncanned beans and refried beans. The use of canned beans can result in a creamier dip, because beans prepared in canneries are pressure cooked in the can. Canned beans may have a salty flavor, which can be reduced by rinsing and then draining them. Fresh cooked beans may contribute to a more flavorful dish compared to using canned beans. Prepared canned green chili peppers are also sometimes used as a main ingredient. Prepared dried bean flakes can also be used in the dish's preparation. The bean flakes are reconstituted into a", "id": "7573083" }, { "contents": "Mexican jumping bean\n\n\nthey are not related to actual beans (legume plants), but rather to spurges. The beans are considered non-toxic but are not generally eaten. After the moth-laid egg on the plant hatches, the larva eats away the inside of the bean (until it becomes hollow) and attaches itself to the inside of the bean with silk-like thread. The larva may live for months inside the bean with varying periods of dormancy. If the larva has adequate conditions of moisture and temperature, it will live", "id": "6450850" }, { "contents": "Vigna aconitifolia\n\n\nbreeding work has been completed on the moth bean, but researchers have found that there is substantial genetic variation between moth bean germplasms. The National Bureau of Plant Genetic resources in New Delhi, India, houses more than 1000 accessions. Some improved cultivars such as ' CZM-2, CZM-3, ‘RMO-40’ and ‘RMO-225’are available in India. Whole or split moth bean seeds can be cooked or fried. In India, particularly in the state of Maharashtra, moth beans are sprouted before cooking and used for making a spicy stew called", "id": "5651244" }, { "contents": "Kusksu\n\n\nleft uncontrolled. In Malta, broad beans are typically sown in December and harvested during early spring. Their cultivation requires little or no care, and most Maltese farmers do not irrigate their crop. In 2016, Malta's National Statistics Office reported that 595 tonnes of broad beans were sold through official markets, a figure that puts into perspective why some locals refer to the broad bean as Malta's \"iconic\", or \"favourite\" bean. The small pasta beads, known as kusksu, are another key ingredient. Apart", "id": "12195769" }, { "contents": "Bean dip\n\n\n, or hot. Bean dip is sometimes used as an ingredient in the preparation of other dishes such as burritos and quesadillas. In the preparation of bean dip, various types of beans can be used, including black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, white beans, fava beans, lima beans and edamame, a preparation of immature soybeans in the pod. Some bean dips incorporate several bean varieties into the dish, such as three-bean dip. Raw beans that are soaked and cooked are used, as are prepared", "id": "7573082" }, { "contents": "Vicia faba\n\n\n. Horse beans, left to mature fully, are usually harvested in the late autumn, and are then eaten as a pulse. The immature pods are also cooked and eaten, and the young leaves of the plant can also be eaten, either raw or cooked as a pot herb (like spinach). Broad beans were a major food of old Mediterranean civilizations, particularly for the Romans and Greeks. Preparing broad beans involves first removing the beans from their pods, then steaming or boiling the beans, either whole or after", "id": "19022442" }, { "contents": "Low-fiber/low-residue diet\n\n\nbeans, wax beans, spinach, pumpkin, eggplant, asparagus, beets, and carrots. Two diets allow some raw vegetables: lettuce, cucumber (without seeds), and zucchini, and one allows raw onion. Some diets allow smooth peanut butter or smooth nut butters. Some diets allow tofu. Some diets limit dairy to 2 cups per day. One diet allows of hard cheese. Several diets allow pudding or custard, sherbet, whipped cream, or ice cream. A couple of diets suggest specific lactose-free", "id": "15454281" }, { "contents": "Avidin\n\n\nof both practical and theoretical interest to researchers, as avidin's stability is unusually high and avidin is an antinutrient in human food. A 1966 study published in \"Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications\" found that the structure of avidin remains stable at temperatures below . Above , avidin's structure is rapidly disrupted and by , extensive loss of structure and loss of ability to bind biotin is found. A 1991 assay for the \"Journal of Food Science\" detected substantial avidin activity in cooked egg white: \"mean residual avidin activity in", "id": "9563328" }, { "contents": "Feijoada\n\n\nsmoked pork ribs, and at least two types of smoked sausage and jerked beef (loin and tongue). In some regions of the northeast, like Bahia and Sergipe, vegetables like cabbage, kale, potatoes, carrots, okra, pumpkin, chayote and sometimes banana are frequently added, at the end of the cooking, on top of the meat, so they are cooked by the vapors of the beans and meat stew. The final dish has the beans and meat pieces barely covered by a dark purplish-brown broth", "id": "412977" }, { "contents": "Larnaca\n\n\n- Aradippou, Theasis Museum and Kyriazis Medical Museum. The beaches of Larnaca are lined with nearly identical seafood restaurants catering to tourists. Although there are many continental and international restaurants in Larnaca, visitors do not miss out on indulging in the local food. Many of the staple dishes involve beans, such as \"fasolaki\" (French beans cooked in red wine with lamb), and \"louvi me lahana\" (black-eyed beans with chard). Some of the standard appetizers are potato salad, kohlrabi salad, and", "id": "3944195" }, { "contents": "Rattlesnake bean\n\n\nThe rattlesnake bean is a heirloom cultivar of pole bean (\"Phaseolus vulgaris\"). The pods are 6 to 8-inches long with purple markings, and the seeds are light brown with brown markings, still visible after cooking. They are named for the snake-like manner in which their pods coil around the vine. Rattlesnake beans favor hot weather such as in American Southeast and mid-Atlantic, though they are easy to grow elsewhere as well. They have an average to long time from germination to harvest, ranging from", "id": "10014433" }, { "contents": "Cooking\n\n\nof cooking depends on temperature, cooking time, and technique used. Some food spoilage bacteria such as \"Clostridium botulinum\" or \"Bacillus cereus\" can form spores that survive boiling, which then germinate and regrow after the food has cooled. This makes it unsafe to reheat cooked food more than once. Cooking increases the digestibility of many foods which are inedible or poisonous when raw. For example, raw cereal grains are hard to digest, while kidney beans are toxic when raw or improperly cooked due to the presence of phytohaemagglutinin", "id": "5115663" }, { "contents": "Paleolithic diet\n\n\n, based on the popularity of diet books about it; in 2013 the diet was Google's most searched weight-loss method. Like many other diets, the paleo diet is promoted by some by an appeal to nature and a narrative of conspiracy theories about how nutritional research, which does not support the supposed benefits of the paleo diet, is controlled by a malign food industry. A Paleo lifestyle and ideology have developed around the diet. The diet advises eating only foods presumed to be available to Paleolithic humans, but there", "id": "2714455" }, { "contents": "Macrotyloma uniflorum\n\n\nMacrotyloma uniflorum (horse gram, kulthi bean, hurali, Madras gram) is one of the lesser known beans. The horse gram is normally used to feed horses, though it is also commonly used in cooking. In traditional Ayurvedic cuisine, horse gram is considered a food with medicinal qualities. It is prescribed for persons suffering from jaundice or water retention and as part of a weight loss diet. Although rich in proteins (20%), due to less acceptable taste and flavor of cooked products, it is consumed only", "id": "21195220" }, { "contents": "Seed\n\n\ncompounds to discourage herbivores and seed predators. In some cases, these compounds simply taste bad (such as in mustard), but other compounds are toxic or break down into toxic compounds within the digestive system. Children, being smaller than adults, are more susceptible to poisoning by plants and seeds. A deadly poison, ricin, comes from seeds of the castor bean. Reported lethal doses are anywhere from two to eight seeds, though only a few deaths have been reported when castor beans have been ingested by animals. In", "id": "17000314" }, { "contents": "Ficaria verna\n\n\nthe skin or mucosa. Ingesting the toxin can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, spasms, or paralysis. In one case, a patient experienced acute hepatitis and jaundice when taking untreated lesser celandine extracts internally as an herbal remedy for hemorrhoids. On drying of these plants, the protoanemonin toxin dimerizes to non-toxic anemonin, which is further hydrolyzed to non-toxic dicarboxylic acids. Cooking of the plants also eliminates the toxicity of the plants and the plant has been incorporated in diets or herbal medicine after being dried, and", "id": "1877143" }, { "contents": "Phaseolus vulgaris\n\n\nin water for several hours. While the soaking is not strictly necessary, it shortens cooking time and results in more evenly textured beans. In addition, soaking beans removes 5 to 10% of the gas-producing sugars that can cause flatulence for some people. The methods include simple overnight soaking and the power soak method in which beans are boiled for three minutes and then set aside for 2–4 hours. Before cooking, the soaking water is drained off and discarded. Dry common beans take longer to cook than most pulses:", "id": "17071286" }, { "contents": "Birnen, Bohnen und Speck\n\n\n. They are then laid on the beans and everything is cooked together. The peeled potatoes are boiled separately in salted water. Towards the end of the overall cooking time of about 50 minutes, some flour is mixed with water, poured into the pot and briefly boiled up. Typical quantities for four people are: Each person is served one or two pears, a good portion of bacon, beans and potatoes and broth according to preference. A fresh beer goes well with the dish. There are variations that do away with", "id": "18981255" }, { "contents": "Bean dip\n\n\nbean dip can be prepared ahead of time, refrigerated and then cooked at a later time, and can also be prepared using a slow cooker and served in the appliance. Bean dip can be prepared as a vegan and gluten-free dish. The dish is typically served with tortilla chips, and can also be served with crackers, crudités, breadsticks, pita bread and toasted bread such as baguette. Some companies mass-produce bean dips, such as Frito-Lay, which produces Fritos Bean Dip. Some commercial bean", "id": "7573086" }, { "contents": "Somali cuisine\n\n\npm. \"Cambuulo\", a common dinner dish, is made from well-cooked azuki beans mixed with butter and sugar. The beans, which on their own are referred to as \"digir\", can take up to five hours to finish cooking when left on the stove at a low temperature. \"Qamadi\" (wheat) is also used; cracked or uncracked, it is cooked and served just like the azuki beans. \"Rooti iyo xalwo\", slices of bread served with a gelatinous confection, is", "id": "17284349" }, { "contents": "Sira poison dart frog\n\n\nprotection. \"R. sirensis\", as with all dendrobatid frogs, loses its poison in captivity. The reason for the loss of its toxicity is thought to be the removal of a toxic insect or other invertebrate from the diet. Scientists have determined that members of the genus \"Phyllobates\" derive their dangerously potent toxins from local melyrid beetles. As \"R. sirensis\" is much less toxic than the \"Phyllobates\" species, the source of its toxin is not thought to be melyrid beetles; instead, it is likely an", "id": "13591111" }, { "contents": "Paralytic shellfish poisoning\n\n\ntoxic blooms have been caused by the morphospecies \"Alexandrium catenella, Alexandrium tamarense\", Gonyaulax catenella and \"Alexandrium fundyense\", which together comprise the \"A. tamarense\" species complex. In Asia, PSP is mostly associated with the occurrence of the species \"Pyrodinium bahamense\". Also some pufferfish, including the chamaeleon puffer, contain saxitoxin, making their consumption hazardous. The toxins responsible for most shellfish poisonings are water insoluble, heat and acid-stable, and ordinary cooking methods do not eliminate the toxins. The principal toxin", "id": "19404256" }, { "contents": "Arroz junto\n\n\nArroz junto (rice together) is a Puerto Rican rice dish cooked with beans and meat in one pot. Rice, beans and usually some kind of meat are combined in the same pot. Sofrito, meat, olives, capers and spices are cooked in annatto oil. Annatto adds flavor and tint rice a bright yellow-red color. Once sofrito is cooked rice and beans are added with broth. Some \"arroz junto\" dishes are given other names such as Arroz con gandules, Arroz con maiz, and Arroz bago", "id": "9483226" }, { "contents": "Pinakbet\n\n\nused include eggplant, tomato, okra, string beans, chili peppers, parda, winged beans, and others. Root crops and some beans like camote, patani, kadios are optionally added. The young pod of marunggay is added. It is usually spiced with ginger, onions, or garlic. A Tagalog version typically includes calabaza (\"kalabasa\"). Most of these vegetables are easily accessible and are grown in backyards and gardens of most Ilocano households. As its name suggests, it is usually cooked until almost dry", "id": "5418293" }, { "contents": "Neapolitan cuisine\n\n\nbeans or peas. Cheeses, both soft and aged, are an important part of the Italian diet and also have their place in Neapolitan cooking: some recipes are descended from very old Roman traditions. Starting from the freshest ones, the most used are: Neapolitan cooking has always used an abundance of all kinds of seafood from the Tyrrhenian sea. Dr Johnson's friend Hester Thrale was enthusiastic for \"the most excellent, the most incomparable fish I ever ate; red mullets large as our mackerel, and of singularly high flavour", "id": "14543691" }, { "contents": "Organochloride\n\n\n, such as sulfur mustards, nitrogen mustards, and Lewisite, are even used as chemical weapons due to their toxicity. However, the presence of chlorine in an organic compound does not \"ensure\" toxicity. Some organochlorides are considered safe enough for consumption in foods and medicines. For example, peas and broad beans contain the natural chlorinated plant hormone 4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid (4-Cl-IAA); and the sweetener sucralose (Splenda) is widely used in diet products. , at least 165 organochlorides had been approved worldwide for use as", "id": "7924233" }, { "contents": "Penny from Heaven\n\n\nBaby is just like a lost penny, I'll never hold again\". This is the real reason why everyone calls her \"Penny\". She realizes why her mom said Dominic killed her husband; he had bought the radio. She wants to see him and say that it is not his fault, but he never visits her in the hospital. All she has left is her lucky bean from him. The girl who lives with Penny in the same room asks to see her lucky bean. Penny wants to reach", "id": "11181635" }, { "contents": "Bean dip\n\n\nBean dip is a type of dipping sauce made using beans or refried beans as a primary ingredient. It is typically served with tortilla chips, and can also be served with other foods such as crackers and crudités. Various types of beans are used, and fresh-cooked, canned or flaked beans can be used. Various additional ingredients are used in its preparation, such as onion, garlic, chili peppers and spices, and it is sometimes garnished with some ingredients. Bean dip can be served cold, at room temperature", "id": "7573081" }, { "contents": "Biological value\n\n\nsoy beans, with tough cell walls protecting the protein, have a far lower digestibility than the purified, unprotected, soy bean protein extract. As a foodstuff far more protein can be absorbed from the extract than the raw beans, however the BV will be the same. The exclusion of digestibility is a point of misunderstanding and leads to misrepresentation of the meaning of a high or low BV BV provides a good measure of the usability of proteins in a diet and also plays a valuable role in detection of some metabolic diseases.", "id": "15473076" }, { "contents": "Lupin bean\n\n\ncultivated sweet low-alkaloid variety is understood to be unacceptable when testing reveals the presence of one bitter bean per hundred sweet beans, and a wide quarantine zone is maintained around lupin-growing croplands to prevent wind-blown wild pollen from having a large influence on crop toxicity. The Andean lupin \"L. mutabilis\", the Mediterranean \"Lupinus albus\" (white lupin), and \"Lupinus hirsutus\" are only edible after soaking the seeds for some days in salted water. In Ecuador, the lupin is often consumed as", "id": "1258874" }, { "contents": "Sterigmatocystin\n\n\nSterigmatocystin is a polyketide mycotoxin produced by certain species of \"Aspergillus\". The toxin is naturally found in some cheeses. Sterigmatocystin is a toxic metabolite structurally closely related to the aflatoxins, and consists of a xanthone nucleus attached to a bifuran structure. Sterigmatocystin is mainly produced by the fungi \"Aspergillus nidulans\" and \"A. versicolor\". It has been reported in mouldy grain, green coffee beans and cheese although information on its occurrence in foods is limited. It appears to occur much less frequently than the aflatoxins, although analytical", "id": "12707748" }, { "contents": "Red bean rice\n\n\nboiling. Fresh, undried beans can be used without boiling in advance. Four parts rice and one part adzuki beans may be used, but the amount of adzuki beans can be adjusted to taste. In some regions, uncooked red or black adzuki beans are husked and ground before being mixed with soaked rice. In Korean royal court cuisine, rice was cooked in the water where adzuki beans were boiled. If barley is also mixed in, the dish is called \"pat-bori-bap\" (; \"adzuki bean and", "id": "15222169" }, { "contents": "Bean salad\n\n\nBean salad is a common cold salad composed of various cooked beans – green beans, yellow wax beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans – and typically fresh raw onions, peppers, and/or other vegetables, tossed in a vinaigrette or vinegar and characteristically sweetened with sugar. It can also be prepared as a pickled dish. Bean salad is a popular choice for home canning. Salads prepared with this method should be used within a year for best quality. Cultures around the world have their own version of bean salad. Balela is a", "id": "17255379" }, { "contents": "Organic food\n\n\nflavoring substances. Some foods, such as bananas, are picked when unripe, are cooled to prevent ripening while they are shipped to market, and then are induced to ripen quickly by exposing them to propylene or ethylene, chemicals produced by plants to induce their own ripening; as flavor and texture changes during ripening, this process may affect those qualities of the treated fruit. With respect to chemical differences in the composition of organically grown food compared with conventionally grown food, studies have examined differences in nutrients, antinutrients, and pesticide", "id": "9082660" }, { "contents": "Phaseolus vulgaris\n\n\nbeans may also be bought cooked and canned as refried beans, or whole with water, salt, and sometimes sugar. The three commonly known types of green beans are: string or snap beans, which may be round or have a flat pod; stringless or French beans, which lack a tough, fibrous \"string\" running along the length of the pod; and runner beans, which belong to a separate species, \"Phaseolus coccineus\". Green beans may have a purple rather than green pod, which changes to", "id": "17071288" }, { "contents": "Refried beans\n\n\n, refried beans are usually prepared with pinto beans, but many other varieties of bean are used in other parts of Mexico, such as black, Peruano, or red kidney beans. The raw beans can be cooked when dry or soaked overnight, then stewed, drained of most of the remaining liquid, and converted into a paste with a masher (such as a potato masher), or pressed through a fine mesh sieve (to remove the skins). Some of the drained liquid, or chicken or vegetable stock,", "id": "9545058" }, { "contents": "Phaseolus vulgaris\n\n\nwithin a few hours. Consumption of as few as four or five raw, soaked kidney beans can cause symptoms. Canned red kidney beans, though, are safe to use immediately. Beans are high in purines, which are metabolized to uric acid. Uric acid is not a toxin as such, but may promote the development or exacerbation of gout. However, more recent research has questioned this association, finding that moderate intake of purine-rich foods is not associated with increased risk of gout. Bean leaves have been used", "id": "17071295" }, { "contents": "Palencia\n\n\n, peppers, asparagus, endives and beans. Some legumes, like white beans and lentils are particularly good and cooked in hot dishes with \"chorizo\". The \"sopa de ajo\", a traditional winter garlic soup dish, made with bread mixed with paprika, water and garlic and cooked slowly. A raw egg is often whipped into the soup as it is served. Morcilla is a form of Black Sausage made from pig's blood. In Castille the pig blood is often flavoured with pieces of pork fat, onions", "id": "21765264" }, { "contents": "Winged bean\n\n\nseeds make a useful flour, and can be brewed to make a coffee-like drink. The beans are rich not only in protein, but in tocopherols (antioxidants that facilitate vitamin A utilisation in the body). They can be made into milk when blended with water and an emulsifier. Winged bean milk is similar to soy milk, but without the bean-rich flavour. The flavour of raw beans is not unlike that of asparagus. Smoked pods, dried seeds, tubers (cooked and uncooked), and leaves", "id": "2420046" }, { "contents": "Golden poison frog\n\n\nnot rich in the alkaloids required to produce batrachotoxins, captive frogs do not produce toxins and they eventually lose their toxicity in captivity. In fact, many hobbyists and herpetologists have reported that most dart frogs will not consume ants at all in captivity, though ants constitute the larger portion of their diets in the wild, likely due to the unavailability of the natural prey species of ants to captive frog keepers. Though all poison frogs lose their toxicity when deprived of certain foods, and captive-bred golden poison frogs are born harmless", "id": "14153418" }, { "contents": "Sattvic diet\n\n\nthe easier to digest. Preparations include splitting, peeling, grinding, soaking, sprouting, cooking and spicing. Legumes combined with whole grains can offer a complete protein source. Some yogis consider the mung bean to be the only sattvic legume. Convalescent food in ayurvedic diet includes yusha soups made with lentils. Most yogis use raw honey (often in combination with dairy), jaggery, or raw sugar (not refined). Others use alternative sweeteners, such as stevia or stevia leaf. In some traditions, sugar and/or honey", "id": "13180030" }, { "contents": "Fried dace with salted black beans\n\n\nit would be cooked at home, which added warmth and nostalgic value to this dish. Fried dace with salted black beans was the collective memory for many people in Hong Kong. However, people consumed less inferior food like fried dace with salted black beans nowadays. There are some reasons behind this. Firstly, after the economic takeoff in 1970s, the economic ability and social status of people in Hong Kong had improved. The rise in income and purchasing power had exposed them to more choice of food. Secondly, people in", "id": "6678147" }, { "contents": "Tlacoyo\n\n\nA tlacoyo is an oval-shaped pre-Hispanic Mexican dish made of masa, also called tlayoyis, clacoyos, tlatloyos, tlayoyos and tlaoyos. Somewhat torpedo-shaped, they are fatter than fresh corn tortillas and stuffed with cooked ground beans, cheese, fava beans, chicharron or other ingredients and fried or toasted. Tlacoyos can be served as an accompaniment to soups and stews or as appetizers for celebrations. Most traditional tlacoyos do not have lard or salt in the masa, and if not eaten soon after they are cooked", "id": "4190895" }, { "contents": "Mimicry\n\n\nfeed on milkweed species of varying toxicity. These species store toxins from its host plant, which are maintained even in the adult (imago) form. As levels of toxin vary depending on diet during the larval stage, some individuals are more toxic than others. Less palatable organisms, therefore, mimic more dangerous individuals, with their likeness already perfected. This is not always the case, however. In sexually dimorphic species, one sex may be more of a threat than the other, which could mimic the protected sex.", "id": "12841399" } ]
how can a steak be matured for 28 days, but have an expiration date of 3 days when on the store shelf
[{"answer": "Steak needs to be matured without moisture. This is done either by hanging it in a dry room (the traditional way of doing it, but time consuming), or in a vacuum-sealed bag (quicker, and more common). [Source]( URL_0 ). When you keep steak at home, you can't control the atmosphere the way it's controlled by the producer. Because of this, it will go off much sooner."}, {"answer": "Aged steaks are usually aged as a whole primal cut, not as individual steaks, so the surface area to mass ratio is low. The outside quickly dries and inhibits bacterial growth. It's also kept in a temperature and humidity controlled environment, which also prevents spoilage. The outer layer of dried out aged steak which might have spoilage is cut away before it's cut into serving size steaks."}, {"answer": "I thought it was matured still uncut, in a large carcass pieces before being carved up into steak sizes?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1582593", "title": "Strip steak", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The strip steak is a cut of beef steaks from the short loin from a cow. It consists of a muscle that does little work, the longissimus, making the meat particularly tender, although not as tender as the nearby psoas major or tenderloin. Unlike the tenderloin, the longissimus is a sizable muscle, allowing it to be cut into larger portions", "ot as tender as the nearby psoas major or tenderloin. Unlike the tenderloin, the longissimus is a sizable muscle, allowing it to be cut into larger portions. According to the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, the steak is marketed in the United States under various names, includi", "The strip steak is a cut of beef steaks from the short loin from a cow. It consists of a muscle that does little work, the longissimus, making the meat particularly tender, although not as tender as the nearby psoas major or tenderloin. Unlike the tenderloin, the longissimus is a sizable muscle, allowing it to be cut into larger portions. According to the National Cattlem"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Blood bank\n\n\nkept refrigerated at , with maximum permitted storage periods (shelf lives) of 35 and 42 days respectively. RBC units can also be frozen when buffered with glycerol, but this is an expensive and time-consuming process, and is rarely done. Frozen red cells are given an expiration date of up to ten years and are stored at . The less-dense blood plasma is made into a variety of frozen components, and is labeled differently based on when it was frozen and what the intended use of the product is.", "id": "20148239" }, { "contents": "Pear\n\n\nuntil ripe. Pears are ripe when the flesh around the stem gives to gentle pressure. Ripe pears are optimally stored refrigerated, uncovered in a single layer, where they have a shelf life of 2 to 3 days. Pears are consumed fresh, canned, as juice, and dried. The juice can also be used in jellies and jams, usually in combination with other fruits, including berries. Fermented pear juice is called perry or pear cider and is made in a way that is similar to how cider is made from", "id": "4681841" }, { "contents": "Shelf life\n\n\nor moisture content). For some foods, health issues are important in determining shelf life. Bacterial contaminants are ubiquitous, and foods left unused too long will often be contaminated by substantial amounts of bacterial colonies and become dangerous to eat, leading to food poisoning. However, shelf life alone is not an accurate indicator of how long the food can safely be stored. For example, pasteurized milk can remain fresh for five days after its sell-by date if it is refrigerated properly. However, improper storage of milk may", "id": "18975776" }, { "contents": "Food labelling in Canada\n\n\nbe acknowledged that a durable life date is NOT an indicator of food safety. Once something is opened, depending on how it is stored, the shelf life can change. For example, an open box of crackers meant to expire in two weeks, will expire much faster should the seal be left open after each use. A product's geographical indications will tell where the product comes from. In Canada not everything can be locally produced, especially in the winter months in regards to fresh produce. This is why Canada often", "id": "11723178" }, { "contents": "Twinkie\n\n\nTimes\" in 2000 that the \"Twinkie is on the shelf no more than 7 to 10 days.\" The maximum shelf life was reported to have been 26 days, until the addition of stronger preservatives made beginning in 2012 increased it to 45 days. The 2009 apocalypse horror-comedy \"Zombieland\", which features a search for the last remaining Twinkies in a running gag, acknowledges this by having the character Tallahassee (played by Woody Harrelson) explain that Twinkies do, in fact, have an expiration date. In", "id": "20698335" }, { "contents": "Expiration date\n\n\nby using stock rotation, which involves moving products with the earliest sell by date from the warehouse to the sales area, and then to the front of the shelf, so that most shoppers will pick them up first and thus they are likely to be sold before the end of their shelf life. This is important, as consumers enjoy fresher goods, and furthermore some stores can be fined for selling out of date products; most if not all would have to mark such products down as wasted, resulting in a financial loss", "id": "11240831" }, { "contents": "Expiration date\n\n\nHigh-acid canned foods (tomatoes, fruits) will keep their best quality for 12 to 18 months; low-acid canned foods (meats, vegetables) for 2 to 5 years\". . \"Sell by date\" is a less ambiguous term for what is often referred to as an \"expiration date\". Most food is still edible after the expiration date. A product that has passed its shelf life might still be safe, but quality is no longer guaranteed. In most food stores, waste is minimized", "id": "11240830" }, { "contents": "Blood bank\n\n\nand have a shelf life of 5 to 7 days, or 3 days once the facility that collected them has completed their tests. Platelets are stored at room temperature () and must be rocked/agitated. Since they are stored at room temperature in nutritive solutions, they are at relatively high risk for growing bacteria. Some blood banks also collect products by apheresis. The most common component collected is plasma via plasmapheresis, but red blood cells and platelets can be collected by similar methods. These products generally have the same shelf", "id": "20148241" }, { "contents": "Drug expiration\n\n\nDrug expiration is the date after which a drug might not be suitable for use as manufactured. Consumers can determine the shelf life for a drug by checking its pharmaceutical packaging for an expiration date. Drugs which are past their shelf life can decompose and either be ineffective or even harmful. Standard advice from drug manufacturers and some health organizations is to dispose of drugs after the expiration date printed on the packaging. However, the published expiration date is not an absolute indication that a drug has spoiled. Consumers and organizations sometimes use expired", "id": "21326115" }, { "contents": "Shelf life\n\n\nto as an \"expiration date\". Most food is still edible after the expiration date. A product that has passed its shelf life might still be safe, but quality is no longer guaranteed. In most food stores, waste is minimized by using stock rotation, which involves moving products with the earliest sell by date from the warehouse to the sales area, and then to the front of the shelf, so that most shoppers will pick them up first and thus they are likely to be sold before the end of their", "id": "18975774" }, { "contents": "Shelf life\n\n\nIn some regions, an advisory \"best before\", mandatory \"use by\" or \"freshness date\" is required on packaged perishable foods. The concept of expiration date is related but legally distinct in some jurisdictions. Shelf life is the recommended maximum time for which products or fresh (harvested) produce can be stored, during which the defined quality of a specified proportion of the goods remains acceptable under expected (or specified) conditions of distribution, storage and display. According to the USDA, \"canned foods are safe", "id": "18975772" }, { "contents": "1994 Basque regional election\n\n\non the following day in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country, with election day taking place between the fifty-fourth and the sixtieth day from publication. The previous election was held on 28 October 1990, which meant that the legislature's term would have expired on 28 October 1994. The election Decree was required to be published no later than 4 October 1994, with the election taking place up to the sixtieth day from publication, setting the latest possible election date for the Parliament on Saturday, 3 December 1994. The", "id": "21285692" }, { "contents": "Atlantic menhaden\n\n\n\". Atlantic menhaden usually do not become sexually mature until the end of their second year, after which they reproduce until death. A young, sexually mature female can produce roughly 38,000 eggs, while a fully mature female can produce upwards of 362,000. Eggs are buoyant and hatch within 2 to 3 days depending on the temperature. The larvae will spend 1 to 3 months in waters over the continental shelf. The Chesapeake Bay is a popular nursery for juvenile menhaden. Larval fish will enter the Bay in late winter and early", "id": "1291667" }, { "contents": "Doryteuthis opalescens\n\n\n) they are strong enough to swim in shoals. These juveniles form groups of tens of individuals and swim over the shelf in search of food. Those that have survived to this point can hunt with the tentacular strike as seen in the adults. At some point between 4–8 months their sexual organs mature and they are now considered adults. Sexually mature animals can be 70–160 mm ML and weigh about 40 grams. Adult \"D. opalescens\" move off the continental shelf by day and can be found to depths of 500 m. Adult", "id": "17568406" }, { "contents": "Shelf life\n\n\nFood Information to Consumers\". According to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs dates must be in the day/month or day/month/year format. Technical expertise should be hired for regular end of shelf life safety and quality testing. Shelf life trials should be conducted using the same ingredients, equipment, procedures and manufacturing environment as will be used during the actual production. Sale of expired food products, \"per se\", is lightly regulated in the US. Some states restrict or forbid the sale", "id": "18975795" }, { "contents": "Shelf life\n\n\nto refuse donations of expired medications. One exception occurred during the 2010 Swine Flu Epidemic when the FDA authorized expired Tamiflu based on SLEP Data. The SLEP discovered that drugs such as Cipro remained effective nine years after their shelf life, and, as a cost-saving measure, the US military routinely uses a wide range of SLEP tested products past their official shelf life if drugs have been stored properly. Preservatives and antioxidants may be incorporated into some food and drug products to extend their shelf life. Some companies use induction sealing", "id": "18975780" }, { "contents": "2012 Catalan regional election\n\n\nelection were required to inform the relevant Electoral Commission within ten days of the election being called. The term of the Parliament of Catalonia expired four years after the date of its previous election, unless it was dissolved earlier. The President of the Government was required to call an election fifteen days prior to the date of expiry of parliament, with election day taking place within from forty to sixty days after the call. The previous election was held on 28 November 2010, which meant that the legislature's term would have expired on", "id": "2123040" }, { "contents": "Steak and Blowjob Day\n\n\nbest to cook steak, and how to best perform fellatio. The day of celebration is sometimes suggested to be March 20 instead of March 14, either because the former was proclaimed to be Steak and Knobber Day by another radio host Dave Rickards in 1998, or because the latter coincides with Pi Day, which observes the mathematical constant (pi). Suggestions have been made of a female equivalent of the day, such as \"Chicken and Licking Day\" on March 15. According to the women's historian Lois Banner,", "id": "11192951" }, { "contents": "2000 Andalusian regional election\n\n\nat an election were required to inform the relevant Electoral Commission within ten days of the election being called. The term of the Parliament of Andalusia expired four years after the date of its previous election, unless it was dissolved earlier. Election day was to take place between the thirtieth and the sixtieth day from the date of expiry of parliament barring any date within from 1 July to 31 August. The previous election was held on 3 March 1996, which meant that the legislature's term would have expired on 3 March 2000.", "id": "19872024" }, { "contents": "Shelf life\n\n\nlong as 15 years past their expiration dates. Joel Davis, a former FDA expiration-date compliance chief, said that with a handful of exceptions - notably nitroglycerin, insulin and some liquid antibiotics - most expired drugs are probably effective. Shelf life is not significantly studied during drug development, and drug manufacturers have economic and liability incentives to specify shorter shelf lives so that consumers are encouraged to discard and repurchase products. One major exception is the Shelf Life Extension Program (SLEP) of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)", "id": "18975778" }, { "contents": "Dried fruit\n\n\nC. While mangos can be stored for around 5 days, dried mangos can be stored for a lot longer depending on a variety of factors, such as the best by date, the drying method, and how the dried mango is stored. Unopened dried mango stored in the pantry can be stored between 6–12 months. If stored in the refrigerator, it can be stored for 1–2 years. When frozen, it can be stored indefinitely. However it is best to check for signs to see whether the fruit has gone bad.", "id": "7297341" }, { "contents": "Taiwan Beer\n\n\na signature solid green bottle with no paper label; was sold in cans at a later date. Draft appears most often in bars and restaurants, where it is available on tap or from refrigerators. The brew, designed to be sold fresh, is less often seen in stores due to its expiration just 18 days after production. In 2013 more stores began to stock the brew as ads and labels trumpeted its early expiration date. Taiwan Beer began selling a malt brew in 2008 bearing the \"Mine\" label. Brisk sales", "id": "20592493" }, { "contents": "Dusky smooth-hound\n\n\nto June. They are viviparous and have a yolk-sac placenta. Females can store sperm up to a year, but how long it can be used is not known. Their gestation period is 10 to 11 months and litters can be between four and 20 pups. The pups are 13 to 15 in (34 to 39 cm) long when born. Males reach sexual maturity between 2 and 3 years or 68 and 93 cm in length. Females reach sexual maturity between 4 and 5 years or 70 and 130 cm", "id": "6465331" }, { "contents": "1986 Spanish general election\n\n\nbe published on the following day in the Official State Gazette, with election day taking place between the fifty-fourth and the sixtieth day from publication. The previous election was held on 28 October 1982, which meant that the legislature's term would expire on 28 October 1986. The election Decree was required to be published no later than 4 October 1986, with the election taking place on the sixtieth day from publication, setting the latest possible election date for the Cortes Generales on Wednesday, 3 December 1986. The Prime Minister", "id": "20695304" }, { "contents": "Artocarpus integer\n\n\nmore yellow. The development of a characteristic odor similar to that of durian can also mark maturity of the fruit, in addition to the spines of the fruits skin becoming flattened. Fruit are harvested ideally before falling to avoid damage, loss of shelf life and premature ripening. The harvested fruit produces a latex exudate, and is left to drain in the field before being moved from the orchard. The fruit has a short shelf life of 2-3 days. Cempedak is sought after for its edible, pulpy flesh that is", "id": "12224756" }, { "contents": "Tabasco sauce\n\n\nuse and advertise Tabasco sauce as an ingredient in their products (a common marketing practice called \"co-branding\"), including Spam, Hormel chili, Slim Jim beef sticks, Heinz ketchup, A1 steak sauce, Plochman's mustard, Cheez-It crackers, Lawry's salt, Zapp's potato chips, Heluva Good dip, and Vlasic pickles. The original red Tabasco sauce has a shelf life of five years when stored in a cool and dry place; other Tabasco flavors have shorter shelf lives. Tabasco appeared on", "id": "12804699" }, { "contents": "Cancellation (insurance)\n\n\npremium owed to the insured. The date an insurance policy's coverage is started. Also called effective date. The period of time that an insurance policy provides coverage. Most policies have a one-year term (365 days) but many other policies also have a 6-month term. Policy terms can be for any length of time and can be for a short period when the period of risk is also short. Policy terms can also be for a multi-year period. When a policy is canceled before its expiration date", "id": "3976197" }, { "contents": "Whaling in the Faroe Islands\n\n\nsea mammals provide excellent sources of vitamins A, D and E. Whale meat and blubber are Faroese delicacies. Well into the 20th century, meat and blubber from the pilot whale was used to feed people for long periods of time. Everybody got a share, as is the custom to this day. The meat and blubber can be stored and prepared in a variety of ways, in Faroese it is called \"Tvøst og spik\". When fresh, the meat is boiled or served as steaks. A pilot whale steak is", "id": "5718095" }, { "contents": "Expiration date\n\n\nexpiration dates must be used on the following food items (list and comments copied from CFIA website): The concern is that after the expiration date has passed, the food may not have the same nutrient content as specified on the packaging and for the listed regulated products, the nutritional content is quite important. The CFIA recommends that food should be discarded and should not be bought, sold or eaten beyond the stated expiration date. This contrasts with a best before date which is an indication of how long properly stored prepackaged food", "id": "11240825" }, { "contents": "Buyer (fashion)\n\n\ncosts. The markup must be high enough to cover the retailer's expense of \"housing\" a garment on a rack or a shelf for anywhere from a few days to an entire season, plus the risk that some garments will inevitably have to be marked down to cost, to get them out of the store. Based on how much consumers are willing to pay, buyers can determine the optimum cost price which they should expect to pay. Suppliers take a different approach to the optimum cost price. The suppliers determine the", "id": "14277039" }, { "contents": "2015 Navarrese regional election\n\n\ntwenty-fifth day prior to the date of expiry of parliament and published on the following day in the Official Gazette of Navarre, with election day taking place on the fifty-fourth day from publication. The previous election was held on 22 May 2011, which meant that the legislature's term would have expired on 22 May 2015. The election Decree was required to be published no later than 28 April 2015, with the election taking place on the fifty-fourth day from publication, setting the latest possible election date for", "id": "207529" }, { "contents": "Dominick's\n\n\non the store shelves, some more than 2 years past their expiration dates. On that same day The Chicago Tribune featured an article on the Dominick's expired-food issue. In that article, Safeway, as parent company of Dominick's, released the following statement to the media: “Dominick’s customers rightly expect they will find only high-quality, fresh products at all of our stores. Our organization is committed to meeting those expectations. While expiration dates on food products are largely based on quality, not food", "id": "7508065" }, { "contents": "Domain tasting\n\n\nexpiration or renewal date. Domains continue to resolve for up to 30 days or more after their registration and redemption grace period have expired. The advantage of this \"reverse tasting\" is that the registrars or parking services can determine which domains have traffic before they are deleted, and hence maintain a list of domains that they might re-register (or even transfer) after the deletion date, as part of drop catch services. Domain kiting is the process of deleting a domain name during the five-day grace period and", "id": "17851108" }, { "contents": "Shelf life\n\n\nor \"use by\", to avoid confusion. The Food and Drug Administration, which regulates packaged foods and drugs, only requires a use-by, or expiration, date on infant formula and some baby foods, because formula must contain a certain quantity of each nutrient as described on the label. If formula is stored too long, it may lose its nutritional value. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), which regulates fresh poultry and meats, only requires labeling of the date when poultry is packed.", "id": "18975797" }, { "contents": "Cooking oil\n\n\nthat the shelf life of walnut oil is about 3 months, a period considerably shorter than the \"best before\" date shown on labels. By contrast, oils high in saturated fats, such as avocado oil, have relatively long shelf lives and can be safely stored at room temperature, as the low polyunsaturated fat content facilitates stability. Cooking oils are composed of various fractions of fatty acids. For the purpose of frying food, oils high in monounsaturated or saturated fats are generally popular, while oils high in polyunsaturated fats are", "id": "20944969" }, { "contents": "Amargosa vole\n\n\nof first rainfall. Gestation in this subspecies lasts 21 days, with the offspring (usually 4-5 young) being weaned 14 days after that. Females experience an estrus cycle immediately after giving birth that makes them especially receptive to postpartum copulations and allows them to have many successive litters. Sexual maturity is reached by young females very early; they can have litters when they are as young as 3 weeks old. Males become sexually mature at just 6 weeks. The third molars erupt after 22 days and this, along with", "id": "15675507" }, { "contents": "Stingray\n\n\nmothers typically protect their young until they physically mature, which can take about 3 years. This process ensures the survival of their young until they learn how to camouflage themselves in the sand through burial to where only the eyes and spiracles can be seen. At the Sea Life London Aquarium, two female stingrays have delivered seven baby stingrays, although the mothers have not been near a male for two years. This suggests some species of rays can store sperm then give birth when they deem conditions to be suitable. The stingray uses", "id": "9395897" }, { "contents": "First expired, first out\n\n\nFirst Expired, First Out, often abbreviated by the acronym FEFO means \"first expired, first out\". This term is used in logistics and inventory management to describe a way of dealing with product with a limited shelf life such as perishable products, or consumer goods with a specified expiry date. The product with the deadline for the next intake will be the first to be served or removed from stock. Majorly used in Pharmaceutical and Chemical industry where expired dates are calculated based on Batch expired date or Shelf life time.", "id": "13620293" }, { "contents": "Steak 'n Shake\n\n\n2008 after 14 straight quarters of declining same-store sales and losses of $100,000 per day. He led a turnaround that resulted in 24 straight quarters of increases in same-store sales and profits of $100,000 per day. Biglari focused the brand on burgers, fries and milkshakes reducing the menu from eight pages to a bi-fold. In 2018, Steak 'n Shake changed its business model to a franchise partner system allowing entrepreneurial single-unit operators to franchise an existing Steak 'n Shake for a total investment", "id": "2691115" }, { "contents": "Acca sellowiana\n\n\npurchased at roadside stalls, often at a lower price. Feijoas may be cool-stored for approximately a month and still have a few days of shelf life at optimum eating maturity. They also may be frozen for up to one year without a loss in quality. 100 grams of raw feijoa provides 55 calories and is 13% carbohydrates, 8% sugars, and 1% each of fat and protein. The raw fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, providing 40% of the daily value, but supplies no", "id": "9370664" }, { "contents": "Kulen\n\n\nduring the pig slaughter done every autumn by most households. Kulen matures during the winter; it can be eaten at this time, although not fully dried and cured yet, with very hot taste, but it will develop its full taste by the following summer. To produce a dryer, firmer kulen, it is sometimes kept buried under ashes, which act as a desiccant. Kulen is a shelf-stable meat product, with a shelf life of up to two years when stored properly. The meat is stuffed and pressed", "id": "14355269" }, { "contents": "Go-back\n\n\nIn retail terms, a go-back is an item of merchandise which must be placed back on the store shelves. Such items usually accumulate during the store's open hours, and comprise a combination of returned items, items customers have decided not to purchase, and items store employees may have found left lying on the wrong shelf. Go-backs can often accumulate over several days because businesses, especially larger department stores, tend to have other priorities at the time and not enough employment to put the go-backs away", "id": "20558731" }, { "contents": "Blood donation\n\n\nto 250,000 blood plasma donors may have been exposed to HIV from shared equipment. The collected blood is usually stored in a blood bank as separate components, and some of these have short shelf lives. There are no storage solutions to keep platelets for extended periods of time, though some are being studied as of 2008. The longest shelf life used for platelets is seven days. Red blood cells (RBC), the most frequently used component, have a shelf life of 35–42 days at refrigerated temperatures. For (relatively rare", "id": "20573182" }, { "contents": "Steak and Blowjob Day\n\n\nthe holiday was devised by radio DJ Tom Birdsey in 2002, during a show on WFNX radio station in Boston, Massachusetts. One of the various websites competing to be the 'official' page of the day stated \"March 14th henceforth became 'Steak and Blowjob Day.' Simple, effective and self explanatory. No cards, no flowers, no special nights on the town; the name explains it all: just a steak and a BJ. That's it.\" The \"official\" websites provide guides on how", "id": "11192950" }, { "contents": "Public participation in patent examination\n\n\nsought. After the lapsing of a certain period (90 days in Australia) with no comment the patent is granted. In July 2012, a third party observation system was also introduced for Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) applications. The observations have to relate to novelty and inventive step, and they may be submitted anonymously. The observations can be made at any time from the publication of the PCT application until the expiration of 28 months from the priority date. No fee is due for filing the observations. The review of", "id": "2823859" }, { "contents": "2015 Valencian regional election\n\n\ndissolved earlier. The election Decree was required to be issued no later than the twenty-fifth day prior to the date of expiry of parliament and published on the following day in the Official Journal of the Valencian Community, with election day taking place on the fifty-fourth day from publication. The previous election was held on 22 May 2011, which meant that the legislature's term would have expired on 22 May 2015. The election Decree was required to be published no later than 28 April 2015, with the election taking", "id": "4485793" }, { "contents": "Mischocyttarus drewseni\n\n\nto variation. Graphic representations of the duration of pupal stage vs. date shows that the duration seems to ebb and flow, being very long in the end of October and dipping significantly in the month of December. Once wasps emerge as mature adults, they spend the first 2–3 days on the nest doing very little. After the first 3 idle days, workers can be told from non-workers because workers stay on the nest longer. A wasp that leaves the nest for any reason immediately after those 3 days is considered a", "id": "3323193" }, { "contents": "Shelf life\n\n\nshelf life. Some stores can be fined for selling out of date products; most if not all would have to mark such products down as wasted, resulting in a financial loss. Shelf life depends on the degradation mechanism of the specific product. Most can be influenced by several factors: exposure to light, heat, moisture, transmission of gases, mechanical stresses, and contamination by things such as micro-organisms. Product quality is often mathematically modelled around a parameter (concentration of a chemical compound, a microbiological index,", "id": "18975775" }, { "contents": "Transit pass\n\n\ncould be charged with any amount of roubles (the unit is Rouble) with an ability to get a discount - the more rides the cheaper a single ride is. Electronic wallet gets unlocked when a fixed period fare expires. Also they have bigger expiration period after not being recharged (3 years). Unlimited Ride passes allow travel on all CTA buses and trains with a 1-Day Fun Pass, or 3-day, 7-day or 30-day unlimited-ride passes. The pass, via Ventra, activates the first time the rider uses it", "id": "1538732" }, { "contents": "Hookworm infection\n\n\nfrom tissue \"stores\" (see Pathology, above) over many years, to replace expired adult worms. This can give rise to seasonal fluctuations in infection prevalence and intensity (apart from normal seasonal variations in transmission). They mate inside the host, females laying up to 30,000 eggs per day and some 18 to 54 million eggs during their lifetimes, which pass out in feces. Because 5 to 7 weeks are needed for adult worms to mature, mate, and produce eggs, in the early stages of very heavy", "id": "3397552" }, { "contents": "2019 South African general election\n\n\ncompetent to function from the time it is dissolved, or its term expires, until the day before the first day of polling for the next National Assembly. When the National Assembly's term expires (or if it is dissolved), the President must call and set dates for an election, which must be held within 90 days of the date the National Assembly was dissolved or its term expired. Therefore, if the National Assembly had not been dissolved before 6 May 2019, the election had to be held by 4 August", "id": "10541838" }, { "contents": "First expired, first out\n\n\nA common example of this treatment is the management of perishable products in a shelf display: Products with deadlines closest consumption should be used before the other. Foods and pharmaceutical drugs can be sold at a discounted price, and, near the expiration date, they can be destinated to humanitarian aids to the neighbours or to the more distant foreign countries. Perishable goods can also be collected through single donations or some charities. The First expired, first out logic is a type of stock rotation that enable organizations to get a distribution process", "id": "13620294" }, { "contents": "Shelf life\n\n\nand vacuum/oxygen-barrier pouches to assist in the extension of the shelf life of their products where oxygen causes the loss. The DoD Shelf-Life Program defines shelf-life as The total period of time beginning with the date of manufacture, date of cure (for elastomeric and rubber products only), date of assembly, or date of pack (subsistence only), and terminated by the date by which an item must be used (expiration date) or subjected to inspection, test, restoration, or disposal", "id": "18975781" }, { "contents": "Mosquitofish\n\n\n. Within 16 to 28 days after mating, the female gives birth to about 60 young. The males reach sexual maturity within 43 to 62 days. The females, if born early in the reproductive season, reach sexual maturity within 21 to 28 days; females born later in the season reach sexual maturity in six to seven months. Mosquitofish are small and of a dull grey coloring, with a large abdomen, and have rounded dorsal and caudal fins and an upturned mouth. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced; mature females reach a", "id": "6548420" }, { "contents": "Etruscan shrew\n\n\nThe gestation period is 27–28 days, and they have 2–6 cubs per litter. Cubs are born naked and blind, weighing only . After their eyes open at 14 to 16 days old, they mature quickly. The mother usually moves the young when they are 9 to 10 days old and if disturbed leads them by caravanning them to a new location. The young Etruscan shrews are weaned at 20 days old. By three to four weeks of age, the young are independent and are soon sexually mature. The Etruscan shrew inhabits", "id": "1159544" }, { "contents": "Fried dace with salted black beans\n\n\nHong Kong started to have higher education level. They would then take nutritional values of food into consideration when deciding what to eat. As many researches show that canned food lacks nutritional value because of the artificial processing, people consume less fried dace with salted black beans. Moreover, they would store a few cans at home for rainy days. On the other hand, fried dace with salted black beans became widely commercialized. It is mass-produced by different food companies and sold as a product on the shelf in supermarkets.", "id": "6678148" }, { "contents": "Expiration date\n\n\nfood product to help determine how long to display the product for sale. This benefits the consumer by ensuring that the product is of best quality when sold. An open date does not supersede a use-by date, if shown, which should still be followed. An expiration date on food differs from a best-before date. According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency \"Expiration dates are required only on certain foods that have strict compositional and nutritional specifications which might not be met after the expiration date.\" In Canada", "id": "11240824" }, { "contents": "Kappa pappadam\n\n\nand the sides reversed. After 2-3 days of good sunlight, the pappadams become crisp, indicating that they are ready to be fried. The dried pappadams are then deep fried in oil and served. For those who wish to refrain from deep fried dishes, the pappadams can be coated with minimal oil and microwaved for one minute. Once completely dried, the pappadams can to stored in an airtight container for over a year. Their long shelf life implies that these pappadams are produced in bulk in summer and are utilized", "id": "17101503" }, { "contents": "Cash and cash equivalents\n\n\nCash and cash equivalents (CCE) are the most liquid current assets found on a business's balance sheet. Cash equivalents are short-term commitments \"with temporarily idle cash and easily convertible into a known cash amount\". An investment normally counts to be a cash equivalent when it has a short maturity period of 90 days or less, and can be included in the cash and cash equivalents balance from the date of acquisition when it carries an insignificant risk of changes in the asset value; with more than 90 days maturity", "id": "7866337" }, { "contents": "50 First Dates\n\n\n\"Wouldn't It Be Nice\" on the days when she has met him. So they agree that he can carry on seeing her. One day, a police officer writes Lucy a ticket for her expired plates. She attempts to argue that they are not yet expired, but realizes it's not October 13 as she thought. Lucy rushes home, and Marlin and Doug admit their ruse. Henry comes up with an idea to make a video explaining to Lucy her accident and their relationship. Although she is upset each", "id": "13845315" }, { "contents": "Keratinophyton durum\n\n\nis prominent, ascomata are not produced. On YpSs growth medium, under dark conditions and 28°C, it grows at the rate of 2-3 mm per day. Cream-coloured colonies with smooth, septate, hyaline hyphae can be observed. Hyphae are thin-walled and wide, measuring 1.7-2.5 µm in width. Ascoma maturation can be observed in 20-23 days. Acomata are encased in round, dark-brown aerial mycelium measuring 500-1050 µm in diameter. Additionally, the fungus can", "id": "6122559" }, { "contents": "Domain name registrar\n\n\ncases, a transfer can take up to 14 days, meaning that the transfer may not complete before the registration expires. This could result in loss of the domain name registration and failure of the transfer. To avoid this, end users should either transfer well before the expiration date, or renew the registration before attempting the transfer. If a domain registration expires, irrespective of the reason, it can be difficult, expensive, or impossible for the original owner to get it back. After the expiration date, the domain status", "id": "9136429" }, { "contents": "Coupon\n\n\nexample, people may purchase multiple copies of a newspaper or magazine in order to use the coupons contained within. Some grocery stores regularly double the value of a grocery coupon as an incentive to bring customers into their stores. Additionally, stores might hold special events where they will double or triple coupon values on certain days or weeks. Whether or not a specific grocery chain will double or triple coupons usually depends on the original coupon value. Most coupons have an expiration date after which they will not be honored. For example,", "id": "20472385" }, { "contents": "Electronic shelf label\n\n\nlevels, expiration dates, or product information may also be displayed as well, depending on the type of ESL. Automated ESL systems reduces pricing management labor costs, improves pricing accuracy and allows dynamic pricing. Dynamic pricing is the concept in which retailers can fluctuate pricing to match demand, online competition, inventory levels, shelf-life of items, and to create promotions. Some advantages of using electronic shelf labels are While there are benefits to ESL, it is not without its flaw. Some disadvantages of using electronic shelf labels", "id": "15984509" }, { "contents": "1987 Cantabrian regional election\n\n\nThe term of the Regional Assembly of Cantabria expired four years after the date of its previous election. Election day was to take place between the thirtieth and the sixtieth day from the date of expiry of parliament. The previous election was held on 8 May 1983, which meant that the legislature's term would have expired on 8 May 1987. The election was required to take place no later than the sixtieth day from the date of expiry of parliament, setting the latest possible election date for the Parliament on Sunday, 7 July", "id": "14417925" }, { "contents": "1986 Andalusian regional election\n\n\nof the election being called. The term of the Parliament of Andalusia expired four years after the date of its previous election. Election day was to take place between the thirtieth and the sixtieth day from the date of expiry of parliament. The previous election was held on 23 May 1982, which meant that the legislature's term would have expired on 23 May 1986. The election was required to take place no later than the sixtieth day from the date of expiry of parliament, setting the latest possible election date for the Parliament", "id": "20284318" }, { "contents": "2011 Valencian regional election\n\n\nbe issued no later than the twenty-fifth day prior to the date of expiry of parliament and published on the following day in the Official Journal of the Valencian Community, with election day taking place on the fifty-fourth day from publication. The previous election was held on 27 May 2007, which meant that the legislature's term would have expired on 27 May 2011. The election Decree was required to be published no later than 3 May 2011, with the election taking place on the fifty-fourth day from publication", "id": "1462418" }, { "contents": "Put option\n\n\nof \"K-S(t)\" any time until the option's maturity time \"T\". The put yields a positive return only if the security price falls below the strike when the option is exercised. A \"European option\" can only be exercised at time \"T\" rather than any time until \"T\", and a \"Bermudan option\" can be exercised only on specific dates listed in the terms of the contract. If the option is not exercised by maturity, it expires worthless. (The buyer", "id": "171836" }, { "contents": "Expiration date\n\n\nAn expiration date or expiry date is a previously determined date after which something should no longer be used, either by operation of law or by exceeding the anticipated shelf life for perishable goods. Expiration dates are applied to selected food products and to some other manufactured products like infant car seats where the age of the product may impact its safe use. Arbitrary expiration dates are also commonly applied by companies to product coupons, promotional offers and credit cards. In these contexts, the expiration date is chosen for business reasons or to provide", "id": "11240819" }, { "contents": "Florida woods cockroach\n\n\nthe eggs are located. Males can mate about 18 days after maturation, and females produce oothecae about every 8 days, beginning about 55 days after maturation. The oothecae are buried in soil or decaying logs, and hatch in 50 days at . Parthenogenesis (asexual reproduction) can occur, but the nymphal clones do not develop to adulthood. When alarmed, adults can emit an extremely foul-smelling glandular secretion through a sternal membrane, ejected up to . Nymphs do not have this ability, and the secretion is built up", "id": "5650188" }, { "contents": "House of Representatives (Thailand)\n\n\nor of mental infirmity. The term of the House of Representatives was exactly four years from the previous election day. Upon the expiration of the House, the King would issue a decree calling for a general election of the House, in which the date of the election had to be announced. This had to be done within forty days of the expiration. The date of the election had to be the same for the entire Kingdom. The King held the royal prerogative to dissolve the House before its expiration. When this happened", "id": "377518" }, { "contents": "Chinese noodles\n\n\n, the processing of Chinese noodles were made with four steps, including Fresh - The noodles are often consumed within 24 hours of manufacture due to quick discoloration. Their shelf life can be extended to 3-5 days if stored under refrigeration; Dried - Fresh noodle stands are dried by sunlight or in a controlled chamber. Chinese noodles, can be in dried form; Boiled - Fresh noodle strands are either parboiled or fully cooked. After parboiling, Chinese noodles are rinsed in cold water, drained and covered with 1-2", "id": "19370527" }, { "contents": "Bhurban Accord\n\n\nhe imposed emergency rule within the country on 3 November 2007, are to be reinstated within 30 days of the new coalition government. The original date for the judges to be restored was 30 April 2008 but after no decision on which basis both the PPP and the PML-N could bring back the judges collapsed, Nawaz Sharif announced a new date on 12 May 2008. As the deadlock expired, Nawaz Sharif met with Asif Ali Zardari in London on 11 May 2008 in the final set of discussions on how to resolve the", "id": "9857431" }, { "contents": "Home-stored product entomology\n\n\nand rodent hairs present in food, as long as the product is still considered “safe” for human consumption. To prevent the infestation of foodstuffs by pests of stored products, or “pantry pests”, a thorough inspection must be conducted of the food item intended for purchase at the supermarket or the place of purchase. The expiration date of grains and flour must also be noted, as products that sit undisturbed on the shelf for an extended period of time are more likely to become infested. This does not, however", "id": "11098515" }, { "contents": "Anacardium othonianum\n\n\neasily propagated from seeds. It flowers between June and October; fruits mature in September and October, and can be harvested two or three years after planting. The tree is not grown commercially yet, but is commonly found in farms and the wild. The pseudofruits are eaten locally; they are rich in vitamin C and soluble and insoluble fiber. They are said to be tastier than those of the common cashew, for being sweeter and free from astringency. Because of their short shelf life (about 10 days when refrigerated)", "id": "4911850" }, { "contents": "2016 Australian federal election\n\n\non 7 September 2013. The 44th Parliament of Australia opened on 12 November 2013 and its term would have expired on 11 November 2016. Writs for an election can be issued up to ten days after a dissolution or expiry of the House. Up to 27 days can be allowed for nominations, and the actual election can be set for a maximum of 31 days after close of nominations, resulting in the latest possible House of Representatives election date of Saturday, 14 January 2017. A double dissolution cannot take place within six", "id": "12656081" }, { "contents": "Sarin\n\n\norganophosphates. Sarin with residual acid degrades after a period of several weeks to several months. The shelf life can be shortened by impurities in precursor materials. According to the CIA, some Iraqi sarin had a shelf life of only a few weeks, owing mostly to impure precursors. Along with nerve agents such as tabun and VX, sarin can have a short shelf life. Therefore, it is usually stored as two separate precursors that produce sarin when combined. Sarin's shelf life can be extended by increasing the purity of the", "id": "18174588" }, { "contents": "2015 Extremaduran regional election\n\n\nthe election being called. The term of the Assembly of Extremadura expired four years after the date of its previous election, unless it was dissolved earlier. The election Decree was required to be issued no later than the twenty-fifth day prior to the date of expiry of parliament and published on the following day in the Official Journal of Extremadura, with election day taking place on the fifty-fourth day from publication. The previous election was held on 22 May 2011, which meant that the legislature's term would have expired", "id": "140575" }, { "contents": "2015 Catalan regional election\n\n\nten days of the election being called. The term of the Parliament of Catalonia expired four years after the date of its previous election, unless it was dissolved earlier. The President of the Government was required to call an election fifteen days prior to the date of expiry of parliament, with election day taking place within from forty to sixty days after the call. The previous election was held on 25 November 2012, which meant that the legislature's term would have expired on 25 November 2016. The election was required to be", "id": "1487154" }, { "contents": "2011 Aragonese regional election\n\n\nThe term of the Cortes of Aragon expired four years after the date of their previous election, unless they were dissolved earlier. The election Decree was required to be issued no later than the twenty-fifth day prior to the date of expiry of parliament and published on the following day in the Official Gazette of Aragon, with election day taking place on the fifty-fourth day from publication. The previous election was held on 27 May 2007, which meant that the legislature's term would have expired on 27 May 2011.", "id": "1959582" }, { "contents": "Raillietina cesticillus\n\n\nan egg embryo to a mature cysticercoid in its intermediate host requires 28 days after infection, but fully mature cysticercoid takes about 31–34 days. Adults were found from chicken after 15 days of infection with mature cysticercoid, and the gravid segments can be obtained in the faeces from 27 to 112 days. Species of flour beetle \"Tribolium\" are particularly important as intermediate host since they are the most common pest of chicken feed. The adult parasite inhabits the small intestine. Generally infection is asymptomatic, and there are no reports of clinical", "id": "10276647" }, { "contents": "My Belarusy\n\n\n2002, the day before Belarus's independence day. The decree's main objective was to establish lyrics for the anthem and introduce musical notation along with the new lyrics. Moreover, the decree designated when, where, and how the anthem was to be performed. According to the newspaper \"Soviet Byelorussia\", President Lukashenko decided on the anthem on 12 June 2002 and chose to have its first performance on 3 July—Belarusian independence day, the anniversary of the date in 1944 when the Wehrmacht was driven away from Minsk by", "id": "13985723" }, { "contents": "Schofields (department store)\n\n\nlet most of the tenancy agreements run out in order to redevelop the premises in the hope of attracting more business. The decision to let tenancy agreements expire, whilst only giving the shops 28 days notice of the closure in most cases, has caused negative media comments to be directed towards the centre. Many of the stores that have been in the centre for up to 15 years are being forced to close down and the staff are being given very little time to find new jobs. It is also seen as the centre '", "id": "18641801" }, { "contents": "MTS system architecture\n\n\ntime, ...) which control the amount and types of work that can be done by the ID. IDs can be limited to using just terminal sessions or just batch jobs or restricted to working during times of the day or days of the week when the rates charged are lower. Each signon ID is assigned an expiration date. Resources that can be charged for include: Note that while there is a charge for virtual memory used, there is no charge for real memory used. Note too that there is no change for", "id": "8323353" }, { "contents": "Drug expiration\n\n\ndrugs for medical treatment either as a cost saving measure or because they otherwise cannot access drugs which are not expired. Medical authorities find it difficult to discuss when consumers can safely use drugs after the printed expiration date because it is difficult to obtain clear information. Manufacturers print expiration dates on drug bottle labels. The labeled expiration date is a manufacturer's promise for a time until which the drug will have full efficacy and be safe as manufactured. The labeled expiration date is not an indication of when a drug has become ineffective", "id": "21326116" }, { "contents": "Fast Forward (film)\n\n\nto audition. When the boys return with the bad news, they all come together to agree to do whatever it takes to stay in town. After three days of cleaning the filthy apartment they can afford, they want to eat more than fast food. Matt comes up with a plan how they can eat steak that night: dancing for tips in a fancy restaurant. The number goes off well since they picked a hotel with a dental convention whose members think the entertainment was the manager's idea. As they sit around", "id": "7008302" }, { "contents": "Logistics\n\n\ntactical decisions, takes place, once again, at the level of the warehouse and of the distribution network. Decisions have to be made under a set of constraints: internal, such as using the available infrastructure, or external, such as complying with given product shelf lifes and expiration dates. At the warehouse level, the logistician must decide how to distribute merchandise over the racks. Three basic situations are traditionally considered: shared storage, dedicated storage (rack space reserved for specific merchandise) and class based storage (class meaning", "id": "1279601" }, { "contents": "Tianjin Metro\n\n\nSo doing half-price ticket fare can be enjoyed nine discount and eventually converted into 4.5 fold. Half-price tickets from the purchase date (including day of) 90 days, the use of force within the validity period can not be recharged, the amount within 90 days after the ticket automatically cleared, tickets void. When it expires, the undameged coupon presents their deposit slip and a detailed description to any customer service center station, with a refundable deposit of 10 Yuan. By sub-votes is divided into two", "id": "11815703" }, { "contents": "Mosquitofish\n\n\ndip below this range, growth rates decrease. Temperatures at or above are typically lethal, while growth stops when temperatures are at or below . For male mosquitofish, sexual maturity is reached in about 43 to 62 days. Female mosquitofish reach sexual maturity in about 21 to 28 days if born early within the reproductive season. The lifespan of a mosquitofish averages less than a year and the maximum is about 1.5 years. However, mosquitofish kept as pets can live much longer, with owners reporting lifespans of over three years. Male", "id": "6548433" }, { "contents": "Kevin Mitchell (boxer)\n\n\nSport and reunited with former trainer Tony Sims, Mitchell racked up four wins in what proved to be a steady return to form, coupled with a more mature and disciplined lifestyle. On 31 May 2014, an unexpectedly stiff test came in the form of Ghislain Maduma, on the undercard to the rematch between Carl Froch and George Groves at Wembley Stadium. On the day of the fight, Mitchell failed to make the IBF-mandated same-day weigh-in by , a mistake which Mitchell put down to having eaten steak", "id": "5439112" }, { "contents": "Transit Access Pass\n\n\nmachines in Metro Rail stations, at Metro Customer Service Centers or online. The card is designed to reduce the number of transactions at Customer Service Centers. The card costs $2 (or $1 from TVMs) and is only available with a fare media product (such as a day pass or stored value). Cards can also be purchased on Metro buses for $8 (since 15 September 2014), which include a day pass. TAP cards expire approximately 3–10 years from purchase. Currently Metro only sells monthly passes", "id": "3444648" }, { "contents": "Form I-539\n\n\nvisa. For those who entered the United States using a B visa, having an annotation on the visa saying that the entrant is a \"Prospective Student\" is generally a prerequisite for the Form I-539 application to be accepted. In general, the USCIS does not approve transition to student status with a start date more than 30 days prior to the program start date. Therefore, applications where the applicant's current status expires more than 30 days before the start date of their program are likely to be rejected. Form I-539 can", "id": "19534342" }, { "contents": "Sandy inland mouse\n\n\nindefinitely on a diet of air dried seed without drinking water. Sandy inland mouse does not adhere to a strict seasonal breeding strategy, instead employing a combination of opportunistic and seasonal strategy, breeding following rainfall or when food resources are abundant. Gestation lasts between 29 and 34 days with a typical litter of 3 or 4 in captivity litter size can be up to 5 or 6. Young are naked and weigh roughly 2g at birth, but mature quickly with independence at 30 days and reproductive maturity at 3 months. Classified as", "id": "20849598" }, { "contents": "1996 Andalusian regional election\n\n\nelection were required to inform the relevant Electoral Commission within ten days of the election being called. The term of the Parliament of Andalusia expired four years after the date of its previous election, unless it was dissolved earlier. Election day was to take place between the thirtieth and the sixtieth day from the date of expiry of parliament barring any date within from 1 July to 31 August. The previous election was held on 12 June 1994, which meant that the legislature's term would have expired on 12 June 1998. The election", "id": "20142557" }, { "contents": "Domain name warehousing\n\n\nDomain name warehousing is the practice of registrars obtaining control of expired domain names already under their management, with the intent to hold or “warehouse” names for their own use and/or profit. Typically this practice occurs after a domain name has expired and the previous (registrant) has not exercised his or her right to renew the name within the allotted time frame; usually 45 days following expiration. A domain's expiration date and time can be calculated based on the expiration date in the WHOIS, Auto-Renew Grace Period (", "id": "3990074" }, { "contents": "Hebrew calendar\n\n\na day earlier than shown. For long period calculations, dates should be reduced to the Julian calendar and converted back to the civil calendar at the end of the calculation. The civil calendar used here (Exigian) is correct to one day in 44,000 years and omits the leap day in centennial years which do not give remainder 200 or 700 when divided by 900. It is identical to the Gregorian calendar between 15 October 1582 CE and 28 February 2400 CE (both dates inclusive). To find how many days the civil", "id": "13702215" }, { "contents": "Form I-539\n\n\nsent in (and ideally, that it is approved) prior to the expiration date of the Form I-94. The USCIS recommends filing the Form I-539 at least 45 days prior to the expiration date on the Form I-94. Late submissions are likely to result in denial. In the case that the applicant does not have a Form I-94 (either a paper form or an electronic form that he or she can print out), the applicant must contact his or her nearest Deferred Inspection Site managed by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection", "id": "19534346" }, { "contents": "Trash Panic\n\n\nA spring 2009 release for both Europe and North America was announced in conjunction with an Earth Day promotion in the PlayStation Store. Though Europe was afterward given an official release date of May 28, 2009, only a preview trailer for the game was released as a part of the PlayStation Store Update for both the NA and EU regions on that date. A stream of garbage is carried via conveyor belt toward a garbage can in the middle of the screen, and the object of the game is to break down the garbage by", "id": "17204064" }, { "contents": "2011 Castilian-Leonese regional election\n\n\nthe following day in the Official Gazette of Castile and León, with election day taking place on the fifty-fourth day from publication. The previous election was held on 27 May 2007, which meant that the legislature's term would have expired on 27 May 2011. The election Decree was required to be published no later than 3 May 2011, with the election taking place on the fifty-fourth day from publication, setting the latest possible election date for the Cortes on Sunday, 26 June 2011. The President of the", "id": "2413585" }, { "contents": "Post-maturity syndrome\n\n\n(due to soft-tissue wasting), small-for-gestational-age, undernourished infant with depleted glycogen stores. Post term, the amniotic fluid volume eventually decreases, leading to oligohydramnios.Although pregnancy is said to last nine months, health care providers track pregnancy by weeks and days. The estimated delivery date, also called the estimated due date or EDD, is calculated as 40 weeks or 280 days from the first day of the last menstrual period. Only 4 percent (1 in 20) women will deliver", "id": "9768135" } ]
Why can't we just breed more bees until there are enough to sustain the population?
[{"answer": "Bees don't reproduce very quickly. You can't just \"breed more\" because it would take a while. It would also not solve the underlying problems, so you would have a lot of bees and then you would go to having very few bees very quickly."}, {"answer": "According to my beekeeping friend: Domesticated bees have a huge list of genetic health problems as well as a high susceptibility to disease and are sensitive to the environment. They die easily. Breeding them takes a while too."}, {"answer": "Bee populations are recovering from colony collapse disorder. There were multiple factors (mostly pollution and pesticides) that caused it."}, {"answer": "So with the rise of colony collapse disorder, beekeepers have compensated for the loss of hives by doing something called hive splitting which is essentially almost like cloning the colony. Its done, more or less, by taking away a representative portion of a colony and, giving it a new queen and then poof, new hive. In reality its a lot more difficult than that and it sometimes doesn't work very well but depending on your breed of bees and their hardiness, beekeepers can split tons of new hives. The upper limits is of course how fast the hives can build up for another splitting which can take time (remember the queen is only laying one eggs at a time). There are obvious downsides to this mitigating strategy, a big one being a lack of genetic diversity. Colony collapse disorder is on the mend right now and populations are recovering. That is due in part to new understanding about some pesticides such as neonicotinoids which are suspects of playing a part in the colony collapse disorder phenomenon. URL_0 "}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "378636", "title": "Honey bee life cycle", "section": "Section::::Colony life.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The honey bee life cycle, here referring exclusively to the domesticated Western honey bee, depends greatly on their social structure. Unlike a bumble bee colony or a paper wasp colony, the life of a honey bee colony is perennial. The three types of honey bees in a hive are: queens (egg-producers), workers (non-reproducing females), and drones (males whose main duty is to find and mate with a queen). Honey bee larvae hatch from eggs in three to four days. They are then fed by worker bees and develop through several stages in the cells. Cells are capped by worker bees when the larva pupates. Queens and drones are larger than workers, so require larger cells to develop. A colony may typically consist of tens of thousands of individuals.", "The honey bee life cycle, here referring exclusively to the domesticated Western honey bee, depends greatly on their social structure. Unlike a bumble bee colony or a paper wasp colony, the life of a honey bee colony is perennial. The three types of honey bees in a hive are: queens (egg-producers), workers (non-reproducing females), and drones (males whose main duty is to find and mate with a queen). Honey bee larvae hatch from eggs in three to four days. They are then fed by worker bees and develop through several stages in the cells. Cells are cappe", "e life of a honey bee colony is perennial. The three types of honey bees in a hive are: queens (egg-producers), workers (non-reproducing females), and drones (males whose main duty is to find and mate with a queen). Honey bee larvae hatch from eggs in three to four days. They are then fed by worker bees and develop through several stages in the cells. Cells are capped by worker bees when the larva pupates. Queens and drones are larger than workers, so require larger cells to develop. A colony"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2677993", "title": "Apis florea", "section": "Section::::Colony cycle.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 11, "end_paragraph_id": 11, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The annual colony cycle of honeybees involves migration, swarming, and absconding. \"A. florea\" migrate seasonally from one habitat to another. This might increase colony fitness, as the honeybees search for new territories, resources, or a reduction in parasites. Once a colony has outgrown its hive space, it will reproduce via swarming. During warmer seasons like spring and summer, ambient temperatures allow honeybees to forage actively, and they will reproduce frequently. During the colder seasons of autumn and winter, colonies diminish in size because they depend on food stores. Before swarming, the colony will build queen cells in order for virgin queens to rear young queens. Before the new queens emerge, the colonys workers search for a new nesting site. Afterwards, the bees will choose who stays and who goes. Similar to absconding behavior, the old queen will swarm while the new queens prepare for emergence.", "The annual colony cycle of honeybees involves migration, swarming, and absconding. \"A. florea\" migrate seasonally from one habitat to another. This might increase colony fitness, as the honeybees search for new territories, resources, or a reduction in parasites. Once a colony has outgrown its hive space, it will reproduce via swarming. During warmer seasons like spring and summer, ambient temperatures allow honeybees to forage actively, and they will reproduce freq"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Baldrick\n\n\nMelchett on a reviewing stand. Baldrick appears as part of the regimental band, splendid in scarlet and blue full dress, but not only walking out of line but also playing that most unmartial of instruments: a triangle. Despite his stupidity, Baldrick delivers a profound speech while in preparation for the \"final push\", tension is high, and Baldrick demands, \"Why can't we just stop sir? Why can't we just say 'no more killing, let's all go home'? Why would it be", "id": "21745500" }, { "contents": "WWE Originals\n\n\n! Wrestling was more critical, describing the compositions on the album as \"generic, cookie-cutter productions without any soul, character or style\" and criticising the performances in general. In particular, Powell criticised songs such as The Dudley Boyz' \"We've Had Enough\", Trish Stratus' \"I Just Want You\", Lita's \"When I Get You Alone\" and Stacy Keibler's \"Why Can't We Just Dance?\"; however, he did praise the performances of John Cena and Lilian Garcia", "id": "4617753" }, { "contents": "Previously Unaired Christmas\n\n\n. This is why we love her, and why we can't quit \"Glee\" no matter how infuriating the other parts are.\" Esther Gim of \"BuddyTV\" also gave the episode a mixed review, but was more negative in her analysis, saying \"Despite it being fitting for the holiday season, the story that this episode had been locked away for the past year is weak. Why couldn't they just film an episode for this Christmas? Oh yeah, because it's still the last school year.", "id": "12362592" }, { "contents": "Why We Can't Wait\n\n\nsay. I understood him well enough.\" The book largely reproduces the text of \"Letter from Birmingham Jail\", with some editorial changes. King writes in a footnote: \"Although the text remains in substance unaltered, I have indulged in the author's prerogative in polishing it for publication.\" \"Why We Can't Wait\" was published by Harper & Row in July 1964. The paperback edition cost 60¢. The book describes 1963 as the beginning of \"the Negro revolution\". It seeks to describe the historical", "id": "14581011" }, { "contents": "Dialictus\n\n\nsuch as at a higher latitude on a mountain side, the female will exhibit solitary behavior and all the daughters produced will be fertile. This is likely because with colder and shorter breeding seasons, the bee does not have enough time to produce two brood. In warmer climates with longer breeding seasons, having two broods, with the first brood caring for the second, can be more efficient Bees exhibit parasitism by laying their eggs the host bee's brood cells. Eggs of parasitic bees are often small in size compare to solitary", "id": "14237513" }, { "contents": "Blue Button\n\n\nGroup meeting, described trying to balance the benefits of data standards with getting a solution to patients quickly. He assessed that it was only when the group decided to break the problem down into the simplest possible solutions that they were able to progress. A central theme emerged from the dialogue: give patients their data. HHS CTO and U.S. CTO Todd Park summarized the decision as: \"Look, there's all this complicated stuff happening with health information. But why can't we just do this: why can't we just", "id": "5669463" }, { "contents": "Why Can't We Live Together\n\n\n\"Why Can't We Live Together\" is a song by Timmy Thomas from the album \"Why Can't We Live Together\". The song is notable for being recorded in mono; its sparse, stripped-down production, features a Lowrey organ, bossa nova-style percussion from an early rhythm machine, and Thomas's passionate, soulful vocal. Thomas recorded a demo at Dukoff Recording Studios in North Miami, Florida, with Bill Borkan acting as sound engineer. The single version got more airplay because the longer instrumental", "id": "20730415" }, { "contents": "Persian fallow deer\n\n\nsafe environment, and the number of animals that can be periodically removed from these sources for reintroduction. Because poor sex ratios and low proportions of breeding individuals are a major cause of extinction in very small populations, the size of each group removed should be large enough to maintain a low extinction probability, but small enough to maintain the core breeding population. Monte Carlo Leslie matrix growth models were used to determine the maximum sustainable yield, the greatest number of individuals that can be removed from the breeding pool to maximize the reintroduced population", "id": "17179026" }, { "contents": "Everyone Nose (All the Girls Standing in the Line for the Bathroom)\n\n\nand Pusha T, which was available as an iTunes and Zune Marketplace bonus track with the purchase of \"Seeing Sounds\". When asked why the song was remixed, Hugo replied with, \"We wanted something with more of a straight-ahead, club-bumping beat, just a different take on it. We like to remix, dismantle, take apart shit and put it back together. It's just like a Rubik's Cube: When you can't solve it, you just break it and you put it", "id": "13385607" }, { "contents": "Dmitry Belyayev (zoologist)\n\n\nGeographic has made much the same point, suggesting that the genetic explanation for the difference between wildness and tameness \"has implications for understanding not just how we domesticated animals, but how we tamed the wild in ourselves as well.\" The magazine's writer asked: \"Out of 148 large mammal species on Earth, why have no more than 15 ever been domesticated? Why have we been able to tame and breed horses for thousands of years, but never their close relative the zebra, despite numerous attempts?\" The Brazilian", "id": "11189619" }, { "contents": "European dark bee\n\n\nwas claimed by the Galtee Bee Breeding Group (GBBG) based in Ireland in County Tipperary that they had \"sent bees to Colonsay\", earlier DNA evidence had confirmed a genetic link between the two populations. In the documentary \"More than Honey\" the bee kept and bred by Swiss (German) beekeeper Herr. Fred Jaggi was the \"A. m. mellifera\", referred to as the \"local black breed\", in which he strives to maintain \"racially pure\" bees, lamenting when he discovers yellow coloration in", "id": "9277661" }, { "contents": "Australia–Indonesia relations\n\n\nWhy can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends?\" [this is] the exact sort of opinions we need\". Under Keating’s government, the first Indonesia-Australia Ministerial Forum was held in 1994, and brought together ministers for foreign affairs, trade, immigration and the environment. Meetings were subsequently held every two years. In December 1995, Australia and Indonesia signed a security agreement, committing both parties to consultation on", "id": "19195704" }, { "contents": "Intensive animal farming\n\n\n, why is there so much bird flu? There is bad vaccine that stops the disease in the bird but the bird goes on pooping out virus and maintaining it and changing it. And I think this is what is going on in China. It has to be. Either there is not enough vaccine being used or there is substandard vaccine being used. Probably both. It's not just China. We can't blame China for substandard vaccines. I think there are substandard vaccines for influenza in poultry all over the world", "id": "2332087" }, { "contents": "Abracadabra (ABC album)\n\n\ndeal with EMI in Europe and the level of expectation was so high. You felt it every day. And we made a record, and midway through it Mark just says 'I can't do it any more, I've had enough'. And I said to him 'you should persist, you know, let's finish the record'. And at that point he just said 'look I quit, I've had enough, I don't want to do it any more'.\" Stephen Thomas Erlewine", "id": "6322335" }, { "contents": "Brain trust\n\n\ntrusts are forming we can see no reason why a 'brain trust' can't be organized.\" Around the same time the \"Philadelphia Press\" penned a witticism concerning free traders that made the rounds of U.S. papers. The joke implies the lack of thought output, just as \"trusts (consolidation of productive units) reduced industrial output: \"Some of the free trade shouters display enough ignorance to excite a suspicion that they have been made the victims of a brain 'trust.'\" Using the term as an", "id": "17390573" }, { "contents": "Apis mellifera adami\n\n\nApis mellifera adami (often misspelled \"adamii\") is a western honey bee subspecies from the Mediterranean area, endemic to Crete. A subspecies of \"Apis mellifera\" (the western honey bee), is the Cretan bee as classified by Ruttner 1975 and named by him after Brother Adam. The population on Crete has a similar genotype to Grecian populations, but Cretan bees are a more mixed population due to breeding and beekeeping practices (\"no pure populations\" on the island) (Harizanis & Odos). Western Cretan", "id": "13976556" }, { "contents": "In the Land of Blood and Honey\n\n\n\"This was, you know, the worst genocide since World War II in Europe ... What were we all doing? And did we do enough? And why do we not speak about this enough?\" Responding to claims that her film was not balanced, she stated that \"The war was not balanced. I can't understand people who are looking for a balance that did not exist. There are some people who don't want to be reminded of these things, some even who deny that these things even happened", "id": "11256284" }, { "contents": "Why Can't We Live Together (album)\n\n\nWhy Can't We Live Together is the debut album by Timmy Thomas released in 1972. It was historically the first record to fully replace drummers with a drum machine. The album reached number ten in 1973 on the US R&B albums chart on the strength of the million-seller single, \"Why Can't We Live Together\". All songs written by Timmy Thomas except where indicated On AllMusic, Andrew Hamilton quoted \"This album was originally released on Glades Records following Thomas' million-selling \"Why Can't We Live", "id": "19531493" }, { "contents": "California condor\n\n\nor lead ammunition? We can't have both\" published by \"The Ecologist\" in January 2015, author Dawn Starin states: \"Over 60% of the adult and juvenile deaths (that is, excluding chicks and fledglings) in the wild population have been as a result of lead poisoning.\" She continues: \"Because condors have been known to live past the age of 50, do not breed until they are at least six years old, and raise only one chick every other year, their populations cannot", "id": "10565729" }, { "contents": "Why We Can't Wait\n\n\nevents that led up to this revolution, and to explain why this revolution was nonviolent. King seeks to describe this history because of how quickly it has become visible to America at large, and because of its importance in events to come. He writes: Just as lightning makes no sound until it strikes, the Negro Revolution generated quietly. But when it struck, the revealing flash of its power and the impact of its sincerity and fervor displayed a force of a frightening intensity. Three hundred years of humiliation, abuse,", "id": "14581012" }, { "contents": "Assault on Mount Kent, Falkland Islands\n\n\nshots and they can't see us! Why don't we stay here? We were ruining the enemy's day while the Paras and Marines came forward. Why would we want to move? Stretton ignored me. It was just as well: less than thirty seconds after we moved, an enemy shell whistled in and exploded on the exact spot we'd just quit. 3 PARA reached Estancia House on 1 June, and shortly thereafter D Company patrols came across blood stains and field dressings indicating that the wounded First-Sergeant", "id": "259276" }, { "contents": "Trumpeter swan\n\n\nhave two sorts, the one we call Trompeters...These are the largest sort we have...when spring comes on they go the Lakes to breed\" versus \"The sort of Swans called Hoopers; are the least.\" Early efforts to reintroduce this bird into other parts of its original range, and to introduce it elsewhere, have had modest success, as suitable habitats have dwindled and the released birds do not undertake migrations. More recently, the population in all three major population regions have shown sustained growth over the past", "id": "13072150" }, { "contents": "Dove Campaign for Real Beauty\n\n\n, we have to walk the talk” she also stated “We can't just be getting people stirred up; awareness and conversation isn't enough. We actually have to do something to change what's happening.” Since the start of the campaign, Dove has started funds for women and girls to promote their message along with more advertisings in attempt to bring more awareness to women of different ages and cultural background. The company of Dove believes they still have a chance to bring a greater impact on society and the generations", "id": "18663429" }, { "contents": "Bell hooks\n\n\n, communication, and commitment. She proposes that if we all came to the agreement that \"love\" is a verb rather than a noun, then we would all be happier. Hooks believes love is more of an interactive process. It is not about what we just feel, but more about what we do. She states, \"So many people think that it's enough to say what they feel, even if their actions do not correspond to what they are feeling\". Bell hooks strongly clarifies why society needs", "id": "20684344" }, { "contents": "Jason Isbell\n\n\nthings, that for him it evokes the idea of loss as well as learning and growing from the experience. During the 2015 Newport Folk Festival, Isbell cited Dylan as a huge influence on his writing. Isbell has lived in Nashville, Tennessee, since 2011. He is an Atlanta Braves fan and a Democrat. In November 2017, Isbell was asked on Twitter \"Why do we have to inject politics in every aspect of our life can't we just enjoy the music and the football games?\" He responded \"Until", "id": "22216253" }, { "contents": "Centre for Integrative Bee Research\n\n\nAustralia as an industry partner. Better Bees of Western Australia is a group of 8 commercial beekeepers. Each individual beekeeper owns and maintains some of the 24 bee lineages that are recognized as part of \"The Western Australian Bee Breeding Program\". The aim of the honey bee breeding program is to maintain a genetic pool of honey bee breeding stock for the WA apiary industry to use in maintaining a healthy population of managed honeybees. In 2013 CIBER and Better Bees received a second grant from the Australian Research Council to study the fungal", "id": "8175546" }, { "contents": "Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough\n\n\nlives and make sense of the aftermath: \"There's a reason why people don't stay where they are / Baby sometimes love just ain't enough\". In the final chorus, there is a slight lyrical change to this line (\"stay \"where\" they are\" becomes \"stay \"who\" they are\"). Also, the line \"It's sad when you know it's your heart you can't trust\" is changed to \"It's sad when you know it's your heart they", "id": "9377809" }, { "contents": "Maximum sustainable yield\n\n\npopulations are small, but because there are few individuals, the overall yield is small. At intermediate population densities, also represented by half the carrying capacity, individuals are able to breed to their maximum rate. At this point, called the maximum sustainable yield, there is a surplus of individuals that can be harvested because growth of the population is at its maximum point due to the large number of reproducing individuals. Above this point, density dependent factors increasingly limit breeding until the population reaches carrying capacity. At this point,", "id": "5479590" }, { "contents": "Dan Gerson\n\n\npremiere, Gerson again stressed the importance of collaboration and development: We write a version of the script...and then we blow it to bits, we get in there with the Pixar brain trust, and they just smash it apart, and then you rebuild it and you do that like six, seven times. That's why we were on the movie for three and a half years. People can't understand how it could take that long to write. It's just that you're doing different iterations of the movie", "id": "13750526" }, { "contents": "European dark bee\n\n\nmore suited to modern beekeeping, such as the Buckfast bee, a breed of bee whose ancestry originally included the remnants of the old British black bee (a strain of \"A. m. mellifera\"), which became extinct due to \"Acarapis woodi\", a tracheal mite. In the United States, research based on DNA sequencing analysis found DNA from the 'M' lineage of honey bees in the feral population of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Missouri, believed in part to be the DNA from imported bees", "id": "9277651" }, { "contents": "Just Can't Get Enough (The Black Eyed Peas song)\n\n\nn't help but think he's perhaps spent a little too much time in front of the PC for this one. You want to be careful Will, we hear they make your eyes go square\". The music video for \"Just Can't Get Enough\" was directed by Ben Mor. It was shot over a three-day period in Tokyo, Japan primarily in the Ginza and Shibuya districts while the group was on a press tour. The opening clips show shots of the Ginza district. The video was shot between", "id": "3759747" }, { "contents": "European dark bee\n\n\nthe colony of one of his queens, meaning that she has bred with a drone from a different subspecie and produced \"little half-breeds\", she is subsequently killed; we see in the documentary his pure bees succumbing to a brood disease and having to be gassed then burned: Herr. Jaggi abandons the local black bees and the goal of racial purity, choosing \"A. m. carnica\" bees instead, with an apiary that includes hybrids to enhance genetic diversity, which are found to be \"more disease resistant\"", "id": "9277662" }, { "contents": "Why Can't We Be Friends? (song)\n\n\n\"Why Can't We Be Friends?\" is a song by the funk band War for their 1975 studio album of the same name. The song has a simple structure, with the phrase \"Why can't we be friends?\" being sung four times after each two-line verse amounting to over forty times in under four minutes. The song reached #6 on the Billboard Hot 100 in the summer of 1975. The song is unique as various members of the band exchange vocal duties from verse to verse.", "id": "4218890" }, { "contents": "Smash Mouth\n\n\n\" (2001). The band adopted retro styles covering several decades of popular music. They have also performed numerous covers of popular songs, including War's \"Why Can't We Be Friends?\", Simple Minds' \"Don't You (Forget About Me)\", ? & the Mysterians' \"Can't Get Enough of You Baby\", the Beatles' \"Getting Better\", and \"I Wan'na Be Like You\" from \"The Jungle Book\". Smash Mouth was formed in 1994 by Steve", "id": "5479972" }, { "contents": "Percolater (album)\n\n\nlonger practical to live there. \"I just said 'I can't do this anymore, remarked drummer Bill Stevenson \"The area we were in became infested with other groups that were more interested in smoking dope and drinking and all that. It became a party center, which I just can't stand.\" Stevenson's father, who lived in California, owned a house in his hometown of Brookfield, Missouri—a farming town with a population of about 3,500—which he rented out, and offered to rent it to the", "id": "13808306" }, { "contents": "$h*! My Dad Says\n\n\nCBS standards. Parents who choose to do so will find the show can be easily blocked using their V Chip.\" Show star Shatner commented on the show's title, saying \"We say spit; why can't we say shit?\" In addition, Bill Gorman from \"TVbytheNumbers\" wrote that the PTC protest was just giving the show more publicity, which he expected would boost ratings. At the July 2010 Television Critics Association press tour, Shatner further commented on the title saying, \"The word 'shit'", "id": "12188084" }, { "contents": "Geronimo: An American Legend\n\n\nThe first thing I heard was, 'Why can't we have X or Y Caucasian put on makeup and play Geronimo? If you do that, we'll make the movie.' I said, 'You can't do that.' They wouldn't think of having a Caucasian actor play a black leader. The implications are just staggering ... That kind of casting became unthinkable after \"Dances With Wolves\". When the script got active again last fall, there was no question that we would have an Indian actor", "id": "18509778" }, { "contents": "Hugh Thompson Jr.\n\n\nPlatoon. Thompson said to the survivors, \"I just wish our crew that day could have helped more people than we did.\" He reported that one of the women they had helped out came up to him and asked, \"Why didn't the people who committed these acts come back with you?\" He said that he was \"just devastated\" but that she finished her sentence: \"So we could forgive them.\" He later told a reporter, \"I'm not man enough to do that.", "id": "16700151" }, { "contents": "The birds and the bees\n\n\nand may have been widely enough repeated to have contributed to the euphemism, \"the birds and the bees.\" Several sources give credit to Cole Porter for coining the phrase. One of the musician's more famous songs was \"Let's Do It, Let's Fall in Love.\" In Porter's publication from 1928, the opening line for the chorus carried derogatory racial references like \"Chinks\" and \"Japs\", later changed following CBS recommendation and NBC adaptation: poemAnd that's why birds do it, bees", "id": "12167469" }, { "contents": "Bee-eater\n\n\nareas of Europe, Asia and Australia are all migratory. The European bee-eaters that breed in southern Europe and Asia migrate to West and southern Africa. Another population of the same species breeds in South Africa and Namibia; these birds move northwards after breeding. In Australia the rainbow bee-eater is migratory in the southern areas of its range, migrating to Indonesia and New Guinea, but occurs year-round in northern Australia. Several species of bee-eater, are intra-African migrants; the white-throated", "id": "16506039" }, { "contents": "Pound Cake speech\n\n\n. He then had critical remarks for Black Christians' seeming inability to create positive social change for the urban population to which he was referring: I'm telling you Christians, what's wrong with you? Why can't you hit the streets? Why can't you clean it out yourselves? Cosby also attacked black naming conventions, saying: We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a damned thing about Africa. With names like Shaniqua, Shaligua, Mohammed and all that crap and all", "id": "14512924" }, { "contents": "Untitled Korn album\n\n\non the band's upcoming album, stating it \"will not be titled.\" He elaborated, \"We had the world's greatest drummer Terry Bozzio in and Brooks Wackerman from Bad Religion in and I played drums on some songs too. I'm so proud of it, we just can't wait to show people what we've done.\" Davis went on to say \"We didn't want to label this album. It has no boundaries. It has no limits and why not just let our fans call it", "id": "1944072" }, { "contents": "Euherbstia\n\n\n, they will create cells which they fill with pollen and eggs, closing them off until the larvae pupate and emerge the next year. Some larvae hibernate in a pupated state up to 2 years. This is probably because these bees live in an arid climate, where it is uncertain whether it will rain enough in a year to sustain the plants they need for food. As one generation of emerging adults might die because of drought, the next generation might survive, giving the species more chance of survival. The name \"", "id": "4005761" }, { "contents": "Africanized bee\n\n\nbreeders a point to begin breeding a gentler stock. Work has been done in Brazil towards this end, but in order to maintain these traits, it is necessary to develop a queen breeding and mating facility in order to requeen colonies and to prevent reintroduction of unwanted genes or characteristics through unintended cross-breeding with feral colonies. In Puerto Rico, some bee colonies are already beginning to show more gentle behavior. This is believed to be because the more gentle bees contain genetic material that is more similar to the European honey bee", "id": "2027956" }, { "contents": "Vic Lombardi\n\n\n. In 1993 Lombardi was inducted into the Brooklyn Dodgers Hall of Fame along with Al Gionfriddo. At the time Lombardi was quoted in the Fresno Bee as saying: \"Brooklyn fans were a different breed. It was a family thing. You walked down the street, and everyone knew you. The team was different too, even for then. We went to the ballpark together, we left together, we ate together; it was just one big family. No one got out of line. There were no bad actors", "id": "7510073" }, { "contents": "The Simpsons (season 16)\n\n\npassed its prime. We don't agree with those people at all and think The Simpsons has been remarkably consistent in terms of its humour and stories. Sure it may have been eclipsed by the edgier Family Guy in more recent years but The Simpsons is, and always will be, one of the most original and talked-about shows. The Simpsons: Season 16 is another cracking instalment of the hit show and we still, after all these years, just can't get enough. High-Def Digest also gave a", "id": "14544822" }, { "contents": "Awake (Dream Theater album)\n\n\nlike 'Wait, I want me up more!' So they were trying to please everyone and you just can't do that.\" The band had to be banned from the mixing sessions to allow Purdell and Baron to mix the album to a high enough standard. \"The one great thing, though - even though we were out of the studio - was that they were aware of what we wanted and didn't want,\" LaBrie said. \"When David Prater mixed \"Images and Words\" it was really", "id": "6255286" }, { "contents": "Mustang\n\n\nbeginning with Columbus, who imported horses from Spain to the West Indies on his second voyage in 1493. Domesticated horses came to the mainland with the arrival of Cortés in 1519. By 1525, Cortés had imported enough horses to create a nucleus of horse-breeding in Mexico. One hypothesis held that horse populations north of Mexico originated in the mid-1500s with the expeditions of Narváez, de Soto or Coronado, but it has been refuted. Horse breeding in sufficient numbers to establish a self-sustaining population developed in what today is", "id": "5959637" }, { "contents": "Egyptian Club\n\n\nof this type and size open requires an incredible amount of business just to pay the bills. It does not appear as if our community is able to support our efforts at this time, and we are not able to float until this is able to happen ... The miracle we are looking for is either to win the lottery, or an immediate upturn in the economy that would allow for record sales in the near future along with enough residual business to sustain us for however long our community would have us here. With the", "id": "9073745" }, { "contents": "Why We Can't Wait\n\n\nthe civil rights struggle known to national and international audiences. Describing Birmingham as \"the most segregated city in America\" transformed it into a symbol for segregation and inequality at large. \"Adbusters\" cited \"Why We Can't Wait\" (and the Poor People's Campaign) in September 2011 as an inspiration for Occupy Wall Street. In October 2011, the Obama administration started using the slogan \"We Can't Wait\", based on the plan to enact policies despite a resistant Congress. The book has received much contemporary", "id": "14581024" }, { "contents": "Bee Gees' 1st\n\n\nout. We sit about and think up a subject, then write a song on the spot. We did the whole of the LP like this. It's the really the only way we can work, spontaneously off the cuff.\" Maurice Gibb has sometimes been given writing credits for the songs \"To Love Somebody\" and \"I Can't See Nobody\" when the songs appeared on albums by other artists, but almost never on a Bee Gees album. \"Bee Gees Gold, Vol. 1\" (1976", "id": "14753672" }, { "contents": "Jet Black\n\n\nthe world — and we'll carry on until we can't any more. Though we are not thinking about that.\" He was absent from the Stranglers' UK festival appearances and associated warm-up gigs in mid-2014. In January 2015, Stranglers guitarist Baz Warne told the Louder Than War website: \"Jet will do what he can when he can. He's a massive hard worker and he's never shirked away from anything but with the best will in the world you just can't cheat old age. He", "id": "9473591" }, { "contents": "Blood Rush\n\n\nsomething tells me this time, it'll stick. (Canon. Canon tells me that.)\" Lisa Babick from \"TV Fanatic\", gave a 2.5 star rating out of 5, stating: \"Other than Barnes going dark, the rest of the hour made no sense. It's disappointing that once again. \"Gotham\" started the season out strong, but then took a nosedive not even half way through. Why can't we have any consistency on this show? Why couldn't we just have had", "id": "21360977" }, { "contents": "Candyman (1992 film)\n\n\nhave a whole set of meetings with the NAACP, because the producers were so worried, and what they said to me when they'd read the script was 'Why are we even having this meeting? You know, this is just good fun.' Their argument was 'Why shouldn't a black actor be a ghost? Why shouldn't a black actor play Freddy Krueger or Hannibal Lecter? If you're saying that they can't be, it's really perverse. This is a horror movie. . .'", "id": "5805871" }, { "contents": "I Can't Tell You Why\n\n\na huge part but enough for them to think 'That could be good' and go with it. So Don, Glenn and I finished it over a few all night sessions.\" \"When it was being developed in the studio...I knew it was a great song. I [thought] 'Yes! This is an amazing debut for me.' When we finally mixed it, we had a little listening party at the studio. As people were hearing it, Don turned to me and said, '", "id": "1017095" }, { "contents": "War of Internet Addiction\n\n\n. From the bottom of our heart, we never want to lag to any other nations in this world, but in this year, because of you, we can’t even play a game we love whole-heartedly with other gamers all over the world. \"We swallowed all the insults (as we are forced to go to overseas servers and caused other gamers’ inconveniences). Why can't we be entertained at the cheap rate 40 cents an hour? Just because we are here? \"You taught me since", "id": "4446027" }, { "contents": "Nouvelle Vague (band)\n\n\nApart in a bossa nova version. I thought this idea was absolutely crazy but very exciting. So we decided to get into the studio and try it out as soon as possible. Then we did Just Can't Get Enough and Guns Of Brixton. We put the album together in just eight months. And after that we called ourselves Nouvelle Vague ... and that's the story!\" The songs on the first album were recorded with female vocalists who reportedly had not previously heard the songs they would be singing. Eight singers", "id": "1852564" }, { "contents": "Ramones\n\n\n, we just rehearse. We call ourselves the Clash but we're not good enough.' Johnny said, 'Wait till you see us—we stink, we're lousy, we can't play. Just get out there and do it.'\" Another band whose members saw the Ramones perform, the Damned, played their first show two days later. The central fanzine of the early UK punk scene, \"Sniffin' Glue\", was named after the song \"Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue\",", "id": "19666797" }, { "contents": "The Work Tour\n\n\nthe Wideboys Remix of their single Up. The intro to their debut single If This Is Love began, and one by one different coloured lights appeared on each girl in turn. This was followed by Set Me Off. Keep her was next to be performed, before the girls brought chairs on stage to sing the comic relief single Just Can't Get Enough. They then performed Wordshaker, which was then unheard, and was to feature on their then upcoming album of the same name. A mowtown version of Why Me Why", "id": "5351561" }, { "contents": "The Work Tour\n\n\nthe stage to perform the song, before ending the show with Up, as they danced with umbrellas. None of the shows was filmed for a DVD or televised release/viewing. The only available footage is fan filmed videos uploaded on to YouTube. The group used the setlist from the Work Tour when they performed at the 2009 iTunes Festival, London. Six of the tracks (If This is Love, Just Can't Get Enough, Why Me, Why Now, Work, Issues and Up) featured on an EP", "id": "5351564" }, { "contents": "Benji Marshall\n\n\ncaps as Kiwi captain. The decision was Steve's and the New Zealand Rugby League's, and it's just a decision I'm just going to have to live with.\" By May, with the Wests Tigers on a losing streak, Marshall was dropped to the bench. Coach Mick Potter said, \"We needed to change something around. We can't just keep doing what we've been doing and expect a result. Benji, as you could imagine, was disappointed. Disappointed is probably not hard enough.", "id": "7916358" }, { "contents": "Russian honey bee\n\n\nThe Russian honeybee refers to honey bees (\"Apis mellifera\") that originate in the Primorsky Krai region of Russia. This strain of bee was imported into the United States in 1997 by the USDA's Honeybee Breeding, Genetics & Physiology Laboratory in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in response to severe declines in bee populations caused by infestations of parasitic mites, and has been used in breeding programs to improve existing stocks. Russian honey bees have an innate resistance to various parasitic mites. This strain occurs in the original native range of the", "id": "17525986" }, { "contents": "Hard problem of consciousness\n\n\nthe theory put forward by philosopher Colin McGinn that our vertigo when pondering the Hard Problem is itself a quirk of our brains. The brain is a product of evolution, and just as animal brains have their limitations, we have ours. Our brains can't hold a hundred numbers in memory, can't visualize seven-dimensional space and perhaps can't intuitively grasp why neural information processing observed from the outside should give rise to subjective experience on the inside. This is where I place my bet, though I admit that the", "id": "3092592" }, { "contents": "Blue-cheeked bee-eater\n\n\nThe blue-cheeked bee-eater (\"Merops persicus\") is a near passerine bird in the bee-eater family, Meropidae. The genus name \"Merops\" is Ancient Greek for \"bee-eater\", and \"persicus\" is Latin for \"Persian\". It breeds in Northern Africa, and the Middle East from eastern Turkey to Kazakhstan and India. It is generally strongly migratory, wintering in tropical Africa, although some populations breed and live year-round in the Sahel. This species occurs as", "id": "10845024" }, { "contents": "Just Can't Get Enough (Depeche Mode song)\n\n\nn't Get Enough\" video, directed by Clive Richardson, was the band's first, and is the only video by the band which includes Vince Clarke. These are the formats and track listings of major single releases of \"Just Can't Get Enough\": 7\": Mute/7Mute16 (UK) 12\": Mute/12Mute16 (UK) CD: Mute/CDMute16 (D) CD: Mute/CDMute16 (UK) 7\": Sire/SRE50029 (US) Notes \"Just Can't Get Enough\" was covered by", "id": "15496105" }, { "contents": "Enemies of Reality\n\n\nwhy that record ... it was a difficult period for us. We were all pretty pissed off and angry and that shows in the music. Our budget got slashed for that record just because of the fact that we had not re-signed. I think it came down to \"Well, re-sign now or this is your budget because that's what is says in your contract.\" You can't argue with that. We didn't re-sign. We didn't buckle under and I think it paid", "id": "11823804" }, { "contents": "Michal Tsur\n\n\n, Entreprise & Learning. “Technology was merely the tool needed to execute our ideas.” “We advertise the ‘tech’ part of the startup world, with tech as the tool, the skill, the medium. Maybe what gets lost is the thrill of just solving big problems and the excitement of being part of a startup.” \"The tech industry needs female talent, and cannot afford to miss out on this segment of the population. Why wait to solve this problem? Enough talking about only long", "id": "1265656" }, { "contents": "Peter Moore (businessman)\n\n\nwe really thought that we could do it. But then we had a target from Japan that said we had to make x hundreds of millions of dollars by the holiday season and shift x millions of units of hardware, otherwise we just couldn't sustain the business. So on January 31st, 2001, we said Sega is leaving hardware. We were selling 50,000 units a day, then 60,000, then 100,000, but it was just not going to be enough to get the critical mass to take on the launch of PS2", "id": "13205929" }, { "contents": "Henry Lieberman\n\n\nbooks, including End-User Development (Springer, 2006), Spinning the Semantic Web (MIT Press, 2004), and Your Wish is My Command: Programming by Example (Morgan Kaufmann, 2001). His book, 'Why Can't We All Just Get Along', focuses on the use of game theory to show cooperation pays off more than competition. Dr. Lieberman has a bachelor's degree from MIT in mathematics (Course 18) and a doctoral-equivalent degree (Habilitation) from the University of Paris", "id": "1236241" }, { "contents": "Stainless Steel Studios\n\n\noff its employees. The content of the official website was removed in November. Former SSSI employees Bob Scott and Daniel Higgins confirmed rumors appearing on the HeavenGames Rise & Fall fan site forum. Higgins wrote in reply to questions about the credibility of the rumors: This is true, SSSI is no more. I can't give details as to why, but I can tell you the product is in excellent shape, the team was in high morale and plowing ahead at full steam, and we were just weeks from gold disk", "id": "6685578" }, { "contents": "2006 FA Cup Final\n\n\nfelt they had done enough to win the final: \"I can't describe it how I feel at the moment – gutted because I think we deserved to win this game. The players put in a fantastic effort, but it just wasn't to be for us. It was a marvellous FA Cup final and we gave all we could. I hope everyone was proud – it just wasn't our day.\" Liverpool's victory set up a Community Shield match against Chelsea, winners of the 2005–06 Premier League. As", "id": "22051799" }, { "contents": "Maurice Gibb\n\n\n.\" Robin Gibb spoke to \"Mojo\" magazine about Maurice's death in 2003: \"We were kids together, and teenagers. We spent the whole of our lives with each other because of our music. I can't accept that he's dead. I just imagine he's alive somewhere else.\" Barry and Robin ceased performing as a group for a time, but later decided to perform occasionally under the Bee Gees banner before twin brother Robin died of liver and kidney failure on 20 May 2012 after a long", "id": "5700378" }, { "contents": "Depensation\n\n\nIn population dynamics, depensation is the effect on a population (such as a fish stock) whereby, due to certain causes, a decrease in the breeding population (mature individuals) leads to reduced production and survival of eggs or offspring. The causes may include predation levels rising per offspring (given the same level of overall predator pressure) and the allee effect, particularly the reduced likelihood of finding a mate. When the level of depensation is high enough that the population is no longer able to sustain itself, it is", "id": "16358678" }, { "contents": "We Can't Dance\n\n\nof its torpor – for instance, on the very polite primal stomp of 'I Can't Dance' – and that such moments will just as quickly be subsumed by the rest of the musical quicksand.\" AllMusic also criticised the lyrics of \"Tell Me Why\" and \"Way of the World\", calling them \"paeans for world understanding that sound miles away from any immediacy\". However, they praised the album for returning to a less pop-oriented direction, and especially complimented the grittiness of \"No Son", "id": "10975978" }, { "contents": "White-fronted bee-eater\n\n\nin colonies averaging 200 individuals, digging roosting and nesting holes in cliffs or banks of earth. A population of bee-eaters may range across many square kilometres of savannah, but will come to the same colony to roost, socialize, and to breed. White-fronted bee-eaters have one of the most complex family-based social systems found in birds. Colonies comprise socially monogamous, extended family groups with overlapping generations, known as \"clans\", which exhibit cooperative breeding. Non-breeding individuals become helpers to", "id": "5970105" }, { "contents": "We Can't Dance\n\n\nincident, not revealing what they were about to his bandmates until he had finished them. Some lines were from a real life conversation Collins had with Clapton following the incident. \"Tell Me Why\" criticises the Gulf War and the plight of the Kurdish people in its aftermath. Collins got the idea from a television news report while he was having dinner with his wife and daughter. \"So I just mixed my feelings with previous thoughts about Bangladesh and Ethiopia\". The serious material was balanced by shorter and lighter songs.", "id": "10975970" }, { "contents": "Exorcist II: The Heretic\n\n\njust didn't throw enough Christians into it.\" McCabe himself offered no one answer as to why \"Exorcist II\" failed: \"Who knows where the blame ultimately lies? Boorman's illness and constant revising of the script can't have helped, but these events alone are not enough to explain the film's almighty failure. Boorman has certainly gone on to produce some fine work subsequently ... When a list was compiled for \"The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made\", \"Exorcist II: The Heretic\" came in at", "id": "12520021" }, { "contents": "Mongrel\n\n\ndogs for new breeds, they artificially isolate that group of genes and cause more copies of that gene to be made than might have otherwise occurred in nature. Initially, the population will be more fragile because of the lack of genetic diversity. If the dog breed is popular, and the line continues, over hundreds of years diversity will increase due to mutations and occasional out-breeding; like an island with a few new birds—they will diversify. This is why some of the very \"old\" breeds are more", "id": "1603348" }, { "contents": "Cyberwar: How Russian Hackers and Trolls Helped Elect a President\n\n\nCyberwar: How Russian Hackers and Trolls Helped Elect a President — What We Don't, Can't, and Do Know is the sixteenth book by Kathleen Hall Jamieson, published in October 2018 by Oxford University Press. The book concludes that Russia very likely delivered Trump's victory in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Jamieson begins with five premises: Two chapters deal with who did it, why, and why might it matter. Chapter 2 explains that past research indicates that messaging like the Russians' is enough to be able to", "id": "14962382" }, { "contents": "The Getaway (1994 film)\n\n\nto Alec's suggestion was no.\" She went back to the original Jim Thompson novel to see if there was a more substantial theme to the story. I saw that this theme could be summed up in one word – trust... And I said to Alec, \"See what we have here. This is all about trust. These two people can't trust anybody or anything. They can't trust their colleagues. They seemingly can't trust each other. And when mistrust occurs, it breeds violence and havoc.", "id": "10856561" }, { "contents": "List of diseases of the honey bee\n\n\nflights (generally due to cold weather) and food stores which contain a high proportion of indigestible matter. As a bee's gut becomes engorged with feces that cannot be voided in flight as preferred by the bees, the bee voids within the hive. When enough bees do this, the hive population rapidly collapses and death of the colony results. Dark honeys and honeydews have greater quantities of indigestible matter. Occasional warm days in winter are critical for honey bee survival; dysentery problems increase in likelihood during periods of more than", "id": "5462195" }, { "contents": "Mark SaFranko\n\n\ncompare to writing or composing as an art. So much more goes into a purely creative art.” “Someone once said ‘Art is an addiction. That's why there are so many bad artists.’ I think that's true. I can't imagine not liking to write. Why the fuck would you do it, then? For the inevitable rejection? Sure you get stuck here and there, but why put yourself through the torture? Isn't there enough in life to make you miserable? “I", "id": "9869083" }, { "contents": "Wildlife garden\n\n\nwill also ensure that they are healthy enough for a successful breeding season. Bug boxes and bee hotels – Bundles of hollow stems (elderberry, Joe-Pye weed, bamboo) can be hung up as an alternate place of shelter and breeding for beneficial insects, such as the Mason bee, which are valuable pollinators. Sources of water – A water feature, such as a pond, has the potential to support a large biodiversity of wildlife. To maximize the amount of wildlife attracted to the water feature, it should consist", "id": "6694996" }, { "contents": "Tris McCall\n\n\n\"The Star-Ledger\", joining its editorial staff as the newspaper's music critic. In an interview at that time, McCall explained his interest in music journalism: \"Most of us begin writing about music because we love it so much. We can't wait to tell our friends and neighbors about what we're hearing. That impulse never fades, but if you do it long enough ... you start to develop secondary reasons for doing pop journalism. Me, I am interested in examining why people respond to what", "id": "19237699" }, { "contents": "Just Can't Get Enough (The Black Eyed Peas song)\n\n\n.\" Group member Taboo explained the meaning of the song to MTV News as: \"The message is knowing that when you're gone from somebody, especially when you're on tour, you can't get enough of them or you're just thinking about them and you just want to let them know that you're always there for them.\" Andy Gill from \"The Independent\" said, positively, that: \"other highlights include \"Just Can't Get Enough\" – not the Depeche Mode song – which vaults", "id": "3759745" }, { "contents": "The Sundays\n\n\nhave 30 songs for the first album,\" said Gavurin. \"But we didn't have enough for our first album, let alone our second. We can't write to deadline. You can't force a whole load of songs out quickly.\" Asked whether the band felt pressured when working on the album, Wheeler responded, \"No, because to start off with, we're far more critical of ourselves than anyone else, and that's more a concern to us than what the press think.\" Gavurin", "id": "12491893" }, { "contents": "Aaliyah\n\n\nher because she always traveled. My dad had to take care of my mom at that time. And I went to Australia to visit some friends. We really couldn't understand why we weren't there. You ask yourself maybe we could have stopped it. But you can't really answer the question. There's always gonna be that question of why.\" Her friend Kidada Jones said in the last year of her life her parents had given her more freedom and she had talked about wanting a family. \"", "id": "1912410" }, { "contents": "Khold\n\n\naspect often present in black metal, Sarke noted: We are not into Jesus or whatever; we write our own stories. We can of course use the name God or Satan in our lyrics. If so, its just a part of a story. I can't understand why people still believe in that shit. Khold play their music in a raw and primitive manner, using only guitar, bass guitar and drums. The lyrics are all written in ancient Norwegian, with the intention of enhancing the songs' concepts.", "id": "15846472" }, { "contents": "Yogachara\n\n\novercoming a very subtle way of believing in an 'I'... once we see why physical objects can't exist we will lose all temptation to think there is a true ' me' within. There are really just impressions, but we superimpose on these the false constructions of object and subject. Seeing this will free us from the false conception of an 'I'.Siderits notes how Kant had a similar notion, that is, without the idea of an objective mind independent world, one cannot arrive the concept of", "id": "5550523" }, { "contents": "Just Can't Get Enough (Depeche Mode song)\n\n\n\"Just Can't Get Enough\" is a song by the English electronic music band Depeche Mode. It was released in September 1981 as the third single from their debut album, \"Speak and Spell\". It was recorded during the summer of that year at Blackwing Studios, and was the band's first single to be released in the United States, on 18 February 1982. A riff-driven synthpop song, \"Just Can't Get Enough\" was the final single to be written by founding member Vince Clarke,", "id": "15496101" }, { "contents": "Heaven or Las Vegas\n\n\n'd make some of the pieces more like songs we could actually play live [...] We like it better than all our last records. That's why we continue to make more–because if we made the perfect record we'd sit back and say, 'We can't do any better than that'. We think all our other ones are fucking crap. I'm slightly proud of a couple of tracks on a couple of them, but essentially I'm really embarrassed about what we've done in the past", "id": "19022425" }, { "contents": "Opus Eponymous\n\n\n\", and explained they were limited as opposed to their second album, \"which is why a lot of the guitars sound more traditionally metal.\" Another stated \"We played everything through an Orange Thunderverb 50. To get a real Seventies vibe, we backed up the gain as much as possible without losing the tone or the sustain. We found that the midrange was really important as well. That's why we used Orange amps.\" Tobias Forge stated that the album was recorded with a session drummer and nothing else", "id": "16846305" }, { "contents": "World Schools Style debate\n\n\nsupporting the given resolution First speaker of the Opposition His/her duty is to rebut the arguments given by the Proposition, meaning to show why it isn't or can't be true what \"they\" claimed. He/she can either give a counter-case regarding that motion or just decide to try to argue against the motion. When arguing against the motion, it is optional to give own arguments, as it would be sufficient to just rebut the arguments or the case well enough. Second speaker (Opposition or", "id": "14545586" }, { "contents": "Patara Elephant Farm\n\n\nbelieves simply releasing them is not the answer since, in his words, \"you can't just suddenly put domestic elephants into the wild. Their survival rates are too low.\" Therefore, the farm's belief is that through education and one-on-one interactions with elephants, people will understand elephants and what is needed for their welfare. This is why Patara encourages visitors to come and learn about elephants by caring for them. In terms of reproductive success, so far they have breed 24 elephants in 10 years", "id": "8893837" }, { "contents": "Life of Agony\n\n\n]. We moved out of our studio. We all kind of feel like we're at the end. We're never gonna make another record, because of those kinds of problems I was talking about [earlier in the interview] – we can't agree on writing a song. And Mina Caputo (vocals) wants to pursue her lifestyle. And that's pretty much the reason why also I've moved on and I'm doing my own thing... to just keep going; I didn't want my career", "id": "12699903" }, { "contents": "Centre for Integrative Bee Research\n\n\nsexual reproduction or immunity. Research conducted at CIBER is done in close collaboration with the local beekeeping industry, notably the Better Bees of Western Australia bee breeding program. The research group consists of 20–30 researchers from all different academic levels as well as representatives from the governmental and honeybee industry sector. The research group also runs an outreach program and was involved in the making of the theatrical movie \"More than Honey\". Reports about dramatic declines in a number of global honeybee populations, especially in commercially managed stock, resulted in an", "id": "8175540" }, { "contents": "Can't Buy Me Like\n\n\nof companies now thriving in the Relationship Era. In many cases, these examples are of such ubiquitous brands that we can't help but see the immediate wisdom in the appraisal of the situation. Garfield and Levy bring their decades of experience in advertising and brand analysis to (literally) lay out a map that companies can use to move toward more sustainable and profitable relationships with their customers.\" \"Can't Buy Me Like\" and its authors, Garfield and Levy, have also been featured on radio shows such as KERA", "id": "16480732" }, { "contents": "Fish soup bee hoon\n\n\nFish soup bee hoon, also known as fish head bee hoon, is a Singaporean soup-based seafood dish, served hot usually with bee hoon. The dish is viewed as a healthy food in Singapore. Catherine Ling of \"CNN\" listed fish soup bee hoon as one of the \"40 Singapore foods we can't live without\". Fish soup bee hoon has been available since at least the 1920s; one source credits Swee Kee Fish Head Noodle House with creating the \"definitive version\" of the dish in the", "id": "2893970" }, { "contents": "Girl Overboard (band)\n\n\nDown\" by Separate Tables and additional works for other artists. The name changed to Girl Overboard with the release of the next single, \"I Can't Believe\" (December 1989). Schouw explained to \"The Canberra Times\" Kathryn Whitfield, why they changed, \"We were playing pubs and were making a lot more noise and the name didn't describe the band, we are more emotional more energetic than that, so we became Girl Overboard.\" Whitfield observed, \"Schouw, Gist and McNaughton have worked", "id": "21991012" }, { "contents": "Why We Can't Wait\n\n\nshores, the scar of racial hatred had already disfigured colonial society.\" He argues that the summer of 1963 has made most Whites in America more receptive to the idea of legal equality for Blacks. He describes the August 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, praising the participation of White churches but frustrated by the neutrality of the AFL–CIO. He notes that millions of Americans watched scenes from the March on television and expresses hope for the future of this medium. The conclusion provides an explanation of \"why we", "id": "14581021" } ]
Why are a significant amount of the best opera singers fat?
[{"answer": "Actual opera singer here. The same reason why anyone gains weight when they are in a high-stress job that requires a lot of travel. It's a stressful job with intense hours during production periods, and it gets really easy to neglect exercise and just eat crappy foods, especially because you usually celebrate after performances with your friends/colleagues/family. You often don't get a lot of sleep, and that can also mess with your overall health. As far as actual singing goes, there's actually no evidence that being overweight makes your voice bigger, lets you sing louder/over an orchestra, or anything like that at all. If anything, vocal scientists are finding that being in better physical shape actually IMPROVES vocal stamina and quality, just as being in shape improves performance in any physical activity. HOWEVER, being fat has some \"advantages\" when learning to sing classically. Some of the most common phrases to singers is that they need \"to be grounded,\" \"sing from their diaphragm\", \"have low-breath,\" etc. When you're carrying around a lot of extra belly weight, you have a constant tugging-down feeling. You have extra weight physically pulling the breath mechanism downwards. It can help in learning to sing. Also, until recently, it didn't matter if you were fat and unhealthy. If you had a god-like voice, you could look however you want and still perform and get good work. Opera used to be (and, IMO, SHOULD still be) about the voice and music over anything else. Now that there is a big push for opera singers to LOOK like the roles they play (nobody wants to see a 300 lb Juliet anymore), many professional singers have taken to losing weight in unhealthy, crash diets. They lose weight so quickly, they are unable to feel the changes that happen in their body and take time to make proper adjustments. They no longer feel \"grounded\" because they don't have the weight actually \"grounding\" them. So their technique suffers, their voice gets \"lighter\", they have an existential crisis, say they can only sing when at a certain weight, and eat themselves into oblivion again. Those who lose weight responsibly and healthily rarely, if ever, have any problems singing. **TL;DR It's a big, mental game. Some singers think they can only sing at a certain weight and size, and actively try to stay large.**"}, {"answer": "In short, no one really knows for sure why, but there are a few theories. Opera singing requires extensive use of the diaphragm. Some theories suggest that the singers' bodies undergo changes over time due to this (such as expanded ribs). Another theory suggests that a larger mass (mouth, lungs, chest, really everything) helps project the voice over the orchestration. This seems to be backed up by the singers who insist that when their weight fluctuates, their voices suffer. For singers, in general, it's a propagated cautionary tale that weight loss surgery ruins the voice. Additionally, opera houses currently think that slimmer singers will heighten the interest in opera (here's looking at you, Patricia Petibon). However, the opera houses often insist that it is very difficult to find slim people who have powerful voices. But on a totally different note, a lot of studies show that a larger body mass doesn't necessarily mean that the voice resonates better. So, a lot of people now say that stomach fat must help pull on the diaphragm and thus helps support the voice."}, {"answer": "This is just a fun story to add to the discussion. I can't offer any scientific evidence. Only an anecdote told to my by my opera singer professor back in group voice. She said that different bodies sometimes just produce different qualities of sound. She talked of a very large opera singer who had a large voice with \"girth\" to it. She said her voice had this immense warmth and depth to it that utterly entranced audiences. But due to health issues she absolutely had to lose weight. When she dropped a significant amount of weight, her voice's timbre seemed to have changed from deep and warm to somewhat brighter. Perhaps it was a hormonal change that caused this. Being healthier might have balanced out her hormones and maybe taken some pressure off her throat and various core muscles and organs. She was by no means any less talented, nor was her voice any less beautiful and graceful. However it had shifted in its previous qualities. I'm thinking that finding an ideal weight for oneself is most important. Breath control and health don't just spring from nowhere. You must be healthy to sing well and for long periods of time, and must practice all the time. And health is probably definitely most important nowadays. Perhaps being an abundant opera singer was a sign of decadence and wealth and maturity? Who knows."}, {"answer": "I don't have specific data to refer to, but your body composition has much to do with the tone of your voice. Those with larger torsos will have different properties to their voice than someone who is much smaller."}, {"answer": "A significant amount of the best opera singers are not young. At 30 years old, your only at the very beginning of your career. A succesfull pop singer can be 17 and thin as a stringbean. Not in opera."}, {"answer": "Are they though? Isn't this an old stereotype?"}, {"answer": "This isn't the primary reason but just an interesting thought, what if it has to do with the opera culture that makes you gain weight? After parties, hours spent signing(not excersizing the body), etc. Maybe being in the opera makes you fat, not being fat makes you good at the opera"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1481725", "title": "Soubrette", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["A soubrette is a type of operatic soprano voice fach, often cast as a female stock character in opera and theatre. The term arrived in English from Proven\u00e7al via French, and means \"conceited\" or \"coy\". A soubrette is also defined as a young woman regarded as flirtatious or frivolous.", "A soubrette is a type of operatic soprano voice fach, often cast as a female stock character in opera and theatre. The term arrived in English from Proven\u00e7al via French, and means \"conceited\" or \"coy\". A soubrette is also defined as a young woman regarded as flirtatious or frivolous.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Elisa Orlandi\n\n\nElisa Orlandi (1811–1834) was an Italian opera singer who was active at major opera houses in Italy from 1829 until her sudden death in 1834. Possessing a wide vocal range with a significant amount of coloratura facility, she tackled roles from both the mezzo-soprano and soprano repertoires. She is best remembered today for portraying the role of Giovanna Seymour (Jane Seymour) in the world premiere of Gaetano Donizetti's \"Anna Bolena\" in 1830. Born in Macerata, Orlandi's family moved to Padua soon after her birth.", "id": "15244827" }, { "contents": "Hazelnut\n\n\n. Particularly in high amounts are protein, dietary fiber, vitamin E, iron, thiamin, phosphorus, manganese, and magnesium, all exceeding 30% DV (table). Several B vitamins have appreciable content. In lesser, but still significant amounts (moderate content, 10-19% DV), are vitamin K, calcium, zinc, and potassium (table). Hazelnuts are a significant source of total fat, accounting for 93% DV in a 100-gram amount. The fat components are monounsaturated fat as oleic", "id": "4503659" }, { "contents": "Century (band)\n\n\nCentury are a French rock band formed in Marseille in 1979. Led by singer and composer Jean-Louis Milford, Century are probably best known for their single \"Lover Why\" from the album \"...And Soul It Goes\" in 1986. In Brazil, the tracks \"Lover Why\" was included in the Globo TV soap opera \"Ti Ti Ti\"'s soundtrack, (aired from 1985 to 1986) and \"Gone with the Winner\" was in the soundtrack to \"Hipertensão\", (1986–87). As", "id": "9717229" }, { "contents": "Giuseppe Fioravanti\n\n\nGiuseppe Fioravanti ( 1795 – ?) was an Italian opera singer active during the first half of the 19th century. Although one of the most important and popular basso buffos of his generation, there is only a relatively small amount of information available about his life. He had a highly fruitful partnership with the Teatro Nuovo in Naples and is best known today for creating roles in the world premieres of numerous operas by Gaetano Donizetti. Fioravanti was the son of opera composer Valentino Fioravanti (1764–1837) and the older brother of opera composer", "id": "9869674" }, { "contents": "Hydrogenation\n\n\nthe amount of hydrogen, reaction temperature and time, and the catalyst. Hydrogenation converts liquid vegetable oils into solid or semi-solid fats, such as those present in margarine. Changing the degree of saturation of the fat changes some important physical properties, such as the melting range, which is why liquid oils become semi-solid. Solid or semi-solid fats are preferred for baking because the way the fat mixes with flour produces a more desirable texture in the baked product. Because partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are cheaper than", "id": "9046414" }, { "contents": "Clarence \"Frogman\" Henry\n\n\nClarence Henry II (born March 19, 1937), known as Clarence \"Frogman\" Henry, is an American rhythm and blues singer and pianist, best known for his hits \"Ain't Got No Home\" (1956) and \"(I Don't Know Why) But I Do\" (1961). Clarence Henry was born in New Orleans in 1937, moving to the Algiers neighborhood in 1948. He started learning piano as a child, with Fats Domino and Professor Longhair being his main influences. When Henry", "id": "4124992" }, { "contents": "Nyala\n\n\nof social class and reproduction on them. Kidney Fat Index is a technique in which the kidney is removed and weighed with the fat and once again excluding the fat. The resultant difference is the amount of fat on the kidney. The more the fat, the healthier the animal. In rut, the male nyalas had less KFIs, that did not vary much with the season. Pregnant females, both the antelopes nyala and impala, had higher KFIs than the non-pregnant ones. There is a significant increase in corpus", "id": "3687341" }, { "contents": "The Fat Controller\n\n\nFat Controller being voiced by Keith Wickham in both the UK and US versions as of 2015 onwards. Kerry Shale initially voiced him in the US prior to 2015. In the American version, he has always been referred to by his actual name, Sir Topham Hatt, possibly because \"fat\" is a much more pejorative term in the US than in the UK. The Fat Controller's name was revealed to be Bertram by Alicia Botti, the famous opera singer, in \"Play Time\", and by his mother Dowager", "id": "12286442" }, { "contents": "Trans fat\n\n\nare unable to evaluate the trans fat content of commercial food items. Critics of the plan, including FDA advisor Dr. Carlos Camargo, have expressed concern that the 0.5 gram per serving threshold is too high to refer to a food as free of trans fat. This is because a person eating many servings of a product, or eating multiple products over the course of the day may still consume a significant amount of trans fat. Despite this, the FDA estimates that by 2009, trans fat labeling will have prevented from 600 to", "id": "18628321" }, { "contents": "Trans fat\n\n\nthat the government require nutrition facts labeling of trans fats on all commercial food products. They also urge federal, state, and local governments to ban and monitor use of trans fats in restaurants. Furthermore, the APHA recommends barring the sales and availability of foods containing significant amounts of trans fat in public facilities including universities, prisons, and day care facilities etc. On 7 November 2013, the FDA issued a preliminary determination that trans fats are not \"generally recognized as safe\", which was widely seen as a precursor to", "id": "18628323" }, { "contents": "Almost Paradise\n\n\n\"Almost Paradise... Love Theme from Footloose\" is the title of a duet by singers Mike Reno of Loverboy and Heart's frontwoman Ann Wilson. It is one of two major hits with music by singer Eric Carmen and lyrics by Dean Pitchford, the other being Carmen's hit, \"Make Me Lose Control\". Reno is best known as the lead singer of the rock band Loverboy, while Wilson is the lead singer of the rock band Heart. Both bands achieved a significant amount of success in the 1980s, and", "id": "7279667" }, { "contents": "Heptadecanoic acid\n\n\nHeptadecanoic acid, or margaric acid, is a saturated fatty acid. Its molecular formula is CH(CH)COOH. It occurs as a trace component of the fat and milkfat of ruminants, but it does not occur in any natural animal or vegetable fat at high concentrations. For example, it only comprises 2.2% of the fats from the fruit of the durian species \"Durio graveolens\". However, in the 19th and early 20th centuries, there were numerous reports of the acid being found in natural fats in significant amounts. Most likely", "id": "4395365" }, { "contents": "Instant noodle\n\n\nnot have fat content higher than 20% of total weight, which means theoretically, amount of oil uptake during frying process could go even higher. Therefore, the high-fat content of instant noodles is always the reason why consumers who are pursuing healthy diets would not buy this product. Palm oil is always chosen as the frying oil for instant noodles due to its heat stability and low cost. However, overall, due to the high-fat content and low moisture content, instant noodles are highly susceptible to lipid oxidation", "id": "10814585" }, { "contents": "Coconut oil\n\n\ncardiovascular diseases. Due to its high content of saturated fat with corresponding high caloric burden, regular use of coconut oil in food preparation may promote weight gain. Coconut oil is 99% fat, composed mainly of saturated fats (82% of total; table). In a 100 gram reference amount, coconut oil supplies 890 Calories. Half of the saturated fat content of coconut oil is lauric acid (41.8 grams per 100 grams of total composition), while other significant saturated fats are myristic acid (16.7 grams),", "id": "10085501" }, { "contents": "Gioconda Vessichelli\n\n\ncontemporary opera at \"Teatro comunale di Modena\", broadcast on Italian state radio RAI. Gioconda is the first singer in the premiere world ever of the contemporary opera “Lavinia fuggita” by Matteo d’Amico. She has two degrees in opera singing and musicology from Italian conservatory \"Santa Cecilia\" and international high school of opera \"H.Wolf\". The tenor Luciano Pavarotti has been her teacher, among other opera singers who selected her as one of the best students. She was selected as best singer at accademia rossiniana in Pesaro and", "id": "19059964" }, { "contents": "Vitamin C\n\n\n1, 2021 for small companies. European Union regulations require that labels declare energy, protein, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugars, and salt. Voluntary nutrients may be shown if present in significant amounts. Instead of Daily Values, amounts are shown as percent of Reference Intakes (RIs). For vitamin C, 100% RI was set at 80 mg in 2011. The richest natural sources are fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C is the most widely taken nutritional supplement and is available in a variety of forms,", "id": "14117333" }, { "contents": "Vitamin E\n\n\ndeclare energy, protein, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugars, and salt. Voluntary nutrients may be shown if present in significant amounts. Instead of Daily Values, amounts are shown as percent of Reference Intakes (RIs). For vitamin E, 100% RI was set at 12 mg in 2011. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Services, maintains a food composition database. The last major revision was Release 28, September 2015. In addition to the naturally occurring sources shown in the", "id": "9288555" }, { "contents": "CD36\n\n\nfats. There has been some investigation into human CD36 as well. A study examined oral detection of fat in obese subjects with genetic bases for high, medium, and low expression of the CD36 receptor. Those subjects with high CD36 expression were eight times more sensitive to certain fats (oleic acid and triolein) than the subjects with low CD36 expression. Those subjects with an intermediate amount of CD36 expression were sensitive to fat at a level between the high and low groups. This study demonstrates that there is a significant relationship between", "id": "12978122" }, { "contents": "Merola Opera Program\n\n\n, died at Stern Grove while conducting a young American singer in \"Un bel di\" from \"Madama Butterfly\". Maestro Merola wanted to provide young American singers opportunities as little formal training was available in the United States at the time and scant audition opportunities existed on the west coast. This prompted Mrs. Leland Atherton Irish of the Opera Guild of Southern California to ask the new San Francisco Opera General Director, Kurt Herbert Adler, why young western singers had to go to New York to audition. The Merola Memorial Fund was", "id": "5498013" }, { "contents": "Brunost\n\n\nco-operative, the government was worried that it would significantly reduce iron intake in the general population, and ordered iron to be added to the cheese. Modern brunost does not contain significant amounts of iron. However, the (natural) sugar content of Brunost is quite high, and also the fat content is significant, causing some to warn against it, and even likening it to milk chocolate. Some tests have shown major nutritional differences between different varieties of brunost. Also, it has been pointed out that the fat", "id": "14557152" }, { "contents": "Rune T. Kidde\n\n\nKidde was also an accomplished musician and singer and was active in Trio Confetti. In 2000 he wrote a libretto for the children's opera \"Heksemutter Mortensen og den fede kalkun\" (Witch mother Mortensen and the fat Turkey) for The Danish Royal Theatre, with music provided by the composer Fuzzy. The opera was directed by Kasper Holten. He has also written lyrics for other artists including Nanna Lüders Jensen and folk singer Bente Kure. Kidde made his debut as a playwright in 1983 with the play \"En måge over Ejer", "id": "20977043" }, { "contents": "Cooking oil\n\n\nolive oil, palm oil, soybean oil, canola oil (rapeseed oil), corn oil, peanut oil and other vegetable oils, as well as animal-based oils like butter and lard. Oil can be flavoured with aromatic foodstuffs such as herbs, chillies or garlic. A guideline for the appropriate amount of fat—a component of daily food consumption—is established by government agencies. While consumption of small amounts of saturated fats is common in diets, meta-analyses found a significant correlation between \"high consumption\"", "id": "20944960" }, { "contents": "Teddy Grahams\n\n\nsnacks also contain no trans fat and are also considered a good source of calcium with a significant amount of iron. Additionally, according to PETA, chocolate and cinnamon Teddy Grahams are vegan friendly. Teddy Grahams sold more than $150 million worth in its first year. It was \"the biggest new-product success in the industry in more than 25 years. It became the third-best-selling cookie, after Chips Ahoy! and the market leader, Oreo, both from Nabisco. Dizzy Grizzlies are a variant of", "id": "21768749" }, { "contents": "Nada Rowand\n\n\nNada Rowand (born November 30, 1936) is an American actress, best known for her role as Kate Rescott Slavinsky on the ABC daytime soap opera \"Loving\". Rowand was born in Sparta, Illinois. She graduated from the University of Illinois. Originally, she planned to be a Opera singer, but after that didn't bring her significant success, she began studying to be an actress under Uta Hagen. She has numerous stage credits, including a singing role on Broadway in \"The Unsinkable Molly Brown\" from", "id": "6745200" }, { "contents": "Lys Gauty\n\n\nLys Gauty (born Alice Bonnefoux Gauthier 2 February 1900 – 2 January 1994) was a French cabaret singer and actress. Her most significant work came in the 1930s and 1940s as Gauty appeared in film, and recorded her best-known song, \"Le Chaland Qui Passe\", which is an interpretation of an Italian composition. Born in Levallois-Perret, France, Gauty was the daughter of a mechanic and seamstress. Aspiring to be an opera singer, she worked as a shop-girl at a tailor store called", "id": "5638142" }, { "contents": "Coconut milk\n\n\nHealth Service, and Dietitians of Canada,- discourage people from consuming in significant amounts due to its high levels of saturated fat. Excessive coconut milk consumption can also raise blood levels of cholesterol due to the amount of lauric acid, a saturated fat that contributes to higher blood cholesterol by increasing the levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. In 1943, it was discovered that coconut milk could actively encourage plant growth. Although there are many factors that attribute coconut milk to plant growth, the main cause is the existence of a cytokinin known", "id": "20376170" }, { "contents": "Frances Cornford\n\n\nnot think me strange or older, Nor I him. /poem Although the myth enhances the poem - it can be read as the meeting of older, former lovers. However, Cornford is possibly best remembered for her triolet poem \"To a Fat Lady Seen from the Train\" in \"Poems\" of 1910. poem O why do you walk through the fields in gloves, Missing so much and so much? O fat white woman whom nobody loves, Why do you walk through the fields in gloves, When the grass", "id": "10970737" }, { "contents": "Maury Yeston\n\n\nhis new songs in the film version of Nine. Yeston also wrote a significant amount of the music and most of the lyrics to the Tony-nominated musical \"Grand Hotel\" in 1989, which was Tony-nominated for best show, best score and another two Drama Desk Awards for music and lyrics. His musical version of the novel \"The Phantom of the Opera\" entitled \"Phantom\" (not to be confused with Andrew Lloyd Webber's version) has enjoyed numerous productions in the U.S. and around the world.", "id": "11164943" }, { "contents": "ENPP7\n\n\nare present in the intestine such as cholesterol, phospholipids, fat and high concentrations of bile salts. It is thus understandable why SM digestion occurs most effectively in the low part of the small intestine, where most fat, phospholipids, and bile salt have been absorbed or up taken. It is also understandable that considerable amount of dietary sphingomyelin is delivered into the colon and excreted in the feces. ENPP7 may have important roles in preventing tumorigenesis in the intestinal tract, as ceramide, the product of sphingomyelin hydrolysis, can inhibit cell", "id": "6409553" }, { "contents": "Michael Arne\n\n\na now unknown woman who died only a few years into their marriage. From 1756 onwards he composed a considerable amount of music for the stage, much in the same vein as his father. He wrote several successful operas, a significant amount of incidental music for plays, and published several song collections. Several of his songs were written for performance in London's pleasure gardens. One of his best-known songs is \"Lass with the Delicate Air\", which premiered in 1762. In 1764 he collaborated with Jonathan Battishill", "id": "2200837" }, { "contents": "Deborah Voigt\n\n\nTetrazzini, American Jessye Norman and English Jane Eaglen, had been \"large-boned, the zaftig, even the enormous\", and Voigt had merely \"followed in their heavy footsteps.\" The decision was also criticized because of the popular stereotype that female opera singers have to be heavy anyway in order to do a good job. There is the old expression that \"in opera, great voices often come in large packages\" and the well-worn saying about opera that \"It ain't over till the fat lady", "id": "17436796" }, { "contents": "Sognu\n\n\nwere not satisfying\". He also pointed out that \"the choice was driven by the desire to promote a young talented artist representing the best of the French music and its diversity. That's why we quickly agreed an opera singer was the most elegant option. Amaury is an angel of music with a powerful voice. Without any hesitation, he was the perfect choice.\" This song was presented on 7 March. An English version of Sognu, which appeared on The Nouvelle edition of Cantero and on the CD Single,", "id": "6735045" }, { "contents": "Narconon\n\n\nNarconon teaches that drugs reside in body fat, and remain there indefinitely; and that to recover from drug abuse, addicts can remove the drugs from their fat through saunas and use of vitamins. Medical experts disagree with this basic understanding of physiology, saying that no significant amount of drugs are stored in fat, and that drugs can't be \"sweated out\" as Narconon claims. In one 2005 report scientific experts stated that Narconon's treatment methods “does not reflect accurate, widely accepted medical and scientific evidence.\" Particular", "id": "13012732" }, { "contents": "Opera\n\n\n\", dating from 1600, is the first opera score to have survived to the present day. The honour of being the first opera still to be regularly performed, however, goes to Claudio Monteverdi's \"L'Orfeo\", composed for the court of Mantua in 1607. The Mantua court of the Gonzagas, employers of Monteverdi, played a significant role in the origin of opera employing not only court singers of the concerto delle donne (till 1598), but also one of the first actual \"opera singers\"; Madama", "id": "2474225" }, { "contents": "Acis and Galatea (Handel)\n\n\nand Galatea\" was written as a courtly entertainment about the simplicity of rural life and contains a significant amount of wit and self-parody. The secondary characters, Polyphemus and Damon, provide a significant amount of humor without diminishing the pathos of the tragedy of the primary characters, Acis and Galatea. The music of the first act is both elegant and sensual, while the final act takes on a more melancholy and plaintive tone. The opera was significantly influenced by the pastoral operas presented at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane during", "id": "5166458" }, { "contents": "Moltopera\n\n\nMoltopera Company is a Hungarian independent opera company. Moltopera targets mainly the young and those who dislike opera, inviting new audiences for the genre. In order to achieve this, Moltopera tries to dismiss the general opera stereotypes of the \"fat, incomprehensible singers and unrealistic stories on stage.\" Apart from the stage performances, Moltopera also gives lectures in universities and secondary schools. Moltopera was founded by László Ágoston in August 2011. Their debut concert was on 15 February 2011. At this time, Moltopera had a constant company,", "id": "8907635" }, { "contents": "Armenian Americans\n\n\nfolk singers Harout Pamboukjian and Flora Martirosian, and pop singer Armenchik. Arto Tunçboyacıyan, an avant-garde singer from Istanbul, also lived in America for many years. Ross Bagdasarian, Sr., William Saroyan's cousin, created Alvin and the Chipmunks. Andrea Martin, comedian and film and television actor, best known as a regular on the Canadian television comedy show, \"SCTV\" and as Aunt Voula in \"My Big Fat Greek Wedding\" and \"My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2\", is from a paternal", "id": "3153274" }, { "contents": "Gabriela Pochinki\n\n\nGabriela Edith Pochinki is a singer of Opera and popular music. She was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and has begun her career when she was a child. She has been awarded prizes at major Opera competitions, including \"Best Female Opera Singer\" at the Sanremo Festival and \"Best Singer In The World\" at the 3º Festival della Lirica of the Sanremo Musica Festival, both in Italy. She got the second prize at the Pavarotti Competition, where she met Luciano Pavarotti, who had said about her: \"", "id": "10110865" }, { "contents": "Buccal fat pad\n\n\nsuperioris alaeque nasi, and one at the orbicularis oris. The intermediate lobe lies between the anterior and posterior lobes over the maxilla. The intermediate lobe seems to lose a significant amount of volume between childhood and adulthood. The posterior lobe of the buccal fat pad runs from the infraorbital fissure and temporal muscle to the upper rim of the mandible and back to the mandibular ramus. Some people describe the buccal fat pad’s primary function in relation to chewing and suckling, especially in infants. This theory derives some support from the loss", "id": "13443557" }, { "contents": "Fat binary\n\n\n, when 80 MB hard drives were a common size, these utilities were sometimes useful, as program code was generally a large percentage of overall drive usage, and stripping the unneeded members of a fat binary would free up a significant amount of space on a hard drive. Fat binaries were a feature of NeXT's NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP operating system, starting with NeXTSTEP 3.1. In NeXTSTEP, they were called \"Multi-Architecture Binaries\". Multi-Architecture Binaries were originally intended to allow software to be compiled to run both", "id": "17924315" }, { "contents": "Paris Opera Awards\n\n\nStates, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine and Uruguay to participate. The fifty best results were reviewed by the panel of judges. The ten finalists (five women and five men) auditioned for the judges at the in Paris on January 4, 2013. of Radio Classique was the host. The gala was dedicated to Maria Callas. This award is an international competition for opera singers. It aims to help showcase opera singers to the professional opera world and to the Parisian public. The contest is open to all opera singers who", "id": "760011" }, { "contents": "Richard Watson (singer)\n\n\nRichard Charles Watson (1903 – 2 August 1968) was an Australian bass opera and concert singer and actor. He is probably best remembered as a principal with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company who sang the comic bass-baritone roles of the Savoy Operas, but he appeared in a wide range of operas at the Royal Opera House and with the Carl Rosa Opera Company with singers including Lotte Lehmann and Lauritz Melchior, under conductors including Sir Thomas Beecham and Bruno Walter. He recorded some operatic music, and over a half dozen of", "id": "11941519" }, { "contents": "Organic food\n\n\nmilk. A 2016 systematic review and meta-analysis found that organic meat had comparable or slightly lower levels of saturated fat and monounsaturated fat as conventional meat, but higher levels of both overall and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Another meta-analysis published the same year found no significant differences in levels of saturated and monounsaturated fat between organic and conventional milk, but significantly higher levels of overall and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in organic milk than in conventional milk. The amount of nitrogen content in certain vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables and", "id": "9082666" }, { "contents": "Tyrol Grey\n\n\nis adequate either for the direct consumption or for the processing to high-quality products (cheese, butter, yogurt). Among the mountain cattle breeds in Italy the Tyrol Grey has the best milk amount/milk quality (fat, protein) ratio and delivers a higher amount of contents for the processing to quality products. The above-average per cow was 2002 in the South Tyrol about 4,836 kg milk per annum, 3.78% milk fat content, and 3.38% protein (8,491 control cows). When you evaluate", "id": "21302854" }, { "contents": "National Opera and Ballet of Bulgaria\n\n\n. A ballet company was established and gave its first performance in 1928. The opera ceased its activity for a while after the 1944 bombing of Sofia, but was restored shortly afterward with a significant increase of government funding. The National Opera and Ballet's building was designed in 1921 and built for the most part between 1947 and its opening in 1953. In 2000, the company co-organized the Boris Christoff Twelfth International Competition for Young Opera Singers with the idea of attracting a younger audience and supporting young and upcoming singers.", "id": "14153432" }, { "contents": "Why You Runnin'\n\n\nWhy You Runnin' is the debut EP by American singer-songwriter Lissie, released in November 2009 on Fat Possum. It was produced by Bill Reynolds of Band of Horses. One of the songs, \"Oh Mississippi\" was co-written with Ed Harcourt, whom she met through a mutual friend. The EP was listed amongst \"Paste\" magazine's \"Eight Most Auspicious Musical Debuts of 2009\". Three of the five tracks where lately reissued in her debut full-length album \"Catching a Tiger\".", "id": "7038551" }, { "contents": "Birgitte Winther\n\n\nthe student of Michel Angelo Potenza. She made her debut in 1774. Though active both as a singer and an actress, as was the custom at the Royal theater, she was famed as an opera singer. As an actress, she was somewhat criticized for being too stiff. As a singer, however, Winther was named the best opera singer in Denmark and as the prima donna of the Danish opera alongside Catharine Frydendahl and Caroline Frederikke Müller. She was considered undefeated in her ability to perform long arias. Not only", "id": "160071" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Forbes (musicologist)\n\n\nand \"Opera News\" among several others. Born in Camberley, she was the author of numerous books on various subjects related to opera, including her 1985 work, \"Mario and Grisi\", which details the lives of opera singers Giulia Grisi and Giovanni Matteo Mario. She wrote a significant number of singing translations of many operas, from French, German and Swedish, including works by Gaspare Spontini, Giacomo Meyerbeer and Franz Berwald, and also extensively contributed to reference works on singers and other operatic topics, including several hundred", "id": "17358351" }, { "contents": "Joan Sutherland\n\n\nGuardian\" in which she lamented the lack of technique in young opera singers and the dearth of good teachers. By this time she was no longer giving master classes herself; when asked by Italian journalists in May 2007 why this was, she replied: \"Because I'm 80 years old and I really don't want to have anything to do with opera any more, although I do sit on the juries of singing competitions.\" The Cardiff Singer of the World competition was the one that Sutherland was most closely associated with", "id": "9301553" }, { "contents": "Canola oil\n\n\ncontains both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in a ratio of 2:1. It is high in monounsaturated fats, which may decrease the risk of heart disease. Although wild rapeseed oil contains significant amounts of erucic acid, the cultivars used to produce commercial, food-grade canola oil were bred to contain less than 2% erucic acid, an amount deemed not significant as a health risk. To date, no health effects have been associated with dietary consumption of erucic acid by humans; but tests of erucic acid metabolism in other species", "id": "5267918" }, { "contents": "Onion\n\n\nfibre), 1% protein, and negligible fat (table). Onions contain low amounts of essential nutrients and have an energy value of 166 kJ (40 Calories) in a 100 g (3.5 oz) amount. Onions contribute savoury flavour to dishes without contributing significant caloric content. Considerable differences exist between onion varieties in phytochemical content, particularly for polyphenols, with shallots having the highest level, six times the amount found in Vidalia onions. Yellow onions have the highest total flavonoid content, an amount 11 times higher than", "id": "6120468" }, { "contents": "Copha\n\n\nchocolate crackles, which are made from Rice Bubbles, copha and cocoa powder. It is also used as a \"chocolate coating\" on baked goods, that amounts to a form of compound chocolate. Concern about the health hazards of hydrogenated fats is likely to be a significant contributor to the declining popularity of Copha-based confectionery. In New Zealand, it is marketed as \"Kremelta\". Known in Europe as coconut fat, it is available either in its pure form, or in solid form with lecithin added as an", "id": "20486884" }, { "contents": "Biomagnification\n\n\n) and shark contains mercury at greater than 1 ppm. DDT is thought to biomagnify and biomagnification is one of the most significant reasons it was deemed harmful to the environment by the EPA and other organizations. DDT is stored in the fat of animals and takes many years to break down, and as the fat is consumed by predators, the amounts of DDT biomagnify. DDT is now a banned substance in many parts of the world. In a review, a large number of studies, Suedel et al. concluded that although", "id": "21258756" }, { "contents": "Energy Brands\n\n\nThe ruling banning the advertisement stated: \"Because Vitamin Water contained about a quarter of a consumer's GDA (guideline daily amount) for sugar as well as the added vitamins, we considered that the description of Vitamin Water as 'nutritious' was misleading\". Smartwater is vapor-distilled water with electrolytes added for taste. Since it is in fact water, it is not a significant source of fat, \"trans\" fat, cholesterol, dietary fiber, vitamin D, calcium, iron and potassium. It is available", "id": "5808304" }, { "contents": "Sarah Connolly\n\n\nNew York Times\". She made her debut as (\"Fricka\") in Wagner's \"Der Ring\" (Royal Opera House) and earlier that year she sang Phèdre in Rameau's \"Hippolyte et Aricie\" (Paris Opéra at the Palais Garniér). Connolly reprised Phèdre for Glyndebourne Festival Opera in a production by Jonathan Kent 2013, conducted by William Christie. Connolly won the Silver Lyre 2012 from the Royal Philharmonic Society for Best Solo Singer and was nominated in the Best Female Singer category in the inaugural International Opera", "id": "16916642" }, { "contents": "Fat Freddy's Drop\n\n\nthere in 2009. It was listed on the RIANZ top 40 sales chart 38 weeks in total. The album received more international promotion than its predecessor, reaching number 45 in the Australian album chart, and 97th in France. The BBC's John Lusk called Fat Freddy's Drop \"New Zealand's most critically acclaimed band since The Clean\", and lead singer Tamaira, \"one of the most soulful singers of his generation.\" At the 2009 New Zealand Music Awards the album won the awards \"Best Producer\",", "id": "8673639" }, { "contents": "Rice\n\n\nwhite, long-grained rice is composed of 68% water, 28% carbohydrates, 3% protein, and negligible fat (table). In a 100 gram serving, it provides 130 calories and contains no micronutrients in significant amounts, with all less than 10% of the Daily Value (DV) (table). Cooked, white, short-grained rice also provides 130 calories and contains moderate amounts of B vitamins, iron, and manganese (10–17% DV) per 100 gram amount (table).", "id": "16381732" }, { "contents": "Ripping (bodybuilding)\n\n\nRipping is the stage that people, mainly bodybuilders, go through in order to lose body fat to a very low percentage. The idea is that if one's body fat is low, then muscle tissue will be more visible and therefore a better-looking body will emerge. The ripping process usually occurs once a year for those who participate in body building. In the stage of ripping, there is a change in diet and exercise in order to maintain muscle mass and, at the same time, lose a significant amount", "id": "11148500" }, { "contents": "Insertion aria\n\n\nby a different composer, with or without the knowledge of the opera's composer. Most insertions were of arias; infrequently non-operatic songs were inserted. Insertions could consist of arias, duets, ensembles, even entire scenes. Although men and women singers used insertion, women are the ones most remembered for the practice. The years 1800–1840 represent the apex of influence that women singers exerted over the operatic stage, influencing most aspects of opera performances, including insertions. To explain why the practice of insertion arias existed, Hilary", "id": "11769702" }, { "contents": "List of major opera composers\n\n\nThis list provides a guide to opera composers, as determined by their presence on a majority of compiled lists of significant opera composers. (See the \"Lists Consulted\" section for full details.) The composers run from Jacopo Peri, who wrote the first ever opera in late 16th century Italy, to John Adams, one of the leading figures in the contemporary operatic world. The brief accompanying notes offer an explanation as to why each composer has been considered major. Also included is a section about major women opera composers,", "id": "11648586" }, { "contents": "Philip Sheffield\n\n\nPhilip Sheffield is a British opera singer tenor who has performed all over the world including Royal Opera, London, La Scala Milan and La Monnaie Brussels among others. He was born in 1960 in Nairobi, was educated at Maidenhead Grammar school, Trinity College Cambridge and both the Royal College of Music and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Before becoming an opera singer he was a member of The Swingle Singers and made recordings as a session and jazz singer, including being the polar bear in the best selling video of Raymond", "id": "6032086" }, { "contents": "Why We Get Fat\n\n\nWhy We Get Fat: And What To Do About It is a 2010 book by science writer Gary Taubes. Following Taubes’s 2007 book \"Good Calories, Bad Calories,\" in which he argues that the modern diet’s inclusion of too many refined carbohydrates is a primary contributor to the obesity epidemic, he elaborates in \"Why We Get Fat\" on how people can change their diets. Analyzing anthropological evidence and modern scientific literature, Taubes contends that the common “calories in, calories out” model of why we get", "id": "1317676" }, { "contents": "Orlistat\n\n\n35.5% and 54.8% of subjects achieved a 5% or greater decrease in body mass, although not all of this mass was necessarily fat. Between 16.4% and 24.8% achieved at least a 10% decrease in body fat. After orlistat was stopped, a significant number of subjects regained weight—up to 35% of the weight they had lost. It reduces the incidence of diabetes type II in people who are obese around the same amount that lifestyle changes do. Long-term use of orlistat also leads to", "id": "15707192" }, { "contents": "Augustan drama\n\n\n. While this is a musical commentary, it is also a commentary on the amount of decoration and frippery put on the stage, on the way that Handel's operas concentrated on their stories and music rather than their theatrical effects. It was not merely the fact that such operas drove out original drama, but also that the antics and vogue for the singers took away all else, seemingly, that infuriated English authors. The singers (particularly the sopranos) introduced London to the concept of the prima donna, in both senses", "id": "12304849" }, { "contents": "Squillo\n\n\nSquillo is the resonant, trumpet-like sound in the voices of opera singers. It is also commonly called \"singer's formant\", \"ring\", \"ping\", \"core\", and other terms. \"Squillo\" enables an essentially lyric tone to be heard over thick orchestrations, e.g. in late Verdi, Puccini and Strauss operas. Achieving a proper amount of \"squillo\" in any performing context is imperative: too much and the tone veers towards the shrill; too little and the purpose of the", "id": "15621645" }, { "contents": "Brain-reading\n\n\nthoughts that Haynes termed it \"brain reading\". The fMRI has allowed research to expand by significant amounts because it can track the activity in an individual's brain by measuring the brain's blood flow. It is currently thought to be the best method for measuring brain activity, which is why it has been used in multiple research experiments in order to improve the understanding of how doctors and psychologists can identify thoughts. The term \"thought identification\" started being used in 2009 after neuroscientist Marcel Just coined it in a 60 Minutes", "id": "16726895" }, { "contents": "Iron sights\n\n\nbe a significant area of white visible around the bullseye and between the front and rear sight ring (if a front ring is being used). Since the best key to determining center is the amount of light passing through the apertures, a narrow, dim ring of light can actually be more difficult to work with than a larger, brighter ring. The precise sizes are quite subjective, and depend on both shooter preference and ambient lighting, which is why target rifles come with easily replaceable front sight inserts, and adjustable aperture", "id": "20158733" }, { "contents": "John Crosby (conductor)\n\n\nwas given “an unmatched musical pulpit” with performances of six operas ranging from \"Oedipus Rex\" (1960) to \"Le Rossignol\" (1962 and 1963). Under Crosby’s tenure, several distinguished singers made significant appearances at The Santa Fe Opera. In the case of two singers, Kiri Te Kanawa (in 1971 as the \"Countess\", prior to beginning her international career later that year in England) and Bryn Terfel (in 1991), these were US debuts. Some singers, such as Samuel", "id": "18873865" }, { "contents": "Atherosclerosis\n\n\nand smoking, that are the culprit. Rancid fats and oils taste very bad even in small amounts, so people avoid eating them. It is very difficult to measure or estimate the actual human consumption of these substances. Highly unsaturated omega-3 rich oils such as fish oil are being sold in pill form so that the taste of oxidized or rancid fat is not apparent. The health food industry's dietary supplements are self-regulated and outside of FDA regulations. To properly protect unsaturated fats from oxidation, it is best to keep", "id": "5089424" }, { "contents": "Rushlight\n\n\nrush stalks are gathered in summer or autumn. The green epidermis or rind of each stalk is carefully peeled off to reveal the inner pith, but a single lengthwise strip of rind is left in place to provide support for the fragile pith. After drying, the rush is then steeped in any available household fat or grease. Bacon grease was commonly used but mutton fat was considered best by some, partly because it dried to a harder, less messy texture than other fats. A small amount of beeswax added to the grease", "id": "9917969" }, { "contents": "Respiratory quotient\n\n\nquotient. A positive energy balance will also lead to an increased respiratory quotient. Practical applications of the respiratory quotient can be found in severe cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, in which patients spend a significant amount of energy on respiratory effort. By increasing the proportion of fats in the diet, the respiratory quotient is driven down, causing a relative decrease in the amount of CO produced. This reduces the respiratory burden to eliminate CO, thereby reducing the amount of energy spent on respirations. Respiratory Quotient can be used as an", "id": "3823495" }, { "contents": "Tangerine\n\n\n, 13% carbohydrates, and negligible amounts of fat and protein (table). Among micronutrients, only vitamin C is in significant content (32% of the Daily Value) in a 100 gram reference serving, with all other nutrients in low amounts. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word \"tangerine\" was originally an adjective meaning \"Of or pertaining to, or native of Tangier, a seaport in Morocco, on the Strait of Gibraltar\" and \"a native of Tangier.\" The OED cites this", "id": "10531313" }, { "contents": "Insertion aria\n\n\nshow off their best attributes. In that way, it would serve as a way to judge a singer's taste and qualities. The insertion was specific to the venue or community. Rather than travel with the opera, singers would be engaged by the opera house for the season. A highly regarded singer would not randomly choose arias to insert in whatever opera was to be performed but would make reasoned decisions based on the dramatic context and the compositional style. Poriss tells of the soprano Carolina Ungher's decisions on which aria to", "id": "11769704" }, { "contents": "Queen Sonja International Music Competition\n\n\nacademies in Europe and the US. The collaborating academies nominate up to three of their best singers to the competition. These singers are admitted directly to the preliminary rounds of the competition in Oslo and do not have to go through the regular application procedure. The collaborating opera academies are: Jette Parker Young Artists Programme, Royal Opera House, London Lindemann Young Artist Development Program, Metropolitan Opera, New York The Opera Studio, Bayerische Staatsoper, Munich Internationales Operastudio, Opernhaus Zürich, Zürich Young Artists Opera Programme, Bolshoi Opera, Moscow", "id": "17726311" }, { "contents": "Feta\n\n\nLn dextranicum. Feta also has significant amounts of vitamins A, B, and K, folic acid, pantothenic acid, iron and magnesium. It is lower in fat and calories than aged cheeses like Parmigiano-Reggiano or Cheddar. Feta, as a sheep dairy product, contains up to 1.9% Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which corresponds to 0.8% of its fat content. Feta, like other dairy products, is also a source of calcium and phosphorus which have been shown to contribute to better bone health..", "id": "2112613" }, { "contents": "Heinrich Marschner\n\n\nsignificant musical contribution is to the Lied. The best of his works in this form are comparable with those by Carl Loewe. He also wrote a considerable amount of chamber music, including seven piano trios, as well as unaccompanied male choruses that were very popular in the nineteenth century. While Marschner's operas strongly influenced Wagner, his chamber music, songs, and his cantata \"\" (1842) were admired by Schumann, whose cantata \"Paradise and the Peri\" (1843) shows the older composer's influence. Marschner", "id": "20592123" }, { "contents": "Noel Redding\n\n\nDavid Noel Redding (25 December 1945 – 11 May 2003) was an English rock musician, best known as the bass player and occasional lead singer for the Jimi Hendrix Experience and guitarist/singer for Fat Mattress. Following his departure from the Experience in 1969 and split of Fat Mattress in 1970, Redding formed the short lived Road in the United States who released one eponymous album before he re-located to Clonakilty, Ireland, in 1972. There he formed the Noel Redding Band with former Thin Lizzy guitarist Eric Bell with", "id": "6276217" }, { "contents": "Part of Your World\n\n\nMars introduced the ballad as \"the best song ever written\", claiming that he has always struggled to sing it without crying. Lyrically, Mars changed Ariel's amount of thingamabobs owned from 20 to 30. Video footage of Mars' performance became very popular on the Internet, which Sally Mercedes of \"Latina\" opined \"made us love him even more\". German opera singer Diana Damrau covered \"Part of Your World\" in her native language (\"Ein Mensch zu sein\") for her album \"Forever\"", "id": "13943608" }, { "contents": "Hungarian State Opera\n\n\nBalázs. The opera company today is guided under the leadership of Szilveszter Ókovács, who was appointed by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. The company has enjoyed significant investment from the Hungarian government in recent years, in the amount of hundreds of millions of dollars, including funds to renovate the Opera House for the first time since World War I. There has been much comparison drawn between the far right political leadership of Orban and Donald Trump in the United States, but one significant difference has been each of their approaches to governmental funding to", "id": "17379384" }, { "contents": "Expected progeny difference\n\n\nquality offspring. Carcass weight predicts what an animal's total retail product will be compared to other animals of that breed. It does not however predict percent retail value, or the actual amount of sellable meat that can be produced from the carcass. Fat thickness determined the expected external and seam fat the animal will contain. These two factors contribute to the greatest waste in an animal and best way to reduce economic loss. Fat thickness EPDs can help producers reduce this loss, by using animals with mid range EPDs, so as", "id": "5007523" }, { "contents": "Trans fat\n\n\n\"trans\" fats may contain up to 15% \"trans\" fat by weight, but some reformulated ones are less than 1% trans fat. It has been established that \"trans\" fats in human breast milk fluctuate with maternal consumption of trans fat, and that the amount of trans fats in the bloodstream of breastfed infants fluctuates with the amounts found in their milk. In 1999, reported percentages of trans fats (compared to total fats) in human milk ranged from 1% in Spain, 2% in France", "id": "18628278" }, { "contents": "Maria Callas\n\n\n\" Opera director Sandro Sequi, who witnessed many Callas performances close-up, states, \"For me, she was extremely stylized and classic, yet at the same time, human—but humanity on a higher plane of existence, almost sublime. Realism was foreign to her, and that is why she was the greatest of opera singers. After all, opera is the least realistic of theater forms... She was wasted in verismo roles, even \"Tosca\", no matter how brilliantly she could act such roles.", "id": "17351108" }, { "contents": "Tannhäuser (opera)\n\n\ncycles, 1835), which was probably the \"Volksbuch\" to which Wagner refers to in his autobiography. Wagner also knew of the work of another contemporary, Christian Theodor Ludwig Lucas, whose \"Über den Krieg von Wartburg\" of 1838 also conflated the two legends. This confusion (which explains why Tannhäuser is referred to as 'Heinrich' in the opera) does not fit with the historical timeline of the events in the opera, since the Singer's Contest involving von Ofterdingen is said to have taken place around 1207", "id": "19088715" }, { "contents": "List of best-selling music downloads of the 2000s in the United Kingdom\n\n\nSales of music downloads in the United Kingdom have been monitored since 2004; during the 2000s, these sales were collated by the Official Charts Company and compiled weekly into the UK Official Download Chart, a record chart of the biggest-selling downloads in the UK. In September 2009, \"The Daily Telegraph\" published a chart of what were the best-selling music downloads of the decade to that point. American singer Lady Gaga was number one with her 2009 single \"Poker Face\". Several songs sold a significant amount", "id": "3052015" }, { "contents": "Mycenaean Greece\n\n\nMycenaean beads have long been an aspect of Mycenaean culture that is shrouded in a significant amount of mystery. It is not known for certain why they (men, women, and children) wore them, or why they appear to have been significant to the culture, but beads made of carnelian, lapis lazuli, etc., were known to have been worn by women on bracelets, necklaces, and buttons on cloaks, and were often buried with the deceased. In later periods of Greek history, seclusion of females from", "id": "11213560" }, { "contents": "History of the Opera web browser\n\n\nremove the advertisement bar. In 2003, was configured to present Opera browsers with a style sheet used for old versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer. Other browsers received either a style sheet tailored to them, or at least the latest Internet Explorer style sheet. The outdated style sheet that Opera received caused Opera to move a significant amount of's content 30 pixels to the left of where it should be, distorting the page and making it appear as though there was a bug in Opera. In response, the Opera Software", "id": "10107119" }, { "contents": "Beta vulgaris\n\n\nfor \"remove\" or \"depart\"; it is eaten with a prayer \"that our enemies be removed\". In a 100 gram amount, beets supply 43 Calories, contain 88% water, 10% carbohydrates, about 2% protein and have a minute amount of fat (table). The only micronutrients of significant content are folate (27% of the Daily Value, DV) and manganese (16% DV). The roots and leaves of the beet have been used in traditional medicine to treat a", "id": "20415852" }, { "contents": "David Garrick (singer)\n\n\nDavid Garrick (12 September 1945 – 23 August 2013) was an English singer who was best known for his 1966 pop hit single, \"Dear Mrs. Applebee\". Born Philip Darrell Core, as a teenager Garrick sang in a Liverpool church choir, but became interested in opera and succeeded in obtaining a scholarship to train as an opera singer in Milan, Italy. He returned to Liverpool after two years, where he was frequently found at the famous Cavern Club and once improvised an opera excerpt of Pagliacci, rendering him the", "id": "967680" }, { "contents": "Quince\n\n\ncon membrillo\" that combines Chilean guava with quince. A raw quince is 84% water, 15% carbohydrates, and contains negligible fat and protein (table). In a 100 gram reference amount, the fruit provides 57 calories and a moderate amount of vitamin C (18% of the Daily Value), but no other micronutrients of significant quantity. In the Balkans and elsewhere, quince eau-de-vie (rakija) is made. For a quince \"rakija\", ripe fruits of sweeter varieties are washed", "id": "5893344" }, { "contents": "Geoffrey Shovelton\n\n\nGeoffrey Richard Shovelton (27 April 1936 – 4 July 2016) was an English singer and illustrator best known for his performances in leading tenor roles with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company in the 1970s. Shovelton began his professional life with a teaching career, during which he began to perform professionally in oratorio and opera. He became a full-time professional singer in 1971, performing with Scottish Opera and other companies. Shovelton joined the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company in 1975, playing the leading tenor roles in the Gilbert and Sullivan operas until", "id": "12384997" }, { "contents": "George Cook (opera singer)\n\n\nGeorge Cook (28 May 1925 – April 1995) was an English opera singer and actor, best known for his performances in the bass and bass-baritone roles of the Savoy Operas with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company. He married D'Oyly Carte chorister Marian Martin. George Cook was born in Coventry.Upon his discharge from the Royal Navy at the close of World War II, Cook joined an amateur operatic society in Coventry. Encouraged by his success, he moved to London and studied voice. Cook joined the D'Oyly Carte Opera", "id": "17233984" }, { "contents": "Ryan Greene\n\n\nmore than a half million worldwide on its way to being certified gold and became NOFX's best selling record. In 1997, Greene started Motor Studios in San Francisco together with Fat Mike owner of Fat Wreck Chords and frontman/singer/bass player of NOFX. Greene produced over 40 punk and rock bands for Fat Wreck Chords such as Lagwagon, No Use for a Name, Good Riddance, Pulley, Strung Out, Propagandhi, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, The Dickies and was instrumental in coining the successful sound of", "id": "11584400" }, { "contents": "Southern bluefin tuna\n\n\nblood to the muscle tissues at a faster rate. In addition to the main source of heat loss at the gills, there is a significant amount of heat lost to the lower temperature water through the body surface. The southern bluefin tuna, being considered a large fish, has a relatively low surface-area-to-volume ratio. This low surface-area-to-volume ratio explains why there is a more significant amount of heat lost at the site of the gills compared to the body surface. As a", "id": "10723143" }, { "contents": "Ryan Allen\n\n\nA. Ryan Allen (May 15, 1943 – December 11, 2018) was an American bass singer best known for his work in opera. He performed professionally in all 50 states, appeared with numerous American opera companies, and sang as a soloist in Russia, Israel, Poland, Norway and Sweden. The singer debuted at the Metropolitan Opera in 1993 as Hans Foltz in \"Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg\" by Richard Wagner. Coming to opera from the field of acting, the bass's repertoire favored roles with character development and", "id": "20802600" }, { "contents": "Francesco Uttini\n\n\nFrancesco Antonio Baldassare Uttini (1723 Bologna – 25 October 1795) was an Italian composer and conductor who was active mostly in Sweden. He is best remembered today as a composer of operas in both the Italian and Swedish languages and for his five symphonies. He provided the music for the first Swedish grand opera, \"Thetis och Pelée\", which was commissioned by Gustavus III in 1772 and was successfully performed the following year. He was married first to the opera singer Rosa Scarlatti, and then to the opera singer Sofia Liljegren", "id": "7560258" }, { "contents": "Marie Wilt\n\n\nMarie Wilt (also Maria Vilda and Marie Liebenthaler) (30 January 1833 – 24 September 1891) was an Austrian dramatic coloratura soprano. Possessing a wide vocal range with a significant amount of power and flexibility, Wilt sang a wide repertoire that encompassed the operas of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the German operas of Richard Wagner, the grand operas of Giuseppe Verdi, and the bel canto operas of Bellini, Rossini, and Donizetti. She sang for many years at the Vienna Hofoper (now Vienna State Opera) and for a number", "id": "8931535" }, { "contents": "Pineapple\n\n\nonly starting to be revived. Raw pineapple pulp is 86% water, 13% carbohydrates, 0.5% protein, and contains negligible fat (table). In a 100-gram reference amount, raw pineapple supplies 50 calories, and is a rich source of manganese (44% Daily Value, DV) and vitamin C (58% DV), but otherwise contains no micronutrients in significant amounts. In 2017, world production of pineapples was 27.4 million tons, led by Costa Rica, the Philippines, Brazil, and Thailand as", "id": "11940079" }, { "contents": "Yeast\n\n\namounts of alcohol, leaving a significant amount of residual sugar in the drink. Yeast is used in nutritional supplements, especially those marketed to vegans. It is often referred to as \"nutritional yeast\" when sold as a dietary supplement. Nutritional yeast is a deactivated yeast, usually \"S.  cerevisiae\". It is naturally low in fat and sodium as well as an excellent source of protein and vitamins, especially most B-complex vitamins (contrary to some claims, it contains little or no vitamin B ), as well", "id": "15581924" }, { "contents": "Potato\n\n\neastern Asia. A raw potato is 79% water, 17% carbohydrates (88% is starch), 2% protein, and contains negligible fat (see table). In an amount measuring , raw potato provides of energy and is a rich source of vitamin B6 and vitamin C (23% and 24% of the Daily Value, respectively), with no other vitamins or minerals in significant amount (see table). The potato is rarely eaten raw because raw potato starch is poorly digested by humans. When", "id": "3951846" }, { "contents": "Tiefland (opera)\n\n\nhouse's leading dramatic tenor, Wilhelm Elsner, had died suddenly not too long before the opera's premiere, forcing another singer to learn and perform the role of Pedro in a relatively short amount of time. For its next performance, \"Tiefland\" was revised by D'Albert and revived in Hamburg and Berlin in 1907, where it played to long runs. Its American premiere took place at the Metropolitan Opera in New York on November 23, 1908 with Emmy Destinn and Erik Schmedes in the two leading roles. The opera is", "id": "13401268" } ]
With all the wireless technologies we use (Wi-fi, satellites, cellphone towers etc), isn't it a concern that it might get "congested" and cause the tech to fail?
[{"answer": "In the US there is an organization called the \"FCC\" or the Federal Communications Commission which regulates the frequencies which wireless devices can employ in order to prevent such interference and failures. Other countries have similar bodies."}, {"answer": "It does get congested. If you live in apartment with lots of people with their own networks there can be a lot of interference on certain channels. Usually, wifi devices will just pick up your router's signal but if the unit next to you uses the exact same channel you could run into issues."}, {"answer": "There is a concern which is why most of the radio spectrum is regulated and licensed out. If you have an application that needs to work then you have to buy a chunk of the spectrum for the area and then you get exclusive rights to it For stuff like WiFi and Bluetooth which are in the unlicensed 2.4 GHz band, we regularly encounter congestion issues especially if you have several WiFi networks in range of each other. To help deal with this, the power of devices operating in the unlicensed band is limited. Bluetooth and WiFi transmitters are restricted to 1 W of power, this reduces the range at which they will cause interference and keeps your network from shouting over one from across town."}, {"answer": "Wireless technologies are allocated frequency bands and within those bands, there are typically multiple channels available. As an example, WiFi has 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands. The 2.4G band has 11 channels. 5G has many more. Radio signals have a limited range and so the bands and channels can be re-used, given some geographical separation. Most devices are able these days to change channels on their own to avoid congestion. But yes, given enough devices in a small geographical area, congestion can be a significant problem."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "55974", "title": "Federal Communications Commission", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 371, "bleu_score": 0.7909990776488763}]}]
[ { "contents": "Wi-Fi positioning system\n\n\nWi-Fi positioning system (WPS) or WiPS/WFPS is a geolocation system that uses the characteristics of nearby Wi-Fi hotspots and other wireless access points to discover where a device is located. It is used where satellite navigation such as GPS is inadequate due to various causes including multipath and signal blockage indoors, or where acquiring a satellite fix would take too long. Such systems include indoor positioning systems. Wi-Fi positioning takes advantage of the rapid growth in the early 21st century of wireless access points in urban", "id": "18118269" }, { "contents": "Long-range Wi-Fi\n\n\nLong-range Wi-Fi is used for low-cost, unregulated point-to-point computer network connections, as an alternative to other fixed wireless, cellular networks or satellite Internet access. Wi-Fi networks have a range that's limited by the frequency, transmission power, antenna type, the location they're used in, and the environment. A typical wireless router in an indoor point-to-multipoint arrangement using 802.11n and a stock antenna might have a range of or less. Outdoor point-to", "id": "20565346" }, { "contents": "Wireless microphone\n\n\nbroadcasters who might also have been concerned by the possibility of entertainment delivery competition from high-speed mobile Internet access delivered in the white spaces. On September 23, 2010 the FCC released a Memorandum Opinion and Order that determined the final rules for the use of white space for unlicensed wireless devices. The final rules adopt a proposal from the White Spaces Coalition for very strict emission rules that prevent the direct use of IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) in a single channel effectively making the new spectrum unusable for Wi-Fi technologies", "id": "20418807" }, { "contents": "SecureEasySetup\n\n\nSecureEasySetup, or SES is a proprietary technology developed by Broadcom to easily set up wireless LANs with Wi-Fi Protected Access. A user presses a button on the wireless access point, then a button on the device to be set up (printer, etc.) and the wireless network is automatically set up. This technology has been succeeded by the industry-standard Wi-Fi Protected Setup. However, Wi-Fi Protected Setup was recently broken and has been shown to be easily breakable with brute-force attacks.", "id": "19143602" }, { "contents": "Wireless Internet service provider\n\n\nsame time. In turn each \"satellite\" building was wired up with Ethernet so each business connected into the Ethernet LAN could instantly get Internet access. Due to the immaturity of wireless technology, security issues and being forced constantly by Telkom SA (Then the government Telco in South Africa) to cease its service, the company closed its doors in Jan 1999. There were 879 Wi-Fi based WISPs in the Czech Republic as of May 2008, making it the country with most Wi-Fi access points in the whole", "id": "9302284" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi\n\n\npredict Wi-Fi signal strength for any given area in relation to a transmitter. This effect does not apply equally to long-range Wi-Fi, since longer links typically operate from towers that transmit above the surrounding foliage. Mobile use of Wi-Fi over wider ranges is limited, for instance, to uses such as in an automobile moving from one hotspot to another. Other wireless technologies are more suitable for communicating with moving vehicles. Distance records (using non-standard devices) include in June 2007, held", "id": "16888391" }, { "contents": "Julius Genachowski\n\n\nin order to improve network capacity. He has also advocated for the preservation and use of unlicensed spectrum bands as platforms for innovation, citing the success of Wi‑Fi, which uses unlicensed spectrum. The FCC has set aside spectrum for unlicensed use. In February 2013, the FCC voted unanimously on a Genachowski proposal to free up wireless spectrum that will increase Wi-Fi speeds and ease network congestion in homes and at major hubs, like conferences, airports, hotels etc. It is the largest block of unlicensed spectrum made available for", "id": "3491881" }, { "contents": "Voice over WLAN\n\n\nVoice over wireless LAN (VoWLAN, also VoWi-Fi) is the use of a wireless broadband network according to the IEEE 802.11 standards for the purpose of vocal conversation. In essence, it is voice over IP (VoIP) over a Wi-Fi network. In most cases, the Wi-Fi network and voice components supporting the voice system are privately owned. VoWLAN can be conducted over any Internet accessible device, including a laptop, PDA or VoWLAN units which look and function like DECT and cellphones. Just like", "id": "2194042" }, { "contents": "Alex Mashinsky\n\n\nLimoRes Car & Limo Service, a company Mashinsky also founded, installed free Wi-Fi service funded solely by sales of advertising. He also partnered with Gogo Inflight Internet to offer the free service on US flights. Mashinsky's company Q-Wireless is one of the four companies that made up Transit Wireless, a joint venture to install wireless cellphone and free Wi-Fi internet service in the New York City Subway system. It took Mashinsky three years to convince Metropolitan Transportation Authority to initiate a survey to determine if there was", "id": "6384501" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi\n\n\nslogan \"The Standard for Wireless Fidelity\" for a short time after the brand name was created, and the Wi-Fi Alliance was also called the \"Wireless Fidelity Alliance Inc\" in some publications. Interbrand also created the Wi-Fi logo. The yin-yang Wi-Fi logo indicates the certification of a product for interoperability. Non-Wi-Fi technologies intended for fixed points, such as Motorola Canopy, are usually described as fixed wireless. Alternative wireless technologies include mobile phone standards, such as 2G", "id": "16888356" }, { "contents": "Wireless Gigabit Alliance\n\n\norganization, the WiGig technology kept its name, with the Wi-Fi Alliance planning to jointly certify both devices in late 2013. On September 9, 2013, a statement revealed that the WiGig protocol would be used in a new wireless version of USB through a deal between the Wi-Fi Alliance and the USB Implementers Forum. The Wireless USB standard would use existing USB 2.0 and 3.0 drivers. The Wi-Fi alliance transferred WiGig wireless transmission technology to the USB Implementers Forum as it is expected that WiGig certified products will", "id": "20253462" }, { "contents": "Super Wi-Fi\n\n\nSuper Wi-Fi is a term coined by the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to describe a wireless networking proposal which the FCC plans to use for the creation of longer-distance wireless Internet access. The use of the trademark \"Wi-Fi\" in the name has been criticized because it is not based on Wi-Fi technology or endorsed by the Wi-Fi Alliance. A trade show has also been called the \"Super WiFi Summit\" (without hyphen). Various standards such as IEEE 802.22", "id": "20797635" }, { "contents": "Personal digital assistant\n\n\nMany modern PDAs have Wi-Fi wireless network connectivity and can connect to Wi-Fi hotspots. All smartphones, and some other modern PDAs, can connect to Wireless Wide Area Networks, such as those provided by cellular telecommunications companies. Older PDAs from the 1990s to 2006 typically had an IrDA (infrared) port allowing short-range, line-of-sight wireless communication. Few current models use this technology, as it has been supplanted by Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. IrDA allows communication between two PDAs, or", "id": "3722106" }, { "contents": "Super Wi-Fi\n\n\nTechnology For All, installed the first residential deployment of Super Wi-Fi in east Houston in April 2011. The network uses white spaces for backhaul and provides access to clients using 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi. A month later, a public Super Wi-Fi network was developed in Calgary, Alberta. Calgary based company WestNet Wireless launched the network for free and paid subscribers. The United States' first public Super Wi-Fi network was developed in Wilmington, North Carolina, on January 26, 2012. Florida based company", "id": "20797638" }, { "contents": "RF and microwave filter\n\n\nRadio frequency (RF) and microwave filters represent a class of electronic filter, designed to operate on signals in the megahertz to gigahertz frequency ranges (medium frequency to extremely high frequency). This frequency range is the range used by most broadcast radio, television, wireless communication (cellphones, Wi-Fi, etc.), and thus most RF and microwave devices will include some kind of filtering on the signals transmitted or received. Such filters are commonly used as building blocks for duplexers and diplexers to combine or separate multiple", "id": "13726260" }, { "contents": "Wireless Gigabit Alliance\n\n\nagreement for multi-gigabit wireless networking. The Wi-Fi Alliance and the WiGig Alliance shared technology specifications for the development of a Wi-Fi Alliance certification program supporting Wi-Fi operation in the 60 GHz frequency band. On November 3, 2010, the WiGig Alliance and the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) announced a liaison for standard wireless display technology. VESA and WiGig Alliance agreed to share technology specifications to develop multi-gigabit wireless DisplayPort capabilities and create a certification program for wireless DisplayPort products. On June 28", "id": "20253464" }, { "contents": "Electromagnetic spectrum\n\n\nto heat food in microwave ovens, and for industrial heating and medical diathermy. Microwaves are the main wavelengths used in radar, and are used for satellite communication, and wireless networking technologies such as Wi-Fi, although this is at intensity levels unable to cause thermal heating. The copper cables (transmission lines) which are used to carry lower frequency radio waves to antennas have excessive power losses at microwave frequencies, and metal pipes called waveguides are used to carry them. Although at the low end of the band the atmosphere", "id": "10020848" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth May\n\n\nconcern all Canadians.\" In 2011, May Tweeted a flurry of warnings about the possible dangers of WiFi using her cellphone. May's comments that the use of WiFi might be related to the \"disappearance of pollinating insects\" and writing that WiFi was a \"possible human carcinogen\" fueled attacks over the scientific soundness of her views. \"It is very disturbing how quickly Wi-Fi has moved into schools as it is children who are the most vulnerable\", she wrote. In June, during a Twitter exchange with", "id": "18154166" }, { "contents": "\n\n\nnetworks. Because supports any kind of home wiring, end users might install the IPTV home network by themselves, thus reducing the cost to the service provider. Although Wi-Fi technology is popular for consumer home networks, is also intended for use in this application. is an adequate solution for consumers in situations in which using wireless is not needed (for example, to connect a stationary device like a TV or a network-attached storage device), or is not desired (due to security concerns)", "id": "5976329" }, { "contents": "IPad\n\n\nthe camera roll, the pictures that have been taken with the iPad's camera. Those pictures are also available in the Photos application, along with any transferred from iPhoto or Aperture on a Mac, or Photoshop on a Windows PC. The iPad can use Wi-Fi network trilateration from Skyhook Wireless to provide location information to applications such as Google Maps. The 3G model supports A-GPS to allow its position to be calculated with GPS or relative to nearby cellphone towers; it also has a black strip on the", "id": "4980369" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi\n\n\nSequence'.\" Phil Belanger, a founding member of the Wi-Fi Alliance who presided over the selection of the name \"Wi-Fi\", has stated that Interbrand invented \"Wi-Fi\" as a pun on the word \"hi-fi\" (high fidelity), a term for high-quality audio technology. The name \"Wi-Fi\" has no further meaning, and was never officially a shortened form of \"Wireless Fidelity\". Nevertheless, the Wi-Fi Alliance used the advertising", "id": "16888355" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi\n\n\nACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review\", 2001. The IEEE does not test equipment for compliance with their standards. The non-profit Wi-Fi Alliance was formed in 1999 to fill this void—to establish and enforce standards for interoperability and backward compatibility, and to promote wireless local-area-network technology. , the Wi-Fi Alliance consisted of more than 375 companies from around the world. The Wi-Fi Alliance enforces the use of the Wi-Fi brand to technologies based on the IEEE 802.11 standards from", "id": "16888360" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi\n\n\nWi-Fi () is a family of radio technologies that is commonly used for the wireless local area networking (WLAN) of devices which is based around the IEEE 802.11 family of standards. \"WiFi\" is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance, which restricts the use of the term \"Wi-Fi Certified\" to products that successfully complete interoperability certification testing. Wi-Fi uses multiple parts of the IEEE 802 protocol family and is designed to seamlessly interwork with its wired sister protocol Ethernet. Devices that can", "id": "16888346" }, { "contents": "Internet access\n\n\nto the ISP. LANs may be wired or wireless. Ethernet over twisted pair cabling and Wi-Fi are the two most common technologies used to build LANs today, but ARCNET, Token Ring, Localtalk, FDDI, and other technologies were used in the past. Ethernet is the name of the IEEE 802.3 standard for physical LAN communication and Wi-Fi is a trade name for a wireless local area network (WLAN) that uses one of the IEEE 802.11 standards. Ethernet cables are interconnected via switches & routers. Wi", "id": "7575054" }, { "contents": "Wireless community network\n\n\n, UK, to allow 30+ flats in the Bentley House Estate to share the subscription cost of one leased line from British Telecom (BT). Wi-Fi was quickly adopted by technology enthusiasts and hobbyists, because it was an open standard and consumer Wi-Fi hardware was comparatively cheap. Wireless community networks started out by turning wireless access points designed for short-range use in the home into multi-kilometre long range Wi-Fi by building high-gain directional antennas. Rather than purchasing commercially available units,", "id": "14755666" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi over Coax\n\n\nWi-Fi over Coax is a technology for extending and distributing Wi-Fi signals via coaxial cables. As an in-building wireless solution, Wi-Fi over Coax can make use of existing or new cabling with native impedance of 50 ohms shared by a Wi-Fi access point, cabling run, and antenna. Coaxial cables with characteristic impedance of 75 ohms, such as RG-6 cables used for in-building television distribution, can also be used by incorporating impedance converters. As part of a distributed antenna system,", "id": "9984121" }, { "contents": "Microwave Bypass (company)\n\n\nwireless tech brought the first internet access to greater Boston through a consortium led by MIT, Harvard and Boston University. The early, all wireless network, was called NEARnet, and included world leaders in education, health care and technology. • Deployed a Smithsonian Award winning K-12 network for Desert Sands Unified School District (CA), designed an extensive backbone for the Space Shuttle Project (Edwards AFB), provided Interop with its first internet connection (1989), and installed the first residential Wi-Fi (fixed wireless)", "id": "594458" }, { "contents": "Media-independent handover\n\n\n2 wireless technologies and IP at layer 3. MIH may communicate with various IP protocols including Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for signaling, Mobile IP for mobility management, and DiffServ and IntServ for QoS. When a session is handed off from one access point to another access point using the same technology, the handover can usually be performed within that wireless technology itself without involving MIHF or IP. For instance a VoIP call from a Wi-Fi handset to a Wi-Fi access point can be handed over to another Wi-", "id": "9054885" }, { "contents": "Wireless\n\n\nto the advent of technologies such as mobile broadband, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Wireless operations permit services, such as mobile and interplanetary communications, that are impossible or impractical to implement with the use of wires. The term is commonly used in the telecommunications industry to refer to telecommunications systems (e.g. radio transmitters and receivers, remote controls, etc.) which use some form of energy (e.g. radio waves, acoustic energy,) to transfer information without the use of wires. Information is transferred in this manner over both", "id": "14969575" }, { "contents": "IEEE 802.11\n\n\n802.11af, also referred to as \"White-Fi\" and \"Super Wi-Fi\", is an amendment, approved in February 2014, that allows WLAN operation in TV white space spectrum in the VHF and UHF bands between 54 and 790 MHz. It uses cognitive radio technology to transmit on unused TV channels, with the standard taking measures to limit interference for primary users, such as analog TV, digital TV, and wireless microphones. Access points and stations determine their position using a satellite positioning system such as GPS", "id": "14895257" }, { "contents": "Ralink\n\n\nRalink Technology, Corp. was a Wi-Fi chipset manufacturer mainly known for their IEEE 802.11 (Wireless LAN) chipsets. Ralink was founded in 2001 in Cupertino, California, then moved its headquarters to Hsinchu, Taiwan. Some of Ralink's 802.11n RT2800 chipsets have been accepted into the Wi-Fi Alliance 802.11n draft 2.0 core technology testbed. They have also been selected in the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) and Wireless Multimedia Extensions Power Save (WMM-PS) testbeds. Ralink was a participant in the Wi", "id": "20829573" }, { "contents": "SpiderCloud Wireless\n\n\n- Ranking the Top 50 Start-Ups 2013 Small Cell Industry Awards Category: Non-residential (enterprise and public access small cell) design and technology innovation (vendor) 2013 CTIA E-Tech Award for Network Infrastructure: In-Building Network for \"First Scalable & Multi-Access 3G, Wi-Fi & 4G/LTE Small Cell System\" 2013 CTIA Mobile IT Award (MobITs) Mobile Enterprise Interface, for the First Scalable and Multi-Access 3G, Wi-Fi and 4G/LTE Small", "id": "7375500" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi positioning system\n\n\nareas. The most common and widespread localization technique used for positioning with wireless access points is based on measuring the intensity of the received signal (\"received signal strength indication\" or RSSI) and the method of \"fingerprinting\". Typical parameters useful to geolocate the wireless access point include its SSID and MAC address. The accuracy depends on the number of nearby access points whose positions have been entered into the database. The Wi-Fi hotspot database gets filled by correlating mobile device GPS location data with Wi-Fi hotspot MAC", "id": "18118270" }, { "contents": "Li-Fi\n\n\nOledcomm hopes to collaborate with Air France in the future to test Li-Fi on an aircraft in-flight. Like Wi-Fi, Li-Fi is wireless and uses similar 802.11 protocols, but it uses ultraviolet, infrared and visible light communication (instead of radio frequency waves), which has much bigger bandwidth. One part of VLC is modeled after communication protocols established by the IEEE 802 workgroup. However, the IEEE 802.15.7 standard is out-of-date: it fails to consider the latest technological developments in", "id": "21578703" }, { "contents": "Internet in Estonia\n\n\nand internetize all of the country's schools. The first public Wi-Fi area was launched in 2001 and a system of mobile data networks that enable widespread wireless broadband access has developed. In 2011, the country had over 2,440 free, certified Wi-Fi areas meant for public use, including at cafes, hotels, hospitals, schools, and gas stations. A countrywide wireless internet service based on CDMA technology has been deployed. Three mobile operators offer mobile 3G and 3.5G services, and as of May 2013", "id": "15995656" }, { "contents": "Skyhook Wireless\n\n\nSkyhook is a mobile location services company based in Boston, MA that specializes in location positioning, context and intelligence. Founded in 2003, Skyhook originally began by geolocating Wi-Fi access points and evolved with the idea that hybrid positioning technology, which incorporates Wi-Fi, GPS, cell towers, IP address and device sensors, could improve device location. The firm expanded their product set in 2015 to deliver advertising segments and behavioral insights; emphasizing data privatization and security for their advertising technology and mobile app customers. In 2016", "id": "9349697" }, { "contents": "Indore\n\n\nwhole city but a large number of Wi-fi towers are not working yet. It is a 4.5G high-speed Wi-fi service which was initially free for now but was to become chargeable in 2016. IM FREE WIFI provides free Wi-fi service using cloud-based technology in most parts of the city. It is the only company in India which uses this technology. Indore is the second city in India to provide free Wi-fi across the city. AICSTL provides a high-speed free Wi", "id": "6381617" }, { "contents": "Boingo Wireless\n\n\nmake the Internet as ubiquitous as the air we breathe\". In March 2007, Boingo acquired Concourse Communications Group, which extended Boingo's services into Wi-Fi and cellular DAS networks at airports. On November 10, 2008, Boingo acquired Opti-Fi Networks’ Wi-Fi holdings, adding another 25 airport Wi-Fi networks to its portfolio of managed locations and bringing its total of airport Wi-Fi networks to 55. On May 4, 2011, Boingo Wireless went public, giving the company a market cap", "id": "21158933" }, { "contents": "Li-Fi\n\n\nthe technology is similar to Wi-Fi - the key technical difference being that Wi-Fi uses radio frequency to transmit data. Using light to transmit data allows Li-Fi to offer several advantages, most notably a wider bandwidth channel, the ability to safely function in areas otherwise susceptible to electromagnetic interference (e.g. aircraft cabins, hospitals, military), and offering higher transmission speeds. The technology is actively being developed by several organizations across the globe. Li-Fi is a derivative of optical wireless communications (OWC)", "id": "21578690" }, { "contents": "Vivato\n\n\nVivato Technologies was founded to leverage wireless technology and IP (12+ patents) of a $100M venture backed company (Vivato Inc.) to service the growing demand for mobile broadband through the deployment of “Carrier Class” Wi-Fi switches or access points capable of delivering high-speed wireless connectivity directly to end users at distances exceeding 3 miles. Wi-Fi that as a result of distance and throughput can be collocated and installed like 4G/LTE, thereby significantly reducing Wi-Fi deployment CAPEX today, and", "id": "11691463" }, { "contents": "SoftAP\n\n\nand later operating systems, which enabled a Wi-Fi card to act as both a Wi-Fi client and a wireless access point simultaneously. Although a relatively fresh concept, new computers with Windows 7 and above were now being released with \"Virtual WiFi\" as a default program, making personal computing less complicated without the need for a second device. With this \"technological advancement\", the \"virtual\" Wi-Fi feature allows desktop computers to create a wireless hotspot / portable hotspot / Wi-Fi hotspot that", "id": "16967442" }, { "contents": "Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector\n\n\n-welcomed advantage of the Wi-Fi USB Connector over a traditional wireless router, but for those users who wish to use the device in a more complicated network environment, it can be an insurmountable obstacle. For example, the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector will cause an IP conflict if an existing network is using the 192.168.0.x or 192.168.1.x IP schemes, both common IP ranges used in consumer routers. The Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector includes a USB extension cable, a manual, and a software CD. It is", "id": "500142" }, { "contents": "Hotspot (Wi-Fi)\n\n\nA hotspot is a physical location where people may obtain Internet access, typically using Wi-Fi technology, via a wireless local area network (WLAN) using a router connected to an internet service provider. Public hotspots may be created by a business for use by customers, such as coffee shops or hotels. Public hotspots are typically created from wireless access points configured to provide Internet access, controlled to some degree by the venue. In its simplest form, venues that have broadband Internet access can create public wireless access by configuring", "id": "909682" }, { "contents": "Fixed–mobile convergence\n\n\ngo.\" In this definition \"fixed broadband\" means a connection to the Internet, such as DSL, cable or T1. \"Local access wireless\" means Wi-Fi or something like it. BT's initial FMC service, BT Fusion used Bluetooth rather than Wi-Fi for the local access wireless. The advent of picocells and femtocells means that local access wireless can be cellular radio technology. The term \"seamless services\" in the quotation above is ambiguous. When talking about FMC, the word \"seamless\"", "id": "12138521" }, { "contents": "Technology of the New York City Subway\n\n\ninstalling Wi-Fi in subway cars as well. Wireless service was installed on four R160 subway cars assigned to the Jamaica Yard, then tested along the all-underground E route; in-car Wi-Fi was expanded to 20 R160s on the E route by September. However, this pilot program was not advertised to passengers. In addition, the wireless service was not working all the time; one passenger described the signal on board the trains as spotty, and only really available on the platforms. At the time", "id": "435376" }, { "contents": "Koruza (technology)\n\n\nKoruza is a Slovenian open source and open hardware project providing equipment for low-cost free-space wireless optical connections. One can use 3D printing to create their own equipment. It is based on use of existing SFP optical modules which brings the costs of manufacturing down. Because it uses infrared light it is an alternative to Wi-Fi and does not have issues with spectrum congestion and radio interference. It is available in 1 Gbit/s and 10 Gbit/s forms. Connection can be established at up to 100", "id": "21473710" }, { "contents": "2.4 GHz radio use\n\n\nenvironments. At close range, some versions of Wi-Fi, running on suitable hardware, can achieve speeds of over 1 Gbit/s. Anyone within range with a wireless network interface controller can attempt to access a network; because of this, Wi-Fi is more vulnerable to attack (called eavesdropping) than wired networks. Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is a family of technologies created to protect information moving across Wi-Fi networks and includes solutions for personal and enterprise networks. Security features of WPA", "id": "4179061" }, { "contents": "TDLS\n\n\nTDLS, or Tunneled Direct Link Setup, is \"a seamless way to stream media and other data faster between devices already on the same Wi-Fi network.\" Devices using it communicate directly with one another, without involving the wireless network's router. Wi-Fi Alliance added certification for TDLS in 2012. It describes this feature as technology that enables devices to link directly to one another when connected to a traditional Wi-Fi network. Wi-Fi CERTIFIED TDLS devices can set up secure links and transfer data directly", "id": "7075794" }, { "contents": "Technology For All\n\n\npriorities: community technology center support and development, technology research and innovation, and technology services. TFA and Rice University operate the TFA-Wireless project, which provides free high-speed wireless Internet to Pecan Park, Houston. In 2011, they installed the first residential deployment of Super Wi-Fi, which uses longer wavelengths to penetrate typical wireless barriers. Texas Connects Coalition (TXC2) is a partnership between TFA, Austin FreeNet (AFN), and the Metropolitan Austin Interactive Network (MAIN). It was recently awarded", "id": "8462506" }, { "contents": "Mobile data offloading\n\n\nHence, it may turn out to be difficult, both technically and business wise, to mass deploy femtocell access points. Self-Organizing Network (SON) is an emerging technology for tackling unplanned femtocell deployment (among other applications). Wi-Fi technology is different radio technology than cellular, but most Internet capable mobile devices now come with Wi-Fi capability. There are already millions of installed Wi-Fi networks mainly in congested areas such as airports, hotels and city centers and the number is growing rapidly. Wi", "id": "12285249" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi\n\n\nmay be used to provide Internet access to devices that are within the range of a wireless network that is connected to the Internet. The coverage of one or more interconnected access points (\"hotspots\") can extend from an area as small as a few rooms to as large as many square kilometres. Coverage in the larger area may require a group of access points with overlapping coverage. For example, public outdoor Wi-Fi technology has been used successfully in wireless mesh networks in London. An international example is Fon.", "id": "16888366" }, { "contents": "Monitor mode\n\n\na given area and channel, the number of Wi-Fi devices currently being used can be discovered. This helps to create a better Wi-Fi network that reduces interference with other Wi-Fi devices by choosing the least used Wi-Fi channels. Software such as KisMAC or Kismet, in combination with packet analyzers that can read pcap files, provide a user interface for passive wireless network monitoring. Usually the wireless adapter is unable to transmit in monitor mode and is restricted to a single wireless channel, though this is", "id": "9894343" }, { "contents": "Field force automation\n\n\nField force automation (FFA) is the capture of field sales or service information in real time using communications technology, typically handheld PDAs, wireless devices, tablet PCs or mobile phones. The captured data is transferred immediately to back-end systems (ERP, CRM or accounting systems) through wireless connectivity (Wi-Fi, 3G, satellite or GPRS). This instant capture of information reduces time delays, avoids manual double entry data errors and enhances field force productivity. From an operations perspective, availability of field information", "id": "3064592" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi Direct\n\n\nWi-Fi Direct, initially called Wi-Fi P2P, is a Wi-Fi standard enabling devices to easily connect with each other without requiring a wireless access point. Wi-Fi Direct allows two devices to establish a direct Wi-Fi connection without requiring a wireless router. Hence, Wi-Fi Direct is single radio hop communication, not multihop wireless communication, unlike wireless ad hoc networks and mobile ad hoc networks. Wi-Fi ad hoc mode, however, supports multi-hop radio communications, with intermediate", "id": "19966643" }, { "contents": "NetSpot\n\n\nNetSpot is a software tool for wireless network assessment, scanning, and surveys, analyzing Wi-Fi coverage and performance. It runs on Mac OS X 10.6+ and Windows 7-8-10 and supports 802.11n, 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g wireless networks. NetSpot uses the standard Wi-Fi network adapter and its Airport interface to map radio signal strength and other wireless network parameters, and build reports on that. NetSpot was released in August, 2011. NetSpot provides all professional wireless site survey features for Wi", "id": "21951104" }, { "contents": "Towerstream\n\n\nBandwidth is available in various increments, is symmetric (bi-directional/duplex) and has a standard installation time of 3–5 days. The service supports voice-over-internet-protocol VoIP, bandwidth-on-demand, virtual private networks VPN, wireless redundancy, and bundled data and video services. In the middle of 2010, Towerstream started deploying a test Wi-Fi network in Manhattan using 802.11g/n technology with plans to sell wholesale access to carriers for Mobile data offloading in areas of mobile congestion. Towerstream", "id": "21723685" }, { "contents": "Related-key attack\n\n\net al. An important example of a cryptographic protocol that failed because of a related-key attack is Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) used in Wi-Fi wireless networks. Each client Wi-Fi network adapter and wireless access point in a WEP-protected network shares the same WEP key. Encryption uses the RC4 algorithm, a stream cipher. It is essential that the same key never be used twice with a stream cipher. To prevent this from happening, WEP includes a 24-bit initialization vector (IV) in each", "id": "11992955" }, { "contents": "Wireless network\n\n\nWPAN applications. Wi-Fi PANs are becoming commonplace (2010) as equipment designers start to integrate Wi-Fi into a variety of consumer electronic devices. Intel \"My WiFi\" and Windows 7 \"virtual Wi-Fi\" capabilities have made Wi-Fi PANs simpler and easier to set up and configure. A wireless local area network (WLAN) links two or more devices over a short distance using a wireless distribution method, usually providing a connection through an access point for internet access. The use of spread-", "id": "14608653" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi\n\n\ninternal network), or break through an external firewall. To get access to Wi-Fi, one merely needs to be within the range of the Wi-Fi network. Most business networks protect sensitive data and systems by attempting to disallow external access. Enabling wireless connectivity reduces security if the network uses inadequate or no encryption. An attacker who has gained access to a Wi-Fi network router can initiate a DNS spoofing attack against any other user of the network by forging a response before the queried DNS server has a", "id": "16888415" }, { "contents": "Wireless DNC\n\n\nIn case of Bluetooth, generally one pair of Bluetooth devices is used. One gets plugged on a COM port of a PC or Laptop, and the other is connected to an RS-232 port of a CNC machine. The wireless link is established with the required driver software. Once this is established, the user can run their DNC software for data transfer. In most cases, the file is sent from a remote PC to a selected CNC machine. In Wi-Fi technology, a wireless link is established between a device", "id": "12554820" }, { "contents": "Media-independent handover\n\n\nFi access point within the same network, e.g. a corporate network, using Wi-Fi standards such as 802.11f and 802.11r. However, if the handover is from a Wi-Fi access point in a corporate network to a public Wi-Fi hotspot, then MIH is required, since the two access points cannot communicate with each other at the link layer, and are, in general, on different IP subnets. When a session is handed off from one wireless technology to another, MIH may assist the handover process", "id": "9054886" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi\n\n\nuse Wi-Fi technologies include desktops and laptops, smartphones and tablets, smart TVs, printers, digital audio players, digital cameras, cars and drones. Compatible devices can connect to each other over Wi-Fi through a wireless access point as well as to connected Ethernet devices and may use it to access the Internet. Such an access point (or hotspot) has a range of about indoors and a greater range outdoors. Hotspot coverage can be as small as a single room with walls that block radio waves, or", "id": "16888347" }, { "contents": "IEEE 802.11n-2009\n\n\nIEEE 802.11n-2009, commonly shortened to 802.11n, is a wireless-networking standard that uses multiple antennas to increase data rates. The Wi-Fi Alliance has also retroactively labelled the technology for the standard as Wi-Fi 4. It standardized support for multiple-input multiple-output, frame aggregation, and security improvements, among other features, and can be used in the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz frequency bands. As the first Wi-Fi standard that introduced MIMO (Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output) support,", "id": "3406464" }, { "contents": "I.D. Systems\n\n\nI.D. Systems, Inc. is an American company headquartered in Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey, that produces wireless asset management systems for industrial trucks, rental vehicles, and transportation assets. The company utilizes wireless communication technologies—including radio frequency identification (RFID), Wi-Fi, ultrahigh-frequency (UHF), satellite, and cellular—as well as sensor technology and proprietary software to manage high-value corporate assets, such as forklifts, airport ground support equipment, rental vehicles, dry van trailers, chassis, refrigerated trailers", "id": "15548731" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi Alliance\n\n\nIEEE 802.11ad, with a newer version IEEE 802.11ay coming in 2019. In October 2010, the Alliance began to certify Wi-Fi Direct, that allows Wi-Fi-enabled devices to communicate directly with each other by setting up ad-hoc networks, without going through a wireless access point or hotspot. Since 2009 when it was first announced, some suggested Wi-Fi Direct might replace the need for Bluetooth on applications that do not rely on Bluetooth low energy. Wi-Fi Protected Access is a security mechanism based", "id": "8940220" }, { "contents": "2.4 GHz radio use\n\n\nof electromagnetic interference that can interfere with any Bluetooth devices a user has connected to the same computer. Various strategies can be applied to resolve the problem, ranging from simple solutions such as increasing the distance of USB 3.0 devices from any Bluetooth devices to purchasing better shielded USB cables. Wi-Fi () is technology for radio wireless local area networking of devices based on the IEEE 802.11 standards. \"WiFi\" is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance, which restricts the use of the term \"Wi-Fi Certified", "id": "4179058" }, { "contents": "Wireless ad hoc network\n\n\nHome, Google Wi-Fi, and Google OnHub all support Wi-Fi mesh (i.e., Wi-Fi ad hoc) networking. Apple's AirPort allows the formation of wireless mesh networks at home, connecting various Wi-Fi devices together and providing good wireless coverage and connectivity at home. Army has been in need of \"on-the-move\" communications for a long time. Ad hoc mobile communications come in well to fulfill this need, especially its infrastructureless nature, fast deployment and operation. Military MANETs", "id": "19759572" }, { "contents": "Technology of the New York City Subway\n\n\nbooks to read for free when connected to TransitWireless Wi-Fi. Despite the rollout of Wi-Fi at all underground stations, wireless and cellular data are not available in the tunnels between the stations. In early 2018, the MTA started testing out Wi-Fi in the 42nd Street Shuttle tunnels. The first major wave of digital advertisements in the subway were introduced with the deployment of the On the Go! Travel Station in 2011. From 2016 on, the LCD countdown clocks also provided another way to show advertisements to", "id": "435378" }, { "contents": "WISPr\n\n\nWISPr (pronounced \"whisper\") or Wireless Internet Service Provider roaming is a draft protocol submitted to the Wi-Fi Alliance that allows users to roam between wireless internet service providers in a fashion similar to that which allows cellphone users to roam between carriers. A RADIUS server is used to authenticate the subscriber's credentials. It covers best practices for authenticating users via 802.1X or the Universal Access Method (UAM), the latter being another name for browser-based login at a captive portal hotspot. It requires that RADIUS be", "id": "2747135" }, { "contents": "Transition (computer science)\n\n\ncommunication mechanisms that are partly equivalent in their basic functionality, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and ZigBee for local wireless networks and UMTS and LTE for broadband wireless connections. For example, LTE and Wi-Fi have equivalent basic functionality, but they are technologically significantly different in their design and operation. Mechanisms affected by transitions are often components of a protocol or service. For example, in case of video streaming/transmission, the use of different video data encoding can be carried out depending on the available data transmission rate", "id": "21369510" }, { "contents": "GainSpan\n\n\nGainSpan, a San Jose, California-based semiconductor company, designs and markets wireless connectivity products. It offers Wi-Fi chips, software, and embedded Wi-Fi modules. The company provides Wi-Fi technology for the residential housing, healthcare, and smart energy industries. Engineers from Intel Corporation created GainSpan in September 2006 with the goal of reducing the power consumption of traditional Wi-Fi. GainSpan was the first company to optimize Wi-Fi chips for low power consumption and to apply new power management techniques to", "id": "9970145" }, { "contents": "Storm chasing\n\n\n3 radar data. In conjunction with all of this, GPS units now had the ability to connect with computers, granting greater ease when navigating. 2001 marked the next great technological leap for storm chasers as the first Wi-Fi units began to emerge offering wireless broadband service in many cases for free. Some places (restaurants, motels, libraries, etc.) were known to reliably offer wireless access and wardriving located other availabilities. In 2002 the first Windows-based package to combine GPS positioning and Doppler radar appeared called", "id": "1581434" }, { "contents": "Technology of the New York City Subway\n\n\n, the MTA was not planning to retrofit subway tunnels with wireless service. Still, this in-car Wi-Fi pilot program is part of the wider program to install Wi-Fi in underground stations and onboard newer MTA buses. Future subway cars, like the R211, will also include Wi-Fi upon their delivery. In 2017, the MTA partnered with NYC Public Libraries, New York State, and Transit Wireless, to create Subway Library, a system that allows users to choose from a selection of e-", "id": "435377" }, { "contents": "Navizon\n\n\nNavizon, Inc. is a provider of location-based services and products. Navizon was an early developer of technology that makes it possible to determine the geographic position of a mobile device using as reference the location of cell phone towers and Wi-Fi-based wireless access points instead of GPS. Navizon also developed technology for locating mobile devices indoors with room and floor-level accuracy. Navizon, initially known as Mexens Technology, was founded by a team from the Internet Protocol geolocation market. Its founder and CEO, Cyril Houri", "id": "6088761" }, { "contents": "MDU Wi-Fi\n\n\nMDU Wi-Fi, also known as Multiple Dwelling Unit Wi-Fi, Residential Community Wi-Fi, MTU Wi-Fi, Apartment Complex Wi-Fi, Condo Wi-Fi or Timeshare Wi-Fi is the concept of turning an entire Multiple Dwelling Unit (MDU) into a Wi-Fi Hotspot, with the ultimate goal of offering wireless access to the Internet to residents and tenants, as an amenity. This is usually done by providing Internet Access via Wi-Fi to large parts or all of an", "id": "327283" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi Direct\n\n\ndirectly between them with greatly reduced setup. Wi-Fi Direct negotiates the link with a Wi-Fi Protected Setup system that assigns each device a limited wireless access point. The \"pairing\" of Wi-Fi Direct devices can be set up to require the proximity of a near field communication, a Bluetooth signal, or a button press on one or all the devices. Conventional Wi-Fi networks are typically based on the presence of controller devices known as wireless access points. These devices normally combine three primary functions:", "id": "19966645" }, { "contents": "Palexpo\n\n\n1995 with Hall 7, and in 2003 with Hall 6 built above the A1 motorway. In early 2009, the Palexpo underwent a renovation project to enhance and improve the convention center's architecture, furnishings and technology. During this renovation, the Palexpo Wi-Fi network was upgraded using Xirrus wi-fi arrays to provide wireless internet for all employees and guests. Palexpo hosts a variety of convention and sporting events, including the 2014 Davis Cup semifinals between Switzerland and Italy. In 2001 the European Automotive Hall of Fame opened and", "id": "5238599" }, { "contents": "Huawei E5\n\n\nThe E5 is a mobile Wi-Fi device produced by Huawei Technologies, and is part of the company's mobile Wi-Fi series that includes the E5830s, E585, E583c and E586. The E5 series connect to other devices using a wireless interface. The devices are pocket size and allow users to access the Internet through any Wi-Fi device, mobile phone, game console, digital camera, notebook and personal digital assistant (PDA). Huawei launched the E5 at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in February 2009", "id": "1062818" }, { "contents": "Citizens Broadband Radio Service\n\n\ncare not to interfere with others already using nearby airwave bands in some locations, including military radar stations and satellite receiver stations\". As with Wi-Fi, CBRS equipment will be deployed to individual building owners, and those owners (or end users occupying the property) would pay a fee for spectrum allocation through a server. \"Bloomberg Technology\" has described CBRS as potentially being \"[m]ore reliable than Wi-Fi\" and \"technology that risks making Wi-Fi outmoded\", and quotes CBRS Alliance president Michael", "id": "18807489" }, { "contents": "Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector\n\n\nThe Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector is a wireless game adapter, developed jointly by Nintendo and Buffalo Technology, which allows Nintendo DSi and Wii users without a Wi-Fi connection or compatible Wi-Fi network to establish one via a broadband-connected PC. Inserted into the host PC's USB port, the connector functions with the Nintendo DS, Wii, and DSi, permitting the user to connect to the Internet to play Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection games and access various other online functionality. The product was the best", "id": "500130" }, { "contents": "Mobile web analytics\n\n\nfrom any kind of network - fixed, Wi-Fi, cellular wireless, satellite wireless, etc. - a traditional web analytics solution could range from fairly accurate to mostly inaccurate, depending on where the HTTP requests are coming from. In addition, mobile web analytics involve metrics and KPIs associated with mobile device information, such as model, manufacturer, and screen resolution. These data can usually be assembled by combining device identification information taken from special HTTP headers, such as user-agents, with device capabilities stored in a", "id": "8496969" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi\n\n\nshorter propagation range between 1 and 100m and so in general have a lower power consumption. Other low-power technologies such as ZigBee have fairly long range, but much lower data rate. The high power consumption of Wi-Fi makes battery life in some mobile devices a concern. An access point compliant with either 802.11b or 802.11g, using the stock omnidirectional antenna might have a range of . The same radio with an external semi parabolic antenna (15 dB gain) with a similarly equipped receiver at the far end", "id": "16888386" }, { "contents": "U-blox\n\n\n, including receivers for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou and QZSS. The wireless range consists of GSM-, UMTS- and CDMA2000 and LTE modules, as well as Bluetooth- and WiFi-modules. All these products enable the delivery of complete systems for location-based services and M2M applications (machine-to-machine communication) in the Internet of Things, that rely on the convergence of 2G/3G/4G, Bluetooth-, Wi-Fi technology and satellite navigation. u-blox provides starter kits which allow quick prototyping of variety", "id": "18534265" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi\n\n\naddition interference can be caused by overlapping channels in the 802.11g/b spectrum. These issues can become a problem in high-density areas, such as large apartment complexes or office buildings with many Wi-Fi access points. Wi-Fi 6 has greatly improved power control, and suffers less from interference in congested areas. Other devices use the 2.4 GHz band: microwave ovens, ISM band devices, security cameras, ZigBee devices, Bluetooth devices, video senders, cordless phones, baby monitors, and, in some countries", "id": "16888395" }, { "contents": "Nexus Hawk\n\n\nThe Nexus Hawk 4G is a gateway router linking broadband cellular data, such as CDMA, GSM and Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11)a, b, g, n) and WAN (such as BGAN Satellite) networks providing enterprises with broadband wireless internet/network data services in mobile and remote environments. The Nexus Hawk's original development was funded under a DOD prime contract. The technology was primarily designed for military use and supports public safety. The Nexus Hawk is currently in use by law enforcement agencies, governmental data infrastructure", "id": "1392168" }, { "contents": "Privacy concerns regarding Google\n\n\nabout 600 gigabytes of data from users of unencrypted public and private Wi-Fi networks in more than 30 countries. No disclosures nor privacy policy was given to those affected, nor to the owners of the Wi-Fi stations. Google apologized and said that they were \"acutely aware that we failed badly here\" in terms of privacy protection, that they were not aware of the problem until an inquiry from German regulators was received, that the private data was collected inadvertently, and that none of the private data was used", "id": "9879685" }, { "contents": "Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications\n\n\ncan provide up to 120 channels in the DECT spectrum before frequency reuse. Each timeslot can be assigned to a different channel in order to exploit advantages of frequency hopping and to avoid interference from other users in asynchronous fashion. DECT allows interference-free wireless operation to around outdoors, much less indoors when separated by walls. Operates clearly in common congested domestic radio traffic situations, for instance, generally immune to interference from other DECT systems, Wi-Fi networks, video senders, Bluetooth technology, baby monitors and other wireless devices", "id": "8775862" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi Direct\n\n\nprovide a wireless connection to peripherals. Wireless mice, keyboards, remote controls, headsets, speakers, displays and many other functions can be implemented with Wi-Fi Direct. This has begun with Wi-Fi mouse products, and Wi-Fi Direct remote controls that were shipping circa November 2012. File sharing applications on Android and BlackBerry 10 devices could use Wi-Fi Direct, with most Android version 4.1 (Jellybean), introduced in July 2012, and BlackBerry 10.2 supported. Android version 4.2 (Jellybean) included further", "id": "19966653" }, { "contents": "Firetide\n\n\nown, proprietary AutoMesh routing protocol to control the data flow in the mesh. In 2006, Firetide announced that they were going to supply their technology to Singapore's Wireless@SG project. The project's goal was to install a nationwide network to enable public Wi-Fi as well as video and voice traffic. In 2007, Firetide installed its technology on the construction site of Burj Khalifa (Burj Dubai). The construction workers had experienced problems with their communication equipment as the tower grew taller. Firetide could provide a wireless mesh network", "id": "16025129" }, { "contents": "National broadband plan\n\n\nFor example, HNIS will automatically provision open Wi-Fi access wherever subscribers travel. The combination of mobile broadband with Wi-Fi works seamlessly as well. Currently, smartphones can use Wi-Fi or mobile data, but not both at the same time... While mobile operators cope with spectrum and capacity issues, HNIS can reduce the load on wireless networks, without creating a hassle for wireless customers who used to register with every Wi-Fi service they encountered. The theoretical speed of an HNIS-enhanced 3G and", "id": "13687226" }, { "contents": "Jill Stein\n\n\n. Stein later said, \"take precautions about how much we expose young children to WiFi and cellphones until we know more about the long-term health effects of this type of low-level radiation.\" In an interview with the \"Los Angeles Times\" editorial board, Stein clarified that her statements on Wi-Fi were \"not a policy statement\" and that attention to her statement on Wi-Fi was \"a sign of a gotcha political system\". Stein is in favor of replacing the Affordable Care Act", "id": "17613069" }, { "contents": "Internet access\n\n\nadvantages: Proprietary technologies like Motorola Canopy & Expedience can be used by a WISP to offer wireless access to rural and other markets that are hard to reach using Wi-Fi or WiMAX. There are a number of companies that provide this service. Local Multipoint Distribution Service (LMDS) is a broadband wireless access technology that uses microwave signals operating between 26 GHz and 29 GHz. Originally designed for digital television transmission (DTV), it is conceived as a fixed wireless, point-to-multipoint technology for utilization in the", "id": "7575091" }, { "contents": "Bluetooth\n\n\nThis category of applications is sometimes called wireless local area networks (WLAN). Bluetooth was intended for portable equipment and its applications. The category of applications is outlined as the wireless personal area network (WPAN). Bluetooth is a replacement for cabling in a variety of personally carried applications in any setting, and also works for fixed location applications such as smart energy functionality in the home (thermostats, etc.). Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are to some extent complementary in their applications and usage. Wi-Fi is", "id": "3380689" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi\n\n\ncoverage. Carnegie Mellon University built the first campus-wide wireless Internet network, called Wireless Andrew, at its Pittsburgh campus in 1993 before Wi-Fi branding originated. By February 1997, the CMU Wi-Fi zone was fully operational. Many universities collaborate in providing Wi-Fi access to students and staff through the Eduroam international authentication infrastructure. Wi-Fi also allows communications directly from one computer to another without an access point intermediary. This is called \"ad hoc\" Wi-Fi transmission. This wireless ad hoc", "id": "16888373" }, { "contents": "Payment terminal\n\n\nsubsequently result in failed payments. Wireless terminals transmit card data using Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cellular, or even satellite networks in remote areas and onboard airplanes. Prior to the development of payment terminals merchants would capture card information manually (using what are called \"ZipZap\" machines). The development of payment terminals was led by the advantage of efficiency by decreased transaction processing times and immediate authorisation of payments. In terms of security, terminals provide end to end card data encryption and auditing functions. Nevertheless, there have been", "id": "6026037" }, { "contents": "Smart meter\n\n\nthe solutions proposed are: the use of cell and pager networks, satellite, licensed radio, combination licensed and unlicensed radio, and power line communication. Not only the medium used for communication purposes, but also the type of network used, is critical. As such, one would find: fixed wireless, wireless mesh network and wireless ad hoc networks, or a combination of the two. There are several other potential network configurations possible, including the use of Wi-Fi and other internet related networks. To date no", "id": "5028155" }, { "contents": "HomeRF\n\n\n, Intel announced they would not support further development of HomeRF technology for its Anypoint line. The group promoting 802.11 technology, the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA) changed their name to the Wi-Fi Alliance in 2002, as the Wi-Fi brand became popular. The fact that WECA members lobbied the FCC for two years, which was effective in delaying the approval of wideband frequency-hopping, helped 802.11b catch up and gain an insurmountable lead in the market, which was then extended with 802.11g. The use", "id": "12343443" }, { "contents": "Wireless network\n\n\nspectrum or OFDM technologies may allow users to move around within a local coverage area, and still remain connected to the network. Products using the IEEE 802.11 WLAN standards are marketed under the Wi-Fi brand name . Fixed wireless technology implements point-to-point links between computers or networks at two distant locations, often using dedicated microwave or modulated laser light beams over line of sight paths. It is often used in cities to connect networks in two or more buildings without installing a wired link. To connect to Wi-", "id": "14608654" }, { "contents": "Long-range Wi-Fi\n\n\nimprove the throughput. The fragmentation threshold should be a division of the MTU, typically 1500, so should be 750, 500, 375, etc. However, excessive fragmentation can make the problem worse, since the increased overhead will increase congestion. Methods that increase the range of a Wi-Fi connection may also make it fragile and volatile, due to various factors including: Obstacles are among the biggest problems when setting up a long-range Wi-Fi. Trees and forests attenuate the microwave signal, and hills make", "id": "20565360" }, { "contents": "Super G (wireless networking)\n\n\n/s 802.11g, and Xtreme G. Manufacturers that have licensed Super G technology from Atheros include Airlink 101, Clipsal, D-Link, Intelbras, LevelOne, Netgear, Nortel Networks, Planex, SMC, Sony, TRENDnet, SparkLAN, Toshiba and ZyXEL. In general, Super G products from different vendors are all interoperable in Super G mode. Non-standard channel bonding extensions to 802.11g such as Super G, have been criticized for creating interference on all Wi-Fi channels, potentially causing issues with other wireless", "id": "7780536" } ]
The warm weather in eastern North America
[{"answer": "Mr. El Ni\u00f1o is especially angry this year and there's a meandering jet stream bringing up warm wet air across the eastern US. Expect the entire winter to be wet and mild. I imagine some wet snow in January/February once the cold really does set in a bit more and we get those days that range around 30 - 40. Basically think of this as nothing more than a warm front coming through what is already going to be a mild winter due to El Ni\u00f1o. Soon enough the cold front will arrive and we'll have our days about 30 degrees colder lol."}, {"answer": "This also happened in [1982, 1996, ] ( URL_0 ) and [1955]( URL_2 ) and [2007 and 1984]( URL_1 ). As well as probably other years, but I found these 3 sites in the matter of seconds just searching for other warm Christmas days. I can't quite answer the queston, but this is hardly a new occurrence."}, {"answer": "El Nino is making it warmer and it should keep this way for the winter. The polar vortex is also around and it keeps cold air in the north, which could change."}, {"answer": "Winter is busy heading to Westeros, well see it back in about 10 years when George finishes the last 2 novels."}, {"answer": "Northern Midwesterner here who lives in an ice-fishing town, can confirm lakes aren't even frozen yet... There is probably something to this global warming thing, but I'm no scientist."}, {"answer": "Came from California to Pennsylvania, am disappointed to find the weather is more pleasant. I would guess its el ni\u00f1o and some climate change."}, {"answer": "You can look [here]( URL_1 ) at a picture that basically shows how dense the air is above the US. The yellow colors mean that the air is more dense while the pink colors mean that it is less dense. The more dense the air is, the colder it is. You can also tell from that picture which way the wind is blowing overall in the atmosphere. It blows along those black lines and from west to east. As you can see the wind goes strongly from north to south in the west and carries cold air with it. Then it goes from south to north, doing the opposite. On top of this, there is a cycle that happens to the water in the Pacific Ocean between South America and Indonesia called ENSO. Sometimes, the surface water is warmer in the west and sometimes further east. Right now the warm water is further east towards South America. This cycle effects the weather around the world, as shown by [this picture]( URL_0 ). As you can see, it makes the NE warmer than usual and makes the south a bit wetter (e.g. snowier). One thing we CANNOT say here is that climate change is at fault. This event is too short of a time scale to be considered climate. We would have to average over several decades. While climate change is happening, this is a case of some crazy weather. (Edit: Feel free to ask questions, whether to dumb this down or expand on it. This stuff is cool. I study it.)"}, {"answer": "Should I get my motorbike out of winter storage?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "14831788", "title": "Climate of the United States", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 10, "end_paragraph_id": 10, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["can bring snow or ice across the South, mostly in interior or northern areas. In the cold season (generally November to March), most precipitation occurs in conjunction with organized low-pressure systems and associated fronts. In the summer, storms are much more localized, with short-duration thunderstorms common in many areas east of the 100th meridian and south of 40 latitude. In the warm season, storm systems affecting a large area are less frequent, and weather conditions are more solar sun controlled, with the greatest chance for thunderstorm and severe weather activity during peak heating hours, mostly between 3 PM and 9 PM local time. From May to August especially, often-overnight mesoscale-convective-system (MCS) thunderstorm complexes, usually associated with frontal activity, can deliver significant to flooding rainfall amounts from the Dakotas/Nebraska eastward across Iowa/Minnesota to the Great Lakes states. From late summer into fall (mostly August to October), tropical cyclones (hurricanes, tropical storms and tropical depressions) sometimes approach or cross the Gulf and Atlantic states, bringing high winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges (often topped with battering waves) to coastal areas.", "can bring snow or ice across the South, mostly in interior or northern areas. In the cold season (generally November to March), most precipitation occurs in conjunction with organized low-pressure systems and associated fronts. In the summer, storms are much more localized, with short-duration thunderstorms common in many areas east of the 100th meridian and south of 40 latitude. In the warm season, storm systems affecting a large area are less frequent, and weather conditions are more solar sun controlled, with the greatest chance for thunderstorm and severe weather activity during peak heating hours, mostly between 3 PM and 9 PM local time. From May to August especially, often-overnight mesoscale-convective-system (MCS) thunderstorm complexes, usually associated with frontal activity, can deliver significant to flooding rainfall amounts from the Dakotas/Nebraska eastward across Iowa/Minnesota to the Great Lakes states. From late summer into fall (mostly August to October),"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "14831788", "title": "Climate of the United States", "section": "Section::::Regional overview.:Pacific Northwest.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 29, "end_paragraph_id": 29, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The Pacific Northwest has an oceanic climate. The climate is wet and cool in autumn, winter, and spring, and stable and drier in the summer months, especially July and August. On average, the wettest month is typically November or December; the driest, July. In the summer months, average highs in cities like Seattle and Portland are from 70 to 75\u00a0\u00b0F (21 to 26\u00a0\u00b0C) with lows from 50 to 59\u00a0\u00b0F (10 to 15\u00a0\u00b0C), while in winter daily highs are from 40 to 45\u00a0\u00b0F (4 to 9\u00a0\u00b0C) and overnight lows from 30 to 38\u00a0\u00b0F (1 to 4\u00a0\u00b0C). In winter, the Pacific Northwest (especially coastal districts and other areas west, i.e.", "The Pacific Northwest has an oceanic climate. The climate is wet and cool in autumn, winter, and spring, and stable and drier in the summer months, especially July and August. On average, the wettest month is typically November or December; the driest, July. In the summer months, average highs in cities like Seattle and Portland are from 70 to 75\u00a0\u00b0F (21 to 26\u00a0\u00b0C) with lows from 50 to 59\u00a0\u00b0F (10 to 15\u00a0\u00b0C), while in winter daily highs are from 40 to 45\u00a0\u00b0F (4 to 9\u00a0\u00b0C) and overnight lows from 30 to 38\u00a0\u00b0F (1 to 4\u00a0\u00b0C). In winter, the Pacific Northwest (especially coastal districts and other areas west, i.e.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Tornado outbreak sequence of June 3–11, 2008\n\n\nIndiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa as a result of the same thunderstorms, while high heat and humidity affected much of eastern North America; particularly along the eastern seaboard of the United States from New York City to the Carolinas. Several clusters of thunderstorms developed during the morning from eastern Nebraska across Iowa into Illinois, taking place along a warm front. The front remained over the same areas during the day, as daytime heating and southwesterly surface winds brought warm and unstable air northward, resulting in severe weather development. The presence", "id": "18311592" }, { "contents": "Winter of 2009–10 in Europe\n\n\nplaces it was as deep as , and motorists were warned not to travel unless absolutely necessary. On 2 January, the synoptic position settled with the jet stream in a route causing a blocking high in the eastern Atlantic. This diverted warm west winds to the south over the Mediterranean and subjected western Europe to cold north winds, warm weather around the Caspian Sea and unusually cold weather in China. A weather front brought heavy snow to north west England. In Britain many roads were closed, including part of the M9. On", "id": "16556700" }, { "contents": "List of ecoregions in North America (CEC)\n\n\ntemperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, it leads to drier than normal conditions in the winter months in the Southeast region of the Eastern Temperate Forest. The global ocean current that effects the Eastern Temperate Forest most is the Gulf Stream current which brings a warm flow of water from South to North along the eastern coast of North America in the Atlantic Ocean, it keeps temperatures in this region relatively warm. The winds that have the greatest effect on the climate of the region are the prevailing westerlies and the tropical easterlies", "id": "21536815" }, { "contents": "Coast Mountains\n\n\nPacific Ocean to rise, dropping heavy rainfalls on the western slopes where lush forests exist. This precipitation is among the heaviest in North America. The eastern slopes are relatively dry and less steep and protect the British Columbia Interior from the Pacific weather systems, resulting in dry warm summers and dry cold winters. Beyond the eastern slopes is a plateau occupying the southern and central portions of British Columbia called the Interior Plateau. Included within the Interior Plateau is a coalescing series of layered flood basalt lava flows. These sequences of fluid volcanic", "id": "10920837" }, { "contents": "Black rot (grape disease)\n\n\nGrape black rot is a fungal disease caused by an ascomycetous fungus, Guignardia bidwellii, that attacks grape vines during hot and humid weather. “Grape black rot originated in eastern North America, but now occurs in portions of Europe, South America, and Asia. It can cause complete crop loss in warm, humid climates, but is virtually unknown in regions with arid summers.” The name comes from the black fringe that borders growing brown patches on the leaves. The disease also attacks other parts of the plant, “", "id": "1526764" }, { "contents": "Geography of Austria\n\n\nIt affects mainly eastern Austria. Mediterranean high-pressure systems from the south are characterized by few clouds and warm air, and they influence the weather of the southern slopes of the Alps and that of the Southeastern Alpine Foreland, making them the most temperate part of Austria. One peculiarity of the Mediterranean weather systems is the föhn wind, a warm air mass that originates in the African Sahara and moves north rapidly, periodically raising temperatures up to in a short period of time. Many people respond to this rapid weather change with", "id": "18785555" }, { "contents": "List of ecoregions in North America (CEC)\n\n\nrises it becomes saturated. In addition, there are large amounts of heat, or convection occurring at the same time. The vast bulk of vertical movement of air occurs in the Hadley cell and thus provides an explanation for the global circulation patterns. The direction of the wind at various levels of the atmosphere determines local climate and can result in severe weather patterns. For example, in an El Nino winter the presence of warm water in the eastern Pacific Ocean can shift the position of a subtropical jet stream. This results in", "id": "21536851" }, { "contents": "Western Hemisphere Warm Pool\n\n\nThe Western Hemisphere Warm Pool (WHWP) is a region of sea surface temperatures (SST) warmer than 28.5°C that develops west of Central America in the spring, then expands to the tropical waters to the east. The WHWP includes the tropical Atlantic Ocean (TNA) east of the Lesser Antilles, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and eastern north Pacific Ocean (ENP). A WHWP heating cycle begins with warmth in the eastern North Pacific in the spring. A dipole pattern off Central America appears due to", "id": "17871760" }, { "contents": "2014–16 El Niño event\n\n\nThe 2014–16 El Niño was a warming of the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean that resulted in unusually warm waters developing between the coast of South America and the International Date Line. These unusually warm waters influenced the world's weather in a number of ways, which in turn significantly affected various parts of the world. These included drought conditions in Venezuela, Australia and a number of Pacific islands while significant flooding was also recorded. During the event, more tropical cyclones than normal occurred within the Pacific Ocean, while fewer than normal occurred in", "id": "19399821" }, { "contents": "Public opinion on global warming\n\n\nfound that some 62% of people worldwide said they knew about global warming. In the industrialized countries of North America, Europe and Japan, 90% or more knew about it (97% in the U.S., 99% in Japan); in developing countries, especially in Africa, fewer than a quarter knew about it, although many had noticed local weather changes. Among those who knew about global warming, there was a wide variation between nations in belief that the warming was a result of human activities. Adults in", "id": "14918725" }, { "contents": "Medieval Warm Period\n\n\nin Greenland and other outlying lands of the far north. However a study from Columbia University suggests that Greenland was not colonized in warmer weather, but in fact the warming effect was very short term. , the climate was sufficiently warm for the Vikings to journey to Newfoundland and establish a short-lived outpost there. From around 985, Vikings founded the Eastern Settlement and Western Settlement, both near the southern tip of Greenland. In the colony's early stages, they kept cattle, sheep, and goats, with around a", "id": "5304133" }, { "contents": "Paleotropical Kingdom\n\n\nOver millions of years, these type of vegetation present, covered much of the tropics of Earth. Many species are today relicts of a type of vegetation disappeared, which originally covered much of the mainland of Africa, Madagascar, India, South America, Antarctica, Australia, North America, Europe, and other lands when their climate were more humid and warm. Although warm cloud forests disappeared during the glaciations, they re-colonized large areas every time the weather was favorable again. Most of the cloud forests are believed to", "id": "18477188" }, { "contents": "Americas\n\n\nUnited States' Tornado Alley, as well as in the southerly Dixie Alley in the North American late-winter and early spring seasons. Often parts of the Caribbean are exposed to the violent effects of hurricanes. These weather systems are formed by the collision of dry, cool air from Canada and wet, warm air from the Atlantic. With coastal mountains and interior plains, the Americas have several large river basins that drain the continents. The largest river basin in North America is that of the Mississippi, covering the second largest", "id": "10499093" }, { "contents": "Climate of North Dakota\n\n\nNorth Dakota's climate is typical of a continental climate with cold winters and warm-hot summers. The state's location in the Upper Midwest allows it to experience some of the widest variety of weather in the United States, and each of the four seasons has its own distinct characteristics. The eastern half of the state has a humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification \"Dfb\") with warm to hot, somewhat humid summers and cold, windy winters, while the western half has a semi-arid climate (Köppen", "id": "21804950" }, { "contents": "Celtis\n\n\nCeltis is a genus of about 60–70 species of deciduous trees, commonly known as hackberries or nettle trees, widespread in warm temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, in southern Europe, southern and eastern Asia, and southern and central North America, south to central Africa, and northern and central South America. The genus is present in the fossil record at least since the Miocene of Europe, and Paleocene of North America and eastern Asia. Previously included either in the elm family (Ulmaceae) or a separate family, Celtidaceae,", "id": "4665017" }, { "contents": "Humid subtropical climate\n\n\nBelt and Sierra Madre Oriental. Despite being located at higher elevations, these locations have summers that are too warm to qualify as a subtropical highland climate. Guadalajara's climate is a major example of this. Outside of isolated sections of Mexico, the southernmost limits of this climate zone in North America lie just north of South Florida and around southern coastal Texas. Cities at the southernmost limits, such as Houston, New Orleans, Tampa, and Orlando generally feature warm weather year-round and minimal temperature differences between seasons. In", "id": "17222414" }, { "contents": "Rocky Mountain Front\n\n\ngeologic feature that it affects the weather in North America. Warm air masses moving from the Gulf of Mexico are blocked by the front from moving west, causing hail, thunderstorms, tornadoes, and other kinds of violent weather which then move east. \"Tornado Alley\", that part of the Great Plains where tornadoes are most frequent, is a direct outcome of the front's effect on weather. In Alberta, the Rocky Mountain Front is about wide. As early as 1935, it was well-recognized that significant coal", "id": "6391910" }, { "contents": "Thailand\n\n\nof Thailand experiences dry weather during this season with mild temperatures. The exception is the southern parts of Thailand where it receives abundant rainfall, particularly during October to November. Summer or the pre–monsoon season runs from mid–February until mid–May and is characterized by warmer weather. Due to its inland nature and latitude, the north, northeast, central and eastern parts of Thailand experience a long period of warm weather. During the hottest time of the year (March to May), temperatures usually reach up to", "id": "11083546" }, { "contents": "Endiandra\n\n\nAfrica, North America and other lands when their climate were more humid and warm. Although warm Cloud forests disappeared during the glaciations, they re-colonized large areas every time the weather was favorable again. Most of the Cloud forests are believed to have retreated and advanced during successive geological eras, and their species adapted to warm and wet gradually retreated and advanced, replaced by more cold-tolerant or drought-tolerant sclerophyll plant communities. Many of the then existing species became extinct because they could not cross the barriers posed by", "id": "15378253" }, { "contents": "Autumn\n\n\nEnglish emigration to the British colonies in North America was at its peak, and the new settlers took the English language with them. While the term \"fall\" gradually became obsolete in Britain, it became the more common term in North America. The name \"backend\", a once common name for the season in Northern England, has today been largely replaced by the name autumn. Association with the transition from warm to cold weather, and its related status as the season of the primary harvest, has dominated its themes", "id": "2655563" }, { "contents": "Indian summer\n\n\nAn Indian summer is a period of unseasonably warm, dry weather that sometimes occurs in autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. Indian summers are common in North America, Europe and Asia. The US National Weather Service defines this as weather conditions that are sunny and clear with above average temperatures, occurring September to November. It is usually described as occurring after a killing frost. Late-19th century Boston lexicographer Albert Matthews made an exhaustive search of early American literature in an attempt to discover who coined the expression. The earliest reference he found dated", "id": "1967155" }, { "contents": "Berg wind\n\n\nharbinger of cold, wet weather. Coastal lows are orographically trapped weather systems that also occur in other parts of the world, where there are mountain ranges between 1000 – 4000 km in length. Thus they occur along the coast of Chile, eastern Australia and the west coast of North America, as well as on the eastern side of the Appalachian mountains of the United States. In each of these cases the weather systems are trapped vertically by stable stratifications, and laterally by Coriolis effects against the mountains. However, only the", "id": "8951620" }, { "contents": "Atmospheric circulation\n\n\n, it cools and subsides in a region of relatively cooler water mass. The Pacific Ocean cell plays a particularly important role in Earth's weather. This entirely ocean-based cell comes about as the result of a marked difference in the surface temperatures of the western and eastern Pacific. Under ordinary circumstances, the western Pacific waters are warm, and the eastern waters are cool. The process begins when strong convective activity over equatorial East Asia and subsiding cool air off South America's west coast creates a wind pattern which pushes Pacific", "id": "3362671" }, { "contents": "Chesapeake Bay impact crater\n\n\nThe Chesapeake Bay impact crater was formed by a bolide that impacted the eastern shore of North America about 35.5 ± 0.3 million years ago, in the late Eocene epoch. It is one of the best-preserved \"wet-target\" impact craters in the world. Continued slumping of sediments over the rubble of the crater has helped shape the Chesapeake Bay. During the warm late Eocene, sea levels were high, and the Tidewater region of Virginia lay in the coastal shallows. The shore of eastern North America, about where", "id": "19045750" }, { "contents": "The Blob (Pacific Ocean)\n\n\nThe Blob was a large mass of relatively warm water in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of North America. It was first detected in late 2013 and continued to spread throughout 2014 and 2015. Sea surface temperature indicated that The Blob persisted into 2016, but was thought to have dissipated later that year. By September 2016, \"The Blob\" resurfaced and made itself known to meteorologists. This warm water mass was unusual in ocean conditions and was considered to have a role in the formation of the unusual weather conditions felt in", "id": "18446040" }, { "contents": "75th meridian west\n\n\nThe meridian 75° west of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends from the North Pole across the Arctic Ocean, North America, the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, South America, the Pacific Ocean, the Southern Ocean, and Antarctica to the South Pole. The mean solar time of this meridian is the base for the Eastern Time Zone (UTC-5 during standard time). Stations belonging to the US National Weather Service begin submitting weather reports when the mean solar time of this meridian is 8:00 am. Report collection", "id": "18525143" }, { "contents": "Adiantum viridimontanum\n\n\nasbestos mines, both abandoned and active. In more natural habitats, frost weathering and erosion may promote rock fall and maintain suitable habitat. The eastern serpentine outcrops where \"A. viridimontanum\" thrives have relatively few endemics, compared to serpentine exposures globally. \"A. viridimontanum\" is one of only five taxa (four species and a variety) that are strictly endemic to serpentine in eastern North America, and two of these, \"A. aleuticum\" and \"Aspidotis densa\", grow on non-serpentine substrates elsewhere in North America", "id": "8462898" }, { "contents": "Geography of Thailand\n\n\n, central, and eastern parts of Thailand experience a long period of warm weather. During the hottest time of the year (March to May), temperatures usually reach up to or more with the exception of coastal areas where sea breezes moderate afternoon temperatures. In contrast, outbreaks of cold air from China can bring colder temperatures; in some cases (particularly the north and northeast) close to or below . Southern Thailand is characterized by mild weather year-round with less diurnal and seasonal variations in temperatures due to maritime influences", "id": "11083802" }, { "contents": "Red-tailed hawk\n\n\nthis being North America’s heaviest snake and the heaviest venomous snake in the Americas at a large mature size of about . For the eastern indigo snakes (\"Drymarchon couperi\"), North America’s longest native snake, usually young and small ones are at risk. In North America, fewer lizards are typically recorded in the foods of red-tailed hawk than are snakes, probably because snakes are considerably better adapted to cooler, seasonal weather, with an extensive diversity of lizards found only in the southernmost reaches of the contiguous", "id": "6327772" }, { "contents": "International Harvester\n\n\nproduced their first diesel engine, in the McCormick-Deering TD-40 crawler. This engine started on gasoline, then switched over to diesel fuel. Diesel engines of this era were difficult to start in cold weather, and using gasoline allowed the engine to start easily and thoroughly warm up before making the switch to diesel in all weather conditions. In 1935, this engine was put in the International Harvester WD-40, becoming the first diesel tractor on wheels in North America (the world's first diesel tractor was the German Benz-Sendling", "id": "19187271" }, { "contents": "Globidens\n\n\nas bivalves and ammonites. Stomach contents of a specimen found in South Dakota support prior assumptions, showing the crushed shells of inoceramid clams. \"Globidens\", like other mosasaurs, lived in warm, shallow seas such as the Western Interior Seaway in North America. So far, \"Globidens\" has been discovered primarily in North America and in parts of northern and western Africa, such as Morocco and Angola, although specimens from the Middle East and eastern South America have been found as well. In Indonesia, \"Globidens\"", "id": "8833628" }, { "contents": "El Niño\n\n\nin South America are direct and stronger than in North America. An El Niño is associated with warm and very wet weather months in April–October along the coasts of northern Peru and Ecuador, causing major flooding whenever the event is strong or extreme. The effects during the months of February, March, and April may become critical along the west coast of South America, El Niño reduces the upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water that sustains large fish populations, which in turn sustain abundant sea birds, whose droppings support", "id": "10375455" }, { "contents": "Spring (season)\n\n\n) follows trends more related to longer cycles—such as the solar cycle—or events created by ocean currents and ocean temperatures—for example, the El Niño effect and the Southern Oscillation Index. Unstable spring weather may occur more often when warm air begins to invade from lower latitudes, while cold air is still pushing from the Polar regions. Flooding is also most common in and near mountainous areas during this time of year, because of snow-melt which is accelerated by warm rains. In North America, Tornado Alley", "id": "13192767" }, { "contents": "Anjouan\n\n\nround. The weather is warm and humid from December to April and slightly cooler from May to November. The climate is generally much cooler in the center of the island, on the highest mountains, and generally warmer in the North-Eastern region, North of Domoni. The Anjouan scops owl is a rare owl. The Anjouan sparrowhawk is a possibly extinct subspecies of the Frances's goshawk. Lemurs are commonly found in the mountainous regions of the island. A species of lizard, \"Flexiseps johannae\", is named after", "id": "14518857" }, { "contents": "Wildlife of South Africa\n\n\nto a great proportion of the country's commercial farmlands. To the north of Highveld, the plateau slopes downwards into the Bushveld, which ultimately gives way to the Limpopo lowlands or Lowveld. The climate of South Africa is influenced by its position between two oceans and its elevation. Winters are mild in coastal regions, particularly in the Eastern Cape. Cold and warm coastal currents running north-west and north-east respectively account for the difference in climates between west and east coasts. The weather pattern is also influenced by the", "id": "12822755" }, { "contents": "Climate of South Africa\n\n\nmay reach the freezing point at high altitude, but are at their most mild in coastal regions, particularly the Eastern Cape. Cold and warm coastal currents running north-west and north-east respectively account for the difference in climates between west and east coasts. The weather is also influenced by ENSO (El Niño–Southern Oscillation). South Africa experiences a high degree of sunshine with rainfall about half of the global average, increasing from west to east, and with semi-desert regions in the north-west.", "id": "19378527" }, { "contents": "2017–18 North American cold wave\n\n\nThe 2017–18 North American cold wave was an extreme weather event in North America in which record low temperatures gripped much of the Central, Eastern United States, and parts of Central and Eastern Canada. Starting in late December as a result of the southward shift of the polar vortex, extremely cold conditions froze the eastern United States in the last few days of 2017 as well as into the new year. Following a brief respite in mid-January, cold temperatures swung back into the eastern U.S. shortly afterwards. The cold wave finally", "id": "17917583" }, { "contents": "Thunderstorm\n\n\nsmaller than extratropical cyclones, and normally persists for several hours or more. A mesoscale convective system's overall cloud and precipitation pattern may be round or linear in shape, and include weather systems such as tropical cyclones, squall lines, lake-effect snow events, polar lows, and mesoscale convective complexes (MCCs), and they generally form near weather fronts. Most mesoscale convective systems develop overnight and continue their lifespan through the next day. The type that forms during the warm season over land has been noted across North America", "id": "20817329" }, { "contents": "Winter 1985 cold wave\n\n\nThe winter 1985 cold wave was a meteorological event, the result of the shifting of the polar vortex farther south than is normally seen. Blocked from its normal movement, polar air from the north pushed into nearly every section of the central and eastern half of the United States and Canada, shattering record lows in a number of areas. The event was preceded by unusually warm weather in the eastern U.S. in December 1984, suggesting that there was a build-up of cold air that was suddenly released from the Arctic, a", "id": "16215182" }, { "contents": "Historical climatology\n\n\nMedieval Warm Period was a time of warm weather between about AD 800–1300, during the European Medieval period. Archaeological evidence supports studies of the Norse sagas which describe the settlement of Greenland in the 9th century AD of land now quite unsuitable for cultivation. For example, excavations at one settlement site have shown the presence of birch trees during the early Viking period. The same period records the discovery of an area called Vinland, probably in North America, which may also have been warmer than at present, judging by the alleged presence", "id": "5989619" }, { "contents": "Instrumental temperature record\n\n\nOcean and Southern Hemisphere; the spatial pattern of ocean temperature trend in those regions is possibly related to the pacific decadal oscillation and Southern Annular Mode. Seasonal temperature trends are positive over most of the globe but weak cooling is observed over the mid latitudes of the southern ocean but also over eastern Canada in spring because of strengthening of the North Atlantic oscillation. Warming is stronger over northern Europe, China and North America in winter, Europe and Asia interior in spring, Europe and north Africa in summer and northern North America, Greenland", "id": "13705464" }, { "contents": "Climate of the United States\n\n\npolar climate in the north. The primary drivers of weather in the contiguous United States are the seasonal change in the solar angle, the migration north/south of the subtropical highs, and the seasonal change in the position of the polar jet stream. In the Northern Hemisphere summer, the subtropical high pressure systems move northward and closer to the United States mainland. In the Atlantic Ocean, the Bermuda High creates a south-southwest flow of warm, humid air over the southern, eastern and central United States - resulting in", "id": "687150" }, { "contents": "Atmospheric circulation\n\n\n\"El Niño\" and \"La Niña\" are opposite surface temperature anomalies of the Southern Pacific, which heavily influence the weather on a large scale. In the case of El Niño, warm surface water approaches the coasts of South America which results in blocking the upwelling of nutrient-rich deep water. This has serious impacts on the fish populations. In the La Niña case, the convective cell over the western Pacific strengthens inordinately, resulting in colder than normal winters in North America and a more robust cyclone season in South", "id": "3362677" }, { "contents": "North American Atlantic Region\n\n\nfossil record indicates that during the Tertiary period a warm temperate zone extended across much of the Northern Hemisphere, linking America to Asia. The North American Atlantic Region is subdivided further into three floristic provinces: the Appalachian Province, Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Province, and North American Prairies Province. The Appalachian Province comprises the upland eastern North America that was covered by deciduous forest in historic times, concentrated around the Appalachians and Ozarks, where its flora found refuge during Pleistocene glaciations. It stretches from southernmost Ontario and Quebec to Arkansas and", "id": "13650924" }, { "contents": "North Carolina Museum of Art\n\n\nThe collection also includes a comprehensive survey of North Carolina artists. Encompassing of fields, woodlands, and creeks, the Museum Park features more than a dozen site-specific works of art and two miles (3 km) of trails. The campus is the largest museum art park in North America. In the warm weather months, outdoor movies and concerts are presented at the Joseph M. Bryan, Jr., Theater. The museum's contemporary art program extends into the landscape surrounding the museum, where artists have created both temporary and", "id": "12016754" }, { "contents": "Kandalaksha Nature Reserve\n\n\neastern part of the ecoregion. The climate of Kandalaksha is \"Humid continental climate, cool summer\" (Köppen climate classification (Dfc)). This climate is characterised by long cold winters, and short, cool summers. The region has milder weather than other areas north of the Arctic Circle, as the Murmansk region is warmed by the North Cape branch of the Gulf Stream. Kandalasky is known for its taiga and tundra floral communities. Over 700 species of vascular plants and 400 species of bryophytes (liverworts and leafy mosses", "id": "13264063" }, { "contents": "Nicrophorus orbicollis\n\n\nto East Texas; it has also been discovered as far west as Nebraska and as far north as North Dakota. \"N. orbicollis\" is the most frequently collected silphid species in the eastern United States. Adults can be collected from February to October but are most commonly found during the summer months from June to August as a result of their efficient activity in warm weather. Most \"N. orbicollis\" have been collected in mesic forest habitats on human and carnivore feces as well as on rotten fruit and carrion. \"Nicrophorus orbicollis", "id": "18139205" }, { "contents": "Ridiculously Resilient Ridge\n\n\nthe West Coast. The Ridge comprised the western half of a well-defined atmospheric ridge-trough sequence associated with an unusually amplified \"North American winter dipole\" pattern, which brought persistent anomalous cold and precipitation to the eastern half of North America during in addition to record-breaking warmth and drought conditions in California. This ridge of high pressure was also associated with a blob of high water temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, which resulted in substantial warming along the western coast of North America as well as adverse ecological impacts.", "id": "887190" }, { "contents": "Callophrys xami\n\n\ncontained in North America and parts of Central America. \"C. xami\" can be found near coniferous woodland forests and in relatively sunny areas along mountain and canyon slopes that provide shade. These butterflies dwell in areas with cool to warm temperate climates and weather patterns. In terms of territoriality, male \"C. xami\" often shift territories as territories play a large role in mate location and courtship. Specifically, competing males may intrude into another male’s territory, thereby aggressively displacing that butterfly and causing it to shift territory. Another", "id": "3691840" }, { "contents": "2016–17 North American winter\n\n\nThe 2016–17 North American winter refers to winter in North America as it occurred across the continent from late 2016 through early 2017. During the winter, a weak La Niña was expected to influence weather conditions across the continent. Several notable events occurred during the season, including a potent winter storm that affected the East Coast of the United States in early January, the second-largest winter tornado outbreak on record later that month, and an unusually warm February. In addition, towards the end of the season, a large cyclonic", "id": "17947643" }, { "contents": "North American blizzard of 2008\n\n\nThe North American blizzard of 2008 was a winter storm that struck most of southern and eastern North America from March 6 to March 10, 2008. The storm was most notable for a major winter storm event from Arkansas to Quebec. It also produced severe weather across the east coast of the United States with heavy rain, damaging winds and tornadoes, causing locally significant damage. The hardest hit areas by the wintry weather were from the Ohio Valley to southern Quebec where up to a half a meter of snow fell locally including the", "id": "8357407" }, { "contents": "2017 California floods\n\n\nextreme temperature contrast between a warm western U.S. and a cold eastern continent. These anomalous temperature and circulation patterns were referred to as the North American winter “dipole”. Figure (a) shows the climatological geopotential height (Z) overlaid with its eddy component, in which the dipole centers are located (indicated by X and +). The dipole basically describes the wintertime stationary waves over North America, which contribute to the mean temperature difference between the climatologically warmer western U.S. and colder eastern half. Therefore, an amplification of", "id": "8723020" }, { "contents": "Kick (INXS album)\n\n\nstadiums in major cities across North America, Europe, Japan and Australia. The band started off their Kick tour on August 14 with a number of secret warm-up shows being played across south-eastern and north-eastern Australia, before setting off on a three leg tour of the US beginning in East Lansing, Michigan on September 16. The first American leg ran right through to November, followed by UK dates in December. With the growing popularity of \"Kick\", and the release of its first single,", "id": "8764459" }, { "contents": "Severe storms in Australia\n\n\non 2 February 2005. After a spell of warm days with a north to north easterly airflow over much of eastern Australia, the region suffered the effects of one of the most intense summer time weather systems on record. Southern NSW, South Australia and Tasmania also received substantial rainfall during this event, however the highest rainfalls were concentrated in Victoria. The event made February 2005, Victoria's wettest February since 1973 and the 7th wettest in the last 106 years. The cold air associated with this system also assisted in the month", "id": "15701746" }, { "contents": "Climate of North Carolina\n\n\ninto eastern North Carolina, the rain/snow line ranges between Raleigh and Greensboro. Located along the Atlantic Coast, many hurricanes that come up from the Caribbean Sea make it up the coast of eastern America, passing by North Carolina. On October 15, 1954, Hurricane Hazel struck North Carolina, at that time it was a category 4 hurricane within the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. Hazel caused significant damage due to its strong winds. A weather station at Oak Island reported maximum sustained winds of , while in Raleigh winds", "id": "916512" }, { "contents": "2017–18 Australian bushfire season\n\n\nThe 2017–18 Australian bushfire season was expected to have above normal bushfire risks with an elevated fire risk for the most of eastern and south Australian coastal areas. Australia had experienced its warmest winter on record and the ninth driest winter on record leaving dry fuel loads across much of southern Australia. Expected warmer weather over the summer period would also increase the risk. Bushfires were also expected to occur earlier, before the end of winter, as a result of the warm and dry winter. Both Queensland and north-eastern New South Wales", "id": "18396597" }, { "contents": "North Atlantic oscillation\n\n\nStates than for Western Europe, the NAO is also believed to affect the weather over much of upper central and eastern areas North America. During the winter, when the index is high (NAO+), the Icelandic low draws a stronger south-westerly circulation over the eastern half of the North American continent which prevents Arctic air from plunging southward (into the United States south of 40 latitude). In combination with the El Niño, this effect can produce significantly warmer winters over the upper Midwest and New England, but the", "id": "1194027" }, { "contents": "Silk\n\n\nresulting material is reportedly twice as stiff as silk. Silk's absorbency makes it comfortable to wear in warm weather and while active. Its low conductivity keeps warm air close to the skin during cold weather. It is often used for clothing such as shirts, ties, blouses, formal dresses, high fashion clothes, lining, lingerie, pajamas, robes, dress suits, sun dresses and Eastern folk costumes. For practical use, silk is excellent as clothing that protects from many biting insects that would ordinarily pierce clothing, such", "id": "6484407" }, { "contents": "Upper tropospheric cyclonic vortex\n\n\ncause tropical cyclogenesis offshore Central America. University of Hawaii Professor James C. Sadler has documented tropical cyclones over the eastern North Pacific that were revealed by weather satellite observations, and suggested that the upper-tropospheric circulation is a factor in the development, as well as the life history, of the tropical cyclones. Ralph Huschke and Gary Atkinson proposed that a moist southwest wind that results from southeast trades of the eastern South Pacific deflecting towards the Pacific coasts of Central America between June and November, is known as the \"temporale\".", "id": "15535087" }, { "contents": "Provence\n\n\ndry weather. The eastern part of the department is more protected from the Mistral. The Marin (wind) comes from the south, bringing warm air, clouds and rain. Haute-Provence is one of the sunniest regions of France, with an average of between 2550 and 2650 hours of sunshine annually in the north of the department, and 2700 to 2800 hours in the southwest. The clear nights and sunny days cause a sharp difference between nighttime and daytime temperatures. Because of the clear nights, the region is home", "id": "4152851" }, { "contents": "January 2007 North American Ice Storm\n\n\nacross 12 U.S. states and three Canadian provinces, and caused hundreds of thousands of residents across the U.S. and Canada to lose electric power. The event was similar to the 1998 Ice storm that struck portions of eastern Canada and northern New England, which were affected by multiple waves of ice precipitation over a period of five days. Before the storm, most of North America experienced very mild conditions through the first week and a half of January, with several record-breaking warm temperatures across most of the Midwest and Eastern U.S. and", "id": "4792455" }, { "contents": "North America\n\n\nweather with average precipitation . Climate in coastal California is described to be Mediterranean, with average temperatures in cities like San Francisco ranging from over the course of the year. Stretching from the East Coast to eastern North Dakota, and stretching down to Kansas, is the continental-humid climate featuring intense seasons, with a large amount of annual precipitation, with places like New York City averaging . Starting at the southern border of the continental-humid climate and stretching to the Gulf of Mexico (whilst encompassing the eastern half of Texas", "id": "1233401" }, { "contents": "Climate of Minnesota\n\n\nGeorgette in the eastern Pacific and Hurricane Karl in the Gulf of Mexico. During a Minnesota summer, heat and humidity predominate in the south, while warm and less humid conditions are generally present in the north. A main feature of summer weather in Minnesota and the Midwestern United States as a whole is the weakening of the jet stream, leading to slower movement of air masses, a general increase in the stability of temperatures, and less wind. The strong wind that does blow almost always comes from the south, bringing in", "id": "12458125" }, { "contents": "Lespedeza\n\n\nLespedeza is a genus of some 40 species (including nothospecies) of flowering plants in the pea family (Fabaceae), commonly known as bush clovers or (particularly East Asian species) Japanese clovers (\"hagi\"). The genus is native to warm temperate to subtropical regions of eastern North America, eastern and southern Asia and Australasia. These shrubby plants or trailing vines belong to the \"typical\" legumes (Faboideae), with the peas and beans, though they are part of another tribe, the Desmodieae. Therein", "id": "4175608" }, { "contents": "Desert red bat\n\n\n. The species is recorded in Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador (Galápagos Islands), El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela. These bats are migratory, similar to birds. They migrate to the southern parts of the Americas when it gets cold, and head north when the weather starts to warm up in northern parts. The", "id": "7752510" }, { "contents": "Pine Springs, Texas\n\n\n, and cold periods of increasing severity as cold fronts move down from the north. The first frost may be as early as late September, or as late as early December. Winter consists of alternating periods of warm and cold weather. Winter days are usually mild, sometimes even warm, but nighttime temperatures often fall below freezing. Due to Pine Springs' low latitude, prolonged, severe cold is rare. While the day and night after the passage of a strong cold front from the north might see bitterly cold weather,", "id": "19212243" }, { "contents": "Rain\n\n\nOscillation affects the precipitation distribution, by altering rainfall patterns across the western United States, Midwest, the Southeast, and throughout the tropics. There is also evidence that global warming is leading to increased precipitation to the eastern portions of North America, while droughts are becoming more frequent in the tropics and subtropics. Cherrapunji, situated on the southern slopes of the Eastern Himalaya in Shillong, India is the confirmed wettest place on Earth, with an average annual rainfall of . The highest recorded rainfall in a single year was in 1861.", "id": "1354349" }, { "contents": "Gulf Stream\n\n\nThe Gulf Stream, together with its northern extension the North Atlantic Drift, is a warm and swift Atlantic ocean current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico and stretches to the tip of Florida, and follows the eastern coastlines of the United States and Newfoundland before crossing the Atlantic Ocean. The process of western intensification causes the Gulf Stream to be a northward accelerating current off the east coast of North America. At about , it splits in two, with the northern stream, the North Atlantic Drift, crossing to Northern Europe and", "id": "19264688" }, { "contents": "Weather front\n\n\nwill form downwind of north–south oriented mountain chains, leading to the formation of a lee trough. Near the surface during daylight hours, warm moist air is denser than dry air of greater temperature, and thus the warm moist air wedges under the drier air like a cold front. At higher altitudes, the warm moist air is less dense than the dry air and the boundary slope reverses. In the vicinity of the reversal aloft, severe weather is possible, especially when a triple point is formed with a cold front", "id": "16469218" }, { "contents": "Kichi Sipi Bridge\n\n\nThe Kichi Sipi Bridge spans a deep channel of the Nelson River south of Cross Lake, providing the only all-weather road link between eastern Manitoba and the rest of Canada and North America. Its origins are unusual and its technology innovative. At 850 feet, it is the second longest road bridge in Manitoba. Until 2002, the only road links to eastern Manitoba north of 51° (an area of some 120,000 sq. miles, with numerous communities) were seasonal ice roads. Kichi Sipi Bridge was constructed by the", "id": "6149023" }, { "contents": "New Zealand wine\n\n\ncomparable in latitude to Jerez, Spain), to 45°S (Central Otago) in the south (comparable in latitude to Bordeaux, France). The climate in New Zealand is maritime, meaning that the sea moderates the weather, producing cooler summers and milder winters than would be expected at similar latitudes in Europe and North America. Maritime climates tend also to demonstrate higher variability with cold snaps possible at any time of the year and warm periods even in the depth of winter. The climate is typically wetter, but", "id": "8508562" }, { "contents": "Climate of Grand Forks, North Dakota\n\n\nper year. Cold weather and snow will occasionally extend into April, although in general the winter weather begins to moderate in late February or early March. The lowest temperature ever recorded was , most recently on January 30, 2004. Summers are typically warm with varying degrees of humidity. In Grand Forks, severe thunderstorms and tornadoes are becoming extremely scarce as storm systems have been shifting towards the country's coasts within the past decade. Depending on the year, warm weather can continue beyond to October, or come to an abrupt", "id": "5696156" }, { "contents": "United States rainfall climatology\n\n\nby altering rainfall patterns across the West, Midwest, the Southeast, and throughout the tropics. There is also evidence that global warming is leading to increased precipitation to the eastern portions of North America, while droughts are becoming more frequent in the western portions. The eastern part of the contiguous United States east of the 98th meridian, the mountains of the Pacific Northwest, the Willamette Valley, and the Sierra Nevada range are the wetter portions of the nation, with average rainfall exceeding per year. The drier areas are the Desert", "id": "19254408" }, { "contents": "Earth rainfall climatology\n\n\ncontributing up to 10% of the annual precipitation to the region. The El Niño-Southern Oscillation affects the precipitation distribution, by altering rainfall patterns across the West, Midwest, the Southeast, and throughout the tropics. There is also evidence that global warming is leading to increased precipitation to the eastern portions of North America, while droughts are becoming more frequent in the tropics and subtropics. The eastern half of the contiguous United States east of the 98th meridian, the mountains of the Pacific Northwest, and the Sierra Nevada range", "id": "20644692" }, { "contents": "Greenock\n\n\nwinters. Its location means that the heat retentive properties of seawater help keep winter temperatures higher. Additionally, the effect of the Gulf Stream on the Clyde helps Greenock's average temperature stay approximately one degree above that of eastern coastal towns on the same latitude. Indeed, Greenock's latitude (55.94 degrees north with a longitude of 4.75 degrees west) places it at the same latitude as the Moscow area. The warming effect of the Gulf Stream however, keeps the winter weather in Greenock much milder than that of Moscow. Greenock", "id": "1967001" }, { "contents": "Revival of 1800\n\n\nRed Banks of the Ohio River (Henderson, Kentucky) where “professed Deists” became “warm and lively Christians.\" Poor accommodations and wet weather did not slow the pace in October, at Clay Lick, described by McGready as a small congregation with only a small cabin for a meeting house. There “eighty souls brought to Jesus.\" John Rankin carried the revival into eastern Tennessee and North Carolina in the fall of 1800, as the radius increasingly expanded outward from Logan County. McGready recorded several incidents of people", "id": "20547253" }, { "contents": "Clarington\n\n\n). French is the native language for 1.8% of the population of Clarington. No other language has more than 1% of native speakers (Dutch with 0.8% - 695 native speakers - tops the pack of immigrant languages). Environment Canada operates a weather station in Bowmanville. Under the Köppen climate classification Bowmanville has a humid continental climate with warm summers and cold winters. Unlike many other locations on similar latitudes on the eastern half of the North American continent the winters are relatively mild, with cold extremes being moderated by", "id": "5580568" }, { "contents": "Liquidambar styraciflua\n\n\nAmerican sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), also known as American storax, hazel pine, bilsted, redgum, satin-walnut, star-leaved gum, alligatorwood, or simply sweetgum, is a deciduous tree in the genus \"Liquidambar\" native to warm temperate areas of eastern North America and tropical montane regions of Mexico and Central America. Sweet gum is one of the main valuable forest trees in the southeastern United States, and is a popular ornamental tree in temperate climates. It is recognizable by the combination of its five-", "id": "13719648" }, { "contents": "Colorado\n\n\n). Extreme weather changes are common in Colorado, although the majority of extreme weather occurs in the least populated areas of the state. Thunderstorms are common east of the Continental Divide in the spring and summer, yet are usually brief. Hail is a common sight in the mountains east of the divide and in the northeast part of the state. The Eastern Plains have had some of the biggest hail storms in North America. Notable examples are the severe hailstorms that hit Denver on July 11, 1990 and May 8, 2017", "id": "5116589" }, { "contents": "Eastern spotted skunk\n\n\ntend to be more active during dry cool nights rather than warm wet nights. Although these skunks do not hibernate, they do tend to greatly reduce their activity when enduring intensely warm summers or very cold winters. Generally speaking, out of the four species, \"S. putorius\" is the most active. They are also more agile and vigilant than the other skunks dwelling in North America. In addition to performing a handstand before spraying a potential predator, the skunk also performs foot stamping, which involves the skunk stamping its feet", "id": "13721032" }, { "contents": "Protohistory of West Virginia\n\n\nscattered documentation and journals of early explorers. These accounts frequently portray a sparsely inhabited area, possibly due to the Iroquois wars to monopolize the European fur trade or the devastating effects of new diseases introduced by Europeans. During the climatic warming of the Medieval Warm Period (900–1200 CE), the introduction of the bow and arrow and maize led many Late Woodland period groups in Eastern and Southern North America to develop sedentary agriculture based societies, which lead to larger populations. The harsh droughts and cold winters during the Little Ice Age (", "id": "18009849" }, { "contents": "Azores High\n\n\nThe Azores High () also known as North Atlantic (Subtropical) High/Anticyclone or the Bermuda-Azores High, is a large subtropical semi-permanent centre of high atmospheric pressure typically found south of the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean, at the Horse latitudes. It forms one pole of the North Atlantic oscillation, the other being the Icelandic Low. The system influences the weather and climatic patterns of vast areas of North Africa and southern Europe, and to a lesser extent, eastern North America. The aridity of the", "id": "18956444" }, { "contents": "Corteo Peak\n\n\nCorteo Peak is an mountain summit located on the eastern boundary line of North Cascades National Park in Washington state. It is situated west of Rainy Pass in the North Cascades Range. Remnants of the retreating Lewis Glacier hang on its north flank. The nearest higher peak is Black Peak, to the northwest. Corteo Peak is located in the marine west coast climate zone of western North America. Most weather fronts originate in the Pacific Ocean, and travel northeast toward the Cascade Mountains. As fronts approach the North Cascades, they are", "id": "20917756" }, { "contents": "Blizzard of 1977\n\n\nsnow paralyzed areas affected by the storm. Lake Ontario rarely freezes over, which meant northern New York had to deal with considerable lake effect snow. Coupled with the existing snow cover and wind, this had a similar effect. Weather conditions during the months leading up to the blizzard allowed the blizzard to have the impacts it did. A high-amplitude planetary wave pattern set up, which was very persistent from October 1976 through January 1977, and involved a ridge over western North America and a trough over eastern North America.", "id": "2919912" }, { "contents": "Reformed Druids of North America\n\n\nhaving to know or care anything about any previous Druids. In accord with the Basic Tenets, Reformed Druid worship is directed toward Nature. Services involve gathering in a wooded place periodically (the original group met weekly during warm weather) and on the festival days of Northern European Pagan tradition. Services typically include: The written liturgy calls for a \"sacrifice of life\". An early disagreement, recounted in \"The Druid Chronicles\", was resolved by limiting the sacrifice to plant life, whence the term \"Reformed\" was", "id": "12853277" }, { "contents": "Prehistory of the United States\n\n\nof Oligocene North America were the rhinoceros-like titanotheres. One spectacular example was the abundant \"Brontotherium\" of South Dakota, which could be up to 8 feet tall at the shoulder. Despite their early success, by the end of the epoch the entire group became extinct. Following the Oligocene temperatures began to decline, and with it warm-weather vegetation was forced southward into lower latitudes. By the Miocene some sharks, which had been increasing in size since the Eocene, were over 60 feet long. Mastodons arrived in", "id": "13695273" }, { "contents": "Vapor barrier\n\n\n18°C (65°F). For building in most parts of North America, where winter heating conditions predominate, vapor barrier are placed toward the interior, heated side of insulation in the assembly. In humid regions where warm-weather cooling predominates within buildings, the vapor barrier should be located toward the exterior side of insulation. In relatively mild or balanced climates, or where assemblies are designed to minimize condensation conditions, a vapor barrier may not be necessary at all. An interior vapor retarder is useful in heating", "id": "15325971" }, { "contents": "Fertile, Minnesota\n\n\npasses through the city. The city has a climate typical of a humid continental climate, with long, cold winters and warm, humid summers. The town averages of rain and roughly of snow each year. The record low is and the record high is . Because Fertile is located near the geographic center of North America, the area can experience many types of weather. The city has a sandy soil, which makes the area immediately around Fertile poor farming land as the soil dries out very easily. In the areas east", "id": "1822222" }, { "contents": "Digitalis ciliata\n\n\nindigenous to mountainous terrain. It can also be grown throughout the world, as long as there is warm enough weather and well drained yet moist soil. Because it can be grown under somewhat flexible conditions it is used ornamentally in both Europe and North America. Individuals of these species are herbs that grow from anywhere between 30 cm and 60 cm tall. They have an alternate leaf pattern with small green lanceolate leaves that are known for both their medicinal purposes and high toxicity when ingested. The flowers are located at the terminals of", "id": "18924119" }, { "contents": "Lilium\n\n\ncatesbaei\", \"Lilium longiflorum\") lose leaves and remain relatively short dormant in Summer or Autumn, sprout from Autumn to winter, forming dwarf stem bearing a basal rosette of leaves until, after they have received sufficient chilling, the stem begins to elongate in warming weather. The basic chromosome number is twelve (n=12). Taxonomical division in sections follows the classical division of Comber, species acceptance follows the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, the taxonomy of section \"Pseudolirium\" is from the Flora of North America,", "id": "21706381" }, { "contents": "Biomass to liquid\n\n\nfarms and forests, and animal feeders. This will improve the value of cellulosic biomass for animals and biofuel production. This will reduce the density of the biomass for easier transport, simplify contract issues, and increase the land use for biofuels The process uses the whole plant to improve the carbon dioxide balance and increase yield. Plant material is cheaper than oil on both energy and mass basis and certain plant material have potential to be energy grasses. Switchgrass is a bunch grass native to North America that grow naturally under warm weather with", "id": "4325412" }, { "contents": "Shoe\n\n\nthe feet from rocks, debris, and cold. They were more commonly found in colder climates. Many early natives in North America wore a similar type of footwear, known as the moccasin. These are tight-fitting, soft-soled shoes typically made out of leather or bison hides. Many moccasins were also decorated with various beads and other adornments. Moccasins were not designed to be waterproof, and in wet weather and warm summer months, most Native Americans went barefoot. As civilizations began to develop, thong sandals (", "id": "7420973" }, { "contents": "South Atlantic High\n\n\nto go far north or south of the centre of the high pressure region depending on the direction of travel to find winds that are favourable in strength and direction. The anticyclonic circulation produces a dry climate, but its influence does not stop there: the South Atlantic High brings warm, beautiful weather from the east coast of South America to Africa in summer as it carries tropical air to its southern flank. On its northern flank, where the winds are easterly trade winds, there is the intertropical convergence zone that controls the African", "id": "9649722" }, { "contents": "Grand Forks, North Dakota\n\n\nvery distinct seasons and great variation in temperatures over very short periods of time. As no nearby mountain ranges or bodies of water ameliorate the climatic conditions, Grand Forks lies exposed to numerous weather systems, including bitterly cold Arctic high pressure systems. The city has long, cold, and snowy winters. Summers are often warm to hot and often quite humid with frequent thunderstorms. Although warm weather normally ends soon after Labor Day, a few warm days sometimes occur as late as October. Spring and autumn are short and highly variable", "id": "6107609" }, { "contents": "Humid continental climate\n\n\nregime. Within North America, this climate includes small areas of central and southeast Canada (including the City of Toronto, which is otherwise surrounded by the warm-summer type), and portions of the central and eastern United States from the 100th meridian eastward to the Atlantic. Precipitation increases further eastward in this zone and is less seasonally uniform in the west. The western states of the central United States (namely Montana, Wyoming, parts of southern Idaho, most of Lincoln County in Eastern Washington, parts of Colorado,", "id": "1472608" }, { "contents": "Köppen climate classification\n\n\nis rare and is predominantly found in climate fringes and isolated areas of the Cascades and Andes Mountains, as the dry-summer climate extends further poleward in the Americas than elsewhere. Rare instances of this climate can be found in some coastal locations in the North Atlantic and at high altitudes in Hawaii. Examples These climates usually occur on the eastern coasts and eastern sides of continents, usually in the high 20s and 30s latitudes. Unlike the dry summer Mediterranean climates, humid subtropical climates have a warm and wet flow from the tropics", "id": "15267444" }, { "contents": "Geography of Vietnam\n\n\n, covering almost all of Vietnam and southern China; this causes hot, dry weather in the North Central Coast as westerly winds descend and warm adiabatically on the eastern slopes of the Annamite Range (Truong Son Range). On average, eleven storms and tropical low pressures develop in the South China sea during summer of which half are tropical cyclones that originate from the western Pacific. These storms and cyclones then move westwards towards Vietnam. On average, Vietnam is affected by six to eight typhoons or tropical cyclones per year. Spring", "id": "14049576" }, { "contents": "North York Moors\n\n\non the Marsh. As part of the United Kingdom, the North York Moors area generally has warm summers and relatively mild winters. Weather conditions vary from day to day as well as from season to season. The latitude of the area means that it is influenced by predominantly westerly winds with depressions and their associated fronts, bringing with them unsettled and windy weather, particularly in winter. Between depressions there are often small mobile anticyclones that bring periods of fine weather. In winter anticyclones bring cold dry weather. In summer the anticyclones", "id": "14141289" }, { "contents": "Conyza\n\n\nConyza (horseweed, butterweed or fleabane) is a genus of flowering plants in the sunflower family. They are native to tropical and warm temperate regions throughout the world, and also north into cool temperate regions in North America and eastern Asia. The New World species of the genus are closely related to \"Erigeron\" (also known as fleabanes). The species are annual or perennial herbaceous plants, rarely shrubs, growing to 1–2 m tall. The stems are erect, branched, with alternate leaves. The flowers are produced", "id": "1606384" }, { "contents": "Gerronema\n\n\n\"Omphalina\" by the absence of incrusting or intraparietal pigments typical of \"Omphalina\", the occasional occurrence of bright colors, such as yellow or green absent in \"Omphalina\", by the restriction to decay of wood, and by the tough tissues composed of sarcodimitic hyphae. The species have a primarily tropical distribution, but also occur in Europe and eastern North America where they fruit during hot muggy, summer weather. One of the most common species in the eastern United States is \"Gerronema strombodes\" . , Index Fungorum", "id": "20481327" } ]
Do people who learn to speak a second language think in that language as well as there original?
[{"answer": "Second hand knowledge here: a friend was fluent in three languages and told me that when he thinks, they all blend together, but it still makes sense to him."}, {"answer": "I moved to the US from the Philippines when I was 10 and am now 28. I'm still fluent in both languages but English has become my primary. I only think in English now, but don't have to translate Tagalog when I hear it. I just instantly understand it. Unlike German and Spanish which I'm only partially fluent in and have to translate statements in my head to English."}, {"answer": "Was born and raised in Montreal, QC. My parents seperated when I was 2 and my mom raised me in English and my dad in French. If I am at work, where French is the only language, I'll think in French. (Although I'll occasionally catch myself thinking in English). When I'm at school, I'll think in English because I go to an English university. It's pretty messed up, really. I think it really depends on the environment you are in. Most of my dreams are bilingual."}, {"answer": "I'm Danish, but I've lived outside of Denmark most of my life, so ENglish has pretty much become my first language. To answer your question, at least for me, it really depends. It is actually really strange now that I think about it. It usually ends up being one the following: * Think in English 60% of the time and Danish the rest * One sentence in my mind is English, the next is Danish * This weird mix of English and Danish in a single sentence. * If I am working in a particular language I will almost only think in that. It sounds very confusing, overly complicated and strange, but I've never actually thought about it before. It seems to work. It only sometimes becomes annoying of you are writing or saying something in Danish while thinking in English, due to the fact that there are quite a few English words and phrases that simply do not exist in Danish. This sometimes makes me say something that would make perfect sense in English, \"It's pouring down outside\", but makes absolutely no sense in Danish. That's my take on it, hope it helps"}, {"answer": "I mix Mandarin and English pretty regularly, it all makes sense."}, {"answer": "I am a native U.S. English speaker, but lived in Brazil for two years and studied and learned to speak Portuguese fluently. It has been nearly 6 years since I returned to the United States from Brazil. When I first got to Brazil, I didn't know any Portuguese. I studied a ton, practiced daily, and was immersed in their culture. I rarely had the time or opportunity to speak in English. It was more or less a sink or swim situation, and was very difficult at first. I would have to think in my head what I wanted to say, try to compute whether or not I had the vocabulary to do it, then modify what I wanted to say based on my Portuguese vocabulary, and then translate my English thoughts as they traveled from my mind to my mouth. It was often a very slow and surprisingly exhausting thing to do all day. Over the course of several months, certain phrases, words, and ideas that I expressed often would begin to flow more easily. The time it took for me to translate and speak my English thoughts in Portuguese became easier and quicker. I'd say that around 5-7 months I was pretty good at being able to communicate almost any idea I had in Portuguese, although my grammar, accent, and vocabulary very clearly indicated I still had lots to learn. Throughout this time and process, there is no clear, \"ah ha!\" moment when you wake up and realize, \"I can speak and think fluently in Portuguese!\" It's so gradual that you don't really notice it, and I cannot clearly pinpoint a time when I can say I \"became fluent\" and could \"think in Portuguese\" from that point on. The process was too gradual. Through this learning process, even from early on, there would be times when I would \"think in Portuguese\" naturally, even if it was in small phrases or sentences, or even single words. My brain would just think that way without me thinking about it. I would sometimes realize, \"Hey! I just had that tiny thought in Portuguese!\" The more fluent I became, the more frequent and fluid the Portugese thoughts were. It was often a mix of the two through this learning period. After a year or more in Brazil, I would converse so well and so often that my entire day would be spent thinking in Portuguese. I knew the language, it was how I spoke, and it was what I read. When thinking, English words would naturally fill in the gaps sometimes when I didn't know the word in Portuguese. The more I learned, the less my brain would plug in English. My mind would naturally shift to English if I were placed in a situation where I was presented with English, usually when reading or speaking with other English speakers. As soon as those activities were done, my mind would naturally revert to thinking in Portuguese. The same goes for me and English now. Although my Portuguese has deteriorated from lack of practice, my mind will quickly begin thinking in Portuguese when I read or watch a movie in Portuguese. My mind will keep thinking that way for a bit afterwards (like 10-40 minutes), but will then quickly revert to English since that's what I'm surrounded by in the U.S."}, {"answer": "I took a language acquisition course of which a portion was based on this. I also have first hand experience. What happens when we speak is that ideas/concepts come to mind and specific words are \"activated.\" Often, some words can be \"primed\" to be more readily spoken by using similar sounds before the word you're trying to induce. This priming function is what helps us to choose specific words when we speak unrehearsed. Often the word we chose is easier to say, but it can also often be the wrong word - a word that sounds like what we meant to say but is actually very different in meaning. Studies have found that after a certain point of familiarity of a word in a language, it will be about as likely to pop up when we try to activate a word for a concept as other words, given ideal circumstances (no predictable priming, etc). This is true for words in languages other than the one the person is primarily fluent in. Perhaps this is how we learn synonyms in the same language. Languages can be primed for circumstances. We often compartmentalize this. I grew up speaking in my native language to my grandparents, even though one of them was quite adept in English. I often speak in French with some of my friends who also took it in high school because that's the mindset I'd adopted back then and I still stick to it. During the course of becoming fluent or learning, we learn to think in a language deliberately. From talking with my professor, it seemed that there's a lot of interest in the idea of the inner monologue. Many people say they think in complete sentences. I grew up speaking two languages, and learned two more while in school, and two more in college. I can never remember thinking in complete sentences unless I forcibly slowed down and deliberately thought things out. Or when I'm reading. When I'm searching for words - even when in my head - any language I'm fluent in its more or less about as likely to have its weird pop up as any other. I also code switch a lot (switching between multiple languages in the same sentence, beyond just substituting a word) and love doing it deliberately when I can (when the multiple languages will be understood). I'd argue from what I learned and my own experience that - all else being equal - we really think in concepts. For people who speak one language, that's really the only thing that's primed so we often don't notice. For people who speak more, I think because of the simple fact we can choose which language to force ourselves to think in, we're aware of the abstract nature of thought. Some will likely have more words primed than concepts and vice versa, and context is especially important, but, in a complicated and beautiful way, we think in a variety of the languages we know and sometimes bare concepts devoid of the associated words from any of those languages."}, {"answer": "Almost fluently Norwegian here, originally from Belgium When i'm in Norway and hear Norwegian i think in Norwegian. But when i'm in Belgium and i hear Flemish, i think in Flemish. And when i'm reading on reddit i think in English."}, {"answer": "I speak Latin, so when I think, the languages blend together to create a streamlined language \"I need to see pater nam he has money mihi\"."}, {"answer": "I think in whatever language I'm currently using as my primary. While I'm in the states I think in English, Mexico I think in Spanish, Montreal=French."}, {"answer": "I'm fluent in danish and english and I honestly think more in english than in my native (danish)"}, {"answer": "I find myself thinking in different languages depending on how I feel or what I'm thinking about. For most things I think in English but when I'm thinking about more emotional things or about my family, I tend to think in my first language. My first language, Afrikaans, is more visceral and emotional, while English is more intellectual. (To me at least.)"}, {"answer": "I learned Romanian as a second language but I rarely find myself thinking in it, if at all. The only time i may think in Romanian, or speak it out of instinct is curses to be honest haha"}, {"answer": "I speak English, Italian and Portuguese fluently. The language of my thoughts depends on the context that I'm in. I.e, if I'm watching a Brazilian film, I'll think in Portuguese etc. It also changes when I go visit any of those countries. For instance: I live in the UK now so I usually think in English (though not always); however if I go see my buddies in Italy, I will have to translate from Italian, to English (for listening) then back to Italian to speak. Then after a while, I'll start thinking in Italian, dreaming in Italian etc. then no translation happens (unless I need to speak English or whatever). Generally, however, my thoughts are usually one language with expressions/swear words etc. from the others thrown in. When I speak with my family, it can be a strange mixture of words from those three languages in a sentence structure from one (English, usually) (Weird thing: One time I was in a car with a Brazilian person and my Italian friend. Neither could speak the other's language. My brain got so confused that I ended up not being able to say anything coherently. It's as if my brain tied itself into a knot)"}, {"answer": "Raised in three languages here (English, Thai and Danish - what happens when only *one* of your parents is an immigrant)! My language of thought depends on what I'm thinking of. I go to a Danish university, thoughts on that are in Danish, thoughts of personal and family matters are mostly in English. I exclaim stuff in Thai and English when I get surprised - and if there are Danes around, I elaborate in Danish. So I'd say it depends on the situation - although I had to think about my answer. In my case the language of thought is selected on a subconscious level, meaning I'm not instantly aware of the language I'm thinking in. My dreams are in pretty much every language I've ever learnt - even those I'm not fluent in."}, {"answer": "After studying it for a four years, I went to Egypt to improve my Arabic. I lived with two Arabs, and by the sixth month I was dreaming in Arabic and would think of some things in their Arab words first. By the end, it depended what I was thinking about. If I was thinking about my internship (which was in Arabic), I would think about it in Arabic. If I was thinking about a joke I read on Reddit, the thought would be in English"}, {"answer": "Speaking a few languages, Norwegian, English, Russian and some talk-see German, I've found that I change the language I think in depending on what I use the most at the time. When I haven't communicated, read or heard anything for an hour or two I either revert back to my native Norwegian or stick to the language most relevant to my current train of thought."}, {"answer": "For myself as a German, i also speak english and a decent amount of spanish. Especially when it comes down to speaking with friends in english (Got several friends in the UK amd elsewhere, I actually have to think in english then, otherwise I end up in totally losing the direction my conversation is going."}, {"answer": "I never actually learned English, I just kept playing videogames refusing to switch them to russian. Then I started to watch movies in English as well. I do often think in English, yes, even though I wouldn't say my English is much good. It's fine, I suppose, but far from perfect."}, {"answer": "I live right on the border with the United States , English is my second language and I would say I think in English like 75 % of the time. Sometimes it does blend and I have like this combination of the two."}, {"answer": "As someone who speaks 2 languages, but have never lived outside Denmark, I only think in Danish. On the other hand, my moms new husband, who has lived in London for a couple of years says he began to think in English"}, {"answer": "I have lived in Japan for 10 years. Although I am not \"fluent\" I think in both English and Japanese. Sometimes I will have dreams in Japanese but no understand what is being said."}, {"answer": "I sometimes dream in Spanish, and when I spend time in a Spanish-speaking country, sometimes I catch myself thinking in Spanish. But both of those things are rare."}, {"answer": "I speak mainly english but I believe spanish was my first language. Its kinda of a mix of both but obviously it depends on who I'm around."}, {"answer": "I usually think in three different languages depending on my mood, that way i practice and dont forget what i've learned"}, {"answer": "i originally speak danish but when i learned english i slowly began to think in english which i now do"}, {"answer": "I believe you meant \"their original\" instead of \"there\""}, {"answer": "I am fluent in 3 languages and dabble in 2 others. I think and speak in the other languages and in my mother tongue, depending on the situation. Sometimes, it takes some adjustment time to make a full switch to thinking in a different language (so, like if I travel from England to France, I can speak French upon setting foot in France, but I might forget a word or two, or conjugate my verbs incorrectly for the first, say, 24 hours, depending on how long it's been since I've spoken French). If I stay in an immersion situation long enough, I'll also start dreaming in the language of immersion - this is actually how I can tell I've internalized the language's fundamental sounds and structures, even if I'm not necessarily fluent in my waking life and just need more practice time). EDIT: I should add that when I'm not traveling and I'm in a multi-lingual environment (which in Toronto is frequently), I have no trouble understanding the different conversations happening in the different languages I have knowledge in. Sometimes, though, I'll have trouble speaking because I start to mix up vocabulary. Working in a mono-lingual environment is not as mentally taxing."}, {"answer": "I had an SO who was born overseas. She always mesmerized me with how well she could switch back and fort between languages depending on who she was speaking to at the time. To me, she would speak English. Her mom calls, and BOOM Spanish and French. Back to English. So I always was inquisitive about this very question. When I asked her, she told me that she 'thinks' in English, because she primarily speaks in English. However, when she is in deep conversation or angry or stressed her brain defaults back to French. I also asked about numbers and when she counts or equates figures, to which she responded English. The interesting thing is that she learned math in French (primarily), but her brain works in English. I have seen and observed her 'slip' as well. When she was super mad or upset (at me) she would curse me in French or Spanish (or both). She would also occasionally choose to mix the three languages when she could not find the right word based on the context in which she spoke. This was always amusing to observe."}, {"answer": "I'm a native English speaker who has learned Arabic and Korean and yes I think in all 3 languages at different times. Sometimes there is just a better way to express an idea in one language compared to the others or sometimes the language you learned the concept in is the way that you think about it. I have dreams in all 3 languages, I randomly think of certain words or objects in the different languages. I have inner monologue as well in them. With that said though, I predominantly think in English but it is definitely common for me to think in my other languages as well. It also depends on the environment, when I'm in Korea I think a lot in Korean and when I'm in the states I obviously think mostly in English."}, {"answer": "Well, I don't know how to put it in ELI5, I can only share with you my personal experience. I spoke and was exposed to Spanish and only Spanish until I was 16. My family then moved to a different country where English is the only language spoken and Spanish is not used at all and there is a negligible Spanish speaking population. I am in my 30s now and although I can still speak Spanish, English is my main language and I think in English most of the time, the only time when I think in a mix of Spanish and English is when I have been speaking in Spanish for a while, say a couple of days, which doesn't happens often."}, {"answer": "I am fluent in Mandarin and English, and I can understand [Cantonese]( URL_0 ) and [Hokkien]( URL_1 ) (dialects of Mandarin). Where I am from (Singapore), we study both our mother tongue (Mandarin, Malay, Tamil) and English once we get into school. And yes I do think in both languages, sometimes mixing them up. And people here pretty much mix English and their mother tongue when they speak. We have had meetings which started in English and ended in Mandarin. Our local colloquialism is a mixed pot of languages from English to almost all the Mother Tongue of the 4 major races in Singapore."}, {"answer": "For me it depends on the situation. In some cases some ideas are easier to express in one language than on the other. I also tend to think in English about stuff that I got into after I learned the language, while I tend to think in Spanish about stuff that I used to do before learning English. For example when talking about soccer I think about terms and conversations in Spanish, whereas when I am say talking about stuff I learned in class last week I think about it and process it in English. Dreams are a random mix of both though."}, {"answer": "So, here's my personal experience. Until I was about six years old I spoke nothing but Greek. Now, living in Canada would cause this to be a bit of a problem and so my family stopped speaking in Greek to me and I started learning both English and French. I'm fluent in all three languages, with Greek being my first language learned, French second and English third. That being said, my English is far superior to the other two (since I grew up in different parts of Ontario) and I definitely think in English. I hope that sufficiently answered your question."}, {"answer": "I spoke only my native language until I was 3. English was the second language I learned but I did all my education in English which essentially made me think in English. Now as a 23 year old who's lived in a predominantly English speaking environment for 2 years, I can't complete sentences in Tamil without shifting to English mid-sentence. I've also heard that bilingual people dream in the language that they prefer. Not sure how true that is but it has been in my case."}, {"answer": "Anecdotal, but back when I was reasonably fluent in Spanish, before 10 years of not using it set in, I used to occasionally dream in Spanish. I never \"thought\" in it per se, though I could if I exerted the effort to do so. The real breakthrough moment for me was actually when I stopped having to think of what I wanted to say in English first, before speaking it aloud in Spanish. I'm not sure if that counts as \"thinking in Spanish\" or not."}, {"answer": "I taught myself Hindi, and although I'm not totally fluent, I have some friends with whom I always watch English movies, but we discuss the subtext between ourselves in Hindi, or I explain plot points or translate dialogue to them in Hindi. Now I find that whenever I'm watching a movie in any language I think about the subtext in Hindi and sometimes start speaking Hindi instinctively to other people if they ask a question. So I guess that's kind of contextual."}, {"answer": "My family is Afrikaans, but I went to English schools. I speak more English and come into contact with more English speakers; I speak English better than Afrikaans and; I think in English. English probably became my \"thought language\" when i was around 11/12. EDIT: although as other posts say, when I'm around people who speak only Afrikaans, I'll think in Afrikaans as it's easier than translating what I want to say from English to Afrikaans."}, {"answer": "I live in Lithuania, but I learned English, spend almost my entire day typing English, watching English, listening to English, reading in English, and thinking in English. I know English better than I do Lithuanian."}, {"answer": "Do you think differently with languages too? If you speak Hindi there's like 9 words for love. Does that affect how you perceive things at all when you're thinking in that language?"}, {"answer": "Im german and also speak english and french. English with such frequency that my thougts are a horrible mixture of english and german. It macht me shudder."}, {"answer": "I speak multiple languages (English, German, French) and occasionally catch myself thinking in those languages, without knowing. It's really cool that I don't notice it at times."}, {"answer": "I know Spanish, French, and Chinese.when I'm bored I just combine the 3 and have conversations with myself because I can. Other than that,I think in English."}, {"answer": "I speak three languages, english being my second, I think mainly in English because I will sooner or later have to speak my mind."}, {"answer": "I dream in English, Mandarin, and Japanese. Usually when Japanese shows up it has to do with me struggling to understand it though."}, {"answer": "I can speak, think, and dream in 4 different languages. I just can't do math in 3 of them"}, {"answer": "I'm Swedish but I mostly think in English. I just like English better for some reason."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "30956367", "title": "Multi-competence", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Multi-competence is a concept in second language acquisition formulated by Vivian Cook that refers to the knowledge of more than one language in one person's mind. From the multicompetence perspective, the different languages a person speaks are seen as one connected system, rather than each language being a separate system. People who speak a second language are seen as unique multilingual individuals, rather than people who have merely attached another language to their repertoire.", "Multi-competence is a concept in second language acquisition formulated by Vivian Cook that refers to the knowledge of more than one language in one person's mind. From the multicompetence perspective, the different languages a person speaks are seen as one connected system, rather than each language being a separate system. People who speak a second language are seen as unique multilingual individuals, rather than people who have merely attached another language to their repertoire.", "Multi-competence is a concept in second language acquisition formulated by Vivian Cook that refers to the knowledge of more than one language in one person's mind. From the multicompetence perspective, the different languages a person speaks are seen as one connected system, rather than each language being a separate system. People who speak a second language are seen as unique multilingual individuals, rather than people who have merely attached another language to their repertoire."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "186467", "title": "Language education", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Language education refers to the process and practice of acquiring a second or foreign language. It is primarily a branch of applied linguistics, however can be considered an interdisciplinary field. There are four main learning categories for language education: communicative competencies, proficiencies, cross-cultural experiences, and multiple literacies.", "Language education refers to the process and practice of acquiring a second or foreign language. It is primarily a branch of applied linguistics, however can be considered an interdisciplinary field. There are four main learning categories for language education: communicative competencies, proficiencies, cross-cultural experiences, and multiple literacies.", "Language education refers to the process and practice of acquiring a second or foreign language. It is primarily a branch of applied linguistics, however can be considered an interdisciplinary field. There are four main learning categories for language education: communicative competencies, proficiencies, cross-cultural experiences, and multiple literacies."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1199964", "title": "Second-language acquisition", "section": "Section::::Comparisons with first-language acquisition.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 22, "end_paragraph_id": 22, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["and the National Virtual Translation Center both note that Japanese is typically more difficult to learn than other languages in this group. Adults who learn a second language differ from children learning their first language in at least three ways: children are still developing their brains whereas adults have mature minds, and adults have at least a first language that orients their thinking and speaking. Although some adult second-language learners reach very high levels of proficiency, pronunciation tends to be non-native. This lack of native pronunciation in adult learners is explained by the critical period hypothesis. When a learner's speech plateaus, it is known as fossilization.", "the National Virtual Translation Center both note that Japanese is typically more difficult to learn than other languages in this group. Adults who learn a second language differ from children learning their first language in at least three ways: children are still developing their brains whereas adults have mature minds, and adults have at least a first language that orients their thinking and speaking. Although some adult second-language learners reach very high levels of proficiency, pronunciation tends to be non-native. This lack of native pronunciation in adult learners is explained by the critical period hypothesis. When a learner's speech plateaus, it is known as fossilization."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1199964", "title": "Second-language acquisition", "section": "Section::::Sociocultural factors.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 58, "end_paragraph_id": 58, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Immersion programs provide a sociolinguistic setting that facilitates second-language acquisition. Immersion programs are educational programs where children are instructed in an L2 language. Although the language of instruction is the L2 language, the curriculum parallels that of non-immersion programs and clear support exists in the L1 language, as the teachers are all bilingual. The goal of these programs is to develop a high level of proficiency in both the L1 and L2 languages. Students in immersion programs have been shown to have greater levels of proficiency in their second language than students who receive second language education only as a subject in school. This is especially true in terms of their receptive skills. Also, students who join immersion programs earlier generally have greater second-language proficiency than their peers who join later. However, students who join later have been shown to gain native-like proficiency. Although immersion students' receptive skills are especially strong, their productive skills may suffer if they spend the majority of their time listening to instruction only. Grammatical skills and the ability to have precise vocabulary are particular areas of struggle. It is argued that immersion is necessary, but not sufficient for the development of native-like proficiency in a second language. Opportunities to engage in sustained conversation, and assignments that encourage syntactical, as well as semantic development help develop the productive skills necessary for bilingual proficiency.", "Immersion programs provide a sociolinguistic setting that facilitates second-language acquisition. Immersion programs are educational programs where children are instructed in an L2 language. Although the language of instruction is the L2 language, the curriculum parallels that of non-immersion programs and clear support exists in the L1 language, as the teachers are all bilingual. The goal of these programs is to develop a high level of proficiency in both the L1 and L2 languages. Students in immersion programs have been shown to have greater levels of proficiency in their second language than students who receive second language education only as a subject in school. This is especially true in terms of their receptive skills. Also, students who join immersion programs earlier generally have greater second-language proficiency than their peers who join later. However, students who join later have been shown to gain native-like proficiency. Although immersion students' receptive skills are especially strong, their productive skills may suffer if they spend the majority of their time listening to instruction only.", "Immersion programs provide a sociolinguistic setting that facilitates second-language acquisition. Immersion programs are educational programs where children are instructed in an L2 language. Although the language of instruction is the L2 language, the curriculum parallels that of non-immersion programs and clear support exists in the L1 language, as the teachers are all bilingual. The goal of these programs is to develop a high level of proficiency in both the L1 and L2 languages. Students in immersion programs have been shown to have greater levels of proficiency in their second language than students who receive second language education only as a subject in school. This is especially true in terms of their receptive skills. Also, students who join immersion programs earlier generally have greater second-language proficiency than their peers who join later. However, students who join later have been shown to gain native-like proficiency. Although immersion students' receptive skills are especially strong, their productive skills may suffer if they spend the majority of their time listening to instruction only. Grammatical skills and the ability to have precise vocabulary are particular areas of struggle. It is argued that immersion is necessary, but not sufficient for the development of native-like proficiency in a second language. Opportunities to engage in sustained conversation, and assignments that encourage syntactical, as well as semantic development help develop the productive skills necessary for bilingual proficiency."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Foreign language\n\n\nspeak more than one language. The study found that people who learned a second language when younger had denser grey matter than those who learned one later. Grey matter is an area of the brain where information is most efficiently processed, due to the function of specific nerve cells. A series of experiments on more than 300 people from the U.S. and Korea found that thinking in a second language reduced deep-seated, misleading biases that unduly influence how risks and benefits are perceived. Other research has shown that early exposure to a", "id": "5504108" }, { "contents": "Embodied bilingual language\n\n\nEmbodied bilingual language, also known as L2 embodiment, is the idea that people mentally simulate their actions, perceptions, and emotions when speaking and understanding a second language (L2) as with their first language (L1). It is closely related to embodied cognition and embodied language processing, both of which only refer to native language thinking and speaking. An example of embodied bilingual language would be situation in which a L1 English speaker learning Spanish as a second language hears the word \"rápido\" (\"fast\") in", "id": "19885359" }, { "contents": "Second-language acquisition\n\n\nand the National Virtual Translation Center both note that Japanese is typically more difficult to learn than other languages in this group. Adults who learn a second language differ from children learning their first language in at least three ways: children are still developing their brains whereas adults have mature minds, and adults have at least a first language that orients their thinking and speaking. Although some adult second-language learners reach very high levels of proficiency, pronunciation tends to be non-native. This lack of native pronunciation in adult learners is", "id": "19589900" }, { "contents": "Speaker types\n\n\nrefer to those speakers of Sutherland Gaelic who were predominantly English-speaking and whose Gaelic competence was limited and showed considerable influence from English. Later studies added additional speaker types such as rememberers (who remember some words and phrases but have little or no grammatical competence and do not actively speak the language), and passive speakers (who have nearly full comprehension competence but do not actively speak the language). In the context of language revitalization, new speakers who have learned the endangered language as a second language are sometimes distinguished.", "id": "11309395" }, { "contents": "Multi-competence\n\n\nMulti-competence is a concept in second language acquisition formulated by Vivian Cook that refers to the knowledge of more than one language in one person's mind. From the multicompetence perspective, the different languages a person speaks are seen as one connected system, rather than each language being a separate system. People who speak a second language are seen as unique multilingual individuals, rather than people who have merely attached another language to their repertoire. The concept has been backed up by studies showing how the different languages a person learns affect", "id": "12332436" }, { "contents": "Discrimination\n\n\nlanguage is associated with a particular group, class or category. Notable examples are the Anti-French sentiment in the United States as well as the Anti-Quebec sentiment in Canada targeting people who speak the French language. Commonly, the preferred language is just another attribute of separate ethnic groups. Discrimination exists if there is prejudicial treatment against a person or a group of people who either do or do not speak a particular language or languages. Another noteworthy example of linguistic discrimination is the backdrop to the Bengali Language Movement in erstwhile", "id": "8991631" }, { "contents": "French language\n\n\nacross 31 Francophone countries can speak French as either a first or a second language. This number does not include the people living in non-Francophone African countries who have learned French as a foreign language. Due to the rise of French in Africa, the total French-speaking population worldwide is expected to reach 700 million people in 2050. French is the fastest growing language on the continent (in terms of either official or foreign languages). French is mostly a second language in Africa, but it has become a first", "id": "10375903" }, { "contents": "Rapa Nui language\n\n\nthese people. There are recent claims that the number of fluent speakers is as low as 800. Rapa Nui is a minority language and many of its adult speakers also speak Spanish. Most Rapa Nui children now grow up speaking Spanish and those who do learn Rapa Nui begin learning it later in life. Rapa Nui has ten consonants and five vowels. As present generation Rapa Nui speak Spanish as their first language in younger years and learn Rapa Nui later in life, flap in word-initial position can be pronounced alveolar trill", "id": "10700929" }, { "contents": "Non-resident Indian and person of Indian origin\n\n\nare 2,360,000 people currently speaking Indian languages in the United Kingdom. Punjabi is now the second most widely spoken language in the United Kingdom, and the most frequently spoken language among school pupils who do not have English as a first language. There are around 120,000 people of Indian origin in the Netherlands, 90% of whom migrated from the former Dutch colony of Suriname, where their forefathers were brought as workers to farm and tend to crops in the former Dutch colonies. Indo-Surinamese are nationals of Suriname of Indian or other", "id": "3852556" }, { "contents": "Tzʼutujil language\n\n\nTzʼutujil is a Mayan language spoken by the Tzʼutujil people in the region to the south of Lake Atitlán in Guatemala. Tzʼutujil is closely related to its larger neighbors, Kaqchikel and Kʼicheʼ. The 2002 census found 60,000 people speak Tzʼutujil as their mother tongue. The two Tzʼutijil dialects are Eastern and Western. The majority of the Tzʼutujil people have Spanish as their second language, although many of the older people, or those in more remote locations do not. Many children also do not learn Spanish until they go to school around the age", "id": "12687682" }, { "contents": "Romansh language\n\n\npeople also speak Bavarian German as a second language. Aside from German, many Romansh also speak additional languages such as French, Italian, or English, learned at school or acquired through direct contact. The Swiss census of 1990 and 2000 asked for the \"language of best command\" as well as for the languages habitually used in the family, at work, and in school. Previous censuses had only asked for the \"mother tongue\". In 1990, Romansh was named as the \"language of best command\" by", "id": "5997535" }, { "contents": "Foreign language\n\n\nperson goes to United States, then English becomes a second language for him or her. Thus, British immigrants to Iran learn Persian as a second language, and Persian speakers study English in Britain as a second language. Meanwhile, people in Kurdistan can speak of learning Kurdish by Persian speakers as a second rather than foreign language. The purposes of second language learning are often different from foreign language learning. Second language is needed for full participation in the political and economic life of the nation, because it is frequently the official", "id": "5504119" }, { "contents": "Moutfort\n\n\n, theatre plays,often but not always for private letters. Luxembourgish is being spoken on the radio and TV, and in the parliament \"Chambre des députés\". Many foreign people who get settled in Luxembourg learn the Luxembourgish language, at least their children learn it at school and like to speak it. Not knowing Luxembourgish may cause a serious problem to integration or even psychological troubles. In second primary class, children start learning French, which is really a foreign and difficult language for the original population. But many francophone", "id": "20504914" }, { "contents": "Taiwanese kana\n\n\npublished in 1931–32, is an example. It uses various signs and diacritics to denote sounds that do not exist in Japanese. The system is chiefly based on the Amoy dialect of Hokkien. Through the system, the Office of the Governor-General of Taiwan aimed to help Taiwanese people learn the Japanese language, as well as help Japanese people learn the Taiwanese language. Linguistically speaking, however, the syllabary system was cumbersome for a language that has phonology far more complicated than Japanese. After Japanese administration ended, the system soon", "id": "10639883" }, { "contents": "J. Marvin Brown\n\n\nBrown is notable for originating the Automatic Language Growth (ALG) approach to language teaching, which claims that adults can effortlessly become near-native or native-like in second languages if they learn them implicitly through experience, without consciously practicing speaking. Brown came to believe that, contrary to the critical period hypothesis that adults have lost the ability to learn languages as children do, adults actually retain this ability but obstruct it by using abilities they have gained to consciously study, practice, and analyze language. \"[Brown's", "id": "4551367" }, { "contents": "Parya language\n\n\n, and more specifically, primarily rice farmers. Many of the people live in Tajikistan, but some also live in Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. Since the language is so endangered and not many people know it, those who do speak it tend to be bilingual in the dominant languages surrounding them, however, when Uzbek and Tajik men marry Parya women, they tend to learn the language and assimilate. Although many are bilingual, the Tajik language has increasingly influenced the Parya language. The language is mostly spoken with ones family and relations", "id": "10310035" }, { "contents": "Baale language\n\n\nBaale have a positive attitude towards their language, and use it in most areas of life besides the market. Some Baale people can speak Tirma or Chai along with Baleesi, and a few also speak Dizi or Amharic. Speakers of Baleesi include non-native individuals as well. In Jeba town, there are Dizi people who speak Baleesi as a second language, and often serve as intermediaries between local or regional traders and the Baale people when they come to the market. The literacy rate of both first-language and second", "id": "15346251" }, { "contents": "Multi-competence\n\n\neach other. The phenomenon of language transfer, or the first language affecting the second, has long been known. More recent research has also shown that the second language also affects the first in various subtle ways. There is also evidence that people who learn other languages gain general cognitive benefits. Under multi-competence, the second language speaker is seen as more than the sum of the languages he speaks. This is in contrast with the assumption in much of second language research that the ideal model of a language is the", "id": "12332437" }, { "contents": "Tucano people\n\n\ndaily contact, and perhaps still others. However, everyone in the community is interested in language-learning so most people can speak most of the languages. Multilingualism is taken for granted, and moving from one language to another in the course of a single conversation is very common. In fact, multilingualism is so usual that the Tucano are hardly conscious that they do speak different languages as they shift easily from one to another. They cannot readily tell an outsider how many languages they speak, and they must be suitably", "id": "16691879" }, { "contents": "Chuj people\n\n\nagainst the Army, who regarded them as \"internal enemies\". During the decade, about 25% of the Chuj emigrated to the United States. The Chuj historically speak a language, also called Chuj, which is part of the Q'anjobalan branch of the Mayan languages. It is most closely related to Tojolab'al, spoken in Mexico. The Chuj now also speak Spanish and are bi-lingual. Although the Chuj language remains viable, as with other Mayan languages, children, particularly in urban centres, increasingly do not learn", "id": "17058476" }, { "contents": "Communibiology\n\n\naffection, control, and relaxation while people with high communication apprehension communicate for inclusion and escape. Paulsel and Mottet (2004) found that interpersonal communication motives such as these are at least a partially influenced by genetically inherited traits. Jung and McCroskey (2004) studied the presence of communication apprehension in those speaking their first language and those speaking their second language. Communication apprehension in the first language predicted communication apprehension in the second language. This combated the social learning perspective which would say that the learning of the second language would influence", "id": "20506139" }, { "contents": "Guaymí language\n\n\nPanamanian National Census was 260,058. The population of speakers in Costa Rica in the year 2000 was 5,090, with a total ethnic population of 5,360. It must be kept in mind that the number of speakers of Ngäbere is somewhat lower than the ethnic population, given the fact that many younger people today are not learning the language. Oftentimes people of indigenous descent who do not speak the indigenous language do not consider themselves to be “Indians” but rather identify themselves as Latino or campesino. Before the formation of the Comarca Ngäbe", "id": "588240" }, { "contents": "Taensa language\n\n\nThe Taensa language was the Natchez language-variant spoken by the Taensa people originally of northeastern Louisiana, and later with historical importance in Alabama. The language is also well known in linguistic and historical circles for the fact that two young co-conspirators published purported studies of the Taensa language in 1880-1882 that was later proven fraudulent, unequivocally in 1908-1910 by John R. Swanton. Some French missionary priests reported that they learned Natchez in order to speak to the Taensa; Mooney's summary of the people and missionary efforts", "id": "12738481" }, { "contents": "British Bangladeshi\n\n\nstandard Bengali is considered as a more prestige language which helps to foster a cultural or national identity linked with Bangladesh, parents therefore encourage young people to attend Bengali classes to learn the language. Although many of Sylheti-speaking background find this learning progress difficult in the UK. English tends to be spoken among younger brothers and sisters and peer groups, and Bengali/Sylheti with parents. Although many Sylheti speakers say they speak Bengali, this is because they do not expect outsiders to be well informed about dialects. Sylheti does not", "id": "7441964" }, { "contents": "Languages of Armenia\n\n\nspeakers were Armenians, 10,472 speakers were Russians, and the other 1,153 were of other ethnicities. In addition to those who speak Russian as a first language, 1,591,246 people or 52.7% of Armenia's citizens speak Russian as a second language. The popularity of English has been growing since Armenia's independence in 1991. From year to year, more people tend to learn the English language. In contrast to the last decades, the number of Armenian schools teaching English have grown gradually. English is still far behind Russian in terms", "id": "5607643" }, { "contents": "Dan Slobin\n\n\n's \"thinking for speaking\" view can be described as a contemporary, moderate version of the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis, which claims that the language we learn shapes the way we perceive reality and think about it. This view is often contrasted with the \"language acquisition device\" view of Noam Chomsky and others, who think of language acquisition as a process largely independent of learning and cognitive development. Slobin did a research study, published in 2007, titled the \"Children use canonical sentence schemas: A crosslinguistic study of word", "id": "21013270" }, { "contents": "Somniloquy\n\n\nobtained earlier on in one's life, although it is also possible to different-language sleep-talk a second language that one has learned later in one's childhood or pre-adulthood. It is impossible for someone experiencing different-language sleep-talk to speak in a language that he or she does not know or has not learned. The most common cases of people who experience different-language sleep-talk occur in teen to adulthood and will usually range anywhere between the ages of 17 to 26. Friends and", "id": "6912860" }, { "contents": "Second-language acquisition\n\n\npotential to utilize different parts of their native language. Likewise, these same two individuals may develop near-native fluency in different forms of grammar. Also, when people learn a second language, the way they speak their first language changes in subtle ways. These changes can be with any aspect of language, from pronunciation and syntax to the gestures the learner makes and the language features they tend to notice. For example, French speakers who spoke English as a second language pronounced the /t/ sound in French differently from monolingual French", "id": "19589903" }, { "contents": "Second-language acquisition\n\n\nknowing the two languages. These children generally reach linguistic milestones at the same time as their monolingual peers. Children who do not learn two languages from infancy, but learn one language from birth, and another at some point during childhood, are referred to as sequential bilinguals. People often assume that a sequential bilingual's first language is their most proficient language, but this is not always the case. Over time and experience, a child's second language may become his or her strongest. This is especially likely to happen if", "id": "19589947" }, { "contents": "Multilingualism\n\n\nexperience positive transfer – the process by which it becomes easier to learn additional languages if the grammar or vocabulary of the new language is similar to those of languages already spoken. On the other hand, students may also experience negative transfer – interference from languages learned at an earlier stage of development while learning a new language later in life. Receptive bilinguals are those who have the ability to understand a second language but who cannot speak it or whose abilities to speak it are inhibited by psychological barriers. Receptive bilingualism is frequently encountered", "id": "17940193" }, { "contents": "Robert J. Hoffmeister\n\n\ndeaf children think using ASL, as well as how hearing people acquire ASL as a second language, and the most difficult environments for learning ASL. He also developed the American Sign Language Assessment Instrument (ASLAI), which began in 1988. This is used to measure the different levels of signing skills in children who are deaf. Lastly, he studies how deaf children use ASL to learn English. Hoffmeister has received several awards. In 2010, he received \"The Frederick C. Schreiber Award\" from the National Association for the", "id": "5907871" }, { "contents": "Second-language acquisition\n\n\nto provide a more unified account that tries to bridge first language acquisition and second language learning research. Stephen Krashen divides the process of second-language acquisition into five stages: preproduction, early production, speech emergence, intermediate fluency, and advanced fluency. The first stage, preproduction, is also known as the silent period. Learners at this stage have a receptive vocabulary of up to 500 words, but they do not yet speak their second language. Not all learners go through a silent period. Some learners start speaking straight", "id": "19589895" }, { "contents": "Language education in Singapore\n\n\nspeaking, while also explaining the cultural values and values needed for the growth of Singapore. students are taught basic language skills and thinking skills, as well as areas regarding national education, information technology, social and emotional learning through a specific number of Tamil lessons every week. The primary school syllabus is also divided into 3 different triangles which target various areas of learning. These triangles include The triangles are also listed in a decreasing order of emphasis. Hence, there is an added focus on speaking and listening of the Tamil language", "id": "9451274" }, { "contents": "Catherine E. Snow\n\n\nlanguage acquisition which could be an advantage or disadvantage. However some children or people are not given good learning strategies or are raised by parents that don't particularly speak their own language well which could hinder a children's second language development, let alone first language. Following the development of two of the four basic bilingual approaches, two more arose--a psycho-linguistic and social linguistic. Snow explains that a psycho-linguistic approach perceives second language development as a special kind of information process. It is understood that the concept", "id": "4794777" }, { "contents": "National Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005)\n\n\n, the second language will be some other modern Indian language or English, and – In non-Hindi speaking States, the second language will be Hindi or English. The Third language – In Hindi speaking States, the third language will be English or a modern Indian language not studied as the second language, and – In non-Hindi speaking States, the third language will be English or a modern Indian language not studied as the second language. Mathematics -The emphasis for learning mathematics is that all students can learn the need", "id": "4157491" }, { "contents": "Accent reduction\n\n\nattempting to implement their own language’s pronunciation rules while speaking English.  Even people from the same language background can have differing speech patterns based upon the age at which they learned English, the characteristics of their teacher’s speech, and influences of other languages they may speak. Areas of focus may include teaching students clear articulation of vowels and consonants as well as the intonation patterns that are unique to each language.  The learning sequence is typically broken down into progressive learning segments until they cumulate into using the newly learned skills in conversation", "id": "5890643" }, { "contents": "Languages of Slovenia\n\n\ntongue. Almost everyone today born in Slovenia knows Slovene because people learn obligatory Slovene in school, but many at home speak other languages as well. The number of people fluent in German is unknown. German-speaking women around Maribor who are citizens of Slovenia have organized in the association \"Kulturno društvo nemško govorečih žena »Mostovi« Maribor\" (\"Bridges\"). Gottscheerish or Granish is a Bavarian dialect of the German language and has been spoken in the Gottschee County around Kočevje (Gottschee) since 1330. For over", "id": "18112780" }, { "contents": "Signing Exact English\n\n\nsupport to listening, speech, English language, and reading in the schools. Some deaf people find SEE to be difficult to efficiently perceive and produce. Deaf Community members born in the 1980s were most often raised on some form of signing and speaking and do so in their adult lives. Because unlike manual forms of English ASL is a naturally-evolved language, it is vitally important for children who use SEE to have opportunities to learn ASL as well. However, it is advocated by some educators as a way of providing", "id": "9486238" }, { "contents": "Japanese Americans\n\n\nto the conventional dilemmas of growing older. \"Issei\" and many \"nisei\" speak Japanese in addition to English as a second language. In general, later generations of Japanese Americans speak English as their first language, though some do learn Japanese later as a second language. In Hawaii however, where Nikkei are about one-fifth of the whole population, Japanese is a major language, spoken and studied by many of the state's residents across ethnicities. It is taught in private Japanese language schools as early as the", "id": "11949787" }, { "contents": "Menya language\n\n\nMenya (Menyama, Menye) is an Angan language of Papua New Guinea. Menya is classified as an Angan language. Its closest relatives in terms of shared vocabulary are Kapau and Yagwoia at 69-75% and 50-58% respectively. As the Menya-speaking area is bordered on all sides by speakers of other Angan languages, much of the Menya grammar and vocabulary has remained intact and is consistent with other Angan languages. Most ethnographic evidence suggest that the Menya-speaking people do not think of themselves as culturally", "id": "5434899" }, { "contents": "English as a second or foreign language\n\n\npractice found that these experiences were as beneficial as, or more beneficial than, grammar study or extra writing practice.\" As with most languages, written language tends to use a more formal register than spoken language. There is also debate about \"meaning-focused\" learning and \"correction-focused\" learning. Supporters for the former think that using speech as the way to explain meaning is more important. However, supporters of the latter do not agree with that and instead think that grammar and correct habit is more important", "id": "20604345" }, { "contents": "Indian South Africans\n\n\nNatal. These languages can be chosen as third language up to final year of school. English is the first language of most Indian South Africans. A minority, especially older people, still speak some Indian languages such as Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Odia, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu and others as a first language or second language. Most younger people do not speak any other languages, besides English and the compulsory second language taught at school, such as Afrikaans or Zulu. Many South African Indians still understand", "id": "10263936" }, { "contents": "Language preservation\n\n\ndo speak the language are relocated to another area where it is not spoken, it becomes endangered. Political and military turmoil can also endanger a language. When people are forced from their homes into new lands, they may have to learn the language of the new area to adapt, and they end up losing their language. Likewise, when a country or territory is successfully invaded, the population may be forced to learn the invader's language. A language can also become associated with a lower social class. In this instance", "id": "9243241" }, { "contents": "Simultaneous bilingualism\n\n\ngrowth, especially to people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds who do not have access to special bilingual schools. As researchers have shown, context is also incredibly important to the acquisition of bilingual vocabulary. Speaking with children in different languages in different contexts will allow them to gain a more full vocabulary in each language. Furthermore, increasing the number of people children interact with in each language will provide them with more opportunities to learn in varied contexts. study provided evidence against the popular \"one-parent-one-language\" approach,", "id": "12493588" }, { "contents": "Diglossia\n\n\n’ suggests that people actively project their group affiliations and individuality by drawing on the global flows of lifestyles and local structural arrangements. For example, when German speakers use English, they are doing more than speaking a foreign language. According to Passmore: The use of English doesn’t express some asymmetrical power relationship between German and English, nor is it related to class or race or whatnot. Sure, there are poseurs, but it’s stupid to think Germans who can speak the language of cars in English because they race them", "id": "5003810" }, { "contents": "Official bilingualism in Canada\n\n\nspeak English and French: “All Indigenous people in Canada speak one official language or the other, English or French,” Saganash argued. “To exclude that part of the population from the possibility of sitting on the Supreme Court has always seemed unacceptable to me.” Senator Murray Sinclair has opposed requiring Supreme Court judges to know both official languages too. While the inherent difficulties of English and French can prevent some from learning them well, their international spread can greatly benefit those who have the means to learn them well.", "id": "15918015" }, { "contents": "Corozal District\n\n\n, San Pedro, San Victor Village, Xaibe, and Yo Chen are populated by Maya people and speak Spanish and Yucatec Maya language very well, along with some English. Buena Vista, Caledonia, Conception, San Narciso, San Roman, and Santa Clara are populated by Maya-Mestizo people who speak Spanish, some English and elders speaking Yucatec Maya. They are not obliged to learn English, because school teachers teach in Spanish but write in English and because at work the primary language is Spanish, so villagers are not", "id": "8394270" }, { "contents": "Pangasinan\n\n\n, and is the second language in other parts of Pangasinan. Ilocano is widely spoken in the westernmost and easternmost parts of Pangasinan in the 1st, 5th and 6th districts, and is the second language in other parts of Pangasinan. Ilocanos and Pangasinans speak Ilocano with a Pangasinan accent, as descendants of Ilocanos from first generation who lived within Pangasinan population learned Pangasinan language. Bolinao, a Sambalic language is widely spoken in the western tip of the province in the towns of Bolinao and Anda. The religion of the people of Pangasinan", "id": "11358147" }, { "contents": "Arauca Department\n\n\nU'wa means \"intelligent people who can speak\". The Betoye with 800 members constitutes the second-largest ethnic group in the department. They inhabit the banks of the Cravo River and the municipality of Tame. The area of its territory is . Their language is considered part of the Chibcha language family. Although not retaining their original language, the people speak a mixture of Betoye with Spanish. Certain grammatical structures of the Betoye language persist in this mixture. The Guahibo are subdivided into tribes known as Sikuani, Kuiba, Chiricoa", "id": "8122536" }, { "contents": "Ma'di language\n\n\nMadi languages. Most Ma'di people are bilingual. In Uganda, the educated class speaks English as the second language and some also speak Swahili. In South Sudan, the educated Ma'dis speak English and/or Arabic. The South Sudanese Ma'di also speak Juba Arabic, spoken in South Sudan and not understood in the North. The form of Juba Arabic spoken by the Ma'di is influenced by the Nubi language spoken in Uganda among Muslims who are mainly descendants of Gordon's troops. Loanwords in Ugandan Ma'di are therefore mainly of English and/or Swahili origin", "id": "15248915" }, { "contents": "Banten\n\n\n, the Sundanese language forms the lingua franca of the province, although Indonesian is the main official language. The Javanese language is also spoken by many Javanese migrants from Central or East Java. In the Lebak Regency lives the semi-isolated Baduy people, who spoke the Baduy language, an archaic form of the Sundanese language. Nonetheless, most of the people in Banten can speak Indonesian fluently as their second language. The name \"Banten\" turns out to have several possible origins. The first possible origins comes from the Sundanese", "id": "3726507" }, { "contents": "Black '47 (film)\n\n\nFrecheville, an Australian actor, had to learn the Irish language. In an interview, he discussed the challenges of playing Irish, stating \"It’s hard to say where the challenge was because it was all challenging. It was all very cold. I’m not so good at learning languages so to pick up a language that not a great number of people speak was pretty tough, but apparently, I passed a few tests but I still have to see what the public thinks.\" Keoghan also prepared for his role", "id": "15004123" }, { "contents": "Kildin Sámi language\n\n\nexpress a desire and willingness to resuscitate and revitalize the language, the community is not using that to their advantage, either because they do not know how to do so or who to reach out to. There is no collaboration or team effort from language activists, language experts and language users and no coordinated or organized process to make learning the Kildin Sámi language a reality for more people. A language center or another initiative to carry out a more coordinated and well-planned language work could solve that problem. Kildin Sámi is", "id": "3095188" }, { "contents": "Languages of Armenia\n\n\nlanguage was significantly decreased. The 2001 census revealed 29,563 people with Russian as their native language, from which 14,728 were ethnic Armenians. Many Armenian refugees from Baku and other cities of Azerbaijan only speak Russian. According to The Gallup Organization's poll, 73% of Armenians in 2006 and 75% in 2007 said that they think it is very important for children in the country to learn Russian. According to the 2011 Armenian Census 23,484 people or 0.8% of Armenia's citizens spoke Russian as their first language, 11,859 of the", "id": "5607642" }, { "contents": "Ponosakan language\n\n\nalready in decline. Influx of migrants from other areas also altered the region's demography; when World War II started, already half of Belang residents were newcomers who did not speak Ponosakan. By the second half of the 20th century, \"virtually no ethnic Ponosakans were learning the language anymore\". In November 2014, there were only 4 elderly people who could still speak Ponosakan fluently. Ponosakan has the least speakers among the Gorontalo–Mongondow languages. There are 16 consonants and 5 vowels in Ponosakan. In addition, the", "id": "6099033" }, { "contents": "Teaching English as a second or foreign language\n\n\n, TESOL (Teaching English to speakers of other languages), and ESL (English as a second language, a term typically used in English-speaking countries, and more often referring to the learning than the teaching). Students who are learning English as a second language are known as ELLs (English language learners). Teaching English as a second language (TESL) refers to teaching English to students whose first language is not English, usually offered in a region where English \"is\" the dominant language and natural English", "id": "19999034" }, { "contents": "Richard Mulcaster\n\n\nfor Latin, calling for it to be more widely used and, crucially, respected. \"Elementarie\" is, in this respect, a call to national pride: \"forenners and strangers do wonder at vs, both for the vncertaintie in our writing, and the inconstancie in our letters.\" Provoking a movement that was to lead, ultimately, to English being the language of learning in the English-speaking world, the \"Elementarie\" argues \"I do not think that anie language, … is better able to", "id": "2262909" }, { "contents": "Māori language\n\n\nin 2013 reported that about 149,000 people, or 3.7 per cent of the New Zealand population, could hold a conversation in Māori about everyday things. , 55 per cent of Māori adults reported some knowledge of the language; but of these speakers, only 64 per cent use Māori at home and only around 50,000 people can speak the language \"very well\" or \"well\". The Māori language lacked an indigenous writing system. Missionaries arriving from about 1814 learned to speak Māori, and introduced the Latin alphabet. In 1817", "id": "5681870" }, { "contents": "Multilingualism\n\n\na second language provides a useful cognitive distance from automatic processes, promoting analytical thought and reducing unthinking, emotional reaction. Therefore, those who speak two languages have better critical thinking and decision making skills. A study published a year later found that switching into a second language seems to exempt bilinguals from the social norms and constraints such as political correctness. In 2014, another study has shown that people using a foreign language are more likely to make utilitarian decisions when faced with a moral dilemma, as in the trolley problem. The", "id": "17940213" }, { "contents": "Bhumij\n\n\ndistricts of Manbhum and Singhbhum district. The spoken language of the Bhumij is Austro-Asiatic. But distribution of the Bhumij dialect in different localities shows that all those who are Bhumijs do not invariably speak the original dialect. According to 1961 Census the Bhumij language was spoken by 1,31,258 persons, of whom 94,627 persons (72.09%) were bilingual. According to the 1981 Census, 50,384 persons spoke the Bhumij as their mother tongue. There is a decline in the number of people who speak the Bhumij language. The Bhumijs of", "id": "7532579" }, { "contents": "Mexicans\n\n\nspeak an indigenous language, based on this criteria approximately 5.4% of the population is Indigenous. Nonetheless, activists for the rights of indigenous peoples have referred to the usage of this criteria for census purposes as \"statistical genocide\" Other surveys made by the Mexican government do count as Indigenous all persons who speak an indigenous language and people who do not speak indigenous languages nor live in indigenous communities but self-identifies as Indigenous. According to this criteria, the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (Comisión Nacional para el", "id": "6464797" }, { "contents": "Languages of Canada\n\n\npeople who speak French at home, than learned French after birth. Ethnic diversity is growing in French Canada but still lags behind the English-speaking parts of the country. In 2006, 91.5% of Quebecers considered themselves to be of either \"French\" or \"Canadian\" origin. As a result of the growth in immigration, since the 1970s, from countries in which French is a widely used language, 3.4% of Quebecers indicated that they were of Haitian, Belgian, Swiss, Lebanese or Moroccan origin. Other", "id": "13974405" }, { "contents": "Pindi Sarhal\n\n\npeoples have left doing work in fields that was an identification of village life in past time. Now rural areas life style have been introduced by so may peoples those who get's educated and now there's children's too. they consider them self as an citizens in some way because they do try their best to learn their kids that how to speak in Urdu apart from Punjabi language they are interested to make their kids like an citizens but that could be possible in a way that they can get standard education as well although", "id": "18290758" }, { "contents": "Vietnamese people in Russia\n\n\nin Moscow is the most well-established and has the highest proportion of long-term residents (those who have been living there for more than 5 years). Assessments of their proficiency in the Russian language vary as well; the Census recorded that roughly 80% could speak Russian, while one article in Vietnamese state-run media claimed that \"many Vietnamese find it unnecessary to learn Russian. In fact, many hardly speak the language at all.\" The Census also recorded that virtually all can speak Vietnamese. Most", "id": "2433854" }, { "contents": "Language\n\n\nnatural languages, \"language universals\", or they might be the result of languages evolving convergent solutions to the recurring communicative problems that humans use language to solve. While humans have the ability to learn any language, they only do so if they grow up in an environment in which language exists and is used by others. Language is therefore dependent on communities of speakers in which children learn language from their elders and peers and themselves transmit language to their own children. Languages are used by those who speak them to communicate and", "id": "17642429" }, { "contents": "Languages of Belgium\n\n\nWallonia (having also a small German-speaking Community) as well as the Brussels-Capital Region. Almost all of the inhabitants of the Capital region speak French as either their primary language (50%) or as a lingua franca (45%). There are also many Flemish people who speak French as a second language. Belgian French is in most respects identical to standard, Parisian French, but differs in some points of vocabulary, pronunciation, and semantics. German is the least prevalent official language in Belgium,", "id": "4789899" }, { "contents": "National Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005)\n\n\nup many more rich learning opportunities. The foundation should be laid strong and firm. primary, upper primary and middle school should provide the space for children to explore and develop rational thinking that they would imbibe in them and have sufficient knowledge of concepts, language, knowledge, investigation and validation procedures. Language - Three language formula system to be followed. medium of communication should be the home language. The First language to be studied must be the mother tongue or the regional language. The Second language – In Hindi speaking States", "id": "4157490" }, { "contents": "Na'vi language\n\n\n20th Century Fox. The Naʼvi language was developed under three significant constraints. First, Cameron wanted the language to sound alien but pleasant and appealing to audiences. Second, since the storyline included humans who have learned to speak the language, it had to be a language that humans could plausibly learn to speak. And finally, the actors would have to be able to pronounce their Naʼvi dialogue without unreasonable difficulty. The language in its final form contains several elements which are uncommon in human languages, such as verbal conjugation using infixes", "id": "14510301" }, { "contents": "Second language\n\n\nthe exception of vocabulary and a few grammatical structures, and the process is relatively very fast because language is a very complex skill. Moreover, if children start to learn a second language when they are 7 years old or younger, they will also be fully fluent with their second language in a faster speed comparing to the speed of learning by adults who start to learn a second language later in their life. br In the first language, children do not respond to systematic correction. Furthermore, children who have limited input still", "id": "2644769" }, { "contents": "Language barrier\n\n\namong European groups. In the past decade, Romanians have primarily chosen Italy and Spain as emigration destinations, with Germany, the largest Western European country, ranking a distant third. Since the late 1800s, auxiliary languages have been available to help overcome the language barrier. They were traditionally written or \"constructed\" by a person or group. Originally, the idea was that two people who wanted to communicate could learn an auxiliary language with little difficulty and could use this language to speak or write to each other. In the", "id": "14573242" }, { "contents": "Bobo-Dioulasso\n\n\nwho were majority speakers of this language. Most people speak this Jula as a second language, after the official language of French. The people of Jula ethnicity, whether trader, Muslim-clerical, or warrior origin, speak a different dialect of Jula. It is similar to that spoken in Ivory Coast, from where their ancestors are believed to have come. In the city this dialect is called Kon-Jula; it is an ethnic marker of a particular community. Classified by the Köppen-Geiger system Bobo-Dioulasso", "id": "1831464" }, { "contents": "Education in Africa\n\n\ngroups. Due to high linguistic diversity, the legacy of colonialism and the need for knowledge of international languages such as English and French in employment and higher education, most schooling in Africa takes places in languages that teachers and pupils do not speak natively, and in some cases simply do not understand. There is considerable evidence that pupils schooled in a second language achieve poorer results than those schooled in their mother tongue, as lack of proficiency in the second language impairs understanding and encourages ineffective rote learning. Although UNESCO have recommended since", "id": "5115228" }, { "contents": "Fresa\n\n\nthrough life solely thinking about superficial matters. However and in some cases notwithstanding, some are actually part of the social, economic, and intellectual elite of the country. For example, this particular group has more people per capita who speak a second language, usually English. Some of the people who fall into this category also come from families with both Political and Corporate influence. Nevertheless, the most clear indicator of the synthetic origin of the Fresa subculture and speech/accent is perhaps the fact that although longstanding members of the", "id": "13382390" }, { "contents": "Language barrier\n\n\nA language barrier is a figurative phrase used primarily to refer to linguistic barriers to communication, i.e. the difficulties in communication experienced by people or groups speaking different languages, or even dialects in some cases. Typically, little communication occurs unless one or both parties learn a new language, which requires an investment of much time and effort. People travelling abroad often encounter a language barrier. The people who come to a new country at an adult age, when language learning is a cumbersome process, can have particular difficulty \"overcoming the", "id": "14573235" }, { "contents": "Ellen Bialystok\n\n\nwho do not recruit this same simultaneous function as often. Children generally acquire language naturally both through their environment and their parents, as well as others within their community. This generally happens with one language that becomes the child's native language, but also can happen with a second language in the case of a bilingual child. Though most bilingual children are brought up with this second language from very early on in life, some bilinguals learn a second language later on, or through different, less conventional means. Bialystok, Hermanto", "id": "18347934" }, { "contents": "Individual variation in second-language acquisition\n\n\nwhile others jumped at the opportunity to speak the language. Those who avoided interaction were typically quiet, reserved people (i.e., introverts). Logically, anxiety will cause students not to try and advance their skills, especially when they feel they are under pressure. Just the lack of practice will make introverts less likely to fully acquire the second language. The process of language learning can be very stressful, and the impact of positive or negative attitudes from the surrounding society can be critical. One aspect that has received particular attention", "id": "11170524" }, { "contents": "Identity and language learning\n\n\nThe diverse conditions under which language learners speak, read, or write the second language are influenced by relations of power in different sites; learners who may be marginalized in one site may be highly valued in another. For this reason, every time language learners interact in the second language, whether in the oral or written mode, they are engaged in identity construction and negotiation. However, structural conditions and social contexts are not entirely determined. Through human agency, language learners who struggle to speak from one identity position may be", "id": "3196086" }, { "contents": "Amapola (film)\n\n\n(1993), \"What Dreams May Come\" (1998) and \"The Haunting\" (1999), and won an Academy Award for Best Art Direction in 1995, for the film \"Restoration\". Zanetti also participated as the film's production designer. Camilla Belle took some time before filming for learning to speak Castilian, a variant of the Spanish language and Argentina's official language (as well as the most popularly talked in the country), and to do so with a \"Porteño\" (people from", "id": "21390657" }, { "contents": "Australian Jews\n\n\n16.9% speak English 'Very well' and 5.0% speak it 'Well'. Nevertheless, many Jews do not speak English at home (26,242 people) and of these, the most common non-English language spoken in Jewish homes was Russian, spoken by an estimated 9,964 people. However, Hebrew is likely to become the most common non-English language spoken at home in the future (if this is not already the case) with an estimated 9,543 Jewish people speaking it at home. The number of Hebrew", "id": "10576952" }, { "contents": "Maonan language\n\n\nThe Maonan language is a Kam–Sui language spoken mainly in Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County, Hechi, northern Guangxi by the Maonan people. Approximately half of all Maonan people are capable of speaking Maonan. In addition to this, many Maonan also speak Chinese or a Zhuang language. About 1/3 of all people who self-identify as Maonan are concentrated in the southern Guizhou province. They speak a mutually unintelligible dialect commonly called \"Yanghuang\", which is more common known as the Then language in Western literature. The Maonan do", "id": "12632847" }, { "contents": "Seal of Biliteracy\n\n\n. This SoBL is a seal that can be earned by students who are learning a second language aside from their native English or who are learning English as a second language and will be noted on the recipient's transcript or diploma. Candidates for the SoBl can be bilingual in any two languages, which includes American Sign Language, and have proficiency in all language domains such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. Scholars such as Kristin J. Davin and Amy J. Heineke have stated that the program's benefits are stronger efforts for", "id": "12393260" }, { "contents": "Abellen language\n\n\nsimilarity between the original languages of the Negritos. After the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in the 1990s, some of the Ayta Abellen have rellocated from the mountains and have intermarried and mixed in with the local Ilocano people. As a result, there are Ilocano loan words in the language. Much of the population also speaks Ilocano as a second language along with Tagalog as well. They Ayta people rely on natural resources, however, due to shrinking forests, it has become harder to sustain that life style. This problem along with", "id": "7145466" }, { "contents": "Brodmann area 45\n\n\nthat has learned a language has learned it at a young age. Some people are multilingual. Some of these multilingual have learned second or third languages in concert with their first, at a young age, and some have learned other languages in their adulthood. Studies on different subsets of monolinguals and multilinguals have revealed some interesting findings. By looking at the similarities between the first and second language and what they do to the brain, these researchers found that brain activation looked very different depending on which language the test subjects were processing", "id": "2679966" }, { "contents": "Isan language\n\n\nare growing up speaking only Thai, as parents in these areas often refuse to transmit the language. Those young people who do speak the language often heavily code-switch and rely on Thai vocabulary. It is uncertain if any of these students are able to revert to a 'proper' Isan, as the language still suffers the stigma of a rural, backward language of people who could serve as a fifth column of Lao efforts to dominate the region. Isan essentially exists in a diglossia, with the high language of Central", "id": "19297803" }, { "contents": "Screaming\n\n\n, the voice becomes overloaded and over-amplified, and it loses its control, its fundamental sound”. The scream is there before language and it appears where the language reaches its limits. Elaine Scarry, writer and literature professor, talks about language in connection to pain and she thinks that pain almost destroys the language because it brings people back into a state where sounds and screams are dominating as they were their means of communication before they learned how to speak. Pain cannot actually be communicated, as it is a", "id": "5741534" }, { "contents": "Statistical learning in language acquisition\n\n\nfor children or adults to learn a single language, consistent with the process of language acquisition for monolingual speakers or learners. However, it is estimated that approximately 60-75% of people in the world are bilingual. More recently, researchers have begun looking at the role of statistical learning for those who speak more than one language. Although there are no reviews on this topic yet, Weiss, Gerfen, and Mitchel examined how hearing input from multiple artificial languages simultaneously can affect the ability to learn either or both languages.", "id": "6942196" }, { "contents": "Sanderson Lam\n\n\norder to avoid being relegated from the tour. A 4–2 victory over Joe Swail in the final round of the second event earned him a new two-year tour card. While Lam speaks English as his first language, he can speak also Chinese languages, though not fluently. He remarked \"I was born over here but as soon as they see I am Chinese, they think I can speak fluently. It’s a shock.\" \"I can speak Chinese, but not fluently. I am still trying to learn", "id": "22079002" }, { "contents": "Maguindanao people\n\n\ngroups of the Southern Philippines. They speak Maguindanaon and second languages Cebuano, Tagalog and Arabic and/or English. Because of the mass influx of Cebuano migrants to Mindanao, many of the Maguindanao people tend to be exposed to the Cebuano language from Visayas easily enough to be able to speak it. Arabic, a Central Semitic language, is also spoken by a minority of the Moro people, being the liturgical language of Islam. Most Maranaos however, do not know Arabic beyond its religious uses. The literary elements of the Maguindanao include", "id": "21602083" }, { "contents": "Languages of Armenia\n\n\nspeakers are ethnic Armenians), 6,342 people who speak German as a second language (6,210 of the speakers are ethnic Armenians), 4,396 speakers of Persian (4,352 of the speakers are ethnic Armenians), and 29,430 people speak other languages as a second language (25,899 of the speakers are ethnic Armenians). Many Armenians speak Azerbaijani as a second language, since the country welcomed 370,000 Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan, including the former Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Oblast during the Nagorno Karabakh War, which lasted from 1988-1994. Armenian joined", "id": "5607647" }, { "contents": "Eurasians in Singapore\n\n\nor Portuguese-origin cultural practices (e.g. Kristang songs and Portuguese-origin dances like \"Jinkli Nona\") and dine on Kristang Eurasian dishes like Devil's curry or \"curry debal\" in Kristang. As a general rule, first or second-generation Eurasians typically do not have any Kristang-speaking ancestry, do not speak Kristang, generally do not adopt Kristang or Portuguese-origin cultural practices and cues and are less familiar with Kristang Eurasian cuisine, language and history. Simply put, first-generation Eurasians are people", "id": "12831412" }, { "contents": "Sprachraum\n\n\nThe Portuguese sprachraum or Lusosphere or Lusophony () is a cultural entity that includes the countries where Portuguese is the official language, as well as the Portuguese diaspora. It also includes people who may not have any Portuguese ancestry but are culturally and linguistically linked to Portugal. The Community of Portuguese Language Countries or Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (Portuguese: \"Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa\", abbreviated to CPLP) is the intergovernmental organisation for friendship among Lusophone (Portuguese-speaking) nations where Portuguese is an official language.", "id": "19848241" }, { "contents": "Language acquisition\n\n\nand speech reception skills. Although cochlear implants produce sounds, they are unlike typical hearing and deaf and hard of hearing people must undergo intensive therapy in order to learn how to interpret these sounds. They must also learn how to speak given the range of hearing they may or may not have. However, deaf children of deaf parents tend to do better with language, even though they are isolated from sound and speech because their language uses a different mode of communication that is accessible to them; the visual modality of language.", "id": "18900397" }, { "contents": "Eskimo\n\n\nstudy the language, though it is no longer learned as a first language by children. About 70 of 400 Naukan people still speak Naukanski. The Naukan originate on the Chukot Peninsula in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug in Siberia. Some speakers of Siberian Yupik languages used to speak an Eskimo variant in the past, before they underwent a language shift. These former speakers of Sirenik Eskimo language inhabited the settlements of Sireniki, Imtuk, and some small villages stretching to the west from Sireniki along south-eastern coasts of Chukchi Peninsula. They lived", "id": "9491525" }, { "contents": "Yabem language\n\n\nand so English was the most efficient language of instruction. Still, the transition from the usage of Kâte and Yabem, which are languages with local origins, to Tok Pisin and English, which are languages with foreign origins, affected the dynamic of the people and their view of language and the church somewhat negatively. Yabem also shares a close relationship with the Kela and Bukawa languages. In fact, many people who speak Bukawa also speak Yabem. Yabem's current language status is \"threatened.\" Its alternative names include Laulabu", "id": "5151780" }, { "contents": "Macanese people\n\n\nas many of parents recognised the diminishing value of Portuguese schooling. Many Macanese people of mixed ancestry since Portuguese time never speak Portuguese and speak only Cantonese as first language; if other Macanese people of mixed ancestry speak Portuguese, they speak it as second language, thus affected by Cantonese accent. At the same time, Macanese of pure Portuguese descent are also learning Cantonese and Mandarin to be able to communicate to non-Portuguese-speaking Chinese. Today, most Macanese - if they are still young enough - would go back to", "id": "12354945" }, { "contents": "Member states of the Arab League\n\n\nmeet the pre-conditions for membership; specifically, that \"the League requires that the countries must be Arabic speaking countries that consider Arabic language the main language of the nation; on top of that, the league also requires that the people of that particular country must believe that they are actually Arabs. The people of Southern Sudan are not of Arabic origin, so I don't think there will be anybody in Southern Sudan who will consider joining the Arab League\". In an interview with \"Asharq Al-Awsat\"", "id": "4339087" }, { "contents": "Second language\n\n\nacquire the first language, which is a significant difference between input and output. Children are exposed to a language environment of errors and lack of correction but they end up having the capacity to figure out the grammatical rules. Error correction does not seem to have a direct influence on learning a second language. Instruction may affect the rate of learning, but the stages remain the same. Adolescents and adults who know the rule are faster than those who do not. In the learning of a second language the correction of errors remains", "id": "2644770" }, { "contents": "Second-language acquisition\n\n\nspeakers. This kind of change in pronunciation has been found even at the onset of second-language acquisition; for example, English speakers pronounced the English /p t k/ sounds, as well as English vowels, differently after they began to learn Korean. These effects of the second language on the first led Vivian Cook to propose the idea of multi-competence, which sees the different languages a person speaks not as separate systems, but as related systems in their mind. \"Learner language\" is the written or spoken language", "id": "19589904" }, { "contents": "Languages of Armenia\n\n\nlanguage). Other than ethnic Russians, 13,012 non-Russians speak Russian as a first language (11,859 of them are ethnic Armenians and the other 1,153 Russian speakers are of other ethnicities. In addition to those who speak Russian as a first language, 1,591,246 people or 52.7% of Armenia's citizens speak Russian as a second language Assyrian Neo-Aramaic is spoken by the 3,000-strong Assyrian minority of Armenian. According to the 2011 Armenian Census there were 2,769 Assyrians in Armenia. There are 2,402 people who speak Assyrian Neo-Aramaic", "id": "5607650" }, { "contents": "Languages of the United States\n\n\nwhere large numbers of people were heard to speak it before the 1950s, and the original settlers of the Southwest (Spanish) who have maintained their languages for centuries. English was inherited from British colonization, and it is spoken by the majority of the population. It serves as the de facto national language, the language in which government business is carried out. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 80% spoke only English at home and all but approximately 13,600,000 U.S. residents age 5 and over speak English \"well\" or", "id": "16887797" } ]
Why are we STILL discovering Egyptian pyramids, shouldn't these giant structures all be discovered by now?
[{"answer": "Sand dunes buried most of them. All the ancient Egyptians were dead by then and the area wasn't that populated, so people lost track of where they all were. Sometimes the wind blows the sand away, and poof, there is the top of a pyramid."}, {"answer": "The big, solid, well-built pyramids we tend to think of as pyramids were only built for a short period, probably because they were a big drain on the economy. For a while, later pharaohs who weren't as powerful but still wanted to emulate their predecessors resorted to piling up mounds of dirt and debris and then throwing a layer of bricks over that. Understandably, this didn't survive as well, and today it's not obvious what's the remains of one of these pyramids and what's a natural hill."}, {"answer": " > In the news today Some links for the lazy... URL_2 URL_0 URL_1 "}, {"answer": "Another thing to consider is Egypt is a single city country for the most part. 1/5 of their citizens live in the metro area of Cairo, and 1/2 of their total population live in the Nile Delta area which is only 15k square miles. There just aren't a ton of people making use of a lot of the land they have so nothing is just being stumbled on, especially outside of the cities and tourist areas."}, {"answer": "I do not think you realize how vast some deserts are or how much is buried under all that sand..."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "38041593", "title": "Flying Pyramids, Soaring Stones", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The documentary was produced by Beth Murphy of Principle Pictures. The obelisk raising mechanism was designed by", "Flying Pyramids, Soaring Stones is a documentary about a team of engineers (led by innovation specialist Maureen Clemmons) attempting to lift heavy obelisks using nothing but kites, and prove that the ancient Egyptian"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Egyptian pyramids\n\n\nmay have been designed to serve as a means to magically launch the deceased pharaoh's soul directly into the abode of the gods. All Egyptian pyramids were built on the west bank of the Nile, which, as the site of the setting sun, was associated with the realm of the dead in Egyptian mythology. In 1842, Karl Richard Lepsius produced the first modern list of pyramids – now known as the Lepsius list of pyramids – in which he counted 67. A great many more have since been discovered. As of", "id": "14873198" }, { "contents": "Egyptian pyramids\n\n\nunknown pyramid structures. The most recent pyramid to be discovered was that of Sesheshet at Saqqara, mother of the Sixth Dynasty pharaoh Teti, announced on 11 November 2008. All of Egypt's pyramids, except the small Third Dynasty pyramid of Zawyet el-Amwat (or Zawyet el-Mayitin), are sited on the west bank of the Nile, and most are grouped together in a number of pyramid fields. The most important of these are listed geographically, from north to south, below. Abu Rawash is the site", "id": "14873200" }, { "contents": "The Pyramid (film)\n\n\nteam discovers a vast pyramid buried below the surface. Further examinations of the pyramid's apex reveals that the structure is three-sided, unlike any pyramid previously discovered. They locate a tunnel leading into the apex of the pyramid. While breaking into the opening, a large amount of toxic air is released, poisoning a worker. Soon after, Egyptian authorities order the team to leave the site because of a violent uprising in nearby Cairo. Team leader Dr. Miles Holden (O'Hare) and his daughter Nora argue over whether to", "id": "14159734" }, { "contents": "Merheleva Ridge\n\n\nculture were found above three graves of the Early Bronze Age Catacomb culture, with 13 graves and sacrificial pits. One of the skulls found was dated to ca. 3000 BC. Four stone statues were found near the graves. Initial reports indicated that archaeologists had discovered a pyramidal structure. Klochko blamed the press: \"I'm not sure where the pyramid idea came from - the media got it wrong,\" says Klochko. \"We didn't find anything like an Egyptian pyramid. Though the site is on a hill.", "id": "6344079" }, { "contents": "Egyptian influence in popular culture\n\n\nPyramid, The Throne of Fire, and The Serpent's Shadow. These books are about the adventures of two siblings, Sadie and Carter Kane, who discover that the ancient Egyptian world is still amongst them and they discover that they have the blood of pharaohs and must learn to become magicians in the House of Life. In their adventures they meet and interact with several ancient Egyptian Gods. In \"The Age of Ra\" by James Lovegrove, humanity is ruled by the Egyptian pantheon. The Egyptian gods have taken over the", "id": "16252842" }, { "contents": "Pyramid Texts\n\n\n' occupies the north wall and is arrayed into three horizontal registers. Kurt Sethe's first edition of the pyramid texts contained 714 distinct spells; after this publication additional spells were discovered bringing the total to 759. No single collection uses all recorded spells. Because of its early use, the set up and layout of the Unas pyramid was replicated and expanded on for future pyramids. The causeway ran 750 meters long and is still in good condition, unlike many causeways found in similar ancient Egyptian pyramids. In the pyramid of Unas", "id": "6505454" }, { "contents": "SAK S 3\n\n\nSAK S 3 (\"Saqqara South 3\") is the provisional, modern name of an Egyptian pyramid, which was discovered north of the Pyramid of Khendjer in spring 2006 during a field survey in Saqqara south. The structure appears on some old maps as a hill, without being identified as a pyramid. It is dated with some certainty to the 13th dynasty. The outline of the pyramid indicates a base measuring 55 metres x 55 metres – about 100 royal cubits. This is a common size for pyramids of the thirteenth", "id": "16714277" }, { "contents": "Nubian pyramids\n\n\nMeroitic period, over forty queens and kings were buried there. Between 2009 and 2012 the new group of pyramids was discovered near the village Sedeinga. The physical proportions of Nubian pyramids differ markedly from the Egyptian edifices: they are built of stepped courses of horizontally positioned stone blocks and range approximately in height, but rise from fairly small foundation footprints that rarely exceed in width, resulting in tall, narrow structures inclined at approximately 70°. Most also have offering temple structures abutting their base with unique Kushite characteristics. By comparison,", "id": "3036568" }, { "contents": "Ziggurat Pyramid, Dubai\n\n\nZiggurat Pyramid is a pyramid-shaped arcology that was conceived for Dubai in 2008. It was estimated to start construction in 2021 and complete it by 2028. The structure was designed to house nearly one million people and would be self-sustainable with all-natural energy sources. Like the pyramids of the Mayans and Egyptians, this structure in Dubai would be a giant; it would cover 2.3 square kilometers (0.88 square miles) and would be able to sustain a community of up to one million people. The “Ziggurat", "id": "9691717" }, { "contents": "Pyramid of Ameny Qemau\n\n\nThe Pyramid of Ameny Qemau is an ancient Egyptian pyramid located in southern Dahshur. It was constructed c. 1790 BC for Ameny Qemau, the 5th king of the 13th Dynasty during the Second Intermediate Period. The stone constituting its upper structure has been entirely robbed but the damaged substructures remain. The pyramid was discovered by Charles Arthur Musès in 1957 and excavated in 1968. The pyramid originally stood high with a base length of . The burial chamber comprised from a single colossal block of quartzite similar to that of Amenemhat III, with receptacles", "id": "318544" }, { "contents": "Egyptian pyramids\n\n\n, and are generally considered to be the world's oldest monumental structures constructed of dressed masonry. The most famous Egyptian pyramids are those found at Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo. Several of the Giza pyramids are counted among the largest structures ever built. The Pyramid of Khufu at Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid. It is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still in existence. By the time of the Early Dynastic Period, those with sufficient means were buried in bench-like structures known as", "id": "14873191" }, { "contents": "Pyramid of Userkaf\n\n\nis located in the immediate vicinity of Userkaf's complex and yielded an inscribed stone giving the name and rank of the queen. This stone is now on display at the Egyptian Museum of Berlin. Further evidence confirming the assignment of the pyramid to Neferhetepes was discovered by Audran Labrousse in 1979 when he excavated the ruins of the temple. Consequently, the small pyramid complex has been attributed to her. The queen's pyramid originally stood high with a slope of 52°, similar to that of Userkaf's, with a base long", "id": "1820258" }, { "contents": "Egyptian pyramid construction techniques\n\n\nworkforce used. The Greeks, many years after the event, believed that the pyramids must have been built by slave labor. Archaeologists now believe that the Great Pyramid of Giza (at least) was built by tens of thousands of skilled workers who camped near the pyramids and worked for a salary or as a form of tax payment (levy) until the construction was completed, pointing to workers' cemeteries discovered in 1990 by archaeologists Zahi Hawass and Mark Lehner. For the Middle Kingdom Pyramid of Amenemhat II, there is evidence", "id": "9626584" }, { "contents": "Unfinished Pyramid of Abusir\n\n\nThe Unfinished Pyramid of Abusir is an ancient Egyptian royal tomb which was probably abandoned shortly after the start of construction in the 5th Dynasty, which is located in the necropolis of Abusir. Shepseskare, a Pharaoh about whom almost nothing is known, who is known only from a single roughly contemporary seal impression from the mortuary temple of Neferefre, has been suggested as the pyramid's builder. The structure was first discovered at the beginning of the 1980s by a Czech archaeological team led by Miroslav Verner, which noticed the levelled ground and", "id": "20790715" }, { "contents": "Pyramid\n\n\nBC. Neither of these still survive and there is no evidence that they resembled Egyptian pyramids. There are also at least two surviving pyramid-like structures still available to study, one at Hellenikon and the other at Ligourio/Ligurio, a village near the ancient theatre Epidaurus. These buildings were not constructed in the same manner as the pyramids in Egypt. They do have inwardly sloping walls but other than those there is no obvious resemblance to Egyptian pyramids. They had large central rooms (unlike Egyptian pyramids) and the Hellenikon", "id": "4151653" }, { "contents": "Amenemhat III\n\n\nor sister, Neferuptah, was buried in a separate pyramid (discovered in 1956) 2 km southwest of the king's. The pyramidion of Amenemhet III's pyramid tomb was found toppled from the peak of its structure and preserved relatively intact; it is today in the Cairo Egyptian Museum. There is very little evidence for military expeditions in the reign of the king. There is one record for a small mission in year nine of the king. The evidence for that was found in a rock inscription in Nubia, near the", "id": "1412107" }, { "contents": "Cecil Mallaby Firth\n\n\nhe discovered the serdab of the pharaoh, which is now in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Firth then worked in collaboration with James E. Quibell and subsequently with Jean-Philippe Lauer on his arrival on the site in 1926. In 1928 and 1929, Firth began the opening of the funerary complex of Userkaf, the first king of the 5th dynasty, and that of a small pyramid located just at the south, allotted to his queen. In early 1930 he worked on the Headless Pyramid, believing it to be a pyramid", "id": "6014622" }, { "contents": "Pyramid of Reherishefnakht\n\n\nThe Pyramid of Reherishefnakht is the tomb of the ancient Egyptian official Reherishefnakht. It is located in south Saqqara and was built right next to the Pyramid of the 6th Dynasty Pharaoh Pepi I. Reherishefnakht's pyramid however was probably built at the end of the 11th Dynasty or the beginning of the 12th Dynasty. It is the oldest Egyptian pyramid built for a person who was not a member of the royal family. The pyramid was discovered a few years before it was first excavated by Audran Labrousse and the \"Mission Archéologique Française de Saqqâra", "id": "14912170" }, { "contents": "Essam El-Haddad\n\n\ndid that, we did not support a revolution of elites. And we did not support a conditional democracy. We stood, and we still stand, for a very simple idea: given freedom, we Egyptians can build institutions that allow us to promote and choose among all the different visions for the country. We quickly discovered that almost none of the other actors were willing to extend that idea to include us. There are still people in Egypt who believe in their right to make a democratic choice. Hundreds of thousands of", "id": "8008554" }, { "contents": "Pyramid of Pepi I\n\n\nThe Pyramid of Pepi I (in ancient Egyptian Men-nefer-Pepi meaning Pepi's splendour is enduring) is the pyramid complex built for the Egyptian pharaoh Pepi I of the Sixth Dynasty in the 24th or 23rd century BC. The complex gave it's name to the capital city of Egypt, Memphis. As in the pyramids of his predecessor's, Pepi I's substructure was filled with vertical columns of hieroglyphic texts, Pyramid Texts. It was in Pepi I's pyramid that these texts were initially discovered in 1880 by", "id": "17494678" }, { "contents": "Great Pyramid of Giza\n\n\nwe should grant that they were in the builder's design\". Others have argued that the ancient Egyptians had no concept of pi and would not have thought to encode it in their monuments. They believe that the observed pyramid slope may be based on a simple seked slope choice alone, with no regard to the overall size and proportions of the finished building. In 2013, rolls of papyrus called the Diary of Merer were discovered written by some of those who delivered limestone and other construction materials from Tora to Giza. The", "id": "11809186" }, { "contents": "Pyramid of the Magician\n\n\nWe took another road, and, emerging suddenly from the woods, to my astonishment came at once upon a large open field strewed with mounds of ruins, and vast buildings on terraces, and pyramidal structures, grand and in good preservation, richly ornamented, without a bush to obstruct the view, and in picturesque effect almost equal to the ruins of Thebes... ...The place of which I am now speaking was beyond all doubt once a large, populous, and highly civilized city. Who built it, why it was", "id": "8283960" }, { "contents": "Sedeinga pyramids\n\n\nof Sedeinga from Meroë, the tradition extended to the wealthy. The Sedeinga pyramids also exhibited a greater Egyptian influence than their counterparts in Meroë, typified by capstones depicting birds or lotuses emerging from solar discs. While excavation of the Sedeinga pyramid site is not complete, there are indications that it may contain more Kush pyramids than any site discovered as of yet. In April 2018, archeologists announced the discovery of a large number of stone funerary inscriptions in the Sedeinga necropolis. The stone inscriptions constitute the largest collection of texts ever discovered", "id": "5992675" }, { "contents": "Tikal\n\n\nbuilt in as little as two years. Temple I (also known as the \"Temple of Ah Cacao\" or \"Temple of the Great Jaguar\") is a funerary pyramid dedicated to Jasaw Chan K'awil, who was entombed in the structure in AD 734, the pyramid was completed around 740–750. The temple rises high. The massive roofcomb that topped the temple was originally decorated with a giant sculpture of the enthroned king, although little of this decoration survives. The tomb of the king was discovered by Aubrey Trik of the", "id": "21130236" }, { "contents": "Luhansk\n\n\nplays at the Avanhard Stadium. The club won the 1972 Soviet Top League. The other football team was Dynamo Luhansk. On 7 September 2006, archaeologists in Ukraine announced that an ancient structure had been discovered near Luhansk, which the press reported as a pyramid antedating those in Egypt by at least 300 years. The stone foundations of the structure were said to resemble Aztec and Mayan pyramids in Mesoamerica. It was later concluded that the site in question was not a pyramid but was still of great interest. During 2014 and 2015", "id": "414310" }, { "contents": "Ancient Egyptian solar ships\n\n\nNeferirkare's pyramid at Abusir was the largest structure in the region. Large wooden boats were buried outside the pyramid in its courtyard on the north and south sides. Archaeologists discovered them by their mention in a cache of papyrus found within the mortuary temple, but unfortunately, when they excavated the southern boat pit, only dust remained of the boat itself. The Abydos ships have the honor of being the world's oldest planked boats. In 1991 in the desert near the temple of Khentyamentiu near Abydos, archaeologists uncovered the remains of", "id": "18040960" }, { "contents": "Architectural conservation\n\n\nancient people instead of organic ones, due to their durability. In fact, we know that these materials are durable because many ancient structures that are composed of them, even some built as far back as the Bronze Age, like Egypt's Great Pyramids, still stand today. Ancient buildings such as the Egyptian pyramids, the Roman Colosseum, and the Parthenon face common preservation issues. The most prominent factors affecting these structures are the environment, pollution, and tourism. As the Earth's climate patterns change, so too do", "id": "4295122" }, { "contents": "Pyramid Texts\n\n\nno writing had previously been discovered in a pyramid. Maspero continued his excavations at a second structure, around a kilometre south-west of the first, in search of more evidence. This second structure was determined to be the pyramid of Merenre I, Pepi I's successor. In it, Maspero discovered the same hieroglyphic text on the walls he'd found in Pepi I's pyramid, and the mummy of a man in the sarcophagus of the burial chamber. This time, he visited Mariette personally, though he rejected the", "id": "6505439" }, { "contents": "Pyramid of Djedkare Isesi\n\n\nthe first comprehensive examination of the pyramid, but their work was interrupted and their findings lost. They did discover the skeletal remains of Djedkare Isesi in the pyramid. Ahmed Fakhry's attempt at a comprehensive examination in the 1950s was equally unsuccessful. Relief fragments that Fakhry had discovered were later published by the Egyptian archaeologist Muhammud Mursi. The area around the causeway and mortuary temple was excavated by Mahmud Abdel Razek. Old Kingdom mortuary complexes consisted of five essential components: (1) a valley temple; (2) a causeway;", "id": "9438190" }, { "contents": "Giza\n\n\nGiza served as the necropolis of several pharaohs who ruled ancient Egypt, during the 2nd millennium BC. Three of these tombs, in the form of giant pyramids, are what is now the famed Pyramids of Giza. As ancient Egypt passed under several conquests under the Persians, Greeks, Romans and Byzantines, so did the area in what is now Giza. A Byzantine village named \"Phylake\" () or \"Terso\" (, meaning \"the fortress\", modern Tersa) was located south of Giza and shouldn't", "id": "14269153" }, { "contents": "Gympie Pyramid\n\n\nThe Gympie Pyramid is a low terraced hill located in the outskirts of Gympie in Queensland, Australia. Low stone terraces on the hilside were probably created by European immigrants in the late 19th or early 20th century. The feature is subject to speculation, especially suggestions by fringe authors that it was constructed by an unknown civilization, such as Egyptians, South Americans, or Chinese. Rex Gilroy claims that he discovered the Gympie Pyramid in 1975 and claimed that the \"Pyramid\" was created by Egyptians who had mining operations in Australia centuries", "id": "3521990" }, { "contents": "Corbel arch\n\n\nthe buildings of the monastery at Skellig Michael are constructed using this method. During the Fourth Dynasty reign of Pharaoh Sneferu, the Ancient Egyptian pyramids used corbel vaults in some of their chambers. These monuments include the Bent Pyramid and the Red Pyramid. The Great Pyramid of Giza uses corbel arches at the Grand Gallery. The Egyptians discovered the principle of the true arch early on, but continued to use the corbel arch in many buildings, sometimes mixing the two in the same building. In particular they avoided the true arch in", "id": "5811032" }, { "contents": "Child Museum (Cairo)\n\n\nseparate floor connected by the central spiral staircase - the Time Stair - that provides a path from the roof to the basement. The four themes are; Where am I from? - explore the archaeology and history of Egypt, explores the pyramids, visits Tutankamen's tomb, and trains the visitor in mummy examination, modern excavation and underwater exploration in Alexandria Who am I? - discover the development of Egyptian civilisation along the Nile divided into the three seasons of flood, sowing and harvest. Why is Egypt like it is today", "id": "18235872" }, { "contents": "Gustave Eiffel\n\n\n\". Eiffel responded to such criticism by comparing his tower to the Egyptian pyramids:Do you think it is for their artistic value that the pyramids have so powerfully struck the imagination of men? What are they, after all, but artificial mountains? [The aesthetic impact of the pyramids was found in] the immensity of the effort and the grandeur of the result. My tower will be the highest structure that has ever been built by men. Why should that which is admirable in Egypt become hideous and ridiculous in Paris", "id": "11875494" }, { "contents": "List of Marvel Family enemies (H–M)\n\n\nShazam dropped the tomb to the bottom of the ocean. Thousands of years later... archeologists Professor Joplin and Professor Beatty discovered the Pyramid of Peril after they deciphered ancient parchments leading to its location. When a giant octopus attacked Beatty during a dive to discover the entrance of the tomb, the Mighty Marvels flew in to rescue the terrified diver. Cap, Mary, and Junior also raised the pyramid and delivered it to dry land. In exchange for opening the pyramid, the Marvels struck a deal with Joplin so that their alter", "id": "15717685" }, { "contents": "Ancient Egyptian solar ships\n\n\n. This structure is believed to have been purely symbolic, representing a \"solar boat\" in which the sun god was supposed to have floated across the heavenly ocean. (The pit might have contained a boat) A wooden funerary boat thought to have once belonged to First Dynasty King Den has been discovered at Abu Roash, the place of the pyramid of Khufu's son, Djedefre. Unearthed in the northern area of Mastaba number six (a flat-roofed burial structure) at the archaeological site, boat consists of 11", "id": "18040958" }, { "contents": "Great Pyramid of Giza\n\n\npyramid, of a size and shape to have held complete boats, though so shallow that any superstructure, if there ever was one, must have been removed or disassembled. In May 1954, the Egyptian archaeologist Kamal el-Mallakh discovered a fourth pit, a long, narrow rectangle, still covered with slabs of stone weighing up to 15 tons. Inside were 1,224 pieces of wood, the longest long, the shortest . These were entrusted to a boat builder, Haj Ahmed Yusuf, who worked out how the pieces fit", "id": "11809220" }, { "contents": "Tetisheri\n\n\npyramid, the last queen's pyramid to have been built in Egypt. Portions of the limestone pyramidion or capstone were discovered as well, demonstrating conclusively that this structure was pyramidal in form. Magnetic survey also revealed a brick enclosure some 70 by 90 meters in scale, a feature not detected by earlier archaeologists. These accordingly may now be identified as the features described in Ahmose's stela found within: a pyramid and an enclosure, built in the midst of Ahmose's own mortuary complex. A statuette long in the collections of", "id": "14320635" }, { "contents": "Behenu\n\n\nBehenu was an Ancient Egyptian queen of the Sixth dynasty. She is thought to have been the wife of either Pepi I or of Pepi II. The remnants of her pyramid were first discovered in 2007, and news of the discovery of her burial chamber was made public in March 2010. The complex was discovered in the vicinity of the pyramid of the Pepi II, and it is thought that she was \"most probably\" the wife of this pharaoh, but no inscription has been uncovered that would positively link her to him", "id": "15366024" }, { "contents": "Pyramid of Elephantine\n\n\nThe Pyramid of Elephantine is part of a group of seven very similar small step pyramids, along with the pyramids at Edfu South, , Naqada, , , and . All of these were built far from the main centres of Egypt and are very poorly understood. The Pyramid of Elephantine is located in the northwest part of the Old Kingdom city on the south end of the island of Elephantine in the Nile. The structure was discovered in 1907, but it could only be identified as a pyramid after excavations by the German Archaeological", "id": "16034393" }, { "contents": "Archaeoastronomy\n\n\nhierophany which occurs at the summer solstice, when the Sun, viewed from the Sphinx terrace, forms—together with the two giant pyramids—the symbol Akhet, which was also the name of the Great Pyramid. Further, the south east corners of all the three pyramids align towards the temple of Heliopolis, as first discovered by the Egyptologist Mark Lehner. The astronomical ceiling of the tomb of Senenmut (BC) contains the Celestial Diagram depicting circumpolar constellations in the form of discs. Each disc is divided into 24 sections suggesting", "id": "2598797" }, { "contents": "Egyptian pyramids\n\n\nis identified through the pharaoh who ordered it built, his approximate reign, and its location. Constructing the pyramids involved moving huge quantities of stone. Papyri discovered at the Egyptian desert near the Red Sea, in 2013 by archaeologist Pierre Tallet, revealed the journal of Merer, an official of Egypt involved in transporting limestone along the Nile River. These papyri reveal processes in the building of the Great Pyramid at Giza, the tomb of the Pharaoh Khufu, just outside modern Cairo. Rather than overland transport of the limestone used in", "id": "14873218" }, { "contents": "La Femme Piège\n\n\n. Jill travels with an air taxi to Berlin and during the flight she discovers in her pocket the news paper article that John had told her about before he was murdered. She also learns that what she is writing on her scriptwalker is printed on an old fax at the editorial office of De Morgen. The other Egyptian gods and the pyramid are somewhere in the neighbourhood of Mars when they discover that the pyramid is missing a block of concrete. Exactly the piece of concrete which was used for Horus' punishment. Jill arrives", "id": "2135686" }, { "contents": "La Quemada\n\n\n. Originally, the stairway reached the top of the pyramid where a room or temple constructed with perishable materials apparently existed. Stairway. At about 30 metres west of the Votive Pyramid this stairway was discovered, was used as main access to the top levels of the site. It was constructed in two stages; the first, that approximately reached the middle of the height now observed, apparently it was round shape, and can be associated with shapes of now missing structures; the second, built over the former and with greater", "id": "16590696" }, { "contents": "Big Picture (magazine)\n\n\n, change and move, and why understanding them is so important. Proteins are polymers of amino acids, and they do all sorts of incredible things. They give structure to living things, carry messages and molecules around our bodies, support the immune system and catalyse chemical reactions, and they are used widely in industry and medicine too. In this issue, we explore proteins and discover how they are involved in all kinds of processes in humans and other organisms. In this issue, we explore how science works and look at", "id": "4534039" }, { "contents": "Sekhemkhet\n\n\nhad sons and daughters, but up to this date no personal name was found. Sekhemkhet's pyramid is sometimes referred to as the \"Buried pyramid\" and was first excavated in 1952 by Egyptian archaeologist Zakaria Goneim. A sealed sarcophagus was discovered beneath the pyramid, but when opened was found to be empty. Sekhemkhet's pyramid was planned as a step pyramid from the first. Its base was a square measuring 378 ft x 378 ft (220 x 220 cubits). If the pyramid had been completed, it would have", "id": "19492622" }, { "contents": "Curtains (Under the Dome)\n\n\nhas faith that it's not for them to forget all about it. Mule fritters. Now here's what worked in the Season 1 finale. Julia was revealed to be \"The Monarch\" - the full meaning of which we still don't understand. But now we know why the Dome created a giant sharknado when she got shot. Also, the Dome itself decided to make first contact with Julia and the teens - appearing as Norrie's mom, Alice, and telling them that the Dome was created in order to", "id": "22162779" }, { "contents": "Kamal el-Mallakh\n\n\nKamal el-Mallakh () was a famous Egyptian archaeologist who was among the Egyptian antiquities inspectors who discovered the \"King Khufu Solar ship\" in 1954. El Mallakh was born to a Coptic Christian Orthodox family from Upper Egypt on 26 October 1918 and died on 29 October 1987. He graduated from the \"School of Fine Arts\" in 1943 with a degree in Architecture and then received a master's degree in Egyptology from Cairo University. In 1954 El Mallakh discovered two pits just south of the Great Pyramids of Giza on", "id": "10989527" }, { "contents": "Great Pyramid of Cholula\n\n\n\"La Conejera.\" This structure was discovered in the 1950s, near the end of the first round of excavations. It is a pre-Teotihuacan structure, relatively simple with an adobe core. However, it was not found directly under the other layers of the Pyramid, but rather under a structure known as the Edificio Rojo (Red Building) in the northeast corner. This makes the oldest pyramid of the site \"off-center\" in relation to the later pyramids. It was built with an adobe core with", "id": "3253839" }, { "contents": "Pyramids of Mars\n\n\nplace. The writer John Kenneth Muir was critical of the serial, querying the Egyptian mythology conceit that is woven through the whole story; he questioned a number of apparently illogical story elements, such as why the robots that guard the priory were disguised as Egyptian mummies, and why the Osiran rocket was shaped as a pyramid. In his assessment, the use of ancient Egyptian objects and symbols by the Osiran race was inadequately explained in the script, and he contrasted the \"Pyramids of Mars\" unfavourably with \"Stargate\",", "id": "17945569" }, { "contents": "Shepseskare\n\n\nPyramid of Sahure, is believed to belong to Shepseskare. The structure was discovered in 1980 by a Czechoslovakian archaeological team led by Miroslav Verner and seems to have been abandoned after no more than a few weeks or months of work. A square area of roughly was leveled and the digging of a T-shaped ditch was just started in its center. This ditch was to be left open during the pyramid construction to allow for simultaneous works on the pyramid filling and its substructures. This construction technique is common to all pyramids of", "id": "12812269" }, { "contents": "Ancient Egyptian solar ships\n\n\nproject with Egypt's Antiquities Council, said (June 2011) that scientists discovered that this second ship is inscribed with Khufu's name. Associated with the pyramid of Hetepheres I (GIa). Associated with the pyramid of the Ka (GId). Khafre's pyramid has five pits that once contained funeral boats. One known boat pit is alongside the east face of Khafre's pyramid Another two of the covered boat pits of Khafre lie on the east side of the pyramid & covered boat pit lies on the south side of", "id": "18040956" }, { "contents": "Pyramid of Pepi I\n\n\nwriting pyramid texts had started in Unas's pyramid, they were originally discovered in Pepi I's pyramid in 1880. Ancient Egyptian belief held that the individual consisted of three basic parts; the body, the \"ka\", and the \"ba\". When the person died, the \"ka\" would separate from the body and return to the gods from where it had come, while the \"ba\" remained with the body. The body of the individual, interred in the burial chamber, never physically left;", "id": "17494697" }, { "contents": "Dzibanche\n\n\nfeature symbols that are also in the Teotihuacan style. The structure is the funerary pyramid of Sky Witness, one of the kings of the Kan dynasty. The K'inich Na' Pyramid (\"House of the Sun God\") is a large pyramid approximately north of the site core. Two royal burials were discovered inside the structure, accompanied by jade offerings. The K'inich Na' Pyramid is surrounded by a number of smaller palace-type structures and the group is linked to the site core by a causeway. The group was", "id": "17545776" }, { "contents": "Wydad AC\n\n\n. Wydad Casablanca were crowned champions of Africa after defeating Egyptian giants Al Ahly 2–1 on aggregate in the 2017 CAF Champions League final. In January 2018, the team sacked their coach Hussein Amotta, after a poor first half of the season. \"We respect the coach but we are all working for Wydad and so that's why we took the decision to end Hussein Amotta's contract and we wish him all the best,\" the club said in a statement. The northern part of the Stade Mohammed V is occupied by", "id": "4378889" }, { "contents": "La Venta\n\n\nbuilt on top of a closed-in platform—this is where Blom and La Farge discovered Altars 2 and 3, thereby discovering La Venta and the Olmec civilization. A carbon sample from a burned area of the Structure C-1’s surface resulted in the date of 394 ± 30 BCE. One of the earliest pyramids known in Mesoamerica, the Great Pyramid is high and contains an estimated 100,000 cubic meters of earth fill. The current conical shape of the pyramid was once thought to represent nearby volcanoes or mountains, but recent work", "id": "19480581" }, { "contents": "Egyptian pyramids\n\n\ntimes when the Great Pyramid was listed by Antipater of Sidon as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Today it is the only one of those wonders still in existence. This site, halfway between Giza and Abusir, is the location for two unfinished Old Kingdom pyramids. The northern structure's owner is believed to be pharaoh Nebka, while the southern structure, known as the Layer Pyramid, may be attributable to the Third Dynasty pharaoh Khaba, a close successor of Sekhemkhet. If this attribution is correct, Khaba", "id": "14873204" }, { "contents": "History of the world's tallest buildings\n\n\ncentury, the tallest buildings in the world cannot be conclusively determined. For instance, the Lighthouse of Alexandria (completed about 280 BC) has been estimated to be tall, but its true height is not known. For thousands of years, the Great Pyramid in Egypt was the tallest \"structure\" in the world, but the Great Pyramid is not considered a building since it is not habitable. The earliest structures now known to be the tallest in the world were the Egyptian pyramids, with the Great Pyramid of Giza", "id": "16171070" }, { "contents": "Maya architecture\n\n\nthese would continue uninterrupted around an entire structure and contain a variety of artwork pertaining to the inhabitants or purpose of a building. Though not the case in all Maya locations, broad use of painted stucco has been discovered as well. It has been suggested that, in conjunction to the Maya Long Count Calendar, every fifty-two years, or cycle, temples and pyramids were remodeled and rebuilt. It appears now that the rebuilding process was often instigated by a new ruler or for political matters, as opposed to matching the", "id": "16303797" }, { "contents": "Pyramid of the Moon\n\n\nwas somehow lifted to the top of the pyramid) and it represents the Great Goddess as a water deity. Scholars have suggested that the water that flows through her hands is living water and represents a life-giving force and fertility. Beginning in 1998, archaeologists excavated beneath the Pyramid of the Moon. Tunnels dug into the structure have revealed that the pyramid underwent at least six renovations; each new addition was larger and covered the previous structure. As the archaeologists burrowed through the layers of the pyramid, they discovered artifacts that", "id": "12555439" }, { "contents": "Attack on the Egyptian Embassy in Pakistan\n\n\ntargets in Islamabad, and we discovered it has few American employees and most of the victims would be Pakistani. We also discovered that targeting the other Western embassies was beyond the abilities of the assigned group, so we settled on targeting the Egyptian embassy in Islamabad, which was not only running a campaign for chasing Arabs in Pakistan but also spying on the Arab Mujahedeen…later, Pakistani security found in the ruins of the embassy evidence revealing the co-operation between India and Egypt in espionage. A short time before the bombing", "id": "10979558" }, { "contents": "The Suicide (Seinfeld)\n\n\nthere to tell Martin to give him back his vacuum cleaner. Jerry attempts to buy Newman off with the extra Drake's coffee cake that he has; however, Elaine, now ravenous from her fast, takes it and devours it. Martin awakens from his coma and Newman promptly tells him everything while he chokes Jerry. Meanwhile, George finds Rula the psychic in another hospital room as she is going into labor. He tries to discover from her the reason why he shouldn't go to the Caymans; however, she is", "id": "21416591" }, { "contents": "Aftermath (2010 TV series)\n\n\nevaporates explosively, resulting in collapsing buildings. At , what is left burns, because oxygen levels shoot back up. Stone structures such as Stonehenge and the Egyptian Pyramids melt down, erasing the last of what humans have made. The planet would start turning red as the iron in Earth's crust begins to rust. As the sun expands on its way to becoming a Red Giant, its massive outer edges would begin to slow the Earth's orbit. Our planet, now a fireball, burning up like a meteorite, would", "id": "2548495" }, { "contents": "Step pyramid\n\n\nthe Southeastern Ceremonial Complex. The largest earthen work step pyramid of this type in North America is Monk's Mound, located in present-day Cahokia, Illinois. With the base of the structure exceeding 16 acres Monks Mound is also one of the largest pyramids by area in the world (after La Danta and Great Pyramid of Cholula). As well as menhirs, stone tables, and stone statues Austronesian megalithic culture in Indonesia also featured earth and stone step pyramid structure, referred to as \"punden berundak\" as discovered in", "id": "23491" }, { "contents": "Egyptian pyramids\n\n\nNovember 2008, 118 Egyptian pyramids have been identified. The location of Pyramid 29, which Lepsius called the \"Headless Pyramid\", was lost for a second time when the structure was buried by desert sands after Lepsius's survey. It was found again only during an archaeological dig conducted in 2008. Many pyramids are in a poor state of preservation or buried by desert sands. If visible at all, they may appear as little more than mounds of rubble. As a consequence, archaeologists are continuing to identify and study previously", "id": "14873199" }, { "contents": "Tehuacalco\n\n\nsun rose from behind them. The site was a ceremonial center with a plaza surrounded by various pyramid bases and other structures. The site has a distinct construction style, which consists of boulders with spaces between them filled in with layers of flat rock and red clay. This allows the structures to withstand earthquakes. Of the discovered structures, eight are considered major complexes with the rest minor. The most import of these is four large pyramidal structures and a Mesoamerican ball court. Some of the pyramid bases are in unusually good condition", "id": "14449518" }, { "contents": "Muon tomography\n\n\nbe counted and localized, the system can be designed to not reveal potentially sensitive details of the object design and composition. Muon tomography is extensively used for the ScanPyramid mission, which was launched on October 2015, in the hope of discovering hidden chambers in the Egyptian pyramids. The main objective was to use non destructive methods to find new pathways and chambers within the pyramid. In November 2017, it was reported that three separate teams independently found a large hidden chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza with the help of muon tomography", "id": "881981" }, { "contents": "Ice giant\n\n\n98˚ axial tilt. This causes its seasonal patterns to be very different from those of any other planet in the Solar System. There are still no complete models explaining the atmospheric features observed in the ice giants. Understanding these features will help elucidate how the atmospheres of giant planets in general function. Consequently, such insights could help scientists better predict the atmospheric structure and behaviour of giant exoplanets discovered to be very close to their host stars (pegasean planets) and exoplanets with masses and radii between that of the giant and terrestrial planets", "id": "2639445" }, { "contents": "Senusret II\n\n\n, a daughter of Senusret II, was also discovered by Egyptologists in a separate burial site. Several pieces of jewellery from her tomb including a pair of pectorals and a crown or diadem were found there. They are now displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of New York or the Cairo Museum in Egypt. In 2009, Egyptian archaeologists announced the results of new excavations led by egyptologist Abdul Rahman Al-Ayedi. They described unearthing a cache of pharaonic-era mummies in brightly painted wooden coffins near the Lahun pyramid. The mummies were", "id": "12046796" }, { "contents": "Nathaniel Davison\n\n\nNathaniel Davison (c.1736–1809) was an English diplomat, known for his writings on Egyptian archaeology. He discovered a space in the Great Pyramid, now known as \"Davison's Chamber\", or \"first relieving chamber\". He was the fourth son of George Davison of Little Mill, Longhoughton, Northumberland; his sister Jane was mother of John Yelloly the physician. He was British consul at Nice, where he had consular privileges from September 1769, and then from 1778 in Algiers, leaving in 1783. He had been", "id": "17354681" }, { "contents": "Dr. Phibes Rises Again\n\n\nof Life. Phibes kills each of Biederbeck's men using methods inspired by Egyptian mythology: one man is killed by a hawk, another is stung to death by scorpions. Biederbeck's team eventually breaks into the temple and takes the sarcophagus, and Biederbeck discovers the key. Using a giant fan to simulate a windstorm, Vulnavia enters the tent with the sarcophagus and Phibes uses a giant screw press to crush the man guarding it. Though the sarcophagus is retrieved and Victoria's body is safe, Phibes discovers that the key is", "id": "16278887" }, { "contents": "Egyptian pyramids\n\n\nThe Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt. As of November 2008, sources cite either 118 or 138 as the number of identified Egyptian pyramids. Most were built as tombs for the country's pharaohs and their consorts during the Old and Middle Kingdom periods. The earliest known Egyptian pyramids are found at Saqqara, northwest of Memphis. The earliest among these is the Pyramid of Djoser, which was built  2630–2610 BC during the Third Dynasty. This pyramid and its surrounding complex were designed by the architect Imhotep", "id": "14873190" }, { "contents": "Egyptian pyramids\n\n\nstate of preservation. The Fourth Dynasty pharaoh Shepseskaf either did not share an interest in, or have the capacity to undertake pyramid construction like his predecessors. His tomb, which is also sited at south Saqqara, was instead built as an unusually large mastaba and offering temple complex. It is commonly known as the Mastabat al-Fir’aun. A previously unknown pyramid was discovered at north Saqqara in late 2008. Believed to be the tomb of Teti's mother, it currently stands approximately high, although the original height was closer to", "id": "14873209" }, { "contents": "Egyptian Revival architecture in the British Isles\n\n\nearlier Napoléonic mission, and consisted of surveyors, draftsmen, and other specialists. The mission reached Giza in November 1842 and spent six months making some of the first scientific studies of the pyramids of Giza, Abusir, Saqqara, and Dahshur. They discovered 67 pyramids, recorded in the pioneering Lepsius list of pyramids, and more than 130 tombs. The chief result of this expedition was the publication of \"Denkmäler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien\" (\"Monuments from Egypt and Ethiopia\"), a massive twelve-volume \"compendia", "id": "2566230" }, { "contents": "Karl Richard Lepsius\n\n\nAlexander von Humboldt and Christian Charles Josias Bunsen) by King Frederich Wilhelm IV of Prussia to lead an expedition to Egypt and the Sudan to explore and record the remains of the ancient Egyptian civilization. The Prussian expedition was modelled after the earlier Napoleonic mission, with surveyors, draftsmen, and other specialists. The mission reached Giza in November 1842 and spent six months making some of the first scientific studies of the pyramids of Giza, Abusir, Saqqara, and Dahshur. They discovered 67 pyramids recorded in the pioneering Lepsius list of pyramids", "id": "9233504" }, { "contents": "Zakaria Goneim\n\n\nMuhammed Zakaria Goneim (زكريا غنيم) (alt. spelling: Muhammad Zakarīya Ghunaim, 1905–1959) was an Egyptian archaeologist, known for his discoveries in and around Saqqara. He is best known for discovering the Step Pyramid of Sekhemkhet. Before World War II, Goneim worked at Saqqara on the mortuary temple of Unas. He spent the war in Luxor and then returned to Saqqara to work on the Step Pyramid of Sekhemkhet in close association with Lauer who was working on the Step Pyramid of Djoser. He thought he had found an", "id": "9264814" }, { "contents": "Pyramid of Khui\n\n\n, like the main pyramid, are now completely ruined. The ruined pyramid was first mentioned in a 1912 article of the by the Egyptian Egyptologist Ahmed Kamal. Later, between 1946 and 1948, the complex was explored by Raymond Weill. Due both to the ruined state of the structure and to the building's atypical architecture, Kamal believed it to be a huge mastaba while Weill thought it was a pyramid. Even today, in spite of the fact that the building is commonly considered to be a pyramid—and possibly a", "id": "3469204" }, { "contents": "Pyramid of Neferirkare\n\n\nThe Pyramid of Neferirkare (in ancient Egyptian the Ba of Neferirkare) was built for the Fifth Dynasty pharaoh Neferirkare Kakai referred to as Neferirkare in the 25th century BC. It was the tallest structure located on the highest site at the necropolis of Abusir found between Giza and Saqqara and still towers over the necropolis today. The pyramid is also significant because its evacuation led to the discovery of the Abusir papyri. The Fifth Dynasty marked the end of the great pyramid constructions during the Old Kingdom. Pyramids of the era were smaller and", "id": "19501744" }, { "contents": "Tomb of Hetpet\n\n\nThe tomb of Hetpet (Hetepet) is a 4,400 year old Egyptian tomb of a priestess. The tomb was discovered in 1909 by Carl Maria Kaufmann at Gizeh, a location close to the pyramids of Cairo. Many decorated stone blocks were taken out and brought to the Egyptian Museum of Berlin and to the Liebieghaus in Frankfurt. The tomb was rediscovered during 2017 by an Egyptian expedition. The remaining parts of the tomb chapel have well preserved paintings. The existence of Hetpet was already established from the existence of indications of her name", "id": "21896453" }, { "contents": "Erich von Däniken\n\n\npyramids, even though there are pyramids in Egypt that were built before the Great Pyramid. Because he believed that there was no prehistory, von Däniken put forward that there is nothing known about how, when, or why these pyramids were built. Von Däniken also claims that Egyptians built perfect pyramids from the beginning, but numerous pyramid precursors survive, showing the errors made, and corrected, by Egyptian architects while they were perfecting the technique. These include simple mastabas, the Step Pyramid of Djoser, and the so-called", "id": "17622016" }, { "contents": "Buried Pyramid\n\n\n, which was approximately six years. The Buried Pyramid was a previously unknown structure until, in 1951, Egyptologist Zakaria Goneim noticed the odd rectangular shape in the desert while excavating the nearby Unas complex. A three part rubble-coursed enclosure wall was first discovered, and by digging to its bottom, it was found to be 5,18 m (17 ft) tall and 18,28 m (60 ft) thick. He later discovered that the wall further extended on both sides to dimensions of 518 m (1700 ft) in the", "id": "19572189" }, { "contents": "Khentkaus I\n\n\nthe home of the priests and servants of the pyramid complex. The pyramid city was constructed toward the end of the Fourth or beginning of the Fifth Dynasty and seems to have been functioning well into the Sixth Dynasty. A causeway connects the pyramid chapel to the valley temple of Khentkaus. The temple lies close to the valley temple of Menkaure, which suggests a close relationship between Khentkaus and Menkaure. In front of the temple a small structure referred to as the \"washing tent\" of Khentkaus was discovered. This structure was the", "id": "2032337" }, { "contents": "Sesheshet\n\n\nbuilt with a superstructure high. Hawass's archaeological team began excavating the site in 2006. The discovery of the pyramid was made in September 2008 with the unearthing of the structure from the sand. The structure originally reached in height, with sides long. Once five stories tall, the pyramid was discovered beneath of sand, a small shrine, and mud-brick walls from later periods. It is the third known \"subsidiary\" pyramid to Teti's tomb and originally was and at its base, due to its walls having", "id": "5180821" }, { "contents": "Quality Street (play)\n\n\nand Henrietta Turnbull. In a final confrontation with Captain Brown, we discover that he has found his love for Miss Phoebe and not for Miss Livvy, as he insists that \"I have discovered for myself that the schoolmistress in her old maid's cap is the noblest Miss Phoebe of them all.\" Miss Livvy still hangs heavy over the sisters: having been created, she is now difficult to dispose of. The local gossips watch for any sign of Miss Livvy and frequently visit the sisters' home. Brown comes to", "id": "22172909" }, { "contents": "Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom\n\n\ngroup of four cavemen, each of whom have discovered the nuclear form of one of the above sounds. We begin with a portly Caveman Toot who has discovered that blowing through an old cow's horn produces a pleasing \"toot\". We advance to ancient Egypt in 2000 BC, where Caveman Toot discovers that metal horns produce even better sounds. He celebrates by breaking into a two-note jazz solo as Egyptian characters painted on the walls boogie down. We return to Professor Owl, who explains that making a trumpet longer", "id": "9796052" }, { "contents": "Young Sherlock Holmes\n\n\nCragwitch, who is the remaining victim. However, they are discovered by Professor Rathe and Mrs. Dribb, who plan to expel Watson and Elizabeth in the morning. That night, while Elizabeth heads to Waxflatter's loft to salvage his work, Holmes and Watson head to see Mr. Cragwitch, who explains that in his youth he and the other men had discovered an underground pyramid of Rame Tep and the ancient tools of five Egyptian princesses while building a hotel in Egypt. Their find led to an angry uprising by the people of", "id": "11714122" }, { "contents": "Ancient Egyptian solar ships\n\n\nlarge wooden planks reaching six metres high and 1.5 metres wide. Two boats were discovered at Abu Rawash hill M.(2 boats or Ships) At the complex of Djedefre, Emile Chassinat, between 1900 and 1902, discovered the remains of a funerary settlement and a boat pit. The solar boat pit is situated on the east side of the pyramid. It is a ditch 35 meters long cut out of the living limestone. It is destined for the royal boat. The beautiful heads carved into the likeness of Djedefre were found there.", "id": "18040959" }, { "contents": "Egypt (TV series)\n\n\nthe teachings of the Church. Champollion, arriving in 1828, starts by studying the Great Pyramid at Giza discovering it to be a tomb built for the Pharaoh Khufu around 2560 BC. At Saqqara he finds the site largely stripped by dealers but in a forgotten tomb he discovers ancient hieroglyphs he translates to prove his theories. Eager to understand the Ancient Egyptians he pushes on to the ancient capital of Thebes where at the sprawling Temple of Karnak he reads the story of Ramesses the Great and the battle against the Hittites at Kadesh.", "id": "18372897" }, { "contents": "Valley of the Kings\n\n\nburied tombs were forgotten and only discovered in the early 20th century. This was the area that was the subject of the Amarna Royal Tombs Project ground scanning radar investigation, which showed several anomalies, one of which was proved to be KV63. The Theban Hills are dominated by the peak of al-Qurn, known to the Ancient Egyptians as \"ta dehent\", or \"The Peak\". It has a pyramid-shaped appearance, and it is probable that this echoed the pyramids of the Old Kingdom, more than", "id": "17755132" }, { "contents": "Pyramid of Pepi II\n\n\ntwo further rows of magazines and a small corridor on the northern side leading to a staircase which allowed access to the temple's roof. Finally, a third hall, on the same east–west axis as the other two, led into the causeway, which rain in a southwesterly direction all the way to the mortuary temple by the pyramid. In the ruins of this structure Gustave Jéquier discovered caskets with Pepi II's name and lids showing the king accompanied by gods who offer him the ankh, symbol of eternal life,", "id": "5763572" }, { "contents": "Northern Mazghuna pyramid\n\n\nThe Northern Mazghuna Pyramid is an ancient Egyptian royal tomb which was built during the 12th or 13th Dynasty in Mazghuna, 5 km south of Dahshur. The building remained unfinished, and it is still unknown which pharaoh was really intended to be buried here since no appropriate inscription has been The pyramid was rediscovered in 1910 by Ernest Mackay and excavated in the following year by Flinders Petrie. When the two Mazghuna pyramids were rediscovered, scholars noticed many structural similarities between those two and Amenemhat III's pyramid at Hawara; for this reason", "id": "17829105" }, { "contents": "Pyramidology\n\n\nof pseudoarcheological claims on the ancient Egyptian pyramids as follows: \" the 1880s, Ignatius Donnelly had suggested that the Great Pyramid had been built by the descendants of the Atlanteans. That idea was picked up in the 1920s by Manly Palmer Hall who went on to suggest that they were the focus of the ancient Egyptian wisdom schools. Edgar Cayce built upon Hall's speculations.\" Ignatius Donnelly and later proponents of the hyperdiffusionist view of history claimed that all pyramid structures across the world had a common origin. Donnelly claimed this", "id": "13415354" }, { "contents": "Tama-Re\n\n\nWithin this pyramid one can find a bookstore and a clothing store. The other pyramid is painted black with colorful Egyptian symbols painted on the outside. This structure serves as a church. Within the church, loudspeakers play Egyptian chants 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In March 2002, the Nuwaubians finally submitted a permit application for the nightclub, now called a \"fellowship hall\", allowing them to use the building for the first time since it was padlocked. On 8 May 2002, the compound was raided", "id": "3256383" }, { "contents": "Pyramid of Menkaure\n\n\nfirst visited Egypt in 1835, discovered on 28 July 1837 in the upper antechamber the remains of a wooden anthropoid coffin inscribed with Menkaure's name and containing human bones. This is now considered to be a substitute coffin from the Saite period. Radiocarbon dating on the bones determined them to be less than 2,000 years old, suggesting either an all-too-common bungled handling of remains from another site, or access to the pyramid during Roman times. Deeper into the pyramid, Vyse came upon a basalt sarcophagus, described as", "id": "16161365" }, { "contents": "History of Solar System formation and evolution hypotheses\n\n\nplanetary nebula discovered was the Dumbbell Nebula in the constellation of Vulpecula, observed by Charles Messier in 1764 and listed as M27 in his catalogue of nebulous objects. To early observers with low-resolution telescopes, M27 and subsequently discovered planetary nebulae somewhat resembled the gas giants, and William Herschel, discoverer of Uranus, eventually coined the term 'planetary nebula' for them, although, as we now know, they are very different from planets. The central stars of planetary nebulae are very hot. Their luminosity, though, is", "id": "2330602" }, { "contents": "Doctor Fate\n\n\nbefore leaving Earth to hone his spellcasting abilities. Kent later returns to help the team with various problems. The Earth-2 incarnation of Doctor Fate is an Egyptian man named Khalid Ben-Hassin. Khalid accompanies archaeologist Kendra Saunders while she is exploring a pyramid in Egypt and discovers the Helm of Nabu, but is reluctant to wear it due to Nabu's spirit affecting his thoughts and sanity. After teaming up with several other superheroes, Khalid fights the villain Wotan and discovers the Tower of Fate, Nabu's extradimensional base of operations,", "id": "19518274" }, { "contents": "Mortuary house\n\n\nburial behavior and intentionally bury their dead, doing so in shallow graves along with stone tools and animal bones. The earliest undisputed human burial, discovered so far, dates back 100,000 years. Human skeletal remains stained with red ochre were discovered in the Skhul cave at Qafzeh, Israel. Egyptian Pyramids Ancient Egypt is well known in their unique housing of the dead. The complex construction of chambers were both alluring and mysterious. The tombs represented as mortuary temples for the dead and the afterlife. Ballyveelish, Co. Tipperary Ireland The outline", "id": "4578140" }, { "contents": "Legume\n\n\nshade for cattle, the leaves and bark are often eaten by cattle. Green manure can also be grown between periods when crops of economic importance are harvested prior to the next crops to be planted. Archaeologists have discovered traces of pulse production around Ravi River (Punjab), the seat of the Indus Valley Civilisation, dating to c. 3300 BCE. Meanwhile, evidence of lentil cultivation has also been found in Egyptian pyramids and cuneiform recipes. Dry pea seeds have been discovered in a Swiss village that are believed to date back to", "id": "9660460" }, { "contents": "Who's Singin' Over There?\n\n\nno relevance\". Later on the bus, the humiliated young bride offers him her seat, but he vehemently refuses: \"\"You've shown yourself in that bush - who you are and what you are\"\". Still later when it is discovered that the veteran's wallet is missing and as Krstic Sr. announces he'd search every one of the passengers until wallet is produced, the Germanophile stops him: \"\"Why bother all these honest people when we know who around here likes to steal\"\" pointing", "id": "18492459" }, { "contents": "Southern Mazghuna pyramid\n\n\nThe Southern Mazghuna Pyramid is an ancient Egyptian royal tomb which was built during the 12th or the 13th Dynasty in Mazghuna, 5 km south of Dahshur, Egypt. The building was never finished, and is still unknown which pharaoh was the owner, since no appropriate inscription have been The pyramid was rediscovered in 1910 by Ernest Mackay and excavated in the following year by Flinders Petrie. The building shares some structural similarities to the Hawara pyramid of Amenemhat III, and for this reason it is usually attributed to his son Amenemhat IV", "id": "15237543" } ]
With the number of deaths it causes each year, how are alcohol advertisements not illegal like cigarettes?
[{"answer": "Because the alcohol industry is better at Public Relations management. Tobacco has become the public whipping boy and the slightest breath to defend tobacco will draw an insane firestorm of rabid mouth-foamers (despite whatever huge chunk of society is stupid enough to choose smoking). The fact that \"plain packaging\" - which really shows diseased eyeballs and rotting teeth and such -- can be mandated for cigs is a clear example. Try to push that on anything else bad, alcohol, whatever, and you'd see people freak out. Bashing tobacco is the media darling these days and there is no limit to how far you can push that."}, {"answer": "While ads are allowed, you can't show someone drinking the product."}, {"answer": "Alcohol is viewed as the only drug that can be taken in moderation, and its enjoyment by humans far predates tobacco."}, {"answer": "Laws in a democracy aren't based on pure logic or the best public policy. Good policies often need majority support to be implemented. Only 18 percent of Americans smoke while 65 percent drink alcohol at least occasionally. Cigarettes have been losing in a downward cycle. The few smokers the easier it is to approve anti-smoking rules. As a result there are few smokers which in turn making it easier to put in place new restrictions. I wrote a piece about the long term political dynamics the legal marijuana industry faces will likely face that applies perfectly to the question you are asking. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "First of all, advertising tobacco isn't entirely illegal; it's only illegal on TV, which children are likely to see. Similarly, it is unlawful to advertise alcohol on TV programs targeted to minors. So there are similarities, though obviously, restrictions on tobacco advertising are more strict. The why is a political matter. Tobacco, even in moderation, is a potent carcinogen; it causes cancer. Alcohol, in moderation, has documented health benefits. Although as a society, we limit alcohol consumption to adults, drinking is seen as a normal and non-harmful behavior, provided it's done responsibly, so as a society we haven't seen fit to limit its advertising as aggressively."}, {"answer": "One of the reason could be also that alcohol most of the time is a \"social\" drug"}, {"answer": "Depends on the country. A lot of european countries completely or partially ban alcohol advertisement"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1407128", "title": "Informative advertising", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["nformative advertising is advertising that is carried out in an informative manner. The idea is to give the ad the look of an official article to give it more credibility. Also, informative ads tend to help generate a good reputation. In some circumstances a business might be required to run informative advertising as part of resolving a lawsuit. Tobacco companies are one of the more notable examples of this. Alcohol producers", "Informative advertising is advertising that is carried out in an informative manner. The idea is to give the ad the look of an official article to give it more credibility. Also, informative ads tend to help generate a good reputation. In some circumstances a business might be required to run informative advertising as part of resolving a lawsuit. Tobacco companies are one of the more notable examples of this. Alcohol producers have been running advertisements with the general message being \"don't drive drunk\". Some unions and trade organisations have run\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2322041", "title": "Alcohol advertising", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "end_character": 212, "bleu_score": 0.8935248372106969}]}]
[ { "contents": "Surrogate advertising\n\n\nSurrogate advertising is a form of advertising which is used to promote banned products, like cigarettes and alcohol, in the disguise of another product. This type of advertising uses a product of a fairly close category, as: club soda, mineral water in case of alcohol, or products of a completely different category (for example, music CD's or playing cards) to hammer the brand name into the heads of consumers. The banned product (alcohol or cigarettes) may not be projected directly to consumers but rather masked under", "id": "1361927" }, { "contents": "Alcoholism\n\n\nto binge drinking, which may result in violence or accidents. About 3.3 million deaths (5.9% of all deaths) are believed to be due to alcohol each year. Alcoholism reduces a person's life expectancy by around ten years and alcohol use is the third leading cause of early death in the United States. No professional medical association recommends that people who are nondrinkers should start drinking wine. Long-term alcohol abuse can cause a number of physical symptoms, including cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, epilepsy, polyneuropathy,", "id": "2654435" }, { "contents": "Mass media\n\n\nin tow of airplanes), blimps, skywriting, AR Advertising. Many commercial advertisers use this form of mass media when advertising in sports stadiums. Tobacco and alcohol manufacturers used billboards and other outdoor media extensively. However, in 1998, the Master Settlement Agreement between the US and the tobacco industries prohibited the billboard advertising of cigarettes. In a 1994 Chicago-based study, Diana Hackbarth and her colleagues revealed how tobacco- and alcohol-based billboards were concentrated in poor neighbourhoods. In other urban centers, alcohol and tobacco billboards were", "id": "19983455" }, { "contents": "Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada\n\n\nand continue producing controversial artwork together. Artfux started by illegally altering billboards and staging socially charged street actions and performances. But it was their billboard alterations that had the most coherent goal and plan of action in order to effect change. They targeted the disproportionately high amount of damaging products (get drunk quick beverages and menthol cigarette brands) being advertised in poor areas. Coinciding with their ‘ad-busting’ was a wave of black and Latino communities coming together against cigarette and alcohol advertising. The communities accused these companies of exploiting", "id": "14544061" }, { "contents": "Arguments for and against drug prohibition\n\n\nMedical Association gave the number deaths caused by alcohol in year 2000 as 85,000 – over four and a half times greater than the DEA's preferred figure. The DEA's argument also overlooks tobacco, causing 435,000 US deaths in year 2000. And, the CDC definition of \"drug-induced death\" includes suicides using drugs, accidental overdose, and deaths from medically prescribed (not illegal) drugs. An analysis of drug-induced deaths for the 20-year period 1979–1998 found the vast majority attributable to accidental overdose, and suicide by", "id": "17133426" }, { "contents": "Adverse effects of electronic cigarettes\n\n\n, and retailers for selling e-liquids used in e-cigarettes with labeling and/or advertising that cause them to resemble kid-friendly food products, such as juice boxes, candy or cookies, some of them with cartoon-like imagery. Several of the companies receiving warning letters were also cited for illegally selling the products to minors. \"No child should be using any tobacco product, and no tobacco products should be marketed in a way that endangers kids – especially by using imagery that misleads them into thinking the products are", "id": "4231918" }, { "contents": "Illicit cigarette trade\n\n\nreport prioritises reducing the threat of criminal terrorist activity in Canada through effectively addressing contraband activities, disrupting organized crime groups, and enhancing intelligence gathering and sharing. Rokok Tak Sah (Malaysia) Launched by Royal Malaysian Customs, this campaign is aimed at educating retailers and the public about the penalties of buying and selling illicit cigarettes. Brochures and newspaper advertisements were deployed to raise awareness of how to identify illegal cigarettes. Customs officers also increased enforcement efforts to seize illegal cigarettes and fine retailers facilitating sales to the public. Don't", "id": "1929460" }, { "contents": "A Frank Statement\n\n\n4025 cigarettes. The first cigarette advertisements claimed that smoking cigarettes had a variety of health benefits, such as prolonged youth, thinness, and attractiveness. However, as more research revealed the deceptiveness of these claims, tobacco companies began to use advertisements, like \"A Frank Statement,\" to deny that their products caused cancer. Claiming that advertisement bans would infringe on \"commercial free speech,\" the tobacco industry has continually fought against them; however, the industry has never responded to criticism that much of its advertising, like", "id": "6847157" }, { "contents": "Illicit cigarette trade\n\n\nGet Burnt (Singapore) This campaign by Singapore Customs seeks to warn the public about the dangers and stiff penalties for activities involving illicit tobacco trade. The campaign encourages citizens to report illegal activities and educates the public about identifying illegal cigarettes through: radio networks, cable television, outdoor and print advertisements, roadshows and community engagement. Efforts resulted in a 30.4% decrease in the number of illegal cigarette buyers caught. Hong Kong United Against Illicit Tobacco (2013) This movement aims to consolidate opposition to illicit trade, educate the", "id": "1929461" }, { "contents": "Prevalence of tobacco use\n\n\nIn 1990, smoking was the cause of about 1,800 male deaths in Israel which was around 12% of all male deaths. Smoking has not been found to be significant cause of death among Israeli women. The average number of cigarettes smoked per Israeli stands at 2162 (6). There are several anti-tobacco use legislations in effect. For instance, advertising is prohibited in youth publications and is forbidden on television and radio, in addition to substantial increases in tobacco taxes, although the prices are still among the lowest compared", "id": "15426402" }, { "contents": "Comprehensive Smoking Education Act\n\n\nthat smoking was the most important cause of chronic bronchitis, increased risk of dying from chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and caused coronary disease. As a result, Congress enacted the Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act in 1965, which created the first cigarette warning label in the United States by requiring health warnings on all cigarette packages saying \"Caution: Cigarette Smoking May Be Hazardous to Your Health.\" A few years later, Congress passed the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act of 1969, which banned cigarette advertising on television and radio as well", "id": "14671772" }, { "contents": "Gateway drug theory\n\n\nof tobacco, cannabis, and other illegal drugs. Adolescents who smoked cigarettes before age 15 were up to 80 times more likely to use illegal drugs. Studies indicate vaping serves as a gateway to traditional cigarettes and cannabis use. Large-scale longitudinal studies in the UK and New Zealand from 2015 and 2017 showed an association between cannabis use and an increased probability of later disorders in the use of other drugs. Students who regularly consume caffeinated energy drinks have a greater risk of alcohol use disorder, cocaine use and misuse of prescription", "id": "19180704" }, { "contents": "Health effects of tobacco\n\n\nacross all smokers. Risks vary according to the amount of tobacco smoked, with those who smoke more at greater risk. Smoking so-called \"light\" cigarettes does not reduce the risk. Smoking is the cause of about 5 million deaths per year. This makes it the most common cause of preventable early death. One study found that male and female smokers lose on average of 13.2 and 14.5 years of life, respectively. Another found a loss of life of 6.8 years. Each cigarette that is smoked is estimated to", "id": "9198255" }, { "contents": "History of condoms\n\n\ncondoms could be legally advertised and sold for the prevention of disease. There were still a few state laws against buying and selling contraceptives, and advertising condoms as birth control devices remained illegal in over thirty states. But condoms began to be publicly, legally sold to Americans for the first time in forty-five years. Through the 1920s, catchy names and slick packaging became an increasingly important marketing technique for many consumer items, including condoms and cigarettes. Quality testing became more common, involving filling each condom with air followed by", "id": "313443" }, { "contents": "Surrogate advertising\n\n\nanother product under the same brand name, so that whenever there is mention of that brand, people start associating it with its main product (the alcohol or cigarette). In India there is a large number of companies doing surrogate advertising, from Bacardi Blast music CD's, Bagpiper Club Soda to Officers Choice playing cards. The origin of surrogate advertising can be traced to Britain, where housewives started protesting against liquor advertisements which provoked their husbands. The protest rose to a level where liquor advertising had to be banned and brand", "id": "1361928" }, { "contents": "Health in Israel\n\n\nof about 1,800 male deaths in Israel which was around 12% of all male deaths. Smoking has not been found to be significant cause of death among Israeli women. The average number of cigarettes smoked per Israeli stands at 2162 (6). There are several anti-tobacco use legislations in effect. For instance, advertising is prohibited in youth publications and is forbidden on television and radio. in addition to substantial increases in tobacco taxes, although comparatively the prices are still among the lowest compared to all of the European countries", "id": "13714504" }, { "contents": "RCTV\n\n\nto honor its parent company. The same year RCTV became a pioneer station to use the Scanimate system of computer graphics for its on-air presentation and program graphics. The government of Luis Herrera Campins, by way of decrees 849 (published in the Official Gazette number 32,116 dated 21 November 1980) and 996 (published in the Official Gazette number 32,192 dated 20 March 1981) prohibited, for reasons of public health, television and radio stations to advertise, directly or indirectly, the consumption of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, and", "id": "19676467" }, { "contents": "Marketing of electronic cigarettes\n\n\ndifferent e-cigarette flavors available online, up from 7,700 in 2014, with over 240 new additional flavors being added each month. Fruit, candy, and dessert flavors are common. Ads for flavored e-cigarettes have been shown to cause children to be more interested in buying and trying e-cigarettes, as compared to ads for non-flavored e-cigarettes. Children's' belief that fruit-flavored e-cigarettes are less harmful also increases their appeal, and restrictions on advertising for flavoured e-cigarettes have", "id": "15481143" }, { "contents": "David Goerlitz\n\n\nMan\". Goerlitz was featured in 42 advertisements for Winston cigarettes, including the 'Search and Rescue' advertisement series, for which he was America’s most-photographed person on cigarette advertisements. The marketing series moved Winston cigarettes from number 4 to number 2 in worldwide sales. In 1988 Goerlitz's brother was diagnosed with cancer after which Goerlitz publicly quit smoking at the 'Great American Smokeout' in November of that year. At this point he became involved with the anti smoking movement and toured schools and colleges worldwide. He", "id": "14238117" }, { "contents": "Health of Frédéric Chopin\n\n\nProfessor Witt of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The heart remained in alcohol, and the container was not opened, so it could not be touched or sampled. Inspection suggested that a rare case of pericarditis, caused by complications from chronic tuberculosis, was the likely cause of Chopin's death. A number of alternative hypotheses about the cause of Chopin's death flourished over the years. The hypothesis that Chopin suffered from cystic fibrosis was first presented by O’Shea in 1987. Chopin possibly was sexually active from early adulthood, but left", "id": "19849047" }, { "contents": "Long-term effects of alcohol consumption\n\n\nalcohol use. In fact, excessive alcohol use is the 3rd leading lifestyle-related cause of death for people in the United States each year.\" A 1993 study estimated US deaths through alcohol at 100,000. Another Centers for Disease Control report from 2001 estimated that medium and high consumption of alcohol led to 75,754 deaths in the United States in 2001. Low consumption of alcohol had some beneficial effects, so a net 59,180 deaths were attributed to alcohol. In 2016, a meta-analysis of 87 studies investigating alcohol use and", "id": "19943664" }, { "contents": "Illicit cigarette trade\n\n\nlarger operations such as drug smuggling or people trafficking. South Africa faces similar problems with cigarette smuggling, as police report the sale of illegal cigarettes is bigger than drugs in South Africa. The global scale of the illegal cigarette trade has reached an all-time high, as governments are estimated to lose over US$50 billion in global government revenues each year. A Euromonitor (2011) report estimates that there are 360 billion cigarettes consumed annually (excluding China), which accounts for 10% of the global market. Euromonitor (", "id": "1929440" }, { "contents": "Marketing of electronic cigarettes\n\n\nallegedly illegally marketing to minors in the US as of 2018. E-cigarette industry marketing strategy mostly targets the upper-middle class of people in trying to sell their products. Celebrity endorsements are also used to encourage e-cigarette use. A 2012 celebrity television ad campaign for e-cigarettes, in a context of longstanding prohibition of tobacco advertising on TV, . Cynthia Hallett of Americans for Non-Smokers' Rights described the US advertising campaign as attempting to \"re-establish a norm that smoking is okay, that", "id": "15481145" }, { "contents": "Formula 1 (video game)\n\n\nto a low detail model composed of only 90 to 100 polygons. The game's original release date was pushed back to allow the developers time to make last minute tweaks, fix bugs, and make the complex graphical changes needed to remove cigarette and alcohol advertising, which is illegal in video games in some parts of the United States. Probe Software started work on a port of the game for the Sega Saturn in 1997. Psygnosis's Formula One license had expired by this time, presenting a potential obstacle to this conversion being", "id": "21625535" }, { "contents": "Regulation of tobacco by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration\n\n\nreport the day it was released and quickly proposed a mandatory cigarette label that warned, \"CAUTION: cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health and may cause death from cancer and other diseases.\" However, legislation ultimately passed by Congress required a warning label with less dire language:\"CAUTION: CIGARETTE SMOKING MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH.\" In 1965, the United States Congress passed the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act (FCLAA), which required a health warning on all cigarette packs. In 1970, President Richard Nixon signed the", "id": "6754169" }, { "contents": "Winston tastes good like a cigarette should\n\n\n\"Winston tastes good like a cigarette should\" is an advertising slogan that appeared in newspaper, magazine, radio, and television advertisements for Winston cigarettes, manufactured by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Reynolds used the slogan from Winston's introduction in 1954 until 1972. It is one of the best-known American tobacco advertising campaigns. In 1999, \"Advertising Age\" included the \"Winston tastes good like a cigarette should\" jingle in its list of the 10 best radio and television jingles in the United States during the 20th", "id": "16812118" }, { "contents": "Ted Bates (advertising firm)\n\n\nkind of statistical analysis the Public Health Service is using to 'prove' that cigarettes cause cancer. We'll use only statistical facts taken from bona fide population surveys. One statistical inference is very clear. In each pair of countries, the higher cancer rate is in the country closer to the Iron Curtain...By the same means that some public servants are using to indict cigarettes, we've just proved that Communism causes cancer. But you know and we know, Communism is not guilty. And nobody yet knows about cigarettes", "id": "2997563" }, { "contents": "Smoking ban\n\n\nanti-smoking legislation in place. However, in October 2012, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev commenced an anti-tobacco strategy that has led to proposals from the Russian Health Ministry to cease advertising, increase tax on cigarette sales and ban smoking in public spaces. The Prime Minister lamented the smoking death rate in the country with 400,000 citizens dying every year of smoking-related causes and this is also compounded by the fact that a pack of cigarettes in Russia typically costs around the £1 mark. A strict law aimed to protect", "id": "11879631" }, { "contents": "Tobacco in the United States\n\n\n18.7%) and South (15.3%) and lowest in the West (12.4%). Men tend to smoke more than women. In 2015, 16.7% of men smoked compared to 13.6% of women. In 2009 46.6 million, or 20.6 percent of adults 18 and older were current smokers. Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, accounting for approximately 443,000 deaths, or 1 of every 5 deaths, in the United States each year. Cigarette smoking alone has cost the United", "id": "14866840" }, { "contents": "Regulation of nicotine marketing\n\n\nthe agreement, billboards are a major venue of cigarette advertising (10% of Michigan billboards advertised alcohol and tobacco, according to the Detroit Free Press). In 2010, the Tobacco Control Act became active and placed new restrictions on tobacco marketing, including extensive constraints concerning the circulation of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco to minors. Newly effective with this act, \"audio advertisements are not permitted to contain any music or sound effects, while video advertisements are limited to static black text on a white background. Any audio soundtrack accompanying a", "id": "14207080" }, { "contents": "Cigarette\n\n\n-safe standard. Canada has passed a similar nationwide mandate based on the same standard. All U.S. states are gradually passing fire-safe mandates. The European Union in 2011 banned cigarettes that do not meet a fire-safety standard. According to a study made by the European Union in 16 European countries, 11,000 fires were due to people carelessly handling cigarettes between 2005 and 2007. This caused 520 deaths with 1,600 people injured. Many countries have restrictions on cigarette advertising, promotion, sponsorship, and marketing. For example,", "id": "17530633" }, { "contents": "Alcohol advertising\n\n\nalcohol use in 2008 were 1.5 percent among 12 or 13 years old, 6.9 percent among 14 or 15 years old, 17.2 percent among 16 or 17 years old, 33.7 percent among persons aged 18 to 20. In 2009, the rates for each group of underage alcohol usage increased by a fourth. According to 2001 College Alcohol Study (CAS), continuous alcohol promotions and advertisements including lowering prices on certain types of alcohol on a college campus have increased the percentage of alcohol consumption of that college community. Alcohol advertising on", "id": "5959111" }, { "contents": "TV advertisements by country\n\n\nprompting longer commercial breaks. Another reason is that advertisements often cut into certain parts in the regular programming that are either climaxes of the plot or a major turning point in the show, which many people find exciting or entertaining to watch. Beginning on January 2, 1971, advertisements featuring cigarettes were banned from American TV. Advertisements for alcohol products are allowed, but the consumption of any alcohol product is not allowed in a television advertisement (for example, an actor in a beer commercial cannot be shown actually drinking the beer", "id": "5345264" }, { "contents": "Minors and the legality of cannabis\n\n\nargue that if opioids are acceptable to treat a minor’s pain, then cannabis should be as well. As cannabis consumption among minors has increased, the rate at which they consume alcohol and smoke cigarettes has decreased dramatically. In the United States, marijuana is illegal under the federal Controlled Substances Act, but most states have legalized some form of medical marijuana, and a smaller but growing number of states have legalized marijuana for recreational use by adults. However, \"it is currently illegal in all 50 states for minors to use", "id": "8309519" }, { "contents": "Health in Bahrain\n\n\nTobacco products include cigarettes, cigars, various electronic cigarettes, hookahs, and chewing tobacco. Hookahs and the water pipes are common. Physicians have studied uses of tobacco and the conclusion was that the physicians in Bahrain smoke water pipes more than cigarettes, but they are still as harmful to the body. The advertisement of any of these tobacco products are against the law in Bahrain. It is illegal to endorse these over billboards, advertisements, or commercials to “promote or encourage smoking”. The laws and regulations that you must", "id": "14628432" }, { "contents": "Electronic cigarette\n\n\ne-cigarettes are more likely to go on to use traditional cigarettes. The evidence suggests that young people who vape are also at greater risk for subsequent long-term tobacco use. E-cigarettes are expanding the nicotine market by attracting low-risk youth who would be unlikely to initiate nicotine use with traditional cigarettes. Data from a longitudinal cohort study of children with alcoholic parents found that adolescents (both middle and late adolescence) who used cigarettes, marijuana, or alcohol were significantly more likely to have ever used e-", "id": "16081844" }, { "contents": "Usage of electronic cigarettes\n\n\nlikely to go on to use traditional cigarettes. The evidence suggests that young people who vape are also at greater risk for subsequent long-term tobacco use. E-cigarettes are expanding the nicotine market by attracting low-risk youth who would be unlikely to initiate nicotine use with traditional cigarettes. Data from a longitudinal cohort study of children with alcoholic parents found that adolescents (both middle and late adolescence) who used cigarettes, marijuana, or alcohol were significantly more likely to have ever used e-cigarettes. Adolescents were more", "id": "16190303" }, { "contents": "Communities That Care\n\n\nwere 32% less likely to initiate alcohol use, and 33% less likely to initiate cigarette smoking than Grade 8 youth from control communities (Hawkins et al., 2009). Preventive effects were again sustained through Grade 10 when CTC panel youth were 29% less likely to initiate alcohol use and 28% less likely to initiate cigarette smoking than panel youth from control communities. Differences in the initiation of delinquency, alcohol use, and cigarette smoking from Grade 5 through Grade 10 led to cumulatively lower rates of initiation over time", "id": "17640399" }, { "contents": "Child abuse\n\n\ndecades later – of the chronic diseases that are the most common causes of death and disability in the United States... A strong relationship was seen between the number of adverse experiences (including physical and sexual abuse in childhood) and self-reports of cigarette smoking, obesity, physical inactivity, alcoholism, drug abuse, depression, attempted suicide, sexual promiscuity and sexually transmitted diseases in later life.\" A long-term study of adults retrospectively reporting adverse childhood experiences including verbal, physical and sexual abuse, as well as other", "id": "11470145" }, { "contents": "Snowmobile\n\n\ninto an obstacle. In unfamiliar areas, riders may crash into suspended barbed wire or haywire fences at high speeds. Each year a number of serious or fatal accidents are caused by these factors. Each year, riders are killed by hitting other snowmobiles, automobiles, pedestrians, rocks, trees, or fences, or falling through thin ice. On average, 10 people a year have died in such crashes in Minnesota alone, with alcohol a contributing factor in many cases. In Saskatchewan, 16 out of 21 deaths in snowmobile", "id": "18464733" }, { "contents": "Health in Finland\n\n\nmany more have prediabetes. The number of people with diabetes are estimated to double in 10 years. Most of the incidences could be prevented with healthy life styles, i.e. sufficient level of physical activity, obtaining normal weight and eating healthy. Major causes of deaths in Finland are cardiovascular diseases, malignant tumours, dementia and Alzheimer's disease, respiratory diseases, alcohol related diseases and accidental poisoning by alcohol. In 2010 the leading causes of death among men aged 15 to 64 were alcohol related deaths, ischaemic heart disease, accident,", "id": "1398051" }, { "contents": "Bihar alcohol poisonings\n\n\nto consumption of spurious liquor. But the administration fudges the report, blaming the deaths on contaminated food. Only Mahadalits and the poor are suffering due to Nitish’s Taliban-like ban on liquor.” Mangal Pandey, Bihar BJP president, called the tragedy a failure of Nitish Kumar and wondered how despite prohibition law in place, illegal country-made liquor was being manufactured and consumed by people. He accused the administration of covering up the case and trying to prepare fake medical reports to show that deaths were not due to", "id": "9222451" }, { "contents": "Illicit cigarette trade\n\n\nthat possibly 14.3 percent of tobacco consumed in Australia was bought through the black market and the cost in loss of revenue earned from taxes each year was $1.4 billion. As of 2009, illegal cigarettes are believed to be a $1.5 billion industry in Canada. In Canada, between 63 and 79 percent of the price of a package of cigarettes is tax. Many border-goers take advantage of the situation, not only in Canada but also in the U.S., the land that has traditionally imported rather than exported illegal goods", "id": "1929448" }, { "contents": "Windsurfing\n\n\ninternal issues there was a coinciding drop in major sponsor support, directly caused by the steady introduction of international bans on cigarette advertising during the 1990's. Cigarette industry advertising had become the dominant source of sponsorship support during the early and mid 1990's boom years for the professional level of Windsurfing. With the internationally legislated withdrawal of these large companies, the money spent on promoting the sport and paying for add space declined steeply and Windsurfing receded from public view across global advertising and media generally. After some lean years in the early", "id": "5267131" }, { "contents": "Usage of electronic cigarettes\n\n\nare also at greater risk for subsequent long-term tobacco use. E-cigarettes are expanding the nicotine market by attracting low-risk youth who would be unlikely to initiate nicotine use with traditional cigarettes. Data from a longitudinal cohort study of children with alcoholic parents found that adolescents (both middle and late adolescence) who used cigarettes, marijuana, or alcohol were significantly more likely to have ever used e-cigarettes. Adolescents were more likely to initiate vaping through flavored e-cigarettes. Among youth who have ever tried an", "id": "16190252" }, { "contents": "Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act\n\n\nScientific Advisory Committee provisioned under the bill is to submit a recommendation on menthol cigarettes to the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services no later than one year after its establishment. In June 2011, the FDA released nine new warning signs containing both graphic text and images that should be included on all cigarette packaging and advertisement by September 2012. The textual warnings state: \"WARNING: Cigarettes are addictive. WARNING: Tobacco smoke can harm your children. WARNING: Cigarettes cause fatal lung disease. WARNING: Cigarettes cause cancer.", "id": "368166" }, { "contents": "Implicit attitude\n\n\nuse; for example, attitudes towards cigarettes among smokers and non-smokers and attitudes towards alcohol among heavy drinkers. The following are some examples of how implicit attitude and explicit attitude are moderated by each other and how they interact with each other. Individuals will alter a response when questioned for personal or social purposes. This typically happens in situations where individuals are not willing to report or express their \"affective response toward an object\" because they don't want others to know how they feel about something (they don't consciously", "id": "13036536" }, { "contents": "Alcohol advertising\n\n\nsituation, David H. Jernigan (2005: 314) underlines how \"more than fifteen percent of twelve-year-olds will be likely to create the situation where youth are more likely per capita to see the magazine than adults over twenty-one years, the legal drinking age in the United States\". The target market for malt liquor in the United States has been among the African-American and Hispanic populations in cities. Advertisers use themes of power and sexual dominance to appeal to customers. Critics have objected to ads", "id": "5959114" }, { "contents": "Shock advertising\n\n\nwere intended \"to capture the same warmth and spontaneity that you find in a family snapshot.\" In May 2007, the UK National News reported that the British government banned anti-smoking advertisements that were part of the \"Get Unhooked\" campaign because they caused \"fear and distress\" in children. These public service advertisements featured in magazines, television, and on the internet displayed images of smokers' faces and lips being hooked with fish hooks \"to illustrate how they were 'hooked' on cigarettes.\" Although this", "id": "2130131" }, { "contents": "The Death of Klinghoffer\n\n\nall of the passengers with death. Leon Klinghoffer sings, saying that he normally likes to avoid trouble and live simply and decently, but going on to denounce the hijackers. Another hijacker, called \"Rambo\", responds in harsh terms about Jews and Americans. The passenger, the British Dancing Girl, recalls how well the fourth hijacker, Omar, treated her and the other passengers, for example, letting them have cigarettes. Omar sings of his desire for martyrdom for his cause. At the end of the scene,", "id": "15629298" }, { "contents": "Abortion in Zimbabwe\n\n\npunishable by up to five years in prison and/or a fine not exceeding level 10. A UNICEF report in 2005 estimated that around 70,000 illegal abortions take place in Zimbabwe each year. Government estimates indicate that more than 80,000 illegal abortions happen every year, resulting in around 20,000 maternal deaths. In 2017, Ministry of Health and Child Care official Dr. Bernard Madzima estimated that illegal abortions causes 16% of maternal deaths, half of whom were adolescents. Most illegal abortions obtained by adolescent mothers occur in rural areas. Illegal abortions are also", "id": "15281160" }, { "contents": "Frances (film)\n\n\n, Frances is paid honor on Ralph Edwards' \"This Is Your Life\" television program, which Harry York watches from his home. When asked about alcoholism, illegal drugs and mental illness, Farmer denies them all and says, \"If you're treated like a patient, you're apt to act like one\". The film ends just after a party honoring her at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel with Farmer walking down a street with Harry York, talking about her parents' deaths, how she sold their house and that", "id": "11207089" }, { "contents": "Television advertisement\n\n\nthat appear in films, television shows, magazines, comics, or literature. These long-lasting advertising elements may be said to have taken a place in the pop culture history of the demographic to whom they appeared. An example is the enduring phrase, \"Winston tastes good like a cigarette should\", from the eighteen-year advertising campaign for Winston cigarettes from the 1950s to the 1970s. Variations of this dialogue and direct references to it appeared as long as two decades after the advertising campaign expired. Another example is", "id": "12745805" }, { "contents": "Homelessness in the United Kingdom\n\n\naged 44 while homeless women die on average aged 42. Homeless deaths have been rising steadily in the five years to 2018. Suicide, drug and alcohol abuse are the most common causes of death among homeless people. Jon Sparkes of Crisis urged the government to put causes of homelessness right, \"like building the number of social homes we need and making sure our welfare system is there to support people when they fall on hard times\". The charity, Crisis attributes rising homelessness to a shortage of social housing, housing benefits", "id": "5853086" }, { "contents": "Mugsy's Revenge\n\n\nbusiness, which has been generated as a result of prohibition. In each 'turn' of the game, which represents one year, decisions must be made about how much illegal alcohol to buy, which staff to assign to which activity, and how much money to spend on bribing law enforcement. Surviving for ten years means that the game ends, with the repeal of prohibition. The game had a similar theme and visual style to 'Mugsy', in that it featured strong, colorful graphics in a similar style to", "id": "4907228" }, { "contents": "Advertising in the Middle East\n\n\nit is primarily business focused. The Israeli government abides by freedom of the press which is protected by the basic laws of Israel and independent judiciary. The Israeli government has implemented stricter guidelines that Palestinian journalists are to follow when reporting in Israel. Israeli media however, operate with little restrictions. In 2017, Freedom House named Israel one of the freest countries. Today, censorship in Israeli media is fairly low and a majority of advertisements are published in print publications. There are restrictions on alcohol, cigarettes and pharmaceuticals. Advertising alcoholic", "id": "5010830" }, { "contents": "Cigarette\n\n\nthe risk of these diseases. The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco kills 8 million people each year as of 2019 and 100 million deaths over the course of the 20th century. Cigarettes produce an aerosol containing over 4,000 chemical compounds, including nicotine, carbon monoxide, acrolein, and oxidant substances. Over 70 of these are carcinogens. The most important chemical compounds causing cancer are those that produce DNA damage since such damage appears to be the primary underlying cause of cancer. Cunningham et al. combined the microgram weight of the compound", "id": "17530678" }, { "contents": "Usage of electronic cigarettes\n\n\nconcerns exist with the potential misuse with liquids containing the active ingredients of cannabis by youth, and with e-cigarette devices that could potentially be used to deliver other psychoactive drugs, including methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, or cathinones. Being exposed to nicotine early on can lead to greater risk of dependence later in life for nicotine and other drugs such as alcohol. Nicotine obtained from vaping is frequently used in combination with alcohol. E-cigarettes users are much more likely to misuse alcohol than non-e-cigarette users.", "id": "16190330" }, { "contents": "Prisoner's dilemma\n\n\n. When cigarette advertising was legal in the United States, competing cigarette manufacturers had to decide how much money to spend on advertising. The effectiveness of Firm A's advertising was partially determined by the advertising conducted by Firm B. Likewise, the profit derived from advertising for Firm B is affected by the advertising conducted by Firm A. If both Firm A and Firm B chose to advertise during a given period, then the advertising cancels out, receipts remain constant, and expenses increase due to the cost of advertising. Both firms would benefit", "id": "7490" }, { "contents": "Alcohol in Indonesia\n\n\n, caused by high taxation and restriction, has led to cases of illegal alcohol in the country. As the legal and imported alcoholic beverages become unaffordable, locals turn to illegal bootlegged alcohol for a cheaper drink. These illegal alcoholic drinks are known in Indonesian as \"alkohol oplosan\" (lit. \"solved alcohol\") and account for over 80% of the alcohol consumed in Indonesia. These illicitly produced liquors which are traditionally home-made, are considered illegal by Indonesian law, due to the high incidence of deadly alcohol", "id": "5449104" }, { "contents": "Alcoholic drink\n\n\nare believed to be due to alcohol each year. Alcoholism reduces a person's life expectancy by around ten years and alcohol use is the third leading cause of early death in the United States. Even moderate alcohol consumption increases cancer risk in individuals. No professional medical association recommends that people who are non-drinkers should start drinking wine. Another long-term effect of alcohol usage, when also used with tobacco products, is alcohol acting as a solvent, which allows harmful chemicals in tobacco to get inside the cells that line", "id": "21677919" }, { "contents": "Suicide in Belarus\n\n\nSuicide in Belarus is a common cause of unnatural death in the country, which in 2016 ranked in the top 10 worldwide by its total suicide per 100,000 people. Prior to the 1998 Russian financial crisis, suicide numbers had been decreasing year-upon-year, yet saw a noticeable increase in the years following. Figures suggest that there is a correlation between alcohol consumption and suicide rates in Belarus; most people who committed or attempted suicide had been abusing alcohol for at least a year prior to their death. Alcohol is very", "id": "1139077" }, { "contents": "Cigarette smoking among college students\n\n\nquit or died, whether from smoking or other causes, over the years. Young people, including college students, constitute the majority of replacement smokers, and tobacco companies have created marketing campaigns targeting this age group. These advertisements show smoking as modern, hip, cool, fun, and adventurous. Tobacco companies use “alternative press” and brand recognition as another way to advertise toward college-aged students. Companies put their logo on everyday items like towels, clothing, and accessories, and this memorabilia is then given for", "id": "6652242" }, { "contents": "Cigarettes & Alcohol\n\n\n\"Cigarettes & Alcohol\" is a song by English rock band Oasis, written by Noel Gallagher. It was released on 10 October 1994 as the fourth single from their debut album \"Definitely Maybe\" (1994), and their second to enter the UK top ten in the United Kingdom, peaking at number 7 (three places higher than \"Live Forever\"), eventually spending 79 weeks on the charts. On 21 April 2017, 23 years after release and 20 years after Silver certification, the song was certified Gold", "id": "6274691" }, { "contents": "Arguments for and against drug prohibition\n\n\nthat illegal drugs are \"far more deadly than alcohol\", arguing that \"although alcohol is used by seven times as many people as drugs, the number of deaths induced by those substances is not far apart\", quoting figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), claiming \"during 2000, there were 15,852 drug-induced deaths; only slightly less than the 18,539 alcohol-induced deaths.\" The DEA's use of such figures is questionable however. An article in the Journal of the American", "id": "17133425" }, { "contents": "Officer Down Memorial Page\n\n\n, the influence of voluntarily-imbibed alcohol or controlled substances, suicide, or officer negligence. It also excludes deaths caused by off-duty car accidents or private service to a security company or private military company. Each officer listed has a profile, typically displaying a picture or photograph, if available, the agency or department the officer worked for, their rank, years served with the agency or department, age, badge number and date of death, as well as a brief description of the events that led up to", "id": "21639600" }, { "contents": "Youth smoking\n\n\ncigarette smoking among adolescents. Prevention and control measures that reduce smoking in among adolescents can improve the nation's short- and long-term health Youth access to cigarettes is determined in large part by national and statewide laws and regulations. The first major step government agencies placed on restricting cigarette smoking came from the first Surgeon General's Report in 1964 which established cigarette smoking causing increased mortality. The year following the release of this report, the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act was passed requiring a health warning on all cigarette packages. The", "id": "4643107" }, { "contents": "Winston tastes good like a cigarette should\n\n\nthe first television advertisements aired. In the radio and television advertisements, the slogan is presented in a singsong fashion with a noticeable two-beat clap near the end, so the jingle would sound like \"Win-ston tastes good like a (clap clap) cigarette should\". The \"clap\" noise was sometimes substituted for actors in the commercials knocking twice against a truck carrying Winston cigarettes, or an actor flicking his lighter twice to the same conceit. Winston cigarettes were sponsors of such television series as \"The Beverly", "id": "16812122" }, { "contents": "Electronic cigarette\n\n\nself-reporting may be lower in surveys. Experts suggest that candy-like flavors could lead youths to experiment with vaping. E-cigarette advertisements seen by youth could increase the likelihood among youths to experiment with vaping. A 2016 review found \"The reasons for the increasing use of e-cigarettes by minors (persons between 12 and 17 years of age) may include robust marketing and advertising campaigns that showcase celebrities, popular activities, evocative images, and appealing flavors, such as cotton candy.\" A 2014 survey stated", "id": "16081847" }, { "contents": "Usage of electronic cigarettes\n\n\nfor instance, a hookah pen. As a result, self-reporting may be lower in surveys. Experts suggest that candy-like flavors could lead youths to experiment with vaping. E-cigarette advertisements seen by youth could increase the likelihood among youths to experiment with vaping. A 2016 review found \"The reasons for the increasing use of e-cigarettes by minors (persons between 12 and 17 years of age) may include robust marketing and advertising campaigns that showcase celebrities, popular activities, evocative images, and appealing flavors", "id": "16190306" }, { "contents": "World Suicide Prevention Day\n\n\nto poor data quality for both suicide and suicide attempts: \"given the sensitivity of suicide – and the illegality of suicidal behaviour in some countries – it is likely that under-reporting and misclassification are greater problems for suicide than for most other causes of death.\" An estimated one million people per year die by suicide or about one person in 10,000 (1.4% of all deaths), or \"a death every 40 seconds or about 3,000 every day\". As of 2004 the number of people who die by suicide", "id": "10259958" }, { "contents": "Sarajevo Tunnel\n\n\nkilograms of goods at a time. The first items to go through the tunnel were Bosnian IEDs. Food, cigarettes, alcohol, and petrol also passed through the tunnel allowing Butmir, Kolonija, and Hrasnica to become blackmarket centers for the illegal sale of these items. The tunnel was also used to transport oil, and for telecommunication. The tunnel was also used as a way for Bosnians to get out of Sarajevo. Transit each way, both into the city and out of the city, was constant. Every day,", "id": "21116633" }, { "contents": "Health effects of wine\n\n\nfibrillation, stroke and cancer. Mixed results are also observed in light drinking and cancer mortality. Risk is greater in young people due to binge drinking which may result in violence or accidents. About 88,000 deaths in the US are estimated to be due to alcohol each year. Alcoholism reduces a person's life expectancy by around ten years and excessive alcohol use is the third leading cause of early death in the United States. According to systematic reviews and medical associations, people who are nondrinkers should not start drinking wine. Wine has", "id": "5664567" }, { "contents": "Dunhill (cigarette)\n\n\nAustralia, Bosnia and Herzegowina, New Zealand, and Trinidad & Tobago. In 2012, reports came out that British American Tobacco was breaking anti-tobacco rules in Nigeria and South Africa by advertising their Dunhill brand illegally in both countries. It was reported that in South Africa, a 14 year old girl was giving away the cigarettes, but also that BAT engages in industrial espionage, intensive cross-border smuggling, competitor tyranny, and infiltrating governments. Despite the fact that South Africa has one of the toughest anti-tobacco", "id": "9714893" }, { "contents": "Blu eCigs\n\n\nand propionaldehyde at amounts 86 to 544 times less than in cigarette smoke. On September 12, 2018, the Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) issued letters to the manufacturers of the five top-selling national US e-cigarette brands, including blu, that made up a vast majority of the products illegally sold to minors as part of the blitz this summer. The US FDA asked each company to submit to them within 60 days plans describing how they will address the widespread youth access and use of their products.", "id": "6116924" }, { "contents": "Billy Ray Bates\n\n\nfeel happy. He was also drinking moonshine by age fourteen. At sixteen, he had tried cigarettes and marijuana but didn't like how they made him cough. Bates was part of advertising campaigns during his stint with the Blazers, one involved sporting a milk moustache. As one of the more popular Blazers, his jersey number (12) was a popular choice of kids in local recreation leagues. Bates's career is an example of what can happen to players unprepared for NBA life in urban environs. Jerome Kersey relates,", "id": "16245646" }, { "contents": "Tobacco\n\n\ndeath globally. The WHO estimates that tobacco caused 5.4 million deaths in 2004 and 100 million deaths over the course of the 20th century. Similarly, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention describe tobacco use as \"the single most important preventable risk to human health in developed countries and an important cause of premature death worldwide.\" Due to the health consequences of smoking tobacco, it is estimated that a 10 hectare field of tobacco used for cigarettes causes 30 deaths per year – 10 from lung cancer and 20 from cigarette", "id": "12398542" }, { "contents": "Blockade of the Gaza Strip\n\n\nRafah. As a result of the blockade, these tunnels became a vital supply artery for Gaza. They are used for various purposes, such to transport people (in and out) and commercial materials like medicine, food and clothes, cigarettes, alcohol, and vehicle parts into Gaza. They are also used to smuggle illegal arms (including rockets, mortars and explosives) to Gaza militants. Often cars are sliced into four parts and transported across and re-assembled in Gaza. Ahead of the Islamic festival, Eid al", "id": "6988660" }, { "contents": "Native Americans and reservation inequality\n\n\n60%. Diabetes was the fourth-leading cause of death in the Navajo area from 2003 to 2005, the health service said. With a junk-food tax, lawmakers looked to increase support among other neighboring reservations. The pilot project will last until 2020, after which the analysis of obesity and the health of Native Americans living on the Navajo Nation will be assessed. The use of drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes on reservations is higher on Native American reservations than the national averages. According to research on alcoholism in", "id": "15411493" }, { "contents": "Acamprosate\n\n\n, alcohol also inhibits the activity of \"N\"-methyl--aspartate receptors (NMDARs). Chronic alcohol consumption leads to the overproduction (upregulation) of these receptors. Thereafter, sudden alcohol abstinence causes the excessive numbers of NMDARs to be more active than normal and to contribute to the symptoms of delirium tremens and excitotoxic neuronal death. Withdrawal from alcohol induces a surge in release of excitatory neurotransmitters like glutamate, which activates NMDARs. Acamprosate reduces this glutamate surge. The drug also protects cultured cells from excitotoxicity induced by ethanol withdrawal and from glutamate", "id": "7448177" }, { "contents": "Health effects of radon\n\n\nsmokers. The general population is exposed to small amounts of polonium as a radon daughter in indoor air; the isotopes Po and Po are thought to cause the majority of the estimated 15,000–22,000 lung cancer deaths in the US every year that have been attributed to indoor radon. The Surgeon General of the United States has reported that over 20,000 Americans die each year of radon-related lung cancer. In the United Kingdom, residential radon would be, after cigarette smoking, the second most frequent cause of lung cancer deaths: according to", "id": "17833401" }, { "contents": "Lady Marguerite Tangye\n\n\nthe ages of 13-15 but had little other formal education. She was a debutante and was presented at Court in 1931 and wore ‘a gown of ivory and silver lace and net over flesh pink crêpe de Chine’ with a silver train. Lady Marguerite modeled for advertisements for Pond's cream, Will's Gold Flake, Kirbigrips, and Horlicks. Although she was a non-smoker and rarely drank alcohol, Lady Marguerite was often featured in cigarette and alcohol advertisements of the 1930s. She was widely photographed as a", "id": "20363459" }, { "contents": "Hyles–Anderson College\n\n\n2008 college catalog claimed that 10,000 new baptisms are performed each year at the Church. There are separate requirements for male and female students for the same degree. For example, the Bachelor of Science Degree program has a \"Curriculum for Ladies\" that requires classes including \"Home Decorating,\" \"Clothing Design\" and \"Understanding Your Husband.\" For school year 2010-2011, HAC's catalog listed policies that \"maybe you wouldn't like,\" including prohibiting male long hair, the use of alcohol, cigarettes,", "id": "6464283" }, { "contents": "Paul Ricard\n\n\nthe 1990s Ricard was the most widely sold French alcoholic drink; it was sold in 140 countries. At the time of Ricard's death Pernod Ricard was the third largest global spirits company. A trained artist, Ricard deployed his artistic skills in the Ricard brand's blue and yellow design, inspired by the sky and the sun of his native Marseille. Advertising of aniseed based drinks was made illegal in 1951; an exception to the advertising ban was the material sent to distributors, displays in drinking establishments and designs on delivery vans", "id": "13780272" }, { "contents": "Flavored tobacco\n\n\nfollowed by online advertising, television advertising, and then newspaper and magazine advertising. About 24 million youth have been exposed to e-cigarette ads on cable TV, primarily due to an ad campaign for blu e-cigarettes. On social media, marketing includes images associated with youth culture, endorsements by celebrities and social media influencers popular with youth, and themes that have been found to strongly appeal to youth (such as freedom and rebellion). Ads for flavored e-cigarettes have been shown to cause children to be more", "id": "14674882" }, { "contents": "Wills Navy Cut\n\n\nwith lower-priced filter cigarettes, however, Navy Cut continued to retain its market share. In 1965, ITC Limited introduced the \"\"Made for each other\"\" advertising campaign. The print ad featured a happily married couple reading a Polish joke book. The idea was to highlight how tobacco and filter were perfectly matched in the brand's cigarette, with the aim to encourage couples in the urban centers to start smoking Wills Navy Cut, hence giving the idea that Wills Navy Cut makes for the \"perfect match\"", "id": "4982462" }, { "contents": "Elita (cigarette)\n\n\ninto Scandinavian Tobacco and two years later was sold to the British American Tobacco. Production at Rīga factory was stopped in 2009 due to the 30% drop in sales and increase of illegal sales. Elita was not actively advertised in the mass media, TV advertisement was only once, then the factory was closed. Also some influence to the mark was introduced in the 1970-es. The factory made a special edition of Elita for the users of Latvian National Film Festival and after 2005 issued different types of the packages with the depictions of", "id": "6093543" }, { "contents": "Tobacco marketing targeting African Americans\n\n\nTobacco marketing targeting African-Americans refers to the practice of customizing tobacco products and advertising techniques specifically to African-American consumers. It is most commonly analyzed through the consumption of mentholated cigarettes, as it represents 47% of black adult smokers and 84% of adolescent black smokers. African-Americans are believed to be the only ethnic group to suffer disproportionately from smoking-caused chronic and preventable diseases, evident in the approximately 45,000 African-Americans who die from smoking-caused illnesses each year. Studies indicate that an estimated 1.6", "id": "7173973" }, { "contents": "Healthcare and the LGBT community\n\n\nrelationships with same- and other-sex partners have higher rates of alcohol abuse and substance abuse. This includes higher rates of marijuana and other illicit drug use. Behaviorally and self-identified bisexual women are significantly more likely to smoke cigarettes and have been drug users as adolescents than heterosexual women. Bisexual women are more likely to be nulliparous, overweight and obese, have higher smoking rates and alcohol drinking than heterosexual women, all risk factors for breast cancer. Bisexual men practicing receptive anal intercourse are at higher risk for anal cancer caused", "id": "21181230" }, { "contents": "History of nicotine marketing\n\n\nCross. Private individuals also donated money to send cigarettes to the front, even from jurisdictions where the sale of cigarettes was illegal. Not giving soldiers cigarettes was seen as unpatriotic. By the time the war was over, a generation had grown up, and a large proportion of adults smoked, making anti-smoking campaigns substantially more difficult. Returning soldiers continued to smoke, making smoking more socially acceptable. Temperance groups began to concentrate their efforts on alcohol. By 1927, American states had repealed all their anti-smoking laws", "id": "4987059" }, { "contents": "Billboard\n\n\nadvertising; 10% of Michigan billboards advertise alcohol and tobacco, according to the Detroit Free Press. This is particularly true in countries where tobacco advertisements are not allowed in other media. For example, in the US, tobacco advertising was banned on radio and television in 1971, leaving billboards and magazines as some of the last places tobacco could be advertised. Billboards made the news in America when, in the tobacco settlement of 1999, all cigarette billboards were replaced with anti-smoking messages. In a parody of the Marlboro", "id": "12584892" }, { "contents": "Marketing of electronic cigarettes\n\n\nproducts like e-cigarettes to be reviewed before being placed on the market. Easily circumvented age verification at company websites enables young people to access and be exposed to marketing for e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes have been listed as drug delivery devices in several countries because they contain nicotine, and their advertising has been restricted until safety and efficacy clinical trials are conclusive. Since they do not contain whole tobacco, television advertising in the United States is not restricted. In the European Union, on the other hand, advertising and", "id": "15481147" }, { "contents": "Smoking in South Korea\n\n\na law that will raise the prices every year pegged to inflation. The government will pass a law in 2015 to completely ban any form of advertising of cigarettes in convenience stores and make it illegal for tobacco companies to sponsor cultural or sport events. Smoking is illegal and strictly prohibited in the following premises: In addition to the nationwide ban laws, Seoul designates the following areas must be smoke-free and any spotted smoker must pay a fine of 100,000 won: In addition to the nationwide ban laws, several cities designate the", "id": "19633323" }, { "contents": "Torches of Freedom\n\n\nCigarette companies began selectively advertising to women in the late 1920s. In 1928 George Washington Hill, the president of the American Tobacco Company, realized the potential market that could be found in women and said, “It will be like opening a gold mine right in our front yard.” Yet some women who were already smoking were seen as smoking incorrectly. In 1919 a hotel manager said that women “don’t really know what to do with the smoke. Neither do they know how to hold their cigarettes properly. Actually", "id": "6925366" }, { "contents": "Georgia Alcohol and Tobacco Division\n\n\ncompliance and enforcement of beverage alcohol and tobacco products, coin-operated amusement machines, motor fuel tax, motor carriers and motor vehicle registration. It also provides assistance to federal, other state and local governments and their law enforcement agencies. The Enforcement Section is charged with preventing the illegal production, importation, transportation, possession and sale of alcoholic beverage products, the transportation and sale of untaxed cigars and cigarettes, the use of unlicensed and unstamped coin-operated amusement machines and the sale and furnishing of alcoholic beverages to underage persons", "id": "10545188" }, { "contents": "Come, Tell Me How You Live\n\n\nRosalind as being fourteen when she was in fact one year older. Robin Macartney was a talented though shy draughtsman who later drew the dustjackets for four of Christie's 1930's UK editions (\"Murder in Mesopotamia\", \"Murder in the Mews\", \"Death on the Nile\" and \"Appointment with Death\"). She also wrote how she unsuccessfully tried to make herself like cigarettes by smoking two a day for six months. Max also tried to introduce her to various wines, but acknowledged defeat, so had", "id": "6269932" }, { "contents": "Health in Algeria\n\n\nof the Algerian Society of Pneumophtisiology, who works at the Mustapha Pacha hospital. Smoking is the main causes of 25 serious diseases with 90% of which are cancers. Every year more than 8700 people are killed by tobacco caused rated diseases. More than 14,2000 children and more than 3,224,000 adults continue to use tobacco each day. The Algerian law has a lack of firmness on laws regarding on the sale and distribution of cigarettes with a lack of enforcement. In 2010, 11.2% males deaths and 1.3% female deaths were a", "id": "16114712" }, { "contents": "Tobacco smoking\n\n\n, the US Federal Communications Commission ruled that programmes broadcast on a television station which discussed smoking and health were insufficient to offset the effects of paid advertisements that were broadcast for five to ten minutes each day. In April 1970, the US Congress passed the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act banning the advertising of cigarettes on television and radio starting on 2 January 1971. The Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992 expressly prohibited almost all forms of Tobacco advertising in Australia, including the sponsorship of sporting or other cultural events by cigarette brands. All tobacco", "id": "21656088" }, { "contents": "Prince (cigarette)\n\n\nreported that illegal cigarettes were also smuggled into Sweden. The tobacco was imported from China or the Balkans from, for example, Ukraine or Belarus. And it's all completely legal. The tobacco was then transmitted via ports in the Black Sea to buyers who can sit anywhere in the world and control the traffic. The owners of the illegal cigarette factories bought the tobacco and with age-old equipment (in some cases Danish machines from the 1950s) cigarettes were produced, which get cuffs and prints with names like Prince or", "id": "16066807" }, { "contents": "Cigarette excise in Indonesia\n\n\n-Undang No. 39 Tahun 2007. This determination strongly considers matters such as consumption control, prevention of fake or illegal excise, impacts on worker employment and farmers, and state revenues. Per 2018, the cigarette excise tariff averages up 10.04 percent from the previous year. Based on Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No. 146 Year 2017, the government is willing to simplify the imposition of excise. Based on the specified roadmap, the number of cigarette excise layers will be cut step by step from 12 in 2017, to ten layers", "id": "12816416" } ]
Is intelligence genetic? Are some people genetically predisposed to be better at things like math and arts?
[{"answer": "Yes, and no. Intelligence isn't really something that exists by itself, its more a combination of curiosity, creativity, persistence, experience, memory, and calculation. Those are to different degrees innate or trained/learned skills. Regardless of how smart you are it's damn hard to learn something you find dreadfully boring, and extremely easy to learn something you find fascinating. Though you often need some pretty significant persistence in learning the boring stuff so you have the required foundation to understand the interesting stuff. As for genetics. Mental strength is a lot like physical strength. You aren't going to win a gold medal at the olympics without both innate talent and a ton of hard work and training. Yet a puny weakling can obtain significant strength through exercise and training."}, {"answer": "I used to work in a lab that did learning, memory, & intelligence research. Ultimately, in humans, **approximately 50% of your mental capacity is determined by your level of general intelligence**, according to well-founded statistical analyses. Let me explain: **\"General intelligence\"** Intelligence is hard to define, but we do have some concrete evidence for what it is. The most important piece of evidence that there is such a thing as \"general intelligence\" is the fact that pretty much all types of mental abilities are correlated with each other. In other words, people who are really good at math tend *on average* to be really good at a lot of other things. This strongly implies that there is some kind of \"general factor\" that people can have more or less of. One very important thing to note is that \"general intelligence\" doesn't really directly give someone math skills, or computer programming skills, etcetera. Instead, you should think of general intelligence as giving someone an increased ability to learn those things. Someone who scores higher on the \"general factor\" will be able to learn calculus more easily, in less time, than others. In practice, this often results in people who can't learn calculus as easily simply not learning calculus, and this can make it look like \"person A can understand calculus but person B can't.\" In reality, it's usually not a matter of being able / not able to understand something. It's simply a matter of it costing less time and effort for some than others. It's just sadly very easy for people to become discouraged by things like this and deciding that they are not able at all. **\"multiple kinds of intelligence\"** There are also lower-level \"group factors,\" which represent the fact that certain \"groups\" of mental abilities correlate with each other especially strongly. For example, spatial reasoning skills might be one type of group factor. Generally speaking, the different \"group factors\" tend to correlate with the \"general factor.\" Someone who is more intelligent will usually have good spatial reasoning skills, as well as good ability to learn math, ability to learn music, ability to learn computer skills, and so on. But the group factors can vary somewhat independently from the general factor. So somebody who had high general intelligence CAN have poor spatial reasoning skills. Or someone with lower general intelligence CAN have high ability to learn math, or ability to learn languages, and so on. **Genetics** Studies on twins have helped demonstrate that there is a strong genetic component to intelligence. For example, some studies compare identical and non-identical twins. This makes a great control, because in either case the twins are born at the same time and raised in the same environment. But identical twins share all of their genes, whereas non-identical twins have approximately 50% of the same genes. So, if you give IQ tests to a bunch of twins, then if intelligence is highly genetic, identical twins should be more similar to each other than fraternal twins. But if intelligence is purely due to upbringing, socioeconomic status, etc., then fraternal twins should be just as similar to each other as identical twins. In fact, such studies have found that identical twins usually have similar IQ, and fraternal twins have IQs that are less closely matched. As far as we can tell, something like 50% of IQ (and a true IQ test is a pretty decent measure of general intelligence) is genetic. I am not aware of studies specifically addressing the genetic component of group factors. So I'm not sure how likely it is for a specific talent in one area to be heritable."}, {"answer": "There is definitely a string genetic component to intelligence - see [Heritability of IQ] ( URL_0 ) for summaries of the research. The correlation varies with age but is roughly +0.5. IQ and intelligence are not exactly the same thing, but what we call \"intelligence\" is strongly correlated with IQ. There's also ongoing research in to the effects of upbringing, since we also know that children need good nutrition and intellectual stimulation at critical times if they are to reach their full potential."}, {"answer": " > Is intelligence genetic? Define intelligence, but IQ certainly is. Early childhood education, diet etc of course also play a major role. > Are some people genetically predisposed to better at certain things like math vs art? We don't know, but a high IQ is correlated with success in all sorts of intellectual endeavors, mathy and artsy both. What gets really fun and controversial is when you get into large-population territory, for example, China, Mongolia and Japan score similarly on IQ test (around 105 average) despite vastly different standards of living. This of course implying it may be more about genetics than we care to admit, and these differences may be observable on a general level in groups larger than a family unit."}, {"answer": "I know it is purely anecdotal but my two kids seem to have inherited math skills, like I did. My wife is a teacher in a district that focuses on reading first. All other subjects fall into place if reading is solid. As a result, our kids have only had reading training at home. We sometimes do math or science but the time ratio is close to 500:1 against reading. Our oldest, now 7, is excelling in math. It is too easy for him and they're now scrambling to bring in lessons from higher grades. He never talks or thinks about it, just \"gets it\". When my now 5 year old was 3, he would whisper answers to math questions that me and mom and the older kid would be talking about, like how much money we need or how much time left or days until type of stuff. He even knew a week out how many hours until he would wake up and be a 5 year old. At 4, his montessori school asked us if it would be alright if they tought him multiplication because their simple lessons of counting shapes and sorting stuff were not stimulating him. Then there is me. Grow up in small town. Not much emphasis on school. Didn't do well in school. I knew exactly how much effort was needed to pass and be as lazy as possible doing it. I never stood out in math. Fell asleep a lot. When I was leaving high school and taking the college entrance tests, i scored perfect in math on the ACT and the college math placement test. I also finished them in half the time as everyone else. My math teacher at the time was so upset by this that he was yelling. With math, I just \"got it\"."}, {"answer": "If anyone tells you that intelligence is not something that you get from birth then they are just bullshitting you. You ever wonder why some people can learn at an unbelievable rate and you struggle your ass off? How some people can pick up an instrument and be a god at it while you try for years and years and still are no where near their level. How some people can just start running and be marathon runners and you try every day to and could never come close? How long have you been trying to become a basketball god and try your hardest every day, and then someone comes along and within a few weeks are at a level that you can't even imagine being at? It is all in your genes. They were born with it and you was not. Not everyone gets to be a rockstar. Some people are born with that gift and most people are doomed to live in mediocrity. I'm sure that I will be downvoted for saying this, and I'm sure that everyone will say all kinds of things to try and go against it and prove it wrong, but the fact remains the same. Some people are on another level. A level that no matter how hard you try, you will never achieve. It's a fact of life. A hard fact to deal with, but a fact non-the-less."}, {"answer": "There's evidence from studies of adopted children that it's largely genetic. Adopted children actually tend to be less successful in life, which is weird because adoption is expensive and adoptive parents are carefully screened. So adoptive parents should be providing better home lives on average because they need to be financially stable in order to afford the process and be able to demonstrate that they'll probably be successful parents in order to qualify. The conclusions reached by the study are that parents who give up children are, on average, doing so because they've been less successful at life and don't have the resources to care for a child. It seems that these traits get passed along to the child and this genetic component is more powerful than the child's environment. Intelligence and life skills seem to be largely genetic. Source: the book *Freakonomics* by Stephen Dubner and another author whose name eludes me."}, {"answer": "There were studies done on both adopted kids and twin studies. I believe the results were that intelligence is about 60-70 % nature and 30-40% nurture. [here]( URL_0 ) is an example of one such study, showing that in adopted kids (at birth), the child's intelligence has a significantly stronger correlation with the biological mother than the adopting mother."}, {"answer": "Mehlman has noted, \u201cSNAP-25 is a gene increasingly associated with cognitive intelligence, and g genes are ones which code for a protein which increases the receptive rate which information can pass through a cell\u201d (17). When these genes were altered in mice, some of these mice showed increased problem solving capabilities, as well as a considerably reduced amount of time navigating mazes, due to memory of the pathways. In particular rats were put in murky water they couldn't see through, and the genetically modified rats immediately swam for the hidden platform. While the rats who had solved this maze in the past, but had no genetic manipulation had to swim around for much longer to find the platform, they didn't go immediately to it. URL_0 "}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1274232", "title": "Cognitive development", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Cognitive development is a field of study in neuroscience and psychology focusing on a child's development in terms of information processing, conceptual resources, perceptual skill, language learning, and other aspects of the developed adult brain and cognitive psychology.", "Cognitive development is a field of study in neuroscience and psychology focusing on a child's development in terms of information processing, conceptual resources, perceptual skill, language learning, and other aspects of the developed adult brain and cognitive psychology. Qualitative differences between how a child processes its waking experience and how an adult processes his/her waking experience are acknowledged (Such as object permanence, the understanding of logical relations, and cause-effect reasoning in school age children). Cognitive development is defined in adult terms as the emergence of ability to consciously cognize and consciously understand and articulate their understanding. From an adult point of view, cognitive development can also be called intellectual development."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "26494", "title": "Race and intelligence", "section": "Section::::Environmental influences on group differences in IQ.:Socioeconomic environment.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 61, "end_paragraph_id": 61, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Hunt also reviews data showing that the correlation between home environment and IQ becomes weaker with age. Hart and Risley argue that in welfare, working-class, and professional families, children hear a large disparity in the amount of language (between 13 million and 45 million words) in the age range of 03, and that by age 9 these differences lead to large differences in child outcomes. Other research has focussed on different causes of variation within low SES and high SES groups.", "Different aspects of the socioeconomic environment in which children are raised have been shown to correlate with part of the IQ gap, but they do not account for the entire gap. According to a 2006 review, these factors account for slightly less than half of one standard deviation of the gap. Generally the difference between mean test scores of blacks and whites is not eliminated when individuals and groups are matched on socioeconomic status (SES), suggesting that the relationship between IQ and SES is not simply one in which SES determines IQ. Rather it may be the case that differences in intelligence, particularly parental intelligence, may also cause differences in SES, making separating the two factors difficult. summarises data showing that, jointly, SES and parental IQ account for the full gap (in populations of young children, after controlling parental IQ and parental SES, the gap is not statistically different from zero). He argues the SES-linked components reflect parental occupation status, mother's verbal comprehension score and parent-child interaction quality. Hunt also reviews data showing that the correlation between home environment and IQ becomes weaker with age. Hart and Risley argue that in welfare, working-class, and professional families, children hear a large disparity in the amount of language (between 13 million and 45 million words) in the age range of 03, and that by age 9 these differences lead to large differences in child outcomes. Other research has focussed on different causes of variation within low SES and high SES groups. In the US, among low-SES groups, genetic differences account for a smaller proportion variance in IQ than among higher SES populations."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "7220748", "title": "Height and intelligence", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Other explanations further qualify the positive correlation between height and intelligence, suggesting that because the correlation becomes weaker with higher socioeconomic class and education level, environmental factors could partially override any genetic factors affecting both characteristics.", "The study of height and intelligence examines correlations between height and human intelligence. Some epidemiological research on the subject has shown that there is a small but statistically significant positive correlation between height and intelligence after controlling for socioeconomic class and parental education. This correlation arises in both the developed and developing world and persists across age groups. There is no scientific consensus on why this correlation arises, but one possible explanation is that height may act as a biomarker for nutritional status and health during intellectual development. One such theory argues that since height strongly correlates with white and gray matter volume, it may act as a biomarker for cerebral development which itself mediates intelligence. Competing explanations include that certain genetic factors may influence both height and intelligence, or that both height and intelligence may be affected in similar ways by adverse environmental exposures during development. Other explanations further qualify the positive correlation between height and intelligence, suggesting that because the correlation becomes weaker with higher socioeconomic class and education level, environmental factors could partially override any genetic factors affecting both characteristics."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Genetic predisposition\n\n\nNegative environmental influences may block the predisposition (ability) we have to do some things. Behaviors displayed by animals can be influenced by genetic predispositions. Genetic predisposition towards certain human behaviors is scientifically investigated by attempts to identify patterns of human behavior that seem to be invariant over long periods of time and in very different cultures. For example, philosopher Daniel Dennett has proposed that humans are genetically predisposed to have a theory of mind because there has been evolutionary selection for the human ability to adopt the intentional stance. The \"intentional stance", "id": "12834618" }, { "contents": "Genetic predisposition\n\n\nA genetic predisposition is a genetic characteristic which influences the possible phenotypic development of an individual organism within a species or population under the influence of environmental conditions. In medicine, genetic susceptibility to a disease refers to a genetic predisposition to a health problem, which may eventually be triggered by particular environmental or lifestyle factors, such as tobacco smoking or diet. Genetic testing is able to identify individuals who are genetically predisposed to certain diseases. Predisposition is the capacity we are born with to learn things such as language and concept of self.", "id": "12834617" }, { "contents": "Psoriasis\n\n\nare affected in most people with psoriasis at some point in time. This may include pits in the nails or changes in nail color. Psoriasis is generally thought to be a genetic disease that is triggered by environmental factors. In twin studies, identical twins are three times more likely to be affected compared to non-identical twins. This suggests that genetic factors predispose to psoriasis. Symptoms often worsen during winter and with certain medications, such as beta blockers or NSAIDs. Infections and psychological stress can also play a role. Psoriasis", "id": "13569573" }, { "contents": "Sardinian people\n\n\ndata seem to suggest that the current population is derived in large part from the Stone age settlers, plus the contribution of the historical colonizers. The researchers found the Basques to be the genetically closest population to the Sardinians, and that such similarity is not mediated by the influence of other Spaniards in modern times. Several studies have been carried out on the genetics of the Sardinian population, in light of the way such peculiarities can also further research on some pathologies to which the Sardinians seem to be predisposed, like diabetes mellitus type", "id": "16746068" }, { "contents": "Predictability\n\n\nSignificant debate exists in the scientific community over whether or not a person's behavior is completely predictable based on their genetics. Studies such as the one in Israel, which showed that judges were more likely to give a lighter sentence if they had eaten more recently. In addition to cases like this, it has been proven that individuals smell better to someone with complementary immunity genes, leading to more physical attraction. Genetics can be examined to determine if an individual is predisposed to any diseases, and behavioral disorders can most often be", "id": "12418682" }, { "contents": "Public health genomics\n\n\ndisease and less on treating disease, through: improved diagnostic methods, earlier detection of a predisposing genetic variation, pharmacogenomics and gene therapy. For each individual, the experience of discovering and knowing their genetic make-up will be different. For some individuals, they will be given the assurance of not obtaining a disease, as a result of familial genes, in which their family has a strong history and some will be able to seek out better medicines or therapies for a disease they already have. Others will find they are", "id": "20627592" }, { "contents": "Computational and Statistical Genetics\n\n\nIn this era of large amount of genetic and genomic data, accurate representation and identification of statistical interactions in biological/genetic/genomic data constitutes a vital basis for designing interventions and curative solutions for many complex diseases. Variations in human genome have been long known to make us susceptible to many diseases. We are hurtling towards the era of personal genomics and personalized medicine that require accurate predictions of disease risk posed by predisposing genetic factors. Computational and statistical methods for identifying these genetic variations, and building these into intelligent models for diseaseassociation", "id": "7089394" }, { "contents": "Chimera (genetics)\n\n\nHowever, his form of microchimerism was found to be due to a vanished twin, and it is unknown whether microchimerism from a vanished twin might predispose individuals to autoimmune diseases as well. Women often also have a few cells genetically identical to those of their children, and some people also have some cells genetically identical to those of their siblings (maternal siblings only, since these cells are passed to them because their mother retained them). Chimerism occurs naturally in adult Ceratioid anglerfish and is in fact a natural and essential part of", "id": "20590335" }, { "contents": "Deviance (sociology)\n\n\nare simply in place to categorize and control humans. Praveen Attri claims genetic reasons to be largely responsible for social deviance. The Italian school of criminology contends that biological factors may contribute to crime and deviance. Cesare Lombroso was among the first to research and develop the Theory of Biological Deviance which states that some people are genetically predisposed to criminal behavior. He believed that criminals were a product of earlier genetic forms. The main influence of his research was Charles Darwin and his Theory of Evolution. Lombroso theorized that people were born criminals", "id": "15329568" }, { "contents": "Long-term effects of cannabis\n\n\ncannabis to calm these symptoms and make the depersonalisation/derealisation disorder more manageable with regular use. According to one 2013 review, long term cannabis use \"increases the risk of psychosis in people with certain genetic or environmental vulnerabilities\", but does not cause psychosis. Important predisposing factors include genetic liability, childhood trauma and urban upbringing. Another 2013 review concluded that cannabis use may cause permanent psychological disorders in some users such as cognitive impairment, anxiety, paranoia, and increased risks of psychosis. Key predisposing variables include age of first", "id": "3626675" }, { "contents": "Obesity and the environment\n\n\nto provide insight into whether genetics are to blame, or economic and environmental circumstances. According to the \"thrifty gene hypothesis\", a common genetic theory for rising obesity rates is that some people are genetically predisposed to more efficiently metabolize food than others. This is a result of years of human evolution. In times of scarcity, these genes were essential in ensuring survival, and in times of abundance, cause obesity. The thrifty genotype is one theory to explain obesity. The tendency to be sedentary and increasing rates of sugar", "id": "20729405" }, { "contents": "Heritability of IQ\n\n\nmost likely to produce long-term IQ gains if they taught children how to replicate outside the program the kinds of cognitively demanding experiences that produce IQ gains while they are in the program and motivate them to persist in that replication long after they have left the program. Most of the improvements have allowed for better abstract reasoning, spatial relations, and comprehension. Some scientists have suggested that such enhancements are due to better nutrition, better parenting and schooling, as well as exclusion of the least intelligent, genetically inferior, people from", "id": "10931395" }, { "contents": "Idiopathic generalized epilepsy\n\n\nIdiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) is a group of epileptic disorders that are believed to have a strong underlying genetic basis. Patients with an IGE subtype are typically otherwise normal and have no structural brain abnormalities. People also often have a family history of epilepsy and seem to have a genetically predisposed risk of seizures. IGE tends to manifest itself between early childhood and adolescence although it can be eventually diagnosed later. The genetic cause of some IGE types is known, though inheritance does not always follow a simple monogenic mechanism. This form", "id": "14379216" }, { "contents": "Iron supplement\n\n\niron deficiency, others require iron deficiency anaemia to be present. Some are also contraindicated in rheumatoid arthritis. Individuals may be genetically predisposed to excessive iron absorption, as is the case with those with HFE hereditary hemochromatosis. Within the general population, 1 out of 400 people has the homozygous form of this genetic trait, and 1 out of every 10 people has its heterozygous form. Neither individuals with the homozygous or heterozygous form should take iron supplements. Non-heme iron forms an insoluble complex with several other drugs, resulting in", "id": "9848099" }, { "contents": "Cluster headache\n\n\nmore likely to develop it themselves, and between 1.9 and 20% of persons with CH have a positive family history. Possible genetic factors warrant further research, current evidence for genetic inheritance is limited. About 65% of persons with CH are, or have been, tobacco smokers. Stopping smoking does not lead to improvement of the condition and CH also occurs in those who have never smoked (e.g. children); it is thought unlikely that smoking is a cause. People with CH may be predisposed to certain traits, including", "id": "11621380" }, { "contents": "Minority stress\n\n\n(e.g., genetics) that makes individuals susceptible to health problems. In general, this view has not been supported by empirical research. If minority individuals were genetically predisposed to poor health outcomes, the vast majority of them should face health disparities. However, large-scale empirical studies have shown that most of LGB individuals do not suffer psychopathology and that many African Americans do not have heart disease. Instead, research suggests that environmental factors explain minority health disparities better than do genetic factors. While the social selection hypothesis is still", "id": "20894387" }, { "contents": "1995 University of Maryland conference on crime and genetics\n\n\ndecision to revoke the conference grant, it also cited a brochure promoting the conference and claimed that the brochure implied, falsely, that the NIH itself believed that there was a definitive link between genetics and crime. John W. Diggs, the NIH's then-deputy director for outside research, told \"the New York Times\" that the brochure suggested as scientific facts the link between genetics and crime and the potential for genetic tests to identify people predisposed to criminal behavior. Diggs further said that these statements \"inflamed public opinion\"", "id": "857484" }, { "contents": "Countergradient variation\n\n\npredisposed to have an increased growth rate but inhabits an environment that reduces growth rate, such as a cool environment, and thereby limits the opportunities to take full advantage of any genetic predisposition. The second population is genetically predisposed to have a decreased growth rate but inhabits an environment that supports an increased growth rate, such as a warm environment, and allows members of the population to grow faster despite their genetic disadvantage. Since the genetic influence directly counteracts the environmental influence in each population, both populations will have a similar intermediate growth", "id": "8936599" }, { "contents": "Andersen healthcare utilization model\n\n\nthis model is to add genetic information under predisposing characteristics. As genetic information becomes more readily available it seems likely this could impact health services usage, as well as health outcomes, beyond what is already accounted for in the current model. The model has been criticized for not paying enough attention to culture and social interaction but Andersen argues this social structure is included in the \"predisposing characteristics\" component. Another criticism was the overemphasis of need and at the expense of health beliefs and social structure. However, Andersen argues need itself", "id": "20445120" }, { "contents": "Chordoma\n\n\nmultiple cases within families have been documented. This suggests that some people may be genetically predisposed to develop chordoma. Because genetic or hereditary risk factors for chordoma may exist, scientists at the National Cancer Institute are conducting a Familial Chordoma Study to search for genes involved in the development of this tumor. \"Expert Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chordoma\" is a handbook produced by the Chordoma Foundation, which summarizes recommendations developed by a group of over 40 leading doctors who specialize in caring for chordoma patients. It is available electronically", "id": "10474007" }, { "contents": "Polycystic ovary syndrome\n\n\nrisk of developing PCOS in later life. The genetic component appears to be inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion with high genetic penetrance but variable expressivity in females; this means that each child has a 50% chance of inheriting the predisposing genetic variant(s) from a parent, and, if a daughter receives the variant(s), the daughter will have the disease to some extent. The genetic variant(s) can be inherited from either the father or the mother, and can be passed along to both sons (who may be asymptomatic carriers", "id": "9542785" }, { "contents": "History of eugenics\n\n\nPerfection: How Genes Became the Heart of American Medicine\", \"The eugenic impulse drives us to eliminate disease, live longer and healthier, with greater intelligence, and a better adjustment to the conditions of society.\" Comfort claims that the question is not whether this eugenic impulse should exist or even whether the modern genetic movement should be called eugenics because these things \"just are\". Additionally, Dr Nathaniel Comfort claims, \"the health benefits, the intellectual thrill and the profits of genetic biomedicine are too great for us", "id": "7042548" }, { "contents": "Osteochondritis dissecans\n\n\nsome people may be genetically predisposed to OCD. Families with OCD may have mutations in the aggrecan gene. Studies in horses have implicated specific genetic defects. Osteochondritis dissecans differs from \"wear and tear\" degenerative arthritis, which is primarily an articular surface problem. Instead, OCD is a problem of the bone underlying the cartilage, which may secondarily affect the articular cartilage. Left untreated, OCD can lead to the development of degenerative arthritis secondary to joint incongruity and abnormal wear patterns. OCD occurs when a loose piece of bone or", "id": "20076335" }, { "contents": "Music lesson\n\n\n, creative thinking and visual arts skills has also been reported in literature. (Winner, Hetland, Sanni, as reported in \"The Arts and Academic Achievement - What the Evidence Shows\", 2000) However recent findings by Dr. Levitin of McGill University in Montreal, Canada, undermines the suggested connection between musical ability and higher math skills. In a study conducted on patients with Williams syndrome (a genetic disorder causing low intelligence), he found that even though their intelligence was that of young children, they still possessed an", "id": "104032" }, { "contents": "Hoplology\n\n\nof study by scholars in several related disciplines such as combative psychology, killology, anthropology, and military history. The entrenched nature of violence in human behavior is generally well understood. The skill and potential of deadly aggression is something within human genetics which predisposes humans to violent behavior. However, the genetics that predispose humans to violence is highly influenced by environmental factors. Humans will only tap into their violent potential once the need has arisen. Human genetics have developed an on-off switch in the brain. On the on side", "id": "3955772" }, { "contents": "Human intelligence\n\n\nwith lots of relevant variables, like the probability of suffering an accident, earning a higher salary, etc. According to a 2018 metastudy of educational effects on intelligence, education appears to be the \"most consistent, robust, and durable method\" known for raising intelligence. A number of studies have shown a correlation between IQ and myopia. Some suggest that the reason for the correlation is environmental, whereby intelligent people are more likely to damage their eyesight with prolonged reading, while others contend that a genetic link exists. There", "id": "5936026" }, { "contents": "Genetics of obesity\n\n\nLike many other medical conditions, obesity is the result of an interplay between environmental and genetic factors. Studies have identified variants in several genes that may contribute to weight gain and body fat distribution; although, only in a few cases are genes the primary cause of obesity. Polymorphisms in various genes controlling appetite and metabolism predispose to obesity under certain dietary conditions. The percentage of obesity that can be attributed to genetics varies widely, depending on the population examined, from 6% to 85%. As of 2006, more than", "id": "80553" }, { "contents": "Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder\n\n\nthat personality disorders are a substrate to psychiatric morbidity. They may cause more problems in functioning than a major depressive episode. The cause of OCPD is thought to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Under the genetic theory, people with a form of the DRD3 gene will probably develop OCPD and depression, particularly if they are male. But genetic concomitants may lie dormant until triggered by events in the lives of those who are predisposed to OCPD. These events could include parenting styles that are over-involved and/or overly protective", "id": "4502876" }, { "contents": "Claustrophobia\n\n\nlearned phobia. It is not necessarily an inborn fear, but it is very likely what is called a \"prepared phobia\". As Erin Gersley says in \"Phobias: Causes and Treatments,\" humans are genetically predisposed to become afraid of things that are dangerous to them. Claustrophobia may fall under this category because of its \"wide distribution… early onset and seeming easy acquisition, and its non-cognitive features.\" The acquisition of claustrophobia may be part of a vestigial evolutionary survival mechanism, a dormant fear of entrapment", "id": "5364914" }, { "contents": "ENU\n\n\nof a disease. Mutation in just one of these genes however, might not contribute significantly to any phenotype. Such \"predisposing genes\" can be identified using sensitized screens. In this type of a screen, the genetic or environmental background is modified so as to sensitize the mouse to these changes. The idea is that the predisposing genes can be unraveled on a modified genetic or environmental background. Rinchik et al. performed a sensitized screen of mouse mutants predisposed to Diabetic nephropathy. Mice were treated with ENU on a sensitized background", "id": "15955739" }, { "contents": "Genetic equilibrium\n\n\na tool in population and conservation genetics-it can provide invaluable information about previous historical processes. Genetic equilibrium has been studied in a number of taxa. Some marine species in particular have been used as study systems. The life history of marine organisms like sea urchins appear to fulfill the requirements of genetic equilibrium modeling better than terrestrial species. They exist in large, panmictic populations that don’t appear to be strongly affected by geographic barriers. In spite of this, some studies have found considerable differentiation across the range of a species", "id": "6875953" }, { "contents": "Drug eruption\n\n\nGenetics plays an important role in predisposing certain populations to TEN and SJS. As such, there are some FDA recommended genetic screening tests available for certain drugs and ethnic populations to prevent the occurrence of a drug eruption. The most well known example is carbamezepine (an anti-convulsant used to treat seizures) hypersensitivity associated with the presence of HLA-B*5801 genetic allele in Asian populations. DIHS is a delayed onset drug eruption, often occurring a few weeks to 3 months after initiation of a drug. Worsening of systemic symptoms occurs", "id": "18838514" }, { "contents": "Genetics of obesity\n\n\n41 sites on the human genome have been linked to the development of obesity when a favorable environment is present. The involvement of genetic factors in the development of obesity is estimated to be 40–70%. Some of these obesogenic or leptogenic genes may influence obese individuals response to weight loss or weight management. Although genetic deficiencies are currently considered rare, variations in these genes may predispose to common obesity. Many candidate genes are highly expressed in the central nervous system. Several additional loci have been identified. Also, several quantitative trait loci", "id": "80554" }, { "contents": "Panic attack\n\n\norigins of disorders. The first stage in developing a disorder involves predisposing factors, such as genetics, personality, and a lack of wellbeing. Panic disorder often occurs in early adulthood, although it may appear at any age. It occurs more frequently in women and more often in people with above-average intelligence. Various twin studies where one identical twin has an anxiety disorder have reported a 31–88% incidence of the other twin also having an anxiety disorder diagnosis. Biological causes may include obsessive compulsive disorder, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome", "id": "14576848" }, { "contents": "Ainu people\n\n\nalthough the Ainu have some genetic relations to the Japanese people and Eastern Siberians (especially Itelmens and Chukchis), they are not closely related to any modern ethnic group. The study also disproved the idea about a relation to Andamanese or Tibetans. Further the study detected genetic contribution from the Ainu to populations around the Sea of Okhotsk but no genetic influence on the Ainu themselves. According to the study, the Ainu-like genetic contribution in the Ulch people is about 17,8% or 13,5% and about 27,2% in the Nivkhs", "id": "1420609" }, { "contents": "Lisa the Simpson\n\n\n\"Lisa the Simpson\" is the seventeenth episode of \"The Simpsons\" ninth season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on March 8, 1998. In the episode, Lisa fears that she may be genetically predisposed to lose her intelligence after Grandpa tells her of a family gene that can permanently take away intelligence. \"Lisa the Simpson\" was written by Ned Goldreyer and directed by Susie Dietter. This episode was the final episode with Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein as show runners. It received generally", "id": "24000" }, { "contents": "Hallermann–Streiff syndrome\n\n\nassociated with sleep apnea. The physical characteristics of the syndrome can result in difficult intubation by medical professionals. Intelligence is usually normal. The genetic cause of Hallermann–Streiff syndrome has not been conclusively determined. It is most likely due to a \"de novo\" mutation, and it may be associated with the \"GJA1\" gene. Diagnosis is based on the physical characteristics and symptoms. There is no established clinical genetic testing for Hallermann–Streiff syndrome, however some laboratories offer research genetic testing for the condition. There is", "id": "15126067" }, { "contents": "Acquired characteristic\n\n\n. It is not always easy to classify the source of a health problem. For instance, people can develop gout, which is known to cause permanent or near permanent changes to the human body, because of diet, inherited genetic predisposition, as a secondary condition from other diseases, or as an unintended side effect of certain medications. Infectious diseases can be caused by pathogens and microorganisms such as viruses, prions, bacteria, parasites, and fungi. For infectious, environmental, and genetically predisposed conditions, lifestyle choices such as", "id": "8127056" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nspecies of gut flora can affect metabolic processes. This correlation links these gut bacteria to an inability to digest complex polysaccharides. Certain viruses, specifically the AD-36 adenovirus, have been shown to increase body fat in laboratory animals. Living a sedentary lifestyle is one of the leading factors in causing obesity. As of 2016, over 30% of people in the world don't get enough exercise. Genetic mutations to genes monitoring metabolism and appetite predispose people to obesity. Various syndromes resulting in genetic polymorphisms lead to obesity. A few common", "id": "10628466" }, { "contents": "Discoid lupus erythematosus\n\n\nsquamous cell carcinoma. Sun exposure triggers lesions in people with discoid lupus erythematous. Evidence does not clearly demonstrate a genetic component to DLE; however, genetics may predispose certain people to disease. Most experts consider DLE an autoimmune disease since pathologists see antibodies when they biopsy the lesions and look at the tissue under the microscope. However, scientists do not understand the connection between these antibodies and the lesions seen in discoid lupus. Possibly, UV light damages skin cells, which then release material from their nuclei. This material diffuses to", "id": "1587109" }, { "contents": "Tryon's Rat Experiment\n\n\nbecome a widely accepted belief among behavior geneticists that the superiority of the bright rats was confined to Tryon’s specific test; thus, it is not possible to claim that there is a difference in learning capacity between the two groups of rats. Genetic variation, such as better peripheral vision, can make some rats “bright” and others “dull”, but does not determine their intelligence. Nonetheless, Tryon’s famous rat-maze experiment demonstrated that the difference between rat performances was genetic since their environments were controlled and identical", "id": "15477433" }, { "contents": "Causes of mental disorders\n\n\n\" notion). Whereas specific genetic factors may be of importance in the etiology of some, and possibly all, depressions, it is equally conceivable that early experiences of the infant or child may cause enduring biochemical changes, and that these may predispose some individuals to depressions in adulthood. It is not likely that changes in the metabolism of the biogenic amines alone will account for the complex phenomena of normal or pathological affect. Substance abuse, especially long-term abuse, can cause or exacerbate many mental disorders. Alcoholism is linked", "id": "6588973" }, { "contents": "Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker syndrome\n\n\non chromosome 20) of most affected individuals. Therefore, it appears this genetic change is usually required for the development of the disease. GSS can be identified through genetic testing. Testing for GSS involves a blood and DNA examination in order to attempt to detect the mutated gene at certain codons. If the genetic mutation is present, the patient will eventually be afflicted by GSS, and, due to the genetic nature of the disease, the offspring of the patient are predisposed to a higher risk of inheriting the mutation. There", "id": "19772895" }, { "contents": "Addictive personality\n\n\nbelieve that they control their own lives and are mostly self-reliant in learning information (rather than relying on others) are less likely to become addicted. However, it is unclear whether these traits are causes, results or merely associated coincidentally. For example, depression due to physical disease can cause feelings of hopelessness that are mitigated after successful treatment of the underlying condition, and addiction can increase dependence on others. Specific genetic variants predispose to drug addiction—it's one of the behavioral disorders most strongly correlated with genetic makeup", "id": "2757140" }, { "contents": "Genetic memory (psychology)\n\n\nthat humans can have languages is a property of the nervous system that is present at birth, and thus phylogenetic in character. However, perception of the particular set of phonemes specific to a native language only develops during ontogeny. There is no genetic predisposition towards the phonemic makeup of any single language. Children in a particular country are not genetically predisposed to speak the languages of that country, adding further weight to the assertion that genetic memory is not Lamarckian. However, there is scientific evidence of a gene for perfect pitch which", "id": "4239294" }, { "contents": "Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience\n\n\ntraits, cognitive abilities, statistical genetics, and molecular genetics. In this way it is hoped that a greater understanding can be achieved in risk factors that might predispose an individual to depression, ADHD, or autism. The MRC Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry (SGDP) Centre was founded in 1994 by the Medical Research Council, in partnership with the Institute of Psychiatry (now a school of King’s College London). The research in social, genetic and developmental psychiatry have already existed at the Institute of Psychiatry since its", "id": "4396582" }, { "contents": "Wendy Johnson\n\n\nJohnson's research focuses on genetics, environmental, and social factors that influence the intelligence from childhood to adulthood, and longitudinal relationships between intelligence and other outcomes such as health. Some of her studies have looked a multiple factors in relation to academic achievement over time, including family risk factors, intelligence, depression, and child academic engagement. Her studies utilize quantitative genetic models that specify systematic transactions between genetic and environmental influences on behavior. In some research, twins separated at birth were studied to determine what familial and environmental factors contribute", "id": "21883181" }, { "contents": "Tracy Andrus\n\n\ncompleted his doctorate at Prairie View A&M University became the first African American in the US to earn a Ph.D. in juvenile justice. Andrus developed the Enviroecogenetics Theory which focuses on environment, economics, and genetics as causes of crime. Andrus is also credited with developing the theory that people who do not have money or anything to lose are predisposed to a greater extent to engage in criminal activity. Andrus' broke theory proposes that people who are living in comfortable settings and earning decent incomes are less likely to engage in criminal activity.", "id": "17194293" }, { "contents": "Maria Bitner-Glindzicz\n\n\n's work on Usher syndrome initiated the National Collaborative Usher Study, a large clinical and molecular study of people with Usher syndrome in the UK, in collaboration with Karen Steel at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. In addition, she was interested in ototoxicity and the mechanisms and genetic basis of this, exploring whether near-bedside genetic testing for mutations predisposing to ototoxicity was feasible. Her work led to improvements in clinical services for patients, including more comprehensive molecular diagnosis for deafness, and specialist clinics in and around London. These included", "id": "7662164" }, { "contents": "Aphthous stomatitis\n\n\nheightened antigenic sensitivity (see below). Risk factors in aphthous stomatitis are also sometimes considered as either host-related or environmental. At least 40% of people with aphthous stomatitis have a positive family history, suggesting that some people are genetically predisposed to suffering with oral ulceration. HLA-B12, HLA-B51, HLA-Cw7, HLA-A2, HLA-A11, and HLA-DR2 are examples of human leukocyte antigen types associated with aphthous stomatitis. However, these HLA types are inconsistently associated with the condition", "id": "249622" }, { "contents": "Sarnoff A. Mednick\n\n\nbetween criminal conviction in the adoptive parents and their children, but there was a correlation between biological father conviction and child conviction. The authors stressed that genetic influences do not mean that anti-social behavior is completely genetically determined, but that it has a genetic component. Earlier in his career, Mednick had hypothesized that autonomic under-arousal may be a genetic factor predisposing to anti-social behavior because under-arousal slows the socialization process. He helped develop a New Zealand cohort with one of his most notable students at the", "id": "16694537" }, { "contents": "Causes of cancer\n\n\nhereditary forms of cancer, less than 0.3% of the population are carriers of a cancer-related genetic mutation and these make up less than 3–10% of all cancer cases. The vast majority of cancers are non-hereditary (\"sporadic cancers\"). Hereditary cancers are primarily caused by an inherited genetic defect. A cancer syndrome or family cancer syndrome is a genetic disorder in which inherited genetic mutations in one or more genes predisposes the affected individuals to the development of cancers and may also cause the early onset of these", "id": "19122679" }, { "contents": "Race and intelligence\n\n\nresearch aims to understand the contribution of genes to differences in intelligence. Currently there is no non-circumstantial evidence that the test score gap has a genetic component, although some researchers believe that the existing circumstantial evidence makes it plausible to believe that hard evidence for a genetic component will eventually appear. Growing evidence indicates that environmental factors, not genetic ones, are more important in explaining the racial IQ gap. Several lines of investigation have been followed in the attempt to ascertain whether there is a genetic component to the test score gap", "id": "6789787" }, { "contents": "Eugenics in the United States\n\n\neugenics was not thought about much, aspects like sterilization were still taking place, just not at such a public level. As technology developed, the field of genetic engineering emerged. Instead of sterilizing people to ultimately get rid of \"undesirable\" people, genetic engineering \"changes or removes genes to prevent disease or improve the body in some significant way.\" Proponents of genetic engineering cite its ability to cure and prevent life-threatening diseases. Genetic engineering began in the 1970s when scientists began to clone and engineer genes. From", "id": "4248358" }, { "contents": "Feingold diet\n\n\nelimination diets, the Feingold diet can be expensive and boring, and so difficult for people to maintain. In general, there is no evidence to support broad claims that food coloring causes food intolerance and ADHD-like behavior in children. It is possible that certain food coloring may act as a trigger in those who are genetically predisposed, but the evidence is weak. For decades, the Feingold Program required a significant change in family lifestyle because families were limited to a narrow selection of foods. Such foods were sometimes expensive or", "id": "14189839" }, { "contents": "Divorce\n\n\ndissolve before marriage. There are many studies that show proof of an intergenerational transmission of divorce, but this does not mean that having divorced parents will absolutely lead a child to divorce. There are two key factors that make this transmission of divorce more likely. First, inherited biological tendencies or genetic conditions may predispose a child to divorce as well as the \"model of marriage\" presented by the child's parents. According to Nicholas Wall, former President of the Family Division of the English High Court, \"People think that", "id": "18596566" }, { "contents": "Folie à deux\n\n\nlikely to develop SDD. In fact, the treatment for shared delusional disorder is for the person to be removed for the inducer and seek additional treatment if necessary. Stress is also a factor because it triggers mental illness. The majority of people that develop shared delusional disorder are genetically predisposed to mental illness, however this predisposition ( i.e. genes for schizophrenia that need to be activated) is not enough to develop a mental disorder. However, when that person becomes stressed their adrenal gland releases the stress hormone cortisol into the body which", "id": "9311534" }, { "contents": "Toxgnostics\n\n\nsuffer severe toxicity such as neutropenia, mucositis, hand-foot syndrome, diarrhoea, and stomatitis, fatal toxicities will kill 0.5-1% of people treated. Through the use of toxgnostic screens a number of genetic variants have now been identified that can be used to predict 5FU toxicity prior to treatment. These genetic variants can be used to identify the individuals predisposed to severe drug toxicity and the dose of 5FU chemotherapy can be reduced to prevent severe toxic side effects. Toxgnostic biomarker tests currently available for use in clinical practice include", "id": "2544887" }, { "contents": "Concordance (genetics)\n\n\ncan help suggest whether a disease or a certain trait has a genetic cause. Controversial uses of twin data have looked at concordance rates for homosexuality and intelligence. Because identical twins are genetically virtually identical, it follows that a genetic pattern carried by one would very likely also be carried by the other. If a characteristic identified in one twin is caused by a certain gene, then it would also very likely be present in the other twin. Thus, the concordance rate of a given characteristic helps suggest whether or to what extent", "id": "10230652" }, { "contents": "The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young\n\n\nThe Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young is a longitudinal study examining the environmental causes of Type 1 diabetes(T1D), formerly known as juvenile diabetes. The study follows children at high genetic risk for T1D from birth to 15 years of age. Although genetic markers for Type 1 Diabetes have been identified, genetic predisposition is not the only factor in development of the disease. An increasing body of evidence, including rising rates of T1D diagnosis and incomplete penetrance of the disease in genetically predisposed individuals, suggests that environment may play an equally", "id": "17037973" }, { "contents": "Gardner's syndrome\n\n\nmutant in familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), a more common disease that also predisposes to colon cancer. Nuances in the understanding of genetics have caused some disorders to be split into multiple entities, while others merged into one genetic condition. After most of the second half of the 20th century, Gardner syndrome has been merged into FAP and is now considered simply a phenotypic subtype of FAP. FAP defined by the development of hundreds or thousands of polyps in the colon. Gardner syndrome is set apart as a subtype because, in", "id": "12287108" }, { "contents": "Vertiginous epilepsy\n\n\n, stroke with loss of blood flow to the brain, and infection. A less tested hypothesis that some believe may play a larger role in determining who is affected by this disease is a genetic mutation that predisposes the subject for vertiginous epilepsy. This hypothesis is supported by occurrences of vertiginous epilepsy in those with a family history of epilepsy. Vertiginous epilepsies are included in the category of the partial epilepsy in which abnormal electrical activity in the brain is localized. With current research, it is presumed that the most likely cause to produce", "id": "21505037" }, { "contents": "Conservatism in the United States\n\n\nbecause their negative reaction to the policies of Harry Truman showed \"dissatisfaction with American life, traditions and institutions\" and because they had \"little in common with the temperate and compromising spirit of true conservatism\". In \"Predisposed: Liberals,Conservatives, and the Biology of Political Differences\" three respected scholars provide an in-depth psychological explanation of how a person's genetic makeup predisposes them to be liberal or conservative. The book provides telling examples of how people as erudite and thoughtful as William F. Buckley, Jr., Gore", "id": "3788821" }, { "contents": "Melanocortin 4 receptor\n\n\n, based on other research and observations, these mutations seem to have an incomplete penetrance and some degree of codominance. It has a prevalence of 1.0–2.5% in people with body mass indices greater than 30, making it the most commonly known genetic defect predisposing people to obesity. In 2009, two very large genome-wide association studies of body mass index (BMI) confirmed the association of variants about 150 kilobases downstream of the \"MC4R\" gene with insulin resistance, obesity, and other anthropometric traits. \"MC4R\" may", "id": "5967530" }, { "contents": "Adaptation\n\n\ncomes to fit its surroundings better and better. On the other hand, it may happen that changes in the environment occur relatively rapidly, and then the species becomes less and less well adapted. Seen like this, adaptation is a genetic \"tracking process\", which goes on all the time to some extent, but especially when the population cannot or does not move to another, less hostile area. Given enough genetic change, as well as specific demographic conditions, an adaptation may be enough to bring a population back", "id": "5136131" }, { "contents": "Schizophrenia\n\n\nincrease the risk of someone developing the disorder by as much as 20-fold, and are frequently comorbid with autism and intellectual disabilities. There is a genetic relation between the common variants which cause schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, an inverse genetic correlation with intelligence and no genetic correlation with immune disorders. The question of how schizophrenia could be primarily genetically influenced, given that people with schizophrenia have lower fertility rates, is a paradox. It is expected that genetic variants that increase the risk of schizophrenia would be selected against due to their negative effects", "id": "8174126" }, { "contents": "What Is Your Dangerous Idea?\n\n\nalso artists or writers. The existence of the soul is discussed by John Horgan and Paul Bloom. John Horgan discusses the possibility that the soul does not exist, while Paul Bloom further expands by discussing how the implication of the soul's nonexistence can have serious consequences. Another topic many entries were based on is human behavior. J. Craig Venter discussed the genetic base of how humans act; Jerry Coyne also wrote on the idea that people are predisposed to act in certain ways because of genetics. Several authors wrote on the morals", "id": "2701005" }, { "contents": "Child development\n\n\n, genetic-environmental correlations may function in several ways to determine the mature characteristics of the individual. Genetic-environmental correlations are circumstances in which genetic factors make certain experiences more likely to occur. For example, in passive genetic-environmental correlation, a child is likely to experience a particular environment because his or her parents' genetic make-up makes them likely to choose or create such an environment. In evocative genetic-environmental correlation, the child's genetically-caused characteristics cause other people to respond in certain ways,", "id": "1981387" }, { "contents": "Folie à deux\n\n\nbecause 55% of people with shared delusional disorder are genetically predisposed to psychological disorders like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety, and depression...etc. This predisposition is usually triggered by the heightened state of fear, worry, and hopelessness experienced by those with SDD through increased levels of cortisol and therefore dopamine levels. Since shared delusional disorder itself is a very frightening and stressful disorder to live with, adding anxiety which is characterized by nervousness, worry, fear and apprehension and depression, a state of despondency and dejection makes their life", "id": "9311543" }, { "contents": "Sarcoidosis\n\n\nsyndrome with fever, large lymph nodes, arthritis, and a rash known as erythema nodosum. The cause of sarcoidosis is unknown. Some believe it may be due to an immune reaction to a trigger such as an infection or chemicals in those who are genetically predisposed. Those with affected family members are at greater risk. Diagnosis is partly based on signs and symptoms, which may be supported by biopsy. Findings that make it likely include large lymph nodes at the root of the lung on both sides, high blood calcium with", "id": "3688064" }, { "contents": "Weaving (horse)\n\n\nnot necessarily begin after watching another horse weaving (stereotypical or non-stereotypical), suggesting that horses can begin weaving without learning it from another horse . Some people claim that it is usually safe to allow other horses to see a weaver, unless it is known that the horse may be genetically predisposed (their sire or dam was a weaver) . Others feel it is caused by environmental factors, and that other horses in the same setting will pick up the behavior once a single horse starts. However, this may be", "id": "13261181" }, { "contents": "Inclusion body myositis\n\n\ndormant and most people end up being lifelong carriers of the virus. One review says that the best evidence points towards a connection with some type of retrovirus and that a retroviral infection combined with immune recognition of the retrovirus is enough to trigger the inflammation process. sIBM is not inherited and is not passed on to the children of IBM patients. There are genetic features that do not directly cause IBM but that appear to predispose a person to getting IBM — having this particular combination of genes increases one's susceptibility to getting IBM.", "id": "15572606" }, { "contents": "Microvascular angina\n\n\nblood fat disorder, and elevated blood pressure. Other risk factors are insulin resistance or intolerance to glucose, prothrombotic state or proinflammatory state. Older people are more at risk to develop this condition, and there is some evidence that suggests that there are genetic mutations that predispose to the syndrome. Women are more prone to this condition than men, as well as those who have a history of heart disease in the family. In a large percentage of patients, there is a finding of systemic microvascular abnormalities, causing reduced blood flow", "id": "9390051" }, { "contents": "Height and intelligence\n\n\nbetween height and intelligence, but again were often not directly related to height and intelligence. Some of the earlier large studies cited for height and intelligence are the Scottish Mental Surveys in 1932 and 1947. However, the studies were largely meant to analyze the genetic and environmental contributions to cognitive ability differences. Height (and weight) were added to provide a multivariate analysis. In effort to better understand this association, numerous other studies were thus carried out. These studies either expanded upon the association or sought to find an explanation for", "id": "18519787" }, { "contents": "Bisexuality\n\n\nthat human sexual orientation is genetically influenced, so it is not known how homosexuality, which tends to lower reproductive success, is maintained in the population at a relatively high frequency.\" They hypothesized that \"while genes predisposing to homosexuality reduce homosexuals' reproductive success, they may confer some advantage in heterosexuals who carry them\" and their results suggested that \"genes predisposing to homosexuality may confer a mating advantage in heterosexuals, which could help explain the evolution and maintenance of homosexuality in the population.\" In \"Scientific American Mind\"", "id": "9564013" }, { "contents": "BRCA mutation\n\n\npeople with the mutation have a high risk of developing disease as a result, but that some people will not develop cancer despite carrying a harmful mutation. Genetic counseling is commonly recommended to people whose personal or family health history suggests a greater than average likelihood of a mutation. Genetic counselors are allied health professionals who are trained to explain genetics to people; some of them are also licensed as registered nurses or social workers. A medical geneticist is a physician who specializes in genetics. The purpose of genetic counseling is to educate the", "id": "21496100" }, { "contents": "Genetic correlation\n\n\nto genetic differences, or in simpler terms, genetics contributes significantly to these two traits), however, they may still have a very low genetic correlation if, for instance, these two traits were being controlled by different, non-overlapping, non-linked genetic loci. A genetic correlation between two traits will tend to produce phenotypic correlations – e.g. the genetic correlation between intelligence and SES or education and family SES implies that intelligence/SES will also correlate phenotypically. The phenotypic correlation will be limited by the degree of genetic", "id": "15388376" }, { "contents": "German Shepherd\n\n\nof the UK GSD population suffers from this disease. Treatment is usually provided in the form of pancreatic supplements taken with food. Musculoskeletal disorders are debilitating conditions that are often associated with genetic makeup, malnutrition, and stress-related events. Some breeds like the German shepherd, are predisposed to a variety of different skeletal disorders, including but not limited to: canine hip dysplasia, Cauda equina syndrome, and osteoarthritis. These conditions can be a result of poor breeding or induced by intense exercise and poor diet. Canine hip dysplasia", "id": "1990247" }, { "contents": "Evolutionary psychology\n\n\nby evolutionary psychologists as due to normal variation around an optimum, due to frequency-dependent selection (behavioral polymorphisms), or as facultative adaptations. Like variability in height, some personality traits may simply reflect inter-individual variability around a general optimum. Or, personality traits may represent different genetically predisposed \"behavioral morphs\" – alternate behavioral strategies that depend on the frequency of competing behavioral strategies in the population. For example, if most of the population is generally trusting and gullible, the behavioral morph of being a \"cheater", "id": "9632798" }, { "contents": "Evacuate Earth\n\n\npropose that fatalism may drive some people either to suicide or radicalism and attempts to sabotage the project. In one dramatic sequence, terrorists strike the facility, though they are destroyed by a hidden minefield. Brush fire conflicts also escalate, as security forces are focused on either maintaining order or protecting the interstellar project's facilities and personnel. Who is to be evacuated is another major issue. Although diversity is respected, any selected individual would have to be genetically hardy and not predisposed toward disease (such as schizophrenia and diabetes).", "id": "14196211" }, { "contents": "H. Hugh Fudenberg\n\n\nMD from the University of Chicago in 1953. Fudenberg received his M.A. in immunochemistry from Boston University in 1957. The areas of his research, conducted primarily in the 1960s and 1970s, included research into immunoglobulin and receptors for this molecule in human monocytes, as well as the ability of red blood cells to, in vitro, form \"rosette\" formations around peripheral blood lymphocytes. Fudenberg was hired by the Special Projects Unit of the Council for Tobacco Research in 1972, to study whether some people are genetically predisposed to emphysema.", "id": "21188318" }, { "contents": "Athletic heart syndrome\n\n\n, which mainly occurs due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a genetic disorder. No treatment is required for people with athletic heart syndrome; it does not pose any physical threats to the athlete, and despite some theoretical concerns that the ventricular remodeling might conceivably predispose for serious arrhythmias, no evidence has been found of any increased risk of long-term events. Athletes should see a physician and receive a clearance to be sure their symptoms are due to athlete's heart and not another heart disease, such as cardiomyopathy. If the athlete is", "id": "7320116" }, { "contents": "Biology and sexual orientation\n\n\nhuman sexual orientation is genetically influenced, so it is not known how homosexuality, which tends to lower reproductive success, is maintained in the population at a relatively high frequency.\" They hypothesized that \"while genes predisposing to homosexuality reduce homosexuals' reproductive success, they may confer some advantage in heterosexuals who carry them\". Their results suggested that \"genes predisposing to homosexuality may confer a mating advantage in heterosexuals, which could help explain the evolution and maintenance of homosexuality in the population\". However, in the same study,", "id": "6589230" }, { "contents": "Environmental disease\n\n\nIn epidemiology, environmental diseases are diseases that can be directly attributed to environmental factors (as distinct from genetic factors or infection). Apart from the true monogenic genetic disorders, environmental diseases may determine the development of disease in those genetically predisposed to a particular condition. Stress, physical and mental abuse, diet, exposure to toxins, pathogens, radiation, and chemicals found in almost all personal care products and household cleaners are possible causes of a large segment of non-hereditary disease. If a disease process is concluded to be", "id": "6446260" }, { "contents": "Face perception\n\n\nsufficient data for training is fairly demanding work. While it has been widely recognized that many cognitive abilities, such as general intelligence, have genetic bases, evidence for the genetic basis of facial recognition abilities specifically is fairly recent. Some of the earliest published research on the relationship between facial recognition and genetics focused on the genetic bases of facial recognition in the context of genetic disorders which impair facial recognition abilities, such as Turner syndrome. In a study by Lawrence, K. et al. in 2003 the authors found significantly poorer facial", "id": "15650638" }, { "contents": "Behavioural genetics\n\n\nThe ten findings were: Behavioural genetic research and findings have at times been controversial. Some of this controversy has arisen because behavioural genetic findings can challenge societal beliefs about the nature of human behaviour and abilities. Major areas of controversy have included genetic research on topics such as racial differences, intelligence, violence, and human sexuality. Other controversies have arisen due to misunderstandings of behavioural genetic research, whether by the lay public or the researchers themselves. For example, the notion of heritability is easily misunderstood to imply causality, or that", "id": "9204425" }, { "contents": "History of the race and intelligence controversy\n\n\nHe stressed the importance of biological considerations in intelligence, commenting that \"the belief in the almost infinite plasticity of intellect, the ostrich-like denial of biological factors in individual differences, and the slighting of the role of genetics in the study of intelligence can only hinder investigation and understanding of the conditions, processes, and limits through which the social environment influences human behavior.\" He argued at length that, contrary to environmentalist orthodoxy, intelligence was partly dependent on the same genetic factors that influence other physical attributes. More controversially", "id": "2158092" }, { "contents": "Genetic diversity\n\n\nGenetic diversity is the total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species. It is distinguished from genetic variability, which describes the tendency of genetic characteristics to vary. Genetic diversity serves as a way for populations to adapt to changing environments. With more variation, it is more likely that some individuals in a population will possess variations of alleles that are suited for the environment. Those individuals are more likely to survive to produce offspring bearing that allele. The population will continue for more generations because of the success of", "id": "16564195" }, { "contents": "Eggplant\n\n\neggplant leaves and allergy to eggplant flower pollen have also been reported. Individuals who are atopic (genetically predisposed to developing certain allergic hypersensitivity reactions) are more likely to have a reaction to eggplant, which may be because eggplant is high in histamines. A few proteins and at least one secondary metabolite have been identified as potential allergens. Cooking eggplant thoroughly seems to preclude reactions in some individuals, but at least one of the allergenic proteins survives the cooking process. The eggplant is quite often featured in the older scientific literature under the", "id": "1832495" }, { "contents": "Precancerous condition\n\n\nas monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance, or to certain lesions, such as colorectal adenoma (colon polyps), which have the potential to progress into cancer (see: Malignant transformation). Premalignant lesions are morphologically atypical tissue which appear abnormal when viewed under the microscope, and which are more likely to progress to cancer than normal tissue. Precancerous conditions and lesions affect a variety of organ systems, including the skin, oral cavity, stomach, colon, and hematological system. Some authorities also refer to hereditary genetic conditions which predispose", "id": "18652073" }, { "contents": "Patricia Piccinini\n\n\nhere to witness it, it's not here for us – genetic engineering, changing the body.\" Following her 2014 win in the Melbourne Art Foundation's Awards, she went on to say that: The thing about this award on some levels is that my work ... all of it has this first impact, the sort of impact of spectacle. It's beautifully made, strong, aesthetic, so people are interested in that and it draws them in, and then they get interested in the idea. It takes a", "id": "2906725" }, { "contents": "Sandra Witelson\n\n\nwomen. Verbal and spatial intelligence in women was connected with brain size, but in men, verbal intelligence was better for right-handers only, most likely due to the brain's asymmetry. Spatial ability in men was unchanged relative to brain size. In yet another study, Witelson found that the corpus callosum was thicker in homosexual men than in heterosexual men. Although that structure, as well as the amygdala, are formed early, indicating a possible genetic component to homosexuality, she said causality cannot be assumed and still", "id": "8887926" }, { "contents": "Genetic history of the British Isles\n\n\noriginated in the lower Rhine area. These people exhibiting the Beaker Culture were likely an offshoot of the Corded Ware Culture, as they had little genetic affinity to other Bell Beaker populations, such as the Iberian Beaker People . This population had a large steppe-derived Yamnaya component, in addition to some continental Neolithic and Western Hunter Gatherer DNA. The Modern British and Irish likely derive most of their ancestry from this Beaker Culture population. According to David Reich, Southern England (but not other British regions) saw some resurgence of", "id": "8827205" }, { "contents": "Center for Applied Genomics\n\n\nThe Center for Applied Genomics is a Center of Emphasis at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia with the primary goal of discovering and translating basic research findings into medical innovations. The Center is one of the world’s largest genetics research and analytical facilities. It is the primary center at a pediatric hospital with access to state-of-the-art high-throughput genotyping technology, and has processed genetic samples from over 100,000 people. The Center is focused on detecting the genetic causes of some of the most prevalent childhood diseases including", "id": "1767315" }, { "contents": "Kawasaki disease\n\n\ntypically occurs. In some children, coronary artery aneurysms may form in the heart after 1–2 years. The cause is unknown. It may be due to an infection triggering an autoimmune response in those who are genetically predisposed. It does not spread between people. Diagnosis is usually based on a person's signs and symptoms. Other tests such as an ultrasound of the heart and blood tests may support the diagnosis. Other conditions that may present similarly include scarlet fever and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Typically, initial treatment consists of high doses", "id": "19825712" }, { "contents": "Kangri cancer\n\n\nstudy, researchers noted kangri pot usage patterns and found that Kangri cancer “patients gave the history of using the Kangri especially for 3-4 winter months [...] every year for 5-6 hours daily.” Beyond the behavioral risk factor of prolonged usage of Kangri pots, researchers have begun to look at genetic mutations that may make some people more predisposed to develop Kangri cancer. In the treatment of Kangri cancer, surgery is, most often, the first-line course of action to remove the primary tumor.", "id": "20083296" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified animal\n\n\noffspring. Genetically modified mice were created in 1984 that carried cloned oncogenes, predisposing them to developing cancer. Mice with genes knocked out (knockout mouse) were created in 1989. The first transgenic livestock were produced in 1985 and the first animal to synthesise transgenic proteins in their milk were mice, engineered to produce human tissue plasminogen activator in 1987. The first genetically modified animal to be commercialised was the GloFish, a Zebra fish with a fluorescent gene added that allows it to glow in the dark under ultraviolet light. It was", "id": "18322560" }, { "contents": "Height and intelligence\n\n\nout by a team of researchers at Edinburgh University, Scotland, motivated by the understanding that both height and intelligence test scores are predictors of better health outcomes and mortality. The study was constructed to better identify if there are any shared phenotypic and genetic influences from height and intelligence in determining health outcomes and mortality. Human intelligence can be measured according to an extensive number of tests and criteria, ranging from academic, social, and emotional fields. There is no clear definition for what \"intelligence\" is in humans. There are", "id": "18519789" }, { "contents": "Race and intelligence\n\n\nThe connection between race and intelligence has been a subject of debate in both popular science and academic research since the inception of IQ testing in the early 20th century. There remains some debate as to whether and to what extent differences in intelligence test scores reflect environmental factors as opposed to genetic ones, as well as to the definitions of what \"race\" and \"intelligence\" are, and whether they can be objectively defined. Currently, there is no non-circumstantial evidence that these differences in test scores have a genetic component", "id": "6789712" }, { "contents": "Ian Deary\n\n\nold age intelligence have a genetic correlation of .62. A number of papers from the Lothian Birth Cohort studies, co-authored by Deary, have reported that higher childhood intelligence scores negatively predict earlier mortality; that is, more intelligent people live longer. Data from the Lothian Birth Cohort studies continue to be used for studies of the relationship of intelligence to a wide variety of health, educational and socioeconomic outcomes. In addition, genetic and brain imaging data from members of the Cohorts allow investigation of the biological causes of differences in", "id": "9936245" } ]
Do Astronauts at the ISS get "private" time?
[{"answer": "They have private bathrooms and while the station isn't big there are not constantly people around every square inch of it. However I don't think they get special jerk-off time they can probably find private time in the bathroom or in their bunk. Of course it is space so you have to take extra precautions for anything that might go flying off and float around."}, {"answer": "I sailed across the Pacific with my old man once. Just the two of us. Not a sexy time. But trust me, you find a way. It gets unbearable after a while."}, {"answer": "I don't think I would stay sane after 6 months. I have the romantic/sexual life of a particularly impotent snail, and *I* would have a need to bed the first human being I make eye-contact with after landing. On to the question, I assume they would have a way of 'relieving' themselves every so often. It just might not be talked about much in public outreach, due to America's fear of penises."}, {"answer": "I don't think this is an appropriate conversation for 5 year olds. But on a more serious note, IIRC there was post a while back about whether anyone has had sex in space and it seemed that the general consensus was that there was at least one married couple on the ISS at the same time that probably did."}, {"answer": "Apparently your penis is smaller in space when erect because of the blood flow or something."}, {"answer": "\"In space, no one can hear you scream.\""}, {"answer": "Now I'm thinking about this. Do they bring their porno magazine stash or a HDD full of porn? I've been in the military on deployments, the imagination can only take you so far."}, {"answer": "The book \"Packing for Mars\" explained that the astronauts have various moments of free time and an understanding to spend some of that time \"alone\", but dedicated time is not to be specifically allotted because if they have to schedule it then it goes in the official flight log which is available in public records and they didn't want to list \"jerk off time\" In addition, if it goes in the flight log then they have to do tests to account for it which means timing the astronauts during their \"sessions \" on earth."}, {"answer": "This was asked in an astronaut's AMA a while back. I believe the answer he gave was (and I'm summarizing here) that the space station is big and the inhabitants can find an out of the way place for 'private' time."}, {"answer": "The two pump chump skill requires intense mental focus. I'd hope there would be a formal whack hour or signal as to allow for a distraction-less self-rape."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "154711", "title": "Aerospace", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["pace is the human effort in science, engineering, and business to fly in the atmosphere of Earth (aeronautics) and surrounding space (astronautics). Aerospace organizations research, design, manufacture, operate, or maintain aircraft or spacecraft. Aerospace activity is very diverse, with a multitude of commercial, industrial an", "Aerospace is the human effort in science, engineering, and business to fly in the atmosphere of Earth (aeronautics) and surrounding space (astronautics). Aerospace organizations research, design, manufacture, operate, or maintain aircraft or spacecraft. Aerospace activity is very diverse, with a multitude of commercial, industrial and military applications.", "Aerospace organizations research, design, manufacture, operate, or maintain aircraft or spacecraft. Aerospace activity is very diverse, with a multitude of commercial, industrial and military applications."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "752732", "title": "Private spaceflight", "section": "Section::::Non-launched efforts.:Mars ventures.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 122, "end_paragraph_id": 122, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In February 2013, the US nonprofit Inspiration Mars Foundation announced a plan to send a married couple on a 2018 mission to travel to Mars and back to Earth on a 501-day round trip, with no landing planned on Mars. The mission would have taken advantage of an infrequently occurring free return trajectorya unique orbit opportunity which occurs only once every fifteen yearsand will allow the space capsule to use the smallest possible amount of fuel to get it to Mars and back to Earth. The two-person American crew a man and a woman will orbit around Mars at a distance of of the surface. \"If anything goes wrong, the spacecraft should make its own way back to Earth but with no possibility of any shortcuts home.\"", "The two-person American crew a man and a woman will orbit around Mars at a distance of of the surface. \"If anything goes wrong, the spacecraft should make its own way back to Earth but with no possibility of any shortcuts home.\""]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Astronaut training\n\n\n. Once on-orbit, communication between astronauts and scientists on the ground can be limited, and time is strictly apportioned between different mission activities. It is vital that astronauts are familiar with their assigned experiments in order to complete them in a timely manner, with as little intervention from the ground as possible. For missions to the ISS, each astronaut is required to become proficient at one hundred or more experiments. During training, the scientists responsible for the experiments do not have direct contact with the astronauts who will be carrying", "id": "5338693" }, { "contents": "Space architecture\n\n\ndiet of ISS spacefarers is a combination of participating nations' space food. Each astronaut selects a personalized menu before flight. Many food choices reflect the cultural differences of the astronauts, such as bacon and eggs vs. fish products for breakfast (for the US and Russia, respectively). More recently such delicacies as Japanense beef curry, kimchi, and swordfish (Riviera style) have been featured on the orbiting outpost. As much of ISS food is dehydrated or sealed in pouches MRE-style, astronauts are quite excited to get", "id": "14538774" }, { "contents": "ESA CAVES\n\n\nsafety principles similar to that of EVA, such as the need to be attached to a safe surface – the cave wall in CAVES, the ISS or the vehicle in space. Last, the crew mission performed during the exploration has several elements in common with the ISS operations, including a time-lined sequence of activities, daily planning calls to the ground support team, standardized procedures and data collection forms. In the same way astronauts in space spend a consistent part of their time doing science, cavenauts are tasked to perform", "id": "522799" }, { "contents": "Commercial Crew Development\n\n\nCommercial Crew Development (CCDev) is a human spaceflight development program that is funded by the U.S. government and administered by NASA. CCDev will result in US and international astronauts flying to the International Space Station (ISS) on privately operated crew vehicles. Operational contracts to fly astronauts were awarded in September 2014 to SpaceX and Boeing. Test flights of Dragon 2 and CST-100 are scheduled for 2019. Pending completion of the demonstration flights, each company is contracted to supply six flights to ISS between 2019 and 2024. The first group of", "id": "10700035" }, { "contents": "SpaceX\n\n\na test of an empty Crew Dragon to ISS in early 2019, and later in the year they plan to launch a crewed Dragon which will send US astronauts to the ISS for the first time since the retirement of the Space Shuttle. In February 2017 SpaceX announced that two would-be space tourists had put down \"significant deposits\" for a mission which would see the two tourists fly on board a Dragon capsule around the Moon and back again. In addition to SpaceX's privately funded plans for an eventual Mars mission,", "id": "10001409" }, { "contents": "Akihiko Hoshide\n\n\nan astronaut support engineer for the NASDA Astronaut Office, supporting the development of the astronaut training program, and he supported astronaut Koichi Wakata during Wakata's training and mission on STS-72. In February 1999 Hoshide was selected by NASDA (now JAXA) as one of three Japanese astronaut candidates for the International Space Station (ISS). He started the ISS Astronaut Basic Training program in April 1999 and was certified as an astronaut in January 2001. Since April 2001, he has participated in ISS Advanced Training, as well as supporting the", "id": "7377527" }, { "contents": "Satoshi Furukawa\n\n\nJapan (NASDA) as one of three Japanese astronaut candidates for the International Space Station (ISS). He started the ISS Astronaut Basic Training program in April 1999 and was certified as an astronaut in January 2001. Since April 2001, he has been participating in ISS Advanced Training, as well as supporting the development of the hardware and operation of the Japanese ISS Experimental Module “Kibo.” On October 1, 2003, NASDA merged with ISAS (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science) and NAL (National Aerospace Laboratory of", "id": "7377460" }, { "contents": "Expedition 35\n\n\nExpedition 35 was the 35th long-duration mission to the International Space Station (ISS). The expedition started 13 March 2013, and marked the first time a Canadian astronaut – Colonel Chris Hadfield – was in command of the station. Expedition 35 was also only the second time an ISS crew is led by neither a NASA astronaut, or a Roscosmos cosmonaut, after Expedition 21 in 2009, when ESA astronaut Frank De Winne was in command. NASA The mission generated considerable media attention and turned Cmdr. Chris Hadfield into a", "id": "14757688" }, { "contents": "Astronaut training\n\n\nthe ISS, the training of Japanese astronauts follows a similar structure to that of other ISS partners. Astronauts carry out 1.5 years of Basic Training mainly at Tsukuba, followed by 1.5–2 years of Advanced Training at Tsukuba and ISS partner sites. Training for any international ISS astronauts involving the Kibo module will also be carried out at Tsukuba Space Center. Advanced Training is followed by Increment-Specific Training, which, along with any Kibo training, will be carried out at Tsukuba. EVA training for Kibo takes place in the Weightless Environment", "id": "5338707" }, { "contents": "Christopher E. Gerty\n\n\nController and Crew Trainer in the EVA Systems group in Mission Operations from 2001 to 2006. In that position he taught astronauts how to keep themselves alive and comfortable enough to perform their tasks while doing a spacewalk, or EVA. As part of this job he performed a simulated EVA in a NASA spacesuit at the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory. After \"spacewalking\" underwater, he had a new appreciation for the difficulty of the construction of the International Space Station (ISS) and the skills of the astronauts who performed ISS construction. After", "id": "6527761" }, { "contents": "STS-116\n\n\narm. The astronauts scheduled for Day 4's EVA, Robert Curbeam and Christer Fuglesang, ended their day by entering the airlock for a \"campout\" sleep session to prepare for the EVA by purging their bodies of nitrogen in a lower-pressure environment. Such a practice is common in order for the astronauts to avoid getting decompression sickness. Flight day 4 began for the astronauts at 15:47 UTC. During the first EVA of the mission, the astronauts of STS-116 brought the ISS one step closer to completion with the addition of", "id": "17090897" }, { "contents": "Timothy Creamer\n\n\n2010. After Expeditions 22 and 23, Creamer focused on all things on orbit involving I/T, including networking, crew support platforms and also targeting I/T support for missions farther away than low earth orbit (LEO), including Mars missions. Because science is the prime reason for the ISS, Creamer also certified as a payload operations director in Huntsville, AL, helping to coordinate real-time operations of all ISS-based science events, the first flown astronaut to do so. On January 22, 2010", "id": "7264365" }, { "contents": "Soyuz TMA-4\n\n\nwith Padalka, Fincke and Yuri Shargin aboard. Soyuz TMA-4 is a Russian passenger spacecraft that was launched by a Soyuz-FG rocket from Baikonur at 03:19 UT on April 19, 2004. It carried three astronauts (a Russian, an American and a Dutchman) to the International Space Station (ISS) and docked with the Zarya module of the ISS automatically on April 21 at 05:01 UT. Two of its astronauts remained in the ISS for about six months, while the Dutch astronaut and the two astronauts who had inhabited the", "id": "20032594" }, { "contents": "Soyuz TMA-20\n\n\n, undocked from the \"Rassvet\" module at 21:35 UTC on May 23, 2011. The ISS was flying above eastern China at the time separated. Kondratyev occupied the center seat, with NASA astronaut Catherine Coleman to his right, and ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli to his left. Kondratyev backed the spacecraft away from the ISS by about 600 feet and paused to give Nespoli a photo opportunity. Starting about 15 minutes after undocking, holding station at that vantage point directly behind the ISS, Nespoli took numerous photographs and several minutes of", "id": "12291259" }, { "contents": "Astronaut training\n\n\nprovides basic EVA training at ESA's NBF before moving onto the larger NASA training facility at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Advanced Training includes a much more in-depth look into the ISS, including learning how to service and operate all systems. Enhanced science training is also implemented at this time to ensure all astronauts can perform science experiments on board the ISS. This phase takes around one year to complete and training is completed across the ISS partner network, no longer only at the EAC. It is only upon completion", "id": "5338702" }, { "contents": "Christer Fuglesang\n\n\n's atmosphere\" it was recorded as 'Galactic Record'. On July 15, 2008 Fuglesang was selected as a mission specialist of the STS-128 that launched August 28–29, 2009. STS-128 (ISS assembly mission \"17A\") delivered equipment allowing the ISS crew to be expanded from three to six astronauts. During STS-128 Fuglesang also became the first spacewalker outside Russia and United States to do more than three spacewalks. With the completion of two more EVAs, he has performed five spacewalks. Total EVA time from five spacewalks adds up", "id": "15895267" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle Endeavour\n\n\n. During \"Endeavour's\" last mission, the Russian spacecraft Soyuz TMA-20 departed from the ISS and paused at a distance of 200 meters. Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli took a series of photographs and videos of the ISS with \"Endeavour\" docked. This was the second time a shuttle was photographed docked and the first time since 1996. Commander Mark Kelly was the last astronaut off \"Endeavour\" after the landing, and the crew stayed on the landing strip to sign autographs and pose for pictures. STS-134 was the penultimate Space", "id": "8585774" }, { "contents": "Eric C. Anderson\n\n\n). In 1999, he reached an agreement with the Russian space agency to purchase seats on the Soyuz on behalf of private citizens. He sold the first seat to money manager Dennis Tito for $20 million. In 2001, Tito was part of a group of astronauts who were launched into orbit and visited the ISS, the first time a private citizen had paid to fly to orbit. In his work with Space Adventures, Anderson has been widely credited as the first to monetize spaceflight and demonstrate the viability of a commercial", "id": "4942247" }, { "contents": "STS-129\n\n\ncomplex. The unit allows for communication between ISS and SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft via a UHF radio. Commands from SpaceX can be forwarded through ISS to CUCU and on to Dragon. Similarly, telemetry from Dragon and CUCU can be forwarded down through ISS for monitoring by SpaceX and NASA ground-based mission control. The Crew Command Panel (CCP) provides feedback about the state of the Dragon vehicle to astronauts aboard ISS. It additionally provides some simple commanding capability to the astronauts to be used during the Dragon approach to ISS.", "id": "17483532" }, { "contents": "Douglas H. Wheelock\n\n\nassigned to the Astronaut Office ISS Operations Branch as a Russian Liaison, participating in the testing and integration of Russian hardware and software products developed for the ISS. He worked extensively with the Energia Aerospace Company in Moscow, Russia, developing and verifying dual-language procedures for ISS crews. Wheelock led joint U.S./Russian teams to the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan to oversee bench reviews, inventory, loading and launch of the first four unmanned ISS resupply capsules. In 2001, Wheelock assumed duties as the Crew Support Astronaut for the ISS Expedition 2", "id": "7976897" }, { "contents": "Scott Kelly (astronaut)\n\n\nthe Russian\" Progress 59\" spacecraft. Expedition 44 began on June 11, 2015, when Virts transferred command of the ISS to Padalka, and \"Soyuz TMA-15M \"landed in Kazakhstan at 9:44 am EDT. \"Soyuz TMA-17M\" docked with the ISS on July 22, 2015, bringing NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko, and JAXA astronaut Kimiya Yui to join Expedition 44. During Expedition 44, the ISS was resupplied by the JAXA \"HTV-5\" and the Russian\" Progress 60\" vehicles;", "id": "21563811" }, { "contents": "First Orbit\n\n\nSongs\". Riley first worked with Sheppard in 2006 on the Sundance award-winning feature documentary film, \"In the Shadow of the Moon\". Since that time, he had worked on a new suite of music inspired by space flight, which he donated to this new film project. Coincidentally, the music in the film was taken on board the ISS by NASA astronaut Catherine Coleman before it was used in the film. Catherine Coleman flew to the ISS with astronaut and \"First Orbit\" cameraman Paolo Nespoli without either", "id": "19832669" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle retirement\n\n\nfor all the projected U.S. cargo-transportation needs to the ISS, with the exception of a few vehicle–specific payloads to be delivered on the European ATV and the Japanese HTV. The Commercial Crew Program (CCP) was initiated in 2010 with the purpose of creating commercially operated crew vehicles capable of delivering at least four astronauts to the ISS, staying docked for 180 days and then returning them to Earth. Like COTS, CCP is a fixed–price milestone-based developmental program that requires some private investment. In the", "id": "12559965" }, { "contents": "Scott Kelly (astronaut)\n\n\nColeman, and ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli. The crew of STS-133 aboard \"Discovery\" arrived at the station February 26, 2011. The crew of STS-133 performed two EVAs to replace a pump and install the Permanent Multipurpose Module. \"Discovery\" undocked from the ISS on March 7, 2011, and landed for the final time two days later. On January 8, 2011, while Kelly was on the ISS, Kelly's sister-in-law Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in Tucson. \"Soyuz TMA-01M\" landed", "id": "21563807" }, { "contents": "Hannes M. Schalle\n\n\n2014 and was released in July 2015 by Bulldog Film Distribution in Great Britain. It was No. 1 bestseller on iTunes and Amazon. In December 2014 Premiere Picture released Schalle's Feature Documentary \"In Space\" showing the 50 years of collaboration between ESA and NASA, the projects of the famous protagonists of private space travel – Elon Musk and Richard Branson, the German astronaut Alexander Gerst and his time on the ISS and first and foremost the Rosetta mission. At the same time he directed and produced Chanel's \"\"Metiers", "id": "9475991" }, { "contents": "European contribution to the International Space Station\n\n\nfirst ESA astronaut to stay on board in an expedition was Thomas Reiter in 2006. In 2009 Frank De Winne became the first European to serve as expedition commander of ISS. In 2016 the next scheduled European astronaut to go to ISS was Thomas Pesquet in November 2016. He launched to ISS on November 17, 2016 and started his expedition aboard the station. In contributing to the ISS, ESA only represents 10 of its member states: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden", "id": "4750903" }, { "contents": "Michael Barratt (astronaut)\n\n\nMir team in addition to their duties as flight surgeons. From July 1995 through July 1998, Barratt served as Medical Operations Lead for the International Space Station (ISS). A frequent traveler to Russia, he worked with counterparts at Star City and the Institute of Biomedical Problems as well as other ISS partner centers, developing medical procedures, training and equipment for ISS. Barratt served as lead crew surgeon for ISS Expedition 1 from July 1998 until selected as an astronaut candidate. He serves as Associate Editor for Space Medicine for the", "id": "7377665" }, { "contents": "Johannes Kepler ATV\n\n\nastronaut Paolo Nespoli welcoming the ATV's arrival. ESA astronaut Roberto Vittori was also aboard the ISS at the same time as the ATV, having arrived on Space Shuttle \"Endeavour\" on the STS-134 mission in May 2011. \"Johannes Kepler\" was used to boost the ISS's standard altitude from about 350 kilometers (220 statute miles) to 400 km (248 miles). The higher altitude has lower atmospheric drag, which reduces the propellant needed annually to maintain the station's altitude from 6,800 kg (15,000 lb) to", "id": "9040738" }, { "contents": "Astronaut training\n\n\nwith the ISS astronauts, cosmonauts train in the US, Germany, Japan, and Canada for specific training in the various ISS modules. The Japanese human spaceflight program has historically focused on training astronauts for Space Shuttle missions. As such, training previously took place at NASA's Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, and followed that of NASA astronauts and other international participants in the Space Shuttle program. Since the development of domestic training facilities at the Tsukuba Space Center, training has increasingly taken place in Japan. With Japan's participation in", "id": "5338706" }, { "contents": "Christopher E. Gerty\n\n\nApollo missions, long-duration Expeditions to the ISS, and \"spaceflight analog missions\" like NEEMO, which in many ways simulate a mission to the Moon. In Gerty's words: \"NASA has questions like, 'What is the best way for robots and humans to work together on the lunar or Martian surface?', or 'How much room do astronauts need to live and work in 1/6 of the Earth's gravity, compared to the zero-gravity on the ISS?'\" In August 2007,", "id": "6527763" }, { "contents": "Expedition 29\n\n\nExpedition 29 was the 29th long-duration expedition to the International Space Station (ISS). The expedition formally began on 16 September 2011, with the departure from the ISS of the Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft. Astronauts Satoshi Furukawa, Michael Fossum and Sergey Volkov, who had arrived at the ISS aboard Soyuz TMA-02M in June 2011, began their Expedition 29 service at this time. Soyuz TMA-22, which brought the remaining three Expedition 29 crew members to the ISS, was originally scheduled to launch in September 2011, but due to", "id": "21481533" }, { "contents": "Space Adventures\n\n\nbecame the fifth space tourist who visited the ISS in April 2007, then again in March 2009. He is the world's first private space explorer who launched to space twice. In 2008, game developer Richard Garriott, the first second-generation U.S. astronaut, became the sixth client to travel to the ISS. In October 2009, Cirque du Soleil founder, Guy Laliberté, became the first Canadian space tourist to have launched to space. English soprano Sarah Brightman was expected to become the eight client of Space Adventures to visit", "id": "17372160" }, { "contents": "Piers Sellers\n\n\nastronaut candidate by NASA in April 1996, Sellers reported to the NASA Johnson Space Center in August 1996. He completed two years of training and evaluation and was initially assigned technical duties in the Astronaut Office Computer Support Branch, followed by service in the Astronaut Office Space Station Branch. During that time, he worked part-time in Moscow as a technical liaison on ISS computer software. Sellers logged over 559 hours in space, including almost 41 EVA hours in 6 spacewalks. He retired as an astronaut in 2011 and then served", "id": "11773235" }, { "contents": "European Astronaut Corps\n\n\nthe record for the longest spaceflight by a woman. Only two other women have been members of the corps. Marianne Merchez who never flew, and Claudie Haigneré who resigned after two missions to start a political career in France. There are thirteen former members of the ESA. * No space missions Astronauts from the European Astronaut Corps participated in several NASA Space Shuttle missions before the ISS era, in particular as Spacelab Payload Specialists. \"(This list excludes missions to Mir or the ISS)\" Astronauts from Europe have flown to", "id": "9490255" }, { "contents": "STS-131\n\n\nshuttle's path to the ISS. Astronauts Naoko Yamazaki and Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger began activating and checking out the Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (SRMS) also known as the Canadarm. While Metcalf-Lindenburger and Yamazaki were working with Canadarm, Stephanie Wilson was getting equipment together and set up to record the inspections of the shuttle's heat shield. The inspections were recorded so they could be downlinked to the ground once docked to the ISS. Once all that work was done, commander Poindexter and pilot Dutton joined Metcalf-Lindenburger,", "id": "17483641" }, { "contents": "Politics of the International Space Station\n\n\npartner of the United States and this included a contract with NASA to supply hardware to the Space Station. In return, NASA would provide Brazil with access to NASA ISS facilities on-orbit, as well as a flight opportunity for one Brazilian astronaut during the course of the ISS program. However, due to cost issues, the subcontractor Embraer was unable to provide the promised ExPrESS pallet, and Brazil left the program in 2007. Regardless, the first Brazilian astronaut, Marcos Pontes, was sent to ISS in April 2006 for", "id": "20402741" }, { "contents": "Mobile Servicing System\n\n\nThe Mobile Servicing System (MSS), also known as Canadarm2, is a robotic system on board the International Space Station (ISS). Launched to the ISS in 2001, it plays a key role in station assembly and maintenance; it moves equipment and supplies around the station, supports astronauts working in space, and services instruments and other payloads attached to the ISS and is used for external maintenance. Astronauts receive specialized training to enable them to perform these functions with the various systems of the MSS. The MSS is composed", "id": "20410857" }, { "contents": "A Beautiful Planet\n\n\nare required to spend approximately two hours each day engaged in physical training. In the film, Terry Virts is shown getting a cardiovascular workout by running on an ISS treadmill and Samantha Cristoforetti does strength training using an ISS exercise machine that mimics weightlifting exercises. Of course, both machines have adaptations that permit them to function in a micro-g environment. The treadmill has a harness and bungee cord straps that keep astronaut runners from floating away from it, and the \"weightlifting\" machine replaces the weights (which don't \"", "id": "17935124" }, { "contents": "Astronaut training\n\n\nexploration missions. It may also include in-flight training aspects. It may be possible that the ISS will be used as a long-duration astronaut training facility in the future. A powerful tool for astronaut training will be the continuing use of analog environments, including NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NOAA NEEMO), NASA's Desert Research and Technology Studies (Desert RATS), Envihab (planned), Flight Analog Research Unit, Haughton-Mars Project (HMP), or even the ISS (in-flight)", "id": "5338720" }, { "contents": "Shannon Walker\n\n\nwell as integrated problem solving for the ISS. She returned to Houston in 2000 after a year in Russia and became the technical lead for the ISS MER as well as the Deputy Manager of the On-Orbit Engineering Office. Most recently, prior to selection as an astronaut candidate, Walker was the Acting Manager of the On-Orbit Engineering Office. Walker was selected by NASA as an Astronaut Candidate in May 2004. In February 2006 she completed Astronaut Candidate Training that included scientific and technical briefings, intensive instruction in Shuttle and", "id": "7264785" }, { "contents": "Hervé Stevenin\n\n\nin Moscow for these three missions. When he joined ESA and the European Astronaut Centre in 1999 as the Head of the Payload Training Unit in the Astronaut Training Division, he developed and implemented the first ESA Payload Training Programme at EAC for the International Space Station astronauts and was later trained and certified as Columbus (ISS module) Operator. Stevenin served three times as member of the Search and Rescue Team in Kazakhstan for the spacecraft landing of European astronauts. In 2004 Stevenin received spacewalk training in NASA's Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU", "id": "2638607" }, { "contents": "Soyuz TM-33\n\n\nSoyuz TM-33 was a manned Russian space launch on Oct 21, 2001, on the Soyuz-U launch vehicle. Its mission was to carry a new crew and supplies to the International Space Station. 14th manned mission to ISS. Soyuz TM-33 is a Russian astronaut-transporting spacecraft that was launched by a Soyuz-U rocket from Baikonur at 08:59 UT on 21 October 2001. It carried two Russian and one French astronaut to the International Space Station (ISS). It docked with the ISS at 10:44 UT on 23 October", "id": "12235230" }, { "contents": "Tracy Caldwell Dyson\n\n\ntechnical briefings, intensive instruction in Shuttle and International Space Station (ISS) systems, physiological training, ground school to prepare for T-38 flight training, as well as learning water and wilderness survival techniques. Completion of this training and evaluation qualified her for flight assignment as a mission specialist. In 1999, Caldwell Dyson was assigned to the Astronaut Office ISS Operations Branch as a Russian Crusader, participating in the testing and integration of Russian hardware and software products developed for ISS. In 2000, she was assigned prime Crew Support Astronaut for", "id": "14989841" }, { "contents": "SpaceX Dragon\n\n\n\"Endeavour\" and used while the Shuttle approached the International Space Station. The DragonEye's Lidar and thermography (thermal imaging) abilities were both tested successfully. The COTS UHF Communication Unit (CUCU) and Crew Command Panel (CCP) were delivered to the ISS during the late 2009 STS-129 mission. The CUCU allows the ISS to communicate with Dragon and the CCP allows ISS crew members to issue basic commands to Dragon. In summer 2009, SpaceX hired former NASA astronaut Ken Bowersox as vice president of their new Astronaut Safety and", "id": "4149243" }, { "contents": "Canadian Astronaut Corps\n\n\nto stay aboard the ISS for an extended period. On December 1, 2009, after spending 188 days in space, Robert Thirsk returned to Earth aboard a Soyuz spacecraft. Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, the first Canadian Commander of the ISS, would go on to achieve worldwide fame in 2013 for releasing a music video he recorded on the International Space Station of his version of David Bowie's song \"Space Oddity\". Another astronaut, Julie Payette, would go on to serve as the Governor General of Canada. The \"", "id": "18289887" }, { "contents": "Leroy Chiao\n\n\nspace station that caused the solar arrays to ripple – a low amplitude frequency response. When Chiao did this, the response from Mission Control was \"knock it off.\" However, several years later during an ISS assembly flight in December 2006 (STS-116), German astronaut Thomas Reiter of the European Space Agency was told to do 30 seconds of robust exercise on the bungee-bar IRED machine to help retract ISS solar arrays, specifically to relieve tension in a wire system that was preventing the array from folding up like an", "id": "18151000" }, { "contents": "Richard Garriott\n\n\nthe ISS and see the view Richard was experiencing out an ISS window. Richard's photographs, along with images taken by his astronaut father Owen Garriott in 1973, will be available to the public through Windows on Earth, adding a personal element to studies of Earth and how Earth has changed over time. Tracy Hickman wrote a screenplay for Garriott, for the first science-fiction film shot in space, \"Apogee of Fear\". On October 24, Russian cosmonauts of ISS Expedition 17, Sergei Volkov and Oleg Kononenko,", "id": "20715383" }, { "contents": "STS-121\n\n\n, the third was dependent on sufficient consumables being available and two alternate timelines were planned, with and without the final spacewalk. There were also additional \"Get Ahead\" tasks planned for the crew to do at the ISS if they found themselves with more time than planned, one such get ahead task was completed on EVA 2. The crew were able to take the majority of one day off, during which they explored the ISS, took photographs, and conducted press interviews. Events throughout the day went according to plan,", "id": "10096278" }, { "contents": "European Astronaut Corps\n\n\nactive members of the European Astronaut Corps. All of the current members of the corps have flown to space, except Maurer. All flown members except Jean-François Clervoy have visited the ISS. German astronaut Alexander Gerst is the member of the corps who has accumulated the most time in space with 362 days 1 hour and 50 minutes. He is the record holder for all the European astronauts in history. The oldest is Hans Schlegel, born in 1951. The corps currently includes one woman, Samantha Cristoforetti, who formerly held", "id": "9490254" }, { "contents": "Soyuz TMA-17\n\n\nSoyuz TMA-17 was a human spaceflight mission to the International Space Station (ISS). TMA-17 crew members participated in ISS Expedition 22 and Expedition 23. The mission ended when the Soyuz TMA-17 capsule landed on June 2, 2010. Noguchi is the first JAXA astronaut and the second Japanese astronaut to fly on a Soyuz, after Toyohiro Akiyama. Soyuz TMA-17 was launched on December 20, 2009 and transported three members of the ISS Expedition 22 crew to the station. TMA-17 is the 104th flight of a Soyuz spacecraft. The Soyuz will", "id": "20946949" }, { "contents": "Expedition 31\n\n\n. Soyuz TMA-22 successfully returned Expedition 30 astronauts Dan Burbank, Anton Shkaplerov and Anatoli Ivanishin to Earth. The ISS was left under the command of astronauts Kononenko, Kuipers and Pettit, who had arrived at the station aboard Soyuz TMA-03M on 23 December 2011. The final three members of Expedition 31 – Acaba, Padalka and Revin – arrived at the ISS aboard Soyuz TMA-04M, which launched on 15 May 2012, and docked to the ISS on 17 May at 4:36 UTC. SpaceX's unmanned Dragon spacecraft conducted a test rendezvous", "id": "328773" }, { "contents": "Mars suit\n\n\nthe carbon dioxide can be removed from the material. If nitrogen is used to increase pressure as on the ISS, it is inert to humans, but can cause decompression sickness. Space suits typically operate at low pressure to make their balloon-like structure easier to move, so astronauts must spend a long time getting the nitrogen out of their system. The Apollo missions used a pure oxygen atmosphere in space except on the ground, to reduce risk of fire. There is also interest in hard suits that can handle higher internal", "id": "1604881" }, { "contents": "Roberto Vittori\n\n\nSoyuz TM-33. On 15 April 2005 Vittori participated in a second taxi-flight to the International Space Station (ISS), Soyuz TMA-6, returning to Earth on 24 April in the Soyuz TMA-5 capsule. He became the first European astronaut to visit the ISS twice and conducted experiments in upper limb fatigue in astronauts and germination of herbaceous plant seeds for possible space nutrition. The astronaut also had a painting of the artist George Pusenkoff titled \"Single Mona Lisa (1:1)\" with him and took photos with it on the International", "id": "10593126" }, { "contents": "Clayton Anderson\n\n\nthe Crew Support Astronaut for ISS Expedition 4, providing ground support on technical issues in addition to supporting the crew families. Anderson also served as an ISS Capsule Communicator (CAPCOM) and as the Astronaut Office crew representative for the Station's electrical power system. In November 2002, Anderson completed training in the Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Skills program. He was back-up flight engineer for Expedition 12, Expedition 13 and Expedition 14 to the International Space Station. Anderson served as an astronaut family escort for the STS-107 mission at", "id": "13606752" }, { "contents": "Edinburgh Science\n\n\nScience worked with the UK Space Agency and partners around Edinburgh to develop and deliver bespoke events to celebrate UK ESA astronaut Tim Peake’s six-month Principia Mission on board the International Space Station (ISS). This included a programme of hands-on activities for local school children, a live screening of the mission launch with Italian ESA Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, who had recently returned from her own mission on the ISS, and bringing Tim Peake and mission colleague astronaut Tim Kopra for an evening at the Usher Hall on 17 October", "id": "22207907" }, { "contents": "Norishige Kanai\n\n\nmembers of the 20th NASA astronaut class, he participated in Astronaut Candidate Training which includes scientific and technical briefings, intensive instruction in ISS systems, Extravehicular Activity (EVA), robotics, physiological training, T-38 Talon flight training, and water and wilderness survival training. Kanai was certified as an ISS astronaut in July 2011. In July 2015, he participated as an aquanaut in the crew. In August 2015 JAXA announced his selection to the crew of Expedition 54/55 to the International Space Station, scheduled for launch in December 2017.", "id": "9869550" }, { "contents": "Tara Ruttley\n\n\nof the ISS, saying, \"I think those who are naysayers haven't given us a chance — haven't given us enough time to show what we can do.\" In a 2011 interview, Ruttley offered reassurance to scientists concerned that the end of the Space Shuttle program would interfere with ISS research projects, saying, \"If you have an investigation you want to do on the space station, we will get you there.\" In July 2004, Ruttley became an aquanaut through her participation in the joint NASA-", "id": "9889441" }, { "contents": "Colonization of Mars\n\n\nDehydration). A person on Earth uses 70–140 litres of water per day on average. Through experience and training, astronauts on the ISS have shown it is possible to use far less, and that around 70% of what is used can be recycled using the ISS water recovery systems. Similar systems would be needed on Mars, but would need to be much more efficient, since regular robotic deliveries of water to Mars would be prohibitively expensive (the ISS is supplied with water four times per year). Some experts have", "id": "17388327" }, { "contents": "Time dilation\n\n\nplay e.g. for ISS astronauts. While the astronauts' relative velocity slows down their time, the reduced gravitational influence at their location speeds it up, although at a lesser degree. Also, a climber's time is theoretically passing slightly faster at the top of a mountain compared to people at sea level. It has also been calculated that due to time dilation, the core of the Earth is 2.5 years younger than the crust. \"A clock used to time a full rotation of the earth will measure the day to be", "id": "6859211" }, { "contents": "Timeline of STS-121\n\n\nwere also additional \"Get Ahead\" tasks planned for the crew to do at the ISS if they found themselves with more time than planned, one such get ahead task was completed on EVA 2. The crew were able to take the majority of one day off, during which they explored the ISS, took photographs, and conducted press interviews. Events throughout the day went according to plan, one exception being an abnormal temperature reading on thruster L5L (see Pre-launch concerns). The launch window was from 3:48:41 to", "id": "16020208" }, { "contents": "Visual impairment due to intracranial pressure\n\n\nimaging showed no residual or recurrent disease. Approximately 2 months into the ISS mission, the astronaut noticed a progressive decrease in near-visual acuity in his right eye and a scotoma in his right temporal field of vision. During the same mission, another ISS long-duration astronaut reported the fifth case of decreased near-visual acuity after 3 weeks of spaceflight. In both cases, CO, cabin pressure and oxygen levels were reported to be within acceptable limits and the astronauts were not exposed to any toxic fumes. The fifth", "id": "4911943" }, { "contents": "James F. Reilly\n\n\nassigned to work technical issues for the Astronaut Office Computer Support Branch. Reilly flew on STS-89 in 1998 and STS-104 in 2001. He has logged over 517 hours in space, including three spacewalks totaling 16 hours and 30 minutes. He has worked both on the ISS and Mir space stations. Reilly was next assigned as the Astronaut Office lead on Shuttle training. In 2007 was a member of the crew of STS-117. Concurrent with his crew assignment he is designated as Payloads and Procedures Operations lead for the Astronaut Office ISS Branch.", "id": "6891009" }, { "contents": "Valery Korzun\n\n\nperformed two spacewalks during his six-month stay aboard the ISS. On 16 August 2002 Korzun performed his third career spacewalk together with NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson. The two spacewalkers got off to a late start because they evidently forgot to open an oxygen valve in their Russian Orlan spacesuits while getting prepared and the \"Pirs\" docking compartment airlock had to be repressurized. Once the valves were set correctly, Korzun reported a pressure leak but the Russian officials declared it as a no issue. By the time the hatch was finally opened", "id": "21563830" }, { "contents": "Daniel C. Burbank\n\n\nof EVA time. From January 2007 to December 2009 Burbank served as a professor of engineering at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, where he taught astronomy, aerodynamics, and statics & engineering design. Burbank was assigned to ISS Expedition 29 and Expedition 30 aboard ISS beginning September 2011. STS-106 \"Atlantis\" (September 8–20, 2000). During the 12-day mission, the crew successfully prepared the ISS for the arrival of the first permanent crew. The five astronauts and two cosmonauts delivered more than 6,600 pounds of supplies and installed batteries", "id": "14287420" }, { "contents": "Major Tom\n\n\n2016, (Expeditions 46 and 47). This was a direct reference to Bowie's fictional astronaut. Peake was on the ISS at the time of Bowie's death and tweeted a tribute to him from there. In 2017, author Clive Gifford wrote a book aimed at children about Peake's time on board the ISS, titled \"Ground Control to Major Tim: The Space Adventures of Major Tim Peake\". Video game designer, director, and producer Hideo Kojima's admiration for Bowie inspired several elements in the \"Metal", "id": "3845324" }, { "contents": "US Orbital Segment\n\n\nunits or moving ORUs from their stowage locations to where they are to be installed. Using \"Dextre\" can reduce preparatory time needed to perform certain tasks and afford astronauts the ability to invest more time in the completion of other tasks. \"Dextre\"'s primary grapple fixture is located on the \"Destiny\" lab, but can also be mounted on any powered grapple fixture on the ISS. It has a payload capacity of , and 15 degrees of freedom. \"Dextre\" was delivered to the ISS by STS-123. The", "id": "9886285" }, { "contents": "Koichi Wakata\n\n\n. During Expedition 38 and Expedition 39, Kirobo—who had the mission to serve as a companion robot to the astronaut—worked closely with Wakata, conducting experiments in space through verbal orders from the astronaut. One of the experiments was the first-ever human-robot conversation in space. Wakata arrived on the International Space Station as part of Expedition 38 in late 2013. He became the commander of the International Space Station with Expedition 39, in March 2014. This marked the first time a Japanese astronaut became ISS station", "id": "14287699" }, { "contents": "Private spaceflight\n\n\nPresident Barack Obama proposed in a speech that NASA exit the business of flying astronauts from Earth to low-Earth orbit—the locus of human spaceflight ever since the last Lunar manned mission in 1972—and move it to private companies who contract with the government to provide cargo resupply services to the ISS. The proposal acted on the findings of the 2009 Augustine Commission and built on the success of the Commercial Resupply Services that outsourced American cargo delivery to the International Space Station.' In May 2015, the Japanese legislature is considering legislation to", "id": "288597" }, { "contents": "Missão Centenário\n\n\nin São José dos Campos through the Internet, while conducting the same experiments on ground. During his stay at ISS, Marcos Pontes gave some interviews by video-conference. On April 3, 2006, a interview was broadcast in honor of Santos Dumont, in which Marcos Pontes used a Panama hat like the inventor and a handkerchief with the acronym SD. The Soyuz TMA-7 brought in the night of April 8, 2006, Brasilia time, the Ten. Col. Marcos Pontes and two other astronauts from Expedition 12 (Russian", "id": "19858813" }, { "contents": "Tranquility (ISS module)\n\n\nCupola, a large window module and robotics work station to the ISS, which was then attached to the nadir-side of \"Tranquility\". The module contains environmental control systems, life support systems, and exercise equipment. \"Tranquility\" was built within the ESA-NASA ISS bartering system. ESA committed to build and fund both \"Harmony\" and \"Tranquility\" as well as the ATV in order to use NASA ISS facilities, fly astronauts on the Shuttle and for other ISS services. ESA teamed up with the", "id": "4689750" }, { "contents": "Dmitri Kondratyev\n\n\nwas assigned to the ISS Expedition 5 Backup crew as Soyuz Commander and ISS Flight Engineer and successfully completed that training in 2003. Kondratyev was then assigned to the ISS Expedition 13 long duration mission prime crew and trained as ISS Flight Engineer and Soyuz Commander for one and a half year until the crew reassignment named ESA astronaut Thomas Reiter. Kondratyev was assigned to the ISS Expedition 20 Backup crew as Soyuz Commander and ISS Flight Engineer and successfully completed that training. From 2 May 2006 through 9 April 2007, he served as Director of", "id": "18377999" }, { "contents": "Fyodor Yurchikhin\n\n\non 28 May 2013, docking some six hours later, with fellow crewmembers NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg and ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano. He served as Flight Engineer for Expedition 36, and as ISS Commander for Expedition 37. For a short time Yurchikhin was commander to a crew of nine, after the docking of Soyuz TMA-11M on 7 November 2013, with four astronaut corps represented between the nine crewmembers (RSA, NASA, ESA, JAXA). The three returned to Earth aboard their Soyuz on 11 November 2013. Yurchikhin launched", "id": "10593348" }, { "contents": "Commercial Crew Development\n\n\nastronauts was announced on 3 August 2018. Key high-level requirements for the Commercial Crew vehicles include: After the retirement of STS in 2011, the US had no domestic vehicles capable of launching astronauts to space. The next major human spaceflight initiative will launch in 2021 as Artemis 2 on the Space Launch System. In the meantime, NASA continued to send astronauts to the ISS on Soyuz spacecraft seats purchased from Russia. The price has varied over time, with the batch of seats from 2016 to 2017 costing 70.7 million per", "id": "10700036" }, { "contents": "Axiom Space\n\n\ndesign the interior of the future Axiom Station's modules. Renderings of the habitat show a chamber with walls that are covered with tufted padding and studded with hundreds of color-changing LEDs. The Axiom modules will first link with the ISS. Upon retirement of the ISS, the Axiom module will be joined by additional elements that together will function as the \"Axiom International Commercial Space Station\". Axiom plans to conduct astronaut training for commercial astronauts, to host governments and commercial partners, as well as space tourists. For a", "id": "20713781" }, { "contents": "Major Tom\n\n\nfish”, and by Lemaitre in their song \"Rocket Girl\" (feat. Betty Who). Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield performed \"Space Oddity\" on board the International Space Station (ISS). With the express permission of Bowie it was released on YouTube on 13 May 2013. This was the first music video to be made in space. British astronaut Timothy Peake was regularly referred to by the media as \"Major Tim\", during his tour of duty on board the ISS, 15 December 2015 - 18 June", "id": "3845323" }, { "contents": "Dainese\n\n\nuses lines-of-non-extension on the human body to improve freedom of movement for astronauts during extravehicular activities while maintaining constant pressure. In September 2015, European Space Agency astronaut Andreas Mogensen was the first to test the Dainese SkinSuit in space during his \"iriss\" mission to the International Space Station (ISS). This skin-tight garment is designed to be worn inside the ISS, providing head-to-foot loading to counter the lack of gravity and reduce the risk of post-flight injuries to the", "id": "14683053" }, { "contents": "Eye tracking on the ISS\n\n\non board the ISS. Examination of the orientation of Listing's plane during the course of a prolonged space mission is of particular interest, as on Earth the Listing’s plane appears to be dependent on input from the vestibular system i.e. detected through the head position with relation to gravity. By exposing the astronaut to the weightlessness of space, this experiment can follow the subsequent adaptation of the astronaut’s vestibular system during the flight and after returning to Earth. The key question in this experiment is to what extent the orientation of Listing", "id": "19399364" }, { "contents": "Tim Peake\n\n\nJohn, after the successful docking. His first meal at the ISS was a bacon sandwich and a cup of tea. A new year's message by Peake was broadcast by the BBC to celebrate 2016. Peake supported a spacewalk by two American astronauts on 21 December 2015. He participated in the first spacewalk outside the ISS by a British astronaut on 15 January 2016. The purpose of the spacewalk was to replace a faulty sequential shunt unit on the station's solar arrays. On 24 April 2016, Peake ran the 2016 London", "id": "21972992" }, { "contents": "Astronaut training\n\n\ntheir space agencies, and all major manned and unmanned space programs. Training in this phase also looks into applicable laws and policies of the space sector. Technical (including engineering, astrodynamics, propulsion, orbital mechanics, etc.) and scientific (including human physiology, biology, earth observation, and astronomy) basics are introduced, to ensure that all new astronauts have the required base level of knowledge. Training is done on ISS operations and facilities, including an introduction to all major operating systems on board the ISS that are", "id": "5338700" }, { "contents": "Astronaut training\n\n\nthem out. Instead, scientists instruct trainers who in turn prepare the astronauts for carrying out the experiment. Much of this training is done at the European Astronaut Center. For human experiments, the scientists describe their experiments to the astronauts who then choose whether to participate on board the ISS. For these experiments, the astronauts will be tested before, during, and after the mission to establish a baseline and determine when the astronaut returned to the baseline. At NASA, following the selection phase, the so-called \"AsCans", "id": "5338694" }, { "contents": "TriDAR\n\n\nshape of the target object and calculate its position and orientation. TriDAR made its inaugural demonstration space flight onboard Space Shuttle Discovery on the STS-128 mission, launched on 28 August 2009. On STS-128, TriDAR provided astronauts with real-time guidance information during rendezvous and docking with the International Space Station (ISS). It automatically acquired and tracked the ISS using only knowledge about its shape. This marked the first time a 3D sensor based \"targetless\" tracking vision system was used in space. To date, most operational tracking solutions", "id": "3136830" }, { "contents": "Expedition 21\n\n\nExpedition 21 was the 21st long-duration mission to the International Space Station (ISS). The expedition began on 30 October 2009, with Frank de Winne becoming the first ESA astronaut to command a space mission. The handover between Expedition 20 and Expedition 21 required three Soyuz vehicles being docked to the station at the same time, the first time this has occurred. Soyuz TMA-16 brought the final members of Expedition 21 to the ISS, along with space tourist Guy Laliberté. Laliberté returned to Earth on Soyuz TMA-14 with two members", "id": "8495220" }, { "contents": "European Astronaut Corps\n\n\nThe European Astronaut Corps is a unit of the European Space Agency (ESA) that selects, trains, and provides astronauts as crew members on U.S. and Russian space missions. As of Nov 2014, 24 ESA astronauts are now able to go board the ISS. There are currently 47 members of the Corps, 26 currently active. The European Astronaut Corps is based at the European Astronaut Centre in Cologne, Germany. They can be assigned to various projects both in Europe (at ESTEC, for instance) or elsewhere in the", "id": "9490250" }, { "contents": "Takuya Onishi\n\n\nTokyo. He was promoted to co-pilot of Boeing 767 airplanes in October 2003, flying both domestic and international routes. In February 2009, Onishi was selected by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) as one of the Japanese astronaut candidates for the International Space Station (ISS). Starting in April 2009, he attended the ISS Astronaut Basic Training domestic program at Tsukuba Space Center in Japan. Onishi arrived at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, in August 2009. As one of the fourteen members", "id": "17593548" }, { "contents": "ARTE (Thermal Exchange)\n\n\nStation in which astronauts work. At the moment, some heat pipes are currently used on the ISS but they are installed externally because they contain ammonia. If this fluid were used for internal devices, in the event of a leak it would create a catastrophic hazard to the astronauts. Additionally, a leak could cause a permanent loss of one or more ISS modules. On March 23, 2016, Thermal Exchange arrived on board the International Space Station delivered by the Cygnus (spacecraft) CRS OA–6, an Orbital/ATK vehicle", "id": "8874297" }, { "contents": "Plants in space\n\n\nDonald Pettit. In January 2016, US astronauts announced that a zinnia had blossomed aboard the ISS. In 2017 the \"Advanced Plant Habitat\" was designed for ISS, which was a nearly self-sustaining plant growth system for that space station in low Earth orbit. The system is installed in parallel with another plant grown system aboard the station, VEGGIE, and a major difference with that system is that APH is designed to need less upkeep by humans. APH is supported by the \" Plant Habitat Avionics Real-Time Manager", "id": "14891919" }, { "contents": "Pavel Vinogradov\n\n\n, Soyuz TMA-8 docked with the ISS on March 31, 2006. During their mission, Vinogradov and Williams hosted two NASA shuttle crews during their stay on board the ISS. visited the ISS between 6–15 July 2006. The main purposes of STS-121 were to test new safety and repair techniques introduced following the \"Columbia\" disaster as well as to deliver supplies, equipment and ESA astronaut Thomas Reiter from Germany to the ISS. Space Shuttle brought the P3/P4 truss and its solar wings to the ISS during its STS-115 mission from", "id": "16581591" }, { "contents": "Oleg Skripochka\n\n\nthe advanced space training course. From April 2007 to April 2008, he trained as an ISS Expedition 17 backup crewmember (Soyuz TMA and ISS flight engineer). From August 2008 he trained as an ISS Expedition 25/26 and Soyuz TMA-M flight engineer. Skripochka was a member (Flight Engineer) of the ISS Expedition 25/26, that was launched on 7 October 2010 from Baikonur Cosmodrome, aboard Soyuz TMA-01M spacecraft, together with cosmonaut Aleksandr Kaleri and NASA astronaut Scott Kelly. Skripochka arrived at the ISS after the Soyuz spacecraft", "id": "18378235" }, { "contents": "European Space Agency\n\n\n. The current estimates for the ISS are approaching €100 billion in total (development, construction and 10 years of maintaining the station) of which ESA has committed to paying €8 billion. About 90% of the costs of ESA's ISS share will be contributed by Germany (41%), France (28%) and Italy (20%). German ESA astronaut Thomas Reiter was the first long-term ISS crew member. ESA has developed the Automated Transfer Vehicle for ISS resupply. Each ATV has a", "id": "10261559" }, { "contents": "ARTE (Thermal Exchange)\n\n\nof the fluids. In fact, the payload was installed inside the Microgravite Science Glovebox (MSG), a glove box containing a cooling plate used to collect the heat carried by the heat pipes during the experiment. As with every project for the ISS, the Thermal Exchange design has found applicable the requirements as defined by the NASA ISS program. The engineers conducted reviews with the ISS Payload Safety Review Panel to demonstrate the payload met the safety requirements with respect to the astronauts and the ISS systems. A sequence of tests has", "id": "8874301" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle retirement\n\n\nU.S. astronauts have continued to access the ISS aboard the Russian Soyuz spacecraft. The Soyuz was chosen as the ISS lifeboat during the development of the International Space Station. The first NASA astronaut to launch on a Soyuz rocket was Norman Thagard, as part of the Shuttle-Mir program. Launching on March 14, 1995 on Soyuz TM-21, he visited the Mir Space Station however he returned to Earth on the Space Shuttle mission STS-71. The start of regular use of the Soyuz began as part of the international space station program,", "id": "12559955" }, { "contents": "Expedition 1\n\n\n, when it was intentionally burnt up during atmospheric reentry, like all Progress spacecraft. Space Shuttle \"Discovery\" docked on 10 March 2001, bringing to the ISS the new long-duration three-person crew of Expedition 2, as well as four short-term crew members of STS-102. A few hours after docking, the hatch opened, and all ten astronauts greeted each other, setting a new record for the number of people simultaneously in the ISS. The day after docking, American astronauts Jim Voss and Susan Helms", "id": "17566364" }, { "contents": "Human spaceflight\n\n\n, including a human mission to Mars. On 2 November 2017, scientists reported that significant changes in the position and structure of the brain have been found in astronauts who have taken trips in space, based on MRI studies. Astronauts who took longer space trips were associated with greater brain changes. Researchers in 2018 reported, after detecting the presence on the International Space Station (ISS) of five \"Enterobacter bugandensis\" bacterial strains, none pathogenic to humans, that microorganisms on ISS should be carefully monitored to continue assuring a medically", "id": "19256165" }, { "contents": "Alone on a Wide, Wide Sea\n\n\nboat. This loss triggers her to fall into a depressive mood, which eventually is lifted when she encounters a loggerhead turtle. She attracts the attention of Marc Topolski, an American astronaut on board the International Space Station (ISS). They strike up a friendship via phone and email, as the ISS frequently passes overhead \"Kitty IV\". Then with the help of her mother, grandfather and the astronaut she finds Kitty. When Allie meets Kitty, Kitty tells her how she was adopted by a Canadian family and grew", "id": "20346415" }, { "contents": "Space medicine\n\n\nbe more resistant to antibiotics and to thrive in the near-weightlessness of space. Microorganisms have been observed to survive the vacuum of outer space. Researchers in 2018 reported, after detecting the presence on the International Space Station (ISS) of five \"Enterobacter bugandensis\" bacterial strains, none pathogenic to humans, that microorganisms on ISS should be carefully monitored to continue assuring a medically healthy environment for astronauts. Human spaceflight often requires astronaut crews to endure long periods without rest. Studies have shown that lack of sleep can cause fatigue", "id": "20767167" }, { "contents": "Alexander Gerst\n\n\nmicrogravity. Gerst launched his second tour to the ISS on Soyuz MS-09 on 6 June 2018, as part of Expedition 56/57. He is the commander of the ISS for Expedition 57. He will bring a robot assistant called \"CIMON\". He was the second European Space Agency astronaut to command the station, after Frank de Winne commanded Expedition 21, and also the youngest astronaut to command the station, at age 42 as of October 2018. In May 2017, his mission name and logo were announced, called \"Horizons", "id": "21974105" }, { "contents": "John L. Phillips\n\n\npilot, and in various non-flying assignments. He holds the rank of captain, USN (retired). Selected by NASA in April 1996, Phillips reported to the Johnson Space Center in August 1996. After completing astronaut candidate training, he held various jobs in the Astronaut Office, including systems engineering and CAPCOM for the International Space Station (ISS). He served as a backup crew-member for ISS Expedition 7. STS-100 (Space Shuttle Endeavour, April 19 to May 1, 2001). STS-100 was a", "id": "3223400" }, { "contents": "Gregory Chamitoff\n\n\njoined the Motion Control Systems Group in the Mission Operations Directorate at the Johnson Space Center, where he developed software applications for spacecraft attitude control monitoring, prediction, analysis, and maneuver optimization. Selected by NASA for the Astronaut Class of 1998, Chamitoff started training in August 1998 and qualified for flight assignment as a Mission Specialist in 2000. He worked in the Space Station Robotics branch, was lead CAPCOM for ISS Expedition 9, acted as Crew Support Astronaut for ISS Expedition 6, and helped develop onboard procedures and displays for Space", "id": "7264527" }, { "contents": "A Beautiful Planet\n\n\naboard the International Space Station, Samantha Cristoforetti (European Space Agency / Italy), who has spent more time in an uninterrupted spaceflight than any other European astronaut, Barry \"Butch\" Wilmore (NASA / USA), commander of the 42nd expedition to the ISS from November 10, 2014 to March 11, 2015, Terry Virts (NASA / USA), commander of the 43rd expedition to the ISS from March 11, 2015 to June 11, 2015, Anton Shkaplerov (Roscosmos / Russia), the commander of the", "id": "17935111" }, { "contents": "Scott Kelly (astronaut)\n\n\nKaleri and Oleg Skripochka. TMA-01M was the first launch of an updated model of the \"Soyuz\" spacecraft, and featured improved guidance, environmental control, and flight-control systems. Kelly, Kaleri, and Skripochka arrived at the ISS on October 9, 2010, and joined Commander Douglas H. Wheelock and flight engineers Shannon Walker and Fyodor Yurchikhin on Expedition 25. During Kelly's time aboard the ISS, the crew supported about 115 scientific experiments, including an improved water-recycling machine, the Boiler Experiment Facility to test", "id": "21563805" } ]
Why did the Germans put those barricades on the beaches for the D-Day strikes? Wouldn't it have been better to have left the beach with as little cover as possible for the allied troops landing?
[{"answer": "It prevented the Allies from landing tanks on the beach and advancing upon the gun positions."}, {"answer": "One name for those is \"Czech hedgehogs\" (there may be others). They're obstacles and their purpose was to impede, stop, or damage tanks, landing craft or other watercraft/vehicles that were coming ashore. Their design makes it very difficult to go over them. If your enemy gets \"hung up\" on one, it makes them easy targets, and also prevents them from getting to you. [more info]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "An important thing to note is that the landings occured at low tide. IIRC, the germans expected them to land at high tide, because that would mean the troops had less open ground on the beach to cover once they got off the landing craft. At high tide many of those obstacles would have been underwater and would have torn up the landing craft. Some of them were also tipped with mines to straight up blow the boats up."}, {"answer": "Pretty sure they were to prevent the rapid deployment of tanks."}, {"answer": "To keep tanks and other motorized vehicles from rolling off of the boats. They give you as much cover area as a 2x4"}, {"answer": "There were also many under water, or hidden by tides. They came in [all shapes and sizes]( URL_0 ) They deterred boats and large vehicles from using the beach easily, one of many layers of protection to delay large equipment (like bulldozers and tanks) and establishing a beachhead. Past these obstacles were walls, trenches, barbed wire, concrete pillboxes, machine gun nests, and a variety of huge artillery guns miles away, all with their crosshairs on the beaches. When the [Atlantic Wall]( URL_1 ) was built, the Germans plan was to basically stall the enemy on the beaches until nearby planes, artillery, tanks and other reinforcements could help. When the Allies finally attacked on D-Day, they had lots of planning, the element of surprise, bombing from air and ships, and thousands of paratroopers dropped across the French countryside to cause trouble and prevent German reinforcements from helping."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "252854", "title": "Normandy landings", "section": "Section::::Armoured reserves.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 57, "end_paragraph_id": 57, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Rommel believed that Germany's best chance was to stop the invasion at the shore. He requested that the mobile reserves, especially tanks, be stationed as close to the coast as possible. Rundstedt, Geyr, and other senior commanders objected. They believed that the invasion could not be stopped on the beaches.", "Rommel believed that Germany's best chance was to stop the invasion at the shore. He requested that the mobile reserves, especially tanks, be stationed as close to the coast as possible. Rundstedt, Geyr, and other senior commanders objected. They believed that the invasion could not be stopped on the beaches. Geyr argued for a conventional doctrine: keeping the Panzer formations concentrated in a central position around Paris and Rouen and deploying them only when the main Allied beachhead had been identified. He also noted that, in the Italian Campaign, the armoured units stationed near the coast had been damaged by naval bombardment. Rommel's opinion was that, because of Allied air supremacy,"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "No. 10 (Inter-Allied) Commando\n\n\nthe time of the D-Day landings the commando had lost the Yugoslav, Polish troops and the two French troops were attached to No. 4 Commando in the 1st Special Service Brigade and landed on Sword Beach. No. 3 Troop was divided by sections between the other eight commando units involved in the landings. The French troops of 185 men in total landed on the left flank of Sword Beach during the second wave, of these only 144 managed to reach the assembly point half a mile inland. Their objective was the", "id": "3745085" }, { "contents": "Utah Beach\n\n\nUtah, commonly known as Utah Beach, was the code name for one of the five sectors of the Allied invasion of German-occupied France in the Normandy landings on June 6, 1944 (D-Day), during World War II. The westernmost of the five code-named landing beaches in Normandy, Utah is on the Cotentin Peninsula, west of the mouths of the Douve and Vire rivers. Amphibious landings at Utah were undertaken by United States Army troops, with sea transport, mine sweeping, and a naval", "id": "8995873" }, { "contents": "Surrender of Japan\n\n\nand Okinawa. Instead, everything was staked on the beachhead; more than 3,000 kamikazes would be sent to attack the amphibious transports before troops and cargo were disembarked on the beach. If this did not drive the Allies away, they planned to send another 3,500 kamikazes along with 5,000 \"Shin'yō\" suicide motorboats and the remaining destroyers and submarines—\"the last of the Navy's operating fleet\"—to the beach. If the Allies had fought through this and successfully landed on Kyūshū, 3,000 planes would have been left to defend the remaining islands, although", "id": "12859453" }, { "contents": "Martha's Vineyard in World War II\n\n\nif the island was held by German troops and they needed to infiltrate the island and capture it. To make things as realistic as possible the beaches were covered with barbed wire, beach obstacles and demolitions were planted on the beaches and also further inland. The demolitions were set up to replicate naval gunfire support, artillery and land mines. Along with these obstacles the 75th Composite Infantry Training Battalion was sent to the island beforehand to act as the German troops and to try to defend the island. The 75th Training Battalion did not", "id": "193842" }, { "contents": "Battle of Morotai\n\n\nlanding area to suppress any Japanese forces there. This bombardment set several native villages on fire, but caused few Japanese casualties as they did not have many troops in the area. The first wave of American troops landed on Morotai at 8:30 and did not encounter any opposition. The 155th and 167th RCTs landed at Red Beach and the 124th RCT at White Beach. Once ashore, the assault troops assembled into their tactical units and rapidly advanced inland. By the end of the day the 31st Division had secured all of its D", "id": "14821825" }, { "contents": "Ernie Pyle\n\n\nthe peak of Pyle's writing career. After the North African and Italian campaigns, Pyle left Italy in April 1944, relocating to England to cover preparations for the Allied landing at Normandy. Pyle was among the twenty-eight war correspondents chosen to accompany U.S. troops during the initial invasion in June 1944. He landed with American troops at Omaha Beach aboard a LST. On D-Day Pyle wrote: The best way I can describe this vast armada and the frantic urgency of the traffic is to suggest that you visualize New", "id": "8958316" }, { "contents": "Landing at Scarlet Beach\n\n\n, the left would have a red light, and the right one alternating red and white. This scheme had first been used at Red Beach during the landing at Lae. To avoid confusion of having two Red Beaches, the landing beach was called Scarlet Beach instead. On 16 September, the day Lae fell, MacArthur ordered that Finschhafen be captured as soon as possible. The following day he held a conference at Port Moresby. He and Blamey selected the second contingency, a landing by a brigade of the 9th Division.", "id": "19819536" }, { "contents": "Battle of Morotai\n\n\nmorning of D-Day a survey party determined that a beach on the south coast of Morotai was much better suited to LSTs. This beach, which was designated Blue Beach, became the primary Allied landing point from 16 September. The 31st Division continued its advance inland on 16 September. The division met little opposition and secured the planned perimeter line around the airfield area that afternoon. From 17 September, the 126th Infantry Regiment landed at several points on Morotai's coastline and offshore islands to establish radar stations and observation posts.", "id": "14821828" }, { "contents": "Normandy landings\n\n\nspecialised tanks. The Allies failed to achieve any of their goals on the first day. Carentan, St. Lô, and Bayeux remained in German hands, and Caen, a major objective, was not captured until 21 July. Only two of the beaches (Juno and Gold) were linked on the first day, and all five beachheads were not connected until 12 June; however, the operation gained a foothold that the Allies gradually expanded over the coming months. German casualties on D-Day have been estimated at 4,000 to", "id": "14842849" }, { "contents": "Utah Beach\n\n\nfailed to neutralize the line of defenses along the Merderet on D-Day as planned. While many of the airborne forces landed far from their drop zones and were unable to meet all their D-Day objectives, this widespread scattering of forces had the unintended side effect of confusing the German defenders, who were slow to react. The highly trained 4th Division faced a mediocre German unit composed of conscripts; all the best troops had been sent to the Eastern Front. The Allies achieved and maintained air superiority, which meant that", "id": "8995915" }, { "contents": "Operation Sea Lion\n\n\nshortly after high tide and on a date when this coincided with sunrise. Towards evening, on the following rising tide, the empty barges would have been retrieved by their tugs to receive the second echelon forces, stores and heavy equipment in the awaiting transport vessels. These transport vessels would have remained moored off the beach throughout the day. By contrast, the Allied D day landings in 1944 were timed to happen at low tide; with all troops and equipment transhipped from their transport vessels to landing craft off-shore overnight.", "id": "2474110" }, { "contents": "British Commando operations during the Second World War\n\n\nService Brigade comprising No. 3, No. 4, No. 6 and No. 45 (RM) Commandos landed at Ouistreham in \"Queen Red\" sector of Sword Beach. No. 4 Commando were augmented by 1 and 8 Troop (both French) of No. 10 (Inter Allied) Commando and were committed for two months to hold the left flank of the D-Day landings. No. 41(RM) Commando (part of 4th Special Service Brigade) landed on the far right of Sword Beach, where", "id": "10425898" }, { "contents": "Teddy Gueritz\n\n\nstart getting men through the exits being cleared through the minefields and barbed wire by flail tanks. To add to his problems, a further brigade came ashore at 0930, only to find that high winds were driving the tide higher than expected, reducing the space available on the beach and pushing the landing craft on to the explosive obstacles left by the Germans. Despite all this by the evening of D-Day 30,000 troops, hundreds of vehicles and tons of ammunition and other supplies had been landed and moved through the beach area", "id": "1987037" }, { "contents": "Normandy landings\n\n\nBayeux on the first day, with all the beaches (other than Utah) linked with a front line from the beaches; none of these objectives were achieved. The five beachheads were not connected until 12 June, by which time the Allies held a front around long and deep. Caen, a major objective, was still in German hands at the end of D-Day and would not be completely captured until 21 July. The Germans had ordered French civilians other than those deemed essential to the war effort to leave potential", "id": "14842920" }, { "contents": "Normandy landings\n\n\ncasualties on Sword Beach are as high as 1,000. The Normandy landings were the largest seaborne invasion in history, with nearly 5,000 landing and assault craft, 289 escort vessels, and 277 minesweepers participating. Nearly 160,000 troops crossed the English Channel on D-Day, with 875,000 men disembarking by the end of June. Allied casualties on the first day were at least 10,000, with 4,414 confirmed dead. The Germans lost 1,000 men. The Allied invasion plans had called for the capture of Carentan, St. Lô, Caen, and", "id": "14842919" }, { "contents": "Îles Saint-Marcouf\n\n\nthat seaborne Allied forces took on D-Day. At 04:30 on 6 June 1944 four US soldiers, armed only with knives, swam ashore from two-man canoes. When they had verified that the islands were unoccupied, 132 troops from 4th and 24th Squadrons of the U.S. 4th Cavalry Group landed on the islands to secure the approaches to Utah Beach. Although they faced no resistance, the US troops suffered 19 casualties, killed and wounded, from mines that the Germans had left. The French government directly administers the islands", "id": "21255156" }, { "contents": "Operation Biting\n\n\nforce was seen approaching. The original plan for the operation had called for two landing craft at a time to land on the beach, but this had never been satisfactorily achieved during training; instead, all six landing craft landed at the same time, with the covering troops in the landing craft opening fire on German soldiers gathering at the top of the cliff. This deviation from the original evacuation plan and the enemy fire caused considerable confusion on the beach; some of the landing craft left the beach over-crowded, whilst", "id": "57018" }, { "contents": "Barry Beach\n\n\nthe crime scene that did not implicate Beach in the murder. Racicot claimed that the footprints found at the scene, which did not match Beach's, could have been left by police, even though the prints indicated bare feet and sandals. He also said that the bloody palm print found on the truck might have belonged to Kim to explain why the print did not belong to Beach. However, multiple police reports concluded that the print belonged to neither Nees nor Beach. The tape of Beach's confession had been erased and", "id": "5938198" }, { "contents": "IX Fighter Command\n\n\n. On D-Day IX Fighter Command units carried out massive air attacks on German forces in Normandy area with P-51 Mustang and P-47 Thunderbolt fighter-bombers. Air cover during the morning amphibious assault by Allied forces on the beaches of France was flown by P-38 Lightnings. With the beaches secure, groups began deploying to France on June 16, 1944, ten days after the Normandy invasion by moving P-47 Thunderbolts to a beach-head landing strip. During the Battle of Normandy, its tactical air units then provided the air power", "id": "1962849" }, { "contents": "Operation Tonga\n\n\nand Orne River which were to be used by Allied ground forces to advance once the seaborne landings had taken place, destroy several other bridges to deny their use to the Germans and secure several important villages. The division was also assigned the task of assaulting and destroying the Merville Gun Battery, an artillery battery that Allied intelligence believed housed a number of heavy artillery pieces, which could bombard the nearest invasion beach (codenamed Sword) and possibly inflict heavy casualties on the Allied troops landing on it. Having achieved these objectives, the", "id": "14842766" }, { "contents": "Battle for Caen\n\n\nwas not captured on D-Day, Operation Smock had been planned to commence once the 51st (Highland) Division and the 4th Armoured Brigade had landed and reinforced the attackers about 3 to 4 days later. Operation Wild Oats was another plan made before the invasion, for XXX Corps and the 1st Airborne Division to cut off a possible German retirement westwards from Caen. The landings were to be supported by the bombardment of the inland defences by Allied strategic bombers, naval bombardment ships and the beaches to be \"drenched\" by", "id": "19197381" }, { "contents": "Douvres-la-Délivrande\n\n\n11 pm on the night of 5/6 June 1944, the Allies launched intensive jamming of radar frequencies which blinded the entire German radar network from Cherbourg to Le Havre. On the morning of the 6th (D-Day) the antennas at Douvres-la-Délivrande were rendered inoperative by Allied naval artillery bombardment. Canadian troops who had landed nearby on 'Juno Beach' isolated the station but the Germans successfully defended it for 12 days, awaiting a counter-attack by Panzers; on one occasion it was resupplied with food via", "id": "14541628" }, { "contents": "2nd Canadian Division\n\n\nDay arrived on 6 June 1944, the main Canadian assault was led by the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division, while the 2nd Division was held in reserve. The Canadian attack of the Juno beach was the most successful of the five beaches attacked on D-day. Having successfully landed in Normandy, Allied forces soon became embroiled in battles against German armour and were unable to significantly expand their beachhead; by the time the 2nd Division came ashore at the end of the first week of July, the entire front had congealed. As", "id": "8432213" }, { "contents": "Operation Overlord\n\n\nattacks. Transport infrastructure in France was severely disrupted by Allied bombers and the French Resistance, making it difficult for the Germans to bring up reinforcements and supplies. Much of the opening artillery barrage was off-target or not concentrated enough to have any impact, but the specialised armour worked well except on Omaha, providing close artillery support for the troops as they disembarked onto the beaches. The indecisiveness and overly complicated command structure of the German high command was also a factor in the Allied success. From D-Day to 21", "id": "21864258" }, { "contents": "German prisoners of war in the United Kingdom\n\n\nmilitary personnel were taken prisoner. Immediately after the Allied landings, captured German troops were rounded up and taken to the invasion beaches, where a small fleet of LST (Landing Ships, Tank) had been detailed to transport them to England. As a rule, those whose surnames began with a letter in the first half of the alphabet were sent to the United States. This group was ferried to Portland, Dorset, and then onward to a reception camp at Devizes, Wiltshire. After a few days they were transferred via", "id": "13599976" }, { "contents": "Arromanches-les-Bains\n\n\non the beach of Arromanches that, during the Invasion of Normandy immediately after D-Day, the Allies established an artificial temporary harbour to allow the unloading of heavy equipment without waiting for the conquest of deep water ports such as Le Havre or Cherbourg. Although at the centre of the Gold Beach landing zone, Arromanches was spared the brunt of the fighting on D-Day so the installation and operation of the port could proceed as quickly as possible without damaging the beach and destroying surrounding lines of communication. The port was commissioned", "id": "13332696" }, { "contents": "120th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery\n\n\na lone Focke-Wulf Fw 190 crossed the beach and was shot down by the first round from Sergeant Appleby's No 3 Detachment. Later, No 2 Detachment shelled a German strongpoint that had caused casualties to 2nd Battalion Hertfordshire Regiment of No 9 Beach Group. The rest of the regiment turned up between D + 1 and D + 4, some landing craft having had to return to England and been sent over again. 393 Bty and D Troop of 392 Bty had embarked in the Thames and sailed through the Straits of", "id": "19878889" }, { "contents": "Landing Craft Assault\n\n\nwas 1½ days ahead of schedule. Toward the end of 1943, ships from one assault force ( and six LSIs with their attendant LCAs) that had taken part in Husky were transferred to India only to be recalled to the Mediterranean for Anzio. On D-Day LCAs put troops ashore at Juno, Gold, and Sword Beaches. LCAs landed the US infantry formations on either flank of Omaha Beach and the Rangers who assaulted Pointe du Hoc. The westernmost landings on Utah Beach and the pre-dawn landing on Îles Saint", "id": "12899811" }, { "contents": "3rd Canadian Division\n\n\nthe Canadians came closer than any other Allied formation.\" Indeed, The Queen's Own Rifles of the 8th Brigade were the only Allied battalion to capture their D-Day objective. By the end of the next day, the Canadian forces had linked up with the British forces that had landed at Sword Beach. Juno Beach: 21,400 troops landed, with fewer than 1,000 casualties. Aim of capturing Carpiquet airfield not achieved. No link yet with Sword forces. The 3rd Canadian Infantry Division served extensively in the Battle of Normandy", "id": "8432253" }, { "contents": "Landing at Humlebæk\n\n\nabove their heads the Swedish right reached the beach and forced the remaining Danish soldiers to rout, and the landing was secured. The Swedes built up field redoubts and camps the very next day for the 4,700 troops, their state was however critical, without having any cavalry on shore they were like rats stuck in a corner for any possible Danish assault. After the successful landing on Humlebæk the Danish defences started withdrawing to Copenhagen which had been under fire from the allied fleet. The fleet which had transported the Swedish soldiers were sent", "id": "15069301" }, { "contents": "Omaha Beach\n\n\ncomprising nine minesweepers of the Royal Canadian Navy; the 104th comprising ten Royal Navy inshore minesweepers; and the 167th comprising ten Royal Navy coastal minesweepers. Bombarding Force C comprised two battleships, three cruisers (two Free French and one Royal Navy), and 13 destroyers (three of which were provided by the Royal Navy). While reviewing Allied troops in England training for D-Day, General Omar Bradley promised that the Germans on the beach would be blasted with naval gunfire before the landing. \"You men should consider yourself", "id": "14755032" }, { "contents": "Juno Beach Centre\n\n\nThe Juno Beach Centre or, in French, Centre Juno Beach, is a museum located in Courseulles-sur-Mer in the Calvados region of Normandy, France. It is situated immediately behind the beach codenamed Juno, the section of the Allied beachhead on which 14,000 Canadian troops landed on D-Day 6 June 1944. The Centre was conceived in the 1990s by a group of Canadian veterans who felt that the contributions and sacrifices of Canadian soldiers during the liberation of Europe were not properly commemorated and represented in the Normandy region", "id": "8905870" }, { "contents": "Martha's Vineyard in World War II\n\n\nin the woods and on the Gay Head Cliffs of Martha's Vineyard in order to simulate live gunfire and bombing rounds. The soldiers who landed on the beach would then have to move up and clear the woods and take control of the beach. These missions were created to simulate the planned landings on the beaches of Normandy during D-Day. If the troops were unable to complete these missions they would not be allowed to ship out and take part in the storming of the beaches in Normandy. Another practice mission that the", "id": "193833" }, { "contents": "4th Cavalry Regiment (United States)\n\n\nwith knives to mark the beaches for the landing craft. They became the first seaborne American soldiers to land in France on D-Day. When the invasion began, the troops rapidly captured the islands with no resistance; the Germans had evacuated, but 19 men were killed or wounded due to enemy mines. On 7 June, just south of Utah Beach, a platoon of Troop B, 4th Squadron, linked up with elements of the 82nd Airborne and managed to ambush a German convoy in a mechanized cavalry charge, causing", "id": "8306815" }, { "contents": "Operation Sea Lion\n\n\nwere, for the present, better served by attacking the colonial forces of Germany's allies, rather than by confronting the German Army directly. The Germans were confident enough to film a simulation of the intended invasion in advance. A crew turned up at the Belgian port of Antwerp in early September 1940 and, for two days, they filmed tanks and troops landing from barges on a nearby beach under simulated fire. It was explained that, as the invasion would happen at night, Hitler wanted the German people to see all", "id": "2474155" }, { "contents": "Battle of Tarakan (1945)\n\n\nhis superior officer Air Vice Marshal William Bostock. Most units were embarked by 22 April and the assault troops practiced landing operations for several days. A small convoy of ships carrying a force ordered to capture Sadau Island off the coast of Tarakan left Morotai on 26 April, and the main invasion convoy of 150 ships sailed the next day. Due to the need to clear both the large number of naval mines which had been laid around Tarakan and the extensive beach obstacles at Lingkas, the Allies did not attempt a surprise landing.", "id": "133015" }, { "contents": "Ranger Assault Group\n\n\nhis men had scaled the cliffs there. If not, Force C would land at Omaha Beach. When the D-Day landings were rescheduled for 5 June, the Rangers and all the rest of the Allied troops ready for combat had to wait. 5 June was a miserable day with severe storms. That night, 5 June, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander, ordered the landings to begin on the morning of 6 June. Before 5:00 A.M. on the morning of 6 June, the men of the", "id": "12574433" }, { "contents": "Landing at Cape Helles\n\n\nbe efficient and the plans laid by the army and navy staffs and the headquarters of the 29th Division had been excellent but left very little discretion, should the landings not meet equal success. The commanders on Y and S beaches had been ordered to wait for the advance from the main beaches and join in the attack on Achi Baba. No provision was made for an attack \"towards\" the main beaches to give assistance, yet the number of troops landed on the minor beaches exceeded the size of the Ottoman garrison at the", "id": "6364147" }, { "contents": "Normandy landings\n\n\nGerman high command were also factors in the Allied success. At Omaha Beach, parts of the Mulberry harbour are still visible, and a few of the beach obstacles remain. A memorial to the US National Guard sits at the location of a former German strongpoint. Pointe du Hoc is little changed from 1944, with the terrain covered with bomb craters and most of the concrete bunkers still in place. The Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial is nearby, in Colleville-sur-Mer. A museum about the Utah landings is located", "id": "14842923" }, { "contents": "Landing at Cape Helles\n\n\nof field fortifications, caused many Allied losses, particularly at V and W beaches. There was much criticism of Hamilton, for not ordering Hunter-Weston to send more troops to Y Beach but this was not due to Hamilton leaving discretion to his subordinate, since Hunter-Weston was ordered to divert part of the main force from V to W Beach at noon. Conditions at V Beach were not known to Hamilton, until he had been in contact with Hunter-Weston and interfering with the landing plan, could have added", "id": "6364141" }, { "contents": "Cetacean stranding\n\n\nCetacean stranding, commonly known as beaching, is a phenomenon in which whales and dolphins strand themselves on land, usually on a beach. Beached whales often die due to dehydration, collapsing under their own weight, or drowning when high tide covers the blowhole. Several explanations for why cetaceans strand themselves have been proposed, but none have so far been universally accepted as a definitive reason for the behavior. A link between the mass beaching of beaked whales and use of mid-frequency active sonar however has been found. Every year", "id": "12234844" }, { "contents": "Utah Beach\n\n\nquickly secured the immediate area with minimal casualties. Meanwhile, engineers set to work clearing the area of obstacles and mines, and additional waves of reinforcements continued to arrive. At the close of D-Day, Allied forces had only captured about half of the planned area and contingents of German defenders remained, but the beachhead was secure. The 4th Infantry Division landed 21,000 troops on Utah at the cost of only 197 casualties. Airborne troops arriving by parachute and glider numbered an additional 14,000 men, with 2,500 casualties. Around 700", "id": "8995877" }, { "contents": "Douve\n\n\nDay, the river was the boundary between the allied left flank landing forces on Utah Beach (on its left bank and so to the west nearest Roune) and the bloody defensive battle that occurred at Omaha Beach. The Utah beach landings were part of contingency planning only scheduled after ample landing craft became available and designed to give the allies a leg up on taking a port city, in this case, Cherbourg for without such, any sustained offensive was foredoomed to failure from lack of logistical capacity. Had the landing craft been", "id": "17950886" }, { "contents": "British anti-invasion preparations of the Second World War\n\n\ntheir fitness was debatable; in any case, the Germans could not land troops with all their heavy equipment. Until the Germans captured a port, \"both\" armies would have been short of tanks and heavy guns. The later experiences of the Canadian Army during the disastrous Dieppe Raid of 1942, American forces on Omaha Beach on D-Day and taking on Japanese defenders on Pacific Islands showed that, under the right conditions, a defender could exact a terrible price from assaulting forces, significantly depleting and delaying enemy forces until", "id": "18032663" }, { "contents": "John P. Lucas\n\n\nresistance in the area, Lucas had the opportunity to break out of the beach head and cut of the supply lines of the German 10th army by crossing Highways 6 and 7, leaving the way open to Rome. He failed to seize the opportunity, deciding instead to wait until all of his ground troops had landed and the beach head had been fully secured. Only 8 days after the landing on 30th January 1944 did Lucas order the British and American troops to advance on Cisterna and Campoleone. It was too late. General", "id": "20296535" }, { "contents": "Omaha Beach\n\n\ncost of half their strength. To the left of Dog Green sat Dog White, between the Vierville and Les Moulins strongpoints (defending draws D-1 and D-3); and here was a different story. As a result of earlier mis-landings, and now because of their own mis-landing, the troops of C/116 found themselves alone at Dog White, with a handful of tanks from the first wave in sight. The smoke from the grass fires covering their advance up the beach, they gained the seawall with few casualties", "id": "14755054" }, { "contents": "Mission Albany\n\n\nscattered by bad weather and German ground fire over an area twice as large, with some troops dropped as far as away. The division took most of its objectives on D-Day, but required four days to consolidate its scattered units and complete its mission of securing the left flank and rear of the U.S. VII Corps, reinforced by 2,300 glider infantry troops who landed by sea. The 101st Airborne Division's objectives were to secure the four causeway exits behind Utah Beach, destroy a German coastal artillery battery at Saint-Martin", "id": "16540167" }, { "contents": "List of ships of Utah Bombardment Group\n\n\nBelow is a list of ships responsible for bombarding targets at Utah Beach as part of the Normandy landings on June 6, 1944, the opening day of Operation Overlord This force, code-named \"Bombardment Group A\", and commanded by Rear Admiral Morton Deyo, was a group of eighteen warships assigned to support the amphibious landings on Utah Beach on June 6, 1944 (\"D-Day\"); this was the opening day of Operation Overlord, the Allied operation that launched the successful invasion of German-occupied", "id": "21386257" }, { "contents": "Tom Grandin\n\n\nhave been allowed into the country without him. While Murrow understood Grandin's reasoning others at CBS, including William Shirer, saw Grandin as a deserter. In 1944 Grandin took a job with ABC News covering the war. In June of that year he accompanied the first American troops to land at Omaha Beach in Normandy on D-Day. Grandin retired from broadcasting after the war and went to work as a sales executive. Bernstein Mark, \"World War II on the air: Edward R Murrow and the broadcasts that riveted", "id": "6147881" }, { "contents": "Grandcamp-Maisy\n\n\nThe sheer size of the site poses many questions as to why it does not feature more prominently in allied records - or why it was so well camouflaged - equally why the site did not have more attention paid to it by the Allies. It was bombed, but not hit to any extent before D-Day. On the morning of the 6 June 1944, claimed to have put the guns out of action, but Maisy was hit with shells for a further three days by many navy ships. The three casemates on", "id": "2512705" }, { "contents": "Battle of Carentan\n\n\nair and amphibious invasion of Normandy, codenamed Operation Overlord. The 101st Airborne Division paratroopers landed behind Utah Beach with the objective of blocking German reinforcements from attacking the flank of the U.S. VII Corps during its primary mission of seizing the port of Cherbourg. The glider troopers landed by glider and ships on 6 and 7 June. Merging the American beachheads at Utah and Omaha Beach was a D-Day objective of the amphibious forces but was not achieved because of heavy German resistance at Omaha. Moreover, Allied intelligence believed that three German", "id": "10868347" }, { "contents": "Dieppe Raid\n\n\nwas largely trapped on the beach by obstacles and German fire. Within 10 hours of the first landings the last Allied troops had been killed, evacuated, or left behind to be captured by the Germans. Instead of a demonstration of resolve the bloody fiasco showed the world that the Allies could not hope to invade France for a long time. Some intelligence successes were achieved, including electronic intelligence. 3,623 of the 6,086 men who made it ashore were killed, wounded, or captured. The Royal Air Force failed to lure the", "id": "4157115" }, { "contents": "Battle for Caen\n\n\nof the Normandy front by D+4, from a \"Westheer\" (Western army) total of sixty divisions, ten being panzer or \"Panzergrenadier\" divisions, to conduct a counter-offensive against the landing beaches. Montgomery predicted that the German offensive would be defeated and the Germans would have to change to the defensive by D+8 to contain the Allied lodgement. The Second Army, comprising British and Canadian divisions, was to land west of the Orne, protected by an airborne division which was to land east of the river and", "id": "19197361" }, { "contents": "Normandy landings\n\n\nunder strength. German Supreme commander: Adolf Hitler Allied forces attacking Utah Beach faced the following German units stationed on the Cotentin Peninsula: Americans assaulting Omaha Beach faced the following troops: Allied forces at Gold and Juno faced the following elements of the 352nd Infantry Division: Allied forces attacking Gold, Juno, and Sword Beaches faced the following German units: Alarmed by the raids on St Nazaire and Dieppe in 1942, Hitler had ordered the construction of fortifications all along the Atlantic coast, from Spain to Norway, to protect against an", "id": "14842868" }, { "contents": "Mission Beach, San Diego\n\n\nPacific Beach to the north. As a result of a new official subdivision in 1914, encouraged by land sales in those next-door communities and a new wooden bridge linking Mission Beach with Ocean Beach, John D. Spreckels offered small lots for sale. As a result, Mission Beach is the most densely developed residential community in San Diego with a land use designation across the majority of its land area of 36 dwelling units per acre. It also has the smallest lots in the city, ranging from to . Few have been", "id": "18806614" }, { "contents": "6th Beach Group\n\n\ngroup moved to Lion-sur-Mer on 12 June 1944. An advance party of No. 6 Beach Group, which included an anti-tank platoon of the 1st Bucks, landed on the first tide of the invasion on D-Day, 6 June 1944. The remainder of No. 6 Beach Group landed on the second tide of the invasion on D-Day. The commander of No. 5 Beach Group, Lieutenant-Colonel D. H. V. Board, was killed soon after landing by a German sniper,", "id": "12396453" }, { "contents": "USS Woolsey (DD-437)\n\n\nLicata landing beaches were divided. Save for one brief round-trip voyage to Algiers in mid-July, \"Woolsey\" provided gunfire support for the troops operating ashore on Sicily and helped to defend Allied shipping from German air attacks. Though she appears not to have accounted for any Luftwaffe aircraft, she did succeed in destroying an enemy railroad battery with gunfire. By mid-August, with Sicily secured, she began preparations for the landings on the Italian mainland at Salerno. For that invasion, the destroyer was assigned to", "id": "9332103" }, { "contents": "The Magnificent Eleven\n\n\nThe Magnificent Eleven are a group of photos of D-Day taken by war photographer Robert Capa. Capa was with one of the earliest waves of troops landing on the American invasion beach, Omaha Beach. While under fire Capa took 106 pictures, all but eleven of which were destroyed in a processing accident in the \"Life\" magazine photo lab in London. The surviving photos have since been called the \"Magnificent Eleven\". However, recent research has suggested that only eleven photos were taken, and that no photos were", "id": "8962214" }, { "contents": "No. 30 Commando\n\n\nto Britain to prepare for the Allied invasion of France. It was re-designated 30 Assault Unit (30AU) in December, and re-organised into HQ Troop; A, B and X Troops; a mobile RN signals unit and a RN medical unit (apparently along \"de facto\" combined operations/joint service lines). 30AU took part in D-Day and the subsequent Normandy Campaign. One detachment, code-named \"Pikeforce\", landed on Juno Beach. Its major task on D-Day", "id": "12938887" }, { "contents": "Murrow Boys\n\n\non D-Day. Hottelet rode along in a bomber over Utah Beach at H-Hour, the initial phase of the invasion. Collingwood and Gene Ryder covered Utah Beach, as did Larry LeSueur from a separate landing craft, while Downs covered Gold Beach. All three had difficulty finding working mobile transmitters, and no correspondents of any network were able to report live from the Normandy front until over a week after the initial landings. Of the original Boys, Hottelet had the longest career at CBS, joining the network in", "id": "19515410" }, { "contents": "Hobart's Funnies\n\n\narmoured bulldozers while 42 Assault Brigade instead of supporting the US beaches became a reserve for the British/Canadian beaches. In light of operations during the US landing on Omaha beach, Bradley's decision has been criticised as it was felt that use of the range of \"funnies\" would have saved American lives. After D-Day, American forces did make limited use of the Sherman Crab mine-clearing tank. The majority of the designs were modified forms of the Churchill tank or the Sherman tank. Both were available in", "id": "14108174" }, { "contents": "Amfreville, Calvados\n\n\ntwo parts of the commune with no direct access across the river - the nearest crossing is on the D514 to the south of the commune. A stream forms the northern border of the commune flowing into the Orne. Amfreville is located close to Omaha Beach on the Normandy coast, which is one of the beaches where the Allies executed their Normandy landings. It is also close to the important medieval naval city of Cherbourg, which figured in the Allied landings. Amfreville is considered to have been officially \"liberated\" from the German", "id": "15832329" }, { "contents": "History of Portsmouth\n\n\nbombs. Southsea beach and Portsmouth Harbour were military embarkation points for the D-Day landings on 6 June 1944. Southwick House, just to the north of Portsmouth, had been chosen as the headquarters for the Supreme Allied Commander, US General Dwight D. Eisenhower, during D-Day. After the war, much of the city's housing stock was damaged and more was cleared in an attempt to improve the quality of housing. Those people affected by this were moved out from the centre of the city to new developments such", "id": "2423865" }, { "contents": "Joaquim José Inácio, Viscount of Inhaúma\n\n\nwarships, severely weakening the Empire militarily and geopolitically. There were other factors that prompted Inhaúma to have second thoughts. The level of the river had fallen and as the encirclement on land had not been completed, even \"if the Brazilian ships did manage to get past the batteries they could well become stranded, with little or no fuel and possibly no supporting Allied troops on the banks\". Inhaúma also argued that the ironclads were too large and had limited manoeuvrability in the narrow channel at Humaitá, being better suited to seagoing", "id": "5742579" }, { "contents": "Landing at Cape Helles\n\n\nBeach at Morto Bay away was also visible but the landing force on X Beach concentrated on the landing. Few of the officers in the X Beach party knew of the landing at S Beach and no messages were passed between them during the day. The main force began to land at with little interruption by the Ottomans, apart from the sound of firing on the left flank. Two of the main force battalions had been withdrawn from the landing, to reinforce the landings at Y and S beaches and the 1st Border and 1st", "id": "6364118" }, { "contents": "Joseph Parker Jr.\n\n\nassigned to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island in 1943. He was then transferred to the 6th Amphibious Forces, based at the former Camp Bradford. Parker was transferred again to the 6th Naval Beach Battalion, with whom he was a member of at the landing at Omaha Beach. As a U.S. Naval physician, Parker treated wounded Allied and German troops for twenty-one days immediately following the invasion at a medical facility located on Omaha Beach. In 2011, Parker was awarded the Legion of Honour medal by the French government", "id": "5230396" }, { "contents": "Juno Beach\n\n\nwell as elements from the Free French, Norwegian, and other Allied navies. The objectives of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division on D-Day were to cut the Caen-Bayeux road, seize the Carpiquet airport west of Caen, and form a link between the two British beaches on either flank. The beach was defended by two battalions of the German 716th Infantry Division, with elements of the 21st Panzer Division held in reserve near Caen. The invasion plan called for two brigades of the 3rd Canadian Division to land on two", "id": "14754910" }, { "contents": "Samuel Tankersley Williams\n\n\nthe Allied invasion of Northern France. The 90th Infantry Division landed at Utah Beach on D-Day+1 (June 7, 1944, a day after the initial invasion). While en route to their landing site, Williams and numerous 90th Division soldiers were on board the transport ship \"Susan B. Anthony\" when it struck a mine. Though he did not know how to swim, Williams supervised the evacuation of the wounded and transfer of soldiers to rescue craft, and then on to Utah Beach. He risked his life to", "id": "15539288" }, { "contents": "Longues-sur-Mer battery\n\n\nThe Longues-sur-Mer battery (in German: \"Marineküstenbatterie (MKB) Longues-sur-Mer\") was a World War II German artillery battery constructed near the French village of Longues-sur-Mer in Normandy. The battery was sited on a cliff overlooking the sea and formed a part of Germany's Atlantic Wall coastal fortifications. It was located between the Allied landing beaches of Gold and Omaha and shelled both beaches on D-Day (6 June 1944). The battery was captured on June 7", "id": "4120757" }, { "contents": "Battle of Anzio\n\n\n, with the exception of desultory \"Luftwaffe\" strafing runs. By midnight, 36,000 soldiers and 3,200 vehicles had landed on the beaches. Thirteen Allied troops were killed, and 97 wounded; about 200 Germans had been taken as POWs. The 1st Division penetrated inland, the Rangers captured Anzio's port, the 509th PIB captured Nettuno, and the 3rd Division penetrated inland. In the first days of operations, the command of the Italian resistance movement had a meeting with the Allied General Headquarters: it offered to guide the Allied", "id": "20296567" }, { "contents": "93rd Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery\n\n\nembarked in LST 3760 at Felixstowe and arrived off the beaches late on D-Day. The gunners manned the naval AA guns during the night, firing against enemy raiders. The guns were landed at Jig sector and all were in action by 20.00 on D + 1. F/321 Trp remained anchored off the beaches from 23.00 on D-Day until it landed at Mike Red at 06.00 on D+2. The troop commander was killed on D+3 when his Jeep ran over a mine on the beach. Four Polsten mountings from 93rd LAA", "id": "20050438" }, { "contents": "Allied invasion of Sicily\n\n\nlandings close to Palermo and using the south-eastern ports. After Alexander joined the meeting on 3 May, Montgomery's proposals were finally accepted on the basis that it was better to take an administrative risk (having to support troops by landing supplies across beaches) than an operational one (dispersion of effort). Not for the last time, Montgomery had argued a sound course of action, yet done so in a conceited manner, which suggested to others, particularly his American allies, that he was preoccupied with his own", "id": "15306509" }, { "contents": "504th Infantry Regiment (United States)\n\n\nthe operation, so the 504th was glad that the beach would be assaulted from troop-carrying landing craft. The landing on Red Beach went smoothly—at least until enemy planes started their strafing runs on the landing craft. The unit disembarked under fire and was sent shortly thereafter to patrol in force along the Mussolini Canal. After several days of intense German artillery fire, the enemy launched his main drive to push the Allies back into the sea. The 3rd Battalion was committed with elements of the British 1st Infantry Division in", "id": "6567446" }, { "contents": "UN offensive into North Korea\n\n\nthe close-in approaches to the landing beaches. Because troops of ROK I Corps were now well past Wonsan, the military situation did not warrant an unnecessary risk in unloading the Marine units. Admiral Struble, therefore, recommended that they not be unloaded on 20 October as planned, but that D-day be deferred until the minesweeping could be completed. Admiral Joy and General MacArthur concurred. A report from the minesweeper group on 23 October indicated that a channel free of mines had been swept to Blue-Yellow Beach,", "id": "8737853" }, { "contents": "Chemical warfare\n\n\n\"...had every intention of using sprayed mustard gas on the beaches\"\" in an annotation in his diary. The British manufactured mustard, chlorine, lewisite, phosgene and Paris Green and stored them at airfields and depots for use on the beaches. The mustard gas stockpile was enlarged in 1942–1943 for possible use by RAF Bomber Command against German cities, and in 1944 for possible retaliatory use if German forces used chemical weapons against the D-Day landings. Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister, issued a memorandum advocating a", "id": "5156736" }, { "contents": "Omaha Beach\n\n\nbarrage had been implemented, although the First Infantry Division Chief of Staff said that the Division would not have been able to move off the beach without effective naval gunfire. Despite these preparations, very little went according to plan. Ten landing craft were swamped by the rough seas before they reached the beach, and several others stayed afloat only because their passengers bailed water out with their helmets. Seasickness was prevalent among the troops waiting offshore. On the 16th RCT front, the landing boats passed struggling men in life preservers and on", "id": "14755038" }, { "contents": "Normandy landings\n\n\n. Combat teams began to exit the beach at around 09:00, with some infantry wading through the flooded fields rather than travelling on the single road. They skirmished throughout the day with elements of the 919th Grenadier Regiment, who were armed with antitank guns and rifles. The main strongpoint in the area and another to the south were disabled by noon. The 4th Infantry Division did not meet all of their D-Day objectives at Utah Beach, partly because they had arrived too far to the south, but they landed 21,000 troops", "id": "14842902" }, { "contents": "Roland Merullo\n\n\nRoland Merullo (born September 19, 1953) is an American author who writes novels, essays and memoir. His best-known works are the novels \"Breakfast with Buddha\", \"In Revere, In Those Days\", \"A Little Love Story\", \"Revere Beach Boulevard\" and the memoir \"Revere Beach Elegy\". His books have been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, German, Chinese, Turkish, Bulgarian, Croatian, Slovenian, and Czech. Merullo was born in Boston and raised in", "id": "13369482" }, { "contents": "Landing Craft Assault\n\n\nlanded at the same time. One, LCA 125, dropped its kedge anchor just prior to beaching, but the anchor line played out and ran off the drum. Troops in the landing craft opened fire on German troops gathering by the top of the cliff. With all the craft beached at once, and enemy fire causing considerable confusion on the beach, some LCAs left over-crowded, whilst others left half-empty. The coxswain of LCA 125 was able to reverse his engines quickly and prevent the craft from being", "id": "12899736" }, { "contents": "William C. March\n\n\ndrafted into the U.S. Army. On his first six-week furlough he married Julia Roberta Hayes, his high school sweetheart. March participated in the June 6, 1944, D-Day invasion of Normandy, when Allied troops landed on several French beaches to start a new front of fighting against the Germans. After the bloody battle, March became a Master Sergeant, directing the delivery of ammunition to the front lines. He also fought in the Korean War. He received a commendation and the Jubilee Medal from France for his", "id": "7743568" }, { "contents": "Operation Overlord\n\n\nUtah), linked with a front line from the beaches; none of these objectives were achieved. The five bridgeheads were not connected until 12 June, by which time the Allies held a front around long and deep. Caen, a major objective, was still in German hands at the end of D-Day and would not be completely captured until 21 July. Nearly 160,000 troops crossed the English Channel on 6 June, and more than two million Allied troops were in France by the end of August. In the western", "id": "21864240" }, { "contents": "Forest K. Ferguson\n\n\nInfantry Regiment of the 29th Infantry Division in the Allies' D-Day landings on Omaha Beach in Nazi-occupied Normandy, France. After landing in the second wave of the amphibious assault, Ferguson and his platoon, as well as the survivors from the first wave, were pinned down on the beach by heavy rifle, machine gun and artillery fire from the German defenders, and their advance was blocked by extensive barbed wire and other enemy obstacles. Ferguson rose under fire, cleared a passage through the enemy obstacles with a", "id": "520933" }, { "contents": "Frank D. Peregory\n\n\n. The 29th was then sent overseas to train in Scotland and England for the next two years. The 29th was selected along with the Regular Army's 1st Infantry Division to attack one of five fortified beaches, codenamed \"Omaha\". After the assault had been postponed several times, on June 6, 1944, Peregory landed with the 116th at Omaha Beach as part of the Normandy Invasion, also known as D-Day. His unit was among the first wave of troops to assault the beach but despite fierce enemy resistance", "id": "7634021" }, { "contents": "8th Division (Australia)\n\n\nof the southern side of the island was too inhospitable for landings, the Allied troops were concentrated in the north. However, the initial Japanese landings were in the south, while other landings found the more lightly defended southern beaches. The Australians had been tasked with defending the Bay of Ambon, and the Laha and Liang airfields. Following the initial landing, the Allied troops had to move quickly to re-orientate towards the advancing Japanese troops, and in the process large gaps formed in the defensive perimeter. Within a day", "id": "225254" }, { "contents": "David O'Keefe (historian)\n\n\nof Vimy Memorial Park and they will be the first TV crew to go 100 feet below the battlefield. At Juno Beach they have been given the rare opportunity to investigate and excavate a portion of the landing beach looking for lost German remnants from D-Day. In Italy, they search and investigate the battlefields of Monte Cassino where one of the bloodiest battles of WW2 took place. In Holland, the team searches for artifacts and remnants that depict the story of Liberation and the strong connection between Canadians and the Dutch after 70", "id": "12092519" }, { "contents": "Comiso Airport\n\n\n1941, as part of Italy's Axis Alliance, and the German Luftwaffe in 1943 conducted air operations against Allied positions in Maghreb and Malta after its withdrawal from Tunisia. Aerial bombardments by the Allies rendered the airfield unserviceable on 26 May and 17 June 1943 in preparation for Operation Husky, the allied landings on Sicily. Just after the landing on the nearby Sicilian beaches two Ju-87 Stuka dive bombers took off from Comiso to bomb the landing beaches, only to be met by United States Army troops at the airfield when they landed for", "id": "7418378" }, { "contents": "29th Infantry Division (United States)\n\n\nDivision's 16th Infantry at Omaha Beach. Omaha was known to be the most difficult of the five landing beaches, due to its rough terrain and bluffs overlooking the beach, which had been well fortified by its German defenders of the 352nd Infantry Division. The 116th Infantry was assigned four sectors of the beach; Easy Green, Dog Red, Dog White, and Dog Green. Soldiers of the 29th Infantry Division boarded a large number of attack transports for the D-Day invasion, among them landing craft, landing ship,", "id": "13931964" }, { "contents": "Mulberry harbour\n\n\nUtah, 6,614 tons of cargo was discharged in the first 3 days. A month after D-Day, Omaha and Utah were handling 9,200 tons, and after a further month, they were landing 16,000 tons per day. This increased until 56,200 tons of supplies, 20,000 vehicles, and 180,000 troops were discharged each day at those beaches. The Mulberry harbours provided less than half the total (on good weather days) to begin with. The Normandy Beaches supplied the following average daily tonnage of supplies: Average Daily Tonnage of", "id": "4031795" }, { "contents": "Battle for Caen\n\n\nThe narrowness of Sword forced the 3rd Infantry Division to land five brigades in series, when the 50th (Northumbrian) and 3rd Canadian divisions could land two brigades at a time on Gold and Juno. Despite the advantage of a wider beach, it was not until D+7 (8 June) that all of the 51st (Highland) Division was ashore. The slow arrival of reinforcements did much to determine the nature of Allied advances into the hinterland after D-Day. The Allies had assumed that the invasion force would be detected", "id": "19197430" }, { "contents": "Robert Lochner (engineer)\n\n\nby the Nazis, the Allied Forces hatched a plan to attack the Germans on French soil. D-Day would not have been possible, due to the rough seas if it wasn’t for one major element, the Mulberry Harbour. One of the major challenges facing the D-Day landings was to secure a European port for the delivery of essential supplies, but instead of capturing an existing port, the Allies decided on an audacious plan to build temporary harbours off the coast of Normandy. The big challenge in the rough", "id": "19452493" }, { "contents": "Courseulles-sur-Mer\n\n\n. The land for this cemetery was donated by France to Canada after the Second World War and lies inland from Courseulles-sur-Mer, just off Route 79. The Juno Beach Centre is a museum located in Courseulles-sur-Mer, at the head of the River Seulles, in the port's estuary, where Canadian troops landed and fought, on D-Day 6 June 1944. The museum opened on 6 June 2003, the 59th anniversary of the D-Day landings. The strongest German defence position on", "id": "12054449" }, { "contents": "Omaha Beach\n\n\nDraw F-1 on Fox Green beach, was reporting that 100–200 American troops had penetrated the front, with troops inside the wire at WN-62 and WN-61 attacking the Germans from the rear. Nevertheless, as late as 13:35 the 352nd division was reporting that the assault had been hurled back into the sea. From the German vantage point at Pointe de la Percée, overlooking the whole beach from the western end, it seemed that the assault had been stopped at the beach. An officer there noted that troops were seeking cover behind obstacles,", "id": "14755063" }, { "contents": "Landing at Cape Helles\n\n\nby to the cheers of the watching sailors on \"Implacable\". The front along the beach was long and had numerous gaps, with the left flank engaged with the Ottoman defenders. With no reconnaissance possible before the landing and only one inaccurate map to read, the value of the view from the cliffs above the beach had not been appreciated beforehand. The landward slopes of hills 138 and 141 were easily visible and within reach of an advance from X Beach, which might have cut off the defenders of W Beach. S", "id": "6364117" }, { "contents": "4th Infantry Division (United States)\n\n\n. The 4th Infantry Division assaulted the northern coast of German-held France during the Normandy landings, landing at Utah Beach, 6 June 1944. The 8th Infantry Regiment of the 4th Infantry Division claimed being the first surface-borne Allied unit (as opposed to the parachutist formations that were air-dropped earlier) to hit the beaches at Normandy on D-Day, 6 June 1944. Relieving the isolated 82nd Airborne Division at Sainte-Mère-Église, the 4th cleared the Cotentin peninsula and took part in the capture", "id": "17614326" }, { "contents": "Allied invasion of Sicily\n\n\n, and Mollarella and Poliscia, green beaches in the west, and Cassibile in the east, with British and Canadian forces in the east and Americans toward the west. This constituted the largest amphibious operation of World War II in terms of size of the landing zone and the number of divisions put ashore on the first day. The Italian defensive plan did not contemplate a pitched battle on the beaches and so the landings themselves were somewhat anti-climactic. More trouble was experienced from the difficult weather conditions (especially on the southern", "id": "15306525" }, { "contents": "Battle of Douvres Radar Station\n\n\n-Regiment. 192 (mot.) At 11:00 p.m. on the night of 5/6 June 1944, the Allies launched intensive jamming of radar frequencies which blinded the German radar network from Cherbourg to Le Havre. On the morning of the 6th (D-Day) the antennae at Douvres-la-Délivrande were destroyed by Allied naval artillery bombardment. On D-Day the Canadians had paused in their movement south from the JUNO Beaches, looking for 48 (RM) Commando to move up, secure their left flank, and", "id": "2740251" }, { "contents": "Operation Dragoon\n\n\ntroops. The main landing force consisted of three divisions of the VI Corps. The 3rd Infantry Division landed on the left at Alpha Beach (Cavalaire-sur-Mer), the 45th Infantry Division landed in the centre at Delta Beach (Le Muy, Saint-Tropez), and the 36th Infantry Division landed on the right at Camel Beach (Saint-Raphaël). The landings were overwhelmingly successful. On Delta and Alpha beaches, German resistance was low. The Osttruppen surrendered quickly, and the biggest threats to the", "id": "14492007" }, { "contents": "Leonard Lomell\n\n\nLeonard G. \"Bud\" Lomell (January 22, 1920 – March 1, 2011) was a highly decorated former United States Army Ranger who served in World War II. He is best known for his actions in the first hours of D-Day at Pointe du Hoc on the coast of Normandy, France. Pointe du Hoc was the site of the German Army's largest coastal weapons, five 155-millimeter German guns with a 25-kilometer range that endangered the tens of thousands of troops landing on Omaha Beach and Utah Beach, and", "id": "18078391" }, { "contents": "D-Day (game)\n\n\ncompleted on the first turn. One unique aspect of the game offers the Allied player the choice of where to invade. Players may (and often do) choose the Normandy beach where the actual invasion took place, but are free to invade at several other alternate locations, including the southern coast of France. The German player has considerable freedom as to where to place his starting pieces, but they do so without knowledge of where the Allied player will invade. Although other games with much more complexity and realism have since been", "id": "16402515" }, { "contents": "British anti-invasion preparations of the Second World War\n\n\nthe water. Such installations consumed considerable resources and although this weapon was impressive, its network of pipes was vulnerable to pre-landing bombardment; General Brooke did not consider it effective. Initially ambitious plans were cut back to cover just a few miles of beaches. It seems likely the British would have used poison gas against troops on beaches. General Brooke, in an annotation to his published war diaries, stated that he \"\"... had every intention of using sprayed mustard gas on the beaches\"\". Mustard gas was", "id": "18032646" } ]
If I have 'high blood pressure', why can't I just cut myself a little to reduce the pressure?
[{"answer": "It is not the amount of volume. It is the pressures inside your blood vessels...and therefore your organs. Blood letting would not cure hypertension. It might lower your blood pressure do to hypovolemia (loss of volume) for a period of time, but when your body recovers you will still have hypertension. And those damaging pressures on your organs, kidneys and brain specifically."}, {"answer": "It'd kind of be like cutting the hose when someone has it bent so water can't go through easy."}, {"answer": "High blood pressure is bad because your blood vessels get narrower so you need a higher blood pressure to push the blood, with its oxygen, to the places its need to get to (organs/muscles). The higher pressure is created by your heart having to work harder. Because it has to work harder all the time, unlike in exercise where it works hard and then gets to rest and recover, it becomes dilated and stops pumping properly. A bad heart = a bad situation. Say you let some blood out, all that means is your organs aren't getting the blood they need. So your heart will work even harder (more beats per minute) to make sure your organs are ok."}, {"answer": "Assuming you are a generally healthy person, you could lose about a third of your blood volume before your body would be unable to maintain pressures. You would have to bleed yourself for 1-2 liters of blood. Needless to say, this is not part of the standard treatment for hypertension."}, {"answer": "The pressure in your body has to be adequate to ensure perfusion of blood to your organs; that is to say, to ensure they receive enough blood to oxygenate everything sufficiently. The pressure in your body is monitored and controlled by a bunch of processes so that perfusion is maintained no matter what happens to you. One way this happens is by baroreceptors (\"baro\" = \"pressure\") in places like your carotid artery and your heart, which are able to tell how much the vessel is being stretched. Sudden change in blood pressure signals the baroreceptors, which signal the brain, which decides what to do to fix the perceived problem. When your pressure drops too low, as in the event of a hemorrhage / bleeding out (like when you cut yourself), your baroreceptors sense the lessened stretch and activate your sympathetic nervous system, which you might know as the \"fight or flight\" nervous system. This causes your blood vessels to constrict, which increases your blood pressure. (According to Poiseuille's Law, decreasing the radius of your blood vessels by half increases the pressure by a factor of 16, so it doesn't take a lot.) You might ask why your blood pressure is so high in the first place if these mechanisms are supposed to keep it at a reasonable level. There are countless possible reasons, such as (1) your baroreceptors getting used to higher blood pressure and reaching a higher \"set-point\" that the brain doesn't think it has to compensate for, or (2) your blood vessels getting stiffer due to old age or plaques due to bad lifestyle habits, thus reducing the ability of them to stretch and activate the baroreceptors."}, {"answer": "Okay! So, hypertension also known as high blood pressure can be thought of like this. You have this vast network of highways in your body: interstates (large vessels), highways (medium vessels), and city roads (small vessels). The cars on this highway system (red and white blood cells, platelets, various proteins, and so on) all ride this highway system in a vary harmonious way (not many asshats on the road). There is also space in between the cars (water) that has to be accounted for. For the most part, things stay well balanced, if there are potholes (a leaky vessel), it is repaired quickly with a quick patch (platelet plug), and slight fender benders are repaired without ever showing signs of a problem. High blood pressure can be seen as all the roads, highways, and interstates getting smaller, or the amount of space being taken up on the road is getting larger. You have to adjust one, or both, in order to fix the larger problem of the congested traffic. By bleeding out you can reduce the number cars on the road and the space that was in between each car to help alleviate the strain on the highway system, but those cars are necessary to bring home all the bacon (oxygen) to all corners of the nation (the tissues of your body). Your body will just call for more taxes (increase in bone marrow production and collection of free water through the gut and kidney) to produce more cars and fix the space between each car and the problem starts all over again. You gotta either pass legislation to either expand the road systems (as one type of hypertensive pill = ACE inhibitor) or decrease the space between each car (another hypertensive pill = diuretic [causes you to pee more to get rid of some water]). Some times is a combination of both; a bipartisan bill so to speak. Hope this helps. Fun fact though: approximately 90% of the cases of hypertension have no known cause."}, {"answer": "Think of it as an old house with calcified pipes. It's not the flow of water (blood), but the pipes (veins, arteries, etc.) that can cause a catastrophic problem. And whatever's in the water could be contributing to the blockage in the pipes (your diet, lifestyle, genetics)."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "221653", "title": "Bleeding time", "section": "Section::::Process.:Duke method.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 16, "end_paragraph_id": 16, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["impaired blood vessels. However, the depth of the puncture or incision may be the source of error. Normal values fall between 3 10 minutes depending on the method used. A disadvantage of Ivy's method is closure of puncture wound before stoppage of bleeding. With the Duke method, the patient is pricked with a special needle or lancet, preferably on the earlobe or fingertip, after having been swabbed with alcohol. The prick is about 34\u00a0mm deep. The patient then wipes the blood every 15 seconds with a filter paper. The test ceases when bleeding ceases. The usual time is about 25 minutes.", "impaired blood vessels. However, the depth of the puncture or incision may be the source of error. Normal values fall between 3 10 minutes depending on the method used. A disadvantage of Ivy's method is closure of puncture wound before stoppage of bleeding. With the Duke method, the patient is pricked with a"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Dinara Safina\n\n\nATP Tour. Speaking of growing up in such a successful tennis family, Safina stated: \"Being the little sister in such a big tennis family is not an easy situation. Maybe that's why it took me longer to develop. My father is very competitive, but my parents didn't put pressure on me. I wanted to find my identity. I wanted to be something by myself, like being a big player by myself. So at the beginning I was putting too much pressure on myself. But then gradually", "id": "3150423" }, { "contents": "Jon Gibson (Christian musician)\n\n\nwrite notes. I don't play with any proper technique; I just grab instruments and play them. Everything I learned to play, I figured out myself. So I'm not the best musician, but if you give me time, without people coming around, pressuring me ('We have to finish this record by the GMA') when I don't have these pressures on me, I can do tracks closer to the feeling I really want if I play it myself. It takes me longer, but I", "id": "14682024" }, { "contents": "Dominique Pegg\n\n\nsend to the 2012 Summer Olympics. She told International Gymnast Magazine, \"I'm not letting the pressure of making the team get to me, because the pressure will always be there. I can't make it go away. I can only continue to focus the way I have been over the years, such as being in the best shape of my career and pushing myself to my highest level in the gym. I have been working really hard in the gym trying to upgrade all my routines. I'm confident that", "id": "1800799" }, { "contents": "I Can't Wait (Stevie Nicks song)\n\n\nof the era, however, regarding the video for \"I Can't Wait\" she said in \"I Want My MTV\": \"I look at that video, I look at my eyes, and I say to myself, 'Could you have laid off the pot, the coke and the tequila for three days, so you could have looked a little better? It just makes me want to go back into that video and stab myself.\" An earlier, alternative edit of the music video aired in Australia", "id": "15828046" }, { "contents": "Colin A. Ross\n\n\nThis was extremely frightening and I was so close to dying. I made it to my bed and the nurse took my blood pressure. She wrote it on my bed sheet as a matter of fact: 190/180. The following day after I regained consciousness another nurse came in and took my blood pressure: 60/50. Well, she remarked, you MPD patients are fascinating. [...] Ross had told the staff that night that I had \"pulled myself in\" and that it was an \"MPD coma\", not", "id": "885642" }, { "contents": "Donald Curry\n\n\n. However, Honeyghan came into the fight with great confidence and bet $5,000 on himself at 5-1 odds. \"I want people to know how much I believe in myself,\" he said. \"I can't wait to start punching Curry on the head. I'm going to smash his face in.\" Honeyghan easily won the opening two rounds, pressuring Curry and rocking him badly in the second round. Curry came back to win the next two rounds, but he had little left after that.", "id": "13277859" }, { "contents": "Aaliyah (album)\n\n\nThey live in solitude, [and] there are times in my life [when] I just want to be by myself. There are times I can't even figure myself out. I feel they are very complex creatures, [but] at the same time, they're sexy, too. That's why they represent \"Aaliyah\" pretty well.\" She described the record as \"a good reflection of [myself] and the person [I am] today\", saying in an interview for \"Jet", "id": "10047101" }, { "contents": "Alexandra Shulman\n\n\nmore sensitive to the issue in recent years, acknowledging that anorexia is a \"huge problem\" in a January 2005 interview with \"The Scotsman\": \"I really wish that models were a bit bigger because then I wouldn't have to deal with this the whole time. There is pressure on them to stay thin, and I'm always talking to the designers about it, asking why they can't just be a bit closer to a real woman's physique in terms of their ideal, but they're not going", "id": "19377509" }, { "contents": "Jean Balukas\n\n\nat play. Balukas admits to having been under great pressure, much of it self-imposed. After she reached the pinnacle of her profession, \"That’s when I started getting nervous... that’s when I started putting a lot of pressure on myself.\" \"Playing against the men, I learned to lose... but [losing] hurt with the women because I was expected to win all the time.\" Ultimately Balukas states that her break with the sport \"...was a buildup of everything... A little", "id": "14404367" }, { "contents": "Charlie Dunn\n\n\nsix measurements: \"I take a double diagram, and I take notes on every little blood vessel and everything else. It takes about 10 minutes. I don't even have to see what I'm doing. My hands are so sensitive—just like a safecracker's hands—I can feel tendons right through socks and veins and joints and calluses.\" He knew that to achieve the perfect fit, the boots must conform to that individual's idiosyncratic shape by making certain there was no \"pressure on the blood vessels", "id": "3457989" }, { "contents": "MOSAIC threat assessment systems\n\n\nwith the potential for violent behavior.\" The Superintendent of the L.A. County Office of Education said about MOSAIC: “This is not something where I call you in and give you the third degree. I give myself the third degree because parents want to know why. It just can't be, ‘I don't like your child, I don't like what he does, and I can't explain why.’ This is bringing us to a higher level.\" In April 2010, Oprah Winfrey dedicated an hour", "id": "6543268" }, { "contents": "Breakthrough (Colbie Caillat album)\n\n\nI realized I wasn't happy settling for less or letting myself become someone I wasn't supposed to be due to laziness. I had to Breakthrough my fears, my insecurities & my self doubt. There are so many battles that we all have to go through in life that are for us to learn from, we grow stronger from them. I just learned this. I want to remind myself & everyone out there that we have to Breakthrough all the little things we tell ourselves we can't do because we are scared", "id": "18600723" }, { "contents": "Management of hypertension\n\n\n, the review found no significant reduction in blood pressure overall for people with high blood pressure who were given oral potassium supplementation. Meta-analyses conducted by the Cochrane Hypertension group have found no evidence of an appreciable blood pressure reduction from any combination of calcium, magnesium or potassium supplements; this information stands contrary to prior systematic reviews suggesting that a dietary intake adjustment for each of these may benefit adults with high blood pressure. While weight loss diets reduce body weight and blood pressure, it is unclear if they reduce negative outcomes.", "id": "10684955" }, { "contents": "Shit on the Radio (Remember the Days)\n\n\nthe feelings of insecurity she experienced when hiding her desire to make pop music to fit in with her underground musical peers. \"I could try to be cool and whatever, but why do I have to try?\", she said. \"Why can't I just be myself? The moment you make that step and say, 'I want to make pop music' is a big thing. But no matter what happens to me there'll always be someone going, 'Oh, her music sucks now because everyone", "id": "21650073" }, { "contents": "Gotham (season 4)\n\n\n\" and with the city and with Jim Gordon. He's certainly is the manipulative character, and certainly, you know, is trying to get people to do stuff whether they know why they're doing it or not. But, that's sort of exclusive. His whole reason for existing is not the Dollotrons.\" He described the character as having \"a Hannibal Lecter-ish quality.\" He also jokingly added that he couldn't eat bacon \"because I just can't bring myself to eat my little friends", "id": "15627522" }, { "contents": "Colin A. Ross\n\n\nfluorescent light that flickered really badly. I laid there until the next day when they put me in a wheelchair to take me back up to my other seclusion room. Those nurses, as I told you before, followed Ross around like panting puppies and did anything he said. I remember when I had my blood pressure taken my nurse asked me if I knew why my blood pressure was so unstable. I was going to answer \"the drugs?\", but before I could say anything she said, \"it's", "id": "885640" }, { "contents": "Girl Distribution Company\n\n\nthat his departure was not due to dissatisfaction: There was absolutely nothing wrong with the way things were going with Girl. That's why it was hard to go through with everything because we're all really close friends and I love those guys so much. I just felt like I wanted to do something for myself, instead of in a few years realizing that I can't jump down stairs when I'm 45, and I kinda wanted to have my own thing started by the time that happens. I have a few", "id": "17845739" }, { "contents": "The Missing Years (album)\n\n\nOf Memphisto\" was written under pressure from producer Epstein: \"We were 12 cuts into \"The Missing Years\", and Howie says, 'We need one or two more cuts.' And I went, 'You're kidding. From where? We've been working for nine months. I don't have anything hiding on the shelf. You could take a autopsy, and you won't find a song inside of me.' So I went and locked myself in a hotel room and went, 'If", "id": "19723965" }, { "contents": "Reality (Kenny Chesney song)\n\n\nrelaxed as I've been in years!' I thought to myself, 'This is why people smoke pot right here! This is it!' I don't smoke pot, but this is why people do it, I guarantee you. Because it gets them away from reality. I even asked my dentist, 'I just want to come over here and sit some time, can you guys do that?' He said, 'We can't do that, we'd get in trouble.' I swear", "id": "5291419" }, { "contents": "Complications of hypertension\n\n\nand high cholesterol levels. In general, fewer than 25 percent of diabetics have good control of their blood pressure. The presence of high blood pressure in diabetes is associated with a 4 fold increase in death chiefly from heart disease and strokes. The chief reason why people with diabetes develop high blood pressure is hardening of the arteries. Diabetes tends to speed up the process of atherosclerosis. The other fact about diabetes is that it affects both large and small blood vessels in the body. Over time, blood vessels become clogged with", "id": "10542475" }, { "contents": "You and Me (Shane Filan album)\n\n\n, perfect for the summer. I can't wait for people to hear it!\" Filan said of the album; \"I got off to a really good start. Everything to Me felt like beginners' luck, but I didn’t know how good it was. Then the label were phoning, going \"This is great!\" I’d shown to myself I could do this and that took the pressure off. I was flying in those first two weeks and then suddenly I was in Nashville with really famous songwriters", "id": "5006574" }, { "contents": "Carbon dioxide\n\n\nperilous for high-altitude fighter pilots. It is also why flight attendants instruct passengers, in case of loss of cabin pressure, to apply the oxygen mask to themselves first before helping others; otherwise, one risks losing consciousness. The respiratory centers try to maintain an arterial pressure of 40 mm Hg. With intentional hyperventilation, the content of arterial blood may be lowered to 10–20 mm Hg (the oxygen content of the blood is little affected), and the respiratory drive is diminished. This is why one can hold one", "id": "6127524" }, { "contents": "Social Distortion\n\n\njust something that I put on myself because I don't like to just go, 'Time to put out another record' and go through the motions.\" He also hinted at the band entering the studio in about six months. In an interview with \"Phoenix New Times\", which also took place in March 2017, Ness stated that his goal was to be in the studio by fall, and added, \"I have to write the record of my career right now. That's the pressure I put on", "id": "3549936" }, { "contents": "Shahar Pe'er\n\n\nthe pressure, the tournament took place at the time when Dubai authorities were investigating the killing of Hamas military commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, which the UAE blamed on Israeli agents, some posing as European tennis fans. Pe'er was widely praised by her fellow competitors for her composure under pressure during the tournament. In particular, Venus Williams remarked: \"I can't imagine playing so well with these kinds of circumstances. I just have to give her congratulations and props. She's courageous. I don't think anyone else on", "id": "8906351" }, { "contents": "Chris Lawrence (rugby league)\n\n\nas a team but you need to look at each individual performance and, myself included, we just didn't perform how we should have. I put a lot of pressure on myself to be better. I was happy with the way I played in 2011 but sometimes [in 2012] circumstances through my fault, sometimes no one's fault, sometimes through different things, didn't allow it to pan out that way.\" Playing under new coach Mick Potter in 2013, Lawrence had another injury-disrupted season, playing", "id": "20261992" }, { "contents": "The Herb Shriner Show\n\n\nmyself, folks, and I'll tell you one thing: It does put iron in your blood. In fact, I got my blood so full of iron now, I cut myself -- I didn't bleed, I just rusted\". Like its previous format on ABC, it had a half-hour time slot, and was aired by CBS on Tuesdays at 9 PM Eastern from October to December 1956. As can be deduced from its short run, it was a near-complete failure in the Nielsen ratings", "id": "18742626" }, { "contents": "Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute\n\n\nmeets in the UK to coordinate operational activities and reports in to the Council. The PVRI has established a number of 'Task Forces', which are specialist groups set up to focus on raising awareness in specific regions of the world or research collaborations focusing on medical areas. It is generally understood that having high blood pressure can cause problems and reduce life expectancy. High blood pressure usually refers to the pressure in all the organs of the body, except for the lungs. It is very rare to find high blood pressure only", "id": "10734686" }, { "contents": "Norman Tebbit\n\n\n? Was No 10 suitable for someone in a wheelchair? All these things go through one's mind. Then if Michael had won...he would have had to ask me to join his government, and I didn't want that. I asked myself: why am I risking all this? And I made my decision...I might have been an absolute disaster in the job. It's possible. So I am left there. You can't rewrite it. You can't rerun it. In August 2002, Tebbit", "id": "17285690" }, { "contents": "The Fear (Lily Allen song)\n\n\nwith materialism and the pressures of being rich and famous: [I'll] tell you where the inspiration for it came from. I was walking down this street, in this village in the middle of the countryside in the U.K., and there was this little girl who must have been eight or nine, walking down the street with her mum in, like, high-waisted hot pants and a little crop top. And I just thought, 'That's not really right.' And I could tell she was", "id": "1318434" }, { "contents": "Bring Me to Life\n\n\nI wanted to try Evanescence's Bring Me to Life and David [Foster] said 'you can't sing that'. I came out there questioning my vocal abilities. I'm just not used to being told that. I went home that night and I just thought to myself 'you have to pull yourself together, he's worked with so many incredible artists you have to step up the plate.' I did talk myself round and I went in there the next day on a mission. It's good to", "id": "14109485" }, { "contents": "Counterculture of the 1960s\n\n\nmyself—but not when I left. The average college kid idealistically wishes everybody could have ice cream and cake for every meal. But as he gets older and gives more thought to his and his fellow man's responsibilities, he finds that it can't work out that way—that some people just won't carry their load ... I believe in welfare—a welfare work program. I don't think a fella should be able to sit on his backside and receive welfare. I'd like to know why well-", "id": "13908385" }, { "contents": "Management of hypertension\n\n\nblood pressure. A major feature of the plan is limiting intake of sodium, although the diet is also rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, as well as protein. A vegetarian diet is associated with a lower blood pressure and switching to such a diet may be useful for reducing high blood pressure. A review in 2012 found that a diet high in potassium lowers blood pressure in those with high blood pressure and may improve outcomes in those with normal kidney function, while a 2006 review found evidence to be inconsistent; additionally", "id": "10684954" }, { "contents": "Cory Wade Hindorff\n\n\nthe criticism of fellow male models and especially judge Rob for being too \"feminine\" and having a lack of masculine poses for the photoshoots He described it in an interview: “I went through an identity crisis that almost completely destroyed me when I was on that show. All of that said, my experience on Top Model was incredible and life changing. It was a very positive thing. I just wish I could've desensitized myself to all of the pressure I was receiving to 'man up' or to ‘act", "id": "2693527" }, { "contents": "Brian Welch\n\n\ntwo people who really need us to be here,' and it should be focused on them and I shouldn't care if there's a big crowd or not, but I struggle with it. I was in Korn and we sold like 25 million albums, and I can't even fill this little bar up? Of all those fans, 300–400 people can't just show up here? It's like starting over, totally.\" \"Save Me From Myself\" peaked at No. 63 on the \"Billboard\"", "id": "3408948" }, { "contents": "Management of hypertension\n\n\na similar rate (1 in 12). Medications are not recommended for people with prehypertension or high normal blood pressure. If the blood pressure goal is not met, a change in treatment should be made as therapeutic inertia is a clear impediment to blood pressure control. The first line of treatment for hypertension is identical to the recommended preventive lifestyle changes and includes dietary changes, physical exercise, and weight loss. These have all been shown to significantly reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension. Their potential effectiveness is similar to and", "id": "10684952" }, { "contents": "Prevention of dementia\n\n\ndementia. Some studies say Alzheimer's and other dementias may be caused by high blood pressure, since it can cause blood vessel damage through constriction. The etiology of vascular dementia includes hypertension, and thus, lowering blood pressure with antihypertensives may have a positive effect in the prevention of dementia, just as physical activity. However, one study failed to demonstrate a link between high blood pressure and developing dementia. The study, published in the \"Lancet Neurology\" journal of July 2008, found that blood pressure lowering medication did not", "id": "6711980" }, { "contents": "Sana ay Ikaw na Nga (2012 TV series)\n\n\nwas a point when I asked myself if I really had a future here. I gave myself until age 24 or 25. If nothing happened, I'd start looking in another direction\". Until her big break had finally come. \"I waited for this for so long! It's a good thing I didn't lose hope or just decided to quit. I'm glad I still believed this would happen to me. And now I’m feeling the pressure. I'm working twice as hard to prove that I", "id": "15687122" }, { "contents": "Amy Winters\n\n\nmedal in the 400m T46 event. She felt under enormous pressure going into the Sydney Games due to being the 200m title holder from Atlanta. She said \"\"I did feel a lot of pressure, but the greatest pressure I felt was the pressure I put on myself. I remember before my final in the 200m, I felt like I was going to be physically sick. I’d never felt like that before. My usual mindset was ‘whatever happens, happens.\"\" In late 2001,", "id": "13018878" }, { "contents": "Sam Phillips\n\n\nits time during its 16-year run, producing 226 singles. Phillips and Elvis Presley opened a new form of music. Phillips said of Presley: \"Elvis cut a ballad, which was just excellent. I could tell you, both Elvis and Roy Orbison could tear a ballad to pieces. But I said to myself, 'You can't do that, Sam.' If I had released a ballad I don't think you would have heard of Elvis Presley.\" Much has been written about Phillips's goals, but", "id": "8098682" }, { "contents": "James Dean\n\n\na study of poor Jimmy Dean. I've made a study of myself, and I know why girls, at least the young 'uns, go for us. We're sullen, we're broodin', we're something of a menace. I don't understand it exactly, but that's what the girls like in men. I don't know anything about Hollywood, but I know you can't be sexy if you smile. You can't be a rebel if you grin.\" Dean and Presley have", "id": "13725007" }, { "contents": "Just When I Needed You Most\n\n\nAfter recording \"Just When I Needed You Most\" for an album recorded for the UK division of Bearsville Records, VanWarmer then flew to the US to pressure Bearsville's head office to promote the album which was duly remixed and released with \"Just When I Needed You Most\" as lead single although VanWarmer would recall that Bearsville evinced little enthusiasm for the track: \"Nobody thought my version was an especially good version of the song [which] a few other people were thinking of cutting...Everybody just assumed mine was a", "id": "20835356" }, { "contents": "Domonic Jones\n\n\nHigh School in his home city of Richmond, Virginia. When deciding to attend college, staying close to home was a big reason for selection VCU. Jones said, \"To have my parents and close friends see me play is a big part of why I chose to play here. I really don't feel any pressure [to do well]; I've played in front of these people my whole life. I just go out and play my game.\" In his freshman season, Jones averaged 8.6 points and", "id": "14316116" }, { "contents": "Can't Let Her Get Away\n\n\nthat I just put together myself, and it kind of reminded me of the James Brown sound. I could feel it. I thought I'd bring a shadow of some of the greatness of the James Brown production sound to this. I made the sample CD myself – that was me playing instruments, then looping them up and having them lying around for potential projects. Back then I just had them lying around and I hadn't used them… But I really wanted to use them! Throughout the album I was drawing", "id": "1911735" }, { "contents": "Zhang Chu (singer)\n\n\n\"Idle\": There is no one on the bus I would like to know Can't continue idling along now that I can't even see myself clearly There is no one on the bus I would like to know I thought, I thought Heart grows tired from just crumbling up the fifty cent bus ticket, how far have I gone The bus moves with perfect balance among the sky, the stores and the crowd Heart gets tired from just crumbling up the fifty cent bus ticket, how far have I gone I thought", "id": "21517807" }, { "contents": "Benzoctamine\n\n\n. One study showed that benzoctamine, a serotonin and alpha-adrenergic antagonist, does not reduce blood pressure through a seretonin mechanism but does reduce blood pressure by antagonizing alpha-adrenergic receptors in rats. Rats were given 10 mg of benzoctamine and drops in their blood pressure were approximately 30 mm Hg. The researchers further confirmed that serotonin antagonism was not sufficient to reduce blood pressure by using the highly selective serotonin antagonist 1-(1-naphthyl)-piperazine, which was not able to decrease the blood pressure of the rats. These studies have yet to be repeated", "id": "17686184" }, { "contents": "Hypertension\n\n\npressure is experienced by people who are not labeled as hypertensive. Consequently, population strategies are required to reduce the consequences of high blood pressure and reduce the need for antihypertensive medications. Lifestyle changes are recommended to lower blood pressure, before starting medications. The 2004 British Hypertension Society guidelines proposed lifestyle changes consistent with those outlined by the US National High BP Education Program in 2002 for the primary prevention of hypertension: Effective lifestyle modification may lower blood pressure as much as an individual antihypertensive medication. Combinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can", "id": "1126426" }, { "contents": "Tasman Bridge disaster\n\n\nline, the white line's gone. Stop!\" I just hit the brakes and I said \"I can't, I can't, I can't stop.\" And next thing we just hung off the gap...when I swung the door open, I could see, more or less, see the water...and I just swung meself towards the back of the car and grabbed the headrest like that to pull myself around. There's a big automatic transmission pan underneath [the car] – that's", "id": "19244208" }, { "contents": "Complications of diabetes\n\n\nelevated blood pressure was tightly controlled, diabetic related deaths were reduced by 32% compared to those with less controlled blood pressure. Many observational and clinical studies have been conducted to investigate the role of vitamins on diabetic complications, In the First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I) Epidemiologic Follow-up Study, vitamin supplementations were associated with 24% reduction on the risk of diabetes, observed during 20 years of follow-up. Many observational studies and clinical trials have linked several vitamins with the pathological process of diabetes", "id": "13327018" }, { "contents": "11-Deoxycorticosterone\n\n\n) has little effect on DOC, but DOC causes a rapid fall in renin, and therefore angiotensin I, the precursor of angiotensin II. Therefore, DOC must be indirectly inhibiting aldosterone since aldosterone depends on angiotensin II. Sodium, and therefore blood volume, is difficult to regulate internally. That is, when a large dose of sodium threatens the body with high blood pressure, it cannot be resolved by transferring sodium to the intracellular (inside the cell) space. The red cells would have been possible, but that", "id": "16481877" }, { "contents": "Baroreflex activation therapy\n\n\nBaroreflex activation therapy is a relatively new approach to treating resistant hypertension that uses an implanted device to electrically stimulate baroreceptors in the carotid sinus region which elicits a reflex response through the sympathetic and vagal nervous systems that reduces blood pressure. Despite modern medications against high blood pressure, only around half of people with hypertension in England, USA and Canada have blood pressure at or below target levels. In many cases the situation can be resolved with increases in antihypertensive medication. However in about 10% of patients, blood pressure is still above", "id": "13579928" }, { "contents": "The Marshall Mathers LP\n\n\nto be successful, but before anything, I want respect.\" After the album was finished, the record label felt that there were no songs that had potential to be a lead single. Feeling pressured, Eminem returned to the studio and wrote \"The Way I Am\" as his way of saying, \"Look, this is the best I can do. I can't give you another 'My Name Is.' I can't just sit in there and make that magic happen.\" However, after the", "id": "18460584" }, { "contents": "Pinocchio paradox\n\n\n: \"Suppose I predict that tomorrow morning, at 6 AM, my blood pressure will be 125/75, but my prediction turns out false: my blood pressure the next morning is 135/85. No one who heard my prediction could claim that I lied when I made it even if I had the intention of deceiving my hearers. For although I made (what turned out to be) a false statement with the intention to deceive, I had no way of knowing exactly what my blood pressure would be the next day.\"", "id": "8227721" }, { "contents": "Cardiovascular disease in Australia\n\n\nOne in five Australians with high blood pressure suffers from heart disease (Nichols, 2014). A key step to prevent any type of heart disease is addressing the risk factors. Such as not smoking or use of drugs, regular exercising, have healthy diet, maintain healthy weight and have regular health screening to check up on blood pressure. These lifestyle changes reduces the risk of developing heart disease (Wood & Gordon, 2011). Prescribed medications are given to those suffering to help improve blood flow, low blood pressure and", "id": "16685161" }, { "contents": "Effect of spaceflight on the human body\n\n\nseconds, LeBlanc remained conscious for about 14 seconds before losing consciousness due to hypoxia; the much lower pressure outside the body causes rapid de-oxygenation of the blood. “As I stumbled backwards, I could feel the saliva on my tongue starting to bubble just before I went unconscious and that’s the last thing I remember,” recalls LeBlanc. The chamber was rapidly pressurized and LeBlanc was given emergency oxygen 25 seconds later. He recovered almost immediately with just an earache and no permanent damage. Another effect from a vacuum", "id": "1976931" }, { "contents": "Hypertensive heart disease\n\n\nof causes, including myocardial ischemia, marked increases in blood pressure, or cardiac arrhythmias. Other conditions can share features with hypertensive heart disease and need to be considered in the differential diagnosis. For example: Because there are no symptoms with high blood pressure, people can have the condition without knowing it. Diagnosing high blood pressure early can help prevent heart disease, stroke, eye problems, and chronic kidney disease. The risk of cardiovascular disease and death can be reduced by lifestyle modifications, including dietary advice, promotion of weight", "id": "5664099" }, { "contents": "J. Clifford Baxter\n\n\n. His suicide note was hand printed, though not signed, for his wife, Carol. The letter expressed Baxter's despair over the direction his life had taken. The full text of the note read: poemCarol, I am so sorry for this. I feel I just can't go on. I have always tried to do the right thing but where there was once great pride now it's gone. I love you and the children so much. I just can't be any good to you or myself.", "id": "11315567" }, { "contents": "Great White\n\n\npositive it's gonna happen... probably next year ... We talked to some other people, and [former drummer] Audie [Desbrow] would not be a person I would want to play with ever again in my life. There were some bridges burned there that I just can't forgive, and I'm a very forgiving person. I just can't let that one go. I have to stand up for myself...\" Russell's stance towards Desbrow seemed to have changed course by 2006 when he told Mitch Lafon", "id": "15894110" }, { "contents": "Sarah Dessen\n\n\nmany years afterward, I took total blame for everything that happened between me and T. After all, I was a bad kid. I did drugs, I lied to my mom. You can't just hang out with a guy and not expect him to get ideas, I told myself. You should have known better. But maybe \"he\" should have. When I turned 21, I remember making a point, regularly, to look at teens and ask myself whether I'd want to hang out with them,", "id": "5709131" }, { "contents": "Spironolactone\n\n\nlevels resulting in hyperkalemia and potentially deadly abnormal heart rhythms. About 1 in 100 people with hypertension have elevated levels of aldosterone; in these people, the antihypertensive effect of spironolactone may exceed that of complex combined regimens of other antihypertensives since it targets the primary cause of the elevated blood pressure. However, a Cochrane review found adverse effects at high doses and little effect on blood pressure at low doses in the majority of people with high blood pressure. There is no evidence of person-oriented outcome at any dose in this group", "id": "19071804" }, { "contents": "Obscenity trial of Ulysses in The Little Review\n\n\nnovel, was due to Joyce's poor eyesight. At one point in the trial Quinn confessed that \"I myself do not understand Ulysses—I think Joyce has carried his method too far,\" whereupon one of the presiding judges replied, \"Yes, it sounds to me like the ravings of a disordered mind—I can't see why anyone would want to publish it\". In accordance with obscenity precedents set by \"United States v. Bennett\", the panel of three judges decided that the passages from the \"", "id": "14960871" }, { "contents": "Cardiovascular disease\n\n\npressure \"and\", quite likely, through other mechanisms. Moderate evidence was found that high salt intake increases cardiovascular mortality; and some evidence was found for an increase in overall mortality, strokes, and left ventricular hypertrophy. Blood pressure medication reduces cardiovascular disease in people at risk, irrespective of age, the baseline level of cardiovascular risk, or baseline blood pressure. The commonly-used drug regimens have similar efficacy in reducing the risk of all major cardiovascular events, although there may be differences between drugs in their ability to", "id": "157315" }, { "contents": "Angelina Veneziano\n\n\nher to Snooki of the reality television series \"Jersey Shore\" and said that the show has fallen under \"Jersey Shore\"'s \"drunken spell\". He wrote: \"Regardless of who portrayed the character—because I have absolutely nothing against DeGarmo—why does Y&R need yet another big name stunt cast?\" Additionally, he said: \"every time I read something about the new character I find myself asking myself why, just why?\" DeGarmo said: \"Angelina nor I need to watch ‘Jersey Shore", "id": "19742183" }, { "contents": "List of Karaoke Revolution songs\n\n\n, \"I Got You Babe\", \"Respect\", \"Under Pressure\" KRX09: Modern Rock 2: \"Hold On\", \"Meant to Live\", \"Someday\", \"The Reason\", \"When I'm Gone\" KRX10: Top 40 2: \"Come Clean\", \"My Immortal\", \"Leave (Get Out)\", \"Thank You\", \"Why Can't I\" KRX11: Soul and R&B: \"ABC\", \"Burn\", \"If I", "id": "9981829" }, { "contents": "Antihypertensive drug\n\n\nAntihypertensives are a class of drugs that are used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure). Antihypertensive therapy seeks to prevent the complications of high blood pressure, such as stroke and myocardial infarction. Evidence suggests that reduction of the blood pressure by 5 mmHg can decrease the risk of stroke by 34%, of ischaemic heart disease by 21%, and reduce the likelihood of dementia, heart failure, and mortality from cardiovascular disease. There are many classes of antihypertensives, which lower blood pressure by different means. Among the most", "id": "2980582" }, { "contents": "Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures\n\n\nis lunacy!\" Bakshi defended the episode, saying, \"I despise drugs. I would be out of my mind to show a cartoon character snorting cocaine in a cartoon,\" and stating that Wildmon had interpreted the scene out of context. \"Mighty Mouse was happy after smelling the flowers because it helped him remember the little girl who sold it to him fondly. But even if you're right, their accusations become part of the air we breathe. That's why I cut the scene. I can't have", "id": "1762645" }, { "contents": "Primal therapy\n\n\nmake it a big Maharishi thing\" and \"I just know myself better, that's all. I can handle myself better. That Janov thing, the primal scream and so on, it does affect you, because you recognize yourself in there...It was very good for me. I am still 'primal' and it still works.\" and \"I no longer have any need for drugs, the Maharishi or the Beatles. I am myself and I know why.\" Shortly after therapy, Lennon produced his", "id": "1686294" }, { "contents": "The Fountain of Lamneth\n\n\nhonestly can't remember what the actual words were, but they took up opposite positions like: 'Work! Live! Earn! Give!' and like that.\" Geddy Lee mentioned this song in a somewhat unfavorable light in this interview excerpt from the book \"Contents Under Pressure\": \"[The song] was just something we had to do. But it's kind of absurd. I mean, it's just where we were at. We were a young band, a little pretentious, full of ambitions", "id": "13446491" }, { "contents": "Made in Britain (album)\n\n\n\" \"They Make Me Mad\" is a re-recording of the song from the band's debut album \"Too Much Pressure\" (1980); the song's lyrics, especially the line \"Now that things have changed, I make my mind up for myself, I look back on all those words, there’s little meaning in their sound,\" were described \"as relevant as they ever were in their attack on the divisive rhetoric of the privileged.\" The album's closing song is \"Second Skin", "id": "2172183" }, { "contents": "Joy (Fefe Dobson album)\n\n\nyounger I used to write and go, 'Oh, that’s not good enough.' 'No. No. No. No one will like that.' 'I can't write that by myself because no one will understand.' And now, I put myself out there a little more. I take the risk of when I’m writing with somebody I’m not as afraid to say, 'Hey, what about this idea?' When I was young I was a little bit more afraid to step", "id": "6982154" }, { "contents": "It's the Same Old Song\n\n\nMyself\", saying that it is \"a dynamic NEW treatment, with just a hint of Benny Benjamin's thundering drums echoing\" \"I Can't Help Myself\". Allmusic critic Ron Wynn calls \"It's the Same Old Song\" \"a tidy little number\" with \"one of the greatest lyrical hooks -- and titles -- ever.\" Fellow critic Steve Leggett calls it \"wise beyond its era.\" Pop music writers and bloggers have noted the similarity of the song's main instrumental riff with the marimba riff", "id": "3579559" }, { "contents": "Lee Hae-jun\n\n\ncommercial film director I can't just make the film that I want to make... instead, I have to consider the audience. I had to understand the fact that my interests don't always match the audience's, and there was also the pressure of making a return on the investments in my film.\" In 2014, Lee cast Sol Kyung-gu and Park Hae-il in his third film, \"My Dictator\". Set in the 1970s, the film is about a bit part theater actor (played", "id": "2708934" }, { "contents": "Chlortalidone\n\n\nmg daily in ALLHAT study) had maximal blood pressure lowering effect and that higher doses did not lower it more. Chlortalidone has a modestly greater effect on blood pressure than hydrochlorothiazide but the two medications have similar effects on lowering potassium. The thiazide-like diuretics (chlortalidone and indapamide) are more effective than the thiazide-type diuretics (including hydrochlorothiazide) for reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart failure in persons with high blood pressure and the thiazide-like and thiazide-type diuretics have similar rates of", "id": "10193208" }, { "contents": "Everyday (Slade song)\n\n\nshould be Lea, Lea, Holder. Why I didn't credit Lou on it was because it wasn't that long before with the John and Yoko thing going on, where Yoko was in the studio all the time and it was messing about with the Beatles. And I didn't want to have that sort of pressure. I mean, Lou wouldn't have done it anyway, she would never have pressured me. She should have a credit now I think, I should put it to the publishers that that's", "id": "2727599" }, { "contents": "Daybreak (Saves the Day album)\n\n\nbit of a therapeutic experiment. I felt like all twisted up and broken inside and just angry and confused and depressed and sad and I couldn’t really deal with the world or myself. So I was just like this has got to end, I have to at least try and get a grip on the world and on myself. So I dove into the depths of my mind and brought out what I was finding ... Daybreak is coming to terms with everything and trying to understand why I actually got that way and learning", "id": "15582815" }, { "contents": "Curiosity (EP)\n\n\nshe chose not to release it because she wanted to make sure she \"got the second CD right. I think I got a little nervous about the idea of the sophomore being a little less-than because it's so rushed. So I wanted to give myself the time to not feel that pressure.\" She then worked with songwriter Josh Ramsay and producer Ryan Stewart on most of the album's tracks. Jepsen's songwriting process was inspired by her life and friends. After the recording sessions were completed, \"Curiosity", "id": "21872789" }, { "contents": "Greg Matthews\n\n\nwrong with that? People say Mark Waugh was a great player. I think I averaged 41, the same as him, and he played in a team that rarely lost. I played in a side that rarely won. There's one reason why I didn't play more and the brothers [translation: his Australian team-mates] know the reasons why I wasn't picked, and it wasn't because my bowling average was 48. I can't say why; I'm going to write it myself. Shane", "id": "3318250" }, { "contents": "Chlortalidone\n\n\nadverse effects. Chlortalidone is more effective than hydrochlorothiazide for prevention of heart failure in persons with high blood pressure. Chlortalidone may improve edema (swelling) by increasing urinary salt and water excretion, lowering intravascular hydrostatic pressure and thereby lowering transcapillary pressure. See Starling Equation. Edema may be caused by either increased hydrostatic pressure or reduced oncotic pressure in the blood vessels. Edema due to increased hydrostatic pressure may be a result of serious cardiopulmonary disease (which reduces glomerular perfusion in the kidney) or to kidney injury or disease (which may", "id": "10193209" }, { "contents": "Bob Dylan Gospel Tour\n\n\nCarolyn Dennis anonymously. \"I wanted the songs out\", Dylan later recalled, \"but I didn't want to do it [myself], because I knew that it wouldn't be perceived in \"that\" way. It would just mean more pressure. I just did not want that at that time.\" Eventually Dylan decided to record the songs himself, and assembled a strong group of musicians and production people, including Mark Knopfler and Muscle Shoals veterans Barry Beckett and Jerry Wexler, who would co-produce", "id": "268050" }, { "contents": "I a Moon\n\n\nfavour of Fortnam writing his own lyrics. Fortnam has commented that \"I think I was slightly aware that I was removing myself a little bit [previously]. Why cut down an avenue of self-expression? I was aware of that for the first time, really.\" This also resulted in a darker musical and lyrical tone, which Fortnam revealed \"touches on tragic things that I’ve experienced, and that brings on more profound feelings.\" One of the major inspirations of the work was the plight of Fortnam", "id": "7642967" }, { "contents": "Hypertension\n\n\nand medications can lower blood pressure and decrease the risk of health complications. Lifestyle changes include weight loss, physical exercise, decreased salt intake, reducing alcohol intake, and a healthy diet. If lifestyle changes are not sufficient then blood pressure medications are used. Up to three medications can control blood pressure in 90% of people. The treatment of moderately high arterial blood pressure (defined as 160/100 mmHg) with medications is associated with an improved life expectancy. The effect of treatment of blood pressure between 130/80 mmHg and 160/100 mmHg", "id": "1126392" }, { "contents": "Nova Studios\n\n\nGreek Lightning,\" partially, and I said, 'What will sound do for these films except make them ludicrous?' Because the kind of people we use in these films can't talk, can't act, have no background—they can't do any of these things, and it's just going to be absurd to make them say things when they aren't going to say them well.\" In 1981, Nova Studios bowed to public demand and financial pressures and produced \"It's the Life.\"", "id": "9054072" }, { "contents": "Blood pressure\n\n\nforces (G-loading), such as routinely experienced by aerobatic or combat pilots 'pulling Gs' where the extreme hydrostatic pressures exceed the ability of the body's compensatory mechanisms. Normal fluctuation in blood pressure is adaptive and necessary. Fluctuations in pressure that are significantly greater than the norm are associated with greater white matter hyperintensity, a finding consistent with reduced local cerebral blood flow and a heightened risk of cerebrovascular disease. Within both high and low blood pressure groups, a greater degree of fluctuation was found to correlate with an", "id": "11702683" }, { "contents": "Redeemed\n\n\nabout myself. I walked around carrying this self-deprecating, self-hating feeling. I sank into a depressed state. I remember being in my garage, my man-cave. One day after a workout, I was hating myself. I prayed 'God I know You love me completely, but why can't I love me?' I felt the Holy Spirit invade that space in my garage and He began to deal with my heart. God began to fill my heart and my mind with the stuff that", "id": "14628172" }, { "contents": "Jenny Schecter\n\n\nare passionate about her. I know there are a lot of people who just can't stand her. And that's why it's so important to have that character in the mix.\" Kirshner defended Jenny stating: \"Jenny's a very controversial character. I think the great thing about her is the fact that she's so flawed.\" During season two Jenny is seen coming out, getting her hair cut and becoming best friends with Shane McCutcheon (Katherine Moennig). stated that Jenny cutting off her hair", "id": "7802159" }, { "contents": "Jason Day\n\n\na day, is supposed to help get his rib cage, hips and shoulders aligned, thereby alleviating pressure on his back. \"Blowing into balloons, that's as far as I go,\" he said of the therapy. \"Long story short, I try to keep my rib cage down. My rib cage gets up and then it blocks my mid back and then I can't really turn. So I get it from somewhere else and that's why my back flares up.\" As of the 2019 U.S.", "id": "11179258" }, { "contents": "Eric Appapoulay\n\n\nwhy I loved it. It looks great and it's got a proper resonance.\" In a SOS interview, Appapoulay described their process during recording sessions: \"It was just Ben and myself and Richard and Tom. We would be in the room together, Ben’d be on his acoustic guitar in that little doorway bit with his mic, setting down the guides. I had guitar in the Fender Twin, drums just clean, and then the bass I put through the LA2A, because I love the way it warms it", "id": "4906245" }, { "contents": "Orthostatic hypotension\n\n\nsyncope. Even small increases in the blood pressure may be sufficient to maintain blood flow to the brain on standing. In people who do not have a diagnosis of high blood pressure, drinking 2–3 liters of fluid a day and taking 10 grams of salt can improve symptoms, by maximizing the amount of fluid in the bloodstream. Another strategy is keeping the head of the bed slightly elevated. This reduces the return of fluid from the limbs to the kidneys at night, thereby reducing nighttime urine production and maintaining fluid in the circulation", "id": "13569529" }, { "contents": "Gus Edwards\n\n\nbetween 1930 and 1937, finally retiring in 1939. His chief musical collaborators included Edward Madden, Will Cobb, and Robert B. Smith. His other popular-song compositions include \"Meet Me Under the Wisteria\", \"By the Light of the Silvery Moon\", \"I Can't Tell You Why I Love You but I Do\", \"Goodbye, Little Girl, Goodbye\", \"I Just Can't Make My Eyes Behave\", \"I'll Be With You When the Roses Bloom Again\", \"", "id": "413101" }, { "contents": "Elvis and Me\n\n\nhis wife.\" According to her account, Elvis told Priscilla that they had to wait until they were married before having sex. He said, \"I'm not saying we can't do other things. It's just the actual encounter. I want to save it.\" Priscilla adds, \"Fearful of not pleasing him—of destroying my image as his little girl—I resigned myself to the long wait. Instead of consummating our love in the usual way, he began teaching me other means of pleasing him", "id": "12978609" }, { "contents": "Hypertensive disease of pregnancy\n\n\nmajor causes of death in pregnancy (16%) along with post partum bleeding (13%) and puerperal infections (2%). Although many pregnant women with high blood pressure have healthy babies without serious problems, high blood pressure can be dangerous for both the mother and baby. Women with pre-existing, or chronic, high blood pressure are more likely to have certain complications during pregnancy than those with normal blood pressure. However, some women develop high blood pressure while they are pregnant (often called gestational hypertension", "id": "4754666" }, { "contents": "Rubble (cat)\n\n\nhigh blood pressure so he needs regular medication and City Vets have been a huge help in keeping him healthy.\" Foster further stated, \"He has plenty of life left in him yet, but I don't think we will go down the Guinness World Record route as I am not sure he would like lots of people coming to see him or a fuss being made out of him. He is old now and would not like too much attention or be hassled. We would prefer if he was just left to live", "id": "16268358" }, { "contents": "Fasudil\n\n\nACE) is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of angiotensin-I (Ang-I) to angiotensin-II (Ang-II). Ang-II is a peptide hormone which increases blood pressure by initiating vasoconstriction and aldosterone secretion. ROCK increases ACE expression and activity in pulmonary hypertension. By inhibiting ROCK with fasudil, circulating ACE and Ang-II are reduced, leading to a decrease in pulmonary vascular pressure. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) mediates the production of the vasodilator nitric oxide (NO). Pulmonary", "id": "12561824" }, { "contents": "Glass Spider Tour\n\n\nshow. Press tour shows included live performances of some of the songs from the album \"Never Let Me Down\". Bowie was joined by long-time friend Peter Frampton on the tour. Frampton said \"I don't have a book to sell; I don't have an album to sell; I'm just here as a guitarist. The pressure is off. I'm enjoying myself.\" Frampton and Bowie had known each other since their teen years when they both attended Bromley Technical School, where Frampton's father", "id": "2999739" }, { "contents": "Essential hypertension\n\n\ncheck readings at home or at other locations that have blood pressure equipment and to keep a written log of results. The health care provider usually takes 2–3 readings at several medical appointments to diagnose high blood pressure. Using the results of the blood pressure test, the health care provider will diagnose prehypertension or high blood pressure if: Once the health care provider determines the severity, he or she can order additional tests to determine if the blood pressure is due to other conditions or medicines or if there is primary high blood pressure.", "id": "10713949" }, { "contents": "Whut? Thee Album\n\n\nof pressure to learn, and learn quickly. Erick showed me a couple of recording moves, then threw me in the studio and just left me there. I had to learn and do it myself. Erick was always there if I really needed him, so it wasn't that bad. But he had his own shit to deal with and he figured I was okay on my own.\" Redman further stated \"When I first started doing the album I was mad at Erick for leaving me in the studio. I", "id": "17331083" }, { "contents": "Nat Jaffe\n\n\n, Charlie Barnet (1938–39) and Jack Teagarden (1940). He led his own trio in the early 1940s and recorded in 1945 with Sarah Vaughan. Jaffe died in 1945 as a result of complications from high blood pressure at the age of 27. Three solo piano pieces (\"Body And Soul\", \"Liza\" and \"I Can't Get Started\") were recorded on January 31, 1938 and released by Onyx Records in 1974 on \"52nd Street; Volume 2\", which also features performances by", "id": "4200666" }, { "contents": "World Hypertension Day\n\n\nAwareness of high blood pressure’. The 2006 theme was ‘Treat to goal’, with a focus on keeping blood pressure under control. The recommended blood pressures are less than 140/90 mmHg for the general population and for the hypertensive population without any other complications, and less than 130/80 mmHg for those with diabetes mellitus or chronic kidney disease. These are the cut-off values recommended by international and Canadian guidelines. The 2007 WHD theme was ‘Healthy diet, healthy blood pressure’. Through such specific themes, the WHL", "id": "10218665" }, { "contents": "Ruyter Suys\n\n\nlike I’m hypnotizing myself or something like that with the volume, and I’m just breathing in really deep and I just fill myself up with the sonic bombast. I have my eyes shut half the night and I basically see obstacles if I’m lucky, like 'don’t hit your head on this' and like 'don’t step in this hole in the stage' or whatever. I know where things are, but usually I just 'go away and disappear into my own little world'. It’s", "id": "18127737" }, { "contents": "Physiology of decompression\n\n\ncarbon dioxide from the venous blood. Oxygen has also diffused into the arterial blood, reducing the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli by about 67 mbar(50 mmHg) As the total pressure in the alveoli must balance with the ambient pressure, this dilution results in an effective partial pressure of nitrogen of about 758 mb (569 mmHg) in air at normal atmospheric pressure. At a steady state, when the tissues have been saturated by the inert gases of the breathing mixture, metabolic processes reduce the partial pressure of the less soluble", "id": "17829777" }, { "contents": "Bisoprolol\n\n\n282nd most prescribed medication in the United States with more than a million prescriptions. Bisoprolol is beneficial in treatment for high blood pressure (hypertension), reduced blood flow to the heart (cardiac ischemia); congestive heart failure, and preventive treatment before and primary treatment after heart attacks, decreasing the chances of recurrence. Bisoprolol targets hypertension (elevated blood pressure). In cardiac ischemia, the drug is used to reduce the activity of the heart muscle, so reduces oxygen and nutrient demand, and reduced blood supply can still transport", "id": "19052638" } ]
Why are humans diurnal?
[{"answer": "Our eyes do not operate well in low light. Our hunting skills are sight based. So over-all going hunting in anything but daylight means we're more likely to be the prey, then the hunter. We weren't the top predator back when we were evolving, we used progressively better tools to drag our way up the list."}, {"answer": "Everyone else on here is not actually answering the question, rather the symptoms of being diurnal (Rods/cones in the eyes, etc) Our primate ancestor was a nocturnal prosimian (think an eye-eye, very small primate). As we evolved, got bigger, and brains started to develop, it became easier to compete for resources with other daytime animals. Before being out during the day meant certain death: predatory birds, lions, bears, etc..... as we got bigger, became easier to move and be active in daytime (way harder for an eagle to pick up a chimp than a mouse lemur). Why is being diurnal more beneficial? Think hunting, fishing, social groups, etc. being able to see and move in the day makes all of these more \"evolved\" activities possible. Most nocturnal animals (esp nocturnal primates) are solitary foragers, very small, etc. Why is size beneficial? Because of metabolic rate. Bigger animals have more efficient metabolism, can digest food more easily. Why did apes evolve to be bigger while there are some still nocturnal prosimians? This question stumps a lot of evolutionary biologists, but the idea is that some prosimians 50 million years ago (or whatever timeline) were in better positions for resources with less competition and were able to \"become\" larger/diurnal. Hopefully that is ELI5"}, {"answer": "Usually a question about why an organism evolved in a certain way can be answered as simply as, it worked best. Organisms that have to compete in their environment (niche) may have been able to take advantage of daytime or night-time activity, whether it meant finding prey and resources easier, or not becoming the prey. It is almost arbitrary whether we are, because we could just have easily evolved the other way if there were selective pressures. Other features such as our eyes' sensitivity to light and a diurnal rhythm evolved from these pressures as well."}, {"answer": "In a nutshell we are visual animals. We have some of the best eyes in the animal kingdom, we have 3 cone types that descriminate between Red, Blue, and Green, and our brains can use that to create a wide range of colors. Our visual acuity is also excellent. Some animals, like Raptors, have better visual acuity at distance, and there is the mantis shrimp that has a dozen different cone cell types, but overall humans have excellent vision and rely heavily on the sense of sight. Our eyes work OK in the dark of night, but we lose alot of our advantages, especially our ability to discriminate between colors/wavelengths of light. Humans are capable of operating at night if need be, but our eyes just aren't that finely adapted to it - they work, but they aren't a superpower like our day time vision is (compared to other animals)."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "3104473", "title": "Diurnality", "section": "Section::::In animals.:Other environmental influences.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 14, "end_paragraph_id": 14, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["between them if they are to survive and thrive. Ambient temperature has been shown to affect and even convert nocturnal animals to diurnality as it is a way for them to conserve metabolic energy. Nocturnal animals are often energetically challenged due to being most active in the nighttime when ambient temperatures are lower than through the day, and so they lose a lot of energy in the form of body heat. According to the circadian thermos-energetics (CTE) hypothesis, animals that are expending more energy than they are taking in (through food and sleep) will be more active in the light cycle, meaning they will be more active in the day. This has been shown in studies done on small nocturnal mice in a laboratory setting. When they were placed under a combination of enough cold and hunger stress, they converted to diurnality through temporal niche switching, which was expected. Another similar study that involved energetically challenging small mammals showed that diurnality is most beneficial when the animal has a sheltered location to rest in, reducing heat loss. Both studies concluded that nocturnal mammals do change their activity patterns to be more diurnal when energetically stressed (due to heat loss and limited food availability), but only when predation is also limited, meaning the risks of predation are less than the risk of freezing or starving to death.", "between them if they are to survive and thrive. Ambient temperature has been shown to affect and even convert nocturnal animals to diurnality as it is a way for them to conserve metabolic energy. Nocturnal animals are often energetically challenged due to being most active in the nighttime when ambient temperatures are lower than through the day, and so they lose a lot of energy in the form of body heat. According to the circadian thermos-energetics (CTE) hypothesis, animals that are expending more energy than they are taking in (through food and sleep) will be more active in the light cycle, meaning they will be more active in the day. This h"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Richard Lindzen\n\n\nstratosphere\". Lindzen's work on ozone photochemistry has been important in studies that look at the effects that anthropogenic ozone depletion will have on climate. Since the time of Laplace (1799), scientists had been puzzled as to why pressure variations measured at the Earth's surface associated with the semi-diurnal solar tide dominate those of the diurnal tide in amplitude, when intuitively one would expect the diurnal (daily) passage of the sun to dominate. Lord Kelvin (1882) had proposed the so-called \"resonance\"", "id": "13646444" }, { "contents": "Diurnal temperature variation\n\n\nand cover, wind, cloud cover/water vapor, and moisture on the ground. Diurnal temperature variations are greatest very near Earth's surface. High desert regions typically have the greatest diurnal-temperature variations, while low-lying humid areas typically have the least. This explains why an area like the Snake River Plain can have high temperatures of during a summer day, and then have lows of . At the same time, Washington D.C., which is much more humid, has temperature variations of only ; urban Hong Kong", "id": "16808438" }, { "contents": "Diurnality\n\n\ntrichromatic colour vision became very advantageous, making diurnality and colour vision adaptive traits of simiiformes, which includes humans. Studies using chromatin distribution analysis of rod nuclei from different simian eyes found that transitions between diurnality and nocturnality occurred several times within primate lineages, with switching to diurnality being the most common transitions. Still today, diurnality seems to be reappearing in many lineages of other animals, including small rodent mammals like the Nile grass rat and golden mantle squirrel and reptiles. More specifically, geckos, which have thought to be naturally nocturnal", "id": "22124608" }, { "contents": "Nocturnality\n\n\nto avoid contact with the numerous diurnal predators. A recent study attempts to answer the question as to why so many modern day mammals retain these nocturnal characteristics even though they are not active at night. The leading answer is that the high visual acuity that comes with diurnal characteristics isn't needed anymore due to the evolution of compensatory sensory systems, such as a heightened sense of smell and more astute auditory systems. In a recent study, recently extinct elephant birds and modern day nocturnal kiwi bird skulls were examined to recreate their likely", "id": "16324092" }, { "contents": "Chronotype\n\n\n, cognitive faculties, and sleeping). With the exception of the most extreme and rigid chronotypes regulation is likely due to gene-environment interactions. Important environmental cues (zeitgebers) include light, feeding, social behavior, and work and school schedules. Additional research has proposed an evolutionary link between chronotype and nighttime vigilance in ancestral societies. Humans are normally diurnal creatures, that is to say they are active in the daytime. As with most other diurnal animals, human activity-rest patterns are endogenously controlled by biological clocks with", "id": "3063479" }, { "contents": "Sleep in non-human animals\n\n\nhave higher melatonin at night just like diurnal mammals do. And, although removing the pineal gland in many animals abolishes melatonin rhythms, it does not stop circadian rhythms altogether—though it may alter them and weaken their responsiveness to light cues. Cortisol levels in diurnal animals typically rise throughout the night, peak in the awakening hours, and diminish during the day. In diurnal animals, sleepiness increases during the night. Different mammals sleep different amounts. Some, such as bats, sleep 18–20 hours per day, while others,", "id": "4626515" }, { "contents": "Tapetum lucidum\n\n\nspookfish. Like humans, some animals lack a \"tapetum lucidum\" and they usually are diurnal. These include most primates, squirrels, some birds, red kangaroo, and pig. Among primates only the strepsirrhines, with the exception of several diurnal \"Eulemur\" species, have a \"tapetum lucidum\". When a tapetum lucidum is present, its location on the eyeball varies with the placement of the eyeball in the head, such that in all cases the \"tapetum lucidum\" enhances night vision in the center of the", "id": "21646563" }, { "contents": "Circadian rhythm\n\n\nobservation of a circadian or diurnal process in humans is mentioned in Chinese medical texts dated to around the 13th century, including the \"Noon and Midnight Manual\" and the \"Mnemonic Rhyme to Aid in the Selection of Acu-points According to the Diurnal Cycle, the Day of the Month and the Season of the Year\". The first recorded observation of an endogenous circadian oscillation was by the French scientist Jean-Jacques d'Ortous de Mairan in 1729. He noted that 24-hour patterns in the movement of the leaves of the plant", "id": "11702760" }, { "contents": "Collared peccary\n\n\nas tulip bulbs. Collared peccaries are diurnal creatures that live in groups of up to 50 individuals, averaging between six and 9 members. They sleep in burrows, often under the roots of trees, but sometimes can be found in caves or under logs. However, collared peccaries are not completely diurnal. In central Arizona, they are often active at night, but less so in daytime. Although they usually ignore humans, they will react if they feel threatened. They defend themselves with their tusks. A collared peccary can", "id": "10854723" }, { "contents": "Tide\n\n\nnorth/south) in response to lunar and solar gravitation, ocean tides, and atmospheric loading. While negligible for most human activities, terrestrial tides' semi-diurnal amplitude can reach about at the Equator— due to the Sun—which is important in GPS calibration and VLBI measurements. Precise astronomical angular measurements require knowledge of the Earth's rotation rate and polar motion, both of which are influenced by Earth tides. The semi-diurnal \"M\" Earth tides are nearly in phase with the Moon with a lag of", "id": "12053021" }, { "contents": "Nocturnality\n\n\nanother creature of the night. Climate-change and the change in global temperatures has led to an increasing amount of diurnal species to push their activity patterns closer towards crepuscular or fully nocturnal behavior. This adaptive measure allows species to avoid the heat of the day, without having to leave that particular habitat. The exponential increase in human expansion and technological advances in the last few centuries has had a major effect on nocturnal animals, as well as diurnal species. The causes of these can be traced to distinct, sometimes overlapping areas", "id": "16324098" }, { "contents": "Thermoregulation\n\n\n, while the mean difference between rectal and axillary temperature for children under 4 years old was 0.38 °C. In humans, a diurnal variation has been observed dependent on the periods of rest and activity, lowest at 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. and peaking at 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monkeys also have a well-marked and regular diurnal variation of body temperature that follows periods of rest and activity, and is not dependent on the incidence of day and night; nocturnal monkeys reach their highest body temperature at night and lowest during", "id": "9860104" }, { "contents": "Sleep in non-human animals\n\n\nrequire sleep even during the hypometabolic state of hibernation, in which circumstance it is actually a net loss of energy as the animal returns from hypothermia to euthermia in order to sleep. Nocturnal animals have higher body temperatures, greater activity, rising serotonin, and diminishing cortisol during the night—the inverse of diurnal animals. Nocturnal and diurnal animals \"both\" have increased electrical activity in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, and corresponding secretion of melatonin from the pineal gland, at night. Nocturnal mammals, which tend to stay awake at night,", "id": "4626514" }, { "contents": "List of mammals of Madagascar\n\n\nlemur species larger than any now alive, ranging in size up to that of a gorilla, are believed to have gone extinct shortly after the arrival of humans. Strepsirrhines make up all of Madagascar's native primates species, but comprise only a quarter of those of Africa, the rest being simians. Madagascar's strepsirrhines occupy both diurnal and nocturnal niches, while all those outside Madagascar are nocturnal and nearly all simians are diurnal (the only exception being \"Aotus\", which lives where strepsirrhines are absent). Rodents make up", "id": "8840977" }, { "contents": "Why Is Sex Fun?\n\n\nWhy Is Sex Fun? The Evolution of Human Sexuality is a 1997 book about the evolution of human sexuality by the biologist Jared Diamond. Diamond addresses aspects of human sexuality such as why women's ovulation is not overtly advertised (concealed ovulation); why humans have sex in private rather than in public like other mammals; and why the ovaries are U-shaped. \"Why Is Sex Fun?\" was published in 1997 by Basic Books, as part of the Science Masters series. \"Why Is Sex Fun?\"", "id": "3803821" }, { "contents": "Palaeopropithecus\n\n\nlemurs became targets because they were active during the day as were humans. Along with their diurnal nature, another factor that led to their extinction was a slow reproductive rate. They were killed faster than they could reproduce. The introduction of humans to Madagascar brought change to an island that had yet to experience the lifestyles of human beings. Some believe that hunting was not the only problem brought to Madagascar by humans. There is a possibility that humans bringing over livestock may have affected some species. Although it would not have been", "id": "5664442" }, { "contents": "Adaptation (eye)\n\n\n\"tapetum lucidum\" are nocturnal most likely because upon reflection of light back through the retina the initial images become blurred. Humans, like their primate relatives, do not possess a \"tapetum lucidum\" and therefore were predisposed to be a diurnal species. Despite the fact that the resolution of human day vision is far superior to that of night vision, human night vision provides many advantages. Like many predatory animals humans can use their night vision to prey upon and ambush other animals without their awareness. Furthermore, in the event", "id": "9071969" }, { "contents": "Loa loa filariasis\n\n\nInfective larvae (L3) mature to adults (L5) in the subcutaneous tissues of the human host, after which the adult worms—assuming presence of a male and female worm—mate and produce microfilariae. The cycle of infection continues when a non-infected mango or deer fly takes a blood meal from a microfilaremic human host, and this stage of the transmission is possible because of the combination of the diurnal periodicity of microfilariae and the day-biting tendencies of the \"Chrysops spp\". Humans are the primary reservoir", "id": "15397098" }, { "contents": "Sleep in non-human animals\n\n\nSleep in non-human animals refers to a behavioral and physiological state characterized by altered consciousness, reduced responsiveness to external stimuli, and homeostatic regulation. Sleep is observed in mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and some fish, and, in some form, in insects and even in simpler animals such as nematodes. The internal circadian clock promotes sleep at night for diurnal organisms (such as humans) and in the day for nocturnal organisms (such as rodents). Sleep patterns vary widely among species. It appears to", "id": "4626495" }, { "contents": "Human\n\n\n—human technology is vastly more complex, and is constantly evolving and improving through time. Humans are generally diurnal. The average sleep requirement is between seven and nine hours per day for an adult and nine to ten hours per day for a child; elderly people usually sleep for six to seven hours. Having less sleep than this is common among humans, even though sleep deprivation can have negative health effects. A sustained restriction of adult sleep to four hours per day has been shown to correlate with changes in physiology and mental", "id": "11237596" }, { "contents": "Diurnality\n\n\nMany types of animals are classified as being diurnal, meaning they are active during the day time and inactive or have periods of rest during the night time. Commonly classified diurnal animals include mammals, birds, and reptiles. Most primates are diurnal. Scientifically classifying diurnality within animals can be a challenge, apart from the obvious increased activity levels during the day time light. Initially, most animals were diurnal, but adaptations that allowed some animals to become nocturnal is what helped contribute to the success of many, especially mammals. This", "id": "22124606" }, { "contents": "Diurnality\n\n\nhave shown many transitions to diurnality, with about 430 species of geckos now showing diurnal activity. With so many diurnal species recorded, comparative analysis studies using newer lineages of gecko species have been done to study the evolution of diurnality. With about 20 transitions counted for the gecko lineages, it shows the significance of diurnality. Strong environmental influences like climate change, predation risk, and competition for resources are all contributing factors. Using the example of geckos, it is thought that species like \"Mediodactylus amictopholis\" that live at higher", "id": "22124609" }, { "contents": "Adaptation (eye)\n\n\ntheir photopic system from tetrachromatic to dichromatic. The shift to a nocturnal lifestyle would demand more rod photoreceptors to absorb the blue light emitted by the moon during the night. It can be extrapolated that the high ratio of rods to cones present in modern human eyes was retained even after the shift from nocturnal back to diurnal. Vitamin A is necessary for proper functioning of the human eye. The photopigment rhodopsin found in human rod cells is composed of retinal, a form of vitamin A, bound to an opsin protein. Upon the", "id": "9071983" }, { "contents": "Richard Lindzen\n\n\nto emission of infrared radiation by carbon dioxide in the stratosphere along with ozone photochemical processes, and then in 1968 he showed that the theory also predicted that the semi-diurnal oscillation would be insensitive to variations in the temperature profile, which is why it is observed so much more strongly and regularly at the surface. While holding the position of Research Scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, CO Lindzen was noticed and befriended by Professor Sydney Chapman, who had contributed to the theory of atmospheric tides", "id": "13646448" }, { "contents": "Michael F. Land\n\n\nroles of vision and eye movements in the control of activities of daily living. \"Perception\" 28: 1311-1328 Land M.F., Gibson, G., Horwood, J. and Zeil, J. (1999) Fundamental differences in the optical structure of the eyes of nocturnal and diurnal mosquitoes. \"J. Comp. Physiol.\" 185: 91-103. Land M.F. (1999) Motion and vision: why animals move their eyes. \"J. Comp. Physiol.\" 185: 341-352 Dacke M., Nilsson D", "id": "14500912" }, { "contents": "Stereo photography techniques\n\n\n, and examples of hyperstereo can be found in vintage views. This technique can be applied to 3D imaging of the Moon: one picture is taken at moonrise, the other at moonset, as the face of the Moon is centered towards the center of the Earth and the diurnal rotation carries the photographer around the perimeter, though the results are rather poor, and much better results can be obtained using alternative techniques. This is why high quality published stereos of the moon are done using libration, the slight \"wobbling\" of", "id": "15666575" }, { "contents": "Attribution of recent climate change\n\n\ncase for a pronounced human influence on global climate. Much of the recent attention is now on climate changes at continental and regional scales, and on variables that can have large impacts on societies. For example, scientists have established causal links between human activities and the changes in snowpack, maximum and minimum (diurnal) temperature, and the seasonal timing of runoff over mountainous regions of the western United States. Human activity is likely to have made a substantial contribution to ocean surface temperature changes in hurricane formation regions. Researchers are also", "id": "2949728" }, { "contents": "Tide\n\n\nbe used to predict the expected tides. These are usually dominated by the constituents near 12 hours (the \"semi-diurnal\" constituents), but there are major constituents near 24 hours (\"diurnal\") as well. Longer term constituents are 14 day or \"fortnightly\", monthly, and semiannual. Semi-diurnal tides dominated coastline, but some areas such as the South China Sea and the Gulf of Mexico are primarily diurnal. In the semi-diurnal areas, the primary constituents \"M\" (lunar", "id": "12052994" }, { "contents": "Diurnal cycle\n\n\nA diurnal cycle is any pattern that recurs every 24 hours as a result of one full rotation of the Earth around its own axis. In climatology, the diurnal cycle is one of the most basic forms of climate patterns. The most familiar such pattern is the diurnal temperature variation. Such a cycle may be approximately sinusoidal, or include components of a truncated sinusoid (due to the Sun's rising and setting) and thermal relaxation (Newton cooling) at night. Diurnal cycles of environmental conditions (light or temperature) can", "id": "19677554" }, { "contents": "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems\n\n\nas to the rest of the universe. Aristotle and Ptolemy, who understood this, do not argue against any other motion than this diurnal one. Motion is relative: the position of the sacks of grain on a ship can be identical at the end of the voyage despite the movement of the ship. Why should we believe that nature moves all these extremely large bodies with inconceivable velocities rather than simply moving the moderately sized earth? If the Earth is removed from the picture, what happens to all the movement? The movement", "id": "19075608" }, { "contents": "Collared pika\n\n\nway organisms respond to climate change can be a distinct and peculiar characteristic therefore it is important to note patterns between closely related species, such as the collared pika and the American pika. Collared pikas, like most other pikas choose to live around rock slides in order to use the rocks as protection against the high temperatures they must endure throughout the day, and this is why they are referred to as cold-adapted lagomorphs. Collared pikas are diurnal herbivores and spend time foraging through vegetation during the summer. This species is known", "id": "20217051" }, { "contents": "Argument from marginal cases\n\n\nof basing moral status upon it. It cannot be because humans value it, since humans also value human beings, so it would need to be shown why a certain trait is somehow \"better\" than any other. In the absence of an impartial observer to tell us what those traits should be (Grau notes that there is also no guarantee that said impartial observer would say humans shouldn't value other humans), there is no reason why it is unclear why simply being human should not be sufficient for moral status", "id": "3957848" }, { "contents": "Diurnality\n\n\nwere forced to be more active in the day to find food. Diurnality has shown to be an evolutionary trait in many animal species, with diurnality mostly reappearing in many lineages. Other environmental factors like ambient temperature, food availability, and predation risk can all influence whether an animal will evolve to be diurnal, or if their effects are strong enough, then mask over their circadian rhythm, changing their activity patterns to becoming diurnal. All three factors often involve one another, and animals need to be able to find a balance", "id": "22124614" }, { "contents": "Myrmecia regularis\n\n\npowerful. In some cases, human victims of \"M. regularis\" bites have displayed an allergy to the venom. In a 2011 study which investigated the causes of ant sting anaphylaxis in Australia, 265 of the 376 human participants reacted to the sting of several \"Myrmecia\" species. Of these, nine serum samples taken from patients were IgE positive to the venom of \"M. regularis\". These ants are both diurnal and nocturnal, foraging on the trunks of \"Eucalyptus\" trees to feed on sap and nectar, or", "id": "11346574" }, { "contents": "Serer creation myth\n\n\n. They form the demi-goods, saints and ancestral spirits (Pangool), etc. The diurnal terrestrial world is represented around a network of topical or utopian transcendence. Topically, it is centred around the sacred, people or accessible places. Utopianly, it resides in the imagination. There are two types of people on Earth: visible human beings and the invisible, living far away from human beings with their own paths and dwelling place. These invisible people, reside in the souterrain world. \"Jaaniiw\" is the", "id": "5390103" }, { "contents": "Neuroscience of sleep\n\n\ndim light and peaks during nocturnal sleep, diminishing with bright light to the eyes. In some organisms melatonin secretion depends on sleep, but in humans it is independent of sleep and depends only on light level. Of course, in humans as well as other animals, such a hormone may facilitate coordination of sleep onset. Similarly, cortisol and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) are strongly circadian and diurnal hormones, mostly independent of sleep. In contrast, other hormones like growth hormone (GH) & prolactin are critically sleep-", "id": "14222717" }, { "contents": "Origin of speech\n\n\nairway, allowing varying amounts of air to exit through the nose. The fine motor movements associated with the tongue and the airway, make humans more capable of producing a wide range of intricate shapes in order to produce sounds at different rates and intensities. In humans, the lips are important for the production of stops and fricatives, in addition to vowels. Nothing, however, suggests that the lips evolved for those reasons. During primate evolution, a shift from nocturnal to diurnal activity in tarsiers, monkeys and apes (the", "id": "8275249" }, { "contents": "Origin of speech\n\n\nimportant to human speech, was the exaptive result of the evolution of diurnality and visual communication in the common ancestor of haplorhines\". It is unclear whether our lips have undergone more recent adaptation to the specific requirements of speech. Compared with nonhuman primates, humans have significantly enhanced control of breathing, enabling exhalations to be extended and inhalations shortened as we speak. While we are speaking, intercostal and interior abdominal muscles are recruited to expand the thorax and draw air into the lungs, and subsequently to control the release of air as", "id": "8275251" }, { "contents": "Buffy-tufted marmoset\n\n\nand shorter ear tufts. The buffy-tufted marmoset lives in coastal forests from sea-level up to 500 m. It is diurnal and arboreal, living almost all its life in the trees. It lives in small groups of two to eight animals. Unlike most other marmosets, the buffy-tufted marmoset almost exclusively eats insects. It does not eat tree sap, which is why it has a very small snout. Aside from the insects the buffy-tufted marmoset consumes, this monkey also consumes varying types of flowering plants", "id": "13280642" }, { "contents": "Bird migration\n\n\nalso cause funnelling, particularly of large diurnal migrants. This is a notable factor in the Central American migratory bottleneck. Batumi bottleneck in the Caucasus is one of the heaviest migratory funnels on earth. Avoiding flying over the Black Sea surface and across high mountains, hundreds of thousands of soaring birds funnel through an area around the city of Batumi, Georgia. Birds of prey such as honey buzzards which migrate using thermals lose only 10 to 20% of their weight during migration, which may explain why they forage less during migration than", "id": "21087328" }, { "contents": "Phasmatodea\n\n\nare significantly more pronounced in adults. The larger size of the adult insects' eyes makes them more prone to radiation damage. This explains why fully grown individuals are mostly nocturnal. Lessened sensitivity to light in the newly emerged insects helps them to escape from the leaf litter wherein they are hatched and move upward into the more brightly illuminated foliage. Young stick insects are diurnal (daytime) feeders and move around freely, expanding their foraging range. Stick insects have two types of pads on their legs: sticky \"toe pads\"", "id": "21217823" }, { "contents": "Laguna Blanca National Park\n\n\nthe endemic Patagonia frog (\"Atelognathus patagonicus\"), but this has been extirpated by introduced predatory fish; the species survives in isolated ponds in the buffer zone of the national park. Near the lagoon is the Salamanca cave, historically inhabited by humans, where rock paintings, typical of northern Patagonia, can be seen. Other mapuche and prehistoric human artifacts have been found in the park. The park has an arid and windy climate with a large diurnal range. During summer, the mean temperature is with temperatures that can", "id": "1110819" }, { "contents": "Tamaraw\n\n\nand young bamboo shoots although it is known to prefer cogon grass and wild sugarcane (\"Saccharum spontaneum\"). They are naturally diurnal, feeding during the daytime hours; however, daytime human activities have recently forced select \"B. mindorensis\" individuals to be nocturnal to avoid human contact. The tamaraw is known to live for about 20 years, with an estimated lifespan of about 25. The adult female tamaraw gives birth to one offspring after a gestation period of about 300 days. There is an interbirth interval of two years", "id": "16233886" }, { "contents": "Sphaerodactylus glaucus\n\n\nfrom \"S. continentalis\" by its dorsal scales, which are smooth rather than keeled. It is diurnal. This species has been observed in several kinds of tropical forest, subtropical moist forest, and mangrove ecotones from sea level to 1000 meters in elevation. It is sometimes found near human habitation hiding under debris and in thatching. This gecko is common in its range and faces no immediate major threats. It is sometimes prey and competition for the common house gecko (\"Hemidactylus frenatus\") in human habitations, but not", "id": "1876117" }, { "contents": "Cortisol\n\n\nlevels are found in humans. In humans, the amount of cortisol present in the blood undergoes diurnal variation; the level peaks in the early morning (around 8 am) and reaches its lowest level at about midnight-4 am, or three to five hours after the onset of sleep. Information about the light/dark cycle is transmitted from the retina to the paired suprachiasmatic nuclei in the hypothalamus. This pattern is not present at birth; estimates of when it begins vary from two weeks to nine months of age. Sustained stress", "id": "19255081" }, { "contents": "Serer creation myth\n\n\nand duration of life. Along with being giants, the first humans were believed to have had larger eyes and bigger bones than the present. Roog did not touch the human spirit. Instead, it allowed them to develop their minds and put their own branding on Earth. In Serer cosmogony, the Universe is represented schematically. There were three worlds: the invisible world from above; the diurnal terrestrial world and the noctanal world. A geometric representation of these three worlds form the Serer star. The invisible world from above is", "id": "5390100" }, { "contents": "Washington wine\n\n\nwhich may be one of the reasons why the phylloxera epidemic has not ravaged the Washington wine industry as it has the Californian and French wine industries in the past. The state's northerly location above the 46th parallel north allows Washington's major wine growing regions to experience 17 hours of sunlight in the summer—two more hours of sunlight during the peak of growing season than what California sees further south. During the growing season Eastern Washington experiences a wide diurnal temperature variation (up to ) difference between daytime highs and nighttime lows)", "id": "11217730" }, { "contents": "Pelorus Sound\n\n\nof New Zealand coastal locations, i.e. there is a semi-diurnal tide modulated on a spring-neap cycle, generated by the superposition of M2 (lunar, semi-diurnal) and S2 (solar, semi-diurnal) tidal constituents. Other tidal constituents, notably N2 (semi-diurnal, generated by the ellipticity of the moon’s orbit), introduce further modulation, meaning that the spring-neap cycle is not exactly repeated. The tidal range varies between at neap and at spring. (These values are", "id": "10879293" }, { "contents": "Nocturnality\n\n\nmoving bats at a disadvantage. Another example is harbor seals eating juvenile salmon that moved down a river lit by nearby artificial lighting. Once the lights were turned off, predation levels decreased. Many diurnal prey species forced into being nocturnal are susceptible to nocturnal predators, and those species with poor nocturnal eyesight often bear the brunt of the cost. The increasing amount of habitat destruction worldwide as a result of human expansion has given both advantages and disadvantages to different nocturnal animals. As a result of peak human activity in the daytime,", "id": "16324104" }, { "contents": "Little owl\n\n\nyoung disperse, they seldom travel more than about . Pairs of birds often remain together all year round and the bond may last until one partner dies. The little owl is partly diurnal and often perches boldly and prominently during the day. If living in an area with a large amount of human activity, little owls may grow used to humans and will remain on their perch, often in full view, while people are around. The little owl has a life expectancy of about sixteen years. However, many birds do not", "id": "20577323" }, { "contents": "Tree squirrel\n\n\nfox squirrel, among many others. Many tree squirrel species have adapted to human-altered environments such as rural farms, suburban backyards and urban parks; and because they are diurnal (active during the daytime) they have become perhaps the most familiar wildlife to most humans. Rodent expert Guy G. Musser clarifies the usage of \"squirrel\" and related terms: Current taxonomy, based on genetic data, splits the tree squirrels into several subfamilies. The following genera of the squirrel family are classified as tree squirrels. Squirrels are generally", "id": "5950666" }, { "contents": "Diurnality\n\n\nDiurnality is a form of plant or animal behavior characterized by activity during daytime, with a period of sleeping or other inactivity at night. The common adjective used for daytime activity is \"diurnal\". The timing of activity by an animal depends on a variety of environmental factors such as the temperature, the ability to gather food by sight, the risk of predation, and the time of year. Diurnality is a cycle of activity within a 24-hour period; cyclic activities called circadian rhythms are endogenous cycles not dependent on external cues", "id": "22124604" }, { "contents": "Diurnality\n\n\neffectiveness of relative diurnal or nocturnal species of insects affects the diurnal or nocturnal nature of the plants they pollinate, causing in some instances an adjustment of the opening and closing cycles of the plants. For example, the baobab is pollinated by fruit bats and starts blooming in late afternoon; the flowers are dead within twenty-four hours. Services that alternate between high and low utilization in a daily cycle are described as being diurnal. Many websites have the most users during the day and little utilization at night, or vice versa", "id": "22124618" }, { "contents": "Sleep in fish\n\n\nspecies may be variable in the phasing of their daily activity/inactivity periods, and thus presumably of their sleep. Within the same laboratory populations of goldfish, some individuals may be spontaneously diurnal while others are nocturnal. Goldfish can also be diurnal if food is more available by day, or nocturnal if food is available at night. Salmon are mostly diurnal when temperature is high, but become more nocturnal if temperature plummets. At high latitudes, captive burbot, sculpin and brown bullhead are nocturnal in summer but become diurnal under the", "id": "11951207" }, { "contents": "Lemur\n\n\nlack a fovea, some diurnal lemurs have a cone-rich, although less clustered, area centralis. This area centralis has a high rod-to-cone cell ratio in many diurnal species studied thus far, whereas diurnal anthropoids have no rod cells in their fovea. Once again, this suggests lower visual acuity in lemurs than in anthropoids. Furthermore, the rod-to-cone cell ratio can be variable even among diurnal species. For instance, Verreaux's sifaka (\"Propithecus verreauxi\") and the indri (", "id": "14025974" }, { "contents": "Ocean power in New Zealand\n\n\nmeans that if one of the bulges travelling around the earth is above the equator, then the other bulge is below the equator. It also follows that some places will have one daily diurnal tide, while other places will have semi-diurnal tides twice a day. For example, there is a diurnal tide in the Ross Sea near Antarctica every 24.84 hours. The height of this tide dwindles to almost zero in a cycle which takes 13.66 days. New Zealand's tides are semi-diurnal. The primary cause, the", "id": "18761675" }, { "contents": "Hello World! (composition)\n\n\nsuccessful than previous attempts to produce generic musical compositions from computers,\" he added, \"The real paradox of Iamus is why it's being used to attempt to fool humanity in this way. If you've got a computer program of this sophistication, why bother trying to compose pieces that a human, and not a very good human at that – well, not a compositional genius anyway – could write? Why not use it to find new realms of sound, new kinds of musical ideas?\" Conversely, the musicologist", "id": "22059395" }, { "contents": "Coelognathus helena monticollaris\n\n\n\"C. h. monticollaris\" is forests, but it may frequently venture towards human habitation and occasionally enter human dwellings. \"C. h. monticollaris\" is diurnal and highly active. It has a very nasty temper and will strike repeatedly if molested. It never appreciates captivity and will resist capture with utmost tenacity until helplessly overpowered. Its bites are often very damaging due to its inward pointing teeth. A male specimen caught in Maharashtra, India (near Paud 09/16/13) whipped its tail when agitated. The same specimen was easily handled and", "id": "6009508" }, { "contents": "Serer creation myth\n\n\nthe source of energies and life. The diurnal Earthly world (e.g. the sun) is divided into two strands: the \"Saas\" tree symbolizing the tree of life and human beings assisted by the noctanal world (the \"Pangool\"). The nocturnal world depicts the role of the moon, the \"Pangool\" (ancient Serer saints and ancestral spirits), \"Ciid\" (proper, var: \"Ciiƭ\" or \"Cyid\", the disembodied souls in search of re-hominisation or reincarnation) and \"", "id": "5390101" }, { "contents": "Kinship\n\n\ngroups is not just a feature of humans, but also of many other primates, was yet to emerge and society was considered to be a uniquely human affair. As a result, early kinship theorists saw an apparent need to explain not only the details of \"how\" human social groups are constructed, their patterns, meanings and obligations, but also \"why\" they are constructed at all. The \"why\" explanations thus typically presented the fact of life in social groups (\"which appeared to be unique to humans", "id": "19747474" }, { "contents": "Immortal (2015 film)\n\n\nwith emotion. It is partly about how to die, but mostly about how to live, and how to keep our dignity as human beings. It is a beautiful film.\" BIFF's Kim Ji-seok: \"...It is hard to find a film such as this one that is so thoroughly able to deliver to the audience the pain of a being human.\" FIPRESCI's Hiroaki Saito: \"Why do humans continue to live and why do humans die? Audiences from different cultures can universally identify their own", "id": "1087850" }, { "contents": "Narrative\n\n\n, an approach called narrative inquiry was proposed, resting on the epistemological assumption that human beings make sense of random or complex multicausal experience by the imposition of story structures.\" Human propensity to simplify data through a predilection for narratives over complex data sets typically leads to narrative fallacy. It is easier for the human mind to remember and make decisions on the basis of stories with meaning, than to remember strings of data. This is one reason why narratives are so powerful and why many of the classics in the humanities and social", "id": "16072788" }, { "contents": "Psammophis\n\n\nPsammophis is a genus of snakes in the family Lamprophiidae. The genus comprises 34 species, which are found in Africa and Asia. \"Psammophis\" are diurnal and prey on lizards and rodents which they actively hunt. All species in the genus are venomous, and the venom is considered mild and not dangerous to humans. The generic name \"Psammophis\" was coined by the Austrian herpetologist Leopold Fitzinger in 1826, a compound of the Hellenistic Greek ψαμμο, \"sand\" + Classical Greek ὄϕις, \"snake\", thus sand", "id": "11325012" }, { "contents": "How to Stop an Exploding Man\n\n\nof the one used in the very first episode of the series, Genesis, narrated by Mohinder Suresh. \"Where does it come from, this quest, this need to solve life's mysteries when the simplest of questions can never be answered? Why are we here? What is the soul? Why do we dream? Perhaps we'd be better off not looking at all. Not delving, not yearning. But that's not human nature. Not the human heart. That is not why we are here. Yet", "id": "15515137" }, { "contents": "Transfusion (short story)\n\n\nhome, complete with artifacts such as stone tools. They deposit some apparently brainwashed humans wearing animal skins. They also bury objects in local caves. Hazard is sure that these are bones left for future generations to find. Returning to modern times, they join Gottwald to try to solve the mystery. Clearly humans did not arise on Earth. The bones planted were probably genuine, but must have been brought from the real home of humanity. They can understand why humans might be seeded on another world, but not why the", "id": "16689575" }, { "contents": "Problem of Hell\n\n\n, therefore human free will is not beyond God's influence. This results in the problem: how punishment is justified since God made humans the way they will sin. In this tradition, in Ashari thought, God created good and evil deeds, which humans decide upon—humans have their own possibility to choose, but God retains sovereignty of all possibilities. This still leaves the question of why God set out those people's lives (or the negative choice of deeds) which result in Hell, and why God created the", "id": "19038657" }, { "contents": "Medieval art\n\n\n, to which religious meanings might be loosely attached, although this did not impress St Bernard of Clairvaux, who famously denounced such distractions in monasteries:But in the cloister, in the sight of the reading monks, what is the point of such ridiculous monstrosity, the strange kind of shapely shapelessness? Why these unsightly monkeys, why these fierce lions, why the monstrous centaurs, why semi-humans, why spotted tigers, why fighting soldiers, why trumpeting huntsmen? ... In short there is such a variety and such a", "id": "20552661" }, { "contents": "Wuchereria bancrofti\n\n\nof the body. The first-stage larvae, known as microfilariae, are present in the circulation. The microfilariae have a membrane \"sheath\". This sheath, along with the area in which the worms reside, makes identification of the species of microfilariae in humans easier to determine. The microfilariae are found mainly in the peripheral blood and can be found at peak amounts from 10 pm to 4 am. They migrate between the deep and the peripheral, circulation exhibiting unique diurnal periodicity. During the day, they are present", "id": "12843057" }, { "contents": "Agouti\n\n\nteeth have cylindrical crowns, with several islands and a single lateral fold of enamel. Agoutis may grow to be up to in length and in weight. Most species are brown on their backs and whitish or buff on their bellies; the fur may have a glossy appearance and then glimmers in an orange colour. Reports differ as to whether they are diurnal or nocturnal animals. In the wild, they are shy animals and flee from humans, while in captivity they may become trusting. In Trinidad, they are renowned for being", "id": "14089552" }, { "contents": "Ochetellus\n\n\nNew Zealand and the United States. The colonies are found in rotten wood, in the ground, under rocks or stones and in urban areas. The ants are both diurnal and nocturnal and forage on trees, in low vegetation and into human homes, where they are regarded as pests. These ants eat a variety of foods, including fruits, insects, sucrose, nectar and bird feces. They visit various flowers and attend to a variety of butterfly larvae. The thorny devil, an Australian lizard, predominantly feeds on \"", "id": "1869306" }, { "contents": "Bos\n\n\nthere is one bull (male) for all the cows (female). Dominance is important in the herds; calves will usually inherit their mother's position in the hierarchy. They are generally diurnal, resting in the hot part of the day and being active morning and afternoon. In areas where humans have encroached on the territory of a herd, they may turn nocturnal. Some species are also migratory, moving with food and water availability. Modern species of \"Bos\" are thought to have evolved from a single ancestor", "id": "332803" }, { "contents": "Zebrafish\n\n\nto be used, and the fact that its two-celled embryo can be fused into a single cell to create a homozygous embryo. The zebrafish is also demonstrably similar to mammalian models and humans in toxicity testing, and exhibits a diurnal sleep cycle with similarities to mammalian sleep behavior. However, zebrafish are not a universally ideal research model; there are a number of disadvantages to their scientific use, such as the absence of a standard diet and the presence of small but important differences between zebrafish and mammals in the roles of", "id": "4840901" }, { "contents": "Megabat\n\n\nto a lack of predators. Diurnal taxa include \"P. melanotus natalis\", the Mauritian flying fox, the Caroline flying fox, \"P. p. insularis\", and the Seychelles fruit bat. In a 1992 summary of forty-one megabat genera, it was noted that the majority (twenty-nine) are tree-roosting genera. A further eleven genera roost in caves, and the remaining six genera roost in other kinds of sites (human structures, mines, and crevices, for example). Tree-roosting", "id": "5268757" }, { "contents": "Ahaetulla\n\n\n\"ehetulla\" for \"Ahaetulla nasuta\", which means 'eye plucker' or 'eye striker. They are primarily diurnal and arboreal, living in humid rainforests. Their diet consists mainly of lizards, but sometimes frogs and rodents are also consumed. \"Ahaetulla fronticincta\", however, feeds exclusively on fish, striking its prey from branches overhanging water. \"Ahaetulla\" venom is not considered to be dangerous to humans, but serves to cause paralysis in their fast moving prey choices. They are ovoviviparous. \"Ahaetulla\"", "id": "6936381" }, { "contents": "Day\n\n\nin transitioning from traditional, more familiar units. The most successful alternative is the \"centiday\", equal to 14.4 minutes (864 seconds), being not only a shorter multiple of an hour (0.24 vs 2.4) but also closer to the SI multiple \"kilosecond\" (1 000 seconds) and equal to the traditional Chinese unit, \"kè\". The word refers to various similarly defined ideas, such as: For most diurnal animals, the day naturally begins at dawn and ends at sunset. Humans, with", "id": "8378500" }, { "contents": "Mating preferences\n\n\nMate preferences in humans refers to why one human chooses or chooses not to mate with another human and their reasoning why (see: Evolutionary Psychology, mating). Men and women have been observed having different criteria as what makes a good or ideal mate (gender differences). A potential mate's socioeconomic status has also been seen as having a noticeable effect, especially in developing areas where social status is more emphasized. In humans, when choosing a mate of the opposite sex, females place high preference for a mate that", "id": "11915105" }, { "contents": "Richard Lindzen\n\n\ntheory, wherein the semi-diurnal tide would be \"selected\" over the diurnal oscillation if the atmosphere was somehow able to oscillate freely at a period of very close to 12 hours, in the same way that overtones are selected on a vibrating string. By the second half of the twentieth century, however, observations had failed to confirm this hypothesis, and an alternative hypothesis was proposed that something must instead suppress the diurnal tide. In 1961, Manfred Siebert suggested that absorption of solar insolation by tropospheric water vapour might account", "id": "13646445" }, { "contents": "Dactyloidae\n\n\n. In Japan's Ogasawara Islands, the introduced Carolina anoles have caused declines in native lizards and diurnal insects, including the near-extinction of the endemic \"Celastrina ogasawaraensis\" butterfly and five dragonfly species. This may be due to the ecological naïvete of the insects (before the introduction, there were no diurnal, highly arboreal lizards) and a very high anole density on these Japanese islands, as similar insect declines have not been reported from the Bahamas (which already had diurnal, arboreal lizards), or Guam, Saipan", "id": "15340457" }, { "contents": "Golden spiny mouse\n\n\nspecies has not completely evolved to be diurnal. In a lab setting where no other species is present, \"Acomys russatus\" immediately adopts nocturnal activity patterns with no transient phase, suggesting that its diurnal behavior is only an adaptation that is made when necessary. Furthermore, it has been found that the Golden Spiny Mouse’s eyes have not evolved to fit a diurnal lifestyle, but rather match the normal pattern of a nocturnal animal. This finding, along with their preference to forage in areas of lower light, such as between", "id": "16030784" }, { "contents": "Lemuridae\n\n\neither strictly diurnal or nocturnal, however, these can widely vary across species. Lemur activity has in general evolved from nocturnal to diurnal. Some lemurs are also cathemeral, an activity pattern where an animal is neither strictly diurnal nor nocturnal. Lemurids are herbivorous, eating fruit, leaves, and, in some cases, nectar. For the most part, they have the dental formula: . A lemur’s diet is one that is not restricted since their diet consists of frugivory, granivory, folivory, insectivory, omnivory, and", "id": "18486908" }, { "contents": "Sensory nervous system\n\n\n(green), and long wavelength (yellow/red). Rods are photoreceptors which are very sensitive to the intensity of light, allowing for vision in dim lighting. The concentrations and ratio of rods to cones is strongly correlated with whether an animal is diurnal or nocturnal. In humans rods outnumber cones by approximately 20:1, while in nocturnal animals, such as the tawny owl, the ratio is closer to 1000:1. Ganglion Cells reside in the adrenal medulla and retina where they are involved in the sympathetic response. Of the", "id": "10106893" }, { "contents": "Younger Dryas\n\n\nand \"Camelops\". Survivors of the Younger Dryas included that of nocturnal low-birth rate species residing in the mountainous or forest-like terrains of the Americas, Eurasia, Australia, and in Madagascar. The largest, slow breeding, diurnal species that lived in more open spaces survived in the lower parts of Africa. There were also species that went extinct that were not expected to by humans in the America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Across faunal and Paleoindian hunting sites, there has been evidence of carbon", "id": "10280692" }, { "contents": "Sensory neuron\n\n\nin dim lighting. The concentrations and ratio of rods to cones is strongly correlated with whether an animal is diurnal or nocturnal. In humans, rods outnumber cones by approximately 20:1, while in nocturnal animals, such as the tawny owl, the ratio is closer to 1000:1. Retinal ganglion cells are involved in the sympathetic response. Of the ~1.3 million ganglion cells present in the retina, 1-2% are believed to be photosensitive. Problems and decay of sensory neurons associated with vision lead to disorders such as: The auditory", "id": "13931931" }, { "contents": "Serer creation myth\n\n\nabode where the souls of the dead go. Their star is not the sun (the star which illuminates the diurnal world), but the moon which illuminates the activities of the night and beings of the night. Flying from \"Jaaniiw\" to \"Ciid\", their aim is to return to earth for a new course of human evolution. Just as the Serer religion has influenced the religious beliefs of Senegambia, Serer mythology has also influenced . Some of the most revered art in Senegambia, particularly in Senegal where the Serers", "id": "5390104" }, { "contents": "Archicebus\n\n\nto have been diurnal whereas tarsiers are nocturnal. Resembling tarsiers and simians (monkeys, apes, and humans), it was a haplorhine primate, and it also may have resembled the last common ancestor of all haplorhines as well as the last common ancestor of all primates. Its discovery further supports the hypothesis that primates originated in Asia, not in Africa. \"Archicebus achilles\" was named for being the oldest known primate skeleton () and for its distinguishing calcaneus (heel bone). The generic name, \"Archicebus\"", "id": "5553384" }, { "contents": "Ropalidia revolutionalis\n\n\nRopalidia revolutionalis Ropalidia revolutionalis, the small brown paper wasp, is a diurnal social wasp of the family Vespidae. They are known for the distinctive combs they make for their nests, and they are mostly found in Queensland, Australia in the areas of Brisbane and Townsville. They are an independent founding wasp species, and they build new nests each spring. They can be helpful because they control insect pests in gardens. However, if threatened, they will sting humans and cause large amounts of pain. \"Ropalidia revolutionalis\" were", "id": "582278" }, { "contents": "Catarrhini\n\n\nand toenails, a tubular ectotympanic (ear bone), and eight, not 12, premolars, giving them a dental formula of: . Most catarrhine species show considerable sexual dimorphism and do not form a pair bond. Most, but not all, species live in social groups. Like the platyrrhines, the catarrhines are generally diurnal, and have grasping hands and (with the exception of bipedal humans) grasping feet. The apes – in both traditional and phylogenic nomenclature – are exclusively catarrhine species. In traditional usage, ape", "id": "796748" }, { "contents": "Human male sexuality\n\n\nmale learns to rape is via learning imitative behaviour when watching violent pornography. However, this fails to explain why if males are likely to imitate behaviour witnessed in violent pornography they would not also imitate the actions of human males in other videos. Furthermore, no explanation is offered into why this behaviour is inspired in some men and not others. It is also limited in its ability to predict valuable variables surrounding why rape occurs (such as who, when or where). For this reason, Thornhill and Palmer argued that \"", "id": "2258729" }, { "contents": "The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle\n\n\nPeter wears human clothing then why do the other animals wear only their skins? The issue of animal clothing versus human clothing is further confused when Mrs. Tiggy-winkle sheds her human clothing at the end of the tale to reveal herself a hedgehog who may or may not be able to shed her skin as well. If she can shed her skin, then why is she wearing human clothes? Kutzer believes these questions remain unanswered and erode the tale's logic. Shedding one's clothes, Kutzer observes, is a symbol of", "id": "14766920" }, { "contents": "History of HIV/AIDS\n\n\nloose ends remain. It is not yet explained why only four HIV groups (HIV-1 groups M and O, and HIV-2 groups A and B) spread considerably in human populations, despite bushmeat practices being widespread in Central and West Africa, and the resulting human SIV infections being common. It also remains unexplained why all epidemic HIV groups emerged in humans nearly simultaneously, and only in the 20th century, despite very old human exposure to SIV (a recent phylogenetic study demonstrated that SIV is at least tens of thousands of years old", "id": "7359339" }, { "contents": "Diurnal motion\n\n\nDiurnal motion (, from \"dies\", lit. \"day\") is an astronomical term referring to the apparent motion of celestial objects (e.g. the Sun and stars) around Earth, or more precisely around the two celestial poles, over the course of one day. It is caused by Earth's rotation around its axis, so almost every star appears to follow a circular arc path called the diurnal circle. The time for one complete rotation is 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.09 seconds – one sidereal day", "id": "13211372" }, { "contents": "Diurnal motion\n\n\n. The first experimental demonstration of this motion was conducted by Léon Foucault. The relative direction of diurnal motion in the Northern Celestial Hemisphere are as follows: Thus, northern circumpolar stars move counterclockwise around Polaris, the north pole star. At the North Pole, the cardinal directions do not apply to diurnal motion. Within the circumpolar circle, all the stars move simply rightward, or looking directly overhead, counterclockwise around the zenith, where Polaris is. Southern Celestial Hemisphere observers are to replace north with south, left with right,", "id": "13211373" }, { "contents": "Diurnal motion\n\n\n, has a length proportional to the cosine of the declination. Thus, the speed of the diurnal motion of a celestial object equals this cosine times 15° per hour, 15 arcminutes per minute, or 15 arcseconds per second. Per a certain period of time, a given angular distance traveled by an object along or near the celestial equator may be compared to the angular diameter of one of the following objects: Star trail and time-lapse photography capture diurnal motion blur. The apparent motion of stars near the celestial pole", "id": "13211375" }, { "contents": "Diurnal temperature variation\n\n\nstates' Intermountain Plateau areas, for example Elko, Nevada, Ashton, Idaho and Burns, Oregon. The higher the humidity is, the lower the diurnal temperature variation is. Diurnal temperature variation is of particular importance in viticulture. Wine regions situated in areas of high altitude experience the most dramatic swing in temperature variation during the course of a day. In grapes, this variation has the effect of producing high acid and high sugar content as the grapes' exposure to sunlight increases the ripening qualities while the sudden drop in temperature", "id": "16808441" }, { "contents": "Ionospheric dynamo region\n\n\n-2) tidal wave mode. Due to its constant phase with altitude, is most efficient to drive coherent winds at dynamo layer height, while the currents generated by the internal modes interfere destructively at various heights. A Fourier analysis shows a semidiurnal component with an amplitude of 1 /2 of that of the diurnal component, phase shifted by 180°. This appears to be the result of nonlinear coupling between the product of the diurnally varying wind and the diurnally varying conductivity The centers of the daytime vortices show a day to day variability", "id": "19235760" }, { "contents": "Giant anteater\n\n\nanteaters in the Brazilian Pantanal found the animals generally forage in open areas and rest in forested areas, possibly because forests are warmer than grasslands on cold days and cooler on hot days. Giant anteaters can be either diurnal or nocturnal. A 2006 study in the Pantanal found those anteaters to be mostly nocturnal: they are most active during nighttime and early morning, and retire as the temperature rises. On colder days, they start and end periods of activity earlier, shifting them into daylight hours, and may become diurnal. Diurnal", "id": "20731338" }, { "contents": "Surface layer\n\n\nof the mixed layer by assigning a set temperature or density difference in water between surface and deep ocean observations – this is known as the “threshold method”. However, this diurnal cycle does not have the same effect in midlatitudes as it does at tropical latitudes. Tropical regions are less likely than midlatitude regions to have a mixed layer dependent on diurnal temperature changes. One study explored diurnal variability of the mixed layer depth in the Western Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Results suggested no appreciable change in the mixed layer depth with the time", "id": "22081642" }, { "contents": "Diurnality\n\n\nMasking can be referred to either as positive masking or negative masking, with it either increasing an diurnal animals activity or decreasing a nocturnal animal's activity, respectively. This can be depicted when exposing different types of rodents to the same photoperiods. When a diurnal Nile grass rat and nocturnal mouse are exposed to the same photoperiod and light intensity, increased activity occurred within the grass rat (positive masking), and decreased activity within the mouse (negative masking). Even small amounts of environmental light change have shown to have an", "id": "22124612" }, { "contents": "Diurnality\n\n\nfood and sleep) will be more active in the light cycle, meaning they will be more active in the day. This has been shown in studies done on small nocturnal mice in a laboratory setting. When they were placed under a combination of enough cold and hunger stress, they converted to diurnality through temporal niche switching, which was expected. Another similar study that involved energetically challenging small mammals showed that diurnality is most beneficial when the animal has a sheltered location to rest in, reducing heat loss. Both studies concluded that", "id": "22124616" }, { "contents": "Diurnality\n\n\nnocturnal mammals do change their activity patterns to be more diurnal when energetically stressed (due to heat loss and limited food availability), but only when predation is also limited, meaning the risks of predation are less than the risk of freezing or starving to death. Many plants are diurnal or nocturnal, depending on the time period when the most effective pollinators, i.e., insects, visit the plant. Most angiosperm plants are visited by various insects, so the flower adapts its phenology to the most effective pollinators. Thus, the", "id": "22124617" } ]
What is the purpose of the mesh lining inside swim trunks?
[{"answer": "Originally the mesh was used as a lightweight barrier to block men's wee-wee's from direct contract from the fabric of the actual boardshorts. When the cloth got wet it got heavier and would cause your sensitive bits to chafe and that's very uncomfortable. More and more companies are starting to make boardshorts without the mesh now, however. They are able to do this because of the inventions of micro-fibers and quick drying technology. There's also a new stitch pattern called \"flat-lock\" stitching which is a non-abrasive stitch used a lot now in active wear clothing. You'll see it a lot in Nike and Under Armour. Source: Worked for both Under Armour and Hurley for several years. EDIT: The underwear underneath the boardshorts seems to have some mixed opinions from what I've read. I personally wear Hurley Phantom boardshorts without any underwear on and there is no chaffing issue. The only downside that I PERSONALLY see about wearing underwear underneath is that it takes longer for you to dry completely. I don't believe only douches wear underwear and I don't think it's a weird decision. It's all about comfort."}, {"answer": "When I was a kid I went to a swimming pool with my big cousin. He trusted a fart and the mesh lining acted as a shit sieve trapping the larger particles of the rapidly expanding crumb cloud that was emanating from him in the water. For years after I believed that this was the reason for the mesh."}, {"answer": "When you jump into a pool, waterski, or engage in a number of other aquatic activities, your swim trunks have a tendency to ride up your thighs, creating the potential for your junk to flop out. The mesh lining is there to act as underwear so that the junk flop doesn't happen."}, {"answer": "So far no one has given you the correct answer. Yes, it is true that swim suits use a double lining for modesty but the reason they use mesh is for one reason and one reason only. SAND Playing in the surf and on the beach will collect sand in your shorts. But, with mesh the sand will fall away. No longer will you leave piles of sand where ever you change at. Also, now you can spray off at the beach without having to take your shorts off since you can simply spray out what sand remains in your shorts while standing under the shower/hose with your shorts still on. I live on a boat most the year and in our \"guide to guests\" we recommend they buy swimwear with mesh just to keep sand from being tracked all over the boat. (That and spray off on the stern deck and take off their sand filled shoes.) EDIT: This is also why beach bags, scuba bags, snorkel bags are often made of mesh. allow the sand to fall out."}, {"answer": "It acts like underwear, serving the same purpose. But it's a mesh, and usually similar material as the swim trunks so that it doesn't absorb water like regular cotton underwear would do."}, {"answer": "OK everyone is picking one thing and saying that's why buy it's a few things. Swim trunks used to chafe but it's not as much of an issue now with all of the fancy weaves and fabrics. If you're wearing short trunks, you don't want you balls hanging out one of the sides now do you? When they get wet, then you get out of the pool, there's a decent chance your trunks have just shrink wrapped your junk and are displaying it to the world."}, {"answer": "What I want to know is, why the fuck don't they have drawstrings around the entire waistband anymore? That is annoying as fuck."}, {"answer": "I always thought it was built in underwear. On a side not, most inner mesh was kind of a net design, but I had a pair when I was young, very shiny blue pair that had a silk like lining on the inside, I used to love those trunks, so comfortable."}, {"answer": "So you could maintain junk control without the underwear being weighed down by water. The mesh lets the water move in and out of the shorts freely."}, {"answer": "I always thought it was too keep your junk from falling out the leg of the shorts. And when I buy trunks without the mesh I wear the man equivalent of spanks to make sure I have no unintended junk lookers."}, {"answer": "I always assumed it acted like a jock strap when you were being active while swimming, playing volleyball, or in a training montage with Apollo Creed. Keeping the boys from flapping around all willy nilly."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "45317941", "title": "Shark barrier", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["A shark barrier (otherwise known as a \"shark-proof enclosure\" or \"beach enclosure\") is seabed-to-surface protective barrier that is placed around a beach to protect people from shark attacks. Often confused with shark nets, shark barriers form a fully enclosed swimming area that prevents sharks from entering (nets aim to reduce shark populations). Shark barrier design has evolved from rudimentary fencing materials to netted structures held in place with buoys and anchors. Recent designs have used plastics to increase strength, versatility and to reduce the environmental damage of bycatch.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "A shark barrier (otherwise known as a \"shark-proof enclosure\" or \"beach enclosure\") is seabed-to-surface protective barrier that is placed around a beach to protect people from shark attacks. Often confused with shark nets, shark barriers form a fully enclosed swimming area that prevents sharks from entering (nets aim to reduce shark populations). Shark barrier design has evolved from rudimentary fencing materials to netted structures held in place with buoys and anchors. Recent designs have used plastics to increase strength, versatility and to reduce the environmental damage of bycatch."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "4908127", "title": "Substrate (aquarium)", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The substrate of an aquarium refers to the material used on the tank bottom. It can affect water chemistry, filtration, and the well-being of the aquarium's inhabitants, and is also an important part of the aquarium's aesthetic appeal. The appropriate substrate depends on the type of aquarium; the most important parameter is whether the aquarium contains fresh water or saltwater.", "The substrate of an aquarium refers to the material used on the tank bottom. It can affect water chemistry, filtration, and the well-being of the aquarium's inhabitants, and is also an important part of the aquarium's aesthetic appeal. The appropriate substrate depends on the type of aquarium; the most important parameter is whether the aquarium contains fresh water or saltwater."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Fishing tackle\n\n\nsteel wire in the shape of a heart, with chicken wire stretched around it. The mesh wraps around the frame and then tapers into the inside of the trap. When a fish swims inside through this opening, it cannot get out, as the chicken wire opening bends back into its original narrowness. In earlier times, traps were constructed of wood and fibre. A fish stringer is a line of rope or chain along which an angler can string fish that have been caught so they can be immersed and kept alive", "id": "4512252" }, { "contents": "Cargo barrier\n\n\nA cargo barrier is a vehicle accessory installed into motor vehicles to aid occupancy safety when carrying loads or domestic pets, (usually dogs) in the rear section of a vehicle. Other terms used for cargo barriers include: dog guard, mesh partition, load separator, pet barrier, and mesh grille. A cargo barrier can take many shapes and forms, but generally is of metal construction, fabricated or assembled with bars of mesh. The main purpose is to act as a barrier between the boot / trunk area and passenger", "id": "14693470" }, { "contents": "Yugambeh people\n\n\ninner bark of many tree trunks was used for rope production, and fine strings were made from grasses. The Cotton Tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus) was used to produce rope for all kinds of purposes, while the inner bark of the Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) was used for fishing line. Kangaroo sinew was used to fasten implements or sowing possum skins and echidna spines were used to pierce the skins. These manufactured ropes were used for net production – nets with large meshes were made from strong ropes and used for dugong and wallaby", "id": "17935823" }, { "contents": "Number Five Crossbar Switching System\n\n\n(DTM) just to connect the line to the OR, and completing markers (CM), many times more complex and expensive, to complete the call to or from a trunk. CM has, among other features, the ability to translate the first 3 digits of a phone number (or 6 when using a separate foreign area translator) to identify the correct outgoing trunks and handling. \"Connectors\", similar in purpose to the data buses inside a computer CPU, connect the markers to the peripheral equipment. each", "id": "4327901" }, { "contents": "Chaetognatha\n\n\n\"Eukrohnia fowleri\", have bioluminescent organs on their fins. Chaetognaths swim in short bursts using a dorso-ventral undulating body motion, where their tail fin assists with propulsion and the body fins with stabilization and steering. Some species are known to use the neurotoxin tetrodotoxin to subdue prey. The body cavity is lined by peritoneum, and therefore represents a true coelom, and is divided into one compartment on each side of the trunk, and additional compartments inside the head and tail, all separated completely by septa. Although they", "id": "20682888" }, { "contents": "Gillnetting\n\n\nreferred to as \"lead line.\" A gill net is normally set in a straight line. Gill nets can be characterized by mesh size, as well as colour and type of filament from which they are made. Fish may be caught by gill nets in three ways: Most often fish are gilled. A fish swims into a net and passes only part way through the mesh. When it struggles to free itself, the twine slips behind the gill cover and prevents escape. Gillnets are so effective that their use is", "id": "14397260" }, { "contents": "Polygon\n\n\nNaming conventions differ from those of mathematicians: Any surface is modelled as a tessellation called polygon mesh. If a square mesh has points (vertices) per side, there are \"n\" squared squares in the mesh, or 2\"n\" squared triangles since there are two triangles in a square. There are vertices per triangle. Where \"n\" is large, this approaches one half. Or, each vertex inside the square mesh connects four edges (lines). The imaging system calls up the structure of polygons needed for", "id": "4049938" }, { "contents": "Swim briefs\n\n\nseen to some extent. In some swimming pools in France, men are only permitted to wear swimming trunks and not shorts, for reasons relating to hygiene. Swim briefs are chosen for recreation include style, ease of movement in the water, sunshine exposure, quick drying time, and the ability to be worn under pants or shorts. Former Australian prime minister Tony Abbott was a fitness fanatic noted for wearing \"speedos\" or \"budgie smugglers\". Swim briefs are sometimes worn under board shorts for modesty purposes, and they", "id": "9669216" }, { "contents": "Fish trap\n\n\nA fish trap is a trap used for fishing. Fish traps can have the form of a fishing weir or a lobster trap. Some fishing nets are also called fish traps, for example fyke nets. A typical contemporary trap consists of a frame of thick steel wire in the shape of a heart, with chicken wire stretched around it. The mesh wraps around the frame and then tapers into the inside of the trap. When a fish swims inside through this opening, it cannot get out, as the chicken wire", "id": "5021987" }, { "contents": "Swimming pool sanitation\n\n\nThey also direct the particles into the internal filter bag. Saline chlorination units, electronic oxidation systems, ionization systems, microbe disinfection with ultra-violet lamp systems, and \"Tri-Chlor Feeders\" are other independent or auxiliary systems for swimming pool sanitation. A consecutive dilution system is arranged to remove organic waste in stages after it passes through the skimmer. Waste matter is trapped inside one or more sequential skimmer basket sieves, each having a finer mesh to further dilute contaminant size. Dilution here is defined as the action of", "id": "8206445" }, { "contents": "Swim trunks\n\n\nSwim trunks are brief shorts, loose-fitting or tight, worn for sports, especially boxing, swimming, and track. When worn as a swimsuit, trunks are often referred to as \"swimming trunks\" or \"bathing trunks\" (or with the more general term \"bathing suit\" or a synonym) and are normally shorter than board shorts, which extend to the knees. Trunks are the most popular type of male swimsuit in North America. They vary in style and design, though most are made of nylon", "id": "13103162" }, { "contents": "Earth potential rise\n\n\nsystem neutral and that contacted an energized line would expose any person in contact with the crane or its uninsulated load line to a touch voltage nearly equal to the full fault voltage. \"Mesh voltage\" is a factor calculated when a grid of grounding conductors is installed. Mesh voltage is the potential difference between the metallic object connected to the grid, and the potential of the soil within the grid. It is significant because a person may be standing inside the grid at a point with a large voltage relative to the grid itself", "id": "3916948" }, { "contents": "History of rail transport in Norway\n\n\nconstructed the first public railway in the world. The Trunk Line ran from Oslo to Eidsvold. Its main purpose was to transport lumber from Mjøsa to the capital, but also passenger services were operated. Construction of the line started in 1851 and it was opened on 1 September 1854. Finance for the Trunk Line was raised by issuing 2.2 million shares for Norwegian speciedaler. Half the capital was provided by British shareholders and the other half by Norwegian interests, of which the State accounted for just over half. The Trunk Line was", "id": "13652602" }, { "contents": "Surgical mesh\n\n\nmesh currently also promotes a greater foreign body reaction and inflammatory response, which is faulty for biocompatibility purposes of the mesh. For these reasons, PVDF is still under consideration and experimentation for bodily implants. Inflammatory responses to mesh insertion promote tissue formation around mesh fibers and proliferation of fibroblasts, polymorphonucleocytes, and macrophages, which all aid in the integration of mesh. Failures to resolve inflammatory responses may lead to foreign body reactions and the ultimate encapsulation of the implant which negates any functional purpose that the implant was supposed to serve. Mesenchymal", "id": "9771124" }, { "contents": "The Amazing Race 22\n\n\ngear. In Pick a Pearl, teams traveled to a point half-mile off-shore in the open water where they had to dive and untie lines of pearl oysters. They had to shuck (open) them to find two red pearls and then swim to an oyster farmer, where they could trade the red pearls for the next clue. In Take a Trunk, teams dove underwater, wearing special diving helmets, to look for a series of treasure trunks. They then had to take a trunk over to a", "id": "8294325" }, { "contents": "Optical mesh network\n\n\nthe design, deployment, operations and management of mesh optical networks. Optical switches build by companies such as Sycamore and Ciena (with STS-1 granularity of switching) and Tellium (with STS-48 granularity of switching) have been deployed in operational mesh networks. Calient has built all-optical switches based on 3D MEMS technology. Optical mesh networks today not only provide trunking capacity to higher-layer networks, such as inter-router or inter-switch connectivity in an IP, MPLS, or Ethernet-centric packet infrastructure, but also", "id": "2226856" }, { "contents": "Tomboy (2011 film)\n\n\nthat Mikäel is the new kid in the apartment complex. Mikäel becomes friends with Lisa and the boys, playing soccer with them. When invited to go swimming, Mikäel cuts a one-piece swimsuit into male swim trunks, and makes a clay penis to put inside. Over time, Lisa and Mikäel become closer, and Lisa eventually kisses Mikäel. Mikäel also becomes increasingly accepted by the group of boys. One day while playing, Lisa makes up Mikäel's face and comments: \"You look good as a girl.", "id": "7485006" }, { "contents": "Geometry processing\n\n\nformula_108 For a closed mesh, formula_107 is equivalent to the characteristic function for the volume represented by formula_9. Therefore, we say: formula_111 Because formula_107 is a harmonic function, it degrades gracefully, meaning the inside-outside segmentation would not change much if we poked holes in a closed mesh. For this reason, the Generalized Winding Number handles open meshes robustly. The boundary between inside and outside smoothly passes over holes in the mesh. In fact, in the limit, the Generalized Winding Number is equivalent to the ray-", "id": "18402174" }, { "contents": "Just Men!\n\n\nthe car started, the champion retired undefeated and won the car. If not, she won a consolation prize and White informed her which key would have been the correct choice. She then would use that key to open the trunk of the car, inside of which was a prop to give the champion some idea of what her consolation prize was. For instance, if the trunk had a tulip plant inside, the consolation prize would be a vacation in Holland. For each subsequent win, the champion was allowed to choose", "id": "3521457" }, { "contents": "Hybrid fibre-coaxial\n\n\ncable. Trunk coaxial cables are connected to the optical node and form a coaxial backbone to which smaller distribution cables connect. Trunk cables also carry AC power which is added to the cable line at usually either 60 or 90 V by a power supply (with a lead acid backup battery inside) and a power inserter. The power is added to the cable line so that optical nodes, trunk and distribution amplifiers do not need an individual, external power source. The power supply might have a power meter next to it depending", "id": "21953358" }, { "contents": "The Trunk (The Twilight Zone)\n\n\nhe's locked in the trunk. Before long, the trunk is sitting in the living room of a girl who has apparently just moved into her apartment. She receives a phone call from her mother and they talk about her finding a man. The girl off-offhandedly says \"I wish.\" All the while she is talking, the girl is trying to pry open the trunk apparently not knowing what's inside. She manages to get it open and out pops Willy Gardner, who is now clean-cut and", "id": "13700206" }, { "contents": "Lei Yue Mun Park and Holiday Village\n\n\nsevere however. According to several signs we have discovered, with the words 'Ladies Changing Room' and 'Please Shower Before Entering The Pool.', as well as what seems to be a dried up pool right beside it, we can confirm that Block 01 was formerly used as a Changing Room for soldiers to prepare for swimming workouts. Inside, there also seems to be a small room, used for showering purposes, and large pipes that have gone rusty. Unlike the other isolated blocks mentioned above, the map", "id": "18347438" }, { "contents": "Swim briefs\n\n\n. Many of these companies have expanded their merchandise to reflect recent trends in water sports. These include the growing popularity of the jammer style and the development of full body suits for competitive swimming. On the fashion end, several designer companies including Nautica, Olaf Benz, Calvin Klein and aussieBum have begun lines of brief style suits in the United States. Most designer brands of male swimwear in Europe, Asia and Australia produce lines of much briefer style suits, including the increasingly popular Brazilian square cut trunks (known as \"sunga", "id": "9669221" }, { "contents": "The Hand (1981 film)\n\n\n. The sheriff, with Lizzy, and his deputies attempt to ask Lansdale what happened. Discovering that Anne is still alive, Lansdale attempts to explain what happened when the officers notice a pungent smell permeating the area in the carport around the car, specifically from the trunk. Lansdale tries to prove that nothing is wrong by opening the trunk, only to be horrified by the sight of Stella and Brian's dead bodies stuffed inside. At a local insane asylum, a psychologist (Viveca Lindfors) is trying to communicate with Lansdale", "id": "3426346" }, { "contents": "Mesh grounded bobbin lace\n\n\nto reproduce the intricate mesh laces. The \"Kantnormaalschool\" (School of Lace Teaching) founded in Brugge in 1911 developed a color code. Simply put: where lines cross, a color indicates what to do at that point. The method is commonly accepted and applied in modern pattern books. Especially for mesh laces though other types of lace types may also benefit from the drawing technique. Before the mid-nineteenth century, not many corners were designed. For commercial use straight length were cut and rejoined or gathered to fit", "id": "13289495" }, { "contents": "Smart key\n\n\npulled out from a release at top. The metal key is used for valet purposes such as locking the glovebox and/or trunk before the SmartKey is turned over to a parking attendant. Once locked manually, the trunk cannot be opened with the SmartKey or interior buttons. The key fob utilizes a radio-frequency transponder to communicate with the door locks, but it uses infrared to communicate with the engine immobilizer system. Original SmartKeys had a limited frequency and could have only been used in line-of-sight for safety purposes", "id": "19183958" }, { "contents": "Version control\n\n\nand checked into any repository. When checking into a different repository, this is interpreted as a merge or patch. In terms of graph theory, revisions are generally thought of as a line of development (the \"trunk\") with branches off of this, forming a directed tree, visualized as one or more parallel lines of development (the \"mainlines\" of the branches) branching off a trunk. In reality the structure is more complicated, forming a directed acyclic graph, but for many purposes \"tree with merges", "id": "11231778" }, { "contents": "D.C. sniper attacks\n\n\nXM-15 semiautomatic .223 caliber rifle equipped with an EOTech holographic weapon sight which is effective at ranges of up to , which was found in the vehicle. The trunk of the Chevrolet Caprice was modified to serve as a \"rolling sniper's nest\". The back seat was modified to allow a person access to the trunk. Once inside, the sniper could lie prone with shots taken from a small hole near the license plate created for that purpose. Investigators and the prosecution suggested during pre-trial motions that Muhammad intended to kill", "id": "14585674" }, { "contents": "John Draper\n\n\nthe same frequency that AT&T long lines used to indicate that a trunk line was available for routing a new call. The tone disconnected one end of the trunk while the still-connected side entered an operator mode. The vulnerability they had exploited was limited to call-routing switches that relied on in-band signaling. After 1980 and the introduction of Signalling System No. 7 most U.S. phone lines relied almost exclusively on out-of-band signaling. This change rendered the toy whistles and blue boxes useless for phreaking purposes", "id": "3092998" }, { "contents": "Australia (Modern Family)\n\n\n(Rico Rodriguez) want to spend the time at the beach so they can \"admire\" the topless women. They spot one and Luke runs into the water to try and talk to her but a strong wave pulls him under and causes him to lose his swim trunks. The topless woman sees that something happened and when she learns what it is, she offers to help him find his trunks saying that it will not be hard since the water is really clear, something that makes Luke panic. Cam (Eric Stonestreet", "id": "18128911" }, { "contents": "Mesh generation\n\n\nmesh; a research subarea is studying the existence and generation of meshes of specific small configurations, such as the tetragonal trapezohedron. Because of the difficulty of this problem, the existence of combinatorial hex meshes has been studied apart from the problem of generating good geometric realizations. While known algorithms generate simplicial meshes with guaranteed minimum quality, such guarantees are rare for cubical meshes, and many popular implementations generate inverted (inside-out) hexes from some inputs. Meshes are often created in serial on workstations, even when subsequent calculations over", "id": "19134679" }, { "contents": "The Spook's Battle\n\n\n's throat, he gives in. Mab opens the first trunk and finds Mam's wedding gown, some vials of liquid, bags full of gold, books in Greek, and a letter to Tom, also in Greek. It says that only he can open the other two trunks, in moonlight, and that Mam's two sisters sleep inside them and will protect Tom with their own lives if necessary. Without telling Mab what is in the other two trunks, he agrees to open them that night if Alice and his", "id": "21827188" }, { "contents": "Nude swimming\n\n\nwas responsible for providing swimming classes to countless numbers of American boys and teenagers. This included swimming in indoor pools. For a time, swimming trunks were not permitted in YMCA pools. In Lincoln, Nebraska in 1958, for example, learners were told just to bring a towel and not to bring trunks. In Sheboygan, Wisconsin in 1954, the Recreation Department reported that 404 youngsters had attended an 11-day swimming course where the boys were unhampered by bathing suits. In 1910, sand filtration was introduced which reduced the number of", "id": "2765949" }, { "contents": "Cherry Street lift bridge\n\n\nToronto government once operated a swing bridge over the Keating Channel at or near Cherry Street. The current bridge, constructed in 1968, is a vehicle and pedestrian bascule bridge, with a metal mesh deck. The original swing bridge was a made of wood, and only carried a single rail line, operated by the Grand Trunk Railway. The City solicited bid for the first swing bridge in 1896. Contractors were allowed to propose either a metal or wood bridge. The Privy Council of Canada approved funding of the bridge in 1900", "id": "20143228" }, { "contents": "Sukumizu\n\n\n, short for , is a variant of swimwear intended for use by school students during swimming lessons in Japan. They can come in the form of either a one-piece or a two-piece swimsuit for girls, the latter of which corresponds to a sleeveless shirt for the upper torso. Boys, on the other hand, generally wear swim trunks. They are usually coloured in a dark blue hue, are closely fitting, and have typical seam lines that run laterally across the chest for girls. The material is generally", "id": "3241074" }, { "contents": "Hippocampinae\n\n\non the back of the head (instead of two on the sides as in normal seahorses), and the males brood their young inside their trunk, instead of in a pouch on the tail. A molecular phylogeny confirms that the pygmy seahorses are a monophyletic sister lineage of all other seahorses. The morphology of pygmy pipehorses suggests that they are an evolutionary link between pipefishes and seahorses, and that seahorses are upright-swimming pygmy pipehorses. Molecular dating indicates that \"Hippocampus\" and \"Idiotropiscis\" diverged from a common ancestor during", "id": "16981932" }, { "contents": "Trunk shot\n\n\nThe trunk shot is a cinematic camera angle which captures film from inside the trunk of a car. Though the trunk shot can be produced by placing the camera inside the trunk, the considerable bulk of a conventional movie camera and camera operator makes this difficult. Therefore, the shot is usually \"cheated\" by having the art department place a trunk door and some of the trunk frame close enough to the camera to make it appear to be shot from within a car. The trunk shot is a specialized type of low-", "id": "15362209" }, { "contents": "Underwater Demolition Team\n\n\n1 did both. Ensign Lewis F. Luehrs and Seabee Chief Bill Acheson had anticipated that they would not be able to carry out the assignment following Fort Pierce protocol and had worn swim trunks beneath their fatigues. Stripping down, they swam 45 minutes undetected across the reef returning with sketches of gun emplacements and other intelligence. Still in their trunks, they were taken directly to Rear Admiral Turner's flagship to report. Afterwards, Rear Admiral Turner concluded that the only way to get this kind of information was to do what these men", "id": "20136710" }, { "contents": "Allerton Avenue station\n\n\nwindscreens have mesh fences at various points. The station signs are in the standard black name plates with white lettering. The 2006 artwork here is called \"Allerton Mandalas\" by Michele Brody. It consists of stained glass panels on the platform windscreens featuring twisting colors of red and green (representing the trunk lines of the 2 and 5 trains). This station has one elevated station house beneath the center of the platforms and tracks. Two staircases from each platform go down a waiting area. The back of the token booth faces", "id": "16415883" }, { "contents": "Fin Fin on Teo the Magic Planet\n\n\na tree at the back with a hole in the trunk, forming a small cave. FinFin comes to this bay to relax. Therefore, the player is recommended not to disturb him. However, the player can watch FinFin while swimming, playing and catching fish. If the player is lucky, FinFin's wife will also appear at this location for a brief moment. This place is available in the 4-world version and above. In the foreground is a cave inside the water. In the background of the upper part of", "id": "20485135" }, { "contents": "Sieve analysis\n\n\nwhich is connected to the chamber. The vacuum cleaner generates a vacuum inside the sieving chamber and sucks in fresh air through the slotted nozzle. When passing the narrow slit of the nozzle the air stream is accelerated and blown against the sieve mesh, dispersing the particles. Above the mesh, the air jet is distributed over the complete sieve surface and is sucked in with low speed through the sieve mesh. Thus the finer particles are transported through the mesh openings into the vacuum cleaner. Woven wire mesh sieves are according to technical", "id": "20930219" }, { "contents": "Assay Office, Mareeba\n\n\nThere are three windows, all are double hung sash windows with plain timber surrounds. Fanlights have been incorporated into the front door and the door on the western side of the building. A panel of wire mesh is fixed to the inside of all glass windows for security purposes. A large block of concrete located on the eastern wall marks the location of the Muffle Furnace. Next to this is a damaged section of brick wall where some of the bricks have been removed from the wall and are now lying in a heap on", "id": "21703708" }, { "contents": "Venture One diving accident\n\n\nwith the threat of losing bell communications looming over his head, supervisor Pettit asked Hammond to “drop back down into the trunking and lash Craig’s body to the outside of the bell…and they would then bring the bell to the surface.” When the bell arrived at the surface, a diver was lowered into the water to free Hoffman’s body and swim it to a recovery basket. Then the bell was brought on board and locked onto the chamber system. Inside the system, diver James McLellan received Dave Hammond", "id": "14183326" }, { "contents": "Osedax japonicus\n\n\njaponicus\" has been studied. Female worms reach maturity at about six weeks. They secrete mucus to form a tube that surrounds their trunk. Male worms are minute by comparison with the females and they take up residence inside the tubes. The females spawn eggs and retain them in the mucus where they are fertilised by the males. Here they develop for a time before they swim out of the mucus as trochophore larvae. The larvae are then planktonic and can live for at least ten days in the open sea. It seems", "id": "8225329" }, { "contents": "Baseball field\n\n\ninsides of the boxes are watered down before each game. The chalk lines delineating the two foul lines are rarely extended through the batter's boxes. However, those lines exist conceptually for the purpose of judging a batted ball fair or foul. In addition, inside edges of the batter's boxes are often not laid-in with chalk. Similarly, though not marked, those lines continue to exist for the purpose of the rules pertaining to the batter's box and the batter's position relative thereto. There are two batter", "id": "8537366" }, { "contents": "Competitive swimwear\n\n\nthe lower waist. They are generally secured by thin banding at the upper thighs and either a drawstring around the waist or an elastic waistband. Swim briefs are most often made of a nylon and spandex (Lycra) composite, while some longer lasting suits are made from polyester and still others from other materials. Most swim briefs have a beige or white front lining made of a similar fabric. A drag suit is a pair of baggy squarecut or brief-style trunks that competitive swimmers may wear over their normal suit to provide", "id": "14486661" }, { "contents": "Flame arrester\n\n\nup the mesh can create an opening large enough to allow the flame to penetrate and spread beyond the barrier. On a fuel storage vent, flame arresters also serve a secondary purpose of allowing air pressure to equalize inside the tank when fuel is added or removed, while also preventing insects from flying or crawling into the vent piping and fouling the fuel in the tanks and pipes. Flame arresters should be used only in the gas group and conditions they have been designed and tested for. Since the depth on an arrester is specified", "id": "6085274" }, { "contents": "K-38 trailer\n\n\nlantern used for roadside warning purposes, and on inspection appears rather more elaborate than it needs to be. A fabricated steel guard with mesh sides was provided for the lantern. No electrical wiring was provided on the original trailer, but a single taillight and reflector were commonly added. Security was by padlock and hasp on the main lid, the rear lower hatch being secured by a pin with a pull handle running up the rear inside of the main body. Production quantities are not known, but serial number spread suggest that FWD", "id": "8136522" }, { "contents": "Swimming in the United States\n\n\nin order to gain an idea about what it might be like to attend that college. The trips are funded by the athletic department and are known as structured sales pitches designed to impress the student-athlete. Each student-athlete is allowed to take five official recruiting trips, each lasting no longer than 48 hours. Swimmers most often base their college decisions on how well they mesh with the existing team and coaching staff, the location of the school, the academic opportunities, and the cost of attendance. Student-athletes", "id": "6765621" }, { "contents": "CP4 (classification)\n\n\nCP4 is a disability sport classification specific to cerebral palsy. In many sports, it is grouped inside other classifications to allow people with cerebral palsy to compete against people with other different disabilities but the same level of functionality. Compared lower number CP classes, they have fewer issues with head movement and trunk function. They tend to use wheelchairs on a daily basis though they may be ambulant with the use of assistive devices. Sports that CP4 athletes are eligible to participate in include athletics, cycling, skiing, slalom, swimming,", "id": "5336787" }, { "contents": "Polygonal modeling\n\n\nattractive when rendered, it is desirable that it be non-self-intersecting, meaning that no edge passes through a polygon. Another way of looking at this is that the mesh cannot pierce itself. It is also desirable that the mesh not contain any errors such as doubled vertices, edges, or faces. For some purposes it is important that the mesh be a manifold – that is, that it does not contain holes or singularities (locations where two distinct sections of the mesh are connected by a single vertex", "id": "10773827" }, { "contents": "Swimming pool sanitation\n\n\nmesh of 14 to the inch (5.5 per centimeter) to 24 to the inch (9.5 per cm)). A pressure fed sand filter is termed a 'High Rate' sand filter, and will generally filter turbid water of particulates no less than 10 micrometers in size. The rapid sand filter type are periodically 'back washed' as contaminants reduce water flow and increase back pressure. Indicated by a pressure gauge on the pressure side of the filter reaching into the 'red line' area, the pool owner is", "id": "8206438" }, { "contents": "Long-tailed tit\n\n\nsuspended either low in a gorse or bramble bush or high up in the forks of tree branches. The structural stability of the nest is provided by a mesh of moss and spider silk. The tiny leaves of the moss act as hooks and the spider silk of egg cocoons provides the loops; thus forming a natural form of velcro. The tit lines the outside with hundreds of flakes of pale lichens - this provides camouflage. Inside, it lines the nest with more than 2,000 downy feathers to insulate the nest. Nests suffer", "id": "18973630" }, { "contents": "Peter and the Starcatcher\n\n\na nearby island. Alf and Mrs. Bumbrake search for flotsam to make a raft; Ted and Prentiss cling to one another; Stache commands Smee to follow the trunk; Molly dives into the ocean and swims after Peter; Peter rides the trunk toward the island with fish swimming in its golden wake. A group of Mermaids recount in vaudevillian song their experience of being transformed from regular fish after swimming in the wake of the starstuff. The Mountain-Top Lookout Point Atop a mountain on the island, Peter absorbs the freedom of", "id": "17292508" }, { "contents": "Swimming machine\n\n\nstainless steel water circulation tunnels - inside the body of a vinyl-lined metal pool. Its stream of water is narrower than that of the \"SwimEx,\" though the swimming experience is comparable. Other companies have copied this system since it was introduced. Around the same time, the \"Swim Gym,\" a propeller-driven propulsion system became available commercially. This machine is encased within a large (10\" diameter) PVC tee which is then incorporated into the concrete wall of a swimming pool. It delivers a", "id": "16773732" }, { "contents": "Speedo\n\n\nAquabeat and LZR Racer Aquabeat digital music players and related accessories, which are manufactured by South Korean consumer electronics company Iriver. Speedo's electronics offerings also include the Auquashot waterproof digital camera. Speedo USA's men's collections are categorised as: Competition, Racing, Boardshorts and Swim Trunks, Fashion, and Lifeguard. Speedo International's men's offerings also include wetsuits. Both Speedo USA and Speedo International also offer a wide range of children's styles including performance, racing, fashion and beginner lines. Swim records were broken in Speedo", "id": "10953262" }, { "contents": "Spare tire\n\n\non top of the spare tire well with the trunk carpet on top of it to hide the spare tire and provide a pleasant look to and a flat surface for the trunk space. Other storage solutions include storing the spare in a cradle underneath the rear of the vehicle. This cradle is usually secured by a bolt that is accessible from inside the trunk, for security. This arrangement has advantages over storing the tire inside the trunk, including not having to empty the contents of the trunk to access the wheel and this arrangement", "id": "892635" }, { "contents": "Swimming pool\n\n\nlocated inside, under a roof and insulated by at least three walls. Built for the purpose of year-round swimming or training, they are found in all climate types. Since the pool room is insulated, it is less likely the heat will escape; making it less expensive to heat than an outdoor pool where the heat will escape. Architecturally, the indoor pool may look like the rest of the house, but in terms of engineering, variables such as heating and ventilation are required to ensure comfortable humidity levels.", "id": "17849282" }, { "contents": "Edwin Davis Company\n\n\ninvest over £750,000 into the city's two main swimming pools. Whilst the idea of a swimming pool was scrapped it is hoped that a new purpose built ice arena at the site will still go-ahead. In July 2015, a group of historians including members of the Hull Civic Society, toured the interior of the building, however it was found to be completely ruined inside. On 20 July 2016, the owners of the former department store confirmed that they were revisiting plans to turn it into accommodation, citing '", "id": "21002064" }, { "contents": "Larvacea\n\n\nform has a discrete trunk and tail. Evolution by retaining juvenile traits as an adult is known as neoteny. Like most tunicates, appendicularians feed by drawing particulate food matter into their pharyngobranchial region, where food particles are trapped on a mucus mesh produced by the pharynx and drawn into the digestive tract. The mucus mesh lies over two clefts in the pharynx, one on either side, rather than the much larger number of clefts found in most other tunicates. Furthermore, the clefts, and the anus open directly to the outside", "id": "20219555" }, { "contents": "Hambuk Line\n\n\nThe Hambuk Line is an electrified standard-gauge trunk line of the Korean State Railway in North Korea, running from Ch'ŏngjin) on the P'yŏngra Line to Rajin, likewise on the P'yŏngra line. The Hambuk line connects to the Hongŭi Line at Hongŭi, which is North Korea's only rail connection to Russia, and at Namyang to the Namyang Border Line, which leads to Tumen, China, via the bridge over the Tumen River. Although located entirely inside North Hamgyŏng Province, this line is one of the DPRK's main", "id": "222629" }, { "contents": "Dynamic Trunking Protocol\n\n\nThe Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) is a proprietary networking protocol developed by Cisco Systems for the purpose of negotiating trunking on a link between two VLAN-aware switches, and for negotiating the type of trunking encapsulation to be used. It works on Layer 2 of the OSI model. VLAN trunks formed using DTP may utilize either IEEE 802.1Q or Cisco ISL trunking protocols. DTP should not be confused with VTP, as they serve different purposes. VTP communicates VLAN existence information between switches. DTP aids with trunk port establishment. Neither", "id": "14587442" }, { "contents": "Lindsay McQueen\n\n\nand because of this the show was canceled because it was not allowed to make shows in public areas. As a result, the team had the idea to make the show in a private place, in this case was the hotel swimming pool. This was one of the first FlyBoard Show's in a swimming pool. Lindsay McQueen performed what would be the first backflip with a FlyBoard in the world inside a swimming pool. At the hotel the team met professional Saxophonist Anastasia Zhukouskaya and had the idea for her to play the", "id": "2530406" }, { "contents": "Mud whiting\n\n\n. There is a single median posterior extension. The duct like process on the ventral surface of the swim bladder is present. The colour of the fish is a light sandy brown above, with a paler brown to white on the underside and a poorly defined silvery mid-lateral band. The scale margins are occasionally slightly darker than the centres, giving a vague mesh-like appearance above the lateral line. All the fins are transparent, the only exception being the spinous dorsal fin which has a dusting of fine black spots", "id": "6025860" }, { "contents": "N-body simulation\n\n\nthe particle mesh method in which space is discretised on a mesh and, for the purposes of computing the gravitational potential, particles are assumed to be divided between the nearby vertices of the mesh. Finding the potential energy Φ is easy, because the Poisson equation where \"G\" is Newton's constant and formula_2 is the density (number of particles at the mesh points), is trivial to solve by using the fast Fourier transform to go to the frequency domain where the Poisson equation has the simple form where formula_4 is the", "id": "13691120" }, { "contents": "Welded wire mesh\n\n\nThis type of mesh is a square grid of uniformly placed wires, welded at all intersections, and meeting the requirements of ASTM A185 and A497 or other standards. The sizes are specified by combining the spacing, in inches or mm, and the wire cross section area in hundredths of square inches or mm2. The common sizes are in the following table: This type of welded wire mesh is designed for building fencing and in other infrastructural purposes. It is a corrosion resistant wire mesh that is largely used in structural building.", "id": "2319213" }, { "contents": "Terracon\n\n\nof the mesh signifies the colour of the genergy required to build it. In their most basic form, these meshes form structures like blocks or bridges, which allow the player traverse water, or access area otherwise inaccessible. These meshes, being hollow depictions of their intended structure, require genergy to become solid structures. As the player collects genergy, it can be used for this purpose. However, each mesh requires varying amounts of genergy in the correct colour to complete it. If the player lacks the required amount, as", "id": "8855199" }, { "contents": "Trunk Bay\n\n\nTrunk Bay is a body of water and a beach on St. John in the United States Virgin Islands. Trunk Bay is part of the Virgin Islands National Park. Trunk Bay is named for the Leatherback turtle, which is endemic to the U.S.V.I. and is locally known as \"trunks\". The beach area is divided into two halves, the main Trunk Bay beach and swim area and Burgesman Cove which is located on the west end of Trunk Bay near Jumby Bay. Its amenities include a snack bar, showers and restrooms,", "id": "16402481" }, { "contents": "Window screen\n\n\n, a typical screen in a clothes dryer has a nylon 23x23 mesh screen. Fiberglass solar screens provide over 75% of UV protection, by using thicker strands and a closer mesh than regular 18x14 fiberglass window screening. There is some reduction in visibility, but this can be advantageous, since solar screens are difficult to see through from the outside, while easier to see through from the inside. Finer meshes have been developed to prevent very small insects, often called \"noseeums\" from flying through. The finer mesh screens are", "id": "832527" }, { "contents": "Trunk (car)\n\n\nif they entered through the interior, because many rear seats only release to the trunk from inside the passenger area. Beginning with the 2002 models, a glow-in-the-dark inside trunk release is required on all vehicles with conventional trunks sold in the United States. Hatchbacks, wagons, vans and SUVs are exempt from this requirement because it is assumed a trapped person can kick out any cargo cover or parcel shelf to gain access to the main interior and passenger doors. Riding in the trunk is dangerous and illegal", "id": "7751933" }, { "contents": "Ralph Budd\n\n\nHill, on constructing the Oregon Trunk from the Pacific Northwest into northern California. This route, composed of the Spokane, Portland and Seattle, the Oregon Trunk Railway, the Western Pacific Railroad, and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, was finally pieced together in the 1930s. It gave the Hill Lines a route into the heart of California and became known as the \"Inside Gateway.\" His work with Stevens brought Budd to the attention of Hill, who left confidential instructions that after his death, Budd should be", "id": "14018794" }, { "contents": "Malosa (Malawi)\n\n\nstarts at the top of Malosa Mountain but as it flows down it gets smaller and disappears at the point of Chilema. Secondly a tree, the Chilema Tree, which is a single tree that looks like an entire forest. It is impossible to find the original trunk of the tree as the whole area is a vast interconnected mesh of woven trunks. For the first few years in the life of the Chilema Ecumenical Lay Training Centre its chapel was under the tree. The stone altar is still there. Malosa Forest Reserve is", "id": "17567602" }, { "contents": "History of infrastructure development in Bathurst\n\n\ntrunk lines; Bathurst to Oberon – previously none to one; Bathurst to Cowra – new trunk line; Bathurst to Blayney – three new trunk lines; Bathurst to Orange – additional trunk line; Bathurst to Dubbo – additional trunk line; Bathurst to Lithgow – new trunk line; Bathurst to Wambool – new trunk line. In 1929 a new carrier wave system was installed between Sydney and Bathurst to provide an additional six trunk lines The overhead telephone lines that had served as telephone circuits to Sydney had become congested and were subject to", "id": "2124086" }, { "contents": "Medical Subject Headings\n\n\narranged beneath broader terms. When we search for a MeSH term, the most specific MeSH terms are automatically included in the search. This is what is called the extended search (\"explode\") of the term MeSH. This additional information and the hierarchical structure (see below) make the MeSH essentially a thesaurus, rather than a plain subject headings list. Another type of MeSH vocabulary are MeSH subheadings or qualifiers (see below), that are used with MeSH terms to help describe more completely a particular aspect of a", "id": "2629226" }, { "contents": "Saxon-Franconian trunk line\n\n\nin East Germany, the route was examined for work that could be carried out quickly to expand trade between southern Germany and Saxony. Shortly after 1990 there was considerable political efforts to upgrade what was now called the Saxon-Franconian trunk line for higher speeds to make it more competitive for rail connections. The first stage of this work was included in the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan of 1992. The plan provided that by 1998 the line between Hof and Dresden would allow virtually continuous speeds of 160 km/h, reducing the travel", "id": "12242824" }, { "contents": "Polygon mesh\n\n\nbut may deform or morph shape (vertex positions) such as real-time rendering of static or morphing objects. Winged-edge or render dynamic meshes are used when the geometry changes, such as in interactive modeling packages or for computing subdivision surfaces. Vertex-vertex meshes are ideal for efficient, complex changes in geometry or topology so long as hardware rendering is not of concern. There exist many different file formats for storing polygon mesh data. Each format is most effective when used for the purpose intended by its creator.", "id": "11743242" }, { "contents": "Shader\n\n\nyet seem comparable in quality. It also can drastically reduce required mesh bandwidth by allowing meshes to be refined once inside the shader units instead of downsampling very complex ones from memory. Some algorithms can upsample any arbitrary mesh, while others allow for \"hinting\" in meshes to dictate the most characteristic vertices and edges. AMD Vega microarchitecture added support for a new shader stage - primitive shaders. Compute shaders are not limited to graphics applications, but use the same execution resources for GPGPU. They may be used in graphics pipelines e.g.", "id": "4520415" }, { "contents": "EtherChannel\n\n\na VLAN trunk, the entire EtherChannel will act as a VLAN trunk. Cisco ISL, VTP and IEEE 802.1Q are compatible with EtherChannel. A limitation of EtherChannel is that all the physical ports in the aggregation group must reside on the same switch except in the case of a switch stack, where they can reside on different switches on the stack. Avaya's SMLT protocol removes this limitation by allowing the physical ports to be split between two switches in a triangle configuration or 4 or more switches in a mesh configuration. Cisco's", "id": "16829471" }, { "contents": "Adam Mesh\n\n\nAdam Mesh (born September 14, 1975) is an American entrepreneur, stock trader, television personality and author. He is the CEO and founder of The Adam Mesh Trading Group. Adam Mesh was first introduced to television audiences in the 2003 NBC show \"Average Joe\". Mesh starred in the spin-off \"The Average Joe - Adam Returns\". Mesh launched the You Only Live Once (YOLO) clothing line on March 20, 2004. Mesh helped popularize the acronym YOLO. The Adam Mesh Trading Group distribute", "id": "15537065" }, { "contents": "Strain wave gearing\n\n\nfits tightly over the wave generator, so that when the wave generator plug is rotated, the flexspline deforms to the shape of a rotating ellipse but does not rotate with the wave generator. The circular spline is a rigid circular ring with teeth on the inside. The flexspline and wave generator are placed inside the circular spline, meshing the teeth of the flexspline and the circular spline. Because the flexspline has an elliptical shape, its teeth only actually mesh with the teeth of the circular spline in two regions on opposite sides of", "id": "13171064" }, { "contents": "Mesh generation\n\n\nobjects such as sheet metal in auto manufacturing and building exteriors in architecture. High (e.g., 17) dimensional cubical meshes are common in astrophysics and string theory. What is the precise definition of a \"mesh?\" There is not a universally-accepted mathematical description that applies in all contexts. However, some mathematical objects are clearly meshes: a simplicial complex is a mesh composed of simplices. Most polyhedral (e.g. cubical) meshes are \"conformal,\" meaning they have the cell structure of a CW complex, a", "id": "19134685" }, { "contents": "Static mesh\n\n\nsides), a reference to the textures to be used, and optionally a collision model (see the simple collision section below). There are three ways for a Static Mesh to collide: Although Static Meshes have built-in information on what textures to use, this can be overridden by adding a new skin in the Static Mesh's properties. Alternatively, the Static Mesh itself can be modified to use different textures by default. In maps, Static Meshes are very common, as they are used for anything more complex", "id": "8834171" }, { "contents": "Wrestling Superstars\n\n\nline in the Wrestling Superstars collection. Each superstar came with a biography card on the packaging and a poster inside. There are 64 figures with unique molds, plus an additional 6 major repaints that change the figures look significantly. The major repaints are Hulk Hogan in a white shirt (red shirt), Tito Santana in Strike Force attire (purple trunks), S.D Jones in a Hawaiian shirt (red shirt), André the Giant (short hair version) with black strap attire (blue trunks), Corporal Kirchner with", "id": "13288189" }, { "contents": "Lincoln Continental Mark V\n\n\nwith a gold-trimmed hood ornament. Inside the trunk, both the trunk floor and the underside of the decklid were lined with color-keyed midnight-blue 18-ounce carpeting. As with the Diamond Jubilee Edition, the Collector's Series included virtually every available feature as standard equipment on the Mark V. A cloth interior with a center console, rear-seat armrest, and bucket seats was standard; as a delete option, the Collector's Series could be ordered with a standard Mark V leather interior. Another delete option replaced", "id": "20728288" }, { "contents": "H. H. Holmes\n\n\n, who was unaware of the whole affair. Holmes would later confess to murdering Alice and Nellie by forcing them into a large trunk and locking them inside. He drilled a hole in the lid of the trunk and put one end of a hose through the hole, attaching the other end to a gas line to asphyxiate the girls. Holmes buried their nude bodies in the cellar of his rental house at 16 St. Vincent Street in Toronto. Frank Geyer, a Philadelphia police detective assigned to investigate Holmes and find the three missing", "id": "2831394" }, { "contents": "Five Nights at Freddy's 4\n\n\n; if the player wiggles the padlocks, the game states that \"Perhaps some things are best left forgotten, for now.\" Cawthon remained cryptic about what is inside the trunk, and eventually announced that he would not disclose what was in it. He gave only one clue: \"What's in the box? It's the pieces [of the franchise's story] put together.\" Beginning April 27, 2015, Cawthon posted images on his website teasing at another game in the series, originally known as \"", "id": "18686162" }, { "contents": "Biomesh\n\n\nis not immediately apparent whether this represents a significant amount of research on the clinical effectiveness of any particular mesh product or for any specific patient population that would support clinical decision making. Further rigorously designed RCTs are required to clarify comparative clinical effectiveness and safety of the many available biological mesh products for most surgical indications in which their use has been suggested. The presence of contamination may limit the applicability of permanent synthetic mesh in some procedures such as hernia repair. Biologic mesh may be acceptable for this purpose or for placement in open wounds", "id": "20492838" }, { "contents": "Welded wire mesh\n\n\nIt is also available in different forms like rolls and panels for industrial uses. This type of mesh wire is generally made up of plain steel wire. At the time of processing it goes through a hot zinc covering process. This type of welded mesh ware with square opening is ideal for animal cage structuring, fabricating the wire boxes, grilling, partition making, grating purposes and machine protection fencing. PVC coated welded mesh with plastic covering is constructed with galvanized iron wire of high quality. It has PVC powder covering that is", "id": "2319214" }, { "contents": "Metal-mesh optical filter\n\n\nMetal-mesh optical filters are optical filters made from stacks of metal meshes and dielectric. They are used as part of an optical path to filter the incoming light to allow frequencies of interest to pass while reflecting other frequencies of light. Metal-mesh filters have many applications for use in the far infrared (FIR) and submillimeter regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. These filters have been used in FIR and submillimeter astronomical instruments for over 4 decades, in which they serve two main purposes: bandpass or low-pass filters are", "id": "878250" }, { "contents": "Biology Monte Carlo method\n\n\ngrid resolution in channel at the same time in a computationally effective way. This methodology also allows us to have multiple fine mesh domains, which may be needed to describe multiple pore channels like OmpF porin, or an array of ion channels sharing the same bath regions or even having yet finer meshes inside a fine mesh for relatively large channels with narrow ion passages like Nicotine receptor channel. The first grid is coarse mesh spanning the entire problem domain including the bath regions and the channel region. The second grid (and so on", "id": "5559040" }, { "contents": "St. Marys, Ontario\n\n\nTrunk Railway line. The trail features a walk over the restored Sarnia bridge, providing panoramic views over the town. In 2012, the Re-Purposing of the Sarnia Bridge to part of the Grand Trunk Trail was inducted to the North America Railway Hall of Fame. The bridge was inducted in the “Community, Business, Government or Organization\" class in the \"National\" category. The Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame moved to St. Marys from Toronto in 1994 and opened in 1998. It is dedicated to preserving Canada's", "id": "7738134" }, { "contents": "Kaditz Lime Tree\n\n\n, the lime tree survived. Because of the damage, a large cavity facing the rectory opened up in the trunk, which had been hollow, but fully closed up until then. Thus the lime tree decomposed slowly from the inside. The cavity inside the trunk was so big that it was possible to set up tables and chairs inside. On many occasions, young people would gather there to play music. Over a period of decades the tree's roots developed further, forming secondary trunks to strengthen the remains of the main", "id": "15631481" }, { "contents": "Maine Central Railroad Company\n\n\n, when it was purchased by Guilford Transportation Industries and became part of what is now the Pan Am Railways network. The Maine Central was created in 1862 through the merger of the Androscoggin and Kennebec Railroad and the Penobscot and Kennebec Railroad, resulting in a line from Danville (now Auburn) to Bangor. The line connected with the Grand Trunk Railway on its Portland-Chicago mainline at Danville and with the Bangor and Piscataquis Railroad in Bangor. As a result of its connection with the Grand Trunk, the Maine Central initially operated", "id": "17410581" }, { "contents": "Volvo C70\n\n\nis being raised or lowered but requires a height clearance of six feet seven inches — and requires the driver to hold the console button for the full operation. The top features a fabric headliner that unfurls and is tensioned by wires as the roof moves into place, as well as mesh wind blocker that clips over the rear seats when driving with two front passengers. The blocker has zippered openings for parcel storage and folds in half for trunk stowage. The trunk lid, which opens both in a rear-hinged mode to stow", "id": "10904837" }, { "contents": "B Division (New York City Subway)\n\n\nheavier than those of the A Division, measuring by . The B Division is broken down into two subdivisions, B1 (BMT) and B2 (IND), for chaining purposes. The two former systems are still sometimes referred to as the BMT Division and IND Division. The following lines are part of the B Division (services shown in parentheses; lines with colors next to them are trunk lines): The oldest line to become part of the B Division was the BMT Lexington Avenue Line, opened in 1885. A", "id": "5411284" }, { "contents": "Metal-mesh optical filter\n\n\nmetallic meshes grouped together. Modeling the properties of these metallic meshes allows for reliable manufacture of filters with the desired transmission properties. In 1967 Ulrich showed that the optical transmission properties of a metallic mesh can be modeled by considering the mesh to be a simple circuit element on a free space transmission line. To develop the theory of metallic meshes, he focused on the properties of two types of mesh structure: a metallic grid with square openings; and a grid of metallic squares supported on a thin dielectric substrate. Using the transmission", "id": "878252" }, { "contents": "Blender (software)\n\n\ntowards it) are used. There are two types of integrators: Blender users can create their own nodes using the Open Shading Language although it is important to note that there is no support for it on GPUs. Materials define the look of meshes, NURBS curves and other geometric objects. They consist of three shaders, defining the mesh's appearance of the surface, volume inside, and displacement of the surface. The surface shader defines the light interaction at the surface of the mesh. One or more BSDFs can specify if", "id": "3607053" }, { "contents": "Happy Socks\n\n\nincludes both the founders, work on special projects. Happy Socks began producing men's swim trunks in 2018. In Spring 2019, Happy Socks expanded the swimwear to include a women's line, slider footwear, beach bag, towel and pool float, all using the vibrant prints for which the company is known. Collaborations have always been an important part of the brand's DNA. In addition to the Happy Socks original line, the brand had attracted a number of celebrities who would collaborate on creative projects and sock designs.", "id": "2187276" }, { "contents": "Buddy diving\n\n\nof the \"aqualung\" by Cousteau and Gagnan, the first commercially underwater breathing apparatus became available for sale for sporting purposes in the late 1940s. As the new sport of scuba diving rapidly expanded through the 1950s, several sporting organisations—notably the YMCA—began programmes to train swimming enthusiasts in this new aquatic pastime, and began to codify what they believed were proper practises for this expanding sport. The YMCA considered the buddy system a useful corollary to the \"never swim alone\" rule of their swimming and lifesaving programmes.", "id": "12094634" }, { "contents": "Inside plant\n\n\nPower Requirements in Telecommunications Plant (LSSGR Section 13), contains detailed industry requirements for using power in an inside plant. Both integrated and isolated bonding networks as per Telcordia GR-295, Mesh and Isolated Bonding Networks: Definition and Application to Telephone Central Offices, are a technically viable means to ground and bond the equipment in a safe and effective manner. However, the integrated or mesh bonding schemes are preferred over isolated bonding networks because of the added costs and efforts required to manage, control, and maintain the isolation for the equipment", "id": "19170133" } ]
Why is a slice of pickle usually served on the side with sandwiches at restaurants?
[{"answer": "Highly vinegared pickles are traditionally served with meats that have a high fat content. The vinegar cuts through the rich, heavy taste of the fat, balancing the whole thing. These days not all sandwiches use fatty meats, but that is how the tradition started: the pickle as pleasant counter to the fatty meat in the sandwich."}, {"answer": "It's a palate cleanser - \"a neutral flavored element in food that enables to clear the palate from one flavor to another. Some widely used palate cleansers are sorbet, bread, apple slices, and pickles.\" ( URL_0 ) I'd assume the pickle was chosen based on how the flavor characteristics differ from the entree."}, {"answer": "In the past (not anymore) pickles were made in a way that they contained probiotics (similar to kim chi or yogurt) So, people would put pickles in sandwiches with fatty meat (like a cuban sandwich) and it would help people to digest the fat from the meat. Edit: link with information about pickle history URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I used to go to a restaurant in Orlando, FL (think pre-Disney small town, although it was the 80's) named Ronnie's. The waitresses were ALL over 70, dressed in strange 60's uniforms. Beautiful kosher deli food served in a diner style. On the table were: Small dill gherkins, medium dill pickles, mustard, and pickled onions. My stomach still grumbles that they're gone. Pickles on the side seem natural."}, {"answer": "They are a cheap garnish URL_0 . And also because pickles are delicious."}, {"answer": "Apparently this is not done everywhere. My friend from Australia recently asked me why she got a pickle with her sandwich, as she was not accustomed to the practice."}, {"answer": "Because they want the pickle juice to get all over the other food, completely ruining the entire meal"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "355323", "title": "Cheesesteak", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The cheesesteak was developed in the early 20th century \"by combining frizzled beef, onions, and cheese in a small loaf of bread\", according to a 1987 exhibition catalog published by the Library Company", "d cheese) is a sandwich made from thinly sliced pieces of beefsteak and melted cheese in a long hoagie roll. A popular regional fast food, it has its roots in the U.S. city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The cheesesteak was developed in the early 20th ce"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Roast beef sandwich\n\n\nside of French fries. Other ingredients might be added into the sandwich such as red beets, peas, grilled or pan-fried red peppers, and slices of cucumber. The corned beef sandwich is a sandwich prepared with corned beef. The salt beef style corned beef sandwiches are traditionally served with mustard and a pickle. In the United Kingdom, pickle is a common addition to a corned beef sandwich. The French dip sandwich is a hot sandwich consisting of thinly sliced roast beef (or, sometimes, other meats) on", "id": "13312246" }, { "contents": "Pickled cucumber\n\n\nplantarum\" and \"L. brevis\" have been shown to add to the nutritional value of pickles. In the United States, pickles are often served as a side dish accompanying meals. This often takes the form of a \"pickle spear\", which is a pickled cucumber cut length-wise into quarters or sixths. Pickles may be used as a condiment on a hamburger or other sandwich (usually in slice form), or on a sausage or hot dog in chopped form as pickle relish. Soured cucumbers are commonly used", "id": "573737" }, { "contents": "Chicken sandwich\n\n\nfil-A southern-style chicken sandwich (served with pickles on a steamed roll), introduced on March 21, 1964, was most likely the first chicken sandwich introduced by a fast food restaurant chain. Other notable vendors of chicken sandwiches include KFC and Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen. Today, most major fast food, fast casual and casual dining chains feature some sort of chicken sandwich, even at restaurants where chicken is not a specialty. Chicken salad served between slices of bread is a chicken sandwich variation seen both in North America", "id": "1107367" }, { "contents": "St. Paul sandwich\n\n\nThe St. Paul sandwich can be found in many Chinese American restaurants in St. Louis, Missouri, as well as other cities in Missouri, including Columbia, Jefferson City, and Springfield. The sandwich consists of an egg foo young patty (made with mung bean sprouts and minced white onions) served with dill pickle slices, white onion, mayonnaise, lettuce, and tomato between two slices of white bread. The St. Paul sandwich also comes in different combinations and specials, such as chicken, pork, shrimp, beef, and", "id": "4325458" }, { "contents": "Cheese and pickle sandwich\n\n\nA cheese and pickle sandwich (sometimes known as a cheese and chutney sandwich or a ploughman's sandwich from its resemblance to a ploughman's lunch) is a British sandwich. As its name suggests, it consists of slices of cheese (typically Cheddar) and pickle (a sweet, vinegary chutney, the most popular brand being Branston), sandwiched between two slices of bread. The inside slices of the bread may be spread with butter or margarine, and the sandwich may include salad items such as lettuce and rocket (U.S.", "id": "16618341" }, { "contents": "Barbecue in Texas\n\n\n”. Most barbecue establishments close on Sundays. At a typical Central Texas pit barbecue restaurant, the customer takes a tray cafeteria-style and is served by a butcher who carves the meat by weight. Side dishes and desserts are then picked up along the line with sliced white bread, wavy-cut dill pickle chips, sliced onion, and jalapeño. Barbecue meats are commonly sold by the pound. The emphasis of Central Texas pit barbecue is on the meat—if sauce is available, it is usually considered a side", "id": "21574348" }, { "contents": "Pork tenderloin\n\n\n. A common American dish is a pork tenderloin sandwich (also called simply a \"tenderloin\") – a very thinly sliced piece of pork, usually the larger, tougher loineye (longissimus) muscle, uniquely battered and breaded, which is deep fried and served in a hamburger bun, usually with garnishes such as mustard, pickle and onions. This sandwich is generally sold in the US Midwest, especially in the states of Iowa and Indiana. In the southern states, tenderloin is often prepared as a breakfast biscuit, usually", "id": "2100806" }, { "contents": "Pickled onion\n\n\nwhite vinegar, and are much smaller. Full sized onions, e.g. Spanish Onions, can be pickled if sliced first. In the Southern United States, pickled Vidalia onions can be served as a side dish. In Hong Kong, pickled onions are served in many Cantonese restaurants, especially around dinner time, as a small dish before the main course is served. In Switzerland, they are served to accompany raclette, along with pickled gherkins. In Italy, it is known as 'maggiolina'. In Mexican cuisine, one", "id": "19958292" }, { "contents": "History of the hamburger in the United States\n\n\nA hamburger (or burger) is a sandwich that consists of a cooked ground meat patty, usually beef, placed between halves of a sliced bun or between slices of bread or toast. Hamburgers are often served with various condiments, such as mustard, mayonnaise, and ketchup, and other options including lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, and cheese. The Texas historian Frank X. Tolbert attributes the invention of the hamburger to Fletcher Davis of Athens, Texas. Davis is believed to have sold hamburgers at his café at 115", "id": "9326887" }, { "contents": "Liverwurst\n\n\n. Liverwurst is typically eaten as is, and often served as traditional or as open-faced sandwiches. It is popular in North America with red onion and mustard on rye or whole grain bread. In the Southern US, and the Midwestern US, liverwurst is served with slices of sweet pickles (gherkins pickled with sugar, vinegar, and mustard seeds). In the Northeast US, liverwurst is served with dill pickles (gherkins pickled with salt and dill). In the Midwestern United States, liverwurst is also known as", "id": "7010271" }, { "contents": "Fish and chips\n\n\nin 'salt and sauce') is more traditional than vinegar - with 'sauce' meaning a brown sauce. In England, a portion of mushy peas is a popular side dish, as are a range of pickles that typically include gherkins, onions and eggs. In table-service restaurants and pubs, the dish is usually served with a slice of lemon for squeezing over the fish and without any sauces or condiments, with salt, vinegar and sauces available at the customer's leisure. In Ireland, Wales and England", "id": "2195847" }, { "contents": "Bologna sandwich\n\n\non restaurant menus in many places in the South. The fried version is likewise sometimes sold at concession stands in stadiums, like those of the Cincinnati Reds. In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, it is called a \"jumbo sammich\". In Knoxville, the sandwich is referred to in local slang as a \"Lonsdale Ham\" sandwich, after the less-affluent neighborhood of Lonsdale, in Knoxville, TN. Many variations exist, including frying the meat first and adding various garnishes such as cheese slices, pickles, tomatoes, and", "id": "2239596" }, { "contents": "Olivier salad\n\n\nmostly extremely simple, using basic ingredients flooded with an abundance of cheap mayonnaise-like dressing. In Turkey it is known as \"Rus salatası\". The Turkish version consists of boiled and sliced carrots and potatoes, sliced cucumber pickles, boiled peas and mayonnaise and is sometimes decorated with boiled and sliced eggs, black olives and beet root pickles. It is served as meze and is used as a filling for some sandwiches and kumpir (jacket potato). Another Turkish name for Olivier salad is \"Amerikan salatası\" (\"", "id": "16226353" }, { "contents": "Chicago\n\n\nChicago-style hot dog, typically an all-beef hot dog, is loaded with an array of toppings that often includes pickle relish, yellow mustard, pickled sport peppers, tomato wedges, dill pickle spear and topped off with celery salt on a poppy seed bun. Enthusiasts of the Chicago-style hot dog frown upon the use of ketchup as a garnish, but may prefer to add giardiniera. A distinctly Chicago sandwich, the Italian beef sandwich is thinly sliced beef simmered in au jus and served on an Italian roll", "id": "7037184" }, { "contents": "Ham and cheese sandwich\n\n\nA ham and cheese sandwich is a common type of sandwich. It is made by putting cheese and sliced ham between two slices of bread. The bread is sometimes buttered and/or toasted. Vegetables like lettuce, tomato, onion or pickle slices can also be included. Various kinds of mustard and mayonnaise are also common. Sliced bread, sliced cheese, and sliced cooked ham are very readily available in Western supermarkets and as a result ham and cheese sandwiches are quick and easy to prepare. They are a common component of a packed", "id": "8006334" }, { "contents": "Egg foo young\n\n\nSt. Paul sandwich, which is an egg foo young patty served with mayonnaise, dill pickle, and sometimes lettuce and tomato between two slices of white bread. In the Netherlands, which has a local variation on the Chinese Indonesian cuisine, it is known as \"Foe yong hai\", and is usually served with a sweet tomato sauce. Strictly, according to \"hai\" in the name, it should contain \"crab\", but it is often served without this ingredient. The Vietnamese dish \"chả trứng hấp\"", "id": "15566095" }, { "contents": "Open sandwich\n\n\nas parsley, cold salad, thinly sliced cucumber, tomato wedges and/or pickled beets etc. on the same slice of bread. A condiment, such as mayonnaise, or mayonnaise-based dressing is also often included in some form. An old traditional replacement for butter on a piece of bread with herring is pig fat. There are many variations associated with the smørrebrød/smørbrød/smörgås and there are even special stores, cafés and restaurants (especially in Denmark) that specialize in them. The Dutch and Flemish \"Uitsmijter\"", "id": "6181631" }, { "contents": "Tapa (Filipino cuisine)\n\n\ncomes with atchara (pickled papaya strips) or sliced vegetables (usually tomatoes). Vinegar (oftentimes with siling labuyo) or ketchup is usually used as a condiment. \"Tapsilog\" is the term used when \"tapa\", garlic-fried rice (\"sinangag\"), and fried egg (\"itlog\") are combined into one meal, which is served primarily during breakfast. In Tagalog, a restaurant that primarily serves \"tapa\" is called a \"tapahan\", \"tapsihan\" or \"tapsilugan\"", "id": "14418490" }, { "contents": "Austrian cuisine\n\n\nfood consumed in between meals there are many types of open sandwiches called \"belegte Brote\", or different kinds of sausage with mustard, ketchup and bread, as well as sliced sausage, \"Leberkäse\" rolls or \"Schnitzelsemmeln\" (rolls filled with schnitzel). Traditionally you can get a \"Wurstsemmel\" (a roll filled, usually, with Extrawurst, a special kind of thinly sliced sausage, often with a slice of cheese and a pickle or cornichon) at a butcher or at the delicatessen counter in a supermarket", "id": "17086571" }, { "contents": "Pork tenderloin sandwich\n\n\nwith the meat overlapping the bun considerably. The sandwich can be served with condiments such as mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, lettuce, onions and pickles. The sandwich is usually served with a side of french fries, though onion rings are often provided instead. A variant of the fried tenderloin sandwich is made with a grilled prepared pork loin. Recipes for this variant appear from New England to South Carolina. This is a healthier variation as the pork is grilled instead of fried. The meat is seasoned, brined or marinated and", "id": "3124040" }, { "contents": "Bøfsandwich\n\n\n\" each year. The traditional condiments are ketchup, gravy, remoulade, sliced dill pickles, raw onions, and crispy roasted onions - the last being a local delicacy, not often found outside Scandinavia. Primarily in the Jutland region of Denmark, it is customary to serve the bøfsandwich with sliced beetroots inside and brown gravy poured over the sandwich. This version is sometimes dubbed 'gravy burger' by foreigners. Other local variants may include gherkins or pickled red cabbage. In Canada, the hot hamburger, which consists of a", "id": "8462086" }, { "contents": "Palestinian cuisine\n\n\nthey are not fried (like \"sambusac\"), and are usually served as a meal rather than meal addition or side dish. Sandwiches usually using markook or khubz, such as Shawarma and Falafel are also common bread meals. Shawarma can be served as a sandwich or meal with shaved meat and bread. Shawarma can be chicken or beef, and is adorned with a variety of garnishes. These can include pickles, hummus, or a garlic yogurt mix. Falafel, fried chickpeas, parsley and onion are fried into small", "id": "16731999" }, { "contents": "Spicy chicken sandwich\n\n\nthen either baked, pressure cooked, or fried in such oils as peanut oil or canola oil. A smoky, chili pepper sauce or sriracha mayo or a spread with such ingredients as mayonnaise, Dijon sauce, lemon juice, celery seeds, pickle juice, hot sauce, and freshly ground black pepper, may be used. Commonly the chicken sandwich is served on a kaiser roll with such toppings as mayo, iceberg lettuce, tomato, shredded cabbage, bread and butter pickle slices, coleslaw, or Monterey Jack cheese. Spicy", "id": "409001" }, { "contents": "Hamburger\n\n\nA hamburger (short: burger) is a sandwich consisting of one or more cooked patties of ground meat, usually beef, placed inside a sliced bread roll or bun. The patty may be pan fried, grilled, or flame broiled. Hamburgers are often served with cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, bacon, or chiles; condiments such as ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, relish, or \"special sauce\"; and are frequently placed on sesame seed buns. A hamburger topped with cheese is called a", "id": "1832583" }, { "contents": "Fried brain sandwich\n\n\nA fried brain sandwich is a sandwich that is generally served as sliced calves' brains on sliced bread. Thinly sliced fried slabs on white toast became widespread on menus in St. Louis, Missouri, after the rise of the city's stockyards in the late 1880s, although demand there has so dwindled that only a handful of restaurants still offer them. They remain popular in the Ohio River valley, where they are served heavily battered on hamburger buns. In Evansville, Indiana, they are still offered at several \"mom and pop", "id": "4306186" }, { "contents": "North Main BBQ\n\n\nsliced), sausage, pork shoulder, and pork ribs, and chicken. Merchandise is available from the restaurant itself or via their website ( , and includes the restaurant's trademark sauces and dry rub. All food is either served all-you-can-eat, or on a sandwich plate. All you can eat is currently $17 (drink included) while a sandwich is $6, with sides $2 each. Meat can be bought by the pound off of the Togo Menu. North Main", "id": "3407448" }, { "contents": "Düsseldorf\n\n\nguide of Lonely Planet. Along with a broad range of diverse cultural cuisine, Düsseldorf is also home to various Michelin starred restaurants that are world renowned. Halve Hahn - this dish is made from a half a double rye roll, which is another of the specialties of Düsseldorf, buttered, with a thick slice of aged Gouda cheese, onions, mustard, ground paprika and sour pickles. Himmel un Aad - a dish of mashed potatoes and apples along with slices of blutwurst. Caramelized onions are usually served with this meal.", "id": "17903430" }, { "contents": "Argentine cuisine\n\n\n\" (a \"milanesa\" with two fried eggs and French fries), \"\"revuelto Gramajo\"\", \"\"colchón de arvejas\"\" (an omelette made with peas), \"\"suprema de pollo\"\" (chicken supreme, usually breaded as a \"milanesa\"), \"matambres\", \"\"lengua a la vinagreta\"\" (pickled tongue), and \"sandwiches\" (sandwiches de miga) are made with sliced white bread, rather than, say, rolls. The most common", "id": "2024565" }, { "contents": "Bamboo\n\n\nused as wrappers for steamed dumplings which usually contains glutinous rice and other ingredients. Pickled bamboo shoots ( ) are cooked with black-eyed beans as a delicacy in Nepal. Many Nepalese restaurants around the world serve this dish as \"aloo bodi tama\". Fresh bamboo shoots are sliced and pickled with mustard seeds and turmeric and kept in glass jar in direct sunlight for the best taste. It is used alongside many dried beans in cooking during winters. Baby shoots (Nepali: \"tusa\") of a very different variety", "id": "17939343" }, { "contents": "Cuban sandwich\n\n\nagreed upon. The traditional Cuban sandwich starts with Cuban bread. The loaf is sliced into lengths of , lightly buttered or brushed with olive oil on the crust, and cut in half horizontally. A coat of yellow mustard is spread on the bread. Then sliced roast pork, glazed ham, Swiss cheese, and thinly sliced dill pickles are added in layers. Sometimes the pork is marinated in mojo and slow-roasted. The main regional disagreement about the sandwich’s recipe is whether or not to include salami. In Tampa", "id": "1158978" }, { "contents": "Schnitzel\n\n\n\"rántott hús\" (breaded meat). It is served in restaurants, and is a common meal in Hungarian homes, often prepared on Sundays or for festivities with \"spätzle\", French fries, mashed potatoes, or rice. Alternatively, green peas or other vegetables are used as side dish. Bread and salad (or pickles) often accompany the meal. Some restaurants offer the \"cordon bleu\" variant, a slice of schnitzel rolled and filled with cheese and ham. Schnitzel is popular in Iran, where it", "id": "12512746" }, { "contents": "Tianmian sauce\n\n\n). Although stir-frying \"chunjang\" to make \"jajang\" is the most common use for the sauce, \"chunjang\" may also be served as an accompaniment to sliced raw onions. In most Korean-Chinese restaurants, raw onions, \"chunjang\", and \"danmuji\" (yellow pickled radish) are the basic side dishes. Korean \"chunjang\" is similar to the Shandong-style \"tiánmiànjiàng\", as it was first used in Incheon Chinatown, where the majority of restaurants were run by Chinese", "id": "15074300" }, { "contents": "Cheeseburger\n\n\nA cheeseburger is a hamburger topped with cheese. Traditionally, the slice of cheese is placed on top of the meat patty, but the burger can include variations in structure, ingredients and composition. The cheese is usually added to the cooking hamburger patty shortly before serving, which allows the cheese to melt. As with other hamburgers, a cheeseburger may include toppings, such as lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, bacon, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard or other toppings. In fast food restaurants, the cheese used is usually", "id": "18460561" }, { "contents": "Cuisine of Allentown, Pennsylvania\n\n\nmade from pig's feet and pickled with vinegar. Chow-chow is a mixture of pickled vegetables made into a salad. It is usually sweeter than when it is made in the South. Lebanon bologna is a sausage that tastes more smoky than others. Cole slaw is usually served as a side with sandwiches. Apple butter can be used on toast or used as an ingredient in another food. Shoofly pie is a somewhat-sweet pie made out of molasses and sugar. Funnel cakes are found at fairs and festivals across", "id": "14246258" }, { "contents": "King's Hawaiian\n\n\nannually. In 1988, the company established their current corporate headquarters in Torrance, California. Fast food restaurant chain Arby's seasonally sells sandwiches featuring King's Hawaiian buns. The sandwiches are Kings Hawaiian BLT and Roast Beef and Swiss (which includes Grey Poupon Honey Dijon mustard). There is also a seasonally-available King's Hawaiian Fish (which includes a slice of tomato and a slice of Market Cheddar, along with the usual lettuce and tartar sauce). September 2014, a Barbecue Brisket sandwich on the Kings Hawaiian buns", "id": "17237936" }, { "contents": "Texan cuisine\n\n\n. According to oral histories, in the 1880s, he opened a lunch counter in Athens and served a \"burger\" of fried ground beef patties with mustard and Bermuda onion between two slices of bread; with a pickle on the side. The claim is that in 1904, Davis and his wife Ciddy ran a sandwich stand at the St. Louis World's Fair. Historian Frank X. Tolbert noted that Athens resident Clint Murchison said his grandfather dated the hamburger to the 1880s with \"Old Dave\" a.k.a. Fletcher Davis. A", "id": "17083529" }, { "contents": "Hamburger\n\n\nclaimed to have invented the hamburger. According to oral histories, in the 1880s he opened a lunch counter in Athens and served a 'burger' of fried ground beef patties with mustard and Bermuda onion between two slices of bread, with a pickle on the side. The story is that in 1904, Davis and his wife Ciddy ran a sandwich stand at the St. Louis World's Fair. Historian Frank X. Tolbert, noted that Athens resident Clint Murchison said his grandfather dated the hamburger to the 1880s with 'Old Dave'", "id": "1832597" }, { "contents": "Ogura toast\n\n\nOgura toast consists of thickly-sliced, toasted bread topped with ogura jam, a common sweet spread or filling in Japan. The ogura spread is usually paired with butter or margarine. Occasionally, the ogura and butter may be served on the side, or another slice of toast placed on top to create an ogura sandwich. Another variant, an toast, uses \"anko\", which means that the beans are fully puréed in to a paste. Ogura toast can also be served with a slice of cheese melted on top", "id": "2232993" }, { "contents": "Cheese sandwich\n\n\na (usually lunchtime) meal, in most cases with a side of salad. The cheese dream, an open-faced grilled cheese sandwich, became popular in the U.S. during the Great Depression. U.S. government cookbooks describe Navy cooks broiling \"American cheese filling sandwiches\" during World War II. Many versions of the grilled cheese sandwich can now be found on restaurant menus across the U.S. and internationally. In the United States, grilled cheese sandwiches are often served with soup (usually tomato soup), and may be served as", "id": "5390401" }, { "contents": "Butterbrot\n\n\ntwo slices of bread with some ingredient in between, especially sandwiches made in fastfood chains and restaurants. Butterbrots (correct German plural: Butterbrote) and their variants are said to always fall to the floor (and especially on a fuzzy carpet) with the buttered side downwards (see: Murphy's law). A common explanation is that the top side is usually heavier than the bottom side. This applies more to Nutella/jam breads than cheese/meat breads. Another is tied to the common height of tables. The", "id": "4379126" }, { "contents": "Bauru (sandwich)\n\n\nBauru is a popular Brazilian sandwich. The traditional recipe calls for cheese (usually mozzarella) melted in a bain-marie, slices of roast beef, tomato and pickled cucumber in a French bun with the crumb (the soft inner part) removed. The Bauru has a fairly well documented history. In 1934, a student at the Faculdade de Direito do Largo de São Francisco, in São Paulo, Casemiro Pinto Neto (known as \"Bauru\" for coming from the city of the same name in São Paulo state)", "id": "185563" }, { "contents": "Club sandwich\n\n\nbacon) and/or cheese slices. Vegetarian club sandwiches often include hummus, avocado or spinach, as well as substitute the real bacon with a vegetarian alternative. Mustard and sometimes honey mustard are common condiments. Upscale variations include, for example, the oyster club, the salmon club, and Dungeness crab melt. The sandwich is commonly served with an accompaniment of either coleslaw, or potato salad, and often garnished with a pickle. The coleslaw or potato salad is often reduced to a \"garnish\" portion, when the primary accompaniment", "id": "4158365" }, { "contents": "Cuban cuisine\n\n\ncigar workers between Cuba and Florida (specifically Key West and the Ybor City neighborhood of Tampa) in the late 1800s and has since spread to other Cuban American communities. The sandwich is built on a base of lightly buttered Cuban bread and contains sliced roast pork, thinly sliced Serrano ham, Swiss cheese, dill pickles, and yellow mustard. In Tampa, Genoa salami is traditionally layered in with the other meats, probably due to influence of Italian immigrants who lived side-by-side with Cubans and Spaniards in Ybor City", "id": "1159178" }, { "contents": "BLT\n\n\nrecipe by a Dr. Kevin Zinter for a club sandwich included bacon, lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise and a slice of turkey sandwiched between two slices of bread. While the 1929 book \"Seven Hundred Sandwiches\" does include a section on bacon sandwiches, the recipes often include pickles and none contain tomato. The BLT became popular after World War II because of the rapid expansion of supermarkets, which allowed ingredients to be available year-round. The initials, representing \"bacon, lettuce, tomato\", likely began in the American", "id": "5689237" }, { "contents": "In a basket\n\n\nFood served in a basket, a basket platter or a basket with fries is a sandwich or other main-dish that is served on top of a basket of an accompanying foodstuff, usually french fries. The \"basket\" is usually either made of plastic and lined with paper, or is simply a disposable paperboard box or tray. Sometimes the basket contains other side dishes as well, such as a container of coleslaw or a pickle. This term is common in the Midwestern U.S.. In the United Kingdom chicken in a", "id": "2224252" }, { "contents": "Fried egg\n\n\na fried egg (\") is normally served on top of a slice of bread (white or whole wheat), often with fried bacon, for breakfast or lunch. An ' is a dish consisting of two or three fried eggs, sunny side up. One version is fried together with ham and cheese ('), or bacon and cheese ('). Another version is placed on buttered bread over a generous slice of cold meat, e.g., cooked beef or ham, and usually garnished with a dill pickle.", "id": "5893514" }, { "contents": "Breaded cutlet\n\n\nrib. Originally from Milan, it can now be found all over the country. In Spain, breaded cutlet is normally called \"escalope milanesa\" in restaurants when served with French fries and a slice of lemon. When eaten in a sandwich, it is simply called \"filete empanado\". It is usually made of veal or beef. Chicken is called \"pollo empanado\", and pork is not usual. Cotoletta was first documented in 1148 (Saint Ambrose's archive, Milan) in Latin: \"Lumbolos cum panicio", "id": "5492196" }, { "contents": "Squid sandwich\n\n\noil until they are golden brown. In Zaragoza, spicy tomato-based sauce, mayonnaise and garlic will be added. The bread is usually sliced on one side. Traditionally, it was served with bread full of fried breadcrumbs. Recently, baguettes from the establishment are usually made from previously frozen dough, which is usually cut on one side, giving each place a characteristic touch. Sometimes a bit of squeezed lemon is added to the fried squid dish for flavor, and mayonnaise is also common. It is usually accompanied with", "id": "7910697" }, { "contents": "Kaiser roll\n\n\nand jam. It is often used as a bun for such popular sandwiches as hamburgers in America, and with a slice of in Germany (and Austria itself), though sliced and pickled gherkins (), or a type of () are also used. A variation called a is topped with kosher salt and caraway, and in the United States is an essential component of a Buffalo-area specialty, the beef on weck sandwich. In much of eastern New York state—New York City, Long Island, the", "id": "18725698" }, { "contents": "Pilgrim (sandwich)\n\n\nslices of turkey, herb stuffing, cranberry sauce and some gravy. More sophisticated versions of the Pilgrim sandwich include store-bought corn muffins, crusty hoagie, French bread, ciabatta rolls, extra virgin olive oil, butter, chopped apple, chopped onion, celery, flat leaf parsley, Thousand Island dressing and sliced/chopped pickled gherkins for topping. A poll in \"Esquire\", a well known international magazine, reported it to be one of America’s favourite sandwiches, the version illustrated included Muenster cheese and lettuce in", "id": "21686269" }, { "contents": "Port sausage\n\n\nsubmarine or baguette sandwiches. When used as a meal, it is usually served with submarine or baguette bread, sliced kosher dills and sliced tomatoes. Medium- and lower-class fast food or sandwich shops in Iran usually have port sausage (sosis bandari) on their menu. Port sausage is very popular among high school and college students in Iran, as it is usually very cheap and inexpensive. While famous for being cheap and prepared from low-quality ingredients, the taste and popularity keep people interested after school and college time", "id": "16107687" }, { "contents": "Israeli cuisine\n\n\nthroughout the country, but especially in Ramat-Gan, where it was first introduced. Sabiḥ is a pita filled with fried eggplant, hardboiled egg, salad, tehina and pickles. \"Tunisian sandwich\" is usually made from a baguette with various fillings that may include tuna, egg, pickled lemon, salad, and fried hot green pepper. There are thousands of restaurants, casual eateries, cafés and bars in Israel, offering a wide array of choices in food and culinary styles. Places to eat out that are distinctly", "id": "1740971" }, { "contents": "Murtabak\n\n\nSavoury versions of martabak in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore usually are served with acar or pickled condiment consisting of diced cucumber, sliced carrot, shallots, and sliced chillies in sweetened vinegar. In Malaysia, Singapore and some areas in Sumatra, martabak is served with \"kari\" (curry) gravy. In Palembang, another variety of martabak is egg-martabak (eggs dropped into the flatten dough before folded while frying) served in curry (usually diced potatoes in beef curry) and topped with chillies in sweet-sour", "id": "8785734" }, { "contents": "Bánh mì\n\n\nbeef stew), curry, and \"\". It can also be dipped in condensed milk (see Sữa Ông Thọ). A sandwich typically consists of one or more meats, accompanying vegetables, and condiments. (See varieties) Accompanying vegetables typically include fresh cucumber slices, cilantro (leaves of the coriander plant) and pickled carrots and white radishes in shredded form (). Common condiments include spicy chili sauce, sliced chilis, Maggi seasoning sauce, and mayonnaise. As with Western sandwiches, a wide variety of popular", "id": "13427076" }, { "contents": "Pancake\n\n\nare cut in half and used as sandwich bread, similar to Icelandic flatbread. In the Netherlands, pancakes are known as \"pannenkoeken\" and are mostly eaten at lunch and dinner time. Pancake restaurants are popular with families and serve many sweet, savoury, and stuffed varieties. Pannenkoeken are slightly thicker than crêpes and usually quite large, or so in diameter. The batter is egg-based and fillings include such items as sliced apples, cheese, ham, bacon, and candied ginger, alone or in combination. \"", "id": "1025236" }, { "contents": "Tuaran\n\n\n. Before \"Tuaran mee\" is served, it is usually garnished with slices of sweetened Chinese roast pork (Traditional Chinese: 叉燒; Hakka: \"cha sau\") and fried egg rolls (Traditional Chinese: 春捲; Hakka: \"chun kien\"). Bambangan pickles is a traditional relish consisting the flesh of the fruit preserved in brine. Traditionally served as a side dish at any meal; often best served with other traditional dish such as \"Pinasakan\" Every Sunday morning, a \"tamu\" (native open", "id": "13132745" }, { "contents": "Breaded cutlet\n\n\nsauce, it is merely known as \"bistec empanizado\", \"bistec empanado\" or \"empanada\". It is sometimes eaten with slices of lime or criollo lemon on the side to squirt on top. In Mexico, thinly sliced meat, breaded and fried, known as \"milanesa\", is a popular ingredient in \"tortas\", the sandwiches sold in street stands and indoor restaurants in Mexico City. In Panama, cutlet is known as \"milanesa\", it is most commonly made of thinly sliced beef (", "id": "5492201" }, { "contents": "Peanut butter, banana and bacon sandwich\n\n\nThe Peanut Butter and banana sandwich, or peanut butter, banana and bacon sandwich, sometimes referred to as an Elvis sandwich or simply the Elvis, consists of toasted bread slices with peanut butter, sliced or mashed banana, and sometimes bacon. Honey is seen in some variations of the sandwich. The sandwich is frequently cooked in a pan or on a griddle. The recipe for the sandwich has been published in numerous cookbooks and newspaper stories. It is sold commercially in restaurants that specialize in peanut butter sandwiches, such as Peanut", "id": "20128029" }, { "contents": "Kokoretsi\n\n\nespecially in Turkey) be served in half a baguette or in a sandwich bun, plain or garnished, almost always with oregano and red pepper. In Turkey, common side dishes are pickled peppers or cucumbers. It is often seasoned with lemon, oregano, salt, a pepper, and typically accompanied by wine or raki. Kokoretsi is typically available in restaurants, ouzeris and tavernas year round in Greece, but for the most part it remains a festival dish ordinarily prepared only once a year at home during Orthodox Easter celebrations when", "id": "19453682" }, { "contents": "Mangalica\n\n\nmodern domestic breeds. It is usually fed with a mix of wild pasture, supplemented with potatoes and pumpkins produced on the farm. The primary product made from this pig is sausage, usually packed in the pig's duodenum. The minced meat is seasoned with salt, pepper, sweet paprika, and other spices. It is then eaten in slices with pickled vegetables. The pork is also served braised with sauerkraut, potatoes, and stuffed peppers as a side dish. Farmers also produce smoked hams. The fresh meat tastes strong", "id": "6810351" }, { "contents": "Sushi pizza\n\n\nSushi pizza is a Canadian dish that originated from Toronto and a fusion of sushi and pizza often served in the Greater Toronto Area, invented by Kaoru Ohsada no later than May 1993 as a Nami Japanese Seafood Restaurant chef. It uses a slightly crispy yet chewy fried rice patty as the base and is topped with a layer of sliced avocado, a layer of sliced salmon, tuna or crab meat, a drizzle of blended mayonnaise and wasabi powder and is served in wedges. Nori, pickled ginger and roe are sometimes also served", "id": "20801306" }, { "contents": "Jajangmyeon\n\n\n(usually onions, zucchini or Korean zucchini, or cabbage), stock, and starch slurry. When served, \"jajangmyeon\" may be topped with julienned cucumber, scallions, egg garnish, boiled or fried egg, blanched shrimp, and/or stir-fried bamboo shoot slices. The dish is usually served with \"danmuji\" (yellow pickled radish), sliced raw onions, and \"chunjang\" sauce for dipping the onions. Variations of the jajangmyeon dish include \"gan-jjajang\", \"jaengban-jjajang\",", "id": "5094860" }, { "contents": "Korean Chinese cuisine\n\n\nChinese dishes are served in most Korean Chinese restaurants in South Korea and elsewhere: Other dishes often served in Korean Chinese restaurants include: Dumplings are also served at Korean Chinese restaurants, usually a pan-fried cross between a Japanese gyoza and a northern-Chinese dumpling. Koreans traditionally eat Chinese food with a side dish of \"danmuji\" (yellow pickled radishes) and raw onion dipped in \"chunjang\". Kimchi, a Korean staple, is also eaten with Chinese food. Dried red-chili flakes are provided to season", "id": "10774652" }, { "contents": "Chicken sandwich\n\n\nIn North America, a chicken sandwich is a sandwich that typically consists of a boneless, skinless breast of chicken served between slices of bread, on a bun, or on a roll. Variations of what North Americans consider a \"chicken sandwich\" include the chicken burger or chicken on a bun, hot chicken, and chicken salad sandwich. In North America, the sandwich usually consists of a chicken filet or patty, toppings and bread. The chicken meat can be deep fried, grilled, roasted or boiled, served hot", "id": "1107364" }, { "contents": "Cuisine of New England\n\n\nvarious pastries. Hot roast beef sandwiches are popular in Boston's surrounding area, served with a sweet barbecue sauce and usually on an onion roll. The North Shore area is locally known for its roast beef establishments, which slice tender roast beef extremely thin. The North Shore is also known for steak tips (marinated cubes of sirloin), a common menu item at pizza establishments and backyard cookouts. The South Shore area maintains a following for bar pizza, with many popular restaurants serving these crisp, thin, often heavily topped", "id": "2148390" }, { "contents": "Fuzzy's Grub\n\n\nFuzzy's Grub was a restaurant chain located in London, England. It opened its first Fuzzy's in Fleet Street in 2002 and was set up by Fazila Collins and Georgina Laing, also known by the nicknames Fuzzy and Grub. The chain was primarily a takeaway restaurant specialising in roast dinners, which were served either in box containers or as a sandwich (between thick slices of bread). The roast dinner sandwiches contained everything that was provided in the boxes, including peas and gravy. In 2008, Fuzzy's was in", "id": "14716611" }, { "contents": "Norwegian cuisine\n\n\nadded to the butter to make a creamy sauce. Fatty fish like herring and brisling are given the same treatment. Popular accompaniments are sliced and fresh-pickled cucumbers and sour cream. Fiskesuppe - fish soup: A white, milk-based soup with vegetables, usually carrots, onions, potato and various kinds of fish. Sursild - pickled herring: a variety of pickle-sauces are used, ranging from simple vinegar- sugar-based sauces with tomato, mustard, and sherry-based sauces. Pickled herring is served as", "id": "18402712" }, { "contents": "Offal\n\n\ningredients of \"leverpostej\" are pork liver, lard and anchovies, but numerous alternative recipes exist. The 5.5 million Danes consume roughly 14,000 tons of \"leverpostej\" per year, the most popular commercial brand being Stryhn's. Versions of brawn (often served on rye bread as an open sandwich with garnish of cucumber slices or dijon mustard and pickled beetroot) and blood sausage (served pan-fried with muscovado) are eaten mainly during wintertime, e.g. as part of the traditional Danish Christmas lunch or \"\"julefrokost\"\"", "id": "21468428" }, { "contents": "Hog maw\n\n\n. It is usually served hot on a platter, cut into slices, and topped with horseradish or stewed tomatoes. It can also be served cold as a sandwich. Often served in the winter, it was made on hog butchering days on the farms of Lancaster and Berks Counties and elsewhere in the Pennsylvania Dutch Country. It remains a traditional New Year's Day side dish for many Pennsylvania German families; in fact, many families believe that it is bad luck if not even a small piece is consumed on New Year's", "id": "7586067" }, { "contents": "Wimpy (restaurant)\n\n\ngiven. Drinks served in a bottle with a straw. Condiments in pre-packaged single serving packets.\" In addition to familiar Wimpy burgers and milkshakes, the British franchise initially had served ham or sardine rolls called torpedoes and a cold frankfurter with pickled cucumber sandwiches called Freddies. During the 1970s Wimpy refused entry to women on their own after midnight. This may be because of an assumption they might be prostitutes. By 1970, the business had expanded to over 1,000 restaurants in 23 countries. In July 1977, the business", "id": "16755542" }, { "contents": "Nachos\n\n\n, added shredded cheddar cheese, quickly heated them, added sliced pickled jalapeño peppers, and served them. When asked what the dish was called, he answered, \"Nacho's \"especiales\"\". As word of the dish traveled, the apostrophe was lost, and Nacho's \"specials\" became \"special nachos\". Anaya went on to work at the Moderno Restaurant in Piedras Negras, which still uses the original recipe. He also opened his own restaurant, \"Nacho's Restaurant\", in Piedras Negras.", "id": "175741" }, { "contents": "Murtabak\n\n\nfound in many Indian Muslim restaurants in Singapore, including the Little India area and Arab Street. In Malaysia, murtabak was originally sold in Indian Muslim restaurants and stalls, and usually includes minced meat (beef or chicken, sometimes goat meat mutton along with garlic, egg and onion, and is eaten with curry or gravy, sliced cucumber, syrup-pickled onions or tomato sauce. The dish is sold throughout the country, with diverse variations in ingredients or cooking styles and has been adopted by Malay Muslim sellers as well.", "id": "8785726" }, { "contents": "Baguette\n\n\nlonger loaf, are very often used for sandwiches, usually of the submarine sandwich type, but also a Panini. They are often sliced and served with pâté or cheese. As part of the traditional continental breakfast in France, slices of baguette are spread with butter and jam and dunked in bowls of coffee or hot chocolate. Baguettes are generally made as partially free-form loaves, with the loaf formed with a series of folding and rolling motions, raised in cloth-lined baskets or in rows on a flour-impregnated", "id": "7325282" }, { "contents": "Lunch\n\n\nsweet dishes like Germknödel or rice pudding that can serve as a main course, too. Lunch is called \"Mittagessen\"literally, \"midday's food\". In the Netherlands, Belgium and Norway, it is common to eat sandwiches for lunch: slices of bread that people usually carry to work or school and eat in the canteen. The slices of bread are usually filled with sweet or savoury foodstuffs such as chocolate sprinkles (vlokken), apple syrup, peanut butter, slices of meat, cheese or kroket. The meal typically", "id": "12561286" }, { "contents": "Luosifen\n\n\nusually contain any snail meat but pickled bamboo shoot, pickled green beans, shredded wood ear, fu zhu, fresh green vegetables, peanuts and chili oil are usually added. Diners can also add extra chili, green onions, white vinegar with green peppers etc. to suit their own taste. The dish is served in both small \"hole in the wall\" type restaurants and in luxury hotel restaurants in Liuzhou city (the latter may include snails in the dish). In recent years, many luosifen restaurants have been established", "id": "16224871" }, { "contents": "Nu Way Cafe\n\n\nNuWay is a fast-food restaurant based in Wichita, Kansas. Opening July 4, 1930, the restaurant soon became famous for its loose-meat sandwiches and root beer. The sandwiches are similar to what is known in the Upper Midwest as tavern sandwiches and the ones served at that region's Maid-Rite restaurant chain. NuWay began serving loose-meat sandwiches in 1930. It began with one location on West Douglas on the west side of Wichita, Kansas. With the success of the location it soon grew to", "id": "1237340" }, { "contents": "Rundstück warm\n\n\nThe rundstück warm (English: \"round piece warm\") is a hot dish consisting of a slice of warm roast beef or pork served between the slices of a halved round wheat roll, which is then doused with hot gravy. It is sometimes served with mustard and side dishes such as pickles or aspic from the roast stock. The original bread roll of Hamburg is called \"Rundstück\" (lit.: round piece) and those that were not eaten for breakfast were plated with slices of roasted pork, smothered in", "id": "2601892" }, { "contents": "Pastrami on rye\n\n\n, consists simply of sliced pastrami, placed on rye bread, and topped with spicy brown mustard. It is usually accompanied by a Kosher dill pickle on the side. Corned beef and pastrami on rye may be prepared using rye bread, pastrami, corned beef, cole slaw, and Russian dressing. Preparation involves placing both meats on a slice of rye bread and topping it with coleslaw. Russian dressing may be added to the top slice of bread. Pastrami, lettuce, and tomato (PLT) may be prepared using two", "id": "7754380" }, { "contents": "French dip\n\n\nhouse\", and the words \"Home of the Original French Dip Sandwich\" are present in the restaurant's logo. At Phillippe's, the roll is dipped in the hot beef juices before the sandwich is assembled, and is served \"wet\", while at Cole's it is served with a side of beef juices. The sandwich can also be requested \"double dipped\", where both halves of the sandwich are dipped before serving, at either establishment. Both restaurants feature their own brand of spicy mustard that is", "id": "7272741" }, { "contents": "Chicken sandwich\n\n\nand elsewhere. In Ireland, the popular \"chicken fillet roll\" is a baguette filled with a spicy or plain breaded chicken fillet and a mayonnaise or butter spread. The hot chicken sandwich or simply \"hot chicken\" (Quebec French: \"sandwich chaud au poulet\") is a type of chicken sandwich consisting of chicken, sliced bread, and gravy. The sandwich is usually served with green peas and commonly found in Eastern Canadian cuisine. It's especially popular in Quebec and is often considered one of the province's", "id": "1107368" }, { "contents": "Crab cake\n\n\ncakes are prepared at many well-established restaurants throughout the region. Crab cakes are often prepared with no filler, consisting of all-lump (backfin) crab meat served on a platter or open-faced sandwich. The choices of sides are usually french fries, cole slaw, potato or macaroni salad. Restaurants serve crab cakes with a lemon wedge and saltine crackers and sometimes with other condiments such as a remoulade, tartar sauce, mustard, cocktail sauce, ketchup, or Worcestershire sauce. Many restaurants give their patrons the", "id": "14040171" }, { "contents": "The Hat\n\n\nchef’s toque and the words \"World Famous Pastrami”. \"The Hat\" originates from the restaurant's logo, a chef's hat. The pastrami dip sandwich is The Hat's signature item. It comes on a French roll with mustard and pickle. The Hat also serves burgers, dogs, chili, sandwiches, onion rings, fries and chili cheese fries. Their chili cheese fries with pastrami on top are another customer favorite. The Hat may have been one of the first places to feature the pastrami burger.", "id": "11114932" }, { "contents": "Takuan\n\n\nbears his name. Usually, \"takuan\" is washed with water to remove excess brine and then sliced thinly before serving. It is eaten as a side dish during meals, and eaten as a snack at teatime. Strip-cut \"takuan\" is often used for Japanese bento. Traditional \"takuan\"—using daikon radish that has been sun-dried and then pickled in a rice bran bed—is sometimes stir-fried or braised when getting older and sour. Some sushi rolls use strip-cut \"takuan\" for ingredients", "id": "4700984" }, { "contents": "Philadelphia\n\n\norchestral versions of popular jazz, swing, Broadway, and blues songs at the Kimmel Center and other venues within the mid-Atlantic region. The city is known for its hoagies, stromboli, roast pork sandwich, scrapple, soft pretzels, water ice, Irish potato candy, Tastykakes, and the cheesesteak sandwich which was developed by Italian immigrants. The Philadelphia area has many establishments that serve cheesesteaks, including restaurants, taverns, delicatessens and pizza parlors. The originator of the thinly-sliced steak sandwich in the 1930s, initially", "id": "5555140" }, { "contents": "In-N-Out Burger\n\n\nNeapolitan shakes, grilled cheese sandwich (consists of the same ingredients as the burgers except the meat, plus two slices of melted cheese), Protein Style (wrap with lettuce; consists of the same ingredients as the burgers except buns), and Animal Style (cooked in a thin layer of mustard, adding condiments including pickles, grilled onions, and extra spread). Animal Style fries come with two slices of melted cheese, spread, and grilled onions on top. Whole or sliced chili peppers are also available by request", "id": "7718245" }, { "contents": "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel\n\n\n, 2018, Amazon opened up a pop-up restaurant in Manhattan's Nolita neighborhood modeled after Carnegie Deli as it appeared during the 1950s. The restaurant served a menu much more limited than what was actually offered at the original deli with the only two sandwich options being \"The Maisel\" and \"The Susie.\" Other items offered included mini knishes, black and white cookies, cheesecake, and pickles. As the restaurant was purely for promotional purposes, nothing on the menu cost more than 99 cents, and all the", "id": "1610937" }, { "contents": "Tuna fish sandwich\n\n\n\" may also refer to cuisine utilizing filet of raw or cooked tuna, rather than canned tuna. In the United States, 52% of canned tuna is used for sandwiches. The tuna fish sandwich has been called \"the mainstay of almost everyone's American childhood,\" and \"the staple of the snatched office lunch for a generation.\" A tuna fish sandwich is usually made with canned tuna mixed with mayonnaise and other additions, such as chopped celery, pickles or pickle relish, hard-boiled eggs, onion,", "id": "21844510" }, { "contents": "Happy Meal\n\n\nside item (French fries, apple slices, a Go-Gurt tube or a salad in some areas) and a drink (milk, juice or a soft drink). The choice of items changes from country to country and may depend on the size of the restaurant. In some countries, the choices have been expanded to include items such as a grilled cheese sandwich (known as a \"Fry Kid\"), or more healthy options such as apple slices, a mini snack wrap, salads or pasta, as", "id": "15267495" }, { "contents": "Puerto Rican cuisine\n\n\nmost dishes. Fast food and diners are common for a quick lunch. Food trucks parked on the side of the street that serve sandwiches, \"churrasco\", juices, and soft drinks. The tropical heat hasn't stopped Puerto Ricans from enjoying a good hot soup, usually with \"tostones\", bread, or slices of avocado on top. Some fritters, like \"almojábanas\" and \"yuca con mojo\" among others, are served with rice, beans, and meat or fish. Slow cooked \"recaíto\"", "id": "4166488" }, { "contents": "International availability of McDonald's products\n\n\nas Cơm tấm, named simply as cơm. The dish consists of broken rice, grilled pork and various other sides that come at an extra price. Bánh mì(General term for bread) is also served and looks very similar to a Subway sandwich. They also sell fried chicken, besides grilled pork. Belgian McDonald's serve the Croque McDo, consisting of two slices of Emmental cheese and a slice of ham toasted between two hamburger buns. This is a variation of the traditional croque-monsieur sandwich found in France and Belgium.", "id": "3065933" }, { "contents": "Steak sandwich\n\n\nA French dip sandwich is an American hot sandwich, also known as a beef dip (especially in Canada), consisting of thinly sliced roast beef (or, sometimes, other meats such as pastrami or corned beef) on a French roll or baguette. It is usually served \"au jus\" (\"with juice\"), that is, with beef juice from the cooking process. Though it can be found in many parts of the U.S. and Canada, the sandwich originated in Los Angeles, California, in the", "id": "16800651" }, { "contents": "Cheesesteak\n\n\npopular at restaurants and food carts throughout the city with many locations being independently owned, family-run businesses. Variations of cheesesteaks are now common in several fast food chains. Versions of the sandwich can also be found at high-end restaurants. Many establishments outside of Philadelphia refer to the sandwich as a \"Philly cheesesteak\". The meat traditionally used is thinly sliced rib-eye or top round, although other cuts of beef are also used. On a lightly oiled griddle at medium temperature, the steak slices are quickly", "id": "3278703" }, { "contents": "Gyeongju\n\n\ntogether. Most \"ssambap\" restaurants in Gyeongju are gathered in the area of Daenuengwon or Grand Tumuli Park. \"Haejangguk\" is a kind of soup eaten as a hangover cure, and means \"soup to chase a hangover\". A street dedicated to \"haejangguk\" is located near Gyeongju National Museum, where 20 \"haejangguk\" restaurants are gathered to serve the Gyeongju-style \"haejangguk\". The soup is made by boiling soybean sprout, sliced \"memilmuk\" (buckwheat starch jelly), sour kimchi (pickled", "id": "1346579" }, { "contents": "Tony Gemignani\n\n\n\", \"Travel + Leisure\", Fox News, and others. Opening in 2010, Gemignani took ownership of an adjacent deli. Seeing this as an opportunity to serve more styles of pizzas like classic New York style slices, Sicilian, and California style slices, along with Chicago Beef Sandwiches and other deli favorites, the slicehouse allowed people to enjoy Gemignani's pizza without the infamous wait times seen at his flagship restaurant. Since the opening in North Beach, Gemignani has expanded his slice house concept to include concessions stalls in", "id": "10645810" }, { "contents": "Stir-fried tomato and scrambled eggs\n\n\nStir-fried tomato and scrambled eggs (, Yale: \"fāan kèh cháau dáan\"/\"sāi hùhng chíh cháau gāi daahn\") is a common dish in China. It is served as a main course. Because of its simplicity to prepare, it is popular to be served in student canteens as well. This dish is also eaten in the Philippines, usually during breakfast, and paired with garlic fried rice, or sandwiched between sliced pandesal. Eggs are usually first scrambled in a bowl, and tomatoes are sliced into wedges. Tomatoes", "id": "10841825" }, { "contents": "Italian sandwich\n\n\nversion is traditionally prepared using fresh-baked bread, ham, American cheese, slices of tomato, onions, green pepper and sour pickle, Kalamata olives and salad oil. The Italian sandwich is known as a \"grinder\" or a \"sub\" in Boston, Massachusetts, and in east Boston it is referred to as a \"spuckie\", which may be named after the spuccadella, an Italian bread roll with a pointed shape. In Philadelphia and South Jersey it is known as a \"hoagie\" or a \"", "id": "4844511" }, { "contents": "Century egg\n\n\nof sliced barbecued pork, pickled baby leeks, sliced abalone, pickled julienned carrots, pickled julienned daikon radish, seasoned julienned jellyfish, sliced pork, head cheese and the quartered century eggs is served. This is called a \"lahng-poon\" in Cantonese, which simply means \"cold dish\". Century eggs are sometimes avoided due to the belief that they are prepared by soaking eggs in horse urine, but there is no good evidence to support this, and furthermore urine is generally not basic. In Thai and Lao", "id": "10814013" }, { "contents": "Pork tenderloin sandwich\n\n\ninstead of pan fried. The Pork Tenderloin sandwich is also usually served on a bun. There is a grilled variant of the Pork Tenderloin that omits the breading and grills the tenderloin instead of deep frying it. A Pork Tenderloin sandwich is traditionally prepared from a thinly sliced piece of pork loin, hammered thin with a meat mallet. The meat is then dipped in flour, eggs and breadcrumbs or crushed saltine crackers before being deep fried in oil. After cooking, the prepared Pork loin is then served on a hamburger bun,", "id": "3124039" }, { "contents": "Cuisine of the Midwestern United States\n\n\nbreaded, and deep fried before being served on a seeded hamburger bun with any or all of ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, and dill pickle slices. In Iowa, the meat of a pork tenderloin sandwich is often far larger than the area of the bun. Recipes compiled and published by the \"Des Moines Register\" include salmon mousse, fresh gazpacho, apple coleslaw, cabbage n' macaroni slaw, other slaws, soups, and dips, and various salads like turkey-melon, shrimp-yogurt and pasta-blackbean", "id": "104166" }, { "contents": "Double Down (sandwich)\n\n\nThe Double Down is a dish offered by Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) restaurants where a sandwich is formed by two pieces of fried chicken rather than the more usual halves of a bread roll. The Double Down contains bacon, cheese and sauce between two pieces of chicken fillet. Variants offered by KFC have included grilled instead of fried chicken fillets and fillets with Zinger spicy coating. KFC South Africa premiered the Double Down in March 2013. To obtain its halal certification, the bacon is replaced with a slice of processed smoked chicken", "id": "6820181" } ]
How exactly does shopping at small independent stores help the local economy?
[{"answer": "As a local shop owner, when people buy from me, it means I (your neighbor), get your money, not an investor to Caribou Coffee. I, the only guy who works here, can afford to feed my family. I'm not a corporation that has 1000 stores and paying overhead on 1000 stores. That money you give me goes to the electric company, the restaurant where we celebrate after the Sport Team wins, and the local farmers market. I'm buying my produce from the guy who lives down the street...his tomatoes came in great this year. He's also got a daughter in college. I helped him pay his bills this month, and when she graduates, she's gonna run a B & B, which means more people are gonna drop the town and have a cup of coffee."}, {"answer": "I own a small children's boutique so this is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. There are many benefits to shopping local. 1. Your money stays in your community. This happens on many levels. First, you are directly supporting the shop owner and their family as opposed to your dollars going to increase the bottom line for a bunch of stock holders that are probably already extremely wealthy. Those dollars are typically spent locally and used for things like their children's sports, piano lessons, etc. Secondly, most local businesses are active members of the community. My business donates thousands of dollars to local non-profit organizations that serve people in our community. If I (and other local businesses) weren't there, they would most likely have to cut programs or go under. Lastly, most small shops support local manufacturing, cottage businesses, and US made products. For example, I carry multiple handcrafted lines in my store that are local home based businesses. These small businesses would not have an avenue to get into a retail location if a small shop like mine was not around. A mom and pop botanical business is not getting on the shelf at Target, let's be real. 2. By supporting local business, you create diversity and choice in your community. You can see this by shopping around, if you want to purchase something unique from a brick and mortar location... you aren't going to find it at Walmart. Big box stores have a very bland selection, and are typically products that can be found anywhere. Want something truly unique? Visit a local boutique. 3. You are most likely going to get a high quality product. The small business owner knows that everything they sell in their shop reflects on them personally. Carrying crap on your shelf will result in nothing but problems. Big box stores and Amazon however, couldn't give two shits if you end up with some p.o.s. from China. There's my rant, now buy some shit from me ;) *edited for formating"}, {"answer": "The argument is that local shop owners pay taxes in the city/county/state where they live and they spend their profits in that city as well. There's also a better chance that local stores source their goods from local producers. Non-local corporations pay some local taxes, but not as many and the profits are distributed to shareholders who will spend the money wherever they live and not necessarily in the city where the store is located."}, {"answer": "Its about where the money is circulating. A local shop probably buys from local sources while big box stores ship stuff in from all over the world. If you buy a catfish that's was caught in china then at least some of your money is going to china, which is a problem because of unequal trade between china and where you live. The question is where do you want your money to go. Do you want it to feed your next door neighbor, who is probably sleeping with your wife, or do you want it to go to the crack head Walmart heirs. (full disclosure, i don't know who is sleeping with your wife, it might be your neighbor or it might be your pasture. I don't know your life. )"}, {"answer": "If you buy at big name store, the money goes to corporate which is probably out of state. Maybe 10\u00a2 on the dollar is paid to the employees, meaning 90% of that money just left the area. When you buy from local owned, the money goes from the register to the owner, who then pays his employees their cut, still 10% let's say, buys his products (which may or may not be local) and keeps that 50% markup for himself, just like corporate. The difference? Local business owner lives in your town, and spends the money there. If he shops at Walmart or on amazon you still lose the money after one transaction though. But if you trade locally, you keep the money local. If you buy stuff from people who but stuff from out of the area, eventually you don't have any money left. But if that 5$ bill keeps trading hands in your town, your town stays that much richer."}, {"answer": "If you buy local from somewhere, the money goes to the owner of the company. Usually theyre in the same state community. If you buy from big retailers, buy from people who get paid commission because it goes right back into the community."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "874564", "title": "General store", "section": "Section::::By country.:United States.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 39, "end_paragraph_id": 39, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["culture, these media representations give some idea of the importance attached to local shops in the national psyche and as a mainstay of community life. General stores, and itinerant peddlers, dominated in rural America until the coming of the automobile after 1910. Farmers and ranchers depended on general stores that had a limited stock and slow turnover; they made enough profit to stay in operation by selling at high prices. Often farmers would barter butter, cheese, eggs, vegetables or other foods which the merchant would resell. Prices were not marked on each item; instead the customer negotiated a price. Men did most of the shopping, since the main criterion was credit rather than quality of goods. Indeed, most customers shopped on credit, paying off the bill when crops, hogs or cattle were later sold;", "culture, these media representations give some idea of the importance attached to local shops in the national psyche and as a mainstay of community life. General stores, and itinerant peddlers, dominated in rural America until the coming of the automobile after 1910. Farmers and ranchers depended on general stores that had a limited stock and slow turnover; they made enough profit to stay in operation by selling at high prices. Often farmers would barter butter, cheese, eggs, vegetables or other foods which the merchant would resell. Prices were not marked on each item; instead the customer negotiated a price. Men did most of the shopping, since the main criterion was credit rather than quality of goods. Indeed, most customers shopped on credit, paying off the bill when crops, hogs or cattle were later sold; the owner's ability to judge credit worthiness was vital to his success. The store was often a gathering point for local men to chat, pass around the weekly newspaper, and talk politics."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "276495", "title": "Small business", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Small businesses are privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships that have fewer employees and/or less annual revenue than a regular-sized business or corporation. Businesses are defined as \"small\" in terms of being able to apply for government support and qualify for preferential tax policy varies depending on the country and industry. Small businesses range from fifteen employees under the Australian \"Fair Work Act 2009\", fifty employees according to the definition used by the European Union, and fewer than five hundred employees to qualify for many U.S. Small Business Administration programs. While small businesses can also be classified according to other methods, such as annual revenues, shipments, sales, assets,", "Small businesses are privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships that have fewer employees and/or less annual revenue than a regular-sized business or corporation. Businesses are defined as \"small\" in terms of being able to apply for government support and qualify for preferential tax policy varies depending on the country and industry. Small businesses range from fifteen employees under the Australian \"Fair Work Act 2009\", fifty employees according to the definition used by the European Union, and fewer than five hundred employees to qualify for many U.S. Small Business Administration programs. While small businesses can also be classified according to other methods, such as annual revenues, shipments, sales, assets, or by annual gross or net revenue or net profits, the number of employees is one of the most widely used measures. Small businesses in many countries include service or retail operations such as convenience stores, small grocery stores, bakeries or delicatessens, hairdressers or tradespeople (e.g., carpenters, electricians), restaurants, guest houses, photographers, very small-scale manufacturing, and Internet"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "44783607", "title": "Impact of farmers' markets on economies within the United States", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Farmers' markets are markets in which producers sell directly to consumers. While farmers' markets do not have a measurable impact on the United States economy as a whole, many studies have found that farmers' markets impact state and municipal economies as well as vendors, local businesses, and consumers. These impacts are measured using the IMPLAN Input-Output Model and the Sticky Economic Evaluation Device (SEED), in addition to other methods. The economic impacts that are most frequently measured include effects on the revenue and income of local growers and local businesses, the effects on job creation, and the effects on other sectors of state and local economies.", "Farmers' markets are markets in which producers sell directly to consumers. While farmers' markets do not have a measurable impact on the United States economy as a whole, many studies have found that farmers' markets impact state and municipal economies as well as vendors, local businesses, and consumers. These impacts are measured using the IMPLAN Input-Output Model and the Sticky Economic Evaluation Device (SEED), in addition to other methods. The economic impacts that are most frequently measured include effects on the revenue and income of local growers and local businesses, the effects on job creation, and the effects on other sectors of state and local economies. Some obstacles that may reduce impact or create negative economic effects include over-saturation, socioeconomic barriers, the opportunity cost of farmers' markets, and the projected unsustainable growth of farmers' markets in the United States."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Carshalton\n\n\n. The annual Carshalton Lavender harvest weekend is held in July, at Stanley Park Allotments, Carshalton-on-the-Hill. A number of businesses and organisations are based in Carshalton, such as the Institute of Refrigeration. Retailing also forms a significant part of the local economy. There are number of separate shopping areas, with the small network of streets in Carshalton Village the main one. The Village contains a variety of mainly independent establishments, including an art gallery, gift stores, clock dealers, antique shops, niche", "id": "10289786" }, { "contents": "Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County\n\n\nis positive because it has helped boom the local economy and make Laguna Beach a desirable destination. But these positive aspects seem to be dominated by rejection and negativity from residents. Locals claim that their town is not being depicted how it should be- by the art and culture. The down town strip of ice cream shops and art galleries are being overshadowed by teen drama and partying. During filming days, streets would be stopped with traffic jams and tourists swarming local stores trying to get a glimpse of the teenage cast members. \"", "id": "10501247" }, { "contents": "Ramat Ef'al\n\n\nmemory of Yosef Tabenkin and the exploits of the Harel Brigade during Israel's War of Independence. The economy of Ramat Ef'al is dominated by a trio of food establishments including a supermarket, a café, and a pizzeria (Papa Gino's). There is also a convenient store, a small toy/gambling store, a post office, a bank, and a barber shop. Due to Ramat Ef'al's relatively small amount of shops, many residents outsource their spending to other nearby cities, most notably Tel-Aviv and", "id": "9927519" }, { "contents": "Kempsey, New South Wales\n\n\nlocal economy based on tourism, farming and service industries. As a local centre it has many shops and services including three major supermarkets, a department store and fast food chain stores such as Subway. In 2014, the Australian Bureau of Statistics ranked Kempsey as one of the poorest Local Government areas in New South Wales. A Coles supermarket development (known as the \"Kempsey Central Shopping Centre\") has been built and is situated where the Tattersalls Hotel and various small businesses were in Little Belgrave Street. This shopping centre opened", "id": "20761587" }, { "contents": "Tin Hau Food Square\n\n\nstores cannot afford. A local food store owner believes that the development project of Tin Hau Food Square has not helped them at all, instead creating higher rents, and more difficulties. As a result, independent food stores that represent local and characteristic culture are encountering more obstacles while the theme of street food market is fading away. Another challenge for the Food Square is the strict regulation of the local shops. Some are victims of insufficient land supply, a deep-rooted problem affecting development. Due to the shops'", "id": "11274261" }, { "contents": "History of Pittsburgh\n\n\nfund technological advances. For example, T. Mellon & Sons Bank, founded in 1869, helped to finance an aluminum reduction company that became Alcoa. Ingham (1991) shows how small, independent iron and steel manufacturers survived and prospered from the 1870s through the 1950s, despite competition from much larger, standardized production firms. These smaller firms were built on a culture that valued local markets and the beneficial role of business in the local community. Small firms concentrated on specialized products, particularly structural steel, where the economies of scale", "id": "12954546" }, { "contents": "Centerville, Iowa\n\n\nparking spaces between the shops' sidewalks and the courthouse lawn—in effect, six-lane wide streeting around the Appanoose County Courthouse provides four lanes of public parking. In the latter decades of the 20th century, Centerville, like many other small American communities, experienced a change in its retail economy as many long-established locally owned shops closed, due in large part to loss of business to large nationally owned retailers. Although many of the former stores have been replaced by specialty gift shops and antique stores, catering to", "id": "20470769" }, { "contents": "Focus: HOPE\n\n\ninner-city Detroit and the surrounding suburbs. The survey was conducted in April, 1968 and was aimed at answering three questions: • Do the poor pay more? • Does skin color affect service? • Are facilities and products equal for inner city and suburban shoppers? The survey was designed with the help of local universities, government agencies and private firms. Focus: HOPE recruited 403 women from the city and surrounding suburbs to shop for a prescribed list of items at various chain and independent stores throughout the Detroit area.", "id": "1456552" }, { "contents": "South Side (Pittsburgh)\n\n\nSouth Side easily accessible from Oakland, which is around 2 miles away from South Side. Station Square is about 1.5 miles west of South Side, and Mt. Washington is 2.5 miles away. The average South Side family income in 2003 was $41,353. East Carson St. has restaurants, bars, and shops that help support the economy of the South Side. The large variety of shopping along E. Carson Street and SouthSide Works is also a factor in the South Side's economy. There are a variety of locally owned stores such", "id": "8186194" }, { "contents": "Carwyn Jones\n\n\n(Jones) is very good at blaming London for everything and terrifically stirring in his speeches about how more needs to be done to help the Welsh economy and yet he does exactly the reverse.\" Mr Clegg further claimed the Coalition Government was \"doing all the heavy lifting, not the Welsh Government\". A spokesman for Carwyn Jones, responded: \"We’ve again witnessed another graceless visit to Wales by Nick Clegg. People would be right to ask themselves – why does he bother coming to Wales, if all he", "id": "20654216" }, { "contents": "Omak, Washington\n\n\n. Walmart hired approximately 200 employees, boosting the city's economy significantly and becoming among Okanogan County's largest retailer for a short period. The store was later allowed to remain open for 24 hours per day. Omak's economy is also driven by a mixture of tourism. Nearby recreational destinations, with their mild climate, increase the local economy significantly. The local Ace Hardware, Big 5 Sporting Goods, Big R and Walmart retail stores maintain license vendors for recreational activities. There is a shopping mall, the Omache Shopping Center", "id": "11887260" }, { "contents": "Weston Mill, Plymouth\n\n\nCamel's Head Primary School), is the main state primary school in the area with the nearest secondary schools being Marine Academy Plymouth (in King's Tamerton) and All Saints Church of England Academy (in Honicknowle). There is no local independent provision. The nearest local shopping centre is 'the square' in St Budeaux, with a small collection of convenience stores in neighbouring Ham and North Prospect. There is also the local convenience store in Bridwell Road called \"Weston Mel Stores\". The Weston Mill Hotel,", "id": "964768" }, { "contents": "Clone town\n\n\nemploy local people, thus energising the local economy. The NEF report also notes that the creation of chain stores and supermarkets has been in part a response to the consolidation of retail land ownership in the UK. Retailers are forced to consolidate to have any leverage over landlords that have already consolidated. Other commentators have raised concerns regarding the loss of \"sociability\" offered by traditional shopping: \"the demise of the small shop would mean that people will not just be disadvantaged in their role as consumers but also as members of communities", "id": "15466301" }, { "contents": "Economy of Philadelphia\n\n\na wide variety of standalone independent retailers. The Rittenhouse area, known as Philadelphia's outdoor shopping mall, includes Rittenhouse Row, a four-block section of Walnut Street, which has higher-end clothing chain stores and some hipster-inspired clothing stores. The parallel streets of Sansom and Chestnut have some high-end boutiques and clothing retailers. Old City, especially the 3rd Street corridor, has locally owned independent boutiques and art/design galleries. Midway between Old City and Broad Street is the Reading Terminal Market, with", "id": "1349865" }, { "contents": "Briarcliff Manor, New York\n\n\nretailers such as restaurants, cafes, small food markets, and specialty shops. The North State Road business district has a supermarket, a bank, a gas station, and a mixture of retail stores, and the other retail areas have national and local stores. The village has small offices and larger offices for the regional (or national) market, which were formerly housed by companies including Sony Electronics, Philips Research, and Wüsthof. The village economy depends on education, health care and social services. Of the population aged", "id": "5545911" }, { "contents": "Shaw's and Star Market\n\n\nbehind Quincy, Massachusetts-based Stop & Shop and Scarborough, Maine-based Hannaford; Hannaford operates stores in upstate New York while Stop & Shop's operations extend through downstate New York and into New Jersey; only Shaw's does business solely in New England. As of July 5, 2013, Shaw's and Star Market no longer use loyalty cards at their stores, as a way to compete with other local stores that do not have them. In 1860, George C. Shaw opened a small teashop in Portland, Maine", "id": "15127418" }, { "contents": "Newarthill\n\n\na bookmaker and a takeaway establishment. There are several shops and fast food outlets around the rest of the town. There used to be a local Post Office and Spar store, but it was demolished after a fire burned it down on Christmas Day 2009. A Nisa Local convenience store (opened Nov 2010) has been built on the Spar site, which does have a Post Office, and is one of only a few small food stores in the village. Some famous supermarket chains are located outside Newarthill. The main tourist", "id": "20518327" }, { "contents": "King Wah Centre\n\n\nOn department store in the 1990s. When that store closed the building was taken over by small independent shops selling popular clothing and accessories aimed primarily at teenage customers. The new shopping centre was colloquially referred to as \"Red Spot\" (Chinese: 紅點) as the building's sign used to feature a distinctive red spot, now covered up by other signage. In June 2013, all 130 original tenants moved out of King Wah Centre, which was taken over by the Sincere Department Store, one of the oldest local department", "id": "16640440" }, { "contents": "Escanaba, Michigan\n\n\narts organizations, art galleries, and musical performing groups. Escanaba is home to one the safest natural harbors in the upper Great Lakes, which makes it a natural destination for boaters. Tourism has become significant for the local economy. Tourist draws include Lake Michigan beaches and local fishing and hunting opportunities. Most visitors come from Wisconsin and Illinois. The Delta Plaza Mall, is a small enclosed shopping mall in Escanaba, which features Hobby Lobby, Marshalls, and Dunham's as its anchor stores. Other big box retail stores in", "id": "410085" }, { "contents": "Longville, Minnesota\n\n\nsnowmobiles and jet skis that can be bought elsewhere and brought to Longville (thus not profiting the local economy), real estate cannot be bought elsewhere. Longville's diverse service economy includes a grocery store, gas station, bar, coffee shop, bait shop, supper club, realty services, airplane rides, boat maintenance, three hardware stores, a library, clinic, bank, airport, multiple art galleries, gift shops, pizza parlor, ice cream shop, mini golf, sporting goods and even a new (", "id": "1295574" }, { "contents": "Broadwater, West Sussex\n\n\n, a cake decorating and party supplies shop, a florist, a small supermarket, a convenience store, a furniture shop, two hairdressers, a pharmacy, a pet shop, a few charity shops, a gun shop and a doctors surgery. An independent continues to trade despite competition from large local supermarkets. Broadwater is also home to some fast food outlets and one contemporary Indian restaurant. Two pubs are also located in the main parade of shops: a traditional pub, \"The Cricketers\" and a more contemporary style bar", "id": "9499855" }, { "contents": "Hyde Park, Leeds\n\n\ndoor stands the Brudenell Social Club, a members' club which has recently taken on a new role as a venue for local and underground music. There are also a number of cafes and shops at Hyde Park Corner, including a vintage and antiques store and a Greek cafe. The area has many local or independent shops, such as DIY stores, takeaways, fruit and vegetable shops, two Sainsbury's stores, Coop and two independent mini supermarkets, a pharmacy, a laundrette, a bakers on Cardigan Road and three vintage", "id": "2920078" }, { "contents": "Online shopping\n\n\nsuch as instructions, safety procedures, demonstrations, or manufacturer specifications. Some provide background information, advice, or how-to guides designed to help consumers decide which product to buy. Some stores even allow customers to comment or rate their items. There are also dedicated review sites that host user reviews for different products. Reviews and even some blogs give customers the option of shopping for cheaper purchases from all over the world without having to depend on local retailers. In a conventional retail store, clerks are generally available to answer", "id": "8322083" }, { "contents": "Urstromtaler\n\n\nThe Urstromtaler is a community currency being used in the landlocked states Brandenburg and Saxony-Anhalt side by side with the euro. It equates one-to-one with euro in value and is accepted by several local shops and businesses. The supporters argue that this helps by promoting local business especially for the small local shops that have to compete against corporate supermarkets and chain stores. There are 22 other regional currencies that have sprung up in Germany. Sometimes it is argued that Regiogeld is illegal, but most academics tend to see", "id": "16313210" }, { "contents": "Craigneuk\n\n\nmaking and crafts. The Caledonian Centre on Glasgow Road has national store chains such as Argos, Matalan, Brantano, Pets at Home and Homebase. Nearby a KFC drive-thru restaurant is located on the site of the former Texaco petrol station. There are a small number of independent shops and pubs along Shieldmuir Street and Craigneuk Street. On the residential streets there is a Spar grocery store at the western end of Laurel Drive and an independent newsagent on Hillcrest Avenue known locally as \"Bell's\" and another on Briarwood Road", "id": "14611303" }, { "contents": "The Shops at Montebello\n\n\nThe Shops at Montebello (formerly \"Montebello Town Center\") is a shopping mall mainly located within the city limits of Montebello, California, with over 120 national and local retail outlets - such as Aeropostale, Disney Store, Gymboree, Hollister, Victoria’s Secret and BJ's Restaurant & Brewery. A small portion of its eastern side is actually within the city limits of Rosemead. It features major department stores, children's stores, smaller shops such as beauty and bath stores, health stores and salons. and a small", "id": "11961463" }, { "contents": "Beautiful Store\n\n\nsharing. Instead of charging fees for the shop, Beautiful Store collects part of the sales profits as donation. Beautiful Store helps small businesses from developing countries by importing their products for fair prices. In October 2002, Beautiful Store became a nonprofit organization operating independently as a subsidiary of Beautiful Foundation and opened the first branch. The following year on January 18, the Samseongyo store opened near Hansung Univ Station, consisting solely of volunteers except for the secretary (manager) of the operation. The following year a brown bamboo pencil case", "id": "21958620" }, { "contents": "Computer processing of body language\n\n\nevaluating any type of activity in these types of crowded areas that seems fairly irregular. The information that the computer gives will help provide an alert or warning that something is not going the way it should. In the example of a mall, this sort of computer will provide an alert to something like an individual that has fallen from an escalator. Helping businesses and local stores analyze how their customers behave while shopping is another example of how this type of computer technology will be implemented. The scientists and researchers that are creating a", "id": "11370507" }, { "contents": "Oxford\n\n\nfounded in 1738. St Aldate's has few shops but several local government buildings, including the town hall, the city police station and local council offices. The High (the word \"street\" is traditionally omitted) is the longest of the four streets and has a number of independent and high-end chain stores, but mostly university and college buildings. There are two small shopping malls in the city centre: The Clarendon Centre and the Westgate Centre. The Westgate Centre is named for the original West Gate in the", "id": "2473447" }, { "contents": "Walmart\n\n\nof business was significantly higher for establishments close to that store\". The study illustrated how approximately 300 jobs were lost due to the opening of the store, which is about equivalent to Walmart's employment in the area. The overall findings of this study reinforce the \"contention that large-city Walmarts, like those in small towns, absorb retail sales from nearby stores without significantly expanding the market\" as this is one of the first studies of Walmarts economic impacts on local economies. [[File:Wal-Mart Workers", "id": "14830117" }, { "contents": "Cash mob\n\n\nhow other cash mobs should be coordinated. These rules included \"choosing stores that are locally owned ... getting approval from the store's owners and setting a $20 spending commitment for mobbers.\" Other rules include having the mob gathering near a local bar or restaurant that the group can attend after the shopping event. Cash mob groups have been started in a number of different cities: The Chamber of Commerce in Huntington, New York has supported the creation of a cash mob, forming it into a \"monthly event to help", "id": "4850984" }, { "contents": "West Portal, San Francisco\n\n\nPark, West Portal is a San Francisco community that almost functions as a small city itself. Though small, the neighborhood has many banks, restaurants, coffee shops, salons, a first run movie theatre, and spas. West Portal Avenue is dotted with locally owned and operated businesses which include a book store, toy store, produce market, and hardware store. The frequent fog helps keep the area green in the usually rainless summer months, and on a clear day, West Portal Park, above the Twin Peaks Tunnel", "id": "2853157" }, { "contents": "Southam\n\n\nSaturday of each month. There is a range of shops in the town centre, including a Co-Op supermarket, a small independent supermarket (Acorn Stores), a Premier supermarket, a post office, an optician, a pharmacy, W Goodwin & Sons hardware store and undertaker, a carpet shop, the Southam Office Supplies stationery and print shop, a dry cleaner and laundry, two florists, two ladies clothing shops, other small speciality and gift shops, Acorns Hospice and The Myton Hospices charity shops, and a", "id": "20575796" }, { "contents": "Minted\n\n\norganization. Minted Local, a pop-up store in San Francisco’s Union Square shopping district, was opened in May 2016. The store's “Stylist Bar” provides access to a Minted expert by appointment for help designing wedding stationery, birth announcements, holiday cards and more. Minted holds regular design challenges that are open to artists and designers. Thousands of independent artists participate in the challenges. More than 2,000 designs are submitted by artists to Minted every week. Visitors to the website vote on the design submissions to help", "id": "17094375" }, { "contents": "History of cycling in Syracuse, New York\n\n\nBicycle Works\". Along with the bicycle manufacturers, came a host of other industries such as bicycle maintenance shops and gear manufacturers and tire repairers. Some shops, such as \"Howlett's Rubber Store\" of 212 South Clinton Street, offered storage services where you could park your bicycle for the winter months through April 1 for one dollar. All combined, the bicycle industry helped to create many jobs to boost the local economy. In the period from 1890 to 1896, when the \"peak of the bicycle fad\" was", "id": "18971012" }, { "contents": "Bottineau, North Dakota\n\n\nArmory. The economy in Bottineau is based on agriculture and recreational activities. The city's commercial district consists mainly of small local shops, but a Wal-Mart Supercenter store is now operating within Bottineau; some consider this unusual for a town of such a small size. Bottineau is also home to the Bottineau County Fair, which is the state's oldest county fair. As of the census of 2010, there were 2,211 people, 972 households, and 538 families residing in the city. The population density was . There", "id": "6054020" }, { "contents": "Palace economy\n\n\neconomic system types. There was, however, a notable abstention. Chadwick, who inherited the work and tradition of Ventris, in \"The Mycenaean World\" (1976), notably does not refer to a palace economy. Instead he implies questions, such as ... it is not so clear how small a palace can be ... What we can infer from the palace buildings is that there are administrative centres ... each centre of administration implies an administrator, whether he be an independent monarch, a semi-autonomous prince, or", "id": "8941912" }, { "contents": "New Barnet\n\n\nconverted into flats. The main commercial area in New Barnet is on \"East Barnet Road\", near the railway station. A number of office blocks were built in \"Station Road\" in the 1960s & 70s. Some have now been converted to flats. A large Sainsbury's supermarket (opened 30 September 1980) is surrounded by a cluster of small independent shops. These local shops are under threat of demolition from large schemes planned by Tesco and Asda stores. Although there is some local concern about the two planned developments", "id": "20021526" }, { "contents": "Gifu\n\n\nOsaka as a leader of the Japanese fashion industry. The area just north of JR Gifu Station contains a variety of small clothing stores catering to many types of consumers. Furthermore, the city's main downtown covered shopping arcade, Yanagase, features many clothing, shoe, and accessory shops that carry both domestic and overseas goods. Over the past decade, though, as Gifu's fashion industry has declined steeply, the city has begun developing other industries to support the local economy. One such industry is manufacturing. Because the city", "id": "1358906" }, { "contents": "Biguina\n\n\n, papayas, shea nuts, palm nuts, Rônier palm fruits, and various leaf vegetables. Commerce is also an important sector of the local economy. There are several small stores, and the village hosts an open-air market every Tuesday. Biguina does not have electricity. Local homes do not have indoor running water, but the village does have a clean water supply. Biguina has a central diesel-powered water pump, which fills a water tower located on high ground in Biguina 2. From the tower, water", "id": "1502882" }, { "contents": "Polmont\n\n\n2007, being elected for the first time through the Single Transferrable Vote system. Polmont is unusual for a town in the Falkirk area in that a local by-election in 2000 saw a Conservative candidate returned with over half of the popular vote. The economy of Polmont is based mainly upon relatively small scale private enterprise, such as pubs, cafes, hotels, take-aways and convenience stores. The majority of these are based in or around Polmont shopping centre, the focal point of local custom. Agriculture is also a", "id": "12857671" }, { "contents": "Computer processing of body language\n\n\ncomputer that runs on this type of technology are making use of the idea of body language being used to work with computers for reasons relating to marketing purposes. This involves monitoring how many people there are in the street next to that certain shop as well as the use of a heat map generator. The heat map generator will basically allow the manager or staff at a store to observe how exactly people are moving. It will also allow staff workers to see what things in the store are attracting the attention of the customers the", "id": "11370508" }, { "contents": "Maria del Carmen Montoya\n\n\nshe began stocking paraphernalia and her store soon became a popular head shop. Carmen and her family lived in the back room of the store and she learned all about American rock music and how to talk to strangers helping her mother tend shop. Her mother now runs a small import stand in a Fiesta Mart Montoya's personal family history of immigration and experience with fringe cultures deeply influences her artistic practice. Montoya earned a BA from Loyola University - Chicago in 1995 where she studied Philosophy and Women's Studies. Her second degree was", "id": "14963796" }, { "contents": "Harlowton, Montana\n\n\nfor the local economy. The main products are Wheat, Barley, Oats, Hay, Cattle, Sheep, and Honey. There are many businesses supporting the agriculture industry in Harlowton; the Wheatland County Farm Service Agency, Veterinary Clinics, a Feed Store, Ranch Supply Store, Auto and Mechanical Shops, Hardware Stores, and a Saddle Repair Shop. Harlowton and Wheatland County boast an industrial business segment with some truly unique products from stone to steel griddles, honey for your local pancakes to event tickets. The wide variety of", "id": "2986915" }, { "contents": "ZJ Boarding House\n\n\nZJ Boarding House (ZJBH) is a surfboard, skateboard, snowboard, and clothing store Located in Santa Monica, California, United States. For over thirty years ZJ Boarding House has provided not only an outlet for the consumer to purchase board sport equipment, but has impacted the local community in several positive ways. From a small surf shop to becoming a super store for board sports, ZJ Boarding House helps the community, youth, and has expanded to include joint Hurley and Billabong storefronts. The shop has remained a staple", "id": "11161041" }, { "contents": "American Independent Business Alliance\n\n\nThe American Independent Business Alliance (AMIBA) is a non-profit organization that represents the interests of local independent businesses, helps communities develop strong local economies through nurturing local entrepreneurs, and promotes citizen engagement in local economic development. AMIBA helps communities to: launch and successfully operate \"buy local\" campaigns; facilitate group purchasing and marketing among local businesses, and; other programs to support community enterprise. Many of these communities form Independent Business Alliances to strengthen and sustain community-based businesses while strengthening local economies and preventing chains and", "id": "21033489" }, { "contents": "Sharing economy\n\n\nUberEATS drivers get paid for delivering food. An example of grocery delivery in sharing economy is Instakart. It has the same business model as that of sharing economy based companies like Uber, Airbnb, or CanYa. Instacart uses resources that are readily available, and the shoppers shop at existing grocery shops. The contract workers use their personal vehicles to deliver groceries to customers. Instacart manages to keep its cost low as it does not require any infrastructure to store goods. In addition to having contract workers, Instacart allows signing up to", "id": "3704336" }, { "contents": "Axminster\n\n\nCloakham Lawns, the Axe Valley Sports Centre and Flamingo Swimming Pool, a library, several churches and a museum of local history. Shops include three supermarkets, a small department store, Trinity House, and several independent retailers. The Guildhall is a theatre with meeting rooms that hosts many events and clubs such as Axminster Drama Club and Axminster Operatic Society. The town is also home to a small, local hospital. Axminster is at the crossroads of the A358, which links with the A303 at Ilminster, and the A35 from", "id": "2243935" }, { "contents": "Blackfen\n\n\n. The Blackfen Road shops include a Post Office, several car sales showrooms and many small local businesses including cafés and fast food outlets, jewellers, clothing shops, hairdressers, building suppliers, cycle store and an independent funeral director. It benefits from direct bus links to larger shopping centres at Bexleyheath, Eltham, Sidcup, Welling and Woolwich. The River Shuttle flows eastward through Blackfen; along the river in this area are four parks/open spaces. In the order they appear on the course of the river, they are", "id": "15495141" }, { "contents": "Property management system\n\n\nin the store room and help deciding what to buy, how much and how often. Property management systems are used in local government authorities, since these authorities hold and manage large property estates ranging from schools, leisure centres, social housing and parks not to mention investment properties such as shops and industrial estates - even pubs. All of these are necessary income earners for a local authority, so the efficiency gained through an automated, computerized system is essential. Property management systems are used to manage, control and account for personal", "id": "6570797" }, { "contents": "Ayr\n\n\nhub in the south-west of Scotland after the opening of the town's first department store, Hourstons, in 1896. In the 1970s the opening of stores such as Marks and Spencers and Ayr's first shopping centre, the Kyle Centre (1988), encouraged an expansion in the local economy. Heathfield Retail park, an out-of-town retail park, opened in 1993 with shops such as Halfords and Homebase. Ayr Central Shopping Centre opened in March 2006, housing shops such as Debenhams and H&M and under", "id": "10090381" }, { "contents": "Shanghai Daily\n\n\nfrom governmental policies, economy and society to culture, entertainment and sports. In 2012, Shanghai Daily launched its iDealShanghai brand, aiming to offer its readers a complete range of lifestyle information in Shanghai and neighboring cities. As an independent site, iDEALShanghai offers a superior view of dining, shopping, touring and living in local communities. People can find authentic food reviews, understand art scene trends, and learn what is chic in local boutique stores among many other features. On August 1, 2017, Shanghai Daily rebranded itself online", "id": "2177703" }, { "contents": "Ocean Beach, San Diego\n\n\nnovelty shop, a shoe store, men's and women's apparel shops, and a family-owned pet store. In the 1960s and 1970s larger stores and shopping malls elsewhere in the city gradually ran the small local stores out of business. Many of the storefronts were then turned into antique stores, and the area is now known as the Ocean Beach Antique District. Also on Newport are restaurants, head shops, tattoo and piercing shops, coffee houses, bars, bike and surf shops, and an international youth hostel", "id": "3958651" }, { "contents": "Tin Sau Bazaar\n\n\non 8 February. As suggested by the government and the TWGHs, the expected outcomes of Tin Sau Bazaar include improving the quality of life of local residents by providing more alternative shopping options; revitalizing and rejuvenating local economy by creating more job opportunities; improving local noise and hygiene problems by stopping the morning hawking behaviors in Dawn Market in Tin Shui Wai; and ultimately helping local disadvantaged residents to become independent and self-sufficient. Since its opening, shopkeepers in Tin Sau Bazaar have reported that there is a lack of consumers.", "id": "10040493" }, { "contents": "Oxgangs\n\n\nextremely difficult to be allocated a council home in the area. There were two small shopping areas at each end of Oxgangs known locally as the \"top\" and \"bottom\" shops. The top shops (Oxgangs Broadway) are larger and feature a small convenience store called \"Premier - Broadway Convenience Store\" known as \"Dennis'\" after the owner of the shop. Other shops are a breakfast/lunch shop (called Tak a Break), two barbers and a hairdressers, a bookies, two take aways (", "id": "5206961" }, { "contents": "Downtown Athens (Georgia)\n\n\n's diverse populations, vintage shops like Agora and Cillies host a variety of items. Many of these outlets reflect Athens's status as a university town and a small liberal city. In particular, independent music stores such as the world-famous Wuxtry Records and alternative shops are found along Clayton Street, as well as the Georgia Bulldogs fan shop known as The Red Zone. The Athens-Clarke County unified government is located in the Downtown district. Several local and federal government buildings are located along Washington Street, and the county", "id": "6215298" }, { "contents": "Economy of Philadelphia\n\n\n& Shop also shared many shopping centers with subsidiaries J.M. Fields and Bradlees, often with the stores directly connected. In fact, both divisions were acquired the same year, in 1961. Several J.M. Fields stores gave way to Bradlees as well. There once were many small enclosed malls in the area with a similar style, such as MacDade Mall. Pennsylvania is also unique in that it has a \"State Store\" system for non-beer alcohol sales. Wine and spirits are only sold at stores operated by the Pennsylvania Liquor", "id": "1349874" }, { "contents": "Los Feliz, Los Angeles\n\n\nmost of the commercial storefronts in the district. It is centered on the thoroughfares of Vermont and Hillhurst Avenues and spans from about Prospect Avenue to Los Feliz Boulevard. There are several coffee shops, restaurants, and small clothing and vintage stores. Los Feliz Village Business Improvement District helps promote local businesses and has an annual street fair. On February 2014, a local shop called Dumb Starbucks was opened as a bit for the Comedy Central show Nathan for You in Los Feliz Village. It has gained notoriety as a parody of Starbucks", "id": "3746789" }, { "contents": "Crystal Lake, Illinois\n\n\nThe economy of Crystal Lake is fairly decentralized, as there is no central industry within the city. There are several large companies, but none of them is a majority employer. The main economic activities in the city are retail, dining, and light industry. This includes small, specialized, local-owned shops and restaurants as well as broader-ranged national chains. There are several industrial parks in Crystal Lake, which are full of small, independently-owned businesses which engage in various industries, such as landscaping or", "id": "19796436" }, { "contents": "Trucking industry in popular culture (United States)\n\n\nTrucking country: The road to America's Wal-Mart economy\", author Shane Hamilton explores the history of trucking and how developments in the trucking industry helped the so-called big-box stores dominate the U.S. marketplace. The 1940 film \"They Drive by Night\" co-starred Humphrey Bogart as an independent truck driver struggling to become economically independent during the Great Depression. \"The Gang's All Here\" was a story about a trucking company targeted by saboteurs, released in 1941. In the 1950s, truck drivers", "id": "20855608" }, { "contents": "BevMo!\n\n\nthey bring in giant chains? How many employees are they going to have, 13? What good does that do anybody when they put nine or 10 small shops out of business?\" Area resident Trudy Fernandez said the opening of chain location \"takes away from what people like me who have been in Santa Barbara 40 years came here for. This is a small town—we don't want to be L.A.\" The store, BevMo's 105th, saw brisk business upon opening. BevMo! employs Wilfred Wong, an", "id": "19486658" }, { "contents": "Vival (shop)\n\n\nVival, \"sometimes referred to as Vival by CASINO, and Vival, viva la vie,\" is a brand of local grocery shops run by Groupe Casino. Vival can also sometimes be found at petrol stations, such as in the \"Aire de service des Haras\" on the A28 motorway in Normandy. The concept of Vival is a shop that is in between a locally-run store, and a small supermarket that is run by a chain. The result is Vival, a small local chain of shops, in", "id": "4270735" }, { "contents": "List of small shopping centres in Montreal\n\n\nwith 'for rent' signs plastered on vacant shop windows. The mall includes the chain stores Winners, HomeSense, Les Ailes de la Mode, Dollarama, Rubino and various independent discount and service shops. A second-run movie theater (Dollar Cinema), a restaurant (Ernie & Ellie's), fitness gym and two video lottery gambling establishments are also situated within the mall. Government service offices of the SAAQ automobile license bureau, Saint-Laurent Local Employment Center and Service Canada employment insurance center are also found within", "id": "7958277" }, { "contents": "Local bike shop\n\n\nA local bike shop or local bicycle shop is a small business specializing in bicycle sale, maintenance and parts. The expression distinguishes small bicycle shops from large chains and mail-order or online vendors is abbreviated LBS. In the UK and Ireland, the expression \"independent bicycle dealers\" (IBDs) is also used. The local bike shop is a key component of the bicycle industry and, in recognition of the value that local bike shops provide, some manufacturers only sell their bicycles through dealerships. Beyond bicycles, a local", "id": "19065847" }, { "contents": "Asian Immigrants and the Economy of Spain\n\n\nwork, the immigrants don't seem to have many choices to begin with, which helps explain why so many immigrants—not just the Chinese, but also the other Asians—predominantly own these small corner shops throughout all of Spain. The story, however, becomes a little different when it comes to the second generation immigrants—the children of these immigrants. A major characteristic of these Chinese-owned businesses, whether it be restaurants or corner stores, is that they are family-owned and family-run. It", "id": "12913927" }, { "contents": "St. Lawrence Centre\n\n\nSt. Lawrence Centre is a shopping mall in Massena, New York, United States. It includes one anchor store, J.C. Penney, a few locally owned stores, and a post office. The mall was built in 1990 by the Heritage Company. At that time the Massena economy could support it, with a strong manufacturing base built around several local Alcoa plants and heavy cross-border shopping by Canadians from the area of Cornwall, Ontario, just across the St. Lawrence River. The cost of construction was $50 million.", "id": "19904706" }, { "contents": "Petersburg, Georgia\n\n\nrespectability, intelligence and hospitality. The dwelling houses far outnumbered the stores and shops. It was separated from Lisbon by Broad River, and from Vienna by the Savannah. Lisbon we believe could never boast of more than two stores and a groggery, and as many dwellings. Vienna surpassed Lisbon in everything, but exactly how far, and in what we are not able to say, except in John Glover's house and store, which had no match in Lisbon. (Longstreet 1864:4 and 129) Notable persons from the Broad", "id": "6855872" }, { "contents": "Store Wars\n\n\nStore Wars was originally a comic strip in the British comic \"Whizzer and Chips\". During its run it was drawn by Doug Jensen, Jim Watson and Jimmy Hansen. The story of the strip was of two shops. The very first story told the story of how all of the shops in a terrace of shops closed up, one by one, leaving Bloggs & Son General Store, a popular small corner shop that seemingly sold anything and everything, owned by Mr. Bloggs, a kindly old man wearing the traditional white", "id": "10282896" }, { "contents": "Province of Granada\n\n\non a franchise basis, specialising in small, neighbourhood shops. It has 2,501 supermarkets across the whole of Spain. The University of Granada is one of the largest universities in Spain, with approximately 56,000 students. Each year the city also attracts over 10,000 foreign students, including over 2,000 European students through the Erasmus programme. As well as providing employment to a large number of people, the university also boosts the local economy by creating demand for rental property. The money spent by students also helps to support shops, restaurants,", "id": "13722856" }, { "contents": "Parks' Fly Shop\n\n\nbusiness to Montana. With the help of Dan Bailey, Merton established Parks' Fly Shop in the back of a small store on W. Park Street, Gardiner, Montana in the summer of 1953. The small fly shop remained at the W. Park Street location for less than a year. In early 1954, Merton moved the business to a small store on S. 2nd Street that had been relocated from the abandoned town of Cinnabar, Montana a few miles north of Gardiner. By the early 1960s, Merton moved the business into", "id": "5135333" }, { "contents": "Economy of Morocco\n\n\nsegment will continue to grow, and while strong local brands are emerging, international brand names will continue to account for the biggest percentage increase in the sector's turnover. Changing consumption habits, increasing purchasing power and the growing number of tourists should boost the development of malls and luxury shopping. However, independent stores and markets should continue to account for most domestic trade in the foreseeable future. In 2009 Morocco was ranked among the top thirty countries in the offshoring sector. Morocco opened its doors to offshoring in July 2006, as", "id": "19610970" }, { "contents": "Southsea\n\n\nthe area originates from Southsea Castle; a fort, located on the seafront and constructed in 1544 to help defend the Solent and approaches to Portsmouth Harbour. The areas surrounding Albert Road, Palmerston Road and Osborne Road comprise numerous bars, restaurants and independent shops. Palmerston Road is the main High Street of Southsea and contains two national department stores, as well as the local library. Albert Road is a distinct street containing shopping and cultural venues, which includes the Kings Theatre, a regional theatre built in 1907. The history of", "id": "15597927" }, { "contents": "Rumley, Arkansas\n\n\nRumley is an unincorporated community in Van Buren County, Arkansas, United States. It was founded in 1866 by Henry Rumley. Rumley originally consisted of a series of small homes, a general store and had a largely self-sustaining agrarian economy. As with many contemporary towns, Rumley was situated on a railroad. Trains would provide dry goods and mail to the local store. Van Buren County was created on 11 November 1833 and was formed from Independence, Clark and Izard Counties. The rugged landscape is conducive to subsistence agriculture", "id": "16977997" }, { "contents": "Activity centre\n\n\nshops and services, o source of employment, o Strengthening and opportunities for marketing local economies and independent small businesses – in turn more able to compete and respond to demand, o greater work / life balance through more efficient use of time by being able to shop near where people work and/ or live o Physical connections with public transport, reducing car use and promoting short pedestrian commutes as associated with Transit Oriented Development (or see transport section) o Emotional connections through providing ‘fine grain’ opportunities for human interaction and activity such", "id": "11533425" }, { "contents": "Gift shop\n\n\nwell; in some cases these shops sell items of higher value than gift shops not associated with a venue, as well as trinkets. These stores are sometimes a source of financial support for educational institutions. A gift shop can be defined as a shop which has the primary purpose of selling items that will be given to others for no material gain. There are many \"mainstream\" shop businesses that target gift-buyers as their primary customer base. These retailers can vary in size from small independent boutiques, to chain stores", "id": "6141990" }, { "contents": "David Morgan (department store)\n\n\nDavid Morgan was an independent department store in Cardiff that ceased operating in January 2005 after 125 years of trading. It opened on 31 October 1879 and closed its doors for the final time on Saturday 30 January 2005. The David Morgan department store was founded by David Morgan who was born near Brecon in 1833. He traded in the South wales valley areas of Abertillery, Monmouthshire and Pontlottyn in the Rhymney Valley for 21 years, before opening a small drapers shop on The Hayes in 1879. From this small shop the store steadily", "id": "19757801" }, { "contents": "Aveiro, Portugal\n\n\nShopping Center (Continente & Mediamarkt), Aveiro's Retail Park and the Oita Shopping Center). This city has lots of traditional commerce stores. The most central one being Forum Aveiro with clothes stores, restaurant zone, a book shop and a cinema. The unemployment rate is very low (about 5%), sustained by a university and commerce. The local economy is fed by a series of transport networks that cross the municipal boundaries. Regional gateways include air service through the Aeródromo de Aveiro/São Jacinto (LPAV", "id": "2950209" }, { "contents": "Grocery retailing in Russia\n\n\ngeneral stores, still take up 70% of all retail food turnover. This percentage is gradually decreasing. There are over 100,000 independent retailers which sell food. Even in Moscow, they outnumber multiple stores by 4 to 1. Some of these shops are supermarkets and small self service stores, but most are traditional small shops. With the spread of supermarkets everywhere, they are everywhere losing market share. But this is a gradual process. The great majority of Russian supermarkets are of about 400 sq.m. sales area and are situated", "id": "677649" }, { "contents": "Somarelang Tikologo\n\n\nhelp establish Somarelang Tikologo and thus Recycling as a welcomed part of the community. The Green Shop is a small store in ST's Ecological Park. All products for sale are made with recycled materials and are provided by local people in Gaborone, most of whom are poverish or unemployed. The purpose of the Green Shop is to encourage recycling and environmental awareness by promoting the re-use and sale of recyclable products. It also provides opportunities for urban and rural Batswana (people of Botswana) to generate income by selling green products", "id": "12416599" }, { "contents": "Beallsville, Maryland\n\n\nBeallsville, Maryland is an unincorporated community in Montgomery County, Maryland. It is a small community outside Poolesville, Maryland. The Darby Store is located at the intersection of Beallsville and Darnestown roads. It is a historic and cultural landmark. In the mid-1800s the site of Darby store was occupied by a small blacksmith store and shop. However, in 1908, the shop was demolished after Harry C. Darby bought the land. By 1910, Darby built the -story general store where local residents bought supplies and picked up mail. Darby", "id": "8823207" }, { "contents": "Ester, Alaska\n\n\nDesigns, and the local mines as the businesses with the most employees. Fairbanks provides a market for Ester products and services and thus helps to keep the small Ester economy alive. Because Fairbanks acts as a draw (due to its larger market and resources) for such things as big-box stores and fast food chains, Ester has been able to retain its mining village feel. This is important to Ester's tourist economy, which capitalizes on the status of the gold camp buildings as a historic landmark. In fall 2007", "id": "15338467" }, { "contents": "Lucy's Record Shop\n\n\nLucy's Record Shop was an independent, locally-owned record store and all-ages music venue in Nashville, Tennessee. During its five and a half years of operation, Lucy's supported a growing punk and indie music scene in Nashville, and even received national notoriety as a prominent underground music venue. Lucy's was originally opened as a record store called Revolutions Per Minute in the summer of 1992 by Mary Mancini. The store specialized in rock and punk music on independent labels. After being in business for a few", "id": "16986612" }, { "contents": "Henfield, Gloucestershire\n\n\ndonated by Jo Newman to the community in 1974. The community no longer has a village shop but in the past in the 1960s a small store was run by Mrs Tovey. The two tiers of local government that are responsible for administering Henfield are: Westerleigh Parish Council has 9 elected members. Matters that have been under recent consideration at Henfield include: In the adopted South Gloucestershire Local Plan Henfield does not have a Defined Settlement Boundary on the Proposals Map and there are no sites allocated for new residential development. The hamlet is", "id": "6362228" }, { "contents": "Ryton, Tyne and Wear\n\n\n, Corbridge and Hexham. A relatively affluent area of Gateshead, Ryton has experienced suburbanisation in recent years and is now used as a commuter area for those that work in the more urban areas of Tyneside. Despite being a provincial suburb, Ryton remains a vibrant area, with a variety of local amenities. In the more central part of Ryton these include a Cooperative supermarket, a Sainsbury's Local store and a selection of independent businesses and shops such as , The Lane Head micro pub , Coffee Johnny's, a small gift", "id": "11155213" }, { "contents": "Prizren\n\n\nshops. Larger grocery and department stores have recently opened. In town, there are eight sizeable markets, including three produce markets, one car market, one cattle market, and three personal hygiene and houseware markets. There is an abundance of kiosks selling small goods. However, the reducing international presence and repatriation of refugees and internally displaced persons is expected to further strain the local economy. Market saturation, high unemployment, and a reduction of financial remittances from abroad are negative economic indicators. There are three agricultural co-operatives", "id": "2857918" }, { "contents": "Asian Immigrants and the Economy of Spain\n\n\nnot—but more so because they sell all types of items in one place. In fact, according to a blog writer for the blog, “Get Behind the Muse”: Besides this type of a store with a random, but abundant, assortment of goods, there are also a significant number of small shops that focus on food—mainly snacks—and drinks; they are very much like what people in the United States call convenience stores. In Spain, however, these types of corner shops are often colloquially", "id": "12913919" }, { "contents": "Henry Street, Dublin\n\n\nIt is a very comprehensive shopping centre including many of the British chains such as Boots and Argos. The Ilac Centre was Dublin city centre’s first purpose-built shopping centre. It is home to Stores such as Debenhams, Dunnes Stores, TK Maxx and many more. It also has a public library on the 1st floor. Until 2006 Roches Stores was a major retailer on Henry Street. However the store's lease was sold to Debenhams and the store was rebranded in early 2007. There are lots of small and independent", "id": "19815083" }, { "contents": "Small business\n\n\nand clients than large corporations, as small business owners see their customers in person each week. One study showed that small, local businesses are better for a local economy than the introduction of new chain stores. By opening up new national level chain stores, the profits of locally owned businesses greatly decrease and many businesses end up failing and having to close. This creates an exponential effect. When one store closes, people lose their jobs, other businesses lose business from the failed business, and so on. In many cases", "id": "1629628" }, { "contents": "Groszek\n\n\nGroszek is a brand and franchise of independent retailers (primarily small grocery shops) in Poland. The chain was founded in 2000, the organiser and owner of the chain is Eurocash. The chain is made up of over 1250 convenience stores, the average size of each store is 125,5 m². In 2013, the chain was awarded the Hermes award by the business journal „Poradnik Handlowca”, for \"\"the distribution firms, retail, independent shop owners, as well as people which in the past few years imposed great", "id": "1422154" }, { "contents": "Ropewalk Shopping Centre\n\n\nThe Ropewalk Shopping Centre is a shopping centre in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England. It has a glass roof not connected to the building, two floors retail stores, including high street retailers, and also a car park. The Ropewalk Shopping Centre started life as the Queens Arcade. For many years, the Queens Arcade was ageing and needed replacing, with many store units lying vacant or occupied by small, independent businesses. In 2001, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council decided to replace the arcade with a new shopping centre. An", "id": "19874350" }, { "contents": "Tender Loving Empire\n\n\nDIY aesthetic. The stores have traditionally featured murals by local artists and are regularly decorated by local designers. Like the label counterpart, the TLE store has been nationally recognized as an important part of the Portland culture. Sunset Magazine said it was “the best example of a shop committed to local talent”. In May 2010, the store moved from a small NW storefront to its downtown Portland location, near the popular Powells Books location in the West End shopping district of downtown Portland. In November 2014, a second location", "id": "16908364" }, { "contents": "Little Five Points\n\n\n, Wax'n'Facts, and Moods Music), coffee shops (Village Coffee House, Java Lords, Aurora Coffee, Starbucks), a health and wellness center (Sweetgrass Wellness Spring), new and used clothing stores (Rag-O-Rama), a shoe store (Abbadabba's) novelty shops (Junkman's Daughter), a new-age shop (Crystal Blue), a locally owned credit union (BOND Community Federal Credit Union), a natural foods store (Sevananda Natural Foods Market), an independent pharmacy", "id": "9220118" }, { "contents": "Kyrenia\n\n\ncity and caused great difficulty for the small-scale entrepreneurs and shop owners to maintain their businesses. An important part of the economy consists of tourists that come to visit casinos, but this does not necessarily provide benefits for the local businesses. In addition to its historical harbour, Kyrenia is home to a port named the Kyrenia Touristic Port, opened in 1987. This port is a major transport hub in Northern Cyprus due to its relative proximity to Turkey and is home to important commercial activity, while being a popular place of", "id": "18756288" }, { "contents": "Open economy\n\n\nwe are net borrowers in the world markets. If S − I and NX are exactly zero, we are said to have balanced trade because the value of imports exactly equals the value of our exports. In case of a small open economy, perfect capital mobility is often assumed. By \"\"small\"\" it is understood that an economy has very small share in the world markets. Things that happen within the economy are thus assumed to have a negligible effect on interest rate. By \"perfect capital mobility\",", "id": "7241967" }, { "contents": "Exchange Street (Maine)\n\n\nExchange Street is a main commercial thoroughfare in the Old Port district of Portland, Maine, U.S. It features a number of designer clothing stores, as well as several small, locally owned businesses. There are also a couple of coffee shops, one of which doubles as an Internet café. In the summer of 2015, an independent ballet school and dance studio opened, Exchange Street Studio. Exchange Street is known locally as the main hub of the Old Port. Before the 1970s, Exchange Street and the Old Port area had", "id": "12853372" }, { "contents": "Sungai Petani\n\n\nsince the 1990s, when Japanese and other international firms began to set up manufacturing plants around the town. Sungai Petani has a high and medium-sized business community. A lot of small and medium industry also play a part in the local economy, producing many products, from semiconductors to television tubes and from textile to wood products. One of the examples is Sharp. Sungai Petani is also a booming business center with many large malls, franchise stores and business enclaves. Sungai Petani has many malls and shopping centers such as", "id": "1209406" }, { "contents": "Chiseldon\n\n\n. As well as having its own elected parish council, Chiseldon also falls within the area of the Borough of Swindon unitary authority, which is responsible for all significant local government functions. Local shops declined in the 20th century, like in many other villages, due to more people shopping in larger towns (Swindon) rather than in the village. Current local shops include Chaplins (a small newsagency), a hairdresser and a small supermarket (that offers many commodities and is larger than Chaplins or any other store in Chiseldon)", "id": "6935618" }, { "contents": "Ashmore Park\n\n\nFood convenience store was opened in November 2016 on waste land adjacent to the Ashmore Inn public house and opposite the bottom shops shopping parade. Many people originally opposed the plans of the new store as it risked the closure of The Ashmore, public house, however after an extensive campaign by locals and users of the pub, the store was built on the adjacent waste land and car park. The 'top shops' has a small One Stop Newsagents, Fish and Chip Shop and Hairdressers. In 2014 the estate's Library,", "id": "2240887" }, { "contents": "Swansea City Centre\n\n\nsmaller stores to the northern end including the historical Bush Inn (demolished in 2013). The High Street has a large indoor arcade filled with small local business including a Cafe (Arcade Cafe) a crafty shop, a hair extensions shop, a barbers, Army surplus store, A sewing training store, an clothing alterations shop, kids clothing shop (which used to be 2nds clothing) Swansea Castle is to be found at the southern end of the street. Opposite the castle is the Castle Square. Towards the northern end", "id": "4007909" }, { "contents": "Woodmoor, Maryland\n\n\n, is an outdoor shopping center, known as Woodmoor Shopping Plaza. Some of the occupants include the following: the Silver Spring Stage, a well-regarded regional theatre, a Starbucks Coffee, a Chipotle restaurant, Santucci's Deli (run by the Santucci family, local to the neighborhood. They also have bomb sandwhiches.), The Watch Pocket (a clock and watch repair shop and vendor, and one of two jewelry stores), a family-run independent grocery store, a barber shop, a sketchy UPS", "id": "6620185" } ]
How do cemeteries continue to pay the bills after there are no more plots left to sell?
[{"answer": "The cemetery has to put some money for each burial into a perpetual care fund. This money is invested and used to pay for the ongoing maintenance of the cemetery. Some cemeteries are publicly funded by taxes."}, {"answer": "Eventually, they dig up old plots & resell them. How long they have to wait depends on where you are. The alternative, as you see with some historical cemeteries, is that they just *don't* make money. Some church or the local government ends up eating the maintenance costs."}, {"answer": "In most jurisdictions, cemeteries are required to set aside money for an endowment that ensures they will be able to provide care indefinitely."}, {"answer": "Where I live what they do is you pay for the burial site. Body is there for 8 years. After 8 years they unburry the coffin to see if the body has decomposed yet. If not, goes back down. If it has, the family will have to either pay for a [\"drawer\"]( URL_0 ) with a special box where they move the bones to, or they pay to cremate the bones and then you can keep them and do whatever you want. So the same body will bring in money twice (unless you cremate it to begin with which is the best anyway)."}, {"answer": "So what happens when we run out o space for cemeteries? The world is only so big."}, {"answer": "When we bought my father's plot, we had to pay into an escrow account. The money is held at a financial institution and the interest serves kind of like rent."}, {"answer": "some cemetery plots are subscription based. If you don't pay dues, your loved ones will be dug up and cremated so they can fit new bodies in the ground. sucks."}, {"answer": "It really depends where in the world you live. Here in the Netherlands, a grave is usually rented for 30-40 years. After that time is over, the grave is cleared and the remains are put into a mass grave. Exceptions are rare - mostly to very old graves (historic value) or for those of important people."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2735106", "title": "Grand View Memorial Park Cemetery", "section": "Section::::Howard ownership.:Legal issues.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 47, "end_paragraph_id": 47, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["and $20,000 to $40,000 ($ to $ in dollars) in perpetual care fund interest which could be used to settle the legal actions against Grand View. The cemetery owners, families, and the CFB settled part of the lawsuit at the end of August 2007. Moshe Goldsman, the sole remaining living stockholder, admitted to three violations of law, all of which concerned taking money from th", "and $20,000 to $40,000 ($ to $ in dollars) in perpetual care fund interest which could be used to settle the legal actions against Grand View. The cemetery owners, families, and the CFB settled part of the lawsuit at the end of August 2007. Moshe Goldsman, the sole remaining living stockholder, admitted to three violations of law, all of which concerned taking money from the perpetual care fund. To settle these claims, Goldsman agreed to sell the cemetery within three years and to reimburse the perpetual care fund $50,000 ($ in dollars)."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "757838", "title": "Estate (law)", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["mmon law, is the net worth of a person at any point in time alive or dead. It is the sum of a person's assets legal rights, interests and entitlements to property of any kind less all liabilities at that time. The issue is of special legal significance on a question of bankruptcy and death of the person. (See inheritance.)", "An estate, in common law, is the net worth of a person at any point in time alive or dead. It is the sum of a person's assets legal rights, interests and entitlements to property of any kind less all liabilities at that time. The issue is of special legal significance on a question of bankruptcy and death of the person", "An estate, in common law, is the net worth of a person at any point in time alive or dead. It is the sum of a person's assets legal rights, interests and entitlements to property of any kind less all liabilities at that time. The issue is of special legal significance on a question of bankruptcy and death of the person. (See inheritance.)"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Arlington National Cemetery mismanagement controversy\n\n\ncontinued under cemetery superintendents Raymond J. Costanzo and John C. Metzler, Jr. until 2010. Cemetery officials said that, due to poor recordkeeping, they had no idea how many plots had been pre-booked, how many pre-bookings were still valid because they had been made prior to 1962, and how many plots were mistakenly labeled pre-booked (or \"obstructed\" in the cemetery's jargon). Cemetery officials also admitted they had largely failed to inform individuals with pre-booked plots that they may no longer be", "id": "17098289" }, { "contents": "St. John's Lutheran Church (Hampton, Iowa)\n\n\n's house (the house is no longer extant). The ornamental entrance gate and metal fence are the structure. The object is a stepping stone utilized by those who arrived by carriage. The sites include the remaining of land and the cemetery. The congregation had to sell off most of its land to pay off debts during difficult financial times. The cemetery, which surrounds the church, is significant because it is believed it initially followed a European burial tradition. Plots were not sold until the early 1940s with perpetual care plots", "id": "10215485" }, { "contents": "Flushing Cemetery\n\n\ncemetery, after 50 years in which his body had lain unmarked. The boxer was shot to death in response to how he could not pay a $20 liquor bill. There were brief ceremonies held in the Flushing Cemetery on 46th Ave and was participated in by representatives of the Senegalese government and of the African Boxing Union: a headstone was dedicated here by the International Veterans Boxing Association. Cherif Djigo, first consul at the Senegalese Mission to the United Nations, stated \"This stone represents to us a grand symbol that Battling", "id": "4999546" }, { "contents": "Machpelah Cemetery (Queens)\n\n\nof the Society of American Magicians, said his group had stopped contributing money toward the maintenance of the site in recent years. \"[Cemetery administrator] David Jacobson sends us a bill for upkeep every year but we never pay it.\" \"The Society of American Magicians never paid the cemetery for any restoration of the Houdini family plot in my tenure since 1988,\" Jacobson said. The money came from the dwindling funds of the Machpelah Cemetery, he said. The Society of American Magicians performed a \"broken wand\"", "id": "109209" }, { "contents": "Healthcare reform debate in the United States\n\n\nof the cost of certain services, with no co-pay; when the Senate bill was amended to mandate paying for tests that a federal panel and U.S. News & World Report said \"do more harm than good,\" The New York Times wrote, \"This sorry episode does not bode well for reform efforts to rein in spending on other procedures based on sound scientific evidence of their potential benefits and risks for patients.\" How each bill determines subsidies also differs. Each bill subsidizes the cost of the premium and the", "id": "13250425" }, { "contents": "Speer Cemetery\n\n\nfor the church, who bought the land from the De Mott estate in 1857 and made it a public cemetery, selling burial plots for $16 each. It was used as a potter's field during the nineteenth century. The absence of records makes it impossible to verify who and how many were buried in the cemetery over the years. Headstones indicate the burial of the veterans of the American Revolutionary War, War of 1812, American Civil War, and the Spanish–American War. Its last interments occurred during World War", "id": "4931961" }, { "contents": "St Symphorien Military Cemetery\n\n\nopen English garden style cemetery present at most Imperial War Graves Commission cemeteries. Many of the trees were chopped down, particularity those in the predominantly British south-eastern side, and grass sown in this area. The cemetery was made to feel more open but no changes were made to the location of the graves, effectively leaving each plot layout in situ choosing instead to remove vegetation that provided the visual compartmentalization to each plot. The predominantly German north-eastern half was left more characteristically in a woodland cemetery style, although many", "id": "1195934" }, { "contents": "Texas Instruments TI-99/4A\n\n\n200, including a $100 rebate, to compete against the $300 Commodore VIC-20. TI spokesman Bill Cosby joked how easy it was to sell a computer by paying people $100 to buy one, but the company continued to lose shelf space, as Commodore matched the $200 retail price by December 1982. The president of Spectravideo later said that \"TI got suckered by\" Jack Tramiel, head of Commodore. TI was forced to sell the 99/4A for about the same price as the VIC-20, even though it was", "id": "3017145" }, { "contents": "Oise-Aisne American Cemetery Plot E\n\n\nwho continued to press the Army for the return of Slovik's remains. In 1987, he persuaded President Ronald Reagan to grant the petition request. In response, Calka raised $5,000 to pay for the exhumation and reinterment at Detroit's Woodmere Cemetery, where Slovik was reburied next to his wife. All individuals currently interred in Plot E were found guilty at general court martial of the capital crimes of rape and/or murder, and a number of the female victims were raped \"and\" murdered. Furthermore, some victims were children", "id": "11299932" }, { "contents": "Kong Hon Kong\n\n\nburial plot, he visited a cemetery managed by the local associations since at that time there were no private cemeteries in Malaysia. The awkwardness of having to walk around the overcrowded cemetery inspired him to do something about the lacklustre way of how the conventional cemeteries were managed. Tan Sri Kong was granted the license to operate a private cemetery five years later and opened Nirvana Memorial Park in Semenyih. The cemetery was landscaped to promote serenity and is today a key tourist attraction. In December 2014, Nirvana Asia was listed on the Hong", "id": "8716594" }, { "contents": "The Rehearsal (play)\n\n\nsays that all of the other players have left. Bayes is insulted and starts ranting about how horrible the players are. He says he wants to sell the play to another theatre. He leaves, resolving to take his play with him. Then the remaining players all go to dinner after a short dance. The epilogue says that there has been no plot to this play. There is also no wit. The remainder is to deplore that plays in that time are ridiculous and nonsensical. The epilogue hopes no more such plays", "id": "17812808" }, { "contents": "Spring Grove Cemetery (Hartford, Connecticut)\n\n\nfounding, and it retains most of its 19th-century features; a memorial chapel built in 1884 was destroyed by fire in 1904. The land on which the cemetery was established was farmland owned by the Page family when Stephen Page buried his wife there in 1845. The Pages then proceeded to sell burial plots (in contrast to typical cemetery practice of selling a right to interment) to others. In 1864 a number of plot owners banded together to purchase the entire cemetery, establishing the non-profit association that now manages", "id": "12438643" }, { "contents": "RAW artists\n\n\nRAW for the showcase. RAW Artists earn $10 for every ticket they sell after the full 20 ticket commitment is fulfilled. If artists do not sell the 20 tickets, they can pay for the remaining tickets to participate. Each RAW artist is paired with the Showcase Director for their city who produces the full event and mentors RAW artists through the process leading up to their showcase. As the company continues to grow and expand, In 2019 RAW Artists created more tools and resources for independent artists within the RAW community such as", "id": "1483211" }, { "contents": "Kicha Vayasu 16\n\n\nwho perform various misdemeanors around their town. This includes stealing and selling dishes from the school and eating in hotel restaurants without paying the bill. Kicha and his friends are finally caught when they attempt to escape after not paying a hotel bill. The hotel owner thrashes them so thoroughly that the other boys inform the owner on Kicha and claim that he taught them to do such things. When the boys' parents are notified of this, many become angry, claiming that Kicha has misled their children and made them wayward. Soon", "id": "8358006" }, { "contents": "Bride buying\n\n\nwhat otherwise would be years doing remedial work for meager pay. The Virginia Company offered women who chose to leave England in favor of the colony generous incentives such as linens, clothing, a plot of land, and their choice of husband. After a husband was chosen, he would then pay the Virginia Company with 150 pounds of \"good leaf\" tobacco (which is equivalent to roughly $5000 USD in today's currency) to pay for their brides passage to the colony. This is how the Jamestown brides earned themselves", "id": "10441268" }, { "contents": "Grand View Memorial Park Cemetery\n\n\none person, and either failed to place markers on graves or willfully discarded or recycled markers. Advance purchase contracts for plots were inaccurate or incomplete. They also discovered that Howard had removed $40,000 from the perpetual care trust fund as a \"loan\" but never repaid it. The CFB issued an order suspending all operations at Grand View Memorial Park. The cemetery was prohibited from selling new graves or soliciting new business. Burials could continue if already planned, or if planned for plots which had already been purchased. Howard and", "id": "17492360" }, { "contents": "MicroConsignment\n\n\nproduct purchase takes place. In a microcredit model, the entrepreneur first buys the products on credit and then sells them. She then uses her sales revenue to pay back the loan, and ideally buys more products to sell after taking out her profit. If the entrepreneur doesn't sell, she is left with both inventory and debt. The MCM has the opposite timing. The entrepreneur is first provided products at no cost, then she sells them, pays the supporting organization, and pockets her profits—but only after having", "id": "7085549" }, { "contents": "Woodland Cemetery (Cleveland)\n\n\nhuge size for large monuments, would prove to be far more popular than flat, crowded Woodland. Forty percent of all burials at Lake View Cemetery in 1869 were reinterments from Woodland Cemetery. Although publicly owned cemeteries like Woodland and Highland Park Cemetery remained popular with the poor and working class (who could afford its inexpensive burial plots), Lake View Cemetery became the cemetery of choice of the middle class and wealthy. Woodland's declining popularity was apparent by the 1880s, even though the cemetery still had of land to sell.", "id": "2171518" }, { "contents": "Jewish cemetery in Währing\n\n\nthe Naturhistorisches Museum of Vienna by the Nazis for analysis and research in the field of \"racial studies\". The remains were later likewise interred at the Zentralfriedhof. In 1942 there followed the expropriation of the whole plot of land; the Jewish community was forced to sell the cemetery to the city. After the premises of the cemetery were declared a bird sanctuary by a courageous city civil servant, at least the remaining land could be preserved. After World War II the cemetery was returned to the Jewish \"Kultusgemeinde\" after tough", "id": "77341" }, { "contents": "Symphony No. 7 (Shostakovich)\n\n\n\" He continued, \"After the requiem comes an even more tragic episode. I do not know how to characterize that music. Perhaps it is a mother's tears or even the feeling that the sorrow is so great that there are no more tears left.\" Regardless of when Shostakovich initially conceived the symphony, the Nazi attack and consequent relaxing of Soviet censorship gave Shostakovich the hope of writing the work for a mass audience. A model on how to do this was Igor Stravinsky's \"Symphony of Psalms.\" Stravinsky", "id": "15465520" }, { "contents": "Protected trust deed\n\n\nan agreement with your creditors, you must be a resident of Scotland. You need to consult the services of an insolvency practitioner who will be able to explain all your options to you, based on your present financial situation. The qualified practitioner will evaluate your income to debt ratio, such as mortgage, council tax, utility bills, and all other outgoings. Whatever is left from your earnings will be divided in equal proportions to pay towards your debts. If, after learning how a trust deed works, you do decide", "id": "21525079" }, { "contents": "Sierra Madre Pioneer Cemetery\n\n\nthe VFW. In February 1881, Nathaniel Carter purchased the original 1103 acres that comprised the new city of Sierra Madre. The land was acquired in three purchases: 845 acres of Rancho Santa Anita from Lucky Baldwin, 108 acres from the Southern Pacific Railroad Company and 150 acres from John Richardson (1811-Aug. 9, 1884). Carter transferred 20 feet by 20 feet family sized cemetery plots to city citizens in the early years. He died in 1904 and his widow, Anneta M. Carter, continued to sell family plots by", "id": "3964127" }, { "contents": "Camperdown Cemetery\n\n\n. Graves were dug deep enough to contain three or four coffins, and an unfilled grave might frequently be left open between the morning and afternoon burials in order to receive another coffin. From 1868, there were no more pauper's burials at Camperdown. The Cemetery continued in use, but only for the burial of people who had already purchased plots. There were about 15,733 burials from 1849 to 1867, 2,057 from 1868 to 1900 and only 172 burials between 1900 and the 1940s. The majority of the burials were done by", "id": "1695806" }, { "contents": "Jay Richard Kennedy\n\n\nover 100. They claimed Kennedy said he was going to live to be 150. Patients claimed they were told to donate monies, in one case even sell business to do so, to make sure the Center could pay its bills and so Kennedy could write a book on how to save mankind. The therapy, it was claimed, would prevent sickness. The theory included parents, they claimed were the cause of all illness, and to be well a person should disconnect from his/her parents. Paul Morantz, an", "id": "12917786" }, { "contents": "True BASIC\n\n\nthe older functions are blocked out. An example of the recent code would be more like this: This simple program plots the text \"Welcome To ...\" at the top left-hand corner of the screen, and then continues into a never-ending loop plotting \"Fabulous Wikipedia!\" at random coordinates. An example of simple animation could be like this: Jerry Pournelle in 1985 asked, \"why do we need True BASIC at all? [It] doesn't seem to do anything regular BASIC doesn't do", "id": "12732249" }, { "contents": "Old Sloatsburg Cemetery\n\n\nfrom another local family and began selling individual gravesites rather than family plots. The association transferred the original section back to William Sloat in 1896. A decade later, in 1906, and again in 1912, it bought two acres mores to the west from another family. Local funeral director Warren Waldron bought the last parcel, on the west side, and began dividing it into plots. The association made its last lot sale in 1936 and disbanded. Waldron's, and the cemetery's, last burial took place in 1949.", "id": "374368" }, { "contents": "Chuck Grassley\n\n\nbill requiring them to sell off farmland or other assets... The number of small businesses impacted by the estate tax is similarly small... about 94 estates annually that hold half or more of their assets in a small business that heirs will continue to operate after the owners die. And fewer than half of these don’t have the cash on hand to pay the tax.\" Grassley has an \"A\" rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA) for his consistent support of NRA-supported gun-related laws and ongoing", "id": "8652426" }, { "contents": "Prospect Hill Cemetery (Washington, D.C.)\n\n\ndeclined to do. When the city next raised the issue, a year later, the city's legal counsel said the land must be condemned because the cemetery's charter did not allow it to alienate land. Subsequently, a bill was introduced in Congress in February 1904 to pay Prospect Hill Cemetery $5,000 for the necessary land. New legislation (S. 5119) was introduced in April 1906. This legislation limited W Street NW to just in width. The legislation permitted the city to seek condemnation of Prospect Hill Cemetery land in", "id": "16595084" }, { "contents": "Ford Park Cemetery\n\n\n1889'. Along the north-east side is the connected but walled-off Plymouth Jewish Cemetery. During the 1970s and 80s, poor management, a loss of revenue because few people were paying for the maintenance of plots, and the popularity of cremation, all led to the dilapidation of the site. In January 1988, seventeen-year-old Patricia Hicks was murdered in the overgrown cemetery. After the original cemetery company went into liquidation and after much public debate, in 2000 a trust was set up which reopened", "id": "2644729" }, { "contents": "Kensal Green Cemetery\n\n\naisle 6. Deposit within the catacombs of Kensal Green has always been more expensive and prestigious than burial in a simple plot in the grounds of the cemetery, although less costly than a brick-lined grave or mausoleum. Without the further expense and responsibility of a monument above the grave, the catacombs have afforded a secure, dignified and exclusive resting place for the well-to-do, particularly the unmarried, the childless and young children of those without family plots or mausolea elsewhere. The cemetery contains the graves of 473", "id": "5700185" }, { "contents": "Turning Green\n\n\nimmediately runs over to Tom's, who has also been beaten up by Bill. Tom banishes James from his house. Now, James is more alone than ever. James fantasizes that one of the girls in the magazine is talking to him, as she cajoles him to sell the magazines and then sell some more. Determined more than ever to pay back Bill, James finally receives his shipment of magazines and sells them all in one day. This leads him to expand his business – from approaching local merchants to selling them", "id": "8798269" }, { "contents": "Bandcamp\n\n\nBandcamp is an American online music company founded in 2008 by former Oddpost co-founder Ethan Diamond and programmers Shawn Grunberger, Joe Holt and Neal Tucker, headquartered in Oakland, California. Artists and labels upload music to Bandcamp and control how they sell it, setting their own prices, offering fans the option to pay more (which they do 40% of the time) and selling merchandise. Fans can download their purchases or stream their music on the Bandcamp app. They can also send purchased music as a gift, view", "id": "5462813" }, { "contents": "Transformers: Generation One (Dreamwave)\n\n\n. It was hinted that all 3 knew something significant about Cybertron's past, but Dreamwave went out of business before this could be revealed. The series was routinely Dreamwave's best-selling regular series. It was alternately praised and criticised for its very 'fan-friendly' writing (using more obscure G1 characters and bringing in lots of continuity, for example). Bankruptcy brought the series to a sudden close after issue #10 in January 2005, with many plots left unresolved. With Chris Saccarini rejoining as writer and", "id": "5438906" }, { "contents": "Economy of Zimbabwe\n\n\ngrowth of 5 per cent. The Economist described the 2013 election as \"rigged\" and how, after regaining full control of the government, the Mugabe government doubled the civil service and embarked on \"...misrule and dazzling corruption.\" In August 2014, Zimbabwe began selling treasury bills and bonds to pay public sector salaries that have been delayed as GDP growth weakens while the economy experiences deflation. US$2 million was sold in July through private placements of Six-month Treasury bills at an interest rate of 9.5%. According", "id": "15779116" }, { "contents": "Congressional Cemetery\n\n\npurchased 806 burial plots, which are administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Congress, located about a mile and a half (2.4 km) to the northwest, has greatly influenced the history of the cemetery. The cemetery still sells plots, and is an active burial ground. From the Washington Metro, the cemetery lies three blocks east of the Potomac Avenue station and two blocks south of the Stadium-Armory station. Many members of the U.S. Congress who died while Congress was in session are interred at Congressional Cemetery.", "id": "19256367" }, { "contents": "Event-driven SOA\n\n\ntheir monthly utility bills. Customers can set limits on how much they would pay for electricity to run a clothes dryer, for example, and electricity providers willing to transmit power at that price would be alerted over the grid and could sell the electricity to the dryer. On one side, consumer devices can bid for power based on how much the owner of the device were willing to pay, set ahead of time by the consumer. On the other side, suppliers can enter bids automatically from their electricity generators, based on", "id": "16829215" }, { "contents": "Aspasia Manos\n\n\ndeteriorated even further, and during the winter of 1959–1960, the Princess was no longer able to pay the heating bills. She temporarily left the \"Garden of Eden\" and stayed in the hotels \"Europa\" and \"Britannia\" in Venice. Shortly after, she was forced to sell some furniture and other valuables to pay off her debts. Demoralised by exile and financial difficulties, the former King Peter II of Yugoslavia gradually became an alcoholic and relieved his boredom by multiplying his affairs with other women. Worn down by the", "id": "10648311" }, { "contents": "The Jades (American band)\n\n\nassist Kalmback in re-installing pipes to the theater's antique organ, but later began helping around the studio during sessions. Clarkes assisted on the session for the Woolies' recording of Bo Diddley's \"Who do You Love\", which became a national top twenty hit. Keyboardist Floyd Johnson worked at the theater selling popcorn. In exchange for pay, Clarke made an arrangement with Kalmback to let the Jades use free studio time to record for the Fenton label. In 1966 drummer Dan Preston left and was replaced by Bill", "id": "4586469" }, { "contents": "Birth and After Birth\n\n\nto how Mia and Jeffery do not want parenthood. \"Act Two:\" [2] Act two opens with Sandy, Bill, and Nicky playing a game around a table. Sandy and Bill are still discussing the Freed's lack of children and how disturbing it is. As the Freed's arrive Sandy and Bill's mood instantly changes and they are excited to see their new friends. During the process of the party Nicky continues to have meltdowns and all of the Freed's accomplishments are introduced to the audience. Despite", "id": "13819030" }, { "contents": "Abi Titmuss\n\n\nwhich commented on her status as the \"face of 21st century celebrity\". In her memoir, Titmuss states how she quickly realised that she wanted more control after seeing magazines pay her for one shoot and then sell the pictures many times over. Accordingly, she started paying for and directing her own shoots, thus owning the copyright over them and selling them herself, along with her manager. In December 2004, Titmuss appeared on the front cover of \"FHM\" again, with Swedish model Victoria Silvstedt, \"marking,", "id": "13793451" }, { "contents": "Woodland Cemetery (Cleveland)\n\n\nQuincy Avenue, and gave pedestrians a safer way to walk from one street to the other without walking in the street. Woodland Cemetery lost to Giddings Road. Space at Woodland Cemetery was at such a premium by 1907 that the city considered closing the cemetery to burials once streetcar service reached the new Highland Park Cemetery. There were 1,985 burials in calendar 1907 at Woodland Cemetery, the most ever. But with only 150 family burial plots and 400 single grave lots left, officials believed that the cemetery would have no more lots to", "id": "2171524" }, { "contents": "2011 alleged Iran assassination plot\n\n\nOctober 2011, President Obama imposed new sanctions on Iran and the White House said more actions would be taken. Three weeks after US officials accused Iran of an assassination plot to be carried out on US soil, the House Foreign Affairs Committee voted to expand sanctions against Iran. The far-ranging bill includes targeting Iran's central bank. Such action against Iran's central bank – which serves as a clearinghouse for nearly all oil and gas payments in Iran – will make it more difficult for Iran to sell crude oil, its", "id": "19478016" }, { "contents": "Dinosaur erotica\n\n\nauthor Alara Branwen describes their source of inspiration in rather more mundane terms. She was working in a supermarket to help pay her bills when a co-worker mentioned how people were publishing fiction online and suggested that she should try writing erotica. After researching what sold well, she decided to experiment with the subgenre of monster erotica. Her first story, \"Doing the Dragon\" (involving a dragon having sex with a human girl), was a success and she was soon earning so much that she quit her supermarket job", "id": "18905869" }, { "contents": "Prospect Hill Cemetery (Washington, D.C.)\n\n\n, and provided an open-ended appropriation to pay for the property. Construction costs were capped at $10,000, and were to be paid jointly by the federal government and the city. In the Senate, Joseph Roswell Hawley (R-Connecticut) introduced legislation which was similar to the Curtis bill. However, the Hawley bill specifically appropriated $51,686 from the U.S. Treasury to pay for the Prospect Hill Cemetery land. The Senate District of Columbia Committee favorably reported bill the March 12. Although the city commissioners opposed the bill", "id": "16595078" }, { "contents": "Automatic radar plotting aid\n\n\nARPA does everything automatically, but here you find some more information about how to actually plot your ship. When it is decided (after assessment of the initial plot) that it is necessary for own ship to manoeuvre, it is essential to determine the effect of that manoeuvre prior to its execution and to ensure that it will result in a safe passing distance. After the manoeuvre has been completed, plotting must be continued to ensure that the manoeuvre is having the desired effect. Because of the time taken for a change in", "id": "1681792" }, { "contents": "The Chain of Love\n\n\n, and after she asks how much she should pay him, he replies that she can repay him by continuing \"the chain of love\". In the second verse, the lady has headed down the road to a small café. While eating there, she notices that the waitress is heavily pregnant and exhausted. After paying the waitress with a $100 bill, the lady leaves behind a note for the waitress on a napkin without accepting her change. Written on the napkin is the same request stated by Joe in the", "id": "22115145" }, { "contents": "881 (film)\n\n\narticles between the sister's feud were shown in headlines. After Ling, Big Papaya and Guan visited Small Papaya, but not long Guan decided to sell his chicken he was holding all along, for money to pay off medical bills. After being discharged, both sisters went to campaign in different platforms and also rehearsing strongly. On their recent visiting to the Goddess, they explained on their current situation and suffering, notably on their efforts with Ling; the goddess blessed them, but also further noted about the limitation on how", "id": "16151040" }, { "contents": "Old Town School of Folk Music\n\n\n, was met face-to-face. A plan was offered to pay them; if they could extend a little more credit to the school. Growth takes time to build, but cost reductions can happen (no matter how painful) immediately. The school faced several tough choices. The school owned two buildings. It was a painful choice, but the school's board decided to sell one of its buildings, so that bills could be paid and agreements kept. The school also needed to look at its programs and", "id": "17669676" }, { "contents": "Woodland Cemetery (Cleveland)\n\n\n1866 the city council more specifically authorized construction of a water main to the north edge of the cemetery. The death of Ohio Governor John Brough on August 29, 1865, in Cleveland led the city council to donate a lot at Woodland Cemetery for his interment. He was buried there on September 1. The Brough family selected a plot near the site designated for a chapel. The financial exigencies of the war left Woodland Cemetery in need of maintenance. While much work on preparing the northern half of the cemetery had been accomplished", "id": "2171488" }, { "contents": "Noah Hamilton Rose\n\n\nthe Dalton Gang asking for pictures. In 1904, he set up a photography studio in Del Rio and continued adding to his photograph collection. In 1921, Rose moved to San Antonio. He was ill for several months and was later struck by a car, suffering a fractured skull. His illness left him in debt with large medical bills. To pay his debt, he printed a mail-order catalog of the negatives he had collected and developed a successful mail-order business selling photographs to magazines and collectors. His", "id": "9388281" }, { "contents": "Mickey Mouse (comic strip)\n\n\nhimself in 1947. Gottfredson plotted the continuities until Bill Walsh started writing the strip in 1943. The stories were always untitled. Titles were usually assigned later, when the strips or pages were reprinted in picture-books or comic books. Starting in the 1950s, Gottfredson and writer Bill Walsh were instructed to drop the storylines and do only daily gags. Gottfredson continued illustrating the daily strip until his retirement on October 1, 1975. After Gottfredson retired, the strip was written by Del Connell (1968-1988), Floyd", "id": "20887019" }, { "contents": "Oahu Cemetery\n\n\nfor a house. The money was raised by selling subscriptions on 59 plots of $12 each. Later another were purchased from Gerrit P. Judd to expand in 1860. Rev. Samuel C. Damon served on the cemetery association in the early days. The first recorded burial was American sailor H. Wolley, for $2.50. In 1906, the first public crematory in the Hawaiian Islands, designed by architect Oliver G. Traphagen opened at the cemetery. After the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, all paper currency on the islands was withdrawn", "id": "6362556" }, { "contents": "Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery\n\n\nare French graves to the left and German graves at the front right, but most of the French and German graves are located towards the rear of the cemetery. As in many other war cemeteries looked after by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, a Cross of Sacrifice stands in the corner of Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, and there is also a Stone of Remembrance. The cemetery is organised into 35 sections (Plots I-XXXV) and contains a total of 10,785 graves, of which 35 are unnamed (for a war cemetery of", "id": "7188722" }, { "contents": "Bill Stevenson (musician)\n\n\n. After Milo had left, Bill and the others from Descendents, Karl Alvarez and Stephen Egerton, got singer Dave Smalley of Dag Nasty and formed All. All went on to have two more singers, Scott Reynolds (1989–1993) and Chad Price (1993–present). Aukerman came back to do the 1996 album \"Everything Sucks\", the 2004 album \"Cool to Be You\" and the newest, 2016's \"Hypercaffium Spazzinate\". All and Descendents continue to tour between Stevenson's and Aukerman's respective careers as a", "id": "16639767" }, { "contents": "Brompton Cemetery\n\n\nthey would throw him overboard, so that's why they left him here.\" There was a Brulé Sioux tribesman buried in Brompton named Paul Eagle Star. His plot was in the same section as Oglala Sioux warrior Surrounded By the Enemy who died in 1887 from a lung infection at age 22. Like Long Wolf, he took part of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. Paul died a few days after breaking his ankle when he fell off a horse in August 1891. His casket was exhumed in spring of 1999 by", "id": "15750182" }, { "contents": "The Prague Cemetery\n\n\nyears he lays traps for revolutionaries fighting against Napoleon III, provides intelligence during the days of the Paris Commune and forges the \"bordereau\" that would trigger the Dreyfus affair. All of this earns him enough to pay the bills and to indulge his passion for fine food, but he wants to retire on a decent pension. He hatches a plan to forge what will one day become the infamous Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a document that claims the Jews were plotting world dominion. Simonini's idea is first inspired by", "id": "9619193" }, { "contents": "Falciano del Massico\n\n\nwith immediate effect, to all citizens resident in the municipality of Falciano del Massico, and to whoever passes by its territory, to cross the border of earthly life and to enter the afterlife.\" This decree was issued because the commune's cemetery is currently full and the deceased must be buried in the nearby town of Mondragone. Mondragone is currently in a long standing feud with Falciano del Massico, makes citizens pay significantly more for a cemetery plot there. The majority of residents in Falciano del Massico are retirees, and the", "id": "531480" }, { "contents": "Bankers Life\n\n\nD. MacArthur bought Bankers Life, and continued to develop it until his death in 1978. After studying how large American manufacturers branded and mass-marketed household goods and services, MacArthur led Bankers Life in reducing the cost of selling insurance and in making insurance coverage more affordable for middle-income Americans. By 1956 Bankers Life was one of the largest individual health and accident insurance companies in the U.S. The needs of America's growing senior market became Bankers Life's focus once President Johnson signed the Medicare bill into law. Bankers Life", "id": "16730568" }, { "contents": "Hollywood Forever Cemetery\n\n\nCulver City after the mausoleum sustained water damage that discolored the walls. In 1986, a Los Angeles woman and 1,000 other plot owners filed a class action lawsuit against the cemetery for invasion of privacy after they discovered that Roth allowed employees of Paramount Pictures to park in the cemetery while the studio's parking structure was undergoing construction. In the late 1980s, Jules Roth needed to settle tax bills and maintain his lavish lifestyle. He sold two lawns totalling that were facing the Santa Monica Boulevard front of the property. It was reported", "id": "12691785" }, { "contents": "Benjamin Tillman\n\n\nspeakers. When Tillman spoke at Bennettsville, he was not widely known except as the brother of Congressman George Tillman. Ben Tillman called for the state government to do more for farmers, and blamed politicians and lawyers in the pay of financial interests for agricultural problems, including the crop lien system that left many farmers struggling to pay bills. He assailed his listeners for letting themselves be duped by hostile interests, and told of the farmer who was elected to the legislature, only to be dazzled and seduced by the elite. According", "id": "20632043" }, { "contents": "James Reyne\n\n\nRouch had split, and Reyne formed Clutch Cargo, with Binks, Robinson, Williams and his younger brother David Reyne. In late 1978, Clutch Cargo was renamed Australian Crawl and started to gain popularity on the pub circuit. David Reyne left to continue an acting course and was replaced by Bill McDonough. Australian Crawl made a memorable debut on the \"Countdown\" TV show. Reyne performed with both arms in plaster casts, a result of injuries sustained after being hit by a car. The band went on to sell more", "id": "6321577" }, { "contents": "Digital divide by country\n\n\nphone line for no extra charge. The videotex service was accessed through a text-interface monitor and keyboard. Initially the system provided access only to things like phone books; however, in little time, users would be able to access numerous online services that allowed them to do things like view and pay bills and online shop. France Telecom made the service more user friendly, bundling users’ online purchases and telephone bills together. The Mintier System continued to grow and was able to provide access to \"more than 20,000 online", "id": "10757700" }, { "contents": "Paul Cattermole\n\n\nwas ultimately relisted to eventually sell for a more modest £3,000. Cattermole said that half of the payments would go towards paying bills, but was still deciding what to do with the other half. In February 2018 in an interview with \"Loose Women\", Cattermole revealed his desire to become a contestant on celebrity reality TV shows and stated the depth of his financial burden and thanked the TV producers for giving him a shirt to wear for the interview. Cattermole also stated during this interview that he is single and interested in", "id": "8944679" }, { "contents": "Olivia Schneider\n\n\nto tell everyone of her supposed success. Oliver is furious at her for stealing from him, telling her that she took more than 2 grande from him. Olivia says she'll pay him \"when she becomes a star\" and how she found an agent to do so, even though everyone insists that the whole thing was likely a scam, which she refuses to consider. Olivia then makes her exit after she continues to claim to Oliver and Christian that she is going to become a big star in Hollywood. After she", "id": "13605921" }, { "contents": "\n\n\ndistributed with textbooks, and offered a discount card for students. The domain name was created on September 29, 1994, and the site officially launched in 1995 after operating in \"sneak-preview mode\" for a period. Billed as a \"hip Web site and pay service for and by college students\", it offered how-to advice on practical issues that might concern young people when first living away from home. It planned to charge a minimal fee and make money primarily on commissions from partners who would sell", "id": "25191" }, { "contents": "Monopoly (game)\n\n\nleft after all of the others have gone bankrupt. If a player runs out of money but still has assets that can be converted to cash, they can do so by selling buildings, mortgaging properties, or trading with other players. To avoid bankruptcy the player must be able to raise enough cash to pay the full amount owed. A player cannot choose to go bankrupt; if there is any way to pay what they owe, even by returning all their buildings at a loss, mortgaging all their real estate and", "id": "19984383" }, { "contents": "2008 Cleveland Browns season\n\n\nentire game? How do you NOT use Jerome Harrison more? Why the hell would you throw the ball with 6 minutes left? This is officially a regime that is worse than Butch Davis's. By the way, just like last week – this email was written while the Browns still had the lead.\" After the game, Savage promptly responded to the fan with the following: \"Go root for Buffalo-f#@* you\" Coming off their MNF road win over the Bills, the Browns went home for a", "id": "3970663" }, { "contents": "Iris Wheeler\n\n\nbaby with Olivia, who she believed was a gold digger, and tried to pay her off. When Iris saw how much Dennis wanted to be in the baby's life, she became more supportive. Olivia left town and gave birth to their daughter, Sarah. Iris comforted Dennis, who was devastated he could not see his daughter. Iris was enraged when Rachel fell in love with the Cory family's sworn enemy, Carl Hutchins (Charles Keating). When Rachel and Carl announced their engagement, Iris plotted to ruin", "id": "19433740" }, { "contents": "List of Coronation Street characters (2003)\n\n\nand how her husband left her for a \"younger model.\" Brenda felt that Bethany and Sarah coming to Neil's funeral was like a sign of God so she won't be alone. She asked Sarah if she could visit Bethany sometimes and Sarah, feeling bad for her, agreed. During her visits, Brenda started doing odd jobs and buying things for Sarah and Todd Grimshaw (Bruno Langley). Sarah was grateful but Todd was uncomfortable. In November 2003, when Sarah and Todd were having problems paying their bills", "id": "9685053" }, { "contents": "Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps\n\n\nin the ROTC program and are referred to as \"Officer Candidates.\" They retain their enlisted pay. Enlisted Marines participate in ROTC through the Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program (MECEP) and are referred to by their rank or by the name of the program, \"MECEP.\" (pronounced mee-sep) MECEP Marines do not have their school paid for by the Marine Corps and generally use the Montgomery GI Bill or the Post-9/11 GI Bill to pay for school. They continue to receive pay in accordance with their rank", "id": "7823479" }, { "contents": "Olivewood Cemetery\n\n\nit was the first African-Americans burial ground within the Houston city limits. Many 19th century influential African-Americans were buried in the cemetery, including Reverend Elias Dibble, first minister of Trinity United Methodist Church; Reverend Wade H. Logan, also a minister of the church; and James Kyle, a blacksmith; as well as Richard Brock. The cemetery includes more than 700 family plots around a graceful, elliptical drive that originated at an ornate entry gate. It contains graves of both the well-to-do and", "id": "9721776" }, { "contents": "Lyda Conley\n\n\nKansas, also of mixed Native American ancestry, introduced a bill in Congress that precluded the sale of the cemetery and made the land a national park. This was passed in 1916 and the cemetery was protected. The Conley sisters believed that it was wrong to sell and dismantle the cemetery. Their grandmother Hannah Zane, mother Elizabeth and sister Sarah were buried there, as well as numerous cousins, uncles, and aunts. The revolt of the three sisters got underway in 1907, after plans broached the previous year for the city", "id": "8616251" }, { "contents": "Charles II of England\n\n\n\"Abhorrers\"—those who thought the Exclusion Bill was abhorrent—were named Tories (after a term for dispossessed Irish Catholic bandits), while the \"Petitioners\"—those who supported a petitioning campaign in favour of the Exclusion Bill—were called Whigs (after a term for rebellious Scottish Presbyterians). Fearing that the Exclusion Bill would be passed, and bolstered by some acquittals in the continuing Plot trials, which seemed to him to indicate a more favourable public mood towards Catholicism, Charles dissolved the English Parliament, for a second time that year,", "id": "2633022" }, { "contents": "Arlington National Cemetery mismanagement controversy\n\n\nimproperly marked. In September 2010, the Army found two bodies buried in the wrong plots. The Army plans to check more plots. In December 2010 the Army announced that it had launched a criminal investigation into the misplacement of remains at the cemetery. The investigation was initiated after the discovery in October 2010 of eight urns containing remains in a single grave marked \"unknown.\" Some of the urns in the grave may have been previously discovered in other parts of the cemetery. The Army announced in March 2011 that three of", "id": "17098285" }, { "contents": "Mount Auburn Cemetery\n\n\nEarl E. Sanborn. More than 93,000 people are buried in the cemetery as of 2003. A number of historically significant people have been interred there since its inception, particularly members of the Boston Brahmins and the Boston elite associated with Harvard University as well as a number of prominent Unitarians. The cemetery is nondenominational and continues to make space available for new plots. The area is well known for its beautiful environs and is a favorite location for bird-watchers; over 220 species of birds have been observed at the cemetery since 1958", "id": "1310316" }, { "contents": "Mount Zion Cemetery, Jerusalem\n\n\nlaw limited tenures on grave sites, as introduced in 1929, are not allowed any more, so that Mount Zion Cemetery will definitely reach its maximal capacity one day. The plan of empty grave plots is not always followed. In 2002 the grave of an Arab parishioner was erected crossing two graves of German soldiers. Burials continue until this very day and for Jerusalem's Evangelical congregation of German language Mount Zion Cemetery is the sole burial place. [[Category:Burials at Mount Zion (Protestant)|Zion Cemetery]] [[Category", "id": "7639600" }, { "contents": "Indiana Dunes National Park\n\n\non a sandy knoll. He erected an oak cross on the site and a three-sided shelter. After 1866, the Bailly area was no longer the quiet place that it had been. Other families now lived in the area and some had been using the cemetery for their families as well. However, late in 1866, Rose Howe (granddaughter of Joseph Bailly) had the family plots fenced and requested that those other families remove their deceased to other cemeteries. In 1879, she had the entire cemetery walled in and", "id": "8969939" }, { "contents": "Cemitério dos Ingleses\n\n\nThe Cemitério dos Ingleses is a cemetery in Recife, the capital of Pernambuco in Brazil. It was built in 1814, and at the time was named \"British Cemetery\". By order of the Prince Regent of Portugal, the president of the province of Pernambuco donated a plot of land to the English Consul in Recife, upon which was built a cemetery. The cemetery is located in the neighborhood of Santo Amaro in Avenida Cruz Cabugá, between Recife and Olinda. The cemetery appears to be permanently closed, though this is", "id": "11368063" }, { "contents": "Tom Brady and Bill Belichick era\n\n\nmore than 5 games just twice. As the Patriots head coach, Belichick has had just one losing season, in 2000. In 18 seasons from 2001 onwards, the Patriots have won 16 AFC East titles. Such dominance in the salary cap era, which limits teams in how much they can pay players and therefore forces parity, is credited to Belichick's football prowess. Belichick is known for taking players that otherwise had lackluster or declining careers and making them productive for one or more seasons. Belichick is credited for doing this", "id": "9352080" }, { "contents": "Graduate tax\n\n\non how to fund our universities, not an exercise in rebranding. We will judge the plans on what they actually do and whether or not students will be forced to pay more, not how the Government markets them.\" A graduate tax has also been proposed in Ireland. Since 1995, the \"Free Fees Initiative\" has meant that almost all students in the Republic of Ireland from the European Economic Area and Switzerland do not have to pay fees, with the government paying them on their behalf. However, they must", "id": "20746796" }, { "contents": "Bank fraud\n\n\ncompany regularly and repeatedly uses the bank to get payment from one or more of its customers. These payments are always made, as the customers in question are part of the fraud, actively paying any and all bills the bank attempts to collect. After the fraudster has gained the bank's trust, the company requests that the bank begin paying the company up front for bills it will collect from the customers later. Many banks will agree, but are not likely to go whole hog right away. So again, business continues", "id": "15902351" }, { "contents": "Kaiser-Frazer\n\n\nfrom the Big Three, Kaiser pushed for more production, creating an oversupply of cars that took until mid-1950 to sell. Kaiser and Frazer had repeated disagreements on how aggressive production should be until, finally, Joseph Frazer left the company in 1951 and the Frazer nameplate was dropped after a short 10,000 unit production run in 1951 that used up the remaining inventory of the 1949-50 bodies. In 1952, the Kaiser-Frazer Corporation was renamed Kaiser Motors Corporation and continued building passenger cars through 1955. In 1953 Kaiser bought the", "id": "7882904" }, { "contents": "History of women in the United States\n\n\nrelied on evidence of discrimination in the 1980s, not on unfair pay decisions in 1998 or 1999; the Supreme Court declared that employees wishing to file discrimination charges must do so no more than 180 days after they have received their first discriminatory paycheck, although Lilly Ledbetter did not know she had been discriminated against in pay until much more than 180 days had passed. However, in 2009 President Barack Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law (the first bill signed into law during his presidency), which changed the", "id": "12076284" }, { "contents": "Elm Ridge Cemetery, North Brunswick\n\n\n27) in the historic community of Six Mile Run. The cemetery was associated with the Church at Six Mile Run, which was located there from 1710 to 1766 when it moved to its present location approximately one mile south. The \"Elm Ridge Cemetery Company\" was formed in 1868 by an act of the State of New Jersey authorizing the company to purchase an adjoining tract, to improve and operate the cemetery, sell burial plots, and be exempt from taxation as long as the land was used as a cemetery. The", "id": "8169810" }, { "contents": "Börger\n\n\na better life. In the year 1788 two more villages were founded about 6 km northeast and northwest of the village. New farmers (Neubauern) and small farmers from Börger settled there. Out of these settlements the villages \"Neubörger\" and \"Breddenberg\" developed. After ten years of free use the settlers had to pay high tributes to the nobility, the duchy of Arenberg, but also to the municipal of Börger. In the following years many settlers of the new villages had to sell their plots. Although new villages", "id": "20502752" }, { "contents": "Prison Break (season 5)\n\n\ncharacter'. He didn't want to just bring everybody back, so that the audience go, 'Oh, look, it's Bill Fichtner again!' – he honestly thought, 'I'm not sure where to do that in the plot.' So if someday there's another chapter of this, maybe then Bill will be back. But I think the characters that are there, each of our moments that we have, are key to the storytelling, which is how it should be.\" Production on", "id": "14492939" }, { "contents": "Miklós László\n\n\nissue for the young László. His father continued to do very well with his own business endeavors and at one point, anecdotal information describes the father as one of the wealthiest men in Hungary. But tragically, poor management, high living and wild spending brought the family to total destitution. And then unexpectedly his father died and Nicholas was left as the sole provider for his mother and eight siblings. Writing was not sufficient to feed a family and pay the bills, so Niki turned to a host of jobs, none too", "id": "10788091" }, { "contents": "St Symphorien Military Cemetery\n\n\nrank. The cemetery contains a number of German regimental memorials within the cemetery which were paid and provided by the city or town where the regiment was based. The Germans treated the British dead in a similar manner to their own. All of the British were buried in individual plots and, like the Germans, grouped by unit as far as possible. The deceased British officers were buried in a plot separate from their troops and it is not known how these graves were marked before they were provided with the standardized Imperial War Grave", "id": "1195931" }, { "contents": "Rural Cemetery Act\n\n\nenactment came during an era when a burgeoning urban population was crowding out Manhattan churchyards traditionally used for burials and the concept of the rural cemetery on the outskirts of a city was becoming stylish. The law authorized nonprofit entities to establish cemeteries on rural land and sell burial plots, and it exempted from property taxation land that was so used. A few rural cemeteries had been established in New York before the new law was passed (including Green-Wood Cemetery in 1838 and Albany Rural Cemetery in 1844), but the law's", "id": "5034796" }, { "contents": "Congressional Cemetery\n\n\nfrom the Green Burial Council. Green burials are allowed in any plot in the cemetery. Congressional Cemetery is also known for allowing members of the Association for the Preservation of Historic Congressional Cemetery (APHCC) to walk dogs off-leash on the cemetery grounds. In addition to their membership dues, K-9 Corps members pay a fee for the privilege of walking their dogs. K-9 Corps members provide about 20% of Congressional Cemetery's operating income. Dog walkers follow a set of rules and regulations and provide valuable volunteer time to restore", "id": "19256392" }, { "contents": "Lithuanian National Catholic Church\n\n\n. The parishioners collected funds and purchased two plots of land, one for the church and the other for the cemetery. A temporary church was erected in 1915. Mickevičius left the parish in 1916. It became more active when it was taken over by bishop Jonas Gritėnas in 1919–1928. The parish purchased a farm, established a shelter for the elderly (named after Vilnius; established in 1924 and closed after Gritėnas' death in 1928 due to financial difficulties), built a clergy house and a hall for parish events (named", "id": "10062283" }, { "contents": "Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2013\n\n\nsupporters to contact their representatives and tell them to vote no on the bill. The organization criticized the bill because it \"forces taxpayers to continue subsidizing high-risk development of flood-prone areas and sets a terrible precedent of never letting positive reform take effect.\" One Republican Michigan Congresswoman Candice Miller argued that the state of Michigan should opt out of the National Flood Insurance Program entirely and urged the governor to do so. According to Miller, Michigan residents subsidize other, more flood prone parts of the country, by paying", "id": "9785801" }, { "contents": "From the Sky Down\n\n\nof the group's most commercially successful records, selling 18 million copies. To commemorate the 20th anniversary of \"Achtung Baby\"s original release, U2 reissued the record in several formats in October 2011. Leading up to the anniversary, the band was unsure how much attention to pay to a past album while still actively writing and recording new material. Guitarist The Edge said, \"How big a deal do we make of an anniversary when we're in the middle of what we're doing now? We had a hard time figuring", "id": "3894265" }, { "contents": "Grand View Memorial Park Cemetery\n\n\n, Goldsman, and the cemetery as a corporation with 14 major violations of state law and regulations, including fraud, improper use of funds, mishandling of remains, negligence, and reselling graves. Although Howard had used the cemetery's caretaker lodge as her private residence for years, after November 5, 2005, she was barred by the CFB from entering the cemetery grounds. She was left destitute by her suspension, lost her health insurance, and was able to pay for diabetic medication only after receiving financial help from a friend", "id": "17492363" }, { "contents": "Víctor Jara\n\n\nfirst burial, he received a full funeral on 3 December 2009 in Santiago. Thousands of Chileans attended his reburial, after his body was exhumed, to pay their respects. President Michelle Bachelet—also a victim of the Pinochet regime, having spent years in exile—said: \"Finally, after 36 years, Victor can rest in peace. He is a hero for the left, and he is known worldwide, even though he continues buried in the general cemetery where his widow originally buried him.\" Jara has been", "id": "6433910" }, { "contents": "Zelda Fitzgerald\n\n\n, selling several short stories and articles. She helped Scott write the play \"The Vegetable,\" but when it flopped the Fitzgeralds found themselves in debt. Scott wrote short stories furiously to pay the bills, but became burned out and depressed. In April 1924, they left for Paris. After arriving in Paris, they soon relocated to Antibes on the French Riviera. While Scott was absorbed writing \"The Great Gatsby\", Zelda became infatuated with a dashing young French pilot, Edouard S. Jozan. She spent afternoons swimming", "id": "277590" }, { "contents": "Charles Ray (actor)\n\n\nGrant bought expensive dresses that she refused to wear more than once and traveled in a Rolls Royce with an ermine floor rug. The day before Ray was to file for bankruptcy, the couple held a dinner party with a personal butler for each of their guests at their home that reportedly cost $30,000. Film executive Pat Powers attended the party and asked Ray, \"... how can you do this if you're going bankrupt tomorrow? Who will pay the bills? And he [Ray] said, 'we thought it", "id": "3738396" }, { "contents": "Mark Sanford\n\n\nto classify personnel as law enforcement officers and to reclassify, as necessary, any staff of the Office of Inspection that are currently misclassified according to the results of that review. Sanford said that \"even though there are federal standards in place that lay out how employees qualify for higher wages, the Transportation Security Administration pays some of their employees more for jobs they're not doing. That wouldn't make sense anywhere outside of government and our bill would help fix that problem by clarifying those employees' responsibilities.\" According to Sanford", "id": "9656958" }, { "contents": "The Bill (Inside No. 9)\n\n\nsurprising plots\". His character, meanwhile, he called \"put-upon and pathetic and petty\". Anya closes a restaurant where four men—northerners Archie, Malcolm, and Kevin are entertaining Londoner Craig—have finished a post-badminton meal. After a misunderstanding between Craig and the thickly accented Anya, Malcolm takes the bill, but he and Archie both wish to pay. Craig insists that \"he\" will pay, as he is leaving, and wealthier than the others. The three argue, Archie being", "id": "1160424" }, { "contents": "Central billing\n\n\nbenefits simply by the fact their admin is simplified. Instead of having to monitor many daily payments they simply have to write one cheque a month for potentially thousands of transactions. The pay the wholesaler who in turn pays the suppliers. In addition, they typically receive a rebate (LTA) on their purchases. The wholesaler benefits in a number of ways. Firstly they do not have to pass on in full all the LTA payments they receive. Secondly the offer a valuable service to retailers to whom they also sell other items", "id": "3878542" } ]
Is there any advantage to suburban neighborhoods being twisty labyrinths of cul de sacs?
[{"answer": "Some people like living on a street with no through traffic. It's very inconvenient, but they like the quiet."}, {"answer": "My grandmother lives on what used to be a small, quiet street, thirty years ago. It's also straight and fairly well maintained, so it eventually started being used by the majority of the city. It alternates between heavy, loud traffic, and light traffic with people going 40+ mph. Living in a twisty labyrinth prevents this from happening."}, {"answer": "It is purposefully built to make it so that there is not through traffic and what traffic is there does not go at high speed. Yes it does slow down emergency responders but those are not needed often enough for the slight slow down to be a big enough negative to make it a grid."}, {"answer": "Why would it cause delays for emergency responders? They only have go up and down the main roads and then into the one cul de sac that they need... they don't drive in and out of every cul de sac looking for the right address."}, {"answer": "They allow their inhabitants to pretend they are living a semi-rural level lifestyle while demanding city level services and paying farm level taxes. The usual result is a ponzi scheme of growth followed by municipal bankruptcy. URL_0 These configurations result in a far greater land use consumed per person/household, which has a direct impact on municipal service cost per person/houshold. If these ppl really wanted to live a rural life, with a dirt road, no water or sewage, etc, then it wouldn't matter. But if they want someone else to pave their road, maintain water & sewer, and come put out their fires, then all those services costs scale inversely to density. The less intensely the land is used, the more expensive it is to provide services. This calculus is slowly percolating through cities, so change is happening, but it's slow, and people who are used to their cul de sacs and taxes too low to support them will push back hard against paying their fair share."}, {"answer": "I always thought it was for aesthetics. Houses all lined up on little grids are hideous and developers (rightly) imagine the people who want to live in the suburbs don't want a city look/feel. Or it could be to imitate the gated communities in cities that are designed that way to be more park like. Or it could be to decrease cut through traffic, making it feel safer and family friendly. There are cities that build barricades on streets to make cul de sacs out of their perfect little grids, presumably to decrease traffic and therefore crime."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "390697", "title": "Dead end (street)", "section": "Section::::History.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 12, "end_paragraph_id": 12, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In the 1960s the cul-de-sac attained systematic international application in planned new cities such as Doxiadis Islamabad (1960). In the UK, new towns such as Harlow (1947) by Sir Frederick Gibberd and Milton Keynes (1967) incorporated culs-de-sac and crescents in their layouts. Planning theorists have suggested the use alternatives to culs-de-sac. Most notably, Christopher Alexander et al., in his \"A Pattern Language\" 1977 book (pattern #49) suggests the use of looped local roads which do not abruptly stop. Although dead end streets (culs-de-sac), would fit his definition of looped local roads Alexa", "In the 1960s the cul-de-sac attained systematic international application in planned new cities such as Doxiadis Islamabad (1960). In the UK, new towns such as Harlow (1947) by Sir Frederick Gibberd and Milton Keynes (1967) incorporated culs-de-sac and crescents in their layouts. Planning theorists have suggested the use alternatives to culs-de-sac. Most notably, Christopher Alexander et al., in his \"A Pattern Language\" 1977 book (pattern #49) suggests the use of looped local roads which do not abruptly stop. Although dead end streets (culs-de-sac), would fit his definition of looped local roads Alexander suggestions that \"culs-de-sacs are very bad from a social standpointthey force interaction and they feel claustrophobic, because there is only one entrance\". Doxiadis has additionally argued their important role in separating man from machine. Originally unplanned dead ends have been created in city centers that are laid on a grid by blocking through traffic. Whole neighbourhood street reconfigurations emerged in several cities, mainly concentrated in North America and the UK, which include Berkeley, California; Seattle, Washington; and Vancouver,", "In the 1960s the cul-de-sac attained systematic international application in planned new cities such as Doxiadis Islamabad (1960). In the UK, new towns such as Harlow (1947) by Sir Frederick Gibberd and Milton Keynes (1967) incorporated culs-de-sac and crescents in their layouts. Planning theorists have suggested the use alternatives to culs-de-sac. Most notably, Christopher Alexander et al., in his \"A Pattern Language\" 1977 book (pattern #49) suggests the use of looped local roads which do not abruptly stop. Although dead end streets (culs-de-sac), would fit his definition of looped local roads Alexander suggestions that \"culs-de-sacs are very bad from a social standpointthey force interaction and they feel claustrophobic, because there is only one entrance\". Doxiadis has additionally argued their important role in separating man from machine. Originally unplanned dead ends have been created in city centers that are laid on a grid by blocking through traffic. Whole neighbourhood street reconfigurations emerged in several cities"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Cul de Sac (comic strip)\n\n\n18, 2007, which had also appeared on the back cover of the first book collection, \"Cul De Sac: This Exit\" in 2008. In it, Petey explains to Alice how comic strips are \"a mighty, yet dying art form.\" Thompson died at 58 on July 27, 2016. Universal Press Syndicate describes \"Cul de Sac\" as \"a light-hearted comic strip centered around a four-year-old girl and her suburban life experiences on a cul-de-sac with her", "id": "21817450" }, { "contents": "Cul-de-sac (play)\n\n\n\"cul-de-sac\" is a play by American playwright John Cariani. The play tells the story of three small-time suburban families: the Smiths, Johnsons and Joneses. In this quirky family comedy, the audience follows along as these neighbors go to great lengths to appear happy in what turns out to be both a hilarious and heartbreaking tale examining the American dream. \"cul-de-sac\" premiered off-Broadway in April 2006 in a Transport Group production, with Jack Cummings III directed and featuring", "id": "11434439" }, { "contents": "Honeycomb housing\n\n\n-de-sac be made affordable for more people and for the environment? • Is it possible to have cul-de-sacs without sprawl? First, the cul-de-sac is made bigger so as to fit in a public green area in the middle in order to meet local planning regulations that require 10% of any residential development to be open space. Then an interlocking arrangement of cul-de-sacs is created such that each building lot would face two or three cul-de-sacs.", "id": "21009928" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\ncul-de-sac streets add significantly to the home value. The positive feelings that a cul-de-sac street could evoke, that residents value, are expressed vividly by Allan Jacobs in describing Roslyn Place, a short (250 ft), narrow (60 ft), densely built (14 du/acre), and wood-paved cul-de-sac in the Shadyside neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: \"Step into Roslyn Place and you are likely to sense, immediately, that you are in", "id": "12725182" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\nevidence has led a few US cities including Austin, Texas; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Portland, Oregon, to restrict and regulate the inclusion of cul-de-sac streets in new suburbs. However, a 2010 study on Sprawl in NA by a legal expert concludes that \"neighborhoods dominated by culs-de-sac are less walkable than those that include street grids... On the other hand, culs-de-sac do have a countervailing public benefit: because of their very inaccessibility, they tend to have", "id": "12725207" }, { "contents": "Pacific Daydream\n\n\n\"Pitchfork\" was more critical of the album, noting \"for the second album in a row, Cuomo anchors the music more specifically to California. Sure, that’s worked for scores of artists in the past, but a crucial part of Weezer’s appeal was that you could believe they came out of any garage on any tree-lined cul-de-sac in any suburban zip code in the U.S. \"Pacific Daydream\", in spite of its name, mostly just gives you a feeling of being nowhere.", "id": "18720414" }, { "contents": "Forestdale, London\n\n\n-de-sacs running off four main roads, the cul-de-sacs being subdivided into several 'neighbourhoods'. All houses within a cul-de-sac are of the same style, but differ from other cul-de-sacs in style and materials, such as weatherboarding, brick colour and arrangement, and so uniformity of style is achieved within one cul-de-sac but differs from all others. Forestdale is linked to Croydon via Addington by Featherbed Lane which skirts the suburb on one side.", "id": "20524471" }, { "contents": "Honeycomb housing\n\n\n-sac layout. Cul-de-sacs are popular: they are perceived as being safer, more exclusive and neighbourly. According to one study, between the ‘grid’, ‘loops’ and cul-de-sacs, the latter were the most popular. However, in developing countries like Malaysia, only the very rich can afford to live in quarter-acre single-family houses located in a cul-de-sac. The Honeycomb concept was a response to two questions: • How can the cul", "id": "21009927" }, { "contents": "Grid plan\n\n\ndecrease the severity of accidents occurring on streets within a grid plan. An earlier study found significant differences in recorded accidents between residential neighborhoods that were laid out on a grid and those that included culs-de-sac and crescents. The frequency of accidents was significantly higher in the grid neighborhoods. Two newer studies examined the frequency of collisions in two regional districts using the latest analytical tools. They investigated the potential correlation between street network patterns and frequency of collisions. In one study, cul-de-sac networks appeared to", "id": "6483686" }, { "contents": "Knots Landing\n\n\n...but even if they had, we would have had to pare away more to survive.\" The series' signature cul-de-sac, Seaview Circle, was actually Crystalaire Place in Granada Hills, California, a suburban street in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley about 20 miles north of the Pacific Ocean. The opening credits during the first two seasons were edited in such a way to make it appear that the cul-de-sac was closer to the beach. The aerial shots as seen in the opening", "id": "14437102" }, { "contents": "The Ed-touchables / Nagged to Ed\n\n\n), three preadolescent boys collectively known as \"the Eds\" and unofficially led by Eddy, who live in a suburban cul-de-sac. In \"The Ed-touchables\", the Eds try to earn money by hunting down the \"serial toucher\", who has been stealing the cul-de-sac children's belongings, while \"Nagged to Ed\" chronicles the Eds' first encounter with the obsessive Kanker Sisters, after they lure the Eds' into their trailer park home. Series creator Danny Antonucci", "id": "20801230" }, { "contents": "Suburbanization\n\n\nadolescents, and the elderly. Children who are affected by suburbanization, or urban sprawl, are commonly referred to as \"cul-de-sac kids.\" Because children living in a suburb cannot go anywhere without a parent, they are unable to practice being independent. Teenagers that are unable to be independent experience a lot of boredom, isolation, and frustration. These feelings have even led to an increase in rates of teenage suicide and school shootings in suburban areas. Despite these issues with young people, suburbia was", "id": "1135895" }, { "contents": "Plain of the Cul-de-Sac\n\n\nPlain of the Cul-de-Sac (, also known as the Cul-de-Sac Plain, or the Cul-de-Sac Depression) is a fertile lowland on the island of Hispaniola. It extends from southeastern Haiti into the southwestern Dominican Republic, where it is known as the \"Hoya de Enriquillo\". Covering an area of 28 000 km² around with a length of 32 km long and 25 km wide, the Plain of the Cul-de-Sac is bounded to the north and south by", "id": "565031" }, { "contents": "List of Ed, Edd n Eddy episodes\n\n\nof 135 stories. The series revolves around three adolescent boys collectively known as \"the Eds\", who live in a suburban cul-de-sac. Unofficially led by Eddy, the Eds constantly try to scam the fellow cul-de-sac children in order to purchase jawbreakers. The Eds' plans usually fail and leave them in various predicaments. Feeling confined to gross and edgy work, such as his previous series \"The Brothers Grunt\", artist Danny Antonucci decided to produce an animated children's television show similar", "id": "16808588" }, { "contents": "New Urbanism\n\n\nin a time and convenience advantage over drivers while still limiting the connectivity of the vehicular network and thus maintaining the safety benefits of cul de sacs and horseshoe loops in resistance to property crime. In response to critiques of a lack of evidence for the New Urbanism's claimed environmental benefits, a rating system for neighborhood environmental design, LEED-ND, was developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Congress for the New Urbanism, to quantify the sustainability of New Urbanist neighborhood design. New Urbanist", "id": "585981" }, { "contents": "Edward Salyer House\n\n\non South Middletown and the west on Kerry Court, a small cul-de-sac off Gilbert, by rows of tall, mature deciduous trees. The neighborhood is exclusively residential, mostly suburban houses built in the late 20th century, on smaller lots. There are two other outbuildings on the property, a wellhouse and shed. The lot slopes down significantly toward the west through landscaped gardens and a footpath. A large black walnut and evergreens are planted among them. The building itself is a two-and-a-", "id": "14105265" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\nnaturally on a cul-de-sac street as does social networking. Design guidelines based on the CPTED perspective recommend its use for those reasons. Cul-de-sac streets increase spontaneous outdoor activity by children. A study in California examined the amount of child play that occurred on the streets of neighbourhoods with different characteristics; grid pattern and culs-de-sac. The findings indicate that culs-de-sac showed substantial increase in play activity than the open grid street pattern. Culs-de-sac reduce perceived", "id": "12725176" }, { "contents": "Cul de Sac (band)\n\n\nCul de Sac are a rock group formed in 1990 in Boston, Massachusetts and led by guitarist Glenn Jones. Their music is primarily instrumental. Jones and keyboardist Robin Amos have been the only constant members. They have been classified by some as post rock, but Jones has expressed some discomfort with the term. He states that Cul de Sac is the most \"musically satisfying\" group he's been involved with; a group that is the \"closest to being the band I'd dreamed of forming. It allows me to", "id": "19655448" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\nthe cul-de-sac. Clarence Stein, a main proponent of the movement, incorporated it in the Radburn, New Jersey subdivision, which was to become a model for subsequent neighborhood developments. The country's Federal Housing Authority (FHA) recommended and promoted their use through their 1936 guidelines and the power of lending development funds. In Canada, a variation of Stein's Radburn 1929 plan that used crescents (loops) instead of culs-de-sac was built in 1947: Wildwood Park, Winnipeg, designed by", "id": "12725165" }, { "contents": "List of neighborhoods in Alexandria, Virginia\n\n\n-College Park, and members of the community's civic association conduct meetings there. Alexandria's West End includes areas annexed from Fairfax County in the 1950s. It is the most typically suburban part of Alexandria, with a street hierarchy of winding roads and cul-de-sacs. The section of Duke Street in the West End is known for a high-density residential area known to locals as \"Landmark\" due to its close proximity to nearby Landmark Mall, and for its concentration of strip and enclosed shopping malls.", "id": "21563007" }, { "contents": "Tunnel warfare\n\n\nMarch of 2015 rebels planted a large amount of explosives under the Syrian Air Force Intelligence Directorate headquarters. Tunnels are narrow and restrict fields of fire; thus troops in a tunnel usually have only a few areas exposed to fire or sight at any one time. They can be part of an extensive labyrinth and have cul-de-sacs and reduced lighting, typically creating a closed-in night combat environment. The Greek historian Polybius, in his \"Histories\", gives a graphic account of mining and counter mining at the", "id": "5250705" }, { "contents": "Desert Palms Park\n\n\n-lined wash or arroyo. Medians on each side are lined with nearly 80 date palms. Along each side of the medians are two-way streets both called Avenida Ricardo Small for Otto's son. Cul-de-sacs and loops are entered from this avenue. Many of these use the Spanish term \"calle\" instead of \"street\". There is also a cul-de-sac from Wrightstown Road that is included in the neighborhood. All utilities are underground along city easements behind the homes. All but", "id": "1650334" }, { "contents": "Cul de Sac (song)\n\n\nsac\" The lyrics are sparse and added lightly, accenting the melody of the song. \"Cul de Sac\" is performed in 3/4 time. \"Cul de Sac\" was recorded with a separate lineup of musicians than the rest of \"Veedon Fleece\". \"Cul de Sac\" along with \"Bulbs\" was recut at Mercury Studios in New York a few months after the main recording for the album took place. It was made with musicians with whom Morrison had never worked before: guitarist John Tropea, bassist Joe", "id": "2558309" }, { "contents": "Fairlington, Arlington, Virginia\n\n\nwith access only at street entrances. Although Fairlington's street names and addresses follow the rules of the grid-style Arlington County's street-naming system, the streets do not follow a grid but are also not the suburban cul-de-sac style found in most American suburbs. Intersections consist of both four-way stops and modern roundabouts (traffic circles). Within Fairlington there are both bicycle lanes and an on-street bicycle route. Several Metrobus routes traverse the neighborhood and adjacent roads provide additional Metrobus and Alexandria", "id": "19053257" }, { "contents": "Vestibular aqueduct\n\n\nAt the hinder part of the medial wall of the vestibule is the orifice of the vestibular aqueduct, which extends to the posterior surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone. It transmits a small vein, and contains a tubular prolongation of the membranous labyrinth, the ductus endolymphaticus, which ends in a cul-de-sac, the endolymphatic sac, between the layers of the dura mater within the cranial cavity. Enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct to greater than 2 mm is associated with enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome, a disease", "id": "17501442" }, { "contents": "City block\n\n\nprimarily on the internal road networks within the superblock, their historical context, and whether they are auto-centric or pedestrian-centric. The context in which superblocks are being studied or conceived gives rise to varying definitions. An internal road network characterised by cul-de-sacs is typical of auto-centric suburban development primarily in Western countries throughout the 20th century. The Oxford Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture's definition is rooted within this typically suburban conception:“Area containing residential accommodation, shops, schools, offices, etc.,", "id": "5822761" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\nthat the cul-de-sac street with the lowest traffic of the three streets had the highest level of social interaction. The studies recommend the use of the cul-de-sac or strong traffic calming measures. When culs-de-sac are interconnected with foot and bike paths, as for example in Vauban, Freiburg and Village Homes in Davis, California, they can increase active modes of mobility among their residents. Real estate developers prefer culs-de-sac because they allow builders to fit more houses into", "id": "12725178" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\nless automobile traffic. Given the existence of important public policy goals on both sides, a city seeking to maximize walkability should not favor culs-de-sac over grids, but should also allow some culs-de-sac as a legitimate residential option. ... In addition, there are \"middle ground\" alternatives between prohibiting culs-de-sac and mandating them. For example, a city could encourage culs-de-sac combined with pedestrian walkways.\" This design combination is shown in the Village Homes layout and", "id": "12725208" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\nof \"cul\" in French, Catalan, and Occitan, but \"cul\" doesn't have that meaning in \"cul-de-sac\", which is still used to refer to dead ends in modern French although the terms \"\" and \"voie sans issue\" are more common in modern French. J. R. R. Tolkien used the name Bag End as a translation of \"cul-de-sac\" to poke fun at the British use of French terms. In Canada, \"cul-de-sac", "id": "12725211" }, { "contents": "Cul de Sac (comic strip)\n\n\nneurotic kids to appear in comics. These children and their struggles are presented affectionately, and one of the things I like best about \"Cul de Sac\" is its natural warmth. \"Cul de Sac\" avoids both mawkishness and cynicism and instead finds genuine charm in its loopy appreciation of small events. Very few strips can hit this subtle note. A second collection, \"Children at Play: A Cul de Sac Collection\", was published in 2009 by Andrews McMeel. It features a foreword by writer-artist Mo", "id": "21817454" }, { "contents": "Eastwick, Philadelphia\n\n\n's designs were seen as anti-communist. In Eastwick, Doxiadis's work took the form of row houses on cul-de-sac streets, with traffic funneled toward peripheral roads. The neighborhood was one of only three in Philadelphia that grew in population between 1970 and 1990. The John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum extends from Eastwick to Tinicum Township, Pennsylvania. Eastwick contains a large industrial area where manufacturing and distributing uses take advantage of proximity to the Airport, Interstate 95, and Center City Philadelphia. There are", "id": "2426059" }, { "contents": "Grid plan\n\n\nor grids and the permeability of a residential area. Among its conclusions are, respectively, that flats are always safer than houses and the wealth of inhabitants matters, density is generally beneficial but more so at ground level, local movement is beneficial, but not larger scale movement, relative affluence and the number of neighbours have a greater effect than either being on a cul-de-sac or being on a through street. It also re-established that simple, linear cul-de-sac with good numbers of dwellings", "id": "6483676" }, { "contents": "Saint Barthélemy\n\n\nsailors. Kitesurfing and other water sports have also become popular on the island in recent years, especially at Grand Cul-de-Sac beach (Baie de Grand Cul de Sac) for windy sports as kitesurfing and Saint Jean Beach ( Baie de Saint Jean), Lorient, Toiny and Anse des Cayes for surfing. Tennis is also popular on the island and it has several tennis clubs, Tennis Clube de Flamboyant in Grand Cul-de-Sac, AJOE Tennis Club in Orient and ASCO in Colombier. The Swedish Marathon", "id": "20091394" }, { "contents": "Permeability (spatial and transport planning)\n\n\n, that a) flats are always safer than houses and the wealth of inhabitants matters; b) density is generally beneficial but more so at ground level; c) local movement is beneficial, larger scale movement not so; d) relative affluence and the number of neighbours has a greater effect than either being on a cul-de-sac or being on a through street. It also re-established that simple, linear culs-de-sac with good numbers of dwellings that are joined to through streets tend to", "id": "18881655" }, { "contents": "Cul-de-sac (play)\n\n\nCariani performing as Joe Jones. \"The New York Times\" described \"cul-de-sac\" as \"charming, witty and macabre.\" Variety called the production \"challenging\" and \"original\" A production of \"cul-de-sac\" was presented at High Point University in April 2016, and the play (directed by Adam Fitzgerald) was performed at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts (New York City) in October 2016. Playbill online reported that he was in the process of revising the piece", "id": "11434440" }, { "contents": "Cul-de-sac (1966 film)\n\n\n\" (\"When Katelbach Comes\"). Christopher Weedman also notes the film's similarities with \"such hard-edged Humphrey Bogart hostage thrillers as \"The Petrified Forest\" (Archie Mayo, 1936), \"Key Largo\" (John Huston, 1948), and \"The Desperate Hours\" (William Wyler, 1955).\" \"Cul-de-sac\" was awarded the 1966 Golden Bear at the 16th Berlin International Film Festival. \"Cul-de-sac\" currently (July 2012) holds an", "id": "18655879" }, { "contents": "Cul de Sac (comic strip)\n\n\n\"(The Norm\"), Corey Pandolph (\"The Elderberries\"), Lincoln Peirce (\"Big Nate\"), Stephan Pastis (\"Pearls Before Swine\"), Ruben Bolling (\"Tom the Dancing Bug\") and children's author Mo Willems. Upon Thomson's return to \"Cul de Sac\" on March 26, 2012, it was announced that children's book illustrator Stacy Curtis would become the inker of \"Cul de Sac\". On August 17, 2012, Thompson announced that due to", "id": "21817448" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\nend', and we think that motorists get the point quickly.\" California uses the phrase \"Not a Through Street\" or \"Not a Through Road\" to mark roads or road systems that end in culs-de-sac. More recently, \"No Outlet\" has been shown on some signs as well (an example being Meyers Avenue south of Eureka Street in the Pine Hills area). In military parlance, a \"cul-de-sac\" refers to a situation where an army is \"\"", "id": "12725218" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\nand isolation are sharply evident in the back-to-front housing arrangement where the front of the house fronts onto the cul-de-sac street while the rear fronts onto the main roads. Some of the problems can be mitigated by the newer practice of connecting the neighbouring roads and culs-de-sac with public pedestrian/cycle paths. In effect, this removes the discontinuity aspect for these modes of transport. Built examples of such connected culs-de-sac can be found in the United States (such", "id": "12725200" }, { "contents": "Bill Watterson\n\n\nThompson's \"Cul de Sac\" comic strip. In April 2011, a representative for Andrews McMeel received a package from a \"William Watterson in Cleveland Heights, Ohio\" which contained a 6″ × 8″ oil-on-board painting of \"Cul de Sac\" character Petey Otterloop, done by Watterson for the \"Team Cul de Sac\" fundraising project for Parkinson's disease in honor of Richard Thompson who was diagnosed in 2009. Watterson's syndicate has since become Universal Uclick, and they said that the painting was the", "id": "3595018" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\nthe United Kingdom that the cul-de-sac street type was first legislated into use, with The Hampstead Garden Suburb Act 1906. The proponents of the Act, Raymond Unwin and Barry Parker, thus gained permission to introduce culs-de-sac in their subsequent site plans, and they promoted it as a suitable street type for Garden Suburbs. Unwin's applications of the cul-de-sac and the related crescent always included pedestrian paths independent of the road network. This design feature reflects the predominance of pedestrian movement", "id": "12725163" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\nUK, new towns such as Harlow (1947) by Sir Frederick Gibberd and Milton Keynes (1967) incorporated culs-de-sac and crescents in their layouts. Planning theorists have suggested the use alternatives to culs-de-sac. Most notably, Christopher Alexander et al., in his \"A Pattern Language\" 1977 book (pattern #49) suggests the use of looped local roads which do not abruptly stop. Although dead end streets (culs-de-sac), would fit his definition of looped", "id": "12725167" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\noddly-shaped tracts of land and facilitate building to the edges of rivers and property lines. They also choose these discontinuous network patterns of cul-de-sac and loop streets because of the often significant economies in infrastructure costs compared to the grid plan. From an environmental perspective, culs-de-sac allow greater flexibility than the common grid in adapting to the natural grades of a site and to its ecologically sensitive features, such as streams creeks and mature forest growth. The desirability of the cul-de-sac", "id": "12725179" }, { "contents": "Cul de Sac (comic strip)\n\n\nCul de Sac is an American comic strip created by Richard Thompson. It was distributed by Universal Press Syndicate/Universal Uclick to 150 worldwide newspapers from 2004 to 2012. The central character is four-year-old Alice Otterloop, and the strip depicts her daily life at pre-school and at home. Thompson, also known for his weekly \"Richard's Poor Almanac\" strip in the \"Washington Post\", began \"Cul de Sac\" as a limited strip in the \"Washington Post\" in February 2004.", "id": "21817446" }, { "contents": "Cul de Sac (comic strip)\n\n\nfriends Beni and Dill, older brother Petey and her classmates at Blisshaven Academy pre-school. Alice describes her father's car as a Honda-Tonka Cuisinart and talks to the class guinea pig, Mr. Danders. She has the typical older brother who plays jokes on her, and she contemplates ways to keep the scary clown from jumping out of the jack-in-the-box with friends.\" The first book collection of \"Cul de Sac\" strips, \"Cul de Sac: This Exit\", was", "id": "21817451" }, { "contents": "Cul de Sac (comic strip)\n\n\ndrawings. \"Cul de Sac\"'s whimsical take on the world and playful sense of language somehow gets funnier the more times you read it. Four-year-old Alice and her Blisshaven Preschool classmates will ring true to any parent. Doing projects in a cloud of glue and glitter, the little kids manage to reinterpret an otherwise incomprehensible world via their meandering, nonstop chatter. But I think my favorite character is Alice's older brother, Petey. A haunted, controlling milquetoast, he's surely one of the most", "id": "21817453" }, { "contents": "Karen MacKenzie\n\n\nKaren MacKenzie (maiden name Cooper; formerly Fairgate) is a long-running fictional character in the CBS primetime soap opera \"Knots Landing\". Karen is portrayed by actress Michele Lee, and has appeared on the show since its pilot episode, first broadcast on December 27, 1979. \"Knots Landing\" follows the trials of four middle-class families living on a suburban cul-de-sac known as Seaview Circle in California. Lee portrayed Karen for the entire run of \"Knots Landing\", being the sole", "id": "5491789" }, { "contents": "Cul de Sac (comic strip)\n\n\nIn September 2007, \"Cul de Sac\" entered daily syndication with the Universal Press Syndicate. Digital distribution is by Uclick GoComics. On July 16, 2009, Thompson announced that he had been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, a problem he described as \"a pain in the fundament\", which slowed him down but did not affect his drawing hand. He took a hiatus from the strip. During the hiatus several other cartoonists stepped in to draw the \"Cul de Sac\" characters. The guest artists were Michael Jantze", "id": "21817447" }, { "contents": "Cul de Sac (comic strip)\n\n\nWillems. A treasury book, \"Cul de Sac Golden Treasury: A Keepsake Garland of Classics\", was published July 6, 2010 by Andrews McMeel. It features strips from the previous two book collections along with the early strips from the original run in the \"Washington Post\". The book also features captions with additional insight or commentary written by Thompson himself. Writer Charles Solomon praised the new book in his review for the \"Los Angeles Times\", stating \"\"Cul de Sac\" proves the comic strip remains", "id": "21817455" }, { "contents": "Brierton\n\n\nBrierton is a small village and civil parish in the borough of Hartlepool and the ceremonial county of County Durham, England. The village of Brierton, is itself situated a short distance to the south-west of Hartlepool, but there is also a suburban area of Hartlepool bearing the same name. This often causes confusion, which is why the suburban area is sometimes referred to as \"Brierton Lane\" to differentiate between the two separate areas. The village is located up the lane which is a cul-de-sac,", "id": "19900105" }, { "contents": "The Epiphany of Glenn Jones\n\n\nThe Epiphany of Glenn Jones is an album by American fingerstyle guitarist and composer John Fahey and the alternative rock/post-rock band Cul de Sac, released in 1997. The project initially began with Geffen Records and was to be a collaboration between Fahey and young musicians influenced by his earlier work. When this idea later collapsed, Thirsty Ear Records producer Peter Gordon assembled the Cul de Sac/Fahey project. Cul de Sac had previously covered Fahey's song \"The Portland Cement Factory at Monolith California\" on their debut album", "id": "4127046" }, { "contents": "Vestibule of the ear\n\n\nThis ridge bifurcates below to enclose a small depression, the fossa cochlearis, which is perforated by a number of holes for the passage of filaments of the acoustic nerve which supply the vestibular end of the ductus cochlearis. The orifice of the aquæductus vestibuli is the hind part of the medial wall; it extends to the posterior surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone. It transmits a small vein and contains a tubular prolongation of the membranous labyrinth, the endolymphatic duct, which ends in a cul-de-sac between", "id": "16248239" }, { "contents": "The 'Burbs\n\n\nThe 'Burbs is a 1989 American comedy film directed by Joe Dante, starring Tom Hanks, Bruce Dern, Carrie Fisher, Rick Ducommun, Corey Feldman, Wendy Schaal and Henry Gibson, and co-starring Gale Gordon. The film was written by Dana Olsen, who also has a cameo in the movie. The film pokes fun at suburban environments and their sometimes eccentric dwellers. On Mayfield Place, a cul-de-sac in the southern section of the fictional suburban town of Hinkley Hills, Ray Peterson is on", "id": "18974994" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\n, mentioned above, that enables pedestrian and bicycle through movement. While this more permeable version can be applied in new developments easily, modifying existing impermeable cul-de-sac streets is problematic as it encounters property ownership issues. Efforts in that direction are, however, being made. Because of the complicated legal process and the sheer number of existing cul-de-sac streets, however, such efforts would be slow to produce results and may have little impact in changing the landscape of existing districts. Conversely, transforming existing", "id": "12725187" }, { "contents": "Cerak\n\n\nCerak is an urban neighborhood of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. It is located in Belgrade's municipality of Čukarica. The name of the neighborhood, Cerak, in Serbian means \"Turkey oak forest\". Main traffic street is Jablanicka street, from which many smaller, residential streets and cul-de-sacs radiate.One of the borders of Cerak is the Ibar transite.The Neighborhood is of a mixed residential type, with both single-family houses (mostly row- or semi-detached houses), multi-", "id": "2681513" }, { "contents": "Cul de Sac (comic strip)\n\n\nhealth issues he would be ending his work as a comic-strip creator, with his final \"Cul de Sac\" being published on September 23, 2012.. While Thompson had originally planned to draw a final strip for the comic himself, one day before its previously announced publishing date he posted a message online, stating, \"Spoiler alert – i couldn’t draw a new Sunday so tomorrow’s is a repeat too. Sorry! I’ll do better next time.\" That strip was a rerun originally published on February", "id": "21817449" }, { "contents": "Cul de Sac (song)\n\n\n\"Cul de Sac\" is a song written by Irish singer-songwriter Van Morrison. It first appeared as the seventh track on Morrison's 1974 album \"Veedon Fleece\", and was released as the B-side to the single \"Bulbs\". The song roughly describes traveling on the road, emigration and homecoming.: \"Oh, I traveled far The nearest star And Mount Palomar, Palomar, Palomar, Palomar And when they all, All go home Down the cobblestones You will double back To a cul de", "id": "2558308" }, { "contents": "Santa Úrsula, Mexico City\n\n\nSanta Ursula (Spanish: Santa Úrsula) is a large, lower class suburb in Coyoacan, Mexico City. Most notable about the neighborhood is the Estadio Azteca, home stadium to the prominent football clubs América and Cruz Azul. It was the venue for association football during the 1968 Summer Olympics; although it was not an Olympic stadium. Near the neighborhood there are 2 light-rail stations. A few cul-de-sacs, low-rise apartments, gated communities and a Pepsi factory are present in the neighborhood.", "id": "10654855" }, { "contents": "Cul de Sac (song)\n\n\nMacho and drummer Allen Schwarzberg. It contrasted slightly with the rest of the album as it was given more of a rock music treatment. \"Cul de Sac\" was chosen as the B-side to the single “Bulbs”, which was released in 1974 as the lead single for \"Veedon Fleece\". In the UK, it was replaced by “Who Was That Masked Man”. In his book \"Van Morrison: Inarticulate Speech of the Heart\", John Collis writes: An alternate version of “Cul", "id": "2558310" }, { "contents": "Cul de Sac (comic strip)\n\n\na viable art form while bucking current trends\". A third book of strip reprints, titled \"Shapes & Colors: A Cul de Sac Collection\", was released on December 14, 2010. A fourth, \"The Mighty Alice\", was released May 8, 2012, and features both the daily strips and Sunday installments in color. After the strip's run ended, a two-volume book collecting the entire run of the strip and selections of early \"Washington Post\" strips, \"The Complete Cul de", "id": "21817456" }, { "contents": "Riverside South, Manhattan\n\n\n-de-sac into a through street. The 71st Street problem was easily solved by placing bollards between the existing cul-de-sac and a new mirror-image cul-de-sac on Riverside South property. Most of the major issues were resolved during the approval process. Trump agreed to slightly reduce the overall project size, to partially fund an expansion of the subway station, to a guarantee the affordability of a minimum of 12% of the dwelling units, and that the development would pay for construction and", "id": "10159627" }, { "contents": "Culdoscope\n\n\nCuldoscope is an instrument, a kind of endoscope, used to visualize female pelvic organs, introduced through the vagina into the cul-de-sac (which is also called the rectouterine pouch or the pouch of Douglas). The procedure of inserting the culdoscope into the rectouterine pouch is termed culdoscopy. The word culdoscope (and culdoscopy) is derived from the phrase cul-de-sac, which in French literally means \"bottom of a sac\", here referring to a blind pouch or cavity in the female body that", "id": "20762233" }, { "contents": "Fairway Village\n\n\nsnacks and hot drinks offered by many homes. This event has been featured in several San Diego Family magazine articles. The neighborhood is also very popular at Halloween due to it being a large cul-de-sac street with no hills. Carmel Mountain Ranch Community Park is located just north of Ted Williams Parkway on Rancho Carmel Drive, just east of the 15, and is the closest park to Fairway Village. The Carmel Mountain Ranch Country Club sprawls much of the community and is available for golf tournaments, weddings, and", "id": "3165170" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\n-sac must often walk to a bus stop on a main through road. However, recent research on obesity and urban planning suggests that to be a possible advantage because it enables children to get daily physical activity. Longer walking distances, however, reduce interest to use buses especially when a car is available. This disincentive to walking to the school bus stop can be overcome in planned cul-de-sac streets by regulating their maximum length to about , as was recommended and practiced by R. Unwin and others. Weighing available", "id": "12725206" }, { "contents": "Carmel Mountain Ranch, San Diego\n\n\nmany homes. This event has been featured in several \"San Diego Family\" magazine articles. The neighborhood is also very popular at Halloween due to it being a large cul-de-sac street with no hills. Carmel Mountain Ranch Community Park is located just north of Ted Williams Parkway on Rancho Carmel Drive, just east of the 15. Highland Ranch Park is located north of Eastbourne Road and slightly northeast of Highland Ranch Road. The Carmel Mountain Ranch Country Club sprawls much of the community and is available for golf tournaments", "id": "10054775" }, { "contents": "Haiti\n\n\nknown as Cap Carcasse. The southern region consists of the Plaine du Cul-de-Sac (the southeast) and the mountainous southern peninsula (also known as the Tiburon Peninsula). The Plaine du Cul-de-Sac is a natural depression that harbors the country's saline lakes, such as Trou Caïman and Haiti's largest lake, Étang Saumatre. The Chaîne de la Selle mountain range – an extension of the southern mountain chain of the Dominican Republic (the Sierra de Baoruco) – extends from the Massif de", "id": "13003511" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\n-sac residents preferred their own street type, 18% preferred a loop, and 0% the grid. Only 13% of grid street residents preferred their own type and 54% would choose a cul-de-sac. Two other studies, reported in 1990 and 2009 respectively, confirmed the upward trend and determined the premium that cul-de-sac streets command. The first found a 29% premium over the streets in a grid. The second, focused on trails and greenbelts, found that other amenities including", "id": "12725181" }, { "contents": "Alley\n\n\nincluding Grove Court, Patchin Place and Milligan Place, all blind alleys. Patchin Place is notable for the writers who lived there. In the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, Grace Court Alley is another converted mews, as is Dennett Place in the Carroll Gardens neighborhood. The former is a \"cul-de-sac\". Shubert Alley is a long pedestrian alley at the heart of the Broadway theater district of New York City. The alley was originally created as a fire exit between the Shubert Theatre on West 45th Street", "id": "15959939" }, { "contents": "Louis-François Allard\n\n\nHe was elected member of Parliament for the Third Estate to the Estates-General of 1789 by the bailiwick of Anjou on March 20, 1789. He went to Paris and lived first in Versailles, \"pavillon Journé\", cul-de-sac of the \"Hôtel de Limoges\" then in Paris, (1790 and 1791), cul-de-sac of \"Coq-Saint-Honoré\", hôtel d'Artois. He signed the Tennis Court Oath on June 20, 1789 and he contributed to the night of", "id": "16501161" }, { "contents": "Parental portrayals in the media\n\n\ntime and attention to the children and household. Susan Podnieks argues that the \"mommy myth\", as well as the supposed battle between working and stay-at-home mothers, are circulated by news media and talk shows, sparking debates about the proper sphere of women. As a result, the general public believes that \"there is a bitter war in the suburban cul-de-sacs of the United States between the complacent minivan-driving stay-at-home moms and the overachieving soon-to-be", "id": "16932339" }, { "contents": "Alley\n\n\nSince there are so few alleys in New York, film location shooting requiring alleys tend to be concentrated in Cortlandt Alley, located between Canal and Franklin Streets in the blocks between Broadway and Lafayette Street in the TriBeCa neighborhood of lower Manhattan. Two notable alleys in the Greenwich Village neighborhood in Manhattan are MacDougal Alley and Washington Mews. The latter is a blind alley or \"cul-de-sac\". Greenwich Village also has a number of private alleys that lead to back houses, which can only be accessed by residents,", "id": "15959938" }, { "contents": "Seven Chimneys\n\n\n. In 1920, Willie Curtis Foster purchased Seven Chimneys from William Howland's son. For the next 45 years, Seven Chimneys was a working farm. In 1965, the Fosters sold Seven Chimneys to the Reid construction company, which built the neighborhood around it. The neighborhood's cul-de-sac, Chimney Ridge Court, is named after the distinct seven chimneys of the home. In 1965, Francis and Mary Burde purchased Seven Chimneys and lived there until 2001. Seven Chimneys is one of a dozen or so remaining", "id": "17494452" }, { "contents": "Welcome to the Neighborhood (TV series)\n\n\nWelcome to the Neighborhood is an American reality television series produced in 2005 by ABC along with The Jay & Tony Show, MGM Television and New Screen Concepts that was notable for the amount of controversy it garnered before it was aired. It subsequently became one of the few American TV series to be cancelled before airing a single episode. The show was a contest to win a lush dream home in an exclusive cul-de-sac in Circle C Ranch in Austin, Texas. The catch is that the local families decide who", "id": "18286313" }, { "contents": "Fox River Grove, Illinois\n\n\nhomes on Bloner Parkway. Close to Spring Creek and Algonquin Road Elementary, Crystal Creek is the perfect fit for families who value nature and education. Foxmoor Located southwest of Route 12, Foxmoor is a well-established neighborhood made up of single-family homes. The first homes in Foxmoor were erected in the early 1980s. Consisting of winding streets, cul-de-sacs, and an abundance of children roaming in the streets, Foxmoor is a suitable neighborhood in which to raise a family. Foxmoor truly is the heart", "id": "19640265" }, { "contents": "Springwells Park Historic District\n\n\nWar II 60% of the lots had been developed. Immediately after the war another 30% were developed, and the final ten percent of houses were constructed between 1960 and 1988. The fifth area was never platted, and is not included in this historic district. It was eventually sold and developed as an upscale golf course community. The Springwells Park neighborhood is platted into lots along gently curving streets that follow the terrain, with numerous cul-de-sacs. Mature trees are located throughout the neighborhood, and interior parks", "id": "20786107" }, { "contents": "Flint, Michigan\n\n\nof downtown is River Village, an example of gentrification via mixed-income public housing. To the east of I-475 is Central Park and Fairfield Village. These are the only two neighborhoods between UM-Flint and Mott Community College and enjoy strong neighborhood associations. Central Park piloted a project to convert street lights to LED and is defined by seven cul-de-sacs. The North Side and 5th Ward are predominantly African American, with such historic districts as Buick City and Civic Park on the north, and Sugar Hill,", "id": "5991664" }, { "contents": "List of neighborhoods in San Francisco\n\n\nthe south, and Upper Market to the west. Parts of it are so steep that the Muni Metro J Church line has to be routed through Dolores Park and into the Liberty Hill area before rejoining Church Street in Noe Valley at 22nd street. Many streets within Dolores Heights are dead-end cul de sacs connected by steep staircases with beautiful views. As a result, the area has become a favorite for morning boot camps. It is an affluent and quiet neighborhood with a mixture of Victorians, apartment buildings, and detached", "id": "9469739" }, { "contents": "Woodside Park tube station\n\n\nwith ticket office, is at the end of a cul-de-sac (Woodside Park Road), adjacent to the car park entrance. This leads on to the southbound platform. A Victorian post box is set into the front wall of the station. The entrance leading on to the northbound platform is at the end of the cul-de-sac (Station Road), a turning off Holden Road. The station is unique in the district as it is at the centre of a residential area. There are", "id": "14018035" }, { "contents": "Murder of Lindsay Buziak\n\n\nCCTV at the auto shop showed him and his colleague leaving at 5:30 p.m. Jason and Lindsay had exchanged several text messages and Lindsay was aware that Jason would be late. The street on which the house is located, De Sousa Place, is a small cul-de-sac containing four houses. Number 1702 is at the outer end of the cul-de-sac, on the intersection of De Sousa Place and a main thoroughfare, Torquay Drive. The side of the property and the fence of the back garden run", "id": "3030959" }, { "contents": "Guadeloupe National Park\n\n\nGuadeloupe National Park () is a national park in Guadeloupe, an overseas department of France located in the Leeward Islands of the eastern Caribbean region. The Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin Nature Reserve (French: \"Réserve Naturelle du Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin\") is a marine protected area adjacent to the park and administered in conjunction with it. Together, these protected areas comprise the Guadeloupe Archipelago (French: \"l'Archipel de la Guadeloupe\") biosphere reserve. The General Council of Guadeloupe created the Guadeloupe", "id": "15175620" }, { "contents": "Plain of the Cul-de-Sac\n\n\nhigh mountains and to the west by the Gulf of Gonâve on edges of which is the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince and to the Plaine de l'Arcahaie that extends to the west. The Plain of the Cul-de-Sac extends eastward into the Dominican Republic. This valley was once an arm of the sea and upon withdrawal of the latter during the uprising Oligocene Miocene, salt water was trapped in the lowest points of depression resulting in two grand lakes; the Etang Saumâtre (also called \"Lake Azuéi\"", "id": "565032" }, { "contents": "Tudor Walters Report\n\n\nof eight houses long. The advantages of cul de sacs were noted as cheap method of providing services and preventing through traffic. The Committee noted the advantages of a varied provision of housing types and not restricting an estate to one social class. Deep narrow fronted Byelaw terraced houses were to be avoided as the rear projection reduced air flow and light to the back of the house. (The middle-room problem). Wider frontages were preferred. A Tudor Walters house had an average frontage of . The living room should be", "id": "17310608" }, { "contents": "Daniel MacIvor\n\n\ncollaboration with director Daniel Brooks. These include \"House\", \"Here Lies Henry\", \"Monster\" and \"Cul-de-sac\". These incorporate a minimalist and meta-theatrical style. In \"House\" and \"Here Lies Henry\", MacIvor portrays one character who speaks directly to the audience, acknowledging their presence. While the direct address of the audience continues in \"Monster\" and \"Cul-de-sac\", MacIvor portrays several characters throughout the course of the piece and this direct", "id": "13873894" }, { "contents": "The Dip\n\n\nthe wrong stuff and stick with the right stuff. In illustrating this, Godin introduces several curves: 'the dip,' 'the cul-de-sac,' and 'the cliff.' Godin gives examples of the dip, ways to recognize when an apparent dip is really a cul-de-sac, and presents strategies of when to quit, amongst other things. The book is also accompanied with cartoons from Hugh MacLeod, who publishes his cartoons on his blog \"gapingvoid\" and is the author of", "id": "18762126" }, { "contents": "Recto-uterine pouch\n\n\nrecess, Ehrhardt–Cole cul-de-sac, cavum Douglasi, or excavatio rectouterina. The combining forms reflect the rectum (\"recto-\", \"-rectal\") and uterus (\"utero-\", \"-uterine\"). In Obstetrics and Gynecology, it is most commonly referred to as the posterior cul-de-sac. The Douglas fold (rectouterine plica), Douglas line, and Douglas septum are likewise named after the same James Douglas. A culdotomy or posterior colpotomy is an incision or needle puncture of", "id": "8067347" }, { "contents": "Architecture of Ottawa\n\n\nbureaucracy. The streets of central Ottawa follow a grid pattern, but it is frequently disrupted by the Rideau River and Rideau Canal, ensuring that few streets in most of the older neighbourhoods are very long. Outside of the core, the roads follow the modern standard of large avenues forming a grid, interspersed with a network of crescents and cul-de-sacs which create low-traffic, suburban neighbourhoods. The Queensway, a major highway, crosses almost all of the city from east to west, going just south of", "id": "11586168" }, { "contents": "Fused grid\n\n\nas a \"cellular\" network that has a characteristic hierarchy of streets as distinct from identical streets intersecting at regular intervals. Its derivatives and idiosyncratic imitations are often characterized as \"cul-de-sac and loop\" patterns highlighting the distinguishing street types that are used systematically in this network. A second term equally uncharacteristic is \"suburban\". This association of a pattern with a location is inaccurate and unintentionally misleading: entire early cities such as Cairo and Fez are structured on this pattern whose newer suburbs follow the grid reversing the", "id": "16130678" }, { "contents": "Ivy and Bean\n\n\nIvy and Bean is a children's book series written by American author Annie Barrows, illustrated by Sophie Blackall, and published by Chronicle Books. In the stories, Ivy (a quiet, intellectual child) and Bean (a rambunctious child) become fast friends despite their differences and their initial reluctance to like each other – \"two friends who never meant to like each other\", as the tagline for the series goes. They are both 7-year-old girls who live on a cul-de-sac in a suburban", "id": "20269416" }, { "contents": "Shawn Nelson (American rampager)\n\n\nwire was damaged. Armory officials said that only a few people are given keys to the vehicles, that the vehicles were kept far away from fences to make them difficult to reach, that only someone with proper knowledge could operate and even start a tank, and that there was just no way to foresee such an event taking place. After Nelson's theft of the tank, security was tightened at the Kearny Mesa armory. \"Cul de Sac: A Suburban War Story\", a documentary film, was based on the", "id": "7784935" }, { "contents": "River Terrace (Washington, D.C.)\n\n\nRiver Terrace is an urban cul-de-sac neighborhood in Northeast Washington, D.C., on the eastern bank of the Anacostia River. River Terrace is Washington, DC's only planned unit development that has an unimpeded connection to and relationship with the Anacostia River. The 2010 U.S. Census reported that River Terrace has a total of 1,962 residents who live in 998 households. In addition to single-family row houses and semi-detached houses, the neighborhood has about 75 rental apartments in 7 low-rise multi-family buildings", "id": "7940377" }, { "contents": "River Terrace (Washington, D.C.)\n\n\nwhich opened in the fall of 2015. National Insured Homes Corporation, a building subsidiary of N. K. Winston & Co., Inc., was the original developer of River Terrace. The Winston company was a New York-based real estate and construction firm. Successor developers included Myron Davy and Frank J. Murphy, Jr. of the River Terrace Company. The River Terrace neighborhood began in 1937, built on 65 acres of rural, undeveloped land. The cul-de-sac neighborhood was bounded by Benning Road, NE; Anacostia Park", "id": "7940379" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\nA dead end, also known as a cul-de-sac (, from French for \"bottom of bag\"), no through road or no exit road, is a street with only one inlet or outlet. The term \"dead end\" is understood in all varieties of English, but the official terminology and traffic signs include many different alternatives. Some of these are used only regionally. In the United States and other countries, \"cul-de-sac\" is often not an exact synonym for \"", "id": "12725156" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\nas Radburn, New Jersey, and Village Homes, California), England (such as Milton Keynes), and Greece (such as Papagou, a suburb of Athens) (see photo). Acknowledging their use, Germany, under the 2009 amendment to the Road Traffic Act, introduced an additional sign for culs-de-sac that are permeable to pedestrians and cyclists (see under signage below). A new system for organizing connected, permeable culs-de-sac into complete neighbourhoods, the fused grid, has", "id": "12725201" }, { "contents": "Plumpton, East Sussex\n\n\nthe north of the railway station and is home to the school, the village shop, a church and two pubs. The main thoroughfare, Station Road, runs the length of the village, with several cul-de-sacs branching from it. The majority of the road is paved on one side only. Chapel Road is a cul-de-sac with 24 houses. These are mostly semi-detached, with a small terrace of cottages built in 1900. Woodgate Meadow is a fairly recent development of large,", "id": "18579712" }, { "contents": "Culdoscopy\n\n\nCuldoscopy is an endoscopic procedure performed to examine the rectouterine pouch and pelvic viscera by the introduction of a culdoscope through the posterior vaginal wall. The word culdoscopy (and culdoscope) is derived from the term cul-de-sac, which means literally in French \"bottom of a sac\", and refers to the rectouterine pouch (or called the pouch of Douglas). The culdoscope is a non-flexible endoscope, basically a modified laparoscope. A trocar is first inserted through the vagina into the posterior cul-de-", "id": "20762730" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\nfor local trips at the turn of the 20th century, and presages the current planning priority for increased pedestrian accessibility. The 1906 Act defined the nature of the cul-de-sac as a non-through road and restricted its length to . Garden cities in the UK that followed Hampstead, such as Welwyn Garden City, all included culs-de-sac (see photo). In the 1920s, the garden city movement gained ground in the United States and, with it, came its design elements, such as", "id": "12725164" }, { "contents": "Dead end (street)\n\n\nterm \"cul-de-sac\" generally only refers to a reasonably short street with a bulbous end, or even only to the end portion. A long road that is a no-through road and terminates abruptly is usually called a dead end. In New Zealand dead-end streets are sometimes signposted as \"No Exit\", but are often not signposted at all. The terms 'cul-de-sac' and 'dead end' have the same senses as in Australia. U.S. Federal Highway Administration rules", "id": "12725213" }, { "contents": "Ramsay Street\n\n\n, in Vermont South (at ), is the real cul-de-sac that doubles for Ramsay Street. All of the houses featured in the show are real and the residents allow \"Neighbours\" to shoot external scenes in their front and back gardens. \"Neighbours\" has been filmed in Pin Oak Court since the series began in 1985 and it has since become popular with tourists. Tours to the cul-de-sac run throughout the year. The interior scenes are filmed at the Global Television studios in Forest", "id": "12942799" }, { "contents": "Keynesian economics\n\n\npassed from hand to hand, creating employment at each step, until it came to rest in a \"cul-de-sac\"  (Hansen's term was \"leakage\"); the only \"culs-de-sac\"  he acknowledged were imports and hoarding, although he also said that a rise in prices might dilute the multiplier effect. Jens Warming recognised that personal saving had to be considered, treating it as a \"leakage\" (p. 214) while recognising on p. 217 that it might in fact be", "id": "17573616" }, { "contents": "John Cariani\n\n\nplay not by a contemporary author in the United States in 2017. Cariani's second play, \"cul-de-sac\" premiered Off-Broadway in April 2006 in a Transport Group production, with Cariani performing as Joe Jones. The \"New York Times\" described \"cul-de-sac\" as \"charming, witty and macabre.\" A production was presented at High Point University in April 2016, and the play was performed at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts (New York City) in October 2016", "id": "18185724" } ]
Why is it illegal for news programs and and other major media sources to show people's faces without having consent, but it's perfectly legal for papparazzi and tabloids to print and sell candid photos of celebrities?
[{"answer": "Laws differ by country, so my answer applies to the United States... In general, if a person is in a place where they don't have a reasonable expectation of privacy (street, shopping center, etc.) you are allowed to take their picture and publish it (newspaper, tv, Internet, etc.) if it's in the public interest. For example, if you are walking down the street on a hot day and I take a picture of you wiping sweat off your brow I can publish the picture in the newspaper, without your permission, to illustrate an article about the hot weather. However, I can not use that picture in an advertisement for sunscreen (or anything else for that matter) without your permission. There are exceptions to this rule that protect people from libel and invasion of privacy, but there's no law requiring news organizations from blurring out faces."}, {"answer": "I think [this article in Wikimedia Commons]( URL_0 ) summarizes the differences: > The following examples do not require consent in many countries: An anonymous street performer An anonymous person, in a public place, especially as part of a larger crowd People taking part in a public event at a privately-owned venue, for example, a press conference at an office building A basketball player competing in a match which is open to the public > The following examples typically require consent A man and woman talking, entitled \"A prostitute speaks to her pimp\" (possible defamation) An identifiable child, entitled \"An obese girl\" (potentially derogatory or demeaning) Partygoers at a private party, unless press is specifically invited (unreasonable intrusion without consent) Nudes, underwear or swimsuit shots, unless obviously taken in a public place \u2013 even if the subject's face \\ is obscured (unreasonable intrusion without consent) Long-lens images, taken from afar, of an individual in a private place (unreasonable intrusion)"}, {"answer": "As a former newspaper employee in the US, our rule was: If you were legally allowed to stand where you were when the picture was taken and didn't need the photo equipment (telephoto,night vision, etc) to see, then the photo is legal to print. However, only under exceptional circumstances would we choose to print without permission. Why? You want the people in the news to be willing to talk to you. Asking and respecting the answer garners goodwill and cooperation."}, {"answer": " > but it's perfectly legal for papparazzi and tabloids to print and sell candid photos of celebrities? That's kind of a misconception. In a lot of cases, said celebrities can (and some have) sue the paparazzi for taking the picture or the tabloids for publishing them, but they don't. The reason they don't is because they know that if they sue too much, the paparazzi will actually stop, and they don't *want* them to stop, it's annoying, but for a lot of them, that's pretty much free publicity."}, {"answer": "There is a legal difference between public figures and non public figures. Public figures have lower privacy rights and higher burdens when suing for libel and slander."}, {"answer": "It's not illegal for new programmes and other major media sources to show people's faces without having consent (in public). So there's your answer."}, {"answer": "When it comes to privacy law, your position in life matters. For example, many states have lax privacy laws for public figures. The idea is that since you have decided to become an actor, or essentially a person who performs publicly, then by doing so you waive some of your right to privacy. If you become a politician you voluntarily put yourself out there as a public figure and so waive some of your right to privacy. Most private citizens have a large amount of privacy rights, until they give it up voluntarily. The only time you don't give it up voluntarily exactly is if you become a news report- especially for something violent. If you kill twenty people they don't give a shit about your privacy they will report everything they find out about you."}, {"answer": "Fun fact: a good number of these supposedly candid pap shots are arranged by the celeb in question, and they're paid for it."}, {"answer": "Actually in the US you don't need permission to publish images of an adult taken in a public place. That's why street photography is legal. News papers don't need permission either. Blurred faces are most often courtesy or for minors"}, {"answer": "Hey, just a heads up, asking a legal question on reddit will almost always leave you more uninformed than you were to start with."}, {"answer": "Pretend you and your mom are at a park. You're five years old. You get there, you start playing in the sandbox. You look over and some people are gathering around your mom. They're other parents, discussing the recent PTA meeting. Nobody pays you any mind. They talk for a long time, and a student reporter who happened to be nearby takes a picture to put in the school newspaper (PTA RELAX AT THE PARK!). It's been a couple hours, and your mom finally comes to get you. When you're leaving, you ask your mom who those people were, what you were talking about, why they were taking her picture. She answers, and you listen and, satisfied, fall asleep in the car seat. Edit: Court cases! Tl;Dr: You don't spur public debate, you don't forward public interest, and you don't possess the resources to block or otherwise tame the bad mean things said about you that can cause harm. Therefore, your privacy is more important than a public figure's. Here's one. Curtis Publishing Co. V. Butts. Little legal difference between public figures and public officials -- essentially lumping everybody I just said into one category. Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote: \"Many who do not hold public office at the moment are nevertheless intimately involved in the resolution of important public questions or, by reason of their fame, shape events in areas of concern to society at large.\" This was for a libel case, but the idea still holds up. Public officials and public figures alike have a massive hand in shaping public opinion, spurring talk and debate, and forwarding public interest whether we recognize it or not (nobody LIKES those tabloids, but how many are sold a day?). As well as this, and established in another court case (Gertz v. Robert Welch Inc.): \"Public officials and public figures usually enjoy significantly greater access to the channels of effective communication and hence have a more realistic opportunity to counteract false statements than private individuals normally enjoy. Private individuals are therefore more vulnerable to injury, and the state interest in protecting them is correspondingly greater...\" Basically outlining the idea that, not only do public figures spur debate and provide for society's best interests, but they also have a more-than-normal power to deflect or otherwise change the news or debate that disfavors them through the use of money and status, and therefore the state focuses more resources on protecting your rights than theirs."}, {"answer": "People are right here about the expectation of privacy and the difference between public and private figures but there is also just plain old caution. The benefit of publishing a picture of someone without consent often doesn't outweigh the cost of fighting a lawsuit(even if bullshit) or dealing with people angry that their picture was published. Or, even worse, the person they showed was in hiding say from an abuser or some other person intending them harm and the picture helps locate them."}, {"answer": "They can and do show people's pictures in group street shots. It's when they run a piece about \"the obesity epidemic\" where they show muffin tops trotting around that they blur the faces. If it's for some sort of advertisement, or where a company gains profit by the shot, then they'll need a release to be signed. It's cheaper to blur the faces on those."}, {"answer": "The reason for this is because of the difference between public and private people. A public person is someone like the president or famous actor. The Supreme Court ruled that public people have less privacy rights. I believe the reason for this is because public people need to be open to criticism. The actual definition of what a public person is is more complicated, but it basically boils down to a person that has been thrust into the public spotlight. Jimmy down the road is not a public person, but if he runs for Congress or his dad runs for Congress, he would be. Everyone else has more privacy rights. Now, this does not mean that people always have to get consent to film people withot blurred faces, but it does mean that if you are in a situation where you would expect privacy, you'll receive it."}, {"answer": "Is it actually illegal for new outlets to not blur your face, or do they do it to avoid any potential lawsuit...just a blanket policy because it is cheaper to do it that way than deal with lawsuits?"}, {"answer": "Paparazzi are used so the people can decide which celebrity will be sacrificed for the next corn harvest."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "59063246", "title": "Celebrity privacy", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Celebrity privacy refers to the right of celebrities and public figures, largely entertainers, athletes or politicians, to withhold the information they may be unwilling to disclose to the public. This may often specifically pertain to personal information which includes addresses, family relations,romantic relationships among other data that can be used to identify the individual.", "Celebrity privacy refers to the right of celebrities and public figures, largely entertainers, athletes or politicians, to withhold the information they may be unwilling to disclose to the public."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "The Thief of Baghead\n\n\nBender become a papparazzi photographer for a celebrity gossip magazine. Though his career is lucrative, he becomes determined to take a photo of the most lauded and mysterious actor, Langdon Cobb. Cobb is considered the greatest actor on Earth, but wears a paper bag over his head, disguising his face in all his roles and public appearances. Bender manages to sneak past Cobb's fungus-based guard dog and takes a picture of him without his paper bag. Cobb warns him never to show his face to anyone or the consequences", "id": "16908796" }, { "contents": "Paparazzi\n\n\nPaparazzi (, ; ; singular: masculine paparazzo or feminine paparazza) are independent photographers who take pictures of high-profile people, such as actors, athletes, politicians, and other celebrities, typically while subjects go about their usual life routines. Paparazzi tend to make a living by selling their photographs to media outlets that focus on tabloid journalism and sensationalism (such as gossip magazines). Paparazzi tend to be independent contractors, unaffiliated with mainstream media organizations, and photos taken are usually done so by taking advantage of opportunities when", "id": "483829" }, { "contents": "Celebrity photography\n\n\nof the celebrity. This happens when the photographers are angry at the celebrities actions. For example, if a celebrity decides not to stop for the photographers or doesn't acknowledge them, than that celebrity will be shunned. In recent years stars such as George Clooney, Jennifer Lopez, and Sharon Stone have all been shunned. Photographers may be assigned portrait sessions with celebrities, shot on location or in a photo studio. Photographers who shoot candid photos of celebrities with or without their consent, in the hope of capturing an exclusive", "id": "16787121" }, { "contents": "Yellow journalism\n\n\n\"tabloid journalism\", meaning journalism characteristic of tabloid newspapers, even if found elsewhere. Other languages, e.g. Russian (), sometimes have terms derived from the American term. A common source of such writing is called checkbook journalism, which is the controversial practice of news reporters paying sources for their information without verifying its truth or accuracy. In the U.S. it is generally considered unethical, with most mainstream newspapers and news shows having a policy forbidding it. In contrast, tabloid newspapers and tabloid television shows, which rely more", "id": "15581643" }, { "contents": "Date rape\n\n\nhas come to be broadly regarded as sexual intercourse (including anal or oral penetration) without a person's immediate consent, making rape illegal, including among people who know each other or who have previously had consensual sex. Some jurisdictions have specified that people debilitated by alcohol or other drugs are incapable of consenting to sex. Courts have also disagreed on whether consent, once given, can later be withdrawn. \"Cultural and legal definitions of rape are always shaped by the relationships and status of those involved, a premise that holds", "id": "6830744" }, { "contents": "Choi Jong-hoon\n\n\nwithout their consent, distributing a total of six videos, and bribery to cover up his drink-driving incident. On April 11, 2019, Choi admitted to spreading hidden camera photos taken without consent and also filming illegal hidden camera footage. He was charged with one count of sharing personally taken illegal footage and five counts of sharing footage from other sources. On April 19, 2019, a woman came forward to SBS funE, claiming that five men including Choi, had raped her after she was intoxicated in March 2016,", "id": "2439374" }, { "contents": "Media of Indonesia\n\n\nthat more than 2,000 illegal TV and radio stations were broadcasting across the country. The government urged them to apply for licences, or face closure. The number of printed publications has increased significantly since 1998. There are hundreds of new magazines, newspapers, and tabloids. More than 50 principal daily newspapers are published throughout the archipelago, the majority in Java. Those with the largest readership are \"Kompas\" (Jakarta), circulation of 523,000; \"Suara Merdeka\" (Semarang), circulation of 200,000; \"Berita Buana", "id": "16583017" }, { "contents": "Street photography\n\n\nthe world that mirrors society, \"unmanipulated\" and with usually unaware subjects. The issue of street photographers taking photographs of strangers in public places \"without their consent\" (i.e. 'candid photography' by definition) for fine art purposes has been controversial. Photographing people and places in public is legal in most countries protecting freedom of expression and journalistic freedom. There are usually limits on how photos of people may be used and most countries have specific laws regarding people's privacy. Street photography may also conflict with laws that were", "id": "9666992" }, { "contents": "Alligator meat\n\n\nit was used in dishes such as gumbo. Alligator eggs were a part of the cuisine in many areas of the Southern United States in the early 1900s. During this time people would harvest the eggs and then sell them as a source of income. Harvesting of wild alligator eggs is illegal without a proper permit; violators face serious fines and jail time. In the United States, alligator hunting is legal in Arkansas, South Carolina, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, and Texas. Additionally, the meat can only be sourced", "id": "11692779" }, { "contents": "Chequebook journalism\n\n\ntabloids covered a legitimate news story, but the evidence has been adulterated by money changing hands.\" During Bill Clinton's 1992 Presidential election campaign, Jennifer Flowers, a nightclub singer and former state government worker in Arkansas, was paid an estimated $100,000 for her story in a weekly tabloid, where she claimed to having a 12-year long affair with him, which he denied. She continued to sell her affair story to other print media and television tabloids, earning an estimated $500,000 by 1998. Soon after, other reporters", "id": "4939039" }, { "contents": "Flickr\n\n\nimages have been used without permission,\" the BBC reported in 2019, noting \"Flickr Pro subscribers will be able to monitor up to 1,000 images and send automated copyright claims to people or companies that use their photos.\" In November 2014, Flickr announced that it would sell wall-sized prints of photos from the service that are licensed under Creative Commons licenses allowing commercial use. Although its use of the photos in this manner is legal and allowed under the licenses, Flickr was criticized by users for what they perceived to", "id": "16666398" }, { "contents": "Equal-time rule\n\n\nairing was within a documentary, bona fide news interview, scheduled newscast or an on-the-spot news event, the equal-time rule does not apply. Since 1983, political debates not hosted by the media station are considered \"news events,\" and as a result, are not subject to the rule. Consequently, these debates may include only major-party candidates without having to offer air time to minor-party or independent candidates. Talk shows and other regular news programming from syndicators, such as \"", "id": "11677722" }, { "contents": "Media imperialism\n\n\nBrazil in Latin America); other critics such as James Curran suggest that State government subsidies have ensured strong local production. In areas such as audience studies, it has been shown that global programs like Dallas do not have a global audience who understand the program the same way. A media source which ignores and/or censors important issues and events severely damages freedom of information. Many modern tabloid, twenty-four-hour news channels and other mainstream media sources have increasingly been criticized for not conforming to general standards of journalistic integrity.", "id": "22031828" }, { "contents": "Carole Lieberman\n\n\nCarole Lieberman of Beverly Hills, California is a medical doctor, psychiatrist, author, forensic expert witness, and legal analyst providing expert witness testimony for cases that have included the murder of Scott Amedure. Lieberman has appeared as a media expert for TV news, radio talk shows, print publications, and other media outlets. She has appeared on The Dr. Phil show; The Insider: Celebrity Stalking and the Role of Social Media, CBS news, NBC news, ABC news, KTLA news, The Morton Report, news blogs", "id": "12399404" }, { "contents": "Tabloid (newspaper format)\n\n\nObserver\", \"The Casterton News\" and \"The Melbourne Observer\". In Argentina, one of the country's two main newspapers, \"Clarín\", is a tabloid and in the Southern Philippines, a new weekly tabloid, \"The Mindanao Examiner\", now includes media services, such as photography and video production, into its line as a source to finance the high cost of printing and other expenses. It is also into independent film making. In Brazil, many newspapers are tabloids, including sports daily \"", "id": "12399362" }, { "contents": "Ages of consent in Europe\n\n\ncountries (where the Danish consent law does not apply) was not covered and therefore legal. In 1980 it became illegal to sell, spread or possess pornography involving children under the age of 15, regardless of its country of origin (Danish Penal Code §235). The limit was later changed to 18 years, which is the standing law today, although it remains legal for a person over the age of 15 to take their own nude photos, as long as they are only shared with friends (for example with", "id": "21268904" }, { "contents": "Photography and the law\n\n\nimprisonment. Additionally, photography of police officers in Macau is illegal. In South Africa photographing people in public is legal. Reproducing and selling photographs of people is legal for editorial and limited fair use commercial purposes. There exists no case law to define what the limits on commercial use are. Civil law requires the consent of any identifiable persons for advertorial and promotional purposes. Property, including animals, do not enjoy any special consideration. During the media coverage of the Nkandla controversy it emerged that there exists a law, the National", "id": "1754836" }, { "contents": "Jung Joon-young\n\n\nthe Burning Sun scandal are ongoing, involving celebrities Seungri, Choi Jong-hoon, Yong Jun-hyung and Lee Jong-hyun. On March 21, 2019, Jung was arrested over allegations that he illegally shared sexually explicit videos of women taken without their knowledge or consent through a social media chatroom on eleven occasions. On April 19, 2019, a woman came forward to SBS funE, claiming that five men including Jung had raped her in March 2016 and then shared an audio file and photos of the incident in a", "id": "19650582" }, { "contents": "Chequebook journalism\n\n\nChequebook journalism () is the controversial practice of news reporters paying sources for their information. In the U.S. it is generally considered unethical, with most mainstream newspapers and news shows having a policy forbidding it. In contrast, tabloid newspapers and tabloid television shows, which rely more on sensationalism, regularly engage in the practice. In Britain and throughout Europe, journalists paying for news is fairly common. Among the reasons cited for why it is unethical to pay a source, one is that it can easily affect the credibility of the", "id": "4938990" }, { "contents": "Sexting\n\n\nmonths. Another five percent admitted to sending sexually explicit text messages and nude or semi-nude photos. Sexting is generally legal if all parties are over the age of majority and images are sent with their consent and knowledge; however, any type of sexual message that both parties have not consented to can constitute sexual harassment. Sexting that involves minors under the age of consent sending an explicit photograph of themselves to a romantic partner of the same age can be illegal in countries where anti-child pornography laws require all participants in", "id": "8413066" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration\n\n\nIllegal immigration refers to the migration of people into a country in violation of the immigration laws of that country, or the continued residence of people without the legal right to live in that country. Illegal immigration tends to be financially upward, from poorer to richer countries. Illegal residence in another country creates the risk of being detained and deported, or facing other sanctions. Asylum seekers who are denied asylum may face impediment to expulsion, for example if the home country refuses to receive the person or if new asylum reasons occur after", "id": "14967067" }, { "contents": "Decline of newspapers\n\n\n.\" As their revenues have been squeezed, newspapers have also been increasingly assailed by other media taking away not only their readers but their principal sources of profit. Many of these 'new media' are not saddled with expensive union contracts, printing presses, delivery fleets and overhead built over decades. Many of these competitors are simply 'aggregators' of news, often derived from print sources, but without print media's capital-intensive overhead. One estimate put the percentage of online news derived from newspapers at 80%.", "id": "2414070" }, { "contents": "Paul J. Wright\n\n\nTransatlantic Conference on the Future of the Entertainment and New Media Industries with fifty-one CEOs, politicians and leading speakers drawn from the US and UK addressing subjects ranging from the Future of the Music Industry to the Future of the Internet to the Future of Television and Film. In 2009, Wright founded International Esq and formed an ongoing joint venture with Daily Variety to address cutting edge international legal developments and provide fully accredited Continuing Legal Education programs. Seminars have included \"Celebrity Justice & Media Globalization: Why Hollywood Celebrities Flock to the", "id": "443653" }, { "contents": "Journalism ethics and standards\n\n\non political issues, but also with regard to cultural and other issues. Another is the controversial issue of checkbook journalism, which is the practice of news reporters paying sources for their information. In the U.S. it is generally considered unethical, with most mainstream newspapers and news shows having a policy forbidding it. While tabloid newspapers and tabloid television shows, which rely more on sensationalism, regularly engage in the practice. There are also some wider concerns, as the media continue to change, for example, that the brevity of news", "id": "15253257" }, { "contents": "Controversial Reddit communities\n\n\nthe r/jailbait controversy \"the first major challenge to the site's voluntary doctrine of absolute free speech\". Soon after the closure of r/jailbait, the similar subreddits r/teen_girls, r/niggerjailbait and r/picsofdeadjailbait were closed. In January 2019, a Philippine-based subreddit, r/jakolandia was accused of \"distributing” posts of photos of women, including celebrities, apparently without their consent, similar to \"a number\" of secret Facebook groups that had been engaging in illegal activity of sharing", "id": "21755267" }, { "contents": "Shaftesbury (UK Parliament constituency)\n\n\nas the borough's MP for a number of years before being raised to the peerage, described it as \"troublesome, expensive and corrupt\". The patrons were free to recoup their expenditure by selling the seats to suitable candidates (at that period perfectly legal) rather than giving them to family or friends, but avoiding an expensive contest meant they could pocket the proceeds rather than seeing them (illegally) passing into the pockets of the voters. Namier quotes from the papers of Prime Minister Newcastle to show that Sir Thomas Clavering", "id": "15983521" }, { "contents": "Sexting\n\n\navenues for prosecution of people who knowingly breach the confidence of those sending sexual messages, in practice, nude images can be widely propagated without the consent of the originator. Some young people blackmail their sexual partners and former partners by threatening to release private images of them. In a study conducted by Drouin et al. analyzing sexting behaviours among young adults, it was found that men would show the sexually-explicit photos of their girlfriends to their friends. This is a new risk associated with new media, as prior to cell", "id": "8413057" }, { "contents": "Culture of Hong Kong\n\n\nEnglish. The printed media, especially tabloids but also broadsheet newspapers, lean heavily on sensationalism and celebrity gossips. While the practice is criticised, it continues to sell papers. The media is relatively free from government interference compared to that of mainland China, and newspapers are often politicised; some have even shown skepticism toward the Chinese government in Beijing. In the early 2000s, Hong Kong had two main broadcast television stations, TVB and ATV. The latter was closed in 2016 after a long series of financial issues, and the", "id": "13370615" }, { "contents": "Globe (tabloid)\n\n\non his wife, Kathie Lee Gifford. \"Globe\" has a tendency to focus on more news and political-oriented content than its sister papers, although a fair share of celebrity content is present. It published deathbed photos of Gary Coleman on June 9, 2010, claiming the diminutive former child actor was murdered. On April 18, 2019, AMI agreed to sell \"Globe\" and also the \"National Enquirer\" and \"National Examiner\" to Hudson Group. In 2001, the offices of American Media in Boca", "id": "9776356" }, { "contents": "Invision Agency\n\n\nand London. The company was initially headed by Managing Director Dan Becker. In addition to providing media coverage of celebrity entertainment events for the Associated Press, including movie premiers and award shows such as the Academy Awards, Golden Globes, Emmy Awards, MTV Awards and others, Invision provided commercial photography and video services for major entertainment producers, publicists and advertising agencies backstage and on the set of television, movie and other celebrity events and product launches. Invision photos were published daily in the world's largest print, broadcast and online", "id": "16640675" }, { "contents": "Presidential elections in Singapore\n\n\n, which is final, to the Prime Minister. The judge must also report to the Prime Minister whether any corrupt or illegal practice was established to have been committed by or with the knowledge and consent of any candidate or his or her agent. If a judge intends to report a person who was neither a party to the proceedings nor a candidate claiming he or she should have been declared elected, that person must be given an opportunity to be heard and to give and call evidence to show why a report should not be", "id": "3569706" }, { "contents": "Ages of consent in the United States\n\n\npicture or video clip of the person under the age of eighteen (such as a cell phone photograph of a naked sexual partner, under the age of eighteen, of the person taking the photo) may still constitute a serious federal child pornography felony. The sentence for a first time offender convicted of producing child pornography under 18 U.S.C. § 2251 (such as taking a suggestive cell phone picture of an otherwise legal sexual partner under the age of eighteen without an intent to share or sell the picture), face fines and a", "id": "21923246" }, { "contents": "Biomedical Tissue Services\n\n\nBiomedical Tissue Services (BTS) was a Fort Lee, New Jersey, human tissue recovery firm that was shut down by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on October 8, 2005, after its president, Dr. Michael Mastromarino, and two other employees were convicted of illegally harvesting human bones, organs, tissue and other cadaver parts from individuals awaiting cremation, for forging numerous consent forms, and for selling the illegally obtained body parts to medical companies without consent of their families. In late 2005, the New York", "id": "10628949" }, { "contents": "Sun News Network\n\n\nshow Liberal Party leader Michael Ignatieff posing with U.S. military forces in Kuwait in late 2002, months before the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The source of the photo was Conservative Party operative Patrick Muttart, who had been providing \"pro bono\" advice to Sun News regarding its on-air presentation and offered the photo to Sun Media, which ran a story alleging Ignatieff's involvement with the U.S. plans to invade Iraq. Sun Media did not run the photo, however, as the image was illegible and did not conclusively prove of", "id": "18286666" }, { "contents": "General elections in Singapore\n\n\nelection judge certifies his decision, which is final, to the President. The judge must also report to the President whether any corrupt or illegal practice was established to have been committed by or with the knowledge and consent of any candidate or his agent. If a judge intends to report a person who was neither a party to the proceedings nor a candidate claiming he should have been declared elected, that person must be given an opportunity to be heard and to give and call evidence to show why a report should not be made", "id": "11751456" }, { "contents": "Al Goldstein\n\n\ntabloid. It featured reviews of porn movies, peep shows, erotic massage parlors, brothels, escorts and other offerings of the adult entertainment industry. Such items were interspersed with sexual news, book reviews of sexual books, and hardcore \"gynecological\" pictorials. He regularly ran, without even asking for permission, photos and drawings of celebrities. \"\"Screw\" grew from a combination of many factors, chief of which was my own dissatisfaction with the sex literature of 1968 and my yearning for a publication that reflected my sexual", "id": "19942426" }, { "contents": "Karl Binding\n\n\nthat the law concerning murder only referred to the killing of other people and not to suicide. In this case suicide would be perfectly legal, but euthanasia, involving the killing of another person, even with their permission, would have to be treated as murder. Again, if suicide is not illegal, then no one can stop another person from killing themselves. Binding noted that in reality, the majority of people who prevent a suicide attempt are not usually prosecuted and that most people who are prevented from killing themselves do not", "id": "17758726" }, { "contents": "Internet in Egypt\n\n\n. April 6 Movement founder and activist Esraa Abdel Fattah had personal photos, emails, and recordings of phone calls posted on social media without her consent in 2017, for example. As of 2018, independent media editors can be arrested for maintaining a news site without a license. LGBT Egyptians became the target of a particularly fierce crackdown in 2017, after several Egyptians were arrested for sharing images of a rainbow flag flying at a Mashrou’ Leila concert in Cairo. Though homosexuality is legal in Egypt, LGBT Egyptians are charged with", "id": "21122020" }, { "contents": "Media bias in the United States\n\n\nis media telling their audience that other particular media are biased. People who are told that a medium is biased tend to believe that it is biased, and this belief is unrelated to whether that medium is actually biased or not. The only other factor with as strong an influence on belief that media is biased is extensive coverage of celebrities. A majority of people see such media as biased, while at the same time preferring media with extensive coverage of celebrities. Allsides ranks news sources from left to right wing from a US", "id": "6526240" }, { "contents": "Photojournalism\n\n\nregarding pictures of violence, photojournalists face the ethical dilemma of whether or not to publish images of the victims. The victim's right to privacy is sometimes not addressed or the picture is printed without their knowledge or consent. The compensation of the subject is another issue. Subjects often want to be paid in order for the picture to be published, especially if the picture is of a controversial subject. Another major issue of photojournalism is photo manipulation – what degree is acceptable?  Some pictures are simply manipulated for color enhancement, whereas", "id": "3338835" }, { "contents": "Costa Rican colón\n\n\nwhen the bank celebrated its 100th anniversary. Some had \"Muestra sin Valor\" (\"sample without value\") printed on them in order to nullify the legal tender status and to prevent people from selling them. Most, however, didn't have that printed on them, which makes it harder nowadays to find notes with the seal. The Banco de Costa Rica was established in 1890 and issued notes from 1890 to 1914. It is currently a state-owned bank. Notes were issued in denominations of 1, 2", "id": "16854219" }, { "contents": "Adam Curry\n\n\n\" In February 2006, Curry sued the Dutch tabloid \"Weekend\" for reprinting photos from his Flickr page and publishing details about his daughter. The photos were released under a version of the Creative Commons license that forbids commercial use and requires acknowledgement, but the tabloid printed a few of them without contacting Curry. The verdict did not award Curry any damages, but forbade the tabloid from reprinting the photos in the future, setting a fine of €1,000 for each subsequent violation. It was one of the first times the license", "id": "4578731" }, { "contents": "Media (communication)\n\n\n, and Facebook have brought people closer together and created new online communities. However, some may argue that certain types of media can hinder face-to-face. Therefore, it is an important source of communication. In a large consumer-driven society, electronic media (such as television) and print media (such as newspapers) are important for distributing advertisement media. More technologically advanced societies have access to goods and services through newer media than less technologically advanced societies. In addition to this \"advertising\" role,", "id": "2790959" }, { "contents": "Celebrity privacy\n\n\nher celebrity identity. The term “paparazzi”’ is used to define the freelance photographers who take celebrities’ exclusive pictures and sell them to the press for financial purposes. Techniques used by the paparazzi include stalking celebrities and their children, taking photos of them with or without consent, and chasing celebrities’ cars. Some see these techniques as causing turbulence to the lives of the celebrities and those with them and that some aggressive techniques may result in the injury or death of the celebrity. The death of Diana, Princess of", "id": "13880901" }, { "contents": "Illegal emigration\n\n\nWhile media sources often reported high level defections, non-prominent defections usually went unreported. Previously, the Cuban government forbade its citizens from leaving or returning to Cuba without first obtaining permission from the government. In a translation by Human Rights Watch, under Cuba's criminal code, individuals who, \"without completing legal formalities, leave or take actions in preparation for leaving the national territory\" faced prison sentences of one to three years in prison. From 1985 to 1994 the number of illegal emigrants is estimated to 82,500, with", "id": "19798916" }, { "contents": "Frank Stanton (executive)\n\n\n, Stanton's greatest battle with the government occurred in 1971, and focused on just this parallel to print press rights. The controversy surrounded \"The Selling of the Pentagon,\" a \"CBS Reports\" documentary, which exposed the huge expenditure of public funds, partly illegal, to promote militarism. The confrontation raised the issue of whether television news programming deserved protection under the First Amendment. The program came under intense criticism from two men who appeared on the program, from the House of Representatives, other media and some prominent", "id": "5777300" }, { "contents": "1896 City of Christchurch by-election\n\n\nin and , but he refused; partially because of a weak constitution of his health. Lewis was on the committee of the National Association (i.e. the opposition) and was part of a small majority that decided that this by-election should be contested by conservative interests. Together with two others, he was tasked with finding a suitable candidate, and it was him who informed the print media that a conservative candidate would stand. No candidate being found, Lewis saved the situation by consenting to become the candidate himself. Lewis", "id": "11444008" }, { "contents": "Hard Copy\n\n\nKraska took over as the sole host. \"Hard Copy\" was produced and distributed by Paramount Domestic Television and, for much of its time on air, was often aired with its sister show, the Hollywood news program \"Entertainment Tonight\" as part of an hour-long programming block sold to local stations. \"Hard Copy\" was a tabloid show that aired footage and news about celebrities and other non-famous people. Also featured were interviews with various newsmakers. In 1992, Elton John threatened to take \"Hard", "id": "67653" }, { "contents": "CKWS-DT\n\n\nstations' programming and the ability to sell local advertising, and did not delegate responsibility for CTV programs aired by the station to Bell Media. Affiliations also require the consent of the CRTC. The switch was approved by the Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission on August 27, 2015, when it dismissed objections by Rogers Media (who argued that the change was an \"affiliation\" and thus required CRTC consent to implement, and was not in the public interest because it created duplicate sources of CTV programming), and by a", "id": "797375" }, { "contents": "Islamic marital jurisprudence\n\n\nIslamic requirements for a legal marriage include the requirement that both parties, bride, groom and guardian for the bride (\"wali\"), give their legal consent. A marriage without the consent of the bride or performed under coercion is illegal according to the majority of scholars. If a girl has not attained the age of puberty, the vast majority of scholars hold that she cannot be married; and many stipulate that it must be in her best interest in order to be considered a valid marriage. There is some", "id": "7462969" }, { "contents": "Media Indonesia\n\n\nMedia Indonesia\" now became available throughout the archipelago. Since 1995, \"Media Indonesia\"'s operations have been located at the company's own offices in Kedoya, West Jakarta. In this building, all of the newspapers's function are assembled under one roof : editorial and reporting, management, printing, and even leisure facilities of the employees. \"Media Indonesia\" currently employs around 600 people. In addition to \"Media Indonesia\", the company also prints a number of other newspapers and tabloids on a contract basis.", "id": "20011832" }, { "contents": "Geotagging\n\n\n, people are often not aware that the photos they publish on the Internet have been geotagged. Many celebrities reportedly gave away their home location without knowing it. According to the study, a significant number of for-sale advertisements on Craigslist, that were otherwise anonymized, contained geotags, thereby revealing the location of high-valued goods—sometimes in combination with clear hints to the absence of the offerer at certain times. Publishing photos and other media tagged with exact geolocation on the Internet allows random people to track an individual's", "id": "6693185" }, { "contents": "Online community\n\n\nbeen informed of any such programs and only handed over individual users data when required by law implying that if the allegations are true that the data harvested had been done so without the company's consent. The growing popularity of social networks where a user using their real name is the norm also brings a new challenge with one survey of 2,303 managers finding 37% investigated candidates social media activity during the hiring process with a study showing 1 in 10 job application rejections for those aged 16 to 34 could be due to social media checks", "id": "1620812" }, { "contents": "Celebrity branding\n\n\ncelebrities. This is exactly why celebrity endorsed products are so successful. Media in the past 10 years has changed dramatically. Society as a whole has been completely reconstructed with the advancements in technology. Different models of communication are now used universally – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. – alongside many other traditional media (radio, print and television etc.) Technology through social media now runs the show. As observed technology is rapidly adapting, meaning communication through celebrity branding must also be updated regularly. Models of communication are always", "id": "18641953" }, { "contents": "Body snatching\n\n\nalong with three employees of illegally harvesting human bones, organs, tissue and other cadaver parts from individuals awaiting cremation, for forging numerous consent forms, and for selling the illegally obtained body parts to medical companies without consent of their families, and then sentenced to long prison terms. BTS sold its products to five companies, including Life Cell Corporation, of New Jersey, and Regeneration Technologies, of Florida. There is still a demand for corpses for transplantation surgery in the form of allografts. Modern body snatchers feed this demand.", "id": "13974066" }, { "contents": "Face perception\n\n\nspeech for their voice extracts. The results showed again that semantic information is easier to retrieve when individuals are recognizing faces than voices. Another factor that has to be controlled in order for the results to be reliable is the frequency of exposure. If we take the example of celebrities, people are exposed to celebrities' faces more often than their voices because of the mass media. Through magazines, newspapers and the Internet, individuals are exposed to celebrities' faces without their voices on an everyday basis rather than their voices without their", "id": "15650608" }, { "contents": "Image sharing\n\n\nwithout the distraction of advertisements or promotions for prints and gifts. They may also have other enhancements over free services, such as guarantees regarding the online availability of photos, more storage space, the ability for non-account holders to download full-size, original versions of photos, and tools for backing up photos. Some offer user photographs for sale, splitting the proceeds with the photographer, while others may use a disclaimer to reserve the right to use or sell the photos without giving the photographer royalties or notice. Some", "id": "7909456" }, { "contents": "Twitter usage\n\n\nmany celebrities and others in the entertainment industry (news magazines, journalists, entertainment news shows, etc...) as a way to personally connect with fans, promote projects, and break news. Celebrity tweets are often subjects of headline news and sometimes used by the mainstream media and several news outlets as a primary source for confirming information pertaining to a particular story about a celebrity. CNN Breaking News, E! Online, Perez Hilton, and People Magazine are a few entertainment news outlets that have millions of Twitter followers. In", "id": "4644435" }, { "contents": "Heather Dewey-Hagborg\n\n\nthe final 3-D print, Dewey-Hagborg generates several different versions of the face, finally choosing the one she finds most aesthetically pleasing. Critics of Dewey-Hagborg's \"Stranger Visions\" question whether or not the work crosses ethical and legal boundaries. They make a distinction between an artist's right to express societal concerns through artwork and the act of collecting personal, genetic information without informed consent. The fact that DNA samples are regularly \"left behind\" or abandoned does not mean those people have relinquished their interest in how", "id": "13591717" }, { "contents": "Right of conquest\n\n\ndid not depend on the consent of the dispossessed state\". However, the alternative was annexation (part or in whole) which if protested as unlawful, a peace treaty was the only means to legitimize conquest in a time of war. Essentially, conquest itself was a legal act of extinguishing the legal rights of other states without their consent. Under this new framework, it is notable that conquest and subsequent occupation outside of war was illegal. In post-World War II times, when the international community frowned on wars", "id": "12949808" }, { "contents": "Replica\n\n\nfor others to use, whether it is through photos, postcards, prints, miniature or full size copies they represent a resemblance of the original object. \"Not all incorrectly attributed items are intentional forgeries. In the same way that a museum shop might sell a print of a painting or a replica of a vase, copies of statues, paintings, and other precious artifacts have been popular through the ages. However, replicas have often been used illegally for forgery and counterfeits, especially of money and coins, but also commercial", "id": "20179799" }, { "contents": "Emma B (model)\n\n\nothers, while a lucrative lingerie contract with Debenhams featured her as their \"lingerie face\" for two years. This led to intense media interest and she soon became a favourite celebrity face and glamour model in the British tabloids and gossip pages. As a result of her celebrity status, she became a \"name\" model, appearing regularly in such publications as \"FHM\", \"Stuff\", \"Maxim\", \"Front\", \"GQ\", \"News of the World\", \"Daily Star\",", "id": "2786190" }, { "contents": "Celebrity privacy\n\n\ninclude banning paparazzi photos taken through the continuous pursuit, expanding the definition of private property, strengthening the protection for celebrity children, and prevention of media collective harassment. According to Jamie Nordhaus, although the French government set strong laws to prevent paparazzi from invading celebrity privacy, these laws counteract with each other and thus are not efficient enough to protect celebrities and their children. The government prohibits paparazzi from publishing any photo that is not consented by the subjects but allows them to publish photos taken at public places.Besides, the high", "id": "13880923" }, { "contents": "Tabloid (newspaper format)\n\n\n, unlike \"Khabrain\" or other big national newspapers, they are distributed only on local levels in districts. Tabloids in the Philippines are usually written in local languages, like Tagalog or Bisaya, but some are written in English, like the \"People's Journal\" and \"Tempo\". Like their common journalistic connotations, Philippine tabloids usually report sensationalist crime stories and celebrity gossip, and some tabloids feature topless photos of girls. Several tabloids are vernacular counterparts of English broadsheet newspapers by the same publisher, like \"Pilipino Star", "id": "12399351" }, { "contents": "Clean Air India Movement\n\n\nand Noida areas around New Delhi. The high point of the performances was the bird formation whereby, the people were informed that not only humans but other members of our ecosystem including fauna are affected by the impure air. Other activation programs included several road shows on many traffic light areas in New Delhi and grand celebration of the World Environment Day at the India Gate. The various events were covered by the print and digital media alike with full coverage in many leading dailies. Other activities include, the pledge signing in Cities like", "id": "12510281" }, { "contents": "Save Toby\n\n\nmedia attention throughout the United States and in other countries. Toby was also featured on NBC Nightly News. The website made many animal rights activists upset, claiming that the owners were engaging in animal cruelty. They attempted to have the site removed; however, the company that hosted the site, Go Daddy, claimed that there was nothing illegal about the site and that \"it was perfectly legal to eat a rabbit\". PayPal accounts used for donations were often frozen due to complaints about the site. There have also been", "id": "12651922" }, { "contents": "Unsplash\n\n\none of the largest photography suppliers on the internet, with its members’ photos frequently appearing on articles. As from 18 February 2018 Unsplash changed their license terms to restrict the sale of photos without first updating, modifying, or otherwise incorporating new creative elements into the photos, prohibiting selling unaltered copies, including selling the photos as prints or printed on physical goods. One of the pioneers of the copyright-free photography model, Unsplash was created in 2013 by Montreal-based entrepreneur Mikael Cho. While creating a new homepage for", "id": "8723617" }, { "contents": "Chequebook journalism\n\n\na source has a right to sell to a reporter for the highest price, in the same way the publication sells its news to the public. When payments to a source became disclosed to the public, however, it has even undermined court cases, as when witnesses admitted they had been paid for providing confidential information to the press about the case. Some hazards of chequebook journalism have become more common, as the practice has made celebrities and politicians a lucrative target for tabloids, and a form of public voyeurism which attracts viewers", "id": "4938993" }, { "contents": "Denmark\n\n\nTV series \"Hannibal\". Another renowned Danish actor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau is internationally known for playing the role of Jaime Lannister in the HBO series \"Game of Thrones\". Danish mass media and news programming are dominated by a few large corporations. In printed media JP/Politikens Hus and Berlingske Media, between them, control the largest newspapers \"Politiken\", \"Berlingske Tidende\" and \"Jyllands-Posten\" and major tabloids \"B.T.\" and \"Ekstra Bladet\". In television, publicly owned stations DR and", "id": "958592" }, { "contents": "Public image of Sarah Palin\n\n\nphoto in which her son Trig's face was altered, calling the change \"malicious.\" The image superimposed was of a local Alaskan right-wing radio show host and was implying that he was her \"baby\" regarding his positive coverage of her governorship foibles. In July 2009, Palin threatened to sue any media outlet that printed rumors that she was being investigated by the FBI on corruption charges involving inappropriate contracts. The head of the FBI in Alaska said that she was not being investigated. Some sources have noted however", "id": "9239698" }, { "contents": "Street photography\n\n\nof famous people in public places and news photography by registered news media outlets where favour is given to the public right to know. In South Africa, photographing people in public is legal. Reproducing and selling photographs of people is legal for editorial and limited fair use commercial purposes. There exists no case law to define what the limits on commercial use are. Civil law requires the consent of any identifiable persons for advertorial and promotional purposes. Property, including animals, do not enjoy any special consideration. In South Korea, taking", "id": "9667000" }, { "contents": "Iranian sex tape scandal\n\n\nfairly inundated with such news, this was widely acknowledged by western news sources to have been the first celebrity sex tape scandal in Iran. Inside Iran, however, people claim that there have been others before this, but that this is the first one that was publicly acknowledged, and the first time the legal authorities decided to do something about it. In June 2007, the Parliament of Iran voted overwhelmingly in support of a bill that could make the production of and participation in pornographic media an offense punishable by death. To", "id": "15180613" }, { "contents": "Günther Jauch\n\n\n, Jauch declared publicly that he intends to gradually reduce his appearance on TV too; stating that he will eventually give up his political talk show \"Günther Jauch\" on ARD and to focus on his other TV shows such as \"Wer wird Millionär?\" on RTL. After 18 years of common-law marriage, Jauch married Thea in 2006 without permitting the press to photograph the wedding. A photo that circulated in the tabloid media (which had not much detail) was published by \"BILD\". The newspaper was", "id": "4908150" }, { "contents": "People's Daily\n\n\nreleased by the \"People's Daily\" during the student movement. Since the mid-1990s, the \"People's Daily\" has faced a decline of governmental subsidies combined with increasing competition from international news sources and Chinese tabloids. As part of its effort to modernize, it began an online edition in 1997, and the web bulletin forums, such as the Strengthening Nation Forum in the Chinese edition, has been known for their surprisingly candid content. An analysis of the wording of all the issues of the \"People's Daily\"", "id": "18575853" }, { "contents": "Celebrity branding\n\n\nsame as vital touchpoints marketers use now may have not existed a decade ago like all of the social media websites and apps. Traditional touchpoints began with radio, newspaper and television but now some of the most common touchpoints used in celebrity branding largely are through social media e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and various other social media webpages. Now with the forever changing technology, people are ditching old touchpoints for newer and faster ones leading sources like newspapers to get printed less and less every year and TV marketing to be less", "id": "18641971" }, { "contents": "Stock illustration\n\n\nillustrations will appear such as the web or printed media, distribution, and the duration for which the image will be used. While many stock art agencies sell both photos and illustrations, some sell only illustrations. The following companies sell only illustrations, but that list is neither definitive nor complete: Ikon Images, Illustration Works, Laughing Stock, Stock Illustration Source, ImageZoo , and Ecliptic Stock Illustrations. Ikon Images and Laughing Stock sell only rights managed images. Illustration Works and Stock Illustration Source sell both rights managed and royalty free", "id": "741389" }, { "contents": "Faye Flam\n\n\non science communication at the \"Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics\" of University of California, Santa Barbara. In \"Life on Mars and Neanderthal Clones: Why Weird Science Gets on the Front Page and What You Can Do About It\", she discussed the motivation of journalists, explaining to the scientist audience why certain stories garner a majority of attention from popular media. In \"How To Sell Your Science Without Selling Your Soul: How To Get The Media To Work For You\", she reviewed what scientists and journalists have", "id": "279987" }, { "contents": "Immigration to Japan\n\n\nthe number of foreign nationals staying illegally in Japan beyond their authorized period of stay dropped to approximately 60,000 as of January 1, 2015. Illegal immigrant numbers had peaked at approximately 300,000 in May 1993, but have been gradually reduced through both stricter enforcement of border controls, workplace monitoring and an expansion of government run foreign worker programs for those seeking a legal route to short term employment opportunities in Japan. Border controls at ports of entry for foreign nationals include examination of personal identification documentation, finger printing and photo recording. Security at", "id": "10372234" }, { "contents": "Tyga\n\n\nsparked controversy in the tabloids, because of the age difference, and they were reportedly dating since Jenner was 16. The legal age of consent in the state of California is 18. Photos of him and Jenner first seen holding hands in Mexico went viral a few days after her 18th birthday. The couple split in April 2017. In 2015, a nude photo of Tyga was leaked online. The photo was allegedly sent to transgender porn star Mia Isabella. In June 2008, Tyga was robbed of his jewelry by unknown assailants", "id": "1030656" }, { "contents": "Unsplash\n\n\nunder the Unsplash license, which imposes some additional restrictions. Unsplash received more than 50,000 visits on its first day. On 18 February 2018 Unsplash changed their license terms to restrict the sale of photos without first updating, modifying, or otherwise incorporating new creative elements into the photos, prohibiting selling unaltered copies, including selling the photos as prints or printed on physical goods. While Cho supplied the first batch of Unsplash photos, the site is now sustained by community contributions from amateur and professional photographers. Due to the volume of photo", "id": "8723619" }, { "contents": "Poppy straw\n\n\nwhen János Kabay developed a chemical process to extract morphine from the crushed capsule. Concentrated poppy straw consisting mainly of the crushed capsule without the seeds soon became a valuable source of morphine. Today, concentrate of poppy straw is a major source of many opiates and other alkaloids. It is the source of 90% of the world supply of legal morphine (for medical and scientific use) and in some countries it also is a source of illegal morphine, which could be processed into illegal heroin. The 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic", "id": "21877039" }, { "contents": "Swami Anand Krishna\n\n\nsource on all major National Medias, several Regional Medias – both Print and Electronic. He had a weekly column in one of the Major Print Medias, and a monthly TV as well as Radio Shows - both in Bali Island. He also writes regularly for several other medias nationwide. In Jakarta, he has completed a 13-episode serial on \"Q\" and \"Swara\" TV Channels, entitled \"Building Indonesia Anew with Anand Krishna\". Currently, the next season of the show is already on air, which is titled", "id": "5571357" }, { "contents": "Image sharing\n\n\ninto two groups: sites that offer photo sharing for free and sites that charge consumers directly to host and share images. Of the sites that offer free photo sharing, most can be broken up into advertising-supported media plays and online photo finishing sites, where photo sharing is a vehicle to sell prints or other merchandise. These designations are not strict, and some subscription sites have a limited free version. Consumers can share their photos directly from their home computers over high speed connections through peer-to-peer photo sharing", "id": "7909454" }, { "contents": "Counterfeit illegal drug selling\n\n\nSelling counterfeit illegal drugs is a crime in many U.S. states' legal codes and in the federal law of the United States. It is also illegal to sell counterfeit drugs in the United Kingdom. The fake drugs are sometimes termed as imitation controlled substances. Some fake drugs consist of substances from relatively harmless sources, such as grocery store goods like flour, oregano or allergy pills. Even despite the substances' harmlessness, legal penalties for the crime of selling them can include time in jail. Certain fake drugs include other controlled drugs", "id": "12026126" }, { "contents": "Narcissism\n\n\nthe celebrity-obsessed society. Fans, assistants and tabloid media all play into the idea that the person really is vastly more important than other people, triggering a narcissistic problem that might have been only a tendency, or latent, and helping it to become a full-blown personality disorder. \"Millman says that what happens to celebrities is that they get so used to people looking at them that they stop looking back at other people.\" In its presentation and symptoms, it is indistinguishable from narcissistic personality disorder, differing", "id": "20710784" }, { "contents": "Tabloid Junkie\n\n\nrumors about Jackson and his personal life, similar to previous songs recorded by Jackson. \"Tabloid Junkie\" is the seventh song on \"HIStory\" to be aimed at the media. Similarly to \"Leave Me Alone\" (1987), \"Why You Wanna Trip on Me\" (1991) and numerous fellow \"HIStory\" tracks, \"Tabloid Junkie\", co-written by Jackson, shows Jackson's dissatisfaction with the media, particularly the tabloids, because of the bias and negative media coverage of false rumors and", "id": "16523833" }, { "contents": "Charles Lewis (New Zealand politician)\n\n\ninterests. Together with two others, he was tasked with finding a suitable candidate, and it was him who informed the print media that a conservative candidate would stand. No candidate being found, Lewis saved the situation by consenting to become the candidate himself. Due to vote splitting between liberal candidates, he unexpectedly won the 13 February 1896 by-election. Lewis was confirmed by the voters in the and 1899 general elections, but as he had predicted, he found the parliamentary work demanding to his health. At the time", "id": "5138241" }, { "contents": "Bat Boy (character)\n\n\nnamed Dr. Ron Dillon. Another WWN character, Matthew Daemon, S.O.S. (Seeker of Obscure Supernaturals), crossed paths with him in several stories. Bat Boy was created by former \"Weekly World News\" editor Dick Kulpa and writer Bob Lind. He debuted as a cover story on June 23, 1992. The original front-page photo of Bat Boy, showing his grotesque screaming face, was the second-best selling issue in the tabloid's history, and he has since evolved into a pop-culture icon.", "id": "15095807" }, { "contents": "Joggers' Park (film)\n\n\nwithout fear or remorse. On the day of the party, a strange man shows up at the judge's house. He is Tariq Ahmed, the editor and publisher of a local tabloid. Jenny's jealous colleagues brought the photos to his tabloid, and Tariq intercepted them just in time to avoid publication. It turns out that Tariq owes a debt of gratitude to the judge for having helped him with a difficult case several years ago. He turns the photos over to the judge's daughter. The daughter confronts the judge", "id": "20169110" }, { "contents": "Weekly World News\n\n\nBundy. Eddie Clontz, then the managing editor, defended his decision to run the photos claiming that he hoped such images would deter other murderers. Angry and surprised officials in Florida vowed to catch the person responsible. Eventually, a low-level employee of the Alachua County, Florida, Medical Examiner's office was arrested and charged with taking and selling the photographs. However, such stories were exceptions. When most of the supermarket tabloids were acquired by Fleet Street publishers, they switched to celebrity gossip, but the \"Weekly", "id": "5407549" }, { "contents": "Romblon\n\n\nradio from Looc, as well as the call sign DZVG 101.3 MHz on FM radio from Odiongan. As for print media, \"Romblon Text\" and \"Romblon Sun\" are the two major newspapers circulating in the province, aside from broadsheet and tabloid newspapers from Manila. \"Romblon News\", meanwhile, provides provincial and national news and information via the web and social media. A relay station for GMA Network and Romblon Community TV (affiliate of People's Television Network) in Santa Maria allows the province to access television", "id": "10410954" }, { "contents": "Jackass: The Movie\n\n\ntoy car into Ryan Dunn's anus, the reason being that displaying the insertion might have been considered pornographic or otherwise highly objectionable by the MPAA, and could have earned the film an NC-17 rating, severely limiting its distribution. Since some scenes of the film were shot in Tokyo, Japan, a special edited version was made and screened for Japanese audiences. Some bits were edited out for legal reasons (especially scenes showing people's faces without their consent); however, they were placed back in for the special DVD version", "id": "14045333" }, { "contents": "Wiska\n\n\nwas released in six DVDs from 2006 to 2008. Circa 2007, Wiska's identity was revealed in Ukraine after a family interview for one of the local tabloids, which attracted journalistic interest and launched her as a national celebrity posing for mainstream media. In 2010, Ukrainian authorities began investigating Anastasiya's family living in Feodosia on the legal grounds of child abuse (including forensic examination of her children for possible sexual assault) and production and distribution of pornography (illegal in Ukraine since 2009). The persecution was initiated by Leonid Hrach", "id": "19203625" }, { "contents": "Celebrity sex tape\n\n\nA celebrity sex tape is typically an amateur pornographic video recording involving one or more famous people which has, intentionally or unintentionally, been made available publicly. Such videos have often been released without the consent of their subjects and have damaged celebrities' careers. In 1988, for example, a sex tape caused significant damage to Rob Lowe's career. The surfacing of sex tapes has become so common that some are \"leaked\" as a marketing tool to advance or establish a media career. A celebrity can fight the release in", "id": "412783" }, { "contents": "Legal aspects of file sharing\n\n\nFile sharing is the practice of distributing or providing access to digital media, such as computer programs, multimedia (audio, images and video), documents or electronic books. It involves various legal aspects as it is often used to exchange intellectual property that is subject to copyright law or licensing. File hosting services may be used as a means to distribute or share files without consent of the copyright owner. In such cases one individual uploads a file to a file hosting service, which others may download. Legal history is documented", "id": "12158835" }, { "contents": "The Talk (talk show)\n\n\nfemale host panel discussing current news items, typically focusing on tabloid headlines, offbeat stories, and celebrity news. The program also actively incorporates social media to allow viewers to provide their opinions on the stories discussed through Twitter (using the hashtag #EverybodyTalks, or alternately the abbreviated #EVBT). In season five, the program began allowing viewers to use Instagram to record and upload videos using the aforementioned hashtags, with one or two videos being selected to air on the live broadcasts. On most editions, the \"Top Talker", "id": "6202085" }, { "contents": "Media freedom in Serbia\n\n\n% to 30% and investigative and analytic stories, based on journalist initiative, make only 10 percent of the news program. The \"Associated Press\" and Reporters Without Borders reported that Aleksandar Vučić, the candidate of the governing coalition, had ten times more airtime on national broadcasters than all other candidates combined and that mainstream media under Vučić’s control have been demonizing most of the opposition presidential candidates, without giving them the opportunity to respond. Non-governmental organizations involved in election observation, \"CRTA\" and \"Bureau for", "id": "22138178" }, { "contents": "Matthew Salacuse\n\n\nMatthew Salacuse is an American photographer from New York City. His portraits of celebrities and musicians have been published by VICE Magazine, New York Mag, Rolling Stone, and The New York Times. Salacuse attended NYU. Salacuse's photos have been used on the album covers for Life is Good by Nas, and Hot Mess from Cobra Starship. Salacuse hunts for discarded film negatives at flea markets, collecting the negatives for vintage images to print and sell. Many of these negatives have yielded unseen photographs of celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio,", "id": "1583019" }, { "contents": "Tabloid (TV program)\n\n\nnewsreel for the program which featured stories from various international sources such as BBC, Movietone, United Press International, and the Canadian Forces. Discussions, interviews, demonstrations, reviews and weather reports from Percy Saltzman rounded out the \"Tabloid\" episodes, resembling a \"spoken-word variety show\". Producer Ross McLean's catchphrase for \"Tabloid\" was \"Facts with Fun\", reflecting his approach that news and information programming should incorporate elements of entertainment. He acknowledged that the early episodes of \"Tabloid\" were \"a", "id": "5754534" }, { "contents": "Crank Yankers\n\n\nthe Touch-Tone Terrorists), all the calls are made from Nevada. The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 makes it illegal in most states to record telephone calls without both parties' consent. Under Nevada law, only one of the parties has to give consent (i.e., the caller), so prank calls can be recorded without the consent of the prank victims. One result of this was the series' schedule of creating and airing new episodes was fairly sporadic due to most of the celebrities living", "id": "4875858" } ]
Why haven't we found a way to restore enamel on our teeth?
[{"answer": "I would say the most accurate answer is we don't know why we can't. If we knew why we can't, we'd probably know why we can. (Imagine asking preflight engineers why we can't fly or preantibiotic doctors why we can't cure infection) Firstly, some incorrect answers in the thread can lead us to an OK answer. That laser business is completely useless in my opinion. But the mechanism will explain why we can't do the same for enamel. Those lasers work by chemically treating and then stimulating odontoblasts (cells which create dentine, the second layer of the tooth, enamels softer little brother) to create dentine. I won't go too far into why the only reason those lasers are gaining traction is because they're lasers, but long story short is you need vital, sterile, exposed pulp tissue, which really is only found in the case of trauma. But we already know how to stimulate dentine in such situations - CaOH or MTA. Anyone interested in why this 'breakthrough' is literally nothing but a waste of money for both clinician and patient, please Google 'Cvek Pulpotomy'. We have been doing this for decades. Now, onto the question - why can't we do that with enamel? Consider how teeth are formed. An ELIcloserto5 version, is teeth are made of 3 layers like a cake. The crisp, hard, protective, water tight icing (enamel), the softer, porous, shock absorbing sponge cake (dentine), and the gelatinous jam (blood) and cream (nerve) inner filling. The critical part here, is how the icing and sponge are formed. The icing creating cells (ameloblasts) and the sponge creating cells (odontoblasts) start touching each other. Then, step by step, nanometer by nanometer, they move away from eachother, laying down icing and sponge cake as they go. The sponge cake cells move towards the jam and cream fillig, and when they are done they live in the filling, laying down sponge when stimulated for the life of the tooth.The icing cells move away from the jam cream filling, to the harsh outside world. Eventually, when the cake leaves the oven, the icing creating cells are lost. Now, the world is harsh. The outside world is full of flies and general trauma, which will wear the icing down and lose sugar (minerals from hydroxapatite - calcium and phosphate, although fluoride can go back in as an even better/harder mineral, though not naturally present). With good diligence shooing the flies away (brushing/flossing) and regular reintroduction of lost sugar (toothpaste/fluoride/that gum someone mentioned) we can replace the lost sugar. However, sugar isn't icing - some specialised cells laid down the sugar in a very particular way. As long as not to much sugar is lost and no big chunks are missing, just dusting it with sugar will work, as the exisitng icing holds enough of the pattern that there's only one way for the dusted sugar to go - the right way. We know what's in the icing - we have the recipe. But we can't lay it down with the same style and pattern the cells did. And the cells are lost. There's no stimulating them like the sponge cells. Once the icing is gone, it's gone. Edit: the comments in this thread are a testament to what I'm saying about lasers. People are almost satirical in their irrational affinity towards the study, simply because \"lasers\"."}, {"answer": "Actually good news! I can't find the article anymore, but i read (on reddit a couple weeks ago) about a recent discovery where dentists will soon be able to \"add\" enamel to our teeth using lasers or something. Basically it was saying it could be the end of fillings, cracked teeth, etc. Don't have much info, but there is hope that fillings/drilling will be a thing of the past"}, {"answer": "Dental student here. The cells that form enamel (ameloblasts) die after secreting the enamel found in teeth. Most other \"regenerative medicine\" techniques work by stimulating certain cells to produce specific substances. This is not possible with enamel because the ameloblasts are gone early after tooth formation. It is possible with dentin, which lies beneath enamel and is produced by odontoblasts. These cells are functioning throughout our lives. Link: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Try xposting this to /r/dentistry? Very informative folks over there."}, {"answer": "The other important factor you have to consider is money. The dental industry is a very large multi billion if not trillion dollar industry. If you suddenly create a solution to the problem that will cause this industry to loose money, it simply won't be allowed into the market. Look at the pharmaceutical industry and the drugs they produce as a reference. Why fix the problem when you can milk it."}, {"answer": "Well I mean I have this act mouthwash that says it rebuilds enamel. So that's pretty cool I guess. It works really well actually, but I would love for someone to comment telling me this isn't the same thing."}, {"answer": "Another related question is: Why is there a commercial that claims their product can do exactly this, then another commercial FOR THE SAME PRODUCT says that once the enamel is gone, it's gone?"}, {"answer": "Biomaterials Science Masters student here, The recent Harvard publication on dentine regeneration would not be applied to enamel as the material composition is very different. Enamel is an inorganic composition of Hydroxyapatite (very similar calcium based ceramic found in bone). The ameloblasts as someone mentioned earlier is only found during the development phase of the tooth. There is a very small percentage of proteins found in the enamel and is solely used as a shock absorber so the layer doesn't propagate fracture. [Article]( URL_1 ) [News report]( URL_0 ) At this stage, this is the best approach. Until artificially stimulating ameloblasts to undergo repetition of their phase cycle. Restoration, rather than regeneration."}, {"answer": "we actually just found a way to use stem cells to regrow teeth URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Growing teeth is like growing fingers and toes. Very specialised. There are 3 major groups in teeth, the enamel, the dentine and the pulp complex which includes the nerve and blood supply. That's like skin, bone and vessels/nerves in your fingers. Now, the enamel is exclusively hydroxyapatite (mineral content) with some carbon based material scattered (roughly 2%). There is no regenerative function because simply aren't any cells in there to GROW it. The only thing you can do is if it softens up (demineralizes), you can 'remineralize' it but that requires the lattice of structure to be largely intact. So essentially, you can strengthen it before it gets lost, but you can't lose it and get it back. The second layer of tooth is dentine which is about 70% mineral and the rest water with very FEW cells laid out in between. This layer can be 'relayered' at the part closest to the pulp but it too will never be 'regenerated'. By regeneration, what I'm referring to is the ability for the tooth to reform its original shape. The third layer is the vascular and nerve bundle (the pulp) and in children, it may regenerate itself but in adults, it will almost certainly kill itself if irritated too much. Restoration is only in the form of dental fillings, crowns and veneers due to the fact that enamel has NO cells to regenerate itself."}, {"answer": "Degredation of enamel is caused by acids, which are Hydrogen (H+) ions dissolved in the moisture of the mouth, bonding to hydroxyl (OH-) groups in enamel's chemical structure. Probably resulting in H2O as a by-product if memory serves. The enamel is dissolved into a hydrocarbon and water. The only way to restore enamel would be to re-add the OH- groups to the enamel molecule's framework. Typically, we slow the dissolving action by saturating our mouth with Flouride ions, F-. F- is one of the few ions that is more electronegative than OH-. More electronegative means the H+ ions are more strongly attracted to the Flouride ions than the Hydroxyl groups in enamel. When F- ions are present, the H+ ions are neutralized by them, and the OH- ions are not. This suspends the decay process. Unfortunately, F- ions in strong concentrations are unhealthy. So reversing decay is probably chemically not possible."}, {"answer": "The reason is very simple. Far to much money to be made. If we where able to rebuild enamel it would mean that dentist wouldn't be needed as much. If it was something as simple as a pill or a paste you put on your teeth and they are white with no cavities think of all the business that would be out over night. All the tooth brush makers and tooth paste makers, and the people who make white strips and then not to mention the dentist. Then add in all the schools all over the country/world that get paid $100k for each students to go to school to become dentist. IMO the reason we haven't figured it out is money. To much money is to be made by not figuring it out."}, {"answer": "The fact that you're wondering that means you're not old enough that doctors tell you \"yea that's just something you live with now\" when you come in with a problem. How we handle teeth is pretty much par for the course."}, {"answer": "Because discovering shit is hard. People don't just get baked in a lab and talk about how cool stuff would be. They spend tens of thousands of hours trying out different things and most of those don't work."}, {"answer": "Because every dentist has at least one mortgage and wants to go on vacation."}, {"answer": "Dentist here. The whole thread seems like gibberish. I'd say enamel is formed when the tooth buds are unerupted. By specialised cells called ameloblasts. Once erupted there remains some specialised cells in the dentine near the pulp but they only deposit dentine. On the inside meaning narrowing the pulp chamber. I guess the why you're looking for is that the enamel is the outermost bony structure and exposed to the oral environment with another bony structure(dentine) underlying it. For growth to occur rigid structures like these must expand but being bony in nature they are unable to remodel what's more ameloblasts are not present to produce enamel. Sry gtg."}, {"answer": "I wanna know why there isn't an easier method to clean our teeth, other than brushing. You'd think there would be a gum, or mouthwash, or combo of the two that could clean them as well as little plastic bristles on a stick."}, {"answer": "After you guys went to the moon, the number 1 goal for people should have been to automate dentistry."}, {"answer": "Teeth don't grow the way fingers and hair does, they don't come out of our bodies and build up gradually. When we are born they grow inside our faces, like they literally sit up there under other teeth, and slowly surface as we get older, teeth could potentially be jump-started to grow again inside our cheeks, built by the circulatory systems in our gums and pop out again like a shark's, but once they are out they're basically like the armor of a turtle, they cannot be re-padded with the same stuff that they came out with, they can only be polished or patched with other chemicals. Maybe one day, but I think it's more feasible to just get a new tooth installed on an artificial mount. I bet in the near future scientists will be able to trick our bodies to start growing new teeth again, and on that day we will truly have revolutionized the dental world, as well as potentially put a lot of people out of business. [Source]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "Late to the party and most likely no one will see this and I hope Im not repeating if posted already but.....XYLITOL! I make a toothpaste and mouth rinse with it (and calcium lactate, to work together synergistically). Remineralizes your teeth and has saved a few of mine that had begun to crack from chewing ice. You can purchase xylitol chewing gum for this reason too!"}, {"answer": "as long as your teeth aren't your largest risk factor for death... who gives a shit if theyre yellow? We are sentient beings. You only care about your tooth color because the opposite gender generally zombies out for the big \"they\""}, {"answer": "This whole thread is just... so, so depressing. I love my teeth and the fact that they will never be white again makes me want to cry. This is terrible What is this I hear about bleaching, does anyone know?"}, {"answer": "Because dentists would be unemployed largely. You would decimate the dental assistant sector of employment. There is no money in curing diseases but plenty in treating them."}, {"answer": "Because it is more profitable to see toothpaste and mouthwash and Whitening and dentures than it would be to have a 1 stop fix for enamel repair"}, {"answer": "The cells that form enamel aren't present anymore once the teeth start erupting - it's not like bone where bone cells constantly reabsorb and rebuild damaged bone."}, {"answer": "Dental sales rep here...I hope to God fillings aren't a thing of the past...or I'm out of a job. Ugh."}, {"answer": "What about those toothpastes that promise to restore and protect enamel? Are they lies and waste of money?"}, {"answer": "I just bought a tub of enamel and I spread it on my teeth every night before bed."}, {"answer": "[Because crowns etc are stronger and anyway we CAN fully regrow teeth from stem cells.]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "We also can't replace hyaline cartilage in our joints. That's why there are knee replacements."}, {"answer": "Late to the party but... Actually, its been done recently Source : URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Ben Affleck seems to have done it. hmmm"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1340551", "title": "Crown (dentistry)", "section": "Section::::Crown manufacture using CAD/CAM.:Chairside CAD/CAM dentistry.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 175, "end_paragraph_id": 175, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Typically, over 95% of the restorations made using dental CAD/CAM and Vita Mark I and Mark II blocks are still clinically successful after 5 years. Further, at least 90% of restorations still function successfully after 10 years. Advantages of the Ma", "Typically, over 95% of the restorations made using dental CAD/CAM and Vita Mark I and Mark II blocks are still clinically successful after 5 years. Further, at least 90% of restorations still function successfully after 10 years. Advantages of the Mark II blocks over ceramic blocks include: they wear down as fast as natural teeth, their failure loads are very similar to those of natural teeth, and the wear pattern of Mark II against enamel is similar to that of enamel against enamel. In recent years, the technological advances afforded by CAD/CAM dentistry offer viable alternatives to the traditional crown"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "20558619", "title": "Bathtub refinishing", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Bathtub refinishing also known as bathtub resurfacing, bathtub reglazing or bathtub re-enameling is the process of refreshing the surface of a worn, damaged bathtub to a like-new condition. This process typically involves repairing any damaged areas. Chips or cracks are repaired using Bondo or another type of polyester putty. After repairs are made the surface is prepped with an acid etching. Etching provides mechanical adhesion. Porcelain, enamel, and fiberglass tubs are non-porous and do not provide a good substrate for the new coating to att", "Bathtub refinishing also known as bathtub resurfacing, bathtub reglazing or bathtub re-enameling is the process of refreshing the surface of a worn, damaged bathtub to a like-new condition. This process typically involves repairing any damaged areas. Chips or cracks are repaired using Bondo or another type of polyester putty. After repairs are made the surface is prepped with an acid etching. Etching provides mechanical adhesion. Porcelain, enamel, and fiberglass tubs are non-porous and do not provide a good substrate for the new coating to attach to. Etching the surface provides a porous surface that will allow proper adhesion. Another possible method is to apply an adhesion-promoting bonding agent like silane to the surface before applying the coating. The two methods can be used in unison or independently. The greatest adhesion is achieved by using both methods together. Some new refinishing processes do not require the use of etching, by relying on silane alone. After preparing the surface, primer is applied, followed by a top coat. Generally,"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Digestion\n\n\nin the jaws (or mouths) of many vertebrates that are used to tear, scrape, milk and chew food. Teeth are not made of bone, but rather of tissues of varying density and hardness, such as enamel, dentine and cementum. Human teeth have a blood and nerve supply which enables proprioception. This is the ability of sensation when chewing, for example if we were to bite into something too hard for our teeth, such as a chipped plate mixed in food, our teeth send a message to our", "id": "4159116" }, { "contents": "Shadow Gallery\n\n\n, a few obstacles blocked our touring options, and we were locked back in the studio to make another record. I know there are many people who cannot understand why we haven't played in support of this record, and I can see why they feel that way, but honestly, it's very difficult.\" In a more recent 2005 interview, he cited the band's various side projects as a reason, stating that \"I truly think that it will maybe never happen as we all have full diaries,", "id": "10319712" }, { "contents": "Nonverbal communication\n\n\nparticular forms they do?\" and \"Why do we wrinkle our nose when we are disgusted and bare our teeth when we are enraged?\" Darwin attributed these facial expressions to serviceable associated habits, which are behaviors that earlier in our evolutionary history had specific and direct functions. For example, a species that attacked by biting, baring the teeth was a necessary act before an assault and wrinkling the nose reduced the inhalation of foul odors. In response to the question asking why facial expressions persist even when they no longer serve", "id": "11595496" }, { "contents": "Enamel rod\n\n\nnumber. (5 million in mandibular lateral incisor and 12 million in maxillary first molars). Enamel rods are found in rows along the tooth. Within each row, the long axis of the enamel rod generally is perpendicular to the underlying enamel-dentine junction. In permanent teeth, the enamel rods near the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) tilt slightly more toward the root of the tooth than would be expected. Knowing the orientation of enamel is very important in restorative dentistry because enamel unsupported by underlying dentin is prone to fracture and", "id": "8876815" }, { "contents": "Mockingbird (Derek Webb album)\n\n\nwas founded on genocide against Native Americans. We haven't loved well and a lot of people don't like Americans. We need to own up to some responsibility there, we need to look at why, and we need to let that inform how we're making decisions for the future.\" Concerning the political aspect of 'Mockingbird', he continued, \"If you look, Jesus doesn't go straight down one party line. We try to fit him in our Western politics, but he wouldn't land on", "id": "10164093" }, { "contents": "Good Game (TV program)\n\n\nit and feel defensive if someone doesn't feel the same way. For this reason he loves \"getting to the bottom of\" why certain games are liked by some and disliked by others. Bajo says you can't speak with conviction if you haven't done something, especially \"[played] something as involving as games\". Bajo explains \"[we do receive negative feedback from] the odd publisher/developer who wasn't happy with our review [but] we try to be fair, honest, and listen", "id": "16808859" }, { "contents": "Ostracoderm\n\n\nvirtually the same structure as in our teeth. There is a layer of enamel and even a layer of pulp. The whole shield is made up of thousands of small teeth fused together. This bony skull--one of the earliest in the fossil record--is made entirely of little teeth. Teeth originally arose to bite creatures (see Conodonts); later a version of teeth was used in a new way to protect them.\" Ostracoderms existed in two major groups, the more primitive heterostracans and the cephalaspids. The cephalaspids", "id": "4089968" }, { "contents": "Tooth enamel\n\n\n55% over 7 years. Aesthetics is another reason for the removal of enamel. Removing enamel is necessary when placing crowns and veneers to enhance the appearance of teeth. In both of these instances, when unsupported by underlying dentin, that portion of the enamel is more vulnerable to fracture. Invented in 1955, acid-etching employs dental etchants and is used frequently when bonding dental restoration to teeth. This is important for long-term use of some materials, such as composites and sealants. By dissolving minerals in enamel,", "id": "12696260" }, { "contents": "Temporomandibular joint dysfunction\n\n\n\"occlusal rehabilitation\" or \"occlusal equilibration\". At its simplest, occlusal adjustment involves selective grinding (with a dental drill) of the enamel of the occlusal surfaces of teeth, with the aim of allowing the upper teeth to fit with the lower teeth in a more harmonious way. However, there is much disagreement between proponents of these techniques on most of the aspects involved, including the indications and the exact goals. Occlusal adjustment can also be very complex, involving orthodontics, restorative dentistry or even orthognathic surgery. Some", "id": "12052841" }, { "contents": "Enamel pearl\n\n\nAn enamel pearl is a condition of teeth where enamel is found in locations where enamel is not supposed to be, such as on a root surface. They are usually found in the area between roots, which is called a furcation, of molars. Enamel pearls are not common in teeth with a single root. The most common location of enamel pearls is the furcation areas of the maxillary (75%)and mandibular third molar roots. Enamel pearls are formed from the Hertwig's Epithelial root sheath. After the initiation of the formation of", "id": "2775456" }, { "contents": "Tooth discoloration\n\n\n, and lead to abnormal tooth appearance and structure. Enamel hypoplasia and enamel hypocalcification are examples of defective enamel that potentially gives a discolored appearance to the tooth. Teeth affected in this way are also usually more susceptible to further staining acquired throughout life. Amelogenesis imperfecta is a rare condition that affects the formation of enamel (amelogenesis). The enamel is fragile, the teeth appear yellow or brown, and surface stains build up more readily. Dentinogenesis imperfecta is a defect of dentin formation, and the teeth may be discolored yellow-", "id": "2851332" }, { "contents": "Medieval bioarchaeology\n\n\nlinear enamel hypoplasia and age-at-death in the medieval population of Canterbury, UK. She specifically focused on the populations at St. Gregory's Priory and Cemetery. She found 374 teeth with linear enamel hypoplasia in either the mandibular or maxillary permanent teeth. She also found that there were significantly greater frequency of linear enamel hypoplasia in the cemetery compared to the Priory. The mean number of teeth with lLinear enamel hypoplasia in the cemetery was 17.6 and the mean number at the Priory was 7.9. This study also measured age-", "id": "6842076" }, { "contents": "Loret Miller Ruppe\n\n\nTimes\" reported that Peace Corps' budget of $105 million budget would be cut to $83.6 million and that the agency had appealed to the Administration for reconsideration. Ruppe met with Secretary of State Alexander Haig about the budgetary problem and said she had found him \"very supportive.\" \"He said what we were doing was right in line with the Administration's foreign policy,\" Ruppe said. \"But we haven't heard anything yet about our appeal,\" Ruppe added. Ruppe was successful in restoring the cuts", "id": "20878946" }, { "contents": "Tooth enamel\n\n\nBecause enamel is vulnerable to demineralization, prevention of tooth decay is the best way to maintain the health of teeth. Most countries have wide use of toothbrushes, which can reduce the number of dental biofilm and food particles on enamel. In isolated societies that do not have access to toothbrushes, it is common for those people to use other objects, such as sticks, to clean their teeth. In between two adjacent teeth, floss is used to wipe the enamel surfaces free of plaque and food particles to discourage bacterial growth.", "id": "12696251" }, { "contents": "Oral ecology\n\n\nbacteria thrive in our mouths. In addition, there are other ways to further reduce the risk of invaders harming the mouths’ health. Visits to the dentist can be beneficial where fluoride treatments are available. Combined with dental sealants, these treatments can, in most cases, ensure prevention of harmful bacterial effects. Fluoride is extremely effective in protecting enamel on the teeth. “Fluoride, a chemical that appears naturally in groundwater in many areas of the world, quickly bonds with the tooth's enamel to maintain its smooth crystalline surface", "id": "15409953" }, { "contents": "Plan B Skateboards\n\n\nlegacy, of our prior videos, and being \"Questionable\", our first video, we haven't had a full-length video with our team and I think our team is a team that would mirror the team we had originally when we launched Plan B, but in a modern-day way. I might be crazy, but I think we do have the formula to make a video that should be historical like the original Plan B video was. On January 4, 2013, a teaser video was released,", "id": "15525609" }, { "contents": "Moggerhanger House\n\n\n. \"We have had to make sacrifices, which is why the car park hasn't been done yet, the Repton grounds haven't been restored and we have no furniture.\" Soane's lengthy relationship with the house provided a backdrop for him to experiment, said Inskip, the architect who oversaw the restoration. \"In the records you could see a friendship develop between architect and client over 40 years,\" Inskip said. \"This allowed Soane to experiment, so there are things here that tell us about aspects of", "id": "9457613" }, { "contents": "Crown (dentistry)\n\n\nVita Mark I and Mark II blocks are still clinically successful after 5 years. Further, at least 90% of restorations still function successfully after 10 years. Advantages of the Mark II blocks over ceramic blocks include: they wear down as fast as natural teeth, their failure loads are very similar to those of natural teeth, and the wear pattern of Mark II against enamel is similar to that of enamel against enamel. In recent years, the technological advances afforded by CAD/CAM dentistry offer viable alternatives to the traditional crown", "id": "14940687" }, { "contents": "Choristodera\n\n\nthose found in crocodilians (see crocodile exoskeleton). Most choristoderes have rather simple teeth, but neochoristoderes have teeth completely enveloped in striated enamel with an enamel infolding at the base, labiolingually compressed and hooked, the exception being \"Ikechosaurus\" which has still rather simple teeth aside from the start of an enamel infolding. There is some tooth differentiation, with the anterior teeth being larger than the posterior ones. Choristoderes have retained palatal teeth, indicating food manipulation in the mouth. As a whole, choristoderes were exceptionally well adapted to", "id": "18522643" }, { "contents": "Tooth enamel\n\n\n. After destruction of enamel from decay or injury, neither the body nor a dentist can restore the enamel tissue. Enamel can be affected further by non-pathologic processes. Enamel is covered by various structures in relation to the development of tooth: Progress of enamel formation for primary teeth The high mineral content of enamel, which makes this tissue the hardest in the human body, also makes it susceptible to a demineralization process that often occurs as dental caries, otherwise known as cavities. Demineralization occurs for several reasons, but the", "id": "12696242" }, { "contents": "Pantolambda\n\n\nway to the feet of hoofed mammals, and the feet were probably not very flexible. The teeth had a selenodont structure; enamel ridges with crescent-shaped cusps. Selenodont teeth are found in modern grazers and browsers such as cattle and deer, but \"Pantolambda\"'s teeth were low-crowned and indicate a not very specialized diet. \"Pantolambda\" probably ate a mix of shoots, leaves, fungi, and fruit, which it may have supplemented with occasional worms or eggs. Fossils of this genus have been found", "id": "11208499" }, { "contents": "Odontode\n\n\nOdontodes, or dermal teeth, are hard structures found on the external surfaces of animals or near internal openings. They consist of a soft pulp surrounded by dentine and covered by a mineralized substance such as enamel, a structure similar to that of teeth. They generally do not have the same function as teeth, and are not replaced the same way teeth are in most fish. In some animals (notably catfish), the presence or size of odontodes can be used in determining the sex. The name comes from the Greek", "id": "4794858" }, { "contents": "Human tooth\n\n\nIt is normally visible and must be supported by underlying dentin. 96% of enamel consists of mineral, with water and organic material comprising the rest. The normal color of enamel varies from light yellow to grayish white. At the edges of teeth where there is no dentin underlying the enamel, the color sometimes has a slightly blue tone. Since enamel is semitranslucent, the color of dentin and any restorative dental material underneath the enamel strongly affects the appearance of a tooth. Enamel varies in thickness over the surface of the tooth", "id": "19316691" }, { "contents": "Enamel organ\n\n\nlesion is found in areas of those teeth where the enamel was being formed during the systemic or local disturbance. Since the formation of enamel extends over a long period and the systemic or local disturbance, in most cases are of short duration, the defect is limited to a circumscribed area of the affected teeth or tooth. Thus knowing the chronological development of deciduous and permanent teeth will make it possible to determine from the location of the defect, the approximate time at which the injury occurred. More recently enamel hypoplasia has been produced", "id": "12698865" }, { "contents": "Fluoride therapy\n\n\nthe dental office was later found liable for the death. Strictly speaking, fluoride therapy repairs rather than prevents damage to the teeth, causing the mineral fluorapatite to be incorporated into damaged tooth enamel. Fluorapatite is not a natural component of human teeth, although it is found in the teeth of sharks. The main mineral found in natural tooth enamel is hydroxyapatite rather than the fluorapatite created in the presence of fluoride. Even without fluoride, teeth experience alternating increases and decreases in mineral content, depending upon how acidic or alkaline the mouth", "id": "2611292" }, { "contents": "Bohm Dialogue\n\n\nWe haven't really paid much attention to thought as a process. We have ENGAGED in thoughts, but we have only paid attention to the content, not to the process. Why does thought require attention? Everything requires attention, really. If we ran machines without paying attention to them, they would break down. Our thought, too, is a process, and it requires attention, otherwise it's going to go wrong. Taking reference to the work of Bohm and Peat \"Science, Order and Creativity\",", "id": "20356789" }, { "contents": "Acid erosion\n\n\nalso a sign of dental erosion. Teeth will begin to appear with a broad rounded concavity, and the gaps between teeth will become larger. There can be evidence of wear on surfaces of teeth not expected to be in contact with one another. If dental erosion occurs in children, a loss of enamel surface characteristics can occur. Amalgam restorations in the mouth may be clean and non-tarnished. As tooth substance around restorations erodes away, fillings may also appear to be rising out of the tooth. The teeth may form", "id": "11071175" }, { "contents": "The Smiths\n\n\ndemise of the Smiths and the others haven't, so why hand them attention that they haven't earned? We are not friends, we don't see each other. Why on earth would we be on a stage together?\" In a February 2009 interview on BBC Radio 2, he said, \"People always ask me about reunions and I can't imagine why [...] the past seems like a distant place, and I'm pleased with that.\" In November 2004, VH1 screened a \"Backstage Pass", "id": "7705415" }, { "contents": "Enamel hypoplasia\n\n\n. Defects have also been found in a variety of non-human animals. It can be caused by any of the following: Turner's hypoplasia is an abnormality found in teeth. Its appearance is variable, though usually is manifested as a portion of missing or diminished enamel on permanent teeth. Unlike other abnormalities which affect a vast number of teeth, Turner's hypoplasia usually affects only one tooth in the mouth and, it is referred to as a Turner's tooth. If Turner's hypoplasia is found on a canine or", "id": "11086418" }, { "contents": "Voting rights in Singapore\n\n\nbe more careful, voting also for his children. He is more likely to vote in a serious way than a capricious young man under 30. But we haven't found it necessary yet. If it became necessary, we should do it. ... I'm not intellectually convinced that one-man, one-vote is the best. We practise it because that's what the British bequeathed us and we haven't really found a need to challenge that.\" In a later media interview published in \"The Straits Times", "id": "2522329" }, { "contents": "Kaikaifilu\n\n\nmeaning that there is more than one distinct type of teeth: medium-sized conical teeth without any wear facets; medium-sized conical teeth with two or three wear facets on their outside and inside surfaces; very large conical teeth without any wear facets; and small, relatively blunt teeth with D-shaped cross-sections and soft enamel (which probably represent growing teeth). The only other heterodont mosasaur known is \"Eremiasaurus\". It is not known why \"Kaikaifilu\" or \"Eremiasaurus\" were heterodont unlike their", "id": "21571205" }, { "contents": "Enamel microabrasion\n\n\nEnamel microabrasion is a procedure in cosmetic dentistry used to improve the appearance of the teeth. Like tooth whitening it is used to remove discolorations of the tooth surface but microabrasion is a mechanical, rather than chemical, procedure. In the past, teeth with stains or other color changes were made to look better through the use of restorative materials, such as dental porcelain. These materials would create a thin veneer over the outer surface of the tooth. Although veneers looked better, these materials did not match the structure or characteristics of", "id": "9347396" }, { "contents": "B. H. \"Johnny\" Rogers\n\n\nRogers constantly questioned the state of politics in Louisiana: For years I have discussed good government from all over. It's a strange thing. Everyone is in favor of it. And yet, we haven't had good government in Louisiana in my lifetime. I wondered about this. I wondered why we couldn't have good government if everyone wants it. ... I haven't found a governor yet who is ready to [back good government]. Kennon wasn't. Long wasn't. And Jimmie Davis isn't.", "id": "5194920" }, { "contents": "Tooth\n\n\ndo have tooth-like structures on the tongue, these are in fact, composed of keratin, not of dentine or enamel, and bear no relationship to true teeth. Though \"modern\" teeth-like structures with dentine and enamel have been found in late conodonts, they are now supposed to have evolved independently of later vertebrates' teeth. Living amphibians typically have small teeth, or none at all, since they commonly feed only on soft foods. In reptiles, teeth are generally simple and conical in shape, although", "id": "19534845" }, { "contents": "Big Picture (magazine)\n\n\ntheir personality, their mood and their intentions. And, deliberately or not, we send signals to others - through our expressions, the way we dress and the way we modify our bodies. This issue of 'Big Picture' looks at this remarkable interplay - between the biology that sculpts our form and the culture that interprets, embellishes and adapts this form. It asks what we mean by ‘normal’, what beauty is and how such concepts influence the way we live. It looks at why we take the form", "id": "4534046" }, { "contents": "Early childhood caries\n\n\nrestoration of progressing and cavitated lesions, while white spot and enamel proximal lesions should be treated by preventive techniques and monitored for progression. Children at high risk, however, may require earlier restorative intervention of enamel proximal lesions, as well as intervention of progressing and cavitated lesions to minimize continual caries development. As Early Childhood Caries occurs in children under the age of 5, restorative treatment is generally performed under general anaesthetic to ensure optimal results and prevent a traumatic experience for the child. Depending on the level of cavitation of the teeth", "id": "1314123" }, { "contents": "Victor Davis Hanson\n\n\nexplores the issue of how classical education has declined in the US and what might be done to restore it to its former prominence. This is important, according to Hanson and Heath, because knowledge of the classical Greeks and Romans is necessary to fully understand Western culture. To begin a discussion along these lines the authors state, \"The answer to why the world is becoming Westernized goes all the way back to the wisdom of the Greeks—reason enough why we must not abandon the study of our heritage\". Political scientist", "id": "19977606" }, { "contents": "The Human Abstract (band)\n\n\nlooking for a new vocalist. We are not touring anytime soon. I think it's only fair you guys know that we're on \"break or hiatus if you will.\" I don't know why we haven't said anything. I guess it's because there is always that \"maybe if something happens, etc..etc...\" Or maybe it's hard for us to realize the reality of our situation, the bands situation, to finally let go. I'll be honest when I say the following:", "id": "4137471" }, { "contents": "Maxakalisaurus\n\n\nlead author of the scientific description. \"We have found the bones of what appear to be larger dinosaurs, but we still haven't been able to put them together for scientific descriptions.\" In 2016, a new specimen comprising a dentary and teeth was described as belonging to \"Maxakalisaurus\". The phylogenetic analysis recovered \"Maxakalisaurus\" as an aeolosaurine along with \"Aeolosaurus\" and \"Gondwanatitan\". A reconstructed \"Maxikalisaurus\" skeleton was on display in the National Museum of Brazil. It is currently unknown if it was", "id": "22165716" }, { "contents": "Phosphorus cycle\n\n\nserve as energy storage within cells (ATP) or when linked together, form the nucleic acids DNA and RNA. The double helix of our DNA is only possible because of the phosphate ester bridge that binds the helix. Besides making biomolecules, phosphorus is also found in bone and the enamel of mammalian teeth, whose strength is derived from calcium phosphate in the form of hydroxyapatite. It is also found in the exoskeleton of insects, and phospholipids (found in all biological membranes). It also functions as a buffering agent in", "id": "7044418" }, { "contents": "Tooth enamel\n\n\nrod are oriented parallel to the long axis of the rod. When found in the tail of the enamel rod, the crystals' orientation diverges slightly (65 degrees) from the long axis. The arrangement of enamel rods is understood more clearly than their internal structure. Enamel rods are found in rows along the tooth, and within each row, the long axis of the enamel rod is generally perpendicular to the underlying dentin. In permanent teeth, the enamel rods near the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) tilt slightly toward the root", "id": "12696231" }, { "contents": "Want U Back\n\n\njoke is really on us. Why? Because it's Cher Lloyd who has the last laugh with another hit on her hands.\" X. Alexander of Idolator said \"Instead of blasting us with that 'Swagger Jagger', she's coming at us with the uber-catchy 'Want U Back' — a good choice, since we haven't been able to get it out of our heads since we first heard it.\" Virgin Media's Matthew Horton wrote that the song has \"dynamic catchy bounce.\" David", "id": "17414089" }, { "contents": "Enamel infraction\n\n\nEnamel infractions are microcracks seen within the dental enamel of a tooth. They are commonly the result of dental trauma to the brittle enamel, which remains adherent to the underlying dentine. They can be seen more clearly when transillumination is used. Enamel infractions are found more often in older teeth, as the accumulated trauma is greatest. Enamel infractions can also be found as a result of iatrogenic damage inadvertently caused by instrumentation during dental treatments. Minor infraction may not require any treatment, however major infraction may require treatment including smoothing, fluoride", "id": "13964947" }, { "contents": "Enamel lamellae\n\n\nEnamel lamellae are a type of hypomineralized structure in teeth that extend either from the dentinoenamel junction (DEJ) to the surface of the enamel, or vice versa. In essence, they are prominent linear enamel defects, but are of no clinical consequence. These structures contain proteins, proteoglycans, and lipids. Enamel lamellae should not be confused with two similar entities, \"enamel tufts\" and \"enamel spindles\". Enamel tufts are small branching defects that are found only at the DEJ, and so differ from lamellae which can", "id": "2701451" }, { "contents": "Full body scanner\n\n\nviewing the scanned images was simply not paying attention. Furthermore, an Israeli airport security expert, Rafi Sela, who helped design security at Ben Gurion International Airport, has said: \"I don't know why everybody is running to buy these expensive and useless machines. I can overcome the body scanners with enough explosives to bring down a Boeing 747... That's why we haven't put them in our airport.\" Again, despite the scanners, the TSA has been unable to stop weapons like box cutters and pistols from", "id": "19341360" }, { "contents": "Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation\n\n\nchallenging in paediatric dentistry thus more specialised methods may be needed to increase the efficiency of anaesthetising teeth. Opacities due to MIH can be quite visible especially on anterior teeth which could present as a problem aesthetically. Patients frequently claim aesthetic discomfort when anterior teeth are involved. The discoloured appearance of the anterior teeth could also have negative effects on a child’s psychological development and self-esteem. MIH-affected teeth are more prone to breakdown as they are hypomineralised which weakens the enamel structure. Restorations placed on MIH-affected teeth were", "id": "8555332" }, { "contents": "Clean growth\n\n\nClean growth is a way to achieve economic growth, using clean technology, and allowing sustainable development. The aim is to raise standard of living with a reduced environmental impact. Scientists and politicians use this terminology. For example, Nicolas Sarkozy said : Our first goal is to find the way to achieve \"clean\" growth and I want to defend this idea here today. We haven't got to choose between saving the planet and growth. We need to have growth and save the planet. So we need a growth that", "id": "21294051" }, { "contents": "Enamel tufts\n\n\narrest their further development. Enamel tufts also self-heal through a process of being filled with protein rich fluids. Odontologically they can be filled by light-cured composite resin when applied in two applications. While a common feature of animal dentition, enamel tufts are particularly found in animals that crush hard materials with their teeth such as nuts and mollusc shells. Tufts are found especially in the enamel of primates such as chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas. They are also found in bears, pigs, peccaries, and sea otters", "id": "21096849" }, { "contents": "Ali Sina (activist)\n\n\nSina says, \"This is the way to fight evil. I do not want to kill the enemy. I want to win them as friends and allies. That is the real victory. In this way, we win because we eliminate our enemy, and our enemy wins by eliminating his ignorance and hate. That is why I believe in my cause. That is why I think I am an instrument of peace.\" While disagreeing with Sina for saying Islam is not a religion but a political ideology, David P.", "id": "21021445" }, { "contents": "Chuck Greenberg (businessman)\n\n\ncomplete overhaul of in-game entertainment. The improvements earned the Riders and the City of Frisco \"Best Ballpark Renovation\" of 2015 by \"Ballpark Digest\" in the under $6 million category. Rangers Baseball Express, led by Greenberg and including former baseball great Nolan Ryan, won an auction to purchase the Texas Rangers on August 5, 2010, after hours of courtroom bidding. Greenberg described it as \"a painful process ... it dispelled any notion that we haven't earned our way. We will deliver on our promises", "id": "7470419" }, { "contents": "Human tooth development\n\n\nthe bell stage. The dental lamina disintegrates, leaving the developing teeth completely separated from the epithelium of the oral cavity; the two will not join again until the final eruption of the tooth into the mouth. The crown of the tooth, which is influenced by the shape of the inner enamel epithelium, also takes shape during this stage. Throughout the mouth, all teeth undergo this same process; it is still uncertain why teeth form various crown shapes—for instance, incisors versus canines. There are two dominant hypotheses.", "id": "5091473" }, { "contents": "Hard tissue\n\n\nfrom light yellow to grayish (bluish) white. At the edges of teeth where there is no dentin underlying the enamel, the color sometimes has a slightly blue tone. Since enamel is semitranslucent, the color of dentin and any material underneath the enamel strongly affects the appearance of a tooth. The enamel on primary teeth has a more opaque crystalline form and thus appears whiter than on permanent teeth. The large amount of mineral in enamel accounts not only for its strength but also for its brittleness. Tooth enamel ranks 5 on", "id": "3817989" }, { "contents": "Teeth Dreams\n\n\nof Thrones\". Regarding the single release, Kubler noted, \"[Steve] wasn't in the band when we did the last record so we haven't formally released anything that he's played on – other than an iTunes session, or something like that. Having been away for a few years, we thought this would be a great opportunity to reintroduce the newest version of the band.\" The band began writing \"Teeth Dreams\" in June 2012. Prior to the writing process, Finn stated, \"It", "id": "21018703" }, { "contents": "Enamel organ\n\n\ndefect that can affect the primary and permanent teeth in one of two ways. It is sometimes identified as a physically missing tooth structure, and can be seen as pits, grooves or just missing parts in the crown of the tooth. Hypomineralization, on the other hand, is a mere decrease in the mineral content of the enamel. It can be severe enough to give the tooth a translucent appearance or mild enough to maintain its opacity. It is hypomineralization that leads to soft enamel. Enamel hypocalcification is a defect of tooth", "id": "12698861" }, { "contents": "Jake White\n\n\n, which would rule him out for the rest of the World Cup. White was pleased with his team's efforts: What we wanted to accomplish was to get some structure and continuity to our game. Some of the tries we scored were very pleasing. I don't think the US are as weak as the scoreline suggests. The most important thing was that we put things together on a game day. We haven't been executing them that well so far, but I was happy with the way we kept the ball", "id": "4949888" }, { "contents": "Conservation and restoration of ivory objects\n\n\ntheir cross-section, they are triangular. The incisors can be described as peg shaped and the center of the tooth in the cross-section shows a small dot. Both the Sperm whale and Killer whale have conically shaped teeth with a small amount of enamel at the tips and the rest of the tooth covered by cementum. The cross-sections of the teeth are rounded or oval. A characteristic feature is that the dentin forms in layers that alternate directions giving it a banded appearance. Their teeth are second in hardness", "id": "6819511" }, { "contents": "Evolutionary medicine\n\n\nin ways that leave us vulnerable to disease. Why do we all have wisdom teeth, an appendix, and cells that can divide out of control? The paper of Paul Ewald in 1980, “Evolutionary Biology and the Treatment of Signs and Symptoms of Infectious Disease”, and that of Williams and Nesse in 1991, “The Dawn of Darwinian Medicine” were key developments. The latter paper “draw a favorable reception”, and led to a book, \"Why We Get Sick\" (published as \"Evolution and", "id": "13543150" }, { "contents": "Enamel hypocalcification\n\n\nEnamel hypocalcification is a defect of tooth enamel in which normal amounts of enamel are produced but are hypomineralized. In this defect the enamel is softer than normal. Some areas in enamel are hypocalcified: enamel spindles, enamel tufts, and enamel lamellae. Causal factors may occur locally, affecting only a single tooth, or they may act systemically, affecting all teeth in which enamel is being formed. Local trauma or abscess formation can adversely affect the ameloblasts overlying a developing crown, resulting in enamel hypocalcification or hypoplasia. Affected teeth may", "id": "16052697" }, { "contents": "Il Postino (opera)\n\n\nIl Postino\"? I will now take back \"Il Postino\". I will make it into an opera and will restore our language to it. Why rescue when we can create? The language choice drew a mixed reaction from the critics. The \"Los Angeles Times\" critic found it \"peculiar\" given the Italian setting. Ronald Blum writing for the Associated Press thought the mismatch was \"a bit jarring\" but found that the effect dissipated as the opera unfolded. The critic for the British magazine \"Opera\"", "id": "11450539" }, { "contents": "John Strugnell\n\n\nthat Judaism was a \"horrible religion\" which \"should not exist\". He also said that Judaism was \"a Christian heresy, and we deal with our heretics in different ways. You are a phenomenon that we haven't managed to convert — and we should have managed\". There was immediate condemnation of his comments, including an editorial in the \"New York Times\". As a result of the interview, Strugnell was forced to take early retirement on medical grounds at Harvard, and he was finally removed from", "id": "7534094" }, { "contents": "You're in the Movies\n\n\nusing background subtraction to put you in the movie, and it's not very robust, that's why we haven't done it in any of our games.\" Nate Ahearn from IGN, who gave the game a 4.2/10, referred to the Vision Camera as \"an annoyance\" that \"handcuffs the entire experience.\" Nate also criticized the pacing and the activities, which he called them \"boring\", stating \"You’re in the Movies is bad, no matter how many beers you’ve consumed throughout the night", "id": "12355441" }, { "contents": "Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State\n\n\ncould hold up the weight of the world, today we need a dynamic mix of materials and structures.\" She added, echoing Madeleine Albright, \"... we are truly the indispensable nation, it's not meant as a boast or an empty slogan. It's a recognition of our role and our responsibilities. That's why all the declinists are dead wrong. It's why the United States must and will continue to lead in this century even as we lead in new ways.\" Clinton's final day as secretary", "id": "4271007" }, { "contents": "Mobile weapons laboratory\n\n\n, Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons. They're illegal. They're against the United Nations resolutions, and we've so far discovered two. And we'll find more weapons as time goes on. But for those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong, we found them. May 29, 2003 \"We have already found two trailers that both our and the American security services believe were used for the manufacture of chemical and biological weapons.", "id": "20240021" }, { "contents": "Marion Craig Wentworth\n\n\nof the U.S. Children's Bureau, and Boston NAACP president Butler R. Wilson. In 1915 Wentworth published her best known play, \"War Brides\", in which a pregnant war widow commits suicide rather than bear more children for a nation that allows her no say in its decision-making. At one point she confronts an army captain, arguing, You tear our husbands, our sons from us—you never ask us to help you find a better way—and haven't we anything to say?...If we can", "id": "8041231" }, { "contents": "Cold Feet\n\n\nwas compared to \"Cold Feet\". While the BBC wanted the series to match the success of \"Cold Feet\", producer Rob Bullock stressed that \"\"Cold Feet\" is about a different period of life. It's about people in their early thirties. \"Mutual Friends\" moves things on—what's happening to our characters as they approach 40 is very different. Why do so many lives fall apart at 40? Because things haven't worked out how we hoped and we've had to turn to Plan", "id": "8782847" }, { "contents": "Guys Read\n\n\nfound that the guy sensibility isn't really appreciated there, mostly that the world of elementary school is probably like 85% women - teachers and librarians.\" As for how exactly to motivate boys to read, Scieszka says, \"I think the best way to do it is to give them things they like to read... What we haven't done with boys is we haven't really given them a broad range of reading. In schools, what's seen as reading is so narrow: it's literary, realistic fiction", "id": "15111071" }, { "contents": "Maiden England World Tour\n\n\nto recording records and asked what can we do on tour. We put our heads together and thought of the [1988] \"Seventh Son [of a Seventh Son]\" album. It's a great album and a lot of kids into the band haven't seen some of these songs live. So it was decided that we revisit that.\" Although the setlist consisted entirely of songs released at least 20 years earlier, Smith affirms that \"We’ve never been a nostalgia band. It's a way for the", "id": "2853937" }, { "contents": "Enamel organ\n\n\nenamel in which normal amounts of enamel are produced but are hypomineralized. In this defect the enamel is softer than normal. Hypoplasia: Enamel hypoplasia is a defect involving the surface of the enamel associated with a reduced localized thickness of enamel without dentinal exposure. Studies have suggested that enamel hypoplasia, particularly in anterior teeth, is associated with early childhood caries. Hypoplasia in primary anterior teeth is associated with prenatal smoking, excessive weight gain, low birth weight, prematurity and post-natal measles. The random distribution of the round shape", "id": "12698862" }, { "contents": "An Ideal\n\n\nthough stumbled over rocks and lost our ways in the mist, it doesn't mean it's over. Living in the day, living in the night, venturing through this metropolis, we all see things with our own way. But why not observe our world with Ronghao Li's perspective. See things in a new way. See loneliness in a new way. See sadness in a new way. In a brighter way. And sing our ideals.\" An Ideal has average to positive reviews on Douban, which is", "id": "9081607" }, { "contents": "The New York Times Magazine\n\n\n\"Weekend Edition Sunday\" (introduced as \"the puzzlemaster\"). In the September 18, 2005, issue of the magazine, an editors' note announced the addition of \"The Funny Pages\", a literary section of the magazine intended to \"engage our readers in some ways we haven't yet tried—and to acknowledge that it takes many different types of writing to tell the story of our time\". Although \"The Funny Pages\" is no longer published in the magazine, it was made up of", "id": "15787790" }, { "contents": "Tooth enamel\n\n\nby the abrupt bending of the prisms towards the root; usually, the prisms gradually bent back again to regain their previous orientation. Gnarled enamel is found at the cusps of teeth. Its twisted appearance results from the orientation of enamel rods and the rows in which they lie. Enamel formation is part of the overall process of tooth development. Under a microscope, different cellular aggregations are identifiable within the tissues of a developing tooth, including structures known as the enamel organ, dental lamina, and dental papilla. The generally recognized", "id": "12696236" }, { "contents": "Tesco\n\n\n\"The Hitler We Loved and Why\", \"The International Jew\" and \"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion\". Searchlight found another 106 titles by British-based publisher Steven Books which it describes as \"so extreme that even the British National Party does not sell them\". The shop said in a statement: \" has over one million book titles covering a wide range of subjects. We are unhappy that titles which could cause offence to some customers have found their way on to our site and took", "id": "12130075" }, { "contents": "Coming Home (New Found Glory album)\n\n\n(Richie's 1986 album), writing, \"Congrats this week on the release of your new CD \"Coming Home\" - what an awesome title! Sounds familiar though, where did we hear that before? Oh yeah, it's the name of our new CD which drops Tues. Sept. 19. Our new single and video is 'It's Not Your Fault.' Hey...we haven't heard your song yet...Send us a copy.\" On September 12, \"Coming Home\" was made available", "id": "7350058" }, { "contents": "List of EastEnders characters (2007)\n\n\na taxi failed to pick him up. She said, \"It's a disgusting way to treat people. We still haven't had a call explaining why he was sacked. I've sent his contract to solicitors to investigate legal action.\" A BBC spokesperson said, \"We're looking to hire local babies as we watch costs.\" They also said Miller-Williams' agent had been informed. The BBC later issued a statement saying, \"It is not unusual for babies to be recast several times in continuing", "id": "15948113" }, { "contents": "Enamel organ\n\n\npermanent and deciduous or primary teeth may suggest the presence of undiagnosed coeliac disease in children and adults. Coeliac disease-related enamel defects are most commonly associated with incisors and first molar teeth, and are characterised by symmetrical distribution of enamel defects on the same tooth in all 4 quadrants. This is a distinct characteristic of enamel defects in coeliac disease that cannot be seen in other enamel defects. Enamel defects in coeliac disease occur due to an interference in tooth formation by amelogenin. Amelogenin is a proline-rich enamel protein that", "id": "12698871" }, { "contents": "Stewart Brand\n\n\nrumored satellite image of the entire Earth as seen from space. He sold and distributed buttons for 25 cents each asking, \"Why haven't we seen a photograph of the whole Earth yet?\". During this campaign, Brand met Richard Buckminster Fuller, who offered to help Brand with his projects. In 1967, a satellite, ATS-3, took the photo. Brand thought the image of our planet would be a powerful symbol. It adorned the first (Fall 1968) edition of the Whole Earth Catalog. Later in", "id": "18529222" }, { "contents": "Sweetened beverage\n\n\n. Acid erosion and dental caries have been the main health concerns to sugar sweetened beverages. Acid erosion is defined as the loss of tooth enamel caused by acid attack. When consuming carbonated sugar sweetened beverages, acid deposits on the teeth, attacking the enamel. Over a gradual period, the enamel is worn down, which can lead to dental caries. Erosion of tooth enamel begins at a pH of 5.5, and ingredients found in sugar sweetened beverages such as phosphoric acid and citric acid significantly contribute to the demineralization of the enamel", "id": "19151332" }, { "contents": "Light Fantastic (TV series)\n\n\nspecial or strange way: Why do faraway objects appear smaller and why do objects change their position and shape when placed underwater?. Empedocles' idea, that we see objects because light streams out of our eyes and touches them, became the fundamental basis on which mathematicians would construct some of the most important theories on light and vision. Euclid's Optics expanded this idea to make an important breakthrough: We know in our minds that a faraway building is bigger, yet it is possible to position a finger such that our eye", "id": "2903501" }, { "contents": "Cricodon\n\n\nis thin in sectorial teeth is due to replacement timing and patterns, as they will be sequentially replaced by gomphodont teeth. Another characteristic that was observed in the gomphodont teeth were enamel and dentine incremental lines. The enamel and dentine incremental lines, odontoblast tubules in dentine, and discontinuous columnar divergence units in enamel support the consistent presence of synapsid columnar enamel in Cynognathia. Twenty-five vertebrae were discovered which belong to the dorsal and sacral regions with only one vertebrae having a well preserved neural arch from the sacral region. There are", "id": "16510058" }, { "contents": "Non-cognitivism\n\n\nthere really is evidence that killing is wrong. We have evidence that Jupiter has a magnetic field and that birds are oviparous, but as yet, we do not seem to have found evidence of moral properties, such as \"goodness\". Emotivists ask why, without such evidence, we should think there \"is\" such a property. Ethical intuitionists think the evidence comes not from science or reason but from our own feelings: good deeds make us feel a certain way and bad deeds make us feel very differently. But", "id": "1378592" }, { "contents": "Mr. Dooley\n\n\nSpanish colonies taken during the war, including the Philippines, but Mr. Dooley dissented, anticipating that there would be far more advantage for Americans who would exploit the islands than for the Filipinos whose lot imperialists said they were anxious to improve. \"'We can't give you any votes, because we haven't more than enough to go around now, but we'll treat you the way a father should treat his children if we have to break every bone in your bodies. So come to our arms,' says we", "id": "272895" }, { "contents": "Tooth enamel\n\n\nenamel, the color sometimes has a slightly blue or translucent off-white tone, easily observable on the upper incisors. Since enamel is semitranslucent, the color of dentin and any material underneath the enamel strongly affects the appearance of a tooth. The enamel on primary teeth has a more opaque crystalline form and thus appears whiter than on permanent teeth. The large amount of mineral in enamel accounts not only for its strength but also for its brittleness. Tooth enamel ranks 5 on Mohs hardness scale and has a Young's modulus of", "id": "12696227" }, { "contents": "History of broadcasting in Australia\n\n\nI have had a great deal of trouble with three Postmaster-Generals,\" said he, \"and haven't got my license yet. They're still quibbling. We have all been treated in the same way, but no one has said or done anything until lately. Seventeen months of my time have been wasted since I was ready to erect my plant. Why should we have to pay three guineas for the use of the air, so far as experiments are concerned? The aerial navigation experimenters are charged nothing.", "id": "20970398" }, { "contents": "Tooth\n\n\ngrowth or eruption is held in balance by dental abrasion from chewing a diet high in fiber. Rodents have upper and lower hypselodont incisors that can continuously grow enamel throughout its life without having properly formed roots. These teeth are also known as aradicular teeth, and unlike humans whose ameloblasts die after tooth development, rodents continually produce enamel, they must wear down their teeth by gnawing on various materials. Enamel and dentin are produced by the enamel organ, and growth is dependent on the presence of stem cells, cellular amplification, and", "id": "19534861" }, { "contents": "Neanderthal anatomy\n\n\ndental growth. One indicator is enamel hypoplasia, which appears as pits, grooves, or lines in the hard enamel covering of teeth. The other indicator, fluctuating asymmetry, manifests as random departures from symmetry in paired biological structures (such as right and left teeth). Teeth do not grow in size after they form nor do they produce new enamel, so enamel hypoplasia and fluctuating asymmetry provide a permanent record of developmental stresses occurring in infancy and childhood. A study of 669 Neanderthal crowns showed that 75% of individuals suffered", "id": "3520770" }, { "contents": "At sixes and sevens\n\n\nspeaking \"English English\": \"oh, the one who was all sixes and sevens?\" During the second episode of season five of the HBO series \"Six Feet Under\", George uses the phrase to describe his wife's attitude towards him. We also come across the phrase in Sabina's opening monologue from Thornton Wilder's 1942 Pulitzer Prize winning play \"The Skin of Our Teeth:\" \"The whole world's at sixes and sevens, and why the house hasn't fallen down about our ears long ago", "id": "21023366" }, { "contents": "New Primitivism\n\n\n\"What's not ours, we want; because ours, we haven't got.\"), a parody on one of the often used political slogans of the communist period: \"Tuđe nećemo, svoje ne damo.\" (\"What's not ours, we don't want; ours, we won't give up on.\"). One of the very first activities on the movement's behalf was writing an open letter to Sarajevo's own Goran Bregović, the best known and the most established rock musician", "id": "4832706" }, { "contents": "The Way to Divine Knowledge\n\n\n. That is the reason why one should look up “in faith and hope to God as our Father and to Heaven as our native country” and why we are only “strangers and pilgrims upon earth”. Theophilus argues that Humanus, now a convert, should not try to propagate Christianity or make converts himself, for if there is no “sensibility of the evil and burden and vanity of the natural state, we are to leave people to themselves in their natural state, till some good providence awakens them out of", "id": "1524548" }, { "contents": "Dens invaginatus\n\n\nDens invaginatus (DI), also known as tooth within a tooth is a rare dental malformation found in teeth where there is an infolding of enamel into dentine. The prevalence of condition is 0.3 - 10%, affecting more males than females. The condition is presented in two forms, coronal and radicular, with the coronal form being more common. DI is a malformation of teeth most likely resulting from an infolding of the dental papilla during tooth development or invagination of all layers of the enamel organ in dental papillae. Affected", "id": "2572802" }, { "contents": "Veneer (dentistry)\n\n\ntooth preparation is needed when using porcelain veneers. When preparing, in between prep and fit appointments of the veneer, you can make temporaries, usually out of composite. These are not normally indicated but can be used if the patient is complaining of sensitivity or aesthetics. Discoloured teeth, malformed teeth, enamel hypoplasia (not enough enamel), enamel hypocalcification (enamel not fully mineralised), fluorosis, tetracycline staining, non-vital tooth discolouration, malposition, enamel fractures, enamel loss by erosion, modify shape of tooth.", "id": "18753577" }, { "contents": "I Love My Life\n\n\nthought straightaway, 'this describes me'! We love our life, the way things are, what we do and the friends we have around us. It's why we celebrate, and it's why we are where we are now – because we love what we do, and we do what we love.\" The song was released physically on 3 April 2015 as the sixth single from Justice Crew's debut studio album \"Live by the Words\". The physical release features a Matt Watkins remix of \"I", "id": "15930391" }, { "contents": "Breaking Bad (season 2)\n\n\nof season two, \"That came about through many, many hours of beating our heads against the wall – very laborious work, which is probably why we haven't repeated that formula since.\" The original score for \"Breaking Bad\" was composed by Dave Porter. The show also uses music from other recording artists with music supervision by Thomas Golubić. Selected songs from Season 2 are featured on the \"Breaking Bad Soundtrack\" available through iTunes and Amazon. The second season was released on DVD in Region 1 and Blu", "id": "20693376" }, { "contents": "Grand Theft Childhood\n\n\nthey concluded that “parents, politicians, researchers and child advocates probably worry too much about the wrong things, and too little about more subtle issues and complex effects that are much more likely to affect our children” (page 18). In an interview, Olson explained why they chose to write a popular book in addition to their academic publications: “We felt it was important to give intelligent people who haven't been involved in research a chance to see how media violence studies are planned, carried out and interpreted so", "id": "965802" }, { "contents": "Decline of Detroit\n\n\nwith children in the midst of highway construction:Sept 1950Governor Williams:Please consider a family of 6 who are desperately in need of a house to rent. Husband, wife, and four lonely children, who have been turned down because we have children. We are now living in a house of the Edsel Ford Express Highway. We have our notice to move on out before the 23rd of Oct. So far we haven't found a place to move. Nobody want to rent us because we have children. My children are", "id": "15510978" }, { "contents": "Tooth enamel\n\n\nfirst premolars, and may be confused as dental calculus. Darker than the other incremental lines, the neonatal line is an incremental line that separates enamel formed before and after birth. The neonatal line marks the stress or trauma experienced by the ameloblasts during birth, again illustrating the sensitivity of the ameloblasts as they form enamel matrix. As one would expect, the neonatal line is found in all primary teeth and in the larger cusps of the permanent first molars. They contain irregular structures of enamel prisms with disordered crystal arrangements basically formed", "id": "12696235" }, { "contents": "The Keeper of the Bees (1935 film)\n\n\n, often omitting any overt religious references from the film's plot and dialogue. For example, this excerpt from the novel: “Don’t be bitter, Margaret. We don’t know why, we never can know why things happen in this world exactly as they do; but this we know: We know that God is in His Heaven, that He is merciful to the extent of ordaining mercy; we know that if we disobey and take our own way and run contrary to His commandments, we are bitterly punished", "id": "14934716" }, { "contents": "The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here\n\n\nCantrell stated in an interview with \"Rolling Stone\", \"We made a unique record that's completely different from anything we ever did. It encapsulates a period of time, like all records do. You see growth and that the band is moving ahead in new territory that we haven't been to before, but we haven't lost our identity.\" Cantrell also stated \"There's some real filth in there. That's intentional, and that's also just how we sound together. We're trying to make", "id": "6882502" }, { "contents": "Janjucetus\n\n\nfour or six molars in the upper jaw. The teeth had heavily-ridged enamel, and upper teeth were more widely spaced apart than the lower teeth. These teeth perhaps showcase how highly specialised \"Janjucetus\" was to its niche, or indicate that it was an evolutionary dead-end given the later proliferation of baleen-bearing baleen whales. \"Janjucetus\" is considered to be a baleen whale (Mysticeti), despite not having baleen, due to key synapomorphies of the skull anatomy, for example in the way the", "id": "16291304" }, { "contents": "Unweaving the Rainbow\n\n\nof possible people allowed by our DNA so massively outnumbers the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here. We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds, how dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state from which the vast majority have never stirred?\" The first chapter describes several ways in which the universe appears beautiful and poetic when viewed scientifically. However, it first introduces an additional reason to", "id": "7121898" }, { "contents": "17th Youth in Film Awards\n\n\nto expand into the on-line arena and become a complete on-line service. That way, people can send their videos to us straight into our computers and the users out there can have direct access to that same information. We want to provide a service where the user can become a participant.\" \"Besides,\" says Kris, \"we've got a lot of footage that people have sent to us that we haven't been able to use yet, and we're in the process of archiving it", "id": "8187928" } ]
I would have a difficult time describing my wife's face even though I see it every day. How can someone describe the face of a criminal suspect they only saw for a moment?
[{"answer": "Actually [eyewitness testimony]( URL_0 ) isn't all that reliable. > Mistaken or flawed identification has assumed a newfound prominence in recent years: It's been cited as a factor in nearly 78 percent of the nation's first 130 convictions later overturned by DNA testing, according to the New York-based Innocence Project, which works to free the wrongly convicted. As a result, a number of researchers are turning their attention to helping police departments and juries better understand the circumstances under which eyewitnesses observe crimes and later identify a suspect"}, {"answer": "Eyewitness testimony is bullshit. Obligatory psych 101 anecdote: guy came in to class claiming to be from the bursar's office, looking for a student. Prof says he isn't here, then goes in to side room to set up a video. On the way out, guy takes prof's phone off of table. Lots of murmuring by class, did that just happen, was that prof's phone, wtf, who was that, etc. Prof says it was, but will call police after class and starts the video. Video is actually a presentation, first slide is about 8 mugshots, and we have to identify the guy who took her phone. Whole scenario was set up by her to show how unreliable memory is, especially for unexpected situations. Hardly anyone got the face right, or details such as clothing color, physical appearance, what fake student he was looking for, etc. Really eye opening considering how much our justice system relies on witnesses."}, {"answer": "I think OP was saying he couldn't DESCRIBE his wife's face, not that he couldn't pull it up. I can absolutely remember what my Mom looks like, I can see her face in my \"minds eye\". I'd have absolutely no idea how to describe her."}, {"answer": "There\u2019s social pressure to describe a criminal to the police, but if I ask you to describe your wife to me I\u2019m no-one and so there\u2019s no pressure. I\u2019m betting if she went missing and you needed to describe her to someone drawing a sketch you\u2019d be able to. On a side note our memories are massively fallible. And it\u2019s very normal not to be able to describe a face you see every day."}, {"answer": "Sometimes, you just can't. Some people are really good with faces, and some are really bad with them, but a face is the easiest way to describe a person so they can be identified by others. That said, negative stimulus is more effective at creating a memory than positive ones, and sketch artists break down the face into parts to try and get a full picture. They'll ask about whether the jaw was square or round or pointed without worrying about the lips, then ask about the thickness of the lips without worrying about the jaw."}, {"answer": "I can pull up the picture of some one in my brain, but my question and I think OP's is, how would you describe the face you are seeing in your mind so and artist knows the correct way to draw it on paper. For example what kinds of words would you use?"}, {"answer": "Here's an excerpt from a security guard sample/examination report I wrote: > Subject was a male roughly between 16-30 years of age, of average height and average body type. Had brown hair was short near the ears, perhaps curled or wavy, eye color dark, thin eyebrows, light pale complexion, no facial marks or features, has a sharp chin and profile, and may or may not have ear accessories. Things are broken down top-to-bottom and leaving most of the more distinguishing and unclear features to the end. Everything should be written down in points before submitting the report and then formatted to make some sense but if something is unknown given an approximation. I haven't ever had any of my reports go to court but I have done a settlement outside of court with my report infront of lawyers and my technique and what I was taught works well enough that I don't have to stay more than a hour most times. This is more generic rather than precise and I've never had to deal with any professional sketch artists or anything like that. But I imagine that a lot of examples and sketch lines are used to create multiple profiles that get fitted for more detailed parts."}, {"answer": "It's more about vocabulary than memory. Try to describe a particular house to someone without knowing the right words to describe the features and you run into the same problem. If you know the difference between a ranch and a dutch colonial and a craftsmen - you're going to be much more accurate than if you're trying to describe the shape of the roof in your own words. If I show you pictures of those houses you can say \"Oh, it was like this one, but with bigger windows. And the door was in the middle instead of off to the edge.\" And... now you have a decent idea what the house looked like. So when an artist of any kind is trying to draw an image based on a description, the first thing they need to do is teach some vocabulary, either verbally or visually. \"Okay, here are 5 kinds of nose. Which one is closest. Now... we call this part the bridge. Was the bridge higher like this... or lower like that?\" etc. So the answer to your question is that you don't have the anatomical knowledge to describe your wife's face, which is why you have trouble. When a witness gives a good and useful description of a subject, it's usually because they were interviewed by someone who DID have the anatomical knowledge required to get a good description out of that witness."}, {"answer": "Cop here: Generally, police will ask for basic descriptors on-scene. Sex, race, height, weight, clothing, hair, facial hair, etc. In the event that you're asked to help with a composite sketch (which is rare and only done in specific circumstances), you'll be put with a professional who will walk you through it. These days, it'll probably be a computer program. They'll ask you for a face shape, and give you several pre-set options. They'll then ask you what the mouth looks like, and give you different mouths to choose from. At the end, you have a portrait built. It's not intended to be a 100% accurate depiction- it's intended to be a reference."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "12762918", "title": "List of Criminal Minds characters", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["his is a list of characters in the television series \"Criminal Minds\", an American police procedural drama that premiered September 22, 2005, on CBS and that is also shown on A&E and Ion Television in the United States. There have been episodes", "This is a list of characters in the television series \"Criminal Minds\", an American police procedural drama that premiered September 22, 2005, on CBS and that is also shown on A&E and Ion Television in the United States. There have been episodes.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "48773375", "title": "Face to Face (photograph)", "section": "Section::::Events.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 4, "end_paragraph_id": 4, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["\"It just struck me that his face was so young. He was military, but he was so young.\" At least three warriors approached Cloutier in this time of confrontations. In video of the standoff, the voice of Larocque can be heard speaking to Cloutier:", "When Komulainen saw the face-to-face confrontation, she was struck by Cloutier's face: \"It just struck me that his face was so young. He was military, but he was so young.\" At least three warriors approached Cloutier in this time of confrontations. In video of the standoff, the voice of Larocque can be heard speaking to Cloutier: \"Are you nervous? (...) Not scared, though, are you?\" Koulainen recalls that Larocque explained to the man in front of him the sensation of a bullet entering the human body."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Glade of the Armistice\n\n\nthe clearing: Here on the eleventh of November 1918 succumbed the criminal pride of the German empire... vanquished by the free peoples which it tried to enslave.\" I look for the expression on Hitler's face. I am but fifty yards from him and see him through my glasses as though he were directly in front of me. I have seen that face many times at the great moments of his life. But today! It is afire with scorn, anger, hate, revenge, triumph. He steps off the", "id": "2412439" }, { "contents": "Cantiga da Garvaia\n\n\nof white skin and reddish face, you desire me to describe you when I saw you without mantle Cursed day! I got up and no more saw you ugly! And, my lady, since that day, ow everything goes very badly for me and you, daughter of don Pai Moniz, and it really seems for you that I received from you a tunic but I, my lady, as a gift, have never received something, even a worthless one. /poem Note: tunic was used instead of the Portuguese", "id": "6336919" }, { "contents": "The Day the Earth Stood Still\n\n\nin popular culture. The Robot Hall of Fame described it as \"one of the most famous commands in science fiction\", while Frederick S. Clarke of \"Cinefantastique\" called it \"the most famous phrase ever spoken by an extraterrestrial\". Patricia Neal had a problem speaking the phrase, though she was proud of the film overall. \"I do think it's the best science fiction film ever made, although I admit that I sometimes had a difficult time keeping a straight face. Michael would patiently watch me bite my", "id": "21706431" }, { "contents": "Stozhary\n\n\nthey let artists meet, dispute, argue time to time, and sometimes just see each other face to face. It always brings something new. I am so much surprised, so surprised with what I saw here. And not only concerning organization, hospitality etc. But the entire atmosphere every evening, the ability to see all the interesting and great in the city, and the ability to see and communicate with each other face to face. I am glad! Really glad that the festival is here in Kiev. Because", "id": "17643668" }, { "contents": "Hero (Mariah Carey song)\n\n\nbelieving in oneself through times of trouble and adversity. Morffitt claims the song personally helped him get through difficult moments when \"the answers seemed so far away\". Following her taped performance of \"One Sweet Day\" at the Honda Center in Anaheim, California during The Adventures of Mimi Tour, Carey described the song's importance to her and her fans: I wrote a song a while back even before \"One Sweet Day\" and it was not my favorite song in the world, but I wrote it. Someone asked", "id": "3525152" }, { "contents": "Safe (Westlife song)\n\n\nthough they are going through a real rough moment in their life. And, if for that single moment, you wish you could just reach out and make it all better. Inspiration for the track came from a real life experience. There is a cafe that I used to visit when I was meeting my father in Pennsylvania - and every time we were there, I saw this attractive girl sitting at a table in the back. She had this look on her face, as though something terrible had happened, and all", "id": "19848861" }, { "contents": "GSIS-Meralco bribery case\n\n\nthat time. I said in my affidavit that he told me his wife would be waiting for him in the car and he says now that Manolo was waiting in my car...\" De Borja stated that he was ready to face charge of perjury and to take a lie detector test with Sabio before competent foreign experts and together: \"It’s a free county, let him file it and we’ll see. I’m prepared, the moment I signed my affidavit obviously I considered the consequences so I wouldn’t have made", "id": "15508767" }, { "contents": "The Thing from Another World\n\n\nChris would stage each scene, how to play it. But then he would go over to Howard and ask him for advice, which the actors did not hear ... Even though I was there every day, I don't think any of us can answer the question. Only Chris and Howard can answer the question\". One of the film's stars, William Self, later became President of 20th Century Fox Television. In describing the production, Self said, \"Chris was the director in our eyes, but Howard", "id": "798687" }, { "contents": "Moorgate tube crash\n\n\nroof. With the weight of the train piling up behind it, the front coach was crushed to . The third car was damaged at both ends, more significantly at the leading end as it rode over the second. Javier Gonzalez, a passenger who was travelling in the front carriage described the moment the train crashed: Just above my newspaper I saw a lady sitting opposite me and then the lights went out. I have the image of her face to this day. She died. As darkness came, there was a", "id": "2032973" }, { "contents": "Dora Annie Dickens\n\n\nseemed to have come over my dear father's face when we saw him again... how pale and sad it looked.\". All that night he sat keeping watch over his daughter's body, supported by his friend Mark Lemon. The next day Dickens wrote to his wife Catherine, who was recuperating at Malvern in Worcestershire. Anxious that the news might cause a further breakdown in her health, Dickens wrote \"I think her \"very\" ill\", even though Dora was already dead. Forster delivered the letter to", "id": "1962733" }, { "contents": "Alex Mendelssohn\n\n\nthe 1930s. Quote from Alex Mendelssohn in Big Planet: \"Most of my work is spiritual. The spirits are definitely around us. And that drives us into a direction. When I am working on a spiritual painting, the spirit does the work. It is like someone having a vision that no one else can see. I can even talk to people while I am painting, but it is not me that is painting, I am only holding the brush. This does not happen every day. When it happens", "id": "6895632" }, { "contents": "David Beckham\n\n\n, someone that's passionate about the game, someone that – every time I stepped on the pitch – I've given everything that I have, because that's how I feel. That's how I look back on it and hope people will see me.\" Beckham was the first England player ever to collect two red cards, and the first England captain to be sent off. Beckham's most notorious red card was during the 1998 World Cup after Argentina's Diego Simeone had fouled him: Beckham, lying face down", "id": "8774835" }, { "contents": "Laurence Olivier\n\n\nhave a pillow up my jumper, a false nose or a moustache or wig... I cannot come on looking like me and be someone else.\" Rattigan described how at rehearsals Olivier \"built his performance slowly and with immense application from a mass of tiny details\". This attention to detail had its critics: Agate remarked, \"When I look at a watch it is to see the time and not to admire the mechanism. I want an actor to tell me Lear's time of day and Olivier doesn't", "id": "7014" }, { "contents": "Claude Monet\n\n\nneed to analyse colours was both the joy and torment of his life. He explained, I one day found myself looking at my beloved wife's dead face and just systematically noting the colours according to an automatic reflex! John Berger describes the work as \"a blizzard of white, grey, purplish paint ... a terrible blizzard of loss which will forever efface her features. In fact there can be very few death-bed paintings which have been so intensely felt or subjectively expressive.\" After several difficult months following the death", "id": "6549316" }, { "contents": "Ciara (album)\n\n\nalbum as a deeply personal record; speaking about the concept and themes on the album, Ciara said \"I can sometimes be afraid of my own vulnerability, but this time I let myself face it. I let myself feel. I let myself be real. I let myself hurt and be healed.\" \"Spin\" and Idolator described the album as an updated version of crunk&B, a sound that Ciara was familiar with in 2004, and contained my pop moments. Ciara explained the influence behind the album's theme saying", "id": "2696630" }, { "contents": "Anna Akhmatova\n\n\nme was a woman, with lips blue from cold, who had, of course, never heard me called by name before. Now she started out of the torpor common to us all and asked me in a whisper (everyone whispered there):'Can you describe this?'brAnd I said: 'I can.'brThen something like a smile passed fleetingly over what had once been her face. Akhmatova wrote that by 1935 every time she went to see someone off at the train station as they went into exile, she'd find herself greeting friends", "id": "18340165" }, { "contents": "Atel (slang)\n\n\n. They use to survive through the tactics. Because, who will give statements if they die? Who will take care of the culture? Who will be the chief guest and special guest in the meetings-conferences? Someone can think of my writing after reading it that, I want to underestimate the work of giving statement by making it easier. But I'm not doing it ever. I saw intimate moments of signing of an intellectual in a statement in this country - I know how difficult it is to do.", "id": "14407901" }, { "contents": "The Sun Comes Out World Tour\n\n\nwill have a lot of that — a lot of dancing, a \"joie de vivre\". I feel such freedom on stage. It's such a rush to be performing. I like to see everybody's faces on stage, to see the reaction. Normally, you can only see the front row because of the lights. So you'll see a lot of (my) energy... but there are also going to be other moments that I hope are artistically energetic. I want people to feel things up close", "id": "16971554" }, { "contents": "Kim Go-eun\n\n\n\"Her facial expressions in the last few scenes of the film are strikingly different from the ones in the beginning. I wanted to capture the moments when she realizes how precious she is to herself and to others,\" adding that she showed off qualities that can only be found in someone who is unaware of her own beauty and what she is capable of. Describing her feelings about her profession, Kim said, \"When I stood on the stage for the first time, I was so nervous that I thought it would", "id": "11914561" }, { "contents": "Destroyer\n\n\nJapanese destroyer-commander finished with, \"Yesterday I looked at myself in a mirror for a long time; I was disagreeably surprised to see my face thin, full of wrinkles, and as old as though I were fifty. My clothes (uniform) cover nothing but a skeleton, and my bones are full of rheumatism.\" In 1898 by the US Navy officially classified , a long all steel vessel displacing 165 tons, as a \"torpedo boat\". But her commander, LT. John C. Fremont, described", "id": "8831797" }, { "contents": "Return to the Centre of the Earth\n\n\nbeen the most silent twenty seconds of my life. As if in slow motion I saw the baton going up and even when I only heard a rough mix in the control room it was as if thick clouds were making way for the sun to emerge. That moment all stress left my body as I turned around and only saw laughing faces. If I still had doubts, they all left that same instance.\" When recording for the album was finished in December 1998, almost 300 people were involved with the making of", "id": "15194903" }, { "contents": "Face Value (book)\n\n\n. \"I do not think that for one moment that in a brief interview I can write an accurate-every-time character-revealing piece. But my aim has always been to convey as honestly as I can my first impressions on FACE VALUE, with no 'Ums', 'Ers' or retakes.\" The book received favourable reviews; \"She soon developed a highly individual style and the Jani Allan column, one of the most successful features in Africa's biggest newspaper, followed. She's become a", "id": "16992794" }, { "contents": "Briggs (rapper)\n\n\nof the sound I want to create and legacy I want to leave.\" The Yorta-Yorta culture is also influential on Briggs's songwriting according to the MC: I feel I represent my blood in everything I do, not just music. I dont feel the need to wave a flag in someones face at every chance I get because I’m already me ... I have my tribe tattooed on my arms and 2 Black, 2 Strong on my wrists. But thats me representing my people how I want.", "id": "17603908" }, { "contents": "Isis\n\n\ncontact with the god they devoted themselves to. Apuleius's protagonist, Lucius, undergoes a series of initiations, though only the first is described in detail. After entering the innermost part of Isis's temple at night, he says, \"I came to the boundary of death and, having trodden on the threshold of Proserpina, I travelled through all the elements and returned. In the middle of the night I saw the sun flashing with bright light, I came face to face with the gods below and the gods above", "id": "17055797" }, { "contents": "Nivek Ogre\n\n\nrecently watched a concert video of me cutting a smile into my face during 'Assimilate', and I was creating tension even though I didn't know I was doing it. It all came from my love of magic\". Ogre's first attempt at acting came in the form of an audition for the role of Funboy in \"The Crow\", an experience which he described as being dreadful. \"That's where for the first time I really hit that wall of 'whoa, this is very different than being", "id": "9959891" }, { "contents": "Doesn't Really Matter\n\n\nI was star struck on Janet for sure, because that was the first time that I really dealt with someone that was in my youth. I studied Janet Jackson videos growing up. So to finally see myself face to face with her and working with her and her calling me on a first name basis and calling my home and tracking me down on my cell phone... like her leaving messages, it was the weirdest thing.\" Kahn continued \"And Janet, she really is elegant, she's like royalty. Even", "id": "10587599" }, { "contents": "Lucas Mlambo\n\n\nin lively scenes, and generally capture every day life and landmarks in the country. Mlambo has said “Many people like my paintings. I like to use bright colours. In my work, you can see how people in Swaziland live and what they do. I like Mbabane very much because when I see the mountains I see something to paint. When I see the streets, people and buildings, I see something to paint. Even in the location where I stay, I find many stories to paint to show how", "id": "10111946" }, { "contents": "Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria (1762–1770)\n\n\n\"If decency permitted, it would be with you alone that I would be pouring out the sorrow which... pierces my soul. I have ceased to be a father: it is more than I can bear. Despite being resigned to it, I cannot stop myself thinking and saying every moment: 'O my God, restore to me my daughter, restore her to me.' I hear her voice, I see her. I was dazed when the terrible blow fell. Only after I had got back to", "id": "7264220" }, { "contents": "Mitch Lucker\n\n\nknown for his extensive and large collection of tattoos on his body covering his arms, torso, neck/throat, hands, fingers and even his face. The only place he refused to ever get tattooed was on his back. He explained this by stating \"I like seeing the artwork because it is artwork! [Having my back tattooed would] be like owning an expensive painting that you can never see. Like, 'Oh, I have this beautiful, expensive painting, but you can't see it because it", "id": "2641524" }, { "contents": "Autobiography (Ashlee Simpson album)\n\n\n\"My inspiration came from what I have gone through in the past three years. Every single day I was thinking of what I was going through and would write songs about it.\" The lyrics primarily deal with love and heartbreak; in particular, much of the album's lyrical content was inspired by Simpson's breakup with her boyfriend at the time, Josh Henderson. She has described the album as being \"very honest\" and \"very true to my emotions\"—\"I wasn't afraid to say that I was hurting and how", "id": "13824136" }, { "contents": "World Youth Day 2019\n\n\n. That day I had father again. But some time later I tripped and committed a crime. I did not imagine that would have serious consequences, like losing part of my family, my studies and being in a place like that. [...]. I would also like to thank you. I thank him because, as a servant of our Lord Jesus, I wanted to enjoy listening to a young man deprived of his freedom. There are no words to describe the freedom I feel at this moment.\"", "id": "7102864" }, { "contents": "Ms. Kelly: Diva Deluxe\n\n\n2007, Rowland confirmed that \"Daylight\" would serve as the first single from the re-release and commented on \"Ms. Kelly\"s commercial underperformance: \"It was difficult at first, but then I realised that it wasn't my fault. The reason I say it wasn't my fault is that we live in a very different music industry right now. It's tough to sell records without having someone download it. Also, first time around, the label didn't see what I saw in the record. It took", "id": "7209969" }, { "contents": "Distracted boyfriend meme\n\n\nimage models planned on having a session which would represent the concept of infidelity \"in a playful and fun way.\" The boyfriend and girlfriend in the photograph are known by their stage names \"Mario\" and \"Laura\". \"Laura\" later described the experience shooting the stock images, saying, \"When people saw us simulate those scenes in the street, they stopped to look and laugh and, in my case that I had to have a more serious face, I had a hard time to keeping it\"", "id": "21829467" }, { "contents": "James Barrier\n\n\nfree world the day before. For this reason Barrier had also called me on Friday evening. Earlier in the day he had received a phone call from a self-described hit man, and though Barrier didn’t believe anyone would attack him face to face, he did express concern about an alternative form of attack. Because I spoke to Barrier on a weekly basis, and because I had always known him to be a sensible man, I deemed his worries generally valid, and told him so. “Be aware of", "id": "18602383" }, { "contents": "Driving Miss Crazy\n\n\nfor the episode, stating, \"I'll throw my hands up and say I enjoyed it, as strange as it was, I enjoyed every second of it. [The musical number]'s perhaps not the only weird thing to happen in this episode, which would be how I would describe 'Driving Miss Crazy'. I mean, whoever thought we would also see Mona and Emily as a couple (albeit not real but still perfectly executed by Mona), as well as a couple of twists at the end", "id": "8149000" }, { "contents": "Stanford prison experiment\n\n\nguards were not required to stay on site after their shift. Guards had differing responses to their new roles. One, described by Stanford Magazine as \"the most abusive guard\" felt his aggressive behavior was helping experimenters to get what they wanted. Another who had joined the experiment hoping to be selected as a prisoner, instead recalls \"I brought joints with me, and every day I wanted to give them to the prisoners. I looked at their faces and saw how they were getting dispirited and I felt sorry for them", "id": "11465294" }, { "contents": "The Art of Letting Go\n\n\n: \"I would like to have people apply that to their lives in any way they see fit. And that's why I wrote it. It was an organic moment that happened to also be timely and very real. There couldn't be a more real moment in my life for that line on this actual day — for reasons we won't get into. But to sum it up, it's about helping someone else get through their moment, while I'm getting through mine as the writer and the performer.", "id": "21944278" }, { "contents": "Faces in the Moon\n\n\nFaces in the Moon is written by Betty Louise Bell. It was published in 1994. Bell describes this work as \"essentially autobiographical fiction, except I [Bell] have nine siblings and my mother was still alive when the book was written. Otherwise, it's pretty much from my life.\" The work describes Lucie Evers' homecoming and examines how she reestablishes connections with her past, her heritage, and her family. The novel begins in present time. Lucie returns to her mother's house when Gracie has fallen", "id": "20889225" }, { "contents": "Steve Marriott\n\n\nat that time, I wish someone would dig them out from wherever, I would love to see them.\" On 28 July 1964, Marriott first saw his future Small Faces partners, Ronnie Lane and 16-year-old drummer Kenney Jones. They were all performing at the Albion in Rainham, with their bands. Lane and Marriott met again by chance in the J60 Music Bar, a music shop in High Street North, Manor Park, where Marriott was working after his recent departure from the Moments. Lane came in looking", "id": "17613681" }, { "contents": "Asad Shan\n\n\nI saw my mum's face when she saw the first rough cut\". On being given advice by his idol Shahrukh Khan - \"I have to say it was a great moment for me personally, sharing screen space with my hero and idol.\" On the possibility of being marooned on a deserted island - Q: If you were marooned on a desert island, which historical figures would you like to spend your time with and why? A: Winston Churchill for his humour, Mahatma Gandhi for his calmness, Eva", "id": "5458903" }, { "contents": "This Is the Moment\n\n\n\"This is the moment, This is the hour, When I can open up tomorrow Like a flower, And put my hand to, Everything I planned to, Fulfill my grand design, See all my stars align!\" Where the melody is very similar to the beginning of the song, was totally changed, with the melody and lyrics changed to: \"For all these years, I've faced the world alone, And now the time has come To prove to them I've made it on my own!", "id": "4825993" }, { "contents": "Stefan Heße\n\n\nstated that: \"Prayer is having a relationship with God. I cannot have a relationship with God when I talk nonstop. Sometimes, I see couples in love who are overjoyed, and just hug. [...] I I can retreat into silence, into my soul. This is one of the most important parts of prayer that only comes to me with time, and then I come to God.\" When asked how long he prayed every day, Heße said \"30 seconds.\" The reporters were all", "id": "5502180" }, { "contents": "Joe Cimino\n\n\n. On November 20, 2014, five months after his election, Cimino announced his resignation from the legislature citing the strain of being an MPP on his personal health as well as on his family. In a press release, Cimino stated: \"I have been asked several times in the past how I was able to balance my public obligations as a city councillor with my family life...Even though it was difficult to do, I was able to be there for my young children, wife and extended family while still serving", "id": "5313861" }, { "contents": "Little Moments\n\n\nmouth say that dirty word.\" \"And I can't even remember now, what she backed\" \"my truck into.\" \"But she covered her mouth and her face got red and\" \"she just looked so darn cute.\" \"That I couldn't even act like I was mad-\" \"Yeah I live for little moments like that.\"\" The two events were taken right from the first time Brad heard her swear and how she started to blush when he found a dent in his truck", "id": "8693855" }, { "contents": "Over the Love\n\n\nwho says he's her husband.\" Her tear-stained face is smudged with mascara and guests are telling her to sing the notes on her face. The lyrics \"Now there’s green light in my eyes\" and \"I can see the green light, I can see it in your eyes\", bring a connection to the metaphors of the green light of the lighthouse constantly described in the book. \"Over the Love\" received universal acclaim. Fans' reaction toward the song has been overwhelmingly positive. Pretty", "id": "20636814" }, { "contents": "Arya Aramnejad\n\n\nthat according to the gentlemen had 'endangered the national security'. After that, I spent 44 days in solitary confinement where I was put under a series of emotional, mental and physical tortures. Allow me to describe just a small part of what I was put through: - Hurling insults and profanities to belittle me, even ridiculing the way I looked- Intimidating me by threatening to arrest my wife, even though she has had no political activities or played a role in anything I have done- Insulting my war veteran brother and", "id": "20579584" }, { "contents": "Zipper Catches Skin\n\n\na couple of songs that were remakes of other songs, just for the purpose of attacking clichés. There are no clichés on this album, and I did that for a specific reason. Rock and roll right now is jammed with clichés.” Cooper described the photograph of him on the album's back cover as “very Haggar slacks. I look good. I look like a GQ ad, only I’m zipping up my pants and you can see definite pain on my face.\"” Dick Wagner, who left", "id": "10483301" }, { "contents": "Psilocybe mexicana\n\n\nsaw only Mexican motifs and colours. When the doctor supervising the experiment bent over me to check my blood pressure, he was transformed into an Aztec priest, and I would not have been astonished if he had drawn an obsidian knife. In spite of the seriousness of the situation, it amused me to see how the Germanic face of my colleague had acquired a purely Indian expression. At the peak of the intoxication, about 1½ hours after ingestion of the mushrooms, the rush of interior pictures, mostly changing in shape and", "id": "5735041" }, { "contents": "Can I Get a Moment?\n\n\nsomeone like him is something I have always dreamt with and we had had three good writing sessions when he played me 'Can I Get a Moment?'. It's so funky and cool that as soon as I heard it I told them 'This is my track!'\" On 28 September 2014, it was announced that \"Can I Get a Moment?\" would be released as Mauboy's next single. The song was then made available to pre-order the following day. An audio teaser of \"", "id": "887287" }, { "contents": "Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302\n\n\nFlight 1549 in the Hudson River, both did Flight Simulator replications of Flight 302. Cox described the rapid onset of unforeseen events as a \"...breeding ground for confusion and task saturation.\" Sullenberger commented that \"Even knowing what was going to happen, I could see how crews would have run out of time and altitude before they could have solved the problems.\" While defending the pilots' actions, Sullenberger was also highly critical of allowing someone with only 200 hours of flight experience to be first officer. Analysis of", "id": "5925828" }, { "contents": "If I Can't Love Her\n\n\nLockwood of the \"Northwest Herald\" described as \"heart-wrenching\". Lyrically, the protagonist wonders who he can love \"If [he] can't love her\". Beginning \"And in my twisted face there's not the slightest trace of anything that even hints of kindness\", the song's lyrics convey \"hope and hopelessness, the pain and beauty of love, and the anguish of loss.\" \"Entertainment Weekly\"'s Clark Collis wrote that the song is about \"How am I going to", "id": "6303541" }, { "contents": "Red Scapular of the Passion\n\n\n1846) the nun described Christ: ...clad in a long red robe and blue mantle. Oh! Love of Jesus Christ, how You filled my heart at that moment! Oh! How beautiful He was! It was no longer the painful expression, the sorrowful face worn with suffering that I had seen in Pilate's hall a few days before during Mass. It was beauty itself! In his right Hand He held a scapular upon which was a crucifix surrounded by those instruments of the Passion which caused His Sacred Humanity to", "id": "7136969" }, { "contents": "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1\n\n\nand her final moment as Bella, Stewart stated, \"After that scene, my true final scene, I felt like I could shoot up into the night sky and every pore of my body would shoot light. I felt lighter than I've ever felt in my life.\" Pattinson thought the day was \"amazing\" and commented, \"I then asked myself why we didn't do this in those four years. Every difficult moment just vanished.\" In October 2010, it was announced that Michael Wilkinson would be", "id": "17777683" }, { "contents": "Breaking the Spell: My Life as a Rajneeshee and the Long Journey Back to Freedom\n\n\nface charges. \"It was a rough ride, but I made it. It does feel as though I spent a very long time asleep in a dream,\" said Stork. \"The Sunday Telegraph\" highlighted the book in the newspaper's \"Must Read\" section. Lucy Clark of \"The Sunday Mail\" described the book as \"one woman's extraordinary story of becoming a devotee of the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh ... sacrificing self, family and freedom to carry out the bizarre -- not to mention criminal -- wishes of", "id": "14837175" }, { "contents": "The Hindenburg (film)\n\n\ndismissed it as a failed project, writing: \"\"The Hindenburg\" is a disaster picture, all right. How else can you describe a movie that cost $12 million and makes people laugh out loud at all the wrong times?\" Vincent Canby of \"The New York Times\" described the film as \"brainless\" and \"pricelessly funny at the wrong moments ... Yet I wouldn't have missed a single foolish frame of it. I sort of like disaster movies, even bad ones, for reasons that have", "id": "3992884" }, { "contents": "Hearthstone Historic House Museum\n\n\nservice was from dusk to dawn. Rogers wrote the Western Edison Light Company on November 11, 1882 and said: \"Gentlemen, I have used 50 lamps in my residence and have used them about 60 days. I am pleased with them beyond expression and do not see how they can be improved upon. No heat no smoke no vitiated air and the light steady and pleasant in every way and more economical than gas and quite as reliable.\" The electric lamps were described by the two local newspapers: The electric lamp", "id": "18871426" }, { "contents": "Hero (Mariah Carey song)\n\n\ncommitting suicide every day of my life for the last ten years until I heard that song, and I realized, after all, I can be my own hero,' and that, that's an unexplainable feeling, like I've done something with my life, you know? It meant something to someone. The song's lyrics describe of the individual power that lies inside every person, their ability to be their own hero. According to author Carol K. Ingall, the song inspires anyone to be a hero. Ingall", "id": "3525150" }, { "contents": "John Keats\n\n\nevery thing but seeing you again – my Life seems to stop there – I see no further. You have absorb'd me. I have a sensation at the present moment as though I was dissolving – I should be exquisitely miserable without the hope of soon seeing you ... I have been astonished that Men could die Martyrs for religion – I have shudder'd at it – I shudder no more – I could be martyr'd for my Religion – Love is my religion – I could die for that – I could die for you.\"", "id": "16599532" }, { "contents": "Mark Gertler (artist)\n\n\ndon't see that, because in my case I have a sense which other people don’t have ... I saw in a moment what she had never dreamt of seeing ...\" & so on. And if you do slip a little away, he watches very jealously, from his own point of view, & somehow tricks you back again. He hoards an insatiable vanity. I suspect the truth to be that he is very anxious for the good opinion of people like ourselves, & would immensely like to be thought well", "id": "339881" }, { "contents": "Sölvi Ottesen\n\n\nin the group stage for only the second time in the club's history. Soon he would be facing FC Barcelona. On 1 August 2013 he moved on a two-year contract to Ural making 33 appearances for the side in the Russian Premier League. In an interview with Morgunblaðið Sölvi described that he \"immediately took pleasure in the Russian Premier League. This really is a great adventure. To play in such a challenging football league makes it even more fun. I am facing very strong opponents every week; some world", "id": "8967655" }, { "contents": "Life (2015 film)\n\n\nStock interested him more as \"(the photographer and the subject) You know, who influences who? The James Dean portion of the story wasn't my interest.\" Talking about the casting, Corbijn said that \"Rob has an intensity that I think Dennis would have. When I see Rob, I see an inner turmoil that is great for the role and Dane is really interesting. He has a beautiful face, but it's a hard face to grasp. It's hard to see how Dane reads [on", "id": "7381349" }, { "contents": "Durga Charan Nag\n\n\n, I tell you, take my word. Nothing can taint you, even if you remain a householder. Men will wonder to see your life. Nagmahashaya: How should I pass my days as a householder? Sri Ramakrishna: You have not to do anything; only be always in the company of pious men. Nagmahashaya: How am I to distinguish a pious man, unintelligent as I am? Sri Ramakrishna: Oh no, you have not to search for them. You remain in your own house, and the", "id": "2542611" }, { "contents": "Tanka people\n\n\nshore, and saw a beautiful child of about the same age as ours. I was almost crazy at the sight. Twenty months old! How she must prattle by this time! I fancy I can see her trotting about, following you around the house. What a recompense for the hardest toil of the day would it not be to me, could I only lie down on the floor and have a good romp with her at night! \"And now for Macao, and what I saw, felt, and did", "id": "251317" }, { "contents": "Lewis Richardson (Hollyoaks)\n\n\n: \"I saw Lewis's death being filmed and, even though I knew what to expect and what was coming next, it was so absolutely terrible it brought tears to my eyes. I think people will be truly shocked, I'd be amazed if they weren't, because it is such a horrible death\". Hallows hoped the scenes would have a positive impact for those facing similar problems to Lewis and would help them to talk about their difficulties. Hallows opined that the decision for Lewis to commit suicide was made", "id": "10880260" }, { "contents": "Holly Farrell\n\n\nhow I would describe most of my subjects. It’s how I feel when I look at my paintings, whether I am connecting to something, someone, or some time.  A clear line is drawn to people who are closest to me. My cookbook series is an homage to my mother…memories of her baking pies, roasting roasts – memories of her standing behind the counter of our family diner, lipstick on cigarettes and coffee cups.  Chairs, bowls, clocks…other domestic tools…functional things that now hold", "id": "21739932" }, { "contents": "Katharine Hepburn\n\n\nbegan, Hepburn shrewdly noted, \"I don't want to make a grand entrance in this picture. Moviegoers ... think I'm too la-di-da or something. A lot of people want to see me fall flat on my face.\" Thus the film began with Grant knocking the actress flat on her backside. Berg describes how the character was crafted to have audiences \"laugh at her enough that they would ultimately sympathize with her\", which Hepburn felt was crucial in \"recreating\" her public image.", "id": "20774057" }, { "contents": "Dave Wilson (Cape Breton politician)\n\n\nto disclose his reasons for resigning, saying only: \"I no longer feel that I can fulfill my duties and responsibilities as the Member of the Legislature Assembly for the Constituency of Glace Bay.\" He added: \"I will not be making any further comments at this time and I would ask for your respect for my families privacy.\" On February 14, 2011, it was announced that Wilson was among four people facing criminal charges in connection with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigation into 2010s MLA expense scandal. Wilson", "id": "9459826" }, { "contents": "Goth subculture\n\n\n. Actress Christina Hendricks talked of being bullied as a goth at school and how difficult it was for her to deal with societal pressure: \"Kids can be pretty judgmental about people who are different. But instead of breaking down and conforming, I stood firm. That is also probably why I was unhappy. My mother was mortified and kept telling me how horrible and ugly I looked. Strangers would walk by with a look of shock on their face, so I never felt pretty. I just always felt awkward\".", "id": "12653923" }, { "contents": "Big Bad Wolf (In This Moment song)\n\n\nvideo, \"It is one of my favorite videos we've ever done, and it is super. It's just raw and gritty and almost nasty, but it's very different and I'm very excited for people to see it. It's very creaturous; I think I have creature parts to myself, but my blood girls are wearing these, like, big werewolf masks that...You've just got to see it. If I try to describe it, it almost can sound campy, but when you see it", "id": "5076172" }, { "contents": "Heidi Allen\n\n\nwas younger. She stated: \"I was ill when I made the incredibly hard decision to have a termination: I was having seizures every day, I wasn't even able to control my own body, let alone care for a new life... I am a modern, progressive woman in this country and I am proud that this country is my home... How can it be that Northern Ireland will soon be the only part of Great Britain and Ireland where terminations are to all intents and purposes outlawed?\" In September", "id": "20398349" }, { "contents": "Mariette Leslie Cotton\n\n\n1888, newly married and having moved to Manhattan from her parents' home, Cotton sought to become a student of William Merritt Chase. He agreed to teach her and at the same time asked whether she would sit for a portrait. In 1908 Chase described the meeting: \"One morning a young lady came into my Tenth street studio, just as I was leaving for an art class in Brooklyn. She came as a pupil, but the moment she appeared before me I saw her only as a splendid model. Half", "id": "13900381" }, { "contents": "Bhikshatana\n\n\nI see him again I shall press my body against his body never let him go that wanderer who lives in Ottiyur. /poem The 8th-century saint Cuntarar described Bhikshatana as having matted hair and skin smeared with ash, and wearing bark clothes and a tiger skin around his waist. He added that Bhikshatana would roam begging for food by day and dance at night in front of a fire, in company of his wife and several jackals. In more recent times the poet Papanasam Sivan (1890–1973) composed four songs which describe", "id": "2832482" }, { "contents": "Mark Braverman\n\n\nlargely to a “relative lack of the face of the highly organized and effective Zionist colonial project.” In a letter to an American rabbi who disagreed with his views, Braverman insisted: “We are doing wrong. We have blood on our hands.” He said that “for most of my adult life” he had chosen “to ignore this truth. Then I saw it with my eyes. Rabbi, you must go and see.” Describing the “Separation Wall” as consisting of a", "id": "9125636" }, { "contents": "Padre Pio\n\n\nvision and said, \"I have come to say good-bye. My time has come. It is your turn.\" Her husband saw his wife's face transfigured into that of Padre Pio. On the following day, they learned that Padre Pio had died. Witnesses say they later saw Esperanza levitating during Mass and engaging in bilocation. Padre Domenico da Cese, a fellow Capuchin stigmatist, reported that on 22 September 1968, he saw Padre Pio kneeling in prayer before the Holy Face of Manoppello, although it was", "id": "14458910" }, { "contents": "Kang Yanxiao\n\n\nthe highest accomplishments, including conquering the two Chuans [(i.e., Dongchuan and Xichuan)] without dirtying his sword. But even he was killed even though he was sinless. How can someone like I, Li Shaochen, be assured that I would still have my head? That was why I did not dare to return to the imperial government.\" Li Shaochen was subsequently delivered to Li Jiji, who continued his march back toward Luoyang. While Li Cunxu was himself shortly after killed in a mutiny at Luoyang, prior", "id": "2677591" }, { "contents": "Linguistics and the Book of Mormon\n\n\npronounce, or long words, he spelled them out, and while I was writing them, if I made any mistake in spelling, he would stop me and correct my spelling although it was impossible for him to see how I was writing them down at the time. Even the word Sarah he could not pronounce at first, but had to spell it, and I would pronounce it for him. Martin Harris (as quoted by Edward Stevenson in the \"Deseret News\" in 1881) described the translation process as follows", "id": "2338780" }, { "contents": "Rekha\n\n\nmade the Hindi film heroine proud.\" In later interviews, Rekha often described the moment she received the Filmfare Award for this role as a turning point, explaining that only then did she start genuinely enjoying her work and seeing it as more than \"just a job\": \"...when I went up on the stage, and received my award for \"Khoon Bhari Maang\"... Boom, it hit me! That's the first time I realised the value of being an actor and how much this profession meant to", "id": "18663538" }, { "contents": "Hiatus (NCIS)\n\n\nof the filming took place in Santa Clarita, California. Melodie Burns, a Santa Clarita resident, later described the site during production of the finale: \"Distracted and rushed, I pulled into my usual parking spot at work. Admittedly, I was annoyed to see a man in a bathrobe walking toward me--in Valencia? As he approached, I noticed his face was badly scraped. 'You don't look so good,' I said. 'I'm not having a very good day,' he replied", "id": "16435542" }, { "contents": "James Baldwin\n\n\nTicket\" (1985), Baldwin describes Delaney as ... the first living proof, for me, that a black man could be an artist. In a warmer time, a less blasphemous place, he would have been recognized as my teacher and I as his pupil. He became, for me, an example of courage and integrity, humility and passion. An absolute integrity: I saw him shaken many times and I lived to see him broken but I never saw him bow. Later support came from Richard Wright,", "id": "10354303" }, { "contents": "Aristidis Pagratidis\n\n\nto get money to eat. I'm not a criminal. If I wanted to become a criminal, I would kill my father's killer who lives today in our village. I confess that I was wrong. I was wrong a lot. And that's why I want you to try me. Inside the prison I saw a lot and learned a lot. Now I have changed and that's why I want to be punished.\"\" His trial, which, as expected was gathering crowds every day, and", "id": "4673764" }, { "contents": "Kia Motors\n\n\ncar needs this recognition, this expression. A car needs a face and I think the new Kia face is strong and distinctive. Visibility is vital and that face should immediately allow you to identify a Kia even from a distance.\" Schreyer described how the Kia Tiger Nose came to be as he explained, \"I was just working on the car and just thinking about different possibilities, and suddenly I found it.\" Commenting on the new signature grille in 2009: \"From now on, we'll have it on", "id": "21677282" }, { "contents": "Alick Wickham\n\n\ndescribes Wickham's momentous 62 meter high dive. In an interview included in the article following the dive Wickham says, \"I [Wickham] could not say how I reached the water or how I struck it. But I do know that I was sore and bleeding in places from the chest to the waist. My costume was torn from neck to knee. Must have hit the surface with my body you think. So do I\". At the time Wickham was known as quite an 'exotic' identity and was", "id": "13366831" }, { "contents": "My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla\n\n\nthem perfectly. The images I saw were wonderfully sharp and clear and had the solidity of metal and stone, so much so that I told him: \"See my motor here; watch me reverse it.\" I cannot begin to describe my emotions. Pygmalion seeing his statue come to life could not have been more deeply moved. A thousand secrets of nature which I might have stumbled upon accidentally I would have given for that one which I had wrested from her against all odds and at the peril of my existence", "id": "13292264" }, { "contents": "Raphael Rowe\n\n\nbe the leader.\" In his official witness statement to the police a few hours later, Mr Napier said \"I will now describe the men as I remember them. The first man who came into my bedroom was coloured, I would say of African origin. He was wearing a dark blue or black helmet. The eye holes seemed ragged as if they had been cut out. His colouring was light brown. He seemed to have a well filled oval face. The first man I saw with the dagger of knife", "id": "3853764" }, { "contents": "Anton Glanzelius\n\n\nGlanzelius says. \"I thought it would be fun and exciting. And it was. But we worked from morning to the night for 80 days. It was very hard. I was happy to get even a 5-minute break.\" Glanzelius faced a few challenges when portraying Ingemar, such as having to spill a glass of milk on his face in one scene, which took 26 takes to film, as well as having to lose in a boxing match with an older tomboy character in another scene. Film director Hallström described", "id": "15031729" }, { "contents": "Andre Weathers\n\n\n, Weathers was the subject of a feature stories in \"The New York Times\" and the \"New York Daily News\". Weathers described his thoughts as he intercepted Dilfer's pass, \"I know he couldn't see me, because I couldn't even see him. I didn't actually see the ball until it was right on top of me. My eyes got big, and I didn't have time to think about it. I thought only about holding onto the ball and going in. The end zone", "id": "1019941" }, { "contents": "Gong Byeong-ho\n\n\nhis brief but compact experience as a CEO. Later, Gong would recall his experience during this time as a period of turmoil where he realized his true professional calling. The following quote from his autobiography aptly describes his state: “I have now come to realize that I am by nature unable to sacrifice my whole life for the public good. I can recall many moments in my life where that has rung true. I distinctly remember my predilection for things where I could engrave the three letters of my name – I did", "id": "21166956" }, { "contents": "Song Sung Blue\n\n\n, and he often performs it during concerts. \"Song Sung Blue\" was nominated for two Grammy Awards in 1973, Record of the Year and Song of the Year. Both awards that year were won by Roberta Flack's rendition of Ewan MacColl's song, \"The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face\". Diamond described \"Song Sung Blue\" in the liner notes to his 1996 compilation album, \"In My Lifetime\", as a \"very basic message, unadorned. I didn't even write a bridge", "id": "21845006" }, { "contents": "East Timor genocide\n\n\nshocks, stripped naked and so on)\". In his 1997 memoir \"East Timor's Unfinished Struggle: Inside the Timorese Resistance\", Constâncio Pinto describes being tortured by Indonesian soldiers: \"With each question, I would get two or three punches in the face. When someone punches you so much and so hard, it feels as if your face is broken. People hit me on my back and on my sides with their hands and then kicked me... [In another location] they psychologically tortured me; they", "id": "2208963" }, { "contents": "Steubenville, Ohio\n\n\nand faced attempted murder charges for shooting an adversary in the leg. He faced eight years in jail but was acquitted. \"When they said 'not guilty', my face stuck in a smile for three days,\" he recalled. \"I was just walking around town, thinking about my daughter and my wife. Right then I said goodbye to anything that would put me in that situation again. I was up on trial on an attempted murder charge. I was a motherfucking fool, with all that knowledge in", "id": "6541330" }, { "contents": "Muhamed Haneef\n\n\nwith the Federal Court. In the preliminary hearing, Justice Spender described as \"absolutely astounding\" the government's argument that mere association with a suspected criminal means a non-citizen fails the character test for the purposes of his visa, stating that even he could not pass the character test as he had represented murderers in the past: \"Unfortunately, I would fail the character test on your statement because I have been associated with persons suspected of criminal conduct,\" adding \"Suppose he had a cup of coffee with them", "id": "17605950" }, { "contents": "Dan Keplinger\n\n\nis my main mode of conveyance and a major part of my daily life, but these pieces are about much more than my disability. Obstacles and challenges are a universal part of the human condition. We all face them in everyday life, however we also have a choice as to how we deal with them. Many of us are likely to get discouraged during difficult times in our lives. In my work I hope to show everybody that they have the ability to persevere.\" \"When I start a piece, I", "id": "6586181" }, { "contents": "Yellowjacket (Rita DeMara)\n\n\ninto the 20th Century. I knew they were going to meet the Masters of Evil ... She was a member of the Masters of Evil at the time and I liked her. I thought it would be nice to have someone see the 31st Century through present-day eyes. It would give a new perspective, so I asked if I could have her. They said yes, and even though I never got the chance to write her in, they put her in the group after I was gone.\" Yellowjacket was", "id": "15198027" }, { "contents": "Renditions of the Soul\n\n\nNina described how the album became a reflection of herself in the following statement: \"I can say that the songs I sing in my albums very much represent who I am... Because when I sing songs, I try to make it my own even if it was done originally by another artist.\" The radio show had a long run, airing on the station for approximately three years; from 2008—2010. Every evening episode has its respective conception, where the songs are either requests from fans, sung originally by the same", "id": "4528181" }, { "contents": "Lou Shide\n\n\nBefore his brother departed, Lou asked him, \"I am now a chancellor, and you are a prefect. These are high honors and will draw jealousy. How can you avoid disaster?\" HIs brother responded, \"From now, even if someone spat at my face, I will just wipe it off. Hopefully I will not cause you worries.\" Lou instead responded: In 694, while still a chancellor, Lou was made the commander of several bases, including Heyuan, but was later recalled to be", "id": "3743603" }, { "contents": "It Won/t Be Like This All the Time\n\n\nthe hospital to have the most life-affirming moment in my life blew my mind. That line came into my head one dark day as all I could see was bad news all around me and all I needed was a bit of good news or compassion to get me through the day no matter how small. Unfortunately, I didn't see it so the lines \"I won't be surprised if it kills us all\" came soon after.\" MacFarlane explained that the music of \"VTr\" evolved from taking sections", "id": "6385482" }, { "contents": "Ji Seong-ho\n\n\ntable I could feel everything that was being done to my body. I was screaming at the top of my lungs...I felt the saw cutting into the bone of my leg, and the scalpel through my flesh. Every time I passed out from the pain the surgeon would slap my face to keep me awake. The whole hospital heard my screams...The simplest thing to do was cut off everything. They didn't try to save my remaining two fingers, they just cut off my hand.\" His father had", "id": "21798851" }, { "contents": "Nonito Donaire\n\n\n. It was indescribable. The moment I walked up the stairs and she was up there and when I looked it was a moment when I couldn't even look at her face. It was a great honor.\" Then, on December 1, 2007, Donaire made the first defense of his IBF title against Luis Maldonado of Mexico by a technical knockout in the eighth round. Donaire said, \"I guess my validation was today but I didn't feel my best; I felt sluggish. I didn't have my", "id": "19777226" }, { "contents": "She Won't Be Lonely Long\n\n\ndid that song, I saw how happy it made her and all the different emotions on her face. It moved me on a deep level and I never forgot that. I have always wanted to track that song and jumped at the opportunity to go in the studio with Randy Owen and record it. And now that I have, it's not only nostalgic when I was a child, but it is as relevant today, as an adult that can share that with his mother. ... I'll never forget the day", "id": "19103740" }, { "contents": "David Greenglass\n\n\nPresident Eisenhower asking for their sentences to be commuted to prison terms so that they would have an opportunity to confess. He wrote: \"if these two die, I shall live the rest of my life with a very dark shadow on my conscience\". He described his own testimony as \"an act of contrition for the wrong I had done my country, my family and myself\" and explained how he now viewed its consequences: \"Here I had to take the choice of hurting someone dear to me, and I", "id": "19842439" } ]
Why does it feel almost required to sleep with our eyes closed? What does closing our eyes do that promotes the act of falling asleep?
[{"answer": "There are two things at work that would make it a good idea for your body to close its eyes for sleep. The first being that during the day we are constantly blinking to lubricate and moisten our eyes. At night, keeping your eyes closed protects them from drying out and getting irritation and from building up mucus in the eye ducts. The second has to do with a chemical known as melatonin. Melatonin is dependent upon the light and dark rhythms around your body. When it is nighttime and the light around you begins to disappear, your body begins to produce melatonin which is a signal to your brain that it is time to sleep. The darker it is, the more melatonin your body will produce. Once it lightens again, your body stops producing melatonin and it signals your brain again that it is time to awaken. It is best for your body to close its eyes so that they can sense as little light as possible, produce more melatonin and thereby convince your brain to sleep."}, {"answer": "Keeping them hydrated, and allowing [R.E.M.]( URL_0 ) sleep. Also, the blank slate helps to draw focus from reality, in order to allow the sandman to sweep the blur across your mind's eye. Some people sleep with their eyes open; my friend Macias bunked next to me in boot camp, and any time I woke up in the night and looked over, he would just stare at the ceiling. After two nights of wondering why he was ignoring me, I finally asked him and he burst out laughing. He forgot he did this, and had no idea I was talking to him. We started having fun with that for the remainder of our time there. TL;DR: Eyes dry out, and need to be in a dormant state to allow the brain to sleep. They shut off when not being used."}, {"answer": "1) closed eyes block light reducing stimulation to your brain. Reduction of data feeding into the brain facilitates the drop in consciousness 2) keeps eyes from drying out 3) keeps stuff from touching your eyeballs while you sleep. If you scratch your butt and touch your pillow then rub your eyeball on the pillow, you could get pink eye. Just sayin..."}, {"answer": "Ooh! I'll add to this something I have been wondering for 4.5 years now... as an adult, when I lay down in bed to go to sleep, I close my eyes right away. My kids, however, keep their eyes open until the moment they fall asleep and have since infancy. Is that just that they are fighting sleep? Is it that they fall asleep in minutes and I take 30+ minutes? Have they been faking being asleep the second they close their eyes for 4 years and I haven't noticed?"}, {"answer": "The same reason we like quiet and a comfortable temperature when we sleep... reduced sensory stimulation"}, {"answer": "Melatonin build-up is what promotes sleep. It allows the brain to enter into it's sleep cycles. Melatonin is broken up, through a series of reactions, when light hits the back of your eye, therefore darkness = sleepyness, then eventually sleep source: Medical School"}, {"answer": "The pineal gland is stimulated by Darkness so when you close your eyes, and obviously not always, the pineal gland begins to secrete melatonin. That is what induces sleep. Closing your eyes protects them from dehydration and debris."}, {"answer": "No all of us sleep with our eyes closed. I start out that way, but at some point in my death slumber my eye lids roll back...Major Payne style. My wife threw water on me one night when we first started dating, she thought I was dead (we had been drinking)."}, {"answer": "For people who don't close their eyes when they sleep do their eye's roll back ? How exactly does it work are the pupils dilated? Because if they were wouldn't it damage the fovea ?"}, {"answer": "If closing the eyes is helpful for sleeping for a number of reasons why do some people (my son) sleep with their eyes open and is it in any way detrimental?"}, {"answer": "It further decreases ability of incoming light to get to the back of the eye(retina) and go to the areas of the brain that send message to the pineal gland that amps up melatonin production making you sleepier. Also i read somewhere that light is an acute stressor that literally raises stress hormones especially if close up. Any form of stress is not conducive to sleep. That is why the natural circadian rhythm has stress lowest at night and highest in the morning to wake you up. On the topic of decreased sympathetic nervous system output rate, you wont feel the need to blink and keep dust out of your eyes. Also the lacrminal gland (lubrication) and the many muscles that control the eye get the message to turn down sharply(work mcuh less)."}, {"answer": "I used to sleep with my eyes open as a kid, scared the shit outta my mom a couple of times."}, {"answer": "Closing our eyes helps reduce sensory input, and protects the eyes. If you think of your eyes as a visual input, and compare it with others... like hearing, feeling, smelling. Then it's easier to understand why it's important to limit these inputs to the brain. Just try sleeping with a loud concert playing in your ears, somebody poking you, or a nasty foul odor in the air. Makes it significantly harder to sleep, but possible. There are people that can still sleep with their eyes open. It's a matter of training, and it's almost a meditative rest more than a full and deep sleep. However, most of us are trained or conditioned into feeling like eyes closed means shutting down or sleeping. How often do we close our eyes for anything else after all."}, {"answer": "I actually end up sleeping with my eyes open. I close them when I'm trying to sleep but I inevitably open them through the night. My whole family does. One problem that I have run into because of this, is my eye will dry out and I will get a corneal abrasion. These hurt like hell and not the most fun to wake up to."}, {"answer": "Your eyes require a LOT of energy and consequently, bloodflow. By weight they consume almost 8x more energy than any other tissues in the body! Shutting them down while sleeping allows for tissues to rest, regenerate, and rebuild the wear and tear of the day."}, {"answer": "Can someone answer why I can only sleep with the light on and with consistent noise in the background? It seems to be a bad way to sleep but I've done it my whole life and its the only way I can sleep."}, {"answer": "How do we choose to go to sleep? Like, at the end of the day, I may feel relaxed but not necessarily exhausted to the point of passing out. I just lay down, lie still, close my eyes and let my thoughts drift. Next thing I know, the alarm is going off. What about lower animals, like cats or dogs. Do they just consciously lay down their heads and close their eyes waiting for unconsciousness to sweep over them like us?"}, {"answer": "i would presume by having your eyes open you are being presented with visual stimulus , thus your brain has to concentrate on what you're seeing. By the brain having to decipher what your eyes are looking it, it can't rest or go into an unconscious state. So we find it easier to close our eyes and usually sleep in silence as it means our brains aren't working as hard at trying to interpret stimuli, making it easier to rest"}, {"answer": "For the same reason that it's easier to fall asleep in a dark room than a light room, or it being easier to sleep without having had caffeine recently. Less stimulus for the brain."}, {"answer": "TL;DR It's so your brain can better recuperate due to the sensory receptor being hindered."}, {"answer": "Why can't we close just one eye and get \"half a sleep\" when needed?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "955552", "title": "Microsleep", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["A micro-sleep (MS) is a temporary episode of sleep or drowsiness which may last for a fraction of a second or up to 30 seconds where an individual fails to respond to some arbitrary sensory input and becomes unconscious. MSs occur when an individual loses awareness and subsequently gains awareness after a brief lapse in consciousness, or when there are sudden shifts between states of wakefulness and sleep. In behavioral terms, MSs manifest as droopy eyes, slow eyelid-closure, and head nodding. In electrical terms, microsleeps are often classified as a shift in electroencephalography (EEG) during which 47\u00a0Hz (theta wave) activity replaces the waking 813\u00a0Hz (alpha wave) background rhythm.", "A micro-sleep (MS) is a temporary episode of sleep or drowsiness which may last for a fraction of a second or up to 30 seconds where an individual fails to respond to some arbitrary sensory input and becomes unconscious. MSs occur when an individual loses awareness and subsequently gains awareness after a brief lapse in consciousness, or when there are"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "On Dreams\n\n\nit is the residual movements of the sensory organs that allow them to arise. Aristotle explains that during sleep there is an absence of external sensory stimulation. While sleeping with our eyes closed, the eyes are unable to see, and so in this respect we perceive nothing while asleep. He compares hallucinations to dreams, saying \"...the faculty by which, in waking hours, we are subject to illusion when affected by disease, is identical with that which produces illusory effects in sleep.\" When awake and perceiving, to", "id": "11359567" }, { "contents": "First inauguration of Richard Nixon\n\n\nneeds of our people at home. The American dream does not come to those who fall asleep. But we are approaching the limits of what government alone can do. Our greatest need now is to reach beyond government, and to enlist the legions of the concerned and the committed. What has to be done, has to be done by government and people together or it will not be done at all. The lesson of past agony is that without the people we can do nothing; with the people we can do everything", "id": "5327542" }, { "contents": "Never Close Our Eyes\n\n\nthe chorus, he sings: \"But you know I wish that this night would never be over/ There's plenty of time to sleep when we die/ So let's just stay awake until we grow older/ If I had my way we'd never close our eyes, our eyes, never!\". According to Lambert himself, the song is \"about all of US. A community. A movement.\" The music video was directed by Dori Oskowitz and premiered on May 29, 2012 on Lambert's official Vevo page", "id": "17597609" }, { "contents": "With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept\n\n\ninto our lives or did we seek it out and embrace it? What happened to us, that we now send our children into the world like we send young men to war? Hoping for their safe return, but knowing that some will be lost along the way. When did we lose our way? Consumed by the shadows, swallowed whole by the darkness. Does this darkness have a name? Is it your name? Jimmy Edwards, a bullied and tormented teenager, who was once close friends with Lucas Scott (", "id": "15792597" }, { "contents": "Sleep onset latency\n\n\n, dark room with a bed and asked them to lie down, close their eyes and relax. They noted the number of minutes, ranging from 0 to 20, that it took a subject to fall asleep. If a volunteer was still awake after 20 minutes, the experiment was ended and the subject given a maximal alertness/minimal sleepiness rating. When scientists deprived subjects of sleep, they found sleep latency levels could drop below 1, i.e., subjects could fall asleep in less than a minute. The amount of sleep", "id": "11538120" }, { "contents": "The Little Girl Lost\n\n\nlittle child. How can Lyca sleep If her mother weep? ‘If her heart does ache Then let Lyca wake; If my mother sleep, Lyca shall not weep. ‘Frowning, frowning night, O’er this desert bright, Let thy moon arise While I close my eyes.’ Sleeping Lyca lay While the beasts of prey, Come from caverns deep, View’d the maid asleep. The kingly lion stood, And the virgin view’d, Then he gamboll’d round O’er the hallow’d ground. Leopards, tigers, play Round her", "id": "10067222" }, { "contents": "The Gifts of the Body\n\n\ncaregiver, Roger, is unavailable and our narrator fills in. Throughout the visit, Mike is constantly comparing what the caregiver does to what Roger does, revealing the close nature of his relationship with Roger. This leads the caregiver to tell Mike that he is very important to Roger, an act that the caregiver feels makes all the difference with Mike. Keith is the most-repellent-appearing case, according to the caregiver, who describes the process of placing salve on Keith's body sores as an ordeal that must be", "id": "6879736" }, { "contents": "Sermons of Jonathan Swift\n\n\nthird loft, and was taken up dead.\" In this sermon, Swift criticises a \"decay\" in preaching that has led to people falling asleep in church. Throughout the Sermon, Swift constantly relies on the Parable of the Sower. Swift emphasises the wording of St. Matthew when he says, \"whose Hearts are waxed gross, whose Ears are dulled of hearing, and whose eyes are closed,\" and he uses \"eyes are closed\" to connect back to those sleeping in Church. People not attending Church is", "id": "20173682" }, { "contents": "Insomnia\n\n\nsleep loss, they do not feel like they have slept very much, if at all. Because their perception of their sleep is incomplete, they incorrectly believe it takes them an abnormally long time to fall asleep, and they underestimate how long they remain asleep. Symptoms of insomnia can be caused by or be associated with: Sleep studies using polysomnography have suggested that people who have sleep disruption have elevated nighttime levels of circulating cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone. They also have an elevated metabolic rate, which does not occur in people who", "id": "5682098" }, { "contents": "Paris Sadonis\n\n\nof matter; who trusts and believes. ‘Cause when our brainclouds glisten - and our eyes glide aside - our frequencies mesh - and through our vibes, all consciousize. It is done unto you as you believe. What it does for us - it must do through us. Trust the invisible - for it is the sole cause of which is visible. Nothing moves but mind.” \" Gravehill Paris Witch was a side project featuring Jyrki and Marko from Two Witches and Paris (EXP, Rozz William's Christian Death", "id": "16614594" }, { "contents": "The Prince and the Princess in the Forest\n\n\nwho does not feel that a blind man can rule after him, the princess and the prince are married. One day, the prince overhears two ravens saying that the dew that falls in a certain part of the garden on Midsummer's Eve restores sight to those with bad eyes, or even no eyes at all. The prince tries it, and finds, to his delight and that of the princess, that he can see once more. As the princess falls asleep due to the heat, the prince sees, about", "id": "20944541" }, { "contents": "The Happiness Hypothesis\n\n\nwe can be manipulated. Part of our ultra-sociality is that we are constantly trying to manipulate others' perceptions of ourselves, without realizing that we are doing so. As Jesus said, we see the faults of others clearly, but are blind to our own. (\"Why do you see the speck in your neighbour's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?\") Haidt looks at what social psychology has to say about this, beginning with the work of Daniel Batson on cheating", "id": "14726959" }, { "contents": "One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes\n\n\nTwo Eyes when she drove the goat to pasture to see if someone was giving her food and drink. Little Two Eyes suspected this was the reason Little One Eye was accompanying her and so sang Little One Eye a song to make her one eye fall asleep. Little Two Eyes then summoned the table and ate as before. On returning home Little One Eye told her mother that the fresh air made her so tired she fell asleep and that was why she did not see what Little Two Eyes had done, so the next", "id": "17003513" }, { "contents": "P. J. Snow\n\n\nof good and evil? How are these extremes of human experience represented in religion? How do we imagine things and how does our imagination differ from our dreams? Do all people think in the same way and, if not, are there greater differences between people from different societies, countries, cultures or races than between members of the same community? Where does belief and faith come from? What is the origin of racial conflict? Why is it so easy for politicians to persuade us to go to war? Why does", "id": "5083011" }, { "contents": "Religious views on pornography\n\n\nfor the married man and woman (1 Corinthians 6 and 7, Mark 10: 1-12)... Watching pornography is not doing a sexual act with anyone, certainly. However, Jesus considers that adultery begins in the eye (Matthew 5,28). There is also no need for a large dissertation to explain that viewing such films does not favor the formation or continuity of stable couples. The second aspect of our problem lies in our responsibility for the people who shoot such films. Jesus asks us to love our neighbor", "id": "2205019" }, { "contents": "Narcolepsy\n\n\n, like lack of muscular control, sleep paralysis, and vivid dreams, occur at other times in people with narcolepsy. For example, the lack of muscular control can occur during wakefulness in a cataplexy episode; it is said that there is an intrusion of REM atonia during wakefulness. Sleep paralysis and vivid dreams can occur while falling asleep or waking up. Simply put, the brain does not pass through the normal stages of dozing and deep sleep but goes directly into (and out of) rapid eye movement (REM)", "id": "18905013" }, { "contents": "Never Close Our Eyes\n\n\n-of-doom vibe as recent smashes like \"I Gotta Feeling\" and \"Till the World Ends.\" [...] The magnificence of his strident vocals defies all formulas and precepts, mathematical and otherwise.\" DJ Ron Slomowicz of praised his voice, writing: \"His voice carries a lot of strength, and when he hits the falsetto in 'Never Close Our Eyes', we are once again reminded of how well he handled those upper registers on his debut album.\" A negative review came", "id": "17597614" }, { "contents": "Blá Blá Blá (song)\n\n\ntime show me, but no one's going to tell me what I should do.\" After the chorus, Aline does a rap (as she did in the song \"Vem Cair na Zueira\",) this time talking about how strong they are, giving advice and lessons, saying that with them gossip does not stick, \"[... ] Our firm is strong, does not shake does not fall, does not have glass ceiling, our house does not fall, \"Aline sings. At the end of", "id": "2186281" }, { "contents": "A Nightmare on Elm Street (video game)\n\n\n. The meter indicates how close the player character is to falling asleep. If even one of the player characters falls asleep, all of the player characters will be transported to an alternate version of the environment referred to as the \"Dream World\", where the player is more vulnerable to attacks from Freddy. The Sleep Meter decreases automatically, but does so at a slower pace when the player character stays in motion. The Sleep Meter can be increased by collecting cups of coffee scattered throughout the levels. When in the Dream", "id": "16280114" }, { "contents": "Robin Lakoff\n\n\nto look at the same situation outside of the frame— which rarely happens because people are always convinced that common sense does not require justification— that person will have a completely different understanding of what is in the frame, and feel that common sense no longer makes sense. Continuing the corset example, in our present time it is common sense that corsets are unhealthy and will do more harm than good to a female body. This is why the majority of people these days don't wear corsets. And when we look back", "id": "18627986" }, { "contents": "Non-rapid eye movement sleep\n\n\nturbulent and noisy. For example, one way to determine whether a person is sleeping is to listen to their breathing - once the person falls asleep, their breathing becomes noticeably louder. Not surprisingly, the increased tendency of the upper airway to collapse during breathing in sleep can lead to snoring, a vibration of the tissues in the upper airway. This problem is exacerbated in overweight people when sleeping on the back, as extra fat tissue may weigh down on the airway, closing it. This can lead to sleep apnea.", "id": "3963146" }, { "contents": "Delayed sleep phase disorder\n\n\nSleep deprivation does not reset the circadian clock of DSPD patients, as it does with normal people. People with the disorder who try to live on a normal schedule cannot fall asleep at a \"reasonable\" hour and have extreme difficulty waking because their biological clocks are not in phase with that schedule. \"Non\"-DSPD people who do not adjust well to working a night shift have similar symptoms (diagnosed as shift-work sleep disorder). In most cases, it is not known what causes the abnormality in the biological clocks", "id": "7774506" }, { "contents": "Never Close Our Eyes\n\n\nmagnificently theatrical,\" while writing that \"'Never Close Our Eyes' is a satisfying negotiation between an electro-pop banger and romantic anthem. It's the kind of song that's tailored both for the dance floor and at home/in the car sing-alongs.\" Jody Rosen of \"Rolling Stone\" gave the song three out of five stars writing, \"\"Never Close Our Eyes\" is that calculated – right down to the lyric, which aims for the same party-at-the-edge", "id": "17597613" }, { "contents": "Red Jacket\n\n\nThe Great Spirit has made us all, but He has made a great difference between his white and red children ... to you He has given the arts. To these He has not opened our eyes. We know these things to be true. Since He has made so great a difference between us in other things, why may we not conclude that he has given us a different religion according to our understanding? The Great Spirit does right. He knows what is best for his children; we are satisfied.\" \"", "id": "9135576" }, { "contents": "Robert Wilson (director)\n\n\nstating, Language does many things and does them well. But we tend to shut our eyes to what language does not do well. Despite the arrogance of words – they rule traditional theatre with an iron fist – not all experience can be translated into a linguistic code. Celebrated twentieth century playwright Eugène Ionesco said that Wilson \"surpassed Beckett\" because \"[Wilson's] silence is a silence that speaks\". This silence onstage may be unnerving to audience members but serves a purpose of showing how important language is by its", "id": "16093989" }, { "contents": "Sierra Burgess Is a Loser\n\n\nto be Veronica, out on a date, Veronica goes with him as a favor to Sierra. However, when he tries to kiss Veronica, Veronica tells him to close his eyes and Sierra kisses him instead, and Jamey believes that he kissed Veronica. Before a football game, Jamey kisses Veronica. Veronica is angry at Jamey for doing this, because she feels like she is betraying Sierra. Jamey does not understand why she is angry, because he believes that she was the person he kissed on their date. Sierra", "id": "20446970" }, { "contents": "Insect morphology\n\n\nTo see with a resolution comparable to our simple eyes, humans would require compound eyes that would each reach the size of their heads. Compound eyes fall into two groups: apposition eyes, which form multiple inverted images, and superposition eyes, which form a single erect image. Compound eyes grow at their margins by the addition of new ommatidia. Antennae, sometimes called \"feelers\", are flexible appendages located on the insect's head which are used for sensing the environment. Insects \"are\" able to feel with their", "id": "6430247" }, { "contents": "Metaplasticity\n\n\nof reduction to our neuronal firing patterns. The prolonged LTD from sleep would allow for all the non-essential LTP that took place during our day to become forfeit. It helps reduce the amount of synaptic noise that is created when so much potentiation happens during the day. What does this all mean?: The idea is LTP is occurring all the time during wakefulness. All of this information flow and storage will eventually become too much, and that is why we sleep. The point of sleep is to downgrade and eliminate", "id": "21044128" }, { "contents": "We Close Our Eyes\n\n\n\"We Close Our Eyes\" is a song by British pop band Go West, composed by both members Peter Cox and Richard Drummie. Recognizable by its synthesizer hook, it was the first single from their début album \"Go West\". The single was promoted by a music video directed by Godley & Creme. This video included Cox, Drummie and the guitarist Alan Murphy, performing the song in front of dancing wooden artist mannequins. In April 1985, the single was discussed by Molly Meldrum and Queen singer Freddie Mercury on", "id": "9735643" }, { "contents": "Riddle\n\n\nKing Janaka to seek revenge on Bandin. On arrival, he is presented with a series of riddles by Janaka, starting with the widespread year-riddle: what has six naves, twelve axles, twenty-four joints, and three hundred and sixty spokes? (The year.) Janaka then asks a mythic riddle about thunder and lightning, and then a series of simpler, paradox-based riddles like 'what does not close its eye when asleep?' Having won Janaka's approval, Ashtavakra goes on to defeat", "id": "20664280" }, { "contents": "Loretta Marron\n\n\n\"ashamed that our universities, once deemed to be pillars of excellence and enlightenment, are letting the bean-counters who run them sell off their reputations for considerable profit by actively embracing subjects no better than witchcraft and voodoo\". Marron supports giving students the knowledge to critically appraise all therapies. She is concerned that the lack of consistent standards currently does not support this: \"The two victims of the self-regulatory system are consumer health and truth.\" Universities had to keep a close eye on what was actually being", "id": "21917803" }, { "contents": "Narcolepsy\n\n\nsleep. As a consequence night time sleep does not include as much deep sleep, so the brain tries to \"catch up\" during the day, hence EDS. People with narcolepsy may visibly fall asleep at unpredicted moments (such motions as head bobbing are common). People with narcolepsy fall quickly into what appears to be very deep sleep, and they wake up suddenly and can be disoriented when they do (dizziness is a common occurrence). They have very vivid dreams, which they often remember in great detail.", "id": "18905014" }, { "contents": "Liesse-Notre-Dame\n\n\nof gold and honor. Angels brought the three imprisoned knights a small statue of Our Lady for consolation. The Sultan decided to send his daughter Ismeria to the dungeon to convert the three knights. But the knights preferred to talk about what unites people of different religions. She learns about the Christian god and is prompted to assist in the brothers' escape. During their flight all four fall asleep, and during their sleep are miraculously transported to Northern France. Awakening close to the Eppes’ castle in Picardy, their joy and", "id": "13861384" }, { "contents": "Reflector sight\n\n\n). Some manufacturers of small arms sights also make models with the optical collimator set at a finite distance. This gives the sight parallax due to eye movement the size of the optical window at close range which diminishes to a minimal size at the set distance (somewhere around a desired target range of 25-50 yards). Compared to standard telescopic sights, a reflector sight can be held at any distance from the eye (does not require a designed eye relief), and at almost any angle, without distorting the", "id": "2541193" }, { "contents": "Light Fantastic (TV series)\n\n\nspecial or strange way: Why do faraway objects appear smaller and why do objects change their position and shape when placed underwater?. Empedocles' idea, that we see objects because light streams out of our eyes and touches them, became the fundamental basis on which mathematicians would construct some of the most important theories on light and vision. Euclid's Optics expanded this idea to make an important breakthrough: We know in our minds that a faraway building is bigger, yet it is possible to position a finger such that our eye", "id": "2903501" }, { "contents": "Bloodstained Glory\n\n\n'll bid farewell and never to return, can you comprehend? Do you understand?br Perhaps I will fall and never to rise again. Will you be forever waiting?br If it's to be so, grieve not, the flag of our Republic has our blood-stained If it's to be so, grieve not, the flag of our Republic has our blood-stained br Perhaps my eyes will shut and never open again, will you understand my silent emotions?br Perhaps I will sleep forever, never able to wake up", "id": "16429524" }, { "contents": "Silver (90210)\n\n\n. As Adrianna sleeps, Silver and Navid are unable to and so they run into each other in the hallway. There, Navid brings up the feelings he has for Silver again and he asks her if what he feels is all in his head. Silver says 'yes' but does not look him the eyes, making it obvious that she does not believe that. As Navid steps closer to her and asks her if she doesn't feel anything for him, the moment is interrupted by Adrianna, again. Later on", "id": "934309" }, { "contents": "Psychological biblical criticism\n\n\nthe text may reflect more the writer's socio-cultural situation than actual events, while at the same time they may inform us as to what the writer desires from us—transformation, repentance, enlightenment, etc. (Kille, 2004). How do I approach the text? What does the text ask of me? How do I respond to it? What meaning do I give to this relationship? The world in front of the text discusses the interplay between the text before our very eyes and the eisegetical processes", "id": "18399828" }, { "contents": "Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals\n\n\n. Kant then asks why we have to follow the principle of morality. Although we all may feel the force of our consciences, Kant, examining phenomena with a philosophical eye, is forced to “admit that no interest impels me to do so”. He says that we clearly do “regard ourselves as free in acting and so to hold ourselves yet subject to certain laws” but wonders how this is possible. He then explains just how it is possible, by appealing to the two perspectives that we can consider ourselves", "id": "8905157" }, { "contents": "List of Doraemon characters\n\n\nonly true hobbies; for example, one story features Nobita falling asleep in three seconds just by closing his eyes, while in others he chooses sleep over important events, such as watching the first sunrise on New Year's Day. The only things stopping him from staying at home all the time, other than experimenting with Doraemon's gadgets, are Gian and Suneo coercing him into participate in baseball games, and being forced by Doraemon or his parents to do so. Even though Nobita has many flaws, he is kind-", "id": "2800797" }, { "contents": "Night Film: A Novel\n\n\npeople who were closely associated with both Cordova and his daughter, only to discover that the truth of what happened may be beyond natural, scientific explanation. The novel opens with a quote from Stanislas Cordova, a famous and mysterious film director. \"Mortal fear is as crucial a thing to our lives as love. It cuts to the core of our being and shows us what we are. Will you step back and cover your eyes? Or will you have the strength to walk to the precipice and look out? Do", "id": "8911501" }, { "contents": "Abdizhamil Karimuly Nurpeisov\n\n\nonly thing he knew for sure that was not him, not his life was living in the depths of her soul. By force of habit they turned away from each other. Elaman closed his eyes, but he didn't fall asleep, and began to think about death, fish, his future child, about Fedorov and Tanirbergen... Akbala was not moving; her breath was deep and monotonous. \"Is she sleeping?—Elaman thought and decided: Probably she is asleep!\" The hero is upset internally, worried and is sorry", "id": "5024995" }, { "contents": "Tae eul ju\n\n\nand a prayer. The bowl of water symbolizes the purification of body, mind, and spirit and is an offering of life essence (jeong : 精) to the spirits. Sangjenim taught that when we meditate we should direct our gaze upon the bowl of water with our \"inner eyes open and outer eyes closed.\" By bowing we show respect to Sangjenim, Taemonim, and other spirits as we unite our human virtue with the virtue of heaven and earth. By doing a personal prayer before meditation, we can reflect", "id": "3945565" }, { "contents": "Titus Andronicus\n\n\nworked by \"bringing into play our sense of reality in terms of detail and literal time structure.\" He argued that when presented realistically, the play simply doesn't work, as it raises too many practical question, such as why does Lavinia not bleed to death, why does Marcus not take her to the hospital immediately, why does Tamora not notice that the pie tastes unusual, exactly how do both Martius and Quintus manage to fall into a hole? Freedman argued that \"if one wants to create a fresh emotional", "id": "14228815" }, { "contents": "Dramatistic pentad\n\n\ncategories of: act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose. Burke states, \"The 'who' is obviously covered by agent. Scene covers the 'where' and the 'when'. The 'why' is purpose. 'How' and 'by what means' fall under agency. All that is left to take care of is act in our terms and 'what' in the scholastic formula\". The pentad also closely follows the journalistic 'Five Ws': who, what, when", "id": "10708657" }, { "contents": "Eye\n\n\nfast movement and, in some cases, the polarisation of light. Because the individual lenses are so small, the effects of diffraction impose a limit on the possible resolution that can be obtained (assuming that they do not function as phased arrays). This can only be countered by increasing lens size and number. To see with a resolution comparable to our simple eyes, humans would require very large compound eyes, around in radius. Compound eyes fall into two groups: apposition eyes, which form multiple inverted images, and", "id": "192455" }, { "contents": "American Slang\n\n\nwith your life.\" In response to the obvious influences Tom Waits, The Clash, The Supremes and most notably Bruce Springsteen have had on their previous records, he went on to add \"This [record] is really the one where we said, ‘All right, well, we’ve got our influences. They’ll speak naturally, but what do we have to say on our own? What does it feel like to put on our own shoes and clothes? What do we sound like, and what's", "id": "18264870" }, { "contents": "Elbow Room (book)\n\n\nover our lack of libertarian free will. Some complaints about \"Elbow Room\" relate to our intuitions about free will. Some say that Dennett's theory does not satisfactorily deal with the issue of why we feel so strongly that we do have behavioral choice. One answer to this question is the result of selection on individuals to live harmoniously in society. But one doesn't have to be free to achieve that goal. Another answer is that it tells us (our brains) whether we're doing something or someone else is", "id": "16487324" }, { "contents": "Our Price\n\n\nWH Smith in the end of the 1990s. The otherwise unconnected Silver Screen retail chain was founded on the same \"specialist movies\" principle in the beginning of the 2000s; it too foundered, and has now closed down. In November 1987, Shakin' Stevens filmed the opening scene of his video for \"What Do You Want to Make Those Eyes at Me For?\" at an Our Price branch. The expansion of HMV by owners Thorn EMI in the late 1980s established a chain of newer, larger stores, which", "id": "6831851" }, { "contents": "Never Close Our Eyes\n\n\nmoderately well on the charts. Unlike singles past, Never Close Our Eyes is Lambert's first top twenty hit in the United Kingdom, debuting and peaking at number seventeen. The song is also Lambert's second US top ten club hit which peaked at position number six on the chart. After the moderate impact that \"Better Than I Know Myself\" had on the charts, Lambert postponed his second album \"Trespassing\" for a May release. Later, on April 11, 2012, Lambert announced that \"Never Close Our", "id": "17597606" }, { "contents": "Also Sprach Zarathustra (painting)\n\n\nnot what our parents and social environment tries to teach us, or in other words, social suggestion of the world does not match the reality of the world. And most importantly - the real world has values completely different from the \"conventional\" values of any taken separately culture. All this led to the inner upheaval and change in attitude. I saw the world with different eyes. With Nietzsche’s eyes! And then his eyes for some reason just became my eyes. Apparently, there is a certain spiritual affinity between", "id": "13244820" }, { "contents": "Man-Shy\n\n\na retrospective of the author's work stated that \"Like the painter of pictures in oils, the writer, who is a painter of pictures in words, must trust his eye, and use his eye, before he begins to use his pen. Frank Davison understands this. He has looked closely at Australia before beginning to write about it. He has looked through his own eyes and not through the spectacles kindly provided for our use by English, and other visitors, to this country. That is why the work of", "id": "2461182" }, { "contents": "Gertrud (play)\n\n\nlove and passion. About the feeling of being trapped and confined in a marriage, the need of love and the search of THE LOVE; but does it exist? How does it show itself and what is real love anyway? Is it a fundamental right to love and be loved? It's also a play about how we all value love and closeness in a relationship — and the need and importance of it in our lives — so completely different. Women and men, and from man to man and woman to woman", "id": "17891529" }, { "contents": "Tsotsi\n\n\neyes show no emotion, who kills unthinkingly, and who is transformed by the helplessness of a baby. He didn't mean to kidnap the baby, but now that he has it, it looks at him with trust and need, and he is powerless before eyes more demanding than his own. [...] How the story develops is for you to discover. I was surprised to find that it leads toward hope instead of despair; why does fiction so often assume defeat is our destiny?\" \"Tsotsi\" won", "id": "11784998" }, { "contents": "Amy Miller\n\n\n2004 interview, Miller explained: \"How much do we tolerate direct action as a society? And that was our big defence. What do we tolerate? We're going to get so upset about people taking over an abandoned house and using it, and in the same blink of an eye, we tolerate how many homeless people sleeping in our streets every night?\" Miller was mentioned in a 2010 Maclean's Feature on \"middle aged anarchists,\" which profiled the activities of Seven Year Squat Participants. \"Myths for", "id": "20270025" }, { "contents": "High Finance (film)\n\n\n(John Batten). Sir Grant does not believe Tom is a suitable match for Jill as he does not come from a moneyed background. He suspects that Tom is a chancer with an eye on access to Jill's money, and as she is still under age he refuses to give her consent to marry and considers the matter closed, with no concern for Jill's feelings. Sir Grant discovers what he believes to be a quick and easy way to make a financial killing, and goes full steam ahead with the scheme", "id": "4095280" }, { "contents": "Epiphany (literature)\n\n\ncry and wail whilst Little Chandler was pondering his life and he finds he does not know what to do to make the child stop. The wife eventually rushes in and scolds Little Chandler: \"'What have you done to him?\" This is when the final epiphany starts to form itself as he looks into her eyes and his \"heart closed together\" upon gazing into her cold eyes. The last sentence capsulises the epiphany as, \"Little Chandler felt his cheeks suffused with shame and he stood back out of the", "id": "6236110" }, { "contents": "My Fellow Prisoners\n\n\nwho feel most uninhibited in prison are the police investigators.” Although his book consists largely of narrative and description, occasionally Khodorkovsky shares his reflections on such question as “what is conscience? How do we define what is 'good', and what do we feel ashamed of for the rest of our lives? When does conscience overcome fear, and when does fear overrule conscience?” As an illustration of conscience overcoming fear, he writes about a fellow prisoner, Lyosha, who was bribed to tell lies against Khodorkovsky in", "id": "6367172" }, { "contents": "Naqshbandi\n\n\none tries to unveil the mystery of life by losing oneself in it. One imagines his heartbeats calling out the name of the almighty. It is highly believed that it is true that our heart calls out for Allah with every beat. But it is our hearts which are draped by sins and so the heartbeat is heard as dhak dhak and not Allah Allah. Muraqaba is done by sitting in a lonely place with eyes closed and maintaining a calm position, imagining your exterior eyes closed, interior eyes opened, (zahiri aankhen", "id": "18975636" }, { "contents": "Karmic Debts\n\n\nthat makes it seem, as if time does not flow in a linear way. In each story, the characters are looking for answers to questions about real love, and how or why does it come to our life? Why do you feel at times that you have known certain people for a lifetime before you even really meet? . The book was originally published as a series of short-stories in the Estonian biggest women's magazine \"Naised\", but it was never finished. The author wanted to add an", "id": "15781348" }, { "contents": "Diné Bahaneʼ\n\n\nsons. Now tell me why you have come.\" \"Father,\" they said, \"we have come because , the Alien Monsters, are killing all our people. the Big Giant devours our people. , the Horned Monster, devours them. , the Bird Monster, devours them, and so does , who kills with his eyes. Give us weapons so that we may destroy and the others.\" When the Sun left on his journey across the top of the sky the next morning, he took the", "id": "9512960" }, { "contents": "Any Love (Misia song)\n\n\n(\"Soba ni Ite...\") speaks of a message I've wanted to express for a few years now. I think it's great that, with the Internet, cell phones, and e-mail, there are now a variety of ways for us to communicate with each other, but they've somewhat become substitutes for direct interactions. The reason people feel the need to be close to each other is because, as humans, we connect with more than just our eyes or our ears, but with our", "id": "15874319" }, { "contents": "Never Close Our Eyes\n\n\nEyes\" will be the second single and included a photo of the single's artwork. The song premiered the following day through his SoundCloud profile. The song was released on April 16, 2012. \"Never Close Our Eyes\" was written by Bruno Mars, Philip Lawrence, Ari Levine, Henry Walter, Lukasz Gottwald, all of whom also helmed production for the track, with Gottwald and Walter working under their respective production names Dr. Luke and Cirkut, and Mars, Lawrence, and Levine working in their production team,", "id": "17597607" }, { "contents": "Guido Cavalcanti\n\n\nbalance was considered the \"buon perfetto\", the \"good perfection.\" Guido thought this balance could not be achieved, which is why he speaks of “tormented laments” that makes his soul cry, that make his eyes dead, so he can feel “neither peace nor even rest in the place where I found love and my Lady.” This passage explains the conflict between the sensitive and intellectual, as Guido's heart shivers as his \"our lowly minds couldn't sustain what our intellects saw.\" All", "id": "17618677" }, { "contents": "Nicholas Kristof\n\n\na call for help, a call for contributions, but also a call for volunteers. It asks us to open our eyes to this enormous humanitarian issue. It does so with exquisitely crafted prose and sensationally interesting material. ... I really do think this is one of the most important books I have ever reviewed.\" In Cleveland, a reviewer for \"The Plain Dealer\" said: \"As Rachel Carson's \"Silent Spring\" once catalyzed us to save our birds and be better stewards of our earth, 'Half", "id": "3960110" }, { "contents": "Eye movement\n\n\nphotoreceptors and the ganglion cells. It appears that a constant visual stimulus can make the photoreceptors or the ganglion cells become unresponsive; on the other hand a changing stimulus will not. Therefore, the random eye movement constantly changes the stimuli that fall on the photoreceptors and the ganglion cells, making the image more clear. Saccades are the rapid movement of eyes that is used while scanning a visual scene. In our subjective impression, the eyes do not move smoothly across the printed page during reading. Instead, our eyes make short", "id": "8876940" }, { "contents": "Sleep and memory\n\n\nof research conducted on the effects that REM sleep has on the working brain but consistency in the findings is what plagues recent research. There is no guarantee as to what functions REM sleep may perform for our bodies and brains but modern research is always expanding and assimilating new ideas to further our understanding of such processes. In animals, the appearance of ponto-geniculo-occipital waves (PGO waves) is related to that of the bioelectric outputs of rapid eye movements. These waves are most clearly seen during the transition from non", "id": "19992282" }, { "contents": "Mara (film)\n\n\nferry. After briefly falling asleep, Kate enters the fourth stage (both eyes completely red) and begins to see Mara while awake. After arriving at the hospital, Kate finds Sophie in sleep paralysis and attempts to wake her while simultaneously trying to keep Mara from killing her. Mara suddenly disappears and the redness disappears from Sophie's eyes, and she explains that she never blamed Kate for her mother. After deeming her safe, Kate tells her to go back to sleep before falling asleep in a nearby chair. When she", "id": "1330118" }, { "contents": "Immune system\n\n\n-rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Thus the immune response to infection may result in changes to the sleep cycle, including an increase in slow-wave sleep relative to REM sleep. When suffering from sleep deprivation, active immunizations may have a diminished effect and may result in lower antibody production, and a lower immune response, than would be noted in a well-rested individual. Additionally, proteins such as NFIL3, which have been shown to be closely intertwined with both T-cell differentiation and our circadian rhythms", "id": "15052142" }, { "contents": "Why Man Creates\n\n\nGregorian Chant: \"What is the shape of the Earth? Flat. What happens when you get to the edge? You fall off. Does the earth move? Never.\" Finally the scene brightens and shows a stained glass window. Various scientists open stained glass doors and say things such as, \"The Earth moves.\" \"The Earth is round.\" \"The blood circulates.\" \"There are worlds smaller than ours.\" \"There are worlds larger than ours.\" Each time one opens a", "id": "4051689" }, { "contents": "Hawaii Admission Act\n\n\napplause. There she stated. I do not feel...we should forfeit the traditional rights and privileges of the natives of our islands for a mere thimbleful of votes in Congress, that we, the lovers of Hawaii from long association with it should sacrifice our birthright for the greed of alien desires to remain on our shores, that we should satisfy the thirst for power and control of some inflated industrialists and politicians who hide under the guise of friends of Hawaii, yet still keeping an eagle eye on the financial and political pressure", "id": "13035651" }, { "contents": "Mothers of Khavaran\n\n\nespecially those killed during 1988, carried out? 2. Why were prisoners who were serving their terms behind bars executed without notifying their families? 3. Why were the political prisoners retried behind closed doors in secret by the Death Commission? 4. Why have government officials not formally answered any of our questions to clarify why and how these mass killings occurred? 5. Why does the regime refuse to tell us where exactly the executed political prisoners are buried? 6. Why does the regime refuse to give the prisoners’ last", "id": "8225031" }, { "contents": "Blind spot (vision)\n\n\nSome process in our brains interpolates the blind spot based on surrounding detail and information from the other eye, so we do not normally perceive the blind spot. Although all vertebrates have this blind spot, cephalopod eyes, which are only superficially similar, do not. In them, the optic nerve approaches the receptors from behind, so it does not create a break in the retina. The first documented observation of the phenomenon was in the 1660s by Edme Mariotte in France. At the time it was generally thought that the point", "id": "19515767" }, { "contents": "Post-blackness\n\n\nan Affirmative Action Baby\" that \"loving our people and loving our culture does not require any restriction on what black people can think or say or do or be ... \" When Touré refers to “our commonality” it is thus not clear what he means; if all can be black, then it is open what exactly this commonality includes. Kennedy states that boundaries and discipline are always fundamental aspects of a community; therefore Touré and his allies are trying to escape what basically defines a community. If there are no boundaries", "id": "14996243" }, { "contents": "Sleepy-Time Tom\n\n\nout, taking a bat that he prepares to hit Jerry with. He yawns and starts to lie down, and Jerry brings him a pillow, which Tom's head falls on. Jerry manually closes his eyes, but Tom is awakened again when he loses grip of the bat, which hits him and startles him awake. Then Tom ends up drinking a large amount of coffee for the caffeine to keep himself alert. Even after drinking from the whole pot, Tom still falls asleep until Mammy asks him \"Was you sleeping", "id": "2481577" }, { "contents": "Satisfaction theory of atonement\n\n\nhe can offer something by way of satisfaction\". Unlike Anselm, Aquinas claims that we can make satisfaction for our own sin, and that our problem is not our personal sin, but original sin. \"Original an infection of human nature itself, so that, unlike actual sin, it could not be expiated by the satisfaction of a mere man.\" Thus Christ, as the \"second Adam,\" does penance in our place – paying the debt of our original sin. Why does he do", "id": "20063657" }, { "contents": "Pray (Justin Bieber song)\n\n\nHowever it does make subtle use of synths and electronic sounds. Musically and lyrically, it is influenced by Contemporary Christian music, and has a gospel feel, while including standard pop and R&B. The song opens with Bieber singing, \"And I pray\" over a keyboard, while the song's chorus repeats one simple refrain, \"I close my eyes and I can see a better day/ I close my eyes and pray.\" In the lyrics, Bieber \"recognizes the pain and suffering in the world\" and then offers", "id": "10937108" }, { "contents": "Mothers of Khavaran\n\n\nwills and testaments to their families? 7. Why does the government continue to torment and harass the families who wish to gather in Khavaran? 8. Why does the regime refuse to let us freely commemorate the fallen in our homes and at Khavaran or other cemeteries? 9. Why did the regime make another attempt to destroy Khavaran in 2008 and fail to address our complaints? 10. Why has the main entrance to Khavaran been blocked for the last five years? What is to be achieved by forcing elderly parents to walk", "id": "8225032" }, { "contents": "Drew Cam\n\n\nMimi asks to be on Drew's show, so she can promote her talents, but Drew denies her request. Online shopping for Winfred-Louder increases and Mr. Wick extends the promotion for another two weeks. Kate becomes jealous of Drew and Isabel's closeness. When Drew tells Kate that he is going to ask Isabel on a date, she gets upset and tries to put him off the idea. Lewis almost tells Drew what is going on with Kate, but he gets drunk and falls asleep before doing so. The", "id": "8254958" }, { "contents": "David Cooperrider\n\n\nit \"the exponential inquiry effect\" to indicate how our first questions, like the early stage of a snowball, can grow into exponential tipping point movements. That's why he writes: \"We live in worlds our questions create.\" In a classic conversation between Cooperrider and Peter Drucker, they found something in common: a realization that strengths do more than perform, they transform. For Drucker, the development of an appreciative eye is, in essence, the first task of great leadership. \"What is leadership all", "id": "7613913" }, { "contents": "Hera\n\n\nkeep Io separated from Zeus. Argus was a loyal servant to Hera and he has immense strength and one hundred eyes all over his body. It was not possible to go past Argus since he never closed more than half his eyes at any time. Zeus was afraid of Hera's wrath could not personally intervene, so to save Io, he commanded Hermes to kill Argus, which he does by lulling all one hundred eyes into eternal sleep. In Ovid's interpolation, when Hera learned of Argus' death, she took", "id": "12884121" }, { "contents": "Dialogical analysis\n\n\nin a communication is, to some degree, orienting to the orientation of the other. Dialogical analysis is an interpretative methodology which closely analyzes spoken or written utterances or actions for their embedded communicative significance. Questions typically asked during a dialogical analysis include: What does each interactant think about themselves, the other and what the other thinks of them? What do the given utterances and actions imply about the given activity or participants? Why was a given communicative act performed – why did it need to be said? What was the alternative", "id": "4558109" }, { "contents": "Sete Gibernau\n\n\ntrust it almost with your eyes closed, and I still can't do it. I think the rider should do certain things, while instead you must let the bike do it.\" Valentino Rossi said he is looking forward to renewing his rivalry with the former foe... “I am sorry I didn't see Sete on the track when we tested in Valencia because I think it's quite a big emotion for us to be together on the track again after all our great battles. I am happy to see him back", "id": "18120027" }, { "contents": "List of Star Wars species (A–E)\n\n\nand facial appearance (the Ualaq have four eyes and bear some resemblance to Earth spiders, while the Aquala and the Quara have two eyes and more closely resemble a walrus, this can be confirmed by the fact that the Kenner action figure of Baba was called \"Walrus Man\"). The Aqualish hail from the planet Ando. Their home planet is almost entirely covered by water; the only hospitable land consists of a few rocky outcroppings and swamp-covered islands. Aqualish flesh does not cauterize, nor does their blood coagulate", "id": "12304022" }, { "contents": "List of The Sopranos characters – Friends and family\n\n\nhospital when he is beaten by Mustang Sally, but her brother and stepfather Ralph does. She implies that she used to be close to Meadow and would \"joke about our families,\" and does not understand why Meadow does not anymore. Meadow Soprano chastised her for speaking of their family connections to [[organized crime]] in front of an \"outsider\" (Mackenzie, someone who is not part of the DiMeo-Soprano family with mob ties) and suggested that Kelli lacked loyalty. She does not believe the", "id": "13808492" }, { "contents": "Dave Miller (singer-songwriter)\n\n\nWhen we close our eyes to think about the future, sing a heartfelt song, kiss someone we love, drift into sleep, or pray for grace, we come face to face with our dreams. They give us a reason to hope, to work, to persevere, and to celebrate. We can travel through a dream world full of faces from the past, experiences we have imagined, magical landscapes, and flights through time. Sometimes we work and hope and nothing happens, and it hurts. Sometimes we get", "id": "21585237" }, { "contents": "Vi\n\n\nand the modelessness. Those are two ideas which never occurred to me. I also wasn't very good at optimizing code when I wrote vi. I think the redisplay module of the editor is almost intractable. It does a really good job for what it does, but when you're writing programs as you're learning... That's why I stopped working on it. What actually happened was that I was in the process of adding multiwindows to vi when we installed our VAX, which would have been in December of '", "id": "14116973" }, { "contents": "Answering the Question: What is Enlightenment?\n\n\nvery much with direction of thought: on what basis does our thought path determine the way we act? This is split into two conceptions, theoretical and practical thinking. Theoretical thinking is the laws of thought. It is subjective (an assumption), but must be established to prevent us from falling into chaos. A key example of this is the idea of an intelligible first cause and development of our moral attitudes. Practical thinking is the application of theoretical thinking to our thoughts, with which we can ensure the basis of", "id": "7737350" }, { "contents": "We Close Our Eyes\n\n\nthe Australian music show \"Countdown\". Mercury was impressed and predicted the band would be \"very, very big\". The \"Total Overhang Club Mix\" was later included on the 1985 compilation \"Bangs & Crashes\". The standard version appeared again on \"Aces and Kings: The Best of Go West\" in 1993. \"We Close Our Eyes\" spent fourteen weeks on the UK Singles Chart, peaking at number 5 in April 1985. In the United States, the single reached 41 on the \"Billboard", "id": "9735644" }, { "contents": "Go West (band)\n\n\nChrysalis deal, they recruited British guitarist Alan Murphy, whose contributions became a key ingredient in shaping the duo's musical identity. Go West's debut single, \"We Close Our Eyes\", was released in 1985 and reached No. 5 on the UK Singles Chart, No. 5 on the US Dance Club Play chart and No. 41 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The video for the song, directed by Godley & Creme, became an early favourite on MTV. \"We Close Our Eyes\" would", "id": "9782384" }, { "contents": "National Bohemian\n\n\nask: \"What happened to Mr. Boh's other eye?\" Answer: \"Gunther's got it.\" According to Dawson Farber, who was promoted to Vice-President of marketing in 1950, he has \"no idea why he only has one eye,\" Farber confesses. \"I don't think anybody does.\" It is hinted that it could be so because Mr. Boh's head is supposed to be viewed from the side. The image was debuted in the 1930s and through Farber's modern redesign it", "id": "11068231" }, { "contents": "Little Death (album)\n\n\nit to your friends, \"Dry Wings\", with lines like, \"Time for bed/ Find a girl and go to bed/ Close your eyes/ Stars are falling from the sky,\" is mighty affecting-- a winking galaxy of jangled wist, sweet, staggered harmonies and a gawky, yearning sense of wonder\". \"The Guardian\" gave the album 3 out of 5 stars saying, \"this eclecticism does make Little Death feel like the work of several different bands. No matter. There is imagination to spare here,", "id": "15184816" }, { "contents": "Albino Lucatello\n\n\nact, our every move. These signs our part of our universal history and we carry them within us, and yet we tend to ignore them, to the point of forgetting them altogether. They appear to be beyond our reach and yet are close at hand. They are to be sought and found precisely in that which makes us what we are, in our human condition: in our nature, biology, body, soul, intelligence, feelings, unconscious, fears, confrontation, love Albino Lucatello, with his painting", "id": "20799818" }, { "contents": "Devlet Bahçeli\n\n\nThey see that they both have slanted eyes. How can they tell the difference?\". Another translation of his remarks was : \"What is the difference between a Korean and a Chinese anyway? They both have slitty eyes. Does it make any difference?\" He accused Russia for the Turkish soldiers, who were shot in an accident by Russian fighter planes in 2017. He said; \"Russia shoots our soldiers, then disgusts them. This is a mistaken, shameful, international law said to count\". He", "id": "629262" }, { "contents": "Aeschylus\n\n\nEven in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.' What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence and lawlessness; but is love and wisdom, and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer within our country, whether", "id": "1783379" }, { "contents": "Laura Spencer (General Hospital)\n\n\ncoma. Laura, disappointed in her son, leaves town again. Laura returns a few months later at the doorsteps of Patrick Drake. Laura is about to tell Patrick and Sam McCall that Jake Doe is really Jason Morgan, but she decides not to after she learns that Patrick and Sam are engaged. Laura then moves into Wyndemere. She is concerned for Nikolas, and she does not understand why he is involved with Hayden again, and why he let Hayden into his home. Nikolas wants to keep a close eye on", "id": "6259441" }, { "contents": "Hans Hacker\n\n\ncommunity.\" \"He lived at a time when he was able to make sketches and make records with his camera,\" said Schreckengost. But, he added, Hacker \"does things that a camera can't always do, with the feeling for light and the feeling for the time. He sees a lot more than meets the average person's eye - that's what a true artist does.\" East Liverpool Mayor Norm Bucher designated August 16, 1985 as \"Hans Hacker Day\" in the city, and the", "id": "17667859" }, { "contents": "Lagophthalmos\n\n\nLagophthalmos is the inability to close the eyelids completely. Blinking covers the eye with a thin layer of tear fluid, thereby promoting a moist environment necessary for the cells of the exterior part of the eye. The tears also flush out foreign bodies and wash them away. This is crucial to maintain lubrication and proper eye health. If this process is impaired, as in lagophthalmos, the eye can suffer abrasions and infections. Lagopthalmos leads to corneal drying and ulceration. Nocturnal lagophthalmos is the inability to close the eyelids during sleep.", "id": "16549173" }, { "contents": "Sleep sex\n\n\nSexsomnia, also known as sleep sex, is a distinct form of parasomnia, or an abnormal activity that occurs while an individual is asleep. Sexsomnia is characterized by an individual engaging in sexual acts while in non rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. Sexual behaviors that result from sexsomnia are not to be mistaken with normal nocturnal sexual behaviors, which do not occur during NREM sleep. Sexual behaviors that are viewed as normal during sleep and are accompanied by extensive research and documentation include nocturnal emissions, nocturnal erections, and sleep orgasms", "id": "2142427" }, { "contents": "Asa Nisi Masa\n\n\nthe women in his life; bathed in wine, then wrapped up in freshly-warmed blankets and carried off to bed. As he and the other children are supposed to be falling asleep, one of them declares that the eyes in a painting on the wall can be made to move by reciting the phrase \"Asa Nisi Masa, Asa Nisi Masa.\" By tying together Guido's distant past with his present, the viewer is reminded that our adult motivations are never far from our childhood desires. Later in the film", "id": "8356711" } ]
Why do we need legal recognition of marriage? What will be the result if state stops recognizing ALL marriages?
[{"answer": "Marriage is a legal contract between two people regarding property rights, debts, affairs of the spouse should the spouse become incapacitated and guardianship of children. Marriage laws are necessary to manage how these are played out in a jurisdiction."}, {"answer": "Marriage is a very special form of contract between people that grants extended rights and privileges between the married couple. If the state stopped recognizing marriages, it would be very difficult to handle issues involving children, medical visitation, power of attorney, probate, etc as the spousal relationship defines a de facto set of rights in these types of disputes."}, {"answer": "A lot of laws are set up so that marriage is important. Divorce law sets a legal protection so that the stuff married people own is split up fairly. Taxes are set up so married people are taxed differently. A lot of laws would need to be changed if states stopped recognizing marriages."}, {"answer": "Many people of a libertarian bent propose doing exactly. Let people enter into private contracts that confer property and other rights to each others, and leave the gov't out of it. However, as a matter of public policy, marriage is necessary to protect spouses who forgo their careers to maintain a household and/or raise children."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "3181796", "title": "Conflict of marriage laws", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Conflict of marriage laws is the conflict of laws with respect to marriage in different jurisdictions. When marriage-related issues arise between couples with diverse backgrounds, questions as to which legal systems and norms should be applied to the relationship naturally follow with various potentially applicable systems frequently conflicting with one another.", "onflict of marriage laws is the conflict of laws with respect to marriage in different jurisdictions"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Miss USA 2009 same-sex marriage controversy\n\n\nquestion came to Prejean. Hilton asked: Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit? Why or why not? Prejean responded: Well I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one way or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. You know what, in my country, in my family, I think I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman,", "id": "18321503" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in California\n\n\nthe passage of Proposition 8, the California Supreme Court justices affirmed that all same-sex marriages performed in California before the passage of Proposition 8 continued to be valid and recognized as \"marriage\". The \"Marriage Recognition and Family Protection Act\" also established that a same-sex marriage performed outside the state is recognized as \"marriage\" if it occurred before Proposition 8 took effect. This category also includes same-sex marriages performed before same-sex marriage became legal in California. It also mandates the full legal recognition", "id": "12171546" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in New England\n\n\nIsland legalizing same sex marriage, all New England states have same-sex marriage. There have been numerous reasons given for why New England has found such strong legal recognition for same-sex marriages in comparison to the rest of the United States. New England is the first region of the country where all states within it have granted marriage rights to same-sex couples. The rapid makeover of its legal landscape made New England a notable standout within the United States. In other parts of the country, while support for same", "id": "21137343" }, { "contents": "Conflict of marriage laws\n\n\nof any children. As to transnational marriages, there is no reason in principle why religious ceremonies effective under the \"lex loci celebrationis\" should not create marriages recognized as valid everywhere. In many states, culturally separate communities have retained their own traditions. A developing modern state had to determine whether it should recognize such traditions as it was establishing a centralized system of law. In South Africa, for example, the \"Recognition of Customary Marriages Act\" 1999 retrospectively recognizes as valid all customary marriages so long as they are registered", "id": "5153810" }, { "contents": "Reconstruction era\n\n\nLincoln's 10% electorate plan as undemocratic since state admission and loyalty only depended on a minority vote. Before 1864, slave marriages had not been recognized legally; emancipation did not affect them. When freed, many made official marriages. Before emancipation, slaves could not enter into contracts, including the marriage contract. Not all free people formalized their unions. Some continued to have common-law marriages or community-recognized relationships. The acknowledgement of marriage by the state increased the state's recognition of freedpeople as legal actors and", "id": "10464401" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in California\n\n\nrecognized as \"marriage\". The \"Marriage Recognition and Family Protection Act\" also established that a same-sex marriage performed outside the state is recognized as \"marriage\" if it occurred before Proposition 8 took effect. This category also includes same-sex marriages performed before same-sex marriage became legal in California. The act also mandates the full legal recognition of same-sex marriages lawfully performed outside of California after the passage of Proposition 8, with the sole exception that the relationship cannot be designated with the word", "id": "19948291" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage law in the United States by state\n\n\n\" 30-1-4.1. Marriage recognition \"(1) (a) It is the policy of this state to recognize as marriage only the legal union of a man and a woman as provided in this chapter.\"br \"(b) Except for the relationship of marriage between a man and a woman recognized pursuant to this chapter, this state will not recognize, enforce, or give legal effect to any law creating any legal status, rights, benefits, or duties that are substantially equivalent to those provided", "id": "17866688" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Kansas\n\n\nafter the decision, 25 of the state's 32 judicial districts were issuing licenses to same-sex couples, and some of those that were not had yet to receive an application from a same-sex couple. By June 30, all judicial districts were either issuing same-sex marriage licenses or had announced their intention to do so. Kansas for the previous decade had recognized neither same-sex marriages nor any other form of legal recognition of same-sex unions. The state explicitly banned same-sex marriage and all", "id": "4489993" }, { "contents": "Marriage law\n\n\na marriage may be recognised civilly, but not by a church, and vice versa. Normally a marriage entered into in one country will be recognised in other countries. Sometimes, however, a religious ceremony or a marriage entered into in one country is not recognized by another, such as a same-sex marriage. Some countries give legal recognition to marriages performed in another country under the Hague Convention on Marriages (1978). For this to apply, both the country of marriage and the country where recognition is sought need", "id": "21843097" }, { "contents": "Recognition of same-sex unions in Japan\n\n\nSame-sex marriage is not recognized in Japan. , twenty-three municipalities and one prefecture issue same-sex partnership certificates which provide some benefits but do not offer any legal recognition. Most polls conducted since 2013 have found that a slight majority of Japanese people support the legalization of same-sex marriage or partnerships. On April 1, 2015, Shibuya in central Tokyo announced that it would offer same-sex couples special \"partnership certificates\" (, \") which are stated to be equivalent to marriage. While these licenses", "id": "5001514" }, { "contents": "Recognition of same-sex unions in Texas\n\n\nThe U.S. state of Texas issues marriage licenses to same-sex couples and recognizes those marriages when performed out-of-state. Prior to the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling striking down all state bans on same-sex marriage, Article 1, Section 32, of the Texas Constitution provided that \"Marriage in this state shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman,\" and \"This state or a political subdivision of this state may not create or recognize any legal status identical or similar to marriage.", "id": "3038111" }, { "contents": "History of the United States (2008–present)\n\n\nformally over the same year. The following year Obama was re-elected president. In June 2013, the Supreme Court struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, which resulted in the recognition of legally performed same-sex marriages by the federal government. In 2015, the Court ruled that all states must grant same-sex marriages as well as recognize others performed in different states in \"Obergefell v. Hodges\". A series of deadly mass shootings, especially the Aurora movie theater massacre and the Sandy Hook Elementary", "id": "9915044" }, { "contents": "Societal attitudes toward homosexuality\n\n\n. Costa Rica will legalise same-sex marriage in 2020. Same-sex marriage is also recognized in 17 Mexican states and the Mexican federal district of Mexico City. England, Wales and Scotland, constituent countries of the United Kingdom, also legalized same-sex marriage in 2014, but it remains illegal in Northern Ireland. Armenia, Israel, and Estonia recognise but do not perform such marriages. Other legal recognition of same sex relationships (offering fewer benefits than marriage) include civil unions and domestic partnerships. On the other", "id": "8059836" }, { "contents": "Politics of New England\n\n\nthree years later, on November 6, 2012, the question was put to voters a second time, and Maine became one of three first US states to approve same-sex marriage at the ballot box, along with Washington and Maryland. With Rhode Island legalizing same sex marriage, all New England states have same-sex marriage. There have been numerous reasons given for why New England has found such strong legal recognition for same-sex marriages in comparison to the rest of the United States. There were four targets of", "id": "17151373" }, { "contents": "Same-sex unions in the United States\n\n\nSame-sex unions in the United States are available in various forms in all states and territories, except American Samoa. All states have legal same-sex marriage, while others have the options of civil unions, domestic partnerships, or reciprocal beneficiary relationships. The federal government only recognizes marriage and no other legal union for same-sex couples. Hawaii was the first state to recognize limited legal same-sex unions, doing so in 1997 in the form of reciprocal beneficiary partnerships. The legal issues surrounding same-sex marriage", "id": "15810127" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage law in the United States by state\n\n\nhave no legal force or effect in this state and, if attempted to be entered into in this state, is void ab initio and shall not be recognized by this state. \"br \"(2) Any marriage entered into by persons of the same sex in any other jurisdiction shall be considered and treated in all respects as having no legal force or effect in this state and shall not be recognized by this state. \"br \"(3) The recognition or extension by the state of the specific statutory benefits of", "id": "17866670" }, { "contents": "Marriage Equality California\n\n\nMarriage Equality California (Marriage Equality CA, or MECA) is the now defunct California chapter of Marriage Equality USA. Founded in 1999, MECA was the grassroots organization fighting to secure the legal recognition of same-sex marriage through education and outreach in California. Its mission statement is to secure the freedom and the right of same-sex couples to enter into legally recognized civil marriage, having all the federal and state benefits and responsibilities which that entails. Marriage Equality California merged with it coalition organization Equality California in 2004. Most", "id": "22025758" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage law in the United States by state\n\n\ndomestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state\" § 32-209. Recognition of foreign or out-of-state marriagesbr \"All marriages contracted without this state, which would be valid by the laws of the state or country in which the same were contracted, are valid in this state, unless they violate the public policy of this state. Marriages that violate the public policy of this state include, but are not limited to, same-sex marriages, and marriages entered into under the laws", "id": "17866626" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in the United States\n\n\nseparate state court orders; two other jurisdictions issued such licenses as well. In Kansas, marriage licenses were available to same-sex couples in most counties, but the state did not recognize their validity. Some counties in Alabama issued marriage licenses to same-sex couples for three weeks until the state Supreme Court ordered probate judges to stop doing so. That court's ruling did not address the recognition of same-sex marriages already licensed in Alabama, but referred to them as \"purported 'marriage licenses. In two additional", "id": "13561298" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Pennsylvania\n\n\nSame-sex marriage has been legally recognized in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania since May 20, 2014, when a U.S. federal district court judge ruled that the Commonwealth's 1996 statutory ban on recognizing same-sex marriage was unconstitutional. The state had prohibited recognition of same-sex marriage by statute since 1996. It had never added such a ban to its State Constitution. The state has never recognized civil unions or domestic partnerships and was the last state in the Northeast region where same-sex couples could not legally marry.", "id": "2022596" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Sonora\n\n\nSame-sex marriage is currently not legal in the Mexican state of Sonora. On 11 May 2016, the Director of the Civil Registry of Sonora announced that same-sex couples could begin marrying in the state without the need for an amparo (ie: court order). However, on 18 May 2016, the Governor ordered all civil registries in the state to stop marrying same-sex couples. An important recognition case was filed in 2013. A male same-sex couple, who had married in Mexico City in", "id": "16904674" }, { "contents": "Recognition of same-sex unions in Florida\n\n\nBefore the legalization of same-sex marriage in Florida in January 2015, same-sex couples were able to have their relationships recognized in some Florida localities that had established a legal status known as \"domestic partnership\". Same-sex marriage in Florida became legal on January 6, 2015, as a result of a temporary injunction issued by a U.S. district court in the case of \"Brenner v. Scott\", in which the state's same-sex marriage ban had been found unconstitutional on August 21, 2014. On", "id": "18632947" }, { "contents": "Recognition of same-sex unions in China\n\n\nexisting law, saying: \"Not all differences in treatment are unlawful. You are not supposed to treat unequal cases alike. To recognise an alternative form of same-sex relationships which we say is tantamount to [marriage] is to undermine the traditional institution of marriage and the family constituted by such a marriage\". Arguing that civil partnerships carry the same legal rights as a marriage, but generally do not include the ceremony and exchanges of wedding vows, this would make marriage and civil unions effectively identical \"in substance\"", "id": "362235" }, { "contents": "Marriage\n\n\nmight not be recognized if they were contracted contrary to Saudi interpretations of Islamic religious law. In countries governed by a mixed secular-religious legal system, such as in Lebanon and Israel, locally performed civil marriage also does not exist within the country, preventing interfaith and various other marriages contradicting religious laws from being entered into in the country, however, civil marriages performed abroad may be recognized by the state even if they conflict with religious laws (in the case of recognition of marriage in Israel, this includes recognition of not", "id": "20160793" }, { "contents": "Dilma Rousseff\n\n\nto her, \"if it were effective, there would not be such crimes in the United States.\" Rousseff opposes gay marriage, but supports same-sex civil unions. She said, \"Marriage is a religious issue. I, as an individual, would never say what a religion should or should not do. We have to respect them.\" On the subject of same-sex civil union, Rousseff said that \"basic civil rights should be recognized within the civil legal framework.\" She also opposes the", "id": "18802389" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Vermont\n\n\nwas forced to stop issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples by voter approval of Proposition 8. Vermont was the first state to establish the legal recognition of same-sex marriage by legislation rather than as the result of a court ruling. Since September 2009, the definition of marriage in the state of Vermont has been the following: A comprehensive UCLA March 2009 study concluded that extending marriage to same-sex couples would boost Vermont's economy by over $30.6 million in business activity over three years, which would in turn", "id": "904106" }, { "contents": "Recognition of same-sex unions in Israel\n\n\nSame-sex marriage is not legal in Israel. The Israeli Government has registered same-sex marriages performed abroad for some purposes since 2006. However, since the state has yet to legalize civil marriage in Israel, those who choose to get married must turn to one of the 15 religious marriage courts recognized by the state. , none of these 15 religious courts permit same-sex marriage under their respective auspices. Consequently, Israelis who desire to have their same-sex marriage recognized by the Israeli Government must first marry outside", "id": "20998046" }, { "contents": "Marriage Act 1961 (Australia)\n\n\nAs a result, ministers of religion are not necessarily subject to the same obligations or code of practice. Part VA deals with recognition of foreign marriages. This division reflects the Act's tendency to seek to uphold the validity of marriages. Marriages will be recognised if they were valid in the country where they were performed and if the marriage would be legal under Australian law. The foreign marriage certificate is proof of marriage and such marriages need not be registered in Australia. As a marriage must be legal under Australian law, a", "id": "4440915" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in New Mexico\n\n\nthe same survey found that 67% of New Mexico voters supported the legal recognition of same- sex couples, with 42% supporting same-sex marriage, 25% supporting civil unions, 32% opposing all legal recognition, and 2% not sure. In a poll conducted by the Anzalone Liszt Grove Research for organizations backing the campaign \"Why Marriage Matters New Mexico\" between September 18–22, 2013, 51% of polled voters responded in favor of same-sex marriage with 42% opposed to the idea. The remaining 7", "id": "2675856" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage law in the United States by state\n\n\nof this state.\"br \"(b) A license may not be issued for the marriage of persons of the same sex.\"br Chapter 6. Suit for dissolution of marriage - Section 6.204. Recognition of same-sex marriage of union. Texts: Section 29. \"(1) Marriage consists only of the legal union between a man and a woman.\"br \"(2) No other domestic union, however denominated, may be recognized as a marriage or given the same or substantially equivalent legal effect.", "id": "17866687" }, { "contents": "Martinez v. County of Monroe\n\n\nsolemnized in New York... The Legislature has not enacted legislation to prohibit the recognition of same-sex marriages validly entered into outside of New York, and we thus conclude that the positive law exception to the general rule of foreign marriage recognition is not applicable in this case. On May 14, 2008, Governor David A. Peterson's legal counsel, David Nocenti, instructed New York state agencies that same-sex couples married elsewhere \"should be afforded the same recognition as any other legally performed union,\" and directed all state", "id": "3799213" }, { "contents": "Recognition of same-sex unions in El Salvador\n\n\nEl Salvador recognizes neither same-sex marriage, civil unions or any other legally recognized union for same-sex couples. A proposal to constitutionally ban same-sex marriage and same-sex adoption was rejected twice in 2006, and once again in April 2009 after the FMLN refused to grant the measure the four votes it needed to be ratified. El Salvador must legalise same-sex marriage, per a 2018 Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruling, which stated that countries that have ratified the American Convention on Human Rights", "id": "21791139" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage under United States tribal jurisdictions\n\n\n\". The tribe's chairman announced that the Government will not appeal the ruling. The ruling only applies to the Ak-Chin Indian Community, but may set a precedent for similar future challenges by more tribes. The tribal council Bay Mills Indian Community of Michigan legalized same-sex marriage on the 8 July 2019, by changing its marriage code, removing all wordings which only recognized marriages between a man and a woman. Previously, the Tribal Code in section 1401 \"Recognition of Marriages\" stated, \"The Bay Mills", "id": "19218744" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Minnesota\n\n\nsecond state in the Midwest, after Iowa, to legalize marriage between same-sex couples and the first in the region to do so by enacting legislation rather than by court order. Minnesota was the first state to reject a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, though Arizona rejected one in 2006 that banned all legal recognition and later approved one banning only marriage. Minnesota is also where one of the first same-sex marriage cases in the world took place. In \"Baker v. Nelson\", the Minnesota Supreme Court", "id": "20553358" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in North Carolina\n\n\non same-sex marriage. State legislators sought without success to intervene in lawsuits to defend the state's ban on same-sex marriage. North Carolina had previously denied marriage rights to same-sex couples by statute since 1996. A state constitutional amendment that was approved in 2012 reinforced that by defining marriage between a man and a woman as the only valid \"domestic legal union\" in the state and denying recognition to any similar legal status, such as civil unions. Some cities in the state recognize domestic partnerships, and", "id": "16995883" }, { "contents": "Divorce of same-sex couples\n\n\npossible, even if marriage is not possible. They are listed below: Before the federal government recognized same-sex marriages in 2013, through the Supreme Court's decision in \"United States v. Windsor\", same-sex couples who legally married in one state could find themselves unable to divorce after relocating to another state that did not recognize their marriage as valid. That could result in the need for a costly civil lawsuit to attempt to resolve issues of property rights, and property settlements that were negotiated outside of court could", "id": "20173891" }, { "contents": "Fred Thompson\n\n\nv. Wade\" was bad law and bad medical science,\" and that judges should not be determining social policy. Thompson stated the government should not criminally prosecute women who undergo early term abortions. Thompson did not support a federal ban on gay marriage, but would have supported a constitutional amendment to keep one state's recognition of such marriages from resulting in all states having to recognize them. Thompson said citizens are entitled to keep and bear arms if they do not have criminal records, and the Gun Owners of America says that", "id": "8950515" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Wyoming\n\n\nSame-sex marriage has been legally recognized in the U.S. state of Wyoming since October 21, 2014. Wyoming had previously prohibited state recognition of same-sex marriages by statute since 1977 and had enacted a more explicit ban in 2003. An attempt to enact legislation recognizing domestic partnerships as an alternative to marriage for same-sex couples failed in 2013. On October 17, 2014, a federal court found the state's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. Its ruling took effect on October 21 when state officials notified the", "id": "4264777" }, { "contents": "Legal status of same-sex marriage\n\n\neliminated the distinction between same-sex marriage and opposite-sex marriage at the federal level, holding that marriage was a constitutional right, and that same-sex couples were entitled to equal rights under the law. Several states offered alternative legal certifications that recognized same-sex relationships. Before states enacted these laws, U.S. cities began offering recognition of these unions. These laws bestowed marriage-like rights to these couples, and were referred to as civil unions, domestic partnerships, or reciprocal beneficiaries depending on the state. The", "id": "13734544" }, { "contents": "LGBT in the United States\n\n\nof LGBT persons in the United States Armed Forces, and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marriage as a heterosexual-exclusive institution and bars the federal government from recognizing same-sex unions enacted by municipal, state or foreign governments. These were followed by the passage in the 2000s of state-level statutory and constitutional prohibitions of legal recognition of same-sex marriages or unions of any type. However, a number of other states have legalized same-sex marriages or other unions, beginning with Massachusetts", "id": "11583156" }, { "contents": "Civil marriage\n\n\ncivil ceremony. Marriages performed outside of the United States are legally binding if officially recognized by the government of the country in which they are performed. In most European countries there is a civil ceremony requirement. Following the civil marriage ceremony, couples are free to marry in a religious ceremony. Such ceremonies, however, only serve to provide a religious recognition of the marriage, since the state's recognition has already been given. In some of these countries (e.g. Belgium, the Netherlands and Turkey) most couples marry without any", "id": "21087736" }, { "contents": "Conflict of marriage laws\n\n\npermitting polygamy. In a Chinese conception of marriage, a marriage is defined as being a relationship in which unions of various surnames are established in order to increase the lines of succession and property values. While most countries in 2015, do not recognize marriage between two people of the same sex. In the late 20th century, rites of marriage for same-sex couples without legal recognition became increasingly common. The first law providing for marriage of people of the same sex in modern times was enacted in 2001 in the Netherlands.", "id": "5153834" }, { "contents": "Legal status of same-sex marriage\n\n\nextent to which these unions resembled marriage varied by state, and several states had enhanced the rights afforded to them over time. The U.S. jurisdictions that used these forms of same-sex union recognition instead of marriage were Colorado, Wisconsin, and Nevada, all beginning in 2009. An attempt to ban same-sex marriages and any other legal recognition of same-sex couples in the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico failed in 2008. Puerto Rico already banned same-sex marriage by statute. Same-sex marriage became legal in", "id": "13734545" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage\n\n\ncivil union in their home country are not guaranteed full recognition of this union in all organizations. However, the World Bank does recognize domestic partners. Civil union, civil partnership, domestic partnership, registered partnership, unregistered partnership, and unregistered cohabitation statuses offer varying legal benefits of marriage. As of , countries that have an alternative form of legal recognition other than marriage on a national level are: Andorra, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Ecuador, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Liechtenstein", "id": "9390450" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in the United States\n\n\nStates have had equal access to all the federal benefits that married opposite-sex couples have. The \"Defense of Marriage Act\" (DOMA) was enacted in 1996. DOMA's Section 2 says that no state needs to recognize the legal validity of a same-sex relationship even if recognized as marriage by another state. It purports to relieve a state of its reciprocal obligation to honor the laws of other states as required by the Constitution's full faith and credit clause. Even before DOMA, however, states sometimes refused", "id": "13561282" }, { "contents": "Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States\n\n\nfound 52% agreed that the federal government should give legal recognition to marriages between couples of the same sex, an increase from 46% in 2009. 46% disagreed, compared to 53% in 2009. An August CNN/Opinion Research Poll showed that 49% of respondents thought gays and lesbians \"do\" have a constitutional right to get married and have their marriage recognized by law as valid, and 52% thought gays and lesbians \"should\" have that right. Earlier polls in February and May found opinion divided", "id": "15564649" }, { "contents": "Timeline of same-sex marriage\n\n\nThis page contains a timeline of significant events regarding same-sex marriage and legal recognition of same-sex couples worldwide. It begins with the history of same-sex unions during ancient times, which consisted of unions ranging from informal and temporary relationships to highly ritualized unions, and continues to modern-day state-recognized same-sex marriage. Events concerning same-sex marriages becoming legal in a country or in a country's state are listed in bold. Various types of same-sex marriages have existed, ranging from", "id": "17556827" }, { "contents": "Recognition of same-sex unions in Armenia\n\n\nSame-sex marriage and civil unions are not legal in Armenia. In 2017, the Ministry of Justice ruled that the country must recognize all marriages performed abroad, including marriages between people of the same sex, though as of 2019 no same-sex marriages had been recognized. The Constitution limits marriage to opposite-sex couples. In 2006, a same-sex couple celebrated an informal wedding ceremony in the country in the Etchmiadzin Cathedral (Holy See of the Armenian Apostolic Church). The article published about this improvised marriage", "id": "11170220" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage law in the United States by state\n\n\nEvery marriage legally contracted outside the state of New Hampshire, which would not be prohibited under RSA 457:2 if contracted in New Hampshire, shall be recognized as valid in this state for all purposes if or once the contracting parties are or become permanent residents of this state subsequent to such marriage, and the issue of any such marriage shall be legitimate. Marriages legally contracted outside the state of New Hampshire which would be prohibited under RSA 457:2 if contracted in New Hampshire shall not be legally recognized in this state. Any marriage of New", "id": "17866659" }, { "contents": "Marriage Equality Act (New York)\n\n\nlegal recognition of in-state same-sex relationships to the rights of unregistered cohabitation, and numerous municipalities afforded domestic partnership registries to residents engaged in same-sex relationships. The bill made New York the sixth state in the United States to legalize and retain the in-state certification and legalization of same-sex marriage (excluding California, which legalized and performed some 18,000 same-sex marriages before a ban on further marriages was promulgated through referendum), and also made the state the most populous in the union to do", "id": "17517529" }, { "contents": "Common-law marriage in the United States\n\n\nis not clear. Government websites claim that common law marriage does not exist in Utah but other legal websites state that \"non-matrimonial relationships\" may be recognized as marriage within one year after the relationship ends. Whether this amounts to recognition of non-marital relationship contracts (dubbed \"palimony agreements\" by the media after the famous California case \"Marvin v. Marvin\"), or \"post-factum\" recognition of common law marriage is a subject for debate. In any case, Utah will only recognise the relationship", "id": "8499692" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage under United States tribal jurisdictions\n\n\njurisdiction. On December 11, 2014, the resolution passed, but it simply means marriage ceremonies will not be performed within tribal jurisdiction. Since licenses are issued by the state and since the Eastern Cherokee recognize marriages legally performed elsewhere as valid, recognition is assured. The Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe's Law and Order Code provides that all marriages which are valid under the laws of the jurisdiction where and when they were conducted are valid within the jurisdiction of the Tribe. Section 6-1-6 does not require a specific procedure", "id": "19218802" }, { "contents": "Recognition of same-sex unions in the Americas\n\n\nSuriname. On 9 January 2018, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights issued an advisory opinion that states party to the American Convention on Human Rights must grant same-sex couples accession to all existing domestic legal systems of family registration, including marriage, along with all rights that derive from marriage. The opinion was issued after the Government of Costa Rica sought clarification of its obligations to LGBT people under the convention. The opinion sets precedent for all 23 member states, 19 of which did not recognize same-sex marriage", "id": "588638" }, { "contents": "Misyar marriage\n\n\nlegal recognition to behavior that might otherwise be considered adulterous via temporary, contractual marriages. Some people consider the \"misyar\" marriage can meet the needs of young people whose resources are too limited to settle down in a separate home; of divorcees, widows or widowers, who have their own residence and their own financial resources but cannot or do not want to marry again according to the usual formula, and of slightly older people who have not experienced marriage. Some Islamic lawyers add that this type of marriage fits the needs", "id": "9659276" }, { "contents": "We Do (film)\n\n\nWe Do is an award-winning 56 minute documentary film about marriage equality, produced and directed by independent filmmaker Rebecca Rice. \"We Do\" reveals the stories of three LGBT couples, their journeys for legal recognition of their relationships and the impact that the pursuit of marriage equality has had on their lives before and after the Supreme Court ruling on June 26, 2015. The film features an introduction by LGBT activist and pastor Jim Mitulski, former pastor at Cathedral of Hope (Dallas) who provides the backstory on same-", "id": "20365112" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage under United States tribal jurisdictions\n\n\nNative American tribes may set limits on same-sex marriage under their jurisdictions. Many federally recognized tribal jurisdictions do not have their own courts, relying instead on CFR courts under the Bureau of Indian Affairs. In such cases, same-sex marriage is legal under federal law. Others do have their own courts and legal codes but do not have separate marriage laws or licensing, relying instead on state law. Of those that do have their own legislation, most have no special regulation for marriages between people of the same sex", "id": "19218740" }, { "contents": "Martinez v. County of Monroe\n\n\nthe changes to the act. New York later legalized same-sex marriage, but, at the time, New York was the only state that recognized same-sex marriages established elsewhere, while at the same time not allowing same-sex marriage in its own jurisdiction. The opinion, written by Justice Erin Peradotto, indicated that For well over a century, New York has recognized marriages solemnized outside of New York unless they fall into two categories of exception: (1) marriage, the recognition of which is prohibited by", "id": "3799211" }, { "contents": "Recognition of same-sex unions in Japan\n\n\nwife. Some legal scholars argue that because the intent behind the article was not in reference to same-sex marriage, it need not apply in legalising same-sex marriage. However, conservative lawmakers as well as legal scholars who take a literal approach to constitutional interpretation argue that such an argument is a stretch. In February 2015, the National Diet debated whether same-sex marriage should be recognized under Japan's Constitution. Kota Matsuda, a member of the House of Councillors, said: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe expressed", "id": "5001530" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage law in the United States by state\n\n\nstatus or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon unmarried couples or groups.\"br \"B. A marriage between persons of the same gender performed in another state shall not be recognized as valid and binding in this state as of the date of the marriage.\"br \"C. Any person knowingly issuing a marriage license in violation of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.\" \" §43-3.1. Recognition of marriage between persons of same gender prohibited. A marriage between persons of the same gender performed in another state shall", "id": "17866674" }, { "contents": "Recognition of same-sex unions in Vietnam\n\n\nSame-sex marriage is not legal in Vietnam, nor is any other form of same-sex union recognized. Previous laws against all forms of cohabitation were repealed under a new marriage law approved by the Parliament in 2000. In May 2012, a same-sex couple in Hà Tiên held a traditional, public wedding at their home but were stopped by local authorities. The event was reported widely on Vietnamese media and started a heated debate on the issue. Two months later, the Vietnamese Justice Minister, Ha Hung Cuong", "id": "123314" }, { "contents": "Legality of polygamy\n\n\nallow polygamy, with a handful of exceptions such as the Republic of the Congo, Uganda, and Zambia. Almost a dozen countries that do not permit polygamous civil marriages recognize polygamous marriages under customary law. All the northern states in Nigeria governed by Islamic Sharia law recognize polygamous marriages. The autonomous regions of Somaliland and Puntland in northern Somalia also recognize polygamy, as does the country's Transitional Federal Government itself, since the country is governed by Sharia law. The recently independent country of Southern Sudan also recognizes polygamy. Polyandry is", "id": "19691151" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Idaho\n\n\n15, 2014. After the Hawaii Supreme Court seemed poised to legalize same-sex marriage in the United States for the first time in \"Baehr v. Miike\" (1993), the Idaho Legislature amended its marriage laws in 1995 to specifically specify that a marriage was to be between a man and a woman. The changes took effect January 1, 1996. Fearing it would have to recognize same-sex marriages conducted in Hawaii, Idaho further amended its marriage laws to prohibit recognition of out-of-state same-", "id": "5523156" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in New Hampshire\n\n\n, 2012, the House defeated the bill on a vote of 211 to 116. Democrat Maggie Hassan, a supporter of same-sex marriage, ran against the Legislature's record and won election as governor in November 2012, and Democrats took control of the House. For several years following the legalization of same-sex marriage in New Hampshire, the state's \"Uniform Marriage Recognition Law\" invalidated any marriage contracted in New Hampshire by non-residents if their intended state of residence would not recognize the validity of the marriage", "id": "7693580" }, { "contents": "National Legal Services Authority v. Union of India\n\n\ndirected Centre and State Governments to grant legal recognition of gender identity whether it be male, female or third-gender: Legal Recognition for Third Gender : In recognizing the third gender category, the Court recognizes that fundamental rights are available to the third gender in the same manner as they are to males and females. Further, non-recognition of third gender in both criminal and civil statutes such as those relating to marriage, adoption, divorce, etc. is discriminatory to the transgender. Legal Recognition for Persons transitioning within male", "id": "9788484" }, { "contents": "Marriage Equality (Same Sex) Act 2013\n\n\n-sex marriage act, this circumstance did not arise. That was sufficient to dispose of the case and the High Court is normally reluctant to determine an issue that does not need to be determined. To have stopped at that point, however, would have left the Commonwealth, the ACT and the states that have been contemplating same-sex marriage legislation in limbo as to what they might do next. One option would have been for a state to enact same-sex marriage legislation and wait for it to be challenged in", "id": "5330230" }, { "contents": "Nikah 'urfi\n\n\ndo not recognize 'Urfi marriages and do not allow partners to get a 'legal' divorce since the government does not recognize the legality of the marriage in the first place. Sometimes these relationships are a way for people to have sex with each other within what is perceived to be a licit framework. Nevertheless, the relationship is often kept secret from family members. 'Urfi () comes from the Arabic word 'Urf, which means custom, convention, or a customary act. Many Sunnis who adhere to the Ahle", "id": "21108686" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Kansas\n\n\nSame-sex marriage became legal in the U.S. state of Kansas following the U.S. Supreme Court decision in \"Obergefell v. Hodges\" on June 26, 2015, which found the denial of marriage rights to same-sex couples unconstitutional. By June 30, all 31 judicial districts and all 105 Kansas counties were issuing licenses to same-sex couples or had agreed to do so. Kansas state agencies initially delayed recognition of same-sex marriages for purposes including but not limited to changing names, ascribing health benefits and filing joint tax", "id": "5523202" }, { "contents": "Common-law marriage in the United States\n\n\npresent agreement or consent to be married, public recognition of the existence of the marriage, and consummation. Florida abolished common law marriage effective January 1, 1968. Marriages contracted prior to this date are not affected. Additionally, Florida recognizes valid common law marriages from other states. California Family Code Section 308 provides that a marriage validly contracted in another jurisdiction is valid in California. Thus, a common law marriage validly contracted in another jurisdiction is valid in California notwithstanding it could not be legally contracted within California; and a common", "id": "8499695" }, { "contents": "Recognition of same-sex unions in Russia\n\n\nRussia recognizes neither same-sex marriage nor any other form of civil union for same-sex couples. Russian laws stipulate several provisions which prevent the recognition of legal foreign marriages in Russia and a marriage entered into by two persons of the same sex is not one of them. In 2016, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow stated that same-sex marriage is a form of \"Soviet totalitarianism\". In May 2017, he likened it to Nazism and referred it as threat to family values during a visit to Kyrgyzstan. In April", "id": "11169774" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in the United States\n\n\n, one territory (Guam) and the District of Columbia; of the states, Missouri, Kansas, and Alabama had restrictions. Until \"United States v. Windsor\", it was only legal in 12 states and District of Columbia. Beginning in July 2013, over forty federal and state courts cited \"Windsor\" to strike down state bans on the licensing or recognition of same-sex marriage. Missouri recognized same-sex marriages from out of state and same-sex marriages licensed by the City of St. Louis under two", "id": "13561297" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in the Philippines\n\n\non same-sex marriage, saying; \"We must respect the rights of individuals to enter into such partnerships as part of their human rights, but we just need to wait for the proposals in Congress\". Right after Ireland legalized same-sex marriage through a popular vote in May 2015, advocates for the legalization of same-sex marriage in the Philippines saw the possibility of legalizing such marriages with a public petition. The Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines, however, is opposed to the idea despite stating that", "id": "19499811" }, { "contents": "Claudia Castrosín Verdú\n\n\nnor will it make it exist or not exist. What marriage is going to do is to recognize rights,\" and that for her it meant \"dignity\". In 2010 she participated in the beginning of the debate on the Law of Equal Marriage in the Argentine Senate and said, \"We are the same as you, but we do not have the same rights. [...] We are and we exist; we get tired of being on the left of zero.\" She is currently president of La Fulana", "id": "15734726" }, { "contents": "Marriage in Islam\n\n\ncompleted simultaneously with the civil marriage and is followed immediately by the wedding reception.” There is ongoing debate about whether or not Sharia law should be recognized in western countries like the United States and Australia that would allow for the Nikkah to be recognized as a legally valid marriage. There are also other elements to the Islamic marriage rituals that have difficulty being acknowledged in courts, according to the study, including the Mahr, or the dowry. Women who are denied their dowry do not have a clear path to legal contestation in", "id": "16854415" }, { "contents": "Norm Coleman\n\n\nbrain-damaged Floridian Terri Schiavo. Coleman opposes recognition of same-sex marriages by either the federal or state governments. In his 2002 Senate campaign he pledged support for an amendment to the United States Constitution that would ban any state from legalizing same-sex marriage. In 2004 and 2006 he voted in favor of such an amendment. As mayor Coleman refused to sign a city proclamation celebrating the annual gay pride festival, explaining his opposition: \"What we have had in St. Paul and Minneapolis for many years is signing a", "id": "9493995" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage\n\n\n1999 to December 2015 revealed that the establishment of same-sex marriage is associated with a significant reduction in the rate of attempted suicide among children, with the effect being concentrated among children of a minority sexual orientation, resulting in about 134,000 fewer children attempting suicide each year in the United States. Some proponents of legal recognition of same-sex marriage, such as Freedom to Marry and Canadians for Equal Marriage, use the terms \"marriage equality\" and \"equal marriage\" to indicate that they seek the recognition of same-", "id": "9390284" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Israel\n\n\nare married and in view of the role of the registration official as a collector of statistical material for the purpose of managing the registry...We are not deciding that marriage between persons of the same sex is recognized in Israel; we are not recognizing a new status of such marriages; we are not adopting any position with regard to recognition in Israel of marriages between persons of the same sex that take place outside Israel (whether between Israeli residents or between persons who are not Israeli residents)\" Civil marriage doesn't exist in", "id": "6463698" }, { "contents": "Marriage\n\n\nreligion. Religious marriage is known variously as sacramental marriage in Catholicism, nikah in Islam, nissuin in Judaism, and various other names in other faith traditions, each with their own constraints as to what constitutes, and who can enter into, a valid religious marriage. Some countries do not recognize locally performed religious marriage on its own, and require a separate civil marriage for official purposes. Conversely, civil marriage does not exist in some countries governed by a religious legal system, such as Saudi Arabia, where marriages contracted abroad", "id": "20160792" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage law in the United States by state\n\n\nshall be considered and treated in all respects as having no legal force or effect in this state and shall not be recognized by this state as a marriage or other union replicating marriage.\" Texts: \"To be valid or recognized in this State, a marriage may exist only between one man and one woman.\" Section 25.05.013. Same-sex marriage:br \"(a) A marriage entered into by persons of the same sex, either under common law or under statute, that is recognized by another state or", "id": "17866593" }, { "contents": "Marriage in the United States\n\n\nset a minimum age of 17 in 2018. Marriage has been restricted over the course of the history of the United States according race, sexual orientation, number of parties entering into the marriage, and familial relationships. Eight states and the District of Columbia recognize common-law marriages. Once they meet the requirements of the respective state, couples in those recognized common-law marriages are considered legally married for all purposes and in all circumstances. Common-law marriage can be contracted in Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana,", "id": "8499500" }, { "contents": "Jewish views on marriage\n\n\nJew and one who is not halachically Jewish), cannot marry each other. This has led for calls, mostly from the secular segment of the Israeli public, for the institution of civil marriage. Some secular-Jewish Israelis travel abroad to have civil marriages, either because they do not wish an Orthodox wedding or because their union cannot be sanctioned by \"halakha\". These marriages are legally recognized by the State, but are not recognized by the State Rabbinate. Marriages performed in Israel must be carried out by", "id": "16599218" }, { "contents": "Recognition of same-sex unions in Israel\n\n\n-sex marriages in Israel. Same-sex wedding ceremonies without legal significance can be conducted in Israel, which, coupled with legally recognized foreign marriages, allows for both same-sex wedding ceremonies in Israel and legal recognition of same-sex marriages in Israel, on condition that the marriage certificates come from another country. The first unofficial municipal wedding took place in August 2009 following the Tel Aviv Pride Parade; five couples were married by Mayor Ron Huldai. The traditional verse for wedding ceremonies from Psalm 137, \"If I", "id": "20998048" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in the United States\n\n\nthe \"Obergefell\" decision legalizing and recognizing same-sex marriages in all fifty states. Opponents of same-sex marriage have worked to prevent individual states from recognizing same-sex unions by attempting to amend the United States Constitution to restrict marriage to heterosexual unions. In 2006, the \"Federal Marriage Amendment\", which would have prohibited states from recognizing same-sex marriages, was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee on a party-line vote and was debated by the full Senate, but was ultimately defeated in both houses", "id": "13561289" }, { "contents": "Tom Emmer\n\n\nstate constitutional amendment banning civil recognition of same-sex marriage or its legal equivalent, stating, \"I believe marriage is the union between one man and one woman.\" In March 2007, Emmer introduced HF 1847, a proposed amendment to the Minnesota Constitution \"recognizing as marriage or its legal equivalent only a union between one man and one woman.\" Voters later rejected this proposal. Emmer sponsored an amendment to the Minnesota Constitution that would allow the state to nullify federal laws. Emmer strongly opposes tax increases. He has", "id": "13622560" }, { "contents": "Marilyn Musgrave\n\n\nFederal Marriage Amendment in the 108th and 109th Congresses, originally drafted by the Alliance for Marriage. This proposed constitutional amendment would define marriage as \"the union of a man and a woman\" and bar any recognition of same-sex marriage or \"legal incidents thereof\" in the United States. In a September 2006 speech to the Family Research Council's \"Values Voters Summit\", Musgrave said, \"as we face the issues that we are facing today, I don't think there's anything more important out there than", "id": "18621399" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage\n\n\nincluded almost all of the rights available to married couples in Brazil. Between mid-2011 and May 2013, same-sex couples had their cohabitation issues converted into marriages in several Brazil states with the approval of a state judge. All legal Brazilian marriages were always recognized all over Brazil. In November 2012, the Court of Bahia equalized marriage in the state of Bahia. In December 2012, the state of São Paulo likewise had same-sex marriage legalized by court order. Same-sex marriages also became equalized in relation to opposite", "id": "9390335" }, { "contents": "Recognition of same-sex unions in the Americas\n\n\nRecognition of same-sex unions is widespread in the Americas, with a majority of people in both North America and South America living in jurisdictions providing marriage rights to LGBT citizens. In North America, same-sex marriage is recognized by Canada, the United States, 18 Mexican states and Mexico City. Elsewhere in Mexico, same-sex marriages are recognized by all states, and same-sex couples may get married in any jurisdiction by obtaining a court injunction (\"amparo\"). A limited form of domestic partnership", "id": "588634" }, { "contents": "In re Marriage Cases\n\n\nthe majority's startling conclusion that the age-old understanding of marriage—an understanding recently confirmed by an initiative law—is no longer valid. California statutes already recognize same-sex unions and grant them all the substantive legal rights this state can bestow. If there is to be a further sea change in the social and legal understanding of marriage itself, that evolution should occur by similar democratic means. The majority forecloses this ordinary democratic process, and, in doing so, oversteps its authority. [T]he majority's approach", "id": "8105072" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Maine\n\n\nSame-sex marriage has been legally recognized in the U.S. state of Maine since December 29, 2012. A bill for the legalization of such marriages was approved by voters, 53-47 percent, on November 6, 2012, as Maine, Maryland and Washington became the first U.S. states to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote. Election results were certified by the Maine Secretary of State's office and the Governor of Maine on November 29. The 2012 referendum was a reversal of action on a similar bill three years", "id": "7967341" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Georgia (U.S. state)\n\n\n, Georgia voters approved Constitutional Amendment 1, which made it unconstitutional for the state to recognize or perform same-sex marriages or civil unions. On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in \"Obergefell v. Hodges\" that the fundamental right to marry must be guaranteed to same-sex couples. As a result, same-sex marriages became legal in the state of Georgia, along with all other U.S. states where such marriages were banned. Following the Supreme Court ruling, all Georgia counties began", "id": "17763009" }, { "contents": "Same-sex unions in the United States\n\n\nmarriage following the Supreme Judicial Court's decision six months earlier. Before nationwide legalization same-sex marriage became legal in 37 states; 25 states by court order, 10 by legislative action, and 3 by referendum. Some states had legalized same-sex marriage by more than one of the three actions. On June 26, 2015 the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in \"Obergefell v. Hodges\" that states must license and recognize same-sex marriages. Consequently, same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states", "id": "15810131" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in the United States\n\n\n, federally recognized Native American tribes have the legal right to form their own marriage laws. As of the time of the \"Obergefell\" ruling, 24 tribal jurisdictions legally recognize same-sex marriage. Some tribes have passed legislation specifically addressing same-sex relationships and some specify that state law and jurisdiction govern tribal marriages. As of November 2018, same-sex marriage is legally recognized in 42 tribal jurisdictions. Prior to \"Obergefell\", same-sex marriage was legal to at least some degree in thirty-eight states", "id": "13561296" }, { "contents": "LGBT student movement\n\n\nsame-sex marriage being legalized in Australia was brought to the forefront of LGBT students when it became legal in Canada. Two same-sex couples traveled to Canada in order to be able to get married to their partners, and then attempted to get their marriage recognized when they came back to Australia. The government then used the Marriage Act 1961 (Australia) in order to deny the recognition of the legality of their marriages. The students want to change the definition of marriage so that it is a less fascist convention and", "id": "10830627" }, { "contents": "Sealing (Mormonism)\n\n\nwith a covenant and promise that you will observe and keep all the laws, rites, and ordinances pertaining to this holy order of matrimony in the new and everlasting covenant; and this you do in the presence of God, angels, and these witnesses of your own free will and choice? They are then pronounced husband and wife and promised blessings. Not all countries recognize marriages performed by clergy outside of the state religion. In these cases, temple marriages are not seen as legally binding, and a civil marriage must also", "id": "10875859" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Ohio\n\n\n. Ohio's \"Defense of Marriage Act\" banned same-sex marriage, along with the \"statutory benefits of legal marriage to nonmarital relationships\". It also prohibited state recognition of out of state same-sex marriages. On November 2, 2004, Ohio voters approved State Issue 1, a state initiated constitutional amendment that prohibited the recognition of same-sex marriage, as well as any \"legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance or effect of marriage\" in the", "id": "8280676" }, { "contents": "Freedom of religion in Jordan\n\n\nto Islam. In cases in which a Muslim converts to Christianity, the authorities do not recognize the conversion as legal, and the individual continues to be treated as a Muslim in matters of family and property law. While Christianity is a recognized religion and non-Muslim citizens may profess and practice the Christian faith, churches must be accorded legal recognition through administrative procedures in order to own land and administer sacraments, including marriage. Churches and other religious institutions can receive official recognition by applying to the Prime Ministry. The Prime Minister", "id": "7731597" }, { "contents": "Sex reassignment surgery\n\n\nthe History section of this article were developed in the United States. Before the legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States, there were several notable Supreme Court cases that did not legally recognize individuals who underwent SRS by invalidating marriages of trans people. Today, many states require SRS as a prerequisite for recognition of a legal sex change on official documents such as passports, birth certificates, or IDs. Mexico: As of a 2014 law, Mexico City no longer requires SRS for changes of sex on birth certificates,", "id": "3727175" }, { "contents": "Civil marriage\n\n\nby authorities of officially approved religions, or, having been registered abroad. Some of those countries as Israel, Syria and Lebanon officially recognize Islam, Christianity, Druze, Judaism, and marriage is possible but usually only within the same community. Contrary to the situation in Lebanon, Syrian law prohibits the recognition of any marriage that falls outside the existing proscriptions of its personal status laws, even if the couple gets married abroad . Egypt recognizes civil marriages but is very complicated. One will need to have all the necessary paperwork completed", "id": "21087738" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Wisconsin\n\n\nmarriage licenses to same-sex couples immediately. The Wisconsin Constitution had precluded state recognition of same-sex marriages and prohibited the establishment of any similar legal status under another name since 2006, when 59% of voters ratified a constitutional amendment defining marriage so as to exclude same-sex couples. The state's Constitution and statutes previously contained no similar restrictions. A federal lawsuit filed in February 2014, \"Wolf v. Walker\", challenged Wisconsin's refusal to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples, its refusal to recognize", "id": "22062524" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Indiana\n\n\nSame-sex marriage has been legally recognized in the U.S. state of Indiana since October 6, 2014. The state had previously restricted marriage to male-female couples by statute in 1986. By legislation passed in 1997, it denied recognition to same-sex relationships established in other jurisdictions. A lawsuit challenging the state's refusal to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples, \"Baskin v. Bogan\", won a favorable ruling from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana on June 25, 2014. Until", "id": "19728754" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in New York\n\n\nHampshire, New Jersey, Vermont, Oregon, Maine, Hawaii, Colorado, Nevada, Wisconsin, Connecticut, California, the District of Columbia and Washington). In February 2008, the Appellate Division, Fourth Department ruled that a same-sex marriage performed in Canada should be recognized in New York. In \"Martinez v. County of Monroe\", the court reasoned that because out-of-state opposite-sex marriages that would not have been legal in New York nonetheless are recognized unless such recognition would violate the public", "id": "11237967" } ]
If a star is 5 million light years away, then are we looking into the past?
[{"answer": "You are \"looking into the past\" whenever you look at *anything*. Sure, that star is 5 million light years away, so what you're seeing is as it was 5 million years ago. The sun is ~8 light minutes away. You're seeing it as it was 8 minutes ago. The moon? ~2 seconds. Your monitor? A very tiny amount, but more than zero. Edit: As an addendum: the stars you generally see in the sky are not as far as 5M light years. Our galaxy is only about 100 000 light years in diameter."}, {"answer": "Yes. It would take 5 millions years for the light to reach us, so you are seeing light sent from that star 5 million years ago. Yes, it is possible it no longer exists."}, {"answer": "Yup. There are, in fact, several big, unstable stars that are far enough away that they might have already exploded. Eta Carinae is an example."}, {"answer": "I'd give anything to be on a space ship that could do a large fraction of the speed of light, a spaceship that had GIANT windows of course... Imagine what you would see..."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25239", "title": "Quasar", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The term \"quasar\" was first used in a paper by Chinese-born U.S. astrophysicist Hong-Yee Chiu in", "Quasars are found over a very broad range of distances, and quasar discovery surveys have demonstrated that quasar activity was more common in the distant past. The peak epoch of quasar activity was approximately 10 billion years ago. , the most distant known quasar is ULAS J1342+0928 at redshift \"z\" = 7.54; light observed from this quasar was emitted when the universe was only 690 million years old. The supermassive black hole in this quasar, estimated at 800 million solar masses, is the most distant black hole identified to date. The term \"quasar\" was first used in a paper by Chinese-born U.S. astrophysicist Hong-Yee Chiu in"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Special relativity\n\n\n\". This null dual-cone represents the \"line of sight\" of a point in space. That is, when we look at the stars and say \"The light from that star which I am receiving is X years old\", we are looking down this line of sight: a null geodesic. We are looking at an event a distance formula_163 away and a time \"d/c\" in the past. For this reason the null dual cone is also known as the 'light cone'. (", "id": "7191057" }, { "contents": "Light cone\n\n\nif we imagine running time backwards from a given event, the event's past light cone would likewise encompass more and more locations at earlier and earlier times. The farther locations will be at later times: for example, if we are considering the past light cone of an event which takes place on Earth today, a star 10,000 light years away would only be inside the past light cone at times 10,000 years or more in the past. The past light cone of an event on present-day Earth, at its very", "id": "11621547" }, { "contents": "5 Aurigae\n\n\n5 Aurigae is a triple star system in the northern constellation of Auriga, located about 195 light years away from the Sun based on parallax. It is just visible to the naked eye as a dim, yellow-white hued star with an apparent visual magnitude of 5.95. The system is moving away from the Earth with a heliocentric radial velocity of +6 km/s, having come within some 8.7 million years ago. This was initially discovered to be a binary star system by Otto Struve. The outer pair has an orbital", "id": "7536248" }, { "contents": "NGC 4314\n\n\nNGC 4314 is a barred spiral galaxy approximately 40 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices. Perhaps the most prominent and unusual feature is its \"nuclear starbust ring\" of bright young stars. These rings are thought to be due in part to Lindblad resonance. It is thought that this explosion of star formation has occurred over the past few millions of years. This time frame is remarkably short in astronomical terms because most main sequence stars have lifetimes of billions of years and their birth is not usually uniform throughout a", "id": "15600227" }, { "contents": "Science and technology in the Ottoman Empire\n\n\n, the nature of images formed by refracted light.\" Taqi al-Din also used astrophysics to explain the intromission model of vision. He stated since the stars are millions of kilometers away from the Earth and that the speed of light is constant, that if light had come from the eye, it would take too long for light \"to travel to the star and come back to the eye. But this is not the case, since we see the star as soon as we open our eyes. Therefore the light", "id": "4641820" }, { "contents": "Iota Horologii\n\n\nsubgiant), approximately 7 light-years away. The closest planetary systems to Iota Horologii are HD 10647 (a yellow dwarf), approximately 57 light-years away, and Epsilon Reticuli (an orange subgiant), approximately 59 light-years away. Other star systems close to Iota Horologii include Nu Phoenicis and Zeta Reticuli. Spectrographic analysis indicates the star must have formed together with the stars of the Hyades cluster (~625 million years ago) but must have slowly drifted away, being presently more than 130 light-years", "id": "1854244" }, { "contents": "50 Cassiopeiae\n\n\n50 Cassiopeiae is a single, white-hued star in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia. In the past, it had been misidentified as a suspected nebula, and given the number NGC 771. The star is visible to the naked eye, having an apparent visual magnitude of +3.95. Based upon an annual parallax shift of , it is located 157 light years away. It is moving closer, having a heliocentric radial velocity of −18 km/s, and will approach to within in 1.879 million years. This is an A", "id": "21650126" }, { "contents": "Microscopium\n\n\nSun some 3.9 million years ago, possibly massive enough and close enough to disturb the Oort cloud. Alpha Microscopii is also an ageing yellow giant star of spectral type G7III with an apparent magnitude of 4.90. Located 400 ± 30 light-years away from Earth, it has swollen to 17.5 times the diameter of the Sun. Alpha has a 10th magnitude companion, visible in 7.5 cm telescopes, though this is a coincidental closeness rather than a true binary system. Epsilon Microscopii lies 166 ± 5 light-years away, and", "id": "20483236" }, { "contents": "Universe\n\n\n-years away can still be seen in their distant past, because in the past when their light was emitted, they were much closer to the Earth. From studying the movement of galaxies, it has been discovered that the universe contains much more matter than is accounted for by visible objects; stars, galaxies, nebulas and interstellar gas. This unseen matter is known as dark matter (\"dark\" means that there is a wide range of strong indirect evidence that it exists, but we have not yet detected it directly", "id": "13294009" }, { "contents": "64 Aurigae\n\n\n64 Aurigae is a single star located 312 light years away from the Sun in the northern constellation of Auriga. It is visible to the naked eye as a dim, white-hued star with an apparent magnitude of 5.87. The star is moving closer to the Earth with a heliocentric radial velocity of −10, and may come to within in around 5.3 million years. It is a member of the Sirius supercluster. This object is an ordinary A-type main-sequence star with a stellar classification of 5 Vn, where", "id": "7536243" }, { "contents": "Vib Gyor\n\n\nhave probably gathered by now. Vib Gyor are no more. (That probably explains the lack of emails for 11 months then!) Thanks for everyone who stood by us & supported us. We had a fantastic 5 years but we all fancied doing something new. We still remain friends & are in regular contact. Myself (Dave) & Jonny have been secretly chipping away for the past 11 months at new material under a new name - Fossil Collective. In 2011 the song Red Lights appeared in the French movie The", "id": "3394481" }, { "contents": "TW Hydrae\n\n\nTW Hydrae is a T Tauri star approximately 196 light-years away in the constellation of Hydra (the Sea Serpent). The star is the closest such star to the Solar System. TW Hydrae is about 80% of the mass of the Sun, but is only about 5-10 million years old. The star appears to be accreting from a face-on protoplanetary disk of dust and gas, which has been resolved in images from the ALMA observatory. TW Hydrae is accompanied by about twenty other low-mass", "id": "3915174" }, { "contents": "Aries (constellation)\n\n\nin Aries visible to the naked eye have magnitudes between 3 and 5. δ Ari, called Boteïn, is a star of magnitude 4.35, 170 light-years away. It has an absolute magnitude of −0.1 and a spectral class of K2. ζ Arietis is a star of magnitude 4.89, 263 light-years away. Its spectral class is A0 and its absolute magnitude is 0.0. 14 Arietis is a star of magnitude 4.98, 288 light-years away. Its spectral class is F2 and its absolute magnitude is 0.6", "id": "218159" }, { "contents": "We All Bleed\n\n\neven release another record? It was a blast to have no obligation to copy the past.\" \"We All Bleed\" has received a significantly better critical response compared to Crossfade's first two albums. William Rulhmann from Allmusic gave the album an average three out of 5 stars saying \"Five years after the disappointing sophomore album \"Falling Away\", Crossfade return on \"We All Bleed\" as a somewhat reconstituted outfit.\" The album received a review from SputnikMusic that scored the album a three and a half out of", "id": "15379742" }, { "contents": "49 Orionis\n\n\n49 Orionis is a single star in the equatorial constellation of Orion. It has the Bayer designation d Orionis, while \"49 Orionis\" is the Flamsteed designation. This object is visible to the naked eye as a faint, white-hued star with an apparent visual magnitude of 4.80. It is located 141 light years away from the Sun based on parallax, but is drifting closer with a radial velocity of −5 km/s. In the past 49 Orionis was reported as a spectroscopic binary and an orbit was computed with", "id": "19937504" }, { "contents": "Intergalactic star\n\n\nis moving in the direction of the constellation Ursa Major at about 1.25 million mph with respect to the galaxy. It is 240,000 light-years away. The other is headed toward the constellation Cancer, outbound at 1.43 million miles per hour and 180,000 light-years away.\" In the late 2000s, a diffuse glow from the intergalactic medium, but of unknown origin, was discovered. In 2012, it was suggested and shown that it might originate from intergalactic stars. Subsequent observations and studies have elaborated on the issue and", "id": "14224539" }, { "contents": "Arp 147\n\n\n) traveling at an effective speed of ≳100 km s and began some 40 million years ago. The most extreme period of star formation is estimated to have ended 15 million years ago and as the young, super hot stars died (as exploding supernovas) they left behind neutron stars and black holes. The right-side galaxy is 30,000 light years in diameter and is located 21,000 light years away from its partner galaxy. The entire system extends some 115,000 light years across. In September 2008, Hubble's main data-handling", "id": "14632069" }, { "contents": "A Million Lights\n\n\nalbum 3 out of 5 stars, writing that \"You can't fault its box-ticking efficiency, but it's hard to ignore the variable standards.\" Petridis also wrote that \"What comes in between is sometimes interesting, often generic, with a few decent songs among the will-this-do numbers.\" Robert Copsey of Digital Spy gave the album three out of five stars writing: \"Those looking for answers or indeed any indication of the real Cheryl will be disappointed with A Million Lights, which boasts", "id": "16586907" }, { "contents": "Extraterrestrial skies\n\n\norbit around the other star in the system. From 40 Eridani, 16 light years away, the Sun would be an average looking star of about apparent magnitude 3.3 in the constellation Serpens Caput. At this distance most of the stars nearest to us would be in different locations to those in our sky, including Alpha Centauri, Sirius, and Procyon. From a planet orbiting Aldebaran, 65 light years away, our Sun would be seen as an insignificant 6.4 magnitude star between Ophiuchus and Scorpius (more specifically, it would in", "id": "19456731" }, { "contents": "Pisces-Eridanus stellar stream\n\n\nPisces-Eridanus stellar stream is a close stellar stream, between 80 and 226 parsecs away, and stretching 120° across the sky, an open cluster that was stretched apart by past gravitational interactions. By analysis of the highest mass member stars, it is estimated to be only 120 million years old, a similar age to the Pleiades. The stream includes at least 5 naked eye stars: Lambda Tauri at 3.5 magnitude star, 148 parsecs, Omicron Aquarii at 4.7 magnitude, 134 parsec distance, 106 Aquarii at 5.2 magnitude", "id": "15353065" }, { "contents": "Shape of the universe\n\n\n, one can continue to look back all the way to the Big Bang; in practice, however, the farthest away one can look using light and other electromagnetic radiation is the cosmic microwave background (CMB), as anything past that was opaque. Experimental investigations show that the observable universe is very close to isotropic and homogeneous. If the observable universe encompasses the entire universe, we may be able to determine the structure of the entire universe by observation. However, if the observable universe is smaller than the entire universe,", "id": "12318250" }, { "contents": "Pavo (constellation)\n\n\nis thought to contain 100,000 stars. Lying three degrees to the south is NGC 6744, a spiral galaxy around 30 million light years away from Earth that resembles the Milky Way, but is twice its diameter. A type 1c supernova was discovered in the galaxy in 2005; known as SN2005at, it peaked at magnitude 16.8. The dwarf galaxy IC 4662 lies 10 arcminutes northeast of Eta Pavonis, and is of magnitude 11.62. Located only 8 million light years away, it has several regions of high star formation. The 14th", "id": "2272283" }, { "contents": "RX J0822−4300\n\n\nRX J0822−4300, often referred to as a \"Cosmic Cannonball\", is a radio-quiet neutron star currently moving away from the center of the Puppis A supernova remnant at over 3 million miles per hour (5 400 000 km/h; 1500 km/s; ~0.5% the speed of light), making it one of the fastest moving stars ever found. Astronomers used NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory to observe the star over a period of five years to determine its speed. At this velocity the star", "id": "14674554" }, { "contents": "SN 1986G\n\n\nSN 1986G was a supernova that was observed on May 3, 1986 by Robert Evans. Its host galaxy, Centaurus A, is about 15 million light-years away in the constellation Centaurus. Since Centaurus A is about 15 million light-years away from us, this supernova happened 15 million years ago. SN 1986G was a bright blue-green star in the middle of the left part of the dust belt of Centaurus A. The blue-green color occurs because David Malin could take the red plate used in", "id": "19995951" }, { "contents": "Horizon problem\n\n\n, distances also correspond to time into the past. A galaxy measured at ten billion light years in distance appears to us as it was ten billion years ago, because the light has taken that long to travel to the observer. If one were to look at a galaxy ten billion light years away in one direction and another in the opposite direction, the total distance between them is twenty billion light years. This means that the light from the first has not yet reached the second, because the approximately 13.8 billion years that", "id": "12970417" }, { "contents": "Aberration (astronomy)\n\n\nconsidering the positions of stars. In other words, star maps show the observed apparent positions of the stars, not their calculated true positions after accounting for secular aberration. For stars significantly less than 230 million light years away, the Solar System may be approximated as an inertial frame and so the effect of secular aberration is equivalent to a light-time correction. This includes stars in the Milky Way, since the Milky Way is about 100,000 light years in diameter. For these stars the true position of the star is then", "id": "2388261" }, { "contents": "Chronology of the universe\n\n\n, the universe was truly dark. The first generation of stars, known as population III stars, formed within a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. These stars were the first source of visible light in the universe after recombination. Structures may have begun to emerge from around 150 million years, and early galaxies emerged from around 380 to 700 million years. (We do not have separate observations of very early individual stars; the earliest observed stars are discovered as participants in very early galaxies). As they emerged", "id": "5612141" }, { "contents": "Extraterrestrial life\n\n\nSun-like stars. The nearest such planet may be 12 light-years away, according to the scientists. Astrobiologists have also considered a \"follow the energy\" view of potential habitats. A study published in 2017 suggests that due to how complexity evolved in species on Earth, the level of predictability for alien evolution elsewhere would make them look similar to life on our planet. One of the study authors, Sam Levin, notes \"Like humans, we predict that they are made-up of a hierarchy of entities", "id": "9556079" }, { "contents": "Universe\n\n\nthe typical distance between two neighboring galaxies is 3 million light-years (919.8 kiloparsecs). As an example, the Milky Way is roughly 100,000–180,000 light-years in diameter, and the nearest sister galaxy to the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy, is located roughly 2.5 million light-years away. Because we cannot observe space beyond the edge of the observable universe, it is unknown whether the size of the Universe in its totality is finite or infinite. Estimates for the total size of the universe, if finite", "id": "13294031" }, { "contents": "Arp 271\n\n\nArp 271 is a pair of similarly sized interacting spiral galaxies, NGC 5426 and NGC 5427. It is not certain whether the galaxies are going to eventually collide or not. They will continue interacting for tens of millions of years, creating new stars as a result of the mutual gravitational attraction between the galaxies, a pull seen in the bridge of stars already connecting the two. Located 90 million light-years away, the Arp 271 pair is about 130,000 light-years across. It was originally discovered in 1785 by William", "id": "20680778" }, { "contents": "Ted Rogers (comedian)\n\n\nmillion viewers when they took it off after 10 years. These days if a show gets nine million everyone does a lap of honour\". Later that year, in an interview with Garry Bushell, Rogers said, \"Entertainment is in the hands of Oxbridge graduates. We treat our stars disgracefully. Look at ITV and Benny Hill. Look how the BBC treated Les Dawson. We need to make programmes that entertain an audience again.\" In the early 1990s, Rogers fell on hard times and was declared bankrupt in February", "id": "15158461" }, { "contents": "Fire from the Sky\n\n\ntune, is about the heroes we have lost that we looked up to. \"Fire from the Sky,\" reminiscent of early '90s death metal such as Morbid Angel, tells the story of a star going supernova and devouring planets. \"Save Your Soul\" deals with hanging onto unresolved problems. Becoming stuck in the past can eat away at someone, and \"letting go\" is often easier said than done. \"Blind Faith\" is a political song, and addresses \"society giving up too much control to", "id": "11976524" }, { "contents": "GRB 150101B\n\n\nof neutron stars, according to astronomers. In October 2018, astronomers reported that GRB 150101B, 1.7 billion light years away from Earth, may be analogous to the historic GW170817, a gravitational wave detected in 2017, which is about 130 million light years away, and associated with the merger of two neutron stars. The similarities between the two events, in terms of gamma ray, optical and x-ray emissions, as well as to the nature of the associated host galaxies, are considered \"striking\", and this", "id": "10513812" }, { "contents": "7 Comae Berenices\n\n\n7 Comae Berenices is a single star located 249 light years away in the northern constellation of Coma Berenices. It is a dim star but visible to the naked eye near the Coma Star Cluster with an apparent visual magnitude of 4.93. The star is moving closer to the Earth with a heliocentric radial velocity of −28 km/s, and is predicted to come as close as in 2.4 million years. This is an evolved giant star with a stellar classification of G8 III–IIIb. At the age of 730 million years it", "id": "22035066" }, { "contents": "The World Without Us\n\n\nthe Kingman Reef, and the Palmyra Atoll. He interviews biologist E. O. Wilson and visits with members of the Korean Federation for Environmental Movement at the Korean Demilitarized Zone where few humans have penetrated since 1953. He tries to conceive how life may evolve by describing the past evolution of pre-historic plants and animals, but notes Douglas Erwin's warning that \"we can't predict what the world will be 5 million years later by looking at the survivors\". Several chapters are dedicated to megafauna, which Weisman predicts would proliferate", "id": "7253906" }, { "contents": "Leo Minor\n\n\nby 1.4 arcminutes. Located 42 million light-years away, it is moving away from the Solar System at a rate of 616 km per second. In 2000, a star within the galaxy brightened to magnitude 17.4, and has since been determined to be a luminous blue variable and supernova impostor. NGC 3003, a SBbc barred spiral galaxy with an apparent magnitude of 12.3 and an angular size of 5.8 arcminutes, is seen almost edge-on. NGC 3344, 25 million light-years distant, is face-on", "id": "1475753" }, { "contents": "NGC 1316\n\n\nNGC 1316 (also known as Fornax A) is a lenticular galaxy about 60 million light-years away in the constellation Fornax It is a radio galaxy and at 1400 MHz is the fourth-brightest radio source in the sky. In the late 1970s, François Schweizer studied NGC 1316 extensively and found that the galaxy appeared to look like a small elliptical galaxy with some unusual dust lanes embedded within a much larger envelope of stars. The outer envelope contained many ripples, loops, and arcs. He also identified the presence of", "id": "17766465" }, { "contents": "28 Vulpeculae\n\n\n28 Vulpeculae is a single star in the northern constellation of Vulpecula. It lies approximately 560 light years away and is visible to the naked eye as a faint, blue-white hued star with an apparent visual magnitude of 5.047. The star is moving closer to the Sun with a heliocentric radial velocity of −23 km/s, and may come as close as in 5.9 million years. This is a subgiant star with a spectral class of B5 IV, indicating a hot massive star that has started to evolve away from the", "id": "12595729" }, { "contents": "My Lady Boss\n\n\nthe My Best Friend's Girlfriend produced by the same film outfit in 2008. On a set visit by Samantha Portillo of GMA Network, Gutierrez states that \"\"..after 5 years, finally, we get to do a movie\"\", while Rivera says that her working relationship with Richard is better than ever. On an interview on The Philippine Star, Gutierrez talked about the film saying \"\"..It’s entertaining and light. It feels good doing a movie of this type again. I was looking forward to", "id": "223805" }, { "contents": "UEFA Financial Fair Play Regulations\n\n\nplayers. Inter sporting director Marco Branca admitted that the club could no longer afford the fees paid in the past, declaring, \"We have to organise our finances for the financial fair play rules in the next two years. We are looking for younger players now with great talent who we can develop.\" Despite their efforts to improve finances in the future, the \"Big Three\" of Italian football accounted for 89% (€252 million) of the total Serie A loss of €285 million in 2010–11, and", "id": "16601768" }, { "contents": "Dwarf galaxy\n\n\nextreme example of UCD is M60-UCD1, about 54 million light years away, which contains approximately 200 million solar masses within a 160 light year radius; its central region packs in stars about 25 times closer together than stars in Earth's region in the Milky Way. M59-UCD3 is approximately the same size as M60-UCD1 with a half-light radius, r, of approximately 20 parsecs but is 40% more luminous with an absolute visual magnitude of approximately −14.6. This makes M59-UCD3 the densest known galaxy. Based on stellar orbital velocities,", "id": "7866630" }, { "contents": "Australia: The Story of Us\n\n\nSebastian, Dannii Minogue, Bruce McAvaney and Adam Goodes. The series looks back at some of the people, places and events that have shaped the country over the last 40,000 years. Channel Seven's showrunner Chris Thorburn said; \"I want the audience to be surprised, proud, entertained and awed; to walk away with a view of where we have come from and to see our story in a new light\". Melinda Houston of the Sydney Morning Herald gave the show 3.5/5 saying; \"Unashamedly celebratory and unashamedly populist", "id": "3143149" }, { "contents": "IK Pegasi\n\n\nshown previously, the space velocity of this star relative to the Sun is 20.4 km/s. This is equivalent to moving a distance of one light year every 14,700 years. After 5 million years, for example, this star will be separated from the Sun by more than 500 light years. A Type Ia supernova within a thousand parsecs (3300 light-years) is thought to be able to affect the Earth, but it must be closer than about 10 parsecs (around thirty light-years) to cause a", "id": "6313473" }, { "contents": "49 Aurigae\n\n\n49 Aurigae is a single star located 680 light years away from the Sun in the northern constellation of Auriga. It is visible to the naked eye as a dim, white-hued star with an apparent visual magnitude of 5.26. The star is moving away from the Earth with a heliocentric radial velocity of +17 km/s, having come to within some 5.5 million years ago. It is positioned near the ecliptic and thus is subject to lunar occultations. This object is an A-type main-sequence star with a", "id": "7536149" }, { "contents": "List of most massive stars\n\n\n, or both, could be incorrect. For example, VV Cephei could be between , or , depending on which property of the star is examined. Massive stars are rare; astronomers must look very far from the Earth to find one. All the listed stars are many thousands of light years away and that alone makes measurements difficult. In addition to being far away, many stars of such extreme mass are surrounded by clouds of outflowing gas created by powerful stellar winds; the surrounding gas interferes with the already difficult-to", "id": "14946029" }, { "contents": "Lynx Arc\n\n\nThe Lynx Arc was discovered in 2003 and is considered to be the hottest known star-birthing region in the Universe as of October 2003. It is located at . It is located in the constellation Lynx, 12 billion light years away (z=3.357) from Earth, 8 million times farther away and one million times brighter than the Orion Nebula. It contains about 1 million blue stars, while the Orion Nebula only contains 4. The Lynx Arc was found in a systematic search around galaxy cluster RX J0848+4456 (z=0.570", "id": "18331388" }, { "contents": "Triangulum Australe\n\n\nNGC 5979, a planetary nebula of apparent magnitude 12.3, has a blue-green hue at higher magnifications, while Henize 2-138 is a smaller planetary nebula of magnitude 11.0. NGC 5938 is a remote spiral galaxy around 300 million light-years (90 megaparsecs) away. It is located 5 degrees south of Epsilon Trianguli Australis. ESO 69-6 is a pair of merging galaxies located about 600 million light-years (185 megaparsecs) away. Their contents have been dragged out in long tails by the interaction", "id": "12052228" }, { "contents": "Star count\n\n\nspace. Small dim stars (red dwarfs) seem to be the most common stars in space, at least locally, but can only be seen with large telescopes, and then only when they are within a few tens of light-years from Earth. For example, the blue giant ζ Puppis is 400 million times more luminous than the nearest star, a red dwarf named Proxima, or \"α Centauri C\". Even though Proxima is only 4.2 light-years away from us, it is so dim that it", "id": "16352359" }, { "contents": "Chalay Thay Saath\n\n\nmeanders so delightfully that it doesn’t much matter where we end up\". Hussain Tariq of Geo.Tv gave a rating of 3 out of 5 stars (6.5/10) and wrote, \"Though the film has its shortfalls, it is not difficult to look past them. \"Chalay Thay Saath\" is a feel-good movie – the kind we need more of to lift our cinema from its embryonic stage\". Sohail Javed of Fuchsia.Sg gave a positive review and wrote, \"Pure, clean, humble", "id": "8404989" }, { "contents": "Circinus\n\n\n800-million-year-old open cluster, located 3500 light-years away and spanning a 12-light-year region along the constellation's northern border. Despite having an integrated magnitude of 7.9, the cluster can be seen by star hopping from Beta Circini or from Alpha Centauri. It contains 80–100 stars of 10th magnitude and fainter, which are spread out over a diameter of 10 arcseconds. The brighter stars, however, are not true members of the cluster, as they are closer to the Earth than the dimmer ones. NGC", "id": "1475441" }, { "contents": "HD 199942\n\n\nHD 199942 (HR 8038) is an A-type main sequence star in the constellation of Equuleus. At 235.2 light years away, this star shines dimly at an apparent magnitude of 5.98. HD 199942 is a double star system, which is moving through the galaxy at a speed of 30.3km/s. Its galactic orbit carry it somewhere between 25100-22000 light years from the galactic core, and it'll come at its closest to the Sun 2.1 million years from now, shining at an apparent magnitude of 4.49 at", "id": "19006922" }, { "contents": "Emmert experiment\n\n\nyou, 30 centimeters away from you and then move it at arm’s length. Does the coin seem smaller? Obviously not, but the size of the retinal image of the coin is two times bigger than the retinal image of the coin when it was 30 centimeters away. In the Emmert experiment, we keep a book in front of us within normal reading distance, with good light conditions. Fixate our look into the middle of the object for 1 minute and look to a wall further away. We can see the", "id": "2077409" }, { "contents": "Physics in the medieval Islamic world\n\n\n. His work influenced Roger Bacon, John Peckham and Vitello, who built upon his work and ultimately transmitted it to Kepler. Taqī al-Dīn tried to disprove the widely held belief that light is emitted by the eye and not the object that is being observed. He explained that, if light came from our eyes at a constant velocity it would take much too long to illuminate the stars for us to see them while we are still looking at them, because they are so far away. Therefore, the illumination must", "id": "21315457" }, { "contents": "A Million Lights\n\n\nher musical identity away from Girls Aloud, as well as giving fans a glimpse at her own preference when it comes her taste in music.\" Ian Gittins of Virgin Media gave the album 3 out of 5 stars and wrote: \"A Million Lights, her third album, is a slick and polished summary of the state of the art of current chart-pop but it lacks the indefinable alchemy, personality and touch of magic that makes for truly great pop.\" Stephen Thomas Erlewine from Allmusic rated the album 3 out", "id": "16586905" }, { "contents": "Witwatersrand Basin\n\n\n, we would either have never discovered the rich gold deposits beneath the Southern African surface, or they would have been eroded away during the uninterrupted removal of a several kilometres thick layer of deposits from the surface of the Southern African Plateau in the relatively recent geological past: i.e. the past 150 million years, but especially during the last 20 million years. The vast majority of the Earth's gold and other heavy metals are locked up in the earth's core. Evidence from tungsten isotope studies indicates that most gold in the crust", "id": "1993715" }, { "contents": "50 Cancri\n\n\n50 Cancri is a single star in the zodiac constellation of Cancer, located 183 light years away from the Sun. It has the Bayer designation A Cancri; \"50 Cancri\" is the Flamsteed designation. It is faintly visible to the naked eye as a white-hued star with an apparent visual magnitude of 5.89. The star is moving away from the Earth with a heliocentric radial velocity of 23 km/s, having come to within some 1.2 million years ago. This is a chemically peculiar A-type main-", "id": "8263971" }, { "contents": "71 Ophiuchi\n\n\n71 Ophiuchi is a single star in the equatorial constellation of Ophiuchus. It is visible to the naked eye as a faint, yellow-hued point of light with an apparent visual magnitude of 4.64. The star is located approximately 273 light years away from the Sun based on parallax, and is moving closer with a radial velocity of −3 km/s. At the estimated age of 400 million years, this is an aging giant star with a stellar classification of G8III, having exhausted the supply of hydrogen at its core and", "id": "18728008" }, { "contents": "HD 47667\n\n\nHD 47667 is a single star in the southern constellation of Canis Major. It is visible to the naked eye with an apparent visual magnitude of 4.832. The estimated distance to this star, based upon an annual parallax shift of , is roughly 1,000 light years. It is moving further away with a heliocentric radial velocity of +29 km/s. The star made its closest approach to the Sun some 8.7 million years ago at a separation of around . Roughly 40 million years old, this is an evolved K-type giant", "id": "21156345" }, { "contents": "Centaurus\n\n\nbrightness. NGC 5253 includes a large nebula and at least 12 large star clusters. In the eyepiece, it is a small galaxy of magnitude 10 with dimensions of 5 arcminutes by 2 arcminutes and a bright nucleus. NGC 4945 is a spiral galaxy seen edge-on from Earth, 13 million light-years away. It is visible with any amateur telescope, as well as binoculars under good conditions; it has been described as \"shaped like a candle flame\", being long and thin (16' by 3'", "id": "6482054" }, { "contents": "Principle of relativity\n\n\nmove in the sky, circling once about the Earth per day. Since the stars are light years away, this observation means that, in the non-inertial reference frame of the Earth, anybody who looks at the stars is seeing objects which appear, to them, to be moving faster than the speed of light. Since non-inertial reference frames do not abide by the special principle of relativity, such situations are not self-contradictory. General relativity was developed by Einstein in the years 1907 - 1915. General", "id": "21869825" }, { "contents": "A Brief History of Time\n\n\njust like other galaxies containing vast numbers of stars. The stars are very far away from us, so we only observe their one characteristic feature, their light. When this light is passed through a prism, it gives rise to a spectrum. Every star has its own spectrum and since each element has its own unique spectra, we can know a star's composition. We use thermal spectra of the stars to know their temperature. In 1920, when scientists were examining spectra of different stars, they found that some of", "id": "18614882" }, { "contents": "Taxandria (film)\n\n\namong the locals is that from time to time he hides political refugees from Taxandria from the authorities; in one scene, we see some of these fugitives arrive at the coast in a boat and taken in by the lighthouse keeper. It is however never made clear whether Taxandria really exists or if the viewer only sees what the lighthouse keeper relates to prince Jan, although once Jan is transported to Taxandria simply by looking into the lighthouse's rotating light while the keeper is away. As a failed scientific experiment in the past accidentally", "id": "3496994" }, { "contents": "Home and Away: Romances\n\n\nHome and Away: Romances is an exclusive-to-DVD special of Australia's most popular soap \"Home and Away\". It was released on 2 November 2005 and unlike it previous two DVD releases, \"\" and \"\" which only contained three episodes each, this release is completely different, this takes a look back at all the classic \"Home and Away\" relationships over the past 17 years of the show from 1988 to 2005. It is hosted by \"Home and Away\" star Beau Brady and has", "id": "3063977" }, { "contents": "Auriga (constellation)\n\n\nlight-years away from Earth. It evolved from a B-type star to a K-type star over the estimated 30–45 million years since its birth. Iota Aurigae has an absolute magnitude of −2.3 and a luminosity of . It is classed as a particularly luminous bright giant, but appears dimmer than it should because dust clouds in the Milky Way block some of its light; astronomers estimate that it appears 0.6 magnitudes fainter. It is also a hybrid star, an x-ray producing giant star that emits x-", "id": "911245" }, { "contents": "Norma (constellation)\n\n\nold, it is about 3300 light-years away and is around 14 light-years in diameter. Its brightest member is the Cepheid variable S Normae. A rich background star field makes it less distinct, though around 36 member stars are visible though a 10 cm telescope at 150x magnification. Located 0.4° north of Kappa Normae is NGC 6067, which has an integrated magnitude of 5.6 though it is indistinct as it lies in a rich star field. It is thought to be around 102 million years old, and contain", "id": "14829354" }, { "contents": "I Can't Give Everything Away\n\n\nthat human beings are naturally positive, they look forward and can take the good from the past and use it as something to help with the present. We are a naturally optimistic species and we celebrate the good that we are given.” \"I Can't Give Everything Away\" impacted radio worldwide and was playlisted at BBC Radio 2, BBC 6 Music, Absolute and Radio X in the UK. A reworked version of the song, known as \"I Can't Give Everything Away (Farewell Mix)\", was", "id": "10463797" }, { "contents": "Olbers' paradox\n\n\nknown 1901 paper, and that Edgar Allan Poe's essay \"\" (1848) curiously anticipated some qualitative aspects of Kelvin's argument: The paradox is that a static, infinitely old universe with an infinite number of stars distributed in an infinitely large space would be bright rather than dark. To show this, we divide the universe into a series of concentric shells, 1 light year thick. A certain number of stars will be in the shell 1,000,000,000 to 1,000,000,001 light years away. If the universe is homogeneous at a large", "id": "2528500" }, { "contents": "11 Canis Minoris\n\n\n11 Canis Minoris is a single star in the equatorial constellation of Canis Minor, located around 313 light years away from the Sun. It is visible to the naked eye as a faint, white-hued star with an apparent visual magnitude of 5.25. This object is moving away from the Earth with a heliocentric radial velocity of +28 km/s, having come to within some 2.35 million years ago. This is an A-type main-sequence star with a stellar classification of A1Vnn, where the 'n' notation", "id": "9091263" }, { "contents": "List of most massive stars\n\n\naccreted in a protostar, the combined mass should have become hot enough for its heat to drive away any further incoming matter. In effect, the protostar reaches a point where it evaporates away material as fast as it collects new material. The Eddington limit is based on light pressure from the core of an already-formed star: As mass increases past ~150 , the intensity of light radiated from a Population I star's core will become sufficient for the light-pressure pushing outward to exceed the gravitational force pulling inward, and", "id": "14946035" }, { "contents": "Things Past (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)\n\n\n\"Things Past\" is the 106th episode of the television series \"\", the eighth episode of the . Sisko, Odo, Dax, and Garak are on away mission when something happens. Bashir tries to care for their bodies, in a coma-like state, while we witness a shared experience of Terok Nor- Deep Space Nine during the Cardassian occupation about seven years before (although Jadzia Dax does state that it had to be at least 9 years very early in the episode). \"Things Past\" received a", "id": "22075726" }, { "contents": "Black\n\n\ncontradiction was first noted in 1823 by German astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbers, who posed the question of why the night sky was black. The current accepted answer is that, although the universe is infinitely large, it is not infinitely old. It is thought to be about 13.8 billion years old, so we can only see objects as far away as the distance light can travel in 13.8 billion years. Light from stars farther away has not reached Earth, and cannot contribute to making the sky bright. Furthermore, as", "id": "3595081" }, { "contents": "5 Ursae Minoris\n\n\n5 Ursae Minoris is a star in the circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor. It is a faint star but visible to the naked eye with an apparent visual magnitude of 4.253. The distance to this star, as determined from an annual parallax shift of , is about 110 light years. It is moving further away with a heliocentric radial velocity of +9 km/s. With an age of around two billion years, this is an evolved red giant with a stellar classification of K4-III; a star that has used up its core", "id": "9953210" }, { "contents": "16 Aquarii\n\n\n16 Aquarii, abbreviated 16 Aqr, is a star in the constellation of Aquarius. \"16 Aquarii\" is the Flamsteed designation. It is a faint star, just visible to the naked eye, with an apparent visual magnitude of 5.869. Based upon an annual parallax shift of , it is located about 342 light years away. It is moving closer to the Earth with a heliocentric radial velocity of −6 km/s, and is predicted to come within in 6.8 million years. At the estimated age of 740 million years", "id": "7535837" }, { "contents": "We Have Come for Your Parents\n\n\nscreaming proving to be more irritating than effective, in the process adding a touch of abrasiveness to the songs that is bound to turn off many a discriminating listener., in a 4.5 out of 5 star rating, wrote, \"it is quite possibly one of the most angry, violent and frenetic albums released in the past ten years... Overall I think this album was quite possibly one of the most overlooked albums of the past few years\" Rock Sound voted Amen's \"\"We Have Come For Your Parents\"", "id": "10489094" }, { "contents": "V830 Tauri\n\n\nV830 Tauri is a star located 427 light-years (or 131 parsecs) away from the Sun in the constellation Taurus. This star is very young, with an age of only 2 million years, compared to the Sun's age, which is 4.6 billion years. The star has an exoplanet orbiting around it. V830 Tauri is an M-type star. The star has a mass of roughly 1 solar mass, but has a radius of 2 solar radii, due to the star's age, which means that", "id": "16021982" }, { "contents": "5 Aquarii\n\n\n5 Aquarii is a single star in the zodiac constellation of Aquarius, located about 830 light years away from the Sun, based on parallax. \"5 Aquarii\" is the Flamsteed designation. It is visible to the naked eye as a faint, blue-white hued star with an apparent visual magnitude of 5.55. This object is moving closer to the Earth with a heliocentric radial velocity of −3 km/s. This is a suspected chemically peculiar star star with a stellar classification of B9 III, although Adelman et al.", "id": "7535532" }, { "contents": "Telescopium\n\n\na binary star system: the brighter component, Epsilon Telescopii A, is an orange giant of spectral type K0III with an apparent magnitude of +4.52, while the 13th magnitude companion, Epsilon Telescopii B, is 21 arcseconds away from the primary, and just visible with a 15 cm aperture telescope on a dark night. The system is 417 light-years away. Iota Telescopii and HD 169405—magnitude 5 orange giants of spectral types K0III and K0.5III respectively—make up the quartet. They are around 370 and 497 light-years away", "id": "12052238" }, { "contents": "CI Tauri\n\n\nCI Tauri is a young star, about 2 million years old, located approximately 500 light years away in the constellation Taurus. In 2016 a planet, CI Tauri b, was discovered orbiting it, and in 2018 the possible detection of three more planets (inferred by gaps in the protoplanetary disk surrounding the star) was announced. The discovery of CI Tauri b was notable because it is a hot Jupiter, which are supposed to take a minimum of 10 million years to form, and are often thought to be too close", "id": "10880572" }, { "contents": "Leo (constellation)\n\n\nLeo Triplet, whose other two members are M65 and NGC 3628. It is at a distance of 37 million light-years and has a somewhat distorted shape due to gravitational interactions with the other members of the Triplet, which are pulling stars away from M66. Eventually, the outermost stars may form a dwarf galaxy orbiting M66. Both M65 and M66 are visible in large binoculars or small telescopes, but their concentrated nuclei and elongation are only visible in large amateur instruments. M95 and M96 are both spiral galaxies 20 million light", "id": "17700310" }, { "contents": "Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy\n\n\n50,000 light-years from the core of the Milky Way (about of the distance of the Large Magellanic Cloud). In its looping, spiraling path, it has passed through the plane of the Milky Way several times in the past. In 2018 the Gaia project of the European Space Agency showed that Sgr dSph had caused perturbations in a set of stars near the Milky Way's core, causing unexpected rippling movements of the stars triggered when it sailed past the Milky Way between 300 and 900 million years ago. Officially discovered", "id": "2056354" }, { "contents": "NGC 4214\n\n\nNGC 4214 is a dwarf barred irregular galaxy located around 10 million light-years away in the constellation Canes Venatici. NGC 4214 is both larger and brighter than the Small Magellanic Cloud as well as a starburst galaxy, with the largest star-forming regions (\"NGC 4214-I\" and \"NGC 4214-II\") in the galaxy's center. Of the two, \"NGC 4214-I\" contains a super star cluster rich in Wolf-Rayet stars and \"NGC 4214-II\" is younger (age less than 3 million years),", "id": "20522357" }, { "contents": "Serpens\n\n\nthus Serpens Cauda is rich in deep-sky objects within our own galaxy. The Eagle Nebula and its associated star cluster, Messier 16 lie 7,000 light-years from Earth in the direction of the galactic center. The nebula measures 70 light-years by 50 light-years and contains the Pillars of Creation, three dust clouds that became famous for the image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The stars being born in the Eagle Nebula, added to those with an approximate age of 5 million years have an average temperature", "id": "8489523" }, { "contents": "Pi Scorpii\n\n\nfrom the pair by 50 arcseconds, putting it at least 7000 AU away. The Pi Scorpii system is a kinematic member of the Upper Scorpius subgroup of the Scorpius-Centaurus Association, a group of thousands of young stars with mean age 11 million years at distance 470 light years (145 parsecs). A recent analysis of the HR diagram position for the primary star Pi Scorpii A estimates its effective temperature to be 25,230 kelvins with a luminosity of 21,900 Suns, consistent with an isochronal age of 12-14 million years and", "id": "12813359" }, { "contents": "Musca\n\n\nlikely to be over a million times as luminous as the Sun. TU Muscae is a binary star system located around 15,500 light-years away made up of two hot, luminous, blue main-sequence stars of spectral types O7.5V and O9.5V, with masses 23 and 15 times that of the Sun. The stars are so close that they are in contact with each other (overcontact binary) and are classed as a Beta Lyrae variable as their light varies from Earth as they eclipse each other. The system ranges from apparent", "id": "1475725" }, { "contents": "NGC 6603\n\n\nNGC 6603 is an open cluster discovered by John Herschel on July 15, 1830. Situated within the brightest part of star cloud M24, it is classified by Shapley as type \"g\". This cluster consists of about 30 stars in a field of about 5 arc minutes in diameter, and is about 9400 light years remote. Thus its linear diameter should be about 14 light years. The hottest stars are about B9 (pointing to an intermediate age of several 100 million years, an estimate of which is not known to", "id": "7437701" }, { "contents": "Moonflowers (band)\n\n\nalbum, \"Hash Smits\", was released in December 1991, followed two years later by second album \"From Whales to Jupiter: Beyond the Stars of Rainbohemia\". May 1995 saw the release of the \"Shake it Together\" EP and also an album that has been credited as having the longest title in history, \"We Would Fly Away (We Could Fly Away Never Look Back and Leave the World to Spin Silently in a Suicide Pact and all the Colours and Sounds That Pass Through Us in Space Fall Down", "id": "12629470" }, { "contents": "Messier 34\n\n\nparsecs, or 1,500 light years. For stars in the range from 0.12 to 1.0 solar masses, M34 contains an estimated 400 members. It spans about 35' on the sky which translates to a true radius of 7.5 light years. The cluster is just visible to the naked eye in very dark conditions, well away from city lights. It is possible to see it in binoculars when light pollution is limited. The age of this cluster lies between the respective ages of the Pleiades open cluster at 100 million years and the", "id": "7438790" }, { "contents": "5 Serpentis\n\n\n5 Serpentis is a wide binary star system in Serpens Caput, the western section of the equatorial constellation of Serpens. It is faintly visible to the naked eye with an apparent visual magnitude of 5.10. Based upon an annual parallax shift of as viewed from Earth's orbit, it is located 83 light years away. The brighter member is an IAU radial velocity standard star, and it is moving away from the Sun with a heliocentric radial velocity of +54.3 km/s. The system made its closest approach to the Sun about", "id": "11043358" }, { "contents": "Triangulum\n\n\nThe two are 88,000 light-years apart and lie around 18 million light-years away. These two plus another four nearby dwarf irregular galaxies constitute the NGC 672 group, and all six appear to have had a burst of star formation in the last ten million years. The group is thought connected to another group of six galaxies known as the NGC 784 group, named for its principal galaxy, the barred spiral NGC 784. Together with two isolated dwarf galaxies, these fourteen appear to be moving in a common direction and", "id": "12052185" }, { "contents": "Coma Berenices\n\n\nstar formation began five million years ago, in a region with a diameter of 1,000 light-years. The core's structure is also unique because the galaxy has spiral arms which feed gas into the bar. NGC 4414 is an unbarred spiral flocculent galaxy about 62 million light-years away. It is one of the closest flocculent spiral galaxies. NGC 4565 is an edge-on spiral galaxy which appears superimposed on the Virgo Cluster. NGC 4565 has been nicknamed the Needle Galaxy because when seen in full, it appears as", "id": "13176239" }, { "contents": "Betelgeuse\n\n\ncalculated to be 640 light-years away, yielding an absolute magnitude of about −6. Less than 10 million years old, Betelgeuse has evolved rapidly because of its high mass. Having been ejected from its birthplace in the Orion OB1 Association—which includes the stars in Orion's Belt—this runaway star has been observed moving through the interstellar medium at a speed of 30 km/s, creating a bow shock over four light-years wide. Betelgeuse is in the last stages of its evolution, and it is expected", "id": "9241944" }, { "contents": "Orion (constellation)\n\n\naway from Earth, shines with magnitude 1.70, and with ultraviolet light is 375,000 times more luminous than the Sun. Mintaka is 915 light years away and shines with magnitude 2.21. It is 90,000 times more luminous than the Sun and is a double star: the two orbit each other every 5.73 days. Looking for Orion's Belt in the night sky is the easiest way to locate the constellation. In the Northern Hemisphere, Orion's Belt is best visible in the night sky during the month of January around 9:00 pm,", "id": "19994214" }, { "contents": "NGC 262\n\n\nNGC 262 (also known as Markarian 348) is a huge spiral galaxy in the cluster LGG 14. It is a Seyfert 2 spiral galaxy located 287 million light years away in the constellation Andromeda. It was discovered on September 17, 1885 by Lewis A. Swift. This galaxy has an apparent diameter of approximately 1.3 million light-years, occupying 1.1' of the Earth's sky. It holds approximately 15 trillion stars. NGC 262 was tidally disturbed by the gravitational forces of smaller galaxies, which resulted in its large size", "id": "21899649" }, { "contents": "NGC 1569\n\n\nThe NGC 1569 is a dwarf irregular galaxy in Camelopardalis. The galaxy is relatively nearby. Consequently, the Hubble Space Telescope can easily resolve the stars within the galaxy. The distance to the galaxy was previously believed to be only 2.4 Mpc (7.8 Mly). However, in 2008 scientists studying images from Hubble calculated the galaxy's distance at nearly 11 million light-years away, about 4 million light-years farther than previous thought: therefore the galaxy resulted to be a member of the IC 342 group of galaxies.", "id": "700560" }, { "contents": "19 Aquarii\n\n\n19 Aquarii is a star in the zodiac constellation of Aquarius. With an apparent magnitude of about 5.7, the star is barely visible to the naked eye as a white-hued star (see Bortle scale). Parallax estimates put it at a distance of about 260 light years away from the Sun. The star is moving closer to the Earth with a heliocentric radial velocity of −21 km/s. This object is an A-type main-sequence star with a stellar classification of A8V. It is around 788 million years", "id": "7535736" }, { "contents": "Macrolife\n\n\nthe nearest star. (II) Macrolife: 3000 ... A thousand years later, Asterome has grown by adding concentric layers of shells around itself, and is now host to millions of humans and \"Humanity II\" cybernetic organisms. The invention of engines that can surpass the speed of light has made it possible for the colony to explore far and wide; the second part finds them studying a planet orbiting the star Praesepe over 500 light years away. John Bulero, a young clone of one of the original Bulero's,", "id": "21718238" }, { "contents": "Sextans A\n\n\nSextans A (also known as UGCA 205) is a tiny dwarf irregular galaxy. It spans about 5000 light-years across, and is located at 4.3 million light-years away, in the outskirts of the Local Group of galaxies, which includes the Milky Way galaxy, and to which Sextans A may or may not belong. Sextans A has a peculiar square shape. Massive short-lived stars exploded in supernovae that caused more star formation, triggering yet more supernovae, ultimately resulting in an expanding shell. Young blue", "id": "4016072" }, { "contents": "Messier 93\n\n\nappearance on a dull night, but [a four-inch refractor] shows it as a typical star-studded galactic cluster. It has a Trumpler class of , indicating it is strongly concentrated (I) with a large range in brightness (3) and is rich in stars (r). M93 is at a distance of about 3,380 light years from Earth and has a spatial radius of some 5 light years, a tidal radius of , and a core radius of . Its age is estimated at 387.3 million years", "id": "9611509" }, { "contents": "Manele, Hawaii\n\n\npopulation goes to or has completed high school. 24 inhabitants are white while 5 are Asian. All of the inhabitants of Manele live above the poverty line. The weather in Manele is pleasant. If we look on the average chart of temperature for the past fifty years, we will find that January has the coldest weather with average temperature of 18 degrees Celsius, while July is hottest with an average of 21 degrees. The average rainfall in a year over the last thirty years is 920mm which is 15mm per day", "id": "18475913" }, { "contents": "HAT-P-5\n\n\nHAT-P-5 is a 12th magnitude star in the constellation Lyra, approximately 1,000 light years away from Earth. It is a spectral type G star, about 1.16 solar masses and radii greater than our Sun, and only 200 kelvins hotter. It is estimated to be 2.6 billion years old. On October 9, 2007, a report was submitted to \"The Astrophysical Journal Letters\" telling of the discovery of an exoplanet transiting HAT-P-5. The planet was described as a Jupiter-like hot Jupiter, with a radius", "id": "20249688" } ]
Why do some vegetarians sight morals reasons for not eating meat/animals when animals eating other animals has persisted throughout history?
[{"answer": "Animals rape each other in the wild, does that justify rape? Basing your morality off of what wild animals do isn't sound logic."}, {"answer": "Ethics specifically deals with the fact that humanity is sapient, and can reason before making choices. What other animals do really doesn't have an impact on ethics, because as far as we know, none of them can make a conscious decision to act differently."}, {"answer": "Animals in the wild are not intelligent like humans, not capable of morality like humans, and most of all don't really have a choice... predators are built by evolution to kill and eat, and in an environment where that's their only survival option. Humans, however, are omnivores and capable of eating a wide variety of things to survive. Furthermore, we've constructed a huge society that makes getting access to tons and tons of different food options pretty easy. Tigers don't have a choice, Humans do, and ergo humans **choose** to eat meat."}, {"answer": "Lots of valid points here, but it's also worth noting that we are the only species that does factory farming. If you're a deer and get eaten by a wolf, you've probably lived your life with a lot of freedom but just died pretty brutally. If you're a chicken and get eaten by a human, your life was very likely spent in a tiny environment with a huge amount of other chickens eating food laden with supplements to force more growth and so on. This is why many vegans will argue that being vegetarian isn't enough, a chicken that lays eggs or a cow that produces milk will have the same poor quality of life up until their death whether or not they get eaten at the end of it. While I'm a meat eater myself, I'm strongly of the belief that the debate needs to move on from \"are we ethically **eating** meat\" to \"are we ethically **farming** meat\"."}, {"answer": "Because what other animals do is irrelevant. We typically don't base the ethics of our behavior and actions on that of other animals, and for good reasons: we would find ourselves in societies where it was perfectly fine for a man to kill another man for hitting on his girlfriend; societies where a mother would be justified in killing and eating her own baby."}, {"answer": "Because animals aren't considered to have moral agency, so we do ascribe morality to any of their actions. Animals in the wild commit all kinds of acts that humans consider to be morally repugnant, including rape and murder. The is absolutely no reasons we should look to the wild kingdom as our guide on morality."}, {"answer": "Lots of things commonly occur in nature that are morally reprehensible. Mothers eat their own young as a survival strategy, rape is a common way males can pass on their genes. It's the Naturalistic fallacy to assume something is right or good because it occurs in nature."}, {"answer": "The way animals are raised, fed and slaughtered is often very barbaric whereas animals in the wild get to roam freely."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2857195", "title": "Ethics of eating meat", "section": "Section::::Overview of the argument against meat eating.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 8, "end_paragraph_id": 8, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["\"The Inner World of Farm Animals\" that \"farm animals feel pleasure and sadness, excitement and resentment, depression, fear and pain.", "\" The specific circumstances he mentions include using animals to cycle nutrients and convert sun to food. Ethicists like Tom Regan and Peter Singer define \"ethical\" in terms of suffering rather than ecology."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\nThe question of whether it is right to eat animal flesh is among the most prominent topics in food ethics. People choose not to eat meat for various reasons such as concern for animal welfare, the environmental impact of meat production (\"environmental vegetarianism\"), and health considerations. Some argue that slaughtering animals solely because people enjoy the taste of meat is morally wrong or unjustifiable. Vegans often abstain from other animal products for similar reasons. Ethical vegetarians and ethical vegans may also object to the practices underlying the production of meat", "id": "3515783" }, { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\nby ethical vegetarians and vegans. Ethical vegetarians say that the reasons for not hurting or killing animals are similar to the reasons for not hurting or killing humans. They argue that killing an animal, like killing a human, can only be justified in extreme circumstances; consuming a living creature just for its taste, for convenience, or out of habit is not justifiable. Some ethicists have added that humans, unlike other animals, are morally conscious of their behavior and have a choice; this is why there are laws governing human", "id": "3515786" }, { "contents": "Vegetarianism\n\n\npredicated on the interests of non-human animals. In many societies, controversy and debate have arisen over the ethics of eating animals. Some people, while not vegetarians, refuse to eat the flesh of certain animals due to cultural taboo, such as cats, dogs, horses or rabbits. Others support meat eating for scientific, nutritional and cultural reasons, including religious ones. Some meat eaters abstain from the meat of animals reared in particular ways, such as factory farms, or avoid certain meats, such as veal or", "id": "14214756" }, { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\nbehavior, and why it is subject to moral standards. Ethical vegetarian concerns have become more widespread in developed countries, particularly because of the spread of factory farming, more open and graphic documentation of what human meat-eating entails for the animal, and environmental consciousness. Some proponents of meat-eating argue that the current mass demand for meat has to be satisfied with a mass-production system, regardless of the welfare of animals. Less radical proponents argue that practices like well-managed free-range rearing and the consumption", "id": "3515787" }, { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\n-human animals do not meet this standard. Benjamin Franklin describes his conversion to vegetarianism in chapter one of his autobiography, but then he describes why he (periodically) ceased vegetarianism in his later life: One study found that approximately 60% of contemporary professional ethicists consider it \"morally bad\" to eat meat from mammals. Writing in \"Current Affairs\", Nathan J. Robinson describes the billions of non-human animals that suffer and die at the hands of human beings for consumption as a \"holocaust\" and, citing", "id": "3515810" }, { "contents": "Psychology of eating meat\n\n\nargued, \"meat made us moral.\" Several studies have found that both omnivores and vegetarians tend to consider vegetarians slightly more moral and virtuous than omnivores. Ethical principles are often cited among reasons to stop eating meat. Some evidence suggests meat-eaters may consider vegetarianism an implicit moral reproach, and respond defensively to vegetarian ideas. A 2015 study found that Belgian omnivores, semi-vegetarians (flexitarians), and vegetarians have fundamentally different moral outlooks on animal welfare concerns. However, the three groups were found to donate equally", "id": "12119246" }, { "contents": "Meat\n\n\n. The reasons for not eating all or some meat may include ethical objections to killing animals for food, health concerns, environmental concerns or religious dietary laws. Ethical issues regarding the consumption of meat include objecting to the act of killing animals or to the agricultural practices used in meat production. Reasons for objecting to killing animals for consumption may include animal rights, environmental ethics, or an aversion to inflicting pain or harm on other sentient creatures. Some people, while not vegetarians, refuse to eat the flesh of certain animals (", "id": "19257442" }, { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\nfor Jews to eat meat, a number of medieval scholars of Judaism, such as Joseph Albo and Isaac Arama, regard vegetarianism as a moral ideal. In Christianity as practised by members of Eastern Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic Church, Greek Catholic Church, and others, it is prohibited to eat meat in times of fasting. Rules of fasting also vary. There are also Christian monastic orders that practice vegetarianism. It has been argued that a moral community requires all participants to be able to make moral decisions, but animals are", "id": "3515807" }, { "contents": "Jewish vegetarianism\n\n\n. Some Orthodox rabbis have argued that it is forbidden for an individual to become a vegetarian if they do so because they believe in animal rights, but have ruled that vegetarianism is allowed for pragmatic reasons (if kosher meat is expensive or hard to come by in their area), health concerns, or for reasons of personal taste (if someone finds meat unpalatable). Some believe that halakha encourages the eating of meat at the Sabbath and Festival meals; thus some Orthodox Jews who are otherwise vegetarian will nevertheless consume meat at", "id": "3801106" }, { "contents": "Food and drink prohibitions\n\n\nexceptionally cruel, callous, and/or strange. Monkeys are revered animals in India, largely because of the monkey god Hanuman. Most Hindus are vegetarian and do not eat any kind of meat, including monkeys. Meat eating Indians also do not kill or eat monkeys. Killing and eating monkeys (or other animals which are considered wild) is a taboo and illegal in India. Offal is the internal organs of butchered animals, and may refer to parts of the carcass such as the head and feet (\"trotters\") in", "id": "13194982" }, { "contents": "Buddhist ethics\n\n\nprecept of Buddhism focuses mainly on direct participation in the destruction of life. This is one reason that the Buddha made a distinction between killing animals and eating meat, and refused to introduce vegetarianism into monastic practice. While early Buddhist texts like the Pali Canon frown upon hunting, butchering, fishing and 'trading in flesh' (meat or livestock) as professions, they do not ban the act of eating meat. Direct participation also includes ordering or encouraging someone to kill an animal for you. The Buddhist king Ashoka promoted vegetarian", "id": "5240349" }, { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\nincapable of making moral choices (e.g., a tiger would not refrain from eating a human because it was morally wrong; it would decide whether to attack based on its survival needs, as dictated by hunger). Thus, some opponents of ethical vegetarianism argue that the analogy between killing animals and killing people is misleading. For example, Hsiao (2015) compares the moral severity of harming animals to that of picking a flower or introducing malware into a computer. Others have argued that humans are capable of culture, innovation,", "id": "3515808" }, { "contents": "Vegetarianism\n\n\nVegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood, and the flesh of any other animal), and may also include abstention from by-products of animals processed for food. Vegetarianism may be adopted for various reasons. Many people object to eating meat out of respect for sentient life. Such ethical motivations have been codified under various religious beliefs, as well as animal rights advocacy. Other motivations for vegetarianism are health-related, political, environmental, cultural, aesthetic, economic", "id": "14214712" }, { "contents": "Vegetarianism\n\n\nplants are pulled up. While classical Jewish law neither requires nor prohibits the consumption of meat, Jewish vegetarians often cite Jewish principles regarding animal welfare, environmental ethics, moral character, and health as reasons for adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet. Rabbis may advocate vegetarianism or veganism primarily because of concerns about animal welfare, especially in light of the traditional prohibition on causing unnecessary \"pain to living creatures\" (tza'ar ba'alei hayyim). Jewish vegetarian groups and activists believe that the halakhic permission to eat meat is a temporary leniency for", "id": "14214782" }, { "contents": "Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows\n\n\nthat the system of carnism is at odds with democracy, but takes issue with Joy blaming the system rather than the people who make carnist choices: \"[The] way we as a society envision eating and animals is contradictory and insidious. Yet it seems incongruous to blame the system and simultaneously hold people accountable to awaken their consciences and exercise their free will.\" Kearns also notes that not only are there many empathic people who choose to eat meat, but many vegetarians who base their diet on health, not moral reasons", "id": "12739467" }, { "contents": "Psychology of eating meat\n\n\nmore dissimilar to humans, by caring less about animal welfare and social inequality, and by dissociating meat products from the animals they come from. Ethical conflicts arise when eating animals if they are considered to have moral status. Perceptions of animals' moral status vary greatly, but are determined in part by perceptions of animals as having conscious minds and able to experience pain, and their perceived similarity to humans. Some social psychologists hypothesize that meat eaters can reduce discomfort associated with the meat paradox by minimizing their perception of these morally relevant", "id": "12119229" }, { "contents": "Vegetarian cuisine\n\n\nexclude all animal products, including dairy, honey, and some refined sugars if filtered and whitened with bone char. There are also partial vegetarians who do not eat meat but may eat fish. Vegetarian foods can be classified into several different types: Food regarded as suitable for all vegetarians (including vegans) typically includes: Foods not suitable for vegans, but acceptable for some other types of vegetarians: These are some of the most common dishes that vegetarians eat without substitution of ingredients. Such dishes include, from breakfasts to dinnertime", "id": "14215006" }, { "contents": "Vegetarian ecofeminism\n\n\nOnly \"vegetables and other nonmeat foods are viewed as women's food\". Thus, gender identification is heavily associated with the eating of animals; meat-eating links with masculinity while vegetable-eating suggests \"emasculation or femininity\". This gender-based reading of meat-eating is further accentuated by \"Derrida's notion of carnophallogocentrism,\" indicating that \"masculinity and carnivorism work together to support the virility, power, and authority of one who argues, dialogues, and speaks reasonably\". Adams also argues that animals", "id": "18247434" }, { "contents": "Buddhist ethics\n\n\ncan sometimes be ethical, e.g. defense of others), outside of the Chinese and Vietnamese monastic tradition, most Buddhists do eat meat in practice. There is some controversy surrounding whether or not the Buddha himself died from eating rancid pork. While most Chinese and Vietnamese monastics are vegetarian, vegetarian Tibetans are rare, due to the harsh Himalayan climate. Japanese lay people tend to eat meat, but monasteries tend to be vegetarian. The Dalai Lama, after contracting Hepatitis B, was advised by doctors to switch to a high animal", "id": "5240352" }, { "contents": "Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows\n\n\n. Helena Pedersen of Malmö University questions whether it is accurate for Joy to treat meat eaters as an homogenous group as there may be many different types of meat eaters all of whom have different reasons for eating meat. Proponents of the abolitionist theory of animal rights, such as Gary L. Francione, do not accept the concept of carnism as they believe it indirectly supports the animal welfare position by neglecting to call for the immediate rejection of all animal use and for not explicitly promoting veganism. The book has also been released in a", "id": "12739468" }, { "contents": "Hindu–Islamic relations\n\n\nchoice for Hindus. There are varied opinions regarding the permissibility of eating meat in Hinduism, depending upon the interpretation of the Hindu scriptures. Vegetarianism is a choice for most Hindus, although some sects emphasize vegetarianism. Some Hindus consider violence against animals, that is used to produce any meat, so unacceptable that they avoid eating with non-vegetarians. Most observant Hindus strictly avoid cow-based beef, but some may eat water buffalo-based beef. The manner in which an animal is slaughtered in Islamic rituals is considered cruel", "id": "3753446" }, { "contents": "Kellie Pickler\n\n\nup eating meat. Pickler says she first decided to go vegetarian for health reasons, but a TV ad that vegetarian Pamela Anderson did for animal rights group PETA piqued her curiosity. \"One night I couldn't sleep and I was up and just Googling random stuff and I'm like, 'Hmmm, PETA.' I saw all the videos and I just thought it was horrible. It's animal cruelty. A lot of it has to do with knowing what happens to the animals and it really bothered me and so", "id": "3025319" }, { "contents": "Christian vegetarianism\n\n\na free pass to kill animals for food because \"no matter what you do you can never remove all the blood from the flesh of a slaughtered animal\", but as an invitation to scavenge for and eat dead animals if any are found. These approaches are put under pressure, however, with the sheer number of passages which appear to presuppose the legitimacy of eating animals, and the normalcy with which meat eating is treated. Another approach to these texts is to suggest that God reluctantly permitted the eating of animals due to", "id": "8282544" }, { "contents": "Psychology of eating meat\n\n\nto human-focused charities. Other research has shown how moral disengagement operates in the deactivation of moral self-regulatory processes when considering the impact of meat consumption. In particular, a 2016 study offered an interpretation of moral disengagement as a motivated reasoning process which is triggered by loss aversion and dissonance avoidance. Moral perspectives can have a strong influence on meat consumption, but are not uniform across cultures. In the West, choices about meat eating are known to be associated with moral concerns about animal welfare. In contrast, the", "id": "12119247" }, { "contents": "Vegetarianism\n\n\nhead of the Bahá'í Faith in the first half of the 20th century, stated that a purely vegetarian diet would be preferable since it avoided killing animals, both he and the Universal House of Justice, the governing body of the Bahá'ís have stated that these teachings do not constitute a Bahá'í practice and that Bahá'ís can choose to eat whatever they wish but should be respectful of others' beliefs. Theravadins in general eat meat. If Buddhist monks \"see, hear or know\" a living animal was killed specifically for them to eat", "id": "14214764" }, { "contents": "Animals in Buddhism\n\n\nfor medicinal purposes only if the animal died in accordance with the Dharma, meaning the animal died of natural causes. In Mahāyāna Chinese Buddhism and in those countries to which Chinese Buddhism has spread (such as Korea, Vietnam), Buddhist monks are more strictly vegetarian. One of the scriptural sources for this prohibition is the Mahāyāna Sūtra. This sūtra condemns meat-eating in the strongest terms; among several other reasons, it is stated that it should be avoided because the presence of a meat-eater causes terror in animals", "id": "8253642" }, { "contents": "Psychology of eating meat\n\n\nconflicts between enjoying meat and caring for animals may be made less problematic by holding positive attitudes towards meat. People who think of meat as safe, nutritious, and sustainable tend to experience less ambivalence about eating it. Religious belief in God-given dominion over animals can also justify eating meat. A series of studies published in 2015 asked meat-eating American and Australian undergraduates to \"list three reasons why you think it is OK to eat meat.\" Over 90% of participants offered reasons which the researchers classified among the", "id": "12119237" }, { "contents": "Vegetarian ecofeminism\n\n\nsame pain, the same spilling of blood, the same stench of death, the same arrogant, cruel and brutal taking of life.\" Vegetarianism is therefore a way that ecofeminists can embody their beliefs, because eating meat directly supports the domination of humans over nonhumans, speciesism, and the creation of hierarchies. Or in other words, \"the fact that our meat-advocating culture has successfully separated the consequence of eating animals from the experience of eating animals\". The dairy industry acquires revenue via artificial insemination and the consequential", "id": "18247418" }, { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\nsustainable hunting and animal agriculture are environmentally healthy and therefore good. Hinduism holds vegetarianism as an ideal for three reasons: the principle of nonviolence (ahimsa) applied to animals; the intention to offer only \"pure\" (vegetarian) or sattvic food to a deity and then to receive it back as prasad; and the conviction that an insentient diet is beneficial for a healthy body and mind and that non-vegetarian food is detrimental for the mind and for spiritual development. Buddhist vegetarianism has similar strictures against hurting animals. The", "id": "3515805" }, { "contents": "Vegetarianism by country\n\n\nthey prefer plant-based meals. Similar to Australia, in New Zealand the term \"vegetarian\" refers to individuals who eat no animal meat such as pork, chicken, and fish; they may consume animal products such as milk and eggs. In contrast, the term \"vegan\" is used to describe those who do not eat or use any by-products of animals. In 2002 New Zealand's vegetarians made up a minority of 1-2% of the country’s 4.5 million people. By 2011 Roy Morgan", "id": "8234686" }, { "contents": "History of vegetarianism\n\n\nemperor Ashoka (304–232 BCE) was a vegetarian, and a determined promoter of nonviolence to animals. He promulgated detailed laws aimed at the protection of many species, abolished animal sacrifice at his court, and admonished the population to avoid all kinds of unnecessary killing and injury. Ashoka has asserted protection to fauna, from his edicts: Theravada Buddhists used to observe the regulation of the Pali canon which allowed them to eat meat unless the animal had been slaughtered specifically for them. In the Mahayana school some scriptures advocated vegetarianism; a", "id": "14873712" }, { "contents": "Eating Animals\n\n\nthe \"New Yorker\", the power of the book lies in its ability to discuss why humans can be so loving to their companion animals while simultaneously being completely indifferent to the ones they eat. Other critics have criticized the book for various reasons. In a \"New York Magazine\" review, one vegetarian critic called the book \"deeply irritating,\" as it \"settles on the safest possible non-conclusion.\" Award-winning producer Christopher Quinn and actress Natalie Portman produced a documentary version of \"Eating Animals\"", "id": "16620275" }, { "contents": "Cheese\n\n\neaten in the same meal with any meat. Rennet derived from animal slaughter, and thus cheese made with animal-derived rennet, is not vegetarian. Most widely available vegetarian cheeses are made using rennet produced by fermentation of the fungus \"Mucor miehei\". Vegans and other dairy-avoiding vegetarians do not eat conventional cheese, but some vegetable-based cheese substitutes (soy or almond) are used as substitutes. Even in cultures with long cheese traditions, consumers may perceive some cheeses that are especially pungent-smelling, or", "id": "9948495" }, { "contents": "Psychology of eating meat\n\n\nthat vegetarians and pesco-vegetarians have more open personalities. Other research has indicated that meat consumption is correlated with support for hierarchy and inequality values. Those with a social dominance orientation, who more strongly support inequality and hierarchical structures, have been found in some studies to eat more meat; it has been suggested that this is consistent with their preference for having certain groups dominate others (in this case, having humans dominate animals). In addition, research suggests people self-identifying as greater meat eaters have greater right-", "id": "12119239" }, { "contents": "Meat\n\n\nPythagoras believed that humans and animals were equal and therefore disapproved of meat consumption, as did Plutarch, whereas Zeno and Epicurus were vegetarian but allowed meat-eating in their philosophy. Conversely, Aristotle's \"Politics\" assert that animals, as inferior beings, exist to serve humans, including as food. Augustine drew on Aristotle to argue that the universe's natural hierarchy allows humans to eat animals, and animals to eat plants. Enlightenment philosophers were likewise divided. Descartes wrote that animals are merely animated machines, and Kant considered", "id": "19257384" }, { "contents": "Melanie Joy\n\n\n\", initially receiving little attention. The concept was revisited by her 2009 book \"Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows\". Her ideas influenced subsequent studies of what has come to be known as the \"meat paradox\"—the apparent inconsistency in common attitudes toward animals, wherein people may express affection towards some animals while eating others—and the cognitive dissonance it entails. A number of psychologists are supportive of Joy's beliefs concerning the influence of eating meat on attitudes toward animals. Joy founded Carnism Awareness & Action", "id": "21918914" }, { "contents": "Jewish vegetarianism\n\n\nthereby pointing to vegetarianism as an ideal, as Adam and Eve did not partake of the flesh of animals as all humans and animals were originally commanded by God to only eat plants. According to some interpretations, God's original plan was for mankind to be vegetarian, and God only later gave permission for man to eat meat in a covenant with Noah (Genesis 9:1–17) as a temporary concession because of Man's weak nature. This concessionary view of meat-consumption is based on the scriptural analysis of several Rishonim. The", "id": "3801094" }, { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\n, or cite concerns about animal welfare, animal rights, environmental ethics, and religious reasons. In response, some proponents of meat-eating have adduced various scientific, nutritional, cultural, and religious arguments in support of the practice. Some meat-eaters only object to rearing animals in certain ways, such as in factory farms, or killing them with cruelty; others avoid only certain meats, such as veal or foie gras. Peter Singer—Princeton University and University of Melbourne professor and pioneer of the animal liberation movement", "id": "3515784" }, { "contents": "Unclean animal\n\n\n. One modern example of a Torah-submissive group is the Seventh-day Adventist Church whose co-founder Ellen G. White was a proponent of vegetarianism. Many Seventh-day Adventists avoid meat for health reasons, though vegetarianism is not a requirement. Members of the United Church of God as well as other Sabbath-keeping Christian Churches also believe in abstaining from unclean meats. In the Roman Catholic Church, it was forbidden to eat meat (defined as the flesh of any warm-blooded animal) on Friday, but", "id": "4585604" }, { "contents": "Vegetarianism and religion\n\n\nhad been killed so that the meat could be given to them\". There were prohibitions on specific kinds of meat: meat from humans, meat from royal animals such as elephants or horses, meat from dogs, and meat from dangerous animals like snakes, lions, tigers, panthers, bears and hyenas. On the other hand, certain Mahayana sutras strongly denounce the eating of meat. According to the Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra, the Buddha revoked this permission to eat meat and warned of a dark age when false monks would claim", "id": "2695289" }, { "contents": "Vegetarianism\n\n\nof Hindus vary according to their community, location, custom and varying traditions. Historically and currently, those Hindus who eat meat prescribe Jhatka meat, Hindus believe that the cow is a holy animal whose processing for meat is forbidden. Some followers of Islam, or Muslims, chose to be vegetarian for health, ethical, or personal reasons. However, the choice to become vegetarian for non-medical reasons can sometimes be controversial due to conflicting fatwas and differing interpretations of the Quran. Though some more traditional Muslims may keep quiet", "id": "14214777" }, { "contents": "Demitarian\n\n\npractice of not eating meat on certain days but is not to be confused with “Flexitarians”. Flexitarians eat a predominantly vegetarian diet, are not opposed to eating meat occasionally but do not have the same unifying environmental reasons for reduction in consumption as Demitarians. As the human population increases and more of the world develops, consumption of animal products increases and the associated nitrogen pollution poses substantial threats to the environment. Nitrogen compounds have been used in synthetic fertilizers since the 1900s, causing significant alterations to the global nitrogen cycle. Since", "id": "22052733" }, { "contents": "Jewish vegetarianism\n\n\nvegetarians regarding the ethics of eating meat. According to some, vegetarianism is consistent with the sacred teachings and highest ideals of Judaism, including compassion, health, life, conservation of resources, tzedakah, kashrut, peace, and justice. In contrast, the mass production and consumption of meat and other animal products contradicts many Jewish values and teachings, gravely harming people, animals, communities, and the environment. One \"mitzvah\" cited by vegetarians is \"tza'ar ba'alei hayyim\"; the injunction not to cause \"pain to", "id": "3801103" }, { "contents": "History of Brahmin diet\n\n\nto in Buddhism and no social stigma was attached to Buddhists who ate meat even in India, the land of its origin. This is reasonably clear from the fact that the austerities of Jainism which includes the strictest form of vegetarianism long pre-dated Buddha's birth and did not apparently influence Buddha's eating habits after his enlightenment. Buddha and Buddhists continued to eat meat so long they were assured that the animal was not killed specifically for the feeding the bhikshus Vegetarianism is generally true for the pancha-dravida brahmins like Iyers,", "id": "15539552" }, { "contents": "Animals in Islam\n\n\nIn Islam, animals are conscious of God. According to the Quran, they praise Him, even if this praise is not expressed in human language. Baiting animals for entertainment or gambling is prohibited. The Quran explicitly allows the eating of the meat of certain \"halal\" (, lawful) animals. Although some Sufis have practised vegetarianism, there has been no serious discourse on the possibility of interpretations of scripture that require vegetarianism. Certain animals can be eaten under the condition that they are slaughtered in a specified way. \"", "id": "18405270" }, { "contents": "Moral status of animals in the ancient world\n\n\nand moral equality. \"Plants are created for the sake of animals,\" he wrote, \"and animals for the sake of men.\" Aristotle argued that humans were the “masters” in his created hierarchical structure based upon their rational powers. One of Aristotle's pupils, Theophrastus, argued against eating meat on the grounds that it robbed animals of life and was therefore unjust. He argued that non-human animals can reason, sense, and feel just as human beings do. Theophrastus did not prevail, and", "id": "14922743" }, { "contents": "Veganism\n\n\nthat \"[v]egetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter-faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn\". Several vegetarian writers argued that the restrictions of a vegan lifestyle are impractical, and that vegetarianism is a better goal. Vegans do not eat beef, pork, poultry, fowl, game, animal seafood, eggs, dairy, or any other animal products. Dietary vegans might use animal products in clothing (as leather, wool, and silk), toiletries, and similar", "id": "14214640" }, { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\nis not brought to their attention. This is especially evident when people expect to eat meat in the near future. Such denial makes it less uncomfortable for people to eat animals. The data suggest that people who consume meat go to great lengths to try to resolve these moral inconsistencies between their beliefs and behaviour by adjusting their beliefs about what animals are capable of feeling. This perception can lead to paradoxical conclusions about the ethics and comfort involved in preferring certain types of meat over others. For example, venison or meat from a", "id": "3515796" }, { "contents": "Kangaroo meat\n\n\nvegetarian diet with the addition of kangaroo meat as a choice with environmental benefits because indigenous wild kangaroos require no extra land or water for farming and produce little methane (a greenhouse gas), unlike cattle or other farm animals. Advocates of kangatarianism also choose it because Australian kangaroos live natural lives, eat organic food, and are killed \"humanely\". For similar reasons, Australians have discussed eating only the meat of Australian feral camels (\"cameltarianism\"). There has been recent discussion from the kangaroo meat industry about attempting", "id": "19111884" }, { "contents": "Vegetarianism\n\n\nanimals with equal or greater cognitive abilities than mentally disabled humans is an arbitrary and discriminatory practice based on habit instead of logic. Opponents of ethical vegetarianism argue that animals are not moral equals to humans and so consider the comparison of eating livestock with killing people to be fallacious. This view does not excuse cruelty, but maintains that animals do not possess the rights a human has. One of the main differences between a vegan and a typical vegetarian diet is the avoidance of both eggs and dairy products such as milk, cheese,", "id": "14214759" }, { "contents": "Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows\n\n\n. For example, in the physical sense, an estimated 10 billion land animals are slaughtered for their meat every year in the U.S., yet most of the animals are never seen—they are kept in confined animal feeding operations, invisible to the public and off limits to the media. Joy maintains that the choice to eat meat is not natural or a given as proponents of meat claim, but influenced by social conditioning. The majority of people, Joy claims, care deeply about animals and do not want them to suffer", "id": "12739464" }, { "contents": "Psychology of eating meat\n\n\nPeople in many cultures do not like to be reminded of the connection between animals and meat, and tend to \"de-animalize\" meat when necessary to reduce feelings of guilt or of disgust. Meat in Western countries is often packaged and served so as to minimize its resemblance to live animals, without eyes, faces, or tails, and the market share of such products has increased in recent decades; however, meat in many other cultures is sold with these body parts. Some authors have suggested that the use of", "id": "12119234" }, { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\n' argument has also been criticized by Andy Lamey for being based on only two studies that may not represent commercial agricultural practices. When differentiating between animals killed by farm machinery and those killed by other animals, he says that the studies again show veganism to do the \"least harm\". One of the main differences between a vegan and a typical vegetarian diet is the avoidance of both eggs and dairy products such as milk, cheese, butter, and yogurt. Ethical vegans do not consume dairy or eggs because they believe their", "id": "3515817" }, { "contents": "Thirty-nine Reasons Why I Am a Vegetarian\n\n\nauthored on the subject of vegetarianism, including \"Unpolished rice\" among others. Among the reasons Clubb gives for a vegetarian lifestyle are that he is \"an optimist\" and that \"eating a lamb does not make a man lamb-like in his character any more than eating a missionary converts a savage into a Christian,\" which contributors to \"Unity\" found \"interesting.\" Though not stated in \"Thirty-nine Reasons Why I Am a Vegetarian\", Clubb has been quoted as saying meat-eating \"", "id": "7897644" }, { "contents": "Jainism\n\n\nvegetarian. Devout Jains practice lacto-vegetarianism, meaning that they eat no eggs, but accept dairy products if there is no violence against animals during their production. Veganism is encouraged if there are concerns about animal welfare. Jain monks and nuns do not eat root vegetables such as potatoes, onions and garlic because tiny organisms are injured when the plant is pulled up, and because a bulb or tuber's ability to sprout is seen as characteristic of a higher living being. Jains fast on different occasions throughout the year, particularly", "id": "16002650" }, { "contents": "Appeal to nature\n\n\ntherefore should not be used. This is particularly notable as an argument employed against the practice of vaccination. On the topic of meat consumption, Peter Singer argues that it is fallacious to say that eating meat is morally acceptable simply because it is part of the \"natural way”, as the way that humans and other animals \"do\" behave naturally has no bearing on how we \"should\" behave. Thus, Singer claims, the moral permissibility or impermissibility of eating meat must be assessed on its own merits, not", "id": "7926833" }, { "contents": "Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows\n\n\nWhy We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism (2009) is a book by American social psychologist Melanie Joy about the belief system and psychology of meat eating, or \"carnism\". Joy coined the term \"carnism\" in 2001 and developed it in her doctoral dissertation in 2003. Carnism is a subset of speciesism, and contrasts with ethical veganism, the moral commitment to abstain from consuming or using meat and other animal products. Joy, a social psychologist and author, was concerned", "id": "12739461" }, { "contents": "Psychology of eating meat\n\n\nreported to significantly affect their purchasing behavior. Recent trends in animal husbandry, such as biotechnology, factory farming, and breeding animals for faster growth, are expected to have a continuing effect on the evolution of consumer attitudes towards meat. One question examined in the psychology of eating meat has been termed the meat paradox: how can individuals care about animals, but also eat them? Internal dissonance can be created if people's beliefs and emotions about animal treatment do not match their eating behavior, although it may not always be subjectively", "id": "12119227" }, { "contents": "Vegetarianism and religion\n\n\nthe slaughter of animals and meat eating. The Mahabharata (12.260; 13.115-116; 14.28) and the Manu Smriti (5.27-55) contain lengthy discussions about the legitimacy of ritual slaughter and subsequent consumption of the meat. In the Mahabharata both meat eaters and vegetarians present various arguments to substantiate their viewpoints. Apart from the debates about domestic animals, there is also a long discourse by a hunter in defence of hunting and meat eating. These texts show that both ritual slaughter and hunting were challenged by advocates of universal", "id": "2695283" }, { "contents": "Sangha\n\n\nvegetarianism is a Western misperception. In the Pali Canon, the Buddha rejected a suggestion by Devadatta to impose vegetarianism on the Sangha. According to the Pali Texts, the Buddha ate meat as long as the animal was not killed specifically for him. The Buddha in the Pali Canon allowed Sangha members to eat whatever food is donated to them by laypeople, except that they may not eat meat if they know or suspect the animal was killed specifically for them. Consequently, the Theravada tradition does not practice strict vegetarianism, although an", "id": "9202848" }, { "contents": "Meat\n\n\nkilling animals with a single strike (\"jhatka\"), but some Sikh groups oppose eating any meat. Research in applied psychology has investigated practices of meat eating in relation to morality, emotions, cognition, and personality characteristics. Psychological research suggests meat eating is correlated with masculinity, support for social hierarchy, and reduced openness to experience. Research into the consumer psychology of meat is relevant both to meat industry marketing and to advocates of reduced meat consumption. Unlike most other food, meat is not perceived as gender-neutral", "id": "19257446" }, { "contents": "Animal studies\n\n\nas an important topic at different times and for various reasons, and these separate disciplinary histories shape how scholars approach animal studies. In part, animal studies developed out of the animal liberation movement and was grounded in ethical questions about co-existence with other species: whether it is moral to eat animals, to do scientific research on animals for human benefit, and so on. Animal studies scholars who explore the field from an ethical perspective frequently cite Australian philosopher Peter Singer's 1975 work, \"Animal Liberation\", as a", "id": "4554466" }, { "contents": "History of vegetarianism\n\n\nalso avoid hurting plant life by avoiding root vegetables. This is not just seen as an ascetic practice, but Chinese spirituality generally believes that animals have immortal souls, and that a diet of mostly grain is the healthiest for humans. In Chinese folk religions, as well as the aforementioned faiths, people often eat vegan on the 1st and 15th of the month, as well as the eve of Chinese New Year. Some nonreligious people do this as well. This is similar to the Christian practice of lent and not eating meat", "id": "14873730" }, { "contents": "Jónsi\n\n\non the song \"Revelation\" from the \"Boy Erased\" soundtrack. In 2003, he was escorted off the premises while protesting against Kárahnjúkar Hydropower Plant in Iceland. Jónsi is a vegetarian. He states that he \"didn’t go vegetarian because of the animals\" but became gradually more concerned for their welfare. Jónsi elaborated that he would find it difficult to date someone who eats meat, saying \"I just love animals and I do not want to kill them, cook them or eat them so it’d be hard", "id": "16529659" }, { "contents": "Vegetarian ecofeminism\n\n\nthe oppression of women are closely linked, so vegetarian ecofeminism argues that eating meat makes one complicit in the exploitation of animals. It also makes one complicit in the violence towards animals and women, for \"meat-eating is a form of patriarchal domination ... that suggests a link between male violence and a meat-based diet\". The phrase \"the personal is political\" is deeply embedded in ecofeminism, because just as it is hypocritical for feminists to buy products created in sweatshops, it is hypocritical for feminists to buy", "id": "18247416" }, { "contents": "Cow protection movement\n\n\nokay because animal sacrifice was practiced in the Vedic age, that the flesh nourishes people, that man must eat to live and plants like animals are alive too, that the nature of life is such every life form eats the other, that no profession is totally non-violent because even agriculture destroys numerous living beings when the plough digs the land. The hunter's arguments are, states Alsdorf, followed by stanzas that present support for restricted meat-eating on specific occasions. The pro-vegetarianism sections of these Hindu texts", "id": "15019112" }, { "contents": "Criticism of religion\n\n\nAlbo and Isaac Arama, regard vegetarianism as a moral ideal, not just out of a concern for animal welfare, but also the slaughterer. Other forms of ritual slaughter, such as Islamic ritual slaughter, have also come under controversy. Writing for PETA, Logan Scherer said that animals sacrificed according to Islamic law can not be stunned before they are killed. Muslims are only allowed to eat meat that has been killed according to Sharia law and they say that Islamic law on ritual slaughter is designed to reduce the pain and distress", "id": "13294545" }, { "contents": "Hay\n\n\nmorning and evening. However, this schedule is more for the convenience of humans, as most grazing animals on pasture naturally consume fodder in multiple feedings throughout the day. Some animals, especially those being raised for meat, may be given enough hay that they simply are able to eat all day. Other animals, especially those that are ridden or driven as working animals, are only free to eat when not working, and may be given a more limited amount of hay to prevent them from getting too fat. The proper", "id": "2631769" }, { "contents": "Animal psychopathology\n\n\na redirection of foraging related behavior. Another animal that has displayed a more complex pica example are cattle. Cattle eat bones when they have a phosphorus deficiency. However, in some cases they persist on eating bones even after their phosphorus levels have stabilized and they are getting adequate doses of phosphorus in their diet. In this case evidence supports both a physical and psychological adaptive response. Cattle that continue to eat bones after their phosphorus levels are adequate do it because of a psychological reinforcer. \"The persistence of pica in the seeming", "id": "4835244" }, { "contents": "Cattle slaughter in India\n\n\n, that man must eat to live and plants like animals are alive too, that the nature of life is such every life form eats the other, that no profession is totally non-violent because even agriculture destroys numerous living beings when the plough digs the land. The hunter's arguments are, states Alsdorf, followed by stanzas that present support for restricted meat-eating on specific occasions. The pro-vegetarianism sections of these Hindu texts counter these views. One section acknowledges that the Vedas do mention sacrifice, but not", "id": "12809691" }, { "contents": "Diet in Hinduism\n\n\nDiet in Hinduism varies with its diverse traditions. The ancient and medieval Hindu texts strongly prohibit eating meat, and they recommend ahimsa—non-violence against all life forms including animals because they believe that it minimizes animal deaths. Many Hindus prefer a vegetarian or lacto-vegetarian lifestyle, and methods of food production that are in sync with nature, compassionate, and respectful of other life forms as well as nature. The diet of many Hindus includes eggs, fish or certain other meat. For slaughtering animals and birds for food", "id": "7035518" }, { "contents": "Jewish vegetarianism\n\n\nrare example of an Orthodox rabbi who has argued that eating meat and animal byproducts is no longer permitted according to Jewish sources, because of the cruelty inflicted on animals. It is more common for Orthodox rabbis to call on Jews to reduce their consumption of animal products, as when a consortium of 120 Orthodox rabbis scholars, and community leaders in Jerusalem, known as Beit Hillel, issued a paper calling on Jews to reduce meat consumption in order to alleviate animal suffering. There are several religious and philosophical arguments used by modern Jewish", "id": "3801102" }, { "contents": "Carnism\n\n\neating meat itself causes people to attribute diminished mental capacity to animals. For example, in one study people rated an unfamiliar exotic animal as less intelligent if they were told native people hunted it, and in another they regarded cows as less intelligent after eating beef jerky. Avoiding consideration of the provenance of animal products is another strategy. Joy argues that this is why meat is rarely served with the animal's head or other intact body parts. Joy introduced the idea of the \"Three Ns of Justification\", writing that meat", "id": "19866431" }, { "contents": "Arjen Lubach\n\n\nis a vegetarian. In the \"ZML\" episode of 1 November 2015, he was still making fun of vegetarians, saying they overdid it, but he did argue that the population as a whole should eat less meat, primarily for environmental reasons. He then demonstratively ate a half sausage slice, and threw away the other half. During the \"ZML\" episode of 17 September 2017, Lubach ferociously criticised animal suffering in factory farming, recalling the recent Fipronil crisis, numerous farm fires killing hundreds of thousands of animals,", "id": "2329399" }, { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\nand the sublimation of instinct in order to act in an ethical manner while animals are not, and so are unequal to humans on a moral level. This does not excuse cruelty, but it implies animals are not morally equivalent to humans and do not possess the rights a human has. The precise definition of a moral community is not simple, but Hsiao defines membership by the ability to know one's own good and that of other members, and to be able to grasp this in the abstract. He claims that non", "id": "3515809" }, { "contents": "Cow protection movement\n\n\nthat killing or eating meat is wrong, it urges Buddhist laypersons to not operate slaughterhouses, nor trade in meat. Indian Buddhist texts encourage a plant-based diet. Amritdhari Sikhs, or those baptized with the \"Amrit\", have been strict vegetarians, abstaining from all eggs and meat, including cattle meat. Sikhs who eat meat seek the Jhatka method of producing meat believing it to cause less suffering to the animal. Both initiated and uninitiated Sikhs are strictly prohibited from eating meat from animals slaughtered by halal method, known", "id": "15019119" }, { "contents": "Moral status of animals in the ancient world\n\n\nit was Aristotle's position—that human and non-human animals exist in different moral realms because one is rational and the other not—that persisted largely unchallenged in the West for nearly two thousand years. While the first chapter of Book of Genesis describes how God gave human beings dominion over animals, this is tempered throughout the Torah by injunctions to show kindness and to respect animals. Severing a limb from a live animal and eating it was forbidden (Genesis 9:4), cattle were to be rested on Biblical Sabbath (", "id": "14922744" }, { "contents": "Adolf Hitler and vegetarianism\n\n\nof his diet during this period, with several contemporaneous witnesses—such as Albert Speer (in his memoirs, \"Inside the Third Reich\")—noting that Hitler used vivid and gruesome descriptions of animal suffering and slaughter at the dinner table to try to dissuade his colleagues from eating meat. An examination of Hitler's remains carried out by French scientists in 2017 found no traces of meat fibre in the tartar on Hitler's teeth. Some modern day analysis has speculated that Hitler's vegetarianism may have been for health reasons due to Richard Wagner's", "id": "18399941" }, { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\nresponse, animal welfare advocates ask for evidence that any factory-bred animal is better off caged than free. Farm Sanctuary argue that commodifying and slaughtering animals is incompatible with the definition of \"humane\". Animal ethicists such as Gary Francione have argued that reducing animal suffering is not enough; it needs to be made illegal and abolished. Peter Singer has pointed out that the ethical argument for vegetarianism may not apply to all non-vegetarian food. For example, any arguments against causing pain to animals would not apply to animals", "id": "3515812" }, { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\ngiving up all meat. Davis states that a diet containing beef from grass-fed ruminants such as cattle would kill fewer animals than a vegetarian diet, particularly when one takes into account animals killed by agriculture. This conclusion has been criticized by Jason Gaverick Matheny (founder of \"in vitro\" meat organization New Harvest) because it calculates the number of animals killed per acre (instead of per consumer). Matheny says that, when the numbers are adjusted, Davis' argument shows veganism as perpetrating the least harm. Davis", "id": "3515816" }, { "contents": "List of Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water characters\n\n\nand ethical, frequently calling others out on acts of violence towards other humans or animals, even when it is essential. She even happens to be a strict vegetarian and believes that there is no excuse for eating meat or killing (although her friends attempt to justify their reasons for doing so). Because of her unhappy past, Nadia is even extremely suspicious of all grown-ups—particularly Nemo. As such, she does not know how to act around other people, and sometimes treats them very badly. She misjudges", "id": "4267696" }, { "contents": "Hinduism and Sikhism\n\n\nthe individual. Sikh sects and groups that have a \"Vashnavite\" influence (AKJ, GNNSJ, 3HO, Namdhari's etc.) tend to be vegetarians. Other Sikhs eat meat that has been prepared by the Jhatka method (meat prepared by sudden death of the animal), and consider only that meat as expressly forbidden that is ritually slaughtered like Kosher or Halal (Kutha meat, the meat of animals prepared by slowly bleeding it to death). HS Singha explains the Jhatka meat requirement to have support in the Hindu", "id": "22020730" }, { "contents": "Women and animal advocacy\n\n\nfor farm animals. In 1990 the American author [[Carol J. Adams]] published her influential book \"The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory\", which discusses the connections between [[feminism]] and [[vegetarianism]] and [[patriarchy]] and meat eating, historically and through the reading of literary texts. Also in 1990, during the March for Animals in Washington, D.C. – the largest animal rights demonstration held until then in the United States – most of the", "id": "3417866" }, { "contents": "Christianity and animal rights\n\n\nhe told them \"Eat anything sold in the meat market\" (1 Corinthians 10:25). Far from discouraging the eating of meat (except for matters of harmony and testimony), Paul wrote of vegetarians as those with weak faith, \"One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables\" (Romans 14:2). The teachings and rise of Christianity ended animal sacrifice, as Christians believe Jesus died for all the sins of humanity and is often portrayed as the", "id": "575646" }, { "contents": "Vegetarianism and religion\n\n\nshows that in facts only a third of the upper-caste Indians could be vegetarian. Many coastal inhabitants are fish eaters. In particular Bengali Hindus have romanticized fishermen and the consumption of fish through poetry, literature and music. Hindus who eat meat are encouraged to eat Jhatka meat. Animal sacrifice in Hinduism (sometimes known as Jhatka Bali) is the ritual killing of an animal in Hinduism. The ritual sacrifice normally forms part of a festival to honour a Hindu god. For example, in Nepal the Hindu goddess Gadhimai,", "id": "2695285" }, { "contents": "Vegetarianism by country\n\n\n, \"natural flavour\" could be derived from either plant or animal sources. Animal rights organisations such as Animal Liberation promote vegan and vegetarian diets. \"Vegetarian Week\" runs from 1–7 October every year, and food companies are taking advantage of the growing number of vegetarians by producing meat-free alternatives of popular dishes, including sausages and mash and spaghetti Bolognese. A 2000 Newspoll survey (commissioned by Sanitarium) shows 44% of Australians report eating at least one meat-free evening meal a week, while 18% said", "id": "8234685" }, { "contents": "History of vegetarianism\n\n\nof Assisi described animal beings with mystic language, contemporary sources do not claim that he practised or advocated vegetarianism. Many ancient intellectual dissidents, such as the Encratites, the Ebionites, and the Eustathians who followed the fourth century monk Eustathius of Antioch, considered abstention from meat-eating an essential part of their asceticism. Medieval Paulician Adoptionists, such as the Bogomils (\"Friends of God\") of the Thrace area in Bulgaria and the Christian dualist Cathars, also despised the consumption of meat. It was not before the European", "id": "14873741" }, { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\nthan meat from animals raised on factory farms. Many ethical vegetarians and ethical meat-eaters argue that it is behaviour rather than supporting beliefs that should be adjusted. Some people choose to be vegetarian or vegan for environmental reasons. According to a 2006 report by LEAD \"Livestock's Long Shadow\", \"the livestock sector emerges as one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global.\" The livestock sector is probably the largest source of water pollution", "id": "3515798" }, { "contents": "Christian vegetarianism\n\n\n. Genesis 9:3-4 is the first such example. In this verse, God tells Noah and his family that animals will now be their food, although they are not to eat animal flesh which contains blood. This new situation - that of humans eating animals - is then taken largely for granted in much of the Biblical narrative. records God giving the Israelites rules about what types of meat may be eaten, which implies that certain meats were acceptable. During the Exodus out of Egypt, God commanded that all of the", "id": "8282542" }, { "contents": "Manusmriti\n\n\ncontemplates, undertakes and does what he loves to do and when he does so without harming any creature. Numerous verses relate to the practice of meat eating, how it causes injury to living beings, why it is evil, and the morality of vegetarianism. Yet, the text balances its moral tone as an appeal to one's conscience, states Olivelle. For example, verse 5.56 as translated by Olivelle states, \"there is no fault in eating meat, in drinking liquor, or in having sex; that is the", "id": "6117823" }, { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\nVal Plumwood (1993, 1996) has argued that anthropocentrism plays a role in green theory that is analogous to androcentrism in feminist theory and ethnocentrism in anti-racist theory. Plumwood calls human-centredness \"anthropocentrism\" to emphasize this parallel. By analogy with racism and sexism, Melanie Joy has dubbed meat-eating \"carnism\". The animal rights movement seeks an end to the rigid moral and legal distinction drawn between human and non-human animals, an end to the status of animals as property, and an end", "id": "3515789" }, { "contents": "Hinduism and Sikhism\n\n\na soul or after life moksha. Hinduism does not explicitly prohibit eating meat, but it does strongly recommend Ahimsa – the concept of non-violence against all life forms including animals. As a consequence, many Hindus prefer vegetarian or lacto-vegetarian lifestyle, and methods of food production that is in harmony with nature and compassionate, respectful of other life forms as well as nature. The tenets of Sikhism do not advocate a particular stance on either vegetarianism or the consumption of meat, but rather leave the decision of diet to", "id": "22020729" }, { "contents": "Hinduism\n\n\nof strict lacto vegetarians in India (includes adherents of all religions) who never eat any meat, fish or eggs vary between 20% and 42%, while others are either less strict vegetarians or non-vegetarians. Those who eat meat seek Jhatka (quick death) method of meat production, and dislike Halal (slow bled death) method, believing that quick death method reduces suffering to the animal. The food habits vary with region, with Bengali Hindus and Hindus living in Himalayan regions, or river delta regions,", "id": "13167450" }, { "contents": "Psychology of eating meat\n\n\nqualities in animals, particularly animals they regard as food, and several recent studies provide support for this hypothesis. It was found, for instance, that by simply being classified within the food animals group, an animal is immediately attributed fewer moral rights. A 2010 study randomly assigned college students to eat beef jerky or cashews, then judge the moral importance and cognitive abilities of a variety of animals. Compared with students who were given cashews, those who ate beef jerky expressed less moral concern for animals, and assigned cows a", "id": "12119230" }, { "contents": "Christianity and animal rights\n\n\nanimals. Jesus Christ in the New Testament exists not just as the core theological figure in Christian thought but also as a moral icon to look to as an inspiration in terms of Christian ethics. Looking at the canonical gospels, Jesus ate the Passover meal which included meat (e.g. Matthew 26:17-20). He did not identify being a vegetarian and did not act like one. Biblical passages associate Jesus and his followers with fishing, which could be an implied support for meat-eating (at least of that type)", "id": "575643" }, { "contents": "Christian vegetarianism\n\n\n\"nurturing\", and \"leading about\" as potential ways of understanding \"dominion\", and notes that the common characteristic of these concepts \"is their benignity\". The opening chapters of Genesis are, of course, only the beginning of the Biblical story. And just as there are passages which can be cited in support of a Christian vegetarianism or veganism, so there are passages which suggest that eating animals is morally permissible. The most problematic passages for Christian vegetarians are those which include an explicit permission to eat animals", "id": "8282541" }, { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\nthat do not feel pain. It has also often been noted that, while it takes a lot more grain to feed some animals such as cows for human consumption than it takes to feed a human directly, not all animals consume land plants (or other animals that consume land plants). For example, oysters consume underwater plankton and algae. In 2010, Christopher Cox wrote: Cox went on to suggest that oysters would be acceptable to eat, even by strict ethical criteria, if they did not feel: \"while", "id": "3515813" }, { "contents": "Diet in Sikhism\n\n\nNishkam Sewak Jatha and the 3HO—believe that the Sikh diet should be meat-free. Some claim that reason for the disagreement with this ruling is that these sects had many Vaishnav converts to Sikhism who were staunchly vegetarian. However, the Sikh scripture directly advises against harming and eating animals in multiple places , making the idea that vegetarianism in Sikhism is solely an influence of Hinduism a myth. The Akhand Kirtani Jatha dispute the meaning of the word \"kutha\", claiming it means all meat. However, in mainstream Sikhism", "id": "632410" }, { "contents": "Toda people\n\n\n) tall, through which people must crawl to enter the interior. This unusually small entrance is a means of protection from wild animals. The front portion of the hut is decorated with the Toda art forms, a kind of rock mural painting. The Todas are vegetarians and do not eat meat, eggs that can hatch, or fish (although some villagers do eat fish). The buffalo were milked in a holy dairy, where the priest/milkman also processed their gifts. Buffalo milk is used in a variety of", "id": "2504773" }, { "contents": "Vegetarianism and religion\n\n\nChristian vegetarian sect founded by Reverend William Cowherd in 1809, were one of the philosophical forerunners of the Vegetarian Society. Cowherd encouraged members to abstain from eating of meat as a form of temperance. Some Christian groups, such as Seventh-day Adventists, the Christian Vegetarian Association and Christian anarchists, take a literal interpretation of the Biblical prophecies of universal veg(etari)anism and encourage veg(etari)anism as preferred lifestyles or as a tool to reject the commodity status of animals and the use of animal products for any purpose, although some of them say it", "id": "2695302" } ]
why does it take 30 mins for my dogs bloodwork to come back yet mine takes 24 hours?
[{"answer": "Thank you all for the answers. Sadly this 30 min test basically told it's time put down my dog. I'll be crying in my room if you need me. EDIT: I'll add on to this so hopefully more see this, took her to the vet and turns out it was really bad case of [DKA]( URL_0 ). All the symptoms she had we assumed she was just getting slower with old age. She pulled through today and has another big day ahead of her tomorrow. If the levels fall she'll make it and we will do insulin the rest of her days, if not.... Basically don't be a cheapo like me and do the blood work at the yearly check ups. It's worth it and I feel like the worst human ever for not doing it."}, {"answer": "Probably depends upon the workload of the lab techs and/or the urgency of your results. I'm Aircrew in the military (not U.S.) and my blood work comes back within a week for my yearly medical, but if I'm sick and possibly medically grounded, my results have come back as quick as 1 hour. Also, certain tests require more time. Perhaps your dogs tests are simple and yours are not..."}, {"answer": "Many hospitals will send your blood off to a reference laboratory for the actual tests, whereas many vet offices are able to run tests right there in their own facility. In the average community, there aren't so many animals needing blood tests at any given time that it becomes problematic or impractical to do right there in the vet office. On the other hand, if you live in a city of average size, there may be thousands of human blood samples from the community to test on any given day. Ultimately it becomes far more efficient to send the blood samples off in batches to other labs and facilities that specialize in this kind of thing. Also, some of these testing laboratories don't only cover your immediate city; oftentimes they are regional, covering numerous cities and towns in the area, leading to higher workloads and increased turnaround on results. Blood tests can be expedited if there is some urgency, but typically yours will be placed at the end of the line. And there may be hundreds or thousands of tests waiting in line ahead of you."}, {"answer": "i did research on blood transport for the FDA a decade ago. dog blood is not regulated as much as human blood. people handling it require less training. there is less documentation required, and fewer controls. it's easier to get dog blood through the process because there are fewer barcodes to scan, fewer things to enter in a computer."}, {"answer": "With few exceptions, your tests can be completed quite quickly, but there are other factors that interfere. 1. Many doctors send blood and other specimen (feces, urine, etc) offsite for analysis rather than doing it in their office, as it can require specialized equipment/facilities. 2. If it's done on-site, your tests may be delayed due to other, higher-priority patients. If you're getting your cholesterol checked, it can wait a day or two, but if someone *might* be having a heart attack, the test results are needed ASAP to determine the appropriate treatment, as the patient's life may be at stake."}, {"answer": "Simple answer is backlog. There are way more people that need labs done than there are animals. If your hospital or clinic has their own lab, then chances are you'll be able to get your labs done faster than if it has to be sent out. Not to mention the lab might take orders from outside sources. You are probably number 249 on their list by the time your order gets inputted. You dog is probably number 29. Priority as well. Blood work in ER visits take priority over someone who's in for their yearly lipid test. Literally a matter of life or death in some cases."}, {"answer": "Vet blood work is usually simple and doesn't require high levels of accuracy. Simple finger prick blood tests are almost instantaneous while actual lab tests take a while based on priority and workload. After I broke my leg, they drew blood and had results in less than an hour."}, {"answer": "Your blood test takes a very short amount of time. It's just the workload of the lab you go to. I've had results back in 20 minutes."}, {"answer": "It's marked up as explained, but just to add to this topic. The vast majority of blood work has a very short turn around time regardless of species. Time delays really only occur when samples have to be sent to a local laboratory for either confirmation or if the practice doesn't have the equipment to run the required test. As a couple examples a veterinary practice might have a biochemistry and a haematology analyser which will allow a vet or vet nurse to provide results within 5 minutes. These analysers are quite accurate and provide a decent snap shot typically of liver/kidney parameters along with a full blood count. These results will help a clinician to in the least start treatment, continue therapy, confirm health status. They may send the same samples on to a reference laboratory to confirm/get more detailed results. Typically a vet practice lab will have a few other smaller point of care analysers or tests that they can perform (haemoglobin, blood glucose, blood typing or simple snap ELISA). When sending a sample to a reference laboratory the samples will arrive by courier and/or local postal delivery. This obviously takes more time, but the larger laboratories endeavour to provide either same day or within 24 hours for the vast majority of samples/tests. The advantage of sending to a reference lab are specialised analysers with higher accuracy, wider range of available testing and the ability of having specialised areas (for example the company that I work for has recently developed tests for early kidney disease markers, has exclusive tests for pancreatic inflammation etc which are only available by testing at our reference laboratories). As for human testing (and this is more specific to the UK), when you have your bloods taken at your GP, they may have some simpler point of care testing machines (Blood glucose, haemoglobin, cholesterol etc) but they will be far less likely to have their own laboratory. These will be couriered to a laboratory (usually hospital based) and tested within an hour or two. The results are then transmitted (fax, email, or posted results) back to the GP surgery. Obviously if your bloods are taken at the hospital, then turn around of results will be massively reduced, but even they may have to send samples on to a specialised reference laboratory as it is generally not cost effective to provide every service under the sun if the sample numbers are low. If you'd like to know more about reference laboratories ask away. Source: Laboratory Scientist at a veterinary reference lab."}, {"answer": "It depends on what the \"bloodwork\" is. I can send for certain labs from my emergency department, set the timing to \"stat\" in the computer, and get results back within 30 minutes for certain tests. Electrolytes, cancer markets, blood counts, etc don't take too long. Cultures take longer because you're literally waiting for bacterial colonies to grow, so we like to wait 24 hours. If you're in the hospital due to an infection, we like to make sure you have negative cultures for 48 hours before we send you home. If we send for a biopsy, need sections mounted on slides for a cell morphology study (eg, seeing if your cells are cancerous), or anything that a pathologist would have to set up, it really depends on how many pathologists are in at the time, what their workload is, etc. At our hospital they take sections of every placenta after every birth, lots of biopsies for suspected cancers, etc, so things can get quite backed up. Your \"priority\" also matters a lot. Nobody is going to rush to take a look at your cancer markers because cancer doesn't change hour to hour, day to day, etc, but something like.. idk, an ABG for a hypercapnic patient who's barely breathing is definitely higher on the list. Some of these answers are a little off. Even small community hospitals usually have some sort of lab. If you come into the ER with an acute condition, no hospital is going to be able to send out for labs to some other place, that simply doesn't make sense. There are a lot of factors, but I hope this helps. edit - I just saw you posted about your dog and the circumstances surrounding your question. I'm really sorry :( I have two dogs that I absolutely adore and don't know what I'm gonna do when the time comes."}, {"answer": "Simple. It takes your dog's bloodwork 30 minutes because there are like 20 tests maximum that you can get, all performed on two little machines your vet has in the back room. (Think like a bigger version of the glucose strip reader that a diabetic would use). Add that to the number of people who pay for pet blood work being relatively small, means that the back log of samples waiting to get into that machine is small to none. Quick, 30 minutes. In fact, 30 minutes is a long time to wait for that -- realistically, the tests could be done in five, and prettied up in ten. It takes YOUR bloodwork 24 hours to a week to get back to you because there are thousands of possible tests your doctor could want, and not all hospitals are able to test them all. What they do is they divide the less common ones up, so to save on machinery and supply cost. That may mean your blood needs to get shipped to four different addresses before all the tests your doctor wants done are resulted. That takes time. I could go into more detail of how things are prioritized within that system causing the difference between 1 hour results back and weeks results back, but above is the basics. (source: I'm certified to run both animal lab and human lab blood work)"}, {"answer": "Sorry for your loss mate. After my buddy passed I spent a lot of time cursing out vet and wondering why after so many tests nothing was ever diagnosed. Took me time to realize I should have focused on the good times we shared and the joy he provided instead of anger and resentment. Cherish the time you guys shared. I'm glad science has made it easy to receive such prompt results. Beats seeing your buddy in pain with no clear answers."}, {"answer": "If the place where you get your blood tested gets an i-STAT ( URL_0 ) for about $10000, and $20 per blood bottle, then you can have the most common tests done and back in 10 minutes. If they send it to a large lab then it costs about $5 for almost all the tests you could want, except for rare tests which need expensive reagents."}, {"answer": "I just had a lot of blood work done and I already had the email with the results by the time I got home from the lab."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "19102343", "title": "List of Evacuation episodes", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["These are the episodes that have been in the CBBC Television Series \"Evacuation\". The first series was simply called \"Evacuation\", while the second series was titled \"Evacuation - To the Manor House\". Altogether there are 20 episodes. The first series ran in September 2006 with Episodes 5 to 10 being broadcast in pairs back-to-back, i.e. as 'double-bills' and the second series ran from January to February 2008.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "These are the episodes that have been in the CBBC Television Series \"Evacuation\". The first series was simply called \"Evacuation\", while the second series was titled \"Evacuation - To the Manor House\". Altogether there are 20 episodes. The first series ran in September 2006 with Episodes 5 to 10 being broadcast in pairs back-to-back, i.e. as 'double-bills' and the second series ran from January to February 2008."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Mutt Boy\n\n\nmother, and a dog. Chul-min calls the dog \"Mutt\" or \"Stray Dog,\" but his father calls Chul-min \"Mutt\" too. The dog is Chul-min's best friend. He doesn't cry when his mom dies, but he does get furious when his dog is eaten by the older boys in his soccer club. He takes his revenge, but his father's patrol car awaits him. Although he now must live on his own, Chul-min wins renown as", "id": "6094065" }, { "contents": "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\n\n\nof \"Honey\" featuring American R&B singer Kelis, reaching number 17 on the UK Singles Chart. The music video for \"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" was directed by Filipe Alçada, Hotessa Laurence, and Susi Wilkinson. It is completely animated and features the character Little Idiot, who is also featured on the \"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" single cover. The video depicts Little Idiot and his pet dog coming down from the Moon to Earth and traveling through a variety of locations,", "id": "1564563" }, { "contents": "Lars Westman\n\n\n-2008 The MST struggle for bread and earth in Brasil. CESIUM IN MY BLOOD Together with Zenildo Barretto 55 min color 2007 Following up of the Goiania radioactive accident 1987 DO YOU LOVE ME? Together with Niels-Pagh Andersen, Thomas Stenderup 55 min color 2006 My love relations in my life. GARRINCHA AND HOT DOGS Together with Fredrik Ekelund 55 min color 2007 Football player Garrincha's Swedish son take up the roots. AMA DO JORGE The Brazilian writer Jorge Amado's work and life and death. 50 min video 2000.", "id": "2205722" }, { "contents": "Shep Comes Home\n\n\nShep Comes Home is a 1948 American film written and directed by Ford Beebe for Lippert Pictures. It was a sequel to \"My Dog Shep\" (1946). Ford Beebe was attached in September 1948. Filming started September 1948. Robert L. Lippert, who financed, was hoping to turn the films into a series. However there were no more Shep films. Margia Dean recalled \"The dog always did it right on the first take—but the actors kept goofing up. (Laughs) That’s probably why they", "id": "128505" }, { "contents": "Caerus\n\n\nwhy does your hair hang over your face? For him who meets me to take me by the forelock. And why, in Heaven's name, is the back of your head bald? Because none whom I have once raced by on my winged feet will now, though he wishes it sore, take hold of me from behind. Why did the artist fashion you? For your sake, stranger, and he set me up in the porch as a lesson.\" This statue was the original model for the various", "id": "2096429" }, { "contents": "Ranakpur Express\n\n\ndiscretion of Indian Railways depending on demand. The 14707 Ranakpur Express covers the distance of 1212 kilometres in 24 hours 10 mins (50.15 km/hr) & 1213 kilometres in 24 hours 30 mins as 14708 Ranakpur Express (49.51 km/hr). As the average speed of the train is below , its fare does not include a Superfast surcharge. Prior to Western Railway switching to the AC traction, it would be hauled by a WCAM 1 engine until Valsad after which a Vadodara based WAP 4 and WAP 5 and WAP", "id": "1340187" }, { "contents": "Jiang Wan\n\n\nfor being \"muddleheaded\" and \"inferior compared to his predecessor\". When an official suggested conducting an investigation and taking disciplinary action against Yang Min, Jiang Wan said: \"I am indeed inferior compared to my predecessor. Why is there a need to investigate?\" He turned down the official's repeated calls to make a case against Yang Min. When the official sought permission to ask Yang Min to produce evidence to substantiate his claims, Jiang Wan said: \"If I am inferior compared to my predecessor, then", "id": "18652988" }, { "contents": "Cyborg\n\n\nonce per minute 24 hours a day and streamed live to and the Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art. The site also displays Bilal's location via GPS. Bilal says that the reason why he put the camera in the back of the head was to make an \"allegorical statement about the things we don't see and leave behind.\" As a professor at NYU, this project has raised privacy issues, and so Bilal has been asked to ensure that his camera does not take photographs in NYU buildings. Machines are", "id": "17576198" }, { "contents": "The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the History of Christian Science\n\n\n, and it takes every hour of my time and as much vitality as I can put into it. ... You can't know, never having done it, how such work does sap your poor brain and wring it dry of anything you'd like to pretend was there. I jump about like a squirrel in a cage and wonder how I got here and why I am doing it. I never in my life wanted to do this sort of thing. I have a clean conscience on that score. Then why am", "id": "8535491" }, { "contents": "Batié, Cameroon\n\n\nvillages is relatively easy. Below is a list of prices via local transportation and time that it would take. (c. 2010 prices) Batié - Baham: 15 min in a taxi (400CFA) Batié – Bamenjou: 20 min on a moto (700CFA) Batié - Bafoussam: 30 min in a taxi (600CFA) Bafoussam – Bagangté: an hour in a taxi (500CFA) Bafoussam – Dschang: an hour in a taxi (500CFA) Bafoussam – Bamenda: 90 min in a taxi (1200CFA) Bafoussam –", "id": "20205528" }, { "contents": "Neelachal Express\n\n\nbe amended at the discretion of Indian Railways depending on demand. 12875 Puri Anand Vihar Terminal Neelachal Express covers the distance of 1914 kilometers in 24 hours 50 mins (57.20 km/hr) & in 24 hours 25 mins as 12876 Anand Vihar Terminal Puri Neelachal Express (59.48 km/hr). Its fare includes a Superfast surcharge. It takes around 34 hours and 50 minutes to cover at an average speed of with 39 halts. This train is given name on The abode of Hindu deity Jagannath at Puri is known as", "id": "284707" }, { "contents": "Satyagrah Express\n\n\ncustomary with most train services in India, Coach Composition may be amended at the discretion of Indian Railways depending on demand. The 15273 Raxaul Delhi Satyagrah Express covers a distance of in 24 hours 15 mins (39.75 km/hr) & in 23 hours 30 mins as 15274 Delhi Raxaul Satyagrah Express (41.02 km/hr). As the average speed of the train is below , as per Indian Railway rules, its fare does not include a Superfast surcharge. The 15273 / 74 Raxaul Anand vihar terminal Satyagrah Express runs from", "id": "17201469" }, { "contents": "Lloyd Scott\n\n\nMarathon in deep-sea diving suit – Taking 5 days, 8 hours, 29 mins and 46 seconds to complete • November 2002: New York City Marathon in deep-sea diving suit – again finishing on the sixth day • June 2003: Edinburgh Marathon in deep-sea diving suit – this time taking 6 days 4 hours, 30 mins and 56 seconds • August 2003: Completed the Marathon of Britain – 175-mile ultra marathon • September 2003: Completed Great North Run in deep-sea diving suit • October 2003:", "id": "598883" }, { "contents": "Sonnet 36\n\n\nit alter not love's sole effect, / Yet doth it steal sweet hours from love's delight.\" \"I may not evermore acknowledge thee, / Lest my bewailed guilt should do thee shame,\" \"Nor thou with public kindness honour me, / Unless thou take that honour from thy name:\" \"But do not so; I love thee in such a sort, / As thou being mine, mine is thy good report.\" According to Helen Vendler, author of \"The Art of Shakespeare's", "id": "5509250" }, { "contents": "Charlie Brown\n\n\nCharlie Brown takes care of Snoopy; while he is puzzled and sometimes frustrated by some of Snoopy's activities (often lamenting, \"Why can't I have a normal dog like everybody else?\"), Charlie Brown nonetheless does his best to provide his dog with a happy life. Snoopy is always there for him when he gets let down or needs support, even if it's just a drink of water. The two most frequently interact during Snoopy's suppertime, when Charlie Brown comes out of the house and presents", "id": "12796099" }, { "contents": "Ben Is Back\n\n\ncritics, who praised the performances of Hedges and Roberts. Driving home with her kids on Christmas Eve, Holly Burns is startled to see her son Ben standing in the driveway. Ben has been in rehab for the past few months and is not supposed to be released yet. Ben tells them his sponsor said a trip home would be good for him. Though wary, Holly is happy to see him and says he can stay for 24 hours on the condition he does not leave her sight. Holly takes Ben out to", "id": "6681501" }, { "contents": "My Fair Lady (2003 TV series)\n\n\nHo is the son of a poor rice cake house owner, and works to pay off his dead father's debt. He falls in love with Min-kyung, because she looks exactly like his dead girlfriend. When Min Kyung finds out that Young Ho is not rich, she dumps him, and goes back to a rich man (Son Chang Min) who proposed to Min Kyung once before. However, Min Kyung wakes up to true love and realizes that happiness does not necessarily come in money. Young-ho", "id": "4873226" }, { "contents": "Fearless Girl\n\n\nCharging Bull\" artistic integrity by distorting the intent of his statue from \"a symbol of prosperity and for strength\" into a villain, and does so for SSgA's commercial gain. Siegel said a lawsuit had not been filed as of yet. De Blasio supported keeping the statue, tweeting that \"Men who don't like women taking up space are exactly why we need the Fearless Girl.\" On May 29, 2017, artist Alex Gardega added a statue of a small dog, titled \"Pissing Pug\" (alternatively", "id": "17706165" }, { "contents": "Boogeyman 3\n\n\ndaughter, Audrey (Nikki Sanderson). Audrey proceeds to take a shower and while doing so, sees a hand with a black glove. Scared, Audrey gets out and goes to her room to sleep. Her dog, however, is up and wants to play ball. To get him away she throw the ball in the closet; after a while, she gets worried her dog hasn't come back yet. She walks to the closet and finds blood lining it. She backs away and, with a scream,", "id": "4448678" }, { "contents": "Hyderabad–Pune Express\n\n\nthe discretion of Indian Railways depending on demand. The 17014 Hyderabad Pune Pune Express covers the distance of in 14 hours 30 mins averaging & in 14 hrs 15 mins as 17013 Pune Hyderabad Pune Express averaging . As the average speed of the train is below , as per Indian Railway rules, its fare does not include a Superfast surcharge. The 17013/14 Hyderabad Pune Pune Express runs via Vikarabad Junction, Bidar, Latur, Daund Junction to Pune Junction. As the route is yet to be electrified, a WDM 3A from the Kazipet", "id": "20279391" }, { "contents": "The Chaser (2008 film)\n\n\n. The customer, Yeong-min, takes Mi-jin back to a house. Mi-jin fails to contact Joong-ho due to the bathroom having no cell service. Yeong-min binds Mi-jin, but her struggles prevent her murder with a chisel, so Yeong-min hits her with a hammer, knocking her out. Just then, callers from the local church arrive, inquiring about the real house owner, Mr. Park; they recognize his dog. Yeong-min invites the elderly couple in", "id": "11948329" }, { "contents": "Kochuveli Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Garib Rath Express\n\n\nLokmanya Tilak Terminus Garib Rath Express covers the distance of 1812 kilometres in 27 hours (67.32 km/hr) as 12202 Kochuveli Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Garib Rath Express& in 27 hours 30 mins as 12201 Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Kochuveli Garib Rath Express. The speed calculation however does not take into account the inflation of distance (approximately 40%) on the Konkan Railway network. As the average speed of the train is above , as per Indian Railway rules, its fare includes a Superfast surcharge. The 12202 / 01 Kochuveli Lokmanya Tilak", "id": "18545905" }, { "contents": "Dehradun Express\n\n\ndistance of 1682 kilometres in 41 hours 30 mins as 19019 Dehradun Express (40.53 km/hr) and 42 hours 20 mins as 19020 Dehradun Express (40.29 km/hr). Before the Mumbai region changed traction to an AC system, a WCAM 1 engine would haul the train until Vadodara from where a Vadodara based WAP 4 or WAP 5 would take over until Hazrat Nizamuddin after which a WDM 3A engine from the Tuglakabad shed would take over until Dehradun. Since Western Railways switched over to AC traction, a Ghaziabad based", "id": "21900053" }, { "contents": "The Song of the Vermonters, 1779\n\n\nwarp is of feathers–the filling of tar: Does the 'old Bay State' threaten? Does Congress complain? Swarms Hampshire in arms on our borders again? Bark the war dogs of Britain aloud on the lake– Let 'em come; what they can they are welcome to take. What seek they among us? The pride of our wealth Is comfort, contentment, and labor, and health, And lands which, as Freemen we only have trod, Independent of all, save the mercies of God. Yet", "id": "17443913" }, { "contents": "Hiking in Israel\n\n\nwhere it forks in two toward either the Israel National Trail or through a canyon with copper mines. Both forks end near Black Canyon. The trail does not loop, and takes approximately 4 hours to complete. This trail ascends Mount Zefachot, where there are several forks leading back down. Beginning from Mount Meron, this trail parallels the Israel National Trail and passes pools and ancient flour mills. This trail is a national park with an entry fee, and takes approximately 5 hours to complete. This trail passes a deserted Syrian", "id": "21893327" }, { "contents": "Ross Kemp in Afghanistan\n\n\nfrom his experience in Afghanistan, which he described as \"an unhealthy environment in many ways\", Kemp stated: \"When I got home I went to the pub for 24 hours and had a good long drink\" On returning Kemp said \"it's difficult to come back and see life the same as it was before going\". \"I can honestly say, after Afghanistan, I'll never take anything in my life for granted again.\" Kemp stated he was most proud of this series, more so than", "id": "1022771" }, { "contents": "Crystal (The Secret Circle)\n\n\nto find it but on their way out, Callum stops them and takes the crystal. Jake, Cassie and Faye get back from Royce's house and along with Diana get to the mine in time to stop Callum and take the crystal back. Jake marks Callum with a spell and tells him to leave Chance Harbor and never come back. If he does, they won't let him leave the next time. In the meantime, Jane (Ashley Crow) promised Cassie that she'll give a second chance to Blackwell only", "id": "13806754" }, { "contents": "Potamon fluviatile\n\n\nthere before the founding of the Roman Empire. Adult \"Potamon fluviatile\" may reach a carapace length of , with females being generally smaller than males. As with other crabs, the body is roughly square, with the reduced abdomen tucked beneath the thorax. The thorax bears five pairs of legs, the first of which is armed with large claws. The life span of \"P. fluviatile\" is typically 10–12 years. Moulting does not occur in winter. Mating lasts between 30 min and 21 hours, with spawning usually taking", "id": "14233998" }, { "contents": "Durango, Biscay\n\n\nof the region. Municipal Elections 2011: Every half an hour there is a BizkaiBus bus service to Bilbao. There are two routes, one via the AP-8 motorway which takes about 30 minutes. This bus runs on the hour. The other slower crosscountry route stops in all towns and takes about 50 mins. There is also a once an hour bus to Eibar, a neighbouring town of a similar size to Durango. Buses also run to a variety of coastal villages, such as Ondarroa and Lekeitio (from Iurreta, a", "id": "11489683" }, { "contents": "Thingyan\n\n\nThagya Min will be riding on his way down and what he might carry in his hand. Children are told that if they have been good Thagya Min will take their names down in a golden book but if they have been naughty their names will go into a dog book. Serious water throwing does not begin until \"a-kya nei\" in most of the country although there are exceptions to the rule. Traditionally, Thingyan involved the sprinkling of scented water in a silver bowl using sprigs of \"thabyay\" (Jambul", "id": "14012607" }, { "contents": "Back to Cool\n\n\n\"Back to Cool\" is the twentieth episode of the second season of the animated series \"The Cleveland Show\". It aired on Fox in the United States on April 17, 2011 at 9:30 PM E/P. In this episode, when Cleveland Jr. bonds with Donna’s ex-husband, Robert. Cleveland challenges Robert to a “Coolympics” competition. Later, Robert, with the kids, takes them to a dog fight, and gives them tips if the dogs out break. When midnight comes, Cleveland and", "id": "4080761" }, { "contents": "Dead Man Running\n\n\njust 24 hours to pay back the £100,000 he owes, and, as an incentive, Thigo holds Nick's wheelchair-using mother (Brenda Blethyn) hostage. Since Nick is already financially challenged, he is forced to be creative in order to come up with the money. At the same time, Thigo sabotages Nick's efforts in order to be sure that he can take revenge on Nick to prove a point to the other debtors. The film was released in the United Kingdom on 30 October 2009. It grossed", "id": "934817" }, { "contents": "Two Treatises of Government\n\n\napple is surely his when he swallows it, when he chews it, when he bites into it, when he brings it to his mouth, etc.: it became his as soon as he mixed his labour with it (by picking it from the tree). This does not yet say \"why\" an individual is allowed to take from the common store of nature. There is a necessity to do so to eat, but this does not yet establish why others must respect one's property, especially as they", "id": "704868" }, { "contents": "The Children's Hour (poem)\n\n\n, Descending the broad hall stair, Grave Alice, and laughing Allegra, And Edith with golden hair. A whisper, and then a silence: Yet I know by their merry eyes They are plotting and planning together To take me by surprise. A sudden rush from the stairway, A sudden raid from the hall! By three doors left unguarded They enter my castle wall! They climb up into my turret O'er the arms and back of my chair; If I try to escape, they surround me; They seem to", "id": "16648326" }, { "contents": "Sarnen\n\n\nservice between Giswil and Lucerne. Switzerland has three major international airports: Geneva, Zurich and Basel. Both Basel (at 125 km) and Zurich (90 km) airports are closer to Sarnen than Geneva airport (260 km). The journey from either airport by road takes from about 1 h to 1 hour 20 minutes. Geneva and Zurich airports have built-in railway stations. The journey from Zurich takes between 1 h 30 min and 1 h 55 min depending on train connections. Sarnen has an average of 139.3", "id": "13534810" }, { "contents": "Votran\n\n\nThe Volusia County Government governs the county as three regions, and Votran does the same with its service. Bus routes are grouped into three regions: For the 20-series routes, service hours on the West Side are from roughly 5:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Service runs hourly on the 20 & 23, bihourly on the 21/22, and three times a day on the 24. The 30-series routes run during rush hour only, but start earlier and end later, because they are oriented towards people taking SunRail to work in Orlando. The", "id": "19300066" }, { "contents": "Wind at My Back\n\n\non his first day in New Bedford, which leads to him punching her. This sets Bob and Doris's opinion of Hub in stone. In the second season, Bob tries to save the mine from bankruptcy, but his long work hours put on strain on his marriage and make him irritable. Eventually, Toppy leaves him, taking Doris with her. When Toppy offers a chance at reconciliation, Bob abandons the mine and flees town. The couple hopes that getting away from the mine and May will allow them a second", "id": "10925783" }, { "contents": "Richard Virenque\n\n\nin a race and that he went off like a mad dog, on impulse. When in the middle of it all he came back to Carqueiranne [where he still lives], he was in his garage and I took him in my arms. He cried from morning to night. Why did it take him so long to confess it to us, to talk to us? I don't know. I told him: 'Be brave, son. Whatever you do, think of your children. It's they", "id": "12521213" }, { "contents": "Baby Doe Tabor\n\n\nthe Matchless mine … it will make millions again when silver comes back.\" However, that story might not be true; by then, it appears they had mortgaged and/or lost the Matchless mine. At the time of her husband's death, Baby Doe was still an attractive woman in her mid-forties. After her husband's death, Baby Doe stayed in Denver for a period, according to her diaries and correspondence. Why she decided to leave Denver and the society there to make a return to Leadville, in", "id": "18331844" }, { "contents": "Why Change Your Wife?\n\n\ntheir dog end up at the same luxury hotel where divorcee Beth is strutting her stuff. She tries to seduce Robert, but he resists. Each of them quickly leaves the situation, but they meet again on a train. As they're walking away from the station, Robert slips on a banana peel. When the police arrive on the scene, Beth identifies Robert as her husband and takes him home. Doctors say he is to be kept quiet for 24 hours. The two women argue over whether Sally will move Robert", "id": "19229541" }, { "contents": "Panama Hattie\n\n\nMy Throat and No-no Zone”) She decides to avoid it and continues on the first day’s activity - skinny dipping contest. (“Naked In Panama”) She has fun and the government comes to take her back home. She says a tearful goodbye and informs the government that she goes by “Hattie” now. She winks at a confused not-understanding native and the helicopter takes off. Act II Back home Hattie does not cope well with being not in Panama. She begins to write essay", "id": "7323227" }, { "contents": "The Winds of Whoopie\n\n\nSteve Martin's The Winds of Whoopie, a.k.a. simply The Winds of Whoopie, was a 1983 one-hour comedy TV special on NBC, produced and written by Steve Martin. The title was a take-off of \"The Winds of War\", which premiered as a TV miniseries on the same night on ABC. In a 30-second spot, Orson Welles says: \"Why spend 18 hours watching someone else's war, when you know how it comes out? We win, and then have to buy all", "id": "2558068" }, { "contents": "Min and Bill\n\n\nquietly confront Min about the shooting at the inn. Min does not say much. She takes one final look at a smiling Nancy as she leaves with her husband. Min turns back and smiles as she quietly walks away with the officers. She is sad that it may be the last time she ever sees Nancy, but at the same time, she is happy that Nancy managed to escape a dead-end life by the docks. Jack Kerouac, in \"On the Road\", has his protagonist-narrator Sal", "id": "10920995" }, { "contents": "New Delhi Kathgodam Shatabdi Express\n\n\n05 hours 30 mins (49 km/hr) while in the return direction it takes in 05 hours 15 mins (51 km/hr). The service was initially slower but speeded up by 5 minutes and 20 minutes respectively in the time-table revision of 2014. The train is the slowest member of the Shatabdi category of trains owing to the steep gradients in the Lalkuan-Kathgodam section, and single line operation post Rampur Junction. The train starts from New Delhi at 06:05 hrs and reaches Kathgodam of at 11:40", "id": "2604803" }, { "contents": "RacingThePlanet\n\n\nwinner - Ryan Sandes, South Africa, 25 hours 15 mins 25 secs Women's winner - Stephanie Case, Canada, 30 hours, 15 mins 09 secs (8th overall) 220 competitors began the event, 168 competitors finished, and 38 countries were represented. The Roving Race moved to Jordan in 2012, taking in the areas of Wadi Rum and finishing in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Petra. The course started in Wadi Rum and took competitors through four deserts world famous for being the area of operations of Lawrence of", "id": "8082559" }, { "contents": "Five Senses of Eros\n\n\nold high school friend Na-ru. Na-ru comes to Jung-ha and asks to live with her, promising to atone through unconditional devotion. Three couples are all high school students and close friends. None of the couples are certain about their relationships, so they decide to exchange partners for 24 hours. Min Kyu-dong later expanded his short, and a feature-length director's cut of \"In My End Is My Beginning\" was screened at the 2009 Busan International Film Festival, then received a", "id": "442436" }, { "contents": "Obihiro, Hokkaido\n\n\nIn 2008, Obihiro was designated a \"model environmental city\" in Japan. The Tokachi-Obihiro Airport is located to the south of downtown Obihiro, but is still within the city's borders. It takes 50 minutes by car or 1 hour by bus from Obihiro Station to the airport. The next major airport nearby is New Chitose Airport. From Obihiro, it takes 2 hrs 30 mins to get New Chitose Airport by train and just over 4 hours to get there by car. Both airports have direct flights to and", "id": "17177567" }, { "contents": "Irish (Junior Cert)\n\n\nto answer all sections of the exam. Marks will be lost otherwise. Written/Aural Paper 1 (2 hours) has two sections: Written Language, and Comprehension: Written Paper 2 ( 1 hour 30 mins ) has four sections: Prose, Poetry and Letter writing: For students taking the optional Oral (which is worth 160 marks) they are graded out of 400 marks over the 240 for students not taking the Oral examination. The Oral is worth 40% of the examination. The Ordinary level examination has three", "id": "20962295" }, { "contents": "My Tent Or Yours\n\n\nbut after taking the lead two hurdles out he was overtaken in the closing stages and finished third behind Cockney Sparrow and Court Minstrel, to whom he was conceding six and sixteen pounds respectively. In October 2014 it was announced that My Tent Or Yours had undergone surgery for a tendon injury and would miss the whole of the 2014/2015 National Hunt season. Henderson said \"It's very frustrating for everyone involved\" but added that \"there is no reason why he should not come back as good as ever next season\". My", "id": "8892837" }, { "contents": "My Pal Wolf\n\n\n, who was a writer and producer, who would become a member of the Hollywood Ten. A young girl, Gretchen, finds an AWOL army German Shepherd dog and befriends it, naming it Wolf. When she takes it home, her strict governess notifies the Army who comes around to claim it. Wolf escapes from the army training camp and finds his way back to Gretchen. She and her friends go to Washington to see if the Secretary of War will give her the dog, to no avail. But in the", "id": "21338038" }, { "contents": "Patriot Games (Family Guy)\n\n\nto stand up to them, having now regained respect for him. Meanwhile, Stewie becomes a bookie and takes a $50 bet from Brian on a \"Celebrity Boxing\" match pitting Mike Tyson against Carol Channing. Brian bets on Tyson and loses. Stewie comes to collect, but Brian laughs him off and tells him he will have the money in 24 hours. After 24 hours, Stewie asks for the money owed, but Brian says he does not have it and to give him until next Friday. Stewie reveals that", "id": "14308823" }, { "contents": "Hair of the dog\n\n\nhairs of the dog that bit you applied to the wound will prevent evil consequences. Applied to drinks, it means, if overnight you have indulged too freely, take a glass of the same wine within 24 hours to soothe the nerves. 'If this dog do you bite, soon as out of your bed, take a hair of the tail the next day.'\" He also cites two apocryphal poems containing the phrase, one of which is attributed to Aristophanes. It is possible that the phrase was used to", "id": "13823523" }, { "contents": "The Adventures of Mao on the Long March\n\n\nwhich Lichtenstein altered accordingly to resemble Mao. The font used in the book intentionally resembles that of an informational pamphlet. I'm an old man who wants to dream the remaining days away. Yet I can't take a nice healthy crap without some fanatic bowing to the stool and singing: \"Oh, our great Chairman Mao has again fertilized the world.\" What was all my hard work for, if I can't fill my last hours with serenity and nonproductive contemplation? Mao's wife sighs. \"Come to bed", "id": "14333312" }, { "contents": "Four Upbuilding Discourses, 1843\n\n\n; these words I make my own. At the same time, I sense the contradiction and smile at myself as one smiles at a little child who has donned his father’s clothes. Indeed, is it not something to smile at if anyone else but Job would say: Alas, if only a man could take God to court as a child of man does his fellow. And yet anxiety comes over me, as if I still did not understand what someday I would come to understand, as if the horror I", "id": "6668431" }, { "contents": "Rilla of Ingleside\n\n\n, who is of age, does not enlist, ostensibly due to a recent bout with typhoid but truly because he fears the ugliness of war and death. He confides in Rilla that he feels he is a coward. Rilla was a bit happy because she loved Walter, she missed Jem too but Walter was closer to her. The enlisted boys report to Kingsport for training. Jem's dog, Dog Monday, takes up a vigil at the Glen train station waiting for Jem to come back. Rilla's siblings Nan,", "id": "918549" }, { "contents": "Howrah - Patna Jan Shatabdi Express\n\n\ndemand. The 12024 Patna Howrah Jan Shatabdi Express covers the distance of in 7 hours 40 mins (69.39 km/hr) & in 8 hours 10 mins as 12023 Howrah Patna Jan Shatabdi Express (65.14 km/hr). As the average speed of the train is above , as per Indian Railway rules, its fare includes a Superfast surcharge. 12024 is 2nd fastest in terms of time(1st being 12306 Howrah Rajdhani Express which takes 7hrs 20 mins from Patna Junction to Howrah Junction) and it takes around 7hrs 40 mins to", "id": "1163199" }, { "contents": "Why Stop Now (film)\n\n\nrehab for her drug abuse, and his younger sister, Nicole, to school, where her teacher, Lisa, tells Eli that Nicole's sock-puppet friend has been insulting her classmates. Promising to take care of it, Eli takes off to drop Penny off, but she does not qualify for rehab due to lack of insurance. At the center, a nurse tells Penny to go out, get high, and come back with \"dirty urine\" to get in. Penny enlists Eli to go see her drug", "id": "13215834" }, { "contents": "Paris–Rouen (motor race)\n\n\nVernon, Eure, Gaillon, Pont-de-l'Arche, and 'Champ de Mars' at Rouen. Count de Dion was the first to arrive in Rouen after 6 hours 48 minutes at an average speed of . He finished 3 min 30 sec ahead of Albert Lemaître (Peugeot), Auguste Doriot (Peugeot) (16 min 30 sec back), Hippolyte Panhard (Panhard) (33 min 30 sec) and Émile Levassor (Panhard) (55 min 30 sec). The winner's average speed was .", "id": "6763564" }, { "contents": "Mad Dog McCree\n\n\nmine, and that he should consult the prospector before going there. The stranger sees that the bank is being robbed by Mad Dog's men. After he stops the robbery, a thankful boy advises him not to enter Mad Dog's hideout from the back entrance (sometimes, he'll advise not to take the front entrance). He finds the prospector has been tied up to a pile of live explosives by Mad Dog himself, and saves him by severing the fuse. After finding the map in the mine, the", "id": "10854108" }, { "contents": "F.C. Hound Dogs\n\n\n13 in the first round the team were desperate to take something from the game; Jensen Perera popped up with a contender for goal of the season in the first 10 mins and despite F.C. Olympique 13 attempts to get back in the game the team defended excellently to clinch the 3 points. January saw Jamie Fortuna transferred to F.C. Magpies as they pursued the title; FC Hound Dogs welcomed back former player Johan Cruz and also signed Striker Ekrem Yavuz, Winger Sean \"Criki\" Calderon and Playmakers Ismael \"Peli\" El Mansouri Ballesteros", "id": "4755402" }, { "contents": "Rapti Ganga Express\n\n\na Pantry car coach. As is customary with most train services in India, Coach Composition may be amended at the discretion of Indian Railways depending on demand. The 15002 Dehradun Muzaffarpur Express covers the distance of 1124 kilometres in 24 hours 40 mins (45.57 km/hr) & in 24 hours 00 mins as 15001 Muzaffarpur Dehradun Express (46.83 km/hr). As the average speed of the train is below , as per Indian Railway rules, its fare does not include a Superfast surcharge. The 15002 / 01 Dehradun", "id": "5766004" }, { "contents": "Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East?\n\n\n\"What was my original face before my father and mother were conceived?\" The second is \"When the moon takes over in your heart (that is, in enlightenment or death), where does the master of my being go?\" He instructs the young monk to \"hold the koan between his teeth\" and solve them. In solving the koans, the old master tells the young monk that he will find an unshakeable peace. The young monk takes leave of the old monk and goes to town, where", "id": "2900460" }, { "contents": "Something Happened in Bali\n\n\n-joo continues to stalk In-wook at his apartment seeking reconciliation. She tries to call off the engagement, to which Jae-min happily agrees. Young-joo is puzzled at Jae-min's willingness to call it off and starts to feel unwanted. However, In-wook is not willing to take Young-joo back as he feels that she does not love him but rather wants to possess him out of her own selfish reasons. In-wook also starts to work with Jae-min's brother", "id": "18799578" }, { "contents": "Baby Doll Jacobson\n\n\nhitters than Ruth or than Hornsby if they applied the proper style to their bat stroke. Jacobson of the Browns is larger and stronger than Ruth or than Hornsby. Yet he does not hit the ball at all so often or as far as these more famous sluggers. Why? Jacobson takes less than a half swing at the ball. He stands in a position that is, as the Irishman said, 'agin himself.' That is, he faces the pitcher 'full front' so that he cannot pull back", "id": "7320019" }, { "contents": "Kolkata Agra Cantonment Express\n\n\n) Coaches. It does not carry a Pantry car coach . As is customary with most train services in India, Coach Composition may be amended at the discretion of Indian Railways depending on demand. The 13167 Kolkata Agra Cantonment Express covers the distance of in 28 hours 30 mins (51.26 km/hr) & in 28 hours 05 mins as 13168 Agra Cantonment Kolkata Express (52.02 km/hr) . As the average speed of the train is below , as per Indian Railway rules, its fare does not include a Superfast", "id": "4770691" }, { "contents": "Alexander Ball\n\n\ntheir grievances to the authorities. Nelson himself wrote back to Ball from the Baltic on 4 June 1801: \"My dear, invaluable friend... believe me, my heart entertains the very warmest affection for you, and it has been no fault of mine, and not a little mortification, that you have not the red ribbon and other rewards that would have kept you afloat; but as I trust the war is at an end, you must take your flag when it comes to you, for who is to command our", "id": "16758143" }, { "contents": "Project Prevention\n\n\nsaid \"We don’t allow dogs to breed. We spay them. We neuter them. We try to keep them from having unwanted puppies, and yet these women are literally having litters of children\", and that \"we campaign to neuter dogs and yet we allow women to have 10 or 12 kids that they can’t take care of\". On the television news program \"60 Minutes II\" Harris was asked about these comments and said, \"Well, you know my son that goes to Stanford said ‘", "id": "11034562" }, { "contents": "My Movie Channel\n\n\nMy Movie Channel (formerly Blink Cinema) was a 24-hour Filipino cable and satellite television network based in Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong City. Owned by Solar Entertainment Corporation, It currently airs movies from Hollywood and around the world, while also airing entertainment news programs, talk shows and drama series. Blink Cinema was launched on January 3, 2013, with the full broadcast taking effect later that month. The channel was renamed as My Movie Channel on November 30, 2013, coinciding with the transfer of ETC to SBN and former sister", "id": "21391254" }, { "contents": "Bobbi Trout\n\n\nby Viola Gentry, by more than 4 hours. This record was short lived, as aviator Elinor Smith broke the record once again on January 30, 1929. Smith flew 13 and a half hours straight from Mitchel Field using an open cockpit Bruner Winkle biplane. Determined to take back the record, Trout flew from Mines Field on February 10, 1929, returning this time after more than 17 hours. This flight also broke the record for the first all-night flight by a woman as well as the new women's", "id": "1212647" }, { "contents": "Aleksander Doba\n\n\na sail. Doba's journey started at 15:30 Polish time on 26 October 2010 in Dakar, Africa, and ended when he reached Brazil, touching dry land at 10:12 local time for the first time in 98 days, 23 hours, and 42 min. He then reached Acaraú at 17:50 local time (99 days, 6 h, 20 min). His mean speed was 2.26 km/h, and he averaged 54 km per 24 hours, with a maximum 24‑hour distance of 126.5 km. When he arrived in Brazil", "id": "6735128" }, { "contents": "Subterranea (album)\n\n\na period of quiet reflection, \"The Sense in Sanity\", where he tries to work out what's happening, followed by a rush back to reality with \"State of Mine\". On the second disc of the album he comes to realise that he's part of some form of experiment and that he's been kept away for some reason, so he needs to know why that happened (\"Breathtaker\"). At a certain point he takes on a 'disguise' to be able to find out what", "id": "16045310" }, { "contents": "Marriage at Cana\n\n\nin Cana with his disciples, the party ran out of wine. Jesus' mother (unnamed in John's Gospel) told Jesus, \"They have no wine,\" and Jesus replied, \"Oh Woman, what has this to do with me? My hour has not yet come.\" His mother then said to the servants, \"Do whatever he tells you\" (). Jesus ordered the servants to fill containers with water and to draw out some and take it to the chief steward (waiter).", "id": "19201587" }, { "contents": "Take Me (George Jones song)\n\n\n, \"You've Still Got a Place in My Heart\", and for the two songs of his Hank Williams recorded: \"Lost Highway\" and \"They'll Never Take Her Love from Me\". In his autobiography \"I Lived to Tell It All\", Jones recalled, \"When I was at Musicor, I might record an entire album in three hours, a practice that violated the musician's union's rules. I'd go through one take...Yet I recorded some of my biggest songs in that", "id": "9613555" }, { "contents": "Jesus' interactions with women\n\n\n, what have I to do with you? My hour is not yet come.\" Neither here nor elsewhere does Jesus renounce the mother-son relationship as such, but here, as in , he declares his vocational (ministerial) independence of his mother. He has an \"hour\" to meet, and Mary, though his mother, can neither hasten nor hinder its coming. Most scholars believe that in Jesus' reply to his mother there was no disrespect. According to \"Matthew Henry's Commentary,\" he", "id": "13487751" }, { "contents": "WTF?!\n\n\nyet once again\", adding that every single component of the album was redone at least once. Konietzko also commented before the album's release that due to the significant time difference between his location (Hamburg, Germany) and the rest of the band (on the United States west coast), \"I take my rest and they work, so it's like we get two full work days in a 24 hour frame.\" The song \"Panzerfaust\" marks the first time the band has written a song with Italian", "id": "2274435" }, { "contents": "Somnath - Jabalpur Express (via Itarsi)\n\n\nIt does not have a Pantry car coach. As is customary with most train services in India, Coach Composition may be amended at the discretion of Indian Railways depending on demand. The 11464 Jabalpur Somnath Express via Itarsi Junction covers the distance of 1415 kilometres in 30 hours 10 mins (46.91 km/hr) & in 29 hours 40 mins as 11463 Somnath Jabalpur Express (47.70 km/hr). As the average speed of the train is below 55 km/hr, as per Indian Railway rules, its fare does", "id": "16211861" }, { "contents": "Kanchan Kanya Express\n\n\ndoes not have a Pantry car coach. As is customary with most train services in India, Coach Composition may be amended at the discretion of Indian Railways depending on demand. The 13149 Sealdah Alipurduar Kanchan Kanya Express covers the distance of 735 kilometres in 15 hours 40 mins (46.91 km/hr) & in 15 hours 30 mins as 13150 Alipurduar Sealdah Kanchan Kanya Express (47.42 km/hr). As the average speed of the train is below , as per Indian Railway rules, its fare does not include a Superfast", "id": "19116431" }, { "contents": "Dreamcatcher (group)\n\n\nValley Summertime Festival on August 9, 2014, where they performed two original songs: \"Action\" and \"Why Did You Come To My Home\". On September 15, Happy Face Entertainment announced their new girl group. Minx released their debut digital single \"Why Did You Come to My Home\" on September 18. The song was described as a \"new take on the children's rhyme\" of the same name. Minx made their official debut on M Countdown on September 18 and ended promotions on October 26 with", "id": "3842573" }, { "contents": "Access (credit card)\n\n\nfriend\") was featured in the third episode of \"Mr. Bean\", when the title character is referring to his own credit card. Another slogan which featured in a television advertisement was \"\"Does you does, or does you don't take Access?\"\" (sung to the tune of \"Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby\"). Yet another slogan was \"\"It takes the waiting out of wanting\"\". Access were shirt sponsors of Southend United Football Club in the beginning", "id": "8119831" }, { "contents": "Laurence Trimble\n\n\nhalf-hour winning his confidence. Smith was brought in and saw the dog perform the action the script required. \"Your dog is wonderful,\" Smith told Trimble, \"but he's too small\"—and he explained that it would be impossible to see a small dog in medium shots, one of Vitagraph's filmmaking innovations. \"Oh, he isn't my dog,\" Trimble replied. He told Smith that the little dog was a stray, suggested that he take him home as a pet, and said, \"", "id": "1638278" }, { "contents": "The Messenger (1937 film)\n\n\nThe only work that he is able to get is to manage a mine in Uganda. He feels lonely and isolated, thousands of miles from his wife. His only companion is a fellow worker named Jack. When Jack returns to Paris after being injured, Nick asks him to take a message to his wife. Yet she is also lonely and begins an affair with Jack, who has already come to idolize her from the descriptions that Nick had made back in Africa. Yet when Nick returns to Paris and discovers the illicit", "id": "13869171" }, { "contents": "Intercession of saints\n\n\nthe wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2:1-5) When God was displeased by the four men who had invented Patriarch Job what he had done, God said to them: \"My servant Job will pray for you, and", "id": "6629030" }, { "contents": "I Can Speak\n\n\nsees Min Jae speaking English very fluently with a native speaker in the academy. Forgetting all the troubles she had with Min Jae, Ok-Bun asks Min Jae to teach her English. Min Jae refuses Ok-Bun's request because he does not want to take on the troublesome role. When Min Jae sees Ok-Bun taking care of his younger brother, Young Jae, he is moved by her warmth and agrees to become her English teacher. Min Jae teaches Ok-Bun and Ok-Bun’s English improves", "id": "4864316" }, { "contents": "Navajo Mine Railroad\n\n\nonly as a control cab to for the radio remote controlled E60, when the empty train is heading back to the mine. The prime mover is still present to provide emergency power in case of an electricity outage. There are two trains in operation, theoretically a third train could be operated. Each train consist of 21 coal hoppers. Both trains make typically 12 round trips a day in a 24 hour operation. There is only one crew member at work, who takes an empty train to the coal load out, where", "id": "13450587" }, { "contents": "Paschim Express\n\n\n12925 Paschim Express averaging 60.48 km/hr & 30 hours 35 mins as 12926 Paschim Express averaging 62.54 km/hr. The average speed of the total run (Bandra Terminus – Amritsar & back) is 61.43 km/hr. Earlier Dual traction WCAM 1 or WCAM 2/2P locos would haul the train between Bandra Terminus & Vadodara after which a Ghaziabad based WAP 1 would take over for the remainder on the journey. Since Western Railways completed DC Electric Conversion to AC on 5 February 2012, it is now regularly hauled by a", "id": "3725087" }, { "contents": "5th Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment\n\n\non to Vichtrat Peteghen (Belgium) via Motor transport to take up defensive duties. After arrival they were told to march back 17 miles into France, then after marching all night were ordered to turn round again and head straight back to where they had come from, so marched 35 miles in 24 hours. On 20 May they moved on to Wortegem to take up defensive duties covering the river Scheldt (Escaut), with trenches on the forward slopes. The battalion started combat on 20 May when they came under shell &", "id": "10141334" }, { "contents": "Straight On till Morning (film)\n\n\nto her, Peter sees her do so. Back at the flat, Brenda washes the dog, and pretties it up with a bow. She then uses the address on the dog's collar to take it back to Peter. He lets her in, and is nice to her, but upsets her when he insists she tell him why she took the dog. She finally admits that it was because she wanted to meet him, and have a baby with him. He suggests that she moves in with him. While", "id": "20794545" }, { "contents": "Graham Maxwell\n\n\n, and six times I came away without an order. There was always some reason why they could not take time to see me. Then I recalled how Joshua conquered the city of Jericho, and back I went the seventh time! And just as the walls of Jericho fell flat as the Israelites encompassed the city the seventh time, so the walls of resistance crumbled around this desert family, and I left them with the largest order I have yet received! To my fellow wingmen I would suggest: 'Remember Jericho!", "id": "18964316" }, { "contents": "Zebra finch\n\n\nan hour of feeding, and on cold days they are joined by those incubating or brooding young. Pairs that have not yet laid their eggs sometimes elect to court and mate in special \"courting trees\" before joining the flock. In the afternoon, most pairs engage in social activities, which often take place at \"social trees\". The zebra finch frequently does not breed where it was born; of the ringed birds that bred in the Danaher breeding colony () from 1985 to 1989, 24% of them were", "id": "1085675" }, { "contents": "Rourkela – Jagdalpur Express\n\n\ndistance of in 13 hours 45 mins (47 km/hr) & in 13 hours 30 mins as the 18108 - Express (48 km/hr). Currently this train services has been extended to Jagdalpur (Chattisgarh). As of now the extension date has not yet been confirmed. As the average speed of the train is lower than , as per railway rules, its fare doesn't includes a Superfast surcharge. The 18107 / 08 Rourkela - Jagdalpur Express runs from via , , , and . The Train Reverses", "id": "11043753" }, { "contents": "Carl Friedrich Goerdeler\n\n\nThe hour has now come at which we must take the final decision on our personal fate. On the one hand there is the way clearly indicated by conscience; on the other, a different easier way. The former may have its dangers, but it is the honourable way; the latter will lead to a disastrous end and to terrible remorse. In face of the terrible and increasing destruction of German cities, do you my dear Field-Marshal, know of yet another way to achieve victory which will (1)", "id": "15264766" }, { "contents": "The Russel Middlebrook Series\n\n\nto an old flame named Kevin. Meanwhile, Min is learning surprising things about her girlfriend Leah, and Gunnar just wants to be left alone to pursue his latest technology obsession. But the elephant is definitely on the move in all three of their lives. Just who is Wade and what are he and his friends planning? What is Leah hiding? And why is Gunnar taking naked pictures of Kevin in the shower? But now Russel is facing his biggest challenge yet: getting tested for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS", "id": "16587306" }, { "contents": "Bir Çocuk Sevdim\n\n\nnot on their standard and Sinan deserves someone better. Mine is disheartened hearing this and leaves without telling Sinan. When she comes back home, her father is furiously waiting for her, as it is midnight. He yells at her asking her where she had been, and she faints. Her family takes her to the hospital where they come to know that Mine is pregnant with Sinan's child. This leaves Mine's family furious and very upset. Mine's father takes her phone away and locks her in her room when", "id": "1007038" }, { "contents": "Dog park\n\n\ndogs with illnesses or unvaccinated dogs to run alongside healthy dogs. Dogs who are shy or aggressive can learn to interact safely with other dogs if their owners take the time to learn about dog behavior and acclimate them at the dog park. The right kind of socialization is essential to the normal development of a family pet. Dogs are social creatures that crave the attention of people and the companionship of other dogs. This ability to spend time productively with both people and play with other dogs does not just come about naturally, it", "id": "1481650" }, { "contents": "Rick Ankiel\n\n\n, 2018 that he would attempt to return to Major League Baseball in 2019 as a relief pitcher. His rationale for the late-career return was that \"When you take a look at baseball, the game has swung back around to my style of pitching,\" he said. \"We talk about the big curveball, the fastballs up, so I feel like why not come back as a lefty reliever and put one more chapter on the book.\" Ankiel attended Port St. Lucie High School in Florida, where he", "id": "4521016" }, { "contents": "Oh, Doctor Beeching!\n\n\nmending bikes and clocks, rearing farm animals (pigs, turkeys and chickens) for the staff's dinners, giving haircuts and taking bets. They are all illegal, yet all the staff, including Gloria know about them, are customers and keep their mouths shut. Cecil does not know, as he would make it stop. There is a recurring gag, where Harry will say, \"if they poke their noses around, they will get the flat end o' my tongue\", that person comes and he starts", "id": "10773693" }, { "contents": "Chief Menominee\n\n\nmade my young chiefs drunk and got their consent and pretended to get mine. He would not drive me from my home and the graves of my tribe, and my children, who have gone to the Great Spirit, nor allow you to tell me your braves will take me, tied like a dog, if he knew the truth. My brother, the President is just, but he listens to the word of young chiefs who have lied; and when he knows the truth, he will leave me to my own", "id": "13964789" }, { "contents": "Morning Dove White\n\n\nMorning Dove White is the only album by club-orientated Scottish alternative dance act One Dove. It was released in 1993. The album includes three singles which reached the UK charts: \"White Love\" (No. 43), \"Breakdown\" (No. 24) and \"Why Don't You Take Me\" (No. 30). The songs \"Breakdown\", \"Fallen\", \"(The Transient) Truth\", \"White Love\", and \"Why Don't You Take Me\"", "id": "4794340" }, { "contents": "Squirrel and G-Man Twenty Four Hour Party People Plastic Face Carnt Smile (White Out)\n\n\nBeatles' back catalogue, forced the removal of the track from future pressings, with \"24 Hour Party People\" taking its place. \"Little Matchstick Owen's Rap\" is listed on the compact disc and cassette editions but does not actually appear on the album itself. This missing track is only available as the B-side of the \"Tart Tart\" single. The lyrics to \"Russell\" are taken from the blurb on the back of the Russell Grant book \"Your Sun Signs\", which Shaun Ryder was", "id": "3190011" }, { "contents": "Al Howie\n\n\n50 Miles 5:35:12 (1983) 100K 7:30:31 (1983) 100 Miles 14:06:18 (1982) 200K 18:51:44 (1982) 24 Hours 150 miles 395 yards (1982) 48 Hours (1992) 72 Hours 272 miles (1991) 6 Days (1991) 1000K 7 days, 18 hours, 49 min, 18 sec (1991) 1000 Miles 12 days, 1 hours, 47 min, (1991) 2000K 15 days, 23 hours (world record, 1991) 1300 Miles 16 days, 19 hours", "id": "16463248" } ]
Why does Afghanistan seem to be a hotbed for Islamic extremism while neighboring countries like Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan have remained relatively unaffected by similar unrest?
[{"answer": "Afghanistan was one of the stages the cold war was fought on. The US and the soviet union both toppled their government like 4 times in the last hundred years. Largely by alternating funding rebel groups. Having no stable government and a long history of well funded terrorism ended up not vanishing when the cold war ended (and we once again toppled and replaced their government which I bet in 5 years will end up getting toppled again by russia backed syrians or something just to keep up the tradition)"}, {"answer": "There really are a lot of factors, some of them mentioned already, I'll try to explain a few more. Culturally, there is something in Afghanistan called 'pastunwali' which is a set of rules that are followed by nearly all Afghans. It has many facets, one of them is to welcome and protect visitors. This will come into play later. To really understand the issue in Afghanistan, you have to know the historical connotations to what went on. So, in the mid 80's, the Russian's were pushed out of Afghanistan. Like many other countries (Britian, and eventually the US) they found that it would just cost too much money to stay. For around 8 years or so, there was somewhat of an ad hoc communist government, although it was limited to really the main cities (Kabul, Jalalbad, Herat, Konduz, Kandahar). The rest of Afghanistan (80-90%) was run by warlords. To make a long story short, there ended up being two factions. The pro government forces, and the Taliban, which emerged from one of the warlords (Mullah Mohammad Omar). To fight the government, the Taliban needed money and training, and it called upon al Qaeda to do so. Although they supplied funding and training, Afghanistan became the 'place to jihad', only because at the time, there other place was Chechnya fighting the Russians, and the Russians were using 'scorch earth' policies...which consisted of of carpet bombing whole villages and areas that were deemed enemy terrority. So, while there was money and training involved, these members of al Qaeda were coming in droves to Afghanistan, but really didn't care about the fight going on. Eventually, the fight became a stalemate, and areas were set up for both sides.... and al Qaeda never left, but after 9/11, there was the cultural practice to protect their 'visitors', which did happen. Pakistan While the Afghans do protect their visitors, they are very 'eye for an eye', so after about a month of refusing to turn over Bin Laden, the US just started a bombing campaign, and most Afghans were really ok with it. The majority of al Qaeda was holed up in the Tora Bora mountains, which is in eastern Afghanistan near Jalalabad. (If you're going to be a terrorist, that's a really beautiful place, as well as Nuristan where the rest remain today). The idea was to start bombing, push the al Qaeda forces east to the awaiting Pakistan border, where their army would either capture or kill the renaming forces. Essentially, the Pakistan army opened up, and allowed them safe haven in Pakistan, and the US was kinda stuck. There are a myriad of terrorist organizations that are allowed safe haven in Pakistan. The Haqqani (which sees its self as the Taliban, although the DIA has been trying to make them their own organization for years) is stationed in Miram Shah Pakistan. This was the organization that had Bergdahl. The Lashkar-e-Tabia is based in Pakistan, and they are fighting the dispute between Pakistan and India over the Kashmir Area. There's a whole bunch, and I'm on mobile, but many believe these various forces are the military action army of the Pakistan intelligence service (ISI). Uzbekistan Uzbekistan kinda of took a hard stance against Islam. Captured everyone that was coming and going to a mosque, put them in swimming pools and shot them all. This in turn formed the IMU (Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan) which operated out of Northern Afghanistan. In there end, there are a ton of factions that can operate freely in Afghanistan, and do so, as well as Pakistan. And although some has changed, the Afghan people still operate under Pashtunwali, and both host and protect these various organizations. To note, many of the other responses are also true, its really a hodgepodge of reasons for their situation."}, {"answer": "those countries have had their problems with extremism, but they are led by authoritarian leaders who crack down on any and all dissent. Afghanistan is a considered a hotbed because the Taliban won the Afghan civil war and allowed Osama Bin Laden to set up camps there. Ever since the US invasion there has not been a strong central government that can control the rural areas where the Taliban have strong support due to ethnic ties, and support from elements in Pakistan."}, {"answer": "Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan were constituent republics of the Soviet Union for some 70 years and, thus, heavily controlled. The Soviets had no patience for religious freedom and stamped it out whenever and wherever they felt it threatening to the absolute authority of the state. When the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991-92, those republics became independent and have largely remained controlled by dictatorial strongmen who feel about as kindly towards Islamist extremism as the Soviets did. Afghanistan, by contrast, has been a factional, semi-lawless psuedo-state off and on for many decades with well-funded** and organized Islamist militants vying for control against the various Afghan nationalist clans and, for a while, the Soviets. So for a long time it's been highly fertile ground for that hotbed of religious extremism to develop. ** By the U.S., mainly, until the Islamists started to bite the hand that was feeding them."}, {"answer": "Afghanistan has had many wars and no time for stability. The Soviets invaded, civil war and then the American invasions. Also there's geopolitics involved like Pakistan using the Taliban as a proxy and aiding them. So think about being a kid in the 1970s and being in constant war. You will grow up with basically no education other than knowing how to fight wars. Then there's also a booming drug trade, where there's money involved with drugs. Also cultural stuff. So don't assume that because Afhghans are Muslim the violence is because of Islamic extremism and not Pashtun values. The majority of Taliban are Pashtuns. They practice badal which is basically a hardcore version for an eye for an eye."}, {"answer": "There's a lot of comments talking about the invasions and toppling of governments by various world powers, but I think that's a symptom more than a root cause. IMHO, the root cause is more like that Afghanistan never really developed a firm, centralized power structure. I don't know as much about this as I'd like, and it doesn't seem to be super well documented, but the process of increasing amounts of power being held by central National governments at the expense of tribes, cities, and regions seems to have mostly happened in Europe through the course of the Renaissance times. It took a while, and had a lot of hiccups, conflicts, etc, but eventually, the National-level government got to the point of being able to reliably exercise authority over all of the more regional governments within its territory. This goes hand-in-hand with many facets of modernism, like unifying language and minimizing accents, establishing a national currency, standardizing on weights and measures, building roads and keeping them open, etc. This has happened at various levels over most of the planet, though at different times and in different ways in many places. For some reason, this never seems to have happened in Afghanistan at all. There's a central government, but it basically only exists in the big cities, and not necessarily even all of those. The majority of the country is only dimly aware of the existence of the supposed national government, and it as essentially no meaning to their lives. This goes the same for all of the trappings of having a strong national government of any ideology or structure. All of the stuff I mentioned in the previous paragraph, plus things like being aware of or participating in the global media cycle, being connected to the global economy, being exposed to the sort of cultural mish-mash that is the modern world. It's kind of a natural fit for many sects of radical Islamic ideology. The ancient culture and lack of connection to the global economy kinda fits in with a lot of what many of these extremist ideologies seem to think. The National government is barely aware of the existence of most of these tribes and villages, and has no real power to do much of anything in them. The people who live there only really care about their tribe and maybe the next few over, and talk of things like the Nation of Afghanistan, America, New York, jetliners and skyscrapers, it might as well be on Mars. For that matter, most modern Westerners have probably thought a lot more about Mars than these villagers would think of any of these things. A great place to hide out of you are wanted basically in the entire civilized world - the idea of you being found, or of someone reporting you, would be basically crazy. So all of this was already the case before any of the modern foreign invasions really got started. But they sure didn't help. It's hard enough to get villagers used to bowing to the power of a national government when it's a national government run by your people. It's a whole different matter when the national government is run by what to you seems like a dizzying array of alien cultures from the other side of the planet. Just when a few people start to think that maybe these foreigners have something going and participating in the global economy might not be so bad, they get tired of it and leave you right back where you were, validating the people who wanted to have nothing to do with them. It's easy to send a foreign army into one or a handful of villages, but controlling all of them all the time is impossible. So Afghanistan is basically ungovernable now, and there's not much incentive for that to change anytime in the near future. Meanwhile, most of the surrounding countries seem to have more or less successfully centralized power, so while they may have problems, they don't have the kind of problems that Afghanistan has. And the reason why that is, I don't know, and I'm not so sure anybody knows."}, {"answer": "Those countries all had time to develop their authoritarian regimes such that extremism could be suppressed. Same reason Syria remained stable for so long -- the gov't would jail anyone and everyone they deemed even slightly a threat. That is, until they couldn't handle it anymore, which is why we have war. Afghanistan's regimes have been toppled by Soviets and Americans alike so many times that no entity could consolidate power. So you have a bunch of different groups and a joke of a gov't fighting for power. edit: i should also mention that, even though authoritarian regimes suck, they can provide more than illegitimate govts like in Afghanistan. less public grievance = less extremism, but idk if this could be considered a major factor cuz foreign powers are definitely to blame in the case of Afghanistan"}, {"answer": "The short of it, the US funded and armed a bunch of a'holes there to become makeshift rebels and help us out against the Russians back in the day. After the Cold War ended, we didn't bother cleaning that shit up so the same a'holes got bored and ... the devil will find work for idle hands. Also, being nomadic desert rats without access to education and information for the past several decades hasn't helped. It's not a \"Islamic\" (not a word) problem as much as it is a vacuum of authority in the region with perfect conditions problem. It's like if you left some deadly bacteria in a moist, warm, dark place for 30 years ..."}, {"answer": "I don't see this in any of the top comments and it may be a misconception, but from my understanding Afghanistan is very very unincorporated. The repeated thing I've read is when the government or U.S. troops show up to bring order and the people in the outlying territories are like \"what the heck is Afghanistan?\". Its pretty big on the map but a lot of its is ungoverned and not incorporated or linked to the rest of the country(the Taliban being the first/biggest governing body for a lot of territorial people). Definitely not the biggest factor if my knowledge is true, but definitely a factor."}, {"answer": "Because those are former Soviet republics. The USSR was officially an atheist state, and cracked down on any form of religion. After the union dissolved, the strongmen remained/came to power, and continued this policy to a degree, as they didn't want Islamists to emerge and rouse the people with their ideology or challenge the government. IIRC, most of those leaders push for nationalism instead, there were civil wars fought over this in the 90s, but they were for the most part of secular nature."}, {"answer": "Historical factors - it's a somewhat isolated area, but has been a heated battleground in recent history, particularly during he 1980s when the USSR invaded and drove many in the Mujahideen movement to radicalism. Osama bin Laden was an American informant/ally during the war before he formed al-Qaeda. Cultural factors - Afghanistan has never had a democratic government before US involvement, nor did they really want it. They would prefer one strong leader over a republic-style government system. The proxy Afghan government set up by the US was a failure - partially due to Hamid Karzai, but mainly because it never would've worked in the first place. Most Afghan people still see their own government as being controlled by Washington - fueling distrust, disloyalty, and anti-western sentiment among the people, making them easier to recruit than in most other Islamic countries. Geographical factors - it's a densely wooded and mountainous country, makes it ideal for insurgent/terrorism groups. It's landlocked, which is a major disadvantage to the United States and most other world powers, who tend to rely heavily on naval power to fuel wars and conflicts. Economic factors - heroin. The poppy fields of Afghanistan supply a massive quantity of heroin in the world. When the United States invaded, a number of commanders wanted to rip up the fields and plant cotton instead, which is about the only other thing that would grow in abundance there. The FDA, however, would never allow government funding to be put towards a project that would lead to competition with the American cotton industry, so the US left the fields alone. Stupid, I know. Anyways, the irony is that since America left the poppy fields, the heroin market has remained one of al-Qaeda's main sources of income, in addition to the Taliban and other radical groups. So instead of allowing a very small amount of competition in the cotton industry, the US would rather leave the primary source of funding for a global terror network intact."}, {"answer": "Probably doesn't help that they produce almost all of the world's heroin. Having a significant portion of your entire economy based on supplying the entire world with illegal drugs tends to attract unsavory people."}, {"answer": "Not sure about Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, but Tajikistan is currently wrestling with it. They've got a rise in support for fundamentalist Islam that they're trying to keep in control and at the moment it looks like a fight they're slowly losing."}, {"answer": "Rule of law. It is the defining characteristic of a successful society. That doesn't necessarily mean the government is cruel, but that justice is meted out appropriately. That is why western civilization has been so successful for so long. It isn't perfect, but it's pretty damn good."}, {"answer": "It's a bit like Poland - it's the part of the world you have to stomp through to get to where you actually want to conquer. Check out for instance the history of the Khyber pass: > Well known invasions of the area have been predominantly through the Khyber Pass, such as the invasions by Darius I, Genghis Khan and later Mongols such as Duwa, Qutlugh Khwaja and Kebek. Prior to the Kushan era, the Khyber Pass was not a widely used trade route.[1] Among the Muslim invasions of ancient India, the famous invaders coming through the Khyber Pass are Mahmud Ghaznavi, and the Afghan Muhammad Ghori and the Turkic-Mongols. (Ancient Canaan also served a similar function with the Egyptian Empire on one side and various Empires such as the Mittani, Hittites, Assyrians and Sumerians on the other side) More recently the British Empire tried to go in and do their thing (which they were copying from the Romans) of \"let's you and him fight\" AKA divide and conquer - but the Afghans were already heavily divided along tribal lines to start with so that went nowhere. Then when the pesky Russians invaded in the 80s 'Murica was in its 'Communism must not win at all costs' phase, so they funnelled massive amounts of cash, guns and sent in CIA agents to train the locals up in how to be terrorists. Yep, at one stage the Taliban and Al Quaeda were 'the good guys, fighting the good fight'. Remember kiddies: it's not being a state sponsor of terror if it's us doing it. *cough* Eventually the Russians ran out of money and willpower to stick their willies into that meat grinder and withdrew. So the region started to recover. And by recover I mean they started growing a lot of poppies. And by poppies I don't mean tulips. Drugs. Lots and lots of drugs (opium). So then, having won the war on Communism, 'Murica decided that they would start a series of wars against other abstractions - hence the war on drugs. (NB: the following is sourced from an article in Time magazine from back when Senator Obama was teasing thinking about running for the big chair) So 'Murica went to Afghanistan and said to the farmers 'drugs is bad, m'kay'. And the farmers said 'okay, we see your point, but what's our alternative?'. So then 'Murica promised them that if they stopped growing poppies 'Murica would give them heaps of aid to transition over to much less valuable crops (peas and corn and beans and shit). And the Afghani farmers were like 'well, we'll make a lot less money but okay, we'll give it a go'. So they didn't plant poppies, and then 'Murica, having got what it wanted from the relationship, reneged on the deal to help the Afghani farmers transition to food crops. No food crops equals no food equals famine. So as you can imagine the 'Muricans were somewhat unpopular. (end bit sourced from Time magazine) Then some of the CIA trained ~~terrorists~~ ~~freedom fighters~~ terrorists got together with the Saudis and decided that a bunch of Saudis should hijack some planes and blow up some buildings in New York. In retaliation for the Saudis committing a terror attack on 'Murican soil the 'Muricans re-invaded Iraq, which had ostensibly been their ally in the region (but probably they weren't flavour of the month after Iraq asked permission to invade Kuwait and 'Murica said 'go ahead we DGAF' and then turned around and bombed Iraq back into the stone age) (NB see also Iran-Contra affair AKA 'selling guns to both sides' AKA 'lets you and him fight'). Then when everyone went 'Bwuh?' the 'Muricans said 'Oh yeah? Well we're going to invade Afghanistan and get those Al Quaeda mofos'. At which point everyone in Russia let out a hearty guffaw and said 'Yeah, good luck with that'. And the war in Iraq and Afghanistan sucked 2 Trillion dollars out of the 'Murican economy, which then went into a meltdown and there was a big housing crisis where the economy came up about 2 Trillion dollars short (funny that) and so the White House punished Wall Street by giving them a 30 billion dollar bailout ... and that year the Wall Street firms that had been bailed out paid out 30 billion dollars in bonuses to their top executives (funny that). TLDR: the short answer is famine, the long answer is that Afghanistan is a meat grinder, and every Empire on Earth has stepped up to jam their dick into it."}, {"answer": "Without going into more detail than I possess, I think a great deal of the answer to the second part of your question \"while neighboring...remained relatively unaffected by similar unrest.\" Can be attributed to greater cultural homogeneity in the countries you mentioned, which in turn makes it easier for strongmen to consolidate power within the (not really very arbitrary) borders of their countries. Afghanistan has really never been \"ruled\" by anyone, at least, not in the kind of top-down rule that we call \"ruling\" in the West. About the most any given ruler has been able to do is control some (varying number) of the major cities and important geographical regions, but within the fragmented regions being \"ruled\" under any given leader, tribal power has historically been the real governing power in Afghanistan. It is attributed to Alexander the Great that \"Afghanistan is easy to march into, but hard to march out of.\" You'd think Western governments from the British to the Russians to the USA would have paid attention to history, but, no, they largely have not."}, {"answer": "Okay I don't agree with top response. I am from the region. I know a good amount especially about Pakistan. Many, many neighboring countries of Afghanistan were under Soviet domination. Soviets were against all religions especially Islam because Islam makes the most trouble for governments: demanding sharia, ummah concept, etc. The Soviets deislamized the countries. Even today this influence is heavy. The sermons in mosques are tightly controlled, women don't hear hijabs, governments are secular, governments perceive Islamists as biggest threat, thus are brutal when dealing with them (Uzbeks boil terrorists according to USG secret cables -- wikileaks.) Because of an extremely unfriendly influence to promote \"real\" Islam (which even Anjem Choudary enjoys in UK), these Islamists who are just terrorists not yet ready to fight for whatever excuse, make \"hijra\". Many of them now joined ISIS, before they were joining Taliban in big numbers. Afghanistan was too under Soviet influence. Due to distance it was more difficult to project and control Afghans. (You can see women \"free mixing\" -- with males -- not covering hair, going to universities in pictures prior to Taliban takeover.) Along with lesser Soviet influence, Afghanistan has a very bad neighbor. Pakistan wants to control Afghanistan. Afghanistan doesn't recognize its border with Pakistan called the Durrand line (named after Britisher who negotiated with a weak Afghan king.) The British conquered all the lands and decided to use Afghans as puppets against Russians. British attacked and took Kabul but withdrew. The Durrand line separates the ethnic majority group of Afghanistan: Pashtuns who're 20% of Pakistan too. Historically Pashtun areas of Pakistan is Afghan (see Ahmad Shah Abdali Empire.) Pakistanis are scared of a movement to reunite Pashtuns. Because of this Pakistan always interferes with internal affairs of Afghanistan. When Americans approached them with beating back the Soviets, they gleefully accepted as their allies the Islamists of Afghanistan were under pressure. Taliban agreed to ally with Pakistan because they wrongly believe Pak military was \"real\" Muslim. Pakistanis convinced them they were brothers, however this has now changed big time. Now there exists TTP which is a wing of Taliban that attacks Pakistan. Afghanistan isn't like its neighbors because of lesser Russian influence, Pakistan's alliance with Islamists (Haqanni network -- a branch of Taliban -- formerly they allied with all of Taliban until Taliban turned against them for being not-true-Muslims.) A population that hasn't been secularized because of weaker and less stable governments."}, {"answer": "Most of these answers are fairly bs. It can be largely explained by geography and recent history. Afghanistan is bordered by three great powers: Iran, Pakistan, and China, and at one point by the USSR as well. This makes it of great strategic importance geopolitically, which is why both the USSR and America have attempted nation building efforts there in the last 40 years in order to bring the country within their respective spheres of influence. In the 80's, the USSR invaded Afghanistan in order to help consolidate power for a new socialist government there. As part of a greater ramp up of the cold war during the 80s after a long period of detente, the CIA helped fund and arm the Mujahideen, rebel militias of both foreign fighters and rural Afghanis to combat the Soviets. The Soviets became mired in a decade long war in Afghanistan as basically their version of Vietnam. In much the same way that Vietnam caused political instability in the US, the Afghan war helped drive the instability that caused the Soviet Union to collapse completely, and they eventually pulled out. After the Soviets left, certain factions within the Mujahideen evolved into the Taliban, a hardline theocratic regime that swept in to fill the power vacuum in Afghanistan. Another Mujahideen fighter, Osama Bin Laden, formed the terrorist group Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda was not really a thing during the Soviet occupation like the top rated post says, it emerged after the occupation ended. Both Al Qaeda and the Taliban built their doctrines on the tenets of Wahhabism, an extremely conservative strain of Sunni Islam that serves as the state religion of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia, a key US ally due entirely to their control of oil prices, has a policy of sending young radicals to other countries as foreign fighters, both to spread wahhabism and in order to keep them from turning on the Saudi royal family and causing trouble at home. The influence of this ideology proved especially prominent in Afghanistan due to the instability there and the fractured nature of its society, which is largely rural and tribal. Outside of a few large cities, many Afghanis have lived the same way in tight knit ethnic communities for hundreds of years. Fast forward to 2001, Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda carry out the 9/11 attacks and the US begins their own decade long quagmire, overthrowing the Taliban in an attempt to introduce Democracy and a free market to the country. The US did not need to overthrow the Taliban in order to capture Osama Bin Laden. In fact, they offered to turn him over. But, like the USSR twenty years earlier, elements within the American government saw an opportunity to take control of an important strategic region. The vast amounts of foreign money pouring in from both the USSR and the US over the course of several decades have largely ended up in the hands of extremist warlords who knew how to game the system and suck up to whoever was in power. All of this has contributed to an overwhelming climate of graft and corruption in the new democratically elected government, which is largely impotent compared to regional warlords and dependent on the US military for support and protection. This has made many Afghans miss the Taliban, which still exists as an insurgent military force that carries out attacks on the American occupiers and the Afghan government. It is rumored that many of these elements have varying degrees of backing from the Saudis, Pakistanis, and Iranians, again in order to give those nations a foothold in such an important strategic area. Add to all of this that Afghanistan is the world's foremost producer of Opium, providing yet another source of money for local extremists, and you end up with a country which has been screwed over by decades of geopolitical tug of war and failed attempts to modernize its society. It has such a problem with terrorism because so many powerful actors have a vested interest in funding terrorists there, starting with the US and the Mujahideen. This is a pretty vague overview, but if you want to know more about Afghanistan and how it ended up the way it is, I highly recommend the documentary \"The Bitter Lake\" by Adam Curtis. You can find it online for free."}, {"answer": "Because all the three former republics of the Soviet Union were much better off infrastructure-wise (thanks to the Soviet colonization) and had governments based on sovietized, centralised, \"enlightened\" islam since forever (1920ies), the promotion of which was the Soviet Union's way to quash various nationalisms worldwide, instead helping install internationalist socially liberal, economically authoritarian soviets or councils of the people, and especially destroy the Panturkism which was a long-hated enemy of the Russian empire and later its inheritor - the Soviet Union. That's one half of the modern problem with Islam, the other half is the Western powers funding Muslim religious fundamentalists who wanted to return to the pure Islam of raping stoning and cutting off parts of bodies, but also of the universal care for every Muslim (which is why it was so easy for all the disempowered to become communist and then Muslim, and for all those second-generation Middle Eastern immigrants disenchanted in the Western crony capitalist system to fall back in the familiar and quite attractive message of \"freedom and equality for all, under Allah\") , so between two internationalist or globalist Islams, if you will, there's no other choice for the poor guys from the Middle East to develop themselves in an organic, independent, profitable way."}, {"answer": "A less extreme example is how the US seems like a hotbed of gun violence when compared to Canada. We're neighbors and in a lot of ways the same yet we differ a lot on this issue. When a cop shoots a suspect in Canada it's all over the news and people wonder how such a thing can happen here. I think that's something that's not newsworthy in the US."}, {"answer": "Key word \"seem\". Afghanistan has problem with domestic islamic extremism, yes. However, the country can't compete with the great exporters of terrorism; Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iraq and Syria. When was any major act of terror against the western world done by an afghan? Never? Bin Laden and his bunch of washed up Mujaheedin friends were Saudis mainly, armed with training from USA and experience from fighting Soviet."}, {"answer": "Also, Afghanistan has many different ethnic groups (Pashto, Turkmen, Tajik, Uzbek and Hazara to name a few). It's not always just religion fuelling extremism in Afghanistan but also fighting between ethnic groups. The other countries you mentioned probably have a more homogenous ethnic make up."}, {"answer": "Because of America. My understanding is there were no extremists in Iraq either during Saddam regime, until the US invasion."}, {"answer": "Alexander the Great settled briefly in Afghanistan andhelped shape their culture. Afghanistan was a stable republic long before the United States was born. It reached all the way to India and the Indian Ocean. Under the British Raj, the mountainous area now referred to as West Pakistan was declared a neutal buffer state by paying an annual tribute to the ruler of Afghanistan. When the Brits left India, they created Pakistan in the neutral Afghan territory, as a revenge. Still, in the 1960s, Kabul was called the Paris of Central Asia. There are many poms, grapes and melon varietals that originated there, ...stolen by the West, of course. Then CIA overthrew Iran, and went head to head with the Soviets in Afghanistan. The Soviets invaded to push the CIA-backed coup leader out. That was 30 years of continuous machine warfare ago. Massive genocide. Historical buildings older than Britain's are pockmarked with tank shells and bullet holes. Their culture has been decimated by the deliberate assassination of their village elders. An American-style Executive Corporate was imposed on Afghans, complete with a fake flag, fake currency, a fake national anthem and new Federal Afghan National Army, which like the Afghan National Police, is wholly, brutally, corrupt. The Karzai mob was forced on the Afghans by Cheney, hoping to steal their strategic mineral wealth. Ironically, Karzai betrayed Cheney, and awarded all the mineral leases to India and China, enraging Cheney and launching The Surge, which Obama, to his great discredit, gave the final go-ahead to. Revenge mass murder for betrayed mineral lease promises (and extortion) is a new low in US foreign policy. Afghanistan is now an empty resource space. Read Peter Torbay's 'Diminution and Development' on Scribd, written with the assistance of Afghan business and political leaders."}, {"answer": "Afghanistan as a country really shouldn't exist, Afghans as a people is a kind of controversial idea. It's too diverse for an Islamic country, theologically, linguistically and ethnically. There is no loyalty to one another as they're the Tajiks and this other guy is the Pashtun or this or that, and the focus becomes instead on Tribal lines. Where as all those Stan countries are proper nation states for their respective peoples. The USA's most dependable allies have been Tajiks and Hazaras (Afghan Iranians), and a a lot of the Islamic terrorists have been Pashtuns, the main ethnic group of the Taliban and other radical Sunni Insurgent groups, and one of the main ethnic groups of Pakistan. It's a country where a lot of the problems can lie on the failures of multiculturalism."}, {"answer": "If you look at pictures of Afghanistan pre-Soviet invasion, it definitely had set a pace to be similar in makeup to those countries. However, as stated, Cold War feuding led to Afghanistan becoming a recipient of collateral damage which has only intensified, instead of receded, like in Vietnam due to various elements including the re-emergence of Islamic radicalism"}, {"answer": "Afghanistan and Pakistan have a really bad inbreeding problem. In these areas cousin marriages have been going on for generations. One of the symptoms of inbreeding is a predisposition towards violence."}, {"answer": "Those 3 peaceful are under great influence of Russia, and Afghanistan is under influence of USA. Afghan government called Soviets to help them fight jihadists in the early 80s (west calls it invasion, but it was not), and USA financed jihadists to fight Soviets. Soviets went out, and we see what happened to Afghanistan afterwards... Secular government was replaced with extremists. The same thing is happening in Syria right now."}, {"answer": "Afghanistan is controlled by the US, who likes to control terrorists and fund terrorist acts to gain support for things like the Patriot Act. Almost every terrorist act on American interests has either been caused by the American government, or caused massive group orgasms when it happened."}, {"answer": "Afghanistan was a strategic fighting ground between Russia and the USA. It was destabilized by CIA due to fostered radical Islamism. In this regard, it is similar to Chechnya. Although Ladin was Saudi, he fought in Afghanistan thanks to CIA. The swamp drew all kinds of mujahideen from all around the world. Just like Syria now. Afghanistan has border to Pakistan which was founded because of religious differences with India. They shared various aspects that fostered religious extremism. Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and ~~Tajikistan~~ Kyrgyzstan have different social, ethnic and religious backgrounds. They are considered relatively Turkish, although after centuries of Russian influence they are more Russian than Turkish. Being satellite states of the Soviets, they were deliberately hold back and closely monitored. There was no religious extremism to begin with and was not imported by foreign powers. China and Russia played vital roles for keeping Islam in check albeit for not good intentions. During Bosnian war, some Muslims tried to get there and fight Serbians. Yet there was no political backup for such thing. They didn't get a hold there. Or today, Myanmar is a place of religious feud and killings are significant but there is no active armed fundamentalism as far as I know. But when it comes to countries such as Libya, armed rebels emerge suddenly and doesn't go away easily. You see the pattern?"}, {"answer": "Cause Pakistan one of its neighbors, recognizes the Taliban. They support and fund extremists elements to wage war against Afghani national army, the NATO forces and us forces. The Taliban find safe Haven inside Pakistan after it bombs places inside Afghanistan."}, {"answer": "Watch or read Charlies War. In a nutshell. Russia invades. US supplys arms through a convoluted method because it's not really legal. Afghans win. US politicians that made money off arms sales refuse to fund rebuilding infrastructure. < End of Charlie's story > In the aftermath Afghan farmers have limited options so turn to poppy farming for opium trade. Becomes the country's biggest crop. Hard core Muslim community doesn't like how this signals a lack of community morals and take over declaring sharia law. Becomes magnet to disaffected Muslims that want to change the world order."}, {"answer": "Was the US in these 3 countries? Was the US in afghanistan? Theres your answer. The US encouraged radical nationalist Islam during the 70's to resist soviet influence."}, {"answer": "One of the biggest reason is the Soviet Union. All of those other central asian countries were under Soviet Rule for decades and at that time religion was supressed violently. Today we still have an overwhelming majority being muslim there, but more secular as a result. However, they still do have Islamic extremist groups in those countries, but to a much lesser degree than Afghanistan. The reason Afghanistan has so much extremism is because of the Soviet invasion. There weren't really any extremist groups before the invasion, but many resistance groups sprang up to oppose them. Since the Communist were hardcore atheist who hated religion, the rebels tended to be hardcore muslims who hated atheist. When the communist regime in Afghanistan fell, a lot of the more secular people and atheist either left, went into hiding or were killed, which led to the country being even more religious. However, this still wasn't the biggest reason for the islamic extremism. The biggest is Pakistan's fault. They helped the rebels but tended to give the most help to more extremists rebels. And after the communists fell they created the Taliban to take over the nation with. The taliban were mostly made up of people who had lost everything to the Soviets and taught a very extreme form of Islam in the refugee camps. They took over most of the country and proceded to enact harsh islamic laws and force their view of Islam on people. When the Americans came most saw them the same as the Soviets, and there were no shortage of people who hated invaders and could easily be turned to extremism."}, {"answer": "Post soviet states tended to have better infrastructure and more organized power structure. Also specifically with Afghanistan is that the soviets invaded and toppled the government giving rise to the mujahideen. Who banned the growing of poppies and enacted some other conservative social policies. Which allowed for the rise of the taliban who where very conservative but at the same time wanted to make the growing of poppies mandatory as a way to raise large amounts of capital. This resulted in a civil war in which the taliban essentially destroyed almost all of Afghanistan's recorded cultural history. Basically the nation was destabilized in the 80s creating a vacuum which wrecked their cultural history."}, {"answer": "In addition to other factors mentioned, the Soviet Union was actively cracking down religious influence in political and social life to replace it with its own ideology. It was also the first country to institutionalise gender equality and women's rights (voting, running for office, divorce, custody, maternal leave, equal pay, inheritance etc) while the US was propping up the islamists to fight against the Soviets. These legacies carried on after the Cold War."}, {"answer": "Why do they target civilians on either side though? In fact why are civilians ever targeted? It's not like civilians have much say in any of these countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. They're always blowing themselves up in market places or schools. I don't understand. They're not even strategic or tactical targets. What message are they trying to say and what outcome are they trying to obtain by killing civs?"}, {"answer": "Poverty and lack of stability. That country has been screwed six ways to Sunday ever since the soviet invasion. Look at the pre invasion photos. Women in skirts, rock bands, smoking and drinking was a big part of the afghan youth. Some similarities to Iran pre-revolution. Between Russia and us, we have done more long term damage than any massive bombings could ever do."}, {"answer": "And don't get it twisted many of Isis and taliban members come from those areas to join them. Chechnya now too I'm sure consider Russia's involvement. Watch the al jeezera \"ISIL and Russia\" or something like that. I watched it this morning so more of this is fresh. Plus I'm reading Ghost Wars about the CIA's involvement in Afghanistan and so on."}, {"answer": "The latter countries are also dealing with extremists. Afghanistan's issues are much different than the other three, as has been pointed out repeatedly. [This link is good for Uzbekistan,]( URL_1 ) [this for Tajikistan,]( URL_2 ) [and Central Asia at large.]( URL_0 ) The core issue, like a lot of Middle Eastern countries, isn't a power vacuum, but political expression."}, {"answer": "Something that is not often mentioned is that a lot of the citizens still live in isolated tribal cultures that want no part of whatever war is being fought at the time. There are many reports of American soldiers encountering these groups and are mistaken for Russian because they have no idea about the current conflict."}, {"answer": "I've been to Turkmenistan. The reason why there is no unrest, is because the government is a brutal and callous dictatorship. Step out of line and you could get killed. Very North Korea-esque. The only major difference is they are oil rich. Having said that. The people were lovely. Imagine the Iranians, only even more attractive."}, {"answer": "American invasion! Wherever American troops land, they destroy infrastructure, culture, people's lives. And sadly they also take all their hands can reach... they leave destruction, poverty, chaos and failed states.. That is the reason why Afghanistan is fucked up but not Turkmenistan or any other country.. very simple Look at Iraq, Vietnam, Somalia etc.."}, {"answer": "Lol all these answers even the guilded one are incorrect. The reason you don't hear much is because of the media, these countries do suffer from ISIS and affiliate groups. Check out wikipedia for some info they have to categorize all the worldwide suicide bombings by month cause there are so many."}, {"answer": "Well, the central asian states are more or less all run as total autocracies (Kyrgyzstan is slightly more democratic than the others, but not by a whole lot). Essentially, the leaders assumed total power and killed off any Islamist opposition (Islam Karimov, who just died, comes to mind)."}, {"answer": "Afghanistan produces 90% of the world's opium. This is an open secret which is unfortunately supported by their government. Too lazy to type out how this contributes to terrorism but I encourage reading up on it (if you can find a source outside of an academic journal)."}, {"answer": "Afghanistan has always been a hole. The British Empire had tons of trouble there. Alexander the Great had trouble there. I somehow knew when the Taliban destroyed the historic Buddhas there that shit would hit the fan eventually. This was before 9/11."}, {"answer": "I'd like to point to Chechnya and their recent entry into the news via concentration camps for gays. Lots of people assume it's Putin being a homophobe but quite frankly Russians and Chechnyans hate one another and Chechnya is most certainly Islamic."}, {"answer": "The others are under varying degrees (to the degree necessary) of Moscow's whip. Any that feel seduced by the enticements, inducements and temptations offered by a certain former British colony only have to look at Afghanistan to see how that works out."}, {"answer": "Simple answer: proximity of Pakistan. An even larger toilet than Afghanistan and the real home of the Taliban and a great number of insurgent \"training\" camps. Conveniently, many of which are a short distance from the Afghan/Pakistan border...."}, {"answer": "Because it contains poppy, i.e. opium, which the CIA liies to sell to fund covert wars. We care about Iraq and Syria because of oil, and the Arab Spring incident was about shutting down the gold dinar."}, {"answer": "Strong dictators are what keep islamic countries from becoming terrorist hellholes. Look what happened when Saddam and Gaddafi fell. Complete Chaos. There hasn't been strong authoritarian leadership in Afghanistan in decades, so muslim extremism has thrived."}, {"answer": "Oh they really do have their issues, dictators and religious feud, but afghanistan has american troops and was gunned by the US due to 9/11. So much higher interest to report."}, {"answer": "It is mainly a mix of three things. 1: Epic amounts of inbreeding. (google it.) 2: Virtually no education. (google it.) 3: Extreme religious zealotry. (google it.)"}, {"answer": "Afghanistan has basically been a battleground since the Cold War. The Soviet Union took it over and we fought. They have been very unstable since"}, {"answer": "I think it has to do more with the amount of dead animals and plants that died in the area millions of years ago."}, {"answer": "In my opinion (probably less than factual) because the western world fucked around less with the other non-afghanistan countries you listed"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "404452", "title": "Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Uzbekistan (, ) is the common English name for the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic (Uzbek SSR; , \"O\u02bbzbekiston SSR\"; , \"Uzbekskaya SSR\") and later, the Republic of Uzbekistan (, ), that refers to the period of Uzbekistan from 1924 to 1991. as one of the constituent republics of the Soviet Union. It was governed by the Uzbek branch of the Soviet Communist Party, the only lega", "iet Socialist Republic (Uzbek SSR; , \"O\u02bbzbekiston SSR\"; , \"Uzbekskaya SSR\") and later, the Republic of Uzbekistan (, ), that refers to the period of Uzbekistan from 1924 to 1991. as one of the constituent republics of the Soviet Union. It was governed by the Uzbek branch of the Soviet Communist Party, the onl", "the only legal political party, from 1925 until 1990. From 1990 to 1991, it was a sovereign part of the Soviet Union with its own legislation. Sometimes, that period is also referred to as Soviet Uzbekistan."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "10116806", "title": "Terrorism and counter-terrorism in Kazakhstan", "section": "Section::::Banned terrorist organizations.:Al-Qaeda and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 14, "end_paragraph_id": 14, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["in Kazakhstan. Police from both nations agreed to work together in investigating the bombing. According to Tanya Costello, an analyst for Eurasia Group, the IMU has been nearly destroyed by the counter-terrorism efforts of the U.S., Kyrgyzstan, U", "tello, an analyst for Eurasia Group, the IMU has been nearly destroyed by the counter-terrorism efforts of the U.S., Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan.Five Years After 9/11: Crackdowns Loom Behind Central Asia's War On Terror RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty/ref While Al-Qaeda has never said it has a direct p", "Police from both nations agreed to work together in investigating the bombing. According to Tanya Costello, an analyst for Eurasia Group, the IMU has been nearly destroyed by the counter-terrorism efforts of the U.S., Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Foreign relations of Uzbekistan\n\n\n, relations with the U.S. were strained after the May 2005 unrest and Uzbekistan demanded that the U.S. leave Karshi-Khanabad). It is a member of the United Nations, the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, Partnership for Peace, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). It belongs to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Economic Cooperation Organization, which comprises 7 Central Asian countries: Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. It is a founding member", "id": "13293857" }, { "contents": "Corruption in Tajikistan\n\n\nextremism, and drug abuse. The 2012 Corruption Perception Index, published by Transparency International, gave Tajikistan a score of 22 out of 100, placing it in 157th place out of 176. Several of its neighbors received similar scores: Pakistan (27), Uzbekistan (17), Turkmenistan (17), and Kyrgyzstan (24). Afghanistan did considerably worse, scoring only 8 points. Tajikistan received a score of 9 out of 100, for control of corruption on the World Bank’s 2009 Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI", "id": "10298925" }, { "contents": "Amu Darya\n\n\n. The of the Amu Darya drainage basin include most of Tajikistan, the southwest corner of Kyrgyzstan, the northeast corner of Afghanistan, a narrow portion of eastern Turkmenistan and the western half of Uzbekistan. Part of the Amu Darya basin divide in Tajikistan forms that country's border with China (in the east) and Pakistan (to the south). About 61% of the drainage lies within Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, while 39% is in Afghanistan. The abundant water flowing in the Amu Darya comes almost entirely from", "id": "2655798" }, { "contents": "Renewable energy in Afghanistan\n\n\nreservoirs in Afghanistan) and other facets of hydro energy. The renewable energy resource potential of Afghanistan is estimated at over 300,000 MW according to the state's Ministry of Energy and Water. The country has progressed in the last decade in becoming self sustainable with its use of energy. But it still imports significant amount of electricity from neighboring Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Iran and Turkmenistan. Another form of renewable energy in Afghanistan is biogas. With the start of biogas, communities have begun to feel the benefits beyond that of the environment through", "id": "18777289" }, { "contents": "Afghanistan\n\n\nAfghanistan (; Pashto/Dari: افغانستان, Pashto: \"Afġānistān\" , Dari: \"Afġānestān\" ), officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country located in South-Central Asia. Afghanistan is bordered by Pakistan in the south and east; Iran in the west; Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan in the north; and in the far northeast, China. Much of its is covered by the Hindu Kush mountain range. Kabul is the capital and largest city. Human habitation in Afghanistan dates back to", "id": "73035" }, { "contents": "Geography of Uzbekistan\n\n\nUzbekistan is a country of Central Asia, located north of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan. With an area of 447,000 square kilometers (approximately the size of Spain or California), Uzbekistan stretches from west to east and from north to south. Bordering Turkmenistan to the southwest, Kazakhstan to the north, and Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan to the south and east. Uzbekistan is not only one of the larger Central Asian states but also the only Central Asian state to border all of the other four. Uzbekistan also shares a short border with Afghanistan to", "id": "13293716" }, { "contents": "Amu Darya\n\n\nwest through the Pamirs passing the Tajikistan–Afghanistan Friendship Bridge. It subsequently forms the border of Afghanistan and Uzbekistan for about , passing Termez and the Afghanistan–Uzbekistan Friendship Bridge. It delineates the border of Afghanistan and Turkmenistan for another before it flows into Turkmenistan at Atamurat. It flows across Turkmenistan south to north, passing Türkmenabat, and forms the border of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan from Halkabat. It is then split by the Tuyamuyun Hydro Complex into many waterways that used to form the river delta joining the Aral Sea, passing Urgench", "id": "2655796" }, { "contents": "Geography of Uzbekistan\n\n\n:\" Afghanistan 137 km, Kazakhstan 2,203 km, Kyrgyzstan 1,099 km, Tajikistan 1,161 km, Turkmenistan 1,621 km Coastline: 0 km \"note:\" Uzbekistan formerly had a 420 km coastline on the Aral Sea, which dried up. Maritime claims: None. Uzbekistan is one of only two countries (Liechtenstein) in the world that are \"doubly landlocked\". Elevation extremes: \"lowest point:\" Sariqarnish Kuli −12 m (−39 ft) below sea level. \"highest point:\" Khazret Sultan, Natural resources", "id": "13293745" }, { "contents": "Geography of Afghanistan\n\n\nwater shortage because it receives snow during winter and once that melts the water runs into numerous rivers, lakes, and streams, but most of its national water flows into neighboring countries. It loses about two-thirds of its water to neighboring Pakistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The nation's drainage system is essentially landlocked. Most of the rivers and streams end in shallow desert lakes or oases inside or outside the country's boundaries. Nearly half of the nation's total area is drained by watercourses south of", "id": "12534113" }, { "contents": "Afghans in Tajikistan\n\n\nin the Panj River which forms the border between the two countries. Tajikistan was the last country bordering Afghanistan to officially close their borders to people without visas, following similar moves by Iran and Pakistan which had both already admitted in excess of one million refugees. The Tajik government cited their own chaotic internal situation caused by the 1992-1997 civil war and lack of funds to provide for refugees as justifications. Tajikistan's richer fellow ex-Soviet Central Asian countries Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan also closed their borders to Afghan refugees. By early", "id": "7750236" }, { "contents": "Tajiks\n\n\nnumbers of Shias include Herat, Bamyan, Badakhshan provinces in Afghanistan, the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province in Tajikistan, and Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County in China. Some of the famous Islamic scholars were from either modern or historical East-Iranian regions lying in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan and therefore can arguably be viewed as Tajiks. They include Abu Hanifa, Imam Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Nasir Khusraw and many others. According to a 2009 U.S. State Department release, the population of Tajikistan is 98% Muslim", "id": "17056434" }, { "contents": "List of airports in Uzbekistan\n\n\nThis is a list of airports in Uzbekistan, sorted by location. Uzbekistan, officially the Republic of Uzbekistan (, ) is a country in Central Asia; before 1991 it was part of the Soviet Union. It shares borders with Kazakhstan to the west and to the north, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to the east, and Afghanistan and Turkmenistan to the south. Uzbekistan is divided into 12 regions, one autonomous republic, and one independent city. The provinces in turn are divided into 160 districts. Airport names shown in bold have", "id": "10285449" }, { "contents": "ECO Cup\n\n\nThe ECO Cup was a football competition for members of Economic Cooperation Organization. Previously it was known as RCD Cup, RCD abbreviates Regional Corporation for Development and was an economic cooperation between Iran, Pakistan and Turkey from 1964 to 1979. A new organisation, ECO, was set up in 1985. In 1992, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan joined ECO. The countries that competed in one or more tournaments are Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Afghanistan", "id": "7239295" }, { "contents": "Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs\n\n\nThe Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs is the head of the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs within the United States Department of State, which handles U.S. foreign policy and relations in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The position of Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian Affairs was renamed when responsibility for policy for five countries, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, was transferred", "id": "3235269" }, { "contents": "Khorasan Province\n\n\ntoday in Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Some of the main historical cities of Persia are located in the older Khorasan: Herat and Balkh (both in Afghanistan); Nishapur and Tus (both in Iran); Khujand and Panjakent (now in Tajikistan); Merv and Sanjan (now in Turkmenistan); and Samarkand and Bukhara (both in Uzbekistan). The term was also used from the late middle ages–especially in post-Mongol (Chagatai and Timurid) times–to distinguish the region", "id": "7633774" }, { "contents": "Afghanistan–Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement\n\n\nthe same manner that was common under the 1965 ATTA. Instead, Afghan trucks offloaded at Wagah may return to Afghanistan loaded only with Pakistani, rather than Indian goods, in an attempt to prevent the formation of a black market for Indian goods in Pakistan. The agreement provided Pakistan access to every country bordering Afghanistan, with access to Iran via the Islam Qila and Zaranj borders, Uzbekistan via the Hairatan border, Tajikistan via Ali Khanum and Sher Khan Bandar crossings, and Turkmenistan via the Aqina and Torghundi border crossings. Pakistani imports", "id": "4634373" }, { "contents": "Uzbekistan\n\n\nUzbekistan (, ; ), officially the Republic of Uzbekistan (), is a landlocked country in Central Asia. The sovereign state is a secular, unitary constitutional republic, comprising 12 provinces, one autonomous republic, and a capital city. Uzbekistan is bordered by five landlocked countries: Kazakhstan to the north; Kyrgyzstan to the northeast; Tajikistan to the southeast; Afghanistan to the south; and Turkmenistan to the southwest. Along with Liechtenstein, it is one of the world's only two doubly landlocked countries. What is now", "id": "13293538" }, { "contents": "List of railway stations in Tajikistan\n\n\nRailway stations in Tajikistan include: The railroad system totals only 480 kilometers of track, all of it broad gauge. The system connects the main urban centers of western Tajikistan with points in neighboring Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. In 2000 a new line connected the southern cities of Qurghonteppa and Kulob. Passenger transit through Tajikistan has been hindered by periodic failures of Tajik Railways to pay transit tariffs and by safety issues. There is no direct connection between the northern and southern networks. A railway link from Tajikistan through Afghanistan to Iran has been proposed", "id": "5590806" }, { "contents": "Afghanistan\n\n\n: Afghanistan became a member of the United Nations in 1946. It enjoys cordial relations with a number of NATO and allied nations, particularly the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, and Turkey. In 2012, the United States and Afghanistan signed their Strategic Partnership Agreement in which Afghanistan became a major non-NATO ally. Afghanistan also has friendly diplomatic relations with neighboring China, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, including with regional states such as Bangladesh, India, Japan, Kazakhstan", "id": "73101" }, { "contents": "Religion in Turkmenistan\n\n\nThe Turkmen of Turkmenistan, like their kin in Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Iran are predominantly Muslims. According to the CIA World Factbook, Turkmenistan is 89% Muslim and 10% Eastern Orthodox. Most ethnic Russians are Orthodox Christians. The remaining 1% is unknown. A 2009 Pew Research Center report indicates a higher percentage of Muslims with 93.1% of Turkmenistan's population adhering to Islam. The great majority of Turkmen readily identify themselves as Muslims and acknowledge Islam as an integral part of their cultural heritage. However, there are", "id": "3798877" }, { "contents": "Outline of Uzbekistan\n\n\nThe following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to Uzbekistan: The Uzbekistan – doubly landlocked sovereign country located in Central Asia. Uzbekistan borders Kazakhstan to the west and to the north, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to the east, and Afghanistan and Turkmenistan to the south. Geography of Uzbekistan Regions of Uzbekistan List of ecoregions in Uzbekistan Administrative divisions of Uzbekistan Regions of Uzbekistan The regions are keyed to the map. The names are given in Uzbek with standard phonetic transcription in parentheses. Districts of Uzbekistan Demographics of Uzbekistan Politics of", "id": "10253514" }, { "contents": "Freedom of religion in Turkmenistan\n\n\nand imprisonment because of their beliefs. There were no reports of societal abuses or violence based on religious beliefs or practice. The overwhelming majority of citizens identify themselves as Sunni Muslim; ethnic Turkmen identity is linked to Islam. Ethnic Turkmen who choose to convert to other religious groups, especially the lesser-known Protestant groups, are viewed with suspicion and sometimes ostracized, but Turkmenistan society historically has been tolerant and inclusive of different religious beliefs. The Turkmen of Turkmenistan, like their neighbors in Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Iran are Muslim", "id": "7625674" }, { "contents": "Prehistoric Asia\n\n\nCaspian Sea in the west to China in the east and from Afghanistan in the south to Russia in the north. It is also sometimes referred to as Middle Asia, and, colloquially, \"the 'stans\" (as the six countries generally considered to be within the region all have names ending with the Persian suffix \"-stan\", meaning \"land of\") and is within the scope of the wider Eurasian continent. The countries are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan. East Asia", "id": "816048" }, { "contents": "Yellow-eyed pigeon\n\n\nalso similar, but it has a white subterminal band on the tail above the black terminal band. The yellow-eyed pigeon is generally a silent bird, but during the breeding season it sometimes emits a faint \"oo-oo-oo\". The yellow-eyed pigeon breeds in southern Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, north-east Iran and the extreme north-west part of China. It migrates southwards in the autumn to overwinter in Pakistan, north-western India and northwestern China", "id": "22204652" }, { "contents": "Grey-necked bunting\n\n\nthrough Gujarat in September and returning in March to their breeding grounds. It is found in Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bhutan, Nepal, China, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Oman, Pakistan, Russia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. It is an extremely rare vagrant north of its breeding range, with recent records from Finland and the Netherlands, though wanderers may be overlooked due to its similarity, in non-breeding plumage, to the closely related", "id": "9000182" }, { "contents": "Surxondaryo Region\n\n\nSurxondaryo Region (, , UniPers: \"sorxāndaryā\"), old spelling Surkhandarya Region is a viloyat (region) of Uzbekistan, located in the extreme south-east of the country. Established on March 6, 1941, it borders on Qashqadaryo Region internally, and Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan externally, going anticlockwise from the north. It covers an area of 20,100 km². The population is estimated at 1,925,100 (end of 2005 data), with 80% living in rural areas. According to official data, 83%", "id": "15977645" }, { "contents": "Energy in Afghanistan\n\n\nEnergy in Afghanistan is primarily provided by hydropower. According to the World Bank, approximately 84.1% of Afghanistan's population has access to electricity. Some rural areas, however, may not get 24-hour electricity but this will change once the major CASA-1000 project is completed in 2020. According to Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), Afghanistan generates around 300 megawatts (MW) of electricity mainly from hydropower followed by fossil fuel and solar. About 1,000 MW more is imported from neighboring Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Iran and Turkmenistan. Due to", "id": "6749287" }, { "contents": "Islamic Studies Library\n\n\n700 volumes of Arabic, Persian, Urdu and Turkish books printed by lithography. In general terms, the collection aspires to cover the entire range of Islamic civilization (Islamicate). Geographically this is meant to include South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.), Southeast Asia (Indonesia, etc.), Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan), the Middle East (Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Jordan, the United", "id": "8709286" }, { "contents": "Tajikistan–Uzbekistan relations\n\n\nUzbekistan–Tajikistan relations refers to the relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Tajikistan. Analysts said that the two countries are \"engaged in an undeclared cold war\" and have the worst bilateral relations in Central Asia. However, with the election of Shavkat Mirziyoyev as President of Uzbekistan Uzbek-Tajik relations, as well as relations between Uzbekistan and its neighbors in Central Asia, reached a new era of potential. Practical implementation of this potential is yet to be seen and by 2019 the Central Asian region remains one", "id": "4716830" }, { "contents": "Iris songarica\n\n\nIris songarica is a beardless iris in the genus \"Iris\", in the subgenus \"Limniris\" and in the \"Tenuifoliae series\" of the species. It is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial, from Central Asia, located in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. It has long strap-like leaves, a long stem and 2–3 flowers in shades of violet, dark blue, to lavender blue. \"Iris songarica\" flowers are similar in form to \"Iris spuria\" but differ in", "id": "19131784" }, { "contents": "Muslim world\n\n\n, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan have over 97% literacy rates, whereas literacy rates are the lowest in Mali, Afghanistan, Chad and parts of Africa. In 2015, the International Islamic News Agency reported that nearly 37% of the population of the Muslim world is unable to read or write, basing that figure on reports from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Several Muslim-majority countries like Turkey, Iran, Egypt, and Pakistan exhibit high rate of citable scientific", "id": "17727680" }, { "contents": "Terrorism in Tajikistan\n\n\nDushanbe on 16 October 2006 that the \"[Islamic Movement of Turkmenistan] is the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan,\" and that Uzbek secret services manufactured the change in name. Juraqulov also said that the IMT is not a major security threat to Tajikistan or Kyrgyzstan. \"Everyone knows that it is in Uzbekistan that [the IMU] wants to create problems. For them, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are just regrouping bases they're trying to reach.\" The government blamed the IMU for a suicide car bombing of a police station in", "id": "4161707" }, { "contents": "Tajikistan\n\n\n-Badakhshan Autonomous Province in the eastern part of the country. And in 2012, the presidents of Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Iran signed an agreement to construct roads and railways as well as oil, gas, and water pipelines to connect the three countries. The railroad system totals only of track, all of it broad gauge. The principal segments are in the southern region and connect the capital with the industrial areas of the Hisor and Vakhsh valleys and with Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Russia. Most international freight traffic is", "id": "11083060" }, { "contents": "Uzbekistan\n\n\npopulation. Among the CIS countries, it is the 4th largest by area and the 2nd largest by population. Uzbekistan lies between latitudes 37° and 46° N, and longitudes 56° and 74° E. It stretches from west to east and from north to south. Bordering Kazakhstan and the Aralkum Desert (former Aral Sea) to the north and northwest, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan to the southwest, Tajikistan to the southeast, and Kyrgyzstan to the northeast, Uzbekistan is one of the largest Central Asian states and the only Central", "id": "13293547" }, { "contents": "Afghanistan: Energy Supply Improvement Investment Program\n\n\nThe Afghanistan: Energy Supply Improvement Investment Program is a proposed electric power transmission link intended to supply Afghanistan with power from other central Asian countries, as well as interconnecting the ten separate power grids within Afghanistan. It is unofficially known as TUTAP, which stands for the names of the countries involved: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The project was approved by the Asian Development Bank on 15 December 2015. A decision to reroute the project through Salang Pass, rather than Bamyan Province, led to a protest by", "id": "5636776" }, { "contents": "Sasanian Empire\n\n\n, much of Central Asia (Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan), Yemen and Pakistan. According to a legend, the vexilloid of the Sasanian Empire was the Derafsh Kaviani. The Sasanian Empire during Late Antiquity is considered to have been one of Iran's most important, and influential historical periods and constituted the last great Iranian empire before the Muslim conquest and the adoption of Islam. In many ways, the Sasanian period witnessed the peak of ancient Iranian civilisation. The Sasanians' cultural influence extended far beyond the empire's", "id": "11391685" }, { "contents": "Foreign relations of Israel\n\n\n6 non-Arab Muslim states in Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). Afghanistan, currently, has no relations with Israel. The Monarchy of Afghanistan did have spiritual relations with Israel, whether in secret or Tribal rules in place. The Afghan Royal Family trace their origins to King Saul of Israel. Afghanistan was the only Muslim country that did not revoke citizenship when Jews, also known as descendants of Judah, migrated to Israel. Rabbi Eliyahu Avichail has published numerous books linking the Afghans", "id": "8130" }, { "contents": "Tourism in Uzbekistan\n\n\n240,000 tourists from 117 countries visited Uzbekistan. The industry earned US$30 million (90.9% of forecast). Overall, the tourism sector served 621,700 people and rendered services for 40.6 billion soums (73.1% of forecast). The industry earned 598.4 million soums. Each autumn, the Uzbek travel industry holds an International Tourism Fair. Uzbekistan is located on the Great Silk Road and many neighboring countries (including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan) promote their countries based on their location along the Great Silk Road. The", "id": "16948629" }, { "contents": "Islam in Turkmenistan\n\n\nAccording to a 2009 Pew Research Center report, 93.1% of Turkmenistan's population is Muslim. Traditionally, the Turkmen of Turkmenistan, like their kin in Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, are Sunni Muslims. Shia Muslims, the other main branch of Islam, are not numerous in Turkmenistan, and the Shia religious practices of the Azerbaijani and Kurdish minorities are not politicized. The great majority of Turkmen readily identify themselves as Muslims and acknowledge Islam as an integral part of their cultural heritage, but some support a revival of the religion's status", "id": "17454907" }, { "contents": "Smart villages in Asia\n\n\nlargest electricity producer after the United States, China, and Japan. Russia exports electricity to countries e.g. Latvia, Lithuania, Poland etc. However, import and export reversal has also been reported due to cost of production. With its insufficient power supply infrastructure covers its electricity demand through import from electricity-exporting countries i.e. Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Iran, these countries mostly sell their surplus electricity to Afghanistan. Above 4 billion US dollars have so far been disbursed to build power supply infrastructure in Afghanistan but deficiencies not only to", "id": "6310767" }, { "contents": "Central Asian Shepherd Dog\n\n\nbreed in the country around 2000. Central Asians most likely originated more than four thousand years ago from natural selection in a geographical area between the Ural, Caspian Sea, Asia Minor, and the Northwest border of China. Aboriginal Central Asians as well as mixes still can be found in its countries of origin, such as Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and surrounding countries. Some serve as livestock guardians, some protect their owners, and some are used for dog fighting, which is a national tradition", "id": "12586317" }, { "contents": "World Nomad Games\n\n\nWorld Nomad Games () are an international sport competition dedicated to ethnic sports practiced in Central Asia. The countries taking part in those games are the former Soviet republics of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Russia (especially Sakha, Buryatia, Altay, Kalmykia, Bashkortostan republics, etc.) as well as other countries like Mongolia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Philippines and the United States. The first three World Nomad Games were held in Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan; however, Turkey has been", "id": "13887877" }, { "contents": "Soviet infrastructure in Central Asia\n\n\noriented along the north-south axis. The north-south road through eastern Kazakhstan (via Almaty and Aktogay) provides an important link between the Kyrgyz Republic (and Uzbekistan to a lesser extent) and eastern Siberia. The north-south road through Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan, links Kazakhstan and Xinjiang to Afghanistan and ports in Iran and Pakistan. In Turkmenistan, which does not receive as much foreign aid but has substantial natural gas reserves, the Soviet system of management has largely remained in place. Five separate ministries are in", "id": "22003091" }, { "contents": "Ethnic demography of Kazakhstan\n\n\nstates such as Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, but also from the Kazakh dominated areas in Xinjiang and Mongolia. The Kazakh government is actively encouraging the settlement of these compatriots (known as \"Oralman\") in Slavic dominated North and East Kazakhstan as well as the German dominated Karaganda Region, in order to dilute the minority populations there. There is also a low intensity immigration of ethnic Slavs from the less tolerant neighboring nations like Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan into Kazakhstan. An estimated 400,000 Uzbeks have migrated to Kazakhstan in recent years Table: Data on", "id": "19321572" }, { "contents": "United Nations Security Council Resolution 1453\n\n\nthe Transitional Administration. The resolution welcomed the signing of the Kabul Declaration on Good-Neighbourly Relations by Afghanistan, China, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan and called upon all states to respect and implement the agreement. Finally, the Secretary-General Kofi Annan was requested to report on the implementation of the agreement in his reports on Afghanistan. The Kabul Declaration on Good-Neighbourly Relations emphasised the welfare of the Afghan people, regional peace and stability, a commitment to defeat terrorism, extremism and the illegal drugs", "id": "6277487" }, { "contents": "Demographic transition\n\n\nAzerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, South Africa, India, Saudi Arabia, and many Pacific islands. Countries that have experienced a fertility decline of 25–50% include: Guatemala, Tajikistan, Egypt and Zimbabwe. Countries that have experienced a fertility decline of less than 25% include: Sudan, Niger, Afghanistan. This occurs where birth and death rates are both low, leading to a total population stability. Death rates are low for a number of reasons, primarily lower rates of diseases", "id": "7837772" }, { "contents": "Striped hyena\n\n\n, Iraq, the Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia), Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan (excluding the higher areas of Hindukush) and the Indian Subcontinent. Today the species' distribution is patchy in most ranges, thus indicating that it occurs in many isolated populations, particularly in most of west Africa, most of the Sahara, parts of the Middle East, the Caucasus and central Asia. It does however have a continuous distribution over large areas of Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania. Its modern", "id": "17984330" }, { "contents": "Afghanistan\n\n\nthings. In 2010, US and Afghan government officials estimated that untapped mineral deposits located in 2007 by the US Geological Survey are worth at least . At over , Afghanistan is the world's 41st largest country, slightly bigger than France and smaller than Burma, about the size of Texas in the United States. It borders Pakistan in the south and east; Iran in the west; Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan in the north; and China in the far east. The population of Afghanistan was estimated at 32.2 million in", "id": "73089" }, { "contents": "Uzbekistan national football team\n\n\ncountries of Central Asia, the national teams of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan. The main and most important rival of the national team of Uzbekistan are the national teams of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. The matches between the countries of Central Asia have always aroused great interest among fans of Central Asia, in spite of Uzbekistan's superiority since the fall of USSR. Football is one of the instruments of rivalry between the states of Central Asia. This rivalry comes from Soviet times. Also in recent years, Uzbekistan has been competing", "id": "18765438" }, { "contents": "Markhor\n\n\nstretching along the north banks of the Upper Amu Darya and the Pyanj Rivers from Turkmenistan to Tajikistan, two to three scattered populations now occur in a greatly reduced distribution. It is limited to the region between lower Pyanj and the Vakhsh Rivers near Kulyab in Tajikistan (about 70\"E and 37’40’ to 38\"N), and in the Kugitangtau Range in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan (around 66’40’E and 37’30’N). This subspecies may possibly exist in the Darwaz Peninsula of northern Afghanistan near the border with Tajikistan. Before 1979, almost nothing was known", "id": "14244241" }, { "contents": "Buddhism in Iran\n\n\ncomprising modern day Central Asia were later raided in the 5th century by the White Huns. At the time of the Arab conquests in the mid-7th century, much of the eastern Iranian world was mainly Buddhist. Afghanistan is rich in Buddhist sites; others have been found in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and within Iran itself. The Arab conquests brought the final demise of Buddhism in Eastern Iran and Afghanistan, although in some sites like Bamiyan and Hadda it survived until the 8th or 9th century. Mongol ruler Ghazan, who received", "id": "5215587" }, { "contents": "List of non-marine molluscs of Afghanistan\n\n\nTurkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the north (that were part of the U.S.S.R. at that time), where the summary volumes of Likharev & Rammel'meier (1962) and Anatoliy Alexeyevich Schileyko (1978) provide a solid basis of comparative knowledge. The probability of additional taxa existing is very high, particularly among the Helicoidea and Enidae. Since the Street collections (from Street Expedition of 1962-1963) were made incidentally to mammal collecting, the relatively high percentage of unrecorded taxa suggests that only the tip of Afghanistan molluscan diversity has", "id": "5652899" }, { "contents": "Afghanistan–Uzbekistan border\n\n\nThe Afghanistan-Uzbekistan border is in length and runs from the tripoint with Turkmenistan to the tripoint with Tajikistan along the Amu Darya river. It is by far the shortest of Uzbekistan’s external borders. The entire border follows the thalweg of the Amu Darya river, from the Turkmen tripoint in the west to the Tajik tripoint in the east. The border is paralleled on the Uzbek side by a road and railway line, and there is a major crossing point to the east of the Uzbek town of Termez. The border was", "id": "5861796" }, { "contents": "Transport in Afghanistan\n\n\nTransport in Afghanistan is limited and in the developing stage. Much of the nation's road network was built during the 1960s but left to ruin during the 1980s and 90's wars. New national highways, roads, and bridges have been rebuilt in the last decade to help increase travel as well as trade with neighboring countries. In 2008, there were about 731,607 vehicles registered inside the country. Landlocked Afghanistan has no seaports, but the Amu Darya river, which forms part of the nation's border with Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan,", "id": "12208404" }, { "contents": "Immigration to Pakistan\n\n\n, Sri Lanka, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Somalia, Jordan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan are illegally living in Karachi. This includes thousands of Muslim students from Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia studying in the Pakistani madrasahs, while thousands of women from Bangladesh and Burma are working as maids and prostitutes there; most of them are illegal aliens. According to some sources, thousands of radicals of Arab origin who entered the country illegally to fight in Afghanistan after the Soviet invasion in 1979", "id": "15583333" }, { "contents": "Rail transport in Afghanistan\n\n\nreasons, past Afghan governments preferred to discourage the construction of railways which could aid foreign interference in Afghanistan by Britain or Russia. Afghanistan is surrounded by three different gauges, yet is almost completely without railways. Until the 21st century, there were fewer than 25 kilometres of railway inside the country, all of which is built to Russian gauge. Afghanistan's neighbours to the north, namely the former Soviet republics of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan, use this gauge. Iran to the west uses standard gauge, same as China", "id": "6631179" }, { "contents": "Soviet Army\n\n\n-Soviet republics of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan. Now-Russian Ground Forces remained in Tajikistan, Georgia and Transnistria. In 1990, the Soviet Army possessed: After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, a considerable number of weapons were transferred to the national forces of emerging states on the periphery of the former Soviet Union, such as Armenia, Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. Similarly, weapons and other military equipment were also left behind in the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989. Some of", "id": "21506981" }, { "contents": "Uzbek language\n\n\n. Estimates of the number of speakers of Uzbek vary widely. The Swedish encyclopedia \"Nationalencyklopedin\" estimates the number of native speakers to be 30 million, and the \"CIA World Factbook\" estimates 25 million. Other sources estimate the number of speakers of Uzbek to be 21 million in Uzbekistan, 3.4 million in Afghanistan, 900,000 in Tajikistan, 800,000 in Kyrgyzstan, 500,000 in Kazakhstan, 300,000 in Turkmenistan, and 300,000 in Russia. The influence of Islam, and by extension, Arabic, is evident in Uzbek loanwords. There", "id": "21145669" }, { "contents": "WHO regions\n\n\n, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan. Afghanistan, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq,", "id": "8344127" }, { "contents": "Rail transport in Afghanistan\n\n\nAfghanistan has three railroad lines in the north of the country. The first is between Mazar-i-Sharif and the border town of Hairatan in Balkh province, which then connects with Uzbek Railways of Uzbekistan (opened 2011). The second links Torghundi in Herat province with Turkmen Railways of Turkmenistan (opened 1960). The third is between Aqina in Faryab province and neighboring Turkmenistan (opened 2016). The country currently lacks a passenger rail service, but a new rail link from Herat to Khaf in Iran for both cargo", "id": "6631173" }, { "contents": "Afghanistan–Uzbekistan barrier\n\n\nThe Uzbekistan–Afghanistan barrier is a border barrier, built by Uzbekistan along its 137-kilometres border with Afghanistan along the Amu Darya River. It is among the most heavily guarded borders in the world, second only to the border barrier between North and South Korea. It consists of a barbed wire fence and a second, taller, 380-volt electrified barbed-wire fence, land mines and a patrol of heavily armed Uzbek soldiers. It stretches along the entire Uzbek-Afghan frontier from Turkmenistan to Tajikistan. Days after the terrorist attacks in", "id": "7854465" }, { "contents": "Central Asia\n\n\nCentral Asia stretches from the Caspian Sea in the west to China in the east and from Afghanistan in the south to Russia in the north. The region consists of the former Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. It is also colloquially referred to as \"the stans\" as the countries generally considered to be within the region all have names ending with the Persian suffix \"-stan\", meaning \"land of\". Central Asia (2019) has a population of about 72 million, consisting", "id": "6869456" }, { "contents": "Uzbeks\n\n\nThe Uzbeks (\"Oʻzbek/Ўзбек\", pl. \"Oʻzbeklar/Ўзбеклар\") are a Turkic ethnic group native to Uzbekistan and wider Central Asia, being the largest Turkic ethnic group in the area. They comprise the majority population of Uzbekistan but are also found as a minority group in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Russia and China. Uzbek diaspora communities also exist in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. The origin of the word \"Uzbek\" remains disputed. One view holds that it is eponymously named after", "id": "13712718" }, { "contents": "Turkic peoples\n\n\nMongol tradition|Turco-Mongol]] residual states and domains (in green) by the 15th century]] The [[Chagatai Khanate]] was the eastern & southern Central Asian section of the [[Mongol Empire]] in what is today part or whole of [[Tajikistan]], [[Afghanistan]], [[Turkmenistan]], [[Kazakhstan]], [[Uzbekistan]], [[Kyrgyzstan]], and [[Xinjiang]] (\"Uyghurstan\"). Like", "id": "1128858" }, { "contents": "Central Asia\n\n\nAsian Republics belong to the Turkic language group. Turkmen, is mainly spoken in Turkmenistan, and as a minority language in Afghanistan, Russia, Iran and Turkey. Kazakh and Kyrgyz are related languages of the Kypchak group of Turkic languages and are spoken throughout Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and as a minority language in Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Xinjiang. Uzbek and Uyghur are spoken in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and Xinjiang. The Turkic languages may belong to a larger, but controversial, Altaic language family, which includes Mongolian.", "id": "6869525" }, { "contents": "Hanafi\n\n\nthat were once part of the historic Ottoman Empire, Mughal Empire and Sultanates of Turkic rulers in the South Asia, northwest China and Central Asia. In the modern era, Hanafi is prevalent in the following regions: Turkey, the Balkans, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, parts of Iraq, parts of Iran, parts of Russia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, parts of India and China, and Bangladesh. The sources from which the Hanafi madhhab derives Islamic", "id": "4164322" }, { "contents": "Amu Darya\n\n\nRiver bed into central Turkmenistan, was never built. The 1970s, in the course of the Soviet–Afghan War, Soviet forces used the valley to invade Afghanistan through Termez. The Soviet Union fell in the 1990s and Central Asia split up into the many smaller countries that lie within or partially within the Amu Darya basin. During the Soviet era, a resource-sharing system was instated in which Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan shared water originating from the Amu and Syr Daryas with Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan in summer. In return", "id": "2655807" }, { "contents": "Wildlife of Turkmenistan\n\n\nhere the highest point is Mount Şahşah . The land also rises in the southeastern corner of the country towards the mountain ranges of Afghanistan. At the extreme east of Turkmenistan is the Köýtendag Range with the highest mountain in the country, Mount Aýrybaba (). The Murghab River and the Tejen River flow from Afghanistan but peter out in the Karakum Desert. The Atrek River is a shorter river flowing from Iran, but only reaching the Caspian Sea in time of flood. The Amudarya River flows northwestwards near the border with Uzbekistan before", "id": "8895922" }, { "contents": "Hizb ut-Tahrir in Central Asia\n\n\nto the five ex-Soviet states of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, the adjacent republic of Afghanistan, which was never part of the Soviet Union, and Chinese province of Xinjiang, are (or at least traditionally were in the case of Xinjiang) Muslim majority areas of Central Asia. Islam has been established in Central Asia for centuries, starting with the Battle of Talas in 751. However, during the 1920 and 30s the \"cultural assault\" of the Soviet Red Army and security forces, weakened", "id": "18001091" }, { "contents": "Central Asian art\n\n\nCentral Asian art is visual art created in Central Asia by the largely Turkic peoples of modern Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, Tibet, Afghanistan, Pakistan and parts of China and Russia. The arts of recent centuries are mainly influenced by Islamic art, but the varied earlier cultures were influenced by the art of China, Persia and Greece, as well as the Animal style that developed among the nomadic peoples of the steppes. The Silk Road transmission of art, Scythian art, Greco-", "id": "21635519" }, { "contents": "Iranian Intermezzo\n\n\nnortheastern part of Greater Iran, in the region of Khorasan (made up of parts of present-day Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan). The Tahirid capital was located in Nishapur. The Sajid dynasty (), was an Islamic dynasty that ruled from 889-890 until 929. Sajids ruled Azerbaijan and parts of Armenia first from Maragha and Barda and then from Ardabil. The Sajids originated from the Central Asian province of Ushrusana and were of Iranian (Sogdians) heritage. The Saffarid dynasty ()", "id": "7349883" }, { "contents": "Foundation for Tolerance International\n\n\ncross-border communities, and research into the rise of transnational religious extremism (Strutton 2007). The regional nature of FTI has facilitated partnerships with UN agencies and organizations in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan to increase the capacity for peaceful development in Kyrgyzstan and neighboring countries. FTI’s Regional Partners in Uzbekistan include: Association of Business Women of Uzbekistan, FIDO, “Ishonch,” The Center of Social-Economic Development “Mehr,” and the Tashkent Enlightenment Center. In Tajikistan, FTI collaborates with the Youth Initiative Center", "id": "14615048" }, { "contents": "Yellow-eyed pigeon\n\n\nThe yellow-eyed pigeon or pale-backed pigeon (\"Columba eversmanni\") is a member of the family Columbidae (doves and pigeons). It breeds in southern Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, north-east Iran and extreme north-west China. It winters in north-east Pakistan, Jammu and Kashmir and parts of Rajasthan (including Tal Chhapar Sanctuary and Jorbeer, Bikaner). The bird has declined in numbers over the years, chiefly because of hunting, and it is", "id": "22204649" }, { "contents": "Water security\n\n\nby Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan, which has been nearly completely dried out, so much so that it has ceased to reach the Aral Sea/Lake, which is evaporating in an alarming pace. The fact that Turkmenistan retains much of the water before it flows into Uzbekistan. In Australia there is competition for the resources of the Darling River system between Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia. In Victoria, Australia a proposed pipeline from the Goulburn Valley to Melbourne has led to protests by farmers. In the", "id": "4448521" }, { "contents": "Avestan\n\n\nAryan language, with both having developed from the earlier Proto-Indo-Iranian. As such, Old Avestan is quite close in grammar and lexicon with Vedic Sanskrit, the oldest preserved Indo-Aryan language. The Avestan text corpus was composed in ancient Arachosia, Aria, Bactria, and Margiana, corresponding to the entirety of present-day Afghanistan, and parts of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The Yaz culture of Bactria-Margiana has been regarded as a likely archaeological reflection of the early \"Eastern Iranian\" culture", "id": "8902472" }, { "contents": "Iris songarica\n\n\nRanging from Iran (Persia) to Tibet. It is found in the western Asian countries of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. (including Gonabad). In the middle Asian countries of (the former Soviet Union republics of), it is found in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. It is found within Turkestan, in the Kopet Dag mountain range. Also found in Mongolia, and northern China. In 2010, a study was carried out into the infiltration rate in an arid ecosystem, in Yazd Province, a", "id": "19131796" }, { "contents": "Potamogeton crispus\n\n\n\"undulatus\" ), \"P. ochreatus\" (\"P\". × \"jacobsii\" ) and \"P. friesii\" (\"P\". × \"lintonii\" ). \"Potamogeton crispus\" is native to a wide range of countries in Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Indonesia (Sumatra), Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam); Africa, the Middle", "id": "2165180" }, { "contents": "Soviet infrastructure in Central Asia\n\n\nbills for each country traversed; any documentation problem can result in the wagon being detained for several days. \"The aging of the locomotive fleet does not imply a shortage in the short-term; the problem is rather obsolescence.\" The relatively small populations, large land areas (particularly in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) and difficult mountainous terrain (especially in the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan) increase infrastructure costs and pose challenges to maintenance of road infrastructure in Central Asia. The total road length under central government management (roads", "id": "22003086" }, { "contents": "Geography of Uzbekistan\n\n\nTajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, respectively. These rivers form the two main river basins of Central Asia; they are used primarily for irrigation, and several artificial canals have been built to expand the supply of arable land in the Fergana Valley and elsewhere. During the Soviet Era, a plan was devised in which Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan provided water from these two rivers to Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan in summer, and these three countries provided Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan with oil and gas during the winter in return. However, this system dissolved after", "id": "13293720" }, { "contents": "Midday jird\n\n\nThe midday jird, or midday gerbil (\"Meriones meridianus\"), is a species of rodent in the family Muridae and native to sandy deserts in Afghanistan, China, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. How this rodent received its common name is unclear as it is mainly nocturnal. The midday jird is a medium-sized species with a head-and-body length of , a tail of a similar length, and a weight of . The upper", "id": "20451904" }, { "contents": "Terrorism in Kyrgyzstan\n\n\nTerrorism in Kyrgyzstan has increased since the U.S. military invaded Afghanistan and overthrew the Taliban in 2001. The governments of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan provided airbases for counter-terrorism operations. Southern Kyrgyzstan is increasingly sympathetic to terrorism and Islam extremism. Hizb-ut-Tahrir is banned in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan as a terrorist organization. The Kyrgyz government banned HuT after it declared a jihad against Kyrgyz police on 19 July 2006. Uzbek President Islam Karimov had twice called on the Kyrgyz government to shut down HuT activities in Kyrgyzstan before the", "id": "5829384" }, { "contents": "Ethnic groups in Asia\n\n\nformer Soviet Socialist Republics: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. In a wider view, Xinjiang of western China, Mongolia, Afghanistan, and northern Pakistan are included. Turkic, Indo-Iranian, and Mongolic peoples comprise its general ethnicities. The main religions of Central Asia are Islam (Turkic/Indo-Iranian peoples) and Buddhism (Mongolia). Central Asia has a long, rich history mainly based on its geographical location along the ancient Silk Road. It has been conquered by Mongols, Tibetans,", "id": "6868182" }, { "contents": "Geography of Afghanistan\n\n\nthe Hindu Kush–Safid ridge line, and half of this area is drained by the Helmand and its tributaries alone. The Amu Darya on the northern border, the country's other major river, has the next largest drainage area. The long Amu Darya originates in the glaciers of the Pamir Mountains in the northeast. Some 965 km of its upper course constitutes Afghanistan's border with Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Flowing in rapid torrents in its upper course, the Amu Darya becomes calmer below the mouth of the Kokcha,", "id": "12534114" }, { "contents": "South–South cooperation\n\n\nthe admission of India and Pakistan was announced. Regional economic communities have become a conduit for South–South cooperation in science, technology and innovation. For example, Iran’s Nanotechnology Initiative Council established an Econano network in 2008 to promote the scientific and industrial development of nanotechnology among fellow members of the Economic Cooperation Organization, namely Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Countries are also co-operating in science, technology and innovation on a bilateral basis to develop infrastructure and diversify", "id": "2181497" }, { "contents": "Naswar\n\n\nNaswār (; , Cyrillic script: насва́р), also called nās (ناس; на́с) or nasvay (نسوای; насвай), is a moist, powdered tobacco snuff consumed mostly in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Naswar is stuffed in the floor of the mouth under the lower lip, or inside the cheek, for extended periods of time. It is similar to dipping tobacco and snus. Naswar was introduced into Western Europe by a Spanish monk", "id": "10286138" }, { "contents": "Politics of Tajikistan\n\n\nUTO, has kept some former UTO officials in senior cabinet-level positions. While the government and the now incorporated former opposition continue to distrust each other, they have often found a way to work with each other and are committed to peacefully resolving their differences. Prior to the overthrow of the Taliban in 2001, the civil war in Afghanistan produced cross-border effects that threatened to destabilize Tajikistan's fragile and hard-won peace. In the summers of 1999 and 2000, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan used Tajikistan as a", "id": "11083154" }, { "contents": "Agriculture in Tajikistan\n\n\nfeeding the Aral Sea: the Syr Darya in the Ferghana Valley in the north and the Amu Darya along the southern border with Afghanistan, which in turn relies on its tributaries Kofarnihon, Vakhsh, and Kyzylsu rivers. The \"white gold\" of Tajikistan, as well as Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, may well have contributed to the catastrophic drying of the Aral Sea during the Soviet times and thereafter. Wheat and barley are cultivated in rainfed areas, mostly in the southern plains of Khatlon province. Rice, on the other hand,", "id": "12662137" }, { "contents": "Tajikistan\n\n\nTajikistan (, ; ), officially the Republic of Tajikistan (, Jumhuriyi Tojikiston), is a mountainous, landlocked country in Central Asia with an area of and an estimated population of 9,275,828 people. It is bordered by Afghanistan to the south, Uzbekistan to the west, Kyrgyzstan to the north, and China to the east. The traditional homelands of the Tajik people include present-day Tajikistan as well as parts of Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. The territory that now constitutes Tajikistan was previously home to several ancient cultures, including the", "id": "11083012" }, { "contents": "Cities along the Silk Road\n\n\nmodern-day country \"Turkey\" \"Georgia\" \"Armenia\" \"Lebanon\" \"Syria\" \"Iraq\" \"Iran\" \"Turkmenistan\" \"Uzbekistan\" \"Tajikistan\" \"Kazakhstan\" \"Afghanistan\" \"Pakistan\" \"India\" \"Nepal\" \"Bangladesh\" \"Bhutan\" \"Korea\" \"Japan\" This following list is attributed to Ptolemy. All city names are Ptolemy's, throughout all his works. Most of the names are included in \"Geographia\". Some of the cities provided by Ptolemy either", "id": "17209439" }, { "contents": "Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan\n\n\nannounced that the IMU was part of the group's regional branch. Dissident elements of the IMU retained the group's name and their alliance with al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Operating out of bases in Tajikistan and Taliban-controlled areas of northern Afghanistan, the IMU launched a series of raids into southern Kyrgyzstan in the years 1999 and 2000. The IMU suffered heavy casualties in 2001–2002 during the American-led invasion of Afghanistan. Namangani was killed, while Yuldeshev and many of the IMU's remaining fighters escaped with remnants of", "id": "12266385" }, { "contents": "Inner Asia\n\n\n; that is, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan, with Afghanistan sometimes also included as part of Central Asia. However, The Library of Congress subject classification system treats \"Central Asia\" and Inner Asia as synonymous. According to Morris Rossabi, the term \"Inner Asia\" is the well-established term for the area in the literature. However, because of its deficiencies, including the implication of an \"Outer Asia\" that does not exist, Denis Sinor has proposed the neologism \"Central Eurasia", "id": "1831209" }, { "contents": "Islamic Movement of Tajikistan\n\n\n, The Islamic Movement of Central Asia. The organization was founded in the borders of Tajikistan. Upon founding, Tohir Yo'ldosh was appointed the leader. After the founding of the group the organization took roots and set up a base of operations in Afghanistan. Tohir Yo'ldosh is the only known and documented leader of The Islamic Movement of Tajikistan. Tohir Yo'ldosh is also documented as being the leader of another terrorist organization known as The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. The Islamic Movement of Tajikistan has claimed responsibility for one attack. The attack was", "id": "4650919" }, { "contents": "Uzbekistan\n\n\n, and he amnestied some political prisoners. Relations with the neighboring countries of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan drastically improved. However, the Amnesty International report on human rights in the country for 2017/2018 described continued repressive measures, including forced labour in cotton harvesting, and restrictions on the movement of 'freed' prisoners. The Uzbek economy is in a gradual transition to the market economy, with foreign trade policy being based on import substitution. In September 2017, the country's currency became fully convertible at market rates. Uzbekistan is a", "id": "13293545" }, { "contents": "Güldenstädt's redstart\n\n\nThe Güldenstädt's redstart (\"Phoenicurus erythrogastrus\") also sometimes called the white-winged redstart, is a species of bird in the genus \"Phoenicurus\", family Muscicapidae. It is found in the high mountains of southwestern and central Asia in the Caucasus, Karakoram, Pamir, Himalaya, Tian Shan, and Altai, in the countries of Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bhutan, China, Georgia, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. It", "id": "9466214" }, { "contents": "Kyrgyzstan–Tajikistan relations\n\n\nstate security agencies of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, held in Osh in the spring of 1995, also drew the conclusion that ethnic, social, and economic conditions in Osh were increasingly similar to those in Tajikistan in the late 1980s, thus recognizing the contagion of Tajikistan's instability. Due to having conflicts with neighbor Uzbekistan, both Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan raise supports for each others. During the 2010 South Kyrgyzstan ethnic clashes between Uzbeks and Kyrgyzs, Tajikistan demanded Uzbek minority \"to show respects on Kyrgyz laws\".", "id": "15287086" }, { "contents": "List of land borders with dates of establishment\n\n\nUkraine \"Spain–UK \"Afghanistan–China \"Afghanistan–Iran \"Afghanistan–Pakistan \"Afghanistan–Tajikistan \"Afghanistan–Turkmenistan \"Afghanistan–Uzbekistan \"Armenia–Azerbaijan \"Armenia–Georgia \"Armenia–Turkey \"Azerbaijan–Iran \"Azerbaijan–Turkey \"Bangladesh–Burma \"Bangladesh–India \"Bhutan–India \"Bhutan–China \"Brunei–Malaysia \"Burma–India \"Burma–China \"Burma–Thailand \"Cambodia–Laos \"Cambodia–Thailand \"Cambodia–Vietnam \"China–Laos \"China–", "id": "21121899" }, { "contents": "Asoke Kumar Mukerji\n\n\nnewly independent countries of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan during the momentous period of transition following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. During March 1992 to December 1992, he was India's first Charge d'affaires in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Mukerji is actively interested in Central Asian affairs. In July 2012, he articulated a forward-looking view on interaction with Central Asia in an address at the International Institute of Strategic Studies in London. Mukerji worked as a trade negotiator in the newly formed World Trade Organization between", "id": "16127802" }, { "contents": "Six plus Two Group on Afghanistan\n\n\nThe Six plus Two Group on Afghanistan (also known as 6 plus 2 Contact Group or \"6 plus 2\") describes an informal coalition of the six nations bordering with Afghanistan (China, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan), plus the United States and Russia, which functioned from 1997 to 2001 under the aegis of the United Nations. The coalition worked to find a peaceful solution that would have included the participation of the Afghan Northern Alliance. Later it explored the issue of a post-Taliban government", "id": "6686544" }, { "contents": "Soviet infrastructure in Central Asia\n\n\nquickly discovered that their new, disconnected grids had significant gaps. Under the arrangement prevalent during the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan would supply water for irrigation purposes to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan in summer. In winter Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan would supply gas to Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan to cover their heating needs. UESCA began falling apart in 2003 when Turkmenistan declared its exit from the system. With the disintegration of Soviet-era sharing agreements, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are facing drastic shortages in power supply. The winter shortage in Tajikistan", "id": "22003094" }, { "contents": "2017 Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games\n\n\nFederation of Turkmenistan have organised the first ever Central Asian Short Course Swimming Tournament which consisted of an invitational short course (25) competition in the new Indoor Aquatics Centre. Athletes from neighbouring countries Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Iran and Afghanistan will be competed across a number of individual and relay events on 26–27 April 2017. The opening ceremony of the games took place on Sunday, 17 September 2017 at the newly built Olympic Stadium in Ashgabat. It was the third-largest Olympic-style ceremony ever held. The", "id": "17025645" } ]
How did we learn to translate hieroglyphs?
[{"answer": "The [Rosetta Stone]( URL_0 ) was instrumental. Since it had the same text written in three different languages it essentially handed us a partial translation of Egyptian to Greek."}, {"answer": "In 1799 they found the Rosetta stone, that contained the same passage in ancient Greek and in hieroglyphs. Since we knew the ancient Greek language we were able to translate the passage. From it we got some limited hieroglyph vocabulary which in turn could be used to translate other hieroglyph passages. Obviously the Rosetta stone didn't contain every possible hieroglyph but we were able to guess the remaining hieroglyphs based on the context they were used in"}, {"answer": "By the way, if you want to see the Rosetta Stone, it is on display in the British Museum, London."}, {"answer": "Short answer: The Rosetta Stone. It was written in Heiroglyphics, Demotic (basically Egyptian that normal people could read), and Ancient Greek. Really oversimplified: some guy who was really fucking good with languages figured out that Coptic, the liturgical language of Coptic Christians, was directly related to ancient Egyptian. He learned Coptic and Greek so he could translate what the Egyptian meant in Greek. Greek and Latin were still widely spoken, so that made translation a lot easier. Translating the Heiroglyphics meant just connecting the Demotic sounds to the Heiroglyphic words."}, {"answer": "If you have Netflix, Carl Sagan can explain it to you really well."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "50953", "title": "Egyptian hieroglyphs", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Egyptian hieroglyphs () were the formal writing system used in Ancient Egypt. Hieroglyphs combined logographic, syllabic and alphabetic elements, with a total of some 1,000 distinct characters. Cursive hieroglyphs were used for religious literature on papyrus and wood. The later hieratic and demotic Egyptian scripts were derived from hieroglyphic writing, as was the Proto-Sinaitic script that later evolved into the Phoenician alphabet. Through the Phoenician alphabet's major child systems, the Greek and Aramaic scripts, the Egyptian hieroglyphic script is ancestral to the majority of scripts in modern use, most prominently the Latin and Cyrillic scripts (through Greek) and the Arabic script and Brahmic family of scripts (through Aramaic).", "Phoenician alphabet. Through the Phoenician alphabet's major child systems, the Greek and Aramaic scripts, the Egyptian hieroglyphic script is ancestral to the majority of scripts in modern use, most prominently the Latin and Cyrillic scripts (through G", "Egyptian hieroglyphs () were the formal writing system used in Ancient Egypt. Hieroglyphs combined logographic, syllabic and alphabetic elements, with a total of some 1,000 distinct characters. Cursive hieroglyphs were used for religious literature on papyrus and wood. The later hieratic and demotic Egyptian scripts were derived from hieroglyphic writing, as was the Proto-Sinaitic script that later evolved into the Phoenician alphabet. Through the Phoenician alphabet's major child systems"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "History of the Quakers\n\n\nan English Quaker, did experiments with optics, contributing much to the wave theory of light. He also discovered how the lens in the eye works and described astigmatism and formulated an hypothesis about the perception of color. Young was also involved in translating the Rosetta Stone. He translated the demotic text and began the process of understanding the hieroglyphics. Maria Mitchell was an astronomer who discovered a comet. She was also active in the abolition movement and the women's suffrage movement. Joseph Lister promoted the use of sterile techniques in medicine", "id": "13981827" }, { "contents": "Elias Khoury (lawyer)\n\n\n\" translated into Arabic and distributed in Beirut and other Arab capitals. Of his decision to pay for the translation and publication of the book, Khoury said: \"This book tells the history of the rebirth of the Jewish people. We can learn from it how a people like the Jewish people emerged from the tragedy of the Holocaust and were able to reorganize themselves and build their country and become an independent people. If we can't learn from that, we will not be able to do anything for our independence.\"", "id": "2074718" }, { "contents": "Alien vs. Predator (film)\n\n\nXenomorph with a shuriken before unmasking and marking himself with the blood of the facehugger. After Lex and Sebastian leave, another facehugger attaches itself to Scar due to him not wearing his mask. Through translation of the pyramid's hieroglyphs, Lex and Sebastian learn that the Predators have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. It was they who taught early human civilizations how to build pyramids, and were worshipped as gods. Every 100 years they visit Earth to take part in a rite of passage by which several humans sacrifice themselves as", "id": "20971701" }, { "contents": "The Russia We Lost\n\n\n, the stronger in love with it. This happens involuntarily... What we show is like the impression of a man who began to learn the history of his country in adulthood. And everything we learned in the process of filming, turned the soul. How did it happen, why did the Lord take away people's minds, how could they plunder and destroy such a rich country? And why, why didn't we know anything about her, about our Homeland? The film had a strong public response and played a", "id": "9285320" }, { "contents": "Ignace Gelb\n\n\nstudy of the properties of different kinds of writing system was pioneering and innovative. Gelb had contributed significantly to the decipherment of the Anatolian hieroglyphs (formerly often referred to as 'Hittite hieroglyphs'), having published 3 volumes of studies on the subject. In the course of his career, he published over 20 books, that have been translated into many languages, and over 250 scientific articles. Gelb believed that the Maya hieroglyphs did not qualify as true writing capable of representing language, which has now been disproven following the decipherment", "id": "1817839" }, { "contents": "Learning theory (education)\n\n\nneed to question it, and if a person does not know something, they don't know to question it. Plato says that if one did not previously know something, then they cannot learn it. He describes learning as a passive process, where information and knowledge are ironed into the soul over time. However, Plato's theory elicits even more questions about knowledge: If we can only learn something when we already had the knowledge impressed onto our souls, then how did our souls gain that knowledge in the first", "id": "18233184" }, { "contents": "Carolina Wren Press\n\n\nwarm, funny conference; I remember that we all broke up laughing when I described our new van project and told the assembled editors and writers that we’d all get to know each other better if we ate and slept together. There was also a woman there urging us to learn accounting so we could turn our liabilities into assets. I can’t say that I ever learned exactly how this worked, though I did learn how to keep books. But Paul revealed his own economic approach to book publishing when he claimed it", "id": "1805282" }, { "contents": "Critical appraisal of the Book of Abraham\n\n\n, but rather by a scribe transcribing what Smith spoke aloud. One of the manuscripts in this collection was a bound book simply titled \"Grammar & A[l]phabet of the Egyptian Language\", which contained Smith's interpretations of the Egyptian glyphs. This manuscript is important because it illustrates how Smith attempted to translate the papyri: The scribes sketched out the hieroglyphic characters from the papyri onto the left-hand side of the manuscript. Smith then attempted to give an English translation of the glyph, along with an explanation for how one would", "id": "12384934" }, { "contents": "Scaramouche (1952 film)\n\n\n'll learn to fence the way a dancer would learn a routine. If I were learning a ballet, I'd learn it by number. One, two, three, four ... four, you're on this spot; five, six, seven, you do \"that\"; that's the way you learn choreography.\" And I learned how to fence in six weeks. We did seven duels in the picture, and each one was different; we never repeated a sequence. And that's like learning seven", "id": "13757747" }, { "contents": "Demotic (Egyptian)\n\n\nPtolemaic Period. The Rosetta Stone was discovered in 1799. It is inscribed with three scripts: the Greek alphabet, Demotic, and Egyptian hieroglyphs. There are 32 lines of Demotic, which is the middle of the three scripts on the stone. The Demotic was deciphered before the hieroglyphs, starting with the efforts of Antoine Isaac Silvestre de Sacy. Scholars were eventually able to translate the hieroglyphs by comparing the Greek words, which could be readily translated, and the hieroglyphs, in addition to their existing knowledge of Coptic. Egyptologists", "id": "10531271" }, { "contents": "How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs\n\n\nHow to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs is a primer on understanding Egyptian hieroglyphs. The text was written by Mark Collier (Egyptologist), and Bill Manley, c. 1998. The standard version of analytic Egyptian hieroglyphs is based upon the 26 categories of the Gardiner's Sign List (about 700 signs), still the basic standard. According to WorldCat, the book is widely known and is held in 1062 libraries. \"How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs\" uses a simple approach with just six categories: With the older styles and outlines of", "id": "437941" }, { "contents": "Hieroglyphs Without Mystery\n\n\nThe Egyptian hieroglyphic text Hieroglyphs Without Mystery: An Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Writing, is one of the modern primers on the Egyptian language hieroglyphs, from the late 20th to early 21st century. The text is a German text authored by Karl-Theodor Zauzich, c. 1992, and translated into English by Ann Macy Roth. The text is built upon only four chapters and an Appendix: The text under Ankhesenamun's name: S34-U33-.-M7-U33 is translated as: The \"ti\" is described as a \"grammatical ending\", (for", "id": "3683019" }, { "contents": "Paul Beliën\n\n\n. A translation of an extract from his text follows: The predators have teeth and claws. The predators have knives. Starting when they're small, they learn at their yearly offerings how to cut the throats of warm-blooded livestock. We get sick at the sight of blood, but they don't. They're trained and they're armed. We can't even carry pepperspray in our pockets. They have switchblades and butchers knives and they know how to use them. On 25 April 2006 Beliën wrote a new", "id": "7501738" }, { "contents": "Stars of CCTV\n\n\nalbum had been going on sale on websites such as eBay for £25. Talking about the situation, frontman Richard Archer said; \"We had no money but time was a luxury that we did have. So we spent a year planning, then recording it ourselves, and we did all the artwork ourselves too. Even our website was designed by us. We got a book out of the library so we could learn how to do it. Then we had to do it again cos it was a right palaver .", "id": "14214104" }, { "contents": "National Labor Federation\n\n\nbecame a part-time volunteer even though I did not have transportation. A young man came every morning. I got trained. I learned how to type. I learned how to work on a computer. Then they asked me if I wanted to be a full- time volunteer, and I asked what is that? They said 24/7. I said okay because I was bored at home. I knew with this organization I would never be bored. We are always doing something, going places, have speaking engagements, we", "id": "18609" }, { "contents": "Athanasius Kircher\n\n\nThe last known example of Egyptian hieroglyphics dates from AD 394, after which all knowledge of hieroglyphics was lost. Until Thomas Young and Jean-François Champollion found the key to hieroglyphics in the 19th century, the main authority was the 4th century Greek grammarian Horapollon, whose chief contribution was the misconception that hieroglyphics were \"picture writing\" and that future translators should look for symbolic meaning in the pictures. The first modern study of hieroglyphics came with Piero Valeriano Bolzani's \"Hieroglyphica\" (1556), and Kircher was the most", "id": "10186236" }, { "contents": "Chike Ukaegbu\n\n\ncommunities like NIGERIA, and kept wondering how to harness this passion, energy, talent, hustle and hunger to empower such communities At 31, Chike did his first TEDx talk on \"Entrepreneurship and The Side Hustle\" in Hawaii. His talk explained the importance of fusing entrepreneurship into educational curricula and how in his teaching experience, entrepreneurship and education have the same critical outcomes - Also, at 31, Chike began his current research, Eduengageology, which focuses on the pedagogy of learning. It looks at how we best learn by", "id": "13214161" }, { "contents": "Rust and Bone\n\n\nused in Antibes, Cannes, Belgium, Paris, northern France, and Brussels. To prepare for the role, Cotillard took swimming lessons and spent a week at Marineland to learn how to direct whales. Explaining how the team adjusted to Stéphanie having no legs, Cotillard told: \"When we did the first costume fitting, we had to try those pants that were empty of my legs and I had to fold my legs in the wheelchair. That image was so powerful that we kept it throughout the movie. And also", "id": "2853700" }, { "contents": "Annie Hardy\n\n\nto Hardy, \"Her Dad was teaching her Beatles songs. So we learned how to play together. I learned a lot by studying piano books that had chord charts. I bought some rock books. Around then I learned how to play and sing at the same time.\" After high school, Hardy did extra work for money and pursued a musical career. In 1999, she moved to Los Angeles. At some point, Hardy worked as a DJ at Beauty Bar. Hardy continued looking for band members and was", "id": "17320920" }, { "contents": "The Mind's I\n\n\nthat can learn the way human children learn through interacting with their environment. The book closes with \"The Inner Eye\", a collection of short pieces on the subjective nature of experience. How can one describe what it is like to be a particular entity, without actually being it yourself? Thomas Nagel, Raymond Smullyan, Douglas Hofstadter, and Robert Nozick tackle the problem of translating the experiences of one being into terms another can understand. But can we ever know what it is like to be another self? For that", "id": "18123390" }, { "contents": "Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set\n\n\na conversation that there was an interest in seeing another starter game. We wouldn't have done it if we didn't think or we didn't know or were told that there was a reason to do it. [...] Then we sat down as a group to decide how best to execute it and what lessons did we learn from the first one that we can now apply in the second one. [...] One of the things we wanted to do was to make this box even easier for DMs to use", "id": "20698905" }, { "contents": "Yoo Ah-in\n\n\nfront of more than ten thousand spectators. Yoo said in his speech, “I shamefully did not know much about Jeju 4.3. I did not know what to call it, nor why we were not supposed to know about it […] After learning about Jeju 4.3, I realized that it’s a moment in history we all should never forget, and that we must continue to talk about and to make the issue current.” And, “I could not imagine how the perpetrators could continue to go on with", "id": "3314364" }, { "contents": "Rongorongo\n\n\nhieroglyphic writing. Stunned at the discovery, he wrote to Father Hippolyte Roussel on Easter Island to collect all the tablets and to find natives capable of translating them. But Roussel could only recover a few, and the islanders could not agree on how to read them. Yet Eyraud had seen hundreds of tablets only four years earlier. What happened to the missing tablets is a matter of conjecture. Eyraud had noted how little interest their owners had in them. Stéphen Chauvet reports that, Orliac has observed that the deep black indentation", "id": "18459973" }, { "contents": "Medew Netcher\n\n\nMedew Netcher (or Mdw Ntr, 'God Speech') is an ancient Egyptian writing system. It contains Logographic scripts that are pictographic in form in a way reminiscent of ancient Egyptian are also sometimes called hieroglyphics. In Neoplatonism, especially during the Renaissance, a \"hieroglyph\" was an artistic representation of an esoteric idea, which Neoplatonists believed actual Egyptian hieroglyphs to be. The word hieroglyphics refer to a hieroglyphic script. Learning mdw ntr today is more difficult because the vowels were removed. Sites like Rkhty Amen offer those seeking", "id": "5383704" }, { "contents": "Identity Performance\n\n\nto read cues from the environment and the people present to understand what is appropriate behavior. Learning how to manage impressions is a critical social skill that is honed through experience. Over time, we learn how to make meaning out of a situation, others’ reactions, and what we are projecting of ourselves. As children, we learn that actions on our part prompt reactions by adults; as we grow older, we learn to interpret these reactions and adjust our behavior. Diverse social environments help people develop these skills because they", "id": "8250361" }, { "contents": "Proto-Sinaitic script\n\n\nproto-alphabet reflected in the Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions would have given rise to both the Ancient South Arabian script and the Proto-Canaanite alphabet by the time of the Late Bronze Age collapse (1200–1150 BCE). The theory centers on Albright's hypothesis that only the graphic form of the Proto-Sinaitic characters derive from Egyptian hieroglyphs, and that they were given the sound value of the first consonant of the Semitic translation of the hieroglyph (many hieroglyphs had already been used acrophonically in Egyptian): For example, the hieroglyph", "id": "1274014" }, { "contents": "Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs: A Practical Guide\n\n\nThe Egyptian hieroglyphic text Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs: A Practical Guide is one of the modern primers on the Egyptian language hieroglyphs, from the late 20th to early 21st century. The text is a color-coded guide to individual Ancient Egyptian objects or writings, and their modern translations. The book is by Janice Kamrin, c. 2004; she received a Ph.D. in Egyptian archaeology from the University of Pennsylvania, has worked with Zahi Hawass, and has taught at the American University in Cairo. The text uses pictures and graphics, divided", "id": "958795" }, { "contents": "Hymnus amoris\n\n\ncommented specifically on the Latin: \"The odd idea that a Danish poem should be translated into Latin to inspire our young Danish composer and our Music Society choir of young ladies and gentlemen at a time when Latin is close to being abolished in the learned schools, was something to which we at first had difficulty reconciling ourselves. But we hastened to drive away these reflections and found the idea in the text acquired by the composer attractive and well suited to a sufficiently gifted composer. We did not quite grasp the little instrumental beginning", "id": "8776772" }, { "contents": "Atlantis\n\n\nfact. His work, a commentary on \"Timaeus\", is lost, but Proclus, a Neoplatonist of the fifth century AD, reports on it. The passage in question has been represented in the modern literature either as claiming that Crantor visited Egypt, had conversations with priests, and saw hieroglyphs confirming the story, or, as claiming that he learned about them from other visitors to Egypt. Proclus wrote: The next sentence is often translated \"Crantor adds, that this is testified by the prophets of the Egyptians,", "id": "1913298" }, { "contents": "Inés Rivero\n\n\nThey welcomed their first child in 2001. Rivero has been known to express what is needed in a healthy relationship in her interviews, based on her long lasting marriage with her husband. She said in an interview with Cupid’s Pulse that she and Mora know how to respect each other’s space and to always talk through their issues. \"One of the first things we did was learn how to fight effectively, so that helped us through a lot of problems,\" she says. \"Learning to talk about things is", "id": "19593555" }, { "contents": "Madeline Cheek Hunter\n\n\n2) teaching behavior category - what you as the teacher will do to facilitate and escalate that learning; and (3) learning behavior category - how the students are going to learn and how they will let you know that they've learned it. In response to a question asking her to assess the current educational situation in the 1990s, she said, \"I believe the future of education is bright! We are beginning to unlock the mystery of the human brain and how it processes and learns. We, now,", "id": "19295062" }, { "contents": "Max and Moritz\n\n\nBortoluzzi the dance burlesque (\"Tanzburleske\") \"Max und Moritz\", which premiered at Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe on December 18, 1949. There have been several English translations of the original German verses over the years, but all have maintained the original trochaic tetrameter: Ah, how oft we read or hear of br Boys we almost stand in fear of!br For example, take these storiesbr Of two youths, named Max and Moritz,br Who, instead of early turningbr Their young minds to useful learning,br Often leered", "id": "20422909" }, { "contents": "Phoenician alphabet\n\n\nThese names were not arbitrary: each Phoenician letter was based on an Egyptian hieroglyph representing an Egyptian word; this word was translated into Phoenician (or a closely related Semitic language), then the initial sound of the translated word became the letter's Phoenician value. For example, the second letter of the Phoenician alphabet was based on the Egyptian hieroglyph for \"house\" (a sketch of a house); the Semitic word for \"house\" was \"bet\"; hence the Phoenician letter was called \"bet\" and", "id": "20108332" }, { "contents": "Sky (hieroglyph)\n\n\nThe ancient Egyptian Sky hieroglyph, (also translated as \"heaven\" in some texts, or iconography), is Gardiner sign listed no. N1, within the Gardiner signs for \"sky, earth, and water.\" The \"Sky\" hieroglyph is used like an Egyptian language biliteral-(but is not listed there) and an ideogram in \"pt\", \"sky\"; it is a determinative in other synonyms of \"sky\". For the language value \"hrt\", it has the phonetic value \"hry\"", "id": "11212103" }, { "contents": "Leadership for Learning: the Cambridge Network\n\n\nTrenton (New Jersey). Seven countries, eight higher education institutions and 24 schools participated in exploring the connections between leadership and learning through conferences, workshops, school visits and inter-country exchanges. The researchers did not start from a blank slate or from a neutral stance but from a set of democratic values about leadership and learning. How those values could be translated into practical strategies at school and classroom level, however, was something they planned to discover through experimentation, reflection and collective debate over the life of the project", "id": "2530529" }, { "contents": "Fan translation of video games\n\n\nthis was never tested in court. On July 12, 2007, RPGamer released an interview they did with Koichiro Sakamoto, a game producer from Square Enix, acknowledging fan translations: \"On a similar note, we told Mr. Sakamoto that a fan translation had been done some years ago for Front Mission 1, and asked how he felt about such efforts. The producer replied that he actually found them very encouraging -- it's something the developers should be doing, but because they're not, the fans are doing it instead", "id": "9402100" }, { "contents": "Lisa Sergio\n\n\nand English at home, Sergio translated Benito Mussolini's speeches into English on the air. By most accounts, she was supportive of Mussolini and fascism until at least 1937, but according to biographer Stacy Spaulding, when Sergio did convert to anti-fascism, her \"conversion was authentic and heartfelt.\" In a note she wrote at the time, she remarked, \"Human beings are not born knowing. They are endowed, from birth with the capacity to learn. They learn to walk, to talk. We must", "id": "5501861" }, { "contents": "Athanasius Kircher\n\n\nEve, that Hermes Trismegistus was Moses, and that hieroglyphs were occult symbols which \"cannot be translated by words, but expressed only by marks, characters and figures.\" This led him to translate simple hieroglyphic texts now known to read as \"ḏd Wsr\" (\"Osiris says\") as \"The treachery of Typhon ends at the throne of Isis; the moisture of nature is guarded by the vigilance of Anubis\" According to the Egyptologist Sir E. A. Wallis Budge: Although Kircher's approach to deciphering texts was", "id": "10186240" }, { "contents": "Karatepe\n\n\nand a boat with oars; pillars of lions and sphinxes flank the gates. The site's eighth-century BC bilingual inscription, in Phoenician and Hieroglyphic Luwian, reflects the activities of the kings of Adana from the \"house of Mopsos\", given in Hieroglyphic Luwian as \"mu-ka-sa-\" (often rendered as 'Moxos') and in Phoenician as Mopsos in the form \"mpš\". It was composed in Phoenician and then translated to Hieroglyphic Luwian. This inscription has served archaeologists as a Rosetta stone", "id": "22105822" }, { "contents": "History of deaf education\n\n\n, usually through the use of hieroglyphs and gesture signs. Sign language was first documented in ancient Greece. In one of Plato's dialogues he describes how the deaf used gestures to mimic moving objects through similar motions. Plato quotes his teacher Socrates in the Cratylus as follows: \"if we had neither voice nor tongue, and yet wished to manifest things to one another, should we not, like those which are at present mute, endeavor to signify our meaning by the hands, head, and other parts of the body?", "id": "1689515" }, { "contents": "The Grateful Dead (album)\n\n\nViola Lee Blues.\" ...None of us had any experience with performing for recording...the whole process felt a bit rushed.\" Bill Kreutzmann, in his autobiography, says of the songs, \"their recorded versions failed to capture the energy that we had when we performed them live. ...We weren’t that good yet. We were still learning how to be a band.\" Though the album was considered \"a big deal in San Francisco\", it did not see much airplay on AM radio stations outside", "id": "14299953" }, { "contents": "The Inbetweeners 2\n\n\nsure in the medium term a sequel is very possible. It won't be immediate but it's definitely not closed.\" Co-writer Damon Beesley later admitted \"we didn't know how successful it would be and that it would have a life on screen. But they did translate to big-screen characters, people did care about them and did go back and see it more than once – and that's very rare in cinema. The idea of not following that up seemed insane to most people\". The", "id": "17731445" }, { "contents": "Djed\n\n\nculture (linked to the Egyptian belief that semen was created in the spine), thus: The \"djed\" hieroglyph was a pillar-like symbol that represented stability. It was also sometimes used to represent Osiris himself, often combined \"with a pair of eyes between the crossbars and holding the crook and flail.\" The \"djed\" hieroglyph is often found together with the tyet (also known as Isis knot) hieroglyph, which is translated as life or welfare. The \"djed\" and the tiet used together", "id": "20768855" }, { "contents": "Hill-country (hieroglyph)\n\n\nhas three major uses: The language meaning of the hieroglyph is as an ideogram or a determinative in the word \"khast\" (khaset), and is often translated as hilly land, desert, foreign land, or district. One major use of the hill-country hieroglyph is as the determinative for land, but especially the names of foreign lands. For example in the Merneptah Stele, foreign lands are mentioned, including the name of Hatti. List of uses of the \"foreign land\" determinative: One spelling of", "id": "7516425" }, { "contents": "Writer\n\n\ndeciphered Egyptian hieroglyphs with the result that he could publish the first translation of the Rosetta Stone hieroglyphs in 1822. Difficulties with translation are exacerbated when words or phrases incorporate rhymes, rhythms, or puns; or when they have connotations in one language that are non-existent in another. For example, the title of \"Le Grand Meaulnes\" by Alain-Fournier is supposedly untranslatable because \"no English adjective will convey all the shades of meaning that can be read into the simple [French] word 'grand' which takes", "id": "1652357" }, { "contents": "Instruction of Amenemope\n\n\nthe \"Book of Genesis\"; but Renouf was forced into retirement in 1891, and publication of the papyrus was delayed for more than three decades while Budge concentrated on other projects such as the \"Book of the Dead.\" In 1922 Budge finally published a short account of the text along with brief hieroglyphic extracts and translations in a French academic work, followed in 1923 by the official British Museum publication of the full text in photofacsimile with hieroglyphic transcription and translation. In 1924 he went over the same ground again in a", "id": "22163655" }, { "contents": "Egyptian hieroglyphs\n\n\nduring ). As the stone presented a hieroglyphic and a demotic version of the same text in parallel with a Greek translation, plenty of material for falsifiable studies in translation was suddenly available. In the early 19th century, scholars such as Silvestre de Sacy, Johan David Åkerblad, and Thomas Young studied the inscriptions on the stone, and were able to make some headway. Finally, Jean-François Champollion made the complete decipherment by the 1820s. In his \"Lettre à M. Dacier\" (1822), he wrote:", "id": "5791877" }, { "contents": "Iry-Hor\n\n\nperson known by name. Iry-Hor's name is written with the Horus falcon hieroglyph (Gardiner sign G5) above a mouth hieroglyph (Gardiner D21). While the modern reading of the name is \"Iry-Hor\", Flinders Petrie, who discovered and excavated Iry-Hor's tomb at the end of the 19th century, read it \"Ro\", which was the usual reading of the mouth hieroglyph at the time. Given the archaic nature of the name, the translation proved difficult and, in the", "id": "17029471" }, { "contents": "Egyptian hieroglyphs\n\n\n. As no bilingual texts were available, any such symbolic 'translation' could be proposed without the possibility of verification. It wasn't until Athanasius Kircher in the mid 17th century that scholars began to think the hieroglyphs might also represent sounds. Kircher was familiar with Coptic, and thought that it might be the key to deciphering the hieroglyphs, but was held back by a belief in the mystical nature of the symbols. The breakthrough in decipherment came only with the discovery of the Rosetta Stone by Napoleon's troops in 1799 (", "id": "5791876" }, { "contents": "Illustrated Hieroglyphics Handbook\n\n\non page 155 and 157. The words at top of each plate is swapped with the words from the other page. Each plate is labeled with a proposed pronunciation, the translation(s), and transcription. The \"Phonetics and Writing\" description on the corresponding preceding page match the hieroglyphs. The give away is that page 154 list the determinative for disease/pain as a sparrow, but the hieroglyph plate is labeled as \"jar\". Then on page 156 the determinative for milk jar is a vase, which is clearly", "id": "7531725" }, { "contents": "Cato (spy)\n\n\nshop with ads to translate into German for passing on to Hessians. Cato would return with the translations and intelligence that Mulligan could report to his contact with Washington at Continental Army headquarters, Alexander Hamilton. Mulligan capitalized on his contacts with the British when he learned that British General William Howe was planning to move south in summer 1777. Since the British did not suspect a slave would be acting as a messenger to George Washington, in April 1777, they allowed Cato to cross the Hudson River on a ferry with packages marked \"", "id": "2603959" }, { "contents": "Egyptian hieroglyphs\n\n\n. It appears that the misleading quality of comments from Greek and Roman writers about hieroglyphs came about, at least in part, as a response to the changed political situation. Some believed that hieroglyphs may have functioned as a way to distinguish 'true Egyptians' from some of the foreign conquerors. Another reason may be the refusal to tackle a foreign culture on its own terms, which characterized Greco-Roman approaches to Egyptian culture generally. Having learned that hieroglyphs were sacred writing, Greco-Roman authors imagined the complex but rational", "id": "5791873" }, { "contents": "Action learning\n\n\nof one’s ego” (p. 375). In the organizational context, learning how to unlearn is vital because what we assume to be true has merged into our identity. We refer to the identity of an individual as a “mindset.” We refer to the identity of an organizational group as a “culture.” Action learners learn how to question, probe and separate from, both kinds of identity—i.e., their “individual” selves and their “social” selves. By opening themselves to critical", "id": "15003633" }, { "contents": "Home for the Aged Men and Women (Washington, DC)\n\n\nresidents \"addicted to the use of tobacco can smoke and chew too\". it was noted that the Sisters also begged for tobacco as they did for food and clothing for the residents. On the main floor was also a apothecary shop or dispensary with jars and bottles of drugs. \"\"We beg these things too. We compound the medicines ourselves. We have to learn how to do that.\"\" The chapel erected a few year before was further down with a gallery on the same level as the infirmary allowing", "id": "20347533" }, { "contents": "William N. Robson\n\n\n'38 really, through the war. It was only 7 years—the golden age of radio. 'Suspense' and 'Escape'—those are the things one does later because one has all the skills at his fingertips. At this time we were trying to find out how to do it ... We were learning skills, we were sharpening and honing our abilities ... when Irving Reis did \"The Fall of the City\" in the spring of '37 [it was written] by Archibald MacLeish—one of America's outstanding", "id": "5953606" }, { "contents": "Athanasius Kircher\n\n\nbecause his work was conducted \"before the discovery of the Rosetta Stone rendered Egyptian hieroglyphics comprehensible to scholars\". He also recognized the relationship between hieratic and hieroglyphic scripts. Between 1650 and 1654, Kircher published four volumes of \"translations\" of hieroglyphs in the context of his Coptic studies. However, according to Steven Frimmer, \"none of them even remotely fitted the original texts\". In \"Oedipus Aegyptiacus\", Kircher argued under the impression of the \"Hieroglyphica\" that ancient Egyptian was the language spoken by Adam and", "id": "10186239" }, { "contents": "Helicopter hieroglyphs\n\n\nHelicopter hieroglyphs refer to an Egyptian hieroglyph carving from the Temple of Seti I at Abydos. The \"helicopter\" image is the result of carved stone being re-used over time. The initial carving was made during the reign of Seti I and translates to \"He who repulses the nine [enemies of Egypt]\". This carving was later filled in with plaster and re-carved during the reign of Ramesses II with the title \"He who protects Egypt and overthrows the foreign countries\". Over time, the plaster", "id": "10812276" }, { "contents": "Phaistos Disc decipherment claims\n\n\nthat one of these decipherments is correct, and that, without further material in the same script, we will never know which. Mainstream consensus tends towards the assumption of a syllabic script, possibly mixed with ideogram, like the known scripts of the epoch (Egyptian hieroglyphs, Anatolian hieroglyphs, Linear B). Some approaches attempt to establish a connection with known scripts, either the roughly contemporary Cretan hieroglyphs or Linear A native to Crete, or Egyptian or Anatolian hieroglyphics. Solutions postulating an independent Aegean script have also been proposed.", "id": "12044668" }, { "contents": "Imperfect\n\n\na past tense. Its uses include representing: A common mistake of beginners learning a Romance language is putting too much emphasis on whether the time the action occurred is known. This generally does \"not\" affect how the imperfect is used. For example, the sentence \"\"Someone ate all of my cookies.\"\" (when translated) is not a good candidate for the imperfect. Fundamentally, it is no different from the sentence \"\"We ate all the cookies.\"\" Note this fails the \"repeatability", "id": "12890464" }, { "contents": "Szulborze Wielkie\n\n\nthey can spend time meeting together. Most teenagers do not know how to learn or do not like learn, however, 45% of them like learning. While they were talking about they mentioned: good marks winning competitions and their friends. Some say that they did not win anything, because they were not interesting in the school affairs. Teenagers say that teachers require a lot from them and want them to have grown to the wise. Some people say that teachers are not interested in their problems. In conclusion! We", "id": "18607443" }, { "contents": "List of Alien vs. Predator (franchise) characters\n\n\na Predator attack, he and Alexa are the only ones remaining. After being chased by Scar, the pyramid shifts, just in time for them to escape into another room. There, they watch Scar kill a facehugger and an Alien, then witness him mark himself with its blood. After Sebastian translates the hieroglyphs around them to learn that the Predators have come to Earth as part of a ritual to prove themselves, Alexa and Sebastian conclude that they must return Scar's gun to him. When the pyramid shifts once more", "id": "8199765" }, { "contents": "Deceiver (DIIV album)\n\n\n. We did all of the trimming before we went to the studio. It was an exercise in simplifying what makes a song. We really learned how to listen, write, and work as a band.\" The band also enlisted producer Sonny Diperri, whose presence marks a step-forward for the band and has dramatically expanded the band's sonic palette, making it richer and fuller than ever before. \"He brought a lot of common sense and discipline to our process,\" said Cole. \"We'd been", "id": "21164574" }, { "contents": "Culture of Egypt\n\n\nGreek, Egyptian Demotic script, and Egyptian hieroglyphs, has partially been credited for the recent stir in the study of Ancient Egypt. Greek, a well-known language, gave linguists the ability to decipher the mysterious Egyptian hieroglyphic language. The ability to decipher hieroglyphics facilitated the translation of hundreds of the texts and inscriptions that were previously indecipherable, giving insight into Egyptian culture that would have otherwise been lost to the ages. The stone was discovered on July 15, 1799 in the port town of Rosetta Rosetta, Egypt, and", "id": "6119873" }, { "contents": "Thomas Young (scientist)\n\n\nthe \"enchorial\" text of the Rosetta Stone (using a list with 86 demotic words), and then studied the hieroglyphic alphabet but initially failed to recognise that the demotic and hieroglyphic texts were paraphrases and not simple translations. There was considerable rivalry between Young and Jean-François Champollion while both were working on hieroglyphic decipherment. At first they briefly cooperated in their work, but later, from around 1815, a chill arose between them. For many years they kept details of their work away from each other. Some of", "id": "6589287" }, { "contents": "Thomas Young (scientist)\n\n\nYoung's conclusions appeared in the famous article \"Egypt\" he wrote for the 1818 edition of the \"Encyclopædia Britannica\". When Champollion finally published a translation of the hieroglyphs and the key to the grammatical system in 1822, Young (and many others) praised his work. Nevertheless, a year later Young published an \"Account of the Recent Discoveries in Hieroglyphic Literature and Egyptian Antiquities\", to have his own work recognised as the basis for Champollion's system. Young had correctly found the sound value of six hieroglyphic signs", "id": "6589288" }, { "contents": "Example-based machine translation\n\n\nexample shown in the table above. Sentence pairs contain sentences in one language with their translations into another. The particular example shows an example of a \"minimal pair\", meaning that the sentences vary by just one element. These sentences make it simple to learn translations of portions of a sentence. For example, an example-based machine translation system would learn three units of translation from the above example: Composing these units can be used to produce novel translations in the future. For example, if we have been trained", "id": "6270451" }, { "contents": "Early life of Habib Bourguiba\n\n\ntell him how much I was thankful to his initiative which helped me learn new disciplines I did not master in Sadiki College. I had just discovered Mathematics. I did not learn algebra or geometry in Sadiki where we were spending our mathematics classes laughing and having fun\". Indeed, Bourguiba developed a great consideration for mathematics because of the attention that dedicated his new teacher, Mr. Perrachon to his students. However, he was never present during French lessons, taught by an old regularly heckled professor: \"Our timetable scheduled,", "id": "5999060" }, { "contents": "Declaration of the Lillooet Tribe\n\n\nwould lay claim to what belonged to themselves only. In these considerations we have been mistaken, and gradually have learned how cunning, cruel, untruthful and thieving some of them can be. We have felt keenly the stealing of our Lands by the B.C. government, but we could never learn how to get redress. We felt helpless and dejected but lately we begin to hope. We think that perhaps after all we may get redress from the greater white chiefs away in the King's Country, or in Ottawa. It seemed", "id": "2092507" }, { "contents": "TSEHAI Publishers\n\n\nto their roots through publications such as the \"Read with me A to Z: English-Amharic\" book series, and aims to develop children's knowledge of the world and of how we learn to love through fictional stories such as \"Tigers of Sumatra.\" TSEHAI Publishers’ International Journal of Ethiopian Studies (IJES) is a bi-annual publication containing scholarship on Ethiopian history, culture, politics, and more. The journal contains new scholarship in English and Amharic, as well as newly translated pieces, poetry,", "id": "22043596" }, { "contents": "Muhiyidin Moye\n\n\ngeneration of people are going to be intimidated by this flag.\" Moye spoke afterwards about it saying \"We have been able to experience this kind of oppression and this intimidation because we don't resist it.… And we learn how to tolerate it and we learn how to normalize it. That's what my impetus was to take down that flag\" in an interview with MTV News. Both the flag waving protestor and Moye were then in a fundraising situation - the protestor's efforts had stagnated but then rose to $", "id": "22103173" }, { "contents": "Peer learning\n\n\nBenkler explains how the now-ubiquitous computer helps us produce and process knowledge together with others in his book, The Wealth of Networks. George Siemens argues in Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, that technology has changed the way we learn, explaining how it tends to complicate or expose the limitations of the learning theories of the past. In practice, the ideas of connectivism developed in and alongside the then-new social formation, \"massive open online courses\" or MOOCs. Connectivism proposes that the knowledge we", "id": "10184677" }, { "contents": "Concordant Version\n\n\ndiscovering the meaning of the original Scripture declarations themselves. Then we seek to determine how we may best \"translate\" these same Scriptures, endeavoring to do so objectively, accurately, and consistently. Our translation principles, both of vocabulary and grammatical analysis, govern all that we do. We first seek to determine essence of word meaning; wherever possible, according to internal scriptural evidence. For each Greek word, then, we assign a STANDARD English word. To facilitate a readable English translation, additional synonyms or other \"concordant", "id": "961408" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Howe\n\n\naccused witch appeared to a witness\". However, they did bring forth spectral evidence with the story of their daughter. Apparently she told her parents that when she went near fire or water, \"this witch [pulled her] in\". Another accusation of anger before mischief was raised against Elizabeth Howe by her own brother-in-law. From his account we learn that she asked John Howe to go with her to \"Salem farmes\". He told her that had she been accused of any other thing he", "id": "18839087" }, { "contents": "Broken (Once Upon a Time)\n\n\nstart of the [season]. Without addressing the budget, everybody at the studio is on board with this as a big-canvas show… A lot of it actually is the learning-curve aspect of season 1, where we figured out what we can do and how to do it well. We learned how to maximize our bang for our buck. The biggest key is time. If we can figure out our stories far enough in advance, the more time our effects team and department heads will have.\"", "id": "1897459" }, { "contents": "Mary Pickering Nichols\n\n\nMary Pickering Nichols (1829 – 1915), was an American translator of German literature, active in the last quarter of the 19th century. She was the fifth of the six children of Benjamin Ropes Nichols and her namesake Mary Pickering. She is credited with making the first complete English translation of the medieval German epic poem \"Gudrun\" in 1889. In 1875, she translated \"Piano and Song: How to Teach, How to Learn, and How to Form a Judgment of Musical Performance\" by Friedrich Wieck, the", "id": "5336539" }, { "contents": "Brilliant! Tragic!\n\n\nmore) so Black Francis had time to teach me how to sing. I'm very proud that I sing on it. Only took four albums to start singing, not bad.\" Although Argos has said that it \"feels good to find out my voice is an instrument\", he found the process of learning to sing somewhat \"scary\". \"The first song we did, we recorded all the music, and then Frank was like “Everybody go home, I’m talking to Eddie,” and I", "id": "14451067" }, { "contents": "Roger D. Launius\n\n\naerospace. Some titles include \"Historical analogs for the stimulation of space commerce\" (2014), \"Space shuttle legacy : how we did it and what we learned\" (2013), and \"Exploring the Solar System: The History and Science of Planetary Probes\" (2012). He has twice won the AIAA History Manuscript Award, for\"Coming Home: Reentry and Recovery from Space\" in 2011, and for \"Space Stations: Base Camps to the Stars\" in 2003. Launius has published on the history of", "id": "2710043" }, { "contents": "Equipotentiality\n\n\nis subject to the other term Lashley coined, the law of mass action. The law of mass action says that the efficiency of any complex function of the brain is reduced proportionately to how much damage the brain as a whole has sustained, but not to the damage of any particular area of the brain. In this context when we use brain we are referring to the cortex. Ghiselli and Brown did an experiment where they destroyed various subcortical regions of the brain in rats and tested their abilities to learn mazes compared to rats", "id": "6071808" }, { "contents": "Alexander Gordon (antiquary)\n\n\nthrough Stukeley's influence that he also obtained the secretaryship of the Egyptian Society, of which Stukeley was one of the founders, and thus had a new bent given to his researches. Gordon published two very learned treatises wherein he undertook to solve the mysteries of hieroglyphics and to illustrate \"all the Egyptian mummies in England.\" Their titles are \"An Essay towards explaining the Hieroglyphical Figures on the Coffin of the Ancient Mummy belonging to Capt. William Lethieullier. (An Essay towards explaining the antient Hieroglyphical Figures on the Egyptian Mummy", "id": "2798656" }, { "contents": "Abjad\n\n\nmaximum efficiency with least effort from a semantic point of view. The first abjad to gain widespread usage was the Phoenician abjad. Unlike other contemporary scripts, such as cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphs, the Phoenician script consisted of only a few dozen symbols. This made the script easy to learn, and seafaring Phoenician merchants took the script throughout the then-known world. The Phoenician abjad was a radical simplification of phonetic writing, since hieroglyphics required the writer to pick a hieroglyph starting with the same sound that the writer wanted to write", "id": "335804" }, { "contents": "Ilkeston Grammar School\n\n\nthe gain? Why the Latin sung refrain? Labor Omnia Vincit – Work conquers all. Here we learn far greater things Learn to fly, to spread our wings Learn to think, to feel, to love Learn God's will in heaven above Here will His purpose at length become plain, What we should do with our lives for His gain, How we should learn to face evil and lust, And that only in God, Only in God, Should we put our whole trust. There was an earlier school song", "id": "10076269" }, { "contents": "Ekonomija i Biznis (Macedonian magazine)\n\n\nEkonomija i Biznis \"(Macedonian Cyrillic: Економија и Бизнис)\", translated \"Economy and Business\" is a magazine published in North Macedonia. In November 2016, the magazine \"Economics and Business\" held its first independent conference titled \"25 Years Independent Republic of Macedonia, what we learned about the Macedonian economy and how to do it?\", Attended by: NBRM Governor Dimitar Bogov, Chief Executive Officer of Sparkasse Macedonia, Gligor Bishev, General Director of \"Ferroinvest\", Koco Angjushev, President of the Economic", "id": "13021658" }, { "contents": "Ángel Faretta\n\n\ncinema. About the latter, he comments: \"\"When we chatted with Samuel Fuller, he stares at him closely and says: \"Horacio, how many years did you live in Hollywood without my knowing you?\".\" Another focus of their training would be self-learning, where Faretta includes: \"\"... the bookshops. And the back of bookshops. And the bars, cherries, the whiskerías like the one Tania had in front of the Teatro Cervantes ... How many years now I repeat: \"", "id": "4919147" }, { "contents": "Deshret\n\n\na, plus the red crown). Egyptian \"in\" is used at the beginning of a text and translates as: \"Behold!\", or \"Lo!\", and is an emphatic. In the 198 BC Rosetta Stone, the \" 'Red Crown' \" as hieroglyph has the usage mostly of the vertical form of the preposition \"n\". In running text, word endings are not always at the end of hieroglyph blocks; when they are at the end, a simple transition to start the", "id": "21805679" }, { "contents": "Wench Trouble\n\n\nwants to use the Eye of Gulga Grymna to destroy a random village, but Barnabus tells him they have not yet figured out how to unlock the weapon's power, although he says decoders are working to decipher hieroglyphics on the Eye to learn its secrets. They are then informed that the dungeon has been breached and call for the guards. Meanwhile, Kröd angrily threatens a nearby guard, who tells him about a recently patched tunnel in the wall from a previous prisoner escape attempt that was recently thwarted, and then argues with", "id": "10391748" }, { "contents": "Nalanda Buddhist Institute, Bhutan\n\n\nreading, and writing skills. The goal is for the monks to translate documents as well as interpret for lopens (teachers) speaking in Dzongkha or Chokey to an English speaking audience. English is used in tandem with Dzongkha (the official language of Bhutan), and Chokey (Classical Tibetan); the spiritual language used in many Buddhist texts; during translation. Students learn how to translate between the three (3) languages. The class is focuses on learning Buddhist texts in English to enable translation into Dzongkha or Chokey,", "id": "1211729" }, { "contents": "Otto Rank\n\n\nit involves persons and ideas that one reveres, but because the victory is always, at bottom, and in some form, won over a part of one's ego\" (p. 375). In the organizational context, learning how to unlearn is vital because what we assume to be true has merged into our identity. We refer to the identity of an individual as a \"mindset.\" We refer to the identity of an organizational group as a \"culture.\" Action learners learn how to question, probe and", "id": "20818823" }, { "contents": "Politics of translation\n\n\nlanguages in which women all over the world have grown up learning and have been female or feminist, and still the languages we keep learning the most are the powerful European ones, sometimes the powerful Asian ones, least often the chief African ones. Translation for Spivak is an act of understanding the other as well as the self. For her it has a political dimension, as it is a strategy that can be consciously employed. She uses the feminine adjectives like submission, intimacy and understanding for theorizing translation. Thus theorizing translation", "id": "12559274" }, { "contents": "Wolfgang Gockel\n\n\nthe German edition of \"Scientific American\", with replies to the review by Gockel and one of the referees who approved the \"Stern\" publication. A scheduled conference at the Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum in Hildesheim, where Gockel was to face his critics, did not materialize. Gockel's Palenque book was translated into Spanish and published in Mexico in 1995. The Spanish edition and some manuscript drafts of uncompleted work have only recently become available on line. In addition to his work on the decipherment of the Maya hieroglyphs,", "id": "21370398" }, { "contents": "Commensurability (philosophy of science)\n\n\nas Popper and Davidson. However, without a doubt the previous idea invites us to question how is it that we are able to interpret in the first place. Kuhn's solution consists in affirming that this is like learning a new language. How is it that we are able to learn a new language when we are confronted with a holistic change such as is implied by the notion of incommensurability? Kuhn's work suggests four aspects to this question: It can be concluded that Kuhn's idea of incommensurability, despite its various", "id": "11581401" }, { "contents": "(Drop Dead) Beautiful\n\n\nAll my friends watched Britney Spears and we even had a routine to ['...Baby One More Time'] that we were gonna perform, like, for a middle-school talent show. So it's a dream come true. Never did I ever think that I'd be in the mix with Britney. I'm just lucky.\" When asked about how she learned about Sabi in an interview with \"Rolling Stone\", Spears revealed, \"friends and people around me are always showing me new artists", "id": "10820122" }, { "contents": "Local knowledge problem\n\n\nof the particular circumstances of time and place. It is with respect to this that practically every individual has some advantage over all others because he possesses unique information of which beneficial use might be made, but of which use can be made only if the decisions depending on it are left to him or are made with his active coöperation. We need to remember only how much we have to learn in any occupation after we have completed our theoretical training, how big a part of our working life we spend learning particular jobs,", "id": "15147940" }, { "contents": "Noni Jabavu\n\n\nin 1950. In the words of poet Makhosazana Xaba: \"One only has to read her two books (\"Drawn in Colour\" and \"The Ochre People\") to realize just how skilled she was as a memoirist. Her journalistic column editorials demonstrate a reflective style that must have been unusual for her times. While interviewing Wally Serote who was living in Botswana during the same time as Noni, I learned something that confirmed my initial thoughts on her. 'We men, she said, did not know how to", "id": "11584809" }, { "contents": "Decoding Chomsky\n\n\nto dominate much of intellectual life for half a century across the Western world. \"Decoding Chomsky\" has been both criticised and acclaimed by wide variety of commentators. In his book, Knight writes that the US military initially funded Chomsky's linguistics because they were interested in machine translation. Later their focus shifted and Knight cites Air Force Colonel Edmund Gaines’ statement that: \"We sponsored linguistic research in order to learn how to build command and control systems that could understand English queries directly.\" In his book review, Robert", "id": "8603896" }, { "contents": "Breathing Permit of Hôr\n\n\nThe papyri were written in hieratic Egyptian characters (a sort of cursive hieroglyphic), and is read from right to left. (Lacunae in the manuscript are shown with an ellipsis or \"[?]\"). The translations below were presented side by side, with line breaks for ease of comparison, but were not part of their translation. The Pilcrow symbol (¶) denotes a paragraph that translator added to their translation, but is not part of the Egyptian text. In Baer's translation, missing text that", "id": "17340279" }, { "contents": "Akhet (hieroglyph)\n\n\nAkhet (; Gardiner:N27) is an Egyptian hieroglyph that represents the sun rising over a mountain. It is translated as \"horizon\" or \"the place in the sky where the sun rises\". Betrò describes it as \"Mountain with the Rising Sun\" and an ideogram for \"horizon\". Akhet appears in the Egyptian name for the Great Pyramid of Giza (\"Akhet Khufu\") and in the assumed name of Akhetaten, the city founded by pharaoh Akhenaten. It also appears in the name of the syncretized", "id": "14186457" }, { "contents": "Jim Phelan (Irish writer)\n\n\nsnaked its way from London to the York and back, he learnt the lore of the road from characters such as Lumpy Red Fox, Dicky Tom Cosgrove, Jimmy Scotland, Stan the Man and Stornoway Slim. He learned how to write the mysterious hieroglyphics that told fellow travellers whether a single house or entire village was friendly or hostile. He perfected the art of story telling – a line of guff – to ensure that the passerby or house holder would be as generous as possible. He would write his novels and essays in", "id": "20156297" }, { "contents": "Scion of Ikshvaku\n\n\nShiva trilogy, the \"Scion of Ikshvaku\" cover also had numerous Hieroglyph symbology alongside the main image, to aid readers in deciphering key parts of the story. The author added the symbols as an addendum, basing them on the still undeciphered Indus Valley letters and made them represent how Rama would have been written in the script. Tripathi believed that the imagery had to \"maintain the high standards of visual appeal that we have set with my earlier book covers. Many of these symbols on the cover and through the books are", "id": "2530888" }, { "contents": "Athanasius Kircher\n\n\nwunderkammer. A resurgence of interest in Kircher has occurred within the scholarly community in recent decades. Kircher claimed to have deciphered the hieroglyphic writing of the ancient Egyptian language, but most of his assumptions and translations in this field were later found to be incorrect. He did, however, correctly establish the link between the ancient Egyptian and the Coptic languages, and some commentators regard him as the founder of Egyptology. Kircher was also fascinated with Sinology and wrote an encyclopedia of China, in which he noted the early presence there of", "id": "10186224" }, { "contents": "Ideational apraxia\n\n\nover the behavior is required. Contention scheduling is a complicated set of processes that involve action schemas. These action schemas are what are used in the sequence of actions involved in making a cup of tea and situation specific factors such as whether a glass of lemonade is too bitter. Even simple tasks need the monitoring of goals: e.g., has sugar been added to a cup of coffee. But as we learn new activities we are also learning new schemas. We all know how to open a jar of jelly or how to", "id": "12414485" } ]
What do Germans think of Adolf Hitler?
[{"answer": "Being a Nazi, displaying Nazi symbols, etc is illegal in Germany. He is not a hero. There are no streets named after Adolf Hitler, no suburbs, etc. However, there is a Stauffenbergstrasse. The criticism in Germany over the film was due to casting, especially Tom Cruise, who they thought played the role as too American."}, {"answer": "Lets put it this way. In Germany, displaying Nazi symbols, publicly praising Hitler and denying the Holocaust are all illegal and will result in jail time"}, {"answer": "American lady married to a German man and we currently live in Germany. Germans have it beat into them from a very early age that the Holocaust was horrible. That there is no excuse for what Hitler did. That you do not put country above being a human being. If am correct it took up the majority of their history lessons (this does not mean that they at unaware of the world). Secondly, TV here is forever running documentaries on the holocaust and WWII. I am pretty sure I have seen footage at least once a day. Third, I have never been in a place where people are so quick to defend a person being verbally or physically attacked by another person. On the train I have seen many altercations (verbal) that generally ends with the asshole being called out by at least two other people (sometimes the entire train car gets pissed). So they aren't generally ones to stand by and let that shit happen. That being said it has caused some issues. In Germany it is illegal to argue facts of the Holocaust in public. The official story has not changed in a long time even with new data and facts present. Historians can lose their jobs or be arrested for trying to argue on the side of truth. So, there is that. It has also made racism a very difficult thing to talk about. No one wants to talk about the fact that German citizens with Turkish parents are still treated like subcitizens ....but they are. Lastly, this does not mean that Germans don't have a sense of humor about Hitler. I would, however, suggest that if you crack a Hitler or Holocaust related joke that you know the person you are talking to very well and refrain from doing so in public. People are very vigilant when it comes to anything Nazi related. Graffiti is covered quickly after the police are contacted. Edit: to be clear Germans dislike Hitler. There is no type of worship on the part of the German people..some even still feel guilty. Some don't like joking about him. Overall the German people feel a duty to not sit by and allow a new Hitler to do what Hitler did. So, they study history and they talk about it."}, {"answer": "Think about it this way, we teach our children about the Civil War and slavery. No we don't agree with what those people did, in fact we despise it, but it is still history. So I'd imagine they feel shame in the fact that their ancestors took a part in the fascism, and that that is what their country is known for."}, {"answer": "A couple of German students of mine said they liked the U.S. because no one here assumed they were Nazis :|"}, {"answer": "German here. Hitler is seen as the worst human being ever by most of the Germans. However, many also think that they have to feel guilty for what someone else did decades ago, which in my opinion is inapropriate - it's not my fault what Hitler did, right? Hence, I don't think I have any kind of responsibilty towards the jewish people. So that's the other side of the coin: You should not say anything against jewish people because you will instantly be called a Nazi. It's complicated."}, {"answer": "Yeah I think more about the mass ammount of people who supported him. They are just as delusional as him."}, {"answer": "Almost all of us think of him as one of the worst human beings ever."}, {"answer": "I know a few Germans, and whenever the Nazis or Hitler are brought up, they get kind of quiet and have a look of shame on their face. One who was more open to talking about it says many Germans would go back in time and undo what Hitler did. As mentioned before, my friend said there are many laws restricting Nazi propaganda and racism in particular. Last main thing he pointed out is \"If you go anywhere in Germany asking where Dachau is [one of the concentration camps and now a historical museum for those who don't know], many will pretend they have never heard of it,\" and he continued by saying it's because there are people in denial, not because they are dicks and refuse to believe any of it happened, but because they feel guilty of the country's past and wish it never happened. Hope this answers your question, sorry it was so long :P"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "31045316", "title": "Nazism", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["National Socialism (), more commonly known as Nazism (), is the ideology and practices associated with the Nazi Partyofficially the National Socialist German Workers' Party (\"Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei\" or NSDAP)in Nazi Germany, and of other far-right groups with similar ideas and aims.", "National Socialism (), more commonly known as Nazism (), is the ideology and practices associated with the Nazi Partyofficially the National Socialist German Workers' Party (\"Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei\" or NSDAP)in Nazi Germany, and of other far-right groups with similar ideas and aims."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Operation Animals\n\n\nfor the invasion would be detected. Adolf Hitler was concerned about a Balkan invasion, as the area had been the source of raw materials for the German war industry, including copper, bauxite, chrome and oil. The Allies knew of Hitler's fears, and they launched Operation Barclay, a deception operation to play upon his concerns and to mislead the Germans into thinking the Balkans were the objective, thereby keeping Sicily less defended than it could have been. In doing so, the deception operation reinforced German strategic thinking about the", "id": "125747" }, { "contents": "Clement Attlee\n\n\neconomic system. I shall be told that that is quite impossible.\" Shortly after those comments, Adolf Hitler proclaimed that German rearmament offered no threat to world peace. Attlee responded the next day noting that Hitler's speech, although containing unfavourable references to the Soviet Union, created \"A chance to call a halt in the armaments race...We do not think that our answer to Herr Hitler should be just rearmament. We are in an age of rearmaments, but we on this side cannot accept that position.\"", "id": "5878647" }, { "contents": "One Hundred Years of Evil\n\n\nis a bit about what's true in media and news today. Today we are bombarded by more messages than ever, I think. And it's pretty easy for the forces behind the media and the news to make us believe almost anything. And of course what we believe makes us into who we are. And we just felt a need to do something on this theme. And it evolved into this crazy story about Adolf Munchenhauser, who might have been Adolf Hitler, we don't know.\" \"One Hundred", "id": "6318163" }, { "contents": "Adolf Hitler\n\n\nHimmler asked Hitler, \"What to do with the Jews of Russia?\", to which Hitler replied, \"\"als Partisanen auszurotten\"\" (\"exterminate them as partisans\"). Israeli historian Yehuda Bauer has commented that the remark is probably as close as historians will ever get to a definitive order from Hitler for the genocide carried out during the Holocaust. In late 1942, German forces were defeated in the second battle of El Alamein, thwarting Hitler's plans to seize the Suez Canal and the Middle East.", "id": "17183226" }, { "contents": "Political views of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nby smashing the Versailles Treaty. Along those lines, Hitler proclaimed that the \"German yoke must be broken by German iron\" (\"Das deutsche Elend muß durch deutsches Eisen zerbrochen werden\"). In September 1919 Hitler wrote what is often deemed his first antisemitic text, requested by Mayr as a reply to an inquiry by Adolf Gemlich, who had participated in the same \"educational courses\" as Hitler. In this report, Hitler argued for a \"rational anti-Semitism\" which would not resort to pogroms, but", "id": "19061506" }, { "contents": "Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Jurgen Klinsmann?\n\n\nto the war. The German national football team manager, Jürgen Klinsmann reportedly did not like the song because he disliked the connection that the song was comparing him to Adolf Hitler. Tony Christie, a singer with an entry in the competition, said that while he thought the video was \"very good\", he felt the change from \"Hitler\" to \"Klinsmann\" was unwise and suggested that people should \"steer clear\". \"Manchester Evening News\" criticised the performers, calling them \"just a few celebrities on", "id": "20165616" }, { "contents": "Jorge Luis Borges\n\n\npeople were bamboozled by a madman named Adolf Hitler, and I think there is tragedy there.\" In a 1967 interview with Burgin, Borges recalled how his interactions with Argentina's Nazi sympathisers led him to create the story. He recalled, \"And then I realized that those people that were on the side of Germany, that they never thought of German victories or the German glory. What they really liked was the idea of the Blitzkrieg, of London being on fire, of the country being destroyed. As to the", "id": "15878376" }, { "contents": "Adolf Hitler Fund of German Trade and Industry\n\n\nThe Adolf Hitler Fund of German Trade and Industry (\"\"Adolf-Hitler-Spende der deutschen Wirtschaft\"\") was a donation from the German employers' association and the \"\"Reichsverband\"\" of German industry, which was established on June 1, 1933, to support the NSDAP. It was named after the \"Führer\" of the NSDAP Adolf Hitler and was meant for the \"national reconstruction\" (\"\"nationaler Wiederaufbau\"\"). The inspiration to this project came from Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und", "id": "19668447" }, { "contents": "Sefton Delmer\n\n\narranged for him to become the first British journalist to interview Adolf Hitler, in April 1931. In the 1932 German federal election, Delmer travelled with Hitler aboard his private aircraft. He was \"embedded with Nazi party activists\" at this time, \"taking copious notes on everything from the style of the would-be Führer's oratory to the group think that lay behind the bond he was forming with the German people.\" He was also present in 1933 when Hitler inspected the aftermath of the \"Reichstag\" fire.", "id": "1851928" }, { "contents": "Message to Adolf\n\n\nthe documents. He expects his son, Japanese-German Adolf Kaufmann, to become a strong supporter of Adolf Hitler and the German Reich. However, Adolf Kaufmann is reluctant to follow his father's wishes, as his best friend Adolf Kamil is the son of German Jews. Wolfgang dies after complications regarding a search for the aforementioned document: with his dying breath, he forces Adolf Kaufmann (hereafter referred to as Kauffman) to go to Germany in order to join the Hitler Youth. While at the Hitler Youth academy,", "id": "2447498" }, { "contents": "Religious views of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nbut a new and peculiarly German \"god\" who \"let iron grow\". Thus Hitler told the British journalist Ward Price in 1937: \"I believe in God, and I am convinced that He will not desert 67 million Germans who have worked so hard to regain their rightful position in the world.\" Although Hitler did not \"abide by its commandments\", Domarus believed that he retained elements of the Catholic thinking of his upbringing even into the initial years of his rule: \"As late as 1933, he", "id": "7142461" }, { "contents": "Günther Lütjens\n\n\nthe name of the whole German nation – Adolf Hitler.\" Later another message was sent, \"To the crew of the battleship \"Bismarck\": all Germany is with you. What can be done will be done. Your devotion to your duty will strengthen our people in the struggle for their existence – Adolf Hitler.\" The mood aboard \"Bismarck\" was mixed. Seaman Adolf Eich was off duty for some fresh air. He climbed up to the bridge for as long as nobody stopped him. When he got", "id": "10630700" }, { "contents": "Ralph Engelstad\n\n\nfor what I cannot do\". In addition to the memorabilia he stored on display in his \"war room\", a printing plate was found within his hotel that was used to make bumper stickers that read \"Hitler Was Right\". On April 20 in 1986 and 1988, he hosted parties to celebrate Adolf Hitler's birthday at his casino in Las Vegas that featured bartenders in T-shirts reading \"Adolf Hitler — European tour 1939-45\". Because of this, in 1989, the Nevada Gaming Commission", "id": "18818532" }, { "contents": "Christoph Schlingensief\n\n\nGerman history: the first movie \"Hundert Jahre Adolf Hitler\" (\"A Hundred Years of Adolf Hitler\", 1989) covers the last hours of Adolf Hitler, the second \"Das deutsche Kettensägenmassaker\" (\"The German Chainsaw-Massacre\", 1990), depicts the German reunification of 1990 and shows a group of East-Germans who cross the border to visit West-Germany and get slaughtered by a psychopathic West German family with chainsaws, and the third \"Terror 2000\" (1992) focuses on xenophobic violence", "id": "16217227" }, { "contents": "Political views of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nturning the Reich to rubble. Meanwhile, the Red Army laid waste to the German army and once-occupied German land as they counter-attacked. Among scholars of the Nazi era, Hitler's role and relationship to the regime and the Holocaust has been a source of consternation and acrimonious historiographical debate. Biographer Ian Kershaw wrote that for historians Hitler was \"unreachable\" and that he was \"cocooned in the silence of the sources\". What Kershaw was referencing was the absence of any clear political directives accompanied by Hitler's", "id": "19061555" }, { "contents": "Adolf Hitler's Munich apartment\n\n\nAdolf Hitler's Munich apartment was an apartment owned by Adolf Hitler, located at Prinzregentenplatz 16 in the German city of Munich, the birthplace and capital of the Nazi Party which was formed in Munich in 1920. After Hitler was discharged from the German Army in March 1920, he returned to Munich and went to work full-time for the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party), which was headquartered in that city. He rented a small bedroom at Thierschstrasse 41 from 1920 to 1929. Later, he rented a", "id": "9787998" }, { "contents": "Gottfried Feder\n\n\ndemanded the freezing of interest rates and dispossession of Jewish citizens. He remained one of the leaders of the anti-capitalistic wing of the NSDAP, and published several papers, including \"National and social bases of the German state\" (1920), \"\"Das Programm der NSDAP und seine weltanschaulichen Grundlagen\"\" (\"The programme of the NSDAP and the world views it's based on,\" 1927) and \"\"Was will Adolf Hitler?\"\" (\"What does Adolf Hitler want?\", 1931", "id": "17674660" }, { "contents": "Adolf Hitler's rise to power\n\n\nUnder Captain Mayr \"national thinking\" courses were arranged at the Reichswehrlager Lechfeld near Augsburg, with Hitler attending from 10–19 July. During this time Hitler so impressed Mayr that he assigned him to an anti-bolshevik \"educational commando\" as 1 of 26 instructors in the summer of 1919. In July 1919 Hitler was appointed \"Verbindungsmann\" (intelligence agent) of an \"Aufklärungskommando\" (reconnaissance commando) of the \"Reichswehr\", both to influence other soldiers and to infiltrate the German Workers' Party (DAP).", "id": "21689047" }, { "contents": "The Iron Dream\n\n\nAward nomination and a Prix Tour-Apollo Award. Ursula K. Le Guin wrote in a review that: \"We are forced, insofar as we can continue to read the book seriously, to think, not about Adolf Hitler and his historic crimes—Hitler is simply the distancing medium—but to think about ourselves: our moral assumptions, our ideas of heroism, our desires to lead or to be led, our righteous wars. What Spinrad is trying to tell us is that it is happening here.\" Le Guin", "id": "17500588" }, { "contents": "American Spectator (literary magazine)\n\n\nrefused to publish. Hapgood's strident letter was finally published in the April 1935 issue of the \"Nation\". The editors of \"The American Spectator\" were among the first Americans to question the rise of fascism in Germany and to denounce the Nazi party. In an August 1933 front page editorial, the paper warned about the imminent problems of Hitler’s thinking. \"That recently naturalized German, Herr Adolf Hitler, has undertaken to define Germanism and Aryanism with such a complete disregard for the ascertainable facts of biology, anthropology", "id": "7885451" }, { "contents": "Knut Hamsun's obituary of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nIn 1945 at the age of 86, the Nobel laureate novelist Knut Hamsun wrote an obituary of Adolf Hitler in the newspaper \"Aftenposten\". Hamsun's eulogy to Hitler served as the collaborationist newspaper's feature article on Hitler's death. The obituary came to be his most infamous written piece. The short obituary reads \"in extenso\": \"Adolf Hitler \"I'm not worthy to speak up for Adolf Hitler, and to any sentimental rousing his life and deeds do not invite. \"Hitler was a warrior, a", "id": "21539016" }, { "contents": "Selling Hitler\n\n\nSelling Hitler is a 1991 ITV television drama-documentary mini-series about the Hitler Diaries hoax and was based on Robert Harris's 1986 book \"Selling Hitler: The Story of the Hitler Diaries\". In 1981, Gerd Heidemann (Jonathan Pryce), a war correspondent and reporter with the German magazine \"Stern\", makes what he believes is the literary and historical scoop of the century: the diary of Adolf Hitler. Over the next two years, Heidemann and the senior management figures at \"Stern\" secretly pay", "id": "11817490" }, { "contents": "Gordon A. Craig\n\n\nwas writing on the downfall of the Weimar Republic. This trip marked the beginning of lifelong interest with all things German. Craig did not enjoy the atmosphere of Nazi Germany, and throughout his life, he sought to find the answer to the question of how a people who, in his opinion, had made a disproportionately large contribution to Western civilization, allowed themselves to become entangled in what Craig saw as the corrupting embrace of Nazism. Of Adolf Hitler, Craig once wrote, Adolf Hitler was \"sui generis\", a", "id": "20627049" }, { "contents": "Nazism and race\n\n\nproud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.\"--Adolf Hitler, The Political Testament of Adolf Hitler, Note #5, February 1945 - April 1945 Due to the Nazi German status of Han Chinese and Japanese as \"Aryans of the East\" Adolf Hitler had allowed Han Chinese soldiers to study in German military academies and serve in the Nazi German Wehrmacht as part of", "id": "13510453" }, { "contents": "Adolf Hitler\n\n\nthe \"Realschule\" in Linz in September 1900. Hitler rebelled against this decision, and in \"Mein Kampf\" states that he intentionally did poorly in school, hoping that once his father saw \"what little progress I was making at the technical school he would let me devote myself to my dream\". Like many Austrian Germans, Hitler began to develop German nationalist ideas from a young age. He expressed loyalty only to Germany, despising the declining Habsburg Monarchy and its rule over an ethnically variegated empire. Hitler and his", "id": "17183138" }, { "contents": "Religious views of Adolf Hitler\n\n\n's Table Talk, Gerhard Reinberg agreed that the Trevor-Roper edition \"derives from Genoud's French edition and not from either of the German texts.\" After examining Trevor-Roper's personal correspondence and papers, Mikael Nilsson concluded that Trevor-Roper was fully aware of the fact that his edition was based on the French text, but failed to reveal the problems in public. The \"Goebbels Diaries\", written by Hitler's Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, provide important insights into Hitler's thinking and actions. In a", "id": "7142484" }, { "contents": "History of the Catholic Church\n\n\nwas also pro-Catholic and received Vatican support. Germany annexed Austria in 1938 and imposed its own policies. Pius XI was prepared to negotiate concordats with any country that was willing to do so, thinking that written treaties were the best way to protect the Church's rights against governments increasingly inclined to interfere in such matters. Twelve concordats were signed during his reign with various types of governments, including some German state governments. When Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany on 30 January 1933 and asked for a concordat, Pius XI", "id": "4315776" }, { "contents": "Political views of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nThe political views of Adolf Hitler have presented historians and biographers with some difficulty. His writings and methods were often adapted to need and circumstance, although there were some steady themes, including antisemitism, anti-communism, anti-parliamentarianism, German \"Lebensraum\" (\"living space\"), belief in the superiority of an \"Aryan race\" and an extreme form of German nationalism. Hitler personally claimed he was fighting against \"Jewish Marxism\". Adolf Hitler's political views were formed during three periods, namely (1", "id": "19061492" }, { "contents": "1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler\n\n\n. The Germans prepared defensive positions in an attempt to hold the city against the fast arriving Red Army, in what become known as the Vienna Offensive. The Germans could not hold Vienna, which fell to the Soviet forces on 13 April. This defeat resulted in the \"Ärmelstreifen\" (Cuff Titles Order) or \"armband order\", which was issued by Hitler to the commander of the 6th SS Panzer Army, Sepp Dietrich. Hitler claimed that the troops \"did not fight as the situation demanded.\" As a", "id": "10394042" }, { "contents": "My Führer – The Really Truest Truth about Adolf Hitler\n\n\nMy Führer – The Really Truest Truth about Adolf Hitler () is a 2007 German comedy film directed by Dani Levy. The setting is World War II, around New Year's of 1945. This comedy tells the story of Adolf Hitler and his preparation for a big New Year's speech. Hitler is too depressed to speak, so a Jewish acting coach is called in to tutor him. The premiere was held on 9 January 2007 in Essen. Wide German release followed on 11 January and Swiss and Austrian releases on 18", "id": "1829916" }, { "contents": "Historiography of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nThe Historiography of Adolf Hitler deals with the academic studies of Adolf Hitler from the 1930s to the present. In 1998, a German editor said there were 120,000 studies of Hitler and Nazi Germany. Since then a large number more have appeared, with many of them decisively shaping the historiography regarding Hitler. The first important biography was written in exile in Switzerland by Konrad Heiden, \"Hitler: A Biography\" (2 vol Zürich, 1936–1937); an English version appeared as \"Der Führer – Hitler's Rise to Power\"", "id": "15798048" }, { "contents": "Korbinian Aigner\n\n\nring his church bells in honor of Adolf Hitler and other infringements and in January 1937 Aigner was demoted to a post at Hohenbercha, Kranzberg, near Freising. The assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler and several of the leading Nazis undertaken by Georg Elser on 8 November 1939 led Aigner to speak on the Fifth Commandment (\"Thou shalt not kill\") during a religious studies class he was giving on 9 November. During this, he said \"I do not know if what the assassin had in mind was a sin. [", "id": "5632479" }, { "contents": "Nobel Prize controversies\n\n\nhis book \"The Great Influenza\", the committee was preparing to award Avery, but declined to do so after the DNA findings were published, fearing that they would be endorsing findings that had not yet survived significant scrutiny. In 1936, the Nobel Foundation offended Adolf Hitler when it awarded the 1935 Nobel Peace Prize to Carl von Ossietzky, a German writer who publicly opposed Hitler and Nazism. (The prize was awarded the following year.) Hitler reacted by issuing a decree on 31 January 1937 that forbade German nationals to", "id": "13000282" }, { "contents": "Political views of Adolf Hitler\n\n\ncentral in his foreign policy. Hitler wrote in \"Mein Kampf\" of his hatred towards what he believed were the world's twin evils, namely communism and Judaism. He said his aim was to eradicate both from Germany and moreover stressed his intention to unite all Germans in the process of destroying them. Hitler was a pan-Germanic nationalist whose ideology was built around a philosophically authoritarian, anti-Marxist, antisemitic and anti-democratic worldview. Such views of the world in the wake of the fledgling Weimar government were not", "id": "19061530" }, { "contents": "List of people killed or wounded in the 20 July plot\n\n\nOn 22 June 1944, the Soviet Armed Forces launched a massive attack against the German forces based in Belorussia, which were made up of two strategic army groups known as Army Group Centre. By mid July, Army Group Centre had lost no fewer than 250,000 men in less than a month of fighting, making the German position close to hopeless. In deciding what to do, a series of military conferences were scheduled at the Wolf's Lair headquarters in East Prussia. On 20 July, Adolf Hitler and his top military commanders", "id": "14715766" }, { "contents": "Herschel Grynszpan\n\n\nprotest, and that I will do. Forgive me. Hermann [his German name]\". Despite the best efforts of French and German doctors (including Adolf Hitler's personal physician, Karl Brandt), the 29-year-old Rath died on 9 November. On 17 November, he received a much-publicized state funeral in Düsseldorf which was attended by Hitler and Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. In his eulogy, Ribbentrop called the shooting as an attack by Jews on the German people: \"We understand the challenge,", "id": "4757474" }, { "contents": "The Plot to Kill Hitler\n\n\nThe Plot to Kill Hitler is a 1990 television film based on the July 20 plot by German High Command to kill Adolf Hitler in 1944. Brad Davis stars as Colonel Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg, who plants a bomb in the conference room of the Führer's headquarters in East Prussia. Led by Army Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, several German High Command officers plan to assassinate Adolf Hitler and take control of the German government, with the ultimate intention of surrendering their country to the Allies. Stauffenberg manages to plant a bomb,", "id": "2978593" }, { "contents": "Military career of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nThe military career of Adolf Hitler can be divided into two distinct portions of Adolf Hitler's life. Mainly, the period during World War I when Hitler served as a \"Gefreiter\" (lance corporal) in the Bavarian Army, and the era of World War II when Hitler served as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht (German Armed Forces) through his position as Führer of Nazi Germany. Hitler received the final part of his father's estate in May 1913 and moved to Munich, where he earned", "id": "21120691" }, { "contents": "The Death of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nThe Death of Adolf Hitler: Unknown Documents from Soviet Archives (German: \"Der Tod des Adolf Hitler\") is a 1968 book by Soviet journalist Lev Bezymenski, who served as an interpreter in the Battle of Berlin under Red Army Marshal Georgy Zhukov. The book gives details of the purported Soviet autopsies of Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun, Joseph and Magda Goebbels, their children, and General Hans Krebs. Each of these individuals are recorded as having been subjected to cyanide poisoning. Some of the theories the book presents concerning", "id": "12217655" }, { "contents": "Nazism and race\n\n\nAdolf Hitler on June 13, 1937. During this meeting, Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring and Hjalmar Schacht bestowed upon Hsiang-hsi Kung an honorary doctorate degree, and attempted to open China's market to German exports. And in order to attract more Han Chinese students to study in Germany, Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring and Hjalmar Schacht earmarked for 100,000 reichsmarks for Han Chinese students studying in the universities and military academies of Nazi Germany after they persuaded a German industrialist to set aside the money for that purpose. Additionally, Hsiang", "id": "13510455" }, { "contents": "Adolf Hitler's rise to power\n\n\npower to negotiate foreign treaties. The Act did not infringe upon the powers of the President, and Hitler would not fully achieve full dictatorial power until after the death of Hindenburg in August 1934. Journalists and diplomats wondered whether Hitler could appoint himself President, who might succeed him as Chancellor, and what the army would do. Hitler combined the two positions, so that all governmental power lay in his hands. All soldiers took the Hitler Oath on the day of Hindenburg's death, swearing \"unconditional obedience\" to Hitler.", "id": "21689099" }, { "contents": "Günther Lütjens\n\n\n\"Bismarck\"s low speed and southeasterly heading away from its known pursuers made it very easy for the force to the south to catch up. Lütjens recognised the gravity of the situation. At 23:58 on 26 May, Lütjens transmitted to \"Group West\", the Naval HQ \"To the \"Führer\" of the German \"Reich\", Adolf Hitler. We will fight to the end thinking of you confident as in a rock in the victory of Germany\" Hitler replied at 01:53 on 27 May: \"I thank you in", "id": "10630699" }, { "contents": "Psychopathography of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nThe psychopathography of Adolf Hitler is an umbrella term for psychiatric (pathographic, psychobiographic) literature that deals with the hypothesis that the German Führer and Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler suffered from mental illness. Both during his lifetime and after his death, Hitler has often been associated with mental ills such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other ones. Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts who have diagnosed Hitler as having mental disturbance include well-known figures such as Walter C. Langer and Erich Fromm. Other researchers, such as Fritz Redlich, have concluded that Hitler probably", "id": "4992992" }, { "contents": "Adolf Ziegler\n\n\nAdolf Ziegler (16 October 1892 in Bremen – 18 September 1959 in Varnhalt, today Baden-Baden) was a German painter and politician. He was tasked by the Nazi Party to oversee the purging of what the Nazi Party described as \"degenerate art\", by most of the German modern artists. He was Hitler's favourite painter. Born to an architect father and a family of architects on his mother's side, Ziegler was always surrounded by artists. He studied at the Weimar Academy from 1910 under master of technique", "id": "18719022" }, { "contents": "Courland\n\n\nof Ukraine and Belarus. However, some 200,000 German troops held out in Courland. With their backs to the Baltic Sea, they remained trapped in what became known as the Courland Pocket, blockaded by the Red Army and by the Red Baltic Fleet. Colonel-General Heinz Guderian, the Chief of the German General Staff, pleaded with Adolf Hitler to allow evacuation of the troops in Courland by sea for use in the defense of Germany. Hitler refused, and ordered the Wehrmacht, Waffen-SS, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine forces", "id": "13121139" }, { "contents": "Adolf Hitler in popular culture\n\n\nfollowing morning that he is Adolf Hitler. Texas Groove metal band Pantera wrote and recorded a song called \"By Demons Be Driven\". It tells the story of how Hitler was plagued by paranoia and began to hate the Jewish people and religion. Australian band TISM's debut single was \"Defecate on My Face\", which was about Adolf Hitler's supposed coprophilia. Australian comedy troupe the Doug Anthony Allstars had a song called \"Mexican Hitler\", which told the story of what Hitler would have been like if he was", "id": "19062217" }, { "contents": "Adolf Hitler's rise to power\n\n\nAdolf Hitler's rise to power began in Germany in September 1919 when Hitler joined the political party then known as the \"Deutsche Arbeiterpartei\" – DAP (German Workers' Party). The name was changed in 1920 to the \"Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei\" – NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly known as the Nazi Party). It was anti-Marxist and opposed to the democratic post-war government of the Weimar Republic and the Treaty of Versailles, advocating extreme nationalism and Pan-Germanism as well as", "id": "21689036" }, { "contents": "Hitler's War\n\n\nwas cheated of the ultimate winter victory\", and that Irving totally ignored Hitler's own incompetence as a military leader. Craig charged that it was simply wrong on the part of Irving to write that Hitler in October 1941 was in a state of pain over German losses on the Eastern Front with Hitler supposedly thinking \"What would be left of Germany and the flower of her manhood?\" As a way of rebuttal to this picture of Hitler, Craig quoted Hitler's remark later in 1941 when told of heavy German losses,", "id": "7683824" }, { "contents": "Jean-Marie Loret\n\n\nJean-Marie Loret (18 or 25 March 1918 – 14 February 1985) was a French railway worker and allegedly Adolf Hitler's illegitimate son. According to Loret, in 1948 his mother revealed to him shortly before her death that the \"unknown German soldier\" with whom she'd had an affair during World War I was Adolf Hitler. Heinz Linge, who served as valet for Adolf Hitler, claimed in his memoirs \"With Hitler to the End\" that on 24 June 1940 Hitler secretly tasked Heinrich Himmler with finding Loret", "id": "13805720" }, { "contents": "Ludwig Müller\n\n\nJesus\") as well as a plan of purifying Christianity of what he deemed \"Jewish corruption,\" including purging large parts of the Old Testament. Müller had little real political experience and, as his actions would demonstrate to Adolf Hitler, little if any political aptitude. In the 1920s and early 1930s, before Hitler's assumption of the German chancellorship on 30 January 1933, he was a little-known pastor and a regional leader of the German Christians in East Prussia. However, he was an \"old fighter\"", "id": "4334281" }, { "contents": "Passport to Destiny\n\n\n\" charm has protected her. She asks a friend what she would do if she were totally invulnerable. Looking up to the street being bombed, her friend replies that she would go to Germany and \"give that Mr. Hitler what for\". Ella leaves the shelter, unconcerned about the bombs exploding around her, as she sets out to do just that. Stowing away on a British merchant ship, Ella is discovered by the crew, who think having a woman aboard is bad luck; subsequently, a German bomber sinks", "id": "19612292" }, { "contents": "Homophobia (film)\n\n\nbackground, known as Harald Z. Under the alias of Harald Hitler, he had been arrested that month for glorifying Adolf Hitler, by impersonating him in Braunau am Inn, a punishable offense in Austria. When interviewed by \"Vice\" magazine, Schmidinger responded, \"We think he is it. We do not really know him and had no contact with him after the [film's] premiere in 2012. At that time, we searched online for extras and he showed up. We are just a bit perplexed.\"", "id": "19863866" }, { "contents": "Interwar naval service of Erich Raeder\n\n\non what Raeder had requested. From 1928 onwards, Raeder used his close friend, the retired Admiral Magnus von Levetzow who had become a Nazi, as his contact with Adolf Hitler. Through Raeder approved of Hitler as a man who believed that it was necessary for Germany to achieve \"world power status\", he disapproved of Hitler's proposed means of attaining it. Raeder was greatly dismayed by Hitler's criticism of Tirpitz and of the pre-1914 Anglo-German naval race, and of his statements that if he came to power", "id": "1596188" }, { "contents": "Look Who's Back (film)\n\n\nLook Who's Back ( ) is a 2015 German satirical comedy film directed by , based on the bestselling satirical novel of the same name about Adolf Hitler by Timur Vermes. The film features unscripted vignettes of Oliver Masucci as Hitler interacting with ordinary Germans while in character, interspersed with scripted storyline sequences. It was listed as one of eight films that could be the German submission for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 89th Academy Awards, but it was not selected. The film begins in Berlin, 2014. Adolf Hitler (", "id": "7167806" }, { "contents": "Fascism in Europe\n\n\nin Italy have done, we can also do in Bavaria. We’ve also got Italy’s Mussolini: his name is Adolf Hitler\". The second part of Hitler's \"Mein Kampf\" (\"The National Socialist Movement\", 1926) contains this passage: In a 1931 interview, Hitler spoke admirably about Mussolini, commending Mussolini's racial origins as being the same as that of Germans and claimed at the time that Mussolini was capable of building an Italian Empire that would outdo the Roman Empire and that he supported Mussolini", "id": "13146090" }, { "contents": "Presumption of guilt\n\n\nwould be a mistake to think of the presumption of guilt as the opposite of the presumption of innocence that we are so used to thinking of as the polestar of the criminal process and which... occupies an important position in the Due Process Model.\" The presumption of guilt prioritizes speed and efficiency over reliability, and prevails when due process is absent. Presumption of guilt may take differing forms: In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler wrote \"every third German is a traitor\". In 1945, when it was clear that Germany", "id": "21390723" }, { "contents": "Alois Hitler\n\n\nAlois Johann Hitler Sr. (born Alois Johann Schicklgruber; 7 June 1837 – 3 January 1903) was an Austrian civil servant and the father of German dictator and leader of the Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler. Alois Hitler was born illegitimately, and his paternity was never established. This led to claims that his wife Klara (Adolf's mother) may have been his cousin. It also meant that Adolf could not prove pure Aryan blood. When Alois was promoted in the Customs service, he applied to be legitimised in the", "id": "8122680" }, { "contents": "Tilly Fleischer\n\n\nthe previous record holder by over five inches. In so doing, she became the first German woman to win a gold medal at an Olympics event. As opposed to the 1932 Games, the javelin event was the only competition she entered at the 1936 Games. After Fleischer won the javelin event, she was taken, along with the other two medallists, to meet Adolf Hitler. She was congratulated by the German leader and Hermann Göring and posed for photographs. Hitler was later warned by Olympic officials that heads of states were", "id": "2117212" }, { "contents": "Mr Norris Changes Trains\n\n\n\"\"What\" have I done to deserve all this?\" Isherwood originally intended to call this novel \"The Lost\", a title he conceived in German, \"Die Verlorenen\". The title \"The Lost\" would have encompassed three different meanings: \"those who have lost their way\", by which he meant Germans who were being misled by Adolf Hitler; \"the doomed\", those like the character Bernard Landauer whom Hitler had already marked for destruction; and \"those whom respectable Society regards as moral", "id": "19897978" }, { "contents": "Austin Osman Spare\n\n\nin Walworth Road proving a success, and he began teaching students at his studio in what he called his Austin Spare School of Draughtsmanship. Spare would later claim that the German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler took an interest in his work after one of his portraits was purchased by the German embassy in London. According to this story, (the accuracy of which has never been verified), in 1936 Hitler requested that Spare travel to Berlin to produce a portrait of the Nazi leader, but that Spare refused, remarking that \"If you", "id": "590218" }, { "contents": "Adolf Hitler's private library\n\n\nAdolf Hitler's private library was Adolf Hitler's private collection of books, excluding books he purchased for the German state library. Baldur von Schirach, the leader of the Hitlerjugend, claimed that Hitler had about 6,000 volumes and that he had read each one. Frederick Cable Oechsner put his collection at 16,300 volumes. No records exist to confirm this amount as several books were destroyed by The Allies. Hitler's collection reflects his attitudes toward censorship, lacking any works presenting counter-opinions. Although contemporaries say that he loved reading works", "id": "21117834" }, { "contents": "Political views of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nparty comrade has to do what the Führer commands, for he embodies the idea and he alone knows its ultimate goal'\". Although Hitler realized that his ascension to power required the use of the Weimar Republic's parliamentary system (founded on democratic principles), he never intended for the continuation of democratic governance once in control. Contrarily, Hitler proclaimed that he would \"destroy democracy with the weapons of democracy\". The rapid transition made by the Nazis once they assumed control clearly reveals that Hitler succeeded in this regard.", "id": "19061545" }, { "contents": "J. E. B. Seely, 1st Baron Mottistone\n\n\nMottistone in the County of Southampton. In 1933 Mottistone visited Berlin in his capacity as Chairman of the Air League, as a guest of Joachim von Ribbentrop. In 1935 he visited Germany again in his boat “Mayflower”. In May 1935 Adolf Hitler made a well publicised speech in which he proclaimed that German rearmament offered no threat to world peace. That month Mottistone told the House of Lords that \"we ought to assume that it is genuine and sincere...I have had many interviews with Herr Hitler. I think the", "id": "20697292" }, { "contents": "German Guatemalan\n\n\nin local events organized by the Nazis.\" In 1938, a seminal event impacted the German community in La Verapaz; the Third Reich asking their expatriate citizens to vote on the German annexation of Austria, the Anschluss. Some Germans in Guatemala held dual citizenship. A German boat anchored in Puerto Barrios to facilitate the vote. Those who attended were designated as sympathizers of Adolf Hitler. In 1936, 381 Germans in Guatemala voted for Adolf Hitler. Subsequently, most of these were deported, under pressure from the United States,", "id": "6893312" }, { "contents": "Leopold Poetsch\n\n\nLeopold Poetsch (or Pötsch) (18 November 1853 – 16 October 1942) was an Austrian history teacher. He was a high school teacher of Adolf Hitler and Adolf Eichmann influenced the future leader's later views, specifically German nationalism. He also took some distance from his former pupil, among other things since considering Hitler had become an enemy of Austria. (Eleonore Kandl: Hitlers Österreichbild. Dissertation Wien 1963, S. 38. Zitiert nach Klösch, S. 40. = citation in German wiki for this info) Hitler credits", "id": "15559408" }, { "contents": "Herr Meets Hare\n\n\nall sorts of anti-Hitler sentiments (\"Oh, do I hate that Hitler swine, that phony führer, that…\"). Bugs masquerades as Adolf Hitler after smearing on some mud, and faces the surprised Göring. Göring disappears off-screen in a flash to change into his Nazi uniform adorned with all sorts of medals. After the usual Nazi salute, Bugs berates him in faux German as he rips all of the medals off Göring's uniform (\"Klooten-flooten-blooten-pooten-meirooten-", "id": "20538525" }, { "contents": "Hitler Has Only Got One Ball\n\n\n. It is listed in the Roud Folk Song Index, number 10493. The numerous versions, including the frankly obscene, reflect the enthusiasm with which it was first adopted as a British Army marching-song, then as a popular song of defiance against Adolf Hitler's Nazi-German regime in the other branches of the British armed forces, and amongst British civilians, from 1940 onwards. In the words of Greg Kelley, It has been suggested that the pre-Glasnost Soviet descriptions of what remained of Hitler's corpse reported", "id": "14958692" }, { "contents": "Political views of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nthroughout Germany in \"Mein Kampf\", calling some of it morbid and declaring that \"people would have benefited by not visiting them at all\". Convinced that it was necessary to show the German people what comprised, \"degenerate art\" so as to protect them in the future, Hitler arranged for a formally commissioned exhibit in July 1937 of specially selected carvings, sculptures, and paintings. Once the exhibit was at an end, selected artists' works were banned from Nazi Germany. Well known was Hitler's vehement opposition", "id": "19061537" }, { "contents": "Hitler Sites\n\n\nHitler Sites: A City-by-City Guidebook (Austria, Germany, France, United States) by Steven Lehrer is a history and tour of European and American sites related to Adolf Hitler These sites cannot be found in standard guidebooks. Their descriptions comprise a topographical biography of the German dictator and can clarify who and what he actually was. Among the many sites are the middle-class homes and apartments where he grew up in rural Austria and Linz; the tenements and shelters he inhabited before ending up homeless,", "id": "19667097" }, { "contents": "Religious views of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nearly 1920s and frequently advised him on religious issues. He helped Hitler in the writing of \"Mein Kampf\". He was killed by the SS in the 1934 purge. Article 24 of Hitler's National Socialist Programme of 1920 had endorsed what it termed \"Positive Christianity\", but placed religion below party ideology by adding the caveat that it must not offend \"the moral sense of the German race\". Non-denominational, the term could be variously interpreted, but allayed fears among Germany's Christian majority as to the", "id": "7142510" }, { "contents": "Jan Žižka partisan brigade\n\n\n, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler announced his intentions to annex the Sudetenland, a region of Czechoslovakia with a high ethnic German population. As the previous appeasement of Hitler had shown, the governments of both France and Britain were intent on avoiding war. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and other Western political leaders negotiated with German Chancellor Adolf Hitler and ultimately acquiesced to his demands at the Munich Agreement, in exchange for guarantees from Nazi Germany that no additional lands would be annexed. No Czechoslovak representatives were present at the negotiations. Five months later", "id": "3377203" }, { "contents": "1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler\n\n\nbodyguard of a military leader (\"Leib\" = lit. \"body, torso\") – and \"Standarte\": the \"Schutzstaffel\" (SS) or \"Sturmabteilung\" (SA) term for a regiment-sized unit, also the German word for a specific type of heraldic flag (Standard). On 13 April 1934, \"Reichsführer-SS\" Heinrich Himmler ordered the \"Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler\" (LAH) to be renamed \"\"Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler\"\" (LSSAH). Himmler inserted", "id": "10393973" }, { "contents": "Hitler oath\n\n\n, 2.8.1934 \"Ich schwöre bei Gott diesen heiligen Eid, daß ich dem Führer des Deutschen Reiches und Volkes Adolf Hitler, dem Oberbefehlshaber der Wehrmacht, unbedingten Gehorsam leisten und als tapferer Soldat bereit sein will, jederzeit für diesen Eid mein Leben einzusetzen.\" The Wehrmacht Oath of Loyalty to Adolf Hitler, 2 August 1934 \"I swear to God this sacred oath that to the Leader of the German Reich and people, Adolf Hitler, supreme commander of the armed forces, I shall render unconditional obedience and that as a brave soldier", "id": "10619318" }, { "contents": "Nevile Henderson\n\n\ncrossed the Atlantic on a ship to take him back to Britain, Henderson who was fluent in German, read \"Mein Kampf\" in the original German version to acquaint himself with the thinking of Adolf Hitler.. Henderson wrote in his 1940 \"The Failure of a Mission\" that he was determined \"to see the good side of the Nazi regime as well as the bad, and to explain as objectively as I could its aspirations and viewpoint to His Majesty's Government\". Upon arriving in London, Henderson met the Chancellor", "id": "10732102" }, { "contents": "Crowd manipulation\n\n\nhis conclusions about speaking to crowds. He titled it \"The Scaffolding of Rhetoric\" and it outlined what he believed to be the essentials of any effective speech. Among these essentials are: Adolf Hitler believed he could apply the lessons of propaganda he learned painfully from the Allies during World War I and apply those lessons to benefit Germany thereafter. The following points offer helpful insight into his thinking behind his on-stage performances: The Nazi Party in Germany used propaganda to develop a cult of personality around Hitler. Historians such as", "id": "19476288" }, { "contents": "Hitler birthplace memorial stone\n\n\nThe Hitler birthplace memorial stone, a memorial to victims of the Nazis, is placed in front of Salzburger Vorstadt 15, Braunau am Inn, Upper Austria, the building where Adolf Hitler was born in 1889. At the time of Hitler's birth, the building was a modest guest house, where Hitler's parents rented rooms in connection with his father's job as a minor customs official at the nearby Austrian–German border. The Hitlers lived in the building only until Adolf was three years old, when his father was", "id": "14886375" }, { "contents": "Religious views of Adolf Hitler\n\n\n, was a leading member of the party's left-wing faction. During the conversation with his brother, he stated that he was disappointed with Hitler because: Ernst Hanfstaengl was a German-American businessman and intimate friend of Adolf Hitler. He eventually fell out of favour with Hitler, however, and defected from Nazi Germany to the United States. When he wrote down Hitler's religious views, he stated, like Otto Strasser, that Adof Hitler was an atheist: The Anschluss saw the annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany", "id": "7142489" }, { "contents": "Religious views of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nas pestilant for the state and for the church and perhaps I am thereby doing Christianity a great service by pushing them out of schools and public functions\". Scholarly interest continues on the extent to which inherited, long-standing, cultural-religious notions of anti-Judaism in Christian Europe contributed to Hitler's personal racial anti-Semitism, and what influence a pseudo-scientific \"primitive version of social-Darwinism\", mixed with 19th century imperialist notions, brought to bear on his psychology. While Hitler's views on", "id": "7142561" }, { "contents": "Arthur Trebitsch\n\n\n, taking original ideas and adapting them. In doing so, they introduced a degenerating element which corrupted thought. Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis epitomised this, as it demonstrated an \"erotomania\" typical of the Jewish mind. Despite apparently believing himself to be the providentially ordained leader of the German people, he gave generous financial support to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party. Trebitsch knew both Hitler and Dietrich Eckart personally. Eckart refers to Trebitsch in his book \"Der Bolschewismus von Moses bis Lenin: Zwiegespräch zwischen Hitler und mir\" (", "id": "3677472" }, { "contents": "Max (2002 film)\n\n\nMax is a 2002 British-Hungarian-Canadian fictional drama film, that depicts a friendship between a Jewish art dealer, Max Rothman, and a young Austrian painter, Adolf Hitler. The film explores Hitler's views which began to take shape under Nazi ideology; while also studying the artistic and design implications of the Third Reich and how their visual appeal helped hypnotize the German people. The film goes on to study the question of what could have been had Hitler been accepted as an artist. The film was the directorial debut", "id": "21316933" }, { "contents": "Adolf Hitler March of German Youth\n\n\nThe Adolf Hitler March of German Youth was a yearly rally of some 2,000 Hitler Youth who marched from all parts of Nazi Germany to the Nuremberg Rally of the Nazi Party, where they participated to the general parade. For some groups the task was quite demanding having to cover by foot as many as . They had to be \"combat ready\" (Wehrhaftmachung) anyway as this was the password given to them by their leader Baldur von Schirach. After 1937, the march was extended beyond Nuremberg to Landsberg am Lech whose little", "id": "11250738" }, { "contents": "Heinz Linge\n\n\nHeinz Linge (23 March 1913 – 9 March 1980) was an SS officer who served as a valet for German dictator Adolf Hitler. Linge was present in the \"Führerbunker\" on 30 April 1945, when Hitler committed suicide. Linge was born in Bremen, Germany. He was employed as a bricklayer prior to joining the SS in 1933. He served in the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (LSSAH), Hitler's bodyguard. In 1934 when he was part of No. 1 Guard to Hitler's residence on the Obersalzberg", "id": "15128282" }, { "contents": "Alois Hitler\n\n\nmarry Maria in this situation, and Adolf Hitler biographer Joachim Fest thinks this is too contrived and unlikely to be true. Alois's son Adolf, following the rumours that his paternal grandfather was a Jew, in 1931 ordered the SS (\"Schutzstaffel\") to investigate the alleged rumours regarding his ancestry; they found no evidence of any Jewish ancestors. After the Nuremberg Laws came into effect within the Third Reich, Hitler then ordered the genealogist Rudolf Koppensteiner to publish a large illustrated genealogical tree showing his ancestry; this was published", "id": "8122686" }, { "contents": "Adolf Hitler and Stefanie Rabatsch\n\n\nsinging Wagnerian roles. She suggests that Hitler had a fantasy view of Stefanie which is indicative of the young Hitler's mixing of reality and fantasy and his views about art, war, the novels of Karl May, and Wagnerian themes. Robert G. L. Waite in his 1993 \"The Psychopathic God: Adolf Hitler\" writes that Rabatsch \"served as a defense against feelings of sexual inadequacy.\" He suggests that Hitler feared interacting with Rabatsch in person, since her reality may fall short of the ideal of Germanic virtue which Hitler", "id": "18479844" }, { "contents": "Lebensraum\n\n\nwere given propaganda pamphlets (e.g. \"You and Your People\") explaining the importance of for the future of Germany and the German people. Concerning the geographic extent of the Greater Germanic , Adolf Hitler rejected the Ural Mountains as an adequate, eastern border for Germany, that such mid-sized mountains would not make do as the boundary between the \"European and Asiatic worlds\"; that only a living wall of racially pure Aryans would make do as a border; and that permanent war in the East would \"preserve the", "id": "21308564" }, { "contents": "Ulrich Mühe\n\n\n), a film by Costa Gavras; and was to have played Klaus Barbie in an upcoming feature. His last film was the comedy \"Mein Führer – Die wirklich wahrste Wahrheit über Adolf Hitler\" (\"My Führer: The Truly Truest Truth about Adolf Hitler\", 2007), in which he played Prof. Adolf Israel Grünbaum, an actor hired to give Hitler lessons. In 2006 he appeared at the Barbican Arts Centre in London in \"Zerbombt\", Thomas Ostermeier's German production of Sarah Kane's \"Blasted\"", "id": "8307483" }, { "contents": "Religious views of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nHitler said that the Germans would have become heirs to \"a religion that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and in subjugating all nations to that faith. Such a creed was perfectly suited to the German temperament.\" As noted, Hitler was profoundly racist against the ethnic groups that practiced Islam. Regarding Hitler's wish that the Arabs had conquered Europe, Speer notes that Hitler believed that their hegemony over Germans could not last, because of their racial inferiority, but that Islamized Germans would come to rule the world in", "id": "7142555" }, { "contents": "Army Group Courland\n\n\n10 October 1944. As a result, what was then known as Army Group North was cut off in Latvia from the rest of the German Army, and was to stay cut off for the remainder of the war. Approximately 200,000 German troops in 26 divisions were in what was to become known as the Courland Pocket. Army Group Courland remained in existence until the end of the war in Europe. Army Group Courland was created on 25 January 1945, when German dictator Adolf Hitler renamed Army Group North, Army Group Center,", "id": "2246920" }, { "contents": "Amin al-Husseini\n\n\nreadiness to approve the elimination (\"Beseitigung\") of the Jewish National Home in Palestine. On 20 November, al-Husseini met the German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and was officially received by Adolf Hitler on 28 November. As war loomed the Germans had changed his earlier view that Arabs were 'half-apes', and Hitler, recalling Husseini, remarked that he 'has more than one Aryan among his ancestors and one who may be descended from the best Roman stock.' He asked Adolf Hitler for a", "id": "21717661" }, { "contents": "Fritz Lindemann\n\n\nGeneral Fritz Lindemann (11 April 1894 – 22 September 1944) was a German officer in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany and member of the resistance to Adolf Hitler. Lindemann served as commander of the 132nd Infantry Division from January 1942 to August 1943, before appointment as Chief of Staff of the Artillery Oberkommando des Heeres. Lindemann developed contacts with conspirators against Adolf Hitler including General Helmuth Stieff and following the assassination of Hitler it was proposed that he would read the conspirators proclamation to the German people over the radio, but he did not", "id": "3291851" }, { "contents": "Psychopathography of Adolf Hitler\n\n\n\"destructive character\". In 1975, the German psychoanalyst and family therapist Helm Stierlin published his book \"Adolf Hitler. Familienperspektiven\", in which he raised the question of the psychological and motivational bases for Hitler's aggression and passion for destruction, similarly to Fromm. His study focuses heavily on Hitler's relationship to his mother, Klara. Stierlin felt that Hitler's mother had frustrated hopes for herself that she strongly delegated to her son, even though for him, too, they were impossible to satisfy. The Swiss childhood", "id": "4993029" }, { "contents": "The Devil with Hitler\n\n\nThe Devil with Hitler (a.k.a. Hitler's Valet) is a black-and-white 1942 comedy short propaganda film that was one of Hal Roach's Streamliners short film series. When the board of directors of Hell want Adolf Hitler to take charge, the Devil tries to save his job by making the German dictator perform a good deed. In the pits of Hell, the board of directors decides to replace Satan (Alan Mowbray) with Adolf Hitler (Bobby Watson). Satan persuades them to give him 48 hours", "id": "6607005" }, { "contents": "Religious views of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nLanz von Liebenfels that Hitler visited him in 1909 and praised his work. John Toland wrote that evidence indicates Hitler was a regular reader of \"Ostara\". Toland also included a poem that Hitler allegedly wrote while serving in the German Army on the Western Front in 1915. The seminal work on Ariosophy, \"The Occult Roots of Nazism\" by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, devotes its last chapter the topic of \"Ariosophy and Adolf Hitler\". Not at least due to the difficulty of sources, historians disagree about the importance", "id": "7142528" }, { "contents": "Religious views of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nthing was Christianity ! — then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies heroism and which opens the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so. Notwithstanding Hitler's apparent admiration for Islam and Muhammad, and his willingness to work with Arab political leaders, he saw individual Muslims as racial and social inferiors. Nazi-era Minister of Armaments and War Production Albert Speer acknowledged that in private, Hitler regarded", "id": "7142553" }, { "contents": "Erich Keyser\n\n\nthe war, he praised Adolf Hitler in a Nazi magazine \"Wille and Macht\" (\"Will and Power\") stating that \"The victory of the German troops of all Germanic tribes under the leadership of Adolf Hitler banished, in autumn 1939, the ghost of Versailles\". By April 1944 Keyser started working together with the \"Institute for Racial Studies of the Danzig Medical Academy\" where he carried out \"ethnic and racial investigations\" on German colonists located in camps near the city and started working on studies regarding Kashubians", "id": "21919380" }, { "contents": "Women in Nazi Germany\n\n\nof the party but was invited to the party congress. School textbooks were edited beginning in 1934, often under the supervision of the doctor , an author notably for \"The German Mother and Her First Baby\", which was widely published, and promoting the driving role of the German mother in building the regime, or \"Mother, tell me about Adolf Hitler\" (\"Mutter, erzähl von Adolf Hitler\"), to lead women to indoctrinate their children in Nazi values: Housekeeping training was promoted through Frauenwerk (German", "id": "7092496" }, { "contents": "William Stuart-Houston\n\n\nWilliam Patrick Stuart-Houston (né Hitler; 12 March 1911 – 14 July 1987) was the Irish-German nephew of Adolf Hitler. He was born to Adolf Hitler's half-brother Alois Hitler Jr. and his Irish wife Bridget Dowling in Liverpool, England. William Hitler later moved to Germany, but subsequently immigrated to the United States, where he served in the United States Navy in World War II. He eventually received American citizenship. William Patrick Hitler was born in the Toxteth Park district of Liverpool, the son", "id": "10447379" }, { "contents": "Possible monorchism of Adolf Hitler\n\n\nThe possibility that Adolf Hitler had only one testicle has been a fringe subject among historians and academics researching the German leader. The rumour may be an urban myth, possibly originating from the contemporary British military song \"Hitler Has Only Got One Ball\". Nevertheless, research, eyewitness testimony and historical study have not been able to prove or disprove the suggestion. Hitler's doctor and his personal physician Theodor Morell disregarded the idea of Hitler's monorchism and said there was nothing wrong with Hitler's testicles. In December 2015, it", "id": "19020372" }, { "contents": "Triumph of the Will\n\n\nsemitism. Hundreds of thousands of mentally ill and disabled people would be murdered in the Action T4, a programme run directly from Hitler's Chancellery (\"Kanzlei des Führers\"). Hitler preaches to the people in his speeches that they should believe in their country and themselves. The German people are better than what they have become because of the impurities in society. Hitler wants them to believe in him and believe what he wants to do for his people, and what he is doing is for the country's and people", "id": "10740586" }, { "contents": "Racial policy of Nazi Germany\n\n\nof China Minister of Finance, visited Nazi Germany and was warmly welcomed by Adolf Hitler on June 13, 1937. During this meeting, Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring and Hjalmar Schacht bestowed upon Hsiang-hsi Kung an honorary doctorate degree, and attempted to open China's market to German exports. And in order to attract more Han Chinese students to study in Germany, Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring and Hjalmar Schacht earmarked for 100,000 reichsmarks for Han Chinese students studying in the universities and military academies of Nazi Germany after they persuaded a", "id": "15174767" } ]
What is eczema and why is it only in small areas of skin only? Why do only certain people get it?
[{"answer": "I have eczema and my husband is a dermatologist. I have made him explain eczema to me multiple times. This is what I have learned. Eczema (atopic dermatitis) is a skin barrier function problem. The skin is supposed to keep stuff out- think of a slice of cheddar cheese. People withe eczema are born with skin like Swiss cheese. Stuff gets in more easily and moisture gets out more easily than normal skin. Because things get into the skin, the immune system responds to them as foreign objects- you get inflammation that makes you itch. You scratch the itchy spot and you get more skin breakdown from the trauma. Often the eczema patches are areas of friction- elbows and knees. Eczema treatments revolve around moisturizing to add a layer of protection from allergens getting in. Or topical steroids that decrease inflammation. I get UVB phototherapy. It kills immune system cells (lymphocytes) in the skin surface. The allergens still get into my skin but I have less lymphocytes to catch the allergens and cause inflammation which decreases the amount of itching that I have. The only way to permanently cure eczema would be to permanently improve skin barrier function. Since it is a genetic problem, some researchers are working on gene therapy trials that would change the skin cells to work correctly. The reason many childhood eczema sufferers improve is that skin naturally thickens as you become an adult and it overwhelms the problem. Some people aren't so lucky. Also, people with eczema are more likely to have asthma (allergens get into the skin first and you develop an immune sensitization to the allergen. When you breathe in the same allergen your body sees it as something to fight so you get inflammation and bronchorestriction in the lungs - this is asthma). If you could fix the skin at birth, you would not get the allergens getting into the skin. There would be no inflammation and no itch. We can't do that yet do we target inflammation with immune suppressing drugs like tacrolimus or topical steroids. Moisturizer helps too by improving skin barrier. Right now I have eczema on my eyelids (thin skin), left wrist (friction from watch), hands (loss of natural oils from washing my hands all of the time), both inner elbows and back of knees (areas of friction) and armpits (from clothes rubbing against my skin)."}, {"answer": "The tendency to have eczema goes along with a tendency to have allergies and asthma as well. If you don't have all three of the triad, you're lucky. Eczema tends run in families and is likely to come and go throughout your lifetime. During early childhood, the rashes show up often on the insides of the elbows and the back of the knees. They can be on the neck as well. They may return later and affect a different part of the body. Hands and feet are another common location for rashes. I was told that it is actually a dry skin condition, so moisturizing with good stuff like Eucerin and Cetafil lotion can help. In my experience, I stopped having eczema symptoms after my mid 20s. They problem was terrible with my fingers during my time in food service age 18-20, but later, it went away and I haven't been bothered by it for many years. I have severe allergies though that have gotten worse over the years including bouts of angioedema (swelling)."}, {"answer": "The short answer is, it's autoimmune in nature but no one knows much about it other than that there's some genetic element that isn't understood. Or in other words, the body is fighting itself and no one knows why. I have \"atypical\" eczema: it's not associated with allergens, not associated with asthma, and doesn't itch. For added confusion, it usually improves on exposure to salt water."}, {"answer": "I recommend checking out the info available on the National Eczema Association's web page. There are many types of eczema and different treatments. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "If you're interested in learning more, check out /r/eczema it's a community of people who deal with eczema every day. Also National Eczema Association"}, {"answer": "I have chronic eczema all over my body and have been told the skin is extra dry and sensitive. Since it's hereditary (or so I've been told) my family concluded that I got it from my dad, who has psoriasis. I use prescription meds which include strong cortizon. I also use fragrance free shower products. Anything else result in breakouts. My skin reactions can range from getting rashes on hands and feet during the summer, scratching my face or body till it bleeds, getting big red spots on my arms covered in a liquid fluid in the winter, to just simply scratching any place until it turns red. I scratch all through the day and usually use something like a guitar pic :)"}, {"answer": "Eczema (technically called atopic dermatitis) is basically having skin that's really reactive to all sorts of irritations. Things that most people don't even notice will result in a rash when people with eczema are exposed to them. So I get patchy rashes when the air is dry or if I wear wet clothes for too long. My sister gets rashes when she wears wool or if she's in a house with a cat. Eczema also results in unusually dry skin. I go through 3ish large bottles of Aveeno by myself every winter."}, {"answer": "Eczema is causes by a skin barrier defect which allows micro-organisms to infect and inflame the skin. But it's a problem that cascades from from initial gut problems and food allergies which promote inflammation and immune reactions. Eczema breakouts tend to occur where the lymph nodes are concentrated. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Just as an addendum to what other people are saying, it does not only occur in small areas of skin. That's how most people have it, but some people, like myself, basically have it on every inch of the body. It ain't fun."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2225073", "title": "Atopic dermatitis", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Atopic dermatitis (AD), also known as atopic eczema, is a type of inflammation of the skin (dermatitis). It results in itchy, red, swollen, and cracked skin. Clear fluid may come from the affected areas, which often thickens over time. While the condition may occur at any age, it typically starts in childhood with changing severity over the years. In children under one year of age much of the body may be affected. As children get older, the back of the knees and front of the elbows are the most common areas affected", "Atopic dermatitis (AD), also known as atopic eczema, is a type of inflammation of the skin (dermatitis). It results in itchy, red, swollen, and cracked skin. Clear fluid may come from the affected areas, which often thickens over time. While the condition may occur at any age, it typically starts in childhood with changing severity over the years. In children under one year of age much of the body may be affected."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Audition (1999 film)\n\n\nworrying about why or what I can do to make it happen again\". Actress Eihi Shiina stated that, in Japan, only a certain type of film fan would watch \"Audition\". By comparison, she said, the film was seen by many more people overseas, which she attributed to \"good timing\". After the release of \"Audition\", Miike was going to adapt Murakami's novel \"Coin Locker Babies\", but the project failed to find financing to get started. \"Audition\" has been", "id": "15792986" }, { "contents": "Jeff Chandler\n\n\nalive, and they only have their voices with which to do it. But in pictures the technique is quite different. The actor is only a small part of the performance. He lends his intelligence and personality to the role, but the greatest part of the performance belongs to the producer, who puts him in a certain type of part; the director, who tells him how to play it; and the cutter, who edits what's done. That's why I find being a movie actor not particularly gratifying.", "id": "11063872" }, { "contents": "What You Want (Evanescence song)\n\n\n'the unknown' and 'the pain', and it confusingly switches between suggesting people 'do what you want you want, if you have a dream for better' in the first verse and the decidedly creepier final chorus where Lee seemingly gets an ex-lover on the blower, only to tell them 'Hello, hello, it’s only me, infecting everything you love'.\" Scott Shetler of Pop Crush described the song as a \"forceful rock track that reminds fans why the group was one of the", "id": "577009" }, { "contents": "Hand eczema\n\n\nother skin illnesses and potential fungal infection or psoriasis must be ruled out. Usually, taking the patient’s personal history into account will help provide an accurate diagnosis. Patch testing has been found to be helpful in the diagnosis of hand eczema. Hand eczema is a complex condition, and treatment should only be administered by a dermatologist with specialist knowledge. Treatment may be very costly. Treatment should follow certain basic principles, and chronic and severe cases of hand eczema in particular require complex treatment concepts. Besides skin care, hand protection", "id": "21286288" }, { "contents": "Rough Riders (miniseries)\n\n\n\"It shows you that things happen to people that they never get over. It's why vets can only talk to each other. Everyone of them is scarred for life... Men go off to war because they really want to, not knowing what it's going to be. They think it's an adventure, a romantic fantasy. And, of course, it never is. People are brought together and forced to do something that is truly unnatural to man – kill each other. But in doing this sort of", "id": "17030012" }, { "contents": "Kaushik Basu\n\n\neconomics sheds light on how the law impacts on outcomes and why there is such a large gap between the law and its implementation. In his paper, 'Why, for a class of Bribes, the act of \"Giving\" Bribes should be treated as legal\", Basu refers to certain bribes as 'Harassment Bribes' that are given to get what a person is legally entitled to such as a ration card or a passport. In such cases, only the act of taking a bribe should be illegal. This will", "id": "2747154" }, { "contents": "Self-knowledge (psychology)\n\n\n, it is important to notice that introspection allows the exploration of the conscious mind only, and does not take into account the unconscious motives and processes, as found and formulated by Freud. Wilson's work is based on the assumption that people are not always aware of \"why\" they feel the way they do. Bem's self-perception theory makes a similar assumption. The theory is concerned with how people \"explain\" their behavior. It argues that people don't always \"know\" why they do what they", "id": "13361061" }, { "contents": "Checkers speech\n\n\na man that's to be Vice President of the United States must have the confidence of all the people. And that's why I'm doing what I'm doing, and that's why I suggest that Mr. Stevenson and Mr. Sparkman since they are under attack should do what I am doing.\" As the senator made this point, Eisenhower, sitting in the Cleveland office, slammed his pencil down, realizing that he would not be allowed to be the only major party candidate whose finances would evade scrutiny. Eisenhower had", "id": "13944579" }, { "contents": "Manjunath (film)\n\n\nreact the same way if your loved one is brutally killed for doing his duty?br It’s not a movie with an item song or love story or the one which audience normally expect. It’s poignant, isn’t it... an ordinary man fighting against corruption and getting brutally killed. I only wish and hope that more people should know of his real story, what he did, why, what he stood for, and get inspired by him. Let’s all start dreaming about a corruption free country. Don’t we", "id": "10938279" }, { "contents": "Model minority\n\n\nagainst Black people with the mantra \"If they can do it, why can't you?\". This argument is often viewed as logical, because at the surface, there doesn't seem to be a clear cut explanation for why Jews, Asians, and Irish people are able to thrive after experiencing racism, but Blacks still seem to be disenfranchised.  What this argument often ignores, is the unique experience of Black people in America, namely, they are the only minority who had been enslaved on U.S. soil for centuries", "id": "19382328" }, { "contents": "Team Based Learning Organization\n\n\nfar as the “why we do things and for whom” tends to become more important than “what we should do”. When changes occur – and this happens with an increasing rhythm – people can react intelligently rather than in compliance with the target sheet of the MBO. Many other advantages result from being familiar and in line with meaning, as e.g. higher identification with the company, better retention scores etc. 2. Complementarity: Having people to perform not only in the area of their expertise but also in their work", "id": "4483377" }, { "contents": "Protagoras (dialogue)\n\n\nor overindulging in other pleasures, and asks Protagoras whether his view is the standard one, that these men do so because of pleasure. Protagoras agrees, and Socrates continues by saying that what we call bad is not necessarily unpleasant in the short term, but necessarily so in the long term, like certain foods that cause pleasurable sensations but harm the body in the long run. Socrates then concludes that the only reason why people exchange good for bad, like the pleasant taste of food for sickness that comes by eating it,", "id": "3861807" }, { "contents": "The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle\n\n\nPeter wears human clothing then why do the other animals wear only their skins? The issue of animal clothing versus human clothing is further confused when Mrs. Tiggy-winkle sheds her human clothing at the end of the tale to reveal herself a hedgehog who may or may not be able to shed her skin as well. If she can shed her skin, then why is she wearing human clothes? Kutzer believes these questions remain unanswered and erode the tale's logic. Shedding one's clothes, Kutzer observes, is a symbol of", "id": "14766920" }, { "contents": "The Complaint of Mars\n\n\nexist except to cause distress. Mars begins to examine the meaning of love as God had created. Why should people be constrained to love in spite of themselves? While people can only be hurt by heartbreak, Mars sees that the joy of love lasts for only the split second that an eye twinkles. Why do people want love so eagerly, as it is only a pain which they must endure? Mars continues to marvel that God would create such a cruelty that would either break His people, causing more sorrow than the", "id": "13552383" }, { "contents": "Philosophical methodology\n\n\nagree about most of the fundamentals. Method in philosophy is in some sense rooted in motivation, only by understanding why people take up philosophy can one properly understand what philosophy is. People often find themselves believing things that they do not understand. For example, about God, themselves, the natural world, human society, morality and human productions. Often, people fail to understand what it is they believe, and fail to understand the reasons they believe in what they do. Some people have questions about the meaning of their", "id": "3274429" }, { "contents": "Vikram Aur Betaal\n\n\ndark half of the month. King met him as decided. The King asked the mendicant why he was doing this. The mendicant tells that there is a task that only a King like Vikrmaditya can perform. King Vikramaditya had to visit the northern-most corner of this ground where he would find a very ancient tree. There would be a corpse hanging from one of its branches. He would have to fetch it for the mendicant, as the mendicant was seeking certain occult powers which he would get only if a king", "id": "17594077" }, { "contents": "A Girl from Lübeck\n\n\nand paradoxical story, few people are what they seem to be, even to themselves. Is the lecturer from Russia interested only in stimulating an appreciation of Russian literature? And what is his connection with the gentleman from South America? What is Hannelore doing in the elegant establishment of Mme. Putiphar? Where is Vesory's chief taking her in the sports car—and why? Does she really love Versory or is she only using him? The answers to these questions are revealed as \"A Girl from Lübeck\" unfolds.", "id": "827569" }, { "contents": "Birmingham International Marathon\n\n\nworld-class racing again in Britain. That is what The Great Run Company is enabling us to do now.\" Former distance runner Ian Stewart said: \"The Birmingham marathon is a great idea and I believe we have a real opportunity to build it into a big international event. We're in a central location in the country and with it becoming more and more difficult to get into the London Marathon, why wouldn't people come to Birmingham and run?\" The marathon was cancelled in 2018, having only been", "id": "14616182" }, { "contents": "Why We Get Fat\n\n\nWhy We Get Fat: And What To Do About It is a 2010 book by science writer Gary Taubes. Following Taubes’s 2007 book \"Good Calories, Bad Calories,\" in which he argues that the modern diet’s inclusion of too many refined carbohydrates is a primary contributor to the obesity epidemic, he elaborates in \"Why We Get Fat\" on how people can change their diets. Analyzing anthropological evidence and modern scientific literature, Taubes contends that the common “calories in, calories out” model of why we get", "id": "1317676" }, { "contents": "Alaa Murabit\n\n\na leading role,\" Murabit told Lesley Stahl. \"Often when violence happens, people excuse it with religion,\" Murabit said. \"Young girls need to know that they can fight fire with fire and say, 'No, my religion is not why you are doing this.'\" She has maintained that peace is only achievable through communities, \"The only real solution, the only way to get that grenade or gun put down safely is by filling his hands and head with something else. A pencil,", "id": "98335" }, { "contents": "Afro-textured hair\n\n\nlearned from looking at Black people's hair. It's the perfect metaphor for the African experiment here: the price of the ticket (for a journey no one elected to take), the toll of slavery, and the costs remaining. It's all in the hair. Like Jamaica Kincaid, who writes only about a character named Mother, I've decided to write only about hair: what we do to it, how we do it, and why. I figure this is enough\", said Lisa Jones in", "id": "2005673" }, { "contents": "The Revolution (newspaper)\n\n\nus the question, why, like the Englishwomen, we do not sit still in our conventions, and get \"first class men\" to do the speaking? We might, with equal propriety, ask the \"World's\" editorial staff why they do not lay down their pens and get first class men to edit their journal?\" \"The Revolution\"'s correspondents were not expected to present a single point of view. On the contrary, the newspaper declared, \"those who write for our columns are responsible only", "id": "17809666" }, { "contents": "Integrity\n\n\ngenerally accepted as moral, what others think, but primarily with what is ethical, what politicians should do based on reasonable arguments. Furthermore, integrity is not just about why a politician acts in a certain way, but also about who the politician is. Questions about a person’s integrity cast doubt not only on their intentions but also on the source of those intentions, the person’s character. So integrity is about having the right ethical virtues that become visible in a pattern of behavior. Important virtues of politicians are faithfulness", "id": "5666714" }, { "contents": "Faye Flam\n\n\non science communication at the \"Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics\" of University of California, Santa Barbara. In \"Life on Mars and Neanderthal Clones: Why Weird Science Gets on the Front Page and What You Can Do About It\", she discussed the motivation of journalists, explaining to the scientist audience why certain stories garner a majority of attention from popular media. In \"How To Sell Your Science Without Selling Your Soul: How To Get The Media To Work For You\", she reviewed what scientists and journalists have", "id": "279987" }, { "contents": "Sky Coyote\n\n\ntwo. The Chumash go to their reward, the Company gets all the valuable information and samples it needs to sell to the rich and not-so-smart in the 24th century, and Joseph is left with a nagging doubt. For one thing, why does nobody know what happens after 2355, even though all history is available to the cyborgs up to that point? And why do cyborgs who talk too much about this tend to get suddenly reassigned? Why do the 24th-century people seem so cowardly and stupid", "id": "8154134" }, { "contents": "Thematic equative\n\n\nare what are known as \"marked\" thematic equatives; these expressions include those that start with \"That's why ...\" and \"That's what ...\" (\"That's why you can't do it,\" \"That's what I meant\"). A unique feature of the thematic equative is its conveying of a meaning of exclusiveness in the rheme. In all of these examples, the meaning is that the \"only\" thing the guests need for breakfast is an omelet. This is in contrast with", "id": "4083027" }, { "contents": "Hedonism\n\n\nwe should remain in this machine for the rest of our lives. However, he gives three reasons why this is not a preferable scenario: firstly, because we want to \"do\" certain things, as opposed to merely experience them; secondly, we want to be a certain kind of person, as opposed to an 'indeterminate blob' and thirdly, because such a thing would limit our experiences to only what we can imagine. Peter Singer, a hedonistic utilitarian, and Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek have both argued", "id": "13116461" }, { "contents": "Anti-Middle Eastern sentiment\n\n\n, you know, like a lot of people in South America, dark skin, dark hair, brown eyes. And they mix. They mix in. And those people, their only goal in life is to, to cause harm to the United States. So why do we want them here, either legally or illegally? When they come across the border, besides the trash that they leave behind, the drug smuggling, the killings, the beheadings. I mean, you are seeing stuff. It’s a war", "id": "3512441" }, { "contents": "Daseinsanalysis\n\n\n's life are causal to the patient's obstacles; further, it only grasps at the meaning behind a behavior and not the root cause. Daseinanalytical thought rejects this notion and asks rather 'why not'. Why not leads the therapist to challenge those self-imposed limitations as stated earlier and facilitate a line of logic that is not explanatory, but probing of new thinking. Boss warns against forcing clients to be explanatory before they can properly illustrate why they do or say what they do. This rejects that causal relationship by", "id": "7364529" }, { "contents": "Rookmangud Katawal\n\n\nfor tackling the Maoist insurgency. Katawal reiterated that there was no purely military solution to the insurgency; the RNA could only work to create space for a negotiated political solution. He noted that the civilian government should lead the effort to inform its citizens about Nepal's overall plan to tackle the insurgency. Katawal stressed that a civilian government needed to explain to the people what the military was doing and why, especially why the government needed to restrict civil liberties. Katawal had explained that the then Home Minister Kamal Thapa had tried to", "id": "21504602" }, { "contents": "Xenu\n\n\nSouth Park\" co-creator Trey Parker felt that Comedy Central's owners Viacom had cancelled the repeat because of the upcoming release of the Tom Cruise film \"\" by Paramount, another Viacom company: \"I only know what we were told, that people involved with \"MI3\" wanted the episode off the air and that is why Comedy Central had to do it. I don't know why else it would have been pulled.\" Writing in the book \"Scientology\" published by Oxford University Press, contributor Mikael Rothstein", "id": "2632251" }, { "contents": "The Grove (The Walking Dead)\n\n\nthe walkers. Later that evening, Carol talks with Lizzie about why the walkers are dangerous and why it is necessary to kill them. Lizzie says she understands now what she needs to do. Mika says she does not want to \"be mean\" by killing people and Lizzie tells her you have to, but only sometimes. Carol and Tyreese leave Judith in the care of the sisters as they go hunt. Upon their return, they find that Lizzie has stabbed Mika with a knife, killing her, probably because she", "id": "4013320" }, { "contents": "Allergic response\n\n\nwill cause cells in the body to produce histamines. These histamines will act on different areas of the body (eyes, throat, nose, gastrointestinal tract, skin or lungs) to produce symptoms of an allergic reaction. The allergic response is not limited to a certain amount of exposure. If the body is exposed to the allergen multiple times the immune system will react every time the allergen is present. The reason why people get allergies is not known. The allergens are not passed down through generations. It is believed if", "id": "12323436" }, { "contents": "Alone (2015 Hindi film)\n\n\nhowever. Filmfare praised the two lead actors, but gave film 3 stars, stating that \"The only reason why \"Alone\" will work is for its erotic packaging. Those looking for a genuine scary movie will only get bad rehashes of scenes from The Conjuring and other popular Hollywood fare.\" Times of India gave it a 2.5 and said, \"When you scratch the surface, you don't end up scared shitless. And isn't that what \"Alone\" is meant to do?\" Bollywood Hungama gave it", "id": "19189888" }, { "contents": "Antonio Dawson\n\n\nout for him. Voight says she was on a mission and there was nothing he could have said that could have stopped her. The only thing that kept her going was that hate; he reminds Antonio that he did what he had to do. Antonio looks at her picture and throws it in the garbage saying he did what she wanted him to do. In \"Allegiance\", he almost gets into a fight with Voight when he confronts him about why Olinsky was in prison. In \"Homecoming\", his loyalty", "id": "15080838" }, { "contents": "Gyula Budai\n\n\nby the Socialists. Please, yes, we cartilized for the producers. We told the chain stores how much the melon should be sold. So what's the problem? In two years the melon production area fell from 11 thousand hectares to 5 thousand hectares in Hungary. We want to restore the former production area, which is only possible for the producer to receive not only the cost of the product, but also to have at least 15-20 percent of the product. I do not care why the Economic Competition", "id": "16529927" }, { "contents": "Lepromin\n\n\nfamiliar the child is with what will happen and why, the less anxiety he or she will feel. When the antigen is injected, there may be a slight stinging or burning sensation. There may also be mild itching at the site of injection afterwards. People who don't have clinical leprosy (Hansen's disease, or HD) may have little or no skin reaction to the antigen, or may have a strong reaction to it. This is because lepromin only tests for infection, not for ongoing disease. It is", "id": "21363010" }, { "contents": "Pseudolus\n\n\ndoes not know what to do. Meanwhile, Ballio returns to his house with a cook. The two are arguing about how much the cook charges people for his services. Ballio is quite angry that he has to pay two drachmae instead of one to be able to have a cook for his birthday celebration. The cook is insulted and asks why he hired him. Ballio replies that he had to, because he was the only cook left. The cook immediately starts to make his own case, explaining in great detail why", "id": "20915009" }, { "contents": "Hand eczema\n\n\nhand is subjected to repeated contact with a substance that leads to an allergy, the skin reacts with signs of inflammation. Numerous people affected by hand eczema also experience skin inflammation on their feet. Often, a contact allergy to an ingredient in shoe leather treatment may be the catalyst. Contact allergies in certain types of employment are especially problematic, particularly if the work involves the handling of allergenic materials, e.g. masonry work or hairdressing. People allergic to Balsam of Peru may experience a flare-up of hand eczema if they use", "id": "21286283" }, { "contents": "GOTE\n\n\ngoal (or expectation) for the play or even for the character's life in addition to getting a handle on smaller \"beats\" with a GOTE. Actors use a GOTE by actually trying to do what their character is doing, at least on the level of actions (relying on the truth of a body responding to will). A GOTE actor often has a nuanced idea of how and why a character acts. This would result in self-conscious, introverted acting except that a GOTE is only useful when it", "id": "15163707" }, { "contents": "Bus Cook\n\n\ndrama queen? Play, don’t play, goddamn, people are getting sick of it. I’m getting sick of it! Why does he have to talk to these people? What good does it do? Ed Werder at ESPN! What’s he ever done for anybody other than say, ‘Look, look, Mommy, I got this first, ain’t I special?’ You got problems with surgery, talk to your wife. Why talk to goddamned Ed Werder?” Favre would respond that Cook's", "id": "6116057" }, { "contents": "Sky Smith\n\n\nto only control humans. Sky notices how everybody who hates Clyde cannot think of a reason why they do. It is only after she visits Clyde's mother that she realizes what is happening. She discovers that his name is cursed because of the splinter that activated the totem pole, which was believed to contain an ancient alien warrior trapped by Native American medicine men, allowing the warrior Hetocumtek to get close to escaping the pole. She then convinces Sarah Jane and Rani to say his name multiple times, breaking the curse", "id": "17859735" }, { "contents": "Kithaab\n\n\n) would understand that girls are not given enough food. Her father then censures her, telling her that women should get only half of everything that men have. To this, the girl impishly asks why then women shouldn't wear only half of what men do. Amidst these struggles, she expresses her wish to call out the azaan. Her father answers all her queries by referring to a big book (Kithab), and he locks her away so she would not perform in a play (a play within the play", "id": "21549762" }, { "contents": "2009 Aftonbladet Israel controversy\n\n\nand Nafes from Gaza, who had all disappeared for a number of days only to return at night, dead and – Why would they otherwise keep the bodies for up to five days before they let us bury them? What happened to the bodies during that time? Why are they performing an autopsy when the cause of death is obvious, and in all cases against our will? Why are the bodies returned at night? And why with a military escort? And why is the area closed off during the funeral?", "id": "7287763" }, { "contents": "Timothy Olyphant\n\n\nof his film career, and not getting the leading roles that would have possibly led to major fame: \"I got great opportunities right off the bat. And at the same time I either passed or failed to get things that would have made things ridiculously quick. I passed on enormous opportunities only to end up playing the supporting role in the next film. And then I'd think to myself, \"What the fuck am I doing? Why did I do that?\" But sometimes I feel like I got away", "id": "9316869" }, { "contents": "Speed (2007 film)\n\n\ncheck it and gets a call from Kabir, who knows everything about him and tells him to open his car's trunk only to find a video-CD of his wife's captivity. Sid get furious towards Kabir, threatening him that he doesn't have any idea what Sid can do and Kabir replies that he knows what Sid is capable of and that's why they have chosen him for their desired work. Sid ask to know about the work but Kabir first orders him to break the CD and throw it in the", "id": "9650048" }, { "contents": "Mario Luis Small\n\n\n2001 from Harvard University. Currently, Small is studying why poor neighborhoods are different in different places and how people get help in these communities. As well as conducting this research, he also is working on a book on how people are able to express their worries to not well known people. Mario Small has received many awards, majority pertaining to his writings. He is the only person to win the C. Wright Mills Best book Award twice, in 2005 and 2010. The books that won these awards are \"Villa Victoria", "id": "10516345" }, { "contents": "Latex\n\n\nstyrene-based, is also used in immunoassays. Latex is used in many types of clothing. Worn on the body (or applied directly by painting) it tends to be skin-tight, producing a \"second skin\" effect. Some people only experience a mild allergy when exposed to latex, like eczema, contact dermatitis or developing a rash. Others have a serious latex allergy, and exposure to latex products such as latex gloves can cause anaphylactic shock. Guayule latex has only 2% of the levels of protein", "id": "5241231" }, { "contents": "Nicaraguan Democratic Force\n\n\nthousand tough contra soldiers on this border, yet they do not hold an inch of dirt. The only progress they've made is in purchasing condominiums... Why do you stop a war when people are getting very well off? This was corroborated by an aid to LT. Col. North: I've been in their accounting office. I've seen filing cabinets full of hundred-dollar bills, suitcases full of money... They were laundering money...These people don't know they are even in a war, they think", "id": "16399898" }, { "contents": "Do You Like My Tight Sweater?\n\n\nTight Sweater?\" combined three tracks (\"Where is the What if the What is in Why,\" \"Party Weirdo,\" and \"Ho Humm\") from a 1995 independently released EP \"Where is the What if the What is in Why?\" (also known as \"Moloko EP\") with fourteen new recordings. It was reported by Billboard that in 1996 total sales have reached 100,000 copies. As of 2003 it has sold over 250,000 copies worldwide. This is the only Moloko album, before 2006", "id": "6001100" }, { "contents": "Kalina people\n\n\nHowever, the people of this ethnic group are such an extreme minority in all of the countries in which they are well established that locally they are a majority only in certain very secluded areas. Their current geographic distribution covers only a small fraction of their Pre-Columbian territory. They use mostly percussion instruments. Their \"sanpula\" (or \"sambula\") is a large drum with two skins stretched over either end of the shell by hoops pulled together with cord and is played with a mallet. They also have two", "id": "10535209" }, { "contents": "No Other Way Out\n\n\nare configured and that act in certain ways” (Goodwin 2001: 25) There are two reasons why the development of revolutionary movements is dependent on the state. Primarily, people will not support revolutionary movements unless they feel that the state is at fault for their everyday problems. The second reason is that individuals will not join revolutionary movements if they feel that doing so will only lead to more violence from the state. This second reason introduces another idea of people not joining revolutions unless they feel they have no other way out", "id": "20581270" }, { "contents": "Harmon Killebrew\n\n\nthe vote, taking a backseat to Hank Aaron and Frank Robinson, who made it in their first year of eligibility. After receiving 71.9% of the vote in 1983, Killebrew said that not getting in that year was more difficult to accept than the previous two times, and asked \"Why do the writers feel there only has to be a certain number inducted each time?\" In 1984, Killebrew received 83.1% of the vote and was elected to the Hall in his fourth year of eligibility, joining Luis Aparicio and", "id": "11564060" }, { "contents": "Why Do I Always Get It Wrong\n\n\n/his presence for good is the only way to stop the pain. Crying out against his illogical love for the person who has treated him so badly, Caruana asks, \"Why do I always get it wrong?\" Live Report won the right to perform at Lausanne by winning the UK national final, \"A Song for Europe\", where they were the sixth act to perform. For the second of four consecutive years, Live Report was picked via a nationwide telephone vote, receiving more than twice as many votes", "id": "10560157" }, { "contents": "Operation Vanguard\n\n\nHe hinted to the possible removal of the ban placed on small-scale mining. Companies accredited by the Minerals Commission of Ghana would be the only ones allowed to undertake small-scale mining. Some members of the Ghanaian public believed that the activities of Operation Vanguard could not be described as a success. This was due to the caliber of offenders arrested. They believed that the galamsey kingpins were still free and would return to the act if the operations ended. A major reason why failures had persisted in certain areas was due", "id": "14684200" }, { "contents": "Only You (Harry Connick Jr. album)\n\n\nhe wanted to perform songs with a real history to them. \"Part of what I wanted to do on this record, “was to focus on songs that had their second success in the Fifties. \"My Prayer\" is a great example. I know that most people associate it with the Platters, but I knew the Ink Spots’ version from the Thirties as well. That’s why I picked things like \"My Blue Heaven\" and \"I Only Have Eyes for You,\" songs I remember hearing as", "id": "10205883" }, { "contents": "Atopic dermatitis\n\n\ncommon in younger children. Males and females are equally affected. Many people outgrow the condition. Atopic dermatitis is sometimes called eczema, a term that also refers to a larger group of skin conditions. Other names include \"infantile eczema\", \"flexural eczema\", \"prurigo Besnier\", \"allergic eczema\", and \"neurodermatitis\". People with AD often have dry and scaly skin that spans the entire body, except perhaps the diaper area, and intensely itchy red, splotchy, raised lesions to form in the", "id": "19198579" }, { "contents": "Istanbul 10\n\n\nrights defenders’ statements about me? As a result, I went to jail. I stayed there for four months and ten days. I was the mayor of Istanbul at the time. What did I do? I read only one poem. Now, those people you mentioned, why did they gather in Büyükada? Unfortunately, they gathered for a meeting, which was simply a continuation of July 15. As a result of an intelligence report, police organization raided and detained them. I do not know what will happen", "id": "9147285" }, { "contents": "Tony Latone\n\n\nhis family at an early age, Tony only had a fifth-grade education. According to one story, Tony was always paid in cash, a common occurrence for other players of the day. One day, several Maroons players found some money on the bench that belonged to Tony. They asked him, \"What are you doing, Tony? Why don't you get yourself a checking account?\" Tony didn't understand how a checking account worked and didn't want to get one. But because the other players", "id": "12640778" }, { "contents": "Piston (music)\n\n\nterm \"pistoñ\". As he states on his website (translated): \"I always call the instrument by its real name; oboe or baroque oboe. I suppose I could call it an Olluphone, tromblophone or some other fantastic name. Why in Brittany and only in Brittany do people call a Baroque oboe a pistoñ? One can only wonder that information available since the fifteenth century has not yet been received! Why give the name of a brass instrument to a woodwind?\" (In French, \"piston\"", "id": "19986144" }, { "contents": "Why We Get Fat\n\n\nproblem of finding food yet our body is still set up to eat as much as possible and store as much as possible for famine times. This leads to excess weight to be put on. Taubes compares getting fat to smoking cigarettes: \"Not every long-term smoker gets lung cancer — in fact, only a minority do — but among people with lung cancer, smoking is by far the most common cause. In a world without cigarettes, lung cancer would be a rare disease, as it once was,\"", "id": "1317679" }, { "contents": "Why Nations Fail\n\n\nsociety in which a small rich group controls most of the wealth and rules the poor majority. As the ruling class, the rich receive taxation from the economy's output and they decide on the taxation rate as the only means of extraction. The poor majority can either take what is offered to them by the rich after they tax the output (the economy's output after tax divided by the population size), or they can choose to revolutionize against the ruling class, which comes with a certain cost. In a revolution", "id": "15998398" }, { "contents": "Political opportunism\n\n\nout doing \"just anything\". A politician may be a \"clever talker\" who can justify anything, but if there is a big discrepancy between the talk and what is actually being done, people are usually unlikely to believe it for very long. They know that things \"do not match up\", even if they do not know exactly why, and may become indifferent to whatever is being said. Continual political opportunism ultimately reduces the scope of politics to a visionless realpolitik or a barren pragmatism that may only function", "id": "22002777" }, { "contents": "Value-form\n\n\nperson becomes the species-model for another, just as commodities need to relate to each other and to money to establish what the magnitude of their value is. Marx's description of what goes on in commodity exchanges highlights not only that value relationships appear to exist between commodities quite independently of the valuers, but also that people accept that these relationships exist, even although they do not understand exactly what they are, or why they exist at all. We know that a particular market exists, if there are buyers and sellers", "id": "535122" }, { "contents": "Vaychi\n\n\neye that refused to enjoy what did not belong to it — Potiphar's wife — as reported in The Sifre taught that Jacob demonstrated in the model of how to admonish others when one is near death. The Sifre read to indicate that Moses spoke to the Israelites in rebuke. The Sifre taught that Moses rebuked them only when he approached death, and the Sifre taught that Moses learned this lesson from Jacob, who admonished his sons in only when he neared death. The Sifre cited four reasons why people do not admonish others", "id": "6402392" }, { "contents": "Irritation\n\n\nwarm compresses and use topical corticosteroid creams. Eczema is another cause of chronic irritation and affects millions of individuals. Eczema simply means a dry skin which is itchy. The condition usually starts at an early age and continues throughout life. The major complaint of people who suffer from eczema is an itchy dry skin. Sometimes, the itching will be associated with a skin rash. The affected areas are always dry, scaly, reddish and may ooze sometimes. Eczema cannot be cured, but its symptoms can be controlled. One", "id": "16565672" }, { "contents": "Murray Waas\n\n\nhealthcare issues, the cervical cancer vaccine.\" Among the questions that he raised with Halloran are: \"Why isn't that vaccine going to get to the people it should get to? Is it going to be locked away?\" Asked during the same interview by Halloran why Waas had chosen not only not to appear on cable television shows, but had also been known to decline to go on such shows as \"Nightline\" and \"Meet the Press\", he responded: \"There's not much of it that", "id": "3078312" }, { "contents": "Ryan Sheckler\n\n\nwith only half of the planned episodes completed in the final season. Sheckler later explained the decision to cease production, which was entirely his own: When I started the show I said, \"If it gets me away from my actual skateboarding fans and gets me away from skateboarding, then I'm not going to do the show anymore.\" That's why our third season was only six episodes; we cut it in half. I was, like, \"I can't do it anymore! It's going to", "id": "20503516" }, { "contents": "The Sweet Hereafter (novel)\n\n\nshe unexpectedly accuses Dolores Driscoll, the driver, of speeding and thus causing the accident. When she does so, all hopes of ever receiving money are thwarted. All the people involved know that Nichole is lying but cannot do anything about it. Only her father knows why, but he is unable to publicly reveal his daughter's motives. The novel captures the atmosphere in a small town suddenly shaken by catastrophe. Fathers take to drinking; secret affairs are abruptly ended; whole families move away. Only the reader/", "id": "5326115" }, { "contents": "Feeling\n\n\nsomething other than what they currently feel, as they believe the pain to be not as bad as their actual problem. Distraction is not the only reason why many individuals choose to inflict self-harm. Some people inflict self-harm to punish themselves for feeling a certain way. A gut feeling, or gut reaction, is a visceral emotional reaction to something. It may be negative, such as a feeling of uneasiness, or positive, such as a feeling of trust. Gut feelings are generally regarded as not modulated", "id": "2847937" }, { "contents": "La Salette of Roxas College\n\n\nearn extra rice. The earned goods are donated on Christmas Day to people of remote areas in the town. La Salette of Roxas offers a top quality education not only in academics but also in yearning the youth to Christian Values that is why an added subject \"Religion\" is in the curriculum from pre-school to college. The person teaching the subject can only be either a priest or a nun. However, most of the time, the Sisters get the position in teaching Christian Formation. Before, religion classes take", "id": "5822004" }, { "contents": "Outing\n\n\nWe were not going to wait for the perfect, utopian future to arrive before equalizing the two: We were going to do it now. That's what outing really is: equalizing homosexuality and heterosexuality in the media.\" (\"Why I Oppose Outing\", \"OutWeek\", May 29, 1991) Their aim is not only to reveal the hypocrisy of those in what Branch termed the \"closets of power\" but also a gay person awareness of the presence of gay people and political issues, thus showing that", "id": "2473584" }, { "contents": "Ageism\n\n\n“People have a natural bias to hire people like themselves” (p.3). Lahey (2008) also stated within her research “Since it is more difficult for workers to determine why the failed to receive an interview than it is for workers to determine why they have been fired, firms that wish to retain only a certain type of worker without being sued would prefer to discriminate in the hiring state rather than at any point of the employment process” (p. 31). All states in the US prohibit youth under", "id": "16995514" }, { "contents": "Communication and Leadership During Change\n\n\nattitudes that leaders can give to employees to help them accept change. From \"Why?\" to \"What new opportunities will this provide?\" When they ask \"why,\" focus on the benefits that the change will provide them and the organization. Do NOT feel uncomfortable if you are feeling hesitation about the change are also human. By spelling out the benefits, you will not only comfort them, but help to convince yourself too. From \"How will this affect me?\" to \"What", "id": "10992922" }, { "contents": "Small schools movement\n\n\nmake the problem worse.) Consequently, many people are looking for another way, and small schools can't be ignored much longer.\" Why do we keep building gigantic schools when we have such promising data? Dr. Grauer attributes this not only to economics, but to prevailing myths about American education: \"Our collective memory of high school includes nostalgia such as proms, football games, exciting social lives, romance, and first cars. No matter that such memories do not apply to most students. The average high school", "id": "3657990" }, { "contents": "Music radio\n\n\nget good ratings or revenue if they frequently play songs unfamiliar to their audience. This is why \"Top 40\" stations played only the biggest hits and why oldies and classic rock formats do the same for the eras they cover. An inherent danger to this philosophy is that closed-campus work environments, such as retail, foster an environment where listeners hear the station continuously for several hours, multiple days in a row, which can become unpleasant after a short amount of time. Oldies and related formats do have an inherent", "id": "739413" }, { "contents": "Wog\n\n\n. They were, \"Why? Why they say this about the Greek people?\" You know? But then when they see what we've done with it—and this is the twist—that we've turned it into a term of endearment, they actually really get into that... Thus, in contemporary Australia, the term \"wog\" may, in certain contexts, be viewed as a \"nickname\" rather than a pejorative term—akin to the nicknames ascribed within Australian English to other historically significant cultural groupings", "id": "15683777" }, { "contents": "Sublimation (psychology)\n\n\nfor the pursuit of a direct satisfaction which would be contrary to one's ideals or to the judgment of social censors and other important people who surround one. The substitution might not be quite what we want, but it is the only way that we can get part of our satisfaction and feel secure, too. Sullivan documented that all sublimatory things are more complicated than the direct satisfaction of the needs to which they apply. They entail no disturbance of consciousness, no stopping to think why they must be done or what the", "id": "14025729" }, { "contents": "Jenna Marshall\n\n\nsitting on her bedroom floor crying, Marshall hears movement around her room and calls out, “whose there?” only to get no response. At Aria's front door, Jenna demands to know what Aria was doing in her house. Montgomery asks her if she wants to come inside for a cup of tea but all Marshall would like is an answer. Aria tells her she heard about Shana's death and wanted to see if she was doing okay, prompting Jenna to wonder why she'd even care. Aria reminds", "id": "13333518" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Huawei\n\n\nby calling it \"the first phone with a Halal prayer feature\" and describe the event as the \"Islamic conversion of Huawei\". Later, Huawei published an official statement via Sina Weibo, stating that the feature was only a personalized notification service designed for \"certain overseas regions\" that was not available in China. Netizens questioned why promotion of that feature was available on the company's Chinese website in the first place if that was not the intended area but those comments were deleted before getting any response. A Taoist priest", "id": "9505059" }, { "contents": "Ek Tha Chander Ek Thi Sudha\n\n\nChandar calls Ramu, tells Sudha to sit and listen to all what he says from now, he will take care of all else. Sudha says she had already asked him to get her a library card, she will only study if she will have books. Chandar goes saying he will get it made. Next morning, Sudha comes downstairs calling Mai. She wonders why everything so silent is. This means it is nothing to get tensed. She comes out to see Papa scolding the servants why they didn’t water plants", "id": "20415034" }, { "contents": "Persuasion\n\n\n, scarcity \"works\" better. To get people to believe that something is scarcer, marketers explain what about that certain product provides what no other product does. Marketers also get people to believe something is scarce by telling them what they will lose, not what they will gain—using statements like, \"You will lose $5,\" rather than, \"Save $5.\" There are two major reasons why the scarcity principle works: When this happens, we assign the scarce item or service more value simply", "id": "5066923" }, { "contents": "Chong-Sik Lee\n\n\nHaving devoted the past 55 years to collecting historical records, Lee remarked, “By reading various records, I can gain insight as to why certain events occurred, what led to the occurrence of these events, and why historical figures took particular actions.” Lee often tells his students that “the true advancement of scholarship is only possible through a repetitive process of inquiry” and advises them to “accept new theories but to investigate with curiosity when these theories are unconvincing.” He is the author of \"The Politics of", "id": "14558531" }, { "contents": "The Assignment (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)\n\n\nis doing and why. Dax spots the modifications, and thinking there is a saboteur loose alerts the Operations staff. O'Brien realises that the entity inhabiting Keiko is probably a Pah-wraith from Bajoran legends but this doesn't help him devise a way to stop it, knowing it only needs a fraction of a second to kill Keiko. O'Brien is forced to point Odo in the direction of Rom to divert suspicion from himself. Rom is incarcerated but refuses to divulge anything about what he was doing and why. He explains that", "id": "22075019" }, { "contents": "Tagalog people\n\n\nappearance of an omen creature such as tigmamanukan, or sightings from the future. The dream omens do not leave traces on what a person must do to prevent or let the dream come true as it is up to the person to make the proper actions to prevent or make the dream come true. The omen dreams are only warnings and possibilities 'drafted by Bathala'. Additionally, a person may sometimes encounter nightmares in dreams. There are two reasons why nightmares occur, the first is when the \"kakambal\" soul encounters", "id": "21213729" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Facebook\n\n\n\"There's a profound lack of empathy in asserting that the only reason why someone could have voted the way that they did is because they saw some fake news\". Zuckerberg affirms the idea that people do not stray from their own ideals and political leanings. He stated, \"I don't know what to do about that\" and, \"When we started, the north star for us was: We're building a safe community\". Zuckerberg has also been quoted in his own Facebook post, \"Of all", "id": "21923940" }, { "contents": "Open Casket\n\n\n. Schutz responded through comments to reporters about how and why the painting was made: I don't know what it is like to be black in America but I do know what it is like to be a mother. Emmett was Mamie Till's only son. The thought of anything happening to your child is beyond comprehension. Their pain is your pain. My engagement with this image was through empathy with his mother. ... Art can be a space for empathy, a vehicle for connection. I don't believe that people", "id": "125121" }, { "contents": "Aphex Twin\n\n\nreally don't know why. I select songs for certain [names] and I just do it. I don't know what it means.\" In 2001, he commented on the speculation connected to many anonymous electronic artists: \"A lot of people think everything electronic is mine. I get credited for so many things, it's incredible. I'm practically everyone, I reckon—everyone and nobody.\" Writing in \"The Guardian\" in 2001, journalist Paul Lester described James as \"the most inventive and", "id": "21715234" }, { "contents": "Joan Carr-Wiggin\n\n\nthe barriers women face in the industry:So many young men on set—sometimes I fear it’s 100% of them—are convinced they can be the next Orson Welles. Yet when I ask smart, capable young women working on set, “Hey, why don’t you think about directing?” most of them immediately reply, “Oh I could never do that.” Why do they think that? They think that because too many people are saying women can’t do the job. Or can only", "id": "16864958" }, { "contents": "Habitat destruction\n\n\nand education status of people in certain areas. Most of the exponential human population growth worldwide is occurring in or close to biodiversity hotspots. This may explain why human population density accounts for 87.9% of the variation in numbers of threatened species across 114 countries, providing indisputable evidence that people play the largest role in decreasing biodiversity. The boom in human population and migration of people into such species-rich regions are making conservation efforts not only more urgent but also more likely to conflict with local human interests. The high local population", "id": "13094571" }, { "contents": "Bargaining (Desperate Housewives)\n\n\nbecause she is the only thing he is passionate about and has no idea what he wants to do with his future. Carlos is finally getting Latino Businessman of the Year and will be taking a family picture with the mayor. Gaby is called down to the school to get Juanita because she put on Gaby's makeup. When Gaby asks her why she did it, Juanita tells her that is trying to look like her because some girls at school saw Gaby picking her up and decided she must be adopted as she wasn't", "id": "5135268" }, { "contents": "The Skin I'm In\n\n\nin school. Only bullies force you to pay more than you’d like, so life for Maleeka just gets harder, until she learns to stand up for herself and love the skin she's in. Bullying in school can be a terrible experience, and yet sometimes it can be quite hard to see the reason for the bullying. Why, for instance, would a black boy tease a black girl about being black? \"John-John McIntyre is the smallest seventh grader in the world. Even fifth graders can see", "id": "4724873" }, { "contents": "Kelly Severide\n\n\n. He and particularly Gabby think Dallas is trying to replace/get them all fired. Patterson doesn't understand this accusation when he is asked several times as he's shown to have a hard time understanding what he's doing wrong as he is only trying to do his job but the fact that he is slightly unfriendly makes them all wary of him. Benny gives Severide a file on him to ultimately blackmail Patterson, Severide decides to hand the file to him. Patterson still doesn't understand why he would give it to", "id": "1364249" }, { "contents": "Dorothea Puente\n\n\nyou have lived. I submit to you ladies and gentlemen that is why these people came to testify for Dorothea Puente ... I think you can only truly understand why so many people testified and asked you to spare Dorothea's life only if you have ever fallen down and stumbled on the road of life and had someone pick you up, give you comfort, give you love, show you the way. Then you will understand why these people believe Dorothea's life is worth saving. That is mitigating. That is a human", "id": "7087042" }, { "contents": "Pfrimer's parakeet\n\n\nfruits, berries, and seeds; though they have been known to eat certain flowers, insects, and their larvae. Currently the Pfrimer's parakeet is Endangered. Since they only live within a small area human activities affecting their habitat are devastating. Currently there are anywhere from 20,000–49,000 individuals living in Brazil. This number is decreasing as deforestation and habitat degradation increase within their range. Anthropogenic activities, such as agriculture, mining, and hunting are reasons as to why the population is currently decreasing. According to the IUCN there has", "id": "3975473" }, { "contents": "White Blood Cells (album)\n\n\nto be suckered into it? Why do we have to buy a cell phone, you know what I mean? A lot of that stuff upsets me. It gets annoying,\" said Jack White. The album's title alludes to the increasing media attention the band was receiving, which would only increase after release. \"The name, \"White Blood Cells\", for the album, is this idea of bacteria coming at us, or just foreign things coming at us, or media, or attention on the band", "id": "6002625" }, { "contents": "Laugh track\n\n\n\"If you ever try to do a show without a laugh track, you'll see a huge difference...[I]t flattens. The only way to get away from a laugh track is to use music, which can indicate when something is funny.\" On sweetening, he continued, \"Then it's determined by the taste of the producers – by the morality of the producers...[A]fter a while, you learn that it is valueless. In the extremes, people are going to hear it and say, 'Why are", "id": "18677542" }, { "contents": "Why We Suck\n\n\npeople seeking help the one thing no one has ever told them to do (\"shut the fuck up\"), which he believes would help people more than actual advice. Leary also uses the \"Doctor\" title because of an honorary doctorate bestowed upon him by his alma mater Emerson College. \"Sure it’s just a celebrity type of thing-they only gave it to me because I’m famous.\" Leary jokes. \"But it’s legal and it means I get to say I’m a doctor-", "id": "8229139" }, { "contents": "Joh, Una\n\n\ngetting Rs. 8.50 per kgs. wheat and Rs. 10 per kg rice then why should he put labour, plough his field and wait for six months to cut the crop that is dependent on rain water only. Roads are being made in the villages just to sell the motorcycles and scooters to these rural people on installments and what not. Capitalists are very concerned with the development of villages while they are recruiting people in their factories through contractors on contractual labour. Amb: 15 kmbr Dera Gopipur: 15 kmbr Talwara:", "id": "7192808" }, { "contents": "Melasma\n\n\ncheek, nose, lips, upper lip, and forehead. These patches often develop gradually over time. Melasma does not cause any other symptoms beyond the cosmetic discoloration. Melasma is thought to be the stimulation of melanocytes (cells in the dermal layer which transfer a pigment called melanin to the keratinocytes of skin) when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet light from the sun. Small amounts of sun exposure can make melasma return to the skin after it has faded, which is why people with melasma often get it again and again", "id": "21178545" } ]
Why do US '18 Wheelers' and EU 'lorries' look so different?
[{"answer": "In most European countries the overall length of a truck is limited to less than 20 meters. So the American way of building a truck would cost around 10% of the maximum length to put the engine in front of the drivers seat. European trucks put the driver on top of the engine and so can have longer lorries. The disadvantage is that service of the engine is more complicated because you have to tilt the driver's cabin in order to get to the engine. There's not so much difference regarding the ability to sleep in the vehicle or the size of the engines. The engines of modern Mercedes Actros are quite similar in displacement (11-15l) and power (400-500 HP) to the Mack MP7 and MP8 engines."}, {"answer": "Multiple reasons, but mostly, just works better for the task. In the US (also Canada, and Australia, where the \"pointy nose\" trucks are common), roads are wider, city driving is less common or non-existent, and long-hauls ( > 300 miles) are commonplace. In EU/UK, 300 miles can put you a country or two away, here in US, it doesn't even get you half way across a single state. The US trucks have \"sleepers\", that big box behind the cab is a room with a bed and bathroom so you can sleep in the truck on a long drive. They're generally rated for higher towing loads, have bigger motors, and carry more fuel. Overall, there is an economy of scale, and these bigger trucks going further is actually more efficient (in terms of fuel and time per pound of cargo moved per mile). The downside is, they are larger and less maneuverable. An American big-rig with a full trailer honestly couldn't get around a European city center, they're just too big. TL;DR The truck is better suited to the type of driving and roads in the area."}, {"answer": "I'm fairly sure it's directly due to different laws. Apparently in the US, laws only define maximum length of the cargo, but place no restrictions on overall length. Source: URL_1 Although I didn't find clear indication of EU laws on quick gooling, I imagine EU legislation define maximum overall length of a vehicle. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I've noticed this too. I attribute it to the fact that in the US, our highways side streets and loading docks are HUGE. A lot of the roads I've been on in Europe would be real sketchy in my regular full sized pickup. Much less the back roads and alleys where these trucks load and unload."}, {"answer": "The European Union has some pretty strict laws on the maximum length of lorries: 12m for single unit trucks, 19.75m for semis and 25.75m (by heart) for single unit trucks with a trailer. Hoping to maximise the size of the trailers, the tractors are built to put as much power as possible in as little room as possible, so as not to exceed that 19.75 metre upper size limit for semis. In the USA, these size requirements are less strict. Afaik, it's completely legal to transport massive cargo across US highways, including complete houses. Since the limits are less hard, it's easier to use more conventional engine-before-cabin designs. A second reason to use the EU design is because the flat end means better forward visibility. Since there isn't an engine compartment right in front of you, there isn't a giant wedge that blocks vision to the road some distance ahead of you. *tiny edit* Sure, you still can't see what's within a metre or two ahead of you in either case because you're still high up, but with EU trucks this is easier to circumvent with a conveniently placed mirror. Trying the same on an US truck makes the mirror either uselessly small or so large it's in the way. Lastly, I cannot be so sure about the aerodynamics of the flat end, but I can assume that the flat heads are a bit lighter, so if there's a small aerodynamic difference between the two, there may be a bit of a trade-off, US trucks having a plus on aero, EU trucks having a plus on mass."}, {"answer": "I don't think anyone mentioned the length of the wheel base. A longer wheel base allows you to control a heavier load. A shorter wheel base gives you more maneuverability."}, {"answer": "I live in the USA and I've seen big trucks like that with flat noses too."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21133", "title": "NATO", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO ; ; '), also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance between 29 North American and European countries. The organization implements the North Atlantic Treaty that was signed on 4 April 1949. NATO constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its independent member states agree to mutual defence in response to an attack by any external party. NATO's Headquarters are located in Haren, Brussels, Belgium, while the headquarters of Allied Command Operations is near Mons, Belgium.", "The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO ; ; '), also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance between 29 North American and European countries. The organization implements the North Atlantic Treaty that was signed on 4 April 1949. NATO constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its independent member states agree to mutual defence in response to an attack by any external party. NATO's Headquarters are located in Haren, Brussels, Belgium, while the headquarters of Allied Command Operations is near Mons, Belgium.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "157736", "title": "Hybrid vehicle", "section": "Section::::Hybrid vehicle power train configurations.:Road safety for cyclists, pedestrians.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 96, "end_paragraph_id": 96, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["the plug-in option for commuters and urban motorists. A 2009 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration report examined hybrid electric vehicle accidents that involved pedestrians and cyclists and compared them to accidents involving internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEV). The findings showed that, in certain road situations, HEVs are more dangerous for those on foot or bicycle. For accidents where a vehicle was slowing or stopping, backing up, entering or leaving a parking space (when the sound difference between HEVs and ICEVs is most pronounced), HEVs were twice as likely to be involved in a pedestrian crash than ICEVs. For crashes involving cyclists or pedestrians, there was a higher incident rate for HEVs than ICEVs when a vehicle was turning a corner. But there was no statistically significant difference between the types of vehicles when they were driving straight.", "the plug-in option for commuters and urban motorists. A 2009 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration report examined hybrid electric vehicle accidents that involved pedestrians and cyclists and compared them to accidents involving internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEV). The findings showed that, in certain road situations, HEVs are more dangerous for those on foot or bicycle. For accidents where a vehicle was slowing or stopping, backing up, entering or leaving a parking space (when the sound difference between HEVs and ICEVs is most pronounced), HEVs were twice as likely to be involved in a pedestrian crash than ICEVs. For crashes involving cyclists or pedestrians, there was a higher incident rate for HEVs than ICEVs when a vehicle was turning a corner. But there was no statistically significant difference between the types of vehicles when they were driving straight."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "The Arcanum (novel)\n\n\nskill-set of a Marie Laveau. Eventually Wheeler decided to use the original personages, and create a new character, the enigmatic leader of the Arcanum — Konstantin Duvall. Wheeler's brother suggested a vital element of the tale with the question: \"Why can't it be their last adventure?\"\" The year is 1919 and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle must investigate the murder of his mentor (and founder of \"The Arcanum\"), Konstantin Duvall. To do so he must reunite the scattered members of the Arcanum", "id": "10252741" }, { "contents": ".eu\n\n\naverage. .ею, a top level domain using Cyrillic letters was put into operation on 1 June 2016. A Cyrillic domain was needed because Bulgaria, a member of the EU, uses the Cyrillic alphabet. The EU is called ЕС (Европейски Съюз) in Bulgarian Cyrillic, but .ес (in Cyrillic letters) is much too similar to .ec (in Latin letters), the existing top level domain of Ecuador, so .ею was chosen. (While the Latin and Cyrillic letters look identical, they do not use the same", "id": "14303563" }, { "contents": "European Court of Auditors\n\n\nWynn, an MEP who served on the Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control and reached the position of chairman, has also backed these calls, stating that it is impossible for the Commission to achieve these standards. In a report entitled \"EU Budget – Public Perception & Fact – how much does it cost, where does the money go and why is it criticised so much?\", Wynn cites consensus that practice in the EU differs from that in the US. In the US, the focus is on the financial information", "id": "6227804" }, { "contents": "Driving (horse)\n\n\npole or shafts. The \"leaders\" are all the animals in front of the wheelers. As they are also in front of the pole or shafts they cannot provide any braking effort. Wheelers and leaders in a team usually have somewhat different harness: wheelers usually have breeching so they can pull back on the shafts or pole; leaders do not need breeching, and nor do animals pulling a dragged load such as a plow (where all the animals are effectively leaders). Wheelers may not need breeching in very light", "id": "507447" }, { "contents": "Duty-free shop\n\n\nbe bought when arriving into an EU Member State as there is often a high local Excise Duty on these goods as well as the local sales tax (VAT/IVA/TVA) which is included in the price. In some EU Territories the tax on tobaccos and liquors is lower than in other EU countries, which is why the prices still seem competitive and look like duty-free prices. A good example is the difference in tobacco prices between the UK and Ireland, compared to Spain or Portugal. It is a", "id": "11825032" }, { "contents": "1842 general strike\n\n\nargues that Jenkins' account of the strike \"compels historians to reassess a number of crucial aspects in the country's political development\" (p. 13). In considering universal suffrage, he argues that \"historians have tended to emphasize the inevitability of Britain's progress towards majority rule. A study of 1842 supplies a useful corrective. It spurs us to look in a quite different direction to ask why universal suffrage was withheld for so long and what combination of forces made it possible to do this\" (p. 14) and", "id": "10942328" }, { "contents": "Guerrilla marketing\n\n\n. The reason why Nokia decided to use ostriches was that they are big animals, so people could easily look at them. There are enterprises that disseminate passes or tickets to different events. For example, Sony invests on joining promoters and tells them that they have to infiltrate in public meetings. What they have to do is to distribute free tickets to concerts and other musical events sponsored by the company . Another instance is the Spanish company Clickair (an extension of Iberia airlines), that developed a campaign in which a group", "id": "10667185" }, { "contents": "Retrocausality\n\n\n. Wheeler–Feynman absorber theory, proposed by John Archibald Wheeler and Richard Feynman, uses retrocausality and a temporal form of destructive interference to explain the absence of a type of converging concentric wave suggested by certain solutions to Maxwell's equations. These advanced waves don't have anything to do with cause and effect: they are simply a different mathematical way to describe normal waves. The reason they were proposed is so that a charged particle would not have to act on itself, which, in normal classical electromagnetism, leads to an", "id": "4213571" }, { "contents": "Risk and actuarial criminology\n\n\npublic policing, which confuses and fragments policing, which explains some patterns of behaviour in our day. Since risk and actuarial criminology does not focus on the causality of crime, which so many theories focus on, it suggests a different perspective and application to corrections. This theory suggests that we stop reacting and dealing with the aftermath of criminals, but look at pre-meditating factors such as why some groups have become dangerous? and what part of these societies do these groups threaten? It tells us that we need to better", "id": "9853726" }, { "contents": "Music history of the United States in the 1980s\n\n\n, Lorrie Morgan and Travis Tritt had their first big hits. Vocal duos were also popular because of their harmonies, most notably The Bellamy Brothers and The Judds. Several of the Bellamy Brothers' songs included double-entendre' laden hooks, on songs such as \"Do You Love as Good As You Look\". The Judds, a mother-and-daughter duo, combined elements of contemporary pop and traditional country music on songs such as \"Why Not Me\" and \"Grandpa (Tell Me 'Bout the Good", "id": "18854172" }, { "contents": "FIFPro\n\n\nmatch-fixing and threaten the very existence of credible football competitions\". Writing for the BBC, Matt Slater said \"professional footballers do not enjoy the same freedoms that almost every other EU worker does\", and that \"players look at US sport, and wonder why their career prospects are still constrained by transfer fees and compensation costs\". Barnes argues that \"the system encourages speculative, unsustainable, immoral and illegal investment models like third-party ownership of players\". The FIFPro board consists of eleven members, including", "id": "13295388" }, { "contents": "P. J. Snow\n\n\nof good and evil? How are these extremes of human experience represented in religion? How do we imagine things and how does our imagination differ from our dreams? Do all people think in the same way and, if not, are there greater differences between people from different societies, countries, cultures or races than between members of the same community? Where does belief and faith come from? What is the origin of racial conflict? Why is it so easy for politicians to persuade us to go to war? Why does", "id": "5083011" }, { "contents": "George Shaw Wheeler\n\n\nGeorge Shaw Wheeler (22 May 1908 – 18 October 1998) (known also as George S. Wheeler) was an American economist and advisor to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, best known for being the first American to defect over the Iron Curtain to Czechoslovakia in November 1947. Wheeler's defection inspired his friend Noel Field to do likewise the following year in 1949 and also US Senator Joseph McCarthy cited Wheeler's name when accusing US President Harry S. Truman of \"Trumanism,\" i.e., \"the placing of your political party above the", "id": "18534839" }, { "contents": "Why Did You Do That?\n\n\nresented it since he was upset at Ally's success and his failing career. Gaga on the other hand was vague about whether \"Why Did You Do That\" is a bad song saying: \"When we see her on \"Saturday Night Live\" and she’s singing a song about why do you look so good in those jeans, it’s almost the antithesis of where we started,\" Gaga said. \"That is relatively shallow.\" In \"A Star Is Born\", \"Why Did You Do That", "id": "6979867" }, { "contents": "Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?\n\n\n18 on the US \"Billboard\" 200 albums chart and sold over five million copies there. The album was re-released in 2002, under the title \"Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? (The Complete Sessions 1991–1993)\". This version of the album featured bonus tracks as well as B-sides from the singles lifted off the album. On 7 March 2018, the band's three surviving members announced they were releasing a special 25th anniversary newly remastered anniversary edition of the album,", "id": "4977108" }, { "contents": "Road pricing\n\n\nbuilding new infrastructure. However, it argued that buses and lorries should be exempted from road use charges on the grounds that the rise in costs could not be offset by cutting other heavy vehicle road taxes, which were already close to the minimum set in the EU's vignette directive. For private cars the report looked at the implications of fixed and regional kilometre charges but did not consider market or other methods for responding to varying local congestion. Before the adoption of any system, it proposed broad trials to establish the technical viability", "id": "6214066" }, { "contents": "Metamorphosis (Hilary Duff album)\n\n\nof her television popularity\", but they wanted to create a \"really fun, great pop record that Hilary could get behind personally\". According to Recke, the songs on the album were all \"molded around\" Duff. He cited this as the reason why the album \"feels so authentic\". According to Midnight, the album does not contain \"just a bunch of different songs that don't have anything to do with the others. When you look at the overall roster of songs, they all do fit", "id": "3327661" }, { "contents": "Battlefield 2\n\n\nhow or why the war broke out, though one likely theory is for control of oil reserves. In-game, the European Union and the United States fight China and the MEC. It is mentioned in-game that the US and EU are allies and the EU has negotiated a truce with Russia, but it is unknown if China and the MEC are allies. The game also takes place in different fronts, as the Middle East and China are being invaded by US and EU forces, and the United States is", "id": "10574626" }, { "contents": "Top Gear challenges\n\n\ndriving can be so hard, the presenters each bought a second-hand lorry for under £5,000. May bought a Scania P94D, Clarkson bought a Renault Magnum and Hammond bought an ERF EC11. Clarkson painted his lorry black, resulting in multiple visibility problems (because he also painted 2/3 of the windscreen black). Hammond tried to Americanise his lorry by attaching a dog kennel to the front of his lorry. May attached many flowers and decorations to make it look like an Indian lorry. After decorating their lorries, they", "id": "5679873" }, { "contents": "Lagonda flamethrower\n\n\nimminent, the flamethrower was seen as a suitable defensive weapon. The Petroleum Warfare Department under Donald Banks was set up. Rather than use petrol, a thickened fuel was developed (by R P Fraser at London University) which could be handled safely by pumps. To test this a Commer lorry was modified by the Lagonda Car Company to carry a turret with a projector. A parallel development was the \"Heavy Pump Unit\" from AEC which used a six-wheeler heavy lorry. The Heavy Pump Unit had two projectors:", "id": "20383124" }, { "contents": "Customer experience\n\n\n. Therefore, development into the conceptual and theoretical aspects are needed, based from customers’ perspective on the brand experience. This can be seen through different scholarly research. The reasoning behind the interest in CEM increasing so significantly is because businesses are looking for competitive differentiation. Businesses want to be more profitable and see this as a means to do so. Hence why businesses want to offer a better experience to their customers and want to manage this process efficiently. In order to gain success as a business customers need to be understood", "id": "10948631" }, { "contents": "Iambic pentameter\n\n\nhanging for \"not keeping of accent\". Derek Attridge has pointed out the limits of the generative approach; it has “not brought us any closer to understanding why particular metrical forms are common in English, why certain variations interrupt the metre and others do not, or why metre functions so powerfully as a literary device.” Generative metrists also fail to recognize that a normally weak syllable in a strong position will be pronounced differently, i.e. “promoted” and so no longer \"weak.\" Latin verse included lines of", "id": "2420434" }, { "contents": "Australia–Indonesia relations\n\n\n, I look forward to a day in the near future. The day when policy makers, academicians, journalists and other opinion leaders all over the world take a good look at the things we are doing so well together. And they will say: these two used to be worlds apart. But they now have a fair dinkum of a partnership. Why can’t we all do likewise? During the same visit, President Yudhoyono was appointed an Honorary Companion of the Order of Australia, the country's highest civilian honour,", "id": "19195715" }, { "contents": "Raymond Washington\n\n\nfight or do anything bad, but if someone came to him, he would protect himself. And he was well built. He tried to protect the community and keep the bad guys out. But after a while, every time I looked up, the police were coming to the house looking for Raymond.\" Some neighbors remembered Washington differently: Lorrie Griffin Moss, who resided across the street from Washington on E 76th Street, said, \"I don't have a whole lot of good to say about Raymond. Raymond", "id": "7636501" }, { "contents": "Wheeler & Woolsey\n\n\nLee usually played Bert's romantic interest. The Wheeler & Woolsey movies are loaded with joke-book dialogue, original songs, puns, and sometimes racy double-entendre gags: WOMAN (coyly indicating her legs): Were you looking at these?br WOOLSEY: Madam, I'm above that. WOOLSEY (worried about a noblewoman): She's liable to have us WHEELER: Beheaded?! Can she do that?br WOOLSEY: Sure, she can be-head. (i.e., \"She can be had.\"", "id": "6596265" }, { "contents": "Tiffany Butcher\n\n\nand flees. Tiffany's uncle Billie Jackson (Devon Anderson) saves her from being crushed by the dustbin lorry. The day before Ricky and Bianca's wedding, Bianca's mother Carol (Lindsey Coulson) arrives looking for Billie. Bianca and Carol do not get on so Carol decides not to stay, even though Tiffany and Liam want her to. Tiffany's uncle Robbie (Dean Gaffney) also attends the wedding and looks forward to seeing Wellard but is unaware that Wellard is dead until Tiffany tells him. After the wedding", "id": "11379898" }, { "contents": "Why Did You Do That?\n\n\nrecording was carried out at Woodrow Wilson in Hollywood, California, and Shangri-La Studios in Malibu, California. \"Why Did You Do That?\" was mixed by Tom Elmhirst at Electric Lady Studios in New York and was mastered by Randy Merrill at Sterling Sound Studios. The song opens with Ally singing the lines, \"Why do you look so good in those jeans? / Why'd you come around me with an ass like that?\" Warren had thought about the line and Gaga agreed to include it as", "id": "6979864" }, { "contents": "Elmet (Mozley novel)\n\n\nElmet is the 2017 debut novel by Fiona Mozley. In September 2017, it was shortlisted for the 2017 Man Booker Prize. The narrator who speaks in the sections in cursive seems to be looking for somebody against a modern landscape of highways, lorries and café stopovers. We will come to realise that this is Daniel, who used to live in the middle of the forest with Daddy and big sister Cathy. There is mystery about the comings and goings of the father, and why the mother is always absent. Little by", "id": "644088" }, { "contents": "Justus Lipsius building\n\n\nits headquarters. This followed an advanced implementation of an agreement by European Union leaders, during ratification of the Nice Treaty, to do so at such a time as the total membership of the EU surpassed 18 Member States. Prior to this, summits of the European Council were based in the EU member state that held the rotating Presidency of the Council of the EU. A number of renovations were made to the building to accommodate the increased demands of both institutions and growing EU membership, including the conversion of the building's basement", "id": "18679122" }, { "contents": "Burglary (Bottom)\n\n\nto do. Richie says that the burglars might be looking for drugs, so Eddie suggests throwing Lemsip down the stairs for them. Eddie goes back into his bedroom and brings a service revolver back out with him, and goes to shoot the lock off the hatch into the attic, until Richie asks why they do not use the key. There is no ladder, as it was confiscated by the police when some nurses moved in next door, so Richie has to climb on Eddie's back to reach. Richie falls off", "id": "6292184" }, { "contents": "Panama (Prison Break)\n\n\nfurther tells Wheeler that he did not do a good job of covering his tracks, as if he wanted it to be known who had betrayed him. Wheeler looks at Mahone with fear and says to his face, \"You're a killer, Alex.\" He mentions Mahone's string of crimes, including the deaths of Oscar Shales, David Apolskis, and John Abruzzi, Mahone replies that Wheeler reminds him of a younger version of himself. He advises Wheeler \"Don't let anyone scare you into doing the wrong thing", "id": "18097192" }, { "contents": "Rasony District\n\n\nthe interpreter. A German. But people say: 'You're doing wrong ... mister interpreter.' 'Why,' he says, 'am I doing wrong?' 'My husband was called up in the first mobilization... What are you punishing us so for?...' Then the interpreter started to look how people were lying - who was alive. It was already rather late. And those polizeis... They sure had their fun with us!... First of all they took Lida Bychowcowa and dragged her along", "id": "5440345" }, { "contents": "Fragile (Yes album)\n\n\n\"There was this endless discussion about how the band could be used ... I felt we could use all five musicians differently ... So I said—brightly—'Why don't we do some individual things, whereby we all use the group for our own musical fantasy? I'll be the director, conductor, and maestro for the day, then you do your track, and so on.'\" Wakeman commented on the album's structure. \"Some critics thought this was just being flash. The thinking behind this was that we", "id": "45170" }, { "contents": "European Union value added tax\n\n\nThe European Union value added tax (or EU VAT) is a value added tax on goods and services within the European Union (EU). The EU's institutions do not collect the tax, but EU member states are each required to adopt a value added tax that complies with the EU VAT code. Different rates of VAT apply in different EU member states, ranging from 17% in Luxembourg to 27% in Hungary. The total VAT collected by member states is used as part of the calculation to determine what each", "id": "11408010" }, { "contents": "Bradford's law\n\n\n, 20, 40, etc. journals, most researchers quickly realize that there is little point in looking further. Different researchers have different numbers of core journals, and different Bradford multipliers. But the pattern holds quite well across many subjects, and may well be a general pattern for human interactions in social systems. Like Zipf's law, to which it is related, we do not have a good explanation for why it works, but knowing that it does is very useful for librarians. What it means is that for", "id": "15925890" }, { "contents": "Weasels Ripped My Flesh\n\n\nMothers bassist Roy Estrada. On \"Didja Get Any Onya?\", George affects a German accent to relate a story of being a small boy in Germany and seeing \"a lot of people stand around on the corners asking questions, 'Why are you standing on the corner, acting the way you act, looking the way you look, why do you look that way?'\" The Rykodisc CD reissue of the album features different versions of \"Didja Get Any Onya?\" and \"Prelude to the Afternoon of", "id": "12172637" }, { "contents": "Women's March on Portland\n\n\nMichael Marshman, and members of the Portland Business Alliance, attended a press conference on January 18 during which organizers emphasized the importance of \"self-policing\". Wheeler said violence and vandalism would not be tolerated, and Marshman expressed the Bureau's support of the right to protest. Calling the march \"an incredible day for Portland\", Wheeler commented: \"This has been a very positive, family friendly event. A lot of people out here expressing their First Amendment rights and doing so in a peaceful way. There", "id": "9794162" }, { "contents": "Romanian alphabet\n\n\nVista OpenType fonts (Arial etc.) do not implement the codice_1 feature, even after the European Union Expansion Font Update, so old documents will look inconsistent as in the left side of the above figure. Select few fonts, e.g. Verdana and Trebuchet MS, not only have a consistent look for cedilla variants (after the EU update), but also do a simultaneous remapping of cedilla s and t to comma-below variants when codice_1 is activated. The free DejaVu and Linux Libertine fonts do not yet offer this feature", "id": "21664567" }, { "contents": "Lindsay Blackett\n\n\n're honest with ourselves … I look at it and say, 'Why do I produce so much shit? Why do I fund so much crap?'\" His criticism was widely publicized. There were complaints about his choice of words, and also, since Blackett's portfolio includes responsibility for culture, opposition MLAs and others called for his resignation. Blackett apologized for his language but not the sentiment. Blackett is married to Jennifer and the couple has two children. He is an active community volunteer. In addition to his", "id": "10801971" }, { "contents": "Missundaztood\n\n\n\"Get the Party Started\" won in the categories \"Best Female Video\" and \"Best Dance Video\". Many of the songs on the album contain strong language, and the song \"18 Wheeler\" in particular, contained many expletives. However, the album was censored in order to avoid a Parental Advisory warning. No uncensored studio versions of \"18 Wheeler\" exist, but P!nk performs the song uncensored during live performances. In the US, three different editions of \"Missundaztood\" were released in total. The", "id": "6203762" }, { "contents": "Ethical intuitionism\n\n\nfact that not all senses are limited to the five physical senses. However, this doesn't necessarily imply any further connection between the moral and aesthetic senses. The problem is made worse by the fact that there is so much widespread and apparently irresolveable disagreement about moral values. Why do these not get settled through the careful use of the moral sense? There are no long disputes about whether some object is green – these would be quickly settled if we just invited the disputing parties to look. Why does the moral sense not", "id": "18439290" }, { "contents": "Colombo Central Bank bombing\n\n\nthe suicide bomber in the lorry detonated the massive bomb, which tore through the bank and damaged eight other buildings nearby. The lorry was followed by a three-wheeler, carrying two LTTE cadres armed with automatic rifles and an RPG launcher. The blast killed at least 91 people and injured 1,400 others. At least 100 people lost their eyesight. Among the wounded were two US citizens, six Japanese, and one Dutch national. Most of these were bystanders or civilians manning small shops set up near the bank. While the", "id": "10267833" }, { "contents": "Morgan Freeman\n\n\nsuffer from the police. [...] Because of the technology—everybody has a smartphone—now we can see what the police are doing. We can show the world, Look, this is what happened in that situation. So why are so many people dying in police custody? And why are they all black? And why are all the police killing them white? What is that? The police have always said, 'I feared for my safety.' Well, now we know. OK. You feared", "id": "489847" }, { "contents": "Firearms regulation in Ireland\n\n\nothers: Not everyone is eligible to apply for a firearms certificate; those not eligible to apply are set out in Section 8 of the Firearms Act and include: The kinds of firearms which can be licensed in Ireland are governed by several different sections of law. EU law supersedes Irish law, but EU standards are far more relaxed than Irish ones so by and large the EU regulations do not come to the fore, except in the case of Category A firearms (the EU classification for automatic firearms) which are not licensable", "id": "14519607" }, { "contents": "Chris Waddle\n\n\nHenry named Waddle in his all-time Dream Team Line up. Following England's heavy defeat to Germany in the second round of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Waddle criticised the English Football Association, claiming: \"The FA sit on their backsides and do nothing tournament after tournament after tournament. Why don't they listen? Why don't they look at other countries and ask 'how do they keep producing talent?' We coach talent out of players ... We lack so many ideas and it is so frustrating. The", "id": "17236173" }, { "contents": "Slavery and States' Rights\n\n\nfirst \"tricked\" southerners into buying slaves, and then, once the south had heavily invested in this property, the north began to wage what Wheeler referred to as, \"a war upon the institution of slavery.\" Wheeler argued that the right of the South to secede from the Union was clearly a historically proven right. Wheeler quotes Horace Greeley, \"If the Declaration of Independence justifies the secession from the British Empire of three million colonists in 1776, we do not see why it would not justify the secession of", "id": "15975382" }, { "contents": "European Union wine regulations\n\n\nvineyards. Many winemaking practices depend on the classification of the wine – TW or QWpsr. Some practices also depend on where within EU the grapes are grown, since typical challenges to winemakers in colder or hotter climates are somewhat different. The defined European Union wine growing zones are used to regulate these practices, but some leeway is given for authorising deviations in vintages of exceptional climatic conditions. The reason why these regulations exist on the EU level is because of the common market inside the EU, which has led to a need to", "id": "3557889" }, { "contents": "Longer Heavier Vehicle\n\n\nand limited to an overall maximum weight of and in length for articulated lorries, and and for drawbar lorries. The restriction on overall length is why the majority of UK lorries are hauled by 'cab over' tractor units, although for the minority of UK uses where the weight limit is reached before the length limit, conventional trucks are legal. Longer, heavier vehicles (LHVs) is a classification given to any vehicle that is heavier and/or longer than these legal limits. This can involve basic extensions of the normal articulated or", "id": "15663390" }, { "contents": "Genesis (Heroes)\n\n\nprecognition as well, paints a mural of the nuclear destruction of Washington D.C. exactly where Isaac's mural in this episode is and looking exactly the same except a different city. Introduction: Where does it come from? This quest... this need to solve life's mysteries for the simplest of questions can never be answered. Why are we here? What is the soul? Why do we dream? Perhaps we would be better off not looking at all. Not delving, not yearning. That's not human nature, not", "id": "14976836" }, { "contents": "Culture assimilators (programs)\n\n\nthe two cultures were asked to explain why the problem or confusion occurs. When the explanations given by the students from culture A were different from the explanations given by members from culture B, there was something to teach. For example, teachers from the U.S. are annoyed that pupils from Latin America do not look at them when they talk. Why is that? The explanation is that in the U. S. people usually pay attention to the speaker by looking at the speaker, but in Latin America it is “insolent” to", "id": "7736607" }, { "contents": "Elbow Room (book)\n\n\nto come together and improve their condition by creating rules and enforcing them. We would be worse off if we did not do so. Again, an argument from utility. One final issue: if people do not have real behavioral choices, why not collapse into fatalism? Again, Dennett's argument is that we may not have behavioral choice, but we do have control of our behavior. Dennett asks us to look around at the universe and ask, can I even conceive of beings whose will is freer than our own", "id": "16487322" }, { "contents": "Evangeline\n\n\nhe was using the best meter by attempting a passage in blank verse. Even so, while looking over the proofs for a second edition, Longfellow briefly wished he had used a different poetic structure: The name \"Evangeline\" comes from the Latin word \"evangelium\" meaning \"gospel.\" The Latin word itself is derived from the Greek words \"eu\"—\"good\"—and \"angela\"—\"news\". Longfellow does not explicitly title the opening three stanzas as the prologue, but publishers generally treat these lines as such. The poem's story begins with", "id": "13719630" }, { "contents": "Take a Look in the Mirror\n\n\n’s to make aggressive, heavy music. Over the years … we were just experimenting. It always was Korn, but it was different spins on what we were doing. So this time we wanted to make an aggressive, heavy album and just kill it. And that’s why we’ve produced it ourselves. Nobody knows Korn better than ourselves.”. Davis also stated that he felt a return to basics nu metal album was needed in the music industry of 2003. He said \"Nothing coming out is really striking", "id": "18133465" }, { "contents": "Sulfur dioxide\n\n\n, and this is also the form which may be perceived as a pungent odor at high levels. Wines with total SO concentrations below 10 ppm do not require \"contains sulfites\" on the label by US and EU laws. The upper limit of total SO allowed in wine in the US is 350 ppm; in the EU it is 160 ppm for red wines and 210 ppm for white and rosé wines. In low concentrations, SO is mostly undetectable in wine, but at free SO concentrations over 50 ppm, SO becomes", "id": "5791978" }, { "contents": "K. Muthukumar\n\n\nwere also guilty of this murder. If so, are you also the murderers who killed Rajiv Gandhi? They say the British killed people in Jallianwallahbagh, but what are they doing in Mullaiththeevu and Vanni? Look at the children being killed there. Aren't you reminded of your children? Look at the women being raped? Don't you have a sister in that age? When Rajiv Gandhi was killed why where frontline leaders of the Congress not with him? Why did Jayalalithaa, an alliance partner, not go to take", "id": "9635332" }, { "contents": "Why We Disagree About Climate Change\n\n\ntaken such a dominant position in modern politics and why it is so contested. In the book, the author looks at the differing views from various disciplines, including natural science, economics, ethics, social psychology and politics, to try to explain why people disagree about climate change. The book argues that climate change, rather than being a problem to be solved, is an idea which reveals different individual and collective beliefs, values and attitudes about ways of living in the world. Max Boykoff writing for \"Nature Reports Climate", "id": "11509617" }, { "contents": "Wheeler–Kenyon method\n\n\nThis method primarily gives archaeologists a grid system to keep better organization of their findings while they dig their squares. These squares also give the archaeologists a very good look into the stratigraphy of the earth as it is uncovered and remains on the balk walls. The main reason to use this method is to more easily distinguish the different layers of earth that would signify and detail the occupational history of the site, which is primarily found in Tells. There are several problems associated with the Wheeler–Kenyon method. First, this stratigraphic", "id": "2371551" }, { "contents": "Candace Wheeler\n\n\nused any product made by slaves. So concerned was this endeavor of Abner, that the family used homemade maple sugar instead of cane sugar and linen woven from flax they grew on their farm instead of southern cotton. Looking back, Candace was convinced their farm had been a stop on the underground railroad. Candace attended an \"infant school\" where at age six she stitched her first sampler. Around age 11 or 12, Candace began attending Delaware Academy in Delhi. In 1876, Wheeler visited the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition. She", "id": "9936064" }, { "contents": "Mine a Million\n\n\nof the game is referred to as the lorry phase. Lorries can carry two units (unlike barges and ships, lorries do not have to be fully loaded and may travel with a single unit; lorries can also not carry units belonging to other players) and can travel as far as the Newport Warehouse at the centre of the board. Since lorries are cheap and the players start with very little money and few units, lorries are used to build initial capital. When a player has accrued sufficient cash, they are likely", "id": "639959" }, { "contents": "Eurozone\n\n\nGreece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain. Other EU states (except for Denmark and the United Kingdom) are obliged to join once they meet the criteria to do so. No state has left, and there are no provisions to do so or to be expelled. Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, and Vatican City have formal agreements with the EU to use the euro as their official currency and issue their own coins. Kosovo", "id": "14447974" }, { "contents": "Violence\n\n\nviolence from occurring, offering counseling and mentoring to help stop the cycle of violence. If the youth do not have a safe place to go after school hours they will likely get into trouble, receive poor grades, drop out of school and use drugs and alcohol. The gangs look for youth who do not have positive influences in their life and need protection. This is why these programs are so important for the youth to have a safe environment rather than resorting to the streets. For example, Derek grew up amongst the", "id": "2195011" }, { "contents": "A Tale of Two Cities\n\n\nSo wicked do destruction and secrecy appear to honest minds, that Mr. Lorry and Miss Pross, while engaged in the commission of their deed and in the removal of its traces, almost felt, and almost looked, like accomplices in a horrible crime. Sydney Carton's martyrdom atones for all his past wrongdoings. He even finds God during the last few days of his life, repeating Christ's soothing words, \"I am the resurrection and the life\". Resurrection is the dominant theme of the last part of the novel", "id": "21409582" }, { "contents": "Toll roads in Europe\n\n\nwithout massive State debts. Since then, road tolls have been introduced in the majority of the EU Member States. Road tolling has been a topic on the European Community level since the 1960s, when the Council published the Council Decision No. 64/389/EEC in order to collect data to serve as a basis for the establishment of a system of charging for the use of infrastructure under the common transport policy. However, the focus of the European Commission has rather been on lorries than on private cars, as lorries are concerned", "id": "15528394" }, { "contents": "Waterworld\n\n\nby Acclaim Comics in 1997. Kevin Costner did not permit his likeness to be used for the comics, so the Mariner looks different. The story reveals some of the Mariner's back-story as he gathers clues about where he came from and why he is different. The comic expands on the possible cause of the melting of the polar ice caps and worldwide flood, and introduces a new villain, \"Leviathan\", who supplied the Deacon's Smoker organization. The comic hints at the possibility that the Mariner's mutation", "id": "3541006" }, { "contents": "Urban economics\n\n\ntherefore market performance partly depends on geography.. If a firm locates in a geographically isolated region, their market performance will be different than a firm located in a concentrated region. The location decisions of both firms and households create cities that differ in size and economic structure. When industries cluster, like in the Silicon Valley in California, they create urban areas with dominant firms and distinct economies. By looking at location decisions of firms and households, the urban economist is able to address why cities develop where they do, why some", "id": "6865339" }, { "contents": "Greg Hardy\n\n\nnot to do so because \"we do the right things.\" On March 18, 2015, Hardy signed as a free agent a one-year, $11.3 million contract with the Dallas Cowboys. The Cowboys were looking for him to be a difference-maker at right defensive end and as expected, were criticized by the public and the media for the signing. On April 22, Hardy was suspended for the first 10 games of the 2015 season without pay due to violating the NFL Personal Conduct Policy. On July", "id": "1621282" }, { "contents": "Marsha Hunt (actress, born 1946)\n\n\nphotographer under such differing circumstances, though in her autobiography she expressed confusion as to why the photo has been so often reprinted. Hunt has also been photographed by Lewis Morley, Horace Ové, and Robert Taylor. In 1991, Hunt said that she met Mick Jagger when The Rolling Stones asked her to pose for an ad for \"Honky Tonk Women\", which she refused to do because she \"didn't want to look like [she'd] just been had by all the Rolling Stones.\" Jagger called her later", "id": "15617527" }, { "contents": "Ledo Road\n\n\nhands it was not possible to acquire information as to the topography, soils, and river behaviour before construction started. This information had to be acquired as the road was constructed. General Stilwell had organized a 'Service of Supply' (SOS) under the command of Major General Raymond A. Wheeler, a high-profile US Army engineer and assigned him to look after the construction of the Ledo Road. Major General Wheeler, in turn, assigned responsibility of base commander for the road construction to Colonel John C. Arrowsmith. Later", "id": "21406971" }, { "contents": "We're New Here\n\n\nhe does handwritten letters, not e-mail—and explain why I wanted to use some of his older vocal tracks on the album ... So after I wrote him the letter, he said I was free to do whatever because he knew what I was doing\". Scott-Heron was credited as a producer for the album, along with Russell and Malcolm Cecil, a producer and engineer on Scott-Heron's past work. The original vocals had been produced and engineered at Clinton Studios and Looking Glass Studios in New", "id": "13221850" }, { "contents": "Cooling load temperature difference calculation method\n\n\nto look at, all the requisite variables must be defined. The respective tables of data were generally developed by using the more complex transfer function method to determine the various cooling loads for different types of heating. The results gained by doing so are then normalized for each type of heat gain used for the tables, CLTD, CLF, and SCL. The first of the cooling load factors used in this method is the CLTD, or the Cooling Load Temperature Difference. This factor is used to represent the temperature difference between indoor", "id": "11070343" }, { "contents": "Pharaonism\n\n\na society whose values were so different from the present. One of the principle reasons why Pharaonism went into decline starting in the 1940s was because the Koran condemns ancient Egypt so strongly, making it very difficult for Egyptian Muslims to use the symbols of ancient Egypt without causing accusations of abandoning their faith Wood wrote a principle difference between Egypt and Mexico is that Mexicans can and do incorporate elements from Mesoamerican civilizations like the Olmecs, the Maya and the Mexica (Aztecs) which are seen as part of a national continuity interrupted by the", "id": "5415675" }, { "contents": "Tony Blair\n\n\nwithout exception or excuse. I will at the same time say why, nonetheless, I believe that it was better to remove Saddam Hussein and why I do not believe this is the cause of the terrorism we see today whether in the Middle East or elsewhere in the world\". Blair does not want the UK to leave the EU. Blair has called for a second referendum if Parliament cannot decide on the Brexit terms. Blair also maintains, once the terms deciding how the UK leaves the EU are known the people", "id": "13053996" }, { "contents": "Sodality\n\n\nfigure shows these three types of sodalities in relation to the Church and the broader community. Type A is wholly contained with the Church, while Types B and C have activities that impact on the community outside the Church. They do share some commonalities. When looking at the categories above it is easy to see why there is some confusion surrounding the roles and definition of a sodality. A sodality has come to be regarded differently by different people: Another way of determining a usable definition a sodality is to look at the anthropological", "id": "3358810" }, { "contents": "Thomas Lund (dancer)\n\n\nit in a way so it still works. That way you don't always do it the same way - what I'm doing on Friday might be a little different from last night because suddenly things fall out a little differently in the first act. So I need the intermission to reflect. And this is what I think is so wonderful about the Royal Danish Ballet, that we work so strongly with the tradition of acting, and that is probably why I'm still here, that I get from our repertory the opportunity", "id": "2633869" }, { "contents": "Burton K. Wheeler\n\n\nremains in force. Wheeler, an outspoken non-interventionist, opposed the U.S. entry into World War II. As tensions mounted in Europe, he supported the anti-war America First Committee. As chair of the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee, Wheeler announced in August 1941 he would investigate “interventionists” in the motion picture industry. He questioned why so many foreign-born men were allowed to shape American opinion. \"Critics charged that the Committee was motivated by animus to Jewish studio heads.\" Representing the studios was 1940", "id": "11552490" }, { "contents": "The Notorious K.I.M.\n\n\nbeen looking for. My whole image, to me, the reason why I came out with 'Hard Core,' the sexy thing, was to make me different from every other female rapper that was out. That's exactly what I'm trying to do now, is make myself different, because now we have a lot of rappers doing the same thing that I did when I came out the first time. What I'm trying to do is separate myself again from the rappers that are out now. —Lil", "id": "21012692" }, { "contents": "Portastatic\n\n\n[The Portastatic Label] 2001 - Looking For Leonard (CD) [Merge] 2006 - Who Loves the Sun (CD) [Merge] 1993 - Starter (7\") [18 Wheeler] 1994 - Naked Pilseners (7\"/CD EP) [Matador] 1994 - Hello CD of the Month (CD EP) [Hello] 1994 - San Andreas Couch (7\") [Ester] 1995 - Scrapbook X's (7\") [18 Wheeler] 1995 - Scrapbook EP (Double 7\"/CD EP) [Merge", "id": "13732316" }, { "contents": "Eidolon (band)\n\n\nwith the band. \"No. Why make another album that nobody buys? We did six records and that band got us [himself and brother Glen] into Megadeth, so I will always be thankful. I’ll never say anything bad about it. Glen and I did that band, but doing six records that didn’t sell and doing another one wouldn’t make any sense...I’ll do something with Glen, but it won’t be that. It would be something totally different because I don’t want to go", "id": "7850963" }, { "contents": "Danny Glover\n\n\nis projecting the interests of wealth and property. Look at the bailout of Wall Street. Why not the bailout of Main Street? He may be just a different face, and that face may happen to be black, and if it were Hillary Clinton, it would happen to be a woman... But what choices do they have within the structure?\" Glover wrote the foreword to Phyllis Bennis' book, \"Challenging Empire: How People, Governments, and the UN Defy US Power.\" Glover is also a member", "id": "6953317" }, { "contents": "Brexit and the Irish border\n\n\nEU citizens across the UK–Ireland border would continue. It has been suggested that the Norwegian model might be used. Along the Norway–Sweden border, major road crossings have customs control where all lorries are checked, but cars only occasionally, and on minor border crossings there is only video surveillance where lorries can pass with permission and pre-clearance. Former UK Prime Minister John Major has argued that Brexit might lead to a hard border since the European Union and the UK need to control their borders for customs purposes.", "id": "20870260" }, { "contents": "Patrick Quentin\n\n\n, so they created the pseudonym Q. Patrick by combining their nicknames—adding the Q \"because it was unusual\". Webb's and Kelley's literary partnership ended with Kelley's marriage to Stephen Wilson. Webb continued to write under the Q. Patrick name, while looking for a new writing partner. Although he wrote two novels with the journalist and \"Harper's Bazaar\" editor Mary Louise Aswell, he would find his permanent collaborator in Hugh Wheeler, a Londoner who had moved to the US in 1934. Wheeler's and", "id": "7376720" }, { "contents": "Evanescence\n\n\nselling albums: That's the part of him we often disagreed on. I wanted to do the more artistic weird thing and he'd wanna do the thing that people would want to hear...\" She adds \"So that's a lot of the reason [why] it's been so fun writing now, is [that] we're not thinking about that. It's like 'what do we like?', 'what's fun?', like 'what do we want to do that's different", "id": "5926299" }, { "contents": "TIR Convention\n\n\nguarantee backstops the importer's obligation to pay the taxes. TIR transits are carried out in bond, i.e. the lorry must be sealed as well as bearing the carnet. The security payment system is administered by the International Road Transport Union (IRU). The TIR procedure is mostly used with Eastern European countries that are not in the EU (e.g. Russia and Ukraine), Turkey, and parts of the Near East. Since the formation of the European single market, the TIR procedure has become unnecessary for intra-EU goods", "id": "2874304" }, { "contents": "Revelation Song\n\n\nwhy the trio recorded the song: This song captures the moment of looking up into Heaven, peeling back the curtain of eternity so we can peek in. If you keep your eyes on the Dow Jones or nuclear weapons in North Korea, you’ll always be nervous. Look to the awesomeness of God instead. Diante do Trono released a Portuguese version, \"Canção do Apocalipse\", on \"Aleluia\" in 2010. Newsboys released \"Revelation Song\" on \"God's Not Dead\" in 2011. Latin American worship", "id": "22012130" }, { "contents": "Black Water (2018 film)\n\n\nspeaker in the submarine so that the extraction team are aware of what is going on. A gunfire ensues. Rhodes' helper and the submarine crew kill each other. Ballard shoots Wheeler and escapes instead of killing Taylor, and Wheeler kills Rhodes. Wheeler and Taylor are vindicated by the CIA. They are told the CIA can not open a case file because the submarine is a black site and can not admit their guilt as that would show their incompetence. The CIA is currently looking for Ballard and direct Wheeler and Taylor to", "id": "3478800" }, { "contents": "Koinophilia\n\n\n. This work into averageness supports koinophilia as an explanation of what constitutes a beautiful face. Biologists from Darwin onwards have puzzled over how whose adult members look extraordinarily alike, and distinctively different from the members of other species. Lions and leopards are, for instance, both large carnivores that inhabit the same general environment, and hunt much the same prey, but look quite different. The question is why intermediates do not exist. This is the \"horizontal\" dimension of a two-dimensional problem, referring to the almost complete", "id": "14883487" }, { "contents": "European Referendum Campaign\n\n\nis far too complex for ordinary people to vote on. That they do not have the expertise necessary to make a decision on whether or not the treaty is valid. This is why people elect and pay politicians so that they can make these decisions on behalf of the people they are meant to represent. Another common criticism of referendums on the EU is that the public rarely vote on Europe and instead they vote on domestic issues, as was the case in the French or Dutch referendum on the treaty. Countries could also face", "id": "17858117" }, { "contents": "George Lewith\n\n\n, the clinical effects of homoeopathy, the effects and activity of herbal medicine, the clinical effects of the Alexander technique and the use and effectiveness of a variety of nutritional supplements and herbs. Lewith has also co-authored several studies indicating a lack of specific efficacy in some complementary therapies and techniques. He has also investigated how and why people use complementary medicine and is currently involved in two major EU projects. One looking at the use, delivery and possible future research strategies of complementary medicine in Europe and another relating to the", "id": "15609737" }, { "contents": "State of Palestine\n\n\nsovereign state of Palestine\". On 3 October 2014, new Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven used his inaugural address in parliament to announce that Sweden would recognise the state of Palestine. The official decision to do so was made on 30 October, making Sweden the first EU member state outside of the former communist bloc to recognise the state of Palestine. Most of the EU's 28 member states have refrained from recognising Palestinian statehood and those that do – such as Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia – did so before accession. On", "id": "10779435" }, { "contents": "MDK (video game)\n\n\nup with the most over-the-top way imaginable to open a door. Every level in the game was designed primarily by a different level designer, which is why every level looks and feels so different from all the rest. To ensure Kurt and the enemies in the game moved as realistically as possible, their movements were created using motion capture, a relatively new technology in video game development at the time. Unlike previous motion capture games, however, the motion scripts for individual limbs were split up, allowing the", "id": "10500604" }, { "contents": "Student-directed teaching\n\n\npeaceable government\" (Rush, qtd in Grant 169). The creation of pliable people erased, then, the acute morality of the populace, replacing it instead with mindless automation. Mass schooling teaches people how to do what they are told when they are told to do so. The problem, then, becomes evident: the massive education system cannot account for differences between its subjects, from different learning preferences to different teaching styles to different paces. Student-Directed Teaching asks, \"why do students all have to", "id": "16660415" }, { "contents": "Maintenance regulation\n\n\nthe maintenance regulation, in so far as it amends the Brussels regulation on jurisdiction. The regulation grants jurisdiction to Parties may however (in cases not involving children below 18) conclude an agreement giving (exclusive) jurisdiction to In addition, if a defendant appears in court proceedings in an EU country (while not disputing jurisdiction), then that court shall also have jurisdiction. If these rules do not grant jurisdiction to a Brussels regime (EU, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland) court, the court of the common nationality has", "id": "15510616" }, { "contents": "Construction field computing\n\n\nsmall system that works and then later add features. This gradual adoption reduces anxiety and increases acceptance and use. This work by Linda V. Orr discusses methods to reduce anxiety for new computer users. Consideration should be given to ensure that IA devices and different software packages communicate with each other so that information is not lost or re-entry is not required by the user. Users do not always know or care what software is being used or which database is being accessed and do not understand why they must enter the same information", "id": "494874" }, { "contents": "Lave Knud Broch\n\n\nthe Iraq war because the lack of a UN mandate. The fight against Taliban in Afghanistan is for example wrong because the western coalition cooperates with suspected war criminals, the civil losses are too great and the use of torture as a means of interrogation. Which is why Lave Broch argues for undeniable human rights in war and any other circumstances, that cannot be bent in times of distress without consequences. Lave Broch also argues that EU actions have been damaging in different conflict situations. For instance he mentions that the EU did", "id": "6774296" }, { "contents": "Beef hormone controversy\n\n\nsteps to reinstate retaliatory tariffs on the list of EU products under the dispute given continued concerns about US beef access to the EU market. The EU often applies the precautionary principle very stringently in regards to food safety. The precautionary principle means that in a case of scientific uncertainty, the government may take appropriate measures proportionate to the potential risk (EC Regulation 178/2002). In 1996, the EU banned imported beef from the US and continued to do so after the 2003 Mad Cow scare. A more sophisticated risk assessment found there", "id": "3533800" }, { "contents": "European Union's scientific cooperation beyond the bloc\n\n\nthe four EFTA members (all but Switzerland) participate in the EU's main research activities as associated states on the same footing as the EU member states. Switzerland, on the other hand, must negotiate a bilateral cooperation agreement with the EU for each framework programme, as well as in areas such as trade in goods and services, and adhere to the four cornerstones of the single market. The four EFTA members thus do not have a unified legal and political status vis-à-vis the EU, which is why", "id": "3673662" }, { "contents": "Mortimer Wheeler\n\n\n. In doing so, Piggott stated, Wheeler helped rid the society of its \"self-perpetuating gerontocracy\". To aid him in these projects, Wheeler employed a personal assistant, Molly Myers, who remained with him for the rest of his life. In 1956, Wheeler retired from his part-time professorship at the Institute of Archaeology. Childe was also retiring from his position of director that year, and Wheeler involved himself in the arguments surrounding who should replace him. Wheeler vocally opposed the nomination of W.F. Grimes,", "id": "5613587" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified organism\n\n\nby authorities responsible for food safety. Some nations have banned the release of GMOs or restricted their use, and others permit them with widely differing degrees of regulation. In 2016 thirty eight countries officially ban or prohibit the cultivation of GMOs and nine (Algeria, Bhutan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Peru, Russia, Venezuela and Zimbabwe) ban their importation. Most countries that do not allow GMO cultivation do permit research using GMOs. The European Union (EU) differentiates between approval for cultivation within the EU and approval for", "id": "12021570" }, { "contents": "Lynn Hill\n\n\nartificial walls, and that's not really ever something that I wanted to do as a full-time profession\". In her autobiography, she also comments on the \"bad sportsmanship, rule bending, and monumental egos that infested the competitions\". She looked for different challenges and set herself the task of free climbing (that is, using climbing aids only to protect her from falls) \"The Nose\", a famous route on El Capitan in Yosemite Valley. Asked why she was motivated to climb \"The Nose", "id": "107508" }, { "contents": "Wizards (film)\n\n\n, why bother animating all of this? I'm looking for a way to get realism into my film and get real emotion.\" In his audio commentary for the film's DVD release, Bakshi states that \"There's no question that it was an easier way to get these gigantic scenes that I wanted. It also was the way that showed me how to do \"Lord of the Rings\", so it worked two ways.\" In addition to stock footage, the film used battle sequences from films such as", "id": "21252848" } ]
Why do most schools all across the world teach English? Why is it valued so much?
[{"answer": "English has become common a language used in commerce transportation and science across the world. When a Spanish pilot tries to land on a French Airport they will talk English with the air-traffic control for example. English is often used as a Lingua Franca, a language used by two people who don't share the same native tongue to communicate with one another. Other languages were used for that purpose in the past usually the ones of the great empires and traders. English is just the last in a long row of languages used for this purpose that thanks to the British colonial efforts followed by the rise of its former north American colony to superpower status in the 20th century was predominant just in time for the development of global communication networks to make it *the* language everyone used to communicate with one another. It probably helps that English is as languages go rather easy to learn for many people. Everyone who has conquered parts of the British isle over the last few millennia has left parts of their own language in the mix that the natives spoke and once they started conquering of their own they imported vocabulary back home from whoever they encountered. They also dropped all the hard and complicated grammar stuff that the original languages had making it a very 'simplified' language."}, {"answer": "Students in a country can learn their native language and be able to speak to 1% of the world's population, or learn English too and be able to speak to around 30%. English is very widespread in western countries so is generally taught, if that makes sense"}, {"answer": " > I live in England so that's probably why I don't know. Oddly enough, that's quite relevant. British colonialism lead them to have a globe spanning empire that was one of the dominant world powers for much of the 19th and the early part of the 20th century. & nbsp; [This]( URL_0 ) was all under control of Great Britain just 96 years ago. And while the British influence waned due to the impact of two world wars and decolonization of much of that territory, one of their English speaking colonies that got away from them late in the 18th century, came out of WWII relatively unscathed, and sort of ended up taking their place as the biggest meanest bulldog in the junkyard."}, {"answer": "Once upon a time, the British spread all throughout the world and conquered very many countries. Often, when they did this, people in the countries they conquered would start learning English. Sometimes this was because the British would force them, other times it was because its really useful to be able to talk to the people who just conquered your country. Meanwhile, Britain was a very powerful country, so even people who didn't get conquered found it useful to learn English so they could talk to British people. Later, the United States grew more powerful than Britain, but because Americans also speak English, the language was just as useful. So what did all this lead to? The English language was 1) a good language for talking to powerful people and 2) spoken in many parts of the world. This means that it was in an ideal place to become a global *lingua franca* -- if two people meet, and one speaks Language X but the other speaks Language Y, it's likely they both speak English, so they will often talk in that. This lingua franca status and the fact that a few English-speaking countries are still very powerful means that many important international groups use English: conventions of scientists, air traffic controllers, politicians, etc. TL;DR: English lets you talk to a wider range of people, and more powerful people, than many other languages"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "407843", "title": "Education in China", "section": "Section::::English education.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 213, "end_paragraph_id": 213, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["on ended, China adopted the Open Door Policy, and the United States and China established strong diplomatic ties. An estimate of the number of English speakers in China is over 200 million and rising, with 50 million secondary schoolchildren now studying the language. In China, most schoolchildren are taught their first English lesson at the", "China's first contact with the English language occurred between the Chinese and English traders, and the first missionary schools to teach English were established in Macau in the 1630s. However, the emphasis of English education only emerged after 1979 when the Cultural Revolution ended, China adopted the Open Door Policy, and the United States and China established strong diplomatic ties. An estimate of the number of English speakers in China is over 200 million and rising, with 50 million secondary schoolchildren now studying the language. In China, most schoolchildren are taught their first English lesson at the age of 10."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "18803164", "title": "English people", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["English people are a nation and an ethnic group native to England who speak the English language. The English identity is of early medieval origin, when they were known in Old English as the \"Angelcynn\" (family of the Angles). Their ethnonym is derived from the Angles, one of the Germanic peoples w", "The English people are a nation and an ethnic group native to England who speak the English language. The English identity is of early medieval origin, when they were known in Old English as the \"Angelcynn\" (family of the Angles). Their ethnonym is derived from the Angles, one of the Germanic peoples who migrated to Great Britain around the 5th century AD. England is one of the countries of the United Kingdom, and the majority of people living there are British citizens."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "56332725", "title": "Teaching English as a second or foreign language", "section": "Section::::Teaching English as a second language.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 4, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 4, "end_character": 476, "bleu_score": 0.5126345417287919}]}]
[ { "contents": "Frances Cornford\n\n\nis soft as the breast of doves And shivering-sweet to the touch? O why do you walk through the fields in gloves, Missing so much and so much? /poem To which G. K. Chesterton replied in \"The Fat Lady Answers” in his \"Collected Poems\" of 1927: poem Why do you rush through the field in trains, Guessing so much and so much. Why do you flash through the flowery meads, Fat-head poet that nobody reads; And why do you know such a frightful lot", "id": "10970738" }, { "contents": "Why Do These Kids Love School?\n\n\nWhy Do These Kids Love School? is a documentary film directed by filmmaker, Dorothy Fadiman, which examines an independent school, Peninsula School, followed by visits to eight public schools around the country (pre-school through high school) all of which have innovative programs. What emerges is the value of implementing humane values and programs that value creative thinking, self-directed learning, and first-hand experience more than memorization of facts. The schools in the film are Peninsula School, Graham and Parks School in Cambridge,", "id": "13186425" }, { "contents": "Student-directed teaching\n\n\npeaceable government\" (Rush, qtd in Grant 169). The creation of pliable people erased, then, the acute morality of the populace, replacing it instead with mindless automation. Mass schooling teaches people how to do what they are told when they are told to do so. The problem, then, becomes evident: the massive education system cannot account for differences between its subjects, from different learning preferences to different teaching styles to different paces. Student-Directed Teaching asks, \"why do students all have to", "id": "16660415" }, { "contents": "Chris Waddle\n\n\nHenry named Waddle in his all-time Dream Team Line up. Following England's heavy defeat to Germany in the second round of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Waddle criticised the English Football Association, claiming: \"The FA sit on their backsides and do nothing tournament after tournament after tournament. Why don't they listen? Why don't they look at other countries and ask 'how do they keep producing talent?' We coach talent out of players ... We lack so many ideas and it is so frustrating. The", "id": "17236173" }, { "contents": "Ethical intuitionism\n\n\nfact that not all senses are limited to the five physical senses. However, this doesn't necessarily imply any further connection between the moral and aesthetic senses. The problem is made worse by the fact that there is so much widespread and apparently irresolveable disagreement about moral values. Why do these not get settled through the careful use of the moral sense? There are no long disputes about whether some object is green – these would be quickly settled if we just invited the disputing parties to look. Why does the moral sense not", "id": "18439290" }, { "contents": "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish\n\n\nblacked out. She has not been able to recall the substance of the epiphany. Noticing that Fenchurch's feet do not touch the ground, Arthur teaches her how to fly. They have sex in the skies over London. In a conversation with Fenchurch, she learns from Arthur about hitchhiking across the galaxy and Arthur learns that all the dolphins disappeared shortly after the world hallucinations. He and Fenchurch travel to California to see John Watson, an enigmatic scientist who claims to know why the dolphins disappeared. He has abandoned his original", "id": "19519235" }, { "contents": "Sky Coyote\n\n\ntwo. The Chumash go to their reward, the Company gets all the valuable information and samples it needs to sell to the rich and not-so-smart in the 24th century, and Joseph is left with a nagging doubt. For one thing, why does nobody know what happens after 2355, even though all history is available to the cyborgs up to that point? And why do cyborgs who talk too much about this tend to get suddenly reassigned? Why do the 24th-century people seem so cowardly and stupid", "id": "8154134" }, { "contents": "What's So Amazing About Grace?\n\n\nof the Prodigal Son, an account of Yancey's friendship with Mel White who came out as homosexual, a comparison of the teachings of early Christians Pelagius and Augustine of Hippo, and a summary of Karen Blixen's short story \"Babette's Feast\". Yancey was inspired to write \"What's So Amazing About Grace?\" after President Bill Clinton asked him, \"Why do Christians hate so much?\" Although Yancey initially intended to call the book \"What's So Amazing About Grace: and Why Don't Christians", "id": "10929167" }, { "contents": "The Browning Version (play)\n\n\nat Harrow School, J.W. Coke Norris (1874–1961). Andrew Crocker-Harris is a classics teacher at an English boys' school. After eighteen years of teaching there, today is his last day before moving on to a position at another school. The students speculate on why he is leaving, but do not much care since despite being academically brilliant, he is generally despised as being strict, stern and humourless. They have nicknamed him \"The Crock\". Even the school administrators treat him poorly regardless of his long", "id": "19303930" }, { "contents": "Self-determination theory\n\n\n's otherwise hidden value, helps students understand why the lesson is genuinely worth their effort, and communicates why the lesson can be expected to be useful to them. An example of SDT and education are Sudbury Model schools where people decide for themselves how to spend their days. In these schools, students of all ages determine what they do, as well as when, how, and where they do it. This freedom is at the heart of the school; it belongs to the students as their right, not to be", "id": "13925480" }, { "contents": "Symposium (Xenophon)\n\n\nthrough his studies with the sophists (3.2). Kallias agrees to do this, provided that each of his guests share whatever good thing he understands. Socrates agrees, but prefers that the guests should tell everyone upon what thing they place the most pride or value. They all do so, and then Socrates asks that they defend why the thing they named is worth being proud of (4.1). Only Kallias and Socrates are able to do so. The stage is set for a discussion of wisdom between these two,", "id": "311001" }, { "contents": "Soulja Boy\n\n\nasking me why do I make lyrical songs like 'Only God Knows,' 'Born'... 'The World So Cold,' and why do I make non-lyrical songs like 'Crank That' and 'Pretty Boy Swag'? And he was like, why don't I just be lyrical all the time? And I was telling him on [a] specific song, like 'Pretty Boy Swag,' I ain't wanna be all lyrical. I just wanted to be straight-up, and", "id": "10278361" }, { "contents": "Endless Forms Most Beautiful (book)\n\n\nas an important reason why we lack whiskers and tails.\" He also noted that nearly half of human protein-coding genes do not have homologues in fruit flies, so one could argue the opposite of Carroll's thesis and claim that \"evolution of form is very much a matter of teaching old genes to make new genes.\" The review in \"BioScience\" noted that the book serves as a new \"Just So Stories\", explaining the \"spots, stripes, and bumps\" that had attracted Rudyard Kipling's", "id": "1062754" }, { "contents": "Morgan Freeman\n\n\nsuffer from the police. [...] Because of the technology—everybody has a smartphone—now we can see what the police are doing. We can show the world, Look, this is what happened in that situation. So why are so many people dying in police custody? And why are they all black? And why are all the police killing them white? What is that? The police have always said, 'I feared for my safety.' Well, now we know. OK. You feared", "id": "489847" }, { "contents": "Value theory\n\n\nVarious approaches of Value theory examine how, why, and to what degree humans value things; whether the object or subject of valuing is a person, idea, object, or anything else. Within philosophy, it can be known as ethics or axiology. Early philosophical investigations sought to understand good and evil and the concept of \"the good\". Today, much of value theory aspires to the scientifically empirical, recording what people do value and attempting to understand why they value it in the context of psychology, sociology,", "id": "13765810" }, { "contents": "Ulfilas' Alphabet\n\n\n’ve been able to do them, it’s something I’ve always really wanted to do and over the past three years I’ve been getting more and more obsessed with film and I find it a really fascinating world. I love to merge film and music in all of the stuff we do, that’s why it’s nice to do music videos to have a bridge into that world, but yeah I’m still cutting my teeth, it’s so much fun, I’m really enjoying it.\" \"Ulifas'", "id": "5015903" }, { "contents": "Death Takes a Holiday (musical)\n\n\nscale of killing and death, he confronts a girl who has been in a car accident and he cannot take her because her potency of life is so strong. He sends her back into the world and resolves that he finally needs to know why people hate him so. Why do they dread him, why are they afraid of him, why do they cling to life, why is that important? And so, with Death tantalized by taking a few days off, nobody will die on the earth because he's", "id": "17425817" }, { "contents": "Wolf Wolfensberger\n\n\nat least some valued social roles is so important.  A person who fills valued social roles is likely to be treated much better than if he or she did not have these, or than other people who have the same devalued characteristics but do not have equally valued social roles.  There are several important reasons why this is so.  One is that a person who has valued roles is more likely to also have valued and competent allies or defenders who can mitigate the impacts of devaluation or protect the person from these.  Also,", "id": "14263662" }, { "contents": "Casabianca (poem)\n\n\n? By whose side did he stand in the midst of battle? What happened to his father? What took fire? What did the sailors begin to do? What did the little boy do? Why did he stand there amid so much danger? What became of him?\" The protagonist of Shevantibai Nikambe's novel \"Ratanbai\" (1895), an early example of Indian English fiction, reads \"Casabianca\" at school. In \"History of the Voice: The Development of Nation Language in Anglophone Caribbean Poetry\"", "id": "21287988" }, { "contents": "Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion\n\n\ndoing so.\" When Bragg asked why he thought he had failed, Bacon admitted, \"It should be all much more colour, should have got more of the interior of the mouth, with all the colours of the interior of the mouth, but I didn't happen to get it.\" Other than in Picasso's exploration of the theme, the Crucifixion did not figure prominently in twentieth-century painting. The Surrealists exploited its shock value, and it was used as a vehicle for blasphemy in isolated instances.", "id": "20635547" }, { "contents": "Panbanisha\n\n\nbetter than Kanzi’s. Kanzi now has been able to learn 348 lexigram symbols, while also having the knowledge of 3,000 English words. The researchers believe Panbanisha knows around 6,000 English words. However, Panbanisha did not like to show off the words that she had the knowledge of, whereas Kanzi did. This made the researchers unsure of how much English words Panbanisha actually knew. Why teach chimpanzees sign language? The answer is as simple as why we teach humans sign language, to be able to communicate when verbally speaking is", "id": "2325448" }, { "contents": "Native Deen\n\n\n, projecting images of needy, hungry children from around the world to illustrate why Islam demands that Muslims give to the less fortunate. He said that Islamic Relief \"helps the most vulnerable people from all walks of life. People don't understand how much a dollar can do. That's why this event is more than just a concert – it's a call to action.\" Native Deen performs at Islamic conferences, fundraisers, and holiday gatherings (often during Ramadan and Eid-ul-Adha). The group is", "id": "6347650" }, { "contents": "Robert J. C. Young\n\n\neven, for some writers, Indians and those from the Caribbean. By the end of the nineteenth century, this had become appropriated as an ideology of empire. The delocalisation of the country England from ideas of Englishness (Kipling's \"What do they know of England who only England know?\") could account for why recent commentators have found Englishness so hard to define—while at the same time providing an explanation of why some of the most English of Englishmen have been Americans. On the other hand, Young argues", "id": "20742577" }, { "contents": "Prices of production\n\n\naverage work the most working hours in the world, per capita per year, Korean value-added per capita has been much lower than might be expected; it is not so easy to explain, why this is the case). A very interesting confirmation of the basic idea that Marx had is provided from a most unexpected source: post-Keynesian economics. After mustering a lot of empirical evidence about pricing practices, the leading heterodox \"real-world\" economist Fred Lee concluded that: However, a sharp distinction must", "id": "18719378" }, { "contents": "Middle-class values\n\n\ncultural legibility. Middle-class values, or the lack thereof, are transmitted from parents to children, by schools, by employers, and by mainstream media, such as the quintessentially middle-class newspaper \"The Daily Mail\". According to Gregory Clark, it is possible that there is also a substantial genetic component, and this is why social mobility is so low across societies and across history, as he establishes in his book The Son Also Rises. However, this view is highly problematic, ethnocentric, and eurocentric", "id": "22178660" }, { "contents": "Alexander Mackendrick\n\n\ndo. The reason why I have discovered myself so much happier teaching is that when I arrived here after the collapse of the world I had known as Ealing, I found that in order to make movies in Hollywood, you have to be a great deal-maker ... I have no talent for that ... I realised I was in the wrong business and got out. The rest of his professional life was spent commuting between London and Los Angeles. His first film after his initial return to the United States was \"Sweet", "id": "19834863" }, { "contents": "Timothy Hutton\n\n\nteaching in Connecticut, but the way she saw it, after a while, if we all stayed there, my sister and I would just wind up as the proprietors of the local drugstore or something, so that was why she took us to Berkeley – to get us into the world, I guess. Now she's given up teaching and she's into printing miniature books.\" In 1976 when he was 15, Hutton sought out his father and moved in with him in Los Angeles. At Fairfax High School,", "id": "18673834" }, { "contents": "Kiryas Joel, New York\n\n\nsaid most of them were provoked to do so by dissidents. \"Someone not following breaks down the whole system of being able to educate and being able to bring up our children with strong family values,\" Weider told \"The New York Times\" in 1992. \"Why do you think we have no drugs? If we lost respect for the Grand Rabbi, we lose the whole thing.\" In January 1990 the village held its first and, for a decade, only school board election. \"It's like", "id": "5249161" }, { "contents": "Proverb\n\n\nHowever, not all languages have proverbs. Proverbs are (nearly) universal across Europe, Asia, and Africa. Some languages in the Pacific have them, such as Maori. Other Pacific languages do not, e.g. \"there are no proverbs in Kilivila\" of the Trobriand Islands. However, in the New World, there are almost no proverbs: \"While proverbs abound in the thousands in most cultures of the world, it remains a riddle why the Native Americans have hardly any proverb tradition at all.\" Hakamies has", "id": "3952305" }, { "contents": "Sharifani\n\n\nin the cities which is the main reason why people of the village do not migrate to cities and stick with their customs, traditions and teachings given by their ancestors. Most of the villagers have their personal transport and usually travel to nearer cities like Kamber and Larkana either to buy groceries, food or in case of emergency because this village does not have hospital or medical care. The school in the village is of primary level and that is why the boys or girls who pass 5th Grade travel to Khairpur Juso, Kamber or", "id": "14588277" }, { "contents": "Better Man (Little Big Town song)\n\n\nat the end, when Philip Sweet's character has a baby girl and makes an effort to be a better role model. Kevin John Coyne of \"Country Universe\" rated the song \"A\", saying that \"It’s a concept that is grounded in so much truth that I’m amazed I’ve never heard it approached this way before\" and \"The writers do a great job of capturing both why [the song's narrator] stayed so long and why she had to leave, and all of the conflicting", "id": "19313124" }, { "contents": "Iris Kroes\n\n\n’s unbelievable that so much innocent families, doctors and children are victim of this plane crash.\" \"People who were willing to help this world to do research for AIDS organizations, have come tragically to the end of their life.\" \"It’s a terrible loss for the whole AIDS community, my condolences.\" In June 27, 2015 Iris released her first song in Dutch language, \"Bijna Met Jou\" (English: Almost With You) for the project 'Fietsliedjes' from provence Drenthe for showing why", "id": "1067287" }, { "contents": "Ron Galella\n\n\ngalleries across the world have acclaimed his work for its artistic and sociohistorical value. He was praised by Andy Warhol, who said: \"My idea of a good picture is one that's in focus and of a famous person doing something unfamous. It's being in the right place at the wrong time. That's why my favorite photographer is Ron Galella\". Art writer Glenn O'Brien defined him a \"brilliant realist able to represent the world faithfully\". Galella's photographs has been exhibited in galleries across North America and", "id": "7452654" }, { "contents": "Kaharingan\n\n\nthe membership ow a 'acknowledged' world religion with a holy book. The Dayak were seen as 'atheists', which were highly associated with the communist ideology, and had to pick between two options: conversion to a world religion or being pressured by local authorities to do so. With this in mind; it is fairly clear why the missions with their schools, hospitals and minimal pressure, had much more success after the 1960s. Compared to the environments in the 17th and 18th century, Christianity offered more possibilities for", "id": "16213350" }, { "contents": "Juliana Alves\n\n\nimpact of state schools: \"A few months ago my niece came home wondering why she was that color, why was her hair that way. Never heard of a white child who questioned their origin. School is largely responsible for the socialization of individuals [... ] I am very hopeful for the initiatives that are being taken, we have a law requiring the teaching of history and culture african in elementary schools and high schools. Since children absorb values that reproduce through learning, no one is born a racist.\" Alves", "id": "19960934" }, { "contents": "Either/Or\n\n\nhave nothing to do with the comparative. … All comparison delays, and that is why mediocrity likes it so much and, if possible, traps everyone in it by its despicable friendship among mediocrities. A person who blames others, that they have corrupted him, is talking nonsense and only informs against himself. \"Concluding Unscientific Postscript\" p. 549-550Comparison is the most disastrous association that love can enter into; comparison is the most dangerous acquaintance love can make; comparison is the worst of all seductions. Søren Kierkegaard,", "id": "10779075" }, { "contents": "Lindsay Blackett\n\n\n're honest with ourselves … I look at it and say, 'Why do I produce so much shit? Why do I fund so much crap?'\" His criticism was widely publicized. There were complaints about his choice of words, and also, since Blackett's portfolio includes responsibility for culture, opposition MLAs and others called for his resignation. Blackett apologized for his language but not the sentiment. Blackett is married to Jennifer and the couple has two children. He is an active community volunteer. In addition to his", "id": "10801971" }, { "contents": "Michael Swan (writer)\n\n\nMichael Swan is a writer of English language teaching and reference materials. He graduated from University of Oxford with a bachelor´s degree in modern foreign languages and has later gone for a postgraduate research degree. He is the founder of Swan School of English. Major publications include \"Practical English Usage\" and \"Basic English Usage\" (Oxford University Press). Other books are \"Grammar\", an introductory book on why languages need grammar and what they do with it and, with David Baker, \"Grammar Scan\" (Oxford", "id": "16497671" }, { "contents": "The Nighthawk Star\n\n\nit is a name given to him by God. It is the one thing he values the most: his identity. Hawk leaves and states that if he does not place a tag around his neck with “ICHIZO” and inform all the birds of his new name he will kill him. Nighthawk sadly contemplates why all the birds dislike him so much – all just because of his appearance. He flies out to the clouds where some insects fly into his mouth awkwardly and realizes that he too, is killing them just as", "id": "9503747" }, { "contents": "Upaya\n\n\nfalsehood. Why do I say this? Because if they were able to preserve their lives, then they had already obtained a plaything of sorts. And how much more so when, through an expedient means, they are rescued from that burning house!\" The Buddha explains his similes of the father representing a compassionate Tathāgata who is like \"a father to all the world\", and the sons representing humans who are \"born into the threefold world, a burning house, rotten, and old\". \"Shariputra,", "id": "812183" }, { "contents": "Tony Hewson\n\n\n: Neither Sutton nor Andrews really lived up to their talent, either. All three could have achieved so much more in cycle racing: Andrews finished 13th in the world road championship, Sutton's climbing prowess was praised by Coppi. The reasons why riders like this seemed unable to capitalise on their talents and achievements are complex, but much of it has to do with the British handicap (in road racing) of starting not at the bottom of the ladder, but miles away from it. Despite his abilities (a Tour", "id": "15155447" }, { "contents": "Brian Courtney Wilson\n\n\nremembering the reasons why you should keep going when the days seem the hardest...remembering your value when people cast you aside...remembering the people who did not give up on you when you feel like giving up on yourself...and most of all, it's about remembering that the reason we have so much to remember is because God has always been there to make a way through the people in our lives.\" The album debuted at No. 1 on the Top Gospel Albums charts, and the singles \"So Proud", "id": "12740770" }, { "contents": "Frances Cornford\n\n\nnot think me strange or older, Nor I him. /poem Although the myth enhances the poem - it can be read as the meeting of older, former lovers. However, Cornford is possibly best remembered for her triolet poem \"To a Fat Lady Seen from the Train\" in \"Poems\" of 1910. poem O why do you walk through the fields in gloves, Missing so much and so much? O fat white woman whom nobody loves, Why do you walk through the fields in gloves, When the grass", "id": "10970737" }, { "contents": "Trust No Fox on his Green Heath and No Jew on his Oath\n\n\nteaching of God in this life. This is supposed to teach children that anything a Jew does is bad and if they do what a Jew does then they will go to Hell. This section goes on to praise Der Stürmer for its anti-Semitic stance. This section also teaches children why you should not buy from Jewish shops and why there are no Jews in school. The colourful illustrations reinforce these points as they depict Jews plotting in a huddle next to crows while Der Stürmer is on the wall behind them. This", "id": "11936477" }, { "contents": "Pascal Boyer\n\n\n's view, this new integrated social science can provide new answers, based on scientific evidence, to important questions about society. Each of the six chapters in the book focuses on one of these questions: (1) Why do humans favor their own group?, (2) Why do people communicate so much wrong information (rumors, superstition, etc.)?, (3) Why are there religions?, (4) What is the natural family?, (5) Ho can societies be just?", "id": "6118387" }, { "contents": "Red Jacket\n\n\nexist between both people with his elaboration on the Great Spirit. He states, \"You say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the book?\". Red Jacket distinguishes the fallacies that exist between the Americans speech and their actions. If the Indians are being secularized for their religious beliefs, yet they believe in one ultimate Creator, just like", "id": "9135585" }, { "contents": "Plate tectonics\n\n\nbigger with sea floor spreading, why there is so little sediment accumulation on the ocean floor, and why oceanic rocks are much younger than continental rocks. Beginning in the 1950s, scientists like Victor Vacquier, using magnetic instruments (magnetometers) adapted from airborne devices developed during World War II to detect submarines, began recognizing odd magnetic variations across the ocean floor. This finding, though unexpected, was not entirely surprising because it was known that basalt—the iron-rich, volcanic rock making up the ocean floor—contains a", "id": "5129523" }, { "contents": "Mark SaFranko\n\n\ncompare to writing or composing as an art. So much more goes into a purely creative art.” “Someone once said ‘Art is an addiction. That's why there are so many bad artists.’ I think that's true. I can't imagine not liking to write. Why the fuck would you do it, then? For the inevitable rejection? Sure you get stuck here and there, but why put yourself through the torture? Isn't there enough in life to make you miserable? “I", "id": "9869083" }, { "contents": "Fish Hooky\n\n\n, stating why they were absent. Truant officer Mickey Daniels decides to teach the boys a lesson. The truant officer then lectures the boys about what they can expect if sent to reform school (at Christmas, he claims that \"everybody gets a brand new sledgehammer!\"), and frightens them so much they insist on being taken to the beach to apologize to Miss Kornman. En route, Stymie spots the truant officer badge and the boys flee. The officer purposely makes the chase long, but eventually catches all the", "id": "10628677" }, { "contents": "Moral development\n\n\nan indirect form of teaching. Stories embedded with lessons of morals, ideals, and ethics are told alongside daily household chores. Most children in Indigenous American communities develop a sense of keen attention to the details of a story with the goal of learning from them, and to understand why people do the things they do. The understanding gained from a child's observation of morality and ethics taught through storytelling allows them to participate within their community appropriately. Specific animals are used as characters to symbolize specific values and views of the culture", "id": "17801737" }, { "contents": "Tessa Jowell\n\n\nas a Richard L. and Ronay A. Menschel Senior Leadership Fellow at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in 2016. In this role, she taught a course in the Department of Health Policy and Management called, \"Health Policy and Leadership: Why do we know so much and do so little?\" Jowell also actively served on the Advisory Board of the Ministerial Leadership in Health Program, a joint initiative of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the John F. Kennedy School of Government. Jowell's first marriage was", "id": "18510265" }, { "contents": "American-led intervention in Iraq (2014–present)\n\n\nis necessary to protect our people. We support our allies when they're in danger. We lead coalitions of countries to uphold international norms. And we strive to stay true to the fundamental values -- the desire to live with basic freedom and dignity -- that is common to human beings wherever they are. That's why people all over the world look to the United States of America to lead. And that's why we do it. The U.S. also started considering an operation with American ground troops to rescue the Yazidis in", "id": "1005616" }, { "contents": "Charles W. Howard\n\n\nIt wasn't what he had expected but all at once he realized that if Santa meant that much to that child it must mean just as much to hundreds of others. Who was this old fellow who meant so much to the children? Where did he come from? What did he stand for? Why did he wear that red suit? Why was it trimmed with white fur? Why this? And why that? Howard spent years reading about the history of Santa Claus, picking up just about every book on the", "id": "16214337" }, { "contents": "Iambic pentameter\n\n\nhanging for \"not keeping of accent\". Derek Attridge has pointed out the limits of the generative approach; it has “not brought us any closer to understanding why particular metrical forms are common in English, why certain variations interrupt the metre and others do not, or why metre functions so powerfully as a literary device.” Generative metrists also fail to recognize that a normally weak syllable in a strong position will be pronounced differently, i.e. “promoted” and so no longer \"weak.\" Latin verse included lines of", "id": "2420434" }, { "contents": "Souls of the Departed\n\n\nof characters for quick check-ins, but Neal and Henry were the only ones who really strongly impacted the story and the Storybrooke team. Emotions fell flat across the board otherwise, except for the moment where Emma briefly saw Hook. They do have a compelling enough reason to stay in the Underworld -- though why Snow and Charming would spend so much time away from their newborn confuses me -- but overall, the episode was all about getting the board ready.\" Ratcliffe gave the episode a 7.0 rating out of 10.", "id": "5043938" }, { "contents": "Crossing the Threshold of Hope\n\n\nand a Mystery,” “How does the Pope Pray?” “Does God Really Exist?” “Proof: Is it Still Valid?” “If God Exists, Why is He Hiding?” “Is Jesus the Son of God?” “Why Is There So Much Evil in the World?” “What Does To Save Mean?” “Why So Many Religions?” “Buddha?” “Muhammad?” “Judaism?” “What Is the New Evangelization?” “Is There Really", "id": "17172478" }, { "contents": "Virginia Woolf\n\n\n, and Virginia's most vivid childhood memories were not of London but of Cornwall. In a diary entry of 22 March 1921, she described why she felt so connected to Talland House, looking back to a summer day in August 1890. \"Why am I so incredibly and incurably romantic about Cornwall? One's past, I suppose; I see children running in the garden … The sound of the sea at night … almost forty years of life, all built on that, permeated by that: so much I could", "id": "14363824" }, { "contents": "Official bilingualism in Canada\n\n\nIt is important to pause here and to investigate why people from a highly civilized country wanted to forget their own language and culture and adopted a false ancestry. It is particularly important, because they were the first but not the last to behave like this. Their reasons for doing so may give us a clue as to why all Caucasian ethnic groups, except the English, behaved likewise including even members from the geographically well-protected French group […]. ‘The reason for this strange behaviour is to be found in", "id": "15917931" }, { "contents": "Tzedek (charity)\n\n\non the concept of \"tzedek\", a Hebrew linguistic root word for justice. The word does not merely indicate legal rights but also compassion and humanity. That is why, in the Jewish tradition, the word for charity is \"tzedakah\". The Jewish values reflected in Tzedek's work include \"Ahavtah et HaGer\" (you shall love the stranger), which teaches a view of a global world without racial or religious boundaries; and, \"Naaseh v'nishma\" (we will do and we will understand),", "id": "9123069" }, { "contents": "Jewish reactions to intelligent design\n\n\nthat manner. God's existence is not subject to empirical data, there is no experiment to be done in this matter of which the results can be replicated in the future.\" Rabbi Steven Morgen, the rabbi of congregation Beth Yeshurun, a Conservative synagogue in Houston, Texas, asked his congregation, \"So why do I, as a Rabbi, object to having our schools teach “intelligent design” as part of the science curriculum when they teach the theory of evolution? Because it is not science. The scientific", "id": "14810763" }, { "contents": "Why I Hate School but Love Education\n\n\n\"Why I Hate School but Love Education\" is a 2012 video by English spoken word poet Suli Breaks. The video conveys the message that, while education is good, educational institutions leave much to be desired. It features Suli Breaks rhyming his dislike of the unnecessary strictures of formal schooling. In the video, Breaks also outlines why young people are encouraged to get a formal education. Emi Kolawole of \"The Washington Post\" said, \"Breaks's message taps into a very fundamental desire among young people to disrupt —", "id": "5782180" }, { "contents": "Máxima Apaza\n\n\nfor Bolivia!». And where are the Bolivians, in the country that we visit so much the president [Evo Morales] there is a spontaneous reaction and they all say: \"Mar for Bolivia!\". The world is aware that Bolivia lives in an enclosure that harms it, we do not have access to the sea and that hurts our economy, harms the economy of the region. The countries realize perfectly and that is why we receive countless supports from different countries. Where the president arrives, where a", "id": "6385143" }, { "contents": "Hichki\n\n\nteaching job, she is supported in her ambitions by her mother (Supriya Pilgaonkar) and her younger brother (Hussain Dalal). It is revealed that her father (Sachin Pilgaonkar) divorced her mother several years earlier, which is why Naina's relationship with him is strained. One day, Naina receives an offer to teach at the prestigious St. Notker's School, a job which she had applied to 5 times before. When asked why she was so persistent for the particular school, Naina explains that she herself graduated from", "id": "16446982" }, { "contents": "Sertab Erener\n\n\nculture. Erener responded to the criticism by saying: \"It has to be in English to comply with world standards. Half of the world listens to English music, why should they not listen to a Turkish artist who sings in English? [...] People do not understand Turkish. If we find it difficult [to sing a suitable song] in our own language, why should we? When TRT asked me to write a song, I gave them my conditions. I said 'I want to sing the song", "id": "8844754" }, { "contents": "La Salette of Roxas College\n\n\nearn extra rice. The earned goods are donated on Christmas Day to people of remote areas in the town. La Salette of Roxas offers a top quality education not only in academics but also in yearning the youth to Christian Values that is why an added subject \"Religion\" is in the curriculum from pre-school to college. The person teaching the subject can only be either a priest or a nun. However, most of the time, the Sisters get the position in teaching Christian Formation. Before, religion classes take", "id": "5822004" }, { "contents": "British and Malaysian English differences\n\n\n, the phrase \"Why you so like that one?\" means \"Why are you behaving in that way\" in standard English. In Cantonese, a similar phrase would be rendered as \"Dímgáai néih gám ge?\" or literally \"Why you like that?\" The \"one\" in the sample phrase does not literally mean the numeral one, instead it is used more as a suffix device. It is also sometimes rendered as \"wan.\" The use of Manglish is discouraged at schools, where only Malaysian", "id": "400577" }, { "contents": "Shirley Manson\n\n\nMars?\" at their son's memorial. According to Manson, \"we were all in so much pain, but it meant so much to them that I could sing that song and so much to me that I was able to do something. It made me realise how much music sustains people. I don't know why I'd turned my back on it.\" Manson also worked with a number of artists outside of her solo project, reciting a verse of a long poem for a Chris Connelly album, co", "id": "20082323" }, { "contents": "Jon M. Chu\n\n\ncrew. In an interview, Chu addressed a question he is often asked, \"Why do all of your films have dance?\" He responded, \"I don't know why. It seems so obvious. But there's something about the dancers that motivate me the most. I don't know if it's just dance, but I do think that the dancers are amazing artists, and every time I meet a new dancer, that triggers something in my brain, and I'm more creative than I could ever", "id": "656506" }, { "contents": "Speak Good English Movement\n\n\nsession at a student education conference that his ministry was looking at hiring \"native speakers\" to teach English Language in schools in order to improve the standard of teaching the English language in school. Following this, many Singaporeans wrote in to newspapers forums with questions such as \"Why aren't our English teachers suitably qualified?\" and wondering if \"native English speakers\" meant foreign English-speakers hailing from the United States or from Britain. On 14 June 2006, mrbrown reported in his blog that the Ministry of Education had", "id": "11720333" }, { "contents": "Richard E. Berendzen\n\n\nengaged in so much teaching that Berendzen jeopardized his PhD in physics. Eventually, he graduated in 1967 earning a dual astronomy and teaching PhD by publishing a 930-page dissertation to answer the question, \"Why do people become astronomers?\" Berendzen was 29 years old. At Harvard, Berendzen also met Gail Edgar. After a year of dating, Berendzen asked her to marry him in 1964. The couple held their engagement party at Harvard Observatory. Joining the physics and astronomy faculty at Boston University, Berendzen became acting astronomy department chairman", "id": "9367527" }, { "contents": "Thomas Jefferson and education\n\n\nlanguages are, first, as models of pure taste in writing. To these we are certainly indebted for the rational and chaste style of modern composition which so much distinguishes the nations to whom these languages are familiar... Second. Among the values of classical learning, I estimate the luxury of reading the Greek and Roman authors in all the beauties of their originals. And why should not this innocent and elegant luxury take its preeminent stand ahead of all those addressed merely to the sense?... Third. A third value is in", "id": "10691565" }, { "contents": "American Tang Soo Do\n\n\n, nor has it ever been a member of the Moo Duk Kwan organization in Korea. The Moo Duk Kwan has taught the martial art of Soo Bahk Do since the 1960s and no longer teaches Tang Soo Do. This is why system founder Chuck Norris founded the National Tang Soo Do Congress and later the United Fighting Arts Federation to create an American school association for his American art. Most American Tang Soo Do schools today operate independently from instructor to instructor, but still remain loosely connected based on cross-training together. American", "id": "21732745" }, { "contents": "David Ackles\n\n\n. He earned a master's degree in Film Studies at USC. In 1997, when asked why he chose to major in English rather than music, he said, \"I wanted to learn to do it all, which meant learning the construction of poetry, so I could write my own lyrics and play construction so that I could write the book to whatever musical I was creating. In the end, it in no way limited my horizons, being an English major. In fact it opened up the possibility to do", "id": "6044465" }, { "contents": "Business valuation\n\n\nthrough diversification, and most businesses do not own the type of hard assets that can ensure capital appreciation over time. This is why investors demand a much higher return on their investment in closely held businesses; such investments are inherently much more risky. (This paragraph is biased, presuming that by the mere fact that a company is closely held, it is prone towards failure.) In asset-based analysis the value of a business is equal to the sum of its parts. That is the theory underlying the asset-", "id": "8223340" }, { "contents": "Bnei Baruch\n\n\n, most notably verbalized by the question, “What is the meaning of life?” It was, Bnei Baruch teaches, once rare, which is why Rabbi Simeon bar Yochai ordered to keep the Kabbalah secret. However, the more the world declined over the centuries into a spiritual crisis, the more souls with spiritual desire appeared. This was why Isaac Luria, according to Bnei Baruch, opened the study of the Kabbalah to all Jews, and Yehuda Ashlag started extending it to non-Jews as well. From the", "id": "3844069" }, { "contents": "Bam Bam (song)\n\n\n, \"Billboard\" called the song \"a strong contender for the title of most sampled reggae song of all time.\" When asked her opinion of the many songs that have used her voice over the years, she responded: \"I don’t know if I hear all of them. They sample it so much times but none of them is my favorite. The reason why I say that is they know how to contact me. They know I live in the U.S. and nobody try to contact me to do it", "id": "623346" }, { "contents": "Centro de Estudios Superiores Royal\n\n\nThe Royal Higher Education Center (in Spanish: Centro de Estudios Superiores Royal) also known as Royal University, is a private university founded in August 2003 in the city of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, México. The institute belongs to the royal educational system, cofounded by Juan de Dios González and Sandra González, in this system prevails the formation of ethical values and the teaching of english language. The university is associated with the UNESCO's Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet), reason why the students learn a culture of peace", "id": "6382812" }, { "contents": "Born Fighting\n\n\nreally intending to do so, James Webb may have written the most important political book of 2004. \"Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America\" helps explain why George W. Bush won reelection by a margin much greater than the conventional wisdom predicted and why both Republicans and Democrats—Democrats especially—must take note if they wish to remain relevant in American politics.\" Webb's version of history has been heavily criticised by historian Michael Newton (University of North Carolina) as \"an example of what happens when", "id": "11119859" }, { "contents": "Phonological development\n\n\nsounds) in a word. 70% of 6-year-olds were able to do so. This might mean that children are aware of syllables as units of speech early on, while they don’t show awareness of individual phonemes until school age. Another explanation is that individual sounds do not easily translate into beats, which makes clapping individual phonemes a much more difficult task than clapping syllables. One reason why phoneme awareness gets much better once children start school is because learning to read provides a visual aid as how to break up", "id": "11722715" }, { "contents": "Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America\n\n\nthe first chapter, which focuses on FDR and George Marshall and their decision (after the latter had forcefully lobbied the former) to begin the rearmament of America in 1939. From there the book traces the nearly unbroken national consensus of 70 years that America ought always to be the most powerful nation on the planet, and that by being so, much good was done for us and for all\", and that the \"Cheneys argue, persuasively and with much recourse to the words and deeds of President Obama and former Secretary", "id": "17185187" }, { "contents": "Daryl Hall\n\n\n\"For me it was sort of an obvious thing. I've been touring my whole adult life really, and, you know, you can't be EVERYWHERE! Nor do I WANT to be everywhere at this point! I only like to spend so much time per year on the road. So I thought 'Why don't I just do something where anyone who wants to see me anywhere in the world CAN?! And, instead of doing the artist/audience performance-type thing, I wanted to deconstruct", "id": "20222192" }, { "contents": "Why (Gabrielle song)\n\n\n\"Why\" is a song by English singer Gabrielle. It was written by Gabrielle, longtime collaborators Ben Wolff and Andy Dean, and Paul Weller for her fifth studio album, \"Always\" (2007). The song was one of the final songs recorded for the album and written around a sample of Weller's 1993 song \"Wild Wood.\" Weller enjoyed Gabrielle's interpretation of the song so much, he recorded new vocals for the track following Gabrielle's recording of the original demo version of \"Why\".", "id": "19144608" }, { "contents": "If Japan Can... Why Can't We?\n\n\ntimes that much of what the Japanese are doing is what we taught them to do. And the man who did most of the teaching is W. Edwards Deming, statistical analyst, for whom Japan’s highest industrial award for quality and productivity is named. But in his own country he is not widely recognized. That may be changing. Dr Deming is working with Nashua Corporation, one of the Fortune 500, a company with sales last year of more than $600,000,000. Deming was hired in late 1979 by Nashua’s Chief", "id": "19603388" }, { "contents": "Symposium (Xenophon)\n\n\nexcept in judgment and physical strength, and so each man should teach his wife whatever he wants her to know(2.9). At this, Antisthenes asked Socrates why he had not educated his wife, Xanthippe, but lives with her, a most difficult companion. Socrates replies, saying that he acts much like one seeking to become an expert horseman who believes that if they can tame the most high-spirited horses, they could easily manage any other. Socrates deals with humans, so if he can deal with the most difficult", "id": "310961" }, { "contents": "Peter I, Duke of Brittany\n\n\na few Breton fortresses and then besieged La Roche-aux-Moines. John's Poitevin vassals, however, refused to fight against a French force led by the King of France's son Louis. Meanwhile, Otto's army was crushed at Bouvines, and the entire invasion foundered. It is not clear why John attempted to capture Nantes, even less why he would do so the hardest way, via the very well-defended bridge across the Loire. Nor is it clear why Peter declined to harass his forces from the", "id": "11622206" }, { "contents": "The King and I\n\n\nceremony as they crowd around her. Anna has not given up on the house, and teaches the children proverbs and songs extolling the virtues of home life, to the King's irritation. The King has enough worries without battling the schoolteacher, and wonders why the world has become so complicated (\"A Puzzlement\"). The children and wives are hard at work learning English (\"The Royal Bangkok Academy\"). The children are surprised by a map showing how small Siam is compared with the rest of the world", "id": "15262362" }, { "contents": "Westport, County Mayo\n\n\nthe town: \"The most beautiful view I ever saw in the world. It forms an event in one's life to have seen that place so beautiful that is it, and so unlike other beauties that I know of. Were such beauties lying on English shores it would be a world's wonder perhaps, if it were on the Mediterranean or Baltic, English travellers would flock to it by hundreds, why not come and see it in Ireland!\" Visitors visit Westport for the scenery, the pubs and restaurants in", "id": "18038948" }, { "contents": "New Technology High School\n\n\nSchool was an outgrowth of that committee. “Business people were unhappy with the quality of workers they were getting. The average schools weren’t producing graduates with skills needed in the workplace,” said Butler. “So I thought, ‘why can’t we grow our own employees? Why not teach these kids what these companies want?’” That simple question led to a one-of-a-kind business-education partnership. Butler said the idea for an education-business collaboration came from his internship in", "id": "17521055" }, { "contents": "Helen Ladd\n\n\nmuch larger with regard to math for socioeconomically advantaged students, possibly explaining why the most highly qualified teachers often teach the most advantaged students. However, they (with Elizabeth Glennie) also find that offering higher salaries to teachers in high-poverty schools in N.C. was successful in substantially reducing these schools' teacher turnover rates, with experienced teachers displaying the strongest response. They find that gaps between Caucasian and Afro-American student achievements are large and persistent, Hispanic and Asian students tend to gain on Caucasians over their schooling, with", "id": "9311052" }, { "contents": "Re'eh\n\n\nthat one might see the wicked flourish in this world for a short time, but in the end they will have occasion to regret. And the righteous who are distressed in this world will in the end have occasion for rejoicing, as says, \"that He might prove you, to do you good at the end.\" Our Rabbis asked in a Baraita why says, \"You shall set the blessing upon Mount Gerizim and the curse upon mount Ebal.\" cannot say so merely to teach where the Israelites were", "id": "3333912" }, { "contents": "Louisa Susannah Cheves McCord\n\n\nshould be permitted to one person and interdicted to another.\" \"A reason —a reason why man cannot drink fire and breathe water! A scientific answer about hydrogen and oxygen will not answer the purpose. These are facts, not reasons. Why? Why? Why is anything on God's earth what it is? Can Miss Martineau tell? We cannot. God has made it so, and reason, instinct and experience teach us its uses. Woman, Nature teaches you yours.\" Early in the", "id": "12140269" }, { "contents": "Crime in Indonesia\n\n\nscam. A tout offers to bring you to the best batik shops or art school. He shows you some stalls at the market and tell you why these are not worth it. You are then brought to the shop/school and wild claims are made, such as receiving money from the government to teach batik/art! They will also show you the process of making batik/art and treat you to tea so as to make you want to reciprocate. If you do, you will end up buying a screen", "id": "7627582" }, { "contents": "Kopspijkers\n\n\nKopspijkers\" was amongst the most viewed programmes in the Netherlands. At the start of the Iraq War one of their sketches \"BZN in Baghdad\", went viral on the internet in the English-speaking world, and included BZN impersonators chroma-keyed into newsreel footage of combat and the toppling of Saddam Hussein's statue On several occasions, the imitations have caused controversies. The first imitation episode showed sensationalist TV presenter chasing Osama Bin Laden asking \"why he had been so cowardly\" and \"why he sent thousands of people", "id": "13379550" }, { "contents": "Kid Cudi\n\n\nI do. Why I write my life, and why I love you all so much. Life is really f---- up sometimes, but I know Ben is at Peace, and I hope he gets a chance to sit and talk with my Dad. We love you Ben. Forever. Thank you for loving me. To Ben’s family, you raised a real hero, he’s definitely mine. You have my love.\" In January 2012, Cudi appeared on two songs from Chip tha Ripper's mixtape \"Tell", "id": "13738699" }, { "contents": "2014 People's Climate March\n\n\n: the science, the politics, the solutions, and the stories that define this crisis at this pivotal point in human history. This is a movie by and for the movement.\" The film also seeks to answer the question \"When it comes to climate change, why do we do so little when we know so much?\" The film also argues that the environment crisis impacts other movements, such as that for social justice, as marginalized people stand to suffer most from the ravages of climate change. In a", "id": "9703508" }, { "contents": "Robert Caro\n\n\nthe right word—the acceptance of those people of what was happening.\" After briefly enrolling in the English doctoral program at Rutgers University (where he served as a teaching assistant), he went on to six years as an investigative reporter with the Long Island newspaper \"Newsday\". One of the articles he wrote was a long series about why a proposed bridge across Long Island Sound from Rye to Oyster Bay, championed by Robert Moses, would have been inadvisable, requiring piers so large it would disrupt tidal flows in", "id": "20668928" }, { "contents": "Self-affirmation\n\n\nschool environment. Seventh grade students took part in a two-year study. Half of the students completed a values essay about their most important value approximately seven to eight times over the course of two academic years, while the other half wrote a values essay about why their least important value might be of value to someone else. The study tracked the students' grades for three years. Ethnic minority students in the self-affirmation condition received higher grade point averages than the ethnic minority students who wrote about why their least important", "id": "7722321" }, { "contents": "The Last September\n\n\neach other; I suppose it comes from living so close together. Of course they are very definite and practical, but it is a pity they talk so much about what they are doing. I can’t think why they think it should matter. In \"Elizabeth Bowen: The Enforced Return\", Corcoran explains the comic depiction of the Anglo-Irish society: Constantly playing against the brightness of social comedy in The Last September, therefore – notably the comedy of edgy insinuation and misunderstanding that characterizes Anglo-Irish/English", "id": "16436713" }, { "contents": "Press (newspaper)\n\n\nGroup, answered: \"In Serbia there are constant conspiracy theories about different tycoons having a stake in various newspapers. That's not exactly the case and I'll tell why it isn't. The newspaper business in Serbia is not profitable enough for tycoons to be interested in it. They can turn much greater profits in other endeavours so why would they invest in newspapers. Do you know how long it takes to start making a profit on your investment in a newspaper? Between 5-7 years. Why would someone invest", "id": "2842733" }, { "contents": "Bro (novel)\n\n\nis the overall theme of violence throughout the novel. The Brotherhood of the Light uses violence, specifically smashing people's chests with hammers, and later murdering people. In the same interview, Sorokin is asked why he brings up violence so much in this novel. Sorokin replies that violence fascinates him, \"Why can’t people do without violence? Why can’t they keep from killing? This is a mystery to me, and I try to talk about it in literary form.” Sorokin also mentions how violence is often", "id": "5186739" } ]