Natural Questions is not streamable

by admarcosai - opened

As this datasets needs 134GB of disk space to load I thought the streaming feature of load_dataset would come handy here but apparently streaming is not possible on Natural Questions. It was my assumption that all datasets were streamable on huggingface. Was my assumption incorrect?

Google Research Datasets org
edited Oct 11, 2022

Hi, @dmarcos. Thanks for reporting.

Indeed, no, not all datasets are streamable. We implemented the streaming feature, so that most of the datasets are streamable out-of-the-box. However, some others need further tweaking to support streaming.

Particularly, this dataset script uses Apache Beam to parallelize the processing and datasets using Apache Beam are not streamable.

I agree with you that it would be a good feature for such a big dataset, but it wouldt take too long to load the dataset as not done in parallel.

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