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Keemstar should run for public office.>Everyone lies about him>He's the hero of truth and justice>absolutely destroys every lie about him>People still don't believe himhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJk0aYg2jAAGod bless Keemstar |
Who? |
killer keemstar |
Consider the following for those of you that think Assad is the good guy or the lesser evil. The Syrian government is responsible for 94% of the civilian deaths accumulated thus far in the Syrian civil war. |
the issue is creating a power vacuum by destabilizing a regime, no matter how "evil" creates worse problems than just waiting for its leader to die. |
>Syrian Network for human rights>reliable sourcetry harder. Leaf. |
If Assad is killing that many Arabs he is the good guy in my book |
The current problems in Syria is due to the overhandedness of the regime in subduing rebellion. ISIS is ISIS because of the regime. |
Sure lol |
Actually it's a pretty reliable source considering the war is still going on. When the war ends the facts will more or less remain the same in who did the most killing. |
We should probably stoke a civil war in Libya and remove Gaddafi while we're at it since he's a heavy-handed dictator. Surely that will bring peace and stabilization to the region. |
I never thought about it that way. Thanks greatest ally!Well the main problem I guess is that muslims compete to see who is most muslim rather than just having harmony between factions like american or israeli jews where the orthodox and reform hate each other but don't kill each other. |
>rebels are counted as civilians |
And who's a "civilian" anyway? It's like MSM here labeling various terrorists as civilians, since they're actually ARE civilians and not official members of any armed forces. I'd like to see how many of those killed are fighting age males and how many are the elderly, women and children. |
This doesn't negate the fact that the Assad government is responsible for 94% of civilian casualties. |
>Imagines 200 000 more "doctors and engineers" in EuropePraise Assad.Disappointed by Russians, they really should step up their game. Moar thermobarics, thermate. |
Post their methodology; how did they come up with the statistics? |
http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-syrian-observatory-for-human-rights-is-a-propaganda-front-funded-by-the-eu-its-objective-is-to-justify-pro-democracy-terrorism/5331072Syrian network for human rights is ran by one guy out of London. Literally a joke |
Yes, because extend haggling with heavily armed men and occasional shootouts between them with mostly light to medium weapons is worse than facing a government that can muster air power, artillery support and chemical weapons and which regularly employs them against civilian populations. |
>Actually it's a pretty reliable sourceOne guy in an apartment in London is not reliable. |
Right, so let's remove him and let the moderate freedom fighters for peace take over. |
>Syrian Network for human rightsCan i be Marsian Observatory for Alien rights? |
More reliable than /pol/tards tbqh |
Exactly. It's their civil war, we shouldn't support anyone. West should intervene ONLY if one state attack other state and leave civil wars alone. |
it depends what you define as civilians |
>I'd like to see how many of those killed are fighting age malesZero because they're all in Europe. |
A leaf has been destroyed by a leaf news agency. pack it up. thread is over |
So the government is winning?All of those "civilians" ay, what a shame.And I'm 100% sure the hippies doing this report are using a solid methodology and not just swanning around going "the horror the horror!". |
Second responder, but the government is the source of instability in Syria. |
fuck off latvia, you know dick about geopolitics. It's all about your guy winning, and you're god damn right all the big boys will be backing their guy. You think if the west doesn't intervene, the others won't either? lol |
>500,000 deaths so far in Syrian civil warIt's pretty accurate that some 200,000 of those total deaths outlined in the OP would be civilians and the rest military/fighter. |
There woudnt be civil war if west didnt instiage it.Radical muslims funding *khm*Snipers shooting civilians in the crowd *khm*The playbook didnt change since Cold War and played exactly this way in dozen countries in last 10 years, most recently Ukraine. WIth Arab Spring, its not just West though, its Turkey and Saudis/Katar. |
The same /pol/tards who have confirmed kills in the war? |
>acshuallycivilian is a codeword for islamist. ISIS are counted as civilians. |
>Krokodil userConspiracy tards especially from Russians like you who watch RT always make me laugh. |
That 200K is logistical support for the other factions you see listed, so it's completely justifiable. |
>you know dick about geopoliticsSays American. You probably cant even find Syria on map. The corrupt elites of your country play your resources around the world for personal gain, while the tools like live the consequences. |
You can draw this kind of pictures with any numbers and they all be as reliable as this. The guy who spew this out is a retard and was caught by had many times. |
>200,000 ISIS membersSure thing Hanz. /pol/ needs to learn some compassion and humility while they're at. |
Says Proxy Leaf that posted completely made up statistics and thinks anyone would take him seriously. |
>there is only one islamist group in syriacanadian education |
>hide in cities habitated by civilians>the regime needs air support to actually advance>air support kills civilians>le evil dictatorthe graphic may be true but it's out of context to make assad look badweak bait |
because terrorist groups are known for their impeccable record keeping right? Retarded |
In the end Assad will not be vindicated as he has the most civilian blood on his hands, regardless of the context. |
>america, saudi arabia, israel fund isis and arm them to topple assad in syria>idiot thinks the assad government is the source of instability |
seriously, shut the fuck up; you posted made up bullshit and got called the fuck out on it |
Ironic delusional statement, seeing as most Syrian civilian population lives in Assad controlled areas and supports his campaign to get rid of terrorists attacking them. |
in certain areas those "civilians" are isis friendly or "moderate rebels" themselves |
The Allied forces killed a metric fuckton of civilians and no one cares |
Kill yourself you fucking shill |
No it's not.It's not a network.It's one guy in the basement of Coventry UK with ties to rebels. It has nothing to do with ''Human Rights''.It's not an organisation. |
Assad should put bombs on auction. You offer money for a bomb type, and then choose the inscription and place of delivery. You get video.>Thermobarics on Raqqa mosques>Idlib/Aleppo bazaar thermate submunition |
>commie talking about corrupt elitesyeah (you) would know. Our government uses our resources to secure our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. How's your miserable country? You russians are brutish idiots |
>a government killing muslimsgood |
One thing i can tell your goverment is far suprior than ours is propaganda - after all it managed to create 240 millions of brainwashed idiots like you, who actually believe it. |
i didn't say that he will be vindicated, it's obvious that the US will keep trying to desestabilize syria, I was telling that you can't consider assad as evil for the death of those civilians without actually considering it's context |
>What is a civilian to them?This is the question you need to do. |
>armed """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""civillians"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" |
not the same thing |
Different organization, Amerifriend. lrn2readThe image cites the Syrian Network for Human Rights, not the Syrian Organization. |
>canadaand you faggots think we're the worst shit posters |
I will never get over the fact /pol/ actually got some shitskins killed via internet.Gorilla warfare copypaste is outdated now. |
i'm sitting pretty over here faggot. The value of all my shit continues to sky rocket. All while blowing up mudslimes in the mid east. Shits cash. Oh and those "corrupt elites" personal gain often helps out our country. Like taking oil. Nice and cheap over here.Keep telling yourself all americans are stupid. Should make you feel better. You certainly prefer it to the truth: most americans are smart and very, very well off |
The OP isn't a shitposter, he's a propagandist shill |
>Oh and those "corrupt elites" personal gain often helps out our country. Like taking oil.It never helps out your country, the shit they do fucks america over for their own selfish endswhat delusional fantasy world do you fucking live in |
>Syrian Network for Human RightsA known group that advocates for rebellion against the rightful King of Syria, the Lion Bashar al-Assad.Those numbers mean literally nothing. |
those "corrupt elites" would kill you in a heartbeat if it suites their plans.taking benefits from the situation could easily turn into horror |
they arent mutually exclusive |
>never helps out our countrylol. just because someone does something selfishly doesn't mean it can't benefit other people. Ever read the wealth of nations?these "corrupt elites" have no face. Nobody knows who they're talking about. Be specific. |
Please explain further. |
>implying that killing muslims is bad |
Clearly the civil war in Syria is completely organic just like every other coup in the middle east. |
come on man the whole "da jooz runnin da baaangs" is far from a meme.see their presidents and you see the evil.do you forget operation northwoods or mk-ultra?these people are ruthless and definitely not your pals. |
northwoods was started by the DoD (deparment of defense), and it was rejected. Mk-ultra is a meme |
more people should be FOR taking cuba and kicking out the corrupt cunts there, then the govenment wouldn't have to try blowing up its people for support |
Just because they do it selfishly doesn't mean it helps americans or you.Fucking christ you ignoramus, they've pissed away america's image in the world, you're one of the most hated nations, they constantly fuck up and lose their shitty power plays overseas, and they want nothing more than to turn you into a slave.They're fucking over the entire country for their selfish pursuits and morons like you are going to have to live with the fallout. Possibly the very literal fallout. |
I see that shilling is going at full force today.Assad & Putin are the good guys. Anyone who opposes them is evil. It's really just as simple as that. |
blowing up muslims is not selfish pursuits. lots of the west is helping out. yeah hillary had a shit foreign policy and now ISIS is bigger than ever, but muslims will muslims without us there you know. Taking out saddam and gadaffi was good. You don't want muslim regimes getting any biggerprovide arguments |
i know it was rejected but the fact alone that they thought of killing their copatriots says everything you need to know about them.> the corrupt cunts thereis your government consisting of angels or is it because of them being comnunists? |
merican gubment hates commies, esepcially ones right off our borders who tried to let soviets install a gigantic missile base there. and yeah I agree they shouldn't be trying to blow up it's civilians, CIA FBI everything is out of control, especially the CIA. nobody governs them, they're in control of themself. scary shit. That said, they know exactlyyyy what they're doing, they're securing the nation, fucking with foregin countries (to our benefit, believe it or not), generally being bad ass mother fuckers |
> Syrian Network for Human rightsRun by a British Saudi buddy who will lose his job if Assad stays in powerNice try |
(((Syrian Network for Human Rights)))First, there's nothing wrong with slaughtering muslims and second, you cannot trust this organization, it's obvious that it's a western-made propaganda organization. Look the numbers, ISIS killed 2196 people?Do you really believe that?http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2736764/Marched-deaths-Sickening-ISIS-slaughter-continues-250-soldiers-captured-Syrian-airbase-stripped-led-desert-mass-execution.htmlThey kill hundreds, thousands even of people all at one, but they've killed only 2196 civillians? Kek. Russia killed civillians? What? Not only that, but Russia killed nearly 2k civillians?It doesn't matter, cause Germany invited more than a million, a few million Syrians are currently in Europe, who cares how many died, you're taking a lot more than Assad could possibly "kill".Even if the Assad government killed that many people, they were not civillians, but rather opposition, but I doubt it, if Assad's regime could kill that many people they wouldn't call Russia for help. |
How is blowing up muslims helping america at all?You aren't getting oil out of Syria, you aren't even getting oil out of Iraq. You've wasted trillions of dollars on these wars and what have you got to show for it? Universal hatred by every other country on the planet? A monstrously corrupt political system full of selfish fuckwits who want nothing more than to disarm you and steal everything of value you own? Unstable nations in the middle east no longer ruled by iron-fisted dictators that have now allowed militant muslims to spread across the entire planet committing terrorist acts everywhere they go?People like you are the very real enemy. You're the idiots that enable the flagrant abuses committed by the elites in America, the idiots that blindly support them even when it's detrimental to you, the idiots who allow themselves to be lobotomized by mainstream television. You might as well be a fucking robot, you don't even think for yourself - you just parrot. |
if you or your loved ones were on the wtc,creating an alibi for an injustified war,that would benefit the ones who hold the power,would you feel proud? |
>Assad's guys kill muzzie scum>muzzie scum's friends hide weapon, repost as civilian>western faggots like MSM and OP swallow it hook, line and sinkerRiddle me this shitcunt. How many of the 183000 were women and children? |
you're acting like killing muslims isn't a good thing. Only good muslim is a dead oneis it justified to kill a few to save a million? |
listen Trudeu, you're retarded. Imagine we up and left the middle east today. You really think muslims will stop mudding? They've been blowing themselves up for a lot longer than we've been there. They will continue to do so. they scream death to the west, are you hard of hearing? they want to instill a caliphate, this is not government propoganda, it's exactly what they yell before they blow themselves up |
>syrian network for human rights |
The american goverment put Titan missiles in Turkey, and only got cold feet about it when the USSR responded in kind by putting their own missiles in Cuba.Suddenly the american government realized it wasn't actually fun to have missiles able to hit them with such speed their elites wouldn't be able to get to a fallout shelter before being vaporized and decided to compromise with the USSR.>That said, they know exactlyyyy what they're doing, they're securing the nationThey're incompetents. They're not "Securing the nation" they're creating their own personal satrapies in the massive american bureaucracy, and they don't give a flying fuck what happens to the nation as a whole so long as they've got their power. They'd put a bullet in your head, and a hundred million other americans, without a moment's thought if it meant they got something out of it.I don't know how someone can slobber on and suck their dicks so much, yet here you are. |
>listen Trudeu, you're retarded. Imagine we up and left the middle east today. You really think muslims will stop mudding?They didn't start "mudding" until you went into the middle east in the first place.Now we've got america and europe flooded with the fucks and they're committing terrorist attacks everywhere, thanks dumbfucks |
> to save a millionwere you actually threatened by anyone? |
>according to the Syrian Network for Human Rights |
OP is a butthurt Sunni nigger don't trusted him |
You're talking like this is new to /pol/. Honestly, /pol/ likes to scream at leftists about how delusional they are, but /pol/ is the same shit, just on the other side of the spectrum |
>They didn't start "mudding" until you went into the middle east in the first place.wrong. They've been doing this shit for 3000 years>were you actually threatened by anyone?the rapid spread of militant, extremist islam in the middle east. Again. Who rose after rome fell?>The american goverment put Titan missiles in Turkey, and only got cold feet about it when the USSR responded in kind by putting their own missiles in Cuba.We say what goes. You could do it too if you were a superpower, but you're irrelevent, and so is your opinion. The CIA knows exactlyy what they're doing guy |
>al-nusra>356 |
>america floodedlol no. It's not our fault Europe can't secure their borders. Sure we've got beaners but they do our work. |
I don't get why so many /pol/acks support him, or Putin. They're both terrible dictators. |
Posting stats from the same government calling for Assad's overthrow. HahahaFuck off.You might as well be posting a Jpost article. |
The largest 4chan /pol/ dataset. I extracted the post content, removed HTML nonesense, and 4chan specific things like post number replies in text, etc.
maybe at some point once i have the compute ill upload the whole thing link : https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.07487