What problem does Person 2 #1 have?
#Person1#: Hello, how are you doing today? #Person2#: I ' Ve been having trouble breathing lately. #Person1#: Have you had any type of cold lately? #Person2#: No, I haven ' t had a cold. I just have a heavy feeling in my chest when I try to breathe. #Person1#: Do you have any allergies that you know of? #Person2#: No, I don ' t have any allergies that I know of. #Person1#: Does this happen all the time or mostly when you are active? #Person2#: It happens a lot when I work out. #Person1#: I am going to send you to a pulmonary specialist who can run tests on you for asthma. #Person2#: Thank you for your help, doctor.
#Person2# has trouble breathing. The doctor asks #Person2# about it and will send #Person2# to a pulmonary specialist.
What does the doctor do?
#Person1#: Hello, how are you doing today? #Person2#: I ' Ve been having trouble breathing lately. #Person1#: Have you had any type of cold lately? #Person2#: No, I haven ' t had a cold. I just have a heavy feeling in my chest when I try to breathe. #Person1#: Do you have any allergies that you know of? #Person2#: No, I don ' t have any allergies that I know of. #Person1#: Does this happen all the time or mostly when you are active? #Person2#: It happens a lot when I work out. #Person1#: I am going to send you to a pulmonary specialist who can run tests on you for asthma. #Person2#: Thank you for your help, doctor.
#Person2# has trouble breathing. The doctor asks #Person2# about it and will send #Person2# to a pulmonary specialist.
What condition might be causing the person's troubles?
#Person1#: Hello, how are you doing today? #Person2#: I ' Ve been having trouble breathing lately. #Person1#: Have you had any type of cold lately? #Person2#: No, I haven ' t had a cold. I just have a heavy feeling in my chest when I try to breathe. #Person1#: Do you have any allergies that you know of? #Person2#: No, I don ' t have any allergies that I know of. #Person1#: Does this happen all the time or mostly when you are active? #Person2#: It happens a lot when I work out. #Person1#: I am going to send you to a pulmonary specialist who can run tests on you for asthma. #Person2#: Thank you for your help, doctor.
#Person2# has trouble breathing. The doctor asks #Person2# about it and will send #Person2# to a pulmonary specialist.
What is #1# offering to do?
#Person1#: Hey Jimmy. Let's go workout later today. #Person2#: Sure. What time do you want to go? #Person1#: How about at 3:30? #Person2#: That sounds good. Today we work on Legs and forearm. #Person1#: Hey. I just played basketball earlier, so my legs are a little sore. Let's work out on arms and stomach today. #Person2#: I'm on a weekly schedule. You're messing everything up. #Person1#: C'mon. We're only switching two days. You can do legs on Friday. #Person2#: Aright. I'll meet you at the gym at 3:30 then.
#Person1# invites Jimmy to go workout and persuades him into working out on arms and stomach.
Who gives them the recipe?
#Person1#: I need to stop eating such unhealthy foods. #Person2#: I know what you mean. I've started eating better myself. #Person1#: What foods do you eat now? #Person2#: I tend to stick to fruits, vegetables, and chicken. #Person1#: Those are the only things you eat? #Person2#: That's basically what I eat. #Person1#: Why aren't you eating anything else? #Person2#: Well, fruits and vegetables are very healthy. #Person1#: And the chicken? #Person2#: It's really healthy to eat when you bake it. #Person1#: I guess that does sound a lot healthier.
#Person1# plans to stop eating unhealthy foods, and #Person2# shares #Person2#'s healthy recipe with #Person1#.
What will happened next?
#Person1#: I need to stop eating such unhealthy foods. #Person2#: I know what you mean. I've started eating better myself. #Person1#: What foods do you eat now? #Person2#: I tend to stick to fruits, vegetables, and chicken. #Person1#: Those are the only things you eat? #Person2#: That's basically what I eat. #Person1#: Why aren't you eating anything else? #Person2#: Well, fruits and vegetables are very healthy. #Person1#: And the chicken? #Person2#: It's really healthy to eat when you bake it. #Person1#: I guess that does sound a lot healthier.
#Person1# plans to stop eating unhealthy foods, and #Person2# shares #Person2#'s healthy recipe with #Person1#.
Why are the dreams amazing?
#Person1#: Do you believe in UFOs? #Person2#: Of course, they are out there. #Person1#: But I never saw them. #Person2#: Are you stupid? They are called UFOs, so not everybody can see them. #Person1#: You mean that you can them. #Person2#: That's right. I can see them in my dreams. #Person1#: They come to the earth? #Person2#: No. Their task is to send the aliens here from the outer space. #Person1#: Aliens from the outer space? Do you talk to them? What do they look like? #Person2#: OK, OK, one by one, please! They look like robots, but they can speak. Their mission is to make friends with human beings. #Person1#: That means that you talk to them? In which language? #Person2#: Of course in English, they learn English on Mars too. #Person1#: Wow. Sounds fantastic!
#Person2# believes in UFOs and can see them in dreams. #Person1# asks #Person2# about UFOs and aliens in #Person2#'s dreams and finds #Person2#'s dreams fantastic.
What does Person1 think of UFOs?
#Person1#: Do you believe in UFOs? #Person2#: Of course, they are out there. #Person1#: But I never saw them. #Person2#: Are you stupid? They are called UFOs, so not everybody can see them. #Person1#: You mean that you can them. #Person2#: That's right. I can see them in my dreams. #Person1#: They come to the earth? #Person2#: No. Their task is to send the aliens here from the outer space. #Person1#: Aliens from the outer space? Do you talk to them? What do they look like? #Person2#: OK, OK, one by one, please! They look like robots, but they can speak. Their mission is to make friends with human beings. #Person1#: That means that you talk to them? In which language? #Person2#: Of course in English, they learn English on Mars too. #Person1#: Wow. Sounds fantastic!
#Person2# believes in UFOs and can see them in dreams. #Person1# asks #Person2# about UFOs and aliens in #Person2#'s dreams and finds #Person2#'s dreams fantastic.
What does the person think he sees in person2's dreams?
#Person1#: Do you believe in UFOs? #Person2#: Of course, they are out there. #Person1#: But I never saw them. #Person2#: Are you stupid? They are called UFOs, so not everybody can see them. #Person1#: You mean that you can them. #Person2#: That's right. I can see them in my dreams. #Person1#: They come to the earth? #Person2#: No. Their task is to send the aliens here from the outer space. #Person1#: Aliens from the outer space? Do you talk to them? What do they look like? #Person2#: OK, OK, one by one, please! They look like robots, but they can speak. Their mission is to make friends with human beings. #Person1#: That means that you talk to them? In which language? #Person2#: Of course in English, they learn English on Mars too. #Person1#: Wow. Sounds fantastic!
#Person2# believes in UFOs and can see them in dreams. #Person1# asks #Person2# about UFOs and aliens in #Person2#'s dreams and finds #Person2#'s dreams fantastic.
Who can see the UFO's in their dreams?
#Person1#: Do you believe in UFOs? #Person2#: Of course, they are out there. #Person1#: But I never saw them. #Person2#: Are you stupid? They are called UFOs, so not everybody can see them. #Person1#: You mean that you can them. #Person2#: That's right. I can see them in my dreams. #Person1#: They come to the earth? #Person2#: No. Their task is to send the aliens here from the outer space. #Person1#: Aliens from the outer space? Do you talk to them? What do they look like? #Person2#: OK, OK, one by one, please! They look like robots, but they can speak. Their mission is to make friends with human beings. #Person1#: That means that you talk to them? In which language? #Person2#: Of course in English, they learn English on Mars too. #Person1#: Wow. Sounds fantastic!
#Person2# believes in UFOs and can see them in dreams. #Person1# asks #Person2# about UFOs and aliens in #Person2#'s dreams and finds #Person2#'s dreams fantastic.
Who did not go to school today?
#Person1#: Did you go to school today? #Person2#: Of course. Did you? #Person1#: I didn't want to, so I didn't. #Person2#: That's sad, but have you gone to the movies recently? #Person1#: That's a switch. #Person2#: I'm serious, have you? #Person1#: No, I haven't. Why? #Person2#: I really want to go to the movies this weekend. #Person1#: So go then. #Person2#: I really don't want to go by myself. #Person1#: Well anyway, do you plan on going to school tomorrow? #Person2#: No, I think I'm going to go to the movies.
#Person1# didn't go to school today. #Person2# wants to skip class tomorrow to go to the movies.
When will person 2 go to movies?
#Person1#: Did you go to school today? #Person2#: Of course. Did you? #Person1#: I didn't want to, so I didn't. #Person2#: That's sad, but have you gone to the movies recently? #Person1#: That's a switch. #Person2#: I'm serious, have you? #Person1#: No, I haven't. Why? #Person2#: I really want to go to the movies this weekend. #Person1#: So go then. #Person2#: I really don't want to go by myself. #Person1#: Well anyway, do you plan on going to school tomorrow? #Person2#: No, I think I'm going to go to the movies.
#Person1# didn't go to school today. #Person2# wants to skip class tomorrow to go to the movies.
Does both party agree or disagree?
#Person1#: Honey, I think you should quit smoking. #Person2#: Why? You said I was hot when smoking. #Person1#: But I want you to be fit. #Person2#: Smoking is killing. I know. #Person1#: Check out this article. It says smoking can lead to lung cancer. #Person2#: I don't believe it. #Person1#: But you know that smoking does harm to health, right? #Person2#: Of course I know it, but you know it's hard to quit smoking. . . #Person1#: Stop beating around the bush. Will you quit or not? #Person2#: Yes, ma'am. Whatever you say.
#Person1# asks #Person2# to quit smoking for health. #Person2# thinks it's hard but agrees.
What does Person2 want?
#Person1#: Honey, I think you should quit smoking. #Person2#: Why? You said I was hot when smoking. #Person1#: But I want you to be fit. #Person2#: Smoking is killing. I know. #Person1#: Check out this article. It says smoking can lead to lung cancer. #Person2#: I don't believe it. #Person1#: But you know that smoking does harm to health, right? #Person2#: Of course I know it, but you know it's hard to quit smoking. . . #Person1#: Stop beating around the bush. Will you quit or not? #Person2#: Yes, ma'am. Whatever you say.
#Person1# asks #Person2# to quit smoking for health. #Person2# thinks it's hard but agrees.
Which person will agree to quit smoking?
#Person1#: Honey, I think you should quit smoking. #Person2#: Why? You said I was hot when smoking. #Person1#: But I want you to be fit. #Person2#: Smoking is killing. I know. #Person1#: Check out this article. It says smoking can lead to lung cancer. #Person2#: I don't believe it. #Person1#: But you know that smoking does harm to health, right? #Person2#: Of course I know it, but you know it's hard to quit smoking. . . #Person1#: Stop beating around the bush. Will you quit or not? #Person2#: Yes, ma'am. Whatever you say.
#Person1# asks #Person2# to quit smoking for health. #Person2# thinks it's hard but agrees.
What is Sherry's name?
#Person1#: Excuse me, Mr. White? I just need you to sign these before I leave. #Person2#: Sure, Sherry. Sorry to have kept you waiting. If you hadn't told me, I probably would have just forgotten all about them. #Person1#: That's my job, sir. Just one more signature here, please. #Person2#: There you are.
Sherry reminds Mr. White to sign.
Where did Karen stay?
#Person1#: Hey, Karen. Look like you got some sun this weekend. #Person2#: Yeah? I guess so. I spent the weekend at beach. #Person1#: That's great. Where did you stay? #Person2#: Some friends of my parents live out there, and they invited me there. #Person1#: So, what did you do out there? I mean besides bask in the sun, obviously. #Person2#: I jogged up and down the beach and played volleyball. You know I never realized how hard it is to run on sand. I couldn't get through a whole game before I had to sit down. #Person1#: Not to mention cooler. Did you go swimming? #Person2#: I wanted to, but the water is too cold, and I just wetted in up to my knees. #Person1#: It all sounds so relaxing. I wish I could get away to the beach like that. #Person2#: It looks like you could use it. Don't tell me you spent the weekend in the library again.
#Person1# asks Karen where Karen stayed and how Karen spent the weekend at the beach. #Person1# thinks it's relaxing and wishes to go there.
What is #Person1# going to ask?
#Person1#: How do you usually spend your leisure time? I mean, do you have any special interests out of your job? #Person2#: Of course. You see, almost everyone has some kind of hobby #Person1#: Yeah, you're quite right and what's your hobby? #Person2#: I like taking photos out of door. #Person1#: Oh, photography, It's really a good hobby. #Person2#: Yes, I usually develop and print all my own photos. #Person1#: You yourself have a photo studio? #Person2#: Yes, simple as it is. It does work.
#Person1# asks about #Person2#'s hobbies. #Person2# likes photography and has a photo studio.
What type of hobby does Person2 have?
#Person1#: How do you usually spend your leisure time? I mean, do you have any special interests out of your job? #Person2#: Of course. You see, almost everyone has some kind of hobby #Person1#: Yeah, you're quite right and what's your hobby? #Person2#: I like taking photos out of door. #Person1#: Oh, photography, It's really a good hobby. #Person2#: Yes, I usually develop and print all my own photos. #Person1#: You yourself have a photo studio? #Person2#: Yes, simple as it is. It does work.
#Person1# asks about #Person2#'s hobbies. #Person2# likes photography and has a photo studio.
What kind of passion does #Person1# have?
#Person1#: How do you usually spend your leisure time? I mean, do you have any special interests out of your job? #Person2#: Of course. You see, almost everyone has some kind of hobby #Person1#: Yeah, you're quite right and what's your hobby? #Person2#: I like taking photos out of door. #Person1#: Oh, photography, It's really a good hobby. #Person2#: Yes, I usually develop and print all my own photos. #Person1#: You yourself have a photo studio? #Person2#: Yes, simple as it is. It does work.
#Person1# asks about #Person2#'s hobbies. #Person2# likes photography and has a photo studio.
What type of house does #1 want?
#Person1#: have you ever seen Bill Gate's home on the internet? #Person2#: no. what's it like? #Person1#: it's got its own library, theatre, swimming pool, and a guest house. The house itself has about ten different rooms that are all hooked up to computers so you can get things done in each room through. #Person2#: would you want to live there? #Person1#: I think his house is fantastic, but I wouldn't want to live there. You would have to hire one or two people to clean all the rooms in the house, plus a few people to take care of the gardens. #Person2#: what's your dream home like then? #Person1#: my dream home is actually just a small cottage in a quite village in England. #Person2#: would you want to buy an old cottage or build a new one yourself? #Person1#: old homes are great because they've got character. I think that's important. #Person2#: it that why you wear second-hand cloths as well? Because they've got character? #Person1#: no, that's just because I don't have enough money to buy new cloths all the time! #Person2#: I see. If you lived in an old house, would it be decorated in a modern way? #Person1#: no, I'd definitely try to restore it to its original state. I love to imagine what it'd be like to live in another time in history and living in a house decorated like it would have been 200 years a
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Bill Gate's home. #Person1# thinks it's fantastic but wouldn't want to live there. #Person2# asks about #Person1#'s dream house. #Person1# wants to live in a small and old cottage for its character.
What does -person1- love more than Bill Gate's home?
#Person1#: have you ever seen Bill Gate's home on the internet? #Person2#: no. what's it like? #Person1#: it's got its own library, theatre, swimming pool, and a guest house. The house itself has about ten different rooms that are all hooked up to computers so you can get things done in each room through. #Person2#: would you want to live there? #Person1#: I think his house is fantastic, but I wouldn't want to live there. You would have to hire one or two people to clean all the rooms in the house, plus a few people to take care of the gardens. #Person2#: what's your dream home like then? #Person1#: my dream home is actually just a small cottage in a quite village in England. #Person2#: would you want to buy an old cottage or build a new one yourself? #Person1#: old homes are great because they've got character. I think that's important. #Person2#: it that why you wear second-hand cloths as well? Because they've got character? #Person1#: no, that's just because I don't have enough money to buy new cloths all the time! #Person2#: I see. If you lived in an old house, would it be decorated in a modern way? #Person1#: no, I'd definitely try to restore it to its original state. I love to imagine what it'd be like to live in another time in history and living in a house decorated like it would have been 200 years a
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Bill Gate's home. #Person1# thinks it's fantastic but wouldn't want to live there. #Person2# asks about #Person1#'s dream house. #Person1# wants to live in a small and old cottage for its character.
How old does the cottage have to be?
#Person1#: have you ever seen Bill Gate's home on the internet? #Person2#: no. what's it like? #Person1#: it's got its own library, theatre, swimming pool, and a guest house. The house itself has about ten different rooms that are all hooked up to computers so you can get things done in each room through. #Person2#: would you want to live there? #Person1#: I think his house is fantastic, but I wouldn't want to live there. You would have to hire one or two people to clean all the rooms in the house, plus a few people to take care of the gardens. #Person2#: what's your dream home like then? #Person1#: my dream home is actually just a small cottage in a quite village in England. #Person2#: would you want to buy an old cottage or build a new one yourself? #Person1#: old homes are great because they've got character. I think that's important. #Person2#: it that why you wear second-hand cloths as well? Because they've got character? #Person1#: no, that's just because I don't have enough money to buy new cloths all the time! #Person2#: I see. If you lived in an old house, would it be decorated in a modern way? #Person1#: no, I'd definitely try to restore it to its original state. I love to imagine what it'd be like to live in another time in history and living in a house decorated like it would have been 200 years a
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Bill Gate's home. #Person1# thinks it's fantastic but wouldn't want to live there. #Person2# asks about #Person1#'s dream house. #Person1# wants to live in a small and old cottage for its character.
Who thinks it's fantastic?
#Person1#: have you ever seen Bill Gate's home on the internet? #Person2#: no. what's it like? #Person1#: it's got its own library, theatre, swimming pool, and a guest house. The house itself has about ten different rooms that are all hooked up to computers so you can get things done in each room through. #Person2#: would you want to live there? #Person1#: I think his house is fantastic, but I wouldn't want to live there. You would have to hire one or two people to clean all the rooms in the house, plus a few people to take care of the gardens. #Person2#: what's your dream home like then? #Person1#: my dream home is actually just a small cottage in a quite village in England. #Person2#: would you want to buy an old cottage or build a new one yourself? #Person1#: old homes are great because they've got character. I think that's important. #Person2#: it that why you wear second-hand cloths as well? Because they've got character? #Person1#: no, that's just because I don't have enough money to buy new cloths all the time! #Person2#: I see. If you lived in an old house, would it be decorated in a modern way? #Person1#: no, I'd definitely try to restore it to its original state. I love to imagine what it'd be like to live in another time in history and living in a house decorated like it would have been 200 years a
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Bill Gate's home. #Person1# thinks it's fantastic but wouldn't want to live there. #Person2# asks about #Person1#'s dream house. #Person1# wants to live in a small and old cottage for its character.
Why did #1 feel tired?
#Person1#: I am tired of everything in my life. #Person2#: What? How happy you life is! I do envy you. #Person1#: You don't know that I have been over-protected by my mother these years. I am really about to leave the family and spread my wings. #Person2#: Maybe you are right.
#Person1# feels tired because of #Person1#'s mother's over-protection.
What is the problem?
#Person1#: I am tired of everything in my life. #Person2#: What? How happy you life is! I do envy you. #Person1#: You don't know that I have been over-protected by my mother these years. I am really about to leave the family and spread my wings. #Person2#: Maybe you are right.
#Person1# feels tired because of #Person1#'s mother's over-protection.
Who may have been overprotected by number1?
#Person1#: I am tired of everything in my life. #Person2#: What? How happy you life is! I do envy you. #Person1#: You don't know that I have been over-protected by my mother these years. I am really about to leave the family and spread my wings. #Person2#: Maybe you are right.
#Person1# feels tired because of #Person1#'s mother's over-protection.
Why is person 1 being so emotional?
#Person1#: I am tired of everything in my life. #Person2#: What? How happy you life is! I do envy you. #Person1#: You don't know that I have been over-protected by my mother these years. I am really about to leave the family and spread my wings. #Person2#: Maybe you are right.
#Person1# feels tired because of #Person1#'s mother's over-protection.
Where are person1 talking about advertisements?
#Person1#: There are advertisements everywhere here in hong kong. The city is so bright at night, with all the neon signs. #Person2#: I like it. It makes the city feel alive. I like all the different colors and I like the billboards with eye-catching pictures and slogans. #Person1#: I think that there are too many of them. I think that companies spend far too much money on advertising. They should have lower prices instead. Then they would see more. #Person2#: I see your point, but if companies didn't spend money on advertising, no one would hear about their products. I agree that some form of advertising can be annoying. I don't like it when people try to give you leaflets with information about products you have no intention of buying. #Person1#: I really hate receiving spam. I also dislike having to listen to advertisements and jingles when they are broadcast in stores or on the subway. #Person2#: Yes, that annoys me too. With billboards, you can look away, but with broadcasts, you can't avoid them. I like the way that advertising agencies use comedy in their campaign. #Person1#: I like that too. I don't like the way that advertising campaign often tell you if you don't buy a certain product, you're not cool or modern or efficient or something. #Person2#: That kind of advertising seems to be very common with brand name products. They are always trying to maintain brand loyalty.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about advertisements in Hong Kong. #Person2# likes the billboards, while #Person1# thinks there're too many advertisements. They both hate leaflets and broadcasts but like the way that advertising agencies use comedy in their campaign.
Who thinks of the billboards?
#Person1#: There are advertisements everywhere here in hong kong. The city is so bright at night, with all the neon signs. #Person2#: I like it. It makes the city feel alive. I like all the different colors and I like the billboards with eye-catching pictures and slogans. #Person1#: I think that there are too many of them. I think that companies spend far too much money on advertising. They should have lower prices instead. Then they would see more. #Person2#: I see your point, but if companies didn't spend money on advertising, no one would hear about their products. I agree that some form of advertising can be annoying. I don't like it when people try to give you leaflets with information about products you have no intention of buying. #Person1#: I really hate receiving spam. I also dislike having to listen to advertisements and jingles when they are broadcast in stores or on the subway. #Person2#: Yes, that annoys me too. With billboards, you can look away, but with broadcasts, you can't avoid them. I like the way that advertising agencies use comedy in their campaign. #Person1#: I like that too. I don't like the way that advertising campaign often tell you if you don't buy a certain product, you're not cool or modern or efficient or something. #Person2#: That kind of advertising seems to be very common with brand name products. They are always trying to maintain brand loyalty.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about advertisements in Hong Kong. #Person2# likes the billboards, while #Person1# thinks there're too many advertisements. They both hate leaflets and broadcasts but like the way that advertising agencies use comedy in their campaign.
Where are the billboards located?
#Person1#: There are advertisements everywhere here in hong kong. The city is so bright at night, with all the neon signs. #Person2#: I like it. It makes the city feel alive. I like all the different colors and I like the billboards with eye-catching pictures and slogans. #Person1#: I think that there are too many of them. I think that companies spend far too much money on advertising. They should have lower prices instead. Then they would see more. #Person2#: I see your point, but if companies didn't spend money on advertising, no one would hear about their products. I agree that some form of advertising can be annoying. I don't like it when people try to give you leaflets with information about products you have no intention of buying. #Person1#: I really hate receiving spam. I also dislike having to listen to advertisements and jingles when they are broadcast in stores or on the subway. #Person2#: Yes, that annoys me too. With billboards, you can look away, but with broadcasts, you can't avoid them. I like the way that advertising agencies use comedy in their campaign. #Person1#: I like that too. I don't like the way that advertising campaign often tell you if you don't buy a certain product, you're not cool or modern or efficient or something. #Person2#: That kind of advertising seems to be very common with brand name products. They are always trying to maintain brand loyalty.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about advertisements in Hong Kong. #Person2# likes the billboards, while #Person1# thinks there're too many advertisements. They both hate leaflets and broadcasts but like the way that advertising agencies use comedy in their campaign.
What place does this talk take place in?
#Person1#: There are advertisements everywhere here in hong kong. The city is so bright at night, with all the neon signs. #Person2#: I like it. It makes the city feel alive. I like all the different colors and I like the billboards with eye-catching pictures and slogans. #Person1#: I think that there are too many of them. I think that companies spend far too much money on advertising. They should have lower prices instead. Then they would see more. #Person2#: I see your point, but if companies didn't spend money on advertising, no one would hear about their products. I agree that some form of advertising can be annoying. I don't like it when people try to give you leaflets with information about products you have no intention of buying. #Person1#: I really hate receiving spam. I also dislike having to listen to advertisements and jingles when they are broadcast in stores or on the subway. #Person2#: Yes, that annoys me too. With billboards, you can look away, but with broadcasts, you can't avoid them. I like the way that advertising agencies use comedy in their campaign. #Person1#: I like that too. I don't like the way that advertising campaign often tell you if you don't buy a certain product, you're not cool or modern or efficient or something. #Person2#: That kind of advertising seems to be very common with brand name products. They are always trying to maintain brand loyalty.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about advertisements in Hong Kong. #Person2# likes the billboards, while #Person1# thinks there're too many advertisements. They both hate leaflets and broadcasts but like the way that advertising agencies use comedy in their campaign.
Who does Mr. Zhang approach to ask about their skills?
#Person1#: Hi, Mr. Zhang. What's wrong? You don't look so happy. How was your date? #Person2#: I was turned down again. It's frustrating. I guess you'Ve got to teach me some skills. #Person1#: Me? I'm even less experienced than you are. #Person2#: At least you know what American women generally like in a man. #Person1#: Believe it or not, I guess American women like a man in good shape, which Chinese women may not care about so much. That's my honest opinion. I know you have been trying very hard. #Person2#: American men are naturally taller than Chinese men. So even if I exercise, there aren't many chances. #Person1#: No, that's not true. I'Ve met two American women who were married to Chinese. But those Chinese look very strong and healthy. So if you exercise more often, I bet it will surely be easier for you to date American girls. How old is Jacky Chan? He's small and short. But I bet he can have any American woman he wants. #Person2#: You know, that's going to be a tremendous change for me. Because I never exercise. #Person1#: Why don't you try then? Even if it doesn't help you find an American girl, you could still have a stronger and healthier body. You won't lose anything by doing that.
Mr. Zhang was turned down again and asks #Person1# to teach some skills. #Person1# thinks American women like a man in good shape and suggests Mr. Zhang try to exercise.
what does person 2 think?
#Person1#: What sports do you think women excel at most? #Person2#: I think women excel in every sport except the ones that are taboo for us to join in, like football. #Person1#: I mean which ones are they better at than men? #Person2#: Why do you care? Women and men are different all around. I don't think they can be compared. #Person1#: That's a good point. Let me change my question. What sports do women like best? #Person2#: Well, I know some women who love golf and I know others who love contact sports. #Person1#: Are you saying that women can't be generally categorized? #Person2#: Are you suggesting that anyone can be?
#Person1# asks #Person2# what sports women excel at and is better than men. #Person2# thinks men and women could not be compared.
What did Person 2 say about the cities?
#Person1#: Is there a city where it's always warm? #Person2#: Yes, there are many cities where it's almost always warm. San Diego, for example. #Person1#: Are there any other cities where it's always hot? #Person2#: Many. Most of the cities in the southern part of the United States are hot all year. #Person1#: But why do so many people live there? #Person2#: Most people grow accustomed to the climate, but there are many others who complain about it all the time. #Person1#: Are there any cities where it rains a lot? #Person2#: Several. Two good examples are Seattle, in the state of Washington, and Portland, Oregon. #Person1#: Tell us about some cold cities. #Person2#: In the north there are many cities which are very cold in the winter. Boston and Chicago are two of them. #Person1#: Is it always cold in Chicago and Boston? #Person2#: Oh, no. On the contrary, there are many beautiful days, especially in the spring and fall.
#Person1# wants to know the cities where it's always warm, hot, rains a lot, and cold respectively, and #Person2# tells #Person1# these cities accordingly.
Where does Person1 want to go?
#Person1#: Is there a city where it's always warm? #Person2#: Yes, there are many cities where it's almost always warm. San Diego, for example. #Person1#: Are there any other cities where it's always hot? #Person2#: Many. Most of the cities in the southern part of the United States are hot all year. #Person1#: But why do so many people live there? #Person2#: Most people grow accustomed to the climate, but there are many others who complain about it all the time. #Person1#: Are there any cities where it rains a lot? #Person2#: Several. Two good examples are Seattle, in the state of Washington, and Portland, Oregon. #Person1#: Tell us about some cold cities. #Person2#: In the north there are many cities which are very cold in the winter. Boston and Chicago are two of them. #Person1#: Is it always cold in Chicago and Boston? #Person2#: Oh, no. On the contrary, there are many beautiful days, especially in the spring and fall.
#Person1# wants to know the cities where it's always warm, hot, rains a lot, and cold respectively, and #Person2# tells #Person1# these cities accordingly.
What does Julia do to earn the raised wage?
#Person1#: Julia, I would like to have a word with you. Have a seat. #Person2#: Thank you. #Person1#: According to your performance, I decided to give you a salary increase. From next month, there will be a 2, 000 yuan raise to your salary. Although your first raise might not sound considerable, the company believes that with your ability, sooner or later you'll get a better raise. #Person2#: Thank you very much. Mr. George. As a newcomer, I understand that you have your consideration and I am satisfied with the raise. #Person1#: I think you deserved this. #Person2#: Thank you again. I'll keep doing my best.
Mr. George decides to give Julia a salary increase according to her performance, and Julia feels satisfied.
What will Mr. George do?
#Person1#: Julia, I would like to have a word with you. Have a seat. #Person2#: Thank you. #Person1#: According to your performance, I decided to give you a salary increase. From next month, there will be a 2, 000 yuan raise to your salary. Although your first raise might not sound considerable, the company believes that with your ability, sooner or later you'll get a better raise. #Person2#: Thank you very much. Mr. George. As a newcomer, I understand that you have your consideration and I am satisfied with the raise. #Person1#: I think you deserved this. #Person2#: Thank you again. I'll keep doing my best.
Mr. George decides to give Julia a salary increase according to her performance, and Julia feels satisfied.
How will Julia feel after taking the increase?
#Person1#: Julia, I would like to have a word with you. Have a seat. #Person2#: Thank you. #Person1#: According to your performance, I decided to give you a salary increase. From next month, there will be a 2, 000 yuan raise to your salary. Although your first raise might not sound considerable, the company believes that with your ability, sooner or later you'll get a better raise. #Person2#: Thank you very much. Mr. George. As a newcomer, I understand that you have your consideration and I am satisfied with the raise. #Person1#: I think you deserved this. #Person2#: Thank you again. I'll keep doing my best.
Mr. George decides to give Julia a salary increase according to her performance, and Julia feels satisfied.
Who is the person who encouraged person 2 to keep working hard?
#Person1#: I'm afraid it's bad news for you. You haven't got the position. #Person2#: Oh, no! I can't have failed. Are you sure? #Person1#: I'm afraid so. I'm terribly sorry. #Person2#: It sucks. But Arden told me he's satisfied with my qualifications and experience. #Person1#: He's the only one of the several to decide this. #Person2#: How am I going to face the fellows in our office? They thought I would be promoted. They must be waiting for my good news. #Person1#: I don't think the thing can be that serious. You should face the result. Besides, I don't think the position is the best for you. #Person2#: But I lost the chance. #Person1#: Keep working hard, and then you will get another chance of promotion someday.
#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person2# hasn't got the position. #Person2# feels disappointed and #Person1# encourages #Person2# to keep working hard.
What will you pack for the trip?
#Person1#: Hello, Sara are you finished packing yet? Do you need a hand? #Person2#: Thanks. Dad, but I can manage it myself. #Person1#: Make sure you have your ID card. You will need it while you travel. #Person2#: Yes, I know. The problem is that I can't find it. Where did you put it? #Person1#: All your important documents and certificates should be in the desk drawer. #Person2#: Oh, yes, here it is. #Person1#: Sara? #Person2#: What's up? #Person1#: Did you buy a map? Traveling can be really inconvenient without one, and you could even wind up lost #Person2#: No. Dad. We have a tour guide. #Person1#: Also, take these pills in case you have any airsickness, and take some cold medicine, too. How about some band-aids? #Person2#: No, I won't get sick. I promise. Ok. I've finished. Bye, Dad. See you! #Person1#: Take care, dear! Be careful! Oh Sara, wait a minute! You forget your raincoat and umbrella. #Person2#: Dad, that's all right. I don't think it will rain. And it doesn't make any sense to take that many things on a trip. Besides I like to travel light. Bye!
#Person1# reminds Sara of several items to pack for the trip. Sara decides not to take them except her ID card because she likes to travel light.
How many items does Sara take for the trip?
#Person1#: Hello, Sara are you finished packing yet? Do you need a hand? #Person2#: Thanks. Dad, but I can manage it myself. #Person1#: Make sure you have your ID card. You will need it while you travel. #Person2#: Yes, I know. The problem is that I can't find it. Where did you put it? #Person1#: All your important documents and certificates should be in the desk drawer. #Person2#: Oh, yes, here it is. #Person1#: Sara? #Person2#: What's up? #Person1#: Did you buy a map? Traveling can be really inconvenient without one, and you could even wind up lost #Person2#: No. Dad. We have a tour guide. #Person1#: Also, take these pills in case you have any airsickness, and take some cold medicine, too. How about some band-aids? #Person2#: No, I won't get sick. I promise. Ok. I've finished. Bye, Dad. See you! #Person1#: Take care, dear! Be careful! Oh Sara, wait a minute! You forget your raincoat and umbrella. #Person2#: Dad, that's all right. I don't think it will rain. And it doesn't make any sense to take that many things on a trip. Besides I like to travel light. Bye!
#Person1# reminds Sara of several items to pack for the trip. Sara decides not to take them except her ID card because she likes to travel light.
What is Required #Person1#'s role?
#Person1#: Can I help you, ma'am. #Person2#: Yes, will you keep our bags until 6 p. m. ? #Person1#: Are you all our guests? #Person2#: Yes, we checked out just now. #Person1#: Please fill in this form. #Person2#: Is this all right? #Person1#: So you are leaving this evening. We keep your bags until 6 p. m. Here's your tag. #Person2#: Thanks a lot.
#Person2# asks for #Person1#'s help to keep the bags until 6 p.m.
Who is the boss?
#Person1#: sorry, Brad. But you are going to have to re-do this. #Person2#: What's the problem, Ms. Murphy? #Person1#: It's badly organized. I can't present this to the board. #Person2#: I'm sorry. Ms. Murphy. I'll re-work it. Can I give it back to you this afternoon?
Ms. Murphy asks Brad to re-do the work badly organized.
What does Ms. Murphy want?
#Person1#: sorry, Brad. But you are going to have to re-do this. #Person2#: What's the problem, Ms. Murphy? #Person1#: It's badly organized. I can't present this to the board. #Person2#: I'm sorry. Ms. Murphy. I'll re-work it. Can I give it back to you this afternoon?
Ms. Murphy asks Brad to re-do the work badly organized.
What is happen for reorganizing?
#Person1#: sorry, Brad. But you are going to have to re-do this. #Person2#: What's the problem, Ms. Murphy? #Person1#: It's badly organized. I can't present this to the board. #Person2#: I'm sorry. Ms. Murphy. I'll re-work it. Can I give it back to you this afternoon?
Ms. Murphy asks Brad to re-do the work badly organized.
Who says drinking beer helps sing better?
#Person1#: Did you know that drinking beer helps you sing better? #Person2#: Are you sure? How do you know? #Person1#: Well, usually people think I'm a terrible singer, but after we all have a few beers, they say I sound a lot better! #Person2#: Well, I heard that if you drink enough beer, you can speak foreign languages better. . . #Person1#: Then after a few beers, you'll be singing in Taiwanese? #Person2#: Maybe. . .
#Person1# says drinking beer helps sing better, but #Person2# heard it helps speaking foreign languages.
Why did #Person1# do this?
#Person1#: Good afternoon, Miss Qi. #Person2#: Good afternoon. It's very nice to see you again. #Person1#: How are you feeling today? #Person2#: I'm much better. The stomachache is gone, and the doctor is about to give me another endoscope examination to see whether the ulcer has healed. #Person1#: That's good. Well, these are for you. I hope you will like them. #Person2#: How beautiful they are! Thank you so much. #Person1#: I've also brought some magazines for you. I hope they'll keep you from getting bored while you're in the hospital. #Person2#: You're so thoughtful! #Person1#: It's time for me to leave. I hope you will recover soon. See you later. #Person2#: Thank you for coming. Good - bye.
#Person1# visits Miss Qi in the hospital and brings some magazines to keep her from getting bored.
What does Person1 want to do next?
#Person1#: Good afternoon, Miss Qi. #Person2#: Good afternoon. It's very nice to see you again. #Person1#: How are you feeling today? #Person2#: I'm much better. The stomachache is gone, and the doctor is about to give me another endoscope examination to see whether the ulcer has healed. #Person1#: That's good. Well, these are for you. I hope you will like them. #Person2#: How beautiful they are! Thank you so much. #Person1#: I've also brought some magazines for you. I hope they'll keep you from getting bored while you're in the hospital. #Person2#: You're so thoughtful! #Person1#: It's time for me to leave. I hope you will recover soon. See you later. #Person2#: Thank you for coming. Good - bye.
#Person1# visits Miss Qi in the hospital and brings some magazines to keep her from getting bored.
What can you know about Amy?
#Person1#: Amy, you don't look so well. What happened? #Person2#: Yes. I feel terrible. I have been coughing for the whole morning. #Person1#: Do you feel anything else? #Person2#: Yes. I feel chilly and sluggish. #Person1#: Have you had similar feelings before? #Person2#: No. This is my first day abroad. I am not sure what is wrong with me. #Person1#: Don't worry. I believe you are just not agreeing with the local climate. I will get you some medicine. You will be alright after a good rest. #Person2#: Thank you very much.
Amy feels terrible. #Person1# thinks she's not agreeing with the local climate and will get her some medicine.
How are they feeling?
#Person1#: Amy, you don't look so well. What happened? #Person2#: Yes. I feel terrible. I have been coughing for the whole morning. #Person1#: Do you feel anything else? #Person2#: Yes. I feel chilly and sluggish. #Person1#: Have you had similar feelings before? #Person2#: No. This is my first day abroad. I am not sure what is wrong with me. #Person1#: Don't worry. I believe you are just not agreeing with the local climate. I will get you some medicine. You will be alright after a good rest. #Person2#: Thank you very much.
Amy feels terrible. #Person1# thinks she's not agreeing with the local climate and will get her some medicine.
What does Someone 1st order at the restaurant?
#Person1#: Would you like to order now, madam? #Person2#: Yes, please. I'd like the steak and mushrooms. #Person1#: How would you like your steak, rare, medium, or well-done? #Person2#: I'd like it well done, please. #Person1#: What kind of potatoes would like to go with that, mushed, boiled, or baked? #Person2#: I think i have bake potatoes. And i now have ice tea with lemon on the side, please. #Person1#: Good, and would you care for soup or salad to start with? #Person2#: I'd like cream onion soup please. #Person1#: Will you have dessert to be, madam? #Person2#: I want to skip desert. That is all, thank you. #Person1#: OK, I'll be with you in a moment.
#Person1# helps #Person2# order a well-done steak, mushrooms, baked potatoes, ice tea, and soup.
What do they say they like?
#Person1#: Would you like to order now, madam? #Person2#: Yes, please. I'd like the steak and mushrooms. #Person1#: How would you like your steak, rare, medium, or well-done? #Person2#: I'd like it well done, please. #Person1#: What kind of potatoes would like to go with that, mushed, boiled, or baked? #Person2#: I think i have bake potatoes. And i now have ice tea with lemon on the side, please. #Person1#: Good, and would you care for soup or salad to start with? #Person2#: I'd like cream onion soup please. #Person1#: Will you have dessert to be, madam? #Person2#: I want to skip desert. That is all, thank you. #Person1#: OK, I'll be with you in a moment.
#Person1# helps #Person2# order a well-done steak, mushrooms, baked potatoes, ice tea, and soup.
Which is more likely to take it before December?
#Person1#: I've been working hard for a whole year. I really need a break. #Person2#: That's true. You need to take some time off to relax. #Person1#: You said it. I'm looking forward to my annual vacation. #Person2#: When are you going to take your vacation? #Person1#: Later this month. I can't wait! #Person2#: I really envy you. You know I'm not taking my vacation until December.
#Person1# will take an annual vacation, but #Person2# cannot take it until December.
What does #2 do?
#Person1#: Waiter, get me rag, please. I have just spilled my wine. #Person2#: Let me help you. #Person1#: Thank you. Please bring me some paper napkins. #Person2#: Here you are. #Person1#: I think I should be more careful next time.
#Person1# spilled the wine and asks #Person2# for rags.
What does #1 do to protect themselves?
#Person1#: Waiter, get me rag, please. I have just spilled my wine. #Person2#: Let me help you. #Person1#: Thank you. Please bring me some paper napkins. #Person2#: Here you are. #Person1#: I think I should be more careful next time.
#Person1# spilled the wine and asks #Person2# for rags.
What was the problem?
#Person1#: What's wrong with you? #Person2#: I'm trying to send the instruction book by E-mail, but I failed many, many times. And there is something wrong with the net maybe. It's so slow. #Person1#: Well, maybe the net is slow now. Try it again. #Person2#: I am used to editing with Word 2003, and there are many pictures in the book. #Person1#: It's beyond question. You can save it the same as a document. #Person2#: I merely know how to send the direct letter. But I am not familiar with the attachment. #Person1#: It's the same as usual. The only difference lies in that you need to paste the book as an attachment. #Person2#: Can I mail the book if it is a large file? #Person1#: There are limitations to the capacity of an E-mail. Commonly it's no more than 4 MB. #Person2#: What if it exceeds the capacity? #Person1#: You can divide it into several documents to mail. Or you can download the mentioned software from the warning.
#Person2# failed to send the instruction book by E-mail. #Person1# helps and teaches #Person2# how to do it.
How is it sent?
#Person1#: What's wrong with you? #Person2#: I'm trying to send the instruction book by E-mail, but I failed many, many times. And there is something wrong with the net maybe. It's so slow. #Person1#: Well, maybe the net is slow now. Try it again. #Person2#: I am used to editing with Word 2003, and there are many pictures in the book. #Person1#: It's beyond question. You can save it the same as a document. #Person2#: I merely know how to send the direct letter. But I am not familiar with the attachment. #Person1#: It's the same as usual. The only difference lies in that you need to paste the book as an attachment. #Person2#: Can I mail the book if it is a large file? #Person1#: There are limitations to the capacity of an E-mail. Commonly it's no more than 4 MB. #Person2#: What if it exceeds the capacity? #Person1#: You can divide it into several documents to mail. Or you can download the mentioned software from the warning.
#Person2# failed to send the instruction book by E-mail. #Person1# helps and teaches #Person2# how to do it.
How does this affect Person2?
#Person1#: What's wrong with you? #Person2#: I'm trying to send the instruction book by E-mail, but I failed many, many times. And there is something wrong with the net maybe. It's so slow. #Person1#: Well, maybe the net is slow now. Try it again. #Person2#: I am used to editing with Word 2003, and there are many pictures in the book. #Person1#: It's beyond question. You can save it the same as a document. #Person2#: I merely know how to send the direct letter. But I am not familiar with the attachment. #Person1#: It's the same as usual. The only difference lies in that you need to paste the book as an attachment. #Person2#: Can I mail the book if it is a large file? #Person1#: There are limitations to the capacity of an E-mail. Commonly it's no more than 4 MB. #Person2#: What if it exceeds the capacity? #Person1#: You can divide it into several documents to mail. Or you can download the mentioned software from the warning.
#Person2# failed to send the instruction book by E-mail. #Person1# helps and teaches #Person2# how to do it.
What does this mean?
#Person1#: Bill, will you be free at noon? #Person2#: Yes. What can I do for you? #Person1#: We need a new filing cabinet in the office. Could you go downtown with me after lunch? #Person2#: All right. Have you got an idea about what type to buy? #Person1#: Yes, the same as the one we have. And we also need some small articles in the office, such as pens, clips, erasers and sticky notes. #Person2#: Can you remember them all? #Person1#: Susan has already given me a list of all the stationery which we need to buy.
#Person1# invites Bill to buy office supplies which Susan has listed for #Person1#.
What should Bill do?
#Person1#: Bill, will you be free at noon? #Person2#: Yes. What can I do for you? #Person1#: We need a new filing cabinet in the office. Could you go downtown with me after lunch? #Person2#: All right. Have you got an idea about what type to buy? #Person1#: Yes, the same as the one we have. And we also need some small articles in the office, such as pens, clips, erasers and sticky notes. #Person2#: Can you remember them all? #Person1#: Susan has already given me a list of all the stationery which we need to buy.
#Person1# invites Bill to buy office supplies which Susan has listed for #Person1#.
What are the specific items they are talking about?
#Person1#: Do you know anything about health food? #Person2#: It is so popular among people to preserve health now, so I read some books about health food. #Person1#: Can you give me some examples? #Person2#: Drinking warm and fresh water in the morning on wakening up is one of ways to keep healthy. #Person1#: Really? Why we must have warm and fresh water? #Person2#: Warm water can be good for your stomach, which is empty at that moment. And freshness can keep the water active to clean your digest system. #Person1#: Anything else? #Person2#: Yogurt, because it has protein, vitamins and it is acidic. If you drink it everyday, your stomach will be more comfortable.
#Person1# asks #Person2# about health food and concrete examples. #Person2# lists warm and fresh water and yogurt and explains the reason.
They are preparing
#Person1#: The bridegroom looks a bit nervous. #Person2#: On this occasion, most people do. #Person1#: Oh, they are playing the wedding March. Here they come. #Person2#: She is a beautiful bride. #Person1#: I am so happy for them. #Person2#: Are you crying? #Person1#: Yes, I always cry at weddings. #Person2#: Harris and Anne are perfect for each other. #Person1#: Yes, they are. #Person2#: You and Tom also make a great couple. #Person1#: In fact, we are beginning to make preparations. #Person2#: For the wedding? #Person1#: No, no, for the engagement. #Person2#: Try to catch this bouquet then.
#Person1# and #Person2# are touched by the wedding, and #Person1# says #Person1# and Tom are preparing for their engagement.
Was Tom engaged?
#Person1#: The bridegroom looks a bit nervous. #Person2#: On this occasion, most people do. #Person1#: Oh, they are playing the wedding March. Here they come. #Person2#: She is a beautiful bride. #Person1#: I am so happy for them. #Person2#: Are you crying? #Person1#: Yes, I always cry at weddings. #Person2#: Harris and Anne are perfect for each other. #Person1#: Yes, they are. #Person2#: You and Tom also make a great couple. #Person1#: In fact, we are beginning to make preparations. #Person2#: For the wedding? #Person1#: No, no, for the engagement. #Person2#: Try to catch this bouquet then.
#Person1# and #Person2# are touched by the wedding, and #Person1# says #Person1# and Tom are preparing for their engagement.
What should #Person1# do for a break?
#Person1#: We've been cramming for tomorrow's history exam since early this morning. What do you say we take a break and listen to some music, okay? #Person2#: Now that you mention it, I'm getting a little bumed-out from studying nonstop, too. Listening to some music for a while would suit me just fine. #Person1#: While you're picking out a record to play, I'll grab a couple of beers out of the refrigerator. #Person2#: You sure have a lot of discs here. #Person1#: Yeah, I've got everything from rock n'roll to the latest new - wave stuff. #Person2#: To tell you the truth, I'm strictly into classical music. You don't happen to have any Bach or Mozart, do you? #Person1#: Sorry, my taste in music doesn't go back any further than the 1960's. Music written before then is just history to me. #Person2#: Well, speaking of history, let's get back to the books. We'Ve got an exam tomorrow, remember?
#Person1# and #Person2# are preparing for the history exam. #Person1# suggests taking a break to listen to some music, but they have different music tastes. Then they get back to books.
Can people identify with something they hate?
#Person1#: We've been cramming for tomorrow's history exam since early this morning. What do you say we take a break and listen to some music, okay? #Person2#: Now that you mention it, I'm getting a little bumed-out from studying nonstop, too. Listening to some music for a while would suit me just fine. #Person1#: While you're picking out a record to play, I'll grab a couple of beers out of the refrigerator. #Person2#: You sure have a lot of discs here. #Person1#: Yeah, I've got everything from rock n'roll to the latest new - wave stuff. #Person2#: To tell you the truth, I'm strictly into classical music. You don't happen to have any Bach or Mozart, do you? #Person1#: Sorry, my taste in music doesn't go back any further than the 1960's. Music written before then is just history to me. #Person2#: Well, speaking of history, let's get back to the books. We'Ve got an exam tomorrow, remember?
#Person1# and #Person2# are preparing for the history exam. #Person1# suggests taking a break to listen to some music, but they have different music tastes. Then they get back to books.
What subject are they preparing for?
#Person1#: We've been cramming for tomorrow's history exam since early this morning. What do you say we take a break and listen to some music, okay? #Person2#: Now that you mention it, I'm getting a little bumed-out from studying nonstop, too. Listening to some music for a while would suit me just fine. #Person1#: While you're picking out a record to play, I'll grab a couple of beers out of the refrigerator. #Person2#: You sure have a lot of discs here. #Person1#: Yeah, I've got everything from rock n'roll to the latest new - wave stuff. #Person2#: To tell you the truth, I'm strictly into classical music. You don't happen to have any Bach or Mozart, do you? #Person1#: Sorry, my taste in music doesn't go back any further than the 1960's. Music written before then is just history to me. #Person2#: Well, speaking of history, let's get back to the books. We'Ve got an exam tomorrow, remember?
#Person1# and #Person2# are preparing for the history exam. #Person1# suggests taking a break to listen to some music, but they have different music tastes. Then they get back to books.
How was this sale handled?
#Person1#: Excuse me. Have you got any books on genetic engineering? I've looked for them everywhere, but I can't find any. #Person2#: I'm not sure if we've got any now. Books of that kind are on this shelf. Well, I'm afraid we've sold out. #Person1#: What a pity! I should have come earlier. #Person2#: Come some time next week if you like. I think we'll have got some by then. #Person1#: Ok, I will.
#Person1# wants books on genetic engineering. #Person2# says they're sold out and asks #Person1# to come next week.
does #1 have to remind you then?
#Person1#: Excuse me. Does this bus go to the National Library of China? #Person2#: Yes, there are three stops left. #Person1#: How long is the ride? #Person2#: Well, you will get there in about a quarter of an hour if the traffic isn't too heavy. #Person1#: Thank you. Would you please let me know when we get to the stop? I'm a stranger here. #Person2#: Sure, madam. I'll remind you.
#Person1# asks #Person2# to remind her when they get to the stop.
How did they feel afterwards?
#Person1#: How are you, Mrs. Brandon? #Person2#: Pretty good. How are you doing? #Person1#: Not so good. I lost my job today. #Person2#: I'm sorry to hear that. #Person1#: How are your students doing? #Person2#: They are very nervous about their final test. #Person1#: I remember you gave our class a hard final test in my first year of college. Many of us failed. But I really learned a lot from you. You see, I can speak very good English. #Person2#: Thank you for saying so.
#Person1# lost the job but is grateful for Mrs. Brandon from who #Person1# learned a lot.
What is John Keat's first name?
#Person1#: Good afternoon, Dr. Anderson's office. #Person2#: Hello, my name is John Keat, and I was hoping I could come in today to see the doctor. #Person1#: Are you a patient of Dr. Anderson? #Person2#: Well, no. I'm at a convention from Mexico and the manager of the hotel where I'm staying suggested that I call you. #Person1#: Well, I see. What seems to be the problem? #Person2#: Well, I got this ringing in my ears. It's so terrible that I can hardly hear people talking now. #Person1#: Are you in any pain or is there any fluid? #Person2#: No discharge, just a slight earache. #Person1#: Does the pain happen all the time, or once in a while. #Person2#: It has been aching for two days and it's never stopped. I thought it might be due to my flying in the air, and after some rest it'll be all gone. But who knows it's getting worse. I need to see the doctor. #Person1#: The doctor will be busy at the hospital until this evening. The earliest you could see him would be tomorrow morning at ten. #Person2#: The time is good for me. I'll come in then if that's okay. #Person1#: That will be fine; in the meantime you should try to take it easy. Don't press your ear and don't have water in when you take a shower. #Person2#: Do I have to bring something when I'm seeing the doctor, since I have never seen a doctor in Canada. #Person1#: For foreign visitors, I guess you may bring your passport for the hospital registration. #Person2#: Yes, I will. Thank you for your help. #Person1#: Thanks for calling. See you.
John Keat comes to Dr. Anderson's office and describes his earache to #Person1#. John Keat wants to see the doctor, but #Person1# says the doctor will be busy until this evening. #Person1# tells John to come tomorrow at ten with his passport.
What does #Person1# use as a reason for not seeing John
#Person1#: Good afternoon, Dr. Anderson's office. #Person2#: Hello, my name is John Keat, and I was hoping I could come in today to see the doctor. #Person1#: Are you a patient of Dr. Anderson? #Person2#: Well, no. I'm at a convention from Mexico and the manager of the hotel where I'm staying suggested that I call you. #Person1#: Well, I see. What seems to be the problem? #Person2#: Well, I got this ringing in my ears. It's so terrible that I can hardly hear people talking now. #Person1#: Are you in any pain or is there any fluid? #Person2#: No discharge, just a slight earache. #Person1#: Does the pain happen all the time, or once in a while. #Person2#: It has been aching for two days and it's never stopped. I thought it might be due to my flying in the air, and after some rest it'll be all gone. But who knows it's getting worse. I need to see the doctor. #Person1#: The doctor will be busy at the hospital until this evening. The earliest you could see him would be tomorrow morning at ten. #Person2#: The time is good for me. I'll come in then if that's okay. #Person1#: That will be fine; in the meantime you should try to take it easy. Don't press your ear and don't have water in when you take a shower. #Person2#: Do I have to bring something when I'm seeing the doctor, since I have never seen a doctor in Canada. #Person1#: For foreign visitors, I guess you may bring your passport for the hospital registration. #Person2#: Yes, I will. Thank you for your help. #Person1#: Thanks for calling. See you.
John Keat comes to Dr. Anderson's office and describes his earache to #Person1#. John Keat wants to see the doctor, but #Person1# says the doctor will be busy until this evening. #Person1# tells John to come tomorrow at ten with his passport.
what are people doing?
#Person1#: The hike will last for 2 hours. We'll start at sea level and then climb up a few hills. Are you ready? #Person2#: I sure am. The one-hour yoga class this morning really made me full of energy. I'm feeling so good. I bet I can race you up those hills. #Person1#: That won't be necessary. We want to take our time to enjoy the sights along the way. We'll point out certain plants, some of the insects, and watch out for possible snakes. #Person2#: Snakes? Uh, I definitely will be racing you up the hill! #Person1#: Not to worry. Nature is a wonderful thing. We are all meant to enjoy it together - snakes, spiders, trees, and us humans.
#Person1# and #Person2# plans to hike. #Person2# wants to race #Person1#, but #Person1# thinks they should enjoy the sights along the way.
What do they talk about?
#Person1#: The hike will last for 2 hours. We'll start at sea level and then climb up a few hills. Are you ready? #Person2#: I sure am. The one-hour yoga class this morning really made me full of energy. I'm feeling so good. I bet I can race you up those hills. #Person1#: That won't be necessary. We want to take our time to enjoy the sights along the way. We'll point out certain plants, some of the insects, and watch out for possible snakes. #Person2#: Snakes? Uh, I definitely will be racing you up the hill! #Person1#: Not to worry. Nature is a wonderful thing. We are all meant to enjoy it together - snakes, spiders, trees, and us humans.
#Person1# and #Person2# plans to hike. #Person2# wants to race #Person1#, but #Person1# thinks they should enjoy the sights along the way.
Who initiates the date?
#Person1#: Anne, thanks so much for introducing me to Caroline! Our first date went so well. I'm so excited to be in love right now. #Person2#: I'm just glad to see you so happy, Gary! #Person1#: I want to climb the highest mountain and shout, Caroline, will you marry me?! #Person2#: Wow, you'd better not. Before you ask her to marry you, maybe you should ask her out on a second date. Only one date is not enough for you to know each other well.
Gary thanks Anne for introducing him to Caroline, and Anne suggests a second date.
What does Anne think would be a good idea?
#Person1#: Anne, thanks so much for introducing me to Caroline! Our first date went so well. I'm so excited to be in love right now. #Person2#: I'm just glad to see you so happy, Gary! #Person1#: I want to climb the highest mountain and shout, Caroline, will you marry me?! #Person2#: Wow, you'd better not. Before you ask her to marry you, maybe you should ask her out on a second date. Only one date is not enough for you to know each other well.
Gary thanks Anne for introducing him to Caroline, and Anne suggests a second date.
What is the difference?
#Person1#: Can I help you? #Person2#: Yes. Are there any spare rooms here? #Person1#: Would you be interested in a three-bedroom flat? I have a few now. #Person2#: That might be more rooms than I need. I don't have much furniture.
#Person1# suggests a three-bedroom flat. #Person2# wants fewer rooms.
What kind of flat does #2 want?
#Person1#: Can I help you? #Person2#: Yes. Are there any spare rooms here? #Person1#: Would you be interested in a three-bedroom flat? I have a few now. #Person2#: That might be more rooms than I need. I don't have much furniture.
#Person1# suggests a three-bedroom flat. #Person2# wants fewer rooms.
Who does Cruise call?
#Person1#: Sound and Vision, Administrative Department, Eve Wheeler speaking. Can I help you? #Person2#: Good afternoon, madam. This is John Cruise. I wish to register a complaint about my video recorder. #Person1#: I see. I hope I can be of some help. Can you explain what the problem is, please? #Person2#: Well, the recorder has severely damaged two quite valuable tapes of mine. And you guaranteed that this machine is the best there. I hope you understand that a simple repair is just not enough. I demand compensation for the lost tapes as well. #Person1#: I'm sorry. That's all very unfortunate. I'm sure something can be done. I will put you through to our legal consulant, Mrs. Schroder. One moment, please. (dialing sound...) Hello, Mr. Cruise? Thank you for waiting. I'm awfully sorry, but Mrs. Schroder is having a meeting right now. Could she call you back later this afternoon? #Person2#: I hope you're not trying to get rid of me. #Person1#: Not at all, sir. I have noted your complaint and I will urge Mrs. Schroder to call you back as soon as possible. Could I have your phone number, please? #Person2#: Yes. It's 0181 945 8719. #Person1#: Thank you very much. Goodbye.
John Cruise calls Eve to register a complaint about his video recorder and explains what the problem is. Eve promises to urge their legal consultant to call him back.
What does Eve promise to do?
#Person1#: Sound and Vision, Administrative Department, Eve Wheeler speaking. Can I help you? #Person2#: Good afternoon, madam. This is John Cruise. I wish to register a complaint about my video recorder. #Person1#: I see. I hope I can be of some help. Can you explain what the problem is, please? #Person2#: Well, the recorder has severely damaged two quite valuable tapes of mine. And you guaranteed that this machine is the best there. I hope you understand that a simple repair is just not enough. I demand compensation for the lost tapes as well. #Person1#: I'm sorry. That's all very unfortunate. I'm sure something can be done. I will put you through to our legal consulant, Mrs. Schroder. One moment, please. (dialing sound...) Hello, Mr. Cruise? Thank you for waiting. I'm awfully sorry, but Mrs. Schroder is having a meeting right now. Could she call you back later this afternoon? #Person2#: I hope you're not trying to get rid of me. #Person1#: Not at all, sir. I have noted your complaint and I will urge Mrs. Schroder to call you back as soon as possible. Could I have your phone number, please? #Person2#: Yes. It's 0181 945 8719. #Person1#: Thank you very much. Goodbye.
John Cruise calls Eve to register a complaint about his video recorder and explains what the problem is. Eve promises to urge their legal consultant to call him back.
Does the legal consultant call Cruise?
#Person1#: Sound and Vision, Administrative Department, Eve Wheeler speaking. Can I help you? #Person2#: Good afternoon, madam. This is John Cruise. I wish to register a complaint about my video recorder. #Person1#: I see. I hope I can be of some help. Can you explain what the problem is, please? #Person2#: Well, the recorder has severely damaged two quite valuable tapes of mine. And you guaranteed that this machine is the best there. I hope you understand that a simple repair is just not enough. I demand compensation for the lost tapes as well. #Person1#: I'm sorry. That's all very unfortunate. I'm sure something can be done. I will put you through to our legal consulant, Mrs. Schroder. One moment, please. (dialing sound...) Hello, Mr. Cruise? Thank you for waiting. I'm awfully sorry, but Mrs. Schroder is having a meeting right now. Could she call you back later this afternoon? #Person2#: I hope you're not trying to get rid of me. #Person1#: Not at all, sir. I have noted your complaint and I will urge Mrs. Schroder to call you back as soon as possible. Could I have your phone number, please? #Person2#: Yes. It's 0181 945 8719. #Person1#: Thank you very much. Goodbye.
John Cruise calls Eve to register a complaint about his video recorder and explains what the problem is. Eve promises to urge their legal consultant to call him back.
What does Person 1 do?
#Person1#: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the Rainbow Restaurant from here? #Person2#: Drive two blocks and turn left. Continue on until you reach Heath Street and turn right. Then turn left at the second stop light. You can't miss it.
#Person1# asks #Person2# the way to the Rainbow Restaurant.
Where are they going?
#Person1#: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the Rainbow Restaurant from here? #Person2#: Drive two blocks and turn left. Continue on until you reach Heath Street and turn right. Then turn left at the second stop light. You can't miss it.
#Person1# asks #Person2# the way to the Rainbow Restaurant.
are there any kids?
#Person1#: Adam, could you show me around the school? #Person2#: No problem. #Person1#: What's the tallest building? #Person2#: You mean the white building near the playground? #Person1#: Yes. #Person2#: That is the library. And it has more than 1, 000, 000 books. #Person1#: What's the building to the south of the library? #Person2#: You know, our school is divided into two parts, the junior high school and the senior high school. That is the new classroom building for our senior high school. #Person1#: Is there a swimming pool in your school? #Person2#: Yes. There is a large swimming pool, but it is only available in summer. #Person1#: I do envy you. And I hope I can enter your school one day. #Person2#: I believe that you can make your dream come true.
#Person1# asks Adam to show #Person1# around the school. #Person1# envies Adam and hopes to enter Adam's school one day.
Where did #1 ask the person to help?
#Person1#: Excuse me. I'm a stranger here and lost my way. #Person2#: Can I help you? #Person1#: Sure. Can I get to the central department stall this way? #Person2#: uh... Yes. Turn right, then take the second turning on your left. #Person1#: Is it far? #Person2#: It's about fifteen minutes' walk. That's all. #Person1#: And do you know where the national bank is? #Person2#: Yes. It's on this street. Keep walking for two blocks and it's on the corner on the right. #Person1#: Thanks very much. #Person2#: You are welcome. Good luck. #Person1#: Thank you. I won't miss it.
#Person1# lost the way and asks #Person2# for the way to the central department stall and the national bank.
Where do we find person 2?
#Person1#: Excuse me. I'm a stranger here and lost my way. #Person2#: Can I help you? #Person1#: Sure. Can I get to the central department stall this way? #Person2#: uh... Yes. Turn right, then take the second turning on your left. #Person1#: Is it far? #Person2#: It's about fifteen minutes' walk. That's all. #Person1#: And do you know where the national bank is? #Person2#: Yes. It's on this street. Keep walking for two blocks and it's on the corner on the right. #Person1#: Thanks very much. #Person2#: You are welcome. Good luck. #Person1#: Thank you. I won't miss it.
#Person1# lost the way and asks #Person2# for the way to the central department stall and the national bank.
Did you have a guest in the past?
#Person1#: Some people pile on their agonise and try to seek other's sympathy by telling them how miserable they are. #Person2#: Yeah. They take the advantage of other people's hospitality and generosity. #Person1#: I was fooled once. A lady told me she needed some money to keep the pot boiling. So I gave her some money and bailed her out of the situation. But later I learned that she had lied to me. #Person2#: You are still wet behind the ears. You should have seen through her. #Person1#: Nothing rang a bell.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about people taking advantage of other's hospitality and generosity. #Person1# shares #Person1#'s own experience.
What kind of pan does #1 want to use?
#Person1#: I'm looking for a pan I can use in my kitchen. #Person2#: What size pan were you thinking of? #Person1#: I've already got a small pan. I need a big one. #Person2#: Well, this one might work for you. #Person1#: Oh, no, that's way too heavy a pan for me. #Person2#: Here, lift this aluminum pan. It's the same size. #Person1#: Yes, it's very lightweight. But I don't want this aluminum handle. #Person2#: Here's a similar aluminum pan. But it has a heat-resistant handle. #Person1#: Oh, this feels very nice. It's perfect. I'll take it. #Person2#: I knew we'd find the right pan sooner or later. How would you like to pay? #Person1#: Cash. But first, I need a lid for this pan. #Person2#: Oh, no problem. Here's the lid that comes with the pan.
#Person1# wants a pan, and #Person2# recommends a big aluminum pan with a heat-resistant handle and a lid. #Person1# pays for it by cash.
What does the person1 agree to pay?
#Person1#: I'm looking for a pan I can use in my kitchen. #Person2#: What size pan were you thinking of? #Person1#: I've already got a small pan. I need a big one. #Person2#: Well, this one might work for you. #Person1#: Oh, no, that's way too heavy a pan for me. #Person2#: Here, lift this aluminum pan. It's the same size. #Person1#: Yes, it's very lightweight. But I don't want this aluminum handle. #Person2#: Here's a similar aluminum pan. But it has a heat-resistant handle. #Person1#: Oh, this feels very nice. It's perfect. I'll take it. #Person2#: I knew we'd find the right pan sooner or later. How would you like to pay? #Person1#: Cash. But first, I need a lid for this pan. #Person2#: Oh, no problem. Here's the lid that comes with the pan.
#Person1# wants a pan, and #Person2# recommends a big aluminum pan with a heat-resistant handle and a lid. #Person1# pays for it by cash.
What happened to Gary?
#Person1#: Come in, come in! #Person2#: Hi, Gary, what happened? I was waiting for you at the theater. Why didn't you meet me there? #Person1#: I thought we were supposed to meet here. #Person2#: Don't you know our movie starts at seven? And we were going to meet at the theater at five to seven. Then it doesn't make sense to meet at the apartment. #Person1#: I'm sorry. We must have misunderstood each other. #Person2#: Why don't you try to be clearer about your intentions? #Person1#: You're right. I am sorry. Let's go and watch the movie. #Person2#: It's okay. I don't want to go now. We've already missed ten minutes of the movie. I don't want to see a movie without watching the beginning.
#Person2# and Gary misunderstood each other, so they missed the beginning of the movie. Gary apologizes, but #Person2# doesn't want to see the movie anymore.
Who interviewes Daniel?
#Person1#: Good morning, I'm Daniel. I'm applying for the positon of manager. #Person2#: Yes. Sit down, please. How did you learn about our company? #Person1#: I got to know your company through such famous brands as LUX, LIPTON and WALLS. After making a customer survey, I was glad to find out how your products are appreciated by millions of Chinese. #Person2#: Why would you like to work with us? #Person1#: It's the job I'm interested in. And your company is the best-known. Although I don't have much experience as a manager, the job description you sent to me was very interesting. It's a job I've been dreaming of and I feel suited to fill it. #Person2#: Oh, really? Would you transfer to another company if it is not what you expected? #Person1#: I don't think so. As the saying goes, A great oak needs deep roots. I'm really interested in this job. #Person2#: That's fine. Thanks for coming to see us. I hope to be able to let you know about the job within the week.
Daniel applies for the position of manager, and #Person2# interviews Daniel. Daniel talks about how he learned about the company and why he'd like to work here.
What are they talking about?
#Person1#: Good morning, I'm Daniel. I'm applying for the positon of manager. #Person2#: Yes. Sit down, please. How did you learn about our company? #Person1#: I got to know your company through such famous brands as LUX, LIPTON and WALLS. After making a customer survey, I was glad to find out how your products are appreciated by millions of Chinese. #Person2#: Why would you like to work with us? #Person1#: It's the job I'm interested in. And your company is the best-known. Although I don't have much experience as a manager, the job description you sent to me was very interesting. It's a job I've been dreaming of and I feel suited to fill it. #Person2#: Oh, really? Would you transfer to another company if it is not what you expected? #Person1#: I don't think so. As the saying goes, A great oak needs deep roots. I'm really interested in this job. #Person2#: That's fine. Thanks for coming to see us. I hope to be able to let you know about the job within the week.
Daniel applies for the position of manager, and #Person2# interviews Daniel. Daniel talks about how he learned about the company and why he'd like to work here.
What does Daniel want to do?
#Person1#: Good morning, I'm Daniel. I'm applying for the positon of manager. #Person2#: Yes. Sit down, please. How did you learn about our company? #Person1#: I got to know your company through such famous brands as LUX, LIPTON and WALLS. After making a customer survey, I was glad to find out how your products are appreciated by millions of Chinese. #Person2#: Why would you like to work with us? #Person1#: It's the job I'm interested in. And your company is the best-known. Although I don't have much experience as a manager, the job description you sent to me was very interesting. It's a job I've been dreaming of and I feel suited to fill it. #Person2#: Oh, really? Would you transfer to another company if it is not what you expected? #Person1#: I don't think so. As the saying goes, A great oak needs deep roots. I'm really interested in this job. #Person2#: That's fine. Thanks for coming to see us. I hope to be able to let you know about the job within the week.
Daniel applies for the position of manager, and #Person2# interviews Daniel. Daniel talks about how he learned about the company and why he'd like to work here.
What does Glenn do?
#Person1#: What's wrong with you, Lucy? #Person2#: Our dog Rusty is lost. Someone left the backyard gate open and he got out. My daughter is so upset right now. #Person1#: Have you called the local dog shelters? #Person2#: Well, they haven't seen him. They said they would call me if they find our dog, but I don't expect miracles. It's 2 days and... #Person1#: We can always look for miracles. Does he have any identification on him? #Person2#: He's wearing his sweater. He's brown with white spots and... Sorry, 'm not thinking straight. You know, he's a big part of our family. We got him when he was a little puppy. I'm just worried he was stolen or is injured somewhere. #Person1#: I understand. I used to pet dogs, too. Let's walk around the neighborhood. Hey, look! There he is. #Person2#: Rusty! Come here boy! Oh, Glenn, I can't thank you enough. I owe you a big favor.
Lucy's dog Rusty was lost. Glenn asks Lucy about Rusty's identification and helps Lucy find Rusty when they walk around the neighborhood.
Who is looking for Rusty?
#Person1#: What's wrong with you, Lucy? #Person2#: Our dog Rusty is lost. Someone left the backyard gate open and he got out. My daughter is so upset right now. #Person1#: Have you called the local dog shelters? #Person2#: Well, they haven't seen him. They said they would call me if they find our dog, but I don't expect miracles. It's 2 days and... #Person1#: We can always look for miracles. Does he have any identification on him? #Person2#: He's wearing his sweater. He's brown with white spots and... Sorry, 'm not thinking straight. You know, he's a big part of our family. We got him when he was a little puppy. I'm just worried he was stolen or is injured somewhere. #Person1#: I understand. I used to pet dogs, too. Let's walk around the neighborhood. Hey, look! There he is. #Person2#: Rusty! Come here boy! Oh, Glenn, I can't thank you enough. I owe you a big favor.
Lucy's dog Rusty was lost. Glenn asks Lucy about Rusty's identification and helps Lucy find Rusty when they walk around the neighborhood.
Did the person know how to make a call?
#Person1#: Oh, Patrick. I can't get this phone to work. Can you help me? #Person2#: Are you trying to make a call? #Person1#: Yes, I just got it and I can't get the thing to work. #Person2#: Let me see. OK, you turn it on. #Person1#: I didn't turn it on. #Person2#: No, see you wait for the screen to light up. Then you enter the phone number and press the C button, right here. Got it? #Person1#: OK. I've got it. Ha! It's ringing. Hi, baby, it's me. Listen, I'm going to be a little late. I'm still at work in the office. OK? I'll be back by about 6:00.
#Person1# asks Patrick to help make a call. Patrick tells #Person1# how to use the phone and get through successfully.
what was the response?
#Person1#: Oh, Patrick. I can't get this phone to work. Can you help me? #Person2#: Are you trying to make a call? #Person1#: Yes, I just got it and I can't get the thing to work. #Person2#: Let me see. OK, you turn it on. #Person1#: I didn't turn it on. #Person2#: No, see you wait for the screen to light up. Then you enter the phone number and press the C button, right here. Got it? #Person1#: OK. I've got it. Ha! It's ringing. Hi, baby, it's me. Listen, I'm going to be a little late. I'm still at work in the office. OK? I'll be back by about 6:00.
#Person1# asks Patrick to help make a call. Patrick tells #Person1# how to use the phone and get through successfully.
Where is Calgary, Canada?
#Person1#: May I help you? #Person2#: Yes, I'd like to book 3 seats to Calgary, Canada on a flight, leaving sometime before next Sunday. #Person1#: Economy class? #Person2#: Yes. #Person1#: One way or round trip? #Person2#: One way. #Person1#: There aren't any direct flight, sir. You will have to change in Vancouver. #Person2#: That's alright. #Person1#: There is a Canadian Airlines flight 30 leaving Beijing next Friday at 10 o'clock am. It has 3 seats available. Will that be alright? #Person2#: That's fine. #Person1#: Your name, please. #Person2#: BASIL, Basil. How much is the ticket? #Person1#: $580 for one.
#Person1# helps Basil book three seats of economy class to Calgary, Canada on a flight next Sunday.
What lesson does Hong have to take?
#Person1#: Hong, it seems like you really struggle to learn English, is this level too hard for you? #Person2#: I don't know. I think it's just boring. I don't like the workbooks because the lessons talk about baby things. I'm not a little child. I want to learn something more exciting. #Person1#: Hmm, I have an idea that you'll like. This week, you can do a special project for class. #Person2#: Oh, what's that? #Person1#: I want you to watch some YouTube videos of people speaking in different English accents. I'll send you the links for the ones you should watch, they're very funny. One person does about 30 different accents in 10 minutes. #Person2#: Wow, that's great, but, won't it be harder for me to learn English if I'm listening to so many different ways of speaking the language? #Person1#: It shouldn't, this is just a fun project to help you get more interested in the lessons. There is a more serious side to it, though. I want you to write a one page essay about the videos and tell the class about your project on Friday. You can show some of the videos during your presentation too if you like. I think the whole class will benefit from this. #Person2#: I can't wait to get started. Thank you, Miss Winters.
Hong thinks learning English is boring and wants something more exciting. So Miss Winters asks Hong to do a special project for the class to get more interested in the lessons.
What does Miss Winters teach?
#Person1#: Hong, it seems like you really struggle to learn English, is this level too hard for you? #Person2#: I don't know. I think it's just boring. I don't like the workbooks because the lessons talk about baby things. I'm not a little child. I want to learn something more exciting. #Person1#: Hmm, I have an idea that you'll like. This week, you can do a special project for class. #Person2#: Oh, what's that? #Person1#: I want you to watch some YouTube videos of people speaking in different English accents. I'll send you the links for the ones you should watch, they're very funny. One person does about 30 different accents in 10 minutes. #Person2#: Wow, that's great, but, won't it be harder for me to learn English if I'm listening to so many different ways of speaking the language? #Person1#: It shouldn't, this is just a fun project to help you get more interested in the lessons. There is a more serious side to it, though. I want you to write a one page essay about the videos and tell the class about your project on Friday. You can show some of the videos during your presentation too if you like. I think the whole class will benefit from this. #Person2#: I can't wait to get started. Thank you, Miss Winters.
Hong thinks learning English is boring and wants something more exciting. So Miss Winters asks Hong to do a special project for the class to get more interested in the lessons.
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