Why does Tom invite him with the friend?
#Person1#: Have any plans for the weekend, Tom? #Person2#: Yeah, I ' m going for a hike in the southern Rocky Mountains. #Person1#: Oh, do you go hiking often? #Person2#: I go as much as I can. I love hiking because you can really get in touch with nature. #Person1#: It would be nice to get out of the city. Do you want some company? #Person2#: Sure. But, it will be a long hike, 30 miles in three days. Have you been hiking before? #Person1#: Yeah, I go a lot too. I saw a bear and a mountain lion on my last hike. #Person2#: Wow! You must have been pretty far away from the city. #Person1#: Yeah, my friend and I hiked in a very wild part of the national forest. #Person2#: Well, bring him along too. We ' ll have a great time this weekend. #Person1#: Thanks, I ' ll ask him.
#Person1# asks Tom about his weekend plan and whether he needs a company. Tom is going for a hike and invites #Person1# and #Person1#'s friend to go together.
What would happen during the weekend?
#Person1#: Have any plans for the weekend, Tom? #Person2#: Yeah, I ' m going for a hike in the southern Rocky Mountains. #Person1#: Oh, do you go hiking often? #Person2#: I go as much as I can. I love hiking because you can really get in touch with nature. #Person1#: It would be nice to get out of the city. Do you want some company? #Person2#: Sure. But, it will be a long hike, 30 miles in three days. Have you been hiking before? #Person1#: Yeah, I go a lot too. I saw a bear and a mountain lion on my last hike. #Person2#: Wow! You must have been pretty far away from the city. #Person1#: Yeah, my friend and I hiked in a very wild part of the national forest. #Person2#: Well, bring him along too. We ' ll have a great time this weekend. #Person1#: Thanks, I ' ll ask him.
#Person1# asks Tom about his weekend plan and whether he needs a company. Tom is going for a hike and invites #Person1# and #Person1#'s friend to go together.
What are People1 and their friend going to do together?
#Person1#: Have any plans for the weekend, Tom? #Person2#: Yeah, I ' m going for a hike in the southern Rocky Mountains. #Person1#: Oh, do you go hiking often? #Person2#: I go as much as I can. I love hiking because you can really get in touch with nature. #Person1#: It would be nice to get out of the city. Do you want some company? #Person2#: Sure. But, it will be a long hike, 30 miles in three days. Have you been hiking before? #Person1#: Yeah, I go a lot too. I saw a bear and a mountain lion on my last hike. #Person2#: Wow! You must have been pretty far away from the city. #Person1#: Yeah, my friend and I hiked in a very wild part of the national forest. #Person2#: Well, bring him along too. We ' ll have a great time this weekend. #Person1#: Thanks, I ' ll ask him.
#Person1# asks Tom about his weekend plan and whether he needs a company. Tom is going for a hike and invites #Person1# and #Person1#'s friend to go together.
Who is the bet maker?
#Person1#: I've got an idea. Let's make this game even more interesting. #Person2#: How? Do you want to play strip-trivia or something? #Person1#: Well, if you want to! Seriously, though, let's make a bet. #Person2#: Why don't we just make it a friendly game? #Person1#: Don't be such a chicken! Whoever loses has to treat everyone to a movie.
#Person2# wants to play the game friendly, but #Person1# wants to make a bet.
who want to bet?
#Person1#: I've got an idea. Let's make this game even more interesting. #Person2#: How? Do you want to play strip-trivia or something? #Person1#: Well, if you want to! Seriously, though, let's make a bet. #Person2#: Why don't we just make it a friendly game? #Person1#: Don't be such a chicken! Whoever loses has to treat everyone to a movie.
#Person2# wants to play the game friendly, but #Person1# wants to make a bet.
How is the food being prepared?
#Person1#: Here is your spicy diced chicken with peanuts, sir. #Person2#: Thank you. It looks very attractive. #Person1#: I would advise you to enjoy the dish while it is hot. #Person2#: Tasty and tender! It must be one of the famous local dishes. #Person1#: Yes. It's a traditional dish. #Person2#: And it must be very particular in cooking. #Person1#: You are right, sir. To prepare it, a Sichuan food chef first fries some chilli until they turn reddish brown, and then puts diced chicken breast meat into the pot with other condiments and peanuts. That's why the dish has a bright colour. #Person2#: I see. #Person1#: Enjoy yourself, sir.
#Person2# likes his spicy diced chicken with peanuts very much. #Person1# tells him how to cook it.
What does Person 1 do?
#Person1#: Here is your spicy diced chicken with peanuts, sir. #Person2#: Thank you. It looks very attractive. #Person1#: I would advise you to enjoy the dish while it is hot. #Person2#: Tasty and tender! It must be one of the famous local dishes. #Person1#: Yes. It's a traditional dish. #Person2#: And it must be very particular in cooking. #Person1#: You are right, sir. To prepare it, a Sichuan food chef first fries some chilli until they turn reddish brown, and then puts diced chicken breast meat into the pot with other condiments and peanuts. That's why the dish has a bright colour. #Person2#: I see. #Person1#: Enjoy yourself, sir.
#Person2# likes his spicy diced chicken with peanuts very much. #Person1# tells him how to cook it.
What may happen while the person is talking?
#Person1#: Here is your spicy diced chicken with peanuts, sir. #Person2#: Thank you. It looks very attractive. #Person1#: I would advise you to enjoy the dish while it is hot. #Person2#: Tasty and tender! It must be one of the famous local dishes. #Person1#: Yes. It's a traditional dish. #Person2#: And it must be very particular in cooking. #Person1#: You are right, sir. To prepare it, a Sichuan food chef first fries some chilli until they turn reddish brown, and then puts diced chicken breast meat into the pot with other condiments and peanuts. That's why the dish has a bright colour. #Person2#: I see. #Person1#: Enjoy yourself, sir.
#Person2# likes his spicy diced chicken with peanuts very much. #Person1# tells him how to cook it.
The peanuts are spiced so does who else?
#Person1#: Here is your spicy diced chicken with peanuts, sir. #Person2#: Thank you. It looks very attractive. #Person1#: I would advise you to enjoy the dish while it is hot. #Person2#: Tasty and tender! It must be one of the famous local dishes. #Person1#: Yes. It's a traditional dish. #Person2#: And it must be very particular in cooking. #Person1#: You are right, sir. To prepare it, a Sichuan food chef first fries some chilli until they turn reddish brown, and then puts diced chicken breast meat into the pot with other condiments and peanuts. That's why the dish has a bright colour. #Person2#: I see. #Person1#: Enjoy yourself, sir.
#Person2# likes his spicy diced chicken with peanuts very much. #Person1# tells him how to cook it.
What is the first person helping person2?
#Person1#: So what's wrong with the drain? #Person2#: It's clogged and water won't go down. #Person1#: Let me take a look. You know why? It's clogged with hair. No wonder water won't go down. #Person2#: Well, I guess people who lived here before didn't clean the bathtub. #Person1#: You're darn right! #Person2#: What should I do now? #Person1#: Don't worry. I'Ve got some acid here. It will help dissolve the hair down there. #Person2#: Ur, it stinks! #Person1#: Now you know you have to clean your bathtub every time when you use it.
#Person1# helps #Person2# to dissolve the hair that clogs the drain and tells #Person2# to clean the bathtub.
When is the shipment?
#Person1#: Can you effect shipment during September? #Person2#: I don't think we can make it. #Person1#: Then when at the earliest can we expect the shipment? #Person2#: By the middle of October. #Person1#: It's too late. You see, in our market October is the season for the kind of commodity. So the goods must be shipped before October or we won't be ready for the season. #Person2#: Well, considering our long standing good business relationship, we'll try hard to negotiate with our manufacturers for an earlier delivery. #Person1#: Thanks. Then may I suggest that you put down in the contract'shipment on September 15 or earlier'? #Person2#: Let me see. Now the workers will have to work on three shifts for it. Well, we can manage it on 20th September. That's the best we can do. #Person1#: Oh, that's very considerate of you. I'lI take your word for it.
#Person1# requests for earlier shipment to catch the season. #Person2# finally agrees to manage it on 20th September.
Does Mr. Brown get mad at the kids?
#Person1#: Mr. Brown, are your children always kicking up a row like this? I cannot concentrate on my paper. #Person2#: Sorry, Mr. Black. I'm trying to make them quiet. #Person1#: I'm afraid if the noise goes on, I shall have no alternative but to leave. #Person2#: Sorry, sir. Believe me, everything will be all right.
Mr. Black complains about the children's noise to Mr. Brown.
who complains about the children's noise?
#Person1#: Mr. Brown, are your children always kicking up a row like this? I cannot concentrate on my paper. #Person2#: Sorry, Mr. Black. I'm trying to make them quiet. #Person1#: I'm afraid if the noise goes on, I shall have no alternative but to leave. #Person2#: Sorry, sir. Believe me, everything will be all right.
Mr. Black complains about the children's noise to Mr. Brown.
Who is pressed for marriage?
#Person1#: I don't understand why some parents keep beefing and complaining about their daughters not being able to follow suit. #Person2#: Yeah. Li Na's mother has been building a fire under her since her neighbour's daughter got married with a Canadian. She's almost driving Li Na crazy. #Person1#: If I were Li Na, I would ask her if she had done that. #Person2#: She is as meek as a lamb. She never goes against anyone or anything. She's as good as gold, you know?
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Li Na who is pressed by her mother for marriage.
what was the treat?
#Person1#: How do you like these dishes? #Person2#: Fine, they are colorful and tasty. #Person1#: Did you enjoy your dinner? #Person2#: Yes, I did. I have never tasted anything like this. #Person1#: Would you like some more rice? #Person2#: No, thanks. I'm full. #Person1#: Another piece of meat pie? #Person2#: No, thanks. I'm on diet. #Person1#: How about the dessert? #Person2#: Ice cream, please.
#Person2# enjoyed the dinner and asks #Person1# for ice cream as dessert.
How would #Person2# feel afterwards?
#Person1#: How do you like these dishes? #Person2#: Fine, they are colorful and tasty. #Person1#: Did you enjoy your dinner? #Person2#: Yes, I did. I have never tasted anything like this. #Person1#: Would you like some more rice? #Person2#: No, thanks. I'm full. #Person1#: Another piece of meat pie? #Person2#: No, thanks. I'm on diet. #Person1#: How about the dessert? #Person2#: Ice cream, please.
#Person2# enjoyed the dinner and asks #Person1# for ice cream as dessert.
What does #Person1# mean?
#Person1#: This place serves good breakfasts, don't you think? #Person2#: Yes. But I'm not used to eating American-style breakfast. #Person1#: What are you planning to do today? #Person2#: I saw yesterday that they rent windsurfers at the beach. I want to rent one. #Person1#: Have you done windsurfing before? #Person2#: No, but it looks fun. I always wanted to try it. #Person1#: Can you take a little advice from a friend? #Person2#: Sure. What? #Person1#: Don't waste your money. Windsurfing is very hard. And it will be windy today. They will charge you fifty dollars for a half-hour, and you won't be able to windsurf. You will fall and fall and fall. #Person2#: But I always wanted to try it. #Person1#: Yes, but it takes a long time to learn. You would spend a thousand dollars to learn it on a rental windsurfer. #Person2#: Well, I will see. How was your day at the office?
#Person2# wants to try windsurfing but is stopped by #Person1# who thinks it's hard and will cost a lot.
What is #Person2's role in the story?
#Person1#: This place serves good breakfasts, don't you think? #Person2#: Yes. But I'm not used to eating American-style breakfast. #Person1#: What are you planning to do today? #Person2#: I saw yesterday that they rent windsurfers at the beach. I want to rent one. #Person1#: Have you done windsurfing before? #Person2#: No, but it looks fun. I always wanted to try it. #Person1#: Can you take a little advice from a friend? #Person2#: Sure. What? #Person1#: Don't waste your money. Windsurfing is very hard. And it will be windy today. They will charge you fifty dollars for a half-hour, and you won't be able to windsurf. You will fall and fall and fall. #Person2#: But I always wanted to try it. #Person1#: Yes, but it takes a long time to learn. You would spend a thousand dollars to learn it on a rental windsurfer. #Person2#: Well, I will see. How was your day at the office?
#Person2# wants to try windsurfing but is stopped by #Person1# who thinks it's hard and will cost a lot.
What does #Person2 want?
#Person1#: This place serves good breakfasts, don't you think? #Person2#: Yes. But I'm not used to eating American-style breakfast. #Person1#: What are you planning to do today? #Person2#: I saw yesterday that they rent windsurfers at the beach. I want to rent one. #Person1#: Have you done windsurfing before? #Person2#: No, but it looks fun. I always wanted to try it. #Person1#: Can you take a little advice from a friend? #Person2#: Sure. What? #Person1#: Don't waste your money. Windsurfing is very hard. And it will be windy today. They will charge you fifty dollars for a half-hour, and you won't be able to windsurf. You will fall and fall and fall. #Person2#: But I always wanted to try it. #Person1#: Yes, but it takes a long time to learn. You would spend a thousand dollars to learn it on a rental windsurfer. #Person2#: Well, I will see. How was your day at the office?
#Person2# wants to try windsurfing but is stopped by #Person1# who thinks it's hard and will cost a lot.
What does Ben need to prepare for?
#Person1#: Ben, what are you doing? #Person2#: Well, I would say that I'm just drifting - - here, in the pool. #Person1#: Why? #Person2#: Well, it's very comfortable just to drift here. #Person1#: Have you thought about graduate school? #Person2#: No. #Person1#: Would you mind telling me then, what were those four years of college for? What was the point of all that hard work? #Person2#: You got me. #Person1#: Now listen, Ben. Look, I think it's a very good thing that a young man, after he's done some very good work, should have a chance to relax and enjoy himself, and lie around, and drink beer and so on. But after a few weeks I believe that person should want to take some stock in himself and his situation and start to think about getting off his ass.
#Person1# tells Ben that a young man should actively prepare for himself and his situation after relaxation.
what is #1 talking about?
#Person1#: The stepmother was very wicked. She couldn't stand a happy smile on the boy's face. #Person2#: And? #Person1#: And she did her best to pull out the thorn in her flesh and the boy lost whatever made him happy. #Person2#: Poor child!
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the wicked stepmother.
What is the common goal of the two people?
#Person1#: Well, no one could survive without water, but you see pollution has been making more and more water unable for drinking. #Person2#: Yeah. Water pollution has for a long time been a major concern among the environmental issues. #Person1#: But what are the sources of water pollution? #Person2#: They could generally be divided into two categories #Person1#: Well, direct ones are the pollution directly from factories, refineries waste treatment plants etc. , aren't they? #Person2#: Yeah. They are emitted directly into urban water supplies. #Person1#: But what about the indirect ones? #Person2#: Indirect sources include contaminants that enter the water supply from soils or groundwater systems and from the atmosphere via rainwater. #Person1#: I see. For the sake of us all, we should be an active participator in the prevention of it. #Person2#: Sure. It's an issue asking for everyone's participation.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about water pollution and its direct and indirect sources. They agree they should be an active participator in the prevention of it.
What causes the water pollution?
#Person1#: Well, no one could survive without water, but you see pollution has been making more and more water unable for drinking. #Person2#: Yeah. Water pollution has for a long time been a major concern among the environmental issues. #Person1#: But what are the sources of water pollution? #Person2#: They could generally be divided into two categories #Person1#: Well, direct ones are the pollution directly from factories, refineries waste treatment plants etc. , aren't they? #Person2#: Yeah. They are emitted directly into urban water supplies. #Person1#: But what about the indirect ones? #Person2#: Indirect sources include contaminants that enter the water supply from soils or groundwater systems and from the atmosphere via rainwater. #Person1#: I see. For the sake of us all, we should be an active participator in the prevention of it. #Person2#: Sure. It's an issue asking for everyone's participation.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about water pollution and its direct and indirect sources. They agree they should be an active participator in the prevention of it.
What should be done for water conservation?
#Person1#: Well, no one could survive without water, but you see pollution has been making more and more water unable for drinking. #Person2#: Yeah. Water pollution has for a long time been a major concern among the environmental issues. #Person1#: But what are the sources of water pollution? #Person2#: They could generally be divided into two categories #Person1#: Well, direct ones are the pollution directly from factories, refineries waste treatment plants etc. , aren't they? #Person2#: Yeah. They are emitted directly into urban water supplies. #Person1#: But what about the indirect ones? #Person2#: Indirect sources include contaminants that enter the water supply from soils or groundwater systems and from the atmosphere via rainwater. #Person1#: I see. For the sake of us all, we should be an active participator in the prevention of it. #Person2#: Sure. It's an issue asking for everyone's participation.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about water pollution and its direct and indirect sources. They agree they should be an active participator in the prevention of it.
Who is one of the people taking the initiative to start fighting water pollution?
#Person1#: Well, no one could survive without water, but you see pollution has been making more and more water unable for drinking. #Person2#: Yeah. Water pollution has for a long time been a major concern among the environmental issues. #Person1#: But what are the sources of water pollution? #Person2#: They could generally be divided into two categories #Person1#: Well, direct ones are the pollution directly from factories, refineries waste treatment plants etc. , aren't they? #Person2#: Yeah. They are emitted directly into urban water supplies. #Person1#: But what about the indirect ones? #Person2#: Indirect sources include contaminants that enter the water supply from soils or groundwater systems and from the atmosphere via rainwater. #Person1#: I see. For the sake of us all, we should be an active participator in the prevention of it. #Person2#: Sure. It's an issue asking for everyone's participation.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about water pollution and its direct and indirect sources. They agree they should be an active participator in the prevention of it.
What is wrong?
#Person1#: I'm not sure, is this our stop? #Person2#: Yeah, get off the bus. #Person1#: Do you have any idea where we are? #Person2#: I'm really not sure. #Person1#: This can't be the right stop. #Person2#: I don't think this is right. #Person1#: We got off too early, didn't we? #Person2#: Yeah, we did get off too early. #Person1#: I should've just stayed on the bus. #Person2#: I messed up. #Person1#: Great, we have to walk now. #Person2#: You want to wait for the next bus?
#Person1# and #Person2# get off the bus too early due to #Person2#'s mistake.
Why does Person1 receive a ticket?
#Person1#: I'm not sure, is this our stop? #Person2#: Yeah, get off the bus. #Person1#: Do you have any idea where we are? #Person2#: I'm really not sure. #Person1#: This can't be the right stop. #Person2#: I don't think this is right. #Person1#: We got off too early, didn't we? #Person2#: Yeah, we did get off too early. #Person1#: I should've just stayed on the bus. #Person2#: I messed up. #Person1#: Great, we have to walk now. #Person2#: You want to wait for the next bus?
#Person1# and #Person2# get off the bus too early due to #Person2#'s mistake.
What is the name of the person who is giving information to others?
#Person1#: OK, now let's go on to talk about initial deposits. #Person2#: Good idea. How much do I need to deposit? #Person1#: For Agreement Savings, we ask for 100, 000 RMB. #Person2#: And how do I withdraw if I need to? #Person1#: You can use a Type A Agreement Savings Account the same was as a Settlement Account. #Person2#: I'm sorry, refresh my mind. What's different about a Type B Account? #Person1#: With a Type B Account, it cannot be directly involved in any transaction and it cannot be applied to any external withdrawal service.
#Person1# tells #Person2# about the deposit amount and how to withdraw it.
What is the deal here?
#Person1#: To which gate do I need to go to catch connecting flight 101 to New York City? #Person2#: Go to gate 18. The plane is now boarding. You must hurry. #Person1#: Show me the fastest way to get there. #Person2#: Instead of walking, you can take this shuttle to get you there faster. #Person1#: Do you think the plane will leave without me? #Person2#: No, I'll call the attendants at the gate. I will tell them you're on your way. #Person1#: Thank you so much. I would really appreciate that. #Person2#: You are welcome. Have a safe trip.
#Person2# asks #Person1# to take the shuttle to catch the plane and will call the attendants at the gate.
What does #1 wear?
#Person1#: Uh. . . that's Greek to me. #Person2#: That means they have tapered legs. #Person1#: Well, mine are baggy. They're the kind of pants you can lounge around in. #Person2#: Mine are, too. #Person1#: So maybe we should go out after all. #Person2#: Yeah. Let's just lounge around!
#Person1# and #Person2# think their pants are comfortable to lounge around.
Who does #1 want to share the seat with?
#Person1#: Excuse me, madam. Is this seat taken? #Person2#: No. #Person1#: Do you mind my sharing the same table with you? #Person2#: Of course not. There are so many people here today. #Person1#: Yes. I can't even find a seat.
#Person1# wants to share the seat. #Person2# agrees.
Who does Monica call?
#Person1#: Wangfujing Grand Hotels. How can I help you? #Person2#: Do you have any rooms available next Saturday and Sunday night? #Person1#: Could you hold the line, please? I will check out our room availability for those days. . . Yes. we have a few vacancies next weekend. We have double rooms, suites and deluxe suites in Japanese, Roman. French and presidential styles, which one do you like best? #Person2#: A double room, please. #Person1#: OK. Could I have your name, please? #Person2#: My name is Monica Cellar. #Person1#: OK, Ms. Monica. I've reserved a double room for you next Saturday and Sunday night. We will see you then! #Person2#: Thank you.
Monica calls the reception to make a room reservation for next Saturday and Sunday nights and #Person1# helps her.
How is "room" called?
#Person1#: Wangfujing Grand Hotels. How can I help you? #Person2#: Do you have any rooms available next Saturday and Sunday night? #Person1#: Could you hold the line, please? I will check out our room availability for those days. . . Yes. we have a few vacancies next weekend. We have double rooms, suites and deluxe suites in Japanese, Roman. French and presidential styles, which one do you like best? #Person2#: A double room, please. #Person1#: OK. Could I have your name, please? #Person2#: My name is Monica Cellar. #Person1#: OK, Ms. Monica. I've reserved a double room for you next Saturday and Sunday night. We will see you then! #Person2#: Thank you.
Monica calls the reception to make a room reservation for next Saturday and Sunday nights and #Person1# helps her.
Who is the receptionist?
#Person1#: Wangfujing Grand Hotels. How can I help you? #Person2#: Do you have any rooms available next Saturday and Sunday night? #Person1#: Could you hold the line, please? I will check out our room availability for those days. . . Yes. we have a few vacancies next weekend. We have double rooms, suites and deluxe suites in Japanese, Roman. French and presidential styles, which one do you like best? #Person2#: A double room, please. #Person1#: OK. Could I have your name, please? #Person2#: My name is Monica Cellar. #Person1#: OK, Ms. Monica. I've reserved a double room for you next Saturday and Sunday night. We will see you then! #Person2#: Thank you.
Monica calls the reception to make a room reservation for next Saturday and Sunday nights and #Person1# helps her.
Who helps Monica make a reservation?
#Person1#: Wangfujing Grand Hotels. How can I help you? #Person2#: Do you have any rooms available next Saturday and Sunday night? #Person1#: Could you hold the line, please? I will check out our room availability for those days. . . Yes. we have a few vacancies next weekend. We have double rooms, suites and deluxe suites in Japanese, Roman. French and presidential styles, which one do you like best? #Person2#: A double room, please. #Person1#: OK. Could I have your name, please? #Person2#: My name is Monica Cellar. #Person1#: OK, Ms. Monica. I've reserved a double room for you next Saturday and Sunday night. We will see you then! #Person2#: Thank you.
Monica calls the reception to make a room reservation for next Saturday and Sunday nights and #Person1# helps her.
What is the total discount?
#Person1#: We can offer you a 5 % discount. #Person2#: Your price is rather out of line, much higher than we expected. We can't buy with your offer. #Person1#: Well, what do you suggest then? How about 8 %? #Person2#: When we say your prices are much too high, we don't mean the are higher only by 2 or 3 percent. If we are to place an order with you. I think a discount of about 15 % would be sufficient. #Person1#: What? You want to drive me bankrupt! You can't expect us to make such a large reduction. #Person2#: There's no point in making a counter offer because the gap is too great. #Person1#: How about lo %? This price is already a little tight, our profit margin is not that large. #Person2#: Ok. I can settle for that.
#Person1# offers a discount but #Person2# is not satisfied. After negotiation, they agree on a 10% discount.
What does Person1 offer?
#Person1#: We can offer you a 5 % discount. #Person2#: Your price is rather out of line, much higher than we expected. We can't buy with your offer. #Person1#: Well, what do you suggest then? How about 8 %? #Person2#: When we say your prices are much too high, we don't mean the are higher only by 2 or 3 percent. If we are to place an order with you. I think a discount of about 15 % would be sufficient. #Person1#: What? You want to drive me bankrupt! You can't expect us to make such a large reduction. #Person2#: There's no point in making a counter offer because the gap is too great. #Person1#: How about lo %? This price is already a little tight, our profit margin is not that large. #Person2#: Ok. I can settle for that.
#Person1# offers a discount but #Person2# is not satisfied. After negotiation, they agree on a 10% discount.
what does person 1 offer to person 2
#Person1#: We can offer you a 5 % discount. #Person2#: Your price is rather out of line, much higher than we expected. We can't buy with your offer. #Person1#: Well, what do you suggest then? How about 8 %? #Person2#: When we say your prices are much too high, we don't mean the are higher only by 2 or 3 percent. If we are to place an order with you. I think a discount of about 15 % would be sufficient. #Person1#: What? You want to drive me bankrupt! You can't expect us to make such a large reduction. #Person2#: There's no point in making a counter offer because the gap is too great. #Person1#: How about lo %? This price is already a little tight, our profit margin is not that large. #Person2#: Ok. I can settle for that.
#Person1# offers a discount but #Person2# is not satisfied. After negotiation, they agree on a 10% discount.
How much does person 1 offer?
#Person1#: We can offer you a 5 % discount. #Person2#: Your price is rather out of line, much higher than we expected. We can't buy with your offer. #Person1#: Well, what do you suggest then? How about 8 %? #Person2#: When we say your prices are much too high, we don't mean the are higher only by 2 or 3 percent. If we are to place an order with you. I think a discount of about 15 % would be sufficient. #Person1#: What? You want to drive me bankrupt! You can't expect us to make such a large reduction. #Person2#: There's no point in making a counter offer because the gap is too great. #Person1#: How about lo %? This price is already a little tight, our profit margin is not that large. #Person2#: Ok. I can settle for that.
#Person1# offers a discount but #Person2# is not satisfied. After negotiation, they agree on a 10% discount.
What will Person1 suggest?
#Person1#: You are seemingly upset. What's behind you? #Person2#: Arden wants to have a trademark for our new series of products registered. But I have no idea on the registering process. #Person1#: That's not as complicated as you suppose. #Person2#: Is it so easy? I never experienced this. Can you tell me something about it? #Person1#: It is known that there is a time limit for trademarks. And we should not have a similar trademark with the one in the same field. #Person2#: Based on what you said, does it mean that we can not have a trademark like 'genova', right? #Person1#: Correct. And our country follows the priority of use principle. #Person2#: Can you tell something about the preparation for the register? #Person1#: Some relative documents will be needed and the fee may be quite dear. So you need to learn more about the process and regulations about this issue.
#Person2# is upset because #Person2# doesn't know the registering process of a trademark. #Person1# gives #Person2# some tips and suggests #Person2# learn more about this issue.
What will happen to person2 after they learn more about the process?
#Person1#: You are seemingly upset. What's behind you? #Person2#: Arden wants to have a trademark for our new series of products registered. But I have no idea on the registering process. #Person1#: That's not as complicated as you suppose. #Person2#: Is it so easy? I never experienced this. Can you tell me something about it? #Person1#: It is known that there is a time limit for trademarks. And we should not have a similar trademark with the one in the same field. #Person2#: Based on what you said, does it mean that we can not have a trademark like 'genova', right? #Person1#: Correct. And our country follows the priority of use principle. #Person2#: Can you tell something about the preparation for the register? #Person1#: Some relative documents will be needed and the fee may be quite dear. So you need to learn more about the process and regulations about this issue.
#Person2# is upset because #Person2# doesn't know the registering process of a trademark. #Person1# gives #Person2# some tips and suggests #Person2# learn more about this issue.
What might the person want to do next?
#Person1#: your mp3 looks so cool. Where did you get it? #Person2#: I bought it online. #Person1#: really? Do you often shop online? #Person2#: yes. I buy most of my daily necessities online. #Person1#: I've never tried E-shopping. Is it better than shopping at an actual store? #Person2#: yes, much better. You can log in a website, browse through many items and categories comfortably at home, order the goods, pay by credit or debit card, and the goods will be delivered to your home. #Person1#: sounds good, and I don't have to queue up at the cashier. #Person2#: and you can still go ' window shopping ' just like in a real shopping mall. #Person1#: well, are there any other advantages? #Person2#: yes, most of the shops are closed at 22 or even earlier, but the internet operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can be accessed anywhere. #Person1#: are there many choices of online shopping? #Person2#: sure. You can buy almost anything you can think of. #Person1#: perhaps I should have a try.
#Person2# bought an MP3 online but #Person1# never tried e-shopping. #Person2# tells #Person1# about the advantages of shopping online. #Person1# thinks #Person1# should have a try.
How would Mr. Wang feel afterwards?
#Person1#: OK, Mr. Wang. Thank you very much for coming to the airport to see us off. Your great country and your hospitality have left a very deep impression on all of us and your working attitude and your way of doing business have changed my opinions about Chinese people. #Person2#: Really? I'm glad to hear that. #Person1#: That's true. And this trip has been a very productive one for us. #Person2#: Thank you again for your visit. We are looking forward to your reply. #Person1#: Believe me, Mr. Wang. I'll do my best to promote the transaction. #Person2#: We are happy that we have established business relations. I really hope that we'll have more business to do and more opportunities to meet each other. #Person1#: It's very kind of you to say so. #Person2#: You are very nice and helpful. Hope to see you again. #Person1#: I think we will have opportunities to meet each other in the future. #Person2#: OK, I think it's time for you to check in. If you run into any difficulty, we'll be here to assist you immediately. #Person1#: Fine. Thank you very much. Bye-bye. #Person2#: Goodbye.
Mr. Wang sees #Person1# off at the airport and they share good expectations of their business relationship.
What is Fixed?
#Person1#: Hello. #Person2#: Hello. Is there anything I can do for you? #Person1#: Yes, please. I'd like to open a savings account. Would you please give me some advice? #Person2#: Certainly, I'll be very happy to help you. Usually we offer current or fixed accounts for individuals. #Person1#: What's the difference between the two? #Person2#: If you open a fixed account, the interest rate is higher. #Person1#: Then how about the current account? #Person2#: You may withdraw the money at any time. You just need to present your deposit book. #Person1#: Thank you for your help. I think I'll open a current account. #Person2#: OK. Do you have your ID card on you? #Person1#: Yes. #Person2#: Good. Everything is done. Here is your deposit book and ID card. #Person1#: Thank you very much. #Person2#: It's my pleasure.
#Person2# helps #Person1# open a savings account and explains the differences between current and fixed accounts.
How would you describe Person1?
#Person1#: There have been too many unplanned shutdowns over the past few months. We'll have to make a few changes to the way we operate. We need to reduce our downtime. #Person2#: I agree, but the maintenance team is fully stretched dealing with problems. We don't have time to carry out any preventive maintenance. #Person1#: We need to establish routine maintenance procedures. It costs us too much in lost production if we wait until something breaks down before we fix it.
#Person1# proposes to build maintenance procedures to reduce lost production during downtime.
What does #Person1# propose?
#Person1#: There have been too many unplanned shutdowns over the past few months. We'll have to make a few changes to the way we operate. We need to reduce our downtime. #Person2#: I agree, but the maintenance team is fully stretched dealing with problems. We don't have time to carry out any preventive maintenance. #Person1#: We need to establish routine maintenance procedures. It costs us too much in lost production if we wait until something breaks down before we fix it.
#Person1# proposes to build maintenance procedures to reduce lost production during downtime.
What is the goal of the maintenance procedure?
#Person1#: There have been too many unplanned shutdowns over the past few months. We'll have to make a few changes to the way we operate. We need to reduce our downtime. #Person2#: I agree, but the maintenance team is fully stretched dealing with problems. We don't have time to carry out any preventive maintenance. #Person1#: We need to establish routine maintenance procedures. It costs us too much in lost production if we wait until something breaks down before we fix it.
#Person1# proposes to build maintenance procedures to reduce lost production during downtime.
What does person1 do?
#Person1#: Excuse me, I'm afraid you've parked in the wrong spot. #Person2#: Oh, really? Isn't this spot C408? #Person1#: No, it's D408, my parking space. I have already paid for it. #Person2#: I'm sorry, I must have been confused. I had thought it's C section, but actually it's D section. I'll move my car right away. #Person1#: It's no big deal. Thank you.
#Person1# asks #Person2#, who parked in #Person1#'s spot, to move the car away.
What was #1's position?
#Person1#: Excuse me, I'm afraid you've parked in the wrong spot. #Person2#: Oh, really? Isn't this spot C408? #Person1#: No, it's D408, my parking space. I have already paid for it. #Person2#: I'm sorry, I must have been confused. I had thought it's C section, but actually it's D section. I'll move my car right away. #Person1#: It's no big deal. Thank you.
#Person1# asks #Person2#, who parked in #Person1#'s spot, to move the car away.
What happens to #Person1#'s phone?
#Person1#: Why don't you watch where you're going? #Person2#: Me? You're the one who pulled out in front of me! #Person1#: There was plenty of room for me to pull out. You didn't have to stay in the lane you were in. #Person2#: Hey, listen. I had every right to stay in the lane I was in. You were supposed to wait until I passed to pull out. And anyhow, you didn't give me any time to change lanes. All of a sudden--BANG--there you are right in front of me. #Person1#: I think my arm is broken. #Person2#: Sorry about your arm, but it serves you right. You need to learn how to drive. You're lucky you didn't get killed. And I'm lucky to be alive too. #Person1#: Listen, let's just wait until the police get here. Then we can decide whose fault this accident was. #Person2#: Fine with me. I know the laws of the road. I'm not worried. #Person1#: I have a cell phone in my car. Now it's probably on the floor on the passenger side. Why don't you get it for me, and then I can call the police? #Person2#: Alright. #Person1#: It doesn't work. It looks like it's broken. I need to get to a hospital. You should drive me there. #Person2#: Oh, yeah? It's better if we make a police report first. Then you can go to the hospital. #Person1#: Damn it! I'm injured here. We could wait all day for the police. #Person2#: Well, you'll just have to wait. I'm not going to move my car until the police arrive. I'll go into one of those houses over there and use their phone. Don't worry. You'll get to the hospital in time. #Person1#: It really hurts. #Person2#: Yes, maybe it does. But if you're going to drive like you did just now, you will have to get used to a little physical pain. You know what I mean? #Person1#: To hell with you. The accident was your fault. #Person2#: I'm afraid it wasn't. And when the police get here, you will also see that it wasn't. But enough of this bickering. I'm going to go find a phone. Don't move that arm while I'm gone. Alright? #Person1#: To hell with you.
A car accident happens because #Person1# pulls out in front of #Person2#'s car. #Person1#'s arm and the cell phone were broken, so #Person2# needs to find a phone to call the police to decide whose fault this accident was.
What's the matter with Person 2?
#Person1#: Why don't you watch where you're going? #Person2#: Me? You're the one who pulled out in front of me! #Person1#: There was plenty of room for me to pull out. You didn't have to stay in the lane you were in. #Person2#: Hey, listen. I had every right to stay in the lane I was in. You were supposed to wait until I passed to pull out. And anyhow, you didn't give me any time to change lanes. All of a sudden--BANG--there you are right in front of me. #Person1#: I think my arm is broken. #Person2#: Sorry about your arm, but it serves you right. You need to learn how to drive. You're lucky you didn't get killed. And I'm lucky to be alive too. #Person1#: Listen, let's just wait until the police get here. Then we can decide whose fault this accident was. #Person2#: Fine with me. I know the laws of the road. I'm not worried. #Person1#: I have a cell phone in my car. Now it's probably on the floor on the passenger side. Why don't you get it for me, and then I can call the police? #Person2#: Alright. #Person1#: It doesn't work. It looks like it's broken. I need to get to a hospital. You should drive me there. #Person2#: Oh, yeah? It's better if we make a police report first. Then you can go to the hospital. #Person1#: Damn it! I'm injured here. We could wait all day for the police. #Person2#: Well, you'll just have to wait. I'm not going to move my car until the police arrive. I'll go into one of those houses over there and use their phone. Don't worry. You'll get to the hospital in time. #Person1#: It really hurts. #Person2#: Yes, maybe it does. But if you're going to drive like you did just now, you will have to get used to a little physical pain. You know what I mean? #Person1#: To hell with you. The accident was your fault. #Person2#: I'm afraid it wasn't. And when the police get here, you will also see that it wasn't. But enough of this bickering. I'm going to go find a phone. Don't move that arm while I'm gone. Alright? #Person1#: To hell with you.
A car accident happens because #Person1# pulls out in front of #Person2#'s car. #Person1#'s arm and the cell phone were broken, so #Person2# needs to find a phone to call the police to decide whose fault this accident was.
Who hurt in the accident?
#Person1#: Why don't you watch where you're going? #Person2#: Me? You're the one who pulled out in front of me! #Person1#: There was plenty of room for me to pull out. You didn't have to stay in the lane you were in. #Person2#: Hey, listen. I had every right to stay in the lane I was in. You were supposed to wait until I passed to pull out. And anyhow, you didn't give me any time to change lanes. All of a sudden--BANG--there you are right in front of me. #Person1#: I think my arm is broken. #Person2#: Sorry about your arm, but it serves you right. You need to learn how to drive. You're lucky you didn't get killed. And I'm lucky to be alive too. #Person1#: Listen, let's just wait until the police get here. Then we can decide whose fault this accident was. #Person2#: Fine with me. I know the laws of the road. I'm not worried. #Person1#: I have a cell phone in my car. Now it's probably on the floor on the passenger side. Why don't you get it for me, and then I can call the police? #Person2#: Alright. #Person1#: It doesn't work. It looks like it's broken. I need to get to a hospital. You should drive me there. #Person2#: Oh, yeah? It's better if we make a police report first. Then you can go to the hospital. #Person1#: Damn it! I'm injured here. We could wait all day for the police. #Person2#: Well, you'll just have to wait. I'm not going to move my car until the police arrive. I'll go into one of those houses over there and use their phone. Don't worry. You'll get to the hospital in time. #Person1#: It really hurts. #Person2#: Yes, maybe it does. But if you're going to drive like you did just now, you will have to get used to a little physical pain. You know what I mean? #Person1#: To hell with you. The accident was your fault. #Person2#: I'm afraid it wasn't. And when the police get here, you will also see that it wasn't. But enough of this bickering. I'm going to go find a phone. Don't move that arm while I'm gone. Alright? #Person1#: To hell with you.
A car accident happens because #Person1# pulls out in front of #Person2#'s car. #Person1#'s arm and the cell phone were broken, so #Person2# needs to find a phone to call the police to decide whose fault this accident was.
Which animal are they talking about?
#Person1#: I hear a businessman is building a dog park in our city. #Person2#: Really? What for? #Person1#: Obviously because there's a law against having dogs in the streets. #Person2#: Does it mean that dogs have to stay at home all the time? #Person1#: Sounds pretty cruel, right? Maybe a dog park is a good idea. #Person2#: Maybe they should just allow people to walk their dogs in the streets. #Person1#: But then streets could be a mess. #Person2#: Couldn't people clean up after their dogs? #Person1#: Would they?
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the dog park.
What do Person1 and Person2 talk about?
#Person1#: I hear a businessman is building a dog park in our city. #Person2#: Really? What for? #Person1#: Obviously because there's a law against having dogs in the streets. #Person2#: Does it mean that dogs have to stay at home all the time? #Person1#: Sounds pretty cruel, right? Maybe a dog park is a good idea. #Person2#: Maybe they should just allow people to walk their dogs in the streets. #Person1#: But then streets could be a mess. #Person2#: Couldn't people clean up after their dogs? #Person1#: Would they?
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the dog park.
What happened to Laura?
#Person1#: Hi Kevin! #Person2#: Hi Laura, long time no see! What have you been up to lately? #Person1#: Not much. I can assure you. And you? #Person2#: Much the same except I do have some big news. #Person1#: Come on. This suspense is killing me. #Person2#: No, really, what have you been doing these past few weeks? The last time I saw you, you were looking for a new job. #Person1#: Well, that's not exactly true. I was thinking about changing jobs. Luckily, they offered me a new position in the accounting department. #Person2#: A step up in the big business world. #Person1#: I wouldn't exaggerate, but I am pleased. I had been hoping to get a promotion for a while. So when it finally came through, I was relieved. Actually, that's why I was looking for a new job. I just didn't want to work there anymore if they weren't going to recognize my efforts. #Person2#: Right, sometimes you can do your best and it seems like the others don't know you exist. I hope the money's better. #Person1#: I got a reasonable raise, now enough about me. I'm dying to hear your news. #Person2#: I am getting married. #Person1#: No, you said you'd never get married. #Person2#: That was then and this is now. You've got to meet Andrea, she's great! #Person1#: This is all news to me. I didn't even know you were dating. #Person2#: We weren't. We've just been dating for two weeks now. #Person1#: And you getting married? #Person2#: I know. I can't help it. I just know she's the one. #Person1#: Well, congratulations! That's fantastic! #Person2#: Thanks, I'm glad to hear you feel way.
Laura and Kevin meet each other after a long time and share their personal latest news. Laura got a job promotion and an increase in wage while Kevin got married to Andrea after dating for 2 weeks.
What was the reason for not taking the exam?
#Person1#: Where were you yesterday? #Person2#: I was at home asleep. #Person1#: Asleep! I thought that you had to take an exam. #Person2#: I was sick. I had a fever. I couldn't get out of bed. #Person1#: You still look a little sick. You couldn't go back to bed. #Person2#: I'm going now. I just came here to speak to my professor. #Person1#: What did he tell you? #Person2#: He said that I'd be able to take a make-up. #Person1#: Well, that's all right then. Are you going straight home? #Person2#: I have to stop at the drugstore on the way. I need some aspirin. #Person1#: Do you think that you should walk that far? #Person2#: I have to walk. I didn't bring my car. 1 didn't think I'd be able to drive today. #Person1#: Well, take care of yourself. #Person2#: OK. Thanks.
Being sick, #Person2# didn't take the exam but can do a make-up. #Person2# finished a talk with the professor and is on the home.
Who takes the belongings?
#Person1#: What a great day! Hey, Tom, do you want to go to the beach this weekend? #Person2#: Yeah, that is a great idea. Maybe Sara would like to come along with us. #Person1#: I doubt it. #Person2#: Why? You are kidding! You know, she loves watching the sea. #Person1#: But yesterday afternoon she told me that she would go home this Saturday. #Person2#: What happened? #Person1#: She said that her mother was ill and stayed in the hospital, and therefore she wanted to go home to see her. #Person2#: I am sorry to hear that. Well, What do you think? Should we take some food? #Person1#: That sounds great. Maybe we could have a picnic on the beach. Then let's take some sandwiches, chips, and uh... some salad as well. #Person2#: We should also take some drinks like Coke and beer. #Person1#: Good. In addition, we had better pack beach towels and sun cream. #Person2#: OK. Please don't forget to give me a call and let's go down together.
#Person1# invites #Person2# to the beach at the weekend as Sara, whose mom is ill, cannot go. They list some food, drink, and other belongings to take.
What will happen to the person whose mom can not stay at the beach?
#Person1#: What a great day! Hey, Tom, do you want to go to the beach this weekend? #Person2#: Yeah, that is a great idea. Maybe Sara would like to come along with us. #Person1#: I doubt it. #Person2#: Why? You are kidding! You know, she loves watching the sea. #Person1#: But yesterday afternoon she told me that she would go home this Saturday. #Person2#: What happened? #Person1#: She said that her mother was ill and stayed in the hospital, and therefore she wanted to go home to see her. #Person2#: I am sorry to hear that. Well, What do you think? Should we take some food? #Person1#: That sounds great. Maybe we could have a picnic on the beach. Then let's take some sandwiches, chips, and uh... some salad as well. #Person2#: We should also take some drinks like Coke and beer. #Person1#: Good. In addition, we had better pack beach towels and sun cream. #Person2#: OK. Please don't forget to give me a call and let's go down together.
#Person1# invites #Person2# to the beach at the weekend as Sara, whose mom is ill, cannot go. They list some food, drink, and other belongings to take.
Which person is the thief?
#Person1#: Yes, I'd like to report a theft. #Person2#: Okay. Can you tell me exactly what happened. #Person1#: Well, I was walking home from work two days ago, enjoying the nature all around me ... the birds, the frogs, the flowing stream ... [Okay, Okay] when this woman knocked me right off my feet, grabbed my stuff, and ran off through the trees. [Hmm]. I was so surprised by the ordeal that I didn't go after her. #Person2#: Yeah. Can you describe the woman for me? #Person1#: Yeah. He was about a hundred and ninety centimeters tall ... #Person2#: Wait. You said a woman robbed you. #Person1#: Well, I'm not really sure. [Hmm]. You see, the person was wearing a white and black polka dot dress, a light red sweater over it, and she ... or he ... was wearing a pair of basketball shoes. #Person2#: Humm. What else can you tell me? #Person1#: Okay. Like I said, the person was about 190 centimeters tall, heavy build, with long wavy hair. She ... or he ... was probably in his or her late 30's. I didn't get a good look at the person's face, but well ... uh .... #Person2#: What? Was there something else? #Person1#: Well, the person ... had a beard. #Person2#: Ah! What was, uh, taken ... exactly? #Person1#: Well, just my left shoe. Bizarre, isn't it? #Person2#: Ah. The 'bearded woman' has struck again! #Person1#: The 'bearded woman'? #Person2#: Yeah. It's this man who dresses up like a woman and, for some unknown reason, removes the left shoe from his victims. He's really quite harmless, though, and he usually returns the shoe to the crime scene a couple of days later. #Person1#: Hey, he can keep my shoe, and I'll just take off my left shoe every time I walk through the park.
#Person1# reports a theft to a policeman. #Person1# describes the appearance of the thief and the policeman recognizes the bearded woman who often removes the victim's left shoe and returns after days.
Does the policeman think that the woman looks like the thief?
#Person1#: Yes, I'd like to report a theft. #Person2#: Okay. Can you tell me exactly what happened. #Person1#: Well, I was walking home from work two days ago, enjoying the nature all around me ... the birds, the frogs, the flowing stream ... [Okay, Okay] when this woman knocked me right off my feet, grabbed my stuff, and ran off through the trees. [Hmm]. I was so surprised by the ordeal that I didn't go after her. #Person2#: Yeah. Can you describe the woman for me? #Person1#: Yeah. He was about a hundred and ninety centimeters tall ... #Person2#: Wait. You said a woman robbed you. #Person1#: Well, I'm not really sure. [Hmm]. You see, the person was wearing a white and black polka dot dress, a light red sweater over it, and she ... or he ... was wearing a pair of basketball shoes. #Person2#: Humm. What else can you tell me? #Person1#: Okay. Like I said, the person was about 190 centimeters tall, heavy build, with long wavy hair. She ... or he ... was probably in his or her late 30's. I didn't get a good look at the person's face, but well ... uh .... #Person2#: What? Was there something else? #Person1#: Well, the person ... had a beard. #Person2#: Ah! What was, uh, taken ... exactly? #Person1#: Well, just my left shoe. Bizarre, isn't it? #Person2#: Ah. The 'bearded woman' has struck again! #Person1#: The 'bearded woman'? #Person2#: Yeah. It's this man who dresses up like a woman and, for some unknown reason, removes the left shoe from his victims. He's really quite harmless, though, and he usually returns the shoe to the crime scene a couple of days later. #Person1#: Hey, he can keep my shoe, and I'll just take off my left shoe every time I walk through the park.
#Person1# reports a theft to a policeman. #Person1# describes the appearance of the thief and the policeman recognizes the bearded woman who often removes the victim's left shoe and returns after days.
what does the policeman tell of the bearded woman?
#Person1#: Yes, I'd like to report a theft. #Person2#: Okay. Can you tell me exactly what happened. #Person1#: Well, I was walking home from work two days ago, enjoying the nature all around me ... the birds, the frogs, the flowing stream ... [Okay, Okay] when this woman knocked me right off my feet, grabbed my stuff, and ran off through the trees. [Hmm]. I was so surprised by the ordeal that I didn't go after her. #Person2#: Yeah. Can you describe the woman for me? #Person1#: Yeah. He was about a hundred and ninety centimeters tall ... #Person2#: Wait. You said a woman robbed you. #Person1#: Well, I'm not really sure. [Hmm]. You see, the person was wearing a white and black polka dot dress, a light red sweater over it, and she ... or he ... was wearing a pair of basketball shoes. #Person2#: Humm. What else can you tell me? #Person1#: Okay. Like I said, the person was about 190 centimeters tall, heavy build, with long wavy hair. She ... or he ... was probably in his or her late 30's. I didn't get a good look at the person's face, but well ... uh .... #Person2#: What? Was there something else? #Person1#: Well, the person ... had a beard. #Person2#: Ah! What was, uh, taken ... exactly? #Person1#: Well, just my left shoe. Bizarre, isn't it? #Person2#: Ah. The 'bearded woman' has struck again! #Person1#: The 'bearded woman'? #Person2#: Yeah. It's this man who dresses up like a woman and, for some unknown reason, removes the left shoe from his victims. He's really quite harmless, though, and he usually returns the shoe to the crime scene a couple of days later. #Person1#: Hey, he can keep my shoe, and I'll just take off my left shoe every time I walk through the park.
#Person1# reports a theft to a policeman. #Person1# describes the appearance of the thief and the policeman recognizes the bearded woman who often removes the victim's left shoe and returns after days.
who is not understanding with him?
#Person1#: I don't know what Jim's got to grumble about. My work load has doubled in the past year and I still manage. He is not doing anything different from when he arrived, as far as I can see. #Person2#: Yeah, but he's not as energetic as you are. Well, no one is. But the boss doesn't blame me when I get a bit behind. He is very understanding with me. But with Jim, he goes on and on. #Person1#: I haven't noticed it. But you're probably right. I wonder why he does it.
#Person1# doesn't understand why Jim grumbles. #Person2# thinks he's not as energetic as #Person1# is and the boss is not understanding with him. #Person1# wonders why.
Why does Jim groggy?
#Person1#: I don't know what Jim's got to grumble about. My work load has doubled in the past year and I still manage. He is not doing anything different from when he arrived, as far as I can see. #Person2#: Yeah, but he's not as energetic as you are. Well, no one is. But the boss doesn't blame me when I get a bit behind. He is very understanding with me. But with Jim, he goes on and on. #Person1#: I haven't noticed it. But you're probably right. I wonder why he does it.
#Person1# doesn't understand why Jim grumbles. #Person2# thinks he's not as energetic as #Person1# is and the boss is not understanding with him. #Person1# wonders why.
What does he mean by Grumble?
#Person1#: I don't know what Jim's got to grumble about. My work load has doubled in the past year and I still manage. He is not doing anything different from when he arrived, as far as I can see. #Person2#: Yeah, but he's not as energetic as you are. Well, no one is. But the boss doesn't blame me when I get a bit behind. He is very understanding with me. But with Jim, he goes on and on. #Person1#: I haven't noticed it. But you're probably right. I wonder why he does it.
#Person1# doesn't understand why Jim grumbles. #Person2# thinks he's not as energetic as #Person1# is and the boss is not understanding with him. #Person1# wonders why.
What might have been the cause of jim's grumbling?
#Person1#: I don't know what Jim's got to grumble about. My work load has doubled in the past year and I still manage. He is not doing anything different from when he arrived, as far as I can see. #Person2#: Yeah, but he's not as energetic as you are. Well, no one is. But the boss doesn't blame me when I get a bit behind. He is very understanding with me. But with Jim, he goes on and on. #Person1#: I haven't noticed it. But you're probably right. I wonder why he does it.
#Person1# doesn't understand why Jim grumbles. #Person2# thinks he's not as energetic as #Person1# is and the boss is not understanding with him. #Person1# wonders why.
What does this mean?
#Person1#: I'd like to find a job. #Person2#: We have several part-time jobs available here, Would you like to look through the list? #Person1#: Yes, thank you. I'd like to apply for the job at the computer center. #Person2#: Please fill out the form.
#Person1# wants to find a job at the computer center.
Which job could she apply for?
#Person1#: I'd like to find a job. #Person2#: We have several part-time jobs available here, Would you like to look through the list? #Person1#: Yes, thank you. I'd like to apply for the job at the computer center. #Person2#: Please fill out the form.
#Person1# wants to find a job at the computer center.
Who is being asked to beef up?
#Person1#: What did the boss say to you? #Person2#: He asked me to beef up in the work. #Person1#: Yeah. You look so unhappy recently. What's the matter. #Person2#: Nothing, thanks. I am just not in the mood these days.
The boss asks the unhappy #Person2# to beef up in the job.
What does Person 2 do after graduation?
#Person1#: I'll always remember my college days. #Person2#: Oh yeah? #Person1#: It was one of the best times in my life. It was tough, but I made it. I became a college graduate. #Person2#: How did you feel when you graduated? #Person1#: It was a pround day for me. My family attend the graduation ceremony. I was so nervous. I couldn't find my cap and gown, but all worked out in the end. #Person2#: What did you do after graduation? #Person1#: I was planning to attend gradate school, but then I was offered a good job doing marketing, so I changed my mind. #Person2#: Sounds like you're happy with your decision. #Person1#: I sure am. So what about you? How did you feel when you graduated? #Person2#: It was also a proud day for me, but I also felt like a kind of loss that day. #Person1#: How could it be? #Person2#: While seeing others going to work or continue their study, I didn't know what I would do. #Person1#: You didn't have an offer? #Person2#: I had one, but I didn't like the job very much. I wanted to attend graduate school, but I was afraid it would be too tough. #Person1#: I think you lack in the power of decision. Once you make your decision, don't be overtaken by misgivings and fear. Just go full steam ahead!
#Person1# and #Person2# share their feelings about the graduation day and different plans after graduation. #Person1# encourages #Person2# to have more power on a decision.
Who is #1?
#Person1#: I'll always remember my college days. #Person2#: Oh yeah? #Person1#: It was one of the best times in my life. It was tough, but I made it. I became a college graduate. #Person2#: How did you feel when you graduated? #Person1#: It was a pround day for me. My family attend the graduation ceremony. I was so nervous. I couldn't find my cap and gown, but all worked out in the end. #Person2#: What did you do after graduation? #Person1#: I was planning to attend gradate school, but then I was offered a good job doing marketing, so I changed my mind. #Person2#: Sounds like you're happy with your decision. #Person1#: I sure am. So what about you? How did you feel when you graduated? #Person2#: It was also a proud day for me, but I also felt like a kind of loss that day. #Person1#: How could it be? #Person2#: While seeing others going to work or continue their study, I didn't know what I would do. #Person1#: You didn't have an offer? #Person2#: I had one, but I didn't like the job very much. I wanted to attend graduate school, but I was afraid it would be too tough. #Person1#: I think you lack in the power of decision. Once you make your decision, don't be overtaken by misgivings and fear. Just go full steam ahead!
#Person1# and #Person2# share their feelings about the graduation day and different plans after graduation. #Person1# encourages #Person2# to have more power on a decision.
Can #Person1# pay the landlord back later?
#Person1#: hey Jayden, I was wondering if you could do me a favor. #Person2#: that depends. What is it? #Person1#: it's kind of a big favor. I'm absolutely flat broke, and I owe my landlady $200. she's given me until Friday to give it to her, but I don't get paid until next Monday. Do you think you could loanm #Person2#: I'd love to help you out, but I'm a bit short on cash this month as well. I had to get a new engine put into my car, and that ate up my savings. #Person1#: if you can't give me the full amount, a fraction of it would still help. I'll pay you back on Monday. I promise. #Person2#: let's see, I've got about $50 to get me through the weekend. I can only spare about $20. I would give you more if I had it, I just don't have much money to my name right now. #Person1#: thanks a lot Jayden. Every little bit will help. Tell you what, if you aren't doing anything tonight, why don't you come over and have dinner at my place. #Person2#: that'd be great. Thanks! What time should I come over? #Person1#: how about at 6 pm? #Person2#: see you then!
#Person1# owes the landlord $200 and wants to borrow some from Jayden who is tight on cash as well. Jayden only lends #Person1# $20 and #Person1# will come over at 6 pm.
What time is the event?
#Person1#: hey Jayden, I was wondering if you could do me a favor. #Person2#: that depends. What is it? #Person1#: it's kind of a big favor. I'm absolutely flat broke, and I owe my landlady $200. she's given me until Friday to give it to her, but I don't get paid until next Monday. Do you think you could loanm #Person2#: I'd love to help you out, but I'm a bit short on cash this month as well. I had to get a new engine put into my car, and that ate up my savings. #Person1#: if you can't give me the full amount, a fraction of it would still help. I'll pay you back on Monday. I promise. #Person2#: let's see, I've got about $50 to get me through the weekend. I can only spare about $20. I would give you more if I had it, I just don't have much money to my name right now. #Person1#: thanks a lot Jayden. Every little bit will help. Tell you what, if you aren't doing anything tonight, why don't you come over and have dinner at my place. #Person2#: that'd be great. Thanks! What time should I come over? #Person1#: how about at 6 pm? #Person2#: see you then!
#Person1# owes the landlord $200 and wants to borrow some from Jayden who is tight on cash as well. Jayden only lends #Person1# $20 and #Person1# will come over at 6 pm.
who is the person talking about?
#Person1#: How old are you? #Person2#: Nine . . . but I'll be ten on May 1st. When is your birthday? #Person1#: I'm older than you! I'll be ten on April 14th. #Person2#: Are you going to have a birthday party? #Person1#: Maybe. I'll have to ask my mother.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about their birthday.
Who convinces that person 2 want to talk to this blond?
#Person1#: this party rocks! #Person2#: you said it. Good beer, good music, and on top of that, there are so many hot girls here! #Person1#: I'm with you on that. Check out that one over there. I think I'm in love! #Person2#: well, she's alright, but not really my cup of tea. What about the blond with the red dress? #Person1#: oh, that's Janice. She's just new in town. You have a thing for blonds, eh? #Person2#: yeah! She could do anything she wants to me! #Person1#: I bet. Why not go over and talk to her? She's really nice. #Person2#: I don't think so. I get so nervous talking to girls. I always put my foot in my mouth, scare her off, and end up looking like a real fool. Besides, she is way out of my league. #Person1#: come on! Man up! You'll never know until you try. #Person2#: okay okay, just let me have another cup of beers to get my head in the game. #Person1#: all right. But I think you ought to move soon. #Person2#: why? #Person1#: I can see five other guys eying her up. #Person2#: okay, here I go! #Person1#: good luck!
#Person1# and #Person2# see a blond, but #Person2# is nervous talking with girls. After #Person1#'s encouragement and another cup of beer, #Person2# decides to talk to the blond.
Who cheers up #Person2#?
#Person1#: this party rocks! #Person2#: you said it. Good beer, good music, and on top of that, there are so many hot girls here! #Person1#: I'm with you on that. Check out that one over there. I think I'm in love! #Person2#: well, she's alright, but not really my cup of tea. What about the blond with the red dress? #Person1#: oh, that's Janice. She's just new in town. You have a thing for blonds, eh? #Person2#: yeah! She could do anything she wants to me! #Person1#: I bet. Why not go over and talk to her? She's really nice. #Person2#: I don't think so. I get so nervous talking to girls. I always put my foot in my mouth, scare her off, and end up looking like a real fool. Besides, she is way out of my league. #Person1#: come on! Man up! You'll never know until you try. #Person2#: okay okay, just let me have another cup of beers to get my head in the game. #Person1#: all right. But I think you ought to move soon. #Person2#: why? #Person1#: I can see five other guys eying her up. #Person2#: okay, here I go! #Person1#: good luck!
#Person1# and #Person2# see a blond, but #Person2# is nervous talking with girls. After #Person1#'s encouragement and another cup of beer, #Person2# decides to talk to the blond.
Who finally decides to talk to the blonde?
#Person1#: this party rocks! #Person2#: you said it. Good beer, good music, and on top of that, there are so many hot girls here! #Person1#: I'm with you on that. Check out that one over there. I think I'm in love! #Person2#: well, she's alright, but not really my cup of tea. What about the blond with the red dress? #Person1#: oh, that's Janice. She's just new in town. You have a thing for blonds, eh? #Person2#: yeah! She could do anything she wants to me! #Person1#: I bet. Why not go over and talk to her? She's really nice. #Person2#: I don't think so. I get so nervous talking to girls. I always put my foot in my mouth, scare her off, and end up looking like a real fool. Besides, she is way out of my league. #Person1#: come on! Man up! You'll never know until you try. #Person2#: okay okay, just let me have another cup of beers to get my head in the game. #Person1#: all right. But I think you ought to move soon. #Person2#: why? #Person1#: I can see five other guys eying her up. #Person2#: okay, here I go! #Person1#: good luck!
#Person1# and #Person2# see a blond, but #Person2# is nervous talking with girls. After #Person1#'s encouragement and another cup of beer, #Person2# decides to talk to the blond.
who does person 1 ask the bid?
#Person1#: Mary? Are you still there? #Person2#: Yes. What do you want? #Person1#: Did your bid win? #Person2#: What do you care, dork? #Person1#: Hey! I'm trying to be nice, and you still want to fight! Did you get the statue or not? #Person2#: You mean fat boy? #Person1#: Sorry. I take that back. I mean the copper Buddha you wanted.
#Person1# asks Mary the result of the bid not very nicely so Mary doesn't want to answer.
What is happening to both of them?
#Person1#: Good morning! #Person2#: Good morning, Gav! Did you sleep well last night? #Person1#: I slept like a baby. I fell asleep right away last night, didn't wake up once, and didn't have any nightmares! #Person2#: That's great news! You look much more relaxed than you did yesterday. #Person1#: I feel much better, but I'm still worried about something. #Person2#: What's that? #Person1#: Well, I have to drive to school for a meeting this morning, and I'm going to end up getting stuck in rush-hour traffic. #Person2#: That's annoying, but nothing to worry about. #Person1#: For me, traffic jams are quite stressful, because I'm pretty impatient. How can I prevent myself from getting stressed if I get stuck in a traffic jam? #Person2#: Just breathe deeply when you feel yourself getting upset. #Person1#: Ok, I'll try that. #Person2#: Is there anything else bothering you? #Person1#: Just one more thing. A school called me this morning to see if I could teach a few classes this weekend and I don't know what to do. #Person2#: Do you have any other plans this weekend? #Person1#: I'm supposed to work on a paper that'd due on Monday. #Person2#: Try not to take on more than you can handle. #Person1#: You're right. I probably should just work on my paper. Thanks!
Gav had a good sleep last night but worries about the traffic jam and classes to teach. #Person2# asks Gav's plan for the weekend and #Person2# gives the suggestions when Gav feels upset.
What is the relationship between Gav and Person2?
#Person1#: Good morning! #Person2#: Good morning, Gav! Did you sleep well last night? #Person1#: I slept like a baby. I fell asleep right away last night, didn't wake up once, and didn't have any nightmares! #Person2#: That's great news! You look much more relaxed than you did yesterday. #Person1#: I feel much better, but I'm still worried about something. #Person2#: What's that? #Person1#: Well, I have to drive to school for a meeting this morning, and I'm going to end up getting stuck in rush-hour traffic. #Person2#: That's annoying, but nothing to worry about. #Person1#: For me, traffic jams are quite stressful, because I'm pretty impatient. How can I prevent myself from getting stressed if I get stuck in a traffic jam? #Person2#: Just breathe deeply when you feel yourself getting upset. #Person1#: Ok, I'll try that. #Person2#: Is there anything else bothering you? #Person1#: Just one more thing. A school called me this morning to see if I could teach a few classes this weekend and I don't know what to do. #Person2#: Do you have any other plans this weekend? #Person1#: I'm supposed to work on a paper that'd due on Monday. #Person2#: Try not to take on more than you can handle. #Person1#: You're right. I probably should just work on my paper. Thanks!
Gav had a good sleep last night but worries about the traffic jam and classes to teach. #Person2# asks Gav's plan for the weekend and #Person2# gives the suggestions when Gav feels upset.
What would she say privately to Myra?
#Person1#: I don't think the teacher had a right to say that. The teacher was wrong to have accused her in front of the whole class. #Person2#: You've got to be joking! It's the teacher's right to say anything wants, and if she saw Myra cheating, she certainly had the right to say so. #Person1#: I agree she had the right to say something, but I feel she should have done it privately. #Person2#: You're right. If I were the teacher, I wouldn't have done that.
Both #Person1# and #Person2# think the teacher should say to Myra privately if she saw Myra cheating.
Who is Sara?
#Person1#: Listen, Karen, I need your help. I don't know anyone here yet. #Person2#: I'm glad to help you. What's wrong? #Person1#: My mother-in-law just went into the hospital in L. A. Hank and I will be flying there tonight. #Person2#: I'm sorry to hear it. What's wrong with her? #Person1#: Doctors aren't sure yet. But the real problem is Suzy. She has a bad cold, and we don't want to take her with us. But we don't know who can stay with her. #Person2#: You need a babysitter. #Person1#: Yes, I'd ask Jill, the girl I've had before, but I need someone overnight. Maybe even for two nights. #Person2#: I could have Suzy stay at my place. #Person1#: I don't want to do that to you, Karen. #Person2#: Why not? #Person1#: Your own kids would get Suzy's cold. I think it would be better to have a good babysitter here. But I don't know who to ask. I need someone more mature than Jill. It might even be for two or three days. #Person2#: I know who we can ask. There is a girl I know, Sara Ralston. She is 17, and she will usually take this kind of job. I know her from my church, and I trust her completely. #Person1#: I'd like to talk with her. This is short notice, I know. But Hank and I are leaving tonight. #Person2#: I'll get you her number. I hope she can do it. She is very responsible. #Person1#: I'm glad you know someone. I knew you would be the best person to ask about this. I don't want to insult Jill or her mother. I think Jill maybe could do it. But I'd rather have someone a little older. #Person2#: I'll go home and get Sara's number. I'll call her first myself. #Person1#: Great. Then call me and let me know if she's free.
#Person1# asks Karen for help to find a mature babysitter for two or three days because #Person1# will fly to L.A. to see #Person1#'s mother-in-law in the hospital and has to leave Suzy, who has a cold, at home. Karen recommends Sara who is mature and responsible, and she will contact her.
Who does Karen recommend?
#Person1#: Listen, Karen, I need your help. I don't know anyone here yet. #Person2#: I'm glad to help you. What's wrong? #Person1#: My mother-in-law just went into the hospital in L. A. Hank and I will be flying there tonight. #Person2#: I'm sorry to hear it. What's wrong with her? #Person1#: Doctors aren't sure yet. But the real problem is Suzy. She has a bad cold, and we don't want to take her with us. But we don't know who can stay with her. #Person2#: You need a babysitter. #Person1#: Yes, I'd ask Jill, the girl I've had before, but I need someone overnight. Maybe even for two nights. #Person2#: I could have Suzy stay at my place. #Person1#: I don't want to do that to you, Karen. #Person2#: Why not? #Person1#: Your own kids would get Suzy's cold. I think it would be better to have a good babysitter here. But I don't know who to ask. I need someone more mature than Jill. It might even be for two or three days. #Person2#: I know who we can ask. There is a girl I know, Sara Ralston. She is 17, and she will usually take this kind of job. I know her from my church, and I trust her completely. #Person1#: I'd like to talk with her. This is short notice, I know. But Hank and I are leaving tonight. #Person2#: I'll get you her number. I hope she can do it. She is very responsible. #Person1#: I'm glad you know someone. I knew you would be the best person to ask about this. I don't want to insult Jill or her mother. I think Jill maybe could do it. But I'd rather have someone a little older. #Person2#: I'll go home and get Sara's number. I'll call her first myself. #Person1#: Great. Then call me and let me know if she's free.
#Person1# asks Karen for help to find a mature babysitter for two or three days because #Person1# will fly to L.A. to see #Person1#'s mother-in-law in the hospital and has to leave Suzy, who has a cold, at home. Karen recommends Sara who is mature and responsible, and she will contact her.
Why was Sabrina worried about her sister?
#Person1#: Anna just email to say that the managers meeting is put off till next Monday. Will you have everything ready by then, Sabrina? Hey Sabrina, what's wrong? #Person2#: I'm so worried. I haven't heard from my sister for 2 weeks. #Person1#: How often do you call each other? #Person2#: Normally at least once a week. But she's now a volunteer teacher in a mountain village in Africa. I can only write her. #Person1#: The Mail can be really slow sometimes. I'm sure you'll hear from her soon. #Person2#: I hope so. #Person1#: You know the saying 'no news is good news'. If something were wrong, someone would have called you. #Person2#: Maybe you're right. Thanks, Jason.
Sabrina is worried about her sister because she hasn't heard from her sister for 2 weeks. #Person1# comforts her.
Who comforts Sabrina?
#Person1#: Anna just email to say that the managers meeting is put off till next Monday. Will you have everything ready by then, Sabrina? Hey Sabrina, what's wrong? #Person2#: I'm so worried. I haven't heard from my sister for 2 weeks. #Person1#: How often do you call each other? #Person2#: Normally at least once a week. But she's now a volunteer teacher in a mountain village in Africa. I can only write her. #Person1#: The Mail can be really slow sometimes. I'm sure you'll hear from her soon. #Person2#: I hope so. #Person1#: You know the saying 'no news is good news'. If something were wrong, someone would have called you. #Person2#: Maybe you're right. Thanks, Jason.
Sabrina is worried about her sister because she hasn't heard from her sister for 2 weeks. #Person1# comforts her.
did anyone else advise this to person1
#Person1#: Hi, there. I think I'm coming down with something. I need some medicine to get me through the next few days. #Person2#: Wow, you look terrible. What's going on? #Person1#: Well, my throat hurts. My nose has been running and I have a bad cough. It could just be cold, but I don't know for sure. #Person2#: You should take some cold medicine and get some rest. You don't look well. #Person1#: I have a very important job and I can't miss any work. So, give me something strong. #Person2#: All right. But if you have the flu, only rest will help. If you're still sick in 3 days, you should go see a doctor. #Person1#: Thanks for your help.
#Person1# asks #Person2# for some strong medicine to get through the important days. #Person2# agrees but still suggests #Person1# see a doctor.
what are they talking about?
#Person1#: Hi, there. I think I'm coming down with something. I need some medicine to get me through the next few days. #Person2#: Wow, you look terrible. What's going on? #Person1#: Well, my throat hurts. My nose has been running and I have a bad cough. It could just be cold, but I don't know for sure. #Person2#: You should take some cold medicine and get some rest. You don't look well. #Person1#: I have a very important job and I can't miss any work. So, give me something strong. #Person2#: All right. But if you have the flu, only rest will help. If you're still sick in 3 days, you should go see a doctor. #Person1#: Thanks for your help.
#Person1# asks #Person2# for some strong medicine to get through the important days. #Person2# agrees but still suggests #Person1# see a doctor.
who will take Person1?
#Person1#: There is only 20 minutes left. I've got an appointment. I'm meeting a friend in the City of Westminster at 9:00 AM. I hope not to miss it. #Person2#: Well, I'm going there, too. I can give you a lift if you like. #Person1#: Could you really? That would be kind. #Person2#: Where are you meeting your friend? #Person1#: Near the park. But if you can drop me at an underground station that will be fine. #Person2#: The park's not far out of my way. I'll take you there. #Person1#: That's very kind of you.
#Person2# will give #Person1# a lift to meet a friend.
What does Person 1 need the favor for?
#Person1#: There is only 20 minutes left. I've got an appointment. I'm meeting a friend in the City of Westminster at 9:00 AM. I hope not to miss it. #Person2#: Well, I'm going there, too. I can give you a lift if you like. #Person1#: Could you really? That would be kind. #Person2#: Where are you meeting your friend? #Person1#: Near the park. But if you can drop me at an underground station that will be fine. #Person2#: The park's not far out of my way. I'll take you there. #Person1#: That's very kind of you.
#Person2# will give #Person1# a lift to meet a friend.
What will this mean?
#Person1#: There is only 20 minutes left. I've got an appointment. I'm meeting a friend in the City of Westminster at 9:00 AM. I hope not to miss it. #Person2#: Well, I'm going there, too. I can give you a lift if you like. #Person1#: Could you really? That would be kind. #Person2#: Where are you meeting your friend? #Person1#: Near the park. But if you can drop me at an underground station that will be fine. #Person2#: The park's not far out of my way. I'll take you there. #Person1#: That's very kind of you.
#Person2# will give #Person1# a lift to meet a friend.
What country was this funny experience in?
#Person1#: How was your summer trip? #Person2#: It was great. My friend and I travelled throughout India. #Person1#: Sounds hot! How did you get along without studying the local language? #Person2#: Most People there speak English. But there were some remote places in the mountains where we had to learn a few words to communicate. Usually it was easy. One time, though, it got a little awkward. I was asking a baker for some bread and I said 'I want money' instead of 'I want bread'. The words for money and bread were so similar that I got them mixed up. #Person1#: How did the baker react? #Person2#: He looked a little scared but my friend quickly cleared up the confusion. We ended up becoming friends with the guy and he introduced us to more young people. Whenever we told the story of our meeting, it would make everyone laugh.
#Person2# tells #Person1# about a funny experience about language confusion during the summer trip in India.
What is the word for "confusion" in the first sentence?
#Person1#: How was your summer trip? #Person2#: It was great. My friend and I travelled throughout India. #Person1#: Sounds hot! How did you get along without studying the local language? #Person2#: Most People there speak English. But there were some remote places in the mountains where we had to learn a few words to communicate. Usually it was easy. One time, though, it got a little awkward. I was asking a baker for some bread and I said 'I want money' instead of 'I want bread'. The words for money and bread were so similar that I got them mixed up. #Person1#: How did the baker react? #Person2#: He looked a little scared but my friend quickly cleared up the confusion. We ended up becoming friends with the guy and he introduced us to more young people. Whenever we told the story of our meeting, it would make everyone laugh.
#Person2# tells #Person1# about a funny experience about language confusion during the summer trip in India.
What country may the experience have taken place in?
#Person1#: How was your summer trip? #Person2#: It was great. My friend and I travelled throughout India. #Person1#: Sounds hot! How did you get along without studying the local language? #Person2#: Most People there speak English. But there were some remote places in the mountains where we had to learn a few words to communicate. Usually it was easy. One time, though, it got a little awkward. I was asking a baker for some bread and I said 'I want money' instead of 'I want bread'. The words for money and bread were so similar that I got them mixed up. #Person1#: How did the baker react? #Person2#: He looked a little scared but my friend quickly cleared up the confusion. We ended up becoming friends with the guy and he introduced us to more young people. Whenever we told the story of our meeting, it would make everyone laugh.
#Person2# tells #Person1# about a funny experience about language confusion during the summer trip in India.
What is People 1 probably doing?
#Person1#: So, now ,have you been asked for an interview, yet? #Person2#: Yes, I already have an interview schedule with the manager on Wednesday. #Person1#: Oh, that's the day after tomorrow, congratulations. Where will the interview be held? #Person2#: In a building which is very close to where you work, we can meet up then, and I'll tell you about it over some coffee.
#Person2# has an interview schedule on Wednesday and will tell #Person1# about it over coffee.
What type of advice is given?
#Person1#: I've been wondering how to start running. I want to run a marathon and I know you're a good runner. #Person2#: Well, you need to start out slowly. See if you can run a mile without stopping and then start increasing your distance. #Person1#: OK, do you think I should run on a running machine at the gym or outside? #Person2#: Well, it depends on what you like. Running inside is nice, because you can stay at a steady speed. But outside is nice too, because you're surrounded by nature and fresh air. #Person1#: Maybe I'll try running outside first and see how it feels.
#Person1# wants to start a marathon and #Person2# gives #Person1# some suggestions.
What does Person2 say?
#Person1#: I've been wondering how to start running. I want to run a marathon and I know you're a good runner. #Person2#: Well, you need to start out slowly. See if you can run a mile without stopping and then start increasing your distance. #Person1#: OK, do you think I should run on a running machine at the gym or outside? #Person2#: Well, it depends on what you like. Running inside is nice, because you can stay at a steady speed. But outside is nice too, because you're surrounded by nature and fresh air. #Person1#: Maybe I'll try running outside first and see how it feels.
#Person1# wants to start a marathon and #Person2# gives #Person1# some suggestions.
Who does Izek meet?
#Person1#: So Izek, is there a Christian church nearby? #Person2#: There is one, just 2 blocks from here, on the west end of the Ivy Street. So are you a Christian if you don't mind me asking? #Person1#: No. It's just I'm doing this essay about the influence of Christian religion on western cultures. So I just want to do some research personally. #Person2#: I see. Actually, one of the priests in that church is my cousin. I can arrange a meeting between you 2 if you like. #Person1#: Really? That would be great. Thank you so much. #Person2#: It's OK. I'm glad I could be of some help to my new working partner.
#Person1# wants to research Christian and Izek helps to arrange a meeting with the priest.
who will izk meet with?
#Person1#: So Izek, is there a Christian church nearby? #Person2#: There is one, just 2 blocks from here, on the west end of the Ivy Street. So are you a Christian if you don't mind me asking? #Person1#: No. It's just I'm doing this essay about the influence of Christian religion on western cultures. So I just want to do some research personally. #Person2#: I see. Actually, one of the priests in that church is my cousin. I can arrange a meeting between you 2 if you like. #Person1#: Really? That would be great. Thank you so much. #Person2#: It's OK. I'm glad I could be of some help to my new working partner.
#Person1# wants to research Christian and Izek helps to arrange a meeting with the priest.
What is the situation?
#Person1#: Well, it's a nice room. Hmm... is there anything that I should know? #Person2#: Well. I don't allow the cat to go upstairs at all, and I don't allow people to smoke in the bedrooms. #Person1#: Oh, I agree with that. I don't smoke anyway. #Person2#: And I don't allow people to stick pictures up on the walls. #Person1#: Oh, I see. Can I use small nails or something? #Person2#: Oh yes, something like that is quite acceptable, and there just two more things if you don't mind. If you go out, would you please remember to close the window? #Person1#: Right. I'll do that. #Person2#: And there is the kettle. When you boil it, could you please put it on the floor? #Person1#: Alright. I'll do that then.
#Person2# tells #Person1# some matters needing attention when #Person1# lives in the room.
who lives in the room?
#Person1#: Well, it's a nice room. Hmm... is there anything that I should know? #Person2#: Well. I don't allow the cat to go upstairs at all, and I don't allow people to smoke in the bedrooms. #Person1#: Oh, I agree with that. I don't smoke anyway. #Person2#: And I don't allow people to stick pictures up on the walls. #Person1#: Oh, I see. Can I use small nails or something? #Person2#: Oh yes, something like that is quite acceptable, and there just two more things if you don't mind. If you go out, would you please remember to close the window? #Person1#: Right. I'll do that. #Person2#: And there is the kettle. When you boil it, could you please put it on the floor? #Person1#: Alright. I'll do that then.
#Person2# tells #Person1# some matters needing attention when #Person1# lives in the room.
What might have happened if they were caught parking there?
#Person1#: Excuse me, sir. You can't park here. #Person2#: I am just waiting for my friends. It won't be long. #Person1#: Sir, the curb here is not for parking. #Person2#: But I didn't see the sign, Ma ' am. #Person1#: There is a sign at the corner of the street. When you turned in here, you should have seen it. #Person2#: I didn't see it. #Person1#: I am sorry, sir. I have to give you a ticket. You can appeal to the court within 14 days. You will avoid paying the fine if you can prove that you are not at fault.
#Person2# didn't see the sign and parks at a no-parking area, so #Person1# gives #Person2# a ticket.