Thank you for all the emails you sent me on my review! I was surprised at how many responses I recieved from people searching for the right dentist..\nI shared my new dentist information and even got some movie tickets from my dentist for the referrals!\nI find it funny how since I wrote this review how many people have reviewed with 5 stars... They must have a lot of friends and family! \nI hope everyone reads my review and picks the right dentist for your needs!\nHappy Holidays
I, myself, and vietnamese and have tried all dishes from all vietnamese restaurants. The pho here is delicious! and i've introduced a few friends here as their first time vietnamese food experience, and all of them love it and have told me they come back! The staff is awesome, they are never hesitant on trying to make your experience the best. \n\nThe location is the only thing that gives me this 4 stars. It's just I am SO close to getting in there to eat coming from Scaleybark on South Blvd and then the fact that I have to make an awkward u-turn into the apartments beside it sucks.\n\nOther than the location, this is where I want to eat when I get pho cravings...and not close to family's home!
3.5 stars.\n\nI have had BFG on my list of \"must try\" for awhile and we finally ventured in last week. We ordered take-out and ordered the BFG trifecta. 1 Baked meal, 1 Fried meal, and 1 Grilled meal, and selected 6 different sauces to accompany them. \n\nWe live less than 10 minutes away and the meal was still fresh and piping hot by the time we laid it out on our dining table. Everything tasted pretty good, but didn't wow my taste buds like I had expected. My husband preferred the fried chicken and baked mac n cheese, while I preferred the the grilled chicken and grilled veggies. The extra .5 is because the service was awesome, and it truly is an amazing value- and because of that, I will be back. Besides, I still need to try their specials!
Edamame with truffle salt was great; really livened up what can be a bland experience.\n\nthe sushi was good, but very overpriced; not too much for $25 roll.
So I'm running errands before I go back to the hotel and one of my friends asked me to pick up some pho for them. Little did I know I was they ordered a lot of food and I'm glad they did cause I got to try some. \n\nThe pho was very tasty one of the better ones that I've had; they had all the veggies and other things that go with it and the broth was not too salty. the sandwiches were tasty and fresh and best of all the prices are very very reasonable. Mind you this is 5 hours after I brought the food back so the food held up pretty well. \n\nonly bad thing is that they forgot the cabbage for the bun bo hue.
I went on September 1st and I have to say I was miserable. It was over 65.00 for two adults and a 5yr and 8yr old. We waited in a long line front from the begining and then went to see a movie. The movie was good and we did like that but everything else was poor. This place is beautiful on the outside but a poor set up on the inside. Hot and humid and the butterfly exhibit though beautiful had dead ends in each section, It would of been more functional to keep it going with the walk way so it was not so congested. Also the ant exhibit was horrible and the fish tanks were really no big deal. We live in Arizona so we know what scorpions are. Just think the fee to get in was way to much for what you were given. The cafeteria cost 13.00 for two bags of candy and two juice boxes and then you leave thru the gift store which every kid was complaining as they wanted a toy or somthing. Clever on the store part but not fair to the parents. We bought a plastic butterfly ring and with tax as 4.91 for a 10 cent ring. I will never go back and I bet this will be closed down before to long. Sorry but have to be honest.
Not a fan of all you can eat places, particularly when seafood is involved. Often it is an indicator the a la carte is going to be sub par. That being said, seems many of the LV sushi places are all you can eat. Sushi Mon is close by so have tried 2x. It did the trick for a few mediocre rolls of average construction. Tried the softshell crab tempura which had a funky been sitting in the freezer too long taste.\n\nThe service is average as well. Am unsure why this place has gotten such rave reviews. Agree with some other yelpers this place is over-hyped
I finally made it over to give Gigi's a try...being a cupcake lover I'm always on the quest to find the best.\n\nThe store is very small, but the staff was welcoming and the cupcakes looked delicious. I decided on two flavors the strawberry shortcake and my absolute favorite and velvet.\n\n I loved the packaging...small boxes with separators for each yummy treat. smashed cupcakes here! these babies would be able to safely make it out to any destination. \n\nWell, the cupcakes were very pretty...but the icing to cupcake ratio is crazy. I LOVE icing...but not more than the cupcake. For the price, I hate scraping most of it off just to enjoy it...I don't know how anyone could eat that much icing. EVER. \n\nOf the two, my favorite was the strawberry shortcake...I'm sad to say I didn't like the red velvet at all (insert very sad face). \n\nBut I'm soooo glad I got two, because had I just got the red velvet I probably wouldn't have given this place another shot. Hey, I'm just being honest. \n\nThe strawberry short cake was moist, and I could really taste the strawberry flavor! The icing that I did try was very yummy and I love that they include sprinkles on each cupcake! The red velvet however, just fell short for me...I didn't enjoy the flavor, the texture or the icing. Perhaps, I just got a dud in the batch happens. \n\nOverall, just okay to me. I would return and try some of their other flavors. And maybe...just maybe give them another chance on the red velvet.
This is a hole in the wall and food is just ok. I had the following:\n\nBeef noodle half tendon soup: good just a bit spicy.\nPork cabbage, shrimp chives dumpling: not bad just very small and small portioned\nPork rice plate: a few pieces of extremely fatty pork with lots and lots of rice\nWonton soup: the pork stinks\n\nService was pretty bad and tea was diluted and taste like hot water.
worst place i ever been to. just plan rude. girls are a -1 but they think there 10s.
My husband and I had lunch at Sugar Factory Dec. 30 at 11:30am after our plane arrived and we checked in at our hotel. So it was a perfect time to let our hair down and start the fun. We usually head to Mon Ami but wanted to try this place. We asked for a seat out in the patio to people watch.\n\nDrink ordered: Goblet gummy bear. They can be shared.\n\nPlates ordered: Salmon with asparagus-fair\nAnd Bacon Blue Cheese Burger-fair\n\nOur server was nice. \n\nHere is why they get the 1 star. The burger came with a long hair on the bun. Our server was very apologetic and immediately returned the plate which was awesome! But never once did the manager approach us to apologize for the lack of detail and unsatisfactory presentation. I'm sure they have a front and back of the restaurant manager, someone could have acknowledged this mistake beside the waitress and honestly comped the burger. It had a hair! While we waited for the burger we both shared the Salmon. \n\nMaybe a manager didn't feel the need to come out because we had a Groupon. But really the Groupon was for $20=$40 and that meal was a lot more than that.
Terrible. Food and service.\n\nI have been to just about every strip steak place and this is hands down my least favorite. And not just by a little bit, by a rather large margin.I love steak and I love French so this should have been a match made in heaven, perhaps how much I looked forward to going here tainted my view but it was so bad it can't all have been my bias. Just look at my review record- I have enver given 1 star to anything else- I am a pretty soft judge\n\n\nFirst- my reception.\n\nI had just spent an inordinate amount of time playing poker at the Venetian. As such I was not dressed super formally- khaki shorts, polo shirt, tennis shoes- more than acceptable for vegas lunch. This is on a Weds about 230pm. The host ( a dude) ignores me for about 5 minutes while he is on the phone than finally, reluctantly, brings me to a table. It is then about 20 minutes before I see my waiter. During this wait I am drinking some water and happen to empty my glass. The water guy comes up and starts pouring the water before the pitcher is over the glass and misses the glass for a solid 3 seconds soaking the entire table and myself before he notices. I ask to move to a dry table. He tells me \"maybe\". At this point I look around, I am one of 6 people in the entire place. Eventually I get moved.\n\nMy Order\nI try to get the exact same thing my first time at every steak house here for comparison- bone in ribeye, potato side, tartare. The waiter comes up to my table and I try and get my order in as quickly as possible since I have already been waiting. \n\nme: \"Tenderloin Tartare, Bone in ribeye medium rare, potato dauphinois\"\nhim: would you like to hear about our specials\nme: no\nhim: well then what would you like\nme: Tenderloin Tartare, Bone in ribeye medium rare, potato dauphinois\nhim: im not sure we have that\nme: which part\nhim: uh... the potato\n\nit only went downhill from there. He didn't write anything down, came back twice to ask to clarify, and then brought tuna tartare. The tuna was actually the highlight of the day.\n\nThe Steak\nI like steam rare to medium rare. That being said, I will eat just about anything. The steak that was brought to me was not even grey, it was so dark grey throughout I doubted if it was actual meat. It looked like an overcooked mcdonalds hamburger inside. I first cut a piece off the end and decided to give them the benefit of the doubt- maybe it wasn't like that in the middle. It was. \n\nNow, a quick note about me. I don't really ever send food back. I'm a gambler and I think ordering food is sort of a gamble- in this case I gambled and lost. Also, if a kitchen has already screwed something up I don't have much faith in them fixing it so generally I just let it go.\n\nAnd that is what I planned to do here. So my waiter comes back and says \"how is everything\". The following conversation ensues\n\nme: The steak is way overcooked, its inedible, can I get my check\nhim: It looks fine to me\n\nOk, thats annoying. Still, never argue with stupid people right...\n\nme: just the check please\nhim: I'll bring that right out\n\n15 minutes later the waiter comes back with another waiter\n\nNew waiter- I'm sorry sir, we cannot send that back, it looks medium rare to me. \n\nAt this point I am flabbergasted. Was I getting punked? Could I actually be eating in a professional restaurant? Let alone a nice one in Las Vegas? Could anyone working in a steakhouse for longer than 3's of minutes think this was medium rare?\n\nme: I'm not trying to send it back, I just want my check\n\nAnother 10ish minutes go by and I get my check. I choose to pay by way of the credit card. I put it in the little wallet thing and stand it up so all can see the card sticking out of it. At this point I look at my watch and think to myself \"how long could this take\". Turns out quite a while. After another 10 minutes I look around and I can't see any other customers in the place. I take my check and walk to the front where the host and 3-4 waiters are sitting in the bar area. I ask my waiter to run my card which he sighs and then does. Also, they charged me for the tenderloin tartare which is 1 dollar more than the Tuna....\n\nI then walked outside across the street and ate at stripburger.\n\nIn closing, Carne Vino greater than Morels
:( So sad, another disappointing dining experience. My buddy and I were hoping to round out our Vegas trip with some good old fashion Roasted Duck Noodle Soup so we decided to give this place a shot. \n\nTo be fair, service was decent and I'd give the flavor of the soup a letter grade of a \"B\" but what I just couldn't get around was the ROACH that seemed to be lounging in my bowl. Wow right? Roast Roach Duck Noodle Soup! Grossed out and not wanting to eat any longer, we notified the lead server and showed them my little hitchhiker roach and even though they apologized for the incident we decided to leave. \n\nIn retrospect, I'm glad I fished the little roach out before I got more than three spoonfuls of soup down. The soup is a dark brown broth. I didn't take the time sift through the rest of my soup but I wouldn't doubt it if there were more little buggers in there.
Will give Echo & Rig another try because our steaks were amazing, perfectly cooked and flavored. Unfortunately, the service was not up to par. We dined downstairs, early dinner. We watched as one couple left because there was no server in sight. When one popped up, we seemed to haven disturb her. Took our order, no follow up, just the check.
I'm all for giving an establishment a fair shake - saying that I also believe that a place should be (roughly) judged on 60% their food and 40% their service. Hence my 3star rating. \nMy husband and I went and had brunch here last weekend and wow, the food was spot on! It started with me craving stuffed french-toast and, to yelp I went to find a place with good reviews. Wy-Knot came up and so we headed over. \nThe french toast completely satisfied my cravings with the wonderful cream cheese filling and bananas on top. So where is the other 40%? Well our server, who I think might have been an owner or at least someone that doesn't regularly deal with customers, literally tossed menus in our direction without so much as a hello. Eventually he came back and asked what we wanted, we told him. No small talk or suggestions there! \nI won't walk you through our meal but suffice it to say, we WILL try there again and I hope to be able to up the stars with a different server with some people skills.\nAlso, they allow you to bring your dog and sit on the patio - they'll even bring your pooch a bowl of water.
I went to five guys at noon on a saturday, even though it was extremely packed me and my girlfriend managed to get in and out with our food in about 10 minutes which surprised me. The employees were also very friendly.
I am not big on BBQ... But Lucille's is probably only one of the only BBQ places that I've actually liked! \n\nThe restaurant from outside, in is decorated as if you've been invited over to Lucille's backyard BBQ. Very cute! \n\nOur server was Ashley and she was a doll! Checked up on us frequently and was great with refills! \n\nThere were 5 of us and our server suggested to get 2 of the BBQ specials for 2... There was so much food that I can't even remember what was in it, and we even had to take most of it home. It came with an appetizer, sides, the Que and dessert. Out of their 3 BBQ sauces, I liked the tangy one,... Wish I could remember what the name of it was but I was suffering from food coma. \n\nReturn visits? Probably only when the family is in town for a visit, it's on the other side of town.
J'ai eu l'occasion de go\u00fbter \u00e0 la cuisine de Grumman78 au dernier Osheaga de Montr\u00e9al.\n\nHonn\u00eatement, le hype \u00e9tait tellement fort autour du truck/resto que mes attentes \u00e9taient assez \u00e9lev\u00e9es.\n\nJe fut d\u00e9\u00e7u.\n\nJ'avais beau savoir que les ingr\u00e9dients \u00e9taient originaux, le type de cuisine int\u00e9ressant, rien n'a r\u00e9ussis \u00e0 m'\u00e9pater. Ma commande m'es arriv\u00e9e extr\u00eamement froide (aucun excuses d'attente vu que nous \u00e9tions les seuls en ligne a commander) et le service fut assez moyen. \n\nDommage, je suis pour les ''food trucks'' mais celui-ci m'a laiss\u00e9 sur ma faim. \n\nPeut-\u00eatre que j'ai pas eu de chance.
As for the major supermarket chains, von's is probably the most expensive. But I will pay the price when it come to the fruit and veggies. These products seem to be for better then other stores. I come here for the ease that is is on the way home.
Great food, horrible customer service. The lady that usually takes the orders is always rude on the phone, never greets anyone properly, and sounds like she hates life. The worst part is she doesn't pretend to be grateful for the people that are keeping her family business afloat. If it weren't for the fact that they make the best lo-mein I've had in Charlotte, they would never get another penny from me. So I only order every now and then when I'm really craving it. They need to change their attitudes towards customers.
I had really high hopes for this place. However last Saturday night my boyfriend and I stopped in to this place in hopes to have dinner. Upon arrival the hostess/server told us that it shouldn't be more than an hour wait and that she could call us when a table opens up. This was not exactly the best thing to hear and felt like if that was the norm on a Saturday night than reservations should be recommended somewhere. Since we really really wanted to have the food, we gave her our number and left. After walking around the city we made our way back about 40 minutes later just to check in and see how much longer she thought it would be. When we came back in we just stood there and this other male finally came up to us and asked if we'd been helped. He sat us down and we filled out our menu. The server than came over, looked at our menu selections, and said the kitchen is closed, only sushi is served at dinner. Granted, I understand this is a sushi place and my boyfriend wanted sushi, however I wanted vegetable tempura and chicken teriyaki. Nowhere is it posted that the full menu is not served during the evenings. So after waiting all that time and having less than desirable service, we then find out I cannot order anything I wanted so we left. I am totally disappointed.
Great burger joint!\n\nStopped by with family last week and was very impressed. I usually steer clear of burger joints because they are well, burger joints. \n\nIf I'm going to blow some money on food I may as well step up the notch and go to a finer dining establishment. \n\nNow that you know the type of person I am, for me to give this place 5 had to be good. \n\nHusband and I both ordered the blue cheese burger with garlic fries. Service was friendly and prompt, we got our food right away. One of the best burgers I've ever had. High grade meat, fresh ingredients, and cooked perfectly. \n\nHusband ordered a cookies and cream shake that was super thick and delicious. \n\nGreat prices too, burger cost around $8 and we were able to share an order of fries for $3. \n\nDefinitely will be back.
Thunderbird Cleaners has become my new cleaners! I was initially attracted by the price- $2.50 per item, but my overall experience was quite excellent. Customer service was so friendly and pleasant that I left with a smile on my face before even getting my clothes back. I was a bit nervous because I saw a sign that said that they could not be responsible for trim work or fancy items on garments, and one of my dresses had beads and feathers, but the clerk (I think he may have been the manager/owner) assured me that they would be able to handle it without any problems. \n\nBesides having great rates, service and being convenient for me (on Tropicana and Grand Canyon), they have really good hours of operation: 7a-7p. So many cleaners either open too late or close too early, and I've found myself rushing after work to collect my garments. They also have same day service if you drop your clothes off by 9am. Even if you don't, the clothes will be ready the next day!\n\nWhen I went back for my items, I was very satisfied. Everything was fresh and wrinkle-free. I can't ask for any more in a cleaners!
I was anxious to try Bada Boom after my boyfriends parents told me about it and all the mixed reviews here on Yelp. First of all I love the location of this place. It's in a very calm and charming section of Downtown Scottsdale and was also easy to find. I get lost a lot so if I can find it without getting lost that's big. I had no problem with the service in fact our waiter stayed on top of all of our drinks the whole time, not an easy task for six people, and was very accommodating and friendly. I thought the food was good, but I wasn't that impressed by it either. My friend Aimee and I split the Lasagna which wasn't very big, but it was good. I liked how they used a tomato based sauce rather than dripping it in Marinara. I hate that! Italians only use a little sauce on their pasta, and I agree with them on that! It was also chocked full of cheese mmmm! Everyone else we were with enjoyed their food, and the pasta dishes were huge so that would have been a better option for splitting in the future. \n\nWe will definitely come back for brunch, and I will keep it in mind next time someone suggests Italian!
The food is really good here but the staff is never friendly. I had stopped by to grab lunch to go and had my son with me. As I was walking out with carseat in one hand, bag of food in the other some employees were walking back in from the patio and couldnt even hold the door open for me when they saw me and and just let it shut on my carseat. Clearly my hands were full. Extremely rude and makes me never want to come back regardless of how good their food is.
I recently visited Packard Place for the first time ever and was impressed, both with the venue and the hospitality. The vibe just feels, energetic. I haven't hosted an event here myself (yet), but I can't wait to. They really seem invested in helping new businesses succeed. \nAnd the parking doesn't suck--there are meters down 3rd and a parking structure.
For our wedding we only had one choice, Paper & Home. And what a great choice we made. High quality products, great service, and just a stress free process. They were very helpful and responsive throughout our whole dealings. Truly professional. The save-the-dates, invitations, and thank you cards were all top notch high quality and we continued to get compliments from all our friends & family. Thanks Mike and Brooke for being a special part of our wedding, only adding to our beautiful day, and providing amazing services and products. I highly suggest Paper & Home to all!!
Every time I come to Wahsun I'm glad I did. The restaurant is small and plain. The management takes only cash. The food however, is very authentic and always excellent. This is a mom and pop restaurant. Pop cooks and Mom waits tables and cashiers. Mom, also named Rose, is a very delightful woman who makes our meal almost as enjoyable as the food. The cost is quite reasonable. Roast duck for less than 8$?
There is no doubt that Hiromaru is the hottest new business for anyone who attended or followed the Aki Matsuri festival for the ramen, or for ramen fans in general. I didn't attend the festival, but I am aware that Hiromaru presented a very popular offering there and made it known that they were planning an outpost here in Vegas\n\nFast forward about half a year and I got a tip from my friend that they were finally ready to open. There were a couple issues over the weekend that pushed back the opening just a little, but I'm just thankful that I have been lucky enough to have eaten here three times now. Got welcomed to soft opening #1 through expressing keen interest to them in-person and on the phone, and subsequently went to soft opening #2 last night and grand opening day today.\n\nI will go over the items that I had so as not to make this sound too much like a story or event review. I deliberately waited until opening day to post this, so I am judging mainly on food quality, service being a work in progress and price of food being non-existent for my first two visits.\n\nHouse salad: this is a complimentary little bowl of greens and oil that they present to every customer upon arrival. I found some of the purple leaves a little bitter, but it's a nice fresh start and a welcome\n\nHiromaru Buns: butabara pork belly in a white bun with some sort of house-made mayo. I enjoyed it. I'm told that it's not as good as Fat Choy, which I still haven't tried, but it is at the very least a competent offering. [UPDATE 3/12: tried Fat Choy's pork belly bao, which utterly blows this out of the water, but that's mainly a testament as to how good Fat Choy is.]\n\nKaraage: your typical ball-ish fried chicken with a slice of lemon and a little lettuce. It wasn't that crunchy on the first day, but it was on the second day. If karaage is your thing, try it.\n\nHiromaru Japanese Curry: rice, typical yellow curry, and chashu pork belly. Not spicy. I could not and will not get myself to like this enough. It tastes fine, but I just wouldn't order it knowing that Japanese Curry Zen is just down the street.\n\nShiroi Tonkotsu: the \"basic\" ramen with chashu pork, half of a hard-boiled egg, scallions, and kikurage mushrooms. I tried this on the first night and wasn't impressed overall. The sesame-heavy broth really, really threw me for a loop. I also didn't like the hard boiled egg as a stylistic choice vs. soft-boiled, but I thought the noodles were decent (maybe not al dente) and the chashu pork belly was nice because it's meaty much more so than fatty. Maybe I'll try it again in the future, but my grade would be an Incomplete for this.\n\nCarbonara Ramen: this is the one that you want to have, seeing as how you're going to a place with \"fusion ramen\" in its name. It has a lot more to do with a carbonara pasta than it does with typical ramen. The thick noodles are al dente, the egg lends a nice flavor to the broth, and the thick-cut bacon, while predominantly chewy, completes the experience. Couldn't taste the sesame for some reason (was the milk that helpful?), so I enjoyed the shiso-accented broth. Because it is a fusion ramen, I would not directly call it better or worse than my favorites at Fukumimi and Sora, but mainly different.\n\nKuroi Tonkotsu: basically, Shiroi plus black garlic oil. This is what I chose today because they were out of Carbonara and Tate-Yama supplies at the time for whatever reason. I am very glad that i tried this because 1) now I know that the shiroi flavor the first night wasn't a fluke, and 2) I got more accustomed to the sesame flavor enough to enjoy the ramen today. I would still not pick this ramen over Fukumimi or Sora, but I think I would rank this above Monta, which really has not impressed me as of late.\n\nThis is a very promising ramen shop with a dedicated management team, and you should know that they're still ironing out the kinks in the first week. But so what if they took ten minutes to give me my check? I can't hold it against them at this point. Give them a try some time and see what you think!
Bought a dozen cupcakes using a Groupon. Cupcakes were ok, but there are much better places in town in my opinion. The cupcake itself tasted like something I could make at home. I thought the frosting was better than the cupcake so that was a positive. I prefer Retro cupcakes in the northwest. For nearby The Cupcakery is superior to Caked. Improve the actual cupcake by making it more dense and larger and I'd come back. For now, I'll go elsewhere.
The food is basic and the service is not good. The waiter did not tell us what food they were out of and the kitchen just replaced that food with something different or nothing at all. It took a long time to get drinks and chips refilled. We had no response to our complaints about the food. Overall, you can get this kind of food anywhere, even the grocery store.
As good as it gets when I walk in for DAQ ice and it is free!\n\nMy free bday scoop expires this weekend, and I was overjoyed to see BR next to Fukumimi Ramen. Randal R. was shaking his head at my eagerness to do DAQ ice like others do the dew, but I walked in, found DAQ ice immediately and squealed! The associate asked me if I was ready and I excitedly affirmed and asked for DAQ ice on a cake cone. Randal R. says cake cones are for kids, but at least that means I don't feel my old age yet!\n\nI got my scoop, she scanned the barcode on my email coupon, and off we went! He said I moaned with each lick but that is between me and the Daquiri!
From calling in to getting in the transaction was AWSOME !! Customer service was great , forgot the young kids name but helped me out completely , thanx
Pretty good delivery of traditional fare. Gotta point out the Fish Taco's as exceptional. Rating would be higher but the service is inconsistent.
We made a reservation online. Arrived and we were seated right away. That's where the good service ended. The service was very poor and super slow. My husband ordered a glass of wine when the waiter finally arrived to take our drink order. His took 15 minutes to arrive and when they did bring his I decided to get one also. It took 30 minutes for my glass of wine to arrive! 55 minutes for food. Were never asked if we wanted a refill and had to flag down the waiter for more water. No one ever came back to ask if everything was ok, how was the food, did we need anything. Food was decent, not spectacular but it took almost 90 minutes for two people to have dinner. Although the food was ok the whole experience was pretty poor. Not sure if we will ever go back.
Amazing restaurant. Then again, I was born and raised in St. Louis, so I consider toasted ravioli and provel cheese delicacies. Take this with a grain of salt. \n\nWe went with a group of 10 ladies. We decided to try the tasting menu for around $100. It was worth every penny. I ate outside of my normal box, and I did not taste one thing that was not utterly delicious. Service was impeccable. The ambiance was relaxing, yet entertaining (if that makes sense).
What can I say, Harrie you did it again! This is the second time I have dined on Harrie's as close as it gets to the east coast bagels on the west coast, well in Las Vegas at least. From potato knish to pumpernickel bagel Harries has me all vacklempt. Crisp on the outside soft on the inside, slight bagel chewyness without giving you lock jaw. O' what a bagel. It has been a long time since I had an everything bagel, and harrie you brought me back in time to old New york school days of my usual everything bagel breakfast. These bagels even hold up for a few days so order a dozen. Shalom harrie!!
Quality service, quality food, reasonably priced, and the back patio is so much fun for a classy girls night out! The interior of the house is dark and romantic for date nights.
I loved the service! the food was good except for just ONE thing. I ordered Cashew chicken, and the chicken, to me, was over cooked and it tasted like it came out of the microwave.\n\nMy husband got the Classic Curry with chicken, and it tasted the same way. \n\nThe lettuce wraps were friggin YUMMIELICIOUS! And they are 1/2 price on happy hour. I just wish the chicken the main dishes didn't taste like it came out of a microwave:( it was very disappointing. \n\nThe Decor was good and peaceful. Quite surprising considering I remember going in there years ago when it was a wendy's. The service was pretty amazing. But when I was leaving I noticed the female owner (recognized her from the website) parked in the handicapped spot. As my mother was handicapped this really bothered me ALOT. \n\nThe thai iced tea was good. I LOVE the fact that they put cucumber in the water, I am now such a fan that I do this at home as well. \n\nIf you are in the area, its worth a shot. Do not order any chicken entree's. Eat the appetizers instead. I am very disappointed in the owner parking in the handicap spot (yes she drived a black SUV). \n\nIf you are in the area, check it out! It's worth that for sure! Thanks!
Dreadful. I ordered the guacamole first, because that's the barometer. It was made, well, probably last week. Absolutely HORRENDOUS. I was going to order something authentic but yeah, after that, NO. \n\nThe salsa was mostly water. The chips were hard. \nThe burrito was decent. \n\nI'm not going to say it was the worst Mexican food I've ever had, but it's in the bottom three. \n\nSave your money. \n\nThe only reason I'm giving it a star at all is because the beers were only $2.50.
went here last year with my wife. both had filet,shrimp cocktail, caesar salads and chocolate volcano cake for dessert. \nAmbience was ok. Steak was good. The highlight of my meal was the garlic mashed potatoes.Creamy and close to perfection.Best I have ever had!\ngave it 2 stars for 2 reasons. Our waiter put the hard sell on us relentlessly to buy these $135. pkgs(all inclusive) What a turn off!Second I thought this place was overpriced compared to most hi end places in vegas.Not a relaxing great experience!
We had the California club and tuna melt were great. The service was fast and friendly. Will come back again.
We stood in 3 lines to pay a bill. We got up to the SELF-SERVICE MACHINE and it doesn't take plastic - only cash or check. WHUUUUTTTTT????!!!!!! What is this, 1970? Hey, Nevada Power.... in case you people have been on Mars for the last 35 years, this is the 21rst century. GET WITH THE FREAKING PROGRAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to swipe and go. we had to go back out to the car, ride around looking for a Wells Fargo, i had to withdraw cash, we drove back to the FREAKING POWER COMPANY, stood in line some more, and paid our bill. you know, they'll drag you through the mud before they turn your power on, but they won't forget to switch it off. Have a nice day, Nevada Power..... well, not really.
Update: 9-23-14 Downgrade to one star\n\nI spent an hour on the phone this morning with my insurance company. Here I have a procedure that will likely relieve me 30 years of pain or at least reduce it a lot and what is happening?\n\n1. Blue Cross Blue Shield will cover having everything done in one procedure so my time off (upaid) and recovery (upaid) and need for a ride (hard to find when everyone I know works days are better for me and one sedation and one procedure is less risk of complications and infection. \n2. I got a call back from Innovative Procedural and Surgical Center saying they follow Medicare guidelines even though I'm not on Medicare and Medicare requires the procedure be done on one side, then wait 2 weeks and do the other side. (They didn't even address the fact they said they were in network and they are not and one part of the business is and one part isn't and they didn't bother to inform me????)\n\nREALITY: Blue Cross Blue Shield will cover having it all done at once but the 2nd side is considered the same area and is covered at a reduced rate. By splitting it into two procedures they are increasing their reimbursement but it is absolutely not medically necessary nor is it required by my insurance company.\n\nSince they won't make the MEDICALLY CORRECT decision because it isn't to their financial advantage, I now have to consider alternative pain management which is bound to be drugs.\nTwenty five years of pain and there's a glimmer of hope to not be in pain and this is what happens? I have no complaints about the quality of care. They definitely know what they are doing but ETHICS of the business side are questionable.\n\nSooooo..... off I go to file a complaint with the board and my insurance company which means my chance of getting quality care from this facility are now zero.\n\nHow depressing is that?\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nSo I have had the 2 uncomfortable test procedures and it seems the bigger procedure is likely to work. Now the problem... two procedures one for each side of my spine? why? Insurance won't pay for both sides? Hard to believe. Working through that with staff because I know insurance is a pain in the ass for everyone....\n\nBUT now I have billing problems. I made sure to ask at the first appointment if they were in network. WELL... one part of the business is and one isn't and NO ONE bothered to mention that. It's a mess.\n\nAm I supposed to be a mind reader? After 30 years of pain, pain, pain there's finally a glimmer of hope of some relief and I just want to getting it done yet - nothing is ever easy.\n\nI just want to be pain free and I've managed to managed a pretty crunched back with little/no meds for decades. Hope in the procedure and hopelessly entangled in a mess!\n\nThe first specialist I saw couldn't believe I could walk. I'm blessed I'm even mobile so now the one procedure that can take away the pain is within reach yet so distant it's not even funny!\n\n.... and if anyone wonders why there are so many drug addicts, this would be it. The alternatives are so hard to get! (I'm sort of fortunate that I'm hypersensitive to all the drugs everyone else gets addicted to so they work but make me puke!)\n\nIf anyone knows their way around BCBS coding and wants to help, write me privately. This is a joke.
I have to agree that the quality here is not at the same level as the one on Shea. The chicken is often fatty and the tuna is often fishy to the extent that I'm not comfortable eating it and end up throwing it out because it doesn't even seem suitable to feed my dog. \nI have ordered the Mahi Mahi twice and the first time it was a normal size meal, the second it was so tiny it did not seem like an entree. \nThe hummus is still great, especially the cilantro one. The salads are smaller but still good quality but the pita is not good at all. \nThe take out girls are very nice. The restaurant is great with substitutions but I have to agree they need to improve the quality of their food.\nAfter my experience on yet another take out order tonight I take back what I said about them bring good with substitutions. Tonight I asked for no pine nuts and got my good home to see pine nuts. Luckily my issue was not liking the taste and not an allergy. \nI love how close this one is but may need to go to the one on Shea instead.
Really nice restaurant/bar in Scottsdale, the staff were super friendly and very attentive.\nThe food was really good, more hangover/comfort Mexican food in my opinion. I would definitely go back to try something different, not sure if it's the \"best\" quality Mexican food out there but definitely worth the experience here.
If you are in the market for overpriced appetizers, don't feel like talking to your date (the restaurant is so loud, conversation is virtually impossible), and don't care much for superior service..this is the place to be! \n\nModern decor, sleek lines, and simplicity make up this restaurant's design. It's an open eating area where passers by get a full view of all restaurant patrons and their parties. \n\nIf you could have just thrown in a screaming child at the table beside us, that would have completed the excessive noise level quota for the evening...Loud music, restaurant staff hustle and bustle, people talking over each other, it was impossible to hold a conversation even with the person sitting right next to you. \n\nTwo people, fixed menu came to approximately $150. Doesn't sound bad for a \"Cosmopolitan\" dining establishment, right? Well, let me run down the \"list\" of items I consumed for my $75 worth of food: \n\nAn (as in, one) olive \nA (as in, one) bite of beet *cringe* salad \n(2) potato and onion fried thingies (served in a shoe; weird) \n(3) bites of desert \n(3) glasses (small) of sangria \n\nAs filling as my $75 meal was *insert extreme sarcasm here*, my friends and I ended up in a drive thru line later that evening..
Food gets a 5 star hands down. I'm a little surprised from the things people are writing, but then again, this is yelp, I shouldn't be surprised at this point.\n\nThe fish is fried, but it's not a heavy batter, it's light and everyone liked it a lot. The timing is obviously right when they fry it because the fish was perfectly flaky, not a second over cooked. I also got the lobster roll. It seemed small at first, but it's because the roll it's on is small. There is plenty of lobster salad on it. I liked it this way, more meat than bun. This was actually my favorite, they have a unique take on it.\n\nMy one advice to the restaurant, the place can be a little cleaner. The tables and chairs are sticky, and the sauces are sticky as well. The food is amazing though, I will give them that.\n\nI will be coming back, I love mom and pops like this. I wish I could have tried their clam chowder! I bet it would be good, but there was no soup when I went.\n\nI still like you Joe, even though you're lazy (haha).
We've been coming here for years. The last time in 2009. So here we are, January 28, 2013 and decided to try our old haunt. It hasn't changed a bit. Busy as ever and the accordion player is still there - though his sets are much shorter! The food is so-so but there is lots of it. My husband had spaghetti and meatballs and I had the lasagna. Huge portions for two people but we managed. The free wine isn't as good as I remembered - but I had a less discriminating palette back then. Who's to complain? It comes with the meal!
The chicken club sandwich was pretty good. However, it took about 40 minutes to get our food. We just ordered a burger/fries and a sandwich. The server told us multiple times that our food would be coming but it never did. After we asked again, she went to check, and said 5 more minutes, when it took closer to 15 more. I have a feeling she never relayed the order to the cooks.\nPeople coming in after us were getting their food and leaving. When the food finally came there was no explanation. Not sure if she even apologized. Right after she brought our food she came back in 10 seconds and asked how everything was....\nWe haven't even started eating yet! The workers would dance whenever this song came on. Less dancing, more serving please.
If I had to include \"value for the money\" as part of my rating, they'd get 2 stars. I gave them 3 because they're in Scottsdale and if you can't afford a $4 cupcake, then don't go to Scottsdale.\n\nThat said, I have never been bowled over by these cupcakes. I've tried them 4 or 5 times over the past couple of years and I always think: \"They're just nowhere NEAR as good as More Cupcakes in Chicago\". I guess when you've had the best, the bar is set so high that it's hard to top.\n\nAnyway, although I tend toward the chocolate and peanut-butter flavors, I've tried their strawberry, vanilla, red velvet and coconut... They are all good, just not amazing, or even great.\n\nOh, and they really need to think about selling milk, in addition to water and juice. Nothing goes better with a cupcake than a glass of milk (IMHO).
Heavy with the salt! Hubby and I decided to try this restaurant as we're always looking for new lunch spots. Our first impression should have told us to walk out as hard rock music was blaring and we tend to prefer places where we can have conversations while dining. Hubby had the B.W. Horseshoe (supposedly a house favorite) and I had the South West Chicken Salad. His entire meal was very heavily salted to the point where he could not eat his meal. The server graciously offered an exchange but Hubby was already beginning to feel the effects of the sodium so he turned it down. Also, the bread in the open faced sandwich was supposed to be toasted and the bread had not been toasted at all. My salad was just borderline okay. The chicken was very dry and the citrus dressing was so tart that it distracted from the other flavors on the plate. The restaurant did credit us for Hubby's dish. We also both noticed a foul smell coming from the area near the bar and bathrooms...sort of like the smell of standing water. The service was good, We won't be going back.
Horrible service and mediocre food...Waited over 20 minutes for my food and when I finally asked the cashier, the cooks began trying to argue with me saying that my number was called a long time ago. I was standing right in front of them the whole time.
I just don't know what happened! This was one of the best kept secrets in Phoenix and now it's completely MIA. La Parilla Villa was home to the best street tacos in all of Phoenix. It was simple, consistently delicious and tacos were only $1! They were only open on the weekends and were located right outside of Charlie's, but the truck is gone and has yet to return. I am saddened...
Just made a date with my sister and friend to go and try this new Thrive Restaurant. Walked right up to the register (no line) and started looking at the menu. The girl at the register informed me that it would be a 25 min wait for my food if I ordered because they had online orders to fill. Ridiculous! We left. Not waiting 25 min for a $8 smoothy in a bowl, I don't care how healthy it is.
Sushi Mon never disappoints. It's a nice, casual sushi restaurant. The sushi is fresh and the rolls are good. The servers and sushi chefs are all very friendly and nice. Prices are decent.
I don't go to the dry cleaners often, but I had a suit jacket, a pair of business pants, and a black dress that needed cleaning. I found a coupon for Green Cleaners in the local mailer. \n\ni was suspicious when the claim ticket had no price on it, as cleaners (I think) typically do. When I went to pick up my items, she rang me up and when I pulled out my coupon she said she had \"already applied it\" plus gave me \"an extra discount.\" I thought, \"Great! What a deal!\" My total for 3 items with supposedly 2 discounts came to $35. I wasn't going to argue because I didn't ask the price beforehand, but I won't be going here again....I'd hate to see what a full priced ticket looks like!
It's okay. They seem to have a lot of drink specials, and they had quite an extensive food special menu for the day I was there. I wouldn't get the ribs next time, boiled meat with alot of barbecue sauce poured over the top. Plenty of tv's, and the waitress said they couldn't make the Mojito I had order because they didn't have fresh mint for it, much to their credit. Must be the place to take the kids on the weekend, because despite the Chuckie Cheese across the street, most had kids in tow.
These hotels are always so clean and well maintained!! Great, friendly and helpful staff!!! Highly recommended!
\"NO CLUB COLORS\"\n\nSigns like this on the front door prove that where Peoria and Glendale meet is the real hood of the valley. If I weren't a sucker for a little danger to spice things up, I might have said \"lol no\", turned around, and trotted back to some Scottsdale dive with a bathroom butler who will wipe my ass for me. \n\nI never go to Scottsdale, but I assume that's what happens there, right?\n\nGlad I didn't. This place has a decent beer selection, and an insanely good happy hour. $1.75 domestic drafts until 6:30? No. Freaking. Way. No wonder their most boisterous patron was a blatant alcoholic. \n\nBastard spilled ice cold Budweiser on my TOMS! \n\nBut I can overlook that. The pool tables are relatively new. The sound system was totally kickin', even though those damned internet jukeboxes are a dollar a song!\nI'm certain I'll come back, but not before contemplating the important questions. \n\nHmm...another brew, or a couple of tunes? Decisions, decisions...
Decent food, incredible ambiance, nice wine flight. Great place for a romantic dinner or happy hour if the weather is warm. Dress up and impress your date!
Like Avitania B., we also were at Metropolis for five nights in a row for Kinetik Festival. We thought it was a great setup, multi-levels on the floor, plus a gradated balcony means that short people have lots of options to see what's going on on stage. The sound was great too.\n\nDrinks were expensive, so it's not the place to come if you want to get drunk. Enjoy the music instead.\n\nI'd love to see another show or festival at this venue.
I was craving a burger as usual and this place looked really interesting. They have all this soviet/communist Russia type set up on the walls. The hot servers wore revealing short shorts with fishnet leggings and a small jacket with major cleavage. Thumbs up for me!!!!\n\nI ended up getting a lamb burger which was really good and cooked well. What made the burger better was the tztziki (sp?)sauce. Also on the table was some random hot sauce that I put on it. My friends got the same burger and another got a thanksgiving feast type burger. \n\nGood times had by all.
We came to this restaurant for breakfast because it had outdoor terrace seating. Best breakfast we had in Las Vegas. Eggs Benedict are out of this world. Even the daily special eggs Benedict are awesome.....same sauce, different creative toppings. The French pancakes (more like glorified crepes) were awesome. Haven't enjoyed breakfast like this in a very long time. Service was impeccable. Fresh squeezed oj was awesome. We enjoyed breakfast so much we came back again for breakfast and dinner. Bartender Mike S (who bartends at the terrace bar) is one hell of a bartender. My wife asked for his recommendation\n and he made her a jalape\u00f1o Martina that is second to none. Awesome restaurant. Awesome service. Awesome food. Highly highly recommended. Don't come to Vegas without coming here!!!!
Poor communication from the management. They are quick to remind you of your rent due but when it comes to notifying you of the construction schedule, they do not notify you ahead of time. For the last 2 weeks, there has been jackhammering and pounding noises above me. I work from home and was conducting a teleconference meeting one day when suddenly, loud drilling, pounding, jackhammering noises started to go off above me. Not to mention, my dog started to shiver of fear from all of the construction noises. I have been sending emails to the management office requesting to notify me ahead of time so that I can make arrangements to take myself, my laptop, and my dog to a more quiet area. Nancy, the manager, stated on her first reply of 5 emails I have sent thus far within the last 2 weeks, stated that the construction will only last for a day. Lies! It has been ongoing off and on for 2 weeks now. Also, the pool is still under construction. I moved here in June. No pool! It is now almost Winter time! I've only been here for 4 months and I can't wait to move out. They make you read hundreds of pages of HOA rules, but it's ok for them to violate the noise agreement towards you as a tenant. Had I known I'll get this type of treatment from the management, I would have just moved to a cheap apartment.
I like to support local businesses. Since I was in the NW, I chose to eat here.\n\nThis is a small, takeout place. Since I live across town, I ate my food there before the long long long drive home. \n\nSoft shell crab entree was fresh, crispy and good.\nGreen beans sub'd for fries were fresh. They trimmed off the ends and flash fried them while I waited.\nCole slaw came with the meal, I added a little of the pink house sauce to it.\nGood selection of canned soda & teas in the cooler.\n\nBoth men working there were friendly. They plan to expand soon so there will be more tables to dine in.
Definitely old man territory but it's comfy and the staff are friendly. Good prices. Tends to welcome away supporters during Hibs matches at Easter Road so avoid it during those moments as they can get a little tense. Just been renovated and it's less dark but still a bit fussy with the loads of photos everywhere. They seem to have a very wide array of singles malts on offer now and the prices on these are pretty decent too. Open mike on Tuesdays.
The Kings Balti should be a great 4 or 5 star restaurant.\n\nThe food is wonderful, especially the tandoori lamb, which is my favourate as it is cooked traditionally and always beautifully tasty. The restaurant itself is nice and modern, with an open plan kitchen and extensivly supplied bar. All of this is reasonably priced and of good quality.\n\nHowever, and this is a big one, the service is terrible. Enough to put me off going back ever again I am afraid. Staff are rude, slow and incompetant. No help was offered to us at all for the first 25 mins of our visit, as though we had simply been forgotten about. When we were remembered, the waiter took our drinks orders, which today we are still waiting for as our first round never arrived. The service from that point remained shocking - and as a result, our meal was ruined.\n\nIts such a shame as the food was great, even if i did have a bitter taste in my mouth.
I've known about this place for a lil while because of my good friend Sara - we tried to go there once and unfortunately found that is was closed.\n\nWell finally went back today and it was one of the loveliest places i've ever been in the city. The Plateau has many gems and this is definitely one that stands out. The Cafe is in a little building - well a house converted into a cafe ! \n\nThe decoration is a mix of vintage & eclectic style - Tr\u00e8s a mon go\u00fbt ! There are many different sitting areas and all the way in the back , theres a magical garden ( yes magical!) filled with green vegetations, trees and even a little pond. A place where ( in the summer time of course) you could spend all your mornings - afternoons & evenings ( all day, errrydayyy) just reading a book, enjoying nature or delighting in philosophical convo's about life. That little magical place even lits up at night to resemble a fairy's den - or what i imagine a fairy's den would look like if it existed.\n\nUnfortunately we didn't eat any meals there - only a drink and some ice cream. I had an iced coffee late with a hint of mint ( which i asked for) and my friend had vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup and fruits. We thoroughly enjoyed our drink and food and shall go back to sample the main meals and/or entrees.\n\n*Bonus This place sells books for 3$ - which, being a book lover pretty much sealed the deal for me - of course i purchased a book by Albert Camus - & only that one because i didn't have any more change than 3$. Last little amazing surprise , My friend stumbled upon a game of psychology, where you get to ask random behavioural questions - the type that answer to ''what would you do if'' . My friend and i promised to gather up a group of friends and head back there just for that game.\n\nGo there for a date, go there for lunch, go there to spend some time solo, go there with friends...but just go or you will be missing out on this beautiful little gem of a Cafe.\n\nSantropol, i just want to say : thank you , i love you , your amazing.
This is a nice park close to where I live and work they have a track where you can run on or do laps they also have a dog area where you can walk your dog and a nice basketball court which is the main reason I come here most of the time overall this is one of the few good parks out here in vegas.
This place is the typical timeshare hotel. With that in mind, just remember that the room service is little to none. You'll be lucky if they gave you anything. If you need more amenities just call down to the front desk. It's a decent place to stay, it's obviously not in the heart of the strip but you're slightly off the strip and can walk to a few places nearby such as Excalibur and some surrounding Casinos. Again, the location isn't that bad. The pool is a pool on the roof, but don't expect it to be a glorious rooftop party. It's just a pool and a small hot tub. There's no bars in this hotel either. \n\nAs for the room itself, we got the 1 bedroom with a murphy bed. The room is quite spacious and enough to fit 5 people very comfortably. I'm sure you can fit more. The underground parking lot sucks and there's about 30 spots near the elevator. If that's full you'll have to park on the other side where you have to walk a bit. One thing you should know is that the 2 buildings actually connect. So if you're going up the parking elevators but your room is on the other side, you can actually get off on your floor and walk across. We figured it out after our 2nd day there.\n\nOverall, this isn't a bad place for the price. You just can't go downstairs hit up some tables or slots for a night cap before bed. I'd recommend this place only if you can't find another Casino.
Pizza cat, on occasion, likes dogs. She likes underdogs. She likes teams that go against all odds and still triumph because of heart, dedication and love. \n\nCugino's is one such underdog. And Pizza Cat loooves Cugino's. \n\nIn the day of mass chains bombarding the market, it is refreshing to find a small, family-run, Italian deli that could snub their noses to any of the big boys. Firstly, the food is excellent. There is nothing on the menu that is bad. Of course, Pizza Cat is partial to pizza, and Cugino's has excellent pizza. Their thin crust is perfectly crisp. Their Sicilian is perfectly chewy and flavorful. They even have a sign next to their pizzas that says, \"Pizza is like sex, even when its bad, its still pretty good.\" Hahaha. These are people after Pizza Cat's own heart. \n\nThe place would get 5 stars just on their pizza but they get 5+ stars because everything else Pizza Cat has tried has been good. Their White Clam pizza is amazing, so garlicky and clammy (don't get it if you don't like garlic or clams). The chicken cutlet is flavorful and made with real chicken. Their meatball sub is great. Their marinara sauce is great. Rice balls, antipasta salad, pepperoni rolls, garlic knots..... ALL AMAZING! Yum Yummer Yummiest. \n\nPizza cat hasn't tried their sandwiches yet. There's only so many days a year. But she will update the review when she has tried some of their sammies. The prices on their pasta dishes scares Pizza Cat away. Hmmm.... one day when Tom Cat is paying. \n\nThe only thing Pizza Cat wasn't thrilled about was their homemade sausages. Maybe Pizza Cat is too ghetto to like it. She does like the Johnson's variety and Cugino's is nothing like it. It's actually a bit bland and not what Pizza Cat is used to. Tom Cat didn't care for the clam pizza but that's because he doesn't like clams. Or garlic. Duh. \n\nSeems to be a family-run business, so prices are tad high. But that doesn't stop Pizza Cat from ordering a ton of food every week. Besides Pizza Cat has no problem paying more at a mom and pop shop. Support the local economy!
Food was tasty and fresh. However I was taken aback by the fact that they do not accommodate to families. What restaurant does not have a hi chair or booster seat in this day and age. We dine out frequently at both upscale and family style restaurants and I never was told that they don't have a hi chair booster seat. That being said, it's unfortunate for the restaurant that they did not retain this customer as I will not be returning there. I hope this review helps those who have young children.
I rarely go to this Target even though it's close to my house. The reason is that it's not great. Everytime I've been there it has been really dirty. I was there 2 days ago and it was the same. I was greeted by an overflowing trash in the front of the store. When I went inside to find a trash, it was so filthy I didn't want to press the flap to put my trash in the bin. Also bought a drink at the little snack place and the counter and fountain machines were a sticky, gross mess.
Went there July 27th for my fiance's birthday, with nine people in our party. Jeff was our waiter. Four people split their meals. Everyone got their meal except my fiancee who had ordered a Filet Mignon. \"Jeff\" said that the chef forgot her order, then by the time everyone was pretty much done with their meals, he brought out her filet and it had been \"butterflied\" and looked like a cube steak that was hammered to death. When we said something about it, Jeff said that it had been butterflied so they could get it out quicker, and acted like we were nuts for complaining. While all of this was going on, we could smell the \"fishy\" smell of some other table's fish entree.....which if its good fish and cooked correctly, you shouldn't smell. Anyway, my fiancee was pretty unenthused about her birthday dinner turning out to be crap, the waiter being rude, and to top it all off, Jeff charged us for two entrees that no one had ordered, and again acted indignant that we would want this changed. From the reviews it looks like others had good experiences, but ours was horrible and we will never go back. And Jeff, you are an asshole.
Nice little zoo. The monkey house is pretty awesome! The Haunted Zoo thing during Halloween is fun!
Loved this place! Pricey but worth every penny! 3 levels of party is outrageous and the lines for the bathroom ain't long at all!
review of standard 2 queen bed room in grand tower (non-smoking)\n\nTHE +'s: clean. friendly staff. you get what you pay for (average 90 bucks a night). location is best though -- in the summertime, this means it's walking distance to everywhere.\n\nTHE -'s: personally i can't stand the boisterous noise. stayed at the signature version of mgm and that was real swell. here, you have to walk through the ginormous casino every time you need to get to the taxi/valet area. ugh.\n\nSUM: a place i'd stay at for werk reasons. if i was looking for my usual indulgence of living in the lap of luxury, i'd book their signature rooms.
On a very cold night, L wore my favorite sexy outfit of hers a tight white dress. It is my fave pic of her to look at of her in the white dress. Anyway, it was cold that night, but after a few drinks on the patio, you really do not mind. They have cool cabanas upstairs. When I was single, they used to give guys a hard time to get in. I think they changed their policy this was a few years back, to let anyone in. We paid to go to the nba all star game, and waited and waited and waited. It was not at all the w's fault ticketmaster overbooked. An attorney should have sued Ticketmaster for fraud.\n\nChange that it is the W's fault as they overbooked tickets. They just hired ticketmaster to be the promoter. The event was a W event. Someone should have sued the W and my score should go from a 5 to a 2.\n\nThe rooms are very cool for those of you like me who like contemporary design. Interesting look.
ich mag die alte schmiede sehr..einfach toll,der superfreundlcihe service,die urige k\u00fcche,aber total fein..\nals suppenkasparin empfehle ich das gm\u00fcss\u00fcpple mit mault\u00e4schle..\ndie portionen sind \u00fcppig..\noriginalzitat:\nbitte beachte sie: die platt isch scho ziemlich gro\u00df, so kann es uff unsere kloinere tischle e bissle eng werre! aber:die tisch k\u00f6nne mer leider net gr\u00f6\u00dfer und die platt wolle mer net kloiner mache! \nwer badische k\u00fcche mag,ist hier bestens aufgehoben zu m.e.. moderaten preisen!
Really glad to have a brewery on my side of town instead of driving for 30 minutes to the others in the valley. Dubina is a solid brewery and they are really maturing into some good brewers. They are expanding their food menu as they go as well at the atmosphere. They seem to get better and better every time I go, really glad they are doing well and I will continue to give them my business.
My family and I have been to this restaurant 3 times. The third time was the last time because our service was sooooo bad. They took a long time to take our order, bringing out the food and they even forgot about one of the orders (even after reminding them 3 times). The food is really good but with all the trouble with the service it wasn't enjoyable. I'm very disappointed that we will no longer eat here anymore because there is not may Korean BBQ places in Chandler.
Let me say that I normally only go here for an iced tea in the morning and sometimes the occasional bagel. This review is based solely off of the service. \n\nWhy I put myself through the aggravation is simple- there is never a line. Why? Because the people are rude. I did order a bagel one morning and after I ordered one of the counter girls asked me from across the counter if I could hand her an orange juice. Weird, but I complied with the request. She then took it and drank it! Rude. She then kept wiping her forehead with her gloves on- health code violation. \n\nI went here this morning just for the iced tea. The cashier asked me what I wanted and I supplied my answer. If she would have smiled I think her face would have cracked. I said thank you at the end of my transaction and she did not reply. The rudest thing a person in the service industry could do is not say you're welcome when you are being thanked. If you hate your job it's not my problem. Go work somewhere else. \n\nThe only reason they got one star is because, well basically you have to give them something. Plus I do like their iced tea.
Don't waste your time with JMK. There are many other options for landscape maintenance in Henderson. Their communication was terrible. Getting a call back took and act of God. Their pricing is competitive but in the winter months, cut their service to once a month, yet continue to charge full price. All in all, just a poor experience with this company.
Nothing like the original, which I love. I ordered the poblano chicken burrito. I got a soggy burrito loaded with dry chicken, go figure. Anyway it's sounded great spicy chicken with grilled pablano, onions, etc... I asked the waitress she went to the kitchen, only to come back and say it doesn't come with peppers or onions. My response, menu says it does. Well we're out of peppers, I can give you 10% off is that ok. No, I didn't order a pile of chicken I'm a soggy burrito. 5 minutes late she comes back with a side of grilled onion, peppers, whatever else was supposed to be in the burrito. It helps but I'm annoyed and the meat is cold at this point. Whatever, I have a flight to catch, I just paid my tab (no discount), I'm done and never coming back.
Good lobster roll, bread is buttery and good size portion of lobster. However, not the best I have had here in Vegas. While good, not worth a trip to the strip for me personally. Money we'll spent though I went during restaurant week 20 bucks for a roll, fries and a brownie, but I probably wouldn't pay more than that for what it is especially the size of it is pretty small.\n\nI'd have to say I prefer Todd English's or Double Helix Lobster rolls for the price and a bit more flavor.
I had Filet Mignon as usual and it was not as good as Ruth's Chris or even Sweetwater Traven in VA.
Food is great but they are very inconsistent with portioning. I order cheviche 5 days a week which cost 12.45/day. The least they can do is keep the portion and the order right. They always forget the lemon or they'll try to charge me 2$ for extra salsa that they just throw out at the end if the day cause it goes bad. I have work at restaurants before, number 1 thing is always be consistent and take care of your customers..
Guess you could call me a \"Bowl of Balls\" virgin. Today was my first visit to Lisa G Cafe & Wine Bar and of course, had to try the \"balls\" I've heard so much raving about! \n\nYUMMY! Really great tasting and quite filling, almost couldn't finish the whole serving. Why is it that I never leave room for dessert? I'm dining backwards one of these days - I'll start with the dessert and see what I've got room left for! When the waitress told me they had creme brulee I almost thought about ordering it! Oh well, there's always next time...and there will definitely be a next time for me at Lisa G's! Loved it!
Absolutely love this place! Owner Joe is hilarious, people-oriented, welcoming, and just down right awesome. Portion sizes are huge, the food is excellent, service all around fantastic!
My last review was removed because i mentioned another service that actually fixed my problem. \n\nBut last may, 2012, they charged me $160 for \"maintenance\" work and claimed to fix my problem. The next day my garage still wouldn't close and open properly. They said \" the sun is probably causing the problem. It's hitting the lens and causing it to malfunction. \" I asked him if i should ask the house if it has moved over a couple feet because i've lived here for 3 years and it's worked fine until now.\n\nAnyways, they said there's nothing they can do and will not refund me my money. I called the \"other company\" and they fixed it and it has been working like a champ! This is definitely a company that you do now want to deal with.
I went for UK Thursdays and had a blast. If there hadn't been a shooting and stabbing at PHX (stay classy people) we could have partied here all night.
The \"honey-hot\" wings are so delicious, but watch out for those \"flame\" wings! Price is very practical, and the lunch special is great, 2 slices of pizza and a pop for under $5.
Reading the negative reviews on this place is exactly why I think it is A-OK. Do not go in to this place expecting bottle service and a broad dancing to the chemical brothers.....Reminds me of a bar back in Ohio which is sometimes hard to find in Scottsdale. If you are looking for some cheap drinks, chill crowd, and an occasional game of beer pong then give it a try.
I don't really know what the buzz is about. Got a vanilla iced latte and I wanted some macarons... there was only one flavor in the case and the cashier told me to look in the case next to it, which only had croissants...shouldn't you know what you have on display? I asked him if they had any more flavors and he had to yell it to another okay. I ended getting the only macaron therr was, I think it was orange. It wasn't amazing or anything. I don't think I'd come back.
Grand Lux is a solid place to eat. The service sometimes lacks but it is made with the food that you get. The portions are big and I have yet to have a bad experience with the quality. Now it is more of a casual place to eat considering it is in the Palazzo and they have a bevy of high quality places to eat. So if you wanted a high end place, take it somewhere else in the Venetian or Palazzo but if you want something to cater to a lot of people with different tastes and what not you can take them here and they will find something to their liking. The menu goes from Asian to Italian to your regular meat and potatoes. So if you are in the mood for something that you can't exactly put your finger on, stop by here and I'm sure you find it.
Tex-Mex in an airport. Nothing amazing to note. The food was actually better than I expected.
Not that into Thai food so don't have much to compare too but was pleasantly surprised by this place. Had the Arizona heat wave and it was excellent. Got three star spicy and it was good but should have gone for the four star.
this 1 of my favs... eat practically every week... i usually pick up a box ( no fries, extra toast instead ) and bring it home to some fresh made rice, and vegetables on the stove... i'd like this place even more if it had some type of vege... now I'd give 5 stars but the only gripe i have, if it's called a gripe, is last two times i've ordered, came home and opened box, styrofoam is melted in some places where the chicken was touching it. I'm not sure if im eating styrofoam or not when i eat the chicken. It doesn't taste any different so i eat it anyway. I understand that the chicken is so fresh its probably right out of the fryer and put in box but i wish there was some type of foil or something to prevent it from happening...
The wait at the drive thru is RiDAMNdiculous, so long you would think they are slaughtering the chicken back there or cooking them with the Damn sunlight(This is Vegas-that last scenario is perfectly plausible). However the food is off the chain.Loco chicken doesn't get better than this.I recommend this particular branch highly just bring a work Tablet and get some graphs done while waiting in the driving thru. Two thumbs up from me-Loco for you El Pollo Loco! exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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