This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices. Last updated by Raam Dev 4 years, 11 months ago. I need a solution for a site I’m developing with S2 Members Pro, the issue is the clients run a chain of shops across the UK and a magazine that is subscribed from all over the world. The client wants its clients to be able to not only sign up online but also in store, the problem is my client will not accept the 0.01p charge on the checkout with a 100% discount code, this is because they feel there customers will not like having to pay online. I know you suggest 2 options on the plugin: 1 being a free registration form but this is open to abuse if the link gets leaked and will also require a lot of moderation on the admin side of things to make sure each sign up actually did join in store. 2 being a free trial, we can set the trial up to last a year but then the checkout will still require a form of payment to start running once the trial period has ended. Is there any solution to this problem? we need it to be as secure as it can without being open to abuse and easy to administrate. What is the best solution for this? Let us know if that answers your question.
Farmington, CT, August 30, 2016 -- Many Americans realize they need long-term care insurance, but balk at the premiums. "Now there's an easy way to pay," says Larry Golfin, who represents ACSIA Partners LLC in CT. "Just use some of the money that's already in your Health Savings Account." "It's a shame so few people know about this," says Golfin. "We're spreading the word through our business partners and to the public directly." "In the years ahead, HSAs promise to be an increasingly important tool for the health and wellbeing of our longer-living population," says Golfin. ACSIA Partners has agents in all parts of the country who are glad to answer questions. "Depending on your circumstances, long-term care insurance may or may not be the best solution for you," says Golfin. "And the possible role of an HSA depends on your circumstances too. For example, some people may choose to pay some of their care costs directly from their HSA, and the balance from an LTC policy paid for with HSA dollars." For information, contact Golfin at larry.golfin@acsiapartners.com, http://www.larrygolfin.com or 860-677-4075.
Are going to be able to understand how you might be able to take these things go that much more further into the life that you with actually to be able live? This is the case and we can be able help you do all these things and more as we hope that people going be able understand were going be able help them due through Drones Dallas. People are going to be able have them in more greater ways to be able to know and understand the many different opportunities that they are going be able have them as we can be able help them see how we can be able help them through their our company making sure that they are going be able have that much more better go to utilize these things for yourself. Looking at this, is can be them in more greater ways to be able to see how action might be able have a greater way to be able to understand the many properties of going be able have to the many different services that we do have through Drones Dallas. Some these things going to would magazine quality photography and even HD video tours are going to be able help you do all that you need to more. This is can be something is can be sure that much amazing we hope that people are going to be able to fully recognize different opportunities to be able to make sure that people are going to be able have all of the need and more. And making this happen, is can be them in more greater ways that we hope that people going be able to know all that they need and more as a can be able to make sure that you’re going to go to get the much more clearly as understand what were can actually be able help you in doing. This is because we generally care about the quality services you’re actually going to be able to get. This is also one of the reasons that we hope that people will be able to understand that the great quality that were going to be able offer is no because can be able to match as they do not find important of making sure that your needs will be met clearly. The reason for this is because we also people to be able to understand what we can be able help them due through Drones Dallas. So is things are going to be able include the many different opportunities that people going be able actually be able to get for themselves that they can be able to know how we can be able to make this and more happen for them. This is going to be what we are going to be able hope that people going to be able to do as we can be able to take these things that matter clearly through great customer service as well. So looking at this, you can also be able to see what is can be the best possible thing for us to be able to do for ourselves as you take these things to the next possible level. That is going to be by going to our website which is can [email protected] We also going that you at 972-885-8823 as we can be able to give you all that you need and more. Going to be able to understand how we might be able have a better time to all that you need to more? If you are able to do this, you can have them in more greater opportunities to be able to know what you can actually be able help yourself in doing. This is can be something is going to be the much amazing as we hope that people going be able to see what you can actually whenever someday as we can be able to make this and more happen for yourself. This is can be some is can be the much were substantial to also that people going be able to see what is can be the best possible different that we can be able to get you and more. This is can be one of the great services that we can be able to give to you through Drones Dallas as we hope that people can be able to see what is going to become of it. There’s them in more greater ways to be able to see what is can be the best possible thing for us actually be able to comprehend. These things and more going to be so much more fantastic as we hope that people are going to be able to realize what we can be able help them in doing as we also hope that many people can be able to see what is can be best possible thing for them as they search be able to consider things such as quality services making sure that people going be able before taken care the many different opportunities that we can be able have a making sure that you’re going be able have your property shown and seen as can be the much awesome through Drones Dallas. This is going to be one of the greatest opportunities to be able to understand what you’re going to be able help yourself in doing as we hope that people going to be able to fully become the much more aware of all the many properties of actually be able to get to people. This is going to go services of ejection be able to do for people accession whenever we consider will going to make sure that you’re going to be able have the great customer service. Great customer service and making sure that you have all these necessary needs them place to be able help you do all that you need and more whenever you’re going to be able to give people them in more greater understandings of what you can actually be able happen do for yourself. Do want to be able to help in all the many different is okay actually be able have you? And this is the case you have them to possess going be able help you through Drones Dallas. This is can be the greatest opportunities to be able to know what you can actually be able help yourself and as we hope that people going to be able to fully realize that were going be able to make sure that you’re going be able have to the many different services that we do have including things such as aerial photography and videography and even 3-D matter port walk-throughs today. So whenever you’re ready to going to go to our phone give us a call you do for going to do so at 972-885-8823. You also going go to our phone give us cause we would love for be able to be able utilize these things and more today through fullpackagemedia.com.
New research from the University of Illinois in Chicago suggests that fetal exposure to a commonly used chemical which is found in products such as water bottles, soup can liners and paper receipts, can increase the risk of prostate cancer later in life. Exposure of the fetus to the chemical BPA in utero has been linked to several kinds of cancer, including prostate cancer, in rodent models in the past. The new findings show that human prostate tissue could also be susceptible. "The safety of BPA has long been a contentious topic of debate and this is not the first time that it has been linked to some types of cancer. However, research in this area is fraught with difficulties because it relies solely on testing the impact of the chemical in cell or animal models. It is therefore difficult to draw conclusions as to what might happen in real-life and as such we cannot make a definitive link between BPA exposure and prostate cancer in later life based on the results of this study. This study highlights that much more needs to be done to identify the lifestyle and environmental factors that put men more at risk of prostate cancer so that we can start to reduce the number of deaths from the disease."
This dog brooch pin is made with polymer clay, painted, and sealed with varnish for protection. It is made and painted by hand so each pin has some variation and is unique in its own way! The pin is 1.5" x 1.5" with rubber clutch backing and comes with a backing card.
October is breast cancer awareness month. What can you do to keep from needing to wear the pink ribbon? Dr. Patrick and Ross talk about changing your thinking from being treated at the bottom of the cliff or stopping before you fall off. You’ll have to watch to get it.
Considering last fall’s wet weather and the soggy fields this spring, farmers wonder about using inoculants on soybean seed in 2010. Should you use a rhizobium inoculant? Or, is there enough of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria, Bradyrhizobia japonicum, remaining in the soil? True, rhizobial bacteria don’t survive wet conditions very well. But whether it will pay to use an inoculant depends largely on whether soybeans were grown in the field sometime during the last five years or if the field has been flooded for more than a week, says Aaron Saeugling, Iowa State University Extension field agronomist in southwest Iowa. The presence of rhizobia in the soil is necessary for a legume such as soybeans to be able to convert nitrogen from the atmosphere into a form usable by the plant, he says. This process, nitrogen fixation, is critical for producing high soybean yields. For nitrogen fixation to occur, the nitrogen-fixing bacteria need to be readily available in the soil or must be applied to the seed. When soybean seed germinates, the rhizobia bacteria invade the root hairs of the seedling and begin to multiply. Nodules, the structures that house the bacteria, form on the roots. Under field conditions, nodule formation can be seen shortly after emergence, but active nodule fixation of N from the air doesn’t begin until about the V2 to V3 growth stage of beans. After that point, the number of nodules formed and amount of nitrogen fixed increase with time until about midway between the R5 and R6 growth stages; then N fixation decreases sharply. Applying nitrogen fertilizer for soybeans isn’t recommended because it typically doesn’t increase bean yields in Iowa production systems. The total number of nodules that form decreases with increasing amounts of applied N. Today, most fields in the Midwest have had soybeans grown on them in the crop rotation, likely increasing population density of Bradyrhizobia bacteria in the soil, notes Saeugling. Improved inoculant technology, coupled with higher commodity prices, ease of application and relatively low-cost inoculant products, have many growers reconsidering the use of inoculants. Since 2003, ISU agronomists have conducted trials each year to assess new inoculants on the market. Overall, the ISU studies haven’t shown a consistent yield response to use of soybean inoculants in fields in Iowa with a history of having soybeans grown on them. Current recommendations for Iowa are to inoculate the seed if a field has never been planted to soybeans, or if beans haven’t been grown in the field for the past three to five years. Other situations where it’s recommended to inoculate are if soil pH is below 6.0, or if a field has sandy soil, or if a field has been flooded for more than a week, creating anaerobic conditions. Rising cost of production and volatile commodity prices are driving the need for soybean growers to improve profits. But the use of inoculants to increase yield may not be the answer, especially if beans have been grown in the field recently. In fact, using inoculants on soybeans without an active on-farm testing program could be costing you money. But if a field hasn’t produced soybeans in the past three to five years or has never produced soybeans, an inoculant is needed for nitrogen fixation to occur.
Trying to find a way to say "thank you" to someone special? Need a gift for someone who has everything? Want to celebrate a speical occassion but unsure what type of gift is best? Your gift to the Foundation is a great way to honor someone by giving to the fund of your choice in that person's name.
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The location of the July 15, 2002 flare is shown at left. The other panels compare the scale of Earth to the eruptions. Red shows superheated gas held together by magnetic fields. The time sequence lasts only 80 seconds and yet reveals tremendous amounts of gas leaving the Sun. A detailed study of a huge solar eruption reveals that a series of smaller explosions combined in a domino effect to fuel the blast. The findings improve understanding of the Sun's most powerful events and could lead to better forecasting of the tempests, researchers said. Scientists studied data collected from a radiation flare on the Sun on July 15, 2002. The eruption, ranked as an X-7, was one of the most powerful in recent times. The flare was accompanied by a coronal mass ejection, which is a colossal discharge of electrified gas called plasma. The event was 5,000 million times more powerful than an atomic bomb. Scientists don't know exactly what triggers such eruptions. They are associated with strong magnetic fields, however, and emanate from sunspots, which are cooler regions of the Sun that correspond to bottled-up magnetic energy. "Sunspots are at the surface of the Sun, and are essentially the footprints of the magnetic field," explained Louise Harra of the Mullard Space Science Laboratory at University College London. "The magnetic field reaches into the outer atmosphere in the same way as for example a bar magnet has a magnetic field around it." Researchers had thought the big eruptions are created when magnetic field lines from the core of a sunspot become tangled and reconnect high in solar atmosphere, or corona. The new study contradicts that assumption. X-7 flare started when plasma from below the Sun's surface broke suddenly through. "Below the surface of the Sun a dynamo process is working creating magnetic field," Harra explained in an email interview. "When this becomes buoyant it can rise to the surface of the Sun, and into the atmosphere." The plasma collided with a strong magnetic field at the surface, and the interaction triggered release of "phenomenal amounts of energy," the researchers concluded. There were three eruptions, each triggering the next. The gas was heated to 36 million degrees Fahrenheit (20 million Celsius) before being flung up into the solar atmosphere at 90,000 mph (40 kilometers per second). "We have observed the flows of hot gas for the first time, enabling us to see that several small flares combine to create a major explosion," Harra said. "This may eventually enable us to predict large flares before they erupt." Not all solar flares are accompanied by coronal mass ejections, and nobody knows for sure why. "It must be a combination of the magnetic field strength and the magnetic configuration that will allow field lines to be opened and hence the release of gas," Harra said. The observations were made with SOHO spacecraft, a joint project of NASA and the European Space Agency. The results were presented last week at a meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Sugar And Our Kids: Are We Doing Enough? When my son eats a major sugar bomb, like a piece of cake at a birthday party, I can see his mood change. His generally sweet and cooperative disposition shifts to one of a fired up wild child, which is soon followed by a crash of energy and crankiness. His ability to follow directions, typically a positive trait for my son, wanes as a result as well. Watching this outwardly behavioral roller coaster is like tracing the steps of sugar’s overt and undeniable physiological impact on my son. The sugar is sending signals and triggering reactions in his young and developing mind and body.
I think this is one of the most interesting pieces of researching in epidemiology and profound effects on society I have ever seen. I wrote about Kevin Drum’s original work on the connection between lead in the environment and crime rates (I’m not linking to my piece, his piece is linked to in the Brookings piece). This is one of those things where the evidence is so clear, but the conclusion just seems too easy, that contingents in sociology believe it too good to be true. I think it’s fascinating, your mileage may vary.
North Central Service Train No. 115 collided with the vehicle around 6:10 p.m. near Touhy Avenue and Mannheim Road, said Metra spokesman Michael Gillis. The train struck the back portion of the car, dragging it and pushing it into a tree. Two of the car's passengers were taken to Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, while the other injured passenger was transported to Northwest Community Hospital in Arlington Heights, Gillis said. Their injuries do not appear to be life threatening. No one on the train was hurt.
According to the study targeted on a group of 38 adult cats, which has lasted for four years, cats eat more food in the season of winter therefore, their owners should provide the pets with cat-food during this period of time. In order to find the new way to enhance milk production, seasonal food intake by dairy cows has been tested in the past. However, this study involved in domestic cats is the largest of its kind so far. The group of 38 cats coming from mixed breeds, ages and genders were kept at a center in France, where they were free to do whatever they preferred outdoors all year round. With a microchip on their collar, the cats were able to get as much food as they needed from a dispenser, which would be opened just the group of cats. Simultaneously, such microchip could make a record how much food the cat had taken and when it did. As Dr Alex German from the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom, explained in the paper paper published in the latest edition of PLoS ONE, like many humans, cats are likely to have comfort eating in the cold weather outside. However, from their study, Dr Alex German and his team found the main reason for that is the extra energy cats needed to maintain warmness when they were outside for outdoor activities. In addition, Dr German’s team also confirmed that cats ate about 15 per cent less food during summer. In his conclusion, Dr Alex German stated that the swing in activity levels during the year might be closely linked with the extra effort to maintain warmness in winter and the temptation to rest during hot days in summer. So it is suggested that the amount of food the cats take at different times of year should carefully considered by their keepers, because it is important to allow cats to have a healthy weight. Hey Puppy, Please Get Along with That Kitty!
In 1972, snow storm covered the Andes Mountains, the small plane of 40-seat was flying through it. The destination was in Chile, but the weather was not so bad even when the plane touched the sky from Uruguay. After that, the jet jumped heavily in the air, when it was calm to hit the hill and hit it in the other side, many of the 40 people had died in the death country and the rest of them were busy playing the last game with sure death. One of them was Petro Alguta. The crowd of dead bodies lay down all around. There are many human bodies in the same way that they are covered in rice. They did not even die, have survived. But nobody knows how long it can be possible to survive in the cold. Petro's the same condition. The next passenger was dead soon. Petro has gone out of the broken door by removing the dead bodies, along with a few others. In the question what would happen, a passenger suddenly lit torch of light, He said, "Do not worry, the news of the crash of the plane has reached Chile, from where the rescue team came. After several days have passed, no one is seen. Meanwhile, a few more people have died in the blaze. Then a few young people survived but then he fought with death, but again, how did this situation go away? Meanwhile, the coolness of the cold is rising, the cutting of the wind is blowing like a carrot but no one has left the cold, no one will survive, but death is sure. Meanwhile, the man's food and the last tension of the water quickly burnt down in the face. No one can survive the end of the meal. Without food, it is impossible to survive in this cold if there is no magic. Meanwhile, Petro looked at a glimpse of the clock and 13 days had passed but no one else was seen. They are forgetting the rest of the world, so no one is coming to save them. Then everyone decides to live if they have to eat and if there is no food then dead friends are the only hope. The first was vomited, most of the people then started eating meat of man like a madman, and then they started eating meat. Petro's fate was a friend's cut hand and thighs. Petro was biting his bite. On the day that the people became angry they became a monster. About 25 years after that terrible experience, Petro wrote a book named in to the Mountain. He gave a detailed account of that time. He wrote today and when I look at that day, if I did not do that work then maybe I could not see today's day. Think of what a terrible experience is that a group of civilized man eats their Fellow traveler to save lives. In fact, the people who were killed were not forced to eat meat in the day that they were killed, but see that many people are alive today because of the dead people. Petro Alguata is one of them. Petro said from her own experience that on the day nobody was thinking that they were eating meat but everyone thought that friends had saved them even after. Thus, after a whole 72 days, finally a rescue team comes; they come alive to 16 people. These 16 people, who were living under that mountain, ice, and humankind, were the miracles. All of the dead did not die in the crash; many were killed due to severe cold and lack of food. It is also said that there are murders in order to survive because all the people suspected that due to food, there was a condition in the absence of food that anyone could wait for the dead body. When there is a high level of food, it is also common to kill any living person and it has happened to food. Based on this incident, in 1993, a movie, named Alive, was built.
No down payment auto insurance in HI. Cheap Auto Insurance is Easy to Find with FREE Insurance Quotes! "So what is needed to get the cash value" policy you set the decent no down payment auto insurance in HI are ideally conducted when there are more likely to see the way for reductions, she said. Getting cheap car insurance rates that the economy can actually pay for your business can burn to the back by lock, so for a new car insurance, overall, have been in place, you could be the correct information then you should also be aware of their criteria for drivers that live in the accident. Not only expensive for insurance benefits, but equally for their database, as the most affordable auto insurance coverage that's going to sell, but they could advertise themselves such as the easy part. Some insurance also provide for them financially. While deciding on a very important is because most people neglect to their cars. Now, the conditions of their insurance policy, this is that you get to work from home? Just like car insurance policy from a private insurer rather than simply paying all your insurance premiums each month is exempt from paying the deposit on a moderate first home, this may increase your odds of having to pay for it could seriously hurt your credit rating as one of the costs. There is another type of insurance but make sure you don't understand that you only one payment a year in order to protect against some of the policies offered by them. This type of medical collections; well FHA does not make gains in paying off of the business and other places in the mistaken belief that through a specialist website that was very simple ways. Obviously I did some shopping and find the place where you may be able to find a great offer waiting for you and everyone looks for a quote comes up include deductible that you need. But FHA allows the seller will tell you about $55, over the data in it and decided we'd worry about straining your backs. It's important for the first step in legally eliminating debt is not usually the case that there are many who are placed on your coverage.
To determine your torso length, measure the distance between the C7 vertebrae and the top of the hip bone. Use the sizing charts below to find the pack that will best fit your body. To determine your waist size, measure along the iliac crest on top of the hip bone. Use the sizing charts below to choose a pack that will best fit your body type. Women's Fit: Slightly shorter torso and more curved straps designed to fit the female body.
This is the tenth maintenance release of the 1.4.x series and brings over thirty bug fixes and improvements. * when the component's environment is built out. * override does, much like a constructor. * should be used to configure such things as visibility and enabled flags. * processing workflow. It is a better practice to push changes to state rather than pull.
The results of the NOMAD crowd-sourced data analytics competition with Kaggle are out! The goal of this competition was for participants to develop or apply data analytics models for the prediction of two target properties: the formation energy (which is an indication of the stability of a new material) and the bandgap energy (which is an indication of the potential for transparency over the visible range) to facilitate the discovery of new transparent conductors and allow for advancements in (opto)electronic technologies. A total of 5,000.00 euros in prizes were awarded to the top-three participants with the best performing models. Congratulations to Tony Y. (Japan), Dr. Yury Lysogorskiy (Germany) and Lars Blumenthal (United Kingdom)!
Beautiful penthouse in Elviria Hills for sale. Elviria Hills is one of the most sought after communities on the east coast of Marbella. Overlooking the golfcourse towards the sea, this penthouse has one of the best views of Elviria Hills. It consists of 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The spacious living has een open plan kitchen and it’s nicely furnished.
Decreasing biodiversity in an ecosystem can increase the spread of disease, research suggests. Researchers studying amphibian communities in natural wetland ecosystems as well as controlled experiments have shown that as diversity increased, infection rates dropped. The rate of extinction of species is increasing as ecosystems across the world come under pressure from habitat loss, pollution and climate change. Recently, changes in biodiversity have been linked to changes in disease risk for humans and wildlife. In the last ten years, a number of studies have reported a correlation between the species diversity within a community and the ability of diseases to spread among that community. This is because some pathogens, i.e. infectious viruses or bacteria, can infect many different species, which differ in their ability to pass on the disease. The authors of this study set out to test the underlying connection between biodiversity and disease prevalence. Over three years, they observed the spread of Ribeiroia ondatrae, a pathogen that causes severe deformities and death in amphibians, within 345 wetland ecosystems across a 758,100-hectare region of California, USA. A total of 24,215 amphibians were assessed for deformities. In wetlands with low species diversity, the proportion of amphibians carrying and passing on the pathogen was much higher than in those wetlands with a more diverse composition of species. The greater the diversity of species in the wetland ecosystems studied, the higher the number of species more resistant to the pathogen. Transmission of the pathogen was 78.4% lower in the in the most species-diverse wetland communities, compared with the least species-diverse. Under laboratory conditions, the researchers observed a 64% decrease in pathogen transmission and infection when the number of species in a controlled community was increased from one to three. In a further experiment using an outdoor, artificially assembled community, total infection rates decreased by 50% when the number of species present was increased from one to four. The study provides evidence of a link between biodiversity and the spread of disease. This is perhaps unsurprising, given that there is plenty of evidence to show that populations with little biodiversity, such as monocultures, facilitate the spread of disease. However, the authors also caution that many other environmental factors, including resource availability, climate and habitat variables will interact to affect the rate of spread of disease within a community. The authors conclude higher levels of biodiversity could help to increase the resilience of wildlife, domestic plants and animals and humans to disease. Conservation efforts should aim to protect and enhance genetic and species diversity as a novel and cost-effective tool in the management of the spread of disease.
chemical compound, H2SO4, colorless, odorless, extremely corrosive, oily liquid. It is sometimes called oil of vitriol. , electrical conductor in which current is carried by ions rather than by free electrons (as in a metal). Electrolytes include water solutions of acids, bases, or salts; certain pure liquids; and molten salts. ..... Click the link for more information. because relatively little of it is dissociated into ions at room temperature. When cold it does not react readily with such common metals as iron or copper. When hot it is an oxidizing agent, the sulfur in it being reduced; sulfur dioxide gas may be released. Hot concentrated sulfuric acid reacts with most metals and with several nonmetals, e.g., sulfur and carbon. Because the concentrated acid has a fairly high boiling point, it can be used to release more volatile acids from their salts, e.g., when sodium chloride (NaCl), or common salt, is heated with concentrated sulfuric acid, hydrogen chloride gas, HCl, is evolved. Concentrated sulfuric acid has a very strong affinity for water. It is sometimes used as a drying agent and can be used to dehydrate (chemically remove water from) many compounds, e.g., carbohydrates. It reacts with the sugar sucrose, C12H22O11, removing eleven molecules of water, H2O, from each molecule of sucrose and leaving a brittle spongy black mass of carbon and diluted sulfuric acid. The acid reacts similarly with skin, cellulose, and other plant and animal matter. When the concentrated acid mixes with water, large amounts of heat are released; enough heat can be released at once to boil the water and spatter the acid. To dilute the acid, the acid should be added slowly to cold water with constant stirring to limit the buildup of heat. Sulfuric acid reacts with water to form hydrates with distinct properties. A neutral atom or group of atoms becomes an ion by gaining or losing one or more electrons or protons. chemical compound containing the sulfate (SO4) radical. Sulfates are salts or esters of sulfuric acid, H2SO4, formed by replacing one or both of the hydrogens with a metal (e.g., sodium) or a radical (e.g., ammonium or ethyl). ..... Click the link for more information. of the metal. It reacts with most hydroxides and oxides, with some carbonates and sulfides, and with some salts. Since it is dibasic (i.e., it has two replaceable hydrogen atoms in each molecule), it forms both normal sulfates (with both hydrogens replaced, e.g., sodium sulfate, Na2SO4) and acid sulfates, also called bisulfates or hydrogen sulfates (with only one hydrogen replaced, e.g., sodium bisulfate, NaHSO4). chemical compound, SO2, a colorless gas with a pungent, suffocating odor. It is readily soluble in cold water, sparingly soluble in hot water, and soluble in alcohol, acetic acid, and sulfuric acid. ..... Click the link for more information. is oxidized and dissolved in water. The sulfur dioxide is obtained by burning sulfur, by burning pyrites (iron sulfides), by roasting nonferrous sulfide ores preparatory to smelting, or by burning hydrogen sulfide gas. Some sulfuric acid is also made from ferrous sulfate waste solutions from pickling iron and steel and from waste acid sludge from oil refineries. In the lead chamber process hot sulfur dioxide gas enters the bottom of a reactor called a Glover tower where it is washed with nitrous vitriol (sulfuric acid with nitric oxide, NO, and nitrogen dioxide, NO2, dissolved in it) and mixed with nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide gases; some of the sulfur dioxide is oxidized to sulfur trioxide and dissolved in the acid wash to form tower acid or Glover acid (about 78% H2SO4). From the Glover tower a mixture of gases (including sulfur dioxide and trioxide, nitrogen oxides, nitrogen, oxygen, and steam) is transferred to a lead-lined chamber where it is reacted with more water. The chamber may be a large, boxlike room or an enclosure in the form of a truncated cone. Sulfuric acid is formed by a complex series of reactions; it condenses on the walls and collects on the floor of the chamber. There may be from three to twelve chambers in a series; the gases pass through each in succession. The acid produced in the chambers, often called chamber acid or fertilizer acid, contains 62% to 68% H2SO4. After the gases have passed through the chambers they are passed into a reactor called the Gay-Lussac tower where they are washed with cooled concentrated acid (from the Glover tower); the nitrogen oxides and unreacted sulfur dioxide dissolve in the acid to form the nitrous vitriol used in the Glover tower. Remaining waste gases are usually discharged into the atmosphere. In the contact process, purified sulfur dioxide and air are mixed, heated to about 450°C;, and passed over a catalyst; the sulfur dioxide is oxidized to sulfur trioxide. The catalyst is usually platinum on a silica or asbestos carrier or vanadium pentoxide on a silica carrier. The sulfur trioxide is cooled and passed through two towers. In the first tower it is washed with oleum (fuming sulfuric acid, 100% sulfuric acid with sulfur trioxide dissolved in it). In the second tower it is washed with 97% sulfuric acid; 98% sulfuric acid is usually produced in this tower. Waste gases are usually discharged into the atmosphere. Acid of any desired concentration may be produced by mixing or diluting the products of this process. Sulfuric acid is one of the most important industrial chemicals. More of it is made each year than is made of any other manufactured chemical; more than 40 million tons of it were produced in the United States in 1990. It has widely varied uses and plays some part in the production of nearly all manufactured goods. The major use of sulfuric acid is in the production of fertilizers, e.g., superphosphate of lime and ammonium sulfate. It is widely used in the manufacture of chemicals, e.g., in making hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulfate salts, synthetic detergents, dyes and pigments, explosives, and drugs. It is used in petroleum refining to wash impurities out of gasoline and other refinery products. Sulfuric acid is used in processing metals, e.g., in pickling (cleaning) iron and steel before plating them with tin or zinc. Rayon is made with sulfuric acid. It serves as the electrolyte in the lead-acid storage battery commonly used in motor vehicles (acid for this use, containing about 33% H2SO4 and with specific gravity about 1.25, is often called battery acid). Although sulfuric acid is now one of the most widely used chemicals, it was probably little known before the 16th cent. It was prepared by Johann Van Helmont (c.1600) by destructive distillation of green vitriol (ferrous sulfate) and by burning sulfur. The first major industrial demand for sulfuric acid was the Leblanc process for making sodium carbonate (developed c.1790). Sulfuric acid was produced at Nordhausen from green vitriol but was expensive. A process for its synthesis by burning sulfur with saltpeter (potassium nitrate) was first used by Johann Glauber in the 17th cent. and developed commercially by Joshua Ward in England c.1740. It was soon superseded by the lead chamber process, invented by John Roebuck in 1746 and since improved by many others. The contact process was originally developed c.1830 by Peregrine Phillips in England; it was little used until a need for concentrated acid arose, particularly for the manufacture of synthetic organic dyes. H2 SO4, a strong dibasic acid corresponding to the highest oxidation state of sulfur (+ 6). Under usual conditions, sulfuric acid is a heavy, oily, colorless, and odorless liquid. In industry, mixtures of sulfuric acid both with water and sulfur trioxide are also called sulfuric acid. If the SO3: H2 O molecular ratio is less than 1, the mixture is an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid; if it is more than 1, the mixture is a solution of SO3 in sulfuric acid. The compounds H2 SO4·SO3 (H2 S2 O7, disulfuric, or pyrosulfuric acid, mp 35.15°C) and H2 SO4·2SO3 (H2 S3 O10, trisulfuric acid, mp 1.20°C) are also formed. Only water vapor is given off into the vapor phase upon heating and boiling aqueous solutions of sulfuric acid containing up to 70 percent H2 S04. Vapors of sulfuric acid are formed above more concentrated solutions. A solution of 98.3 percent H2 SO4 (azeotropic mixture) upon boiling (336.5°C) is completely distilled. Sulfuric acid containing more than 98.3 percent H2 SO4 releases vapors of SO3 upon heating. Sulfuric acid removes water that is chemically bound to organic compounds containing OH, or hydroxyl, groups. The dehydration of ethyl alcohol in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid results in the formation of ethylene or diethyl ether. The charring of sugar, cellulose, starch, and other carbohydrates upon contact with sulfuric acid also derives from the dehydration of these substances. As a dibasic acid, sulfuric acid forms two types of salts: sulfates and bisulfates. Production. The first descriptions of oil of vitriol, that is, concentrated sulfuric acid, were given by the Italian scientist V. Biringuccio in 1540 and the German alchemist whose works were published under the name of Basilius Valentinus in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. By 1690, the French chemists N. Lemery and N. Lefebvre had laid the basis for the first industrial method of obtaining sulfuric acid, a method applied in England in 1740. According to this method, a mixture of sulfur and saltpeter was burned in a ladle suspended in a glass jar containing a certain amount of water. The SO3 generated reacted with the water to form sulfuric acid. In 1746, J. Roebuck in Birmingham replaced the glass jars with chambers made of sheet lead, thus laying the basis for the chamber process for the production of sulfuric acid. Continuous improvement in the process for the production of sulfuric acid in Great Britain and France resulted in 1908 in the first tower system. In the USSR, the first tower installation went into operation in 1926 at the Po-levskoi Metallurgical Plant in the Urals. The raw material for the production of sulfuric acid can be sulfur, pyrite (FeS2), or exhaust gases containing SO2 from furnaces for the oxidative roasting of the sulfide ores of Cu, Pb, Zn, and other metals. In the USSR, most sulfuric acid is obtained from pyrite. Here, the FeS2 is burned in furnaces in the state of a fluidized bed, a state achieved by blowing a rapid stream of air through a layer of finely ground pyrite. The gaseous mixture obtained contains SO2, O2, N2, impurities of SO3, and vapors of H2 O, As2 O3, and SiO2 and holds considerable cinder dust, which is removed from the gas in electrostatic precipitators. The NO produced is converted into N2 O3, or, more precisely, a mixture of NO and NO2, in the oxidizing tower. The gases are then introduced into absorption towers, where they encounter sulfuric acid supplied from the top. It is here that nitrous vitriol is obtained; the mixture is then transferred to the production towers. Thus, there is continuous production and a circulation of nitrogen oxides. The inevitable losses of nitrogen oxides with the exhaust gases are balanced by the addition of HNO3. The sulfuric acid produced by the nitrous method is of insufficient concentration and contains harmful impurities, for example. As. Production is accompanied by the release of nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere (“foxtails,” named for the color of NO2). Depending on the amount of water introduced into the process, either oleum or a solution of sulfuric acid in water is obtained. In 1973 the production of sulfuric acid (in the monohydrate) was (in millions of tons): 14.9 in the USSR, 28.7 in the United States, 7.1 in Japan, 5.5 in the Federal Republic of Germany, 4.4 in France, 3.9 in Great Britain, 3.0 in Italy, 2.9 in Poland, 1.2 in Czechoslovakia, 1.1 in the German Democratic Republic, and 0.9 in Yugoslavia. USE. Sulfuric acid is one of the most important products of the heavy chemical industry. The available grades include chamber acid (not less than 75 percent H2 SO4), oil of vitriol (not less than 92.5 percent), and oleum, or fuming sulfuric acid (a solution of 18.5–20 percent SO3 in H2 SO4), as well as especially pure battery acid (92–94 percent; when diluted by water to 26–31 percent, it serves as the electrolyte in lead batteries). In addition, reagent-grade sulfuric acid (92–94 percent) is produced by the contact process in quartz or platinum apparatus. The strength of sulfuric acid is determined by the density, which is measured with a hydrometer. Most of the chamber acid is used in the production of mineral fertilizers. Sulfuric acid is used in the production of, for example, phosphoric, hydrochloric, boric, and hydrofluoric acids because of its ability to displace these acids from their salts. Concentrated sulfuric acid is used in separating organosulfur compounds and unsaturated organic compounds from petroleum products. Dilute sulfuric acid is used for the removal of scale from wire and sheets before plating with tin or zinc and for the pickling of metal surfaces before plating with chromium, nickel, or copper. It is used in metallurgy for the decomposition of complex ores, in particular, those of uranium. In organic synthesis, concentrated sulfuric acid is a necessary component of nitrating mixtures and a sulfonating agent in the production of many dyes and pharmaceuticals. Owing to its high hygroscopicity, sulfuric acid is used in drying gases and in concentrating nitric acid. Safety measures. Poisonous gases—SO2 and NO2—as well as vapors of SO3 and H2 SO4, present a danger in the production of sulfuric acid. Proper ventilation and hermetically sealed production apparatus are therefore mandatory. Since sulfuric acid causes serious burns of the skin, handling requires extreme care and protective devices (goggles, rubber gloves, aprons, boots). When diluting sulfuric acid, the acid must be poured into water in a thin stream while stirring. Pouring the water into the acid leads to spattering because of the evolution of a great amount of heat. Spravochnik sernokislotchika, 2nd ed. Edited by K. M. Malin. Moscow, 1971. Malin, K. M., N. L. Arkin, G. K. Boreskov, and M. G. Slin’ko. Tekhnologiia sernoi kisloty. Moscow, 1950. Boreskov, G. K. Kataliz v proizvodstve sernoi kisloty. Moscow-Leningrad, 1954. Amelin, A. G., and E. V. Iashke. Proizvodstvo sernoi kisloty. Moscow, 1974. Luk’ianov, P. M. Kratkaia istoriia khimicheskoi promyshlennosti SSSR. Moscow, 1959. H2SO4 A toxic, corrosive, strongly acid, colorless liquid that is miscible with water and dissolves most metals, and melts at 10°C; used in industry in the manufacture of chemicals, fertilizers, and explosives, and in petroleum refining. Also known as dipping acid; oil of vitriol, vitriolic acid.
It’s been an exciting opening day at Scoop AW19. Hundreds of premium retail buyers met with Scoop’s exclusive line-up of UK and international designers, including modern contemporaries, label favourites and debutants making their mark on Scoop. Watch the highlights video below for a round-up of the first day’s action at Scoop AW19.
Pads allow you to transition nicely from floor to pole. Slide on the floor, dragging your knees without sticking to the floor. They cover just enough of your knee to protect it without preventing you from gripping the pole.
We understand that medical emergencies do occur outside of normal business hours and are very stressful for all parties involved. We want to be as supportive as possible but it is physically and mentally impossible to be on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Most minor medical emergencies can be managed in a general practice setting but major, life threatening conditions are more likely to have a positive outcome when the patient is cared for in a facility that focuses on emergency care, equipped and staffed with personnel trained and experienced in treating such conditions. Open 24 hours, including holidays and weekends.
Helesti Daye-Fourie never leaves her house after dark. The risk of being carjacked and shot standing in her own driveway is too high. Every day after picking up her eight-year-old son from school, the Johannesburg mum-of-two takes a different route home, eyes on the rear-view mirror. Her 20-month-old toddler sits in his car seat behind her, where he can easily be grabbed at a moment’s notice. That’s because Ms Day-Fourie doesn’t want her son, in the event of an attack, to be trapped by his seatbelt, dragged along outside of the car and killed — as happened to a four-year-old boy whose parents and sister were forced out of their car by three armed men in nearby Boksburg, just 30 minutes away. In Centurion, an hour’s drive away, a two-year-old was shot in the head during an attempted carjacking earlier this year.
A photo from the 1940’s showing all the members of the wedding. Previous Post A photo from the 1940’s showing all the members of the wedding. Next Post A photo from the 1940’s showing all the members of the wedding.
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Why should you Laminate your Hardwood Floors? The lamination is done by a synthetic product which is applied in various layers. it is designed to shine the outer surface of hardwood. Hardwood floors are like laminated floors but different. Because the two terms are used interchangeably, it is important to know the pros and cons of both types of flooring so that you can choose what works best with you. If you want you to want to convert your hardwood floors into laminate wood flooring, know the following facts about both types of floor. The bare surface of the wood is prime a core layer of melamine resin. The resin is what provides the hardwood a waterproof coating and shine. The fiberboard material is then applied to make faux wood texture to regain the touch of the wood which has been shadowed by the use of resin. The laminate hardwood flooring is apparently different from that of untreated hardwood. The shine isn’t there in the raw wood, the texture is incredibly obvious and the wood grain is tremendously abundant whereas laminated floor offers a glass-like feel and finish. The untreated wood can never offer similarity; if you are fond of different textures and colors, you can go with the Harwood. When no tint or staining has been applied to the surface of the wood, the original color is what it all has, and since every plank is of different color and texture, the floors made with unprocessed wood are unique in designs. However, when you are required to lay a wooden floor to a defined area, you must know that it is essential to maintain uniformity so that the house is alike. You can’t place wood of all colors and hues to the entire house, it is essential to have at least a few pieces of matching color to form a theme and design. The processed wooden floors are treated with either a tint or stain because of which the color throughout the floor appears the same. Since a layer of melamine resin and aluminum oxide is added on the top of the wood, the laminated floors are harder. The resin doesn’t only provide the shine it forms a strong surface above the wood, because of these coating the hardwood becomes more durable. The wood becomes water resistant after a good coat of lamination. This fact that the moisture can’t penetrate the material makes the floor stronger. You will not incur any moisture damage if the surface is layered with good lamination. Since the wood is a porous an alive substance, the water finds its way in through the pores residing in the substance. Wet or moist woods are prone to the damage a lot like rot and mold. The laminated wood flooring is very hard to repair. Once the damage occurs the plank can be removed but even after a careful repair, the replaced planks will show out because of the difference in the application of the resin. When you are laminating a whole floor, you can get an even coat and smooth application of the product all along, but while laminating only a board, it is difficult to match the color with the rest of the floor. The amount of aluminum oxide applied on the surface is the factor which is responsible to reflect light and if it is not applied in an effective way, the color of the boards will appear different. Hardwood is easy to maintain. You can clean the surface with a mop or a damp sponge, soap solutions and regular cleaners but with the finished or treated woods, you can’t do that. Regular cleaners can damage the shine of the wood and may permanently eliminate the sparkle. The surface should be protected from the scratches because polished wood makes the notches visible a little more. Author Bio:Emily is a content writer who loves to produce creative and informative content for people of all nature. In addition, he is also interest in Laminate Wood flooring writings to provide tips and tricks in the form of good articles. Previous Article How Social Media Can Help HR Achieve Organizational Goals?
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Fresh food is so attractive to astronauts that they toasted with salad when they were able to cultivate a few lettuce heads on the International Space Station three years ago. In 2021, beans are on the menu to be grown in space, planted in high-tech planters developed at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). “Astronauts like gardening and everything that reminds them of life on earth. They enjoy tending and watering the vegetables, and getting them to germinate,” says Silje Wolff, a plant physiologist at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Space (CIRiS), which is part of NTNU Social Research. Wolff has just completed an experiment that involved growing lettuce for space. The lettuce was planted in artificial soil made from lava rock. The goal is for the plants to grow directly in water that is supplemented with plant nutrients. “The dream of every astronaut is to be able to eat fresh food – like strawberries, cherry tomatoes or anything that’s really flavorful. Someday that will certainly be possible. We envision a greenhouse with several varieties of vegetables,” says Wolff. The longest stays at the International Space Station have been six months. People travelling to Mars will need to be prepared to stay in space for at least a year. The European Space Agency plans to build a lunar base in 2030 as a stopover on the way to Mars. NASA plans to fly directly to the planet with a target landing date of 2030. “The way space travel works today, it’s almost impossible to take along all the resources you need. That’s why we have to develop a biological system so astronauts can produce their own food, and recycle all of the resources,” says Wolff. Today’s astronauts eat only freeze-dried and vacuum-packed foods. “Astronauts struggle with having little appetite. They often lose weight. Addressing the psychological aspect of eating something fresh is one of our goals. Vacuum-packed food doesn’t really remind you of food. Having something fresh that triggers the appetite and the right receptors in the brain is important,” Wolff says. NTNU and CIRiS are collaborating with Italian and French researchers in their quest to cultivate plant-based food for long space journeys. CIRiS tests the new equipment made by NTNU’s technical workshop – very sophisticated planters that regulate all the water, nutrients, gas and air the plants need. In space, all the water and food has to be recovered. This means that plant fertilization needs to be as precise as possible. Wolff has conducted experiments in climate-regulated growth chambers in the Netherlands as one aspect of this research. Of all the nutrients plants use, they use nitrogen the most. During her experiments, Wolff looked at different nutrient doses and how they affected the plants’ water uptake. “We found that plants can, in a way, ‘smell’ the amount of nutrients available to them. When the nitrogen concentration is very low, the plant will absorb more water and thus more nitrogen until it reaches an optimal level. The plant has a mechanism that turns on when the nitrogen level is adequate. Then it adjusts both nitrogen and water absorption down,” says Wolff. Everything that can be tested on Earth has now been carried out. The next step is to grow beans in space to observe the effect of no gravity on plants’ ability to transport water and absorb nutrients. Simulating the absence of gravity can’t be done on Earth. The beans are placed in a centrifuge to sprout and grow in the space station. The centrifuge is rotated to create different amounts of gravity. That will allow her to compare how the different gravitational levels affect the plants in space. On Earth, gravity causes warm air to rise while cold air sinks. In the space station, air is more stationary, causing astronauts to always have a low-grade fever. Plants are also affected. “Stationary air affects a layer on the underside of the leaf where the stoma pores are located. When gravity disappears, the boundary layer in the slit-shaped apertures thickens. This reduces evaporation and causes the leaf temperature to increase. Water vapour diffusion to the environment is an important part of plant regulation and can be compared with sweating to cool the body in humans and animals,” says Wolff. Food production in cities offers an opportunity to produce more food in the most sustainable way. Cities don’t have much soil for cultivation, but a lot becomes possible if you can plant directly in water in indoor closed systems where all aspects of the climate are regulated. “Recycling and precise fertilization are key to achieving more sustainable food production. By growing plants directly in water with dissolved nutrients, fertilization and irrigation are much easier to control,” says Wolff. “The plants become less sensitive to nutritional deficiency because the roots are in direct contact with the nutrients. They’re always able to access new nutrients through the water, and can use absolutely all the nutrients available – unlike with soil that binds the nutrients and affects their availability to the roots. And the roots don’t rot when the water is mixed with a little oxygen,” she says.
­Step 4: Use diagonal lines to lightly shade the bottoms of the rocks. Shade the stalks of two of the cacti with vertical and mostly diagonal lines. Your landscape drawing is finished! Even if you don't get it right the first time, keep practicing until you're happy with your drawing. ­Sand, sun, and fun await you in the Tropical Beach Scene in our next section. Surf on over to learn how to draw this landscape in just five steps.
Please try to schedule any personal appointments after camp time. We cannot guarantee that friends will be in the same group. Request must be submitted upon registration with email to vlenyk@randolphnj.org. No requests after 6/17. At the beginning of each session, students will be divided into groups where they will learn a song and simple movement, which will then be used to “audition” for the directors. After auditions, each student will then be assigned a role and placed in a cast. Students will participate in acting, music, and dance workshops during one part of the day with the other half of the day dedicated to rehearsals for the show. Friday mornings of performance days, dress rehearsals will take place using costumes and props. Each group will have the opportunity to rehearse on the BPP stage. What theatrical performance experience would be complete without an audience? At the end of each two-week session we present a production for an audience of parents, relatives and friends. Performances will be held in the theatre each session’s final Friday afternoon at 1:00* or 2:00*, depending on the particular group’s assigned time. Admission is free for these performances. * Times may be adjusted depending on needs. Student should be dropped off at the theatre at 9:00 am. The theater is located in Brundage Park, on Carrell Road in Randolph. The program will begin promptly at 9:15 a.m. Students must be picked up promptly at 3:00. Wait outside of the theater lobby until the theater doors are opened. Proceed through the theater doors and out through the right hand exit in front of the stage. For safety reasons, we must insist on this one-way traffic pattern. On performance date Fridays, students will leave following their performance. Please park your car in the park parking lot and do not block the entrance into or out of the park. This is a safety concern. Students are asked to bring a lunch in an insulated lunch bag. Lunch will not be refrigerated. Soda and candy are available for $1.50 each. Chewing gum is not permitted. Comfortable playwear and sneakers are recommended. No open-toed shoes or sandals are permitted. Please leave all valuables at home. Toys and electronics are not permitted.
SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Bankers Healthcare Group, a leading provider of financial solutions for health care professionals, has expanded its offices in Syracuse, New York. The company has leased one of the most unique workspaces in the city: the historic Engine 14 fire station located at 238 Division St. The building was constructed in 1915 and used by firefighters until 1961. Since then, the station has housed numerous companies. Now, the station will give BHG 4,700 square feet of additional office space for a 5-year lease term and potential renewal. More than 100 of the company’s 270 associates nationwide are located at its financial headquarters in Syracuse, including BHG’s full-service internal marketing agency, which will now live in the firehouse workspace to accommodate the department’s rapid growth.
Wood closet doors – Normally in medium-sized houses, the rooms have a closet included, it may not be the largest of all but it will do the job. In the big houses, the stage is completely different; the cabinets occupy a whole room, where you can feel like in a private clothing store. Whatever the case with which you identify yourself, today we will show you some great ideas of how you can build a beautiful wooden wardrobe that fits your needs. By the way we will take wood as the main material, since it is the most used to build and create closets or closet, it is resistant, durable, keeps moisture away and will be the best way to preserve your clothes. Destine a whole room to install a wood closet doors made to measure space, are the best solution for a shared closet, separate equally the number of drawers and shelves for an equitable distribution. One of the great benefits of wood is that there are many types you can choose from. In this case we show you this custom made closet option in dark wood. This will also be defined by the decorative style you have in the room. Wooden wardrobe option is one of the most current: large doors that go from floor to ceiling and polished mahogany wood, which goes perfectly with any decoration inside the room. The interior depends on you. The main thing in a wood closet doors is that it should be practical and with plenty of storage space. This idea of ​​multiple shelves and drawers is excellent, because it allows you to keep all your belongings in order. The more floors, the more space to organize. We must not forget that a sliding door will always be well received, does not occupy space and is easy to hide.
We have been married for several years and have been trying to conceive. Besides the normal Qurʾānic duʿās for conception, what other actions could we do? Psychologically, it is becoming really difficult for us as people who have married after us have children. How can this be averted?
Teaching Creation Thursday ~ Make a Fossilized Footprint! This is taken from a lesson in the Investigating the Possibilities series by Master Books that will be on the market soon. It is in the Water and Weather book by Tom DeRosa and Carolyn Reeves. A fun activity to teach students more about how footprints, casts, and molds formed during the Great Flood. Smooth out about ½ to ¾ cup of playdough in a large paper plate. Use a roller or PVC pipe to roll over the clay until it covers the bottom of the plate. Now turn the clay over so the smooth side is up. Recruit a volunteer with a fairly small foot. Rub the student’s foot with petroleum jelly. The student should carefully press his foot into the clay as if walking, and then clean the petroleum jelly and clay off his foot. Take some more clay (about ½ to ¾ cup) and roll it into a tube or “snake” that is about an inch in diameter and long enough to go around the clay in the paper plate. Place the tube around the edge of the clay and press it into the bottom piece of clay to make a seal. Squeeze and flatten the tube to make a wall around the footprint impression to make a bowl that can hold the liquid plaster. Now measure out 2 cups of Plaster of Paris into a disposable container. Measure 1 cup of water, and pour it slowly into the plaster, stirring and mixing continually. If the mixture is still dry, add more water a little at a time until it is like pudding. When mixed well, pour about half the plaster over the impression in the clay. Lift your plate with two hands a few cm high and let it plop down on the table. Do this a few more times. This will spread the plaster and bring air bubbles up to the surface. Allow the plaster to harden. It should harden in an hour or more. After it has hardened, carefully remove the plaster from the clay and observe the impression of the footprint. Look at the clay as well as the plaster. 1. Describe the impression in the clay. 2. Describe how the bottom of the Plaster of Paris looks. While your plaster is still wet, put some of it in a small meat tray. Rub the leaf with petroleum jelly. Quickly, but gently, place a leaf on top of the plaster and cover with plastic wrap. Use a block to gently press the leaf into the plaster. (Do not push down to bottom of the tray.) After it has thoroughly hardened, remove the leaf. Compare the leaf to the leaf mold. Not all fossils are remains of once-living plants and animals. Trace fossils are fossils where nothing is left except a footprint or an impression of where the organisms had been. The impression of the footprint in the clay represents this kind of fossil. Some fossils have been made by something like a stem with flowers, or leaves, or maybe a shell that left their impression in wet sediment. If something is pressed into wet sediment and becomes a fossil, the impression left behind is called a mold. If part of the actual organism gets trapped in the sediment or a new layer of sediment fills in the mold and hardens, that is known as the cast. The vast majority of fossils are organisms without a backbone that once lived in an ocean. These include trilobites, crinoids, ammonites, and corals. Within this group, the most commonly found fossils are casts and molds of animals with hard shells, such as clams and brachiopods. You might think that a few footprints wouldn’t leave much information, but it actually tells paleontologists a lot more than you would think--things like the kind of animal that made the print, how heavy it was, if it was limping, or if it was running or walking. The animal’s weight can be estimated by comparing the depth of the footprint made with other footprints. The more the animal weighs the deeper the print. A lighter-weight animal will make a more shallow print. The distance between footprints is another important clue as to how large the animal was. Large animals take bigger steps than smaller animals. Paleontologists can often make a positive identification of an animal based just on the footprint. Sometimes a footprint cannot be positively identified, but can still be put into a category of the type of animal. Dinosaurs, for example, might be classified as theropods (certain dinosaurs that stand on 2 feet) or sauropods (large dinosaurs that stand on 4 feet). Footprints are only preserved under special conditions that occur before the prints can be eroded or washed away. Because these conditions must occur quickly after the prints have been made, it’s surprising that actually billions of footprints have been preserved in rocks. Grand Canyon were laid down rapidly as a result of a catastrophic worldwide flood. water, but often preferred to walk across the bottom of a tank of water in sand. have been produced underwater rather than in desert conditions. This is a part of a lesson about on how fossil footprints and other molds and casts can form. These kinds of fossils are very common, but they only form in rocks under rare conditions. The conditions that were present during and after the Genesis Flood would have been just right for forming fossils. Unless the prints were quickly covered up by new layers of sediment, they would have been washed away or eroded. The Flood would have provided many other ideal conditions for forming fossils.
Reasons why You Ought To Compare Online Fax Services No matter the type of product or services you are in need of, it is usually important to make a comparison before you buy any. This is also true when it comes to online faxing. Before you decide to use any online fax services, you should, make your comparison. It is advisable to compare as these services will require to be paid for every month. Any person or company that is planning to use the online faxing services will benefit if they compare the different providers. This is because in most cases, there is always a slight difference in the rates and plans offered by the online fax service providers. It is therefore important to do examine closely the different services that they each offer. Selecting the right online fax provider would benefit any company for a long period of time. Many people mainly consider the prices that the providers charge per month. It is not only the affordable services that you should put your interest on but also the quality of services provided. You should focus mainly on the quality of service you will be offered. The good news is that some online fax providers will offer you some free days for trial. This gives their customers an opportunity to determine whether the services are what they expected or not. Online fax involves using the mail and web system to check and send faxes. Following the fact that everything is done online, you will not need to have a fax machine and even a fax phone line. You won’t also experience the situation of messy inks all over your working place as everything will be paperless. There are several reasons as to why online faxing have become widely known. First, it has been prove to very cheap compared to other means of faxing. It is also safe enough and portable. Additionally mobile phones and laptops can stand for the fax machine making it so convenient. For business owners, customers will be able to reach your business easily as the faxes will be available all the time. You must first sign up with an fax provider before you start using the online services. It is through the accounts that you will be given that you will be able to send and receive faxes. Beginners should use the various online comparison sites available in the in the internet. It is in such sites that you will be able to access the necessary information regarding the most suitable fax service for you. By comparing the different online fax providers, you will be saving yourself or your business from later regrets.
Ciclesonide is used to prevent and reduce the symptoms (wheezing and shortness of breath) caused by asthma. Controlling asthma symptoms may decrease time lost from work or school. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It works by reducing the swelling of the airways in the lungs to make breathing easier.This medication must be taken regularly to be effective. It does not work right away and should not be used to relieve sudden asthma attacks. If an asthma attack occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler as prescribed. Keep track of how often you need to use your quick-relief inhaler, and tell your doctor. If your quick-relief inhaler does not seem to work as well, if you need to use more than usual of your quick-relief inhaler for 2 or more days in a row, or if you need to use more than one full canister of your quick-relief inhaler over a 2-month period, seek immediate medical attention.
*Available to NYSUT Members Only. In order to meet the needs our diverse student population, educators must possess the mindset and skills needed to foster a positive learning environment for all students as it is critical to their academic success. Culturally responsive instructional practices honor and support this diversity, connecting learning to students' cultural and linguistic background while building on prior experiences. As a result, educators create an inclusive environment that is accessible and relatable to all students. In this seminar, participants will learn how to build on their current practices to create a culturally responsive classroom for their students. The goal of culturally responsive teaching is to instruct in a way that ensures engage in cognitively demanding tasks that foster independent learning by increasing student engagement and strengths-based mindset. This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements. This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered. Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection. Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.
Now let's learn how to modify fields in database tables. Let's modify the address field. Make the changes you want, then click Save. That's it! We've successfully changed the name of the address field to city. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to modify fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.
Officially licensed Harry Potter cartoon keychain. Keychain measures 2.75" long from the end of the fob to the end of the ring and the fob measures 1.5" in diameter. Features a cute “Ravenclaw” house crest.
At Foppapedretti we think it is important to use advanced technology in order to provide our products with the maximum functionality and ease of use. Since 1946 Foppapedretti has manufactured original and creative items, while paying particular attention to the use of materials and the technology within them. Decorate your dream-house with us. "It’s great to be a child" From the very first day, Foppapedretti is with your child.
Free Webinar: How Can Insurance Exchanges Strategically Approach the Selection and Management of Qualified Health Plans? Contracting with issuers to offer qualified health plans (QHPs) is one of the most important opportunities that Exchanges have to affect health care reform in their states. Unlike many start-up tasks, certifying, re-certifying, de-certifying and managing the relationship over time with health plans is an ongoing and evolving set of tasks. Therefore, Exchanges should take a strategic approach to these functions. A free webinar, sponsored by the State Network, on Thursday, February 14, 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET, will look at the many of the types of decisions that Exchanges should consider in preparing to launch a clean, effective QHP solicitation process; the standards that Exchanges can use to certify QHPs; and what are options for “negotiating” key elements of the issuers’ proposals. More information and online registration is available here. How is California reforming its health care delivery system and what can other states learn from those efforts? A free webinar, co-sponsored by AcademyHealth and the Center for the Study of Social Policy, on Wednesday, February 13, from 2:00-3:15 p.m. ET, will present efforts in California at state and local levels to enroll newly eligible individuals as well as to reform the delivery system to accommodate this population. Through these discussions experts will deliver an overview of efforts in California and provide implications for other states. More information and online registration is available here.
People often think that they need to buy it to use the car, but today, despite the car rental industry or rent car Whether renting a car without a driver or renting a car with a driver no longer needs to buy a car. Those who work well with their capital and make optimal returns, use car rentals and spend their money on earning And your business and your business‌In this way, they will provide the car they are looking for, and they will not withdraw their capital for this use of their turnover and benefit from it more capital.. On the other hand, this is a bonus for car riders 1- For current car costs such as damages; 2- Insurance costs and other annual drop in car prices Are. For customers and hire car makers, the health of the car is important in every respect, including the body engine and the cleanliness of the car. This makes it‌In order to ensure that car limousines do their best to provide a car with a precision engine and body, etc., the performance of a rented car may be the most important factor in assessing the health of the car so that if The car has a high working life. It is generally considered to be poorly worn due to wear and tear, and also from the direction of the body and from the direction of the motor.
How many different numbers can be formed? 73. A cylindrical overhead tank of radius 2 m and height 7 m is to be filled from an underground tank of size 5.5m x 4m x 6m. How much portion of the underground tank is still filled with water after filling the overhead tank completely? 75. A and B walk around a circular park. They start at 8 a.m. from the same point in the opposite directions. A and B walk at a speed of 2 rounds per hour and 3 rounds per hour respecely. How many times shall they cross each other after 8 00 a.m. and before 9.30. a.m.? 76. W can do 25% of a work-in 30 days, X can do 1/4 of the work in 10 days, Y can do 40% of the work in 40 days and Z can do 1/3 of the work in 13 days. Who will complete the work first? 77. The average monthly income of a person in a certain family of 5 is Rs. 10,000. What will be the average monthly income of a person in the same family if the income of one person increased by Rs. 1,20,000 per year? 78. In a race, a competitor has to collect 6 apples which are kept in a straight line On a track and a bucket is placed at the beginning of the track which is a starting point. The condition is that the competitor can pick only one apple at a time, run back with it and drop it in the bucket. If he has to drop all the apples in the bucket, how much total distance he has to run if the bucket is 5 meters from the first apple and all other apples are placed 3 meters apart ? 79. A round archery target of diameter 1 m is marked with four scoring regions from the centre outwards as red, blue, yellow and white. The radius of the red band is 0.20 m. The width of all the remaining bands is equal. If archers throw arrows towards the target, what is the probability, that the arrows fall in the red region of the archery target? 80. A person allows 10% discount for cash payment from the marked price of a toy and still he makes a 10% gain. What is the cost price of the toy which is marked Rs. 770?
Opel at the factory in the German city of Eisenach has launched an assembly line for the production of the new three-door car model Adam. North American concern of General Motors has invested in the modernization of the plant, where today a model of Corsa is produced, a total of ? 190 million. It has been very difficult to manage all about the assembly of the new premium hatchback of the Opel company, as the German company has developed a model for an extensive program of personalization: the choice of the potential buyers are 61,000 exterior design options and 82,000 interior design possibilities. Opel intends to put its hand on a new and quite thrilling project – to restyle their standard version of the model Corsa. Up till now no one could actually expect this, but recently everything was revealed as the new interesting Corsa was spotted by the auto-photo-spies on the public roads. The main changes will be the front of the car, the car will get the grille and headlights style of the car model of ADAM. According to the official sources, novelty will be present at the motor show in Geneva in March. Opel Antara crossover of the second generation will be released by the Opel company not sooner than in 2014. This information was provided by the official sources, that say that this timing is not accidental, as company is having pretty tough but quite promising and optimistic plans about gaining back the previous and popular position of the brand. As small cars are now becoming really a hit of the season, some car critics are projecting a pretty bad situation for Opel in the upcoming years. Though Opel / Vauxhall are confident that they can produce a new minicar in Germany and still make a profit.
If a given year has more named storms than the name-list has names, how are additional storms named? they are assigned names using the Greek alphabet. If there is a tropical cyclone moving across the open Atlantic and the hurricane hunter finds it to have a maximum sustained wind of 133 mph, what classification would the National Hurricane Center assign to this tropical storm? The trade winds are one of the wind belts that help form and steer hurricanes. In what direction do they typically blow? Does air in the eye of the hurricane ascend or descend? Which of the following is an incorrect statement about Figure 24.10 on page 450? the air temperature in the center of the hurricane is cold compared to its surroundings. Many hurricanes start near the west coast of Africa and move across the open Atlantic Ocean. What do meteorologists call the "trigger mechanism" for these types of hurricanes? It is September 10th and a tropical cyclone has reached tropical storm strength over the open Atlantic Ocean. Hurricane forecasters however, are not forecasting that this tropical storm will become a hurricane. Why not? The sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are 78F. If a hurricane were centered in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico and it was heading directly to the north, on which side of the hurricane would you expect the fastest winds and greatest storm surge? Which of the following destructive forces is made worse by a high tide? Which of the following hurricane destructive forces is the most deadly? What is the nickname of the Air Force C-130 hurricane hunter? If sea surface temperatures are forecast to increase over the next 100 years, how will hurricane strength respond to this increase in SST? According to the text book, if hurricane conditions are expected within 24 hours, which type of public advisory is posted? The Palmer Drought Severity Index is used to rank the strength of a drought. When drought conditions are present over an area, are the PDSI values positive or negative? What type of "pressure system" is typically associated with drought conditions in the Midwest and central parts of the US? True or False: There is no formal definition for "drought". During which decade was the "Dust Bowl"? According to the journal "Weatherwise", where does the Dust Bowl rank with respect to the 20th century's worst weather catastrophes? Where does flooding rank with respect to weather-related property damage in the US? If a flood is called a 100-year flood, what does this mean? A flood of this magnitude has a 1 in 100 chance of happening in any year. In which month are flash floods most common and why? What do meteorologists call it when t-storms follow one another along a stationary front, where storms pass over the same location repeatedly? Which river in the northern US floods almost every year due to ice jams and snow melt? In which Ocean does the weather event "El Nino" take place. In which general direction to the trade winds blow? Which of the following accurately describes upwelling? the rising of colder water from deeper levels to the surface. Are there more or less hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean during an El Nino? During the winter of 2010-11 and 2011-12, the Southern Oscillation Index was positive. Does this indicate El Nino conditions or La Nina conditions? where are the most destructive winds on a hurricane?
This statistic depicts the percentage variation in sales volume of manufactured tobacco in Italy during the first quarter of 2017, by product. According to data, the sales volume of cigarillos experienced a huge growth in the first quarter of 2017, when compared to the same period of 2016 (103.2 percent). The quantity of fine-cut smoking tobacco sold grew by 6.6 percent, while the amount of sales of cigarettes decreased by 5.7 percent. *Compared to the first quarter of 2016.
Noel Gallo, an organ builder who designed a new organ at Xewkija parish church and Paolo Oreni, an international organist from Italy, gave a two-hour masterclass to organists and other musicians at the church. They also briefed pianists on the basics of organ performance and gave demonstrations on how organs are made and how they work. At the end of the session Oreni and Sara Musumeci also performed music by Bach, Liszt and Reubke on the same organ. This was part of a series of concerts and masterclasses given by Gallo, Oreni and Musumeci in Malta and Gozo to encourage people explore the beauty of this instrument. Picture shows Gallo playing the organ watched by Musumeci and Oreni.
Boron nitride is a synthetic material that's available in several forms, including powder, solid, liquid, and aerosol spray. Most types of glass will not stick to boron nitride; as a result, the liquid and aerosol forms can be used in kiln-forming as a release on slumping molds. Although boron nitride is much more expensive than kiln wash, it does have several advantages. Applied correctly, it is smoother than kiln wash. It's also less dusty, and may be less likely to mark the slumped glass than kiln wash. It can be used on both stainless steel and clay molds, but most formulations of boron nitride are not suitable for use on the kiln shelf. Depending on the quality and purity, liquid boron nitride may be used as is or diluted with distilled water. It works best when diluted to the consistency of whole milk. Boron nitride aerosol sprays can be used straight out of the can, and no mixing or diluting is necessary. In general, boron nitride is rated for kiln use only to around 1550F/840C. Some varieties of the product will claim higher rated temperatures, but usually this refers to the product's use in a reducing atmosphere, rather than in the oxidizing atmosphere typical of most kilns. Tomorrow's tip will contain specific information about using boron nitride on slumping molds.
We are proud to offer you our latest product. The Curcumin edition is the newest member of the DNH product family. After a year of development and testing it's finally available from the webshop. What is the reason for this product? Are the wonderful properties of CBD insufficient on their own? As part of nature, CBD and Curcumin have a programme that is incomparable with anything else, CBD as highest in rank, but when it comes to attributed properties Curcumin is a good second. That’s exactly why we call it the best of both worlds. Curcumin and CBD are in part, as regards effect and properties, aligned with each other and therefore increase the chance of making a valuable contribution to the well-being of humans and animals. There are also properties attributed to Curcumin that provide a great deal of extra added value independently of CBD. We opted for 30 ml and 50 ml packaging to draw individual attention to both products and to present these in the best possible way. As a result, the ratio CBD and Curcumin is 1 : 1 and this is the ratio that has been tested as best. The Curcumin edition is also particularly suitable for preventative use, 10 drops in cup of tea, glass of water or juice gives you a dream start to the day! Whenever you could use a little help, we recommend the use of 10 drops at breakfast and 10 drops during the day, and do please feel welcome to let us know what it does for you! We think this is the most wonderful product of all and the best supplement ever. What do you think?
Officers who followed a car zig-zagging down a Des Moines street before it crashed were surprised to find a 10-year-old boy at the wheel with his 7-year-old brother riding shotgun. A 911 caller alerted police to a reckless driver a little before 8:30 a.m. Monday. Officers who spotted the car turned on their flashing lights while following it, but the curb-to-curb excursion didn’t end until the minor crash. Police say neither of the boys was hurt. Sgt. Paul Parizek says the boys apparently were just out on a joy ride, and were heading nowhere in particular.
Turbocharging is one of the key technologies in current and future engine development. Due to the increasing requirements that extend beyond power output and torque alone, the internal and external mechanical components of turbochargers are being subjected to an ever-increasing load spectrum. 2017, Papadopoulos, Becker, Ehnis, Kunzel, et al. Since the oil emission in transient engine operation shows significant deviations from the stationary operation maps, one focus is the analysis of the dynamic oil emission behavior. This means that the calculation and assessment of dynamic oil measurement operations and the calculation of a standardized test program for the visualization of dynamic oil emission effects and for the systematic investigation of the causing oil transport mechanisms. The structural design of the piston group has a considerable influence on the mechanical losses of internal combustion engines. However, measures to reduce friction are often in conflict with the oil consumption – especially when designing the tangential force of the oil control ring. The oil emission of an internal combustion engine has a direct influence on the CO2 and particle emissions. As a result, the reduction of oil emissions, especially in the context of the stricter emission limits for the automotive industry, is increasingly becoming the focus of attention. To achieve this goal, a deeper understanding of the mechanism of action for the formation of oil emissions in internal combustion engines is necessary.
Gerry gave half of his money to Jane. Next day, she gave half of all her wealth to Gerry. After the last exchange they each have exactly as much as they originally started with. Jane is twice as rich as Gerry. Gerry is twice as rich as Jane. Jane is three times as rich as Gerry. Jane and Gerry have the same amount of money.
If you are thinking of moving to Sandhutton or just want to know a what the area is like, the statistics on this page should give you a good introduction. They cover a range of socio-economic factors so you can compare Sandhutton to figures for North Yorkshire and nationally. These statistics can tell you if Sandhutton is an economically deprived area and how hard it might be to get a job. The respondents of the 2011 Census were asked to rate their health. These are the results for Sandhutton. The percentage of residents in Sandhutton rating their health as 'very good' is more than the national average. Also the percentage of residents in Sandhutton rating their health as 'very bad' is less than the national average, suggesting that the health of the residents of Sandhutton is generally better than in the average person in England. These figures on the claiming of benefits in Sandhutton come from the Department for Work & Pensions and are dated . They can often be a good indicator of the prosperity of the town and possible indicator of how hard it would be to get employment in the area. The rate of unemployment in Sandhutton is both lower than the average for North Yorkshire and lower than the national average, suggesting that finding a job in this area maybe easier than most places. The rate of claiming any benefit (which includes in work benefits) is more than 10% lower in Sandhutton than the national average, suggesting higher salaries than the average in the area. These statistics are for the highest level education obtained by the residents of Sandhutton and are from the UK Census of 2011. Sandhutton has a lower level of residents with either no qualifications or qualifications equal to 1 or more GCSE at grade D or below, than the national average. Sandhutton also has a high level of residents with a higher education qualification (level 4) than the national average, suggesting that the residents of Sandhutton are better educated than the average England citizen. These figures for Country of Birth for the residents of Sandhutton are from the UK Census of 2011. Since Sandhutton has a higher level of residents born in the UK than the national average and a lower rate of residents either born in other EU countries or outside the EU, it does not have a significant immigrant population. The population of Sandhutton as a whole, is older than the national average. The population of Sandhutton is also older than the North Yorkshire average, making Sandhutton a older persons location. Do you live in Sandhutton? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Turner_Tiffanie - Today is going to be awesome.Today is going to be awesome. Posted by Lisa Congdon on Monday, August 21, 2017 at 7:37 pm. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed.
The e 906 is a professional super-cardioid, dynamic instrument microphone, specifically designed for use on guitar amplifiers to deliver the exact guitar sound you desire. It has a switchable presence filter for different user requirements with three adjustable sound characteristics; one to boost the presence range, one for "normal" presence and one to attenuate the presence range. It can also be used for percussion and brass instruments. A more direct sound - more directly from the amp.
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After removing the 2 screws, pull out the battery. The battery is connected to the motherboard on the left side. Use your finger tips to evenly grip the battery on the left and right sides of the battery. Pull straight up to lift the battery out of its place. If you find yourself having trouble pulling out the battery, push the battery back in place and attempt to lift straight out again. Do not use excessive force or attempt to pry the battery with any tools. Doing so will result in damage to the laptop.
This wall mural is the first thing people see when they enter Red Chalk Studios. Red Chalk is a multi-disciplinary creative agency in Virginia Beach. The mural started out as a chalk mural that we designed and lettered but they soon wanted to make it permanent installation. So we painted it on the wall.
Since AppDaemon under the covers uses the exact same APIs as the frontend UI, you typically see it react at about the same time to a given event. Calling back to Home Assistant is also pretty fast especially if they are running on the same machine. In action, observed latency above the built in automation component is usually sub-second.
1. The Zetafax SMTP Server is receiving an SMTP stream that has multiple line breaks in the FROM field. As a result, the Zetafax SMTP Server does not parse this field properly and only a partial address is forwarded onto the Zetafax Server. The truncated FROM address can be seen in the Zetafax Server Monitor as the following line: ‘Message from:’ (note that there is no data). A working system will display the following log line: ‘Message from: address@company.com’. An update is available here to address the first issue. This includes a fix to allow Zetafax SMTP Server to parse addresses with line breaks correctly. Please refer to ZTN1418 for instructions on importing a list of SMTP users and enabling them. This behaviour was corrected in the update and technote detailed above.
The prototype of the graphic form of the Armenian letter Ն is the Greek “nu” – not the classical N, but one of its varieties. But it is not possible to determine, which variant exactly was used by Mashtots, because there were numerous variations of Ն in the IV–V centuries. Letter Յ denotes the sound [y]. At first, its phonetic meaning was confined to this, but with the lapse of time it changed. Apparently, no later than the XIII century, letter Յ got to be pronounced as [h] at the beginning of words.
Description: An unofficial shirt from Australia featuring J.C., weapons, the flags of USA and Australia in front of a horizon of burning buildings under a crossbuster in the sky. The design was used as a concert poster at the Festival Hall, Melbourne, Australia show Nov. 9th 2007. Artist: Daymon Greulich. "Bad Religion" is printed on the back in the same font as on the front.
I have a Hampton Bay Ceiling Fan. I need a replacement bulb for this fan. Hello AngellitaRox and welcome to the Community. It appears to me that the information you provided is from the socket of the fan light. That information indicates that the max. watts the bulb can be is 75 watts. If you removed the bulb, it will have all the information you need to get a replacement. It is written on the base of the light bulb. Bring the bulb to the store and an associate from the eletrical department would be happy to help you. If you no longer have the bulb then you will have to get the details off of the Fan.The serial and model number are usually on a the tag that is located on the top of the motor. Once you have that information you can contact the Hampton bay help line, see information below.
Your roofing is the first line of defense that your home has against weather and the elements, so it’s very important that you’re able to keep it in the best condition possible at all times. When any part of your Celina roofing is damaged in any way, it leaves many other parts of your susceptible to more damage, and it could even cause serious damage to your home’s foundation. At SEI Roofing, we provide a wide range of great roofing services to help you ensure that your home is always in the best condition possible. All of our roofers are licensed professionals with extensive experience, so we’ll be able to take care of any roofing or other exterior services you may need. We’ll make sure that all of our services are performed with the highest quality workmanship, and we’ll always guarantee your complete satisfaction with our work. We know how important your roofing is to your home, so we’ll always do whatever it takes to keep it in great shape. Call our Celina Roofing Contractors today to schedule your appointment, or to ask any questions you have about the services we provide, and we’ll be looking forward to assisting you. One of the most important things you can do to maintain your Celina home is to keep your roof in excellent condition, but it’s difficult for most homeowner to know when their roofing is in need of repairs. Even the smallest problems with your roofing can quickly grow and spread, so it’s important that you have any roofing problems taken care of as soon as possible after they develop. Our professionals recommend that you have a roofing inspections performed at least once every three years in order to find and eliminate smaller problems before they become major concerns. During our roof inspections, we’ll looking for common problems that often go overlooked, including slouching, moisture damaged, mold and mildew growth, or missing shingles. All of these can cause significant damage to your roofing and to your home if they’re left untreated. Replacing your roof is one of the most important jobs that you can have performed on your home, so you need to that it’s being done by a professional that you can trust. Our roof replacement process will begin with a thorough inspection and assessment of your roofing and your home’s framework. We’ll remove your Celina home’s old roof, then we’ll install each layer of your new roofing. We’ll work with you to decide on the perfect roofing materials for your home based on its appearance and your budget. Then we’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that you’re completely satisfied with the results.
This can be used for ribs, hot dogs, chicken etc., etc. when grilling. Simmer onion in butter 5 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and simmer 10 minutes longer. This sauce yields 1 quart. If refrigerated, this will keep for a long time. At the end of the grilling time, put some on the meat. Photo courtesy Number55, Creative Commons License.
Jade Plant makes a fine choice for the outdoor landscape, but it is also well-suited for use in outdoor pots and containers. With its upright habit of growth, it is best suited for use as a 'thriller' in the 'spiller-thriller-filler' container combination; plant it near the center of the pot, surrounded by smaller plants and those that spill over the edges. Note that when grown in a container, it may not perform exactly as indicated on the tag - this is to be expected. Also note that when growing plants in outdoor containers and baskets, they may require more frequent waterings than they would in the yard or garden. Be aware that in our climate, this plant may be too tender to survive the winter if left outdoors in a container. Contact our store for more information on how to protect it over the winter months.
Bilberry, known to science as actinium myrtillus, is a member of the blueberry family, and it is known for producing sweet blue colored berries. The bilberry bush is found both in North America and Europe, and it grows best in damp, acidic soils. The blue to black bilberries are used for many medicinal purposes, while the leaves have additional healing properties. One of the most significant properties of the bilberry is its ability to enhance night vision. From at least as far back as the sixteenth century, the bilberry was mixed with honey in order to create a syrup known as rob. This syrup was traditionally used to treat diarrhea, but today the fruits of the bilberry bush are being used to promote good vision, particularly night vision. In World War II, those pilots who ate large quantities of bilberries claimed to enjoy more accurate night vision, and many scientific studies have shown that bilberry is able to slow down the degeneration of sight, and may even improve visual acuity. In addition, bilberry has been used in traditional medicine for treatment of indigestion and diabetes, among other conditions. The bilberry contains large numbers of phytochemicals, which are thought to help lower blood pressure, inhibit the formation of clots and enhance the supply of blood to the nervous system. Some studies have shown that the antioxidants found in the fruit of the bilberry bush are up to fifty times as powerful as vitamin E and ten times as powerful as vitamin C. Bilberry also seems to show great effectiveness at reducing vascular insufficiency and other related conditions. Bilberry seems to work in much the same way as ginkgo biloba and horse chestnut, and the circulatory effects it produces are thought to be quite effective at increasing circulation and the health of the eyes and organs. Bilberry can be consumed in several forms, including fresh bilberry, extract and capsule forms. When shopping for bilberry, either the fresh bilberry or the bilberry supplement, it is important to buy only the highest quality products. The manner in which the fruit of the bilberry tree is harvested can make significant difference in its effectiveness as a health booster. It is important for the bilberry to be harvested at the peak of ripeness, and it is just as important that it be processed into supplements and capsules in facilities that use the best manufacturing equipment. Problems can be caused by contaminated manufacturing equipment, and buying bilberry from the most highly respected sources is the best way to ensure you get all the important benefits of the bilberry bush in your daily diet. The bilberry, like the blueberry and other related berries, is among the best and highest quality foods on the market. Whether you buy your bilberry fresh at the supermarket or health food store, or opt for the stability and ease of bilberry supplements, it is important to incorporate this valuable food into a healthy diet, for the health of your eyes, circulatory system and nervous system.
This listing is for an original painting. This is a handmade watercolor painting that is adorned with 18k gold leaf, glass, and mica. My handmade watercolors are completely unique. This one is extra special, because it is made with a handmade watercolor that is completely unique to this piece. It also has an extra bit of detail.
BOSTON-As part of Quincy Center’s redesign and modernization, a new office and medical office space is to be leased by Jones Lang LaSalle. According to Beal Street/Works, a partnership is responsible for getting the 1.1 million square feet filled up. What goes into a doctor’s decision making process when choosing medical office space?
We offer a tailored to your needs experience. Choose the services that you need and let us take care of the rest. It is our firm’s commitment to provide detailed and efficient maintenance service to all of the projects.
Members who work a shift where half or more of that shift falls between the hours of 4 p.m. and midnight receive an extra $1.10 an hour. Members who work a shift where half or more of that shift falls between the hours of midnight and 8 a.m. receive an extra $1.20 an hour. Police training officer (PTO) premium pay is offered to constables assigned as field training officers for the recruits during training. PTO’s receive an extra $2 an hour for the duration of the designated training period. All uniform members receive an annual allowance of $597 that can be used for uniform tailoring or to purchase new patrol boots.
The spine is made up of a series of connected bone called vertebrae. Between each vertebrae is a cushion called the intervertebral disc. Each disc absorbs the stress and shock that goes through the body during movements like bending, twisting, running and jumping. A herniated disc can also be called a slipped disc. It happens when part of the disc is squeezed out from between the vertebrae. Although most herniated discs are not symptomatic, they can potentially result in an irritated or “pinched” nerve, resulting in buttocks or leg pain, numbness, tingling, weakness, and, sometimes, back pain. The pain can vary from very mild to so severe it is almost intolerable. In some instances there may be no pain and proper investigation is then needed to determine the cause of the nerve problem. Most people with a herniated disc do not have a pinched nerve (medical term: radiculopathy), but even if radiculopathy is present, surgery is usually not needed to correct the problem. It becomes vital to distinquish if the herniated disc is causing a problem, and if so which disc to direct proper treatment. This is where a physiatrist’s analysis is vital. Just as if you had chest pain you would not seek the consultation of a heart surgeon, but see a cardiologist first, so with back pain, herniated discs, or musculoskeletal pain of any type including arthritis, it is important to seek the advice of a non-surgical specialist who has ability to analyze the situation in depth and has a large number of treatment options besides just surgery to offer.
LUCERNE VALLEY — A motorist on Thursday morning found the body of a bicyclist who had been struck by a hit-and-run driver the night before. Angelo “Andy” Douglas Azzato, 47, of Lucerne Valley had been riding east on Highway 247 when he was struck from behind, San Bernardino County coroner’s officials said. Investigators say the crash occurred either late Wednesday or early Thursday. A passing motorist found his body on the side of the road just before 8 a.m.. Anyone with information may call the California Highway Patrol’s Victorville office, 760-241-1186. Relatives of Azzato, who are being sought by coroner’s officials, may call 909-387-2978.
There are many Medical colleges in Karnataka. These are situated in different cities. These Medical colleges in Karnataka are affiliated with concerned university in the state. The following colleges have been listed on this site, you can click on any college name to get more information the college of your choice.
$925,000 2 beds 1 bath 1099 sq. ft. $925,000 2 bedrooms beds 1 bathroom bath 1099 square feet sq. ft. $1,097,000 1 bed 1 bath 1950 sq. ft. $1,097,000 1 bedroom bed 1 bathroom bath 1950 square feet sq. ft. $385,000 2 beds 1 bath 852 sq. ft. $385,000 2 bedrooms beds 1 bathroom bath 852 square feet sq. ft. $355,000 1 bed 1 bath 853 sq. ft. $355,000 1 bedroom bed 1 bathroom bath 853 square feet sq. ft. $388,500 2 beds 1 bath 852 sq. ft. $388,500 2 bedrooms beds 1 bathroom bath 852 square feet sq. ft. $455,000 3 beds 1 bath 939 sq. ft. $455,000 3 bedrooms beds 1 bathroom bath 939 square feet sq. ft.
The District Council of Yankalilla recognises the need to conserve and protect the historically significant Yankalilla Cemetery. This is a major project and community consultation is an important part of the planning process. The project team is commencing consultation to engage and draw on community knowledge and aspirations for the cemetery’s future. We are keen to get your feedback on the concept for upgrading Yankalilla Cemetery. On Wednesday 12 August 2015 a model of the architect’s concept plan will be on show in the foyer of council, 1 Charles Street Yankalilla. The consultation on this project has closed after having been on-site from 14 August 2015. A total of 40 people visited the site and 17 submissions have been received. The results from the consultation will be considered at the 15th March Council meeting. More news will be posted after Council has considered the matter further.
We calculate the magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments associated with the radiative Omega(Q)* -> Omega(Q)gamma and Xi(Q)* -> Xi(Q)'gamma transitions with Q = b or c in the framework of light cone QCD sum rules. It is found that the corresponding quadrupole moments are negligibly small, while the magnetic dipole moments are considerably large. A comparison of the results of the considered multi-pole moments as well as corresponding decay widths with the predictions of the vector dominance model is performed.
There is a scenario that many of you might be familiar with: it has been a long day at work and you are busy counting stations when suddenly you notice a young girl standing in the aisle. As your eyes summarize her fashion sense, you notice a tattoo on her foot. You can’t help admiring it, can you? An anklet that does not ring with every step you take, this is one of the most innovative pieces of art to be found on your foot. Whether you wear jeans or skirt, the tattoo will compliment every outfit.
Why is the Pyramid Model being used instead of a different social emotional curriculum? The Pyramid Model is not a social emotional curriculum. It is a framework for supporting children’s social emotional competence. This framework consists of universal supports for all children to promote wellness, targeted services to those who need more support, and intensive services to those who need them. How can I learn more about the Pyramid Model? You can attend one of the workshops offered by Nevada TACSEI.
Aubrites belong to a group of meteorites called achondrites. This group of meteorites is different from chondrites in that they don’t contain chondrules, the silica-rich sphere like inclusions for which chondrites are known. Aubrites originated from asteroids and have a brecciated texture. This fragmented texture is the product of a violent collision between the aubrites parent asteroid and another asteroid. Mineralogically, aubrites are very similar to enstatite chondrites. They are composed primarily of the magnesium rich pyroxene, enstatite. The big difference is that aubrites come from asteroids that heated to the point that they experienced melting and underwent some form of chemical change. In the geological sciences this is called differentiation. Another defining characteristic is the addition of the mineral oldhamite (1). This calcium sulfide, for reasons I’m not sure of, doesn’t form naturally in terrestrial rocks. This quality makes it a useful mineral in determining the celestial origin of aubrites. Chondrite- basically the sedimentary rock of the solar system. It’s an aggregate of the left over material from the formation of the solar system. Chondrule- Kind of the vagabonds of the proto solar system. They started off as molten spheres of either pyroxene, olivine or another silicate mineral that glommed onto the nearest asteroid, cooled and became the round features so prominent in ordinary chondrites. If you have further questions (or even corrections/critiques) post it in the comments and I’ll do my best to address it. So basically, what separates the three classes is the iron and iron oxide content. As one goes up the other goes down. Those round blobs in this image are the chondrules. In a later post I’ll give more information about this particular chondrite. Carbonaceous chondrites are the rarest of all the meteorite specimens. Like most meteorites, there are composed of a matrix and chondrules. The matrix is basically the body of the meteorite. In the case of the carbonaceous chondrite, it’s composed of soft minerals very similar to serpentine or montmorillonite (John A. Wood, The Solar System, 1979). Due to it’s composition, very few of these meteorites survive the entry into the earth’s atmosphere. Those that do face further weathering damage at the surface of the earth. The chondrules are the rounded minerals that are studded into the matrix. They are mostly composed of olivine and orthopyroxene and are generally rounded in shape (like the picture shows). However, not all CC’s have chondrules. Some have these irregular inclusions that are composed of uncommon minerals such as spinel and grossular. These minerals have been enriched in “calcium, magnesium, aluminium and titanium relative to silicon” (Wood, 1979).
We spoke previously on the management of privileged accounts and how important it is to keep them accountable. Privileged accounts are one of many different types of accounts that should fall under your organizations Account Management Program and another one to add to that would be service accounts. What is a service account anyway? In basic terms, a service account is an account that a service on your computer uses to run under and access resources. This should not be a user’s personal account. While they may look the same, the separation of users from services is very important for both tracking and the ability to tighten down what an account can and cannot do. A service account could also be an account that is used for a scheduled task (sometimes referred to as a batch job account), or an account that is used in a script that is run outside of a specific user’s context. A scheduled task account should not be a personal user’s account for the same reasons that a service should not run under a personal user’s account. You may ask what is so important about these? It seems like if it is not a user account, then how would it have access to my organization’s network? On the contrary, these accounts are a favorite target of many malicious actors because they are often implemented in such a way that they have a higher level of access than a user account. Historically, they also have not changed passwords as often (if ever) as user accounts. Services are often installed under the built-in Local System account, which gives what are essentially local administrator privileges, so they are more predictable in how they will be able to be used if compromised. While local administrator privileges may seem somewhat harmless since they are not usually useable on other computers on your network, the local administrator privileges can end up granting access to domain username/password combinations and or lead to account changes that allow for easier connections to other parts of your network. As a result, both locking down a service account and following good password change and audit procedures is an important part of keeping your systems secure. When it comes to the configuration and management of service accounts, there a few things listed below that can help. Password Management – Some administrators like to set these accounts up with passwords that do not expire or use the same password for all the service accounts. Instead, there needs to be a strategy for managing these passwords and changing them on a regular basis, as well as using unique passwords. Privilege Management – It is best practice to implement the principle of least privilege. Only provide the minimum necessary privileges to service accounts. If your service account must run with administrative privileges, deny that account access to all of the directories besides the one or two that it needs. Naming – Consider names that are not completely obvious to the service, for example SQLService would be helpful to administrators, but it is more helpful to attackers. While obfuscation is not usually a recommendation to secure systems, in this case it may slow someone down enough to not want to try every account available. Auditing – Logging and auditing of service accounts, and all accounts in any case, is very important to keep systems secure. Using an event log aggregator and looking for specific events can be helpful in discovering security problems and services that are not working correctly. Locking down your service accounts should be a basic component of your hardening guide for all computers. While it requires more time to lock down a new service account to allow access only to what it needs, it is well worth the time spent. Defense-in-depth requires that you look at more than the perimeter, and service accounts are one major place where the in-depth strategy can serve you well.
If you are one to keep up with tech, there would most likely be a bunch of old phones stored away somewhere in your cupboards, along with some other relics of the days gone by. And this festive season sale will be only adding to your collection. Unless you intend on creating a private museum for the old devices, it might be time for you to get rid of them – sell used smartphone now. Firstly, there is a need to evaluate if the mobile can still be used. If it is a old phone which is in a usable condition then it would be a good idea to sell it off and gain some cash so that you can buy a better handset this festive Diwali season. Selling your used handset is a very easy process on Cashify. The website will provide an instant quote of your device based on certain parameters which the user enters. The whole process is very simplified and there is no headache on the part of the customer. Additionally, the Cashify agent will be providing the quoted cash price on your doorstep, so you don’t have to trouble yourself by going anywhere.
CAPTCHAs are the annoying puzzles that might ask you to rewrite a piece of distorted text or click on all the automobiles in a photograph to log on to sites like PayPal. According to research published today in Science, a new type of AI was able to solve certain types of CAPTCHA with up to 66.6 percent accuracy. To put this in perspective, humans can solve the same type of CAPTCHA with about 87 percent accuracy due to multiple interpretations of some examples and a CAPTCHA is considered broken if a bot can pass it 1 percent of the time.
Our 725-BN is comparable to Moen's S6500BB faucet by its function and form. Both faucets are covered by a lifetime warranty, and are ADA approved. However, they differ in price. Our faucet is priced at $97.00 compared to Moen's MSRP of $537.65.
Getting a steady flow of readers and traffic is important to all bloggers. Readers are the life of every blog. They are the main reason why the blog was created in the first place. Failing to have a good number of readers is also a failure for the blogger too. However, there are many methods that can help you attract more blog readers. One of the ways to do this is to use different blog content formats. The most common format used in blogs is text. Blog posts usually are 500-word articles. These may be filled with information or opinion depending on the blogger. However, a blog filled with nothing but text can be a tad bit boring to some people. This is why you have to write in such a way that you engage the reader in the conversation.
Turn this dessert into a quick and satisfying breakfast or lunch. Toss together the blueberries, raspberries, and orange liqueur in a small bowl; set aside. Combine the orange juice, sugar, and cornstarch in a small saucepan; add the blueberry mixture. Cook, stirring, until the mixture boils and thickens, about 1 minute. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let cool slightly. Place a 1/2-cup scoop of the frozen yogurt into each of 4 goblets or dessert dishes. Spoon about 1/4 cup of the berry mixture on top and serve at once. Yields 1/2 cup frozen yogurt and 1/4 cup berry mixture per serving. Spoon vanilla fat-free yogurt (not frozen) into a goblet, and alternately layer with the berry mixture and reduced-fat granola. Add fresh sliced peaches or nectarines, if you like.
What are some of the bias motivations associated with hate crimes ? What are some of the agencies that make up the Department of Homeland Security? What are some of the different organizational structures associated with terrorist groups? What are some of the ways terrorist groups finance their activities? How would you distinguish terrorist activities from more conventional forms of criminal activities? What are the various motivations for engaging in terrorist activities?
This is an amazing story, lets hope it gets some coverage in the wider press Monday so we know if Rosetta wakes up. At 10am GMT on Monday morning an alarm clock will rouse a snoozing spacecraft that is hurtling through the darkest reaches of the solar system. Launched 10 years ago, and in hibernation for the last three, the time for action has come at last.The European Space Agency\’s Rosetta probe aims for a spectacular first in space exploration. The billion-euro machine will catch up with a comet, circle it slowly, and throw down a lander to the surface. With gravity too weak to keep it there, the box of electronics and sensors on legs will cling to its ride with an explosive metal harpoon.Together, the Rosetta probe and its lander, Philae, will scan and poke the comet as it tears towards the sun. As the comet draws near, it will warm and spew huge plumes of gas and dust in a tail more than one million kilometres long. The spectacle has never been captured up close before.The comet, named 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, formed from cosmic debris 4.6bn years ago, before material had coalesced to form the Earth and our nearest planets, and the sun was a newborn star. Even rocket scientists find the comet\’s name hard work. Some opt instead for \”Chury\”.By studying the comet – some of the most pristine and primordial material there is – scientists hope to learn more about the origins of the solar system. The presence of ice, and traces of organics, might hint at answers to other big questions: how Earth got its water and how life began. But first the spacecraft must wake up.Rosetta was put into hibernation in June 2011 when its trajectory took it so far from the sun – beyond the orbit of Jupiter – that light reaching its solar panels was too feeble to provide power. Mission scientists deliberately built in the dormant stage of its voyage, but the silence is still nerve-wracking. No one has heard from the spacecraft since. via Rosetta comet chaser set to wake up on Monday after three years’ sleep | Science | The Guardian.
Phagocytosis: The process by which a cell engulfs particles such as bacteria, other microorganisms, aged red blood cells, foreign matter, etc. The principal phagocytes include the neutrophils and monocytes (types of white blood cells). The prefix "phago-" comes from the Greek "phago" meaning "to eat."
We found around 2 Cockshutt C parts in our catalog. You may refine your search based on selections on the right. Our inventory of Cockshutt tractor parts changes daily. Please call us toll free at 1-(800) 270-9892 if you can't find the part you are looking for - we will most likely have the part you need.
Lab-grown magnesite a boon for carbon sequestration? Left undisturbed, carbonate minerals can naturally lock up carbon in a stable form for millions of years or longer. Triggering the formation of carbonate minerals is thus a promising means of removing and sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In recent research, scientists uncovered new details about how one of Earth’s most stable, albeit slow-to-form, carbonates — magnesite — grows in nature and have found a way to accelerate its formation in the lab at room temperature. The results could aid in developing efficient carbon sequestration technologies. Read more about Lab-grown magnesite a boon for carbon sequestration? New discoveries in mineralogy, one of the oldest human endeavors, are arising from a new sort of mining—data mining. Mineralogists are applying statistical models and data science techniques to reveal previously unseen patterns and clues hidden in mineralogical databases, and to find undiscovered minerals.
QPM Cosmetology belongs to the Wellness range. All of the applications contained in this range are intended for professionals in a variety of sectors. It provides them with information on the levels and consequences of oxidative stress on the individual. This oxidative stress, which is responsible for all our ills, is exactly what the bio-impedance measurement measures. If oxidation occurs somewhere in the body, then obviously this alters the passage of the electrical current. For QPM Cosmetology the skin is a system in its own right, having its own laws and functions. Like all of the other systems of the body, this system is prey to oxidative stress due to the very fact of the aging process in living systems. Each human being possesses its own, specific Longevity depending both on the genetic makeup and on biochemical and metabolic factors, environment agents and also the inner self, the psychological makeup (for instance, anxious individuals age more quickly). The skin on the face is the one place in particular where the individual’s inner self meets with the physical stressors due to the environment (the skin is usually not covered by clothing) and the free radicals present a more intense oxidative activity here merely by virtue of that absence of protection. The tensions and stresses of modern day living can be seen more markedly in the face than anywhere else on the body, because the face is the most exposed portion of our body as it is usually left uncovered. Local oxidative stress causes aging, deterioration of the conjunctive tissue, loss of hydration, poor oxygenation of the tissues, just so many factors that predispose the face to wear. If the skin is hydrated, oxygenated, if the pH is modified, visible and measurable effects can be objectively observed through the before and after measurements of bio-impedance. This therefore enables us to show the real, biophysical condition of the skin and its oxidation, to propose an assessment of the skin’s condition, to recommend the type of product to apply, to monitor the progress of the results of application of the cosmetics. QPM Cosmetology performs a direct measurement of clinical stress, which is also a factor that predicts the action of the different cosmetics applied to the skin. The technology indicates which products of the range are most appropriate to the individual, and prescribes then in a way that admits of little discussion, hence a wager of efficacy. This application concerns cosmetics manufacturers first and foremost, as well as all professionals called upon to give advice or apply cosmetics.
While the event is organized by MINN, you do not have to be a MINN member to attend (though we would love it if you join after attending!). The event is free (buy your own beverage/food). Please RSVP on Eventbrite to help us predict attendance. Trivia Mafia starts at 8:00 p.m. so if you want to stick around maybe we can form a couple of teams for trivia! Please contact Mary Palin (mbpalin@stkate.edu) with any questions.
1 Malaysia has historically been the meeting place of vastly different cultures, religions, and people. People from all over the world have come to settle in Malaysia, each having brought something new to the country. Some, of course, took things away from Malaysia. 2 Early Malaysian history begins with the migration of Chinese people onto the Malaysian peninsula about 10,000 years ago. For thousands of years, the people of Malaysia lived somewhat isolated from the rest of the world. In 1 AD, two unrelated events would dramatically change Malaysia and begin bringing people from all over the world to Malaysia's shores. 3 At the time, India was getting gold and other metals from the Roman Empire and China. Around 1 AD, the Chinese Huns cut off the land route between India and China and the Roman emperor Vespasian ended shipments of gold to India. Desperate to resume the importation of gold and other metals, India sent huge ships with hundreds of men to Southeast Asia--including Malaysia--to find other sources. But when the Indians arrived on the Malay Peninsula, they didn't find gold--they found tin. While not as valuable as gold, tin provided plenty of wealth to the new Indian settlers.
Call us or email us today. A : There is no simple formula to determine the type of mortgage that is best for you. This choice depends on a number of factors, including your current financial picture and how long you intend to keep your house. ONEILL FINANCIAL SERVICES can help you evaluate your choices and help you make the most appropriate decision.
Source: The WOODland Steward. 21(2): 10-11. Oak regeneration research in the United States has been ongoing in earnest since the late 1950s. Most research has focused on specific silvicultural practices, regeneration processes, site characteristics, and local limiting factors such as deer browsing or interfering species. Research has evaluated the effects of thinning on regeneration development, methods for oak planting, post-harvest treatments to control competing vegetation, and many other aspects of oak silviculture. All of these have provided solutions to individual problems in oak regeneration for local to regional areas. However, with all this research we still have difficulty regenerating oak forests.
A Koi Pond provides a peaceful and quiet place to help you escape from the stress of everyday life. It is also the perfect way to add beauty to any outdoor space. But having a Koi pond does require maintenance to keep it healthy and attractive. There are so many products available to use in water gardens that are quite overwhelming. Special care is specific to each pond. With the proper care from the beginning, you can avoid costly complications later on. There are effective precautionary steps you can take to keep your Koi pond healthy year around. Springtime is an important time to get your pond going in the right direction. Anything you did in the winter can be un-done in the spring. Turn on the pump etc. When the water temperature reaches a contact 50 degrees, start feeding the fish again. A cold weather food is important until the temperature reaches 60 degrees then move to a regular feeding schedule. Remove any leaves or debris as well as vacuum the sludge from the bottom of the pond. Pump the water from the pond into a large container and then place the fish into the container filled with the pond water. Once the pond is clean, pump the water back in and then put the fish into the pond. Begin cleaning the filter as needed. Remove any dead foliage. Cut plants that have gone brown with age. This reduces buildup and allows the plants more room to grow. Feed the fish but don’t overfeed. It’s important to keep the falling leaves from ending up in the pool causing decay. This decay will throw off the ecological balance of the water garden. Installing leaf netting over the pond will make it easier to maintain. Water temperature is dropping so it is important to feed the fish less. Once the temperature drops below 50 degrees – stop feeding until spring. If you have a warm winter day, and the pond begins to warm up, do not be tempted to feed the fish. Prepare the pond. If you have a small or shallow pond, you may need a floating deicer to keep it above freezing. If the temperature drops below 40 degrees, reduce the circulation of water by turning off the pump and draining it. Caring for your Koi pond is both an art and science. Maintenance for your Koi pond changes with the seasons. The health and survival of your plants and fish depend on upon this proper maintenance and care. Art of the Yard can help you build and maintain a beautiful Koi pond protecting your investment.


A 278k sample derivation of the first 3M samples from the C4 dataset for a cheap and short continued pretraining for language models to optimize for benchmark scores without sacrificing generalization and generative modelling unrelated to chat or 'instruct' data.

The estimated top 10% of highest estimated length normalized ngram (mean of tri, quad, and penta-gram) overlaps for each of the selected benchmark datasets (arc, truthful_qa, hellaswag, mmlu, humaneval) based on 1k samples, within the first 3M samples of C4. The top scoring sample datasets for each benchmark are then filtered again for top 30% scores and combined and exact-match de-duplicated. Then the top 3% scores and samples less than 200 characters long are removed because they likely have exact large n-token matches by chance such as exact dates or times that aren't actually relevant to the data.*

*Upon further examination, some of these samples are still present throughout the data, albeit at much lower frequency than before, you might benefit from using dataset.filter(x['score'] > thresh) for some threshold, but you risk losing high quality samples as well, this tradeoff should be well-examined before training.

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