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class='gdl-page-item'> <div class="sixteen columns mt0"><div class="blog-thumbnail-image"><a href="http://mythoughtson.it/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Plane-Ugo.jpg" data-rel="prettyPhoto" title="Dad, I want to be an inventor" ><img src="http://mythoughtson.it/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Plane-Ugo-640x240.jpg" alt=""/></a></div><div class='clear'></div><div class="single-thumbnail-info post-info-color"><div class="single-info-inner-wrapper blog-date-wrapper"><span class="single-info-header">Date: </span><span class="single-info-content">20 Oct 2013</span></div><div class="single-info-inner-wrapper blog-author-wrapper"><span class="single-info-header">By: </span><span class="single-info-content"><a href="https://plus.google.com/+EricTholome" title="Visit Eric Tholomé&#8217;s website" rel="author external">Eric Tholomé</a></span></div><div class="single-info-inner-wrapper blog-comment-wrapper"><span class="single-info-header">Comments: </span><span class="single-info-content"><a href="http://mythoughtson.it/dad-i-want-to-be-an-inventor/#comments">2</a></span></div><div class="single-info-inner-wrapper blog-tag-wrapper"><span class="single-info-header">Tags: </span><span class="single-info-content"><a href="http://mythoughtson.it/tag/innovation/" rel="tag">innovation</a>, <a href="http://mythoughtson.it/tag/management/" rel="tag">management</a>, <a href="http://mythoughtson.it/tag/tholome/" rel="tag">tholome</a></span></div><div class="clear"></div></div><div class='single-context'><div class='single-content'><p dir="ltr">For the past few years, my son has been repeating that he wants to be an inventor, and he’s been coming up with all kinds of crazy ideas &#8211; like many kids do. What’s great about childhood, is that all your ideas work instantly &#8211; because kids can’t quite tell the difference between dreams, ideas and reality. But my son is now 11, and he is starting to put his ideas to work, and “real reality” kicks in. <span id="more-130"></span>Paper airplanes fly, but they’re not real enough anymore. He tried cardboard, but they are too wobbly. When he makes them out of wood, they’re too heavy. Either way, they don’t fly.</p> <p dir="ltr">Many people, not just kids, have this misconception that success comes from having a brilliant idea. I have been lucky enough to talk to many founders of successful (and not so successful) start-ups. I don’t know too many who were successful with their original idea. And in many cases, their success isn’t this super original idea either. Apple did not invent the mouse, Google did not invent the search engine, YouTube did not invent video sharing on the web. What these three companies did is they made something much better than before, thanks to not one, but a myriad of good ideas &#8211; and they judiciously abandoned many not so good ideas on the way.</p> <p>That’s why innovating isn’t so much about ideas but about iterations, failures, and learning fast from failures. Regularly, someone external approaches me to sell me their “idea”. I’ve seen some people sending me a 40 page document describing their idea. I’m not interested in buying ideas. We have far too many ideas already that we’ll never have the time to try, and I doubt any idea, even a 40 page idea, would work as is. There’s a reason Thomas Edison said: “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”. What I value is teams of people who have achieved something. Because that’s where the value of innovation lies &#8211; in the perspiration &#8211; in the wonderful journey of getting out there, testing something, observing, making decisions, rallying the team around these sometimes hard decisions, and executing fast to release the next version.</p> <p>Son, if you want to be an inventor, don’t be shy, try your ideas, observe what works and what doesn’t, fix or drop what’s broken, improve what works, and don’t give up. Your plane will fly one day, and it’ll be a heck of a plane!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>By <a href="https://plus.google.com/+EricTholome" target="_blank">Eric Tholomé</a></p> <p>Eric is Product Management Director at Google, currently in charge of the Merchant experience for Google Shopping. Previously, he has worked on or lead a number of Google products, including Gmail, YouTube, Google Apps, Google Cloud Platform, Google Wallet. Earlier on, he also worked on the Palm Treo, the Handspring Visor, and GSM networks (at a time when the most optimistic forecasts were betting on 25% adoption!). Eric is passionate about great product design and innovation, particularly in the high tech sector. When he isn&#8217;t at Google or spending time with his wife and three children, he likes to travel and build smart homes. Eric has studied &amp; lived in France, the Silicon Valley, Germany and Switzerland, and published a few books on telecommunications &amp; music.</p> </div></div><div class='social-share-title gdl-link-title gdl-title'><div class="social-shares"><ul> <li> <iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http://mythoughtson.it/dad-i-want-to-be-an-inventor/&layout=button_count&show_faces=false&width=450&action=like&colorscheme=light" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:25px"></iframe> </li> <li> <a href="https://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="http://mythoughtson.it/dad-i-want-to-be-an-inventor/" data-text="Dad, I want to be an inventor" data-via="botulJB"></a> <script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+'://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');</script> </li> <li> <script src="//platform.linkedin.com/in.js" type="text/javascript"> lang: en_US </script> <script type="IN/Share" data-url="http://mythoughtson.it/dad-i-want-to-be-an-inventor/" data-counter="right"></script> </li> <li> <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js"></script> <div class="g-plus" data-action="share" data-annotation="bubble" data-href="http://mythoughtson.it/dad-i-want-to-be-an-inventor/"></div> </li> </ul></div></div><div class='clear'></div><div class="comment-wrapper"><!-- Check Authorize --> <!-- Comment List --> <div id="comments" class="comment-title gdl-link-title gdl-title"> 2 Comments </div> <ol class="comment-list"> <li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-10"> <div class="comment-body gdl-divider"> <div class="comment-avartar"> <img alt='' src='http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/f99299ee4f7810a82b71f2442487efe4?s=60&#038;r=g' srcset='http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/f99299ee4f7810a82b71f2442487efe4?s=120&amp;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-60 photo' height='60' width='60' /> </div> <div class="comment-context"> <div class="comment-head"> <span class="comment-author">frank russo</span> <span class="comment-date post-info-color">2014/01/15</span> <span class="comment-date post-info-color"> at 1:21 PM</span> <span class="comment-reply"> <a rel='nofollow' class='comment-reply-link' href='http://mythoughtson.it/dad-i-want-to-be-an-inventor/?replytocom=10#respond' onclick='return addComment.moveForm( "comment-10", "10", "respond", "130" )' aria-label='Reply to frank russo'>Reply</a> </span> </div> <div class="comment-content"><p>Your article struck a cord, as a child I would imagine being an inventor. As an adult I still love it when an insight to a new product or process reveals itself . My issue has always been bringing these inspirations to market or the right team to develop them. I currently have an insight related to mobile phones. A solution to a problem that currently no one is talking about. It would create a market were currentky there is none. If you are interested in guiding/mentoring/colaborating please feel free to contact me via email.</p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- end of comment body --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-11"> <div class="comment-body gdl-divider"> <div class="comment-avartar"> <img alt='' src='http://1.gravatar.com/avatar/d089f1285c6c1107df07111f4a5e13cd?s=60&#038;r=g' srcset='http://1.gravatar.com/avatar/d089f1285c6c1107df07111f4a5e13cd?s=120&amp;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-60 photo' height='60' width='60' /> </div> <div class="comment-context"> <div class="comment-head"> <span class="comment-author">Eric Tholomé</span> <span class="comment-date post-info-color">2014/01/16</span> <span class="comment-date post-info-color"> at 1:20 PM</span> <span class="comment-reply"> <a rel='nofollow' class='comment-reply-link' href='http://mythoughtson.it/dad-i-want-to-be-an-inventor/?replytocom=11#respond' onclick='return addComment.moveForm( "comment-11", "11", "respond", "130" )' aria-label='Reply to Eric Tholomé'>Reply</a> </span> </div> <div class="comment-content"><p>I agree Frank and that&#8217;s my point in this post: the challenge isn&#8217;t the idea, it&#8217;s building the team and executing it. I&#8217;ll contact you separately regarding your idea.</p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- end of comment body --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ol> <!-- Comment Navigation --> <!-- Comment Form --> <div id="respond" class="comment-respond"> <h3 id="reply-title" class="comment-reply-title">Leave a Reply <small><a rel="nofollow" id="cancel-comment-reply-link" href="/dad-i-want-to-be-an-inventor/#respond" style="display:none;">Cancel reply</a></small></h3> <form action="http://mythoughtson.it/wp-comments-post.php" method="post" id="commentform" class="comment-form"> <div class="comment-form-comment"><textarea id="comment" name="comment" aria-required="true"></textarea></div><!-- #form-section-comment .form-section --><div class="comment-form-author"><input id="author" name="author" type="text" value="" size="30" tabindex="1" /><label for="author">Name</label> <span class="required">*</span><div class="clear"></div></div><!-- #form-section-author .form-section --> <div class="comment-form-email"><input id="email" name="email" type="text" value="" size="30" tabindex="2" /><label for="email">Email</label> <span class="required">*</span><div class="clear"></div></div><!-- #form-section-email .form-section --> <div class="comment-form-url"><input id="url" name="url" type="text" value="" size="30" tabindex="3" /><label for="url">Website</label><div class="clear"></div></div><!-- #form-section-url .form-section --> <p class="comment-form-captcha"> <img src="http://mythoughtson.it/wp-content/themes/goodspace-v1-09/include/plugin/really-simple-captcha/tmp/1124238034.png" alt="captcha" width="95" height="40" /> <input type="text" name="comment_captcha_code" id="comment_captcha_code" value="" size="5" /> <input type="hidden" name="comment_captcha_prefix" id="comment_captcha_prefix" value="1124238034" /> <label for="captcha_code">Anti-Spam</label> <span class="required">*</span> <div class="clear"></div> </p> <p class="form-submit"><input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" class="submit" value="Post Comment" /> <input type='hidden' name='comment_post_ID' value='130' id='comment_post_ID' /> <input type='hidden' name='comment_parent' id='comment_parent' value='0' /> </p> <script type='text/javascript'> // <![CDATA[ ref2xJS = escape( document[ 'referrer' ] ); document.write("<input type='hidden' name='ref2xJS' value='"+ref2xJS+"'>"); // ]]> </script> <noscript><input type="hidden" name="JSONST" value="NS1"></noscript> <p style="display: none;"><input type="hidden" id="akismet_comment_nonce" name="akismet_comment_nonce" value="a16ad5dbf0" /></p><noscript><p><strong>Currently you have JavaScript disabled. 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Federating more than 1,000 publishers worldwide such as Reuters, Associated Press, The Independent, CNN International,  Al Jazeera, and Gizmodo …<br> <a href='http://mythoughtson.it/Who-Is-This-Guy/'>Read More</a></div> </div><div class="custom-sidebar gdl-divider widget_text" div id="text-2"><div class="sidebar-title-wrapper"><h3 class="custom-sidebar-title sidebar-title-color gdl-title">Why My Thoughts on it? </h3><div class="sidebar-title-wrapper-line gdl-divider"></div><div class="clear"></div></div> <div class="textwidget">Running a media company, working directly with more than 1,000 news publishers from regions all over the world, having lived and worked on three continents, after three start ups and 20 years of experience in digital content and mobile technology, many success and mistakes, and wrong interpretations…<br> <a href='http://mythoughtson.it/Why-My-Thoughts-On-It/'>Read More</a></div> </div><div class="custom-sidebar gdl-divider widget_text" div id="text-4"><div class="sidebar-title-wrapper"><h3 class="custom-sidebar-title sidebar-title-color gdl-title">On the settee&#8230;</h3><div class="sidebar-title-wrapper-line gdl-divider"></div><div class="clear"></div></div> <div class="textwidget">Back in the nineties, Cyril started his career as an architect of embedded software. At the turn of the millennium, he created Alcatel’s first WiFi product line in partnership with the Israeli startup Alvarion. He filed three patents in the digital modulation domain. <br> After an MBA at INSEAD in 2001, he started a new life as an early stage investor, first for a Silicon Valley VC fund (Telesoft Partners), which taught him the underpinnings of the Venture world, and then for a German VC fund (Munich-based DVCG), where he focused on software and mobility. He joined XAnge in Paris in 2007 as a Partner and member of the Executive Committee. <br> Cyril holds a Masters’ degree in Engineering from Telecom Paris Tech as well as an MBA from INSEAD. <br> <a href="http://mythoughtson.it/we-pinned-our-hopes-on-a-team-that-was-recovering-from-failure-and-we-were-right/">Read more...</a></div> </div><div class="custom-sidebar gdl-divider widget_ns_mailchimp" div id="ns_widget_mailchimp-2"><div class="sidebar-title-wrapper"><h3 class="custom-sidebar-title sidebar-title-color gdl-title">Newsletter</h3><div class="sidebar-title-wrapper-line gdl-divider"></div><div class="clear"></div></div> <form action="/dad-i-want-to-be-an-inventor/" id="ns_widget_mailchimp_form-2" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="ns_mc_number" value="2" /> Enter your email address below to receive updates in your inbox: <div><input id="ns_widget_mailchimp-email-2" type="text" name="ns_widget_mailchimp_email" placeholder="your.email@address.com" /> <input class="button" type="submit" name="Signup" value=""/></div> </form> <script>jQuery('#ns_widget_mailchimp_form-2').ns_mc_widget({"url" : "/index.php", "cookie_id" : "ns_widget_mailchimp-2", "cookie_value" : "0447f39db4a0bb61ff4ac88ddb094bb4", "loader_graphic" : "http://mythoughtson.it/wp-content/plugins/mailchimp-widget/images/ajax-loader.gif"}); </script> </div><div class="custom-sidebar gdl-divider widget_twitter-widget" div id="twitter-widget-2"><div class="sidebar-title-wrapper"><h3 class="custom-sidebar-title sidebar-title-color gdl-title">Twitter</h3><div class="sidebar-title-wrapper-line gdl-divider"></div><div class="clear"></div></div><div class="twitter-whole"><ul id="twitter_update_list"><li><span>RT <a href="http://twitter.com/Steph_and_me" title="Follow Steph_and_me" target="_blank" >@Steph_and_me</a>: Greetings from Strasbourg. So proud to meet Ms. Mairead Maguire, 1976 Nobel peace prize who gave the best talk ever at th…</span><a target="_blank" href="http://twitter.com/botulJB/statuses/1118384532665831430">yesterday</a></li><li><span>RT <a href="http://twitter.com/VeraGaufman" title="Follow VeraGaufman" target="_blank" >@VeraGaufman</a>: Ça coûte cher la tête d’Assange <a href="https://t.co/VwneuJRvLU" title="https://t.co/VwneuJRvLU" target="_blank" >https://t.co/VwneuJRvLU</a></span><a target="_blank" href="http://twitter.com/botulJB/statuses/1116840282815746049">5days ago</a></li><li><span>RT <a href="http://twitter.com/ParkerMolloy" title="Follow ParkerMolloy" target="_blank" >@ParkerMolloy</a>: Since the president is tweeting out 9/11 footage, here’s a clip of him *ON* 9/11 talking about how now he owned the talle…</span><a target="_blank" href="http://twitter.com/botulJB/statuses/1116840195465236480">5days ago</a></li><li><span>RT <a href="http://twitter.com/RBReich" title="Follow RBReich" target="_blank" >@RBReich</a>: JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon made more than $31 million last year, but many of his employees can barely make ends meet. Kudos to…</span><a target="_blank" href="http://twitter.com/botulJB/statuses/1116836462618505216">5days ago</a></li><li><span><a href="http://twitter.com/v_brengarth" title="Follow v_brengarth" target="_blank" >@v_brengarth</a> Et pas les personnes qui ont commis des actes immoraux....me monde n est pas droit sur ce sujet</span><a target="_blank" href="http://twitter.com/botulJB/statuses/1116835626781855744">5days ago</a></li></ul></div></div><div class='pt30'></div></div></div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- content-wrapper --> </div> <!-- container --> <div class="footer-wrapper"> <!-- Get Footer Widget --> <!-- Get Copyright Text --> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="copyright-wrapper"> <div class="container"> © Gilles Raymond — <a href="http://davidderus.com" rel="dofollow" target="_blank">Design by David Dérus</a><br> Media, Digital and Mobile Business in a Global Economy </div> <!-- container --> </div> </div><!-- footer-wrapper --> </div> <!-- body-wrapper --> <script> var getElementsByClassName=function(a,b,c){if(document.getElementsByClassName){getElementsByClassName=function(a,b,c){c=c||document;var d=c.getElementsByClassName(a),e=b?new RegExp("\\b"+b+"\\b","i"):null,f=[],g;for(var h=0,i=d.length;h<i;h+=1){g=d[h];if(!e||e.test(g.nodeName)){f.push(g)}}return f}}else if(document.evaluate){getElementsByClassName=function(a,b,c){b=b||"*";c=c||document;var d=a.split(" "),e="",f="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml",g=document.documentElement.namespaceURI===f?f:null,h=[],i,j;for(var k=0,l=d.length;k<l;k+=1){e+="[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' "+d[k]+" ')]"}try{i=document.evaluate(".//"+b+e,c,g,0,null)}catch(m){i=document.evaluate(".//"+b+e,c,null,0,null)}while(j=i.iterateNext()){h.push(j)}return h}}else{getElementsByClassName=function(a,b,c){b=b||"*";c=c||document;var d=a.split(" "),e=[],f=b==="*"&&c.all?c.all:c.getElementsByTagName(b),g,h=[],i;for(var j=0,k=d.length;j<k;j+=1){e.push(new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+d[j]+"(\\s|$)"))}for(var l=0,m=f.length;l<m;l+=1){g=f[l];i=false;for(var n=0,o=e.length;n<o;n+=1){i=e[n].test(g.className);if(!i){break}}if(i){h.push(g)}}return h}}return getElementsByClassName(a,b,c)}, dropdowns = getElementsByClassName( 'dropdown-menu' ); for ( i=0; i<dropdowns.length; i++ ) dropdowns[i].onchange = function(){ if ( this.value != '' ) window.location.href = this.value; } </script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://mythoughtson.it/wp-content/themes/goodspace-v1-09/javascript/superfish.js?ver=1.0'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://mythoughtson.it/wp-content/themes/goodspace-v1-09/javascript/supersub.js?ver=1.0'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://mythoughtson.it/wp-content/themes/goodspace-v1-09/javascript/hoverIntent.js?ver=1.0'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://mythoughtson.it/wp-content/themes/goodspace-v1-09/javascript/gdl-scripts.js?ver=1.0'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://mythoughtson.it/wp-content/themes/goodspace-v1-09/javascript/jquery.easing.js?ver=1.0'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://mythoughtson.it/wp-content/themes/goodspace-v1-09/javascript/jquery.prettyPhoto.js?ver=1.0'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://mythoughtson.it/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/core.min.js?ver=1.11.4'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://mythoughtson.it/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.color.min.js?ver=2.1.1'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://mythoughtson.it/wp-includes/js/comment-reply.min.js?ver=4.7.13'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://mythoughtson.it/wp-includes/js/wp-embed.min.js?ver=4.7.13'></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //Google Analytics (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-45284079-1', 'mythoughtson.it'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> <!-- <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var header_height = jQuery('.header-wrapper').filter(':first').height(); var footer_height = jQuery('.footer-wrapper').filter(':first').height(); var window_height = jQuery(window).height(); var content = jQuery('.content-wrapper').filter(':first'); content.css( 'min-height', window_height - (header_height + footer_height) ); }); </script> --> </body> </html>
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— Main Menu —Home Categories - On the settee - Marketing - Mobile - News Archives For the past few years, my son has been repeating that he wants to be an inventor, and he’s been coming up with all kinds of crazy ideas – like many kids do. What’s great about childhood, is that all your ideas work instantly – because kids can’t quite tell the difference between dreams, ideas and reality. But my son is now 11, and he is starting to put his ideas to work, and “real reality” kicks in. Paper airplanes fly, but they’re not real enough anymore. He tried cardboard, but they are too wobbly. When he makes them out of wood, they’re too heavy. Either way, they don’t fly. Many people, not just kids, have this misconception that success comes from having a brilliant idea. I have been lucky enough to talk to many founders of successful (and not so successful) start-ups. I don’t know too many who were successful with their original idea. And in many cases, their success isn’t this super original idea either. Apple did not invent the mouse, Google did not invent the search engine, YouTube did not invent video sharing on the web. What these three companies did is they made something much better than before, thanks to not one, but a myriad of good ideas – and they judiciously abandoned many not so good ideas on the way. That’s why innovating isn’t so much about ideas but about iterations, failures, and learning fast from failures. Regularly, someone external approaches me to sell me their “idea”. I’ve seen some people sending me a 40 page document describing their idea. I’m not interested in buying ideas. We have far too many ideas already that we’ll never have the time to try, and I doubt any idea, even a 40 page idea, would work as is. There’s a reason Thomas Edison said: “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”. What I value is teams of people who have achieved something. Because that’s where the value of innovation lies – in the perspiration – in the wonderful journey of getting out there, testing something, observing, making decisions, rallying the team around these sometimes hard decisions, and executing fast to release the next version. Son, if you want to be an inventor, don’t be shy, try your ideas, observe what works and what doesn’t, fix or drop what’s broken, improve what works, and don’t give up. Your plane will fly one day, and it’ll be a heck of a plane! Eric is Product Management Director at Google, currently in charge of the Merchant experience for Google Shopping. Previously, he has worked on or lead a number of Google products, including Gmail, YouTube, Google Apps, Google Cloud Platform, Google Wallet. Earlier on, he also worked on the Palm Treo, the Handspring Visor, and GSM networks (at a time when the most optimistic forecasts were betting on 25% adoption!). Eric is passionate about great product design and innovation, particularly in the high tech sector. When he isn’t at Google or spending time with his wife and three children, he likes to travel and build smart homes. Eric has studied & lived in France, the Silicon Valley, Germany and Switzerland, and published a few books on telecommunications & music. Your article struck a cord, as a child I would imagine being an inventor. As an adult I still love it when an insight to a new product or process reveals itself . My issue has always been bringing these inspirations to market or the right team to develop them. I currently have an insight related to mobile phones. A solution to a problem that currently no one is talking about. It would create a market were currentky there is none. If you are interested in guiding/mentoring/colaborating please feel free to contact me via email. I agree Frank and that’s my point in this post: the challenge isn’t the idea, it’s building the team and executing it. I’ll contact you separately regarding your idea. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Gilles is the CEO & Founder of News Republic, publisher of news application for smartphones, tablets, and TV. Federating more than 1,000 publishers worldwide such as Reuters, Associated Press, The Independent, CNN International, Al Jazeera, and Gizmodo … Read More Running a media company, working directly with more than 1,000 news publishers from regions all over the world, having lived and worked on three continents, after three start ups and 20 years of experience in digital content and mobile technology, many success and mistakes, and wrong interpretations… Read More Back in the nineties, Cyril started his career as an architect of embedded software. At the turn of the millennium, he created Alcatel’s first WiFi product line in partnership with the Israeli startup Alvarion. He filed three patents in the digital modulation domain. After an MBA at INSEAD in 2001, he started a new life as an early stage investor, first for a Silicon Valley VC fund (Telesoft Partners), which taught him the underpinnings of the Venture world, and then for a German VC fund (Munich-based DVCG), where he focused on software and mobility. He joined XAnge in Paris in 2007 as a Partner and member of the Executive Committee. Cyril holds a Masters’ degree in Engineering from Telecom Paris Tech as well as an MBA from INSEAD. Read more... RT @Steph_and_me: Greetings from Strasbourg. So proud to meet Ms. Mairead Maguire, 1976 Nobel peace prize who gave the best talk ever at th…yesterday RT @VeraGaufman: Ça coûte cher la tête d’Assange https://t.co/VwneuJRvLU5days ago RT @ParkerMolloy: Since the president is tweeting out 9/11 footage, here’s a clip of him *ON* 9/11 talking about how now he owned the talle…5days ago RT @RBReich: JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon made more than $31 million last year, but many of his employees can barely make ends meet. Kudos to…5days ago @v_brengarth Et pas les personnes qui ont commis des actes immoraux....me monde n est pas droit sur ce sujet5days ago © Gilles Raymond — Design by David Dérus Media, Digital and Mobile Business in a Global Economy
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[ { "char_end_idx": 82, "char_start_idx": 0, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "— Main Menu —Home Categories - On the settee - Marketing - Mobile - News Archives\n", "marker": "div" }, { "char_end_idx": 668, "char_start_idx": 82, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "For the past few years, my son has been repeating that he wants to be an inventor, and he’s been coming up with all kinds of crazy ideas – like many kids do. What’s great about childhood, is that all your ideas work instantly – because kids can’t quite tell the difference between dreams, ideas and reality. But my son is now 11, and he is starting to put his ideas to work, and “real reality” kicks in. Paper airplanes fly, but they’re not real enough anymore. He tried cardboard, but they are too wobbly. When he makes them out of wood, they’re too heavy. Either way, they don’t fly.\n", "marker": "p" }, { "char_end_idx": 1323, "char_start_idx": 668, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "Many people, not just kids, have this misconception that success comes from having a brilliant idea. I have been lucky enough to talk to many founders of successful (and not so successful) start-ups. I don’t know too many who were successful with their original idea. And in many cases, their success isn’t this super original idea either. Apple did not invent the mouse, Google did not invent the search engine, YouTube did not invent video sharing on the web. What these three companies did is they made something much better than before, thanks to not one, but a myriad of good ideas – and they judiciously abandoned many not so good ideas on the way.\n", "marker": "p" }, { "char_end_idx": 2195, "char_start_idx": 1323, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "That’s why innovating isn’t so much about ideas but about iterations, failures, and learning fast from failures. Regularly, someone external approaches me to sell me their “idea”. I’ve seen some people sending me a 40 page document describing their idea. I’m not interested in buying ideas. We have far too many ideas already that we’ll never have the time to try, and I doubt any idea, even a 40 page idea, would work as is. There’s a reason Thomas Edison said: “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”. What I value is teams of people who have achieved something. Because that’s where the value of innovation lies – in the perspiration – in the wonderful journey of getting out there, testing something, observing, making decisions, rallying the team around these sometimes hard decisions, and executing fast to release the next version.\n", "marker": "p" }, { "char_end_idx": 2425, "char_start_idx": 2195, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "Son, if you want to be an inventor, don’t be shy, try your ideas, observe what works and what doesn’t, fix or drop what’s broken, improve what works, and don’t give up. Your plane will fly one day, and it’ll be a heck of a plane!\n", "marker": "p" }, { "char_end_idx": 3200, "char_start_idx": 2425, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "Eric is Product Management Director at Google, currently in charge of the Merchant experience for Google Shopping. Previously, he has worked on or lead a number of Google products, including Gmail, YouTube, Google Apps, Google Cloud Platform, Google Wallet. Earlier on, he also worked on the Palm Treo, the Handspring Visor, and GSM networks (at a time when the most optimistic forecasts were betting on 25% adoption!). Eric is passionate about great product design and innovation, particularly in the high tech sector. When he isn’t at Google or spending time with his wife and three children, he likes to travel and build smart homes. Eric has studied & lived in France, the Silicon Valley, Germany and Switzerland, and published a few books on telecommunications & music.\n", "marker": "p" }, { "char_end_idx": 3732, "char_start_idx": 3200, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "Your article struck a cord, as a child I would imagine being an inventor. As an adult I still love it when an insight to a new product or process reveals itself . My issue has always been bringing these inspirations to market or the right team to develop them. I currently have an insight related to mobile phones. A solution to a problem that currently no one is talking about. It would create a market were currentky there is none. If you are interested in guiding/mentoring/colaborating please feel free to contact me via email.\n", "marker": "p" }, { "char_end_idx": 3900, "char_start_idx": 3732, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "I agree Frank and that’s my point in this post: the challenge isn’t the idea, it’s building the team and executing it. I’ll contact you separately regarding your idea.\n", "marker": "p" }, { "char_end_idx": 3926, "char_start_idx": 3900, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "Leave a Reply Cancel reply", "marker": "h3" }, { "char_end_idx": 3927, "char_start_idx": 3926, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "\n", "marker": "div" }, { "char_end_idx": 4191, "char_start_idx": 3927, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "Gilles is the CEO & Founder of News Republic, publisher of news application for smartphones, tablets, and TV. Federating more than 1,000 publishers worldwide such as Reuters, Associated Press, The Independent, CNN International, Al Jazeera, and Gizmodo …\nRead More", "marker": "div" }, { "char_end_idx": 4192, "char_start_idx": 4191, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "\n", "marker": "div" }, { "char_end_idx": 4503, "char_start_idx": 4192, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "Running a media company, working directly with more than 1,000 news publishers from regions all over the world, having lived and worked on three continents, after three start ups and 20 years of experience in digital content and mobile technology, many success and mistakes, and wrong interpretations…\nRead More", "marker": "div" }, { "char_end_idx": 4504, "char_start_idx": 4503, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "\n", "marker": "div" }, { "char_end_idx": 5261, "char_start_idx": 4504, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "Back in the nineties, Cyril started his career as an architect of embedded software. At the turn of the millennium, he created Alcatel’s first WiFi product line in partnership with the Israeli startup Alvarion. He filed three patents in the digital modulation domain. \nAfter an MBA at INSEAD in 2001, he started a new life as an early stage investor, first for a Silicon Valley VC fund (Telesoft Partners), which taught him the underpinnings of the Venture world, and then for a German VC fund (Munich-based DVCG), where he focused on software and mobility. He joined XAnge in Paris in 2007 as a Partner and member of the Executive Committee. \nCyril holds a Masters’ degree in Engineering from Telecom Paris Tech as well as an MBA from INSEAD. \nRead more...", "marker": "div" }, { "char_end_idx": 5262, "char_start_idx": 5261, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "\n", "marker": "div" }, { "char_end_idx": 5411, "char_start_idx": 5262, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "RT @Steph_and_me: Greetings from Strasbourg. So proud to meet Ms. Mairead Maguire, 1976 Nobel peace prize who gave the best talk ever at th…yesterday", "marker": "li" }, { "char_end_idx": 5493, "char_start_idx": 5411, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "\nRT @VeraGaufman: Ça coûte cher la tête d’Assange https://t.co/VwneuJRvLU5days ago", "marker": "li" }, { "char_end_idx": 5643, "char_start_idx": 5493, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "\nRT @ParkerMolloy: Since the president is tweeting out 9/11 footage, here’s a clip of him *ON* 9/11 talking about how now he owned the talle…5days ago", "marker": "li" }, { "char_end_idx": 5792, "char_start_idx": 5643, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "\nRT @RBReich: JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon made more than $31 million last year, but many of his employees can barely make ends meet. Kudos to…5days ago", "marker": "li" }, { "char_end_idx": 5910, "char_start_idx": 5792, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "\n@v_brengarth Et pas les personnes qui ont commis des actes immoraux....me monde n est pas droit sur ce sujet5days ago", "marker": "li" }, { "char_end_idx": 5911, "char_start_idx": 5910, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "\n", "marker": "div" }, { "char_end_idx": 6007, "char_start_idx": 5911, "key": "paragraph", "type": "local", "value": "© Gilles Raymond — Design by David Dérus\nMedia, Digital and Mobile Business in a Global Economy\n", "marker": "div" } ]
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"Wednesday, April 20, 2011\nLimitless\nWithout any limits - our ability to choose\nWithout any limit(...TRUNCATED)
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[ "<title>The Option Institute Blog: Limitless</title>\n" ]
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[{"key":"website_description","type":"global","value":"A blog is a discussion or informational webs(...TRUNCATED)
[{"char_end_idx":25,"char_start_idx":0,"key":"paragraph","type":"local","value":"Wednesday, April 20(...TRUNCATED)
[ { "key": "title", "type": "global", "value": "The Option Institute Blog: Limitless" } ]

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