Humans are unique in their ability to alter their environment with the conscious purpose of increasing what, which acts as a limiting factor on populations in general?
Insulin is made up of how many polypeptide chains?
Protein is an important part of a healthy diet because it is needed to repair tissue.
A neutron star is a small, powerful body left behind when a massive star dies in a supernova explosion. Neutron stars are the corpses of left over supernova explosions.
What form does water take on the planet mars?
The process for developing knowledge is called science.
The metallic bond is responsible for the properties of metals.
heredity The handing down of certain traits from parents to their offspring. Heredity is the science of how traits are passed from parents to offspring.
Mercury is closest to our sun.
What do you call a type of mixture that has the same composition throughout?
Fructose is the main sugar found in many fruits. Fructose is a sugar that is found in fruits.
The water cycle involves movement of water between air and what?
Thus, science is a process of producing knowledge. The process for developing knowledge is called science.
Carbohydrates are the most common type of organic compound.
One way that the moon is different from earth is that the moon has almost no atmosphere.
Carbohydrates are the most common type of organic compound.
Applying a pressure greater than the osmotic pressure of a solution will do what?
Adult humans lack some of the defining traits of chordates.
The mesopause is at the top of the mesosphere.
What connection is required for a newborn baby to begin breathing?
Air is made of atoms.
What is the largest body in the solar system?
Tides is the term for when the water of the ocean slowly rises and falls.
What causes eutrophication to occur?
Stomata are openings in the epidermis that allow gas exchange (O 2 and H 2 O out; The epidermis of a leaf contains openings known as stomata, through which the exchange of gases takes place.
Meteorites, formed of split asteroids or planetary rocks, provide clues about our solar system.
Phototrophs capture light energy and convert it to chemical energy inside their cell.
How do the spines of a cactus help it survive?
Plants make starches to store extra glucose.
Decreasing the volume of a gas and keeping everything else the same will cause its pressure to increase.
Lymph vessels are like blood vessels, except they move lymph instead of blood.
Carbon atoms have six neutrons as well as six protons.
Work is done only if a force is exerted in the direction of motion.
How many digits do primates have on each extremity?
Normally, the aorta brings oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the rest of the body, and the pulmonary artery carries oxygenless blood from the heart to the lungs. We call the major artery carrying recently oxygenated blood away from the heart the aorta.
Which organelle is often compared to a post office, moving proteins and lipids to where they need to go?
Coal is the source of most electricity.
Animal behaviors are controlled by both genes and experiences in a given envionment.
Air is made of atoms.
Which proteins recognize and combine with harmful materials, including both toxic chemicals and invasive microorganisms?
Bone is living tissue that makes up the body's skeleton providing shape and support. Bones are made up of tissues.
What are the major sites of gibberellin production?
Enzymatic cascades help amplify the effects of extracellular signals.
A clade is one way of classifying organisms.
Fish almost always reproduce sexually. The vast majority of fish reproduce sexually.
As with other groups, the members of this family show patterns in their electronic configuration, especially the outermost shells, resulting in trends in chemical behavior: The chemical behavior of elements can largely be explained by electron configurations.
Although they differ vastly in hardness, pencil lead and diamonds both contain carbon.
The weight is the force of gravity pulling on that mass. Weight is the measure of the force of gravity pulling down on an object.
The element carbon on the periodic table forms the most diverse compounds.
Electrons in successive atoms on the periodic table tend to fill low-energy orbitals first.
Adulthood is divided into how many stages?
The sun is around 400 times bigger than the moon but as it is also around 400 times further away from the earth they both appear to be the same size in the sky. The sun and the moon appear to be about the same size in the sky because the moon is smaller in diameter and is closer to earth than the sun.
Which animal is preparing for a seasonal change in the environment?
Although they differ vastly in hardness, pencil lead and diamonds both contain carbon.
Nucleus The nucleus of an atom is comprised of protons and neutrons. The atom in a neutron is found in the the nucleus.
At least 20 percent of the world’s people do not have a ready supply of what?
The outer core of the earth is molten.
Biodiversity increases the stability of an ecosystem and ensures that in the face of environmental change, some life will survive. Biodiversity helps ensure that, at least, some species will survive environmental change.
As temperature increases, volume increases.
Solar and wind are still expensive compared to fossil fuels.
Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States and the burden of heart disease continues to be significant in an aging population. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the united states.
For example, a characteristic such as eye color depends on whether you inherit genes for brown eyes, blue eyes, or green eyes. A human offspring inherit blue eyes.
He was best known for his discovery of the law of constant composition in 1799, stating that in chemical reactions matter is neither created nor destroyed. Matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction.
Alternative current is produced when a magnet or coil does what?
the dewpoint temperature is the temperature to which air must be cooled (at a given pressure) in order for condensation to occur (cloud forms). Condensation must occur for clouds to form.
The “knee-jerk" motion that people involuntarily perform after being struck in the knee in a certain way is an example of a reflex
How long does it take for the earth to make a complete rotation of its axis?
Study of unicellular eukaryotes (protozoa, algae, and zoosporic fungi) which are collectively known as protists. Unicellular eukaryotes are protists normally.
What does an underwater spider use to breathe and keep alive?
What are the only plants with a life cycle in which the gametophyte generation is dominant?
The colorless fluid of the blood, or plasma, carries the red and white blood cells, platelets, waste products, and various other cells and substances. Blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma.
Instruments that measure the angle of the slope of a volcano are called tilt meters.
Blood is composed of plasma, water and cellular components (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets). Blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma.
What play several important roles in the human body?
What is the option to remove kidney stones other than surgery?
Sugar crystals dissolving in water is an example of the formation of a mixture.
A relationship between two human body systems could be the digestive system absorbs nutrients which are transported by the circulatory system.
Present-day plants that have a complex vascular tissue system are called what kind of plants?
Aerobic respiration has the advantage of releasing more energy.
In humans, the sperm cell is the only cell with the flagella structure that enables motility.
Binary compounds of carbon with less electronegative elements are called what?
Lymph vessels are like blood vessels, except they move what instead of blood?
What helps pumice float in water?
If two populations do not mate and produce fertile offspring, what results?
What can exposure to chemical or biological agents cause later in life?
What type of cartilage contains no collagen?
From Earth, the Sun appears brighter than any other star because the Sun is the
Which of the following statements best describes one way that the Moon is different from Earth?
Neurodevelopmental disorders result from impairments of growth and development of the brain and nervous system and lead to many disorders. Neurodevelopmental disorders happen when development of nervous system is disturbed.
Which process helps provide cleaner water for agriculture?
Earth rotates once on its axis about every 24 hours. It takes 24 hours for the earth to make a complete rotation of its axis.
Where are some of the greatest concentrations of species found?
Argopecten is a genus of saltwater clams, or scallops, marine bivalve mollusks in the family Pectinidae. A scallop is a(n) mollusk.
What helps amplify the effects of extracellular signals?
What is the first thing a student should do if an accident happens during a science experiment?
What do plasmodesmata connect to in the plant cell?
Catecholamines are a class of amine hormones that when synthesised form the amino acid tyrosine.
What property allows cut logs to float on water?
Which of the following best describes a mineral?
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