The water in some springs are hot because they're heated by what?
The sun is especially important as its uneven heating distribution drives weather systems. Uneven heating of the atmosphere form weather patterns.
Lipids play several important roles in the human body.
The intrinsic muscles are deep in the palm of the hand, and are involved with complex motions of the fingers. Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
Natural selection is the increased survival and reproduction of some organisms due to favorable genetic traits highlighted by competition (1). Natural selection is the process that allows organisms with better traits to survive and produce.
What is it that surrounds cells and serve to keep the insides separated from the outsides?
A light bulb converts electrical energy to light and thermal energy.
CONSERVATION OF ENERGY Conservation of energy is a basic principle of physics stating that energy can never be created or destroyed, it just changes form. According to the law of conservation of energy, energy can never actually be “consumed”; it can only be changed from one form to another.
What is the most common type of cancer in adult females?
Fungus-like protists such as slime molds reproduce with spores.
Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system.
An element is a pure substance which cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. You call a pure substance that cannot be broken down into different types of substances a(n) element.
What helps amplify the effects of extracellular signals?
Bases normally have a bitter taste.
Because a black hole has such a powerful gravitational force, a galactic black hole in a binary system can literally tear apart its companion star. The tidal forces near black holes are so great they can actually tear matter from a companion star.
You call the lightless part of the ocean aphotic zone.
Which tool would best help a person observe the parts of a plant cell?
If the light hits the glass surface at an oblique angle, the slowing causes the light beam to bend, a phenomenon known as refraction. Slowing down causes light to refract.
Because atoms are electrically neutral, there must be balancing positive charges somewhere in the atom. Atoms carry a neutral charge.
Which rule is a result of trends in energies and is useful in explaining why atoms form the ions that they do?
The main advantage of urea is its very low toxicity.
Scientists know that some mountains were once at the bottom of an ocean because marine fossils have been found on the peaks of some mountains.
Hydrogen chloride is a covalent compound.
The genetic code works in series of three-letter codes.
Being able to read is an example of a learned trait.
When did new plants start sprouting after the forest fire?
Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
What causes a blue block to appear blue in the sunlight?
Which statement correctly describes why there are fewer than 24 hours of daylight in Alaska during each day in April?
Why is protein an important part of a healthy diet?
Sex-linked traits are located on genes on what chromosomes?
Solar and wind are still expensive compared to what?
Compounds like sodium chloride form structures called crystals.
A role of mushrooms in ecosystems is breaking down dead plant material.
Bacteria may divide several times an hour.
A binary molecular compound is made up of two of what?
There are two types of diabetes, and it is important to understand the differences, because the treatment can be different. There are two different main types of diabetes.
The amniotic sac, which was sitting on top of the flat embryo, envelops the embryo as it folds.
The sound in a loud classroom is an example of a form of energy.
The water in some springs are hot because they're heated by hot magma.
Platelets is the term for the cell fragments involved in blood clotting, which stick to tears in blood vessels and to each other.
Where do biochemical reactions take place?
The rate that energy is released is known as power.
The second and third laws of thermodynamics are applied to chemical reactions. Chemical reactions follow the laws of thermodynamics.
In science, what do you call something that always applies under the same conditions?