class label
6 classes
i start to feel emotional
[ 7.01171875, -2.19921875, -1.7470703125, -0.93603515625, -1.3974609375, -2.005859375 ]
i believe feeling duality suffering soul growth tells of an ending or a decline or a change of direction often one associated with emotions and it offers one possible response to that decline or change moving on
[ 6.9453125, -2.205078125, -2.1328125, -0.93896484375, -0.77734375, -1.998046875 ]
i hostage negotiator on her case has her feeling hopeful about her future
[ -2.1953125, 7.1953125, -1.06640625, -1.4912109375, -1.70703125, -1.53515625 ]
im feeling a little dirty
[ 6.96484375, -2.1953125, -1.9697265625, -0.71142578125, -1.4697265625, -1.9580078125 ]
i can cope with his presence without feeling distressed if i can force myself into a quiet and resigned friendship
[ -0.77099609375, -1.8017578125, -1.6201171875, -1.4716796875, 7.10546875, -0.07391357421875 ]
i had the feeling that it might not have been taken as the truthful and sincere compliment it would have been
[ -2.232421875, 7.2109375, -0.56982421875, -1.376953125, -2.138671875, -1.8359375 ]
i asked some girls what it meant to them to be valued and for the most part the response was that they felt valued when the people around them made them feel valued and treated them in a loving and caring manner
[ -1.6357421875, 4.3828125, 4.10546875, -1.759765625, -2.40234375, -2.208984375 ]
i feel if i completely hated things i d exercise my democratic right speak my mind in what ever ways possible and try to enact a change
[ 4.3984375, -2.37109375, -1.27734375, 3.3125, -2.75, -2.51171875 ]
i could almost feel her gentle touch in the moonbeam she sent to shine over me he added touching his face dreamily
[ -1.599609375, -0.25439453125, 6.58984375, -1.1279296875, -1.0556640625, -1.3173828125 ]
i woke up very early this morning feeling joyful
[ -2.17578125, 7.21484375, -0.98046875, -1.556640625, -2.05859375, -1.3671875 ]
im feeling crappy ill fish for compliments like any other girl
[ 6.89453125, -1.654296875, -2.037109375, -1.375, -1.248046875, -1.7275390625 ]
i feel assured that the guns are locked away in the gun safe making it impossible for any of the children to access them
[ -1.9765625, 7.171875, -1.12109375, -1.25390625, -1.73828125, -1.8154296875 ]
i feel less stress about doing pretty much any unpleasant obligation in life because i know that i will allow myself to mix it with things i enjoy running baking climbing coffee with girlfriends cuddling with my dog reading a book
[ 7.01171875, -2.060546875, -2.080078125, -0.83984375, -1.4921875, -1.8671875 ]
im still feeling a little groggy from the lack of sleep so i shall try to replenish it
[ 6.96484375, -2.009765625, -2.046875, -1.255859375, -1.017578125, -1.6689453125 ]
i cant remember ever feeling so exhausted it took trips with the car on the last day to get everything brought to the trailer
[ 7.015625, -2.083984375, -2.068359375, -1.2509765625, -1.18359375, -1.708984375 ]
im sorry i feel so uncertain about it
[ -0.50146484375, -1.4521484375, -1.57421875, -1.7001953125, 7.0859375, -0.412353515625 ]
i really feel like i am useless in this world
[ 6.921875, -1.8486328125, -2.2578125, -1.44921875, -0.9140625, -1.5888671875 ]
i feel very cheated since i am supporting the family and doing all the other stuff while he spends hours a day gaming
[ 0.60498046875, 2.87890625, 3.341796875, -1.484375, -2.326171875, -2.294921875 ]
i was trying to demonstrate that i understood what she was feeling but she was very alarmed and worried for my safety
[ -0.982421875, -1.2041015625, -1.8564453125, -0.98974609375, 6.79296875, -0.744140625 ]
i feel i m handling it well and i m enjoying it he said
[ -2.279296875, 7.23828125, -0.6142578125, -1.3759765625, -2.19140625, -1.728515625 ]
im feeling relieved yet painful but something inside me is creepily numb i feel like a ghost in the hallways the way i used to just dont tell me its only another time to succumb
[ -1.5234375, 6.90625, -1.3154296875, -1.41015625, -1.9091796875, -1.5107421875 ]
i am now feeling delighted but daunted
[ -2.328125, 7.13671875, -0.9189453125, -1.7412109375, -2.07421875, -1.0517578125 ]
i suppose if one was feeling generous one could say i was stressed by the elevator ride
[ -1.5712890625, 4.04296875, 3.529296875, -2.138671875, -1.7919921875, -1.14453125 ]
i feel immensely distracted by the barrage of media i receive solicit
[ -1.4921875, -1.9228515625, -1.607421875, 6.37109375, -0.623046875, -1.5087890625 ]
i looked at mabel this morning i named my left breast mabel my right one is hazel and i feel this weird mixture of anger and loss valerie wrote less than a month after her diagnosis
[ -1.978515625, -2.5234375, -1.53125, -1.03515625, 4.32421875, 3.58984375 ]
i wasn t the person who was helping i realized that it was i who inspired all these people to start charity work and i can t help but feel proud
[ -2.09375, 6.86328125, 0.08648681640625, -2.01171875, -2.189453125, -1.3759765625 ]
i pull out one of my favorite books to make myself feel miserable
[ 7.01953125, -1.9931640625, -2.1015625, -1.001953125, -1.234375, -1.9619140625 ]
i have to admit that i feel the teensiest bit envious of my friends who live there
[ -1.375, -1.8759765625, -1.5048828125, 6.44140625, -1.2041015625, -1.296875 ]
i feel like we re getting a terrific recruiter basketball coach and person
[ -2.396484375, 7.21484375, -0.7109375, -1.5, -2.095703125, -1.4990234375 ]
i had come to associate the bad feelings with bad behaviour and this only continued
[ 6.61328125, -2.05078125, -2.265625, 0.06463623046875, -1.2685546875, -2.462890625 ]
i still feel like there are more than enough to keep me entertained while still being just a few to keep dusted
[ -2.0390625, 7.140625, -1.1640625, -1.2451171875, -1.9580078125, -1.61328125 ]
i was so uncomfortable and feeling weird feelings but wasn t sure if they were contractions since i never really felt contractions with jared until they jacked me up with pitocin
[ -1.9892578125, -2.4609375, -1.5830078125, -1.0498046875, 4.4296875, 3.53125 ]
i can feel the rebellious spirit already
[ -0.54833984375, -2.1484375, -1.4990234375, 6.37890625, -1.15234375, -1.8125 ]
i feel so blessed to have friends i can come to
[ -1.0400390625, 3.15234375, 4.2578125, -2.54296875, -1.73828125, -1.1826171875 ]
i feel a bit dazed but so excited i am going to be so protective she is not going to be let out until she is
[ -1.564453125, -0.931640625, -1.0205078125, -1.625, -0.40087890625, 5.54296875 ]
i have ever seen in my life was laceys constant disapprovements of rikkis extreme happiness when she just wasnt feeling quite as carefree as he was
[ -2.111328125, 7.15625, -1.029296875, -1.3291015625, -2.095703125, -1.515625 ]
i wasnt feeling well yesterday morning afternoon so i just laid in bed and ended up in the all too familiar youtube black hole
[ -2.107421875, 7.1171875, -1.0107421875, -1.2744140625, -2.02734375, -1.658203125 ]
i feel it is really valuable to contemplate on that phrase thy will be done in all of our lives
[ -2.134765625, 7.2578125, -0.300537109375, -1.837890625, -2.05859375, -1.677734375 ]
im gestating one and feeling pretty thrilled about that
[ -2.29296875, 7.13671875, -1.212890625, -1.556640625, -1.9072265625, -1.16796875 ]
i feel like that line is so perfect
[ -1.998046875, 7.2578125, -0.892578125, -1.5576171875, -2.06640625, -1.6064453125 ]
i have been feeling regretful recently that i did not know back then that the abuse was not my fault and that it did not happen because of who i was but because of who they were
[ 7.0234375, -2.00390625, -1.712890625, -1.11328125, -1.5078125, -1.8857421875 ]
i often feel confused as to whether i have bipolar or just a really hard core sinful nature
[ -0.87060546875, -2.037109375, -1.650390625, -1.375, 6.99609375, 0.2125244140625 ]
i can feel that they are kind friendly and can understand my feelings
[ -2.24609375, 7.265625, -0.37548828125, -1.5458984375, -2.17578125, -1.8017578125 ]
i hate it when i feel fearful for absolutely no reason
[ -0.51513671875, -1.474609375, -1.576171875, -1.5283203125, 7.04296875, -0.64599609375 ]
i feel like my only role now would be to tear your sails with my pessimism and discontent
[ 6.42578125, -1.8544921875, -2.38671875, 0.144775390625, -0.78564453125, -2.736328125 ]
im very hurt and i feel unimportant
[ 6.9140625, -1.9189453125, -2.234375, -1.17578125, -0.85302734375, -1.8583984375 ]
i mean is that when we are true to ourselves and our style and we see a reflection we like in the mirror all of the ugliness in society that is there to make us feel ugly or inadequate based on our looks suddenly becomes completely annulled
[ 6.8828125, -1.6796875, -1.810546875, -0.955078125, -1.765625, -1.962890625 ]
i told him that i was willing to do whatever it took for me to not have to feel this horrible every day
[ 6.984375, -2.060546875, -2.140625, -1.2255859375, -1.1328125, -1.7138671875 ]
i find it helps to let go of self will by saying let your will be done not mine or when i m feeling particularly impatient in god s time not my time
[ -1.27734375, -1.98046875, -1.4853515625, 6.3828125, -0.63671875, -1.685546875 ]
i am feeling so emotional about your brothers arrival
[ 6.97265625, -2.134765625, -1.701171875, -1.0205078125, -1.2734375, -2.05078125 ]
i feel that this is for others to decide hellip i m delighted that fans of my paintings will now be able to see a body of work of which i m very proud
[ -2.333984375, 7.171875, -0.59765625, -1.8544921875, -2.240234375, -1.166015625 ]
i loved the feeling i got during an amazing slalom run whether it was in training or in a race
[ -1.8828125, 1.1875, -1.908203125, -1.9619140625, -0.337646484375, 4.39453125 ]
i feel like a boring blogger lately
[ 6.96875, -1.953125, -1.9912109375, -0.93603515625, -1.765625, -1.7060546875 ]
i grabbed my dog and hugged her fiercly for the next hour or so until i began to feel a bit like myself again but i havent completly shaken the feeling and have been feeling rather depressed anxious all day
[ 6.93359375, -2.09375, -2.2734375, -1.3447265625, -0.473388671875, -1.7373046875 ]
i find myself feeling paranoid that something is going to ruin what could only be described as my fairy tale love affair
[ -0.640625, -1.3955078125, -1.6044921875, -1.521484375, 7.109375, -0.4970703125 ]
i started walking again yesterday and it feels amazing
[ -2.015625, 2.609375, -2.177734375, -1.9580078125, -0.71875, 3.376953125 ]
i am truly unfortunate the majority of the time i m usually drained but i obtain it hard to get from bed i really feel restless and others
[ -0.52294921875, -1.951171875, -1.7294921875, -1.1435546875, 7.01953125, -0.28466796875 ]
i couldn t help but feel pissed off at both sides of the debate and the unnecessary dichotomy itself
[ -1.26953125, -1.953125, -1.3994140625, 6.48828125, -0.95947265625, -1.6103515625 ]
i lost a few pounds but i also started to feel really awful
[ 7.015625, -2.13671875, -2.177734375, -1.2001953125, -1.091796875, -1.6796875 ]
i feel like a bit of an ungrateful fool for not having written anything about him last week
[ 6.90234375, -1.76953125, -1.9169921875, -0.94189453125, -1.6435546875, -1.7763671875 ]
i don t care if any of you read this but this is just what i feel when i m around you guys i feel hated
[ 4.34375, -2.404296875, -1.2578125, 3.32421875, -2.783203125, -2.486328125 ]
im in such a happy mood today i feel almost delighted and i havent done anything different today then i normally have it is wonderful
[ -2.310546875, 7.1640625, -0.7978515625, -1.8046875, -2.134765625, -1.1171875 ]
i kept feeling wonderful as i ran and couldnt believe it
[ -2.173828125, 6.66796875, -0.93212890625, -2.080078125, -1.986328125, -0.49853515625 ]
i feel irritable about the number of people that came into our office whining about their own circumstances i realize im not practicing thinking about the good things and i find it a better way to pull yourself into the present
[ -1.5849609375, -1.9521484375, -1.5361328125, 6.390625, -0.7666015625, -1.3662109375 ]
i am feeling lucky to have him
[ -2.072265625, 7.1875, -0.58544921875, -1.931640625, -2.01171875, -1.3671875 ]
i feel impatient i just post a blog entry and i feel ive gotten some words written and out into the world
[ -1.33203125, -2.08984375, -1.5712890625, 6.3203125, -0.383544921875, -1.6279296875 ]
i was feeling especially brave and asked me to take her engagement photos in hawaii
[ -2.17578125, 7.328125, -0.48095703125, -1.58984375, -1.951171875, -1.8466796875 ]
im feeling pretty anxious
[ -0.453125, -0.8662109375, -1.650390625, -1.2431640625, 6.5703125, -1.1337890625 ]
i have to keep fighting for my life until i truly run out of fight and i ve been close enough to that twice to know a bit about what it feels like and we re not there yet no matter how despairing all this feels
[ 6.66796875, -1.7548828125, -2.1484375, -1.6181640625, 0.003582000732421875, -1.9697265625 ]
i lift different now because it hurt so bad the day it happened that i can t get it out of my mind and i feel myself being a bit timid
[ -0.66943359375, -1.53515625, -1.595703125, -1.3603515625, 7.10546875, -0.5146484375 ]
i feel there is no excuse for lame invitations
[ 6.96875, -1.96484375, -1.8603515625, -0.9501953125, -1.787109375, -1.8408203125 ]
i feel i was so innocent to have only one dream to fill my brain and to be crazy about it
[ -1.875, 7.24609375, -0.67431640625, -1.5439453125, -2.044921875, -1.873046875 ]
im definitely not feeling fearful or anything right now
[ -0.50244140625, -1.3701171875, -1.6083984375, -1.5556640625, 6.98828125, -0.68505859375 ]
i feel like living in austin was really sweet in other ways
[ -1.8251953125, 4.70703125, 3.73046875, -2.05859375, -2.251953125, -1.9208984375 ]
i feel a little low about being in japan and i always feel pangs of guilt when i fail to appreciate my living situation and decisions
[ 7.0078125, -2.015625, -2.109375, -1.1015625, -1.087890625, -1.818359375 ]
i then realized that if i want to shoot weddings of clients who i connect with and feel comfortable with i must allow them to get to know me
[ -1.7216796875, 7.140625, -1.1640625, -1.2802734375, -1.7373046875, -1.869140625 ]
i remember sitting out on the porch feeling drained and alone even as sunlight bathed my hair in warm radiance and a light breeze cooled my cheeks
[ 7.05859375, -2.12109375, -1.9697265625, -1.296875, -1.1064453125, -1.634765625 ]
i feel that bassanio is sincere about wooing portia
[ -2.30078125, 7.24609375, 0.0281982421875, -1.697265625, -2.208984375, -1.8505859375 ]
i was feeling whether it be mad sad disappointed or peaceful
[ -1.2783203125, -1.962890625, -1.291015625, 6.515625, -1.0478515625, -1.5185546875 ]
i noticed that i was feeling very stressed and anxious and i just couldnt quite put my finger on why
[ 5.06640625, -2.59765625, -2.328125, 1.9580078125, -1.0615234375, -2.580078125 ]
i am feeling better though i dont sound it
[ -1.8037109375, 7.15234375, -0.92236328125, -1.435546875, -2.0703125, -1.7568359375 ]
ive been too deep down in the swamps swimming in muddy waters tortured by fear feeling lonely and lost
[ 7.03515625, -2.357421875, -2.111328125, -0.9716796875, -0.9501953125, -1.94140625 ]
i only talk about how people make me feel and the only people i talk about are the ones that make me feel unhappy upset nervous or angry
[ 7.02734375, -1.994140625, -1.876953125, -1.125, -1.44921875, -1.7705078125 ]
i wake up in morning and when i go to sleep at evening i feel that seed voice in my heart that is screaming out from my empty stitched heart
[ 6.95703125, -1.9013671875, -2.041015625, -1.005859375, -1.296875, -2.01171875 ]
i feel thats just strange on wotcs behalf
[ -1.86328125, -2.515625, -1.4970703125, -1.3740234375, 4.97265625, 3.216796875 ]
i feel quite pleased with these little bits of news so i will celebrate tonight with a meet the brewer event hawkshead with some of my members in one of my newest pubs
[ -2.259765625, 7.30859375, -0.68017578125, -1.55859375, -2.193359375, -1.4951171875 ]
i just keep on feeling blessed
[ -0.98583984375, 3.7265625, 3.361328125, -2.6484375, -1.6796875, -0.88525390625 ]
ive left the orange scented mixture white but feel free to color it if you wish
[ -1.8515625, 7.1796875, -0.984375, -1.2216796875, -1.83203125, -1.9951171875 ]
i was truly surprised and feel quite honored
[ -2.109375, 6.96875, -0.67431640625, -2.017578125, -2.013671875, -1.0966796875 ]
i feel dirty watching this series and you can tell how the series is trying to induce false emotions in the viewer
[ 6.83203125, -2.265625, -1.94140625, -0.12158203125, -1.7607421875, -2.1640625 ]
i feel pressured to do well and i fe
[ -0.7265625, -1.2578125, -1.5390625, -1.3564453125, 6.99609375, -0.7587890625 ]
i feel bitchy saying it but i think that next saturday i just want to be alone
[ -1.220703125, -1.9521484375, -0.89404296875, 6.4765625, -1.447265625, -1.666015625 ]
i was feeling particularly pissed off and wanted to go to a party
[ -1.3154296875, -2.03515625, -1.4775390625, 6.42578125, -0.8193359375, -1.568359375 ]
i agree even though when i feel discouraged i like to go to places with lots of color because they make me feel better
[ 6.9140625, -1.76171875, -1.8369140625, -0.99169921875, -1.400390625, -1.9619140625 ]
im far ahead than the released tankouban that are sold here it just wont be the same anymore and the wait wont be as thrilling but damn me if i even feel slightly remorseful for that
[ 6.9453125, -1.9951171875, -1.8330078125, -0.9794921875, -1.3466796875, -1.97265625 ]
i feel just an on going dull pain for a fews hours or a day in my chest
[ 7.05859375, -2.259765625, -1.9833984375, -1.001953125, -1.53515625, -1.640625 ]
i always feel so pressured
[ -0.325927734375, -1.3134765625, -1.6103515625, -1.345703125, 6.9140625, -0.88037109375 ]
i feel hopeful with this new treatment to extend my life
[ -2.2109375, 7.2578125, -0.9228515625, -1.5556640625, -1.6943359375, -1.638671875 ]
i feel so fucking worthless
[ 6.97265625, -1.9248046875, -2.123046875, -1.0517578125, -1.4326171875, -1.77734375 ]
i really enjoy cabernet for how aggressive the flavors tend to be and while this isnt exactly a light wine it still has a general congenial feel to it that i find a very pleasant
[ -2.1953125, 7.08203125, -0.7138671875, -1.068359375, -2.25, -1.845703125 ]

Dataset Card for AutoTrain Evaluator

This repository contains model predictions generated by AutoTrain for the following task and dataset:

  • Task: Multi-class Text Classification
  • Model: ericntay/bert-finetuned-emotion
  • Dataset: emotion
  • Config: default
  • Split: test

To run new evaluation jobs, visit Hugging Face's automatic model evaluator.


Thanks to @gmoney for evaluating this model.

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