Unnamed: 0
David Drops the Weight
David noticed he had put on a lot of weight recently. He examined his habits to try and figure out the reason. He realized he'd been eating too much fast food lately. He stopped going to burger places and started a vegetarian diet. After a few weeks, he started to feel much better.
Tom had a very short temper. One day a guest made him very angry. He punched a hole in the wall of his house. Tom's guest became afraid and left quickly. Tom sat on his couch filled with regret about his actions.
Marcus Buys Khakis
Marcus needed clothing for a business casual event. All of his clothes were either too formal or too casual. He decided to buy a pair of khakis. The pair he bought fit him perfectly. Marcus was happy to have the right clothes for the event.
Different Opinions
Bobby thought Bill should buy a trailer and haul it with his car. Bill thought a truck would be better for what he needed. Bobby pointed out two vehicles were much more expensive. Bill was set in his ways with conventional thinking. He ended up buying the truck he wanted despite Bobby's advice.
Overcoming shortcomings
John was a pastor with a very bad memory. He tried to memorize his sermons many days in advance but to no avail. He decided to learn to sing to overcome his handicap. He then made all his sermons into music and sang them on Sundays. His congregation was delighted and so was he.
Melody's trip to the aquarium.
Melody's parents surprised her with a trip to the big aquarium. Melody took a nap during the two hour car ride to the aquarium. When they arrived, Melody was energetic and excited. At the aquarium Melody saw sharks, tropical fish and many others. After five hours at the aquarium, Melody and her family drove home.
Pop Quiz
The math teacher announced a pop quiz as class began. While some students complained, he began passing out the quiz. I took out my pencil and began to work. About 5 minutes later, I finished. I stood up feeling confident and turned it in.
My first girlfriend
My first girlfriend i met on the internet. She lives about 4 hours away from me. Finally after 2 years we met each other. She stayed with me for a week or two. We decided we couldn't be apart so she moved in with me.
Charlie Horse
I got Charlie Horse when I was four years old. He's a brown stuffed horse, and at 35 I still sleep with him at night. He was my best friend, and always laid at the head of my bed. I laid him next to me, smelling his soft fur every night. I liked to listen to my radio as I fell asleep cuddling him.
Laura loved corn. So she decided to grow some in her backyard. The whole process of growing them made her very excited. But she realized that they required too much water. So Laura quickly abandoned her corn garden idea.
New Hair Color
Andy was invited to a Halloween party. Andy figured that for dramatic effect, he should color his hair. Since Andy's costume was green, Andy decided on that color. After the stylist finished the coloring, Andy regretted it. Andy was disappointed with his new, bold, green hair color.
Luke was playing hockey at school. The game was tied and almost over. Then Luke made the winning shot! Everybody cheered! Luke was so proud of himself!
Cross country
Robbie was competing in a cross country meet. He was halfway through when his leg cramped up. Robbie wasn't sure he could go on. He stopped for a minute and stretched his bad leg. Robbie began to run again and finished the race in second place.
Traffic Troubles
Jude was very excited about his college graduation ceremony. On the way to the arena, he got stuck in traffic. He only had an hour before the ceremony started. He thought he wasn't going to be able to make it in time. Luckily, the traffic cleared up in time for him to get to the ceremony.
Not Santa
Beth sent a letter to Santa Claus. She received a letter back in the mail. Beth did not think that it sounded like the real Santa. She sent another letter calling that Santa a fake. She did not receive another letter back in the mail.
Miss Fussy
Our granddaughter Anna is very fussy about her clothes. She is only two, but wants to pick her outfits. Today her mom wanted Anna to wear a dress. Anna started crying. They let her wear a t-shirt and shorts instead.
Getting to the Store
Jake needed a ride to the store. His girlfriend was working and wouldn't take him. His brother was in the middle of a movie and said no. Jake decided to take the bus to the store. He got what he needed all by himself.
The Sale
I'd been looking for a stand for my TV. I looked everywhere, but the ones I saw were expensive. I happened upon a yard sale on my way home. She had a stand that was perfect, and cheap. It looks great in my den.
Sally had a root canal this morning, as she had a damaged root. After the procedure, the dentist wrote her a prescription. She headed straight to the pharmacy to fill her medication. She handed the prescription to the technician and waited patiently. The technician called her name and she paid for the prescription.
My dog is terrified of thunder. There was a storm today. He came running into my office. He hid in the kneehole of my desk, trembling. Once the storm was over, he acted like a brave dog again.
Children's Show
Mark and Jo were brainstorming ideas for a children's show. Mark suggested that a monster attacks the children. Jo laughed because he thought Mark was joking. Mark was confused because he thought it was a great idea. Mark left in a huff for having his ideas mocked.
Parade Float
Ben's Boy Scout Troop worked for weeks on a float. It was going to be in the town's July 4th parade. They got it finished just in time. It was big enough for his whole troop to ride on. They felt proud as they went down the street as people clapped.
Francis Ties a Tie
Francis has always wanted to learn how to tie a necktie. He decides to practice until he can tie one. At first he finds it very difficult. But eventually he is able to tie a necktie very well. Francis is proud of himself for learning how to tie a necktie.
Eric and his wife had a daughter named Meg. Eric's wife passed away. Eric and Meg were very sad. Eric met a woman and married her 5 years after his wife died. Meg is now happy with her new stepmother.
Foreign Food
My cousin took me to a local restaurant. We ordered a large pizza. Since she never tasted the food there, she didn't know if it was good. I began to start sneezing. To make matters worse, I caught an allergy.
My Diagnosis
When I was 12 years old, my dad got angry and kicked me aggressively. Afterward, I became very ill, and tasted something metallic. I went to a doctor, and was informed that one of my kidneys was dead. Ever since, I've had swelling and hypertension. I started taking medications to combat the symptoms at 13.
Fred Wears Sandals
Fred noticed that he feet got very hot in the summer. He decided he needed new footwear. Fred invested in a nice new pair of sandals. He loved wearing his new sandals. Fred was glad that his feet no longer got hot in the summer.
Last year I took a day trip to see a friend in Maine. I took the Amtrak from Boston to Saco, Maine. We had lunch at Gritty's in Portland. My friend drove me back to the train station. I had a nice time and will visit my friend this year.
Heather cooks Tacos for the first time.
Heather and her family really wanted tacos for dinner. Two of the children wanted chicken tacos. The other two children wanted beef. Heather took great care preparing all the tacos that each wanted. Everyone sat down at dinner and enjoyed eating the tacos together.
Anna was filling her bird feeders. But a chunk of suet fell onto the ground. Her dog rushed over and lapped it up! Anna was astonished. She had no idea dogs loved bird food!
No Connection
James had an Xbox 360. His friends had Xbox accounts online. James registered, but was still unable to connect online. He called for tech support, but they couldn't help either. He realized he would need a new Xbox.
The Protest
The people gathered to protest the court's ruling last week. They held signs and chanted loudly. The police stormed in and arrested them all. Now there are more protests in surrounding towns. The movement is gaining momentum!
Big Box
My roommate and I bought a new futon for our living room. The futon came in a huge box. We set the box out on the curb to be picked up on trash day. Much to our chagrin, the garbage men left the box on the curb. We had to take the box to the dump ourselves.
Pot of Gold
Bob chased after the rainbow through the fields. He ran after it over forests and streams. Bob thought he'd lost it behind a boulder. He found it waiting for him on the other side. When Bob dived for the pot of gold, he woke up.
One Way to Paris
Soren ran through the airport, pulling her bags behind her. The female voice above her announced final boarding to Soren's fligh. She yelled for them to wait as she neared her gate, waving her arms. The attendant at the desk gave Soren a sad, sympathetic look. Nearly out of breath, Soren presented her pass and boarded the plane.
Charles Graduates
Charles had always wanted to have a college degree. He worked hard for many years to complete his courses. Finally he turned in his last college essay. All of his family attended his college graduation. Charles was proud that he had a college degree.
Stacy Changes Her Mind
Stacy originally thought she wanted five kids. She and Bob first were blessed with a daughter. Two years later, they had twin girls. Now, Stacy is selling all her maternity and baby clothes. She says she has changed her mind about wanting five kids!
Lance wins
Lance was going to make a bet. He was thinking of making it a big one. He was going to bet all of his savings on a Race. The day of the Race is here. Lance crosses the finish line and Wins it all!
Office Party
Larry worked at an accounting firm. It was a boring job but it paid the bills. Larry grew tired of doing the same thing every day. He had the idea to have an office party. By lunch the whole office had passed out and nothing got done.
Ava was six years old. She wanted to learn to swim. Her mom took her to the pool. There, she patiently taught Ava the basics. Soon Ava was paddling all by herself!
The missing wallet
James was walking down a street one afternoon. He noticed a wallet lying on the ground. He decided to bring it to the police station. That evening, the phone rang. The old man had called to thank James for returning his wallet.
Dog's Behavior
Chad's dog would always jump on people. Chad couldn't bring his dog anywhere. Chad decided to hire a dog trainer. The trainer taught the dog how to behave. Chad was proud to finally show off his dog to others.
Sliding Into Second
Karl was a good baseball player in his youth. As a middle-aged man, he joined an adult baseball team. Karl is very competitive and will do anything to win. One day, he slid into second base to beat a throw and hurt his knee. The injury made Karl realize that he wasn't young anymore.
The Roommate
Nick was trying to buy a house. He lived with a roommate that he couldn't trust. His stuff always ended up missing from his bedroom. He knew it had to be Nick so he decided he would move out. He found a place and moved out as fast as he could.
Fat Goldfish
Jody bought a goldfish from the pet store. She noticed that the goldfish looked quite fat. Her mom told her that the goldfish had too much to eat. Jody adjusted her pet's diet. The goldfish got skinnier and healthier.
Jane's New Job
Jane had recently gotten a new job. She was nervous about her first day of work. On the first day of work, Jane overslept. Jane arrived at work an hour late. Jane did not make a good impression at her new job.
The Amazon
Jill was going on a trip to the amazon. She arrived after a flight from the US. Once there she marveled at all the beauty. It was dangerous, but exciting. Jill had a wonderful time on her trip to the Amazon.
Chris the Lawyer
Chris is a defense attorney. He has a client that he must defend in court. The client is not guilty. Chris does his best to defend his client during his trial. Chris wins the case and the client goes free.
Julie's Bad pizza
Julie was feeling hungry. She thought she would order some Pizza. Julie order the food through an online website. The pizza arrived and Julie tipped the driver. Julie went to take a bite of the pizza and it was burnt!
Fear of Dogs
Justin was terrified of dogs. His girlfriend had a dog and he wanted to feel comfortable with it. Justin went to therapy to help him get over his fear. After a few months of therapy Justin felt better around dogs. Justin then moved in with his girlfriend and her dog.
Falling down
David was walking down the street when he felt down. He stood up and saw that his knee was bleeding. He found a handkerchief in his pants and applied it to the wound. He hopped to the nearest pharmacy stifling his pain. He then bought some peroxide and bandages to treat his knee.
Nicole wanted to go to a concert in another city. Unfortunately, Nicole could not drive. She asked her cousin to take her to the concert. Her cousin agreed to drive if Naomi bought the tickets. They went to the concert and had a great time.
I woke from my sleep at around three in the morning. I heard a scratching sound coming from inside my closet. I turned the light on beside my bed to investigate. I crept slowly toward the closet. My little brother jumped out of the closet, scaring me to death.
Warm Beer
Ken put a bottle of beer in the freezer. He heard a popping noise. He looked in the freezer and saw the bottle had burst. He didn't want to wait for another beer to get cold. He drank a warm beer instead.
Christmas Day
Christmas was Tyler's favorite holiday. On Christmas morning he ran downstairs to the tree. Tyler saw so many presents and could not wait to open them. By the time his parents woke up, Tyler had opened all his presents! Tyler showed his parents everything Santa Claus gave him.
Wendy loses her cool
Wendy was working at her local fast food establishment. She pretty much hated her Job. Wendy was having a rough day and her employees were annoying her. The cook decided to defy her orders when she said go clean the trash. Wendy flew off the handle and fired him on the spot.
Dog's Bite
Walter was worried because his dog was showing a lot of aggression. The dog recently began snapping at other dogs and even people. Walter consulted with his veterinarian. The vet discovered that the dog was suffering a flea infestation. Some medication got rid of the fleas and the dog's bad mood, too.
The Lake
The couple took a romantic trip to the lake. They stayed in a nice cabin by the water. They went boating and relaxed in the hammock. They were happy to reconnect with each other. When they returned home, they decided to buy a lake house.
Universal Studios
The family planned their first trip to Universal Studios. They were excited to go on all the rides. They saw a lot of the characters. They spent three days in the park. They were sad to come home.
Ketchup on fries
I went to a restaurant. I ordered fries. They put ketchup on the fries. I was furious at the awful site. After complaining, I was given delicious, ketchup free fries.
The Craft
The woman decided to start a new hobby. She went to the craft store and picked out some supplies. She went home and created an amazing masterpiece. She was very proud of her work. She displayed it in her kitchen.
James Plays Football
James had always wanted to try out for a sport at his school. He decided he would try out for football. James exercised every day to be ready to try out. After trying out, James was accepted onto the team. James was glad to be playing a sport at school.
Josie wanted to win an important race at school. She woke up early for a week to practice in the park. She also hired a coach to train with him after school. When the race event started she was really nervous. But all her hard work paid off and she made it to third place easily.
Eggs From Above
Kayla parked her car in front of the convenience store. She got out of the car, and began to walk towards the store. Suddenly, she got hit in the head with an egg. She looked up and saw teenagers on top of the store. The teenagers ran away, and Kayla was left with an egg on her head.
The Patrol
A police officer got a new patrol route. He wasn't familiar with the neighborhood. He spent a lot of time familiarizing himself with the street names. SOon he got to know everyone in the neighborhood. He was beginning to feel at home.
The Thief
Mikey has a habit of taking items that don't belong to him. Last night he stole a trailer from Henry's yard. Henry has a camera in his yard and caught Mikey on tape. The cops were called and took Mikey to jail. Mikey is now sitting in a cell thinking about his actions.
Roger was hungry. He checked the fridge. The fridge was empty. Roger went to the store. He came home with lots of food.
Noah's Arches
Bob stared in disbelief at the flooded basement. All that could be seen were the stone arches above the doors. The plumber told him it flooded because the sump pump was off. Bob understood that was because the electricity had also been off. He enabled the electricity and the pump drained the flooded basement.
Oscar Goes For A Run
Oscar decided that he no longer wanted to be out of shape. He decided to start running outside every day. At first he found it very difficult. However, over time, Oscar began to enjoy running. He was glad to be getting in shape.
Breast Cancer
Jill went to the doctor for her annual exam. A lump was found on her breast and she needed more testing. She went to a follow up appointment and it was confirmed as cancer. Jill went through several rounds of chemotherapy. Fortunately, she had no signs of cancer following her treatment.
Jasmine had homework to do. She did not have a pencil. She looked around the room for one. The room did not have a pencil. Jasmine decided not to do her homework.
Marc's Absence
Marc always had perfect attendance at school. One day, he stopped coming to class. Everyone was worried about him! He came back a few days later. He had been in bed with the flu.
Joe and Santa Claus
Joe was really excited for Christmas. Joe has never seen Santa Claus before. He decided to hide on top of the staircase to try to catch Santa. Joe waited as long as he could before he fell asleep. He woke up to many presents under the tree, and no Santa in sight!
Anna went to pick apples. She tried to pluck the low-hanging fruits. But she could reach very few. At the end of the trip, she had only ten apples. Anna wished she had been able to reach more apples!
Rubber Garden
Bob bought a new manufactured home in Montana. He was sad he didn't have any land to grow a garden on. One of his neighbors told him he could vegetables in tires. Bob tried it and was astounded when it worked. He's very proud of his tire grown tomatoes and corn.
The Poll
The candidates were running a tight campaign. The latest poll said they were tied. The Republican candidate focused on radio ads. The Democrat focused on TV. They fought for every vote they could grab.
Ballet Surprise
Johnnie got dragged to the ballet because his sister wanted to go. He was dreading how boring it would be. He was already bored when the lights were dimmed. Then when the dancers started he got into it. He was sad when it ended.
Dan Runs A Marathon
Dan had always wanted to participate in a marathon. However he was scared that it would be very difficult. He decided to practice until he felt stronger. Finally he was prepared to participate in a marathon. Dan was glad that he was finally going to run a marathon.
I Told You So
Bill's wife, Carly, warned him that it would rain today. Bill disregarded this, and began mowing the lawn. Within minutes, rain began pouring down on Billy. Billy hurried to get the tools inside the shed and went in the house. Carly was there, giving Billy the look that says I told you so.
Late Fee
Joe rented a movie from one of the last rental stores. He had it for five days so he was going to keep it that long. At the end of the fifth day he decided to take it back. The store closed early that night. Joe now has to pay a ten dollar late fee on a five dollar movie.
The Puppies
Janet loved to pet her neighbor's dog. She was told the dog had puppies a few weeks ago. Janet was very excited to see them. She begged her parents to let her have a puppy. Janet was very happy when she walked back to her house with a puppy.
Beanie Babies
When Shawn was growing up he collected beanie babies. He had hundreds of them. He was convinced that they would be worth a lot of money. He kept them for almost twenty years before realizing he was wrong. He is now just a grown man with hundreds of stuffed animals.
Jasmin Perseveres
Jasmin got pregnant during her senior year of high school. She was very worried that her life would be ruined. She had her baby after graduation. She was still able to go to college to pursue her education. As soon as she graduated, she landed her dream job!
The New Happiness
Randy had recently separated from his wife. He felt very lonely and sad all the time. He considered trying to patch things up with Vera, his ex-wife. He decided to get a puppy instead. His decision made him happy and he no longer felt sad.
Terrible Test
Tim needed to take a large test to graduate from high school. He was confident he would pass. However, Tim never studied for tests, including this one! Tim guessed all the answers, failed the test, and did not graduate. Tim learned that studying is important.
Lucy made marinara sauce for her family. It took a lot of time and effort. They ate it all and said it was great. She finally tried it and it was disgusting. She was happy they all pretended to like it.
Charlie Helps Paint
Little Charlie and his dad were painting the garage. Charlie had some trouble controlling the brush. His dad turned around and started to laugh. Charlie had paint on him from head to toe. His dad rinsed him off with water from the hose.
Working Out
Fred was never one for the gym. He was always worried about what he would look like going in there. One day he decided to go for it. It was a great life change for Fred. He started looking better and feeling better, all thanks to the gym.
Don't Swim in December
Leah and Kerry went to the beach in December. Kerry put on her bathing suit and waded into the ocean! The water was so cold that Kerry's lips turned turned blue. Leah pulled her from the icy water, saving Kerry from frostbite. Kerry learned not to swim at the beach in cold weather.
The Dress
Eliza needed a new dress for a party. She went to a department store and looks at their dresses. Eliza finds a purple dress that would look great for the party. The store does not have the dress in Eliza's size. Eliza is sad that she will have to keep looking for another dress.
Customer Service
Jane walked into the home improvement store, ready to complain. Her new lawn mower would not crank, so she brought it back. She talked to the clerk, who asked for her receipt. She gave him the receipt, and she exchanged the mower for a new one. Jane took the new mower home, and it cranked immediately.
Summer Rain
The children laughed as it started raining on them. They splashed about and started throwing mud at each other. Nora looked aghast through the door and prepared to yell at them. She paused when she realized how much ridiculous fun they were having. Nora decided to laugh at their antics and to join them, instead.
Karen's Trip
Karen's job requires long hours at work. She works upwards of 80 hours per week. Karen decides that she needs to relax and have some time off. She books a vacation to Mexico. Karen travels to Mexico and has a very relaxing vacation.
The Go Cart
The boys were so excited they couldn't even sleep that night. It was Christmas morning and they sprang out of bed. They ran downstairs to the tree. There it was! The brand new Go Cart they had wanted.
Too Bad
I was listening to the music saved on my phone. Since the volume was on the highest setting, I couldn't hear anything. My mom tried to call me, but I didn't respond since I didn't hear her. When I went to look for my leftover food, it was gone. My mom told me that she ate it.
Jeff wins it all
Jeff needed a big amount of money. He had made some bad bets and was down big. Jeff decided he had to take extreme gamble. Jeff bet all of his life savings on the basketball game. Jeff won and covered the spread to win it all.
John Sells His House
John decided he wanted to move to a new state. Before he could move he needed to sell his house. A buyer offered John a good price for his house. John sold the house. He was happy that he could now move to a new state.
Night Club Drama
Sandy wanted to go clubbing. She was going to the hottest club in the city. She got to the club and started to have a few drinks. She saw her ex boyfriend who wanted to come talk to her. He caused a big scene when Sandy Refused.
Let's Plan a Trip
Bobby wanted to take his family to the beach. He planned the itinerary carefully. When it was time to leave, they loaded up the car. THey spent the next five days relaxing on the sand. It was a great family trip!
Jane's Painting
Jane wanted to become a better artist. She bought brushes and paint from the art store. She practiced her painting skills whenever she could. The next month, she entered an art contest. She was excited when her painting won a ribbon.
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