Unnamed: 0
I was going to a Halloween party. I looked through my clothes but could not find a costume. I cut up my old clothes and constructed a costume. I put my costume on and went to the party. My friends loved my costume.
Allen the Poet
Allen thought he was a very talented poet. He attended college to study creative writing. In college, he met a boy named Carl. Carl told him that he wasn't very good. Because of this, Allen swore off poetry forever.
Scrambled Eggs
Joy and Lizzy wanted to make breakfast in bed for their mom. It was her birthday so she deserved something special. She like her eggs sunny side up. The girls tried but they kept breaking the eggs. So their mom had scrambled eggs instead.
Shannon was moving to Beverly Hills. She had won the lottery and bought a mansion. She felt like she didn't fit in. Everyone else was very thin and beautiful. Shannon decided to go back to Kentucky and be herself.
The Call
Jean had a job interview for a position she really wanted. The interviewer said the company would call the next day. That day, Jean discovered her phone had no dial tone. She frantically searched and finally saw her room phone off the hook. She fixed it and a minute later got the call: she was hired!
Suzy wants a toy
Suzy was a three year old girl. She wanted the famous paw patrol toy. She begged her daddy day and night for it. One day her daddy took her to the store. Suzy was so happy that daddy bought her the paw patrol toy!
Two weeks ago my sister in law called up. She was watching her ten and seven year old grandchildren. They were misbehaving, and getting restless. She brought them down to our apartment for distraction. After watching tv for an hour, she took them home to their mother.
Baking a Cake
Anita wanted to bake a cake. She looked in her cupboard for ingredients. She needed cocoa powder but could not find any. Anita remembered that she had some chocolate bars. She melted the chocolate down and mixed it into the cake batter.
Unclear Hatred
Diana sneezed in class. Everyone immediately said bless you. On the other hand, I sneezed and got no response. I became more suspicious when the event happened again. Instead of being mad, I assumed that they were not mad at me.
A Wonderful Day
I woke up early yesterday because I was going on a trip. I got dressed. I drove to Dunn's river falls. I explored the falls. I went home exhausted.
Cruise Vacation
Tim went on a cruise vacation. He relaxed in the hot tub every night. His favorite activity was exploring each island the boat stopped at. Tim bought many souvenirs. He was sad when his vacation was over.
Ted buys a car
Teddy was looking for a new car. He decided to head to the dealership. He wanted to pick out the best one for him. He chose the ford mustang. Ted was so happy with his new car.
At work
Daniel was good at his work but he never listened to his staff. During a meeting, he refused all the good ideas of his employees. He even said there was no way to fix the problem they were facing. His own boss was very disappointed when Daniel had no solution. He had no choice but to demote Daniel and remove his privileges.
Mail Fanatic
Janie loved getting mail. She even loved getting bills. People thought she was crazy. One day she received a package and was so excited. It was a present and she realized this is why she loves mail.
The Solo
Anthony auditioned for a solo. He blew the judges away. When it was time to perform, Anthony got cold feet. He gave himself a pep talk. Finally, he took the stage and sang.
The Broken Vase
Kelly ran into the living room, frantically. As she entered, she accidentally bumped into the coffee table. The vase on the table crashed to the ground but broke in large pieces. Kelly quickly grabbed some glue and put the vase back together. She sat the repaired vase onto the table as if nothing happened.
Blind Date
Anna was very nervous about her blind date later that evening. After many outfit changes, she decided on jeans and a sweater. Anna was five minutes early to the agreed upon restaurant. She was surprised to find herself enjoying her dinner date. After lingering over dessert for an hour, they planned a second date.
Bird House
Sarah was tired of seeing spiders in her room. So she decided to use special bug spray. But later, she read that birds are a better solution. So she built a birdhouse to attract birds to her backyard. And she didn't see spiders in her room anymore.
The Lily Pad
Angela was walking around the pond. She saw a frog resting on the lily pad. She threw a rock at it. She tore a hole in the lily pad! She thought she'd get in trouble, so she ran away.
Sonia wanted to buy a beautiful dress for a wedding. She went to her favorite store and asked for help. But the saleswoman was very rude and didn't help her at all. Sonia had to go to three more stores before finding a good saleswoman. She finally managed to find one and bought a nice dress.
A Helping Hand
Megan was down on her luck. She wasn't doing very well and had just been laid off. Her friends got together and thought up a plan. They all came to Megan's to cheer her up. Her friends helped her anyway they could and she was happy.
Bill has trouble
Bill is driving to work. His car begins to make a loud noise. He pulls over to see what's wrong. He opens the hood and smoke flies everywhere. He calls triple a and waits for help.
The Snowman
Vanessa didn't like winter or cold weather. Her parents were always trying to get her to play outside in the snow. Vanessa's parents showed her how to make a snowman from the snow. Vanessa loved the snowman so much that she built more snowmen. Now Vanessa's parents have to limit her time playing in the snow.
Sam's dog Rex escaped from their yard. Sam was distraught. He went out calling for Rex. Then he saw Rex come running up the street! Sam was so relieved, he almost cried!
The Vacation
The parents wanted to take their family on a vacation. They chose to go to Rome as the vacation spot. In Rome the family visited Vatican City. In Vatican City they saw the Pope and ate delicious food. After two weeks the family returned home excited for the next vacation.
The Groundhog
Ella loved to garden in her backyard. One day, her garden had been destroyed by a groundhog! She wanted to get rid of it in a humane way. She caught it in a trap. Her garden was never dug up again.
The Bully
Arthur did not want to go to school. A bully was always being mean to him. One day Arthur decided to stand up to the bully. When the bully pushed him, he pushed back. The bully was surprised and decided not to pick on him.
Cat wants to belong
One day two girls were walking home. Karen the first girl said did you hear that noise? It was something coming from the bushes. It was a poor orange kitty that nobody wanted. She meowed her way into the girl's heart and she took her home.
The kids went to Chinatown for the first time. They ate some good food. They bought fun souvenirs. They stared at the beautiful lanterns. It was like being in another country!
Jane gets a bad grade
Jane was having a hard time in school. She was partying too much and not giving school much attention. Jane decided she was going to cut out the partying. She tried her hardest to do well on this test. Her grade came back and it was an F.
Baby Steps
Annie was frustrated that her one year old wasn't walking yet. All of her friends children were walking. She tried everything she could think of to help get her baby moving. She sat down in frustration when nothing worked. She realized her baby would walk when she was ready.
My Shopping Trip
Yesterday, I went shopping for shoes. I went to Shoe Carnival, looking for a great pair of running shoes. I found all kinds of colorful options, and it was very hard to choose. I picked a pair with rainbow colors, because it made me feel young. I walked out of the store very happy with my purchase.
The Whale
Greg was kayaking in the ocean. All of a sudden, a huge whale popped up in front of him! The whale made a big splash. Gary wished he'd had his camera rolling. He told all his friends about the amazing experience.
Ice Cream Day
Our apartment building hosted an ice cream party in June. They hired an ice cream truck to give out free ice cream. The truck was parked in the driveway, which was blocked off to traffic. We had ice cream and watched a lot of young children eat. The party lasted two hours, and we had a lot of fun.
I should have cheated!
David was faced a particularly difficult exam. He expected to just pass based on it. However, he saw a person carelessly showing his exam. Noble David decided to not cheat. Unfortunately, David did not pass this difficult exam.
Francine Paints Her Nails
Francine decided she wanted to do something fun this weekend. She thought that painting her nails would help make her feel fun. She painted her nails a bright blue color. Afterwards, Francine felt very happy. She was glad that she had painted her nails.
Chef Kira
Kira didn't know what to make for dinner. She searched the kitchen cabinets and refrigerator, taking inventory. Kira's sister suggested they order a pizza instead. Kira smiled, realizing they had pizza ingredients in the house. Kira and her sister made pizzas for dinner.
The Jail
A woman got a new job at the jail. It was full of dangerous criminals. She got to know a few of them. They became friends. She helped them escape.
Food poisoning
On Monday I went to lunch with my friend. We went to a small Italian restaurant. I ordered pizza. At first I thought it tasted okay. Yet to my shock I got sick when I got home.
The Criminal
Dean met a man on the street that said he needed help. He felt bad for him, so he gave him a job at his church. The next day, Dean entered the church and was shocked. Everything of value was stolen! Dean never saw the man again.
Tom was an actor. He had to do a cartwheel in one scene of the movie. The director did not like the cartwheel that Tom did. Tom had to do cartwheels all day until the director was happy. Tom went home with a backache.
Sweet Tooth
Jessica wanted something cold and sweet to eat. She looked in her freezer but didn't see ice cream. Jessica saw some fruit on the counter. She put the fruit, ice and yogurt in a blender. Jessica enjoyed her healthy smoothie.
Kaya walked to school in the morning. It was a lovely day. But after class, it had begun to rain! Poor Kaya had brought no umbrella. She was forced to walk home in the rain.
Dallas wants to wrestle
Dallas always wanted to be a professional wrestler. He decided he was gonna give his dream a shot. He knew he wasn't the biggest or the fastest. He was determined to become what he aspired to be. Dallas walked out into the ring and finally realized his dreams.
Gamers Need Love Too
Bill's older brother told him he'd never get a date. He spent too much time playing video games. One day he was at the video game store. A pretty girl came up beside him, asking his advice on a game. They hit it off so he asked her out and she said yes.
Stolen Gameboy
Mrs Arthur had rules about when her son could play video games. She caught him playing after hours and took the game away. Her son waited until she was not around, found the game, and took it. Mrs Arthur caught her son with the game again the next day. She had to punish her son more severely to teach him the lesson.
Brad gets a date
Brad needed to find a date to the prom. He asked just about every girl in school. One day a new girl came to his school. She was all alone and had no friends. Brad decided to ask her and she said yes!
The Affair
The wife found out her husband and sister had an affair. She was horrified! She kicked the husband out and changed her phone number. She never spoke to either of them again. She found a great new husband who was much more caring.
Stephanie loved her garden and spent a lot of time there. One day, she noticed aphids attacking her plants. Stephanie knew that ladybugs could help. She bought one hundred ladybugs from a garden store. Stephanie released the bugs and they gobbled up all the aphids.
First Day
John was driving to work early one morning. He was taking the usual route that he knew well. He felt comfortable, so he began browsing through his phone. Suddenly, he blew a stop sign a careened off the road. He realized that using his phone while driving can mean real danger.
Phil plays soccer
Phil loves playing sports with his friends. All his friends love basketball, but Phil really likes soccer. Phil invited all his friends to play soccer with him on Friday. They all showed up and play soccer. Now Phil's friends love playing soccer!
The College Visit
Joshua traveled to State College to visit the campus. He looked at the dorms and auditoriums. He really felt at home. He signed up for classes at the end of the visit. He knew this was the school for him!
The Sewing Machine
Crystal decided to learn how to sew. She worked hard at cutting out the pattern. Then she lined it up and sewed the edges up. She had created a beautiful pillowcase! Crystal decided to try a quilt next.
The Ram
The couple was hiking in the desert. They stumbled upon a ram. They were scared at first. But the ram just walked away from them. They were happy they'd seen such a beautiful animal in the wild.
The Hair Cut
Susan was getting a haircut for a wedding she was going to be in. She was excited as she looked at the example pictures. As she looked through them she seen one she loved. She showed the hairdresser the cut that she had wanted. The hairdresser did a great job and Susan loved it!
Jason wouldn't get a job
Jason was a healthy young man. He worked at taco bell with his brothers. One day he got into a big fight with his brother Matt. He quit the Job on the spot. Jason never wanted to get a real job again.
Pretty Pictures
The photographer was looking for something interesting to photograph. He happened to walk by a beautiful garden. It was full of lovely flowers. He started snapping picture after picture. The next month, he opened a show featuring the lovely flower photos.
Sick as a Dog
Marlene took her dog for a walk. While they were out, Marlene got violently ill. A kind motorist stopped and offered to help. He drove Marlene to the Emergency Room. She was in the hospital for a whole week!
Talent Contest
Nick's school was having a talent contest. He decided to enter the contest and play his guitar. He'd never performed on stage before and was very nervous. Nick's nerves caused him to play poorly. He lost the contest and decided to never do it again.
Bob was looking at a house near the Missouri river. As the agent showed him the house, he saw something in the river. They went to take a closer look. Bob was aghast when he realized it was a bloated corpse. The agent said people drowning wouldn't affect the home's value.
Jill's Surprise
Jill's birthday was Saturday. Her daughter wanted to surprise her, so she contacted all her friends. They all bought presents and showed up at the right time. Jill's daughter forgot to tell her she was having a party. So Jill didn't show up for her own birthday party.
Ceiling Fan
There was a bug on the wall by the bed. Kate grabbed a shoe and went to kill it. She had to stand on the bed to reach the bug. Afterwards she turned and ran right into the ceiling fan. Luckily it was on low, and she wasn't hurt at all.
Tuna Fiend
Ellie's cat Jazz was a tuna fiend. Any time Ellie opened a can of tuna, Jazz knew about it. Ellie tried to trick Jazz by buying bagged tuna. As soon as Ellie opened it, Jazz was there. There was just no hiding tuna from Jazz!
Genie's Mask
Genie made everyone at work feel uncomfortable today. She always seemed sneaky, but she had something up her sleeve. Next thing we knew, she was in the office talking to the boss. She was lying about several of us, and wanted us to get fired. Now we are all nervous and waiting to see what happens.
My Human Loves Me
Tom was tired of his small dog yapping around him. He put it in the basement and shut the door tightly. Tom cherished the sudden quiet and took a nice long nap. It rained torrentially while he slept and the basement flooded. Tom's little dog was trapped in the basement and drowned.
The Swan
A swan swam gracefully through the water. It was beautiful and white. It had a long orange beak. The crowd gathered and observed it. It was a beautiful creature.
The Cruise
The family arrived at the port to take their cruise. They were so excited! At their first port, they got terribly lost. They missed the cruise leaving. They were stranded in Italy.
The Court Case
The new lawyer was happy to be practicing in a courtroom. She was determined to be totally prepared. On the first day of the trial, she gave a great opening statement. She felt very confident. The jury said that her client was not guilty.
Rosie started drinking alcohol at age 16. After high school, Rosie drank every night. One day, Rosie decided to drive her car after drinking. Rosie got into an accident by drunk driving. Rosie had to go to rehab for drunk driving.
Jolly Rancher
Sam was eating a jolly rancher. All was going well until he chomped down. Suddenly he felt a sharp burst of pain. Sam has broken off a piece of his tooth. He rushed to the dentist and had emergency surgery.
Weather problems
This afternoon, I was very intent on going to Big Sur. I took my car and drove for hours. Midway, I stopped to take some refreshments at a diner. When I came out, it was raining. I finally arrived in the middle of a storm, but I was still happy.
Finally Tall Enough
Billy wasn't able to ride the big roller coaster last year. He didn't meet the height requirement. He knew he had grown in the past year. He ran up to the measuring stick to see if he was finally tall enough. He made it by over an inch so he could finally get on it!
The Big Jump
Martin was ready for his biggest trick yet. He set up the ramp, making sure to line it up right. This was it, his big moment. He started pedaling towards the ramp full speed. He launched in the air, nearly clearing the whole driveway.
Love Note
Cam wrote a love note to a pretty girl in his class. He handed it to her as he walked to throw something away. She opened it and immediately wrote back. Cam picked up her response, from her desk. He read it and was happy she would sit with him at lunch.
Slip and slide
Rachael really wanted to have a slip and slide. So she bought one and set it up. No one was using it so her brother felt bad. He decided to go for a run on it. But when he slid the ground was so hard it cut his leg.
The Kitty
Abe heard some scratching on the door. He opened it and found a tiny kitten. He scooped her up and gave her a bowl of milk. He tried to pet her but she scratched him and hissed. Abe put the kitten back outside and told her to scram.
Cheap Jacket
I bought a cheap jacket. It was only a dollar. It fell apart the next day. I then decided to buy a hundred dollar jacket. That jacket lasted forever.
The Lamb
Janet went to a farm with her class. They were all having fun looking at the animals. Janet walked over to a lamb. She was given a snack to give the lamb and enjoyed feeding it. The rest of the day Janet stayed by the lambs side.
Computer Repair
Bea yelled out that the computer was broken again. Mike walked into their shared office and looked at her, exasperated. Mike rolled his eyes. He approached Bea and the computer, sighing a long suffering sigh. Mike switched on the computer monitor.
Monster Truck Rally
Bob took Laura to a Monster Truck Rally. They sat on the front row. Laura watched all the different trucks. She also saw different cars get crushed. It was Laura's first time at a Monster Truck Rally.
The Baby
Linda had a new baby. Her other kids weren't adjusting well. They baby cried all the time. Linda said it would get easier when the baby got older. The siblings were not pleased with the new addition.
I used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. I had tried many times to quit smoking. Finally, I was able to quit smoking by switching to e-cigarettes. Then I read that e-cigarettes are harmful to my health, too. Now I am trying to quit using e-cigarettes.
I have a friend who fell in love with Skittles when we were five. He ate them every day, and would bring them in a container to my house. He liked the red ones the best, so he'd give me all the rest. We sat on the bed and ate them and drank chocolate milk. We did this every day after school for 3 years.
New Shoes
Our 2 year old granddaughter is fussy about shoes. She likes to wear only orange Crocs. Her day care will not let her wear Crocs for safety reasons. Her father took her to a shoe store. After two hours, she picked out a pair of shoes.
The Frog
Ben found a frog in the creek. It was green and slimy. He took it home and put it in a bucket. The next day, the frog was gone. He'd jumped out and escaped!
Butterfly magic
Noah was looking for a very special butterfly. He went to the woods and walked all day. When night fell, he made a fire and waited. Around midnight, in the pale moonlight, he saw one. He looked at it, was mesmerized and let it go.
Funny Accent
Cam wanted to shake up his daily routine. When he went to school he began to talk with a Scottish accent. His friend thought it was hilarious. The teacher told him to stop doing this act. Cam refused and claimed that this was his normal voice.
Shane Shaves His Beard
Shane noticed that his beard was becoming long and unprofessional. He decided he should shave it. It was difficult to shave because it had grown so long. When he had finally shaved, Shane felt much better. Shane was glad to look better now that he had shaved.
Jaime's Passion
Jaime has loved to cook food since he was a young boy. He went to college for business, but he always wanted a restaurant. Last year Jaime bought a building and opened his first restaurant. It's called Fit Eats and it serves really tasty, healthy food. Jaime can't keep up with orders sometimes he's so busy.
Wishing for Snow
Bonnie was not ready for the history test tomorrow. When she went to bed she wished it would snow. That way school would be cancelled so she could study more. She was excited when she woke to four inches of snow. She spent the whole day studying so she'd be ready for the test.
Joan went to the casino to try her luck. She put $10 worth of quarters in the first slot machine she saw. She didn't win anything and was very disappointed. On her way home, she found $10 on the pavement. She smiled, took it, and went home with a light heart.
Bad makeup
Marnie was getting married. For her wedding, she needed her makeup done. As a result she hired a makeup artist to help her. When the makeup artist was finished, marine looked at it. She was horrified and ended up firing her,
Door Handle Disaster!
Yesterday I received a huge box of door handles I had ordered. I opened it to reveal beautiful, shiny new handles. I carefully removed the old, ugly handles from my doors. The new latches and striker plates do not fit the openings on the doors! I must fix the new parts so that the doors close properly.
It was my first time cooking dinner for myself. I decided to stay simple and cooked a hamburger. As the meat cooked, my nose was treated with a wondrous smell. After it finished, I took it off the grill and slapped it on a bun. I wasted no time and took a huge bite of my perfect burger.
Mia the Model
Mia is very beautiful. Mia stays in good shape and eats healthy. Because of Mia's good looks, she decides to become a model. Mia moves to New York to pursue modeling. Mia walked the runway in her first fashion show last week.
The boy and his boat
Larry was only 5 years old. He loved to go riding on his boat with is dad. His father became ill of cancer and passed away. Larry still to this day sails on the boat. He loves to imagine his father is still with him and his boat.
Up Close
My grandparents and I were going for a walk. We were walking near some pine trees and turned a corner. Suddenly, right in front of us, was a huge moose. It was so close that it scared us, but they told me not to run. We all stood still and soon the moose walked away without harm.
David's Gift
David has to buy his wife Sarah a gift for their anniversary. David went out all day on Friday to find a gift. He searched all over, but he couldn't find the perfect gift. Eventually he decided to cook her dinner instead. Sarah loved the dinner he cooked for her!
Turtle Hatching
The crowd waited at the turtle nest, as the eggs would hatch soon. An egg began to crack open, and the crowd got very quiet. The crowd cleared a path for the baby turtle to enter the water. The turtle entered the water successfully and the crowd cheered. They then went back to wait for the next egg to hatch.
Lenny wins big
Lenny wasn't having any luck at the slots. He thought it just wasn't his day. He was down to his last quarter. He decided to put it in the slot and pull. Lenny's eyes lit up with joy as he hit the jackpot.