I know I can't keep it closed too long. I couldn't find the 'stop' button. But I can still fix the 'pause' button. At least for a while.
I looked out through the bars, for the first time. I saw the road outside, actually the wounded man on the road. Blood spilled all over the road, him. Many around him watched him suffer. Some captured his suffering on their screens. I watched him die, with a pain. And others too, without it. With a shake of my hand the first bar broke, silently.
But I still see you, a shadow at the far end, like a drop of tear- hanging off an eyelash.
Oh why is it so hard dear The rocky road of life To the other end you walk But never seem to reach
I spent that day with my PC by playing games and more. Need For Speed , Grand Theft Auto, Total Overdose, Prince of Persia. Driving cars and Killing enemies, Sword attack and Combo list. Without talking to anyone I became Blacklist No.1.
I too had dreams, hopes flying- like cotton clouds in the blue sky. Too late to realize, it seems, that those were just soap bubbles. Now I know I should stop, cause I don't deserve your love.
Don't you taste stardust ? Don't you feel that we're the same ? Don't you see the blaze in my eyes, The heat of a star trapped in my body?
It wasn't lust either, cause you were more than just a body. Can't say why I loved you, sometimes reasons are meaningless. My love wasn't fake, cause you could catch me every time.
But when I looked at the stone through and through, I found out something peculiar, something wonderful. Something in common between me and that stone. Every cell of my body and every microscopic particle in that stone came from the same place!! Hard to believe but true!!!
I tried to hold it. But my hands couldn't find the grip. It closed at last, blocking the golden light leaving the darkness in front. I stared at the void for a long time, so that I missed the other 5 doors those were opened for me!!
The sky was once again red when my eyes woke up from sleep. red -not blood red , it was evening red, red as evening sun. The sun’s one day’s journey Ended there, handing over his job to the moon.
I see the avalanche of bullets buzzing around, aching my drums, painting the walls red. Chains cutting into my flesh.
Here, take the key to my chest, and only return it when I ask you after a whole year.
You made my nights colourful with the- stories of the villain fox and poor rabbit. I can never thank you enough for the support you gave me mom.
I know that is you. Pinned to the infiniteness of the fabric far above.
But there's a lot going on here , in this tiny ball of dirt. But stay with me, well journey through- space and time, around this tiny dirt ball. We'll float like a dust in a sun beam, till our past and future meet as one...
"What are your wishes?" I asked her. "Nothing" she replied. "Don't have a bucket list? No crave for adventure?" I was amused. She shrugged and said: "Sometimes it's an ordinary life that take the most effort."
It all started with a pain- my life. I stepped into the world by hurting you mom, by giving you the pain that gave you satisfaction. The pain you'll always love to remember. But I hurt you mom, even in the ultimate innocence- I gave you pain. I can never thank you enough for that, mom.
Waterfalls must only be a turbulent flow- of water to me, with the Reynold's number > 2000. I'm restricted to wonder why the aircraft fly in the air. I'm only allowed to be thorough with the Bernoulli's principle and it's derivation.
I walked until I was dead. Until the world below disappeared behind the thick veil of the cotton clouds that spanned to the distant horizons.
I will bury it among the woods, cause love can only be buried among love. I will give it to nature, for there's not a better lover than her.
And when I slowly stepped into my life- you received me with a handful of love. You gave me the nectar of life. You gave me the sweet taste of love. You loved me, cared me, taught me the essentials of life. You showed me the importance of being honest, You taught me to say truth always, The importance of trust in life. You showed me how to respect others, not only humans but also the nature. You taught me that the god lives in the- hearts of everyone.
Only one was left. Just one bar between me and the world. I waited for it, the death of the last bar. It happened, on the rainy disastrous night, followed by a sunny morning. She was helpless, crying for mercy. But no one’s bowl had the warm soup of mercy. They looked like humans. But barbarian animals inside. Tortured her, raped her. Not by one, too many were there waiting to rip her soul into thousands pieces. They almost killed her, left her behind like a corpse, but with a pulse. That endless rain that night had the bitter taste of her tears. The 7th bar washed away by the rain.
I wanted to fill the void, but my mind was out of ideas. I looked around to find something- that really worth a poem.
Then he'll know how I fooled him. My smiles were fake, words were hollow. He'll see the mask then, with an everlasting smile and inside the insidious beast.
Forgive me, my love for the things I have not done. Forgive me, my love for the tears I've caused. I don't deserve it, your love, If those tears I could bear.
But I will, one day, cry a river- below that bridge and Kiss your shore.
In the bright golden sunlight, in the thick foamy clouds, in the song of the cuckoo, in every flap of a butterfly's wings, even in the long row of ants- there was a bit of poetry. In everything around me.
There was the clear blue sky above my head, the red hot sun on its edge. There were many beautiful flowers in my garden, butterflies and birds chirping around. There were several gorgeous girls too- on the road, enjoying the evening. But what drew my attention was- nothing more than a stone. A cold black stone.
I sat there in the bright sunlight. All I had was a blank paper- and a pen with full of ink. But my mind was out of ideas, empty as the blank white paper. The ink didn't flow out just like always.
My legs were numb, But I kept pushing forward. Cause there was a lot in store on top of the Tatra mountains.
On a cold winter night I look up the sky and see a star shining bright.
Ocean also heard my question, where's your love? Their answer came towards me like waves. You even saw love in my perilous heaves! No one realizes I'm a kind of ugly waste basket.
Night has only one colour- Black. And without the mask, human mind- have the same one- Black. That's why I'm in love with that colour. That's why I love the darkness, night and my mind.
There was only one window with 7 bars, when I came here for the first time. A small window with 7 vertical bars, through which light and life came inside. That was the only thing which could make me think that I'm still living Seven bars, the only thing I owned in my seven years long prison life.
I asked the stars, where's your love? They answered, blinking their eyes We blink and you say it's love. Who knows we're trying to close our eyes from this earth of madness?
I walked until my legs gave up, passing the springs and the flowers waiting to bloom, and the bushes and berries that colored the mountains.
I see that distant island Lonely and grey Midst the violent storm And the monster waves
It’s not easy to win. Neither too hard. You should mean it, in every- Throw of dice, you should believe.
I will dig so deep for this relic, no nomads can ever find. I will burn it till it glows, till the heat of our love melt it.
Last night she gave me the ring- that bore our names, A reminiscent of the love we once shared, A shiny ring.
It's the only time that reveals- fear, revenge, lust and all other things- I failed to see in the daylight. That's why it's so important. The end of a day, or a beginning of new one.
Stars as a dust spread over - the dark grey sky , it was no longer grey. It is black now… Black everywhere. Tiny dots of stars twinkled at me. The half faced moon smiled at me. I don’t know why but they were all looking at me………
I couldn't open my eyes Out the days were cold. The smoke spreading my lungs The cries shrinking my heart.
Where do you keep all your hopes? Carry it on that fancy backpack? Or stuff it in a plastic bag and- let it flow in the mighty river of time?
But even after time has run a long way, it came back to me. I really marvelled to see the part of- myself on that little stone. Now I'm changing the lyrics. We're equally great actually. Except the fact that- Only I can make an extraordinary poem- out of a seemingly ordinary black stone!
In fact, this is not a poem at all. This is the key to the padlock- I'm using to lock the chest- of my imagination.
One or two stars were seen but everywhere else was red. As the dial turns round and round The sun rose up from the horizon. Reddish colour was disappearing or transforming to blue.
Look above at the black carpet, Blazing sparkles sprayed on to it. Look at the emptiness that engulf us. Look far in to the past of pasts.
I look at the cloudy skies Lifeless lands, lightless days. cursing the darkness blackening the blue planet.
It didn't let me face the challenges. It took away the opportunities that were in front of me. It never allowed me to win. It took me from the world of light and blinded me with its black veil. Made me a living statue!
You'll find yourself there , in the heart of a blazing star. A bunch of dust waiting to become you. Waiting to be thrown out into the darkness.
Draw the line, shoot the other side cried the general from his abode But where does it start, or end? It goes in circles? he asked.
Very interesting his last moments will be. An element of surprise. A push,a nudge into the darkness where it will all end with a thud!
It all changes at night- the human mind, covering its even more dark side by the pure darkness of night.
Your voice never hardened even if mine did so. I hurt you more than I did at the beginning. I made scars on your mind and soul- with the key of innocence no longer in my hands. I know mom, a sorry won't be enough. But I know, being a mother you can- forgive even without a sorry.
Oh dear I know it's dark I know the light is hours away But every moonless night, my love Gives us a million stars
Witnessed a murder next time. This time for the precious metal. After all its a metal right? All coming from mud. Why on earth would they kill each other for just some mud? That evening, the golden rays of the sun melted the second last bar.
I knew a push would do it. A little push, my hands can handle. it wasn't hard, neither was easy. my hands had the strength- but mind said No! Ignored it.
I looked out for the second time and saw the woods. Again I looked Saw the sand! The wood has gone! I don't know how Its gone! The hot northern wind came in without a difficulty taking the second bar away with it.
The moon- half naked, half concealed with black curtain like a boat it floated in the sky. Its light was not enough for this dark…black night. There was no dazzling light only a cool moonlight.
Just like life, there are no shortcuts to 100. You’ve to play fairly. The snakes, your mistakes. The ladders, your gains.
Human mind work so different at night, in its deep dark shadow. When there's no dazzling light, no annoying sound, only calmness.
Third time I looked out. There was a huge building on the place where the slum stood once, home to thousands was replaced by the smoke vomiting chimneys. On the lament of the thousands, the third bar was destroyed.
The torch was dead, the light inside never reached out. A bullet through hope's heart. It was all done. Peace was one beat away... I closed my eyes!!
Night feared me once, by the fairy tales of ghosts. But now I love the night. Because, It's the only time I can see me.
Billions of years ago, before the time begun with a BANG, me and that stone were together. Concentrated on a very small region - in an unimaginably dense state. Then we parted, at light's speed*
Have you seen my soul? darker than the moonless night. I heard some fool say, 'When you love- you learn to love their dark side too'. But that darkness, my love you don't deserve to live with. If Love never really hurts, then is this love at all?
I asked the dew drops, where's your love? She answered smiling: You saw only love in me. No one sees me shivering in that cold.
I should only care what's in the textbook. Anything out of it- irrelevant. But I'm okay with that. I can get used to it.
You carried me, a long 10 months... 10 months of transformation to chaos to a human. You kept me inside, served me with love and care. You let me grow up comfortably. My extra weight did not matter to you. I can never carry you even a single day- even if I were the most strongest man in the world. I can never thank you enough mom.
As I went far in my life, I forgot what you taught. As my height increased, voice toughened, my ears became more resistive to your voice. But you always smiled at me.
Oh dear, there is a lot going on- in this tiny ball of dirt. Some say it's big, some say it's huge. But look, it's just a spec of dust.
And we'll sail away, far to the end of the world. Till the river meet the ice cold ocean.
You know, my legs don't have strength to walk that far and run away with you.
Every turn is a game changer here. Everyone wants 6’s and 5’s. But when the right time comes, You should play for 1. That’s snake n’ ladder buddy, That’s life.
I can't hold it's weight, cause there's a part of my soul inside- that I rip apart for you. A part still craving for your love.
But that didn't help. I found nothing, absolutely. But at the end I found out, everyone with a mind and desire- can make anything out of nothing! Just like I did here.
Don't let the dark part overtake you. It will be your end and you will be no more. One day I will overtake my dark side. And that day will be my Independence Day!!!!!
But then the bright screens were turned on, earphones plugged in. The song echoed in every corner, but no one heard it!
My legs were dead. But to feel on top of the world, that's one sacrifice to make. And there's a lot to see, a lot to try, a lot to feel- everywhere my legs can take me!
The journey ended there, journey seeking love. I didn't find the love, neither its origin. The love I saw was just an illusion... Love was dead, and buried.
It was so early when I - woke up from my bed. For 8 hours I have been waiting - to switch on my computer. Without even taking bath I sat in front of my PC.
5th time I looked out for witnessing a murder. Taking life was a child's play for 'em. I remember his boisterous laugh who was enjoying the scene, the same who acted well in his mourning. The 5th bar broke by the power of his evil laugh.
No one will judge you by the snakes, If you’re gonna make it to 100. No one will care your ladders If you’re gonna lose.
Now, it is blue - blue everywhere. Not dark blue, light blue, aqua blue Everywhere was sky blue. At first just there was blue only, but - something came out of the blue. Clouds…white foggy cloud … It was like an elephant, no no , an angel or a beast , I don’t know How could I say that ? because It was making shapes of its own.
And at last it opened. The only way I can get to the outer world. But I didn't move an inch. I didn't want to go out. 'Cause I knew that the imprisoned criminals are far better than the lunatics with no chain on their hands. The darkness inside was much more comfortable than the dazzling light outside.
The door was opened for a while. The door with a silver outline, a golden light emerging from inside. From something that was too bright for my eyes.
But slowly I realized that the spirit was no good for me. It was he who made me bad to worse.
But I just couldn't find it then, there was nothing in my mind. Empty, blank, void and every other form of nothing.
I asked the clouds, where's your love? He replied like thunderbolt: You saw love in my enormity also?!! Have anyone saw the sunlight making me suffer?
Let's hold our hands , gaze at our past , Till we float away and be dust again. They say it's big , some say it's huge But it's a spec of dust , like you and me.
The sun should be nothing more than a distant celestial object with angular magnitude 0.5 degrees and stellar magnitude around minus 27.
O' dear, you know I can't keep it, Time must rust it out. Like our love that once shined, but left a cold piece of charcoal.
I should not see the angels and beasts which the foamy clouds make in the sky. But I should study that the scattering of light is the reason for its foamy white colour. I should not marvel at the beauty of the seven coloured rainbows, but study 'Total Internal Reflection' causes it.
I feel the metal bed, I hear it clinging. I feel the cold of those Long death metal pipes.
Passing the serene villages, deserted suburbs and crowded cities, it engulfed the earth like- the thin fog of petrichor.
This will be the last poem that's gonna originate from the - ball point tip of my pen this year. My pen will be idle for a while.
I am what you always say, a machine, a wooden plank. My love wasn't romantic, neither a shower of flowers. It was all thorns, sharp edges cutting into your flesh.
From far far away... from the mountains where- ice melt into rivers from the peaks where- the sun kiss the dew from the tip of the rainbow where- the treasure lay hidden from the heights of the canopy which- overlook the landscape, came the song of a cuckoo. A song so mellow, so subtle like an infant's laugh.
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