It was a spirit that always came with me, Travelled with me, Played with me. It assisted me in my sleep, in my study, on my play time. It made my path clear. Deviating me from the way of challenges.
There are 8 snakes and 8 ladders In a 100 block long snake n ladder. Though it seemed to be many fewer Ladders are there on the board.
I saw the spoiled childhood on the streets when I looked out, 4th time. I searched for colourful dreams on their head. But only found sacks of sand. My fist chocked the 4th bar, crushing it powdering it, leaving the other 3 behind.
The past is a dead reflection. And the future hides behind- the thick fog of time, fading into reality just like- a dream does when you open your eyes. This moment is all there is. We own nothing but this loaf of time!
I saw the deep valleys, a small spring running weak among. Snow capped peaks peeping above the lake of white clouds.
You may think that it's absurd to think that the stone holds much greater value than me! In fact, that silly stone is not silly at all.
Sirens screamed, death showered Not knowing why, they battled. Where to draw the line? they asked. But the corpses looked all the same in the mud.
One day in my life I felt I am not alone. Someone was with me all the time. But I didn't bother to know who it was.
You know I can't come- seeking you, cause- I can't cross that bridge.
Now I know the dark side is growing bigger to biggest. But I must not allow. I have to fight and I will. I have to lighten the dark side of me.
When left alone at night, things change. Everyone finishes a day long show there, without a prolonged applause. Without the mask, he's he- what really inside.
I know can't stop loving you. But you should, take a stand. I can never hate you. I don't think you can either. Stop loving me, but don't hate me, cause hate is not the opposite of love. It's a disease, will make you blind, oblivious to what love really is. My love, I love you. But you shouldn't...
The next day, I woke up early But my PC wasn't good. So I went up to the balcony And just sat there like a cat. But when my eyes took a - Flight to the zenith I saw the reddish sky.
I didn't know what the light was, whether a trap or precious treasure. I was in a confusion, dilemma. So I didn't take a leap. I took too much time on thinking before it started to close!
Do your memories run past Like a view through a window Does the things you did Come back and haunt you
I must not enjoy the beauty of the sunset. But study that the red light has the greatest wavelength among the colours in the visible region of Electro Magnetic spectra.
Giving a push is nothing the beast can't do. since the mask is torn off it can let him go to the dark. In the dark, no one will see the beast either!
There's us, then there's them but where is the line in between? There's love, then there's hate but why does it hurt so much in between? There're laughs, then there're tears but what is that feeling in between? There's birth, then there's death but when is the life in between?
There're tyrants, then there're martyrs but who are the ones in between? There's us, then there's them but we are the ones in between.
I was setting the last moments for whom I never gave up hate. whose face always forced me to wear that fake smile.
The blue skies merging with the landscape below, somewhere. The grey hills, so distant drawing the contours of the terrain below.
I was in a journey, Journey seeking love, its origin. The love I saw around me, In the mist that covered the dawns, In the morning song of the cuckoo, In the silver lined clouds of noon sky, In the ocean waves swallowing the setting sun, In the blinking of stars at the night sky, I saw love everywhere. It was a journey to seek that love.
I asked the cuckoo, where's your love? She said with a smile: You saw love in my song, Did you notice a lament of a mother in it?
Does the warm breeze freeze you Does the moonlight burn you Do the waves drown the Sound of your prayers?
Do not worry my love Do not worry, cause The dark cold winter days Always give way to colours
Night is the time your eyes doesn't search for a light. You'll want it to be closed. Closed against all the darkness around, only to let out the darkness inside.
It's a long journey , a voyage through- the dark corners of space and time, Towards this very moment- when my lips meet yours.
What if the padlock gets so rusted so that I can never open my chest again...........?
I can never thank you enough for giving me the eternal love that I failed to return back. I can never thank you enough for bringing me into this world, for giving me this extraordinary life. I love you mom....