(en-eu) Felicia, once a Category 4 storm on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, weakened to a tropical depression before dissipating Tuesday. ###> felicia, saffir-simpson urakan-eskalan 4. kategoriako ekaitza izandakoa, ahuldu eta depresio tropikal bihurtu zen, asteartean saretu zen arte.
(eu-en) felicia, saffir-simpson urakan-eskalan 4. kategoriako ekaitza izandakoa, ahuldu eta depresio tropikal bihurtu zen, asteartean saretu zen arte. ###> Felicia, once a Category 4 storm on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, weakened to a tropical depression before dissipating Tuesday.
(en-eu) Its remnants produced showers across most of the islands, though as of yet, no damage or flooding has been reported. ###> haren hondarrek zaparradak eragin zituzten uharte gehienetan, baina, oraingoz, ez da kalterik edo uholderik gertatu.
(eu-en) haren hondarrek zaparradak eragin zituzten uharte gehienetan, baina, oraingoz, ez da kalterik edo uholderik gertatu. ###> Its remnants produced showers across most of the islands, though as of yet, no damage or flooding has been reported.
(en-eu) The precipitation, reaching 6.34 inches at a gauge on Oahu, was described as "beneficial". ###> prezipitazioak 6,34 hazbetera iritsi ziren, oahu-ko neurgailu baten arabera, eta “onuragarritzat” jo dira.
(eu-en) prezipitazioak 6,34 hazbetera iritsi ziren, oahu-ko neurgailu baten arabera, eta “onuragarritzat” jo dira. ###> The precipitation, reaching 6.34 inches at a gauge on Oahu, was described as "beneficial".
(en-eu) Some of the rainfall was accompanied by thunderstorms and frequent lightning. ###> euri-jasaren zati batean trumoiak eta tximista ugari izan ziren.
(eu-en) euri-jasaren zati batean trumoiak eta tximista ugari izan ziren. ###> Some of the rainfall was accompanied by thunderstorms and frequent lightning.
(en-eu) The Twin Otter had been trying to land at Kokoda yesterday as Airlines PNG Flight CG4684, but had aborted once already. ###> twin otter hegazkina kokoda-n lurreratzen saiatu zen (png airelinearen cg4684 hegaldia zen), baina lehen saiakeran ez egitea erabaki zuen.
(eu-en) twin otter hegazkina kokoda-n lurreratzen saiatu zen (png airelinearen cg4684 hegaldia zen), baina lehen saiakeran ez egitea erabaki zuen. ###> The Twin Otter had been trying to land at Kokoda yesterday as Airlines PNG Flight CG4684, but had aborted once already.
(en-eu) About ten minutes before it was due to land from its second approach it disapeared. ###> bigarren hurbilketan, lurreratzeko hamar minutu falta zirela, desagertu egin zen.
(eu-en) bigarren hurbilketan, lurreratzeko hamar minutu falta zirela, desagertu egin zen. ###> About ten minutes before it was due to land from its second approach it disapeared.
(en-eu) The crash site was located today and is so inaccessable that two policemen were dropped into the jungle in order to hike to the scene and seek survivors. ###> istripuaren gunea gaur aurkitu dute; hain da zaila hara heltzea, non bi polizia oihanean utzi behar izan baitituzte istripuaren tokiraino oinez joan eta norbait bizirik dagoen egiaztatzeko.
(eu-en) istripuaren gunea gaur aurkitu dute; hain da zaila hara heltzea, non bi polizia oihanean utzi behar izan baitituzte istripuaren tokiraino oinez joan eta norbait bizirik dagoen egiaztatzeko. ###> The crash site was located today and is so inaccessable that two policemen were dropped into the jungle in order to hike to the scene and seek survivors.
(en-eu) The search had been hampered by the same bad weather that had caused the aborted landing. ###> lurreratzea bertan behera utzi beharra eragin zuen eguraldi txarrak, baita bilaketa zaildu ere.
(eu-en) lurreratzea bertan behera utzi beharra eragin zuen eguraldi txarrak, baita bilaketa zaildu ere. ###> The search had been hampered by the same bad weather that had caused the aborted landing.
(en-eu) According to reports, an apartment on Macbeth Street exploded due to a gas leak. ###> txostenen arabera, macbeth street-eko apartamentu batek eztanda egin zuen gas-isuri baten ondorioz.
(eu-en) txostenen arabera, macbeth street-eko apartamentu batek eztanda egin zuen gas-isuri baten ondorioz. ###> According to reports, an apartment on Macbeth Street exploded due to a gas leak.
(en-eu) An official with the gas company was reporting to the scene after a neighbor called about a gas leak. ###> gas-konpainiako langile bat deitu zuten etxebizitzara, bizilagun batek gas-isuri bati buruzko deia egitean.
(eu-en) gas-konpainiako langile bat deitu zuten etxebizitzara, bizilagun batek gas-isuri bati buruzko deia egitean. ###> An official with the gas company was reporting to the scene after a neighbor called about a gas leak.
(en-eu) When the official arrived, the apartment exploded. ###> langilea iristean, apartamentuak eztanda egin zuen.
(eu-en) langilea iristean, apartamentuak eztanda egin zuen. ###> When the official arrived, the apartment exploded.
(en-eu) No major injuries were reported, but at least five people on scene at the time of the explosion were treated for symptoms of shock. ###> ez da zauritu larririk egon, baina eztanda gertatzean bertan zeuden bost pertsona, gutxienez, tratatu egin behar izan dituzte shock-sintomak direla eta.
(eu-en) ez da zauritu larririk egon, baina eztanda gertatzean bertan zeuden bost pertsona, gutxienez, tratatu egin behar izan dituzte shock-sintomak direla eta. ###> No major injuries were reported, but at least five people on scene at the time of the explosion were treated for symptoms of shock.
(en-eu) No one was inside the apartment. ###> ez zegoen inor apartamentu barruan.
(eu-en) ez zegoen inor apartamentu barruan. ###> No one was inside the apartment.
(en-eu) At the time, nearly 100 residents were evacuated from the area. ###> une hartan, ia 100 biztanle ebakuatu zituzten eremutik.
(eu-en) une hartan, ia 100 biztanle ebakuatu zituzten eremutik. ###> At the time, nearly 100 residents were evacuated from the area.
(en-eu) Both golf and rugby are set to return to the Olympic Games. ###> golfa eta errugbia itzuli egingo dira olinpiar jokoetara.
(eu-en) golfa eta errugbia itzuli egingo dira olinpiar jokoetara. ###> Both golf and rugby are set to return to the Olympic Games.
(en-eu) The International Olympic Committee voted to include the sports at its executive board meeting in Berlin today. Rugby, specifically rugby union, and golf were selected over five other sports to be considered to participate in the Olympics. ###> nazioarteko batzorde olinpikoak kirol horiek sartzeko bozkatu du gaur berlinen egin duten batzorde exekutiboaren bileran. errugbia, zehazki hamabosteko errugbia, eta golfa hautatu dira beste bost kirolen artetik olinpiar jokoetan parte hartzeko.
(eu-en) nazioarteko batzorde olinpikoak kirol horiek sartzeko bozkatu du gaur berlinen egin duten batzorde exekutiboaren bileran. errugbia, zehazki hamabosteko errugbia, eta golfa hautatu dira beste bost kirolen artetik olinpiar jokoetan parte hartzeko. ###> The International Olympic Committee voted to include the sports at its executive board meeting in Berlin today. Rugby, specifically rugby union, and golf were selected over five other sports to be considered to participate in the Olympics.
(en-eu) Squash, karate and roller sports tried to get onto the Olympic program as well as baseball and softball, which were voted out of the Olympic Games in 2005. ###> squasha, karatea eta patinekin egindako kirolak ere olinpiar programan sartzen saiatu ziren, beisbol eta softball-arekin batera, baina olinpiar jokoetatik kanpo geratu ziren 2005ean.
(eu-en) squasha, karatea eta patinekin egindako kirolak ere olinpiar programan sartzen saiatu ziren, beisbol eta softball-arekin batera, baina olinpiar jokoetatik kanpo geratu ziren 2005ean. ###> Squash, karate and roller sports tried to get onto the Olympic program as well as baseball and softball, which were voted out of the Olympic Games in 2005.
(en-eu) The vote must still be ratified by the full IOC at it's October meeting in Copenhagen. ###> hala ere, ioc osoak berretsi behar du bozka urrian kopenhage-n egingo duen bileran.
(eu-en) hala ere, ioc osoak berretsi behar du bozka urrian kopenhage-n egingo duen bileran. ###> The vote must still be ratified by the full IOC at it's October meeting in Copenhagen.
(en-eu) Not all were supportive of the inclusion of the women’s ranks. ###> guztiak ez zeuden emakumeen mailak sartzearen alde.
(eu-en) guztiak ez zeuden emakumeen mailak sartzearen alde. ###> Not all were supportive of the inclusion of the women’s ranks.
(en-eu) 2004 Olympic silver medallist Amir Khan said, "Deep down I think women shouldn’t fight. That’s my opinion." ###> amir khan-ek, zeinak 2004an zilarrezko domina olinpikoa irabazi baitzuen, esan zuenez, “barren-barrenean uste dut emakumeek ez luketela borroka egin beharko. hori da nire iritzia.”
(eu-en) amir khan-ek, zeinak 2004an zilarrezko domina olinpikoa irabazi baitzuen, esan zuenez, “barren-barrenean uste dut emakumeek ez luketela borroka egin beharko. hori da nire iritzia.” ###> 2004 Olympic silver medallist Amir Khan said, "Deep down I think women shouldn’t fight. That’s my opinion."
(en-eu) Despite his comments he said he will be supporting the British competitors at the 2012 Olympics being held in London. ###> aipatutakoak gorabehera, esan zuen britainia handiko lehiakideen alde egingo duela londresen, 2012ko olinpiar jokoetan.
(eu-en) aipatutakoak gorabehera, esan zuen britainia handiko lehiakideen alde egingo duela londresen, 2012ko olinpiar jokoetan. ###> Despite his comments he said he will be supporting the British competitors at the 2012 Olympics being held in London.
(en-eu) The trial took place at Birmingham Crown Court and concluded on August 3. ###> birmingham-eko gorteko auzitegian egin zen epaiketa eta abuztuaren 3an amaitu zen.
(eu-en) birmingham-eko gorteko auzitegian egin zen epaiketa eta abuztuaren 3an amaitu zen. ###> The trial took place at Birmingham Crown Court and concluded on August 3.
(en-eu) The presenter, who was arrested at the scene, denied the attack and claimed he used the pole to protect himself from bottles being thrown at him by up to thirty people. ###> tokian bertan atxilotu zuten aurkezleak erasoa ukatu zuen eta ziurtatu zuen zutoina erabili zuela hogeita hamar lagun inguru jaurtitzen ari zitzaizkion botilengandik babesteko.
(eu-en) tokian bertan atxilotu zuten aurkezleak erasoa ukatu zuen eta ziurtatu zuen zutoina erabili zuela hogeita hamar lagun inguru jaurtitzen ari zitzaizkion botilengandik babesteko. ###> The presenter, who was arrested at the scene, denied the attack and claimed he used the pole to protect himself from bottles being thrown at him by up to thirty people.
(en-eu) Blake was also convicted of attempting to pervert the course of justice. ###> justiziaren bidea oztopatzen saiatzeagatik ere zigortu zuten blake.
(eu-en) justiziaren bidea oztopatzen saiatzeagatik ere zigortu zuten blake. ###> Blake was also convicted of attempting to pervert the course of justice.
(en-eu) The judge told Blake it was "almost inevitable" he was going to be sent to jail. ###> epaileak espetxera joatea «ia saihestezina» zela adierazi zion blake-ri.
(eu-en) epaileak espetxera joatea «ia saihestezina» zela adierazi zion blake-ri. ###> The judge told Blake it was "almost inevitable" he was going to be sent to jail.
(en-eu) Dark energy is a completely invisible force that is constantly acting upon the universe. ###> energia iluna indar guztiz ikusezina da eta unibertsoan eragiten du etengabe.
(eu-en) energia iluna indar guztiz ikusezina da eta unibertsoan eragiten du etengabe. ###> Dark energy is a completely invisible force that is constantly acting upon the universe.
(en-eu) Its existence is known only because of its effects on the expansion of the universe. ###> halakorik badela jakin da unibertsoaren hedapenean dituen eraginengatik.
(eu-en) halakorik badela jakin da unibertsoaren hedapenean dituen eraginengatik. ###> Its existence is known only because of its effects on the expansion of the universe.
(en-eu) Scientists have discovered landforms littered across the moon's surface called lobate scarps that have apparently resulted from the moon's shrinking very slowly. ###> zientzialariek ilargiaren gainazalean barreiatutako lur-formak aurkitu zituzten, malkar lobatu izenekoak, zeinak ilargia oso mantso uzkurtzearen eraginez sortzen baitira, antza.
(eu-en) zientzialariek ilargiaren gainazalean barreiatutako lur-formak aurkitu zituzten, malkar lobatu izenekoak, zeinak ilargia oso mantso uzkurtzearen eraginez sortzen baitira, antza. ###> Scientists have discovered landforms littered across the moon's surface called lobate scarps that have apparently resulted from the moon's shrinking very slowly.
(en-eu) These scarps were found all over the moon and appear to be minimally weathered, indicating that the geologic events that created them were fairly recent. ###> ilargi osoan zehar aurkitu dira malkar horiek eta, itxuraz, ez daude ia batere higatuta; horrek esan nahi du egitura horiek sortu dituzten gertaera geologikoak nahiko berriak direla.
(eu-en) ilargi osoan zehar aurkitu dira malkar horiek eta, itxuraz, ez daude ia batere higatuta; horrek esan nahi du egitura horiek sortu dituzten gertaera geologikoak nahiko berriak direla. ###> These scarps were found all over the moon and appear to be minimally weathered, indicating that the geologic events that created them were fairly recent.
(en-eu) This theory contradicts the claim that the moon is completely devoid of geologic activity. ###> ilargian jarduera geologikorik ez dagoela dioen teoriaren kontra egiten du honek.
(eu-en) ilargian jarduera geologikorik ez dagoela dioen teoriaren kontra egiten du honek. ###> This theory contradicts the claim that the moon is completely devoid of geologic activity.
(en-eu) The man allegedly drove a three-wheeled vehicle armed with explosives into a crowd. ###> ustez, gizonak lehergaiz betetako hiru gurpileko ibilgailu bat gidatu zuen jende artera.
(eu-en) ustez, gizonak lehergaiz betetako hiru gurpileko ibilgailu bat gidatu zuen jende artera. ###> The man allegedly drove a three-wheeled vehicle armed with explosives into a crowd.
(en-eu) The man suspected of detonating the bomb was detained, after sustaining injuries from the blast. ###> bonba lehertzearen ustezko arduraduna atxilotu egin zuten, eztandaren eraginez zauriak pairatu ondoren.
(eu-en) bonba lehertzearen ustezko arduraduna atxilotu egin zuten, eztandaren eraginez zauriak pairatu ondoren. ###> The man suspected of detonating the bomb was detained, after sustaining injuries from the blast.
(en-eu) His name is still unknown to authorities, although they do know he is a member of the Uighur ethnic group. ###> agintariek oraindik ez dute ezagutzen haren izena, baina badakite uighur-en talde etnikoko kide bat dela.
(eu-en) agintariek oraindik ez dute ezagutzen haren izena, baina badakite uighur-en talde etnikoko kide bat dela. ###> His name is still unknown to authorities, although they do know he is a member of the Uighur ethnic group.
(en-eu) Nadia, born on September 17, 2007, by Cesarean section at a maternity clinic in Aleisk, Russia, weighed in at a massive 17 pounds 1 ounce. ###> nadia 2007ko irailaren 17an jaio zen, zesarea bidez, aleisk-eko (errusia) amaetxean, eta 17 libra eta 1 ontza pisatu zituen.
(eu-en) nadia 2007ko irailaren 17an jaio zen, zesarea bidez, aleisk-eko (errusia) amaetxean, eta 17 libra eta 1 ontza pisatu zituen. ###> Nadia, born on September 17, 2007, by Cesarean section at a maternity clinic in Aleisk, Russia, weighed in at a massive 17 pounds 1 ounce.
(en-eu) "We were all simply in shock," the mother stated. ###> “aho zabalik gaude” esan zuen amak.
(eu-en) “aho zabalik gaude” esan zuen amak. ###> "We were all simply in shock," the mother stated.
(en-eu) When asked what the father said, she answered "He couldn't say a thing - he just stood there blinking." ###> aitak zer esan zuen galdetzerakoan, amak zera esan zuen: “ezin izan du ezer esan, begira gelditu da”.
(eu-en) aitak zer esan zuen galdetzerakoan, amak zera esan zuen: “ezin izan du ezer esan, begira gelditu da”. ###> When asked what the father said, she answered "He couldn't say a thing - he just stood there blinking."
(en-eu) "It's going to behave like water. It's transparent just the way water is. ###> uraren portaera bera izan behar du. gardena da, ura bezala.
(eu-en) uraren portaera bera izan behar du. gardena da, ura bezala. ###> "It's going to behave like water. It's transparent just the way water is.
(en-eu) So if you were standing by the shoreline, you would be able to see down to whatever pebbles or gunk that was on the bottom. ###> horregatik, kostatik gertu egonez gero, hondoan dauden harriak edo zikinkeria ikusteko gai izango zinateke.
(eu-en) horregatik, kostatik gertu egonez gero, hondoan dauden harriak edo zikinkeria ikusteko gai izango zinateke. ###> So if you were standing by the shoreline, you would be able to see down to whatever pebbles or gunk that was on the bottom.
(en-eu) As far as we know, there is only one planetary body that displays more dynamism than Titan, and its name is Earth," added Stofan. ###> dakigunaren arabera, gorputz planetario bakarra dago titan-ek baino dinamismo gehiago duena; haren izena lurra da” gehitu zuen stofan-ek.
(eu-en) dakigunaren arabera, gorputz planetario bakarra dago titan-ek baino dinamismo gehiago duena; haren izena lurra da” gehitu zuen stofan-ek. ###> As far as we know, there is only one planetary body that displays more dynamism than Titan, and its name is Earth," added Stofan.
(en-eu) The issue started on January 1st when dozens of local residents started complaining to the Obanazawa Post Office that they hadn't received their traditional and regular New Year cards. ###> arazoa urtarrilaren 1ean hasi zen, tokiko bizilagun talde bat obanazawa posta-bulegoaren aurka protestan hasi zenean, esanez ez zituztela urte berriko ohiko posta-txartel tradizionalak jaso.
(eu-en) arazoa urtarrilaren 1ean hasi zen, tokiko bizilagun talde bat obanazawa posta-bulegoaren aurka protestan hasi zenean, esanez ez zituztela urte berriko ohiko posta-txartel tradizionalak jaso. ###> The issue started on January 1st when dozens of local residents started complaining to the Obanazawa Post Office that they hadn't received their traditional and regular New Year cards.
(en-eu) Yesterday, the post office released their apology to citizens and the media after discovering that the boy had hidden more than 600 postal documents, including 429 New Year postcards, which weren't delivered to their intended recipients. ###> atzo, posta-bulegoak barkamena eskatu zien biztanleei eta komunikabideei, aurkitu baitzuten mutikoak 600 posta-dokumentu baino gehiago (urte berriko 429 posta-txartel barne) gorde zituela eta ez zitzaiela hartzaileei helarazi.
(eu-en) atzo, posta-bulegoak barkamena eskatu zien biztanleei eta komunikabideei, aurkitu baitzuten mutikoak 600 posta-dokumentu baino gehiago (urte berriko 429 posta-txartel barne) gorde zituela eta ez zitzaiela hartzaileei helarazi. ###> Yesterday, the post office released their apology to citizens and the media after discovering that the boy had hidden more than 600 postal documents, including 429 New Year postcards, which weren't delivered to their intended recipients.
(en-eu) The unmanned lunar orbiter Chandrayaan-1 ejected its Moon Impact Probe (MIP), which hurtled across the surface of the Moon at 1.5 kilometres per second (3000 miles per hour), and successfully crash landed near the Moon's south pole. ###> gizakirik gabeko chandrayaan-1 ilargiko orbitadoreak moon impact zunda (mip) jaurti zuen; 1,5 kilometro segundoko abiaduran (3.000 milia orduko) joan zen ilargiaren gainazalean zehar, eta ilargiaren hego polotik gertu lurreratu zen talka eginez.
(eu-en) gizakirik gabeko chandrayaan-1 ilargiko orbitadoreak moon impact zunda (mip) jaurti zuen; 1,5 kilometro segundoko abiaduran (3.000 milia orduko) joan zen ilargiaren gainazalean zehar, eta ilargiaren hego polotik gertu lurreratu zen talka eginez. ###> The unmanned lunar orbiter Chandrayaan-1 ejected its Moon Impact Probe (MIP), which hurtled across the surface of the Moon at 1.5 kilometres per second (3000 miles per hour), and successfully crash landed near the Moon's south pole.
(en-eu) Besides carrying three important scientific instruments, the lunar probe also carried the image of the Indian national flag, painted on all sides. ###> hiru tresna zientifiko garrantzitsu garraiatzeaz gain, ilargiko zundak indiako bandera nazionalaren irudia eraman zuen alde guztietan margotuta.
(eu-en) hiru tresna zientifiko garrantzitsu garraiatzeaz gain, ilargiko zundak indiako bandera nazionalaren irudia eraman zuen alde guztietan margotuta. ###> Besides carrying three important scientific instruments, the lunar probe also carried the image of the Indian national flag, painted on all sides.
(en-eu) "Thanks for those who supported a convict like me," Siriporn was quoted as saying at a press conference. ###> “eskerrik asko ni bezalako preso bati lagundu diozuen guztiei” esan omen zuen siriporn-ek prentsaurreko batean.
(eu-en) “eskerrik asko ni bezalako preso bati lagundu diozuen guztiei” esan omen zuen siriporn-ek prentsaurreko batean. ###> "Thanks for those who supported a convict like me," Siriporn was quoted as saying at a press conference.
(en-eu) "Some may not agree but I don't care. ###> batzuk ez dira ados egongo, baina ez dit axola.
(eu-en) batzuk ez dira ados egongo, baina ez dit axola. ###> "Some may not agree but I don't care.
(en-eu) I am happy that there are people willing to support me. ###> pozik nago jakinda badagoela jendea ni laguntzeko prest.
(eu-en) pozik nago jakinda badagoela jendea ni laguntzeko prest. ###> I am happy that there are people willing to support me.
(en-eu) Since Pakistani independence from British rule in 1947, the Pakistani President has appointed "Political Agents" to govern FATA, who exercise near-complete autonomous control over the areas. ###> 1947an britainiarrengandik independentzia lortu zuenetik, pakistango presidenteak fata gobernatzeko “agente politikoak” izendatu ditu, eremu haietan ia autonomia osoa duen kontrola ezartzeko.
(eu-en) 1947an britainiarrengandik independentzia lortu zuenetik, pakistango presidenteak fata gobernatzeko “agente politikoak” izendatu ditu, eremu haietan ia autonomia osoa duen kontrola ezartzeko. ###> Since Pakistani independence from British rule in 1947, the Pakistani President has appointed "Political Agents" to govern FATA, who exercise near-complete autonomous control over the areas.
(en-eu) These agents are responsible for providing government and judicial services under Article 247 of the Pakistani Constitution. ###> agente horiek gobernu- eta justizia-zerbitzuak emateaz arduratzen dira, pakistango konstituzioaren 247. artikuluaren arabera.
(eu-en) agente horiek gobernu- eta justizia-zerbitzuak emateaz arduratzen dira, pakistango konstituzioaren 247. artikuluaren arabera. ###> These agents are responsible for providing government and judicial services under Article 247 of the Pakistani Constitution.
(en-eu) A hostel collapsed in Mecca, the holy city of Islam at about 10 o'clock this morning local time. ###> ostatu bat kolapsatu da meka-n, islamaren hiri santuan, gaur goizeko 10:00etan (bertako ordutegia).
(eu-en) ostatu bat kolapsatu da meka-n, islamaren hiri santuan, gaur goizeko 10:00etan (bertako ordutegia). ###> A hostel collapsed in Mecca, the holy city of Islam at about 10 o'clock this morning local time.
(en-eu) The building housed a number of pilgrims who came to visit the holy city at the eve of hajj pilgrimage. ###> haj erromesaldian hiria bisitatzera etorritako erromes ugari zeuden eraikinean.
(eu-en) haj erromesaldian hiria bisitatzera etorritako erromes ugari zeuden eraikinean. ###> The building housed a number of pilgrims who came to visit the holy city at the eve of hajj pilgrimage.