Well, I suppose you are getting great color reproduction and screen response time but... DAT RESOLUTION. CRTs (typically) don't go higher than 480p, or 640x480, which is ~307,000 pixels, while 1080p is 1920x1080 which is 2,073,600 pixels. 1080p is 6.75 as many pixels at 480p. You can get 1080p monitors for, on the low end, about [$120]( That's the 22" stuff, nice 23" are about $150. I'm a big fan of the [VH236H]( which has HDMI, 2ms response time and currently is going for $140.
There will be a PC port, there has not been a single GTA that hasn't been on PC. Anyway, here is why: When Microsoft sees that console sales go up when a particular game comes out, they have successful done their job. Microsoft realizes that as long as they set up some sort of early release before PC, or some sort of content exclusivity deal, they stand to earn a lot more money because people are willing to spend an additional $200 on a console. Or PC gamers that also own and XBOX will buy it on XBOX so tey don't have to wait. Then, when the game comes out on PC, users like you won't buy it because you have already played it 6 months ago and then the games industry points fingers and says "See, I told you people don't game on PC anymore". Meanwhile, some of the butthurt fans that didn't get the PC version on the same day as the console version, feel betrayed so they decide not to purchase the game or support that 'evil' company by pirating the game instead. As mature PC gamers, it is kind of our responsibility to tell the companies that we aren't happy being treated differently. It is also kind of our responsibility to buy the games when they do come out to support the company and let them know that we do exist and that we are a major part of their income. A lot of these companies also need to start putting fans slightly before overall income. The more you love your fans, the better your fans will treat you. As much as some people don't like to hear it, piracy can be nearly eliminated by putting the game on Steam. The amount of money Valve earns from this deal is far less than the amount Rockstar would lose from piracy on the internet.
That's what would happen if the Covenant were smart. In halo lore, the reason the Covies lost was because their idea of combat was a sort of close-ranged, honor-based system. To humans, massive hammers or glowing sword were just sorta outdated after gunpowder become more accurate over long distances, but the Elites and Brutes saw them as par-for-the-course, and their tech reflects that. Why build a tanks with a short-range, slow-moving mortar when you could have a tank with a faster, more damaging shell? When you want to thin up the enemy right behind this wall so that your swordsmen can focus on the infantry out front. In addition, the Covanent saw Forerunner tech a sacrosanct, and updating was a sin. Thus, human tech, while technically more simple, could be more effective when employed intellegently. The problem faced by the UNSC was how to fight them in space. Human ships were generally more frail, and packed less firepower. For instance, the MAC guns on UNSC frigates required about a minute to fully charge up, and needed to be pointed in the right direction. For a slower moving ship facing a faster-moving ship, using the MAC guns would have been suicidal without extensive preperation.
The only way you're going to have a chance at being correct in this is if time have no bearing on this...starting from the corner gives you a more consistent, but far inferior on average, start. Starting from the corner gives you 5/8 of the squares bomb-free, but only 1/4 of the area to expand into...so stupid to make the arguement that 62.5% less bombs is worth a drop in 75% expansion. Further proof still (they also make the arguement that corner is SAFER, but NOT BETTER): ...if that's not convincing enough, go watch any "pro" or fast minesweeper video and I can guarantee they start around the middle. They're going to be hovering the F2 key to restart a new game and just spam middle clicks and F2 until they get a good start...while I was more of a casual player and never used this "try hard" method, it is by far the most efficient way to drop times in your games after switching to double-click (though, double-click is really only helpful in expert and sometimes in intermediate) EDIT: I've actually started a lot of games from the top/bottom edges and that seems to be a very good concession of the two.
i tried to close the window by hitting the 'x'
I'm glad you're seeing the light XD ...I'm not sure that giving you a free square when the chances are already low matters enough to make an impact: 30x16 array makes 480 squares and 99 bombs gives you a 79.375% chance of hitting an empty square on the first click...making that 100% isn't really making much of a difference Now, that becomes even less important when you consider that someone going for a record/fast time isn't going to continue until they hit a large expanse...something that very rarely happens on the first try and usually takes numerous clicks...say 3 clicks and the total percentage is (forgive me for not making lazy stats) 35% vs 49% which is only 14% difference -- meaning you'd have to spend roughly 1/8th more time before getting a good start at 3 clicks and that figure is only going to dwindle as the number of clicks are increased. when I would go for a personal best time, I wouldn't start playing unless I had an expanse of roughly 1/5 of the board showing--whether that be one huge expanse or multiple small ones Further more, the "free click" versions of Minesweeper (post-XP) aren't even legal for competition and official scores. ...not trying to be pretentious in this last bit (or any of my posts...full intent is to make other people better players) but a serious player just isn't going to use the windows version at all...there is a special "official" version. I remember that it kept track of stats that shown the amount of skill for any given game (taking into consideration the empty spaces and the amount of work needed to pass the level) and it might have even have a feature which records games for playback. Edit: Here's the site for "official minesweeper records" -- the download section has the "hard-core version of minesweeper if anybody wants to try it out:
There are equal chances that a corner will contain a bomb as any other square...yet clicking he corner only provides insight on up to 3 neighboring squares compared to 8 if starting from the middle. After that first click you have only 3 moves to follow up with...if any if those has a bomb you have no "free" moves...if going from he middle you have options under the same circumstances.
I've been having a helluva lot of fun with this game since I bought it. Tight gun play, challenging/rewarding system with capturing camps and turning on cell towers. good sneak mechanics, nice graphics. It has all the game I could ever want. Oh and one giant island to explore? oh why ubisoft I thought you would never ask! YES YES THAT IS WHAT I WANT. MORE OF THIS GAME.
There is some misinformation in that article. The soldier simply said he wore the uniform in Vietnam. As most people know, when you change duty stations, you remove your old patches and add the new ones from your new assignment. It is very possible that the soldier served in both Vietnam and later on the DMZ in South Korea. It is very likely that the uniform could have been worn in Vietnam. To actually disprove the claim that the uniform was worn in Vietnam, you have to prove somehow that the uniform wasn't made until after the conflict, if that is possible. Simply looking at the patches tells us nothing other then where else the uniform has likely been. Edit: The article is a good read so you get an upvote from me for adding to the discussion and pointing me towards something I haven't read before. Thanks :)
Something must be redirecting you. I'm running Google Chrome / adblock, and it's fine here. [See included picture]( Also I scanned the latest windows binary, no viruses.
If you ever need anything searched, PM me. That was not a challenge, but honestly I've been on the net since 96; I love a challenge, have not came up empty yet. (Not withstanding impossible searches like: (pink elephants with blue dildos having sex with albino midgets.)
I've had this when I've gone to "download" a game when I've already copied it into my steamapps directory (from/to my laptop or something), and it's just checking/verifying the data for what it has left to download.
Going to 4chan for something other than /b/ is like reading Playboy for the articles. Sure, there's some good stuff in those other boards, but anyone that has an intelligent, thoughtful conversation anywhere there could likely be better served on another site. There's a reason /b/'s so popular -- without it, 4chan is just a generic anonymous message board on a variety of topics better discussed elsewhere. My response is, obviously, not in direct relation to your rambling, incoherent post (which does little to help your thesis that this group into which you personally designate yourself is full of people who can carry on conversations and are not in fact, a bunch of 16-year-old, angst-ridden, people-just-don't-get-how-unique-and-important-i-am mentality). You close your post by saying that Reddit's "stict collective thinking does not translate with ours." The fact that you claim to be a part of something so unique it has its own collective consciousness is interesting, because the last time I checked, the site was still anonymous. How can you have a collective anything when there's no continuity or community.
I dont know about a bible trivia game, but I would play the shit out of a bible fighter game... Mortal Kombat style, with satan at the top tier. Jesus would be one of the starting fighters to choose from, along with Gabriel, Cain and Abel, Adam (Eve would be in the back cheering) and a few others. God would be DLC. You unlock Goliath after the first playthrough. Id totally play that...
Staunch]( just means that he's very firm in his beliefs. That just means that he's not really considering other faiths, as he already knows what he believes. I would describe myself as a staunch atheist, but that doesn't mean I talk about it 24/7. In fact, I don't think any of my friends even know that I'm an atheist, since I've never felt the need to mention it.
I absolutely love Gamefly. I've been a member for over a year and even adding up the membership cost I know I've saved tons and tons of money by renting instead of buying. So often I buy a cheap-ish game, or even a new one and stop halfway through or get bored after beating it once, then I sell it back to gamestop for $5, which is a total rip. But with gamefly you just give it right back and dont worry about it. Each month only costs about $20 if you take 2 games at a time, and with some of those being brand new ones, that's only a third the cost for just one game.
EA lied. at launch they said they could handle the load of people trying to log in to play the game, since its always on. This was untrue. To "optimize" the servers they started stripping game features from the client. As a result press had to re-score the game with a much lower score, since this isn't the game they played in press release. EA has claimed that making the game offline playable is extremely difficult, and that the server is used for super advanced calculations that the client can't handle. Recently, people have discovered a debug mode which allows you to build outside of the city limits, including highways. This mode also allows you to play offline, for an unlimited time. This means that EA's claim that the server calculates things are clearly not true. all the server does is this: 1.) region play (aka, multiplayer) 2.) save your city on their server. Even more recently, its been discovered that city saves are done client side (cached) first, then uploaded to the server - this will be an easy mechanism to bypass so city's save locally. so why did they do this and why did they lie? simple. They want to force extremely crappy DRM (it relied on the fact people would believe them that the server does complex calculations that the client cannot handle...and that no one would figure out how to get into the debug mode) Why did they want to force DRM? easy. to force DLC. they would make minor things optional, but major DLC changes could require major patches, preventing you from playing the game without buying the DLC first. As it stands, we know the game saves files locally, its now a matter of getting it to read and use those local save files instead of EA's server. after that, region support could also be cracked with ease, i presume. I would not buy the game though. EA does not deserve the money and although the modding community is making a great effort to make the game playable offline with offline saves, the simple fact is EA straight out lied so they could sell more product AND continue to do so in the future. Then, when people complained, they actually stripped out features of the game (that still exist in debug mode, fyi) AND THEN decided to fix their server load issue. To me, that makes no logical sense and only means that EA is actually trying to punish us for demanding a better quality game. edit: this is the
Now you're just being a dickwad. But yes, I hate games with achievements and stay logged off everytime I'm forced to play one of those fucking horrible games with achievements. And if by some weird chance I am logged in, I just use Rick's SAM to lock those achievements again. > I just feel it makes getting achievements a lot more fun. You wrote it yourself.
I have a love/hate relationship with the gameplay. Sometimes it's just too annoying to live with, but sometimes you can do some neat plays. The way the ref plays advantage is just horrible, and some of the assisted choices for passing and crossing are just as annoying. I also hate it when a player decides to jump over the ball at the least appropriate time, like when you're on the way through and it ruins the whole pace of the attack. And for some reason the defenders sometimes decide to run sideways when you're only holding the sprint button and running towards the ball/opposition attacker. But the worst gameplay feature by far is the tackling machanics in the game. Why EA Sports have elected to use the same button for tackling and shooting/clearing is beyond me. Of course you can customize the controller setup and change that, but the mechanics are still useless. There should be a far better indicator of when a player is in "defending mode" and when you are in possession of the ball/"attacking mode". And then there's all the crap that isn't gameplay related. Like the servers. I sometimes spend 30 minutes getting connected to players in UT that I can't play against for some reason. Often I get connected to the same player many times in a row and I have to go out to the main menu in order to connect to another player. This also happens in online season a lot. Sometimes the whole connection screen glitches and there are two big bright green squares where the club logos are supposed to be. All the skills are replaced by the words "define"(incomplete) and all other information on the screen is invisible. This is annoying because I frequently play with a guest, and there is no way of knowing if he has successfully joined or not as the game doesn't always register the first time you press the button. You can proceed and play the game but your shirts will be this checker pattern of green and blue and if you're playing with a guest you just have to hope he joined successfully. Also I tried exiting the game before starting the match. Quit FIFA. Started it up again and the same thing happened. I tried this several times and there was no way of bypassing this glitch other than playing the match. Usually it works fine after playing the glitched match. Another incredibly annoying thing is how long it takes to make substitutions unless you make them at half time. There's an animation of the player being substituted that lasts for a good 30 seconds every single time. Just leads to people never making substitutions. And why on earth EA have decided that you can't exit a completed game before both you and the person you are playing against hit the proceed button is just mind boggling. What the hell is that about? Then there's the league systems. Almost no stats what so ever. In FUT you get more coins from winning the second division than by winning the first division. And the structure is just incredibly uninteresting. I guess it's difficult to come up with a better systems when playing online seasons, but I'm sure they could at least have added some more stats and made it more interesting. Oh and the replay gallery is a joke. And not a funny one. Replays in a small window? You are forced to upload your replays in order to watch them in fullscreen and you can't even change camera angles or anything? That's just lazy. I own both FIFA 13 and PES 13 and although FIFA has the licences and sometimes the gameplay is smoother, PES 13 is a much more enjoyable gaming experience overall. And it's made by Konami as opposed to EA Sports. In online mode there is not even a contest. PES wins that by default.
To prevent this from happening to anyone else, I'll explain a bit. Got this card and carried it in my pocket for a bit. As I walked home it was raining lightly. To even call the card damp as I scratched this thing would be a stretch. Unfortunately, the coin I used was slightly damp as well due simply to he humidity (anyone who has been to Okinawa during the summer can relate) and when I proceeded to scratch, tragedy ensued. Spent a good hour trying to decipher those numbers before I took a photo, ripped it up and tossed it. Had a pretty good rage. Went to the store again after calming down and scratched it on the spot. Turned out fine. After I took it home to cross-reference it with the other, I noticed the first 5 numbers were the same. Using those I only had to figure out if that 6th number in the photo was an 8 or a 3. It was an 8. Logic prevailed and all is right with the universe.
I think that the big difference is, that there are big competitors for the XBone out there. What is the biggest competitor of the Sim City franchise? Tropico? That's a rather unknown game series compared to Sim City. But when you mention the XBone, it is guaranteed that someone will mention either the PS4 or the WiiU.
Reddit only represents a small portion of Video Game consumers. Even if EVERYONE on Reddit refuses to buy a game, it wont make THAT much of a dent on sales. They make way too much money to care about what an internet community thinks. Also, not everyone on Reddit hates XBoxOne. On a personal note, as much as I hate EA and such for doing stupid things, if its fun, I'll buy it. I hated the SimCity always online and it was a headache to play for the first week, but the game is fun in itself. So far, I'm leaning towards PS4 but I'm willing to keep an open mind until XboxOne impresses me at E3. I personally think that people should really keep an open mind and not jump on the bandwagon of the "Frontpage" post's opinions.
I don't have the same problem with Steam (although I did when it was first released, for a variety of reasons - but that was 10 years ago and a lot has changed since then.) but I also don't think steam serves the same purpose as a games console. Most importantly, I can shut the damned thing's internet connection off and still play all my games. Steam has come to be 2 things for me now. 1: A really REALLY cheap market place where I can get new games almost instantly at massive discounts. 2: A way to make sure everything stays up to date. All I have to do is shut it down into Offline mode after installing things, and only let it re-connect when I want to buy new games. A periodic sign in to make sure everything I have is up to date keeps everything nice and tidy. I couldn't possibly care less about trading hats or getting achievements. It's a trade off. Yes, I have to log in more than I'd like to, but on the other hand, I get really really cheap games. I'm also not in the habit of taking my PC games to other people's houses to play on their PC. (the whole PC sometimes, but that's a whole other matter) Console games tho - I do that all the time. One of the things that's really high up my list of things I want from a console is the ability to just throw a disc in it and start playing without a lot of tedious mucking about. Perhaps other people treat their consoles differently, but I see mine as basically a toy. It's for playing with, spur of the moment like. Parties etc. If I have to spend half an hour downloading updates and making sure everyone in the room has the right licences... people are going to get bored and play something else. It's more of a social experience than PC gaming, and in that context things like permanent online activation become much more annoying.
In 100% honestly, we LOVE Hayter voicing Snake because 1) He DOES have a unique voice and 2) Mr. Kojima created two of the greatest characters of all time in Solid Snake and Big Boss. Trust me, if it was NEVER Hayter who voiced Snake, and someone with a less distinct voice, this would not bother you at all. Believe me when I say this, you love the character, not just the voice. People saying they are not buying the new Metal Gear because of this are ridiculous, Mr Kojima hand crafted these characters who you have grown to love and now because they have a different voice you'd just as soon leave the series behind! I've never bought Metal Gear Solid for David Hayter, I've bought it because it is by far the greatest game series of all time, it has flaws but it more than makes up for it with its ingenious plot twists and story arch's and cinematic beauty. Not to mention if in Metal Gear Solid 3, when Big Boss was first introduced, he was voiced by someone other than David Hayter, it would still be my favourite game of all time. Anyone who is seriously considering ditching the series because of this needs to re-evaluate their decision entirely, this game is going to be absolutely fantastic, and you'll be the ones missing out!
Yeah I know and agree with you that they don't really count... I mean... First off let's have a platform game not a handheld one, and star fox adventures on the GameCube took place mostly ON FOOT. I think I speak on behalf of all Fox fans, that shit was blasphemous.
The way it does this, for those of you that don't know, is by leaving the disk tray on the exterior of the console. Technically, the top is just a cover to protect the tray, but removing it wouldn't damage the system in any way.
A few reasons. I'm a PC gamer so DRM isn't something I cry about, I've been dealing with some form of DRM since the 90s, with CD-keys that I regularly would download cracks for to play my favorite games. The idea of kinect doesn't push me away either, something watching me is not new or even stupid to me. Anyone who streams games probably has a Webcam and Mic hooked up. Yeah I know not being able to disconnect it is sorta lame but I'm also sorta excited at the new possibilities Developers will put towards the Kinect; now that everyone who has the Xbox1 will have that hardware.. As for the offline mode that people seem to be really irrational about, or at least to me it seems irrational. I'm always connected to the internet in some ways, and there's very few places in this world I've been where I didn't have some sort of internet connectivity. And the times I don't have internet it's probably because I'm not at home and if I'm not home I'm on a laptop. It just seems impractical to demand an offline mode if you are not hauling your console everywhere. And if you are I'd suggest investing money into a laptop since a Console requires multiple things.. As for hardware.. it doesn't bother me, yes the Ps4 hardware is better in certain areas. But seeing as how well the 360 is doing to the ps3 (which also has better hardware) it isn't that big of a factor when determining a console. If we were talking Computers I'd tell you to burn in hell get the better hardware, but since these consoles are probably going to last minimum 7 years it shouldn't be a big difference (hopefully, I am saying that solely based off the current systems and how well they have done with current games) The Final thing would be games. The only titles I've ever been interested in for PlayStation was Infamous (enjoyed that game very much) and the .hack//sign series. Recently Last of us looks interesting but I'm sure I could probably find an emulator and steal the game on PC lol.. And don't get me wrong, I dislike Call of Duty and halo and feel that they both have turned down the learning curve of FPS and made it a very simple game to play. I say that because I play Quake Live a lot and I was raised in the Quake/Unreal/Counter-strike, so I wouldn't pick a system base solely on those titles. I think to end this it is just preference. I'm use to Microsoft software, I enjoy their interface for Xbox and in my opinion is seems far better then Sony GUI.. but that's probably because I've had years using it. I've thought this out and even though I'm going xbox 1 I do hope some of their stances change, but at the same time I hope they don't just to give the middle finger back to the community lol. Honestly hate when developers succumb to consumers..
I never said it was linear, i just said that i felt like i was doing the same thing over and over again. Which I was. "from the ceiling" and "from the roof" are the same yes, but each major kill in the later AC series had a unique setting. Take a look at the kill in brotherhood where you basically infiltrated a party. That was completely linear, and yet it felt more enjoyable than most of the AC1 missions. And btw, i like stealth games, it's just that AC1 portrayed you as a master assasin that fought with an order that would actually do a stand up fight (they had forts and armies for crying out loud) and yet a fight with the average guard was tough. It's game mechanics denied it's backstory. Thief? I loved, because it never said you were anything but what the game mechanics told you you were, rather than lieing to you. In AC3 and the coming one it portrayed you as more of a fighter who was also taught how to assasinate. AC2 subset also did that.
While this is all true, it should be noted that in Altair's codex (AC2) he mentions a significant change in organization and methodology towards stealthy kills and decentralized operations -- no more fortresses like Masayaf. I'd previously posted something similar, but here's my thoughts on the OP: You can totally play the Assassin's Creed series in a stealthy manner if you so choose. Note that the Animus is a computer simulation designed with flexibility in mind, each playthrough is an approximation within known limitations. Non-stealthy playthroughs of Assassin's Creed is a result of Desmond (controlled by the player) stretching the Animus to the very limits of its mission constraints on a consistent basis. Each simulation is an approximation of what is a "real" event: the assumption can be made that a person concerned with their one and only life (Ezio, Connor) is far more cautious than a person engaging in a computer simulation of the same event (Desmond). Playing the missions while also accomplishing secondary goals often results in a very clean in-and-out kill/sabotage situation where there are few, if any witnesses. Both Ezio and Connor are equipped with stealthy weapons -- silent ranged weapons including poison. There's also the wide array of non-lethal methods of reaching an objective and the use of Assassin trainees as distractions.
You can definitely be stealthy in any one of the games so far. I've managed to kill most of the targets, without being detected (although some kills take a few tries to get through without being detected), by using dead bodies, thieves, bombs, as well as a couple other tools along with just good old eagle vision to get a good look of the area and take out anyone(or just get by without being detected) who might give me away before they get a chance to. On the other hand, my brother (also a big fan of the series) just counters and strings executions to get through the game, and he tells me he loves it. It's a great game to play through either way, and it sounds as though a bunch of you are just finding stuff to rant about (since it does offer what you seem to crave) rather than just enjoying the game for what it is. Furthermore, who the fuck wrote in stone that assassin's creed had to be all about stealth?
Here's the problem: human models are expensive in terms of polygons. Left 4 Dead kind of shows this: how badly does your computer lag when you're getting swarmed? That's probably 50-100 zombies, and valve went through many processes to make the models as lifeless as possible. Now, try to have thousands of lifelike models all on screen at the same time. The problem is that, if you don't interact with them, they are literally dead weight on the system. All that power could be used for something that the player actually does. As for buildings...map designers have a hard enough time just designing the level. Now have them design the structure of the 100s of buildings you may or may not walk into.
And more weapons of mass destruction would be nice. Customized ways of killing people, maybe they'll actually do something worth my time with Kinect. Punch in real life, punch in the game etc...Maybe some biological weapons to make zombies and shit. Prototype 2 was a perfect example of how to be evil in a video game.
Of course there is. Watch_Dogs seems to do that well enough. ITT you can tell the creatives from the uncreatives. I've thought of this for years and have a mental mindset of the game if I ever have the millions of dollars to make it. I got in a foot chase in GTA IV and it was the most heart pumping thing ever. There were no cars around and I was at 3 or 4 wanted level. I had to avoid the cops' vision while making my way through alleyways, down cliffs / ledges, etc. I did end up escaping after my wanted level went down some. The game kind of ruined it a bit by cheating and spawning cops wherever I was even though they didn't see me at all. I couldn't believe I had to be in this free roaming world to do it and it wasn't more suited in the game itself. Cops could act like...real cops, and at their last view of you, they would set up a perimeter and start scouting randomly (keyword). It would then turn into a bit of a stealth game, but if someone saw you, it'd turn action again. Either shoot the guy before he calls for backup (but if you don't have a silencer, cops will hear gunshots in your general direction), or get a head start and start running for a spot to get lost in (each situation of course would be different / dynamic, especially depending on where you were in the world). This is something that just came natural to me or, should be, to anyone, right? But Rockstar has always never focused on the running game, I believe for the worse. There was another foot chase that was epic when playing multiplayer San Andreas on one of those Cops & Robbers servers. I believe what happened is someone was trying to recruit me to join their gang, and I followed them out to the middle of nowhere where they said they were hung out at, somewhere in the middle of the map. After a guy went to the bank to do something and told me to stay right there, I felt something was fishy, so I made a dash for it. Then one of his buddies told him I was leaving and he was saying hey wait, come back, where ya going, etc. I wasn't buying it. Then he starts shooting at me. Now I know he wanted to kill me for my money, and luckily I'm running up this hill, zig zagging of course so I'm harder to shoot. He manages to scrap some HP off me but then I escape over the hill and I'm not in range. There's the river right down the hill and I decide to make a swim for it (ha). Bullets can still go through the water but I believe they are less accurate. I can hear the gunshots and see my HP dwindling down until I'm far enough underwater that they can't shoot me. They can follow me underwater but guns don't work when there. They decide to try to cut me off at the other end. I notice his friend is gone in the back of my mind but I'm just trying to think of what to do next. I believe I'm heading toward the SF airport. It has car and plane spawns and it'll be longer to get to from the road than the ocean. I think I can get there on time. My HP is at about 50%. After awhile the main guy shooting at me I can't see. I don't see any of them. I wonder if they gave up on me. All the while my heart is beating almost out of my chest. I've never been so pumped in a game before. This is against real unpredictable people here. I'm even sweating in a generally cool environment. The thing is, I had over a million on me because it was just after a helicopter bank heist. It took me all day to get this cash. So I decide to try and find a dock because I know they mostly have some sort of water transport near them. I actually do find one, but it's empty. I run on land (a peninsula) a bit because it's faster, but still running along the water in case they come back. I can maybe spot a dune buggy out in the woods while I'm heading in the general direction of SF airport. I can see a bit of the airport now actually. At this point now my heart rate is going down and think maybe I'm in the clear, because surely I would see them by now, at least waiting at the top of the airport ladder. But then I hear it. The unmistakable sound of a boat. I hope it's not them. But I'm not so lucky of course. His buddy must've went and find a boat! His buddy sailing and he has his M4 ready to pick me off. It's actually a good thing I didn't stay in the water. The water is slow and I'd be a sitting duck for sure. They succeed in cutting me off and my plan for the airport is a failure, but they probably weren't planning on me being so inland either. Again, some HP is scrapped off me as I dash for the woods hoping to find a vehicle. This time I am lucky and find a dune buggy. (not the fastest vehicle, but at the time they have none, so it's better than nothing. There is another one there too, which isn't good for me, but yeah, I have no guns, except a pistol which is shit, so I can't sabotage. I'm sliding out of there as best I can, not even looking back, but a few seconds later I can hear gunshots. The main guy shotgun in the other dune buggy of course, trying to take mine out, which actually won't take long. At this point I know I'm fucked. I can see it now. He has an M4 with who knows how much ammo against a measly dune buggy.... It'll blow up in 30 seconds and he'll kill me while I'm still rolling from the jump out of the flaming machine. I get out of the woods, dune buggy now a little flaming. Not a good sign of course. Halfway dead. I get to a bridge though and I know where I am. There's a steep unexpected cliff here that I have had my fair share of cars sacrificed to the water gods. That's my only hope, my saving grace. But surely he'll know this spot, too.... I never let my finger off of W of course and go full speed. At the spot where I think I should hit the brakes so I don't fall in the water myself, I do. I am able to go slower off the edge and land on an incline before hitting the water. I wait for a bit. Right on cue he is going full speed -- of course trying to catch me and blow me car up -- over the ledge and into the water! I back up and high tail it out of there. No other vehicles around that I can see he can continue the chase with. Home free.
Game Developer here. An object in C++ game programming (which i'm assuming is what Hitman was programmed in) is basically an entity or a description of something. Every person in Hitman is an object (literally, you define "objects" in your code) which runs off of the same code base as every other person object. That's how programmers duplicate code without having to write the same code for every person in the game. (imagine if a programmer had to write each individual line of code for each person in the game, it wouldn't be possible to make large crowds like you see in games today) This concept is known as Object Oriented Programming (you can take classes on it at your local community college, it's very interesting i'd recommend it.) To say that they're not really "there" would be an oversimplification. They are physical objects in the game as stated previously. But their AI calculations are probably over-ridden in a base class somewhere. Every time you create a new object with a slight modification (let's say it's a person that acts slightly differently from someone else in the game, like the pacing AI of a guard or an NPC whom cleans dishes) you over-ride the previous AI behavior from "person" and add in the modifications (whether it be a different rout or a unique activity) So, in essence, each NPC would over-ride the base code of Person to something a little bit less CPU intensive. You could override the ability to shoot, look for the player, and a variety of other CPU intensive activities because the NPC's don't need to do that, they just need to walk around, be shot, die (and of course other things) so those things remain intact.
10/10 would read again, no
Can we...like...seriously drop this? Ever since the update yesterday I can't walk outside, go on my facebook, anything, without seeing "OH MANS IT MIGHT BE HAFF LYFES TREE". When they announce it finally..it'll still be months after that that it'll be released..why not wait to freak out about it when we know for sure instead of data mining and poking around? You know that it actually has caused some devs to become annoyed and slow their process even more when users poke around that avidly, right? I'm not joking. There were a few instances I remember (vaguely) where devs would run an update to an MMO or something else with a large player base, players would data mine t he fuck out of it and ruin the surprise. Hell, I remember that crap users pulled on Gaben after datamining the fuck out of MvM. They even sent a message that said something like "because of a bunch of party poopers" or "nosey nellys" or something cute. For me it's just that, it ruins the surprise. It'd be like every day sitting at home, waiting for your wife to come home and the minute she walks through the door you're up her ass asking if she has a party planned for you. Maybe one day she comes home with a veggie tray and suddenly you're all like "OH MAN A VEGGIE TRAY?! SURPRISE PARTY CONFIRMED!". When really veggie trays are just fucking awesome and she bought one. Eventually one would get tired, callous, maybe even a bit resentful toward said wife for not having thrown said party. Then, if the party actually happens, one loses a sense of wonderment and it becomes a "bout fucking time" as oppose to "Woooo! Ya! Partay!". These things take TIME, gentlemen. Yes, it's been a long time and from a few different sources it looks like things might actually be rolling for HE 3 between Alyx's voice actor apparently submitting tweets about "getting back in the booth" and a few other random things. But honestly...take it all with a grain of salt...remember this is a sensitive process. If we keep pushing for something we're going to get something like Duke Nukem 3D..and we all know how that went.
i saw the card on steam market and had money on my account from a market card sale and was curious enough that i got the cheapest one. It started off all white,the color you see at the top. The next day, the grid squares at the bottom appeared. The next day the white lines were added and today the plane. This is the only screenshot i have because i didn't notice the changes before. What do you think it means? what's it for?
im running a 7850 2gb 1ghz, which does max out everything. (crysis 2 with extreme graphics mods is running at 50-60fps) and its the same chipset being used in the PS4. and a 650ti boost performs at a simmilar level. its a tad cheaper, but a tiny bit less powerful. anyways price breakdown: (Averages due to vendors price variations and exchange rates) CPU+cooler £75 Mobo: £50 HDD: £30 GPU: £130 PSU £30 RAM: £35 (ram prices have gone up a little) Case: £20 so thats £370 for the base system add a extra £20 for a 7850 2gb instead of a 650ti and your at £390. for a PC that has roughly the same spec as a PS4. throw in a cheap mouse and keyboard for a tenner each and your total is £410. plug it in the TV with a £5 HDMI cable and ta-da £415 PC tha has performance simmilar to a PS4. OC the 7850 and it will perform better for quite some time as for the OS ask around, if anyone works in any sort of office IT, tech support or goverment building they will often have tons of spare copies of Windows 7 (64 bit). or you could pirate it, or pay £80.
One of the ambushes I was in during the Iraq War: I was one of the 2 guys on the crest of a bridge right in the killzone. 3 Humvees got across the bridge and engaged the enemy outside the killzone with small arms. The 2 front Humvees in the convoy had SAW gunners up top, but after getting across the bridge just abandoned us. I don't know if it was miscommunication or what. Luckily there was one more SAW in the convoy: mine. I just liked the SAW better than the M16 and so whenever anyone went home for 2-weeks leave I would use their SAW for those 2-weeks as my personal weapon. Anyway, so my first instinct was to try and close the distance between myself and the enemy (it was a weird bridge and had no sides to take cover). Then I suddenly realize the insanity of what I was doing: ""Why am I charging the enemy, they are like 300 meters away? I need to just return fire out here in the open." So I get down to setup on the edge of the bridge and try and locate the enemy. So now I'm on the bridge edge and I can hear where the AK47 fire is coming from and I can sort of see where the Soldiers outside the killzone seem to be firing, but I just cannot figure out which window/car/wall the enemies are firing from. From hearing alone I think I've figured out which house it is, but other than that my inner monolouge was: "fuck fuck fuck where are they fuck fuck okay it's that house fuck fuck fuck hey, where are the other SAW gunners fuck fuck". Unable to locate exactly where the enemy positions were but having a rough guess, I just go with suppressive fire and open up on the house that the best I can tell is where the enemy is firing from. I blanket the house in a zigzag motion like I was painting the wall with bullets. Now up until this point the only weapons fire has been 5-6 M16s (pew pew) and AK47s (much louder and more intimidating). So we are maybe a minute into this and I finally open up with my machine gun. When I stop, the enemy gun fire also stops. No enemy dead (we would have heard about it the next day if there had been) and the CPT didn't allow us to go chase the enemy down (I don't know why, he was a total badass and I never thought to ask him why we didn't pursue that day; the enemy blew him up a week later with an IED in the mayor's office and he got a ticket home). Anyway, I have a meritorious medal that list several engagements and missions that among them cites this incident. So, at least partially, it was an actual suppressive fire award.
though I enjoy jokes about the french as much as the next guy, and though I know you were just making a joke, I'd like to say something about this really quickly: a cursory glance at history will reveal that the French, with the exception of WWII, have had a proud and at times even dominant military tradition. Nobody expected WWII to be offensive-dominant. Nobody expected the Maginot Line to break so easily. Nobody expected Germany to re-industrialize and re-militarize so quickly. the French simply had the bad luck of being the closest world power to Germany geographically. were it not for the English Channel and the stellar record of the British navy and air force, England might have been taken just as quickly. Americans can quite easily point fingers, but that's rather easy when we had the luxury of 2 Massive oceans between us and our enemies, smaller, weaker neighbors, and the worlds largest industrial complex even in the midst of the great depression.
Yeah but I found I love it. I love having to win. It makes me curse that bomb I didn't see. And gets my dick hard when you shiv 5 people in a row. Or that improved weapon...... Oh that improves weapon signs so beautifully.
I admit I only have one game on onlive. And that's dirt 3. Mainly because it was £1 in a special when you signed up. When I'm at my parents house, its great (they got 20Mb broadband) at my place its stutters occasionally (8Mb) anything less and its not really worth it. Also it caned the download limit in no time. So watch out for that. Also most gamed have a free trial of 30 mins so you can test it before you spend any if your worried. But this is not for the serious gamer. This is for those who want to play games but not worry about buying hardware. Its akin to watching telesync rips of movies.
Extremely late to this party, but in reading the commends: If you're avoiding playing cs:go because of word of mouth, you're probably listening to people who haven't tried it and are lying to you. 1.6 is basically dead, while this game doesn't have battlefield 4-esque "next-gen" graphical content, it's still very much a modern port. What I mean is the graphics are nice, they've patched it quite a bit to clean up the fog that people complained about, and the feel, while not EXACTLY like 1.6 is as close as you're going to get with a newer game. It's very cheap too. Buy it, try it, form your own opinion... but if you ask me it's a must own if you played as much 1.6 as so many of you say. Also with the competitive matchmaking, as it's been stated, it's no longer a time sink to scrim. There is also Overwatch now which cuts down quite a bit on cheating.
give out a popular game: BOO I ALREADY HAVE IT! give out an obscure game: BOO I DONT WANT IT!
That's some nice black and white thinking, there couldn't possibly be games in the grey area that people want but aren't willing to pay full price for. You know, the games that Valve make their biseasonal profit from by selling at massive discounts. Nah, screw that, lets just give the players one of the most purchased games in the history of their console, because that's what players want.
If your PC is good and you have a ps3, skip out on the ps4. You'll get the new release titles and you've already had access to the ps3 exclusives. If your of isn't good then why did you say you could get games like bf4 on it? Games like that don't just run nicely on any hardware. If you're concerned about your of getting out of date, upgrade the gpu. If your rig isn't even meant for gaming, get a ps4 it'll be cheaper than buying a new rig entirely.
Before that there was the whining about how 1.4 was the bee's knees. Before that there was the whining about how 1.3 was the ultimate CS experience. But, the thing is, the only real changes made were to balance the game and make it less broken. Why anyone would want the game to remain broken is beyond me. The biggest hissy fit I kept hearing among friends and on boards was that they got rid of bunny hopping. Well, boo hoo, you can't traipse across the map like a jackass in a game that tries desperately to be realistic.
fun old story only vaguely related to this game. Medal of honor allied assualt came out while I was in HS. I was a giant computer geek back then, and often had lan parties. The lack of prolific broadband back then meant that often once arriving to a lan you would install the various games that had come out (installing from the cracked copy someone had ofc) which required overwriting files. This exposed us to the fact that the .exe file was MOHAA.exe. Of course we needed to shout "mohaa!" every time we did anything with it. Fast forward a few months later and it is now an inside joke and despite the fact that no one really likes the game it is constantly suggested so we can shout "MOHAA". One guy really hates the joke and the game both, this only makes it better. Anyway, he passes out on his keyboard one night, and we all gather around him and scream "MOHAA" into his ears. Freaks him out so bad that he falls out of his char, knocks over his tower, and flips the fuck out. Meanwhile we are all deliriously tired and think this is the funniest thing ever. To this day every time I see a medal of honor game I cant help but scream "MOHAA" in my head and chuckle to myself.
First off don't necessarily single out XBONE for having micro transactions, PS4 will have equally as many. Because you said "stingy family man" I'd recommend a gen 7 console. There are a TON of great games you missed out on playing and will get much more entertainment per $$ spent out of a gen 7. The upfront cost on a brand new console is going to be way higher anyway and there's less to do with it. I have both the PS3 and the 360. I'm a huge racing fan and found Forza3/4 much better than GranTurismo 5 and for that reason I prefer the 360 over the PS3. However there so many games that aren't exclusive you could pick your poison without much error. Having said that I will recommend that you get a PS3 for one reason alone: The Last of Us is just that good. My console gaming goes all the way back to Intellivision and Colecovision and The Last of Us is easily in my top 5 games ever played. Plus it's free to go online with a PS3 whereas a 360 will require a XBlive subscription. Sony/Microsoft are expecting plenty of people to have waited until the next gen release to purchase the PS3/360 so you aren't going to see a drastic price drop on new gen7 products. You should however be able to find plenty of good used console/game bundles on Ebay/Amazon.
I played Runescape for about two years. My memories of that game consist of: a. the shitty community b. the endless grinding c. the frustrating quests that had you running back and forth d. the endless grinding e. the endless grinding. f. the shitty company developing it that never listened to its players d. the endless. fucking. grinding. Most people who talk about the game these days are disappointed because it is nothing like it was in the old days. But looking back, I now realize that the game was ALWAYS shitty. It has ALWAYS been about clicking a tree over and over. It has ALWAYS been about slowly making a number on a screen get bigger and bigger. It has ALWAYS felt like a chore, rather than a game. The one thing in the game that was actually fun was Dungeoneering, but everyone, for some reason or another, HATED it.
Personally, I believe it's easier. I hate going into a server where people are locked in 2-man squads. Even worse when no-one reacts to medic / ammo / pickup requests, or no-one puts their packs down anyway. I play conquest, so kill counts aren't really the deciding factor. If there are many of you going for the same objective, providing ammo, medpacks and reviving, you're more likely to succeed in taking it.
I actually know the answer to this, and it makes absolutely no sense. 4k was established by the Digital Cinema Initiatives consortium as a standard for cinema projectors-it is exactly four times the previous resolution used (2048x1080). The ratio for DCI-compliant cinema projectors is ~17:9, not 16:9 like consumer TVs are. 4k also refers to a specific encoding method (JPEG2000 IIRC), bitrate and more. In short, it's just continuing the trend in professional film editing (what we called 1080p in cinema is called 2k). Now, the TVs we're seeing at CES and elsewhere are 16:9, and (obviously) can't enforce any sort of encoding or bitrate, this already would disqualify them by the DCI from being 4k. The correct term for them is Ultra-HD or 2160p. However, 4k has become such a marketing buzzword that even Wikipedia confuses the two.
Uum the original greentext I've read was kinda the same, but the father actually lived with the son. Anon just always wondered how the father got exact games he wanted, and father replied: "Just luck I guess" and then when he died he came to his room and there were all these game magazines, with fun games marked up with notes like: "Maybe Anon will like this one?"
Let's break this down. You gave a group of fact-based statements. You edited your post to add > Edit: uh oh, Here comes the fucking loser console fan boys. Bring on the down votes for an opinion. I called your bullshit out on self-labeling your post as "opinion", when instead, it is composed of fact-based statements.
Jaja, la casa es enfermo de muerte pues biblioteca garza perro con quesa las ropas Ramirez.] (
I understand why you are posting this here, but you will probably get a better, technical responses from /r/buildapc. I have been looking to build a new machine for my gaming purposes, and will probably go with an Intel core i5 this time, as opposed to an AMD chip. This will be the first Intel chip I've used in a gaming machine since I bought a Pentium 133MHZ way back in the day. I've always liked AMD as the underdog, and been fairly happy with their chips. When they bought ATi I thought I would try out the new video cards, but have bounced back an forth between nVidia and ATi/AMD. The last nVidia card I purchased was an 8800GT, which is still sitting in one of my older machines.
Yeah I do, but I'll be the first to say that's not a very healthy attitude. Especially when people like you are here telling people they owe the world something -- rather than that motivation coming from some altruism within.
The purpose of creating something like music or games or any art really is to share it right? There are some exceptions, you don't make rock music for people who like rap, but in this case, this game is really accessible, everyone understand, everyone can enjoy it. NOW it got popular, Dong Nguyen started to be way more popular to, now he want to stay indepedant, an indie game developer, now through this popularity rising, he gained money, wich is what a dev need to be able to finance the game he wants to do, with all this money he can probably do a lot of things that he would have never consider before, so that's a plus. Now apareantly he couldn't deal with the fact that people were accusing him of stealing (if you are objective, the fact that the pipe are like the one in mario doesnt matter at all it could have been anything else, it's stupid to be mad about it, it's really not important), he also couldn't deal with the fact that people were accusing him of runing their lives, because they were so addict to the game. Nguyen, why do you take this on yourself? There is ALWAYS Criticism about games, negative postitive, constructive, mean, if you can't take any bad comment or if you give attention to the obviously childish and stupid hate comment, then don't share your game, cause it will never change. Now he was also harassed by some media to interview him, and by business company to make games with him, he declared he didn't want to. Wouldn't they leave him alone after a few weeks or at least the majority of it? This is almost the only real problem i can see. The fact that he deleted his game from the app store is really illogical, and for me nguyen doesn't have a logical response to this game popularity that happened to him. Paying attention and even answering to some hate tweet is really dumb.. I don't get why you would like to create things that are meant for sharing if u can't accept the fact that some people will say it's bad. If you don't agree (and have GOOD reason to) or if u have other argument, answer me, don't downvote without telling why, i really don't why people disagree with me.
Sean on Screwattack's Hard News had a good thought on this game. I'm paraphrasing but essentially was this guy supposedly made the game in 3 days and is making about 50g a day from ad revenue meanwhile other indie devs put their heart and soul into their title and may never even recoup anything financial. He finished by saying don't download the game and if you did delete it.
I'm still learning RES and I'm having sooo much fun doing so! The RES way is THE way to reddit. The people giving you shit can only DREAM of having any creativity in anything.
Well said. That's exactly how I feel. In fact, that is so spot on, that I now feel bad that you typed out everything I was feeling, and the whole world now knows how I feel... And I didn't even have to do anything.
My girlfriend keels me up at night with that game.. Even with no sound, 'tap TAP TApPP..pi'. I tried.
Well said. Humans pretty much envy those who are successful because they aren't successful. In reality, he made a game that should have been what most mobile games should be - fun . Not a game that depends on psychology and money to lure people back. If anything, this guy is an inspiration for gamers and game devs alike - a game CAN be successful and profitable without resorting to dirty tricks. If anything, I hope that his work inspires other game devs - both indie and corporate ones - to create great games like his, with no money strings attached. There is money to be found by doing good.
Piggy backing on your comment. I know nothing about the game or the drama that is doing on right now but removing a game seems like an over reaction by a 12 year old. Removing it is going to to do nothing but hurt the people that may want to try it. (apparently it got hype surrounding it "and press were overrating the success of Flappy Bird and his other titles") Seems to me like it got bad reviews and now hes mad and is doing this as a statement so they will rate it higher or get his fans to beg for it back so he can say "SEE HOW POPULAR IT IS"
If it were say 18 v 18 you would die or kill someone around every corner having that many titans would be ridiculous just trying to movr around. For some reason everyone bashing the 6v6 doesn't seem to realize respawn put many hours into playing with the player count balance and eventually decided on 6v6 + AI. The game is fun as hell and obviously not too serious. People have been playing TF2 for years and it doesn't try to be competitive and entirely investment driven but it still has a huge player base and even though it's goofy and causal there is a huge competitive area of it aswhell. I don't get why every game that comes out needs to be entirely investment driven to keep people around. I'd much rather play a game because it's fun rather than because I want that awesome high level gun and because I need to win every match. This game is fun as all hell and I love every second of It even though it's casual as fuck. Mother of god that's alot of words
After playing the Titanfall beta for the last few nights and not having played a competitive FPS on PC for a while I can confirm this. I have been getting my fuckin ass handed to me no matter which loadout I try. Most of the time I can get triple lock on a pilot with the auto-pistol and not be able to one-hit kill him. I get wrecked by people with the automatic rifles and shotguns.
Accidental Intravenous injection of ephedrine hydro chloride by my dentist. I have asthmatic Bronchitis and kind of "grew" over it. No allergies what so ever and I had no reaction ....but the day after ho-ly-shit. Felt like I was dying for months. Blood tests everything turned out perfect but still felt like shit for a long time. Feeling great now but people can die from an intravenous injection.. Can result in cardiac arrest when you have asthma. Bodies are weird.
Randomness, or the gaming terminology of RNG, boil down to the player not being given enough information about a situation, or not being able to properly absorb that information. Almost all random events in a computer generated environment rely on pseudo random number generators, which are consistent and predictable to a degree. Most often, predictions are garnered after a player experiences a situation enough times. This is not because the player has absorbed the formula and computes the exact likelihood of an outcome, but because they have received enough information about the scenario to focus on the problems and find a solution. That is why a situation that is not random, like diving into a group of mobs, can be labeled as random by a person that does not yet understand the problems. I have heard that there are studies about focus that describe the regular act of focusing as the ability for the mind to exclude details that are seen as irrelevant. That is the type of focus that we try to cultivate, because it creates people that are quick to answer. Currently, there is a disorder linked to an inability to focus that involves including more information in a situation than is actually relevant to the situation. While no research has been done in the opposite direction, I believe it is possible for a disorder to exist where information is improperly labeled as irrelevant and discarded. The lack of information on the disorder and our societies need for individuals with extreme focus might be cultivating individuals with that exclude information by accident. In other words, there are people that may run their character into a group, register that they died to one of the attacks, and think that they could go back into that same situation, avoid the attack, and receive a different outcome. They are excluding the information given to them that the other attacks from the group need to be avoided, and that the problem could be simplified by controlling the number of mobs pulled. A person with the extreme focus disorder will eventually piece this information together, as they slowly eliminate reasons why they died in the group of monsters.
Theres alot of reasons certain characters werent included. Wander being the case of Team ICO not allowing Wander to be a part of the game, there was a big issue with that. Just cuz Sony owned the studio doesnt mean they could just use the character... also too many time restraints, i wish they wouldve had more time to bring it out. that way Dart and Kat couldve been included as intended. as well as other modes etc. they were pushed to quickly and that led to the demise of the studio pretty much
So here is the weirdest fix I think I've ever seen. I had my PS4 controller in the bedroom. I had been using it the last few days with Marvel Lego on the PC instead of the Xbox 360 controller because. I have a program that emulates the PS4 controller into a 360 controller. I finally get off my arse, and walk into the bedroom and get the controller after 2 hours of trying. Plug it, fire up the program and start Dead Rising 2 again. Hip hip hooray, it works ! I can use the menu in the PC settings menu to switch from disabled to enabled. Here is where it gets weird. It wasn't the PS4 controller that I was now able to use, it was the wireless Xbox 360 controller ??????
I think two worlds is a comedic masterpiece if you play it with friends nearby, but that lasts for about twenty minutes and you're done laughing. After that point, it becomes a chore to do anything; You don't want to meet any new characters because they're all horribly written and have some of the worst voice acting in not only the history of gaming, but acting itself. Even, and especially your character, the 'bounty hunter' has a terrible voice actor, who sounds like he was dropped as a baby as he tries to put together sentences with the game's bastardization of old english. The protagonist suffers from the same genetic mutations as the other people who live in Antaloor, where they have hideously disproportioned shoulders and arms to their tiny bodies and heads. It's like it was as if the individuals who made this game had never actually seen a person before, or even a picture of one. The only thing they have to go on is vague descriptions of human anatomy from poorly written romantic novels and other works of fiction. Trying to repair these flaws in the character creator is futile, however, because no matter what you do, the character you control is always a slow, cross-eyed git who fights like the star wars kid.
This game is probably my favorite halo in the series. I am a little biased to it, however, due to some events happening in my life at the time that gave the game a lot of sentimental value to me, but I really think this was (and still is) one of the best Halo titles.
I have both consoles, and I honestly feel like they're doing alright considering they haven't even been out for a full year yet. There aren't really any games that actually test the hardware of either system, but that's because very few games are "next-gen" exclusive, and because developers don't know the limits of the consoles yet. Look at a comparison between (don't kill me for this example) Call of Duty 3 and Call of Duty: Ghosts. Graphically, the two games look like they're from different console generations. Aside from CoD's "astounding visual improvement" being one thing to compare, think about gameplay. Look at the lists of launch titles for the PS3 and 360. Most of them are shit (Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Video Game, case in point). Now look at some of the more recent games for both systems.
The real problem I think is that video gaming is no longer viewed as a form of intuitive entertainment but now a cash cow money grabbing scheme in the eyes of developers. There are so many games out now with limited functionality and poor mechanics and a clear lack of wanting to go the extra mile to make a top notch game because "it's not going to fit in the budget".
Yeah, I never got why people think games need to orient themselves on reality. I mean, that is so … limiting. === Seriously, a game dev can do anything he wants in his game because he is the one defining the rules. Probably when the player misses a single bullet their gun will just explode. WHOOOOO!! A wall morphs into a crocodile that sprints at you only to give you flowers (with which you can of course turn other players into pigs) … ===
It's actually virtually impossible to eliminate recoil, and even if you could in the sense of someone holding a firearm it would actually be worse for accuracy. Recoil is the force of an explosion going off inside of the chamber of the firearm. That force has to travel somewhere and like all energy, it takes the path of least resistance. That's why if you're a right handed firer your firearm should travel up and right. Your body is to the left and below the firearm so it is easier to travel up and right. If you could muster the strength to overcome the force of recoil you would essentially be creating a negative recoil that would push the firearm low and left. This is known as a "flinch". This is a bit weird to explain in text so I hope it makes sense. Note the math here is only to illustrate the principal. The trick to shooting is too fire the exact same shot every time by changing nothing. The less you change in your position, hold, aim, release and follow through, the more accurate you will be. If you are holding a rifle in the shoulder we can say there is -10 units of force pushing the rifle down (gravity) and plus 10 units of force pushing the rifle up (you holding it). This equals zero units of force. If you then fire a shot you will have an additional 10 units of force added to the rifle (recoil up and right). This means every time you shoot you can account for +10 units of force as you shoot. If you fired the perfect shot every time your bullet will literally land in the exact same spot every time. If you try and fight that force you could run into a lot of problems. The main problem you could encounter is the inconsistency of force to push against the recoil. If you tense up and try to fight the recoil you may apply different levels of force as it is virtually impossible for a human to consistently push the same amount of force. Lets say you fire three shots fighting the recoil. The first is a perfect -10 units of force and you end up with a net force of 0. The second shot you fire with say -12 units of force resulting in a net value of -2 units of force. The third shot you applied only had -8 units of force equaling a net of +2 units of force. You now have a spread of 4 units of force which translates in one center shot, on low and left, one high and right. The trick to shooting isn't to eliminate recoil, but to account for it. There are many other forces that influence your shot that are far worse than recoil. Note: You can vice grip firearms to ensure they dont move at all, but that is guaranteeing that the same amount of force is stopping the rifle from moving every single time you shoot. It is simply impossible for a human to be that accurate when generating force every single time. If you dont believe me try hitting a punching bag that tells you how many pounds per square inch youre generating. You wont get the exact same reading every time.
I have the Stealth 500P and also have this problem. I'm anxious to find a good headset with mic monitoring. I feel like there aren't many options out there. Also, thank you for putting the
I recently played Half-Life 2 coop via Synergy with a cousin, and while I really wanted to share the amazing story of the game, he was mainly focused on the fighting. At one point, he was asking me, "Why are we doing this?" and "Where are we going next?".
After playing for awhile I don't think it's the learning curve that turns people away. It's isolation. If you stay in the safe part of the game staring at mining lasers and running your hundredth mission its just not fun. I'm fairly confident you give most MMO palyers the chance to get out interacting with people and socializing they will be much more likely to stick around.
I printed out one of those at Kinkos, though I think mine was a bit higher resolution. It was something like 24 inches all around. Lamented and printed in full color ran me near 50 bucks. The reinforced backing idea isn't really necessary if you play on a table every time and store it, rolled up, in a poster tube or whatever. If you're going to print it out though, find a picture with a higher res (like THIS so it looks clear and not grainy / low quality once printed. Will definitely be worth it. Oh also, that game gets you drunk as fuck. Most people won't be able to make it to the end of the game because they'll end up puking from being overly full or getting too drunk to keep going. Every other square is like "shotgun a beer" in some indirect way and there's a moderate chance of significantly getting sent back a large number of squares. It's over-the-top and not for lightweights.
I don't know if you're being serious or not, but your statement is incredibly flawed. Gaming is a past time, sure. But dragging a TV and an XBox to a public location (after hours) is pretty indicative of addictive (and probably self-destructive) behavior. You called it art - I know LOTS of artists. No one I know would bring their canvas and paint to a public place and set up shop. No one I know would practice their lines, sing scales, or rehearse a tap number in a public restaurant. Why? Because it's weird and inconsiderate. There are certain activities you do at home - if you're that much of an addict that you will go do it in a random public area just to get your fix, you more than likely have a problem. Also, the most offensive part of your post is you refer to playing video games as "art". No. Just, no. Art by nature is a creative process. Sitting on your ass in your underwear isn't productive or creative in any way. I say this as an artist and as an avid lover of video games. You could say creating video games is a form of art, I'd go with that, but TAKING YOUR TV AND XBOX TO TACO BUENO TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES ISN'T ARTISTIC . There's nothing to be ashamed of by playing video games and it isn't "weird" in and of itself, but let's be honest, doing what this guy isn't normal and shouldn't be considered normal or acceptable. I wouldn't have faulted either of those places for kicking him out.
I'm thinking the problem has more to do with studios being afraid to fund nonviolent games because they're not seen as commercially safe. The "hardcore" community seems to really enjoy nonviolent (or less violent) games, provided they're actually good games . For instance: Braid Beyond Good and Evil Psychonauts Portal There are others, too. As far as I can tell, it's the less-serious (but not "casual") gamers who are assuring the commercial supremacy of Halo, Gears, CoD, etc. -- people who play games as a pastime, probably have a console, but don't have a huge personal stake in gaming as an industry or an art form, or what have you. It could be that this newer, wider gaming demographic actually has a predominant interest in violent games, or it could be that they haven't been properly exposed to interesting nonviolent titles. I'm not sure -- I don't have data for any of this. Of course, "hardcore" gamers buy popular violent games as well, but it seems to me that most devoted gamers have wider palettes. If you judge on quality of execution more than subject matter, a really well-done violent game and a similarly high-quality nonviolent game are equally interesting. The point is that the content should make sense considering the context. It's incredibly frustrating to see anything sanitized for the sake of marketability. Games (or movies, television shows, etc.) that should be unsettling but instead have been plastered over with fake profanity and ridiculous kiss-and-make-up compromises have been stripped of their power -- neutered. And the insipid, saccharine marketing tie-ins that flood local Gamestops for every commercial property that can be sold to the under-12 market are even worse, because they had no soul to begin with, and that encouraging bullshit is all they are. That's what the gaming "scene" hates, I think: clean for clean's sake. We just want good games . Wow,
I think it would be very difficult to make such a system balanced, intuitive and fun. It would of course be very rewarding if you succeeded, but the punishment for failure seems steeper than an unbalanced traditional progression-system. The fish thing is simple enough I guess. Time of day, location, what bait gets what sort of fish, how strong a line and pole you need for a given type of fish and that's about it. Not very difficult to implement nor balance, so no large chance of failure here. Take a more complex skill-set such as swordplay however, and it can easily make or break your game. First of all you need to include things like strength, speed and dexterity in the equation, as there is a big difference between a strong but slow swordsman and a weak but fast one, and for every point between those polar opposites. The strong one wouldn't need to learn any fancy moves, and could just rely on bulling his way through his opponents' defences, bashing a shield so hard it breaks or sends shocks through the arm of the other guy, or maybe even breaking the sword if he hits it hard enough at the right angle. The fast one would need to finesse his way around the defences of an opponent, working his own defences such that incoming blows glance off rather than catching them full on, and when on the attack try to poke the other guy through the holes in his armour. And of course you need to make sure that the equipment is logically designed, so that swordsmen can select equipment that emphasises their respective strengths. What I would really like to see in terms of weapons and armour is to do away with inherent stats altogether and just rely on the properties of the equipment in terms of metal, make and model. So the metal would be divided into a couple of tiers of quality first of all (low, mid, high). The higher the quality the more resistant it is to breaking and the sharper you can make a weapon. Then the make comes into play, a good weaponsmith will have higher quality weapons than a bad one, more resistant to breaking, better balance, sharper edges and whatnot. And finally there is the model, i.e what kind of armour or weapon it is. A full plate ought to be very different from a hauberk, a shortsword different from a cutlass and both of them different from a longsword, and not just in terms of damage output. Full plates offer lots of protection but they also slow you down significantly, and despite being designed for some flexibility you aren't nearly as agile in them. A hauberk (or the much shorter byrnie) doesn't offer as much protection obviously but it also doesn't slow you down much if at all, and you are as agile as if you weren't wearing armour at all. A shortsword is inherently a weapon to be used in formation, blocking a few cuts and then a short lunge to stab your opponent and only rarely do you try to slice with it. With a cutlass you rarely lunge, using it more like a machete to chop your way through obstacles and opponents and rarely used in formation. A longsword is unlike either of them in that you use it more to fence than anything else, parries, thrusts, swings and all, and its length and the style of fighting makes it completely unsuited for use in formation. Mount & Blade is the only game I've played so far that even comes close to making a good job of the inherent qualities of weapons, including speed and size as properties that actually matter . Speed is what determines how fast you can swing or thrust the weapon, both the time it takes to complete a blow and the time it takes to recover for a second. Size determines how easily the weapon snags on the environment or other soldiers. So sometimes you are better served by taking a smaller, faster sabre over a more unwieldy longsword or the unwieldier (it's a word) still, two-hander. Sure your bigger weapon might do more damage, but when you're locked into the press in a siege, working your way through the narrow corridor of a tower, your weapon will be useless as it will snag on soldiers left and right of you if you try a horizontal swing, and it'll bang into the ceiling if you try an overhead one.
I felt especially relieved when I first completed the game a few months ago. It may not be perfect, but in spite of the quality of recent games (especially sequels), it's a pretty decent pice of work. Fallout 1&2 had great influence over me, I simply cannot describe the way that universe made me feel. Let me tell You my experince with S.T.A.L.K.E.R.; I've ben waiting eagerly for the release since I've heard the first news on its freshly started developenment. The months became years, and when I finally got myself a copy, I tought my face will melt from joy. After one hours of gameplay, my face ineed melted... The atmosphere of the game was everything I imagined, it was the sole reason I played it through the end. But I quickly realized, that the game itself is rotting from the core. The X-ray engine was buggy, and unrefined, let alone optimized. It was totally bullshit. I wept in agony. (keep in mind, that was not even a sequel, just a very anticipated game) Now as I remember the experience of playing Fallout 3, i feel, thet it was done pretty well, and I have all the reasons to be grateful and satisfied. I am very glad, that they didn't rape my childhood memories. Thank You Bethesda.
The stereotype on Reddit, the assumption that other Redditors are men and not women, extends into other topics beyond just gaming. I think Redditors and male gamers think there are a lot fewer female gamers than there really are. Regarding what kinds of games women might want to play, I actually do not resent the idea that they may wish to play The Sims. In fact, I think The Sims has opened up gaming for women by showing the industry that there is a highly lucrative market for female gamers. The Sims is the first game I can think of that actually tried to target a female demographic, and in return when it came out in 2002 it was the [best-selling video game in history]( So, not only do I not resent the assumption that women might be more inclined to like a game like The Sims--I think it is progressive for a game that actively targets a female market to exist. Sure, it's Barbies on the computer and that's pretty girly--but it's a step in the right direction because at least it wasn't targeting only 14 year-old boys. Personally, I don't think I fit a "female gamer" stereotype. I do like simulators like The Sims and Sim City, but I also like RTS, TBS, RPG, MMORPG, and flight sims. Pretty much the only genre I don't play is FPS. I'm probably a more well-rounded gamer than most of my male gamer friends. I also was not introduced to gaming by some boyfriend. Rather, I was born to it--my father raised us, and is the hugest nerd I know. He had my sisters and I gaming for as long as I can remember, setting up a LAN and having us battle each other like little conquistadoras. So instead of having boyfriends get me into gaming, I've had boyfriends who shared my interest in gaming--we didn't have to change each other to have this in common. I think it works better when you both share interests in the first place. Now, I think many gamers underestimate the amount of prejudice there is against female gamers. Of the core players in my WoW guild, 1/4 were female, include the guild leader. This does not mean that 1/4 of WoW gamers are female; it means that female gamers feel more inclined to play with other females. Why is this? Not only are other females less likely to discriminate against female gamers, but guilds with female gamers in them are more likely to include guys who aren't asshats. One of my guildmates joined a pre-made battleground group and, as soon as she joined vent, was told "chicks can't fucking play games" and was booted out. That is one kind of discrimination female gamers face. Many other guys assume that being openly female means you are an "attention whore." Women are faced with a lot of negative reinforcement when they choose not to hide their sex. A more common form of discrimination female gamers have to put up with is general disbelief. I join a group, we all get on vent (it could be WoW, it could be that MMO version the Russians made of Fallout 2), and inevitably someone says "omg wtf ur a grl???" Sometimes this is followed by requests for naked pics, but not always. I have a theory about those guys. I theorize that they don't want female gamers to exist, or else they wouldn't make them feel so uncomfortable. Not all guys are dicks--usually, someone will say "shut the fuck up" or "leave her alone" or "get over it," something like that. Or even better, no one mentions it at all. I have a theory about those guys, as well. I theorize that they do want female gamers to exist, and to be comfortable playing with them. (Hint, hint, gaming Reddit!) I understand that many of those who exclaim in shock that a fellow gamer is female genuinely are surprised, and maybe those guys are also 12, but that does not erase the negative impact of their words. We're being singled out because of our sex, and many of us feel uncomfortable being singled out. Honestly, this is why I've always avoided LAN parties. Practically speaking, female gamers right now have to choose to just deal with sexism online, avoid allowing her sex to be revealed, or play only with people she knows in real life (or, of course, play only single player games). When choosing not to hide her sex, keeping control of the game is a good option--for example, being a female guild leader or an admin allows you to just kick out chick-hating jerks. But it sucks that we have to face this uncomfortable barrier to our enjoyment of a game. If male gamers want there to be more female gamers, they would be well-served to not focus on her being female, and to discourage others from doing so.
Wow, that was intense. I have to admit, I've been "that guy" a few times IRL. Frankly, I only know 1 or 2 gamer girls, so I'm surprised whenever I meet one. This is usually followed by me trying to get her hooked on some random game I just started playing, so it's not like I'm discouraging. What I really don't understand why anyone would have a problem with girl gamers playing on a team/server. I honestly don't give a damn whether she's good; there are always plenty of guys worse than her playing and nobody complains about them. A girl that shares any of my hobbies is a turn-on for me, because it makes it that much easier to be legit friends with her.
Or, in actuality, it is you. Got into an argument with me 8 days ago, where he lost, raged, and subsequently created a new account: 6 days ago, which he has attempted to troll with since to do his post-stalking under a different username. When that was a complete failure, he (you) went back to your MotivePower name, and as your comment history shows, re-initiated your post-stalking activity.
There is nothing in this review that says anything about violence toward women. What the hell? Exploitation films are films that exploit some sort of subject matter. Exploitation games, therefore would do the same thing. Bayonetta is nothing more than a game made in the Sexploitation genre. That doesn't make it a bad thing, it makes it a throwback. I don't know what you are angry about, but you seriously need to chill. Please grow up.
Yeah, like the video in Hammer2000's comment, don't play it like it's MW2. You're far more sluggish and multifunctional, and it's a game based around helping your team to win as opposed to camping and playing for yourself. Every role has a support feature, and remembering to use that & assisting team mates is just as worthy as running to the front line and killing as many people as possible. When you start out take it slow, try to learn the maps as fast as possible to avoid being a level 30 who can't sneak into a base because he only uses the main road. Knife kills are slow compared to MW2; really slow! Use them if you need to reload but one more enemy comes through the door or if you've successfully snuck up on an enemy (But expect to miss sometimes at point blank).
I'll play the part of the anonymous elitist asshole for a minute and I fully expect downvotes for it. This video demonstrates neither effectiveness nor any spectacular skill. The player quite often runs around in circles, doesn't react to getting shot, tosses a med pack out in the open and waits to die, goes minutes with half a magazine spent without reloading and passes up or ignores kills. Seems to me like the player here is one of those people that just spam rezzes anyone in sight and I fucking hate medics that do this. Quite often I'm one of the only people rushing an MCOM and dying behind the enemy line, surrounded by many men, goes with the job. The last thing I want is for some idiot medic to come screaming in there and reviving me just so I can die again but that's just me ranting.
Agreed, aside from the point that it got worse with each installment; I was still blown away by Apocalypse. Even though it was a fundamentally different game. I'm looking forward to the reboot, if done right, it could be one of the most engaging games to play in a long time; In interviews I have read that they still want to keep the base and the overworld map, and non-linear missions. the twist being that instead of being management and tactical advisor, you are the guy that's in charge of the Alien response team. Also, 50s: fuck yeah! fedoras and lots of smoking! The alien designs they are going for are interesting too; no classical "greys", instead using strange geometry and shapeless mass to genuinely confuse and scare the player(something rarely achieved in the vidya) To OP: Of course it is a sad state of affairs that the glorious old genre of turn based gameplay has atropied to the point of being solely produced by "scary soviet" studios(see;Jagged alliance 3) and indy devs.(frozen synapse/Flotilla). Still try and give the game a chance though, the devs seem passionate about making the game in this format, and don't seem to just have slapped the XCOM brand on it to "milk" the easy X-Com market. See what previews/reviews say and if you do decide to play it; go in with a fresh mindset(Can't stress this enough, going in looking for fallout completely crushed the fallout3 experience for me.) enjoy the fan service easter eggs/references most likely included for hardcore X-Com fans such as yourself, but see it for what it is; simple fan service, not proof that they are milking the franchise
I'm not buying it because I'm broke as fuck. Actually, I'm broker than fuck. Every paycheck goes to bills that are already overdue, meanwhile I'm running out of food, and there are more bills and late fees piling on top of bills and late fees.
Irony is using words to convey something other than their literal intention. Also often, by extent, when something performs the opposite of what its name implies. For instance, if bullet-proof glass causes a bullet to hit the target when otherwise it would not have, that's somewhat ironic. In addition, as noted by the parent, it is sometimes used (by analogy to the previous point) when something has the opposite effect of what was intended. Note that it has to have more of an opposite effect than not having it would have. A submarine leaking is not ironic, just unfortunate, but a submarine being somehow flung (and thus airborne for a period of time) is somewhat ironic, especially as it's called a sub marine. Regarding the Lara Croft example, I guess it depends on your expectations. I mostly expect her to wear skimpy outfits and raid tombs, although I admit she has a certain propensity for animal abuse.
Irony is using words to convey something other than their literal intention. Irony doesn't require words. > Regarding the Lara Croft example, I guess it depends on your expectations. That's pretty much the crux of almost all "that's not irony!" posts. Irony is inherently subjective. In your submarine example, there's always going to be some asshole who will say, "I don't expect submarines to always be under water. Sometimes they are in dry dock." >
Maybe it's just me, but I don't really see a problem with the lack of LAN play. I just go onto battle.net and meet all my friends in a private room and game on with little to no lag. Six years ago I might have given a damn, but all of my friends have dispersed to different areas of the country. Even when we're all together, if we want to play SC2 it comes down to the extra step of having internet, and we've all had broadband since the late 90's.
The weapons are not hitscan, but the bullet travels the maximum distance possible in one frame in the engine for the DMR, Pistol, and Sniper Rifle. It's similiar to hitscan in that leading is not required with these weapons, but it has all the advantages of true bullet simulation like Halo 3 did. IE, no sweep sniping, no clients getting free hits, and the host doesn't automatically win if two people simultaneously hit each other on the host box. In Halo 3, the only weapon that behaved like hitscan was the Spartan Laser (as it's maximum distance and first frame shot range were basically longer than any map that was ever shipped for 3). The BR, Pistol and every other weapon had bullet travel, which meant you had to lead your shots. People couldn't understand this and the bloom was not communicated via the HUD, hence the new way the DMR and Pistol work and the representation of bloom via the HUD.
a few friends of mine started playing rift. one of their dad's & his wife play, they ran one of the biggest guilds in EQ. the dad doesn't play games like most people, he likes to explore. while playing he instructs my friend on how to get up this mountain in which the friend dies several times getting to the top. so he gets to the top and the dad shows him a chest and inside the chest: bam, epic piece for his level. i guess there are such chests in each zone.
I like achievements and all, but it's rare that I'll play something to 100% completion! Dead Rising broke me of the habit when I learned what I would have to go through for a measley 20 points! (7-day survivor, etc). This is valuable time I could spend with other games!
speaking form an independent developer standpoint) Publishers are the moneybags of the equation. You're a Dev House that wants to make a game. You need to pay your salaries, benefits, electric bills, rent, and more. If you're making a console title, you need dev kits, and it costs to get the game approved by the console owner. It costs money to get the game rated by the ESRB and other ratings boards, etc.. You also likely don't have in-house testers. Or at least not enough of them, and hiring a QA team costs money as well. The publisher will sign a contract with you that you will provide them a game, and they will provide you money to make the game.
wow, not one of you understands exchange rates? example: in the US you make $1200 a month and pay $3 for a pack of cigarettes in the EU you make 1200€ a month and pay 3€ for a pack of cigarettes it means: if you make money in the US and spend it in the EU you change currency and pay more because of the exchange rate it doesnt mean: some people will pay more for sony's new toy than others clear? ok good. one other thing... if you live in the EU and buy a Sony toy from the US you will spend less money (currently the € has a higher value than $) but it would mean that you'd have to buy all your games from the US as well to work on your US machine (unless you haXor that shit, i guess) but you'll probably pay for it in shipping anyway

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