<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Reese : I m not a fugitive , Ric , so I have to wonder why you re going around knocking on doors searching for me . Ric : I m here to see Sonny , Agent Marshall . He went to great lengths to assure me that you were nt here , but now you ve both been caught in a lie . Which makes me wonder , why all the secrecy , hmm ? Why not just admit that you were staying here with Sonny ? Alexis : I think the answer is obvious . Sonny : What are you doing here ? Carly : Waiting for Jason . I wanted to tell him you ve lost your mind and started sleeping with a Fed . Sonny : You saw us ? Carly : I saw everything . Sonny : Okay , look , Carly , I m sorry that you walked in on me and Reese , but it s not like we re married -- Carly : Did you not hear me the first time ? Sonny : No , I heard you . Carly : No , Reese Marshall is a Fed , so she s sleeping with you to get evidence . Sonny : You do nt think I know -- Carly : If you want to throw you re own future away , fine , but , you know , you have no right to throw away mine or Jason s or the kids ! Sonny : Carly , Carly , Carly , you do nt think I know what I m doing ? I know what to say to her , when to stop . Carly : You re grieving . She s using it to work you . Sonny : Even if that were true , it does nt matter . Reese has already compromised herself . Anything she can get against me she can not use . So you can go ahead and say you re sorry , go , or admit the real reason that you re mad is because you saw me with another woman . Carly : Oh , so you think I m jealous ? Sonny : You were born jealous . You always want what you ca nt have . Carly : I ca nt have you ? Never again ? Do nt bet on it . A.J. : Hello , Dad . Long time no see . Alan : A.J. A.J. : It s me . And look who I brought . I brought my son . Alan : My God , A.J. I never thought I was ever going to see you again . I m so glad to see you . A.J. : Me , too . Alan : I m so glad to see you . Hi , little guy . I m happy to see you . I missed you both so much . A.J. : Yeah , you know , we missed you , too , Dad , yeah . Alan : I have so many questions to ask you . Where have you been ? A.J. : Dad , I will tell you everything , but right now we have to get out of here before somebody sees us . Alan : What about your mother ? The whole family wants to know that you re -- A.J. : No , no , no , you ca nt tell them . You ca nt say anything . Alan : But Michael -- there are people who want -- A.J. : Dad , please . What I need from you right now is to hide us and to promise that you ll keep a secret . Alan : No . This is going to end right now . Sonny : Do nt do this , Carly . You know , we both decided that our marriage is over . Carly : Really ? Sonny : Yeah . Carly : Because the way I remember it , you informed me that we had irreconcilable differences and that was it . Hasta la vista , Carly . Take the kids and a fortune in alimony and go . Sonny : I did nt want to fight with you then . I m sure as hell not going to fight with you now . Too much has changed . The worst thing that could ever happen . There s not a day goes by that I do nt think about Michael , a night . Every night I have to dream about his voice , that gunshot . Carly : Michael s not dead . Sonny : Carly , do not do this to me . Carly : I swear to you , Sonny , that s why I came to the house -- to tell you there s proof that Michael s alive . Reese : In case it slipped your mind , I recently had an attempt made on my life . Alexis : Reese , your car blew up on Sonny s property . Would nt you have gone to someone else for assistance ? Reese : Sonny had nothing to do with the car bombing . Alexis : Those are what I believe are famous last words . Reese : All right , if Sonny wanted me dead , why would he have pulled me away from the explosion ? Alexis : I did nt think Sonny wanted you dead , but he is quite probably the reason that someone else did . Anyone associated with Sonny is inevitably a target . Reese : Sonny had nothing to do with this . Ric : Well , that sounds like you know who s responsible . Reese : Yeah , I m working on it , Ric , and you ll know as soon as I do . Ric : Could it be John Durant ? Left a message on my machine that you wanted to talk about him . Reese : I do . In private . Ric : Anything you say in front of me you can say in front of Alexis . Reese : Okay . All right . So John Durant has been trying to pressure me into pinning the Sandoval killings on Sonny . I told him I do nt have any proof , so what does he do ? He goes and he tries to coerce Maria Sanchez into giving false testimony . Ric : Yeah , I m aware of all this . He set up a phony drug bust on Ms. Sanchez s son , Diego . Reese : Right . Okay , so I argue with Durant about his tactics . Two hours later , my car blows up . Ric : You know , John Durant thinks he s above the law . We ca nt eliminate him as a suspect . Alexis : John Durant is a federal prosecutor . Where I believe he will bend the law to get a win , he is too smart to resort to murder . John : I want to know who I m working with . Man : We prefer to remain anonymous , Mr. Durant . That s why we re working through you . John : You have given me money ; you have given me resources to get evidence against Sonny . You claim that we re on the same team . I -- why ca nt I know who you are ? Man : A more important question might be , can we get a conviction against Corinthos or not ? John : Of course I can . It s only a matter of time . Man : Are you actually making progress or is that a figure of speech ? John : It wo nt be much longer . A.J. : I rescued Michael from Faith and the kidnappers , and we were on our way to the Bahamas when our plane crashed on a deserted island . Alan : Good Lord . A.J. : Yeah , well , luckily we were rescued after a few days . I took Michael to live with me , Dad , because Sonny and Carly did nt want Michael as their son anymore . It was tough on Michael at first . But now he s started to accept that Morgan is Sonny s real son , true son , and that they have the family they want . At least now Michael and I are finally together . But it s not going to stay that way unless you help . Alan : What kind of help ? A.J. : I got into business with some bad guys . Alan : What do they want ? A.J. : Money . Lots of it . So I brought Michael here to hide out until I can make some arrangements . Will you hide us ? Monica : Alan ? Where are you ? A.J. : Listen , Dad , you ve always said you love me . Here s your chance to prove it . Come on , Michael , let s go . Monica : You with somebody ? I thought I heard voices . Alan : I guess I was talking to myself . I ve been doing a lot of that lately . So was there a particular reason that you were looking for me ? Monica : Well , I was worried about you . I mean , I know what kind of day you ve had . Alan : Oh , beyond your imagination . Monica : I mean , hearing me announce that I m going to sell the house would be enough , but then people telling you that A.J. was alive , not to mention your chest pains . Alan : Hmm . Well , I was taking a little time to calm down and think things through . I m sorry if I worried you . So , are you still determined to sell the house ? Monica : I think it is the best thing for the family . I mean , I really believe that . Alan : Well , then I believe it , too . Where we live does nt matter . You re all the home I ve ever needed . Monica : Wow . It s been a long time since you ve done that . Alan : And I want to apologize to you for brooding and lashing out and the drinking . It s not going to happen again , I promise you , and I m going to find some way to make it up to you . Monica : You do nt have to do that . Alan : You want to take a walk in the garden ? Mother s roses are probably in bloom right now . It would be a nice way to start over . Monica : I d like that . A.J. : Did you hear that , little man , huh ? Did you hear how your grandfather covered for us ? Michael : He lied . A.J. : It was for a good cause -- us . Michael : Monica s your mom . How come you do nt want her knowing that we re here ? Dillon : I wanted to be a rebel , and rebels believe that the rules do nt apply to them , that they can lie and cheat and steal and do whatever and it s not going to catch up to them . Well , with Michael , it did . And no matter how hard I try , I m not getting past that , so -- Georgie : Dillon , Dillon , you are not to blame for that . You are kind and you are caring , and , Dillon , you would never do anything to intentionally hurt anybody . Dillon : I do nt exactly think you re impartial here . Georgie : Why , just because I love you ? Dillon : Yeah . You might want to rethink that at this point . Georgie : You see , Dillon , that s what I m talking about . You do nt see how wonderful you really are . Dillon : Yes , because helping the old lady find her purse at the movie theater really qualifies me for sainthood . Georgie : No , no , no , I m talking about other things . Do nt you remember when Brook Lynn was nt getting along with her parents ? You helped her through that . I mean , and then when Sage died , you kept us all from falling apart . Dillon : That s not a big deal , Georgie . Anybody would do that . Georgie : And you taught me how to love . You taught me how to trust completely . You taught me to care about someone else as much as I care for myself . Dillon : You are the best thing in my life . You know that ? Probably the only thing at this point . Georgie : No , no , Dillon , no . You have your passion for making films . Dillon : No , I do nt . Not anymore . It s gone . I ca nt go to film school while Michael is lying dead in a swamp somewhere . Georgie : If you do nt do this , you will regret it for the rest of your life , and I m sorry , I ca nt let that happen to you . Do you still have the letter of intent ? Dillon : Yeah , it s at my family s house somewhere . Georgie : Good . Okay , we re going there right now and we re taking it straight to the post office . Dillon : Why are you so invested in this , really ? Georgie : Because , Dillon , when you love someone , their dreams become your dreams . I want this to come true for both of us . Dillon : Michael was a child . He did nt even know what his dreams were . So I -- I guess , yeah , the best way to honor that is to fight for what I want , make my life count for something . Georgie : That would be a good start . Alexis : Durant has no reason to want to kill you . If he thought you were protecting Sonny , he would simply have you reassigned . Reese : All right , you know , I know it s really hard to believe , but that s why I did nt mention it in the first place . Ric : Yeah , and on the other hand , we all know that Durant is obsessed with destroying Sonny . That kind of fixation can lead to bad decisions . Alexis : How many people have you put in prison in your career ? Could nt one of them have set the bomb , completely unrelated to Durant ? Reese : Yeah , anything is possible . That s why I have to protect myself by staying here . Ric : All right , we wo nt let anybody know that we found you here . Alexis : Wild horses could nt drag it out of me . Carly : Michael s alive . I have proof . Sonny : You have proof ? Where ? Carly : On Jason s computer . There s that picture of Michael when he was in the swamp -- Sonny : Why would Jason even show you that picture ? Why would you even want to look at it again ? Carly : Because I want to find my son , and the picture proves he s alive ! His pupils were nt dilated like they would be -- Sonny : I saw the picture ! His eyes were closed ! Carly : Not completely . When Jason enlarged the picture , you could see -- Sonny : Jason saw exactly what he wanted to see . And he was wrong to -- he was not right to give you false hope . Carly : It s not false . Sonny : What is it , then ? Carly : It s not -- you d know it , too ! I know he s alive , if you d just let me finish , but it s like you wo nt hear me out ! You re afraid that you ll believe and then it ll turn out not to be true and then we ll lose him all over again . Sonny : That s exactly what I m afraid of , because you got a look on your face like , you know , as long as you fight hard enough , you re going to get what you want . Forget the picture , forget the F.B.I. , forget the bitch that killed our son . Let s think about reality here . You re asking me to watch you break your heart . I wo nt do it . Carly : No , Sonny , I m asking you to risk your own heart and trust me . Our son is alive , and we can bring him home . Sonny : Tell me . Go ahead , tell me what you found . Alexis : I do nt believe for one minute that Reese believes Durant tried to kill her . Ric : She sounded convinced to me . Alexis : She s trying to have a common enemy with Sonny because she s obviously emotionally involved with him . Ric : Alexis , I think you might want to employ some of those coping strategies right about now . Alexis : The responsible thing for her to do right now is to have herself removed from this case so that she can be replaced with somebody with more objectivity . Ric : I do nt think she s going to see that as a viable option . Alexis : Then maybe you should speak to her superiors about it . Ric : Alexis , I ca nt prove that Reese and Sonny are involved . Alexis : An attempt was made on her life and she ran to him , to Sonny , for protection . Does nt that speak for itself ? Reese Marshall is emotionally -- John : Well , excuse me . What was that about Agent Marshall ? Max : You have to help me . Reese : Where s his nanny ? Max : I do nt know . It s her night off or something . Reese : No , I m sorry , Max . I m -- I m not good with children . Max : But you -- oh , great . Dillon : Uh -- it was right here . Georgie : Well , I do nt know , maybe someone took it for safekeeping . Dillon : No , you know what ? I put it into a box , and Alice said she d take it up to the attic . Georgie : Well , Dillon , let s go . I want that letter in the mail by morning . Dillon : You know , there s -- it s pretty secluded up there , and we could maybe throw down some blankets or something . Georgie : No . Never , ever , ever in this house . Dillon : No ? Because I could be really quiet . I can be -- Georgie : I m glad you re feeling better . Come on -- attic . Michael : This is where we re going to be staying ? A.J. : Yeah , listen , those men are still after us , okay ? The fewer people who know where we are , the safer we ll be . Michael : Why do nt we just get people to take care of them ? A.J. : What do you mean by that ? Michael : Make them disappear . A.J. : That s what Sonny would do , is nt it ? That s not the answer , Michael . Look , Sonny s world is no place for a kid like you . I m sorry you had to grow up like that , I really am , but I promise you , once my problems are over , things are going to be different . It s just you and me living a happy , normal life , okay ? Alan : A.J. , I need to see you immediately . A.J. : All right , Dad , hold on . I just want to make sure Michael s okay . Alan : No , no , do nt put me off . I ve got questions that need to be answered . A.J. : All right , okay . Hey , you going to be all right here by yourself ? Michael : Well , I m kind of hungry . A.J. : All right , I ll get you a sandwich , all right ? Michael , please stay quiet , all right ? Michael : I will . A.J. : All right , I appreciate it . Thanks , buddy . Let s go . Alan : Hey , Michael ? I m so happy you re here . Carly : I guess the most important thing that you do nt already know is that A.J. s alive , too . Sonny : That s beautiful . Carly : What ? I thought you were going to hear me out . Sonny : I m listening . Go ahead . Carly : All right , first , Jason enlarged the picture , which was enough to convince him that Michael was alive , too . Sonny : Okay , so he went looking for someone with a motive to fake Michael s death ? Carly : Stan traced Faith s credit cards to a hotel in the Bahamas , like , uh -- Tropic Imperial . Jason and Sam went down there and they found someone who overheard Faith on the phone talking to a rich guy from Port Charles . Sonny : A.J. ? Carly : Well , yeah , and -- well , yeah , but , I mean , Jason did nt know that yet . Sonny : Because , you know , Courtney was being investigated for A.J. s murder . Carly : Right , but Courtney was exonerated and Rachel Adair was charged , and that s when she confessed that A.J. was nt dead at all . She helped A.J. stage the whole thing . Sonny : She -- she confessed ? What do you mean , stage the whole thing ? Carly : All right , well , think about it from A.J. s point of view . Sonny : All right . Carly : The only way he could steal Michael is if no one was looking for him . So he seduced this Rachel and got her to help him fake his death , while he hired Faith to fake Michael s . Sonny : So -- okay . Are you sure that Faith and A.J. were in the Bahamas ? Carly : Yeah , Rachel s the one who told Jason how to find the villa . Jason s down there right now looking for Michael . Sonny : The deposits in Faith s accounts -- 2 million the day Kristina was taken , 4 million for Michael and Morgan . You saying it was all a job ? A.J. hired Faith to kidnap my children as a smokescreen so that we would believe that the picture was real ? Faith did nt kill Michael . She fired -- she did nt fire at him . She fired -- Carly : That s right . Sonny : Michael s alive ? Our son – Ric : Alexis and I were just discussing Agent Marshall s disappearance from the hospital . You would nt know where she was , would you ? John : At this point , I m just hoping she s alive . Have either of you heard or seen anything that could help me find her ? Ric : No , wish we had . John : Oh . All right . Well , let me know if you do , hmm ? Alexis : Notice I did nt say a word ? Ric : I appreciate your restraint . Alexis : I told you I would nt tell anyone and I wo nt . Ric : Alexis , I am -- Alexis : I am doing everything I can to learn not to resist . Ric : I know . I appreciate the effort , okay ? I know how hard this is for you . Alexis : Oh , no , you do nt . Which is why I have a professional to speak to . Which reminds me -- I need to make an appointment tomorrow with Dr. Winters . I ll be right back . Sonny : When did you know ? I mean , not the visions and the feelings . When were you sure that Michael was alive ? Carly : When Jason said it . I was in the park with Sam , and she told me that Jason had proof that Michael was nt dead . It was the strangest feeling . I -- I started to walk away , and then I just started to run straight to Jason . And he opened the door , and I do nt remember what I said . I do nt even know . I just -- I think I said something like , Michael s still alive , and Jason said he thought so , too . And that s when I knew it was real , that our son was alive and we were going to bring him home . Sonny : Why did nt you come to me then ? Carly : You would nt have believed me . Sonny : Yeah , you re probably right . Wow . Okay . A.J. , you know , got his money s worth . Faith had the perfect plan , she had the motive , and she was smart enough to take Kristina first . That way when she grabbed Michael and Morgan , you know , it would even look more like revenge . And then when it seemed like Michael was dead , that all made sense because he was big enough to fight back and he was old enough to be a witness . Carly : Yeah . Maybe it was Faith s idea to send that picture , but trust me ; it was A.J. who decided to set it in the swamp . Sonny : What , Carly ? Carly : I ca nt -- I just -- he wanted us to think that our little boy had been shot -- Sonny : It does nt matter . Carly : And thrown away like garbage ! Sonny : It does nt matter . Carly : He wanted us to carry that image for the rest of our lives . Sonny : It was a lie . It s done , okay ? Carly : Yeah . Yeah , I know . Sonny : He set up the perfect kidnapping , and you figured it out . Carly : Yeah . Sonny : So it s good , it s over . Carly : It s not over . Michael s not home yet . Sonny : He will be . The only way this would ve worked is if we accepted that our son was dead . You would nt do that . I know I m always yelling at you for not listening to me , but now I m going to thank you for following your heart , for proving that our son is alive . And I m going to tell you this right now -- we re going to bring him home . A.J. : It s important that you know , Dad , that everything I ve done in the past few months has been for my son . Alan : Why do nt you start from the beginning ? A.J. : I hired Faith to kidnap Michael , Morgan , and Kristina , and then fake Michael s death , and got Rachel Adair to help me stage my own murder . Alan : I do nt believe what you re telling me . How could you hurt so many people ? A.J. : Sonny , Carly , and Jason hurt me just as badly . And -- and I made sure Faith did nt harm those children . Alan : Faith almost had them adopted by another family . A.J. : That was me . I needed it to be real . I knew they d be rescued before -- before it happened . Alan : And what about pinning your murder on Courtney ? What s your excuse for that ? A.J. : She left me for my brother . I have no regrets . Alan : I m so glad your grandmother is nt alive to hear you say that . Do you have any idea how you have tortured this family ? A.J. : No . I do nt . Alan : What do you mean ? A.J. : I did nt think any of you cared . I thought I was already dead to all of you . Alan : Oh , my God . Do nt , do nt . I ve always cared about you . Always . I m so sorry . No man should ever feel that way no matter what he s done . A.J. : I deserved it . I have been a one - man wrecking crew my entire life , ruining everything around me ! Alan : But you re not anymore . You re not . We re going to rebuild it . I m going to help you . The most important thing is that you re alive . A.J. : Yeah . Yeah , yeah , yeah , maybe we can . There s one complication . Alan : Okay , tell me , what s that ? A.J. : Jason . He s on to me . And if he finds me , I m a dead man for real . Alan : You ca nt hide from Jason forever . Let me go talk to him . A.J. : No ! No ! I can not take that chance . I have a plan . I have a plan . We ll get new identities , complete with -- with passports . But until then , I need you to hide us . Alan : What happens if Jason finds you here ? A.J. : He wo nt . This is the last place he ll ever look . I need your word , Dad , okay , that you will not tell Jason or anyone where we are . Alan : What about your mother ? A.J. : No . Absolutely not . You know as well as I do she ll run straight to the golden boy . Alan : Okay . So you get these new identities . And then what do you do ? A.J. : We ll leave . I said it , I m leaving , and we ll start over , make a whole new life for ourselves . I need you to come through . For once in my life , Dad , please let me win . Dillon : It was in my film book . I think Alice , like , put it in a cardboard box or something . Georgie : Dillon ? Dillon : Yeah ? Georgie : It s right here . Dillon : Yeah , that s it . This is it . It s funny , when I sent out the application , Michael was still alive . Georgie : Well , I know how badly you feel about Michael s death , but -- and you have to know I feel the same way . Georgie : No , no , no , no , Dillon , I m -- I m fine . Really , no , Michael s death has -- it s made me realize that the future is a gift , it s not a promise . And I am going to live the best , fullest life I can . Dillon : I think Michael would like that . Georgie : Me , too . Reese : No more sugar . You want him to get wound up again ? Max : I m open to suggestions . Reese : All right , give him to me . Come on . Hi , baby ! Max : Okay , um , I ll just be outside here if you need anything , okay ? Reese : Hi , sweetheart . Aw , yeah . I know , you re sleepy , are nt you ? Are nt you ? I m going to help you fall asleep , okay ? Oh , it s nap time , is nt it ? Yeah . Come here , baby . Oh . How about this ? How about this ? Huh ? Hey , you like stories , Morgan ? How about if I told you a story , huh ? Would you like that ? I m going to tell you a very special bedtime story , okay ? A story that I m going to make up especially for you , just like I used to do with my little boy . Carly : I ca nt believe I left my ringer off . Sonny : It does nt matter . What did Jason say on the message ? Carly : They found A.J. s villa , but they missed him and Michael . Sonny : Any leads ? Carly : They found an atlas with a list of countries . I guess A.J. was planning on taking Michael for a trip around the world . Jason thinks they re headed to Siena , Italy . Sonny : Michael did that report on it last year , right ? Carly : That s why Jason thinks he s going . Can you -- typical A.J. to take him to a place that you and Jason helped him learn about . Sonny : Okay , did Jason find anything else , Carly ? Carly : His -- Michael and A.J. s luggage . They could nt have missed them by more than a few minutes . Sonny : Okay , so Jason s going to Siena ? Is that what s going on here ? Carly : Yeah , but the good news is that they found a picture of A.J. and Michael , so we know that Michael s alive and okay . Sonny : So he is going , then , right ? Carly : Yeah , they -- I think they re on the plane right now . Sonny : Okay , you know what ; we re not going to play hide - and - go - seek with A.J. all over the planet . I got a better way to find out . Louise s voice : This is Dr. Louise Winters . I m taking two weeks off to attend a medical convention . I ll be out of the office until Wednesday , April 20 . If this is an emergency , press 22 and you ll be connected to my service . Alexis : Who you calling ? Ric : I was just -- just checking the messages . Hey , um -- you want to have lunch tomorrow ? Alexis : Well , that s a nice idea . Ric : What time s your appointment with Dr. Winters ? Alexis : 1 : 00 . I can make it earlier if you want . Ric : No , no , no . Why do that ? Why mess up a good thing ? John : Why d you want to see me so soon ? Man : We ve located Agent Marshall . She s staying at Sonny s house . Reese : Once upon a time , there was a princess who lost the only thing that mattered to her . And from that day forward , she was so sad , and nobody could make her smile . And then one day she met a lonely knight , and he understood exactly how she felt . A.J. : Michael , Sonny and your mom were ashamed about not wanting you . So instead of telling the truth , they told everyone that you d died . Michael : How could they say I died ? A.J. : They said that you had drowned . That way , there would nt be any body . Michael : And everybody believed them ? A.J. : Why would nt they ? They were your parents . So now everyone thinks you re in heaven , and they can get on with their lives . Michael : Pretty soon everybody s just going to forget that I ever lived . A.J. : I know it hurts . I know . That s why I did nt tell you before . But it s -- it s best that you know , okay ? And as soon as I can shake these guys who are after me , I promise you , okay , I do nt ever want to come back here again , ever . And now that you know the truth , I m sure you do nt either . Monica : Rachel told Jax and Courtney that A.J. was alive , you believed them , and that s why you re bouncing off the walls . Alan : Of course it is . You know me so well . A.J. is alive , and I got a feeling we re going to see him very , very soon . Sonny : Your lying son faked his death and stole Michael , and we re here to bring our son back . Lucky : If I stay at Wyndemere a little bit longer , maybe she ll talk about the rape . Carly : Do you think he was at the house last night ? Jason : Alan would probably help A.J. Carly : Monica wo nt . Jason : Will you help me ? Monica : A.J. would not be that cruel . A.J. : I could lock you up here , you know , but I do nt want you to feel like a prisoner . ### Summary:
In front of Michael , AJ claims to Alan that someone is after him and that he and Michael need a place to hide . Alan allows AJ and Michael to hide in the attic . Alone with Alan , AJ explains how he hired Faith to kidnap the children and fake Michael s death , as well as enlisting Rachel s help to stage his own murder . After overhearing Georgie and Dillon , Michael asks AJ why people believe he s dead . Carly convinces Sonny that Michael is alive . Sonny and Carly confront Alan and Monica at the mansion . Reese tells Ric and Alexis she suspects Durant might have tried to kill her . Ric and a reluctant Alexis agree not to tell anyone that Reese is hiding at Sonny s . The priest later tells Durant that Reese is at Sonny s . Ric learns that Alexis therapist has been out of town and that Alexis has been lying about going to therapy . Still grieving her own son , Reese refuses to help Max with Morgan . Reese has a change of heart and tells Morgan a bedtime story which is similar to her own life . Georgie tries to convince Dillon to reconsider not going to film school .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Angie : Jesse , ready to go ? Derek s expecting us . Hey , baby , what s wrong ? Jesse : I do nt know , it s just -- it s just so -- Angie : Strange ? I know . But this is happening . Now , we re going to walk out that door into broad daylight -- you and me . Jesse : Yeah , it s just -- wow , it s been so long . Angie : All right , all right , so you re a little rusty . But that s why I m here -- remember ? Jesse : How could I ever forget that ? Angie : I know it s hard to believe , but it s over , Jesse . This nightmare , thank God , is finally over . Adam : Are you sure it s safe to go home , Krystal ? Who knows what other dangerous criminals Martin s provoked ? Tad : It s safe , Adam . Adam : Oh ? J.R. : Who would it hurt if you just stayed a few more days just to be safe , huh ? Babe : We re moving out , J.R. Opal : Oh , there he is , my precious boy with all his parts intact ! Oh , thank you , Lord , thank you . Do nt you ever , ever take that kind of risk again -- do you understand -- not ever , I mean it . Oh , good morning , everybody . Krystal : Good morning , Opal . Babe : Opal , do you want some coffee ? Opal : Yeah , I would , and on the way over , I stopped and got some muffins , as well . Here you go , and -- oh , and I also picked up a stray . You can come in now . Robert : I -- I hope I m not intruding on anything . I can come back later if that s better or -- Adam : Do nt be ridiculous . You saved my daughter s life . I am honored to have you in my home . Greenlee : I just spoke to Jack -- he ll be on the next flight home . Kendall : Good , that s good . Aidan : I spoke to some of the officers here . Kendall : Anything new ? Aidan : No , it s just that they said that it s pretty obvious that Erica had nothing to do with the great escape . Greenlee : Pretty obvious ? Are you kidding me ? I mean , she s handcuffed to some bank robber chick who is probably a very cool person . Everything s going to be ok , Kendall . Zach : Greenlee s right . Kendall : No , you do nt know that , Zach . The bottom line is my mother is chained to this -- this random stranger , and we have no idea how dangerous she is . Carmen : Not your smartest move , Erica Kane . Erica : Look , you re making a mistake . Carmen : I ve made plenty of mistakes -- this is nt one of them . Erica : What I mean is the accident happened so fast , there was no time to think , let alone come up with a really good plan . Carmen : Do nt tell me what I know . Erica : Ok , I m sorry . I m -- I m really sorry . Carmen : I m tired of people telling me what I know . Being in charge -- that s how I ended up here in the first place . Erica : How did you get here , anyway -- Erica : I mean , if you do nt mind my asking ? I -- I know your ex set you up . Carmen : Yeah . He s a slimy lowlife that does nt deserve to breathe . Erica : Well , I ve known a few of those . Carmen : Erica Kane ? Nah -- I do nt believe you . Erica : Oh , you can believe me . So , what did he do ? Carmen : Mando says we re going on vacation to some all - inclusive place in Aruba . Of course , I jump on the chance . I m all dressed up , ready to go when he says he has to make a stop . I m like , What kind of stop ? He s like , I got to go get some money . Well , come to think of it now , where we were going , we did nt need any money the kind of place we were going . So , any -- whatever . Erica : So what happened then ? Carmen : When ? Erica : When he went to the bank . Carmen : Oh , yeah . He stole $ 100,000 and never came back . Erica : And that s the last time you saw him ? Carmen : Yeah . I m sitting there filing my nails when all of a sudden , a cop comes over to the car , the car s running , I have a loaded gun in the glove compartment , and all of a sudden , bam -- charged with accessory on the spot . Erica : Oh , my goodness . Carmen : Yeah , well , those were nt the first words out of my mouth , but , yeah . Erica : And the police have nt found him yet ? Carmen : No . But when I get him , he s going to wish they did . Samuel : Listen , I just want to say how sorry I am about all this . Kendall : I do nt want to hear your apologies , Mr. Woods . I want to know my mother is safe . Zach : Hey . Samuel : I understand that . Aidan : Have you been in touch with the Feds yet ? Samuel : I just got off the phone with the regional FBI director , and they re cooperating with the local police . Zach : All hands on deck . They re going to find her . Kendall : Can you tell me more about this Carmen Morales ? How worried should I be ? Samuel : Well , Carmen has no priors , so my guess is she was overprosecuted , because the Feds thought she might lead them to the real bank robbers . And when that did nt go down , I think they threw the book at her . Greenlee : Oh , I m sure that did nt make her mad . Is there anything else ? Kendall : You -- there s something else , is nt there ? Zach : When one of the guards regained consciousness , his gun was gone . Greenlee : Oh , God . Kendall : Oh , great . Ok , so you re telling me that this woman , this unhinged , revenge - seeking escapee , is chained to my mother with a loaded gun ? Zach : Yes . Adam : So that s that -- Agent Gardner , retired ? Robert : Well , they always say go out on top , right ? Adam : Huh -- that they do , yes . Robert : Well , for me , top was finally busting Papel and that drug ring . Adam : Mission accomplished . Robert : Yeah , after about 20 years or so . Adam : All the more impressive -- you never gave up . Robert : Well , thank you . Now , coming from you , Mr. Chandler , that is a huge compliment . Adam : Do nt be ridiculous . Robert : You know , I -- I really hope I m not barging in on something here because -- Adam : You are a genuine hero . You can barge in here any time you like . Krystal : Adam s right . We ca nt thank you enough for what you did for Colby and Frankie -- for all of us , really . Opal : Well , I ll second that . Boy , if you had nt shod up when you did , I do nt know where my Tad would be today . Tad : So what s next , Uncle Robert ? Robert : Well , tell you the truth , I have nt really figured it all out yet . Um -- one thing I do know is I want to ease back on the throttle a bit . Chasing after bad guys can wear on you after a while , and we re not getting any younger , are we , Mr. Chandler ? Adam : Oh , speak for yourself -- I m just getting my second wind . Krystal : So , do you have any general ideas where you d like to be headed ? Sunny skies , crisp mountain air ? Robert : Well , actually , there is one town that has some potential . Adam : Really -- where s that ? Robert : I like the weather right here -- in Pine Valley . Jesse : Yeah , running , hiding , looking over my shoulder 24/7 -- that s been my life the last 20 years , baby . Angie : But not anymore . Jesse : No , now my son is a grown man -- he s been to war and back . Now , after all this time , I get the chance to know him again , I mean , really get to know my son . Angie : You ve been given a gift . Jesse : And if it s taken away ? Angie : It wo nt . Jesse : But you do nt know that . Angie : Oh , but I do . And you do , too -- you do , too . I -- I know that you know this deep , deep inside , Jesse . It s over . I mean , you saw it with your own eyes . Robert Gardner shot the man who s been after you -- Papel s dead . Jesse : Yeah . I just wish -- I just wish it made more sense , you know ? I mean , this guy -- I still do nt know what he wanted from me . It s like I lost 20 years of my life . Angie : Ok , ok , all right , baby . You -- you ve missed a lot , we ve missed a lot . But , God , we get to make up for it . That s so much more than so many people get -- a second chance ? I mean , that s a story that s in books and -- and movies . That does nt happen in real life . But it s happening to us . It s happening right now . Jesse : I know . Angie : So let s -- I want you to grab it and take ahold of me and Frankie and whatever else you can , because this is our chance at happiness . And I do nt know about you , baby , but I m going to take it . Jesse : Oh , God . I love you so much . Angie : Ok , so , what do you say ? Ready for this ? Jesse : Yeah . Angie : Huh . Jesse : Let s go . Samuel : Yes , the woman with Erica is armed . We have no reason to believe that she s going to use the weapon . Kendall : Oh , God , this is unreal . Samuel : We re doing everything we can to get your mother back . And I m seeing to it personally . Kendall : Ok . Why did nt you tell me ? Zach : You had enough to worry about . Kendall : Zach , this is my mother , ok ? I do nt need my big , strong husband to swoop in and save the day -- I m not going to break . Zach : I know you re not . Kendall : All right , well , the last thing that I want to worry about is -- is not knowing all there is to know . Ok ? Zach : Ok . Kendall : Ok , well , no more waiting for the right time . Zach : Full disclosure if that s what you want . Kendall : Yes . Ok , please . All right , now that I ve done my whole I am woman , hear me roar thing , can you just hold me for a second ? Zach : Sure . Come here . Kendall : Hmm . Greenlee : Hey , are you ok ? Aidan : Can we get you something to eat , drink ? Kendall : No , no , I m -- I m no hungry . I just -- I want this to be over . Samuel : Kendall ? Kendall : Any news ? Samuel : No , but the press is here , and they d like to ask you some questions about your mother . Erica : You want to get back at your ex , and I get that . And you re right , Carmen , I can help you -- just not from out here . Carmen : Well , why not ? Erica : Because I do nt have any access to my resources . Carmen : Resources ? Erica : My money , my friends , my people . Carmen : Huh -- people . If you have so many people , why are you handcuffed to me ? Erica : Because I -- I broke the law and no amount of resources could make that go away . But you have nt broken any laws -- you were set up , so I can help you . Carmen : How ? Erica : Well , there are any number of routes we could take to find this man . I mean , you could come on New Beginnings and tell your story , I could hire my good friend Tad Martin who is a fabulous PI . Carmen : You keep missing it . Erica : What , what am I missing ? Carmen : You keep saying find this man . I do nt want to find Mando -- I want to kill him ! Erica : Ok , I -- Carmen , please forgive me for repeating this , but that does nt make any sense to me , because instead of facing a -- a 10 to 20-year sentence , you re going to be facing a life sentence . Carmen : That s if I -- if we get caught , and believe me , I do nt have any plans of getting caught . Erica : Well , then why do nt you help me ? Maybe you could just let me go . I have nothing to do with this . Carmen : Well , that s not true . I already told you -- no one is going to risk hurting Erica Kane , even if it is to get to me . Anyway , if we re going to get this done , we need some fuel . Food -- you ever heard of it ? Erica : Right , of course . Uh -- do nt want to commit murder on an empty stomach . Thank you . Carmen : Come on . Erica : Ok . Adam : Have you given any thought to what you d like to do once you get settled in , or is there going to be pure relaxation from here on out ? Robert : Oh , I think sitting around doing nothing would get pretty old pretty quick , so , yes , I think I m interested in picking up some sort of work . Adam : Well , if there s anything I can do to help , do nt hesitate to ask . Robert : Oh , my . First , I get the pleasure of meeting you , and now you re offering to help me out . Adam : Nonsense . I am indebted to you for what you did for Colby . Robert : Oh , it was an honor , believe me -- not every day you get a chance to save the life of the daughter of the legendary Adam Chandler . Tad : Legendary ? Krystal : Huh , huh . That s what he said . Tad : Well , only Adam Chandler would fall for that line of BS . Krystal : Uh - huh . Well , he s grateful . We all are . Tad : Yep . Robert Gardner -- the great American hero . Opal : Tad ? I know , honey , how hard this is for you , I really do -- having a reminder of Ray Gardner sneaking up on you after all these years , bringing back memories of all the horrible things he did to you . Tad : To all of us , Mom . Opal : That s right -- to all of us . But , you know , Robert is not Ray . Tad : Yeah , I know that . Opal : Do you ? Tad : Mama , I spent my entire life trying to get rid of memories of what Ray Gardner did to us . It does not make it that much easier for me to have that SOB in there looking -- Opal : I know -- Tad : Just like him . Opal : And bringing it all back . I understand . It did the same thing to me . But do you think you could do your mother a little favor ? Tad : Ah , do you really have to play the mother card right now ? Opal : Any chance I get . Tad : What is it ? Opal : Just try to have an open mind . Ok ? Tad : Ok . Babe : So , will you call and let me know if I forgot anything ? J.R. : Yeah , well , I could tell you right now you already forgot these . Babe : You know , those are nt my cards . J.R. : No ? Because I thought your name was written all over them . Since I have them out , we could play a quick game -- you know , make a little wager ? Babe : Oh , really ? And what would the stakes be ? J.R. : I think you ll like them . Babe : So , do these stakes involve me taking off my clothes ? J.R. : That s entirely up to you . But if you win , I ll do anything you want . Babe : Hmm , really -- and if I lose ? J.R. : If you lose , you have to stay here at the mansion -- which is not like losing anyway , so -- Babe : All right , all right . Nice try , J.R. , but I m going to go home to my home . You know , it s the first time I can say that and it feels good . J.R. : Mm - hmm . You ca nt blame a guy for trying . Babe : I think Little A left a bag upstairs . J.R. : Yeah ? Best two out of three ? Adam : How about a drink ? Ah . Krystal : Adam , come on now . It s way too early , and you should nt be drinking at all . Tad says you keeled over in the car , ran into a tree ? Adam : Ah . Tad Martin dishing up his daily dramatics . Krystal : No , no , it s serious , Adam . Come on now . When -- when are you going to start paying attention to your health ? Adam : Oh , be careful , Krystal -- it almost sounds like you give a damn . Tad : Hey . What the hell are you doing ? Are nt you supposed to be in bed for another two days ? Colby : Oh . I just -- I could nt sleep . Tad : Oh , baby . Nightmares ? Colby : No , I think it was the adrenaline from last night . Tad : Really ? Colby : But , man , I m really sad everyone s leaving . It was kind of fun having a full house again , you know ? A little dysfunctional and twisted , but it was still fun . J.R. : Hi . Colby : Hi . J.R. : What , are you talking about me again ? Colby : Oh ! Babe : Colby , are you ok ? Colby : Oh . Yeah . J.R. : It s good to see you in one piece . Colby : Thank you . Tad : Ah -- you should ve seen your sister last night , kicking some major butt . I was proud of her . So how are we looking upstairs ? J.R. : Well , there s a few more bags if you want to run up there and get them . Tad : Ah -- what a diva . Why does nt she just bring them down herself ? Tad : Yeah , I know . Hang on , Jenny -- your sherpa s coming . Babe : So , Colby , tell me what happened . I mean , we have nt gone over the details yet . What -- what s going on ? Colby : Ugh . What did nt happen is more like it . It was so crazy . Ok , so first , my car would nt start at the hospital , so Frankie came over to help and then out of the middle of nowhere , this guy shows up , and the next thing you know , we re kidnapped . Babe : Who was he ? Colby : Some psycho after Frankie s father . J.R. : But wait a second . Frankie s father -- is nt he dead ? Colby : Oh , it s a long story . So then , we were thrown in the back of a plane . J.R. : You guys were flying somewhere ? Babe : What ? Colby : No , no , it was under a hangar . But we were tied up until Frankie figured out a way to get us out . It was like he knew exactly what to do . J.R. : Amazing , huh ? Colby : Frankie totally saved my life . Zach : Kendall talking to the press -- not a good idea , Sam . Samuel : They re not going anywhere . Kendall : He s right . Erica Kane s on the run with a fugitive . I mean , the only story that s bigger than that would be people rising from the dead . Angie : What s going on ? Jesse : These guys are nt all here for me , are they ? Angie : Well , I do nt see how . Nobody knows you re back yet . Come on . Jesse : Detective Jesse Hubbard died in the line of duty . Derek : I think it s about time we took that picture down , do nt you ? Kendall : I -- I think I should . Maybe it would help . Samuel : You ready , then ? Kendall : Yeah . Reporter : Kendall , how are you taking your mother s disappearance ? Second Reporter : Did Erica say anything to you regarding a potential breakout before she left for prison ? Third Reporter : Any idea where the women are hiding ? Samuel : Let s go one at a time , please . Reporter : Have any new charges been filed against Ms. Kane ? Samuel : No . Until we ascertain Ms. Kane s involvement , if any , in the escape , no new charges will be filed . Reporter : Has there been any contact at all , either from Ms. Kane or Carmen Morales since they went on the run ? Samuel : No , no contact as of yet . Reporter : Is the FBI involved ? Samuel : Yes , the FBI is working with local authorities . Now , we re doing everything we can to bring these women home safely and as quick as possible . And when we know more , you ll know more . Reporter : Kendall , we want to hear from you . What s going through your head right now ? Kendall : I would like to talk to the woman who s holding my mother hostage . Clerk : I sure wish I had someone to cuddle up with like that . Erica : Oh , no , no . This is not at all what you think . Carmen : Do nt be embarrassed , sweet cheeks . Sometimes she s not into that whole PDA thing . Erica : Ah -- PDA ? Carmen : Just go with it , Erica Kane . Erica : Excuse me -- can I ask you a question ? Carmen : Shoot . Erica : What exactly makes you think that I m not going to scream my head off and blow this whole charade wide open ? Carmen : I do nt think you would do that . On the other hand -- Erica : Hmm . Carmen : Now , let s see what looks good here . Oh -- hold this . Erica : Cheese in a can ? Carmen : Tasty . Take a couple of these , too . Erica : Why ? What are these ? Carmen : Beef and cheese burritos . Erica : And exactly how do you think you re going to pay for this feast , if I may ask ? Carmen : Oh . The cops who were driving the van are treating us . I lifted their wallets before we left . Move it . Carmen : And a couple of small waters , too , please . Clerk : That comes to $ 9.75 . Erica : Sam . Kendall : You ve probably figured this out by now , Ms. Morales , but my mother really is an incredible woman . Erica Kane is an original . She s kind , loving , and smart as can be . And we want her back . Carmen : Who the hell is Sam ? Erica : Sam . Sam s chewing tobacco -- that s it right there , is nt it ? Carmen : You like chewing tobacco ? Erica : Oh , I ca nt get enough of it . But I should nt , really , because I quit -- stuff will kill you . Carmen : You dipping ? I ca nt picture that . Erica : See ? That s what keeps your relationship alive -- always keep learning new things about each other . Erica : I could use a lipstick . Kendall : I do nt know who you are , Carmen Morales , and I m not judging you . But you have taken my mother on a ride that she did not sign up for . Please do nt hurt her . Please let her go . Erica Kane keeps our whole family together . I m not sure we could survive without her . Man : Morning , Bob . Bob : Hey , Jake . Headed out today ? Jake : Sure am -- Chicago . Carmen : Chicago ? We re on our way to Chicago -- well , at least we were until our car broke down . You would nt happen to have some space in that big truck of yours , would you ? Jake : Sorry , maam , the truck s full . Good luck , though . Carmen : Thanks . Kendall : Please know that we love you , and we miss you , and you have to come home . Adam : Come in , come in . Frankie : Ah , thank you . Adam : Colby -- she tells me that you had -- you played quite a hand in saving the two of you . Um -- thank you . Frankie : Well , it s no sweat , and for the record , your daughter played a pretty important part , too . Adam : Thank you . Um -- Colby , you have a visitor . Colby : Thank you . Oh , you miss me already ? Frankie : Hmm -- yeah , something like that . How s the head ? Colby : Oh , well , there s no permanent damage , so -- Frankie : Oh , cool . Ha -- bam ! Colby : What s this ? Frankie : Replacements . Colby : Huh ? Frankie : Just open it . I thought you could use a new pair , since I dismantled the old ones to break us out . Colby : Frankie -- oh . I do nt know what to say . Frankie : Oh -- huh . Now , that s got to be a first . Colby : Thank you . Krystal : Well , I smell romance . Babe : Well , I think it s sweet -- look at them . J.R. : I am . I m making sure he keeps his hands to himself . Babe : All right . Colby : So , how s your dad ? Frankie : Good -- glad to have me home in one piece . Yours ? Colby : Oh , same . God -- what a night , huh ? Thanks for saving my butt back there . Frankie : You know , if it needs saving again -- Frankie : You know who to call . Uh -- I m -- I m sorry , Colby . Colby : For what ? Hey , you did nt know that guy was going to just grab us . Frankie : No , about the other stuff -- me calling you spoiled and everything . Colby : Oh , hey , do nt worry about it . You probably were nt too far off anyway . Frankie : Yeah , I was . You re more than daddy s little rich girl , and I m sorry it took me a while to see that . Derek : Now that we know what s what , we were finally able to link Rafael to his extensive East Coast drug operation . Angie : We owe Robert Gardner a lot for ending this . Jesse : So is this investigation completely closed ? Derek : Got a few loose ends to tie up , but pretty much . Tad filled me in a little on how you got involved . Jesse : Yeah , I was heading up this drug crimes investigation 20 years ago and this guy Papel found out and apparently wanted me dead . But what does nt fit for me is that he was after something specific . I mean , he was positive I had information that he needed . Derek : And you have no idea at that was ? Jesse : To this day , not a clue . Angie : Well , lucky for us , it does nt matter anymore . Jesse : Listen , if there is anything that comes up new in this case , anything at all , would you just let me know , keep me in the loop ? Derek : I do nt foresee anything popping up , but of course , I ll let you know . Now , I know it s hard to believe , but this really is over . You ll see . In the meantime , welcome home , Jesse . Jesse : Thanks , man . Angie : Thanks , Derek . You hear that , baby ? Angie : You re home . Greenlee : Hey . You did good . Kendall : When is this going to be over ? Greenlee : Listen , I know your mother better than anyone , and she is going to get out of this without a scrape on her . You ll see . Kendall : Ok , all right , and then -- and then what ? Then we re going to have another crisis to face . Greenlee : You ca nt think that way . Kendall : Why not ? That s what keeps happening . I mean , Ian should have been safe inside me for three more months . Spike should be able to hear my voice without needing a listening device . My husband should ve been able to take his son home from the hospital , and he should ve been sitting with us at Thanksgiving dinner . And my mother should be with us right now safe and sound and driving everyone crazy . Greenlee : Just like old times . Kendall : This is it , Greenlee -- no more . I m -- I m done with this . No one will ever take anything from us ever again . Aidan : All right , I m going to make some calls , get a couple of my guys on this , all right ? Samuel : As long as they do nt interfere with the police , the more , the merrier . Aidan : I ll let you know what I come up with . I ll see you later . Zach : Right . Thanks for everything you re doing for Erica . I know it s not your fault . Samuel : Yeah , I -- I just hope it s enough . Zach : You re pretty intense about all this . Samuel : You get to know me , you ll find I m intense about a lot of things . Carmen : Thank you . Come on . Erica : Ok , bye . Bob : Bye . Erica : Thank you . Erica : So , I -- I take it we re going to Chicago ? Why do you think Armando is there ? Carmen : I just know . Erica : Well , how do you propose we re going to get there ? Carmen : We re going to hitch a ride with Jake there . Erica : But he said his truck was full . Carmen : Well , I got a funny feeling there s space for two more . Come on . J.R. : Hey . You taking off ? Frankie : Yeah , I got to get going . J.R. : Look , I just wanted to say thank you for protecting my little sister . Frankie : Oh , no problem . Oh , hey , hey . You all right , man ? J.R. : Yeah . Uh -- it s just this flu , I just -- I ca nt seem to kick it . Frankie : Well , why do nt you come down to the hospital later , let me take a look at you ? J.R. : No , I m fine , really . Frankie : Hey , hey , look , no offense , man , but you look like hell . It ca nt hurt to have somebody take a look at you . J.R. : I thought I was supposed to be the one doing the favors . Frankie : Catch me next time , ok ? J.R. : All right . Robert : Do nt worry , everything s going just according to plan . These people think I m a hero . How long ? Well , just as long as it takes Jesse Hubbard to give me what I want . Jesse : Not exactly sure where to go from here . Maybe we start over ? Angie : Uh - uh , no . We start now . I do nt want you to think about reclaiming that life -- we got to live this one as we are now , wrinkles and all . Jesse : Yeah , right . You look better now than you did 20 years ago , if that s possible . Angie : If you say so . But I m not the same and neither are you . Baby , we re going to figure this out together . J.H. , Are you with me ? Jesse : A.H. -- Oh -- you know , in here , I never left . J.R. : So , Babe -- I ll be seeing you and Little A soon ? Babe : Yes , and do nt forget you have a play date lined up with him tomorrow . J.R. : Mm - hmm . And then maybe we can have a play date ? I ll walk you out . Babe : Ok . Krystal : Where s Jenny ? Tad : Oh , she s doing wheelies in the driveway . Krystal : Seriously , Tad , where is she ? Tad : Colby s got her . Krystal : Ok . Tad : Relax . Krystal : Well , thank you , Adam . I guess that s it . Adam : Next time you need your life saved , you ll know where to come . Krystal : Uh -- I ll meet you in the car . Tad : A lot of people I care about had their lives on the line last night , so -- thank you . Robert : That s what families are for . Robert : I m sorry about that phone call -- just took a little longer than I expected . Adam : No , no , no , no . I ve been thinking . Robert : Hmm ? Adam : After you get settled , I -- I d like to have a talk with you about , well , whatever you d like to do . I have a lot of contacts here . And I m confident that I can find something that you will enjoy . Robert : Oh , Mr. Chandler , thank you , but I really -- I do nt want to put you out . Adam : Oh , nonsense . After what you ve done for my family , it s a debt I m more than willing to repay . Zach : Hello ? Who are you ? She did ? Thank you . Thank you . Kendall : Who was that ? Zach : It was some convenience store clerk . Uh -- he -- he saw your mother . She left a note with your number on it . Kendall : Is she ok ? Zach : Apparently , yeah . Samuel : Did he say where she was going ? Zach : Chicago . Carmen : Ok . Climb aboard and stay quiet . This is our free ride to the Windy City . Ready or not , Mando , here I come . Annie ( to Greenlee ) : You kissed Ryan because you still want him . Ryan : I ca nt go on living like this , Kendall -- I ca nt . Jack ( to Sam ) : If anything happens to Erica , then I m coming at you with everything I have . Carmen ( to Erica ) : I know what I m doing . ### Summary:
Jesse just stands and looks at the door . He still ca nt believe that things are finally over and he is free to go out into the daylight . Babe and Krystal prepare to leave Adam s mansion . Adam tries to get them to stay longer , but Krystal refuses . Opal comes in and is relieved to see Tad alive . Opal mentions to them that she brought in a visitor . Robert comes into the living room . Adam thanks Robert for saving his daughter s life . Greenlee , Aidan , Kendall and Zach are at the police station . Greenlee lets them know that she called Jack . Kendall is worried about Erica s safety . Erica tries to steal the gun from Carmen , but she wakes up and the gun at her . Carmen tells Erica that she made a big mistake . Erica asks Carmen how she ended up in this situation with her boyfriend . Carmen tells her all about the bank robbery . Samuel offers Kendall his apologies which Kendall refuses . Kendall questions Samuel about Carmen . Kendall finds out that Carmen has a gun . Robert tells Adam about his busting the drug kingpin , Papal . Krystal thanks Robert for all his help . Jesse still ca nt believe that all this ordeal is finally over . Samuel tries to relieve Kendall s worries over Erica . Erica and Carmen go into a grocery store . Carmen pretends as though they are lovers and kisses Erica on the cheek . They are paying for the things that they had gotten when Erica sees Samuel and Kendall on the television . Erica writes Kendall s phone number on a napkin and leaves it for the cashier to find . J.R. tries to get Babe involved in another high stakes poker game , but she refuses . Krystal and Babe leave Adam s mansion . Frankie comes to visit Colby and brings her a gift of a new pair of shoes . Colby hugs him . Kendall conducts an interview with the press . She appeals to Carmen to let Erica go . Derek reveals to Kendall and Zach that Erica and Carmen were seen in a store where Erica left a note . Jesse and Angie are at the police station and he sees an old pic of himself up on the wall . Jesse and Angie go into the interrogation room where Derek plus the other officers give Jesse a round of applause . Erica and Carmen sneak onto a delivery truck headed for Chicago . The driver of the truck comes out and puts a lock on the back door .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Ridge : Oh , beautiful Logan -- we needed this . Brooke : Ridge -- Ridge : I love you . Do nt ever doubt that again . Felicia : So you re planning to take my son to Italy whether I want you to or not ? Bridget : I thought he was our son , Felicia . Felicia : He is . Bridget : You re the one that convinced me that sharing him could actually work . Felicia : I meant sharing him together . I never dreamed you d want to take him away from me , out of the country . Bridget : Well , his father is Italian . Felicia : So ? Have him invite his whole Italian family to Los Angeles . I ll pay for the tab . Bridget : Dante wants to take Dino to visit his grandparents , at their home . Felicia : Well , it ca nt happen . Not now . I need Dominick here with me . Take him to Italy after I m gone , okay ? Bridget : Felicia , your white blood cell count is almost normal . You do nt have to live each day as if it were your last . And we ll be back before you know it . Look , I ve written down all of the names , phone numbers and address where we can be reached and who we will be with . And Dante s cousin has a web -cam , and we re gon na set it up so Dino can wave to you every night . Felicia : Bridget , I am asking you not to do this . Please do nt make me beg . Stephanie : What s going on ? Felicia : Bridget and Dante want to take Dominick out of the country . Bridget : To Italy ! So Dante s parents can meet their grandson . Apparently , someone forgot to mention it . Stephanie : Well , I just assumed the trip was off . Bridget : Well , it s not . Stephanie : I do nt think this is a wise thing to do . Bridget : Excuse me ? Stephanie : I think the baby should stay here , with his mother . Where he belongs . Nick : What are you doing here ? Massimo : We need to talk . In a strange , funny way , I m proud of you for sticking up for what you believe . You re angry at me now , but someday you ll understand . You do nt have the perspective of appreciating the bigger picture . Nick : What picture is that ? Massimo : Family . Family is everything . Our history , our future -- Jackie : Our morality . Massimo : You dare use that word with me ? Jackie : I m not afraid of you . Massimo : So you enjoy being imprisoned and being stripped of your dignity ? Jackie : I may have been framed and falsely arrested , but I never lost my dignity . I did nt deserve this , Massimo . Not for having an affair with Deacon Sharpe , or supporting our son in his relationship with Brooke . I ll never forgive you . Massimo : You think I m here to ask for forgiveness ? [ Massimo sighs ] I am here to try to make things right with our son , and you are damn well going to hear it . Jackie : Our son is in love . Brooke may not be your choice , but she is his , and u should respect that . Massimo : Brooke is the mother of his brother s child . Where is the respect in that ? Nick : You want me to respect a man that has treated her like dirt for the last two decades ? Massimo : All right . Dominick -- you re gon na lose . However Ridge has treated her , Brooke has always gone back , time and time again . And this time is not gon na be any different . Nick : The only one who loses here is Forrester . Because he s chasing something that s never going to happen . Ridge : Oh , Logan -- when I hold you like this , everything s right with the world again . I ve missed you -- missed this . I love you . You make my heart race , after all these years . I love you so much . I know it ll take time to work things out , but the important thing is we re together again . In every sense of the word . Brooke : Ridge -- Ridge : Logan ? What s wrong ? Felicia : Mother , Bridget and I agreed to raise Dominick together . Stephanie : Yes , I -- I know , I understand that . But the reality is , you are his mother . Bridget , I m sorry if that hurts your feelings . Bridget : I m just as aware of the reality of the situation as you are , Stephanie . Stephanie : I do nt think you are . I think , actually , that you re in denial about this . Bridget : Because I wo nt just step aside ? Stephanie : Yes . Look , Felicia thought she was dying . That s why she wanted you to take the baby . She knows you , she loves you , she understood that you are a kind , generous , loving person -- you would be a wonderful mother . But the situation has changed , honey . She s alive . Felicia : But that does nt mean that a day wo nt come where I ll need to be replaced . Bridget : But you ca nt just have it both ways . You ca nt cut me out and then just pull me back in whenever you need me . Felicia : I m not cutting you out . Bridget : Only because you ca nt afford to , because someday you might actually need me . Felicia : I told you , Dominick and I will always need you . Bridget : I certainly bought into that -- good , old , dependable Aunt Bridget , always there in a pinch . That s just not good enough anymore , Felicia . Stephanie : Well , it s gon na have to be , honey . Felicia is improving everyday . She s getting stronger everyday , and I think the baby has a major effect on that . I think that s what she draws her strength from . He needs to be with her . She needs to have her child with her . She is the mother . And the sooner that you accept that , the better it s going to be for you and for everyone . Brooke : What have you done ? Ridge : Logan , are you -- what s going on with you ? Brooke : The pills . Ridge : Pills ? What are these ? For anxiety ? Brooke , how many did you take ? Brooke : Too many . I passed out . Ridge : What ? Logan , I did nt know that -- oh , my god , Brooke , I would never have -- Brooke : Just go , just go . Go . Felicia : Bridget , I m sorry . I know how much you and Dante want to take Dominick to Italy . Stephanie : It s only natural his parents would want to see their first grandchild , but I think it would be better if they came here . Bridget : It s always on your terms , is nt it , Stephanie ? Felicia : Just until I m stronger . Bridget : I thought I was gon na be the one having problems sharing Dominick , but it s you . I m just an afterthought . Felicia : That is not true . Bridget : It is true , Felicia , and I ca nt live like this . I m just waiting by the phone wondering when it might ring so I can find out when you might need me . I feel like I m your understudy . Stephanie : You re absolutely right , Bridget , it s not fair . It s not fair to you and it s not fair to Felicia . You can not expect her to be a part - time mother any more than you can expect her to be a part - time mother . She s his mother , 100 % . Felicia : Mom , I want Bridget to be part of Dominick s life . Stephanie : I understand that . You ca nt ask her to put her life on hold while she waits to see if something s going to happen to you . Now , I ve been thinking about this the past few days . If something happens to Felicia , I think the best thing for everyone , all around , would be if I raise the baby . Bridget : You ? Stephanie : I m his grandmother . Bridget : He has a father , Stephanie ! Dante loves Dino ! He would never , ever just give him away -- Stephanie : Look , I m just trying to say -- Bridget : You would probably , actually , try to take him away , would nt you ? Stephanie : I m only trying to make this easier -- Bridget : Oh , for you and for Felicia , but you do nt consider how I feel , how Dante feels -- Stephanie : Of course I do . Of course I consider it -- Bridget : I do nt even know why I m here . Stephanie : I love you . I do nt want see you hurt during this . Bridget : You know what ? Dante does nt need permission to take his child to Italy to meet his parents . And just so we all understand each other , neither do I. Stephanie : Excuse me ? Felicia : The papers I had the lawyer draw up giving Bridget legal guardianship of Dominick . Bridget : Back when she trusted me . All I m asking is that you trust me again , now . Fine , you do nt want it ? I ll leave it here . I have other copies at home . Felicia : Bridget , please do nt do this . Bridget : I m sorry Felicia , but -- Dante and I have a legal right to take his child to Italy to meet his parents , and that s exactly what we re going to do . I ll call you tomorrow night when we come by to pick him up before the flight . Felicia : My god , what if she takes him and what if something happens to me while he s gone , mother ? What if I never see my son again ? Stephanie : The baby -- the baby s is nt going to go anywhere -- Felicia : What are you talking about ? I signed those papers -- Stephanie : I do nt care ! I do nt care about the papers . The child is not leaving the country . And if they try to take him , it ll be the biggest mistake of their lives . Massimo : I think you underestimate Ridge s powers of persuasion . Nick : Our conversation about him -- or anything else -- is over . It s time to take you home . Then I m gon na head over to Brooke s . Massimo : I would knock first if I were you . I do nt think I have to remind you what happened the last time you barged in . They were in bed together , for god s sake . Nick : Let s go . Ridge : If I had any idea at all , I never would ve followed you upstairs , Brooke . You have to know that I would cut my own heart out before I d ever take advantage of you . Brooke : Nick -- Ridge : I ll make this right somehow , I -- Brooke : Go . Ridge : I m so sorry . I ll make this right . I -- I promise you that . Bridget : Dino loves that toy . Listen , I came back because I felt like we really got off on the wrong foot . Felicia : We sure did . Bridget : I think we re dealing with a very unique and challenging situation here . Felicia : Challenging ? What s so challenging about loving a precious little boy ? Bridget : Nothing . Felicia : It s the sharing him that s tough . Bridget : It does nt have to be that way . I -- the more that Dino s loved , the better . Felicia : No argument from me there . Bridget : I just want to find a way that we can do it without threatening each other . Felicia : Feeling threatened ? Bridget : Yes . I think that s why I dug my heels in and really wanted Dino to come to Italy with Dante and me . Felicia : And why I m so afraid of letting him go . Bridget : Listen , I never , ever meant to upset you , though , Felicia . Felicia : I know that . Bridget : I do nt really think that Stephanie s helping the situation either . I mean , you may think that she s looking out for your best interests , but -- Felicia : We can not blame this on my mother . Bridget : Okay , okay , all right . I just think that before she got involved , we were on the same page . Felicia : We were . Bridget : So , if we just focus on -- your baby , I know we ll find a way . Felicia : And what if that way leads to Southern Italy ? Bridget : All right , listen , it does nt matter how many legal papers are drawn up or how close Dante and I have become , you re always going to be Dino s mother , always . I will never , ever , ever take your place in his life . Felicia : I want to believe that . But when you tell me you re taking my son out of the country regardless of how I feel , Bridget , I have to question that . Bridget : Do nt ! Do nt -- I did nt come here tonight to try to convince you to accept us taking Dino to Italy . I came here because I wanted to tell you how much I admire you . Felicia : You ve got a funny way of showing that . Bridget : I m sorry . I m sorry if I ve been really insensitive or selfish . I think that you re an amazing mother . Every time I look at Dino , I see your courage and your strength . Felicia : My bald head ? Bridget : Okay , look , I know that we do nt have anything resolved here , but -- Felicia : We do nt , do we ? But it s okay , huh ? Bridget : It s okay because -- cause you re here . Oh , god , Felicia , you re here . Look at you . You re just getting spunkier and healthier and more rebellious every single day . More you . And that means that Dino and everyone else that loves you so much -- they get to have you in their lives for a really , really long time . Oh , baby , listen , it does nt matter what happens . Just do nt ever forget how much I love you . Felicia : Yeah , yeah . Bridget : I do . Ridge : Oh , what have I done ? Brooke : What are you doing ? Ridge : Oh , god ! Nick : Hey , I just let myself in . I did nt want to wake up the whole house . Brooke : Yeah , I m sorry , I was in the shower . Nick : We were right . Megan was working with my old man . He set my mother up . My old man was behind everything . Are you okay ? Brooke ? What is this ? These are tranquilizers . Brooke : I do nt usually -- my father -- Nick : Hey , Brooke -- my god , you re -- you re trembling . Brooke , honey -- was your father here tonight ? Brooke : No . Nick : Ridge ? Why was he here ? Brooke , honey , I want you to tell me what happened here tonight . ### Summary:
Felicia does everything but beg that Bridget and Dante not take Dominick back to Italy to see his grandparents . Wait until she is gone before they do that . Stephanie joins the group and she too sides with Felicia . Dominick should stay here with his mother where he belongs . She tries to get Bridget to understand that and the sooner that she lets go and understands this , the better . While visiting his mother in jail , actually there to bring her home after her release , Nick and Jackie are talking when Massimo drops in . There is a coolness in the air and Nick wonders why he is there ? Mass knows he is angry with him now , but figures someday he will understand , and appreciate the bigger picture . All because of family . But , Jackie makes it clear , she will NEVER forgive him . And Nick has chosen Brooke , and he should respect that . Massimo laments that time after time Brooke has always gone back to Ridge , and this time will be no different . Nick opines that this time he s chasing something that is never going to happen . Meanwhile , Brooke has awaken enough from her pill - induced stupor to find Ridge in her bed . He s been blathering on and on how much she needed this , how they are truly now back together and they will work it out . Suddenly she realizes something has happened and is startled . She asks what has he done ? He asks what is wrong with her and starts looking at her like it s the first time he s really seeing her or paying attention ? She mentions the pills and that she took too many . He starts a lame apology that he did nt know and he never would have She asks him to just please go . Bridget goes ballistic when Stephanie finally suggests that if something happens to Felicia that Stephanie raise Dominick , so that Bridget does nt have to literally put her life on hold waiting for that to happen . Bridget still argues in Dante s favor since he s the father . She even plays the legal guardianship card saying she has a legal right and that is exactly what she is going to do . Stephanie hugs her daughter and says that will never happen , or it will be the biggest mistake of their lives . Nick tells his dad that his conversation with him about Ridge or anything else is over . He s going to take Jackie home and then go see Brooke . Mass advises him to call first ; remember what happened the last time he barged in . He will find them in bed . Ridge dresses while Brooke sits devastated in bed in fetal position . He apologizes and says he will make this right , he promises her that . She keeps telling him to just go . Bridget tries to make amends with Felicia and apologizes for her being insensitive . She did nt come to take Dino away , but to tell Felicia how much she admired her . She ends up hugging Felicia as they laugh about Felicia s bald head . Back at his office , Ridge rebukes himself for the latest happenings with Brooke . Brooke emerges from the shower , and takes the bottle of pills , possibly to destroy them , but Nick walks in at that moment and tells her they were right , Megan and his old man was behind everything . She practically falls into a chair and he realizes something is terribly wrong , that she is trembling . He spies the pill bottle and seizes it from her hand and asks about her father and Ridge , did they come back to her house ? When he says Ridge , she is silent and it s a dead give- away .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Caroline : Hey . Ridge : Good morning . Caroline : Wait , what ? [ Sighs ] I laid down after physical . I must have fallen asleep . Ridge : I did nt want to wake you when I came in last night . Caroline : Mm . Well , hey , how d everything go at Forrester ? Rick : This has to be it , Dad . I did more research last night . There s no sign that -- that Spencer transferred those shares over to Liam . Eric : But Liam says he has control of those shares . Rick : Right , so Ridge assumes that Bill just handed them over to him free and clear . Otherwise , he would nt be going into business with a man that he hates -- who hates so what I gather is Bill still has control of those share . We just got to get him to confirm it . And , uh , maybe find a way to make it worth his while so he ll side with us and not Ridge . Yes , it s a long shot . But as far as I m concerned , it s the only shot we got . Katie : Oh , my ! What s going on here ? Bill : My son has a new title , so , uh , dad s buying him a new suit . I mean , for me , suits are a little uptight . What ? Will you just measure , Bernie ? ! Liam : D - Dad , stop picking on Bernie . Thank you . Bernie : Pleasure . I ll have it for you in three days Mr. Spencer . Liam : Great . Bernie : Thank you . Katie : Do nt you think you re getting a little ahead of yourself ? I mean , nothing s official . Bill : Who needs official ? That coup is as good as done . Thanks to my brilliant progeny over here . Liam : Yeah , well , I think Ridge deserves some credit for initiating . Bill : Are you kidding me ? You went to that clown months ago with the idea of pooling the shares to get Rick out . I mean , if anyone deserves the credit ... look , Forrester is in much better hands being out from under Rick s little thumb . So are Caroline and Ivy . Katie : Oh , oh , you might want to ask Ivy about that ... especially since Steffy s part of the bargain . Ivy : [ Sighs ] Heard you made the move . And uncle Eric knows everything now . Steffy : Yep . Ivy : And ? Steffy : My granddad backed the wrong son , and my dad did the only thing he could . Ivy : Well , I m sure you re pleased about that . Steffy : I m pleased about a lot of things these days . Ivy : Well , I gather this means you re staying in L.A. Steffy : And how do you feel about that ? Liam : What do you know that we do nt ? Katie : Nothing . It s just , you know , this has been difficult for me because Rick is my nephew , but I realize that Forrester needs to move in a new direction . Bill : Exactly . Something had to be done . Liam did it . Bold leadership . Liam : Again , Ridge was the one who put things in motion . Katie : With a critical assist from his lovely daughter . Bill : Steffy s a player -- gutsy , smart , not afraid to take anyone on . Katie : Yeah , well , that s worked well for her so far . Liam : What do you mean so far ? Katie : Just that she s used to getting her way . About most things , anyway . Bill : Moving on . Katie : You know , it s interesting because I was talking to Ivy earlier and she s pretty gutsy herself , especially when it comes to the man she loves . So , I m just curious . How do you feel about working so closely with Steffy and being involved with Ivy ? Ivy : I ve always supported Liam s plan with this . Steffy : Even if it means having me back for the foreseeable future ? Ivy : [ Scoffs ] Steffy , we re family . Forrester Creations is important to both of us . Steffy : To Liam , as well . Ivy : You do know why he s doing this , right ? Steffy : Yeah , because Rick was mean to his girlfriend and Liam felt the need to rescue you . Ivy : Steffy , I - I did nt need rescuing . Liam did all this to create a better working environment at Forrester Creations for myself and for Caroline . Steffy : Yeah , something that could never happen without me . But , hey , as they say , it is not over until the fat lady sings . Something tells me Rick wo nt go down without a fight . Eric : Rick , slow down , all right ? Rick : We ca nt slow down . We have to go to Spencer . We have to appeal to him . Eric : Just listen to me for a second . Look , even if -- even if Bill still has control of those stocks , he s the last person on earth I want to do business with . And I know you want to keep your position of CEO here . I respect that . [ Sighs ] But I have to think about the whole business and the family . Letting Bill in the door is dangerous . Rick : More dangerous than what Ridge is doing to you ? Stabbing you in the back , kicking you to the curb along with me ? We ca nt capitulate , Dad . I wo nt ! Not to Ridge . Ridge : So , how was your therapy ? Caroline : Oh . [ Sighs ] Excruciating , but ... it s good . They say , um [ Grunts ] Yeah -- uh , that at the rate that I m going , I should be able to put pressure on these bad boys pretty soon . Ridge : Proving everybody wrong . Caroline : Yes , it s what I do best . [ Chuckles ] Ridge : That s wonderful . Caroline : No , what is wonderful is you and the way that you ve been taking care of me . You know , you re helping with my physical therapy and ... pampering me , especially with everything that you re dealing with . Ridge : There s nothing more important than you , and I should have been here for this session . Caroline : I m sure you had a good excuse . Ridge : Do I ever . Ivy : So , what options does Rick have ? Steffy : He does nt . [ Sighs ] My dad s got this pretty much sewn up . Ivy : Oh . Okay , then . So , all we have to do is , uh , stay focused on our objective . Steffy : Oh ! It s our objective now , is it ? Huh . Ivy : Steffy , I -- I think you re gon na make a great president . Steffy : Mm - hmm . And with Liam as my VP , how can I fail ? Ivy : Your VP ? Steffy : Oh . It s just a figure of speech . Ivy : Can I just get something clear ? I do nt have a problem with you and Liam working together . In fact , I think the company could really use it . What I do have a problem with is you making a play for my boyfriend at any opportunity you get . Liam : Wait a second . Y - youve been talking to Ivy ? Katie : Yeah , I guess she walked in on you and Steffy at Forrester ? Bill : That s my boy ! Right there in the office ? Liam : Oh , we were nt doing anything . Katie : Apparently , Steffy has nt given up on getting you back , even though she dropped it as a condition for -- Liam : Wait , are you saying -- did Ivy overhear Steffy -- Katie : Oh , oh , Steffy declaring that she will always love you ? Yeah , she heard all that . Bill : Uh - oh ! Liam : No uh - oh . Bill : Uh - oh ! Liam : No uh - oh ! That is not what she -- listen , Steffy understands that this is purely business . Katie : Mm - hmm . Bill : Monkey business . Liam : It s not monkey business ! It s different this time . There s no conditions or stipulations . Bill : Dump the Aussie , or else ? Liam : Okay , I understand why Ivy might think that , given -- [ Stammering ] Steffy knows . Katie : Steffy knows that what the two of you had , you can never have again ? Bill : Think I said those exact words about Katie and me after we divorced . But look at my baby and me today , huh ? Liam : Damn it . I m -- I m trying to explain something to you , okay ? Bill : Uh - huh . Yeah . Liam : I m trying to explain -- Bill : Go ahead . Explain . Go . Okay , let me help you out . You re trying to explain why you and Steffy can work together with none of those old feelings resurfacing and that Ivy is going to buy it . Good luck with that . Liam : [ Scoffs ] Ridge : I like that . Caroline : Ugh . I ca nt wait to get back to the office full - time . Oh , did I really just say that , after how Rick and I are ? Ridge : Yeah , they were giving you a hard time . Caroline : [ Sighs ] Well , now Maya s gone , and Rick -- Ridge : And Rick is on his way out , too . Caroline : Is that what you meant ? Ridge : Yep , something huge is happening at Forrester , something ... that Rick was nt expecting . Or my dad . Eric : I ca nt believe you re even considering this after everything that Bill did to Maya . Rick : Which I hate him for . Eric : But you ll overlook it if it means you might keep your seat as CEO . Rick : No , I ca nt overlook it . I will make Spencer pay ... when the time is right . Eric : But not now . Rick : What you do nt know is Nicole told me where Maya was hiding out . I went to see her , had a long talk . Eric : That s great . Rick : Well , it was all a big misunderstanding . We still have a lot to work through , but when Maya heard what was going on , the one thing she made very clear is for me to do whatever it takes to stop Ridge . Eric : Even if it means getting into bed with the devil ? Rick : The last thing Ridge expects us to do is -- is go to Spencer , and if he still has those shares and we can pull this off , we ll blindside Ridge . It ll be a knockout punch . And it s up to me to convince Spencer to help us land it . Steffy : Oh , my God . What are you talking about ? Ivy : Yesterday , you were in here talking to Liam . Steffy : Oh . So , you were eavesdropping ? Ivy : No . Steffy : Oh . Ivy : What I did hear was you telling him that you re in love with him and that you re always gon na be in love with him . It s like you ca nt let an opportunity go by . Steffy : Without reminding Liam how I feel ? Ivy : [ Scoffs ] Steffy : Okay , Ivy , I m always going to love Liam . We ve shared a lot . Ivy : Yeah , and I -- Steffy : And I believe that he ll always love me . Ivy : And you honestly believe that , even though he s clearly moved on ? Steffy : Has he ? Ivy : [ Scoffs ] Katie : Do nt pay any attention to him . He s just trying to get a rise out of you . Bill : Hey , if Ivy s okay with Liam and Steffy doing their thing over at Forrester -- Liam : A - and if by doing your thing , you mean working with Ridge as professionals to get the company back on track -- Bill : Yeah , yeah , working as professionals . Blah , blah , blah . I m sure Steffy is completely over you . Katie : Oh , uh , Liam did nt say that . But , you know , we both know Liam very well , and he s committed to Ivy . Bill : Well , uh , what Liam better be committed to is making sure that Spencer Publications reaps the benefit of that takeover because that s why I gave Liam control of my shares in the first place . Liam : Listen , man , I m very grateful . I know how hard it is for you to give up control ... Katie : [ Chuckles ] Liam : ... Of anything . And -- and to have my back not only with your support , but with your 12.5 % , that really means a lot -- Bill : All right , yeah , save all the mushy stuff , okay ? Especially when things are not a fait accompli until they are . Especially if that something involves Ridge . I mean , so , the guy can make a dress . That does nt qualify him to be CEO . But you re gon na have to keep an eye on him . In fact , we are both going to have to keep an eye on him . Ridge : So , that s it . All the same combined shares without Steffy s stipulation . Caroline : Wow . It s a ... whole new era at Forrester Creations . Ridge : It s a whole new power structure . Steffy s gon na be president , Liam vice president , and I will be pulling double - duty . Caroline : As CEO and head designer ... which means that you re gon na be twice as busy . Ridge : Which means I wo nt be here . And neither will you ... cause you re gon na be right by my side . My design partner . The woman in my life . Bill : I do nt give a damn . You get back to me with what I wanted A.S.A.P. you got it ? Good . Rick : Well , I see you re hiding out in your office . Bill : Oh , boy . All right , look , uh , yeah , I m gon na have to give you a binky if you re gon na have a little temper tantrum right in my office . Rick : How the Hell could you do that to Maya ? That was her story to tell , if and when she wanted to tell it . You had no right . Bill : I had every right . Take a look around . I m the king of a publishing empire . And my loyal subjects -- I.E. the public -- had every right to know they were being played like suckers . Rick : No , that s not how it was . You took something extremely private and you exposed it , which is -- is cruel and it s ruthless . Bill : [ High - pitched ] Cruel and ruthless . [ Normal voice ] You want a box of tissues ? All right , get over yourself . This is my business , and I made a sound business decision . Rick : Only that s not what s happening , because I ve already seen the backlash that s happening to your company . Bill : I ll you what , slick . I ll worry about my company , and you just worry about Milton , Myron , or Maya -- whatever . Rick : All right , enough ! I m here for another reason , anyway . I have a proposal for you . One that I m quite sure that you re not gon na want to turn down . Ivy : What is it going to take to convince you ? Steffy : Oh , that you re Liam s future and I m his past ? Ivy : Steffy , he s been completely straight with you , no mixed signals , and yet you continuously believe that there s a chance for you both ! Steffy : What ? That -- that he still loves me ? Look , we ve shared a lot , Ivy . And we re always gon na love each other . And that s something that I do nt think you ll ever understand . Ivy : I do nt want to have what you had with Liam . We re two completely different people . We re in a brand - new relationship , but what we do have is something so special . Steffy : Yeah , and -- and I get that . But Liam and I will always have -- always have a connection , you know ? A certain je ne sais quoi . Ivy : You just -- Liam : Hey ! Oh . Hi . Uh , I did nt realize -- Ivy : Actually , no , this is perfect timing . Steffy was just about to tell me how much you re in love with her . So , I m just wondering -- is that true ? Caroline : I m really happy for you , the company . I mean , you ve been working for this for a really , really long time , and I think that you re gon na make an amazing CEO Ridge : Yeah , I m not sure my dad agrees . He thinks I betrayed him . Caroline : Well , maybe he just ca nt admit it because of the guilt that Rick s put on him . Ridge : Yeah , maybe that s part of it . I never wanted it to get to this , you know ? Caroline : You re not thinking of yourself . You re thinking of -- of the company , you know ? And your children s legacy , Eric s legacy . I think -- I think when things settle down a bit , he ll -- he ll see that , and -- and the hurt feelings will subside . I mean , you re not -- you re not gon na lose your father over this . Ridge : It s ironic , is nt it ? Caroline : What ? Ridge : I m going against the man I love using the shares of a man I detest . Rick : I despise you , Spencer . But I can be cutthroat , too . Bill : Sure you can . Rick : Which is why we need to team up . Bill : Team up ? Rick : Yeah , you see , uh -- see , Ridge is showing his hands , which , uh , circumstances are shifting . Bill : At Forrester . Rick : Circumstances that would give you a once - in - a - lifetime opportunity . Bill : Yeah , well , I ve been offered more once - in - a - lifetime opportunities than I can shake a stick at , but ... do go on . Rick : You see , you and I , we speak the same language . Uh , we re both shrewd businessmen , which is why I hate coming to you with this , but ... Bill : You want my shares . Rick : You ve obviously given Liam control of them . They re still yours , which I m hoping that means that they re still in play . Bill : Why would you think that ? Rick : Well , if you combine your shares with Ridge and his kids , Ridge will be in control . But if you vote your shares with my dad and me , it will be 50/50 , an even split . Bill : Thereby defeating Ridge s attempt to oust you as CEO or so you hope . Rick : You do realize if , uh , Ridge becomes CEO , you wo nt have any say in the company . Bill : Well , I have virtually no say now . Rick : You will if you join forces with my dad and me . Bill : How s that ? Rick : Well , for starters , you wo nt have any persona non grata every time you walk in the building the way you would with Ridge . Bill : Whoopee . Rick : And there s one other little detail . My dad and I discussed , uh , the idea of you being able to choose Forrester s next president . Bill : Who would have to answer to you , the CEO . Rick : Anybody you would want as president . Bill : Hmm ! Even me ? Rick : Even you . And Ridge would have to answer to you . Caroline : How does a girl get in good with the new CEO ? Ridge : I m not CEO yet . Let s not jump the gun . Caroline : Okay , fine , but it s still a really big deal for you and for those of us who love you . Ridge : I m just glad that Liam has his father s shares . Otherwise , none of this would be happening . Caroline : No . [ Laughs ] Rick : This is your chance , Spencer . Who would you rather team up with ? Us ... or Ridge ? ### Summary:
Ridge watches Caroline sleep and gently wakes her up . She said she had physical therapy and fell asleep . Rick tells Eric that he did more research last night and he found nothing to back that Ridge has control of Bill s shares . So that is their long shot , the only one they have . Katie walks in on Liam being measured for a new suit since Bill thinks he needs one with his new title . Ivy confronts Steffy about the takeover and her staying in L.A. Liam asks Katie what does she know about Steffy that they do nt . She knows Steffy had a big assist in helping Ridge and she is used to getting her way . And she thinks Ivy is pretty gutsy herself so how is Liam going to feel working with Steffy and being involved with Ivy too . Liam tries to explain Steffy is not going to be a problem , none of those old feelings re - surfacing .and Bill adds sarcastically that Ivy will not be bothered by that . Ivy tells Steffy that she did not need rescuing and Rick will not go down without a fight . Eric says he knows Rick wants to remain CEO but he does not want to depend on Bill for any reason . Ivy tells Steffy that she does not have a problem with her working with Liam but she does have a problem of her making an open play for him every chance she can get . Steffy rationalizes it that she will always love Liam and he loves her too . Ivy questions her if that means even if Liam has moved on . What will it take for Steffy to realize that . Rick states he does hate Bill and he did Maya wrong , but he will overlook it for this . He and Maya still have a lot to work on but there is hope . And the last thing Ridge will expect is for them to go to Bill and that be the knockout punch but he thinks he can land it . Bill tells Liam he gave him the shares but they both are going to have to keep an eye on Ridge . Just because he can make a dress does not mean he is good CEO material . Ridge tells Caroline she is going to be his design partner , the woman in his life . Caroline says she does not want Ridge to lose his father over this .so let things settle down . Rick marches into Bill s office and chides him for taking something extremely private about Maya and publishing it . He had no right . Bill says look around and see his publishing company without his binky and he will see he had every right . Rick shuts up and says that is not the reason he came anyway . He has a proposal he thinks Bill can not turn down . Rick says he hates coming to Bill but they are both shrewd business men and he hopes his shares are still in place so if he sides with him and his father they will have 50 % and Ridge can not win . And Bill could name the next President , even himself .. and Ridge would answer to him . Liam walks in on Ivy s convo with Steffy and she asks him if it is true that he is still in love with Steffy . Rick tells Bill this is his chance to team up with who he wants – he and Eric or Ridge ?
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Abigail : Okay , well , so far it looks like all of my rsvps are a yes . Chad : That s awesome . Who could say no to you ? Abigail : I was just worried that I had sent them out a little too last minute . Chad : Apparently not . Abigail : You know , I am looking really forward to formally announcing that my brilliant husband is going to be back at the helm as ceo . Chad : Does feel like our lives are finally getting back on track . Abigail : Between my brother being reinstated and theo coming out of a coma , I got a pretty good feeling it s going to be an amazing new year for everyone . Kate : I m totally screwed . Andre : Well , good morning to you too . Kate : Abe knows . Andre : What , theo told him the truth ? Kate : No , I did . Andre : What ? That s why you went to the hospital , to make sure the truth did nt come out . Kate : Theo had already lied that he was working alone by the time I got to the hospital . Apparently , he felt that he needed to protect me . He feels , in his mind , that I m still part of dimera family . Andre : Well , you are my wife . Kate : And I m chad s enemy . You know he called me a coward because he said I was letting theo take the blame , and i was nt stepping up . Andre : So you came clean to prove him wrong ? Kate : Now I m waiting for abe to lower the boom . Rafe : Abe . What can I do for you ? Abe : There s something you and I need to discuss about theo s case . Claire : Do you have any idea how excited I am ? That I get to ring in the new year with the man I love ? [ Phone ringing ] Hey , tripp , what s up ? Tripp : I m just at the café , getting really slammed . Claire : I mean , did nt fran bring anyone else in ? Tripp : You and I were the only ones scheduled , and I tried covering for you , but fran said you ve already taken too much time off . If you do nt come in , I m afraid you re going to get fired . Claire : I mean , she said I could take off as much time as I needed to be with theo . Tripp : I guess since he s awake , she s not feeling too generous . Claire : Ugh . Okay , whatever . Just tell her I m on my way . Tripp : There , I did what you wanted . Happy now ? Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives . Jennifer : Oh , hey ! Hope : Hey ! Hi ! Jennifer : I am so glad that you could come meet me today . Hi ! Hope : Hi ! Take a deep breath ! I can meet you just about any day , you know why ? Because I have plenty of time on my hands at the moment . Jennifer : Well , I mean , hopefully not much longer . I know I ve told you this before , but jj and I , we still feel horrible that you lost your job going to bat for him . Hope : Stop , stop , stop . Jj is a good cop . I could nt be happier that he s been reinstated . Jennifer : Well , I talked to abe about forgiving jj , and he came around , so maybe he ll extend that change of heart to you , I hope . Hope : Well , as much as i would love to see that happen , um ... I have a lot of other things on my mind these days . Jennifer : Wait , you and rafe are still okay after that little mini - breakup right ? Hope : It s not rafe that I m worried about . It s ciara . Ciara : What s your problem ? Tripp : I should nt have done that . Ciara : Hey , it s not like i forced you . Tripp : You know , I m gon na call claire back . Ciara : Wait , stop ! Tripp : I do nt like lying to her . Ciara : Tripp , listen to me . It s just one little white lie , that s all . No one gets hurt ! It just helps us achieve our goal . Tripp : I do nt know . Ciara : Well , I do . Claire shows up here , so I have a chance to tell theo how I feel about him . And then , once theo dumps claire , she s all yours ! That way , we both get what we want . Claire : Mom , dad ! What are you guys doing here ? Shawn : We came here to see theo , and you have nt been returning our phone calls , so we figured we d find you here . Belle : We were hoping you would join us for a farewell breakfast . Claire : Wait , what ? You guys are leaving already ? Shawn : Yeah , your mom , she got a big job , a big project there . Belle : Listen , I took a leave of absence to come here when all this happened with theo , but I ca nt stay . Claire : I know , I get it . I understand . I m bummed I ca nt even go to breakfast right now because I have to go to work . Belle : Oh . Well , that s more important . Shawn : Yeah , and I mean , do nt worry , you know ? We ll be back for grandma s wedding . Belle : Yeah . Claire : Okay , well ... better not have a long , teary goodbye , because mascara streaks do nt really bring in the big tips , so ... Belle : You gon na be okay ? Claire : Yeah . I mean , now that theo s awake , I m great , so ... Shawn : What about the situation with ciara ? Claire : Oh , I mean she s still a nightmare , but I m handling it Belle : Listen , we can talk to her , if it really-- Claire : No , no , no . That would be so lame . She would think that I was using my mommy and daddy to fix all my problems , and like I said , I m handling it . But thank you . I hate that you re leaving . Oh , no ! I m gon na miss you guys . Belle : I m gon na miss you too , sweetie . Claire : Okay , in the meantime , lots of photos ! And e - mails , and video chats and all that , okay ? Shawn : Yes , yes , absolutely . Claire : I love you guys so much . Shawn : I love you too . Belle : I love you too , sweetie . Claire : Aww . Shawn : She s gon na be okay . She s gon na be all right . Belle : I know . I know . It s not just about claire , it s just ... I just feel like my work here is nt done , you know ? Shawn : What ? Do you mean with the dimeras ? Belle : You know , I just do nt really want to let chad down , and I just feel like after all these weeks , I m no further along than when I started . Abigail : So I told chloe to plan that about 3/4 of the guests that were invited would actually show up . But I should probably double check to make sure she ordered enough food and champagne . Chad : I m sure she has . Abigail : Yeah , but I do nt want to risk it . Do you know what I really wish is that doug and julie were nt out of town , because she would know exactly what to do . And tonight has to be perfect ! Chad : That s a lot of pressure for one night . Abigail : I know . But when you stepped down as ceo -- ah ! You are terrible . Company stock fell , and revenue came almost came to a complete halt . Okay ? So it is up to us to convince the dimera board that you are the man to fix what s broken , which means nothing can go wrong tonight . I saw the change in rich when we moved into the new house . Claire : God , you know , it s so weird . Tripp : What is ? Claire : Like fran seemed surprised I was even here . Not mad at all . Tripp : So how s theo doing ? Ready to get out of the hospital , I bet . Claire : Yeah , I mean he s not going anywhere until the doctors evaluate him , and figure out what kind of therapy he ll need . Tripp : Well , you must be relieved , after practically living in that hospital . Claire : I know , and I really could not have done this without you , you know ? Covering my shifts , making sure I remember to eat , and sleep , I mean I could not have done this without you . You ve been a great friend , so thank you so much . I owe you , big time . Tripp : You do nt owe me . Claire : Tripp , are you serious ? No , I would ve lost this job if it were nt for you . So , uh ... which tables are mine ? Yeah ? Tripp : Um , none of them . Claire : [ Laughs ] Very funny . Tripp : No , I mean it . Fran was surprised to see you because she was nt expecting you . Claire : I mean , when you called me , you said that she-- Tripp : I know what I said . But the truth is ciara wanted to talk to theo without you being there . She s the one who got me to call . Claire : I m sorry , what ? Tripp , you lied ? To help ciara be alone with my boyfriend ? Tripp : I m so sorry . Claire : That bitch ! How did she get you to take her side ? Tripp : I did nt do it for her . [ Clears throat ] As much as ciara wanted to be alone with theo ... I wanted to be alone with you . Ciara : Do you remember that time you got me the heart shaped pizza ? Theo : I do , yeah . You ate way more of it than I did . Ciara : I did . You used to do lots of sweet things like that . I did nt always deserve it . But I did nt come here to talk about the past . I came here to tell you in person what I did nt have the guts to tell you before I left salem last summer . Theo : What s that ? Ciara : I still love you , theo . Oh , wow ! When I thought you were shot , I thought I d never be able to tell you that . But we have another chance now . And I am glad , because I really do believe , theo , with all of my heart that you and I belong together . Hope : Seems the only person ciara is nt angry with these days is theo . She blames claire for the fact that they re not togetheR. Jennifer : Wait , I thought ciara was the one who broke up with theo in the first place . Hope : Yeah , well she s had a change of heart . And she sees claire as the only obstacle standing in her way . When the two of them are together , cuz , ciara can be so hostile , Jennifer : That makes me really sad , they were so close . Hope : So close , and as if that is nt upsetting enough , something is now going on between ciara and rafe . I mean , not between them-- you know what I mean . She said she needs to talk to me about him . Jennifer : And you have no idea why ? Hope : I have absolutely no idea why . We did nt get a chance to talk about it , but she seems very upset with him , and why I-- god , I do nt know . I mean -- I do nt know ! Rafe : So you want me to step down so hope can have her job back ? Abe : You tried to talk me out of firing hope , and I would nt listen . I let my personal feelings get in the way , and that s always been a mistake . Rafe : It doesnt-- you know what ? It happens to all of us , does nt it ? Abe : Well , regardless , I hope we can all put this whole episode behind us and move on . Abigail : It s nice to see that hope and rafe are gon na make it . Kind of hoping I can convince jj and lani to come together . You are the worst . Chad : Hoping I can talk you into coming over here . Abigail : Oh , chad , I ve got so much work I got ta do . Come on , oh , no , seriously , I have so much work to do . Chad : Watch your fingers ! Abigail : Mm , I should see who that is . Chad : Oh , nope ! Abigail : [ Moans ] Shawn : According to the internal affairs report , theo believed that there was a server inside that building that was being used to hack dimera and steal corporate secrets . Belle : But that was a dummy corporation , right ? Like cfr partners or something ? Shawn : Yeah , yeah , that was the name that was on the lease . Belle : Huh . Well , there s no way of knowing whether they were hacking or not , since the building was cleared out by the time the police raided it , right ? Shawn : Yeah , still , it challenges chad s working theory that andre is dimera s saboteur . Belle : You do nt think he is ? Shawn : No , it does nt make any sense . Why would a guy hack into a company that he already has access to ? He s got access to inside secrets and everything ! Belle : Huh . Wow , leave it to the brilliant detective to ask the questions I should have asked from the very beginning . Wow . Andre : If abe was going to arrest you , he would ve done that last night . Kate : No , no . You did nt see his reaction when I confessed that I was the one that had ordered the break - in . Andre : So what did he say ? Kate : Well , he did nt say much . But his look said everything , you know ? He s always been so excruciatingly slow and deliberate and yet he did nt take any action . I think he just wanted me to spend the night sweating the possibility of prison before he makes my nightmare a reality . Rafe : Well , in the end , all that really matters is that theo is awake , and he s gon na be all right . Abe : Yeah , yeah , I hope so . I m afraid my son has a long road ahead of him . I m just hopeful that everything can go back to the way it was before this whole ordeal began for all of us . Rafe : Yeah . Jennifer : I am sure whatever issue ciara has with rafe is nothing to worry about . Cuz , from your lips to god s ears . I just pray to god that whatever it is is resolved by the time we say I do . Jennifer : What ? Does that mean you finally set a date ? Hope : Oh ... Jennifer : Yes ? Hope : Well , we re looking , you know , at the calendar , zeroing in on a few dates , yes . Jennifer : I am so , so glad that things are good between you two . Hope : Things are better than good , actually . Gosh , we can not wait to ring in the new year and say goodbye , bye - bye , 2017 , bye - bye ! Jennifer : Yes ! Hope : Oh , wait , you re going to the dimera party , right ? Jennifer : Oh , yeah , abigail wants me to go , just you know , press coverage . Hope : Well , you re more than welcome to join me and rafe after you finish , you know that . Jennifer : Oh , thanks . Yeah , I m actually going with someone , so ... Hope : You are ? Who ? What ? Jennifer : It s eric , just dont -- we re going as friends , I do nt want to mess that up . Hope : Not even for a little romance ? Jennifer : Hope ! Hope : What ? Come on . Jennifer : I broke things off with him because he was still in love with nicole . Hope : She s gone . Bye - bye . Jennifer : She s gone from salem , not from eric s heart . Hope : Maybe he needs a little help to move on , you know , like giddyup ? Jennifer : Hope ... Hope : What ? Jennifer : No , it s new years eve . And it s a hard day for eric because of everything that happened with daniel . I just want to be there for him . You know ? Hope : Excuse me , sorry . Oh ! Rafe needs me to go down to the station . I got ta go . Jennifer : No , hold on ! Hope : What ? Jennifer : Look at me . Hope : I am . Jennifer : I do nt want you to say one thing to eric about us , okay ? Or me ! Nothing ! Nothing ! Hope : The network s not with me . Jennifer : Pinky ! Nothing ! Hope : I m keeping my pinkies to myself ! Jennifer : Promise me ! Hope : I love you ! Jennifer : I love you . Promise ! Hope : I promise you that i love you and I want you to be happy ! Theo : Why are you telling me this now ? I m still with claire , I ca nt be with you . Ciara : But theo , do nt you see ? Claire is using you , it s what she does to everyone that she pretends to care about ! Theo : She s not using me , she loves me . Ciara : I hate to break it to you , theo , but I am 100 % certain that if you stayed in that coma for any longer , claire would ve left you for someone else . Claire : Okay , um ... tripp , how long has this been going on ? And why would you say something to ciara and not me ? Tripp : I did nt tell ciara , she just figured it out . Claire : And what ? What , you think that now theo s awake , you have a chance with me ? Tripp : No , no . Claire : Then why did you help ciara get me away from him ? Tripp : I should nt have , okay ? I let my emotions get in the way of what I knew was right , and I am so sorry . I m sorry . Say something . Just ... just please say you do nt hate me . Claire : No , no , it S ... tell fran I had to go , okay ? ( Vo ) more doing chores for mom Theo : No , claire wouldnT ... leave me for someone else . I told you , she loves me . Ciara : Do you have any idea how many boyfriends claire had senior year ? 16 ! 16 , theo , and now she has one ! I mean , do you really think a person can change that fast ? Theo : I ... look , I do nt know . All I know is she s been really good to me . Ciara : And I have nt been ? Theo , I mean , come on . We ve been best friends since we were kids . We have a stronger bond than most couples I know . Theo : I know . You and I have always had a really strong bond . Oh , god , I ... I could nt stand it if I lost you . Ciara : I could nt stand it either . Hope : Rafe , I got your text . Abe , I did nt know you were going to be here . Abe : I asked rafe to call you down . Hope : What is it ? Is it theo ? Abe : No , no . Theo s -- is fine , thank god . I wanted to talk about you . Internal affairs has validated everything you said about jj s culpability . Or ... should I say his in - culpability in theo s shooting ? You were trying to protect me from compromising the case with my personal feelings . And I fired you for it . I truly am sorry . Hope : Apology accepted . I know I ve done some serious damage to our friendship . So I m hopeful that what I m about to do will be the first step in repairing that . Hope : I do nt understand . Abe : Rafe and I discussed this and we both agree that the best person to do the job of commissioner is you . Rafe : And with that said ... boom . Welcome back , commissioner brady . Hm ? Hope : Thank you . Abe : Yeah . As far as theo s case is concerned , I m turning it over to you . It S ... it s up to you , the way to move forward with it . Hope : Thank you . I can not tell you how much this means to me , that you trust me again , abe . Abe : I never stopped . I was ... I was just scared for my son . Hope : I know . I know , I understand . Abe : Well , since you re taking over theo s case , you should know that he made a statement about the shooting . Rafe : Yeah , actually , lani took this thing ... that s right here . And ... Hope : Theo was working alone ? That s not at all what I was expecting . Abe : Well , I have something to say about that . Kate : Even if abe does nt have me arrested , the dimera board hates scandal . If they find out that I m the one who is the reason that theo was shot , chad wo nt be the only one who wants me barred from everything dimera . Andre : Well , I ll do whatever I can to make sure that does nt happen . I want you by my side at wilhelmina . Kate : Even if chad does nt ? Andre : Chad said I can do whatever it is I want . And I want you to work with me . No matter what . Kate : Well , the board despises you . Your support might do me more harm than good . Andre , look , I will always be grateful to you for standing by me and for fighting on my behalf against chad , I will . Andre : Well , that s what a husband s supposed to do , is nt he ? Defend his wife ? Listen , no matter what happens , even the worst , come with me to abigail s party tonight . Like one last hurrah , so to speak . Kate : Would nt it embarrass you if your date , your wife , is dragged out in handcuffs ? Andre : You d go out with a bang . Chad : You still worried about the party ? Abigail : What party ? [ Phone ringing ] Oh no , ignore it . No . Tell them to -- no , no , no , no . [ Overlapping laughter ] Maybe you should answer that one . Chad : I thought you were leaving for hong kong today . Belle : We re supposed to , but I wanted to call you before we leave . Chad : What s up ? Belle : Well , shawn and I have been putting our heads together , trying to figure out who might be sabotaging dimera . Chad : Any luck ? Belle : I think we might have a lead . Abe : Oh , uh , I was wrong to tell you how to handle your job with regard to jj and the shooting . You should handle it the way you see fit . Theo committed a crime . So if you feel charges should be brought against him ... Hope : Abe , hold on one second . According to the statement that theo gave , he planned on breaking into the building , but never actually followed through . All he really did was set off the alarm , which makes it a charge of an attempted b & e at best . Rafe : She s right , abe . Any halfway decent lawyer will have that knocked down to a misdemeanor . Hope : And he would probably plead it out anyway . I have better ways of allocating police resources than on a case that most likely is going to be thrown out of court . Abe : Does this mean that you re not going-- Hope : Theo paid a very high price for his action . At least as far as I m concerned , this case is closed . Abe : Thank you . Thank you . Theo : You mean so much to me . Ciara : You have no idea how good it is to hear you say that . Theo : But you re my best friend . I do nt want that to change . Ciara : Um ... I was talking about what we were before , theo . What we could be again , a couple . Theo : Yeah , but only if i cheated on claire , and I m not gon na do that . I love her , I m sorry . Ciara : Oh , wow . Okay , but what about all those fights you guys used to have ? When she would get mad at you for trying to help her ? Theo : I know , but look , couples fight all the time . And claire and I do nt fight half as much as-- Ciara : Say it ! What ? As much as you and I did ? Theo : You and I did fight a lot . And now you re fighting with claire a lot . Okay , if we-- if we could stop , maybe you and claire could stop , and you guys could finally be friends again . Ciara : No . No . That s never gon na happen , theo . Theo : Ciara , come on . You just -- you-- Belle : So shawn made a compelling case that this might not be an inside job , right ? So I ve been following the money , but I have nt found anything yet . Chad : Keep at it , okay ? Belle : But listen , shawn thinks you should keep your guard up . It s been a while since dimera s been attacked , and I think it s coming , maybe soon . My daughter is ... Hope : I ca nt believe it . I ca nt believe that you have to go back so soon to hong kong ! Shawn : Well , blame her . She s popular , and she s got a big project back waiting for her . Belle : Yeah , well , as soon as it s over , we ll be back for a visit ! Rafe : Well , you better be back , in fact , you better be back before our wedding . Belle : Did you two set a date ? Hope : Well , you know , we re getting closer . Shawn : Okay , well , when you do set the date , you better let us know , because we will be back . Belle : Yeah , would nt miss that ! Abigail : So , if someone from the outside is trying to sabotage dimera , that means they could be watching our every move , which also means they might try to sabotage the party tonight . Chad : I am confident you have done everything to make this party go off without a hitch . Abigail : Mm - hmm . There might be one little hitch , but it would only affect you . Andre asked if he could bring kate to the party , and I said yes . Do nt be mad . Are you mad ? Chad : Mm ... Abigail : Do nt be mad ! Chad : I m not thrilled . But I suppose it s better that she s there . That way , we do nt raise the board s suspicions . Abigail : That s what i thought too . Chad : Why my brother cares about that woman is just beyond me . What ? Hey , what are you not telling me ? Abigail : You are not going to like this . I think that andre cares about kate because he wants to turn their marriage of convenience into something real . Andre : Well , you have nt answered my question . Are you going to go to the party with me ? Kate : I d be delighted , because if I m going out with a bang , it might as well be with style . Abe : Thank you , harold . Kate : Here we go . Andre : I wish harold would ve let us know we had visitors . Abe : Actually , I came to see you , kate . Kate : Well ? Abe : It pains me greatly to say this . You re going to get off scott free . You re not going to be held accountable for your part in theo s shooting . Kate : Thank you , abe . Abe : I m not doing it for you . I m doing it for my son . Bringing you into this situation might ve reversed the department s decision not to press charges against him . Kate : Well , that would be unthinkable . He s been through enough already . Abe : Yes , he has . But there is one condition to my kindness . In exchange for my silence , I expect something from the dimeras . Mother nature Hope : Hey . Shawn : Hm ? Hope : Can I ask you a favor ? Shawn : Yeah , anything . Hope : Your sister-- Shawn : Yeah . Hope : As you know , she s going through a very rough time right now , and so angry with claire ... the world . Shawn : Yeah . Hope : I know she s so crazy about the two of you . If she happens to open up , would you-- Shawn : Yes , I know . I will ! I will let you know , I will tell you everything , I promise . Hope : Thank you . You re such a good brother . Shawn : Mm - hmm . Hope : She s so lucky to have you . You ve always looked out for your sister , and I m so grateful for that . You ve never disappointed her or hurt her . Tripp : So I guess I do nt have to ask if claire interrupted your big moment with theo . Look , I m sorry , ciara . I had to tell her the truth . Ciara : It does nt matter . Tripp : What do you mean ? Ciara : Theo does nt want me . He wants her . She s the one that he s in love with . I told him everything . That I still love him , regretted pushing him away , but all he could talk about was claire . So I guess you and I both lose . Theo : That was a quick shift . Claire : Yeah , there was a-- there was a mix - up with the schedule . Do you really mean all of those nice things you said to ciara about me ? Theo : Why would I say them if they re not true ? But you really should nt be eavesdropping . Claire : I know . I know , but that s nothing compared to the guilt trip that she just laid on you . Theo , are you okay ? Theo : I m always okay when you re here . I am kind of tired , though . Claire : Okay , then rest . You need to get well . I ll be right here when you wake up . Abe : In exchange for my silence , you are not to allow my son to work for the dimeras . Andre : So much for trusting theo to make his own decisions . Kate : Okay . Will you stop ? Abe : I want to trust him . But he s already had one job that nearly cost him his life . And I ca nt let that happen again . Kate : I understand . Andre : We all want what s best for theo . Jennifer : Eric , hey ! I was just about to call you ! Jj what ? Oh , that is so great , because i thought with theo being out of the woods , that maybe he would nt follow through and go to counseling , so ... oh , tonight ? Uh , yeah . Well , what time sounds good ? Yeah , that s great . Oh , that s okay , you know , I can just meet you there , really ... okay , okay . I will let you pick me up . Yeah , I m looking forward to it too . Abigail : Okay , okay . So , it says hope , rafe , andre , kate , um ... oh , weird . Chad : What ? Abigail : I just -- I do nt recognize this e - mail . Chad : About what ? Abigail : I do nt know , i guess I just sent out so many , I do nt even know who it is , but I guess I will find out tonight , if whoever it is decides they re gon na show up . ### Summary:
Abe went to see Rafe about something important . Tripp called Claire while she was with Theo . He told her that she had to work . Ciara was satisfied that he told her the lie . Ciara wanted a chance to see Theo . Tripp did nt approve of lying . Ciara told him that he could have Claire . Belle and Shawn told Chloe that they were leaving town . Later , Claire went to work and thanked Tripp for helping her keep her job . Tripp admitted that Ciara was the one who wanted him to call her . Claire wanted to know how she got him to do it . He admitted that he wanted to be alone with her . Ciara visited Theo . She told him that she loved him . She thought they deserved another chance . Hope talked to Jennifer about Ciara s behavior towards Claire and Rafe . Rafe figured out that Abe wanted to reinstate Hope as commissioner . Abe admitted that he was being irrational towards Hope . Belle and Shawn talked about who could have been hacking into DiMera Enterprises . Andre thought that Abe would have said something to Kate if he was going to do it . Hope advised Jennifer to go after Eric , but she thought they were just friends . Jennifer did nt want Hope to say anything to Eric . Theo reminded Ciara that he s with Claire . Ciara tried to convince him that Claire would be with Tripp soon . Claire was nt happy with Tripp because of what he did . Ciara tried to make Theo realize that they should be together . Ciara and Theo told each other that they could nt lose each other . Claire overheard them talking . Hope arrived at the station and saw Abe and Rafe . Abe apologized for the way he treated her . She accepted his apology . Abe wanted her to be the commissioner again . Abe told Hope and Rafe that Theo made a statement about what happened when he was shot . He took the blame for everything . Hope did nt see a point in pressing charges against him . Abe was grateful that she did nt want to press charges against Theo . Andre wanted Kate to work with him at Countess Wilhelmina and be his date at Abby and Chad s party . Theo told Ciara that he loved her , but he did nt want to cheat on Claire . He wanted Ciara to be friends with Claire , but she did nt want to be her friend anymore . Ciara started to walk out and saw Claire . Belle told Chad that she and Shawn were investigating who hacked the company . Abby told him that she was afraid the hacker would strike at the party . She told him that she invited Andre and Kate to the party . Andre asked Kate if she would go to the party . She agreed to go with him . Abe showed up at the mansion and told Kate that she would get off scot free . He wanted something in return for his silence . Ciara was at the town square and Tripp apologized for telling Ciara the truth . She did nt care because Theo did nt want her . Abe did nt want Theo to work for DiMera Enterprises anymore .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Adrienne : Oh , sonny . Sonny : Mom . Adrienne : Whoa . Hello . Am I that scary ? Sonny : No . No , no , no . I just , um , I did nt hear you come in . I m just ... I m just thinking about something . Adrienne : Leo starke . Sonny : Why would you say that ? Adrienne : Because the man almost ruined your life . Sonny : But that s over now . The lawsuit is dropped , and leo S ... he left town . Adrienne : But you must be afraid that he s gon na come back to town and cause trouble again . Sonny : Not really . Adrienne : Look , honey , it s okay to feel that way . I get it . I feel exactly the same way about that awful bonnie lockhart . Sonny : Well , has uncle steve gotten any leads on her whereabouts ? Adrienne : He s gotten close . She s a slippery one . Sonny : He ll find her eventually . When he puts his mind to it , he can crack any case . Adrienne : Yeah . Steve : What the hell is this about ? Kayla : What are you doing ? Steve : Thought you had a meeting . Kayla : It was cancelled . Do we need to have a conversation about respecting each other s privacy ? Steve : Might be an awkward conversation , considering . Kayla : Considering what ? Steve : You want to tell me what this is about ? Why do you have a picture of ted laurent ? And why are you spying on kate dimera ? Kate : What do you want ? Ted : I just want to let you know that I will be stopping by later . Kate : Oh , great . Because I have a box of your stuff waiting for you . Unless , of course , I decide to dump it in the lake . Ted : I m also expecting the money . If I do nt get it , your grandson and his ex - husband will be charged for the murder of leo starke . Kate : Why are you whispering ? Where are you ? Ted : You do nt want to know . Kate : Hi . Will : Hi . I - I had nt heard from you since I left you with ted . What happened ? Kate : I told you , I m handling it . Will : What does that mean ? What are you gon na do ? Hope : Counselor . Ted : Hello , commissioner . I want to talk to you about my client , ben weston . Hope : What about him ? Ted : Well , I want you to drop the arson case and stop harassing him . Hope : Hmm . Well , first of all , we were not harassing him . And secondly , I did drop the case . The investigation , it s over , counselor . Ben is a free man . Tripp : Okay , so that s one vote yes , and , if you have nt guessed , my vote is no . So , claire . You break the tie . Claire : Actually , uh ... my vote is yes . Ben can stay here . Ciara : Uh , thank you for being reasonable . Unlike some people I know . Tripp : Uh , claire , I , uh ... I do nt understand , how could you agree to let a serial killer live here ? Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives . Kayla : I thought I got rid of those photos . Steve : I found them in your deleted folder . Kayla : Why were you going through my deleted photos ? In fact , why were you going through my phone at all ? Steve : Because you re hiding something from me . Kayla : Could you just let this go ? Steve : No . I canT. And I wonT. Because I m worried that you re in trouble . Kayla : Steve . Steve : Please , baby . Please just let me help you . Tell me what it is , and we ll work it out together . Tripp : I dont -- what-- why would you ever trust him to live here after all the things that he s done ? Claire : You know , if ben is such a great guy , then maybe ciara should just be with him . Marlena : That s - that s not what I was saying . Claire : I mean , why not ? That would be perfect . And tripp will be free from me , right ? I mean , if he can stand the sight of me anymore . Marlena : Claire-- Claire : Look , I really do have to get going . I really do . But , oh , it s so good to see you . Thank you so much . I love you . I love you , I love you . You know , tripp , I spoke with my grandmother today , and she said that ben s totally sane . Tripp : I m not sure you two are totally sane . Ben : Okay , I m sorry , it s rough . But if it helps , I promise you , I d only stay here until I find another place . Ciara : See ? It s only temporary . Tripp : I do nt care if it s only for five minutes . It s not happening . There s no way I m letting this psycho move in with us . Hope : Your client and i reached an understanding . Ted : What do you mean ? You spoke to my client without me being present ? Hope : Counselor . Relax . It was a friendly chat . Please . Sit down . I offered to close the arson investigation if he agreed to leave town . Ted : I spoke to ben this morning , and he did nt mention anything about a deal . In fact , he was asking about other homeless shelters around salem area . Sounds like to me , he s gon na stick around . Once - daily toujeo ® helps you control your blood sugar . Adrienne : So your uncle steve is thinking about hosting a big family dinner sometime next week to celebrate his successful eye surgery , so I do nt know what your sche-- are you waiting for a call or something ? Sonny : Huh ? Adrienne : I m trying to talk to you , and you re -- you re on that phone , like , every two seconds . What the heck ? Sonny : I - I m just waiting to hear from will . Adrienne : Oh . Sonny : Yeah . Adrienne : Oh . Sonny : We ve been , um ... we re just trying to coordinate a time for him to come see ari . Adrienne : Well , I m glad to hear you and will are on such good terms . Sonny : Yeah , I think it s important to get along for ari s sake . Adrienne : Absolutely . Sonny : Yeah . Adrienne : Co - parenting can be tricky . Sonny : Why are you looking at me like that ? Adrienne : Hmm ? No reason . Sonny : Mom ? Adrienne : Okay . I m just thinking that maybe there s more to it than this , that maybe you and will are on your way to getting back together , is all . Kate : So , uh ... first , I tried to convince him to drop his blackmail scheme , put our relationship ahead of his desire for money . Will : I do nt think that guy puts anything ahead of his desire for money . Kate : No . Apparently not . Will : Oh . I m sorry . Kate : No , no , nO. Believe me , it s - it s the least of it . He s holding all the cards , will . I really think we have no choice but to pay off the bastard . Will : Okay . Do you -- do you have the money for that ? Kate : Well , actually , I m expecting a windfall from andre s inheritance . The transfer is supposed to happen this afternoon , so . Will : Okay . I m gon na pay you back . I swear . I know it s a lot , but every cent , I do nt care how long it takes . Kate : I m not worried . Will : Well , I am . And I also ... I want you to know that I was telling the truth about leo . I promise you . It was an accident . Kate : I believe you . But just for the record , if you had decided to off him purposely , I would nt blame you . Will : Kate-- Kate : I am your grandmother , okay ? I would do anything to protect you , so . Will : Thank you . I m sorry . I m sorry I dragged you into this mess . I just ... I did nt know where else to go . Kate : Well , you did exactly the right thing , coming here , because in this situation , I am the master . Kayla : I think you are letting your imagination run away with you . Steve : You re a terrible liar , sweetness . Kayla : I am not lying . Steve : You ca nt even look me in the eye when you say that . Kayla : I m not in danger . Steve : Okay . Explain that picture of , uh , the lawyer guy and kate . Were you following them around ? Kayla : No . I - I was just-- Steve : What were you gon na do with those pictures ? Kayla : I , um ... Steve : I got ta take this . Steve johnson . Are you sure ? Okay , hang tight . I ll be there as soon as I can . Kayla : What was all that about ? Steve : A case I m working on . There s been a break . I have to go . It s now or never . We re gon na finish this conversation when I come back . Kayla : I love you . Ciara : You said it yourself that when it comes to the loft , the three of us have equal say . The votes are in . Two to one , tripp . You lost . Tripp : So you think that s the end of this ? Claire : The decision is made . Tripp : What happens when your parents find out ? Or your mom and rafe ? Ciara : They do nt pay for the rent . We do . Tripp : Claire , can you honestly say that you feel safe with this maniac sleeping on our couch ? Ben : Tripp , listen . I get why you do nt trust me . Tripp : That makes me feel so much better . Ben : But I remember everything now . I did nt set the fire . Tripp : The fact that you doubted it for a moment says everything I need to know . Ciara : Okay . Tripp : You need anything , I will be right outside in the hall . Claire : Okay . Kayla : Delete . Steve did nt see these photos . Delete . Marlena : Busy ? Kayla : Nope . I m just destroying incriminating photos so I can keep on lying to my husband . Marlena : All righty , then . Sounds like you did nt tell him the truth about stefan last night , hmm ? Kayla : I could nt get to him . I ran into stefan , and he told me that he has remote access to steve s bionic eye . He could shut it down any time he wants . Marlena : Shut it down ? Kayla : Yeah . And if he does , steve will be blind . Forever . I ca nt let that happen . Adrienne : So you re okay with just being friends with will then ? And parents ? Sonny : Am I okay with it ? I mean , no . I m not okay with it . Every time we re together , I am fighting all these old feelings . And then I m trying not to let him see that I ... that I actually still love him . Adrienne : I know how badly you wanted that serum to work and for him to regain his memory . Sonny : It seemed to be working . He actually remembered when I said I loved him , and he loved me back . He remembered that . Then it just ... it just stopped . Adrienne : Did will want those memories to return ? Sonny : I do nt know . It just does nt matter because he ran out of the serum , and the hospital refuses to make more . Adrienne : So that s it ? Sonny : Yeah , I guess so . I mean , that s it . I have to accept the fact that he s probably never gon na regain his memory . Which means I have no chance with him . Adrienne : Oh , sonny , come on . You and I absolutely know that is not true . Will : I ... I owe you one . Kate : It s only money . I ll make more . Will : Well , I mean , it s a lot of money . And I m not even just talking about that . I mean , like , you stood by me . And you risked everything . Kate : You did me a big favor too , I mean , you showed me who ted really was before I got in too deep . Will : Right , well , I m glad I could at least do that . Kate : I mean , you would think after all this time , I would be able to pick a better man , would nt you ? Will : Well , I mean , it s not your fault that ted turned out to be a snake . Kate : Yeah , but I tend to follow the same pattern . Will : Well , they re all idiots then . In my opinion . Because you re amazing . And you could do so much , so much better than ted . Kate : Ah . Will : Ugh . Kate : [ Laughs ] Well , thank you for that . Will : Yeah . Honestly , I just hope , one day , he gets what s coming to him . Hope : I hope , for your client s sake , that you re wrong about him sticking around salem . Ben and I had an agreement . Ted : That was not an agreement . That was intimidation . And now I have all the rights to sue you and your department for harassment if you try to reopen that arson case . Hope : Where s ben ? Ted : I have no idea . But like you said , ben weston is a free man . He can do whatever he wants . Have a good day , commissioner . Claire : Well , showers will be limited to seven minutes or less . Please do not touch my special face soap or my music instruments . And definitely do not think about drinking my vitamin water . Ben : Short showers , no vitamin water . I got it . Claire : Great . Awesome , then we should be set . Ben : Yeah . Thank you . For letting me stay here . Claire : You should thank ciara . Ben : Yeah . It just surprised me that you voted yes , considering how recently you just clobbered me over the head with a frying pan . Claire : Okay , that was a misunderstanding . Ben : Mm . Painful one . Still have the lump . Claire : Sorry . I - I owed you , I guess . Ben : Mm . So is that the reason you voted for me to crash here , or is there some other motive ? Claire : What do you mean ? Ben : I just was wondering if , you know , maybe there was something in it for you . Tripp : Look , I know that ben helped you with your motorcycle accident . Ciara : Saved my life . Tripp : Yes . And I m grateful for that too . Okay , but to ask him to live here ... Ciara : Okay . Yeah , I know . I admit , it was an impulsive decision . Tripp : The man murdered people , ciara , and what-- now you re inviting him into our home ? Ciara : He s not that person anymore . I owe him my life . I m sorry if that upsets you , but it s the right thing to do . Tripp : For ben . But what about for you and me ? What does this mean for us ? Fact is , every insurance company hopes you drive safely . Kayla : I ca nt let stefan take away his eyesight . Not after he s come so far . I m just gon na have to do what stefan says until I can figure out how to neutralize him . Marlena : How long do you think you can do that ? Steve is going to catch on . Kayla : He already has . He overheard me saying something to jenn . He knows ... that I am keeping something from him . Marlena : What did you say ? Kayla : I said it was about jenn . But he s not buying it . You know , I - I came back in here and found him on my phone . Marlena : Did he find anything ? Kayla : Well , some photographs that raised some questions . Marlena : Okay . And what did you tell him ? Kayla : He got a phone call about a case and said he had to leave . But he knows I m lying . How am I gon na keep him from finding out the truth ? Adrienne : Just because you had to give up on will regaining his memory does nt mean you have to give up on winning him back . Sonny : I tried . I did . And it did nt work . Adrienne : Oh , honey . If there s still a connection between the two of you ... there is . I see it on your face ! Sonny : Okay , we ... have been spending a lot of time together lately . And when we re together , mom , it s so natural . You know , there s moments that he ll smile at me , like , a certain way . And for a moment , I ... he s made it clear . His heart is with paul . Adrienne : Well , paul is a wonderful man . And I ... I was completely on board when you were gon na marry him . And I m not suggesting that you do anything unseemly to undermine their relationship , of course . Sonny : Okay . Cause it sounds like that s exactly what you re doing . Adrienne : Honey . I firmly believe that when two people belong together , they find a way , and I m just telling you , you should nt give up hope . Sonny : Mom , hope is not going to make will fall back in love with me . Adrienne : You need to talk to him one more time and tell him how -- yes!-- And tell him how you feel . Why not ? Why not ? Sonny : Because I do nt want to make will s life more complicated than I already have . Adrienne : What do you mean by that ? Will : I am very proud of you for not setting ted s things on fire . Kate : Well , thank you so much because I was very tempted , actually . I am so glad you have better instincts in men than I do . Will : Oh , I dont-- well , I would like to think so , of course . Although , you know , I do nt remember most of my past . Kate : Well , I know that paul is a very solid guy . I also know that he loves you very much . Will : I m very lucky to have him . I really hated having to lie to him about the whole sonny and leo thing . I think it s a lot better that everything is out in the open noW. Kate : So he knows about the blackmail . Will : Oh , yeah . I tried to hide it and protect him , but he thought that something romantic was happening between sonny and me , and so sonny had to tell him the truth . Kate : Did he have any reason to worry ? Will : No . Of course not . Kate : Well , I do nt think I would say of course not . I mean , you and sonny have , uh , quite a rich history between you . Will : Yeah , that I do nt even remember , really . Kate : Yeah , but the two of you have been spending a lot of time together , right ? Protecting the secret . Will : Yeah , I mean , we have . Kate : So what was that time like together ? Will : I do nt know . Weve -- I mean , we definitely , sure , we formed a tighter connection over this whole nightmare , you know , protecting each other . Kate : Connection . Will : Connection . Not that -- no , no , no . Not that type . I -- okay . I love -- I love paul . That s it . That s the -- that s the end of the story . Kate : Yeah , no , of course . I get it . I mean , I - I take the hint . Will : Yeah . Kate : Okay ? I m going to , uh , contact the bank and see if those funds came through . If they have , then we will pay ted , and we will be done with this . Will : Okay . Thank you again . Thank you so much . Thank you . Kate : Of course . It s my pleasure . Will , having you come back in my life has been such a gift to me . It really has . It has . And there is nt anything that I would nt do to keep you safe . Will : Aww . Kate : It s okay . Will : Okay . Kate : So I ll keep you posted . Will : Um ... oh , um , what - what happens if ted does nt back down , even after you pay him ? Kate : You let me worry about that . Ted is never going to bother you again . Will : Okay . Kate : Love you . Will : I love you . Okay . Adrienne : What do you mean , you complicate his life ? Sonny : I just , I mean , you know , I do nt want to keep burdening him with my feelings . After a while , it s desperate . Adrienne : Oh , honey . You do nt seem desperate . Sonny : It s just not fair . Okay , it s not fair to will , it s not fair to paul if I keep getting in the middle of their relationship . They deserve a chance to make it work . Adrienne : What about you ? What do you deserve ? Sonny : I just need to focus on getting my life back on track . I need to prove that I deserve to lead titan . So maybe it is a good idea that I spend some time on myself . You know , some alone time . I could pick up hobbies . Right ? Rock climbing . Cage fighting . Or ... decoupage . Adrienne : Honey . You re no good at art . Sonny : Yeah , you re right . I forgot . Adrienne : But you do deserve to be happy . If you love will , then you can not give up . You need to tell him how you feel , because you know , maybe , just maybe , he feels the same way . Kate : Coming . Ted : Got my money ? Kate : Nice to see you too . It s all right here . Ted : Great . I knew you d come through for me . Kate : Not so fast . There are a few things we need to get straight first . Hope : Are you sure ? No one named ben weston or anyone even fitting that description has checked into your shelter today ? Okay . If he does , come by . Call the police station right away . Thank you . This is exactly what I feared . Ciara : I do nt see how ben staying here affects our relationship . Not if we re solid . Tripp : Just - just trying to get back on track , ciara . I mean , we almost slept together and then ben shows up and ruins the mood , and now , what , he s gon na be staying on our sofa ? What s that gon na do to our love life ? Ciara : You mean our sex life ? Tripp : No , that S ... that s not what this is about . I m just worried that you re trying to find excuses to put distance between us again . Ciara : No . Does nt have anything to do with this . Tripp : I know you ve been through a lot of terrible things in your life , okay ? And if you want to take things slow , I am totally okay with that , but there s more to it . Ciara : Like what ? Tripp : Like you having feelings for ben . Ciara : That s crazy . Tripp : Is it ? Claire : I ll admit , there are some benefits to having you stay here . Ciara and I just recently became friends again , and this vote definitely brought us closer together . Ben : So it has nothing to do with your feelings for tripp , or ... Claire : I m sorry , what ? Ben : What ? Yeah . Ciara told me you re into him . It seems to me that it d be in your best interest if tripp and ciara were having problems . Claire : Okay , well , I guess you could say that I still have some feelings for tripp . Ben : You guess . Claire : Look , I am not about to start another war with ciara . She is with tripp , and I have to respect that . The real question is , will you ? You re headed down the highway Ben : I do nt know what you re talking about . Claire : Oh , okay , so you do nt have feelings for ciara . Ben : No . She s my friend . Claire : Okay . If you say so . Ben : Look , I - I helped her out when she was hurt . She helped me get out of jail . That s all there is to it . Claire : Yeah , no , I understand , I do . I just ... I m just saying , if you did have feelings for her , then I think it might go both ways . Ben : You mean , ciara-- Claire : Look , I m not saying that she openly said anything to me , but I do know her pretty well , and she does nt go out of her way to help just anybody . Ben : Yeah , she has a big heart . Claire : Yeah , but it s the way that she defends you . The way that she talks about the time that you guys spent together in the cabin . It just really sounds like more than a friendship to me . Ben : Well , she never said anything about it to me , so . Claire : Maybe she does nt realize it herself . But I see it . And so does tripp . Ben : Tripp thinks ciara has feelings for me . Claire : What did you think this whole thing was about ? Ben : He believes I m dangerous . Claire : Okay , well , you re right about that , just not in the way you think . Ben : No , look , you re both wrong . There s nothing between me and ciara . Claire : What if we re not ? What if there s a chance that ciara has feelings for you ? What if you two could be together ? Ciara : What s going on here ? Kayla : I am sorry to be laying all this on you . You have a wedding to plan . Marlena : No , please . Please , I m so happy for the distraction . I - I am way overthinking this ceremony . Kayla : Something wrong ? Marlena : No ! Nothing s wrong . I just want it to be perfect this time . That s all . Kayla : You re marrying john . How much more perfect do you need ? Marlena : Well , look at you . I m the therapist , and you re the one with all the good answers . Kayla : Sure . When they re not my problems . Marlena : Oh , honey , how can I help you ? Kayla : You ca nt help me . Nobody can help me . If I tell steve that stefan blackmailed me , he will go after stefan . And then stefan will destroy the eye . And steve will be blind forever . Marlena : Steve loves you . And - and he trusts in your love for him . And if you tell him the truth , he will completely understand . Kayla : I am not sure about that . Steve hates stefan . And I am the one that has put us under his thumb . If I tell him , I just think it s gon na destroy my marriage . Will : Hey . Sonny : Hey . [ Door closes ] Did you speak to kate ? Will : Yeah . She s gon na pay off ted . Sonny : Okay . Wow . I guess that s good news . Will : Yeah . I mean , yeah , she said she promised that she d make sure he would never bother us again . Sonny : She s a good person to have on your side . Will : Yeah . She s amazing . Sonny : And as soon as I get my ceo salary back , I am gon na pay her every penny . Will : Oh , well , so will I. Sonny : No , do nt be silly . I got you into this mess . I will take care of it . Will : Sonny . How many times do I have to keep telling you ? We are in this together . Okay ? Every step of the way . Sonny : You re just so-- you ve always been stubborn . Always . Will : I bet that probably drove you crazy . Sonny : Sometimes . I remember this one time , we were at a chinese restaurant , and we got into a huge fight over who was gon na pay the bill . Will : Oh . Really ? Like-- Sonny : No , not like a fist fight , but there may have been a chair kicked . There may have been a fortune cookie thrown at someone s head . Will : Oh , my god . Sonny : Mm - hmm . Will : You re lucky you re alive . Sonny : It got so out of hand that the manager actually kicked us out . Will : Jeez . Well , it sounds like maybe I m not the only one who can be stubborn . Sonny : You re right . Yeah , I do nt like to give up easily . Especially on things that-- that really matter to me . Kate : Once I give you this money , you will have no contact with my grandson or sonny . That means no texts , no threatening letters , no eye contact if you even happen to pass them on the street . Ted : That s fine with me . Kate : Will is my flesh and blood , and you will not mess with my family . Ted : I really do admire the way you protect them . Even if it means sacrificing your own happiness . Kate : Happiness is greatly overrated . Ted : Did nt you tell me you have a box of my stuff ? Kate : Yeah . I changed my mind . I put it into the dumpster in the alley . Ted : Of course you did . Oh , yeah , there s one final , uh , piece of business . It s time to get my money . Claire : Yeah , ben and I were just getting to know each other , now that we re roomies and all . Ben : Yeah . Claire : How did things go in the hallway ? Tripp : I still think this is a terrible idea , and I m gon na be watching you like a hawk the entire time you re here , but ... if ciara wants you to stay , then I guess you can live here . For now . Hope : He can what ? Kayla : Thank you for listening to me . I should really get back to work . Marlena : And what are you going to do when steve gets back ? Kayla : I m going to ask him to trust me and tell him to drop it . Marlena : Oh . Okay . We both know that s not going to work . Kayla : I know . I know . When steve wants answers , he never lets it go . Adrienne : Hey , there . Steve : Hey , baby sister . You busy ? Adrienne : I was just gon na grab a bite to eat . What s up ? Steve : Well , I just got back from a quick trip to chicago . I ca nt wait for you to see the souvenir I picked up for you . Will : Well , kate should be meeting ted right about now . With any luck , he ll take the money and then this whole ordeal will be over . Sonny : I just ... I do nt know if I m ever gon na be able to forget what happened . Will , I - I killed a person . Will : It was an accident . You protected me from a maniac . And I ll always be grateful for that . Sonny : And I will always be grateful that you ve protected me ever since . Will : Um ... I should get going . All right . Uh ... I guess ... this is it , I mean , I guess our ... partnership is over . Sonny : Yeah . Yeah . Will : Okay . Um , yeah . I ll see you around . Sonny : W - w - will . What if I do nt want it to be over ? Kate : Should I count it ? Ted : If you want , but it s not necessary . I trust you . Kate : That was your first mistake . Right now . Thank you , justin . Thank you , guys . ### Summary:
Kayla caught Steve looking through her phone . She wanted to know why he was looking at it . Steve wanted to know why she had pictures of Ted and Kate on her phone . She was upset that he violated her privacy . Steve wanted answers . Will went to see Kate about the money . Kate told Will that she would get money from Andre s estate . Ted talked to Hope about Ben s case . Hope told Ted that she dropped the charges as long as Ben left Salem . Ted told her that Ben was still in town . Tripp , Ciara , and Claire voted on whether Ben would stay with them . Tripp was outnumbered , but he still wanted Ben out . Tripp wanted to talk to Ciara alone . Steve suddenly had a phone call when he wanted answers from Kayla . She deleted the pictures from her phone when Marlena showed up . Kayla told her what Stefan threatened to do to Steve if she did nt do what he wanted . Will tried to make Kate feel better about being with someone like Ted . He hoped Ted would get what he deserved . Ted threatened to sue Hope for harassment if she reopened the arson case . Ben was surprised Claire voted for him to stay with them . He wondered if there was something in it for her . Tripp and Ciara continued to talk about Ben . Kayla decided to do what Stefan wanted . Marlena wondered how long she could do that without Steve getting suspicious . Kayla told her that Steve suspects she s hiding something . Kate and Will talked about Paul . Will was about to leave when Kate told him that she would take care of Ted . Ted went to see Kate . He wondered if she had his money . Ciara did nt think Ben would affect her relationship with Tripp . Tripp and Ciara kissed each other . Ben figured out that Claire had feelings for Tripp and wanted him for herself . Claire thought Ben had feelings for Ciara He denied it , but Claire thought Ciara had feelings for him too . Marlena thought that Kayla should tell Steve the truth . Kayla thought the truth would ruin her marriage . Kate warned Ted not to contact Will or Sonny . Tripp agreed to let Ben stay . Hope walked in and heard it . Steve called Adrienne and said he had a souvenir for her . It was Bonnie . Kate was about to count the money when Ted stopped her . He said he trusted her . She said that was a big mistake . She pulled a gun on him .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Thomas : So you re gon na do it ? You re gon na help me pull off this stunt ? Brooke : ( Sighs ) Well , I have no idea what you have in mind , but if it s gon na get the press attention , I m on board . Thomas : Good , good . Cause I have an idea that will definitely get me some attention . Everybody s gon na be talkin about it . Just remember to follow my lead . Brooke : Okay . Taylor : Okay , I - Ive got ta say I m a little worried . Whip : ( Clears throat ) Oh , maybe a couple of reporters have left . That s all . There s still plenty of people . I just hope Thomas takes my advice . Taylor : That s exactly what I m worried about . Whip : What s that supposed to mean ? Taylor : Well , what were you saying ? You told him what , he should pull some kind of P.R. stunt or P.R. gimmick ? What is that ? Whip : Sweetheart , I m sorry . I - I do nt mean to burst your bubble here , and I know he s your son and everything , but look around . I mean ... ( Scoffs ) Hope s line really knocked their socks off , and now what are they supposed to do ? Sit around and wait ... Taylor : ( Sighs ) Whip : For some boring preview about men walking around in suits ? No , he s gon na have to do something big . Taylor : Yeah , but still , he -- he has to be careful about what it is he does . This is his introduction , his first impression of his new line . Whip : Oh . Taylor : You know , this-- this is Forrester Creations . It s not Jackie M. Its two different things . Whip : Okay , well , you re gon na just have to trust me on this , okay ? He s going to have to make a statement , some big splash that s gon na make every single reporter in this room forget that they even saw Hope for the Future today . Eric : This is the one we re gon na use . Thorne : Aunt Pam , you re drooling . Eric : Pam , give me the belt . Pam : Oh , wait , Max needs help getting dressed . Ridge : Are you almost ready ? Rick : Just about . Marcus : Big day . Ridge : Yeah , the first half went great . Let s hope we get the same reaction with the men s line . Bill : This long intermission is really trying my patience . It looks bad . Now that I own a piece of this company , they should be asking my advice . Katie : I agree . I do nt know where Brooke is . Hi . Bill : Where have you been , Romeo ? Liam : ( Chuckles ) Uh , with Hope , actually . Bill : Oh , big surprise . Jarrett : Well , she should be very proud . Her line is gorgeous . Liam : Oh , yeah . She s beyond happy . Katie : Well , she s not the only one . You look like you re on cloud nine . Liam : You know what ? You know what ? That is exactly where I am . Between me and Hope , things could nt be better . Hope : Hey . Oliver : Hey . Hope : Hey . Oliver : What s goin on ? Hope : Oh , well , I just heard uh , my dad and Eric talking , and I just wanted to be sure you were okay . Oliver : You do care . Hope : You know I care . So , um , what happened ? Oliver : You re wondering if I still work here . Hope : Look , Oliver , if they fired you , I - I will talk to them . I will-- Oliver : They did nt . Hope : They did nt ? They did nt ? You still work here ? You still have your job ? Oliver , that s great . Oh , my God . I am so relieved . Oliver : Yeah , your dad and Eric were awesome . Hope : Yeah , I m glad we re still gon na be working together . Oliver : Yeah , me , too . Hope : It was a close call . Oliver : You saved the day . Hope : Well , I m just glad that Liam and I figured out what was going on before anything happened . Oliver : When are you gon na dump that guy and come back to where you belong ? Hope : Oliver . Oliver : Do nt you dare tell me it s not gon na happen . You re my Hope , and I m not givin up . Katie : ( Giggles ) Bill : All right , can you lose that goofy grin before I throw up ? Hope s not even here right now . Katie : Oh , do nt listen to your father . I think it s sweet that you care about her so much . Liam : I do . Thank you . Katie : ( Chuckles ) Liam : Katie , your niece is amazing . She s everything I ever imagined and more . Katie : Well , she s a Logan . ( Laughs ) Bill : All right , I just can not take it anymore . I m gon na leave you two ladies to your Harlequin romance , okay ? Jake . Jake : Yeah ? Bill : What the hell is goin on ? Is the second half of the show ever gon na start ? Jake : Soon . We re movin as quick as we can . Adding Hope s line to the schedule just threw us . Bill : Well , any idea what the reasoning was behind that ? Jake : Uh , no , I do nt . Whip : See ? Look right there . Taylor : What ? ( Sighs ) Whip : That s why Thomas has got ta do something . Taylor : This is horrible . This was supposed to be his big day . Whip : I know . People that are supposedly here to see your son are leaving . It s a shame that Hope s line overshadowed everything . ( Sighs ) You know , he ca nt just get out here and do some sort of run - of - the - mill preview . If he wants to be in the headlines tomorrow , he s got to have something else planned . Thomas : Max . Stop . Just stop . Max : Thanks , Man . Thomas : Okay , tuck that in . Do nt go embarrassing me out there , okay ? Max : ( Chuckles ) No way . Thomas : ( Sighs ) Marcus : Hey , are you getting nervous ? Thomas : Trying not to . Marcus : ( Chuckles ) Well , I am . You know , I ve never really done this modeling thing before . Being out there on that runway just , uh , kinda got my palms a little bit sweaty . Thomas : Dude , Marcus , you were great in rehearsal . You in that suit -- you-- you re gon na knock them dead . You kidding ? Marcus : Well , I hope so , Tom . I mean , I really want this to be a big smash for you , Man . Thomas : Thanks , Marcus . ( Chuckles ) Man , people need to stop leaving . Rick : Thomas , stop stressing , okay ? It s gon na be packed . Thomas : It better be . I - I - Ive worked way too hard on this line for it to be upstaged . Rick : You do understand why things were moved up the way they were . Thomas : ( Sighs ) Do nt get me wrong , Rick . I - I m glad we were able to throw things together and pull the rug out from underneath Amber , but it s frustrating . I just thought today was gon na be about me for a change . Okay , I m -- I m not gon na let this be a big deal . I m just gonna-- I need to go out there and remind em why , you know , they came in the first place . Marcus : Hey , look , no problem . Now what you re gon na do , you re gon na go out there , and you re gon na wow them with charm , all right ? Now that s what you do . Thomas : ( Chuckles ) Oh , I m gon na wow them all right . You ll see . They re gon na be talkin , that s for sure . ( Sighs Brooke : Taylor , I m so glad you came . Taylor : To my son s premiere ? Of course . I would nt miss that for the world . Brooke : Well , you told me how you feel about me working with your son . Taylor : I m very proud of my son . I m very proud of him . I ve told him that . I think this new men s line is going to be amazing . If you have to be a part of it , then I guess that s the way it is . Whip : Great job with , uh , with Hope s line . You guys really knocked it out of the park . I had no idea what Amber was doing , by the way . Brooke : I know . Thank you , Whip . Taylor : Not that I was comfortable with it at all . Whip : Taylor . Taylor : Well , I m not . Brooke : Okay , what can I do to make it better ? Taylor : Do nt be a part of it . Brooke : I am not walking away from the men s line . I already told Thomas I would help him . Taylor : Well , Brooke , it s only just been a few weeks since your last scandal , so since it s all like clockwork with you , you re due for another one any moment now , and I do nt want my son involved in it . Brooke : That s crazy . What do you think s gon na happen ? Taylor : ( Scoffs ) With you ? Anything goes . Anything -- that s the problem . Whip : It s okay . Come on . Just relax . ( Sighs ) Hope : I feel like I ve been so worried about you getting down on yourself , but then I see you smile ... ( Chuckles ) Oliver : How can I not smile when you re around ? Hope : ( Chuckles ) Oliver : Not that I have nt made some big , hairy mistakes . Hope : Well , everyone s made mistakes . Oliver : I did nt exactly not water the plants . Hope : Well , true . Yours were slightly more epic . Oliver : But you forgave me because you have a big heart . Hope : Yes , I do . Oliver : The biggest I ve ever seen . Hope : ( Chuckles ) Brooke : I just spoke to Jake . The stage is ready . Thomas : Great . So we re good to go ? Brooke : Looks like it . Thomas : Well , awesome . You want to gather the troops ? Brooke : I think you should . Thomas : Okay . All right , everybody , gather around , please . Please hurry up . Now today is a big day for Forrester Creations . Not one but two of our lines will be making headlines . Pam : Yes ! Man : All right . Yeah . Thomas : Now they re a bit restless out there , thinking they ve seen the best we have to offer , but they re mistaken . We re gon na get them up and out of their seats , pumped and excited . Pam : Yes ! Brooke : Yes ! All right ! Thomas : All right , let s do this . Pam : Okay . All right ! Man : Let s do it . Let s do it . Eric : Come here . Thomas : ( Sighs ) Ridge : I m proud of you . Thomas : Thank you , Dad . Ridge : Go out and knock em dead . Thomas : Thank you . Thank you , everyone . My name is Thomas Forrester . And as the designer for the new men s line , I am very proud to be introducing the second half of our show . Thomas : Now I sincerely appreciate your patience . This was supposed to be the main event . But necessity required a change . I think you all agree that Hope for the Future will be one of our most popular Forrester lines ever . Well , good news . You re about to preview another . Our reenergized men s line will blow you away . It -- it s focused on Brooke Logan s original concepts , uh , from the past years-- innovative styles , bold new lines , and a distinctive departure from the traditional business suit . I ve had a great opportunity to have Brooke s input . She has been extremely invaluable . And I could nt have done this without her . And at Forrester , we want our men to be hot , and they will be . So , ladies and gentlemen , get ready to witness something unlike you have ever seen before-- the new men s line by Thomas Forrester . Brooke : ( Mouthing words ) Hope : We ve been through a lot together . Oliver : And yet , we re still here . Nobody died . Hope : ( Chuckles ) More good times than bad I think . Oliver : You really feel that way ? Hope : Yeah , I do . Oliver : You know , I got this gig at Forrester because of you . Hope : I just made sure your music got heard . That s -- Oliver : You got me in the door . You did that for me . Hope : And I never regretted it . Oliver : Not once ? Hope : Nope , not once . We did really great things together on this Hope for the Future campaign . I mean , we re gon na get a lot of publicity . Who knows ? Maybe you and I will be like the next dynamic duo at Forrester . Oliver : ( Chuckles ) Hope : It s incredible where life takes you sometimes . Oliver : Incredible . Katie : ( Chuckles ) Whoo ! ( Chuckles ) Babe , pay attention . Does nt Marcus look great ? Bill : Yeah , beautiful . Take a look around . In case you have nt noticed , no one cares , including me . Katie : ( Sighs ) Taylor : These are good , right ? Or am I just being a mom ? Whip : No , no , no . They re -- they re fine . Really . They re okay . I just wish he did nt have to follow Hope s premiere . He would have had a much better reaction otherwise . Taylor : ( Sighs ) You know , he worked so hard on this . I m telling you . Whip : I know . I - itll be okay , as long as he follows my advice . He s gon na have to get the audience responding , get their jaws dropping . Whip : And he s gon na have to do it soon . Thomas : Marcus , Dude , you blew it up for me out there . Thank you . Marcus : I do what I do , Man . Eric : Let me see you . Let me see you . You looked good out there . Thomas : Max , where are your pants ? Rick , can you get the pants ? We re comin up on the end of the show , and I - I m still not ready . Rick : Sure . Come on . Thomas : Thank you . Brooke : ( Sighs ) You seem a little stressed . Do nt be . Everything is going well . Thomas : Yeah , not well enough , and you know it . Brooke : Well , then it s time to pull out the big guns . Are nt you the guy with the mysterious plan ? Thomas : Well , you re still with me on this , right ? Brooke : I said I would be . It would help if you d give me a clue what it is . Thomas : Nah , it would nt be the same . Trust me . Just promise me you ll go with me on this , okay ? Brooke : I promise . ( Chuckles ) Thomas : Thank you . Oliver : You have no idea what this does to me when I m close to you like this . Hope : Well , I do nt want to send any mixed signals . Oliver : Why not ? You ve got mixed feelings . Hope : Oliver , I felt so much for you . You know , I - I ca nt just turn that off . I m not wired that way . Oliver : Yeah , me either . I bet when you were younger you d find , like , abandoned cats and little injured birds and nurse them back to health . Hope : Yeah , I did that a lot , actually . Oliver : Cause when you see a creature in distress , you want to help them . Hope : Oliver , if you re asking me to rescue you-- Oliver : No , you already did by blowing Amber out of the water . You saved me from ruining this entire company . You were a huge hit , and I saved my job . I am so lucky because of you . Hope : I feel the same way . Oliver , after everything that we ve been through together , and after all we ve accomplished , I ca nt imagine my life without you , and I do nt want to . Oliver : Well , your dad did nt fire me . You re stuck with me . You know what I think ? I think that our lives are tied together ... Hope : ( Chuckles ) Oliver : You know ? That no matter what happens , we re gon na cross here and there and everywhere . You changed me . I changed you . I screwed up , and you forgave me , but now we can move on . We can look towards our future . Hope : Oliver , I-- Oliver : Hope , hold -- let-- just let me finish , okay ? Hope : I ... ( Sighs ) Oliver : Our future together is gon na be so great . And I am gon na love you like no guy has ever loved anyone ever before . And I m gon na be there for you . It s not over for us , Hope . It s never gon na be over for us . Ridge : Thomas is next . Whip : He s got ta do better than this . Eric : Ladies and Gentlemen , Thomas and Brooke Forrester . Audience : ( Gasps ) ( Applause ) ( Cheering ) ( Cheers and applause ) ### Summary:
Thomas tells Brooke to trust him and follow his lead . The press will definitely pay attention . He s going to wow them for sure . Whip says it will have to be really big to make the entire room of reporters forget Hope For The Future . Hope hugs Oliver when she hears that he was nt fired and still has his job at Forrester . She thinks they might be the next dynamic duo at Forrester . He kisses her and says he has not given up hope . They will be together again . Thomas makes his speech and introduces the men s line . Basically the audience is bored and not raving as Thomas expected . Brooke innocently tells him that it s time to pull out the big guns . Thomas takes his final turn down the catwalk and then motions for Brooke to come out . When she joins him , he dips her and plants a big kiss on his step - mother . She is caught by surprise with a dumbfounded look as well as most of the reporters .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Liam : Hope was there ? Brooke : She said that she planned to meet you on top of the mountain , and you just said that you got the message , so you were waiting for Hope , were nt you ? And then Steffy walked up , and before you knew it , you were getting married . Steffy : Hope , can you please talk to your mom and tell her to back off ? I mean , she s interfering with my marriage . Hope : I do nt want to talk about your marriage , Steffy-- not with you , not with my mom . Steffy : Okay , Hope , wait . Just please wait . Look , I - I m sorry , okay ? I know this is hard for you . We see each other every day at work . But we re family , and I want us to get along . Hope : ( Scoffs ) Pam : The tumors are gone ? Stephanie : Well , they did nt detect any new ones . Pam : Well , Steph , that s great . Right ? Stephanie : Uh , oh , yeah , I m happy , but they did nt use the word Cured , Pam . Pam : Well , come on . Eric must be over the moon . Stephanie : Yeah , he s happy . He has his own agenda these days , though . Pam : Well , what does that mean ? Stephanie : He wants to turn this into some sort of-- I do nt know , personal celebration . Pam : Of course , he d want to celebrate . We are all interested in your recovery . Stephanie : Yeah , well , he s interested in something else , something I m not so sure that I can -- I can give him . Nick : What are you doing ? You re still in your robe . Jackie : I may change my mind . I m not going into work today . It s all ... ( Sighs ) Suddenly feeling a bit much . Nick : Well , sure . Take all the time you need . Jackie : I m not going to be here indefinitely , you know . I m underfoot . Nick : Mother , you need a little time to heal . Jackie : Well , I m kind of thinking of this as a ... a new , exciting chapter in my life , so I made a decision . Now that Steffy is married , she s , um , she s put my old loft on the market , so I called my broker , checked into it ... I m buying it , Nicky . I m buying it . I m -- I m gon na move back in again . Nick : Oh . Well , that s ... well , that s a great idea , a - a - as long as going there does nt bring up too many memories . Jackie : Well , that s why I want it . It will be filled with memories of the happiest days of my life . Nick : Mm . Jackie : So ... ( Sniffles ) I m gon na move as soon as I possibly can , because I really do nt want Owen thinking that I m , like , depressed or anything . Nick : Oh , Mother , you just ended your marriage , so a little melancholy is expected . Jackie : No , this is a joyful divorce . Jackie : Joyful . Nick : At least that s the idea . Jackie : Everybody is better-- Owen , Bridget , Logan-- Eric : And they have you to thank for it . Pam : Do you want to talk about it , whatever It is ? Stephanie : I m trying to convince myself that it is nt a big deal . Pam : Well , then just do nt let it become one . Stephen : Hello , hello . Pam : Hey ! I did nt know you were coming by ( Chuckles ) Mm . Stephen : Mm . So how s my little Nutmeg , huh ? Hope : Wow . Steffy , can not believe you just said that to me . Steffy : Okay , you know what ? I am trying my best . Hope : ( Scoffs ) Steffy : You could , too . Thomas : Come on , Steffy . Lay off , okay ? Look , this situation is nt easy . Steffy : No , this-- this is not a Situation . This is my marriage . Excuse me . Hope : Now she s mad at you , too . Liam : I mean , Hope-- ended the engagement . I thought she wanted nothing to do with me . Brooke : It was a rash decision in a moment of emotional distress . Liam : What are you talking about ? ( Stammers ) Brooke : Liam , she followed you to Aspen to explain , and the next day , the very next day after she broke the engagement , you re -- you re marrying Steffy ? Liam : No , no , dont-- do nt say it like that , okay ? Brooke : ( Sighs ) Liam : Steffy was ready to commit to me . Hope was not . Brooke : Right , because Hope saw you and Steffy kissing . That s why she broke off the engagement . She saw both of you kissing in the car the night of the bachelor party while she was there preparing for the most romantic night of your life , her life . Liam : ( Stammers ) You re s -- okay , okay . You re saying-- Brooke : Yes , I m telling you she was ready . Liam : ( Sighs ) Brooke : She was ready to move in . She figured you two were as married as any two people could ever be , and she wanted to give herself to you . You could have been with Hope that night . Pam : Well , wait , Honey . You just got here . Stephen : Well , I know . I know . I do nt want to be late for my appointment . I - I could have called you on the phone and told you that I booked the honeymoon , but I was so excited for you to see this . Pam : Well , you re not the only one who s excited now . Stephen : And it was another excuse to see you . Pam : Mm . Stephanie : ( Sighs ) Jackie : Yeah , Nicky . He d better keep his feet off my desk . That s all can say . ( Chuckles ) Eric : ( Laughs ) Jackie , look , I do nt want to impose . I just want to , uh , I want to be sure you understand how grateful I am . Jackie : Oh , thank you . And I m -- I m just really glad you re here , Eric . It reminds me that I m not as alone as I feel . Eric : ( Chuckles ) Well , you have lots of friends . Jackie : Oh , yeah . Eric : Stephanie and I will help you get through this . Jackie : Stephanie . Oh , when I think of what she s had to contend with , I mean , how can I even complain about what I m going through ? Eric : We had some good news with her last checkup . Jackie : You did ? Really ? Eric : Yep . The tumors appear to be gone . Jackie : Oh , that is so , so good . Oh , you must be really relieved . Eric : Yes . Jackie : Yeah . Having someone as loving and supportive as you-- she is so lucky . Eric : You want to tell her that ? Jackie : I m sorry if I ve misspoken . I mean , everything s all right between you and Stephanie , is nt it ? Thomas : So I m not worried about Steffy . I m her brother . I ve survived her looks of death before . Hope : Yeah . ( Sighs ) Me , too . I m just really tired of it . Thomas : It s gon na get better . Hope : ( Sighs ) Well , it ca nt get any worse , so ... ( Sighs ) Thomas : ( Sighs ) Let Liam go . It was nt meant to be . Liam : So Hope followed us . Brooke : Yes , to explain what happened , and to convince you that your love could survive this , and it can . It s never too late . Liam : ( Sighs ) I did nt even realize the gondola was stopped . Brooke : Right , because Steffy was juggling knives , or doing cartwheels , or whatever she had to do to keep you looking away . I m sure she was terrified that you would see Hope . Liam : No , Steffy did nt know that Hope was there , either . Brooke : She orchestrated it . Liam : Oh , come on , Brooke . Brooke : She knew ... Liam : Come on . ( Scoffs ) Brooke : That Hope was going to be at the top of the mountain to meet you , and she had that gondola stopped . Liam : H - how , Brooke ? There s no way ? Brooke : I - I do nt know . I do nt know how she did it , but I m absolutely convinced that she did . Do nt you see it , Liam ? ( Sighs ) This has changed Hope . She s not the same person . I do nt even recognize her . That is what your wife has done . So you tell me , did you go to the top of the mountain the day after your engagement fell apart to marry Steffy or to see Hope ? I think we both know the answer to that . You married the wrong woman . Stephanie : It s nice to see the way you and Stephen are . You ve got such a nice physical connection . I ca nt give that to Eric anymore . Pam : Wh - what do you mean ? You mean , you two arent-- Stephanie : No . That s what I ve been trying to tell you . Pam : Oh . Well , but , Steph , Honey , you have been battling cancer . Stephanie : ( Sighs ) Pam : I - I - I ca nt believe that Eric really has expectations in the bedroom right now . Stephanie : Honey , he s a man . Come on . Pam : Well ... Stephanie : He s made it very clear that he wants to be intimate again and I ... ( Sighs ) I ca nt explain it . I just ... I have absolutely no interest . I d like to be there for him . I wish I could just snap my fingers and be in the mood , but I ... I just have no interest , absolutely none . Pam : ( Sighs ) Stephanie : What am I gon na do ? Pam : ( Sighs ) Jackie : Eric , you and Stephanie-- you re both okay , are nt you ? Eric : We butt heads once in a while , but I think that s part of what makes us work . Jackie : I guess some couples really are Till death do us part . Eric : I suppose so . Hope : ( Sniffles ) I m sorry . I should nt be crying on your shoulder . Thomas : No , that s okay . I do nt mind . Really . Hope : ( Sighs ) Thomas : Look , you re going through a hard time . I m here if you ever need to talk . Hope : ( Sighs ) Steffy : Hi . Brooke : I just came from seeing Liam . He needed to know the truth . Steffy : Okay , the truth ? Hope : About why his marriage to you is such a big mistake . Liam : I love you , hope Logan , and I ll always love you . Liam : Hope ? I spoke to your mom . Is it true ? Stephanie : Did you see Jackie ? Eric : Yes , yes , I did . Stephanie : How is she ? Eric : Surprisingly well , actually . Stephanie : She s a remarkable woman . Eric : Yeah , she is . So are you . I have so much respect for you , Stephanie . Everything you ve been through this past year emotionally and physically and-- and -- and -- and ... I m sorry . I - I do nt want to ask more of you than-- than you re able to give . I - I-- Stephanie : Eric , I wish we were at the same point in our lives with our needs and our desires , if for no other reason than for you . Eric : No , it-- it s not just about desire . It s ... it s about warmth , and-- and it s about connection , and -- and it s the touch , wanting the touch of ... of the woman I love . You know that s what I was saying , that I m so much more than that . You know I -- that s what I was saying the other night . Stephanie : I understand . Is that enough for now that I understand and that I ll try ? Eric : You ll try ? Stephanie : Eric , obviously , I m having some real issues with intimacy at this point in my life . It is nt that I do nt want to be intimate with you , I - I mean , and be passionate and -- and close again . It s just that I ... ( Sighs ) These are the golden years of our lives . Here we are together . I do nt want it to be filled with tension and disappointment for you . I want to be the partner that you need . I do . It s ... Be patient with me . Eric : I love you . I want to be the partner that you want . Of course , I ll be patient . And that you understand ... that s enough for now . Steffy : I am sorry you do nt want me to be married to Liam . But I am . Brooke : He s your husband by default , only Hope did nt default . She was there that night ready to move in with Liam to surprise him , right after the bachelor party , and then she saw you and Liam kissing in the car . Oh , you did nt know that ? That s why she left the ring . That s why she broke off her engagement . But she realizes that she overreacted . Her feelings for Liam have nt changed , and he knows that now . He knows everything . Hope : What did my mom tell you ? Liam : Everything . Hope : I was ready . I was ready to move in with you and to be with you . But , when I saw you kissing Steffy ... ( Sniffles ) I do nt know , Liam . I do nt know . Everything just got so messed up in my head . All that time that I was waiting for you to get home , and I was preparing our night ... You were with her . Liam : It was nt like that , but ... yeah . Hope : I felt sick and betrayed and hurt and angry . And , Liam , I know that I should nt have given you back your ring but in that moment , that was all I could do . And I overreacted . I - I know that I overreacted . But I did nt realize that until the next day when I went to your place . I went over there just to talk to you , and ... and you were already engaged to her . And you were flying off to Aspen . And I did everything I could to get to you . I flew to Aspen for you , and I tracked you down , and I was-- I was on my way up the mountain , and --and the damn gondola stopped . It just stopped . Liam : You had to watch ... Hope : One day ... I am ready to begin my life with you . And the next , you re marrying Steffy . I think that it is the hardest thing that I have ever gone through . ( Sighs ) Liam : I thought I got the message wrong , you know ? I thought that I went up there for nothing . And then Steffy showed up , and I was so confused and ... Hope : Wait . You were nt there to get married ? You were there to meet me ? ### Summary:
Pam is ecstatic that Stephanie s tumors have not returned . She is sure Eric is over the moon and wants to celebrate . Stephanie laments that he wants something more . She is nt sure that is what she can give him . He s made it clear that he wants to be intimate again and she d like to be there for him , but she has no interest in that at all anymore . With the loft available again , Jackie tells Nick that she is going to buy it and move back in , memories and all . Eric stops by . He tells Jackie that he and Stephanie will help her get through this difficult period without Owen . She inquires if everything is all right between the two of them . Later Eric tells Stephanie that he will be patient with her in their golden years . She admits she wants to be intimate with him , but she ca nt right now . Brooke explains to Liam that Hope saw him and Steffy kissing the night of his bachelor party and she broke off their engagement . She then realized she overreacted and followed him to Aspen to tell him so . It s never too late ; their love can survive . It s simple ; he married the wrong woman . Steffy asks Hope to keep Brooke away from her as she is trying to ruin her marriage . Hope cries on Thomas s shoulders . Brooke visits Steffy and confesses to her that she just saw Liam and told him the truth . She won Liam by default and he knows that now . Liam comes by Forrester s and asks Hope if what her mother said was true . She admits she was ready to move in with him and really be with him until she saw him kissing Steffy . She felt hurt and angry and betrayed . Maybe it was wrong of her to suddenly give back his ring , but in that moment that is all she could do . She grabs him and kisses him when she realizes he did not go to the mountain to marry Steffy , but to meet Hope .
"\n <s>### Instruction:\n You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to (...TRUNCATED)
"Kristen and Xander checked on the guy in the wheelchair . Brady was still passed out on the floor .(...TRUNCATED)
"\n <s>### Instruction:\n You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to (...TRUNCATED)
"Victoria told Alyssa that Adam was never going to publish her story and that he d used the evidence(...TRUNCATED)

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