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<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Thorne : Hello ?
Stephanie : Hi , honey . Are you okay ? You did nt come into work today .
Thorne : I worked from home . Did nt Dad tell you that ?
Stephanie : Well yes . Actually , he did . It s -- look , I -- I m not happy about the way we left things yesterday .
Thorne : Well , mother , you re the one who stormed out of the office .
Stephanie : I m sorry .
Thorne : For what ? Storming out of the office ? Or for humiliating Brooke and Donna on national television ?
Stephanie : Why do nt you come over and have dinner tonight ? We can talk it out .
Thorne : I ca nt .
Stephanie : Oh , that s right . You ve got plans . I should know that because Alexandria s staying with us . Well just come over for a little bit because I want to clear the air between us .
Thorne : Mother , I m going out of town .
Stephanie : Where ?
Thorne : Look , you have my cell phone number if there s an emergency , okay ?
Stephanie : You re not going alone you ? Because I m concerned about you .
Thorne : No , Mother . Do nt worry . I wo nt be alone .
Donna : Thorne said I could book a hotel anywhere I wanted .
Jackie : Las Vegas ? Did you book a wedding chapel as well ?
Donna : You never know what could happen in Vegas .
Jackie : No , Donna . You ca nt seriously be considering marriage ?
Donna : What ? You do nt think I m good enough for Thorne ?
Jackie : You do nt love him .
Donna : I can make Thorne happy . And I can be a good mother to Aly .
Jackie : But will you be happy ?
Donna : All the time . Especially at every Forrester family dinner , seeing the rage on Stephanie s face .
Jackie : Revenge ?
Donna : She should have treated my sister with more respect . Stephanie was lucky to have her in the family . Now she could end up with me .
Nick : Mother !
Jackie : Nicky ?
Nick : I came back early . Hi , Donna . We got to respond to what Stephanie said on this Rich Ginger Show . Talk about it in your office . Let s go .
Jackie : Right behind you . Donna , please . Let me and Nicky deal with Stephanie .
Donna : You already took her company from her , Jackie . That did nt stop her . Now Stephanie s taken the most precious thing in my sister s life . I think it s time she found out what it feels like .
Stephanie : Sweetheart , I have to talk to you about your brother .
Ridge : Well that s got ta wait . Cause Brooke s gon na come over and see the kids .
Hope / R.J. : Mommy !
Stephanie : Well should nt she be here already ?
Ridge : It s a good thing she s not . Because you two little munchkins need to go up and get cleaned up . Go on up . Make sure your brother uses soap this time .
Stephanie : Why do nt you call Brooke ? She might have fallen asleep in the car again .
Ridge : You do not want to have that conversation with me .
Stephanie : Oh , are you still annoyed about the TV show ?
Ridge : You went too far , mother . How do you think R.J. and Hope would react if they heard their grandmother talking about their mother that way ?
Stephanie : Well I ve never said anything about their mother in front of them . And I never would . Honey , you ve got to admit it -- Brooke is having problems .
Ridge : For that she deserves a little sympathy and support . She does not deserve to be ridiculed in front of the press .
Stephanie : You re not feeling sorry for her , are you ?
Donna : Are you sure that will give the driver enough time to get to LAX ? Okay . All right , thanks . Brooke ? I did nt know you were coming in today .
Brooke : I m on my way over to see the kids .
Donna : Well I wish I could come with you . Give Stephanie another target while you enjoy your children .
Brooke : You re going out of town ?
Donna : Just for the night . But you know how to reach me if you need me .
Brooke : I m okay , Donna .
Donna : I still wish I had nt moved out of your house .
Brooke : I ll be fine .
Donna : You will be . One of these days Stephanie s gon na regret messing with the Logan sisters . You ve got my word on that .
Brooke : Oh , you better get that . I m gon na stop by and see Nick . I heard he s back in town .
Donna : Okay .
Brooke : Okay , bye .
Donna : Hello , there . Are you ready to go ?
Thorne : I ca nt wait . Where are we headed ?
Donna : Vegas , baby .
Thorne : Oh -- you feeling lucky ?
Donna : Yes , I am .
Nick : Come on now , Jarrett . We all know that Brooke Logan is one of the most successful executives in the fashion industry . We here at Forrester Creations feel very lucky to have her . Matter of fact , I have so much confidence in her , I ve asked her to move up to designer . How s that for a scoop ? You know , if the Forresters think that they had a nightmare with her when she was working at Forrester Originals -- she s gon na have them screaming in their dreams now that she s working for us . Well look at you . You look good . All your bruises have healed .
Brooke : After that little speech you gave Jarrett -- I ve forgotten all about them .
Nick : I let the cat out of the bag .
Brooke : Well , you had to take the spotlight off Stephanie somehow .
Nick : Can you believe that woman ? Thought she d learned after what she did to my mother .
Brooke : She learned how to put a velvet glove over that iron fist .
Nick : still does nt take the pain away from the beating , does it ?
Brooke : I feel okay today . Your DVD helped . The one with the children .
Nick : Good . I know it s not like seeing them in person .
Brooke : I have a visitation later today .
Nick : Oh , that reminds me . I got them some gifts while I was gone .
Brooke : Oh , you re kidding , and you did nt have to do that .
Nick : No , I did . I did .
Brooke : I ca nt tell you what it means to me . You never forget my children , even now when you re expecting one of your own .
Nick : Oh , that reminds me -- I think my expectant wife is expecting me at home .
Brooke : Oh , okay . I better go , too . I do nt want to keep the kids waiting .
Nick : Right . Listen , you just keep doing what you re doing . You ll have those kids back in no time .
Stephanie : I was just expressing concern for my grandchildren .
Ridge : By badmouthing their mother ?
Stephanie : Well let me ask you -- what do you think of Brooke s recent behavior ?
Ridge : I would nt call her unstable .
Stephanie : Why ? Because you d hurt her feelings ?
Ridge : That s really what you re most worried about it , is nt it ? My concern for Brooke .
Stephanie : No , I -- I think you have a chance here with someone like Ashley . I also think she d be wonderful with those children .
Ridge : Oh , you mean if we got married and the judge awarded me full custody ?
Stephanie : I just want the children raised in a stable home .
Ridge : Brooke can apply that just as well as I can , mother .
Stephanie : Until the next fellow comes along and turns her life upside down . She does nt have you . For God sakes , she s already picked up some guy in a bar . She s reckless when she s lonely , you know that . Do you want those two children raised the same way Rick and Bridget were ? In emotional turmoil . I do nt want that . Why should I when I know that they can safe and secure living with you .
Taylor : Surprise !
Nick : Hey ! Hi . I was just coming home to surprise you .
Taylor : Well I anted to surprise you first . I knew you would probably get tied up here . I could nt wait . I missed you . I missed you so much .
Nick : Hey , I think I missed you , too .
Ridge : So you do nt think Brooke s time away from Hope and R.J. has taught her anything ?
Stephanie : Not if she s still blaming me for all of this .
Ridge : She s seeing a therapist , mother . She s dealing with her issues .
Stephanie : Well she needs to . Look , she s always been emotional and erratic . Ever since we first met her when she first walked into our lives . But honey , if history repeats itself , and it usually does , I think she s just got a whole lot of problems she has to face .
Ridge : She s getting control of herself , okay ?
Stephanie : Ridge , you re taken and so is Nick . That means that she s alone again . And that s the thing she s most afraid of . That s when she s -- she s the most dangerous to herself and everyone else around her .
Ridge : That would be your cue to go . Hey .
Stephanie : Late again .
Ridge : Mother s just leaving .
Brooke : Good .
Ridge : Come on in .
Hope : Mommy !
R.J. : Mommy !
Brooke : Oh , my babies , my babies . How are you ? It s so good to see you .
Ridge : Come on . Let s go over and show mommy all the pictures you ve taken .
Brooke : Oh , did you draw a lot ? They drew a lot , right ? Let me see .
Ridge : How many did you draw ?
Hope : A ton !
Brooke : A ton ? I knew it . Oh my gosh , look at this .
Nick : Whoa ! Whoa , whoa . You re bigger .
Taylor : What ? What are you doing ?
Nick : No , seriously . Look at that . You ve grown .
Taylor : Oh , stop it .
Nick : Come on . I m serious . This is definitely a difference there . He is growing like gangbusters --
Taylor : Okay , well our boy might be a girl and probably what you re feeling is that I m a little bloaty because I ate a chili cheese dog for lunch .
Nick : Chili cheese dog ? You re serious ?
Taylor : It s a craving thing .
Nick : Well then it s a boy . If you crave a chili cheese dog , it s a boy . I hear you in there . I know you missed me , buddy . I missed you , too . Did I mention that ?
Taylor : You think I m upset , do nt you ?
Nick : Why would you be upset ?
Taylor : Well , because you did nt come straight home . You came to the office first .
Nick : Yes , I did come to the office first . I m sorry .
Taylor : No , it s okay . I get it , I get it . Especially after what Stephanie did on The Rich Ginger show . I know that demanded an immediate response .
Nick : Did you give her one ?
Taylor : Well , I would have . But I think I ve learned my lesson on confronting Stephanie or talking to her about anything -- especially concerning Brooke .
Brooke : Oh , R.J. Did this ? Ok , well who did this one ? That s sweet . I got something for you . I asked the man at the art store what would be the best pencils to use , what the famous artists use and they said this .
Ridge : I bet that ll go great with that fancy paper Ashley brought you .
Hope : Thank you ! They re just what I wanted .
Brooke : Oh , you re welcome , sweetheart .
Ridge : Hey , this is your time with your mommy . She misses you so much . Maybe I ll just make myself scarce and you guys can play together .
Brooke : Well , why do nt we all do something ?
R.J. : Like play a game !
Brooke : Yeah !
Ridge : You want to ?
Brooke : That s great .
Ridge : Okay . Well go upstairs , find a game you want to play and we ll be up in a minute .
Brooke : Okay . See you soon .
Hope : Come on , R.J.
Brooke : Ashley ?
Ridge : Yeah .
Brooke : You forgave her ?
Ridge : I wish she was more up - front with me about the thing with Rick . But she and I were nt dating then and Rick and Phoebe were broken up then . What about you ? Seeing anybody ?
Brooke : No , my focus is on the children . That s my top priority .
Ridge : Well I m sure you ll get back into the swing of things as soon as this custody issue is all settled . You ll probably start dating again .
Brooke : My self - esteem s taken quite a beating lately . I ca nt imagine what kind of man would want to date me right now .
Donna : I hope you brought your swim trunks because there are four pools in this casino .
Thorne : I thought we d try the one that s clothing optional .
Donna : Where ?
Thorne : Right there . European style bathing .
Donna : Ah -- that does sound exciting .
Thorne : Mm - hmm . Or we could just stay in the room and explore all the exciting things in here .
Donna : Oh , Thorne .
Thorne : Donna .
Donna : I am just so happy -- being here with you .
Thorne : Yeah , this was a good idea .
Donna : Getting away . Just the two of us .
Thorne : Yeah . Yeah , I needed this . Donna ? What s wrong ?
Nick : You re not feeling guilty about this , are you ?
Taylor : Well , you know , she did lose her children because of the things that I said in court .
Nick : Oh , come on . It s not like you wanted to be there . You were subpoenaed .
Taylor : No , I know , but I still feel badly for Brooke . I know she loves her children .
Nick : And by the time she talks to the cps agent , she will be able to tell her , with confidence , that one , she started a new job . She has a commitment to her new life as a mother and a professional . She s getting healthier . Everything will be better .
Taylor : Unless Stephanie keeps trying to throw a wrench in things , which is obviously part of her plan .
Nick : Well that s always --
Taylor : And given that performance --
Nick : And I understand . We know that s part of it . She s always going to try to get Brooke off balance .
Taylor : Yeah , and that s an added benefit for her .
Nick : Added benefits . I think I need an added benefit right now . If I was in my right mind , I would take my wife home to bed .
Taylor : That s a good idea .
Nick : It is a good idea .
Taylor : But first , I have an appointment at the hospital .
Nick : They have beds there , do nt they ? Do nt they ?
Maitre d : Yes , I ll tell Mr. Johnson right away . Thank you . One moment Mrs. Forrester .
Stephanie : Thank you .
Maitre d : Greg , would you please tell Andy Johnson that his party is running 15 minutes late . He s sitting over there at the bar . Right this way Mrs. Forrester .
Stephanie : Thank you , Bill . Bill , why would the name Andy Johnson seem familiar to me ?
Maitre d : I m not sure ?
Stephanie : Is it somebody who s here locally in politics or --
Maitre d : Well , I believe he s a lawyer here in town .
Stephanie : Oh , well maybe that s it .
Maitre d : Come right here .
Stephanie : Thank you .
Maitre d : You re welcome . I will send a waiter over right away to get your drink order .
Stephanie : Thanks Bill .
Maitre d : Enjoy .
Andy : I thought it was her sister . [ Laughing ] Oh , geez --
Stephanie : Hello , Mr. Johnson . May I buy you a drink ?
Andy : Well no , thank you very much . I m waiting for someone . But -- do we know each other ? How do you know my name ?
Stephanie : I think we have a mutual acquaintance .
Andy : Huh .
Stephanie : Brooke Logan .
Andy : No , I do nt know any Brookes .
Stephanie : Sure ? Jog your memory . Come on now -- couple of weeks ago . I think the two of you ended up in a hotel together . She has your name on a cocktail napkin . Phone number , too .
Andy : The hot blonde ? Ah --
Stephanie : That would be here .
Andy : Yeah , yeah . No . No , I spilled a drink on her and I have nt heard or seen her since .
Ridge : Logan , hold on .
Brooke : I said good - bye to the kids . I really should go .
Ridge : Do you want me to talk to child protective services and see if they ll extend your visits ?
Brooke : I just need to play by the rules until my next evaluation .
Ridge : It wo nt be like this forever .
Brooke : Well , it could be if your mother has anything to say about it .
Ridge : Yeah well , she does nt .
Brooke : She certainly had a lot to say last night .
Ridge : If my father and I had known what she was going to do , we never would have let her go on that damn show .
Brooke : She was deliberately trying to provoke me .
Ridge : Logan , I wish I could promise that it was nt going to be like this again .
Brooke : I wish you could , too . Because she s really pushing me to the edge . And I m doing everything I can to try to hold myself together . It would really be nice if you could talk to her and tell her to stop interfering in my life .
Andy : Peter , get this young lady whatever she wants .
Bartender : The usual Mrs. Forrester ?
Stephanie : Thank you , Pete . You know , there s really no reason for us to play games . We re both sophisticated people . Brooke is a beautiful woman and you re a very attractive fellow .
Andy : And you care about all this because ?
Stephanie : Well , she s my ex - daughter - in - law . She s going through a very rough patch , and I was just thinking that maybe you should get to know her better . You are just her type .
Brooke : She wants to destroy me , Ridge . I m begging you , do nt let her .
### Summary:
| Stephanie has second thoughts and tries to make amends with Thorne for what she said or how she stormed out of the office yesterday . She invites him over for supper , but he declines saying he already had plans .and no not alone . Donna shares her plans with Jackie about Thorne . You never know what s going to happen in Vegas , and she d love to wake up every day to see the look on Stephanie s face . Nick wants to get right with it counterbalancing what Stephanie said on the Ginger Rich Show . He fills in the press on Brooke now working back with him . He tells Brooke just to keep on doing what she is doing , she will have her kids back before long . Ridge makes ready for the kid s playdate with their mother . Stephanie wants them safe and secure living with him , and if that means marrying Ashley , well .she s afraid if history repeats itself with Brooke , she s alone again and the most dangerous . Donna tells Logan that one day Stephanie will regret messing with the Logan sisters , she can bet on that . Nick and Taylor discuss Brooke getting her life back together if Stephanie will only allow that to happen . Thorne has more than Vegas brochures on his mind . While at Café Russe , Stephanie hears the name of Andy Johnson and recalls that he is the guy who ran into Brooke a while back . She introduces himself and makes a big deal that Brooke kept his name on a cocktail napkin , phone number too . She s her ex - mother - in - law and Brooke has just gone through a very rough patch and she just wants to see her get her life back together , and she d like to see the two of them get to know each other better . She thinks he is just her type ! Brooke pleads with Ridge to please not let Stephanie destroy her again . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Babe : Richie , are nt -- are nt you supposed to be in the --
Richie : Hospital Psych ward ? Come on , you know I do nt belong there .
Babe : Well , what did you do ? Did you break out ?
Richie : Just please tell me I can hide out here .
Babe : Ok -- no , I m sorry , I --
Richie : No , Babe , do nt believe what Ryan and Annie said . I -- you ca nt really think that I d intentionally drive my sister to murder me ?
Babe : Oh , ca nt I ?
Annie : Who are you calling ?
Ryan : I m calling Derek . With your brother on the loose , I want to make sure the Pine Valley P.D. have got you covered .
Annie : No , no . Ryan , do nt . I want Richie to find me .
Ryan : You what ? Are you crazy ?
Annie : My brother wants me to kill him ? He s about to get an early Christmas present .
Adam : Who was that ?
Krystal : Donald Sager , the best attorney on the East Coast . He is ferocious when it comes to protecting a mother s rights , and he has agreed to see me tomorrow morning in New York .
Adam : Well , good . I m -- I m glad you re coming around to my way of thinking .
Krystal : No . No , Adam , I am not fighting that way , not that kind of ugly . This is my attorney , and I am calling the shots .
Adam : Well , I m sure your attorney knows his stuff , but I still think you d have a better chance of keeping Jenny if you let me lead this fight .
Krystal : No , Adam , this is my battle .
Adam : I just want to help .
Krystal : No . I know , and I know you re worried about me , but listen to me . I am going to win this . There is no way that Tad is going to take my little girl away from me .
Father Clarence : Hello , Tad . Nice to see you again .
Tad : Father Clarence ? Huh . This is that chapel ? Wait a minute , what d you do , move it ? I mean , this -- well , it was nt here -- last year -- forget it , never mind .
Father Clarence : Well , what brings you by ?
Tad : I -- I saw your lights . I thought I d ask for directions . See , my daughter , she -- you can see , she s a little colicky . She gets a little fussy , so I drive her around . It seems to sooth her , but I -- I guess I got lost .
Father Clarence : Happens to the best of us . Hello , Jenny .
Tad : How do you do that ? Yeah , with the -- the names ?
Father Clarence : Let s see if we ca nt get a smile back on your face . And while we re at it , let s get one on Jenny s face , too .
Adam : No , I ca nt let her go through this alone . No .
Erica : Krystal almost killed me .
Kendall : They just do nt look like the blue prints to this place .
Aidan : No , it s a bomb shelter , designed in the 1960s .
Kendall : It is ? Well , was it even built ?
Aidan : Well , I do nt know . I mean , there s no way to tell , is there ? Let s see what else is in here .
Kendall : Yeah , yeah . What is that ?
Aidan : This is a map of the acreage surrounding this place .
Kendall : Ok , all right . And look -- look right there . Look at where it s circled .
Aidan : Kendall , we should have found this before . If this bomb shelter does exist , well , then this is exactly where it is on this land , right here .
Kendall : Aidan , do you know what this means ? This means that Zach and Greenlee could be in there . They could be in there !
Richie : I do nt know where else to go . They ve backed me into a corner .
Babe : See , it s -- it s never your fault , is it ? Just like it s never Annie or Ryan s fault , and you re all the victims , and I m finding it hard to believe any of you .
Richie : Just please , let me stay here for a few days ? I swear I wo nt bother you .
Babe : No , Richie . No , I wo nt break the law that way . Maybe if it was just me , but -- but I have a little boy . You ca nt stay here .
Richie : You re right . You re right , I m sorry . I was nt thinking .
Babe : Oh , my God -- are you ok ?
Richie : Yeah , I m -- I just -- I do nt --
Babe : You re shaking .
Richie : I ll be ok . I ll be ok .
Babe : No , just come --
Richie : I m fine , I m up , ok ?
Babe : Come inside for a second . Come inside .
Richie : No , you re right . I should nt be here . I m fine . Look , I ll be ok . I can do this .
Babe : No , Richie , you do nt look like you re -- you re doing ok . Just come sit down .
Richie : Ok . I m sorry . I m sorry . Uh -- thank you .
Babe : Listen , do nt be . It s temporary , ok ? I m going to call the paramedics till you get back to the hospital .
Richie : No , do nt , Babe , do nt .
Babe : No , Richie , do nt you . I -- I m sick of your games . Either you tell me the truth , or you go back to that padded cell . So what s it going to be ?
Annie : He said that we would all never be safe until he was dead . You , me , Emma .
Ryan : Annie , you are safe , ok ? You kill him , and you wo nt be anymore . Listen to me -- you re not going to go anywhere near Richie . Look , we re going to let the police catch him , and they ll handle this , ok ?
Adam : I m sure she did nt see you .
Erica : Oh , well , of course , I would expect you to defend her . I heard that you two are back together again . So repulsive . Yes , Pine Valley . I need the number of the Pine Valley Limousine Service , please .
Adam : Erica , I can drive you home .
Erica : I do nt want any favors from you . Yes , I am at -- no , no . Wait , wait . No , no , no -- wait , wait -- ugh . Put me on hold .
Adam : Yes , well , while you re waiting , may I remind you that you re the one that suggested I forgive Krystal ?
Erica : I was just trying to prevent you from having another heart attack , Adam .
Adam : Yeah , you said that -- that Krystal held the key to my heart .
Erica : You know what ? I deeply regret anything nice I might have accidentally said about Krystal Carey , especially after what she just did to me tonight -- and what she s doing to Tad .
Adam : What she s doing ? Tad was so jealous that she chose me , that he s trying to steal her child .
Erica : Oh , you mean like you did ?
Adam : I deeply regret what I did to Jenny .
Erica : Oh , ha . That s hilarious . Hello , hello ? Is anyone there ? Hello ?
Adam : I ve learned from my mistakes .
Erica : So that s why you re pushing Krystal to -- to take little Jenny from Tad all over again ?
Adam : I m not pushing Krystal to do anything .
Erica : Oh , come on . Adam , you have hated Tad since I ve known you -- passionately . Even more passionately than you feel about that woman who nearly smeared me all over the road tonight and killed me !
Adam : Well , that s absurd .
Erica : Actually , now that I think about it -- you may have married the wrong person . I think Tad might be your better half .
Tad : You know , Father , you got to admit , it s a little weird running into you like this . I mean , it seems to me I ran into you here last year at exactly the same time . As I recall , I was just about as festive as I am right now .
Father Clarence : Oh , well , last year , you needed to have forgiveness .
Tad : Among other things , yeah . Yeah , last year was -- well , it was last year . And to tell you the truth , the jury s kind of out on this year , too . But at least I ve got this little lamb chop with me .
Father Clarence : You re a wonderful father . May I ?
Tad : Uh -- yeah -- sure . Here you go .
Father Clarence : There we are . There we are . Ah - ah . Ah . Is it me , or is someone getting a little sleepy ?
Father Clarence : Yeah . All right ? Sweet dreams , little one . Yeah . There we are . Huh . Now , about these problems you believe you can solve on your own -- it seemed -- ah , what a coincidence . All rise . Court is now in session in the case of Martin vs. Carey .
Tad : Carey ?
Aidan : Looks like the bomb shelter was built in the fifth grid .
Kendall : Zach and Greenlee have to be there , Aidan .
Aidan : Yeah , and we ll soon find out .
Kendall : Please , God -- please let it be them , please .
Krystal : What is going on here ?
Tad : Do nt look at me . I m wondering the same thing .
Father Clarence : Come in , Krystal , and take a seat .
Krystal : He knows my name .
Tad : He knows everybody s name .
Father Clarence : That s a pity about your flat tire .
Krystal : He knows about the flat tire , too ?
Tad : What flat tire ?
Father Clarence : I m sure we can find somebody to help you with that .
Krystal : Where s Jenny ? Where --
Tad : She s -- she s in the manger here .
Krystal : What ? What is she doing in there ?
Tad : She s fine , ok ? Do nt overreact . She s perfectly happy .
Krystal : Well , that s not what I meant , Tad .
Tad : You know , she got fussy . What do you want me to say ? I took her out for a drive , I ended up here .
Krystal : You took her out for a drive , in this weather ? Oh , great .
Tad : I was being more than careful , ok ? The people in the slow lane were honking at me . They were cursing me , because I was being so ridiculously careful -- not that I have to explain myself to you .
Krystal : The hell -- excuse me . The hell you do nt have to explain to me . I am her mother .
Tad : Well , you might try acting like it .
Father Clarence : Not here !
Tad : I m sorry if I m surprised that you want an innocent child to have anything to do with that pile of moral sewage you re sleeping with .
Krystal : Oh , quit pinning everything on Adam , Tad .
Tad : Why should nt I ? Everything bad that s happened has happened because of Adam .
Krystal : Well , maybe you ought to take a little responsibility for some things yourself , Tad .
Father Clarence : Hold , hold -- do nt force me to use this .
Erica : I know the weather is bad , but you ca nt possibly be that backed up . I -- all right , fine . Ugh !
Adam : You know that little ha - ha joke you told about me and Martin walking down the aisle ? It s funny you should do that now , because I was just thinking to suggest that -- the same thing for you and Martin .
Erica : You re kidding . You know Tad and I are friends and nothing more .
Adam : Well , obviously , you re very concerned about his problems , and now that you and Jack are history -- now , come on , do nt tell me that you are still pretending to be on the outs for your public .
Erica : I have no desire to discuss Jack with you .
Adam : Ah . I was right . Yes . You re finished . I should have known , particularly with Greenlee missing and you loathing her the way you do .
Erica : I take no joy in what happened to Greenlee .
Adam : Of course , you do nt .
Erica : Do nt you dare make light of this situation , Adam . What happened is horrible ! And Zach is missing , too .
Adam : Oh , I m so broken up about that one .
Adam : Hmm .
Erica : Do I need to remind you that Zach is my son - in - law ?
Adam : Do I need to remind you that he stole almost everything I own ? I hope the man is dead and rotting in hell .
Aidan : Kendall , wait , look . Right here . See that ?
Kendall : Oh , please -- please --
Aidan : There s the handle there .
Kendall : Oh , my God ! Aidan -- Aidan , this is it ! This is it ! Ok , come on , come on .
Aidan : Are you ready ?
Kendall : We have to get it open . Be careful , be careful . Ok , go .
Kendall : Got it ?
Aidan : It s not moving .
Kendall : No ?
Aidan : No .
Kendall : Come on .
Aidan : It s iced over .
Kendall : Oh , God . Ok .
Aidan : Oh , man -- no , let me get the crowbar .
Kendall : Ok . Ok . Please , God . Please let it be them . Please let it be them .
Annie : You want a glass of wine ?
Ryan : No , actually , I do nt . I want to make sure that you got my message about Richie .
Annie : I do nt want to talk about Richie anymore .
Ryan : Neither do I , I do nt , but until I know that you re not going to take him up on his offer --
Annie : I just -- I just want this over , Ryan .
Ryan : So do I , Annie , I do . But killing him is not the way .
Annie : I have tried every other way . I spent my entire childhood trying to bond with my brother , trying -- trying to understand him , and I took that relationship to heart . I took that relationship to heart , because we were blood and we were family , and I wanted more than anything for us to be close . But -- but he took advantage of that , and -- and he turned it around so viciously .
Ryan : I know , I know , I know . I know he did , ok ? But those days are over . They re over . I promise you the end is in sight now , all right ? Look , the cops are going to find him , and they re going to lock him up , and then Richie is going to die in there , without assistance from anybody .
Richie : Annie and I have never been close , and her sending me to prison -- I blamed her for a long time . I still do . You see , I do nt have much time as it is , and Annie took away seven years of my short life for nothing .
Babe : So you came back here to get even with her ?
Richie : It s more complicated than that , but --
Babe : You know what , Richie ? You always say that . It s complicated . But whose life is nt ? You know , whatever the complicated stuff is -- whatever it is that brought you here , you need to let it go . You know you do nt have to stay here , Richie .
Richie : I ca nt leave .
Babe : Why not ?
Richie : Because you re here .
Tad : You want to know why I m suing her for custody , Father , I ll tell you . It s because I just do nt trust her with our daughter s safety .
Krystal : Oh , you re crazy --
Tad : No , he asked me a question , I m answering it , all right ? Seems to me you ve been putting your satisfaction ahead of her needs , plain and simple .
Krystal : Oh , really ? You can spend the night out , but I ca nt ?
Tad : Hey , you know what ?
Krystal : Is that what you re saying , it s a double standard ?
Father Clarence : Stop it ! Now , do nt force me to use this . Now , let me rephrase the question . What do you feel for your daughter ? Krystal ?
Krystal : I love her , of course .
Father Clarence : Why do you love her ?
Krystal : Because she s my daughter .
Father Clarence : I think the judge needs more specifics .
Krystal : Huh . Ok . How do you describe love for a child ? When I had Babe , I was very young . I had no money . I had no husband . So as hard as it was , none of that mattered . I loved that little girl from the first time I set eyes on her . And I was dirt poor . I mean , we did nt have anything , and so as much as I wanted to give her a little brother or sister , I knew I could nt . Babe grew up , and I did nt think I would ever have another child . Boy , has my life changed .
Krystal : And Jenny was born . When I looked at her , that same rush of love just fell over me . There s nothing else like it . You did that to me , Jenny girl .
Krystal : Hey .
Tad : Hey . What do you want ? What do you want ? Want your -- no , I do nt think she wants it . She -- well , I just , you know -- it s kind of funny . She did the same thing to me . Did nt you , peanut ? I ll never forget the first time I picked her up . I got that rush , you know ? Big old rush of feeling . It felt like -- I do nt know -- all the damage -- all those parts of me that were missing , you know -- pieces of my heart that chipped away over the years just sort of fell back into place . There s a God looking after us . He put me back together himself , just so I could look after you . Just so I could love you .
Erica : Wishing death on Zach ? Well , that s not only sickening and cruel , it s also stupid , considering that your son is the one who ran Zach down .
Adam : No , no . Hogwash .
Erica : Oh , yeah . I m sure you pulled some strings , Adam . But you wo nt be quite so jolly and glib when your son is arrested for manslaughter .
Adam : J.R. s done nothing wrong , and I can prove it .
Erica : Really ? And where is this proof , Adam ? I d really like to see it .
Adam : Oh , you will . Everybody will when the time is right .
Erica : My God , Adam , you say that you re sitting on this evidence that s going to clear your son . It could also give us a clue -- help Kendall find Zach . Wow , you are just more interested in orchestrating some custody battle just to save your marriage !
Adam : Well , you would nt know anything about pulling strings to save your marriage or one of your children . Do you remember that you asked me to get Greenlee committed , so she would nt bug Kendall so much ?
Erica : I have no idea what you re talking about .
Adam : Yeah , because Kendall beat you to the punch . You know , if it s true what I m hearing , that Kendall tried to pin those kidnapping charges on Greenlee , then the apple does nt fall very far from the tree , does it ?
Aidan : Come on . Come on !
Kendall : Oh !
Aidan : Ah , yes .
Kendall : Good , good . Thank God !
Aidan : No , stand back .
Kendall : Ok , all right .
Aidan : I m going to try and take this thing off .
Kendall : Ok . Come on . Be careful , be careful , Aidan . Come on . You got it ? You got it .
Aidan : Zach ! Greenlee !
Kendall : Zach ? Zach , are you down there ? I do nt know -- I do nt know .
Aidan : Give me the flashlight .
Kendall : I ca nt see . Here . Here . Ok , ok . Do you see anything ?
Aidan : It s them .
Kendall : What ? Zach ! Zach ! Zach , we re here , honey ! Zach , we re here ! We re coming to get you , ok ? Honey , we re here ! We re going to pull you up nice and safe , ok ? Oh , no , no , no , no , no , no , no . No , no . No , they re not . They ca nt be -- no , they re not .
Aidan : All right , we need to call an ambulance , Derek , Ryan . We need as much help out here as we can get .
Kendall : All right , ok . It s dead . Aidan , the phone is dead .
Aidan : It s dead ?
Kendall : Yes .
Aidan : Damn it . That s because of the storm .
Kendall : I do nt know . It was working yesterday .
Aidan : I do nt know . I mean -- I do nt think we can wait .
Kendall : Ok , you know what ?
Aidan : If there s no line , we have no time .
Kendall : Well , can we go -- can we go help them ourselves ?
Quentin : Hey . Well , what s going on ?
Kendall : Who are you ? Aidan , who is this ?
Aidan : Quentin -- this is Kendall Slater , Zach s wife .
Quentin : Looks like you found something .
Kendall : Yeah .
Aidan : Yeah , they re in the bomb shelter in the fifth grid . I do nt know whether they re alive or not . Are you in ?
Quentin : You know it . Let s go .
Aidan : We have to go now .
Kendall : Come on .
Aidan : Let s move .
Kendall : Got everything ? Let s go .
Tad : You know , Father , that moment Krystal was talking about -- the first time your child looks at you ? That s for real , man . That s true . I know . I ll never forget it . Because , you know , the doctors , they re there saying do nt make a big deal out of it , you know ? Because she s too young to know what she s looking at . Yes , you are . Or that her , you know , pupils are too new to focus on anything , but , yeah , we know differently , do nt we ? I ll never forget it . It speaks to you . It really does . Yeah . It cuts right through you . I swear , she knew who I was before she ever got here .
Tad : Yep . And you chose me anyway , because you had bad taste . No . Yeah . Sometimes , I swear , if she could -- if she could talk , she d say , You know , Pop , I know you re hurting , I know what you ve been through . But yesterday -- yesterday s over . Today , you got everything you re going to need . It s all going to be all right . Because I m here .
Krystal : I ll never forget how we both ended up in a room watching her sleep .
Tad : Yeah . Hard to believe that two such flawed people could make anything so perfect .
Krystal : And then when she d get fussy --
Tad : Like right now ?
Krystal : Tad would sing to her .
Tad : Oh , what , now you re going to accuse me of child abuse ?
Krystal : No , no , she loved it . She did .
Tad : Well , that s because she s got her daddy s tin ear , that s why .
Krystal : No .
Tad : Yeah .
Krystal : Oh . She s getting a little fussy right now , are nt you ? It s ok .
Krystal : Tad , why do nt you sing to her ?
Tad : What , are you high ?
Krystal : No , come on .
Tad : I m not going to sing to her .
Krystal : What ?
Tad : Not here .
Krystal : Please , Tad , come on .
Tad : Krystal , we re in a church .
Krystal : Tad --
Tad : Ok . Ahem .
Tad : You are my sunshine , my only sunshine ♪
Tad : You make me happy when skies are gray . You ll never know , dear , how much I love you . Please do nt take my sunshine away ♪
Ryan : Look , I know you re desperate to get rid of your brother . You ve reached your limit with him , and I get that , I honestly do , but with all the terrible things that he s done to us -- with all of them , he s never come close to destroying our love or our family . He ca nt , all right ? He never will .
Annie : I m so lucky to have you .
Babe : Now , why do nt you go take a hot bath , and I ll fix you something to eat ?
Richie : That sounds great . You wo nt -- you wo nt regret it .
Babe : There s an extra towel behind the door .
Aidan : You ready ?
Kendall : Go , go , come on . Come on . Come on , be careful .
Aidan : All right , give me some slack .
Quentin : Hey --
Kendall : Ok , careful , careful ! Careful . Come on , come on .
Aidan : All right .
Quentin : I got you .
Aidan : Ok , let s go .
Kendall : Please , please , please , please , please . Please let them be ok . Please let them be alive . Please let them be ok , please . Come on , hurry ! Zach , Aidan s coming down to get you ! You re going to be just fine . Just -- just hold on . Hold on , please .
Aidan : Quentin , I m almost there . Greenlee ? Greenlee -- I m almost down . I m down .
Kendall : Hold on , Zach , please ! Please , honey , hold on !
Aidan : Greenlee -- Greenlee -- Zach -- Greenlee , it s Aidan . Can you hear me ?
Kendall : Aidan , are they ok ? Tell me that they re ok , please !
Annie : Are you sure Ian woke you up ? You sure you did nt accidentally wake him up , because you re so excited about Christmas ? Hmm ?
Emma : I do nt think so , but maybe .
Annie : Oh , but maybe , right .
Ryan : Look who else is excited about Christmas . Hey , guys . Hey . Hey . What do you got there ?
Emma : Read us a story .
Ryan : Read you a story ? It sounds like a great idea . Look who I have here . You want to say hi to your little brother right here ? Ok . Yeah . Oh , that s nice . Yeah . Yeah , ok . Here we go . Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house , not a creature was stirring , not even a mouse .
Kendall : Aidan , will you please tell me something ? Is Zach alive ?
Aidan : I m checking ! Greenlee s got a pulse .
Kendall : Oh , thank God . Ok , all right , what about Zach ?
Aidan : Yeah , he does . But it s weak .
Kendall : He s alive . He s alive .
Quentin : Right , it s all right .
Adam : Want some eggnog ?
Erica : No .
Adam : It s nonalcoholic .
Erica : I hate eggnog .
Adam : Yeah , you hate me . It s Christmastime . We re alive , we re healthy . Come on , let s celebrate .
Erica : The only man I want to celebrate the holiday with is -- is Jackson .
Adam : Oh , well , ok . Well , you do nt just sit there looking sorry for yourself . Go tell him that you re sorry and that you ca nt live another day without him .
Erica : I do nt think it ll work . Not this time . He told me he does nt love me anymore .
Adam : Oh - ho . He is so full of it . Who are you ?
Erica : What ?
Adam : Who are you ? What s your name ?
Erica : Erica Kane .
Adam : Erica Kane . Ah . Do nt say it like that . Look , you re rich , you re beautiful , and you re powerful . Now , let s hear it again . Who are you ?
Adam : Who are you ? Who the devil are you ?
Erica : I m Erica Kane !
Adam : You re Erica Kane ! Good , you re -- and what does Erica Kane deserve ?
Erica : Whatever she wants !
Adam : You bet .
Adam : Well -- ya . Yeah , hello . Yeah , ok . It works . Your car is waiting outside , Erica Kane .
Adam : Now -- go . Go get Montgomery .
Erica : I will . Thank you , Adam . Oh , Adam , stay the hell away from Tad and his baby .
Tad and Krystal : You ll never know , dear how much I love you ♪
Krystal : Please do nt take my sunshine away ♪
Father Clarence : I have difficulty in understanding what the problem is here .
Tad : Come on , Krystal , what is it now ?
Krystal : He s right . You re a great daddy .
Krystal : Jenny s lucky to have you .
Tad : Well , she s lucky to have you . You re a fantastic mother . You re a lot better singer than I am .
Krystal : Tad , I do nt want to take Jenny from you .
Tad : I do nt want to take her away from you , either .
Aidan : Ok . Watch her , watch her --
Kendall : Be careful with her head .
Aidan : Watch her .
Kendall : Come on .
Aidan : It s ok , Greenlee .
Kendall : Ok .
Aidan : We got you now , darling . We got you now . Ok , she stopped breathing . Come here , darling .
Kendall : Come on , Aidan . Hey , hey -- my husband is still down there , I ve got to get him .
Quentin : Look , I can go , but I need Aidan s help with the --
Kendall : No , no , I will get him !
Quentin : But you do nt know what you re doing .
Kendall : No , listen to me . Zach is alone , ok , he needs me . Please -- do I have to climb down there myself ? Come on !
Quentin : All right .
Aidan : Six , seven , eight , nine , ten .
Krystal : The priest is gone .
Tad : Yeah , that s sort of how Father Clarence does things . He sticks around long enough for you to get the message and then just --
Tad : Poof . Come on , you .
Krystal : Well , watch her halo .
Tad : Oh .
Tad : I got her . Come on , monkey .
Krystal : You were right . I was putting myself first . Adam does nt belong anywhere near this little angel . From now on , I am going to do my best to keep her away from Adam , whatever it takes .
Tad : You got those custody papers I gave you ?
Krystal : Yeah .
Tad : Do me a favor . Give them back to me . I think I m going to shred them . Let s go back home . You and me and Mama . Time to go home . What is it ?
Krystal : I do nt know how these got in there .
Tad : What are they ? Let me see .
Tad : You know something ? This might be a godsend in more ways than one .
Adam : Krystal , will you call me back when you get this ? Yeah , I m worried about you , sweetheart . I ve called the airport . They said none of the flights are going to be taking off until the weather clears . So why are nt you answering your phone ?
Richie : Oh , wow . That was so great . You said something about a hot meal ? Why do nt you let me cook for you ? I m actually pretty good at it . Is something wrong , Babe ?
Ryan : Thanks for the call . Hey , Richie .
Aidan : 28 , 29 , 30 -- come on , Greenlee .
Aidan : Oh , baby , you re back .
Aidan : Thank God . I m so sorry . I love you . I love you . Quentin , we ve got her . We ve got her , man .
Quentin : Good . Now , get over here and help me out . Your friend went down the hole .
Aidan : Listen , man , they ve been digging down there . Surge walls are not stable , all right ? You need to get down there as soon as you can .
Kendall : Zach ? Zach , it s ok . You re ok , honey . You -- you re going to be ok . You re going to be ok . I m here . I m here for you , ok ? Ok , we re going to get you out of here . We re going to get you out of here , and then I m going to take you home to your boys , ok ?
Aidan : Kendall !
Kendall : Take you to your boys .
Ryan : I m taking you back to the Psych ward , Richie .
Father Clarence : Oops . Huh .
Joe : Code blue !
### Summary:
| Greenlee and Zach are asleep in their underground prison . Kendall finds the cylinder under the bed which contains the blueprints to the bomb shelter . Richie arrives at Babe s door . At first , Babe refuses to let him in because of her son , but Richie is so weak and cold that Babe asks him to come in . Tad lands on the doorstep of a church and is greeted by Father Clarence . Krystal is on the phone with a lawyer in New York who will help her fight for custody of her child . Adam offers to help , but Krystal insists on doing this herself . A flat tire brings Krystal to the same church as Tad where they express their love for their daughter . With Father Clarence s help , they realize that neither wants to take Jenny away from the other . Tad agrees to drop the custody lawsuit . Annie tells Ryan that she wants Richie to find her , so she can give him an early Christmas present by killing him , but Ryan discourages her from doing that . Aidan and Kendall find Greenlee and Zach underground . Aidan manages to get Greenlee to safety and revive her . Kendall goes down into the bomb shelter with Zach , who still remains unconscious . While Richie takes a shower , Babe calls Ryan who arrives to see Richie . Before Quentin can get Zach out of the bomb shelter , the walls start to crumble and debris falls on top of him and Kendall . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Carrie : That bad , huh ?
Rafe : It was supposed to get my mind off of things . Total failure . Sit .
Carrie : Could nt sleep . Decided to take a walk .
Rafe : Yeah , I thought I d get a little caffeine myself .
Carrie : [ Chuckles ] Whatever works .
Rafe : Hmm .
Carrie : So the book failed to get your mind off of ...
Rafe : How the hell we re gon na find Stefano . How to save hope . Assuming we re not already too late .
Eric : Hey , hope ! Hey , I got-- hope ? Hope ? Hope ? Hey , hey , hey . Oh , my God , you re burning up . Hey -- oh , my God . Hope , you hear me ? Hope ? Hope , you hang in there . You listen to me , do nt you die on me . Hope ! Hope , do nt die on me .
Nicole : Deimos would want me-- Deimos , call me back the second you get this message .
Dario : Deimos is dangerous . And when you re that dangerous , bad things happen . Stay away from Deimos .
Nicole : Okay , what is going on ?
Dario : Make other plans tonight . Stay away from Deimos .
Nicole : Where are you , Deimos ?
Deimos : I m doing great . Actually , could nt be better . Listen , I m gon na need you to sell some euro bonds for me once London opens . Hmm , about a half million , U.S. And then I m gon na want you to set up a wire transfer . Can you handle that for me ?
Dario : Well ? Yeah , I got him in sight .
Dario : Good . Do it fast . Do it smart and do it simple . No weapons . Snap his neck and walk away . You got it .
Deimos : [ Laughs ] Yeah , you do that .
Brady : It s a yes or no question . Is holly s biological mother actually Nicole ?
Chloe : Where in the world did this come from ?
Brady : Chloe , answer me . Is holly really Nicole and Daniel s baby ? Yes or no ?
Steve : Do nt move !
Kayla : Ahh ! Do nt shoot ! [ Both panting ] Surprise .
Steve : Oh , my God , sweetness ? [ Sighs ]
Chloe : Brady , it s no secret that I was trying to be a surrogate for Nicole and Daniel , but everyone knows it failed .
Brady : Deimos and I think that you tried a second time , and you did nt tell Nicole , and it worked .
Chloe : Deimos ?
Brady : Yeah .
Chloe : Dei -- so now you re listening to that guy ? Oh , my God , he s evil . You know that . Everyone knows that .
Brady : Chloe , we ve done our homework on this . I know the answer . I know it . I want you to have the respect to look me in the face and tell me the truth . Cause I guarantee if you do that , you re gon na save you and Nicole a hell of a lot of heartache .
Nicole : Deimos ?
Nicole : Oh , Juliet , it s Nicole . Please tell me where your boss is . You re Deimos secretary . Tell me where he is . A meeting ? Where ? Mandalay Cafe , Horton Town Square . Thank you very much .
Deimos : The number in there is to your new Swiss bank account . Enjoy your vacation . I really appreciate how quickly you were able to get me information on the key . If it s delivered as promised , you will see a massive increase in that account by next week . That is good to know . Thank you .
Deimos : Sure .
Justin : Deimos , we need to talk right now .
Deimos : You seem awfully intense .
Justin : You are leading this family into a war . A war that is totally unnecessary . You have to stop whatever it is you re doing right now .
Rafe : Half of me says go home , find hope , keep her alive , and then the other half says stay here , find Stefano . He s your best shot .
Carrie : For what it s worth , I think you and Steve are going to find Stefano .
Rafe : Yeah . But the thing is , if we do not get Stefano tomorrow ... the cops are bearing down on hope , it s -- everything could change in a heartbeat .
Carrie : It s just -- I m still so amazed . I mean , breaking out of Statesville ? Who does that ?
Rafe : It s not like she had a choice . She was already stabbed once . I just wish I knew if she was all right .
Carrie : Rafe , I know hope . When she broke out , I m sure she had everything planned down to the last detail . And my guess is she is executing that plan to a T.
Eric : What is going on ? What is going on with that wound ? What s going on with you ? Oh , my God , that infection s gotten worse . Oh , my God . Hope , can you hear me ? If you can hear me , open your eyes . Hope . Hope , just listen to me , it s Eric . I need you to stay conscious , okay ? Just stay conscious with me . Just stay with me , stay with me . What am I gon na do ? Oh , my God , what am I gon na do ? Am I gon na call an ambulance ? They ll send her back to that hellhole . Okay . Hope . I want you to stay in this bed and do nt move . I m gon na go get us some more supplies , all right ? Okay .
Chloe : Brady , whatever you think you know , you re wrong . Holly is my baby .
Brady : Of course she is . In one sense , Chloe . If you ll let me explain , Deimos and I , we both--
Chloe : Deimos and-- Deimos and I ? What , are you two best friends now ?
Brady : No no . Can I talk , please ? We did our homework on this , okay ? It all started when Philip contacted your mom and said that he wanted to keep everything secret from Nicole . Then he drugged Philip , kidnapped him and he was trying to get the truth--
Chloe : Oh , I heard , I heard what Deimos did to him . So you ve teamed up with a man who s capable of kidnapping and drugging his own nephew ? Brady , you re an addict . Do you honestly think it was okay for Deimos to do that to him ?
Brady : No . Not any more than I think it s okay for you to keep Nicole s baby from her .
Deimos : All right , Justin , here s the bottom line . This piece of technology that everyone wants so badly , it s ours , and it s gon na make us billions , if we re able to make it work . Which is why I just spent a sizeable amount to make sure titan has the tools to do exactly that .
Justin : Deimos , I understand sometimes businesses cut corners , use unconventional tactics to gain an advantage . But when death threats start flying , ships are sunk , it means it s time to rethink what you re doing !
Deimos : No , no , no . It s time for you to relax , Justin , okay ? I can handle anything that comes our way .
Justin : Really ?
Deimos : Yeah .
Justin : That might be hard to do if you re dead .
Steve : Did you really just fly 3,000 miles to see if I was okay ?
Kayla : I had to . You were shot . I love you , remember ?
Steve : I remember .
Kayla : There , now it s better . Everywhere you go , there s gunshots .
Steve : Yeah . Well , I learned something this time . Never get between Stefano and Anna DiMera .
Kayla : Yeah , she s had a sad life . Everything kinda fell apart after tony died .
Steve : Yeah , well , Tony s a lot closer than you might think . She carries his ashes around in an urn everywhere she goes . Pretty crazy , huh ?
Kayla : I do nt think it sounds crazy . I d do that with you .
Steve : Really ?
Kayla : No . But it sounds romantic .
Steve : I ll tell you what s romantic . My sweetness dropped everything and came all the way to Prague just to nurse my wounds , make sure I was okay . Reminds me of Stockholm .
Kayla : He s still heartbroken , but he was adamant that I come . He knew I needed to be here with you .
Steve : Here you are . Boy , I sure can get lucky sometimes , ca nt I ?
Kayla : Yeah , you can .
Steve : Oh .
Kayla : Let me just ease you over here to the recovery room .
Steve : Oh .
Hope : Rafe .
Rafe : Hope .
Hope : I m sorry . I m so -- I m so weak . Thank God you found me .
Rafe : I did more than that . We found Stefano . We found him , we brought him back to Salem , we put him in front of a judge , and he confessed to everything . You re free to go . I m taking you home . Come on . Hope , come on . You can do it . Just grab my hand . Take it , come on .
Hope : [ Groans ]
Rafe : Come on .
Hope : Rafe .
Brady : Chloe , come on , we know . We know . Philip finally answered one of the questions that Deimos asked him while he was drugged . You know what word slipped out of his mouth , Chloe ? Embryo .
Chloe : Like that means anything .
Brady : Deimos went back to the fertility clinic , and he saw the records that you had gone back in may . You did nt tell Nicole . You did nt want to get her hopes up . You did nt want to upset her . She was still grieving . And guess what , the second time , it took , did nt it ?
Chloe : Now you re just making things up .
Brady : And you carried the baby to term , and now she s sleeping right here .
Justin : People die in wars , Deimos . You ca nt just shrug this off .
Deimos : All right , let me put it this way . If ever there was a war , it s over . We have acquired an extremely promising technological innovation . Now the Hernandez family , the DiMeras , they may have had access to it at one time , but they could nt perfect it . Titan now has the means to do that .
Justin : I have to take this call . Do nt go anywhere . Yeah ?
Deimos : Nicole , what are you doing ? Why did you do that ? What s the matter with you ?
Eric : Hope ? Hey . Glad you stayed put . Would nt want you running off on me .
Hope : Rafe .
Eric : No , I m not Rafe . You imagined him . Listen , you got a terrible fever . Save your energy . Listen , a woman next door , she s a nurse . Her mother suffered from chronic pneumonia . There s a bunch of antibiotics laying around that I kinda helped myself to . The ends justify the means , right ?
Rafe : Well , hope s on my mind every minute . Believe me . All right , Shawn , well listen , if you hear anything else give me a call , okay ? Or anything at all . At least text me cause I m really on edge here , okay ? All right , thanks a lot , buddy .
Carrie : Any leads ?
Rafe : Well , no , we still do nt know where she s hiding , but Shawn did get an email saying hope was okay , so ...
Carrie : Really ? Well , that s great . I mean , if she was able to send an email , things are obviously working in her favor .
Rafe : Well , yeah , but the email it was -- it was anonymous , so ...
Carrie : Oh .
Rafe : We do nt know if she sent it .
Carrie : Well , thinking that someone is impersonating hope in an email is a stretch , right ?
Rafe : Yeah . Yeah , yeah , maybe you re right . She s -- she s probably okay .
Carrie : Rafe , I think you just -- you need to trust her . She s out there , she s doing what she has to do , and you re over here doing what you have to do , and together everything s gon na be okay .
Rafe : Hope to God you re right .
Deimos : Sweetheart . Sweetheart , why did you--
Justin : He s still alive .
Deimos : What s going on here ?
Justin : Hold on .
Deimos : Do you know this man ? Did he hurt you ? Did he attack you ?
Justin : Yeah , there s been a stabbing at Horton town square .
Deimos : Sweetheart , are you all right ?
Justin : Yeah , send an ambulance .
Deimos : Darling , talk to me . Look at me , right here . What happened ? Tell me what happened .
Justin : Uh , we need a-- a towel , please . He s bleeding badly .
Nicole : He -- he -- he-- he was gon na kill you . He had his -- he had his hands up .
Deimos : What ?
Nicole : He was -- he was coming behind you , and he was gon na strangle you or break your neck or hurt you or kill you , and I had -- had to stop him .
Deimos : All right , fine . Okay , all right .
Nicole : And the knife , it was -- it was right there , and I just grabbed it , and I had to do something before it was too late .
Deimos : Okay , all right , okay , I believe you . I believe you . Just -- just try to stay calm . Help is on its way , okay ?
Nicole : I know what I saw . I know what I saw , Deimos , and he was gon na kill you .
Deimos : Okay , shh , shh , shh . Come on , come here .
Dario : Come on , come on , come on . What the hell s going on ?
Dario : All right then . Mission accomplished .
Chloe : You know , for you to just come in here and browbeat me , how dare-- Excuse me , Miss Lane , I have your paperwork you need to sign .
Chloe : Uh , no , it s okay . I can sign it out there . I need you to show me where to sign , so let s -- Oh , no , no , no , no . I ve marked everything for you , cause once you sign , you re good to go .
Chloe : [ Sighs ] Great .
Brady : You know , denying it is not gon na change anything .
Chloe : You know what , Brady ? Why the hell are you in here bothering me if you do nt believe me ? Just go listen to Deimos .
Brady : Come on , Chloe , stop . Come on , come on . We ve been through too much together for you to do this . After everything , we are still friends and we re still good , so level with me , all right ? This is -- this is Nicole and Daniel s baby . Is nt it ?
Chloe : You do nt know that .
Brady : No , I do nt . And I ca nt prove it . Or I could have the nurse come back in here and draw a blood sample . That would be more preferable than a judge forcing it , would nt it ? I do nt want to go there , but I will . You know that I can make it happen . Come on .
Chloe : Okay , fine . I ll tell you . ( Vo ) if you have type 2 diabetes ,
Eric : How s my favorite aunt ?
Hope : Who are you ? No , I m kidding . Better .
Eric : Your fever must have broke . Antibiotics must be working .
Hope : How did you get-- what -- a doctor ? How ?
Eric : No , just taking care of you is a refresher course in third - world ministry . Giving vaccines to kids in Africa , shooting up antibiotics , same thing .
Hope : Looks like you saved my life twice so far .
Eric : Yeah , well , that s what we Bradys do for each other , right ?
Hope : Eric , sit down . I may be better , a little . But be honest ... really , how am I doing ?
Eric : Honestly , I do nt know . I thought about , you know , calling an ambulance , but--
Hope : I trust you . I think my friend Hattie had me smuggled out of prison to save my life . She was right . They would have killed me . My life is in your hands , Eric . You can save me . I know it .
Chloe : I just felt so bad for Nicole . I mean , I tried to carry her baby . I did everything the fertility clinic told me to do , but it just did nt work . Daniel was really supportive , but Nicole was hurting , and they gave me permission to try as much as I needed to anytime I felt ready , and I was gon na try again the next year , but then ...
Brady : Daniel died .
Chloe : Yeah . And I went to see Nicole in may . She just looked so sad and alone , so I decided to try again , but I did nt want to tell her because I did nt want to get her hopes up in case it did nt work , and when I went in for my checkup at the clinic , they said that it did nt work again .
Brady : False negative .
Chloe : Yeah , apparently . And then when I found out I was pregnant , I assumed it was Deimos baby until he had that paternity test run , and it showed he was nt the father . Then I realized that that was the only logical explanation .
Brady : Oh , God . Why did nt you just tell Nicole ? She deserved to know , Chloe .
Chloe : I know , I know , and I tried over and over again , but every time I d go to tell her , she would just go on and on about Deimos and-- I could nt betray Daniel by letting that man raise holly .
Brady : You did nt have any right . You had no right . Think about it , you think Nicole is gon na let any harm come to that little girl ? Come on .
Chloe : What if she does nt have a choice ?
Brady : It doesnt-- the important thing is here that you re not gon na lie anymore to the mother of this little baby . You re not gon na lie to Nicole anymore . There s no more playing God . Do you hear me ? You re gon na tell Nicole the truth . And damn it , Chloe , you re gon na do it today .
Justin : I do nt know what else to tell you . It happened very fast . No one had a chance to react . Six - four - two - one baker , requesting Salem - delta - two - twelve .
Justin : Hey , Nicole , this is what s gon na happen next . The officer is gon na take you down to the station for questioning .
Nicole : He can question me all he wants . I m gon na tell him the same thing I told you . That guy was going to kill Deimos . I had no choice .
Deimos : All right , sweetie , look , it s not that I do nt believe you , okay ? But we did a quick check on the man , and -- and there was no weapon .
Nicole : He was gon na use his hands . He was wearing gloves .
Justin : Nicole , it s winter . People wear gloves .
Nicole : Yeah , well , you were nt the one coming up behind Deimos .
Deimos : All right , so because he was coming up behind me , you thought that he was gon na kill me . Darling , again , it s not that I do nt believe you , okay ? But that does seem a bit odd to assume .
Nicole : I was nt assuming . I knew .
Deimos : What made you so certain ? I do nt get it .
Nicole : Dario .
Deimos : Dario ? What does Dario Hernandez have to do with this ?
Nicole : I ran into him at the pub earlier , and he said something -- he said something that scared me to death , and he -- he warned me not to be with you tonight . He said it would be dangerous .
Justin : Why would he do that ? A planned retaliation perhaps ?
Nicole : Yeah .
Deimos : The man is a thug . All he understands is violence . Trust me , I ll handle Hernandez .
Nicole : Wait a minute , wait . Wait , what are you gon na do ? Miss walker , you need to come with me to the station and give your statement , please .
Nicole : Okay .
Deimos : It s okay , it s okay .
Justin : Let s go , I ll be right behind you as your lawyer . Let s go .
Deimos : Thank you , Justin . I ll be right there . Brady , answer your damn phone . It s me . Listen to me , I need you to get to the police station ASAP . Do nt call and ask why . Just get there .
Steve : [ Laughs ] Okay . Okay ! Uncle , uncle . All right , if you wanna join the search , you can join the search .
Kayla : I do .
Steve : Okay . [ Sighs ] I got ta warn you though , I think we re running out of time .
Kayla : Why do you say that ?
Steve : Because in 24 hours the ISA is pulling the plug on their support .
Kayla : What ? What do you mean ?
Steve : Yeah , they re ready to shut down the whole DiMera thing .
Kayla : Why ?
Steve : Well , they re just done with it .
Kayla : Well , then we need to get out here . What are we doing ?
Steve : Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . Baby , it s the middle of the night . Okay ? I ll tell you what we do . We get a good night s sleep , and then we get a fresh start in the morning .
Kayla : I m not sleepy .
Steve : Well , I can take care of that .
Kayla : Oh , you can .
Steve : Oh , I can , ca nt I ?
Rafe : Well , it s nice to know that you re doing well in Switzerland and things are good with Austin .
Carrie : Things work out the way they re supposed to . I m with Austin , and you re with hope .
Rafe : And you have a son .
Carrie : Noah s one good little boy .
Rafe : Yeah .
Carrie : Hey , how did you and hope end up together ?
Rafe : Well , we were partners , and she went through this rough patch with-- well , enough about him , but-- then Bo came back .
Carrie : And died .
Rafe : Yeah . I was there for her , and ... you know , we realized that we had a really good thing , and , uh ... and then things , they ... they just got really bad really fast .
Eric : Hope , I m not anyone s savior .
Hope : I know you feel like you ve crossed a line , but the truth is you never stopped being a good person , Eric . You just-- why d you start drinking ?
Eric : Why does anyone ? Broken heart . Okay , let s just change the subject . I do nt remember if-- but I told you that I was able to disguise a signal to send Shawn an email . To let him know you were safe .
Hope : When this is all over , everyone s gon na know what a fine person you are . Even Nicole .
Nicole : No , I have never seen that man before , but I knew what he was gon na do . Otherwise I would nt have stabbed him . Dario is the one you need to be talking to . That guy was obviously some kind of hired hit man .
Justin : Careful , Nicole . That s something that will be very hard to prove . I need to take this to a detective right now .
Justin : Of course , and just remember from now on everything else goes through me .
Deimos : You know what , I m gon na call the hospital , all right ? I want to see if that man went into surgery yet . I ll be right outside . You gon na be okay ?
Nicole : Yeah , I m fine cause I did nt do anything wrong . I saved your life , Deimos .
Deimos : I know , I know , sweetie . And I appreciate that , I do . I ll be back , okay ?
Nicole : Yeah .
Justin : I m gon na go talk with the desk sergeant and at least try to find out the man s name and if -- and with any luck , he ll have a criminal record . You gon na be okay ?
Nicole : Mm - hmm .
Justin : Be right back .
Nicole : Ugh . Dario .
Dario : Nicole , you okay ? I heard you stabbed some guy in the square .
Nicole : Yes , I did . And you know why . Because you sent someone there to kill Deimos .
Dario : Nicole , you need to calm down .
Nicole : Bastard !
Brady : Nic , what the hell is going -- did -- did you--
Nicole : Stab someone ? Yes , I did .
Brady : Hang on .
Nicole : Oh--[Sighs ]
Brady : Shut the door . Do you want to tell me what the hell happened ?
Nicole : Well , it s very simple . I stabbed someone who was going to kill Deimos .
Chloe : Seriously ?
Brady : How did you know he was gon na kill Deimos ? Did -- did he have a gun or--
Nicole : No , I just knew , okay ? With all the hostility going on , especially with the Hernandez family-- Brady , I found out that someone was going to try to kill Deimos tonight . And when I saw that hit man coming toward him , I -- I just-- I had to react . And I -- I knew that he was going to attack Deimos from behind , and I saw a knife and I grabbed it , and I--
Chloe : And you what ? You just stabbed some random guy ?
Nicole : He was going to attack Deimos .
Chloe : Nicole , oh , my God . Do you hear yourself ? What , so Deimos now just drags you into his world of violence and chaos ? What is wrong with you ?
Brady : Chloe , Chloe--
Chloe : No , Brady , I m sorry . I ca nt do what you want me to do , not anymore . There s no way I m gon na put holly in danger .
Brady : No . Chloe . Chloe , hold on , wait . her , Carrie . Look after her . Those were his last words to me . [ Sighs ] I should have stopped her from going to Stefano s , and then to make matters worse I-- I led her into doing things that she had no business doing .
Carrie : Wow . You re gon na beat yourself up . Do nt you think you should be concentrating on the present and the future ? You re over here , you re doing everything you can to help hope . And as far as I m concerned , that s the best that anyone can do .
Rafe : What if it s not enough ?
Hope : Sorry . I dozed off on you .
Eric : Sleep s the best thing .
Hope : I need you to promise me something , okay ?
Eric : What ?
Hope : That you ll think about what I said , about all the people that love you . Your mom and dad , Sami .
Eric : No , we re not gon na talk about them .
Hope : But why--
Eric : Stop asking me to open up and share my feelings and just get well .
Hope : Eric , I just want--
Eric : We re not talking about my parents or Nicole or anyone else for that matter . You understand me ?
Deimos : So I was able to gather from the hospital that the man was in surgery . The good news is they were able to stop the bleeding . So that s very hopeful .
Nicole : Thank you .
Justin : Well , he d better make it , otherwise we re facing a murder charge .
Deimos : Look , I m gon na go to the hospital , all right ? I can get better information while I m there , okay ? You hang tight . You call me if you need me , all right ?
Nicole : Okay .
Deimos : Okay , baby , come here . It s gon na be all right . It s gon na be all right . Okay .
Justin : The police are treating the man as a victim , so they re not releasing any information .
Justin : Oh , great . The da has agreed to talk to me . I ll be right back .
Nicole : Okay .
Brady : Hey .
Nicole : Justin said I might be facing murder charges .
Brady : I know , I know . Hold on , that s a big what if . It s a big what if , all right ? So dont -- dont freak out . Dont -- you have to be strong , okay , for your sake and for your baby s , okay ?
Nicole : What do you mean , my baby ?
### Summary:
| Dario put a hit out on Deimos . Eric thought Hope was dead until she woke up . Brady confronted Chloe about Holly being Nicole s baby . Justin talked to Deimos about ending the war . Rafe talked to Carrie about finding Stefano . He also told her how worried he was about Hope . Eric rushed to get supplies to save Hope . Chloe denied Holly being Nicole s baby . Brady told Chloe what led him and Deimos to believe that Nicole is Holly s mother . Deimos told Justin that they had to give up the war . He imaged that Rafe told her she was free to go . Brady told Chloe that Philip mentioned her embryo when he had the truth serum and continued to confront her . Justin warned Deimos that he could die if he kept up the war . Nicole stabbed Dario s hit man before he could attack Deimos . Carrie told Rafe that Hope was going to be okay . Nicole told Deimos that the guy was going to kill him . When Dario heard the police sirens , he thought the job was done . Brady kept grilling Chloe about the baby . Hope told Eric that Hattie snuck her out of prison . She thought they would have killed her . She needed him to tell her . Chloe told Brady the truth about the baby . He thought she was nt right to keep the baby from Nicole . He said she was telling Nicole the truth . Justin told the police what he saw Nicole do . Justin and Deimos grilled Nicole about what led her to stab the hit man . She told them the warning Dario told her . Nicole was arrested . Rafe told Carrie how he and Hope got together . Hope asked Eric about why he was drinking . A police officer questioned Nicole about what happened . Dario called Nicole to find out what happened . She confronted him about trying to kill Deimos . Brady and Chloe showed up at the police station to see Nicole . Nicole told them what happened . Chloe refused to tell Nicole the truth once she heard what she did . Brady went after her . Eric was upset when Hope brought up Nicole and his family . Deimos let Nicole know that the hit man was in surgery . Brady told Nicole to stay hopeful for herself and her baby . Nicole wanted to know what he was talking about when he said her baby . Chloe was at the door listening to their conversation . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
David : What ?
Greenlee : I think I might ve actually rattled the unsinkable Erica Kane . I think she s actually thinking about a compromise over Fusion now .
David : Well , I m impressed if you can pull it off . But do nt forget Erica s a formidable opponent . You know , do nt underestimate her .
Greenlee : I know what she s capable of . I m just worried that I might trip you up . I mean , she is still trying to blackmail you for convincing the world I was dead .
David : Yeah , do nt worry about me . I consider Erica more of a nuisance than a real problem .
Greenlee : Now who s underestimating her ?
David : I may be able to fix this whole thing with one short phone call .
Greenlee : A phone can be a deadly weapon in the right hands . Blast her out of the sky .
Jake : [ Whispers ] Hey . Ok . So your baby - relief - sitting person is here , whatever you want . Is that a real word : Baby - relief ?
Ryan : It s ok . I know what you mean , and I appreciate it . Here s the thing , though . She s still willing to cooperate with us . She s still willing to take Hayward down . The problem is , is that we need the guy s name , the guy s name that Hayward bribed to switch the DNA .
Jake : You do nt think that she knows his name ? And do you honestly think this is the only way we re gon na be able to take him down ?
Gayle : Leave me alone .
David : Gayle ? Gayle , I ca nt tell you how sorry I am for hurting you the way I did . But if you would just give me a chance to explain -- when you disappeared , I could nt help but realize just how much I missed you , how much more my feelings are for you than I ever could ve imagined .
Gayle : Liar .
David : I know , I know , and , look , I do nt blame you for feeling that way . I turned my back on you , and that s true , but I just got caught up in the whole drama of Greenlee s recovery . But , look , that s in the past , Gayle , ok ? I realize now that it was a huge mistake , so please . I need you to hear me out .
Gayle : Why should I trust you after everything that s happened ?
David : I would like to talk to you in person . Can I do that , please ? I really want you to look into my eyes . I want you to see in my heart . And if you ca nt see right then and there what I feel for you , then I will walk out of your life for good , and that s a promise .
Tad : J.R. ? I swear to you I did everything , everything I could to track down your half brother , get him back here . I guess it just was nt good enough . I feel for the kid in some way . Take all of Adam s money and run like that -- it s a lot of bad karma for Miguel . But knowing that does nt help us , does it ? I m sorry . I m sorry I did nt babysit that kid all the way from California to this hospital . But I m not gon na give up . I m not giving up . I swear I will track him down . I will find Miguel , and I will drag him here by the scruff of the neck if I have to . All I need you to do is hang on . Just hang on long enough so I can fix it .
Angie : I just checked with the lab . J.R. s condition s deteriorating , and you are still the only person who s even a partial match . Are you going to be J.R. s donor ?
David : I know Erica s been filling your head with all sorts of lies about me .
Gayle : I heard what you said to Erica about me with my own ears . Nobody had to lie about that .
David : Gayle , that was an act . I had to convince Erica to let me go . You saw me . I was in handcuffs , for heaven s sake . I had to think of something . But , Gayle , I m telling you it kills me to think what it must ve done to you to hear those lies .
Gayle : It did hurt -- a lot .
David : Of course , it did . And I m telling you right now Erica s gon na pay for that cruel piece of theater . So where are you ?
Gayle : This fairy - book castle hotel . There s a suite in the turret . I got to go .
Jake : Hey . How are you ? You have a good sleep ?
Gayle : Yeah , I had a good nap .
Ryan : Did you ? You always nap with your cell phone in your hand ?
Gayle : Um , no . No , it just , um --
Ryan : You were talking to David , were nt you ?
Jake : Please do nt say you were taking to David .
Gayle : I was waking up , the phone went off , and answering was just a reflex .
Ryan : It s ok . It s all right . You did nt do anything wrong . It s just that we know how good David is at making people believe what he wants them to believe , ok ? He s fooled the best , Gayle .
Jake : But you know the truth , right ? You know the real deal ?
Greenlee : Hungry ?
David : No time . That castle that Ryan took you to -- were there turrets ?
Greenlee : Yes .
David : Really ?
Greenlee : Mm - hmm .
David : And were is it ?
Greenlee : Up north . Hey , I m gon na change . I ll be back .
David : Greater Pine Valley plus castle hotels .
Angie : If you want to think about it a little while longer in private , that s fine . Just not too long .
Brooke : I started working on something last night , but I wanted your approval before I go ahead and publish it online .
Adam : What is it ?
Brooke : Well , it s a website . Basically , it s a world wide plea for a bone marrow donor for J.R.
Scott : What -- ohh . You built this whole website overnight ?
Brooke : Well , I needed to feel like I was doing something .
Krystal : This is amazing .
Adam : Yes . I m beyond grateful . What a stunning effort .
Krystal : Here , sit down .
Brooke : Oh , ok . I ll show you .
Annie : Hey , can we go somewhere to talk ?
Angie : Let s go to my office .
Adam : This would nt have been necessary if that bastard son of mine had nt taken the money and disappeared .
Brooke : Well , Miguel was nt the only one who disappeared , Adam . Somebody else did , too , 19 years ago . I mean , could you honestly expect him to do something ?
Adam : All right . I get your point . Why do nt you let me read some of this and see what you wrote .
Marissa : Hey .
Scott : Hey . Hey , buddy .
Marissa : Any change ?
Scott : No . Not that I know of . Colby s in there with him now .
Colby : J.R. ? J.R. , can you hear me ? Someone told me that you can . I think you can hear the love in my voice , at least . It seems to me you could feel that even if you were asleep . Even if you ca nt hear words , only feelings : Like the hollow sound in my voice of me being scared of you going away .
Liza : Hey . So the expedited request for the adoption -- it came through . Congratulations . You are officially A.J. s mom .
Marissa : Wow , thank you .
Liza : Yes . Do you know where Tad is ?
Krystal : Yeah . You might try the chapel .
Liza : Thank you .
Scott : Come here .
Annie : Ok , so before we go any further , I just want to make sure everything we discuss in here is confidential , all right ?
Angie : Of course . It s considered a patient - doctor consult . It s privileged communication .
Annie : Ok , here s the story . J.R. hates my guts . He told me he would rather die than accept a bone marrow donation from me . However , that was before I got tested , and now he s unconscious .
Angie : We could do the donation anonymously .
Annie : That s not the point . The point is , why should I do it at all ? He hates me . I do nt like him . I hate needles , I ca nt stand pain , and I m afraid of complications . So why would I subject myself to that ?
Angie : We can anaesthetize you for most of the pain , and the possibility of infection is really very slim . But you want to know why do it at all ? So far , you re the only match .
Annie : Partial match . You said I m a partial match , so I could go through all this for nothing .
Angie : Look , Annie , I ca nt make up your mind for you . All I can say is if this is not done soon , J.R. will die . Could you live with that ?
Liza : How you doing ?
Tad : I was just in with him , and he s -- you know , he s still unresponsive . So -- you know what I keep thinking ?
Liza : Hmm ?
Tad : That it s happening again : I m losing someone , someone I love more than anything , just like I lost Dixie . I have to sit by on my hands and do nothing while they fade away in a hospital bed . A man is not supposed to bury his children .
Tad : I wo nt be . Maybe a little hope left .
Brooke : You ve done some good things in your life , too .
Adam : Oh ?
Brooke : You have . Just look at your family , look at your children , your grandchildren . You should take credit where you get it .
Adam : Ok .
Adam : Listen to this part . I love this --
Tad : Adam ?
Adam : Yeah ?
Tad : My contact in California was able to get another contact number for Sonia Reyes .
Brooke : Miguel s mother ?
Tad : Yeah . She s gone on some kind of retreat . I do nt know what , but this is a new number for her . And I think under the circumstances , you should be the one to make the call .
Adam : Yeah , yeah . Yeah .
Annie : Ahem . That s very impressive , what you ve done here .
Brooke : Thank you .
Annie : I look forward to working with you at Tempo . I would love to learn how to write an article as powerful as this one .
Brooke : Oh , I did nt realize that you d read it yet . Anyway , I think that we need to get past J.R. s crisis first before we think about anything like work .
Adam : Sonia does nt know where her boy went , did nt know he was a match in the first place . If a mother does nt know where he is , then --
Brooke : I m so sorry . I m so sorry .
Liza : All right , look , you still have your people searching for this Miguel Reyes , right ?
Tad : I m not giving up . By the way , did you know I found Damon sleeping on a gurney in the hall this morning ?
Liza : He s in the hospital ? Why ?
Tad : He had no place else to go . He lost his job , then he lost his room at the Pine Cone .
Liza : Oh , unbelievable . Well , I guess burglary arrests do have that effect .
Tad : Well , I gave the kid my place . I told him he could exchange room and board for some work around the house .
Liza : Oh , you are such a good man .
Tad : Oh , jinkies .
Liza : Why did nt he talk to his parents , though ?
Tad : Oh , I can answer that . He hates his father , does nt get along with him at all . And his mother -- he does nt want to dump all that drama in her lap . And get this : Her name is Hill , short for Hillary .
Liza : Oh . Now I know why you re helping him .
Tad : What ?
Liza : Hillary -- reminds you of the ghost of lovers past .
Tad : I never thought of that .
Liza : Hmm .
Tad : Come to think of it , he reminds me an awful lot of me when I was that age . Man , I left some wreckage in my wake . I screwed up a lot .
Liza : Well , as I recall , Hillary was collateral damage .
Tad : Yeah , she certainly was . Whew , did I break her heart .
Liza : Mine , too .
Opal : Now , I do nt much spark to the idea of turning this place into the home base for your one - man crime spree .
Damon : Look , no more break - ins for me , ok ? The reason I needed money is nt even here anymore . Bailey took our son Stuart and went back to Ohio .
Kathy : My clock is broke . Can you fix it ?
Opal : Oh , honeybunch . Gosh . You know , fixing clocks is nt really in my bag of tricks .
Damon : You know , I might be able to do something with that . Could I take a look ?
A.J. : The entire world would know of my big plans , so big that I ll need my dad s shiniest tie and fanciest shoes . Then I ll climb up the highest hill in town and shout I got big plans , I say ! Big plans !
David : What are you doing here ?
Ryan : I d like to ask you the same question . Now , I rented the entire place out . That s why I m here , so what s your excuse ?
David : Greenlee told me you brought her here . So what was that about , huh ? One final desperate attempt at reconnecting with her ? If you ask me , I think it was a bad judgment call . I mean , come on -- locking a woman up who you supposedly love ? It s just my opinion .
Ryan : Right . Because you ve been such a good example on how to treat a woman , right ? For instance , you would rather play perverse mind games with Greenlee .
David : Hmm . You call it perverse mind games , I call it saving her life .
Ryan : And then trying to collect her soul as payment . That s the part I m talking about here . I got a little news flash for you . Greenlee may have been wounded when you found her , and it seems like she s very grateful to you , which I think is very sweet and everything . But she s strong and she knows her mind , and when she realizes how sick you really are -- and she will realize that -- you re gon na be like a speck in her rearview mirror .
David : You know , actually , her strength is one of the qualities I most admire about her . It s what draws us to each other .
Ryan : And it s also what s gon na send you packing if you re in any condition to pack at that point . So why do nt you tell me what you re really doing here ?
Jake : Hi .
Amanda : You .
Jake : Yeah . Gayle s kind of gon na help us out .
Amanda : Help who out ?
Jake : Well , she s gon na help me and Ryan and Erica and me -- well , the world , really , at large , altogether .
Amanda : Why did nt you tell me we were going to have company ?
Jake : Well , I did tell you . Remember I mentioned I had spent the evening with a woman , and I told you that ? Remember ?
Amanda : You were serious about that ?
Jake : Well , I do nt lie to you . Hold it , I have nt told you the best part .
Adam : This adoption of A.J. was too fast .
Annie : It is what J.R. wanted .
Brooke : I think for Adam it makes it all real . J.R. might not be around to raise A.J. but you know whatever happens to J.R. , Everybody will be around to raise A.J.
Annie : Excuse me for a minute . Hey , can you hear me ? Wake up . I need you to talk to me . Call me a bitch again . Toss me out of here . Make this real easy for me . You know , the thought of letting somebody take a big , fat , jagged needle and stick in my hip , the thought of taking any kind of medical risk for you , ugh , makes me sick to my stomach ! You do nt even want my bone marrow , and I sure as hell do nt want to give it to you . Ohh ! But it s getting ugly out there . The ex - wife has her claws into Adam , and the whole clan is being ever so supportive of your pathetic decline . The truth is I really do nt like you , like , at all . I really do nt like you . Ohh . Angie just asked me if I could live with myself if I let you die . And you know what ?
David : So this is your idea of a romantic getaway , huh ? It s kind of cheesy , do nt you think ? I d say that Greenlee deserves something a little classier than this .
Ryan : I know her so well , Hayward . You have no idea . You also have no idea what she and I have .
David : Oh , come on , Lavery . This is not like you : Sitting back passively , waiting for the woman to make up her mind .
Ryan : She s smart , she makes up her own mind , and she follows through . In fact , she s probably stronger than either one of us .
David : Now , on that we can certainly agree . And we can also agree that she s married to me now . She s my wife .
Ryan : Yes , a legal formality . She does nt love you , she never has , and she never will .
David : Maybe . But I am the one she trusts . And as we both know from personal experience , trust outlasts love .
Ryan : She s gon na see through your crap , Hayward . I have complete faith in that . I also have all the time in the world . Now , I have rented this room out for the rest of the week . Enjoy . Minibar s in the fridge . You knock yourself out .
Jake : All you have to do is keep an eye on her , ok ? Just keep an eye on her .
Amanda : No . No . No way .
Jake : Just think about what he put us through . Think about what he put everybody in this town through . I m not asking you to do this for me . Do it for her . She s a person . She s a person . She s a human being . Help stop all the future victims that he s gon na have . Please ? Please . Thank you . Thank you . I m gon na go catch up with Ryan , ok , and I ll be back .
Damon : There you go .
Kathy : Thanks , Damon . Now I can time myself .
Opal : See you later , honey . Well , looks like you got a way with clocks and with kids , huh ?
Damon : I was nt always good with kids . They used to , like , really annoy me , until Stuart came along .
Opal : Yeah , surprise , surprise .
Damon : I know . It s weird , right ? The first thing that happened when Bailey told me she was knocked up , I checked out . But then I got to hanging with the little dude , and he kind of grew on me , and then after a while I kind of fell in love with him .
Opal : Hmm . Well , that sounds like kind of a good sign .
Damon : I just -- I really hate being away from him like this . But one thing I ve learned from all the stupid stuff that I ve done is that I have to be in a solid position before I can be a decent dad .
Opal : Looks like you re getting there .
Damon : What s jacked about it is by the time I get to see Stuart again , he could be bigger than her .
Tad : Liza , last thing I meant to do was to hurt you . I was just being --
Liza : Tad the cad . I know . I know . Believe me , I was not exactly picture- perfect myself .
Tad : You think ?
Liza : God , all the things I did . Oh , God , what I did to your sister ? And then , what , accusing Jesse of rape ?
Tad : Another worldbeater .
Liza : Yeah . Well , let s just chalk that up to being young and stupid , if that s an excuse .
Tad : Well , whoever came up with that phrase youth is wasted on the young did nt know the half of it . If I had known what I know now --
Liza : What , you think you would ve enjoyed it more ?
Tad : I certainly would ve appreciated it more .
Liza : Oh , you appreciated it plenty . Wow , I do nt think either one of us expected our lives to be like this , huh ? Careers ? Kids ?
Tad : Grandkids .
Liza : Speak for yourself . Life was so much easier when we had no responsibilities : Not sitting around in a hospital waiting for a child .
Tad : Excuse me for a second . How s it going ?
Krystal : I m afraid I m just not giving Marissa enough support , you know ? But I just do nt think I can keep from falling apart myself , Tad . I lost a daughter , and now my other daughter is losing her husband ? J.R. : He has had so much loss in his life , and now this ? It s too much . It hurts too much , Tad , and I just do not think I can keep it together much longer !
Tad : You do nt have to .
Tad : Come on , let s go find someplace quiet , all right ?
Krystal : Oh , God .
Scott : Hey . That was really nice of you , visiting J.R. I m sure after butting heads for so long he really appreciates you putting it all in the past .
Annie : Yeah , that s me : Florence freaking Nightingale .
Adam : I have to see my son .
Brooke : Do you want me to come with you ?
Adam : Yeah .
Greenlee : Thank you .
Singer : Oh , oh , oh should ve known should ve known better than to stay so many times I could ve walked away
Greenlee : Ahem . Of all the gin joints , huh ?
Ryan : I guess congratulations are in order to the blushing bride .
Greenlee : Thank you .
Ryan : Mind if I join you ?
Greenlee : I guess that seat s reserved for you .
Ryan : Always was . It s a joke . It s a joke . What are you doing ? Diving into Fusion ?
Greenlee : Made all the more difficult by the involvement of the infamous Erica Kane .
Ryan : Yes . Well , I know how much you love a challenge , right ?
Singer : Should ve known better than to stay
Greenlee : What ?
Ryan : Jake told me that you came to our castle on your wedding night with David .
Greenlee : Then I guess Jake also told you why I was there : To say good - bye to us for good . That s all it was .
Ryan : Nothing more ?
Greenlee : Nothing more .
Ryan : Sometimes you can keep saying good - bye , but it never goes away .
Singer : Should ve known should ve known
Scott : Hey , big guy , let s go sit over here . Here we go . Come on . I want you to read me that book .
Opal : Hey , look who s here ! How are you , honeybunch ?
Colby : Hey . Thanks for what you said the other day .
Damon : What d I say ?
Colby : That people in comas can hear what s going on around them . They can hear people talking to them . I thought about it when I was with J.R. , and it made me feel a lot better .
Damon : Yeah , glad I could help .
Colby : So Tad said you slept here last night on a gurney ?
Damon : Yeah . I had a little housing issue , but -- no , Tad s been really great . I m doing some odd jobs for him . He s giving me room and board , so , yeah , it s cool .
Colby : Yeah , it s cool .
Damon : Look , I m really sorry about J.R. I got tested to be a donor , but I was nt a match .
Adam : I m sorry , J.R. I let you down , and not because I could nt find you a donor but because I let you believe that you were a disappointment to me . Your whole life , though , I never felt that way . I was disappointed with myself , so I laid it on you . Your whole family s out there . They re fighting for you . That s how much you mean to them . Well , you mean the most to me , and I would do anything if I could just have a chance to prove that to you . Please . I ll do anything .
Scott : This is nt about her scoring more points with Adam . There s someone dying in there .
Gayle : I feel like such an idiot for getting involved with that man .
Amanda : Welcome to the club . We could make up a secret handshake , but half the women in Pine Valley would have to learn it .
Gayle : Makes me feel like an even bigger idiot .
Amanda : Do nt . The thing you need to learn about David is he s an empty shell . It s like somebody scooped out his soul . He s just empty , an echo chamber , and so he takes whatever he can from whoever he can . And he s trying to fill up the inside , but the problem is he s unfillable . He is a bottomless pit , because David never has enough , and he never gives up .
Ryan : Thanks .
Greenlee : So how s your influence with Erica these days ?
Ryan : Uh , I think Erica and I will always be really good friends .
Greenlee : Good enough to get her to drop out of Fusion ?
Ryan : Ok , that s not gon na happen .
Greenlee : Worth a shot . How about persuading her to agree to a truce ?
Ryan : A truce like you two working together ?
Greenlee : Stranger things have happened .
Ryan : True . True . Like two people starting off feeling one way about each other and then getting closer than they ever thought possible .
Singer : But I should let go should ve known better
David : Fancy meeting you here .
Ryan : Yeah . Coincidence .
David : Of course , it is .
Greenlee : Take care of yourself , Ryan .
Ryan : You , too , Greenlee .
Singer : Should ve known better than to stay so many times I could ve walked away , walked away
Greenlee : Hey , I left a notepad out on the patio before it got chilly . I ll be right back .
Singer : But I could nt let go should ve known should ve known better than to stay so many times I could ve walked away should ve known better should ve known better than to stay some would say you d walk away but I could nt let go should ve known better
Jake : Hey .
Ryan : Hey . You just missed the show .
Jake : No , no , no , I saw everything . I was just hanging back for a couple of minutes , because I did nt think it was a good idea that he sees us together .
Ryan : Nice . Nice . I ve been working on a way to get David to spill the name of that coroner he bribed , but it might get dangerous .
Jake : Define dangerous .
Ryan : Life or death .
Annie : Adam , this must be so hard for you .
Annie : Oh . Hello ? Yes , this is she . What ? Are you sure ? Great . Thank you so much . Adam , I need to talk to you alone , right now . I have good news . I just found out I m a partial match for J.R. Just a partial match , but it s a chance .
Adam : Yeah .
Annie : It s a ray of hope for all of us !
### Summary:
| At Wildwind , David makes a call to Gayle just as Greenlee comes home from an encounter with Erica . Greenlee gives David the good news that she may have reached a compromise with Erica . Jake stops by to see Ryan and finds out that Gayle is helping them to bring down David . David calls Gayle and asks if he can see her to talk to her . Tad sits beside J.R. s hospital bed and regrets that he could nt have gotten Miguel here to help J.R. Angie asks Annie if she is going to be J.R. s bone marrow donor since J.R. is deteriorating fast . David tries to apologize to Gayle for his remarks of her , but Gayle does nt entirely believe him . David asks where Gayle is and she tells him the castle . Greenlee brings in a plate of food . David asks Greenlee where Ryan had had her held . David gets on the computer to find the location of the castle . At the hospital , Brooke shows the Chandler family the website that she had organized to save J.R. s life . Liza arrives at the hospital and gives Marissa the adoption papers that the adoption had gone through . Annie tells Angie her fears about being a bone marrow donor for J.R. Tad gets a call which may be good news for J.R. Annie notices the tender moments that Brooke and Adam are sharing . Tad tells Adam about the phone call he had received . Liza and Tad discuss Hillary and how that Damon reminds Tad of himself when he was a boy . Opal lays down some ground rules for Damon to follow while he is living here . David arrives at the castle and walks into the room previously occupied by Gayle . Ryan questions David as to what he is doing here . Jake brings Gayle home to stay with him and Amanda . Annie goes to visit J.R. in his hospital room . David insists to Ryan that Greenlee is married to him now . Ryan insists that Greenlee will never love David . Jake tells Amanda to keep an eye on Gayle . Damon fixes Kathy s toy . Damon lets Opal know about Stuart . Tad comforts Krystal when he sees her fall apart at the hospital . Scott tries to comfort Annie when Annie sees Adam with Brooke . Greenlee is doing some work at the Confusion bar when Ryan join her . Ryan congratulates her on her marriage . David walks in on Ryan and Greenlee . David and Greenlee leave together . Annie pretends to get a phone call with good news . Annie tells Annie that she is a partial match for J.R. Dixie appears to J.R. |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Daniel : What the hell are you doing in my apartment ? Huh ? What ?
JJ : Oh , dude . Hey , Bev ! Rory ! We ve got to get out of here ... now .
Daniel : You have fun with mama ? Did you ?
Chloe : Yeah . You know , you really did nt have to cancel your plans and stay here , and , you know , check up on us .
Daniel : I m not -- that s not what I m doing . I m not doin that .
Chloe : Oh , I guess you were nt in such a hurry to get back to Salem , after all , and I think I know why .
Daniel : Oh , yeah ? Why -- why is that ?
Chloe : Did you really think I would nt find out about you and Jennifer ?
Kayla : Hi . I come bearing muffins .
Jennifer : Yeah , enough for ten people .
Kayla : Well , I know how much Abigail loves them , and I--
Jennifer : And you were hoping that JJ Was gon na home last night . Yeah , so was I. Kayla , I could nt even sleep . I could nt even lie down . I just sat up all night waiting for a knock on the door , or waiting for a call or a text or--
Kayla : I m so sorry .
Jennifer : I just keep wondering if -- if he can make it out on his own for one night ... I do nt know , maybe he s never gon na come home .
Theresa : [ Chuckles ] Of course the bitch is nt here .
Sonny : Cameron .
Cameron : Hey . What s up ?
Sonny : What s up , man ? What can I get for you ?
Cameron : You know what ? Is , uh -- is Chad here ?
Sonny : No , we switched our shifts .
Cameron : Okay . Well , can you tell him that I was looking for him ?
Sonny : Will do , as long as you do nt beat the crap out of him .
Cameron : Wait , why would you say that ?
Sonny : I do nt know . Maybe cause he kind of stole your girl ?
Cameron : Ah .
Chad : [ Sighs ]
Abigail : Good morning .
Chad : Morning .
Abigail : Oh . Well , this does nt look like a guy who is excited to take me on a motorcycle tour of Salem .
Chad : Oh , my God , I was supposed to meet you at the garage . I m so sorry . I worked late last night .
Abigail : That s okay . I think I know a way that you can make it up to me .
Chad : Skydiving ? Bungee jumping ?
Abigail : Maybe . But not right now .
Stefano : Ah , Elvis , where-- where is your fiancée ?
EJ : She just took the children out of school for the morning so they could spend some time together .
Stefano : Ah . [ Chuckles ] How domestic of her .
EJ : Thank you for agreeing to meet me here .
Stefano : Well , my goodness . You know I certainly did nt want to ruin your post - prison get - together . But let me guess something , all right ? You have not yet told her about our agreement , hmm ?
EJ : Look , I just want to give Samantha a little more time . You know , just so that she can enjoy her homecoming .
Stefano : Yes , before you destroy her bliss , hmm ? By bringing up the matter of her new roommate and her new employer and her new head of household . [ Laughs ]
EJ : Thank you , father , for giving us this time .
Stefano : Elvis , I am a patient man , as you know . But sooner or later , anything that I want is going to be mine .
Jennifer : JJ came by yesterday to pick up some clothes . I made him give me the house key . Ay Kayla : You did the right thing .
Jennifer : Then why do I feel so guilty ?
Kayla : There s a reason they call it tough love , although I think it s tougher on us . What about Abigail ? Has she talked to him ?
Jennifer : No , he wo nt take her calls . And now I second - guess myself with letting Justin help him . Beca -- he s still facing charges , but he was released . No bail .
Kayla : There is no way you could have predicted this .
Jennifer : Yeah , well , I m not so sure about that . Look at Kim and Shane . They did everything to give Theresa a fresh start , and we all know how that turned out .
Kayla : Um , about Theresa--
Jennifer : [ Sighs ] Kayla , what now ?
Theresa : Damn you to hell , Jennifer Horton . Uncle roman , hey . It s so great that Sami got acquitted on all the charges , right ?
Roman : Yes , it is . Absolutely .
Theresa : Yeah . You know , if you re here to see Jennifer , she s -- she s out . As usual .
Roman : Actually , I m here to see you .
Theresa : I guess you want to give me a lecture too ?
Roman : No , I do nt .
Theresa : Listen , I know I made a mistake , uncle roman , but I just-- I just need one more chance , and then I do -- Ill do better . I swear . I just -- look , if you do nt give it to me , nobody will .
Chloe : Every time I mentioned Jennifer s name , you would just change the subject .
Daniel : Oh , really , did I ?
Chloe : Yes . So after you left , I called Anne .
Daniel : Anne Milbauer ?
Chloe : Yeah , we are friends .
Daniel : No , no , you re not . No , no . You were just digging up dirt . See , this-- you have nt changed at all . [ Chuckles ]
Chloe : No , that s not true . I have changed . Look--
Daniel : Chloe--
Chloe : Daniel , I know that you do nt love me . But I love you enough to want you to be happy . Listen , I had two amazing accomplices , one beautiful little child , and a few other assets . And if we could nt come between you and Jennifer , I ca nt believe you re letting some bratty juvenile delinquent do what us pros could not accomplish . I mean , seriously , it s really a shame .
JJ : Look , all right , we ve got to get out of here before Daniel comes home . And we ve got to leave the place exactly the way we found it .
Bev : [ Groans ] [ Sighs ]
JJ : Shh . Damn it .
EJ : I plan on taking Samantha and the children away tonight . I ll tell them then .
Stefano : Well , you just have a wonderful time .
EJ : I do nt want her to hear about this from anybody else . Okay ? I will tell her . I m sure she ll understand the situation . She s gonna--
Stefano : Hate it .
EJ : Yep .
Stefano : As you do .
EJ : I promise to you that I will bring Samantha and the children back under one roof . And I will work with you again . And you will have my dying loyalty . Like you , I am a man of my word . Enjoy your trip .
Stefano : Oh , one moment , all right , Elvis , please . There is one little thing that you could do for me , being the loyal son that you are .
Cameron : Abigail and I did nt work out , you know . Things happen .
Sonny : [ Clears throat ] Yeah . But it s just that you and Chad are friends , so does nt it , like , bug you that he and Abigail did work out ?
Sonny : You know , we re all friends , are nt we ? And I -- I would never want that to change , so--
Abigail : You know , it s probably cold now .
Chad : No worries . I do nt think I need coffee to wake me up now .
Abigail : Mm - hmm . What d you do last night ? I was hoping to see you at the club .
Abigail : Yeah , me too . But I was with my mom , trying to track down JJ
Chad : Yeah , any luck ?
Abigail : No . You know , part of me kind of hopes that he did sleep on the street just so that he starts realizing how good he has it at home , you know ?
Chad : Well , I m -- I m sure he knows . And I hope you know that I m always here for you . Whatever I can do to help you .
Abigail : I do know that . Thank you . And it means so much to me .
Kayla : I want you to know that , um , my family is united on this . Theresa s is not getting a free ride . She s not -- she s not hiding out at the pub with her grandmother .
Jennifer : Tough love , right ?
Kayla : Listen , I just feel like I owe you an apology . I knew that asking you to have Theresa be your assistant was a huge favor , but I did nt realize how big a favor it really was gon na be , or what a giant mistake it was gon na be .
Theresa : I mean , look at how things turned out for Sami . Nobody thought that she was gon na wind up with four great kids , a job , a mansion . But you never gave up on her . I mean , I just need one person to believe in me .
Roman : Oh , Theresa , come on . Come on . I know you ve made this pitch to every Brady in town , okay ? I also know that you ve heard what I m about to say .
Theresa : Please , uncle roman--
Roman : Just listen . Just listen .
Theresa : Okay .
Roman : Your dad s in law enforcement . Your mom s a counselor . So when Shane and Kim told us this was your last chance , they were nt kidding .
Theresa : I know they were nt kidding , but--
Roman : Look , you violated the conditions of your probation . Now you ve got to go back home and face the consequences .
Theresa : But--
Roman : No buts . You re booked on a flight tonight back to L.A.
Lou : Dr. Jonas ? Are you back from your trip ? It s Lou , the new super . Your neighbor said you were out , but he heard water running off and on all night .
Lou : Whoever s in there , open up right now or I m calling the cops .
Daniel : Now did parker take his vitamins this morning ?
Chloe : Yes , he did . So are you gon na address what I asked you , or are you just gon na continue to ignore me ?
Daniel : Okay , I m not gon na get into with you , no . Not doing this with you .
Chloe : So what am I supposed to do ? Just send my son back into the land of on again , off again , in again , out again ? Jennifer s son is into drugs . He vandalized your car .
Daniel : Okay , that was nt proven . Never proven .
Chloe : So now you re defending him ? What if he ever did anything to jeopar--
Daniel : Okay , you do not need to worry about parker . I gon na do what s best for him cause my two children are the most important people in my life .
Chloe : I know .
Daniel : And I made it very clear to our son that he has one mom , and that is you . That the one thing that we will always agree on , that we both love him very much .
Chloe : Of course .
Daniel : Come on , Chloe . After everything we ve been through , do you -- do you really think that it took me a lot to let him stay with you last night ?
Chloe : Yes .
Daniel : Actually , it did nt . I trust you to do what s best for our son . Just like you need to trust me right now .
Jennifer : Kayla , you did exactly what I would ve done for my nephew . And then you just hope for the best .
Kayla : Yeah , but given Theresa s history , I should ve expected the worst . When she was five years old , she could make herself cry and get her brother in trouble .
Jennifer : Well , maybe when Theresa gets to L.A. , She can sign up for a drama class and find her true calling .
Kayla : I do nt think that that s gon na happen . I did nt want to advertise this , but working at university hospital was the deal that she made with the judge in L.A.
Jennifer : And now that she does nt have the job ?
Kayla : She s gon na have to go to jail , which I m sure is why she s so desperate to stay here in Salem , no matter how she feels about it here .
Jennifer : Oh .
Kayla : I know . I just feel like I did her a big disservice by protecting her . And to you , obviously .
Jennifer : No . You know what , Kayla ? JJ And Theresa are not the only ones who have to live with the consequences of their actions . Unfortunately , so do we .
Stefano : I want to see the entire family living in the mansion when I get back .
EJ : I understand that .
Stefano : Including your brother .
EJ : Chad ? Father , I already asked him more than once .
Stefano : Yes , I know , but you re just gon na have to try a little harder , you know ? Because he looks up to you more than anyone else .
EJ : Okay . I ll do my best .
Stefano : I m sure you will . Have a nice trip . I ll see you soon .
Chad : How s your mom doing ?
Abigail : Umm--
Chad : I m -- that s a dumb question . I m -- I m sorry . [ Laughs ]
Abigail : [ Sighs ] I m lucky because I have you , you know ? But she s got--
Chad : You . She s got you . And she s lucky too .
Abigail : I hate feeling like I m keeping this from her .
Chad : You have nt told her about us yet .
Abigail : Well , it s not like I m hiding it . It just -- you know , it did nt really feel like the right time to say , hey , mom , guess what ? Want to hear about my great news ?
Chad : [ Chuckles ] That s -- it s okay . I get it .
Chad : Oh . [ Sighs ] Damn .
Abigail : What s wrong ?
Chad : I brought last night s time sheets home with me , and now Sonny needs em .
Abigail : Oh , I can drop them off for you .
Chad : No . No , no , no , you dont-- you do nt have to do that . It s okay .
Abigail : No , seriously . I m gon na go run errands .
Chad : No . No , no , no , you dont-- you do nt have to do that . It s okay .
Abigail : No , seriously . I m gon na go run errands , and I m going by the club anyway . That way you can have time to just relax and take a shower .
Chad : Is that a hint ?
Abigail : I do nt hint . I am brutally honest and direct , just like someone else I know . So are you free for lunch ?
Chad : I m always free for you .
Abigail : Hmm .
Theresa : Uncle roman , if I go back to L.A. , Then I m just gon na die . I m gon na die there . I -- ugh !
Roman : All the arrangements are made . Theresa s flying back to L.A. Tonight . Look , you ve got time to say your good - byes if you want to do that , okay ? I ll pick you up at 8 : 00 sharp .
Theresa : Aunt Kayla , when Stephanie helped her friend hack into the hospital computers , you did nt pack her off to jail . You made sure to giver her one more chance .
Kayla : And I made sure that I gave you another chance , but you did nt take it .
Theresa : It s not too late .
Kayla : I m sorry . It is .
Lou : Did you hear me in there ?
Lou : Open up ! We do nt have all day here , come on .
Bev : Sorry , one minute ! I ll be right there ! Hey , sorry for making you wait . I was in the shower .
Lou : Who are you ?
Bev : Oh , I m Dr. Jonas s daughter , Melanie .
Lou : The doctor mentioned he had a daughter in Europe .
Bev : Right . Well , that s where I was till now . [ Laughs ]
Lou : Yeah , well , I m new here , so I m just getting to know all the residents . I m Lou .
Bev : Oh , hey , Lou . Great to meet you , although I ll be gone before you know it . I just came for a quick visit .
Lou : Yeah , well , your father s not here .
Bev : Yeah . You know , I wanted to surprise him . I guess I should ve called first , right ?
Lou : So how -- howd you get in ? Because I have the spare key .
Bev : [ Laughs ] I have one too .
Lou : Oh . Well , that s a relief , you know , cause the neighbor thought maybe somebody had broken in .
Bev : Oh , sorry . Next time I come , I will be sure to let you know .
Lou : Yeah . Well , you have a nice visit , uh -- Melanie , was it ?
Bev : Yeah , thank you . I will do that . You have a great day as well , sir . [ Sighs ]
JJ : Oh .
Rory : [ Laughs ]
Bev : How did I not know you were a friggin genius ?
JJ : I guess I hide it really well .
Bev : [ Giggles ]
Chloe : I do trust you , Daniel , but I just have to say that ... [ Sighs ] If I ca nt have you , then you d better end up with someone really terrific . And maybe that s not Jennifer , but I hope it will be .
Daniel : Thank you . Same back at you .
Chloe : I really do nt think Jennifer s my type .
Daniel : No , not so much . [ Laughs ]
Chloe : Seriously , thank you for driving this whole way so that I could see parker . I wish it was longer , you know . It s always so hard to say good - bye .
Daniel : Well , it s not good - bye . Just , see you soon .
Jennifer : [ Gasps ] Oh ! I love this .
Young JJ : You re the best mommy ever . I love you so much .
Jennifer : I love you more , buddy .
Young JJ : I love you the most .
Jennifer : No . I love you the most . [ Laughs ] Thank you for my card . [ Crying ]
EJ : What s so riveting ?
Sonny : Oh , it s the promo for my uncle Jack s book . Comes out next month .
EJ : Oh , yes . Yeah . No , I heard . Ca nt wait .
Sonny : Yeah . You want me to get you a table ? You want to sit at the bar ?
EJ : Uh , neither , actually . I m looking for Chad . Sonny : He is a popular guy today . Yeah , he worked late , so I let him sleep in , and I took his shift .
EJ : Okay . I ll see if I can catch him at his place .
Sonny : Hey . Before you go , I want to tell you that I m -- I m sorry .
EJ : For what ?
Sonny : Between my mom going to the prosecutor with the evidence and me having to testify -- youd think being a lawyer s kid , I would nt have messed things up so much .
EJ : Well , you were being honest . And it was the truth that got Samantha exonerated . Oh , and thank you and William , actually , for allowing her to spend the morning with Arianna . I think it s the best homecoming gift you could have given her .
Sonny : Well , as long as we get her back .
EJ : Oh , you ll get her back . Yeah . Spoiled rotten and toting toys you can not fit in your apartment , but you ll get her back .
Sonny : Yeah . Our apartment has been feeling crowded lately .
EJ : Is there a problem ?
Abigail : Well , I better get going if I want to get anything done today .
Chad : Okay .
Abigail : But I will text you about lunch ?
Chad : Good , cause I m starving .
Abigail : Okay .
Chad : Here .
Abigail : Thank you . All right . Bye .
Chad : [ Sighs ] You lost ... this . What do you want ?
Cameron : Listen , I m not gon na take up much of your time . Okay ?
Chad : All right .
Cameron : All right , I ve been-- you know , I ve been researching experimental protocols for your type of tumor . Okay , now , one of the studies is done in New York and the other is done in Seattle . And I think you would qualify for them .
Chad : Wow , that s , uh-- that s great .
Cameron : Yeah .
Chad : So you re gon na ship me off to the other side of the country and pump me full of drugs with nasty side effects ?
Cameron : Do you want to live or not ?
Chad : I do . And I have everything to live for , Cameron , but I m not going through hell now for a few extra weeks in the end .
Cameron : Okay , but you do nt know anything about these treatments , Chad .
Chad : I know that I trust my doctor more than an intern with ulterior motives .
Cameron : Excuse me ?
Chad : Look , my neurologist says that the polycefin has real promise , okay ? And has the least amount of side affects of anything that he can offer me .
Cameron : Well , that s great . But I did nt know anyone in Salem was practicing that protocol .
Chad : I never said my doctor was in Salem .
Cameron : Oh , okay . Well , where is your doctor ?
Sonny : Yeah , it s all good . It s just-- every day is a surprise .
EJ : Hmm . I m sure . Welcome to life with a newborn .
Sonny : Yes . Still less exciting than your house , I bet .
EJ : You have a point there .
Abigail : Hello , gentlemen . Hey , EJ Congratulations on Sami s great news .
EJ : Oh , thank you . Thank you .
Abigail : Yeah .
EJ : Oh , Sydney keeps asking when you re going to babysit again .
Abigail : Any time . Seriously , that girl is such a sweetheart .
EJ : [ Laughs ] Okay . See you both later .
Abigail : Bye .
Sonny : See you .
Abigail : Time sheets from Chad . I saw him this morning , stop .
Sonny : Oh , well , thank you . Are you trying the mono - earring trend ?
Abigail : Huh ?
Sonny : Cause that-- it s so 2011 . I can help you look for it if you want .
Abigail : No , no , it s fine . I think I know where I left it .
Chad : You want to know who my doctor is so you can blab it to Kayla .
Cameron : I would not do that , Chad .
Chad : Okay , just be honest , okay ? You want me out of town so you can get back with Abigail . You took yourself out of the picture .
Cameron : Listen , why do nt you be honest ? How come you have nt told her you re sick ? Okay ? She would want to know that , and she deserves that , Chad .
Chad : Why should I worry her ? I m fine . And we re gon na be together for a very long time .
Cameron : Well , I hope you re right .
Chad : Ah , you can count on it .
Rory : Can you pretend to be my mom next time my Chem teacher calls home ?
Bev : Mm , I think that might be a stretch .
JJ : You guys ? Hey , I remember my mom talking about how the new super handled a lot of the buildings . So you dont -- you do nt think he s gon na be running into Dr. Dan any time soon , do you ?
Rory : Probably not , if he s busy enough .
Bev : And if he does , he ll think some girl was in his apartment , not you .
JJ : [ Sighs ]
JJ : Um , it-- let me catch up with you guys in a few , yeah ? Theresa , what s up ?
Theresa : Your mother , who lives to torture me , just fired my ass and now I have to leave Salem .
Jennifer : Anne .
Anne : Hello , Jennifer . Bad -- bad time ?
Daniel : All right . You got that ? We are home , my man . We are home . Are you hungry ? Hungry at all ? You are ? You want to put something in that belly ? Do you ?
Parker : Can I play my game ?
Daniel : Oh , you want to play your game ? Well , you know what ? It s -- I always put it in this toy box for you , buddy . So in case you ever-- well , uh-- oh , there it is . Maybe I do nt put it in there . Here you go . That s for you .
Daniel : I ... Lou , hey , what s up ? Melanie s here ? Well , she -- you mean like she-- where -- did she say where she was going ? No , thank you for giving me a heads up . I appreciate it . I , uh -- I guess I will-- [ Chuckles ] I ll just -- Ill call her . Yeah , thank you . All right , Lou . What ? That-- not workin right ? Tell you what , I m gon na get you a different game card . Wonder where I put those old buggers . Oh , here it is . It s under this little--
EJ : Ah . [ Clicks tongue ]
Chad : Hey .
EJ : Hey .
Chad : Congrats on Sami s good news .
EJ : Oh , thank you . Thank you , yes . I hear you have some good news of your own . I bumped into Abigail down at the club a few minutes ago . She seemed radiant .
Chad : Yeah , we finally took the plunge .
EJ : So how about taking that other plunge we talked about ?
Chad : What are you talking about ?
EJ : I want you to move back into the mansion with the rest of the family .
JJ : Okay . Uh , I m sorry , but why are you calling me ?
Theresa : Because this is all your fault !
JJ : What ?
Theresa : : Ur mother thinks I m some kind of cradle robber because we hung out for , like , two seconds . So you owe it to me to help me , you little creep .
JJ : Okay , well , how am I supposed to help you ?
Theresa : Suck it up , go to her , and tell her that she needs to hire me back .
JJ : I -- hold on . I do nt understand because your aunt Kayla s the boss , and she made my mom hire you . What did you do , kill someone ?
Theresa : You sound just like her . Look , I broke the rules , okay ? It s something that you would nt know anything about .
JJ : So how is it my fault that you screwed up ?
Theresa : Look , I do nt have time for this , JJ You have to help me !
JJ : Actually , no , I do nt .
Cameron : Dr. Brady , I ve got a quick question for you .
Kayla : Oh , sure . What s up ?
Cameron : I was wondering if you knew anything about a local clinical trial for the drug polycefin .
Kayla : No .
Cameron : Hmm .
Kayla : Wait a second . Is this about Chad ?
Chad : I know it s taking me a long time to give you an answer , and when father moved out , I was ready to move in . But then all that stuff happened with the video and the trial and -- what are you-- what are you doing ? That--
EJ : Look , Chad , I understand this is a little bit awkward , but I think it s time we put it all behind us .
Chad : Great . I m -- I m relieved to hear you say that .
EJ : Good . Father would also appreciate it if we could put-- if we could put what happened with him behind us .
Chad : I m sorry ?
EJ : He s moving back in the mansion .
Chad : [ Laughs ] I d like to see that happen .
EJ : No , no , no . He is moving back in the mansion . Look , I would appreciate if we could keep this between ourselves at the moment , but I wanted to give you a heads up before you gave me an answer .
Chad : Then you already know what my answer is .
EJ : Chad , it would mean a lot to me if we could have the whole family together under the same roof .
Chad : He told you to ask me . And you agreed because-- hmm . I heard on the news that the police found Bernardi s weapon . Stefano had something to do with this , did nt he ? He helped you get Sami out of jail , and now you have to help him , right ?
EJ : Chad , help me . Please .
Chad : EJ , I - I -- Id do just about anything for you , but I can not move back in with Stefano . I m sorry .
EJ : [ Sighs ] Chad , come on . Look at this place . I mean , please . Your closet in the mansion is-- oh , my goodness . What are you doing with this sink ? Your closet in the mansion is bigger than this entire place . You re living in a bloody hovel .
Chad : Give me those . I said give them to me !
JJ : Okay , Theresa , I m not even talking to my mom .
Theresa : Well , fifi that ! I tried to help you ! I tried to talk to her for you .
JJ : Hold on , you did what ? Theresa , I do nt need your help . Why do nt you go to hell ?
Theresa : You go to hell , you little loser creep ! That idiot ! [ Sighs ] Oh . No . You know what ? Even if he did lift a finger for me , it would nt do me any good . When am I gon na learn ? Nobody s gon na help me but me .
Jennifer : Yes , this is a very bad time .
Anne : Oh , well , I think you can probably spare just a few minutes .
Jennifer : Why in God s name are you at my house ? And why could nt whatever it is that you have wait till I got into my office ?
Anne : Because you are never in your office . But worry not . You need lift only one finger to sign this H.R. Form here , and then your erstwhile assistant will be permanently terminated and you can get back to whatever the personal drama du jour you re in right now might be .
Lou : She said she wanted to surprise you , so maybe that s why she did nt leave a note or anything .
Daniel : Maybe . Um , you know , what did-- what did she look like ?
Lou : Well , she s pretty . [ Laughs ] She had a towel on . On her head ! But I could tell her hair was-- was dark .
Daniel : Okay , okay . Well , thank you . I guess that helps . Thank you .
Lou : Yeah , no problem .
Daniel : I appreciate it , Lou . Thanks for comin by . I m sorry for any inconvenience .
Lou : Okay , sure .
Daniel : Come on , Mel , pick up . What are-- ugh . What are you doing here ? You re not-- JJ In Brookside , remarkable tastes come together ..
Cameron : Well , Chad had mentioned to me that he was undergoing the treatment , and I just was nt sure if--
JJ : Why does it matter ?
Cameron : Well , because he s my friend . And because I discovered the tumor .
Kayla : Or maybe because you re upset that he has nt told Abigail about his illness .
Cameron : Okay . I hope for his sake and for hers that he s undergoing the best treatment available .
Kayla : We all do , and that s why you referred him to a specialist .
Cameron : Right .
Kayla : He s not your patient anymore , Cameron . So any personal involvement now is inappropriate .
Cameron : No , but I am involved .
Kayla : No , you re not . Not anymore . You need to back off .
Sonny : You know , Cameron was here a little while ago , and he wanted to talk to Chad .
Abigail : Huh . About what ?
Sonny : I m not sure . You know , you have to admire that he wants all of us to be friends .
Abigail : Yeah , I do . I do .
Sonny : So you and Chad are gettin pretty serious , huh ?
Abigail : No , I would nt exactly say that .
Sonny : Abigail , I just -- I just hope that he does nt hurt you .
EJ : Experimental treatment for--
Chad : It s nothing--
EJ : Nothing , Chad ? This is your handwriting . Chad , do you have a brain tumor ?
Theresa : I ca nt go home . [ Sighs ] [ Sighs ] But where can I go ?
Jennifer : You did not need to come here ...
Anne : Mm - hmm .
Jennifer : Just to do this .
Anne : Well , like I said , if you were ever actually at work--
Jennifer : You know what ? I am working . You re wasting time on a personal vendetta .
Anne : Okay .
Jennifer : And you know what ? This whole obsession that you have with hurting me-- it s not normal , Anne . It s really sick , actually .
Anne : The only thing I am obsessed with , my dear , is being conscientious about my job . Not sure you know what the word means . Oh , and treating people fairly .
Jennifer : Oh , really ?
Anne : Yeah .
Jennifer : Treating people fairly ? Or you mean treating them like dirt unless they can do something for you ? And there is a word for that . No , actually there s words-- plural . Opportunistic ...
Anne : Oh .
Jennifer : Unscrupulous ...
Anne : Oh .
Jennifer : And disgusting . So take your papers and leave my house . Get out of my house .
Anne : [ Sighs ] You be very kind and loving to yourself , Jennifer , okay ? Listen , you did the best you could . That s all any of us can ever do , right ? You re a hard nut to crack , Jennifer Rose , but crack you , I will .
JJ : What--
Daniel : I know what you did .
### Summary:
| Chloe did nt understand how Daniel could let JJ come between him and Jennifer . JJ and his friends realized they had to leave Daniel apartment before he got back . Stefano met with EJ in the park . Stefano wanted EJ to keep his end of their deal . Stefano wanted EJ to do something for him . Jennifer and Kayla talked about Theresa . Kayla realized she made a mistake asking Jennifer to help Theresa . Daniel s super knocked on the door and demanded that whoever was in the apartment come out . JJ and his friends panicked . JJ s friend , Bev ended up covering for them with the super . Chloe continued to reach out to Daniel about letting JJ interfere in his relationship with Jennifer . Daniel wanted Chloe to trust him . Kayla let Jennifer know that Theresa needed a job to stay out of trouble . Cameron went to visit Chad to tell him about different treatment centers . Chad let Cameron know about his treatment so he could come between him and Abby . Theresa called JJ and told him about Jennifer firing her . Daniel arrived at his apartment and noticed the shattered picture of him and Jennifer . EJ went to Chad and told him to move back to the mansion . Theresa demanded that JJ help her get her job back . JJ turned her down . Theresa was very upset that JJ would nt help her . EJ tried to convince Chad that it would be a good idea for Chad to move back to the mansion . Chad assumed that Stefano was the one that found the weapon and got Sami off . Chad realized that Stefano was the one who made EJ go to him to get him to move back to the mansion . While EJ was talking to Chad , he noticed his medical records . Daniel s super let him know that someone was in his apartment . Daniel realized that JJ was the one in his apartment . EJ asked Chad if he had a brain tumor . JJ was walking in the park and Daniel found him . Daniel warned JJ that he knew what he did . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ric : I m not going to be written off like one of your employees .
Sonny : Do nt push it .
Ric : Reese and I made a mistake , all right ? We had a moment of weakness , Sonny . It was nt malicious and it was nt intended to punish you .
Sonny : You finished ?
Ric : No , I m not finished , Sonny ! I m your brother and you have to deal with me !
Jason : How d you get this number ?
Robin : Tony Jones . I know about your condition , Jason . I guess you do nt remember who I am , but I specialize in this kind of brain trauma .
Jason : No , I know who you are , Robin .
Elizabeth : I feel like a fairy - tale princess .
Emily : Except this magic does nt end at midnight , Elizabeth . This magic will follow you and Lucky for the rest of your lives .
Elizabeth : I hope you know how much I love you .
Emily : Ok , no crying .
Elizabeth : Ok .
Lesley Lu : Ready , big sister ?
Elizabeth : Ready , little sis .
Jax : Courtney , look , I know something s wrong . Just tell me what it is .
Courtney : Jax , not now .
Jax : I do nt want you to start lying to me again . I thought we were past that .
Courtney : Fine . I m pregnant and you re the father .
Minister : Dearly beloved , we have come together in the presence of God to witness and bless the joining of this man and this woman in holy matrimony . The union of husband and wife is intended by God for their mutual joy , for the help and comfort given to each other in prosperity and adversity , and , when it is his will , for the procreation of children and their nurture . Into this union , Lucas and Elizabeth now come to be joined . If there is any of you who has just cause why these two should not be lawfully we d , speak now or forever hold your peace . Elizabeth Imogene Webber , will you have this man to be your husband , to live together in the covenant of marriage ? Will you love him , comfort him , honor and keep him , in sickness and in health , as long as you both shall live ?
Elizabeth : I will .
Minister : Lucas Lorenzo Spencer Jr. , will you take this woman to be your wife , to live together with her in the covenant of marriage ? Will you love her , comfort her , honor and keep her , in sickness and in health , and forsaking all others be faithful unto her as long as you both shall live ?
Lucky : I will .
Minister : Elizabeth and Lucky have chosen to share their own vows , spoken to each other and for all of us , spoken from their hearts .
Lucky : You re just beautiful . I married you once when we were teenagers in an empty church , with only God and each other as witnesses . We were unable to keep the promises that we made back then , but we ll be able to keep them tonight . Because the time that we spent apart has only made the love that we feel even more precious . Elizabeth , I promise to give you the best of myself , to be your friend , your lover , and your partner . I promise to be the best father I can to Cameron and to all the children that we will have together . I promise to remember the girl that you were and honor the woman you are . I loved you then and I love you now . I ll love you always .
Robin : I have your latest test results , Jason . I think that the research that I m doing could really help you .
Jason : Wait a minute . I never gave Dr. Jones permission to share my records with you or anyone .
Robin : Jason , your condition is very rare . There are nt a lot of options . Tony knew about my research and he thought that you might be a candidate for what I was working on .
Jason : I do nt want your help .
Robin : Jason , your life is at stake .
Jason : Do not call me again .
Sam : Robin called you from Paris ?
Jason : I do nt want her help .
Ric : Reese never really stood a chance with you from day one , right ? She s always going to come in second to everybody else in your life , especially Carly .
Sonny : The timing was bad . We met when my life was falling apart . So what ?
Ric : Sonny , you and Reese had nt even slept together when she and I met up at the Metro Court .
Sonny : Oh , wow ! That changes everything , Ric !
Ric : Oh , come on , you told Reese that a relationship was impossible ! She said she was leaving town and you did nt stop her ! You tell me , where s the betrayal there ? Sonny , by definition , a betrayal is something someone does deliberately to hurt you . Reese laid down her life for you , for your kids , for Carly !
Sonny : Listen to you , defending Reese like she defends you ! Why ca nt you just both admit how you feel about each other ?
Ric : She and I are friends !
Sonny : Ah --
Ric : And neither of us wants to lose you over a mistake , Sonny , that we made months ago .
Sonny : It s not the sex . It s the lie . It proves what I had felt from the beginning . I can not trust you .
Elizabeth : You were my first love , the brave and handsome boy who rescued me . Thank you for loving me that much to make me whole again . We took our separate journeys to live and to learn . I guess we had to grow up a little bit before we could find our way back together . But I know that all the mistakes I made and the difficulties , they were all leading up to this very moment . Lucky , I promise I will never take you or our love for granted . I promise I will always stand by your side , support you , make you laugh , and cherish this amazing gift that I have been given , the gift of loving you as long as we both shall live .
Minister : Who has the rings ? Bless these rings as a symbol of the vows by which this man and this woman have bound themselves to each other . Lucky ?
Lucky : I give you this ring as a symbol of my love , with all that I am and all that I have .
Elizabeth : I give you this ring as a symbol of my love , with all that I am and all that I have .
Minister : Now that Elizabeth and Lucky have given themselves to each other by solemn vows and the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of rings , I pronounce them husband and wife . Those whom God hath joined together let no one put asunder . You may kiss your bride .
Ric : It d be so convenient for you to just make me disappear , Sonny , or pretend that I never was . But I am family ; I m blood , all right ? You ca nt --
Sonny : Blood means nothing , Ric . Michael s not related to me by blood , but it does nt make him any less my son . Jason s my brother , not by blood , but he s more brother than you ll ever be .
Ric : Oh , right . Right , because he s so loyal , right , because he never questions you . Let me ask you a question , Sonny . Did Jason remember to ask you permission to sleep with Sam after you were through with her ?
Sonny : He never lied to me , Ric .
Ric : Neither did I.
Sonny : Yeah , oh , yeah ? You never -- you never lied , right ? Every day that passed and you did nt tell me you slept with Reese was a lie !
Ric : Look , Sonny , we were starting to get beyond the past , ok ? We were starting to -- we were starting to behave like brothers , ok ? It was going good , and then this -- this thing happened . Look , I wanted to tell you , but I knew -- I knew how you d react ! You d just look for an excuse to -- to say that you ca nt trust me ! God forbid anybody should ever be redeemed in your eyes . It is so easy for you , Sonny , to go back to hating me .
Sonny : Hating you requires effort , Ric . I do nt want to have anything to do with you . Now , you go back to your pregnant wife or Reese . Does nt matter to me .
Ric : You miserable son of a --
Sonny : Ok , I -- I am done with both of you !
Ric : You deserve whatever you get .
Sonny : Is Carly all right ?
Dr. Kim : Unfortunately , there s been no change .
Sonny : Is she frightened ? I mean , does she ask about me ?
Dr. Kim : She seems content , calm . She enjoys her quiet time in the garden , feeds herself , and sleeps well . I m afraid if Carly saw you now , it would be disruptive .
Sonny : All right . Well , I ll check in with you in a couple days . Thank you , doctor , for everything and -- Oh , man .
Sonny : Yeah ?
Robin : Sonny , it s Robin .
Sonny : Robin ?
Robin : I need your help . Actually , Jason does . Has Tony Jones told you about the research that I ve been doing ?
Sonny : Sam McCall mentioned it .
Robin : Tony Jones sent me Jason s information to see if he might be a candidate for the treatments that I ve developed . And I called Jason to tell him that I could help him , but he was nt interested .
Sonny : Well , it s his decision .
Robin : Sonny , I do nt think you realize what s at stake here . If Jason does nt get treatment soon , he could die .
Jason : Nobody knows the side effects of Robin s treatment . I could end up worse off than the surgery .
Sam : Ok , so then we ll deal with it , Jason , that s what we ll do .
Jason : Sam , Sam , Sam . You do nt get it . I wo nt be pathetic , even for you .
Sam : You d rather be dead ?
Jason : No . But I am not afraid to die . I am afraid to look in your face and see pity .
Sam : How can you be so selfish ?
Jason : You would survive without me .
Sam : I want my reason to get up in the morning . I want to know that someone out there in this world can look into my heart and like what they see . You made me believe that we would have a future together . Do nt you dare -- do nt you dare give up on me without a fight !
Jason : I wo nt . But I have to keep you safe . I need to keep Manny away from you . I got to find out where his plane went down .
Nikolas : All right , everyone , if you do nt mind , please gather around . First , I just want to thank you all for making this such a great surprise for Elizabeth and Lucky . Most of you probably have absolutely no idea why we chose to have the wedding right here in the ballroom of Wyndermere , but there s a bit of a story behind it . Some years ago , we held a Bacchanalia Ball here . Everyone say Bacchanalia .
All : Bacchanalia .
Nikolas : Bacchanalia . Thank you . It was in honor of my late Uncle Stefan s engagement , and for those of you who were there , oh , what a party it was , and we ll just leave it at that . But what you may not know is that Elizabeth and Lucky were falling in love for the very first time that night . Well , they watched the entire party through the window outside in the garden and , I do nt know , I guess once they witnessed the festivities in here , they just got swept up in the romance of it all , because they shared their very first dance outside in that garden .
All : Aw .
Nikolas : And for years , Emily -- Emily ? -- Emily and I have had both the privilege and honor to listen to the myriad of complaints as to how they were always on the outside looking in , both figuratively and literally . On the occasion of my brother s wedding to his beautiful , beautiful bride , we thought it was time that they come inside from the garden . So without further ado , I present to you for their very first dance as husband and wife , Lucky and Elizabeth Spencer .
Elizabeth : Oh , God .
Georgie : Can you imagine , Dillon ? They were younger than us when they fell in love . I m not talking about marriage or anything . I m just saying --
Dillon : I know what you re saying . Sometimes first love lasts forever .
Georgie : Yeah .
Lainey : This is the kind of wedding girls dream about .
Justus : It almost makes you believe in happily - ever - after .
Lainey : And Prince Charming .
Justus : Ah . Now , that -- that s a tall order .
Lainey : I m not talking about a one - dimensional cartoon character with a cleft chin . I m talking about the real thing -- a man with a heart and a brain , genuine compassion and , of course , a killer dancer .
Justus : Now , that -- that is a dream worth holding on to .
Jax : You ok ?
Alexis : My feet have turned into watermelons . How about you after what Courtney told you ?
Jax : Well , you know , I have nt had a chance to talk to her yet . I really do nt know what to make of it .
Alexis : Yes , you do .
Skye : It was a beautiful wedding , Luke . Lucky is happy beyond words . Try to be happy for him .
Luke : This is me happy . I m happy . It looks like Lucky is going to have what Laura always wanted but could never have with me -- a normal life -- whatever that is -- a little white picket fence , babies , grandbabies . His mother would be very pleased .
Emily : Wait for a signal from me to bring out the cake . All right .
Alan : Em ? Hi .
Emily : Hi .
Alan : I ca nt get over how comfortable you are here .
Emily : Yeah , it was my home .
Alan : Well , technically , it still is . I was watching you and Nikolas during the ceremony . You re both still so much in love .
Emily : Well , considering that you were so dead set against my marriage , dad , you sure are pushing hard .
Alan : I never objected to Nikolas , it was his family , and I was nt wrong . But the truth is , Em , you belong here with your husband .
Nikolas : Courtney , Courtney ? Hey .
Courtney : Hey .
Nikolas : It s ok . This is an emotional day for everyone , I know . Are you ok ?
Courtney : Yeah . No , the wedding is so beautiful because you and Emily did such a wonderful job . You should be proud .
Nikolas : What s going on ? Tell me , what s going on ?
Courtney : I got the D.N.A. results back . It s Jax s baby .
Nikolas : Yeah . Well , we knew there was a chance that it was nt going to be mine , so --
Courtney : I wanted it to be .
Nikolas : Yeah , so did I. I did nt know how much until this moment . But it does nt change anything , ok ? I still want to be with you . I want to be as much of a father to this child as I can , ok ?
Jax : Thanks , anyway , but I ll be the father to my child .
Elizabeth : I got butterflies , just like the first time we danced .
Luke : Congratulations , my son .
Lucky : Thank you .
Luke : There never was a more beautiful bride .
Elizabeth : Thank you .
Luke : As you both know , I sort of lost my faith in the institution of marriage , but I am counting on you to change my mind .
Elizabeth : Well , then I will make it my life s work .
Luke : Well , you ve made a damn good start of it tonight .
Brook Lynn : Help , police .
Jesse : Hi .
Brook Lynn : Hey , will you dance with me so I do nt get stuck with my father ?
Jesse : Wow , sounds like an emergency . Try not to judge me . I stink .
Brook Lynn : I doubt that . Come on .
Lucas : Let s just pretend you got this from me and not your date . Some birthday , huh ?
Maxie : You remembered ? God , you re probably the only one .
Lucas : Yeah , well , underneath this lone - wolf facade beats the heart of a -- you know what ? Come on . Let s dance to celebrate your birthday .
Brook Lynn : Sometimes I still get nightmares because Dillon does nt really think you guys caught the right guy .
Jesse : Yeah . Listen , I have something I have to take care of , but thank you very much for the dance .
Brook Lynn : Ok .
Ric : I m sorry I missed the ceremony .
Elizabeth : Oh .
Ric : Congratulations , Elizabeth . You deserve every happiness . You always did . I m just sorry that I threw our chance away . You d think I would ve learned by now that there s absolutely no return on this ridiculous obsession with my brother , right ? Uh , sorry . You look -- you look beautiful .
Elizabeth : Hey , are you ok ?
Ric : Yeah . Me ? I m great .
Lesley Lu : Elizabeth ?
Elizabeth : Yes ?
Lesley Lu : I m supposed to tell you it s time to throw the bouquet . Just do nt throw that thing anywhere near me .
Elizabeth : Got it . I got to go .
Ric : Go ahead .
Maxie : This is -- this is absurd .
Georgie : Oh , come on . Will you just chill out and try to enjoy yourself ?
Elizabeth : Ok , girls , are you ready ? Yeah ? Ok , heads up . One , two , three !
Sonny : I got a call from Robin Scorpio telling me that if Jason does nt get treatment , he s going to die .
Sam : I know .
Sam : I know . I know , Sonny , he s getting worse every day . Tony gave him the medication and he s just taking it , and he pops it like candy and -- you know , I begged and I yelled and I threatened and -- I m out of ideas . I -- I m afraid to lose him .
Sonny : Here , here . It s all right . No , hey , I mean , me , too . Every once in a while , I like to mix it up .
Maxie : Jesse ?
Jesse : Surprised ?
Maxie : I m -- I m floored . When I got your note to meet you here , I thought it was about the stalker .
Jesse : No , Maxie . It s all about you .
Jesse : It s a special day for an incredibly beautiful , smart , and stubborn girl who fell into my world and turned it upside down .
Maxie : Wait , back up a second . Did you just say beautiful ?
Jesse : You d better blow these out before the place burns down .
Maxie : I think I can do that . There .
Jesse : Did you make a wish ?
Maxie : What do you think ?
Singer : Rest assured no matter what you re not alone cause I know
Jax : I d like to speak to my wife -- alone .
Nikolas : Let s ask Courtney what she wants .
Courtney : It s ok .
Jax : So how did this miracle happen , and why did you choose to tell me now ?
Courtney : Obviously , I did nt know that I was pregnant until after I was already with Nikolas . Yeah , Jax , I knew that there was a slight chance you were the father , but I did nt want to get your hopes up and then tell you that the baby was nt yours . I mean , I know how much this means to you .
Jax : Yeah , it means everything . I ca nt -- I ca nt believe you re pregnant . Wow . Courtney , I want to -- I want to raise this child together as husband and wife .
Courtney : No . We ca nt .
Emily : Nikolas !
Nikolas : I m ok . It s all right , it s all right . I think I ll just watch where I m going rather than just --
Emily : What happened ?
Nikolas : Courtney got the paternity test back . Jax is the father .
Lucky : I think I m going to like being married .
Bobbie : Ok , now , all the single men , time to catch the garter .
Justus : We re right here .
Bobbie : Where s my brother ? Luke ?
Tracy : He s taken .
Lucky : Ok .
Mac : That s it . Right here .
Luke : What am I supposed to do with this ?
Alice : Well , you re supposed to wear it around your arm and dance with me . It s tradition .
Tracy : It s demeaning .
Luke : It s a polka !
Alexis : There you are .
Ric : Hey . I was looking for you .
Alexis : Oh , I m not that difficult to spot these days .
Ric : Yeah .
Alexis : You ok ?
Ric : Yeah . Should nt I be ?
Alexis : You were gone a long time .
Ric : Oh , I -- I kind of had a busy day . You know , I -- I had to go see my brother -- excuse me , my ex - employer . See , I ve been fired by Sonny himself . So much for fraternal bonds , right ?
Jason : Did you say something to make her cry ?
Sonny : Can you give us a second ?
Jason : What s going on ?
Sonny : Robin called . She called as my friend . She said to me that if you do not get treatment , you could die . That s why Sam was crying , not because of anything I did to her . Why are you being so selfish ?
Luke : Well , hiya , princess . You got a hug for your old man ? Guess not . First time in heels must be rough on your feet .
Lesley Lu : It s nothing new . I ve been wearing them since I was 12 .
Luke : You have ?
Lesley Lu : You know you missed my birthday again ? Do you even know which one ?
Luke : 15 .
Lesley Lu : At least you do nt pretend I matter . I m glad you decided to come today for Lucky s sake . Dad ? I m 17 .
Tracy : Well . I m awfully glad you re an absentee father . Otherwise , I would have to worry that you might invite that nasty little hooch to come live with us .
Ric : You tried to warn me , Alexis . You said that Sonny did nt care about anybody but himself . I mean , does nt it make you feel good to know that you were right ?
Alexis : Not much .
Ric : I mean , you said he would nt even forgive a mistake . And here we are , right , unforgiven . Mike , he s your son . I mean , is there ever any kind of secret that Sonny does nt consider a betrayal ?
Mike : If there is , I ve never seen it .
Ric : Yeah .
Mike : You know , however , I think a hot pot of coffee might do you some good right about now .
Alexis : I think that s a really good idea . Thank you , Mike .
Mike : All right .
Ric : See that ? Look at that , he s -- is nt it amazing ? Mike is just such a -- just a nice , easygoing guy , and his kid is just this -- this uptight , self- righteous , judgmental -- but hey , you should be happy , Alexis . I no longer have a dangerous job . I no longer have a dangerous brother . I am without both .
Alexis : You knew what your brother was like , you knew what you were getting into and , from the looks of things , it does nt appear that you have any intention of getting out of it , even with that last insult , whatever the hell that was .
Ric : You have no idea .
Alexis : No , no , but I can guarantee that you ll be going back there asking for his forgiveness and the rest of us will be paying the price .
Ric : Ok , here we go . Yeah , I would really appreciate a little compassion and understanding , Alexis , not an I told you so . Besides , he s not coming back from this betrayal . No , it was nt all about the lie , definitely , it was about the sex .
Alexis : Yeah , you might want to clarify that .
Ric : Sure . Sure , you know what ? Have it your way . No more lies . No more lies . No more secrets . You know the reason that Sonny decided to slam the door in my face one more time ? My great betrayal -- I slept with Reese !
Sonny : You re not afraid to die . I know that . You never have been . But there are , you know , plenty of people who love you , who are terrified to lose you . My whole family , your sister , Emily , Sam . I need you . You re my friend .
Jason : I m not going to --
Sonny : You re not going to take that away , are you ?
Jason : I m not going to live in a wheelchair for the rest of my life or get shipped off to some institution . And I m not going to make Sam take care of me because I m not capable of taking care of myself .
Sonny : You think I do nt know about pride ? You ca nt just throw your life away out of arrogance . You got a woman who would die to save you if she could . You do nt spit on that . Now , I m telling you right now , for her , you have to do whatever it is you need to do to stay alive .
Jason : Are you leaving ?
Robin : Robin Scorpio .
Man : Dr. Scorpio , Davis Powell . We met after your speech in Brussels .
Robin : Oh , Davis , how are you ?
Davis : Hate to call last - minute like this , but we re getting ready for the AIDS conference in New York City . One of our speakers fell out . Is there any chance you can fill in ?
Robin : The conference is this week , is nt it ?
Davis : We need you by Wednesday .
Robin : Then you can count on it . I wanted to go to New York anyway . There s someone I need to see there .
Courtney : We ll raise this baby as mother and father , but not as a couple .
Jax : Come on , we ve already come so far in making the peace with each other .
Courtney : But as friends . Ok , I just -- I do nt think that we were meant for anything more .
Jax : We re going to be parents now . We at least owe it to this child to give it a try .
Courtney : Jax , what kind of marriage can we have if there is nt genuine love between us ? I do nt want to hurt you any more than I already have . I m in love with Nikolas . I m sorry , Jax .
Jax : No , I m sorry for you because you do nt realize that Nikolas is still hung up on Emily .
Lucky : It s chocolate , Elizabeth s favorite .
Audrey : Ah , yes , well , that s the key to a successful marriage -- indulge each other s whims .
Elizabeth : Go ahead , grab a piece .
Audrey : Uh - oh .
Man : May I help you ?
Manny : Yes , I believe you can .
Alexis : Get off the table , Ric ! This show is over .
Lucky : To my brother , Nikolas .
Elizabeth : And my dear friend Emily .
All : Hear , hear .
Sam : I am trying to save you .
Jason : You act like this treatment is some magic cure .
### Summary:
| Sonny reaffirms that he can not trust Ric . Jason hangs up on Robin , telling her never to call him again . Courtney tells Jax she s pregnant , and he s the dad . Liz and Lucky marry without a hitch . In the shadow of the wedding , Maxie has her birthday . Lulu mouths off to Luke . Ric gets fired and plastered , then yells in public that he slept with Reese . Jax wants to reunite with his wife . Sonny pressures Jason to get treatment . Robin heads for New York . Courtney resists Jax s pleas . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
David : You ve all been extremely generous in your pledges for this worthy cause , but I m asking you all to please just dig a little deeper . You d be amazed to know just how far each dollar goes in putting food on those hungry kids plates .
Krystal : He s wrapping up . He s wrapping up . You got to keep him as distracted as you can for as long as you can .
Tad : Well , how am I supposed to do that ?
Krystal : I do nt know . But Jake is falling apart , ok ? He needs more time with Amanda .
Tad : Great . I ll do the best I can .
David : So just continue to give from your heart . Thank you very much .
Tad : No . Thank you , Dr. Hayward . You know , we were all wondering , um , how dancing compares with other forms of cardiovascular exercise . Tae bo , for instance .
David : Oh , um , you know , why do nt we talk about that during my next break ? I ve got to get back to my partner , ok ?
Tad : Oh , come on , now , Doc . You ve got lots of adoring and very generous fans out there . I m sure you would nt want to let them down .
Amanda : What are you doing ?
Jake : I m taking the baby , and I m getting the hell out of here .
Amanda : What ? Where ?
Jake : I do nt know . Anywhere . Anywhere away from David .
Amanda : Away from me ?
Jake : I do nt know . Are you not coming with me ?
Randi : So tell her you ll give her what she wants . Tell Madison you ll divorce me .
Frankie : I only told you what she said , so that you d know what we re up against . We re not getting a divorce .
Randi : Do we have another choice , Frankie ?
Frankie : One way or another , I m gon na put that woman out of her misery .
Randi : Every time we think we can beat her , she just keeps coming back stronger .
Frankie : All we have to do is find her weak spot .
Randi : She s out to destroy our marriage , and I think she has a really good shot at it .
Natalia : We have nt met officially . I m Natalia -- Jesse s daughter , Frankie s sister .
Madison : Yes , I know who you are . Why do nt you run along and play meter maid , ok ?
Natalia : Nah . I d rather talk about what happened to your husband .
Madison : Oh . He was murdered .
Natalia : And I know exactly what killed him -- a big , ugly , nasty , poisonous spider . Look at that ! Do you see the spider ? It s a black widow .
Natalia : Got it .
Madison : Very nice . Dramatic . Wow , you can really play it tough , just like your daddy .
Natalia : You know what ? Leave my father out of this !
Madison : Ok , piece of advice . Dial it back , hmm ? You re just starting out . You ve got your whole career ahead of you . Do nt do anything foolish .
Natalia : You re the fool , for thinking you would terrorize my who family and get away with it ?
Madison : You stay back , ok , or I will do something that we will both regret .
Erica : Do nt worry about Annie . Ryan went after her . I m sure he ll take very good care of her .
Adam : Ah . You hate Annie , and you want Ryan . You made that perfectly clear when you were both practically rutting on the dance floor . But do nt tell me that you feel fine if they run off together .
Erica : Annie needs to let it all out . Annie needs to express all the feelings she has for Ryan , and Ryan then can get rid of Annie once and for all .
Adam : Or she can get rid of him , you mean . What the woman feels for the man is pure hatred .
Annie : Will you protect me ?
Ryan : Of course , I ll protect you .
Annie : But you hate me .
Ryan : Hate you ? Annie , I now know that everything you re doing , you re doing to protect Emma , to help her . I only hope that you ll forgive me , that you ll allow me to protect you .
Annie : The way you used to ?
Ryan : Yeah . But I ca nt if you do nt trust me , if you do nt talk to me . You got to tell me why you need protecting .
Liza : My man wo nt let me prove to him how much I love him , as I understand him . And I would never turn to another man . I would never break my promise . Never .
Liza : Let s go somewhere .
Zach : I ca nt . We ca nt . It s not right .
Liza : It is so right . Come on , we both want this . Let s go .
Zach : Yeah , right now . We -- we got to -- we got to think ahead .
Liza : I am .
Zach : No , you re not . You want a future , and I -- I ca nt give you that .
Liza : Your relationship with Kendall is --
Zach : She s my wife .
Liza : She s in prison for years maybe , and you ca nt give her what she wants .
Zach : I ca nt give you what you want and what you need . You need a man who s free , without baggage .
Liza : So you want me , you love her . Got it .
Amanda : Jake , it s never gon na work . You re tired . You have nt thought this through .
Jake : We are doing this now , ok ? We are leaving right now . We are going to the airport . We re gon na get a flight . Or we re gon na go to a bus terminal , and we re gon na get on a bus . Whatever it takes . Ok , look , I love you , and I am really sorry . I regret that I have nt done this sooner . We should ve done it when you were pregnant .
Amanda : It s not gon na work , Jake . We ve gone over this a thousand times . David is gon na find us . He s gon na get us arrested for kidnapping .
Jake : It has to work . It s going to work . Or am I the only one that thinks that ?
Tad : You know , Doc , another thing some of us were wondering about -- how do I put this ? Is heart - healthy obsessions . You know what I m talking about ?
David : Heart - healthy obsessions , yeah . Look , I really have to go , martin . But you re doing a fantastic job . Keep it up .
Krystal : David , David , David ? Do nt go .
David : What are you talking about ?
Krystal : Calls are just pouring in from your old heart patients . I think if you man the phone bank for a while , it would really help .
David : All right , Krystal , what are you trying to pull ?
Brot : I do nt know what s going on with this Madison North woman , but Natalia has got me worried .
Angie : Brot , it s complicated .
Jesse : There s only so much I can tell you without putting you at risk .
Brot : Jesse , I can take care of myself .
Jesse : Madison blames us for her husband s death .
Angie : And she wants revenge , and she s targeted Frankie and Randi .
Jesse : And that s all we can say right now , really .
Brot : Ok . But just so you know , I m here . I can carry the weight . Whatever you guys need , just say when . All right ?
Jesse : Appreciate it .
Angie : Thank you .
Frankie : I m not gon na let Madison destroy our marriage .
Randi : Look at all the damage she s already caused . I lost our baby because of that woman . She is not gon na stop until she breaks us .
Frankie : Hey , I m not giving up on us ever . I love you . Do nt you get that ? What we have Madison will never have or understand . She ca nt break us .
Natalia : You think you can stick me with that pathetic little splinter ? Ha ha ha ! Ah . I d like to see you try .
Madison : No . No , no , you ca nt bait me that easily . I wo nt do anything to weaken my hand . My hand right now is pretty good . So why do nt you run back to your family , tell your brother to give me what I want .
Natalia : What s it like to be filled with so much hate ?
Madison : Kind of fun , actually .
Natalia : You re trying real hard to lay this all on my family . But I think I know someone you hate even more . Too bad the mirror s broke , or you could see her .
Adam : Annie will be done with Ryan soon enough . You ll see .
Erica : Adam , if you d been a fly on the wall in the ladies room , you would ve seen for yourself Annie was positively green at the thought that Ryan and I were close .
Adam : Well -- well , maybe she s afraid that Ryan will blunder into marrying you .
Erica : Marrying ? Who s talking about marrying ?
Adam : I mean , imagine you as a surrogate mother for poor Emma ?
Erica : Imagine you as Annie s fool ? Oh , but then I do nt have to imagine because here you are .
Adam : Ah .
Erica : I mean , I m sure that Annie has pledged her undying love for you , Adam . But the truth is Annie never got over Ryan .
Adam : No , she never got over him taking Emma away from her . That s it .
Erica : I m sure that Annie has lots of issues . Look , once Ryan lets Annie down easy , it s even possible that your bride - to - be may actually fall in love with you . It s a stretch , I know , but there s always hope .
Ryan : You can trust me , Annie . You can trust me . You got to talk to me . Tell me why you need protecting , and I swear that I ll be there for you .
Annie : Offering your protection -- like you first did when we were together and you were protecting me from Terry . You were so caring .
Ryan : You can tell me , Annie .
Annie : I m afraid of what I could lose .
Ryan : Emma ? Adam ? Look , it s -- it s killing you keeping it inside . I can see it . It s ripping you up keeping this inside . You got to let it out . Just talk to me . Tell me what you did .
Annie : You want me to admit I killed Stuart , do nt you ? You ca nt con me , Ryan .
Ryan : That s not what I m doing , Annie . I m not . I want to help you .
Annie : No , you do nt . Like always , you are out to get me . You were trying to twist my words into a confession .
Ryan : Now , hold on a second . You told me that my little girl shot Stuart , my sweet little Emma , so it is a little bit difficult for me to swallow .
Annie : So , what ? What , you think I d commit murder and blame my own daughter for it ? You think that much of a sick , sick monster ? Thank God you re here .
Adam : What did you say to her ?
Annie : Do nt waste your breath . Just get me away from him .
Tad : Girl , you are amazing . It s the middle of the night , and those donations just keep pouring in . I just want to make sure that you re ok . I mean , I was kind of curious as to why your dance partner would see fit to kiss and run .
Erica : OH . Well , because he s dealing with Pine Valley s knife - wielding psycho .
Adam : I assume you re ready to go home now ?
Annie : I am not letting Erica or Ryan or anyone else think that I m beat .
Erica : So -- so what happened ?
Ryan : Let s not talk about it here . I might burn the place down .
Erica : All right , listen . Come to my office , and you can cool off .
Krystal : I m not pulling anything . It s just that we re short on volunteers . And since most of the callers are your patients , I thought it would be a good idea --
David : Why do nt you try and sell it somewhere else , ok ? I know when you re pulling something over me , Krystal . I ve known you long enough .
Carrie : Dr. Hayward ? This man -- Jake Martin . He took the baby while I was --
David : Where is he ?
Amanda : Please , just give me the baby . Let s sit down . Let s talk this out .
Jake : I think I understand what s happening here . I actually want this more than you want it , right ? The three of us as a family , to be together ? You just want to hang around here and seduce David .
Amanda : That is not fair , and it s not true , and you know it .
Jake : You know what it s like ? It s like you are an undercover cop or something that s gone too deep into her role . You think that you re seducing David and pulling him in when actually -- when actually you re going a little too far undercover . Actually , the only next thing you could really do is go under the covers with Dave , which you have done before , which throws our whole little family plan right out the window . Is nt that right ? Is nt that right ? And the problem is I ve watched this thing . I ve played along with it the whole way , and it s killing me . This whole thing is killing me .
David : What are you doing with my son ?
Amanda : Trevor was really fussy , so Jake was just walking --
Jake : That s not true . What I was doing was I was taking Trevor . I was taking him , and I m still gon na take him . There s really nothing you can do about it .
Jesse : Have you seen Natalia ? I m starting to get worried .
Angie : Natalia , are you all right ?
Jesse : What happened ? What d you do to that woman ? It s ok . Brot knows the general situation .
Natalia : I shook her up a little . I -- I cornered her in the bathroom . But she was nowhere near broken down .
Brot : Wait a minute . Your hand s cut .
Randi : Natalia , you re shaking .
Jesse : What the hell ?
Frankie : Ok , let me take a look .
Angie : How did that happen ?
Natalia : Oh , I broke a mirror in the bathroom . I did nt realize I cut it . Look , it s no big deal .
Jesse : Hey , hey , hey , hey .
Brot : Whoa , whoa , whoa .
Jesse : Woman s gon na make me hurt her .
Woman : She s over there .
Madison : Oh , help me , please . Help me .
Zach : I m sorry about all this .
Liza : You do nt have to apologize . I get it . You were very honest . You love Kendall . Look , we re done here . I would appreciate being alone now .
Liza : The last time I cry for a man .
David : You do realize that you ca nt just take my son ? He is mine .
Jake : You know , I actually -- I protected this baby before he got to the world , and I continue to protect him once he s here . And , really , the truth of the matter is , Dave , a person like you should nt have a child , no matter what the law says .
David : It s really not your call , Martin .
Amanda : You know what ? Both of you need to stop it . David , please --
Officer : What seems to be the problem here ?
Amanda : Come on , I am begging you . Please do not have him arrested .
David : There s no problem , Officer . Just a little family quarrel . It s all under control .
Jake : What was that ? What ?
David : This fighting over Trevor has to stop .
Natalia : You guys , come on , stop ! Stop fussing over me ! I m fine ! Please , come on . I m ok . Frankie , Madison told me to tell you to give her what she wants . What does she want ?
Frankie : She wants me to divorce Randi .
Angie : You know , that woman blames Randi for losing her husband , and now she wants Randi to lose Frankie .
Natalia : That is ridiculous . I need to go have another talk with --
Brot : No , no , no , no .
Frankie : You need to take it easy . And besides , Randi and I are nt getting a divorce for this insane woman . Right ?
Officer : Chief ? You re needed down in the ladies room .
Natalia : Uh - uh , Dad . It s Madison .
Angie : No --
Jesse : Stay put . Stay put . I do nt need a posse here .
Singer : Lookin good inside those sexy things
Tad : I got some bad news . Your break went on a little too long , so I had to disqualify you .
Singer : Girl , we can take this up a notch
Tad : OK . Care to share with your MC / rabbi / couples counselor ?
Liza : What ? You told me to stay away from Zach . I should ve listened . He is forever and always will be unavailable .
Tad : He did nt look that unavailable while you were Greco - Roman tongue wrestling on the dance floor .
Liza : What ? A kiss is just a kiss . I m an idiot .
Tad : That is the last word I would ever use to describe you .
Liza : How about I m desperately alone ?
Tad : That s not true either , is it ? You got a brand - new baby boy , you got Colby , and you have a lot of friends .
Liza : Listen , Tad , do nt you worry about me , all right ? I m gon na be just fine .
Tad : Yeah . You know what ? I have nt had a break in a long time . What do you say you and I go up on the roof , get some air , and we can be fine together ? Patrick , I m taking ten . Just leave them where they drop .
Singer : Wanna give you what I came here for
Adam : You know , I still do nt understand why you ran away from me , or how you ended up on the roof with Ryan .
Annie : Dancing with you all night , it s -- it s been magical . Being in your arms , I -- I feel like a princess .
Adam : Well , then what s the problem ?
Annie : I look around this room , and all I see is enemies . I feel like all these people want to cart me off and lock me up and throw away the key .
Adam : And that s why you ran ?
Annie : I just wanted to escape all the stares . And I went up there for an escape , and Ryan followed me , and he tricked me , and he tried to get me to say I killed Stuart .
Adam : To hell with Ryan . I believe in you . And I believe we re going to have our fantasy romance no matter how many people give ugly stares to try to drag us apart .
Ryan : I had her . I had Annie exactly where I wanted her . She was just about to confess that she killed Stuart .
Erica : So what happened ?
Ryan : She stopped . She just did nt -- she did nt say anything , you know , so I decided to go with a different angle . I tried to work it a different way . I tried to go in --
Zach : You tried , huh ? But you pushed too hard .
Jesse : I ll take it from here . You are really , really pushing me to the edge .
Madison : Your daughter did this to me . She assaulted me . I want her arrested .
Jake : So , what , Dave ? You re calling it a truce , really ? Really , I m supposed to buy that ?
David : You know , I have to admit until right now , I took great pleasure in reclaiming my son , even rubbing your nose in it .
Krystal : What changed ?
David : Seeing Jake clutching Trevor , threatening to run . I know this is hard to believe , but I saw myself in you .
Jake : I really -- I do nt need , you know , mock empathy from you .
David : Listen to me . I know what it feels like to have a baby you love ripped from you . It s as if someone took your heart and cut it out of your chest with a hacksaw , no anesthesia .
Amanda : David , is this for real ?
David : You know , I understand why you would nt trust me , any of you , but I swear it . And I can prove it right now . I will promise you right here and now that I will not take Trevor from you .
Ryan : I do nt need to hear this from you , Zach . I got Annie closer to confessing than anybody else , including you .
Zach : But you lost her . What , did you scare her off , maybe ?
Ryan : I will reel her back in .
Erica : Yes , of course , you will . Because Annie still has feelings for you , and as long as she does , then that means that she s vulnerable .
Zach : I want you out of this .
Ryan : You want me out of this ? As long as Emma is in this , so am I , Zach .
Zach : It s Kendall s life we re talking about .
Erica : Ok , you know what ? Both of you , stop it . Going at each other ? That s not gon na help Kendall or Emma , and it s certainly not gon na nail Annie . Ryan , would you mind giving me a moment alone with Zach , and I ll be right out ?
Zach : Ahem . No , I m not gon na back off .
Erica : That s not what I want to talk to you about .
Erica : Lipstick -- Liza s , I think .
Zach : I do nt know .
Erica : Zach , what are you doing ?
Liza : Remind me again how I got over you so completely .
Tad : What do you mean , over me ? Nobody gets over me . You sure about this ? You do nt need me to tell you what to do , Liza . If you want to get over Zach , you will .
Liza : What , mind over hormones ?
Tad : You just have to be honest with yourself . Do you want to get over him ?
Liza : I never really had him .
Annie : I feel surrounded .
Adam : No , do nt think about them . Close your eyes . Close your eyes . Close them ! Ok , think about our wedding . Think about our -- think about our future . Think --
Annie : Whoa ! Hey , hey , hey ! Adam , are -- are you all right ?
Adam : Oh , I m fine , I m fine , I m fine .
Annie : I m taking you home .
Adam : No , no , no , no . You said you wanted to show up everybody in this room , and I m gon na see that you do .
Annie : Whoo !
Erica : Hey , Ryan ?
Ryan : Yeah ?
Erica : Just forget about Annie for the rest of the night , ok ? There s nothing more you can possibly do tonight .
Ryan : After I screwed it up so badly , yeah .
Erica : Well , you know what ? We have ignored every official break rule in the books , but come on . It s my marathon and I ll dance if I want to .
Erica : You still want to win this thing , do nt you ? Come on .
Singer : Live it up live it up
Brot : Come on , let s see if you still got those dance moves .
Natalia : I m good .
Angie : Listen , you heard your father . Now , you let him handle Madison .
Brot : Come on .
Frankie : I m gon na go downstairs and see if Dad needs any help .
Angie : All right , just please be careful .
Frankie : Yeah .
Angie : Hey , sweetheart , how are you holding up ?
Randi : I ve decided I m not gon na let that woman get to me anymore .
Angie : You re a strong woman .
Randi : No . Because I love your son .
Natalia : I blew it . I did . I lost control down there with Madison . I broke the damn mirror . All my freaking training , out the window .
Brot : So you lost it for a second . We all do that sometimes . But the important thing is , Natalia , is that you got a grip on yourself , and you did nt hurt her .
Natalia : Yeah , but I wanted to . I wanted to hurt her so bad .
Madison : Your daughter went postal , is how this happened . She smashed the mirror and grabbed a piece of glass like a knife and came at me .
Jesse : You really expect me to believe that ?
Madison : Ok , if you wo nt arrest that psycho daughter of yours , I ll go get the other officer . Ow ! Ow , you re hurting me ! Ok , this is police brutality , no ? The acorn does nt fall very far from the tree , does it ? Frankie , help me !
Frankie : Dad , let her go . How about I look at that woman , make sure she s ok ?
Madison : Ohh !
Frankie : And , um , maybe you should go back downstairs while I examine her .
Frankie : It , um , looks superficial . I do nt think you ll need stitches : Butterfly should do it .
Madison : Henry was never this good to me .
Tad : Ok , I m back . I take it nothing exciting happened while I was gone ?
Tommy : Nope . Just a lot of dancing .
Natalia : Look , I did not cut that woman .
Jesse : I know you did nt cut that woman . Just do me a favor . Stay away from her from now on ?
Angie : How s Frankie doing ?
Jesse : Well , Frankie stopped me from doing something really stupid . He s being the good doctor .
Frankie : You know , if I were you , I would nt try to blame my sister for this .
Madison : Well , it s too small to worry about . I ll throw her back . Anyway , you re the catch I want .
Frankie : Well , you re out of luck , because I m not divorcing Randi .
Madison : Do nt make me force your hand -- your strong , gentle hand .
Frankie : I d keep that bandage clean if I were you .
Madison : I keep everything clean , including my record -- unlike that beautiful wife of yours . I would really hate to put her behind bars .
Frankie : Why do nt you leave her out of this ?
Madison : Then make the right choice , Frankie .
Frankie : I already have .
David : All right , you know something ? Huh . This is nt easy for me , but I m willing to let Jake spend time with Trevor , with Amanda , too , at my house . Look , I ll tell you what . You re not needed for the rest of the night . Jake will take care of Trevor while Amanda and I finish the marathon . We really should be getting back before we get disqualified .
Amanda : Jake , this is good for us . Really .
Krystal : You wo nt run ?
Jake : He s just reeling her in . And she s falling for it .
Zach : I just -- I want to say one more time how -- how sorry I am --
Liza : That s all right . I do nt -- I do nt want to hear it . I -- I ca nt help you corner Annie , and I ca nt be Kendall s lawyer . I know I ve tried to do this before , but this time I quit .
Zach : I do nt want you to be angry just because something --
Liza : I m not angry . I m just trying to keep my dignity .
David : I have to admit I never thought I d have it in me to cut Jake so much slack . It feels -- hmm . It feels good .
Amanda : You re really going to let Jake come to Wildwind and be with Trevor ?
David : Mm - hmm . And all because of this marathon . When it first started , I was so smug that I had beaten Jake . But as the night wore on , my guard wore down . And then I looked at you , and I realized what I was doing to you -- my arrogance , my possessiveness . I also realized what it would do to Trevor in the long run . So it was a wake - up call . Something had to give . I had to give for your sake and for our son s .
Ryan : What ?
Erica : Oh , I was just thinking about how you dealt with Zach .
Ryan : Oh . I assume you disapprove ?
Erica : Oh , not at all . I think you re a rare man -- not afraid to let someone know your feelings . I respect that in a man .
Ryan : Oh . Well , I , uh , have nt exactly been open about all my feelings .
Erica : What do you mean ?
Ryan : I have nt really told you how I feel about you .
Liza : Sorry for being so curt .
Zach : I deserved that .
Liza : Listen , it has nt been that long since I realized that I do nt have to live my life for a man . I can live my life for myself . And when I realize that again , I ll get over you , and I will be just fine .
Zach : I do nt doubt that for a second .
Liza : Good luck .
Jake : Do nt worry , pal . I m here now , ok ? I wo nt lose you . And I wo nt lose your mom either . I promise .
Tad : I tell you , all this dance floor drama makes me happy that I came to this shindig solo .
Krystal : Amen to that .
Tad : Although , it would nice to get in one dance before sunrise .
Krystal : Just one ?
Singer : I never felt this way before
Amanda : I want to believe you . I want to believe that you re not working me or Jake .
David : I say this sincerely , Amanda . I am not working you . But I guess the question is , have you been working me ?
Singer : When the world is gone and our time is ending
Frankie : Hey , where s Randi at ?
Angie : She went out to get some air .
Madison : Hello , Hubbards . Oh , do you always travel in flocks ? Oh , do nt worry . I m not pressing charges . You taught your son well . He s a very good doctor -- very caring .
Angie : Why do nt you just leave ?
Madison : Good idea .
Erica : So exactly how do you feel about me ?
Ryan : Well , I m not exactly known for expressing my feelings perfectly . But I know that when you were in Africa , I thought about you every single day .
Erica : I missed you , too . Ok . If you do nt want to say how you feel about me , it s ok .
Ryan : Well , do you want to tell me how you feel about me ?
Erica : No .
Erica : No , we agreed -- no labels . I m afraid if we talk about it , it s going to ruin what we have .
Ryan : Yeah . I m afraid of the same thing . Well , I m really glad we cleared that up .
Erica : Me , too .
Singer : I light a light a light to shine there is nothing more to say when the rain falls down and I see you smiling no one s around to see us there
Madison : Oh , how sweet of you -- a private good - bye .
Singer : When the world is gone and our time is ending
Madison : You look so angry . Is that how you looked when you killed my husband ? Maybe you came up here to kill me , too . Is that it ?
Singer : No one s around to see us there when I feel your arms all wrapped around me
Madison : Here . I believe you re familiar with blunt objects . Hit me with your best shot .
Annie : I can hear your heart beating . Adam , it s -- it s beating very fast . You know what ? I -- I think maybe we should go home . Adam ? Adam ? Adam ? !
Adam : Ohh --
Annie : Adam ?
Stuart : Adam ? What are you doing on the floor ? Did someone shoot you , too ?
### Summary:
| Jake attempts to steal Trevor , but Amanda stops him ; David catches him but does not have Jake arrested . David will begin to allow Jake some time with Amanda and Trevor at his home ; Amanda is suspicious of Jake s motives . Liza tells Zach that if she were allowed to love him she would never betray him . Zach kisses her but pulls away . He tells her that they could never have a future together . Liza quits as Zach lawyer and friend . Liza tells Tad that she never really had Zach , but she cried over him in Fusion s bathroom . Annie realizes that Ryan is using her . Ryan brags to Erica that he was close to getting the truth from Annie before she bolted . Zach is worried that Ryan has scared Annie off . Erica points out lipstick on Zach s mouth ; he ignores her . Madison wants Frankie to divorce Randi or she will give the cops the tape . Natalia makes a psycho threat to Madison ; Madison cuts herself and pretends that Natalia cut her . Madison tells Jesse that Natalia cut her ; she makes Jesse so mad that he grabs her and squeezes her shoulders . Frankie saves her . Madison decides not to press charges against Natalia . Ryan wants to be honest about his feelings , so he tells Erica that he thought about her everyday while she was in Africa . Zach apologize for hurting Lizaa feelings . Madison runs into Randi on Fusion s rooftop and dares Randi to hit her . Adam s heart begins to race then he falls to the ground . He sees Stuart who asks Adam if he has been shot as well . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Michael : Yeah , I m on my way . Half - hour , tops . What ? All right , tell her not to talk to anyone else .
Lauren : Is that a client ?
Michael : [ Sighs ] And after you went to all this trouble . It looks great .
Lauren : Are you coming back soon or -- what should I do ?
Michael : Uh , this woman who was arrested , she is associated with my firm . She asked me to take her case .
Lauren : Do I know her ? Is it one of your paralegals ?
Michael : No , I barely know her -- Eleanor Wells .
Lauren : Oh , no . What was she accused of ?
Michael : Shooting and killing her husband .
Lauren : Wow . Was he abusive ?
Michael : Cheating . Yeah . Eleanor also allegedly shot the woman he was sleeping with .
Lauren : No , put that away . Stop shooting me . [ Laughs ] Stop ! I ca nt believe you .
Carmine : [ Sighs ] Lauren , I was just thi-- oh , um , God , I m sorry . I thought you were someone else .
Marti : Well , if you re looking for Lauren , I wish I was her .
Carmine : Yeah , you look just like someone I know . I m -- I m so sorry .
Marti : Do nt apologize . I m Marti .
Carmine : Oh , I m , uh ... I m Carmine . Pleasure .
Paul : You just ca nt let her go , can you ?
Carmine : [ Scoffs ]
Jack : To tell you the truth , I wish Traci and Phyllis were nt making such a big deal on my birthday . At this stage in my life , too much hoopla is not a good thing .
Summer : Oh , you should never feel too old for a surprise party .
Jack : You sure about that ?
Summer : [ Laughing ] Yes . And I just think that it s nice that your family gets into doing this for you .
Jack : Oh , yeah , the Abbott family s always been very close .
Summer : I love that . I wish that we had that tight family . Mom s dad practically disowned her , and then mom practically disowned Aunt Avery .
Jack : Well , you got the Newmans .
Summer : I guess . Not really the same , though .
Jack : No , I guess it is nt . Hey , for what it s worth , the Abbott family has its flaws , too .
Summer : We should go .
Jack : Oh .
Summer : Do nt want to be late to your own surprise party .
Jack : Well , better than being early .
Summer : [ Chuckles ]
Jack : Thank you .
Summer : So , there s no such thing as a perfect family , huh ?
Jack : Have nt encountered one yet .
Summer : When it comes to a dad and brother , you seem pretty close .
Jack : Close to what ?
Summer : Close to perfect .
Jack : Wow . What a nice thing to say . Thanks . That s a nice compliment .
Summer : Do nt let it get to your head . It s your birthday , Jack .
Jack : [ Laughs ]
Summer : I m gon na text Kyle and tell him that we re on our way .
Jack : Okay .
Summer : Let s go .
Jack : And remember ... Surprise !
Summer : [ Laughs ] But subtle . Not sub-- you have to be subtle , not over .
Traci : Oh , hi . Hi , Honey . Am I too late ? Oh , my gosh . The wait at the bakery was just insane . Well ?
Phyllis : Huh ?
Traci : Are you gon na tell me ?
Kyle : Tell you what ?
Traci : Jack . Oh , my gosh ! Has he been here ? !
Phyllis : No , not yet . Not yet . Um , did you call Summer ? Did you text her ?
Kyle : She just texted me a few minutes ago . They re actually on their way right now .
Traci : Okay , good , good . It s gon na be close , but I think we can still do it . I m gon na take the cake to the kitchen . Um , Abby , Phyllis , do you think that you could help me ? Plates , napkins , and forks , okay ?
Abby : Sure . I ll get the knives .
Traci : Oh ! Has anyone heard from Billy ?
Kyle : Uh , not me . No .
Abby : Oh , well , you ve been busy .
Phyllis : Did you call him ?
Traci : I did nt . I left several messages . Um , I just thought he would be here by now .
Billy : Hello , Victoria Abbott ! I am calling to let you know that you have won an all - expense - paid trip to anywhere you want to go , whenever you want to go . All you have to do is call me back at this number . Honey , come on . Call me back . Please . I want to talk . [ Sighs ]
Michael : I m sorry that I have to skip out on our lunch . I really am .
Lauren : Oh , well , it s okay . We ll find some other marriage - therapy homework to do later . I got it . I got you .
Michael : I really wanted to do this .
Lauren : You did ?
Michael : Yeah , you know , finding spontaneous , romantic things to do during the day . That s fun . This , not so much . This is fun .
Lauren : Well , I was looking forward to it , too . You know what ? We ll do it in a few days .
Michael : Well , unless you want to put everything on ice , and I ll get back here as soon as I can .
Lauren : That s a deal .
Michael : Okay .
Carmine : So , correct me if I m wrong , but are nt there murderers you should be hunting down ?
Paul : Not when I got you standing in front of me . You killed my friends marriage . That counts .
Carmine : [ Chuckles ] That s a good one . Hey !
Paul : I m not done .
Carmine : Yeah , well , unless you got a warrant , keep your hands off .
Paul : I warned you before . You re messing with people I care about . And you re corrupting an impressionable kid . I m not gon na take it .
Carmine : I m not the one who hurt Fen . And for the record , I never forced myself upon Lauren . She was a more - than - willing participant . So , why do nt you just back the hell off , Chief ?
Paul : You know what , Carmine ? I am watching every move you make . So do something stupid . Please . I d love to put you away .
Carmine : Well , I d hate to be the bearer of bad news , but that is never going to happen .
Paul : Yes , it is . Because I know you , Carmine Basco .
Carmine : Hmm .
Paul : I know you ca nt stay out of trouble for long . So , for the last time , forget about Lauren and stay the hell away from Fen .
Carmine : You should stay away . You re the one who killed his own son . And now you re all up in my face trying to play savior to Lauren s son ? Go to hell .
Tony : Boss , that vodka shipment s in -- only it s gin .
Nick : Damn it , Tony . What the hell does it take to get this right ?
Tony : But I did nt do --
Nick : I do nt want any excuses . Just fix it now or you can find somewhere else to be a bartender .
Billy : [ Sighs ] [ Slurps ] [ Sighs ] [ Sighs ] Jack s party . Nice going , Billy .
Kyle : Everybody is here except Uncle Billy . See you soon .
Abby : What the hell are you doing , Kyle ?
Kyle : Sending a text to Summer .
Abby : I saw you kiss Phyllis .
Kyle : You just -- we were just standing close to each other . We -- we were nt --
Abby : [ Scoffs ] Lip to lip ? I ve seen people kiss before , Kyle . I m pretty sure that s what it looks like . How long have you guys been doing this ?
Kyle : Never . It s never happened before .
Abby : Really ? And I m supposed to believe that , even though you wo nt admit that it happened this time ?
Kyle : It was nt a kiss . It was a ... oh , my God . It was a kiss .
Abby : Who started it ? Did you kiss Phyllis , or did Phyllis kiss you ? I mean , how did this happen ?
Traci : Okay .
Phyllis : Yay !
Traci : Oh , my gosh , I have to tell you , Phyllis -- this was such a great idea for Jack s birthday , so much better than what we thought of .
Phyllis : Yeah , well , I wanted to do something special for him .
Traci : It will be special .
Abby : Oh , it sure is special , all right .
Traci : You ve been awfully -- an awful lot of help . I really appreciate it . I have a feeling that maybe I was being a little hard on you before .
Phyllis : You think ?
Traci : Well , I have to say , I have nt been able to uncover one single shred of evidence that you do nt love Jack . [ Chuckles ]
Kyle : Look , do not blow this day for my dad . We ll talk later .
Traci : Did we forget anything ?
Phyllis : Oh , no , no . This is enough , right ?
Kyle : They re here . They re here .
Traci : Oh , my gosh . Everybody , quick , quick , quick .
Phyllis : All right .
Jack : Have to be . Yeah .
All : Surprise !
Jack : Oh , my gosh . Look at all this . I am the luckiest man in the world . Oh !
Phyllis : [ Laughs ]
Jack : Mm .
Paul : Knife now ! Drop it !
Michael : Paul ?
Paul : Hi . How long you been standing there ?
Michael : Long enough .
Michael : You have a headache ?
Paul : Um , no . I , uh ... having a rough day . That s all .
Michael : I caught the Wells case .
Paul : Why on earth would you want to do that ?
Michael : The suspect is associated with my firm .
Paul : Yeah , yeah . Are you sure it s a good idea ?
Michael : The accused requested my assistance , and I m here to interview her .
Paul : Michael , with everything you and Lauren are going through , do you think you are in the best mind - set to defend a woman who murdered her husband for adultery ?
Michael : Allegedly . And to answer your question , I do nt know .
Paul : Ca nt you find somebody else in your office to defend her ?
Michael : I want to hear her out first . Whatever happened , she has a right to a defense . I just want to hear her story .
Paul : I ll tell you her story . She found out her husband was fooling around , and she snapped . That s about all the detail you need to know right now .
Carmine : [ Sighs ] [ Sighs ]
Lauren : Look , when I said that we would spend one more night together ...
Carmine : Maybe we should nt have this conversation in the hall with a shirtless guy .
Lauren : Uh , yeah , oh . Okay .
Carmine : Yeah .
Lauren : Oh , wait . Wait . When I said that we would do this -- that we would spend one more night together -- that was before --
Carmine : Look , I m just glad you re here , okay ? You made your decision . You do nt owe me any explanations .
Lauren : [ Sighs ]
Carmine : [ Clears throat ]
Tony : You really need to chill , Boss . No way is this my fault .
Nick : [ Sighs ] Voicemail again . Phyllis , it s me . Uh , I m starting to feel like you are avoiding me . You did nt return my last call . [ Sighs ] There s something you need to know . I can not keep doing this . I got to tell Avery . She needs to know the whole story .
Avery : Yes . You do need to tell me the whole story .
Jack : I am the most fortunate man to have such a wonderful family , but I m truly blessed to have Phyllis back in my life . Thank you , everybody . Thanks .
Traci : Oh , everyone , raise your sparkling cider -- a toast to the birthday boy . To Jack .
Traci : Happy birthday .
Jack : Thank you .
Traci : Now , would you like to take a look at some of your presents ?
Jack : I sure would .
Traci : Look what we have over here .
Jack : Hmm .
Traci : [ Laughs ] Do nt shake the top one too hard .
Jack : Okay .
Summer : Hey , um , is something wrong ?
Kyle : No , everything could nt be better . Thanks , by the way , for getting my -- my dad here in time and not blowing the surprise .
Summer : Yeah , you really could nt trust me with such a simple mission ?
Phyllis : Uh , you know what ? I m gon na -- I m gon na bring the -- the cake in .
Kyle : I ll help you .
Abby : Uh , no , actually , I need to talk to you for a second . Summer , would you mind helping your mom get the cake ready ?
Summer : Yeah . Sure .
Abby : Thanks .
Kyle : Abby , look , I do nt want to make a big thing out of this . Today is about my dad .
Abby : Really ? Maybe you should have remembered that before you stuck your tongue down his girlfriend s throat .
Jack : Hey , you two . What are you conspiring about ?
Eleanor : I fell in love with Thomas ... and the moment he realized that he loved me , even though he was slow to say the words . But when he was first with her , I ...
Michael : You did nt know ?
Eleanor : I did nt want to . Even when it became more obvious . I just told myself I was being paranoid . But when the person you love is ... you know when someone s taken your place , do nt you ?
Michael : What happened after you knew ?
Eleanor : I blamed myself . The image of him with her was all I could see . [ Voice breaking ] And then ...
Michael : The anger ?
Eleanor : Nothing but rage . [ Sobs ]
Michael : Thank you for marrying me , Lauren Fenmore Baldwin . How could I have anticipated that every year that we re together would be just as wondrous as the day I fell in love with you ? Still falling , my love . Still falling .
Lauren : [ Sighs ]
Michael : And seeing them together ?
Eleanor : I do nt remember that . I do nt remember confronting my husband and that woman . I do nt even remember pulling the trigger !
Michael : Eleanor , what do you remember ?
Eleanor : Blinding fury so intense , so all - consuming !
Michael : And then ?
Eleanor : There s nothing , Michael ! It s a void ! It s just a great space in my memory ! [ Breathing heavily ]
Michael : What s the next thing you recall ?
Eleanor : A policeman woke me up saying my name . And he told me what I ... what happened . Now I m ashamed .
Michael : For what you ve done ?
Eleanor : Because I do nt regret that they re dead . They betrayed me . Does it make me a monster ? Does it make me crazy ?
Kyle : What would we be conspiring about ? Surprise is over . You re here .
Jack : I do nt know . You two look like you re up to something . I guess it must be a little residual sneakiness . Whose idea was this surprise , anyway ?
Abby : Aunt Traci s .
Kyle : Phyllis . Uh , Phyllis called Aunt Traci , who called Abby .
Abby : It always starts with Phyllis , does nt it ?
Traci : For he s the jolly good fellow
All : For he s a jolly good fellow for he s a jolly good fellow which nobody can deny
Jack : Blow it out .
Billy : Hey !
Jack : Whoa !
Billy : Yeah , he s a jolly good brother oh , he s a jolly good brother oh ! That was in my way . Sorry . You have gotten tall .
Traci : Billy .
Billy : Hey .
Traci : Honey , you re drunk .
Billy : Oh , no , that s only true because I ve -- I ve been drinking .
Jack : What brought this on ?
Billy : What are you talking about , man ? There s no new tales to tell . I just , you know -- just as crapped out as it s been all day , so ... hey ! Look at this . We re all banded here together . And there s one thing about being an Abbott -- we do love to party , and we , uh -- well , we all find a way to come together , even when we do nt want to . So , it s good to see you guys .
Jack : Hey , hey . Let me take you home , okay ?
Billy : Whoa , whoa , man . Oh , no . What are you talking about ? Nope . I got something for you . Um , I do . I promise . Look , I - I did nt have time to get a card . Do nt give me any static .
Jack : Happy birthday , big brother . You are the glue that ... that keeps us together [ Voice breaking ] The center that keeps us balanced , the guy I most admire in the world . It s gon na be all right . It s gon na be all right . You re gon na get things together with Victoria . Now , let s get you home , okay ?
Billy : I m sorry . I should have come sooner .
Jack : No , no , no , no . You re upset . You re upset . You have reason to be . Forget about the party . Let s get out of here . We ll be back , everybody , okay ?
Billy : Sorry .
Traci : You know what ? I think there s something really , really wrong . I think I should probably go , too .
Phyllis : Just let Jack take care of it and , um , Kyle and I will clean everything up and ... hey , you know , why do nt you take the cake in the back and cut it up ? And -- and it ll be cut by the time Jack gets back . The three of you . Yeah , you and Abby , too .
Traci : All right .
Phyllis : Take care of everything . Great . Let s get that cake cut .
Kyle : Look , um , Phyllis , I do nt know what happened earlier , but I m -- I m sorry .
Phyllis : Sorry about what ?
Kyle : The kiss . I m sorry about the kiss .
Phyllis : Oh . Oh . Um ... I m not .
Kyle : You re not upset about that ?
Phyllis : It was a meaningless kiss .
Kyle : Right . Totally meaningless .
Phyllis : It should nt ever happen again .
Kyle : Of course not .
Phyllis : And by the way , I kissed you , not the other way around . And in the moment , I liked it .
Kyle : You did ?
Phyllis : Yeah . You re a really good kisser . But neither of us should say anything about it .
Summer : This sure was nt how I pictured this party turning out . Did you ?
Kyle : What ?
Summer : Um , Kyle , what s -- what s going on with you tonight ?
Kyle : Uh ... nothing . But we should , uh ... we should talk later .
Summer : What ? Did I do something wrong ? Are you mad at me ?
Kyle : No , I ... Summer , I just think things are moving a little too fast between us and maybe we should pump the brakes a little bit .
Phyllis : Hey . Where did Summer go ?
Kyle : I m not sure . I will be right back .
Jack : Here s some more coffee . Drink up .
Billy : Jack , we could have had stale cakes and coffee at the house .
Jack : No , I wanted to get out of the house so we could talk . What happened , Billy ? When I left you , you seemed optimistic .
Billy : I do nt know . I guess I was just kind of putting on a show .
Jack : For me ? Why ?
Billy : [ Sighs ] I wanted you to think that I could handle the rough patches as well as you . I did nt want to seem weak .
Jack : Billy , you do nt ever have to hide anything from me .
Billy : I mean , look at you , man . You seem stable and well - adjusted and happy , and I guess I m a little jealous .
Jack : That s ridiculous . I have as many demons as you . And I honestly believe you can beat yours .
Billy : [ Chuckles ] Yeah ? Well , I would nt bet on it . And seeing how I would bet on just about anything , I guess that goes to show you that I m lost here .
Jack : What the hell happened ? You and Victoria get in another fight ?
Billy : I would love to get into another fight with her . I ca nt even get her to answer my phone calls , Jack .
Jack : Okay , listen to me . You go home to your wife . Do nt tell her you re gon na change . Show her . You let her know there is nothing more important in your life than fixing this marriage .
Paul : Yeah .
Michael : That was like listening to my own thoughts .
Paul : Well , I ca nt believe that you ever considered hurting Lauren .
Michael : No . I do nt think so , but I could certainly deal with Carmine .
Paul : Yeah , I know . I felt that , too . But you re not a killer , Michael .
Michael : I could be if I put my mind to it . A week ago , would you have thought Eleanor wells was a killer ? She ca nt even remember the crime .
Paul : So she claims .
Michael : That s what s so scary about all of this . Nobody expects to snap . You do nt plan for it . Life barrels on . Then one day ... one day , suddenly , your world goes crazy .
Paul : For some people , yeah .
Michael : I am Some people , Paul . Have you forgotten so easily ?
Paul : You fight the snap . How you deal with life -- the good parts and the bad -- that s a choice .
Michael : Is it ?
Nick : I did nt even hear you come in . I m glad to see you . Have you changed your mind ?
Avery : No , I have nt . I love you . I still want to marry you . But whatever is going on between you and Phyllis , it s making you crazy .
Nick : There s no secret there .
Avery : No , it is eating at you . The way you lit into your bartender , that is not like you .
Nick : You re right . It s not .
Avery : Nick , you promised you would tell me .
Nick : And I want to , Avery . I really do . But I just ca nt . Not yet .
Avery : Okay , I know . I heard you talking to Phyllis and leaving that message .
Nick : Yeah , I ve been trying to get in touch with her all day .
Avery : Okay , so you ca nt or you wo nt tell me what s going on until Phyllis signs off on it ? What is she holding over you ?
Nick : It s not like that . We have an agreement .
Avery : You have an agreement that s tearing you up . I can help you . Why wo nt you let me ?
Paul : It s been a year . But I m sure you know you re never far from my thoughts . I see your face . I hear your voice . I even see your smile . But my thoughts always turn to the day you died . I run it over and over in my head . I see you with the knife , with Eden ... and that look of a - a vicious animal in your eyes ... wishing every single day that I could have done something to change the course of your young life . I was talking with a friend , and he -- he told me that he is determined -- he is determined to make the most of his future . And I thought , you know ... I need to do that . So , this next year will be about accepting ... accepting that sometimes , no matter how hard you try ... things in life can still go wrong . And learning to let go ... [ Voice breaking ] Let go of the -- the guilt ... and the pain . [ Sniffles ] You know , if there is one thing that I learned from this -- this tragedy of losing you ... is that there are some twists of fate ... you ca nt control . You are my son . I loved you . And I will always love you . But I am moving forward in this coming year ... without you . Goodbye , Ricky .
Kyle : Hey , Summer .
Summer : Why did you bother chasing after me ?
Kyle : I could see that you were upset .
Summer : And that matters to you ?
Kyle : Of course it does .
Summer : Even though you ca nt stand to be around me ?
Kyle : I did nt say that , and I knew that you probably misunderstood me .
Summer : [ Sniffles ]
Kyle : Listen , Summer , I do nt want you thinking that this should be getting any more committed than it is .
Summer : Why not ?
Kyle : You re going away to college in a few months . Your whole life s gon na change .
Summer : What if I do nt want it to change ? What if I like it exactly the way it is ?
Kyle : Ca nt we just stick to -- to what is right now and shelve the What ifs ?
Summer : I thought you liked me .
Kyle : I do .
Summer : And I like you , too , and we always have fun together .
Kyle : Always .
Summer : So , why stop ?
Kyle : I just told you .
Summer : That sometime between this morning and this afternoon , you got all twisted , thinking about us maybe getting serious , and you never thought about that before . What happened ?
Kyle : Nothing happened .
Summer : Obviously something happened for your mind to change . What was it ?
Kyle : Could you stop it , Summer ? You re overreacting .
Summer : Yeah .
Traci : Oh , oh , oh . How s Billy ?
Jack : Oh , he s doing okay . He s dealing with a few personal problems . He just needed a little reassurance .
Traci : Well , he certainly has me worried -- and a little ticked off that he would come in here like an idiot and disrupt your party .
Jack : No , no , no . It s still a party . You re here and Phyllis is here . Abby s here .
Traci : [ Chuckles ]
Jack : Wait a minute . Where are Kyle and Summer ?
Abby : Oh , um , well , something happened to upset Summer , and Kyle followed her . She rushed off . I m not exactly sure what happened , though .
Phyllis : Uh , wow , okay . Um , you know what ? I m -- I m gon na go track Summer down and -- and see what s going on .
Jack : Everything all right ? You seem a little flustered .
Phyllis : Yeah . No ! I - I - I m the mother to a teenager , right ?
Jack : I want you to know today meant the world to me . And the best present I could ever have is having you back in my life .
Abby : You know what ? I have somewhere important that I have to be , so , um , happy birthday . Bye .
Jack : Bye . Wow -- who said I could nt clear a room ?
Traci : [ Chuckles ]
Jack : Um , what is with my family today ?
Nick : I hate what this secret is doing to us .
Avery : Me , too .
Nick : You have every right to be angry with me .
Avery : I m not angry . I m frustrated .
Nick : I know why you put the wedding off until I can tell you what s been happening with me . I get it .
Avery : Yes , but you made this promise to Phyllis .
Nick : We promised each other .
Avery : Look , I know you denied it , but this is about Summer , is nt it ?
Nick : It s not about Summer . It s actually about Cassie . 18 years ago , I was in ... a really dark , really bad place .
Avery : I know . Because you lost your daughter .
Nick : I did nt know how life could be normal again , let alone happy . But then the most amazing thing happened , Avery . Phyllis got pregnant .
Avery : Nick , I love you . You can tell me anything . Do nt you know that by now ?
Nick : I do know that . Which is why I know I can not ... keep quiet about this anymore .
Lauren : Hi . How was your client ?
Michael : Uh , I did nt take the case . I ca nt help her .
Lauren : Why ? Did nt you believe her ?
Michael : What she did and why ... that s not a journey I m ready to take right now .
Lauren : Because it s too painful or because it s a little too close to home ?
Michael : Both . I never want to feel that kind of rage . Not ever again . I need to prove I can conquer it , pass through it for myself , for us , for our son , our future .
Lauren : [ Sighs ]
Marti : Hello .
Carmine : Maybe we should nt have this conversation in the hall with a shirtless guy .
Marti : [ Chuckles ] Okay .
Billy : Victoria ! Hey , Vick , come on ! I know you re here . I saw your car in the driveway . Vick , Baby , please come talk to me ! You ca nt avoid me forever .
Billy : Honey , we should be talking this through . We -- we love each other way too much not to work this out somehow , so just please come downstairs and talk to me , Victoria ! Oh .
Kyle : Great . Now I got to deal with you on top of everything else .
Abby : You re playing a dangerous game , Cuz . You ca nt seriously be considering dating mother and daughter . You re not that sick or that dumb .
Kyle : I m not gon na be dating Phyllis and Summer . I just broke it off with Summer .
Abby : What ?
Kyle : Well , you just said yourself that I should nt --
Abby : No . No , no , no . If you broke up with Summer , that means that you re gon na follow up with whatever you have going on with Phyllis . On what planet does it seem like a good idea to be involved with your father s girlfriend ? Is Phyllis encouraging this ? What the hell is going on ?
Jack : Hey , Summer . What is it , Baby ? What s wrong ?
Summer : [ Sobbing ] I ... I ca nt .
Jack : Hey , hey , hey , hey . It s okay . Just let it out . You re safe with me . Just let it all out .
Summer : [ Sniffles ] [ Sobs ]
Avery : Nick , what is it ? You can tell me .
Nick : Everything I know to be true ... is a lie . Summer is not my daughter .
Billy : That s not important .
Victoria : You re drunk .
Billy : You re pregnant .
Kyle : It was a kiss , Abby .
Abby : Then you wo nt mind me telling Uncle Jack about this .
Nikki : He s gambling again .
Victoria : I want Johnny to be safe .
Victor : Well , he will be safe , and so will you .
### Summary:
| The Abbott family gathers at Jack s for his birthday party . Abby reprimands Kyle for the kiss that she witnessed between him and Phyllis . Phyllis and Traci bring in the champagne just as Jack and Summer arrive home . Jack acts as though he is surprised , but he has known all about the party . At the police department , Paul looks at a pic of Ricky and remembers his last conversation that he had with his son . Michael walks in and lets Paul know that he took on the Wells case even though it hits too close to home . Paul advises him against it . Lauren looks at a pic of herself and Michael and remembers their conversation . Carmine comes into his hotel room with a bottle of champagne and remembers his last night with Lauren . Nick reprimands his bartender for something he did . Avery witnesses this outburst from Nick . Nick calls Phyllis and leaves her a message that he is going to tell Avery the truth about everything . Avery tells him that she needs to know everything . At Phyllis coaxing , Jack opens up his gifts while Abby and Kyle exchange looks . Jack asks Kyle and Abby what is going on between them . They are hesitant to tell him the truth . Michael meets with Mrs. Wells and hears her side of the story in the death of her husband . Mrs. Wells lets him know that she does nt remember everything about that night . Billy , drunk , interrupts Jack s birthday party with a gift for him . Jack tries to talk to him and tells him that he will take him home . Kyle apologizes to Phyllis for the kiss , but she lets him know that she is not sorry -- she liked the kiss . Summer asks Kyle what is going on with him tonight . Kyle says that things are moving too fast between them . At the coffeehouse , Jack asks Billy what is going on with him . Michael lets Paul know about his meeting with Mrs. Wells . Paul visits Ricky s grave to say good - bye . Billy arrives home and yells for Victoria to come downstairs and talk to him . Billy finds Victoria s pregnancy test . Summer meets with Kyle , who breaks things off with her . Abby joins Kyle and finds out that he broke up with Summer . Abby threatens to tell Jack all about the kiss . Summer goes home to find comfort in Jack s arms . Nick starts to tell Avery the whole truth about Summer not being his daughter . Phyllis overhears . Michael goes home to Lauren and finds comfort in her arms . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Marcie : I m coming ! I ll get it .
Michael : Do nt worry , I m not getting up .
Marcie : What are you doing ?
Michael : I m scratching my toes .
Marcie : Hello ? Hello ? Who s this ?
Michael : Marcie , who was that ?
Marcie : I do nt know . I mean , someone was there but they did nt say anything . It s -- this is the third hang - up we ve had since you got back from the hospital .
Natalie : Nobody wins but the house , trust me .
Paul : Hey . Where s your boyfriend at ?
Natalie : Well , I left you a message telling you I d meet you here . You did nt get it ?
Paul : No . I gave up on you .
Natalie : Well , I hope not for good . Come on , at least let me -- let me try to change your mind , ok ? Are you expecting someone ?
Paul : Where s McBain ? I mean , was nt that for his benefit ?
Natalie : John and I are history .
Paul : God , Natalie , I wish I could believe you .
Natalie : Wait . What do I have to do to prove it ?
Natalie : I am so sorry that I took off with John , ok , and I m not making any excuses . John and I did have some feelings for each other , and I felt I had to give things a chance to play out , and they did . It s over .
Paul : Natalie , I mean , I like you so much .
Natalie : I like you , too .
Paul : I know . I know , but I m not going to let you use me so you can get somebody else .
Natalie : Ok , I m not -- I m not going to do that , all right ? I m not going to wait around for someone who s stuck in the past . I am trying to move ahead with my life . That s why I like you . You know , you did nt know me before Cristian died . When you look at me , it feels like you just see me .
Paul : Natalie , I see a beautiful woman , somebody I probably care too much about .
Natalie : And I see a man who I can have so much fun with and who wo nt hurt me . So if he still wants to take me away , I m ready . The sooner the better .
Marcie : The number s blocked .
Michael : Come here , let me see that . You know what ? They were probably trying to order a pizza .
Marcie : You think ?
Michael : Yeah , the number s only one digit off from yours .
Marcie : Yeah , but what if it was nt ? What if it was Dr. Long trying to intimidate us ?
Michael : You re worried about Dr. Long ?
Marcie : Of course I m worried about him .
Michael : Do nt be . He thinks I m off his case , you know ? Probably really happy to have me out of the hospital .
Michael : Is that Jen ?
Marcie : Uh -- it should nt be . She s -- she s taking her final .
Michael : Marcie --
Marcie : Shh .
Michael : What are you doing ?
Marcie : Shh !
Michael : Marcie , no !
Marcie : Oh --
Jen : What is going on ?
Marcie : I m sorry . I m sorry .
Jen : What , did you think someone was breaking in ?
Marcie : Yes .
Michael : Marcie saw a report on the news about home invasions and , well , she s a little paranoid . I never knew that about you . It s kind of cute .
Marcie : Oh , stop . I thought -- I thought you were taking your final . I did nt think you d be home for at least another hour . So how did it go ?
Jen : Well , I did the best I could .
Marcie : Ok .
Jen : So , are you still up for going out ? I m ready to party .
Marcie : Jen , actually , I d rather not . I think I m going to stay here if -- if that s all right .
Michael : No , it s not . You re going out .
Antonio : Hello ?
David : Yeah , come in ! I ll be right there !
Antonio : Adriana told me to come up here .
David : Oh , she did , huh ?
Antonio : Yeah .
David : I ll bet she s the reason that you came to pay us a visit ?
Antonio : Yeah , look -- um -- I ll wait downstairs for Dorian , all right ?
David : Well , you re going to be waiting a long time . She s soaking in the tub . Hey , honey ? Antonio Vega is standing in our bedroom , wants to ask us some questions about Adriana . You do nt mind if he comes in , do you ?
Antonio : That wo nt be necessary , all right ?
David : Hey , you know what ? Relax , I m just kidding . She s at the hospital . If you got any questions about her or about her daughter , you can ask me .
Antonio : All right . Do you believe Dorian s Adriana s mother ?
David : Of course she is . Do you have some reason to believe otherwise ?
Antonio : Excuse me . Vega . The Hookup ? Yeah . Yeah , right away .
Kelly : Oh , hi . Sorry .
Antonio : Hi . Uh -- I got to go . Tell Dorian I ll talk to her later .
David : Absolutely . Always happy to help . Hey , you know , mi casa es su casa . That guy s got to lighten up . You do , too . Are you ok ?
Kelly : Yeah .
David : Hey , does this have something to do with Paul ?
David : Whoa , whoa , whoa . Hold on , hold on . If you ca nt talk to me , Kelly , then who ? Hey , is Kevin back to his adulterous ways ?
Kelly : No , no . Kevin and I are fine .
David : Well , you finally got the baby you always wanted , but every time I see you you re -- you re on the verge of a panic attack .
Kelly : I -- I m just worried about Ace , you know . All new mothers worry about their children .
David : I am not letting you leave here until you tell me what the problem really is .
Kelly : Ok , ok , fine . Just go put some clothes on .
David : I m coming right back .
David : Kelly ?
R.J. : Whatever . And --
Nora : Hello you . Got time for an old friend ?
R.J. : Nora . Well , yes , but that is not an outfit for visiting old friends .
Nora : Thank you , I think .
R.J. : Mm - hmm .
Nora : Mm - hmm .
R.J. : Are we meeting someone special ?
Nora : Someone . We re meeting someone , and he s already called and said he was going to be a little late .
R.J. : He ?
Nora : Mm - hmm .
R.J. : Someone ?
Nora : Mm - hmm .
R.J. : Hmm . Well , let me guess -- well , I know with you he s either law or order .
Nora : Oh , that s so cute . You know what ? You are adorable , that s so cute .
R.J. : Come now , Nora . Come on , let me know . Which way are you leaning , toward the Commish or the D.A. ? Now , not that I m trying to sway you either way , but the Commish -- well , beside the fact that he s a Buchanan , he never has relished our friendship . And if you go with Colson , I could try to stay on his good side .
Nora : What is it with you and Evangeline ? You just have to have a man in my life , do nt you ?
R.J. : Have you never considered that maybe we just want to see you as happy as we are ?
Nora : Oh , God .
R.J. : Well , we re mostly happy .
Nora : Uh - huh .
R.J. : We re not happy ?
Nora : I did nt say that .
R.J. : Has Evangeline said something to you that I should know ?
Jen : Hey , if we re going to go , we should go . Jessica s probably there by now .
Marcie : No , listen , go ahead .
Michael : What are you talking about ? You changed and everything !
Marcie : I know , but I do nt want to leave you alone .
Michael : Look , Marcie , you ve done nothing but take care of me since I got out of the hospital .
Marcie : Yeah , and I ve been doing a really horrible job at it . I just --
Michael : You have done a wonderful job at it , ok ? You got the best bedside manner I d ever seen .
Marcie : Really ?
Michael : Really .
Jen : Marcie , I really think you should let Michael get some rest .
Marcie : Ok , but only if you really , really are ok with it .
Michael : I m fine with it . Listen , me and Mr. Scratchy will hold the fort down just fine , I promise .
Marcie : Ok , all right . But we re not going to stay long , all right ?
Michael : Ok .
Jen : Enjoy the peace and quiet .
Michael : Yeah .
Marcie : Hey .
Michael : Have fun , you two !
Marcie and jen : Bye !
Michael : I love you , sweetie .
Marcie : I love you , too . Listen , I m going to lock you in .
Jen : Love you , sweetie !
Michael : Oh . Yes .
Michael : Who s there ? Marcie ? Marcie , is that you ? You forget something ?
Evangeline : Jessica s really concerned . I m so sorry you have to keep this confidential .
Antonio : Listen , I m a cop . It s what I do , ok ? It does nt mean it makes my life any easier , but like I said , this needs to end on . So we re stuck here till they leave . Why here , anyway ?
Evangeline : My client is the accountant for this place , and he says they re accusing him of laundering drug money . But he does nt know anything about it and I believe that , but I do think it s going on here .
Antonio : Are you saying this is Federal ?
Evangeline : He said he s being framed by the woman who owns this place and that this bar is just a cover - up , it s just a front for the laundering operation .
Jen : Well , if you re that worried about it , just call him . Go ahead .
Marcie : Ok .
Michael : Hello ?
Marcie : Hey . How are you ?
Michael : Uh , I m good . What s up ?
Marcie : You sound funny .
Michael : I was -- uh -- falling asleep . You kind of woke me up .
Marcie : Oh , I m sorry . I m not really doing anything right today , huh ?
Michael : Sweetie , you do everything right , and I m glad you called . But right now I want you to hang up , go have some fun .
Marcie : Ok .
Michael : I love you .
Michael : Who s out there ?
John : Who s out there ? It s your brother , jackass . Open the door .
Michael : What are you doing skulking around outside my door ?
John : I was nt skulking around anywhere . What are you talking about ? I was about to knock and all of a sudden I got a call . You all right ?
Michael : Yeah , I m fine . Come on in , Johnny . How you doing ?
John : Who d you think was going to be at the door , Michael ?
Bo : Pa , nothing is going on with Nora and me . We re friends , ok ? The only thing that we share is Matthew .
Asa : Well , I tell you , close friends , according to your son . And you and Nora went hoofing off to New York , and now you re going to take the boy camping ?
Bo : Yeah , yeah . I m taking Matthew camping . Nora s not going .
Evangeline : Antonio , do nt .
Evangeline : That guy -- he tried to hit on me , like , five seconds ago . He s harmless .
Antonio : That sonny , little twerp is the least of my worries . And besides , I thought you were tight with R.J.
Evangeline : I am , even when the bad times make me forget about the good times .
Antonio : Bad times with R.J. ?
Evangeline : Look ; right now my concern is making sure this investigation does nt compromise your relationship with Jessica . I do nt want to be responsible for anything that makes her not trust you .
Michael : Yeah , I heard a noise , you know ? It was probably a raccoon . Oh . So , what brings you by ? Social call ?
John : No . I checked the flight records for the hospital medevac . So far , Dr. Long s got his bases pretty well covered .
Michael : You got nothing ?
John : Nothing , but I m working on it , Michael . I m on it .
Michael : Thanks .
John : Hey , look , no raccoon stories . What s got you spooked right now ?
Michael : This -- this stupid -- ow -- stupid thing . I am so sick and tired of being helpless , you know ? And Marcie , she s the best , you know ? She s my girlfriend . She s not my maid ; she s not my nurse . She s been right next to me 24 hours a day , seven days a week taking care of me .
John : Well , I know you d do the same thing for her , right ?
Michael : Of course I would . You know , it s a little difficult for her . I mean , the whole time I was in the hospital , she told me all she could think about was Al .
John : Oh , Gabrielle s son -- the guy that died , yeah .
Michael : Yeah . Well , somehow she pulled herself out of it .
John : She say how ?
Michael : I guess Marcie would say that every once in a while , something just comes along and pushes you in the right direction . You know , somehow she learned to live without Al . Does that make any sense to you ?
John : I think I m getting the same push . I have nt made the leap , though .
Michael : Take the leap , John . It ll be worth it .
Paul : Listen to me . You need to get a grip . I do nt know why Kevin would go to Pine Valley .
Kelly : He s meeting with Adam Chandler . I need to know what he s going to say . I know that helicopter crash had something to do with my baby . Now I need to hear from you ! I do nt want to hear it from Kevin !
Paul : All right , listen . Here s what I have to say . If it was nt for me , you would nt have Ace .
Kelly : I wish I never knew I had a brother ! I wish you were dead !
Jen : Get some taste .
Jessica : Yeah -- I love denim .
Jen : You want to come back ?
Marcie : These guys might be trying to work their way through school .
Jessica : Hey , you could be right . Then maybe we should come back and support them . I could write a column in it for Craze magazine .
Marcie : I -- I could work it into my novel .
Jen : I could work it into my documentary somehow .
Jessica : So , there you go . We have more than enough justification to come back for the show , and it s --
Jen : It s not like we re doing it for fun or because we want to look at hot bods .
Marcie : Yeah . I mean , we would never objectify men --
Jen : No .
Marcie : That way .
Jessica : Not at all . Yeah , stop drooling . Let s get you home to your boyfriend . Come on .
R.J. : I have been trying to get along better with Antonio , ok ? Mostly for Jamie s sake , but for Evangeline , too .
Nora : Good . Well , that s two reasons that you should try harder . Very good reasons .
R.J. : Yeah .
Nora : Come on , she s good for you . And you know I would nt be saying any of this if I did nt care , right ?
R.J. : I know you care .
Nora : Good .
R.J. : That s why I m still he listening .
R.J. : Which , you know , makes me feel like it s time to reciprocate .
Nora : Oh , no -- time ? My goodness , where did the time go ? What time is it ?
R.J. : Who knows ?
Nora : Where is he ? Why is Daniel so late ?
R.J. : The real question is why are you here waiting to go out with him in the first place ?
Nora : Oh , why not ? I mean , he s nice .
R.J. : He s nice ? Nora , you know you could have your pick of any of the available men .
R.J. : So why have you chosen the one man who is in Bo s face every single day ?
Bartender : R.J. , Phone .
R.J. : Excuse me .
Bartender : Would you like another one ?
John : Yeah , please .
Nora : I do nt mean to invade your space , but you re sitting in my chair .
John : I m sorry . Please . Thanks .
Nora : So , what are you doing here ? You waiting for someone ?
John : No . I m trying to say goodbye to someone .
David : Kelly ?
Kelly : What ? What are you -- what are you doing here ? Did you follow me ?
David : Yes , I did , for your own good . And I ran out of gas , thank you very much , in front of that rundown cinema .
Kelly : I ve have enough gambling . I m going to go home .
David : You know what ? I heard that argument with Paul . It was very interesting .
Kelly : What did you hear ?
David : I heard enough .
### Summary:
| Marcie does nt want to leave Michael at home alone , but she goes out with Jen and Jessica anyway . Michael is jumpy and worries about someone breaking in . John visits him ; they talk about Dr. Long and Marcie . Michael urges John to move on the way Marcie did after Al . Michael has a dream about Dr. Long coming after him with a blunt object and awakens to find a broken mirror . Evangeline keeps Antonio from running into Jessica at the Hookup . She wants him to find out if the place is laundering drug money to help her client . They learn the place is having men strippers so she gets the idea to have Antonio pose as one . Jessica gets hit on by some cute college guy and flirts with him . Kelly freaks out more and more as Kevin goes to Pine Valley to get dirt on Paul . She goes to Dorian but instead finds David , who follows her to Atlantic City , where she confronts Paul again . David overhears her yelling at Paul about how she wishes he were dead . Natalie finds Paul there ; at first he does nt want to have anything to do with her , but she convinces him to give her another chance . They go up to his room with champagne . Bo and Matthew visit Asa to pick up camping equipment ; Asa gives Bo a hard time for not getting back together with Nora . Nora chats with R.J. at Capricorn about him and Van while she waits for Daniel , who is late . She runs into John , who is trying to say goodbye to Caitlin . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Asa : I m going to find out why they re so lovey - dovey , those two .
Roxy : They were hypnotized .
Jessica : Do you always think like a cop ?
Antonio : No . No , not always .
Mitch : Death paid a visit to St. Ann s tonight , brother .
Lindsay : It was nt me !
Walker : What did he do ?
Blair : Who ?
Walker : Mitch .
Viki : Hey .
Jessica : Mom . Natalie . You re home .
Viki : Well , we just got back .
Jessica : Oh . Are those the cards for Cristian s opening ?
Natalie : Yeah . We ve been plastering them all over town today .
Jessica : Oh , they re great . The refreshments are ready . The invitations are out . Everything s coming together .
Natalie : What ?
Viki : What ? It s nice . It s just really normal .
Natalie : Can you believe it ?
Viki : Yeah . It s terrific . Now , hopefully , we ll get Llanfair and everything else back soon , too . I m actually going to meet with the lawyer about father s will this evening . He feels that things should go much more smoothly now that Mitch is gone -- for good . Thank God . I m going to go get ready .
Natalie : See you .
Jessica : Do you think that she suspects anything ?
Natalie : It does nt really matter now . Listen , no one ever has to know that you were there that night when Mitch died . Hey , come on . Come on . Tell me , what s up with this dress ? Where are you going ? What are you doing ?
Jessica : I m going to a charity thing the police are putting on .
Natalie : By yourself ?
Jessica : With Antonio .
Natalie : Why have nt I heard any of the details ?
Jessica : We kissed . ..
Antonio : Hi . You look great .
Jessica : Thanks .
Antonio : Natalie , hey .
Natalie : Hey back .
Antonio : Did I just walk in on something ?
Cristian : Mind if I drop some of these here ?
Bartender : No .
Cristian : Thanks .
Rae : Oh , Cristian . Hi . Are those the cards for the opening ?
Cristian : Yeah . Yeah , I m trying to get the word out .
Rae : Nice . Well , I m going to be there but as you know -- well , of course you know -- I am no longer Mrs. Asa Buchanan , so my budget has taken a big hit .
Cristian : I tell you , I do nt know how you stayed married to that guy .
Rae : I did nt , but you know Asa -- he has his moments .
Cristian : Not with me .
Nigel : I m not in your service any longer .
Asa : Nigel , just -- just listen to me !
Nigel : I do nt have to listen to a thing you say . And I speak both for myself and my sweetheart , Renee .
Asa : That s it . Let me call you sweetheart . I m in love with you . Let me hear you whisper that you love me , too keep the love light burning
Blair s voice : Hi . This is Blair Cramer , and your message is important to me . Please start talking at the tone .
Troy : Hey , Blair , it s Troy . I was just thinking about you . Listen , why do nt you give me a call when you get the message . Let me know if there s anything that I can do .
Starr : Ok , why was there guards outside ?
Blair : Well , there were a couple of break - ins in the neighborhood , so we just ca nt be too careful , you know .
Starr : But we have alarms all over the house .
Blair : Yeah . Oh , Hedy . Is Jack all right ?
Hedy : He s fine . He s taking his nap right now .
Blair : Ok , and everything was all right while we were gone ?
Hedy : Yes . I took down all the messages .
Blair : Good .
Hedy : The last one was from Dr. MacIver . I let the machine take it .
Blair : Thank you , Hedy .
Starr : Ok . What s going on ?
Blair : Sweetheart , absolutely nothing . Nothing at all . Now , I want you and Hedy to go in the kitchen and get some snacks ready for our trip , ok ?
Hedy : Come on . Come along .
Starr : We re going to Savannah , and we re taking grandma with us .
Blair : Yeah .
Starr : Because she always laughs when the plane takes off . But I guess she ca nt -- I guess she ca nt because she had a stroke or --
Dorian : Starr is going to know something s happened if you keep behaving so nervously .
Blair : I ca nt help it , all right ? Mother was almost murdered , and whoever did it is leaving little calling cards saying that we re going to be the next on the list , Dorian .
Dorian : Maybe we better just keep our voices down , ok ? Wait , wait , wait , wait -- where are you going ?
Blair : I m going to call troy back .
Dorian : Call him from the plane .
Blair : It s only going to take a few minutes , Dorian .
Dorian : We have got to get out of Llanview now . If Mitch really is alive , how long do you think it s going to be before he comes after us ?
Blair : Well , then maybe we should call the police .
Dorian : Oh . Blair , and tell them what ? That we forced a confession out of him and that somehow in the process of doing so , we may have accidentally killed him and now that he may be alive , he s coming to get us ? What ?
Blair : Oh , what have we done , Dorian ?
Dorian : What we were trying to do was to see that Mitch was punished for everything that he s done .
Blair : And mother was almost killed in the process . If we had called the police first , maybe none of this would have happened .
Dorian : How many times have the police bungled this case ? I mean , Mitch was running around scot - free . Besides , how do we even know that he is alive ?
Blair : His brother said so .
Dorian : If we can believe him .
Blair : Oh , why would he lie ?
Dorian : Maybe this Walker Lawrence is trying to set a trap for us . Maybe he s out to avenge his brother s death .
Blair : Who is it ?
Walker : Walker Lawrence .
Jen : Cristian ? Jessica ?
Jen : Hello ? Mom !
Natalie : Uh -- no , actually , Jess and I were just talking about how nice it is that things are back to normal now that Mitch is just a bad memory .
Antonio : Yeah , that s one case I m glad is closed .
Viki : Hey , Antonio .
Antonio : Hi .
Viki : Is there a problem ?
Antonio : No . No , I m not here on police business .
Viki : Oh .
Jessica : Antonio s going to take me to a carnival that the police are putting on for the Angel Square kids .
Viki : Oh , how nice . Well , I hope you have a good time .
Antonio : Thank you .
Jessica : Thanks . We will . Bye , mom .
Viki : Jessica and Antonio ?
Natalie : Looks like it .
Viki : Hmm . Is that what you t have been whispering about ?
Natalie : Yeah . Yeah .
Viki : Good , because I was a little worried about that .
Natalie : No , I mean , there s no problems . Everything s fine .
Viki : For both girls , apparently .
Natalie : So , are you ok with that -- Antonio and Jessica ?
Viki : Well , sure I am . Why would nt I be ? I think both the Vega boys are terrific .
Natalie : Yeah , who would have thought -- both the Vega boys dating the Buchanan sisters , right ?
Viki : All right , I have to go to the palace to meet with the lawyer . Why do nt you come with me , hear what he has to say , and then I ll buy you dinner .
Natalie : Sounds good .
Viki : Ok .
Natalie : Actually , I have to go up there anyway . I got to meet this Vega boy .
Nigel : You re embarrassing me , sir .
Asa : You re the one who should be embarrassed , falling for that foolish trick in that lounge act in Atlantic City .
Nigel : For the last time , sir , I am not hypnotized . Drunk , perhaps , with love . Whenever I see my lovely Renee , my life is filled with sunshine .
Asa : You are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are gray you ll never know , dear how much I love you please do nt
Roxy : Oh , move over , Wayne Newton .
Asa : I want to tell you something -- you do nt help me break that spell , I m going to break every bone in your little body .
Roxy : Oh , go ahead . Add a lawsuit to the million bucks you re going to have to pay me .
Rae : Hi . Hey , Cristian . I think you should give one of these cards to R.J. You know , he s a big collector .
Cristian : I do nt think R.J. S interested in anything that I sell .
R.J. : Your Usual ?
Evangeline : When I like something , I stick with it .
R.J. : Martini here , please , straight up . Oh -- make that two .
Evangeline : So , what s the latest on the new club ?
R.J. : Well , the planning is all set , but the financing is not . Max has managed to scrape together his share , but I am still on the prowl . Now , you said that you -- you might be interested .
Evangeline : I did nt say I might be interested . I said I was and I still am .
Blair : Dorian , would you put that gun away ? Put -- put the gun away . Please .
Dorian : Shh .
Blair : You shut up and put the gun away . I can handle this . Mr. Laurence , please come in . So , what can we do for you ?
Walker : Have you heard anything from my brother ?
Blair : Oh , I do nt think I would be standing here if I had .
Walker : I ve looked everywhere for him . I hope you re watching your back .
Blair : I am -believe me .
Dorian : We are . That is , if we can believe you that Mitch is actually alive .
Walker : Well , I know for a fact he talked to you . I took the phone from him right afterwards .
Dorian : Unless , of course , it was you that was on the phone .
Walker : I can tell you what he was wearing when I pulled him out of the river .
Dorian : Perhaps you saw him before he fell in .
Walker : Well , he lost his leather jacket in the river -- the one with the Bahdra Diamond in it .
Dorian : How do you know about that ?
Walker : Mitch told me , and I got it back for him .
Blair : You stole it from me !
Walker : I m sorry . I m sorry , but he had me convinced that you were the ones who stole it from him , who did horrible things to him .
Blair : Well , what changed your mind ?
Walker : Too many things , including what he did to your mother and your sister .
Dorian : Why should we believe you about any of this , especially about my sister ?
walker : You re going to have to trust me .
Blair : What did the diamond look like ?
Walker : As big as my fist . I ve never seen anything like it and when Mitch held it in his hands , it almost seemed to glow and it really did a number on him .
Blair : How ?
Walker : Well , he s very superstitious about its powers .
Blair : The Bahdra Diamond is cursed .
Walker : Well , it certainly did something to Mitch . He s way over the edge .
Starr : Mom , Hedy said it s too cold to swim in Savannah .
Dorian : Starr , darling , why do nt you go back upstairs . hmm ?
Starr : Why ?
Blair : Because your Aunt Dorian wants to help you pack . That s right , you do .
Dorian : That s right , yes .
Blair : So you run along .
Dorian : Oh , but --
Blair : What ?
Dorian : Why dot you hold my purse for me , dear . Come on , Starr .
Blair : What ?
Walker : I never heard anything about Savannah . Mitch wo nt find out . I m on your side .
Blair : All right . Well , if that s true , then will you answer something for me , please ?
Walker : If I can .
Blair : Did Mitch happen to mention anything about Todd Manning ?
Walker : Your ex - husband ? You think Mitch did something to him ?
Blair : Look , if you know anything , will you just please tell me ? That was my little girl , and she asks about her father every day and I have a little boy and he s just a baby , but I know that he misses his father .
Walker : I m sorry . I never heard Mitch say that name .
Jen : Sit down .
Lindsay : I did nt try to smother Addie Cramer . You have to believe me .
Jen : Calm down , mom .
Lindsay : Please say you believe me .
Jen : Just calm down .
Lindsay : I m sorry . I know you have problems of your own , but I did nt know where else to go .
Jen : Do nt worry about me , ok ? Tell me where you ve been .
Lindsay : I do nt know .
Jen : Ok . Ok . We re going to get you some help .
Lindsay : Well , who are you calling ?
Jen : We ve got to get you help .
Lindsay : No , no , you ca nt call the police !
Jen : They ll help you , mom .
Lindsay : No , no , no !
Jen : Please --
Lindsay : No police !
Jen : Are you ok ? Come on . come on , come sit down .
Lindsay : I m freezing . I m so cold .
Jen : You ve got a fever .
Lindsay : Please , please help me . Do nt call the police . If someone s in there .
Roxy : Hey , you know , Ace , you could have a whole other career , except I think there s already a famous singing cowboy .
Asa : You re really enjoying this , are nt you ?
Roxy : Yeah , it s a gas , man .
Asa : Good . Enjoy it while you can . It s not going to last . I ll figure this out without your help .
Roxy : You know , I was very impressed that you remembered most of Mysterio s routine , that a song was going to end this hypno - cratic , lovey - dovey thing .
Asa : It is ?
Roxy : Yeah , you can sing till the crows come home , but you re never going to come up with the right song .
Asa : Oh .
Roxy : Hey , Ace , it s just a measly mill . You know , I come a lot cheaper than you think .
Nigel : And I dream of you , too , and your radiant beauty .
Asa : Beautiful dreamer wake unto me
Nigel : That wretched noise ? Someone stepped on a dog s tail , a large mongrel .
Asa : Renee ? Hey , you stop this craziness , you hear ? Hung up . Where the hell is she ?
Nigel : Torture me if you dare . I ll never tell .
Evangeline : Ooh . Ultra violet definitely could be hot .
R.J. : We ll be the magnet for generation y , or whatever they re calling themselves now , as long as they got cash . That is the plan , anyway .
Evangeline : What about talent ?
R.J. : I ve got plenty of that .
Evangeline : I m talking about bands .
R.J. : Well , of course . what else ?
Evangeline : So , who s lined up ?
R.J. : Well , right now I ve got a group called Midnight Logic . They re not my style , but they have breakout potential .
Evangeline : I d like to hear them .
R.J. : That can be arranged .
Viki : It was good to see you . Take it easy . Sorry , it took so long .
Natalie : No . If you get that will reinstated , it s worth it .
Viki : Well , we know that Dorian s going to put up one big fight , but you heard John . The lawyers are confident . Let s talk about something happy . Have you two set a wedding date ?
Natalie : Um -- well , we ve actually decided to wait .
Cristian : Till I get a job .
Natalie : Or unless Cristian sells some of his paintings .
Viki : Oh . Well , I fully intend to buy one or two of them . I love the paintings of Natalie , and I think there s one of Jessica , too , hmm ?
Cristian : Yeah . She did nt want to put any in , but I made her hang one up anyway .
Viki : Good .
Natalie : Good , good . She did the whole show for you , so that s good . Oh , did you know that she went out with your brother on a date ?
Cristian : Jessica ?
Natalie : Yeah . He asked her out .
Cristian : Wow . Well , that s -- that s great . I never thought he d get over Keri , but if he s out , then that means he s coming back to life , and I honestly ca nt think of anybody better than Jessica .
Antonio : I ca nt believe you re going to keep this thing .
Jessica : It s not a thing , it s Bruno and I won him , he s mine .
Antonio : You were lucky .
Jessica : Listen , I ll have you know that I was the ring toss champion of my grade school .
Antonio : Oh , really ? So , then why did you quit after winning the bear if you were on a roll ?
Jessica : Well , I guess after you get the biggest one , why go on ?
Antonio : To prove it was no fluke .
Jessica : Come on , come on . You re just upset because I did nt win one for you . and forget it . You ca nt have Bruno , either . I m going to just get a couple of numbers , and then get right out of here .
Antonio : I ca nt believe it . My little brother is really good .
Jessica : Yeah , I ve been telling him that for years . He s got an incredible eye .
Antonio : Yeah . yeah , I can see that .
Jessica : Oh . oh , yeah , I -- I took one of those down , and he just put another one right back up in its place . I did nt even want it to be in the show .
Antonio : I ll fix that . I ll buy it .
Jessica : Oh , no , no , no , no . You do nt have to do that .
Antonio : But I want to . I mean , look , I may not know art , but I know what I like .
Walker : Maybe the fact that Mitch never mentioned Todd means he does nt know anything about him .
Blair : Something happened to Todd .
Walker : Well , I m sorry if my brother caused it .
Blair : I wish your brother had never been born . I wish he d never come to this town and destroyed so many lives .
Walker : Or if I d found him sooner .
Blair : What , you think you could have changed him ?
Walker : He s not like I remember him .
Blair : Oh , do nt tell me he was some kind of saint .
Walker : I was very young when our father sent me away to live with the Flynns and I do nt remember a lot , and sometimes I think Mitch was some big brother I made up , someone to watch over --
Blair : And he was made up because Mitch only thinks of himself .
Walker : There was one time I was so scared . Some man was yelling at me . I thought he was going to kill me and I realized later after seeing pictures that man was our father . And then Mitch was there , standing in front of me , taking the hits for me .
Blair : You know , I really do nt want to hear anything good about Mitch .
Walker : I know . I know . but you have to understand , he was like a superhero to me .
Blair : He s not a superhero anymore , Walker .
Walker : I know . He s become what he used to protect me from -- our father . How does that happen ? How do we become what we hate most ?
Troy : Jen , Hey . what are you doing here so late ?
Jen : I m sorry . I just -- I did nt know where else to go .
Troy : What do you mean ? Oh , no , no , no , no , no . no . No . No way , Jen , not a chance .
Asa : Nigel , when are you going to come to your senses , huh ? Throwing away a good career as a valet for what , running some stupid bar ?
Nigel : This is a four - star hotel and restaurant , sir , and the home of the woman I love .
Asa : You re not in love . It was hypnosis . Look , I know I fired you , but you just ca nt walk out on me .
Nigel : Like this ?
Rae : Gee , Asa , you re really having a bad month . I mean , your valet quits ? Aw . and then -- then there was your latest chauffeur , too . You know what , Asa ? If your cook leaves you , you could actually starve to death .
Asa : You d like that , would nt you ?
Rae : Oh , yeah .
Asa : If you want your job back , boy , start thinking of ways of saying you re sorry .
Natalie : You know what ? You should be doing that , grandpa . No wonder nobody wants to work for you .
Asa : You re going to let your daughter marry this yahoo ?
Viki : Cristian is going to be a part of our family , Asa . I suggest you show a little consideration .
Asa : Me ?
Viki : Uh - huh .
Asa : I m head of this family , unless you all had forgotten that .
Viki : Poor Asa . He really does not know what to do without Nigel or Renee .
Roxy : All it s going to take is $ 1 million to bring your baby back home .
Asa : Bring your baby back home . That s the song , is nt it ?
Roxy : Guess again , daddy - O.
R.J. : So , you re interested in hooking up with me ?
Evangeline : For the club .
R.J. : Well , yes , of course .
Evangeline : How much is it going to cost me ?
R.J. : Well , I have the numbers right here , and I got to tell you , I have trimmed them down to the bone . There is no fat here .
Evangeline : Hmm . I think I can handle it .
R.J. : Good . But , of course , I assume that defending nut jobs like Mitch Lawrence , you get paid pretty well .
Evangeline : I am worth every very large fee . The question now is , what do I get for my money ?
Antonio : So , you going to carry your trophy everywhere you go ?
Jessica : No , I think I m going to put Bruno right there as a constant reminder of my stunning win at ring toss .
Antonio : If the guys on the force find out that I m boarding a teddy bear --
Jessica : What are they going to say when they find out you have a painting of me ?
Antonio : Well , it beats a teddy bear . All right , so where should we hang it ?
Jessica : The closet ?
Antonio : How about right here ?
Jessica : Oh -- Antonio , that s the first thing people are going to see when they walk through the door .
Antonio : Yeah .
Jessica : No , no , no , no , no . Let s try somewhere else . How about over here ?
Antonio : I ll tell you what . Why do nt we just put it right here for now , let it find a place of its own .
Jessica : Ok .
Antonio : Yeah ? Think you can deal with that ?
Jessica : Perfect solution .
Antonio : Hmm ? Yeah . Perfect .
Walker : I should have seen right away how far gone Mitch was . maybe your mother would nt have been attacked .
Blair : Or if I d called the police instead of listening to my Aunt Dorian .
Walker : You thought he was dead .
Blair : Well , now that we know that he is nt , I have to think of my children and of my mother . Look , if -- if you could keep from saying anything --
Walker : Oh . As far as I know , you re in Philadelphia .
Blair : I appreciate that .
Walker : I wo nt let Mitch hurt you or anyone else again .
Blair : How are you going to stop that ?
Walker : I know what I have to do .
Jen : Please , you ve got to help her . She s sick .
Troy : Well , then , Jen , you should take her to the hospital .
Jen : The police will find her there .
Troy : Jen , your mother is accused of trying to kill someone .
Jen : She said she did nt do it .
Troy : Really ? Because supposedly she was found standing over Addie Cramer with a pillow in her hands !
Jen : Look , she admitted to killing my father . If she had tried to kill Blair s mother , then would nt she have admitted that , too ?
Troy : I do nt know , Jen . Let s just let the police figure it out , ok ?
Jen : No , no , you ca nt . She s sick .
Troy : Look , Jen , you expect me , of all people , to help your mother ?
Jen : She needs your help . Mom ? mom -- mom --
Troy : I ca nt believe this . Let s just -- help me get her into the bed , please .
Dorian : Now , I do nt know if they ll let you --
Hedy : Jack is all buckled up in his car seat with the driver .
Blair : Wonderful .
Dorian : Good , and -- yes . Ten minutes ago , Addie and her nurse left the hospital .
Blair : Ok , well , you better hurry if you want to get the best seat in the limo .
Starr : I get the TV !
Blair : Ok , bye . Ok , well , you go ahead . I ll meet you at the airport .
Dorian : Why ? What are you going to do ?
Blair : Oh , I just have something to take care of first .
Dorian : Blair , I told you you re coming with us and now .
Blair : And I m telling you I m not taking any more orders from you , Dorian . If I did -- if I d done it before , none of this would have happened in the first place .
Dorian : I ll tell you what happened . Yes , it turns out that Mitch probably did survive , which makes him more dangerous than ever , and that s why you can not stay here a moment --
Blair : Ok , ok . you go . I m taking care of something . I am doing this , Dorian .
Dorian : Blair , please -- honey , I hope you re not making a terrible mistake .
Star : Hurry up , Aunt Dorian !
Blair : Go .
Blair : They re gone .
Walker : Your aunt does nt quit easy .
Blair : And if she knew that you were still here , she never would have left .
Walker : This will work .
Roxy : Somebody stole my gal somebody stole my pal
Asa : Now , is that the damn song ?
Roxy : Does it look like it ?
Nigel : I ca nt wait to be in your arms , either , my love of loves .
R.J. : Well , now , since you re backing my new club , I think that makes us partners .
Evangeline : That s what I had in mind , and in light of that --
R.J. : Oh , who is this ? Oh . oh , look , I m sorry , but I really need to take this . I ll just be a minute .
Evangeline : Ok .
R.J. : Hello ?
Keri : Hi . I hope I m not interrupting anything .
R.J. : You ? No , never . But listen , I ca nt talk here . Can I call you back ?
Keri : Sure . We do nt want anyone overhearing it s me .
R.J. : Keri , come on , quick , just tell me about the baby .
Keri : She s getting cuter every day and she ca nt wait to see her grandfather , though .
R.J. : Well , I ca nt wait to see you two , either . You know , you and that little baby are the lights of my life .
Antonio : Damn . it s your uncle . I got to take this . Commissioner ? No , of course . Yes -- no , I ll be right there . I have to go .
Jessica : I understand .
Antonio : But you stay right here , ok ? I ll be right back .
Jen : Is she going to be ok ?
Troy : Well , her temperature s not as high as I thought , but we still need to get her back to St. Ann s .
Jen : No . No , they still think that she tried to smother Addie .
Troy : Look , Jen , if your mother is innocent like she says she is , then the police will figure it out .
Jen : They re going to blame her , and you know it . Come on , you owe her .
Troy : I owe her ? After what your mother did to Nora and me ? I do nt owe your mother anything , Jen !
Jen : You did a lot to her , too , when you could have been helping her .
Troy : I tried to help her .
Jen : Yeah , after you , she ended up in a mental hospital .
Troy : Not because of me , Jen .
Jen : Well , maybe if -- maybe if you would have helped her a little bit more , so many people would nt have gotten hurt . Maybe my father -- maybe he would still be here .
Troy : Jen , look , I am sorry for everything that s happened .
Jen : Then help her . I mean , if not for her , then just do it for me . Please .
Troy : All right , fine . She can sleep here for now , all right ? She s going to need her medication . The hospital pharmacy s still open , all right ? I want you to go down there and get this prescription filled , and get back here as soon as you can .
Jen : Thank you so much .
Troy : One night , Jen . That s it -- one night . I m going to call the police first thing in the morning .
Troy : Why ca nt I get you out of my life ?
Lindsay : Please do nt call the police .
Troy : Jen went and got your medication . Here -- you need to take it .
Lindsay : Where is she ?
Troy : She ll be back . This is the same medication you were on at St. Ann s -- which is where you should be right now , Lindsay .
Lindsay : No , I ca nt go back there . Poor Addie .
Troy : Yeah . Just thank God she survived .
Lindsay : I would never do anything to hurt her . You know that . Help me , please . Do nt tell anyone I m here .
Roxy : Here comes the bride all dressed in white
Asa : Now , I know that ai nt the song .
Roxy : Hey , you want to stop playing name that tune ?
Asa : Sit down , Roxy .
Roxy : I hope you got your checkbook .
Asa : I m going to give you something worth more than a million bucks .
Roxy : Yeah , two million .
Asa : Full ownership of Foxy Roxy s .
Roxy : That s it ?
Asa : You told me what a surefire investment it was . Now put your money where your mouth is . I give you Foxy Roxy s . You help me stop this nonsense between Nigel and Renee .
R.J. : Well , I am sorry that that took so long . but you were saying ?
Evangeline : It s a partnership contract . If I m going to put my money down , I m going to need something in writing . You might want to get a lawyer to go over that with you .
Cristian : Your mom had to go back to The Banner .
Natalie : Cristian , you re not going to believe what I just heard . R.J. Was on the phone talking to a woman about a baby and he was saying --
Cristian : What ? Natalie ?
Natalie : Cristian , he was talking to Keri .
Cristian : Natalie , Keri s dead . So is her mom and the baby .
Natalie : No , you do nt understand . It was in this tone . It was -- it s the way a father talks to a daughter , you know ?
Cristian : Look , Natalie --
Natalie : If Keri -- if Keri could still be alive , if she survived that plane and the baby did , too --
Cristian : Are nt you listening to me ? They re dead .
Natalie : Cristian , what if they re not dead ? What s Antonio going to think about this ?
Antonio : Detective Vega , Llanview P.D.
Walker : Come on in .
Antonio : Commissioner arrive yet ?
Walker : Any minute .
Antonio : What s this about ? And what are you doing inside Blair Cramer s house ?
Walker : I m hoping this is where he ll show up .
Antonio : Who s he ?
Walker : My brother , Mitch Lawrence . He s alive . He can see and God help anyone who gets in his way . Stay tuned for scenes from the next One Life to Live .
Natalie : What if Keri really is still alive ?
Cristian : She s not .
Blair : Mitch is alive and , Troy , he has his sight back .
Walker : Mitch wo nt stop until he s destroyed these women he thinks betrayed him .
Antonio : Jessica ? Jessica ?
### Summary:
| Jessie gets stuff together for gallery event . She goes on a date with Antonio for a carnival the police dept . is sponsoring . Asa tries to figure out the magic song that will unlock Nigel s spell , without success . Dorian , Blair & the kids prepare to leave Llanview for the safety of Savannah . RJ & Evangeline go out to dinner & talk about club business . Walker comes to the house & tells Blair he s on their side . Blair asks him if he knows what happened to Todd . He says he does nt know . Lindsay shows up at the gallery & Jenn tries to help her . Roxy keeps teasing Asa & tells him she ll unhypnotize Nigel & Renee for a million bucks . He says no , but he will give her ownership of her salon . She tells him that s not good enough . Walker talks about how Mitch used to look after him . Jenn brings Lindsay to Troy s place . Walker promises he ll stop Mitch . Troy reluctantly agrees to shelter Lindsay for the night . Keri calls RJ & Nat overhears the conversation . She starts to assume that Keri s not dead after all . Walker tells the cops that Mitch is still alive & they work together to set up a trap for him . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lily : So , what is all this ? And what are you doing here ?
Holden : Your mother invited me to dinner .
Lily : My mother invited you to dinner ?
Holden : Yeah . And then something came up , something at Worldwide . And you know your mom , she does nt -- she does nt want good food to go to waste .
Lily : Wait . So she called me ? Of course , she called me . Yes . She called me . I should know that by now , because I canceled my plans with Keith , rushed right over because she said she was lonely and she needed me . Like a hole in the head . [ Holden laughs ] Can you believe this ? It s not funny .
Holden : Well , it depends on how you look at it .
Lily : She s manipulating us , you know that .
Holden : Yes , she is .
Lily : And that does nt make you angry ?
Holden : No .
Emma : Oh , is that my daughter ? Cooking ?
Meg : Mama , what are you doing here ? I thought you went on that overnight retreat with your choir group .
Emma : Reverend Brinkley got the flu . And I certainly am glad I came home in time to see all this !
Meg : I can cook .
Emma : Set for two ?
Meg : I invited Dusty over . And do nt say it .
Emma : Well , if anything will turn that man s head around , it probably is a good meal .
Meg : I am not trying to turn his head around .
Emma : No ?
Meg : No . Because he can already see me . And he likes what he sees .
Dusty : Is there a decent florist around ?
Concierge : The gift shop has a nice selection of cut flowers . Or there s Conrad s in the mall .
Dusty : Thank you .
Jennifer : I keep thinking about what you said , about how everything s going to turn around for me and that I should trust you and that . But what did you mean ?
Paul : Jen , I ca nt really talk right now .
Jennifer : Because I lost my baby , Paul , and that s never going to change .
Paul : Just meet me at my house in about an hour , and I ll explain everything .
Jennifer : Paul , why are -- why are you being so mysterious ?
Paul : I ll see you at home , okay ?
Jennifer : Fine . Whatever .
Guard # 1 : Mr. Ryan ?
Paul : Yeah . Can I go in now ?
Guard # 1 : Yes , sir .
Paul : Surprised to see me ?
Craig : Thrilled . What do you want ?
Paul : I thought we should talk .
Craig : Why ?
Paul : Because I know what you did .
Craig : No . You think you know something . There s a difference .
Paul : I saw you force Rosanna off the road that night . Now I know why .
Craig : I was trying to get her to slow down before she killed herself .
Paul : That s not true .
Craig : Whatever . We will never agree .
Paul : This is nt just a matter of interpretation , Craig . You re lying through your teeth .
Craig : Is this Tom s idea ? You come in here to try to unnerve me into confessing to some deep dark secret ?
Paul : No , I have nt spoken with Tom yet , but I will . I just wanted to see the look on your face . You are cold - blooded , man .
Craig : Ladies ! I think Mr. Ryan is leaving .
Paul : Rosanna figured out that you switched the babies . That s why you forced her off the road . When you knew that you d been found out , you decided to try and kill her . I saw the footprints . In the hospital , they take footprints from babies . Rosanna had one supposedly of your baby , but it did nt match the footprint that I took from your child . And there s only one reason for that . The baby that you took home from the hospital was nt Gwen Norbeck s baby , it was Jennifer s baby . You adopted your own son . And you would have gotten away with it . But Rosanne found out . And no matter how badly she wanted a child , she was nt willing to steal one . Because unlike you , she was not prepared to watch Jennifer grieve for no good reason .
Craig : Jennifer will have other children .
Paul : You are a bastard .
Craig : She did things that were unconscionable to me . First , she tried to pass off my baby as someone else s and when that did nt work , she ran away . And then as a last resort , she set it up to look like I pushed her and lied about it under oath . She would ve done anything to keep me from what was rightfully mine .
Paul : She was trying to protect her son .
Craig : I am his father .
Paul : Not anymore . When the court hears about this , you ll be lucky to read about your son in the paper .
Craig : You ll never get away with this .
Paul : I already have .
Guard # 1 : Mr. Ryan ?
Paul : Yeah , I m sorry .
Guard # 1 : Not a problem . You can go in now .
Paul : Thanks . Surprised to see me ?
Craig : I was expecting you .
Dusty : Jennifer ?
Jennifer : Oh , I was going to call you . Um , I thought we might go to the office and talk about the spring line . I have some ideas about distribution .
Dusty : You re kidding , right ?
Jennifer : No . I thought we might try piggybacking the shipment of spring Ts with a shipment of jeans and sweats , you know , in January -- market them as a layering thing that goes solo for spring break . You know , girl gets on the plane bundled up , and then she hits the beach all ready to go .
Dusty : I like it . It s a good idea .
Jennifer : Well , good . So , you re in . So , yeah , I ll spring for pizza even . Oh , except that you have plans .
Dusty : Nothing I ca nt postpone . Really .
Jennifer : Oh , excuse me , flowers . And did you -- you shaved a little . Yeah . So she must be an important woman .
Dusty : She s a friend .
Jennifer : Meg ?
Dusty : I ll give her a call .
Jennifer : Oh , do nt , do nt . Do nt even . Okay ? I ll jot down all of my thoughts .
Dusty : I do nt want you going into the office alone .
Jennifer : Look , look , Dusty , I know I said I was nt ready to come back to work full - time , and I m still not , but an hour at my desk -- I m actually looking forward to it . And then an hour or two tomorrow with you , it ll be fine . It ll be fun . It ll keep my mind off things . Dusty , I m really trying to stay positive , you know . And thinking up ideas for tee shirts for teenage girls is just , you know , it s cheerful , it s productive . It ll do .
Dusty : Let me buy you a drink .
Jennifer : No . Okay ?
Dusty : Okay .
Jennifer : Meg is waiting .
Dusty : I ll walk you to your car .
Jennifer : Not a chance . I m going to go upstairs anyway and grab my -- my sketch book . You know , behind the desk I might , I might get some creativity . So , you have a good time , okay ? Hmm , very nice .
Emma : You better turn the fire down under that sauce .
Meg : It s fine .
Emma : So , what turned Dusty around ?
Meg : Me , Mama , little old me . Hard as it is for you to believe , there are some men that actually think I m worth their time out there .
Emma : Now do nt put words in my mouth . I know what you re worth . I m just not so sure that Mr. Dusty does .
Meg : Oh , so it s not me , it s my taste in men .
Emma : Come on now , do nt pick a fight with me . It s not me you re mad at .
Meg : I m not mad at anybody .
Emma : You re just afraid this whole thing is not going to make it happen .
Meg : It is going to happen because we like each other .
Emma : We ll see .
Meg : What ?
Emma : Well , nothing ! Nothing , nothing . If you like each other , the man is committed to you .
Meg : I did nt say that .
Emma : Oh , so then you do nt like each other and he s not committed to you ?
Meg : We re nowhere near that conversation .
Emma : Why not ?
Meg : Because we re not , okay ?
Emma : So you get to make him a really beautiful meal and he gets to walk all over you . Again .
Meg : He is not walking all over me , Mama . Okay ? We are dating . Seeing each other , getting to know each other .
Emma : You already know each other . And he s already hurt you once . I mean , what -- what is there to know ?
Meg : That was a long time ago . And you know what ? You sound like Holden .
Emma : You should listen to your brother .
Meg : My brother ? Oh , yeah . You mean the one that s moping after his soon - to - be ex - wife ? You know what ? I think he s the one you need to be worried about , not me . I m moving on . I m happy .
Emma : Look , I am not suggesting that you get back together with josh . I m not suggesting that .
Meg : Oh , no , but you want Holden and Lily to get back together .
Emma : That s very different .
Meg : Why ? Because they re the perfect couple ?
Emma : Nobody s perfect .
Meg : That s right , Mama . That s right . Nobody s perfect . Not Holden , not Lily , not Dusty , not me . I mean , we re all just doing the best with what we ve got .
Emma : Well then , if I were you , I would turn the fire down under that sauce because it s going to burn .
Lucinda : Reel her in , darling , I know you can do it . Do it .
Lily : She s probably watching us through the window .
Holden : If she has nt bugged the terrace . You see anything that looks like a camera ?
Lily : So you re not upset by any of this ?
Holden : What ? That your mother , who s fighting cancer , spent the afternoon playing cupid instead of hunched over a computer trying to find some miracle cure ? No . She remembered that I like these things .
Lily : Hey , wait . So from -- from your point of view , even though this is pointless , is nt the point ?
Holden : I d say the longer we can keep her entertained and distracted , the better .
Lily : Can I ask you one question ? Were you in on this ?
Holden : Here s how it went . I was on my way out and she asked me to stay for dinner . Said she did nt want to have dinner alone . So I said , sure , why not ? I went home to change , I came back and she was out here on the terrace lighting candles , and then she proceeded to tell me how I needed to fix my life .
Lily : Get back with Lily .
Holden : Exactly .
Lily : That did nt make you angry ?
Holden : Well , I was nt pleased , at first . But I know I m not going to change her mind . And I m certainly not going to argue with her . Not now .
Lily : Then what happened ?
Holden : She remembered that you like these --
Lily : Holden , please -- can you tell me please ?
Holden : I told her that I d stay for dinner .
Lily : But you knew that I had plans . You knew that she would call me and ruin my evening .
Holden : Lily , you and I have both been worried about your mother for weeks . You keep asking what she needs . Maybe this is what she needs right now .
Lily : To set me up ?
Holden : Maybe . And maybe she needs the satisfaction of knowing that she s pulled one over on you . The question is , are you going to give it to her ? If she s watching , she ll like that long soulful look that you gave me . She ll think I m making progress . [ Lily laughs ] And if you re laughing , that s even better .
Lily : You always knew how to make me laugh . You know me so well . You know my mother , too .
Holden : I ve always liked your mother . It just took me a little while to figure out how to handle her .
Lily : So , this is you handling her ?
Holden : Whatever works .
Lily : Ah .
Holden : Do nt let her catch you looking around .
Lily : See , I do nt have a huge problem with any of this because it s just you and I. We know where we stand . Even though we put the legalities on hold .
Holden : First things first . Need to get your mother squared away .
Lily : Yeah , but this is a little dishonest , making her think that the two of us --
Holden : What ? We re having dinner together . We have three kids . Come on , we re in this for the long haul .
Lily : Yes , that s true . You and I will always care about each other . Just to know that she s watching us .
Holden : And so happy .
Lily : If it were just you and me , that would be one thing . But Keith made plans .
Holden : So give him a call .
Lily : Tell him what ? I m humoring my mother ?
Holden : Tell him that you will hook up with him later .
Lily : No . I do nt want to do that to him . Keep him waiting around .
Holden : You re worth waiting for .
Lily : Okay . Then , let s eat .
Holden : Here s to putting one over on your mother .
Lucinda : Bravo , Holden . [ Doorbell rings ] Oh , now who in God s name ?
Keith : Well , hello , Lucinda . It s good to see that you re up and about . Where s your daughter ?
Meg : Look , I m sorry I snapped at you earlier . Okay ? I m just not much of a cook .
Emma : I was hoping you d save me a little taste .
Meg : I will . And I know what I m doing with Dusty , okay ?
Emma : I hope so . I hope so . What time is he coming ?
Meg : Oh , my God , now ! And I have nt finished the salad and I m not even dressed .
Emma : Well , go . Go on , go upstairs , get dressed .
Meg : Okay .
Emma : I ll work on the salad .
Meg : Okay , thank you . Love you . Thank you .
Emma : Oh , Lord , I do hope you know what you re doing , Meggie .
Dusty : Hey , Brenda , it s nice to see you re in the office so late . Can you put me through to Jennifer ? Are you sure ? She said she was headed over there . You have nt heard from her ? All right , thanks . Jennifer , give me a call when you get this , all right ? It does nt matter how late , just want to make sure you re okay . Hey .
Emma : Hey .
Dusty : I did nt hear you .
Emma : Meg s upstairs getting dressed .
Dusty : You would nt by any chance have a vase or something ?
Emma : Over there . Over there on the side .
Meg : Okay , I forgot the wine . Oh . Okay , do nt look , I m half - dressed .
Dusty : Well , why would I want to look at you when you re half - dressed ? These are for you .
Meg : Thank you . They re beautiful .
Dusty : The vase belongs to your mother . It s a very nice one .
Meg : Mama -- uh , can you go out there and get me like a decent bottle of cabernet sauvignon ? If you do , I promise , I promise to deadhead all the flowers in your garden for the next week . Two weeks .
Dusty : I ll get it for you .
Meg : You do nt mind ?
Dusty : No , of course not . I ll be right back .
Meg : Thanks . He bought me flowers . And now he s going to go buy me some wine . You know , I might be wrong , but I think he s interested .
Emma : Oh , he s interested all right . But not in my little girl .
Lucinda : What are you doing in my house ? Besides ruining my evening .
Keith : Look , I know that you do nt like me , but I am really glad to see that you re doing so well .
Lucinda : Duly noted .
Keith : I want to speak to Lily . She forgot her phone so I was going to bring it by here . She said she was coming here .
Lucinda : Oh , and you re the gentleman so you decided you d drop it off . Well , thank you so much . I ll give it to her . Oh , what ? Did I speak too quickly ?
Keith : Is she still here ?
Lucinda : Yes , she is .
Keith : May I speak with her ?
Lucinda : No , she s busy at the moment .
Keith : Well , then , I guess I ll just wait .
Lily : Thank you , sir .
Holden : I remember the first time one of the neighborhood kids called me sir . I think it was at one of the founder s day picnics , or something . Kid look up to me , calls me sir .
Lily : You like that , being called sir ?
Holden : Nice to know somebody respects you , even if they re only five years old .
Lily : Everybody respects you .
Holden : No . No , not everybody .
Lily : Everybody that counts .
Holden : Your mother , she is good .
Lily : Mm , yes , she is good . I have nt heard that one in years . You want to dance ?
Holden : Your mother , she wants us to dance . And I would nt mind . For old time s sake .
Paul : You were expecting me ?
Craig : It was a matter of time . At the crash , she spoke to you . They would nt let me near her .
Paul : Because you d just run her off the road . We should talk about this .
Craig : Why ?
Paul : Because there s a child involved .
Craig : She was beautiful . So full of love , the perfect Mom .
Paul : What are you talking about ?
Craig : You do nt know ?
Paul : Know what ?
Craig : I thought they called you . Is nt that why you re here ?
Paul : Who called ?
Craig : The doctors , Switzerland .
Paul : No , they did nt call . Why ? What happened ?
Craig : Rosanna s gone .
Lucinda : Trespassing .
Jen : So , what s this big news ? You sounded like you have all the answers . Cause I sure could use some good news right now . How are you going to change my life ?
Paul : What do you mean , she s gone ? What kind of sick game are you playing now , Craig ?
Craig : They called me this morning .
Paul : And said what ?
Craig : That she had a cerebral episode --
Paul : She had a stroke ?
Craig : She had a seizure . So , any hope of recovery is gone .
Paul : You re lying . You paid somebody to make that phone call . You re trying to drum up sympathy . You re -- you re going to change your plea .
Craig : Why do nt you talk to them ?
Paul : Oh , I will ! Because there s got to be something they can do . There s got to be some medical course of action .
Craig : They will make her comfortable . They will monitor her . She s -- in a vegetative state .
Paul : You did this ! You took her life and you destroyed it and -- was it worth it , Craig ? At the end of the day , did you get what you wanted ?
Dusty : Jennifer ? What happened ?
Jennifer : Oh -- yeah , I was going to go to the office , and then I -- I could nt find my keys , so I dumped out my bag and -- and I found this . Dumb .
Dusty : No , that s not dumb .
Jennifer : I thought I threw everything away , you know ? Everything , except what my mother has managed to squirrel away in storage . You know my mother , she -- she ll get a grandchild if she has to have it herself . I wonder if he s outgrown this by now . I m becoming an expert . I watch them . In their strollers , in their mother s arms . There s even this woman in the gift shop , she brings her baby into work with her sometimes . And I watch her when she nurses him behind the counter . He s getting so big .
Dusty : It s gon na take time .
Jennifer : So they say .
Dusty : You know what this means ?
Jennifer : No . Not a clue .
Dusty : It means you re a great mother . Remember that meeting when we had that conversation when you were nt sure , considering your role model ?
Jennifer : Mommy dreadful ?
Dusty : Right . You re not her .
Jennifer : Well , to tell you the truth , you know , she s -- she s actually been pretty great the past couple weeks .
Dusty : Well , when she starts driving you nuts , you ll know you re getting better .
Jennifer : Hey , what are you doing here ? You re supposed to be having dinner with Meg .
Dusty : Yeah , Meg had some things to , you know , sort out over there .
Jennifer : You re checking up on me .
Dusty : Why did nt you show up at the office ?
Jennifer : Um , I m sorry . I was going to and I -- I got sidetracked by this stupid sock .
Dusty : It s okay . It happens . It s all right .
Jennifer : No , I ll be there , though , first thing in the morning .
Dusty : I was worried about you . You know , the work can wait .
Jennifer : No , it ca nt . I appreciate the thought . What are you doing ?
Dusty : I m gon na call meg and tell her she and I can do it another time --
Jennifer : No , no . Not a chance .
Dusty : I m not leaving you here all alone .
Jennifer : I -- I have to actually go see my brother . And in fact , I should get going . I really should throw this out . But -- ignore me . You d think after losing the baby , I would lose the hormones , too . No such luck . You know , sometimes I -- I feel like um , he s out there . You know , missing me .
Dusty : Come on , let s go .
Jennifer : Where re we going ?
Dusty : I m going to go get you one of those , you know , idiotic drinks that you like .
Jennifer : An appletini ? No , I could nt even drive then .
Dusty : A half - caf , skim - milk mochacino .
Jennifer : You remembered .
Dusty : How could I forget , a demon like you . That was a hard - won press by you , remember ?
Emma : What d he do , go to Italy for the wine ?
Meg : You know , I m going to finish getting ready upstairs .
Emma : Look , Meg , I am just telling you what I heard .
Meg : Yes . That he called his designer ?
Emma : Uh - hmm .
Meg : And she was nt there .
Emma : Yeah .
Meg : And he left a message on her cell phone .
Emma : And he told her that he was worried about her , and that she should call him back no matter how late .
Meg : The woman just lost her baby .
Emma : And from what I hear , her husband , as well .
Meg : What s that supposed to mean ?
Emma : Oh , maybe she s starting over . Just like you .
Meg : Okay , you know what ? That s mean .
Emma : Meg -- sweetheart , I am not trying to upset you . I just -- look , I just want you to think twice before you open up your heart to somebody who s -- well , he s not available .
Meg : Well , then why did he buy me flowers and wine ?
Emma : Oh , is that what he went off to do ? I mean , he did nt go off to check on his designer ?
Meg : Okay , maybe he went to check on Jennifer . But he s coming right back here to have dinner with me .
Emma : Well , for your sake , I hope he does . But if he does nt , I just hope you realize what you are up against .
Meg : Okay , you know what ? I -- I think you should go . Before I say something I ll regret .
Emma : Look , I do nt think he s a bad person , Meg . I really do nt . But I just feel that you should have the same kind of concern and attention -- deserved -- that he s giving to Jennifer . That s all . That s all .
Lucinda : This is tiresome . If you will not give the phone to me , I will provide you with an envelope and a piece of notepaper , and you can drop her a little , tiny note .
Keith : So you can just tear it up ?
Lucinda : Go home . Leave the phone on her doorstep .
Keith : Look , I saw Holden s car out there in the driveway , so I know that he s here .
Lucinda : What business is that of yours ? You two are just friends .
Keith : Let me ask you a question . What do you got against me ?
Lucinda : Besides the mob connections ?
Keith : Oh , come on . I borrowed some money from a guy , you know . I paid him back . Wrong guy .
Lucinda : You took money from Lily to pay him back .
Keith : And I m also starting to paying her back .
Lucinda : How ?
Keith : Cause I have a job .
Lucinda : Oh , what is it ?
Keith : I m flying for a private company .
Lucinda : What s the company s name ?
Keith : Well , now , that s none of your business .
Lucinda : Oh , I see .
Keith : Yeah , I know what you re thinking -- whatever I m doin is somethin sketchy . Well , I like what I m doin , and I m gon na keep doin it .
Lucinda : Well , go do it . Do it someplace else . I tired of you , and I just want you to leave now .
Keith : Well , I m not going anywhere until I talk to your daughter .
Lily : I m sorry .
Holden : For what ?
Lily : Stepping on your foot ?
Holden : Nothing new there .
Lily : Maybe some things never change .
Holden : No , they do nt .
Lucinda : You re trespassing .
Keith : Well , well , well . Pork chops , huh ? Sorry to interrupt .
Lily : No , you did nt interrupt anything . We re done .
Lucinda : What about dinner , darling ?
Lily : No , forget dinner . I ve had enough , more than enough .
Lucinda : Do nt you get angry with me . It s your tenant who burst in here .
Lily : He s not my tenant .
Lucinda : Well , whatever he is , I wish he d go .
Holden : Lucinda , its okay .
Lucinda : Darling , she s a woman with three children . She should have more sense .
Holden : Maybe we should just call it a night .
Lucinda : Do nt any of you understand anything ? Life is short . You must nt waste it . I m sorry , I m sorry . I m terribly sorry .
Lily : Mother ? Let me just take you downstairs .
Lucinda : No , I do nt want to . Well , let s go into the library , though , because I ve changed my will , and I want to talk to you about the children .
Lily : Your will ?
Lucinda : Yes , my will . Why not ?
Lily : Oh , you re unthinkable .
Lucinda : What , what , what ?
Lily : You do nt want to talk about your will . You just want to stop me from spending the night with Keith .
Lucinda : Oh , yes , darling , I think I would like that because he s not right for you .
Lily : You have every right to have you re opinion , but I have been manipulated enough for one night . And , mother , I care about you , i love you . And if you need me , you call me . Are you ready to go ?
Keith : Nice to see you again .
Lucinda : Do nt just stand there , go after her .
Meg : Oh , boring . Oh , yeah , this is what we need . Mm - hmm . That s good . Okay .
Emma : I m not trying to upset you . I just want you to think twice before you open your heart to someone who s not available .
Meg : Then why s he buying me flowers and wine ?
Emma : Is that what he s doing ? Or did he run off to check on his designer ?
Meg : Well , maybe he did go check on Jennifer . But he s coming back here to have dinner with me . Well , maybe he did go check on Jennifer . But he s coming back here to have dinner with me . Judge me .
Paul : Why was she running from you , Craig ?
Craig : Does any of this even matter ?
Paul : Yes , I think it matters .
Craig : You have no right to judge me .
Paul : How bout my sister ? Does she have a right ? You have an opportunity .
Craig : Oh , no , no , no . I m out of opportunities , it s over .
Paul : And I m supposed to feel sorry for you ?
Craig : No .
Paul : My sister is heartbroken .
Craig : She ll adjust , like all the rest of us .
Paul : You deserve everything you get .
Craig : What we get is not always the same as what we deserve . Do you understand that ?
Paul : No , not really . All I know is it s over .
Keith : You know , with the caviar and the champagne at your mother s , I was nt sure what to get you .
Lily : Oh , my . I ll take al s fries any day . Thank you .
Keith : I hope I did nt make matters worse by showin up , it s just that I found your phone and everything .
Lily : All right , you have to be honest . That was nt the only reason you came by my mother s .
Keith : The fact that Holden answered the phone did nt help anything .
Lily : Oh , that s my mother . She s incorrigible .
Keith : Well , she wants what she wants .
Lily : I know , but you went through so much trouble tonight . I want to spend time with you .
Keith : I do nt know if that s gon na happen now that the cat s outta the bag .
Lily : My mother , forget it . She got her hopes up . She has to realize Holden and I are not gon na reconcile , that s it .
Keith : Are you sure about that ? Cause , you know --
Lily : What ? You ca nt let my mother get to you . Come on .
Keith : I just want you to be happy . You and Holden , you got a lot of history , three kids .
Lily : It did nt work . I m not saying that Holden is nt a wonderful man . We have a very long , complicated history . That s it -- it s of history . And you re my future . So do not let my mother put any ideas in your head .
Lucinda : You two were having a lovely time tonight . You were dancing cheek to cheek for God s sake .
Holden : Old habits die hard .
Lucinda : Do nt let them . See , I do nt think that we should treat this as a fait accompli . I think that we should marshal our forces . And I ll do anything I can to help you . You know I will . But , you ve got to initiate it . That means that you ve got to admit that you want her back again . Admit that to yourself , and then you ve got to make it happen before it s too late .
Dusty : You wanted red , right ?
Meg : What did you do ? Stomp the grapes ?
Dusty : I m sorry . I needed to take care of some work .
Meg : I m glad you re back . Are you hungry ?
Dusty : Of course .
Meg : You do the honors .
Dusty : It really was nt work . I was with Jennifer .
Jennifer : Hi . I stopped by earlier . You were nt here .
Paul : It took a little longer than I wanted it to .
Jennifer : Where were you ?
Paul : I should have called you , I m sorry . Are you okay ?
Jennifer : No . But I ll manage . So what s this big news ? You sound so mysterious on the phone . Like you have all the answers . So tell me , cause I sure could use some good news right now . How are you going to change my life ?
Announcer : On the next , As the World Turns .
Jennifer : This is about my baby , is nt it ?
Gwen : Jack said that I could come and see the baby whenever I wanted . Is he here ?
Nurse : No , I m sorry , he s not . He s at the christening .
Minister : Who brings this child to be christened ?
Jack : We do .
### Summary:
| Lucinda s efforts to play cupid for Holden and Lily begin to work until Keith interrupts Holden and Lily s romantic evening . Jennifer continues to ruin Meg s plans with Dusty . Emma tries to make Meg realize that Dusty does nt treat her as well as he treats Jennifer . Meg remains determined to pursue a relationship with Dusty despite Emma s advice about him . Craig refuses to confirm Paul s suspicions about the baby switch during Paul s visit to Craig at the prison . Craig informs Paul that the doctors at the clinic where Rosanna is being treated informed him that she had a seizure and is now in a permanent vegetative state . Jennifer continues to grieve for her child with Dusty by her side for support . Jennifer still feels like her baby is alive and out there somewhere despite that in her head she knows he is dead . Paul asks Jennifer to come to his place so he can tell her something that will change her life but when she arrives he still is nt sure he should tell her what he suspects about the baby Rosanna adopted . Lucinda encourages Holden to decide if he wants Lily back in his life and if the answer is yes she advises him to fight for her before its too late . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Bo : You ll be camping out here tonight .
Carly : Oh , no , no , no . I m not taking your bedroom .
Bo : Yes , you are . It s the most secure room in the house . We ve got shades on the windows . It s upstairs . I ll camp out on the couch . No one gets to the stairs without me knowing it .
Carly : Okay , but just for now , right ?
Bo : Yeah .
Carly : Okay .
Bo : Till we come up with a way to get you out of this mess .
Carly : Yeah , so I ve been thinking . Um , there s someone who can help .
Justin : Hey .
Hope : Hey .
Justin : What s going on ?
Hope : Ciara has a school project for tomorrow . A photo collage called , things I m grateful for . I m not one of them .
Justin : Uh - oh .
Hope : Yeah , she said I m not fair because I wo nt let her use my phone for her collage . Oh , and I m mean . I mean , really mean like the witches in fairy tales .
Justin : Why is that ?
Hope : [ Sighs ] Because I took her from her home . And I took her from her daddy .
Brady : What the hell did you just say ?
Victor : Look , I do nt like telling you this any more than you like hearing it . But if I m --
Brady : Arianna is a-- is a drug dealer ?
Victor : That s the information that s out there . I know you d rather believe it s not true .
Brady : You son of a bitch .
Stefano : Elvis , that s -- I do nt understand . You will not take Sydney back ? I mean , have you no room in your heart ?
EJ : Father , you know I still love her .
Stefano : Well , if it s proven that that Chad boy is not the father--
EJ : It does nt matter that Chad is not the father . Okay ? I m not the father . I never will be the father .
Stefano : Yes , you are ! You are that child s father !
Arianna : Okay , so your plan is to gather DNA and prove a match , right ?
Rafe : Yeah , well , easier said than done , but yeah . Definitely not saying anything to Sami till I can prove that Sydney is her baby .
Arianna : What if it turns out that Sydney really is Mia s ?
Rafe : Well , then my whole theory s bogus and I ve been wasting my time . But trust me . That s not the way this is gon na play out .
Arianna : All right . So what s your first step ?
Rafe : Well , soon as it s completely dark , I m gon na head over to Sami s .
Arianna : Wait a minute . Did you change your mind ? Are you gon na let her know that you re back in town ?
Rafe : [ Scoffs ]
Mia : I am such a loser .
Nicole : You are not a loser .
Mia : Whole time I was pregnant ... I knew I did nt deserve to have a beautiful little baby and that s why I gave Sydney to you .
Nicole : And you made me so happy .
Mia : And when I told Will all those lies that I was some slut who slept with a bunch of guys , I knew he d leave . Then again , I know I did nt really deserve him anyway .
Nicole : Of course you deserve him .
Mia : Then why did I do it ? Why did I lie to him ? Just so Chad would back off ? Not do the paternity test ?
Nicole : Mia , you did the right thing . You understand me ? You did the right thing .
Sami : Really ? What exactly did Mia do the right thing about ?
Rafe : What if it turns out that I m wrong ? What if it turns out that Sydney is nt her baby and I tell her that she is ? I mean , she d get her hopes up for nothing .
Arianna : It would be like losing Grace all over again , right ?
Rafe : Yeah . That s why this has to be a stealth operation . Now listen . I m just gon na go over to Sami s . I m gon na find something with her DNA on it . I m gon na have it tested .
Arianna : Okay , how are you gon na get Sydney s DNA ?
Rafe : That s actually a damn good question considering I have no idea where she is right now , but , um , I ll figure it out . She has screwed with Sami s life for too long . It s time for the truth to come out .
EJ : Father , I know you re thinking about Tony . And I know that you love him as if he was your son . Your biological son .
Stefano : I was Anthony s father in every way that was important . The same way you have been with little Sydney .
EJ : I realize that and do nt think that I m not tempted . I d love to have her back in my life , to have her in my family , but I just ca nt do it .
Stefano : Why not ? If that Chad boy is proven not to be the father ...
EJ : But-- because Mia says so . Mia s lied about everything . Everything . What if there were no parties in Chicago ? What if she s covering for some other boy who s gon na turn up in a week or a month or a year and we re gon na start this whole stupid thing off again !
Stefano : Oh , no , no , no , no . Forget it , all right ? That s just not gon na happen--
EJ : No , father , I ve had enough . Enough of Mia s lies . Enough of Nicole s lies . I am out .
Sami : What were you talking about ? What were you telling her was the right thing ?
Nicole : Well , I mean , how long were you standing there ?
Sami : Why does that matter ? Were you telling her that her telling Chad what happened in Chicago was the right thing ?
Mia : You know about it ?
Sami : Chad told me . Mia , look at me . Is it true that you do nt know who the father of your baby could be ? Tell me the truth .
Hope : [ Sighs ]
Justin : [ Chuckles ]
Hope : What are you guys laughing at ? What s so funny ?
Justin : Oh , no . Ciara , she caught us .
Hope : Caught you ? Caught you doing what ? What are you up to , young lady ?
Ciara : We took a picture , Mommy .
Hope : You did ? May I see it ?
Justin : Oh , we re in big trouble now .
Hope : Wait a minute . This is a picture of me . I look terrible . The lighting s awful .
Justin : [ Chuckles ]
Hope : What s going on ?
Justin : Well , I got a new app a couple days ago and it allows you to take a picture , then reformat it into anything you want and Ciara chose the fun - house mirror option . See ? Turn it back to the original and you get the original photo there . Yeah .
Hope : Yep . Okay , so , um , you were making fun of me ?
Ciara : Uh - huh .
Justin : Ciara s decided that you are one of the things that she s grateful for and she wants to include you in her collage .
Ciara : I m gon na use the pretty picture of you , Mommy .
Hope : You are ? Thank you . Oh , thank you , my angel . I love you .
Bo : No , no . I ll , uh-- I ll take care of that when I get to the station tomorrow . Okay , thanks . Sorry . You said you had someone who might be able to help us .
Carly : Yeah . I m thinking of calling Justin .
Bo : [ Scoffs ] No .
Carly : Why not ? He s an international lawyer . He has experience with legal systems in other countries , especially the mid - east , and--
Bo : No . He s living at Victor s place .
Carly : I m sure he ll be discreet .
Bo : Two minutes after you say hello to him , Victor will be all over you . Now do you want that considering your history with Victor ?
Brady : Where the hell do you get off making an accusation like that ? Arianna would never , never touch drugs , let alone deal them , grandfather !
Victor : Can we discuss this at a lower decibel level ? I understand that you re angry and I understand you d rather not believe this .
Brady : I do nt believe it because it s not true . This is just another attempt of Victor Kiriakis to control the lives of every damn person in his family . You never liked Arianna . So you re gon na smear her good name so you can split us up ?
Victor : If you want to make this about me , fine . You go ahead . But this goes way beyond the little meddling by me and I think you damn well know it .
Brady : Oh , yeah ? I know it ? What do you mean by that ? Spell it out for me , please .
Victor : Think , Brady . Can you honestly say that you never at any time saw anything related to drugs while you were around that woman ?
Will : Dad ?
Lucas : Hey , Will . How s it going ?
Will : Uh , uh , okay .
Lucas : I can tell by your voice that you re not too convinced of that . Something going on ?
Will : Everything s all screwed up .
Lucas : What do you mean everything ? What are you talking about ?
Will : Mia .
Lucas : So you re having problems because she lied to you about being pregnant with that guy s baby , right ?
Will : Yeah . Ahem , Chad .
Lucas : I thought you were over that . I thought you put all that behind you , all the lying stuff .
Will : Yeah , no , I had . Till I found out she was nt just a liar , but she s also a slut .
Sami : Did you know about the sleeping around , the parties , Nicole ?
Nicole : Yeah . She just told me .
Sami : She just told you ? Then why were you saying what she did was the right thing ?
Nicole : Well , I meant she did the right thing by admitting her past mistakes and getting the truth out there .
Sami : What ? Nicole , do you realize how many people she hurt by telling the truth ? I mean , you hurt two people doing that .
Mia : Two people ?
Sami : Chad was upset telling me what happened . I mean , he does nt know how to feel . He thought he was a father . He was trying to figure that out and now you re telling him he s probably not the father . What about Will ? He was in love with you . He trusted you . How is he supposed to feel knowing you had sex with so many guys you do nt even know who your baby s father is ?
Mia : Sorry . The last thing I wanted to do was--
Sami : Hurt people . Sure . But you did . Why now ? Why did nt you just tell everyone the truth about all the guys in the first place ? Why would you let Chad think that he was the father ?
Nicole : Sami .
Sami : I want to understand what she was thinking . You know , Will was there for her . He was defending her . He was spending all of that time these last few weeks looking out for her , trusting her . She was playing the victim when she clearly was nt . Do nt even start to cry , okay ? We all know those fake tears , and I m not gon na let you get away with it . You re gon na tell me what is really going on .
Nicole : Stop , stop . Stop talking to her like that , okay ?
Mia : It s okay . I deserve it .
Nicole : No , you do nt deserve it . Sami , did nt you make mistakes when you were a teenager ? Yeah , I think you did .
Sami : This is not about me , Nicole .
Nicole : Look , you and I made some wrong turns , okay ? And that s putting it lightly . But we had a chance to fix those mistakes . Should nt Mia have that chance too ?
Nicole : [ Sighs ] She s picking up on all this tension .
Sami : You should take Sydney home .
Nicole : Take her home ? Mia s still a little fragile right now .
Sami : Okay . I can handle it . I ve got it covered .
Nicole : You ve got it covered , really ? What are you gon na do , make her feel worse than she already does ?
Sami : No , all right ? Look , I overreacted . I m upset . But I ve vented and you re right . I can show her some compassion . We ll be fine . You just go home with Sydney .
Nicole : Mia , what you did was very brave . Telling everyone about your past was the best thing you could do for Sydney . Come on , sweetie . It s okay .
Sami : Chad said the paternity test is tomorrow .
Mia : Whatever .
Sami : What are you gon na do if he really is the father ?
Mia : Trust me . He s not .
Sami : Why do you sound so sure of that , Mia ?
EJ : Look ... I admit ... I do nt like the idea of never seeing Sydney again . But I ve had a realization these last few days . Lately ... I have spent all of my time reacting to things . And I ve had enough . From now on ... I m gon na call the shots .
Stefano : Take charge . How ?
EJ : For one thing ... no more Sydney drama . No more Nicole drama . I get enough drama from Samantha as it is .
Stefano : Look , when it comes to that Brady bitch , I m with you all the way .
EJ : Father , I understand that Sydney is in-- is in ... a no - win situation . I know exactly what it s like to grow up with confusion surrounding who your biological father is . But look at me . I m fine . She ll grow up . She ll adapt . She ll be fine .
Stefano : What if she ca nt ? Hmm ? I mean , what if she s damaged by this ? I mean , she is a mere child .
EJ : I m sympathetic , but there s nothing I can do .
Stefano : Oh , come on , will you , please ? Elvis , think . What kind of a life can you have without Sydney and Nicole in it , huh ?
EJ : Father , why is this so important to you ?
Stefano : [ Sighs ]
Mia : I do nt know that Chad s not the father . I just--
Sami : You just hope he s not so that Nicole can keep Sydney ?
Mia : Yeah , guess so .
Sami : Wow . Mia , I mean-- you are doing all of this so that another woman can keep your baby . Talk about a major sacrifice .
Mia : I knew I could never give Sydney the life I wanted her to have .
Sami : Yeah . I mean , I understand it . I just could never do that even if I thought my kids would have a better life .
Mia : They would nt . You re a great mom .
Sami : Thanks . I think they turned out pretty well .
Mia : Especially Will . Not that I know your other kids that well , but will , he is such a great person . He s sweet and ... I hated ... seeing his face when I had to tell him those things .
Sami : He must be pretty heartbroken . And I think you are too .
Mia : I still love him . Do you think there s any way that he could forgive me ?
Sami : Mia , that s a question you re gon na have to ask will .
Sami : Uh , excuse me one second . Hey . What s up ?
Arianna : Hey . Um , look , can you come over right now ? I got to talk to you about something really important .
Sami : Okay . I ll be right there . Hey , Mia , I m really sorry . I , um-- I have to get out of here . You gon na be okay ?
Mia : Yeah .
Sami : I m sorry that I was hard on you before . I m just protective of my kid , you know ?
Mia : I understand .
Sami : I m really sorry for what you re going through . You can call me anytime , okay ?
Mia : Okay .
Victor : Look , Brady , I think you know that I m not trying to do this so I can control you or who you see . I know how hard you worked to kick that drug habit . And the last thing I want to see is you having to face it again because some pretty girl turned your head . Where you going ?
Brady : Stay out of my life .
Arianna : Hey , thanks for coming . Come in .
Sami : Uh , is everything okay ?
Arianna : Oh , yeah . Everything s fine . Nothing s wrong . I just wanted to talk to you .
Sami : Oh , cause when you called on the phone , you said it was urgent .
Arianna : I did ? Oh . Oh , my God . It s -- you know , I m doing that all the time . I m messing things up . It s just -- it happens when I m on the phone . I just--
Sami : Oh , my God . This is Rafe s .
Arianna : The Chicago Bears hat ? It s just , you know , a football team .
Sami : This is Rafe s hat . This is the mark that he got on the bill when Johnny s truck got stuck on it . It was a whole thing . Is Rafe here ? Is he back in Salem ?
Rafe : The hell ? [ Whispers ] Nicole DiMera . My God . She s staying here while she s hiding Sami s baby . Damn , she could come in at any minute . Well , could be my lucky day though . One - stop shopping for DNA . Yeah . Looks like this would do great . Okay , Sami , you re next .
Carly : I get it . I do . I -- Victor is -- he can be--
Bo : A son of a bitch , especially when it comes to you . You do nt want to be anywhere near him .
Carly : Okay , see , I think you re just angry because he s letting Hope stay there with your daughter .
Bo : Yeah , and not doing a damn thing to help her see that she s making a mistake . Hey , you want to ruin your marriage , Hope ? Fine . Here . Let me help in any way I can . Yeah , sorry . I am a bit , um ... upset with him , but that s got nothing to do with you .
Carly : Okay , all right . I still think we should call Justin .
Bo : [ Sighs ] And I know you well enough to know that if you want to do something , you re gon na do it .
Carly : I want to do this .
Bo : Okay . Let me make the initial contact . And you try to get some sleep tonight , huh ? Stay out of sight . You got it ?
Carly : I got it .
Bo : Good . And if you , you know , for some strange reason get the urge to take a stroll , remember , the Alamains are after you . They find you , it s over .
Ciara : Bye .
Justin : Good - bye , sweetheart . And I bet your collage will be the best one in the class .
Hope : You can count on it . All right , sweetheart , let s go . Justin , thank you again for everything .
Justin : More than welcome .
Hope : All right , come on , sweetheart . I ll race you to the car !
Justin : [ Chuckles ]
Hope : You get a head start . Oh , my god !
Justin : Hey , Bo . How s it going ?
Bo : Great . Just great . Listen , man , um ... I need to see you right away , and it s got nothing to do with heavy lifting .
Justin : Uh .
Mia : Hey . Look , I know you re really angry with me and you never want to talk to me ever again . But I love you . I m just gon na say it , okay ? Is there any chance at all that you can forgive me ?
Stefano : The reason that this is so important to me is because you are important to me . You and your happiness . I never saw you more relaxed or more at ease with the world than when you were with Nicole and little Sydney .
EJ : Cause we were building a family , Father . And now that s gone . It s destroyed by lies and deceit ! When I see Nicole now , the only thing I think about is how miserable she made me .
Stefano : All right . No more with the blame here , okay ? Let s deal with the facts , okay ? First ... who , after a miscarriage and losing a child , moved heaven and earth to make sure that you would have the child that you so much wished for , huh ? Because she was desperately in love with you . And who lied to you about your own daughter Grace until she was already dead ?
EJ : Wait a minute . Why do you -- why do you bring her up again , father ? Samantha is irrelevant to this conversation .
Stefano : Is she ? You know how many big mistakes you have made with this woman ? And I just want to make sure that you do nt regret making a bigger mistake with Nicole .
EJ : I have no regrets . None . She is out of my life . And the baby too . End of story .
Stefano : No . Actually , that is not the end of the story . [ Sighs ] I have something to say-- actually , I have to say-- that will change your mind .
Arianna : Is Rafe here cause of the hat ? Uh ... no . You know , I was , um , cleaning and I - I - I - I just happened upon it . So , yeah , I mean , he obviously left it here before he went to wherever .
Sami : Oh . Okay . Uh , so ... you have nt heard from him ?
Arianna : He s gon na call when he s ready , Sami .
Sami : Yeah . I m sure . I mean , he ll call you , not me . Obviously he s not gon na call me . Look , um , you wanted me to come over here so we could talk about something important ?
Arianna : Yes , definitely . I wanted to talk to you about your grandmother .
Sami : She all right ?
Arianna : Oh , she s fine . She s totally fine . It s just , um , you know , there s been a lot of nights where she s left her light on under the door really late and , I mean , I know she s doing the books to keep on an account , you know , so , um--
Sami : You think she should retire ?
Arianna : Yeah . I mean , she could spend more time with her grandkids , you know ? I mean , you should have seen her face , how happy she was . She was telling me that Allie was spending the night tonight .
Sami : And you think I should tell her this .
Arianna : I ca nt , you know ?
Sami : No , I get it . I get it . I ll have to talk to my uncle Bo and my dad and stuff , but you know she s not gon na do it . You know she d never retire .
Arianna : [ Chuckles ] Right .
Sami : And it just seems like that s what you wanted to see me about ? I mean , is that the emergency ?
Arianna : I do nt know--
Arianna : Let me just get--
Sami : Sure .
Arianna : [ Chuckles ] Thanks .
Brady : Do nt tell me I ca nt come in . Do nt tell me we do nt need to talk , because we need to talk right now .
Nicole : Okay , sweetheart , we are home and everything is gon na be fine , huh ? Yes , and you know what ? Mommy has got to get your bath going to put your jammies on , do nt we ?
Nicole : Aww . Honey , you must be cutting a few more teeth , huh ? Well , mommy s gon na get your teething ring . Yes . And ... uh ... huh . Well , that s funny . I could have sworn I left it right here . [ Scoffs ] Well , it s somewhere .
Justin : So is this police business or personal ?
Bo : I ve got a friend who needs some advice from a lawyer .
Justin : Okay . All right , I ll do what I can . I m a little surprised that you actually recommended me .
Bo : I did nt .
Bo : Your family counting on you to be discreet .
Justin : Of course . That goes without saying . I ll call him back later . So this friend of yours who needs help , I m assuming this is a criminal case ?
Bo : Well , n-- what are you doing with a picture of my wife on your phone ?
Hope : Delia has Ciara cutting and pasting like crazy upstairs . She s very good .
Victor : Well , she came highly recommended .
Hope : I still have nt been able to find that photo of Ciara and Chelsea at thanksgiving . Must be in one of the albums still back at the house .
Victor : You gon na go get it ?
Hope : Well , I guess I ll have to , wo nt I ?
Victor : But you re worried about running into Bo ?
Hope : Yeah , a little . But a part of me is-- is hoping I will run into him . I miss him a lot .
Victor : Well , god knows I ve been accused of meddling already once today , but what the hell . I ll go for it . Go see him . And do nt hurry back .
EJ : Father , I doubt there is anything that you can tell me that is gon na change how I feel .
Stefano : Do nt be too sure .
EJ : Well , you see ? That s exactly-- that is exactly my point , father . I am quite sure . I spent far too much time reacting to things that are going on in my life and I ve decided that I m taking charge and I m making a decision as to what does and what does not affect me , and Nicole and Sydney are out .
Stefano : What if Sydney were your child ?
EJ : Yeah . If Sydney were really my daughter , of course I d want her back in my life . Unfortunately that would also mean having Nicole back in my life . I mean , I suppose that I d just have the same arrangement with her that I have with Samantha and Johnny .
Stefano : Samantha , Samantha . Always that damn Samantha .
EJ : Oh , come on . Look , she s always gon na be a part of my life , father . We re connected . We share a child together . I do nt have that with Nicole . I never will do .
Arianna : Brady , I did nt expect to see you right now and why are you so upset ?
Sami : Okay , so I m gon na just go , cause you guys--
Arianna : No , no , it s okay . Really , really stay . Whatever Brady has to say , it s fine . He can just talk . We can--
Sami : Oh , no , I have seen that look and I should nt be involved . So , oh , great , all right , bye . Bye , Brady .
Arianna : Oh , my God .
Brady : Who are you calling ?
Arianna : Um , I m just-- it s , uh , not important .
Brady : Yeah , really ?
Arianna : Yes . You re scaring me . What -- what - w - w - w - what--
Brady : Why do nt you tell me what - what - what - what s going on , huh ? Better yet , why do nt you tell me what you ve been hiding from me ?
Nicole : [ Sighs ] Okay , really ?
Nicole : Hello ?
Stefano : Where are you ?
Nicole : Oh , Stefano . Hi . Um , I m at Sami s and Sydney is teething again , so I m trying to find her teething ring . Why , do you have news ?
Hope : I guess nobody s here . Okay , I ll just grab the photo album and , um , leave , I guess . There it is . Maybe he went to bed early .
Arianna : Wait . What are you doing ?
Brady : Where is it ?
Arianna : Where is what , Brady ? Brady , what are you doing ? Just--
Brady : Where is it ?
Arianna : Stop and tell me ...
Brady : Where do you keep it ?
Arianna : What you re looking for .
Brady : You know damn well what I m talking about . Where do you keep it , huh ? Keep it in here ?
Arianna : What ? What is it ?
Brady : It s the cocaine that you ve been dealing .
Mia : I know I lied , and I know how you hate that . And I dont -- I do nt deserve for you to forgive me , but I wo nt lie to you about anything else , ever .
Will : You re right . You do nt deserve to be forgiven . So live with it .
Nicole : I did what I could when I talked to EJ . But , I mean , he did nt exactly sound encouraging . He s still so angry , Stefano . I mean , did you get a chance to speak to him ?
Stefano : Never mind that now . All right ? Elvis just left to do some business . I want you to come here right now . I want to talk to you .
Nicole : Okay , uh , Sydney and I will be right there . Well , sweetheart , your bath is gon na have to wait , cause we re gon na go see your grandpa Stefano . He is gon na make things right for us , because we need all the help we can get from him . Okay . Here we go .
Rafe : Wow . Whoa . Stefano s on her side . What the hell ?
Justin : So I took this picture of Hope and I got Ciara more interested in doing her collage . They re back at Uncle Vic s right now finishing it up .
Bo : Right . Okay , got it .
Justin : Okay , so this friend of yours , he needs a lawyer . What s he charged with ?
Bo : She .
Justin : Okay , she . Who is it ?
Bo : Carly Manning .
Stefano : Katherine is still at her office , but she could be back at any time as well as Elvis .
Nicole : Okay , well , how did it go with EJ ? Did you make any progress ?
Stefano : No . It s turning out to be harder than I thought . In fact , it may be impossible ... to get him to take you and Sydney back .
Nicole : What ? No ! Stefano , you said--
Stefano : I know what I said , all right ? But the baby is my priority . I may throw out the bath water , but I am not gon na lose this little baby .
Nicole : Stefano , you can not tell EJ the truth . Okay , you ca nt tell him that Sydney is Sami s baby . You promised me .
Stefano : Damn it . Woman , calm yourself .
Nicole : [ Sighs ]
Stefano : I said it was an option . I did nt say that I was going to be taking it . Look , I m still gon na work on my son , all right ? You know ... [Chuckles ] We may still win this thing . After all , time is on our side , huh ?
Justin : You re not gon na tell hope that Carly is back in your life ?
Rafe : I will tell you everything .
Carly : Oh , my god . What are you doing here ?
### Summary:
| Bo solicits Justin s help on Carly s behalfat her insistence . Hope heads over to her house in an attempt to talk things over with Bo , but finds Carly there alone , sleeping in their bed . Victor tells Brady that Arianna is a drug dealer . Furious , Brady confronts Arianna . Sami lays into Mia for what she has done to both Chad and Will , but Nicole reminds her of the mistakes they ve both made in their pasts , and Sami softens . Mia asks Will for his forgiveness , promising to never lie to him again , but Will claims that she does nt deserve forgiveness . Rafe learns that Nicole is living with Sami , and collects Sydney s teething ring and Sami s toothbrush to use for a DNA match . He ends up hiding when Nicole returns , and overhears her talking to Stefano , learning that Stefano is on her side . Rafe later bumps into Sami outside her house . Stefano attempts to talk EJ into taking Nicole and Sydney back , but he refuses . Stefano tells Nicole that he will continue to work on EJ , as time is on their side . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Sonny : I have to get to that hotel . [ Muffled screaming ]
Eric : Serena , this will be the first time in a long time that we ll be together that way . I just-- I just want it to be special .
Serena : But it s special right here . There s absolutely no reason for us to leave .
Eric : What s going on ? I mean , why are you so adamant about staying in my place ?
Serena : I have to get back into Eric s bedroom to switch the statues . But that s not as easy as it may sound . Okay , um , truth is I have-- I have a secret reason for wanting to stay here . And I should probably come clean about it .
Eric : Okay , what secret reason ?
Serena : It s about our time in Africa .
Daniel : Thank you for humoring me with a Bourne movie .
Melanie : Oh , you re very welcome . So is this supremacy , legacy , or repeatedly , as in the is the 5th time you ve made me watch this movie .
Daniel : Okay , you re going to give me static about this ?
Melanie : Yeah , I am .
Daniel : Wow .
Melanie : I am . I m a -- well , I mean ...
Daniel : Tough crowd . What ?
Melanie : Serena told me she and Eric are closer than ever . So I guess one good thing came from this whole Nicole mess .
Daniel : Well , that is good to hear . Now , do not mention her name again this evening .
Melanie : Yep . Okay .
Daniel : Okay ?
Melanie : I wo nt .
Daniel : All right , here we go . Wait . Pause it . Wait , no , I , uh , promised Parker that I d Skype with him before he went to bed .
Melanie : Okay .
Daniel : All right ?
Melanie : Cool , I can say hi .
Daniel : Yeah , yeah , my tablet s in the bedroom . Wow . All right .
Melanie : Well , I m not getting it .
Daniel : Do not watch this movie , and do not eat that popcorn .
Melanie : I -- pfft .
Lucas : You know , if Justin does nt appreciate you , that s on him .
Adrienne : [ Chuckles ] Did I happen to mention the hot attorney he s with all day and night ?
Lucas : Ca nt be as sexy as you are .
Adrienne : [ Chuckles ] Sexy . I have nt thought of myself as sexy in forever .
Lucas : Swindling me out of my money is sexy as hell .
Adrienne : [ Chuckles ] You know what ? Thank you for saying that , even though you do nt mean it .
Lucas : I completely mean it .
Will : Okay , so ... what do you think ?
Paul : It s really good .
Will : And you re okay with how I - I characterized your decision to come out ?
Paul : I guess it s better than admitting the truth .
Will : What do you mean ?
Paul : That I decided to come out because we slept together .
Victor : Keep me posted . Well , fancy running into you here .
Maggie : [ Chuckles ] I saw you across the way , and I thought I d just come by . Everything okay ? You seem a little distracted .
Victor : I am . I had an argument with Sonny .
Maggie : Oh , honey , I m sorry .
Victor : I m very worried about him .
Sonny : [ Muffled screaming ]
Paul : [ Chuckles ] I did nt mean to make things awkward .
Will : That s okay . And just for the record , I think your reasons for coming out go way beyond what happened between us .
Paul : Yeah , they do .
Will : Is there anything in that article that you re unsure of ? Are you uncomfortable with anything ?
Paul : [ Chuckles ] I m uncomfortable with all of it . But is nt that the point ?
Will : Paul , it s obviously a big step for you-- having this article be written , published . I just wonder if my including the part about your ex asking you to marry him ... if that s too much for you .
Sonny : I have a crazy idea .
Paul : Well , I ca nt wait to hear it .
Sonny : What if we ...
Paul : Yes ?
Sonny : ... Got married .
Paul : You re kidding , right ?
Sonny : No , I m dead serious .
Paul : Sonny ... you know I ca nt do that . I m fine with that being in there . It s part of my story , a big part .
Will : And what about your ex ? Is he gon na be okay with seeing that ?
Paul : He s going to be the only person that knows it s him .
Maggie : What were you and Sonny arguing about ?
Victor : Oh , I got the earnings report from the first couple of nights at edge of the square . They re killing it and draining business away from Sonny s . I do nt know . Try to do something nice for your nephew , and you end up hurting him in the process .
Maggie : Yeah , but he must ve known you were only trying to help him . I mean , for heaven sakes , you offered him the club , in the first place , and he turned you down .
Victor : Yeah , that did nt register with him , unfortunately . He called me greedy .
Maggie : [ Gasps ]
Victor : Said he did nt care , did nt have time to talk , was in a rush . I do nt know -- maybe he was just saying that to get away from me .
Maggie : Well , maybe we should try to find him , and then the two of you can work it out . So where do you think he was headed ?
Victor : I do nt know . He went that way . Home , I guess .
Maggie : Okay . Well , here we go . You and Sonny will work things out , Victor . You ve got nothing to worry about .
Eric : Okay . What is it ?
Serena : [ Chuckles ] You re going to think I m silly or nuts .
Serena : But when I imagined us making love ... I saw it happening here ... so we could re - create the past .
Eric : I m not sure I understand .
Serena : [ Chuckles ] All of the artwork you collected from Africa-- having it around , it ... it reminds me of when we first got together there , and I just think that it would be really great ... if we started over being surrounded by all these wonderful memories ... a link to the past . Like I said , cheese ball . I know .
Eric : It s a little cheese ball . But that s who you are . It s romantic .
Serena : So you get it ? Because this would mean so much more to me than some mountain lodge hotel room with a moose head on the wall .
Eric : I did nt ask if they had moose heads . But this is about creating new memories . I mean , this is a different time , right ?
Serena : Yeah , but--
Eric : Then I think that we should still go to the lodge .
Serena : [ Sighs ]
Eric : What ?
Serena : I - I mean , did you put a nonrefundable deposit down or something ? And why -- why are you being so stubborn about this ?
Eric : Serena , come on , I really dont--
Serena : No , you come on . We re not going to the lodge .
Melanie : What brings you here , besides me , of course ?
Brady : Uh , of course , you . But I , um -- all right , I want to finish our date . And I thought if I came to get you , I could supervise you on your shoe choice , you know .
Melanie : That s fair . Sensible shoes from now on , I promise .
Brady : Right , right .
Melanie : Um , I ca nt tonight , though . I promised my dad I d hang out with him . So , I got to rain - check . I know , but , hey , this was good , so -- so bonus points .
Brady : All right . I scored some points .
Melanie : Mm - hmm .
Daniel : [ Clears throat ]
Adrienne : I ll get her .
Lucas : No , no , no , no . Um , I ll go . I ll go .
Adrienne : What the hell am I thinking ?
Will : It s in .
Paul : Well , what happens now ?
Will : Well , Zoe will read it and edit it tonight , I m guessing . Should be online by morning .
Paul : Well , that s it , then . There s no turning back now .
Victor : This may be a bad idea .
Maggie : Reconciling with your beloved nephew ?
Victor : Well , he said he was dealing with a private matter . Now , if it has to do with will , maybe showing up on their doorstep when they re in the middle of something is not the way to go .
Maggie : Hmm . You have a point .
Victor : No , I ll call him in the morning ... that is , if he ll pick up the phone when I call .
Maggie : But he loves you , Victor . And he knows how much you love him . You will figure this out .
Victor : Just not tonight . Come on , let s go home .
Serena : Okay . Um , Eric , I m sorry . I think I-- I think I was just frustrated . I felt like you were nt taking my -- my feelings seriously .
Eric : Oh , of course I was . I just-- I thought it would be fun for us just to get away , make new memories , like I said .
Serena : I know . I know . I - I was being selfish . And , obviously , I totally overreacted .
Eric : No , no , cause I do nt want you to feel forced or do anything you do nt want to do . Really , please just come and look at this website . Look at it . It s -- it s beautiful . I mean , there s snow , and we can be on the slopes right after breakfast , and I know how much you love to snow - ski and ... they got this snow - cam . Look , you can actually see one foot of snow on the trails . They just got it . It s real snow , and ... [ Sighs ] You re still not impressed .
Serena : It--
Eric : All right , you know what ? Look at the room . Look at our room . It s our room . It s -- it s got a full bedroom , living room , fireplace , everything .
Serena : Oh , my god , Eric . That s a fortune .
Eric : No , it s okay . I got it covered .
Serena : No , you re just getting your photo business off the ground . You can not be spending that much money on a hotel room .
Eric : It s fine .
Serena : No , it s too extravagant .
Eric : You are just looking for any excuse to get out of this .
Serena : No , I--
Eric : I do nt understand any of this . I mean , what is going on ? Where s the Serena I used to know ?
Brady : Hey , Daniel .
Daniel : Brady . Did you get a hold of Parker ? Oh , I talked to Chloe . Parker went to sleep early with a cold .
Melanie : Oh . Is he still gon na come visit tomorrow ?
Daniel : Well , Chloe and I decided we should postpone the visit .
Brady : Sorry to hear that . I know you love your time with him .
Brady : I m sor -- this is work .
Melanie : Okay .
Brady : You know , I should-- I m just gon na go .
Melanie : Um , well , can I talk to you for a second when you re done ?
Brady : Yeah . Yeah , sure . I ll take this out here . Hello ?
Melanie : I m sorry , I m sorry , I m sorry .
Daniel : About ?
Melanie : [ Chuckles ] Please do nt make me pay for kissing the guy that I m seeing .
Daniel : I m not . I m not . I guess I m just , uh-- just not used to it . So , uh , what brought him here ?
Melanie : [ Chuckles ] He just wanted to take me out . But I told him that you and I are gon na watch a movie .
Daniel : Oh , no . Mm - mm . No , no , no . You two are gon na go out .
Melanie : No .
Daniel : Out -- yes .
Melanie : No , no , no . You and I had plans , and you re already bummed out about ...
Daniel : I m not bummed out .
Melanie : ... The person that I m not supposed to talk about . And now Parker , so it s fine . I m hanging out with you tonight , end of story .
Brady : Sorry to interrupt .
Daniel : Uh , no , it s okay . I m glad you re back . Uh , I have something important to say ... to both of you .
Lucas : Well , she s asleep .
Adrienne : Good , good . Um , hey , I have to go . Do you mind sitting with her until the boys get back ?
Lucas : Uh , sure , sure . Um ... you re not leaving because--
Adrienne : Oh , no , no . I have to get to the library .
Lucas : The library ? Really , at this hour ?
Adrienne : Uh , extended hours . I have a book that s overdue .
Lucas : Yeah , do nt want those late fees piling up , do you ? Listen , I really -- I really enjoy our time together ... watching Ari .
Adrienne : Mm - hmm .
Lucas : And , uh ... I just hope I did nt do anything to screw that up .
Adrienne : No . No , Lucas , you did nt . I know you were just trying to make me feel better while I was whining about my life .
Lucas : Well , you know , you were nt whining about it .
Adrienne : That s all it is ... right ?
Will : Well , I m sure you re nervous about what the reaction to the article will be .
Paul : Nervous is one way to put it . But let s celebrate anyway . I know it s not champagne , but ... [ Clears throat ]
Will : Paul , I - I - I have to go home .
Paul : Come on , one glass . Besides , this may be the last time that we see each other , right ?
Will : Okay , one glass .
Paul : [ Chuckles ]
Maggie : On second thought--
Victor : Maggie !
Maggie : Oh , Victor , you are gon na toss and turn all night if you re upset about this .
Victor : I am not going to show up at will and Sonny s tonight .
Maggie : [ Whimpers ] Well , then at least try calling them , please . Just try .
Maggie : What in the world ?
Paul : To the final out . May it be the start of a bright , new future for both of us .
Maggie : [ Gasps ] Oh , my god , Victor !
Victor : Sonny ? Sonny , no .
Paul : You know , I bet you win all kinds of awards for this piece . And -- and your friends and family -- they re gon na be so proud of you ... especially your man , right ?
Will : [ Chuckles ] He s been really supportive . I do nt know what I d do without him .
Maggie : He s alive ! Call 911 , Victor ! Call 911 ! All your life you re told to tame your curls ...
Serena : Nothing s happened to me , Eric . I m the same person I ve always been .
Eric : The person I know would always be up for adventure . So , actually , when I thought about booking a night at the ski lodge , I was nt sure if this was going to be enough for someone like you . You keep coming up with excuses , and I m not buying it .
Serena : I m sorry . You re right . I guess I just had an idea in my head of how tonight was going to go , and then your plan , it just -- it threw me .
Eric : I was just trying to surprise you .
Serena : I know . I know . And I - I can see how much this means to you . Honestly , if this is-- if this is what you really want ... I m in . I do nt care where we are , as long as we re together . Okay ?
Eric : I ll get my bag .
Serena : [ Sighs ]
Maggie : Just hang in there .
Victor : Over here .
Maggie : Here they are . Here they are . Hang on , Sonny . Hang on . Oh . We got it . We ll take it .
Maggie : Sure , sure , sure , sure .
Roman : You did nt see this happen ?
Victor : No , I was calling him on the phone . I heard the phone ringing , and then--
Maggie : I - I found him here in all the blood .
Roman : Was he unconscious ?
Maggie : Yes . Yes , and he has nt come too . And he s -- there s been a lot of blood , Roman , an awful lot of blood .
Abe : How is he ?
Maggie : I think he -- it looks like he s been stabbed .
Roman : So you have no idea how long he s been here ?
Victor : Well , it could nt have been too long . I was just talking to him ten minutes ago . Dear god . We re radioing the hospital for an or . He s lost a lot of blood . Let s go .
Maggie : [ Sobbing ]
Daniel : Look , do nt be nervous . Melanie reminds me all the time just how important it is to support the happiness of those you love . So I realized that I just need to get over myself and accept that you two want to be together and give you my blessing .
Brady : That means a lot . Thank you .
Melanie : Thanks , dad .
Daniel : You re welcome . Now get out . I mean go out . Go .
Melanie : Ah . I did say that I was happy to hang out with you .
Daniel : No , I know . I know . But I just , uh -- I could use a little solitude this evening . No offense .
Brady : None taken .
Daniel : Yeah . Look , you do nt want to watch Jason Bourne climb buildings , anyway . All right , go out .
Melanie : Okay .
Daniel : Okay .
Daniel : Hello ? Victor ?
Melanie : Dad ?
Daniel : I ll be right there . All right , we got to get to the hospital . I ll explain on the way . Come on .
Lucas : Well , I hope this does nt make you feel any more uncomfortable . But , um ... I was nt just trying to make you feel better . I think you re an amazing woman , and I think that you deserve to hear that .
Adrienne : That s funny . Maggie s calling . Hey , what s up ?
Maggie : Adrienne , uh , um , I need -- you need to meet us at university hospital right away .
Adrienne : Are you hurt ?
Maggie : Sonny-- Sonny s been hurt .
Adrienne : Was he in an accident ?
Maggie : Adrienne , just-- just get to the hospital as soon as you can . Please .
Lucas : What ?
Adrienne : She wants me to get to the hospital .
Lucas : What for ?
Adrienne : Sonny s been hurt . I do nt know , and--
Lucas : Wait a minute . Does will know about this ?
Adrienne : No , I do nt know . Where are my keys ? I got to go . I got to go .
Lucas : All right , look , um , listen , I ll get a sitter for Ari , and I ll be right behind you , okay ?
Will : How much longer will you be in Salem ?
Paul : Well , I m not sure . A week maybe .
Will : Well , if I do nt see you again , best of luck , Paul .
Paul : You too , will .
Lucas : Oh , come on , straight to voice mail ? What the hell ? Why d you turn your phone off , Will ? [ Tapping phone rapidly ] Where are you , Will ?
Eric : You ready ?
Serena : Eric , I m -- I m so sorry . I , um-- my boss needs me to update some research , like , yesterday , so ...
Eric : Okay , how long will it take ?
Serena : All night . I know , it s -- it s maddening , is nt it ? But , um , I m not gon na be able to do this tonight , um , here or at the lodge .
Eric : Wow .
Serena : I know , the timing .
Eric : Yeah . Is it just a bad - timing thing ?
Serena : You do nt really think I made this up , do you ?
Eric : No .
Serena : Look , I have waited so long for a night like tonight with you ... and I hate that this is happening right now , and I am so sorry for-- for before , how I acted . I - I am sorry that I snapped at you about the lodge . It was so uncalled for .
Eric : I understand .
Serena : I think I m just a little on edge still , you know , a little rattled by Nicole -- all the constant attacks .
Eric : All right , well , you know what ? Do nt worry about at anymore , because I warned her to stay away from us both .
Serena : Right . And I think she will . After this last fiasco ... but I m just , um-- I m a little insecure .
Eric : It s gon na be okay . Everything is gon na be fine . I mean it .
Serena : I hope so ... because when we do finally have our first night together , whenever that happens , I want it to be perfect .
Eric : And it will be .
Serena : So you re not mad ?
Eric : No , of course not . We do nt want to have to rush anything . We have all the time in the world .
Kayla : How is he ? In shock , but stable . BP s 70 over 40 . Blood loss is high .
Kayla : Okay , or 4 is ready , and , uh ... Dr. Jonas is on his way down .
Victor : Be brave , Sonny . I m here for you .
Maxine : That bus accident we handled earlier zapped our blood supply . Do we know his ?
Kayla : My nephew is , uh , o - negative .
Maxine : We do nt have very much of that left .
Kayla : I know .
Daniel : Ah , Kayla .
Kayla : Uh , it s or 4 .
Daniel : Victor , I ll do everything I can , okay ?
Brady : Hey .
Will : [ Sighs ] Wait . Ah . My phone . I ll let you know if I hear any early feedback on the article .
Paul : Okay . Thanks .
Will : Why do I have so many text messages ? Oh , my god .
Brady : What happened ?
Victor : [ Sighs ]
Maggie : Someone stabbed Sonny in Horton square .
Melanie : I do nt understand . Why -- why would that happen ?
Victor : I do nt know . If Maggie had nt insisted I call Sonny , we d have never heard the phone ring , and we d never have found him in time . Maggie stopped the bleeding . She saved his life .
Abe : Yeah , Victor s right . I talked to one of the paramedics . He said if Maggie had nt applied pressure when she did ...
Maxine : You all know your blood types , right ? Is anyone here o - negative ?
Brady : O - negative , that s -- that s pretty rare , is nt it ?
Maxine : Yes , it is , and we re low . It would be good for Sonny if we had more ... in case .
Paul : Hello ? Speaking . Yes , I m still in town . Why do-- I ll head over to the hospital now , yes .
Adrienne : Oh . [ Voice breaking ] Is that Sonny s blood ?
Maggie : [ Cries ]
Adrienne : [ Breathing heavily ]
Maggie : I know . He s in surgery ... and they re doing everything they can for him .
Adrienne : What happened ?
Maggie : He was stabbed ... and he s lost an awful lot of blood .
Adrienne : But he s gon na be okay , is nt he ? Is nt he ?
Kayla : We only have six units of o - neg . He s lost a lot of blood .
Daniel : Six units ? There s no way that s gon na be enough . [ Sighs ] and wedding ring are missing . Any sign of them over there ?
Roman : Nothing .
Abe : Well , I sent the jacket to forensics . It looks like there are traces of cocaine at the point of entry of the knife .
Roman : So it could be a drug - related crime .
Abe : Another one , yeah .
Roman : Like EJ DiMera .
Abe : Well , let s just hope this does nt end the same way for Sonny . Uh , let me know if your people turn up anything . Thanks , Roman .
Victor : Have you got anything yet , Abe ?
Abe : At this point , it looks like a mugging . We found traces of a white powder on his jacket , so we think--
Victor : My nephew never touched drugs in his life .
Abe : Victor , that s -- that s not what I meant . The powder was at the point of entry . It probably belonged to the attacker .
Victor : [ Sighs ]
Brady : Who could ve been looking for money for drugs .
Abe : Well , that s possible , yeah .
Adrienne : [ Breathes deeply ] Oh , god , voice mail . Oh , Justin ... [ Exhales deeply ] Justin , it s me . Um ... [ Sighs ] God , I wish you d picked up . Um ... I have some bad news . Sonny s in the hospital . Someone , um ... someone stabbed him . He s lost a lot of blood , and he s in surgery right now , and ... [ Sighs ] ... We re not su-- just -- just call me as soon as you get this . [ Exhales deeply ]
Victor : [ Sighs ] This is all on Clyde Weston , hyping up his drug trade . I d kill him if I had nt had it done already .
Brady : Maggie and Melanie are getting us some coffee . How you doing ? You all right ?
Victor : How could this happen , Brady ? I mean , some random low - life drug addict ... oh , I m sorry .
Brady : Listen ... Daniel s on it . He s gon na bring Sonny back to us .
Lucas : Adrienne , Adrienne , how s Sonny doing ?
Adrienne : Uh , he s in surgery . Someone stabbed him .
Lucas : Oh , my god . Someone stabbed him ?
Adrienne : I ca nt lose him , Lucas . I ca nt lose my son . [ Sobbing ]
Maxine : Paul . Thanks for getting here so quickly .
Paul : Well , you made it sound like an emergency . Am I too late ?
Maxine : No . Listen , you re just the only o - negative donor I knew I could reach .
Paul : Okay , well , take as much as you need . I ll make more .
Maxine : You re the bomb , Paul Narita . We had a major bus accident here today , and our supply and everyone we know within driving distance was depleted .
Paul : Well -- uh , wait . I - I had a glass of wine .
Maxine : We ll give you an extra cookie when you re done .
Paul : [ Chuckles ]
Maxine : This is the best shot the patient s got . We got to take it .
Will : Dad ! What happened ? I ve been trying to call you back .
Lucas : Listen , my battery died on the way over here . I m sorry about that .
Will : Adrienne , is it Arianna ? You were babysitting her .
Lucas : She s fine . She s with a sitter . She s fine . Will , it s -- it s Sonny .
Will : What ?
Lucas : Sonny s in surgery right now .
Will : Surgery ?
Adrienne : He was stabbed .
Will : How bad is he ?
Daniel : Damn it . I ca nt find the source of the bleeding .
Kayla : We re not gon na have enough blood , Daniel .
Daniel : Tell Maxine I need an APB on more O - neg , stat ... or we are gon na lose him right now .
Eric : [ Sighs ] [ Chuckles ] Serena s right . We made some good memories in Africa . Now we need to make some new ones .
Serena : So everything s okay now ? Well , I wish I had known sooner . I would nt have rushed back . No , it s fine . Tonight was nt going so well . I would nt have been able to make the switch anyway . [ Inhales deeply ] Yes , I understand that we need to move quickly . I know what we need , and I ll do whatever it takes to get it done .
Adrienne : Listen , you should be with will . I m okay .
Lucas : Do nt worry about it . Will wants to be alone right now , and you do nt seem okay . Did you call Justin ? So when s he coming back ?
Adrienne : He did nt pick up . I left a message . [ Scoffs ] His son may not make it , he s a million miles away , and he has no idea .
Melanie : I hate this part .
Brady : The waiting .
Melanie : Well , yeah , and the not being able to do anything . Do you think maybe I should see if they need another nurse in the or ?
Brady : No . Mel -- Mel -- Mel , come here . You re shaking . Your hands are shaking . You need to calm down . My grandfather and Maggie are very happy that you re here . It means a lot to them .
Melanie : I know . Just -- this is horrible .
Brady : I know . I know .
Maggie : Have either of you seen Victor ?
Brady : I thought he was with you .
Maggie : [ Sighs ]
Will : I know that I betrayed Sonny ... in the worst possible way ... but I still love him . I love him so much . I was all alone before he came into my life , and I do nt know what I d do without him . Our daughter needs him too . If she s ever gon na do anything fun , like skydive or white - water raft , it s gon na be with Sonny ... cause I m too afraid . But Sonny s not afraid of anything . He promised Ari ... and unlike me ... Sonny never breaks a promise . Please ... let him live . So many people love him . Help him make it through this surgery and bring him back to us . Please do nt take him away from us . Please .
Kayla : We ve transfused everything we ve got . Pulse is dropping .
Daniel : We need that blood now .
Maxine : Get that blood processed and down to the or as fast as you can , Mary .
Mary : Maxine , is this enough ?
Maxine : It s got to be . Go .
Paul : Well , let me give more .
Maxine : It s not recommended , Paul .
Paul : Take the blood , Maxine .
Lucas : They re doing everything they can for him . It s gon na be fine .
Daniel : We re losing him ! Come on , Sonny , stay with us .
### Summary:
| Sonny was attacked in the park . Paul admitted to will that he came out because they slept together . Will wondered how Paul s ex would deal with the story . Paul assured Will that his ex was the only one who knew about it . The person that attacked Sonny robbed him and put some powder in his stab wounds . Serena lied to Eric and said she was picturing making love to him in his apartment . Eric wanted to go to the lodge with Serena . They ended up getting in an argument , but they made up a little while later . Lucas and Adrienne had a tender moment until she realized she had to leave . Maggie convinced Victor to make up with Sonny after their fight . He called Sonny and they found him on the ground . Will told Paul that he did nt know what he would do without Sonny . Serena changed her mind for a few minutes and wanted to go with Eric after all . Unfortunately , that feeling did nt last because she did nt want to go anymore . Abe , Roman , and the EMTs arrived for Sonny . Lucas was in the middle of telling Adrienne how sexy she was when Maggie called her to tell her to get to the hospital . Will left his phone behind in Paul s hotel room . Lucas tried to call him to get him to go to the hospital , but he could nt get through to him . Eric understood that Serena did nt want to be with him right away . Will realized that he left his phone behind at Paul s place and noticed all of the texts from Lucas . Abe told everyone who was at the hospital ( Victor , Maggie , Melanie , and Brady ) that the guy put white powder in Sonny s wounds . Adrienne called Justin to tell him about Sonny . He did nt answer the phone . Lucas and Will arrived at the hospital . Daniel and Kayla performed surgery on Sonny . They needed O negative blood or Sonny would die . Paul arrived at the hospital to donate blood . He s the same blood type as Sonny too . Maxine wanted to rush Paul s blood to Sonny . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Erica : You are working . But Caleb , it s Christmas Eve -- and you re alone .
Caleb : Well , I called Asher , but no answer .
Erica : Well , did you leave a message ?
Caleb : I asked him to call me at his convenience to see if we could find some resolution to -- the hostility .
Erica : Caleb , the courts are closed tonight . Stop fighting the case of Cortlandt versus Pike and the Christmas spirit . You ca nt win that way .
Colby : You know , I could never sleep on Christmas Eve as a kid , and I still ca nt .
Asher : Stay up with me .
Kendall : Father Clarence , you re here .
Father Clarence : I m having a bit of car trouble . The old jalopy stalled out at the bottom of your drive .
Kendall : Car trouble . Please , come in , come in . That s what happened to me and Zach last Christmas , remember ? We got stuck in that terrible snowstorm on the way back to Pine Valley , and we found your chapel .
Father Clarence : Oh , yes .
Kendall : You reminded us how important we were to each other . You knew I needed help . That s why you came here .
Father Clarence : You ve suffered a terrible loss .
Kendall : Yes , I have . Tonight is the night for miracles , and I need my miracle now .
Ryan : Wow ! Why do nt you come on in ? Greenlee is out doing some last - minute shopping , I guess , but she should be home soon .
Greenlee : Madison . Madison , can you hear me ? Open your eyes . Wake up . Wake up ! Madison , wake up . Ok , there s no way that I can carry you .
Madison : Greenlee -- where --
Greenlee : We Are in the park . You must have slipped on the ice or something .
Madison : Oh , my God , my baby . I ca nt lose my baby .
Greenlee : Just stay calm . Stay calm .
Madison : Get away from me . Somebody help my baby !
Greenlee : I m trying to help you . You could be hurt .
Madison : I do nt want your help . Just go away .
Greenlee : Listen , we may not be friends , but you re crazy if you think I m gon na leave you here . I m taking you to the hospital . Does it hurt anywhere ?
Madison : My head .
Greenlee : Ok , well , you re not bleeding , so get up with me very slowly , slowly .
Madison : Baby , be ok .
Greenlee : It s ok . Calm down .
Erica : Resolution to the hostility ? Did you really say that to your own son ?
Caleb : We just -- do nt click .
Erica : Well , Asher knows you re trying .
Caleb : He hates me for walking out on him when he was born .
Erica : I know that it may seem like he wants to hurt you , but maybe he just wants you to prove to him that you want him in your life . Maybe he wants you to fight for him . I know . I lived it .
Kendall : Can you help me ? Can you stop this nightmare and make everything right again ?
Father Clarence : Your husband s passing is a tragedy . I wish --
Kendall : No , this was all to show me how important Zach is , and it has . I will never take anything with him for granted ever again , just get him home . He missed Thanksgiving , and he missed Spike s play . He would want to be here tomorrow to open presents with the boys . Please , Father Clarence , I know you can do this . You ve always helped us -- me and Bianca and Zach . You ve always come through for us . You helped us find our way when we were lost . I am so lost without my husband .
Father Clarence : A priest can only do so much . I counsel people . I talk to them when they re troubled . Once in a while , it helps if they listen to their own hearts .
Kendall : My heart is screaming for Zach .
Father Clarence : You loved him very much .
Kendall : I still love him . I will always love him . I forced him to help Ryan and Greenlee , and now --
Father Clarence : How is Greenlee ?
Kendall : I do nt want to talk about her , and I do nt want to be her friend . I want more time with Zach .
Father Clarence : Unfortunately , we have no control over that .
Kendall : But I m not ready to say good - bye . I ca nt let him go .
Father Clarence : You ll always stay connected with Zach through the love you shared , your memories , your children .
Kendall : That s what everyone keeps telling me , and I do nt want to hear that .
Father Clarence : Then do nt listen to me . Listen to Zach , his message .
Kendall : What message ? What are you talking about ? Here ? Is this the message ? Father Clarence ? Father Clarence ?
Kendall : And then there s Fusion . You and Greenlee put so much into that place . At first I did nt get it . Can you really care that much about lipstick ? But then I realized Fusion is much more than a business for you two . It s where you get your bearings , recharge , refocus . It s your fortress , your safe haven . It s where you find your way again .
Erica : I was very young when Kendall was born , just 14 . As I told you , I had been raped , but what you do nt know is that that s when Kendall was conceived . So , much like your son , Kendall came to town to look for me to seek revenge , to destroy the mother that she believed had just callously walked away from her , just abandoned her .
Caleb : Wow . The truth is always more complicated , is nt it ?
Erica : Yes , but you know , at the heart of it , it s really all quite simple .
Caleb : I do nt even know what my son eats for breakfast . How is that simple ?
Erica : He does nt know what you eat for breakfast , either . So I think you re both suffering equally . I m not downplaying the painfulness , believe me . Some of it never went away .
Caleb : And now ?
Erica : Well , now it s taken a lot of work , but I ve come to terms with the rape . Well , come to terms -- the main thing is that I have embraced Kendall . And if somebody back then who had been through a mess of their own had just thrown cold water on Kendall and me --
Caleb : You re saying I just need to be doused with a bucket of water ?
Erica : No , I think you ve done enough . And sharing your story with me about your son -- that just makes me want to hold onto Kendall tighter , just makes me want to protect her from everything .
Caleb : You re a pretty amazing woman . Why do nt you go home , Dorothy ? Go be with Kendall .
Erica : What about you ?
Caleb : I m good .
Colby : Merry Christmas !
Asher : Yeah , I do nt really do the whole Christmas thing .
Colby : Well , I do the whole Christmas thing , so open it .
Asher : If you insist .
Colby : Yeah .
Asher : What ?
Colby : Yeah , cool , right ?
Asher : Yeah .
Colby : I thought they re gray . You wear a lot of gray . It would look good on you . They fit ?
Asher : Yeah . These are perfect .
Colby : Oh , and check this out . It s from my dad , and it s a credit card - gift certificate -- big bucks to spend wherever I want .
Asher : We talking , like , sports car money or --
Colby : No . I would rather have my dad , though .
Asher : Well , I d rather have the cash .
Colby : Uh , no . So , what about you ? Your dad . Are you gon na see Caleb over the holidays ?
Asher : Well , he called me , but -- I have nt called him back .
Colby : Why not ?
Asher : Just do nt care about the guy , you know ?
Colby : Yes , you do .
Colby : Hello ? Oh , hi , Opal . Yeah , yeah , of course . Ok , all right . Bye . Well , I got ta go to the hospital .
Asher : Everything ok ?
Colby : Yeah , Opal s volunteering down at the hospital with patients who do nt have families around for the holidays . She s the only one there , so -- I said I would help . Um , Asher -- call your dad back .
Jack : Thank you .
Ryan : Welcome .
Jack : Erica wants to get married , you know , but by the time she picks out a dress and the caterer and music and you get the idea --
Ryan : Is that gon na be possible ? Is nt she likely gon na be on trial ?
Jack : Absolutely not . Liza does nt have a case , and Caleb and I will prove that .
Ryan : Well , Greenlee and I should have been married 2 years ago . We lost a lot of time , but we re not losing anymore .
Greenlee : How is she ?
Doctor : Miss North sustained a mild concussion . Otherwise , she s fine .
Greenlee : And the baby ?
Doctor : The baby s fine , too .
Greenlee : Good .
Doctor : You can see her now .
Greenlee : How do you feel ?
Madison : Like someone hit me in the head with a 2 x 4 .
Greenlee : Been there . Too many tequila shots . Never mind . I ll just --
Madison : How can I thank you , Greenlee ? If you had nt found me and brought me to the hospital --
Greenlee : It was no big deal . I just did what anyone would do .
Madison : You re not anyone .
Greenlee : Why were you in the park by yourself at night ?
Madison : I needed to be alone to think about the baby , about what I want to do . I was afraid and confused , and I needed to make a decision .
Greenlee : Sounded like you already made the decision .
Madison : What are you talking about ?
Greenlee : When you came to , you were doing what you re doing now .
Madison : I remember what I was feeling . I was terrified . If anything had happened --
Greenlee : Well , you re safe , both of you .
Madison : Love . I feel love . Before tonight , this baby was nt even real . It was like some dream that was happening to somebody else . But then when I fell , when I could have lost this baby -- it took me smacking my thick skull to realize it , but I know -- I want this baby .
Ryan : Ems , what are you doing out of bed ? Why are nt you in bed ?
Emma : I could nt sleep . When is Santa coming ?
Ryan : Not until you re in dreamland .
Jack : Hey , Emma , did you ask for anything special this year ?
Emma : I asked for a paint set , tap shoes --
Jack : Nice . Great .
Emma : And a baby sister .
Madison : I did nt know it before , but I feel it . I want to keep my baby .
Greenlee : That s --
Madison : I know you re not thrilled , and I m scared out of my mind . I mean , a baby . A kid . I ll figure it out somehow .
Greenlee : On your own ?
Madison : Yes .
Greenlee : Why ? Why not tell Ryan ?
Madison : I do nt know . I guess maybe it s the first time in my life I have something that s just mine .
Greenlee : Ryan is going to find out at some point . No matter what you tell him , he and I are good .
Madison : I do nt want anything from him . If I could just leave Pine Valley and start over somewhere else , just me and the baby --
Greenlee : Is that what you really want ?
Madison : I ca nt afford to . Not yet . I do nt have a job or a place to stay .
Greenlee : What about New York ? I could help you find a job , an apartment , supplement your Fusion severance , so you d have enough money to tide you over .
Madison : Are you serious ?
Greenlee : Absolutely . You get your new life with your baby , and I get my old life with Ryan . No baby . Do nt answer now . Sleep on it .
Madison : I ll do it . I ll go to New York .
Greenlee : That was fast .
Madison : It s what I want . It s too hard to be around Ryan .
Greenlee : Ok . But if you do this , you have to promise Ryan will never find out about this .
Madison : Greenlee , you could have walked right by me in that park tonight , but you did nt . You saved me and the baby . I owe you . This is our secret .
Greenlee : You rest . I ll take care of everything .
Colby : Hi . I need my badge . Colby Chandler .
Nurse : There it is .
Colby : Thank you .
Asher : What s up ?
Colby : Get to the hospital . Now .
Asher : Why ?
Colby : Just do it .
Erica : Kendall ? Hi , honey ! It s me .
Father Clarence : Hello there .
Erica : Who are you ? What are you doing in my daughter s house ?
Father Clarence : Do nt be alarmed . Kendall had to dash out . She asked me to mind the children , and the little angels are all asleep .
Erica : Who are you ?
Father Clarence : The name s Clarence .
Erica : Clarence . Father Clarence ? The Father Clarence ?
Father Clarence : I presume you re the Erica Kane ?
Erica : My daughters have told me about you . They think you re very special .
Father Clarence : I suppose we re all special . There . That s better , do nt you think ? I m not much for the modern technology , but I have enjoyed your tweets .
Erica : You followed me ?
Father Clarence : Exciting life of a celebrity , but that s not all you are . Far from it . You are a generous , caring , strong woman that will do anything to protect the ones she loves -- like Kendall .
Erica : What do you mean ?
Greenlee : I m sorry I ran out before .
Ryan : Where are you ?
Greenlee : I just have to run up to the office to get a few gifts I stashed there .
Ryan : Ok , well , your dad came by . He s here . He wants to see you .
Greenlee : I m on my way .
Greenlee : Oh , no , no , no , no . Not again . You got ta be kidding me . No service . Oh , my God . Oh , my God . Help ! Help ! Help me !
Kendall : Who s in there ?
Greenlee : Kendall ?
Kendall : Greenlee . You ve got to be kidding me .
Greenlee : Kendall , the elevator s stuck . You have to get me out of here . I know you re angry , but I need your help . You know what being stuck in small places does to me . I m begging you , Kendall . Please help me . Please . I need my friend .
Greenlee : Kendall , are you there ?
Kendall : Yeah , and now I m leaving .
Greenlee : Wait . Please .
Kendall : I do nt know what Zach was talking about . This is not my safe haven , not anymore .
Greenlee : What ?
Kendall : I said I never should have come here .
Greenlee : There s no air .
Kendall : Ok . I m the one who s suffocating here . Every time I turn around , there you are in my face , you and Ryan , smothering me with your happiness , reminding me that I m alone , and I will be alone forever .
Greenlee : I m sorry . I m sorry that Zach is dead , and I m sorry that he died trying to help me .
Kendall : Just shut up , all right ? Shut up ! Your guilt and your apologies , they mean nothing . I want Zach ! Bring my husband back .
Greenlee : I ca nt .
Kendall : No , you ca nt . You can live your fairy tale with Ryan , and I can hope that someday I have a body to bury .
Greenlee : I m sorry .
Kendall : I want Zach . Bring my husband back !
Greenlee : I loved Zach , too . If I could undo everything that happened and take away your pain , I would , but I ca nt . There s no way that I can help you , and it s killing me . I love you , Kendall . This place -- the minute we set foot in this building , we hated each other . But working together , fighting together , crying together , surviving together -- you re my best friend . I lost you , and you lost Zach , and it s all my fault . I wish it were me . I should be at the bottom of that river , and Zach should be with you . I wish I would have died instead of him . [ Crying ]
Kendall : No , Greenlee . I do nt want you to die . I love you , too .
Erica : I apologize . I ve been kind of stressed .
Father Clarence : That can happen when you re planning a wedding .
Erica : Yes . Do you know Jackson ?
Father Clarence : I know he s never loved anyone as much as he loves you . Your heart is taking you to a place you never planned to go , is nt it ?
Erica : Excuse me ?
Father Clarence : I think I hear Ian . Have a beautiful holiday . Your family will be all right . Someone is watching over them .
Ryan : So , Ems , I think that our family is absolutely perfect just the way it is , just you and Spike , just the two of you . So instead of wishing for more , I think we can be grateful for what we have . I know I am , cause I love you both more than anything else in the whole world .
Emma : I love you , too , Daddy .
Ryan : Ok . Now , you better get to bed , ok ?
Emma : All right .
Ryan : Ok , off you go .
Emma : Great . Good night .
Jack : Good night , Emma .
Emma : Good night .
Ryan : Well , I certainly did nt see that coming .
Jack : You did great . Look , this is none of my business , but what the hell , I ve had a drink . Are you ok with Greenlee not being able to have children ?
Ryan : I love your daughter , Jack . Just being together again is everything I ever would need .
Frankie : I thought you were at Kendall s . What were you doing at the park ?
Madison : It does nt matter now . Hitting my head actually turned out to be a good thing . I ve decided I want to keep my baby .
Colby : I got ta get back to work .
Asher : Hey , wait . Come on . You ca nt leave me here with --
Caleb : Hey . Come here .
Caleb : Ever seen anything like that ?
Asher : No .
Caleb : That s how you looked when you were born .
Asher : I was like that ?
Caleb : Yeah . 6 weeks premature . They had to put you in an incubator . You were small , but you were perfect .
Asher : When my mom died , I thought you just took off .
Caleb : No . I wanted to see you , just once . So I went to the hospital . There you were with your hands all curled up in little fists . So I knew you were tough and that you d make it . You were louder than this kid . I thought you d be better off without me , but I was wrong . I m sorry .
Colby : Asher , wait .
Asher : I got ta get out of here .
Colby : No , no . Look , there s something I got ta show you , ok ? Caleb -- he donated a bunch of money to the neonatal unit .
Kendall : Will you please hurry ?
Man : You think I want to be here tonight ?
Kendall : My friend is claustrophobic , and she got very quiet .
Man : Uhh ! Got it .
Kendall : Thank you , thank you . Come here . Come here . Thank you . Merry Christmas .
Man : You , too .
Kendall : Ok . All right . Take some deep breaths , ok ? Deep breaths .
Kendall : All right , Greenlee -- look at me . It s over .
Greenlee : I feel horrible . Once again , you had to save me . I do nt deserve it .
Kendall : Ok , should I have left you there until New Year s ?
Greenlee : I meant what I said . It should have been me .
Kendall : No . No , do nt say that . Do nt say that . Do nt even think that .
Greenlee : Are you ok ?
Kendall : Yes , I m fine . We re fine .
Greenlee : You mean that ?
Kendall : You did nt make Zach s plane go down . You re not the reason he s gone . This whole thing -- it s hard . It s so hard , and I m so angry , but I never should have blamed you . I m sorry . I miss my friend .
Greenlee : I miss you , too . This is all I wanted for Christmas .
Kendall : So then should I tell Ryan to bring your gifts back ?
Greenlee : No .
Kendall : And we re back .
Greenlee : You asked why Zach would send you here . What did it mean ?
Kendall : I think he sent me here to find you . Think of it as a Christmas miracle .
Erica : Hi .
Ryan : Hi .
Erica : Jack .
Jack : Erica . Is everything all right ?
Erica : I missed you . I just had to tell you that I love you . I really love you , Jack .
Jack : Honey , I love you , too .
Greenlee : Hey .
Ryan : Hi .
Greenlee : Dad !
Jack : Hi . I m one lucky man today .
Greenlee : Erica . Oh , what the hell .
Erica : Oh !
Greenlee : I m so happy you re here .
Ryan : Yeah , you seem happy . You seem very happy .
Greenlee : I have a surprise for you .
Ryan : Ok . Are you two --
Greenlee : We re friends again .
Kendall : Mom , be happy for me . An angel came tonight . He sent me to help Greenlee .
Erica : Are you talking about Father Clarence ?
Kendall : Father Clarence is nt the only angel . This angel was Zach .
Madison : I m ready .
Frankie : Ok , here we go .
Colby : Well , what happened ?
Asher : After I was born , Caleb went to see me in the hospital . All these years , and I did nt even think he cared about me . Maybe I was wrong .
Caleb : Merry Christmas , Pete . Well , you re right again -- you and Dorothy . I ve got ta keep fighting for my son , however long it takes .
Erica : Why would you bring me up here ?
Jack : Because I do nt want you to be haunted by what happened up here by David , by what you had to do up here . Come here . Come on , trust me . I want you to look out there . That s your town , baby . I wanted you to see how beautiful it was from up here tonight . I want you to stand here with me , and I want you to know that everything will be all right .
Erica : Do you believe in angels ?
Jack : Hell , I ve got no choice . I m about to marry one .
Kendall : Our time at sea is almost over , but our time together will go on . No beginning , no end . Always .
### Summary:
| At the Chandler mansion , Colby and Asher spend time together . Asher asks Colby not to leave him . Colby looks at him questioningly . At Kendall s home , Father Clarence pays Kendall a surprise visit . Jack arrives at Ryan s condo with packages . Greenlee finds Madison lying unconscious in the snow . Greenlee tries to get Madison to awaken . Madison finally comes to . Greenlee offers to help Madison , but Madison refuses . At Wildwind , Caleb tells Erica about his conversation with Asher and how that Asher still does nt want anything to do with him . Kendall asks Father Clarence for help in getting Zach home . Father Clarence advises Kendall to read Zach s message to her . The journal flies open to the page that Kendall is to read . Kendall looks around and Father Clarence is gone . Erica tells Caleb about being raped which resulted in her pregnancy with Kendall . Colby gets a call from the hospital to come to work . Colby orders Asher to call Caleb . Reluctantly , Madison lets Greenlee help her . At the hospital , Madison lets Greenlee know that she wants this baby something that is her own . Greenlee asks her if she is going to tell Ryan about the baby . Madison refuses and tells Greenlee she is leaving town . Greenlee offers to help her to set her up in a job in New York plus an apartment . Greenlee tells her to sleep on it . Greenlee starts to leave when Madison takes her up on her offer . In coming in to work , Colby sees Caleb standing in front of the nursery . Colby calls Asher to get to the hospital . Erica s walks into Kendall s and finds Father Clarence there . Erica threatens to call the police until she realizes who he is . Father Clarence tells Erica that Kendall had gone out and had asked him to watch the children . Greenlee gets trapped in the elevator at Fusion . Kendall hears Greenlee begging for help . Kendall tells Greenlee that she had made a mistake in coming here and threatens to leave . Greenlee tries to talk to Kendall , but Kendall bangs on the elevator door that she wants Zach back . Asher arrives at the hospital to see Caleb standing in front of the nursery . Greenlee begins to cry and lets Kendall know that she should have been the one , who had died at the bottom of the lake . This touches Kendall s heart and she and Greenlee reconcile . Kendall gets a repairman to open the elevator doors so that she can get Greenlee out . They hug . Frankie and Randi visit Madison and finds out that Madison wants to keep the baby . Asher approaches Caleb as he looks at the newborns . Caleb explains to Asher about how little that he was when he was born . After talking to Caleb a few minutes , Asher starts to leave , but Colby stops him . Colby shows him the plaque which shows that Caleb had donated money to the neonatal wing in memory of Asher s Mom . Erica visits Ryan and finds jack there . Erica hugs and kisses Jack and lets him know how much she loves him . Greenlee and Kendall arrive to let them know that they had reconciled their differences . Frankie does an ultrasound on Madison with Randi holding Madison s hand . Randi is more than a little jealous . Colby finds Asher in the park . Asher asks Colby if he could have been wrong about Caleb . At home , Kendall says good - bye to Father Clarence . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Cassie : Can you please go faster ? Can you go around this guy , jeffrey ?
Jeffrey : Cassie , if I arrive any faster , you ll arrive at the hospital but you ll be the patient . Do me a favor , call edmund back and see if he can make it more clear as to what exactly is wrong with dinah .
Cassie : His phone is off . They must already be at the hospital . Why did I go out tonight ? Why did I go out tonight jumping around in a bar with your band like I m a teenager ?
Jeffrey : You needed to do that .
Cassie : I was selfish and wrong and it was stupid . Can you please hurry up , jeffrey ? My baby s life could be at stake .
Dinah : I do nt mean to be a buzz kill but I do nt think this whole thing is going to work .
Edmund : It s going to work . Nothing is more important than cassie to her children . She s going to be here , now lie down .
Dinah : Hey , I m not a dog . I do want to help you but I m getting a little tired of this give , give , give . It s got to be a two - way street , edmund .
Edmund : Dinah , if you do in this for me , I will be in your corner 100 % .
Dinah : You know what ? I m going to hold you to that because I need you . I really need you to be on my side on this . The thing I need most now are good friends . That and immediate medical care because I am not feeling so well . In fact , I m feeling awful .
Tony : So , robbie asleep ?
Michelle : They went right out . Of course , I m going to be up all night packing for this trip .
Tony : No , no . Come here . Look , I do nt care if you and i get up in the morning , get on a plane with nothing but a credit card and a toothbrush . We re getting married , right ? We re getting married .
Michelle : You re so excited . It s cute . It really is .
Tony : I am . What do you mean cute babe ? What s that ?
Michelle : It s incredible . I m really lucky to have you , you know that ? I m sorry that I ve been ... I ve been really overwhelmed .
Tony : Do nt be . Look , it s simple , okay ? When you walk out of that courtroom in the morning , you re going to be free , this is final . We re getting married . We re going to be married , okay ? We re going to be married .
Marina : Hey , did nt you have a meeting with your lawyer .
Danny : Just had it . Good news . The divorce hearing is set for tomorrow morning .
Marina : Are you okay ?
Danny : Yeah . Do nt I look okay ? I m great thanks to you .
Marina : Me ?
Danny : Uh - huh . Because you have been so great throughout this entire roller coaster ride with michelle .
Marina : Well , what can I say ? I am just a great girl ! And I kind of like you .
Danny : I kind of like you .
Marina : Oh , yeah ?
Danny : What do you say ? There s nobody here . Why do nt you ditch your job ? Let s go to the movies .
Marina : Really ? All$right . Lynn , the place is yours .
Danny : Hello ? Speaking . Uh - huh . Why ? You re kidding . Okay . Yeah . Thanks .
Marina : Let me guess : No movie ?
Danny : No . I just have to go deal with something and then I will be right back . I promise .
Marina : Okay .
Danny : Okay ?
Gus : What s up ? Cooper , out of line . This is where you get off .
Harley : I thought I was assigned to kitchen duty .
Lena : What are you doing ? You just hit pay dirt .
Mallet : An opening in clerical just came up . You re going to be working in my office .
Harley : No freakin way !
Gus : Are you following me ?
Olivia : I am now . No , I m not following you .
Gus : We did nt have a great talk , then I show up here and you show up here .
Olivia : You re paranoid , you know that . Not everything is a conspiracy . I m here because I m hungry . Lighten up on the caffeine . You scared me .
Gus : You re not wrong . I ve been on edge .
Olivia : It shows .
Gus : It s not my plan to let my life go down the toilet .
Olivia : It happens when you lose the person you love .
Gus : Yeah .
Olivia : You ve got to focus on something else , you know ? Something else that matters to you . Gus I wish I could but I do nt think there is anything .
Olivia : There is . There s always something . I understand how devastated you were . You were so sure that harley was innocent .
Gus : I m not as sure as you think .
Mallet : Go , bring her in .
Harley : I d rather spend a month in solitary than work in your office .
Mallet : You ve been assigned .
Harley : I should be on kitchen detail .
Lena : Screw that . This is the cushiest job in the place go . For it .
Harley : Now how many times do I have to say forget it ?
Mallet : I ve got it .
Harley : Put me down .
Harley : Put me down . I need someone I can trust with confidential material and around here that s you .
Harley : That is such bull . You want to be able to boss me around all day .
Mallet : I can boss you around no matter what job you do in this prison . Warden . Warden . It says so in the title .
Harley : I m not working for you . What is the duty that the inmates hate most ?
Mallet : Laundry . Gets hot it in there .
Harley : Laundry it is . The hotter the better . My cellmate is on the duty so we can bond .
Mallet : Why do you make things hard on yourself ?
Harley : You have nt seen anything in eight years . How do you know ?
Mallet : It feels so familiar .
Harley : You re making things harder for me . Your visit earlier , I almost got sliced and dice bid a bunch of the girls . Thank you very much for nothing .
Mallet : Okay . Cooper , okay . Guard . Laundry it is .
Harley : Good . Oh , sir ?
Mallet : Yes ?
Harley : One more question . Tide or cheer ?
Edmund : Where is cassie ? She should have been here by now .
Dinah : Edmund , does this not bother a bit that you re using this child to get her back . I know it s kind of giving me the creeps . Making me feel like I m tempting fate .
Edmund : Of course it bothers me , dinah . If it brings cassie back , so be it . Besides , it s in the child s best interest as well .
Dinah : How do you figure ?
Edmund : The most important thing for any child is to be raised by two people who love one another and want to be together .
Dinah : That would be wonderful , granted .
Cassie : Hi . So what S ... what s happening ? Has she seen dr . Sedwick ?
Edmund : She s on her way .
Cassie : Okay . How are you feeling ?
Dinah : I ...
Edmund : Her head hurts and she was having abdominal pain . I hope I did the right thing to have her checked out , cassie .
Cassie : You did the right thing .
Edmund : I did nt want to alarm you . I thought you d like to know .
Cassie : It s fine , edmund . It s okay . So you re having abdominal pain . Is it cramping , pressure , do you feel dizzy , dinah ?
Dinah : I think a little of all three .
Tony : All you ve got to do is pack your bags tonight , wake up in the morning and that s it . I ve got everything else taken care of . Really , I do . I ve even got a justice of the peace lined up who will marry us tomorrow night at sunset .
Michelle : Wow . Okay , you work really fast .
Tony : I am excited . I am . I ca nt wait to be your husband . I m sorry .
Michelle : So we re going to have a wedding on the beach .
Tony : That s right .
Michelle : At sunset ?
Tony : Uh - huh .
Michelle : That s like ... that s like a fantasy come true . Are you really sure that s what you want , though ?
Tony : Well , yeah . What do you mean ? Yeah , of course .
Michelle : You re never been married before , tony . You do nt want to have your friends there , your family , ray , at least ?
Tony : All I want is you . I do nt care about anything else . Okay , look , I m going to go and let you say good - bye to robbie and I ll see you in a bit . Get ready to pack your bags , we re getting married .
Michelle : Let me guess , you forgot to tell me that you love me . Oh , danny , sorry . I thought that you were ...
Danny : Tony . Yeah , I figured . The .
Michelle : I m glad it s you , though . I have something that I want to tell you .
Danny : Okay .
Michelle : Tony and I are going to elope tomorrow night .
Danny : No , you re not . You canT.
Michelle : Why ca nt tony and I get married ?
Danny : Because I just got a call from the family court clerk and our judge was admitted to cedars to want for an emergency appendectomy . Yeah . So family court is not going to be back in session until next week and you will not be marrying anyone tomorrow .
Michelle : Okay .
Danny : It s one of those things , michelle , what can we do ?
Michelle : Yeah . Yeah .
Danny : Look , I m sorry if it screws up your plans .
Michelle : Well , tony wo nt be very happy .
Danny : Well , you can get married next week when the divorce is finalized and court s back in session .
Michelle : Right . Right .
Danny : I m sorry . I am . I m really sorry if this gets in the way of you getting what you want . I mean , obviously I should not have postponed the hearing last week if I had just left it alone then you d be free right now .
Michelle : And is that what you want , danny ? Do you want me to be free ?
Olivia : Wow . So you think harley filled philip ?
Gus : I used to think it was impossible but then towards the end of the trial ...
Olivia : Just that it s quite a change in outlook .
Gus : I know everybody who s accused of a crime defenses a good defense . But I turned myself inside out for that girl . I manufactured a witness and i risked tampering , disbarment , you name it just to keep her out of prison and look for the thanks I get .
Olivia : She sleeps with my husband .
Gus : I love her . I should always love her . But I should do what you said , focus on moving forward but it s difficult after what she did to me .
Olivia : And to phillip , too , right ?
Gus : Women , they re hard to trust .
Olivia : Try being one .
Gus : Maybe that s my problem . I should never have trusted her , ever .
Frank : You bastard !
Harley : God . The mallet was right , that drying room could double as a sauna .
Lena : God knows I tried to warn you , did nt any .
Harley : Thank you for reminding me .
Lena : I never in all the history of this joint have ever heard anybody turning down a desk job for the drying room .
Lena : Lena , there are all kinds of torture .
Lena : Listen to me . There are windows in there . There s a coffee machine . And the air is nt full of lint and steam .
Harley : What do you care what I do ? You would nt even talk to me when I got here .
Lena : Because I need to get by in this place , too ? You got that ? You understand that .
Harley : Meaning what ?
Lena : If you have an in with the big guy , that makes things smoother for me . I deserve a good ride here . I ve been here a long time . And if you d just take a pass on a job like this , it hurts me , you get that ? It s like a slap in the face and nobody likes it . I ve got to tell you , you think the drying room is hot , honey ? Oh , boy , just wait until july and august .
Guard : Is there a problem here ?
Harley : Yes . Would you tell warden I m unhappy with my work detail and I ll take his ... the transfer to his office , please ? I help you ; you help me , right ?
Lena : Right . That is how it works . Good . Good .
Jeffrey : You made the whole thing up , did nt you ?
Edmund : You do nt belong here .
Jeffrey : You would do anything to get cassie back . Literally anything .
Edmund : I used to be very much like you , mr . Oneill : Single , ambitious with no responsifility to anything or anyone except myself and my own needs . But I m about to be a father . And you do nt know what that means . It changes one s priorities .
Jeffrey : We ll see how much it s changed , wo nt we ?
Edmund : I m going to get coffee . Be gone when I get back .
Cassie : Is the baby okay ?
Dr. Sedwick : The baby s perfectly fine .
Cassie : Thank god .
Dinah : What about the mom ?
Dr. Sedwick : I think that you ve been under quite a bit of stress lately , dinah . You ve just got to relax more .
Cassie : Is that it ? That s it for now . I m waiting for some lab tests to come back . You can go ahead and get dressed .
Cassie : Thank you . Thanks , dr . Sedwick .
Dinah : Well , I m sorry that i had to make you rush for nothing .
Cassie : No . No , I m glad you did and I m really glad that you re okay . I am .
Dinah : Me , too .
Cassie : I think it s great that you came here .
Dinah : I do nt want anything to happen to this baby , okay ?
Cassie : I know . And you did the right thing . I m going to let you get dressed .
Dinah : Cassie , wait . I ca nt do this . Make you worry for no reason .
Cassie : But there s nothing to worry about . Dr. Sedwick says everything is fine .
Dinah : There never was because there was nt a problem tonight . Edmund made me fake it . Coming up on guiding light ...
frank : You go ahead and walk away . I will find who killed phillip .
Gus : You can ask me right now . She s in a cell and her name is harley cooper .
Harley : Why do you want me to work here ? And do nt give me that crap about me being reliable . You have no idea who I am anymore .
Mallet : I remember who you used to be .
Dinah : Edmund wanted to get you back so desperately he made this all up .
Cassie : I do nt believe this . Dinah ...
Dinah : You ca nt tell him i told you .
Cassie : Get out of the way .
Dinah : If you go out there and go off on edmund , he s going to know I told you . Imagine the tension that would cause between the three of us . Look , it s not worth it . Besides , edmund meant well in his own way .
Cassie : Really ?
Dinah : He did it because he loves you . It s a little icky to use a baby as a tool to get you back , but we both know that edmund is extreme at times .
Cassie : Why are you telling me this ?
Dinah : I have lost two babies myself and I would nt want you to go through that kind of fear again .
Cassie : Thank you .
Dinah : So we ll keep this between us ?
Cassie : Finish getting dressed . Where s edmund ?
Jeffrey : He went to get a coffee . How s the baby ?
Cassie : Fine . Fine .
Jeffrey : All right . Listen , I think I ll go then unless you need me for something else .
Cassie : No , I m okay . Thank you . Thank you for tonight . I really had fun .
Jeffrey : Okay . See you later .
Cassie : Bye .
Edmund : Hey , there you are . What did the doctor say ? Is it serious ? Cassie ? Cassie , come on , you have to tell me .
Cassie : The baby s fine .
Edmund : Oh , thank god . Thank god , I was so worried there was something wrong with our baby .
Gus : Let go of me , frank .
Frank : Stop trashing my sister .
Gus : I believe facts . I m a cop at the end of the day . Get off me !
Frank : I believe in harley .
Gus : Stop dreaming .
Olivia : He has a point .
Frank : Do me a favor , stay out of this .
Gus : Think what you want to think , frank , I m done . I m walking away . She put a lot of effort into pushing me away , that s it . I m out , okay ?
Frank : That s fine by me . You walk away but I will find who killed phillip .
Gus : You can ask me , she s in a cell at vailsburg and her name is harley cooper .
Frank : Is she really ?
Mallet : And these are the intake files I want arranged chronologically instead of alphabetically . It will speed up processing .
Harley : Fine .
Mallet : Any questions ?
Harley : Yeah . Why do you want me to work here ? And do nt give me that crap about me being reliable . You have no idea who I am anymore .
Mallet : I remember who you used to be . I mean , you know , you always had super neat handwriting , you were always great with details and people like that are in short supply in this place .
Harley : I ll bet .
Mallet : The you re not buying anything I m telling you , how come you re not still in the basement slinging cheer ?
Harley : Let s just say i rethought my position .
Mallet : Hey , does your dad still have that bike ?
Harley : My dad ? Yeah , he still has it .
Mallet : And how are frank and eleni ?
Harley : Divorced . Actually , eleni lives in california .
Mallet : Wow , with marina ?
Harley : No , we have her . I mean my father and frank have her .
Mallet : Along with the boys ?
Harley : With my boys , uh - huh . You know what ? Can we not pretend you did nt read my file ? You know everything you need to know .
Mallet : About the shooting . Not about your life . What were the names of your boys again ?
Harley : Zach and jude . They re sweet . I think they re smart . And cute , obviously . And everyday I wonder how that happened .
Mallet : Wow . That s so weird that you have these kids that I do nt even know .
Harley : I know . No , it s not weird . You were nt around , remember ? Let s just bag this little chat .
Mallet : Come on , harley . It s just ...
Harley : I do nt want to think about my life out there . I do nt want to be reminded of what it used to be or how is it now . I just want to do my job and do my time , okay ? Do nt you have work that you have to do , warden ?
Danny : Michelle , I want you to be happy . That s all I ever wanted . That has never changed .
Michelle : Yeah , well , marrying tony would change things , you know .
Danny : That s true . Hey , you deserve whatever you want . Fit s tony , then it s tony .
Michelle : You know , tony is a really good guy .
Danny : Must be that santos charm .
Michelle : And he makes me happy .
Danny : Then marry him , michelle . Marry him . Look , I m really sorry that i kissed you before .
Michelle : You are ?
Danny : Uh - huh . Yeah . Obviously it was nt fair to any of us : You , me , tony , marina . Not when things are going to change .
Michelle : Yeah , well I guess we should just consider it a good - bye kiss , then , right ?
Dinah : Well , you re too late . I m already dressed .
Jeffrey : What happened here tonight , dinah ?
Dinah : Actually , the baby got a good clean bill of health . I m very relieved .
Jeffrey : Well , that s the press release . Now how about the real stories ? As a matter of fact , why do nt you back it up as to how you got pregnant in the first place and why ?
Dinah : Because I finally found something I m good at , something that I can do good with .
Jeffrey : That s a nice sound bite but somehow the idea of dinah marler carrying cassie winslow s child does nt quite strike me as the kind selfless act that you make it out to be .
Dinah : I must have an ulterior dark motive , is that it ?
Jeffrey : Yeah that s it .
Dinah : Why is it so hard for you to believe that I ve turned a coroner my life ?
Jeffrey : Because I know you , dinah . And I know for a fact you do nt want cassie and edmund together so why would you carry their child ?
Dinah : You must have a theory . Why do nt you run it by me .
Jeffrey : You know what you did was illegal , right ?
Dinah : Edmund and I have a signed agreement .
Jeffrey : You did nt inform cassie .
Dinah : We tried to reach her , but she was unavailable .
Jeffrey : Oh , here we go . Well , you ve got a comeback for everything .
Dinah : It s called the truth .
Jeffrey : Here s the truth . If you hurt cassie in any way , shape or form I will make your life more hellish than the most difficult delivery ever .
Dinah : You do nt have to worry about me .
Edmund : Tonight s been a wakeup call for me , cassie .
Cassie : Yeah , for me , too .
Edmund : I just ca nt take for granted that our baby is going to be fine for the next eight months .
Cassie : Yeah . You never know what issues might pop up .
Edmund : Exactly . That s why it s so critical for us to be there for the baby . Together . It really is our solemn duty . Cassie , if you think about it , it s why I m sorry , I just ca nt sign the separation papers .
Cassie : Yeah . The baby needs the best of both of us , right ?
Edmund : Exactly . And that s us together . I m glad you understand that . So I ll keep you abreast of my schedule and I hope you ll do the same for me . The closer we keep tabs on one another , the better , I think . For baby , anyway .
Cassie : Stop it .
Edmund : Sorry ?
Cassie : Stop it . How could you do this to me ?
Danny : You re still here ?
Michelle : Yup . Yeah , I was just sitting here thinking . Is robbie awake ?
Danny : No . No . He s out cold . He s starting to sleep now the way you do : With his left arm sticking straight out .
Michelle : That s my boy .
Danny : So what were you thinking about ?
Michelle : Just how I m going to break it to tony that we re not going to get married tomorrow night .
Danny : Well , michelle , you do nt have to break it to him . Not if you can get married .
Michelle : I thought you said the judge ...
Danny : I know , it s postponed until next week , but there could be a way around it .
Michelle : Oh , yeah ? How ?
Danny : Well , if you really want to marry tony tomorrow , you and I can hop on a plane to vegas , get a quickie divorce , you can be back by first thing tomorrow so you can marry tony .
Michelle : That is crazy !
Danny : But efficient .
Michelle : I would never make you go through all that trouble .
Danny : It s not trouble . And , look , to be honest I would rather get this over with myself ... rind ianawr w ysveomn . We re due .
Michelle : Okay . Yeah . Great then .
Danny : So , is that what we want to do ? Do a divorce vegas style ? It would be an adventure .
Michelle : Great . Let s do it .
Tony : Hey , marina . Hi , this is tony santos and I am checking in tomorrow . I need a favor . I need a bottle of champagne on ice in my bedroom , a lot of chocolate because she ... well , she loves chocolate . Can you do that for me ? All right . You re the man . Thank you .
Marina : Chocolate and champagne ? Count me .
Tony : ( Laughs ) maybe next time there , scooter . This time around it s me and michelle on the beach in sunny hawaii .
Marina : But is nt tomorrow ...
Tony : It s the hearing but tomorrow it s final we re eloping , getting this over with .
Marina : Whoa , drastic .
Tony : Romantic would be the word . Remember , I told you that i would do anything to hang on to michelle , did nt I ? Well , this is it .
Marina : Well , there s no rush danny and michelle are getting their divorce , okay ? They re done .
Tony : Well , I ll tell you what , marina , you believe that , okay .
Marina : I believe in danny .
Tony : You do , huh ? Then you ask him why he was kissing michelle tonight .
Olivia : Frank does nt understand how hard you fought for harley .
Gus : I do nt blame him . He loves his sister .
Olivia : So do you .
Gus : I do nt blame harley , either , for killing phillip .
Olivia : Well , it s a dirty job , but somebody had to do it .
Gus : Phillip did a lot of horrible things to people . I ... it s like he would nt give up , you know ? He just kept asking for it and asking for it .
Olivia : You think ?
Gus : I that what we should do is what you said . All this misery that he created and left us all in , we should get past it , we should move on .
Olivia : Yeah , it s a fat chance .
Gus : You said it . You said we should ...
Olivia : I know what I said . It s a good idea in theory but it just shows you how malignant phillip was . He s been dead for so many months and everybody who had contact with him is still down in this muck he left behind .
Gus : It s good that you re not bitter .
Olivia : You can joke all you want but your life is nt exactly humming along , is it ?
Gus : You think that was phillip s fault ?
Olivia : It s all phillip s fault . Do nt you understand ? He set all of this in motion , even harley and bill , this fling or whatever it was that they had . They would never have been together except they tried to bring down phillip . It s like it s his parting gift from the grave , you know ? If he were alive he would be laughing his head off . But he s not . He s dead and he deserves to be dead . I m sorry it did nt happen sooner .
Harley : ( Sighs ) well , well , well . Once a liar , always a liar .
Cassie : This was a setup .
Edmund : What ?
Cassie : There s nothing wrong with dinah . She does nt have a hang nail , much less a headache or any abdominal pain .
Edmund : Cassie , how could you think that ?
Cassie : You knew a good scare about the baby would bring me to the hospital where you d be .
Edmund : Cassie , what has dinah been saying ?
Cassie : Dinah did nt say anything to me , edmund , except how relieved she is that the baby is fine . I came up with this on my own .
Edmund : Why do you think I d do something so ...
Cassie : Manipulative . You panicked when I did nt come to your room so you hit on this as a way to keep me close by .
Edmund : Actually , that s not the way it happened at all . Although it would have been nice that you told me you were nt coming to my room .
Cassie : I left you a message .
Edmund : I never got a message .
Cassie : I did nt come by your room because I was nt ready yet .
Edmund : It s all right , cassie .
Cassie : Edmund ...
Edmund : It s all right . I m sorry . I love you . I love you and I do nt want to pressure you anymore .
Cassie : If you love me , then I want you to tell me the truth . Look at me and tell me the truth . Did you set this up ?
Edmund : Cassie , I brought dinah here unnecessarily . But it was because I overreacted and I was worried that there was something wrong with the baby . I m sure you can understand .
Cassie : Yeah . I understand everything perfectly .
Marina : You saw danny kissing michelle ?
Tony : I did . A couple hours ago and I know how it happened . They got caught up in the past , it s not real , but I will not sit around and wait for them to get back what they had . Now , I may be setting myself up for a fall , I do nt care . But I will fight for her until the day I die .
Marina : And I will fight for danny , but in the end it all comes down to whether you trust the person you love . If you do nt , there is nothing worth fighting for . ( Cell phone rings )
Marina : Hello ?
Danny : It s danny . Look , I m really sorry I wo nt be able to make the movie . This thing I need to take care of looks like it s going to be most of the night . We still on for tomorrow if that s okay with you ?
Marina : Sounds good . Are you okay ?
Danny : Yeah , yeah , I m fine . I ll call you in the morning . Did you call tony ?
Michelle : No , I m going to wait until we get to vegas . If I talk to him now he s going to want to come with us and i think it s should something we should do ourselves .
Danny : We ll be back before anyone flows we re gone .
Michelle : So you nervous about flying since the whole incident on sebastian s island ?
Danny : Not until you mentioned it , thank you very much .
Michelle : I d be white knuckling it all the way to nevada if$I were you .
Danny : No , wow you wouldnT. Remember the trip we took to vancouver with the tray crazy turbulence . It did nt bother you one bit .
Michelle : That turned out to be a great trip , did nt it ?
Mallet : I ll get back to you . Problem ?
Harley : Question . Do opportunity parolee and the inmate files in separate sections ?
Mallet : Yeah , if you think it will work . Use your judgment .
Harley : Okay . Something else ?
Harley : Yeah . Sorry to keep bugging you , I m just still a little disoriented , that s all .
Mallet : That s understandable .
Harley : It s weird enough to be yanked out of my life , taken away from all the people that i love , my family , forced to learn to live behind these walls , and then to top it all off , the ex- husband shows up . How did that happen , anyway ?
Mallet : It s like I told you , I was assigned here .
Harley : Really ? Not according to this . You were nt just assigned here . You requested this position . So you answer one more question for me : Did you put in for this job so that you could be close to me ?
Gus : You had every right to hate phillip s guts .
Olivia : I did nt just hate him . I despised him . But not enough to pull the trigger myself . Harley apparently did nt have a problem with which that , which makes her my hero . But anyway , it s over , case is closed .
Gus : Right .
Olivia : Take care of that lip . ( Phone beeps )
Gus : The spaulding house is the right place to find what you re looking for .
Csie : I think we should get you home and you need to rest .
Dinah : Okay . Um ... on the way home I want to make sure that we pick up a pint of chocolate mint ice cream and some pringles . I m into this sweet / salty thing .
Cassie : Fine .
Dr. Sedwick : Good , you re still here . I want to talk to you about these test results .
Cassie : Wait a minute , you said everything was okay with the baby .
Dr. Sedwick : With the baby , yes . But I m afraid there s a problem with you , dinah .
Harley : My ex - husband just happens to show up to run the prison where I m sent ? Uh - uh . I am sorry . I do not believe this is a coincidence .
Mallet : Then what do you call it ?
Cassie : I went for a ride with jeffrey . Nothing happened . And I was nt running away .
Edmund : You did . And you ran not because you stopped loving me . You ran because you still do .
### Summary:
| Cassie arrives at the hospital and finds that Dinah is perfectly fine . Dinah secretly informs Cassie that Edmund set the whole thing up . Cassie confronts him , and he apologizes . When they are about to leave the hospital , the doctor tells Dinah that there is a problem with one of her tests . Danny and Michelle learn that their divorce judge has come down with a medical ailment . Danny offers to fly to Vegas with Michelle for a quickie divorce , so she can get married the next day . They get on a plane together . Tony tells Marina that he saw Danny kissing Michelle . Gus makes it seem as if he truly believes Harley is guilty . He wants to get Olivia s perspective . Frank overhears his words and punches him . Gus gets a text message telling him to investigate the Spaulding mansion . Jeffrey threatens Dinah , telling her that he will hurt her if she hurts Cassie . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Abe : Samantha , do you come to this union of your own free will , with the intention of being faithful in marriage to Elvis for as long as you both shall live ?
Aiden : Hey . Glad we could manage another meeting today .
Hope : Yeah . Ah ! Everything we need for the gala and the opening ceremony of the Olympics , huh ?
Aiden : Hmm .
Hope : Uh , Deveraux / Donovan annulment agreement .
Aiden : Yeah , yeah .
Hope : What for the silent auction ?
Aiden : No , no . I m doing some research for your cousin s case . I like her . I can see why you two are so close .
Hope : Wow , you know what I just realized ?
Aiden : Hmm ?
Hope : You ve represented JJ , and now Jenn . It s like you know all this personal stuff about my family . [ Laughs ] I do nt know anything about yours .
Aiden : Hmm .
Hope : So , why is that ? Huh , Aiden ?
Aiden : [ Sighs ]
Kate : Who the hell can that be ? Kate Roberts .
Clyde : Hey , ms . Roberts . Hope I did nt catch you at a bad time . This is Clyde . You know , Tammy Sue s daddy .
Hodges : I want you to do more than that . I ve read up on you . I thought you might like to put the cuffs on our tax - evading felon yourself , seeing that it s EJ DiMera .
Rafe : I ve been waiting a long time for this . [ Chuckles ] Huh . That s interesting . Look at the time .
Hodges : Am I keeping you ?
Rafe : No . No . No , it s just a bit of a coincidence that you want me to cuff DiMera and right at this moment , he s getting married ... to my ex - wife .
EJ : Samantha , are you okay ? Oh !
Allie : Mommy !
EJ : Hey .
Hodges : I was told you were the right man for the job , but if it s a problem--
Rafe : No . It s not a problem . Yeah , I m gon na need an arrest warrant for EJ DiMera immediately . And I will be bringing the evidence over right away . There you go . This wo nt take long .
Rafe : The judge has been waiting for this as long as I have .
Hodges : I got to take this .
Rafe : Yeah .
Hodges : Hello ? Mmm - hmm .
Rafe : Oh , God .
Rafe : Yeah ? Hey .
Jordan : Rafe .
Rafe : Yeah ?
Jordan : We have to talk .
Kate : Clyde . What can I do for you ?
Clyde : Well , I ve been thinking a lot about Tammy sue and Ollie . I mean , I think about them every day , but , you know , seeing their pictures , with them all grown up and leading their own lives and calling themselves Jordan and Ben --I do nt know . I mean , they are doing good , are nt they ?
Kate : Well , I guess you could say that .
Clyde : [ Sighs ] I do nt know . I mean , you got kids . You know how you worry .
Kate : Clyde , are you changing your mind about coming to Salem ?
Abe : Sami , sit . Somebody get the chair . Take a seat .
Sonny : Ben . Ben . Let s get the kids . We ll get some cookies inside , okay ?
EJ : You okay ? Come on , wake up . Samantha , Samantha , hey .
Sami : EJ ?
EJ : You okay ?
Will : Mom , are you okay ?
Sami : Oh , yeah , I m fine . I just feel stupid .
EJ : No .
Abigail : Here , here . Sami , here , have some water .
EJ : Yes , some water , darling .
Abigail : Just -- just sip it , okay ?
Sami : Abigail , thank you . I do nt know what we would do without you .
EJ : Sweetheart ... you ve been working far too hard , you ve been running around all day , you have nt eaten anything . You need to drink some more water . You re dehydrated .
Sami : Well , EJ , this is the biggest day of my life . I just wanted it to be special .
Lucas : Maybe fainting was your way to try to get out of it .
Sami : Lucas !
Lucas : What ? Did you faint , or did you fake it so you would nt have to marry this clown ?
Sami : [ Scoffs ]
Aiden : Let s see , um , this is a list of the local merchants that we hit up for donations for the silent auction . Could you just look that over ? Make sure I did nt miss anyone .
Hope : What a surprise . I ask you about your family , you talk about something else . Anything else .
Aiden : I just do nt like being interrogated .
Hope : Oh , believe me , you would know if you were being interrogated .
Aiden : Hmm .
Hope : I was just asking a question . Friends do do that sometimes , you know .
Aiden : Mmm - hmm .
Hope : All right , I guess we better get back to work here . Do you have any other little tasks for me to do , comrade ?
Aiden : Well , you can check this over .
Hope : This is the--
Aiden : Yeah , that s the checklist we made when we first started working together . And we both agreed to call it the impossible dream . Look at everything we ve done , hmm ? Since we ve been working as a team . May not have righted an unrightable wrong , but we are gon na put together one hell of a gala .
Clyde : Well , like I told , Kate , I think about my kids every single day , so there is a strong pull for me to go up there . You know , just to let them know that . But if I do go to Salem ...
Kate : Yeah , I know . You want it to be a surprise , right ?
Clyde : Yeah . I just want to see the look on their faces .
Rafe : Hey . I am so sorry to take off like that , but that was really high priority .
Jordan : Well , you re off duty soon , right ? I thought maybe we could--
Rafe : Look , I m sorry , but , uh , the file , like I said : High priority . So , I do nt think I m gon na be going anywhere for a while .
Jordan : Is something wrong ?
Rafe : No , no , no . Actually , uh , this could be really great .
Sami : Lucas , I did not fake it . This is just so special to me . This wedding means everything to me , and ... [ Laughs ] I guess when the moment came to say I do , it hit me how long I have waited and how much what s going to happen today means to me .
EJ : And to me as well .
Sami : Honey , you no idea .
Marlena : You know , if a miracle has nt happened , Sami will now be Mrs. EJ DiMera .
Roman : [ Sighs ] Do nt remind me .
Marlena : Yeah . One thing that strikes me as odd ...
Roman : Just one ?
Marlena : Well , yes . She did not try to twist our arms to get us to be there .
Roman : She did nt think it would work .
Marlena : No , not just us . I mean , Eric ? Your mother ? I mean , what is that ?
Sami : Sorry for all the drama .
EJ : No , please . I mean , it would nt be you if there was nt a little bit of drama .
Sami : [ Laughs ]
EJ : Samantha , you re sure you re okay ?
Sami : I m fine . And , EJ , I promise you , every day for the rest of your life I will make it so ... memorable .
Lucas : Come on . Let s go , kids . Come on .
Allie : Mommy !
Lucas : Come on , everybody .
Sami : Oh , sweetheart !
Lucas : All present and accounted for . See ? Look , mommy s fine .
Sami : See , I m okay .
Lucas : Yeah .
Sami : Let s get back to this , huh ?
Lucas : Well , for a second there , I thought Sami came to her senses . But I , more than anyone , know that s never gon na happen .
Sami : Hush . Okay , yeah , Abe , where were we ? You were gon na ask me a question . Go for it .
Abe : [ Chuckles ] Samantha , do you come to this union of your own free will , with the intention of being faithful in marriage to Elvis for as long as you both shall live ?
Sami : I do .
Abe : Samantha and Elvis have written their own vows .
Sami : Right . EJ , you are my love . You are my life . I know sometimes I make you crazy , but whenever I try your patience , you always wait for me to see what you already know : That our love is so very special . Even when so many people around us questioned it , and they still do , you stand firm . Even I had doubts . And though at times I wavered , you never did . It is that steadfast commitment that showed me that what we share is so precious , and that I am the luckiest woman on the planet to have your love . I do nt deserve what you ve done for me . And I promise to commit the entirety of my body , my heart , and my soul to give you all you truly deserve .
EJ : I am , um , speechless . Which I know is not appropriate for the occasion . I am so very grateful to have you as my partner , Samantha . You re fearless in business and life and love . And I regret the days that I have nt matched your courage . But I know that this is the beginning of our happily ever after . And I strive to be your equal . To give as good as I get , all the rest of the days of our lives .
Roman : [ Sighs ] What a horrible day .
Marlena : I m glad I have you to gripe to .
Roman : Back at you . And just know you will always have me for that .
Marlena : [ Chuckles ]
Giselle : Roman .
Marlena : Well -- oh .
Giselle : Is this a bad time ?
Hope : It looks like the to do list is almost too done .
Aiden : Against almost impossible odds , the duo persevered . They booked the venue , they hired the caterer--
Hope : And they ordered the helium balloons and the St. Luke school colors .
Aiden : Yes , in a word , they triumphed . If there ever was a moment that called for a high five , this was it .
Hope : Whoo !
Louis : Oh , this looks like a celebration .
Aiden : Ah , father Louis .
Louis : [ Chuckles ]
Aiden : Our work here is done . Everything for the gala : Covered .
Louis : Oh , you mean you found an mc .
Aiden : Hmm ? An mc ?
Louis : Well , we ca nt have a gala without one .
Clyde : Well , I had a feeling that you d understand that I need to handle all this my own way .
Kate : I do understand that .
Clyde : But I ll let you know what I decide , one way or the other .
Kate : Well , I hope it all works out for you .
Clyde : Oh , it will , thanks to you .
Rafe : It means the world to me that you want to tell me about your past , it s just , uh , it s gon na crazy here soon .
Jordan : No , I understand . We ll talk when you re off duty .
Rafe : Okay , okay . And also , I want you to know whatever it is that you tell me , it s not gon na change our future . I promise . Okay ?
Rafe : [ Sighs ] I m sorry . Hernandez . Why not ? All right , I ll be right over .
Jordan : Okay , I m going . It looks like you have a lot on your plate .
Rafe : Yeah , okay . I will , uh , I ll call you as soon as I m done .
Jordan : Okay , bye .
Rafe : Okay , bye .
Hodges : Hey .
Rafe : Hi .
Hodges : Ready to go ?
Rafe : Uh , no . No , there s a holdup with the warrant .
Hodges : What ?
Rafe : Yeah , I do nt know what . It s just , uh , I hope DiMera s not one step ahead of us .
Abe : The rings that EJ and Sami are about to exchange are vows as powerful and binding as the ones they just spoke . They are symbols of commitment and of EJ and Sami s fidelity to each other .
Abigail : Ooh ! [ Gasps ] Oh , my God . I m sorry .
Sami : Oh , stuff happens . For God s sake , do nt feel guilty . Um , okay , where were we ? Uh , oh , right . [ Laughs ] I ll go first . EJ , with this ring ... I thee we d .
EJ : Samantha ... with this ring ... I thee we d .
Abe : And now , by the power vested in me , I pronounce you husband and wife . EJ , you may kiss your bride .
Sami : [ Laughs ]
Sami : Abigail , this day is so special to me . I hope -- I hope it has special meaning for you too .
Abigail : Yeah , it -- it does , Sami , because , uh ... because you two belong together .
Sami : Bless you for saying that . I hope someday I can repay you for what you ve done . All you ve done . EJ , this day is perfect , is nt it ? Did you thank Abigail ? Say thank you ! Give her a hug !
EJ : Of course , there we go .
Sami : Right .
Sonny : I think Abigail s stealing some of Sami s thunder . She looks really beautiful . But I guess you already noticed that .
Will : Hey , Sonny , why do nt you take some pictures ?
Sonny : I will . And I will get some of Abigail for you .
Ben : Thank you .
EJ : Okay .
Abe : May I extend congratulations ?
Sami : Oh , um , hey , Lucas , here .
Lucas : And I was beginning to think you were nt gon na go through with it . Thanks .
Sami : Are you kidding me ? There s nothing that s gon na stop me from marrying EJ .
Lucas : Well , compared to all your other weddings , I think this went pretty smooth . Except I never thought of you as the fainting type .
Sami : I was overcome with emotion .
Lucas : With what ?
Sami : I was excited .
Abe : You about ready ?
Lucas : Yeah , yeah , I am . Um , as requested , we re gon na take the kids to the arcade . Get them out of your hair . And , uh , yeah . Should be fun .
Sami : Thank you .
Abe : I ll start herding them up .
Sami : Oh , Abe , um , thank you for performing the ceremony . It meant a lot to me , and it was -- it was beautiful .
Abe : I hope you ll be happy , Sami .
Sami : You do nt sound like you think I will be .
Abe : What I think does nt matter .
Sami : Well , anyway ...
EJ : [ Clears throat ] Uh , Lucas , I , um , I just wanted to thank you for coming .
Lucas : Yeah , nothing like having the ex - husband here to round out the guest list , right ?
Sami : [ Chuckles ]
Lucas : Well , see you later .
Abe : All right , what do you guys say ?
All : Congratulations !
Abe : [ Chuckles ]
Johnny : Can we go now ?
EJ : Yes , go .
Johnny : Yay !
EJ : I ll save you some cake .
Johnny : Yay .
Lucas : Oh , wonderful . Sugar . They ll be up all night . Lucky me . Well , have a nice marriage .
EJ : Well , he almost sounded like he meant it . You know what , though ? We will .
Abigail : [ Clears throat ] I m gon na get going too to go to my brother s graduation , so--
Sami : Nonsense . You still have plenty of time , do nt you ? I mean , this party is going to be one that you will remember forever .
Sami : Oh , that sounds like our cue , groom . Uh , can you hold this for me ?
Abigail : Yeah , sure .
Sami : Thank you . It s just like what you said , EJ . This is the beginning of our happily ever after .
Aiden : So ... do you have Tina Fey s number ?
Hope : Do I look like I have Tina Fey s number ?
Aiden : Mmm . Guess we re gon na have to check out mc . Com then .
Hope : I guess we re gon na have to get serious and figure this out .
Aiden : [ Sighs ] All right , well , you know what ? No worries . No worries , because I know people ... who know people .
Giselle : Roman , darling . Did you forget about our date ?
Marlena : Oh , your date ?
Giselle : Yes , we re going to the gala together , so we need to make some plans .
Marlena : Oh , I see .
Giselle : I do hope you re going , Marlena . To the gala , I mean . Who s your date ?
Marlena : Oh , well , um , I m going alone .
Giselle : Oh .
Marlena : Yeah . Well , I thought of blackmailing someone to go with me , but that just seems so tacky .
Giselle : I wish I could say join us , but I ca nt . We do nt have a seat for an odd woman .
Marlena : Well , I think there was a rule about having one odd woman per table . Anyway , roman , you can mail me your , uh , your gambling debt .
Roman : Ah , Marlena , one second , okay ? Hang on . Excuse me .
Will : Dance with me ?
Abigail : Oh , is that one of your duties as best man ?
Will : Well , that and also to thank you for all of your help for this wedding . It s been great for my mom .
Abigail : I was glad to help .
Will : Well , glad for it to be over , too , I m sure . More than once I have seen her take over someone s life .
Abigail : Yeah , I just , uh , I still have no idea why it was me .
Sami : Hi , sorry to interrupt , but I really want to dance with will , the best man . And it is tradition for the groom to dance with the maid of honor .
EJ : Well , I--
Sami : So , you ll have such fun dancing with EJ . He has the best moves . Come on .
Will : Oh , okay . Are -- are -- are you all right ?
Sami : What do you mean ? Yeah , I m -- I just passed out , you know ? Just a little faint . I m fine .
Will : You seem a little wired .
Sami : I m just excited . Today I get everything I want .
EJ : You know , um ... [ Clears throat ] Ben , I think Abigail would much rather dance with you than dance with an old man like me . And I d much rather dance with my wife .
Ben : Mmm . I m happy to oblige . More than happy .
EJ : Thank you . Would you mind if I just cut in here for a moment ?
EJ : Thank you .
Sonny : Will ... I ve been waiting for my turn .
Will : [ Chuckles ]
Sonny : You know , I do nt care what anyone says . I think straight people have every right to get married .
Will : Well , God knows that my mom has exercised that right many times .
Sonny : Well , maybe this time she found the perfect person . Just like I found the perfect person .
Abigail : So , are nt you glad I roped you into this ?
Ben : Right now ? Very glad .
Sami : Abigail seems really happy . She seems , I do nt know , calm with that guy and ... he seems like he s really into her . He looks at her like she s just about perfect .
EJ : I do nt want to talk about Abigail . Let s talk about you . I - I m so sorry you did nt get your grand moment . You know , the wedding of your dreams .
Sami : Who says I did nt ?
EJ : I mean , this is lovely , but it s small . The most important thing , though , is that you and I are married ...
EJ : And there is nothing my father can do about it .
Sami : And you know what else ? I have a funny feeling that our grand moments-- they re gon na come . What the hell ?
EJ : [ Clears throat ] Looks like he decided to accept our invitation after all .
Sami : [ Chuckles ] Yeah .
EJ : Rafe ! So glad you could make it . You re a little bit , uh , late . We , uh , already did the deed . Um , who s your -- who s your handsome date ?
Rafe : Well , that s , uh , Agent Hodges from the state tax bureau . And you ... are under arrest .
Sami : What ? EJ ... What are you doing ? Is this your idea of a joke , Rafe ?
Hodges : It s no joke . Mr. DiMera has been avoiding state taxes for the last four years .
Sami : What ?
EJ : This is ridiculous .
Rafe : Oh , well . Let s see if the judge thinks so .
Sami : No , no . You are not doing this , Rafe . You are not doing this to me on today of all days .
Sami : No !
Rafe : Sami ...
Roman : Look , I just wanted you to know , will is going to keep us in the loop about the wedding . Everything s gon na be fine . Sami s tough , just like her mom .
Marlena : You re right . Mmm . [ British accent ] Good luck with your date . Thanks for the card game .
Roman : Anytime . Bye .
Giselle : Exes can be so tedious , ca nt they ? But you re so sweet with her , even when she acts all clingy . And speaking of clingy , wait till you see the dress I found .
Lucas : What is with you ? What s so important ? I was about to score my personal best in mole whacking .
Kate : Okay . I tracked down Jordan s father .
Lucas : Whoa , save it . I do nt want to hear it , okay ? I told you : Her past is private .
Kate : Really ?
Lucas : Yeah .
Kate : Really ? Rafe should nt know who he s involved with ? What secrets this woman is hiding ?
Lucas : Do you listen to yourself ? Do you ever hear yourself talk ? You are the most , I do nt know , secretive , devious , manipulative woman on the face of the planet .
Kate : Okay , well , I ve never pretended that my brother was nt my brother .
Lucas : What ?
Kate : That young man , Ben , who works at Sonny s club ? That s her brother .
Lucas : Why would she keep that a secret ?
Kate : Exactly . It s a good question . Who knows what else she s hiding ?
Lucas : Well , you re not gon na suck me into this , okay ? Cause I saw that guy , Ben , at the wedding and he was cool . He was helping out with the kids and everything .
Kate : W - w - w - wait . You were at EJ and Sami s wedding ?
Lucas : Yes , I was .
Kate : Huh . So how did that go ? Any surprises ?
Lucas : Like what ?
Kate : Gee , I do nt know . Locusts ? Sexually explicit videos ? Semi - automatic weapons ?
Lucas : No , nothing . Whole thing went off without a hitch . Except , Sami did faint .
Kate : She fainted ? Is that all ?
Lucas : Yeah . Yeah , that was it . She fainted , she got up , they started dancing , said their vows , and that was it . Everyone seemed pretty happy . It was nt like a Salem wedding at all .
Hodges : Maam ...
Rafe : Get out of my way .
Sami : I can not believe you are doing this to me ! Ah ! Look , you know what ? It s just sad . It s actually just pathetic and sad that you would be so jealous that you would stoop to doing something this petty and -- and vindictive .
Rafe : Well , I did nt come up with the stack of evidence against him . I did nt file the warrant . I am just doing my job .
Sami : Really ?
Rafe : Yeah .
Sami : Really ? And it s just a coincidence that it happens to be on today ? Today , of all days .
Rafe : Well , today is the day that he s finally going to pay .
EJ : Do nt give him the satisfaction , Samantha . Let s go .
Rafe : Yeah .
Sami : No !
EJ : I love you .
Sami : I love you . Give me that !
Ben : Are you all right ? You look kind of pale .
Abigail : Yeah , I - I - I just ca nt believe what happened .
Ben : I ll tell you one thing : The way Mrs. DiMera just went after Rafe , I sure would nt want her mad at me .
Sonny : Do you want me to call my dad ?
Sami : EJ s a lawyer . He ll know what to do and who to call . I just have to get down to the station . I have to be with him . Abigail ... I just want to thank you for being a true friend and being by my side . I guess there s no point in throwing this anyway , and you re the only person to catch it and ... well , I guess that means you re next . You did it !
Aiden : [ Groans ] All this work ... total waste of time .
Hope : Ten minutes ago , we were on top of the world . Nothing was gon na stop us .
Aiden : Well , ten minutes ago , I thought father Louis had an mc lined up . Ten minutes ago , I did nt know we needed a charismatic , charming celebrity who would work for free . [ Groans ]
Marlena : Really ? What about , uh , Patti Stanger ?
Hope : Hey -- hey , Marlena .
Marlena : Hi , honey .
Hope : Hi .
Aiden : Right , like I could just call Patti Stanger and say , hi , would you mind coming to Salem to perform for free ? I wish .
Marlena : Well , I could call her for you , I suppose .
Hope : Really ?
Marlena : Yeah , I m just -- I m never sure what time zone she s in . Hold on .
Aiden : Wha--
Marlena : Uh , hi . It s Dr. Marlena Evans . Is she arou-- yes , it s mar . Okay , thank you .
Aiden : [ Whispers ] Mar ?
Hope : Mar ?
Marlena : Do nt , do nt , do nt . Shut up ! You were not just thinking about me . [ Laughs ] Yeah -- no -- lis-- listen , I m busy . I have to ask you something . It s a very big favor . Are you sitting down ?
Will : I know mom and EJ are not angels , but they did not deserve this .
Abigail : Saying EJ is nt an angel is a bit of an understatement , do nt you think ? You know , maybe it is time for EJ to pay for what he s done .
Will : So you just assume he s guilty ?
Abigail : He s a DiMera . They usually are .
Sonny : I do nt think this is the time or place to be having this discussion .
Abigail : I m sorry . You re right . You re right . Sami did nt deserve this .
Ben : I think Abigail s just upset . She did all this planning and wanted everything to be perfect .
Abigail : I m sorry . I - I did nt mean to snap at you like that , will . I m just ... wait , I - I m sorry . Do you know what time it is ? I have to go to my brother s graduation at--
Ben : You know , I ll drive you over there .
Abigail : Okay .
Ben : We ll see you guys later .
Abigail : I m really sorry .
Will : [ Sighs ]
Sonny : You okay ?
Will : Well , why should this wedding be any different from the others ? Let s just get Ari and go home .
Lucas : Whoa , whoa . Wait a minute . I guess I left too soon . EJ was arrested at the wedding . Mom , I got to go . I got to get the kids somewhere before this goes public .
Kate : Did it say what he got charged with ?
Lucas : Yeah , I think with state tax evasion .
Kate : Nicely done , Sami . Nicely done .
EJ : You know , I really ca nt believe you d be this petty , detective Hernandez . State taxes ? What kind of penny - ante charge is that , hmm ?
Rafe : Well , if you would like to confess to something more impressive , I m all ears .
Hodges : I m afraid it s not penny - ante , Mr. DiMera . Punishable by penalties , interests , and up to ten years in a state penitentiary . Sooner or later , everyone pays .
EJ : Yeah , well , you enjoy your moment , gentlemen . Because it wo nt last . Trust me , this is a minor inconvenience .
Rafe : I am enjoying it . The way I see it , any day you re behind bars is a good day for me .
Sami : What about my day ? Did you really have to do everything you possibly could to ruin this day for me , you son of a bitch ?
Rafe : Well , just to be clear , I do nt give a damn about you ... or him or your , um , special day . But I am glad that the kids did nt have to see their dad carted off in cuffs . Although , I m sure it s just a matter of time before they see you for the man you really are .
Sami : Well , let me be clear about something . I know you both better than anyone else does , and EJ is a better man than you will ever hope to be !
Kate : Hey , Jordan . I must say , you seem to be in a better place than last time I saw you .
Jordan : I am , and you do nt have to worry about Rafe anymore .
Kate : Ah , does that mean the two of you worked things out ?
Jordan : Let s just say whatever concerns you had about him , you can put them aside .
Kate : That s great .
Jordan : If you ll excuse me .
Kate : I sure will , Tammy sue .
Clyde : Is this all you have on Kate Roberts ?
Jeremiah : I thought that was a lot , myself .
Clyde : Well , I guess you re right then . So , after we finish our latest transaction here , I m going on a little trip . Got some unfinished business ... in Salem .
Abigail : Thank you , uh , for the ride . Sorry I have to rush off . But maybe we can finish that dance on a more sane day .
Ben : Mmm . I m gon na hold you to that .
Abigail : Okay .
Ben : You are the most beautiful maid of honor I have ever seen .
Marlena : Please remember , it is a catholic school , okay ? So there will be children there . [ Laughs ] [ Laughs ] No , you ca nt do that . Hey , listen . One more thing . Thank you . Okay , bye . All righty , it s all set .
Aiden : Oh ! Thank you ! Thank you ! Oh ! Will you marry me ?
Marlena : Wow , ask me again later .
Aiden : Oh , my good-- this is so great for the kids , the school , the community , and I get to rub father Louis nose in it . Thank you ! Thank you !
Marlena : [ Laughs ]
Hope : He s a little competitive .
Marlena : He is adorable .
Hope : Thank you . Thank you
Marlena : Are you kidding ? And I wish all problems were as easy to solve as that .
Sami : EJ has made mistakes . Who has nt ? But he has learned from them , and he is a good man .
Rafe : Who did nt pay his taxes .
Sami : This is nt about taxes , and you know it . This is about the fact that EJ makes me happy . That he puts me first , that he always thinks about me and does whatever he can for me . You think you ruined my wedding . Well , you did nt . EJ gave me exactly what he promised me : My dream wedding . Because today I married the man of my dreams .
Rafe : Right . That s a nice dress , by the way .
Sami : It was , EJ . It was my dream wedding .
EJ : He did nt do this on his own . Detective Hernandez , he had help . God , I ca nt believe I did nt see this coming ! All the signs point to one person , and I know exactly who that person is .
### Summary:
| Sami pictured EJ being with Abby before she said her vows . Hope wanted to know about Aiden s family . Hodges told Rafe that EJ was wanted for tax evasion . Sami passed out during the ceremony . Rafe did nt have a problem arresting EJ . Jordan wanted to talk to Rafe when he was about to leave . Clyde called Kate to check on Jordan and Ben . Kate wondered if he changed his mind about coming to Salem . Lucas wondered if Sami faked fainting to get out of marrying EJ . Aiden changed the subject when Hope wanted to know about his family . Clyde said he wanted to surprise Jordan and Ben . Sami denied faking her fainting spell . She said she wanted to marry EJ . Sami read her vows to EJ . Jordan wanted to tell Rafe about her past , but he could nt hear it yet . Rafe could nt arrest EJ yet because there was a problem with the warrant . One of the priests told Hope and Aiden that they needed an MC for the gala . EJ and Sami got married . Sami thanked Abby for everything she did and wanted to repay her . Lucas and Sami talked after the ceremony . Lucas was still suspicious of her fainting . Abby wanted to leave , but Sami talked her into staying . Giselle showed up while Roman and Marlena bonded . Marlena appeared jealous . Sami wanted EJ and Abby to dance with each other . Rafe showed up at the wedding with Agent Hodges . Rafe arrested EJ . Sami gave Abby her bouquet and told her she was next . Sami left to be with EJ . Lucas and Kate found out EJ was arrested . Lucas went to get the kids . Kate congratulated Sami ( to herself ) on what she did . Sami was upset that Rafe ruined her day by arresting EJ . Clyde had Kate investigated . He planned on going to Salem to see his kids . Marlena was able to get an MC for the gala . Sami continued to yell at Rafe for arresting EJ . Rafe walked away . EJ believed that Rafe had help getting him arrested . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Steffy : [ Sniffles ] Meant to be ? Bill , you and I , [ Sniffles ] We are not meant to be .
Bill : I m telling you how i feel . But I will do the right thing . My relationship with my son ... it s older than time , the dance of dna through the ages . I will honor it . I will be a good and loyal father .
Steffy : If he ll let you .
Bill : Do nt do what you re thinking of doing , steffy . Nothing good will come from liam knowing about that night .
Steffy : At first you were shocked I did nt tell him . What s the difference now ?
Bill : You are . Remember the first time we were wrapped up in each other , before marriages and bloodlines pushed us to our separate corners ? But then we made love .
Steffy : Bill , stop calling it that .
Bill : I canT. I wonT. If you want to be in denial about it , fine . We ll -- we ll go back to the way things were . We ll keep the lie going with liam . But I ca nt lie to myself , and i ca nt lie to you about what it meant to finally be with you that night .
Liam : Uh , can I get you some more coffee or tea maybe or --
Sally : No , really , i should -- I should definitely get going .
Liam : Okay , well , I mean , i also have peanuts . I have , uh , peanuts and --
Sally : Are you trying to be a good host or you testing me for allergies ?
Liam : [ Chuckles ] I -- yeah . I m trying really hard not to do anything that could be taken as a brush - off while patiently waiting for you to give me some clue as to why you re here . I mean , you re having doubts about us helping spectra get back on their feet , I completely understand that .
Sally : No . No , no , no . Not at all . I mean , your father made that promise in front of way too many witnesses at thanksgiving .
Liam : Uh , so ...
Sally : So ... I am about to embarrass myself again . Fancy that .
Coco : Is nt that too many ?
Darlita : How many does shirley usually deal out ?
Coco : I do nt want to learn poker from grams . She cheats . I just really want to be able to play when R.J. Wants to .
Darlita : [ Sneezes ]
Coco : Do you have allergies ? Is it the cushions ?
Darlita : Remember when your sister and liam went to the hospital for swallowing all that demolition dust ?
Coco : Yeah , how could i forget ? What ? You think we have dust ?
Darlita : No . It s just kind of sad and beautiful that now they both have spectra stuck in their internal organs forever . It s kind of like a little love story all on its own . Would nt it be terrible if liam s wife was lost at sea in a tragic boating accident ?
Coco : [ Chuckles ] Steffy s my boss . We do nt wish that on her .
Darlita : No , of course not . But last night , I saw a show where a woman was swept out to sea and then rescued by a beautiful island boy . And they fell in love .
Coco : I do nt really see steffy with an island boy .
Darlita : Whatever . If steffy was gone , liam would be magnetically drawn to the woman who shares his demolition dust .
Sally : This may be a bad idea , and totally none of my business . But you and steffy seemed really happy on thanksgiving . And I know people put up a front sometimes , you know , on special occasions or in front of family , and I just want to make sure that ... I m really not saying this right .
Liam : No , you re doing fine .
Sally : Just that things really are okay . Yes , I know you guys said you renewed your vows . And that s great , you know . But that could have been ...
Liam : Desperation .
Sally : I just really do nt like when people break things and walk away . I m just really relieved to know that I did nt do that .
Steffy : I should nt have come here .
Bill : But you did . I m not asking you for anything .
Steffy : No ?
Bill : You feel what you feel , and that s your business , even if you do nt know what it is . I understand that this is killing you . But you better think very carefully before you do what you re thinking of doing to my son .
Steffy : What ? Being an honest wife to my husband ? I ca nt leave liam and come running to you , so can you just get that thought out of your head ?
Bill : So you say . But be too honest a wife to him , and he ll leave you .
Steffy : No . No , you re wrong .
Bill : I m not . Do nt make any decisions until you re more emotionally in control .
Steffy : Liam will forgive me !
Bill : It s too much to expect .
Steffy : One mistake is not gon na end the marriage , but a lie ? A lie will ! Just give it time !
Bill : Lying to each other is the price of happiness , and we all willingly pay it .
Steffy : Well , maybe that s true for you .
Bill : You re lying to yourself right now . There was nothing indecent about what happened between us .
Steffy : You re my father - in - law , bill .
Bill : Yes . But there was a time for us when I wasnT. Look , you want to stay married , I m not going to fight you on your decision . But I m not gon na let you paint what happened between us as something that was without goodness or caring ... or love .
Steffy : [ Voice breaking ] I wish it never happened .
Bill : That s a wish I ca nt share .
Steffy : Well , I m sorry . I - I ca nt listen to this right now .
Bill : I have a stake in this , too . Liam and I just reconciled . You tell him , and I will lose my son .
Steffy : And you deserve to ! Bill , I ... I have to tell him . He deserves to know . I do nt know how he s gon na react , so just be prepared for anything .
Liam : Uh , well , thanks for -- thanks for stopping by .
Sally : Thank you for not slamming the door in my face .
Liam : [ Chuckles ] Yeah .
Sally : It s a shame .
Liam : What ?
Sally : That we ca nt be friends .
Liam : We can be frien-- wait . What are we , then ?
Sally : I mean , we re not gon na be hanging out together . You and steffy are not gon na have me over for pizza and beer and bowl games , and we re gon na be very aware of who s watching us whenever we do run into each other .
Liam : I mean , yeah , okay . It ll be like that for a minute , but in time --
Sally : In time , the things that brought us together are no longer gon na be there . Look , it s okay . It s how it has to be . But I do make this promise to you . If you need me for any reason at all , I will be there , and I do not give a damn who knows it .
Coco : How about jacks ? Do you have any jacks ?
Darlita : Go fish .
Coco : [ Scoffs ] I ca nt really concentrate on cards .
Darlita : Yeah , me either . Is sally gon na come home brokenhearted ?
Coco : Well , how else can it go ? When you care about someone , you want them to have what they want , and sally knows that what liam wants is nt her .
Steffy : I ca nt do it , bill . I ca nt keep this secret any longer .
Bill : Yes , you can . You re a strong woman . We made a pact , steffy .
Steffy : I know ! But it s wrong ! I m not being honest with my husband .
Liam : Just have graphics come up with something . Okay . Uh , cool . Okay , bye . Hey . You re home .
Steffy : Are you working ?
Liam : Uh , not breaking any productivity records , but , uh , yeah . You okay ?
Steffy : No .
Liam : Something happen at work ?
Steffy : I did nt make it to work .
Liam : Oh . Well , what , then ? You -- you look not yourself .
Steffy : Hypocrisy will do that to you .
Sally : Please tell me you did nt let grams come over and trounce you in blackjack .
Coco : [ Chuckles ] No . Darlita came by . Hey , I - I might have told her some personal things that she kind of already guessed .
Sally : Coco , my life is an open book to you and you alone .
Coco : I know . I m sorry . I m sorry , but she wo nt say anything . You know how much she adores you and stories involving kisses . Hey , was liam happy to see you ?
Sally : Well , he did nt slam the door in my face . But you should see his house . It is on a cliff in malibu .
Coco : Did you run into steffy ?
Sally : No . No . I m trying to avoid trouble . I just -- I wanted to go over there to make sure that they actually were okay , and ... they are . I do nt know if liam was happy to see me , but he s happy . Maybe even happier than before , cause it sounds like the wife that came home to him was a new and improved steffy , if you can imagine that .
Steffy : This is gon na haunt me for the rest of my life .
Bill : It ll haunt you even more knowing coming clean cost you your marriage .
Liam : I know it may seem like hypocrisy , but I had no idea she was coming over .
Steffy : Who ?
Liam : Sally . And I had every intention of telling you , I promise .
Steffy : I m not worried about you and sally .
Liam : Oh . Why am I a hypocrite ?
Steffy : No , you re not . [ Sighs ] What did she want ?
Liam : Uh , well , you did nt work her over with brass knuckles at thanksgiving , so she thought something was wrong . I mean , you know how people are . They -- they do something they feel guilty about . They expect to be punished . Maybe they even insist on it , think it s gon na make them feel better . Maybe it does , maybe it doesnT. But ...
Steffy : Well , she s out of luck , because my brass knuckles are at the cleaners .
Liam : Well , she had you on a pedestal before . Now you might go from princess to empress .
Steffy : I m just sick of people looking at me like that .
Liam : Yeah , well , it s your fault . Stop being so amazing . You know every time you pass someone in the hallway at forrester , they fall in love with you . Hell , I fall in love with you every time you walk through the -- okay , you are really unhappy about something .
Steffy : It s just so crazy how everything can just change . Just a few words and what you had is just ... it s gone .
Liam : Who s gone ? Who s gone ? I m not gone . Steffy . Whatever it is , you know you can -- you can tell me , right ? I mean , it ca nt be that bad .
Sally : Have you ever gotten the sense that life is trying to give you a clue about what your future might be ?
Coco : You mean like a horoscope ?
Sally : No , like ... I ve always known that I never needed a man to make me happy . But these past few months , i have been really torn up about first thomas and now liam , and I -- honestly , I could not have picked up the pieces without you . But I just finally realized that the next time I let a man into my life , I know exactly what he has to be like .
Coco : I just -- I think you ve got it bad .
Sally : No , coco . No . I have got it great . Look , there were things that i thought I saw in thomas that were nt really there , you know , and that s not his fault . It happens . But I just do nt think I m ever gon na make that mistake again because now I know what to look for . And you do nt have to be sad for me . I m not . Liam has brought nothing but good into my life , and now i know the person I have to be to deserve a man like that . Someone who never gives up .
Coco : Sally , you already are .
Sally : I just want to be stronger , you know ? I want to be someone who never gives up , no matter how bad things are . I mean , do you really think that steffy s like , oh , I ca nt be who you want me to be , so I m just gon na give up ?
Coco : Maybe when nobody s listening .
Bill : The truth is that you and I are more alike than you and liam will ever be . We belong together . We have always belonged together . And deep down inside , you know that .
Liam : Okay , I m gon na -- I m gon na make you some tea .
Steffy : No , no , no , wait , wait , wait , wait , wait , wait , wait , wait . I ca nt waste any more time .
Liam : Before what ?
Steffy : [ Sniffles ] [ Voice breaking ] I just do nt want you to forget . I want you to love me .
Liam : Okay , steffy , you re -- you re really scaring me .
Steffy : I m scaring myself , too , but I just c-- I ca nt help it .
Liam : Are you sick ? Are you sick ?
Steffy : No .
Liam : Well , cause you left for a little bit . You came back , and you re crying and you re shaking .
Steffy : You want me to pretend , but I ca nt pretend anymore !
Liam : I know . I know . I get it . This is about -- you feel trapped .
Steffy : Yes .
Liam : You feel like you had no choice , right ? I knew -- god , I knew I would screw that up .
Steffy : No , no , no , no , no , no ! No , it s not you ! It s not you !
Liam : No , I m not even talking about breaking our marriage vows . I m talking about what I tried to do to make up for it .
Steffy : It s not about sally !
Liam : Springing that whole vow - renewal thing on you .
Steffy : What ?
Liam : Yeah , I totally sprung that on you . You had no choice . You felt like you had to say yes , right ? Well , maybe you did nt actually want to stay married .
Steffy : No , of course I do !
Liam : I m trying to sweep it under the rug cause that s what the guilty party always wants to do .
Steffy : That s -- that s exactly what I felt . Like , I - I felt like I had to pretend ! I just ca nt pretend anymore !
Liam : I am so sorry . I am so sorry .
Steffy : Can you just let me finish ?
Liam : No , but the thing is , I - I thought --
Steffy : I just ca nt let you forget , okay ? ! I just ca nt let you forget .
Liam : What do you want me to do ?
Steffy : Just ... just love me .
Liam : Steffy , you -- you have that . You will always have that . I m just trying to figure out how to make amends .
Steffy : No , this is nt about you ! This is nt about you .
Liam : Okay , then what is it ? You have to tell me , and you have to tell me now , because i am not gon na sit here and watch you like this anymore .
Steffy : It s about your father .
### Summary:
| Steffy corrects Bill ; they are not meant to be . Bill says okay then he will be a good and loyal father and respect his son s marriage . But he remembers the first time they got wrapped up in each other before bloodlines and relationships interfered . And he can not lie to himself or to her about their times together . Liam tells Sally that she is taking this brush - off pretty well considering . Darlita tells Coco that it is sort of like a little love story on its own that now both Liam and Sally have the Spectra dust in their systems . If Steffy were gone he would be automatically drawn to that women who he shared so much with . Bill tells Steffy that he is not asking for anything . She can walk away as he understands this is killing her . But she needs to think twice about telling Liam . He is not going to let her paint what they had without goodness and caring . She says he deserves to lose his son . Liam deserves to know so just be prepared for anything . Sally says goodbye and thanks Liam for not slamming the door in her face . He says they are friends . She says she knows but she also knows they are not going to be hanging out together and that is okay . She does make this promise that if he needs her at all she will be there and she does nt care who knows . Steffy goes home and Liam asks if she is okay . She says no . He says she is not acting like herself . She replies hypocrisy will do that . He tells her first about Sally coming over and now Steffy has been elevated from princess to Empress . But he can see that she is really unhappy about something so just tell him . Whatever it is she can tell him . It can not be that bad . Sally tells Coco that Liam seems even happier than before . His wife came home and sounds like a new and improved wife . Sally says this time she knows what to look for . She learned her mistakes with Thomas and then Liam . She wants to be strong like Steffy and never give up . Bill can not stop thinking about his night with Steffy and how they were meant to be . Liam reaches out to Steffy and she pushes him away and wo nt let him touch her . She cries that she can not help herself . He asks if she is sick . She says no but she can not pretend anymore . He thinks he knows that she must feel trapped . He put that whole renewal vows on her without giving her a chance to say no . She cries out that she can not forget . He wants to know what she wants him to do . She replies just love her . He says he does . She cries out this has to do with his father . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Liam : You re not telling me anything I do nt already know .
Brooke : Then do something about it .
Liam : [ Scoffs ] I will .
Brooke : When ? Steffy s back from Paris , and she s gon na be here any moment . I know you and Hope have been spending time together and you ve gotten a lot closer . Let me ask you something . Do you love my daughter any less than you did when you married her in Italy ?
Liam : No .
Brooke : Okay . Well , that should tell you something . You were robbed . You were lied to , both of you . But now that is in the past , and you can make a fresh start . You re not tied to Steffy in any way . Just let her go .
Taylor : I felt something .
Steffy : Mom , come on . I ve only been pregnant for a minute .
Taylor : How s your morning sickness ?
Steffy : Mm . Comes and goes .
Taylor : You re telling Liam tonight ?
Steffy : That s the plan . So , uh , Thomas , vice president -- when did that happen ?
Taylor : Oh , uh , right when he was about to go to Paris .
Steffy : How does the president feel about that ?
Taylor : Really is nt Rick s decision . It s Eric s .
Steffy : Well , I guess they re gon na have to learn to work together .
Taylor : Yes , collaboration is the key to happiness .
Steffy : Wow , look at you all feisty .
Taylor : Yeah , while you were gone , good times .
Steffy : Really ?
Taylor : Yeah . It s one thing when they re attacking me , but when they start messing with my children ... I m telling you that Hope has not stopped pursuing Liam . And we know that Rick is going to be very upset when he finds out that Thomas is not going . I really would hate to think that all this ill will is being spurred on by their mother .
Rick : I thought the budget projections for all our lines were supposed to be on Dad s desk this morning .
Hope : They were nt e - mailed to you ?
Rick : No . Do you think he s not done reviewing it yet ?
Hope : I do nt know . Hey , what is this I m hearing about Thomas becoming vice president ?
Rick : Oh , yeah . Dad s idea . Bad idea . I ll live with it .
Hope : Okay , great . Now we have sister and brother to deal with .
Rick : And mother .
Hope : Taylor .
Rick : Yeah , you should have seen her earlier when she was fighting for little Tommy like she was some mother lioness . I m pretty sure that s why he suddenly became V.P. Hey , how are you doing ?
Hope : It s moving day .
Rick : What ?
Hope : [ Laughs ]
Rick : Who s moving and where ?
Hope : Steffy s coming back , and hopefully she s moving out .
Rick : Steffy s back from Paris ?
Hope : As of today , yes .
Rick : And Liam s telling her to move out ?
Hope : I ve asked him to .
Rick : Do you think he will ?
Hope : We ve been seeing a lot of each other .
Rick : So , are things back to the way that they used to be ?
Hope : They re getting there . They re getting there .
Rick : All right , then , that s great . Fantastic .
Hope : Yeah , we ll see .
Rick : You seem pretty calm .
Hope : Well , I know what Liam and I have . So does Liam . It was strong enough to get us to the altar once , and I think now it s even better .
Rick : Well , then , it s a slam dunk .
Hope : No . I would nt say that , not necessarily . He has had a lot of time with Steffy . I know that he cares about her . She s a very worthy adversary , even though I have tried to make him see that there s nothing tying them together and there s no reason why he and I ca nt have a fresh start .
Taylor : Thomas has his work cut out for him . You , on the other hand ...
Steffy : This is nt a done deal , Mom .
Taylor : You re carrying his baby .
Steffy : I know , but ...
Taylor : But what ?
Steffy : I do nt want him staying with me just because I m pregnant .
Taylor : What are you talking about ? You re already living together . Wha-- is there a problem ?
Steffy : No . Things just changed for Hope and Liam when they found out about all the lies and all the things that messed them up .
Taylor : Changed how ?
Steffy : You ca nt expect something like that not to make some kind of impact . They have been through a lot .
Taylor : Has Liam been pulling away ?
Steffy : No . He loves me as much as he ever has , and I m counting on that .
Brooke : If you re worried about Steffy --
Liam : Actually , I was thinking about Hope . Cause you ve -- you ve raised an incredible daughter , Brooke . But so has Taylor . They re both strong . They re both independent . It s not just one amazing woman . It s two .
Hope : What ?
Rick : Liam and Steffy ... never should have been an issue .
Hope : I know .
Rick : It s all because of me and my stupidity .
Hope : [ Sighs ] Well , it was stupid ... but it was nt all you . Bill made a pretty sizable contribution .
Rick : The wedding in Italy .
Hope : Yeah . You know , a girl dreams about a wedding like that . It s -- its high - school - fantasy stuff -- flying to the most romantic spot in the world , the kites flying over us , the people in the town singing and celebrating . And , of course , the beautiful bride and groom . Hmm . Stuff like that does nt happen in real life . It just does nt happen , but in my case , it did .
Rick : Or should have .
Hope : Well , if it s any consolation , I m a better person because of it .
Rick : Yeah , but I still regret my part in it . That s no way to treat your sister .
Hope : No , it s not . And I am not letting you off the hook completely yet . But I do understand why you did it , and I know that you were nt trying to hurt me . However , if you ever , ever interfere in my life again --
Rick : I - I wo nt . I wo nt . I made a mistake . I ve learned my lesson , and honestly ... I want everything to work out for you today ... for you and Liam .
Hope : So do I. And I believe that it will .
Brooke : Steffy is a special woman . She ll make some lucky guy very happy someday .
Liam : But not me .
Brooke : Hope was always your first choice , and she was because of who she is . She s smart , and she s beautiful , and she s sweet , and she has a lot of integrity . All of those qualities you can build a life on . It s a great foundation . Not to mention she s matured and she s grown , and you two could have a wonderful life together .
Liam : You know , ever since she stood up to my dad , she s been different , and -- and I can see how proud of her you are . I am , too . You have an awesome daughter , Brooke .
Brooke : You really should nt string Steffy along like this . You need to tell her . Let her move on with her life .
Taylor : Steffy , something is bothering you . You know , I - I could pick up vibes before you even went away to Paris .
Steffy : Mom , of course something s going on . I ve never been pregnant before .
Taylor : You know , I am surprised you re not more excited you re pregnant . This should be a time of just utter joy .
Steffy : It is .
Taylor : Honey , talk to me .
Steffy : [ Sighs ] Mom .
Taylor : Nothing in the world can possibly shock me . You know that .
Steffy : Okay . Before I was about to leave for Paris and right when I found out that I was pregnant , I went home to tell Liam , but I saw him in the bedroom with Hope . They were lying in the bed making out .
Taylor : Oh , my gosh . Steffy .
Steffy : They did nt -- they did nt know I saw them , and I - I left .
Taylor : That s why you did nt say anything .
Steffy : I just feel like things have changed ever since the truth came out in Italy .
Taylor : I ca nt believe you went away to Paris . I know Hope s been over there .
Steffy : Of course . She sees this as an opportunity , and I just handed it to her .
Taylor : Why , Steffy ?
Steffy : If Liam and I were to raise a child together , I do not want to live in the shadow of Hope . I want him to get Hope out of his system , and I told him that .
Taylor : Well , you know , I think it might make it even easier for him if you would just tell him that you re pregnant .
Steffy : I do nt want to make it easy for him . I do nt want this decision to be based on our baby . I could never live with that . Of course I want to spend the rest of my life with him . Liam knows what we ve shared . And a child can only add to that , but it should not be the only reason we stay together . Liam and I -- we re gon na get through this . I ve never been happier living with Liam , and I know he feels the same . This baby ... my baby ... his father and his mother ... we re all gon na be a family . And I m certain of it .
Rick : Do you think you and Liam will get your fresh start ?
Hope : Well , you know , we ve been through so much , and we ve been given this second chance . And he looks at me differently .
Rick : Everybody does .
Hope : [ Chuckles ]
Rick : It s because you are different .
Hope : Well , that s why I m feeling pretty good about this . I mean , if Liam wants me --
Rick : How could he not ?
Hope : [ Chuckles ] I think Steffy might have a little something to say about that .
Rick : You do nt seem overly concerned .
Hope : Liam and I have a history , and what we share has only gotten stronger . You know , I look at that , and then I look at what they have . What Steffy has to offer might be tempting , but it does nt compare .
Taylor : I wish I could see the look on Liam s face when you tell him .
Steffy : I ll probably have to pick him up off the floor .
Taylor : Did you tell your father ?
Steffy : No .
Taylor : Why not ?
Steffy : Because he s been dealing with a lot . And I m kind of overwhelmed , too .
Taylor : Well , of course , especially after what happened before you left . But at least , you know , now that you re back , you do seem like you re a little bit more at ease .
Steffy : Yeah . The closer we get to this big moment , I feel like everything has been building up to this . Liam has had his chance to resolve things with Hope , and we re having fun . We re enjoying life . We re enjoying our freedom , but I think we re ready for the next step . And you re gon na be a grandmother .
Taylor : [ Chuckles ] I m so happy for you ... and for me . [ Both laugh ] My beautiful daughter ... gon na be a mommy . [ Laughs ] So , I guess I wo nt see you tonight , huh ?
Steffy : Oh , you may not see me for a week .
Taylor : Do nt go off and get married at some justice of the peace . I want to be a part of your wedding .
Steffy : I know . I know . I have been thinking about it , and I know a wedding has nt been a part of the game plan , but with this baby on the way , I want to be married before I give birth . Liam would want that , too .
Liam : Hey , you ought to be going , Brooke . I mean , Steffy s gon na be here any minute .
Brooke : Yeah , I just want you to think about something . There was a time not too long ago when all you wanted was to marry Hope . You did nt want anybody else , and your dream came true . And then we all went to Italy . [ Chuckles ]
Liam : Yeah , that was an incredible week .
Brooke : You two have some great memories ... running through those quaint villages , those little brick streets that were winding around and the beaches , the olive groves . You had some precious moments . Oh , and remember those kites ? Oh , those beautiful kites up in the sky .
Brooke : And you were so happy , happier than I ve ever seen you in your life . And Hope , too . She was very happy . And the two of you said your vows together that day . And you looked at her , and , Liam , you meant everything you said . I know . I was there . I saw it . I listened . I watched . And in God s eye and in your own , you and Hope were one .
Brooke : Oh , gosh . Sorry . Oh , I ve really got to take this . Um , why do nt you just go outside and just relax and breathe and let it all out , and you know what ? It ll come to you . You ll know what to do .
Rick : So my sister s life is about to start anew . Does that mean I get to look forward to yet another killer wedding ?
Hope : No . No , I can never outdo Puglia .
Rick : Ah , Italy . I thought you were trying to ... erase that from your memory ?
Hope : I was . I was not successful . [ Chuckles ]
Rick : Why ? It was too painful ?
Hope : Uh , no , it was more the opposite , actually . I know that those are memories I will never forget . You know , all the bad stuff that happened , I think that I ve -- I ve been able to block it out , not think about it . But as for the rest ... I would nt trade any of it . Liam made me feel so cherished and adored , and that is something that Steffy can never take away from me . He loved me so much when we were in Italy . It was like every moment we were together was just this sublime happiness . And we exchanged our vows , and , Rick , I will never forget the way he looked at me . He looks at me that way now . I think he always will .
Brooke : He just went outside . [ Sighs ] Great .
Liam : [ Chuckles ] [ Laughs ] I promise to treasure you . And I promise to never let a day go by where I do nt tell you , and more importantly show you , how much you mean to me . As long as we both shall live .
Brooke : As long as we both shall live , yes !
Steffy : Liam ? I m home ! [ Chuckles ]
### Summary:
| Liam tells Brooke that she is not telling him anything he does nt know . Brooke says good , then do something about it as Steffy will be here any moment . He is not tied to Steffy in any way and he does not love Hope any less so there is nothing to stop them getting their life back together . As always before , Liam laments that it is not just her incredible daughter , but there are two great women . Brooke agrees , but Hope was his first choice and they can still have a wonderful life together . He just needs to tell Steffy and let her move on . Despite her saying Steffy is on her way , she keeps leading Liam down the garden path by reminding him of so much that happened in Italy . Taylor tells Steffy that Hope has not stopped pursuing Liam . She knows Rick will not like it when he hears about Thomas being VP . She just hopes this is not being spurred on by Brooke . She s counting on Liam giving Steffy a ring as the baby will make a difference . Steffy confides in Taylor what she saw the day she flew to Paris . Things have changed ever since the truth came out . She wants Liam to get Hope out of his system , but she is nt going to make it easy on him . She could never live with herself if she trapped him with a baby . It wo nt be the only reason they stay together . This baby s mother and father will always be family and she is certain of that . Hope tells Rick that it is moving day . Steffy is coming back and hopefully she is moving out of Liam s . Rick still regrets his part in Liam and Hope separating in the first place . She agrees she is not completely over that , but will be as long as he never does it again . Liam looks at her differently now and she thinks they deserve a second chance . What Steffy has might be tempting , but it does nt compare . She would nt trade any of her memories in Italy , but she is not planning another killer wedding this time . Taylor tells Steffy that she wishes she could see Liam s face when she tells him . She just wishes she also had told her father . Steffy says she and Liam have enjoyed their freedom , but now she thinks they are both ready for that next step of Taylor being a grandmother . And while a wedding was never in the plans , she does want to be married before she gives birth and she thinks Liam will want to also . Brooke gets a phone call and convinces Liam just to relax and go outside for a few minutes . He looks up and sees all these floating kites in the sky .and thinks of Hope .just as Steffy opens the door and says she is home . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : Emma barber s death was an accident , detective .
Det . Sanchez : Well , as i explained , that s why we re taking another look at the case .
Ridge : Why is that , because some former employee made a baseless accusation against my son ?
Det . Sanchez : It s hardly baseless . Mr. Avant gave my office pertinent information . Now , if you have information that contradicts his story and clears thomas then --
Ridge : He does nt need to be cleared ! He s not involved this !
Det . Sanchez : Okay , I d like to hear that from thomas . But you said he s not here , right ?
Brooke : No . And he s not answering his phone .
Det . Sanchez : Is that unusual ? Mr. Forrester ? Sir ? Would you say that your son s behavior is unusual ?
Thomas : I will not lose you , hope . You re my wife . You belong with me .
Hope : I want my marriage to thomas annulled right away .
Liam : I mean , can you do that , even ? Can you just file the paperwork , or does thomas have to be involved somehow ?
Justin : He has to be involved . He wo nt be able to challenge the annulment . Look , this is a clear case of fraud and misrepresentation .
Hope : Thomas wo nt take that well . But I m not going to let him control my life ever again .
Justin : Well . I will get the annulment paperwork started right away .
Hope : Thank you .
Liam : Yeah , thank you . Thomas has caused hope enough pain already .
Justin : Well , I am sorry for what you have been through , but I am really happy for what lies ahead .
Hope : Me , too .
Justin : I am glad I could help put this behind you so you can focus being a mommy to your beautiful little girl .
Hope : Thank you so much .
Justin : You re welcome , you re welcome .
Liam : All right . Thanks for stopping by . All right , man .
Justin : Certainly . All right .
Liam : Hey , uh ... do you think we should have asked justin about a restraining order ?
Hope : If thomas wanted to confront us , he would have done it already . He disappeared because he s ashamed , and he should be .
Liam : Yeah , but he does nt know about the annulment yet . Like , we do nt know what he s gon na do when he finds out you re done with him .
Det . Sanchez : I understand that thomas has a history of ... instability .
Ridge : What does that have to do with anything ?
Brooke : He has nt responded to any of us . We do nt know where he is or what he s doing .
Ridge : [ Sighs ]
Brooke : Ridge , if the detective thinks this is relevant --
Ridge : It s not !
Brooke : I m worried about my daughter .
Det . Sanchez : So you have concerns about thomas .
Brooke : Well , yeah . I -- I do have some concerns , actually . I think that thomas can be ... a little obsessive . And given the fact that he did know about beth , and then there s emma s death ...
Ridge : He has shown some very poor judgment , but no one is accusing him of murder .
Brooke : What if xander is right ? I know you do nt want to consider this , but what if thomas is responsible for emma s death ?
Thomas : Come on , hope . Did you , uh , get a call ?
Thomas : No . Oh , I -- I thought I heard you .
Thomas : All these texts are from my dad . Nothing from hope . Nothing . Not -- not one word . And , you know what , it s liam and it s brooke . They re trying to turn her against me . I let that happen ... [ Chuckles ] I just -- I need to see her , you know , and -- and I just need to help her understand . So why do nt you do that ? Give her a call . She s got to be worried about you , right ? How about I give you some privacy ?
Thomas : No , I -- I ... I ca nt do this over the phone . I have to see her in person .
Liam : I m so sorry you re dealing with this right now .
Hope : I just want to get it over with .
Liam : [ Chuckles ] Trust me . As far as I m concerned , you ca nt get the bastard out of your life soon enough .
Hope : I should have never married him .
Liam : Yeah , well , you thought you were doing what was best for douglas . And , besides , you did nt know what thomas was capable of .
Hope : No , I mean , you and mom tried to warn me .
Liam : Yeah , we kind of did .
Hope : [ Chuckles ]
Liam : Listen . I hate what thomas did to you , I mean , using his son to manipulate you like that , but -- but even given his whole history , what all of us knew about it , nobody expected him to do something this twisted . I mean , to keep beth a secret and let you suffer , just for , what , so he could have you for himself ? That is sick .
Hope : I never want to see him again .
Liam : [ Sighs ] Well , you definitely ca nt be alone with him again , that s for sure .
Hope : No , liam , I mean it . I want him out of my life for good .
Liam : Okay , yes , let justin handle the annulment , but you have to know he s gon na try to see you again , okay ? He s not gon na give up without a fight .
Hope : Yeah , well , he does nt really have a choice , does he ?
Liam : Okay , this -- this is a perfect example . A rational person would understand that , but thomas is not a rational person . Look -- look at what he s done to us just so that he could hold onto you . I m not trying to scare you , but the minute he finds out that you re annulling the marriage , that could send him over the edge .
Thomas : I just -- I -- I have to see hope . I have to re - establish that connection face - to - face . Because then once she sees me , she ll see that I m still the man that she married . I do nt know , man . Maybe not like this . You re still kind of worked up .
Thomas : I just need to explain everything , all right ? I just need to explain it and show her all the great things that we were doing together , with the line and -- and the family that we were gon na have together . I was giving her a family with douglas and me , right and did liam ever do anything like that ? No , no , no , no . He always has to hurt her , right ? He has to poison everything . That s what he s doing . That s what happening right now , okay ? He s -- he s confusing her . This is his fault . Okay , but -- but you re gon na fix it , yeah ? When you calm down ?
Thomas : Yeah , she has to listen to me . Right . She s got to , man . She s your wife , right ?
Thomas : That s right . We made a commitment . Yeah , so what are you stressing about ? Come on , you re usually mr . In control . Just breathe . It s all gon na work out . You got to believe that . Do nt let this get to you .
Thomas : Hope is still my wife . That has nt changed . That is never going to change .
Det . Sanchez : You think thomas could be dangerous .
Brooke : Ridge and I are both concerned about our children , detective sanchez . But if you have evidence that maybe thomas is responsible --
Ridge : Well , he doesnT.
Det . Sanchez : He s a person of interest .
Ridge : Based on what ? Some office rumor ? Something that he did years ago ? You finished the investigation . Emma died because she was texting and driving . It s awful ! But everything is speculation !
Det . Sanchez : Yeah , well , thomas was seen arguing with emma the night she died .
Ridge : People argue all the time ! That does nt mean they re gon na kill each other !
Det . Sanchez : Well , previous investigators had no idea about the situation with hope and her baby .
Ridge : Because it was a private family matter .
Brooke : And we do nt want the press involved . We think that hope and liam need time alone with their child .
Det . Sanchez : And how does thomas feel about that ?
Ridge : We have nt talked to him !
Det . Sanchez : Well , I d like to , as soon as possible . Look , mr . Forrester , I know you re just trying to protect your son . Your wife says you re concerned , I know she s concerned . So why do nt you give me a call when he reappears ? Look , if thomas has done nothing wrong , then he has nothing to worry about . You have a good day .
Ridge : He s fishing .
Brooke : Where is thomas ? Why ca nt we reach him ? Why has nt he called us back ? I mean , this is strange . It s really strange behavior . What about all the lies ? We really need to find him . I need to know that he s not a threat to my daughter . Ok everyone !
Brooke : Thomas should have called to check on douglas . The fact that he has nt , it s -- it s really strange . It s the whole reason he came back from new york . He wanted to give douglas a secure life . And that was his justification for going after hope .
Ridge : Stop . Do nt -- you got to stop saying that . He did nt go after hope . He proposed to her , she accepted , and they got married .
Brooke : And he lied about beth so that she would stay with him .
Ridge : He made a mistake . He screwed up . I m not denying that ! And he s paying the price for it now . But being deceitful and being selfish is very different from being dangerous , which is what you told the police . Emma died in an accident . And hope is nt scared of thomas . They were gon na have a life together !
Brooke : And how is thomas going to react when he realizes that life is over ? He s been obsessed with hope for months . He lied about beth because he did nt want hope to leave him . So what about that ? I -- I know that these are ugly questions , ridge .
Ridge : Brooke . You know my son . You know thomas .
Brooke : Yes , I do know thomas . His lies and his manipulations . He tricked hope into marriage . She s not gon na be with him now , ridge . And what is going to happen when he finds out hope does nt want to be with him ? What s he going to do ? I m worried . I am worried for my daughter s safety .
Thomas : We got married for life . [ Chuckles ] To be a family . That s not something you walk away from . And if you really love somebody , you -- you fight for it . [ Cars passing , horn honking ] You do whatever it takes to hold the family together .
Liam : Every time you come out of her room , you re smiling .
Hope : Well , it is just like i imagined , only it s real . Our daughter is sleeping peacefully in her nursery . She is safe in her home .
Liam : Yeah . Well , thankfully , she was always safe . We just did nt know she was ours .
Hope : [ Sighs ] You know , i think back on when I would visit steffy s and I would hold her , and that bond , how she would ease my pain . That all makes sense now , but everything else ... what thomas did ...
Liam : Well , thankfully , that s being taken care of , and all you have to do is be with beth .
Hope : Trust me , nothing is going to take away from the joy that I feel right now , but , at the same time , I can not forget what thomas did , the fact that he married me and he knew that beth was alive . He kept my daughter from me . I mean -- [ Scoffs ] How could anyone be so cruel ?
Liam : Well , it was nt just you . I mean , he deceived other people , too . His own family did nt even realize what he was up to , and that -- that s my whole point . That s why I m saying we have to be smart about this . If he could -- if he could lie to you about something as epic as beth ... there is no telling what else he s capable of .
Hope : Well , he wo nt do anything else to me .
Liam : Wait . What are you -- who are you gon na call ?
Hope : Thomas .
Liam : What ? Why ?
Hope : I m going to tell him about the annulment .
Liam : What are you -- let justin do that !
Hope : Liam , I want this finished . I do not want this hanging over our heads .
Liam : Hope , nobody even knows where he is . Ridge has been trying to call him . He s not picking up .
Hope : Thomas wo nt ignore me .
Brooke : I know you want to find thomas as much as I do .
Ridge : Because I m concerned about him , not because I think he killed emma or he s trying to hurt your daughter .
Brooke : [ Sighs ] Well , try him again .
Ridge : He does nt answer his phone .
Brooke : If you keep on trying , maybe he will . I know that you can get through to him .
Thomas : Everything I ve done , every decision I ve made has been for you . For you and our family . And this new life we re building . I promise to do whatever necessary to protect and defend that family . We were happy . Once I explain ... we will be again .
Hope : I want thomas to know it s over .
Liam : I do , too , but you should nt be having anything to do with that psycho . Hope , if you call him , it could set him off .
Hope : I am not afraid of him . Thomas is a coward . And he may have tried to manipulate me and control me , but no more . I am making the decisions now .
Thomas : Hope , I -- I knew you d call . I -- I missed you .
Hope : Thomas --
Thomas : Look , I know that your mom and -- and liam are probably filling your head with garbage about me , but you -- you have to know , I never meant to hurt you .
Hope : Thomas , you lied to me about the most painful experience of my life , and you could have taken that pain away . You knew beth was alive , and you kept me from my daughter !
Thomas : Because I knew that she was safe , right , and she was happy , and so were you .
Hope : Stop . This is nt why I called . I do nt want to hear why you did it .
Thomas : Look , if you would just let me explain --
Hope : Thomas ! You betrayed me . You told me that the only way i could be a mother was to help you raise your son . You encouraged me to end my marriage to liam , to have him go back to steffy , all the while , you knew phoebe was beth !
Thomas : Yes , so he could be with both of his daughters .
Hope : And , what , you were just gon na lie to me for the rest of our lives ?
Thomas : Hope --
Hope : I contacted a lawyer . I m having our marriage annulled .
Thomas : What ? N - no . You -- you -- you canT.
Hope : And once the papers are ready , I want to you sign them . [ Echoing ] ... Want you to sign them .
Thomas : Hope , you ca nt -- you ca nt annul our marriage , okay ? You have nt even heard me yet . You have nt let me explain .
Hope : You can talk to my lawyer .
Thomas : Hope , just give me a chance .
Hope : Thomas , our marriage is over . [ Echoing ] Our marriage is over . Now , you need to reach out to your son because douglas misses you and he s worried that you re angry at him .
Thomas : He never should have been spying on me like that .
Hope : What ?
Thomas : Look , what -- what am I supposed to tell douglas , hope ? I mean , you -- you ca nt abandon him like this . He s already lost one mom . If he loses you , too --
Hope : This is not about me . This is about you . You are his father . You need to be there for him .
Thomas : Hope , I -- I was going to do that with you . Remember ? We were going to do it together . That was it . We were -- we were gon na be a family .
Hope : Go home . Face your family . And be there for your son . I never want to speak to you ever again . [ Echoing ] Speak to you ever again ...
Thomas : Please , hope , you ca nt do this .
Liam : [ Sighs ]
Thomas : You re going to be my wife . It s gon na be , it s gon na be -- you re gon na be my wife . You re going to be my wife . Till death do us part . . . .
### Summary:
| Ridge is adamant that Thomas needs to be cleared . He was not involved in Emma s accident . The Sgt . says his office has added information that he was seen and it s unusual but Thomas has not bothered to explain . Ridge says his son has had some issues in the past but the Sgt . can not call him a murderer . Brooke speaks up and says she is concerned with Thomas too since he has vanished and wo nt come forward . Under questioning Brooke admits they both are afraid Thomas could be dangerous . Yet Ridge claps back the Sgt . is only going on speculation . Sgt . Sanchez says if Thomas has done nothing wrong then they have nothing to worry about . So just call him when Thomas reappears . Brooke tells Ridge this is really strange behavior that Thomas does not get back to them . She needs to know that he is not going to be a threat to her daughter . Justin tells Hope and Liam that he will get the annulment papers started and done properly . He is sorry for what they went through but looks happily for what lays ahead . Liam tells Hope they have no idea how Thomas will react when he hears about the annulment papers . He will try to see her again . He will not give up without a fight ; he is not a rational person . The minute he finds out she is ending the marriage could send him over the edge . Thomas is still on a quiet rampage . He needs to see Hope and explain to her . And it can not be on the phone . He needs to see her in person . It s all Liam s fault . He is filling her head with a lot of lies and nonsense . But Hope is still his wife and that will never change . Vinny tries to get him to calm down and just work on calling Hope until she picks up her phone . Brooke tells Ridge that Thomas should have checked up on Douglas so that alone is strange . Ridge says he admits Thomas screwed up but he is trying to do something about that . Brooke says she knows Thomas and his lies and manipulations and she is very worried for her daughter s safety . No telling what he will do when he finds out that Hope regrets marrying him and is fixing that now .what he might do . Liam goes berserk when Hope says she is going to call Thomas and tell him it is over and about the annulment papers . Liam says that is Justin s job , not hers . She wants it to be over quickly . Thomas keeps on talking to himself that everything he has done , he has done for Hope and their family . They were happy and they will be again as soon as he explains . Brooke keeps harping to Ridge to try again and again to reach Thomas . She knows he will eventually pick up . Liam tries to take the phone from Hope but she insists . She is going to call Thomas . Thomas is ecstatic when her call comes through . He keeps calling her his wife and that he needs to see her . She cuts to the chase and says she only called to tell him she has seen a lawyer and is drawing up annulment papers . He tries to talk her out of it . She says no . She tells him to just go home and face his family . And he needs to see Douglas as he still thinks his dad is mad at him . And the last thing she tells him she does not want to speak to him again EVER ! She hangs up on him . Moody Thomas stands and says they were married until death do they part . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Nick : Good , good . Then we re all set . I want all calls held to the room . I do nt want to be disturbed . Thank you . Have I told you how much I love you today ?
Brooke : About 48 times .
Nick : Is that a little too much ?
Brooke : Not even close .
Nick : I love you .
Brooke : I love you too .
Ridge : Brooke .
Felicia : Ridge is still unconscious ?
Christian : We were hoping to see some improvement by now --
Bridget : That does nt mean there wo nt be some soon though , right ?
Christian : Actually , I think a visit from you and felicia is just what the doctor ordered .
Felicia : Let s go .
Eric : Christian , I need you to be straight with me . The reason ridge is nt responding -- is there something you re not telling us about his condition ?
Stephanie : Stephen , he could die . I ca nt lose my son any more than you could lose one of yours .
Stephen : Well , you took that option away from me , stephanie .
Stephanie : Yes , I did . Well now it s come full circle , has nt it ? It s not about you and me and beth . It s about our children and loving them . Truly , selflessly , loving them .
Stephen : She s in cabo .
Stephanie : Do you have a number ?
Stephen : It s probably by the phone .
Stephanie : Will you speak to her please ? She hung up on me the last time . Please .
Stephen : Yes . Senor dominick marone s room , por favor . He s asked that all calls be held . Yes , I would like to leave a message , please . Please tell ms . Logan to phone her father as soon as possible -- it s muy importante . Gracias .
Stephanie : Thank you . I m gon na fly down there and bring her back .
Stephen : And if she calls ?
Stephanie : Well , if she calls -- tell her to get the first available commercial flight . Get back here as quickly as she can . He s at the university hospital . Thank you , stephen .
Nick : Guess what I m get to do this morning ?
Brooke : What ?
Nick : I get to make a whole bunch of business calls .
Brooke : Cause you re the big boss .
Nick : I do nt want to be the big boss right now .
Brooke : No . You re running an international conglomerate . Sometimes business comes before pleasure .
Nick : Not if I can help it . [ Knock at the door ] That s probably rico . In here , hombre !
Brooke : Who s rico ?
Nick : He s supposedly the man with the magic fingers .
Brooke : What ?
Nick : I called the front desk and had a massage arranged for you while I m working . He said this old guy rico s supposed to be the best around here . Rico ? That s rico .
Rico : Where should I set up my table ?
Brooke : Right over here will be fine . Come on in . And mr . Marone will be inside doing his push - ups .
Nick : Actually , I think I ll do my push - ups outside . Love the outdoors .
Stephanie : Eric , how is he ?
Eric : There s been no change . Stephanie , where the hell -- where are you ? You should be at the hospital here with ridge .
Stephanie : I m on my way to cabo .
Eric : Mexico ?
Stephanie : Yes , I m going down to get brooke .
Eric : Why do nt you just call her ?
Stephanie : Eric , I did . She wo nt talk to me .
Eric : Look , leave her a message ?
Stephanie : I have . What if she does nt get the message in time ? Look , he needs her . All right ? And I m going to go down and bring her back . It s the only decent thing that I can do right now . For the two of them .
Jackie : Finally . Finally , I got those little wiggle worms down . Of course , I had to promise -- stephen ?
Stephen : Stephanie was just here looking for my daughter .
Jackie : Stephanie ? Why on earth would stephanie be here looking for brooke for now that she s not a part of ridge s life anymore ? Or hers .
Stephen : Ridge is in the hospital . I do nt have all the details , but apparently it s serious .
Jackie : Was it a car accident ?
Stephen : Heart problem . He s already had some emergency surgery , but --
Jackie : What are you saying ? That he may not make it ? Oh , dear god --
Stephen : Stephanie says that he s been calling for brooke .
Jackie : I see . [ Jackie sighs ] This is unbelievable , really . I mean , suddenly stephanie needs brooke , all is forgiven . The nerve of that woman . What did you say to her ?
Stephen : I did nt have any choice . Stephanie s son , and R.J. S father may be dying . I told her where brooke was .
Felicia : Did you hear me , big brother ? You re gon na pull through this -- you re gon na be your same old arrogant , cocky self in no time .
Bridget : That s just your sister s way of saying that -- we all love you . Oh come on ridge , you have to come back to us --
Felicia : Or you re gon na have to answer to mom . I mean , look what she did for me , and I m not even her favorite .
Bridget : I wonder if anyone s told my mom . I know that she d want to know , even -- ridge , you know how much mom loves you . She ll always love you , even though you re not together anymore .
Nick : I got it right here in front of me . I m not signing the deal because I do nt think it s a good deal .
Brooke : You really have magic fingers .
Rico : I can come back tomorrow --
Brooke : You mean the massage is over ?
Rico : Regrettably , I have another appointment .
Brooke : That was the best massage I ever had . Gracias .
Rico : The pleasure was all mine .
Nick : I m sorry , what ? We ve made some recent changes here at marone industry . I just hope you re happy with them -- well good , I m glad to hear that . How about if I talk to you again when I get back to L.A. ? Would that be okay ? Thanks .
Brooke : You seem a little stressed out . Maybe you should see if rico can fit you into his busy schedule .
Nick : This sailor feeds on stress .
Brooke : But you re not a sailor anymore . You re the big , new boss .
Nick : Mm - hmm . And that s gon na make the old boss very unhappy .
Brooke : You think massimo s gon na come after you ?
Nick : Yep .
Brooke : Sounds like stephanie . Lurking in the shadows . Waiting to pull the rug out from under my feet .
Nick : Well , those days are over for you now .
Brooke : No !
Nick : That woman does not have a hold on you anymore . You ve got the new me . You ve got the new you .
Brooke : No , no !
Nick : You ve got your new boyfriend , rico . So let s forget about the old stephanie .
Stephanie : Brooke , please pick up . It seems like the tenth time I m leaving you this message . Ridge has had a heart attack . He s at the university hospital . He s had emergency heart surgery . Look , I ve done a lot of soul- searching . And I know you ve heard this all before . He loves you . It s as simple as that . And I should have respected it . I did nt , and I -- I m in the corporate plane . I m flying down right now to cabo to come and get you . You have to come back with me . He needs you . I think the only way he s going to pull through is if -- if you come back with me and you re with him . If he makes it brooke , I promise things will be different between you and me . I promise .
Massimo : Eric -- eric , thanks for the call . I was out of the country . I just got in . How is he ? How s ridge ? Well , answer me , dammit !
Eric : Or what ? You ll throw me in jail like you did jackie ?
Massimo : Look , eric . Look , I do nt give a damn , all right ? You think of me what you will . But I still think I was right about brooke belonging to ridge . His heart condition proves it . I only wish dominick had -- had the good sense to realize it . Instead of doing this to his brother .
Brooke : I ca nt tell you how excited I am not to have to deal with stephanie anymore .
Nick : Good .
Brooke : Though I have to admit , I am going to miss my fashion career .
Nick : Well , you do nt have to .
Brooke : I thought you said you did nt want me to work at forrester ?
Nick : I do nt want you working at forrester . But we talked about this . My mother s boutique ? She would love to work with her future daughter - in - law .
Brooke : My heart is at forrester . You know , there would be one good thing about working with your mother .
Nick : She s not a bitch ?
Brooke : That s true . Stephanie never did appreciate my contribution there . She just wanted to get rid of me . Any way she could .
Nick : Well , my mother would nt be that way . She s your number one fan . Actually , let me correct that . She s your number two fan .
Brooke : Oh .
Nick : You look really good . Well , so much for work today .
Brooke : Oh , well .
Ridge : Brooke was my life . My life . And you could nt accept her . Now she s gone . You ve taken my life !
Stephanie : I would nt let myself hear . I just would nt let myself see what he needed , what he wanted . I just wouldnT.
Massimo : You have a son who needs you , ridge . R.J. -- R.J. Needs his father very , very much . See -- you ve got ta hang on for him . You ve got ta hang on for me . I ve lost one son already . And I ll be damned if I m gon na lose another . I m not gon na lose you , my son . I ca nt lose you . Oh , yeah . This is what I call a diaper .
Pilot : I ll handle the paperwork with the mexican authorities and file my flight plan . We ll be here and standing by , mrs . Forrester .
Stephanie : I should nt be more than an hour , hour and a half .
Pilot : I ll be refueled and standing by .
Stephanie : Thank you . Oh , inform immigration . Ms. Logan will be coming on board and she s going to return to the united states with me . Thank you .
Felicia : What did you just say ?
Eric : Your mother called from the jet while you were in visiting with ridge . Apparently , brooke is down in cabo san lucas with nick . And so stephanie s gone down there to --
Bridget : To bring mom back ?
Eric : Yes . Look , stephanie blames herself for what s happened to ridge here . She feels that she should have accepted brooke in ridge s life a long time ago . And now , she s determined to make it all up to him .
Nick : Ignore it .
Brooke : I do nt think they re going away .
Nick : I do nt want to get it .
Brooke : Oh , my gosh . Maybe you should get it .
Nick : Okay . Do nt move --
Brooke : Okay .
Nick : Or breathe .
Brooke : Okay .
Nick : Or move .
Brooke : Okay .
Nick : Oh -- do nt move . Do nt move !
Nick : Easy ! Oh , my god .
Stephanie : Nick , I need brooke . Where is she ? She s got to come with me to los angeles right now .
Nick : She s not going anywhere with you !
Stephanie : Oh , yes , she is ! Where is she ?
Nick : Hey ! Hey !
Stephanie : Brooke ? Brooke ?
Brooke : Stephanie ? My god ! What are you doing here ?
Stephanie : You ve got to come with me to los angeles .
Brooke : You are absolutely insane !
Stephanie : We do nt have a lot of time . Did nt you get my messages ? Your father s messages ?
Brooke : Yes , I got your message . But I did nt know what it was about --
Stephanie : Why did nt you call us ? Ridge is in the hospital . He s had emergency surgery . He s had a heart attack , brooke .
Brooke : A heart attack ?
Stephanie : Look , the doctor s say it s even a miracle -- he needs you . I need you . I do need you , brooke . Please , you ve got to come with me to los angeles . His life depends on it -- he needs his logan .
### Summary:
| Brooke awakens from sleep suddenly in Mexico as Ridge calls her name from his hospital bed in Los Angeles . Concerned , Nick asks if she is alright , she says she needs to call home and check on things . She finds another message from Stephanie on her cell phone . Over Nick s objections , Brooke calls Stephanie back and tells her to leave her alone and hangs up before Stephanie can respond . Nick has all calls to the room held . At the hospital , Felicia and Bridget arrive to see Ridge . While they go into see him , Eric asks Christian if there is something about Ridge s condition that he is not telling them . Reluctantly , Christian confesses that Ridge is not responding as well as the doctors had hoped . At Brooke s house , Stephanie pleads with Stephen to tell her where Brooke is . Finally , Stephen tells her the number is by the phone . Stephanie has Stephen call and when they find out that Brooke and Nick are not taking calls , Stephanie tells Stephen that she is going to Mexico to get Brooke . Massimo reaches the hospital and tells Eric that he knew something like this would happen to Ridge because he lost Brooke . At Ridge s bedside , Moss pleads for Ridge to fight for his life . On the Forrester jet , Stephanie calls Eric to tell him where she is headed . Steph leaves yet another message for Brooke , telling her of Ridge s condition and that she is coming to get her . Stephanie also apologizes and promises that she will treat Brooke differently . After a massage , Brooke joins Nick in the pool . Brooke tells him how she will miss working at Forrester . Nick tells her that she can work with Jackie , designing clothing for the boutique . Brooke and Nick are interrupted by a pounding on the door . When Nick answers , he is stunned to find Stephanie there . Stephanie heads out to the pool and tells a shocked Brooke that Ridge is in the hospital and that Brooke must go back with her NOW ! |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Roxy : Hey , baby , what s shaking ?
Rex : A lot . Long story .
Roxy : Natalie around ?
Rex : I think she went to that party at The Palace .
Roxy : Oh , shoot . You know , because I kind of -- I -- well , I think they kind of lost my invitation in the mail , and I was going to ask Natalie to sneak me in . I hear it s supposed to be a major blowout , open bar and all . So , what are you doing hanging out in the police station ? I thought you were supposed to be off in the middle of nowhere - ville with Adriana .
Rex : Yeah . She s still out there somewhere . I got to find her .
Roxy : Hey . Hey , where is she ? What happened ? Well , you know , call her mama , because I m sure Dorian knows where the hell she is .
Rex : I do nt know about that . But one thing s for sure -- Dorian knows more about it than she s saying .
Bruce : I want a bonus , or I tell Adriana all about how far mommy dearest is willing to go to keep her baby away from bad - boy Balsom .
Adriana : You -- you re the one that was working for Rex , the one that s been stalking me ?
Bruce : Yes , but -- I m not working for your little boyfriend .
Adriana : What ?
Bruce : You heard me . I always fly solo .
Adriana : I m getting out of here .
Adriana : Who are you ? What do you want from me ?
Bruce : Patience , my lovely lady . You ll find out soon enough .
Claudia : Everything looks wonderful .
Renee : Oh --
Claudia : Thank you so much .
Renee : Oh , no , darling , it is I who should thank you . Your family made such a generous contribution to the new wing of the hospital . I ca nt tell you how much we appreciate it . I just want this evening to be perfect .
Claudia : I m sure it will be .
Cristian : I ll go get us a drink . Martini , three olives . Very dirty .
Evangeline : You know it . Thanks . Looks like she s not here yet .
Todd : She who ?
Evangeline : Come on , Todd , you know you re looking for Blair . How much longer are you going to pretend you re not in love with her ?
Natalie : Do nt worry . Blair will be here soon . Just a little while longer and you ll have the key to Spencer s safe - deposit box .
John : If the gun that shot my father is there , we find a way to get a search warrant . As soon as Blair hands you off that key , she s out of this . We ca nt risk tipping off Truman that she s been setting him up .
Blair : Yes , thank you . Well , you have my cell number in case she wakes up , right ? All right , well , I sure appreciate it .
Spencer : So how s Starr ?
Blair : She s still sleeping .
Spencer : Good . Sleep s the best thing for her right now .
Blair : Yeah . Where are we going , Spencer ? We could ve walked right downstairs and been at the gala at the palace hotel .
Spencer : I just need to stop by the bank . I have to retrieve something from my safe - deposit box .
Clint : Dorian , it s Clint . Yeah , would you give me a call on my cell phone , let me know if there s any news on Adriana ?
Viki : Clint ?
Clint : Oh , hi .
Viki : Hi . What s up with Adriana ?
Clint : Well , she s been missing for the past couple of days .
Viki : Ooh .
Clint : Dorian thinks that she might be out somewhere nursing a broken heart , but she s not sure .
Viki : Well , I hope that s all it is . May I have a club soda , please ? Thank you .
Clint : Despite what Dorian says , you know , she s worried . Wish there was something I could do for her . What ?
Viki : What ? I did nt say anything .
Clint : You do nt have to , I can read your mind . You do nt like my relationship with Dorian .
Viki : Yeah , like it s a big secret how I feel about Dorian .
Clint : I m not talking how you feel about Dorian . I m talking about how you feel about me .
Roxy : So let me see if I ve got this right . What are you saying pacifically ? That Dorian did something to hurt Adriana ?
Rex : I do nt know about that . No . But she sure as hell meant to hurt me . Remember when she tried to make me look like a junkie , had me shot up with heroin ?
Roxy : Oh , boy , do I ever . But you do nt think Dorian really did that , do you ?
Rex : She went a lot farther than that .
Roxy : How much further can you go ?
Rex : Well , when Adriana was starting the modeling thing , she set her up with a stalker . Had her scared out of her wits .
Roxy : Wait a second . Dorian did nt cop to that , did she ?
Rex : I figured it out . She somehow managed to put the stalker s emails on my computer knowing that Adriana would find them , which of course she did . Then she sat back and waited for it all to blow up between us , which of course it did . And now Adriana is out there somewhere , God knows where . I mean , she could ve been assaulted or abducted or God knows what . I mean , she could be in serious trouble .
Roxy : Hey , baby , like , calm down . So why are nt you out looking for her ?
Rex : I ve been driving around all day . She could be anywhere by now . Bo s having someone take a look at my laptop to try to find out how those phony emails got on there .
Roxy : So you re just sitting here reading these papers , trying to pass the time ?
Rex : These are hard copies of the emails . It s just -- it feels to me like they re from a guy . I do nt think Dorian wrote them .
Roxy : Who s the guy ?
Rex : That s what I got to find out .
Bruce : I have errands to run . You , young lady , need to sit tight .
Adriana : You re leaving me here ?
Bruce : You re going to be safe . And do nt get all dramatic and start screaming . The place is soundproof . And try not to worry so much . You ll be going home soon if things go according to plan .
Adriana : What are you talking about ? What plan ?
Bruce : Sorry I have to do this . If you were nt so feisty -- I know what you did to your boyfriend when you thought he crossed you . I m not going to give you a chance to clock me over the head . There you go .
Adriana : Help ! Can somebody hear me ? Please , I need help ! Oh . Where am I ?
Blair : You know what ? We ve got to go back to The Palace right now .
Spencer : Why ? What s wrong ?
Blair : I am getting a blinding headache , and I tell you , if I do nt take an aspirin right now , it s going to turn into a migraine , and then I know I m not going to be able to go to the party .
Spencer : It s all right . It s no problem . Listen , I ve got some in my medical bag in the trunk . I ll pull over , ok ?
Blair : Ok .
Spencer : All right .
Todd : I m not in love with Blair anymore . Done . Her kiss did nt mean anything to me .
Evangeline : Kiss ?
Todd : Yeah , I kissed her the other day , at the hospital , for Starr s sake . Starr woke up and she s confused about our relationship . She thinks Blair and I are still together . So we pretended for her sake , did nt want to upset her .
Evangeline : Oh .
Todd : What s that look for ? Do nt give me that . I m not in love with her . I m not . Besides , it does nt matter how I feel . She s in love with Spencer now .
Evangeline : Yeah , maybe .
Todd : No , no maybe . She s practically living with him .
Evangeline : I know . But , Todd , when I talked to her -- thank you -- she seemed more interested in knowing what your relationship is with me . If you ask me , she s jealous .
Blair : Um , Spencer , would you mind leaving the keys , because I want to -- maybe the music will help my head .
Spencer : Yeah , sure .
Blair : Thanks . Come on .
Cristian : El martini para la princesa .
Evangeline : Oh , thank you . It s perfect .
Todd : Excusame .
Cristian : Excusame .
Evangeline : Todd -- yeah . Thanks for being such a good sport about tonight .
Cristian : Hey , I do nt really care who he came here with , because I know I m taking you home with me .
Layla : Hey , sis .
Evangeline : Hey . You look beautiful .
Layla : Thank you . So do you .
Vincent : Yes , you do .
Evangeline : Glad you two could make it .
Vincent : Hmm , thank you . I hope that s straight O.J. that you re drinking . I do nt want you drinking while you re training . You ve got a big title fight coming up .
Cristian : Oh , it s O.J. No alcohol . And I plan to be in bed early tonight . As early as possible , I hope .
Paige : So who d you bribe to get in here ?
David : I did nt bribe anybody . What s the point of free food and drink if you have to pay someone to get in ?
Paige : Oh , and you never pass up an opportunity for free anything , right ?
David : Women find thriftiness an attractive quality .
Paige : Do they ?
David : What are you doing here ? If I lost my medical license , I d feel a little awkward about coming to a hospital gala .
Paige : I still have friends there . I just interviewed for a research job there .
David : Oh , you did ? Good for you . You know , there s nothing embarrassing about being demoted .
Paige : It is what it is . I ca nt hide from what I did . Besides , I want Spencer to see me . I want him to know that even though he destroyed my job , he did nt destroy my life .
David : Bully for you . I m serious . Even your victory s a little pathetic , do nt you think ? Spencer s still got everything he wanted .
Paige : That s a temporary situation .
David : You know we re still going to have to listen to some sort of hooray for me , I m king of the world speech tonight . You got any tomatoes in that purse ?
Paige : I get the feeling people are going to be throwing a lot worse things than tomatoes at him very soon .
Renee : Spencer is not in his room .
John : Thanks .
Renee : You re welcome . I m glad I can help . Now I d better see what s going on in the kitchen .
John : Of course .
Natalie : All right , so Blair and Spencer must be on their way down . Should be here any minute .
Spencer : There you go . Take this .
Blair : Thank you . Mmm .
Spencer : You sure that s all that s wrong with you , Blair , is just a headache ?
Blair : Mm - hmm . Yeah , why are you asking ?
Spencer : I do nt know . You just really seem to be on edge this evening , all evening .
Blair : I told you . Probably would be with Starr in the hospital . I should ve never agreed to do this . I mean , go to the gala .
Spencer : But you have to be there . I have something very special planned for you .
Viki : What does that mean -- how I feel about you ?
Clint : I just meant that you feel the same way about me that I feel about you . When it comes to our children , we re partners -- partners who rely on each other in the bad times and the good . I mean , no matter what s going on , we work well together .
Viki : Yes . Yes , in matters pertaining to our children , we work well together .
Clint : As far as Dorian goes -- ahem -- I know that she has never been a friend to our kids .
Viki : Ahem .
Clint : But I want you to know , whatever may happen between Dorian and me , my priority will always be our children .
Viki : They re adults . They can handle themselves .
Clint : That does nt mean they still do nt need us . What , did I say something funny ?
Viki : No . I thought you were going to say something else .
Clint : What -- like what ?
Viki : That I do nt want you to be with Dorian because I want you for myself .
Clint : That s absurd !
Viki : Yes , that s absurd .
Rex : Natalie s probably at the party by now . You d better get going or you re going to miss the hors doeuvres .
Roxy : Oh , I do nt think I m going to be able to scare up a ticket . Might as well stay here and do what I can for you , baby .
Rex : There s nothing you can do . I m just trying to get a read on whoever wrote this , maybe find a clue as to who he is . The more he wrote , the darker they got , and the more and more he talked about butterflies .
Roxy : That s creepy .
Rex : You re elusive , but I ll catch you . You ca nt fly away from me , my butterfly . You can spread your wings , but you wo nt get far , my rare painted lady . See , he kept calling her that -- painted lady . Weird thing is , that is so not Adriana .
Roxy : Who s Vanessa ?
Rex : What ?
Roxy : You will be mine , Vanessa Atlanta . Is he stalking another chick named Vanessa ?
Rex : Let me see that .
Roxy : Whoa , what does it mean ?
Rex : Means we just got a clue .
Viki : Clint , I have never , ever questioned your priorities as a father .
Clint : Even with Dorian in the picture ?
Viki : Even with Dorian in the picture . I know you . I know if the children needed you , you would be there . But it was very nice of you to say it .
Clint : Yeah . I do nt ever want you to feel that you re alone . Viki , I worry about you sometimes .
Viki : Why ?
Clint : Because you give so much of yourself to the family . Now , I know it s none of my business , but sometimes I think it would be a good idea for you to get out and enjoy yourself on occasion . You know , get away from the family and all the problems .
Viki : You are absolutely right -- none of your business .
Clint : I m sorry . I do nt mean to overstep , but this past year has been difficult --
Viki : Yeah .
Clint : For all of us . I think that you deserve some happiness of your own . Ben would want that for you . Do you want to go inside ?
Viki : Oh , no , no , I m going to stay and have a cheery conversation with Todd .
Clint : See you later .
Viki : Hey .
Todd : Hey . Hey . Give me a shot of your house whiskey and a draft beer .
Viki : How s Starr ?
Todd : She s sleeping .
Viki : Oh , that s good .
Todd : Yeah .
Viki : I m so glad she s going to be all right .
Todd : Yeah , me , too .
Viki : So , why are you not inside , huh ?
Todd : Drinks are stronger here .
Viki : Oh , I get it . Blair must be there with Spencer .
Todd : Viki , I m not going to forgive her after what she did to me .
Viki : You are still so angry , so vengeful . Dark .
Todd : Yeah , well , being framed for murder and put to death made me a little depressed .
Viki : Do nt you see that you ve been given an unbelievable gift ? You got your life back , but you re not living it . You have nt found any peace .
Todd : Ah , peace is overrated .
Viki : Yeah , how would you know ?
Todd : Thank you . Oh , what would you like me to do , Viki ? Celebrate life while Spencer Truman is on top of the world ?
Viki : Look , if you re right about him , the law is going to deal with Spencer Truman .
Todd : Oh , and that s going to get me peace , huh ?
Viki : No . You re not going to find any peace until you find a way to forgive Blair .
Spencer : How s your head ?
Blair : Oh , it s better , thanks .
Spencer : Yeah ? Because you ve been drifting away from me off and on all evening , you know ? Are you sure there s not something else wrong ?
Blair : No , it -- this is a very important night for you , and I feel like , well , that I ve ruined it .
Spencer : No , no , no . No , I know you re not feeling your best . I do . But this is going to be a very special night for both of us . All right . I wo nt be long in the bank .
Blair : Ok .
Spencer : All right . Sit tight .
Claudia : I did nt expect you to come . Huh .
Nash : Huh .
Claudia : Not unless Jessica / Tess was here .
Nash : Well , I thought it would be a good place to network . I m looking into opportunities for a new business venture here in Llanview now that I know I m staying . Oh , would you excuse me ? I see someone important I got to go talk to .
Ted : This must be Cristian Vega .
Vincent : Yeah , to the bone .
Ted : Pleasure to meet you . I ve been following your fights ever since you first put on the gloves .
Cristian : And you are ?
Vincent : This is Ted . He works for me .
Evangeline : In what capacity ?
Ted : I like to think of myself as Vincent s right - hand man .
Vincent : Yeah . But you re not on the clock right now , so why do nt you go and enjoy yourself . Relax , have a drink .
Ted : Thanks . I think I will .
Cristian : Can I talk to you for a minute ? It s about the fight .
Vincent : Of course .
Cristian : I ll be back .
Evangeline : Ok .
Layla : You and Cristian can barely keep your hands off each other . Should I find somewhere else to spend the night ?
Evangeline : Like where ? Vincent s place ?
Layla : All right , would you stop with the overprotective thing ? It s getting really old .
Evangeline : Layla , I just do nt want you to make another mistake . I was there the last time you got your heart broken , and I gained , like , five pounds worrying about you .
Layla : I m not going to make a mistake . So far I really like what I see .
Natalie : Do nt worry , they ll be here .
John : Did I tell you , you look real pretty tonight ?
Natalie : Yeah . Just now you did .
John : It s Blair . What s going on ? Did you get the key ?
Blair : Yeah , I got the key , but I had to put it back suddenly because he wanted to stop and get something out of his safe - deposit box .
John : Damn it , the gun . You think he s on to you ?
Man : Take all the time you need .
Spencer : Thank you . Just be a minute . And there it is .
Adriana : How could I have been so stupid ? Rex would never do something so awful . I m so sorry , Rex .
Rex : Like it ?
Adriana : I love it . Too bad the water s going to wash it away , though .
Rex : Never .
Adriana : I m so sorry I doubted you , Rex . Please come find me . I love you so much .
Rex : I ve been doing a bunch of research on butterflies . The painted lady is a genus or subgroup or something . There , that s it . The painted lady is also known as Vanessa Cardui , not Vanessa Atlanta . Anyone who is into butterflies would know that .
Roxy : Yeah ? So ?
Rex : So why did nt the stalker ? And he kept calling Adriana his rare painted lady , but the painted lady is one of the most common butterflies in the world .
Roxy : So what are you getting at ?
Rex : Well , I ve also researched stalkers . There s a type called the collector . He s meticulous about whatever it is that he collects . Knows everything there is to know about it . And that was this guy s profile , so I studied his M.O. , and so is the so - called stalker s . But this guy is nt an expert on butterflies at all . He did nt do his homework . There s something else going on here .
Dorian : I thought I told you not to call me again . You can go ahead and tell my daughter about our agreement , ok , because Adriana is going to take her mother s word over yours .
Bruce : Well , maybe so , but have you seen her lately ? Because I have .
Dorian : Where is my daughter ?
Bruce : Oh , I see I have finally got your attention .
David : You really think Spencer s time is up ?
Paige : Yes , I do .
David : I wish I was that hopeful . Seems like he s getting away with everything he s done .
Paige : He did nt get away with framing Bo . I mean , they could nt pin it on him , but he failed .
David : Hmm . He s still walking around . In my book -- means he got away with it .
Paige : Yeah , but Spencer s a perfectionist . And for the first time ever , he did nt get what he wanted . That s got to be killing him .
Spencer : Mr. Sharp ?
Mr. Sharp : Yes ?
Spencer : Thank you very much . I have everything I need .
John : Blair ? Can you hear me ? Are you there ?
Blair : I do nt think Spencer knows anything . I was very careful . Oh , he s -- he s back . I ll take to you later .
Spencer : Who are you calling ?
Blair : Oh , I was just checking in on Jack . He s watching a movie , he s happy as a clam .
Spencer : Well , I got what I came for . Now our evening can begin .
Natalie : You think that Spencer could ve found out that you re looking for the gun and took it out of the safe - deposit box ?
John : I do nt know . I m going to have a unit follow him from the bank . If he did get the gun and he tries to ditch it , my guy will be on his tail . Blair is so determined to prove that Spencer set Todd up , she s gotten herself in way over her head .
Todd : I m sure you could forgive Blair . You re a saint . I m no such thing .
Viki : Look , I know perfectly well what she did . She gave up on you , she believed you were guilty of murder , and , yes , those things are terrible , but they are not inexplicable . You have to know the reasons why she did it .
Todd : No , I do nt .
Viki : Are you kidding ? You lied . Todd , you lied to her . For months , you never told her Margaret was pregnant . She was the one person you were supposed to be honest with , and you betrayed her . So she did the same to you .
Todd : She does nt seem to be slowing down , either , does she ?
Viki : Look , I m not suggesting you completely , entirely forget the past and rush back at each other , but you have to find a way to be together with her peacefully , for the children . Have you ever wondered why Starr was at the quarry in the middle of the night ? Why she did something so reckless ?
Todd : Are you saying that was my fault ?
Viki : Not entirely . It was the tension between you and Blair . That is not good for children . It s not good for you .
Todd : I m fine .
Viki : No , you are not fine . You come back from the dead , and you re just angry and vengeful . You of all people should value what you have . Do you remember that I pushed Ben out the window --
Todd : You --
Viki : And I nearly killed him .
Todd : You did nt push Ben out the window . It was nt you . It was Niki .
Viki : Right . So I was nt myself , right ? Blair was not herself when you were in prison . Blair was frightened . She was alone . She felt hurt and betrayed by you . And she was looking for a way to live her life by herself . You know , when I realized what I had done to Ben , I thought it was completely unforgivable , and it was . But he forgave me . And I will never , ever be able to forget how grateful I am for that gift because it allowed me to live again . My God , you came back from the dead , and what have you done since then ? Nothing . Honey , you have to forgive Blair . It s the only way you will start to live again .
Todd : You look beautiful , by the way .
Viki : Thank you .
David : Pretty weird about Dorian and Clint , huh ? I never figured she was into cowboys .
Viki : Extremely weird .
David : You know what this means , do nt you ? You and I should give it a go . Your expression says no , but your eyes -- say no , too .
Viki : Hmm .
David : Can I buy you a free drink ?
Viki : Oh . After you .
David : One for me and one for me .
Dorian : Where is Adriana ?
Bruce : Oh , she s safe for now . And she ll stay that way as long as you do what I want .
Dorian : What ? What do you mean ?
Bruce : You were nt enthusiastic enough about my request for a bonus , so now I m talking about ransom .
Dorian : You -- you ve kidnapped her ?
Bruce : Oh , tell the lady what she s won .
Dorian : Just tell me what you want .
Bruce : What do all kidnappers want ? Money . And a bundle of it . I ll get back in touch with the details . In the meantime , do nt call the cops , or you ll never see your daughter again .
Claudia : Fancy meeting you here .
Nash : Why are nt you inside ? It is your party .
Claudia : I did nt donate money just to have a party . I want my money to do some good for people .
Nash : Hmm .
Claudia : Oh , and did you find any new investors for your business ?
Nash : No , not yet , but I m just putting out feelers . I still got to figure out exactly what kind of a business I want to get into . I mean , I know the wine business , but it s -- huh -- it s very loaded for me . The vineyard in Napa was my dream with Tess .
Claudia : Maybe it s time for a new dream .
Nash : Yeah . Well , I ve been kicking around a few ideas , but I still got to work out the financing .
Claudia : I could help you .
Nash : The last time you invested in one of my businesses , I ended up with a restraining order against me , and your father ended up dead . Now , why would you want to do that again , and why would I want to let you ?
Layla : I hope you change your mind about Vincent . I really like him , Vange .
Evangeline : In that case , I ll give him the benefit of the doubt . But if he hurts you , he has to deal with me .
Cristian : Cosmo ?
Layla : Thank you .
Cristian : You re welcome .
Layla : Well , I ve got to get back to my date , so you two have fun .
Evangeline : You , too . But not too much fun .
Layla : Oh . Not possible . Believe me .
Cristian : So , when do I get to take you home ?
Evangeline : Somebody has a one - track mind .
Cristian : The only thing on my mind right now is how much I love you .
Paige : We have been allowing ourselves to be manipulated by Spencer for years .
David : Was nt a whole lot we could do about it .
Paige : Maybe , but -- I do nt know . I ve spent too much of my life believing in the power of the bad guys . I m sticking with the good guys from now on .
John : I understand . My man followed Blair and Truman from the bank . If he did pick up the gun , he has nt tried to get rid of it yet .
Natalie : There they are .
John : Ok .
Renee : Oh . Thank God . I ve been so worried .
Spencer : Sorry about that . We had to make a stop first . I had to take care of something very important .
Renee : Well , you re just in time because we re ready to start the dedication if you are .
Spencer : All right . Lead the way .
Blair : Good luck .
John : I got to talk to Blair . Maybe she knows what Truman took from the safety - deposit box .
Todd : Hey , I need to talk to you right away .
Renee : May I have your attention , please ? Thank you all for coming this evening to celebrate this dedication of the new Reston wing of the hospital . And now please join me in giving a warm welcome to Dr. Spencer Truman .
Todd : Did you hear what I said ? I need to talk to you right now .
Bruce : Well , it seems like our relationship will be brief but profitable .
Adriana : You re not going to get away with this , you know . People will start wondering where I am . Rex will come looking for me .
Bruce : Oh , after the blowup you two had , I do nt think so . You told him you hated him , remember ? He s probably already forgotten about you .
Adriana : No . Rex knows in his heart that I still love him , and he ll come looking for me . I know he will .
Roxy : Baby , I got to find myself a drink and a good party , and I do nt want to waste this damn fine outfit .
Rex : You were a big help , mom . Thanks .
Roxy : Oh . Come on . You know , I did nt really do anything . I think Adriana s going to be ok . I have a sick sense about all that stuff .
Rex : I ll find her . But I think it s time to stop chasing butterflies and start going after the queen bee . I need to know everything Dorian knows .
Dorian : Commissioner Buchanan , please . Yes , of course I ll hold . Oh .
Bruce s voice : I ll get back in touch with the details . In the meantime , do nt call the cops or you ll never see your daughter again .
Dorian : Oh , my God . What have I done ?
Claudia : Thanks .
Nash : Thank you .
Claudia : Um -- we re not together . You would nt be getting my money by leading me on .
Nash : Ha - ha .
Claudia : Hmm . It would be strictly business . We d be partners .
Nash : Well , thanks , but no thanks . I d always feel that there were strings attached .
Claudia : You know , um sometimes I do just give from the heart . I mean , that s what -- that s what this whole night is about , a gift from my family to the hospital . I really do try to be a good person , Nash .
Todd : Hey . Please come with me to the bar . We need to talk .
John : What does Manning want ?
Natalie : Who knows ?
Spencer : This is a very important evening for the hospital , but it also happens to be a very important evening for me as well , and if you could all bear with me for just a moment , I d like to address something before we begin the dedication , something of a more personal nature , something that s very , very important to me .
Todd : Hey , can we go , please ?
Blair : What is it , Todd ?
Spencer : Everything in my life has led to this moment . And --
Todd : Hey , I do nt want to do this here . Come on .
Blair : Ok .
Spencer : Blair Cramer , will you marry me ?
Nash : Nothing will ever make me give up on Tess .
Starr : If my parents are worried enough about me , maybe they ll realize how much in love they still are .
Natalie : What do you think she s going to do ?
Spencer : It s very simple . You just say yes .
### Summary:
| Blair has the key to the safety deposit in her purse . Spencer wants to stop at the bank first , she while he is buying her aspirin , she slips the key back on his key chain as it hangs from his ignition . He notices that she is jittery . She says she is nervous about the event as it is so important to him . He goes into the bank and Blair calls John to warn him that she does nt have the key and that Spencer is going to his safety deposit box right now . Rex and Roxy talk at the station . She reads one of the stalker s emails and Rex realizes that the name of a butterfly is in the email . He refers to the Vanessa Atlanta but calls it rare , when in fact it is a popular butterfly . Adriana wakes again . She is in a room and free to walk around but only for a short time . He cuffs her to the wall so she ca nt take off . He assures her that she will be freed if things go as planned . He is positive that Rex has given up on her , but she knows better . Dorian paces the floor . She answers the phone to Bruce and she shouts at him for trying to control their deal . She tells him that this is called off . Have you seen her recently ? Dorian gets suddenly quiet . He knew that would get her attention . He wants money , tons and tons of it or she will never see Adriana again . She picks up the phone to call Bo , but then quickly hangs up when she realizes that she could cause her poor Adriana to be hurt . Viki has a talk with Todd and explains to him that he needs to forgive Blair for the children s sake . She knows that he will not have any peace if he does nt stop being angry . She also remembers that he lied to Blair for months about Margaret , so in fact he has been just as wrong . Viki feels the children are suffering for this now , and that maybe poor Starr was out that night and jumped the cliff because of all the tension in her life . John sends a man to watch Spencer and reports to Natalie that Spencer got something from the deposit box and it might be the gun . John hopes that is the case that Spencer has nt gotten rid of the gun yet . Blair and Spencer arrive . Todd is trying to drag Blair off to talk to her but Spencer is making his speech now . Todd ignores him and keeps pulling on Blair s arm while Spencer is talking . Finally , she starts walking with Todd when she hears , Blair will you marry me ? Todd and Blair stop walking and face the stage . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brad : Hey , Honey .
Colleen : Hey . I just finished work . Are you at the hospital ?
Brad : No , actually , I m out at the Newman s . I wanted to spend some time with Victoria .
Colleen : Where are you heading after ?
Brad : To the hospital . I wanna see the baby .
Colleen : Okay , well , I ll meet you there .
Brad : Oh , you do nt have to do that . You ve been on your feet all day . Why do nt you go home ?
Colleen : No , no , no , no , I was planning on going anyway . Um , did you eat ? Cause I can bring you something .
Brad : Actually , I did eat . Hey , I m supposed to be the one who worries about you .
Colleen : I m worried about you . And I m worried about the baby . I ca nt believe that that little guy might be my brother .
Brad : Yeah . Well , we ll know soon enough .
Colleen : You seem pretty calm about it .
Brad : Well , I have to be . What good does it do to lose my cool ? I just hope things turn out the way I want them to .
Colleen : Yeah , me , too . I just wish it did nt have to break J.T. s heart .
Neil : Victor .
Victor : Hey , Neil .
Neil : Hi . I thought I d come by and see how you re doing .
Victor : Well , I appreciate it , man .
Neil : So how s it going ?
Victor : A little scare earlier . He could nt breathe . So they ... you know , gave him one of those cardiopulmonary gizmos .
Neil : Right .
Victor : It forces air into the lungs , I guess .
Neil : Sure . Did it help ?
Victor : I think it did . I m waiting for an update .
Neil : Wow .
Victor : Yeah .
Neil : You know , when it s your kid or ... your grandkid in trouble , or both , I ... everything else pales .
Victor : Breaks your heart , I can tell you that .
Neil : Mm - hmm . If you do nt mind , Ill-- I ll wait with you .
Victor : Sure , man , I d appreciate it .
Neil : Okay .
Kevin : You got anything to make that a little stronger ?
Gloria : Alcohol is a depressant .
Kevin : Really ?
Gloria : I do nt need to be more depressed .
Kevin : Then do something about it , Mom . Get angry . Anything !
Gloria : What s the point ? I got ta marry the guy . All you have to do is get used to the idea .
Kevin : Are you ?
Gloria : Trying .
Kevin : Why ?
Gloria : Because I do nt want you or me or your brother going to prison . Good enough reason ?
Kevin : Mom , Jeff is nt even sure we know anything ! He s bluffing !
Gloria : I am not risking any of us going to jail .
Kevin : Well , at least I d finally have a normal relationship with my girlfriend .
Gloria : The guy has to be shut up and it seems this is the only way .
Kevin : Unh - unh . There is another way to shut a guy up .
Gloria : No . Do nt even .
Kevin : One phone call .
Gloria : Stop . The point is to stay out of jail .
Kevin : Fine . Fine . Then just write Jeff a check . Give the money . Do it now before you get John s inheritance .
Gloria : He knows about John . The bastard wants it all .
Kevin : Mom , this is not like you to give up this easily .
Gloria : Who said I m giving up ? I m just now finally getting my inheritance and handing it over to him . I m just trying to buy some time to figure out what I am going to do . That s why I m saying yes .
Lauren : Here we go .
Michael : Oh , here we go . Here we go .
Lauren : You need help ?
Michael : We bought out every store in the-- I know that look . What were you talking about ?
Gloria : We were just saying peace on earth goodwill to men .
Lauren : Uh - huh .
Michael : Excuse me .
Gloria : No , I asked Jill to donate Jabot Cosmetics to a shelter for battered women . You know , raise their self - esteem . Christmas and all .
Lauren : Yeah ? That s quite wonderful .
Kevin : Yeah , Mom was actually thinking of tying it in with the Faces of Jabot campaign .
Michael : Oh , a little less charitable , but business is business .
Gloria : Why do you think Jill loved it so much ? Cocoa , Lauren ?
Lauren : No . In fact , I m gon na go change Fenmore . Come on , Sweetheart .
Gloria : How about you , Michael ? Have some cocoa .
Michael : Uh , maybe later . I have got to hide these .
Kevin : Hey , show us what you got .
Gloria : You know we re just gon na peek anyway .
Michael : Hmm . Good luck . This year I m locking em up .
Gloria : And I know how to pick a lock !
Michael : Yeah , yeah , yeah .
Kevin : Mother , that was so good it was almost frightening .
Gloria : Yeah , yeah , yeah , it s for their own good . I do nt want them to know Jeffrey s pressuring me .
Kevin : Well , that s gon na be a hard secret to keep after he makes the big announcement , which you know he s gon na do .
Gloria : Yeah , well , do nt be so sure .
Kevin : How do you plan on stopping him ?
Gloria : Watch . Watch . Watch . Watch . Watch . Watch . Watch .
Kevin : Okay , hold up . Why do nt you run your little skit by me , because somehow now I m involved .
Gloria : I would if we were all by ourselves . Give me that . I need to make this phone call and get out of here . Jeffrey , hi , it s Gloria . Wish I could say the same thing . We need to talk . Fine . Half - hour . I ll meet you there .
Kevin : You sure you do nt want me to get rid of this guy ? All I have to do is make one phone call to Hector--
Gloria : Honey , I appreciate the sentiment , but dark Kevin equals reckless Kevin .
Kevin : And what does dark Gloria equal ? Let me take a guess . Jail time ?
Gloria : No . I think my little plan is going to work just fine without any problems .
Kevin : Okay . I ll believe that when I see it . Why do nt you just run the gist of it by me ?
Gloria : Honey , Honey , Honey , all you have to do is make sure that Michael and Lauren stay as far away from the club as possible , okay ?
Kevin : Yeah .
J.T. : Go away !
J.T. : What the hell do you want ? Go away !
Colleen : Uh , J.T. , it s me !
Colleen : J.T. ?
Colleen : Hi .
Gabby : Mr. Carlton ?
Brad : Hey , Gabby , how are you ? Something wrong ? Is this not a good time ?
Gabby : Mr. Newman is nt home .
Brad : That s okay . I m just gon na be a few minutes .
Gabby : Well , we were told you re not allowed to see Victoria if Mr. Newman is nt here .
Brad : By Mr. Newman ?
Gabby : I m sorry .
Victor : Apparently they found some carbon dioxide in the baby s blood which gave Brad Carlton the idea to jump on a paternity test .
Neil : Mmm . So do you wanna know ?
Victor : For Victoria s sake , mm - hmm .
Neil : When will the results be in ?
Victor : A day or two . The only positive thing is that we might find out that Carlton is not the father . That d be nice to know .
Neil : Right .
Victor s voice : Leave me a message . I will return your call .
Brad : That son of a bitch .
Colleen : So blueberry , crumb topping , I forgot the ice cream , though .
J.T. : It s fine .
Colleen : You do nt feel like pie ?
J.T. : No , not really . Not right now .
Colleen : Have you even eaten dinner ? Well , we can make something . Or I can order , and then we can have pie , if you want . It ll be a fun night in .
J.T. : You know what , Colleen ? I m really-- I m just not in the mood for fun , okay ?
Colleen : Well , force yourself . You ll thank me later .
J.T. : What are you doing here ?
Colleen : I m being a friend .
J.T. : A friend ? A friend ?
Colleen : Yeah . Fraid so . My dad told me about the test . And I figured you d be holed up somewhere , waiting . Pretty much a mess .
J.T. : Thanks .
Colleen : Friends do stuff like that . I d expect you to .
J.T. : Well , that would nt happen . You re never a mess .
Colleen : Selective memory . I like that .
J.T. : Would nt you rather be with the professor right now ?
Colleen : He is teaching tonight . Or else he would be here , too .
J.T. : Oh , that s great . A party .
Colleen : Well , it s better than sitting here in the dark . I mean , great way to make yourself feel worse .
J.T. : You know what ? I do nt think the lights are really gon na make much of a difference right now .
Colleen : What about me ?
J.T. : You re not going anywhere , are you ?
Colleen : Unh - unh . Nope . You are stuck with me .
J.T. : Well , at least you re consistent . You ve been stubborn since the day I met you .
Colleen : You could nt get rid of me then , and you ca nt get rid of me now . I m afraid you re just gon na have to live with it .
J.T. : A fun night in . All right .
Colleen : I think I would start by taking a long , hot shower .
J.T. : Hold on a second . What makes you think I need a shower ?
Colleen : Because you smell .
J.T. : Blunt and stubborn . Wow , what a catch .
Colleen : Go . You ll feel better . Go .
J.T. : All right .
J.T. : All right .
Victor : Neil . Listen , you do nt have to stay .
Neil : Oh , come on , where else would I be ?
Victor : How about with your family ?
Neil : My family ?
Victor : Yeah .
Neil : College kids-- they do nt wanna hang out with their dad . I m not quite cool enough .
Victor : ( Chuckles )
Neil : You had anything to eat yet ?
Victor : I do nt feel like eating at all . I have no appetite .
Neil : Yeah , I can relate . I remember being down the hall when Victoria gave birth the first time . I did nt have much of an appetite .
Victor : Mm - hmm . Yeah , the two of you always were fond of each other , were nt you ?
Neil : Mm - hmm . I still am very fond of her .
Victor : Yeah . Sometimes I think Victoria has the best qualities of both her parents . At least I like to think so .
Neil : Well , take credit . I do with mine .
Victor : Hmm . Until they infuriate you .
Neil : Right . Yeah , and be rude to the woman that you re , uh , interested in .
Victor : That ever happen to you ?
Neil : Oh , yeah . And that s when they are somebody else s kids .
Victor : Oh , yeah . Yep , I know of what you speak . Victoria so much wants to be a mother .
Victor : Look at that fragile creature with all those wires .
Neil : Yeah . You know , Victor , it s scary as hell , but this , too , shall pass . The moment will come , mark my words , when Victoria wakes up and she s gon na hold him and kiss him and let him know how much he means to her .
Victor : Yeah . Hmm . You know , I was so focused on saving Victoria that I ... did nt pay much attention to that little boy , but now that he is alive and breathing , I can not imagine life without him .
Neil : Yeah .
Victor : Hi , Doctor . How is he ?
Doctor : The c - pap s doing its job . The levels of carbon dioxide in his bloodstream are returning to normal .
Victor : Well , that s nice to know . Can I see him ?
Doctor : Definitely .
Victor : Thank you .
Doctor : Go on in .
Victor : Okay . Would you mind telling Nikki that everything is all right ?
Neil : Absolutely , of course .
Victor : Thank you .
Neil : Sure .
Victor : Hi . Thank you . Look at you . You ... you look a little bit like your mother , do nt you ? Uh - huh . Yeah , you do . She would love to see you . She d be so happy to see you . But you know , I have a message from her . I m supposed to tell you that she loves you very much . Okay ? That s right . You hang in there . You hang in there .
Brad : Doctor , excuse me . How s -- how s the baby doing ? Is he breathing on his own again ?
Doctor : I m sorry , Mr. Carlton , I ca nt divulge that information . You re gon na have to speak to the child s guardian , Mr. Newman .
Brad : Newman . Yeah , I know .
Gloria : Which ones ?
Kevin : What ? What does it matter , Mom ? The guy is blackmailing you .
Gloria : No reason not to accessorize properly . Men notice things like that .
Kevin : No , we do nt .
Gloria : Oh , really ? You speak for all men now ?
Kevin : Uh , not Jeff . Hey , I got it . Why do nt you wear some big pearls to remind him of how rich you really are ? This way , he can look forward to how much money he s gon na get .
Gloria : I think the diamonds . John gave them to me .
Kevin : Diamonds , sapphires , what does it matter ? You know , he s probably just gon na try and steal em when you re not looking !
Gloria : Would you please be quiet ? I do nt want Michael and Lauren to hear this . And I do nt know why you are getting so worked up . I m the one that should be upset . I finally get everything I want , and Jeffrey s trying to take it away from me . I mean , I really should nt have to work this hard .
Michael : Where are you going ?
Gloria : Out .
Michael : Please tell me that Jeffrey Bardwell is nt involved in this equation .
Gloria : No . You inspired me . I m going Christmas shopping .
Michael : Trying to impress the salespeople into giving you a discount ?
Gloria : Women in my position should always look their best even when they re shopping . Right , Kevin ?
Kevin : Yeah .
Gloria : No reason not to look good .
Michael : As long as it keeps you out of trouble .
Gloria : Michael , you re so cynical . Good - bye , Kevin . Call me if you need me .
Kevin : Can I help you ?
Michael : You tell me .
Michael : I have every reason to be a cynic .
Kevin : And I do nt ? We have the same mother .
Michael : What are you up to ? And do nt tell me nothing . I heard you whispering . I was standing right there and that pathetic attempt to keep looking at your own computer monitor-- and I know about this secret language you two think that you share . Nine times out of ten you could nt be more obvious . So , um ... why do nt you just ... get it off your chest ? I d rather hear it from you than the district attorney .
Kevin : Paranoid much ?
Michael : Listen , I m gon na ask you this question one more time , and then I m gon na throw you out that--
Kevin : I promised I would nt ruin the surprise .
Michael : I wo nt be blind sided . It is your moral obligation as my brother to protect me from taking a hit .
Kevin : Fine . Fine , you wanna know ? You wanna know ? It s your Christmas gift , okay ? It is a shiny new cell phone from an innovative company whose identity shall remain nameless . Are you happy now ? Or should I pull up a picture , too ?
Michael : You would nt dare make something up just to appease me ?
Kevin : Look , Mom will kill me if she finds out that you know about this . So now it is your moral obligation not to rat me out .
Michael : She wo nt find out .
Kevin : All right . Well , act surprised . She s been talking about this damn thing for a month .
Lauren : Oh , I am starving from all that Christmas shopping . Anyone else hungry ?
Kevin : I could eat .
Michael : Oh . I ll get the menus .
Lauren : Honey , let s go out .
Michael : Yeah ?
Lauren : Yeah .
Michael : You in ?
Kevin : Sure .
Michael : Uh , the club ?
Kevin : Ooh .
Lauren : Ooh , yeah . Pasta .
Kevin : Mnh - mnh . No .
Lauren : What do you mean , no ?
Kevin : Why do nt we , uh , try someplace new ? There s a new Thai place .
Michael : No , I feel like eating Gina s cooking .
Lauren : Yeah .
Michael : Oh , let me take a shower first , please .
Lauren : What do you mean ?
Michael : Quick shower .
Lauren : No , no , no , I wanna get in the shower .
Michael : Oh , yeah ?
Lauren : Can I , too ?
Michael : Yeah ? I ll race ya !
Lauren : I m gon na get in there !
Kevin : It s your personal flying monkey calling and you do nt answer the phone ? Well , guess what ? We re coming to the club for dinner . Tried to talk em out of it , could nt do it . See you soon .
Brad : How long s Victor been in there ?
Neil : Not long . The doctor said it was okay for him to go in a little while ago .
Brad : What else did he say ? Can they take him off the c - pap ?
Neil : No , they re keeping him on it . Carbon dioxide levels have come down , but the doctor s optimistic .
Brad : I appreciate you telling me .
Victor : I admire your strength , little boy . You re fighting for your life . You just hang in there . The world can be a dark place , but you ll conquer it , just the way I did . Nothing will stand in your way . I ll stand right beside you to make sure that no one or nothing does , all right ? We ll fight em together . You bet . You hang in there now .
Jeff : Good evening .
Gloria : Maybe for those bilking wealthy widows .
Jeff : Well , you re the one who marries rich men right before they die .
Gloria : And your point ?
Jeff : You re lucky ?
Gloria : Good answer .
Jeff : Speaking of ... what s your answer ?
Gloria : Depends . What exactly do you expect from me ? I mean , are we going to live in the same house ? Are we going to share the same bedroom ?
Jeff : Afraid you ll be tempted ?
Gloria : Only to buy twin beds .
Jeff : You re stalling .
Gloria : I m not . These are legitimate concerns . The least , you can put my mind at ease .
Jeff : I wo nt send you to prison . How s that ?
Gloria : Oh , great , you gon na hang that over my head ? Wo nt live like that .
Jeff : Well , I ll tell you what . With your money you can build us a big house with separate wings . We ll never have to see each other . In fact , you can even mail me my weekly allowance .
Gloria : I m not wasting my fortune on you .
Jeff : I just want you to keep me in comfort . We can work out the details before the I dos .
Gloria : You really are a nasty little man , you know that ?
Jeff : You hate me already . See ? We should be married .
Gloria : Mm - hmm . All right . I ll marry you . One condition .
Jeff : I m listening .
Gloria : You have to fall in love with me . Or at least convince the entire world that you love me . Otherwise , it wo nt work . Because I marry for love . And this marriage ca nt be any different . Otherwise , people will question your motives .
Jeff : All right , I m in .
Gloria : And until we succeed , no announcement .
Jeff : Well , I wo nt be able to keep my hands off you . When do we start ?
Gloria : No time like the present .
Jeff : Ah !
Colleen : Hey . Feel better ?
J.T. : Yeah , yeah , a little bit . Thanks for cleaning the place up .
Colleen : No problem . Um , dinner is in the oven , but it s gon na take awhile .
J.T. : Well , uh , hopefully , your cooking has improved since last time .
Colleen : Well , I ca nt mess this one up .
J.T. : Oh , I ve heard that one before .
Colleen : So what do you wanna do till it s ready ?
J.T. : You know what ? I dont -- I do nt really know if I wanna do anything right now .
Colleen : Well , I brought a movie .
J.T. : Let me guess , something romantic ?
Colleen : Well , if you consider poker and James Bond a love story , then--
J.T. : Wait , you brought Casino Royale ?
Colleen : Yes .
J.T. : Wow .
Colleen : Or we can watch football .
J.T. : No . Football ? You wanna watch football ?
Colleen : I will if I have to .
J.T. : A movie s fine .
Colleen : Okay .
J.T. : Hey , where s the-- where s the blanket ? What did you do with the blanket ?
Colleen : Uh , it s -- its right here . I just , uh , I moved it so I would nt spill anything on it .
J.T. : That s a good idea .
Colleen : Was Victoria making that ?
J.T. : Yeah . Yeah , she used to ... sit right here and knit and talk to the baby . She d mess up every couple minutes , and she would , uh , she d run this-- this random bunch of words together--
Colleen : Like what ?
J.T. : Uh , palindrome . Um , widget . And then there was this other one , um ... uh , boul -- bouleversement , or something like that . I do nt even know what it meant . She just said it .
Colleen : It s , um ... word of the day .
J.T. : Is that right ? Wow .
Colleen : Yeah .
J.T. : How d you know that ?
Colleen : Are you kidding me ? Adrian loves stuff like that .
J.T. : Yeah . Well , she said that , um ... she said that would give him a big vocabulary one day , and , uh , I guess like Adrian s .
Colleen : Well , maybe he ll be a writer .
J.T. : A writer ? Well , if he s anything like his mom , he s not gon na be a-- be a knitter . You know , um ... this was gon na be-- this was gon na be the first gift she gave him .
Colleen : It will be the first gift she gives him .
J.T. : Yeah . First I got ta bring em both home .
Lauren : Hey , you two .
Jeff : Hi .
Michael : Whose Christmas present are you ?
Jeff : ( Laughs )
Gloria : I just ran into Jeffrey a few minutes ago .
Michael : While you were out shopping for a martini ?
Gloria : I stopped in for a bite . I do nt like to shop on an empty stomach .
Kevin : It s true . One time she almost passed out . She thinks Christmas shopping is a sport .
Jeff : ( Laughs ) well , I could nt resist joining this lovely lady .
Gloria : We were talking about the holidays and everything that has to be done .
Michael : You re not gon na get a lot accomplished in a restaurant .
Gloria : What are you all doing here ?
Lauren : We came to eat .
Kevin : I tried calling you , Mom , to see if you wanted to join us , but you did nt answer your phone .
Michael : What s the difference ? We re all here now .
Jeff : Well , join us . We could make it a family dinner . After all , I m William s brother .
Lauren : Oh , you know , the baby is really such a handful .
Jeff : No , I do nt mind .
Kevin : You know , I , uh , if I remember correctly , I forgot to turn the fireplace off . Maybe we should just order our food to go and bring it home ?
Michael : I turned it off .
Jeff : I ll get us a table . Excuse me , Darling .
Kevin : Great . Great , we re staying .
Victor : Did you talk to Nikki ?
Neil : Yeah , she s gon na be back in a little while , Victor .
Victor : All right .
Brad : I m not going anywhere , Victor .
Victor : You say what you have to say and then kindly leave .
Brad : I went to the ranch . The nurse would nt let me see Victoria , but of course , you know that , do nt you ? You gave the orders .
Victor : Why would you wanna see Victoria ? You were the one who was willing to let her die .
Brad : It was nt remotely that simple .
Victor : It was that simple .
Brad : I was standing up for Victoria and what I believe she would ve wanted .
Victor : You really think you know what she wants , right ?
Brad : Well , I was married to her , was nt I ?
Victor : Okay .
Brad : And I wanna see her .
Victor : Let me tell you something , you stay away from her .
Jeff : I ve had some experience with that kind of advertising , if you have any questions .
Lauren : Oh , well , thank you . Um , but I really like the agency that I m working with right now . I ll keep you in mind .
Michael : Where s our waiter ?
Kevin : Oh , good idea . Uh , check , please !
Jeff : You know what ? I should ve ordered some champagne to celebrate .
Michael : Oh ?
Gloria : Celebrate what ?
Jeff : Your inheritance . You were so determined to get what was rightfully yours-- and it paid off . You must be ecstatic .
Gloria : Mmm . I am .
Lauren : I - I think the baby s tired .
Michael : Well , maybe we should get him home . Granny , you can follow us there .
Jeff : He s getting so big . How old is he now ?
Michael : He s one year old .
Jeff : Ah , well , happy belated birthday , little guy . Is he walking yet ?
Lauren : Uh , yeah , and he s into everything .
Jeff : I never had kids of my own . I was always Uncle Jeff to everybody else s . If you ever need a sitter ...
Gloria : That s very generous of you .
Kevin : You know , we would nt wanna ruin the teenage economy .
Lauren : Yeah , and you know , he really likes the ladies .
Jeff : Ah . Oh , I m sorry . I ve been expecting this call .
Michael : You go right ahead .
Jeff : Hello , uh , Mr. Jameson , uh , yeah , I m just finishing dinner . Could I call you back in about five minutes ? Great . Well , thank you , everybody . I ve really enjoyed myself . We should do this again soon .
Gloria : We will .
Jeff : Walk me out ?
Gloria : Sure .
Jeff : Great performance . Keep it up and we ll be Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bardwell before you can say skin burn .
Lauren : Why is she still buddying up to him ?
Michael : Maybe Kevin should field that question .
Kevin : How should I know ?
Michael : Because she confides in you .
Kevin : Not this time .
Michael : I do nt believe you . First she freaks out because he knows about the face cream , now we re having dinner with him ? Listen to me , what s going on ?
Kevin : I just said I do nt know .
Lauren : And he wants to baby - sit ? I mean , what is that ? That is creepy . I do nt want him anywhere near the baby .
Michael : I do nt want him around any of us . Especially Gloria .
Kevin : Ugh . Blame it on the mistletoe , but I do nt think he s going anywhere anytime soon .
Colleen : Its okay , we do nt have to watch it . I m not really a Bond fan anyway .
J.T. : Yeah , I m sorry . All I can think about is the paternity test .
Colleen : Yeah , I know . I would be , too .
J.T. : Whatever happens , that s it . You know , I m -- I m either ... I m either the father , or I m not . There s no more wishful thinking . No more hoping . And if I m not ... I should nt even be talking about this with you . You re probably hoping that the baby s your dad s .
Colleen : Yeah , but , J.T. , you would be a wonderful dad , too .
J.T. : You think ?
Colleen : Of course . I have seen you with Victoria when she s pregnant , and I ve seen you at the hospital .
J.T. : I never thought this would be my life .
Colleen : J.T. with a kid ? Uh , I ca nt say I saw that coming .
J.T. : Yeah .
Colleen : But you always did surprise me .
J.T. : What ? What s so funny ?
Colleen : I ... I can just picture it , you know ? You saying that your son ca nt go out because he has to stay home and study ?
J.T. : ( Laughs )
Colleen : I mean , can you imagine ?
Colleen : The manicotti smells so good .
J.T. : Did you get that out of the freezer ?
Colleen : Yeah , why ?
J.T. : Why d you do that ? Why -- why did nt you order something ?
Colleen : What ?
J.T. : Victoria made that before she went to Clear Springs . She learned how to make that pasta from scratch . We were supposed to have it together .
Neil : Hey , Victor , why do nt you go home , get some rest ?
Victor : I m not gon na leave this baby alone , Neil .
Neil : I ll tell you what , Ill -- Ill stay .
Brad : You can both go . I m gon na be here anyway .
Victor : That is not happening . Doctor ? Is his breathing improving ?
Michael : That s a good boy . Thank you .
Michael : Spit it out .
Gloria : What are you talking about ?
Michael : I do nt have time to play games with you . What are you doing with Jeffrey ?
Gloria : Enjoying his company .
Lauren : Ugh . Something is going on . You have never liked him .
Gloria : I changed my mind .
Kevin : Yeah , Mom does that a lot .
Michael : No . Not about Jeffrey and certainly not about money . And do nt try to say I ca nt explain it , because that s what your son has been telling me . Stop it ! Stop it ! See that look ? That s the look ! You re lying !
Gloria : Do nt pick on your brother . This has nothing to do with him .
Michael : It does if he knows something .
Lauren : Just tell us .
Gloria : All right . He s intelligent , he s attractive , he reminds me of William .
Lauren : No .
Gloria : It s only natural that I would , you know , start feeling something for him .
Lauren : Gloria ...
Michael : It is not natural . It is unnatural . You have never trusted the man . You swore up and down that he was after your money . And then , when he pulled out that cold cream , you certainly--
Gloria : Yeah , well , nothing came of it , so maybe I overreacted .
Michael : I give up .
Lauren : You just-- you just ca nt be serious about spending time with him .
Gloria : Sure I am . He reminds me of William . And I ca nt just turn off my feelings .
Michael : Oh , I wish I knew where that button was .
Kevin : She d just turn it right back on .
Gloria : And ... I would like Jeffrey to celebrate Christmas with us .
Michael : That is it . You have lost-- you have lost your mind .
Colleen : I wrapped it up and put it in the fridge . I m really sorry , J.T.
J.T. : It s all right . You did nt know .
Colleen : Is there anything I can do ?
Neil : Victor , I m gon na head out now . Um , call me if you need anything , all right ?
Victor : Neil , thank you for your support , all right ? You ve been very kind . Thank you . Appreciate it .
Neil : Anytime .
Victor : Yep .
Brad : I m going in .
Victor : What do I have to tell you for you to understand I do nt want you near that baby ?
Brad : Where the hell do you get off telling me what to do ? That could be my son in there !
Victor : I m the baby s guardian . I make the decisions . I do nt want you near that baby .
Brad : If I am the father , I will do everything I can to keep you away from him .
Gina : Is this your license plate number ?
Amber : You hit the assistant D.A. s car ! You idiot !
### Summary:
| The question of paternity still looms over JT and Brad ; JT waiting alone prepares to drown his sorrows in alcohol , but is saved by Colleen . Brad is being banned by The Great Victor Newman from seeing Victoria and the baby . Brad outraged shares with Victor , that once he is confirmed as the baby s daddy he will do everything in his power to keep Victor away . Glo , Glo , Glo caught in a rock and a hard place decides she will marry Jeffrey , but there s a condition ; he must convince people that he has fallen madly and deeply in love with her . Michael and Lauren are becoming suspicious wondering why all the sudden they are so chummy . They lean on Kevin who refuses to leak any information . The baby s bloodstream is returning back to normal ; carbon dioxide free . Last Week s Recaps |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Stephanie : Max .
Max : Hey . What are you doing down here ?
Stephanie : We need to talk .
Max : Here ? Now ?
Stephanie : I m sorry . It s just important .
Max : Uh , are you okay ?
Stephanie : No . I want you to tell me the truth . What did you really do with Nick s prototype proposal ?
Alicia : Hi , Professor Fallon .
Nick : Hi , Alicia .
Alicia : How weird is this , running into you at the pub ?
Nick : Is it ?
Alicia : Yeah , I m just so used to seeing you at the chemistry lab or around campus . Anyway , did I tell you I m taking Chem II in summer school ?
Nick : No , you did nt .
Alicia : It is so hard . I am completely lost . Do you mind if I ask you a few questions ?
Nick : Yeah . I do . I m a little busy .
E.J. : Hello , Steve . Sure is a rather conspicuous place for us to meet .
Steve : Well , given our history , do I really need to explain why ?
E.J. : Look , I thought we agreed to keep the past in the past , eh ?
Steve : Some things are nt so easily forgotten .
E.J. : Well , yet here we are , eh ? In your in - laws pub .
Steve : Last I heard , they were your in - laws , too .
E.J. : Sure , which is actually one of the reasons I m quite surprised that you wanted to meet here . I mean , are nt you a little bit concerned that somebody might see us ?
Steve : I do nt care who sees us , so long as I get what I came for .
Bo : Hey , good morning .
Roman : You re here early .
Bo : Yeah , I want to take another look at Earl Larson s file .
Roman : I know you re angry about this , Bo .
Bo : Damn right I am . He was killed for talking to me .
Roman : Vitali s behind it . We just got nothing to connect it .
Bo : Yet .
Roman : But here s your file .
Bo : Oh , thanks .
Sami : Dad ? Oh , hi , Dad , Uncle Bo . Listen , I really need to talk to you .
Roman : Sami , what s wrong ?
Sami : Everything .
Bo : I ll let you guys have some privacy .
Sami : No , Uncle Bo , sorry . I did nt mean to interrupt . You could stay . This will be quick .
Roman : All right , go ahead . Tell me .
Sami : I went to see Lucas at the prison , and he refused to see me .
Roman : Well , Sami , that s not a surprise . He told you he would nt before he left .
Sami : I know , okay ? I know that , but this is really important . I have to talk to him now before I do something really stupid .
Kayla : You know , Hope , this is so nice . Thank you .
Hope : We should really be doing this more often , you know .
Kayla : You know , honestly , you do nt need to take me to my doctor s appointment today .
Hope : What are you talking about ? I want to . Look , Ciara s with Maggie , and it would really do me a lot of good to get out of the house for a while .
Kayla : Are you sure that s the only reason ?
Hope : What do you mean ?
Kayla : Did Steve put you up to this ?
Hope : I am totally insulted . I want to take you to your appointment because I want to be there for you because you re my sister - in - law and because I love you .
Kayla : Mm - hmm .
Hope : And because I promised Steve that I would .
Kayla : I knew it . You know what ? He has been shadowing me like a hawk ever since we were rescued from the Vitali compound .
Hope : I can see how that could be frustrating .
Kayla : Yeah , it s very frustrating . And now that Martino Vitali is back in town , Steve is more worried than ever . He is convinced that Vitali is gon na use me to get back at him . I am not helpless . I can take care of myself .
Hope : I know you can , but it does nt hurt to have another set of eyes watching your back . Who knows what Vitali could be planning ?
E.J. : So , I , um , hear you ve had an interesting last few weeks .
Steve : Oh , did you ?
E.J. : Mm . I heard that you and Kayla and Bo and Hope were kidnapped by Martino Vitali s daughter , Ava . Is that true ?
Steve : Yeah .
E.J. : That s pretty interesting , do nt you think ?
Steve : Listen , can we do this ?
E.J. : Yeah , sure . It s all here .
Hope : Vitali is very dangerous . He really is responsible for everything that we think he is . And he truly is a monster .
Kayla : You know , I saw Ava s toxicology report . The drug that her shrink prescribed for her was responsible for her behavior .
Hope : Still ... she and Steve share a past , not to mention the fact that she is Martino Vitali s daughter . Look , even though she s off the drugs , it would nt hurt to be careful around her .
Kayla : So you think that she s still a threat .
Hope : What I think is that it would be -- here , sit down -- it would be a lot better to be safe than sorry . But you know what ? I do nt want you thinking about the Vitalis , okay ? Because Roman , Abe , and I -- we re on it . The only thing you need to focus on is you and this beautiful baby growing inside of you .
Kayla : Okay , I ll do that .
Hope : Oh , my gosh . We need to go . I do nt want you to be late for your appointment .
Kayla : All right , let s go .
Angelo : I ll take care of it . Psst ! Hey .
Ava : Hey .
Angelo : So , how did it go ?
Ava : Yeah , it was good . It was good . My blood test came back negative , and Dr. Carver does nt think that the drugs that Neusbaum gave me caused any permanent damage , so , you know , we ll see . But it looks good .
Angelo : Hey , that s terrific , Ava . Terrific .
Ava : Yeah . God , you know what I want ?
Angelo : No . What ?
Ava : I just want to start living my life again in the present , not the past .
Angelo : Well , it looks like the old Ava is back .
Ava : [ Chuckles ] Well , I m trying . I m getting there . But , you know , I do think I know why Neusbaum gave me the wrong drugs .
Angelo : Oh , yeah ? Well , why ?
Ava : Well , I just think he wanted me to be his patient for as long as possible and he could just bleed money from Daddy .
Angelo : Hmm .
Ava : What , am I right ?
Roman : Sami , what are you afraid you might do ?
Sami : Dad , I just really need to talk to Lucas . I - I need to see him and ... I just miss him so much .
Roman : I know you do , honey . I know you do .
Sami : And I worry about Allie . I worry that she s not gon na remember her Daddy , that she s not gon na remember Lucas arms around her or him tucking her in at night .
Roman : Okay . What exactly would you like me to do ?
Sami : I want you to talk to him , you know ? Go convince him to see me .
Roman : Okay . I ll speak with Lucas , but I ca nt guarantee anything .
Sami : What do you mean ? Ca nt we force him ?
Roman : Inmates have rights . If he does nt want to see you , there s absolutely nothing I or anybody else can do about it .
Steve : Well , that all seems in order .
E.J. : So , we have a deal ?
Steve : Yeah .
E.J. : Good . How would you like to proceed ? Handshake ?
Steve : Well , if you do nt keep your word , a handshake s not gon na make any difference , is it ?
E.J. : [ Clears throat ] You know , Steve , at some point , you re just gon na have to learn to trust me .
Steve : No , I do nt .
E.J. : Then why would you do business with me ?
Steve : I have my reasons . Just do nt make me regret it .
E.J. : You wo nt .
Nick : I am really sorry I just snapped at you like that . I , um -- I was just trying to finish this .
Alicia : It s okay . What is it ?
Nick : It s , uh -- it s my grant prototype proposal .
Alicia : For your alternative fuel source .
Nick : Yeah . How did you know ?
Alicia : You told our class about it .
Nick : That s right . I did . I did tell your class about it . Um ... well , I got the grant , and now I m just focusing on building and developing the prototype .
Alicia : But your proposal for that was already submitted .
Nick : I - I wish that were true .
Alicia : Professor Fallon , I know for a fact that your grant prototype proposal was already delivered to the administration office for approval .
Nick : Uh , that s -- that s impossible .
Max : Stephanie , I already told you what I did with Nick s grant work .
Stephanie : You said you cleaned it up and recopied some of it .
Max : Yeah , and then I asked you to mail it to the administrative building for me .
Stephanie : Which I did .
Max : Right , so what is the problem ?
Stephanie : None of it makes sense . Max , why would you redo Nick s work and lie about it ?
Max : Well , because Nick is a proud guy , and he never would have accepted my help in the first place . And he had a major deadline , which is why I was up all night working on it .
Stephanie : Well , did nt it include some really detailed stuff ?
Max : No , it was like a financial accounting report for the grant and some project research analysis and st-- it does nt matter .
Stephanie : It also included a lot of formulas and genius stuff .
Max : No , it was just --
Stephanie : All stuff that you said you knew nothing about , so how did you do it ?
Max : What , copy his work ?
Stephanie : Redo the entire proposal .
Max : I told you , I only fixed it . I mean , why do nt you trust me ?
Stephanie : I do trust you , Max . But what I do nt understand is why do nt you trust me ?
Max : I do trust you , Stephanie .
Stephanie : Then why do nt you tell me what you really did with Nick s papers ?
Max : I did , but you wo nt believe me .
Stephanie : Because none of it makes sense .
Max : Why are you making such a big deal about this ?
Stephanie : Because I know you re hiding something from me , and I do nt like it . We promised to be honest with each other .
Max : Okay . The only thing I probably would be hiding from you is pretending that I was upset that you came down here , because I m really not . I - I - I m really happy , and I miss you .
Stephanie : Max , stop .
Sami : Hey , um , Dad , did you get a chance to talk to Lucas ?
Roman : Yes , I did .
Sami : What did he say ? Is he gon na let me see him ?
Roman : No . He did say that , uh -- that he might give you a call . But I , uh , would nt get my hopes up too high .
Sami : Why ? What else did he say ?
Roman : Well , he s just not ready to see you yet .
Sami : But he said he would call , right ? So , um , that s something , right , Uncle Bo ?
Bo : Yeah . Yeah .
Sami : Yeah . So , thanks . Thanks for letting me take up your time , Daddy .
Roman : Sami , hold on . Hold on a second here . It just sounds to me like you left a lot of things unsettled before Lucas left .
Sami : Well , he shot E.J. , and he did it because he did nt trust me . And that s -- that s why I was mad at him .
Roman : And now ?
Sami : Well , now I ve spent a lot of time thinking about it , and I can understand why he felt that he had to do it . I just do nt understand why he lied to me about it afterwards .
Bo : Seems like you guys have a lot to talk about .
Roman : I know you love Lucas . I know you miss him . Just make sure he knows that . You ca nt go wrong .
Sami : And that s exactly what I m gon na say to him when he calls .
Officer : Excuse me , Commissioner ? I have an e - mail for your daughter . It s from Lucas Horton .
Roman : Thank you , officer .
Ava : Am I right that Dr. Neusbaum gave me those pills as a way to extort money from Daddy ? Angelo . Hi . Kayla , I m -- I m -- I just wanted to thank you for figuring out that I was on the wrong medication .
Kayla : How are you feeling ?
Ava : I m better . Thank you .
Kayla : I m glad .
Hope : We should get going . We do nt want to be late for your checkup .
Kayla : Yeah .
Ava : Yeah , ha-- have a good appointment .
Kayla : Thank you .
Angelo : You do nt have to thank her .
Ava : Look , she saved my life .
Angelo : Are you kidding me ? Her husband s the reason you got in this mess in the first place .
Ava : Oh , come on , that s not true . Patch is nt the reason Dr. Neusbaum gave me the wrong meds .
Angelo : If it was nt for Patch , you would nt have needed a doctor .
Ava : Okay , I m not arguing with you about this right now .
Angelo : As far as I m concerned , Patch is the reason for all your problems . And I know for a fact your father thinks so , too .
Ava : Really ? What else do you know , Angelo ?
Max : What s wrong ?
Stephanie : I m not gon na let you distract me again .
Max : What are you talking about ?
Stephanie : You did the same thing the other day at the pub when I mentioned Nick s papers .
Max : Did I ?
Stephanie : Yes , and it worked , but I m not gon na let it this time .
Max : Well , I do nt know what else to tell you .
Stephanie : You can tell me the truth .
Max : I did , but you still do nt believe me , do you ?
Stephanie : No , Max , I do nt .
Max : Co-- Stephanie , where are you going ? Do nt leave it like -- Stephanie . [ Grunts ]
Max : Oh , well , I did nt know what else to bring you , so I brought you a couple beers . I know you do nt like flowers , so ... so , Nick got his grant . I m happy for him . [ Chuckles ] Do nt get me wrong . Nick s a smart guy . He just , uh ... makes mistakes from time to time . Needed a little guidance . [ Chuckles ] You know I m not big on working at the pub . I guess Ma is having a really tough time with it . So I just thought I d help her out a little , you know ? [ Sniffles ] You know I ll never go back to school . I mean , you did nt , and you re the best man I ve ever known . And ... you did good with what you had . And I ll do good with what I ve got . I guess we all have our place in life . You know what ? Right now , I m totally cool with running the pub and taking care of Ma for you . I just really want to find something else , you know ? Because I really want to take care of Stephanie , too .
Nick : Wait , who told you that my proposal was already submitted ?
Alicia : I work in the Dean s office . One of the things I do is sort his mail . Your proposal arrived yesterday . I personally put it in the Dean s in - box .
Nick : That s impossible . I mean , I never sent it in . I could nt have because I spilled beer on it when I was here , and then I came back for it and it was gone , and that s why I m redoing it .
Alicia : Well , you may as well stop . Looks like someone found it and mailed it to the Dean for you .
Steve : Well , I m glad that s over with .
E.J. : Me too . Hey , Steve , what s the rush ? Let me buy you some breakfast .
Steve : No thanks .
E.J. : Look , I meant what I said earlier . At some point , you and I are gon na have to learn to trust each other , so why do nt we start now ? Let me buy you a coffee , then . Look , Steve , we re in a public place -- one you chose . Nothing s going to happen , all right ? Steve , are you okay ?
Roman : Sami , I ll tell you what , uh , Bo and I will step outside and we ll let you read your e - mail in private .
Sami : Thanks , Dad . Dear Sami , I m gon na be in prison for a long time . I ve caused you so much pain ... [ Voice breaking ] So I m letting you go . I still love you , Sami , and I always will . But that s why I m telling you again to forget about me ... and to move on with your life .
E.J. : Steve , what s going on ? What are you staring at ?
Stephanie : Papa , what are you doing here ?
Steve : Hey , baby girl . Just , uh , getting a cup of coffee .
Stephanie : Does nt Mom have a doctor s appointment today ?
Steve : Yeah , your Aunt Hope s taking her .
Stephanie : She does nt mind that you re not with her ?
Steve : No , she could nt be happier . You know how she thinks I m crowding her and worrying too much about the pregnancy .
Stephanie : So it s safe to say that you ll be calling the doctor afterwards to get a full report .
Steve : Absolutely .
E.J. : [ Laughs ] You know your father well , eh ?
Stephanie : Which is why I m surprised to see you two together . I have to go . I ll talk to you later .
Steve : Good .
Stephanie : Hey , Nick .
Nick : Oh , hey , Steph .
Stephanie : How are you doing ?
Nick : Okay , I guess .
Stephanie : You do nt seem okay .
Nick : You re right .
Stephanie : Do you want to talk about it ?
Nick : I do nt know .
Stephanie : I m a really good listener .
Nick : That s what Chelsea always used to say . I guess you know we broke up .
Stephanie : Yeah .
Nick : Do you know why ? That s -- that s okay . I do nt know why , either .
Stephanie : She did nt give you a reason ?
Nick : As far as I can remember , she said it was for the best , whatever that means .
Stephanie : I m sorry , Nick .
Nick : I really thought she was the one , you know ? Anyway , that s over .
Stephanie : Well , how s your prototype proposal going ?
Nick : Oh , you do nt even want to know .
Stephanie : It s that bad ?
Nick : Well , one of my students told me today that the work that I thought I lost is now at the Dean s office .
Stephanie : Really ?
Nick : Yeah , and I double - checked with the Dean s secretary to confirm it . It s true . Somebody turned my work in for me .
Stephanie : Wow , I --
Nick : Uh -- hey , Max .
Max : Hi .
Stephanie : Hello .
Max : Uh ... hey , Nick . What s going on ?
Nick : I was just telling Steph I found my missing work .
Max : Really ? Where ?
Nick : At the Dean s office .
Max : No kidding .
Nick : Yeah , I guess somebody must have found it and sent it in to him .
Max : Oh , what a lucky break .
Nick : Uh , not really .
Stephanie : What do you mean ?
Nick : Well , it was a mess , not to mention incomplete .
Max : Well , maybe it wo nt be so bad , Nick .
Nick : What , are you kidding ? It was a disaster . My name was on that . It s , like , why would somebody pick it up here , send it in to the Dean instead of just giving it back to me ?
Max : I have no idea .
Kayla : Well , it s a good thing Steve was nt able to come to that appointment with me .
Hope : Kay .
Kayla : You know , he -- he would have insisted that I check myself right into the hospital right then .
Hope : Look , just -- okay , everything is going to be fine . You heard the doctor . As long as you follow Dr. Elman s advice , it s gon na be fine .
Kayla : She put me on bed rest .
Hope : Which is the perfect opportunity to catch up on all that fabulous reading .
Kayla : Come on . You know me . Do you really think that I m capable of just lying in bed reading all day ?
Hope : If that s what it takes to keep you and your baby safe , yes , I do .
Kayla : You re right . You re right . I will do anything to protect this little life growing inside of me . But that does nt mean that I m not gon na worry about Martino Vitali --
Hope : Stop . Stop . We re handing Vitali , okay ? Your job and your only job is to stay well and take care of that beautiful baby growing inside of you , okay ?
Kayla : Okay . I know . You re right .
Sami : What are you doing here ?
E.J. : I live here . You all right ?
Sami : I m fine .
E.J. : You do nt look fine .
Sami : Thanks , E.J. That makes me feel a lot better .
E.J. : Look , I did nt mean to insult you .
Sami : I know . I m just , um , tired . I did nt sleep very well last night .
E.J. : Because of what happened between the two of us ?
Sami : No . And , uh , for the record , nothing happened between the two of us .
E.J. : So I just imagined you kissing me , is that right ?
Sami : Did nt I say that I had a headache ?
E.J. : No . You did nt mention that .
Sami : Well , I do . I do , and I -- and I do nt want to talk about this right now .
E.J. : Okay . Okay , fine . Is there , uh , anything I can do to help ? I mean , I could get you some pain medication . Actually , I could probably ask Rolf if he could get you a cold compress or something .
Sami : Would you , um ... drop Nicole as a client ?
E.J. : Is there anything else I can do to help ?
Sami : No .
E.J. : Look , I , uh , I m gon na be reaching a bit , Samantha , but you also seem quite sad .
Sami : That s because I am sad , but I really do nt want to talk about that , either .
E.J. : Okay . Okay . Look , if I ca nt get you some medication and I ca nt get you a cold compress and you do nt want to talk about it , maybe I could just -- can I give you a hug , Samantha ?
Stephanie : Nick , there s -- there s something Max and I need to tell you . It s about your grant prototype proposal .
Nick : Yeah ?
Stephanie : We --
Max : Looked everywhere for it . At one point , I thought I might have accidentally thrown it away in the trash , and it was nt there .
Nick : That s because it s at the Dean s office , or at least a version of it .
Max : Right . Yeah . Look , I m gon na get back to work . I hope all goes well with your proposal .
Nick : Yeah , well , I do nt think so , not in the condition it was in . I still do nt understand why somebody would send it into the Dean s office instead of just giving it back to me .
Stephanie : You know , I m supposed to meet a sorority sister here for breakfast . She s right there . Um ... I m sorry about Chelsea and about the proposal .
Nick : Thanks .
Max : What are you talking about ? How can it screw up your grant , especially if you have nt even gotten it yet ?
Nick : Exactly .
Max : Well , I do nt know what you re talking about . Look , I got to get to work , and I have no time for this .
Nick : Max , Max , I really , really want to get this research grant . It could make a big difference to a lot of people , not to mention what it could do for my career .
Max : Okay , so what s your point ?
Nick : My point is that I could really use the support of my friends right now , especially from the person that I thought was my best friend .
Max : Well , if that s me , I m flattered , and you have my support .
Nick : Do I ?
Max : Of course you do .
Nick : Morgan told me that you ripped a page out of my notebook . Why did you do that , Max ?
Ava : Angelo ... did Daddy mention something to you about Patch ?
Angelo : W - w - what do you mean ?
Ava : Well , you just said that you know for a fact that Daddy blames Patch for my breakdown after he left .
Angelo : So ?
Ava : So what do you mean by it ?
Angelo : Nothing .
Ava : Angelo .
Angelo : What ? Look , it s no big secret your father hates the guy .
Ava : No , it s not . So is he going after Patch or his family ?
Angelo : Oh , come on . You know your father .
Ava : And that s why I m asking you . Is he planning on going after Patch ?
Angelo : I do nt know .
Ava : Right , and if you did , you d tell me , right ? Hey , come on . I thought I was your favorite cousin .
Angelo : And you are .
Ava : So be straight with me .
Angelo : I am , okay ? As far as I know , your father s not moving against Patch .
Ava : And you re gon na tell me if anything changes , right ?
Angelo : Of course I would . Why would nt I ?
Ava : Good . Good . I m hungry . I m very hungry . You hungry ? Want to grab something to eat ?
Angelo : Yeah , oh , yeah .
Ava : All right , let s go . I know of a cute little place .
Hope : Hey , tell you what , how about some tea ? I m gon na make some tea for myself . Would you like some ?
Kayla : Sounds great .
Hope : Do nt . Do nt move , please . I m gon na get it .
Kayla : You know , I m capable of getting it myself with very minimal effort .
Hope : But why would you when I m offering to do it for you ?
Kayla : All right , fine .
Hope : Okay , good .
Kayla : I ll sit here .
Hope : Perfect , and I ll tell you what , I ll even give you a slice of apple pie to go with it .
Kayla : Well , that sounds good . This day is getting better .
Hope : I ll be right back . Just breathe and try to relax . Think about only good thoughts .
Kayla : Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah , right . Ow .
Stephanie : Max .
Max : Yeah ?
Stephanie : We need to talk .
Max : Okay . Pete , you got this ?
Pete : Sure .
Max : Thanks .
Stephanie : I ca nt do this anymore .
Max : Ca nt do what ?
Stephanie : Keep lying to Nick .
Max : Technically , you did nt lie to him . I did . And besides , it s done . I mean , the proposal was turned in on time , and I m pretty sure the work was accurate .
Stephanie : That s not the point . We re lying to our friend , and it was wrong . Do nt you see that ?
Max : Okay , you re right . I should let Nick throw years of work down the drain .
Stephanie : That s not what I m saying .
Max : But that s what would have happened , okay ? Can we just drop this and move on ?
Stephanie : You know what ? You re right . It s time we ve moved on . Nick , there s something I need to tell you .
Nick : Okay .
Angelo : [ Chuckles ] Yeah , right .
Ava : Look at that . I wonder what s going on over there .
Angelo : Who cares ?
Ava : That s Patch s daughter , Stephanie .
Angelo : Yeah . I see her .
Ava : She s pretty , huh ?
Angelo : Eh , she s not as pretty as you , twinkle toes .
Ava : [ Chuckling ] Yeah , right . And to think ...
Angelo : What ?
Ava : How did you know I had an appointment today ?
Angelo : What are you talking about ?
Ava : It did nt even dawn on me until now , but how did you know I had an appointment ?
Angelo : I guess you must have told me .
Ava : When we were in jail .
Angelo : No , after .
Ava : I do nt -- I do nt remember that .
Angelo : Yeah , well , neither do I , so come on . You said you were hungry . Let s order .
Ava : Yeah , yeah , okay .
Angelo : So , what are you having ?
Ava : Hmm , I do nt know . Let s see -- think I m gon na have a why you keeping tabs on me ?
Stephanie : I m sorry , Nick .
Nick : Max redid my work for me ? Are you sure ?
Stephanie : Yes .
Nick : And then he had you send it to the Dean ?
Stephanie : I m sorry .
Nick : You and I need to talk .
Ava : Answer the question , Angelo .
Angelo : Wait a minute . What was the question again ?
Ava : Oh , how did you know I was gon na be at the hospital today ?
Angelo : I do nt know . Somebody must have told me you d be there .
Ava : Really ? And you think that somebody could have been Daddy ?
Angelo : Could have been . I mean , so what if it was ? Look , you know he s still worried about you .
Ava : Yeah , right .
Angelo : And I am , too .
Ava : Okay , I know that , Angelo . But I also know when you re keeping something from me . Come on . You tell me what s really going on .
Bo : Hey . What s up ?
Steve : A lot , man . I do nt have much time , so you got to listen .
Bo : I m all ears .
E.J. : Hey . What do you say , can I give you a hug ?
Sami : No . Um ... uh ... I m gon na go for a walk .
E.J. : Samantha , please . You re upset . You re clearly in a lot of pain . Come on .
Sami : Um , I m gon na be fine . If I go , I ll get some fresh air . It ll help my headache .
E.J. : You re gon na be a lot more comfortable if you just go to bed , sweetheart .
Sami : I - Ill be back , okay ?
E.J. : Hey , Nicole . Sure , about an hour ? Okay .
Nick : Why did you do that ?
Max : I was just trying to help .
Nick : By ruining my career ?
Max : Nick .
Nick : You re supposed to be my friend , dude .
Max : I am .
Nick : You know , because of this , my grant will probably be rescinded .
Max : Why ? The Dean got it on time , and I m pretty sure the work was solid .
Nick : Oh , really ? How ?
Max : Because you re a genius and all I did was clean it and copy it . All the basic information was still there . I mean , is nt development money given to you because it s still in development ?
Nick : Are you trying to be funny ? Because I m not laughing .
Max : All I m trying to say is that you re probably still gon na get the approval for the prototype .
Nick : I doubt that .
Max : You know what ? Fine . You know , I knew the deadline , and all I was doing was trying to help you not lose the grant . I do nt know what else you want me to say .
Nick : There s nothing else for you to say , Max . Thank you for being honest with me , Stephanie .
Stephanie : I had to tell him .
Max : I know .
Stephanie : Now will you tell me why you really did it ? I did nt think so .
Ava : Hey , what s going on , Angelo ?
Angelo : Nothing .
Ava : You re lying .
Angelo : Look , I m not .
Ava : I m not playing this little game with you right now . You do nt want to tell me what s going on , it s fine . I ll go to Daddy and ask him myself .
Angelo : Ava , no , wait . Just ... sit down .
Ava : You gon na tell me ?
Angelo : Yeah , just sit down .
Ava : So ?
Angelo : You re right . Your father wanted me to keep you busy today .
Ava : Why ?
Angelo : Cause there s something going down and ... he does nt want you to get hurt .
Steve : Catching some rays , you know ?
Bo : Some people go to tanning salons .
Steve : Tanning salons are nt my style .
Bo : Yeah , I know .
Steve : So I ll see you real soon , then .
Bo : Steve s in trouble . And we do nt have much time .
Nicole : I m serious , Philip . Despite what you think , I really do care about you .
Chelsea : There was something that I wanted to , um , get your advice on .
Kate : Okay .
Chelsea : How do I make a guy realize that he loves me ?
Marlena : You said you had a personal issue . What is that ?
### Summary:
| Stephanie tries to get Max to tell her the truth about why he meddled with Nick s proposal , but he keeps quiet . After a suspicious Nick discovers that his proposal was delivered to the Dean s office , Stephanie admits the truth to him . Nick goes off on Max , and worries that his proposal will be rejected . Kayla continues to have cramps , even though she has been ordered to bed rest for the duration of her pregnancy . Sami tries to get Roman to intervene and make Lucas talk to her . Roman is unsuccessful , and Lucas sends Sami an email telling her to move on with her life . She later becomes jealous when she hears EJ set up a meeting with Nicole . EJ meets with Steve and gives him an envelope . Steve is followed to the docks by a man with a rifle . Ava accuses Angelo of following her around on her father s behalf . As the gunman hones in on Steve , Angelo admits that something is going down , and Martino wanted Ava far away from it . Bo senses that Steve is in trouble . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : Hi .
Brooke : [ Singsongy ] Hi .
Ridge : Did you check in at the hospital at all ?
Brooke : Bill and will practically camped out in katie s hospital room the last few days , so I m gon na go over there in a bit .
Ridge : Now you have to admit , past mistakes aside , flo really stepped up .
Brooke : They released her from the hospital . She should have gone back to prison instead of back to her apartment .
Ridge : I saw you laying into shauna . What was that all about ?
Brooke : Ridge , I just do nt want them creeping back into our lives .
Ridge : Creeping back in ? [ Sighs ] Flo saved your sister s life . She gave her a kidney . So to me , it looks like they re trying . And what about you ? No understanding ? No forgiveness ?
Brooke : Forgiveness ? No , after what she did to my daughter , I ca nt even believe that you re asking me that .
Flo : Mom , we are really gon na have to figure out a new way to go . These walks are getting are getting so boring . Going the same way every time .
Shauna : I know , but dr . Choi said you have to keep walking since you ve been released . How are you feeling ?
Flo : Little better . Still kinda hurts .
Shauna : Well , I m not surprised . You did have your kidney taken out .
Flo : To save katie s life . That s worth it . I m not complaining .
Shauna : Oh , you never do . That s my girl .
Flo : Mom , I m not 5 .
Shauna : I know , but you ll always be my baby , and I m just -- I am so impressed by you and your selflessness .
Flo : I was just happy I was a match .
Shauna : You d think certain people would be grateful . I mean , you literally saved katie s life , and hope and brooke still turned down their privileged noses . I mean , it makes me crazy .
Wyatt : Hey , you sounded urgent on the phone . Is everything all right ? Where s hope ?
Liam : Uh , she s okay . She s at the park with beth and douglas . Um ... listen , there s something you need to know about katie .
Wyatt : Oh , no . What , what ? Is she all right ?
Liam : No , she s okay . She s good . She s recovering nicely so far .
Wyatt : Okay , yeah , that s what I thought . But what -- what is up with you ?
Liam : Well , it s the transplant . Um ... there s more to it than you know . So the family elected me , of all people , to tell you this , but , uh , and I tried to do it sooner . I just could nt find a good moment .
Wyatt : Dude , what are you saying ? Like , the family elected you to tell me something ? Sounds big .
Liam : Yeah , uh , yeah , it s kinda big .
Wyatt : Okay . So tell me .
Liam : So you know how katie s organ donor wanted to remain anonymous ?
Wyatt : Yeah .
Liam : Well , we know who it is now .
Wyatt : That s -- that s good , right ? That s good . Did you get to meet the person ?
Liam : Flo . Katie s organ donor is flo .
Wyatt : Flo .
Flo : Mom , please do not let hope and brooke get you all fired up .
Brooke : I ca nt help it . It makes me nuts that after this enormous sacrifice you made that they continue to treat you like something they found on the red bottom of their expensive pair of shoes .
Flo : Did you really expect something different ?
Shauna : Yes . I mean , you saved katie s life , and brooke could barely spit out a thank you ?
Flo : It does nt matter . It really doesnT. You and I both know that i did nt do this to get back in with my family .
Shauna : I know that , but it kills me that brooke continues to take such a hard line with you like she s never made a mistake in her life before ?
Flo : Mom , I think we just need to come to terms with the fact that the forresters and the logans are never going to forgive us .
Shauna : Maybe one will .
Flo : Who ?
Shauna : Ridge . I think he s feeling a little sympathetic towards us .
Flo : And what makes you think that ?
Shauna : I have my reasons .
Brooke : I am very grateful that flo saved katie s life , but that does nt change the fact that she was a big part in keeping beth away from hope all those months , and I can not forgive her for that . There s no way I m gon na welcome flo and her shady mother back into our family . And then there s the drunken night , ridge , that you had with shauna , and I know nothing happened , but I do nt understand why you tried to defend them .
Ridge : So what sacrifice is worth your forgiveness ? Obviously a kidney is nt enough .
Brooke : Thomas . What are you doing here ?
Thomas : I work here ?
Brooke : No , you donT. You gave up your place at forrester creations when you decided to betray my daughter .
Wyatt : Wow . I mean , everyone must have been stunned when they saw flo wheeled in . I mean , I ve stunned with you just telling me the story .
Liam : Exactly , so can you imagine what was going through their heads ?
Wyatt : Is flo all right ? Is she okay ?
Liam : She s good . She s okay . I think ? I mean , she was released a few days ago .
Wyatt : Okay , um , this is-- it s just kinda sad , do nt you think ? Like , she donates a kidney to katie to save her life , basically , and then she s still rejected by this family .
Liam : Yeah , she did help kidnap my daughter and lie about it for months and let us all think beth was dead , so there s that .
Wyatt : Yeah , I know , I know .
Liam : Listen , obviously , katie s very grateful because she gets to live and be a mother to will , but not everybody else there was so forgiving , including me , honestly , but your feelings are gon na be more complicated . I get that . There s -- there s a piece of you that will always love flo . I know that .
Flo : Mom , do we need to have a serious talk ?
Shauna : About what ?
Flo : You know what . About ridge . You ca nt keep getting swept up in this . It s like a fantasy that s never gon na happen .
Shauna : But I have to admit I can not stop thinking about that kiss .
Flo : The -- the kiss that he has no recollection of because he was passed out ? That one ?
Shauna : Well , we do nt know that . I mean , he might remember subconsciously . Maybe that s why his attitude s softening towards us .
Flo : Even if he is softening , it does nt change anything . Mom , he is still married to brooke . She is still the love of his life , even if they are going through hard times . I just -- I just -- I do nt want you to set yourself up for rejection .
Shauna : Do you have any idea how obnoxious brooke has been lately , and not just with us ? I mean , she has a target on thomas . I m not sure how much more tension that marriage can take .
Thomas : Brooke , I m sorry . I did nt mean to upset you . I was just dropping off designs for dad .
Brooke : We do nt want your designs , thomas . You do nt work here .
Ridge : Hold on a second . It s a family business , and this is my son .
Brooke : We re talking about my daughter . He did nt get to waltz back in here and reclaim his place at forrester creations after the hell he put hope through . I m not gon na reward him for stealing a baby .
Ridge : He did nt steal a baby . That was buckingham .
Brooke : Ridge , when are you gon na stand up for me ? Tell your son to leave , please .
Ridge : When -- when are you gon na figure out that he did nt commit a crime ? He kept a secret , and it was awful , and he knows it was awful . We re trying to fix it . At the end of the day , he s family . We got ta try to understand each other and to heal .
Brooke : Oh , so all these good feelings that you re talking about , I m supposed to also feel that way about flo and shauna ? Is that what you re getting at ?
Thomas : Okay , look , guys , guys , guys , I hate to see you two arguing , especially knowing it s about me . Look , brooke s right . What I did was wrong , and I feel terrible about it . In my own screwed up way , all I was trying to do was give douglas back a family that he lost when caroline died . Look , I miss my boy so much .
Brooke : Well , douglas has a family with hope and liam . He s much better off with them .
Ridge : That s not your call , honey .
Thomas : You know , um , you have every right to be upset . Okay ? I m disappointed in myself , but you have to give me a chance to make things right .
Brooke : No , absolutely not . You stood by and you watched another woman -- your sister raise my daughter s baby as her own , and then all of the horrible things that you did to douglas ? I will never forgive you , thomas .
Ridge : What happened ? What happened to you ? What happened to that beautiful , compassionate woman I fell in love with ? You know that people make mistakes , and you forgive them . You made mistakes , and people forgave you . I never kept a baby away from a grieving mother who thought her child was dead .
Ridge : He knows he made a mistake . He just-- he just said that . And he s getting better . He s working on it , and you would see that if you could step out of this big cloud of anger you re sitting in .
Brooke : Ridge , I understand that you need to see the best in your son , but this whole thomas redemption thing is really difficult for me because he lied and he manipulated , so how am I ever gon na trust him again ?
Ridge : You know it s difficult for me . This is my son . So what are you suggesting ?
Brooke : I m suggesting that he goes to a mental facility to get the help that he needs .
Ridge : He is getting help , but he also needs his family , and I m not gon na send him away .
Brooke : You know how much this hurts me , that you ll stand there and you ll defend him and flo and shauna ...
Ridge : Ah .
Brooke : ... Before you defend my daughter ? My daughter is the one that got hurt , ridge . So what do you want me to do ? You want me to invite all of these people back into our family after what they did ?
Ridge : None of those people just saved your-- your sister s life .
Brooke : Okay--
Ridge : You barely thanked her her for it .
Brooke : I m leaving .
Ridge : Where are you going ?
Brooke : I m going to see katie before I say something I regret .
Ridge : [ Groans ]
Thomas : I m so sorry that you re having to deal with this , and it s because of me . I mean , she s so upset with me . I do nt know if she ll ever forgive me , and it puts you in the position of having to choose between your wife and your son ?
Ridge : We re gon na figure it out . We always do . And you got ta keep working on yourself and fix your relationship with your son . And brooke -- shell-- she ll come around eventually .
Thomas : But you -- you said something before . Um ... katie s alive because of--
Ridge : Oh ! I m sorry . With everything going on , um ... katie s donor is flo .
Shauna : There . That should feel better .
Flo : Thank you , mom .
Shauna : Oh , are you kidding me ? Taking care of you s my specialty .
Flo : [ Chuckles ]
Shauna : Uh ...
Wyatt : [ Clears throat ]
Shauna : Ah , look who s here .
Wyatt : Hi . Uh ...
Shauna : Hi . [ Chuckles ]
Wyatt : Sorry to drop by unannounced .
Shauna : Do nt apologize . I mean , it s , uh , it s wonderful to see you , right , honey ?
Wyatt : Liam just told me . So you re ... katie s donor . How are you doing ?
Shauna : I m gon na step out for a bit .
Wyatt : Okay .
Shauna : It s great to see you , wyatt , and do nt be a stranger .
Wyatt : All right . Uh ...
Flo : Hey .
Wyatt : Hi .
Flo : Do you like my new look ? I like to call it post - hospital chic .
Wyatt : [ Chuckles ]
Flo : [ Chuckles ]
Wyatt : You know what you look like ?
Flo : What ?
Wyatt : You look like you just saved someone s life . An official message from medicare .
Wyatt : I mean , to say that I was shocked when I found out what you did , I just-- how are you doing ? Are you gon na be okay ?
Flo : Yeah . Yeah . I m fine . I m gon na be fine . Thank you . You know , it s really crazy that we only need one of these things .
Wyatt : Yeah . [ Chuckles ]
Flo : When I found out I was a match , I really had no choice . Katie s my aunt , and I love her . I was nt gon na ... I was nt gon na just let her die .
Wyatt : I mean , it sounds like you re shrugging this off like it s no big deal , but this is a very big deal , flo .
Flo : I know . I know . But you know , it s -- it s kinda the least I could do . Plus , I do nt know . The whole thing kinda just felt like fate , you know ? I mean , katie has my dad s heart and I know that this is-- sounds a little crazy , but I ... I kinda feel like the universe put me in this place where I was ... I was given the power to save her life , too . And my dad and I are now united in katie forever . And there s something about that that just -- it gives me a lot of peace . And I just really hope I made him proud .
Wyatt : I m sure you did . I mean , you made me proud , too .
Thomas : So flo literally saved katie s life .
Ridge : Yeah . No one wanted to say it out loud , but katie was slipping away . We were losing her ... and this miracle happened .
Thomas : Flo ... ironically enough .
Ridge : Yeah . What do I do with brooke ? What is that ? How does she not see that this is buckingham ? He did all that . And yes , you and flo and shauna and xander and zoe , you did nothing to be proud of . You made some horrible decisions . You re making amends , and I see that . [ Knock on door ] Come on in . Shauna .
Shauna : I know it s probably not the smartest thing for me to be here .
Thomas : Because of brooke ? Yeah , well , join the club .
Shauna : You know , I-- I really need to thank you for being so supportive and understanding of flo .
Thomas : You know , I just found out that flo is actually katie s donor . That s -- that s incredible .
Shauna : I think so , too .
Thomas : My dad was just saying how much of a miracle she is and how amazing it is that she saved katie s life , and I do nt know how anyone could nt see that . Um , hey , look , I dropped off the designs . Let me know if you wanna proceed or not .
Shauna : Thomas was actually very nice about flo . Who would have thought ?
Ridge : Well , he s not a hopeless case .
Shauna : No , no , I did nt mean that . I was just comparing him to brooke . I would have -- I was just disappointed that she did nt show flo more gratitude about the katie situation . But maybe I m stupid for expecting anything more .
Ridge : My wife has very strong feelings about anyone that was involved in the kidnapping .
Shauna : I understand .
Ridge : And I m disappointed in the way she s handling it .
Shauna : It s taking a toll on you , huh ? I m sure the night we spent together does nt help the situation , and I really wish brooke did nt find out . And I want you to know I did nt say a word to her . I told you I would nt , and I didnT.
Ridge : I m aware .
Shauna : Okay .
Ridge : What ?
Shauna : Well , there s something else . I told myself I would nt tell you , but standing here right with you , it just does nt seem right .
Ridge : What ?
Shauna : That night , danny and I put you to bed . You were down for the count . You had asked me to stay with you . And so I laid next to you . You re ridge forrester . I have admired you for so many years from afar , and ... oh , laying next to you , I could nt stop looking at you .
Ridge : You saw me drooling on myself .
Shauna : Oh , you were beautiful , but that s what inspired me to do what I did . I know I probably should nt have , and it s probably wrong , but I do nt even care . I do nt regret it . It was probably one of the most amazing moments of my life . Do nt be mad , okay ?
Ridge : I m gon na hate myself for asking this , but ... what did you do ?
Shauna : I leaned in ever so gently , and I kissed you . You kissed me back . It was magical , electric , unlike any other kiss I ve felt . It was a kiss I ll never forget .
### Summary:
| Brooke is on the computer at her office when Ridge comes in and kisses her on the head . He asks about Katie and she says both Will and Bill have almost camped out in her room the last few days but she will check in later . He says with past mistakes aside , Flo really stepped up and he thinks she should get their forgiveness . Brooke disagrees and says she should have gone back home or even to prison . It changes nothing of how wrong she has been in the past . Ridge asks what do they have to do if a kidney is not enough . Shauna gets Flo settled in and says the Logan s are driving her crazy for not accepting this gift . She is so proud of her little baby . Flo says it is okay , she has come to terms they will never forgive her . Shauna gets in the last dig that she is not sure how that marriage of Ridge and Brooke is going to weather this tension . Liam calls Wyatt over to the cabin and slowly explains he has news about Katie . No , she is fine but there is news about the organ donor . Wyatt is stunned to hear it is Flo . He wants to know if Flo is okay and Liam says yes , she was released a few days ago . Not everyone was forgiving but he knows Wyatt s feeling were a bit deeper so Liam knew he would want to know . Thomas walks in and Brooke asks why he is here . He says he works here and she says no he does not . He can not do what he did to her daughter and expect just to waltz back in and go back to work . Ridge shakes his head and says this is his son and this is a family business so he does have a right to be here . He is not a criminal . He did some bad things . He kept a secret but he did not steal a baby . That was Buckingham . Thomas is trying to right his mistakes and they need to stick together and heal . Brooke says not after all that he has done to Hope and even to Douglas . She will never forgive Thomas . Thomas stops her and says he only came by to give his dad some designs . He does not want them fighting about him . Ridge asks Brooke where is that compassionate woman he married . He tells Brooke that everyone makes mistakes . She even has made mistakes and people forgave her . She says yes but she never stole a baby . And yet Ridge wants her to forgive Thomas and now Shauna and Flo , that is too much . He says he does not understand what she wants him to do . She says for starters Thomas needs to go get mental help . Ridge says he is getting that and with family they can overcome this so he is not sending him away . He belongs here . Brooke grabs her phone and purse and says she is going to see Katie before she says something she will regret . Again Thomas tries to say the right thing that he is sorry this has caused another rift over him . Wyatt goes to see Flo and she shows him her new hospital chic digs . He says she looks like she just saved someone s life . She said she was shocked too but when she found out she was a match she had no choice . It s like fate . Katie has her dad s heart and now Katie has her kidney . It was like the universe was coming together . She hopes she made her dad proud . He says he knows he is proud of her and sure her dad would be too . Ridge tells Thomas that he made some horrible decisions but he is making amends and he sees that . Shauna knocks on the door and comes in . Thomas says he was just told that Flo gave Katie a miracle and he is so thankful . He leaves but with the door ajar as Ridge and Shauna talk . He tells Shauna that he is disappointed in Brooke , but Thomas is handling it better . Suddenly she says she swore she would never tell him this but standing here now she feels compelled . That night they spent together and then he asked her not to leave . He was down for the count but she did something after she got him to bed . He says he knows he is going to be sorry but he will ask what happened . She says she leaned in and kissed him and he kissed her back . It was the most magical , electrifying kiss she has ever experienced . Of course Thomas is listening and eyeballing all of this from his standpoint outside the door . Shauna is only inches away from Ridge s face batting those baby blues . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jesse : Oh , hey . Got that emergency all under control , Dr. Hubbard ?
Angie : The patient was a koala bear .
Jesse : Yeah , well , I m willing to bet that you were the one to solve the problem .
Angie : I had to amputate his thumbs .
Jesse : That dude was lucky that you were on call , I ll tell you that .
Angie : No , you re the one who is lucky . With me working in the E.R. , you had time to obsess .
Jesse : Oh , no , Gardner just sent this Papel file over . I m just trying to help him , you know --
Angie : Let somebody else help Robert Gardner . Anybody but you .
Annie : My guess ? You only accepted Aidan s proposal because you got rejected , again , by Ryan .
Greenlee : Speak of the devil .
Ryan : The devil ? Wow , am I really that bad ? Actually , wait . Do nt answer that , please .
Annie : You are pretty wonderful sometimes , which is why people love you . Including me .
Greenlee : Annie s just biased . She thinks that all women worship at your feet .
Ryan : So , wait a minute . They do nt ?
Annie : Well , you actually have one less worshipper . Greenlee and Aidan are engaged .
Aidan : I m sorry , what are we doing here ? Here I am , telling you that I just got engaged to Greenlee , and you just give me the third degree about Kendall . It does nt make sense .
Tad : You know , you re really good at ducking and weaving .
Aidan : I m not ducking and weaving , Tad . What are we doing here ? What is this ?
Tad : It s a simple question . Answer it .
Aidan : Just leave it alone , ok ?
Tad : Aidan , whatever you keep trying to swallow about Kendall , it keeps backing up on you . Soon , it s going to make you sick .
Aidan : I m telling you , you re wrong . I m fine .
Tad : You re anything but fine . And it s driving me crazy . So , enough is enough . What the hell is wrong with you ?
Aidan : I got a lot of guilt . All right ? A lot of guilt and -- shame .
Kendall : Zach , please do nt shut me out . I know -- I know that you and Greenlee were facing death , and I know that I should have kept the faith that you would come back to me . But I did nt . Do you want to hear --
Zach : I do nt want to hear anything .
Kendall : I have to tell you that I am ashamed , I am so ashamed that I let my grief for you push me into the arms of another man .
Zach : You should have told me .
Kendall : And if I had , what would you have done ? Please , you have to understand . I was so scared , I made myself sick .
Zach : What did you think I was going to do ? Lash out at you ?
Kendall : No .
Zach : Leave you ? I thought you trusted me completely . And I was wrong . You do nt trust me at all .
Kendall : Zach . The last thing -- the last thing I ever wanted to do was disappoint you , and see that look that you have in your eyes right now .
Zach : I ca nt help the look .
Kendall : I know . And that s what s so painful . It s just there . Tell me what I can do . What can I do to make it better ?
Zach : I wish I knew .
Kendall : But you know that I love you .
Zach : That was never the problem .
Kendall : And you know that I am not perfect , and that I certainly do nt have any feelings for Aidan . I mean , you have to have known that , or you never would have sent us on that book tour together . Were you testing us ?
Ryan : Well , it is a very , very nice ring . So , what am I ? Blessed now ?
Greenlee : No , you re knighted . Which means all the ale you can drink .
Ryan : Ah .
Annie : Ale is Aidan s drink , not Ryan s , remember ?
Greenlee : I never confuse to two . Nice does nt begin to describe this ring . Closer to exquisite , divine .
Ryan : Oh , I see . So , when is this exquisite , divine wedding happening ?
Greenlee : As soon as I can get it all together .
Ryan : Really ? Why the rush ? I mean , Aidan s not going anywhere .
Annie : I do nt blame her for wanting to get married so soon . I can actually kind of relate . When Ryan and I were getting married , we did nt want to wait . It was partly because of Emma , but it was mostly because we just wanted to get on with our lives .
Greenlee : That s exactly how Aidan and I feel .
Annie : For better or for worse . I found comfort in that . You know , it means you ll really stick together through the hard times .
Greenlee : Well , we do nt plan on any hard times .
Ryan : Yeah , nobody ever does .
Greenlee : Oh , we have paid our debts to the universe . From now on , it s fun , fun , fun .
Ryan : All right , well , I got a fun idea for a wedding gift . How about matching motorcycle helmets ? You probably need a replacement for the pink one you have , right ?
Annie : Oh .
Ryan : What ?
Annie : You remembered something else . And it s about Greenlee .
Angie : You send this pile of junk back to Robert Gardner , or I ll set a match to it .
Jesse : Come on , Angela , do nt --
Angie : You know , 20 years of memories , Jesse . Halloween , Christmas trees , Frankie s science fair ribbons , you -- you missed all that because of -- because of this !
Jesse : I know what I took from you .
Angie : I m not talking about you . I m talking about this drug lord and his scum . Now , the man is dead . Let him rot in his grave . You and I are just starting to live .
Jesse : Gardner s just trying to help these people write a movie .
Angie : Is there a part in there for me ? Look , let them write it and leave us alone .
Jesse : I want to know what happened to us , all right ? I need to know why I had to run to stay alive , why I had to steer clear of my family so they would nt be hurt !
Angie : What difference does it make ? It s over . Let s just live our lives !
Jesse : I do nt know if I can do that , baby .
Angie : What are you saying ?
Jesse : I need to know the reasons . I need facts . I need answers .
Angie : What if there are no answers , Jesse ?
Jesse : Oh , there are always answers , baby . Just got to know where to find them .
Robert : Yeah , it s good .
Waiter : A hobby ?
Robert : Oh , it s more than just a hobby . It s an ancient , mystical practice .
Waiter : How does it work ?
Robert : You fold a thousand cranes , and your wish will come true .
Waiter : How many cranes have you made so far ?
Robert : 638 .
Waiter : That s one giant wish . Hope it comes true .
Robert : I m certain it will .
Jesse : I gave up my wife and my son . And I need to know what for .
Angie : To stay alive . You managed that . Now , put this away and live .
Jesse : Sweetie , you do nt even care why we lost so much ?
Angie : I m grateful for what we ve got , and I want to keep it for a lot of tomorrows . I want to -- I want to blow out birthday candles . I want to light sparklers for the Fourth of July . I want to fall asleep in your arms every night and wake up with you every morning .
Jesse : You think I do nt want that ? Baby , I want that more than anything . Someone stole that from us . You do nt want to know who , or why ?
Angie : Papel is the who . We know that .
Jesse : We know what we ve been told .
Angie : I choose to believe the F.B.I. And as for what Papel wanted , I do nt give a damn .
Jesse : I m sorry , baby , but I do . I need to nail down every detail . I need to follow every lead -- follow every trail I possibly can .
Angie : You wo nt let this go .
Jesse : I ca nt . I ca nt .
Frankie : Neither can I. You know that song ? Time in a Bottle ?
Angie : Are you telling me we re still in danger ?
Jesse : Not necessarily .
Angie : Would that be a yes or a no ?
Frankie : It s a need to know more .
Jesse : The boy is right .
Frankie : I ai nt no boy . I m a man .
Jesse : You re my boy .
Angie : And right now , the similarities are scaring me . Look , we know Papel is dead , so it s not like we re going to get any justice . Why do we need to know more than that ?
Jesse : Because it might be important .
Angie : Important how ?
Jesse : That s what we need to find out .
Angie : You know what , you re speaking in circles , Jesse , and you re giving me a damn stupid headache . Now , why ca nt we just live our lives ?
Jesse : Because somebody could still be out there waiting to pounce .
Angie : What have we got to pounce on ? Pots and pans ? A toaster oven ? A vibrating chair ? What fool would pounce for any of that ?
Jesse : A fool who thought we might have more .
Greenlee : I am so sorry .
Annie : Do nt worry about me . I m fine . It s actually encouraging . The more Ryan remembers about other people , the greater chance is he ll remember me .
Greenlee : But it was nt a memory , my pink helmet . I told Ryan about it weeks ago . Remember , I was getting -- I was just trying to get you to remember the day that your bike got stuck in the snow . And I happened to mention my helmet ?
Ryan : Oh , yeah . You re right . You did , yeah .
Greenlee : Yeah , he did nt remember the snow thing . Or my helmet , for that matter . But I tried .
Ryan : Yeah . She was trying to jog my memory anyway , and I could nt remember anything .
Greenlee : All I managed to do was burn an image of a pink motorcycle helmet into his brain .
Ryan : She just went on and on , trying to help me , yeah .
Annie : And you thought somehow your helmet would do the trick ?
Greenlee : I was talking and talking compulsively . Well , I m off to meet my fiancé . Is nt that the loveliest word , fiancé ?
Annie : Personally , I like the word husband . It s solid , comforting .
Greenlee : Ca nt wait to use it . I mean -- again .
Ryan : They say three s the charm , so --
Greenlee : Charm , ha ! Annie , write that down . Maybe you can use it . All right , bye .
Ryan : Here . Let me help . Let me help . Hey , thank you for that .
Greenlee : Was I over the top ?
Ryan : No , you were great .
Greenlee : You really did remember us .
Annie : Hey , need some help ?
Greenlee : No , I m fine .
Annie : Ok , great . Well , send Aidan my best .
Ryan : Yeah , tell him congratulations , ok ?
Greenlee : Ok .
Ryan : All right .
Annie : So , why are you really here ?
Ryan : I thought maybe I could get just , like , a whole makeover , you know ? A whole new -- I m here to see you . What do you think ?
Annie : To tell you the truth , Ryan , I do nt know what to think anymore .
Kendall : Why would you send Aidan , of all people , to protect me ?
Zach : Well , I trusted Aidan to protect you , and he did protect you .
Kendall : Ok , so you trusted Aidan , but not me ? Zach , can I ask you something ?
Zach : Sure .
Kendall : What exactly are you picturing went on between Aidan and me ?
Zach : I do nt know . I see two people reaching out to each other , trying to get through the night , struggling to survive . That s what I see .
Kendall : Ok . Well , then , why would you send him to California with me ?
Zach : Because I knew nothing would happen in that hotel room .
Kendall : Oh -- what ? How could you be so sure of that , Zach ? You already thought that Aidan and I might have slept together . Oh , my God . My God ! When I thought I was pregnant , whose child did you think it was ?
Zach : Better question is , whose child did you think it was ?
Kendall : Do nt start twisting it , Zach .
Zach : Do nt start twisting it , Zach ? You sleep with Aidan , and now I m the bad guy ?
Kendall : No , no , of course not . That s not what I mean .
Zach : What do you mean ?
Kendall : I m trying to make sense of it . I m trying to figure out why you would send Aidan away with me , knowing how your mind works ?
Zach : You have no know idea how my mind works .
Kendall : Well , I thought I did , but now -- I guess I just -- I need you to understand me .
Zach : I do understand . That s what makes it worse .
Kendall : You would nt feel that way if you would just let me explain to you --
Zach : You explained enough . That s it .
Kendall : No , no , Zach . Please , please , please do nt leave .
Zach : This is nt helping anybody . I ll see you .
Kendall : No , no , no ! Please just wait a second , ok ? Let s find something that will help us , ok ? Come with me .
Zach : What ?
Kendall : Please , Zach , will you come with me ?
Ryan : Well , I just came here straight here from my , uh , from my shrink appointment .
Annie : Do you have an assignment ?
Ryan : No , no , but I just thought you were making a lot of progress , you know , when you ripped up the divorce papers , so --
Annie : I m not the one who needs to make progress . I m not the one who s forgotten you .
Ryan : True , but , you know , I just thought you were headed in the right direction when you said you were going to bail on me , and you decided not to because I asked for more time , and you took a step in my direction , so I thought I would take a step in your direction .
Annie : Ok , what did you have in mind ?
Ryan : Well , I guess we could just sort of talk about us , about how things got started , you know ? Things like that .
Annie : Except I would be the only one doing the talking .
Ryan : Uh , yes , but I would do my part . I ll be asking all the right the questions
Annie : Such as ?
Ryan : So , you re saying that I never loved Annie ? That s your grand theory here ?
Annie : Hello ?
Ryan : Um -- uh , was it love at first sight for us ?
Annie : No . Far from it . I was staying at your apartment with Erin , and I had never met you before . And you came home , and I thought you were an intruder . So , I almost hit you with a fireplace brush .
Ryan : With a fireplace brush ?
Annie : It was dark . But I did nt actually hit you . You were saved in the nick of time .
Ryan : Wow .
Annie : But there was a time when I was so paranoid that I accidentally shot you in the shoulder , thinking that you were my ex - husband .
Ryan : You shot me ? You shot me in the shoulder ? And you re the one angry at me . Unbelievable . Ok , so how did we get from you trying to kill me to us actually dating ?
Annie : Well , we did nt really date , actually . Not in the traditional sense . I mean , you know , we got to know each other , because Emma and I were staying at your place . We were just kind of thrown together , you know ?
Ryan : Thrown together by what ? By lack of space ?
Annie : Well , partly because of Emma , and also because there was crisis after crisis . And you were always being our hero . Greenlee was right to call you a knight . You defended me so many times .
Ryan : Defended you ? Against what ?
Annie : Oh , God . Well , first , by my child - molesting ex - husband , who I told you about . And then Tad and Dixie Martin , who thought that Emma was their long- lost daughter . Social Services , who thought I had kidnapped Emma . And then , of course , there was Kendall . And then , of course , there was Erica .
Ryan : Wow . Crisis after crisis is right . There must have been a lot of adrenaline in that , like , a real rush around all that stuff . So , um , who was the first person to use the L word ?
Annie : I was , but my mistake . See , I did nt think that you were really that into me . I just thought you were trying to do the right thing because of Emma . Pursuing me because I was her mother .
Ryan : What about me ? When was the first time , how did I first tell you that I loved you ?
Annie : Well , what happened was that you proposed first .
Ryan : Oh . So , I proposed and told you that I loved you all at the same time ?
Annie : No , you , um -- you asked me to marry you first . You did nt tell me you loved me until a little while after that .
Ryan : Ah . That seems a little backwards , does nt it ?
Annie : Yeah . It did to me , too . Which is why I repeatedly said No until you finally wore me down .
Tad : Aidan . I m your friend , ok ? I ll do anything , anything I can to help you . But I ca nt begin to do that until you tell me what the problem is .
Aidan : I thought Greenlee was gone . Forever . I got Kendall to accept that Zach was dead . We were like two wounded animals . We were desperate . We did nt know what we were doing . We were going out of our bloody minds .
Kendall : This is where it happened .
Zach : I have no intention of going inside .
Kendall : I do nt want you to be here , either , Zach . It scares the hell out of me . But you need to see .
Zach : I ll take a pass .
Kendall : No , Zach , I hurt you by withholding the truth . No more , no more .
Zach : I already know the truth .
Kendall : Not up close and personal .
Zach : And I m going to skip up close and personal , if that s ok with you .
Kendall : What happened to Mr. Give it to me straight ? Trust me , Kendall . Is nt that what you wanted ? Or maybe I m not the only one who s afraid here .
Zach : This place has no meaning .
Kendall : You re dead wrong , and you know it . And I understand . I want to turn around right now , and run away , and hide . But you have to understand , Zach , I m not trying to hurt us . I m trying to save us .
Aidan : We were filthy from searching . We were cold and we were exhausted . I mean , I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest . Kendall was holding on to every last single piece of hope , and I convinced her that Zach and Greenlee were gone .
Kendall : Lovely , is nt it ? Charming , cozy , and inviting , not to mention romantic . Who would nt melt in an atmosphere like this ?
Aidan : Kendall hated me telling her the so - called truth or what I thought was the truth . Zach was dead and Greenlee was dead . There was no point in carrying on the search , because there was no way that we were going to find them , Tad . She -- she freaked out . She hated me telling her that was the situation . She pounded on my chest , and she was hitting me and thumping me . And I told her I was sorry , and she would nt accept it . I mean , if there was a knife -- if there was a knife there , she would have used it , and she would have ripped me to shreds , but there was no point , because I felt like I had nothing left .
Kendall : I hated Aidan for being alive when the love of my life was dead . So , I attacked him . I physically attacked him .
Zach : I do nt need to hear this .
Kendall : Yes -- yes , you do , Zach . You do . I kicked him , and I punched him , and I beat the hell out of Aidan , and he did nt even try to stop me . Zach , I did nt betray you and me . I was nt myself . I was somebody I do nt like very much , maybe somebody you do nt even know .
Zach : I know you , Kendall . I know the light and the dark .
Kendall : But right now , all you re seeing is the dark and that scares the hell out of me .
Tad : If Zach finds out , he s going to kill you .
Aidan : Zach wo nt find out .
Tad : And if Greenlee finds out ?
Aidan : She wo nt .
Greenlee : If Greenlee finds out what ?
Jesse : I do nt know . The Papel guy that the Bureau has tagged , there s something off with that . I mean , his profile , it just does nt scream criminal genius to me .
Angie : Maybe that s his special talent , passing himself off as a regular guy .
Frankie : No , it does nt add up .
Angie : How would you know ? What experience do you have with this sort of thing ?
Frankie : Oh , well , hateration . Mom , I was a soldier on the front line . I have experience more than you know . Now , something s wrong .
Angie : Oh , something s very , very wrong , but it s not in the file , it s the two of you . We finally get a normal life , and you want to blow it to bits .
Frankie : Mom , all I m saying --
Angie : Oh , I do nt to hear any more . I m going to the market and roll my cart up and down the aisles and pretend I m a normal person and that my husband and my son are normal , too . Now , you work with that , will you , while I m away as a favor to me ? Mother s Day s in a couple of weeks . Skip the candy , the flowers , and the dinner . All I want is a sane , rational , normal life .
Jesse : Normal . Well , after the 20 years I just went through , I will never be normal again .
Frankie : Yeah , me , either . After Baghdad , I do nt know who I am anymore .
Jesse : It ca nt be easy , face to face with all that death over there in Iraq .
Frankie : Well , yeah , well , I caused some of it personally .
Jesse : You were in a war , Frankie . You could nt save everybody .
Frankie : I actually killed three people .
Jesse : Enemies . You either take them out or they take you out , right ?
Frankie : U.S. Infantry .
Jesse : What ?
Frankie : I caught a kid on the street beaten half to death . He could nt have been no more than 15 . He said he got into it over some girl he liked , a girl from a rival sect -- some sect or something . Anyway , I took him in to get him patched up , but I did nt think to check him for weapons .
Jesse : Oh , God . I know how this ends .
Frankie : Guy takes out a gun and opens up and kills three patients lying on their bed -- not just our guys , my guys , my personal friends . Then he offs himself .
Jesse : This was nt your fault , Frankie .
Frankie : That s what they keep telling me . So , whose fault was it ?
Jesse : This is war , man ! War is insane . War is hell .
Frankie : Well , if war is hell , what does that make me ?
Jesse : No , do nt -- whoa , whoa , whoa , do nt do that , man . Do nt carry this on your shoulders alone . You got to let it go .
Frankie : How ? Tell me how .
Jesse : Frankie --
Frankie : Do nt tell Mom . She thinks I m a hero , but I m a murderer . I might as well have pulled the trigger myself .
Jesse : You are not a murderer . You were in service to your country . Now , that really has got to count for something .
Robert : Dr. Hubbard .
Angie : Angie , remember ?
Robert : Angie , come on in . Come on in .
Angie : Thank you .
Robert : It s good to see you . Can I get you something or --
Angie : Uh , yes , you can -- my life back . Jesse is so caught up in your file that he ca nt let go of the past . I mean , the more information you give him , the more fixated he is on things he ca nt begin to understand .
Robert : Well , I thought it would help him working on the story with me . I thought it would put things in perspective .
Angie : No , the only thing Jesse thinks will put it in perspective is finding out exactly what happened , why he was targeted , who was after him , what they wanted .
Robert : Papel is the answer to most of those questions .
Angie : Most is nt good enough . Jesse wo nt rest until he knows all .
Robert : Some of our questions may never be answered .
Angie : I understand that , but Jesse ca nt , and that s why I m asking you , Robert . I m begging you , really , as a favor to me , back off .
Ryan : So , what was the most romantic thing that I ever said to you ?
Annie : We were standing on the terrace -- the sun had just come up , and you said that I was even more beautiful in the morning sun than I was under the moon and the stars .
Ryan : Wow . Sounds like love to me .
Annie : It did to me , too . It made me relax and believe .
Ryan : Believe ?
Annie : That you might be ready for a different kind of woman , not a spitfire like Kendall and Greenlee . I m kind of the opposite of that in a way .
Greenlee : What am I not supposed to know , guys ?
Aidan : If I told you , I d have to kill you .
Greenlee : Is Kendall , by any chance , in on this ? I mean , she does nt even know I m engaged yet . Is there a bridal shower in the making ?
Aidan : No comment .
Tad : Wo nt get a word out of me .
Greenlee : If anyone is going to shower me with gifts , it better be soon . I want to get married immediately .
Aidan : Really ? Define immediate .
Greenlee : Well , as soon as the wedding planner can grant all my wishes .
Tad : You trying to set a speed record ?
Greenlee : I happen to be fond of speed . Just be ready .
Aidan : Listen , you know , these plans -- this is the first time for me , so --
Greenlee : No -- just leave it to me .
Kendall : Tell me . Is this a deal breaker ? Is there going to be no more us ? Do you want out of this marriage ? I mean , I wo nt fight you on it . I want to , but if you want out of this marriage , I understand .
Zach : Kendall .
Kendall : No , I m -- I m not the woman that you thought you married . I m much weaker . I m much , much weaker than that .
Zach : I know who you are .
Kendall : You have given me everything I have ever wanted , and I could nt give you what you needed most .
Zach : You ve given me more than anyone ever has .
Kendall : Absolute trust . I know what that means to you , and I could nt do it . You ve given me more than I ever deserved and I cheated on you . There s no one to blame for this but myself . It s my fault . It s all my fault .
Jesse : You did what you thought was right at the time . All right ?
Frankie : And I murdered three U.S. soldiers .
Jesse : You did not murder any soldiers -- do nt do this to yourself , would you ? Let it go . Just let it go .
Frankie : It s not going to happen .
Jesse : Time , Frankie . Time . I mean , look at me . After all this time , I finally get my son back . Time . Come here .
Robert : I have a confession to make . I have not been completely honest .
Angie : What ? With Jesse or me ?
Robert : Well , I do nt really need a consultant for that movie .
Angie : Then why draw Jesse into all of this ?
Robert : I m embarrassed to say it . I -- I just -- I wanted someone to talk to . See , I have very few friends here -- actually , none .
Angie : Oh , Robert , you re welcome at our house any time . Look , you saved my husband and my son . You have a permanent seat at my table .
Robert : Oh , that means a lot to me , Angie . It really does .
Angie : If you would just please talk to Jesse about something besides Papel .
Robert : Oh , believe me , I have other interests .
Angie : I ca nt wait to hear -- at our house when you come for dinner .
Robert : I m going to hold you to that .
Angie : Oh , I m a woman of my word .
Robert : I m counting on it .
Angie : You absolutely can . Robert , thank you so much for being understanding .
Robert : Oh , please . Your family deserves some peace .
Angie : Thank you .
Robert : 639 . Old Jesse , you re going to give me what I want , and you do nt even know it s in you .
Ryan : So , what was it that finally convinced you that I really -- I really did love you ?
Annie : Your loyalty . You never once let me down . I just -- I really wish you could remember .
Ryan : I can imagine .
Ryan : Who the hell are you ?
Kendall : What the hell are you doing in my room ?
Greenlee : Long day at the office , dear ?
Annie : Hopefully one day , you can stop imagining and really feel what we had -- what I think we still have deep down .
Therapist : It sounds as though you ve remembered the positive memories -- the ones that feel good , but not the ones that feel bad .
Annie : I really believe it s there .
Greenlee : To true love and marriage .
Aidan : To my soul mate and the love of my life .
Tad : To adventure . Hmm . Hmm -- hmm .
Greenlee : It s an acquired taste .
Tad : Yeah , one I m definitely not going to acquire . Why are you picking on me ?
Aidan : Champagne and stout , it s called a snakebite -- Greenlee s concoction . She came up with it on Halloween .
Tad : You trying to raise the dead or simply kill the living ?
Greenlee : Hey , it s good luck love - wise .
Tad : Really ?
Greenlee : Mm - hmm .
Tad : Make sure you serve it to whatever Elvis impersonator marries you in Vegas .
Greenlee : We re not getting married in Vegas . We re going to get married in Pine Valley surrounded by family and friends , my father , and Lily , and you , Ryan , Annie , but especially , Kendall and Zach .
Zach : It s ok . It s going to be ok .
Kendall : Zach .
Zach : Shh . Let s go home . Come on .
Erica ( to Samuel ) : I need your help .
Jesse ( to Robert ) : I do nt think the guy that you shot was the same guy that stole my life .
Adam ( to Krystal ) : I love you .
Krystal ( to Angie ) : You re going to have to save him , ok ? Please do nt let him die .
### Summary:
| Angie comes home and finds Jesse deep in thought over a bunch of files . Jesse lets her know what he is doing . Angie becomes furious and tells him to leave it alone . Jesse tells her that he just can not leave it alone . Annie and Greenlee argue over the fact that Greenlee is now marrying Aidan . Ryan walks in . Aidan and Tad argue over Aidan s feelings for Kendall . Aidan denies having any feelings for Kendall . Tad offers his help to Aidan if he will let him know what is going on . Aidan begins to open up to Tad and tells him about him and Kendall . Greenlee shows Ryan her engagement and lets him know that she is marrying Aidan . Greenlee takes her bottle of champagne and leaves to go find Aidan . Tad and Aidan are discussing the fact that they need to keep this from Greenlee when Greenlee walks in and wants to know what they are keeping secret . Kendall tries to explain to Zach why she had slept with Aidan , but Zach does nt necessarily want to hear it . Kendall lets him know that she is so ashamed of sleeping with Aidan . Angie tries to persuade Jesse to leave this alone , but Jesse refuses . Frankie walks in and gets in on the argument . Under the pretense of going shopping , Angie leaves . Frankie lets Jesse know that he is a murderer that he had killed three American soldiers in the war . Jesse tries to console him that he was not a murderer . Angie goes to see Robert to persuade him to leave Jesse alone . Robert lies and tells her that he had nt really needed Jesse s help that he just wanted someone to talk to because he had nt had too many friends in Pine Valley . Ryan begins to remember more about Kendall and Greenlee . Ryan urges Annie to tell him more about their life together and how that they had met and what it had been like between them .Kendall urges Zach to come with her . Kendall takes Zach back to the house where she and Aidan had made love . Kendall begins to cry and tells Zach that it is all her fault . Zach comforts her and takes her hand and tells her for them to go home . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Billy : The track is fast , so if it rains , no action . You got that ? Okay , last one . In the seventh at Santa Anita , I want Ghost Orchid to win , 3 grand . Hey , man , what can I say ? I feel lucky today . All right . Put it down . Thank you . [ Chuckles ]
Billy : Hey !
Billy : How was your workout ?
Victoria : Fine .
Billy : Excellent . Good . Well [ Clears throat ] I ve got some errands to run , so , uh , I ll catch you later .
Victoria : I know what you re up to , Billy .
Lauren : Chloe . Why are you sneaking in to your own place ?
Chloe : We do nt own it anymore . We sold it . And I do nt want to run into Kevin . I left an earring here the other day . I just wanted to grab it .
Lauren : Wow , I did nt even know you were thinking about selling it .
Chloe : Yeah , well , all dreams die eventually .
Lauren : I do nt really understand what that means , but w - why are you avoiding Kevin ?
Chloe : Um ... our marriage is over . Kevin went too far . And I moved out .
Lauren : Honey , I m so sorry . I did nt know .
Chloe : Yeah , you know what I m sorry about ? That I did nt wise up sooner . What , did we marry the disaster brothers or something ? I mean , does that make us soul sisters now ?
Lauren : Um , I -- I got to go .
Chloe : Oh , I m sorry . I did nt mean to be so snarky .
Lauren : No , Sweetie . Not you . I just -- I got to go .
Chloe : Wait . Are you running away because of Carmine ? Why ?
Michael : Hello ? ! It s me ! I m home ! Anyone ?
Michael : Fenmore ? Fenmore ! Fenmore ! Son ! Fenmore ! Talk to me , Son . Fenmore ?
Nick : We will .
Phyllis : No , now . Tonight .
Nick : I never once questioned if I was her dad . Then when she got mixed up with Kyle ... I never would have even looked into paternity .
Phyllis : Well , you were nt 100 % certain , were you ? So that means all this time , there was doubt .
Nick : If she had nt gotten closer to Jack s son ...
Phyllis : Yeah , I - I get it . I get it . You did nt want to take the risk . I --
Nick : But now that I know , it is so hard .
Phyllis : You have to come clean . It s gon na be painful , and it s gon na be ugly , but you have to come clean . You have no other choice .
Summer : I m really glad that you and my mom are back together . You make her happy .
Jack : Not half as happy as she makes me .
Summer : I guess she and my dad were nt meant to be , but maybe you two are . Do you think that Kyle and I are destined to be together ? You know , that maybe we have a future together ?
Jack : You really want to know ? I think you should nt be worried about a guy right now .
Summer : Jack .
Jack : You just graduated from high school . You re going away to college in the fall . Your life s about to open up . You re gon na be experiencing all kinds of new things , new people . You need to get to know yourself before you worry about a serious relationship with a guy .
Summer : [ Sighs ]
Jack : Oh .
Summer : It s my dad . He s probably gon na rag me about last night .
Jack : Oh , and this is your mom . Hold on a second . Hey , Beautiful . What s up ?
Michael : There you go . Come on . [ Sighs ] Oh , thank God . I was about to call an ambulance .
Fenmore : No . I m okay .
Michael : It s doubtful you re okay . You were passed out cold . What happened ?
Fenmore : I just fell asleep .
Michael : On the floor ?
Fenmore : Well , I had a pretty late night last night . It was graduation , remember ?
Michael : Look at me . Your eyes are bloodshot . Are you high ? Are you drunk ? Are you both ?
Lauren : Why would I run from Carmine ? I mean , I barely know the guy . Okay , so , he served me while I lived at the club . But so what ? I mean , that does nt mean anything , right ?
Chloe : Oh , my -- is Carmine the reason why you and Michael are having problems ? Did he and you ... oh , my God ! How could you hook up with that piece of filth ? And he shoved me in the trunk of a car and you , of all people , know how traumatic that was for me . And , what , it just did nt matter to you ?
Lauren : I m so tired of this . I ca nt talk about it anymore .
Chloe : Oh , well , there s my answer .
Lauren : [ Gasps ] And how dare you pass judgment on me after your history .
Chloe : I ve made some mistakes in my past , yes , but I have changed , and I m not cheating on my husband with some dangerous lowlife like Carmine Basco .
Lauren : And yet your marriage is in trouble , just like mine . So listen to me , soul sister . I made a mistake -- one that I will regret every day of my life . Do I wish I could erase it ? You bet . But do nt you ever wish you could erase the terrible things you did to Cane and Billy ?
Victoria : You re having an affair ... with Chloe .
Billy : Wait , what ? ! Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa .
Victoria : No , no , no , no !
Billy : No , no ! No , no !
Victoria : Do nt try to deny it , okay ?
Billy : Time out . Are you serious ? An affair with Chloe ? Where the hell is this coming from ?
Victoria : You have been sneaking around the last couple of weeks , mysterious phone calls , late nights , lame excuses for your weird behavior , and earlier today I saw you -- I saw you at the restaurant with Chloe , looking really intimate .
Billy : No , Honey , you ve got this all wrong .
Victoria : No , I do nt think so . I do nt think so .
Billy : Chloe and Kevin are having marital problems . She wanted to talk about Delia . She needed a shoulder to cry on . It s not what you think .
Victoria : You two share quite a history , not to mention a child .
Billy : Honey , I used to drink a lot back then , okay ? But I am in love with you . I am committed to you , and you need to understand what s going on right now , okay ? We re trying to get pregnant . All the hormones are acting up .
Victoria : No , no , no , no . Stop . Stop using that as an excuse , all right ? I know what you re up to , Billy . If not with Chloe , then with some other woman . So kindly stop treating me like an idiot and own up to whatever it is you re doing !
Billy : All right . [ Clears throat ] [ Chuckles ] There s nobody else . I swear to you that s the truth . There s nobody else .
Victoria : Is this because of my wanting to have a baby ? Or -- or maybe it s because of my so - called obsession with Newman . Is that what it is ? Am I just boring you ? Is that it ? I bored you into the arms of another woman ? I mean , really , I - I do nt know what else it could be . Chloe ? Chloe , of all people ?
Billy : Stop , stop , stop , stop ! This is ridiculous . I m not sleeping with Chloe . I m not sleeping with anybody else . That s the truth . I m telling you the truth .
Victoria : Then what the hell is going on ? ! And do nt say nothing , because I know something is . You were lying to me about running errands , right ? Wherever you go and whatever you do , 9 times out of 10 , it s a lie . Is nt it ?
Billy : Okay , it s time to stop for a second . I m in trouble , all right ? I m in trouble again .
Victoria : What are you talking about ? What kind of trouble ?
Billy : I did nt want it to happen . It just came out of nowhere and it got a hold of me again , and [ Inhales deeply ] I ve been gambling ... again . Okay ? That s my secret . That s what I ve been hiding from you .
Chloe : You know what ? You re right . I m sorry . I did some terrible things in the past , and I guess my inability to keep my marriage together is just the universe getting back at me .
Lauren : And I have no business being on my high horse , believe me .
Chloe : No worries . [ Laughing ] I had it coming .
Lauren : Are things really that bad between you and Kevin ?
Chloe : We re getting divorced . Is that bad enough for you ?
Lauren : [ Sighs ]
Alex : [ Speaks indistinctly ]
Sheryl : I know , exactly .
Alex : Hey , Buddy !
Kevin : Cagney , Lacey . What the hell ? Are you stalking me now ? I already put in a full day of community service , but I guess that does nt count for much . And you pretty much wrecked my marriage .
Alex : I wrecked your marriage ?
Kevin : Yeah ! You and your snooping - around detective work got in the way of me and my wife . You cop - blocked me , Chavez .
Alex : Look , I can see that I can get under your skin pretty easily , and I do enjoy it , trust me , but , uh , Sheryl and I just came here for some delicious coffee .
Kevin : You hate the coffee here .
Alex : No , I hate your coffee , but I heard the new guy has [ Clicks tongue ] Top- notch coffee .
Kevin : You re gon na rub that in my face , too ? It s the same coffee !
Sheryl : Touchy .
Alex : Yeah .
Lauren : I - I should go .
Chloe : Yeah , you know what ? I ll go with you . I ll get my earring another --
Kevin : Chloe , please -- please do nt run away . There s something I have to tell you .
Alex : So , what are you having ? You know , it better not be some chichi , foo- foo , you know , complicated thing .
Sheryl : I ll take a mocha half - caf caramel soy extravaganza with an extra shot . What s so chichi about that ?
Alex : [ Laughs ] Wait , you are kidding , right ?
Sheryl : [ Laughs ] Yeah , I like my coffee to taste like coffee . I ll take a tall black , no sugar .
Alex : Yeah ! All right .
Sheryl : Yeah !
Alex : A lady after my own heart . I approve . Absolutely . Take it strong , you know what I mean ?
Neil : Something the blogger said .
Leslie : Okay , okay , yeah . This post about Lily -- She does nt want realism , she wants magic . Are those your words ?
Neil : No . One of the many distortions that I mentioned . Why ?
Leslie : That phrase -- that s from a famous play , A Streetcar Named Desire . Blanche says to the guy that s not Stanley , I do nt want realism , I want magic .
Neil : Okay , so , what are we saying here ? That this person is a fan of Tennessee Williams ? What ? Are they from the south ? Where does this get us ?
Leslie : That particular phrase -- I know I ve seen it recently .
Neil : You have , in that post about Lily the day it first hit .
Leslie : No , definitely from somewhere else . If only I could figure out from where .
Fen : Lack of sleep , and now I m a pothead ? Nice , Dad .
Michael : I just found you on the floor !
Fenmore : Why do you always assume the worst about me ? For God s sake , it was a graduation party . Are nt I entitled to go to a party ?
Michael : I will tell you what you re not entitled to . I get worried , you know ? You ve been through a lot the past couple of months .
Fenmore : Yeah , I m surprised you even noticed .
Michael : Well , you do nt exactly make it easy . One minute you re raging against the world , the next you re totally shut down , emotionally gone . And I get scared .
Fenmore : It scares me , too .
Michael : Okay . Tell me . Why ? Talk to me .
Fenmore : People keep bringing up my future , and it s just this great big blank to me . I get so angry sometimes . I worry I m not gon na be able to keep it inside .
Michael : I spent a great deal of my life exactly the same way .
Fenmore : How did you manage it ?
Michael : Not very well . Until someone came along and loved me and believed in me .
Fenmore : Like Mom ?
Michael : She kind of saved my life .
Fenmore : Then how can you just let her slip away ? Is nt Mom worth fighting for ?
Michael : Yes , she is , and I m not gon na let anything slip away . I m not gon na just let my marriage fall apart . Somehow , someway , your mother and I , we re gon na be okay with each other . We are . Son . I promise you .
Chloe : There is nothing left to say . You broke our trust . Again . Stealing from people .
Kevin : I screwed up , okay ? I know that . I just felt like such a failure having to sell this place .
Chloe : And now you feel like a success ?
Kevin : When you first came into my life , I felt like I did nt deserve you . And I promised myself I would work really , really hard to make you and your little girl happy . And for awhile , I did that . But then , once again ... I gave in to my worst instincts , and you have no idea how much I regret that . But I m not -- I m not taking this off . I wo nt do it , because I believe in it . I believe in us -- the family that we were and the family that we can still be . [ Sighs ] I want to change , Chloe , for you and for Delia .
Summer : Okay , no , not this again . Okay , how many times are we gon na have the Kyle talk ? Okay , did nt Mom talk to you last night and tell you that nothing happened ? Okay , we had an incredible dinner together , and then he went his own way , and I went to a bunch of parties .
Nick : Summer .
Summer : Okay , when are you going to let go of me ? Okay , what do I have to do ? You know , I have tried so hard to make you proud of me -- so hard ! -- But nothing ever seems to be good enough for you .
Nick : I am proud of you . [ Voice breaking ] I m so unbelievably proud of you . You have no idea .
Phyllis : You re jumping to conclusions , Summer . Um , your -- your dad and I want to tell you --
Nick : Look , your mother s right . We need to talk to you about Kyle .
Summer : [ Sighs ]
Nick : Look , I did nt know that you would listen to me . That you had gone your separate ways . I -- I was worried , okay ? I m sorry , but I ca nt let this go . And I m sorry that I do nt trust you when it comes to Kyle .
Summer : Yeah , so , you re proud of me , but you ca nt trust me . That makes a lot of sense , Dad .
Nick : Summer , please .
Summer : You do nt even know , okay ? It s like you re embarrassed that I m your daughter . I ll be in my room .
Phyllis : Are you gon na stop her ? Are you gon na stop her ? Are you gon na go talk to her ? Are you gon na --
Nick : N - no . Um ... I - I m sorry . This was a waste of time . I m sorry .
Phyllis : Nick . No , no . No . Nick ! Nick !
Jack : Phyllis .
Jack : What is really going on here ?
Sheryl : Get things straight usually implies you think I have something wrong .
Abby : That s very astute .
Sheryl : [ Chuckles ] This is about Chavez ?
Abby : Astuter .
Sheryl : You and Alex getting serious now ? Cause I got the impression , seeing you together , that you were just out for a good time . And Alex does not strike me as a man who s trying to get serious any time soon .
Abby : Our relationship is none of your business .
Sheryl : Look , you ve got the wrong idea , okay ? Alex and I are just partners . End of story . I learned long ago not to cross those lines at work .
Abby : Great , then maybe there s nothing to straighten out after all .
Alex : Okay ! So , here we go . Black .
Sheryl : Thanks .
Alex : And , um , your ... uh ...
Abby : Latte .
Alex : ... Beverage . Yep .
Abby : Thank you . [ Laughs ]
Alex : Okay . [ Sighs ]
Sheryl : Uh , oh , hey , Chavez , we got to roll . Your lineup s up .
Alex : Oh , perfect .
Abby : No , wait , wait , wait . You guys just got here .
Alex : I know , but it s important . I ll see you later .
Abby : No , but maybe it s not a bad crime . Maybe it s just , like , some kid jaywalking or loitering or something ?
Alex : [ Laughs ] No , no , no . I ll see you later , okay ?
Sheryl : Hey , uh , enjoy your vanilla ... whatever .
Abby : [ Sighs ]
Kevin : Okay . Give the stuff back ? I can do that . Is that it ?
Chloe : I want you to volunteer at the homeless shelter for the next few weeks . And before you say that you do nt have time --
Kevin : I do nt .
Chloe : Well , you found the time to break into those people s houses and steal their valuables . Except now you ll be too busy helping out in the poor communities . Unless that whole speech about saving our marriage was just a bunch of bull .
Kevin : No . No . Of course it was nt . I meant every word .
Chloe : Because I want you to prove to me that you re capable of being selfless , while you see firsthand that people have it much worse than you do , and they do nt need to resort to crime to feel validated . That s it . That s the deal . Take it or leave it .
Billy : This addiction almost got you killed . I would nt just ... lie to you and tell you I got sucked back into it if it was nt true . [ Chuckles ] That s how I got On the Boulevard . I did nt just buy it on a whim and did nt tell you . I won it in a high - stakes poker game .
Victoria : So , how long has this supposed slip of yours been going on ?
Billy : I do nt know . A couple of months . It s been a blur .
Victoria : If this is true [ Sighs ] Then why did nt you just come to me and tell me so I could help you ?
Billy : Cause it just came out of nowhere and it took me and after everything it s done to us , I was afraid that if I told you ... I was scared that you would nt understand and that I would lose you .
Tyler : Hey . If it is nt my personal decorator .
Abby : [ Sighing ] Hey .
Tyler : Somebody s having a rotten day .
Abby : I ve had better .
Tyler : Well , I m just waiting on some takeout . Can I buy you a drink ? Maybe cheer you up a little bit ?
Abby : No , I should nt . You know what ? Why not ? That s the best offer I ve had all day .
Lauren : So , how was the party last night ?
Fenmore : It was a total bore . I left early , got together with some other friends .
Lauren : Mm .
Michael : Well , hold on . I thought you said you stayed late at that party .
Fenmore : No , we made our own party .
Michael : These other friends , do I know any of them ?
Fenmore : Uh , Summer , Courtney .
Lauren : Oh . Are you all good with Summer again ?
Fenmore : Sort of . We re actually supposed to meet up soon , so is it cool if I take off ?
Lauren : Sure . Sure , but you know what ? Do nt stay out too late , cause you look a little tired , okay ?
Michael : Yeah , a little too tired . You re not in any shape to drive that new car . Here . Take some money for cab fare .
Fenmore : Dad , I m --
Michael : I d be glad to drive you , otherwise , if you really want me to .
Fenmore : Okay , see you .
Michael : Be happy to .
Lauren : [ Chuckles ] Mm . Fen seems to be pulling himself together .
Michael : Let s hope so .
Lauren : I heard what you said to him . How you re determined to save our marriage .
Michael : Well , I would nt be here if I did nt want to fix it .
Lauren : And that s half the battle , is nt it ?
Michael : [ Sighs ] I m sorry . I have to go out for a bit to meet a client .
Lauren : Now ? I was hoping we could have a quiet dinner here , just the two of us .
Michael : It wo nt be long .
Lauren : I ll be waiting .
Lauren : [ Sighs ]
Tyler : He did nt have enough , the little guy , right ? He starts wailing on this huge , monstrous bouncer , right ? The guy s got to be 66 , 300 pounds .
Abby : Wait , wait , wait . No . I know this club , and the bouncer s name is , like , Pete , but everyone calls him Herc .
Tyler : That s the dude ! That s the dude , right ? So , calm as can be , right , he picks up little Napoleon by his collar , right up in the air . It s hilarious . His little feet are just kicking back and forth . He walks him through the club -- not out the back . Takes him out the front , right above his head . Boom ! Right down in the dumpster . Everybody in the line s going crazy .
Abby : [ Laughing ] Oh , my God !
Tyler : I m telling you .
Abby : That s New York for you . There s free entertainment .
Tyler : I know , but you know what ? Every time I go back , it gets weirder and weirder . [ Both laugh ] You are something , Abby . To New York .
Abby : To New York . [ Laughs ] [ Laughs ]
Tyler : [ Laughs ] Yeah , I m telling you , if I go there , I m not doing it .
Neil : Put it in a memo . I ll look at the numbers as soon as I get back to my desk . Okay . That s great . Bye - bye . What s that ?
Leslie : A letter to Gus . From the mysterious Rose . Listen . [ Muttering ] Okay . I wish we did nt always have to be so practical . Who needs reality when we can have magic ?
Neil : Are you saying that you think Rose is behind the attacks ?
Leslie : I m saying that that is not a phrase you hear often .
Neil : N - no . No , no . It ca nt be . I mean , I never heard of that women before I knew who Gus was . It ca nt be . And , plus , the posts -- they re targeting my family .
Leslie : I know . I know , Neil , but I m telling you , this is -- this is a coincidence we ca nt ignore .
Jack : All those looks between you and Nicholas -- am I really supposed to think there s nothing more to this impromptu gathering than a lecture to Summer about hanging out with my son ?
Phyllis : Um [ Sighs ] Nick is struggling with his daughter flying the nest . He just wants to hold onto his baby . And ...
Jack : That I understand . If she was my daughter , I would nt want to let her go .
Phyllis : Yeah , I - I m -- I m gon na go , uh , after Nick to give him some moral support .
Jack : Hey . You re a good person . Have I told you that lately ?
Phyllis : I hope you always feel that way .
Jack : I guarantee it .
Billy : I m gon na need your support .
Victoria : I do nt know if I can give that to you , because I still do nt know if you re telling me the truth .
Billy : Why would I admit to something so terrible if I was lying about it ?
Victoria : To cover up a bigger lie !
Billy : I m not lying to you . There s nothing else going on . There s no other woman . I m not having an affair .
Victoria : I swear to God , if you are lying to me , Billy , I will never forgive you .
Tyler : But that s how it is . I do nt care . I love that city still .
Abby : The best city .
Tyler : Every time , it never fails .
Alex : Hey !
Abby : Hi .
Alex : Hello , Beautiful .
Abby : Oh .
Alex : Sorry I m late .
Abby : Late ? I did nt know we had any plans . I thought you were busy doing police stuff with your partner .
Alex : Oh , yeah , yeah , yeah . No , but the perps are in for the night . I m here . I m yours .
Abby : Cool .
Alex : Yeah .
Tyler : Yeah , well , uh , food s ready , so ... hey , thanks for keeping me entertained .
Abby : [ Laughs ] Thank you for the drink . You did a great job cheering me up .
Tyler : Any time .
Alex : Mm . Hey . Love the vest . So ... was that all to -- to what ? To make me jealous ?
Abby : Maybe . Or maybe I just enjoyed having a drink with a good - looking guy .
Alex : Yeah .
Abby : You know , Tyler and I have a lot in common .
Alex : Oh ?
Abby : Kind of like you and detective what s her name . Yeah .
Alex : Oh .
Abby : [ Laughs ]
Kevin : Whatever you want me to do , I will do it . Just promise it ll be worth it . Like , do nt put me through the ringer and then decide later on that you ca nt forgive me .
Michael : Hey , Guys .
Kevin : Hey , Michael . What can I get for you ?
Michael : I would like a coffee and , um ... that key lime cheesecake that Lauren likes so much to go .
Kevin : To go .
Chloe : Sweets for the sweet . I like it .
Kevin : Yeah . I have nt seen you this happy in awhile .
Michael : Maybe for the first time in a long time , I have something to be happy about .
Lauren : Go away !
Carmine : I just want to talk .
Lauren : Michael is in the shower .
Carmine : I saw him leave .
Lauren : Are you lurking outside of my apartment now ?
Carmine : Come on . Have a little compassion . I m going nuts here . I ca nt stop thinking about you .
Lauren : Well , try .
Carmine : I want to move on . I - I swear . But you ve ruined me for anyone else . We re meant to be together , Lauren . Deep down in the heart , I know you know that , too .
Neil : Okay . There goes my letter to the GC buzz . Let s hope that crazy blogger takes the bait .
Leslie : It s fine , but , in the meantime , let s not dismiss my idea .
Neil : What are you planning ?
Leslie : I got to track down Rose . I need some answers . I mean , there may be no connection , but until I find out for sure , it s gon na drive me crazy .
Neil : Leslie . Baby . Thank you so much for sticking with me through all this .
Leslie : Are you kidding me ? You stuck by me at my worst time . I m not about to let you deal with this alone .
Summer : Jack ? Did nt you hear that school s out for summer ? Do nt need to be doing homework .
Jack : I gave this book to my dad the Father s day before he died . Hard to believe that was seven years ago .
Summer : You still miss him a lot , do nt you ?
Jack : Every minute of every day . But when I was your age , I was a bit of a rebel , too .
Summer : Oh , really ?
Jack : Yeah . When I graduated from high school , I joined the army and went off to Vietnam . Not exactly the dream my father had for me . But I served my country , came back , worked hard , went to school , and his dreams became my dreams .
Summer : Just took a little bit of time , huh ?
Jack : Summer , one of the things I ve learned in life is it s not the event . It s the process . I know you re feeling controlled right now . I know you hate pretty much everything your dad says , but I m here to tell you he says those things because he loves you .
Summer : Yeah , I know . I know that he means well . It s just sometimes he makes me want to scream .
Jack : Part of his job .
Summer : I can tell that you were a good son . And judging by how great Kyle is ... you re an amazing father .
Jack : Thanks . Makes me feel good to hear you say that .
Phyllis : What was that ? What the hell happened ? I thought we were on the same page , or did I dream that ?
Nick : Look , I thought I was ready to tell the truth , but ... I looked into Summer s eyes . I just could nt do it .
Phyllis : Nick , I m -- I m really trying to be understanding . I - I m really trying , but you re not making it easy on me .
Nick : Do you think this easy for me ?
Phyllis : [ Sighs ] I want to help you find a way to do the right thing .
Nick : If you mean telling Summer that I m not her biological father ... [ Sighs ] I changed my mind .
Phyllis : Oh , no , Nick . Nick .
Nick : It s a mistake . I ca nt do it . I ca nt do it tonight . Maybe not ever .
Fenmore : Are you having an affair with him ?
Jack : Well , I hope you re staying because you want time here and not because you re trying to avoid going home .
Phyllis : So , you do nt want to tell Summer that Jack is her father ?
### Summary:
| Chloe and Lauren are sitting at a table at the coffeehouse discussing their lives . Chloe lets Lauren know that she and Kevin are divorcing . Carmine walks in and Lauren is taken by surprise as is Chloe when she realizes that something must be going on between Lauren and Carmine . Michael comes home and finds Fen unconscious on the floor . Leslie reads Neil another article on the internet about his family . Leslie recognizes one of the lines and knows she saw it somewhere before . Nick and Phyllis discuss telling Jack and Summer the truth as to who her father really is . Chloe questions Lauren about her affair with Carmine . Lauren becomes offensive and starts reminding Chloe what she did to Cane and Billy . Victoria accuses Billy of having an affair with Chloe , but he denies it . When Sheryl and Alex enter the coffeehouse , Kevin immediately lashes out at him when he thinks that Alex is stalking him . Kevin sees Chloe and asks her to stay , because he has something to say to her . Alex and Sheryl discuss business when Abby interrupts them . Fen denies being a drug addict . Michael lets Fen know how scared he was about him . Fen opens up and lets Michael know how he feels about his life and what he will do now with it . Lauren comes in and overhears Michael telling Fen that he will fight for his marriage . Abby shows her jealousy to Sheryl by standing her ground concerning her relationship with Alex . Alex overhears their conversation . Billy lets Victoria know that he is gambling again and that is the reason for all the secrecy . Victoria does nt believe Billy s confession . Nick and Phyllis prepare to tell Jack and Summer the truth , but an argument begins between Summer and Nick which leads to them leaving . Phyllis tells Jack that she will go and try to console Nick . Chloe sets the terms for her and Kevin s reconciliation . Kevin agrees . Fen tells Lauren and Michael his plans for the evening . Abby and Tyler share some laughs which unnerves Alex , and he decides to defend what is his . Leslie finds a letter from Rose that has the same sentence in it that was in the blog . Leslie vows to find Rose . Carmine visits Lauren while Michael is gone and they share a kiss . Phyllis confronts Nick about not telling Summer the truth . Nick does nt know if he will ever tell her the truth . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brooke : A photograph ? That s what you want to show me ? A photo of what ?
Samantha : Hi . Oh , I thought you were at the station tonight .
Hector : Well , I was till you told me both kids were staying at friends tonight . I would nt miss a chance to be home alone with you .
Samantha : Oh , how sweet . Um --
Hector : What s all this ?
Samantha : Oh , you know , just different wedding stuff .
Hector : Yeah . Champagne fountains and butterfly releases ?
Samantha : Yeah .
Hector : This does nt sound like your style .
Samantha : Well , I ve got a good idea . You want to go out to dinner ?
Hector : Did nt you already eat ?
Samantha : No , no . And you know what I am craving ?
Hector : What ?
Samantha : A Don s chili dog .
Hector : You hate DonS.
Samantha : Oh , no , really . It just sounds so good to me right now . Come on .
Hector : What ?
Samantha : Why do nt you go out and get us some ? I want one with extra chili and no onions .
Hector : Sam , whoa . What s going on ? You re pulling me out the door .
Priscilla : Here we are , fresh from Paris . Oh . Hector , you re here .
Clarke : What s going on in here ?
Sally : Sorry , Bucky . I really have no time for idle chit - chat . I ve got ta get myself spruced up , and then get my well - dressed fanny over to the Cafe Russe as soon as possible .
Bob : Sally s been invited to join a very exclusive Beverly Hills woman s auxiliary .
Hairstylist : They re throwing a big gala tonight to welcome the new recruits .
Clarke : Hmm . Well , how did that happen ?
Sally : Well , actually , it happened when I stopped by the bank to deposit about $ 50 million and bumped into Janeane Leibowitz .
Clarke : Oh , the bank president s wife .
Sally : Yes , exactly . That woman could barely bare to utter more than two syllables to me . But now that our little operation here is in the fashion big leagues , Sally Spectra is finally going to get what she has always wanted -- respectability . For which I have to thank Thorne and you and the rest of our fabulous design team .
Clarke : Well , that design team could end up in jail before the night is through .
Sally : Right . Well , that design team -- what ? Jail ?
Clarke : Amber s gotten us in deep trouble , Sal . And she s headed for even more .
Ridge : After I let Brooke in on your sick plan , I m heading straight to the L.A.P.D. You re going to wind up behind bars for the rest of your miserable life .
Amber : No , Ridge , if anyone s heading for trouble , it s you .
Ridge : Bridget and I were victims . Victims of Amber s twisted plot .
Brooke : You both could have died .
Ridge : Your daughter almost did .
Brooke : Oh , god . I m never going to forgive Amber for that .
Ridge : There s more . There s this .
Brooke : What about it ?
Ridge : Amber took this photo . She planted a hidden camera , waited until Bridget and I were freezing to death down in that mineshaft . Bridget was dying . She was dying in my arms , Brooke . And this is a manipulation . Amber would like you to see something ugly and sordid . But what this was , was good- bye .
Ridge : She was dying . I was saying good - bye . That s what this is , Brooke . That s all this is .
Hector : What the hell is she doing here ?
Priscilla : I was invited .
Hector : Really ? The woman who ruined your life , who kept us apart , gave away your child and told you that she was dead , you invited her into our home ?
Samantha : We ve been talking . She s very sorry .
Hector : Oh . Well , then everything s fine .
Priscilla : Look , Hector , I know there s nothing I can do to make up for what I ve done . But I can be supportive now , if you ll allow it . That s why I m here to help Samantha with the wedding .
Hector : Yeah , champagne fountains and butterfly releases .
Priscilla : It s all arranged .
Samantha : Nothing is definite . This is her way of reaching out .
Hector : Well , this is my way of politely declining . Get out .
Sally : I can not believe what I m hearing . Are you actually telling me --
Clarke : Yes , yes . That Amber was trying to get the dirt on Ridge .
Sally : By trapping him in a mine ?
Clarke : Mm - hmm , with Bridget . It was all a setup , complete with camera . Amber was trying to prove that Rdge still has a thing for his wife s daughter .
Sally : Wait a minute . That still does nt explain how you got involved in this .
Clarke : Believe me , I had no choice . But still , you know , if I had nt been with Amber , things could ve been a lot worse .
Sally : I do nt see how they could get any worse . If this leaks out , it s gon na look like my design team tried to bump off Ridge Forrester .
Clarke : Now hold it . Hold it . It was all Amber s idea . My hands are clean . Okay , okay . Well , not squeaky clean . Still , you know , Amber has gotten herself out of a lot of messes before . I just hope that she can do it again .
Amber : Once Brooke sees that picture , she ll realize that Ridge is the problem and not me . I m not the one kissing her daughter . [ Siren wails ] God , please . Ridge must have called them . Oh , thank god . They re not after me . Not yet . I better get to Brooke before it s too late .
Ridge : Logan , listen to me . I know this is going to be a shock to you . But I want to make sure you really understand what happened . Do you understand ?
Brooke : Bridget was dying .
Ridge : Yes , I thought she was .
Brooke : And you were saying good - bye .
Ridge : Yes .
Brooke : You re kissing her .
Ridge : We were trapped . There was no way out . I was watching the life seep out of her body . There was nt a damn thing I could do about it , except hold her and make sure she knew how much she was loved .
Brooke : How much you loved her .
Ridge : No , how much we all loved her , Brooke . And that kiss was --
Brooke : You were comforting my daughter .
Ridge : She was being so incredibly brave . I know how scared she must have been .
Brooke : But you kissed her . You kissed her on the lips .
Ridge : Brooke --
Brooke : I told you , Ridge , never to cross that line again -- ever again . You betrayed me .
Ridge : No , Brooke . That s what Amber wants you to believe . Those feelings do nt exist . I m not in love with your daughter . Bridget s not in love with me . You ve got to believe that , Brooke . You ve got to believe me .
Hector : I want you gone , now .
Priscilla : As if I would leave my daughter here alone with you like this .
Hector : Oh , you re going to protect her from me ? Like the way you did before ?
Priscilla : What I did was wrong . I m trying my very best to make amends .
Hector : No , you re not . You re trying to buy your way into our lives . That may work for you at the country club , Priscilla , but it ai nt gon na fly here .
Priscilla : Are you speaking for yourself , as well as my daughter ? I heard that happens a great deal in this relationship .
Samantha : Mother , stop .
Priscilla : You asked me if I came here to protect her . The answer is no . She needs to make her own choices . I wish to god I had learned that earlier . I wish to god I would have taught her that . Maybe then she would have chosen a man who does nt try to control her every move .
Sally : You know , it s just my luck . Here I am about to realize a lifelong dream of respectability , and something like this happens .
Clarke : Look , I understand how you can be upset about this , but still , Amber was nt that far off the mark . She did get a picture of Ridge kissing Bridget .
Sally : What ?
Clarke : Right on the lips .
Sally : Whoa . That is a shocker .
Clarke : Yeah , what s even more shocking -- she went up and showed Ridge this picture , expecting him to back off . But , instead , he turned the tables on her .
Sally : Good lord . You ca nt be -- I mean , he would nt .
Clarke : Show it to Brooke ? Gambling that she ll heap all her anger on Amber , instead of out on him ? Ridge is doing it as we speak .
Brooke : You re kissing my daughter , and you re saying there are nt feelings ?
Ridge : Of course there are feelings here . Your daughter is an amazing person , Brooke .
Brooke : But you re not in love with her ?
Ridge : Because I m in love with you . And I always will be . When Bridget and I were trapped down in that mineshaft , you know what we talked about ? You . How much we both loved you . How much she wanted me to come home to you and our kids . There was nothing sexual , Logan . Nothing --
Brooke : Do nt .
Ridge : Brooke --
Brooke : You promised me Ridge . You promised me you would nt cross that line . And I trusted you . But here you are . Here you are -- you and my daughter .
Ridge : Look , you have every reason to be upset . But not at me , not at Bridget . Amber s the one you should be furious with .
Brooke : Are you responsible for this ?
Amber : Yes . But I did it for you , Brooke .
Hector : I m controlling her ? I am ?
Samantha : Just stop it , both of you . Look , there s no reason to argue about me . I m happier than I ve ever been . I ve got my family , I ve got my daughter .
Hector : No thanks to her . Has she spoken to Caitlin ?
Samantha : No .
Hector : And she s not going to . Do you understand ? That woman cheated her out of the life that she should have had ! Caitlin will never have to face her .
Priscilla : Hector , there are things I can offer her .
Hector : Yeah . Things . Things . That s how your mind works . Throw enough stuff at us , and we ll fall in line . Well , my daughter does nt need anything that you have to offer .
Priscilla : So you re making decisions for her , now , too ?
Samantha : Mother , for god s sake .
Priscilla : I m sorry , darling . I promised you I would be supportive to you . And I will . Because your happiness is all that matters to me . A shame your husband - to - be does nt feel the same . Apparently , your wants and needs mean next to nothing to him .
Sally : You do realize , do nt you , Bucky , that the future of my company , and yours incidentally , and Amber s , as well , hangs on whether Brooke believes Amber s story , or whether she decides to stand by her man .
Clarke : I know the stakes .
Sally : You also know the odds .
Clarke : Of what ?
Sally : Of Brooke showing Amber any mercy , considering the fact that she nearly killed her beloved husband and daughter .
Clarke : Well , that was nt Amber s intention .
Sally : Well , that does nt change the fact that she did a terrible thing .
Clarke : Yeah , I realize that . Amber does , too . Still , what it all comes down to is this -- whether Amber can convince Brooke that Ridge did something much worse .
Ridge : Get out of here , now .
Brooke : No . I want her to stay .
Amber : I deserved that . It still haunts me when I think how close Bridget came to -- Brooke , I could see that moment coming . The way they were looking at each other . Maybe I should have found another way .
Brooke : Maybe ? You lured my daughter into that mineshaft , and then left her there to nearly freeze to death ! Now , that is insane , Amber . You -- you are insane !
Ridge : Logan , do nt . She s not worth it .
Amber : No , you re not worth it , Ridge . You are not worth Brooke s love or devotion , and that picture proves it .
Ridge : That picture proves nothing , except how desperate you are .
Amber : Look , Ridge wants you to believe that I did this out of spite , but that s not true . I never wanted to do anything to hurt your family , except for Ridge . He just kept crucifying me , saying how I unworthy I was . But the truth is , Brooke , he is the one who is unworthy of you . And this -- this picture exposes the real problem in the Forrester family . Only it s not me . It s him . It s Ridge . He told you -- he promised you that he would never cross that line again . But you know what ? He did . He did . And it s right here . Right here , Brooke . Look . Now , I may go to jail for what I ve done . But at least I will have the satisfaction of knowing that I exposed that man for who he really is . Because this was nt just any kind of betrayal . This was a betrayal by your husband with your daughter . Which I know , Brooke , has got to hurt like hell . Still , as wrong as I was doing what I did , what Ridge did -- god . That is so much worse .
Announcer : On the next Bold and the Beautiful --
Sally : You do nt really believe that ridge has the hots for Brooke s daughter ?
Clarke : The question is , can their marriage survive this ?
Ridge : She s playing you , Logan , just like she s playing you now .
Amber : Your husband is completely out of control . He has been for months .
Sally : If what happened between Ridge and Bridget ever got out , whoa .
### Summary:
| Brooke is upset when Ridge shows her the picture Amber took of him kissing Bridget in the mineshaft . Brooke slaps Amber and tells her she is insane . Amber maintains that she did it for Brooke so she d know the true Ridge . Sally is worried that if news gets out that her designers were involved in the mineshaft incident it ll mean trouble for Spectra . Hector is angry with Samantha for allowing Priscilla back into their lives , and insists he wo nt allow it . He insists that Priscilla not be allowed to see Caitlin because she herself robbed Caitlin of the life she could have had . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Victor : Spencer , you know damn well why Abby confessed to hitting McCall with her car . She wanted to clear her mother .
Spencer : And her conscience .
Michael : Oh , you said yourself her story was nt credible .
Spencer : She was pretty convincing in that video . Bet the jury thinks so , too . Excuse me .
Abby : Mom , thanks for coming .
Ashley : Of course .
Michael : Oh , I m glad you got my text . I was afraid you d have your phone turned off in the courtroom .
Tucker : Well , the hearing ended pretty quickly .
Victor : How did it turn out ?
Jill : Oh , Jack . Have you heard from Katherine ? I want to find out what happened in court , but she s not returning my calls . It would be nice to know if we still had jobs .
Man : Mr. Abbott ?
Jack : Uh , n - no comment .
Man : Not even a statement regarding her condition ?
Jack : No comment .
Jill : Whose condition , Jack ? What is he talking about ?
Jack : Katherine collapsed at the hearing .
Victoria : Hey , how long s it been since I ve seen you outside of the hospital ?
Chloe : Hi . Yeah , I guess it s been about a week .
Victoria : Wow .
Chloe : Yeah , my mom s with Delia . I feel sure enough that she s okay that , you know , I do nt have to monitor her every breath . ( Sighs ) Thank God for Kevin .
Victoria : Yeah . Is he here ?
Chloe : No , no , I-- I was hoping that he would be , but I ca nt find him .
Victoria : ( Sighs )
Chloe : Look at you . You have no crutches .
Victoria : Oh , yeah , well , uh , you know , it s feelin a lot better . Mostly healed , I guess .
Chloe : Great .
Chloe : Oh . Oh , great . That s Kevin now . Hey , I ve been looking for you . Oh , well , believe it or not , I am taking a break from the hospital . No , what ? What ? A - a - all right . I m -- I m going to call my mom now .
Victoria : What s wrong ?
Chloe : Katherine collapsed or something . They had to call an ambulance .
Victoria : ( Sighs )
Billy : ( Sighs )
Billy : Hey , Man . Come in . You have my phone ?
Kevin : Yeah , I said I would bring it , right ?
Billy : Oh , perfect .
Kevin : That is only for emergencies . You are only allowed to call me , and for God sake , do not leave it out anywhere that Victor can see it .
Billy : ( Sighs ) Would you relax , Man ? This is the prudent thing to do , okay ? I mean , we get to see less of each other . You wo nt have to check on me all the time , and if I need anything , I ll just call you .
Kevin : No , no , not anything-- just dire , desperate things .
Billy : Would you like a beer or something ? You need to mellow out .
Kevin : No , I have to get back to the hospital .
Billy : Why ? Is something wrong with Delia ?
Kevin : No , it s Mrs. C.
Neil : ( Quietly ) Katherine , Sweetheart ? Your doctor was just telling us that it s really good they got you here when they did .
Devon : It ll be even better if we can get you out of here quickly , too , right ?
Neil : Hi , Murphy .
Murphy : ( Sighs ) Sweetheart ? I m here . ( Sighs ) It was Tucker , was nt it ? He did something to rile her up .
Neil : Yeah . The judge sided with him in the arbitration , all because of testimony that Jack gave backing Tucker up .
Murphy : Jack ? Jack turned on her ?
Neil : It was a shock to us all .
Murphy : She ... she did nt want me to come . And I knew-- I knew Tucker had some kind of sucker punch planned for her . I - I - I - I should have insisted on going there .
Neil : Murphy , you re here right now , okay ? It s exactly what she needs .
Murphy : Have you talked to the doctor ?
Neil : He ll be back any minute .
Murphy : Well , what did he say ?
Neil : He thinks she might have suffered another stroke .
Murphy : ( Sighs )
Billy : Was it-- was it a heart attack ? Is she gon na make it ?
Kevin : All I know is that she collapsed at the courthouse .
Billy : The courthouse ?
Kevin : Yeah , the courthouse . She was going up against Tucker for some arbitration hearing .
Billy : ( Taps cell phone ) There you go . That s what happened . Tucker pushed her to the breaking point once again-- awesome .
Kevin : We do nt have all the details .
Billy : Yeah , we certainly do . That s what happened to her last time . He was arguing with her , and then she had that mini stroke . Hopefully , this is all that is . It s just another--
Kevin : Okay , well , I will find out , and I will let you know .
Billy : ( Clears throat ) ( Tapping cell phone ) I hate having to be in here and not know what s going on . It s driving me nuts .
Kevin : Okay , well , you ll still have the information faster than you would if you were in China .
Billy : Yeah , that s very sensitive . Thanks , Buddy . You know , Katherine s like a grandmother to me .
Kevin : Yeah , to me , too , and I m just as worried about her as you are .
Billy : I did nt say you were nt , particularly since you can go see her and be with her . You can check on her . You can know what s going on . I m stuck here in this damn trailer .
Kevin : And whose fault is that ? It was your dumb - ass choices that got you here in the first place , not mine . ( Sighs )
Billy : Wait , Man , ( Taps cell phone ) Will you come back and tell me how she s doing ?
Kevin : Yeah , I said I would .
Billy : Yeah , well , that was before I pissed you off .
Kevin : I ll be back . I just do nt know how long it s gon na take .
Billy : All right , I ll be here , slowly going out of my mind , just so you know .
Billy : ( Tapping cell phone )
Tucker : It came on very suddenly . We called 9 - 1 - 1 , rushed her to the hospital .
Michael : Well , did she regain consciousness ?
Tucker : No .
Abby : Dad , if you-- you want to go , go .
Victor : First , I d like to know what happened .
Ashley : He just told you what happened .
Victor : Why did Katherine lose her case ?
Tucker : She claimed she could nt have gotten a better offer for Jabot . I proved otherwise .
Victor : Did someone make a phony bid ?
Tucker : No . It s a legitimate offer from Jack .
Victor : Oh , Jack Abbott . No kidding . Uh - huh , so you talked him into joining your coup against your mother . ( Sighs ) Ashley , you are proud of that ?
Ashley : Out of curiosity , how many business deals have you made that lots of people have had issues with ?
Victor : This is not business . This is vengeance , pure and simple .
Ashley : Mm - hmm , business .
Victor : He s getting even with his mother for leaving him behind when he was a child . I m stunned that you re a part of it . Um , take care of her ...
Michael : Of course .
Victor : And you do exactly as Michael says , all right ?
Abby : I will .
Victor : Excuse me .
Tucker : ( Sighs ) Where s Spencer ? Let s hurry up and clear Abby so we can get the hell out of here .
Chloe : ( Sighs )
Neil : So anyway , we could see her getting more and more worked up . Unfortunately , there was absolutely no way to intervene .
Devon : Yeah , the tension s been building between her and Tucker for a long time now .
Victoria : Poor Murphy .
Chloe : Do nt say that . She s gon na be okay .
Victoria : ( Sighs )
Doctor : Her C.T. scan showed a blood vessel ruptured .
Murphy : So it was a stroke ? She was upset just before it happened . Could that have brought it on ?
Doctor : Her blood pressure was very high--220 .
Murphy : What are her ... her chances for recovery ?
Doctor : Well , her pupils are responsive , and she s reacting to painful stimuli . But she does have some slight brain swelling . The next 24 hours will be critical .
Murphy : How critical ?
Doctor : Well , there s every possibility your wife will walk out of here in the next few days . But I do need to ask-- have you two discussed end - of - life issues ? Does Katherine have a signed D.N.R ?
Murphy : Look , we do nt have to talk about that now , do we ? Just because I know that she is gon na pull through this .
Jill : Why did nt you tell me Katherine collapsed ?
Jack : I was going to tell you before he interrupted us .
Jill : ( Sighs )
Jack : Sit down .
Jill : No , no , I m going to the hospital . Why are nt you at the hospital ?
Jack : Well , I m not gon na be very welcome at the hospital . Katherine s pretty ticked off at me .
Jill : Why , Jack ? What did you do ?
Jack : I teamed up with Tucker , testified on his behalf to get Jabot back .
Jill : Oh , my God , how could you do that ? She made you C.E.O. of jabot .
Jack : I am now the owner , or I will be , as soon as the paperwork is done .
Jill : Oh , my God , it s finally happened . You have let your obsession with that company completely take you over ! You know what ? You re not welcome at the hospital , okay ? And if Katherine does nt make it , I will personally see to it that you and Tucker are held liable . I will see you in jail !
Jack : ( Sighs )
Billy : ( Clears throat ) Collapsed , collapsed , taken to the hospital . Tell me something I do nt know . Oh , come on . That s nuts . Abby was driving ? Oh , Honey , you almost killed the man . ( Clears throat ) ( Sighs )
Ashley : Honey , Tucker , I think we need to consult with Michael before you talk to the police .
Tucker : Michael thinks it s the best shot we have , that is , if you intend to corroborate Ashley s version of what happened the night of the crash .
Michael : That s the plan .
Abby : I do nt want you to have to--
Tucker : Listen , the police need our help understanding what happened that night . We re the only ones who were there , so we re the only ones who really know , right ?
Spencer : Mr. McCall . Ms. Abbott . If you re here to bail your daughter out this evening , I m not--
Tucker : No , we re not here to pay bail . We re here to insist that you release Abby . She was in no way responsible for the accident .
Ashley : How many times do I have to tell you that I was driving the car that night ?
Spencer : Abby gave us a slightly different version of events .
Tucker : Well , I ll break the tie . Abby was not behind the wheel . I remember it clearly .
Michael : And he s willing to testify to that effect , which does nt leave you with much of a case .
Spencer : Got it all figured out , huh ? Just one problem-- I do nt believe you .
Jill : I m gon na go see her . Hello , Victor .
Neil : ( Sighs )
Victor : How is she ?
Victoria : We do nt really have any solid information yet .
Victor : ( Sighs ) You were at the courthouse ?
Neil : You heard what happened ?
Victor : From Tucker McCall .
Devon : Was he gloating about his big triumph ?
Victor : So then I m right in assuming that Jack and Tucker McCall s business arrangement caused Katherine to collapse ? Is that it ?
Neil : 100 % , Victor .
Jill : Neil said it was a stroke .
Murphy : Brought on by hypertension .
Jill : And when did they say she s gon na wake up ?
Murphy : They re trying to prepare me for the possibility that she might not wake up .
Jill : No !
Murphy : No , but-- but they do nt know who the heck they re dealin with . I mean , she has come through this kind of thing before .
Jill : You re damn right .
Jill : Okay , okay , you tell me how I can help you . I can get you all pumped up and ready to fight . I m really good at calling you names and pushing your buttons .
Murphy : ( Chuckles ) It s her specialty .
Jill : You know how much I love to give you a hard time , but I m not gon na do all the work . All right , you ve got ta get up off your keister and get in the game , Katherine . Oh , my God . And no giving up . Giving up is not an option . Do you understand that ?
Tucker : You know , I get now why you have such a lousy record in court . You haul people in on charges based on your personal opinion instead of the evidence .
Spencer : We have evidence .
Tucker : Oh , that video ? A scared kid trying to keep her mother out of jail . And there s another arrest that never should have happened . I think it s clear you ve got it out for this family .
Spencer : Do nt even start that .
Tucker : You keep comin after my wife and my stepdaughter without cause , I wo nt start with you , Man-- I will finish you . Now maybe you forgot this young lady s brother owns a little publication called Restless Style . Would you like to be on the cover ? Hmm ? Vindictive , power - hungry D.A. railroads confused , innocent young woman , because he ca nt get over the fact that her father financed his opponent s campaign . Now there s a story that would get some attention , do nt you think ?
Ashley : Yeah , and also with the bar association .
Spencer : There s no truth in that .
Tucker : Well , here s the thing-- I do nt believe you . Now I m really lookin forward to seeing you get a taste of what you ve been dishin out .
Michael : It -- it appears , in retrospect , that you may have been a bit hasty pressing charges without consulting the sole surviving witness to the crash . Maybe we should discuss dropping the charges .
Spencer : Come with me .
Ashley : Okay . That was incredible .
Abby : I ca nt believe you just did that for me .
Tucker : Well , as long as you re in trouble , your mother s not gon na be happy .
Ashley : Aw .
Tucker : I promised to make her happy . I hope you appreciate what you have in her .
Abby : I do .
Tucker : She was willing to go to prison for you , Abby .
Ashley : Shh . It s okay .
Tucker : Now you believe me when I tell you , not every mother has that kind of love for their child .
Murphy : ( Sighs ) Her , uh , her doctor asked me about her last wishes regarding life support . No , no , no , no . They -- they dont-- they do nt think it s necessary yet .
Jill : No , she always made it very clear . She did nt want to be dependent on machines .
Murphy : I know . But if the alternate is losing her ... ( Sighs )
Jill : Murphy , it s not gon na come to that , okay ? It is not gon na come to that . I do have to ask you something , though . I know she talked to you about Devon and about the will . Do you know if she changed her will ?
Kevin : Losing Jack s friendship would upset Mrs. C. more than losing Jabot . She values loyalty above everything else .
Neil : Kevin , those of us who feel the same way are gon na be here for her .
Devon : Yeah , they ll have to build onto the waiting room to make enough space for us , too .
Victoria : Well , there is one person who wo nt be here , and that s Billy . Jill s really gon na need him , especially if this is as serious as it seems to be .
Victor : Billy not only abandoned his wife and child , but anyone who cared about him , all right ?
Chloe : What s wrong ?
Kevin : Nothing .
Victor : What the hell are you doing here ?
Jack : How is Katherine doing ?
Chloe : It s touch - and - go .
Victor : And you and Tucker McCall are responsible .
Jack : I m not gon na get into this with you . I m here to offer my support to the family .
Neil : Really ? A little late for that , do nt you think , Jack ?
Devon : Yeah , too bad you did nt think of being supportive when Tucker was bribing you .
Jack : Now there was no bribe . This was a business transaction on par with many made by your father and Victor and Katherine . Had I realized her physical health had deteriorated to this poi--
Victor : Do nt be so damn disingenuous . It had nothing to do with her physical health , and you know it . It had to do with a business deal between you and Tucker McCall .
Kevin : Let s not allow this to get out of control , all right ? Jack , it might be best if you come back another time .
Victor : He wo nt be back .
Victoria : Dad .
Victor : Jack Abbott is here to soothe his guilty conscience . Once he has done that , he s gon na go home and pop a bottle of champagne .
Jack : Give Katherine my best .
Victoria : Well , I guess we should brace ourselves for Tucker showing up , too .
Victor : Ai nt gon na happen . Unlike Jack Abbott , Tucker McCall does nt even pretend to give a damn about his mother s welfare .
Neil : Where d you see Tucker ?
Victor : Police station . Abby is in legal trouble .
Tucker : ( Sighs )
Ashley : The press ?
Tucker : ( Sighs )
Ashley : You re probably gon na have to make some kind of a statement , you know .
Tucker : Thank you for respecting our privacy during this difficult time ? Can I just tell them all to go to hell ?
Ashley : It s kind of impolite . You okay ?
Tucker : I m fine . It s Michael .
Michael : All charges have been dropped .
Abby : ( Gasps ) Really ? Oh !
Michael : ( Chuckles ) Yes . You re free to go .
Abby : ( Sighs )
Michael : Apparently , Mr. Walsh does nt relish the prospect of becoming Restless Style s next cover model .
Abby : ( Chuckles )
Michael : I ll take care of the paperwork .
Ashley : Thank you , Michael . Thank you .
Michael : You re welcome .
Abby : ( Chuckles )
Ashley : You re the hero .
Tucker : ( Sighs )
Ashley : You re the hero .
Tucker : Yeah .
Ashley : Ooh .
Abby : ( Sighs ) Thank you .
Tucker : I m just glad it s all behind us . I ve got some things I have to deal with .
Ashley : You going to the hospital ? I can go with you .
Tucker : No , I appreciate the offer , but I m not going there .
Ashley : Mm .
Tucker : I ll see you at home later .
Ashley : Okay , thank you . Aw , Baby girl , it s okay !
Abby : ( Laughs )
Ashley : It s all right now .
Abby : It is . I know it is .
Ashley : It s over . It s over .
Abby : ( Sighs )
Ashley : ( Sighs ) And you know what ? He s right .
Abby : ( Sighs )
Ashley : We can put that whole awful night behind us . I mean it , Abby . I want you to put it behind us . I want you to put the resentment and the suspicion that you have of Tucker behind you . I want it to end now .
Abby : ( Sighs )
Kevin : I do nt mean to chase you guys out .
Jill : No .
Murphy : No , no , no , no . Ive -- Ive got ta fill everybody in .
Jill : And I ve got phone calls to return .
Murphy : Yeah , keep her company , okay ?
Kevin : Mm - hmm .
Kevin : Hey , Mrs. C. it s Kevin . I sure hope you come out of this soon . Not to be selfish , but we are all counting on you to get us through this whole thing with Delia . The bone marrow transplant-- Chloe is gon na need some serious hand - holding , and ... ( Sighs ) And I could really use some advice right about now . But we re not gon na get into that . Um ... I will tell you , though , that Billy wishes he could be here , and he sends his love .
Victor : What are you saying ?
Kevin : What -- it doesnt-- nothing . It does nt matter . She s not conscious .
Victor : You do nt know if she can hear or not . What if Victoria had walked in ?
Kevin : I ll be back later .
Victor : What in hell are you doing here ? Do nt let these bastards get to you . What Jack and Tucker did to you is absolutely cruel . All the more reason for you to get out of bed and knock their heads together , okay ? What if Nikki finds out about this ? It ll put her back in her recovery . ( Sighs ) Why did you and I ever argue about Jabot ? What a pointless argument . ( Sighs ) You know how much I love you ? Come on . You re tough . Get out of bed and knock their heads together . Come on . We ll do it together , all right ?
Tucker : Come to stake your claim ?
Jack : I had a few things to clear up . What are you doing sittin there ... ?
Tucker : ( Clears throat )
Jack : In the dark ?
Tucker : Just restin my eyes .
Jack : Resting your eyes ? Or , uh , wrestling with your conscience ?
Tucker : Well , it sounds like you forgot how Katherine got Jabot away from me .
Jack : It was pretty clever .
Tucker : It was pretty sneaky . Do nt say it runs in the family .
Jack : In her defense , she did work her tail off to keep your empire up and running ... when you were nt . Kinda surprised me . I mean , with all the rancor and bad feeling between the two of you , she still felt a bond . Seeing how you re reacting to what s happened to her , it s pretty clear to me you feel the same way .
Ashley : Hi . So what s happening ?
Neil : Hi . Uh , she s hangin in there . It s gon na be a tough fight , though .
Devon : If you re looking for any good news to take back to your husband , you re probably not gon na find it here .
Abby : Well , I guess the fact that she s still alive is good news .
Ashley : Yeah .
Devon : Well , Tucker might not think so .
Ashley : Devon , nobody wanted this to happen . You have to know that .
Devon : Excuse me .
Victoria : ( Sighs )
Abby : They dropped the charges .
Victor : ( Sighs ) Michael texted me .
Victoria : ( Sighs )
Victor : I m very happy , okay ?
Victoria : That s great . ( Sighs ) What convinced the D.A. to back down ?
Abby : Tucker .
Victoria : ( Sighs )
Murphy : Katherine did tell me that she was planning to add Devon to her will . But I do nt know if it was finalized yet .
Jill : Well , we have to find that out , because that would be the worst possible way for him to find out he was Tucker s son .
Murphy : Yeah .
Abby : Are you okay ?
Devon : Yeah , I m fine . I just -- I was afraid if I stayed in there longer , I was gon na say too much , you know ?
Abby : I ve never been in that situation .
Devon : ( Chuckles )
Abby : I heard you were there when Katherine collapsed .
Devon : Yeah . It was horrible . I really do nt get how a guy like Tucker-- he has one of the most amazing women in the world for a mother , and he treats her like that .
Abby : Okay , I - I was nt in the courtroom , but do we think that it s possible Tucker had a valid business argument ? ( Stammers ) Hold on . You and I-- we re biased against him . We have to be honest .
Devon : You know , I used to think he had some redeeming qualities . But not anymore . I do nt want to have anything to do with that guy ever again .
Chloe : ( Sighs )
Neil : Oh .
Chloe : Hey .
Neil : Hi .
Chloe : Delia s doing really great today .
Victoria : Oh , good . That s great . Oh , I can go sit with her if your mom wants to visit with Katherine .
Neil : Uh , Esther was already here .
Chloe : Yeah , you know what ? She -- she s not even freaking out . She s just trusting God to do the right thing . He already pulled through for Delia . He sent us our guardian angel .
Kevin : ( Scoffs ) Chloe .
Chloe : You are .
Neil : We appreciate everything you re doing for -- for Delia .
Victoria : You know , if Billy were here , he would say the same thing .
Kevin : Well , I think Delia has lots of guardian angels , not just me .
Kay : I ll tell you something-- I learned a great deal over this past year , and family is nt always blood . No , do nt look at me like that . Listen to me . Technically , I m no more related to you than I am to Cane . But you ll always be my grandson .
Kevin : Excuse me .
Chloe : Hey , what s up ?
Kevin : What ? Uh , nothing . It was , uh , Crimson Lights .
Victoria : Are you sure ? You looked a little horrified there for a second .
Kevin : Uh , yeah , it s just I do nt like to be bothered by work , you know ? Especially now . I m so worried about Mrs. C.
Tucker : Well , I think you might be projecting a little bit , Jack . You sure it s not you who s feeling guilty about what we did ?
Jack : Had I known how things would end up , I might have handled things differently , but it was nt me sitting alone in the dark contemplating my sins .
Tucker : Whatever you say .
Jack : A little bit of unasked - for advice-- go see your mother , Tucker . Really . If , God forbid , she should die before you have a chance to tell her how you re feeling , that will eat at you for years to come .
Michael : And the arrest wo nt even appear on your record .
Abby : ( Chuckles )
Michael : It will be as if it never happened .
Abby : Wow , thank God .
Victoria : Yeah .
Victor : Well done , Michael .
Michael : Yes , but it was Tucker who did the heavy lifting . Oh , has anyone seen Kevin ? He told me he was headed over here .
Victoria : Um , well , he left a little while ago .
Michael : Really ? Did he say where he was going ?
Victoria : No , he did nt . He was in a hurry , though .
Michael : Hmm .
Kevin : I told you I would be back .
Billy : Yeah , well , you took too long .
Kevin : When you sent me that text , I was standing with Chloe , Victoria , and Victor .
Billy : Victoria was there ?
Kevin : ( Sighs ) Representing for you , as usual .
Billy : Hey , Man , what are you doing ?
Kevin : You ca nt be trusted with this .
Billy : All right , look , I apologize about the text . It wo nt happen again , but I need that for emergencies , so ...
Kevin : Your idea of what an emergency is and mine are completely different , Billy .
Billy : Oh , come on , Man . Look , you ca nt leave me stranded here , because if I need something , I m just gon na go out and get it .
Kevin : ( Sighs )
Kevin : Do nt make me regret this .
Billy : I swear .
Kevin : Like that means anything . ( Scoffs )
Billy : ( Sighs )
Ashley : I m gon na go get the car , and I ll meet you at the curb , okay ?
Abby : Okay . It s probably good that she does nt know where she is .
Devon : Yeah .
Abby : I think she d hate being this helpless .
Devon : She s only happy when she s running the show .
Abby : You got to know her really well lately , huh ?
Devon : Yeah . You know , I do nt know why she took such an interest in me , but I m glad she did . I just hope this is nt the end .
Murphy : Uh , hey , Guys , you do nt have to stay .
Victor : Not gon na leave , Murphy . ( Sighs )
Jill : ( Sighs )
Murphy : Is that Mitchell ?
Jill : Yes , he s on his way up .
Neil : Mitchell ? You contacted Katherine s attorney ?
Murphy : Yeah , Jill-- Jill thought it would be a good idea .
Jill : I just wanted to see what kind of provisions had been made for a situation like this .
Murphy : Uh , come . I think we ought to--
Jill : Right . Absolutely .
Murphy : I m glad you did nt mention Devon and the will .
Jill : Well , of course I would nt do that . Can you imagine how explosive that would be ? We do nt even know if she changed her will anyway .
Murphy : ( Sighs ) Right .
Mitchell : Tucker ?
Tucker : Hey , Mitchell .
Mitchell : I assume you re here about the will .
Tucker : The will ?
Jill : Hello ?
Sam : I think we need to talk about sleepin arrangements .
Tucker : You ve been in to see my mother ?
Devon : Yes , we have .
Tucker : And business associates have more rights than sons ?
### Summary:
| Tucker persuades the DA to drop the charges against Abby by telling him that Ashley was driving the car the night of his accident not Abby . The DA does nt believe him , but Tucker threatens to publish an article in Restless Style which says that the DA s going after Abby because he is mad that Victor financed the campaign of his opponent when they had elections for the DA job . Katherine s doctor tells Murphy that she had a stroke and her condition is critical . The doctor advises Murphy to start thinking about end of life issues but Murphy is confident that Katherine will pull through this crisis . Katherine s family and friends each take turns talking to her and encouraging her to fight . Victor and Jill both vow to make Jack and Tucker pay for what happened to Katherine . Kevin gives Billy his cell phone to text him in case of emergencies but Kevin soon regents that decision when he gets a text from Billy asking about Katherine s condition with Victor , Victoria , and Chloe standing near him . Kevin considers taking away his cell phone , but Billy threatens to just go out and get what he needs and risk being seen by everyone . Devon tells Abby that he thought that Tucker was a good guy , but after today he does nt want anything to do with him . Devon ca nt understand why Tucker would treat his own mother so badly . Jill and Murphy ask Katherine s lawyer to come to the hospital so he can tell them if the addition of Devon to Katherine s will is finalized . Jill and Murphy do nt want Devon to find out that he is Tucker s son through the will , because that would be a terrible way to find out the truth . Tucker and Jack both feel guilty about what happened to Katherine . Jack tells Tucker that Katherine worked very hard to run his company while he was nt able to do so , and despite the anger between them , she still felt the mother / son connection . Jack tells Tucker that he still feels the connection between him and Katherine too , or he would nt be sitting in his office in the dark contemplating his sins . Jack advises Tucker to go to the hospital and tell Katherine how he feels or it will eat at him for the rest of his life if she dies . As Tucker heads into the hospital elevator , he sees Katherine s lawyer who asks him if he is there about her will . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Stephanie : Honey , it s absolutely stunning .
Eric : This could be our best showing ever .
Ridge : I m just hoping it makes an impact on Brooke .
Eric : You re not hoping that this thing s going to reunite you and Brooke , are you ?
Ridge : Oh , Dad , I m counting on it .
Stephanie : He has a plan .
Eric : Oh , a plan ?
Stephanie : Well , she s the lead model , so she ll be front and center all day .
Ridge : I ll be right there with her . After we end the show , we ll come out and take our bows . I m gon na sweep her off her feet with a kiss like the fashion world has never seen . Trust me when I say it s going to be the kiss of death for Nick and Brooke .
Nick : I do nt know . I just do nt think that the CEO of a company should be prancing around in her skivvies .
Brooke : It s my business , Nick . I m selling an image .
Brooke : It s sexy and it s provocative . But it is just work . Maybe later I ll bring home some of those designs , and we can have some real fun of our own .
Nick : Get going .
Brooke : You re okay ?
Nick : I m okay .
Brooke : Good . I saved you a seat next to Bridget .
Nick : Actually -- I m not quite okay yet .
Dante : Okay , so how s it feel ?
Model # 1 : It feels great .
Dante : Not riding up ?
Model # 1 : Nope , not at all .
Dante : Good . Good luck .
Filomena : There is Dante !
Aldo : We do nt want to bother him now .
Felicia : No , I m sure he would nt mind . Come on !
Aldo : Okay .
Luigi : Dante , we are so proud of you .
Dante : Gratzi .
Aldo : Very , very impressive .
Felicia : You think this is impressive ? Wait til you see Dante and I walk down that runway at our wedding .
Stephen : You did nt take Brooke to Forrester Creations ?
Nick : I had a few things I needed to finish .
Stephen : Nick , you ca nt let your guard down . I m telling you , Stephanie and Ridge are up to something .
Stephanie : Ridge --
Brooke : Wow , this looks great .
Ridge : Logan , we are a go for re - launch .
Brooke : Well , you deserve most of the credit . The designs are inspired , and the kiss theme -- that is dead - on .
Stephanie : It certainly is .
Stephen : Nick , I know you think I m making too much of this . But Ridge has something up his sleeve .
Nick : Well , if he tries anything it ll be even clearer to Brooke that she ca nt work with the guy .
Stephen : You re still thinking of asking her to quit ?
Nick : I did nt say that . But this will be the last time that they re on that runway together .
Stephen : I still do nt like it .
Nick : Well it s a good thing she did nt get you a ticket then .
Stephen : Not a problem . I have plans of my own .
Brooke : You did such a great job . I appreciate everything you ve done .
Ridge : It was a labor of love .
Brooke : I just hope it pays off .
Ridge : Hey , it s going to be a special day , Logan . We ve had success in the past , but this -- this is going to be a show nobody forgets .
Thorne : Okay , places everyone . We re letting the press in .
Eric : Everyone , they re opening the doors .
Bridget : Oh , Mom . I was looking for you . I just wanted to wish you good luck .
Brooke : Thanks , sweetie .
Bridget : Also , what we talked about regarding Dante . Just do nt mention that to anyone , cause it did nt work out .
Brooke : What happened ?
Bridget : It s a long story , I ll just have to -- I ll tell you later .
Eric : Ah , ladies -- hi , honey . I have a question , Brooke .
Bridget : Oh , yeah , go Mom . It s okay , have fun .
Brooke : Thanks .
Dante : Can I talk to you ?
Bridget : Umm -- yeah .
Dante : Come on .
Bridget : Look Dante , Felicia is the mother of your child . You proposed to her , she said yes .
Dante : I ca nt marry her if I m in love with you . How can I ?
Bridget : Because , you have to . You just have to .
Eric : Hey , where s Dante ? Where is he ?
Felicia : I have nt seen him for awhile .
Eric : Look , I need to know if the approved fabric is on the third group . Could you find out ?
Felicia : I ll find him .
Eric : Okay this is -- no , this
Stephen : Okay . The Forresters are up to something . I just need a clue .
Stephanie : What are you doing here ?
Stephen : This is my daughter s office .
Stephanie : Yes , I know that . But your daughter does nt want anything to do with you .
Stephen : You re the one she should be suspicious of . You and your son . You re up to something , Stephanie . What is it ?
Stephanie : You re one to talk , Stephen .
Stephen : You re wasting your time , you know that . There s nothing you can do to get between Brooke and Nick .
Stephanie : Well if you re so confident about that , what are you worried about then ? I do nt know what you re doing here . But go ahead , keep rooting around . And I ca nt even begin to imagine what you think you re gon na find . I have a fashion show to go to .
Nick : Where s Brooke ?
Ridge : Forrester personnel only , Nick . The show s about to start .
Nick : Yeah , I know . You got that smirk going pretty good on that face , do nt you ? You really get off on Brooke dressing up in your lingerie like this . This is just a job to her , Forrester . A job that she really loves . But you go ahead , you enjoy this . This is the last time she s walking down this Forrester runway .
Ridge : If you re lost , I can have somebody escort you to your seat .
Nick : I just want to talk to Brooke .
Ridge : You know , Brooke s really excited about this showing , Nick . Let s not let your insecurity ruin it for her , okay ?
Nick : I do nt think I m insecure about a fashion show . It begins with a kiss . You really do make dresses , do nt you ?
Jackie : Stephen ? What are you looking for ?
Stephen : I ll know when I find it .
Jackie : Is that why you asked me here -- to help you ransack Brooke s office ?
Stephen : Ridge is planning something .
Jackie : Ridge is in the showroom . Should nt you be down there ?
Stephen : Not welcome . But I m not going to let that stop me from trying to protect my daughter . If the Forresters are using this fashion show to trick or manipulate her , I m going to figure it out .
Jackie : Using the show ? How ?
Stephen : You tell me ? Look what Stephanie has done in the past .
Jackie : You re right . Where do you want me to start ?
Stephen : Take a look at those files on that desk over there .
Bridget : This is exciting , is nt it ?
Felicia : What ? I m sorry . One track mind . It s your mom s moment in the spotlight , and yet I ca nt stop picturing what this place is going to look like on my wedding day .
Brooke : I want to thank you all so much . I ca nt tell you how much this means to me . To see this line revived .
Ridge : We re back and better than ever , right ? [ Applause ] Show time !
Nick : There you are !
Brooke : Hi ! I did nt think I d get to see you before the show !
Nick : Do you think I was going to let you go , without saying good luck ?
Brooke : Oh --
Nick : Good luck .
Brooke : Thank you .
Nick : Make sure you tell Forrester that if he tries anything , I ll kill him .
Brooke : Oh , yeah . I ll tell him .
Nick : Thanks .
Ridge : Hey . Your make - up looks great . You re gorgeous . [ Brooke laughs ] So I want to make sure your lips are perfect . Because so much is riding on that .
Brooke : It begins with a kiss .
Ridge : That s right .
Bridget : Just in time .
Stephanie : Ladies and gentlemen , it gives me great pleasure to introduce Ridge Forrester and Brooke Logan Forrester .
Ridge : Hello .
Brooke : Thank you .
Ridge : Welcome to Forrester Creations .
Brooke : It s a pleasure to have all of you here .
Jarrett : And it s our pleasure to see you two back in charge !
Ridge : Thank you , Jarrett . I m just the designer . This woman is the heart and soul of Forrester Creations . Brooke s bedroom -- one of the most successful lines in Forrester s history . Today , she s bringing it back . [ Applause ] Like all great love stories , it begins with a kiss .
Stephanie : Did you hear the audience ?
Brooke : They liked the first group .
Stephanie : Like it ? They love it . Almost as much as ridge loves you .
Brooke : Stephanie --
Stephanie : Oh , Stephanie -- come on , you re back where you belong . With Ridge , with us . It s your homecoming , and it s a triumph . Enjoy it .
Jackie : It says right here that Brooke is going to be wearing the show- stopper .
Stephen : The show - stopper ? Is that where the designer and the models are all on stage together ?
Jackie : It s like -- it s like a victory lap .
Stephen : Ridge and Brooke , and their moment of triumph . And that s it . After the show - stopper , that s when he s going to make his move . [ Applause ] I ll be good to you . I ll never hurt you I ll be good to you
Bridget : So what do you think ? If you re worried about the introduction , you do nt need to be . It s just all for show . That s it . Mom and Ridge are just being a team .
Nick : Well , I do nt like it .
Bridget : Nick --
Nick : I do nt like any of this . I do nt want her involved with this company . I m not taking no for an answer .
I ll be good to you I ll never hurt you
Ridge : You look amazing . You re a knockout , Logan .
Brooke : It s the design , Ridge . All of them . They re incredible . And the response -- listen to that crowd !
Ridge : We make a good team .
Brooke : Yeah , we do .
Ridge : Personally and professionally . Hey . I will always love you . All right -- go out there and show them what we re made of , kiddo .
Brooke : Okay .
Bridget : You have to admit . She really is in her element .
Nick : I swear , if Forrester tries anything -- I just want to get today over with , and get her out of this .
Stephanie : No second thoughts ?
Ridge : None . Brooke and Nick s relationship is about to be blown to bits .
### Summary:
| At Forrester , it is spit and polished and ready for the big fashion extravaganza featuring the re - launch of Brooke s Bedroom line . Ridge boasts to Eric that he is counting on it also reuniting he and Brooke . He will sweep her off her feet and it will be a kiss like the fashion world has never seen . Meanwhile , not a happy camper , Nick tells Brooke that he does nt think the CEO of a company should be prancing around in her skivvies . She proclaims it is just her business , selling an image . Dante s family attend and they are beaming with pride . Bridget walks by and she and Dante exchange a look . Stephen keeps hounding Nick that Ridge is up to something ; they should keep their eyes on him . After Bridget wishes her mom good luck , Dante goes straight to Bridget and asks to talk to her . They become a little too close which Felicia oversees . But Bridget is reminding him that he has a son with Felicia and he did ask her to marry him , he HAS to . Stephen has Jackie meet him in Brooke s office and is determined to find some clue to what Ridge is planning . Smirking , Ridge delights in telling Nick that only Forrester personnel belong backstage and he should leave . He can have someone escort him to his seat . He flaunts the it begins with a kiss slogan to him . Nick takes his place alongside Bridget and Felicia as Ridge introduces Brooke as the woman with the heart and soul of Forrester Creations . Stephanie is very supportive and encourages Brooke , and Brooke is eating it up , she is in her element . Jackie and Stephen figure out the showstopper will be Ridge s piece de resistance and this is when he will make his public move . Nick is very uncomfortable and vows to Bridget this will be Brooke s last involvement with the company . Several times Ridge keeps telling Brooke how gorgeous and what a knock - out she is . He swells with pride and tells his mom that Brooke and Nick s relationship is about to be blown to bits . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lexie : Yes , this is Dr. Carver . Look , I know it s against procedure , but would you put a rush on my biopsy results ? I ll have a hard time concentrating at work until I know for sure . Thank you .
Lexie : As for Abe and Theo , well , what will be will be . But at least I will have finally done the right thing . And everyone in Salem will know that you are still the same lying , conniving , evil person that you have always been . You re not worthy of love , Sami -- you never will be .
Sami : Damn it , Lexie . All she cares about is clearing her conscience , never mind the consequences . I have to find a way to stop her .
Alex : This will be the most romantic honeymoon in the history of honeymoons . I guarantee that you will never quite be the same .
Marlena : All righty , then . You can give me a little hint so I , I do nt know , know what to pack .
Alex : Oh , now , I ve had my heart set on making this a surprise for you . You would nt want to deny me that pleasure , now , would you ?
Marlena : Well , no . I want whatever you want .
Alex : Good . Then pack lightly because whatever you might need once we get there , we can pick it up .
Marlena : Oh . So are we going far ? I mean , are we on a different country , continent , hemisphere ?
Alex : I will tell you this much -- this will be a trip from which you ll never quite recover .
Chelsea : I am the reason that Bo and Hope think that the other one wants a divorce . After everything dad s done for me , I ve just made him miserable . I have to make things right between him and Hope . I have to tell him what I did .
Frankie : Chelsea , what s going on ?
Shawn D. : Hello ?
Bo : Hey , Shawn , it s me . Sorry to interrupt your honeymoon .
Shawn D. : Now I know why people go away on their honeymoon -- so they wo nt be bothered . What s up , Dad ?
Bo : Well , it s about your mom . Can you come down to the station ?
Shawn D. : Yeah , Mimi and I will be right there .
Bo : I ca nt let Hope go through with this divorce . Shawn is the only one who can help me .
Shawn D. : Oh , you know , babe , I would , um , zip the top just a -- I mean , I like it .
Mimi : Oh . It seems like we ve spent most of our honeymoon getting undressed and then getting dressed again .
Shawn D. : Mm - hmm . I m sorry . That is all going to stop .
Mimi : First Belle decides that she needs you to help her stop her dad from killing Alex North , and then Chelsea falls into a sewer .
Shawn D. : Once - in - a - lifetime experience .
Mimi : And now your dad needs you to help him , too . It s like , Shawn Brady s rescue and counseling service open for business 24 hours a day .
Shawn D. : I know . I know , it s crazy . But it is all coming to an end . I promise you . It s just , I ca nt turn my dad down . I have to see if there s a chance that my parents could get back together .
Mimi : I know , you re right . And I hope they do . And I m glad you re doing this , Shawn , really . And I want things to get better between you and your dad . It s just , also , I want you all to myself for a while .
Shawn D. : I promise you as soon as this is done , no more interruptions . I am gon na give you some honeymooning that you are never gon na forget .
Bo : It s got to be Lockhart . According to this , he s a killer . Good thing Hope is nt anywhere near him .
Patrick : You wanted to know about my past ? Well , there it is . Are you satisfied ?
Hope : Patrick , I am so sorry .
Patrick : No . No , you re not .
Hope : I just wanted to know where you were going .
Patrick : I asked you to leave this one thing alone , but you could nt do that . So now you know . And when you find out what happened , you ll hate me as much as your husband does .
Hope : I could nt hate you , Patrick -- no matter what happened .
Patrick : I m the one responsible for Alma s death . I killed her .
Like sands through the hourglass , so are the Days of our Lives .
Hope : You loved Alma . Whatever happened , I m sure it was nt your fault .
Patrick : I did nt physically put my hands on her , but I might as well have . I m the reason she died .
Hope : If you want to talk about it , I m here to listen .
Patrick : Talking about it hurts . My life before I came to this island was a waste . I was a con man ripping people off , just taking up space on the planet , not doing a damn bit of good for anyone . But when I ended up here , I did nt just find the most beautiful place on earth , I found love -- true connection of souls . That s what Alma means , you know -- soul . And she shared hers with me . I kept telling her that I was nt worthy of her , but she believed in me .
Hope : I m sure she did .
Patrick : We had the kind of love that most people only dream about .
Patrick : Hey , hey , hey . Guys do nt wear flowers .
Alma : This flower is the island s symbol of love .
Patrick : I ve already found my love , and I m looking into her eyes right now . And I ve never been so happy . Alma , my Alma .
Alma : Yes , your Alma .
Patrick : I ve done some things before we met .
Alma : Who has nt done something to be ashamed of ? Mistakes are part of our life .
Patrick : Not the kind of mistakes I ve made . They re the kind of mistakes that could get me into a lot of trouble and anyone who s close to me .
Alma : When you love , you take the bad and the good . And you have so much in you that is good , Patrick , so much that I love .
Patrick : Alma gave me all of her love and sweetness . She paid for it with her life .
Chelsea : Hey , Frankie . I m just here to talk to my dad .
Frankie : Me too . I m your lawyer , Chelsea . Is there something you want to share with me ?
Chelsea : Would it be between us ?
Frankie : Attorney / client privilege -- total confidentiality .
Chelsea : Okay , well , it s not exactly a legal problem , but it s more of .... Shawn , look , I m glad you re here . Now I can thank you again .
Shawn D. : Just save it . Come on .
Frankie : Thank you is not gon na fix it .
Chelsea : Yeah , you do nt think I know that ? Nothing s gon na fix this . Zack is gone , and he s never coming back . And that s my fault . Nobody s ever gon na forgive me , and you know what ? I do nt blame them .
Bo : Shawn , I have tried everything I could to find your mom . It s like she s vanished . The future of our family is at stake . If you know where she is , you got to tell me .
Marlena : You re making this honeymoon sound almost dangerous .
Alex : Well , if everything goes according to my plan , I m hoping it will at least blow you away a little .
Marlena : [ Laughs ]
Alex : The real danger is here in Salem . That s why I ve insisted on taking you someplace where John Black ca nt find us . I mean , it s obvious the local police can not control the man .
Marlena : Oh , Alex , I m so sorry .
Alex : Why ? It s not your fault . When a man has such a beautiful wife , he has to expect other men to be jealous . Listen , I want you to stop worrying and start relaxing , okay ?
Marlena : I want whatever you want .
Alex : As soon as we are out of Salem , I m going to dedicate every moment of my life to try and make you happy . How does that sound ?
Marlena : It sounds dreamy .
Alex : Why do nt you run along upstairs and finish packing ? Cause once we re out of here , I ll be a happier man . Yes , hello . This is Alex North . My wife , Dr. Marlena Evans North -- that one . Thank you . I ll certainly convey your congratulations to her . As I was about to say , my wife has decided to put her penthouse on the market . I believe it was featured in Dream Homes Magazine a season or two ago . Oh , I thought you d be familiar with it . Oh , the terrace . Yes , it has a lovely terrace with an extraordinary view of the city . Now , we would like you to handle the sale . I could nt agree more . It is an excellent time to sell . Yes , now , we would like the money wired to my offshore account . I ll tell you what , I will give you a week to put together some buyers , then I ll call you back and give you the account number for deposit . How does that sound ? Yes , I thought so . Well , thank you . I ll be in touch soon . My , my , my , my . Time for a refill . I need Marlena to be compliant until we are out of Salem . And once we clear Salem Airspace , and the drugs have worn off , it is then that Marlena will realize , much to her horror , exactly what her fate will be .
Bonnie : Hmm , what s Sami Brady up to now ? [ Thinking ] Just look at her sitting there thinking and thinking , not even drinking that expensive Chai Latte she shelled out four bucks for . She s plotting someone s destruction . Oh , yeah . I bet my life on it .
Belle : Hey , Sami . Can I sit with you ?
Sami : Oh , of course .
Belle : You look awfully serious about something . What s up ?
Sami : I was thinking about mom on her honeymoon from hell with the good doctor . Why does nt she see what a creep that guy is ?
Belle : I know . I keep thinking , wondering if there s anything else we can do , but , I mean , my dad s done everything he can .
Sami : Yeah , John Black . Salem s very own superhero .
Belle : He almost went to jail trying to protect her .
Sami : So what s up with you , Belle ? Are you upset about mom , or is there trouble in paradise , Mrs. Kiriakis ?
Belle : No . No , I mean , I do nt know . Yes .
Sami : So what s wrong between you and your Greek - God , war - hero husband ?
Belle : Do nt make fun , Sami . He s wonderful . He s a great dad , good husband .
Sami : I m sure he is all of those things . So why do nt you love him ?
Belle : I do .
Sami : But ? Do you want me to say it , or are you brave enough ?
Belle : But I m still in love with Shawn , and it s killing me .
Marlena : Hi , come on in .
Lexie : I m sorry to disturb you .
Marlena : You are not disturbing me at all . I just -- I m not opening the door these days because of John .
Lexie : Are you really that afraid of him , Marlena ?
Marlena : What , are you kidding ? He s been stalking Alex and me , tried to kill Alex at our wedding , and has sworn to kill him because he does nt want him anywhere near me .
Lexie : Marlena , I ve known John for many years , and no one can love you more than he does . Everything that he s doing is to try to protect you from Alex .
Marlena : If you re going to criticize my husband , I need to have you leave . I love Alex . I do nt need protection from him .
Lexie : Marlena , what is he doing to make you believe that ? You do need protection from him . I can prove it .
Sami : Belle , the fact that you still love Shawn is hardly news . Everyone who loves you has been painfully aware of it for months .
Belle : [ Scoffs ]
Sami : I just call it like I see it .
Belle : Yeah . I should have known I could nt talk to you about this .
Sami : Well , do nt talk to anyone about it unless you re willing to do something . Otherwise , it s just whining , and no one wants to hear that . Belle , you chose to marry Philip and have a kid with him . So you either have to make peace with the bed you re lying in or get out of that bed and go after the man you want .
Belle : Shawn is married to my best friend .
Sami : Oh , she is hardly your best friend , and she has nt been since high school . She took your man , Belle .
Belle : Well , that s not her fault .
Sami : Do nt make excuses for her . You do love Shawn , right ?
Belle : Yes , I do .
Sami : Then you have to stop being Little Miss Belle Goody - Two - Shoes and fight for the man you love .
Bonnie : [ Thinking ] The same advice I d give my own sister . And if Belle takes it , I ll wring both their necks .
Hope : What happened to Alma ?
Patrick : I d gotten myself into a lot of trouble money - wise . I owed these guys a ton of cash .
Hope : Gambling debts ?
Patrick : No , it s worse . I do nt want to get into it , but , um , I was playing with guys in the mob . I came to this island to hide out , try to get the money together to pay them back . That s when I met her -- Alma . Alma Delgado -- the most beautiful woman on the island . And she wanted me . She saw something good in me .
Hope : Patrick , you are a good person .
Patrick : I tried to convince her to stay away , but she said she did nt care about my past as long as we were together . [ Crying ] She wanted to have my babies . She changed my life . You know , I finally got it , what life s supposed to be like -- loving each other , caring for each other , not every guy out for himself . I decided to cut my ties to the organization . So I still owed these guys money . I left , tried to get in touch with some old contacts , people who owed me money , but it did nt work . So I figured the hell with it , I ll come back , I ll get Alma , and we ll just take off . You know , we ll start over someplace new , someplace where they d never find me .
Patrick : Alma . Alma ! My God . Oh , my God , baby . [ Crying ]
Patrick : The men I owed killed Alma instead of me . That way they knew -- they knew I d suffer every day for the rest of my life .
Bo : Shawn , just tell me where your mom is . I need to talk to her .
Shawn D. : If she wanted you to know , she would have told you herself . Now , do nt put me in the middle of this .
Bo : Have you heard from her ?
Shawn D. : No . Have you ?
Mimi : Maybe he does nt want to talk about it , Shawn .
Shawn D. : No , tough . Tell me , Dad , has mom been in touch with you ?
Bo : Listen to your wife . Leave it alone .
Shawn D. : No . I have a right to know what s going on with my family or what is left of it .
Bo : She asked me for a divorce .
Marlena : I know that you re a longtime friend and a colleague , so I m sure I trust your opinion , just not about John or Alex .
Lexie : Are you all right ?
Marlena : Uh , yeah , I think it s just the stress , that s all .
Lexie : Why do you have all these needle marks on your arm ? This is how Alex has gotten so much control over you , Marlena . He s been injecting you with drugs .
Marlena : [ Scoffs ] Do nt be ridiculous .
Lexie : Unless you ve suddenly become a heroin addict , it s pretty obvious what Alex has been doing to you , Marlena . First he used hypnosis on you , and when that stopped working --
Marlena : That is a perfectly acceptable form of therapy .
Lexie : Marlena , he was brainwashing you . When are you gon na snap out of it and recognize the danger you are in with this man ?
Marlena : Alex loves me . He d never hurt me .
Lexie : Oh , is that the mantra that he s drummed into your head ? Marlena , that is the only explanation that you ve been using , and it makes no sense . Look at me . Where did these marks come from , Marlena ? Is your brain still working , huh ? Alex is the only person who could have been drugging you .
Marlena : No , Alex loves me . He d never hurt me .
Alex : Of course I d never hurt you . Dr. Carver , have you been filling my wife s head with your ridiculous suspicions again ? I am extremely disappointed in you .
Belle : I ca nt . I ca nt break up Shawn and Mimi s marriage . I m not a home wrecker .
Sami : What , you mean like me ?
Belle : No , that s not what I mean . I mean I have a marriage , too , Sami . I have a daughter .
Sami : Oh , come on , Belle . People get divorced . I mean , look at the women in this family always cheating on their husbands .
Belle : Well , I would nt do that . I would never do that .
Sami : I m glad you feel that way . That s why you have to be honest with Philip now , while you have the chance . You let all these feelings build up inside of you every time you see Shawn , and you re gon na end up doing something that you regret . You say you love him , right ? What did you think , it was gon na magically go away ?
Belle : No , but I thought that over time that these feelings would , yeah , go away .
Sami : Love is nt like that . So I m telling you , you and Shawn were meant to be together . You know it . He knows it . This whole town has known it since you two were kids . And seeing the four of you out celebrating Shawn and Mimi s honeymoon -- I mean , it was like a freaking tragedy . You and Shawn are with the wrong partners , and you are the only one who can fix it .
Patrick : If I had nt been into those bastards for so much money , Alma would nt have died how she died , when she died . I know that . And I ca nt ever forgive myself . So you see ? Bo was right all along . You never should have trusted me .
Chelsea : Shawn , there s something you should know .
Shawn D. : Would someone get her out of here ?
Frankie : She s got something to say .
Shawn D. : I never want to see her or talk to her again . You are responsible for killing my brother and my family . And now my mother is off somewhere alone suffering while her husband is here trying to keep his daughter out of jail for killing my brother .
Mimi : Shawn , this is nt helping .
Bo : Shawn , just tell me where your mom is . Let me talk to her , try to explain things to her .
Shawn D. : You do nt deserve her . It was a mistake coming here .
Mimi : I m sorry . He s just very upset .
Bo : Frankie , if you re here to discuss the case , this is a bad time .
Frankie : That s not why I m here . I m really sorry . Hope s filed for divorce .
Alex : Are you all packed , dear ?
Marlena : No , not yet .
Alex : Then why do nt you run on upstairs and finish that while I have a word with Dr. Carver ?
Marlena : All right . Lexie , thanks for coming by .
Lexie : Okay .
Alex : I thought you valued your marriage to Abe .
Lexie : I do . And that s why I m going to tell him the truth .
Alex : Really ? You mean , all about this sordid affair you ve been having with Detective Kramer behind his back all this time ?
Lexie : Yes , Alex . I have decided to eliminate all the stress from my life , and that means coming clean with my husband about my infidelity .
Alex : You might as well just stick a dagger right into your heart because once this comes out , you are not only going to lose your marriage , but your good name , as well .
Lexie : Oh , well .
Alex : [ Laughs ] You care that little ?
Lexie : No , Alex , I care that much about doing what s right , not letting some murdering liar blackmail me into silence . This morning , I discovered a lump in my breast . And , you know , it s just amazing what a possible death sentence can do to clear your mind and help you do the right thing . And the right thing is getting you the hell out of Marlena s life .
Sami : Come on , Belle , be honest . You never really loved Philip . Okay , maybe as a friend , and I m sure he s pretty good in bed .
Belle : Sami !
Sami : Well , I m just guessing , but he is sexy . And , you know , great sex and great love , when they go together , there s nothing better . And not everybody has the opportunity to have it all in one package . You and Shawn do . And it must kill Mimi when the three of you are together .
Belle : I hate this conversation .
Sami : Look , Belle , why did you marry Philip ? Because Shawn dumped you for Jan. And Philip was there , and he wanted to pick up the pieces of your broken heart . But if he had nt , and if you had been miserable for a while , you would have found out the truth about Shawn and Jan , and then you and Shawn would be married . And poor Shawn and Mimi . I mean , obviously Shawn has feelings for Mimi , but when the honeymoon is over and reality sets in , he s gon na find himself married to a woman that he does nt really love . Are you gon na let that happen ?
Belle : What about Claire ?
Sami : Claire will be fine . Lucas and I have made mistake after mistake , but we have always made sure that Will knows that we love him more than anything , and that is the most important thing you can do for your child . You do nt want Claire to grow up in a family when the two parents do nt love each other , when they feel trapped .
Belle : I already feel -- not -- not trapped . It s not fair to Philip . He s a great guy .
Sami : He s a great guy ? Belle , that s what s not fair to Philip . I mean , have you ever really felt like you could nt live without Philip ? There s your answer .
Belle : Every morning that I wake up , I wish it was Shawn next to me .
Sami : Oh , honey , you ca nt live your life like that . You just -- you ca nt . You love Shawn .
Belle : So much .
Sami : Go to him . Tell him , and do nt let anything or anyone stand in your way . Now go do it before you lose your nerve .
Belle : Thanks , Sami .
Sami : Anytime , Belle .
Bonnie : [ Thinking ] Belle s not gon na take my Mimi s husband away , not as long as I m breathing . And , Sami , you just made yourself another enemy .
Shawn D. : Divorce ? My parents ? I guess I should be expecting that after all the dumb moves my dad made , but , still , it s hard to believe .
Mimi : When my parents got divorced and my dad moved out , it was one of the hardest things I ve ever had to deal with . And I know when you went down to see your dad , you were hoping that your parents had worked this out , and you did nt expect to hear what he told you . But do nt you think your parents should at least talk about this ? I mean , maybe you should tell your dad where your mom is or where you think she is .
Shawn D. : Yeah , I do nt know . I do nt know . I guess I could e - mail my mom , see what she thinks .
Mimi : I think that s a good idea . And tell her what s going on , and then it s her call to decide what to do .
Shawn D. : Thanks . I m just so mad at my dad right now . I could deal with never seeing him again .
Mimi : That wo nt last .
Shawn D. : Well , my mom is suffering , and I want her to do whatever it takes for her to be happy , even if that means leaving my dad . Cause after the lies he told , I would nt blame her if she never forgave him again .
Mimi : But if two people love each other enough --
Shawn D. : No . No . Lies kill relationships . If you love your spouse , then you should never keep the truth from her . It s just unforgivable .
Lexie : I am giving you fair warning , Alex , which is more than you deserve . Get out of Salem now , today , without Marlena if you want to get out alive . Because once I tell John that you ve been drugging her , he will literally tear you apart , and Abe will help him .
Alex : I see . You re trying to strike a bargain with God . You think that if you do a good deed , then maybe he ll spare you from dying from cancer . I thought you were smarter than that .
Lexie : My reasons for doing this are none of your business . But you will feel the consequences , believe me .
Marlena : Was that Lexie slamming the door ? You two did nt have a fight ?
Alex : No . No . It s nothing worth discussing . Tell you what , if you do not finish packing , you re going to be traveling with a toothbrush and no clothes .
Marlena : Mmm . Okay . Okay .
Alex : I think Marlena needs another dose , pronto . I think I ve just come up with a brilliant way of dealing with Lexie . It might be too cruel , even for me . But then again , who deserves cruelty more than an adulteress ?
Mimi : Hello ?
Bonnie : Mayday , mayday . Belle is on her way over there to tell Shawn she loves him and that she s gon na leave Philip for him .
Mimi : What ?
Bonnie : Oh , I heard it with my own two ears . She got advice from her trampy sister , Sami . Honey , you got to stop Belle before she wrecks your future with Shawn .
Mimi : Short of killing her , I do nt know what I could do .
Bonnie : Well , you better put your thinking cap on or you re gon na lose your husband .
Bonnie : Oh , my God . Is that the doorbell ? That s her .
Shawn D. : Hi , Belle .
Belle : Shawn , there s something that I have to say to you , and I hope it s not too late .
Hope : Bo was so wrong about you . But , obviously , he was wrong about a lot of things . You know , when I fell in love with Bo , I thought that he was everything I wanted in a man . He was my hero ... but not anymore . I guess now that I m older and wiser and sadder , I appreciate different qualities in a man . You re a man who can be a good friend to a woman and not demand anything in return , and that s rare . You re a good person , Patrick . Nothing could ever change my mind about that .
Patrick : You re wrong . I am not a good man , and I am sure not good for any woman , including you . So do yourself a favor and get as far away from me as you can . Go back to Bo .
Bo : So she did it . Hope filed for a divorce .
Frankie : I m really sorry , Bo . I know how much you love her . Mickey tried to talk her out of it . Everyone knows that you do nt make major life - changing decisions when you re upset . It s always best to wait until things cool down .
Bo : Yeah . F - f - f-- , uh -- Frankie , what -- I , um -- I do nt know what I m supposed to do .
Frankie : I m sure that you will find a way to change her mind .
Bo : Frankie , I would do anything , anything to make her change her mind , but everything I say and do these days , it s wrong . It just sends her running .
Chelsea : Dad , I need to talk to you .
Bo : Well , okay . Now is not the time .
Chelsea : It s really important .
Bo : My wife just asked me for a divorce . Could you think of someone else besides yourself for once ? I m sorry , Chelsea , I -- this is -- this is not -- we ll talk , okay ? Soon , I promise .
Frankie : If there s anything I can do .
Bo : Okay , Frankie , thanks .
Chelsea : He really is mad at me , is nt he ?
Frankie : Yeah . At least then he ll be able to tell Hope what happened .
Chelsea : Yeah , and then she can be mad at me and not him .
Frankie : You re not gon na get any sympathy out of me , Chelsea .
Chelsea : I m not looking for sympathy from anybody , Frankie . I just want to do what s right .
Frankie : Good . When he calms down , you tell him what happened . Do it soon .
Chelsea : I will .
Bo : I ca nt lose you , Fancy Face . I wo nt .
Alex : I have a very specific course of action in mind -- the perfect solution to both of our problems . Interested ?
Belle : So , what ? You re saying that divorce might be okay sometimes ?
Hope : I m not letting you go .
Bo : What s this about ?
Chelsea : It s about what I ve done to you and Hope .
### Summary:
| Alex hints at his honeymoon plans to Marlena . Lexie spots the needle marks on Marlena s arm and tries to use it as proof that Alex has been drugging her . Marlena flashes back to being injected by Alex when she regained her memory in the hospital but still claims that Alex would never hurt her . Alex walks in on them debating and devises a plan to do away with Lexie s threat to tell the truth . Frankie runs into Chelsea at the police station and she tells him the truth because he d be bound by attorney / client privilege . Bo calls Shawn down to the station to beg for Hope s whereabouts but Shawn refuses to tell him . Shawn presses until Bo is forced to admit that Hope asked for a divorce . Mimi convinces Shawn to email Hope for advice on whether or not to tell Bo her location . Frankie serves Bo the divorce papers from Hope but Chelsea s attempt to tell Bo the truth backfires when Bo assumes that she wants to talk for selfish reasons and sends her away . Bonnie overhears Belle admit that she still loves Shawn and that Sami convinces her to go tell Shawn how she feels . Bonnie calls Mimi with advance warning of Belle s arrival . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Rex : Adriana !
Adriana : Rex .
Rex : Oh . I thought -- I thought --
Adriana : How about this time you put the deadbolt on ?
Rex : Right .
Kelly : I miss you so much , Duke . You said you d give me everything I always wanted . I guess this is it . This is what I ve always wanted -- to have a baby . But it s not Kevin s baby , is it ? It s yours . I do nt know how I m supposed to feel about this . This is supposed to be the happiest day of my life , and I do nt know how to feel . What s Kevin going to do when he finds out ? What am I going to do ?
Nora : Oh !
Michael : Nora !
Nora : Oh ! Do nt touch me . Please do nt touch me . Do nt touch me .
John : You made it .
David : Excuse me .
John : Ok , Vickers , you did nt want to talk in public , it does nt get much more private than this . Come on , you already admitted you shot him . I just want to know the story , beginning to end .
David : You already know most of it .
John : I want to hear it from you . I want to hear about my dad s last day on this earth from the man who took it from him .
Rex : You sure ?
Adriana : I have thought about it so many times .
Rex : Yeah , me , too -- like , a million times . I just -- I wanted to wait till the right moment .
Adriana : I do nt want to wait any longer , Rex . Make love to me .
David : I m aware that this is probably going to sound shallow , but it was nt just your life d your family s lives that were affected that night . I ve been running a long time , but not anymore . I d like to say what happened that night out loud to you .
John : I m not your priest , man . None of what you re doing gets you off the hook with the man upstairs or anybody else .
Natalie : John --
John : What ?
Natalie : You want to know what happened to your father , right ? Do nt scare him off .
John : Maybe that s exactly what he needs .
Natalie : No . You need him to tell you what happened , all of it . This is not just about peace for him .
John : Ok , Vickers , let s see what you have to say . But there s someone else who should be here , someone else that needs to know what happened the night my father died .
Michael : How did you fall , anyway ?
Nora : I have to walk .
Michael : Ok , but not on your own .
Nora : I have to walk for Matthew .
Michael : I know it s frustrating .
Nora : It s impossible . I -- I missed too much .
Michael : Split the difference -- you take it easy tonight , I promise I will step up your physical therapy in the morning . [ Phone rings ] I -- I m sorry , I -- I have to take this call . I ll be right back . Yeah , Dr. Mc Bain here .
John : Hey , Mike look , can you come over to my place right now ?
Michael : Uh -- yeah , sure . Is -- is everything ok ?
John : I just ca nt get into it over the phone , all right ? Can you make it ?
Michael : Yeah .
John : Good . We ll wait . My brother lost his dad that night , too . He deserves to hear this as much as I do .
Michael : Nora ?
Nora : Yeah ?
Michael : I ll see you tomorrow .
Nora : Ok . My leg ?
Michael : Oh . Sorry . Tomorrow . Ok ?
Paige : It s good to see you doing so well , Nora .
Nora : You , too . I heard about the accident .
Paige : I know it s been a long time since we ve talked .
Nora : Since before the aneurysm .
Paige : I do nt know how much of that you remember .
Nora : I fought with Bo about you .
Marcie : Come on , Tommy , please . Please , come on , you ll be ok . Oh -- Roxy , you scared me .
Roxy : I m sorry to bust right in here , but , you know , I practically had to beat down the door .
Marcie : I know , I did nt hear you .
Roxy : You know what ? That kid s got a major set of pipes , and I think the building is painfully aware of it .
Marcie : I know , I m so sorry . You know , I thought maybe he might have a fever and that I d have to take him to the hospital , and then I checked his wet diaper , but it s not wet , and -- and I fed him and I do nt know what else -- I do nt know what s going on , Roxy .
Roxy : He s a baby , that s what s going on .
Marcie : Yes , but he s been screaming like this for an hour . How do I get him to shut up ? I m sorry . Come on --
Roxy : Hey , you got a vacuum cleaner ?
Marcie : Yeah , it s back in the bathroom . What -- what do you need that for ?
Roxy : Ok . No , just leave it to me , ok ? All right , just , you know , stop worrying and just suck it up .
Marcie : What ? Tommy -- oh , Tommy , come on , please ? Mommy will do anything you want .
Roxy : Hey , hey , baby hey , hey , little baby
Marcie : Little baby it seems to be working -- us singing .
Roxy : Ok , well , wait a minute , this ll really --
Marcie : Oh , no . Oh , no , he s doing it again !
Roxy : Hey , I got the cure .
Marcie : Roxy , what are you doing with that thing , anyway ? Come on , please , Tommy .
Roxy : Ta - da .
Marcie : How -- how did you know to do that ?
Roxy : That ought to hold him for a couple hours .
Marcie : Wow !
Roxy : Yeah . See , when Natalie was a baby , she was a real screamer -- boy , not a lot has changed -- and it was like a trial - and - error thing , and I figured out through the process of illumination -- you know , I would do anything to keep her trap shut .
Marcie : Yeah , I m not even going to ask what you had to do with Rex .
Roxy : Ah , that was nt too bad . I threw him up in the air a coup of times , he was good to go .
Marcie : How many times did you drop him ?
Roxy : Oh , once or twice . Well , it did nt seem to do him any harm .
Marcie : Yeah , I guess not . I guess not . Thank you for helping me with Tommy . At least now I know that there s nothing wrong with my baby , right ? There s nothing wrong with you .
Roxy : Hey , Marcie --
Marcie : You re just being cranky .
Roxy : I got a news flash for you .
Marcie : Yeah ?
Roxy : He s not your baby .
Adriana : What s wrong ?
Rex : Ok , I m going to shoot myself for this later , but I ca nt do this .
Adriana : Rex , if you re worried about protection , do nt . I thought of that .
Rex : No , I did , too . I ve -- I ve been ready for this for a while . But --
Adriana : What ?
Rex : As -- as much as I want to do this -- and I still do , I really do -- I would be a jerk if I made love to you right now .
Adriana : Why ?
Rex : I lied to you , Adriana .
Adriana : Well , what did you lie about ?
Rex : Us being here -- it s part of a plan .
Adriana : What plan ?
Rex : All right , you know how I told you that we were going to the bayberry inn ?
Adriana : Yeah , you told just about everybody who would listen .
Rex : Including the stalker .
Adriana : Wait a minute --
Rex : I figured that he might ve followed you to the country club , so I set him up into thinking we were going to the bayberry . And that s why when I knew he was nt tailing the car , I doubled back into town and we came here .
Adriana : So this whole thing was a plan to catch the stalker ?
Rex : My hunch turned out to be right . He showed up at the bayberry . I have a guy there waiting for him .
Adriana : He caught him ?
Rex : No . The creep took off , but my guy went after him . I m hoping we catch this sicko tonight .
Adriana : Why did nt you just tell me all this before ?
Rex : I did nt want to freak you out . Look , I am sorry . I did nt want our first time to be because of some lie or because we were thrown together . I want it to be special . I hope you ll understand .
Adriana : Like hell I do .
Kevin : What were you doing , Kelly ? Hmm ? Telling Duke how much you love him ? Maybe how guilty you feel because he took the hit for you ?
Kelly : Well , obviously you ve been drinking .
Kevin : No , actually , I was in the church . I was trying to find some comfort .
Kelly : Did you find any ?
Kevin : No . No , apparently my welcome has run out with the guy upstairs . I was here before . You know , I -- I ca nt seem to stop coming here . I mean , I come here every day . I -- I walk up to his gravesite to -- I -- I think maybe today , you know , he wo nt be there . Maybe I ll wake up from this nightmare , you know , and realize it was a dream and that -- that Duke is still alive .
Kelly : I wish he were .
Kevin : And I wish you had nt slept with him .
Kevin : My mom was here earlier . She kept trying to convince me that there was meaning in Duke s death . That because we loved him , he would live on . Yeah . All I could think about is that he s gone . There s -- there s nothing left of him .
Kelly : That s not true .
Paige : I tried to tell you back then . I never intended to take your place with Matthew .
Nora : Aneurysm ?
Paige : Yeah , well , it -- it can do that .
Nora : Yeah .
Paige : I m sorry if I contributed to that .
Nora : No . Upset then , not now , you know ? Matthew told me you -- you helped him . You told him the truth .
Paige : Well , not about everything .
Nora : He said you and Bo broke up ?
Paige : Well , actually , we re -- um -- we re going to try to make another go of it . I -- I do nt know how , it s -- it s a little complicated , but we both want it to work .
Nora : Good , I m glad .
Paige : Well , I m glad that you said that because I really need your help .
Natalie : Michael , come on in .
Michael : What s he doing here ?
John : Vickers decided to come clean . I thought you d want to hear his confession .
Michael : Yeah . I would .
John : Ok . We re all listening .
David : The first thing you need to know is I was nt acting alone .
Kevin : Ok , I do nt want to hear Duke will live on in our hearts crap , ok , especially from you .
Kelly : But --
Kevin : I do nt need it , ok , because I feel him around me every day , all the time . I walk by his room and I can still see him there . His stuff is everywhere -- it s in the mansion , it s in the office , it s -- you know what I do ? I call his voicemail just to hear him say leave a message . I ca nt cancel it . I -- I paid the bill the other day . I just ca nt come to grips with the idea of a future without him in it . There ll be no milestones for him . He ll never fall in love again . He s never going to -- never going to get married , never going to have children . There s no legacy . I will have no grandchildren to bounce on my knee . Just like me , there will be no one to carry on for him .
Kelly : Kevin , there s something I should tell you .
Roxy : It s just going to be hard when child services rips him out of your arms and gives him to somebody else . But , you know , Marcie , maybe it s not the worst thing in the world to happen , you know , because a baby can really put a cramp in your love life . You two are newlybeds , you know , and that should be the time when your love life is really smoking , you know ?
Marcie : Look , I think that Michael and I can handle being newlyweds and raising a baby .
Roxy : So you re saying you re not going to give the baby back .
Rex : Look , I thought you d understand why I was nt completely honest with you .
Adriana : I do . And I love you for it . What I do nt get is you not wanting to be with me because of some maniac . Rex , I do nt care how we got here . All I care about is that we re here and we re together , and it does nt get any more perfect than that . At least not for me .
Rex : But I wanted to give you champagne and flowers and --
Adriana : Just give me you , Rex . You know , people say it all the time , but it s true -- life is short . And I do nt want to waste another day , another minute not having been together . I love you , Rex . I really do . And I just want to show you how much .
Rex : Wow . I love you , too . I did nt think that I ever could -- I mean , love somebody again . But this , you , I -- I just do nt want to screw it up .
Nora : My help ?
Paige : See , Bo is doing everything he can to -- to fight the charges against him .
Nora : Spencer behind this ?
Paige : Yes , that s right . Spencer set the whole thing up .
Nora : Because of you ?
Paige : Oh , gosh , no . He has been over me for years -- I mean , if ever loved me , which I highly doubt . But he s really smart . It s going to be very hard to trip him up .
Nora : Huh . If anyone can --
Paige : Right .
Nora : It s Bo , you know ?
Paige : If anyone can , Bo can .
Nora : Yeah .
Paige : But Bo is going to need a lot of support , and I may not be here to give it to him .
Nora : Why ?
Paige : Well , I may be going to prison -- for my part in Thomas Mc Bain s death .
David : I know it sounds like I m trying to pass the buck here , but I m not .
John : Then what are you talking about ?
David : As good as your father apparently was , my father was the polar opposite . The two of you may have grown up trying to be just like your dad . Well , I did the very same thing . My exception is that Ned Truman was someone not to be emulated . When he died , Spencer and I inherited what I guess you would call the family business . Part of that business was making book . That night , I went on a collection run . I carried a gun because I wanted to be just like my old man . I took the money . I -- I was running out , and that s when your father arrived . He was in plain clothes , but he said he was with ACPD . I got scared . I hightailed it out of there and he followed .
Michael : Then you killed him in cold blood .
David : I did nt mean to .
John : What happened next ? Did he -- die he say anything before you fired ?
David : He said something about his sons .
John : What d he say , Vickers ?
David : Told me to freeze . I did nt . I ran , but then I stopped just -- just for a split second . I was trying to figure out which way to go , and that s when he called out to me again .
Thomas : Freeze ! Do nt do this , kid . You ve got your whole life ahead of you .
David : And then he told me about you .
Thomas : Look , it s Christmas . I got two boys waiting for me at home . Let s make this easy on both of us . Just drop the gun .
David : That s it . That s what happened .
Marcie : The situation with Tommy is only temporary . I am well aware of that .
Roxy : Yeah , well , it does nt mean you re ok with it .
Marcie : I am ok with it . Totally . I mean it . Why are you looking at me like that ? Uh -- look , I knew going into it that it was nt going to be permanent .
Roxy : Yeah , right . Who you trying to convince ?
Marcie : Look , even if I wanted to keep him , we ca nt keep him , anyway , so it does nt matter .
Roxy : Hey , look , I m no one to judge , you know ? It s just I know how attached you can get to those little boogers -- you know , it happened with Natalie , and she was nt even mine . So I just want to tell you , when you have the kid and you need some advice , you can come to me . You can have your own Mr. Spock .
Marcie : I ll remember that when I beam him up to sickbay . Forget it , it does nt matter . Forget it , goodbye .
Roxy : Yeah , well , I m going to miss this cute little thing hanging around here . See ya .
Marcie : Bye . Yeah . Me , too .
Paige : People keep secrets for all kinds of reasons . Sometimes it s because they care too much .
Nora : Yes , I know .
Paige : So then you ll forgive Bo ?
Nora : You love him , do nt you ?
Paige : Yes , I do .
Adriana : That was definitely worth the wait .
Rex : You think ?
Rex : Look , what you said before -- if something ever happened to one of us -- it s not going to . I am never going to let anything happen to you , Adriana .
Adriana : What about you ? Who s going to keep you safe ?
Rex : Shh . I can take care of myself . I ve got too much to live for . Much as I hate to do this , it might be about the stalker .
Adriana : Go ahead .
Rex : Hello ? Yeah . No . Ok . Yeah , I understand .
Adriana : Got away ?
Rex : The trail went cold .
Adriana : Did your guy get a look at him at the bayberry inn ?
Rex : No . It was too dark . The guy had his head down . My guy could nt make out his face . Damn , I -- this whole plan was a bust .
Adriana : Not totally .
Rex : I just -- I wanted to get this guy tonight . I want you to feel safe again .
Adriana : I felt safe when we were making love .
Rex : How would you like to feel safe again ?
Kevin : I ve heard it all before , Kelly , ok ? You re sorry , you wish you could go back in time , you love me and only me , you and Duke made a mistake . It s just --
Kelly : No , you should listen to me --
Kevin : Why ? Why should I listen to you ?
Kelly : What your mom said about --
Kevin : My mom s got no idea , all right ? Yeah , she loves Megan , I know , but she -- she did nt send her to her death , ok ? Her daughter did nt screw around with her husband the way my n did with you . I m going to have to deal with this -- with Duke s death and the way this happened -- for the rest of my life .
Kelly : So will I.
Paige : Bo and I are nt really broadcasting the fact that we might get back together .
Nora : Because of Spencer ?
Paige : Yeah , Spencer , and also it -- it could be confusing to Matthew , you know , especially if I have to go to prison .
Nora : Thank you for thinking of my son .
Paige : He s amazing .
Nora : He s the best .
Paige : Listen , I -- I hope that you keep trying to walk . You know , determination is -- is a huge part of the battle .
Nora : Back at you .
John : What d you do with the gun ?
David : It felt hot like it was burning . I got rid of it as fast as I could .
John : Where ?
David : I do nt remember .
Michael : What do you mean , you do nt remember ?
David : Everything that happened after I opened my eyes and saw what I did is a blur . I ran . I ve been running ever since . That s what happened , now you know .
Natalie : Where you going ?
David : I did what I came here to do .
John : What you should do is change your plea to guilty .
David : That was not part of the deal .
John : There s no deal ! You want to clear your conscience ? Stop running , be a man , and see this through to the end .
David : I m not going back to prison .
Michael : That s just too damn bad , is nt it ?
David : Anybody asks , this conversation never happened .
Natalie : We all heard you .
David : I ll say it was coerced .
Michael : You want coercion ? I ll show you coercion .
John : Mike , I ll handle this . Because you can do this , you have to .
David : So they ll go easier on me , maybe give me life instead of a needle ?
John : You ll go easier on yourself . I ll be at the courthouse tomorrow at 1 : 00 with a judge and the D.A. I think you should be there , too .
David : I m not making any promises .
Natalie : Do you think he ll go ?
John : If he wants to save what s left of his soul , he will . If not , he can go to hell . Hey --
Michael : Hey .
John : You ok ?
Michael : It s all just so real , you know ?
John : All over again .
Michael : I need to be with my wife .
John : Yeah . Go ahead , Mike .
Michael : I ll be at the courthouse tomorrow . I promise .
John : Ok .
Michael : A little late for vacuuming , huh ? Marcie ? Marcie ?
Marcie : What ?
Michael : What are you doing ? You ll wake the baby up .
Marcie : No . It s not going to wake him up , he likes it . It calms him down . Roxanne taught me that trick -- can you believe it ?
Michael : Oh . Well , that s cool . You should share that with child protective services tomorrow .
Marcie : Tomorrow ? What are you talking about , tomorrow ?
Michael : You remember -- we re meeting with them tomorrow ? They found a new home for Tommy ?
Marcie : Uh -- yeah . Right . That s -- that s right . I -- you know , I just did nt realize that it was so soon that we were meeting with them . So -- um -- where you been ? You know , I thought you were supposed to be here about an hour ago . You ve been off shift for about an hour now , so --
Michael : Oh , I -- um -- I was at John s .
Marcie : Mm - hmm .
Michael : We just heard David Vickers admit to shooting my father .
Marcie : I m sorry . It must ve been really hard .
Michael : You ca nt imagine . There was one good thing about it , though , you know ? It was good to be able to put a picture to what happened , you know ? It sort of closed the book on it for me . I m not so sure about John , though .
Natalie : You ok ?
John : Mm - hmm .
Natalie : Look , I know you re worried , and , you know , if David does nt change his plea , we all three heard him confess .
John : It was inadmissible .
Natalie : I know . But now you know what happened to your dad .
John : Maybe .
Natalie : You think David s lying ?
John : No , he was telling the truth . I m just not sure that was all of it .
Natalie : Why do you think that David was nt telling the whole truth ?
John : A feeling , like there s still something more .
Natalie : What could it be ?
John : I wish I knew .
Natalie : Look , there s really nothing we can do until tomorrow in court . Think maybe you could put it to bed for the night ?
John : I do nt know .
Natalie : Can you try ? For me ?
Singer : How I wish I could surrender my soul shed the clothes that become my skin see the liar that burns within my needing how I wish I d chosen darkness from cold how I wish I had screamed out loud instead , I found no meaning I guess it s time I run far , far away find comfort in pain all pleasure s the same it just keeps me from trouble hides my true shape like Dorian gray I ve heard what they say but I m not here for trouble it s more than just words it s just tears and rain how I wish I could walk through the doors of my mind Hold memory close at hand Hold memory close at hand help me understand the years How I wish you would How I wish I could choose between heaven and hell how I wish I would save my soul I m so cold from fear I guess it s time I run far , far away find comfort in pain all pleasure s the same it just keeps me from trouble far , far away find comfort in pain all pleasure s the same it just keeps me from trouble it s more than just words it s just tears and rain oh , oh tears and rain oh , oh oh , oh tears and rain far , far away find comfort in pain all pleasure s the same it just keeps me from trouble it s more than just words it s just tears and rain
Cristian : I like having you depend on me .
Evangeline : I do nt .
Claudia : I m doing this for us . Tess is nt coming back .
Jessica : Mmm .
Antonio : Jess ? What s wrong ?
Todd : I do nt love you .
Blair : You re lying .
### Summary:
| Kelly is at Duke s grave . She talks to him , telling him that the baby is his and not Kevin s . She has no idea how she is to feel . She would like to be happy but she ca nt be . She hears something behind her and turns to find Kevin walking up behind her . He asks her if she is there to tell Duke how much she loves him . He tells that he comes there everyday , and that he keeps hoping that one day he will come and Duke will not be there . Viki keeps telling him that Duke s death serves a purpose but he ca nt see what that purpose is . There is just nothing left now that Duke is gone , Kevin says . Kelly tells him that he is wrong . There is something left . David gives John and Michael the confession they asked for . David explains that his father had an operation set up and he did the collections . He took a gun with him to be like his dear old dad . He showed up and Thomas just appeared . David admits that he shot the man unintentionally and that he did say something about his sons that he had boys like him , and they were waiting for him at home . Rex and Adriana are about to make love . He ca nt . He would be doing this with a lie between them . He tells he made sure everyone heard that they were going to a certain inn , but in fact he had taken Adriana elsewhere . The trick worked . The stalker showed up and they chased him , but he has nt been caught . Adriana has no problem with making love under these circumstances and so they do ! After David confesses , John tells him to change his plea to guilty . David will not do that . He will deny everything that he has just said , in fact . Michael wants to beat him up but John intervenes . John says that he will be at the courthouse at 1 pm and expects to see David there . Afterwards , John ca nt help that feel like he does nt have the whole story still . David heads home and packs his bags |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Mariah : Ooh ! Hi .
Sharon : Wow . Went all out this year .
Mariah : Yeah , getting into having a paycheck this holiday season .
Sharon : Wow . By the looks of all that , you must be done with all your shopping .
Mariah : Uh , yeah . Yeah , just about . Uh , what about you ?
Sharon : Um ... yeah , same here .
Mariah : [ Chuckles ]
Sharon : Um , you know , I never did get to ask you what you might want for yourself this year .
Mariah : Oh , um , well , since i can afford to buy myself stuff , there s not really anything i need . But , uh , what about you ? Was there something on your wish list between school , the coffeehouse ? I mean , you were saying something about a new blender .
Sharon : Oh , no , that was a false alarm . The old one started working again .
Mariah : Oh , great .
Sharon : What about shoes ? You know , the new spring line .
Mariah : Oh , no , you know , i have a ton of shoes . But if there s anything that you ve been looking at ...
Sharon : No , I m good .
Both : You know what ?
Mariah : Go ahead .
Sharon : Um , I was just gon na say that I m gon na head out for a little while .
Mariah : Oh , you know , that s perfect because , um , there s a phone call that I really need to make .
Sharon : Oh , okay , well , perfect . Then I will just see you later .
Mariah : Yeah . See you . Bye .
Sharon : Okay .
Mariah : Bye .
Sharon : Bye .
Mariah : Help . I need a christmas miracle .
Sharon : I thought of everything . Nothing is right . What do I get for mariah ?
Faith : A pony always works .
Sharon : I do nt think she s the pony type .
Nick : I do nt know what sharon wants . Get her a , I do nt know , a gift card from fenmoreS.
Mariah : That s the best you ve got for me ? I - I was hoping for something a little less generic .
Nick : Okay , okay , all right . Just -- just , uh , give me a minute .
Mariah : Okay .
Faith : A fuzzy pink unicorn pillow .
Mariah : Reindeer slippers .
Sharon : Have you ever seen mariah use a bottle opener ?
Mariah : Okay . It was kind of for me anyways .
Faith : This is the one .
Sharon : Sorry , sweetie . Not happening .
Mariah : No ? Well , fine . I vetoed it myself earlier .
Faith : You know mariah better than anyone . There s got to be something she likes as much as I like ponies .
Sharon : You re right . If santa can do it , so can I.
Mariah : A waffle iron . A puppy !
Nick : [ Sighs ] You are making this way too hard , kid . Listen , there s no right or wrong answer here , okay ? It s about the giving . I mean , remember that little dude who just got myrrh , gold , and frankincense ?
Mariah : Sharon has been married to or dating newmans most of her life . Do you understand how much gold she owns ?
Nick : You re missing the point .
Mariah : That s because you re being too vague ! My brain is too fried for subtle !
Nick : Mariah , sharon is gon na be happy with anything .
Mariah : Right . You re right .
Sharon : Oh , hi !
Mariah : Hi !
Sharon : Um ... [ Chuckles ] This is for you . You can open it now if you want . One gift , you know , might as well .
Mariah : Okay . [ Laughs ]
Sharon : [ Chuckles ]
Mariah : Okay , uh , yeah . Uh , all right . No !
Sharon : Oh , my gosh . You hate it ? I thought it would look so good on you both on and off the air !
Mariah : No , it s not the blouse . I like the blouse . I like the blouse so much that ...
Sharon : [ Gasps ] [ Both laugh ] Oh , well , we can be twinsies .
Mariah : Yeah . Yeah . Gosh , I guess I still ca nt get the hang of this christmas thing . Oh , gosh . No , ignore that , please . I - I got it out of desperation before I got the blouse . You okay ?
Sharon : I ... I just ... I came across some of cassie s favorite christmas things earlier , and it just brought up some memories , good ones .
Mariah : Can I see them ?
Sharon : Yeah . This was cassie s stocking . This snow globe was hers , too .
Mariah : So funny looking at this . I - I can almost see my sister growing up here ... happy .
Sharon : You know ... sweetie , you -- you never call me mom . I mean , not very often . Is that a choice you made or ... ? I mean , because there s no part of me that does nt feel like I m your mother now .
Mariah : No , no , I - I ... the woman that I called mom for years before you , she was never really like a mom to me , so i think the word kind of gets stuck in my throat . But I - I do nt mean it to hurt your feelings at all .
Sharon : No , no . You didnT. I understand . You ve been through a lot . You went through a lot of rough stuff before you finally found us .
Mariah : Do you think that , um , seeing as how this was cassie s , do you think that i could have that , if it s okay ?
Sharon : Yeah . You know , I think your sister would want you to have that , something to connect you .
Mariah : Thank you . Mom .
Hilary : Can we get another less cheap - looking toy ? [ Sighs ] And less dreary music ? [ Music stops ] Remember our motto , people ! Pep and merry ! That s why we are at the top of the tower -- because i want to capture the essence of christmas , and this -- this is the perfect place .
Mariah : Theo just dropped this off .
Devon : Is that another donation for the show ?
Hilary : Wow . That got here fast .
Mariah : It s for you ?
Devon : You know what it is ?
Hilary : Yeah , of course . It s why I sent it to myself .
Mariah : And you had it gift - wrapped .
Hilary : Yeah . The spirit of the season . Oh .
Mariah : Wow . That is really beautiful and , from the looks of it , very expensive .
Hilary : Yeah , I guess so , but it s a different shade of red than what was shown on the website . I will deal with it later . Okay , people , I want the lights to be warm and flattering , okay ? And the props ...
Devon : I thought for a minute she was actually into this .
Mariah : Did somebody spike your sugarplums ?
Devon : [ Chuckles ] No , I just thought I glimpsed actual signs of merriment .
Mariah : Well , that must have been before hilary found out she s not getting any gifts this year .
Devon : I guess she s a star on tv , but her personal life is kind of lacking .
Mariah : She s a scrooge . She brings it on herself . But you re very sweet to be doing this for her . It gives hilary at least the , uh , appearance of having a heart .
Devon : Yeah , well , what I m happy about is that you and i can talk like this again . I was little nervous that we were gon na have some tension on camera .
Mariah : There s no need to be worried about that because i have been cut from the show .
Devon : What are you talking about ? You re the co - host .
Mariah : Yeah . Not today . I m being punished . But does my boss let me go home so I can finish my christmas shopping ? Nope . I get to stay around here and watch her try to be happy , holly hilary .
Devon : Hang on a second . Why are you being punished ?
Mariah : I would nt wear some dumb , ugly snowman costume that she wanted me to wear .
Devon : You re serious ? So I could have vetoed the wardrobe choice today ?
Mariah : Well , apparently that makes me the scrooge , I guess .
Devon : Never .
Hilary : All right , all right , get it together , people . I want to see happy faces , all right ? This is christmas ! I want to see cheer ! Devon , yes , you are with me . You know the drill , right ?
Devon : Yes , I do . I m all yours .
Hilary : Okay .
Mariah : All right , we re going five , four , three , two ...
Hilary : Welcome , gc , to what is promised to be a very special and heartwarming episode of the hilary hour . We are here at the glamorous top of the tower , courtesy of the newman family . We re featuring the generosity of this man here , devon hamilton .
Devon : Thank you very much for having me , hilary .
Hilary : Yes , of course . Now , please tell us about this first annual hamilton- winters holiday toy drive .
Devon : Yes , well , our mission is to help out underprivileged families who may be going through a rough time this season .
Hilary : And the hilary hou is eager to help out . I , for one , love to share the joy and the hope of the christmas season with everyone . That is why we are moving to kids letters to santa . Are you ready to help me spread some joy today ?
Devon : Let s do it .
Hilary : Okay . All right . Dear santa , video game , please . Thank you . Love , tommy .
Devon : [ Laughs ]
Hilary : Okay , that was charming and short .
Devon : Well , tommy , here you go , from santa to you , through us .
Hilary : All right , let s dig a little deeper this time , okay ?
Devon : Yeah .
Hilary : Well , this seems a little thicker . See if there s something interesting in there .
Devon : Oh , they re all good , hilary . Dear santa , it s just me and my mom , and she ca nt afford a real christmas this year , but she s the best . I do nt really need anything , but mom could use some pans for the kitchen . And please , please , please can you bring her a pretty , new dress ? Oh , boy . Well , I do nt , uh , I do nt think we have anything in santa s bag for these more grownup requests , but there s definitely something that we ll be able to do .
Hilary : Yeah , so we should move on to another letter .
Devon : Well , there s more . Hang on . I ve been soooo good this year , santa . I always clean up and do all my homework when mom goes out and stays late at flannery s , which she s doing a lot lately . Maybe you can just bank my wish list this year because I know what I want when I grow up . I do nt need fancy clothes or jewelry or to be super- famous . I just want a happy family of my own with a dog and a yard and two kids so neither one will feel lonely . So just do what you can , santa . Thanks a ton . Sincerely , annie . Well , annie , I , uh , I do wish we could help out with those future plans of yours , but I ll tell you what we can do , and that s send some gifts to your mom and throw in some toys for you , too . Hilary ?
Hilary : Uh ... yes , uh , we will be right back .
Mariah : And we re out .
Devon : [ Clears throat ]
Hilary : Where -- where did you get that ?
Devon : You handed it to me . Why are you upset ?
Hilary : Because I ... I wrote this letter . This little girl is me .
Devon : So that s annie , as in ann turner ?
Hilary : Yeah , the name that i was born with .
Devon : That still does nt explain how it got here .
Mariah : Or the things that you wrote . No fame , no fortune . Pots and pans ? I mean , who was that girl ?
Hilary : Can we just try and focus on how this letter got here ?
Devon : Can I take a look at it again ?
Hilary : Yeah .
Devon : Well , it says here it s from ms . Petrizzi ?
Hilary : That was my sunday school teacher .
Devon : This was also in the envelope . It never felt right to throw out my students letters to santa , particularly the most moving ones . So when I saw you on tv , annie , well , this very sentimental hoarder of a teacher thought you might appreciate a memento from your past . Ms. Petrizzi . Hey , can we have a second , mariah ?
Mariah : Yeah , of course .
Devon : Thanks . Hey . You okay ?
Hilary : I can barely remember who this little girl was .
Devon : Makes me sad that annie never got her wish .
Hilary : Wishes change , devon .
Devon : Sometimes . Thinking about your mom and your life back then , I m sure this is tough for you .
Hilary : I loved her , devon . And now as an adult , I can ... I understand why she was so sad . I think she was frustrated because it just never measured up to the dream that she had , so she drank .
Devon : You work now . You push forward , and you always -- you always try to reach for more . You got to know there s nothing wrong with doing that , though .
Hilary : I m just so ... so far removed from what this little girl wanted and ...
Devon : You think so ? Do our childhood wishes ever really go away ?
Hilary : You re always looking out for me , even when I - I give you plenty of reasons not to .
Devon : It s okay .
Mariah : We re back in one minute !
Hilary : Okay , I got a show to do . Mariah , um ...
Mariah : Heading to my corner .
Hilary : Could you ... I would like it if you would join us , please .
Mariah : And I do nt have to wear that snowman costume ?
Hilary : No , just come as you are .
Mariah : Okay .
Hilary : Can I get a mike and a chair for mariah , please ? Welcome back . And for a treat , we were joined by my co - host . Mariah , do you have any special holiday wishes for our audience ?
Mariah : Actually , I do . Season s greetings , and wishing everyone more peace , love , and chocolate in the new year .
Hilary : I - I second that . And I also promise to help fulfill every possible wish for santa that we have nt gotten to yet with my own donation .
Mariah : Including annie s ? It s just -- I m sure our audience was very moved by that letter from her . And I think they d want to make sure she s gon na be okay .
Hilary : I have no doubt that annie is very happy . And sometimes that s all it takes is getting your wishes out there . So I m gon na urge all of my viewers to put pen to paper . Write a letter to santa or your fairy godmother or yourself . Lock it in a drawer and use it to help you figure out what you want in this life .
Mariah : Kind of like a vision board .
Hilary : Exactly . You know , if santa wo nt get it for you , then , you know , you go and you get it for yourself . You deserve it . Now , from all of us at the hilary hour , we would like to tell you to keep on buzzin , sc . That s right . I m talking to you , santa .
Mariah : And we re out !
Hilary : Thank you , devon and mariah . I think that this is gon na be a really special show .
Devon : Thank you , cause we re gon na be able to help a lot more kids and families because of you .
Hilary : Oh , no , I did nt -- i did nt do that much .
Devon : Yes , you did . You did a lot of good today . And I mean that .
Mariah : Just when you think you know hilary , you re ready to curse her out , walk away , and never look back ...
Devon : She surprises us . I think she surprised herself today .
Mariah : Yeah .
Hilary : Merry christmas .
Mariah : What ?
Hilary : Well , you said it was beautiful .
Mariah : It is .
Hilary : You deserve some beauty in your life , so I want you to have it .
Mariah : Uh , I , uh ... I do nt know what to say . I ca nt believe you re -- you re giving that to me .
Hilary : Do nt say anything . Just take it and enjoy it . Enjoy your holidays .
Mariah : Thank you .
Hilary : Okay , okay , so go .
Mariah : [ Chuckles ]
Hilary : Go and have fun . Have a fun night , okay ? I ll stay here . I ll clean up with everybody .
Devon : You have a good night , too , hilary .
Hilary : Thank you . You , too .
Mariah : Merry christmas .
Hilary : Same to you .
Phyllis : Open it .
Billy : Let s just wait a little bit longer .
Phyllis : No , no , I m telling you open it right now this minute , or I swear I will return it and you will be doomed to wonder for the rest of time .
Billy : Okay , okay , okay . All right . Phyllis ...
Phyllis : [ Laughs ] Read what s on the tiny parachute .
Billy : Abbott ?
Phyllis : It s symbolic of a life - sized parachute monogrammed with your initials waiting for you on the airstrip .
Billy : Skydiving ? How did you know ?
Phyllis : Because I m intuitive , and I m very smart !
Billy : Yes , you are . But first ...
Phyllis : Lessons . I had them arranged already . I picked a great pro . I would nt risk having my man flattened like a pancake .
Billy : Oh , that s the sweetest . This is the best present ever .
Phyllis : I knew it . I knew it . You conceded to defeat even before I rip the bow off of mine .
Billy : Yep . [ Clears throat ] You win , that s for sure .
Phyllis : Listen , whatever you have gotten me , I know I m gon na absolutely love it .
Billy : You know what ? I had a brilliant idea . I really did . It was great . It did nt show up on time . It s -- it s supposed to be here , and it s not . I m so sorry . I screwed up .
Phyllis : Oh .
Billy : I know . I m so sorry . I should have planned better . I m -- I m -- I m sorry .
Phyllis : It s okay . Do nt worry about it . It s no big deal . It s fine .
Billy : Yes , it is . It s not cool at all .
Phyllis : [ Sighs ] Hi , daniel . I m gon na ...
Billy : Tell him I say hello .
Phyllis : Did you get the presents I sent ?
Abby : Merry christmas !
Billy : Save your merry for somebody that deserves it . I m the winter warlock , the grinch who stole christmas , the abominable snowman all wrapped into one mushy snowball .
Abby : It s one present .
Billy : It s not , though , abby . It s like a life pattern with me . I m constantly disappointing people . I m like a clueless kid who ca nt get it right .
Abby : Growing up is overrated .
Billy : Yeah .
Abby : I m trying to be cheerful , but after the year i have had , I would love nothing more than to regress and ride into christmas dinner naked on a horse .
Billy : Can you give me a warning ? Because as a male relative , there s certain things I do nt want to see . See , this is exactly what I m talking about , okay ?
Abby : We re not related .
Billy : You gon na disown me , too ? Hmm ? That just proves that we re family because that s what family does to me at a certain point . They just disown me .
Abby : No , you have nt been my brother - in - law since you and victoria got divorced , and you re not my uncle anymore since my mom s not your sister .
Billy : You can stop that . Your mother and I are always gon na be brother and sister .
Abby : But john s not her father .
Billy : I do nt care about that . You and me , we are family , okay ? Does nt matter if I annoy you , embarrass you , discombobulate you . You re not gon na get off that easy .
Abby : Got it .
Billy : Plus I might need a couch to crash on when phyllis breaks up with me and kicks me out of the place .
Abby : [ Chuckles ] Well , sometimes you get it right , like what you just said to me .
Billy : What ? Declaring us family forever ? That s easy because I m the only one that benefits from it .
Abby : Not true . You just gave me the best gift ever . And you did nt even have to wrap it .
Phyllis : Hey , victoria . Thank you for the invitation to take part of your holiday celebration this year .
Victoria : I am so glad that billy passed that along . And you know what ? No ulterior motives . I promise .
Phyllis : I guess it really is the season of christmas miracles .
Victoria : And you ve got santa s perfect helper , billy , to remind you . How many gifts has he showered on you so far ?
Phyllis : [ Laughs ] I ca nt keep count .
Victoria : That s the one thing that always blows me away about billy , how much thought he puts into his gifts . I remember one year after the ranch burned down , I was just heartbroken because my childhood bookcase was completely destroyed . Billy searched through every shop , every flea market , and he just could nt find one like it . But you know what ? That did nt really stop him . He commissioned an exact duplicate to be built for me .
Phyllis : That s sweet .
Victoria : You know , I know billy s not perfect . In a lot of ways , he s not . But I really thank god every day for the fact that he s the father of my children because it s the important stuff like his heart and his devotion to them that matter . Look , do nt be too hard on him , okay ? I ca nt believe I m giving you advice about billy abbott right now .
Phyllis : Well , I ca nt believe I might be taking it .
Billy : Okay , before you say anything , let me just apologize , all right ? I m sorry for screwing up your gift and messing up your holiday .
Phyllis : Billy --
Billy : No , honestly , I set it up , and I tanked , and I m sorry . I promise you that I am going to change , okay ?
Phyllis : Okay . Do nt say it , do nt think it , do nt do it . Please do nt change . I love you just the way you are .
Billy : [ Muffled ] A screw - up ?
Phyllis : Spontaneity and passion comes along with screw - ups , and I m okay with that . More than okay .
Billy : You re the best . I do nt deserve you . And just in case you were nt in a forgiving mood , I made you a little something . Close your eyes . Open them up .
Phyllis : Oh ! [ Laughs ] I love it .
Billy : [ Chuckles ]
Phyllis : [ Chuckles ] Thank you .
Billy : Ignore it .
Phyllis : We shouldnT. What if it s santa ?
Billy : Santa does nt ring the doorbell .
Phyllis : Well , we do nt exactly have a chimney .
Billy : [ Laughs ] It was santa !
Phyllis : Is that A ... ?
Billy : That is a pear tree right there . They said it was lost in transit , but here it is just in time .
Phyllis : A pear tree ?
Billy : Yep . I was gon na get you all 12 gifts from the song originally , but , uh , you know , it did nt exactly happen . But here it is , being your true love and all ...
Phyllis : You didnT.
Billy : I did . It all started at the pet store . They were nt gon na let me walk out of there with two turtle doves or the three french hens . Do nt even get me started on the six geese a - laying . I mean , that was , like , a logistical nightmare . And the seven swans a - swimming , I mean , honestly , where are they gon na swim here ?
Phyllis : Well , it s just as well . I do nt know how I feel about eight maids a - milking around you .
Billy : That comes with cows . That s just messy . We do nt have room for that .
Phyllis : Should nt there be a partridge nestled somewhere in this pear tree ?
Billy : Go on . Keep digging .
Phyllis : Little stubborn bugger . Oh . [ Chuckling ] Okay . Five golden rings .
Billy : Five golden rings . One for each finger .
Phyllis : Oh , my goodness . [ Gasps ] I love them . Thank you . Thank you so much .
Billy : Merry christmas .
Phyllis : Merry christmas . Five golden rings . [ Laughs ] Patrick woke up with back pain . You do nt have anything stronger than caffeine in that drink , do you ?
Nikki : Excuse me ? Oh , my gosh . [ Laughs ] From the side there , I thought you were an old friend of mine . My mistake .
Nikki : Oh , no problem . [ Gasps ] I did nt mean that , what i asked . I do nt drink myself . At least for a few years .
Nikki : Well , then I raise my virgin hot chocolate to that . Well , consider yourself toasted . You re nikki newman , are nt you ?
Nikki : And you are ?
Kathy : You can call me kathy . So , how s your holiday season going ?
Nikki : [ Chuckles ] There s a lot of drama around this time of the year , is nt there ?
Kathy : Tell me about it . One day they treat me like a duchess . The next they re calling me on the carpet for every mistake I ve ever made on god s green earth .
Nikki : I hear that .
Kathy : I used to know everything that went on in this town , but I ve been a bit out of touch for a few years . Since we both seem to have some time on our hands , you want to fill me in ?
Nikki : On what ?
Kathy : You . Your husband . Are you loving him , leaving him , wishing he were here ?
Nikki : [ Chuckles ] Wow . You really are up on your genoa city gossip .
Kathy : It s not really a laughing matter , though , nikki , is it ? Can I call you nikki ? I had a long line of lovers in my day , but none of those relationships can compare to the victor and nikki newman grand love saga . Oh , man , I lost track of time . I need to run . You stay true and stick to your guns always . You hear me ?
Nikki : Yeah . Sure . Oh , my god . That woman stole my purse ! Oh . Sharon . Give me some herbal tea , the most calming one you have .
Sharon : Is everything okay ?
Nikki : I just was robbed !
Sharon : Oh , my god . Are you all right ?
Nikki : I m fine . It s not like I was held up at gunpoint or anything . This woman slipped off with my purse !
Sharon : Wow . Where did this happen ? And did you call the police ?
Nikki : I was at the park . And no , I have nt called the police .
Sharon : Because your phone was in your purse . Well , here . Consider this a christmas present from me .
Nikki : A bag of tea . That is possibly the most generous thing you ve ever given me .
Sharon : You re welcome .
Nikki : Oh , no , you are ... are you kidding me ? You have got to be the dumbest crook I have ever seen !
Kathy : You got me .
Nikki : Oh , I sure as hell do ! How could you do that ? !
Kathy : I m homeless , okay ? I - I figured nikki newman would nt miss a few bucks .
Nikki : That is no excuse to steal from anybody !
Kathy : I know . I m sorry . It s just life is hard without mansions and private jets .
Nikki : What ? You think I was born in a mansion ? Unh - unh . I had many , many hard years . I ve slept on park benches .
Kathy : So what are you saying ? You know me ?
Nikki : I m saying I can relate to you . I remember what the hard times were like .
Kathy : So you ll put in a kind word after you call the cops ?
Nikki : I m not -- I m not gon na call the police , even if you do give me my purse back . You can even have the cash that s in there .
Kathy : [ Sighs ] Why are you being so nice ?
Nikki : What -- what was it that you said to me before ? Something about sticking to my guns ? You seem to be the kind of person who knows how to do that , somebody who would nt allow themselves to stay in a bad situation .
Kathy : You know , even though I ve been down on my luck , riding it out in a shelter down the street , I wo nt give up like most people do . It s like that song . I m gon na live --
Nikki : Till I die .
Kathy : Huh . You know it .
Nikki : [ Sighs ] Yeah , all too well .
Kathy : But do you go at your life that way , approach every day determined to be present and open and really living ? Cause I do .
Nikki : I m sorry . I have to apologize if this sounds rude , but how old are you ? Because you seem a lot older than you look .
Kathy : I ve had some work done . But truly , nikki , thank you for everything . You re a kind soul , and you ve got so much to give . Never forget that .
Nikki : Wait a minute . Hold on . Um , just at least let me get you a cup of hot coffee and some food . Hold on . Sharon , do you still give your leftovers to that shelter down the street ?
Sharon : Every day .
Nikki : Have you ever run into a young woman there ? She s got , um , like strawberry blonde hair and her name is kathy ?
Sharon : No , I ve gotten to know all those women pretty well . There s no kathy .
Nikki : I was just talking to her ! She s sitting right there ! Well , now where did she go ?
Sharon : Who ?
Nikki : The woman . We were sitting there talking . You had to have seen her .
Sharon : I thought you were alone out there .
Sharon : Not in this room or in the office . No sign of the mysterious kathy anywhere .
Nikki : Well , I was nt drinking , sharon . That woman was here , the woman who stole my purse . She even left it behind . Do you see ? Oh , what s this ?
Sharon : Wow . That is a beautiful necklace . I m surprised you leave that thing in your purse like that .
Nikki : It -- it s not mine .
Sharon : So your mysterious kathy just dropped it into your purse ?
Nikki : Wait , there s , uh , some initials here . K ... C. K.C.
Sharon : If she owns something this expensive , why would she rob you ?
Nikki : Of course , me . Of course , me . Who else ? Oh , my god .
Sharon : Where are you going ?
Nikki : I think I know where to find her ! Was that you ? Are we slipping up ? Are we forgetting the advice that you wrote to us in those letters before you died ? It s so like you to find another way to reach out . But you know what , katherine ? You do nt have to worry , because your town , your park ... your family and your friends ... we are all in good hands . You still inspire us every single day . But thank you . Thank you for the reminder . [ Voice breaking ] I love you .
Mariah : Ho , ho , ho .
Sharon : Merry christmas .
Mariah : Merry christmas .
Nikki : Merry christmas , katherine . Merry christmas .
Billy : Merry christmas .
Phyllis : Merry christmas .
Hilary : Merry christmas .
### Summary:
| The residents of Genoa City celebrate the true meaning of Christmas in a series of four short stories in the first story Mariah and Sharon struggle to find each other a Christmas present and end up getting each other the same blouse . Sharon wonders why Mariah never calls her mom and Mariah explains that she feels like she is her mother but her adoptive mother did nt really treat her like a mother treats a daughter and she was hurt by her . Sharon and Mariah remember Cassie and Sharon let s Mariah keep Cassie s Christmas stocking and Mariah calls Sharon mom for the first time .. The second story focuses on Hilary promoting Devon s toy drive on the Hilary hour Devon reads a letter to Santa in which Annie just wants pots and pans for her mother and a pretty new dress for her mommy . Once they go to commercial , Devon figures out the letter was put their by mistake and that Hilary s Sunday school teacher sent it to her since she saved it all these years because it touched her heart . Hilary is deeply touched by remembering the letter she wrote to Santa and later writes a thank you note to her former teacher . The third story deals with Billy being upset that his present to Phyllis did nt arrive in time and him feeling depressed because he messed up again . Billy tells his troubles to Abby who is feeling depressed because it has been a rough year for her and she feels sad because she is no longer an Abbott Billy tells her that she will always be his niece and Ashley will always be his sister and none of the other stuff matters to him . Abby tells him that he gave her the best gift possible and he did nt even have to wrap it . Phyllis gift arrive and it is a pear tree with five golden rings inside it . In the last story Nikki s wallet gets robbed by a homeless woman named Kathy who turns out to remind her of Katherine and later when Nikki talks to Sharon she discovers that there is nt a homeless woman named Katherine at the shelter . Nikki finds a beautiful necklace with the initials KC on the necklace and Nikki runs to the park to thank Katherine for the reminder and assure her that her family , friends , and the town will never forget her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Blair : Well , Starr is up in her room , and I ll tell you why . She is not too happy that you have posted guards outside the penthouse .
Todd : Tough . There s no way I m going to risk having Cole Thornhart show up here again --
Blair : Hmm .
Todd : To try to convince Starr not to press charges against him . Or worse .
Blair : You do nt have to persuade me on that one , but she s got to go back to school eventually , Todd .
Todd : How are you feeling ?
Blair : Better . No headache .
Todd : Good . Yeah , I checked in on you last night . It looked like you were sleeping peacefully .
Blair : You checked on me last night ?
Todd : Mm - hmm . I hope you re going to be well enough to testify today .
Blair : I think I will be .
Todd : Good . Because I want Spencer to get everything that s coming to him . Ready ?
Blair : Yeah .
Evangeline : Oh , that better be you , Cristian . Because I could fall madly in love with a man with hands like that .
Cristian : You look so sexy in that suit .
Evangeline : Yeah ? Well , it s too bad you re not on the jury .
Cristian : You re going to win this case . And you know why ?
Evangeline : Why ?
Cristian : Because you are brilliant at what you do .
Evangeline : I have to win . John spent most of his life trying to put his father s killer behind bars . And I have to finish what he started before he died .
Michael : Hey .
Natalie : Hey . Hi . John is still not awake .
Michael : Yeah , well , he s been pretty heavily sedated , so he s probably going to be out for a while .
Natalie : Yeah . Marcie , hey .
Marcie : Hey . You know , when Michael told me that John was alive -- and all this time , I ve been visiting , thinking that it was Hugh , I --
Natalie : I know . I m really sorry . I know that you were good friends with Hugh .
Marcie : Oh , I -- I stopped by church this morning , I said a prayer .
Natalie : Hugh was a great guy .
Marcie : Yeah , he was . But you know what ? We are so blessed that John is alive , and I know -- you know , I know that Hugh would want us to focus on that , so --
Natalie : I m just so excited . John s going to be home soon . You know what ? I m going to go talk to his surgeon and see when that s going to be .
Michael : Yeah , you know , it might not be for a while , you know ? I mean , he s in pretty bad shape , and he s definitely going to need more surgery , so --
Natalie : You re right . I m just a little overanxious here , obviously . I just -- you know , the thought of John coming home , when I thought he d never come home again . I just ca nt wait to get him home ! But I guess what we have to focus on is that he is alive , and -- and that s all that matters .
Michael : Natalie , have you thought about the fact that -- when Johnny comes to , he may not be the same person that he was before the accident ?
Dorian : So , it should be a fairly simple transaction . I set up the account several years ago with some money my daughter inherited . I mean , some money that I inherited .
Banker : I am aware of that , Dr. Lord .
Dorian : Well , then , what s the holdup ? I always intended for my daughter to have that money . It really should be very simple .
Banker : Dr. Lord --
Dorian : Do it , please . [ Dorian giggles ] There , is nt that the account on the screen ?
Banker : Yes , it is . But what I ve been trying to say is the way you set up this account , there s no way your daughter can see a penny of this money .
Starr : Langston , you have no idea how happy I am to see another human being besides my mom or my dad or my brother .
Langston : Yeah .
Starr : If it was nt for you , I swear , I d go crazy .
Langston : I m bombing math . That s the second time I ve cut out of class this week .
Starr : Well , I m sorry .
Langston : Do nt be . I was worried about you . Starr , what s going on ?
Starr : My dad s threatening to transfer me out of llanview high .
Langston : No ! Why ? That s so unfair . What did you do ?
Starr : I know . My dad treats me like a kid . Like what I say does nt matter . Like he needs to protect me .
Langston : You ll do fine . Just stay away from jerks like Cole .
Starr : My mom seems to be listening to me . Maybe she ll persuade my dad or change his mind . I hope I see you in class soon .
Langston : Me , too .
Starr : Was everybody talking about it today ? The party ?
Langston : It was definitely headline news . Cole going crazy , getting arrested . He was nt even in school today . He may be suspended . Expelled , even .
Bailiff : Court is now in session . All rise .
Judge : Please be seated . Blair cramer , you may retake the stand .
Blair : Thank you .
Judge : I remind you , Ms. Cramer , you are still under oath .
Blair : Yes , sir .
Evangeline : Thank you so much for coming back today , Ms. Cramer . I hope you re feeling better . When you were here testifying yesterday , before you fainted , you were telling us about having met the defendant at the hospital . Can you just refresh our memories , and tell us again why you were there ?
Blair : Yes . I was at the hospital because my son had a medical issue . And I was very frightened at the time . But it turned out to be nothing . And my son was being cared for by Dr. Truman .
Evangeline : And after this professional meeting , the defendant began to pursue you romantically , is that correct ?
Blair : Yes .
Evangeline : And this romance --
Blair : Ended . Done .
Evangeline : Why ?
Blair : Because I realized he was a murderer .
Mark : Objection , your honor . Please .
Bo : I have the D.N.A. Analysis right here , so -- thanks for putting a rush on it . I ll talk to you . [ Knock on door ] Yeah ?
Paige : Good time ?
Bo : Oh , sure . Yeah . I m glad you re here .
Paige : Apple turnovers .
Bo : Oh .
Paige : Oh , my gosh . My picture ! Huh !
Bo : I missed it . So I put it back .
Paige : That makes me extremely happy . I thought we could have breakfast together before you head to the courthouse and I go over to the hospital to see Hugh . Got apple turnovers and coffee . Good coffee . I -- I had the best sleep I ve had in a long time , because the skin grafts are done and today I m going to see his beautiful face again .
Bo : Um -- honey , sit down , ok ? Please .
Paige : Ok .
Bo : There s something that I have to tell you .
Natalie : What do you mean , John s not going to be the same , Michael ? Is he going to be all right or not ?
Michael : Listen , he may come out of this totally fine . I mean , in recent years , there have been unbelievable advances in skin graft technology . Even so , his face and his body have been severely burned . So in layman s terms , he may n look -- well , he may not look exactly normal .
Natalie : You re not telling me anything I do nt know .
Michael : Yes , I know . I m sure you ve done your research .
Natalie : Ok , so why are you going on and on about this ?
Michael : Look , I -- I think basically what I m trying to tell you here is that John is going to need a considerable amount of care . Not just from his doctors , not just from his friends and family , but from his loved ones .
Natalie : I know this , Michael .
Michael : Natalie , please . For once , would you just listen to me ?
Natalie : Ok , you know what ? I m -- I m not trying to be unkind , Michael . But if you think that I actually give a damn about what John looks like or how much help he is going to need , I am going to be by his side every waking minute . And I m going to take care of him as long as it takes .
Michael : That s if he ll let you .
Natalie : If he ll -- you think that John wo nt want me to help him ? You think he s going to push me away ?
Michael : We re talking about my brother . It s a definite possibility .
Natalie : I wo nt let him .
Michael : I know you wo nt . Look , I ve been around a lot of patients who have gone through catastrophic experiences . Now , some people become very embittered and resentful . But others look at it as a second chance for life , a chance to do things differently , better , a chance to make every moment count as if it was their last .
Natalie : Well , I -- I guess when you have gone through an experience like what John s gone through , something s bound to change .
Dorian : This is outrageous . This money is my daughter s inheritance . That is -- it is money that I always intended for her to have .
Banker : The account is an irrevocable trust , Dr. Lord , with asset protection for 10 years .
Dorian : 10 years ? Why , that means I would nt be able to touch the money until --
Banker : 2014 . You set it up this way , Dr. Lord .
Dorian : Huh . What was I thinking ? Oh , that s right . I remember what I was thinking . I -- I wanted to be certain that my then - fiancee , David Vickers , was marrying me for love . I wanted David to be denied access to the money , not me .
Banker : I m sorry .
Dorian : Sorry does not begin to cut it . I always intended for my daughter to have that money . It s just at the time , I felt that she was too young and too reckless to be able to manage such a large amount . I was being protective -- that s why I took control of my daughter s money .
Adriana : You did what ?
Roxy : Yo , Rex .
Rex : Roxy -- whoa .
Roxy : You want to finish that sentence ? Whoa , Roxy , you look like a million bucks , or whoa , Roxy , you look like hell ?
Rex : No . You look great , fine . What are you doing out so early ?
Roxy : What are you doing out so late ? Speaking of hell -- What s going on with you ?
Rex : Oh , I have a dilemma .
Roxy : Hey , I m not going to have to give you one of my kidneys , am I ?
Rex : There s nothing physically wrong with me . I ve just been playing what would you do if , that s all .
Roxy : I like that game , and two can play that little game . All right . So , hit me with a big what if .
Rex : Ok . Well , there s this little boy who has these good people who love him very much , but they re not his biological parents .
Roxy : Got it . The adoptive parents who love him very much , and they love him with all of their heart .
Rex : But at the same time , the kid has a living biological parent who wants him back .
Roxy : For all the wrong reasons , I betcha .
Rex : Well , yeah , actually . This parent would not be as good an influence on the kid as the others .
Roxy : Definitely not .
Rex : Definitely not -- you do nt even know what I m talking about .
Roxy : Guess again , toots . Not only do I know what the hell you re talking about , but I know exactly what you need to do .
Starr : I m sure Cole s momll fight for him .
Langston : It s not up to her . The school board has to have a meeting about it . It s really big deal .
Starr : Like I did nt know that .
Langston : You said you wanted to know what was going on , right ?
Starr : Yeah , but I could deal without the play - by - play .
Langston : Ok , I ll stick to the facts . There s an assembly for the whole school this afternoon to talk about parties and steroids and all the other things that kids do to screw up our lives -- should be hilarious . I m sorry . Ok , just the facts . I forgot . Here s one -- Cole got kicked off the football team .
Starr : What ? No , football is his life !
Langston : Well , he should nt have blown it by doing drugs !
Starr : He did nt mean to , Langston ! A lot of athletes take steroids and they do nt know what it ll cost .
Langston : Wait , wait -- are you defending him ? You sound like a newspaper article .
Starr : I ve been reading up .
Langston : Just look under l for loser .
Starr : He did nt mean to hurt me . Roid rage -- it s a real thing .
Langston : Starr --
Starr : He did nt --
Langston : You re not thinking of forgiving him , are you ?
Mark : Your honor , please . This is conjecture on Ms. Cramer s part .
Judge : Sustained . The jury will disregard the witness last statement . Please continue , Ms. Williamson .
Evangeline : Of course , your honor . Ms. Cramer , did the defendant ever say anything to you that led you to believe he had something to do with Thomas Mc Bain s death ?
Blair : Yes , he did .
Evangeline : Please explain .
Blair : When Spencer s brother , David , was arrested for the murder , Spencer admitted to me that he always took advantage of his little brother , all of his life .
Evangeline : I see . And , Ms. Cramer , how did you become involved in the police investigation of the defendant ?
Blair : During the course of my relationship with Dr. Truman , I found a photo of Spencer and his father , in which Spencer was holding the gun that was used to shoot Thomas Mc Bain .
Evangeline : The witness is referring to the photograph already entered into evidence , exhibit K. You remember this photograph , right , ladies and gentlemen ?
Blair : And when I found the photo , I handed it right over to the police .
Evangeline : Did this photograph of the defendant with the murder weapon help lead the police to the murder weapon ?
Blair : Yes , it did .
Evangeline : Thank you very much , Ms. Cramer . No further questions at this time .
Spencer : Go easy on her . She still may t be well .
Mark : My job is to save your life . Let me do what I need to do . Ahem . Good morning , Ms. Cramer . Glad to see you re feeling better today . Ms. Cramer , can you please tell the jury , how many times did you and Dr. Truman make love ?
Evangeline : Objection .
Dorian : Adriana , I was just explaining to this --
Adriana : I ve heard enough .
Dorian : No , you could nt possibly --
Adriana : No , I get it . My money -- the money I was going to use to start my company , to realize my dream -- is gone .
Dorian : No , it is not gone . I put it into trust to protect it for you . In fact , I came here today expressly to have the money moved into your account .
Adriana : Oh -- right when I told you I was going to withdraw it . What a coincidence .
Banker : Ladies , if I may interject --
Dorian : No , you may not .
Adriana : Let him speak .
Banker : Oh , what I was going to say is --
Dorian : I do nt want you to say anything . What I want you to do is to please leave us alone . My daughter and I need to talk privately .
Adriana : No , stay . Tell me exactly what is going on with my money .
Banker : All I know is it s in an account for Dr. Lord . And I do think I should leave you ladies alone to discuss this . It is a family matter , after all .
Dorian : Oh . All right . I am going to write you a check for the entire amount that is in this trust account , and , you know , give it to you . No harm done .
Adriana : No harm ? You want to write a check to ease your guilt over ripping off your own daughter .
Paige : Bo , what is it ? You re -- you re scaring me .
Bo : There s been a terrible mistake .
Paige : A mistake ?
Bo : The man that you ve been visiting in the hospital -- it s -- it s not your son . It s not Hugh .
Paige : I -- I do nt understand .
Bo : It s John Mc Bain .
Paige : What ?
Bo : John was misidentified .
Paige : So -- you mean , John s alive ? Well , that -- that s -- that s wonderful . That s -- oh , my God . What ? Oh . Oh , no . Oh , no ! No ! Oh . Oh , no ! Oh , no ! No !
Starr : Langston , my mother had to forgive my father for doing something awful or else they would ve never gotten together .
Langston : I know .
Starr : Yeah , I know you know . So does everybody at Llanview high , thanks to Britney and her stupid slide show . Oh , my God . Does everyone know the details now ? That the person who my dad did that to is Cole s mom ?
Langston : I m so sorry .
Starr : I ca nt believe this . Do you know how much this sucks ? Do you have any idea ?
Langston : Starr , I -- I do nt care about your dad or Cole s mother or anything else that happened , like , a gazillion years ago . I care about you and about what happened the other night . You are so lucky that you just got away with a ripped shirt . Cole could ve really hurt you .
Starr : Someone s I.M.ing me .
Starr : It s Cole . Thinking of you . U should know I m the guy from Halloween , not the jerk from the party .
Evangeline : This is ridiculous , your honor , and how in the world is it relevant ?
Mark : Your honor , I m simply trying to establish for the jury the relationship between Ms. Cramer and the defendant , which I believe is relevant to the witness testimony .
Evangeline : How does knowing how many times people have had sex help to establish their relationship ? Surely the jury understands that even in a failed relationship , and most specifically in abusive relationships , the sexual activity is often high .
Judge : Objection overruled . You may continue , Mr. Casey .
Mark : Thank you , your honor . I ll repeat the question , Ms. Cramer . How many times did you and Dr. Truman make love ?
Blair : I did nt keep count , Mr. Casey .
Mark : Well , approximately , then . Would you say it s a hundred times ? 200 times ? I mean , after all , you re an attractive young couple , you ve been together for a couple of months . Is it safe to assume that you made love two times a week ? Three times a week ? Answer the question , Ms. Cramer .
Blair : Yes .
Mark : Yes what ?
Blair : Two , three -- do nt know .
Mark : So it s safe to assume that you made love many times ?
Blair : Yes .
Mark : Ms. Cramer , at any point in your relationship , were you in love with Dr. Truman ?
Dorian : Adriana , this is nt the way it seems .
Adriana : It never is with you .
Dorian : I -- I put the money aside for you . I put it in trust . That -- that s the only reason why it ca nt be touched for a few years .
Adriana : So you put my money in a trust without my knowledge or permission ?
Dorian : I was keeping it safe for you .
Adriana : You stole my money .
Dorian : I did not ! I put it into a trust . I -- I was doing it for your welfare .
Adriana : Oh , of course -- the multipurpose excuse for every mean and destructive thing you do . It was just for your welfare -- that s why I tried to destroy your relationship , that s why I hired that nut job to stalk you .
Dorian : I will make it up to you . Adriana , I swear I will . I -- I will write you a check --
Adriana : No , no --
Dorian : For whatever money that you need --
Adriana : No , you will not , ok ?
Dorian : And put it into your --
Adriana : I do nt want your money , it s tainted . Everything you touch is repulsive .
Dorian : Adriana --
Adriana : I do nt want anything from you .
Dorian : Well , then , how will you get the money to start your business ?
Adriana : I ll figure it out , I m resourceful .
Dorian : Like mother , like daughter ?
Adriana : Please do nt say that again or I think I might puke . I am nothing like you , Dorian . I am not pet or spiteful , vengeful or sneaky . And I would never hurt the people I should love the most . I would rather die first .
Dorian : Like mother , like daughter .
Rex : How do you know who I m talking about ?
Roxy : Hello ? Hello ? I was there , remember ?
Rex : You were where ?
Roxy : It was me . It was me , right ?
Rex : Look , Roxy , you do nt under--
Roxy : I was the real parent , and I gave away that little angel towhead -- that d be you -- to someone else to raise -- namely , aunt Corinne .
Rex : But I was nt -- ok . Let me ask you . Did you ever question your decision -- to let somebody else raise your son ?
Roxy : Who decided ? You were taken away from me .
Rex : Right -- dumb question . You had no say in it .
Roxy : I wanted to keep you so bad , my little sack of sugar . That s what I used to call you , my little sack of sugar . I just wanted to hold you in my arms till the end of time . But that was nt what I was best at -- being a mother -- as Natalie can tell you .
Rex : So , do you think letting aunt Corinne raise me was the right thing to do ?
Roxy : Well , she could give you things that I could nt -- like a clean house , like three squares a day , like a family who celebrated all the holidays together . But there was nt one day that I did nt think about you . And there was nt one day that I did nt get up in the morning , staring at your baby picture from the first thing in the morning -- till I hit the bottle , till I hit the sack at night . So , giving you to Corinne -- I think that was the best thing for everybody .
Rex : Look , I know what the best thing for everyone is -- [ Rex sighs ] But is it the right thing ?
Roxy : Since when does that matter to you so much ?
Michael : Hey -- I ll see you later .
Natalie : I ll be here .
Michael : Hey , listen , um , I really think that this is something that we should keep between us -- at least until Hugh s family has been notified .
Natalie : Makes sense .
Michael : Yeah . Ok .
Marcie : Should we go ?
Michael : This is a miracle , Johnny . This -- this is a miracle .
Natalie : I wo nt let you push me away , John .
Mark : I ll repeat the question . Were you in love with Dr. Truman ?
Blair : No , I was not .
Mark : And yet you were engaged to be married to him , were nt you ?
Blair : I never intended to marry Dr. Truman . I accepted his proposal because I needed to search for evidence against him .
Mark : But you did tell him that you loved him , did nt you ?
Blair : Yes , I did .
Mark : So you re a liar ?
Evangeline : Objection . The witness is not on trial here .
Mark : I m simply trying to establish the credibility of the witness .
Judge : Overruled . Proceed , Mr. Casey .
Blair : I m not a liar . Spencer took advantage of my vulnerability -- when the man that I really loved was taken away from me because Spencer set Todd up .
Mark : Your vulnerability notwithstanding , Ms. Cramer , did you or did you not have feelings for Spencer Truman ?
Blair : Yes , I had feelings --
Evangeline : Objection ! The witness has already answered that question .
Blair : Because Spencer took every opportunity to make me hate Todd . So , yeah , I thought that I loved him . But I was -- I was confused and hurt . And Spencer -- he was messing with my head --
Evangeline : Objection , your honor .
Blair : And I should ve listened to my heart . Because I still love Todd . I will always love Todd . I love you , Todd .
Evangeline : Objection . May I approach , your honor ?
Judge : That wo nt be necessary , Ms. Williamson . Ms. Cramer , you will answer only the questions that are posed to you . Do you understand ?
Blair : I was asked to tell the whole truth , and everything I said just now is true .
Mark : The same way everything you said on the stand was true when you accused another former fiancee , Todd Manning , of rape ?
Evangeline : Objection !
Starr : I hope u r ok , and know I will be sorry 4ever .
Langston : Aw , I m going to cry .
Starr : Langston , I m not joking . What should I do ?
Langston : I ll show you what to do . Come here . U r sorry ? U should be u bastard . I hate you --
Starr : What ?
Langston : And I do nt want to c u --
Starr : Langston , what are you writing ?
Langston : Ever again .
Starr : Langston , no -- you sent it ? Why would you do that ?
Langston : Because it s the right thing to do , Starr . Look , I know it s really crappy when you really like a guy and he turns out to be a dumb - jock , steroid- using perv . But it s better you find out who he was now before you started to really like him .
Starr : But that s just it , Langston -- I do nt know exactly who he is .
Langston : No ? Then I suggest you dig up that ripped shirt from the trash . That should enlighten you . Listen , I got to go . I can only get away with saying I was throwing up for one class . I ll text you in French . See you in school ?
Starr : Uh -- yeah . Thank you for coming .
Langston : No problem .
Roxy : Do nt do this to me .
Rex : Whoa , what am I doing --
Roxy : You listen to me , and you listen to me hard ! Do not lay any more guilt on me , I ve had enough of it as it is ! Look what you ve done to me .
Rex : Oh , I m sorry . Roxy , I was not trying to make you upset . I totally get why you gave me up . It was out of love .
Roxy : Damn straight it was .
Rex : My only regret is that I did nt get to spend a lot of my childhood with you -- or Natalie . Because you re both cool people .
Roxy : So we re spending a lot of time together now . Are nt you happy about that ?
Rex : You know I am .
Roxy : And here s a really cool thing -- you grew up and you re great , so I ca nt screw you up anymore .
Rex : You re right . People can find each other later in life , and there s nothing that can be done about what happened .
Roxy : Oh , God , I love you so much it hurts .
Rex : I love you , too , rox .
Roxy : Is this game over ? Because I got to go to bed .
Rex : Game s over .
Roxy : Good . Ok . I ll see you , kiddo . Who won ?
Rex : No one yet .
Rex : But I think I know what my next move needs to be .
Paige : I did nt have any time with him !
Bo : I m sorry . I m so sorry , Paige .
Paige : Hugh s adoptive parents -- do they -- do they know ?
Bo : I just got confirmation , and it s -- it s standard procedure for one of our officers to call the family , so --
Paige : Oh , no . No , that s -- that s -- it s too impersonal . I -- I m going to call them .
Bo : Here .
Paige : Samantha ? It s Paige .
Evangeline : Objection , your honor . The state is not yet trying the defendant for alleged crimes against Todd Manning , and , therefore , bringing them up is misleading .
Judge : Objection sustained . I will allow the comment to be recorded . However , I will warn you , Mr. Casey , to restrict your questions and your comments to the details of this case .
Mark : No further questions , your honor .
Judge : Redirect , Ms. Williamson ?
Evangeline : Thank you , your honor . Ms. Cramer , one further question . Did you , at any time , have reason to believe that the defendant was capable of murder ?
Blair : Yes .
Evangeline : And when was that ?
Blair : When he tried to kill me .
Spencer : That s a lie , Blair ! You know as well --
Judge : Order -- order ! [ Judge pounds gavel ] Sit him down and keep him quiet , Mr. Casey !
Mark : Sit down , Spencer .
Evangeline : Ladies and gentlemen of the jury , I would now like to present into evidence exhibit R. This is an article that appeared in The Sun . Ms. Cramer , can you tell us when this article appeared ?
Blair : Yes , I can . It was the morning after the night Spencer Truman tried to strangle me .
Evangeline : Thank you , Ms. Cramer . You may step down . Your honor , ladies and gentlemen of the jury , the prosecution rests .
Dorian : There has to be some way around this . There -- there have to be special circumstances whereby one can access t account .
Banker : There are none . I m sorry . But the good news is you re quite solvent , Dr. Lord .
Dorian : Yippee .
Banker : That does nt please you ?
Dorian : I know that you re a banker , but even you have to concede that there are more important things than money .
Banker : Yes , that s true , but it certainly does help . Excuse me .
Dorian : What a shallow man . He is right , though -- money does help . Yeah , I could put my life back together -- even if it takes every penny I have .
Adriana : Hey .
Rex : Hey ! I was just thinking about you .
Adriana : You were ?
Rex : Yeah . I was thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life .
Adriana : Well , you may not think you re so lucky once you hear my news .
Rex : What news ?
Adriana : I m broke .
Rex : Really ? Well , no worries . I just went to the cash machine what ?
Adriana : Rex , I mean I m broke broke .
Rex : Broke broke ? Oh .
Adriana : My mother stole my inheritance .
Rex : Uh - huh --
Adriana : I m serious .
Rex : No , I believe you .
Adriana : Do you care ? I mean , you still love me , right ?
Rex : No . I do nt . In fact , I ve lost all interest .
Adriana : I was afraid of that .
Rex : Actually , could you please leave ? I d prefer to be alone .
Adriana : Sure .
Rex : Oh , I ve changed my mind . I love you just as much , maybe more
Adriana : More , huh ?
Rex : Yeah . Actually , I m feeling kind of superior now .
Adriana : Oh .
Rex : I mean , I may not be rich , but I do have $ 468 in my checking account alone .
Adriana : I love you , too , Rex , so much . So , did you decide what you re going to do about Tommy ?
Rex : Actually , I had a bump - in with Roxy . She made things a little clearer for me .
Adriana : Roxy ?
Rex : She s like one of those savants sometimes .
Adriana : So what are you going to do ?
Rex : I ll know right after I see Truman .
Blair : Todd ? Look , I know you heard some things that you did nt want to hear and I m -- I m sorry .
Todd : No , it s ok . Let s go .
Spencer : How could you , Blair ?
Blair : Let go of me !
Spencer : You betrayed me ! I saved his life ! I saved Jack s life !
Todd : You re a sick puppy .
Spencer : You betrayed me ?
Guard : Let s go .
Natalie : I love you , John Mc Bain . Do you hear that ? John ? John !
John : Hey , Natalie .
Natalie : Oh .
Todd : Marty s son tried to rape Starr .
Viki : What ?
Blair : Tell me where Todd s son is .
Rex : I have to tell the truth , even if it breaks Marcie s heart .
Cristian : John s alive .
Natalie : John , you need to see the doctor .
John : I need you .
### Summary:
| Blair is doing better and dressed to go to the courthouse . Todd can see that she is doing well . She likes that he checked on her while she was sleeping but is sad when he tells that he wanted to make sure that she was ready to testify against Truman that morning . After she and Todd leave the penthouse , Starr comes downstairs and grabs her knapsack . Natalie hugs Michael and Marcie outside John s room . She is thrilled that John is alive and she ca nt wait to see him again . Michael wants her to be patient now that they know the truth and John is fine . Natalie , have you thought about the possibility that John might not be the same person when he comes out of this ? She thinks that he means physically , but he means emotionally . Michael has had patients like this and either one of two things happens . The patient either becomes bitter over their situation or they get stronger from it and are determined to live a great life . Natalie thinks about this and has to admit that anyone who has been through what John has been through might be a little different . Blair is on the stand and she is questioned about her relationship with Spencer . How many times a week did you make love to the man ? Evangeline objects but the judge allows the question . Blair says that she would have relations with the man about 2 to 3 times a week . Next the defense attorney asks if she was in fact , in love with Spencer Bo is in the office when Paige arrives with breakfast . She is so happy . She will be seeing Hugh s beautiful face that day and she ca nt wait . Bo sits her down and tells her that there is news . He says that John was misidentified and that he is alive . She is so happy to hear that . She sees in his eyes that there is more . There is , but he does nt have to explain cause she can see it in his eyes . She starts crying now . She sobs and shouts , No ! No ! as Bo holds her tightly . Blair says that she only told Spencer that she loved him because she needed to find evidence that he was a killer . She says that she loved Todd and has always loved Todd . Mark asks her if she is lying now , or if she was lying to Spencer way back then . Blair says she knew he was a killer when he tried to kill her . Spencer shouts that she is a liar but Evangeline has the smoking gun it is the newspaper with the picture of Spencer getting arrested at his apartment . Todd and Blair are outside the courtroom . Todd understands that Blair had to say some things that he did nt like while on the stand . When Spencer is being brought out . He lunges for Blair shouting that she betrayed him . The guards get the crazy bastard under control and drag him off . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jamie : Dad , what did you find ?
Tad : I do nt know . There s definitely something down there . Let s find out what . You have to go slow , all right ? Last thing we need is another cave - in . Can anybody hear me ? Do nt worry , we re almost there . You ll be out soon .
Palmer : Martin , down here ! Martin ! Martin .
David : I m sorry , did you say something ?
Palmer : You sadistic son of a --
David : What ? Just because you re two twitches away from a heart attack , and I m holding your nitro pills ?
Palmer : I will not be blackmailed .
David : Fine . Do nt give me back my medical license or my job , and I wo nt give you these pills . Any final words for your loved ones ? Other than , I , Palmer Cortlandt , died a stubborn ass ?
Lily : You want us to run away from Pine Valley and -- and get married ?
Jonathan : If you run away by yourself , I d never see you again , and I do nt want to lose you like that .
Lily : You know what it means to be married ?
Jonathan : It means that we d always be together .
Lily : Even at night . Married people sleep in the same bed . Married people have sex .
Adam : Ah ! Sick . Absurd . It s ridiculous !
Krystal : Oh , keep sucking up all that oxygen , you re going to kill us that much faster .
Adam : Yeah , and put me out my misery .
Krystal : Oh , put me out my misery first and stop flapping your gums !
Adam : Oh , flapping my -- well , my apologies . I shall stop flapping at once .
Krystal : Oh , good . Hmm !
Erica : Ca nt breathe .
Josh : Erica --
Erica : No --
Josh : You may have punctured a lung , all right ? I m just going to take a quick listen . Just sit there and relax .
Erica : No , get away from me .
Simone : Ethan ?
Zach : Come on .
Simone : Can you hear me ? Baby , can you hear me ? Hello ? Hi . Ok . You re back .
Ethan : I m sorry to blow your hopes and dreams , Dad . I m going to be ok , ok .
Kendall : Zach broke my heart , but I ll die still loving him .
Ryan : You will be over him long before that , Kendall .
Kendall : No , liar ! You do nt know that .
Ryan : Come on , now . In 50 or 60 years , you re going to be far too senile to even remember Slater s name , never mind be in love with him .
Kendall : We might not have that long , Ryan . We could die here ! We could die here together , you and me , right now ! We could really die here !
Ryan : We are not going to die .
Kendall : Ryan , you do nt know that .
Ryan : I do know that , Kendall . I know it , because I -- I know it .
Kendall : No , Ryan , do we have any water ? Do we have any food ? I mean , has anyone tried to save us ? No ! No , I do nt even know where my mother is . I do nt know if my mother s hurt , I do nt know if the other people that I love even made it out ! All I know is I m stuck here with you , alone , you and me ! We re doomed .
Ryan : Well , you know , you ve always -- you ve always been really upbeat and positive . It s one of the things I really like about you , you know that , Kendall ?
Kendall : It s not funny .
Ryan : I know , it s not . Here . Here .
Ryan : Is that better ?
Kendall : Yes , much . Tissue just fixes everything .
Ryan : You see ? You can make jokes . That s a -- that s a good sign .
Kendall : It s only because I m all cried out . I m all everything out .
Ryan : Come on , now , Kendall , that s not the Kendall that I know .
Kendall : You know exactly who I am and what I need , and you know just what I had to find out .
Ryan : And we re right back to Zach . Only took about 30 seconds .
Kendall : No , this is not a Zach thing , this is a you thing , Ryan , because you always have to know everything . You -- you know that we re going to be rescued . Well , you knew Jonathan was innocent , only he was guilty as hell . You knew Greenlee , she was much better off without you , so you decided to fake your own death . You knew exactly how to handle me when we were together , and you knew just what I had to find out , knew just what I need right now in my life . You notice a pattern here , Ryan , a little pattern , maybe a little cause- and - effect ? Every time you know something , you re wrong .
Zach : You think I want you dead ?
Ethan : I try not to think about you at all .
Simone : Ok , maybe you do nt know this about me , but I -- I have a tendency to freak out in small places . So maybe you could just focus right on me , ok ? Maybe you can just explain to me why you passed out .
Ethan : Could be the explosion . Then , of course , the building collapsed . Ow . Or being stuck in here with dear old dad and his endless head games .
Zach : No games . I was wrong . I admit that .
Ethan : See ?
Zach : And I love you .
Ethan : Ha !
Zach : I admit that , too .
Ethan : Can you -- can you blame me for preferring to be unconscious ?
Simone : Well , do nt do it again , ok , because I need you here with me .
Ethan : You hear that , Slater ? That s love . What my mother gave to me , that was love . I wish I d realized it at the time . Instead I just -- I fixated on what she told me on her deathbed , this father out there somewhere in the world . She thought she was doing me a favor , giving me family when she was gone . But she never knew you , and I wish to God I never did .
Josh : You want me to tell Bianca and Kendall you were tough till the end , that you did nt want me to touch you ? You think that ll make them feel really good when they re crying over your grave ?
Erica : Ok , ok . Go ahead . Ah !
Josh : I ll just feel up here , all right ? I got to see if there s air underneath the skin there . I m going to have to get a hollow tube . There s plenty of broken glass . The bar was around here . Here s a straw . All right , now listen to me , Erica -- I m going to use a pocket knife here to make a small incision . It s going to hurt , I m not going to lie to you , but it s better than the alternative . After I do that , I m going to insert this tube into your chest .
Erica : The hell you will . No . No .
Tad : Great . Guys ? Listen , there s some kind of obstruction or board in front of the passageway . I mean , it s going to keep who s ever in in and us out . All right , we re going to dig under , find the edges , and hoist this thing .
J.R. : I ll get my side going .
Tad : We re almost there ! We re coming in . You re almost out .
Tad s voice : I promise you that I m in it for the long haul no matter what . And I promise you that nothing will ever separate us again .
Dixie : Tad , I m here .
Tad : Wait , wait , wait , wait . Listen . You hear something ?
Jamie : Nothing . You ?
David : All yours . Just give me what I want .
Palmer : Over my dead body . Ah !
David : Yep , that pretty much sums it up . Ca nt wait .
Palmer : Anybody , help . Help !
J.R. : Wait , wait , wait ! Did you hear that ? Uncle Palmer ?
J.R. : It s him .
Aidan : Hang on , we re in the wrong spot .
Jamie : Damn it , it s coming from over here .
Krystal : No !
Adam : Ah .
Krystal : No way ! Would you stop it ? This is no moonshine here .
Adam : Well , it -- it s the lack of oxygen . It makes me lightheaded . I -- I have no control over my physical responses .
Krystal : Mm - hmm , well , trust me -- ah ! They re up to speed . Now , what makes you think I want a roll in the rubble with you , anyway ?
Adam : I remember our wedding night . Euphoric ecstasy . If tonight is our last , if we die , I say let s die happy .
Jonathan : There s no rule saying that married people have to have sex , Lily . Lily , there s -- there s polls and talk shows saying how some married people do nt have sex at all .
Lily : Are they happy about it ?
Jonathan : No . But that s them . I do nt mind not having sex .
Lily : But you said in class you had lots of sex and that it was fun .
Jonathan : It was . And I liked it . But now I m here with you , Lily . You know , I want what you want , whatever that is .
Lily : Could you help me learn to like sex ?
Jonathan : Lily , there s a lot of touching in sex . Why would you want to do something that s going to make you upset ?
Lily : It s normal to like sex , and I want to be normal . It does nt feel easy to be me all the time .
Jonathan : Lily , you re what normal -- normal should be . And because of you , for the first time in my life ever , I feel normal , too .
J.R. : You hear us , Uncle Palmer ? We re almost there ! Uncle Palmer , hold on ! We ll be there in a few minutes ! Come on , we need some help down here !
Jamie : Still think we got a survivor down there ?
Tad : It s a feeling .
Jamie : How big ?
Tad : Enough .
Jamie : Then that s next , right after we help Palmer .
Tad : Yeah , good . Sure .
Tad : I m the one that stuck a knife in your chest ! I m the one that jumped into Liza s bed ! I made love to her . You think about that ? You think about what it was like for me kissing her ? Come on , Dixie . Do something ! Get mad at me ! I cheated on you . Show me how it made you feel . Show me !
David : You hoping to rest in peace with Dixie ? I m sure she ll remember that I saved her life , even if you do nt .
Palmer : Do nt you even mention her name .
David : Dixie lived because I have a gift , a gift that created a bond that even you and Martin could nt break . You know something , Palmer ? Forget the explosion . You want a real heart attack ? Focus on this -- the one person in this town that Dixie trusted when she left is the man that holds your life in his hands -- me . Dixie loved me , and I loved her in a way that she deserved to be loved . So why do nt you think on that for a while ?
David : How much time do you honestly think you have ? Five , ten minutes tops ?
Palmer : Oh , do nt , do nt . All right . Just give me the pills . You got a deal .
David : I m sorry , can you say that again ? Say it again for world - renowned cardiologist Dr. Hayward .
Palmer : Your position , your license -- everything -- your position at Pine Valley Hospital , blast it . Just give me the pills .
Erica : No , never -- never touch me .
Josh : Fine . After I tell Bianca and Kendall , I ll move on to the masses , tell them you chose a new beginning in the great beyond . Which head shot would you like me to use , Erica ? All right , you re going to need this to bite on .
Erica : No , do nt touch me !
Josh : Erica , it s for your own good . Erica ? Erica ? Erica , you re going to breathe whether you like it or not .
Kendall : You knew exactly how to build the house of Hart - Lavery . You thought , I will build it on pure ego and ultimatums .
Ryan : Here come the compliments .
Kendall : You handed me a lovely engagement ring , and then said I had to accept Greenlee as a full partner , otherwise , sorry , too bad , deal s off .
Ryan : You see , now , that is very interesting to me , because the way I remember it , you told me that I could nt talk to Greenlee ever again , and she had to be cut out of Fusion and our lives forever .
Kendall : How silly of me to think that you wanted her . That s -- that s kind of crazy . You only married Greenlee and declared her the love of your life . Because , obviously , I was nt . So I guess that makes me the thank God I got away from her when I did of your life .
Ryan : Hey , you want to play ? That s fine with me . If you want to distract yourself from what s happened here , I completely understand that , but do nt -- do nt lie and pretend that you found some -- some deep truth , Kendall , because I did love you . I loved you like hell .
Kendall : You got it backwards . You said , I loved you like hell . But what you meant was , Like hell I loved you .
Ryan : Come on now , Kendall , if I m going to admit it , you sure as hell have to admit it , too . I loved you .
Kendall : Ok . Enough , already . All right . You loved me . I loved you , too -- like crazy .
Ryan : That s a nice word . Fits somehow .
Kendall : Why , just because I stormed your wedding and slam - dunked your puny , little bride like a doughnut ?
Ryan : You did nt think we were done yet and , at that time , you were -- you know , you were right .
Kendall : I was delusional .
Ryan : I hurt you .
Kendall : You know , this really is not one of my mother s best parties . Do nt tell her I said that .
Ryan : I hurt you , and I am really , really sorry .
Kendall : Well , you should be . I was kind and gentle and sweet , and I never caused you a moment s pain .
Ryan : Look , if you want to be like that , that s cool . I m just trying to be honest here . I m trying to get this kind of out in the open .
Kendall : I hurt you , too . And I m sorry .
Ryan : We did have a few unpainful moments , like when we met .
Kendall : Hmm . Like when we met ? Oh , God , at the Pine Cone . I was wearing a towel and you -- you came in fresh off your bike .
Ryan : You were blaring music and chugging champagne . Almost burned the place down with your cigarettes .
Kendall : I quit !
Ryan : Yeah . You called me six - pack when I had one .
Kendall : You called me brat .
Ryan : Yeah , I did . How could I have been so wrong ?
Kendall : Yeah , you know , there was also the time when you -- you gave me the best Christmas gift a girl could ever get -- a fake pregnancy pooch so that I could beat a murder rap .
Ryan : Mm - hmm .
Kendall : And look . You gave me another pooch . Only this one s for real . It s not so much a gift as it is theft .
Ryan : What s a little larceny between friends ?
Kendall : Well , you are nt always wrong . You were nt wrong about Zach .
Zach : Where the hell is everyone ?
Ethan : Hey , pretty girl ? Exactly how American is our -- is our wedding going to be , huh ? We got bridesmaids in the double digits yet ? Or rose petals , an eight - tiered wedding cake ? Damn .
Simone : What s wrong ?
Ethan : The limo . The limousine . You know , something grandiose -- exactly the last thing that you would ever expect a multimillionaire and his beautiful , beautiful bride to be seen in . With a hot tub .
Simone : Oh , baby , you re shivering .
Ethan : I -- uh -- I think -- I think the heater s on the blink .
Simone : I m not cold .
Krystal : Would you --
Adam : Ow .
Krystal : Stop thinking about your manly urges and think about your family ? The people we love , huh ? No idea whether we re going to see their faces again , look into their eyes and tell them that we love them . Adam , this could be it -- the end , all she wrote , death . If I were you , unless you want an eternity of damnation , I d start working on my sins . You ve only got about a million of them .
Adam : You re right . It s disgraceful . But what s one more ?
Krystal : Hey !
Jamie : You ok ?
J.R. : My son s mother s down there somewhere .
Jamie : We ll find her .
J.R. : Yeah , if we find her .
Jamie : When , not if
J.R. : If we find her , is she still going to be alive ? I ca nt lose her , too .
Palmer : Your license , your job -- whatever it takes , whatever it takes . It -- it ll all be yours again . Now , give me , give me , give me the pills .
David : How could you be so successful and yet be so naive ? I ca nt just give you these pills , Palmer . You could reneg on your promise and tell me tough luck . I need you to swear , to swear on something so important to you , so essential to your very being that you would never even dare reneg .
Palmer : Name it . Name it ! What ?
David : I want you to swear on Dixie s name .
Tad s voice : You always manage to put something or someone else ahead of me and our marriage .
Dixie s voice : That s not true !
Tad : Well , it s how I felt ! I felt like I had to make an appointment just to schedule sex !
Dixie : If I mean anything to you , if our marriage means anything to you , you will tell me the truth . Did you -- did you sleep with Leslie Coulson ?
Tad : Yes . But it was nt like that . I -- I had sex with her .
Dixie : Oh !
Tad : You did it . You did it , did nt you ? You slept with David ?
Dixie : You should have been honest with me , and you know that . But I guess what I want really is just not that important to you .
Tad : Wrong . You re everything to me , and you always will be .
Palmer : All right . On Dixie s name , everything -- your job , your position at Pine Valley Hospital -- everything . Please , please , just give me the -- give me the pills .
David : To show you what a nice guy I am , I m not even going to charge you for tonight .
Palmer : Oh !
David : You kidding me ? You think I m going to let you die on me now , Cortlandt ? No way . At least not until you give me my job back . Open your mouth , you son of a bitch .
Tad : Looks , like Palmer s as good as out .
Aidan : Watch out !
David : Ow !
Tad : Heya , doc .
David : Get off of me , you moron !
Tad : Just like old times . Just you and me on the floor of the motel room .
David : Ugh ! Get off of me !
Tad : Jerk . Ow , son of a --
David : Serves you right .
Tad : Oh , shut up !
Jonathan : It stopped . It stopped . Are you ok , Lily ? It s fine now . I -- I hear people digging . They re going to save us soon .
Lily : But I like it down here . We ve already talked about sex . We need to talk about love , too . That s why people get married , because they love each other . At least most of the time .
Jonathan : I love you now , and I ll love you after .
Lily : I do nt love you .
Jonathan : Well , maybe you ll fall in love with me . I do nt mind waiting , as long as I can be with you .
Lily : What if I do nt know how to fall in love ? You ll -- you ll be waiting for something that will never happen . Can you teach me how ?
Jonathan : It s not something you can teach , Lily . It just -- it just happens .
Lily : I ll need a criteria to evaluate my feelings . What does love feel like ?
Jonathan : With you , it feels like the home that I always wish I had , things making sense , peaceful . I do nt wish that -- that I was somewhere else or that I did nt exist . With you , I know that I m exactly where I should be , right here , the tree -- wherever you are .
Lily : I thought I belonged with my father , but he does nt trust me or think that I m smart enough to make my own decisions . If we were married , he could nt send me away . He could nt tell me what to do or make my decisions for me . If I were married , I d -- I d be an adult . I d be independent and -- and no one could ever tell me what to do .
David : Remember , old man , I saved your miserable life .
Joe : Step aside , please . I need to check out Palmer .
David : Yeah , right . You wo nt want me to botch things up , right , Joe ? Me and my toilet brush ?
Joe : Lie still , Palmer . I m just trying to get a reading .
David : Must keep you up at night , Joe , in a cold sweat -- the nightmares of me coming back to PVH , credentials , lab coat , ah , saving lives that you re too clueless to treat .
Tad : Why do nt you shut up and go see an EMT ?
David : Nightmares do come true , Joe .
J.R. : Over here ! Another air pocket ! We found someone !
Jamie : More than one survivor ?
Greg : Good Lord , Erica . Anyone know how long she s been unconscious ?
Josh : Not long .
Greg : Son ! I m glad you re all right .
Josh : Yeah , I m better than all right , Dad . She s been out long enough for me to perform a tube thoracotomy . We re going to need a chest tube on her ASAP . Possible broken ribs , punctured lung .
Greg : You saved her life .
Josh : Yeah , well , you always wanted me to practice medicine , did nt you ? Looks like the bad seed saved a life today . I m going to make sure everyone knows about it , too .
Zach : Here , keep him warm .
Simone : I know , I know .
Zach : Is anybody up there ?
Simone : Hi . There you are . There s the face that I love . How did I get so lucky ? It s like God made the perfect man just for me .
Ethan : I ll give you perfect .
Simone : Yeah .
Ethan : I can give you a perfect honeymoon .
Simone : You d better .
Ethan : Yeah . We re going to go to Paris and the Greek Islands and Italy . Flowers . Flowers everywhere .
Simone : And a yacht . I want to see it all from the deck of a yacht .
Ethan : We have to hurry , or we ll be late .
Zach : Late for what ?
Ethan : School . Mrs. Winchester -- she makes you kneel for an hour if you forget your daily verse .
Simone : Ethan , this is Simone . You re in Pine Valley . There was an explosion , but we re ok , we re together . Everything is going to be fine .
Ethan : Bold lover , never , never canst thou kiss .
Simone : What is he doing ?
Zach : It s Keats . He s in school .
Ethan : Do not grieve .
Simone : Why ? Why is he doing this ?
Ethan : She can not die , for thou --
Zach : As cold as ice . Son ?
Ethan : Forever thou --
Zach : Good job , good job . Listen to me , listen to me . Look at me . Look at me .
Ethan : I m -- I m looking at you .
Zach : Ok , try to focus .
Ethan : I do nt -- I do nt know you .
Jonathan : I said we could get married , but I did nt propose . I should be on one knee .
Lily : That s how men propose in the movies .
Jonathan : I do nt have a ring , Lily . If I did , it d be purple . Anything to make you happy . Lily , when I first came back to Pine Valley and saw you again , I was broken -- my head and my heart . But you saw something in me that no one else could . I want to be a good man , a man that you can talk to and -- and trust . Lily , I was broken , and you re making me right again , and I want to spend the rest of my life thanking you . I love you , Lily . Will you please be my wife ?
J.R. : Babe ! Just tap or something ! Just let me know that you re alive !
David : Wait a minute , what are you talking about ? Babe ? What , she has nt been found yet ?
J.R. : You think that I d be yelling for her if she was ?
David : Well , we got to find her ! My God , she --
J.R. : Do nt you think I ve already thought of that ? Why the hell have you been found , and she has nt ? Babe should be here right now , not you .
Tad : The last slide caused another collapse . So whatever we dug out has just been refilled in with debris . If anybody s down there , they re in trouble .
Krystal : Take it to the grave , buster .
Adam : Oh , I am reborn .
Krystal : Oh , thank me later .
Adam : Yeah , thank you later . Again ? You seemed extremely well - thanked a moment ago .
Krystal : Oh , God , you are so darn proud of yourself .
Adam : Oh - ho .
Krystal : With good reason , but still --
Adam : Oh .
Krystal : Ah ! Adam !
Erica : Where -- where am I ?
Greg : You re on your way to PVH . You re going to get the best care possible .
Josh : Excuse me . I need a second with the patient . Do you mind ? Get all of it ? You all right ? Erica , you re going to be just fine . We re going to get you to the hospital , get you cleaned up . You ll be brand - spanking - new in no time . You have my word .
Reporter : Great , we got it . We can move .
Josh : It s ok , Erica , I was just doing what I had to do .
Erica : You ca nt be my son .
Zach : Hey . I m your dad .
Ethan : Good for you . You can say it without flinching . You ll never be my father .
Zach : Let me help you .
Ethan : I do nt need your help . I do nt need your help . I do nt need your help .
Simone : Honey , they re going to come for us , ok ? They ll be here and -- and everything s going to be ok . Can you feel this ? I m holding your hand , I m right here .
Ethan : Yeah , you came back .
Simone : Who ? Who came back ?
Ethan : You -- you have nt met , that s right . I missed you , Mum .
Kendall : Takes an explosion and being trapped in a small space , possibly left to die , but at least we know .
Ryan : Know what ?
Kendall : Why we ended up such a raging disaster .
Ryan : Raging is kind of a strong word , do nt you think ?
Kendall : Yeah , well , people who do nt remember things , they re doomed to repeat the past . But our memories are A - Ok . So Greenlee s gone , and Zach is Zach , and we re having a baby .
Ryan : All true . What s your point ?
Kendall : Maybe we should try again .
Next week on All My Children --
Kendall ( to Ethan ) : Please be ok .
Julia ( to Zach ) : He s bleeding internally . He s going into deep shock .
Winifred ( to the Chandlers ) : It s the baby ! Little Adam s gone !
Babe ( to Janet ) : Are you saying that this cabin could explode ?
Josh ( to Erica ) : I do nt want to be your son .
Di ( to Tad ) : I want to try and earn a place in your heart .
### Summary:
| Tad , JR , Jamie and Aiden are still helping the rescue workers dig thought he debris to find the missing people who are trapped underneath , after the explosion . Josh rescues Erica , with his medical expertise . She appears delirious and asks him if he is her son . Hearing that , he is stunned . Kendall and Ryan have a serious talk about their history together and what their fate is if they die like this . Ethan , Simone and Zach are stuck together and Ethan becomes delirious believing Simone is his mother . Adam and Krystal are arguing and messing around while trapped underneath the rubble . Jonathan asks Lily to marry him . David motivates Palmer to get the hospital board to reinstate his medical license if he saves Palmer s life by administering his heart medication . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : [ Chuckles ]
Caroline : I ... I m speechless .
Ridge : So am I.
Caroline : That was incredible . The way that you guided my hand ...
Ridge : The way you followed my lead ...
Caroline : The way that you feel the lines ...
Ridge : That just comes with time .
Caroline : No one could do it better than you .
Ridge : Well , I could nt have done that without you .
Caroline : [ Chuckles ] That s hardly true .
Ridge : Yes , it is .
Rick : Something going on with Ridge that I need to know about ?
Katie : Like what ?
Rick : I do nt know . I m asking you . I m president of this company . It s my job to make sure all the lines get manufactured in time , and so far , I do nt have any designs . I have nt heard of a concept , any ideas ... if there is a reason that Ridge is not gon na be able to step up to this collection , I need to know about it .
Ivy : Ahh . Okay . Liam is meeting with the photographer , and they said they wanted all these pieces on hand . I would give them over to him myself , but I --
Aly : I m happy to do it .
Ivy : Thanks .
Aly : So , speaking of Liam ...
Ivy : Yes ?
Aly : He came to Bikini .
Ivy : He did . It was a really fun party , was nt it ?
Aly : Are you seriously gon na pretend like you do nt know that I m dying to hear everything ?
Ivy : [ Sighs ] Well , Liam and I had a great time .
Aly : Yeah , it looked that way . You even got him on the dance floor . That does nt happen too often .
Ivy : I know . Hope makes him too serious . I want to help him move on from her .
Liam : [ Breathes deeply ]
Aly : Please tell me you re not still blaming yourself .
Ivy : If I had nt toppled into the Seine , I --
Aly : Yeah , and if Hope had just waited a little longer and if she had nt married Wyatt , but ... that s what happened . Maybe things were just supposed to work out this way . But ... now there s you , Liam s new lease on life .
Ivy : Okay . Let s not get too overexcited .
Aly : Oh , come on . You could be . I mean , obviously , he likes you .
Ivy : We , uh -- we ve gotten closer .
Aly : Yeah . I d say a kiss qualifies . [ Chuckles ]
Ivy : There was another .
Aly : At the party ? I knew it ! When I saw you two holding hands -- oh , so scandalous .
Ivy : He s just -- he s such a terrific guy . I just -- I want to spend more time with him .
Aly : Well , I ve got a feeling you ll be doing lots more of that .
Katie : Listen , you just need to back off just a little bit . Ridge is a perfectionist . If you pressure him , you re just gon na make him crazy . You ll get what you need .
Rick : What I need is designs , and all he s giving me is attitude .
Katie : Just be patient . He wo nt disappoint .
Rick : All right .
Caroline : Enough design tips . Back to work . That s pretty lame , huh ?
Ridge : Hey , you got to stop doing that . There s potential here .
Caroline : Tell me . Show me how to make it better .
Ridge : [ Breathes deeply ] The thing about couture --
Caroline : Less is more .
Ridge : Yes , but there s , um ... there s a simplicity . Clean lines . The woman wears the dress , not the other way around . You got to remember that . See where this falls down here ?
Caroline : Right . It s -- it s too revealing .
Ridge : Yeah , maybe it is , but ... we put a sleeve ... right here .
Caroline : Yeah . It s still sexy , but it s classic .
Ridge : Yeah . There . Now you re getting it .
Aly : You and Liam looked great together at Bikini .
Ivy : Do you think ?
Aly : Yeah , like a couple in progress .
Ivy : Ah . Well , we ll see .
Aly : That s what you want , though , right ?
Ivy : Yeah .
Aly : Finally ! She admits it , ladies and gentlemen .
Ivy : Well , it s not like there s any reason to be coy about it . It s not like I m snaking Liam from Hope . She let him go .
Aly : I wonder if she regrets it .
Ivy : I do nt really think that matters now . She s married to Wyatt .
Hope : Yes , I am .
Aly : Hope , hi !
Hope : Hi ! Uh , sorry to interrupt . I just heard that you had some proofs for me from Maya s last photo shoot .
Aly : Oh , yeah .
Ivy : Yeah .
Aly : Here you go .
Hope : Thank you . Uh , well , sorry . You guys go ahead and continue with your conversation .
Aly : Oh , no , no . I was just , um -- I was just on my way out .
Hope : Oh , not on my account .
Aly : No , I ... just need to get this jewelry to Liam for the Eye on Fashion piece .
Ivy : Yeah , can you tell him I m more than happy to answer any questions that he might have about the pieces ?
Aly : Yeah , will do .
Hope : Well ...
Ivy : Yeah , the photos turned out great , do nt you think ?
Hope : Yeah , Maya s much more engaged .
Ivy : Yeah . B - beautiful smile .
Hope : Yep .
Ivy : [ Sighs ] Should we just say hi to the elephant in the room ?
Hope : Sorry ?
Ivy : You heard what I said about Liam .
Hope : Pretty much every word .
Rick : I do nt know . Every instinct in me is screaming that something s off . I just do nt get it . Ridge has never been this secretive about designs .
Katie : Rick , give him a break , okay ? He s been through a lot .
Rick : [ Sighs ] I know . I ca nt even imagine how traumatic it must have been being tossed from a chopper in the middle of the sea , lost and compromised . But Ridge chose to come back to work . He has to produce . And whatever designs he has , I have to see those today .
Ridge : [ Chuckles ]
Caroline : I ca nt believe it . I mean , I m -- I m ... looking at it . This dress is jaw - dropping .
Ridge : It s fantastic .
Caroline : It s so far beyond my ability .
Ridge : Apparently not .
Caroline : You -- you ve just taught me so much in like 15 minutes . It s all just crashing around in my brain .
Ridge : Well , I could help you sort it out . Cause I -- maybe we -- we should just keep doing that .
Caroline : Do you mean that ? You would mentor me ? Because I would be so honored .
Ridge : Why do nt you take this and bring it to Rick ? Tell him its part of the collection .
Caroline : Are you serious ?
Ridge : Mm - hmm .
Caroline : I -- I do nt even know what to say except ... thank you .
Ridge : No , thank you .
Liam : Nice stuff .
Aly : Ivy s really talented . She is gon na be famous one day .
Liam : Yeah , well , I d sure like to see that happen .
Aly : You will . Especially now that you re free to look .
Liam : Oh , cause I m ... right . Cause I m not with Hope anymore .
Aly : She married your brother . That kind of makes you available now .
Liam : I m sorry . Is that an arrow in your pocket , Miss Cupid ?
Aly : Well , would you like it to be ?
Liam : I do nt -- I do nt know . I do nt know . It s a little early for another relationship .
Aly : I get it . You re still adjusting to being single . And you ll get used to it eventually . But , in the meantime , I just do nt see the harm in spending some time with Ivy .
Liam : [ Chuckles ]
Hope : You and Liam are ... dating ?
Ivy : I mean , it s nothing official . Although if Liam did ask me , I would nt say no .
Hope : Wow . I do nt know . I think -- I think if Liam asked you , maybe you should say no .
Ivy : Excuse me ?
Hope : Yeah , you know , it s -- I mean , I know better than anybody , obviously , how wonderful Liam is . He is handsome and smart and successful . You know , what woman would nt find him attractive ?
Ivy : No arguments here .
Hope : [ Chuckling ] Yeah . I just think that your timing is off . You know , that s all . Liam and I , we had such an -- oh ! -- intense and , um ... complicated relationship , and it ended so abruptly . I think that he is still processing that . I just -- I think that it would be better if you left Liam alone .
Liam : I mean , Ivy s a lot of fun . I like being with her . It s , um -- it s ... easy . But I -- but I m not rushing into anything . Okay ?
Aly : Fair enough . But get to know Ivy . I mean , she is so awesome . Plus , she s a Forrester .
Liam : What does that have to do with anything ?
Aly : Ivy s family . We d get to keep you around .
Liam : Oh , come here ! Bring it in for the real thing . Come on .
Ivy : Hope , do nt you think you re a little out of line ?
Hope : No . Why would I ?
Ivy : You re not Liam s fiancée anymore .
Hope : Well , no , but we still care about each other .
Ivy : You re married to Wyatt now .
Hope : Yeah . But that does nt mean that Liam and I are nt gon na look out for each other .
Ivy : You do nt have to protect Liam from me .
Hope : No , I -- hey , maybe I m protecting you . It s just , Liam is nt ready .
Ivy : Hope , you ca nt have them both .
Hope : No , that s -- that s not -- okay . Wow . No . Okay . How do I make you understand this ? Um ... Liam has been through a lot lately . He s had to deal with some things .
Ivy : Yeah , like your relationship with his brother .
Hope : Liam has to accept that Wyatt and I are married , and I think that that hit him hard .
Ivy : Well , I know that it did , because I was there .
Hope : And I m glad . I m so glad that he had a friend . He needed a friend . What he does nt need , though , is to be rushed into a new relationship .
Ivy : [ Chuckles ] Do nt you think that s Liam s decision to make ?
Hope : I m sorry . Have I upset you in some way ?
Ivy : I m just -- I m shocked . That s all . I m a little shocked that you still think whoever Liam decides to see is any of your business .
Hope : Well , it s just that Liam s general well - being is always gon na be my business .
Ivy : Oh , really ? So , how does your husband feel about that ?
Hope : [ Chuckles ]
Ivy : You know , Hope , if you really care about Liam , you should be supportive . You ve moved on . Why ca nt he ?
Katie : How did this happen ?
Ridge : Well , Caroline did some sketches for couture , and she just wanted to see if she could . She wanted me to look at them , so ... I did ... and I thought they were pretty good . You know , rough . And I told her where I thought she went wrong . And she wanted me to show her .
Katie : Did you panic ?
Ridge : Yeah , I did . But I - I had nothing to lose , and ... I do nt know . I ... I put my hand on hers , and ... started guiding it , and ... and it happened .
Katie : And you can draw .
Ridge : Yeah .
Katie : That s incredible .
Ridge : You told me to be patient , and that s the easiest thing for me , but ... I - I do nt ... it happened . I - I had these ideas in my head , and now I can put them on paper , and that s the breakthrough I wanted .
Katie : So , I guess I was right . [ Laughs ]
Ridge : You re always right .
Katie : Can you show me ?
Ridge : Sure .
Katie : Okay .
Ridge : Sure .
Ridge : Uh ... I -- I ca nt .
Katie : Well ... you do nt have to pressure yourself , you know ? Just , uh ... just try again .
Ridge : I ca nt .
Katie : But -- but you were able to do it with Caroline .
Ridge : I know . I know I was ... with Caroline .
Rick : [ Laughs ] This is a knockout !
Caroline : Right ? Ridge told me to tell you that that is for the collection .
Rick : You did this ? Oh , Baby , I m so proud of you !
Caroline : Well , okay . Most of the credit goes to Ridge . I mean , I just -- I showed him a rough sketch , you know , to get input from the master . He actually liked them . And then he guided my hand to make the corrections , and it was -- oh , my God . I - I do nt even have words for it . Just -- to feel his talent and his brilliance just coursing through me ...
Rick : It s good to know that Ridge still has it .
Ridge : It was there , Katie . My hand on hers , and it was effortless .
Katie : Well , that just proves that you did nt lose your gift over the Persian Gulf somewhere . It s in there . We just have to figure out a way to get it out .
Ridge : I was guiding her hand , and whatever was in my head was out on paper . That s it .
Katie : What ?
Ridge : I know how to finish my collection . I will finish it through Caroline .
Hope : I do support Liam getting on with his life .
Ivy : Well , okay . Sorry . I must have misunderstood .
Hope : You know , you have nt know Liam very long , so I think what you really need to know about him is that he feels things very deeply . And right now , he s hurting .
Ivy : Yeah , I , um ... I know that . Which is why I m trying to help him .
Hope : Great . Well , I think the best way for you to do that would be to leave him alone , because when you try and help , things get a little ...
Ivy : Oh . No , continue , please . Actually , I want to hear what you re thinking .
Hope : Oh , I was just gon na say that things would be a lot different if you had nt fallen into the Seine , but , you know ... uh , did anyone see that happen , by the way ?
Ivy : No , not to my knowledge .
Hope : There were people around .
Ivy : Yes . I -- are you implying that I deliberately fell into the river ?
Hope : Did you ?
Ivy : No , Hope . I was in Paris supporting Liam , just like I was before I even left the states . I did nt want him to give up on you . So the last thing I deserve is some kind of crazy insinuations that I deliberately fell into the river to make him late .
Hope : That s -- that is not what I said .
Ivy : Well , that s what you re implying . Look , it s not my actions here who are questionable . I mean , why could nt you wait a little while before rushing off to marry Wyatt ?
Hope : [ Sighs ]
Ivy : Well , I mean , blood tells , right ?
Hope : What does that mean ?
Ivy : Well , we all emulate our mothers . Subconsciously or not . I mean , your mum was involved with two brothers , as well , so ...
Hope : Oh - ho , Ivy , my mother and I could not be more different .
Ivy : Hmm . Kind of looks the same from here .
Hope : Wow ! The way you are speaking to me right now is so wildly inappropriate . I am your boss .
Ivy : I was brought here by my uncle Eric because I m talented and because I m a Forrester . This is my name . It s my family s business , my legacy . You re a Logan .
Hope : Do nt get it twisted , Ivy . You were brought on to be a part of Hope for the Future , my line . My name . Show me some respect .
Ivy : Yeah , absolutely . As much as you deserve .
### Summary:
| At work , Liam sighs deeply but all he can concentrate on is his wedding to Hope in Italy . Ivy questions Ivy about what she wants to hear . Her and Liam at Bikini .and she got him out on the dance floor . That does nt happen that often . Ivy says yeah he is too serious with Hope . She wants to loosen him up and have some fun . Aly says finally Ivy is admitting it . She likes Ivy with Liam . Ivy admits he has moved on since Hope is married to Wyatt . Hope walks up and hears this . She needs to show some shoots to Ivy so she sits down . Ivy realizes she heard what she and Aly said and tells Hope they probably need to talk about the elephant in the room . Hope asks if Ivy is officially dating Liam now . Ivy says not officially but if he asked she would not say no . Hope makes it clear that she thinks Ivy should say no . Hope says she can see where Ivy would be interested in Liam as he is handsome , smart and attractive , but he is just recently single and he is still processing that so she thinks Ivy s timing is off and she should stay away from him . Ridge helps Caroline by guiding her hand while he draws the designs . He says he could not do it without her . She says the same . He tells her to remember that the woman wears the dress not the other way around . Rick keeps hounding Katie that he is behind schedule and has not seen a single hint of a design from Ridge . He needs to know if there is some reason he is stonewalling . Ridge chose to come back to work so Rick has to see those designs today . Aly takes some jewels to Liam and proclaims that Ivy will be famous someday . He likes the sound of that . She realizes he is still getting used to being single but in the meantime she likes that he is seeing Ivy . Liam admits that being with Ivy is easy and she is fun but he is not rushing into anything with her . Aly says Ivy is family and they d like to keep Liam around . Ivy tells Hope that she does not have to protect Liam from her . Hope says he does need a friend but he should not be rushing into another relationship . Ivy says it nicely but that it is really not any of Hope s business since she has her own husband . What will he say when he knows she is worried about Liam s love life ? It ends below the belt when Ivy tells Hope that she is a Forrester . It is her name , it is her family business , her legacy and Hope is a Logan . This was after Hope reminded her that she was the boss . Hope gets somewhat catty when she asks if anyone saw Ivy being pushed into the Seine . Ivy takes offense that Hope might be insinuating that she fell in on her own . Then Ivy even adds that blood tells . Hope is so much like her mother , involved with two brothers at the same time . Hope tells her that Ivy should show more respect . She was brought here to help with her line , her name . Ivy counters with yes absolutely , as much as she deserves . Ridge shows Katie the sketch he made with Caroline and infers that it just came to him . She s ecstatic but when she asks him to repeat it , he ca nt . Rick loves it though and thinks it is a knockout . Caroline gives most of the credit to Ridge and explains how Ridge guided her hand . Ridge explains to Katie that his hand was on Caroline s and he guided her hand but it was his ideas . He can finish the collection that way . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Eve : T.C. , of course you have something to live for . Of course , you have nt lost your daughters -- or me . I m going to stay here . I ll be right here with you , T.C.
Dr. Richards : Excuse me . You paged me , Eve ?
Eve : Look , he is out of his coma . T.C. is out of his coma . He s talking .
Dr. Richards : You are kidding . This is amazing . You are a lucky man , T.C.
T.C. : You think so ?
Dr. Richards : T.C. , you were in a very bad car accident . I m amazed you lived through it .
Eve : We are all amazed , T.C.
Dr. Richards : Let me do some quick tests .
Eve : Oh , gosh , Julian , is nt this just incredible ? T.C. is going to live . It s just -- God , it s just a miracle .
Ivy : Well , obviously , Tabitha , someone was just here and painted this wall . It s your house . You must know who it was .
Tabitha : Well , I -- I m as puzzled about this as you are , Ivy . I mean , my house almost burned to the ground last night .
Sam : We all saw this place destroyed , right ? Huh ? This is -- this is impossible .
Tabitha : Well , do nt look at me . I have nt got a clue .
Ivy : Ok , something is definitely strange . How can a house be destroyed one night and then put back together the next day ?
Tabitha : Ah , well , I certainly have no explanation . I mean , I was with you all the time . I did nt even have time to call a contractor .
Sam : Yeah , well , this is definitely weird .
Ivy : You think ?
Siren : Weird ? It is totally bizarre .
Tabitha : Well , I appreciate Endora conjuring up those worker bees to repair the house , but how am I going to explain this ? They will realize that Endora and I are witches .
Kay : Of course we are lovers . We re engaged to be married .
Fox : No , you do nt know what s going on .
Miguel : Fox -- do nt .
Kay : Do nt -- do nt what ? What is going on ? Fox , you have been acting so crazy lately . Why ?
Fox : You want to know why I ve been acting so crazy ?
Ethan : Ok , Theresa . There was something that you said you had to tell me .
Gwen : Yeah , something that would change all of our lives forever . What is it ?
Ethan : Little Ethan ? What s wrong ? Is he all right ? Theresa , answer me . Is -- what do you have to tell me about Little Ethan ?
Esmé : Well , hello , tall , dark , and delicious .
Noah : Esmé .
Esmé : Yes , darling , it s me , Esmé , and you look positively -- miserable .
Noah : Yeah , that s a pretty good description of how I feel .
Esmé : Mm , well , I have a very soft shoulder for you to cry on . Of course , it would be much softer up in my suite .
Noah : Thank you , Esmé , but no , thanks .
Esmé : Well , all right . We can talk here . Tell Esmé where it hurts .
Luis : Damn you , Alistair ! That s one -- one -- six -- something .
Fancy : What happened ? Where d they go ?
Luis : They just took off in that car right there . I m coming for you Marty !
Chris : We need some help over here . Please , someone help us .
Doctor : What s wrong ?
Chris : She s in labor , but it s too soon . She is not due yet . Please do something .
Doctor : We ll do all we can . Cubicle three .
Sheridan : Oh . Oh .
Chris : Please , God , do nt let anything happen to Sheridan . She is my life . I love her so much .
Eve : Now , you know Whitney and Simone are still in Rome .
T.C. : They are ?
Eve : As soon as I reach them , I know that they will want to come home and be with you .
T.C. : Eve , you do nt have to do that .
Eve : No , T.C. , of course they would want to come here and be with you .
T.C. : I do nt know why , the way that I -- the way that I treated them .
Eve : No , you were just hurt and disappointed .
T.C. : I really came down on Simone for her -- for her lifestyle , and I was mean to Whitney for being with Chad .
Eve : It s ok , T.C. , they understand , and I know they want to be here with you .
Dr. Richards : Deep breath .
Julian : Darling , come on . Why do nt we go have a bite to eat while the doctor examines him ?
Eve : Oh , Julian , no . I could nt leave until I find out the doctor s prognosis .
Julian : Well , I thought perhaps you needed a break .
Eve : Oh , you are so sweet to worry about me , but no , I think I need to stay .
Dr. Richards : Well , this guy definitely has an angel on his shoulder .
Eve : Does that mean he is going to be ok ?
Dr. Richards : His vitals are good . As long as the numbers stay as they are , he should recover nicely .
Eve : Oh . Oh , thank you , God . My prayers have been answered .
Dr. Richards : You are a lucky man , T.C.
Julian : Yes , he is .
Dr. Richards : When you were first brought in , I would nt have taken bets that you would have made it through the night . Glad I was wrong .
Dr. Richards : I think you being here helped him a lot . Hearing you talk to him , knowing you were here -- I m sure it was instrumental in bringing T.C. back .
Eve : I hope so .
Doctor : Will you go get the doctor please ?
Chris : Just breathe , honey . Ca nt you give her something for the pain ?
Sheridan : No . No , nothing that could hurt the baby .
Doctor : We are not going to give you anything that would hurt the baby . I need to hook you up to this fetal monitor . Just breathe , honey . It s ok .
Luis : Damn Alistair .
Fancy : I am so sorry , Luis , that Beth got away with Marty . You should ve left me and gone after your son .
Luis : What -- and just leave you to be dinner for those lions ? Marty is still alive . You would nt have been . At least I got part of that license plate . I m going to track that car . I m going to get my son back .
Fancy : Ok , ok , but we need a car or something . We ca nt catch them on foot .
Luis : We ll find one , all right ? Let s go .
Esmé : Well , you are obviously in a very dark mood , but I know just the thing to cheer you up , Norman .
Noah : Noah .
Esmé : Right . A nice bottle of champagne and the hot tub up in my suite . We can talk .
Noah : I m not really in the mood to talk , Esmé .
Esmé : Well , I was nt really in the mood to talk -- oh , forget it . I know you are still mooning over Fancy . I know all about it . There was a woman from your past , and you tried to keep it from Fancy , but she found out and dumped you . Correct ?
Noah : Sort of . Hey .
Esmé : Well , look , I ve known Fancy a long time , and while she claims to be a wild woman , she s really quite provincial . I , on the other hand , am up for anything .
Noah : Yeah , I m sure you are .
Esmé : So what do you say ? Ask your old girlfriend to join us ? I am perfectly capable of having an open relationship .
Noah : Well , I m not . Besides , Maya is dead .
Esmé : Dead ? Oh , well , that lets her out . Is there anyone else you would like to have join us ?
Noah : I m not joining you , Esmé , all right ? I am still in love with Fancy , and I m a one - woman man .
Esmé : Well , then what were you doing making it with Maya ?
Noah : I was nt .
Esmé : Oh , well .
Noah : Look , I m -- I m sorry . I thought I was involved in a police investigation , only it turned out to be a scam put together by Fancy s grandfather to break us apart .
Esmé : Oh . Well , what s the problem then ?
Noah : The problem is that Fancy does nt believe me . My sister Jessica could ve told her the truth , only since she s hooked up with this bum named Spike I think she has been too terrified to say anything .
Esmé : Oh , well , my friend , you are definitely in a pickle .
Noah : Yeah , definitely .
Ethan : Will you please get to the point ? Please ?
Gwen : Yeah , what did you want to tell us about little Ethan ?
Whitney : Listen , have you thought this whole thing through ?
Theresa : Wait , what s there to think about ? Cause once I tell Ethan the truth -- that Little Ethan is his , he will divorce that witch , Gwen , and he s going to come back to me .
Whitney : Ok , just do nt jump off the deep end here . Yes , it s amazing news that Ethan is little Ethan s biological father , but he s told you a million times that he will not leave Gwen . What if he does nt leave Gwen ?
Theresa : Oh , he is going to leave her . I mean , can you imagine his face when he finds out the truth ? And can you imagine how crazy Gwen is going to be when she hears it ? Um -- well -- I was going to tell you that --
Whitney : Excuse me for one second . We ll be right back .
Whitney : Theresa , what is wrong with you ? You were all set and ready to tell Ethan that he is little Ethan s father . What s happening ?
Ethan : I knew that you would understand what I told Gary .
Gwen : Of course , hon , you told him to do the right thing .
Ethan : Heck , I told him to countersue the mother of his child for custody .
Theresa : Wait , what ?
Ethan : Yeah that s right . I mean , Theresa , the odds are that the judge is going to rule down the middle on this thing . Ok , he is going to grant some kind of joint custody situation , and that way Missy and Gary can each have a role in his biological son s life .
Theresa : Look , you heard Ethan . You heard what he told his friend . I ca nt tell him that little Ethan is his . What if he stays with Gwen and then he sues me for custody of little Ethan ?
Gwen : Honey , what could she possibly say that she has nt said a million times already ? Can we please just go ?
Ethan : No , hold on . She seemed pretty adamant . I want to hear what she has to say about little Ethan .
Gwen : Oh , good Lord . So , Theresa , I mean , you know , we re waiting here .
Ivy : Well , something very strange is definitely going on here , and it all started with that soup you made , Tabitha -- that terrible soup . I mean , I took one sip , and I got sick . Sam , I literally turned green .
Tabitha : Yeah , I really am very sorry about that , Ivy . But you must be allergic to some ingredient in there because my soup has never made anyone sick before .
Ivy : And then there was the swarm of bees coming out of the pot .
Sam : Bees ? Coming out of the soup ?
Tabitha : Oh , Ivy .
Sam : Well , I do nt know anything about bees or soup , but something very strange is going on here .
Ivy : Yeah .
Sam : A house totally rebuilt so quickly ? And by who ?
Ivy : Yeah .
Tabitha : This is it . If Sam discovers the carpenter bees , we are done for . Oh , there must be a logical explanation , Sam . I mean , maybe some good Samaritans came by or --
Ivy : Oh , right . If that s the case , Tabitha , where are they now ?
Tabitha : Well , I -- I --
Jimmy Carter : We are all done with our work now , miss . I hope you live happily ever after in your brand new home .
Tabitha : Oh .
Sam : You did this ?
Jimmy Carter : With a little help from my friends .
Kay : Ok , Fox , what is it ? Why are you acting so nutty lately ? It s like you re jealous or something and I know that that ca nt be it so why would you --
Fox : Kay , Kay , once you know what is going on you will understand , ok ?
Kay : Ok , so tell me what is going on .
Fox : All right . Well , you remember you went down to the washroom , and you were trying to fix the washing machine .
Miguel : Wait . Look , let me tell her .
Kay : Ok , somebody just tell me .
Miguel : I ll tell you . We were down in the basement , and we were doing some laundry for Maria because she was sleeping on the last set of clean sheets she had , and the washer was nt working . And you said you could fix it by jiggling behind the machine .
Kay : Right , and I tried to fix it , and I got a really bad electric shock .
Miguel : Right , and then you fell , and you hit your head pretty hard . And we called Dr. Russell and she said that you should just take it easy .
Kay : I know , and I have been taking it easy , but what does that have to do with Fox freaking me out like this ?
Miguel : It s just that Fox was worried when he heard you scream in the shower when we got the cold water on us .
Kay : You were worried ?
Fox : Yeah , I -- I thought you were hurt so --
Miguel : Yeah , but -- and then he got upset because he thought that I d got you in the shower when you should be resting .
Kay : But I m the one who got in the shower to surprise you . Ok , Miguel and I are lovers . Why would that upset you ?
Fox : I guess I was just worried about -- your health , that s all .
Kay : Oh , that s really sweet of you , Fox , but why ? I mean , you are a Crane . I m a Bennett . Our families have been enemies forever now . Why do you care so much about what happens to me ?
Gwen : This is just another one of Theresa s ploys , you know ? She is using little Ethan to try and get to you . Frankly , I m surprised Julian lets her have custody of his son .
Ethan : Gwen , she is a good mother .
Gwen : Really ? Then why is she here in Rome chasing after you instead of at home with her son ?
Theresa : Why are nt you at home with Jane , my daughter ?
Gwen : Jane is being taken care of very well at home , and if you would leave my husband alone , I would nt have to be away from her . Does little Ethan even know who you are , Theresa ? Cause , I mean , you hardly ever spend any time with him .
Theresa : I love him very much , and everything that I do , I do for his happiness .
Gwen : Right , mm - hmm . So what did you want to tell us about little Ethan ?
Theresa : I just wanted Ethan to know -- that I love my son very much .
Gwen : And that is the earth- shattering news that we ve been waiting to hear .
Ethan : Wait a minute . Are you kidding me ? You told me that there was news that would change our lives , that was very important .
Theresa : I know . I was being dramatic .
Gwen : Oh , my gosh , what a surprise .
Theresa : Exactly , what a surprise . That s what I wanted you to know . I just wanted you to know how much I love my son and how much I miss him .
Gwen : Ok , if that s it , then -- I mean , I guess we are done here . Honey , there is really no more reason for us to stay in Rome unless , of course , you have some more schemes in the works , I mean . Do you ?
Ethan : Whitney , can I talk to you for a minute ? Thanks .
Noah : Uh , yeah , here you go . Grazie .
Esmé : You are not leaving , are you ?
Noah : Yes , I m going to find Luis and Fancy -- help them track down Alistair . If I find that bastard , I swear I ll kill him .
Esmé : You re even sexier when you re angry .
Noah : You know , he did everything he could to break up Luis and Sheridan , and now he has ruined my relationship with Fancy . The bastard deserves no less than to die .
Esmé : Oh , wait , I m coming with you . Oh , if he and Fancy really are through , he will need someone to comfort him , and that might as well be me .
Fancy : Ow .
Luis : You all right ?
Fancy : Yeah , just turned really clumsy . Do nt -- go , Luis , do nt worry about me .
Luis : There s a car right here . Let s see if we can -- borrow it .
Fancy : You are going to steal a car ?
Luis : I m desperate .
Fancy : No , Luis , let s get to a phone and ask the police for help .
Luis : You are right . This is going to take way too long , and I m not going to let Sheridan down . I m going to get Marty back . Come on .
Sheridan : Oh , my God , here comes another contraction .
Doctor : Yes , I see it .
Julian : Sheridan , I m here if you need me .
Sheridan : Hi , Julian .
Chris : Thanks for being here .
Eve : Has her water broken yet ?
Doctor : Not yet .
Eve : Good . Sheridan , we are going to give you some drugs that are going to slow down the contractions --
Chris : Good stay put a little while longer . I need you to stay calm .
Sheridan : It s hard to stay calm . Julian , our father -- he is a monster . He is trying to kill Luis . He freed some lions to go after Fancy and Luis .
Julian : What do you mean ? He sent what -- lions to kill my daughter ?
Sheridan : Yes and Luis .
Julian : I understand Luis . He hates Luis , but he adores Fancy .
Sheridan : Well , Fancy was trying to help Luis find Marty , and Father turned on her .
Julian : Oh , my God , I have to do something to help her .
Sheridan : And , Julian , please help Marty . Please , please , help my son .
Chris : Shh , stay calm , please .
Tabitha : Thank you , thank you . Very good job .
Woman : Pleasure .
Tabitha : Thank you . Bye .
Ivy : I ca nt believe it . A former president of the United States rebuilding Tabitha s home ? How did you do that ?
Tabitha : Well , I do nt know . Maybe he saw our tragedy on the news or something . Oh , thank you , my little witchlet . You saved your mommy s ass .
Siren : Your witchy bottoms may have been saved this time , but it is only temporary .
Tabitha : What do you mean temporary ?
Siren : If you do nt get Miguel away from Kay and back with me , I ll tell the whole world you and your little blond bombshell here are witches . Oh !
Endora : I m hiding . Boo .
Kay : Ok , so what s the deal ? I mean , why do nt we hate each other like the rest of the cranes and the Bennetts ?
Fox : Because not all Cranes and Bennetts hate each other , Kay . Ok , because we are not all like my grandfather . Sheridan is not like Alistair . Neither is Fancy , and neither am I.
Kay : You are right . I mean , you are not a bad person . Otherwise , Maria would nt be so fond of you . You know , I do nt know how , but I know that she feels really close to you . Why is that ?
Fox : I do nt know . I guess she just knows how much I like her .
Kay : This -- this is really weird . It is like I know that I got that shock , and I know that Dr. Russell said that I should take it easy , but it is like there is a hole in my brain somehow -- like there s something missing . I mean , is that normal after an electric shock ?
Miguel : Oh , I think it is . Do nt you , Fox ?
Fox : Yeah . I think it is .
Kay : Yeah , well I m getting a headache trying to think about it so -- but I do know that you and Maria are buddies , right ?
Fox : Yeah , you could say that .
Kay : Ok , so can I ask you a huge favor ?
Fox : Of course .
Kay : Ok , would you mind , like , spending a couple days here with her ? I mean , I know Tabitha will be , like , the primary baby - sitter , but she gets a little flaky sometimes , and I just -- I do nt know . I d feel better if someone else was here while I m gone .
Fox : While you re gone ? Where are you going ?
Kay : Well , I want to take Miguel away for a few days . I mean , we have nt really , you know , had that much alone time together , and I think that we need a little romantic getaway . Do nt we , honey ?
Dr. Richards : Well , I m very pleased with your condition , T.C.
T.C. : So I can go home ?
Dr. Richards : [ Chuckles ] Glad to see you still have a sense of humor . No , you re going to have to hang around here for a while , but I have every reason to believe that you will completely recover .
T.C. : Good . I do nt deserve it , but good .
Dr. Richards : Ah , now , none of that . You did nt die for a reason . You have people that love you and need you .
T.C. : I do nt deserve them either , Doc .
Dr. Richards : Well , I ll tell you -- you re a strong man , and you will recover , but you need to want to get better . Eve wants you get better , T.C.
T.C. : Where did my -- I mean -- where did Dr. Russell go ?
Dr. Richards : She had to go see another patient , but I could tell she really did nt want to leave you . I have never seen a woman so worried about a man .
T.C. : She s a doctor . It s her job to care about her patient .
Dr. Richards : It s more than that , T.C. I can tell . Eve loves you .
T.C. : I hope you re right , Doc . I hope you re right .
Chris : What are you giving her , Eve ?
Eve : It s a combination of drugs -- one is for the contractions , and one is for the pain . Hopefully , it will stop the contractions altogether .
Chris : What are the baby s chances if it s born now , this early ?
Eve : We re not going to worry about that right now , Chris . We re just going to try and help Sheridan hold on to the baby .
Chris : Ok . How are you feeling , sweetheart ?
Sheridan : Better . Chris , tell Julian to help Luis and Marty .
Chris : He s calling for help right now .
Julian : Yes , this is Julian Crane . I want you to get in touch with our Rome office . My daughter , Fancy , is in great danger . I know exactly who is trying to hurt her -- my father Alistair , her grandfather . I want her found , and I want her protected . Do you understand me ? No , that s not all . My sister Sheridan s child , Marty , is also in Rome . I want him found as well . Exactly , you find him , and you find Fancy , and you protect them , all right ? I am the head of Crane Industries now . Alistair has gone totally insane . He s to get nowhere near my daughter .
Esmé : Wait for me . I m coming with you .
Noah : No , you are not , Esmé . Look , it could just be too dangerous .
Esmé : Oh , Noah , you do care .
Luis : I m going to call the police and give them what I got of Alistair s plate number , ok ?
Fancy : Ok , good .
Noah : Fancy , look , I m glad you re here . I want to --
Fancy : Maya is not even cold in her grave , and you ve moved on with Esmé ?
Noah : Esmé ? What are you -- are you out of your mind ?
Fancy : It does nt matter . Just --
Noah : Look , did you have any luck finding Alistair ?
Fancy : Yeah , we came close , but my grandfather turned some lions loose , and we had to save ourselves .
Esmé : Lions ?
Noah : In the streets of Rome ?
Fancy : Some ruins , actually , yeah . I do nt know where they are now , but my grandfather and Beth and Marty got away . Luis is calling the police to get some help .
Noah : Now do you see what I m talking about , Fancy ? Your grandfather had lions try to kill you . Do you see how evil he is ? That he could be the one behind our breakup ?
Fancy : Yeah , Noah , I believe what I saw -- you making love to Maya , and my grandfather was nt there forcing you to do it .
Noah : Yes , but he orchestrated the --
Fancy : I am through talking about this , Noah . Just stop .
Luis : Hey , Noah .
Esmé : Oh , well , hello . Hm , Fancy , you do hook up with the hunkiest men .
Fancy : Yeah , you never know who s on my grandfather s payroll .
Luis : Yeah . Yeah , you can say that again . Does nt matter , though .
Esmé : Friends , huh ?
Gwen : Really ? I think you are . I think that you re nervous Theresa . The nun said that you would get Ethan away from me , and I do nt see that happening . Do you ?
Theresa : I m very close to getting him back .
Gwen : Theresa , if you had anything that could help you , you would have used it already . You have nothing .
Theresa : That s not entirely true , Gwen .
Gwen : When are you going to realize that my husband is not going to leave me ?
Ethan : Look , I know that Theresa did not say what she was going to say , so just tell me what it is .
Whitney : I ca nt tell you . I mean , I just ca nt . This is something Theresa needs to tell you herself .
Ethan : Is there something wrong with little Ethan or what ?
Whitney : No , no , no . Little Ethan is fine . There s nothing wrong with him .
Ethan : Well , she said that it was news about little Ethan , Whitney .
Whitney : Ethan , Ethan , please . Let Theresa tell you in her own -- her own way . Ok ?
Ethan : Ok , all right . I suppose if it s that important , she ll tell me eventually . But on another note , I m very happy -- very happy for you and Chad . I mean , that news is unbelievable .
Whitney : I know . It s amazing . I can hardly believe it myself .
Ethan : To find out that you guys are not brother and sister and that you re able to be together -- I m very happy for you .
Whitney : Thank you .
Ethan : I mean , heck , maybe you and Chad can actually help Theresa find someone else in her life and help her move on .
Whitney : Yeah , yeah , maybe .
Ethan : Whitney , I ve tried everything . I ve said everything that I can to her , ok ? And I just take my marriage vows seriously , all right ?
Whitney : I know you do , and I truly respect that .
Ethan : Well , Theresa does nt , and she keeps telling me that Gwen has lied to me , that Gwen has betrayed me . Problem is I do nt have one shred of proof . I do not like to see her unhappy , but I m not leaving my wife .
Whitney : Not even if you still love Theresa ?
Ivy : Siren , are you all right ?
Sam : Yeah , what happened ?
Siren : I think I got some paint on me , too
Tabitha : That was Endora s way of saying , be careful with your threats .
Siren : No , you be careful , Hagitha , or I ll expose you and your little demon child .
Tabitha : If you even think of exposing us , I will fillet you myself and feed you to Fluffy .
Sam : Oh , my God , what the heck is that ?
Miguel : Kay .
Kay : So you re ok with staying around here for a couple days keeping an eye on Maria while we re gone ?
Fox : Yeah , sure .
Kay : Thank you .
Miguel : I m sorry .
Fox : You re gon na be a lot sorrier if you forget that she is my girl , ok ? I can promise you that .
Ethan : Look , I ve never denied having feelings for Theresa , but people assume that I do nt love Gwen because of it , and that assumption is wrong .
Whitney : But you do nt love Gwen the same way you love Theresa .
Theresa : You have no idea what I know . And if I told you -- well , it would kill you .
Gwen : Really ? Well , bring it on , sister . Give me your best shot .
T.C. : I am such a jerk for doing this to myself . I m lucky to be alive . And even luckier that Eve cares if I m alive or not . I just hope she s not being a good doctor and saying that she s going to be here for me .
Julian : Yes , that s right . Both of them , my daughter , Fancy , and my nephew , Marty . You put someone on this right away . One more thing -- Whitney and Simone Russell are also in Rome . I want them found . I want them brought back to Harmony as soon as possible . Their father has -- has been in an accident , and his daughters should be here for him .
Julian : Perhaps if they are , T.C. wo nt need Eve quite so much . Did you hear me ? That s right -- Whitney and Simone Russell . You find them , and you bring them back to Harmony , no excuses .
Eve : Julian , I m sorry . I -- I could nt help but overhear , but thank you so much for having your people try and find Whitney and Simone .
Julian : Well , they love their father , and he needs them to be here .
Eve : Well , you re very sweet to look out for my daughters like that .
Julian : Well , you know , now that Rebecca has said she s going to give me a divorce , I hope that you and I can be married , and they ll be my daughters , too .
Eve : Yes , just like Fancy will be one of my girls .
Julian : So how is Sheridan ?
Eve : Well , I gave her an IV to try and stop her contractions , but she s very distressed about Luis and Marty and Fancy . I m so sorry about what your father is trying to do your daughter .
Julian : Ah , nothing my father does surprises me .
Eve : Well , anyway , I m -- I m just very glad that Sheridan has Chris because she s already lost one child . She can not lose another one . I m going to check on T.C.
Julian : Problem is -- my sister still cares about a man from her past , just as Eve still cares about T.C. That puts Chris and me in the same boat .
Chris : Are you feeling better ?
Sheridan : Yes . Much better . The contractions are stopping . Our baby s safe for now .
Chris : Well , thank God you re both going to be all right .
Sheridan : Yes , thank God for our baby .
Chris : Now you just need to relax and rest and get better , ok ?
Sheridan : Yeah , but how can I relax when I do nt know what s happened to Luis and Marty ?
Luis : Cops said that they would call here if they heard anything about Alistair and Marty .
Esmé : Ok , Fancy , may I have a word with you for a minute ? Ok , what is going on with you and that hunky hunk , Luis ?
Fancy : What s going on ? He s my aunt Sheridan s soul mate , Esmé . I m trying to help him find their son .
Esmé : Oh , yeah , right . I know you , Fancy Crane , and you have the look of love on your face .
Fancy : The look of love ?
Esmé : Yeah , do nt try to con me . I am on to you . You re in love with Luis .
Noah : Luis , I know we have come to blows over less than this , but I have to ask .
Luis : Ask what ?
Noah : What are your intentions toward Fancy ?
Whitney : Ethan deserves to know he has a son . If you re not going to tell him , I will .
Fancy : I am not falling in love with Luis .
Luis : I love Sheridan and only Sheridan .
Chris : Sheridan can never know the truth .
### Summary:
| Once again , Theresa backed out of telling the truth . Ethan s admission that he advised a friend to sue the mother of his illegitimate child for custody seems to have scared her into keeping the knowledge of Little Ethan s paternity to herself . Ethan is confused when she fails to tell him the earth - shattering news she promised , but he ca nt get Whitney to tell him what it was . Gwen does nt care , she s just busily gloating over the fact she s won again . Luis and Fancy missed Alistair , Beth , and Marty by a few seconds , then set about trying to find them again . They asked for help from the local polizia , not knowing whether they ll get it or not . Noah encounters Esme , who tries yet again to get him up to her room for some hanky - panky . He s not interested , but he does get upset when he sees Fancy hanging all over Luis . While he questions Luis about his intentions toward her , Esme does the same with Fancy , sure that she s in love with her aunt s ex . TC continues to improve , and the doctor has given him a clean bill of health , pretty much . Eve is thrilled , but Julian is worried and unsure of what her obvious feelings for her ex might mean to their marriage plans . When he learned from Sheridan that Alistair has been trying to kill Fancy , he contacts his office in Rome to have them find and protect her , then ordered them to find Whitney and Simone and get them back to Harmony to be with their father . Ivy and Sam continue to wonder just how Tabitha s house was rebuilt so quickly , but Endora zaps up President Carter and a group of others to explain it all . They are nt really sure they believe that , tho . Siren feels Endora s wrath when she threatens Tabby . Fox almost told Kay the truth about being engaged to him , but he caught himself just in time and stopped . However , when she let it be known that she and Miguel are taking a trip to be alone for a few days , his anger was hard to hide . Another warning to Miguel to keep his hands off Kay was in delivered through clenched teeth . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Steffy : Divorce ? Are you sure ?
Ridge : I m sure I ll always & love brooke , and , yeah , I m sure I ca nt be married to her anymore .
Steffy : Because of thomas .
Ridge : She just ca nt get past what he did . [ Sighs ] We love our children too much , I guess .
Steffy : I m sorry , dad .
Ridge : Oh .
Steffy : I m sorry thomas obsession with hope did this to you .
Thomas : Can you do that ? Can you give me a chance ? Let s work together , okay ? Let me design for you .
Hope : I do nt know , okay ? And I ca nt think right now . Can we just talk about this later ? I really need to get home to my mom .
Thomas : Hope , wait . Hold on . If this fashion showdown happens , you re gon na want me on your side , okay ? I have plenty of designs ready to go . Hey . The future of your line is at stake . Let me help you , okay ? With my talent and your vision , we ca nt lose .
Wyatt : And that s when she said it .
Liam : My name ?
Wyatt : Yep . She called me liam .
Liam : I mean ... okay , but people do that all the time . Right ? I mean , they ll rattle off a whole list of their kids or their siblings until they land on the right one .
Wyatt : Kids , yes . Siblings , yes . Not ex - boyfriends .
Liam : I was never her boyfriend , though .
Wyatt : Ex - crush , whatever .
Liam : I m sure it happens .
Wyatt : We were in the middle of talking about us , all right ? What -- okay . How would it-- how would hope feel if you called her steffy ? Not very good , right ? Look , I ve been down this road way too many times . I m not-- I am not gon na chase after another girl ...
Liam : Right .
Wyatt : ... Who d rather be with you .
Liam : You re not . You are not chasing because you guys are engaged .
Wyatt : [ Chuckles ]
Liam : You re still engaged , right ?
Wyatt : Yes , yeah . But ... cautiously engaged , I guess ? I do nt know . Uh ... sally knows that I was unhappy , and that little slip - up , it just caused a lot of damage . Uh ...
Liam : Oh , I m sorry , man . A lot of damage being caused around here lately .
Wyatt : You mean with you and hope ?
Liam : Oh , do nt forget to include thomas , because apparently he s a part of everything we do now .
Wyatt : Are you kidding me ? What did he do now ? What s going on ?
Liam : He-- he s up to no good . That s what s going on .
Ridge : I wish you would nt call it that .
Steffy : An obsession ?
Ridge : Yeah . Your brother s hurting .
Steffy : Yes , and obsessing . Do nt look at me like that . Well , I m trying . I m really trying to accept and forgive him , but it s gon na take time .
Ridge : It s supposed to take time . Forgiveness is a process , but at least you re doing it .
Steffy : Yeah . It s nice to see him back here at work , designing . I actually got a glimpse of my brother , not the liar he became .
Ridge : [ Sighs ] Anyway , speaking of thomas and being back at work ...
Steffy : Yeah ?
Ridge : He had what I think is a good idea-- fashion showdown .
Steffy : A showdown ? With what company ?
Ridge : Just this company-- your new line against hope for the future .
Steffy : Thomas suggest this ?
Ridge : Why does that surprise you ?
Steffy : I mean , he wants hope to work with him . And they ll be working on a showdown , long hours prepping .
Ridge : Yeah , I - I suppose that s true .
Steffy : Why is he really doing this ? Is he doing this because he actually believes in hope s line ? Or is he trying to drive a wedge between hope and liam ? Because you and I both know how liam s gon na react .
Wyatt : Thomas thinks that hope should work with him , after everything he s done ?
Liam : I know . That s what I m saying . I mean , that ... [ Sighs ] As if parenting was nt bad enough , now he wants to , like , monopolize all her time at the office ?
Wyatt : Yeah , not that she ll agree . She wonT.
Liam : She ... I think maybe she s considering it .
Wyatt : What ? !
Liam : And , listen , hopefully , I convinced her of what a terrible idea it is , but , uh-- I do nt know . Thomas may get exactly what he wants .
Thomas : I do nt wanna see you lose hope for the future , but that s exactly what s going to happen if steffy s line outsells yours .
Hope : When would this happen , this showdown ?
Thomas : I m not sure . But that s all the more reason to start collaborating right now .
Hope : But there s a lot going on , and I do nt know how .
Thomas : Okay , please , hope , just ... [ Sighs ] Let me -- let me help you . Cause honestly , it would help me , too . It would help me prove that I ve changed . I ve made mistakes in the past , but now I can do something finally positive for you . Let me show you that I ve changed . Look , and this -- this line means a lot to you . It s your contribution to this company . You re proud of it , and you should be proud of it . I do nt wanna see it taken away from you . Please , hope , say you ll work with me .
Steffy : This whole idea of a fashion showdown ... should be about the work . But thomas does nt see it that way . It s about getting hope . That s his motive .
Ridge : You ca nt know that .
Steffy : I can make an educated guess .
Ridge : I thought you were trying with your brother .
Steffy : I am .
Ridge : So why do you question his motives ?
Steffy : Because I m co - ceo , dad . And if we are considering a fashion showdown , I ... I just wanna make sure everyone involved is ... invested for the right reasons .
Ridge : So why would you doubt your brother ?
Steffy : I wanna believe in him , dad , the way you do . I really wanna believe he s reformed .
Liam : I m just not buying the whole new and improved thomas thing one bit .
Wyatt : I ca nt believe anyone who would .
Liam : Well , ridge did . I mean , he just ... [ Slurps ] Ate it right up .
Wyatt : But parents -- that s -- that s another story . They can be blind to who their kids are . What is steffy s take ?
Liam : I mean , I think she ll always be cautious around him .
Wyatt : Good . She d be a fool to ever trust him again .
Liam : Exactly . This -- this is why I do nt understand why hope would ever even consider working with him again . I mean , it s -- listen , she has to deal with thomas from time to time because of douglas , but why would she agree to spend another second with that psycho than she has to ?
Wyatt : I do nt think she wants to , liam . I think thomas is such a manipulator , he s gon na get her to think that she needs to .
Liam : He s not , because I m not gon na let him .
Thomas : So what do you say ? Will you work with me on this ? Look , I have plenty of designs ready to go , and I ve got some new ones and great ideas that--
Hope : No .
Thomas : What ?
Hope : I do nt want to work with you .
Thomas : Okay . Um ... I do nt understand . I mean , we re raising douglas together , are nt we ?
Hope : Well , that s different . That s a little boy that I care deeply about , so much so that I am willing to interact with a man who hurt me more than I could ve ever imagined , and I am doing that for douglas sake , not mine .
Thomas : But ... is nt this line like your child ? It s your baby . Could you work on it with me for its sake ?
Hope : I already have a baby , and it s not my line . It s my daughter , who by the way , you kept hidden from me . Thomas , I ... I respect you as a designer . I really do , but our relationship will be about douglas and his upbringing , and that will be extent of it .
Thomas : Okay , so you re just -- you re gon na sabotage this , years of work .
Hope : No . No , I ll ... I will find another designer .
Thomas : You re not gon na find a designer as good as me . You know that .
Hope : What I know is that I ca nt forget what you did , and working with you ... it would be unbearable . And I do nt like saying that . But it s the truth . And you need to hear it . [ Door closes ] Ok everyone !
Steffy : Looking at the numbers , it does make sense to go with only one youth line .
Ridge : Does nt mean we wo nt implement both at some point , but for now , I think that s good .
Steffy : We ll let the buyers decide , see which one they wanna produce .
Ridge : [ Sighs ] I still think you and thomas should do a line together .
Steffy : There is no chance in hell thomas would wanna design with me , especially if hope for the future is an option .
Ridge : Well , but that s what I want -- at some point you guys working together and getting back to the relationship you used to have .
Steffy : [ Under breath ] We ll see about that .
Ridge : Hey .
Hope : Hi . I did nt mean to interrupt . I just wanted to ... you know what ? I can come back later .
Ridge : No , come on in . We re actually talking about something that concerns you .
Hope : Okay . Um ... look , I heard the news about you and mom , and I just -- I-- I do nt know what to say .
Ridge : I do nt know what to say either . I will always love your mother , but we just could nt figure it out . Anyway , how s she doing ? I m assuming you heard from her ?
Hope : I m guessing she s a wreck , but I actually have nt talked to her yet . Thomas was the one who told me , and he also mentioned something about a fashion showdown ?
Ridge : Yes , that s what we wanted to talk to you about .
Steffy : Would that interest you , coming back to hope for the future ?
Hope : I ... I think I m ready . But are you really going to let the buyers decide ?
Ridge : Yeah , the one line that gets most interest from the buyers will be the one that goes ahead . Sound fair ?
Hope : More than fair .
Steffy : You know , you-- you do nt have to do it , especially if you have second thoughts working with thomas .
Hope : Well , I wo nt be working with thomas . I turned him down . I want to relaunch my line , but not with thomas as the designer .
Thomas : [ Sighs ] [ Door opens ] Not now , pam .
Liam : Yeah , well , these lemon bars are nt gon na eat themselves .
Thomas : Funny . If you re looking for hope , she--
Liam : Actually , I m looking for you .
Thomas : Great . Okay . What s up ? You need to back off .
Thomas : I need to back off ?
Liam : Mm - hmm .
Thomas : [ Scoffs ] You just barged into my office--
Liam : Listen , sharing custody of douglas is one thing . Hope is just gon na have to deal with you from time to time , but working together is off the table .
Thomas : You can save the whole hero routine . It s completely unnecessary . Hope just turned me down .
Liam : She did ? Well , of course she did . Well , is that enough for you , thomas ? Are you satisfied ? Do you finally believe that hope wants to spend as little time with you as possible ? You know I d love to be there . It s just super far
Ridge : I m not gon na force you to use a designer you re not comfortable with , but ... you have to use somebody . And thomas -- he s one of the best in the business , and I m not just saying that because he s my son .
Hope : Well , I do agree , ridge , that thomas is one of the best designers that we have here at forrester . It s just ... the amount of time we would have to spend together to work on a line on top of everything else we ve already been through , I just ... I canT.
Steffy : Logistically , though , hope for the future does nt have a chance in the showdown if you do nt have a designer .
Hope : Well , I ll find one . It s just ... it wo nt be thomas .
Steffy : Dad , can we have a minute ?
Ridge : Sure . Um ... well find some time later to finalize this competition .
Hope : Sounds good .
Hope : Please tell me you are nt trying to convince me to work with thomas .
Steffy : Mm . No .
Hope : Thank you .
Steffy : What if I talk you out of the competition altogether ?
Hope : What ?
Steffy : I have a ton of respect for your line . It was a huge success at forrester , but it s been stalled for quite some time ... understandably so . You ve had more important things to focus on , and I ve been focused on my line for the last few months . As much as I lve a good showdown , you do nt have a line , hope . You do nt have a designer . You do nt have designs .
Hope : Hope for the future is nt dead , though . I mean , not by a long shot . Yes , I ... I took a break . I took some time , and the line did lose its momentum , but ... I still believe in it , and I think that the message is just as meaningful and relevant as it s ever been , and I - I can find a designer who shares that same passion and vision , so I m ready to do this , steffy . Game on .
Thomas : I understand . I m not a threat to your relationship . Okay ? I m not that many anymore . Now whether it s -- it s hope and me sharing custody or it s us working together here and designing ... [ Sighs ] Either way , I m not manipulating anymore .
Liam : Thomas , designing for hope is another way to manipulate her .
Thomas : No , it s not , okay ? Look , she s -- she s excited about the line , and so am I. Okay ? And -- and this -- this is good for me , too . Working on this line , I ... I am a great designer , but I have nt really worked with couture yet , and --and this is a way for me to get better and -- and hone my craft . Okay ? I ... I thought it would be a good fit .
Liam : Yeah , sure , except for the part about her never forgiving you or trusting you again , it s a great fit .
Thomas : Yeah . I - I - I heard hope . I never wanted to do that , and ... I saw working with her , that s -- that s possibly a way to make amends . Okay ? But that is not me trying to interfere with your relationship . It s me seeing that there s something important to her , and there s something important to me , and I can help her . That s all . Damn it . You almost sound sincere .
Thomas : That s because I am sincere . Okay , look , I understand why you d be wary . I was obsessed with hope . I can admit that . But I m not anymore .
Liam : Okay , so recently , when you offered her custody of your son in exchange for sex , that -- that was not you being obsessed ?
Thomas : It was nt exactly like that .
Liam : And then what about when you tricked her into thinking that she killed you ? That was not obsessive ? That was you totally redeemed ?
Thomas : I have made some mistakes that I m not proud of . I have battled demons over the years , but I m trying . I m trying really hard to become better , and the reality is is that you do nt have to worry about me . I m not a threat , okay ? I actually want us all to get along .
Liam : We re gon na get along because I m gon na watch you like a hawk . If you make hope feel awkward or uncomfortable , if you even once cause her an ounce of pain , god forbid if you use your innocent little boy to manipulate her--
Thomas : Okay , no , I wonT. I m not doing that anymore . I m gon na be a better person . And you know what ? I want hope to be happy , and if you make her happy , then that s great . I m happy for her . And hopefully she changes her mind and she comes and works with me on the line , because you know what ? Then she can have a fulfilling , happy life , a family and career . That s what I want for her .
Liam : I do nt get you . I wanna believe you . I want to believe you , but I canT. There is some angle that you re working . I do nt know what it is . I do nt know , but I m gon na find out . And I will never , ever let you hurt hope again .
### Summary:
| Steffy is shocked to hear from Ridge that he and Brooke signed divorce papers . She expresses her sympathy and then blames Thomas s obsessing over Hope for the divorce . Ridge tells her about Thomas idea for a fashion showdown . Steffy is suspicious of Thomas motives . Ridge hopes that one day , Thomas and Steffy will be working together . Meanwhile , Thomas begs Hope to let him design for her in the fashion showdown . She s anxious to get home to see her mom after learning about the divorce . After Thomas begs some more , she tells him that she wo nt work with him . Hope goes to Ridge and Steffy ; she expresses her sympathy about the divorce and asks about the fashion showdown . Hope then tells them that she turned Thomas s offer to design for her down . Steffy asks Ridge to give them privacy . She tells Hope that she does nt really have a line any more , but Steffy has been working hard on hers . Instead of dissuading her , Hope rises to the challenge . Wyatt tells Liam about how Sally called him Liam . Liam does nt think it s that big of a deal , but Wyatt does nt want to be with another woman that would rather be with Liam . Liam fills Wyatt in on what s been happening lately with Thomas . Liam is worried that Hope will be working with Thomas again . He goes to Thomas office at Forrester and tells him to back off from Hope . He s pleased when Thomas tells him that Hope turned him down . Thomas assures Liam that he only wants to work with Hope and that he s a changed man . Liam does nt buy it and points out all of the slimy things Thomas has done recently . Thomas still professes to be working on himself and happy that Liam and Hope are together . Liam tells him that he ll be watching him and will never let him hurt Hope again . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Kevin : So -- so I can just go ? No one s gon na try and Tase me if I walk out of here ?
Michael : Well , the court looks well upon the fact that you confessed and that you can return some of the stolen goods .
Kevin : [ Sighs ] Wow . We are both so grateful , Michael .
Michael : Oh , do nt thank me . Thank Christine for taking the D.A. s job . She is cutting you one hell of a deal , agreeing to work release . It s probably better than what I would have offered . You re a very lucky man . Excuse me .
Chloe : So lucky that you let someone take the fall for you , let someone do that first , awful , terrifying night in jail for you , knowing that she was completely innocent and suffering for your sins . So lucky you . But me -- not so lucky . Because you let me spend the night in jail . So work release and payback , yeah , that s great for the victims and the cops , but what about me ? You know , how do you intend to make all of this up to me ?
Sharon : Hey .
Adam : Hello . Have a seat .
Sharon : Okay . Um , I did nt know that you were gon na be here . I m meeting Noah .
Adam : Oh . Our guy is pretty smart . He knows there s no one better to talk to . Thanks for letting me bend your ear last night .
Sharon : It was my pleasure , as usual .
Victor : I guess Billy Boy s investment has nt blown up in smoke yet .
Nikki : Now , you re not gon na be doing that all through lunch .
Victor : Doing what ?
Nikki : I guess the honeymoon is over .
Victor : Let s just say we ve reached an impasse on a certain issue .
Nikki : What a surprise .
Sharon : [ Chuckles ] I will take that under consideration . I ll see you later .
Adam : Absolutely .
Nikki : And the gears are turning .
Victor : I think I found a solution to the new mess .
Chelsea : Hi ! Hello . Yeah .
Dylan : Hi . Hello . Yeah . Is everything okay ?
Chelsea : Yeah . [ Laughs ] Yeah . I was just , um -- I was just dropping something off for Chloe , some work stuff . But I was rushing cause I did nt want to keep you waiting , but here you are . So hi .
Dylan : You look great .
Chelsea : Oh , thanks . I - I was nt sure what to wear because you did nt say where we re going on this date .
Dylan : No , I did not say . Just gon na have to trust me .
Chelsea : Hmm . Summer . Hi . Great jacket .
Summer : Oh , right ? It s from this hot designer . It s not even on the racks yet .
Chelsea : Well , it s working for you . See you .
Courtney : Gosh , you do nt have to rub it in how you might model her clothes . Or at least could nt you just get me some fancy stuff , too ?
Summer : Okay , we need to focus . Tonight has to go perfectly .
Courtney : It s gon na be sick how great tonight s gon na be .
Summer : Yeah , as long as my dad does nt figure it out , then we re golden .
Avery : Hi .
Nick : Hey .
Avery : Hi . I - I did nt mean to barge in .
Nick : No , you re -- you re not .
Avery : I thought you were gon na come back last night , and I thought we would pick up where we left off before Summer showed up .
Nick : Yeah , sorry . I got tied up at the club .
Avery : Yeah , of course . But you did nt return my call either . So I just wanted to come by and make sure things were all right .
Nick : Honestly , they re not .
Avery : Oh , God . Okay . Uh , so , we made love , and you ve had time to --
Nick : Avery , hang on .
Avery : No , no , no . It makes sense . You know , you , uh -- you wanted to take things slow , and -- and what ? It was our second date , right ? We jump into bed . I mean , it was wonderful , but I understand if it s --
Nick : Can I explain ?
Avery : No , no . Listen to me , please . I know it was fast , but ... it felt right to me , being with you again . I know that we ca nt go back and start over completely . We know too much about each other right now . And -- and -- but I - I worry that maybe you know things about me and -- and you ca nt get past them , and so if -- if sleeping together [ Sighs ] Rushed that , then I just --
Nick : Can you just stop ?
Avery : Listen , I come in here , and I barge in , and I m acting like a lunatic , and I m --
Nick : Do you call this stopping ?
Avery : No .
Nick : Okay . Making love to you was right . You re so right . There s some stuff going on in my life right now . And I got to figure it out . That s why I did nt call you . That s why I did nt come back to your place . But believe me when I say this has nothing to do with us .
Avery : [ Sighs ] Okay . What s wrong ?
Sharon : So if you re getting tired of standing behind the bar at your father s club , you do have other choices . And have you thought about going back into music ?
Noah : It was great for a while , but ...
Sharon : Okay , well , you know what ? If that s not giving you what you want , something else will . You just have to be patient . It ll come .
Noah : I think I might have something .
Sharon : Really ? That s great . Tell me .
Noah : Not yet . Not yet .
Sharon : Okay . But you re okay , right ? Are you seeing people ? Are you seeing someone ?
Noah : [ Laughs ]
Sharon : [ Chuckles ]
Noah : Subtle .
Sharon : I m just asking .
Noah : I ve been on a few dates . Nothing big yet .
Sharon : Well , it ll happen .
Noah : Well , until it s the right one , someone who puts in as much as I do , I m not interested . You know , there s a big difference between somebody that really cares about you and someone that just takes advantage because you re around .
Victor : Son , I thought it was time that you and I discuss the tension between us . I thought that we were working well together for a while .
Adam : Well , it was delusional to think that this could last , acting like father and son , like equals .
Victor : You know fathers and sons are nt equals . They re fathers and sons .
Adam : That s a good point . But , uh , within the construct of business , we were equals . And we ve been very effective .
Victor : I think we can get back there .
Adam : How are we gon na get back there when all you do is second - guess my decisions ? Look , I got the money . I have the funds to take Newman private , make it a family company again . But because it s not --
Victor : Son , you re right . You re right . You re right . You re right . I should trust your instincts . Therefore I ve decided that I will allow you to bring in that outside source of funding to buy our company back , okay ?
Adam : You re serious ?
Victor : I want us to get along , Son . That s an act of faith on my part .
Adam : Thank you , Dad . I can move on this right away .
Victor : But in return , I expect you to show me an act of faith .
Chelsea : Where s -- oh ! Your warehouse .
Dylan : I hope you do nt think it s too forward to bring you to my place on our first real date .
Chelsea : Well , considering our last fake date was in my hotel room , I d say you re safe . This is amazing . You actually bought it ?
Dylan : Yeah , I was nt making sketches of some random place .
Chelsea : Well , give me a tour , then .
Dylan : Okay . Um ... kitchen is right -- yeah .
Chelsea : [ Chuckles ]
Dylan : Kitchen s gon na be over here . All this open shelving and a lot of stainless steel .
Chelsea : Yeah , you could put like some vintage industrial stools by the counter .
Dylan : Exactly . I like that . I like that . And the bathroom s gon na be over here .
Chelsea : I m assuming you re gon na add a door . A door would be good for the bathroom .
Dylan : Good thinking . I m gon na put a door .
Chelsea : [ Chuckles ] And what about this ? What s this gon na be ?
Dylan : It s my bedroom .
Michael : Good news . You will not be shoveling road kill for your work release . You ll be putting your computer skills to use for the greater good . Detective Chavez has suggested that you work at the GCPD doing whatever computer work they deem necessary .
Kevin : Huh ? I work for the cops ?
Michael : You have a problem with that ?
Kevin : No . No . It s great . It s fantastic . I m grateful not to do time because I was wrong , and I know it , and I m sorry .
Chloe : Sorry you got caught ? Sorry you stole ? Sorry that you let the cops cuff me and print me and lock me in a cell ? Sorry that you risked my daughter s entire future ? Sorry that you lied and you lied and you lied again to my face ? ! Well , I m not so sure that I m sorry is gon na cut it .
Kevin : Chloe . Chloe , will you please let me try and make this up to you and explain ?
Fenmore : Hey , d - dont worry . I have nt been busted again . Just came to see you . You know , this seemed like the one place I could make you stand still long enough to talk to me .
Michael : Son ... this is not your problem .
Fenmore : My mom , my dad , my problem .
Michael : I know you think the problems between your mother and I all lead back to you . But none of this is your fault .
Fenmore : How does this happen ? How do people get along and spend all of their time together and then suddenly she s seeing someone else ?
Michael : What ?
Fenmore : Summer blew me off for prom . There s another guy . [ Scoffs ] You should see the way she looks at him . She talks about him like she s in love .
Avery : That s why you ve been unreachable , because of Summer ? Nick , you are a great dad , the best . And Summer is a good girl . She is . Nothing happened with her and Kyle .
Nick : And it ca nt . Not ever .
Avery : Okay , I hear you . But did nt you get my message ? I told you I talked her down , and from what I can tell , Kyle is nt interested .
Nick : For now . Summer s 18 , and she s a model now . Kyle is Jack s son .
Avery : And he s not interested . So you can stop with all the what - ifs .
Nick : Well , I do nt know if I can . Cause my past is starting to come back , and I ca nt help but worry about my kid .
Dylan : I thought you might be craving red meat , so I got you roast beef and arugula right there . And I thought you might be a vegetarian , so I got a grilled - veggie Panini with cheese and without cheese , in case you were a vegan .
Chelsea : Did the people at the deli look at you like you re completely crazy ?
Dylan : Uh , not until I bought a bottle of sriracha and jalapeño hot sauce .
Chelsea : [ Chuckles ] Wow . You re gon na do this to the baby , too , are nt you ? Buy -- buy six toys just in case the first one does nt do the trick .
Dylan : I m cautious .
Chelsea : Not with your wallet , you re not .
Dylan : Four .
Chelsea : What ?
Dylan : Well , I would nt buy him or her six toys , not right off the bat . I ll go with four .
Chelsea : Four . And what would those four be ?
Dylan : Those four would be a ball , a bear ... a puzzle , and a book . And then , you know , down the line , maybe a doll and a truck .
Chelsea : Which makes six .
Dylan : Yeah , but not all at once .
Chelsea : [ Laughs ] So a truck and a doll . It s very -- very gender - neutral of you .
Dylan : [ Sighs ] No guns .
Chelsea : You mentioned the army the first night I cried all over you .
Dylan : That was ... that was the night my father died .
Chelsea : You were deployed . You never talk about it .
Dylan : There s not much to say .
Chelsea : You can talk to me if you want .
Dylan : Are you sure you re up for that ?
Chelsea : I m sure .
Dylan : The same goes for you . If you ever need to talk ... here I am .
Noah : Mine was terrible . I did nt like it at all . I m gon na have to get another one to go .
Sharon : I m such a mom . You know , it makes me happy to see you eat . [ Chuckles ] And it makes me proud that you believe in love .
Noah : Well , it s kind of like believing in air and water . You do nt believe in air and water ?
Sharon : I have been very much in love in my life . Those ups and downs , the joy , the disappointment . But I would like to do love right , really connect with someone and let it grow into something special and real . The timing , thou , it s just not right .
Noah : It s so good to see you like this again , Mom . It s nice to know that there s not gon na be any surprises , that you re making all the right decisions for the right reasons .
Nikki : Noah . I m sorry . I do nt mean to interrupt , but I want to give you a squeeze . Mwah !
Noah : It s good to see you , Grandma . You look great .
Nikki : Thanks .
Noah : How s Grandpa ?
Nikki : Well , you ll have to come over and see for yourself . We d love to have you for dinner .
Noah : I m there . Okay , with that , I got to go . Are you coming ?
Sharon : No , no . I m gon na settle up here . But you go . Have fun . Bye .
Noah : Thanks , Mom .
Sharon : Sure .
Nikki : Bye , Sweetheart . Sorry .
Sharon : Noah s right . You do look well . I was sorry to hear about your diagnosis .
Nikki : Well , now , Sharon , I m not so far gone that I need your pity . And really , when you think about the things that matter , my life is quite wonderful . I have a loving husband , good doctors . I m physically and mentally strong . So you save that pity for somebody who does nt have the important things in life , okay ?
Adam : Quid pro quo , huh ? You want me to do something for you ?
Victor : I m asking you to demonstrate some respect for me , the family , and the company .
Adam : Let me take a shot in the dark here . So you want me to step down from the company , and then you ll start running it , all in exchange for me getting the funds to acquire Newman and take it private . Boggles the mind , Dad .
Victor : Just hold on , Son . I m not asking you to step down . If you want me to approve of your source of funding , you have to do me a favor in return . You d cut Sharon out of your life .
Sharon : Nikki , you re sober , and I m on my medication . So , really , what fun would an argument be ? But just to be clear , if you re implying that my life is empty , you re wrong . I m very content with my life . And just because I do nt go around rubbing it in people s faces does nt mean it is nt true .
Nikki : Actually , I was talking about my life . But just like when you married Victor and tried to take my place at the ranch , you seem to be confusing the two of us again . That is my life . And your life is -- well , let s see . No job , living alone , and mercifully , for the first time in your life , you re single .
Sharon : It s true . I was the lady of the manor for a moment . And then I realized the life you have with Victor -- I would nt wish that on anyone , not even you .
Nikki : Well , then we re both happy with the lives we ve chosen . And luckily they re the lives we both deserve .
Adam : Okay , well , I could fire Sharon , but she does nt work at Newman . I could divorce her , but we re not married . So eliminating Sharon from my life -- it s not an issue . No problem . So I guess that means we can go forward with the financing , then , right ?
Victor : Son , you do nt quite understand me . Sharon is in your life . Okay ? It s a reflection of your mentality ... reflection on your ability to make the right decisions ... regarding yourself and regarding the company . You put her in charge when you were in the hospital .
Adam : Dad , there were safeguards in place . She had no real power . You knew that . The press had a field day with it , but you and the board members knew about it .
Victor : But , Son , she did not know about it .
Adam : Dad , she -- she s not out to get you , okay . You re not on her radar .
Victor : Look ... you want to be a respected , integral part of the Newman family ? Sharon has done nothing but irreparable damage to us . You know that . So you re either with us or against us . Sharon is the latter . If you want me to approve of the outside funding you have to buy back this company , then you make sure that Sharon has no longer any access to our family -- none . Get rid of her . That clear ?
Michael : I m sorry you re hurting , but I do nt think you and Summer were the perfect match . She instigated all that business with Jamie .
Fenmore : But I - I was the guy who kept it going . What about my blame ? You re gon na come down on Summer and not --
Michael : You re both responsible for what happened . And I think there s someone more appropriate for you to date .
Fenmore : How about you ? Is there someone more appropriate for you than , Mom ? Is that what we do , just out with the old , in with the new ?
Michael : I m not the one --
Fenmore : Who moved out ? Yeah . Yeah , that was you . But do nt worry about it . No . It s not like any of this affects me , anyway . No problem .
Michael : Son , there are things that your mother and I have to deal with that you ca nt be involved in . And I do nt know how to make this easier for you .
Fenmore : You ca nt make it easier . No one can . My life is this pit , this hole , and no one can do a damn thing about it .
Summer : Okay , everything is gon na fall right into place , and tonight s gon na be a good night .
Courtney : So text him .
Summer : Text who ?
Courtney : Fen . If you want tonight to work , you have to go to prom , and he wants to go with you , so say yes .
Summer : No . Okay , Fen already freaked out on me for leading him on before . There s no way I m doing that again .
Courtney : Fine . Then kiss your plans goodbye . If you do nt want your dad --
Summer : You know what ? Hi , Noah . Hi . Uh , Courtney , say hi to my brother , Noah .
Courtney : Hi .
Noah : Do nt even think about it .
Summer : About what ?
Noah : Whatever it is that you re planning . You would nt be dumb enough to do that fake - I.D. thing again , would you ? Just tell me what you re up to so I can talk you out of it .
Kevin : Chloe , listen to me . Look . I panicked , okay ? The idea of being in a jail cell was ... I was nt thinking , and I want to fix this .
Chloe : You want to steal me another piece of jewelry ?
Kevin : I am so , so sorry . Look , this money thing has been hanging over our heads for -- forever . And you were with me in the beginning . You were into it , and we were paying our bills , and we were doing other stuff , and ... I guess I just wanted to do it again on my own .
Chloe : As what ? Foreplay ? So you can work up the interest to want to have sex with me again ? Wow . That s not insulting at all . It s not hurtful or -- or hateful or really mean . And ditto for you letting me get arrested for a crime that you committed .
Kevin : [ Sighs ] I was a coward . And I hate myself for that . Look at me and tell me what I have to do to make this right .
Chloe : I do nt know . You know , we could just forget about it and move on , just go about our lives , la - di - da . But what you did -- it will always be there . I will never forget it . And it will just sneak up and beat us up when we least expect it .
Nick : You know how much I missed this ?
Avery : I promise you I have missed it more .
Nick : I still ca nt believe what an idiot I was , letting all that garbage get in between us .
Avery : What s that , my history with Dylan or your divorce from Phyllis ?
Nick : All of it . I mean , you ca nt love if you do nt take the risk . Some weird drunk guy taught me that the night of the storm .
Avery : Oh , wow . Well , if a snowbound weird drunk guy says it , it must be true .
Nick : I love you . And I want to be with you .
Avery : Those are the best words I ve heard .
Nick : Do you mean that ? Not just the words . Knowing that no matter what I ve done , it wo nt change the way you feel about me .
Avery : I do mean that , with all my heart . Look , I do nt know everything you ve done , but I know your soul . If there s something you want to tell me ... last night , y - you said you wanted to talk about something . Is -- is that what s going on now ? Is there something you want to say ? Because you can tell me anything .
Kevin : You re it , Chloe . You and Delia and this marriage -- this is my life . I m not giving up .
Chloe : Give up what ? The need to steal to want to have sex with me and then let me get arrested for it ? That is how much you love me .
Kevin : I love you so much that you can not even understand . I ca nt explain to you how much I love you . The thought of not being with you makes me feel like I m gon na implode . [ Sighs ] So if you need some time to cool down , take it . I will back off . But I am going to fix this , whatever it takes . I need you too much to give up on us .
Summer : You are a grumpy old man , Noah . You act like you re the oldest person alive .
Courtney : Well , you do nt seem that old to me .
Noah : I m not too old that I do nt remember what prom night was like , okay ? Lots of buildup , lots of drama , everybody blowing things out of proportion . Think it s the biggest night of their lives , and they do something they should nt .
Summer : Okay . Geez , old man Noah . Do you want us to get off your lawn , too ?
Noah : I m just saying , do nt do something you think you can handle but you really ca nt .
Summer : Okay , you re killing me .
Noah : Fine . I m old . But I know what I m talking about . I do nt want you guys getting hurt .
Michael : If I could change things for you , if I could magically get you through this , I would do it . But if life is really as awful as you say it is , maybe you should talk to someone about it .
Fenmore : Now I ca nt complain about life without going to a shrink ?
Michael : Listen to me . Where you are now , you re gon na wander off the path , and you re gon na wander back on . You re gon na go to college . You re gon na get jobs . You re gon na lose jobs . You re gon na switch friends . You re gon na love someone who loves you back . But this moment , this awfulness , it ll end . And there is going to be something and someone new and amazing in your life .
Fenmore : I do nt want someone else . I want Summer . [ Scoffs ] Then again , why should I even bother ? We would probably just end up like you and Mom .
Chelsea : It s like an all - you - can - eat dessert buffet .
Dylan : I did nt know if you are a chocolate person or --
Chelsea : I like it all , thank you very much . I ll take this one . I ll take this one .
Dylan : Wha-- I almost lost a finger on that one .
Chelsea : Well , no one has ever called me Dainty , that s for sure . No , really . This is ... this is amazing . You thought of everything .
Dylan : Honestly , I was nt sure . I was a little worried now that I know who your ex is .
Chelsea : Do nt hold it against me .
Dylan : Adam s got money . You know , so if you re craving lobster and caviar --
Chelsea : No , thanks . I mean , all those things are great , but ... fancy dishes with silver domes on top -- it s pretty , but ... it does nt keep you company . This baby might have things -- it might have a lot of things if you have your way , but ... most importantly , this baby will have someone that loves him or her unconditionally ... with all her heart .
Dylan : And his heart , too . Paper bags instead of silver domes ... are you sure it s an okay tradeoff ?
Chelsea : Yes . Yes . This is dining in style .
Victor : Son ... Sharon is not the right woman for you . She s not someone who will help you in the future and be the mother of your children .
Adam : That supposed to make me feel any better , rubbing salt in the wounds because of what s going on with Chelsea ? I mean , Dad , you re aware , okay , of what I m dealing with . The fact that Chelsea s carrying another man s baby .
Victor : Talking about Chelsea , she tried to trap Billy Abbott with a child . Now she s trapped some other poor slop with a child . Thank God it s not you .
Adam : Do nt talk about Chelsea like -- Dad , can we just ... let s just address one romantic misstep of mine at a time .
Victor : Son , let me put it very succinctly . If you want me to trust your judgment ... you ve got to help me inspire my faith in you . You remove Sharon from your life . And you get back to me once you ve made that decision , okay ?
Sharon : So , about that suggestion you made earlier , I think I m going to want to slip into something more comfortable .
Adam : Now is nt a good time after all , Sharon .
Sharon : Why not ?
Adam : I changed my mind .
Sharon : But at the restaurant , you said --
Adam : Yeah , I know . But ... but it s not gon na happen .
Sharon : Not right now ?
Adam : Not ever .
Sharon : Wait , are you ... is this over ?
Adam : Had to end sometime .
Sharon : This is it , right now , right after you just whispered in my ear at the restaurant that you --
Adam : I know what I said , Sharon . I know . But is this the kind of relationship that you really want , really ?
Sharon : What , are you trying to protect me ? Because I can protect myself .
Adam : What do you want me to say , Sharon ? You want me to say I m not interested anymore ? Okay . I m not interested anymore .
Sharon : This is just like the wedding in prison ... when you proposed to me just so you could reject me at the last minute . I was your last friend , Adam . I stood by you . You stood by me . Why ? Why , if this was the plan ?
Adam : It was ... there was no plan , Sharon . It just has to end . It s just over .
Sharon : To think about all the times that I defended you ... to my son , to his father , to your father . And I was wrong . You really are the bastard that everyone says you are . [ Voice breaking ] And I m the fool they say I am .
Nick : You know what ? There is something that I want to tell you . But I got to deal with an issue first . Do you mind ?
Avery : No , you take all the time you need . I m not going anywhere .
Nick : Nowhere ?
Avery : Nowhere .
Summer : Noah just had to walk in exactly when I m talking about my dad not finding out .
Courtney : Your brother is stupid hot .
Summer : Okay , ew .
Courtney : What ? You pick your older guy . I ll pick mine .
Noah : Real subtle , the way you guys stop talking when I walk by .
Summer : Oh , paranoid much ?
Noah : Have fun tonight . You know , smart fun . Not stupid fun .
Summer : Oh , like physics homework ? Like that kind of fun ? Oh , we will get right on it .
Noah : Yeah .
Summer : Yeah . [ Sighs ] Who are you calling ?
Courtney : I m calling to see if Izzy has a prom date for you .
Summer : [ Sighs ]
Fenmore : Your date bailed on you ?
Summer : Yeah , his grandma broke her hip .
Courtney : Wait . What about you ? Who are you taking ?
Fenmore : No one yet .
Summer : Okay , maybe ...
Fenmore : Maybe what ?
Summer : Oh , so you re gon na make me say it .
Fenmore : Well , you turned me down , so this one s on you .
Summer : Okay . Fen , would you like to go to prom with me ? As friends .
Fenmore : Why not ? It might be a decent night , after all .
Summer : It s gon na be better than decent . I can feel it .
Victor : Well ... business is done . Thank you for waiting for me , my darling .
Nikki : I ve known you long enough that I should be worried about that look , but God help me , I find it endearing .
Victor : What look are you talking about , Sweetheart ?
Nikki : Your Master of the universe look . Oh , my . It seems that Sharon s sunny mood has clouded . I wonder what happened .
Victor : I do nt know .
Nikki : Hmm .
Victor : Sharon s not the right woman for you . Talking about Chelsea , she tried to trap Billy Abbott with a child . Now she s trapped some other poor slop with a child . Thank God it s not you .
Chelsea : I like that . Oh , well , I am stuffed . I think those cookies did me in .
Dylan : Well , three more cookies . Maybe we can do it again sometime .
Chelsea : Bye .
Dylan : Bye .
Chelsea : [ Sighs ]
Chloe : Crummy day . Do nt ask . I do nt want to talk about it . I m not ready yet . What s with the goo - goo eyes ?
Chelsea : This is nt goo - goo eyes .
Chloe : Then what is it ?
Chelsea : It s a decision . Dylan thinks he s the baby s father , and he will be . Forever . He and the baby will love each other , and no one will ever know the truth .
Phyllis : It s not like we re breaking up . I m just moving out .
Kevin : What s Carmine done now ?
Michael : He s sleeping with my wife .
Lauren : What are you doing ? Are you following me ?
### Summary:
| Sharon walks in and joins Adam at his table . When Victor and Nikki enter , the four exchange looks . Adam gets up , whispers something in Sharon s ear , and leaves . Nick goes through a tin box of papers when Avery comes to visit . Nick informs her that everything is not all right . Avery thinks it is because she and Nick made love , and she begins to try explaining her actions . Nick calms her down long enough to say that it is nt her , it s Summer . Summer and Courtney are at the coffeehouse talking over their plans for the night . Summer hopes that Nick wo nt find out . Chelsea and Dylan run into each other at the coffeehouse . Dylan refuses to tell her where he is taking her . Chelsea is impressed that Dylan is going to convert an old warehouse into a house . Nick explains to Avery his problem with Summer and Kyle . Victor visits Adam at home and says that he will allow the person to help them to regain control of Newman and make it privately owned again and will also trust his decisions , but Adam must do something for him in return . Victor tells Adam to get Sharon out of his life for good . Michael manages to get Chloe released from jail thanks to Christine , but they have to do community service . Fen arrives at the police department to talk to Michael . Michael lets Fen know that this is not his problem but his and Lauren s . Chloe blames Kevin for her staying in jail all night and rushes out of the police station . Chelsea and Dylan have lunch together and small talk . Each one vows to be there for the other . Sharon lets Noah know that he can return to his music . She also fills him in on the man , whom she would like to fall in love with and grow old with . Nikki interrupts them . Nikki and Noah hug and she invites him to supper . Sharon expresses her condolences to Nikki for her MS . Nikki lets Sharon know that she has everything a woman could want and Sharon can save her sympathy for someone who truly needs it . Victor tells Adam to show him some respect , the family and the business and to get rid of Sharon from his life . Summer introduces Courtney to Noah . At the coffeehouse , Kevin tries to explain everything to Chloe , who does nt know whether she can forgive him or not . Kevin promises to make it better between them . Fen lets Michael know that Summer is not going to the prom with him but she wants Kyle to take instead . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Katie : Okay , how does this sound ? Forrester Creations would like to wish Stephanie Forrester success at her new position at Jackie M. We will miss her .
Brooke : Hmm .
Donna : Do you think we could use the word thrilled regarding her departure ?
Brooke : Wait . Wait . How about this ? We here at Forrester are glad to be rid of the noose ... ( Gagging ) around our necks . Aah !
Donna : ( Laughs ) Cheers to that . Raise your glass , Katie .
Brooke : Cheers . Cheers .
Donna : ( Laughs )
Brooke : ( Laughs )
Katie : All right , that s kind of funny . But you re not helping ! We have got to come up with something . It -- we re gon na be here all night long . A - and what are we gon na say about Bridget being Madame X ?
Donna : I do nt know .
Brooke : I was just as surprised as the rest of the family , finding out that she wanted to leave medicine to become a designer .
Donna : I mean , why would she work at Jackie M. and not right here with her family ?
Brooke : I think she wanted to make a name for herself . I have to respect that decision .
Katie : Well , people are wondering why she and Stephanie are working for the competition .
Donna : I mean , she did nt say anything to you about this ?
Brooke : No . I was completely shocked .
Katie : Yeah , Bridget s just full of surprises these days .
Nick : What are you doing ?
Bridget : Um , I m -- I m getting ready for-- for a date .
Nick : A date in a bikini ?
Bridget : Yeah . Lucky guy , huh ?
Nick : Well , maybe you ought to think about wearing this one .
Bridget : I do nt think so .
Nick : I remember you saying that you were , uh , interested in someone , or someone was interested in you or whatever .
Bridget : ( Sighs ) This is my first real date since our divorce .
Nick : You gon na tell me who it is ?
Bridget : It s Owen .
Nick : Owen ? You got to be kidding me .
Bridget : Why ? He s sweet and thoughtful and handsome . He s got a hell of a body .
Nick : I had nt noticed .
Bridget : I like him . And you know what ? He likes me , too .
Owen : Thank you for giving me a ride , uh , home .
Jackie : Well , I ca nt believe your car would nt start . I mean , it is a complete piece of--
Owen : Junk ?
Jackie : ( Chuckles )
Owen : Hmm ?
Jackie : How are you gon na get to work in the morning ?
Owen : I ll figure out a way .
Jackie : Mm , yeah ?
Owen : Mm - hmm .
Jackie : Okay , let s not start something we ca nt finish , okay ?
Owen : Mm - hmm .
Jackie : ( Sighs ) Oh , my .
Jackie : Just listen to that ocean . When Bridget gets here for your date , I want you to take her straight out onto the patio . It is so romantic .
Owen : I ca nt believe that you re not freakin out about this .
Jackie : You ve never dated an older woman before , have you ?
Owen : No , I have nt . But if I would have met one like you , then maybe I would have .
Nick : You are a doctor , an M.D. , now a designer . This guy is sort of the surfer type , would nt you say ?
Bridget : I d say it s none of your business .
Nick : You re my employee . I am your boss .
Bridget : You re also my future uncle - in - law . You re engaged to my Aunt Katie , remember ?
Donna : Well , you know what they say . Any publicity is good publicity .
Katie : Oh , I think Bridget loved parading around as Madame X.
Donna : Yeah , it certainly did get her a lot of attention .
Katie : Yeah , it certainly did .
Donna : You know me . I - I have to ask .
Katie : What ?
Donna : How do you really feel about Bridget working with Nick ?
Bridget : So , when are you and Auntie Katie getting married ? Have you set a date ?
Nick : Not yet .
Bridget : Why ?
Nick : Because I ve been digging this company out of the toilet , trying to get it out of debt , and so far , I ve succeeded .
Bridget : Thanks in part to my designs .
Nick : Yes , yes , yes . Your work is brilliant .
Bridget : Hmm .
Nick : Maybe you ought to think about starting your own bikini line and coming up with some sort of wrap that covers more of you .
Bridget : Oh . ( Scoffs ) Thank you , but I wo nt be needing this tonight . ( Sighs ) Since the company is doing so well , you do nt have to wait much longer .
Nick : Wait much longer for what ?
Bridget : To tie the knot with Aunt Katie .
Nick : Is nt there somewhere you have to be ?
Bridget : Thanks for the reminder . Oh , and regardless of what you think of Owen , he s made as favorable an impression on your mother as he has on me .
Jackie : Owen .
Owen : Is nt this what you want ?
Jackie : It s never gon na be this way again .
Owen : What way ?
Jackie : I ll never be the prize again .
Owen : You re crazy .
Jackie : Quite possibly .
Owen : Wow . Why did you do all this ?
Jackie : ( Chuckles ) Romance 101 .
Owen : Not bad . I - I do nt remember taking that course .
Jackie : Well , you hang out with me , and you ll be an expert in no time .
Jackie : Good luck on your date with Bridget tonight .
Owen : You re gon na kiss me like that , and then you re gon na wish me luck on my date with another woman ?
Jackie : ( Chuckles )
Owen : Hmm ?
Jackie : It s the sporting way .
Owen : Ahh .
Jackie : I m gon na want a full report in the morning .
Owen : Yeah . I do nt think so .
Jackie : I m telling you . Bridget is still in love with my son . You re not gon na get anywhere with her tonight .
Owen : Oh , well , we will have to see about that , I guess , right ?
Jackie : Mm .
Owen : Because she is the one who asked me to dinner .
Jackie : Like I said , good luck .
Owen : Mm .
Jackie : You re gon na need it . Bye - bye .
Katie : I admit , I was a bit surprised to find out that Bridget was the mystery designer Madame X.
Donna : At Nick s company , no less .
Katie : Yeah , strange choice , huh ? So unlike Bridget .
Donna : So how do you feel ?
Katie : Are you asking if I m insecure or jealous ?
Donna : Are you ?
Brooke : Donna , I ve spoken with Bridget . She s only focused on making a new life for herself .
Katie : There . See ? A new life . Surely that would nt include Nick .
Owen : Wow . ( Chuckles ) You look , uh , great .
Bridget : Thanks . ( Chuckles ) So do you . I , um , I promised a salad .
Owen : Yeah , and I , uh , promised you , uh--
Bridget : Dinner . You promised me dinner .
Owen : Right . Uh , steaks . That -- steaks . Yes , they are on the grill . I do nt want them to burn .
Bridget : Right . Right . Wow . Last time I was here , I remember thinking that you had company .
Owen : Well , tonight , I m all yours .
Nick : ( Scoffs )
Nick : ( Clears throat )
Jackie : Why do we have a rack of swimsuits in the office when we re into fall already ?
Nick : Because , uh , Bridget wanted them . She just went out on a date in a bikini .
Jackie : Really ?
Nick : Mm - hmm . Look at this . You re never gon na guess with who . Owen Knight .
Jackie : Huh . Do I detect a modicum of jealousy in your voice ? I ca nt keep an eye on everything .
Nick : Please , Mother , not another lecture about Bridget .
Jackie : ( Scoffs ) Excuse me . Have you not noticed what a fabulous job I ve done of keeping my nose out of your personal affairs lately ?
Nick : Yes , I have . And why is that ?
Jackie : Because I ve been focused on other things .
Nick : Good .
Jackie : ( Sighs ) But the thought of Bridget out with someone else .
Nick : ( Sighs ) Please .
Jackie : Does nt that bother you ?
Nick : No , it does nt bother me .
Jackie : Are you sure that your feelings for Bridget are not keeping you from walking down the aisle with Katie ?
Nick : ( Scoffs ) Mother , I ve moved on . Bridget s moved on .
Jackie : Well , she may be on a date with Owen . She may even think that she s interested in him , but I am certain that Bridget still has feelings for you .
Nick : No , Mother , you re wrong .
Jackie : Well , I do nt think so . Bridget is confused , and if I m right , and I think I am , do you really want Owen running off with the woman that was meant for you ?
Nick : ( Sighs )
Owen : All right , I ve got two steaks medium rare .
Bridget : Oh , they look perfect . There s nothing better than a steak hot off the grill .
Owen : Mm . I am the grill master . And if you like the steaks , then you ve got to , uh ... chick - a - chick - a - chicka .
Bridget : Kiss the cook ?
Owen : Kiss the cook . That s right . ( Chuckles )
Bridget : How about a toast ?
Owen : A toast .
Bridget : To the future .
Owen : Cheers .
Bridget : This is the first date I ve been on since my divorce .
Owen : Yeah , well , how can we make sure to make it very special ?
Bridget : You already have .
Owen : Get some of that salad . So , uh , Donna told me about what happened with you and Katie .
Bridget : ( Scoffs )
Owen : Ooh .
Bridget : You know , I do nt want to talk about that . I do nt even want to hear her name . I just want to focus on you and me .
Donna : I m sorry , Katie . Maybe that question was way out of line .
Katie : No , no . It s fine , although I do find it interesting that Brooke has to leave every time we talk about Nick . I mean , it kind of makes me wonder how she feels . Maybe she would rather Bridget were with Nick .
Donna : No . Brooke only wants her daughter to be happy . And Bridget does deserve that , but not with Nick . Oh , my God , Katie , look-- look at the rock on your finger . Look at this . Nick is committed to you . ( Sighs )
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Nick : Brooke , what are you doing here ?
Brooke : Well , good to see you , too .
Nick : If you ve come to check up on Madame X , she s gone .
Brooke : Actually , I came to check up on you , because I have nt seen you or heard from you since Bridget started working here .
Nick : Oh , right . That -- that was all my mother s idea .
Brooke : Mm - hmm . So I ve heard .
Nick : Maybe , uh , you should talk to her about this , huh ?
Brooke : I m really worried . Bridget quit medicine to come work here at a design house , Jackie M. , alongside her ex - husband . Now I would be a negligent mother if I was nt worried . Besides , you are engaged to my sister . When is the wedding date ? What s holding you back ? Or should I say , who ?
Bridget : ( Chuckles ) Okay , okay .
Owen : All right , so what do you say ? You want to go , uh , want to go for a swim ?
Bridget : Do you remember what happened last time we went swimming in the ocean ? You got that nasty cut on your arm .
Owen : Mm .
Bridget : What was it ? Was it this arm ? Remember ? I had to pour tequila all over it to kill the infection ? Oh , come on . You do nt remember that ?
Owen : No , I do nt .
Bridget : Well , do you remember ... this ?
Donna : Katie , Nick loves you . You have nothing-- nothing to worry about .
Katie : I know . I know .
Donna : This should be the happiest time of your life , Katie . My God , you have a wedding to plan .
Katie : ( Laughs ) I -- there s a lot to do .
Donna : And I - I love weddings . You know that . So I will do anything in my power to help you get ready for that big day .
Katie : Big day . Wonder when that s gon na be .
Nick : Brooke , we share Jack , and that s it . Stay out of my personal life .
Brooke : I ca nt , not when it involves my sister and my daughter . We have a complicated history , Nick .
Nick : Well , that s putting it mildly .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) I ve always admired your honesty .
Nick : Your point ?
Brooke : Katie is very happy . It s like a dream come true for her . But I know my sister . She s wondering why she s wearing a wedding ring from you since Christmas and still no wedding plans .
Nick : ( Sighs ) You see this company around here ? I ve been trying to get it out of debt , and I ve been doing a pretty good job .
Brooke : Yes , I know , thanks to Bridget and her wonderful designs .
Nick : Well , absolutely . That s a huge part of it .
Brooke : So why is Bridget working here at Jackie M. instead of at Forrester ? Is it because she did nt want to ride on her family s coattails ? Or is it that working next to you matters more to her than she cares to admit ?
Nick : Bridget s your daughter . Maybe you should talk to her about this .
Brooke : No , please do nt play games with me .
Nick : ( Sighs )
Brooke : You ve hurt her so much in the past . If you re leading her on , Nick , you have to just forget about it and move on .
Nick : Brooke , what are we talking about ? I m getting married to Katie .
Brooke : But is this marriage ever going to happen ? I have to wonder , and Katie is wondering , too .
Nick : ( Sighs )
Brooke : Now I know you love Katie , but I also know you still have feelings for my daughter . After all , she is wonderful . She s beautiful . She s talented . She s an amazing woman , and a woman that you ve cherished for so long . You never wanted your marriage to Bridget to end . She broke it off . It was her decision . If she were to come back to you and offer to take you back , would you do it ? I think you would .
### Summary:
| Brooke , Katie and Donna have lunch at Brooke s desk , and Katie discusses what she is going to write for the media concerning Stephanie going to Jackie M s and also about Madame X. Nick catches Bridget trying on bikini s at the office and she even gloats that she has a date wearing one . It s with Owen . She likes him and better yet he likes her too . She points out it s the first real date she has had since their divorce . She enjoys putting him on with turning down his offer of suits that cover a little more than her bikini . She even rubs it in that he will soon be her uncle - in - law ; how s that wedding to Katie going ? Jackie brings Owen home and gives him kisses and tips on how to court Bridget . She is sure that Bridget is still in love with her son , and Owen will need more than luck to get anywhere with Bridget tonight . Back at the office , she tells Nick that she notices a modicum of jealousy in his voice when he tells her that Bridget has a date with her Owen . She ca nt believe that he will be satisfied seeing Owen running off with a woman meant for Nick . Donna tells Katie that she has nothing to worry about . Nick is going to marry her and make her happy . Bridget and Owen enjoy their steaks and salad and share some kisses initiated by Bridget . Nick ca nt concentrate . He daydreams back to happier times with Bridget . Brooke catches him in this mood . She admits that she is worried . He s engaged to her sister , but there is no wedding date . She d like to know what or whom is holding him back . Nick quips that they share a son , but that s it . Stay out of his personal life . He justifies the delay on just spending so much time at work and trying to get it off to a flying start . She declares that he better not be leading Bridget on . He s hurt her too much in the past , yet it was her decision to break it off . Brooke thinks if she offered to come back to him , Nick would take her back . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Fox : Ethan , listen , thanks for talking with me poolside , man . I know you and I have never really gotten along , but you were really a brother to me tonight , and I appreciate it . It means a lot , so thanks .
Ethan : It s all right . Hey , for a true Crane , you re not too bad yourself , Fox .
Fox : Thanks .
Ethan : But listen , if you ever need to talk about Chad or Whitney , I m here .
Fox : Good . Well , the same goes for you , too . If you ever want to talk about that triangle that you re in with your wife and Theresa , you just let me know , I m all ears .
Ethan : Fox , I m not in a triangle , all right ? I love Gwen . Only Gwen .
Fox : Right . Of course . No triangle . It s -- you love Gwen , nice and clean , no messy cleanup .
Ethan : Yeah . Look , speaking of which , I m going to go spend time with my wife .
Fox : Well , you --
Ethan : See you .
Fox : You have fun .
Ethan : You bet .
Fox : Denial , thy name is Ethan .
Ethan : Treat for my ladylove ? Hmm ?
Gwen : Mmm . You are a sweetheart . To what do I owe this pampering ?
Ethan : Well , King Ethan -- that s me -- is going to treat his Queen in a way that is befitting for the mother of his future prince or princess .
Gwen : Oh , thank you , your majesty . And I must say , you are majestic . Oh , sweetie , do nt you think this is a little bit silly -- treating me like I m pregnant , when really , Theresa s the one who s having our child ?
Ethan : No , not at all , because she may be pregnant , but she is our surrogate , and the baby we are having is yours and mine . It s your D.N.A. , and it s my D.N.A.
Gwen : That s right . We are having a son or daughter , not Theresa .
Ethan : That s right .
Theresa : Well , I had to say good night one more time . I m so glad you re sleeping well . I m probably going to sleep well , too , now that Ethan and Gwen have let me back into your life . You know , it wo nt be long before you have a little brother or a little sister to play with . Ethan and Gwen think that this baby I m carrying is theirs , but it is nt . It s mine and Ethan s . I would nt let Gwen take you away from me , and I m not going to let her take my baby , either . Who knows . Maybe Ethan will end up being your daddy yet .
Chad : Baby , I am so glad you decided to stay with me . You know , it s going to be good practice for when we re married .
Whitney : That s right , we re engaged .
Chad : Mm - hmm .
Whitney : So much keeps happening tonight , I forgot .
Chad : Oh . Well , I think I know just how to remind you .
Whitney : Um -- you know , being with you wo nt change the fact that at some point I have to go home and get my things . Not that it s really home anymore , anyway , I mean , if it ever really was , because my mom has been lying to Simone and me ever since we were born , and my father before that .
Chad : Whitney , Whitney , stop , all right ? You re just going to make yourself upset again . Relax .
Whitney : How am I supposed to relax ?
Chad : Let me make love to you . Let s start our engagement off right , focus on our future together , and not on your parents marriage falling apart .
Liz : Oh , T.C. , I ca nt wait . Oh , I want you so much .
T.C. : I want you , too , Liz .
Eve : Oh , god . I m too late . Liz has won . She s taken everything from me . Even my place in my husband s bed .
Alistair : Time to tune in to see Katherine , Martin , Luis , and Sheridan taken out . Katherine will pay for cheating on me with Martin , Luis for daring to expose my secrets , and Sheridan for sleeping with the enemy . Having Paloma kidnapped is the perfect bait for the trap I ve set .
Martin : Hear that ?
Luis : It s locked . Paloma , unlock the door .
Martin : The hell with that .
Luis : Paloma !
Martin : Break it down .
Luis : My god , she s gone .
Martin : Yeah , the window s open .
Luis : Paloma ? Paloma , come back !
Katherine : Oh , Paloma s gone .
Luis : She must have woke up , heard us outside in the hall guarding her , took it the wrong way , and taken off .
Sheridan : No , she did nt , Luis .
Luis : It s from the Cranes ?
Sheridan : It s my father s calling card . He had Paloma kidnapped .
Alistair : Let the fun and games begin .
Singer : I would hold the hand of the one who could lead me places ; and kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet ; and I , would fly on the wings of the bird , I knew , could take me highest . Breathe in , breathe out . You keep me alive . You are the fire burning inside of me . You are my passion for life .
Alistair : That s right , Sheridan , my man took Paloma . Not only does her abduction prove that there s no escaping me , it sets the trap for the four of you being captured and killed .
Luis : Damn Alistair . His henchman must have been hiding in here before Aunt Maria locked the windows .
Martin : Yeah , he locked the door from the inside , not Paloma .
Luis : Exactly .
Katherine : What are we going to do ?
Luis : Well , I m going to find my little sister , and then I m going to send the henchman back to Harmony in a body bag .
Martin : I m right with you .
Katherine : Yes , you have to help save Paloma .
Sheridan : Wait , my father is the one that had Paloma kidnapped . All right , I m going with you .
Luis : Sheridan , please , stay here , ok ? Your father probably knows that you re going to feel responsible , he s counting on you to come , and he s going to use you as a target , he s going to try and kill you , too .
Sheridan : Yeah , but the odds of us finding Paloma are better if we all go look for her !
Luis : Sheridan , please ? I ca nt worry about both you and Paloma . Just stay here with Senora Wheeler .
Katherine : Luis has a point .
Sheridan : Fine , I ll stay .
Martin : Good .
Luis : Thank you .
Katherine : Bye .
Chad : Hey . What s wrong ? Do nt want to be with me ?
Fox : Are you in love with me ?
Whitney : Fox , I -- of course I want to be with you . Of course . I , um -- I love you . I , um -- I m just so tense over what s happening with my parents , that s all .
Chad : Yeah , your mom would ve saved a lot of grief if she just admitted her feelings from the get - go .
Whitney : What do you mean by that ?
Chad : Well , I think she never stopped loving Mr. Crane , but she married your pops anyway . You know , that s just a recipe for disaster .
Whitney : Hmm .
Chad : Baby , do nt worry , all right ? It s different for us . We only love each other .
Whitney : Right .
Julian : I know you asked me not to come , but I was worried about you . Things did nt go well with T.C. ?
Eve : No . No , it s too late . Liz won . She did everything that she said she would do . She tore my life apart , broke up my family , and now she s finally succeeded in stealing my husband .
Julian : T.C. And Liz are --
Eve : Yeah . Liz is upstairs right now , making love to my husband in my bed !
T.C. : Liz , we ca nt do this . We have to stop . This is not right .
Liz : Oh , T.C. , I can give you a son -- the son you always wanted .
T.C. : Liz , you re missing the point . I am still a married man . I mean , no matter what Eve did or what lies she told to cover it up --
Liz : Eve does nt care about you , T.C. Why should you care about her ?
T.C. : Liz , this is just happening too fast .
Liz : Forget about Eve . Forget about the lies she told you and the pain she caused you . Just think about me and how good I m going to make you feel , and how proud you ll be to finally have your son , the son I m going to give you . Make love to me , T.C. Make love to me . Take me and make me yours .
Gwen : So , sweetheart , about the baby --
Ethan : Honey , if this is about Theresa , I m going to scream .
Gwen : No , but it s just as serious .
Ethan : What is it ?
Gwen : Well , we still need to pick out a name .
Ethan : Yes . Yes , we do . Yes , we do . All right . Ok .
Gwen : So I ve been going through this list and I ve been trying to narrow it down , and I m thinking that we can probably take Astrid , Lapis , and Zelda off the list if it s a girl .
Ethan : Yeah , and Pinckney , Hobart , and --
Gwen : Titus !
Ethan : Yeah , Titus . We can get rid of those , too .
Gwen : Oh .
Ethan : What does Gwen mean , anyway ?
Gwen : Gwen is welsh for fair .
Ethan : Fair ?
Gwen : Yes .
Ethan : Well , Rebecca got that one right on the money , did nt she ?
Gwen : And , actually , I looked up Ethan . You know what it means ?
Ethan : No . What ?
Gwen : It s Hebrew for firm .
Ethan : Firm ? Well , son of a gun . What a coincidence .
Gwen : Mmm . [ Ethan kisses Gwen . ]
Pilar : Oh , god . Something s not right . I can feel it ! [ Pilar can sense Paloma s fear even from Mexico , and she dreams about Paloma calling to her .. ]
Paloma : Mama ! Mama , ayudame . Help me , please !
Pilar : Paloma ! Paloma , mija , donde estas ? Dios mio . Paloma . Something s happened to my daughter .
Sheridan : I m so glad that we prayed for Paloma .
Katherine : Yes . Hopefully , we ll hear soon from Luis and my husband that they ve found Paloma safe and sound .
Sheridan : Oh , I ll get it .
Katherine : Ok .
Sheridan : Casa Encantada .
Pilar : Sheridan ? Is that you ?
Sheridan : Pilar ?
Pilar : Has something happened to Paloma ?
Sheridan : Paloma ? Why would anything be wrong ?
Pilar : I -- I just had a terrible dream . She was in trouble , and she was calling me to help her , but I could nt see her in the fog .
Sheridan : Fog , you say ?
Pilar : Never mind . Has something happened to my little girl ?
Sheridan : Like I said , last time I saw her , she was sound asleep in her bed .
Pilar : Could I speak to her , please ? I need to hear her voice .
Sheridan : Oh , would you really want me to wake her up ? I mean , if she thought that you thought something was wrong , she might not be able to go back to sleep .
Pilar : All right , fine . I guess you re right . It d be selfish of me to disturb her . If you say she s ok , then it must have been a dream , a bad dream .
Sheridan : Right . Like I said , the last time I saw Paloma , she was sound asleep in her bed -- which is exactly what you should be doing . You should be getting your rest right now because , you know , stress like this will only hurt your recovery .
Pilar : All right . Ok , I ll try to relax now that I know Paloma s ok .
Sheridan : Right . Well , good night , Pilar . Sweet dreams .
Pilar : Gracias , Sheridan . Buenas noches . [ Sheridan hangs up the phone . ]
Sheridan : God , I hated lying to pilar like that .
Katherine : It was the best thing . I would ve done the same thing .
Sheridan : I just hope that Luis and your husband find Paloma soon .
Luis : Paloma ? Paloma ! You there ?
Martin : Whoa , you hear that ? It sounded like Paloma .
Luis : It s coming from over there !
Martin : Yeah .
Theresa : Hello ?
Pilar : Theresa ? Le pasa algo con mija ?
Theresa : Oh , no , no , no . No , mama , no , nothing s wrong with the baby . Why ?
Pilar : I just -- I just had this horrible nightmare that my daughter was lost to me . I thought it was Paloma , so I called Mexico , but Sheridan told me that Paloma s ok , so I -- I thought maybe you might be in some danger .
Theresa : Mama , please , please , just please calm down , ok ? Everything is ok .
Pilar : For now , Theresa . But this happiness wo nt last forever . You ca nt trick Ethan and Gwen into giving you little Ethan back and then expect to keep this baby that they think is theirs .
Theresa : Ok , mama , listen , if I can get legal custody of little Ethan before Gwen finds out that this baby I m carrying is nt hers and Ethan s , she s not going to want this baby , mama , and she may not want Ethan , either .
Pilar : What ?
Theresa : Well , mama , I mean , it s just one of the ways that this could work out , that s all .
Pilar : Just when I think that you ca nt make a situation worse , Theresa , you prove me wrong .
Theresa : Ok , ok , mama , please just calm down because it s late , and you need your rest so that you can get your strength back . Please just calm down .
Pilar : I m going to pray for you , Theresa . I m going to pray for you long and hard .
Theresa : Good night , mama . I love you . [ Theresa hangs up the phone . ]
Theresa : Everything is working out .
Theresa : Ow . Ooh . Ooh , the baby .
Chad : Feeling better ?
Whitney : Yeah . You know , I just have to concentrate on us , our future together , and not the past .
Whitney : Simone ?
Simone : This is what I get for thinking that tonight could nt get any worse .
Whitney : What are you doing here ?
Simone : I came to talk t to you about what went down between mom and dad . I was hoping that there was something that we could do to help fix things , but obviously you re too busy doing Chad to give a damn about anything else .
Whitney : Ok , Simone , wait , wait , no , no . I m glad you came . I want to talk to you , too .
Simone : Forget it , Whitney . I was a fool to think that my slut sister could help fix the mess that my slut mother has made of things with daddy !
Liz : Oh , T.C. , That was wonderful . I am so glad you let me make you feel better .
T.C. : You did nt .
Liz : Well , I know I have nt been with a man for a while , but I thought I did ok .
T.C. : Liz , you were wonderful , ok ? It s just I only had sex with you to get back at Eve for lying to me all these years . I m still a married man .
Liz : You can get a divorce in the morning .
T.C. : That s not the point , ok ? We built a life together . We have children together .
Liz : Yes , but she had a child with Julian Crane , too .
T.C. : I hate that she had a child with Julian Crane , all right , but I was with Eve , too . I was with Eve for over 20 years , and I m not going to turn my back on that now .
Liz : Why not , T.C. ? She did . You can bet that she s up at the Crane mansion in bed with Julian right now . Why give Eve a second thought after everything that she has done to you and the girls ? Where you going ?
T.C. : I m going to find my wife . I want to see for myself , and if she is in bed with Julian Crane , you re right , Liz , it will be over between us .
Liz : Oh , it s over , T.C. Eve is out and I am in .
Eve : I know I saw it with my own eyes , and I still do nt believe it . My marriage is over . T.C. s moved on with Liz .
Julian : I m so sorry . I know how much you loved T.C. I know how you cherish a marriage and your family .
Eve : I ca nt believe I was such a fool to just hold out such high hopes after what happened tonight . I have lied to my husband , and to my daughters , and to everyone my entire adult life . I do nt know how I could think that the truth could come out in any way but badly .
Julian : A bit of sherry . It ll steady your nerves .
Eve : No , thank you .
Julian : Please , just a sip . Just for me , yes ?
Julian : Go ahead , have some more . It ll do you good .
Julian : Ok .
Eve : Thank you .
Julian : You ve been through hell tonight . You re exhausted . Here . We re going to get you to bed . We will worry about tomorrow tomorrow . Here .
Eve : You were right about the sherry , Julian . I feel calmer .
Julian : Well , you ll drift off in no time . Here . Come on . Good night , Eve .
Eve : Julian ? Do nt go . I do nt want to be alone tonight .
Julian : Nor will you be .
Eve : Thank you .
Julian : I swore I would nt abandon you again , and I wo nt . I ll stay with you as long as you want me .
Luis : Which way did that goon go with Paloma ?
Martin : Not sure . Fog s too thick . Oh , my god , he s headed further into the jungle !
Luis : He s not getting away ! This way , this way .
Martin : No , Luis , wait !
Luis : He s getting away with Paloma !
Martin : I understand that , but you have to understand you ca nt rush into the jungle at night .
Luis : What ?
Martin : It s too damn dangerous ! No , we need to go back to the Inn , we need to get flashlights --
Luis : We do nt have time for any of that !
Martin : Just hear me out , ok ? I ve lived here for many years , and I m telling you that you ca nt go into the jungle without the right supplies .
Luis : Yeah , well , there s got to be a trail here or something . All right , you re right , you ca nt see a damn thing . We ll just keep looking for her , all right ?
Martin : All right .
Luis : Paloma !
Martin : Paloma !
Whitney : Simone , please , please , honey , stay and let s talk this out .
Simone : I was crazy to think that we had anything to talk about ! My whole life has fallen apart . You and mom are both whores , and you do nt give a damn about daddy or me !
Chad : Do nt talk to your sister like that , all right ? Whitney s not a whore . She does nt sleep around with other guys . She does nt even think about it .
Simone : You have to defend her . You re in love with the slut , and dumb enough to want to marry her .
Chad : Yeah , I want to marry her . We re in love with each other .
Simone : Whitney loves winning , ok ? That s why she stole you away from me ! That is why she tricked you into believing it !
Chad : You know that s not how it is , all right , but if you want to play the victim , blame me for hurting you , not Whitney . You re sisters , Simone . You and Whitney need each other at a time like this .
Simone : She needs your sweet loving more .
Chad : You and Whitney should be a team and help your parents out , not sitting here fighting like cats and dogs .
Whitney : Chad s right , you know . Simone , I love you . I ve told you a million times I want to work things out between us , and now more than ever since mom and dad are going through their problems . And I know you feel the same way , too , or you would nt have wanted to come here and talk to me .
Fox : Right . I guess I should ve called first , huh ?
Chad : Fox . What brings you by ?
Fox : Um , you know , it was a rough night , so I figured you guys could use some comfort food . But I guess it s a bad time , so I m just going to go ahead , and I m going to leave this , and let you three enjoy it by yourselves . Ok ?
Chad : Fox , wait a second . I think we all can use a break . Why do nt you stay and eat with us .
Eve : It s been such a long time since we were together .
Julian : The years have nt changed our passion for each other .
Eve : No . Not at all .
Julian : I love you , Eve . I ve always loved you . I will always love you .
Eve : I know . I love you , too .
Julian : But you still love T.C. ? I understand . It s part of what makes you , you . Just know that I ll always be here for you .
Eve : T.C. !
T.C. : Liz was right . She said that you would run straight back to Julian s bed , but I did nt believe her .
Eve : Liz told you I was here ?
T.C. : Yeah . She called your service . You left the number to the mansion .
Eve : T.C. , Liz set you up ! I told you she was evil !
T.C. : No , Liz was right . I was wishing that she was wrong , I was hoping that you were nt who I thought you were , but you are , Eve ! You re nothing but a slut !
Julian : Do nt call her that .
T.C. : Why not , Julian ? It s true .
Eve : You are one to talk , Mr. Russell ! I just caught you in our bed with Liz not more than an hour ago !
T.C. : Oh . Oh . You did ?
Eve : Yes ! Yes , because I came in to talk to you , so I could fix things ! Oh , but you were otherwise occupied .
T.C. : So sleeping with Julian gets back at me ?
Eve : No ! It was -- it was --
Julian : Do nt blame her for our being together , blame me .
T.C. : You re damn right , I do blame you .
Ethan : So what baby names come to mind now ?
Gwen : Let s see . After being with you --
Ethan : Mm - hmm ?
Gwen : Hercules , maybe Secretariat .
Ethan : Come on , I m serious .
Gwen : Ok . Well , I was thinking since the name Ethan is already taken --
Ethan : Mm - hmm .
Gwen : What about Sam if it s a boy ?
Ethan : Sam .
Gwen : Yeah .
Ethan : Maybe . Just do nt be offended if I do nt suggest Rebecca if it s a girl , ok ?
Gwen : Oh , my mother . Just wait until she finds out about Julian and Eve .
Theresa : Oh ! Ow !
Ethan : That sounded like Theresa .
Theresa : Ugh ! Ooh ! Ow . Ow !
Ethan : Theresa , what is it ? What s wrong ?
Theresa : Ethan -- I have pains , Ethan .
Gwen : Oh , no , the baby . Oh , god .
Theresa : Can you take my son to your room , please , so that he does nt see me like this ?
Ethan : Yeah , yeah , ok .
Theresa : Ok , that d be great .
Gwen : God , are you ok ?
Theresa : Yeah , I think so , I think so .
Gwen : Oh , god , is it bad ?
Theresa : Yeah , it s -- it s pretty bad .
Gwen : Oh , god . Oh , god . Ok , just breathe , breathe .
Theresa : Ok , thank you .
Gwen : You re really , really burning up .
Theresa : I know . The baby has to be ok , you know ?
Gwen : Oh , god . Ok , ok , I m going to go get Dr. Russell .
Theresa : Ok .
Gwen : Oh , god .
Rebecca : Theresa ? What s she doing here ?
Theresa : Oh , please .
Sheridan : Hey . Where s Paloma ?
Luis : We could nt find her .
Martin : Alistair s man took her into the jungle with him .
Katherine : Oh , no !
Sheridan : Why did nt you go after her ?
Martin : Sheridan , it s a death sentence to go into the jungle without the right equipment .
Luis : So we came back to get what we need so we can go in and rescue her .
Katherine : We , you make sure you take the first - aid kit because the jungle s full of poisonous snakes .
Sheridan : Oh , Luis , please be careful . You , too , Senor Wheeler .
Martin : We will be .
Luis : Where are the supplies ?
Martin : They re over here . Come on , I ll show you .
Rebecca : What is going on here ? Why are you sleeping in little Ethan s room ?
Theresa : Gwen --
Gwen : Ok , mother , all right , this is no time to explain . Theresa s not feeling well , ok ?
Rebecca : Yeah , neither am I , now that I find out that vermin has reinfested the mansion while I was away .
Gwen : Please --
Theresa : Oh !
Ethan : How s Theresa doing ?
Gwen : Oh , god , she s really not looking well .
Rebecca : Nothing new there .
Theresa : Cramps !
Rebecca : Oh , too many refried beans , dear ?
Gwen : Mother , this is serious , ok ?
Rebecca : This is ridiculous ! What is she doing here ?
Gwen : She is staying at the mansion until she delivers the baby .
Rebecca : What ? Why ?
Gwen : Because she is carrying our child , and we want to make sure she has everything she needs to deliver a happy , healthy baby .
Rebecca : Oh , this is insane . Just put her up in a motel !
Ethan : No , we re not doing that , ok ? She s agreed to give us our baby if we give her little Ethan back . That s what we re doing .
Rebecca : What ? No ! No , absolutely not ! No , little Evita here has pulled the poncho over your eyes . She is up to no good , I guarantee it .
Gwen : Ok , we re not debating this right now , so if you want to go yell and scream at someone , go find Julian .
Rebecca : Why ? No , did he sell my donkey ?
Gwen : As if . Whatever .
Ethan : Ok , Rebecca , just go catch up with your husband , ok ? A lot has happened since you ve been away .
Rebecca : Julian . Oh , Julian ?
Eve : Back off , both of you . We ve all been through a lot tonight . I do nt think I could stand any more fighting .
T.C. : You know what , Eve , I will back off because you re not worth fighting for , anyway . You re nothing but a slut and a whore . You lied to me our whole marriage !
Eve : Oh , T.C. , I wanted to tell you the truth so many times . But every time I tried to , you d say something that made me afraid to -- to trust you .
T.C. : So it s my fault that our marriage is a sham ?
Eve : No , I did nt say that .
T.C. : You know what , save it , Eve . I ve heard enough . I ve damn sure seen enough .
Rebecca : Why , T.C. , What are you -- doing here ? Oh , my god . Oh , my god , the secret s out . You know all about Eve .
Theresa : Ow !
Gwen : Ok , Theresa needs medical attention right away , all right ? Get her in the car . I m going to tell Dr. Russell what happened , get her to follow us to the hospital .
Ethan : All right , all right .
Theresa : My son , Ethan , my son .
Gwen : Do nt worry , I ll get the nanny to watch him while we re gone , ok ?
Theresa : Ok . All right .
Gwen : Oh , god . Oh , god , please let my baby be all right . Oh , god .
Rebecca : What , has the world gone mad ? I mean , I just go out of town for a little botox , a little collagen , a little lipo . I come back , and Theresa is ensconced in little Ethan s room , and then Eve is in flagrante delicto with you . I want these two sluts out of the house now .
Julian : What you want is irrelevant . You do nt call the shots around here anymore .
Rebecca : Oh , well , obviously the blood has not flowed back to your brain from points south where it was when you had your little romp with Eve . What I say matters around here , and I want your whore out of my house pronto .
Julian : Or what ?
Rebecca : Or I am going to tell T.C. -- Everything .
Julian : T.C. already knows . In fact , the whole damn town probably knows by now .
Rebecca : That -- that you and Eve were lovers ?
Julian : Yes , and that we have a son together .
Rebecca : A son ?
Julian : Welcome home , dear . Now , I want you out of my sight . I m going back in there to be with the woman that I love , and it s not you .
T.C. : I ca nt believe this . It feels like I m walking in quicksand . I lose my wife . My family s torn apart . I sleep with your sister . Since this morning , my whole world has been turned upside down .
Eve : Well , I know how you feel , T.C. My life will never be the same , either .
T.C. : Yeah , right . You re back with your son s father .
Eve : T.C. --
T.C. : Eve , how could you have a child with my worst enemy and keep it a secret all these years ? You really do nt know where your son is ?
Chad : Fox , you re the best in your class for bringing this comfort food over after the night that Whitney had . Simone , too .
Fox : Yeah , well , it s been rough on all of us , rough night .
Chad : Hey , man , I know Whitney s down on you now , but I appreciate you doing this . You re like a brother to me .
Whitney : It s a small world , is nt it , since we just found out that Fox , Simone , and I share a brother somewhere .
Luis : I m all set . Let s go .
Martin : Listen to me , even with all this equipment , we ca nt track Paloma in the jungle at night .
Luis : This is my sister we re talking about .
Martin : All the more reason to do it right , and I say that we rest up and then we head out in the morning when we have a real chance of finding her .
Luis : What ?
Sheridan : Senor Wheeler does have a point , Luis .
Luis : All right , fine . We ll go first thing at sunup , then . First thing .
Martin : First thing . I will help Luis find Paloma , or I will die trying . I failed them both so many times before , but this time -- this time I m going to beat Alistair at his own damn game .
Alistair : I gather all went as planned ?
Nick : Yes , sir , Mr. Crane . I have Paloma right here , right where we want her .
Alistair : Good , good , good . With Paloma as bait , it wo nt be hard to lure Luis , Sheridan , Katherine , and Martin into our trap . With no chance of escape , they ll pay the ultimate price for having crossed me !
Nick : Good morning , sleepyhead . I bet you re wondering what I m going to do next , huh ?
Alistair : No one ever crosses me and gets away with it .
Sheridan : He lured Luis into the jungle to have him killed !
Eve : If we could just talk --
### Summary:
| Alistair s henchman carried the drugged Paloma out through her bedroom window and into the jungle , as Luis and Martin stood guard at her door . They heard a noise , broke the door down , and found her gone , with Alistair s calling card on her pillow . The two men ran after the fleeing man , into the jungle , in an effort to retrieve Paloma . Little do they know they are playing right into Alistair s plan . TC made love to Liz , but let her know when they were through that it was still Eve he wants , not her . She tells him Eve is back in Julian s bed , and he runs right over , finding that it was true . Rebecca , back from her vacation , also discovered them together , and finally realized her blackmailing days are over . Meanwhile , Ethan and Gwen were having a romantic evening , until they heard Theresa groaning in Little Ethan s room . They ran to check on her and found her in pain , and although Rebecca told them to put her in a motel room , they took her to the hospital to be checked out . Simione arrived to talk with Whitney as she and Chad were making love , and got upset about that . Fox came in , bringing food , and after some verbal sparring between Whitney and Simone , they decided to eat . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Oliver : I ve said it every way I know how . Let me show you . I want to make love to you ... tonight .
Liam : ( Panting ) Wait for me , Hope I m almost there .
Aggie : Should I lock the door ?
Nick : No , I m sure everybody s knocked off for the night .
Aggie : Even the custodial staff ?
Nick : You re kidding , right ? Nobody comes up to this executive floor this late after what happened with my mother and Owen .
Aggie : ( Laughs ) Oh , my God I almost forgot .
Nick : Yeah , when Mondo came up to polish the floors , and caught em playin footsie ? ( Sighs )
Aggie : It s only natural for you to think about your mother .
Nick : Well , things just have nt been the same around here since I forced her into taking a leave absence .
Aggie : You were trying to protect Jackie M. from scandal when it got out publically about Bridget s baby and Owen being the father , it would have been--
Nick : Yeah , but we ve still got a big mess here , Aggie .
Aggie : It has nt gone public , Nick . Amber stealing those designs-- only the Forresters know .
Nick : Well , at least they re staying mum about it for now . But still , we have a warehouse full of dresses that are never gon na see the light of day .
Aggie : I miss the days when Stephanie was here . Between her and you and Jackie , this place was a force to be reckoned with .
Nick : ( Scoffs ) I do nt think those two powerhouses could help us out of this . We got problems . The buyers , the press , they are breathing down our neck expecting a collection , and we got nothing to show for it .
Jackie : Do nt say a word . I realize my husband is persona non grata around here since you exiled him from my company , but I am not accepting it any longer , Nicky . Do you understand me ? Not one second longer .
Nick : Well , hello to you , too , mother .
Jackie : I have been watching Jackie M. , anxiously awaiting its new line to premiere , and so far , nothing .
Owen : What , is nt Amber s collection any good ?
Whip : Oh , it s -- it s good . It s -- matter of fact , it s probably the best we ve ever had . It s just that it s not , um , hmm ...
Jackie : Not what ?
Nick : Not ours , Mother . The designs are hot .
Jackie : Hot ? Oh . ( Chuckles ) Well , hot , as -- a in racy ?
Nick : No , hot as in stolen ... from Forrester s Hope for the Future collection .
Oliver : I feel your heart beating so fast . We re meant to be together . I believe that . You still have feelings for me .
Hope : I do still have feelings . Oh , but just because I got stood up , that doesnt--
Oliver : It was your big night . Liam promised you he d be there . He let you down .
Liam : Hope ! Hope ! Hope ! Hope , I m so sorry . I m sorry I m late I got held up . I did nt mean to disappoint you . You-- you have no right moving in and taking advantage , so you back off !
Oliver : This is my house . Hope and I were in the middle of something . You need to leave .
Liam : Fine . Okay . Hope , can we go ?
Jackie : Y - y - you re -- you re telling me that-- that Amber thought you wanted her to steal an entire collection from Forrester ?
Nick : I kept pushing Amber for hot designs . And in Amber s mind , that meant ...
Owen : Pilfering from the completion with the boss approval .
Aggie : Obviously , it was a huge misunderstanding .
Nick : It still does nt excuse what Amber did .
Owen : You fired her .
Nick : I fired her .
Whip : ( Clears throat )
Nick : Unfortunately , that does nt fix the problem .
Whip : The Hotline is D.O.A. only we ca nt let anybody known for obvious reasons .
Aggie : Plus , the Forresters could still go after us
Whip : Yes , in the press and in the courts .
Nick : Well , I m hoping Brooke wo nt let that happen . ( Mutters ) There s got ta be a solution here . I ve just got ta figure it out .
Aggie : You will .
Owen : What are you thinking about ?
Jackie : I m thinking my son is nt going to like what I am about to do .
Liam : Okay . Okay . This crazy limo driver decides to take a short cut , and then gets lost , and then we run out of gas , and so I decided to hightail it on foot down to Bikini where Madison tells me that Mr. Opportunist here decided to take you to his beach house . You know what I do ? I hightail it up to the beach house , and now I m here . ( sighs )
Hope : O - okay . Um , Liam , why did nt you just call me from the limo ?
Lm : ( Sighs ) Because I lost-- I do nt know how . I do nt know how , but I lost my cell phone and the stupid limo driver did nt have one either , so I know it sounds crazy , but it s what happened .
Oliver : Fine . That s what happened . Whoopee . Who cares ? Hope and I were in the middle of something , so you got ta go .
Liam : I am not going anywhere without you , and I know you re upset with me . I get that , and we have a lot of talking to do , but not in front of him . Not in front of him .
Oliver : She s not going anywhere with you , buddy .
Liam : Five minutes-- five minutes out on the patio , that s all I m asking for .
Hope : Oliver , this is your place . If you d rather we go somewhere else , we can .
Oliver : Five minutes . ( Sighs ) this
Oliver : You were the limo driver ?
Amber : ( Foreign accent ) Natasha tried to buy you time alone with girlfriend . ( Normal voice ) Unfortunately , Liam took off .
Oliver : Yeah , well , now he s on my porch trying to smooth things over with Hope with his puppy dog eyes .
Amber : Hello ? Do nt just stand there . Go fight for the girl you love .
Nick : What exactly am I not going to like , Mother ?
Jackie : This company is in crisis , or is about to be we have got to act quickly to prevent that from happening .
Nick : We have to act ?
Jackie : Yes , Nicky , we . It s my name on the building , a name that threatens to be sullied . You think I m going to just stand by and watch that happen ?
Whip : Well , um , what are you proposing ?
Jackie : Whenever Jackie M. has been challenged , our ragtag band of misfits has rallied . One for all , all for one-- that s been our battle cry . It s bloody well time we got back to that .
Nick : You want back in .
Jackie : I do realize that you thought that you were protecting the company when you exiled Owen and Bridget and me . But ... ( sighs )
Nick : We had a few issues .
Whip : Well , look , Jackie , it was a P.R. powder keg , okay ? By having the three of you step away , it gives us a little
Jackie : Oh , please , Whip , I do understand my son s reasonings . It s just that I think that we underestimated our very loyal customers . I mean , yes , the -- the controversy was shocking .
Owen : Yeah , but come on . What is nt these days ? Look at Forrester Creations . You got Ridge s son and his wife standing on stage kissing for all the world to see .
Jackie : ( Sighs )
Nick : That s a publicity stunt . And it does nt compare to what happened between you and Bridget .
Jackie : My point is that our customers and our buyers did not abandon us in droves as we had feared , maybe because you did shift the focus from the controversy Amber s new line , but ... ( scoffs ) we re in an even bigger pickle now , one that totally threatens to destroy everything that we have worked so hard for . We ca nt allow that to happen , Nicky .
Nick : We ... meaning him ?
Jackie : You have respect marriage . And I know that is so hard for you for many , many reasons , but I adore this man , and he adores me , and , yes , we do share a child with another woman , but Bridget has been so wonderful . And the three of us are making this work for Logan , because we want to surround him with love , and we want him to feel safe and secure , because no matter how nontraditional his family may appear to other people . Is nt that all truly matters , Nicky ? I mean , really ?
Owen : Before you say anything , look , there s something that I need to get off my chest , something I need you to hear and -- and believe once and for all .
Hope : I - I just-- I do nt understand why the limo company would hire a driver like that .
Liam : Hope , I was running down the damn canyon . I mean , ther d- ere were coyotes howling and spider webs , and I m running into cactus and who knows what else , but I did nt care . I had to get to you , and when I finally get there , you re gone . You left with your old boyfriend and I get up here ...
Hope : ( Sighs )
Liam : And his arms are around you , and he s -- d he s putting moves on you .
Hope : Liam , I waited , and I waited for you
Liam : Yeah , I know , Hope . I was late . It happens . But you know that he wanted to get back with you . What s going on with you ? I mean , you -- you-- we used to be tight .
Hope : I know , and I thought we were . But you -- you did nt show up , and you did nt even call . I heard nothing from you , and all I could think was that you were at work doing more important things , becoming William Spencer III .
Liam : No , that does not matter to me . You matter to me .
Hope : And I keep trying to tell myself that .
Liam : God , this-- this guy s getting in your head , Hope , and he s taking advantage of you , and you re letting him.
Owen : Look , I realize that-- that my son was nt born under the most ideal circumstances , but they were nt the worst circumstances either . Now his mother and I and -- and Jackie , we ve had some stuff to work through , and , look , I m guessing that we re always gon na have to , considering we re not your typical family . But , Nick , little Logan is your typical kid . He laughs and he --he smiles when I make goofy faces at and he coos when Bridget sings him a lullaby . And you got ta see the look on his face when your mother tells some of your high seas adventure stories . I m just saying , I - I think that if you give him a chance , and you get to know him a little bit that you ll adore him . I m not -- not trying to pressure you or anything , but there is nt a kid out there that can have too many people in his life that adore him . And just know this , Nick . There is nothing in my life that is ever going to push your mother into second place . People are gon na try to bring us down . They have tried , but we re not gon na let them . Come on , and your mother , she s never gon na run off with Rick , and I am never gon na run off with Bridget . All right , that s insane . This gorgeous woman and I , we re forever .
Nick : Whip ?
Whip : Hmm ?
Nick : I d like you to prepare a press release to be sent out tomorrow .
Whip : Does that mean what I think it means ?
Nick : They re back in .
Whip : Oh ! Oh !
Jackie : ( Laughs )
Whip : Yes ! All right . ( Claps hands ) Got ta get busy , busy , busy .
Jackie : Sweetheart , we re in this together . Oh . ( Laughs ) Okay first things first . First things first . I - I want you two to shake hands .
Nick : Mother , please , I think we--
Owen : Oh , Jackie--
Jackie : Okay , it is your choice-- it is a handshake or a hug . Boys , you decide .
Nick : ( Sighs )
Jackie : ( Laughs )
Nick : Hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey .
Whip : ( Laughs )
Jackie : ( Laughs )
Whip : There you go . Very good .
Jackie : Oh , this is so wonderful . This is wonderful . The Jackie M. family is back , dysfunctional as we may be .
Whip : Indeed .
Jackie : You know , I actually think that s our strength . Mwah .
Nick : Well , dysfunctional might be our side , but we still need a lead designer , Mother .
Jackie : I ll talk to Bridget , because together , we are gon na find our way out of this with absolutely no thanks to the trouble - making Ms. Amber Moore . Okay .
Whip : All right . ( Clears throat )
Jackie : ( Laughs )
Jackie : ( Sighs )
Owen : Admit it . Come on , you missed being here a lot more than you let on .
Jackie : It s been a difficult time for everybody . ( Chuckles )
Owen : It still is ... for the company .
Jackie : Well , you know me darling . I love a challenge . ( Chuckles )
Owen : And I ... I love you . And I m grateful that you supported me through ... through everything . And there is nt a woman or a wife that ever--
Jackie : It s true . It is true . We he had our share of obstacles , but hearing you tell Nicky that we re forever was ...
Owen : I think he s startin to believe it .
Jackie : ( Chuckles )
Owen : But even if he does nt , I m still gon na be totally , totally in love with his mother . And I m gon na be eternally grateful she loves me back .
Jackie : Oh , I do .
Oliver : Five minutes . They re still out there . What s going on ?
Hope : This was a really big night for me , Liam , and you knew that .
Liam : I know , and I wanted to be there with you so bad .
Hope : Do you have any idea how embarrassed I was ? This was a party in my honor . All the press was there , and my date did nt show up . I was alone . And I know-- I know you have this crazy excuse .
Liam : It s not an excuse , Hope . It s what happened . Why are you turning away from me ?
Hope : I m sorry . I m sorry . This was supposed to bet a really special night . I had a plan . I had a vision of us at the party and then later you and me ...
Liam : This night is not over .
Hope : But it s different now .
Liam : It doest have to be different now .
Hope : Liam , your life has changed so much , and I ca nt help but wonder , am I still the girl for you ?
Liam : Are you st-- Hope , look at me . Look -- look how banged up and bruised up I am . I mean , that s how hard I tried to get to you . And I get here , and you re with Oliver , and he s -- h I - I think we both some surprises tonight . ,
Hope : Yeah
Liam : I m so sorry . I m so sorry I disappointed you . It could nt be helped .
Hope : And I m sorry that you re so upset , but think about it , Liam I mean , things have nt been that great between us .
Liam : So what does that -- wh -- what do you think-- you think that means I m turning my back on you now ?
Hope : I do nt know . I do nt know . I do nt know what I thought .
Liam : What then ?
Hope : All I know is that you are always at work , and I never see you .
Liam : I ve apologized to you for that .
Hope : You have . You have . But tonight was supposed to be different , yet I still ended up alone .
Liam : I am here now . I am here , and things got messed up , and I m so sorry , and I did everything I could to get to you , and I would do anything to fix things with you , but if Oliver is--
Hope : I was upset . I was hurt , and you know what ? I kissed Oliver , because I was mad at you . That s what happened , but that does nt mean that I do not still care about you , because I do so much . I was just , I was confused , and I m sorry . It s just -- it ca nt happen again . It ca nt .
Liam : It s not .
Hope : I m sorry . I know .
Liam : I m not . I m so sorry .
### Summary:
| Liam runs toward the beach house and tells Hope to wait for him ; he s almost there . Oliver tells Hope that he s said it every way he can . Now he wants to show her . He wants to make love to her . Liam bursts in and apologizes for being late and tells Oliver that he has no right to try and move in on Hope . Oliver points out this is his house ; Liam is the one who needs to leave . Liam wo nt ; he just needs five minutes with Hope to explain . He lost his cell phone so he could nt call . Jackie walks in on Nick telling Aggie that the press is bearing down on him and he has no collection to show . Jackie tells him that she knows her husband is persona non grata since Nicky exiled him from the company but she will not accept it one second longer . He tells her their collection was stolen right from the Forrester Hope for the Future . Jackie states that the Jackie M is in a crisis and they can not sit by and let that happen . They must rally their rag - time gang , one for all and all for one . She wants back in . Owen tells Nick that he is not going to run away with Bridget . He has a happy family and he and Jackie are forever . Reluctantly , Nick accepts and shakes hands with Owen . Liam rails at Hope that she is playing right into Oliver s hands as he puts the moves on her and she is letting him . She wo nt apologize as she said Liam did not call so what was she supposed to think his work was more important than her . She was so embarrassed since all the press was there . It was supposed to be a very special night for them . He says they both had some surprises tonight . He is so sorry that he disappointed her . It could not be helped . He is here now and he would do anything to fix things . She admits she was confused and this can not happen again . Oliver sees them kissing . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : Brooke would nt do that . That s impossible .
Steffy : Dad , I would nt have said anything if I had nt seen it myself . But it happened . The kiss happened .
Ridge : Spencer and logan .
Bill : So , I m thinking a roller coaster on the property for the next time will comes over . I mean , kids his age , they still love roller coasters , right ?
Justin : [ Stammers ] Why are you asking me ? My son s a grown man . I have no clue what kids are into these days .
Bill : Lot of good you are .
Justin : Well , you re a tad bit overboard , do nt you think ?
Bill : What are you talking about ? I just want to make sure my son has a great time the next time he comes over . Is that a crime ?
Justin : No . I guess it s just another testament to how much you love your little boy .
Bill : It s too bad the judge could nt see that . I mean , how could he rule in katie s favor ? I - I still -- I just do nt get it .
Brooke : It s true .
Katie : Oh , my god .
Brooke : Ridge got to him . The judge was biased . There was a prior history that ridge used --
Katie : Oh , my god . No . No , no , no , no , no . This -- this -- this ca nt be happening .
Brooke : Yes , it is . I did nt want to believe it , either . But apparently ridge and judge mcmullen , they re old friends . They go way back . And the judge owed him a favor . So when ridge found out that his old pal was ruling on your case , he called in that favor .
Katie : Okay . You are seriously telling me that ridge coerced the judge into taking away custody from bill ?
Quinn : Ohh !
Wyatt : Yeah .
Quinn : I d like to think you re here to see your dear old mom , but I get the feeling that , um ... [ Snapping ]
Wyatt : Sally ?
Quinn : Sally . Sally s a much bigger draw .
Wyatt : Yeah . What can I say ? Something about that one .
Quinn : Hmm .
Wyatt : But you ll always be my number one , mom .
Quinn : Oh , that s so sweet .
Wyatt : Yeah .
Quinn : You ll always be my favorite son .
Wyatt : I m your only son .
Quinn : Mm - hmm . Yeah .
Wyatt : God help me . Anyway , um , I -- I think , uh , I have some news that will make you happy .
Quinn : Oh ?
Wyatt : Oh , yeah . Yeah . You re gon na be seeing a lot more of me around here from now on . Cause steffy offered me a job , and I said yes . That -- I mean , that s your cue , mom . Like , you jump for joy and scream , [ High - pitched voice ] Oh , honey , I m so happy !
Wyatt : Mo-- mom , you okay ?
Quinn : Yeah . Yeah , I just -- I - I do nt -- I do nt necessarily see this as good news .
Wyatt : What ? ! Are you -- are you kidding me right now ?
Quinn : Exactly what position did steffy offer you ?
Wyatt : Forrester social media manager . Like , I - I m heading the whole -- I thought you would be pleased .
Quinn : Well , obviously I m not pleased .
Wyatt : Why ? ! I - I do nt -- I do nt get it . I - I -- I --
Quinn : You do nt get it ?
Wyatt : No !
Quinn : You do nt get it ? You do nt -- you do nt -- you do nt get it when your mother is pulling your leg ?
Wyatt : Wha-- I m --
Quinn : Are you kidding me ? ! I do nt see this as good news . I see this as great news ! This is the best news that I ve had all week ! I m not gon na , sorry , jump up and down -- now , where -- that ridiculous voice .
Wyatt : That s what you sound like .
Quinn : I do nt sound like that ! I m just gon na hug you . I m gon na squeeze you . I m gon na squeeze !
Wyatt : [ Strained ] Okay , okay .
Quinn : Oh ! I m so excited !
Justin : I still think brooke is your secret weapon in all of his .
Bill : How so ?
Justin : Well , from what you ve told me , and from what I ve seen , she s always held a lot of sway with her little sister . Maybe if brooke keeps working on her -- and , true , she was nt able to change katie s mind before the actual hearing , but she also did nt have much time , either . So who knows ? If she keeps at it ...
Bill : If that s your way of urging me not to give up on brooke , do nt worry about it . I ll never do that .
Katie : This ca nt possibly be true .
Brooke : Ridge admitted it .
Katie : He admitted to tampering with the judge ?
Brooke : Yes .
Katie : Brooke , come on !
Brooke : I know . I know . My husband committed a crime , and he could go to jail if anybody were to find out . That s why you ca nt say anything , katie . Especially to bill .
Ridge : [ Sighs ] Spencer kissing my wife .
Steffy : I was shocked , too . But I -- I talked to brooke afterwards , and ...
Ridge : So she knows that you know ?
Steffy : No . No , I gave her the opportunity to tell me . [ Sighs ] Maybe I should just stay out of this .
Ridge : Honey , you ca nt keep that to yourself . A man kissing another man s wife ? If that man is your father ? The other man is bill spencer ? !
Quinn : [ Squeals ] You know what this means ?
Wyatt : What ?
Quinn : This means that i get to see my handsome son every single day ! We can take breaks together . We can take coffee breaks and lunch breaks . I could take five - minute breaks probably every , like , 15 minutes --
Wyatt : You know what , I think I m gon na rethink this whole job - offer thing from steffy .
Quinn : No !
Wyatt : Yeah , yeah .
Quinn : Do nt you dare . You already accepted . And I m so pleased !
Wyatt : Okay . I get it . You re happy .
Quinn : Yes !
Wyatt : Yes . But can you just -- can you not be so clingy and embarrass me in front of my colleagues , embarrass me in front of my friends ?
Quinn : You re asking me not to embarrass you ?
Wyatt : Yeah .
Quinn : You know I see that as a dare , right ? You do nt remember the first day of second grade ? [ Mockingly ] Mom , do nt embarrass me !
Wyatt : Oh , oh . Okay . Okay . Okay . Stop , please . Thank you . [ Sighs ] Traumatizing . You can do whatever you want . I m just happy that you re happy that I m working here again .
Quinn : I know . And I - I guess there s a plucky redhead who s probably a little more excited than I am .
Wyatt : Heh . Right .
Quinn : But I m not sure that everybody s gon na be so pleased .
Wyatt : What do you -- what do you mean ?
Quinn : Your father ? Have you told him ?
Wyatt : Uh ... no .
Quinn : No ? How do you think he s gon na take it ? I mean , you choosing forrester over spencer so soon after he lost custody of will ?
Bill : All right , yeah . The roller coaster might be a bit much . But tickets on the 50-yard line . Or , better yet , field passes . Use our connection . Make that happen .
Justin : Yeah , but that s just --
Bill : No but . I do nt want to hear any buts . Just do it , justin . I have a limited amount of time to spend with my son , and i want to make the most of it .
Katie : I canT. I - I -- I canT. This is -- this is just too much .
Brooke : Just promise me this goes no further . It was nt a fair hearing , but it ca nt get out for obvious reasons .
Katie : Okay , I get that . But why are you telling me , then ?
Brooke : I need you to do what s right . I want you to take some time and reconsider this custody ruling . And in the meantime , give bill time with his son . Give him access to will . The access that the courts took away . I mean , it was nt fair , katie .
Katie : You really think that bill would still have shared custody if ridge had nt interfered ? You -- you believe in him that much as a father ?
Brooke : I know he loves his son very much . And he wants to be the best father that he can be . And it really killed him when the court took his rights away . And I know that bothers you as much as it bothers me . And you can fix this . Without the court or anybody else .
Katie : And in the meantime , i protect your husband , as well .
Brooke : [ Sighs ] I do nt know why he did this . Yes , he loves will , and he wants the best life for will , and he wants you and thorne to be happy , too . But , really , it was his -- his anger toward bill that drove him to such extremes .
Katie : You re defending bill so passionately . It s obvious you still care about him .
Steffy : [ Sighs ] Dad , I know how upsetting this is , but ... brooke and bill , they were married before .
Ridge : She s married now . She s married to me . How can she do that w - with the man that I hate more than anyone in the world ? Because of what he s done to me and what he s done to you . I thought the worst thing she could do is -- is support him during that custody hearing . But I guess not . She s making out with him .
Steffy : So , what are you gon na do ?
Justin : Yeah . All right . Thank you . Bye - bye . We re all set . The tickets you wanted for you and will .
Bill : Oh . Great . Although I guess I have to call katie and clear it with her first .
Justin : Look , dollar bill , I know how much you hate this custody arrangement . & As a father , I would , too . But a little advice from your one and only friend . You love will . Will loves you . There s no need to try to impress him with roller coasters or football tickets . Just be in his life , man .
Bill : That s what I m trying to do , justin . I m trying to spend every possible minute with my son . But because of that judge and his damn ruling , I have a limited amount of time to show him that he means more to me than anything in the world . I m just trying to do right by my son .
Brooke : This is not about sides for me . I - I understand why you wanted full custody of will . But I also understand why bill feels it was wrong that the courts took his rights away as a father .
Katie : The court did nt take his rights away .
Brooke : You re right . The court didnT. Ridge did . [ Sighs ] When he pressured the judge to rule in your favor . That s why we need to act quickly to make this right .
Katie : You keep saying we , but you really mean me . I m the one who s supposed to keep ridge S ... involvement a secret . I need to go to bill and offer him more time with his son . And -- and reconsider the custody agreement . I mean , brooke , do nt you understand that i agonized over this before filing for sole custody in the first place ? I mean , who knows ? Maybe the judge would have ruled in my favor regardless .
Brooke : I know this decision was nt easy for you --
Katie : No , it wasnT. And ridge was wrong to do what he did . Absolutely wrong . But it does nt change the fact that bill s behavior for months , neglecting his son , I still had to do what was in the best interest of my child .
Brooke : Okay . I m not saying you have to make a decision about shared custody overnight . But this is really killing bill . Maybe the judge would have ruled in your favor anyway . But you know what ? He was compromised . And bill has been living in his own personal hell ever since . He misses will . He needs access to his son . How can you not go to bill knowing what you do now ?
Quinn : Oh ! Steffy !
Steffy : Hi .
Quinn : There you are . I bet you you are looking for the handsomest , newest hire ...
Wyatt : Mom !
Quinn : ... That forrester has to -- oh , what ?
Wyatt : I thought we talked about this .
Quinn : Not that I m being biased or anything like that .
Wyatt : Okay . Uh , are nt you supposed to go be meeting up with eric or something ?
Quinn : Yes , I will meet up with eric in a minute . I just -- I wanted to say thank you to steffy , because you made a brilliant choice .
Wyatt : Yeah . All right .
Quinn : As the C.E.O. --
Wyatt : Ooh , okay . Yep . Up , up , up , up . Yeah .
Quinn : I would have made the same choice if I were still C.E.O.
Wyatt : Okay .
Quinn : But I -- all right .
Wyatt : Say hi to eric .
Quinn : All right . I will .
Wyatt : Okay .
Quinn : Thank you , steffy .
Wyatt : Okay . Yeah .
Quinn : Thank you , steffy !
Steffy : Yep , you re welcome .
Wyatt : Thanks , steffy .
Steffy : You re welcome .
Wyatt : Sorry about that . That s -- she --
Steffy : I know . It s fine .
Wyatt : She gets a little carried away sometimes . Uh [ Clears throat ] Anyway , um ... so , I , uh ... I was thinking about some ideas on how to refocus the social - media brand and everything , you know ? Um ... maybe collaborate with some more influencers . [ Steffy sighs ] Boost our analytics or something . Are you ... okay ?
Steffy : Hm ?
Wyatt : You -- I mean , you seem a little preoccupied . You -- you all right ?
Ridge : I know you were with bill . You always pay your insurance on time .
Wyatt : If it seems like I m prying , I --
Steffy : No , no .
Wyatt : I just -- I mean , I kn-- I know you pretty well , and I know when something s bothering you . I mean , is it kelly ? Is she okay ?
Steffy : Oh , kelly s great .
Wyatt : Okay .
Steffy : It s , um ... it s about brooke . And your father .
Wyatt : Dad ?
Steffy : Yeah .
Wyatt : Aw , geez . Okay . So , what d he do now ? You got to tell me .
Steffy : Okay , no . You know what , forget I even mentioned it .
Wyatt : Steffy , you can tell me these things . I m telling you --
Steffy : No , seriously . I want to get back to work . Let s get back to work , wyatt .
Wyatt : [ Stammers ]
Katie : Hey .
Bill : Katie .
Will : Hi , dad .
Bill : Whoa ! Hey , pal ! [ Laughing ] Wow ! This is a great surprise .
Katie : Uh , is it okay ? You re not too busy ?
Bill : No , of course not . Even if I was too busy , it would nt matter . I m so happy you re here .
Will : Mom said you wanted to see me .
Bill : Well , mom s right . I did want to see you . I always want to see you . Always .
Brooke : Who said I was with bill ?
Ridge : My daughter .
Brooke : Steffy .
Ridge : She saw the two of you in here together .
Brooke : I know what you re thinking , ridge .
Ridge : Do you ?
Brooke : You re thinking you know what happened between bill and me .
Ridge : I - I -- I do know what happened .
Brooke : No , you donT. I did nt tell him what you did .
Ridge : You did nt tell him ... what I did ?
Brooke : How you influenced the judge . How you injected yourself in the case . Making sure that bill lost custody of his son . I know you did that because you care about will . But , more importantly , you did that because you believe bill has hurt the people that you love .
Ridge : Wait . I - I believe that ? Is that what you said ?
Brooke : Yes , that s what I m saying . You went too far . Playing god like that . You did everything you possibly could to make sure that bill lost his son . You went too far this time , ridge .
Ridge : You know , I - I had ... a real tough time , you siding with bill during the custody battle .
Brooke : I m not siding with bill , and I have nt sided with bill . I just thought that it would be more complicated to involve the courts and the judge .
Ridge : [ Sighs ]
Brooke : And you know what ? It is complicated . In more ways than expected .
Ridge : But it s more than that , is nt it ? Every thought , all your energy , it was all focused on spencer , and I did nt know why . Just looking out for him , defending him . This man that I despise , you just decided to put him first , and I did nt understand it . I think I get it now . You re disillusioned with me because I had a secret . But you have a secret , too , do nt you ? You and spencer ? Really ? How could you do that to us ?
### Summary:
| Steffy tells Ridge that the kiss happened . She would not have believed it but she saw it for herself . Bill asks Justin to name something that Will might like when he comes over . Justin says why ask him ; his son is grown and he did not raise him either . And with more time Brooke might be able to work on Katie more and get her to give Bill more custody with Will . Bill says he is never going to give up on Brooke now . Later Justin tells him that it is all set . He has the tickets for him and Will . Bill grouses fine but now he has to clear it with Katie . Justin reminds him all Will wants is for him to be more in his life . He does not have to bribe him with roller coaster rides or football tickets . Wyatt spots Steffy and realizes as he rattles on and on that she is not listening to him and something must be bothering her . She says yes it is about Brooke . Katie is still finding it hard to believe that Ridge talked to the judge and the judge went along with what Ridge wanted for her to get sole custody . She encourages Katie to get closer to Bill since the courts took Will away but Katie can fix it now . Ridge wants Will to be happy but he hates Bill and that is what drove him to such extremes . The judge may have ruled in her favor anyway but with Ridge he never had a chance . So Katie needs to work now and not wait any longer as Bill is going through his own personal hell . Quinn is not pleased when Wyatt tells her that Steffy hired him as social media manager . Then she says she was pulling his leg ; she is delighted . She has it all planned out they can take coffee breaks and lunches together . He gets that she is excited but begs her not to overdo it and embarrass him in front of his peers . Ridge is crushed that his wife was in Bill s arms and tells Steffy that he does not know what he is going to do now . Brooke catches him in this pensive mood . He tells her he knows she was with Bill . His daughter told him . She says he does not know what really happened because she did not tell Bill what Ridge did . Yes he went too far , playing God , making sure that Bill lost his son but she did not tell him that . It s complicated but she did not want to involve the judge and the courts . He says okay he has a secret but she also has a secret really , her and Spencer . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Hope : You really did nt have to do this for us .
Pam : Of course I did . I made your favorite brownies , hope . Vegan for you , liam .
Liam : Oh ! Thanks , pam .
Brooke : Everyone wanted to let you know how much you ve been missed .
Quinn : And how sorry we are .
Emma : The whole team signed the card .
Eric : Coming back to work is a big step . We wanted it to be as welcoming as possible .
Quinn : You have a strong support system here .
Taylor : You ve been holding her since you walked in the door .
Ridge : Why do nt you tell your grandma to just take it easy and wait her turn ?
Steffy : We have enough grandbabies to go around .
Taylor : Hello !
Ridge : [ Shushing ]
Taylor : Aw , yes .
Ridge : Both these guys are pretty special , are nt they ?
Steffy : [ Sighs ] They are , are nt they ?
Ridge : You know I was nt crazy about this whole adoption thing , but look how amazing this is . It s all because of you . You and your contact . [ Phoebe fussing ] What are you telling me ? What are you telling me ? What is it ? What are you telling me ? It s okay .
Dorian : Hey , xander .
Xander : Hey , dorian . Thank you . How d you like your first photo shoot , huh ?
Dorian : It was great . Thanks for the tips .
Xander : Yeah , yeah . Any time .
Dorian : I really hope they like what they got .
Xander : I m sure they did . I ll , uh -- I ll text you when i hear something .
Dorian : Cool . Thanks again , man .
Xander : Yeah . See ya .
Zoe : [ Sighs ] I just realized that we were supposed to give a list of all the pieces that we used to quinn .
Xander : I , uh -- I think she s upstairs with hope and liam .
Zoe : Right . They are back .
Xander : Yeah .
Zoe : How are they doing ?
Xander : Losing a baby ? I ca nt imagine .
Zoe : I know it s not the same , but this did have a big impact on my dad , too .
Xander : Is that why he went back to london ?
Zoe : Well , that s part of it , I m sure . You know , he was nt the same after . Though I do think that there was something else going on even before that . He just was nt telling me what it was . Now [ Sighs ] I hope that I can find some answers for myself .
Xander : Your dad gave you his key ?
Zoe : Not exactly . The hospital called . They said that he left a few things in his locker , and they were just gon na send them to his address on file . But I said I d pick them up .
Xander : Sneaky .
Zoe : Yeah , to be honest , I m just really worried about him , xander . Taking off the way he did , I do nt know . I m just hoping that he left something behind at his flat that could just tell me what s been going on with him .
Taylor : Honey , if you want to go lie down , we can watch the girls for you .
Steffy : Ah , I appreciate the offer . But every moment with them is a blessing . Especially now . After everything hope and liam are going through .
Hope : You really are too kind .
Quinn : Nonsense . We wanted to rally for you .
Emma : Everyone on the team is really excited to see you .
Liam : You know , I think , um -- I think getting back to work will be good .
Eric : You two have given so much to this company . I think it s really important that forrester continue to be a place where you can feel supported and inspired . You can jump right in with two feet or you can take your time . Whatever you like . Just remember that it s a place where you re surrounded by people who want only the best for you . You , young lady , have a very special place in our hearts . Your line has literally provided hope for so many people . It s time for some of that hope to come back to you .
Xander : Thank you , greg . Appreciate it . Hi .
Zoe : Hey . You know , my dad was deeply affected by the loss of hope s child . I m -- I m really not denying that .
Xander : But you do nt think that s the whole story .
Zoe : Well , I m not surprised that he took it so hard , because he s always genuinely cared for the patients and the babies that he s delivered . It s actually one thing I really love about him . But I do think that there was something else going on .
Xander : Yeah , it was kind of strange that he did nt want you to know about where he was staying .
Zoe : Well , he did say that it was temporary . But that does nt really explain why he had to keep it a secret .
Xander : Well , if he went back to london , it s not even his anymore , right ?
Zoe : There s actually a few months left on the lease .
Xander : What , he could nt get out of it ?
Zoe : I do nt even think he tried . It s just still there .
Xander : Why would he want to keep it ?
Zoe : Well , there s only one way to find out .
Xander : [ Sighs ] It s an empty flat , zoe .
Zoe : Yeah , but maybe there s something he left behind there . He kept this place a secret for a reason . He s hiding something , xander . And I m to find out what it is .
Steffy : The first time I held phoebe , I just knew . I knew she was gon na be kelly s little sister .
Taylor : Yep . It was love at first sight .
Ridge : I have to admit , I felt that way , too .
Steffy : You know , I m not one to talk about fate or destiny , but I really do nt know how else to explain it . Obviously I did nt say anything like that when hope and liam were here .
Ridge : How d that go ?
Steffy : You know . [ Sighs ] It was emotional . Especially for hope . But after all the pain and the loss , I - I think it was good for her . Phoebe seemed really comfortable in her arms . And if she s up for it , I think hope could play a really important part in phoebe s life .
Brooke : Wow . You being here has really caused a buzz around the office .
Hope : Hmm .
Emma : People want to know when they can stop by and say hi .
Pam : Yeah , and do nt be surprised if your loyal buyers start calling , too .
Eric : Hm .
Quinn : That s not the only thing that people have been talking about .
Eric : Yeah . Word has gotten out about steffy s adoption .
Liam : Ye-- um ... yeah , well , that s fine . I mean , that s -- you know , it s exciting news , so ...
Hope : It s -- it s all right . We can talk about it .
Liam : [ Clears throat ]
Hope : Phoebe is a beautiful baby .
Brooke : Hope has already been there to see her .
Eric : That was very brave of you .
Hope : Well , I mean , steffy s really happy . As she should be . I mean , phoebe is -- is like a little angel . And , you know , she s gon na have an incredible life in this family , and that is something worth talking about and celebrating , and I do nt want anyone to hold back on my account . Phoebe deserves as much love as she can get . I mean , her smile is -- it s like a ray of sunshine . She will bring a lot of light around here , just like ... our beth would have done , so ... to most , he s phil mickelson ...
Eric : Quinn and I want to commend you on coming back to work so soon .
Quinn : But if you needed more time , we would have understood .
Liam : You know , I think , um , we re ready .
Hope : Yeah . Getting out of the house , back into a routine , back to my line ...
Eric : Good . I want to talk to you about that . Ridge and I have been talking about hope for the future . Um ... your absence has made a few things more clear to us .
Hope : Well , he has nt mentioned anything to me .
Eric : He wanted to wait until you were back in the office .
Hope : Okay . [ Sighs ]
Eric : Well , it may not be right , the timing , or it might be the perfect time . I do nt know . But we want to bring back hope for the future , get it all revved up again .
Hope : Wait , what ?
Quinn : It would nt just benefit you . It -- it would benefit the whole company .
Hope : But the allocations and --
Eric : No , we re gon na , uh -- we re gon na increase the budget , and we ll , uh ... we ll put additional resources towards your next collection . What do you say ?
Liam : Yeah !
Hope : Mom -- mom , did you know about this ?
Brooke : [ Sighs ] I did nt want you to feel any pressure to rush back .
Liam : I mean , ridge has been reaching out to you a lot lately . It makes sense .
Brooke : Yes . He loves you very much , and he respects your vision and your strength .
Eric : And your line brings an energy and a spirit to the company that we absolutely need .
Hope : [ Exhales ] I - I -- I do nt know what to say . Heh ...
Eric : Look , we want to do everything we possibly can to help you move forward , to get better with all this . And if -- if throwing yourself back into work is what you need , we ll give you as much work as you can possibly stand .
Liam : [ Chuckles ]
Eric : But if you want to relax with it , take your time , we can do that , too .
Quinn : Mm - hmm . We ll follow your lead .
Brooke : And the important thing for you to know is that we re all here for you , to help you get through this difficult time .
Ridge : I did nt want to say anything , but part of me thought this whole idea was a little crazy .
Steffy : Okay . Thank you for keeping that to yourself .
Ridge : You know what I mean . Adopting a baby so soon after you had kelly ? It just seemed ... a bit of a challenge .
Taylor : Since when has our daughter ever shied away from one of those ?
Steffy : Dad has a point , though . I did have a lot on my plate . And if this opportunity had nt come up , I do nt know if I would have gone through with it . But the moment I held phoebe , I knew . I knew I was nt turning back . And I tried not to get too attached because I did nt know if the birth mother was gon na change her mind . But I did nt have a single doubt in mine . I knew that little angel was mine . I knew it .
Ridge : I was just surprised the adoption went through so quickly .
Steffy : Oh , well , I was already in the process . Mom helped me with that . And I ca nt thank you enough . I ll be forever grateful to you and to your contact . And to the birth mother who brought this beautiful baby into our lives .
Zoe : Hello ? What were you hiding ?
Flo : Who are you ?
Flo : What are you doing in my apartment ?
Zoe : Your apartment ?
Flo : I m -- I m calling the cops .
Zoe : Okay , no , this is my father s flat , so you need to put the phone down and tell me what you re doing here .
Flo : You must be zoe . Reese s daughter ?
Zoe : You know my dad ?
Flo : We re old friends . Does he know that you re here right now ?
Zoe : Look , are you guys -- what ? Are you just subletting or are you living together ?
Flo : If you have questions , you should probably ask him .
Zoe : Yeah , well , he would nt even give me the address . And now I find out that he s been living with someone . Listen , zoe , if you re looking for your dad , he s not here . He went back to london .
Zoe : And I know that , okay ? He told me before he was leaving . But he did nt tell me about you . So I m gon na ask you again -- who are you and what are you doing here ? And how are you even involved with my father ?
Ridge : Just to be clear , I m not questioning this adoption or anything about it .
Steffy : Carter took care of everything . It was all completely aboveboard .
Ridge : I know that . I just -- I m curious about the birth mother . I did nt get to meet her . You did and you did . I just , um ... kind of wondered where your contact even met this lady .
Steffy : Oh , it s phoebe . She s still getting used to the new home .
Ridge : I m not being judgmental .
Taylor : I know .
Ridge : Phoebe s not the only one who has to adjust to things .
Taylor : I know what you re thinking . I feel the same way . It s a shame that steffy is having to do this on her own .
Ridge : She has you .
Taylor : Yeah . But liam should be here with her .
Steffy : Thank goodness kelly can sleep through almost anything .
Taylor : Uh , that was your sister . You were the fussy one .
Steffy : I was not fussy . Neither is phoebe . She s just acclimating .
Ridge : Both of you guys are doing a great job with her .
Steffy : I hope she knows how much I love her .
Taylor : Oh , honey , of course she does .
Steffy : I want her to feel safe and cared for . I may not be her biological mother , but we re family . I wanted her as much as any mother could want a child . Nobody could love her more . One heartbeat . That s all it took , and I fell in love with her . The moment I held her ... [ Chuckles ] ... I knew that you belonged with me . And with kelly .
Hope : [ Inhales deeply ] [ Sighs ] I do nt know where to start .
Liam : I mean , it s kind of exciting , is nt it ?
Hope : Yeah , it s exactly what I wanted -- renewed support for my line .
Brooke : Sweetheart , if you re not ready for this --
Hope : No . No , it s not that , mom . It s just ... the last time I was in this office , I was pregnant with beth , and I was planning our weekend getaway to catalina island , and we had everything to look forward to . [ Sighs ] Gosh ! And I remember she was moving a lot that day . It was like she was just as excited as -- as I was . And [ Gasps ] We had our whole future ahead of us . And I was nt worried about anything . You know , I was ... carefree and happy . And now ... now I do nt know when this sadness will disappear .
Liam : Well , you know , going back to work , it s not gon na make the sadness disappear . But it could turn down the volume a little bit .
Brooke : You have to listen to yourself . If it s too much , you ll know . Just trust your instincts .
Liam : Yeah . Like you did with -- with phoebe and steffy . Remember ?
Hope : Well , I mean , going over there was hard , too . [ Scoffs ] You know , I sat in that driveway for what felt like an eternity ? I did nt know if I could -- if I could ...
Liam : But you did . You did go in . And you were glad you did , were nt you ?
Hope : Yeah . Yeah . Yeah , it was the right thing to do . A - and I knew the instant I saw steffy holding phoebe , and then ... when she put her in my arms -- oh , gosh !
Brooke : Oh , honey . I m sorry . Maybe I should nt have suggested --
Hope : Oh , no . No . It was a beautiful thing . Really . And I am happy for steffy and kelly . And , liam , this is a blessing for your family . It s just that ... I ca nt forget that beth was supposed to be kelly s little sister , and now that steffy is making all these little -- all these plans for her little girl , and we re -- we re not , um ... phoebe is precious , and she s sweet , but every second I held her , I could nt , um ... I could nt stop thinking about beth , and how we lost our baby .
### Summary:
| The office welcomes Hope and Liam back to work . Quinn says there is plenty of support here for her . Brooke says they all just want to show her how much they care . Eric tells Hope that her line provided so much hope for so many ; it is time for some of that hope to come back to her . She can jump in head first or take her time ; whatever is best for her . Liam says he thinks they are ready . Eric says he waited until she wanted to come back and today may not be the perfect time but he d like to bring back her HFTF line . They have allocated more in the budget after all and this will be good for the entire company . He can give her as much work as she can handle at her own speed . Ridge holds Phoebe and makes a fuss over her , irking Taylor until Steffy brings out Kelly too . Along the way Steffy says she thinks Hope can play a big part in Phoebe s life if she is up to it now . And in so doing she tells Taylor again how grateful she is to her and her contact for finding this beautiful baby . Zoe tells Xander that her dad is gone but she still thinks there is more to the story than he is telling . She has his key since the lease has not expired and she intends to go over to see if he may have left any clues behind . Indeed there are clues . She lets herself in and first thing she notices when walking around is a cosmetic bag with lipstick and such . Someone walks in the door and Zoe asks the same thing the woman does who is she . Zoe tells her this is her dad s apartment so she can put the phone down and tell her why she is here . She can see now she must be living here . So again who is she and how does she know her father . Ridge wants to hear more about the birth mother since he has never met her . He is not being judgmental but he does need to know more about her . Taylor looks back at the shrine on the wall of Hope and Liam and says she feels the same way . It is a shame that Steffy is going through this alone . Steffy says all it took was one look at Phoebe and she knew she was the one . Hope tells Brooke that the last time she was in this office she was pregnant with Beth and she felt her moving that day as she was getting ready for a babymoon in Catalina . She endured all of that nightmare and it s been rough but just holding Phoebe at Steffy s has helped . Taylor and Ridge look at each other while watching Phoebe interact with Phoebe and are happy how things turned out . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Rafe : Sami ! Terrible . Where the hell have you been ? Sami , listen to me . There s something that I got ta tell you --
Sami : You know what ? I do nt wanna hear it , okay ? You do nt wanna be in my life , so you know what ? You re dead to me .
Rafe : No , no , no , no , no . Sami , Sami -- [ Groans ] Ah ...
Meredith : Rafe ?
Rafe : Ah ...
Meredith : Can you hear me ? Rafe !
Rafe : [ Groans ]
Sami : Hey , Rafe , it s Sami . Um , I m just leaving another message cause , you know , we re starting to get worried . So call me back as soon as you get this , okay ?
Sami : Oh , Arianna , hi . Have you heard from --
Arianna : No . I - I have nt .
Sami : I just left him another message .
Arianna : I did too , like , two minutes ago . Um ... look , I know we re not exactly friends , but , um ... could we work together on this ? Because if we do nt , I m really afraid of what s gon na happen .
Chad : Do nt lie , Mia . I heard every word when you were on the phone with Will .
Mia : No . Listen ... what you think you heard --
Chad : It finally makes sense . You had a baby . You were never in rehab . You left school so you could have a baby . My baby . And that s why you were so upset I never kept in touch .
Mia : Chad --
Chad : No , listen -- my parents forced me to go to that stupid boarding school , okay ? And you thought I did nt give a damn , so you went off and had the baby by yourself and cut me out of your life . You know what ? I never would have let you go through that alone if you told me . You got ta believe me , Mia .
Mia : I knew you at school , Chad . Better than anyone . I saw how you operated . You would have found the money for a trip to some in and out clinic .
Chad : Yeah . You re right . I might have . But hey ... even if I was a jerk back then , I still had a right to know .
Mia : A right ?
Chad : Where s my baby , Mia ? What the hell did you do with my kid ?
E.J. : So ... is this how you re gon na play it ? You re just gon na ... stonewall me the entire way home ?
Nicole : No , I m not . I m gon na tell you the truth . Now . E.J. , if there ... were some stupid secret between Brady and me , do you honestly think you would nt know what it was ? You re E.J. DiMera . You and your father ... have people who supply you with information about everything . And if you asked them , they would tell you that you ... and Sydney are my life . I love you ... totally and completely . And I would never do anything to hurt you . And that ... is the truth , so help me God .
Daniel : What the hell s the matter with me ?
Victor : With you ?
Daniel : Yeah , thinking you d take the high road . I gave you way too much credit .
Victor : Oh . First I was the hero , now I m what -- the mean bastard that s gon na rain on your parade ?
Daniel : Parade ? I am marrying the woman I love . A woman who makes me happier than I ve ever been in my life .
Victor : Loving her almost cost you your life , Daniel . Loving her will be your downfall .
Daniel : So I guess this means I do nt have your blessing .
Victor : At least you got one thing right . [ Sighs ] I d rather die than see you marry that whore .
Daniel : Victor ... you have been nothing but good to me . You re the reason I m here . You re the reason Chloe is alive right now . But this is your warning : You will never talk about her like that in my presence again .
Sami : Arianna , hi . Here you go .
Arianna : Thank you .
Sami : Um , look , I think you re right . I think we should definitely work together on this . We will figure it out .
Arianna : Okay .
Sami : I mean , I just ca nt believe Rafe has done this . He s not the kind of guy to just disappear without saying anything to anyone ... right ? I mean , he s never done anything like this before . Arianna ?
Arianna : He has .
Meredith : Rafe ? Damn .
Victor : Well , you can be very intimidating when you wanna be , Daniel .
Daniel : I am not joking , Victor .
Victor : How much do you remember about the story of Odysseus ?
Daniel : What ?
Victor : Homer , the Iliad . Odysseus .
Daniel : No , no , I know who he is , Victor . I just did nt think we were arguing about Greek mythology .
Victor : Well , on his way home to Athens , he had to pass by the island of the sirens . The sirens song was so beautiful , sailors used to jump into the sea and drown , trying to get to shore . And Odysseus had to be tied to the ship s mast so he would nt jump . Victor ... Chloe is not a siren . Okay ?
Victor : She s destroyed so many lives , Dan --
Daniel : Okay , you really need to stop saying that .
Victor : She is not worth it , Daniel . A man like you can get any woman he wants !
Daniel : No , no , damn it . Victor ... I have loved you like a father , but if you ca nt respect Chloe and welcome her into this family , I am out the door , and I am never coming back .
Chloe : Daniel , do nt . Victor s right . I m not worth it .
Mia : Chad , if had called me and let me know why you disappeared --
Chad : You would have , what , done things differently ? With the baby ?
Mia : Maybe . No . No , I would nt .
Chad : Look , make up your mind --
Mia : Come on , Chad ! We re both in high school . We can never give her the life she deserves .
Chad : It was a girl ?
Mia : Yeah .
Chad : You have a picture of her ? What -- what does she look like ?
Chad : I want to see her . Where is she ?
Sami : Wait a second . You re saying Rafe has done something like this before ?
Arianna : Well ... Rafe and I , um ... we did nt actually ... have anything to do with each other for a while . For ... quite a while , actually .
Sami : No , he told me about that ... that you two had a falling out . But he did nt give me all the details .
Arianna : I m not surprised .
Sami : Well , so what happened ? What caused the two of you not to speak for so long ?
Meredith : Well , I m glad you finally came around . I ve been doing my homework , Rafe . [ Chuckles ] Naturally , I had everything on Emily , but ... I ve been following your illustrious career . This is a good one . Rafael Hernandez , suspended by FBI . Came too late for Emily . And look . [ Clicks tongue ] Oh ... so innocent . So sad she s gone . And unfortunately for you ... the two of you wo nt be reunited after you die ... because murderers go straight to hell .
E.J. : Well , I must say , you , uh ... certainly know how to play the innocent victim .
Nicole : E.J. , I love you so much .
E.J. : True love conquers everything , does it ? This husband thinks he s been played one too many times .
Nicole : That s Sydney .
E.J. : Mary will take care of her . We have nt finished .
Nicole : No . Something is wrong -- that s not hunger . That s pain !
Nicole : Do nt you ever ... ever keep me from my little girl .
Arianna : A few years ago , I , um ... I made a terrible mistake and , uh ... Rafe -- [ Laughs ] He stepped in and he helped me . And because he did , personally he took a really big hit . And , um ... I would nt even blame him if he still was nt talking to me .
Sami : Well , he s a really forgiving guy . We both know that . This mistake you made , you do nt think that that s what s --
Arianna : No , no , no , no , no . No , I mean , that -- that was in the past , you know ? That has nothing to do with what s going on right now .
Sami : Okay .
Arianna : Okay . But , um ... gosh , w - what I keep thinking about is that Rafe s not working for the FBI anymore , so he does nt have a dangerous job --
Sami : So it s not that .
Arianna : No . But he did do something dangerous not too long ago . I mean , he did help you keep your secret about Grace . He helped you lie to E.J. DiMera .
Sami : Oh , great , so it s my fault .
Arianna : No , no , no , no , no . Sami , I m not saying that . I m not . But listen , listen . I did do some checking , and E.J. and Nicole took their baby , and they left the country .
Sami : You think E.J. is behind Rafe s disappearance .
Arianna : Well , if your enemies are the DiMeras and you disappear ...
Sami : Yep .
Arianna : So I think that if Rafe were on this case , he would bring both E.J. and Nicole in for questioning .
Sami : Nicole ? Why Nicole ?
Meredith : Okay , let s see what we can do here . I bet you ve gotten a whole slew of calls . Emily told me once that your password was her name . E - M - I - l - Y. You changed it . I m shocked . Oh , but I have an idea . S - A - M - I. And that s it . I m in . One more betrayal , one more ... way to disrespect the wo -- the woman you claimed you loved then murdered . And then forgot . Oh , if I had any doubts about what I m doing , they are gone now . Emily would want to make sure that I never let you hurt anyone else .
Mia : Chad ... I gave my baby up for adoption . All I know is she has a good home .
Chad : Okay , b - but where ? With who ?
Mia : I do nt know . It was a closed adoption .
Chad : You mean where the mother and the new parents never meet ?
Mia : Right . It s all handled by some agency .
Chad : So how do you know she has a good home ?
Mia : Because ... the agency has a great reputation and -- and they do background checks and all that stuff , and ... Chad , they promised me that everything would be good .
Chad : So now ... I m supposed to believe you .
Mia : What ?
Chad : Look , I knew you d never touch drugs . You never went to rehab . And you would never trust some agency .
Mia : No , really --
Chad : Mia , you re a total freak about checking every little detail . You always have been . And you d never hand your kid over to some total stranger .
Nicole : It s okay , honey . Mommy s here . Yeah , I know , I know . Something s hurting you inside , is nt it ? Yes . Oh , yes .
Nicole : I know .
E.J. : Sweetheart , what s the matter with her ?
Nicole : Oh , I do nt know . I do nt think it s a fever .
E.J. : Well , are you sure ?
Nicole : Well , I do nt know . I mean , she s a little warm , but that s probably because she s been upset .
E.J. : Great . What are we at , 35,000 feet now ?
Nicole : Okay , all right . Let s just stay calm here for Sydney s sake , okay ?
E.J. : I m fine , all right . But we ca nt get a doctor up here , obviously .
Nicole : Honey , we do nt need a doctor .
E.J. : We need a doctor if she has a fever .
Nicole : No , E.J .... I know that you re thinking about Grace . That s not what s happening here . You re never gon na have to live through that again . Because I m gon na protect her always . And if you never believe a word I say ever again , believe that .
Chad : I m not fooling around here anymore , Mia . Tell me where my kid is .
Mia : Chad , honestly , I have no idea where in the world that baby is right now .
Chad : Then where are the papers ?
Mia : What ?
Chad : Oh , come on , Mia , the agency that you used , all right , the one with the great reputation . What s your lawyer s name , huh ?
Mia : Why are you asking me questions like that ?
Chad : You ca nt sign away anything , especially not a baby , without plenty of paper changing hands , and not to mention I m guessing you needed both parents signatures and you sure as hell did nt have mine ! You did nt even tell me .
Mia : Honestly , I did nt think you d care ! And I m sorry ... but it s too late .
Chad : No , it s not .
Mia : What ?
Chad : Look ... I m gon na get my own lawyer . I m gon na put a stop to this phony adoption ... and I wanna get my daughter back .
Nicole : Oh ... she s been pulling on her left ear a lot . I do nt know -- maybe it s the change in altitude .
E.J. : She did nt seem to have any trouble on the way over here .
Nicole : I know , but ... honey , not all the flights are the same , you know ? Or maybe it s because of that molar she s been cutting . I do nt know .
E.J. : You know , that was bothering her the other day , actually .
Nicole : Yes , I know , come here , boo . Come here ...
E.J. : Sweetheart .
Nicole : Well , by the way she s been crying ... I m guessing it s a sharp pain . Shh , shh . Here , look what mommy s got . Look who s with mommy . Kiss . You know what , honey ? Can you , um ... can you maybe check in the diaper bag ?
E.J. : Yeah , yeah .
Nicole : I think I have some baby aspirin in there .
E.J. : Okay .
Nicole : Yeah . Look what mommy s got . I know . I know , honey . I know you re not gon na like this , okay ?
E.J. : Come here , sweetheart .
Nicole : Look what daddy s got , huh ? Yeah , just , uh ... fill the dropper ...
E.J. : Okay .
Nicole : And , uh , put a little squirt in her mouth , okay ? What do you think ? Gon na make you feel better ?
E.J. : You re gon na feel much better after this , sweetheart . Okay ? Promise .
Sami : Look , I know Rafe has had some really weird ideas about Nicole . At one point , he thought she might have something to do with Grace s death and ... it s not possible .
Arianna : He knows that now .
Sami : He does ? What did he say to you about Nicole ?
Rafe : I was in the park earlier tonight .
Arianna : Okay .
Rafe : I overheard Brady and Nicole . They were talking . Nicole says to Brady -- her exact words -- E.J. can never know about my miscarriage . You know what , it does nt matter , okay ? He did nt want me to say anything until he knew for sure . You know how he is .
Sami : I know that you re making it seem like maybe Nicole had something to do with Rafe s disappearance . Why ? What , just because she s married to E.J. ? Okay . Fine . You want me to call my dad ? Let s get the police involved in this .
Meredith : Emily s mass card . Probably just forgot you had it . And one for the little baby . Grace . Middle name Rafaela ? You wo nt have one of these mass cards ... because you wo nt have a service . [ Laughs ] Because there wo nt be any body . Everyone will just ... assume that you went somewhere else . But do nt worry . The world will be a much better place once you re gone .
Daniel : Chloe , do nt you ever say that again . Do not let people tell you who you are . You are worth it , and you will always be worth it .
Chloe : Daniel ... I do have a terrible track record , and you could end up getting hurt . At least , that s what Victor thinks . He s just being protective of you .
Daniel : No , he s just being cruel . We all ... make mistakes . Me , you , Victor . Like the one he s making now . Come on .
Victor : Daniel , Chloe . Wait .
Nicole : You know the day we brought her home ? I was convinced that I did nt know the first thing about how to take care of her . I ca nt remember how many books I read the first few weeks .
E.J. : Yeah . I noticed .
Nicole : But then I realized I did nt need any of those books . Because it all came so naturally . Yeah . No , it was like I was ... born to love her and protect her . You know , you ...
Nicole : Aw , come here , honey . You know , you and Sydney ... loving you both has made me wanna be the person I wish I could always be . Does that count for anything at all to you ?
Mia : You ca nt undo the adoption , Chad . Everything was legal .
Chad : What s the name of the agency that you used ?
Mia : I m not going to tell you .
Chad : Look , I have a right to know !
Mia : Would you stop saying you have a right ? You did nt even know I was pregnant , and you left ! You never even called !
Chad : That does nt matter , all right ?
Mia : It mattered to me ! You lost all your rights a long time ago !
Chad : Well , just give me the damn name , all right ?
Mia : No !
Chad : All right , fine , then where s the computer ? I m sure I can find something like that in--
Mia : Chad , stop !
Chad : Just let me see it !
Mia : No !
Will : Hey , hey , get away from her , man !
Chad : Go to hell , dude .
Meredith : Hmm . Grace s mommy ... you ve got mail .
Arianna : Sure . I ll answer any questions your dad has .
Sami : Good . Cause he might be able to help us -- [ Beep ] Sorry . It could be about Allie s school group -- I have to -- it s from Rafe .
Arianna : Really ?
Daniel : If you ve got something to say , Victor , that s fine . But any insult , even a hint ...
Victor : You were right , Daniel . I have made my share of mistakes . Trusting Kate was one of them . She almost ruined your life .
Daniel : And almost killed Chloe .
Victor : Well , I hope it wo nt be considered an insult , but my primary concern is you , not Chloe .
Chloe : That s fine . That s understandable .
Victor : You know , I remember the day that you were baptized . I swore that I would watch over you ... help you , protect you ... as long as I lived .
Daniel : And you ve done that .
Victor : Well , I m glad you think so .
Daniel : Until today .
Victor : Well , I hope that I can remedy that ... right now . Whatever you decide ... is what I will accept . Not that you have my blessings , but I will promise you that I will keep an open mind .
Daniel : Thank you . Thank you , that -- that means a lot . To both of us .
Chloe : Yes , it does . Thank you , Victor . And I promise , you will not regret keeping an open mind about me . I ll make sure of that .
Mia : Hey ! Okay , okay , both of you stop ! Stop !
Will : What s he trying to do , huh ?
Mia : He wanted my computer .
Will : What for ?
Chad : So I could read her diary .
Will : Why would you -- you told him ?
Chad : No , she did nt tell me . I had to find out about my own baby by hearing her talk about it with you . Now , I wanna know what happened to her . Where is she ?
Will : Why are you asking me , man -- I do nt know .
Mia : I already told you . I do nt know where she is right now !
Chad : You think this is over ? Well , think again .
Mia : Chad , please --
Chad : I m gon na go find my kid .
Nicole : As soon as we land , I ll call Dr. Merriman and see if ... if he can take her right away .
E.J. : Okay . There you go , sweetheart . Feeling better ? She got her color back anyway .
Nicole : So ... where do we go from here ?
E.J. : I suppose that rather depends on what Brady says .
Nicole : But what if he tells you the same thing I did ? That he was talking nonsense , high on cocaine ? Would you believe me then ?
E.J. : You have no idea how much I want to believe you .
Sami : It s like I told you weeks ago . I need to work things out for myself , just need to get away and move on for a while .
Arianna : See what happens . This actually sounds like Rafe .
Sami : Do nt try to contact me or find me . I ll probably be unreachable anyway . Wish you all the happiness in the world . Give Allie and Johnny a kiss for me . Rafe .
Arianna : That s it , huh ?
Sami : That s it .
Arianna : It s from Rafe . I m out of town . Maybe for good . Miss you , but I need some time alone . Do nt worry about me . I ll be fine . Make sure you are too . Love you , Rafe . This is how he says good - bye ? For months , maybe years ? He sends me a text and you an email ? This is nt right . This is nt right at all .
Daniel : I ll be outside in a couple of seconds , okay ?
Chloe : Okay . Take your time . I need to check my phone anyway .
Daniel : Okay .
Chloe : Good - bye , Victor .
Victor : Chloe .
Daniel : Victor ... I know eventually , you ll -- you ll see the best in Chloe . And you will understand why I love her the way I do .
Victor : All I want is for you to be happy , Daniel .
Daniel : [ Quietly ] I m happy . Back at you .
Will : Look , Mia , I know you re scared , okay ? But even if Chad wanted to find out where the baby was --
Mia : No ! No , he ca nt do that . That ca nt happen .
Will : Look , I m just saying , even if he did ... I mean , it s not like he could undo the adoption .
Mia : I just want all this stuff to go away .
Will : Look ... Uncle Mickey s a lawyer ... okay ? He s not here right now , but I could call him , you know . See if Chad has any rights . Okay ? I ll be right back .
Mia : Will , uh ... do nt tell him it s about me , okay ?
Will : Yeah , no , of course . I ll just say it s about , you know , one of my old friends from Switzerland . Trust me .
Mia : I do . Thanks .
Daniel : Finally ... a beautiful , peaceful night .
Chloe : Yeah . I could hardly believe what Victor said .
Daniel : Well , he s willing to make an effort . At least . Hmm .
Chloe : That s because he has so much respect for you and love ... just like I do .
Daniel : I know how much family means to you . But you re gon na be a part of mine . Hmm . I do nt know when the church says you re free , but ... you will be my wife someday soon . Mrs. Jonas .
Chloe : And I can hardly wait .
Daniel : Yeah .
Victor : You know I have only your best interest at heart . Now , I m sure Chloe has her charms , but look at the track record , man . Good God ! I mean , first she destroys Philip s life , then she turns Brady into an addict . Now we have Lucas in rehab because she made him into a cuckold .
Daniel : Did it ever occur to you that those men you just mentioned might have something to do with their own respective downfalls ? Is it not possible that maybe they were just a little screwed up before they got involved with Chloe ?
Victor : You know , you can spin it any way you want , but the fact of the matter is every man she touches , she destroys ! And I ll be damned if I m gon na let her destroy you too .
Henderson : Anything I can get you , sir ?
Victor : No , thank you , Henderson , I m fine .
Henderson : Mm . Sir ... I did nt mean to eavesdrop , but I did overhear your kindness to dr . Jonas earlier , about Mrs. Horton . I thought that was very gracious .
Victor : Yes , it was , was nt it ? Not that the cheap slut deserved it .
Sami : It s my fault . He probably just did nt want to deal with me and my crazy problems anymore . He just took off running .
Arianna : Hey . Sami . I m really sorry about everything that I said to you before . You know , Rafe loved you . He loved you so much . He still does . And it s like I said -- this is nt the first time that he s needed to get a little distance .
Sami : Right .
Arianna : But he always comes back .
Sami : I hope you re right .
Meredith : Who would have predicted that my time here would be so ... productive ? And it s all thanks to Stefano DiMera . Oh , if he had nt brought me back to Salem ... you would nt be in this predicament .
Rafe : Yeah . Stefano .
Meredith : Shh . [ Clicks tongue ] You have plenty to worry about . I have to go get some supplies . And when I get back ... we can get to work .
Will : Okay , I finally got through to uncle Mickey and -- Mia ?
Mia : Chad . Listen . I m sorry ... that you had to find out about the baby that way and that I lied about it for so long .
Chad : We have a baby out there somewhere . That s so amazing .
Mia : Yeah . But she s somebody else s little girl now . They ve had her for , like , nine months , her whole life . [ Sniffles ] Raising her ... loving her .
Chad : I have a daughter .
Mia : Yeah , you do . But come on , Chad . What would you do with a baby ? Drop out of school ? You make minimum wage at java . What kind of life could you give her ?
Chad : It would nt always have to be like that .
Mia : Chad , I carried her for nine months . You do nt think I dreamed about raising her myself ? Taking care of her ? She was nt even born yet , and I already loved her . As much as I loved you . But I knew ... she d be better off with a nice family who could give her everything she needs . [ Sniffles ] So you need to let it go , Chad . You need to let her have her life . And maybe we can have ours again .
Chad : So what are you saying ? You want to get back together again ?
Sami : Wishing you all the happiness in the world . Give Allie and Johnny a kiss for me .
Sami s voice : Exactly what kind of commitment did you mean ?
Rafe : I want to be a father to Grace . In every way .
Sami : I m not sure what you mean .
Rafe : I mean I want to be her father . You know , legally .
Sami : [ Scoffs ] I ve made such an unbelievable mess out of my life . Please , God , do nt let me have ruined Rafe s too . Just let him be happy . Always .
Rafe : Sami ! Please ! Sami , listen ... if you re not gon na open the door , just please listen to me . Your baby is still alive ! Grace was nt your baby . Nicole switched -- she switched the babies . Sydney is actually your baby . She switched them the day that they were born . Sami ? Sami , please just listen to me ! Your baby is still alive ! [ Exhales ]
Arianna : Meredith ? What are you doing back in town ?
Nicole : Oh , hey . Daddy , you ll excuse us for a minute , okay ? We re gon na go powder our nose before we land , okay ?
E.J. : Be quick .
Nicole : Yes , we will . We will , we ll be quick . Yes , we will . Come on , honey . Yeah . Look , I got the whatsis . Yeah , you wanna hold that ? All right .
E.J. : [ Inhales , exhales ] I love you very much , but if you ve been lying to me , there is gon na be hell to pay .
Chad : I wanna see my baby .
Mia : She s not yours .
Nicole : Guess what . We re moving out .
Meredith : Your brother killed my sister , Arianna .
### Summary:
| Chad demands to know where he and Mia s baby is , but she refuses to say , claiming that she does nt know . The two struggle over her computer , as Chad is convinced there is evidence on it . Will interrupts and he and Chad get into a fight . Will promises to help Mia by calling his Uncle Mickey and asking about Chad s parental rights . Mia chases Chad down and tells him that if he will just forget about all this and their baby , that they can work things out . Daniel and Victor get into an argument about Chloe . Chloe interrupts and agrees with Victor that she is nt worth all of this , but Daniel disagrees . Victor agrees to try to keep an open mind about their relationship when Daniel threatens to walks out the door and never speak to Victor again . EJ and Nicole s argument about the secret she and Brady are keeping is interrupted by Sydney , who seems sick . Later , EJ vows to himself to make Nicole pay if she is lying to him . Sami and Arianna decide to work together to find Rafe . Meredith sends them both a text and email , purportedly from Rafe , saying that he has left town to work things out . Meredith vows to make Rafe pay , and lets him know that Stefano was the one that got her to come to town the first time , and if it had nt been for him , Rafe would nt be in this mess . Rafe keeps passing out and dreaming about telling Sami the truth about Sydney . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Parker : Aunt Rosanna left ?
Carly : Yeah . Come sit by me . I could use a little cuddle . So , how are you feeling ? Did you get a nap ?
Parker : No . I tried , but I kept thinking about that lady and the boy .
Carly : That s okay . You ve been a real champ lately . How bout I go in the kitchen and I get you something gooey and sweet ?
Parker : Really ? Before dinner ?
Carly : Mm , it ll be our secret .
Parker : I m sorry I ca nt find Jack anymore .
Carly : Oh , honey -- do nt be . I m the one who should be sorry .
Parker : Why ?
Carly : Well , you shared a very special connection to Jack and I pushed you to use it . I think I was being a little bit selfish .
Parker : I did nt mind .
Carly : But it was too much for you . I got very scared when you fainted like that .
Parker : I m sorry , Mommy .
Carly : Oh sweetie -- let s make a deal , okay ? Let s just put a freeze on the phrase I m sorry . What do you think ? Okay , and speaking of freeze , why do nt I go and get that cherry ice cream that you like and I ll put chocolate and nuts and bananas all over it . What do you think ?
Parker : Yeah .
Carly : All right , you scoot upstairs and I ll bring it up to you , okay ? I think it s time to put you two away -- for good .
Carly : I m sorry . Parker s been going through a lot . He lost somebody very important to him .
Julia : I m sorry to hear that . Do nt worry about it . You have such beautiful children .
Carly : Yeah ? Thanks . Sage here I think has a smile just like her daddy .
Jack : What s a guy got ta do to get a bowl of ice cream around here ?
Lucy : You can hang around out a little while longer , right ? Dusty should be back any minute .
Ethan : You got anything else to eat ?
Lucy : I ll see what I can do . Hey . What happened when you went to the gym ?
Dusty : I must have looked at half a dozen flyweights . No luck .
Lucy : Well , then , it s a good thing you have me . Meet your new fighter . Ethan Cobb .
Dusty : You a flyweight ?
Ethan : Depends on my last meal .
Dusty : Where you find this guy ?
Lucy : The internet .
Alison : Chris , it s your turn . You re supposed to say something .
Tom : Nerves -- brother , do me a favor -- if you feel like you re gon na pass out , would you fall the other way ?
Reverend : Your reply is I do . I ll repeat the question . Do you , Christopher Hughes , take Alison Stewart to love and to honor -- ?
Chris : I m sorry , I m sorry .
Alison : No , it s okay . You just have to let him finish the question .
Chris : Alison -- this is nt what I wanted .
Alison : Chris , you did nt mess up . And I thought I was nervous .
Chris : No , you do nt understand . I did mess up . And if we go through with this , I m gon na mess up your life even more .
Rosanna : Hi .
Carly : Hi , Rosanna .
Rosanna : I m back .
Carly : Yeah , is everything all right ?
Rosanna : Yes and no . I could nt stop thinking about what you re going through . And , obviously , Emma could nt either , because when I got home , I found this plate of cookies with a little note asking me to please bring them to you .
Carly : Oh , that s sweet . You did nt have to come all the way back over here .
Rosanna : Well , yes , I did . Because I hate you thinking that you re not allowed to hope anymore .
Carly : I m not giving up hope . I m just gon na stop this search for Jack .
Rosanna : Is there a difference ? Carly , I do nt mean to upset you , but you have nt put this sketch away . That means you re having second thoughts .
Carly : What if Jack really is with that woman and that little boy ?
Rosanna : Then it would be a shame not to circulate that picture as much as possible . We could take it to Lucinda and have her to publish it .
Carly : I ca nt do that . I d get 900 crank phone calls . Or worse , some nutcase would come up on my doorstep again . How do I justify doing that to Parker ? To myself ?
Rosanna : Do you remember when Cabot was taken away from me the first time ? And everybody told me that I should give up looking for him . And I could nt , because every moment without him was painful , so I kept trying .
Carly : I know .
Rosanna : And I searched and I searched until I found him . And that moment when I had him in my arms -- we both knew that I was been right to not to give up looking . And even though things ended in the horrible way that they did , having my child back for just a little while was worth every moment that I spent searching for him . And it s the same with you and Jack . You have to keep looking .
Carly : And Parker ?
Rosanna : Well , we ll just keep him out of it . He s a child , he should be protected . But as long as you have one shred of evidence , you ca nt give up .
Julia : I keep dropping things . I do nt know what s wrong with me .
Jack : Well , maybe some leftover nerves from the wedding . It s not every day you get married .
Julia : Or your ex shows up .
Jack : Listen , I took a vow this afternoon to love and honor you . That means I m not gon na let anything bad happen to you . What is going on ? I ll keep you safe , you and J.J. both . I just hope that I can be as good a Dad as you are a Mom .
Julia : You re already a great Dad .
Jack : Yeah , well , being there for him feels natural . You and J.J. , you just feel right to me , that s all . What -- hey , you re not having buyer s remorse already , are you ? I mean --
Julia : No . I m sorry , no . It s not you , honey . I just -- I just keep worrying , I ca nt stop --
Jack : About what ?
Julia : Same old thing . You know , about your past .
Jack : Come on , I m a clean slate , remember ? The only thing Jack Jackson has now is a bright future with his wife and little boy . Honey , we re a family now .
Julia : But what if there s another family , Jack ? What if there s another family that you do nt remember ?
Dusty : You went on the internet to find me a fighter ?
Lucy : Yeah . Golden gloves finalist , 2002 . 17 amateur fights . All wins , right , Ethan ?
Ethan : 15 TKOs .
Lucy : That s technical knockouts .
Dusty : I ll take --
Lucy : What do you think ? Pretty resourceful , right ?
Dusty : I think you re killing me , you know that ?
Lucy : Why , cause you think I do nt know how to pick a winner ?
Dusty : No , it s not that . It s just that , when did you become such an expert on fighting ?
Lucy : Okay . Why do nt you just give him a try ? See what he s made of ? You can thank me later .
Dusty : Well , let s see if he can fight first . If he can fight , I ll thank you all night .
Lucy : I ll make sure it s a very long night .
Alison : Chris , I need to know why ?
Chris : Look , Alison , I am not doing this to you , okay ? You are an amazing girl , and you deserve better than this . You are gon na make some guy very happy .
Alison : What does that mean ? I do nt want another guy ! I want you ! I want to marry you ! Please -- please , give me the truth ! I need the truth ! What did I do ? What did I do ?
Chris : You did nt do anything . It was me .
Alison : Oh !
Susan : Alison -- Alison stop . Sweetie .
Bob : Friends , I m sorry , but it appears that there is nt going to be a wedding today .
Susan : You despicable jerk ! There is no excuse for what you ve done ! And to think some people did nt think you were good enough for my daughter ? My daughter was good enough for you !
Alison : Is there payback for lying about the baby ?
Chris : No , no , no . God , no , Alison . I loved you . I still love you , I just ca nt marry you .
Bob : Look , this is nt doing anybody any good .
Reverend : Perhaps the couple would like to talk in private . You can use the anteroom .
Bob : That s a good idea .
Chris : Whatever Alison wants .
Alison : I want to get married ! I want to -- no , I need to talk ! I need to understand why !
Emily : I ll go with you , sweetie .
Alison : No , I need to talk alone !
Aaron : Do nt even bother talking to her unless you finally tell her the truth . She deserves it .
Chris : Alison , if you want to hit me , go ahead .
Alison : I just want to know the truth , Chris . I need to know why . Is there someone else ?
Carly : Parker is so fragile right now , so exhausted from looking for Jack . When he collapsed like that , that really shook me up , you know ? And I m afraid -- I m afraid if there s just one more thing , he might break .
Rosanna : Well , maybe it s the not knowing that s the most difficult for him .
Carly : Oh , I think it is . But how do I reassure him . He asks me every day if I think we ll ever see Jack again . He tells me that he feels him moving farther and farther away , and he s worried that I m not doing enough to bring him home . Well , how long do I push and search and hope ? How do I know when it s time to give up ? How do I find that balance ?
Rosanna : Well , maybe balance is overrated . Maybe you have to go out on a limb to find the thing that you re looking for . You know , it s like that sketch though that you have nt put away . There s something inside you that is nt ready to give up . Because if you give up now , you re going to wonder . For the rest of your life , you re gon na wonder and regret . And how is that going to be for a sensitive child like Parker to deal with ?
Carly : Hell . For him to know that his mother thinks that Jack is still out there , that believes that he might come home .
Rosanna : And is nt doing anything about it . And he ll feel for the rest of his life that something is nt right .
Carly : Thank you I m glad you came back . And will you do me a favor and just watch those little kids for me ? While I bring this sketch to Lucinda .
Rosanna : Yeah , do nt think twice about it .
Carly : Okay .
Jack : Julia , we ve worked through this already , have nt we ? I mean , why would I go back to a wife who tried to kill me ?
Julia : You know , Jack , the mind can play tricks . Maybe that was nt the whole memory . I mean --
Jack : Who plays third on J.J. s little league team ? Third base , hot corner ? Third base ? Corey Baker . He told you that last week . You see , nobody remembers everything . As far as I m concerned , I ve settled the question of my former wife once and for all .
Julia : Hey , what if you were married more than one time , Jack ? It s possible . Are you sure that you do nt have any memories of , you know , family ?
Jack : You know , one does spring to mind -- a beautiful , persistent brunette with a son about , oh , yah high . Yeah , we all dance together at this fabulous wedding . You and J.J. , you re my family now . The only one I remember , the only one I want .
Julia : I love you .
Jack : I love you .
Julia : And he does , too , so much . Which is why it would be really hard if someone showed up at the door and --
Jack : Shh . Stop , stop , stop , stop , stop . Stop . Honey , feel this . This is home now , and no one is gon na take me away from that . Oh , honey , you re my sweetheart forever . Forever and ever .
Jack : Come here . Come here , come here , come here , come here .
Jennifer : Mike , I like to dance . Do you ?
Mike : I m not much of a dancer , I m afraid .
Henry : Aw . I , however , am known far and wide for my ability to trip the light fantastic . Would you care to try me on ?
Nikki : Maybe we should find a table first .
Mike : There s an empty one right over here . Come on .
Nikki : You read my mind .
Henry : All right . So , I ll get us some drinks .
Mike : Nothing with olives , Henry .
Henry : Okay . Two bottles of your finest champagne , please . Okay . All right , Henry , that s -- that s funny . I seem to have misplaced my wallet .
Bartender : They re open . So unless you want to wash dishes --
Henry : No , no , no , no , no , no , no . I remember , I left it in the houndstooth . I ll pop home , I ll get it . I ll be right back .
Bartender : Where have I heard that one before ?
Henry : No , no , no , no . Wait , no , no , it s an honest mistake . I ll be right back . Um -- you see that gorgeous brunette over there ? She s my collateral .
Bartender : Nikki Munson is your date ?
Henry : Yeah . Eat your heart out . So you can understand why maybe I do nt her to find out about this . Just give me a sec . I ll go home , I ll get the money , and I ll come back and pay the bill . Please ?
Bartender : If you do nt come back , I m having your date put an APB on you , man .
Henry : Oh . Okay , that s good .
Chris : I m sorry .
Alison : Stop it ! Stop saying you re sorry !
Chris : Alison , I m sorry I let things go so far .
Alison : Things go so far ? What does that mean ? What does that mean ? Chris , just tell me the truth ! Okay , please ? If it s somebody else , I need to know ! Please !
Chris : Look , it does nt mean that I do nt love you , because I do , okay ? You have to believe that . But it s just --
Alison : So then it s true ! There s another woman ?
Chris : Yeah .
Hal : Well , almost everybody s gone .
Margo : I called Lisa . She canceled the reception at the Lakeview .
Susan : Thank you , Margo .
Hal : I ve got Nancy in my car , Bob . I ll drop her off , since you ll probably want to take care of things here .
Bob : Thanks .
Margo : So what now , Emily , now that Chris is free ?
Emily : Margo . Chris and I -- I d like to say we re over , but you know what ? It never really existed , so I ca nt . I love my husband . I adore him . You ve got to believe that .
Margo : It does nt matter what I believe . What about Chris ? Does he think that ending it with Alison opens the field for the two of you ?
Emily : He could nt .
Margo : How do you know ? You could nt have predicted what he did up there on the altar . How do you know that he s not back there right now telling Alison that he wants to be with you ?
Alison : Who ?
Chris : It does nt matter .
Alison : It matters to me ! I deserve to know who wrecked our marriage before it even started !
Chris : That -- that s not what I m trying to make you understand , okay ? This person , she was nt responsible for what happened .
Alison : She broke us up !
Chris : No , Alison , I did , okay ? I try to make it work , but I could nt .
Alison : Will you just tell me the slut s name !
Chris : Look , do nt call her that , please ?
Alison : How can you stand there and defend the woman you cheated on me with ?
Chris : Ali , we never slept together , okay ? We never crossed that line . We --
Alison : How can you be in love with someone you never even slept with ?
Chris : We did nt plan on falling in love , okay ? We did nt plan on doing anything , but it was nt her fault . So please -- please do nt blame her .
Emily : You told her ?
Alison : Oh , my God , it s you . Chris is in love with you !
Announcer : Coming up on As the World Turns --
Rosanna : Are you gon na go find the sketch artist ?
Carly : No , but I know what I have to do now .
Dusty : There s a lot about this business that you do nt understand yet .
Lucy : He s fantastic . What am I missing ?
Emily : Alison , listen to me , honey .
Alison : You re the reason that he wo nt marry me ?
Chris : Alison , we never meant to hurt you .
Alison : Oh , what a load of bull !
Emily : No , just -- would you let me talk , okay ? Nothing happened between me and Chris .
Alison : Spare me ! All those times that I thought you two were planning some surprise for my wedding -- well , I guess I got it , did nt I ?
Emily : No , honey , it was nt like that . It was nt like that .
Alison : Emily , you helped me get ready this morning . You said all of those incredible things , and then you stood there next to me , knowing that he was gon na ditch me !
Emily : No , I did nt know that . I swear . I begged him not to mention this .
Alison : You begged him ? ! So you two talked about me behind my back ? ! What were you doing ? What were you doing , laughing about how clueless I was ? Break it to her gently , Chris . You know how -- how fragile she is , how unstable she is !
Chris : Alison , your sister loves you . I --
Alison : In what universe ? !
Emily : Please , Chris , let us talk . Ali and I need to talk this through .
Alison : I do nt have anything to talk about with either of you ever again .
Susan : Is everything all right ?
Alison : No !
Emily : Alison , please , just --
Alison : Do nt you touch me ! Everybody just stay away from me !
Emily : Alison -- Alison , wait .
Lucinda : Hi . Has anyone seen Lucy Montgomery this evening ?
Jordan : Hi , Jennifer . How are you ?
Jennifer : Fine .
Jordan : I was hoping maybe we could talk for a minute .
Jennifer : About what ? We ve already said everything and then some .
Jordan : Jen , we loved each other . Does nt that mean anything to you ? If you think I m just gon na let this all fall apart , you re wrong ? I m not gon na do that .
Jennifer : You do nt get the last word on this , Jordan . Sorry . I love this song . Let s dance .
Mike : Okay .
Jordan : That went well .
Nikki : If you re looking for sympathy , call your shrink , okay ? As far as I m concerned , you blew it big time .
Jordan : Right . Thanks for the support .
Lucinda : I d ask you to dance , but tongues might wag . Should I buy you a drink instead ?
Rosanna : Hey . What happened ?
Carly : The sketch just -- it just blew right out of my hands . I tried to chase after it , but I -- it s like everything I do , every lead I have just flies away , just like that sketch .
Rosanna : Come on , now . Do nt read too much into it . We ll just call the sketch artist and have her make you another .
Carly : No , I think maybe this is some kind of sign . You know , maybe the universe is telling me to back off .
Parker : I ca nt sleep .
Carly : Oh , why do nt you go up and pick out a book , and I ll come up and read it to you , okay ? What s that ?
Parker : Jack s compass . I do nt need it anymore .
Rosanna : What is it ?
Carly : Oh , would you mind reading to Parker ?
Rosanna : No , not at all , not at all . You re gon na go find the sketch artist ?
Carly : No , but I know what I have to do now .
Jack : That s more like it . What ? Julia , you ve got to talk to me . What s got you spooked all of the sudden ?
Julia : You know , I think I ve lived in fear for so long , and it s just gotten to be second nature .
Jack : Yeah , I know , I know , but you re just gon na have to learn to live without it . I kicked your ex out so he would nt hurt you and J.J. anymore , and as long as I ve got breath in my body -- let me tell you something -- you do nt have to worry about him or anybody else . You do nt have to worry about anything .
Julia : We do nt really know that , Jack , until you get your memory back completely .
Jack : Well , you know , who s the one who has amnesia here , cause obviously , you re forgetting that this is our wedding night , little miss happy . Now , as much as I like ice cream -- I love ice cream -- but I want you back in the bedroom while we still have the house to ourselves . Come on !
Julia : Jack --
Jack : No Jack nothing , Mrs. Jackson . We ve got some honeymooning to do . Come on , please .
Lucy : Yeah , that s right . Keep them coming , Ethan . Yeah , no . Good move . Whoa , show him what you ve got .
Dusty : All right , that s it . Hit the shower . You , too , Ethan . I ll talk to you later , all right ?
Lucy : Did nt I tell you we have a winner ?
Dusty : You re looking for a pigeon .
Dominic : Worthy challenger .
Dusty : Someone with more brawn than brain matter , someone who will make your boy look good , right ?
Dominic : It d be a clean fight .
Dusty : How about a fair fight ?
Dominic : Life is rarely fair . It s a sad lesson we all learn .
Lucy : We have a winner , right ?
Dusty : Baby , there s a lot about this business that you do nt understand yet .
Lucy : So teach me . He s fantastic . What am I missing ?
Lucinda : Are nt you too smart a guy to be brooding over girls ? Have nt you got something better to do ?
Jordan : No , actually , not at the moment , but if you give me a job , Mrs. Walsh , maybe I ll be too busy to brood .
Lucinda : A job ? You re suggesting that I invite James Stenbeck s spawn into my inner circle ?
Jordan : Well , were nt you the one who lectured me about the irrelevance of biology ?
Lucinda : Hey , you heard me . I m just so flattered , you listening .
Jordan : Of course I was . So are you ready to put your money where your mouth is ?
Lucinda : I do like your spirit , Mr. Sinclair . Perhaps I can find something at Worldwide . We ll see if you re up to it .
Jordan : I ll be in touch .
Mike : I told your sister I did nt dance . You think she d forgive me ?
Jennifer : I do nt think she s the type to hold a grudge . Why d you fib ?
Mike : I do nt know . Ever since Katie s been out of my life , I just have nt felt like dancing .
Jennifer : I know what you mean .
Nikki : Can I get a Cosmopolitan ?
Jordan : Why do nt you put that on my tab ? Look , you can hate me if you want to , but at least you can let me buy you a drink .
Nikki : I do nt hate you . I just do nt like the way you treated my sister .
Jordan : Well , I understand that , but the situation was complicated .
Nikki : Are nt they always ?
Jordan : Look , I was nt trying to start any trouble . I just -- I just wanted to talk to her , that s all .
Nikki : Ca nt always get what we want .
Jordan : Maybe not , but Jennifer s gon na have to get used to seeing me around , because I m not going anywhere .
Susan : Do you see what you ve done ? You ve blown my entire family to smithereens ! I hope you re proud of yourself !
Chris : Susan , wait , wait , wait .
Aaron : Ali -- Ali , let s get out of here .
Alison : Who else knew ? ! How long have I been this town s joke ?
Emily : No , listen to me .
Kim : Nobody is laughing at you .
Emily : Please do nt say anything else . Do nt say anything else .
Hal : Oh , Tom , Casey forgot his keys . Did I miss something ?
Alison : You think that my sister , that she changed cause you married her ? Think again . She s still as big a slut as ever .
Susan : Aaron , go with her . She should nt be alone .
Hal : What s she laying into you for ?
Bob : You were the other woman ?
Kim : What other woman ?
Margo : We should let Emily and Hal have some time alone . Hal , we ll take Gram home .
Kim : Apparently , my son is not the only one to blame for this .
Hal : This is some sort of misunderstanding , right ? Please , Emily , tell me it s not true .
Dusty : The guy s not what I m looking for , that s all .
Lucy : Why not ? He floats like a butterfly , stings like a bee . He s incredible . Is this because I found him and you did nt ?
Dusty : No .
Lucy : Then what then ? He has everything it takes to beat Dominic Ramsey s guy .
Dusty : Sweetheart , it s not that he s such a bad guy .
Lucy : Do nt sweetheart me . Tell me the truth .
Dusty : The truth is , Ramsey s guy , he s supposed to be the winner , not my guy .
Lucy : I do nt get it .
Dusty : There s always a winner and a loser , and my job was to find a loser .
Jennifer : Oh , sorry I had to drive mike up like that . I just -- I had to get away from Jordan .
Nikki : No problem .
Jennifer : I knew you d understand .
Nikki : Just as long as you understand , I have dibs on Mike , okay ?
Jennifer : Of course , Nikki . I never -- I never meant --
Nikki : Since we re going to be roommates , I just wanted to make sure we do nt get our signals crossed .
Jennifer : Believe me , the last thing I want right now is another relationship .
Henry : Big bills ? Is that all right ? Great . The next round is not me . I m sorry about that . I just had to go check the pressure in my tires .
Nikki : You were gone ?
Henry : Yeah , yeah . You did nt notice ?
Nikki : Yes , we noticed . We missed you , Henry .
Henry : Oh , okay . Good , thanks .
Nikki : Well , if you re getting the next round , are nt we ready ?
Henry : Yeah , okay .
Emily : Hal , honey , it s not what you think .
Hal : Really ? What do I think ? I ll tell you what I m thinking , Emily . I m thinking it looks like the Chief of Detectives is the last one to know .
Alison : Why does nt anything ever work out for me ? ! Is my life just a big , fat joke to you ? !
Aaron : Ali ? Ali , no ! You do nt have to do this . Chris is nt worth it .
Alison : What are you trying to do , kill me ?
Aaron : I m trying to keep you for killing yourself . You have so much to live for .
Alison : I m not trying to drown myself , you idiot ! I m trying to drown this stupid dress ! I hate it ! My perfect wedding , my perfect wedding ! I hate this dress ! I hate it ! I hate it !
Aaron : Come on , Ali . Let s just go .
Alison : I m not staying here , but I sure as hell am not going anywhere with you .
Carly : Hey , g - man . It s me .
Carly : Hi . You were my true north , g - man . No matter how far astray we wandered , we always managed to find our way back to each other . This little compass always did its job , did nt it ? But you know why I came out here ? I was gon na throw it in the river . I thought maybe somehow , you would find it and use it to come back to Parker and Sage and me . But I ca nt let it go . It was a crazy idea anyway , right ? I mean , what are the chances of you finding it , huh ? But it does nt matter , because even without it , I know deep in my heart that somehow , someway you will find your way home .
Jack : Mrs. Jackson . Paging Mrs. Jackson . Your presence is requested in the bedroom , where your husband is waiting for you . Come here .
Julia : And the wife is waiting for you .
Carly : Please come home to me , g - man . I ll be waiting . Good - bye , for now .
Emily : I m telling you the truth . We never had an affair .
Hal : So you ve said that .
Chris : I m in love with your wife .
Barbara : Hello , darling .
Lucy : I need to understand exactly what s going on .
Dusty : And why is that ?
Lucy : Because I m gon na be the one bailing you out when Dominic gets you thrown in jail .
### Summary:
| Roseanna convinces Carly to keep searching for Jack . Julia hides the picture after she questions Jack about another family and he insists that she and JJ are his family now . Chris tells Alison at the altar he ca nt marry her and when they talk in a private room , it s revealed that he was cheating with Emily . Alison runs out and tells Hal that her sister is still a slut , Aaron chasing after her . When she gets to the pond , she jumps in and tries to ruin the dress , Aaron thinking she s trying to kill herself . After he jumps in after her , she tells him that she does nt want to go anywhere with him . Lucy finds a good fighter on the internet , but Dusty tells her he s not what he s looking for . Jordan tries to make up with Jennifer at Metro , but she pushes him away . He then talks with Lucinda and asks for a job , Lucinda saying she ll get back to him . Nikki asks Mike to dance and he remembers Katie and declines . When Jennifer dances with him , Nikki reminds her that she s got dibs on him . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lizzie : Look at them . Take a good , long look . That was my family . That was the family that I could ve had if you had nt taken them away from me . I was so close to being happy . I have made so many mistakes . Maybe I m getting what I deserve . I know that you are .
Cassie : There you are .
Josh : Hey !
Cassie : Good morning .
Josh : Good morning .
Cassie : I ca nt believe how late I slept . Did you make coffee ? You made coffee .
Josh : You re looking better this morning .
Cassie : I m feeling a little better this morning . I mean , what you made me do yesterday-- retracing my steps the night of Alan s wedding-- was awful , but I think it helped . I mean , I ca nt say for sure that I did nt shoot him , but ...
Josh : But you feel it .
Cassie : Yeah . And I slept better last night than I have in a long time . I mean , even before the sleeping pills .
Josh : That s great . I m really ... I m glad for you .
Cassie : Thanks . And I had this beautiful dream that Tammy came to see me and she was at peace and she wanted me to be at peace , too . Thank you for helping .
Josh : I just want everything to be okay for you . I want you to be safe .
Cassie : I know . I know you do . I think I m actually going to try to do some errands today .
Josh : Really ? Would you like some help ?
Cassie : No , I just ... I have this whole list of things that I have nt been doing and I thought I would just try to catch up .
Josh : Wow , that s quite a list you got going on there . That s something .
Cassie : It is . If I have nt told you lately , I love you .
Josh : I love you , too , Cassie .
Cassie : Bye .
Josh : Bye .
Alan - Michael : Dr. Berstein , I was wondering why there s no improvement in my father s condition . Well , when do you expect him to make progress ? No , I understand and I m sure you ll understand when I bring in a specialist for a second opinion . Am I the only one around here who knows how to get things done ?
Ava : Nope . Not while I m around .
Buzz : Whoa , hey , take it easy on the tabletop there . Hey , that stuff costs like $ 70 a square foot . Take a break .
Coop : I m not in the mood , Dad , okay ?
Buzz : So take one anyway . Hey , you know what ? Frank called . Alan - Michael is not going to press charges for that header he took off the balcony , so ...
Coop : Yeah , I heard .
Buzz : You seem so excited about it .
Coop : Look , it s good , okay ? It s all good .
Buzz : It shows so much . Look , do me a favor , okay ? Get the hell out of here .
Cassie : Tammy , you would ve loved that .
Lizzie : Cassie ?
Cassie : Leave me alone , Lizzie . I do nt have anything to say to you .
Lizzie : No , I know . I have something I need to say to you .
Cassie : I m not interested .
Lizzie : Okay , just wait . Could you listen ? I need to apologize to you for Tammy s death .
Alan - Michael : I m not going to let Doris or Beth or even Alex use this to push me aside . I ca nt let up now .
Ava : Well , good . I m glad to hear you say that because we ve got some work to do here . I was thinking , Monica s going to be going to Seoul , right , to take over that meeting ? And while she s there , she could do some TV interviews , which would be great because she could talk about the strength of our share price , the contribution to Findyourlight.net , of course , and the restructuring in South America . And on the home front , I was thinking that ...
Alan - Michael : You have no idea , do you , how amazing you are ?
Ava : I m just doing my job . Anyways , I m not the one who s amazing . You are . You do nt even know if you can walk again and you re trying to keep this company afloat and keep your family from killing each other .
Alan - Michael : It s because of you , your faith in me . I could nt keep going without you .
Ava : Thank you . That is not true , but thank you . When you want something , you really ...
Alan - Michael : There are some things I want that I did nt get .
Nurse : Am I interrupting ?
Alan - Michael : No . We were just going over some business .
Nurse : Neurology needs to run a couple of tests on you .
Ava : Okay , well , I think it s time for you to go up . I ll be back . Knock em dead . He s an excellent test taker .
Nurse : How are you feeling today ?
Ava : Hey , Josh .
Josh : Oh , Ava , hi . You okay ?
Ava : Oh , yeah , I m ... I was just here seeing Alan - Michael .
Josh : Right , right . How s he doing ?
Ava : Well , he s still in a wheelchair .
Josh : I m sorry to hear that .
Ava : Yeah .
Josh : What about you ?
Ava : I ve had better weeks . ( Laughs )
Josh : I ve had better years . ( Laughter )
Ava : Yeah .
Josh : Hey , I ll tell you what , how about if I buy you a cup of coffee ?
Ava : Sure .
Josh : Okay .
Lizzie : That sweater would ve totally been her style .
Cassie : Excuse me ?
Lizzie : The sweater . You were thinking how good it would ve looked on her .
Cassie : Well , it does nt matter .
Lizzie : I walked by the baby store yesterday and I saw the cutest pink and yellow onesie . And I thought , I ll get it for Sarah . And then I remembered ...
Cassie : You remembered ?
Lizzie : It was like , How did I forget ? How could I ever forget ?
Cassie : I do nt know .
Lizzie : Did you ever notice how many babies there are in this part of town ? I d never paid attention before , but it is like a stroller parade every day . Every time I see a happy couple with a baby ...
Cassie : I m sorry .
Lizzie : No , I am the one that s supposed to be apologizing . Not that I could ever expect you to forgive me , I just wanted you to know that I miss Tammy , too .
Cassie : I feel like she had one like that . Am I wrong ?
Lizzie : I do nt remember . It s totally her , though , is nt it ?
Cassie : Yeah , it sure is .
Lizzie : You know , the first time we ever shopping together together it was my freshman year and we needed to get dresses for the fall fever dance . I always got my dresses at boutiques , but Tammy convinced me to go with her to Egan s .
Cassie : Wow , a department store .
Lizzie : I know . We went to this one department and it had the worst clothes . We had this contest to see who could come up with the ugliest dress and she came out in this hideous ... covered in pink bows and purple flowers . I offered her a thousand dollars to wear it to the dance and she started laughing and she split it right up the back . I had to pay for it but it was totally worth it . I am so sorry . I like to talk about Sarah to anybody that ll listen to me because it keeps her alive for me , but that was probably totally inappropriate . I should go .
Cassie : No , Lizzie , stay . You re right , I want to hear ... I want to hear all of it . Tell me everything you remember about her .
Buzz : It s on the house .
Cassie : Thanks .
Lizzie : I was really jealous of Tammy when she got that lead in the play . I wanted to be Juliet . She was really good . Way better than I would have ever been .
Cassie : ( Laughs ) She was really good . We gave her that standing ovation and she just beamed . That was the happiest I had ever seen her until she married Jonathan .
Lizzie : We used to play cards when I was pregnant and Roxy and I were living with them .
Cassie : Really ? What kind of cards ?
Lizzie : Poker . Tammy was really good . Kind of ruthless , actually .
Cassie : Tammy ?
Lizzie : She was so good at keeping her feelings to herself . I am not so good at that . When I m happy , I m happy .
Cassie : No kidding .
Lizzie : She said that whenever I had a good hand my eyes would get really wide . She always won .
Cassie : Wow , I did nt even know she knew how to play .
Lizzie : She liked to watch those poker shows on TV .
Cassie : Wow .
Lizzie : Thank you for not walking away earlier . You have every right to hate me , and I do know that I am at least partly to blame for Tammy s death . And Sarah s and Jonathan s , and now my granddad could die . I know that he is not the greatest person in the world , but he s still my grandfather . I just never meant for any of this to happen .
Cassie : I believe you , Lizzie .
Lizzie : You do ?
Cassie : Yeah , I do .
Lizzie : It s like ever since my dad died everyone just keeps disappearing from my life . Maybe that s my punishment , to end up alone , but how do you do it ? How do you get out of bed every day ? How do you get over losing someone that you loved so much ?
Cassie : You do nt get over it , Lizzie . You just hope it gets easier . And I m just trying to let go of my guilt and my regrets .
Lizzie : How ?
Cassie : I go over all the things I did do and did nt do and decisions I made , and I know I will always miss her . I just have to ... I have to find a way to live with myself again . And you will too , Lizzie . Take care .
Lizzie : You too .
Josh : You know , I m trying to remember , has there ever been a time that we ve actually sat down and had a conversation ?
Ava : Had a conversation ? No , I do nt know . Actually , Valentine s Day last year , the Inn that Olivia was going to buy .
Josh : Right .
Ava : Remember ?
Josh : You and Coop almost set the place on fire . That was a crazy night .
Ava : Yes , we did . I forgot about that . Wow .
Josh : So , Alan - Michael . The doctors have a prognosis for him yet ?
Ava : Well , it s too soon to tell . They re not sure about the movement in his legs . He might be paralyzed .
Josh : Wow .
Ava : Yeah .
Josh : This may sound hard to believe , but I actually have some experience in spinal cord injuries . I was in a wheelchair myself once for ... about 100 years ago . I know you re always looking for answers and the doctors do nt always have them .
Ava : Yeah , it s tough .
Josh : Just give him my best , will you please ?
Ava : I will . Were the two of you guys close ?
Josh : We ve done a lot of business deals over the years . I ... I ... I just ca nt help but think this has got to be tough for him . I mean , he s fighting through his own medical crisis right now . In the meantime , his father is fighting for his life . That s got to be hard .
Ava : Yeah , and on top of it all , he s ... he s running the business . I mean , do nt even get me started on this whole Doris Wolfe thing , Josh .
Josh : Yeah , I ve been wondering how the investigation s been going . I mean , the last I heard , they have nt found the gun .
Ava : They have nt found anything , I guess . I have nt heard anything .
Josh : I wonder if they have any suspects at all . Have you heard any rumors , or ...
Ava : No , nothing , unfortunately .
Alan - Michael : Why are you so interested , Josh ? Last I heard , you hated my father so much you attacked him with a wine bottle at Towers .
Josh : It was a champagne bottle , actually .
Alan - Michael : My mistake .
Josh : I was with Cassie , all right , and she was grieving . Your dad showed up with Doris on his arm . He sent over a bottle of champagne . Now , come on , we all know that he s responsible for Tammy s death . Tammy is Cassie s daughter .
Alan - Michael : But you decided to exact a little justice , the good - old - boy Lewis way . How far would you take that kind of justice , Josh ? How far would Cassie ? Or Reva or Billy , for that matter ? Far enough to shoot my father ?
Josh : Alan - Michael , if you re looking for a family that has it in for your father , you might want to look to your own . See you around .
Ava : I am so sorry .
Alan - Michael : It s okay .
Ava : I thought he was just being nice to me . You look exhausted . Let me help you back to your bed .
Alan - Michael : No , just ... just leave me alone .
Lizzie : I can do this . I can do this . I can do this , I can do this . Oh , God .
Cop : Miss , out of the elevator . No one s allowed in there . This is a crime scene .
Lizzie : What s going on ? What was that ? Hello ? Hello ? Is anybody out there ? I m stuck in here ! Hello ?
Josh : Hey .
Cassie : Hey .
Josh : I was nt expecting to see you for a while .
Cassie : I was nt expecting to be here for a while .
Josh : Huh .
Cassie : I had that whole list of errands to run and then I ran into Lizzie on Main Street and it kind of took the wind out of my sails .
Josh : You talked to her ?
Cassie : We actually sat down and had coffee .
Josh : Really ? And what was that like ?
Cassie : It was tiring . And sad . But I did nt blow up at her . That s a good thing , right ? In fact , I think I might have actually helped her a little bit . And that definitely felt better than lashing out . I think I m feeling just the tiniest glimmer of hope . I mean , nothing huge , you know , but just like I can see that maybe I could move forward with my life . You know , I mean , slowly but forward . Do nt look at me like that . I m going to be fine .
Josh : Cassie ?
Cassie : Yeah ?
Josh : There s something I need to talk to you about .
Cassie : Okay .
Josh : ( Sighs ) I did nt talk to you about it earlier because I actually thought I could find the answer myself , but ...
Cassie : What answer ? Okay , you re scaring me now .
Josh : Last night you mentioned the gun that I keep up there in that closet .
Cassie : Yeah , what about it ?
Josh : It s missing . Someone took it . I have nt checked it in a while , so I have no idea how long it s been gone .
Cassie : You do nt ... you do nt think R.J. got into this ...
Josh : No , I do nt . I keep it locked all the time and there s only two people that know where the keys are ...
Cassie : You and me .
Josh : ... And that s you and me , yes .
Cassie : And you did nt ...
Josh : No .
Cassie : So that means ... ( sighs )
Josh : I had to tell you , Cassie .
Cassie : Well , when did you find out it was missing ?
Josh : Last night after you went to sleep .
Cassie : So you think I took it with me to Alan s wedding ?
Josh : I do nt want to think that .
Cassie : But it s the only thing that makes sense , right ?
Josh : If there s something that you need to say to me ...
Cassie : I do nt have anything to say to you . I do nt know anything . I told you , when Tammy died my whole life went blank . I do nt ... I do nt know . Everything went fuzzy . I do nt think I took it . I do nt remember taking it . But what if I did ? I do nt know . What if I did ? What if I took the gun and I took it with me to Alan s wedding ?
Josh : Then I ll take care of it .
Cassie : How ? How ?
Josh : Okay , I ll take care of it right now .
Cassie : What are you doing ? What are you going to do ? What are you doing ?
Alan - Michael : I can do it .
Ava : Okay , well , I m sorry , Alan - Michael . I m sorry , okay ? I screwed up . I talked to him ; I should nt have . I ... I m ... I m learning , okay ?
Alan - Michael : Forget about it .
Ava : But I ca nt forget about it .
Alan - Michael : Well , I want you to . Please .
Ava : Fine . For you , I will . So , what else can I help you with around here ?
Alan - Michael : Nothing .
Ava : Okay , you know what ? I got an idea . Perfect time , I can go through your emails with you , you just tell me what you want me ...
Alan - Michael : Ava , really , you ve taken care of everything you could possibly take care of . And you can go .
Ava : But ...
Alan - Michael : In fact , you ve taken care of things so well that I m all set for a couple days . So , I m going to arrange for you to work with Alexandra for a while .
Ava : With ... no , no , no , no , no , I do nt want to work with Alexandra .
Alan - Michael : It s not really a choice .
Ava : Are you trying to get rid of me ?
Alan - Michael : I m just reallocating resources . I m the boss , remember ? If I think your services would be more useful in a different part of the company , then ...
Ava : You were just telling me how much you needed me . You were just telling me how much you relied on me and depended on me .
Alan - Michael : And now I m okay .
Ava : I do nt believe that . Okay , something s going on here . What s going on ? Why are you pushing me away ? Oh .
Alan - Michael : Oh what ?
Ava : Oh . You do nt like me to see you like this , do you ? That s exactly what it is . Vulnerable ... you do nt want me to see you vulnerable in this chair .
Alan - Michael : I ll tell you what I do nt like . I do nt like it that my father s lying comatose right down this hall and people are cheering about it . I do nt like it that I m stuck in this chair . I do nt like it ...
Ava : ... That you have to rely on someone ? Namely me .
Alan - Michael : The idea is for me to sweep you off your feet , Ava , not for you to spoon feed me cereal .
Ava : You re frustrated .
Alan - Michael : That s an understatement .
Ava : And you re angry .
Alan - Michael : Uh huh .
Ava : Yeah . And you know what that means ? It means you re human . That might come as a shock to other people , but not to me .
Lizzie : Hello ? Help me ! Help me ! Okay , all right , okay , get a grip . Of course someone is going to help me . They re working on it right now . I m sure they re working on it right now . I m sure that someone is ... I just need some water . Just have some water . Damn it . Whoa . Hello ? Hello ? Is anybody there ? Hello ? I never meant for anything to turn out like this . I am so sorry , granddad . I m so sorry . I m so sorry .
Marina : Lizzie ? Lizzie , are you okay ?
Mallet : What did you mean , Lizzie ? Sorry , huh ? You re sorry for what ?
Coop : Hey . Well , the nurse said I could just come right in . I heard you were nt pressing charges , which is right . We both know the fall was an accident . Still , for my part , I m sorry .
Alan - Michael : Apology accepted .
Coop : Well , I know you need to get your rest , so I ll leave you . Ava , do you ... do you have a minute ?
Ava : Sure . What s up ?
Cassie : What are you doing ?
Josh : Look , worst - case scenario is this , right ? They find the missing gun . It turns out it s my gun and they trace it back to us . Right ?
Cassie : Well , then , I m going to have to admit that I do nt remember what happened that night .
Josh : No , no , no . You re not going to have to admit anything . They come here looking for the gun . We take them over to the closet and show them that we keep it locked in a box in the closet . We pull it out , we find out that the lock has been broken . Somebody s broken into this house and stolen this gun . We re just as shocked as they are . That s the way it s going to work .
Cassie : So you suggest I keep silent and let you lie to the police for me ?
Josh : Yes .
Cassie : No , I ca nt do it . I ca nt do it .
Josh : Yes , you can .
Cassie : I ca nt let you do it , Josh .
Josh : You can and you will , Cassie , because you ve suffered enough already . I do nt care about the law right now . I really do nt . What I care about is you and keeping you safe , and I m going to do everything I have to do to make that happen .
Mallet : Check that out for me , will you ?
Cop : Yes , sir .
Mallet : Appreciate that .
Marina : So , do you want to do this ?
Mallet : No , you . You ... you do the sympathetic girlfriend thing and I ll be the bad cop .
Marina : Why do you always get to be the bad cop ?
Mallet : Because then I d have to be the girlfriend and I m a guy .
Marina : Details . So , Lizzie , are you feeling better ? I know what it s like to be trapped in an elevator once . It happened to me and it s not pleasant .
Lizzie : No kidding .
Marina : So , when you were in the elevator and you were screaming for help , you kept saying , I m sorry .
Lizzie : I did ?
Marina : Yeah . Several times . What did you mean ? Sorry for what ? Look , Lizzie , Tammy and Jonathan were my friends , too . I know how much you must miss them and your little baby , Sarah . Lizzie , I ca nt imagine the grief that you must be feeling and how much you must be hurting . And how angry you must be at your grandfather for the part that he played in her death .
Lizzie : I do nt know what you re talking about .
Mallet : She s talking about when you were in the elevator , Lizzie . Same elevator where Alan was shot . You kept repeating over and over again how sorry you are .
Lizzie : I did nt know what I was saying . I just ... I ... I freaked out when ... when the elevator got stuck . Being in there where my granddad was , I was just thinking about what he ... what he must have gone through and I ... I m claustrophobic , just like he is . It runs in my family . Oh !
Mallet : Where you going ?
Lizzie : I just realized I forgot my purse in there .
Marina : You know , Lizzie , I ll go get it .
Mallet : Yeah , why do nt we sit down here ?
Marina : Hey , Lizzie ? When you were in here before trying to get help , did you ... did you try to move a panel to try to get out through the ceiling .
Lizzie : Yeah , I thought about it . I flung my purse up there a couple of times to try to move one , but then I realized that was a dumb idea . How would I climb up there without anyone to help me ?
Marina : Hey , Mallet , could you come here for a second ? How do you feel about picking me up ?
Ava : Okay , what was that for ?
Coop : To remind you of something you seem to have forgotten recently : Us . What s the deal , Ava ? I mean , are we over ? Is this it ? Are we just going to see each other around town every now and then and act like we never cared for each other ? That we never shared anything ? Or are we going to start trying to put things back together ? Are we going to fight to make things right again ?
Ava : Okay , you know that I care about you .
Coop : Do you ?
Ava : I do .
Coop : You do ?
Ava : Yes .
Coop : Really ? Because you were the one that said you needed to put the brakes on things because you wanted space , not because there was someone else .
Ava : There is nt . There is nt anybody else . But I am confused about my feelings between you and Alan- Michael . You are both very different . But why do I have to have this conversation with you ?
Coop : I ca nt live in limbo . Is Alan - Michael the one that you want to be with ? If so , then just tell me , but do nt lie to me about it .
Ava : I have never lied to you , okay ?
Coop : All right .
Ava : You need to stop pushing me , Coop .
Coop : All right . All right . All right , that s fine . But just be honest with yourself . Just answer me one question . One simple , little question . Do you trust him ?
Ava : Yes .
Coop : You trust Alan - Michael Spaulding ?
Ava : Yes .
Coop : After all the garbage he s tried to throw on you ? All the crap , all the times he tried to trick you to get you into bed ? That stunt that he pulled down in San Cristobel ? That crap that he pulled when he tried to take you to Paris ?
Ava : We were working .
Coop : You were working . By the way , we never even talked about that . You were working . Okay , sure . It was trumped up work , Ava .
Ava : Just leave me alone .
Coop : Be careful what you wish for .
Ava : Is that a threat ?
Coop : No . I just hate to see you fall for all of his crap .
Ava : I hate seeing you like this .
Coop : Really ?
Ava : It makes me sick .
Coop : Uh huh . Okay , well , guess what ? This is who I am . I m sorry I m not Alan - Michael Spaulding . This guy s a player . He is a user and right now he s using you . All right , the guy is completely dogging you . He s using you . I mean , for all we know , he could have been the one that even shot his own father .
Ava : He was in a wheelchair , Coop . He ... he s paralyzed . I mean , this is ridiculous .
Coop : He could have hired somebody . Just like Alan hired somebody to killed Jonathan . Ava , this is what they do . They are monsters . All of them .
Ava : He is different .
Coop : Uh huh . Well , keep telling yourself that .
Ava : It s time for you to go now .
Coop : You know what , this is one time you re not going to get an argument out of me because I really do nt want to be around somebody who walks around with blinders on all the time . Have a nice life .
Ava : Coop .
Alan - Michael : I got to believe you re looking down over all this and you understand why I m doing what I m doing . You cold ? Chair really gets in the way . Yeah , falling of that balcony hurt like hell , but it was a blessing in disguise . It just might be the answer to all my problems . Here you go . That s better .
Cassie : I may have shot Alan Spaulding . He could die . You have to tell me honestly , because I do nt know : Do you think I did it ? I mean , do you think I could be a murderer ?
Marina : Can you get me any higher ?
Mallet : Do you want me in traction ?
Marina : Ooh !
Mallet : Ow !
Marina : Okay , okay , I got something .
Mallet : You okay ?
Marina : Yeah . But I do believe we found ourselves a murder weapon .
Next , on Guiding Light .
Buzz : The best man , that ll be Coop . So the maid of honor-- are you going to call Ava or shall I ?
Josh : Where are you going ?
Cassie : I m going to the only place I can go-- to turn myself in .
Alan - Michael : I m going to have it all . Not just power and money , but something more .
### Summary:
| Lizzie checks in on Alan . Cassie goes into the kitchen feeling better and thanks Josh . Alan - Michael is on the phone with his Dad s doctor yelling at him . Buzz tells Coop that no charges will be filed on him . Lizzie runs into Cassie near a store . She wants to apologize . Ava and Alan - Michael have another meeting , which is disrupted by a nurse . Ava leaves and runs into Josh at the hospital . Josh offers to buy Ava a cup of coffee and talk . Lizzie and Cassie talk more . Lizzie remembers freshman year when she and Tammy went to a department store to buy dresses . Cassie s facial expression changes during this talk . They both ask each other how they get over loosing someone . Josh talks to Alan - Michael about Alan . Cassie locks Lizzie in a storage room , then goes home as if nothing happened . Josh asks her if she talked to Lizzie , she says yes that they had a good talk . Josh asks Cassie about his gun . Lizzie frantically knocks on the door and yells hoping someone will hear her . Soon Mallet and Marina open the door to see Lizzie there . Josh tells Cassie he will make up a story to explain his missing gun . Cassie does nt want him to lie for her . Mallet and Marina play bad cop / good cop when questioning Lizzie . Coop and Ava talk about their relationship . Alan - Michael visits his dad . Cassie asks Josh if she could have shot Alan . Mallet and Marina find a gun . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : Hey , Logan . I looked for you after the meeting .
Brooke : I was with your daughter .
Ridge : Do nt tell me the two of you got into it .
Brooke : Steffy s made it very clear for the umpteenth time that she does nt want me and my family in this company .
Ridge : ( Sighs heavily ) Well , I want you here , okay ?
Brooke : I know you do . I just wish your daughter would nt make things so difficult . She s determined to drive me and my family out . And I m really afraid of what she might do next .
Ridge : We ll have a talk with her , see if I can get her to go easy on you .
Brooke : Well , it s not me that I m worried about . It s my children . As long as she does nt do anything to hurt my kids , we ll be fine .
Bridget : Okay . Seriously , when can I take off this -- the , uh , the headphones and the -- I - I mean , I must look ridiculous .
Nick : Just the way I like you .
Bridget : What ? What ? I mean , honestly , when can I take these off , please ?
Nick : Okay , okay , okay , okay , okay , okay . You ready ?
Bridget : What ?
Nick : ( Loudly ) You ready ?
Bridget : ( Loudly ) Yes .
Nick : ( Normal voice ) You may have your hearing first ...
Bridget : ( Normal voice ) Nice .
Nick : And your sight back .
Bridget : Thank God . I was starting to ... we re on the -- we re on the jet .
Nick : Yes .
Bridget : What are we doing on the jet ?
Nick : I thought we d have a little snack on the tarmac .
Bridget : Oh . Oh .
Nick : ( Chuckles ) I m gon na take you someplace very beautiful and relaxing so we can leave all our worries behind . What do you think ?
Bridget : ( Sighs ) Oh , thank you , baby . Thank you so much .
Steffy : That video on Oliver s phone-- Bridget and Owen ? It could nt be . I have to find out .
Oliver : Steffy ?
Steffy : Oh , out here .
Oliver : Man , this place is huge . You need a map to find your way around .
Steffy : You made it . I m glad you re here .
Oliver : So why d you invite me over here ?
Steffy : Do I need to have a reason ?
Oliver : I have a feeling you do .
Steffy : I guess I m just curious .
Oliver : About what ?
Steffy : About ... you .
Oliver : What about me ?
Steffy : You re a cool guy , a lot going for you . So tell me something . Why did you accept my invitation ?
Oliver : I guess you could say I m curious .
Steffy : About me ?
Oliver : Maybe . Or maybe I wanted to see how the other half lives . I always heard about the famous Forrester family . Definitely lives up to the reputation .
Steffy : So you re just here to see the architecture , what life s like in Bel Air ? You being here has nothing to do with me ?
Oliver : I ll admit , there s something interesting about you . But I m also pretty sure you re trouble . Smart , beautiful . Definitely trouble . ( Chuckles )
Nick : Pilot says we ll be taking off any minute .
Bridget : Wow . When did you plan this ?
Nick : When you were in the shower .
Bridget : Oh . You are good .
Nick : Thank you .
Bridget : So ... where are we going ?
Nick : You ll have to wait and see .
Bridget : ( Sighs ) Somewhere far , far , far away , I hope .
Nick : Somewhere far , far away and romantic and exotic where no one s gon na bother us . Just you and me . How s that sound ?
Bridget : Beyond perfect . Well , um , what about Jack ?
Nick : Taken care of .
Bridget : My mom-- did you tell my mom we were-- I should probably tell my mom . Maybe I should just call her and -- and let her know that -- that we re going away for the weekend .
Nick : Okay .
Brooke : Oh , it s Bridget . Hi , honey .
Bridget : Hey , Mom .
Brooke : Is everything okay ?
Bridget : Yeah . Um , yeah , actually , everything is great . Nick is whisking me away for a romantic getaway . We re actually already on the jet .
Brooke : That s exactly what you need right now , both of you-- time away to heal .
Bridget : Yeah , I know , you re right . Everything that s happened recently , that s all made me realize how blessed I am to have him . I am never , ever , ever gon na let him forget how much I love him .
Steffy : So what would Hope think if she knew you were here ?
Oliver : It s not like it s a date or anything .
Steffy : Right . Because she would nt like that .
Oliver : Probably not .
Steffy : Are you two exclusive ?
Oliver : No . Did you invite me over here to make her jealous ?
Steffy : What ? No . I m trying to get to know you better .
Oliver : You have it in for the Logans . Hope is a Logan .
Steffy : True . But you know what ? Let s not talk about Hope or the Logans or anyone else . You re here to swim , right ? So why do nt you grab a swimsuit , or if you have your own , that s --
Oliver : I brought mine .
Steffy : Sweet . All right , you can change over there in the pool house .
Steffy : ( Whispers ) Awesome .
Nick : I think it s a good idea to get out of town , given what we ve been through the past few days , hmm ?
Bridget : Yeah . Yeah , a lot has happened . And none of it s been really good .
Nick : But this is where we start over with a fresh start and move forward together .
Bridget : I want that . I want that so much . I just want to forget ... ( Inhales ) everything .
Nick : I do nt think we can pretend like some things did nt happen , but we can certainly heal . We can certainly forgive each other .
Bridget : I was j - just in so much pain , Nick . You know , I did things , said things that I - I never thought I was capable of . I actually ca nt believe everything that s happened , all of it . I was nt really sure that we would be able to get past it . But , honey , you have been everything for me , so understanding , so - so wonderful .
Nick : We re gon na come out of this stronger than ever .
Bridget : You really believe that ?
Nick : ( Chuckles ) There is no doubt in my mind .
Ridge : What are you doing back there , Logan ?
Brooke : It s a surprise .
Ridge : You need a hand ?
Brooke : I m gon na need both your hands in a minute . Ta - da .
Ridge : Wow .
Brooke : ( Giggles )
Ridge : As always , you look incredible .
Brooke : I thought you might need a visual reminder of what the Brooke s Bedroom looks like .
Ridge : Oh , trust me , I have not forgotten how hot and sexy it is .
Brooke : And how lucrative , how successful .
Ridge : I already agreed to keep the bedroom line , Logan .
Brooke : Mm - hmm , against the wishes of your mother and your ex - wife .
Ridge : Well , you were right . We d be foolish to drop it . In fact , looking at you right now , I m thinking we should increase production , make a lot more of these sexy little numbers .
Brooke : Mm . You really stood up for me today in the meeting .
Ridge : My dear , you had every right to be there and have your voice heard .
Brooke : Taylor and your mother do nt think so .
Ridge : You helped build this company as much as anyone , okay ? You know that . I know that . That s all that matters .
Brooke : Mmm . Thank you . Thank you so much for your support . How will I ever repay you ?
Ridge : You know , maybe we should continue this at home .
Brooke : Do you want your thank - you gift or not ? Hmm ?
Steffy : Come on , come on , come on . ( Sighs ) Where is it ? ( Sighs ) I got ta find it . Come on . ( Sighs ) ( Exhales deeply )
Oliver : Hey-- what are you doing with my phone ? What are you doing with my phone ?
Steffy : I - I thought it rang . It might be important .
Oliver : Oh , yeah ? And what s -- what s the-- what s the ringtone ?
Steffy : Um , Black Eyed Peas .
Oliver : No .
Steffy : Oh , no , I m so stupid . Uh , Lady Gaga .
Oliver : Lady Gaga ?
Steffy : Yeah .
Oliver : No . You know , it s weird . It does nt show that I have any missed calls .
Steffy : Really ? Oh , you know , that was probably my phone then somewhere around here .
Oliver : I think you re lying .
Steffy : What makes you think I m lying ?
Oliver : I know what you re up to , why you brought me here .
Steffy : Hmm ?
Oliver : You want to see that video on my phone again .
Steffy : Okay , I admit I m a little intrigued .
Oliver : Because you think it s Owen and Bridget .
Steffy : ( Scoffs ) It definitely looks a lot like them .
Oliver : Did you watch it just now ?
Steffy : No , no , I swear .
Oliver : Good . Well , now I guess you ll never get to know who s on that video because I m deleting it . There . Gone forever . That hot little video will never again see the light of day .
Steffy : ( Sighs )
Oliver : And I m leaving .
Steffy : Wait , what ? You re not even gon na stay for a swim ?
Oliver : Not without a lifeguard . It would nt be safe .
Steffy : Thanks for stopping by , Ollie .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Ridge : It feels like old times .
Brooke : ( Giggles ) Back when it was fun around here .
Ridge : Oh , it ll be fun again .
Brooke : With your mother and Taylor around ? I do nt think so .
Ridge : We are not gon na let them get in our way . You may not be an official owner , but you re my wife , my right - hand woman , all right ? I ca nt run this place without you .
Brooke : You most certainly can not . ( Giggles ) You know , I guess things are nt so bad . I mean , here I am with you , and Hope has this great opportunity with the youth line . Bridget and Nick are back on track again . I mean , things could be worse , right ? Let s just pray that your mother does nt make my life a living hell . ( Chuckles )
Stephanie : Ridge , I ve been thinking about-- get a hotel room , for God sakes .
Brooke : ( Laughs )
Steffy : Hmm , what do we have here ? An e - mail from Oliver Jones ? ( Gasps ) It looks like that video s not gone after all .
Bridget : Oh , wow . Why are you so good to me ?
Nick : Because you deserve it .
Bridget : I m not so sure I do . I m not perfect , you know ?
Nick : Really ?
Bridget : I m not , Nick .
Nick : Well , you know , we all make mistakes , Bridget . We d all love to change some things that we just ca nt change . You know , we ca nt go back in history . All we can really do is look to the future .
Bridget : Start over , right ? Not beat ourselves up about things we ve done .
Nick : It s not gon na do either of us any good to dwell on the past .
Bridget : You re right .
Nick : Now it s about-- it s about letting go of yesterday , letting go of what happened last month or last year and trying to reconnect , you know , trying to get back to that feeling , the reason why we got into this deal in the first place .
Bridget : ( Laughs )
Nick : You see , for me , if I m looking at you at the end of the day , I m a very happy man .
Stephanie : This is just so old .
Brooke : Ohh , Stephanie ! Has it ever crossed your mind to knock ?
Stephanie : I did knock . Does it ever cross your mind to lock a door ? This is a place of business . This is nt your -- your bedroom .
Brooke : You ve only been here a few days , and you re already bossing people around ?
Ridge : Mother , do we have to get into this right now ?
Stephanie : Yes , we do have to get into this right now , because your -- these-- these-- these games of yours , these seduction games of yours , this parading around in your bra and pan-- you are totally naked , are nt you ?
Brooke : You ca nt tell me what to do .
Stephanie : Well , I think we can , because we own the company now , do nt we ? We want to re - create and bring back a wonderful sense of style and elegance . There s a whole new era that can begin here again at Forrester . I know that s gon na be a challenge for you and your sister , who are used to just seducing anyone and everyone here in the offices .
Brooke : ( Laughs ) I am not seducing anybody . This happens to be my husband .
Stephanie : I know he s your husband . That s my point . Take it to your house . Take it to your home . That s what mature adults do .
Brooke : Are you gon na let her talk to me like this ?
Ridge : Just let it roll right off of your--
Stephanie : Oh , and you , big guy , you know better . You re not exactly an adolescent .
Ridge : Mother , we are married . It s okay .
Stephanie : I know you re married . I m delighted you re married . I m just asking you not to do it here .
Brooke : I know-- I - I know what s going on here . You re just not happy that I m with Ridge and that I make him happy . But you know what ? I have my place here , Stephanie , at Forrester Creations , right by my lovely husband . And there s nothing that you can do to get me out of this company .
Stephanie : What do I have to do to get you to put your clothes on ? I guess just simply leave . ( Sighs heavily )
Brooke : Ohh , you re wasting your precious time ... cause I am not leaving !
Ridge : The dragon is gone .
Brooke : Thank God .
Ridge : Ready for round two ?
Brooke : Mmm . And then round three ... ( Giggles ) and four and five , six .
Steffy : Oh , my God , it is them . It s Bridget and Owen . Wedding rings . Oh , my-- she is just like her mother . Okay , what can I do with this ?
Bridget : I was so lost , so torn up before . And now I feel so safe , so secure in your arms .
Bridget : I just want you to hold me so tight . Do nt ever let me go . I do nt ever , ever want this feeling to end .
### Summary:
| Ridge tells Brooke that he will talk to Steffy and see if she wo nt go easier on her . Brooke says she can handle herself ; she just hopes Steffy does nt do something to her kids . Nick guides Bridget secretly to the jet . He thinks they can have a little snack on the tarmac . He s going to whisk her away to some secret place where they dont have to deal with anyone else . She calls Brooke to let her know ; their time to heal and she will never ever let Nick forget how much he loves him . Brooke gives Ridge a visual reminder of what the Brooke s Bedroom Line looks like , incredible in red . She appreciates him standing up for her today at the meeting . His support meant a lot since Taylor and his mother is against her . Steffy welcomes Oliver to her pool party for two and rifles through his backpack when he goes to change to his suit . She ca nt wait to get her hands on his cell phone with the videos . She has a hard time accessing them and he catches her . She tries to lie her way out of it , but he leaves when he realizes what she really is up to . He even deletes the image completely from his phone . Ridge and Brooke disrobe and make love on the desk in his office . The door is unlocked and they are caught canoodling on the couch by Stephanie who shows her disdain at Brooke s seduction games . After Stephanie leaves , they go back for seconds . Nick gives Bridget a toe massage and even kisses them . He wants them to get back to their true feelings . Steffy gets an e - mail from Oliver and somehow the video of Bridget and Owen is included . She exclaims that Bridget is just like her mother . Now what can she do with this ? |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Fox : Oh , whitney , how much longer do I have to wait to turn my fantasies into reality ? What do I have to do to make you love me instead of chad ?
Chad : Baby , stop worrying . Your parents have been together for a long time . Their love is deep and their marriage is strong . They ll work out their problems .
Whitney : I justopope it happens soon . I mean , the tone in my mom s voice really worried me .
Chad : Look , if there s a couple to worry about , it s gwen and ethan . I mean , yeah , they re married with a baby on the way , but theresa still has it in her head that she s going to be with ethan . Now , I m not saying my man ethan would leave his wife and baby to hook up with theresa , but the thought alone is enough to make gwen trip .
Whitney : Yeah , I just wish theresa would stop living in a fantasy world for her own good . I mean , I ca nt believe she really thinks that fate is going to bring ethan to los angeles so that they can be together . I mean , how ridiculous is that ?
Theresa : Oh , ethan .
Grace : Eve ? Was that T.C. You were talking to ?
Eve : No . No , it was whitney . She just called me to see how I was doing . She -- she thought that I was nt myself when she left for L.A.
Grace : Did you tell her you and T.C. Were having problems ?
Eve : Yes , but , of course , I did nt tell her that liz and her threats to expose my past were at the root of them .
Grace : No , I m sure you could nt tell her that over the phone .
Eve : I hope liz is nt trying to use this rift T.C. And I have over whitney to move in on my husband .
Liz : Do you think I m hot and sexy ?
T.C. : You are very hot and very , very sexy .
Luis : Hey , buddy , thanks a lot for setting me straight about paying more attention to beth now that she s pregnant . And it s only fair now that we know that sheridan s in paris .
Hank : Right . Fresh strawberries are nice . More original than flowers or candy .
Luis : Yeah , well , you know , since mama and theresa both craved them when they were pregnant , I figure beth will , too .
Hank : I got news for you , bubuddy -- these look so good , I m starting to have a craving myself .
Luis : Now you keep your grubby little hands off of those , all right ? Those are for beth to show her that I care about her and the baby .
Hank : Fine . Let me starve . Think we should call beth , let her know we re coming ?
Luis : Nah . Let s surprise her instead . I want to see the look on her face .
Beth : I ca nt let sheridan lose the baby . I need it to trick luis into thinking that it s ours so he ll marry me once sheridan turns up dead . I got to find out why precious and mother are taking so long boiling the water and ripping up the towels . If sheridan does nt deliver the baby soon , it s going to be too late .
Mrs. Wallace : Hey , precious , is that water boiling yet ? Why not ? Oh , you stupid simian . You got to fire it up !
Beth : Ok , what is the holdup with the water and the towels , and where is charlie ?
Charlie : What s wrong ? Edna here left a message saying to hurry over .
Beth : Sheridan started labor , but something s not right . She s bleeding really bad , and I m afraid if we do nt do something fast , sheridan and the baby are going to die .
Sheridan : Oh , my god . Oh , my god ! Oh , I m losing my baby !
Singer : I would hold the hand of the one who could lead me places and kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet and i would fly on the wings of the bird I knew could take me highest breathe in , breathe out you keep me alive you are the fire burning inside of me you are my passion for life 8
grace : Come on , eve , this is T.C. That we re talking about . I really do nt thi h he s going to do anything to jeopardize your marriage .
Eve : Grace , I trust T.C. , But liz is quite another story . She has already made it very clear to me that she wants to take T.C. Away from me , as if ruining my life will somehow make up for ruining hers , for her being molested by our fher . And I did nt know , grace . I did nt know . I would ve done something .
Grace : I know , I know , eve , you would ve helped .
Eve : But I did nt , and she ca nt get past that . Liz used whitney and simone s falling - out over chad to plant the idea in T.C. S head that I am a bad mother and my long hours at the hospital as proof that I am a bad wife . At the rate that liz is going , I m afraid that she could manipulate T.C. Into almost anything .
T.C. : Wait a minute .
Liz : What ? What is it , T.C. ?
T.C. : What is it ? I almost kissed you again . This -- I ca nt do this . This is not like me at all .
Liz : I understand . I mean , it s like you said -- it just keeps getting hotter and hotter out here . And we needed relief from the heat and we found it in a kiss . A very nice kiss .
T.C. : Yeah . Yeah , that kiss was -- it was nice , all right .
T.C. : Liz , I -- I ca nt be kissing you . I m hap-- I m -- I m a married man .
Liz : I understand , T.C.
T.C. : You do ?
Liz : Sure . Why do nt I just pour you a little more lemonade , and we ll forget all about that kiss .
Liz : This should make T.C. Drop his inhibitions -- and his pants . Here you are .
T.C. : Thanks .
Liz s voice : After another glass of my special lemonade , you ll forget all about being a married man and you ll kiss me again .
Sheridan : Oh , god , please do nt let my baby die ! God , I wish luis would save me ! But after seeing that D.V.D. Of me supposedly in paris , no one is going to think that I need rescuing . I m all alone except for that freak clown that s keeping me prisoner ! Oh , god !
Beth : So ? You saw her . What do we do ?
Charlie : There s nothing we can do . Looks like blondie s about to kick the bucket and take her baby with her .
Beth : Damn it . Sheridan s ruining my whole plan . This is out there on global - I m seanna collins . The cariwest carribean arts festival features an array of colorful perfomers , musicians and vendors . Enjoy a costume extravaganza tonight , a parade caribbean style tomorrow and the steel pan competition sunday with all day entertainment and cuisine . The rockn in august festival goes this weekend in st . Albert . Tonight enjoy a parade cruise and street dance at city hall and tomorrow , it s the open show and shine . The event is in support of diabetes research and education enjoy two events sunday afternoon at the devonian botanic garden . The traditional tea ceremnony is a way to experience the japanese custom and the thunderbirds will be on display - your invited to bring your thunderbird and join in the fun and the edmonton folk music festival goes this weekend - it s the number on folk festival in north america . A four day celebration of blues , celtic , singer- songwriters workshops , bluegrass , gospal and world music .. all outdoors at gallagher park . That s out there on global - have a great weekend
fofox : I ca nt sleep for thinking about whitney . I got to do something to get my mind off her .
Whitney : Fox . I did nt know I d find you here .
Fox : Well , I guess we re both lucky then . You re looking incredible , by the way .
Whitney : Oh , thank you . You re not looking so bad yourself .
Fox : Here to work out , I see .
Whitney : Yeah . But not on the machines . I came to work out on you , fox . The man of steel himself .
Chad : All right , we have spent a lot of time tonight worrying about theresa and her fantasies about ethan , and about your folks . Look , I want everyone to be happy , ok , but right now I want to concentrate on our happiness .
Whitney : Well , what did you have in mind ?
Chad : Does that make you happy ?
Whitney : Uh -- yeah , kind of .
Chad : How about that ?
Whitney : I m smiling , are nt I ?
Chad : Well , I guess I m on the right track then , huh ?
Whitney : Hmm . If you keep this up , we ll both be real happy in no time , baby .
Ethan : What t the matter with me ? How can I be dreaming of kissing theresa when I m married to gwen , for god s sakes ? All right , no more . No more dreaming of theresa . She s back in harmony , 3,000 miles away .
Mrs. Wallace : Come on , precious . Grab the towels , follow me downstairs before beth goes off on us for being such slowpokes , ok ?
Mrs. Wallace : Oh , dear heavens , no , it s luis . Oh , no , and hank bennett is with him ! Come on , you orangutan , get your tushy downstairs ! We got to tell beth and charee that things have gone from bad to worse . Come on ! Where are the towels ? Here we go . Come on , precious .
Luis : Beth ?
Hank : What s going on ?
Luis : I do nt know . I do nt know where beth could be .
Charlie : Bethie , get a grip . Even if sheridan and her baby die , you ll still have me .
Beth : Yeah . I know , I know . But I really have my heart set on having sheridan s baby . And if there s nothing we can do to save them , then our whole plan is ruined .
Charlie : Yeah , without blondie s baby for us to raise together , then there s really no reason for us to keep her alive anymore .
Beth : Right .
Beth s voice : And my real plan to fool luis into thinking it s my baby wo nt work , either .
Beth : Ok . I guess it s time we cut our losses .
Beth : Damn you , sheridan . This is the last time you ruin things for me .
Rhonda : Next time on 100 hundred lit street , the grand finale of la danse . We ll have highlights from the final stop on the cross - canada tour . The author of a new book hope for the home front . We ll talk to her about that . That s next time on 100
grace : Look , eve , I do nt know if this will help , but you re not alone . You know , I understand that you re afraid that liz will try to manipulate T.C. Into doing something he would nt ordinarily do . I ve been afraid that ivy would do the same thing with sam . But I thk k the key is not to be afraid . I think we have to fight to save our marriages , and I m going to fight to save my marriage with sam .
Sam : You know , it s twice now that we thought it was too late for kay s baby , but she proved us wrong . Maybe there s a lesson in that . Maybe it s not too late for us after all .
Grace : Well , since the baby seems stable for now , sam and I are going to go home , try to work things out . And you know what , I think you should do the same thing . Go home , spend some time with T.C.
Eve : I think -- I think I ll go and check on kay s baby one more time and , ifhehe s ok , then I think I will go home to my husband and try and repair the damage my marriage suffered over our disagreement about whitney .
Sam : Night .
Eve : Night .
Eve s voice : And to make sure liz is nt taking advantage of my absence with T.C.
Liz : I have a confession to make , T.C.
T.C. : What is it ?
Liz : Well , you know earlier when you said that you thought that I m hot and sexy ?
T.C. : Yeah , I remember .
Liz : Well , I have to confess , I think you are the hottest , sexiest man I ve ever met .
Luis : Beth ? I do nt understand why she s not answering . The door s wide open and , yeah , here car s here , lights are on .
Hank : Hmm . Maybe she s having some sort of problem with her mother .
Luis : You re right . We should go in and see if we can help . Beth ?
Sheridan : What are you doing ? God , no .
Beth : I m doing what I should ve done a long time ago .
Mrs. Wallace : Psst ! Hank and luis are at the back door !
Beth : What ?
Charlie : Hank ? Wonder if that s the same man who caught me on the wharf smashing blondie dolls . Does nt matter . I might as well try to save sheridan s baby .
Beth : Can you do that ?
Mrs. Wallace : What about hank and luis ?
Charlie : Nothing to lose by trying . I mean , that s the least of our problems now . Those men are here .
Mrs. Wallace : People say I m deaf . Hmm .
Beth : I m going to go get rid of them , ok ?
Luis : Beth ! Beth , where are you ?
Beth : Luis is in the house ! If he comes down here , sheridan s going to hear him !
Luis : She s not upstairs . I do nt understand where she could be .
Hank : Maybe she ju t took her mom out for ice cream or something . Do nt you think you re overreacting ?
Luis : Maybe .
Hank : I m sure they re fine .
Luis : You know what ? She s probably downstairs dealing with that vermin problem . Come on , come with me . We ll go check it out , all right ?
Hank : No , no , no , no , I think I ll let you check that one out on your own . I ll head to the book cafe . If beth s there , I ll give you a call .
Luis : All right , buddy . Thanks a lot for the help .
Hank : Anytime , man .
Luis : All right , rats , here I come . a We re fascinated with their lives . Yet even more intrigued with their deaths . What has killed 17 whales off nova scotia this summer ? Scientists checking now . Revealing their findings tonight . On global national with kevin newman .
Singer : You are my passion for life
fox : Well , working out did nt help me get my mind off of whitney . Ugh .
Whitney : Fox , I ve been looking all over for you .
Fox : Well , you found me . What are you going to do with me ?
Whitney : Oh , I have a list of things . Some of them naughty , but all of them nice .
Fox : Whitney , you are one incredible woman .
Whitney : And you , fox , are one lucky man .
Fox : Oh , whitney . I do nt know how much longer I can wait for you .
Whitney : Despite all the problems with my family , it s imimes like these when I realize that I know I made the right decision coming to L.A. With you .
Chad : You and me both . Two people who love each other as much as we do should always be together .
Whitney : And we will be . I love you so much . No one will ever tear me away from you . No one .
Chad : Right back at you , baby .
Eve : The baby s still stable , so I think it s safe for us to leave . So good luck , you two .
Grace : Yeah , you and T.C. , Too .
Eve : Thanks for letting me unburden myself earlier .
Grace : Hey , that s what friends are for .
Eve : Night .
Sam : Is eve ok ?
Grace : No . Not exactly . I mean , all the pressure and tension she s been under lately are really starting to take a toll on her .
Sam : Huh . Think we know a little something about that , do nt we ? Hey -- let s go home and talk , ok ? Hopefully , we can get our marriage back on track again .
Grace : Yeah . And I hope eve and T.C. Can , too .
T.C. : You find me sexy ?
Liz : T.C. , I think you are an incredibly attractive man . And not just because of your hard , lean body , but because of the way I ve seen you treat eve with so much love and compassion . It s so selfless . You know , you keep on giving , no matter how little you get back in return . Now , that s not to put eve down , and I m sure she wishes that she could spend more time with you , but we well know that being a doctor consumes most of her time and energy .
T.C. : Yeah . Yeah , you got that right .
Liz : Oh , T.C. I know that you and eve have been at odds lately about whitney , but -- no . Sorry , it s none of my business . I should nt be saying anything at all .
T.C. : No , liz , please . You know what , I want to hear anything you have to say .
Liz : Well , being a doctor , eve is used to getting the final say on many things . You know , and since she spends so much of her time on her job , I was curious if you thought that maybe she was taking the same attitude with you and your marriage ? You know , about having that final say ? Like giving whitney her blessing to go to los angeles without consulting you first . You treat eve like a partner , T.C. , But sometimes it does nt seem like she treats you as her equal . Now , I m sure it s unconscious on her part , but -- no . I m sorry , T.C. I should nt have said anything at all .
T.C. : No , no , liz . You know what , liz , you -- damn it , you re absolutely right . I treat eve with -- with love , respect , and honor . And damn it , she treats me like some little kid , always telling me I need to control my temper and -- and I m so bullheaded when it comes to whitney s tennis . She s always talking down to me . But you donT.
Liz : I m sorry , T.C. But I m glad that I can be here for you to talk to .
T.C. : And , liz , I m glad you re here , too .
Luis : Beth , you down there ?
Beth : Sheridan -- sheridan s passed out again . I ve got to get rid of luis before she comes to .
Luis : Beth ?
Beth : Um -- do nt come down here , luis .
Luis : Well , why not ?
Beth : I have a surprise for you and , um , I do nt want you to see it .
Luis : Ok , I wo nt come down here . But I got a surprise for you , too , up in the kitchen , so come upstairs and get it , ok ?
Beth : Ok . And shut the door , ok , to the basement because I do nt want the rats going up there .
Luis : Ok .
Beth : Charlie , can you get sheridan out of the pit and take her someplace where you can try and save the baby ?
Charlie : You keep those men in the kitchen and I ll get sheridan into my car .
Beth : Ok , ok . Sound like a plan .
Charlie : Anything for you , bethie .
Beth : Oh . Ok . Ok , ok . Mother , you and precious , you come with me . You help me distract luis and hank for charlie to have enough time to get sheridan out of here . Let s go . Come on , precious , let s go .
Charlie : Well , blondie , I guess it s just the three of us . At least for now . Hey , they got cable !
whitney : Did you hear that thump ?
Chad : Yeah , I wonder what it was .
Whitney : Well , sounded like it came from theresa s room .
Chad : Well , we d better check on her . Here .
Fox s voice : Damn it ! Chad made love to whitney when all I could do was dream about it . Enjoy it while you can , chad . Sooner or later , whitney will be mine .
Whitney : Oh , fox . Hi . Chad and I thought we heard a noise in theresa s room .
Fox : Yeah , yeah , so did I.
Whitney : Well , we were going to check it out .
Fox : Great minds think alike .
Whitney : Ok .
T.C. : You know what , liz ? I want to tell you something .
Liz : Anything , T.C.
T.C. : Ever since you came to harmony , you have always been there whenever I needed to talk . And the truth is I know that you will always be there and give it to me when I need it .
Liz : That ll never change , T.C. I m here for you for anything that you need -- anything at all .
Eve : Now to find T.C. And make things right before liz has a chance to move in on my husband .
Beth : Luis , hey ! Oh , precious and mother were downstairs with me helping me with the surprise .
Mrs. Wallace : It s a doozy .
Luis : Well , I brought you these . Just what the doctor ordered .
Beth : Doctor ?
Luis : What ? It s an expression , you know ?
Beth : Oh , yeah .
Luis : What , you re not craving strawberries ? Mama and theresa , man , they went crazy for them when they were pregnant .
Beth : Oh , strawberries !
Mrs. Wallace : Yeah .
Beth : Yeah , the baby and I have been craving them .
Luis : See ?
Beth : Mmm . That s delicious !
Luis : Mm - hmm . I told hank they were going to hit the spot .
Mrs. Wallace : Hank -- hank s here ?
Luis : Actually , he went looking for you .
Beth : You are so good to me , luis , to me and our baby .
Luis : Ok .
Luis : [ Southern accent ] Precious . Precious , I m sorry to keep you waiting . Wow . Atlanta was burning , charleston was surrounded . And appomattox -- well , it was like a war zone . But I brought you these . Yes . Guess what they are . Strawberries . Oh , glorious strawberries . And they re all for you , my pantaloon pretty . Here . Take one . Yes . Oh , precious . Precious , I love you so much . Yes . And I know you do love strawberries . You re the mint in my julep . Precious , you re the gravy in my grits . Oh , look at you . You re my mate . You re the mother of my child . Precious .
Mrs. Wallace s voice : I wonder if charlie horse will be able to get sheridan out of here without luis seeing her .
Charlie : I need something to cover sheridan with before I haul her to the car . Oh , damn . I ll have to get a blanket out of my car .
Charlie : There . Just in case .
Sheridan s voice : What happened ? I ca nt see . I ca nt hear . My hands a bound . Oh , my feet are nt , though .
Sheridan s voice : A door . I m not in the pit anymore . Maybe I can still escape , save myself and my baby .
Beth : Mmm . Strawberries and cream cheese . Oh , this baby has been craving both of them . You are so thoughtful , luis .
Sheridan s voice : This door . Does it lead back to where I was being held or does it lead to freedom ?
Chad : I wonder what that thump was we heard in theresa s room .
Whitney : Well , I thought theresa might ve forgotten where she was , got up , and knocked into something . I do nt know .
Fox : Maybe we should go check on her .
Whitney : Ok .
Whitney : Oh , my god .
Sam : Grace , I want you to know something -- I ll always love you , no matter what happens . It s just that talking about our problems again may not be enough to solve them .
Grace : Look , sam , it s so important that we do nt give up .
Sam : The night that sheridan turned up missing , I asked you a question -- whether you still loved me the same way you did before david came to town .
Grace : And you had to leave before I could answer .
Sam : And kay had the baby , and we have nt had a chance to talk since .
Grace : I know , sam , and I want to figure out what s going on with our future as much as you do . I mean , and so many couples in harmony are at a crossroads tonight now -- us , eve and T.C.
Sam : I want all of our marriages to get back on track again . There was a time when our marriage and the russells marriage were as solid as a rock , I mean , the envy of everyone in harmony . Look , I want that back again .
Grace : I do , too . I hope that when eve gets home that she and T.C. Can start healing .
Sam : Let s go home .
Eve : T.C. S not upstairs . Now , whereouould he be ? Oh , he must be out back .
Charlie : Time to bundle blondie up and get the hell out of here .
Charlie : Oh , my god ! If sheridan s not here , where is she ?
Sheridan s voice : I have to escape , get help for my baby .
Luis : All right .
Beth : Yay .
Mrs. Wallace : Excuse me .
Luis : Mm - hmm .
Mrs. Wallace : Whoo .
Beth : Well . Does nt this look good ?
Luis : Mm - hmm .
Mrs. Wallace : Yeah , especially those pickles . You know how much the baby loves the pickles .
Luis : Mmm .
Beth : Ooh .
Luis : Wow .
Beth : Mmm . Yummy , yummy .
Liz : T.C. , I enjoyed every minute we spent together .
Grace : I have absolutely no sympathy for you , ivy .
Luis : I know it s going to sound crazy , but I just felt like sheridan was in the room .
Fox : You crawled into bed with her because you still have the hots for her .
Theresa : Ethan and I are back together again .
### Summary:
| Whitney worries about everyone while Chad continues to cheer her up . Meanwhile , Fox is dreaming about Whitney and what could be . Ethan and Theresa continue to dream about each other while they cuddle in a bed they have no idea their sharing . Liz continues to try and seduce T.C. and he tries to not give in . Eve gets advice from Grace who tells her to fight for her marriage . Sheridan s labor pains continue while Beth , Precious , Edna , and Charlie try to help to save the baby but they think she will not make it . Beth plans to kill her but Luis and Hank show up at that very moment . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Thomas : You ca nt be serious .
Ridge : Just because you re so impressed with your talent , I m supposed to be , as well ? That s not how things work around here .
Thomas : Okay . How do things work around here ?
Ridge : No free rides , especially not for the CEO s son .
Thomas : I was nt asking for a free ride . I asked what you thought of my designs .
Ridge : And I told you what I thought of your design . If this is the best you can bring , you re not gon na be part of my design team .
Brooke : You do nt think you re being a little premature ?
Caroline : By teasing my followers that there may be a game - changing announcement coming from Forrester Creations ?
Brooke : Is that how you see Thomas presence here on the design team ? As a game changer ?
Caroline : You do nt like the idea of father and son working together ?
Brooke : Oh , no . I do . I think it s great . Look at Ridge and Eric . I mean , their collaboration was incredible .
Caroline : Yeah , and it s going to be that way for Ridge and Thomas , too .
Brooke : As long as you re there to referee .
Caroline : No , I - I m not going to have to referee , because they respect each other . And they do nt always agree , but none of that matters , because all that matters are the designs .
Brooke : And have you seen Thomas designs ?
Caroline : You mean before he showed them to Ridge ?
Brooke : So , what do you think ? Is Ridge gon na be pleased ?
Quinn : You re waiting around for another accidental run - in with Brooke .
Deacon : What I m waiting for is to steal another kiss from my hot wife .
Quinn : Aww .
Eric : Well , somebody did not get the memo .
Quinn : [ Chuckles ] Oh , hi , Eric . What memo ?
Eric : It s a new directive from HR . No overt physical displays with one s significant other while still on the clock . I m afraid the two of you are gon na have to get written up . Sharpe , is nt it ? Deacon Sharpe .
Deacon : [ Chuckles ]
Eric : And Quinn ...
Deacon : That was a good one . He had us going , right ?
Eric : Who says I m kidding ?
Deacon : Uh , okay . I mean , if a guy ca nt kiss his wife at work , I guess ...
Eric : How s that going , by the way ?
Quinn : What ?
Eric : The marriage . It happened rather suddenly , I understand .
Quinn : Um ... oh . Oh , it s -- it s going really well . I mean , despite Brooke s attempts to do everything possible to keep the marriage from happening . [ Chuckles ]
Eric : She was wary . For good reason .
Quinn : [ Chuckles ]
Caroline : Uh , it does nt really matter what I think of Thomas designs . Ridge s opinion is the one that counts .
Brooke : I do nt think you re giving yourself enough credit . You re Ridge s muse . You re his inspiration , his confidant -- everything I used to be .
Caroline : It s my moms . Uh ... they just keep checking in . You know , it does nt matter how many times I tell them I m okay . They just keep asking and asking .
Brooke : Yes . [ Sighs ] Mothers worry . Fathers do , too . Even when their children become adults . Or when they re trying . [ Chuckles ]
Caroline : Well , from everything I ve seen of Thomas since he s been back , Ridge has nothing to be concerned about . His son definitely knows who he is and what he wants .
Brooke : And what Thomas wants is a place on his father s design team .
Caroline : Ambition , thy name is Forrester .
Brooke : [ Chuckles ]
Caroline : I ca nt wait to hear how it went with Thomas .
Ridge : Come on , Thomas . You want to be a top - notch designer , you re gon na have to learn how to take criticism .
Thomas : Criticism is one thing , but completely dumping on my design ? No , no , no . That s something else .
Ridge : You re my son . I want the best for you , and I want the best from you . And that was nt it .
Thomas : Oh , okay . So , in other words , I can never live up to your ridiculous expectations .
Ridge : Nothing ridiculous about pushing yourself to be the best you can be .
Thomas : Oh , that s easy for you to say . You re the boss , calling the shots at the office , the women in your life , everything you do --
Ridge : Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . Where s that coming from ?
Thomas : Okay , Dad . Just so you know , as a young designer , my perspective -- it is nt the same as yours , okay ? I ve been in Paris , traveling Europe , getting a feel for what s really going on out there while you ve been in here taking over the company , becoming CEO . Okay , maybe you re the one who does nt have his pulse on the latest trends . You know , maybe one day , someone will tell you you re out of touch , out of date . I m just saying .
Ridge : [ Sighs ]
Eric : This is beautiful , very impressive . You re doing a wonderful job here . We re lucky to have you .
Quinn : Thank you .
Eric : Too bad Deacon had to rush off . He should hear what an exceptional job his new wife is doing .
Quinn : Well , [ Chuckles ] I appreciate that . Um ... our new CEO . Has been really complimentary , as well , so ...
Eric : Ridge has ?
Quinn : Mm - hmm .
Eric : Good .
Quinn : Still does nt sit well with you , does it ? The way Ridge took over the company .
Eric : No , no , it does nt . Classic Ridge , though . He sees what he wants , and he just takes it .
Quinn : The way he took Brooke from you ?
Ridge : You were with Caroline ?
Brooke : Yeah . She s gone home . Her moms were worried she was overdoing it .
Ridge : I tell her the same thing , but when I bring it up , she gets --
Brooke : She reassures you that she s not .
Ridge : Yeah . I am proud of her , the way she fought back after the accident . She did nt miss a beat , you know ?
Ridge : Excuse me . Ah . Speaking of Caroline .
Brooke : Let me guess . She did nt want to interrupt your meeting with Thomas , so she went home to wait for you there . She s probably wearing something silky , slinky .
Ridge : How do you read my texts from the other side of this phone ?
Brooke : I used to be the woman waiting for you at home , remember ?
Ridge : [ Sighs ]
Brooke : Now look at me .
Ridge : You can have any man you want .
Brooke : But not the men that are taken . It s strange .
Ridge : What is ?
Brooke : Taylor and I fought for you for so many years . And I always knew I d win . But in the end , there s always somebody else , someone younger .
Caroline : Thomas , hey . Uh ... your dad with you ?
Thomas : [ Sighs ] No . Why ?
Caroline : Uh , cause we were just texting . Apparently , he s still at the office .
Thomas : Well , he s probably having a laugh at my expense , no doubt .
Caroline : What ?
Thomas : He hated my design , literally ripped it to pieces .
Caroline : What ? !
Thomas : Yeah .
Caroline : Okay . Come on . Sit .
Thomas : Look , he could nt find anything remotely redeeming about it .
Caroline : He actually said that to you ?
Thomas : Not in those precise words , but , yeah , oh , his message was loud and clear .
Caroline : What message ?
Thomas : That I am a pale imitation of my old man when it comes to design and probably everything else , in his mind , anyways .
Caroline : Do you want me to talk to him for you ?
Thomas : No , no . It s fine . Look , if he wants to put me through this ... [ Chuckles ] As if he has nt put me through enough already . You know , we -- we used to have a great family . He tore that up , too . Nothing is ever good enough for him .
Caroline : You know what ? Why do nt you just stay ? Because he s gon na be home soon , and you guys can talk . And you know what ? I ll -- I ll pour you a glass of wine , and then you ll be in a better frame of mind and more relaxed .
Thomas : Yeah .
Caroline : [ Groans ]
Thomas : Hey . What s wrong ? What s wrong ? You okay ?
Caroline : Yeah . Uh ... my ankles ... [ Chuckles ] [ Sighs ] They just get a little ... stiff at the end of the day , and Ridge usually ... rubs them , helps the blood get moving .
Thomas : Well , yeah . Let me -- let me do that .
Caroline : Oh ... [ Chuckles ] That s sweet . No . I ll just -- I ll wait till he gets home . That s fine .
Thomas : Look , you re in pain . Sit back . Let me do it . Come on . Come on . Give it to me . Give them . There you go . Right here ? Outside ?
Caroline : Yeah .
Thomas : Yeah ?
Caroline : [ Sighs ] Thank you .
Eric : That was a long time ago .
Quinn : Mm . But you still have nt forgotten .
Eric : Fathers and sons can have very complicated relationships . Even Ridge and Thomas have had their ups and downs .
Quinn : I heard Thomas wants to be part of the design team .
Eric : I think that s a good thing . Hopefully , he s inherited some of his father s design skills and not some of his other traits .
Ridge : I hope you were nt giving Caroline a hard time .
Brooke : Would I do that ?
Ridge : You would do that , because you think she s too young for me . You keep saying that .
Brooke : [ Chuckles ] Well , she is pretty much the same age as your daughter . But then , you probably thought I was too young for Eric way back when , too .
Ridge : Yeah . Did you really marry that guy ?
Brooke : Are you still jealous
Ridge : That s not even -- no . That s -- [ Groans ] The whole triangle that we had-- it just-- it still affects what we and my father have , even today .
Brooke : No , I think that s more about how you took over the company from his son , from my son . And I hope , as a parent , you never have to experience that . I know you were in here with Thomas , looking at his designs . It must be a nice feeling , to take him under your wing like that .
Ridge : Yep . That s Thomas and I ripped it up . So what s your question ?
Caroline : You really do nt have to do this .
Thomas : Think of me as a , uh , stand - in for my old man .
Caroline : [ Chuckles ] Oh , I ll be sure to tell him you said that .
Thomas : Oh , gee , thanks , yeah . Now , that-- that ought to win me some points .
Caroline : Oh , come on . So he pooh - pooed your initial design .
Thomas : Pooh - poohed ? Really ? [ Laughs ] That s terrible .
Caroline : My point is , it s not like he handed you a one - way ticket back to Paris . It s just -- [ Sighs ] He has certain expectations .
Thomas : So do I. You know , I expect my design not to be trashed just because he s -- he s ticked at me for something else .
Caroline : Why would you say that ?
Thomas : I do nt know . He s just ... never not been supportive .
Caroline : [ Sighs ] I honestly do nt think that Ridge sees it that way . You know , he s just trying to get --
Thomas : Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah . You re the current lady in his life . I get it . You have to defend him . It s fine .
Caroline : You know what ? Despite what happened today , I know that he s really happy that you re back in town . You know , I guess I am , too , if you , you know , like that sort of thing .
Thomas : [ Chuckles ]
Caroline : [ Chuckles ]
Thomas : Does it ever get dull hanging out with my old man 24/7 ?
Caroline : Uh , FYI , your father is a very exciting man .
Thomas : Oh , yeah , yeah . For someone his age , sure .
Caroline : No ! For any age !
Thomas : [ Chuckles ]
Caroline : Cause , you know , age and maturity do nt always go hand in hand .
Thomas : Oh . Oh , God . That was meant for me , was nt it ? Yeah . That was me .
Caroline : Stop . No . Uh ... living abroad was actually very good for you . Because , I do nt know , you re just so much more mature and confident now .
Thomas : Uh , uh . [ Clears throat ] And even more handsome , if that s even possible .
Caroline : You re kind of ridiculous .
Thomas : [ Chuckles ]
Caroline : All I m saying is that I - I really think that your dad s gon na see that maturity and confidence in your designs . What ?
Thomas : You re beautiful . You know , and you have such high hopes . And then you move in here with my dad , and ... it s just all gon na get dashed once he moves on .
Brooke : Why did you do this ?
Ridge : It s not very good .
Brooke : Ridge , he s your son . At least you could have shown a little --
Ridge : What ? Diplomacy ? And maybe helped him out a little bit ? But -- okay , maybe . [ Sighs ] Maybe you re right , but ... I want him to grow . I do nt want him to just get by on his name alone .
Brooke : Okay . You certainly did nt do that .
Ridge : No , I did nt . My dad would nt let me . And the truth is my son and I -- we re very different .
Brooke : I think you re pretty similar .
Ridge : How ?
Brooke : He s committed .
Ridge : He s soft .
Brooke : He s hard - core . He s angry , he s rebellious , he s charming .
Ridge : I was never angry . I was charming as hell , though , was nt I ? God , I remember . Mm .
Brooke : And Thomas is charming , too . So charming that he could be dangerous .
Ridge : Dangerous ?
Brooke : It would be hard for any woman to say no to him .
Thomas : I m sorry . I - I should nt have said that . It s just that monogamy has never been my dad s strong suit .
Caroline : [ Chuckles ] Like it s yours ?
Thomas : I do nt treat women the same way he does .
Caroline : You know what ? He is not like that anymore .
Thomas : Because of you ?
Caroline : Is it so hard to believe that he s found something with me ?
Thomas : No . It s not hard to believe , especially because ...
Caroline : What ?
Thomas : I remember when you arrived in LA -- these gorgeous legs slipping out of the limo . I knew you and Rick were nt gon na last .
Caroline : Maybe if I knew then what I know now , I would have made a different decision .
Thomas : I left town . You got together with my dad . We both made mistakes .
Caroline : Thomas , what are you -- what are you doing ? I think -- [ Sighs ] I think you have to leave . Thomas .
Thomas : I ca nt . I ca nt . I lost you once . I m not gon na lose you again .
Caroline : No .
Thomas : Yes .
### Summary:
| Thomas can not believe his dad ripped up his design . He wants to know how it works around here then . Brooke tells Caroline that she thinks it will be great for another father / son team . Caroline says yes if Ridge is pleased with Thomas s designs . Caroline says Thomas knows what he wants . Ridge tells Thomas he wants the best for him but that was nt it . Thomas chastises him for almost everything , even the women in his life . Maybe Ridge is the one who is out of touch , just saying . He walks out . Deacon sticks around and says he is waiting for another kiss from his wife , not to see Brooke . Eric walks out and says he will have to write them up for goofing off on the job . He reminds Quinn that Brooke was wary for good reason about their marriage but he hopes it is going well . He tells Quinn that she is doing a wonderful job here and her pieces are exceptional . They are lucky to have her back . Brooke and Ridge talk after Caroline goes home . She remembers how that feels when she used to wait for him at home . She and Taylor fought over him for so many years . But she always knew in the end there would be someone younger . Ridge says that whole triangle they had with her and Eric still affects his thoughts today . She sees the ripped up Thomas piece . Ridge tells her that he wants his son to grow , not just get by on his name . But maybe she is right , he could cut him a little slack . She says few people can say no to Thomas when he puts his mind to it . Thomas stops by Caroline s and says his dad ripped up his design and is probably laughing at him right now . The picture is loud and clear , he is only a pale imitation of his old man . Nothing is ever good enough for him . Caroline suggests that he stay as Ridge will be home soon and they can talk more freely . She has leg pains and Thomas insists that he can massage and help her . He puts her legs in his lap and goes to work . Thomas says his dad has never been not supportive but maybe he is ticked at him for something else and not just the design . They laugh and she says living abroad has been good for him as he is more mature now . He adds and better looking too . He hopes she is happy and wo nt be crushed when his dad finally moves on . He apologizes for that but he knows monogamy is not his strong suit . She says Ridge has changed . He is not like that any more . He says he remembers when she first stepped out of that limo . But then he left town and she got with his dad . He kisses her leg and she tells him no , he needs to stop . Instead he puts the lock on the door and pulls her into his lap and tries to kiss her . She says she ca nt . He tells her that he lost her once and he can not do that again . He kisses her and she does not pull away immediately . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Carly : Ok , comic books , junk food , clothes . What else ? What else ?
Carly : Come in .
Max : Mrs. C ?
Carly : Hey , Max , we re not quite ready yet .
Max : That s ok . I got some business . It wo nt take long . Then I ll load up the car .
Carly : Thank you .
Max : You got it .
Michael : Does that mean I have time to pack more toys ?
Carly : Sure . Why not ? I have to make a few calls , anyway . Will you tell Leticia that it s going to be a little while ?
Michael : Ok .
Carly : Thank you .
Steven : You need to concentrate on getting better and not on pushing Carly away from Sonny .
John : I m just trying to help , that s all .
Steven : I know you are , but it could backfire and you could lose your daughter completely .
John : Ah , there we go . John Durant . Oh , hey , hey , Carly , how s it going ?
Carly : Hey , listen , I -- I changed my mind . I m taking the boys and a few things and we re going to move into the cottage tonight .
John : Well , that sounds like a good plan .
Carly : Yeah . I m not sure how long we re going to stay , but it s a great option , and I just -- I wanted to say thank you .
John : Hey , it s the least I can do .
Carly : Yeah . Well , take care of yourself , ok ?
John : Yeah , I will . You stay in touch , right ?
Carly : Right . Thank you again .
John : All right , bye - bye . You worry too much , doc . I m going to be able to keep my daughter and catch Corinthos . It s only a matter of time .
Steven : I do worry . I worry about you . And Sonny did not get where he is by being careless .
John : Yeah , with all the difficulties in his life , all that could change .
Sam : Did you even try to save our daughter , Sonny ? Did you fight for her the way you fought for Kristina ? When they told you she was dead --
Sonny : Do nt do this , Sam .
Sam : Were you sorry ?
Sonny : I loved -- this was my daughter . I loved her .
Sam : But you loved Kristina more and she s going to live !
Sonny : No , that s not --
Sam : So really , Sonny , you should be happy . You saved the daughter you wanted .
Jason : You know what , Sonny ? Just -- maybe you should leave .
Sonny : She was my daughter , you know ?
Steven : What do we got ?
Alexis : What s wrong ?
Steven : I m sorry ; I need you to stay outside .
Alexis : Oh , my God .
Ric : No , no , hold on .
Alexis : I thought she was getting better .
Courtney : That was incredible .
Jax : Yes , it was . You know , what we re doing here is not going to work .
Courtney : What , you mean sneaking off in the middle of the day and being totally decadent ? Or us , as in us ?
Jax : No . Because of this .
Courtney : Hey , hey . Rosie comes with the deal .
Jax : How would you like to move in with me , my place ? It s two stories and six bedrooms . It s big , you know ? Enough room for all of us .
Courtney : Well , what about Rosie ? I mean , she loves it here . And Diego ? What about Diego ?
Jax : You really think Diego s going to move back in ?
Courtney : Eventually , yeah . I do nt know , maybe .
Jax : Think you re making excuses ?
Courtney : Well , you think maybe you re pushing ?
Jax : I think that s an excuse .
Courtney : No , it is nt .
Jax : I mean , why would you not want to move in with me ?
Meyer : I know Mr. Corinthos has a lot on his plate , but that file is very important . He needs to look through it right away .
Diego : Hey , man , let go !
Man : This punk was listening .
Diego : No , I was nt ! I was just walking by ! I did nt hear anything ! Let go ! Ow !
Man : What do you want to do with him ?
Sam : You never wanted my daughter . You wished I had never gotten pregnant in the first place .
Sonny : I did my best to take care of you . Jason , tell her --
Sam : You did your best to hide me like a secret ! You were ashamed of our daughter !
Sonny : Jason --
Jason : Sam , please , you just need to rest . Sonny , just come back some other time .
Sam : Would you have asked Carly to induce labor for me ? Would you ask Alexis ? No , Sonny , you would never take that chance . But it was ok to risk my baby .
Sonny : The doctors did nt induce labor .
Sam : But you wanted them to . All that mattered to you was saving Kristina . You did not care about the risk to our daughter !
Sonny : I do -- I did care . That s why I did nt fight you when you chose --
Sam : You did nt have to , Sonny . You sent Alexis to do it for you !
Sonny : I did nt know what Alexis was -- can you help me here ? I did nt know what she was doing !
Sam : But you re glad that she did . Sonny , she yelled at me until I collapsed -- until I collapsed on the floor !
Sonny : You were bleeding inside , you know ? Alexis did nt cause it .
Sam : You did nt have to wait to save Kristina . You could give her the stem cells right away , and that s all you care about .
Sonny : Listen , Sam , please ?
Sonny : She was my daughter , and I m grieving for her . I wish you could believe me .
Jason : It s ok .
Sam : No , do nt .
Alexis : Hold on , baby . Mommy s right here .
Ric : Now is obviously not the time to discuss visitation .
Jordan : So you ll grant my client access to his daughter ?
Ric : For the moment .
Jordan : Thank you . I hope Kristina gets better .
Ric : What happened ?
Steven : Kristina s coughing up blood . She s got lesions in the G.I. tract . It s from -- her immune system s compromised and it s a complication . We just need to stop her bleeding .
Alexis : Oh , God .
Lorenzo : Should do the job .
Man : Must be some job . You planning to take out a whole army ?
Lorenzo : Just one man .
Man : Corinthos ?
Lorenzo : I ve included a bonus .
Man : Thanks .
Lorenzo : We probably wo nt be doing business again . Good day .
Lois : This a bad time ?
Lorenzo : I was nt expecting to hear from you .
Lois : What are you thinking , Lorenzo ?
Lorenzo : I m thinking that I m tired of this stalemate and I want a resolution , whatever that may be .
Lois : You went to see Carly , did nt you ? And even though she does nt want to be with Sonny anymore , she does nt want to be with you .
John : Hey . Sonny , look , I m sorry for your loss . If it s any comfort at all , know that I m taking care of Carly . I purchased a house for her and the boys . They lived there before , so --
Sonny : Yeah , I heard all about it .
John : Well , did you hear that they re moving in there tonight ? Can you blame her ? I mean , she s trying to take care of her kids . She s staying out of your way . She s allowing you to move on . You see , my daughter s a realist . She does nt expect you to compromise , even if it costs her the marriage .
Sonny : My personal life does nt concern you .
John : Oh , no , no , it is when it comes to my daughter and my grandchildren . You fathered two children outside your marriage , but somehow Carly s wrong . Do nt misunderstand . I m thrilled that you two are breaking up . I know that Carly s going to be better off . But you know what gets me , man ?
Sonny : Yeah , what ?
John : The extent of your hypocrisy amazes me . And I have made a life out of studying people like you --
Elizabeth : Sonny , Kristina s in emergency surgery .
Alexis : I should be in the O.R.
Ric : No , no , no . Come on , the doctors told us to wait here , all right ? Why do nt you close your eyes ? Maybe she ll be back when you wake up , ok ?
Sonny : I heard about Kristina . What happened ?
Ric : Well , she was -- she was coughing up blood while we were busy arguing with your lawyer out in the hallway .
Sonny : Oh , because I had the restraining order lifted , it s my fault now ?
Alexis : Stop it ! Both of you stop it . We re not going to talk about the custody issues . Right now we re going to just think about Kristina because that s all that matters , ok ?
Jason : Sonny thought what he did was right .
Sam : Would you have done the same thing ?
Jason : The baby was already gone , and Kristina needed the stem cells to live . I would ve given them to her , and so would you .
Sam : You re right . I would have , Jason . I do nt even know why I m mad at him . I m the one who did nt want my baby .
Jason : Yes , you did .
Sam : No , I did nt . I was going to give her up for an adoption . I was going to give her away !
Jason : But you did nt go through with it , ok ? You wanted this baby once you got used to the idea . You were going to be a great mom , Sam .
Sam : It does nt matter anymore . My little girl s gone .
Jason : Just try to get some rest .
Sam : Why are you even here ? There s no baby to worry about anymore , Jason .
Jason : You need to sleep .
Sam : You do nt have to take care of me . As soon as I m ok , I will pack my things and I ll be out of your life , ok ?
Brook Lynn : Hello ?
Brook Lynn : Who s there ? Hey . Hey . You ok ?
Alexis : The conditioning for the infusion wore her down , so the bleeding is a complication .
Sonny : Well , if there s anything I can do , you know --
Alexis : I wish there were . How is Sam ?
Sonny : Not good .
Ric : Any word on Kristina ?
Elizabeth : No , not yet . But , Sonny , Carly s at the nurses station . She needs to see you .
Sonny : Thank you . Ahem . You ll let me know if there s a change ?
Alexis : I will .
Ric : You know , there s so much hostility between me and Sonny , Alexis , I m not helping you . Maybe it d be better for everybody concerned if I just walked away .
Jason : Sam , you re in a lot of pain . You need to rest ; give yourself a chance to recover .
Sam : I can do that without you .
Jason : You know , I m not going to insult you by telling you how to grieve , but , I mean , if you really want me to leave you alone , I will . If you want to move out , I ll cover all your bills . I ll set you up anyplace you want .
Sam : That s very generous of you , but I can take care of myself , thank you .
Jason : Before I go , is there anything that you want ?
Sam : I want my baby .
Sonny : Hey .
Carly : Hi .
Sonny : Is everything all right ?
Carly : Yeah , I m taking the boys and we re going to move into the cottage tonight , and Michael wanted to say goodbye .
Sonny : Where is he ?
Carly : He s stalling . There s a new vending machine in the break room .
Sonny : Well , that gives me time to change your mind .
Courtney : I like this place , Jax . You know , I m real happy here . Why would I want to move ?
Jax : You re scared , huh ?
Courtney : No , I m not .
Jax : You re afraid of commitment .
Courtney : Ahem . Who said anything about commitment ?
Jax : Yeah , and who said that she never has casual sex ?
Courtney : Oh .
Jax : Yeah .
Courtney : Oh , really ? Well , that does nt mean I want to uproot my whole life and move in with you .
Jax : You still do nt trust me , do you ?
Courtney : Oh , come on , Jax . Come on , you are as uncertain as I am . You know it . You just want me to move --
Courtney : Jeez .
Brook Lynn : Courtney !
Courtney : Brook ? Is that you ?
Brook Lynn : Hey , Courtney , we need help !
Courtney : What s going on ? Oh , my God . Oh , my God . Jax , hurry ! Oh , my God .
Jax : I got you , I got you .
Courtney : Help Diego to the couch .
Jax : Get you over here . Sit right there .
Courtney : My God . What happened ?
Diego : I m ok .
Brook Lynn : I found him on the docks like this .
Diego : I ran into a wall .
Jax : Who was it this time ? Sonny ? Alcazar ?
Diego : Ow , ow !
Courtney : Diego , come on , tell me what really happened . What , did you try to rob someone again ?
Courtney : Grace . Grace , just please come in . I m sorry the place is such a mess .
Jax : It s nice to see you again .
Grace : What happened to Diego ?
Jax : Diego was working for me . I gave him a job in my mailroom , and -- I told you . I told you not to climb the tall ladders while you re carrying , you know , packages . He s just overworking himself . I think he s trying to impress me , you know .
Grace : I hear you were involved in that warehouse explosion ?
Brook Lynn : Listen , that was all my fault . It was totally my fault .
Jax : I know this looks bad , but Courtney s doing a really great job with the foundation . She s trying to help as many young people as possible .
Grace : That s admirable , but I m having serious reservations about this placement .
Courtney : Everything s fine , I promise . We were just about to take Diego to the hospital .
Jax : Yeah , he s a really good kid . He s a hard worker . He s just a little accident - prone .
Diego : Going up a ladder , just like he said .
Grace : Fine . But I m keeping an eye on the situation .
Courtney : I understand .
Jax : Yeah , we expect nothing less .
Courtney : Thanks for stopping by , Grace .
Brook Lynn : Talk about a save . Thank you .
Courtney : Any chance you want to say thank you to Jax ?
Diego : Why ? He only did it because he wanted to look good for you .
Brook Lynn : I ll go after him .
Lorenzo : This is a business matter . Carly is irrelevant .
Lois : Yeah , and I m the Queen of England . Whatever you re thinking of doing , Lorenzo , do nt .
Lorenzo : Lois , you should leave .
Lois : And let you go after Sonny and wind up dead ?
Lorenzo : That is nt your concern .
Lois : It is nt going to happen .
Lorenzo : I want you to leave now .
Lois : Why ? Because you ve got the blues because Carly does nt love you ?
Lorenzo : You know what ? I spent my entire life cleaning up after my brother Luis . That s why I originally came to this town . Luis had been murdered and I wanted the people responsible to pay . But I let myself get distracted . Now the distractions are gone .
Lois : I thought Alexis is the one that killed your brother . I doubt you re going to need that howitzer there or whatever it is because I do nt think she s going to put up much of a fight .
Lorenzo : I m not going after Alexis right now .
Lois : Of course not . Even though she s the one that actually killed Luis and there s little or no chance of her being able to do the same thing to you . You go after Sonny , because with him , there s a 50 % chance you re going to wind up dead . And that probably sounds pretty good to you right now because you re wallowing in self - pity .
Lorenzo : Listen , I am in no way feeling sorry for myself .
Lois : You want something to live for , Lorenzo ? I ll give it to you .
Sonny : You do nt have to move out .
Carly : Sonny , what do you expect me to do ? Stay at home , wondering if you re going to come home and tell me that you do nt want me ? Hang around at night , wondering if you re going to walk through the door and tell me that you want a divorce ? I ca nt . I ca nt do that to Michael . He ca nt live with that uncertainty , and I -- I m not going to let him watch you push me away .
Sonny : It s not that simple .
Carly : It is . It is that simple . It is . He s a little boy . He s a little boy . He knows you re worried about Kristina . Sonny , he should nt have to watch you deal with it every day . He should nt have to watch you grieve over Sam s baby . That s why I m leaving . It s for Michael .
Sonny : Your father told me you were moving in tonight . He just threw it in my face , you know ? I mean , it s not a big deal , but I m just saying --
Carly : Oh , Sonny , Sonny , how come you are the only father who gets to love his daughter ? How come my father ca nt care about me ? Why ?
Sonny : Well --
Carly : I mean , ca nt you believe that he actually sees me as a separate person from you ?
Sonny : He does nt , ok ? I wish he did , but he does nt .
Carly : Can you just be happy that he wants to help me ?
Michael : Hi , Dad .
Sonny : Hey ! Sit down over here with me . So , uh , your mama says that you and Morgan are going to move in a new house , right ?
Michael : Just for a while .
Sonny : Yeah .
Michael : Will you come and visit ?
Sonny : Yeah , yeah .
Michael : Oh . I got you this .
Carly : Hey . That was nice . How about you get me one of those , too ? You do that , and then you can meet me in the break room ?
Michael : You just want to do that so you can yell at each other .
Carly : No , honey , no . I promise you , not this time .
Sonny : I ll miss you , buddy .
Michael : I could stay if you want .
Sonny : Yeah .
Carly : Hey . We discussed this already . We re going . Go get me that stuff . I ll meet you , ok ? Go .
Sonny : All right , all right , go .
Michael : See you later , Dad .
Sonny : All right . So you sure about this ?
Carly : Sonny , I m not angry at you . I m not doing this for payback . I can not live in limbo . I ca nt . And I m trying to do what is best for everyone , and that -- that s why I m leaving , ok ?
Alexis : If you walk out on me now , I m not going to be able to get through this .
Ric : Alexis , I m escalating everything . I m fighting with Sonny . I m filing that stupid restraining order --
Alexis : Do nt -- do nt second - guess yourself now . Why do nt you let me do that for you later on a better day ? Right now , I am married to you . I m stuck with you .
Ric : The marriage was a legal maneuver to help you gain custody for your child , all right ? If it s not going to work out for the two of us , then why do nt we just cut our --
Alexis : It will help . Kristina now resides in a two - parent household . For whatever reason , the courts prefer that . But you said to me that you wanted this marriage to be something more than that , and so do I. And I want it for Kristina . We need to stick together here and be a family .
Ric : Ok . If that s what you want .
Alexis : I want you to do what you promised me you were going to do and stay with me , because I ca nt do this alone . I ca nt . You convinced me to need you , and I do . So you do nt back out on me now .
Ric : I m not going anywhere .
Sonny : Have you heard anything ?
Alexis : No , not yet .
Steven : The endoscopy s finished . Kristina s out of surgery .
Sam : Hi .
Jason : Hey .
Sam : I felt her .
Sam : I thought she kicked .
Jason : You were dreaming .
Sam : I know . Just for a second , everything was like it was before . She was still with us and she was ok . Everything hurts so bad .
Jason : Just hold on to me .
Sam : Jason ? When will the pain go away ?
Jason : Never .
Lorenzo : Here .
Lois : Thank you .
Lorenzo : You re welcome .
Lorenzo : Why are you doing this ?
Lois : Can you be a little more specific ?
Lorenzo : Well , you made sure I knew about Sonny and Carly . You practically encouraged me to go to her .
Lois : It was a test . For my benefit , not yours .
Lorenzo : Hmm . And how is that supposed to work ?
Lois : Well , if you and Carly got together , then I d be off the hook .
Lorenzo : Well , Carly and I are nt together . We re not going to be .
Lois : That s a very big problem for me . You scare me , Lorenzo , and not in the violent sense . I m scared of you -- your heart , the look in your eyes , and the way I m starting to feel .
Lorenzo : Look , if I was a good person , I would ask you to leave . I d freeze you out . You d be a lot safer that way and , I m sure , happier in the end . But I think it s obvious by now I m not a very good person .
Sam : I had all these plans for Christmas . But now all the good things I think of -- they just make the pain worse .
Jason : Your life is never going to be like it was before . But you are alive when you could be dead . And I know that you re in pain and that you re angry , but you feel something . You re not dead inside , Sam .
Sam : I wish I was .
Jason : That s a choice that you re going to have to make . I mean , you can give in to the pain if you want to , and no one would ever blame you , ever , for that . Or you can find another way to deal with it . I mean , you can decide to really -- to really live in the world your daughter never got to see . I mean , maybe you can appreciate how fragile life really is and , because of it , you re going to live better . It s up to you .
Sam : I do nt know where to start . I do nt know where to go .
Jason : I think I do .
Steven : Kristina was lucky . We stopped her bleeding , no problem .
Alexis : Will it affect the cell infusion ?
Steven : No .
Ric : When are we going to know if the cell infusion worked ?
Steven : We ll know soon if all goes well . Kristina is on her way up .
Alexis : Thank you .
Sonny : Just so you know , I want to be here when she wakes up .
Alexis : I know that you ve been through a lot . I ca nt imagine how you feel . You lost your daughter , and I know that you want to spend time with Kristina , but the reality is that she barely knows you at this point , and she s frightened and she s in pain and she needs her mother .
Sonny : She needs her father , too .
Alexis : She does nt understand at this particular time that you are her father . She s been surrounded by so many people that she barely knows .
Sonny : I m aware of that , Alexis . What do you want me to say ?
Alexis : There is so much tension between the two of us .
Sonny : Ahem .
Alexis : I do nt -- I do nt want her to wake up and feel that . So if you want to be here that badly , if you think that being here is going to make her better , then it s your call .
Sonny : You re right . You know what ? We should all be just grateful that Kristina s going to wake up , that she s fine , the whole -- you know what ? And when she wakes up , she will need her mother .
John : I m sorry . I could nt stop myself . I m here to help .
Carly : Well , you ca nt lift any boxes .
John : Oh , come on , let me see . They do nt look that heavy .
Carly : Hey . Ok , technically , you are supposed to still be in New York in the hospital .
John : I m fine .
Carly : You know , I think you might be almost as stubborn as I am .
John : It s really annoying , is nt it ?
Carly : All right , just -- you can help us pack , ok ? Max , he ll do the heavy lifting , and he should be back any minute .
John : All right .
Carly : Deal ?
John : Hey ! There he is . Hey , Michael .
Michael : Hi .
John : What you --
Carly : Michael , your grandpa came by to help us pack .
Michael : I can pack my own stuff .
Carly : Oh .
John : Oh .
Carly : Michael , tell your grandpa thank you for helping .
Michael : Thanks for helping .
John : You re welcome .
Courtney : How could he just disappear ?
Jax : You know , Brook Lynn may have found him .
Courtney : Ok , then why has nt she called ?
Jax : Because Diego probably does nt want her to . You know , he d much rather wallow in feeling rebellious and misunderstood .
Courtney : Great . You know what , Jax ; maybe this was nt the best situation for him after all .
Jax : You want to call the social worker ?
Courtney : I ca nt .
Jax : That s what I thought . Look , try not to worry , all right ? He just needs a little room . Speaking of room , I think he d do a lot better at my place .
Courtney : God . You really are serious , are nt you , about me moving in ? Look , Jax , it would be so easy , it would , but it would be a huge mistake . Look , I m sorry , but I ca nt move in with you .
Lois : My daughter would kill me for being here . She s right . You re dangerous . And I could end up getting killed in the crossfire .
Lorenzo : That s true .
Lois : At the very least , I ll probably end up with a broken heart . But I ca nt seem to stop myself because I want something with you .
Lorenzo : Look , if you re frightened , you should run . You should listen to your instincts .
Lorenzo : Yeah ?
Brook Lynn : Have you seen Diego ?
Sam : Where are we going ?
Jason : Just a few more steps .
Sam : No .
Jason : Sam , Sam , I think it s going to help you .
Sam : It wo nt help .
Jason : Will you please at least try for me ? Please ?
Sam : Why did you bring me here , Jason ? Why did you bring to the one place -- I do nt want to be here .
Jason : Sam , because of your daughter , Kristina is going to get well . Now , I m not saying it s ok that she s gone , but it makes her life mean something . She did something so good in the time that she was here . And in a way , your daughter will always be alive in Kristina .
Sonny : Please , God , give me the patience , the wisdom , and the love to be a good father . Amen .
Meyer : I m sorry to bother you --
Sonny : All right .
Meyer : But I dropped off that file at your house .
Sonny : I have nt been home .
Sonny : What ?
Carly : Ok . Michael , how about you help me pack up Morgan s toys ?
John : I ll start getting this stuff in some kind of order .
Carly : Good luck . And thanks . It really means a lot to me .
John : Me , too .
Carly : Hey .
Meyer : Everything the feds could use against you is in that file .
Sonny : Did -- did you destroy everything else ?
Meyer : We cleaned all the disks . The computer guys reformatted all the hard drives .
Sonny : Right .
Meyer : The only copy is in your house . Look , I know you got a lot going on --
Sonny : No , yeah .
Meyer : But the sooner you can read through that file and destroy it , the better .
Sonny : So if those numbers get in the wrong hands , it is a disaster .
Lois : You are going to stand here and listen to me !
Brook Lynn : You re leaving Port Charles ?
Diego : I want you to come with me .
Courtney : The timing is just off .
Jax : It s not about the timing .
Connor : You throwing me out ?
Emily : This is best for all of us .
Sonny : No one else is going to see that file .
Carly : What are you doing ?
### Summary:
| Jax invites Courtney to move in , but she demurs because of Diego , who is in the process of being nabbed by Sonny s men for spying . Sam unleashes all her vitriol on Sonny for being glad Kristina is alive , accusing him of being glad her baby is gone . Kristina s lost immunities begin to cause problems for her , but saves Sonny from getting a lecture on his hypocrisy by John . Ric offers to step aside from Alexis life , it will make things easier , but she wants him to stay . Sam tells Jason she s willing to leave him . Carly tells Sonny she s moving out with the boys , but he wishes she would nt go . When Diego shows up in rough shape , his social worker arrives near the same time , but Jax concocts a cover story . Lois and Lorenzo have a second night together . Kristina survives another crisis . John helps Carly pack and finds what he needs to ruin Sonny . Diego runs off , Brooke Lynne goes in search , but finds her mother and Lorenzo in a compromising position . Jason comforts Sam with tough love . Sonny prays for patience and attempts to exercise it . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Alexander : I knew my son would be back .
Zach : I accept your gift . I ll take over Cambias .
Alexander : Fight it all you want , the Cambias blood always wins out . I knew you d come around , make me proud .
Jonathan : You and Annie are perfect together . She s an astounding mother . She s going to make a perfect wife . Now we just have to figure out how to get her down that aisle . Hi , Kendall .
Kendall : Hi .
Jonathan : Hi .
Kendall : Hi . You -- proposed to Annie ?
Ryan : I did . Hey , Jonathan , will you do me a favor ? Will you get a couple more boxes from the storage room ?
Jonathan : Boxes ? Right .
Jonathan : You got it . Bye .
Ryan : Go ahead . Spit it out . What s the matter ?
Bianca : Oh . It s true . You made it .
Babe : Yeah .
Bianca : You re safe . You re alive , Babe . Thank God .
Krystal : J.R. was with Babe ? Well , what did he do ?
Josh : Nothing yet . Right now , he s supposedly swept up in the miracle . Babe s alive , hallelujah . He s all about love and promises -- the promise to keep your secret -- that s his biggest weapon .
Krystal : Oh . Babe is a -- is a miracle . Maybe we can hope for another one .
Josh : What , that J.R. turns into a human ? If Babe stands up to him -- crosses him , it s over , Krystal .
Krystal : I told Babe that she did nt have to protect me . I just want her to do what she has to do to handle J.R.
Josh : You re the one that needs to do something , and we both know what that is .
Tad : J.R. ?
J.R. : Hey , Tad . Is nt it great ? Does nt Babe look amazing ?
Tad : Yeah , she does . She looks wonderful .
J.R. : Well , come on in . We ll celebrate .
Tad : I ca nt . This is nt a social call . I just followed Josh .
J.R. : What the hell s Madden doing here ?
Tad : Well , I do nt know . My guess is it has something to do with whatever you re using to blackmail Babe .
Colby : Babe s alive ?
Adam : Yes .
Colby : How is that -- Dad , how is that even possible ? Well , when -- when can I see her ? When is she coming home ? Now ? Does J.R. know ? What about Krystal ?
Adam : No , no , they know . They know . They ve known for some time .
Colby : Oh , Dad , I swear , I am going to be the best loving sister - in- law / stepsister in the entire world , starting now .
Adam : Oh , well , I m glad to hear that , because this family could use a little happiness right now .
Colby : Oh ! Happy is good .
Adam : Yes , happy s good . That s why I asked you to join me here -- so we could go on a little shopping spree for Krystal and the baby . Did nt -- did nt seem appropriate when we thought Babe was , you know , gone , but now -- katy bar the door .
Colby : Ooh ! Dad , Charlotte is going to need the cutest clothes , and there are nt too many shopping days left until she s here , so --
Adam : No . This day is going to be one you ll remember . Not only is little Charlotte going to be in her beautiful mother s arms , but you re going to be there , and J.R. s going to be there . And hopefully , Babe is going to be there . All of us , the family , healthy , safe -- and together . That s all I ask .
Krystal : All I want is to help my baby doll any way I can .
Josh : Your baby doll and I should have been long gone with Little A. But Erica kind of blew that .
Krystal : Oh . Oh , I wish I could have a few minutes alone with that woman .
Josh : Well , forget about Erica . This is nt about her . Babe s the one who is in trouble . When J.R. showed up at her room , it was all about the love . And she took it . How could -- how could she not ? She could nt tell him to -- to leave , or to go to hell , because of you . She -- she sets J.R. off , and she s going to grind your life up . She s not going to do that , Krystal .
Krystal : I called her and told her not to worry about me .
Josh : Babe will do whatever it takes to protect you . She ll sacrifice her freedom , her happiness . She ll give in to J.R. , because she ll be afraid for you .
Krystal : I was on my --
Josh : She will live with that fear for the rest of her life .
Krystal : Josh , I was on my way over here to tell Adam that this baby is Tad s , and Babe stopped me . She insisted that we do this her way . I -- I hate this .
Josh : Well , so do I.
Krystal : Oh , really ? No , you liked this secret when you used it to get Babe to run with you , but now that it s not working for you , it s a weapon ?
Josh : You think I m as bad as J.R. ?
J.R. : Josh told you that I was blackmailing Babe ?
Tad : So you are ?
J.R. : Past tense .
Tad : J.R. -- the fact that you have another chance is -- is a miracle . I got to warn you , I m not going to let you hurt Babe . I do nt care what you think you have on her , I ll do everything I can to stop it .
J.R. : Well , you wo nt have to . Because I m never going to hurt Babe ever again .
Tad : I ve heard that before .
J.R. : Before Babe died , I slammed her . I -- I hurt her . I made her life hell . I take that back . I love her , Tad . I want her back . I want her to want to come back . I want her to feel safe . The best way that I can do that is by burying what I know . I m not telling anyone . And that includes you . I m sorry .
Alexander : Tell me , what compelled you to crawl back to me on your knees ?
Zach : I m not on my knees .
Alexander : My son carrying on my legacy -- it s been worth the struggle , the lives .
Zach : Your legacy ? Uh - uh . You re going to disappear .
Alexander : Impossible .
Zach : I m going to rebuild Cambias from the ground up . And all the lives you took , I will honor them . It ll be their legacy . And I will build something we can be proud of . Something my mom would be proud of .
Alexander : That s your fantasy .
Zach : You have no hold over me . Not anymore .
Alexander : What game is this ? You re holding something back . What is it you re not telling me ?
Kendall : I know that you guys share Emma . You ve been roommates , but marriage , Ryan ? That s a big step .
Ryan : Yes , it is . Big step , but it s the right step .
Kendall : Well , if you re sure that Annie can make you happy , then --
Ryan : She does , very happy .
Kendall : Good .
Ryan : Look , if you re worried about what this means for Spike -- he s my son , and I think I ve made it pretty clear that I will be there for him , always .
Kendall : I know that .
Ryan : Then we re good ?
Kendall : Ahem -- yeah , yeah . If -- if a life with Annie is what you really want , then I m happy for you .
Ryan : Do you mean that ?
Bianca : But at the hospital , everybody kept saying that you were a survivor . And all I could think about was the heart infection that you got after Little A was born . What if your heart was nt strong enough to handle the v - tach ? What if it was all just too much , and I -- I wanted to save you , like you had saved me that night , but I could nt . And then , when they said that -- that you did nt make it -- I realized something . At your funeral , I actually said it to you , and -- um -- I hoped that you would hear me . Obviously , you did nt . Um -- but I am very happy to have another opportunity to tell you . I forgive you for everything . I forgive you .
Babe : Bianca , I -- thank you .
Bianca : I want another chance . I want to be friends again .
Babe : Absolutely , and I never stopped loving you .
Adam : I did nt know you were on a first - name basis with every clerk in the mall .
Colby : Dad , I ve -- I ve got it . I know how to get J.R. and Babe back together .
Adam : Oh , now , no , no . The best thing you can do for J.R. and Babe is just be you .
Colby : Ugh . That s a bust .
Adam : No , just let them know you care . Babe especially could use a little extra TLC right now .
Colby : That sounds kind of boring . But I ll do it , and I ll be great . Hey , do you remember when I was little , and you used to read Little Miss Muffet to me ? Well , Little Miss Muffet did nt just sit on her tuffet waiting and hoping .
Adam : Oh ?
Colby : She got up and she made things happen . Kicked those spiders to the curb . And now you re telling me to back off ?
Adam : Hmm .
Colby : Dad , are you -- are you sure you re ok ? No -- no fever or chills ?
Adam : Yeah , yeah . I m fine . It s -- you know , I used to believe that the only way to get what you wanted was by -- well , bending , breaking , forcing , but I ve learned something . I ve -- I found Krystal to be an inspiration to me . Trust love , have faith , and be honest . So far , so good .
Krystal : You know , Babe made a lot of noise about how running was the best thing . But it was nt what she wanted . It s what you wanted . J.R. was nt the one pressuring her this time , it was you .
Josh : Yeah , I pushed her , Krystal , but it was nt for me .
Krystal : You love Babe , Josh . And you want a life with her . So Babe on the run -- the answer to your prayers . J.R. is out of the picture and the field is clear .
Josh : You know what ? Do nt play it like J.R. and I are the same . Babe told me she loved me and then she chose J.R. Did I try to blackmail her ? Kill her ? Get -- get payback ? No . My only crime was wanting her to find peace with her son without having to navigate through another one of J.R. s minefields .
Krystal : Well , you know , it is possible for Babe to have that right here , but then where would that leave you ?
Josh : You know , you re so concerned about your daughter . That was a hell of a load you dumped on her when you told her you re carrying Tad s baby . You know , J.R. is trouble but right now , the threat to Babe is you .
Babe : Thanks .
Babe : So did I miss much while I was dead ?
Bianca : Um -- that s not funny .
Babe : You re right , I m sorry . Actually , what I m looking for is specifics . J.R. -- did you -- did you see him , did -- did you talk to him ? Did he say anything ?
Bianca : We ve spoken . Yeah , why ?
Babe : He came here , and he said that he was going to do whatever he could to get me to love him again . He also said that he forgave me , and that he had changed for good , and that he d never hurt me again .
Bianca : So you re not going back to him ?
Babe : No . No way . I -- but J.R. is desperate for another chance , and he said that he wo nt stop fighting to get me back .
Bianca : J.R. desperate is never really a good thing . You re scared that he has nt changed , right ? You re afraid he s going to blackmail you again .
J.R. : Babe comes first . And I said I m sorry . I -- I give you what you want --
Tad : No , I do nt want -- I do nt want your apology . I just want your word . I want your word of honor , you re not going to go after Babe the moment she frustrates or disappoints you .
J.R. : It s not going to happen . I swear it . I just got a second chance to be the kind of husband that Babe deserves , one that she can be proud of . I m not going to blow this .
Tad : Nothing about losing your mother makes any sense . But if after all this insanity , you finally realize how valuable love is -- you can respect that -- maybe she d be happy . Maybe she did nt die in vain .
J.R. : I swear on my mother s grave , I ll keep my word to Babe .
Tad : Ok . You know I love you . I just hope you never forget how proud I am of you .
J.R. : Do nt be proud of me . I do nt deserve it , especially from you .
Alexander : You re not going to be happy . You do nt get to have peace . Wake up , you fool . My legacy s not about brick and mortar . It s tattooed on your soul , and you ca nt escape it .
Zach : You have no power over me . Hey , Dad , I want you to imagine something . Another car crash . Whatever you were to me , whatever I was to you -- it s gone . Gone up in flames .
Alexander : Do nt say that to me ! You ca nt do that to me -- not again ! Alex , come back !
Ryan : Hey .
Kendall : Hey .
Ryan : Why d you run out of the room like that ? What -- what s going on ?
Kendall : Uh -- sick .
Ryan : Oh . You re kidding me . What , do you have the flu ? Food poisoning ? You want me to take you home ?
Kendall : No . No , no , I m fine .
Ryan : You sure ?
Kendall : It s normal .
Ryan : It s normal ? You re --
Kendall : I m pregnant . Yep , I m pregnant .
Ryan : Huh .
Kendall : With child , in the family way .
Ryan : Zach knows ?
Kendall : He knows , he knows . He s -- actually , he s -- he s thrilled , Ryan . Hope and strength , a future . The good guys win . And get married --
Ryan : Hmm .
Kendall : And have babies . I get it now .
Ryan : Get what ?
Kendall : Well , you even tried to tell me about Emma and having another child . I was so afraid that she would distract you from Spike and take away what you had with him . But now I know it s just the opposite . More children , more love . And -- and think about it . Spike -- he s going to have a little brother or a little sister now , somebody to play with .
Ryan : To boss around .
Kendall : Yeah . And Zach -- Zach -- he s -- he s suffered so much because of his dad . I think this child will help him . I already love him -- or her -- as much as Spike .
Ryan : Get over here . Come here , right now . I am so happy for you .
Bianca : I only know that J.R. was blackmailing you . I do nt know the specifics . I -- I do nt want to know , either . And I -- I promise , I wo nt tell anyone .
Babe : Thank you . I m only hoping now that it wo nt be a problem . J.R. says that he ll never use it against me .
Bianca : You mean because he s changed ? He s all about the good now ?
Babe : Ok , what are nt you telling me ? What happened ?
Bianca : Zoe went to the cemetery one night to visit your grave . She was attacked by the killer .
Babe : Well , is she -- what , is she ok ? What happened ?
Bianca : She s ok . It was -- it was pretty brutal , though . She had a concussion and some bruised ribs . She spent a couple of days --
Babe : Oh , my --
Bianca : In the -- in the hospital .
Babe : That s terrible . But -- but what does it have to do with J.R. ?
Bianca : J.R. happened to be walking through the cemetery and saw Zoe lying there on the ground , unable to get up . He called her every name in the book . And then he left her there , alone , for dead . She could have died . So much for J.R. s redemption .
J.R. : I m just trying to do the right thing for once in my life .
Tad : Well , do nt run yourself down . That s a big thing .
J.R. : I m not blackmailing my wife . Can we just stop with this whole blackmailing thing ? I mean -- it s not even happening .
Tad : Ok . All right . Whatever it is , it s got to be powerful stuff . It s got a lot of people upset .
J.R. : Well , it s only powerful if it gets out . And it s not going to . So do nt hash it out with Josh or Krystal or Babe . Can we just keep it buried ? Can you do that ?
Tad : For you ? I ll let it go .
J.R. : Thank you .
Krystal : J.R. is making an effort . The regret is real . I see it in his eyes .
Josh : Well , look into his eyes a year from now , Krystal . Or two , or three , when the glow of Babe back from the dead is over . If she stands up to him , tells him to go to hell , he ll flip out the way he always does . And what do you think he ll go for first ? Your secret .
Krystal : Are nt you getting ahead of yourself ?
Josh : Every day , she ll be afraid it ll come out . Every day , she ll be afraid for you . She will be shackled to J.R. She ll turn herself into knots trying to make him happy . And it ll all be for you . Is that what you want ? You get Babe back , only to see her give her whole life to J.R.
Krystal : I will not let that happen .
Josh : If you do nt think Babe will sacrifice herself for you , you do nt know your own daughter .
J.R. : Well , those expressions can only mean one thing . Josh knows ?
Krystal : About the baby , yes .
J.R. : My father or Tad will never find out . And they sure as hell are not going to hear it from you .
J.R. : You all right ?
Krystal : What happened with Babe ?
J.R. : Babe was so beautiful . She s like an angel . I told her that I loved her , and I begged her for forgiveness .
Krystal : Did she forgive you ?
J.R. : Babe still wants a divorce . But I begged her for a second chance -- prove that I ve changed . And I also made her the same promise that I made you . My father will never know that the baby s Tad s .
Krystal : How did she take that ?
J.R. : Babe does nt trust me yet . And forgiveness will be somewhere behind that . But after everything I ve done to her , I understand . I love her , Krystal . I m not going to give up .
Babe : How the heck could J.R. walk away from someone so badly hurt ? How is Zoe doing now ?
Bianca : She s good . In fact , she s better than good . She s checking out gender reassignment programs . She met with an endocrinologist to talk about the transition process . She even attended a transgender group meeting .
Babe : That is wonderful .
Bianca : Yeah . Just do nt bake cookies with her . She eats half the dough before they even get in the oven .
Babe : Why am I not surprised ? Sounds like you two have become a lot closer since I ve been hiding out here .
Bianca : Yeah , we have , as friends .
Babe : Hmm . Friends who bake cookies . What , I m just saying Zoe s lucky to have such a good friend .
Bianca : You know , there -- there s something else that you should know about J.R.
Babe : No , I do nt know if I want to hear any more .
Bianca : Zoe and I ran into him at the hospital , and he apologized to her --
Babe : Really ?
Bianca : For what happened at the cemetery , yes .
Babe : And did J.R. mean it ?
Bianca : Um -- yeah . He seemed to . He seemed extremely sincere . I think he meant every word . Just like he probably meant every promise that he ever made to you . It s just J.R. -- J.R. s broken . It seems like no matter how hard he tries --
Babe : Just --
Bianca : Yeah -- you know what ? He s -- he s -- he s trying . He s -- he s fighting . He s fought before .
Babe : Yes , you re right . It just -- it -- it never lasts .
Bianca : You were going to leave .
Babe : It was a desperation move . I did nt -- I did nt even want to go . I mean , I -- I d done that before . I d run before , and I hurt people . Not again , and I -- I love my life here . My -- my family , my job . My friends .
Bianca : I m glad you stayed .
Babe : Me , too . But now I have to get ready for one heck of a fight if I m going to get custody of Little A.
J.R. : I ll get her back .
Krystal : What if all your work does nt pay off , J.R. ? What if , no matter how hard you try , she does nt give you another chance ? You love her enough to fight for her . You love her enough to let her go ?
J.R. : Babe wo nt leave me . I ll win her back . She s my wife . I ll do whatever it takes .
Ryan : Can I get you anything else , anything at all ?
Kendall : No , I m good .
Ryan : You sure ?
Kendall : Yep , I m good .
Ryan : All right .
Kendall : You know , I was just thinking , I wonder if the cravings are going to be the same .
Kendall : You know , with Spike , he was all about the ice cream . And -- and at midnight , just when I would finally -- finally fall asleep , he would do soccer practice and kick like crazy .
Ryan : Yeah .
Kendall : He s definitely a night owl .
Ryan : Still likes the late show , I think .
Kendall : Hmm . And then , there were those dreams that I had about the -- the stomach balloons .
Ryan : What , the stomach balloons ?
Kendall : You -- you know about the stomach balloons , yeah . Remember , with Spike , I had these constant dreams about these big balloons with bellybuttons .
Ryan : Yeah -- I might , like , blame the late - night ice cream while Spike was practicing soccer for that -- I do nt know .
Kendall : Probably .
Ryan : I do nt know .
Kendall : Oh . I have to give Annie credit .
Kendall : Well , she is the whole Mother Earth package . I can picture her with an even dozen never breaking a sweat . And with your vasectomy , it kind of reduces the number of children to Emma . So she really must love you .
Kendall : Hold that thought .
Kendall : Hey , big daddy , what s going on ?
Zach : Kendall , I need to see you right away . Can you meet me at the casino ?
Kendall : What s up ?
Zach : I found the key .
Kendall : The -- Zach ?
Jonathan : Ok , so Kendall gave you a hard time . She s not exactly an Annie fan . Ryan , you do nt need her in the middle of this .
Ryan : Ok , this has nothing to do with Kendall . Actually , this has to do with me . How could I be so stupid ? The vasectomy , Jonathan . Annie does nt know about that . I have nt told her about that yet .
Jonathan : Trust me , it does nt matter .
Ryan : You do nt know that . I mean , Kendall s right . Annie loves kids . She loves kids . She s going to want to have more kids . I might not be able to give that to her .
Jonathan : Annie wants you .
Ryan : Well , she has nt said yes yet . I mean , she does nt love me . This could be the thing to tip the scales .
Jonathan : Would you trust me , please ? Annie is madly in love with you .
Kendall : Oh , my God . You . Someone has been very , very busy .
Zach : I have to hold up some of the load , right ?
Kendall : Yeah . Oh , God , look at this . This is amazing . Hmm . Just very sweet . Very , very festive , I have to say . I like all this --
Zach : It s cool , right ?
Kendall : Yeah , it s really cool .
Zach : See that ? See the balloons ?
Kendall : Yes , I do .
Zach : Not just balloons , they are bellybutton balloons . Believe that ?
Kendall : Oh , my God , they are .
Zach : Mm - hmm .
Kendall : From my -- my dreams . You remembered my dreams .
Zach : I remember everything about you . Come on .
Kendall : Ah .
Zach : For you .
Kendall : Zach -- thank you .
Kendall : It s beautiful . What does it open ?
Zach : It opens the home I m going to build for you , Spike , and our baby . It s the key to our future . It s the key to Miranda Centers -- of women and children in need . It s a key to a heart that I thought was burnt up 20 years ago in a car crash . You saved me . You saved my heart . You , Spike , and the baby . You saved me .
Krystal : You two must have bought out the entire mall .
Colby : Yeah , almost .
Colby : And I bought these for Babe . They re kind of like the ones that I borrowed and lost last summer . You think she ll like them ?
Krystal : She ll love them .
Adam : Colby , would you do me a big , big favor ? Take some of these things up to the nursery for now ?
Colby : Yeah , sure .
Adam : Would you put -- thank you .
Colby : Mm - hmm .
Adam : Ah . What is it ? What s wrong ? I know it s a lot to take in . Two miracles in so short a time . Babe s alive . And little Charlotte is almost here .
Krystal : I want -- I want our children to be happy . I want -- I want Babe to be happy .
Adam : Well , of course , you do . And she will be , because you ll see to it . Honey , what is it ? What s wrong ?
Adam : Krystal ? Krystal , what ?
Krystal : J.R. is on a mission to get Babe back , and he s going to fight for her . He s going to fight hard .
Adam : I know , I know . I know -- you -- you still have some doubts about J.R.
Krystal : Honey , he will do anything to get Babe back . And I have given him the power to do that .
Kendall : These are ridiculously cute . I love these ! They re adorable .
Zach : They re cute , and I know it s early , but I -- I love shopping for clothing .
Kendall : You do , right ?
Zach : That s right .
Kendall : Yes .
Zach : Ok .
Kendall : Honestly , it s -- it s never too early to start buying things for the baby . I love it . Um -- I got to tell you -- put these right here . I actually started to think of some names .
Zach : Yeah ? I have , too .
Kendall : You have ?
Zach : I was thinking Hammer for a boy , and maybe -- I do nt know -- Scooter for a girl ?
Kendall : That s not -- do nt make fun of Spike . That s not cool -- I was -- hammer -- thinking for a boy we would would call him Zachary Ethan .
Zach : Hmm .
Kendall : And if it s girl , I d like to call her Amelia Bianca . What s wrong ? Is something wrong ? Hmm . Oh .
Ryan : Annie loves me ?
Jonathan : She told me .
Ryan : Look , I know that you want us to be happy together , but if you re --
Jonathan : If I m -- no , hey -- She s in love with you .
Ryan : Annie s in love with me ? She loves me ? This is big . This -- it s huge . Now I just got to show her that I m worthy .
Babe : I just have to find a custody solution with J.R. to keep him from spilling what he knows .
Bianca : I hate to be negative about this , but you know J.R. If I were you , I would be prepared , because that secret is bound to come out .
Tad : Josh ?
Josh : What d you do , follow me ?
Tad : Well , I had a couple of spare moments on my hands .
Josh : What , are you still sniffing around that blackmail secret ? Well , you know something ? Do nt give it up .
Tad : Why ? You got something you re just aching to say ?
Josh : Not from me . But I hope to God you dig it up , because it s the only way Babe s going to be free of J.R.
Krystal : What I ve done -- God .
Adam : Krystal , you can tell me anything . Anything . Remember our pact ? Always the truth . Come on , come on . It s going to be all right .
Krystal : I -- I made a mistake . And what s worse is I laid it on my own daughter , as if she has nt gone through enough pain already . I have forced her to make decisions that she should nt have had to make . I never wanted to hurt her . Or you .
Adam : Nah . I m still standing .
Krystal : I love you . Our moonshine marriage and all -- our -- our family .
Adam : What have you done , Krystal ? What have you done ?
Krystal : You know when Bianca went off on J.R. about blackmail ? Remember ?
Adam : Yeah .
Krystal : You wanted to know what it was all about .
Adam : Uh - huh .
Krystal : J.R. and I lied . I know , I know . No more lies . But -- I mean , the truth -- it s -- how could I look in my dear husband s eyes and just say the words ? J.R. was using me to blackmail Babe . The secret was nt hers . It s mine .
Annie ( to Ryan as he presents her with a beautiful diamond ring ) : You did nt .
J.R. ( to Babe ) : You have to come with me .
Babe : Why , what happened ?
J.R. : Your mother is about to decimate her life .
Krystal ( to Adam ) : Tad does nt just know my secret , he s a part of it .
### Summary:
| Zach visits Alex , Sr . in jail and lets him know that he will take over Cambias Industries . Kendall visits Ryan , and finds out that he has proposed to Annie . Josh goes immediately to Krystal , and lets her know what has been going on with Babe and J.R. Adam lets Colby know that Babe is alive . Colby is overjoyed . Adam and Colby go shopping for baby clothes for Krystal s baby . Tad confronts J.R. as to why he was blackmailing Babe . Bianca visits Babe , and tells her that she forgives her for everything that had happened . J.R. tells Tad that Babe comes first . Tad tells J.R. that he is proud of him , but J.R. responds that he does nt deserve it from him . Kendall tells Ryan that she hopes that he will be very happy , and then she runs out of Ryan s office . Kendall comes back into Ryan s office . He wonders what had happened to her . Kendall lets him know that she is expecting Zach s child . Bianca lets Babe know about J.R. leaving Zoe in the park to die . Tad tells J.R. matter - of- factly that he will never let him hurt Babe again . Krystal lets Josh know that J.R. is really trying . J.R. walks in on them . J.R. asks Krystal if Josh knows about the baby . Josh leaves . Krystal asks J.R. what had happened with Babe . Krystal wonders if Babe forgave him . J.R. tells Krystal that Babe wants a divorce . Babe wonders how J.R. could walk away from Zoe when she was so badly hurt . Bianca points out to Babe that J.R. had apologized to Zoe about what had happened in the cemetery . J.R. vows to get Babe back . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ivy : Annulment papers ?
Liam : Yeah . Carter , uh ... had them fast - tracked . Hey , you know , if this is not a good time --
Wyatt : Like it s ever a good time , Liam .
Liam : Wyatt , maybe a little privacy ?
Ivy : So , uh , who should sign first ?
Liam : I do nt know . I mean , do you think it even matters ?
Ivy : Probably not , just as long as we both do .
Liam : Hey , you know , if you need a minute or ...
Ivy : No . Mnh - mnh . I mean , you were kind enough to marry me when I thought I was gon na be deported , so the least I can do is not drag this out . Liam , I never meant for you to feel trapped .
Steffy : I m really trying here , Aly , but you re not making it easy . Again ... I am sorry .
Aly : I m sorry ca nt undo that night . What Taylor took from me ... changed my whole life forever . Dad s , too .
Steffy : Thorne s forgiven my mom . They were even involved briefly .
Aly : No , no , no , no , no . No , he has nt . How could he , after everything she s put us through ?
Steffy : I know about loss , too . My sister , Phoebe -- we were twins ... as close as two people could ever be .
Aly : Not the same .
Steffy : No ?
Aly : Mothers and daughters -- there is a bond like no other . And you still have that with Taylor .
Steffy : And you still talk to Darla .
Aly : Do nt look at me like I m some kind of nut job . But even if I were , that s all on Taylor , just like what happened with Liam and Ivy is on you .
Brooke : We re so glad you re back , sweetheart .
Pam : Both of you .
Rick : Thanks to Maya , we re a package deal . Ridge would have never brought me back if it was nt for her .
Maya : Sweetie ...
Rick : You re right . You re right . We re putting our best foot forward . This is the beginning of a new chapter -- a less contentious one -- in Forrester Creations history .
Pam : Good .
Zende : Are two of Forrester s newest interns allowed to crash the party ?
Brooke : Oh , my goodness ! Are you ... ?
Nicole : That s Zende , Kristen s son .
Pam : She knows who he is .
Brooke : Wow !
Rick : So , you re interning here for the summer ?
Zende : Know a better way to learn the family fashion biz ?
Rick : Not really .
Zende : You must be Maya .
Maya : Yes .
Zende : Heard a lot about you .
Maya : That ca nt be good .
Zende : From Nicole -- all of it good . She s really proud of her big sister .
Rick : We all are .
Brooke : I m trying to figure out the last time we saw you .
Zende : A few Christmases ago , I think . Mom and Dad send their love , by the way .
Brooke : Oh , that s nice .
Rick : That would be Kristen and Tony .
Nicole : Mm . Yeah . I m never gon na live this down now .
Maya : So , you re interning , too , Sis ?
Nicole : Well , I did nt exactly cut it as a model , so ...
Zende : Wait . You were a model here at Forrester ?
Nicole : My sister s the model . I had no idea how much talent it takes .
Pam : That s Nicole s diplomatic way of saying that she sucked .
Brooke : Pam !
Nicole : No , she s right . I sucked . But , thanks to Ridge , I get another chance with this internship .
Rick : So are Maya and I. Thanks to Ridge , we re getting another chance .
Pam : Oh , speaking of which , Ridge wants you at the meeting -- all of you -- so do nt forget it .
Nicole : Oh , Zende and me , too ?
Pam : No , Nicole .
Nicole : I m just kidding .
Zende : [ Chuckles ]
Brooke : What is the meeting about ?
Pam : Oh , no , no , no , no , no , no . I m not telling . I ve been sworn to secrecy . But I ll see you all there . Do nt be late .
Nicole : [ Chuckles ]
Zende : I forgot how much fun Pam can be .
Brooke : [ Chuckles ] Oh , yeah .
Rick : Well , now that Ridge is CEO , merriment and light has once again returned to the hallowed halls of Forrester Creations . What ? I m kidding .
Brooke : [ Chuckles ]
Nicole : Mm - hmm . I ll explain later . [ Chuckles ]
Steffy : Aly , you are blaming me for something that I did nt do .
Aly : Oh , God ! You are so your mother s daughter . You and Taylor never take responsibility for anything !
Steffy : Okay . I want you to listen carefully . Liam and Ivy have --
Aly : No , stop it ! Stop it . I am not a child . I see things . I know things . If it were nt for you , Ivy and Liam would be blissfully happy , and they deserve to be blissfully happy , the way my mother and father do .
Ridge : Hey . Hey , you two . Everything all right ?
Steffy : Uh ... yeah . Yeah . We re -- we re fine .
Ridge : Okay . Meeting s in 10 .
Steffy : Yeah . I ll see you there .
Aly : First I ve heard of a meeting . Can I come ?
Ridge : Sure . We ve got a lot to cover , so we need to ... figure it out .
Aly : Do nt worry , uncle Ridge . I wo nt be a problem .
Ivy : Do you think we win a prize for the shortest marriage on record ?
Liam : [ Chuckles ] I m not sure what that prize would be .
Ivy : Well , I guess it s my turn . You re free .
Rick : Does anybody know what this big meeting s about ?
Brooke : Ridge is being very secretive .
Maya : Well , whatever it is , we should nt be late , especially our first day back .
Rick : We can trust you two kids to be alone ? Behave .
Zende : We ll try to restrain ourselves . [ Chuckles ]
Nicole : Rick and Brooke are really happy that you re back .
Zende : Have to be . They re family .
Nicole : Brooke was married to your granddad , right ?
Zende : Both my uncles , too .
Nicole : And they re still speaking to each other ? Wow .
Zende : Yeah , I know . It s one mixed - up , dysfunctional bunch , but somehow it all works .
Nicole : Well , speaking of work , we should probably get back to it . Or not .
Zende : [ Chuckles ]
Ridge : Okay . Brooke , Maya , Rick . Okay . We re all here . Might as well get started .
Liam : Uh , uh , wait a second . Before we do , there s something you all should probably know . Do you -- should I tell them ? Do you want to tell them ?
Ivy : Uh , no . I ll do it .
Liam : Okay .
Ivy : Uh , I m just gon na keep this short and sweet -- well , bittersweet , I guess . Good news is I m no longer getting deported . [ Chuckles ] Um ... that means my quickie marriage to Liam is over . We just signed annulment papers . So , I am back to being Ivy Forrester , and I am no longer Ivy Spencer .
Steffy : Okay . So ... Dad , take it away .
Ridge : Uh ... okay . Well , uh ... first , I would like to welcome back our beautiful lead model .
Ridge : Starting tomorrow , you re gon na be busier than ever . And , Rick ... props to you for deciding to run Forrester International from here . We re in good hands . Okay . Well , the meeting -- uh , Steffy and I have been working very hard trying to find a new direction for Forrester , and I think we both agree that Hope for the Future is done . We need something new .
Steffy : Yeah . So , we started with a basic premise -- using fashion as a broader social message .
Ridge : And that may not sound exactly new to everybody . It may sound like what Hope for the Future was . Well , we want to expand on the ideas of self- empowerment and self - respect in women and address something that Americans take for granted -- life , liberty , the pursuit of happiness .
Steffy : Yeah . We re talking about freedom -- being able to be your own woman , your own man , because you re free -- free - spirited ... which Californians are known for , right ?
Ridge : Thus the name of this new campaign -- California Freedom . Please open your packet . This campaign is about the incredible female spirit , with bold new designs that say , yes , I value my freedom , and , yes , I will live the life I was meant to have every day .
Steffy : And to express that freedom in a myriad of ways , including what I wear . Naturally , we ll use all facets of Forrester designs -- lingerie , swimwear .
Aly : Whoa , whoa . Wait . Let me get this straight . Bikinis and underwear -- that s your idea of making women feel free ?
Liam : No , Aly . That s not what they re saying . It s about having a --
Aly : And I m assuming that you ll be the one modeling .
Steffy : Yep .
Aly : And you re okay with this ? A father putting his daughter in underwear for the world to see ? It was bad enough having to deal with Rick and Maya running this company , and I had hoped that you would restore Forrester back to its traditional and classy roots . But instead , we re selling sex camouflaged as freedom . You ca nt do this , Ridge . It s -- it s -- it s wrong . It s -- it s disgusting . It s -- it s -- it s exactly what I would have expected from Steffy ... not you .
Pam : Aly , honey , it s okay .
Aly : No . No ! No ! It is not okay ! This is not what your sister , my grandmother , wanted for this company ! This is not what Grandpa wants for this company !
Steffy : Actually , it is . Dad and I ran this by him earlier . He s all - in .
Aly : I do nt believe you .
Ridge : It s true , Aly . I talked to my dad about it .
Aly : Oh he is not your dad ! Massimo Marone is .
Ridge : I talked to my dad about it , and he wants all of us to pull together behind this and help us heal .
Aly : Not if it cheapens the Forrester brand .
Ivy : No . I do nt think Steffy and Ridge are gon na let that happen .
Aly : You re defending her ? ! After all Steffy has put you and Liam through ? !
Liam : This is so not the time for this , Aly .
Aly : No . I walked in on you earlier . I walked in on you -- Steffy sashaying around in her underwear .
Steffy : Aly , we were working on the lingerie line .
Aly : The only thing you were working was your body .
Rick : Aly , sweetheart , I realize I do nt have a lot of credibility as far as you re concerned , and that s understandable . I do know a few things about anger and letting it take control of your life . And I m pretty sure that nobody wants that for you here .
Maya : He s right , honey . I think we all have to learn to live and let live .
Aly : Oh . Great . Now Maya s lecturing me .
Wyatt : No one s lecturing , Aly . We re just saying do nt be so judgmental .
Ridge : Everyone has a right to their opinion . This is just not the time .
Aly : Except every time I try to give my opinion , you all look at me like I m from another planet , as if I am totally out of touch ... all because I feel Forrester s image is -- is veering away from the values that my grandparents instilled in this company ... the same values that my father and my mother , God bless her soul , instilled in me .
Steffy : Aly ... uncle Thorne is a good man , and he is a great father . He and Darla --
Aly : Dont ... you ... dare ! You are not worthy to speak my mother s name ! You are the reason that she s gone !
Ridge : I think that s enough for now .
Pam : Do you want me to go talk to her ?
Ridge : Yeah .
Steffy : No , no , no . No . Let me .
Ridge : Okay .
Charlotte : Kristina mentioned setting up an intern karaoke night sometime .
Nicole : Oh , that sounds fun .
Zende : Yeah .
Charlotte : Oh . Okay . I ve got to go observe in the sewing room and then get back to stocking .
Nicole : Oh . All right .
Charlotte : See ya .
Nicole : Bye .
Zende : Bye .
Nicole : Want to hand me those ? Thank you .
Zende : I wonder how the big powwow s going .
Nicole : I mean , since you re family , I m sure they d let you sit in .
Zende : I do nt want any special favors .
Nicole : Oh .
Zende : What ?
Nicole : You re just not like most guys .
Zende : Why -- because I want to make it on my own ? There are a lot of guys who think the same way .
Nicole : I know . It s just , um ... anyway ...
Zende : By the way , I dig your sister . She s totally cool .
Nicole : And she s totally taken .
Zende : [ Chuckles ] What about you ? You taken ?
Nicole : Anything wrong with waiting for Mr. Right ?
Zende : No . Kind of waiting for Ms. Right myself . I do nt know . Am I looking in the right place ?
Steffy : Everyone s gone . It s just you and me .
Aly : I have nothing more to say to you !
Steffy : Aly , we have to deal with this . Let me help you .
Aly : I do nt want your help !
Steffy : No , wait . Can you just ...
Caroline : I think that if anyone can get through to Aly , it s got to be Steffy . I mean , I know it s a long shot , but she has to try , right ?
Ridge : Have you always been like this -- this annoyingly optimistic ? I never noticed .
Caroline : Oh , wow . Excuse me , sir . I m just the happiest I ve ever been in my life , so forgive me if I want everyone else to feel that way .
Ridge : We creative types -- we have to be brooders , intense , and tormented .
Caroline : Oh , okay . Like this ? [ Muttering ]
Ridge : Are you doing me right now ? Is that me ? Is it ? I liked you better when you re doing the optimistic thing .
Caroline : Do you ? Well , I like it better when you re kissing me .
Ridge : Yeah ? I like that better , too .
Caroline : [ Chuckles ] You have lipstick .
Ridge : I do nt care .
Caroline : [ Laughs ]
Aly : I know a bully when I see one . I have been bullied my whole life .
Steffy : Not by me . That s not who I am .
Aly : Oh , right , cause you re more into wrecking relationships , like Liam and Ivy s .
Steffy : Not this again .
Aly : You -- you tainted what they had , and now you re trying to taint this company . It s just sex , sex , sex with you ! That s all it s about !
Steffy : Aly , just stop ! Stop working yourself up .
Aly : Like you even care .
Steffy : I do care . Only you wo nt let yourself believe it because Taylor s my mom . It was an accident , Aly -- a terrible , unfortunate accident -- and I only wish you could just --
Aly : Oh , just get past my mother s death ? Get past Taylor taking away a little girl s mother ? !
Steffy : You ve forgiven her . I remember that .
Aly : No , no , no , no . I was persuaded to . I said the words , maybe , but I will never be able to forgive her . [ Crying ] You have no idea what it s been like !
Steffy : No , I do nt .
Aly : [ Sniffles ]
Steffy : We may never see eye to eye , but we are family , Aly . Our dads are brothers ! Come on ! I want us to get along . Please .
Steffy : I m sorry ... that night keeps haunting you ... that pain that wo nt let go . But it will ... if you let it . The anger that s consuming you -- do nt give in to it , Aly .
### Summary:
| Liam presents Ivy with annulment papers . Wyatt agrees this is not a good time and he leaves . Ivy asks who should sign first . She says that Liam was kind enough to marry her so the least she can do is not drag this out . Liam signs first and then Ivy . Steffy tells Aly that she is really trying here . Aly says she can not say any more . The things that happened that night Darla was killed changed her life forever . She had that bond with her mother but no more . Steffy still has that with her mother . She is not a nut job and this is all on her now . Ridge pops in and reminds Steffy about the meeting . Aly asks if she can come . Without being rude , he says sure . Brooke and Pam tell Rick that they are glad he is back . He says he knows it is a package deal , one Ridge would not have made otherwise . Zende and Nicole come in and he meets Maya , all good things he has heard about her . Pam tells them Ridge wants all of them at the meeting so do not forget . Zende tells Nicole that his grandfather was married to Brooke .and both brothers . It is one big dysfunctional family but it works . Both look at each other and agree they are looking for Mr. and Mrs. Right . Ivy makes the first announcement and says she is no longer Ivy Spencer and back to Ivy Forrester as she just signed the annulment papers . Ridge welcomes his lead model back to work and Rick as well ..... props to tackling the International office from here . He is sure he can do it . Steffy introduces a new hope for woman with liberty California Freedom , a new campaign , a new spirit .the life they were meant to have every day . Aly can not contain herself any more and opens her mouth that the trashy lingerie and swimwear is wrong and especially with Steffy modeling it . She would expect that out of her but not from a father wanting to parade his daughter out like that . Pam tries to calm her down but Aly yells that it is not okay . This is not what her sister would want for this company and it cheapens them all . She tells Steffy that the only thing she was working on in the lingerie was her body . Maya tries also to ask her not to be so judgmental and Aly goes off on her that it is rich that Maya is now lecturing her .her of all people . Aly tells Steffy that is it her fault that her mother is gone and she is not worthy to even speak her name . Steffy tells her that everyone is gone so let her help her . Aly shouts again that she does not want HER help , so do not look at her like she is crazy . Caroline tells Ridge that if anyone can get through to Aly it is Steffy so at least she has to try . Aly tells Steffy that she knows a bully when she sees one . She has been around them all her life . And now she is doing that to Ivy over Liam . Steffy keeps repeating that Darla s death was an accident . Aly says she was persuaded to forgive Taylor but they were just words . She cries that she will NEVER forgive her . Steffy says their fathers are brothers and they have to get along . She is sorry that night keeps haunting her but it will ruin her , the anger will if she lets it . Do not give in to it . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Sonny : Max , Milo , get out .
Max : Why do nt you let us find Jason , Mr. C ? This is more his area .
Franco : Yeah , get your boy toy . I ca nt get him to return my calls .
Sonny : And where s Sam ?
Franco : That s for Jason to know and you to find out .
Sonny : I m asking you .
Franco : You re not going to shoot me .
Franco : Damn . You say I m crazy .
Sonny : Let s try this again .
Franco : Yeah , fine .
Sonny : Okay ? All right , good .
Franco : But I suggest those work better with bullets . And it ll get all yucky .
Sonny : What does that mean ?
Franco : My present . Go ahead . Oh , that s lunch money . I m going to need that . It s in my other pocket .
Franco : Need the piece now , tough guy ?
Carly : Michael , Morgan , let s go . The pilot s going to call when they re ready . Okay .
Michael : Well , for the record , this sucks .
Carly : I m sorry you re not happy about this .
Michael : Well , Dad did nt want Morgan and I to leave the country . He was adamant about it . Now , like magic , we re leaving the country .
Carly : It s for your protection . Franco sailed into this house . He lured me up to your sister s room . He could have taken Josslyn . I m just trying to keep my kids safe , Michael .
Michael : That was supposed to be Jason s job .
Carly : Excuse me ?
Michael : Open your eyes , Jason screwed up . He s getting soft . None of this would have happened if he would have just wasted the Franco freak from page one .
Carly : You ungrateful little punk . Jason s in living hell because of you .
Maxie : And you did nt see her leave ? You re sure ? Okay , thank you for checking . Our building super has nt seen Lulu .
Dominic : Damn it !
Maxie : Did you try her cell phone again ?
Dominic : Yeah , she s still not answering .
Maxie : Okay , well , maybe this does nt have to be a doomsday scenario . Maybe she just does nt want to talk to you .
Dominic : Okay , I do nt think that s the case , but let s just say it is . Would Lulu really pick this day to walk off the job , not even leave a note ?
Maxie : Lulu s a Spencer . They re always getting into unexpected trouble . It s usually in a jungle around the other side of the world . But maybe Luke called , or Lucky , or Nikolas . The Cassadines are always known for random disasters .
Dominic : Lulu would have called me .
Maxie : You sound sure of yourself .
Dominic : I am .
Maxie : It does nt make sense , okay ? What would Franco want with Lulu ? She s not involved .
Dominic : Maybe Lulu is nt who Franco expected to find .
Lulu : Ow !
Lulu : Come on !
Lucky : I was coming to find you in the conference room , and I heard Nikolas not exactly yelling , but his voice was raised .
Elizabeth : Lucky , I m so sorry .
Lucky : Look , I did nt mean to eavesdrop . It s just that it sort of caught me off guard , you know , when I heard him talking to you like that . And I was--
Elizabeth : I m sorry . I m sorry . I know I just said that , but--
Lucky : No , you ve been saying it for months , Elizabeth . And now I know why .
Elizabeth : If you can just keep an open mind , try to understand--
Lucky : I understand that you have nothing to be sorry about .
Elizabeth : What ?
Lucky : It s not your fault that Nikolas decided to betray me by confessing his love for you . I mean , I heard you trying to back him off . I ca nt believe he would do something like this . I mean , it s horrible the position that he s put you in . You know , I do nt know what I m going to do . Brothers do nt do this kind of stuff to each other .
Maxie : You think Franco was trying to kidnap me ?
Dominic : Yeah , I m starting to .
Maxie : That does nt make sense . Jason barely tolerates me .
Dominic : You re the perfect once removed . Who hurts the most if something happens to you ?
Maxie : Spinelli .
Dominic : Spinelli , exactly . Who s like a brother to Jason . This could be part of the choice Franco s trying to set up . You saw Franco s studio , so maybe he thinks you saw something you should nt have seen .
Maxie : I was blindfolded the whole time .
Dominic : Really ?
Maxie : I am not having that conversation with you .
Dominic : Still , Franco might consider you a loose end , but he s smart enough to tie those off along the way . No , I do nt think that s it . I think you re definitely a part of the choice Jason has to make .
Maxie : What choice ?
Dominic : Franco s playing head games with Jason . He s torturing him , really . I mean , what better way to make someone choose between the two people closest to you , Sam and Spinelli . It s a no - win .
Maxie : I m sorry , I m lost .
Dominic : [ Sighs ] If Jason chooses Sam , the woman he loves , and Franco turns you into a piece of death art , Jason has to live with literally destroying Spinelli s life . If he chooses you , he loses Sam . Now , I guess Franco came here looking for you . Only you were nt here , Lulu was .
Maxie : [ Sighs ] What do you think he would do to her ?
Dominic : God only knows .
Jason : Yeah ?
Dominic : Yeah , it s Dominic . I think Franco s got Lulu .
Carly : You know , I was nt sure that you should know everything that s been going on . But I think it s time you did , so you have some kind of idea what goes into keeping you safe . First of all , Jason did nt screw up . He is dealing with a psycho freak who s fixated on him . Franco , the artist , has been here for months , watching and following Jason , figuring out how he works and how he thinks .
Michael : That s crazy .
Carly : Yeah . It gets even better , Michael . He was at the cabin the night Claudia was killed .
Michael : What ?
Carly : In the woods , with a camera .
Michael : How do you know ?
Carly : Because he sent Jason a picture of Claudia s dead body .
Michael : Oh , that s not possible .
Carly : Oh , yeah , it s possible . He followed Jason that night . He watched Jason bury Claudia , and then he dug her back up . This is the same guy who got into your sister s nursery . Same guy who abducted me , used me as bait so Jason would come to him . Franco is sick and he s scary smart , and the only thing he cares about is this game that he has going on in his head . He says he has proof that you killed Claudia . He s threatening to take it to the police unless Jason does what he wants . So Jason is in hell , running around in circles trying to stay one step ahead of this psycho freak , who would turn you into the police without a second thought . So you cut Jason some slack . He s trying to protect you . We all are .
Michael : Who asked you ? Any of you ? If I m such a burden , then why do nt you get the hell out of my way , and let me manage my own life ?
Sonny : Max , Milo , wait inside . And clear everybody out . No matter what you hear in here , do nt come back till I call you . Go , go .
Franco : [ Exhales ] That s very impressive . The gun , the no witnesses speech . I m deeply intimidated . You mind if I try ?
Sonny : Be my guest .
Franco : Okay . Tell Jason I want another meeting . I ll contact him with the time and place . He comes alone , no weapons , no cell phone , no back - up . See , I can talk mob , too .
Sonny : Or what , you re going to send this picture of my son to the cops ?
Franco : Oh , that little thing ? Please . That s not leverage . That s just to get your attention . I can do better . Much better .
Sonny : Where s Sam ?
Franco : Well , Sam s hiding . [ Chuckles ] See , one hot girlfriend plus an innocent bystander equals Jason will do any old thing I please .
Sonny : Not if I do nt give him the message .
Franco : Well , of course you will . That s what you do . You send your assassin into impossible situations while you hide behind your bodyguards . Jason s a killer . You , you re a coward .
Sonny : You know what , Franco ? You do nt have to try so hard to piss me off . You know why ? Because I am so ready to kick your psychotic ass .
Franco : Well , do us both a favor . Try .
Lisa : You always loved that track in Sobo .
Patrick : Sobo track loved me . Qualified second , followed the leader for 157 laps . On the 58 , took him on the inside for the lead .
Lisa : I do nt even want to know how fast you were going .
Robin : Well , did you win ?
Patrick : Did I win ?
Robin : Sorry !
Patrick : Come on .
Lisa : Do nt you just love riding with Patrick ?
Robin : Oh , actually , no , I do nt .
Lisa : No ? !
Robin : No , I tried it once and I got sick .
Lisa : Aw .
Robin : Speed s not my thing .
Patrick : Needless to say , I ve turned in the racing stripes for a sensible mini van .
Lisa : Oh , that is bad enough . Please , just do nt tell me that you turned your racing helmet into a car seat for the little rugrat .
Patrick : It s sitting on my desk . It s a bowl of a candy for young patients . Speaking of , should probably dust that thing off . Another round ?
Lisa : No , thanks .
Robin : Yes , please .
Patrick : Yeah ?
Robin : Thank you .
Lisa : What d I do ?
Robin : For so cleverly steering the conversation to racing .
Lisa : Oh , I thought I was overstepping , bringing up the past . Exes are always such , you know , tricky territory .
Robin : Yes . Thank you .
Robin : Oh , sorry . I guess Dr. Webber has to see me at the hospital .
Patrick : Do you need me to come with you ?
Robin : No , you guys stay . Play and talk about lapsed cars .
Lisa : Lapped cars .
Patrick : It s lapped cars .
Robin : Whatever . Okay , bye .
Patrick : Bye .
Robin : See you at home .
Patrick : Okay . Let me borrow that for a second .
Lisa : [ Chuckles ] Okay , tell me the truth .
Patrick : What s that ?
Lisa : How much do you miss the old thrills ? On the track , and off ?
Elizabeth : So you were only upset with Nikolas because he said he loves me ?
Lucky : Yeah . Yeah , that about covers it .
Elizabeth : How long were you there ?
Lucky : Well , after Nikolas professed his love for you , that was enough . I could nt handle anymore . I mean , I know I could have confronted him right then and there , but I did nt want to embarrass you in front of everyone and cause a scene .
Elizabeth : Well , thank you .
Lucky : How long has this been going on ?
Elizabeth : A while .
Lucky : A while ? How come you did nt say anything to me ? You do nt share his feelings , right ?
Elizabeth : No . No , of course not . And I did nt tell you because ... because I do nt want to be the cause of you and Nikolas being estranged .
Lucky : So this is why he dumped Rebecca , because he wants you . That son of a bitch . Betraying Cassadine bastard .
Elizabeth : Please do nt say that .
Lucky : Do nt defend him , Elizabeth . He knew exactly what he was doing .
Elizabeth : I m not defending him . I m just -- I m going to try to explain . Whatever feelings Nikolas has for me , it is nt love . It s another way for him to feel closer to Emily .
Lucky : Emily has been dead for two years . How long are we going to use her death to justify Nikolas screwed up behavior ?
Elizabeth : I guess I empathize because when I thought I lost you in the fire , I turned to Jason .
Franco : Ahh .
Sonny : You know what , Franco , people have it wrong about you . They think you re some street punk who turned an obsession with murder into a career worth tens of millions of dollars .
Franco : Well , it s more than that , but who s counting ?
Sonny : What you really are is a lovesick groupie who s got a crush on a rock star hit man you can never have .
Franco : As opposed to say , a daddy who s jealous his favorite has another suitor ?
Sonny : What do you want from Jason ? Approval , justification , partnership ?
Franco : Too little , too late .
Sonny : So he hurt your feelings , so you want to kill Sam and an innocent bystander ? Well , that s going to get his attention . He s going to find you and bury you .
Franco : He ll try . And that will be enough .
Sonny : You do nt want to die . You want to be needed . By people who do nt give a damn if you were ever born . That s why I did nt pop you with the loaded chamber . But if you want , we can do it again .
Franco : Sure . If I make it out of here alive , give Jason my message .
Jason : It s not very encouraging , is it ?
Dominic : I was really hoping Franco was nt building a bomb .
Jason : I think he s built more than one .
Dominic : Tell me why an artist needs this much fire power .
Jason : Franco , I think , is staging something . Look at this . Some kind of a Plexiglas enclosure .
Dominic : A bed , a chalk outline .
Jason : I m afraid he s holding Sam or Lulu in this .
Dominic : Man , talk about your innocent bystander . Lulu was nt even supposed to be a part of this . Franco was looking for Maxie .
Jason : What , Maxie was nt home so he took Lulu instead ?
Dominic : That s how I figured it . Tell me how a mind can work itself into this kind of frenzy and still be quasi normal in the real world .
Jason : Okay , so Franco intended to take Maxie to make her the other end of my choice . So I could choose Sam or Maxie , but not both . And Maxie makes sense because of the connection to Spinelli , but with Lulu ... what s the advantage ?
Dominic : How about we do nt let it get as far as an answer ?
Jason : Yeah ?
Sonny : Your freaky friend was here .
Jason : Franco ?
Sonny : You need to do something about this whack job . And fast .
Michael : In case you missed it , I just turned 18 . No one is obligated to protect me .
Carly : It s not about obligation . It s not about how old you are . We re family , and we love you . Me , Jax , Jason and your father . We want to keep you safe . You already lost a year of your life when you were in a coma , Michael .
Michael : And I woke up someone different ; someone that none of you can really love because you do nt know me .
Carly : That is not true !
Michael : It is true , Mom . I went into that coma an ordinary kid , as ordinary as I could be in this world that I live in . And I came out a killer .
Carly : You re not a killer !
Michael : Then tell that to Claudia .
Carly : Claudia s death was an accident ! And when the hell are you going to get that ? Do I have to review it for you again ? And you know what s alarming to me is how you ve rewritten all this in your head . As if this is some rite of passage for you ; an initiation into your dad s business . And it s not . And every time you say it is only tells mat you re struggling to cope . And I get that . Okay , I understand that . That s normal . It s natural . But you do nt have to struggle alone , okay ? You can own the struggle . It s okay to ask for help , and it s okay to accept it .
Michael : I do nt need help . I m handling it .
Carly : Do you think I do nt see how much this is tearing you up ? I m your mom . And I m telling you , you do nt have to carry this burden alone . Please , put it down .
Lucky : The situations are nt even remotely the same . You thought I was dead . It was natural for you to turn to someone else . And Jason s not my brother . It certainly makes hindsight a lot clearer .
Elizabeth : What do you mean ?
Lucky : Well , my dad , for instance . He s been really hostile towards Nikolas lately . You know , he probably picked up on Nikolas feelings for you . He kept trying to warn me . He was insinuating all the things , but he would never get specific . So I just basically told him to shut up and mind his own business . And it sheds new light on you . The conflict , the tears , how awkward you get whenever Nikolas is around . Elizabeth , I really wish that you d just said something to me .
Elizabeth : I know , and I m sorry that I handled the situation so poorly . I wanted to tell you .
Lucky : You wanted to keep peace between me and my brother . I know . Yeah , I do nt see how that s going to be possible at this point .
Elizabeth : But Nikolas and I settled everything , okay ? Because he knows , he knows that I love you and that I want to marry you and that we re going to spend the rest of our lives together . And I know it s asking a lot for you to forget what you heard . But maybe if you could just let it go and not confront Nikolas ... let it go .
Lucky : I do nt know if I can promise that . I m sorry . I mean , there s still a lot I need to wrap my head around .
Elizabeth : Okay .
Lucky : But , you know , it could be worse . You could love Nikolas back .
Lucky : Sorry , hold on just a second . Detective Spencer .
Dominic : Yeah , it s Dominic . You need to see me ASAP . It s about Lulu .
Lulu : You let me go , or I swear that I m gonna--
Franco : Nothing on TV ? I m having a pretty bad night myself .
Lulu : You re not sitting on top of enough explosives to send you into orbit .
Franco : You think I overdid it ? I looked online . I think that much Plastique should seal the deal , but the internet s so unreliable .
Lulu : What do you want ?
Franco : People keep asking me that . I thought I was pretty clear . You just got caught in the shuffle .
Lulu : You wanted Maxie .
Franco : Hmm . Already had her .
Lulu : You bastard .
Franco : People keep saying that , too . But look on the bright side -- at least you got a 50/50 chance . Now it s up to Jason .
Lulu : Jason to do what ?
Franco : Choose wrong .
Lulu : Well , he s not going to do that . So I guess it s up to me . See you in hell .
Franco : Have a nice trip .
Jason : What was the message ?
Sonny : Slow down .
Jason : Franco came out to give you a message for me . What is it ?
Sonny : Did you tell Franco--
Jason : No , I m just starting to figure out how Franco thinks , okay ? Franco wants me to make a choice--
Sonny : I do nt care what Franco wants ! Why are you letting him get to you like this ? Here s what s going to happen , Jason . You re going to take the meeting , you re going to take him alive , right ? You re going to force him to tell you where Sam and that innocent bystander is . And then when the hostages are safe , then we re going--
Jason : It s Lulu .
Sonny : What do you mean , it s Lulu ?
Jason : We re pretty sure the other hostage is Lulu . She s not answering her phone . She s not at work . I know Franco meant to grab Maxie , but he got Lulu instead . So the only way to save Sam and Lulu is to do what Franco tells me to do . What did he tell you , Sonny ?
Sonny : He wants another meeting . He s going to contact you with the time and place . He does nt want you to bring any back - up , no gun , nothing . But what you re going to do is the exact opposite .
Jason : Franco s got explosives . There s more than enough to rig two bombs for Lulu and Sam .
Carly : It s not healthy , sitting on your emotions . They back up on you , Michael . They choke you . You still feel what you re going to feel . It just comes out in different ways . You think I do nt see that you re not eating and you re not sleeping ? You re angry , and you re distant . You lash out at people you love . You re taunting the cops . And now you re drinking and driving . I m scared . I m afraid for you .
Michael : But if I ca nt fix anything else , if I have to sit around like an idiot while everybody else is cleaning up my own messes ... I should at least be able to get a grip on my own turmoils . Why should I dump that on the rest of you , too ?
Carly : Because that s what most people who love each other do .
Carly : I dump everything on Jason . You think I m weak ?
Michael : Anything but .
Michael : And it s not that I ca nt sleep . I do nt want to , cause I have nightmares . You know , I can feel the weight of the axe handle in my hands , and I feel my arms swinging , and I can see the startled look on Claudia s eyes . And then she s falling . But not like that night , you know ? She just dropped . In my dream , she s going down in slow motion , collapsing like in sections on the floor . And the worst part is the blood . It s still warm . The blood s alive , the blood s still alive . I was just trying to stop her . I was just trying to help you and Josslyn . Claudia was not supposed to die . [ Crying ] She was not supposed to die .
Carly : Come here , co here .
Spinelli : Maximista , what s wrong ?
Maxie : Spinelli , I m really nervous ! I did something stupid and reckless and now Lulu s going to have to pay for it .
Spinelli : Okay , you re distraught . Can you tell me why ?
Maxie : Lulu is gone . Dominic thinks that it was supposed to be me , which makes sense , you know , because my life is just one wreck after another and Lulu s my best friend , why would nt she get run over , too .
Spinelli : I m not following . Let s use a more focused approach . You say Lulu s gone ? What do you mean ?
Maxie : Missing , probably kidnapped .
Spinelli : By who ?
Maxie : Franco .
Spinelli : Did he leave a note , a ransom note ?
Maxie : No , nothing !
Spinelli : Okay , are you sure it s Franco ?
Maxie : Dominic thinks it s Franco , but he also thinks that it was supposed to be me , that I m supposed to be involved in some death match that he wants to be involved in with Jason ; how Jason s going to have to make some choice between me and Sam , and it ll be the most difficult decision he s ever made in his life because of you . Look , I do nt know . This whole situation is making my head hurt . But Franco has Lulu , and it s all my fault .
Sonny : What s taking him so long ? This is , like , what--
Jason : I m calling him right now .
Max : The bomb hit an empty storage building over on First and Metropolitan .
Milo : No people , no property , not even a lot of damage
Jason : Okay , Franco said he d contact me about when I m supposed to meet him .
Sonny : I do nt care . He gets his jollies from yanking your chain , and you know what , listen , if you ca nt do this , I will . Okay ? You take Max and Milo , as many men as you need , over to First and Met , and we re going to take this bastard down , but keep him breathing because he s going to know how I play the game . Go .
Jason : That s the exact wrong thing to do right now .
Sonny : What do--
Jason : Listen to me , Franco s got Claudia s body . He s got pictures of Michael kneeling over her body with blood on his hands . He s got Sam , he s got Lulu , and I m telling you right now , you can bet your ass , he s not going to be at that warehouse . He set that bomb to send me a message . I have to respond in the right way , show up at the right place at the right time , or he s going to use that evidence against Michael and he s going to kill Sam and Lulu !
Sonny : Jason , you keep playing Franco s game , he s going to think he s winning all the time ! Go over to the warehouse--
Jason : I m telling you right now , he s not going to be at the warehouse ! The cops are going to be at the warehouse !
Sonny : Figure out a way to take care of this guy . I am sick of him . Franco .
Lisa : It s just one big surprise after another here in Port Charles .
Patrick : Yeah , you think so ?
Lisa : Yeah . I would have bet money that you were the wild man in Robin s life . So imagine my shock and awe to find out that the love that came before is this hot blonde mob enforcer .
Patrick : Yeah .
Lisa : You must have seemed tame in comparison .
Patrick : Tame ?
Lisa : Mm - hmm .
Patrick : You think I m tame ?
Lisa : Well , you seem to have end up that way . What , a minivan ? Light beer ?
Patrick : Okay .
Lisa : What ? Well , oh , well . You know , you re a husband and a father now .
Patrick : Mm - hmm .
Lisa : You know , safety comes with the territory . I m sure glad that we ended when we did .
Patrick : Why do you say that ?
Lisa : Because I have all these cool memories of wild man Drake . It ll never be spoiled . Oh . Little girl s room . I will be back .
Elizabeth : We need to talk .
Nikolas : No , thanks . I still got tire tracks across my back from our last conversation . Unless you re here to finally admit how you feel about me .
Elizabeth : Stop it . Listen to me . Lucky was at the hospital this afternoon . He heard us talking .
Nikolas : Good .
Lucky : Hey .
Dominic : Hey .
Lucky : The warehouse on First Street near the docks just exploded . Corinthos property .
Dominic : Fatalities ?
Lucky : There s not even injuries . So what the hell is this place ?
Dominic : Franco s workshop . Chock full of goodies . There s enough explosive devices in here to send Lulu and Sam and whatever two buildings they re in to kingdom come . If you suspect he s being tracked or sees his mugshot on the news , this guy could just decide to say forget it and blow them up anyway just to torture Jason one last time and head out , never to be seen or heard from again . We both know how good at disappearing this guy can be .
Lucky : I want this bastard .
Dominic : Yeah , I do , too . We have to make sure that whatever we do does nt make this whole thing backfire .
Lucky : Okay . What are you thinking ?
Dominic : In order for us to find Lulu and Sam , we have to keep this guy in town . We have to make sure he stays interested . We got ta keep this game with Jason going .
Maxie : I do nt know how you can stand to look at me , after I betrayed you with someone who s your polar opposite . I mean , you re good and Franco is so evil . I could nt let myself see that because I was so foolish and vain . And flattered that some larger than life artist would even be interested in me . Turns out he s a homicidal nutjob who wreaks havoc wherever he goes . And now Lulu is gone .
Spinelli : You must nt blame yourself for what you ca nt control . Franco came in with a master plan and he used you in its service . But you re right to be afraid for Lulu . I fear she s in grave danger , but you sleeping with Franco was not the cause .
Maxie : He wanted me here . He wanted to take me . But instead I was ransacking his studio , looking for pictures of myself , trying to save myself from some well - deserved embarrassment . And because of that , Lulu is gone . What if I lose her like I lost Georgie ?
Jason : Yeah , Diane , listen , I need you to meet me at the warehouse Franco just bombed . The address is First Street and Metropolitan . Hel -- hello ? No , I know there s a bad connection . Did you get the address ? The warehouse is at First Street and Met . First and Met . First and Met . No , forget it , I ll call you back .
Elizabeth : How can you call Lucky overhearing us good ?
Nikolas : Because if he knows we re sleeping together , maybe we can stop this charade .
Elizabeth : He does nt ! All he heard was you claiming to be infatuated .
Nikolas : See , there you go again . Constantly diminishing us . I m not infatuated with you ; I m in love with you . Did he confront you about that ?
Elizabeth : I would nt exactly call it a confrontation , because he thinks the feelings are very one - sided , and I let him believe that .
Nikolas : Oh , that s a nice way to stand up .
Elizabeth : I m not going to blow apart my life for anyone . And I m going to lie until the day I die to preserve our relationship . You say you love me ?
Nikolas : You know I love you .
Elizabeth : Then you ll lie , too . You ll say whatever it takes to make things right with Lucky , because I know you do nt want to lose him , either .
Nikolas : Elizabeth , Elizabeth , all the lies in the world is nt going to change what we feel for each other . So you go ahead . You go ahead and deny it all you want . You marry Lucky and you ll buy that house , and you have a nice life . But you and I will always know that I love you and you love me .
Carly : What are you doing here ?
Sonny : May I come in ?
Carly : Okay . What s going on ?
Sonny : Nothing good . I changed my mind , and you and Jax can take-- obviously you were going to do it anyway , so why do I even bother ?
Carly : You do nt have to say it like that . You ca nt be mad at me , you know , I m just doing what I have to do to protect the kids . There s good news . I think Michael had a breakthrough . I think he s going to be okay .
Jason : Where s Franco ?
Franco : You have to admit , it was clever .
Jason : What , First and Met ?
Franco : Where we first met . Sometimes I amaze myself .
Jason : Get rid of them .
Franco : You wo nt even notice they re there .
Jason : Why are they here ?
Franco : We re making art .
Jason : You think these guys are going to stop me from killing you ?
Franco : What will stop you is what I know and you do nt . So how far did you get to First and Met before you realized that I was here and not there ?
Jason : What difference does that make ?
Franco : Makes all the difference in the world . You refuse to play . If you had just gone along with it , none of this would have ever--
Jason : What have you done with Sam and Lulu ?
Franco : Not so fast . First I have to see if you cooperated . Given our history , I m guessing that s unlikely .
Jason : I m unarmed . I got no cell phone ; I got no back - up .
Franco : Mm - hmm . There s only one way to find out .
Jason : What , you want to search me ?
Franco : I thought you d never ask . Assume the position .
### Summary:
| Franco shows Sonny the picture of Michael sitting next to Claudia s body . Carly gets the kids ready for the Australia trip , in spite of Sonny s objection . Michael blames the entire Franco mess on Jason being weak . Carly sets Michael straight and tells him Franco witnessed Claudia s murder and later stole the body . Lulu tries to break free while Dante / Dom worries Franco has her captive . Lucky puts the blame on Nikolas and tells Elizabeth he heard Nik confess his love for her . Lucky says he walked away after hearing Nik s confession . Lucky is angry with Nik for making Liz uncomfortable . Liz asks Lucky if he can forget what Nik said and not confront his brother . Liz later tells Nik what Lucky overheard and asks him to do whatever it takes to make things right with Lucky . Franco tells Sonny he wants another meeting with a solo , unarmed Jason . Sonny calls Jason and fills him in . Lisa wonders if Patrick misses his past . Jason finds evidence of Franco s explosives . Dante / Dom tells Jason his suspicion about Lulu then he calls Lucky . Michael tells Carly he thinks of himself as a killer and she does her best to talk him into accepting her help . Michael says he dreams about Claudia s murder . Michael breaks down and says he was trying to help Carly , not kill Claudia . Jason tells Sonny he has to go along with Franco s request in order to save Sam and Lulu . Sonny disagrees but Jason says he must play by Franco s rules . Sonny wants Franco taken care of . Sonny later goes and tells Carly he s changed his mind and she needs to take the boys out of the country . Maxie tells Spinelli it s her fault that Franco took Lulu . Jason tracks Franco down and the artist prepares to search him . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Andrew : Dearly beloved , we are gathered here today to witness and to bless the joining together of this man and this woman in holy matrimony . The union of husband and wife was intended by god for their mutual joy , for the love and the comfort they give to each other in prosperity and adversity , and , when it is god s will , for the procreation of children and their nurture in the knowledge and the love of the lord . Into this holy union , Joseph and Jennifer now come to be joined . If there any among you who know of any reason why they may not be lawfully married , speak now or else forever hold your peace . Who gives this woman to this man ?
Lindsay : I do , on behalf of her father , Sam . He would ve been so proud of you today .
Rex : Barkeep , hit me again .
R.J. : Rex . Drinking alone and paying for it -- now , that s not good .
Rex : No , just checking out the competition .
R.J. : Hm well , where s that cute little wife of yours ? Oh , I m sorry -- ex- wife .
Rex : Off getting married to a minister . But trust me -- the reverend has no idea what he s in for .
Blair : Starr realized that she could ve gotten you both killed , and it scared her to death . But you know what ? She has been a perfect angel ever since .
Walker : Hmm . Do nt count on that sticking .
Blair : I know .
Walker : She s one terrific kid , though .
Dorian : Blair , what are you doing with this man ?
Blair : Well , where have you been ?
Dorian : Where have I been ? I was kidnapped , and he is the one to blame !
R.J. : To justice . Well , there s one less cop running around who s too quick with his fists .
Keri : Antonio really loved his job .
R.J. : Oh , well , that s too bad .
Keri : I do nt think he d ever intentionally hurt anyone .
R.J. : That s because you have a good heart , honey . Do nt waste it on someone like Vega .
Keri : R.J. --
R.J. : Look , he tried to kill me . He put Ben Davidson in a coma . He s a menace , and Jamie is an innocent . You do nt want her anywhere near his crossfire .
Keri : He would never hurt her .
R.J. : No , not intentionally , but he did nt sleep with your mother intentionally . He lied about it , he broke your heart , and he ll do it again . Why should he get be happy when you re so miserable ?
Man : Antonio Vega ?
Antonio : Who wants to know ?
Man : You ve been served .
Rae : Whoa ! Whoa .
Antonio : I m sorry .
Rae : Whoa , whoa , wait a minute . Now , what is it ? Is it the job ? What ?
Antonio : Keri just got a court order banning me from seeing my daughter . She ca nt do that .
Rae : Yes , yes . Yes . You re right , she ca nt . But you can . If you do nt control that temper of yours , that s exactly what she s going to do . Now , is that what you want ?
Andrew : Joseph , do you take Jennifer to be your wife do you promise to love her , comfort her , honor and keep her in sickness and in health and forsaking all others be faithful to her as long as you both shall live ?
Joey : I do .
Madison s voice : Hey , piggy , are you deaf ? I said get down and oink .
Marcie s voice : Oink .
Madison s voice : Louder .
Marcie s voice : Oink !
Andrew : Jennifer , do you take Joseph -
Jen : Marcie , are you ok ?
Marcie : I m sorry . Weddings just affect me this way . I m fine .
Jen : Are you sure ?
Marcie : Yes , yes . You know , I just -- I ca nt believe I stopped the wedding . I m fine , really . Go ahead , go on .
Andrew : Marcie ? You all right ?
Marcie : Yes . Yes .
Andrew : Jennifer , do you take Joseph to be your husband ? Do you promise to love him , comfort him , honor and keep him in sickness and in health , and , forsaking all others , be faithful to him as long as you both shall live ?
Jen : I do . I love you .
Joey : And I love you .
Matthew : Is it time ?
Andrew : It certainly is . Do you have the rings ?
Andrew : Joseph , Jennifer , I now pronounce you husband and wife . Those whom god hath put together , let no man put asunder . It s ok , Joe . You can kiss her now .
Matthew : Is that it ?
Andrew : That s it , Matthew . Ladies and gentlemen , I present to you the Reverend Joe and Jennifer Buchanan .
Rex : Keep them coming .
Dorian : Oh , I needed that .
Blair : What is going on ? Walker did not kidnap you .
Dorian : That stupid Frenchman came after me again -- you know , the one that was stalking me , threatening me ?
Blair : But walker gave him the diamond .
Dorian : No , walker gave him some 50-cent piece of paste .
Blair : What ?
Walker : It looked real to me .
Dorian : How dare you .
Walker : You two were all over it -- I thought it was the real thing . Or maybe the Badhra , as you call it , does nt exist .
Dorian : You may not know diamonds , but we do . I wonder if you d please leave . Blair and I need to talk .
Blair : Walker s not going anywhere , Dorian .
Dorian : Blair , this man is a danger to our family .
Blair : This man saved my daughter s life . If it were nt for him , she d be drowned . And he dislocated his shoulder in the process .
Walker : Oh , it s all better . Thanks , Dorian .
Dorian : Is nt it interesting that the night you saved Starr s life , you nearly cost me mine ?
Walker : Dorian , I had nothing to do with you getting snatched .
Dorian : Maybe . Maybe not .
R.J. : Ok . So , Evangeline got the injunction . Now Vega is forbidden from having any contact with Jamie , and he can no longer harass you .
Keri : Is that what this is -- harassment ?
R.J. : Second thoughts ?
Keri : Besides you and Jamie , I ve lost everything .
R.J. : You ve lost everything because of your precious Antonio . You lost your career , you lost your mother , we faked your death , you went into hiding -- for what ? So he could trade up to a Buch ? Look , you made a decision . Just follow it through .
Keri : You re right . I ve suffered enough . It s his turn .
Antonio : On top of everything else , now this .
Rae : I heard you got fired . I so sorry .
Antonio : Yeah . You know , when I got that badge , it was the first time in my life that everything started making sense .
Rae : I mean , maybe Bo could reconsider . I mean , is that possible ?
Antonio : No . No . No more second chances . He s given me too many second chances as it is . I think this is the end . And it s probably the end of me having any chance of having my daughter in my life , too .
Natalie : Why did nt you bring Antonio ?
Jessica : That would ve been a serious statement , do nt you think ?
Natalie : So ? You are together , are nt you ?
Jessica : We re taking it one -- one day at a time .
Natalie : Too late -- they re already married .
Jessica : Shh . Come on , they ll hear you .
Natalie : Come on , Jess . You know that it bothers you , too . I saw it . I mean , Jen s messed up a lot of lives .
Jessica : Yeah , but she seems to really love Joey .
Natalie : I hope so . Anyway , I was thinking -- why do nt you invite Antonio to have dinner with us ? That s not making too serious a statement , is it ?
Bo : Whoa . What d I do ?
Gabrielle : I just love weddings , I guess .
Bo : Yeah , yeah , I guess they re ok . All things considered , though , I think I d rather be fishing .
Gabrielle : Oh , you --
Bo : Oh , no . Come on , I m kidding . Come here . Come here .
Jen : Mom ? Hey , they want to take a picture of the bride s family .
Lindsay : Wow . I guess that s us . I m sorry Will could nt be here today .
Jen : That s ok . I m glad you re here . It really means so much to me .
Lindsay : Matthew ? Come on . We got to take a picture . Come on .
Joey : Well , at this rate , we re not going to get to the party till breakfast .
Kevin : Oh , he looks happy .
Kelly : Yeah . They both do .
Kevin : Well , they should . It s the happiest day of their lives .
Kelly : I hope they have even happier days to look forward to .
Kevin : You ok ?
Kelly : Yeah . Yeah .
Kevin : To marriage . A good one makes anything possible .
Antonio : Vega .
Jessica : Well , it s official -- my brother s married .
Antonio : Oh . That s great .
Jessica : Oh , yeah , it is . Listen , after photos , we re all going down to the Palace for dinner , and I was wondering if you d like to join us . I d really like to see you .
Antonio : Ok . Ok , I ll go home and change , and I ll be right over .
Jessica : Ok , great . I ll see you soon .
Antonio : Yeah . Soon .
Rae : Jessica ? So , how s it going ?
Antonio : Good .
Rae : Good .
Antonio : Good , but Keri s lies are nt making it easy .
Rae : No , I -- I would nt think that they would .
Antonio : But , you know , I mean , things are really messed up right now , but somehow Jessica keeps me moving forward . She -- she really lets me know what matters .
Joey : Hey , mom ? The photographer wants all the Buchanan s .
Viki : All the Buchanan s , ok . Kevin , Kelly , you heard him -- all of the Buchanan s .
Kelly : All right .
Viki : Let s see . Where s Jessica ? Honey , where -- Natalie , where s Jessica , please ?
Natalie : Jess ? Jess , get off the phone !
Jessica : I m coming . I m coming .
Natalie : Talking to anyone in particular ?
Viki : Cristian ? Come , join us .
Cristian : No . You know what ? I ll just wait out there .
Viki : I do nt think so . No , no . Do nt ever argue with your future mother - in- law . Come on .
Joey : All right , come on .
Bo : So , what do you think -- does it meet with the fashion editor s approval ?
Gabrielle : You look smashing .
Asa : Bo ?
Gabrielle : Oops .
Bo : Yeah , yeah --
Asa : Bo Buchanan ?
Bo : Yeah , yeah , yeah . Excuse me , honey . Pardon me -- age before beauty . I was talking to Kelly .
Kevin : Right , right , right .
Joey : You sure you want to be a part of this crowd ?
Kevin : Whose -- whose stomach is growling ? Is that Cristian ?
Cristian : Yeah , that s mine .
Kevin : Cristian , yeah ?
Natalie : Stop . You ll scare him off .
Man : Ladies and gentlemen , this way , please . Nice .
Jessica : Oh , no , no . I was making a face !
All : Aw , jess !
Al : So , Marcie , you want to tell me what s going on ? Why were you so late ?
Marcie : It does nt matter . You know , the -- the important thing is that I -- I made it . You know , I would nt want to let Jen down .
Al : Ok .
Jen : Excuse me . Hey ! I want to get a picture with my maid of honor .
Marcie : Oh , yeah , of course ! Oh , ow .
Jen : What , what ? Are you ok ?
Al : See ? See , I knew it . I knew something was going on . Now , you tell me what it is .
Marcie : No , no , no . Stop fussing over me ! I m fine ! I really am fine !
Jen : Really ?
Marcie : Fine .
Jen : You look beautiful , but why did nt you wear the dress that I -- that I gave you ?
Marcie : Oh , you know , it s a long story , but you should nt be worrying about that today . Look at you -- you look amazing !
Jen : Thanks . I -- I ca nt believe that I m married .
Marcie : Joe is such a great guy . You re so lucky . I m so happy for you .
Jen : Who knows -- you might be next .
Marcie : Oh !
Marcie : No . No .
Jen : What about the necklace ? Did nt it go with this dress , or --
Marcie : Oh . Yeah , you know what ? I was so frazzled when my maid of honor -- I mean , you know , I was late and --
Marcie : It s -- I m sorry . I m sorry . I must ve forgotten . I m sorry .
Walker : Dorian , I had no idea that stone was a fake .
Dorian : I do nt believe that for a minute .
Blair : Oh , come on . He already told you he did nt know the difference .
Dorian : Blair !
Blair : What ?
Dorian : Would you snap out of it ? I ve never known you to be naive .
Blair : I am not ! But I am dying to hear about this mysterious kidnapping . Please tell me .
Dorian : This is nt a joke .
Walker : Nobody s laughing . I m going to make some calls . Why do nt you two re- bond ?
Blair : You do nt have to leave because of her .
Walker : I ll be back because of you .
Dorian : Oh .
Blair : I think you re wrong about him . In fact , I know it .
Dorian : Like you re an expert on men ?
R.J. : So , do nt I get to know what you re planning ?
Keri : I m not going to let Antonio be happy with Jessica Buchanan or anyone else . When I know more than that , I ll tell you .
R.J. : Ok . Are you ready to go ?
Keri : Actually , I think I d like to stay for dessert and coffee .
R.J. : Well , what made you change your --
Antonio : Do you know if the Buchanan wedding party is here yet ?
Rex : Uh -- no , not yet . You know , maybe I ll stick around to see the reverend and his blushing bride .
R.J. : Hello , detective . Oh , you know , maybe I ca nt really call you that since you lost your job . You know , I m really surprised you can afford to eat here since you re unemployed . But maybe you re the new busboy .
Antonio : That s nice . How could you lie , hmm ? How could you deliberately lie like that ?
Al : Marcie ? Hey , let s get going . Everybody s on their way over to the Palace for the party .
Marcie : Yeah . I want to make a stop first .
Al : Where ?
Marcie : Um , The Garage . I want to find the necklace that Jen gave me .
Al : What would it be doing there ?
Marcie : I do nt want to talk about it . If you love me , Al , you will take me to the garage and you ll help me find it .
Al : Marcie , you know that I love you . Ok ?
Marcie : Yes .
Al : We ll go find it .
Marcie : Ok . Thank you .
Antonio : Why would you deliberately lie to Jessica about me hitting you ?
Keri : You hurt me , Antonio .
Antonio : What about what you did ?
R.J. : You will never touch my daughter again .
Antonio : I did nt .
R.J. : And you will never get the chance to raise your hand to my granddaughter , I promise you that .
Jessica : Antonio .
Antonio : Hi .
Jessica : Hi .
Antonio : Hey . Hey , Cris .
Cristian : What s up , man ?
Jessica : What s going on ?
Natalie : You know what ? We ll see you inside .
Jessica : What s going on ?
Antonio : Keri got a court order saying I ca nt see or be near Jamie .
Jessica : I m so sorry .
Renee : Jessie ? Antonio , it s lovely to see you .
Antonio : You , too .
Renee : Will you be joining us ?
Antonio : No . No , I got some things I need to take care of .
Dorian : What is going on here ?
Viki : Lindsay , I seated us at opposite ends of the table . I hope that s all right with you . If it s not , I can change it .
Lindsay : It s fine . I m fine , really .
Viki : I know you are . Well , shall we ?
Joey : After you .
Viki : Thank you . Thank you , sweetheart .
Kevin : You re welcome .
Joey : Ahem . Hello , Dorian .
Dorian : Hello , Joe . I realize that I ca nt be the first , at least not in this case .
Joey : Ahem .
Dorian : Allow me to say congratulations to you , and very best wishes to you , my dear .
Jen : Thank you .
Joey : Thank you .
Jen : Come on .
Jessica : If you do nt feel like staying , it s ok .
Antonio : I ll stay . Ok ? But maybe you should go be with your family for a little while .
Jessica : Ok .
Bartender : And for the happy couple --
Joey : Well , thank you , but where did this come from ?
Bartender : The gentleman at the bar .
Joey : Ahem . Tell the gentleman at the bar that I said thank you but we ca nt accept this .
Kevin : Ok , little brother , I think it s time . I know I m not supposed to call you that , but --
Viki : Kevin , please , darling , do nt torture him .
Kevin : Fine , fine , but there are some things that I need to say about my baby brother --
Joey : Oh , you re killing me .
Kevin : That I think Jen should know .
Jen : Keep quiet . I want to hear this .
Kevin : Ok . Our dad used to take me fishing --
Joey : Oh , not the fish story .
Viki : Oh , dear .
Kevin : But Joey here was too little to come , a concept he s never fully accepted . Anyway , mom used to pack us a picnic lunch , and dad and I would head off real early in the morning , and this one day , it must have been -- I do nt know , Joey was , like , 4 years old --
Viki : Uh - huh .
Kevin : He decided that he was nt going to be left behind , right ? So he gets into dad s car , covers his head up with a blanket , falls asleep -- he s going to throw something at me -- covers his head up with a blanket , falls asleep , sleeps the whole morning , right ? Well , he did nt wake up until dad and I climbed in the car with our fish .
Blair : Dorian , come on . You must know something . I mean , who is this gangster working for ? He s not working on his own , and how does he even know about the Badhra diamond ?
Dorian : I have no idea .
Blair : You know something . Who s he working for ? Come on .
Dorian : I m still working on that . Oh !
Blair : What ?
Dorian : Just look at her , queen Victoria , surrounded by admiring courtiers and her loyal , loving family , including my niece , Kelly --
Blair : Oh , but you know what , no , no , no . Do nt even go there . Stop .
Dorian : I mean , I m just as attractive as she is .
Blair : More !
Dorian : And just as smart .
Blair : More !
Dorian : Just as talented .
Blair : More .
Dorian : Yet , I have nobody . I m on my own .
Blair : I m here .
Dorian : You re here with the man who almost got me killed .
Blair : Oh , he did not . Would you stop being so dramatic ?
Dorian : I hate when you say that . Go ahead , call me --
Blair : Melodramatic .
Dorian : Oh ! Call me a drama queen to my face --
Blair : You are a drama queen .
Walker : Have enough time to dish me ?
Dorian : Oh , did you have enough time to check on the Badhra diamond , which you say does nt exist ? Hmm ? Oh , I ve had about all of this that I can take .
Jen : One , two --
Natalie : Hello ! I m supposed to be next .
Lindsay : Are you happy , sweetie ?
Jen : I m so happy . Thank you for everything . I do nt know what I would have done without you .
Lindsay : You just stay happy and in love . That s all I want from you .
Viki : Jen , welcome to the family !
Jen : Thank you . I m going to be a good wife to Joe , I promise .
Viki : I know you are . Anything you need , anything at all , you just ask , ok ?
Jen : Ok .
Joey : Well , I think this is it .
Jen : Guess so .
Joey : Thank you , everybody . It was great .
Kevin : Just leave your cell phone on , you hear ?
Kelly : Oh , do nt worry , I will keep him occupied .
Joey : I think we better make our getaway .
Jen : Yeah .
Joey : Goodbye .
Jen : Bye .
Viki : Bye - bye . Take care .
Gabrielle : Hi .
Bo : Hey , you .
Gabrielle : Bo , have you seen Al or Marcie anywhere ?
Bo : No .
Marcie : Al , you have to help me find that necklace . I think -- I think it s over here .
Al : What the hell happened here ?
Marcie : I do nt know . I think it s over here , please . Please help me find it .
Natalie : Bye , mom .
Viki : Good night , my sweetie .
Natalie : I love you .
Viki : I love you .
Natalie : See you later .
Viki : Good night , Cristian .
Max : Are you still keeping up your exercise regime ?
Natalie : Oh , yeah . Check out these muscles here .
Max : Ooh .
Natalie : We re going to be arm - wrestling tomorrow .
Max : Do nt let her humiliate me . Get her out of here .
Max : Hi !
Bo : Hey , Max .
Gabrielle : Hello , Max .
Max : Hi . I really hate to interrupt , but I just scored these two tickets for the Van Morrison show in Philly , and , well , since I know how much you love him --
Gabrielle : Yeah , I do , I do . When is it ?
Max : Tonight .
Bo : Tonight ?
Max : The 11 : 00 show . If we leave right now , we can still make it .
Gabrielle : I could nt . I mean , I could nt because Bo s nephew just got married .
Bo : I tell you what , Max . Sell me the tickets . I ll take her , huh ?
Max : Why would I want to do that ? I got the tickets because I want to see him .
Gabrielle : Well , Max , I m sure you ll be able to find someone else to go with you .
Bo : Honey , do you really want to see him ?
Gabrielle : Um --
Bo : You do . Well , then , do it , then ! Come on .
Gabrielle : Are you sure ?
Bo : Yeah .
Gabrielle : You are so wonderful about these things .
Bo : Just go . Go , ok ? You do nt want to be late .
Gabrielle : Is he still looking ?
Max : Like a hawk .
Jessica : I still ca nt believe that Keri accused you of hitting her .
Antonio : Well , Jessica , you know I would never --
Jessica : I know , I know . I know . I believe you . I know that Keri lied . So , I m going to go and say goodbye to my mom , and we can get out of here , ok ? Ok .
Antonio : Vega .
Keri : It s Keri . I m out on the terrace . I want to talk to you about Jamie without R.J. over my shoulder . Do you have a minute ?
Antonio : Yeah . Yeah , I ll be right there .
Antonio : I ll be right back .
Viki : Where s Antonio going ?
Jessica : I do nt know .
Antonio : I m glad you called .
Keri : Where s your little friend ?
Antonio : What ?
Keri : Jessica . Are nt you guys joined at the hip ?
Antonio : Keri , we need to talk about Jamie .
Keri : Do you have any idea how it makes me feel seeing you hanging all over that girl ? You ruined my life , and you do nt even care . You re not going to get away with it , Antonio . I m not going to let you .
Antonio : Have you been drinking ?
Keri : Why would you say that ?
Antonio : Because you re not making any sense .
Keri : No , no . I just changed my mind . You know , like you . Like , Keri , Liz , Jessica -- who s going to be next ?
Antonio : Ok , look . Keri , I am sorry that I hurt you , but right now , what s important is that we do nt hurt Jamie .
Keri : You wo nt , because you re never going to see your daughter again .
Antonio : Keri , wait a second . Ca nt we talk about this ?
Jessica : Antonio !
Antonio : What the -- Jessica ! I --
R.J. : Well , talk about a perfect witness .
Joey : Ooh , I wish we could go to Acapulco right now .
Jen : Right now , this is the most romantic place I have ever been .
Walker : You ok ?
Blair : Look , I am so sorry . This was supposed to be a thank you for saving Starr s life , and then Dorian attacks you , and now I m in a mood .
Walker : Because of Dorian ?
Blair : I think it was the wedding party . I do nt know , it just always makes me think of --
Walker : Todd .
Blair : When we were married , the time that was perfect , we were together dancing and there were these beautiful gold balloons falling down around us .
Walker : I know . Uh , wow , that sounds cool .
Blair : We were full of hope and dreams and happiness . Then he got a call from a girl that he did something horrible to .
Walker : Marty Saybrooke .
Blair : He left . He was going to be a hero , he was . He was shot and presumed dead in Ireland . He eventually came back , but that perfect moment , it never did .
Kelly : It was a lovely wedding .
Kevin : Yeah .
Kelly : Do you remember our wedding day ?
Kevin : Every moment . Your hands were shaking so much , you dropped the ring and it landed in Duke s shoe .
Kelly : And yours were shaking so much you could nt untie it . Was it the happiest day of your life ?
Kevin : It was up there . There will be better ones ahead . Hey , it s just different now . It s still good .
Kelly : I know that life gets in the way --
Kevin : Look , I know that we have nt gotten to spend a lot of time together these days , but I do nt want you to ever doubt how much I love you .
Joey : I love you , Mrs. Buchanan .
Jen : I love you , too , Mr. Buchanan .
Natalie : We are going to have a wonderful wedding , and I want a big rehearsal and a big rehearsal dinner .
Cristian : Mom s taking care of that .
Natalie : And then we ll have a very elegant ceremony and a huge , gigantic celebration afterwards , and we ll have shaving cream on the car and the old tin cans and the old shoes , and it ll be great .
Cristian : You know , I want you to have every single detail you ve always dreamed about . But in the end , we ll still be husband and wife , just like Joey and Jen .
Natalie : No . No , we are nothing like Joey and Jen . You know , getting married is -- it s a huge thing , and I want to have a huge wedding because I want everyone to know , especially us , that our lives are going to be different from that moment on .
Marcie : It s not here .
Al : Ah ! I got it .
Marcie : You got it ?
Al : Yes .
Marcie : Oh , my god . Thank you .
Al : Marcie , what happened ? And do nt tell me that it s just the wedding .
Marcie : They did nt want me .
Al : Who ?
Marcie : The sorority , Sigma Delta Delta .
Al : But I thought that they said they wanted you to pledge ?
Marcie : They just tricked me , you know . They lied to me . They made me do some awful things . They never wanted me .
Kevin : I need to do some work before I can go to sleep .
Antonio : Please , Jessica , let me explain !
Bo : Antonio , look . The last thing I want to do tonight is have to arrest you .
Antonio : Commissioner !
Bo : It s obvious she does nt want to have anything to do with you tonight . Now , look , if you insist on going after her , you re not going to leave me a choice . Stay tuned for scenes from the next One Life To Live .
Al : We re not going to get mad this time . We re going to get even .
Jessica : If Antonio loses his daughter , I do nt think that he can live with that .
Cristian : Jess knows that Keri s a liar . Go find her .
Starr : I guess you re all right .
Walker : All right enough to go out with your mom ?
### Summary:
| It s Joe & Jenn s wedding day , which goes off without a hitch . Rex drowns his sorrows at the Palace Bar . Antonio gets served with his restraining order . RJ also harasses him about losing his job . Marcie almost cracks up during the ceremony , but holds it together . Rae talks with Antonio about his problems . Dorian does nt give many details about the kidnapping to Blair . Keri makes it look like Antonio pushed her . Blair & Walker ( Todd ) reminisce about the Gold Balloon wedding . Marcie finally tells Al what happened with the initiation & he swears payback . Kelly s insecure about her marriage . Gabrielle s plan to make Bo jealous backfires . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Spinelli : You mind telling me again what we re doing here , Doll ? No offense , but all these busters taking the big sleep is giving me the quakes .
Maxie : This place is special to me . I know that Georgie s gone . Ive -- Ive accepted it , but ... it still feels good to be here , be close to her , where she is , you know , or where she was . Spinelli , I brought you here because I m hoping maybe Georgie can help you , too .
Lucky : No , no , no , no , God , please . Please . No . Help ! Somebody ! Somebody-- help ! Steve , Steve , she stopped breathing . Siobhan stopped breathing .
Steve : Stay here ! Ok , we need to start CPR . Get a crash cart . I ll start compressions . Elizabeth , now ! Damn it ! [ Monitor beeping ] You need to get out of here . [ Puffing ] 3 , 4 . [ Puffing ]
Lucky : You said she was fine .
Michael : I do nt know about that .
Skye : Oh !
Michael : Skye ?
Skye : Michael ! What a surprise . Look at you . So grown up and so handsome . And you must be Abby .
Abby : Yeah .
Michael : Yeah .
Abby : Hi , nice to meet you .
Michael : Abby and I just got back from a trip to my dad s island .
Skye : Oh . Then you do nt know what happened .
Michael : What ?
Skye : Your mother and Jason were in a car accident .
Jax : It s got 5 staterooms , gourmet galley , stocked with frozen pizza , of course .
Carly : I guess you ve thought of everything .
Jax : All you have to do is , uh , christen your namesake .
Carly : The Silent Lady ?
Jax : Yeah .
Carly : That s wishful thinking . Oh , please , God ... please let Jax be ok . I d give anything to know that he was ok .
Skye : I guess they did nt see each other until it was too late , and , uh , pretty bad collision . Head on . Oh ! My goodness , I m so sorry , Michael . I should have told you . Your mother s fine . She just suffered a broken wrist and seems to be ok other than that . But , uh , Jason , on the other hand , is in more serious condition . He s still at General Hospital , and he apparently has suffered a head trauma .
Michael : Head trauma ? How bad is it ?
Skye : They do nt seem to know yet . The last word I got is that he d suffered a seizure and they re still trying to figure out what caused that .
Michael : I got ta get to the hospital .
Abby : All right . Thank you .
Skye : Ohh . Do nt look at me like that . It s for a good cause . And I will pay you back . Just as soon as I can . Ohh ...
Shawn : Hey , there you are . The meter s about to expire . Unless you want to throw in another quarter .
Carly : No .
Shawn : We probably should go anyway . We are technically trespassing .
Carly : No . Sonny and Jason used to own this place , so ...
Shawn : Well , I love what they did with the place .
Carly : If you want it , you can have it . It s up for sale .
Shawn : No , I ll pass . Too much of a fixer - upper .
Carly : You may change your mind . You should see the view .
Shawn : Hmm .
Jax : Whew .
Carly : Look .
Shawn : Wow .
Carly : Open .
Shawn : Not bad . You can see the whole harbor .
Carly : Yeah . And The Silent Lady . Can you see her ?
Shawn : I guess you really ca nt miss that one . How big is that thing ? What , a 100-footer ?
Carly : 121 .
Shawn : [ Whistles ] 121 ?
Carly : Mm - hmm .
Shawn : Oh , sweet . It must have cost Jax a fortune .
Carly : Yeah . And he would smile and say it was worth every penny . It really is beautiful . I wish you could see it . I do nt how long it s gon na take them to fix the dock . I ca nt believe the damage that the storm did .
Shawn : It was a big storm . It did nt do quite as much damage as Sonny , though , did it ?
Sonny : I know you re here . I know somebody s here . I know it s been a long time between ... visits . It s just I , uh ... I m not here for myself . First of all , I want to pray for Jason , that he gets better . I want to pray for all the people who , uh ... Ive hurt . Carly , Robin , Josslyn . Especially Josslyn , that poor little girl . I let my anger get the best of me . What else is new ? I did nt stop to think about how it would affect other people . But I m not asking for my forgiveness . That s been wasted . And I figured out a long time ago that I am who I am and nothing s gon na change that . And I told myself I wouldnt ... I would nt even ... talk about that anymore , but here I am doing it . I guess a long time ago , I thought I had permission to do whatever I wanted from that point on , and that s what I did without many regrets . The only regret that I do have ... is how I ve hurt my children . I always said that they would nt suffer because of me and I d be a better man . I would nt let that happen . But I lied . I lied to myself . Because I have hurt my kids . And , uh ... one way or the other , I mean ... isnt it the truth that in the end ... it s always the kids who suffer ?
Maxie : Wise Georgie , that s what you used to call her . Do you remember ? That was a perfect name for her , too , cause that s exactly who she was . I do nt think there was a mean bone in her whole body . Do you remember her , Spinelli ? I mean , there has to be some part of you that remembers my sister .
Spinelli : Look , we ve been over this turf . Jackal PI feels your pain , but I also see your game .
Maxie : What game ?
Spinelli : Using your dead sister to get closer to me . Reads desperation .
Maxie : Ok , I understand that you do nt want to be with me , you ve made that perfectly clear , but you do nt have to be a jerk about it .
Spinelli : Come on , do nt get dizzy dame on me , all right ?
Maxie : I do nt blame you . Georgie was the one with all the brains . She was a good person . Better than me in a lot of ways .
Spinelli : Now the pendulum swings .
Maxie : She was my anchor , you know , the person that I held onto when I needed to feel grounded . And now that she s gone , sometimes I feel like I m just gon na drift away and there s nothing or no one that will be there to stop me . And I know you know how that feels , Spinelli , because you told me that happens when your brain stops keeping busy , that it just , it drifts away . But I want you to know that I am here for you to hold on to . Ok ? And so is Georgie . I just need you to reach out .
Steve : [ Puffing ] Charge to 360 . Come on . Ok . Come on .
Elizabeth : You do nt want to watch this .
Steve : Clear ! Come on , do nt you die on me . You can do this . Charge again . Clear !
Elizabeth : Lucky , I--
Lucky : This is my fault . This is all my fault .
Elizabeth : No , it s not .
Lucky : No , I -- I m the one that made her stay when she wanted to leave . And now it s cost Siobhan her life .
Elizabeth : No , Lucky , you re wrong . This was nt your fault .
Lucky : Then whose is it ?
Elizabeth : Mine .
Carly : I honestly did nt want to go . I ve always had a really weak stomach , I d never been on a boat before .
Shawn : So , did you think you were gon na get seasick ?
Carly : I did get seasick . Oh , my gosh , so bad .
Shawn : What did Jax do ?
Carly : Oh , he was his wonderful self . He made me a cold compress , made me drink tons of liquids , made me food . Most importantly , he made me laugh . You know , many people do nt know that about Jax , he s really funny . I guess you have to know him like I did .
Shawn : They re gon na find him .
Carly : I just wish things were nt so ugly between us at the end there , you know . I just kept telling myself that things were gon na work out . And I still believe that they can work out . We just need to be able to sit down and talk about Josslyn and come up with some kind of compromise . But now I may not get that chance . Josslyn may never know her dad .
Shawn : Hey , hey , you ca nt give up . Ok , there are teams of people searching the harbor right now . And from what you ve told me about Jax , he s a survivor . He s coming back . And when he shows up again , he s still gon na be worried about joss .
Carly : He should be worried about Josslyn . I know he s worried about Morgan , too , and Michael .
Shawn : Now he does nt have to anymore if you meant what you said to Sonny . Did you ? Are you honestly gon na try and keep your kids away from Sonny from now on ?
Sonny : Father , Son , Holy Spirit , amen .
Michael : Hey , Dad .
Sonny : Hey .
Michael : Hey . You heard about Jason ?
Sonny : Yeah .
Abby : How s he doing ? Is there any update ?
Sonny : They re still doing a lot of tests . It s gon na take some time . Not that anybody would notify me .
Michael : What are you talking about ? You re like a brother to him .
Sonny : Well , nobody cares about that right now . They do nt really consider me family here .
Michael : That s ridiculous , Dad . I m gon na get an update .
Sonny : No , you re not . No , you re not . Listen . Listen to me , ok . A lot of things going on right now . A lot of things , you know , that you do nt know about , things about me .
Michael : What happened ?
Sonny : Ok , listen , there s no easy way to say this , but I m just gon na go ahead and tell you . Jax s plane crashed . He went into the water . And they ve been trying to look for things , they have not found his body .
Abby : My God .
Michael : How is Mom holding up ? Have you talked to her ?
Sonny : She s not happy with me . She does nt want me around .
Michael : Why , cause what happened at the hotel with Jax ?
Sonny : It s more complicated than that . Can we have a second ?
Abby : Of course . You guys talk .
Michael : Yeah .
Sonny : Ok , you re gon na hear a lot of things .
Michael : What kind of things ?
Sonny : That is was my fault , ok , that I messed with Jax s plane .
Michael : How could you mess with Jax s plane ? He was already gone .
Sonny : He came back to grab Josslyn .
Michael : What ?
Sonny : Yeah . Yeah , he snuck into Carly s house and he grabbed Josslyn . He was gon na take her somewhere , maybe out of the country . I do nt know . And then things got ugly .
Michael : Wait , she was nt on the plane , was she ?
Sonny : No , no , no . She s 100 % safe with your mom . But Jax knew that he was nt gon na get away with it , I was nt gon na let him . So he went to Robin s and he gave her up , and then he disappeared .
Michael : And the plane ?
Sonny : The plane , yeah . This is something you re gon na have to listen to me on , ok ? I do nt know how he got that plane off the ground , but it crashed . And then Dante told your mom that it was 100 % my fault , and she believed him . So you may not want to be around me for a while because , you know , there s a lot going on . There s a lot of anger directed towards me .
Michael : That s completely unfair of Dante and my mom to blame you . It was nt like you were trying to make Jax s plane crash . If you did anything , it was so prevent him from taking off , right ? I mean ...
Sonny : Listen , that s so sweet of you to feel that way , cause I know that you have faith in me and everything , but a lot of people do nt .
Michael : Dad , I see exactly what happened .
Sonny : You do ?
Michael : Yeah . Jax was out of control and he had to be stopped . Did Mom call the cops or anything ?
Sonny : She did nt want him to get arrested , so , you know , that s when I found out , and then I did what I had to do .
Michael : You took action cause you had to . You had no choice . And Jason is laid up .
Sonny : Yeah .
Michael : I m gon na talk to Mom . I m gon na straighten this all out . Abby ?
Carly : I love my kids . I tried very hard to keep them safe . I have nt done a very good job .
Shawn : You ve had unusual circumstances .
Carly : I ve had Sonny . But I ll do better . I have to do better . And if that means cutting Sonny out of their lives , then that s what I ll do . Sonny has already caused so much damage . I ca nt believe that I let it go on for as long as I did .
Shawn : Well , he is their father .
Carly : Sonny ... Sonny will never change who is or how he operates . He made that crystal clear with what he just did . Jax could be dead . How am I supposed to tell that to my daughter ? How am I supposed to tell Josslyn she s never gon na see her father again ?
Shawn : You do nt . Not until we know for sure what happened .
Carly : You know , when Jax left after the custody hearing , I could handle that . Cause I could tell Josslyn that your daddy s thinking about you . Or daddy s gon na be back soon . But I ca nt do that now , Shawn . I ca nt do anything . I do nt know anything .
Shawn : Look , it s ok for you to be sad now so you could be strong for your little girl later . But what you ca nt do , what I will not let you do is give up hope . Not yet .
Carly : I know you re right . I ca nt give up on Jax because he would nt give up on me . Josslyn needs him . Thank you for listening and ...
Shawn : You re welcome .
Carly : You think maybe you could help me get home ? I think I need to hold my little girl .
Shawn : Of course .
Lucky : How is this your fault , Elizabeth , in any way ? I m the one that convinced Siobhan to marry me , to stay when she wanted to leave . I set this into motion , not you . I have to do something .
Elizabeth : No , Lucky , no .
Lucky : Elizabeth . Please . I have to see her .
Skye : Jax ?
Jax : I m right here .
Skye : Hey .
Jax : Hey .
Skye : Clean clothes and ... a little loan from Edward .
Jax : Make sure you tell him thank you for me . And thank you for doing this . I really appreciate it . You re the best .
Skye : Well , I m just glad I could help . Sorry it took so long . I ran into a minor complication .
Jax : I would nt call Anthony Zacchara a minor complication . You know , you and Carly are a little bit alike . You re both drawn to danger . Just be careful , ok ? Because things have nt turned out so well for Carly .
Skye : What I m doing with Anthony is for my daughter , ok . And you of all people should understand you do whatever it takes to ensure the future of your child .
Maxie : When Georgie died , it changed everything for me . It felt like a huge part of me had died , too . And I could nt stop thinking , why her ? It did nt seem fair . It should have be me , or I should have done more .
Spinelli : I m not sure that s possible , doll .
Maxie : You re not ?
Spinelli : You ve been giving me the third degree for weeks , trying to help me . You fought half as hard for your sister as you ve been fighting for me , you can be sure you did all you could .
Maxie : That s just it , Spinelli . I did nt fight for Georgie . I did nt do anything at all .
Steve : Let him go . He needs a chance to say good - bye .
Elizabeth : I do nt understand what happened . I just talked to her and she was perfectly fine .
Steve : You were the last one to see her alive ?
Elizabeth : What kind of question is that ?
Steve : A reasonable question . We just lost a patient . I need to know everything that happened .
Elizabeth : Why s everyone always so quick to point the finger at me , even my own brother ?
Steve : Well , I guess that s one you wo nt have to worry about . Siobhan ca nt accuse you of anything ever again .
Elizabeth : Go to hell .
Steve : Elizabeth !
Lucky : She looks like she s asleep . She always hated it when I watched her sleep .
Steve : I m sorry . Take your time . I ll make sure no one bothers you . Hey !
Carly : I love watching her sleep . It s just so peaceful . In the hospital , I used to watch her sleep for hours .
Shawn : I remember . Joss is a fighter , like her mother .
Carly : I ca nt take all the credit . Jax is pretty strong . One of the strongest I know .
Shawn : And most stubborn . Among other things .
Carly : That s true . You re right . I have no reason to believe that Jax did nt survive . Josslyn s gon na see her daddy again . I have to believe that .
Skye : I hope that s enough to get you started , at least until you can access your offshore accounts . I had to leave some money in the safe . Although knowing Edward , he s gon na notice that missing money immediately .
Jax : Well , if he does , tell him it will be paid back fast and with interest .
Skye : Jacks s always pay off their debts .
Jax : Yes , we do . Just be sure to leave out the part where the money came from me .
Skye : Money from a dead man ?
Jax : Well , I prefer to think of it as missing .
Skye : So , I guess you ca nt really tell me where you re going , huh ?
Jax : No . The less people know about where I m going and if I m coming back , the better .
Skye : What about Josslyn ?
Jax : Josslyn s gon na be fine . I know that now .
Skye : Really ? You seem awfully Zen about the situation all the sudden . Anything happen that I should know about ?
Jax : Well , let s just say that near death experiences put everything into perspective for everyone involved .
Skye : Ok . Well , you seem to be leaving with no regrets , then .
Jax : Well , for now . I could always change my mind , but you know how that goes .
Skye : Yeah . Well , since I m probably not gon na see you for a good while anyway , I may as well come good and clean .
Jax : A little warehouse confession .
Skye : My biggest regret is that you and I never found a way to make it work between us , you know . One of us was always going in an opposite direction . That does nt mean that I do nt think you re the most amazing man , I do . I guess you ll just have to be the one that got away , huh ?
Jax : Another place , another time .
Skye : Yeah . Somehow , never the here and now . Well , come on , I m being selfish , ok . You just , you be careful out there , ok ?
Jax : Yeah . Only if you will .
Michael : Are you ok ? What s wrong ?
Abby : I m just feeling a little sick to my stomach , to be honest .
Michael : Do you want me to get you some water or something ?
Abby : No , I m fine . I m just confused how you can be ok with all of this .
Michael : Ok with what ?
Abby : Jax may be dead , and your dad all but just admitted to killing him .
Michael : Ok , Abby , that s not what he said and that s not what happened . He was trying to prevent Jax s plane from taking off , that s it .
Abby : Why would he do that , Michael ? I mean , so he could lecture Jax on how wrong it is to kidnap someone ?
Michael : Now you re jumping to conclusions like everybody else does just because it s my dad .
Abby : I m sorry , but you re wrong . You re in denial , Michael . Are you really gon na sit here and try to convince me that your dad did nt have it in him try to kill Jax ? Or at least order someone else to do it ?
Michael : No , it s becoming pretty obvious how much you hate my dad .
Abby : I do nt hate your dad .
Michael : No ? Because you just assume since he s in the mob he s guilty of anything he s accused of . Not everything is black and white , Abby . Sometimes there s a gray area .
Abby : That s a pretty irresponsible attitude .
Michael : You know , you seem to be using that word a lot with me lately .
Siobhan : I just want you to know how much I still believe in you . In your strength and in your ability to do your job . I m just , I m so worried . I ... I ca nt bear the thought of losing you . You mean everything to me . I ... I just want you to be safe . So call me when you get this , ok ?
Lucky : Those should nt have been the last words that you spoke to me . [ Sighs ] There should have been more .
Steve : I owe you an apology . I am so sorry that it was my first instinct to accuse you . I honestly did nt meanthat s not what I meant to say .
Elizabeth : Maybe not out loud , but it s what you were thinking .
Steve : No , no . This has nothing to do with you . This hospital just lost a patient , and it should nt have . It makes no sense . She should nt have died .
Elizabeth : Because she did -- did die , I m automatically the prime suspect and the only logical explanation ?
Steve : Elizabeth--
Elizabeth : No , no . I do nt want to hear it because it s obviously what you were thinking , and I did nt do anything to her .
Steve : I m asking for an autopsy and once the results are in you wo nt owe anyone an explanation .
Lucky : I do nt know how to tell you how sorry I am . It s -- it just feels like empty words . I should have listened to you Siobhan . I should have let you go when you asked . But I could nt . I was too selfish . I could nt let you go because I wanted to see what we could have together . I knew it was something special the first time I met you . You just you were just different . You had that fire in your soul . And then you came home with me and walked right in the middle of my messed up life . So you have to believe me when I tell you that I thought I was protecting you . I did nt know that I should have been protecting you from the whole time was me . And now you re gone and all I can offer you is a hollow apology . You remember that night when you were telling me about all your family traditions ? There was one that always stuck with you , ever since you were a little girl . May the road rise to meet you . May the wind be always at your back . May the rains fall soft upon your fields . And until we meet again , may the Lord keep you on the palm of his hand . Please do nt hate me more than you already do . [ Sobbing ]
Spinelli : Go easy on yourself , doll . There s no need to busy your pretty little head with thoughts of past regrets . What s done is done . You just got to move forward and dust yourself off and get back to the mean streets . Sounds like your sister was a real sweetheart .
Maxie : Sounds like ? You knew her , Spinelli . She was your friend . She meant something to you . A lot to you . How is it now that she s just a name on a headstone ? Why ca nt you remember how much she cared about you , about me , about everyone ? Why ca nt you feel anything ? You re supposed to remember the important stuff and Georgie is important .
Spinelli : Whoa , whoa , doll . I do nt think you should be getting like this .
Maxie : Why ? Women do nt do this in that sexist fantasy world you re living in ?
Spinelli : No , I just do nt think you should allow yourself to get upset , you know , cause of the problems you got with your ticker .
Sonny : You know where Michael went ?
Abby : Why ?
Sonny : The staff s giving me the run around and you know I just thought Michael could go check for me to see how Jason s doing .
Abby : I m sure he ll do it for you . He ll do anything for you . But you know that .
Sonny : Are you ok ?
Abby : Not really , no .
Sonny : Is there something you want to talk about ?
Abby : There s not much to talk about really . I was just hoping that by now Michael understood that he did nt have to bend over backwards to prove himself to you . To prove that he s worthy of your respect .
Sonny : He has -- he has my respect .
Abby : Ok . Fine then I do nt know , maybe -- maybe it s time for you to prove that your worthy of his .
Sonny : I do nt understand what you re saying . What is that supposed to mean ?
Abby : I feel like it s time for you to do right by Michael . Please just do nt do what you know you re doing right now . If you continue this , it s gon na destroy him .
Carly : Your daddy , he fought so hard to keep you safe . Now it s my turn . I promise you I wo nt let you or him down . I promise baby .
Carly : You could have taken me anywhere in the world . The most romantic cities , exotic islands , the finest restaurants . But instead , the night that you ask me to be your wife , you come here and do this ?
Jax : Disappointed ?
Carly : No , no . It s wonderful and it s beautiful and it s amazing . But why ?
Jax : You want to know why ?
Carly : Yes .
Jax : Because of all the fancy places that we ve been to and I could have taken you to , they do nt mean as much as this place . These docks and this lake and that skyline , they re home and that s what you are to me .
### Summary:
| Maxie takes Jackal , PI to Georgie s grave and says she hopes Georgie can help him . She says both she and Georgie are there for him . She gets upset when Jackal does nt remember Georgie since their friendship was so important . He tells her not to get too upset because of the problems with her ticker . Lucky panics when Siobhan stops breathing . Steve comes in and starts CPR . When he tells Elizabeth to get a crash cart , she freezes . Lucky blames himself for not letting Siobhan leave Port Charles when she wanted to . Elizabeth says it was her fault . Siobhan flat lines . Lucky holds Siobhan s hand and listens to the voicemail message she left the day he was drugged and notes that those were that last words she said to him . He takes a pill . Something flashes under the bed . Steve tells Elizabeth to tell him everything that happened because she was the last person to see Siobhan alive . Elizabeth resents the insinuation . He says he is ordering an autopsy . Sonny has a conversation with God about his regrets about hurting his children . Skye steals money from the safe in Michael s office . When Michael and Abby come in , she tells them about Carly and Jason s car accident . Michael and Abby go to the hospital . Abby listens while Sonny tells Michael about everything that happened while they were away . Abby lectures Michael about taking his father s side . Michael walks off . Sonny sees Abby in the hallway and asks her where Michael is because he wants him to try to get information about Jason s condition . Michael is returning and hears Abby telling Sonny to do right by Michael because if he continues this way , it will destroy Michael . Jax is hiding behind crates down on the docks . He sees Carly praying for him to be alright , but he does not reveal himself . He listens to Carly and Shawn talking about good times between Jax and Carly . Shawn assures her that Jax will come back . Shawn piques Jax s interest when he asks Carly if she is really going to keep her boys away from Sonny from now on . She confirms it . He tells her not to lose hope . Skye goes to the docks and give him the money she stole and a change of clothes . He warns her about getting involved with Anthony . Jax reminisces about asking Carly to marry him on these docks and then he leaves . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
kay : Ok , mommy and daddy are going to change you , ok ?
Miguel : Here you go , kay .
Kay : Thanks . Maria --
miguel : Kay , what s wrong ?
Kay : Nothing . It s just frustrating changing her diaper 20 times a day .
Miguel : Well , that s what happens when you have a baby . You know , you have nt been yourself for a couple days now . What s going on ?
Kay : I m fine , miguel . Really , I m fine .
Miguel : Ok . Can you hold this a second ?
Kay : Sure .
Miguel : Come on , let s get your bottle , sweetie . Are you ready for your bottle ? Bottle , bottle -- I ll take that .
Kay : Thanks .
Miguel : Bottle , bottle , bottle , bottle --
tabitha : He s right , kay . You have been out of sorts lately , but why ? I mean , you ve got miguel s baby . You re sharing the same house with him . So what s the problem ? Is nt this exactly what you ve always dreamed about ?
Kay : No , not exactly . In fact , right now I m feeling I might have ruined my life forever .
Charity : Ugh , there are so many sites on fashion and design . Cyber model . Create an outfit and click here for instant online feedback . Hmm . Sounds good . Ok , think -- an outfit . What to do . Oh . I have to stop thinking about miguel . Ivy s right . I need to move on , and I should think about a career . I ve always liked fashion . I could be a designer . If only I could design a way to get over miguel .
Pilar : There s so much information on blood illnesses . You know , eve , you see those tv movies where the doctor tells someone that you have this terrible illness , and you think it s never going to happen to me . But it s happened to me .
Eve : You have every reason to have hope , pilar .
Pilar : Maybe that specialist in boston will -- I do nt know -- find different results with the blood sample that we sent him when he runs the test . Maybe his diagnosis will be different than yours .
Eve : Nothing would make me happier . But the first tests were -- they were pretty conclusive .
Pilar : I ca nt get sick , eve . I just canT. My children need me . Especially theresa , you know . She s in jail for kidnapping little ethan . Not that I blame her . Rebecca had no right to take little ethan away . Luis lost sheridan . Miguel is struggling between being a young father and going to college . And we ve lost our home .
Eve : That was just so wicked of rebecca to do that to you .
Pilar : And my paloma -- she s been away from us just far too long .
Eve : I know .
Pilar : At least I know where she is . You know , I think about you , how you do nt know where your son is . Since he s been taken from you , you just -- I do nt know how difficult that can be .
Eve : You know , but julian said that he s going to find him this year , so I am not going to give up hope .
Pilar : You want to find your son as much as I want to be cured from this illness so I can be there for my children . It s funny , you know . No matter how grown up they are , you feel aóresponsibility that you have to be there for their happiness and their welfare .
Eve : Yes , that s very true .
Pilar : My teresita understands that bond . That bond should never be broken between a mother and a child , and I pray to god that real soon she ll be reunited with her little ethan .
Eve : Pilar , I think there s something that you oug to know .
Pilar : I do nt like the way you re saying that , eve . Is it about my illness ?
Eve : No . No , it s about theresa . There s a chance that ethan and gwen are going to be adopting little ethan .
Pilar : What ? Oh , my god . Theresa will be devastated .
Eve : Ok , there s an email . Maybe it s from the specialist in boston .
Pilar : I pray to god it s good news .
Theresa : Damn you , rebecca .
Fox : Let go , theresa . Let her go .
Theresa : Damn you to hell !
Rebecca : Get her off of me .
Fox : Yeah , ok , ok . Come on , come on , come on . Relax , relax . You know what , rebecca ? Rebecca , I think you deserve this , coming in here , tellinththeresa that gwen and ethan are going to adopt her son . You know , tell you the truth , I d like to strangle you myself .
Theresa : No , I ll kill you !
Rebecca : Ah ! Ah !
Theresa : Die , rebecca !
Sheridan : Excuse me . I d like to see my father .
Ms. Sims : I ll see if he s available , ms . Crane .
Sheridan : It s mrs . Lopez fitzgerald now .
Ms. Sims : Of course .
Alistair : I m always available for my daughter . To what do I owe the pleasure ?
Sheridan : I need you to unfreeze my accounts .
Alistair : Let s talk in my office .
Sheridan : You know , I just saw julian at the hospital , and he was so agitated he could nt even stop when I said hello to him .
Alistair : Oh ?
Sheridan : He was mumbling something about your office and secrets .
Luis : This could be the key to alistair s secrets .
Singer : I would hold the hand of the one who could lead me places and kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet and i would fly on the wings of the bird I knew could take me highest breathe in , breathe out you keep me alive you are the fire burning inside of me you are my passion for life
Tabitha : Ruined your life ? What are you talking about ? I thought you were happy with the way things were working out .
Kay : I was . I mean , I am . I have a beautiful baby with miguel . Ok , he s living here , he s shangng my life , and hopefully soon sharing my bed .
Tabitha : Please , not too much detail .
Kay : So , yes , I m happy now . What about years from now ? I mean , what if this is the best my life is going to be and it s just all downhill from here like those women said ?
Tabitha : What women ?
Kay : At the cannery . They all told me that my life is basically over and that all I ll do from now on is just slave away until I m so tired that I can hardly move and that I ll never have time with miguel or maria and that I ll always be struggling to make ends meet .
Tabitha : What do they know ? They gut fish for a living .
Kay : I gut fish or a living .
Tabitha : Yes , but that s only temporary , dear .
Kay : Yeah , well , that s what those women used to say , too . Here they are , years later , worn out , beaten down by life . Not one of them is happy . I m so scared that that s what s going to happen to me . I m scared that I ve ruined any chance of a happy life -- and not just for me , but for maria , too . And I do nt know what to do . I do nt know how I can live with this fear for the rest of my life .
Charity : Ok , I m done . I kind of think it s good . All right . So let s see what other people think .
Charity : Wicked , terrible . They hate it .
Pilar : He agrees . The doctor in boston believes that I have this blood illness , huh ?
Eve : I m so sorry , pilar .
Pilar : Possibly fatal .
Eve : With everything that you have on your plate , it is so hard to understand how this could be happening , especially to somebody who s just as warm and wonderful as you are .
Pilar : It s ok , eve . God only gives us what we can bear . I just have to continue to pray for strength . The good lord will provide .
Charity : The good lord will provide ? It s a crock . You ca nt count on god for anything .
Rebecca : Ow !
Fox : Theresa --
ethan : Theresa !
Fox : Theresa --
gwen : Mother !
Guard : What s going on in here ?
Second guard : Everyone , back off !
Rebecca : Oh
gwen : Mother , are you all right ?
Rebecca : That bitch was going to kill me .
Fox : Rebecca , come on ! You deserve it ! You came here just to tell her that gwen and ethan are adopting her son !
Ethan : What ?
Fox : What d you expect her to do , rebecca , huh ? You want her to give you a kiss ?
Rebecca : No ! Actually , I m not into that . Well , I mean , there was that one time --
gwen : Oh , god , please !
Ethan : Wait a second . How did you know that gwen and I were going to adopt little ethan ?
Rebecca : Oh , it s a secret ? I -- I had no idea .
Ethan : Listen to me . I was coming here to tell you . I did not want you to find out this way .
Theresa : So it s true ? You re going to adopt little ethan ?
Ethan : Theresa , yes .
Theresa : I hate you , ethan . You -- you are a traitor , and I hate you .
Luis : No . It would be more typical of alistair to hide the key to all his secrets in plain sight .
Luis : Damn it . All right . The answer has got to be around here somewhere .
Alistair : Shall we ? Do you want anything , dear ? Coffee --
sheridan : No , thank you .
Luis voice : Sheridan -- I ca nt let them catch me in here in disguise . Sheridan will no doubt recognize me . And if the brainwashing has turned her against me , she might even alert alistair .
Kay : You know , I keep thinking about maria s childhood and what it s going to be like compared to mine .
Tabitha : What do you mean , kay ?
Kay : I grew up completely without fear . My parents , they protected me . They gave me everything I needed . Am I going to be able to give maria what she needs ?
Tabitha : Well , I m sure you re going to try your best .
Kay : What if I fail ? All the dreams that I ve had as a child and as a teenager have come true . I have a baby with the man that I love . He may not be in love with me yet , but at least we re together .
Tabitha : That s something , is nt it ?
Kay : But it s not enough . I m a woman now . I see that I need more than dreams to make a life for myself and for miguel and maria . But I have no idea how to go about doing it . Not a clue .
Pilar : You should nt say things like that , charity . God is good . And no matter what is going on in a person s life , you must trtry to never lose your faith .
Charity : I m sorry , but I ve lost my faith .
Eve : Oh , no , charity .
Charity : Ok , what has it gotten me ? Nothing but pain . I lost my mother . I had battles with the forces of evil . I was sucked into hell . I was turned into a zombie . What , and now -- now I ve lost miguel forever .
Pilar : You ve had a lot of heartache , that s true . But there has also been joy .
Charity : Has been , past tense .
Eve : Charity , honey , how can you say that ? You have so much more to look forward to in life .
Charity : More heartache , maybe .
Pilar : I know this is about being apart from miguel and --
charity : You know what ? It s more than that , actually . I lost my faith a long time ago . I just do nt think I realized it . Ever since my mother died . Oh , I just miss her so much , you know . I really do . I really need her . It was maybe the worst thing that s ever happened to me , and I do nt know why she left me . Why ?
Pilar : Oh , sweetie . It s ok .
Theresa : How could you , ethan ? How could you take my child away from me ? You re his godfather !
Ethan : Theresa --
theresa : You re supposed to want what s best for him ! I am what s best for him , ethan . I m his mother .
Ethan : Theresa , let me explain !
Theresa : Lies , ethan ! It s all lies , all of it !
Ethan : Theresa --
rebecca : Stop her !
Guard : We ll need to subdue her .
Second guard : All right , everybody out of the room .
Fox : What are you going to do , are you going to hit her with a stun gun ?
Ethan : You ca nt use that on her .
Guard : Standing orders .
Rebecca : Zap her !
Theresa : Oh !
Guard : Give her a shot with yours .
Rebecca : Yeah , do it again .
Theresa : I hate you , ethan .
Guard : Crank up the juice .
Second guard : Did nt we tell you to get out of here ?
Ethan : This is ridiculous . Come on . I can make her --
theresa : I hate you more than I ve evehahated anyone !
Fox : Theresa , you have got to calm down , ok ?
Theresa : Bastards . They re all bastards !
Rebecca : Well , that went well . What ? Look , you certainly do nt want that psycho raising little ethan .
Ethan : Damn it , rebecca , this is your fault . You took a lousy situation , and you exacerbated it .
Rebecca : Yeah , that s right . It s always my fault .
Gwen : You know , honey , we actually have to get home , because eve is sending that nurse over to give me my first hormone shot , remember ?
Ethan : Yeah .
Gwen : You could show a little enthusiasm , right ? You want this surrogacy as much as I do , do nt you ?
Ethan : Yes . Yes , I do .
Gwen : Ok . Then we -- we want to do everything we can to make sure it goes well . Ethan --
ethan : Right .
Theresa : You ca nt have my son ! Damn them . Damn them all !
Fox : Easy ! Will you go easy ? Jeez !
Guard : On three -- one , two , three --
theresa : Ow ! No . My boy . Not my little boy .
singer : You are my passion for life
tabitha : You re doing the best you can , kay , and you are providing for your daughter .
Kay : Just barely .
Tabitha : But you re doing a wonderful job . But you re right -- it is a big responsibility raising a child .
Kay : I never really appreciated what my parents went through , how much they sacrificed , not until I had a child of my own .
Tabitha : Neither did I until I had my little endora .
Kay : See , I want to give my baby everything my parents gave me , but how can I do that on what the nnnnery pays me ? I mean , it s barely minimum wage . There s no benefits , no health insurance . And I have no one to blame but myself -- me and my stupid dreams .
Tabitha : You got miguel .
Kay : Only because I manipulated him and tricked him into getting me pregnant . Not -- not that I regret having maria . She s the light of my life . But nothing is the way that I thought it would be . My life was supposed to be perfect . Miguelndnd I would live in this big house with a white picket fence . We d drive nice cars -- a sports car , an S.U.V. And I would nt have to work . I d be a stay - at - home mom , and miguel would go off to the office every morning in a suit and tie , and he d come home for lunch . But real life is nothing like that . It s about budgets and bills and being called in to work an extra shift in the middle of the night . And being bone dead 24 freaking hours a day and smelling like fish guts all the time . I mean , what kind of life is that ?
Tabitha : That s the life you ve made for yourself , kay , so deal with it , because it s all you ve got .
Eve : Charity , you have so many friends . You have so many people who love you .
Charity : I push them all away .
Pilar : I know for a fact miguel still cares about you .
Charity : That s over . Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night , and I just feel so alone . When I was a little girl and that would happen and I would have a bad dream or something , you know , I would just crawl into my mom s bed and sleep with her .
Pilar : My children would do the same thingalalthough I m sure my boys would deny it .
Eve : If whitney or simone had a bad dream or there was a storm , they d climb in my bed and I d comfort them .
Charity : Mom -- such a small word , but it means so much . Without a mom -- I do nt know -- life is just -- it s just really painful .
Fox : Theresa -- theresa , are you ok ?
Guard : You going to give us any more trouble ?
Second guard : Because we ll zap you again if we have to .
Fox : Just take it easy , ok ?
Guard : Let s put her in her cell .
Second guard : We canT. The one she s supposed to go into is still occupied , remember ? It ll be a few more minutes before we can move her in .
First guard : Well , let s handcuff her to the chair . I m not taking any more chances this one s going to go wild on us . Why do nt you go down the hall ? I ll stand guard outside . See when that empty cell is going to be ready .
Second guard : You , out .
Fox : No , I m staying .
Guard : The hell you are .
Fox : Did I not mention my name , huh ? Fox crane .
Guard : Crane ?
Fox : Crane ! Yes , crane ! As in the cranes that paid for this jail , the cranes that paid for these goofy little costumes that you re wearing ! My family pays more taxes in a minute than you guys make in an entire year , so I m stayi ! ! Now , if you have a problem with that , you can call my grandfather , alistair . I m sure he d love to hear all about it .
Guard : All right , you can stay . But I d keep away from her if I were you .
Fox : Just get out of here . Theresa , are you ok ?
Theresa : No , fox . They ve taken my little boy . They re taking my baby .
Fox : I m right here .
Alistair : Sit down , dear . What is it , sheridan ?
Sheridan : I do nt know . I just had a feeling that someone was here .
Alistair : It s only you and me , dear .
Luis : She could be sensing that I m here . Maybe the brainwashing did nt totally work and she s -- maybe she s remembering everything we shared together .
Alistair : You know you re wasting your time asking me to unfreeze your accounts .
Sheridan : Hey , it s my money .
Alistair : Which you are to spend wisely , not waste on the lopez fitzgeralds -- getting their house back , now , no doubt , wanting to help theresa make bail .
Sheridan : Which is money spent wisely , in my opinion .
Alistair : Your opinion is being manipulated by luis , and I wo nt allow it !
Sheridan : No . You re wrong . It s not luis . I just -- I just want to help .
Alistair : What ? What is it ?
Sheridan : Nothing .
Alistair : Your whole body language changed when I mentioned luis . Do you still have feelings for him ?
Sheridan : Luis ? No . No , no , I -- look , I remember that we loved each other once , but I want to be with antonio now .
Alistair : I d like you to see dr . Ackland again .
Sheridan : Why ? I m fine .
Luis : Do nt do it , sheridan . I ll bet alistair wants to reinforce the brainwashing . Sheridan , do nt do it . Sheridan , I love you so much . Can you feel it ?
Alistair : What is it , sheridan ?
Sheridan : Luis . Ok , so we ll take the pinks and the whites , and we ll just s , less is more .
Tabitha : You know , you re lucky to have even got a job at the cannery .
Kay : Thanks , tabitha . You re not making me feel any better .
Tabitha : I m not saying it will always have to be this way . People have come from worse circumstances than this and gone on to have incredibly successful lives . But it will be difficult for you . You re going to have to work very hard -- you and miguel . But you can do it . And those women at the cannery -- they do nt have the same faith in you that I do . You have much more going for you than you realize , kay .
Kay : You re right . Others have it far worse than we do . I mean , look at charity . She has nothing right now . She lost miguel . Her life is a mess . But she s shown who she really is -- a tramp who s flunking out of college .
Charity : I m sorry . I m so sorry . You must think I m so selfish for going on about my stupid problems .
Eve : No , honey , not at all .
Pilar : Just try to keep your faith and your hope . I m sure the good lord has some wonderful things in store for you . I m sure he does .
Charity : Yeah , we ll see .
Pilar : I ll remember you in my prayers . And you remember me in yours , ok ? Bye .
Eve : Bye .
Charity : How does she do it ? How does a woman who s going through so much find the strength to comfort me ?
Eve : I have no idea , charity . No idea .
Luis : My god , she senses I m here . Do nt give me away , sheridan , please .
Alistair : Sheridan .
Sheridan : What ?
Alistair : Do you have these lapses of attention often ?
Sheridan : Lapses ?
Alistair : Perhaps you should see dr . Ackland again .
Sheridan : No , no , no , no , no . I do nt want to go back to that psych ward again . Please -- look -- father , may I ask you a question ?
Alistair : Of course .
Sheridan : When you and mother were together , did you have any sort of connection ?
Alistair : Of course . We were married .
Sheridan : No . I mean , did you know what she was thinking ? Could you sense that she was near even when you could nt see her ?
Alistair : You mean did we have a psychic connection ? Human beings do nt communicate that way .
Luis : Whatever your father and dr . Ackland did to you , you still nsnse I m here , do nt you ?
Alistair : That s all romantic poppycock .
Sheridan : You re wrong , father . You are so wrong .
Kay : Thanks , tabitha . I feel a lot better .
Tabitha : Good . Just concentrate on what you do have -- a beautiful daughter and a roof over your head .
Kay : And soon a hunk in my bed .
Miguel : Guess what , kay .
Kay : Another diaper change .
Miguel : She drank that bottle right down .
Kay : All right . Well , let s get to it .
Miguel : I can do it .
Kay : Yeah , but it goes faster when we work together .
Miguel : True . We re like one of those nascar race crews . Baby in , baby out in record time .
Kay : Yeah . Only in maria s case , it s diaper off , diaper on .
Miguel : All right , let s do it . Let s go , team maria !
Kay : Oh , yeah , let s go .
Tabitha : I do hope things start looking up for kay . I do nt have a very good feeling about her future . Let s see what her tea leaves have to say .
Eve : Is there anything else that I can help you with , charity ?
Charity : No , thank you . You ve been great .
Eve : Well , I know what you re going through more than you realize . If you ever feel like you need some motherly advice or anything , call on me and let me know .
Charity : I appreciate that .
Eve : You know , before you came over , I saw you at the computer , and you looked a little bit upset .
Charity : No , it s silly . I just overreacted .
Eve : To what ? I mean , do you mind if I ask ?
Charity : No . I was talking to ivy , actually , about how I was interested in fashion , and she said I should look into it , schools of design , that kind of thing . So I went on the internet , and there was this one website where you could design an outfit and you could get feedback -- a cyber model . So I did it , and the feedback I got -- people really made fun of it . They put it down .
Eve : Well , were these people professional designers ?
Charity : No , I do nt think so . I mean , I think anybody can go on to the website .
Eve : Well , then what do you care what they think ? Do nt let strangers discourage you , honey . You just get back over there and just try it again and ignore the critics . And then you find your own style , and when you get some more confidence , then you show it to somebody who really knows whether it s good or not .
Charity : Like who ?
Eve : Well , I know a few people in fashion , and ivy used to be involved in that world . She used to be .
Arity : Ok . I will try again . Thank you . Thanks for the encouragement .
Eve : Hey , we all need some encouragement every now and then . God , I only hope somebody was there to encourage my son when he needed it . I just wish it had been me .
Rebecca : A toast to theresa . May her suffering never end .
Gwen : Hmm . Bitch .
Woman : Excuse me . The maid told me to come in . I m nurse brown here to see mrs . Winthrop .
Gwen : Hi .
Nurse brown : Hi . Dr. Russell sent me .
Gwen : Yes . I m gwen winthrop . You re going to be giving me the hormone shot ?
Nurse brown : Yes .
Gwen : Ok . So I understand that this shot is going to help me produce multiple eggs , and then one of those eggs will be implanted into the surrogate .
Nurse brown : That s right . May I ?
Gwen : Of course . Oh , this is so exciting . Soon , I m going to have two children .
Rebecca : And theresa will have none .
Theresa : They took my son , fox . How could they take my baby from me ? Oh , mama .
Pilar : Ay , mija . What have they done ? You re chained like an animal ?
Fox : How d you get in here ?
Pilar : One of the guards knows luis .
Theresa : Ethan and gwen are adopting little ethan , mama .
Pilar : I know , mija .
Theresa : It s not right . It s not right to take a child away from its mother . It s just not right .
Pilar : No , it isnT.
Theresa : I m glad you re here . If I did nt have you , I do nt know what I would do . He s my baby , mama .
Pilar : I know .
Theresa : They ve taken my baby .
Ethan : Well , your mommy -- she s really mad at me now . See , there s nothing I can do about it , though . I m not adopting you to hurt her . I m adopting you hopefully so we can weaken rebecca s position so she ca nt press charges of kidnapping against your mom . But I have a little plan . After we adopt you and after gwen has her own baby through surrogacy , I m going to give you right back to your mommy . I m going to get you straight back to theresa .
kay : Is something wrong , tabitha ?
Tabitha : No -- no , no , no , dear . No , everything s -- everything s fine . Dear . Poor kay . From the look of those tea leaves , there s much more heartache in store for her . Much more .
Charity : Ok . Maybe -- maybe a belt . ! ! And my virtual outfit is done .
Eve : I thought you could use a cup of hot chocolate .
Charity : Thank you .
Eve : Oh , is that your design ? Is it ok if I peek ?
Charity : You hate it . You hate it , right ?
Eve : No . On the contrary , that s fascinating . I love the way you ve combined different elements , but somehow it all works . It works beautifully , as a matter of fact .
Charity : You re just saying that .
Eve : No .
Charity : You re saying that to make me feel better .
Eve : No , I m not . I truly think that you have talent , charity . And more than that , you re innovative .
Eve : Oh , that s an email I ve been expecting .
Charity : Innovative . Maybe I do have a future in fashion . If only I had a future with miguel .
Eve : Oh . My god . Poor pilar s world is about to be turned more upside - down than it already is .
Theresa : I do nt know what I would do without you , mama . I need you now more than ever . And I ve lost everything . I ve lost my son . And ethan s hurt me now more than I thought anyone could ever hurt me . And if I did nt have you -- oh , I do nt know what I would do .
Pilar : I will be with you , mija . As long as god gives me life , I will be with you .
Gwen : The sooner I get that injection , the sooner ethan and I will have our own baby thanks to a surrogate .
Rebecca : Oh , you re going to have another child sooner than that -- little ethan . You are going to adopt him , and theresa is finally going to pay for killing little sarah . No , nothing is going to stop you from adopting little ethan .
Ethan : That s right . As soon as gwen has her own baby in her arms , little ethan , you are going to go right back to your mommy . We have to keep it a secret , see . She can never know . She ll probably hate me forever because of that , but it s probably for the best since we can never be together . But at least you ll be back with her , and soon . I promise you that . I promise .
Alistair : You ve been watching too many lifetime movies , dear . There s no such thing as a psychic connection between couples . That type of thinking is for saps .
Luis : No . The connection is there , and it s strong . But I ca nt let alistair find me here . That would ruin my plan .
Alistair : What are you doing , sheridan ?
Sheridan : You re in there , are nt you ? You re in there . Good afternoon - tonight on global news at six- some tough questions are being asked today about the amber alert system - after the attempted kidnapping of a young girl in northeastern alberta . We ll have the details . Some edmonton residents are very angry about disturbing junk mail in their mailbox - and they re fighting back . Acts of kindness . We ve been flooded here at global news with calls to help the little boy who had his wheelchair stolen . Tonight on global news at six . ñÑ you with a southpaw swing . Great champion he is . Who could have imagined
Ethan : I have changed , pilar .
Pilar : Liar !
### Summary:
| Theresa goes berserk in jail and chokes Rebecca . The guards rush in and zap her with stun guns several times . Fox yells at the guards when they demand that he leave , and tells them that he is a Crane and he will call his grandfather unless they let him stay . Charity s first attempt at on - line fashion is criticized and she becomes discouraged . Pilar and Eve give her some advice and encouragement , and Eve is impressed by Charity s second attempt . Ethan receives another slap from Theresa , and she is venomous when she tells him she hates him . Later , Ethan goes into little E s room and makes a promise that he will return him to Theresa after the adoption , and when Gwen holds the surrogate baby . Kay is beginning to wise up that she created her own problems and that her future life is going to be nothing like she fantasized about . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Emily : I ve always dreamed of marrying you .
Nikolas : Now you have .
Emily : I meant every promise that I made tonight , Nikolas .
Nikolas : So did I. We re married now in our hearts . Nothing can ever separate us now .
Emily : Somebody there ?
Jason : Ok , there s no hurry . Have Vic pick you up here , then go get Sonny , ok ?
Alexis : You re stranding my client with her estranged husband while you re shuffling around bodyguards ? That could be construed as intimidation . In fact , this whole thing could ve been prearranged .
Lorenzo : I agree . Corinthos could be pressuring Carly into giving up those children . Where are they ?
Jason : Sonny and Carly are fine . Just leave them alone .
Sonny : Alexis is a good lawyer , but this goes way beyond winning . She s -- she s going after me like I want to take away her kid .
Carly : Yeah , well , now you see why I never liked her . She s a vindictive snob . And you broke her heart , and so she thinks this justifies what she s doing now .
Sonny : Getting her revenge by trashing me on the stand , trying to take away my children ?
Carly : Well , if she ca nt matter to you one way , she ll try to matter to you in another .
Sonny : You figured out how to use that . That was smart .
Carly : Yeah , well , I m glad you think so . I m just sorry that I gave her the chance to attack you .
Sonny : So you covered for me ?
Carly : I never wanted you hurt .
Sonny : I do nt want to hurt you , either . So why are we doing this ?
Edward : I do nt need therapy . I m just as sane as you are .
Orderly : I ll be back in an hour to take you to your session . Work on your attitude , or I ll be bringing a straitjacket .
Luke : Be wasting your time if you think you re going to get out that way .
Edward : Talk about somebody who needs a straitjacket . So , are you here to help me or what ?
Luke : I m here to take you home , Edward .
Alan : I just got off the phone with Shadybrook . The head physician needs your signature so father does nt have to spend another night there .
Tracy : Daddy s not going anywhere .
Alan : What are you talking about ? The fire report proves he was nt responsible for the accident at the hotel .
Tracy : Did you take care of it ?
Ned : Yeah , I took care of it .
Monica : Uh -- would someone tell us what s going on ?
Skye : It s all part of Tracy s plan .
Monica : What does Skye have to do with this ? She ca nt get Edward discharged from the hospital .
Skye : But I do hold Lila s proxy and I vote on the E.L.Q. board , which makes me think that s why I was summoned here tonight .
Tracy : How very astute . You must be sober tonight .
Alan : Who called this board meeting ?
Tracy : I did . You re about to vote me as C.E.O.
Lucky : So your brother , he worked at the Port Charles hotel ?
Enid : For the last six months . Wally and I do nt talk every day , but he always called to check in with me on Sundays . He s missed the last two .
Lucky : What department does he work in ?
Enid : Utilities . I m afraid he might ve died in the fire .
Lucky : That s impossible . All the bodies have been identified .
Nikolas : There s nobody here .
Emily : Yeah , I could ve sworn I heard somebody .
Nikolas : Well , maybe you re just being paranoid knowing Helena was on the warpath earlier .
Emily : Yeah , I guess I was so lost in our vows that I completely forgot about your grandmother . But now that you mention it --
Nikolas : We ca nt go jumping into shadows , you know ? I mean , the worst part is over . We need to focus on being happy now .
Emily : Yes .
Nikolas : Come here .
Emily : You know , when I was a kid with a massive crush on you , I used to imagine us being together like this . I just never dreamed that it would actually happen .
Alexis : If your bodyguards -- and I use the term loosely -- do nt return Carly in 20 minutes , I m going to report this as a kidnapping .
Courtney : Carly left with Sonny voluntarily . I mean , we all saw it , Alexis .
Alexis : What I saw was an estranged husband lure away his wife with a promise of a visit with her sons .
Lorenzo : Sonny set this up , did nt he ? Wanted time alone with Carly to bully her into giving up custody ?
Courtney : If you knew Carly at all or understood her , you would know that she ca nt be bullied . It only makes her fight harder .
Alexis : I do nt know if you re blindly taking orders as usual or you are indulging in some ill - advised attempt to match make . Either way , you have put Carly in a completely untenable position , because if I report this to a judge --
Jason : You re not doing this to help Carly , Alexis . You re covering your own back .
Sonny : I was -- I was angry , especially with this Alcazar thing . I still am . But I hate fighting with you .
Carly : So do I. Look , I thought we were over so many times before , and we always found our way back to each other . But it s different this time .
Sonny : It does nt mean we have to wreck each other . We have to do what s best for the children .
Carly : I know , Sonny . That s what I m trying to do . That s why I denied the breakdowns on the stand -- because I knew that it would hurt the boys to hurt you .
Sonny : So you were protecting our children ?
Carly : God , Sonny . Sometimes I just wish I could shut off my feelings for you .
Sonny : Well , I think -- you know , I think the same way . I mean , you know , I -- I think it would be a lot easier sometimes to just stop feeling .
Carly : Yeah , well , you ve had plenty of practice . God , you make people work so hard to get close .
Sonny : Well , you do the same thing . You know , when you start to think somebody is really , you know , starting to care , you test them over and over again until they walk away . That way you ca nt be hurt .
Carly : Yeah , well , we both came into this with some issues , feelings of abandonment . And you know what ? It was hard to let people in before we found each other . But once we did , we -- we really let each other in . You let me love you , and it was like this -- this precious gift . Because of me , you did nt have -- you did nt have to wear your masks and you did nt have to hide behind some code . In private , Sonny , you really have a beautiful soul .
Sonny : Well , I do nt know how you can really believe that , Carly . I have nt really done the right things , you know , lately .
Carly : Yeah , well , neither have I. It s amazing that we even lasted as long as we did . But I am sorry about Alexis , though . I -- I never would ve brought her in if I had nt felt so desperate .
Sonny : Hey , you know what ? That does nt -- I can -- Alexis -- that does nt matter . Look , I can -- I can -- I think I ll be able to live with how you chose to fight back .
Carly : I did nt mean to tell her about the breakdown , Sonny . But Alexis , she knew that you had been abused , and she basically put the rest together .
Sonny : I let Alexis in too much . I -- I knew there was no future in it . You know , I still loved you . Alexis was how I kept pushing you away .
Carly : Yeah , but I always wanted to come back and when I did , I thought that it would be forever . Now I just wonder if we would ve been happier if we d stayed apart .
Sage : Well , this is a nice change -- you actually calling me for once .
Dillon : Uh -- yeah . Thank you for coming .
Sage : Yeah , I figured you wanted to apologize for the other day . I ca nt believe you tried to blame me for trying to sabotage your plan to take Georgie to La Bohème .
Dillon : I -- I called you because I ca nt see you anymore .
Edward : I can trust you now , right , Spencer ?
Luke : You do nt have a fistful of options , my friend .
Edward : I m not wearing that habit again , I ll tell you that .
Luke : Well , this time we re going to dress you as a cheerleader .
Edward : A cheerleader ?
Luke : All right , calm down . You ll give yourself another heart attack .
Edward : Are you beyond any consideration for an older man with a weak heart ?
Luke : That older man with a weak heart thing -- it may work with Skye and the rest of your clan , but I could care less . Now , get these on and let s get the hell out of here . Rubber rooms give me the creeps .
Edward : You re only doing this to impress Skye , anyway .
Luke : Edward , you got about 30 seconds to drop your pants .
Edward : All right , all right .
Luke : Otherwise , I m flying out of here alone .
Woman : What s going on in here ?
Nikolas : I ve seen some of the most beautiful cathedrals in the world . This -- this is better .
Emily : Yeah . You can almost feel the love that s been shared here . Babies being blessed and people finding comfort in times of crisis , people pledging themselves to each other .
Nikolas : Mm - hmm . Now we re one of those couples .
Emily : Yep . For better or for worse . I m so glad we officially said those words .
Nikolas : You re my wife , promised before God . I mean , you know , the legal details -- we ll work those out later , but --
Emily : Yeah . Speaking of legal details , are you worried about Helena ?
Nikolas : No . I m not worried , really , but I should probably speak to my bankers and make sure she ca nt reclaim any of the money from the sale of the treasure .
Emily : Hmm , banking -- that sounds fun .
Nikolas : Hey , I m not going to suffer on my own . You have to help .
Emily : What ?
Nikolas : You have to go to your family and tell them that they will get a share of the treasure after all but that most of the money goes to the families of the fire victims .
Emily : Ok , ok --
Nikolas : You have to do that .
Emily : All right , all right . Let s go , let s go .
Alexis : Personal feelings notwithstanding , I agreed to take Carly on as a client , and now it is my responsibility to act in her best interests .
Jason : No , you re afraid . Carly has something on you , Alexis , and whatever it is , you do nt want Sonny to know about it .
Alexis : No , Jason , she saved my life , and I m repaying a debt .
Jason : You hate Carly . She hates you , too .
Alexis : My license has just been reinstated . I am not prepared to part with it just as yet . Carly is in a very delicate position . I need to uphold my oath and serve her , which means if I do nt hear from her in 20 minutes , I am calling the judge .
Lorenzo : Morgan s right . Carly does have something on you .
Alexis : Carly does nt have anything on me . She saved my life and I pay my debts , even to people I happen to loathe .
Courtney : Should we try and stop her ?
Jason : Alexis is nt going anywhere near the judge . He already thinks she s out of control .
Courtney : Yeah , well , she s right about one thing -- you re playing matchmaker . What , do you think if Carly and Sonny are stranded long enough they ll find a compromise ?
Jason : I mean , when it comes to Sonny and Carly , who knows what could happen ?
Sonny : If we had nt reconciled , we would nt have Morgan .
Carly : Our little miracle baby . Oh , he s -- he reminds me so much of you .
Sonny : Poor kid .
Carly : No . He s sweet , he s serious . Already so intense .
Sonny : Yeah . I thank God every day for my sons . And I ll always be grateful for , you know , the time we had together as a family .
Carly : What we had was special because of what we had to go through to get there , and I m never going to regret it . I only regret how it ended .
Sonny : I never wanted this .
Carly : Neither did I. Why do nt we just stop ?
Sonny : You find another car ?
Max : Yeah , it just arrived . The judge wants to see you and Carly back at the courthouse right away .
Sonny : I guess the judge is ready to make a ruling .
Dillon : I m sorry . I had a voicemail from my mom . I know the timing s terrible .
Sage : So why did you say you could nt see me anymore ?
Dillon : Ok , I m going to ask you this one last time . Did you or did you not put Tom up to buying those tickets for La Bohème ?
Sage : No .
Dillon : You see , I do nt believe you .
Sage : So you re saying you do nt have a place for me in your life anymore , and I m just supposed to deal with it ?
Dillon : No -- you deal with a family . Sage , you deal with your boss , but you should nt have to deal with your friends . I m sorry , but whatever we had , it s over .
Luke : [ Dutch accent ] I am with a patient . No interruptions .
Woman : You are nt on staff here .
Luke : I am Dr. Vermeer . Dr. Vermeer . I just came from here from the Netherlands .
Woman : The Dr. Vermeer ? Dr. Hans Vermeer ?
Luke : Ja , natulich . Ich bin him .
Woman : I ve read every one of your papers . Your technique is revolutionary . I d love to observe you with the patient .
Edward : Oh , no . Oh , no . No -- no audience for my therapy . My family pulled a lot of strings to have a consult with Dr. Vermeer .
Luke : Ja . I m sorry . I must respect the wishes of my patients .
Woman : Of course . I ll leave you alone .
Luke : Ja .
Woman : I m sorry , but I have to ask . Will you be using the causal theory to treat Mr. Quartermaine ?
Edward : Ah -- is it difficult to breathe in here ? Huh ?
Luke : The causal theory ? Ja , I will causal him --
Woman : The causal theory was developed by Faye Snyder . It completely contradicts the work of Dr. Vermeer . So who exactly are you ?
Alan : We all know that Tracy ca nt be trusted .
Ned : You do nt need to trust Tracy to know that E.L.Q. is in dire straits . At least she has a plan for financial recovery .
Skye : So does Edward .
Monica : And I have concerns about Edward s health .
Alan : Father thrives on being head of this family .
Tracy : But can he run E.L.Q. ? We all know that his last official act was to make A.J. , C.E.O. How did that turn out ?
Ned : Grandfather has made some very questionable decisions lately .
Skye : Oh , that s absurd . Everyone knows Edward s completely competent .
Ned : He was very well aware of the electrical system problems at the hotel . Now , I m not saying that he was intentionally negligent , but he certainly took some very unwise risks . His mind is nt what it used to be .
Monica : No , his mind is as sharp as ever .
Alan : He does nt deserve to be in a mental hospital .
Ned : No one cares about grandfather more than I do , and I know that he would want E.L.Q. to recover . That wo nt happen with him as C.E.O.
Alan : This is your idea of protecting father ?
Ned : E.L.Q. is his legacy , and I know that he would want it to survive at any cost .
Monica : Ooh . Watch it , Ned . You re beginning to sound like your mother .
Skye : Tell me something -- when did you decide to make a pact with the devil so you could stab poor Edward in the back ?
Lorenzo : You all right ?
Carly : Yeah , we re -- we re fine . We had some car trouble .
Alexis : The judge wants to see you , but I d like to see you first .
Carly : You do nt have to bring me over into this corner . What do you want ?
Alexis : What did you say to Sonny when you were alone with him ?
Carly : Do you mean did I tell him he s Kristina s father ?
Judge Marland : Mrs. Corinthos -- I ve been waiting for you .
Alexis : We apologize for the delay , your honor .
Sonny : You crossed the line , Alexis . You tried to break me on the stand , humiliate me . Maybe I should return the favor . Huh ? Maybe I should drag your secrets into the light . What if I took away what you love most ? You think maybe you d stop coming after me for whatever reason ?
Judge Marland : At this point , I do nt believe you or your husband should have custody of the children , but you ve got one chance to change my mind .
Dillon : I guess I deserved that .
Sage : I m sorry , Dillon , really .
Dillon : So am I. Despite everything that s happened , I know -- I know that there were times when you were genuinely trying to be my friend . But I m sorry . I can not do this anymore .
Sage : Because of Georgie ? You re too good for her , Dillon .
Dillon : No , I m not . I m not .
Sage : Then explain it to me . What do you see in Georgie ?
Dillon : Everything I want . I mean , my mom was responsible for the breakup . It should nt have happened . People got hurt by it , including you . Somebody s got to say enough , and -- I do nt know -- I guess that has to be me .
Sage : Fine , I ll stop pushing . I wo nt even flirt anymore . I just -- I do nt want to lose you as a friend , Dillon . You mean too much to me . Give me another chance .
Lucky : You and your brother , are you close ?
Enid : Yes . But I live all the way in Pine Valley . We talk more than we see each other .
Lucky : Is there any reason to believe that your brother might ve been in some kind of trouble ?
Enid : Wally does nt gamble . He does nt do drugs .
Lucky : You said that he called you every Sunday ?
Enid : Right after Alias -- our favorite show .
Lucky : There s fresh milk in the fridge , and coffeepot s still warm . Could nt have shut off too long ago . There s no timer on it .
Enid : What are you saying , officer ?
Lucky : Everything indicates that your brother s still living here , but I will file a missing person s report .
Enid : So you believe me ?
Lucky : Something about it just does nt feel right .
Tracy : My , you re feeling dramatic tonight .
Skye : I was speaking to Ned .
Ned : I ve been dealing with grandfather a hell of a lot longer than you have . I know what s important to him .
Skye : Well , at least you admit you betrayed Edward ; that you helped Tracy to have Edward committed .
Monica : Look , Edward is in Shadybrook because he was trying to protect the family from a lawsuit . Now that we know he s not negligent , he can be released .
Tracy : Uh - uh . It s too soon . Until we re absolutely sure that we re in the clear , he needs to stay put .
Skye : Tracy , why do you even care about E.L.Q. , anyway ? It s in ruins .
Emily : I do nt know what you re fighting about , but you can stop . I have good news .
Monica : Oh ? What s that ?
Emily : Helena managed to recover Blackthorn s treasure .
Tracy : Oh -- I knew it ! She was behind the theft all along !
Emily : The treasure was sold in Europe for $ 25 million , and Nikolas has agreed to transfer 1/4 of that money into our accounts as soon as possible .
Tracy : That s only 6 million and change .
Alan : We agreed to a 50/50 split .
Emily : Half of the money is going into a trust for the fire victims , and we re going to split the other half with the Cassadines .
Skye : Well , that sounds fair .
Ned : Emily , have you thought this through ?
Tracy : Oh -- what does she care if we get cheated ? As soon as she marries Nikolas , she gets another 6 mill .
Monica : Emily does nt care about the money .
Emily : The fact is only a small portion of the treasure ever belonged to Constance , but Nikolas wanted to be fair , so we re getting way more money than we deserve .
Tracy : Well , nice try , but it s too late for Nikolas to change the rules .
Skye : Look , can we please forget about this treasure ? We have to concentrate on getting Edward out of Shadybrook .
Emily : What , grandfather s in a mental hospital ?
Monica : It s a long story .
Alan : Yes , Tracy thought it was for the best .
Emily : Yeah , well , I do nt . Nikolas wo nt transfer a dime of that money until grandfather is released .
Edward : Thank you , dear Emily . It s nice to know that someone still cares about me .
Luke : Evening , Quartermaines . Tracy . Well , I promised to bring the old boy out of the bubble house . Here he is , free and angry as hell .
Edward : Now that my name has been cleared , I plan to take my place at the head of the family .
Tracy : It s not that simple , daddy .
Alan : Of course it is .
Monica : All this arguing is not good for Edward s health . He s just had major surgery .
Luke : All right , Quartermaines , listen up . The argument about who s going to run E.L.Q. Is closed . Skye s taking over .
Alexis : I fulfilled a personal obligation to my client . There was a time when I would ve done the same thing for you .
Sonny : You made a personal attack .
Alexis : This is personal .
Sonny : No --
Alexis : Custody cases are personal . Your side makes my client look unfit . My side makes you look unfit .
Sonny : How are you more fit than me ? I m a killer ; you re a killer . You say I m crazy . The whole world knows you re crazy . How would you like it if somebody tried to take away your kid and said you were nt good enough to raise them ? Could happen . On paper , you look worse than me . What ?
Justus : Carly s in there with the judge .
Sonny : Yeah . He said he wanted to talk to her alone .
Justus : I do nt like this one bit . He could be leaning towards giving her full custody .
Carly : I never believed that I would be fighting Sonny for our boys . I know that he loves them and he would do anything to protect them . I just really -- I do nt want Michael and Morgan growing up wondering why they could nt have a mother and a father .
Judge Marland : You re saying joint custody would be best ?
Carly : Yes .
Judge Marland : But you re petitioning for sole custody .
Carly : Yes , because when I suggested joint custody to Sonny , he refused it .
Judge Marland : So you retaliate by trying to take custody away from him ? You ve heard the expression two wrongs do nt make a right ?
Carly : Please do nt punish my boys for Sonny s and my choices . I spent my childhood growing up believing that my biological mother did nt want me , and I felt terribly abandoned . I really do nt want Michael and Morgan to feel the same way .
Judge Marland : What about the children s need for their father ?
Carly : I know that they need Sonny , too .
Judge Marland : Well , I appreciate your candor . I m only sorry it did nt come earlier .
Justus : Are we ready to proceed ?
Judge Marland : First I need a word with Mr. Corinthos , alone .
Edward : Skye , I appreciate everything you ve done since the fire .
Skye : Well , I m just glad to see you re ok .
Edward : Luke s been helpful too , but he does nt quite understand the situation at E.L.Q. I appreciate your input , I really do , but I think it s best now that I take over as C.E.O.
Luke : Easy , Edward . I can drop you back in the bin as quickly as I got you out .
Skye : Luke , it s ok . I do nt want to run E.L.Q. , all right ? I just want to make sure it s not pulled out from under him by that tarantula he calls a daughter .
Tracy : I d be moved by your nobility if I did nt know the true motivation behind your newfound altruism .
Monica : What is she talking about ?
Ned : Grandfather has named Skye sole heir in his latest will .
Alan : Since when ?
Luke : Do nt let them do this , Blaze . Do nt quit while you re ahead .
Skye : Why would I want to waste my time running E.L.Q. ? Do nt I have the casino , the Haunted Star , where I am full partner , where I m fully appreciated ?
Luke : You better believe it .
Ned : The matter of who should be C.E.O. still needs to be voted on . I say we open the issue .
Skye : Ok . Well , I have Lila s proxy , and I m backing Edward .
Edward : Now , you see , Tracy ? Your little coup has failed .
Ned : Do nt be so sure , grandfather .
Edward : Ned , my boy , it was expedient for you to side with your mother when it looked like she was succeeding . It was good business . But the tables have turned . Get back in line behind me and I might consider forgiving you .
Ned : You double - crossed me once too often when you made Skye your sole heir . So I think it s time that you hear what the rest of the Quartermaines have to say about your latest betrayal .
Emily : Oh --
Nikolas : I -- I did nt want to interrupt you while you were praying . Why did you want me to come back here ?
Justus : Let me offer you a piece of friendly advice .
Alexis : I d really rather you did nt .
Justus : You went way past due diligence in this case , Alexis . You made a personal attack on my client , and you were unprofessional . You just made yourself an enemy .
Lorenzo : Here .
Courtney : Why ca nt Carly see that Alcazar is ruining her life ?
Jason : Simple -- she does nt want to .
Courtney : Yeah , well , Sonny s not being much better . He s only with Sam to hurt Carly . It s just sad and wrong .
Jason : Yeah , people do nt want to be alone when they re hurt .
Courtney : Yeah , I know Carly and Sonny need people in their life right now to pretend like everything s going to be ok .
Carly : The judge is nt happy with me or Sonny . What if he decides to rule against both of us ?
Lorenzo : I doubt that . It s clear you re a good mother .
Carly : Yeah , well , a good mother would nt have let it go so far .
Lorenzo : Sonny did nt give you a choice .
Carly : Sonny lost his temper . I did , too . We were both so focused on trying to win that we lost sight of what was really important , and that is that our children need both of us . I really hope that the judge can see that , and I hope if by some miracle I get another chance -- I tell you , I will do anything I can to work this out with Sonny .
Sonny : Carly s -- she s a good mother . I do nt really want her separated from her sons .
Judge Marland : Tell me about Carly s relationship to Michael and Morgan .
Sonny : She s great . I mean , you know , she reads to them . She does nt smother them . She -- you know -- she , you know , pretty much convinces Michael to believe in himself .
Judge Marland : And Morgan ?
Sonny : Well , he s an infant . She holds him , she sings to him , and she s very nurturing .
Judge Marland : Then you re certain that Carly could give your boys a good home ?
Sonny : I do nt have a problem with Carly . It s -- it s the psychopath that she s involved with . That s who I do nt like .
Judge Marland : Mrs. Corinthos could make the same argument about you and your relationship to Ms. McCall . My sole concern is finding the best solution for the children .
Sonny : You know what ? If we get shared custody , we ll make it work . Our children s happiness is the most important thing . Carly and I both know that . But I m just going to -- I m going to ask you , please -- please do nt send our children to foster care .
Judge Marland : Ms. Davis has made a strong argument that your life is violent and , therefore , unsafe for your kids .
Sonny : Yeah , I know . Ms. Davis has a personal grudge against me . I do nt know why , what --
Judge Marland : Obviously , which is why I m prepared to discount her undocumented allegations regarding your mental state . However , police records indicate that you are a frequent target of violence . How can I be sure you ll always protect your sons from that ?
Luke : That s two votes for Edward , one vote for Ned and Lizzie Borden . Who are you backing , Dr. Quartermaine ?
Alan : My father s seen us through tough times before .
Tracy : Oh , please , Alan . Ca nt you put aside your pathetic need to please father for once in your life and think about the future of the family ?
Alan : I am . My daughter seems to think he s the right man for the job , and so do I. I vote for my father .
Luke : So that leaves you , Dr. Quartermaine .
Monica : Well , clearly , I do nt trust Tracy --
Edward : Good ! Then it s all settled .
Monica : But I ve seen you ignore your health for years , Edward . I do nt think your heart could stand the stress of rebuilding E.L.Q. So , with great reservations --
Alan : Monica , do nt do this .
Monica : I m going to vote for Tracy .
Edward : Alan , do you see the treachery you have brought into this house ?
Tracy : You did the right thing , Monica . Good for you !
Monica : Stuff it .
Luke : Well , ladies and germs , we seem to have a tie .
Edward : Well , then . As senior stockholder , it seems I get to make the deciding vote .
Tracy : Is that in the bylaws ?
Ned : Unfortunately , it is .
Edward : Skye , we ve won .
Tracy : Well , do nt get too excited yet , Daddy . You seem to have forgotten that since the fire , I ve held your power of attorney .
Edward : That has no bearing here .
Tracy : Wrong again . It does . Actually , you see , when you were in Shadybrook , suddenly it occurred to me that A.J. s vote had nt gotten transferred to another share - holding family member , so I took care of that .
Alan : That s the swing vote .
Skye : Well , who is it ?
Dillon : Hey , Mom , you wanted to see me ?
Emily : Sometimes I just want to scream at my family for being so petty and awful to each other .
Nikolas : They love each other in their own way .
Emily : Yeah , I know , and I love them , too , even though I do nt want to end up like them .
Nikolas : That s why we re going to build a family of our own .
Emily : That is the only family I want .
Nikolas : It s already yours .
Emily s voice : We must be insane , Zander . Do you realize how late it is ?
Zander : Well , we might as well be a little nuts . We re newlyweds .
Emily : Mm - hmm .
Zander : Just came back from a romantic , moonlit walk in the woods behind our very first home .
Emily : Rented home .
Zander : For now . One day when I start making a little more money , we ll buy this place .
Emily : Yeah ?
Zander : Build a gazebo out back where we can sit out under the stars . You like gazebos , right ?
Emily : What woman does nt ?
Zander : That s what I thought . I can see you out there , writing in your journal . See you in one of those beautiful , long , flowy , summer dresses that you like , looking amazing .
Emily : Yeah , I like it .
Zander : Hmm .
Judge : Mr. and Mrs. Corinthos , I asked to speak to you individually to see if you were capable of being honest about the welfare of your children instead of grandstanding , as you did throughout open testimony . And after much consideration , I m prepared to render my decision as to the custody of Michael and Morgan Corinthos .
Luke : Looks like you get to choose between your grandfather and your ma .
Judge : Is this an agreement that you can both accept ?
Elizabeth : You deserve to be happy after everything that happened with Zander .
Emily : That s the hardest part .
### Summary:
| While stranded in the limo Sonny and Carly discuss Alexis s grudge against Sonny . They also talk about how they wo nt ever regret the time they spent together , just how it ended . Just as it looked like they might reconcile , Max knocked on the window to tell them that the new car was there , and that the judge wanted them at the court house . Alexis and Alcazar think that Sonny set up the stranded limo in order to bully Carly into giving over the boys . Jason tells them to leave Sonny and Carly alone . Jason and Alcazar think Carly is holding something over Alexis s head . Zander eavesdrops on Nikolas and Emily at the church . The judge sees Carly and Sonny each one on one . He tells them that he does nt believe either one of them should have custody , but he ll give them each one chance to change his mind . They both beg the judge not to put the boys in foster care , and they both say they d rather have joint custody . Luke gets Edward out of Shadybrook . Tracy calls an ELQ board meeting to vote for CEO . They are to vote between either Tracy or Edward . It comes out in a tie . AJ s vote has been transferred over to Dillon , who now is the tie breaker . Lucky helps a woman who fears her brother died in the hotel fire . Dillon tells Sage that he ca nt see her anymore . The judge is ready to make his decision . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Cassie : All right . You can come out . I know you re there . Hello ?
Police officer : Just doing my job .
Cassie : Edgewater security . Danny Santos sent you , huh ? We re not going anywhere . So good night .
Jeffrey : And image flies in front of me shadow dances of what used to be a burning feeling just from long ago now I wait for something to elevate my soul I believe , I believe in love and I believe in you and I believe that we can rise above , rise above and when we re in our darkest night I believe in love , love is light .
Michelle : Saying good - bye to my baby also means saying good- bye to Danny . I just do nt know how I m going to do that . I just do nt know .
Danny : So you have no listing under Michelle Bauer or Michelle Santos ? Okay . All right . Thank you . Thank you . Well , I ve tried every hotel . I do nt know where she is .
Marina : Well I can tell you where she s not . I checked the airline , the train station , even the bus lines .
Danny : I ca nt stand the fact that she s out there somewhere alone and she does nt even know that her baby is alive .
Marina : I ca nt imagine what this would be like for her .
Danny : The whole reason Michelle left town is because she thought she lost her baby . Now that we know the baby s ours ... I ve got to find her . This changes everything .
Edmund : My lawyer will have me out of here in no time . You ll be sorry you ever met me .
Police officer : Get inside or you ll wish you never met me .
Edmund : I will have all of your badges ! Jeffrey ONeill framed me ! I m innocent ! Innocent !
Alan : Join the club .
Jonathan : You are like an onion , Sandman . Every time I think I have you figured out , there s another layer . I found you .
Tammy : Whoa , sorry , I was ....
Ava : You re not dreaming . I m real .
Sandy : Ava .
Ava : Good . I m glad . I was beginning to think you had forgotten about me . Why are you looking so surprised ? Did you honestly think you could hide from me forever ?
Sandy : No . How d you find me ?
Ava : It was nt easy . It was nt , but it was important so just never gave up . Here you are .
Sandy : I guess I always knew that ....
Ava : Your past would catch up with you ? You were right . Here I am .
Ava : You know , I heard about the accident . I was really surprised . You used to be so cautious , so meticulous .
Sandy : I m not the same person anymore .
Ava : People do nt change that much .
Sandy : I ve tried .
Ava : I m sure you have .
Sandy : I ve traveled . I ve seen things , I ve done things . I ve been all over the world .
Ava : Really ? Doing what ?
Sandy : Searching . And I did nt even know what I was looking for until I found it . And it changed me . She changed me .
Ava : She changed you ?
Sandy : Ava , I ve found someone and she s my future .
Ava : ( Laughs ) What makes you think you re entitled to one ?
Sandy : All right ? You know what ? We can figure this thing out . Why do nt you just go home and I will contact you as soon as they release me , okay ?
Ava : I m home .
Sandy : Springfield ?
Ava : Yeah , I ve been here for a while . I m surprised my boss did nt mention it to you .
Sandy : Your boss ?
Ava : Jonathan Randall .
Tammy : What are you doing out here ?
Jonathan : What else ? Lurking .
Tammy : That s what I thought . What s that ?
Jonathan : It s a fan mail from one of my customers at Outskirts . She wants my recipe for Sex on the Beach .
Tammy : I have to go .
Jonathan : What , are you going to feed Sandman ? When are they releasing him ?
Tammy : Probably tomorrow .
Jonathan : Is there somebody waiting for him back at his place ?
Tammy : What do you care ?
Jonathan : Is there a nurse or somebody to take care of him ?
Tammy : Why do nt you ask what you want to know . Is Sandy coming home with me or are we still apart ?
Jonathan : That s not what I was going to ask .
Tammy : Sandy does nt need a nurse or anyone else . He has me . He needs me . And I need him , not ...
Jonathan : Yeah . I guess it . Not me .
Danny : ( Sighs ) You have not changed . You re the reason I have a daughter . Marina : , No I was nt ...
Danny : Yes , you are . Marina , you are a major part of this baby s life and you always will be .
Marina : Danny , I had a hunch , okay ? I went for it .
Danny : You need a break . I m sorry . It s not fair for me to ask you to help me find Michelle . It s really not .
Marina : You know what ? The sooner we find Michelle , the sooner we all know where we re going , okay ? Now , you know Michelle better than anyone . Where would she disappear to ? If you wanted to hide , where would you go ?
Danny : There is one place .
Alan : Bang , you re dead .
Edmund : My God , Alan , you killed your son . I ve done nothing wrong , I do nt belong here .
Alan : Neither do I but I m just here until they transfer me back to the hospital .
Edmund : You mean back to the asylum for the criminally insane .
Alan : Well at least I have an insanity defense . What s your excuse , Edmund ?
Edmund : I m being persecuted by a man obsessed with Cassie . Jeffrey ONeill has filed false charged against me but my lawyer is going to take care of that and him ...
Alan : Why do nt you tell me the name of your lawyer ?
Edmund : Vincent Russo . He s good enough for you , he s good enough for me .
Alan : ( Laughs ) Well , Edmund , perhaps you should rethink that choice . After all , look where we ended up .
Edmund : Good point . All I tried to do , all I tried to do was give the woman I love the most she wants in all this world . Is that such a crime ?
Alan : Why do nt you tell me what you did and maybe I ll be able to help you . Do nt you trust me ?
Edmund : Why should I ?
Alan : You should nt , anymore than I should trust you . But the charges are public record now so what have you got to lose , huh ?
Edmund : Jeffrey ONeill . The problem is Jeffrey ONeill .
Alan : I know . You keep saying that .
Edmund : He s been fixated on Cassie for years , long before he came to Springfield . And he came determined to get rid of me . His sole purpose is to replace me . Now he has Cassie . He has the child that should be mine .
Jeffrey : Trying to get her to sleep .
Cassie : I think she likes your music . Do nt you ?
Jeffrey : Well , she s a sucker for a love song , what can I say ?
Cassie : Well , she is . Just like her ... I guess I ca nt say that anymore , huh ? I m not her mother .
Jeffrey : Yes , you are . You fed her , you ve cared for her , you ve loved her . You are her mother .
Cassie : Well , not for very much longer . I guess ... guess what I saw outside ? A guard .
Jeffrey : What ?
Cassie : I guess Danny was afraid that we were going to take off with her .
Jeffrey : Oh , no . He s just ... he s just ... he s just trying to protect Hope from Edmund and , well , from me .
Cassie : Part of me wants to , you know ? Part of me wants to take her away where no one knows who we are and no one knows she s not mine and no one will ask us any questions .
Jeffrey : We could , you know . We could just go .
Cassie : What ?
Jeffrey : Yeah , sure . We could just skip out the back and we d be miles away before anyone even knew .
Cassie : Are you serious ?
Jeffrey : Who cares about DNA ? Who cares about who Hope is ? What we need to care about is what s best for her and what s best for us .
Tammy : It does nt matter what I ... what we ...
Jonathan : What we feel ? What we need ? What we want ? Look , damn it , Tammy , do you really think you re doing Sandy a favor by being so freaking noble ?
Tammy : I am not being noble !
Jonathan : What are you doing , then ? Are you following your heart ? Come on , you ca nt look me in the eyes and tell me that you are , can you ?
Tammy : Then I wo nt look at you .
Jonathan : You do nt belong with Sandy .
Tammy : I love him .
Sandy : No , you love him like a friend . You love him like you love a loyal watchdog . You love him like a mother , like a brother .
Tammy : You do nt know what my relationship with Sandy is like . Do nt pretend that you do .
Jonathan : This is nuts . You ca nt pretend I do nt exist .
Tammy : Watch me .
Jonathan : This is a small town . We re going to run into each other .
Tammy : All right . Then let s establish some rules .
Jonathan : Rules ? Oh , right . Like when we say hi it wo nt really mean that I want you ? Like when we ask how s the weather it wo nt really mean that I am dying to be with you ? Like when we bump into each other , it absolutely wo nt mean that I ...
Tammy : It does nt have to mean anything , all right ? We can adjust . I do nt care how hard it is . We can be casual . We can just be two people ...
Jonathan : Who want to be together .
Tammy : No .
Jonathan : Who think about each other all the time .
Tammy : No !
Jonathan : Who ca nt admit how they feel because if they do ...
Tammy : I can handle it , okay ? It s not a problem for me , okay ? I can learn to live in a world with you in it .
Jonathan : Yeah . Damn straight , because I m not going anywhere .
Cassie : You d take Hope and you d run away with me ?
Jeffrey : Sure I would . But there s Tammy to consider , and R.J. and ... well , you love your family and they re all here , are nt they ?
Cassie : But you just said ...
Jeffrey : I know what I said . I do nt want to lose Hope . But maybe we do nt have to choose between surrendering and running .
Cassie : What are you talking about ?
Jeffrey : Well , you know , before I was singing love songs to kids and changing their diapers I was actually a hell of a lawyer . We fought Danny before , you know what the result was .
Cassie : So you re saying that um ...
Jeffrey : It could get ugly , but losing Hope would be a lot uglier , would nt it ?
Cassie : I feel like a prisoner in my own home . Can we get out of here for a little while ?
Alan : You know , I ve been in your shoes before , Edmund . You re damned if you do , you re damned if you do nt . But I always say do .
Edmund : I d do anything for Cassie .
Alan : And I would do anything for the people I love . You know , most men are like sheep , they re followers . But you and I , we re rare . We re like the lion .
Edmund : This is the jungle ?
Alan : We re toughest on the ones we love the most , guiding them back home when they go astray . And sometimes we even have to bear our claws .
Edmund : Oh , my God , is that it ? Is that what happened ? Phillip was out of control , he kidnapped his children and so you had to ... that s what happened , is nt it ?
Alan : I would never have hurt my son .
Edmund : Well , I would never hurt my daughter . I had no idea what love was until I had a child .
Alan : Technically she is nt yours . But then again , Phillip is nt my flesh and blood , either .
Edmund : Then you understand . You ll help me get out of here ?
Rick : Where s my microscope when I need one ? I have nt seen two creatures without one heart since I studied amoebas in high school .
Alan : I m nothing like him ! He d take a stick out of a lollypop and stab a child the heart ! ( Cell phone rings )
Rick : Hello ?
Danny : It s Danny . Have you heard from Michelle ? Any chance she could be a the cabin ?
Rick : I never thought about that . Michelle always loved going up to the cabin . Danny , it s worth a shot . Do you know how to get up there ? It s very simple . Okay , just please give me a call if you hear anything , okay ? All right . Thanks . Could you help escort Mr. Spaulding to my new examination room .
Alan : Listen to me , Edmund ...
Edmund : I thought you were on my side .
Alan : I am on your side . Michelle is going to the Bauer cabin . Now , Danny will get there first .
Danny : We ve tried everything we can think of . I think we should go check out the Bauer cabin .
Marina : I m not going .
Danny : Why ?
Marina : You are right , Danny . This is one trip you re going to have to take alone .
Sandy : Stay away from Jonathan . He s a user .
Ava : He s been awfully nice to me .
Sandy : Well do nt give him any information .
Ava : Stop it , Xander .
Sandy : Do nt call me that .
Ava : Jonathan never asks about me , not where I came from , why I m in Springfield , nothing . He does nt care .
Sandy : Consider yourself lucky . Know he is no good .
Ava : He would say the same thing about you .
Tammy : Okay , Mr. Foster , no more gelatin or canned food , I ve got burgers , I ve got french fries . Ava , what are you doing here ?
Sandy : So you two know each other ?
Ava : Not well . We officially met on the roof .
Tammy : You never told me that you knew Sandy .
Ava : Are you going to tell her or should I ?
Tammy : Tell me what ?
Ava : I was walking down the hall in the hospital and I saw this gorgeous guy and he was looking at magazines , so I just sort of popped my head in to give him a hand and he told me about the accident . Man , he s lucky that he did nt die . You must be feeling really lucky .
Sandy : Lucky .
Ava : He does nt look anything like the picture , either . This is your boyfriend , is nt it ?
Tammy : Right .
Ava : He s definitely a keeper .
Tammy : Yeah . He is .
Ava : Well , I guess I better fly out of here . When you get released , stop into Outskirts . The first round of drinks is on me .
Tammy : Well , she seems nice .
Sandy : ( Sighs )
Tammy : Are you okay ?
Sandy : Great .
Tammy : You look a little pale . You know , you should nt go home tomorrow if you re not ...
Sandy : No , I m fine . I m going home . I have to get out of here .
Tammy : All right . I do nt think you should be alone . I think you should check into the Beacon .
Sandy : Waste of money .
Tammy : My mom owns the place , it s not going to cost you a thing . Besides , I already reserved you a room .
Sandy : You reserved a free room for me ?
Tammy : Kind of . It s mine .
Jonathan : Who are you , Sandman ? Who what are you hiding ? They all think you walk on water , but when I find out what you did I m going to bury you .
Ava : What are you looking at ?
Marina : I have to go to work , Danny , and I ca nt be late . So I ll tell you what , I ll check the database at the station and I ll see if I can find anything .
Danny : That s not what this is about . It s okay . I do nt blame you for not wanting to be there when I tell Michelle about the baby .
Marina : Okay . You re right . I m only so tough , Danny . And I m only so willing to share you . And when you tell her the good news and she throws her arms around you ...
Danny : Hey ... I hate that this is so complicated . I really , really do .
Marina : I know . I love you .
Rick : Come on , Alan , let s go . I think it s time to have you cryogenically frozen . You re one in a million . Let s go .
Alan : Rick , I m sorry , man . I have not been feeling well today Rick .
Rick : Alan , please , last time I checked your blood pressure was better than mine . In fact , your vitals were so good the last time you did this ...
Alan : My chest is hurting , it really is .
Rick : Where ?
Alan : Help me up . Oh ...
Rick : You re having a panic attack .
Alan : No .
Rick : Yes , you are .
Alan : My heart s pounding out of my chest .
Rick : It s not your heart , it s your head .
Danny : Okay . So I wo nt be gone long . Hopefully I ll find Michelle at the cabin , tell her about the baby . I ll call you and we ll meet up at home , okay ?
Marina : Okay .
Danny : I love you . ( Cell phone rings ) Hello ? Edmund : ( With southern accent ) Hi , this is Matthew at the Beacon , I m hoping I have the right number . Is this Mr. Santos ?
Danny : Yes , who is this again ?
Edmund : Matthew at the Beacon . Look , we have ourselves a pitiful situation here , Mr. Santos . There s this beautiful pretty thing she is in room 444 . She s ... she s just crying her eyes out , has been for a while . She s calling for you .
Danny : Is her name Michelle ?
Edmund : Michelle , yeah , that s it .
Danny : I ll be over there . Do nt let her leave . Thank you .
Danny : Michelle s at the Beacon .
Marina : Good luck . Let me know how it goes .
Danny : I will . I ll be back soon , okay ?
Alan : Look , it s all right , Rick . I know it was nt a panic attack but part of me is ready to die . I ve been misunderstood my entire life .
Rick : Do nt talk . You re giving me a splitting headache .
Edmund : Hotel security , please . Hello , I do nt mean to alarm you but I believe you may have a serious problem .
Danny : What s going on ?
Cassie : We got away from your guard , sorry .
Danny : Cassie , I did what I felt I needed to do .
Cassie : Well , you do nt have to worry . Hope s not going anywhere . She s going to be here with her family .
Jeffrey : She s asleep .
Danny : Really ? I ll be right back .
Cassie : Where s he going ?
Marina : He had to go take care of some business .
Cassie : What kind of business ?
Jeffrey : Marina ?
Marina : He ... he found Michelle . He s going to go tell her , Cassie . He s going to go tell her that Hope s her child .
Danny : Michelle , the front desk called me . They said you were upset and wanted to see me . I need to talk to you . Michelle ? Come on , I have to talk to you . It s extremely urgent . All right , Michelle , Michelle , open up this door . Open . I m going to come in here , Michelle . I m going to open up . Michelle ? Michelle , why did nt you open ...
Woman : No , no , get away ! Help !
Danny : I m sorry .
Woman : Somebody , help ! Help !
Danny : I made a mistake , I m in the wrong room . I m leaving .
Woman : He s a pervert .
Danny : This is a huge mistake .
Man : You got that right .
Jeffrey : Where s Michelle ?
Marina : Does it matter ? She s in town and he went to get her . ( Cell phone rings ) hello ? Yes , this is Cooper . I will be right there . It s dispatch . I ve got to go . Listen , Cassie , I m ... I ca nt even imagine what you re going through right now , but I wish that it could be different for all of us . Got ta go .
Cassie : It s only a matter of time , you know . Danny s going to tell Michelle about Hope and they re going to come take her . I ca nt believe this is happening . I ca nt believe I m going to lose her .
Jeffrey : Cassie , let me ask you a question . Do you believe that Danny and Michelle should raise this child ?
Cassie : They re her parents .
Jeffrey : That s ... that s not the question .
Cassie : Okay . I think they re amazing with Robbie . On the other hand , I m a very good mother to Hope . I m the only mother she knows and I love her .
Jeffrey : You know , I admire the fact that you do nt want to bad - mouth Danny and Michelle but you re still not answering the question . Do you think that Danny and Michelle can provide a stable environment , a loving home for Hope ?
Cassie : Yes , of course they can .
Jeffrey : Well , what about ... what about Danny ? You know that the organized crime unit has to keep tabs on Danny , right ? That every time there s a serious crime committed in Springfield , they have to verify his whereabouts .
Cassie : What are you asking me , Jeffrey ?
Jeffrey : What am I asking you ? I m asking you do you think there is any chance that Danny would ever return to a life of crime ? Sure , he s Mr. Nice guy now , Mr. Respectable Citizen , but what if he has a relapse ? What if he does go back ?
Cassie : Stop ! Stop it . Danny s a good guy and we both know that .
Jeffrey : Okay . What about Michelle ?
Cassie : ( Sighs )
Jeffrey : Just a little while ago Michelle did nt even know who she was . She was engaged to Tony Santos . What happened to him ?
Cassie : He died in an accident .
Jeffrey : An accident ? We re not too sure it was an accident , are we ? And we re not sure Michelle is 100 % herself yet , either . Cassie , she did nt even know who the father of her baby was .
Cassie : She s wonderful with Robbie .
Jeffrey : Cassie , we re talking about Hope and what s best for Hope . Hope , who has been with you from the day she was born . Hope , who knows only you as her mother . So how is Hope going to feel ? How is hope going to react when she s taken from your arms ? Will she recover ? Will she be all right ?
Cassie : I do nt know . I do nt know .
Jeffrey : Well , that s why we re fighting . Because Hope needs you . Hope needs you as much as you need her .
Edmund : Look , I have to get out of here . Every second counts ! There s a child s life at stake .
Police officer : Stop crying , your bail has been posted .
Edmund : My bail ... that s not possible . It was a sizable sum of money . There s no way my lawyer would come up with it on such short notice .
Officer : He did nt .
Edmund : Well , then who did ?
Alan : Surprise .
Sandy : It s a nice offer ...
Tammy : I know you re mad at me .
Sandy : It s not a good idea .
Tammy : I know , it s a great idea .
Sandy : Are those onion rings I smell ?
Tammy : And extra fries .
Sandy : Chocolate shake ?
Tammy : Uh - huh . It s all in here and it s all yours as soon as say you ll stay with me .
Sandy : Tammy ...
Tammy : Sandy , do you remember the girl that you saved at the docks ? The one you pulled out of the water when Jonathan came to town and ... do you remember her ?
Sandy : Of course I do .
Tammy : I d never been more low in my entire life . I was scared and confused . But you took care of me and made me feel so safe . Let me do the same thing for you Sandy . Please .
Ava : What are you doing ?
Jonathan : Nothing . It s my shopping list .
Ava : Oh . That s actually kind of weird that you re here . I was talking to you about one of your friends .
Jonathan : What did Tammy say to about me ?
Ava : It was nt Tammy . I was at the hospital and I ran into Sandy . Sandy what s his name ?
Jonathan : Uh - huh .
Ava : What s with the look ? He seemed nice to me ?
Jonathan : Nice ?
Ava : Yeah .
Jonathan : It s not a great cover but it seems to work for him .
Ava : Cover for what ?
Jonathan : Look , stay away from him . That guy s like heroin , he sucks you in and gets you hooked and Tammy is like his little shadow .
Ava : She was with him at the hospital .
Jonathan : If I could open her eyes and make her see him the way I do .
Ava : Have you tried ?
Jonathan : It s no use .
Ava : If you give it a shot I think you could ...
Jonathan : It s no use . Look , I m not just fighting against Sandy . It s Tammy s guilt and I know that she wants to be with me but there s nothing I can do about that .
Ava : There is something you can do about it . You need to keep him away from her !
Tammy : So you ll come home with me ?
Sandy : Tammy , it does nt mean ...
Tammy : I know it does nt . We ll take things one step at a time .
Sandy : Okay .
Tammy : Really ?
Sandy : Yeah , yeah . I ve got to get out of here . The food s terrible . You never know what they re going to do to you in the middle of the night .
Tammy : Same risk at my place .
Sandy : Whoa ! Tammy !
Tammy : I ll go find a doctor and see if I ca nt spring you out of here a little early tomorrow . Finish those couple of fries .
Sandy : Tammy , promise me something ?
Tammy : Anything .
Sandy : Stay away from Outskirts for awhile .
Tammy : Do nt worry , I m not going anywhere near Jonathan .
Sandy : It s not just him . It s the girl that was here a little while .
Tammy : Ava , she seems so sweet .
Sandy : Just stay away .
Tammy : Okay . See you at 5 : 00 ?
Sandy : Make it 4 : 00 .
Tammy : I knew those french fries were a way to your heart .
Sandy : Fallon , Sandy here . Ava s in town . I think you need to have a talk with her .
Jonathan : What s the deal with you and Sandy ?
Ava : You know what ? I told you , I just met him today .
Jonathan : Why are you all about me keeping Tammy away from him , huh ?
Ava : It s just that I ve been hurt before and I do nt want the same thing to happen to Tammy .
Jonathan : How are you so sure that he d hurt her ?
Ava : Well , you are , are nt you ?
Jonathan : I asked you .
Ava : ( Sighs ) You know , I do nt know what it was but when I saw them at the hospital today there was just about it , something that was nt right .
Jonathan : You feel it , too ?
Ava : Yeah , I do . And you know what ? You re right . It s like he s pretending to be something that he s not .
Jonathan : Yeah !
Ava : Like he s too good or something . And if you care about Tammy , you ll protect her the same way you did with me .
Jonathan : Before what ?
Ava : Before something bad happens .
Jonathan : Yeah , but how do you go against a guy who s about to leave the hospital in a wheelchair and every mother and golden retriever in town loves him ?
Ava : Hmm , maybe you find out what he s hiding .
Jeffrey : I did nt say what I said about Danny and Michelle to upset you .
Cassie : I know that . I know you love Hope as much as I do .
Jeffrey : I love both of you and I m going to do whatever it takes to keep both of you together . Legal or otherwise .
Cassie : You sound like Edmund .
Jeffrey : Well , I m not Edmund .
Cassie : I know . Come on , Jeffrey . Let s say I do what you re suggesting and I ... I go to court and I win and I get Hope . What do I say to her when she grows up and she asks me why she was nt raised by her biological parents ? What do I say ? That I took her from them ? What kind of mother does that make he ?
Jeffrey : Well , if you do nt fight for her you ll never know the answer to that .
Danny : Hold on . Hold on . Just let me explain . My name is Danny Santos , I live here in the hotel . I got a call from the front desk that my ex - wife Michelle Bauer was in this room . I came to the room , she was upset and wanted to see me , she did nt answer the door so yes I force my way in and I made a huge mistake . I m sorry I upset you . Call the front desk . Call the front desk and ask him if he called me . ( Sighs ) I m sorry .
Security : Did you call someone name Danny Santos about a Michelle Bauer or Santos ? That s what I figured .
Danny : What ? Are you kidding me ? Oh , my God . I ve got to get out of here . I ve got to get out of here . Somebody has got my ex - wife . I ve got to find her .
Marina : Hold it . Police .
Edmund : Thank you . You re the last person in the world I expected to bail me out .
Rick : If I ever had doubts you were insane , Alan , this seals the deal .
Alan : Nonsense , Rick . Edmund is tormented by the love of a good woman .
Edmund : How well you understand .
Rick : And I m getting nauseous .
Edmund : I suppose this is good - bye . Alan , chin up , in no time you ll be out of here for good behavior .
Alan : Forget about that . I expect you to help me , I help you . You understand ?
Edmund : When I take care of Michelle , I ll be at your disposal . This is it . Parting is such sweet sorrow .
Rick : You two need to tie the knot . Really , very cute together .
Edmund : So long , boys .
Alan : So long .
Rick : Boy , he seems awfully chipper for a guy who s lost everything .
Alan : You know what they say .
Rick : What do they say , Alan ?
Alan : There s nothing so dangerous as a man with nothing to lose .
Edmund : Lovely night for a drive . I ll go out to the cabin . Maybe my good friend Michelle is there .
Michelle : I told everyone that I wanted to disappear , to be alone . But I lied . Oh , Danny , if I could wish on a star , if I could make it come true , all I d want is you . I just want you , Danny .
Announcer : Next on Guiding Light ...
Harley : I just wish there was one person in that company that I knew I could trust .
Beth : And then when the real numbers come out , she s charged with inflating profits .
Alan : Mrs. Spaulding , why do nt you go and help our little CEO along .
Dinah : You let him go . You re a complete idiot . Why would you let Edmund back on the street ?
Edmund : Michelle , what a pleasant surprise . Are you up here all alone ?
### Summary:
| Tammy tells Jonathan that she can live without him . Ava tells Sandy that she found him and tells him she is making a life in Springfield and working with Jonathan . Tammy finds Ava in Sandy s hospital room but Ava covers but later tells Jonathan that he has to get Tammy away from Sandy . Tammy talks Sandy into moving in with her when he gets out of the hospital . Sandy calls Fallon and tells him he needs to go and have a talk with Ava . Danny has a security guard posted at Cassie s house and Jeffrey suggests that they do run off . He changes his mind later because of Cassie s family and says that they should just fight for custody . Edmund and Alan bond in a jail cell and Alan later bails Edmund out and tells him that Michelle may be at the Bauer cabin . Danny looks for Michelle and after an anonymous tip from Edmund goes to the Beacon and barges in on an unsuspecting stranger and is detained . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Fancy : I should stay here a while just to be safe .
Fancy : Oh ! Oh , my god .
Ned : What do you know ? It s my lucky night after all .
Fancy : You ? Get off me !
Ned : Well , who fell on who ? So are you here to keep me company ?
Fancy : As if .
Ned : What s keeping you ? If you work hard enough , you can treat dozens of guys like dirt tonight .
Fancy : Help ! Somebody help me !
Man : Listen to me -- no one can hear you !
Ned : I m sorry , I -- you re shaking like a leaf . What s happened to you ?
Gwen : Ethan , is she right ? When you re making love to me , are you really thinking about her ?
Theresa : Tell her , Ethan . Tell her what we both know in our souls is true -- that you love me and only me . No matter what your wife says , no matter what she does , I m the one in your heart .
Pilar : Theresa , stop it .
Theresa : Mama , you re the one who always says secrets are going to come out . And if you were honest with yourself , you d admit that you already know the truth . Now , tell her . Tell your wife that you love me .
Tabitha : Beth and Sheridan , half sisters . Redo the D.N.A. test , Dottie . Redo the test .
Sheridan : You would nt believe the theories that I have come up with to make Marty my son . I even had myself convinced that Beth was my half sister . Look , you know , I m really sorry for bothering you .
Dottie : Maybe I can at least check the test results .
Tabitha : Have I got it or have I got it ? Oh , Endora . I wish you were awake to watch this . Test results are going to be very different when Dottie realizes that Sheridan and Beth are half sisters . Half sisters , half sisters . Redo the test .
Dottie : If Beth Wallace was Sheridan s half sister , the test results could be completely different .
Sheridan : Hello ? Alone again . Guess I d better get used to this .
Luis : Sheridan . Hey . Where have you been ? You know , I was looking all over for you . I was worried about you .
Sheridan : I ca nt do this anymore , Luis . I ca nt live like this . I m sorry , but this has to end .
Luis : What ? What has to end ? Sheridan , you told me at the park that you did nt want to break up . Have you changed your mind ?
Sheridan : No . Luis , that s just it . I do nt want to break up . I love you . I ve loved you since the day that I met you . But I ca nt go on like this , not when you do nt believe me or trust a word that I say .
Luis : Well , it s not that I never believe you , Sheridan . Look , it s just this one thing .
Sheridan : Yeah , this one thing that means to the world to me -- our son . Luis , you dismiss the possibility that he s alive and well and living with Beth .
Luis : Sheridan , we can not keep going round and round like this , ok ? We had the D.N.A. test done , ok , at your insistence , and your friend Dottie did the test . It proved that Beth is Marty s mother , ok ?
Sheridan : Well , the test is wrong ! Beth is not Marty s mother . I am !
Tabitha : Dottie , redo the D.N.A. test . Redo the D.N.A. test . Redo the D.N.A. test .
Dottie : What am I thinking ? I mean , it s practically impossible for Sheridan to be Marty s mother . I ve already found the proof . Beth is the mother , and Sheridan s idea that Beth could be her secret half sister is just a pipe dream .
Tabitha : Oh , Dottie , you mindless twit ! I am not about to let your silly , mortal sense of logic wreck my perfect plan to destroy Luis and Sheridan . Listen to me , Dottie ! Forget logic . Go with your mind , not your heart . Prove that Sheridan has been right all along and Luis has been wrong , and she will never forgive him for not believing that Marty is their child together . It ll break them up for good . Come on , Dottie . Go for it ! Run the test again . The truth is in the D.N.A.
Dottie : Why do I have the feeling I ve made a mistake ? Do nt be ridiculous , I never mistakes . And I checked the comparison between Beth and Marty twice .
Tabitha : Oh , you fool ! Endora , I m sorry to wake you , darling , but Mommy needs some more juice . Oh ! Oh , thank you , sweetheart . You can go back to sleep now . Dottie , do the bloody test again !
Dottie : Could I have made a mistake with Sheridan s test ? Well , it would nt hurt to check . Bernard ? Yeah , it s Dottie . I need your help in the lab right away .
Ethan : Will you stop -- will you stop this , please ? Just stop it . It s not -- it s not going to work .
Theresa : Well , it seemed to . You were remembering , were nt you ?
Gwen : I mean , she s right , Ethan . You were .
Pilar : Theresa , you should be ashamed of yourself .
Gwen : Well , I ve seen enough and I ve heard enough . You know , Ethan , I have my pride , too . I m not going to be like Ivy trying to hold her head up all those years while Julian slept with every low - class tramp in town . You know , so if you really would really rather be with her , then just do it . Just stay here with her and with Jane and let me move on . You ve got to stop torturing me like this .
Ethan : Gwen , Gwen , Gwen ? Gwen , listen to me . Look at me . Honey , I wo nt lie to you . I will never lie to you . It s not part of me . You know that . And I admit it , I have feelings for Theresa .
Theresa : I knew it . Ethan loves me .
Ned : What s happened ? You re upset .
Fancy : I m fine .
Ned : No , you re not fine . You re shaking . What is it ? Well , is it me ? Are you afraid of me ? You know , do nt be . I wo nt hurt you .
Fancy : I know that .
Ned : Then what are you scared of ?
Fancy : Nothing , ok ? I m fine . Did nt you hear me ?
Ned : Does this have something to do with that sleazebag you were with earlier ? I warned you about him .
Fancy : No , do nt be ridiculous .
Ned : You re a terrible liar . What did he do to you ? Oh , that s it . I m going to find that jerk and I m going to have a little man - to - man talk with him .
Fancy : No , no , please do nt . Do nt go find him . He s not worth it .
Ned : Then tell me -- what did he do to you ?
Fancy : Well , you were right . He -- he was nt a good guy . He almost hurt me .
Ned : What did he do ?
Fancy : He tried to rape me .
Ned : Oh , man .
Ned : I m so sorry , Fancy . I tried to tell you he --
Fancy : He was forcing me to have sex . I got away from him and then he was chasing me through the halls . That s how I ended up here . I m hiding from him . I know -- I know I should ve listened to you and stayed away from him , but he made me so mad and I was being cocky .
Ned : As usual .
Fancy : As usual .
Ned : You know , it does nt give me any pleasure to know I was right .
Fancy : Well , thanks for not saying I told you so .
Ned : All right , so let s go get this sucker , huh ?
Fancy : No , uh - uh . He s gone now , and I m safe here with you . I do nt want you to get involved . Where is your girlfriend with the good body ?
Ned : Sandra ? Uh , she had other plans tonight . Besides , I was trying to get some rest , so --
Fancy : This part of the hotel is nt even finished . And you were thrown out of the hotel . What are you doing in here ?
Ned : Well , ok , as long as we re being honest tonight , I m a squatter .
Fancy : A what ?
Ned : A squatter . You know , I m not a paying guest . I guess you can say I mooch off the hotel .
Ethan : Gwen , how long have we known each other , huh ? Since we were 12 , 13 ? Since we met at boarding school ? Way too long for me not to be completely honest with you . I have always loved and respected you . I married you --
Theresa : Because she was pregnant , Ethan . You were going to marry me .
Pilar : Let Ethan speak to his wife .
Ethan : No , it s ok . I mean , she s right . She s absolutely right , I was ready to marry Theresa . Then I found out that you were going to have my baby , honey , and I was over the moon about it . I wanted to have a family with you . I still want to have a family with you .
Gwen : Ethan , you should have divorced me after you found out that I could nt have any more children .
Ethan : Are you crazy ? We can still have a family . We can adopt , we can have dozens of children if you want . Do you understand what I m saying ? I love you with all my heart . I do .
Theresa : Ethan , you want me !
Pilar : You stop it . You stop it at once !
Dottie : We have to run the Lopez - Fitzgeralds child s D.N.A. test again .
Man : How come ? You got conclusive results that night . You made me come in and help you do it the first time -- just when I was about to beat Mother at cribbage , too .
Dottie : Look , look , look . There s a small chance that I may have made a mistake . I mean , my friend Sheridan wanted the results so fast , I cut a few corners .
Man : Dottie , I told those people the results would take days when I took the samples . But , no , that was nt good enough . So Ms. Crane called you . You roared up here from Boston in your S.U.V. and ordered me around like the Queen of Sheba . That is no way to treat the scientific method .
Dottie : I know . I know . I m sorry . Now , for my own peace of mind and for Sheridan , I need to run the test again .
Tabitha : Good girl , Dottie . Run the D.N.A. test again . The truth will set you free .
Sheridan : I love you , Luis .
Luis : I love you , too .
Sheridan : I know you do .
Luis : Then why ca nt we work this out ? We ve been going around in circles like this for weeks .
Sheridan : There might be a way if you ll just listen to me . When I was out walking , everything you said was going around in my head .
Luis : All the facts ?
Sheridan : Yes , just facts . You ca nt help it that you re a cop and you ve been trained to approach things from a pragmatic , methodical point of view .
Luis : Well , it makes sense to me .
Sheridan : Yes , it does make sense in most cases . But not this . Luis , look at me . Please , I am not stupid . I know that it does nt make any sense for me to think that Marty is my son when the D.N.A. test proves otherwise . But just this once -- how should I put this ? I love you . I love everything about you . I love your smile , your face , your body . I even love the funny noises you make when you sleep at night .
Luis : Hey .
Sheridan : But I love this -- your brain . It s smart and logical and it gets to the bottom of tough problems . But even more than that , I love this -- your heart . It s loving and warm and generous , and it will never mislead you . And if you want to solve this problem , that is what you need to listen to -- your heart and your gut . I ve listened to my heart and gut and it tells me that Marty is my son . If you ca nt accept that , then we ll never be able to move on from this . We just ca nt .
Dottie : All right . Now , when we examine this genetic strand --
Tabitha : Work , work , work , work , work , my little scientists . It s only a matter of time until Luis and Sheridan are blown sky high !
Luis : You ca nt mean that . Look , Sheridan , no matter what , we have to get through this together . We have to .
Sheridan : I ca nt . I m sorry , but I ca nt because there is a huge part of me that is missing -- our son . There is a huge hole in my heart where he should be .
Luis : Sheridan -- Sheridan , our son is dead .
Sheridan : No . Luis , do nt you see ? I would know if he were because my heart tells me that he is alive . And I have already missed out on so much of his life , and I swear I m just going to shrivel up and die if I do nt get our son back .
Luis : Do nt -- Sheridan , do not do this to yourself .
Sheridan : Do you really think that I want to do this to myself if I did nt have to ? My son is crying out for me to come back , and I ca nt do that without your help . That s why I need you to listen to me , really listen to me . But if you ca nt let go of your reliance on facts , then you re just going to end up thinking that I am mad and you re not going to want to be with me anymore .
Luis : That s impossible .
Ned : So that s my secret . I ve been cadging room and board . My high - rolling gambler facade ? It s just that -- a facade .
Fancy : Hmm .
Ned : Now , do nt tell me -- you re going to hightail it out of here and I m never going to see you again ? Only room for millionaires on your list ?
Fancy : Do you want to be on my list ? News flash , Ned -- I knew you were nt a millionaire long before this . And besides , money is nt everything .
Ned : Only rich people can afford to say that .
Fancy : I did nt mean it meant nothing , but it s not everything . Actually , you ve got me interested . I knew you were nt exactly the young Howard Hughes , but I never would ve guessed you were penniless . Is that the story ?
Ned : Pretty much .
Fancy : Then how do you get away with all this ? This is the best hotel in Vegas , you re always at the high - stakes tables , and you have great clothes .
Ned : Oh , you like my clothes , do you , huh ?
Fancy : Do nt fish for compliments . You sure seem to live the life of Reilly . How do you do it ?
Ned : I ve always depended upon the kindness of strangers .
Fancy : Oh , come on , out with it . How do you do it ?
Ned : Ok . Did you eat yet ?
Fancy : No , but running from would - be rapists always gives me an appetite .
Ned : What do you want for dinner ?
Fancy : I do nt know . A burger , maybe ?
Ned : Come on , think big . How about scallops with caviar to start ?
Fancy : Ooh .
Ned : Then lobster and a nice filet mignon ?
Fancy : Sounds good to me .
Ned : Your wish is my command . Ok . First I do this , then this . And how about one of these ? Room service ? Hi . Good evening -- yeah . I m in room 1223 . I d like to order dinner , please . Yes , a very special dinner for two people who d like to get to know one another .
Theresa : No , Mama , I m not going to stop it . You re the one who always said , speak the truth . Well , damn it , I am speaking the truth . I will yell it at the top of my lungs -- Ethan loves me . He wants to be with me , not you .
Gwen : You know what ? I m not going to stand here and listen to this .
Ethan : Look , why are you being cruel ? Yes , I have feelings for you . It s no secret anymore . I was drawn to you because you re beautiful and you re full of life and you re fun and you re funny . Yes . And you also have the confidence to push aside all your doubts and put your faith in fate .
Theresa : Because fate means for us to be together .
Ethan : But , Theresa , you have another side -- a side that sickens me , a side that you re showing us all tonight .
Gwen : You have a really mean , ugly side to you , Theresa . You tricked Ethan into sleeping with you , you knocked down our real surrogate so you could steal my embryos , then you tried to put me in jail for the rest of my life so you can steal my husband ? The only thing you care about is your happiness and your obsession . You are ruthless !
Ethan : Wait , you do nt even have to fight her . Do nt even stoop to her level . I mean , we re the responsible adults here . I mean , that s why the court gave us custody of Jane .
Theresa : Responsible , Ethan ? I would be if you would be honest with yourself and just come back to me .
Ethan : Theresa , you re doing it again . Do nt you understand ? You do nt get your way , you do nt take no for an answer , and then you strike back at people in anger . You hurt people . It s like you re unbalanced or manic or something .
Theresa : No , Ethan .
Ethan : Theresa , I ca nt be with you , and I do nt want you to raise my daughter . And that s why I want to stay with you because we can provide her a stable home , at least until you calm down .
Theresa : Ethan , no one is better for my daughter than me . I am her mother !
Gwen : Listen to yourself , Theresa . Of course Jane is better off with us . You re a madwoman .
Theresa : Oh , Harmony s serial slasher is calling me crazy ! Gwen , you are deluded . Do you really think that you could be happy with a man who s in love with another woman ?
Gwen : Hey , news flash , Theresa -- Ethan loves me , and you know that .
Theresa : Do you really think that the love he has for you is anywhere near as powerful as the love that he has for me ? We are soul mates . All you are , Gwen , is a distant , pathetic second .
Theresa : You think that you can come here and steal my child from me and use her to hold your miserable excuse of a marriage together ? Ethan will never love you the way that he loves me , and you know it s the truth .
Gwen : You d better shut that mouth of yours right now , Theresa .
Pilar : Theresa , por favor , por favor , please , I can not hear such words coming from you .
Theresa : You know what , Mama ? She needs to hear it and more .
Ethan : Well , I do nt want to hear any more of this . Whatever you have to say , I love her . It s not going to change .
Theresa : So do you think Gwen is such a weakling that she s going to want to stick with a man who does nt even put her first ?
Ethan : I do put her first .
Theresa : Ethan , how can you ? You just said that you love me . You can never give her what she wants in her life .
Gwen : Ok , how dare you presume to tell me what I want out of life ? I love Ethan , and although you do nt want to accept it , he loves me , Theresa . And maybe I ca nt give him children , ok , thanks to you . We can still build a family . We can adopt . You are right . We should adopt as soon as possible . We will have a family and we will be together forever .
Ethan : Absolutely . We are married . It s going to stay that way .
Theresa : Oh , some marriage . Marriage is a lot more than words that you say in church or a piece of paper . Marriage means absolutely nothing if you do nt love each other .
Pilar : Marriage is everything . It s sacred . And what God joins together , let no man or woman put asunder .
Fancy : Now what ? The food sounds great , but you ve ordered it to another room . I hope they enjoy it .
Ned : Of course we will . Come with me , oh ye of little faith .
Fancy : Where to ?
Ned : Quiet . Do nt give the game away .
Ned : This is the part when you keep your big mouth shut . Wow , you guys are quick . I was down in the spa when I ordered , and you re already here . Smells great . I m starving .
Waiter : Please sign here , sir .
Ned : Oh , did nt I tip you enough ?
Waiter : Just the opposite , sir . You ve been extremely generous . Thank you . Enjoy your meal .
Ned : And that , madam , is that . Dinner is served .
Luis : I ca nt imagine my life without you . Sheridan , please , just try and look at this from my point of view . From where I sit , it looks like you ve given in to an obsession .
Sheridan : Yes , Luis , I am obsessed . Because I know that Marty is our son , and I am more sure of that than any fact you can throw at me . But if I ca nt convince you of that , that he is ours , then , yes , I will go mad . And what good am I to you or anyone then ?
Luis : Sheridan , why do nt -- why do nt you just sit down , ok ? I ll get you something to drink --
Sheridan : No , Luis , I do not want to sit down because every minute we spend arguing is another minute that I am away from my son .
Luis : I m scared for you .
Sheridan : You know what ? I m scared for us . Because I feel like a rat in a maze . I know that there s a way out , but I just keep going around in circles trying to find it , but I ca nt . And I need you to help me , Luis . Help me get out of this maze .
Dottie : When I first ran the D.N.A. test on Marty Lopez - Fitzgerald , I compared it to Beth Wallace s sample , the woman claiming to be the boy s mother .
Man : The woman who is the boy s mother . We found plenty of reliable genetic markers to prove Beth Wallace is within the range of possibilities to be the mother .
Dottie : And that s where we fell down . See , we did nt test my friend Sheridan s sample . I mean , she was in such a rush to get the results that I turned them over to her as soon as I had a positive match . If Beth was related to Marty , then Sheridan could nt be .
Man : Makes sense to me .
Dottie : Yeah . Me , too , at the time . But then Sheridan mentioned something earlier . What if Sheridan and Beth are related ? Maybe half sisters ? Sheridan could theoretically be a match , as well .
Man : Even closer than what you found earlier ?
Dottie : Uh - huh .
Man : Hmm . But what are the odds ? That seems like a real stretch to me .
Dottie : I do nt know , but that s what we re going to find out .
Tabitha : Oh , at last , at last . Oh , these mortals are so slow ! But finally the truth will come out , and Sheridan and Luis happiness will be destroyed .
Luis : Sheridan , I want to help you , ok ? But what are we supposed to do ? We ca nt just go to Beth s and kidnap Marty . We d both be arrested and sent to jail .
Sheridan : For what ? For taking our son back ?
Luis : Yes . Sam agrees . Without proof , we have nothing against Beth . We ca nt even question her again .
Sheridan : There is that word again -- proof . There you go thinking like a cop again -- with your head , not your heart .
Luis : I m sorry . All right ? It s the only way that I know how to think .
Sheridan : I know . And I ca nt blame you for that . Maybe if your father and Antonio had nt run out on you when you were so young . You became the man of the family when you were just a teenager .
Luis : I did what I had to do .
Sheridan : I know . You had to lock away your dreams . And maybe that s why you re cut off from your heart .
Luis : I m not . And besides , if you want to play the blame game , I think this all goes back to your mother . If she had nt seduced my father --
Sheridan : Do not even blame my mother . All right ? This is not her fault . She believes me . You do nt .
Ned : Is the wine to mademoiselle s satisfaction ?
Fancy : Tastes great to me . Sit down . You re making me nervous .
Ned : Of course . But first , the appetizer .
Fancy : Hmm .
Ned : Are the scallops to your liking ? A pinch of orange peel brings out their delicate flavor , do nt you agree ?
Fancy : They smell divine . Sit . Is it really safe to be doing this ? I do nt want to end up in the Las Vegas jail .
Ned : There s no way we ll get caught . Once I hacked into the hotel s computer system , I was shocked how easy it all is .
Fancy : How long have you been doing this ?
Ned : At this hotel ? A couple of months . And a few months at other hotels before this one . Once I get the feeling I ve worn out my welcome , I move on down the strip .
Fancy : But if you charge all this to other rooms , do nt the hotel guests complain that they ve been charged for room service they have nt ordered ?
Ned : At first , yes . But then I learned how to hack into the hotel s accounting department . Now I just go in and erase all the charges I rack up .
Fancy : You re unbelievable . A 21st century outlaw .
Ned : Hardly . I think of it as being , you know , self - reliant .
Fancy : Show me .
Ned : What ? Oh , you mean on the computer ? I do nt want to give away any of my professional secrets .
Fancy : Oh , too bad . I guess I ll have to call the cops and turn you in .
Ned : You would nt .
Fancy : Hmm . Try me .
Ned : Ok .
Ned : Ok , we re in the hotel system now . If I bring up the individual room accounts -- there s the one for room 1223 , where I just charged dinner to .
Fancy : You gave that waiter $ 100 for a tip ? That brings the grand total to 530 bucks .
Ned : Not anymore .
Fancy : Oh , I wish I could do that . My daddy gets furious when he gets my credit card bills . He s threatened to cut me off .
Ned : What say we forget about bills and daddies and everything else ? We ve got a great dinner in there , and we finally stopped screaming at each other . Those are good reasons to celebrate .
Pilar : Marriage is everything , and you re talking blasphemy when you mock it . You stop it at once .
Theresa : Mom , marriage means a lot more than a stupid contract .
Pilar : You know , I should slap your face . Marriage is a contract with God !
Theresa : Why are you doing this , Mama ? It s because of Papa , is nt it ? Because Papa left you and ran off with another woman , the woman that he loves . So you look at me and you see Katherine in this triangle -- Papa s true love , and not his wife . You see , Mama ? I can turn the other cheek , but you ca nt . You ca nt deny the truth .
Ethan : You are way out of line . Theresa , I ca nt believe you talked to your mother that way . I do nt believe -- you know , this conversation is at an end , but I want to make something clear . I love Gwen , she s my wife , and I m staying with her . And as much as it hurts , we ve been granted temporary custody of Jane . We re here to get her . Where is she ?
Theresa : You re not going to take her .
Ethan : Yes , we will . Theresa , there s a social worker coming over to do a case study tomorrow . Jane has to be at home with us .
Theresa : You re not going to take my child , Ethan .
Gwen : You know , let s just go . Social services can get Jane .
Ethan : No , social -- no , I m her father . There s no reason in the world why she ca nt come with me . I do nt want some stranger scaring her half to death . Where is she ?
Theresa : She s my little girl , and I m never , ever going to let her go .
Ethan : Do nt make this worse than it already is .
Theresa : It ca nt get any worse .
Ethan : It can get worse . And trust me , if you do nt back down , it will .
Gwen : You know what ? Let s not waste any more time on her . Let s just get Jane and go home .
Theresa : Over my dead body .
Theresa : Fine , just stop . I ll go get her . Just stay here .
Gwen : Was that a door slam ?
Ethan : Theresa ?
Gwen : Great , she locked herself in .
Ethan : Oh , God . Theresa , open the door . Give us the baby . Come on .
Theresa : Never !
Gwen : Ethan , do you see ? This is why we can never trust her . You know , if you had any doubts whether we were doing the right thing , you know , you can just forget it .
Ethan : Honey , I know . Theresa , please , just open the door .
Theresa : You ll never take her from me , Ethan , ever !
Fancy : That was amazing .
Ned : I m glad you liked it . There s more where that came from .
Fancy : I m almost completely satisfied .
Ned : What s missing ?
Fancy : Dessert .
Ned : You got it .
Fancy : Thank you , Ned . This has been a sensational evening .
Ned : It s only just begun .
Dottie : Ok . Now run Marty s D.N.A. sample against Sheridan s . If she s right , we may be able to correct an injustice .
Man : How exciting . Even Mother wo nt mind I missed my bedtime and --
Dottie : Bernard . Focus , please ?
Bernard : Ok , ok .
Dottie : I hope I did nt make a mistake . But if I did , I have to set it right .
Tabitha : About bloody time . Soon Sheridan will know for a fact that she is Marty s mother , and she will give Luis the boot for not believing her .
Luis : No . No more arguing . You know , I ca nt -- I just ca nt take this anymore , Sheridan . I want to believe you that Marty is our son . I do . God , I do , and I have tried . And now I just do nt know what to do because I ca nt just throw facts and logic out the window . It goes against everything that I believe in .
Sheridan : I know . I know how you think , how you get through life . But if you ca nt let your head accept what I believe , then your heart never will .
Luis : Look , there s nothing that I can do , Sheridan .
Sheridan : That s why I have to do something .
Luis : What ?
Sheridan : I have to leave you .
Ned : To my assistant . It s foolproof . They ll never catch me .
Man : Your son , Noah , is nt a student here .
Ethan : You can either give the baby to us , or you can give Jane to the police .
Theresa : No , Ethan ! Never , never , never !
Sheridan : It s not an outside force that s trying to separate us . It s you .
### Summary:
| Theresa and Sheridan show they are both women who find it hard to give up on what they know to be true , no matter what the cost . After more arguing with Ethan , Gwen , and even Pilar about whether he really loves her more , Theresa seems to get the hint that he is determined to stay with Gwen and wants nothing more to do with her , so she locks herself and Jane in her bedroom , telling them they will never take her baby from her . Meanwhile , Sheridan comes to the conclusion that she and Luis must part since he refuses to put logic and evidence aside and simply take her at her word that she is , indeed , Marty s real mother . Tabitha is working behind the scenes to get Dottie to re- do the DNA test , and it seems to be working very well , as the test is being run as we speak . Ned and Fancy come to a truce , and he shows her how he manages to stay in luxury without having any money to pay for it . After a sumptuous dinner , she decides it s time for dessert , and he could nt agree more . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brady : Um , is there any possibility of seeing her ?
Maxine : No visitors , not for a while . I m afraid they re still running tests .
Brady : Um , has there been any change ?
Maxine : No change .
Brady : But there s gon na be , right ? There s gon na be a change because she s ... she s strong . She s young . She s not ... she s gon na come out of the coma , right ? I mean , eventually .
Maxine : Possibly . Not for a long time from what I m told , if ever .
Brady : God .
Maxine : I m sorry . Think good thoughts .
Brady : Yeah .
Sami : Oh , hey . Hey , where is he ? I need to talk to Rafe . Do you know where he is ?
Arianna : I do nt know .
Sami : Look , I just have to talk to him . Do you know where your brother is ?
Arianna : Why ? What have you done to him ?
Mia : Nicole .
Nicole : Oh , Mia , finally . Where have you been ?
Mia : I m -- I m sorry I did nt get back to you last night . My cell was turned off and there was major crisis where I was staying .
Nicole : Okay , fine , which you could ve used a house phone or a pay phone . Damn it , Mia . I ve been worried sick .
Mia : Why ? Why , what s wrong ?
Nicole : Your ex - boyfriend , he s what s wrong .
Mia : Not anymore . Whatever you said to Chad , it worked .
Nicole : He buys your rehab story now ?
Mia : No idea how , but somehow you convinced him . So know he ll never know I was pregnant with Sydney .
Mia : Do you love me , Chad ?
Chad : I do , Mia . I ll love you forever .
Chad : [ Grunts ]
E.J. : Something s wrong . Something s very wrong .
Stefano : Of course . I look forward to it . Ciao .
Sami : I am in no mood to be interrogated by you this morning . I have been up all night with my children . This is my first chance to go after Rafe and I have to find him .
Arianna : Okay , did something happen to him ? Has he been injured ? You re scaring me .
Sami : No , no , not physically .
Arianna : Okay . So you hurt him in some other kind of way ?
Sami : Arianna , please .
Arianna : Because otherwise he would ve been with you last night , Sami .
Sami : That is not the point .
Arianna : Sami , it is the point . It is the only point . I told Rafe he should nt have gotten involved with you , that you were bad news . I practically begged him . He did nt listen . He felt for you . He felt something for you he has nt felt since--
Sami : Oh , my God . Of course . Of course .
Emily . I thought I could move on . Maybe I never can . Maybe I do nt deserve to . Not after everything that s happened .
Mia : So , whatever you said , he believed every word . All that stuff about you being my recovery mentor , he totally bought it .
Nicole : So he -- he does nt think you re lying about being in rehab anymore ? Are you sure ?
Mia : I m positive . It s all cool .
Nicole : Oh , thank God .
Mia : E.J. does nt suspect anything ?
Nicole : Well , he better not . Mia , my husband and my daughter are my whole world . They re all I have and I ca nt lose them .
Mia : You wo nt .
Nicole : No ... I wo nt . No matter what , I will make sure of that .
Kinsey : Chad .
Chad : Kinsey , hey .
Kinsey : What s going on , gym rat ?
Chad : Huh . Just trying to get in a workout before I head over to Java .
Kinsey : Yeah , I heard your job s going great over there . That s cool . Who are you staring at ?
Chad : No one .
Kinsey : Yeah , right .
Chad : Kinsey , I do nt need you causing any drama right now . Seriously .
Kinsey : Come on , Chad . Do nt play me . I know you re bummed because Will is here .
Chad : Will ? And why would I be bummed ?
Kinsey : Because he has something you want . Mia .
Nicole : E.J .. Hey . Is everything okay ? Is there something wrong with Sydney ? Hey , booboo .
E.J. : No , she s , uh , she s okay . She s perfect , actually .
Nicole : What s wrong ? You seem upset .
E.J. : [ Sighs ] Uh , I m -- I m okay . Just a little overwhelmed , that s all . You know , you and Sydney are very important to me . You re the most important things in the world to me actually . I just want to make sure that you do nt go away .
Nicole : Why would we go away ?
Sami : Rafe . Rafe , I am so glad that I found you . Look , I m really -- I m really sorry . I m so sorry about last night . You ca nt accept my apology ?
Rafe : Sami , you should nt have come here .
Arianna : Hey , Rafe , it s Ari again . Listen , why is your phone off ? What the heck happened with you and Sami ? She came into the pub earlier today--
Man : Hey , hotcakes .
Brady : Hey , hey , hey ! What s going on , man ?
Nicole : Tell me , E.J .. I do nt understand . Why would we go away ?
E.J. : Just , um ... dont read too much into it , okay ? Look , I just meant when something or someone is precious to you , you do nt want them to go away .
Nicole : Okay , but it s not like you to worry about something for no reason . So E.J. , please tell me what it is .
E.J. : Father .
Stefano : Elvis , do you have time now to talk about business ?
E.J. : Yes .
Nicole : No , wait , wait , wait ! Wait a minute , honey . We re in the middle of a conversation . Just could you please answer my question ?
Stefano : Look , we have to solidify that deal .
E.J. : The Cayman island project ? Okay , look , I just have to go upstairs and get the paperwork . It s in my study . I ll be two minutes . Okay .
Stefano : [ Sighs ] What is that all about ?
Nicole : Something is horribly wrong , Stefano .
Stefano : What is this time ?
Nicole : I do nt know . But it s not good . And -- and I have a feeling something awful s gon na happen .
Stefano : Oh , boy , your optimism is firing on all cylinders today . I mean it s really a joy to be around .
Nicole : You think this is funny ? This is not funny .
Stefano : I do nt even know what you are talking about . You keep saying the same thing over and over again .
Nicole : Yeah , something is wrong .
Stefano : Yes , but you never tell me what it is .
Nicole : Well , because I m not sure . Okay , maybe it s because I was so jumpy last night .
Stefano : Mm . You mean as opposed to other nights when you are just a picture of calm , right ?
Nicole : Well , E.J. must ve picked up on it because now he s suspicious and I did everything I could to cover it . But even after we went to bed and when we woke up this morning , I sensed that something was wrong with us .
Stefano : What s new ?
Nicole : Something is bothering E.J. , something big . And it has to do with our family .
Stefano : Yes , and if you keep thinking the way you do he is gon na be more suspicious than he already is . Say , do you remember what the deal is about deception , no ?
Nicole : Yes , but he s already suspicious . It s only a matter of time before the cat claws its way out of the bag . And if Sami walks through that door with proof--
Stefano : Wait , just hold it . You are getting hysterical , Nicole . How the hell is she gon na get proof ?
Nicole : You know damn well how .
Stefano : How ?
Nicole : Rafe .
Sami : Last night I was going on and on about how we had to be honest with each other . I ... was a total hypocrite . I should ve told you from the beginning about my concerns about Emily .
Rafe : Sami , this is nt about you .
Sami : I know it s not . It s about you . I could nt stand it last night seeing you so tortured about what happened about Emily s death .
Rafe : At my hands .
Sami : Come on , Rafe , it was an accident . You said so yourself .
Rafe : So you do nt know the whole story .
Sami : I do nt have to know . I ve done some horrible things in my life , not by accident . I hate that you re judging yourself for this . It was an accident , Rafe . It was a mistake . Look , I understand why you did nt tell me ... before last night . And I do nt judge you for what happened . Not at all .
Rafe : You mean that ?
Sami : Of course I do . Rafe , I love you . I love you so much no matter what happens . And ... I hate seeing you torture yourself over something that was nt your fault .
Rafe : Maybe this was meant to be . This could be good for us . Maybe we can understand each other better .
Sami : Yeah . Yeah , maybe it was fate that I ran into her .
Rafe : Her who ?
Sami : Emily s sister , Meredith .
Rafe : Meredith ? That s impossible . Meredith , she moved away to Florida years ago .
Sami : Yeah , she told me . But she s here visiting . She s in Salem .
Rafe : How ?
Sami : Well , um ... in the woods , actually . I was setting up for our picnic . She told me about that place and I guess I should ve told you right way . But when you did nt say anything about where we were , I guess I just did nt think you d be honest with me .
Rafe : I ca nt believe she s back .
Sami : Look , I should ve brought it up right away but I did nt . I , um , I went to my dad .
Rafe : What did he say ?
Sami : He just found out that she was staying at the Salem Inn . And , um , I went to track her down to talk to her again . Look , I know what you said but she s obviously not thinking clearly .
Rafe : I got to go .
Sami : What ?
Rafe : I ll see you back at the house .
Sami : Rafe .
Chad : Come on , Kinsey . Do nt play dumb with me .
Kinsey : Wait , play dumb ? Okay , honestly , Chad , I have--
Chad : Look , I know the real reason you re so interested in the whole Mia thing .
Kinsey : Because her life is like a frickin horror story .
Chad : Kinsey , I know when you have a thing for someone . And you ve got a thing for Will Horton .
Kinsey : [ Laughs ] Wait , a thing ? Okay , what does that even mean ?
Chad : What , like you do nt know ? Come on , Kinsey . Do nt you see a golden opportunity here ?
Kinsey : What opportunity ?
Chad : All right , well , Will and Mia are nt gon na last . I bet my life on it . So , now s your chance . Maybe you should do some damage control , you know ? Lay the groundwork for your future with Will .
Kinsey : [ Laughs ] My future with Will ? God , that is so lame . Like , why would you even ... you really think so ? I mean , because Mia s just been so nasty to me , so it d be kind of good to piss her off , right ?
Chad : So , what have you got to lose ?
Kinsey : Hey , Will .
Will : Kinsey , what s up ?
Kinsey : Uh , nothing much . Just thought we could talk .
Will : I m kind of the middle of a workout right now , so--
Kinsey : Oh , this will only take a second .
Will : Okay , what ?
Kinsey : I wanted to apologize .
Will : For what ?
Kinsey : Being such a total bitch . Amazing , right ?
Will : Sorry , what ?
Chad : Not meeting you at work for once . Must be fate , huh ?
Mia : Hmm .
Arianna : Brady , stop !
Brady : What ?
Arianna : Stop it !
Man : You crazy son of a bitch !
Arianna : Relax .
Brady : Where are you going , huh ? I m not gon na relax ! What was that guy gon na do to you , huh ?
Arianna : He was coming on to me . All right , he was a creep . He was just hitting on me , all right ? He s not a criminal . Just calm down . I can take care of myself .
Brady : You know what , Ari ? Sometimes people ca nt just take care of themselves , all right ? Sometimes people get blindsided . Sometimes people just ca nt take care of things themselves .
Arianna : I know but I was fine--
Brady : Do nt tell me you did nt need help . You did need help . Let me tell you something . When you need help , I m gon na be there for you . Is that okay with you ?
Arianna : What s really going on here , Brady ? Why are you so upset ?
Brady : Look , I do nt know how you feel about me . I m not gon na lie to you . I care about you a lot . And after yesterday , I can make you one promise that nobody that I care about is ever gon na get hurt again .
Arianna : Again ?
Rafe : Meredith .
Meredith : Hello , Rafe .
Rafe : It s been a long time .
Meredith : Since you killed my sister you mean ?
Arianna : What s going on , Brady ? Please .
Brady : You know I was married before , right ?
Arianna : Yeah .
Brady : My ex - wife is very sick . She s in the hospital . She was taken there yesterday .
Arianna : I m so sorry .
Brady : No , it s okay . Look , I do nt love her anymore like that . I will always care about her . You understand .
Arianna : Of course , yeah .
Brady : I just -- I just think I should ve been able to do things a little differently .
Arianna : Okay , I do nt understand . You re saying you could ve stopped her from getting sick ?
Brady : No , I dont -- no , no . I do nt think so . I just think I could ve been more observant and I do nt think she d be in a place where she is right now , that s all I m saying .
Arianna : I m just not following . I do nt understand--
Brady : Ari , you do nt have to follow it . It s all right . I m sorry . Look , maybe I did jump the gun and I jumped to conclusions with that jerk just now . But I m sorry , I m not gon na apologize for it .
Arianna : I got it .
Brady : See , what I ve come to realize is that for better or for worse , if I over react , it s better than not reacting at all , you know ?
Arianna : You make a good point .
Brady : Yeah . Look , I know you do nt want to hear me talking about how I feel about you anymore , so before I humiliate myself I m gon na get going .
Arianna : Brady , wait .
Chad : Mia , I m sorry for not believing you about your stint in rehab . I was an insensitive jerk .
Mia : Not a jerk , Chad . You just have trust issues .
Chad : Then while we re at it , I ll apologize for that too .
Mia : Look , I should get going .
Chad : Oh , what s the rush ?
Mia : I m meeting Will .
Chad : Oh , Will s here ?
Kinsey : The way I ve been acting , it s not cool . I know that . I m jealous of Mia . I always have been , really . That s what makes me do and say stupid things . And I m sorry for that .
Will : I think you should be apologizing to Mia . I mean , she s the one who s been hurt .
Kinsey : You re right , and I will apologize to her . I totally will .
Will : Good .
Chad : Oh , yeah . Look at that . He s right over there ... with Kinsey .
Mia : Hi .
Kinsey : Mia . I m so glad you re here .
Mia : No , you re not .
E.J. : Father , I sent that gentleman in the Cayman Islands an email and told him that we d be faxing this over to him within the hour .
Stefano : What s going on , Elvis ?
E.J. : That s what s going on .
Stefano : No , no , no , no , no , no , no . I mean between you and Nicole .
E.J. : Nothing s going on .
Stefano : Elvis , please . Do nt insult my robust intuition .
E.J. : Nothing s going on .
Stefano : I love you , Elvis . You know that . Hmm . That s why I want to help you , so please let me .
E.J. : Just nothing .
Stefano : Stop .
E.J. : Come on .
Stefano : Stop . No more bologna , okay ? Just tell me what is wrong .
E.J. : I love my wife . And I love my daughter . Last night I had to admit to myself that I love -- I love Nicole .
Stefano : Go on .
E.J. : But I just -- I ca nt get Samantha out of my mind .
Sami : Hey , Nicole .
Nicole : Sami , hi .
Sami : Hi , Sydney . Hi , sweetheart . That little face gets me every time .
Nicole : Sami ?
Sami : Oh , sorry . It s just been a rough couple days .
Nicole : Everything okay ? Oh , obviously not . I m sorry .
Sami : Uh , it s not your fault . It s Rafe . We broke up or something . We re not together anymore .
Rafe : You know I did nt expect ...
Meredith : What , that I would be truthful ? Direct ?
Rafe : No , I was gon na say I did nt expect for you to be anything less than truthful . And I understand how you feel .
Meredith : No . No , you do nt , and you never will .
Rafe : Meredith , it was an accident . It was a horrible accident . I blame myself for it every single day .
Meredith : An accident . You know , at first I thought it was an accident . At first I felt bad for you for how guilty you felt over what happened . I was devastated , and my family . But you -- no one more than you . And now ...
Rafe : Now what ?
Meredith : Now we both know it was an act .
Rafe : An act ? Meredith ... your sister was my life . I loved her .
Meredith : To death .
Brady : Okay , I ve stopped . Something you want to say to me or tell me ?
Arianna : Yeah . I happen to think you re an amazing person . I think you re -- you re wonderful .
Brady : Wonderful ? You think I m amazing ?
Arianna : Difficult concept to grasp for you ?
Brady : No , it s just , uh , what does that mean exactly ?
Arianna : Okay , why does it have to mean anything ? I ca nt just tell you how I feel about you without it being a big deal ?
Brady : No , it s fine . You can -- heck , Arianna , you could kiss me and it does nt have to be a big deal or anything . Sort of like the way you did before because I know you felt nothing , right ?
Arianna : Of course I felt something .
Brady : But you re still afraid . You still wo nt let go , right ?
Arianna : I made a promise to myself , Brady--
Brady : That you would nt get involved with someone like me , a recovering addict . Is that it ?
Arianna : Brady , that s not what--
Brady : You know what ? It s all right . I do nt blame you . You have every reason in the world to worry . I can tell you something right now . I m not gon na slip up , Ari . I wo nt let it happen . I ca nt . If you give me the opportunity I will prove that to you .
Arianna : I m not sure .
Brady : I m sure .
Kinsey : So , Mia , I was thinking . You and I should have a talk sometime privately , you know , to work things out .
Mia : Sounds like a lot of fun .
Kinsey : Anyway , I ll go now . Get out of your way . Bye , Will .
Mia : What was that all about ?
Will : You got me .
Mia : I saw you being all friendly to her . I saw you two talking .
Will : She was just , I do nt know , trying to be nice , okay . Maybe she s not as bad as we thought , okay ?
Mia : What ?
Will : Look , could we just forget about Kinsey for now ?
Mia : How about forever ?
Will : I m glad you came .
Mia : I am too .
Chad : So , how d it go ?
Kinsey : It went well . Planted a little seed with Will . What about you ? You gon na go do the same with Mia ?
Will : So , what s up ? You ready to get seriously buff like me ?
Mia : [ Laughs ]
Woman : Uh , sorry . Are you Will Horton ?
Will : Yeah .
Woman : I have an important message for you .
E.J. : I had this dream . And normally I m completely dismissive of dreams . I mean , they do nt stay in my head . I do nt carry them around with me . I mean , they re dreams . But this one , I just ... I ca nt seem to shake it .
Stefano : Uh , [ Clears throat]-- Elvis ... listen to me . Even now ... that the feelings that you had for Samantha , they are not healthy . I mean , she had ... you even inferred it yourself , a kind of perverse hold on you . So how can you fixate on a dream ? You love Nicole now , and you love your beautiful daughter , yes ?
E.J. : Father , of course I love them .
Stefano : Then prove it to yourself and to them . That if you do nt do this , you re not gon na have what you want , all right . You re gon na be lost . You wo nt have the things that you cherish .
Nicole : Sami , I thought you and Rafe where--
Sami : Yeah . Well , there was a misunderstanding and I thought we had worked it out . I thought everything was gon na be okay , but then he like ran out on me like he did nt even want to be in the same place with me .
Nicole : I m sorry . I m sorry . But it ll be okay . It ll all work out .
Sami : You know what ? I really ca nt talk about this . Excuse me .
Nicole : Stefano , did you do this ? Did you make this happen ?
Rafe : Meredith , I know that I can not change your mind . That you re always gon na feel this way about me .
Meredith : Then why are you here ? And how did you find me ? Someone told you obviously . That blonde woman , Samantha . Is she ... are you involved with her ?
Rafe : Yes , I am .
Meredith : Oh , I see . Just as you re starting to get your life back together your past comes back to haunt you . Poor Rafe . Such terrible timing .
Mia : What is it ?
Will : I do nt know . Something s going on with my dad and his wife . I guess my grandma had been trying to get a hold of me .
Mia : Well , is it serious ?
Will : Uh , I do nt know . But I got ta go .
Mia : Okay , well , I ll come with you .
Will : Nah , it s okay . I ll just find out what it is and I ll call you , okay ? Keep your phone on .
Mia : Uh , okay .
Chad : Why d your boyfriend suddenly bolt ?
Mia : Does nt matter , but I should go too .
Chad : Oh , Mia , wait . Uh , before you do , I have some news .
Mia : Mm - hmm .
Chad : I m actually really excited about it and I hope you will be too .
Brady : Promise me something .
Arianna : What ?
Brady : That we will go out for that dinner ... when things are less crazy for me . I need you to judge for yourself if I m good for date number two .
Arianna : I -- I want to . I just , I m not--
Brady : Ari , Ari .
Arianna : Yeah .
Brady : I m gon na need an answer on this one now .
Arianna : All right , all right . I ll go out with you .
Brady : Yeah ? Good I m glad .
Arianna : Uh ... I should--
Brady : Let me guess . You need to go , right ?
Arianna : Yeah , I need to go . I need to go .
Brady : We ll talk later .
Arianna : Mm - hmm .
Man : Arianna ?
Nicole : Stefano ! Stefano , where are you ?
E.J. : He s gone .
Nicole : What ? What ?
E.J. : He s gone .
Nicole : Well , he s gone . Where ? Why ?
E.J. : I had to send him away because I have some bad news for you .
Meredith : Is this new girl the one ? Are you head over heels ?
Rafe : I should nt have come here . It was a mistake .
Meredith : What , you made a mistake ? Shocking .
Rafe : I see all I ve done is cause you more pain . Now , whatever your reason for coming back here , whatever the circumstances were under which you met Sami , it does nt matter . The truth is I ve fallen in love again . I am moving on with my life .
Meredith : Well , that just lifts my spirits to no end .
Rafe : Listen , Meredith . I would ve done anything to trade places with Emily . Obviously I can not . But I am not gon na feel guilty for falling in love again . Good - bye .
Meredith : Move on all you like , Rafe . But the world is gon na find out what you did in that wedding accident , what really happened . And that includes Samantha Brady .
Rafe : Right .
Arianna : Do nt you ever do that again .
Man : You sure are edgy these days , baby .
Arianna : Okay , you know what ? Here .
Man : That s all of it ?
Arianna : It s every last dollar .
Brady : How is she ? Can I -- can I see her now ?
Maxine : I m sorry . Not yet .
Will : Hey , what s going on with her ? Is Chloe okay ?
Mia : So , what s the good news ?
Chad : Well , last night my parents were telling me how happy they were with me lately . You know , that I got a job this summer , been sticking with my curfew . That kind of thing .
Mia : Cool . What s that got to do with me ?
Chad : Well , they re not making me go back to boarding school in the fall , which means I ll be going to school in Salem .
Mia : At Salem West ?
Chad : Actually , my parentals just moved into another house about four months ago in this neighborhood ... which means I ll be going to school with you .
Nicole : A coma ? But I just talked to Chloe a few days ago and she was fine .
E.J. : Well , I mean , she s obviously ... she s not doing fine . Anyway , I just did nt want you to hear it from a stranger .
Nicole : How ? How could this happen ?
E.J. : I do nt think that anybody knows yet .
Nicole : Oh , God , Chloe , no . [ Sighs ] No , I m not -- I m not gon na do this . I m gon na stay strong for Chloe . I am not gon na fall apart .
E.J. : Nicole , I mean , you can be upset . Chloe s a close friend of yours . You can lean on me , you know . I ll always be here . Look , I know that I have nt been giving you as much attention of late as I should be , but I ve had a few things on my mind . But now I m back 100 % . Family - focused . I m here for you . I m always -- I m always here for you .
Sami : [ Huffs ]
Sami : You came back . I , um ... I did nt think you would .
Rafe : Of course , I came back . I love you .
Sami : I love you too .
Rafe : Nothing s ever gon na change that now .
Meredith : I wanted to thank you for arranging my return to Salem .
Stefano : It was my pleasure .
Kate : Chloe was in love with Daniel .
Will : Wait , are you saying she tricked me ?
Lucas : You slept with my wife and then you tried to kill her .
Meredith : Rafe killed my sister because of what she found out about him .
Sami : You could ve stopped her from dying ?
Rafe : Yes .
### Summary:
| Brady accosts a man at the pub who is talking to Arianna . He later explains what happened to Chloe , and why he feels the need to be so protective . Arianna admits that she has feelings for Brady , and they agree to go out on second date . Later , the man Brady confronted shows back up and Arianna gives him money in exchange for a small bag . Although Mia assures Nicole that Chad is going to leave her alone , Kinsey and Chad formulate a plan to break up Will and Mia . Kinsey apologizes to Will for the way she has been treating Mia . Meanwhile , Chad works on Mia , apologizing for giving her a hard time about being in rehab . Later , Will receives the news that something is wrong with Chloe and he rushes off . Chad takes the opportunity to tell Mia that he will be attending her school in the fall . Brady is trying to get in to visit Chloe when Will shows up at the hospital . Brady break the news to him about Chloe s coma . EJ admits to Stefano that he is having dreams about Sami , and that he ca nt seem to get her out of his mind . Nicole , fearful that the hammer is getting ready to drop , confides in Stefano that she fears Rafe will lead Sami to the truth about Sydney . Sami finds Rafe at the cemetery and apologizes to him for pushing about Emily . When she tells him about Meredith , he rushes off . Later , Sami runs into Nicole and divulges that she and Rafe broke up . Nicole suspects Stefano s involvement . EJ tells Nicole about Chloe s coma , and adds that he has decided to focus all of his energies on Nicole and their daughter . Rafe confronts Meredith . She accuses him of never loving Emily , and blames him for Emily s death . She vows to make sure everyone , including Sami , learns the truth about what happened . Later , we learn that Stefano arranged for Meredith to return to Salem . Rafe and Sami make up . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jason : You do nt want Sam . You re trying to fill the hole in your life .
Sonny : Sam was stabbed in the back . It s not like I m going to marry her , I m in love with her . She s a sweet person . I m taking care of her . Maybe you do nt understand , but everything I do is not about Carly .
Man : Sonny s girlfriend got a look at me . When I tried to eliminate her , Jason Morgan showed up .
Lorenzo : Forget about Morgan and the woman . The job is finished . I want you out of town immediately .
Man : A blind man needs assistance . I want an extra 500,000 for mine .
Lorenzo : I do nt need your help . Now , our business arrangement is terminated .
Man : Not until I get the money . And while you re putting the payment together , I ll eliminate Morgan and the woman .
Carly : Lorenzo , are you all right ?
Lorenzo : I wo nt be blackmailed . Now disappear .
Man : You re not calling the shots , my friend . We ve just had what s called a power shift . Stop me if I m wrong , but I m betting that you do nt want the lovely Mrs. Corinthos to know that you re behind her husband s car explosion .
Lorenzo : So from blackmail to threats ? You re walking a very dangerous line .
Man : I m risky like that .
Carly : Is something wrong ?
Lorenzo : Fine , you ll get your damn money . Just get the hell out of here now . Hello ? Hey , you talking to me ?
Carly : Yeah , hey . Is everything ok ? I thought -- I thought I heard voices . Who were you talking to ?
Emily : Zander , Zander , Zander , you can not make me feel .
Zander : Emily , listen . I love you , and you love me , too . I ll prove it to you . I want you to make love to me right now .
Emily : You do nt mean that .
Zander : I ve never meant anything more in my whole life .
Emily : Even though you know I love Nikolas ?
Zander : You ll get over him .
Emily : No , I wo nt , Zander ! No , I wo nt !
Zander : You just give it time . Em , look , you know if you do nt come with me , Nikolas is not going to live through the night , ok ? We just need a chance to get back what we had .
Emily : All right . If the price of saving Nikolas is sleeping with you , let s get it over with .
Zander : You hate the thought of being with me , do nt you ?
Lorenzo : It s embarrassing to admit , but what you heard was me . I thought I sensed you out on the terrace , so I just started jabbering away like a fool , you know , yakking into thin air .
Carly : Yeah , maybe , maybe not . You know , there could be someone out there . I m going to go take a check .
Lorenzo : Oh , no --
Carly : Whoa , whoa -- hey , hey , hey . You -- ooh , are you ok ?
Lorenzo : No , I m not all right . I m blind , remember ?
Carly : Ok . It s been a hell of a few days . You got to be exhausted . Come on , let me get you onto the couch . I ll get your drink and we can talk .
Lorenzo : Stop patronizing me .
Carly : That s not what I m doing , Lorenzo .
Lorenzo : I do nt want to talk . It s not going to change anything . And I m tired of you nesting me from one piece of furniture to another like some wounded bird .
Carly : I m sorry if I made you feel like that , Lorenzo . I was only trying to help .
Lorenzo : Can you restore my vision ? Well , then you ca nt help . So just go someplace else . Please leave .
Carly : Listen , I understand that you are upset and you have every right to be , but where is all this hostility coming from ? You seemed fine just a minute ago .
Lorenzo : Well , that was before I heard the pity in your voice . I do nt need you to feel sorry for me .
Carly : Ok , now , this is something else . You tell me , what is going on ?
Jason : So you claim to care about Sam .
Sonny : What about it ?
Jason : I mean , how fair are you being to her , letting her hanging around , hoping for God knows what when you just want her here because you do nt want to be alone ?
Sonny : Sam has no illusions about what I feel about her . I ve been as honest with her as I can possibly be . And instead of , you know , us discussing my personal life , you should be out there looking for whoever put that bomb in my car and a knife in her back . I want him found . I want to know who hired him . Get to it .
Lucky : Ok , so far , nothing . No tip , no sighting -- nothing . So maybe Zander did skip town after all .
Ric : No , I do nt believe it . If Zander was going to cross the border , he would ve done it a long time ago . He decided to stay , which means he has a lot to lose . I want every available man put on this search . Do you understand me ?
Elizabeth : Ric ?
Ric : What ?
Elizabeth : Thank God I found you . Zander is alive . He s got Emily at the cottage , and you need to hurry .
Emily : Why do you look so stricken , Zander ? You could nt possibly think that I would be thrilled at the idea of having sex with you . I am in love with another man !
Zander : It s not what I want , Em . Sex ? I want to make love like we used to . I want to feel that amazing connection that we ve always had . Remember ? It was like -- like you could nt tell where you ended and I began .
Emily : This is nt romantic , Zander . It s a business transaction ! Ok ? You be proud of yourself -- you just made a whore out of me .
Zander : Do nt say that . Please , do nt --
Emily : What ? What ? It s true , huh ? You want me , I want Nikolas safe , and I m willing to do anything to make sure he stays that way . So have me , Zander , knowing that I do nt want you and I never will ! Have me , Zander , knowing that I love Nikolas and I will go on loving him no matter what you do to me ! You ca nt erase Nikolas from my heart with your body , Zander ! What we have is forever . By all means , have what you want ! Well ? What are you waiting for ?
Zander : I ca nt . I m sorry . I ca nt do this to you . I ca nt do this to you .
Lorenzo : Did you just ask me , What s going on ? I would think it s obvious .
Carly : Hey , hey , hey -- hey , why are you jumping all over my case ? I am not the enemy here .
Lorenzo : I ca nt see , Carly ! No colors , no light , no points of reference , no sense of balance ! Just me stumbling from one point to the next , trying to grasp at some sense of hope , which at this point I ca nt see , either !
Carly : Lorenzo , I m sorry .
Lorenzo : If you want to help me , just give me some privacy .
Carly : Do you really mean that ?
Lorenzo : Yeah , I really mean it .
Carly : Fine . I m going .
Lorenzo : Carly ? Are you still here ? Are you still here ? Answer me . Answer me , you bastard !
Man : We re here , Mr. Alcazar . It s Ruiz . Mrs. Corinthos asked me to check on you . Is everything ok ?
Lorenzo : No . Are we alone ?
Ruiz : Why would nt we be ?
Lorenzo : Look , Carly could be in danger . I want you to follow her and make sure she s safe , and then you report back to me immediately .
Ruiz : Yes , sir .
Max : I just got off the phone with Miami .
Jason : And ?
Max : They got nothing matching the description of the bomber . We re running checks in Chicago next .
Jason : Ok , look , I need a lead on this guy fast . We need to take him out or he s going to strike again .
Max : I m on it .
Courtney : Hey . Do you have a minute ? It s about Sonny .
Jason : Sure .
Courtney : Alexis dropped off the final custody agreement and it sort of turned into a hot potato . I mean , she passed it off to Mike , and then he passed it off to me . Tag -- you re it .
Jason : No .
Courtney : Sonny might deal with it better coming from you , Jason .
Jason : I m not going to help Sonny sign his kids away when I know it s the wrong thing to do .
Courtney : You know what ? On second thought , I ll take them over . I just ca nt guarantee that I ll come back with Sonny s signature .
Jason : What are you thinking ?
Zander : All I ever wanted , Emily , was just to love you and have you love me back . Do nt -- do nt say anything . It s my fault . I -- I ruined everything . I always do .
Emily : Look , it was nt all you , Zander . I lied , all right , even when we said our vows . I carry my share of the blame .
Zander : When you agreed to marry me , I was the happiest I ve ever been . I felt like a winner for the first time in my life and then --
Zander : You turned me away , and I just -- I lost everything .
Emily : Zander , you have to move on .
Zander : I ve tried . I ve tried in every wrong way possible . I hooked up with Faith -- that was a brilliant move . I was angry and desperate and out of control , and I -- everything I did , I pushed you away further and now here we are . I never deserved you .
Emily : That s not true , Zander . You re a good person , all right ? You just proved it . I ve always known that about you and you knew it , too , for a while . And that is a place that you ve got to get back to ; that belief in yourself . You re just going to have to get back there without me this time .
Zander : You know , the only thing that I ever wanted for you , Emily , was a lifetime of perfect moments . Like prom night , when we danced underneath the streetlight , just one better than the next , but I let my anger cost me everything -- my soul , my own father , and you . I m so sorry . I m so sorry .
Emily : I forgive you .
Zander : Do you mean that ? Because that would mean everything to me .
Emily : With all my heart .
Zander : Thank you . I do nt even know if this matters anymore , but I know -- I know that you never meant to hurt me . You never would . You re just not made that way . You just fell in love with someone else , and that sucks for me . But it does nt give me the right to persecute you . Emily , I -- I do nt blame you . Not for anything .
Emily : My concern is Nikolas .
Zander : He s fine . For all I know , he s in Greece , made his flight . I did nt do anything to him .
Lucky : Zander Smith , this is Officer Lucky Spencer from the PCPD . I do nt want you to try anything stupid . We ve got you completely surrounded .
Ric : Make sure your men understand that nobody is to fire under any circumstances unless Emily Quartermaine is safe .
Officer : Swat team s getting into position . A lot of windows in the building . It should nt be too difficult to get a shot at him .
Ric : All right .
Elizabeth : Ric --
Ric : Elizabeth , what the hell are you -- I thought I told you to go home . This is not a place for you .
Elizabeth : Emily is my best friend . Do nt try to send me away .
Lucky : Zander , we have a SWAT team in position surrounding the entire area . I do nt want you to try anything stupid . Make it easy for yourself . I want you to send Emily out first . I want you to follow her very slowly with your hands held high so we can see them at all times .
Lorenzo : Who s there ?
Sage : Uncle Lorenzo . I guess wo nt ask how you re doing -- grumpy , grumpy . But I brought you a present .
Lorenzo : What is it ? Sage it s a mobility cane . I ve been doing some research . It folds up into four sections , and there s a red tip on the bottom so people can see you coming . I also signed you up with a therapist so you can learn how to use it .
Lorenzo : That s very thoughtful , Sage . Believe it or not , I really appreciate it .
Sage : Where s Carly .
Lorenzo : Um -- she s at home with her children , I imagine . I m not going to be anyone s babysitting project .
Sage : You re so subtle . Do nt worry , I m leaving . I just wanted to come by and drop this off . I love you , Uncle Lorenzo .
Lorenzo : I love you , too .
Carly : Hey , I was nt expecting you .
Jason : I was just seeing if you and the boys were ok .
Carly : We re fine . Come on in . Michael and Morgan are sleeping , but I was just outside . I was looking at the stars .
Jason : Did you explain to Michael that he ca nt keep running off ?
Carly : Yeah , I did . He understands .
Jason : Are you sure he understands ? Because he keeps saying that , but then he keeps running off .
Carly : The custody hearing was really hard on him . It frightened him , Jason . He s a little boy and his family was torn apart . He was just trying to fix things . It s ok . I ve settled down , and he will , too . But , you know , you could tell Sonny that it would help Michael a lot if he did nt keep bailing on him .
Jason : Come on , Carly , it was one time .
Carly : Oh , yeah ? Well , do you know that it wo nt continue ? I mean , you ca nt get Michael s hopes up and then just decide to cancel in favor of rolling around in bed with Sam .
Jason : That s not what happened .
Carly : Oh , please do nt --
Jason : Sam was hurt , Carly --
Carly : I do nt want to hear it . Do not defend her , please . I hate that little tramp , and if you were honest , you would admit that you hate her , too .
Jason : Why are you doing this ?
Carly : Because it s hard . Ok , here I am in this -- this great new house and I ve got my boys with me , and -- I should happy , right ? I m sorry , I m not , because I miss the way things used to be . And it s got to be easy for Sonny . He s probably really relieved that the boys and I are nt with him .
Jason : No , I do nt think that s true .
Carly : Come on , Jason . Sonny s probably with Sam right this minute .
Sonny : At times like this , the whole world melts away . Nothing else matters but this moment .
Sam : So why ca nt it always be like this ? Happiness , it should nt be about grabbing an elusive moment .
Sonny : Ok , do nt let that side come .
Sonny : I ll be back .
Sam : No .
Courtney : Obviously , I -- I should ve called .
Sonny : No , no . Come on in .
Sam : I m going to go get dressed . Hi , Courtney .
Sonny : If you re here to lecture me about Sam , Jason was already here , so do nt even waste your breath .
Courtney : Sonny , these are for you . Alexis dropped them off with Mike . You need to sign them and give them back to Carly . As soon as you do , she has full custody of Michael and Morgan , no taking it back .
Sonny : That s the idea .
Courtney : Sonny , wait . Before you sign those papers , there s something you need to know . Right after you stuck a knife in your own heart and told Carly she could have the children , she told me that she was going to leave Alcazar .
Nikolas : Hey , it s me . Guess who did nt have to fly to Greece after all ? Yep , the meeting was canceled . I picked up a message when I was changing planes at J.F.K. , but I ve been out of touch for a little while because I have been shopping in Manhattan . Anyway -- anyway , I m back . I have to stop at the country house to speak with the caretaker , but I will be home in your arms in less than an hour . I --
Nikolas : Love you .
Radio announcer : The fugitive , but reports confirm he is still inside the house with his ex - wife . Zander Smith , who was reported dead in the wake of the Port Charles Hotel fire --
Nikolas : Damn it !
Radio announcer : And has apparently assumed the identity of a victim --
Emily : Hey , let me handle this .
Zander : Emily , you might get hurt .
Emily : Lucky s outside . He wo nt let anything happen to me . All right . Lucky ? It s Emily !
Lucky : Are you all right ?
Emily : I m fine ! Look , this does nt have to be a big production !
Officer : How violent is this guy ? Could he be forcing her to say that ?
Lucky : Zander would never hurt Emily , and she knows it .
Officer : Ok , what are the chances of talking this guy into giving himself up ?
Ric : Zander s not known for his best judgment , plus he s facing four counts of murder .
Officer : So he s going to try to shoot his way out .
Lucky : It s possible .
Emily : I need some more time with Zander ! Ok , listen . There s no way out of this . You re going to have to give yourself up .
Zander : No , Em --
Emily : Put the gun down .
Zander : Emily , they will kill me .
Emily : All right , no one is going to shoot at an unarmed man with his hands in the air . Zander , please , all right ? We can do this .
Ric : Someone s at the door . Be ready .
Zander : There s a lot of action out there .
Emily : All right . We can face it together .
Zander : No . Em , this -- I m letting you go .
Carly : Ok , I need to know what I m dealing with here . How deeply involved is Sonny with Sam ?
Jason : You know , I m not -- I ca nt speak for Sonny , Carly . You re going to have to ask him yourself .
Carly : So it is more than sex ?
Jason : Why -- why do you care ? You re with Alcazar . Is that more than sex ? Look , I do nt like the fact that Sam s with Sonny either , but you know what ? What do you expect the guy to do ? Every time Sonny turns around , you and Alcazar are in his face -- the man who ripped his life apart , and it still is nt enough .
Carly : What is that supposed to mean ?
Jason : Alcazar was behind the bombing .
Carly : No , he was nt , Jason . He does nt want Sonny dead .
Jason : Oh , come on , Carly . That s what he s going to tell you .
Carly : Will -- will you please just give me a little bit of credit here ? I mean , do you really think that I would stay with a man who has such careless disregard for my children ? Oh , and by the way , if you have nt heard , Lorenzo lost his eyesight as a result of the bombing .
Jason : Occupational hazard .
Carly : Oh , God .
Jason : You know what ? And since you ask , I do nt even know why you stay with him . Nobody does . Do you want to explain it to me once and for all ?
Carly : I do nt know that I can . But if you are serious about hearing me , I might try .
Jason : I ll listen .
Carly : Lorenzo loves me , Jason , and he s not shy about letting me see it ; he never has been . And that openness -- it allows me to see a side of him and get a perspective that most people just do nt . Most people think that he s cold and he s calculating , but , I do nt know , he s vulnerable with me . And he did everything that he cold to help me get my children back . Everything . He stood by me , he calmed me down . He let me yell at him and scream when -- when it was completely inappropriate . He s been kind and he s been patient with me , and now he is blind because he was supporting me , because he happened to be in court that day . And you and Courtney -- you just want me to completely disregard that and walk away from him . I m sorry , Jason , but I ca nt . We re tangled up for some reason , and I m not going to fight it anymore .
Jason : Well , that sounds great , except you never once said that you love Alcazar . Carly , you ca nt even say it because you still love Sonny , and trying to convince yourself that Alcazar is the best thing that ever happened to you is not going to change that .
Courtney : Sonny , I m telling you the truth . Carly left the courtroom that night ready to tell Alcazar it s over .
Sonny : Obviously , she changed her mind .
Courtney : Yeah , only because she found out he was blinded by the explosion .
Sonny : When are you going to get it ? Carly is with Alcazar because she wants to be . Even if he did nt get blinded , she d find another reason to be with him . The man is in her system !
Courtney : Ok , are you forgetting the lengths to which Carly went to to get him out of her system ? She committed herself to a mental institution , for God s sake .
Sonny : Is she sick now ? Carly chose her path . I choose mine now .
Courtney : All right , ok , what happens if Alcazar s sight comes back and Carly does nt feel obligated and she leaves him ? Are you going to be so far down your path that Carly ca nt find you ?
Sonny : You know what ? I m tired of being under a microscope tonight . Get these papers . I ll sign them , whatever . I want you to bring them to Carly , get her to sign --
Courtney : No , uh - uh , uh - uh .
Sonny : What do you mean , uh - uh , uh - uh ?
Courtney : No , I m sick of being your messenger ! It is thankless , Sonny . I think you re making a huge mistake , and you know what ? If you can do it yourself , go ahead and do it , but I am not going to help .
Sonny : Just --
Courtney : No . You know what , Sonny ? You burn enough bridges , and Carly wo nt ever find her way back .
Zander : Ok , go . Go . You ve got to get out of here .
Emily : No . No , Zander . Not without you , ok ? We came into this together , and that s the way we re going out .
Zander : Emily --
Emily : Put the gun down , ok ? The only thing I want you holding is my hand . All right ? I ll be right beside you . That way no one can misinterpret what s going on .
Zander : After everything I ve done , I ca nt believe you d still want to help me .
Emily : Zander , you re my first love .
Zander : You re my only one and I do nt know if I m ever going to see you again .
Zander : I m ready .
Emily : Lucky ? We re coming out ! Zander s unarmed !
Officer : We do nt know if that s true .
Emily : Do nt let anyone shoot !
Ric : Hold your fire . They re coming out .
Emily : We re walking out together ! Ok ?
Zander : I guess we ve come full circle . After everything we ve done , we end up right where we started .
Emily : Zander , we need to leave , or they re going to think something s wrong . Ok .
Ric : That s far enough .
Carly : Hey .
Lorenzo : Hey .
Carly : I was just about to call you . You have a cane .
Lorenzo : May I come in ?
Carly : Yeah , of course . Come on . You want me to give you a hand or --
Lorenzo : No , no , no , I got it . I figure if I can make my way up the walk , I can find my way into your living room , right ?
Lorenzo : There . See ?
Carly : Wow , I m very impressed . Who got you the cane ?
Lorenzo : Oh -- Sage , although I was nt very gracious at first .
Carly : You , not gracious ? Not in a gracious mood ? That s surprising .
Lorenzo : Yeah . That s one of the reasons why I m here . I want to apologize . I was awful to you .
Carly : It s all right .
Lorenzo : No , it is nt . You do nt deserve that after all the support you ve given me .
Carly : Well , I have nt always been nice to you either .
Lorenzo : Yeah , but I m supposed to be your strength . I promised you that -- that I d always be the one for you , right ? It never occurred to me that something beyond my control could turn the tables so drastically . I guess I do nt do obstacles well .
Carly : Well , you re a proud man , Lorenzo .
Lorenzo : That s true , unfortunately . I m not very good at asking for help , but I need yours , Carly . I m asking for it now .
Carly : You have it .
Sam : Hi .
Jason : Is Sonny here ?
Sam : No , he s not , and I have no idea where he went . Did you get a lead on the bomber ?
Jason : No .
Sam : Ok , then . Well , I ll -- I ll let him know . You can go . Thank you .
Jason : I ll wait here .
Sam : Yeah , of course you will . Let me guess -- ahem -- the more time you spend here updating Sonny on scary business matters , the less time he gets to spend with me . Jason , you can interfere all you want . I m here and I m not going anywhere . I m going to enjoy my time with Sonny as long as it lasts .
Ric : Lucky , keep an eye on Elizabeth .
Elizabeth : What are you going to do ?
Ric : All right , Zander , there s nowhere to run . I want you to step away from Emily .
Emily : I m ok , Ric , ok ? Zander has nt hurt me in any way . He s ready to give himself up .
Ric : Then he wo nt have any problem following my instructions . Zander , kneel down and put your hands on top of your head .
Emily : Please , Zander , do what he says . Do what he says .
Zander : I love you , Emily .
Ric : Do it , Zander .
Zander : I love you .
Emily : Zander --
Ric : Take him down !
Emily : No ! No ! No ! No .
Sam : I think it s a good idea that you and I are clear on a few things . Since neither of us are going anywhere , we might as well understand each other .
Jason : All right , just say what you need to say .
Sam : I m not using Sonny . In fact , I ve tried to leave several times . I do nt want to complicate his life .
Jason : But you re still here .
Sam : Yeah , because Sonny always finds the words to make me stay . He s in this relationship because he wants to be .
Jason : Maybe . For now .
Sam : Look , Jason , I am not stupid , and I m not naive . I know Sonny s heart is Carly s for the taking , and to be honest with you , I think she s nuts to let this slip away . But her loss is my gain .
Jason : What do you think s going to happen between you and Sonny ?
Sam : I do nt know .
Jason : What do you want ?
Sam : Well , part of me wants what I m feeling inside to go away , but there is a bigger part that wants me to hold on for dear life , and that s what I m going to do . Because I ve realized that despite all the wrestling I ve done with my heart and my conscience , I ca nt deny the truth -- I think I m falling in love with Sonny .
Lorenzo : You re proud of me , I can tell .
Carly : Then you can still see a lot .
Lorenzo : And I m guessing from the smell and feel of these that this is hyacinth .
Carly : Mm - hmm , and now you re scaring me a little bit .
Lorenzo : I miss seeing your face ; the way your hair falls across . Your smile lights up a room . Your lips .
Emily : You stay away from him ! All of you ! You , too ! I do nt need your phony sympathy ! None of you gave a damn about Zander !
Ric : Emily , you need to step away .
Emily : He was nt even armed ! I told you that , but you would nt listen to me ! Zander , why did you do this ?
Zander : It s the way we met -- cops around , I grabbed you . Maybe it should ve ended like this , too .
Emily : No .
Zander : I m glad it did nt . I never would have known what it was to love . Thank you .
Emily : Oh , you re going to be all right . We re going to get you to -- we re going to get you to the hospital . You --
Zander : For a while , you made my life golden .
Emily : No . No .
Radio announcer : This just in on the Zander Smith hostage situation -- shots have been fired and police have surrounded the area --
Nikolas : Damn it , come on !
Sam : Someday he ll love me back .
Jason : Sonny loves his wife .
Sonny : This wo nt take long . I know you re busy .
Emily : Zander never had a chance ! You wanted him dead , and now he is .
Ric : Zander died because he wanted to .
### Summary:
| Emily gives in to Zander s request to make love . Zander , however ca nt go through with it . Elizabeth tells Ric and Lucky that Zander and Emily are at the cottage . Zander apologizes to Emily , she forgives him . Ric , Lucky and a SWAT team surround the cottage . Emily convinces Zander to give himself up . Emily and an unarmed Zander emerge from the cottage . Zander pushes Emily away and pretends to reach for his gun . Zander is shot multiple times and dies in Emily s arms . Jason and Courtney take turns trying to convince Sonny to get back together with Carly . Alcazar pushes Carly away , they later make up . While Carly and Alcazar are kissing Sonny walks up to the window and sees this . Nikolas is in a car crash while rushing back to Port Charles after hearing about Zander and Emily on the radio . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Gabi : Kate ? Hey , it s me , gabi . I need your advice . I have nt heard from stefan . I do nt know what s going on with him and chloe . I -- I do nt know anything , okay ? And I need to be very careful about what I do next--
Stefan : Gabi ? Why do you need to be so careful ?
Chloe : Julie , those are the wrong napkins .
Julie : Well , they still need to be folded .
Chloe : What are you doing here ? Is nt it your anniversary ?
Julie : It is . It is , and doug and I had a lovely little private celebration earlier , but i decided I should take over tonight because I do nt think you should be working the night of holly s funeral . You must be feeling--
Chloe : I am here because i need to be doing something , and I put out the blue napkins , not those .
Julie : Sweetheart , you are grieving , and it s all right .
Chloe : But I like the blue ones .
Julie : It s all right , honey .
Maggie : [ Sighs ] Ooh , ooh , ooh , ooh .
Xander : Hmm . Looks like I m not the only one who needed a nightcap . From the look of things , you got started early .
Rex : That s it . That s it . We went through every last one of my notes from my time working with rolf and nothing . Zero , zilch . I guess he was keeping that formula for the walking dead all to himself .
Sarah : I know , I was hoping that there would at least be something , that it could explain why it caused will s tumor .
Rex : No , I hear you .
Sarah : [ Sighs ] I mean , this stuff is a really weird read . I mean , dr . Rolf was , like , a real - life mad scientist .
Rex : You think ? I mean , look at this . There are times that I felt like I was igor .
Sarah : I mean , did you see this ?
Rex : I know !
Sarah : This whole , like , mask that goes on like skin and makes you look like someone else . It s out of an old sci - fi movie .
Rex : But here s the thing . It s true .
Brady : What the hell -- what have you , you lost your mind ? What have you done ?
Kristen as nicole : Brady , thank god . He attacked me .
Eric : No , I did nt mean for you to get hurt . I was just trying to--
Kristen as nicole : Stay away from me .
Eric : Listen , I was just trying to help you through this .
Brady : I think -- I think you ve done enough .
Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives .
Sarah : Explain why you know it s real .
Rex : Okay . In the early 1980s , andre dimera ran around salem killing people . But he did it wearing a mask that made him look exactly like my dad .
Sarah : Seriously ?
Rex : Yeah , and it was so good he even fooled marlena . So rolf became obsessed with this , and he wanted to perfect the prototype , but the isa was working on the same thing at the same time , so rolf was trying to beat them to the punch .
Sarah : Did he ?
Rex : I have no idea . But if anybody can manage it , it was him .
Brady : I mean , what happened ?
Kristen as nicole : He s crazy , that s what happened . He was banging on the door and when I finally had to let him in he was just ranting about xander .
Brady : Wait , what ? What about xander ?
Eric : Rex , he saw xander trying to get look at holly death certifi--
Kristen as nicole : Okay , he just used that as an excuse so he could start in on me .
Eric : No , it was nt , I swear .
Kristen as nicole : And when i told him to leave and he would nt , he just got all crazy and he grabbed my arms and he just would nt let go .
Eric : Listen , I was just trying to get through . I was -- I love -- nicole .
Kristen as nicole : He practically pushed me into this dresser , brady .
Eric : Listen , you pulled away . It was an accident !
Kristen as nicole : Oh , do nt you put this on me . I told you to leave and you wouldnT. And then you just got physical .
Eric : No , I m sorry . I -- I should nt have done that . I m sorry .
Kristen as nicole : Get out . Get out and stay out . I do nt ever want to see you again . I m just a normal person
Julie : We re closed .
Chloe : No , we are not . You can have a seat anywhere you d like .
Julie : Fine . Actually , I would like a word with his honor , the mayor , anyway .
Jack : Well , please call my office and make an appointment .
Julie : Oh , no . No , this is nt about politics . This is personal .
Chloe : [ Sighs ]
Eve : He s in for it now .
Chloe : You know , I have a bone to pick with you .
Eve : Oh , you know what , not tonight , all right ?
Chloe : You are the one who told me to give it a shot with stefan , and guess what . It turned out to be the worst mistake of my life .
Gabi : I was just telling sonny that I need to be very careful with arianna . She s really upset about holly .
Stefan : Why are nt you with her right now ?
Gabi : I would nt be much help to her . I ca nt stop thinking about what you--
Stefan : How chloe caught us in bed together .
Gabi : Yeah , okay ? And I was thinking that you two could work things out .
Stefan : Yeah , well that did nt go very well . Chloe and parker moved out this morning . Whatever it is that we had together is gone and that s your fault .
Maggie : This is nt a nightcap . It s water .
Xander : Oh , yeah ? You know I ve tried that one myself . You ve had a skin full already .
Maggie : I buried my granddaughter today . We rested her right next to her father , my son . So ... instead of attacking me in my own home , why do nt you just go to hell .
Xander : I know you re in mourning . I am too .
Maggie : For what ? Your soul ?
Xander : I was holly s stepdad for a while , I ... I know what special little girl she was . Now , why do nt we have a toast in her memory , yeah ? To god s newest little angel .
Maggie : [ Gagging ] I m gon na be sick ! Oh ! Oh !
Rex : Look , I really want to go to the hospital and see kayla .
Sarah : It s pretty late .
Rex : I know , I m just-- I m really amped up right now , and I want to see kayla and brainstorm and just -- we need to find another way to treat will .
Sarah : Do you want me to go with you ?
Rex : No , honey , it s okay , but thank you . I know you re really wrung out from the funeral today .
Sarah : It was terrible . I mean , all the things that nicole said to eric .
Rex : I feel so bad for that guy .
Sarah : I mean , he said that he was gon na go get some air and might see nicole , but that was a long time ago . Do you think he s all right ?
Brady : You got ta go now .
Eric : Okay , it s just the cut on her arm -- just make sure she takes care of it , okay ?
Kristen as nicole : You know what , I m fine . No thanks to you .
Eric : I got carried away . I never meant to hurt you .
Kristen as nicole : If you do nt leave , I will call the police .
Brady : Okay , okay . Stop . I ll take care of her . I think you should go .
Eric : Nicole . I m sorry . For everything .
Kristen as nicole : Oh , brady , he was nt making any sense . I was so scared .
Brady : It s all right . It s okay , it s okay .
Kristen as nicole : I was so scared .
Brady : It s all right . It s okay . I m here . It s okay .
Julie : Now , jack , I have tried to stay out of jennifer s business , but things are so out of control .
Jack : And you re going to fix them .
Julie : I m gon na try to make you and that trollop you have married understand how you are hurting jennifer .
Jack : Careful how you talk about my wife .
Julie : Jack ... unlike you , I remember eve from way back when and I calls them the way I sees them .
Jack : I m not losing sleep over jennifer or her feelings . Ever since I came back , all she s done is rant about what a terrible person I am .
Julie : Jack , you are a terrible person . Deeply terrible . And it s killing jen because she remembers when you were a wonderful guy . Flawed but a decent human being . And now you re ... you re you .
Jack : Okay , look--
Julie : No , no , you look . Look who you made police commissioner . You know when they say needs police experience , they do nt mean as a prime suspect . About 11 times . And if you do not care about what you ve done to hope , what about what you re doing to your own son ?
Jack : My son ? My son , jj . Jj broke the law . Just like his mother . That s why jennifer is in jail .
Julie : Excuse me ?
Jack : You heard me .
Eve : Wait , let me get this straight . Stefan left holly s funeral to go home for a booty call with gabi ? I mean , are you sure ?
Chloe : Yeah , I walked in on them .
Eve : Oh , my god .
Chloe : And apparently it s not the first time . They ve been going at it for a while behind my back .
Eve : Ah , what a dog . Oh , I m sorry .
Chloe : Yeah , well you know what , you should be . Cause I was practically begging you to keep me from dating that guy and you were his biggest cheerleader .
Eve : No , I was not shaking pom poms , okay ?
Chloe : You told me that you never know where you can find happiness and so I opened up my heart to him and he stomped all over it . Thanks a lot .
Eve : I m sorry that you re hurting . But I think you re taking it out on the wrong person here . You should be yelling at gabi and stefan .
Chloe : Honestly , the person I m most mad at is myself .
Gabi : How is this my fault ?
Stefan : You were the one who insisted we had one last go around .
Gabi : I do not remember insisting .
Stefan : And that was the one chloe walked in on .
Gabi : How was I supposed to know she was gon na come home early ?
Stefan : It was a mistake getting involved with you . This whole ...
Gabi : Okay , I will talk to chloe . I m gon na tell her that it meant nothing .
Stefan : I already tried that . Let s just say it did nt fly .
Gabi : It s gon na be different coming from me .
Stefan : No , it s not . You re gon na make it worse . That s a natural talent of yours , making things worse !
Gabi : You know what ? I am tired of being the scapegoat . No , you know what , I did not force you and I did not put a gun to your head to get you into that bed . It s not my fault that you ca nt keep your hands off me .
Stefan : No , no , you did nt put a gun to my head , but you also were barely wearing any clothes .
Gabi : All right , I m done . What are you doing here at this time of the night ? Please tell me it s not just to yell at me .
Stefan : It s not uncommon to yell at somebody who has ruined every facet of your life , especially at odd hours .
Gabi : Stefan , I do nt buy that . No , I do nt buy that at all . No , you needed some excuse to come see me because you ca nt stop thinking about what it s like to be with me , and if that s the case , you can forget it !
Sarah : I was just about to call you . [ Door slams ] You went to go see nicole , did nt you ?
Eric : I went to warn her about xander .
Sarah : From the look on your face , it did nt go very well .
Eric : Rex was right . I should have left her alone . Turned out to be a complete disaster .
Kristen as nicole : I ve never seen eric like that before , even when he was drinking . Honestly , brady , I do nt know what I would have done if you had nt shown up .
Brady : Eric would never hurt you .
Kristen as nicole : Really ?
Brady : Well , he -- he said that that was an accident , nicole .
Kristen as nicole : So you do nt believe the woman .
Brady : I -- I believe you . I just think that with everything that s been going on with holly , I think we re all doing a lot of things that we would nt otherwise do .
Kristen as nicole : Are you talking about us kissing ?
Brady : Yeah , maybe I am talking about that .
Kristen as nicole : You know , I thought you came back tonight cause maybe you had a change of heart .
Brady : Nicole , I came back here tonight because I need to talk to you about something that maggie told me .
Kristen as nicole : What did maggie tell you ?
Brady : She said she was here earlier and when she knocked on the door , and ... kristen dimera opened it .
Kristen as nicole : Huh ? - Just like any other family
Julie : You have put the mother of your children in jail ?
Jack : What choice did I have ? I m an elected official . She hit me over the head with her laptop .
Julie : [ Scoffs ] She was probably trying to knock some sense into you , jack , so you would remember the kind of person you were before you turned into a total jerk .
Jack : [ Laughs ]
Julie : What ?
Jack : Actually , jennifer said I had some sort of memory flash later , afterwards , at the police station .
Julie : What kind of a flash ?
Jack : I -- it was her dressed up as a prison guard and ... whatever it was , she said it was a memory . I say I read it from somewhere or heard it from someone or--
Julie : And I say maybe it is your past beginning to come back to you . Maybe all you needed was a conk on the head to remember the kind of person you used to be .
Jack : Or to kill me .
Julie : [ Sighs ] At this point , I d be fine either way .
Maggie : Ooh , thank you .
Xander : Are you feeling any better at all ?
Maggie : I just , um , I need to sit .
Xander : Sure .
Maggie : That s what I need to do .
Xander : Ill -- Ill get you some water . You need to stay hydrated .
Maggie : Listen to you . Talking like a real healthcare professional .
Xander : Well , it might surprise you to learn that i know a thing or two about drinking too much . Another one of my many failings .
Maggie : Well , is that supposed to disarm me ?
Xander : No , I do nt think my charms will ever change your mind about me , but I am right about the water .
Maggie : Thank you . If I could walk , I would leave .
Xander : I know . I was thinking that melted ice cream would help settle your stomach .
Maggie : Oh . No , I do nt think anything would do that .
Xander : Well , I m gon na spike mine . Care to join me ?
Maggie : No .
Xander : Right , well ...
Maggie : Hmm .
Xander : I m curious . How much , uh , have you had to drink ?
Maggie : Uh , I dont-- I do nt really know .
Xander : Oh . A real binge , eh ? Has this been going on for a while ?
Maggie : Today was the first time I took a drink in over 30 years . Brady is so angry with me .
Xander : Oh , he knew ?
Maggie : Yeah .
Xander : And he left you alone ?
Maggie : Uh , no , no . I -- I sent him to salem inn .
Xander : Why ?
Maggie : Well , when I was there today , I saw kristen dimera .
Kristen as nicole : I do nt mean to throw maggie under the bus . I do nt , but she was wasted when she showed up here . I mean , she s drinking again .
Brady : I know . I know . She was actually drunk when i was talking to her .
Kristen as nicole : And yet you still bought her story ?
Brady : No , but I told her that I would check it out .
Kristen as nicole : But it does nt check out . Because when she showed up here she was totally out of it . I mean , it was like she s hallucinating . She called me kristen dimera , which was the cherry on the sundae of this day .
Brady : Were you wearing a red dress ?
Kristen as nicole : What ? Why the hell would I wear a red dress the day I bury my daughter ? What -- you know what , I really do nt feel like being grilled because some old drunk decides--
Brady : What ? Hey . Hey . What is it ?
Stefan : No , no , I did nt come here to hit on you . I came here to tell you whatever screwed up thing we had is over .
Gabi : Well , that is fine by me . I am no one s consolation prize or , worse , a rebound relationship . You know , it d be fine if i did nt know that you were using me or if I thought that you had any feelings for me other than lust .
Stefan : I donT.
Gabi : Good .
Stefan : Yeah , so good night .
Gabi : Bye .
Stefan : And good luck .
Gabi : Mm - hmm .
Stefan : [ Sighs ] Wait , I ... I do nt want to leave this way .
Jack : I think you and everyone else from my past better get used to the fact that the old me is gone . The new , improved jack is here to stay .
Julie : [ Guffaws ] New and improved ? [ Both laugh ] Hardly .
Jack : The voters in this town , the majority of them , would disagree .
Julie : Only because you forced haley to frighten them into voting for you . And I think history has proved , jack , that many men have been elected to public office who are mean , arrogant , and stupid .
Jack : Wait a minute--
Julie : No , jack , you know that you are not qualified to hold the same positions abraham carver and my husband , doug williams , because those men are leaders , those men stand for something--
Jack : Wait a minute !
Julie : What ? What ?
Jack : I just remembered .
Julie : What is it ?
Jack : You re ... you re still an excruciating , relentless cow !
Julie : [ Frustrated sigh ]
Chloe : So what is it ? What s wrong ?
Eve : [ Sighs ] Well , I m trying to do the right thing in a certain situation . But there s a hitch . Actually , there are a couple of hitches . I do nt know , I m starting to feel a little guilty about it all .
Chloe : Do you want to tell me about it ?
Eve : Yeah . I do . You know , it happened -- do you remember--
Jack : We re going .
Eve : Jack , we did nt even get to order a drink . I thought that s what you wanted to do .
Jack : Someone killed the mood .
Xander : You saw kristen dimera ? You do know she s dead ?
Maggie : Yeah . So nicole was too , right ? And I knocked on her door . And kristen answered .
Xander : Did you ... did you speak to her ?
Maggie : She slammed the door in my face . When I knocked again , it was nicole who answered .
Xander : But was kristen there too ?
Maggie : No .
Xander : Had nicole seen her ? Did she seem to have any clue that kristen might be in her room ?
Maggie : I do nt need you to believe me .
Xander : But you believe it ? Even though you ca nt remember how much you ve had to drink ?
Maggie : Well--[Sighs ] You know , why do nt you just go away ?
Xander : Unlike brady , I do nt think you should be alone . Look , I know a little something about women who drink . You probably know my old man died when I was pretty young . Well , my mom , she , um ... she did not handle it very well . She chose to deal with her grief by drinking herself into oblivion .
Maggie : I m sorry .
Xander : Well , it teaches a young guy , you know , self - reliance . I d come home , find her on the floor , get her into bed and then I d have the whole flat to myself . I could do whatever I wanted . I was the envy of all my mates .
Maggie : You do nt have to shrug it off for me . I lost both of my parents when i was young . It s not easy when you do nt have anyone to look out for you or to love you . It s the kind of loneliness that stays with you forever .
Eric : I was trying to warn nicole that xander may be working up a way of saying that holly was still alive and she did nt want to hear it .
Sarah : That is a hard thing to hear . God , what slime that guy is .
Eric : Yeah , she said she knew for a face that holly was dead , it was all my fault .
Sarah : And that s a bunch of bull .
Eric : I just kept reminding her of how much I loved her . She -- she turned away and i grabbed her .
Sarah : You did ?
Eric : I was just determined for her to hear me out as determined as she was not to . She jerked away , and she fell into a table that had a bottle of champagne and glasses on it . She cut her arm and ...
Sarah : Did she need stitches ? Should I go over there ?
Eric : No , no , she was shocked more than hurt , and brady , he s there with her . He showed up right after it happened , and she told him that I tried to attack her , which is not true . It was an accident . I m not that kind of guy .
Sarah : I know that . I know you re not . And , deep down , nicole knows that too .
Eric : I m not so sure . The look in her eye was full of contempt and hatred .
Sarah : Eric , I m so sorry .
Eric : What s so weird is ...
Sarah : What ?
Eric : I looked into her eyes , it s almost as -- as if I did nt even recognize her .
Kristen as nicole : I m sorry . I have such a terrible headache . Brady , you know , I have some aspirin in the bathroom . Could you some with some water please ?
Brady : Yeah , yeah , yeah .
Kristen as nicole : Thank you .
Brady : Be right back .
Kristen as nicole : Thank you .
Brady : Here you go .
Kristen as nicole : Brady , a while back , when we went to the brady pub , I had a sip of maggie s water , only it was nt water . It was vodka . She swore that she did nt have any and begged me not to tell anyone . And maybe -- maybe I should have . Maybe this is all my fault .
Brady : No , no -- mm . No one can force you to drink . You know I know that better than anyone .
Kristen as nicole : But still , the way I went off on her , blaming holly s death on her , and I ... I m sorry that she started drinking . But I meant what I said . Maggie , chloe , and eric let holly down . And you are the only one who looked after my little girl . And I will ... I will never forget that .
Xander : I mean , it s not like I never had a mum at all . Every so often she d pull it together , take me to the beach , buy me ice cream .
Maggie : So are you still in touch with her ?
Xander : Oh , I ... I have nt heard from her in years . She -- she washed her hands of me the first time I went to prison .
Maggie : Oh , that s terrible .
Xander : Can I tell you a secret ?
Maggie : Yes . Yes .
Xander : I used to lie awake in bed for hours just ... dreaming about the day our rich uncle victor would come and take me and mum away , take care of us , rescue us from the lives we had . Not bloody likely . Not him .
Maggie : I m sorry .
Xander : Oh , do nt be . No . I learned to fight my own battles . And look at me now . Living the good life in a fancy mansion big , important job . I got everything I ever wanted .
Sarah : This is -- this is such a mess . You and nicole need each other at a time like this .
Eric : My life has been hell since she left salem . I mean , how can I expect her to be the same after all that ? You know what , I m so sorry for saying all this and you having to listen to it . It s probably not easy .
Sarah : You and I were friends first . I m always gon na be there for you if you need someone . How s coffee sound ?
Eric : Sounds good . Thank you . Is this rex s stuff from when he worked with rolf ?
Sarah : Yeah .
Eric : Find anything that will help will ?
Sarah : Unfortunately , no . It s just a bunch of plans for crazy inventions .
Brady : [ Quietly ] Stop .
Kristen as nicole : Brady , I m sorry , I did nt mean to make you feel uncomfortable .
Brady : Listen , you ca nt say that I took care of holly . I was the one that forced you out of town in the first place .
Kristen as nicole : I know . It s because I hurt you so badly .
Brady : St -- but still , still .
Kristen as nicole : You thought we were gon na be together forever .
Brady : Well , it s like I told my grandfather earlier , I now know that your heart belongs with eric .
Kristen as nicole : Did you tell victor we kissed ?
Brady : Yeah , I m sorry . I did .
Kristen as nicole : Brady , he hates my guts as it is .
Brady : He started talking about how you re just using me .
Kristen as nicole : Well , it s not like I can make some master plan from here , can I ?
Brady : No , and I told him that . I told him that . Look . Look , I do nt know what the hell happened here tonight between you and eric , but I -- I really think you need to stop pushing him away .
Kristen as nicole : I canT. Brady , I ... I do nt want him anywhere near me .
Brady : Nicole , he s not the reason why holly s gone .
Kristen as nicole : Well , i think he is . I just -- I do nt want to see him again .
Brady : The man loves you . And listen to me , as far as the kiss that we had , that is not gon na happen again . That will not happen again . It was the last time .
Kristen as nicole : Brady . Why are you so loyal to him ? I mean , what has he done for you lately ?
Brady : He s my brother . And we have a very , very fragile truce right now , and I do nt want to rock the boat . Listen , look , hey . I m always gon na be here for you when you need me . Always .
Kristen as nicole : That s it ?
Brady : It has to be that way . And I want to know that you re gon na be okay . Are you all right ?
Kristen as nicole : Hey , you know , brady , you do nt have to go .
Brady : No , look , look . I do . I do .
Stefan : I had no business yelling at you . It s not like you tied me down and had your way with me . Chloe left because of me . Because of what I did . So ... it was lousy of me to take it out on you . I m sorry .
Gabi : Apology accepted .
Stefan : See you at work tomorrow ?
Gabi : I ll see you at work tomorrow . All right , gabriella , I d say you played that exactly right .
Chloe : [ Sobbing ]
Rex : Chloe ? Hi .
Chloe : Hi .
Rex : Sorry . Are you okay ?
Chloe : [ Sniffles ] No . I think I ve just been going through this day on autopilot , and reality just hit me .
Rex : Yeah . Yeah , I get that . I have a -- I have a patient . He means a great deal to me and ... I thought I could save him . And I had to face the fact that I m probably wrong about that .
Chloe : I m so sorry .
Rex : Do you mind if I-- do you mind if I sit down ? We do nt have to talk or anything . I just do nt really want to go home .
Chloe : Sure . Have a seat .
Rex : Here .
Chloe : Thanks .
Brady : What the hell ?
Eric : Thank you . You know , when I think of nicole , I just see her on the floor , looking up at me , bleeding . Scared .
Sarah : It was that bad ?
Eric : I think it s over for good now .
Kristen : [ Yells ]
Jack : What s going on in there ?
Eve : That s , uh , nicole walker s room . Jack , she buried her daughter today . I know what s that like . Maybe I should talk to her .
Jack : The toddler ?
Eve : Yeah .
Jack : No , no , just ... I think let s give her her privacy .
Eve : You re probably right . She probably wants to be alone .
Jack : Yeah .
Kristen : It s going to be you and me , brady . I m not giving up . I do nt care what it takes .
### Summary:
| Julie wanted to talk to Jack about the way he was treating Jennifer , Hope and JJ . Jack said JJ broke the law like Jennifer . He said she was jail . Chloe told Eve that Stefan cheated on her with Gabi . Eve could nt believe that Stefan was with Gabi . Chloe said it was nt the first time . Chloe blamed her for what happened . Eve told her to take her anger out on Gabi and Stefan . Stefan blamed Gabi for why he lost Chloe . Gabi said it was nt her fault . She said she would talk to Chloe , but he said she would make it worse . She said it was nt her fault . He said it was . She wanted to know why he was there . He wanted to yell at her for losing Chloe . Gabi said he could nt stop thinking about her . He said that he wanted to blame her for what happened . She said they were nt going to be together . Brady walked in on Eric and Kristen . Kristen lied to Brady about what happened . She wanted Eric to leave . Brady told him to leave . When Eric left , Kristen thought Brady was there because he changed his mind about her . He said he was there because Maggie said she saw Kristen . Jack told Julie that Jennifer had a memory flash early . Julie wanted to know what the flash was . He said it was of Jennifer dressed up as a prison guard . Julie thought he was getting his memory back . Xander tried to help Maggie . She was surprised that he was helping her . He asked when she started drinking . She said today . She said Brady knew . He was surprised that Brady left her . She said she sent him to the Salem Inn because she saw Kristen . Kristen told Brady how Maggie went to see her . He asked her if she was wearing a red dress . Kristen said she was nt . While she was talking , she noticed the red dress on the floor . He noticed that something was wrong and asked her about it . Stefan told Gabi that whatever they had was over . She was okay with it . Jack told Julie that the old him was gone and the new one was here to stay . He said winning the election was nt proof . While Julie was yelling at him , he said he remembered that she was an excruciating cow . Eve wanted to tell Chloe something , but Jack was ready to leave . Maggie told Xander what happened when she saw Kristen . He kept asking her questions about it . She did nt care if he believed her . She told him to go away . He told her that he was nt going to leave her the way Brady did . He told her how his mother was an alcoholic . Eric told Sarah what happened when he went to see Nicole . He told her that Nicole said he tried to attack her . He said it was an accident . Kristen told Brady that Maggie was drinking before . She thought it was her fault for not saying anything . He said no one could force you to drink . She said she blamed her for Holly s death . She said everyone let Holly down . She said he was the only one who looked out for her . She said she would never forget that . Sarah told Eric that he and Nicole should be there for each other . He said he was sorry for talking to her about it when it was going to be hard on her . She said they were friends first and he could talk to her about anything . Brady told Kristen that she could nt say he took care of Holly . He said it was his fault that she left . She said she made him mad . He said she belonged with Eric . He told her that she should stop pushing him away . She said she did nt want to see him again . He said Eric loved her and they were never going to kiss again . She wanted to know why he was loyal to Eric . He said Eric was his brother and they had a truce . He was nt going to rock the boat . He said he would be there for her . Brady left her room . Stefan told Gabi that he should nt have yelled at her . He said she did nt force him to be with her . He said it was his fault and he apologized to her . She accepted his apology . When Brady went home , he found Maggie sleeping on Xander . Eric told Sarah that he thought he and Nicole were over . Kristen blamed Eric for not having Brady . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
EJ : Samantha ? Samantha ? Samantha , would -- would you please let me in ? Please , just , uh , t - t - talk to me , yell at me , anything . I dont -- I do nt care . Please ? I mean , are you afraid ? Do nt be . The tax charges , the boardroom meeting -- I do nt care about any of that . I - I deserved that , and I completely understand . I - I just care about us . Samantha . Just ... just please give me a chance . I m not gon na try and justify what I did ... because I ca nt . Just please let me in . Samantha ... please . Darling ?
EJ : [ Sighs ] Thank you so much , sweetheart .
Kate : You re welcome , Elvis .
Sami : Do you know if Dr. Marlena Evans is working today ? She was nt in her office . Oh , she canceled all her appointments for today . She said she ll be in that room all day .
Sami : With one of her patients ? No , it s John Black .
Roman : I am still trying to make sense of what happened . Brady doing this to his dad ? I do nt get it .
Marlena : I m trying to reconcile being at the gala , carefree , having a wonderful time , while all this was going on .
Sami : [ Sighs ]
Paige : Uh , am I late ?
JJ : No , I was early ... for once . [ Chuckles ]
Paige : How s your sister ?
JJ : You -- you mean about--
Paige : The fight in the square with my mom ? What else would I mean ?
JJ : Oh , nothing . Just ... Abigail has a lot going on right now .
Paige : Is she okay ?
JJ : She will be , yeah . I hope so . I mean , what -- what about us ? Are we -- we gon na be okay ?
Jennifer : You know what ? I should have known this was going to happen .
Eve : Hi , Jenn . Is , um , something wrong ?
Daniel : Wait . Do you two , uh , know each other ?
Jennifer : [ Laughs ] Really ?
Daniel : Yeah . Oh , no , right , I m sorry . The JJ , Paige ...
Jennifer : No , no . I have known Eve for a long , long time ... and far too well .
Eric : You love the idea of love , but that was not love . I do nt know what that was , but it was nt love .
Nicole : Oh , you-- you son of a--
Eric : Hello ? Your -- your Excellency , I ... I was nt expecting your call .
White : I have news about your case .
Eric : Uh , okay .
White : Did I call at a bad time ?
Daniel : Uh ... hold on . Excuse me . I got to -- I got to get this .
Eve : Oh , okay . Well , Jenn , why do nt you , um , pull up a chair ? Daniel was just showing me pictures of his adorable son , Parker . What a cutie he is .
Jennifer : Oh , you , stop it . You just stop it right now .
Eve : Whoa , Jenn , watch out . Those veins in your neck are popping out .
Jennifer : Do nt you dare pretend that you do nt know exactly what you are doing .
Eve : Well , I was just having a cup of coffee with d--
Jennifer : With someone that I was very close to .
Eve : Was ?
Jennifer : Oh , do nt act like you do nt know . I am sure Theresa told you the whole story in gory detail , because she was obsessed . She tried to break Daniel and me up for a year .
Eve : Did she succeed ? You know what ?
Jennifer : [ Sighs ]
Eve : It s okay . I do nt want to know . I can see that this is upsetting you . I am gon na go . You can talk with Daniel , and I m sure he s gon na want to know why you are so upset . Well , I hope to see you soon .
Jennifer : Well , I hope I do nt see you .
Eve : I hope I do .
Jennifer : I hope you do nt .
Eve : Have a great day .
Jennifer : [ Sighs ]
Daniel : Everything okay ? Jenn ?
EJ : Where is she ?
Kate : You mean darling ? Not in here .
EJ : What are you doing in my living room ?
Kate : It s my home .
EJ : The hell it is .
Kate : You need to check the paperwork , Elvis . This house belongs to DiMera enterprises . I am now co - CEO of DiMera , thus , I share half the house .
EJ : I do nt care about that or you . I just want to know where-- what the--
Kate : Oh , that ? It s flattering , do nt you think ? Although , the lighting could have been a tad bit softer .
EJ : Where is my wife ?
Sami : Mom , what happened ?
Marlena : There was a fight .
Sami : Obviously a bad one . Daddy ... ?
Roman : The only thing we know right now is that somebody hit him with a fireplace poker .
Sami : What ? [ Stammers ]
Roman : Uh , I got to check in with the station . Uh , your mom will fill you in , okay ? First of all , though ... are you all right ?
Sami : What ? Um , yes , of course , daddy .
Roman : Okay .
Sami : Do nt worry about me .
Roman : All right , all right .
Sami : Have you been up all night ? Mom , what do the doctors say ?
Marlena : He s in a coma . They do nt think he ll wake up .
Sami : So there was a fight . Um , who ? Do you know who did this to him ?
Marlena : Brady did .
Daniel : Where did Eve go ?
Jennifer : You re concerned about her ?
Daniel : Uh , just surprised , I guess .
Jennifer : [ Laughs ]
Daniel : You seem upset . Is everything okay with JJ and Paige ?
Jennifer : [ Sighs ] Oh , forget it . Forget it .
Daniel : What do you mean forget it ? W - w - wait . What is up with you ? You act like you re mad at me .
Jennifer : [ Scoffs ]
Daniel : Well ...
JJ : I wanted to tell you the thing about Theresa , when I set her up . And I was going to tell you even before I knew that she was your aunt . But then there was the whole blowup with our moms , and that whole thing just felt more important . Look , I did what I thought I had to do with Theresa . And I admit it ... it really sucked . But she had my back up against the wall , and the things that she was trying to do to me would have put me in jail ... because of the drugs , because I was there when she ODd . All I did was back her off . And I m not proud of any of it . But I do nt regret it either , cause I did nt have a choice . Paige , I swear , I was nt hiding any of this from you ... not on purpose . [ Sighs ] So the big secret s out . [ Chuckles ] Um , I m not perfect .
Paige : That s right . You re not .
Eric : Of course I want to hear about my case , your Excellency .
White : If you can come by early evening , I ll bring you up to date .
Eric : Thank you . I have to go . That was , uh ...
Nicole : I - I know . But , Eric , wait .
Eric : You know what ? I ca nt do this again .
Nicole : No , wait , wait , wait . Please , you have to see this . The station is doing a story about Brady and John Black .
Marlena : Apparently Brady was drunk . He grabbed a poker , and he swung .
Sami : Out of nowhere ?
Marlena : Well , Theresa said it was self - defense .
Sami : [ Sighs ]
Marlena : Brady has no memory of it .
Sami : Oh , my God . He must be wrecked .
Marlena : Yeah . He is .
Sami : And you ... you ve been here all night ?
Marlena : Are you surprised ?
Sami : Well , you and John were nt speaking .
Marlena : Well , no ... but there s history .
Sami : [ Sighs ]
Marlena : You do nt run out on somebody you ve loved when there s a crisis .
Kate : I do nt think barking at Samantha is the way to go here .
EJ : Mary , where is Mrs. DiMera ? What do you mean who is-- this is your boss . Yes , I am . Well , will you please tell Samantha when you see her that I am home and that I am looking for her ?
Kate : Yes , hold your breath till then , please .
EJ : I do nt know what kind of corporate slumber party you and Samantha were planning here , but it is over . So get out .
Kate : I do nt think that s the appropriate tone to use with me either . Do you think this is a joke ?
EJ : I think that father and I are gon na take this little temporary aberration in hand .
Kate : Well , not for six months , you wo nt . And that is ironclad . And if you have any thoughts of undoing that , you wo nt be able to do it unless you can completely admit that you and Stefano were duped by the two of us . And if you make that little nugget public , then your investors and your board members will flee , and you ll be left bankrupt .
EJ : I m going to take a shower .
Kate : Oh , a shower ... is nt that how this nasty little mess started in the first place ?
EJ : Do nt be here when I come down .
Kate : No , no , I wo nt . You see , I m going to go see a judge about a restraining order to keep you and your daddy 50 feet away from this house at all times . So I would pack my bag if I were you , Junior . You re done .
Sami : Hey , Mom .
Marlena : Hmm ?
Sami : This is John Black we re talking about . He has gotten through much worse . He s gon na wake up , and that s a fact .
Marlena : [ Chuckles ]
Jennifer : [ Sighs ] Come on .
Daniel : Really , Jenn ? I have to chase you all the way--
Jennifer : No one asked you to do that .
Daniel : Hey -- hey , I do nt deserve whatever the hell this is . Look , the least you owe me is a little bit of an exp--
Jennifer : Wait . What ? I owe you ? How is that ?
Daniel : We re friends ? At least I thought . No matter what happened between us , we just--
Jennifer : If we were friends , you would respect me .
Daniel : What ?
Jennifer : Really ? How could you , Daniel ?
Daniel : How -- how could I--
Jennifer : Hanging out with Eve Donovan ? How would you expect me to react ?
Daniel : Well , okay , I am so lost .
Jennifer : That woman is such a snake . How do you think that would make me feel , seeing the two of you together ?
Daniel : Okay . Is this about Eve and Theresa being sisters ? Because I just found out myself . And it was a bit of a surprise , but--
Jennifer : [ Gasps , laughs ]
Daniel : They do nt seem the same at all .
Jennifer : [ Laughs ] Wow .
Daniel : I take that to mean you disagree . Why are -- why are you acting like this is some big act of betrayal because I had coffee with Eve ?
Jennifer : Are you really that ... ?
Daniel : Clueless ? Is that the word you re looking for ?
Jennifer : No , I - I m sorry . I am in the middle of this lawsuit with Eve , and she wants the royalties to jack s book-- money that is supposed to go to veterans , Daniel . And it has escalated , and it has gotten so ugly , and she wants to get her hands on every last cent , every penny .
Daniel : So this is about a lawsuit ?
Jennifer : No , this is about Eve , period . I have had issues with that woman since I was 17 years old .
Nicole : Brady was at the scene when the cops showed up . Ugh , and so was Theresa .
Eric : Okay , why did nt anyone call me ?
Nicole : Uh ...
Eric : Listen , I have to go .
Nicole : Eric , I hope everything s okay .
Nicole : Brady , it s me . Where are you ? Call me as soon as you get this . Son of a bitch . [ Sighs ]
Sami : Right . No , I mean , we have to get out before the ... government drains the banks . I mean , otherwise , we ll be stuck . No , you call cutler - pagels . Yes , let s move on this A.S.A.P.
EJ : Trouble in the Baltics ? Good call . I would have done exactly the same .
Sami : Let me guess-- your little girlfriend , did she bake a cake with a file in it ?
EJ : No , actually , I was released on bail ... with a few restrictions . I ca nt leave Salem .
Sami : Aw , that s so cool . You have one of those little lojack things on your ankle ?
EJ : Yes .
Sami : Well , if I were you , I d be careful , cause the Salem P.D. Is just desperate for another reason to throw you in the slammer . Get out , EJ . I am working .
EJ : Is that it ?
Sami : [ Scoffs ] What else is there ? You did the maid of honor , so ... I m just hoping you ll do some hard time now . That s really all I have to say .
EJ : Something else is bothering you , besides me . Why do nt you tell me what it is ?
Sami : [ Laughs ] How could you even ... ? I m fine .
EJ : Is it the children ? Is everything all right ?
Sami : Now you re worried about our children ? The only thing that s wrong , EJ , is that you re here , in my house , instead of in jail . So , if you ll excuse me , I d really like you to get out , cause I am working .
EJ : Please do nt hide behind your work .
Sami : That s exactly right , EJ . Man , you just nailed it . [ Imitates crying ] I m so desperately hiding behind my work . [ Normal voice ] Actually , I love it , every minute of it . I have big plans for this company . You ll love it too .
EJ : I do nt care what you do to this company , Samantha . The only thing that I care about is us . Samantha , please , that s all I think about .
JJ : Just say it .
Paige : [ Sighs ] I - I do nt know . [ Chuckles ] It s like ... we re getting closer , and every time I think I know about you ...
JJ : You find out something new about me , something you do nt like ?
Paige : I did nt say that . I just do nt know what to think .
JJ : Well , all that stuff is behind me , I swear . It s old . It s over . And I - I - I want to be up front with you . I do .
Paige : And you ca nt because what , you do nt want to or there s so much , what ?
JJ : I dont -- I do nt think so . Just--
Paige : You do nt think ?
JJ : Look , I - I m scared to say something definite , and then maybe there s some detail that comes up later , and then you think I lied to you . Paige , it s -- it s really not that bad . Hey , you know me .
Paige : Do I ?
JJ : Yeah . What ?
Paige : [ Sighs ] It s just ... with our families fighting the way they are ... I do nt know .
JJ : What do nt you know ?
Paige : I do nt know if I can really trust you .
JJ : Hey , you can . Hey , you can trust me . Come here .
Paige : I m , uh , due at community service .
JJ : Ca nt it wait ? I mean , this is really important for us .
Paige : They re -- they re expecting me . I said I d be there .
JJ : Okay , well , then just text or call them .
Paige : JJ , I need time to think .
JJ : Paige .
Eve : Was that about me ?
Jennifer : I mean , it s bad enough that she came between me and Frankie , but then she went right after jack .
Daniel : So you and Eve are high - school rivals .
Jennifer : Daniel , this is not about who was head cheerleader . She married jack ... and it was a total sham , but that s how she s come up with this claim that she deserves royalties from his book . And then to really torture me , now she s making it a mission to go after every single man that I ve even been near ?
Daniel : Oh , well , do nt I feel special ?
Jennifer : Daniel , no , no . That came out the wrong way .
Daniel : I had no idea !
Jennifer : But how could you not ? When you found out that she was Theresa s sister , did nt a light bulb go off in your head ?
Daniel : What , that she was suing you ? Uh , no , no , did nt really take that leap , Jenn . Why in the hell would I ? Okay , you know what ? Here s an idea . Why did nt you tell me , clue me in about what was going on ?
Marlena : Brady was drunk . He does nt remember what happened . Theresa said it was self - defense .
Eric : It was Brady ?
Marlena : You do nt seem too surprised .
Eric : [ Sighs ] I was afraid something like this would happen .
Daniel : That woman was my patient . She s the one who came to me when she realized there was a connection with Theresa .
Jennifer : [ Chuckles ]
Eric : She s the one who s finding another doctor .
Jennifer : Right , making it much easier to start a new kind of relationship together .
Daniel : We were looking at pictures of my kid ! Oh , my God . Jenn , you and I -- it ended . Do you really think I m the kind of guy who s gon na jump from your bed right into another one ?
Jennifer : No , I do nt . But she is so manipulative , Daniel , and she s --
Daniel : And I have no judgment , right ? That s really where this is coming from , is nt it ?
Jennifer : No , I did nt say that .
Daniel : No , the hell it is nt . You do nt think I have the sense to come in from out of the rain .
Jennifer : Oh , my gosh . This is so unfair .
Daniel : Yes , it is . You do nt give me any of the facts , and you think now I m an idiot for not magically knowing what the hell is going on with you .
Jennifer : No .
Daniel : No , you know what ? The next time you do nt get why I said we need a break , you think about this moment , because there is the problem . I love you , Jenn , and a part of me always will . But we have hit a wall .
Jennifer : Wait , Daniel . [ Sighs ]
Jennifer : Oh . [ Sighs ]
JJ : Not everything is about you .
Eve : Yeah , I get that , JJ . But am I wrong to say that this fight that I had with your sister was gon na cause a problem between you and Paige ?
JJ : Not really , because we can separate those two things .
Eve : Okay , well , what if I were to tell Paige , that , uh , I do nt hold a grudge against Abigail and I understand that she was under a lot of pressure .
JJ : You d do that ?
Eve : Yes . JJ , I - I so do nt want to fight with your family , and I certainly do nt want this , whatever , conflict to spill over on your friendship with my daughter . I mean , this is -- this is the last summer before she heads off to college . And I really want it to be the best summer of her life . I do . So , well , can you trust me enough ... to help with that ?
Paige : Mom ?
Sami : There is no us , EJ .
EJ : There will always be an us , Samantha . You re actually a very bad liar .
Sami : Oh , I am ? You did nt see this coming .
EJ : No , I did not .
Sami : EJ , I own your life .
EJ : Yes , you do . And that is just the way that I ve always wanted it .
Sami : [ Chuckles ] Well , then you ll be thrilled to read the business papers next week .
EJ : What are you going to do -- sell the company out from under me ? That s probably what I would do if I were as angry as you are .
Sami : And you would nt care cause you can live on love alone . You do nt care about those fancy suits or those designer labels ?
EJ : No , I do nt .
Sami : You forget how well I know you , EJ ... that I have watched you for years . I know what kind of games you play , and I can clearly see the goal in this one .
EJ : I do nt need any of this stuff .
Sami : Nice try , honey .
EJ : You seem to have forgotten ... I gave away everything-- the house , the company , all of it . I gave it away gladly , willingly , without a second thought . I did all of that to get you back ... because I love you . Take it . [ Chuckles ] Take the house , take the company . I do nt care if you burn it . The only thing that I care about is you .
Sami : You mean that ?
EJ : Yes , I do . Samantha , I made a - a huge mistake , and I hate myself for it . I just want the chance to make it right . I want to spend the rest of my life making it right for us .
Sami : And ... you do nt care that I sent you to jail , stole your company ? [ Scoffs ]
EJ : No , I do nt care . Bring it on .
Sami : Just like old times . Well ... that s exactly what I wanted to hear you say .
EJ : [ Sighs ] I mean it .
Sami : Good . [ Scoffs ] So now I know ... that when I destroy you , I ll be breaking your little lying heart too . At last , automatic , reusable hair color .
EJ : I understand . You want to punish me .
Sami : Oh , no . No , no . [ Chuckles ] Abby -- shell be punished . You , EJ -- you re gon na get annihilated .
EJ : What about the collateral damage ... the children ? They re blameless here .
Sami : Are you suggesting that I am not ?
EJ : Please , Samantha , you do nt seriously want to destroy our family .
Sami : Oh , no , all right , you do not talk to me about family , you son of a bitch , because you threw this family away the second you put your hands on that skank s little bony thigh , and if you think that I am--
Caroline : Stop it ! Stop it !
Eric : John was out of his mind scared . He kept saying , get Brady away from Theresa . Get him into rehab , whatever it takes . And you know how Brady felt about those ideas .
Marlena : I can just hear that fight .
Roman : Hey , uh ... listen , you need some coffee ?
Marlena : I do . Thank you .
Roman : Okay .
Eric : Do nt think about the fight .
Marlena : Which one ?
Eric : Any of them . The most important thing right now is getting John back . He ll feel you re here .
Marlena : I m not sure that s what he d want . But it s where I need to be .
Eve : Paige , sweetie .
Paige : Uh , what are you doing here ?
Eve : Well , I was just walking home right through the park , and I ran into JJ . And we were doing a little catching up . But the two of you need to do a little catching up . And I will see you at home , okay ?
Paige : Sure . Yeah .
Eve : Okay .
JJ : So what happened to community service ?
Paige : I texted I d be a little late . What I just did , walking out like that , it was nt fair .
JJ : I m glad you came back .
Paige : Uh , what was my mom saying ?
JJ : She was just saying that she does nt want the stuff with the family and her fight with Abigail to affect us .
Paige : Really ?
JJ : It surprised me a little . [ Chuckles ]
Paige : So she thinks that s the problem ?
JJ : I know better .
Paige : [ Sighs ] It s ... [ Sighs ] [ Sighs ] Look , I know it seems like I m all in charge and together , and I am most of the time . But then I find out something new , and it throws me .
JJ : But--
Paige : No , I ... you keep saying you want to be straight with me . And maybe I should just listen instead of doubting it . I ... I do nt want to give up on you , JJ . I m just really nervous because everything keeps changing . But I told you once that I really knew you inside through your music . That has nt changed .
Jennifer : No , Aiden , I am sure we are going to court . So , if her lawyer calls , you tell him that we are not gon na settle . No , I do nt trust her . Yeah . We can talk about a strategy later , but right now there s something I need to do . [ Sighs ]
Eve : Daniel ... look , I am so sorry about before . I did not expect a nasty scene over a cup of coffee . I had no idea that you and Jenn even knew each other . What a terrible coincidence .
Daniel : Is it ?
Nicole : Brady , it s me . I m at the hospital . I ll leave my phone on , so call me . Oh , roman . Is Brady here ?
Roman : Uh , he went to a meeting , I think .
Nicole : Did Eric get here ?
Roman : He s in with his mom , who needs him right now . Nicole , this is a family matter . Stay out of it .
Nicole : [ Scoffs ] Roman , come on , what s going on ? What happened ?
Nicole : [ Scoffs ]
Eve : Daniel ... hey ... look at me . You do nt believe me ?
Daniel : You know what I believe , Eve , what I know ? Is that Jenn was pretty angry today and for damn good reason .
Eve : Wow . Sounds like you got an earful .
Daniel : Yeah , I did . Yeah , I know about the lawsuit . I also know that Jenn is justifiably feeling angry and betrayed , kind of like she has a target on her back .
Eve : Well , there s more than one side to the story .
Daniel : Uh - huh , yeah . Really , Eve ? Did you -- did you really not know that Jenn and I used to be together ? Seriously , after all the talks you say you had with Theresa , just never -- never came up ?
Eve : It -- it -- it did nt . Look , I - I just wish that you could understand , you know , why I m fighting so hard--
Daniel : Okay , stop , stop . I do nt want to hear it . I do nt want to hear it .
Eve : Well , um ... I m sorry you feel that way .
Daniel : You want to know how I feel ? Used . And I do nt like it .
Eric : Mom , only God and John know what s going to happen to him now . We can pray for the best . We can let him know that we re here and we love him ... pray for acceptance .
Marlena : Acceptance ?
Eric : The hardest thing to accept is that sometimes God s will is not what we want for ourselves .
EJ : You have been here long enough to know what a closed door means .
Sami : Do nt talk to him like that .
Harold : My apologies , sir .
Caroline : You leave him alone . He tried to stop me .
Sami : Harold , no need to apologize .
EJ : This is a private conversation .
Caroline : Oh , really ? I could hear Sami yelling down at the pub .
Sami : Grandma , I m sorry for this . Harold , you did the right thing letting my grandmother in . But I m sorry , grandma . I do nt have time to talk right now . I m very busy with work .
Caroline : Take him with you . Scram .
EJ : Caroline , with all due respect ...
Caroline : You -- you ... [ Laughs ] You could use that word in a time like this ?
EJ : You are the only person in Samantha s entire family who has ever really appreciated how much I love her . That has nt changed . I just want a chance to make things right .
Caroline : [ Sighs ]
Sami : What did he say ?
Caroline : Hmm ? Oh , do you really care ? Wish you could give hair moisture
Paige : Hey .
Eve : Hey . So how did things go with JJ ?
Paige : Well , JJ said you re okay with the two of us . Is that true ?
Eve : Of course . Sweetheart ... when have I not wanted you to be happy ?
Paige : Thank you .
Eve : Well , not yet .
Paige : Why ?
Eve : Although I was very skeptical of JJ in the beginning and I think I voiced that opinion , obviously ...
Paige : Mm - hmm .
Eve : I no longer think that JJ s gon na be a problem . And I do nt think his sister s gon na be a problem either . But we do have one very big problem . Her name is Jennifer Horton .
JJ : Hey . What s up , mom ?
Jennifer : War ... all - out war . And I know that I promised you that this lawsuit was not going to affect you and Paige , but Eve and I are going to court , and it is going to get very , very ugly .
Nicole : Daniel ... thanks for giving me the heads - up to check the news . Why did nt you just tell me yourself ?
Daniel : I could nt , but I thought Brady needed the help , if you could focus on someone else .
Nicole : Harsh and totally unnecessary . What s with the mood ... besides the sight of me alone ? What s -- it s not the thing with us , right ? Okay , it looks like trouble with a woman .
Daniel : Okay , keep your theories to yourself . We re done talking here .
Nicole : Definitely trouble with a woman .
Sami : So I guess you ve heard the whole story .
Caroline : I heard enough .
Sami : And you , what , came here to tell me that I had to be nice to little sweet , innocent Abby Deveraux because she s the real victim here ? That does seem to be the party line . And I m not even supposed to raise my voice to her , because ... well , I do nt even know why , really , because God forbid anyone-- never mind someone in my own family -- would actually have my back . No , even though that ... tramp slept with my fiancé . But here s the thing . Look , I get it , okay , grandma ? I understand now that I get what I deserved . I get it -- for being with EJ . And no one has given me a real solid I told you so . And -- and if anyone deserves to say it , it s you , so ...
Caroline : I do nt want to say that .
Sami : Okay , okay . Well , either way , you re right , and you have been right all along , and I know that now , and ... and do nt worry , because EJ s gon na pay and pay and pay . He does nt know what real pain is , but he is going to .
Caroline : Samantha Jean , Samantha Jean , is that all that you have , is anger ?
Sami : How else am I supposed to feel ? That bastard was--
Caroline : That bastard is the man that you loved . And deep down ... maybe he s the man you still love .
### Summary:
| EJ was out of jail and had a run in with Kate at the mansion . He warned her that he and Stefano were nt going to let her and Sami get away with what they did . Kate was nt worried . Jennifer was upset that Daniel was spending time with Eve . He did nt understand why Jennifer was upset . Jennifer explained how she s involved in a lawsuit with Eve . Sami got a shock when she ran into EJ at the mansion . He tried again to get her to change her mind about ending things with him . Daniel tried to explain to Jennifer that nothing happened with Eve . He was upset that she did nt tell him about Eve . Daniel reminded Jennifer why they are on a break . EJ begged Sami for another chance . Sami wondered if he could live with what she did to him . He said he could live with it . Sami did nt believe him and thought she would be destroying a liar . Caroline walked in on Sami yelling at EJ . Eve ran into Daniel and he wondered if it was really a coincidence that she met him . Daniel questioned whether Eve knew that he was involved with Jennifer . Daniel did nt like feeling used . Sami did nt understand why her family would nt have her back when it concerned EJ . Sami wanted EJ to pay , but Caroline thought she still loved EJ . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Nick : I ve always taken your mother at face value . She is who she says she is . She wants what she says she wants . Have I made a mistake here ?
Bridget : Nick , no . There s not a whole lot hidden about my mother . Although , there are things in all of us that other people see and we ll just never --
Nick : Bridget , you think forrester s always going to be in her life ?
Bridget : Oh , nick , if I gave you an honest answer , would it even matter ?
Dante : Up on one elbow -- right , yeah , like that . Bend the top leg at the knee .
Felicia : You re gon na have me looking like the canova -- that one in the villa borghese . You know , the one of napoleon s sister pauline ?
Dante : An homage , an update , a ripoff -- whatever you want to call it . Perfect . Now stay like that .
Felicia : People comment on the resemblance all the time .
Dante : Yeah , and ridge is a lot like napoleon , but taller .
Felicia : Oh , she had such nice hair . Please , do nt make me look like a boy .
Dante : Could never happen .
Felicia : What about my scar ?
Dante : That s up to you .
Felicia : Love me , love my scar .
Dante : Then it s in .
Stephanie : I misjudged you . I thought you were so far ahead of me in accepting the reality that brooke and ridge belong together .
Taylor : So hey , why not tell a national audience that I m a big mistake ?
Stephanie : Taylor -- how many times have you said to me over the years , stephanie , you ve got to learn to accept his decisions ?
Taylor : Well , there s a difference between accepting them and then shoving them down everyone s throat . I mean -- you anointed her queen . You gave her half of the company .
Stephanie : I m sorry . I m sorry . I just mishandled this I -- look , I m redistributing the stock of the company and well , i just feel it belongs to everyone in the family . And of course -- of course , you re family .
Taylor : 2 % ? That s very generous of you . If I were your gardener and not the mother of your grandchildren .
Nick : I thought we might be able to make this transition with the minimal amount of hurt feelings . But maybe I was wrong .
Bridget : Look , I do nt remember agreeing to give you advice on your love life with my mother .
Nick : Bridget , I was hoping we could talk about anything . You want to talk about dante ? That s fine with me .
Bridget : All right . He proposed and --
Nick : Where s the ring ?
Bridge : There s no ring . Look , nick , you and my mother are just very different people . You are very binary . And she isnT. She s much more like --
Nick : Binary ? Binary ?
Bridget : Yeah . When , you know , you decide on something , you rarely change your mind . You re rarely unsure of yourself . But my mother lives by a different set of principles . She has them , of course , but something that looks very bad to her today may not look that bad to her tomorrow . And with people that she loves , and that includes ridge , you ought accept that now -- she s always going to find something redeemable about them . Even people she does nt think that she loves right now . Like stephanie , for instance --
Nick : No , no , no . I m drawing the line there . After all the abuse that woman s given her ?
Bridget : No , but nick , ca nt you see that my mother will always think the next time will be different , will be better . I m not criticizing her . I m not saying her way is wrong . It might very well be right . It s just not your way .
Nick : Well , what way is that ?
Bridget : On - off , like a switch . Like I said , when you finally make up your mind , you rarely give people second chances . My mother may not be like stephanie , but you certainly are .
Nick : Maybe I overstepped here a little . I m sorry .
Bridget : I m not going to sit here and try to explain to you how to woo my mother away from ridge . I m not even going to tell you if that s a good idea . We re not even divorced yet , nick .
Nick : Okay , okay , I know . It s just a little early for this conversation , I m sorry .
Bridget : I really hope that you and my mom are very , very happy . But I have done my fair share to try to make that happen . The rest is up to you .
Nick : I got it .
Bridget : You know what , I ve got it . I just remembered there s someplace I ought to be .
Felicia : Do you ever think about what it will be like after you re gone ?
Dante : Not really .
Felicia : I do . All the time . The sun will keep rising and setting , people will keep ordering chinese food and not wearing spf 30 when they should . The only thing missing will be me . That little speck of the world where the sunlight would find me every morning .
Dante : And look where you are right now .
Felicia : Strangely enough .
Dante : Drop your left ribs a little . You keep raising your breasts , too . Do nt do that .
Felicia : Maybe I m getting lighter . Maybe I ll just float away . You can adjust me if you want to .
Dante : I will .
Felicia : I feel more comfortable naked than any reasonable person should . It s not exhibitionism , like when you met me . I think it s reassurance . That I m still here , the essential me . And I m not just some stitched - together outfit . I m a stitched - together person . It s not that I think I ever took life for granted , really , but I just ca nt get used to not being dead .
Dante : Actually , you seem nervous .
Felicia : Maybe it s the not knowing where it s going with us .
Dante : You know what ? Knowing exactly how it s going to turn out ? Generally , it gets you in trouble .
Felicia : True .
Dante : Let yourself float . And drop your left ribs .
Stephanie : Taylor , no , this stock is just for you . Thomas and the girls will be provided for in a totally different way .
Taylor : Thanks , but no thanks .
Stephanie : You re acting as though you re offended . Why ?
Taylor : Because I get the annoying feeling that I m expected to be jumping up and down for joy . You know , you and your son wipe your feet all over me , and then you try to buy me off at some bargain basement price , no less . I really do nt know why this surprises me , though . I mean , you just did it to brooke . And then you did it to her father .
Stephanie : Why do I feel like I m in a no - win I situation here ? Would you have been happier if I had nt given you any stock ?
Taylor : You do nt get to win when you hang a friend out to dry . I really thought that we had , like , this mother - daughter relationship . But that is nt what it was at all . It was just you being in charge of keeping me married to ridge . And then you take ridge away , and what have we got ? 2 % . Take it , and get out !
Stephanie : Taylor -- I have to believe that this love between us is strong enough to survive anything , including this .
Taylor : I said , take it !
Stephen : Did I come at a bad time ? Laundry s not new .
Dante : Do you need a break ?
Felicia : Do you ? Coffee would be great .
Dante : There s a coffeemaker in the supply room . I can start it up .
Felicia : Do you want to mark me , so I sit back in the right spot ?
Dante : Do nt move .
Felicia : I m listening well , huh ?
Dante : Yeah . All right , one more . You re all set . Coffee , ten minutes . I do nt want to be here all night , okay ?
Bridget : Why do nt you just hate me ?
Dante : Why ? I would nt know how .
Bridget : I just realized what I ve been doing to you for the past year .
Dante : Helping with dino ?
Bridget : No , longer than that . Just having you listen to me endlessly talk about nick -- while you take care of me and cook for me and let me cry on your shoulder .
Dante : Where s this coming from ?
Bridget : Nick wanted to talk to me about all of his problems with my mother .
Dante : That surprised you ?
Bridget : I do nt think he meant it to be thoughtless . And I never did either , but -- I was -- I was really selfish . I know you ve forgiven me , but I -- I do nt forgive myself . I also realized just what an incredible -- what a miracle you ve been in my life .
Stephen : I expect you ve heard of stephanie s offer to my daughter .
Taylor : Oh , yes .
Stephen : Well , then you can guess at my feelings about it .
Taylor : I know there s no love lost between you and stephanie .
Stephen : I was glad to think that she d finally cut herself off from that family of vipers . But I also know how important her work at forrester creations was for her . She s surrounded by people who all want something from her -- except me , of course . But I was thinking that , after all these years , I might be able to help her , if I just knew how to advise her . But I do nt trust myself to only think of her best interests .
Taylor : Because your resentment for the way they ve treated you runs so deep .
Stephen : And the way they treated her . The stock ? The money ? That s supposed to make everything all right now ? Like money is the great solver of all problems ?
Taylor : I am afraid you have come to the wrong place at the wrong time . Let s just say there s enough resentment to go around quite a while .
Stephen : You , too ? Ahh ... vacation at last .
Bridget : After I left nick , i just realized how you must have felt every single time I said his name . Suddenly I got this really -- this cold fear , that what if you had not been there for me ?
Dante : I m not going anywhere .
Bridget : I could have never , ever , ever made it through the past year without you .
Dante : I m glad I could be there for you as a friend .
Bridget : No , honey , you have been so much more than just a friend to me --
Felicia : You artists are always out of coffee ! Oh , we have an audience .
Stephen : So she could nt see how her measly 2 % was a slap in the face , huh ?
Taylor : The less said about it , the better .
Stephen : No . No , taylor , it s not better . Do nt you see ? That s how they operate . That s what they count on . That we ll all be so damn polite that we wo nt scream bloody murder when they take their truckload of money and just run over us .
Taylor : Well , I do nt know what else I m supposed to do . I mean , it s her company , she can legally do whatever she wants with it .
Stephen : -- Was her company . Taylor , I have learned a little bit about business . And a lot about how the mind of the beast works . Now , I came here to ask you for help , thinking there was nobody else I could count on . And here you are in the same boat . Now , what would you say if I were to tell you there might be a way for us to get our dignity back ? If we count each other .
Stephanie : Wow , nick , it s rather late .
Nick : Commerce never sleeps .
Stephanie : A professional call ?
Nick : You gave brooke half your company . I d like to buy the other half .
Stephanie : Really ?
Nick : I do nt want her working here , she seems to like the place .
Stephanie : That s quite a gesture .
Nick : Well , I look at it as an opportunity for you , too . Spend some time with your family , get to know your grandkids .
Stephanie : Well , that is a good idea . I appreciate your concern about that . The company s not for sale .
Nick : It s not a tool for you to use , either . To put brooke back together with your boy .
Stephanie : They share a long history here .
Nick : You know , I ve heard that .
Stephanie : Well , then having heard it , you should know that you re fighting a losing battle .
Nick : She knows what she wants , and it s not your son .
Stephanie : You re a lot like your father . Stubborn and determined , and always trying to attain the unattainable .
Nick : The unattainable ?
Stephanie : Yeah . Let me give you some advice , good advice . Run as fast as you can away from here .
Nick : Never gon na happen .
Stephanie : Never ? Never say never . [ Stephanie laughs ] Believe me , I know . I am never going to accept brooke . I m never going to let her in the family , never going to let her in the business , never going to accept the idea that ridge really loves her . Do nt make the same mistake that I did . There s something between them that ca nt be denied . You love her , I know that . I can see it . But you re caught up in something that s beyond your control . Beyond their control , really . Let her go . Let her have that happiness . It ll be the best thing that you can do for her . And more importantly , nick , for yourself .
Nick : Just like you think the best thing for her is to be with your son . You ll even try to bribe her to make that happen . But as you know , that wo nt work . Giving her 50 % of this company is going to be the biggest mistake you ve ever made , and I think deep down you already know it . She loves me . Get that through your head . Otherwise , we re gon na have real problems . And I know you do nt want that .
Stephanie : I really do nt want to fight with you . But if that s the way it has to be , that s the way it has to be . It wo nt be pretty .
### Summary:
| Bridget and Nick continue to discuss Brooke . Bridget explains that her mother is capable of changing her mind and seeing the good in those she loves . Dante begins the nude sculpture of Felicia as she continues to flirt with him . At Forrester , Taylor berates Stephanie for giving Brooke half the company . When Stephanie presents Taylor with the stock she is going to give her Taylor is livid over the measly 2 % . Both are unaware that Stephan is listening outside the door . Bridget angrily tells Nick that she is not comfortable in giving him advice about how to keep her mother . Nick is surprised when she reveals that Dante proposed to her . Bridget warns Nick that she has done all she can do to put him with Brooke and tells him that he is just like Stephanie ; neither of them gives people second chances . As Nick tries to apologize , Bridget storms out . At the studio , Felicia talks to Dante about death . When they take a coffee break they kiss ( AGAIN ! ) . Taylor tells Stephanie that she ca nt be bought and demands that she leave her office . Once Steph is gone , Stephan knocks on the door surprising Taylor . Bridget arrives at Dante s studio and begins to tell him how sorry she is over the way she has treated him . Before Date can answer , Felicia comes in wearing only a sheet . Stephan plays on Taylor s humiliation and sets the stage to bring her in on his plan to destroy the Forresters . When Steph returns to her office , she finds Nick waiting for her . Nick tells her that he would like to buy the other 50 % of Forrester , but Steph says no sale ! Nick then warns Stephanie again that her plan to reunite Brooke and Ridge is nt going to work . Stephanie tells him that she will go to war with him if she has to , and IT WONT BE PRETTY ! |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Sharon : It s the only answer , Michael .
Michael : Oh , no , Sharon , it s by far not the only answer you have .
Sharon : If Cameron s body is found anywhere near that motel , I will be implicated .
Michael : When the last of the snow melts , that s what s gon na happen . That s what I ve been warning you about .
Sharon : No , you re not hearing me . The body ca nt be there .
Michael : Well , I do nt see it getting up and taking off on its own , do you ?
Sharon : Look , I understand that it s not your neck that s on the line . It s not your marriage that s at stake , your family .
Michael : Sharon , for God s sakes , what you re suggesting is so absolutely illegal .
Sharon : If you are right about that motel clerk checking Cameron in and then seeing me , if the body is found anywhere in that vicinity and the police come around and they start asking questions ...
Michael : Yes , yes , yes , there s a high probability the guy will remember you .
Sharon : Then they will investigate , and then I will be identified . But if the body is found somewhere miles and miles away from that dumpster--
Michael : I ca nt believe we re even talking about this .
Sharon : Michael , you are my lawyer , right ?
Michael : Yes , and as your lawyer , I m telling you , this is insane .
Sharon : You have to keep your mouth shut , do nt you ?
Victor : All right . So why do nt you tell me what this is all about ?
Brad : I want you to know , Victor , this is the hardest thing I ve ever had to do , but I ve come to the conclusion that it has to be done .
Victor : If you do nt mind my asking you , what specific thing are you talking about ? I have no idea .
Brad : You ll know everything soon enough .
Victor : I know that you do nt trust me .
Brad : Can you blame me ? Time and time again , you ve tried to insinuate yourself into Ash s life , despite my repeatedly telling you to back off .
Victor : And you ve told you time and again that I apologize for having upset your wife .
Brad : You did more than upset her . You triggered this whole relapse . Which brings me back to what I have to tell you .
Victor : Listen , why do nt we stop this right now , because I have a feeling I know what s coming , all right ?
Brad : Oh , I very much doubt that , Victor .
J.T. : I m coming . ( Groans ) relax , all right ? I was trying to sleep . I hope you re ... Colleen , what are you doing here ?
Colleen : Checking on you , making sure you re okay . I have been calling you since last night .
J.T. : I told you I was gon na be out .
Colleen : I know , but I ve left messages all over the place . Why have nt you answered your cell ?
J.T. : My phone ran outta juice , all right ? I have nt had a chance to charge it yet .
Colleen : Okay , well , what about all the messages I left on your machine ?
J.T. : I have nt checked em yet .
Colleen : Why , J.T. ? I have been so worried . It s not like you not to answer your phone . I mean , what if you d gotten hurt or something ?
J.T. : Look , I do nt know , Colleen , what if ? Look , I m -- I m sorry , all right ? I - I m sorry I did nt call you . I had some more important things to worry about last night , all right ?
Phyllis : Diane , what the hell are you doing here ?
Diane : Surely by now you know how resourceful I can be .
Phyllis : Oh , I would nt be too cocky . Have you forgotten who you re dealing with ?
Diane : You do nt scare me , Phyllis .
Phyllis : Oh , I do nt ?
Diane : Mnh - mnh .
Phyllis : Really ? When I left , there were two orchids . One s missing . Where is it ?
Diane : You think I know ?
Phyllis : Yeah , I think you know . I think you have it . And if you do nt give it back to me , Ill--
Diane : What ?
Phyllis : Well , I ll call the police and have you arrested for breaking and entering and robbery .
Diane : Oh , okay , go ahead . Call the cops .
Phyllis : Okay .
Diane : You re bluffing , Phyllis .
Phyllis : Uh , let s ... let s see if I am .
Diane : Have you forgotten that you re guilty of the same thing ? Your friends at Jabot did nt exactly give you that second orchid as a gift . I m just taking back what does nt belong to you .
Phyllis : Damn it , Diane .
Diane : Oh , calm down and listen . And if you do nt , I ll leave , and you can find out later what s become of your precious orchid .
Dru : Are you messing around with me ? Cause this is serious business . Come on , Neil .
Neil : I ca nt lie to you , Dru .
Dru : Are you telling me you really ca nt get an orchid back from Phyllis ?
Neil : What I m telling you is that I m still hoping--
Dru : You re hoping ? You re hoping ? Honey , you told me if I gave you the secret about the orchid , you would get one back for me , remember ?
Neil : I know . I know that s what I said , but I cant--
Dru : No , no , no , you did more than say it . You promised it . You promised it to me if I gave you the secret , right ? Look , I trusted you .
Neil : And , Drucilla , I did what I could .
Dru : You did what you could ? My head is on the chopping block at Jabot , and if I do nt trot into Jack s office with a neofinetia , I could lose my job , and you stand there and say you did what you could , you re not gon na keep up your end of the bargain ! Well , that sucks !
Victor : Look , I m well aware that you still blame me for Ashley s accident and for the loss of your baby .
Brad : You re right , I do .
Victor : I do nt need to reiterate that I do nt accept that responsibility . I have , and I do now apologize , however , if I ve inadvertently-- and I mean inadvertently-- upset her . Now having said that , do you still want me to help with her recovery ?
Brad : At this point , I would accept help from Satan if I thought it would bring my wife back .
Victor : Then why are we wasting time ? Let s get to it .
Brad : It s not that simple .
Victor : Bradley , this does nt make any sense . If you have nothing else to say to me , why are we prolonging this torture now ? Why do nt you bring Ashley down ? And let s see if we can help her get well again . I do nt have all day , to be honest with you .
Sharon : Cameron s body ca nt be left where it is . It s way too risky .
Michael : You re treading on dangerous ground here .
Sharon : At least now I know what has to be done .
Michael : Sharon , a man died accidentally , while you were defending yourself during an attempted rape . We have gone from a moment where your legal troubles would have been rather minimal to this insanity .
Sharon : Michael , I do nt have time for any more I told you so s . I did nt call the police . I did nt come forward . I m not going to now .
Michael : Well , you re gon na have to face up to it , but not that way , not by piling felony upon felony in the mistaken belief that you re gon na get away with this .
Sharon : Thank you very much for coming . I will call you if I need you .
Michael : What , you re dismissing me ?
Sharon : I have things to do .
Michael : No , no , I m sorry , but I m not leaving until you promise me you wo nt do anything about this .
Sharon : No , no . Please go . I ca nt talk anymore .
Neil : Honey , please , try to understand the position I m in here .
Dru : I understand the position that you re in . You are Victor Newman s right- hand man , which means Phyllis works for you !
Neil : No , she used to work for us . She quit , remember ?
Dru : You know , you were so certain that you could get Phyllis to turn the corner on this , and now you re just weaseling your way outta this , are nt you ?
Neil : Oh , come on , Dru , be reasonable .
Dru : How can I be reasonable about this when my whole job , my whole career is on the line ? ! You know , perhaps I should remind you of something else .
Neil : And what is that ?
Dru : I warned you . Do nt ever double - cross me . And do you remember what you said with those big , soulful eyes ? Yeah , you said , would I do that to the woman I love ?
Neil : And I meant what I said . But I ca nt control what Phyllis does . If I could , I d ... what , what is that talk about ?
Dru : I have to wonder if from the get - go you d always planned to cross me , if you and Phyllis were in cahoots from day one .
Neil : Drucilla Winters , you ca nt possibly believe that .
Dru : I do nt want to believe it .
Neil : You know something ? You really disappoint me . I mean , come on now , we just got remarried . Do you really think that some cosmetics product-- that any product for that matter-- is more important to me than our marriage ? Because if you really believe that , I do nt know you as well as I thought I did .
Phyllis : Diane , I strongly advise you to give me that orchid right now .
Diane : Hey , guess what . I m the one holding all the cards here . So why do nt you just be a good girl , zip your lips and listen up ?
Phyllis : Spit it out , please .
Diane : All right , taking that orchid was a means to an end . It forced you to pay attention . In fact , if you ll listen to me with an open mind , you ll realize that this is for your own good .
Phyllis : Why do nt you just get to the point ?
Diane : I m doing this for Jack .
Phyllis : What are you talking about ?
Diane : The man loves you . I wish he did nt , but he does . And what I want more than anything is for Jack to be happy .
Phyllis : So you want us to patch things up ?
Diane : Well , I ... I did nt at first . In fact , I made it clear to Jack that I would be happy if we could rekindle something .
Phyllis : Mm - hmm .
Diane : But only if he was absolutely sure it was something he wanted , too . And unfortunately , it is nt .
Phyllis : Wow , that s too bad . That must have been a very bitter pill to swallow .
Diane : As much as it kills me to say it , Phyllis , he wants you . But for some odd , inexplicable reason , you refuse to cooperate . It s almost like you have a death wish for your marriage .
Phyllis : Okay , would you stop it ? That s not true .
Diane : Yes , it is true . Do nt you get it ? You have something incredible , something women all over the world dream of having-- this wonderful man who loves you with all his heart . And yet you insist on throwing it away . How can you be so stupid ?
Colleen : J.T. , All I wanted was a phone call .
J.T. : I get that , Colleen . But you know what ? Somebody else needed me last night . Brittany .
Colleen : Brittany ?
J.T. : Yeah , she s in the hospital . Something bad happened to her at the club . She got , like ... like , electrocuted .
Colleen : Oh , my God . I m sorry . Is she okay ?
J.T. : Colleen , no , look , I m sorry . I should nt have snapped at you like that . I apologize . But I had a ... a really rough night . I only slept a couple of hours .
Colleen : It s okay . What about Brittany ? I mean , how bad is she ?
J.T. : It s hard to tell . The doctors do nt know yet . She got burned pretty bad , and they do nt even know exactly how it happened . They think it might have been on purpose .
Colleen : Oh , my God . Who would do that to her ?
J.T. : I do nt know , Colleen . Maybe somebody connected to the club , to Marsino .
Colleen : I cat believe this . As if this month has nt been bad enough-- the whole Kevin thing and now my Dad and Ashley and Brittany-- oh , what a disaster .
J.T. : Yeah , it s been a mess . But you know what , baby ? Let s focus on the good stuff , huh ? Like you and me . We got a lot to look forward to , you know ?
Colleen : Oh , yeah , like what ?
J.T. : What , you ca nt think of anything ? Nothing at all ?
Colleen : Nope . What are you getting at ?
J.T. : Not even your favorite day of the year ? Valentine s Day . It s coming up .
Sharon : Hey . What are you doing home ?
Nick : Would nt have been too good a trip without this .
Sharon : Oh .
Nick : I forgot it when I rushed outta here this morning .
Sharon : Oh , uh , hon , I m sorry . I did nt realize . I coulda had Miguel send it to you in town . It woulda saved you the trip out here .
Nick : Well , maybe I wanted to come back .
Sharon : Oh ?
Nick : Well , I also forgot to give my beautiful , sexy wife a proper kiss good- bye .
Michael : Ah , a celebratory lunch and no one to share it with .
Jack : Well , surely you do nt expect me to share it with you ?
Michael : Jack , where s your sense of irony ?
Jack : Oh , alive and well . With every bite of this delicious cuisine , I ll be thinking of Victor Newman eating baloney sandwiches and bug juice in the months he s paying his debt to society . Or will it be years ?
Michael : I figured you d heard about the guilty plea by now .
Jack : Yes , I did hear about it . Ca nt tell you when I ve been in a better mood .
Michael : Well , I m not one to ruin a good plate of botulism , but there is nt going to be any prison term . At least , it s highly unlikely .
Jack : Oh , but you see , that s where I come in . Apparently , I m going to be interviewed by a probation officer . And the P.O. , based on those conversations , will make his recommendations to the judge as to Victor s sentence .
Michael : Victor s and mine .
Jack : Oh , well , you re just a pawn . You re a tool . You re not evil , you re just bad . If they ask me , I ll say you re a perfectly capable , if totally unethical attorney and leave it at that .
Michael : Hmm . How kind of you . But when it comes to Victor , you re going to , uh , be a lot more thorough , am I correct ?
Jack : Oh , a lot more thorough . I m gon na do everything in my power to put that man away .
Brad : There s someone here who wants to see you .
Ashley : I did nt realize you were here .
Victor : Hello , Ashley .
Ashley : Why did nt you tell me ?
Brad : I m gon na give you two some time alone .
Victor : Is that all right with you ?
Ashley : Of course .
Brad : I ll be upstairs . If you need anything , just call .
Victor : All right .
Victor : It s wonderful to see you .
Ashley : Thanks for coming . I always feel so much better when you re here . That s ... that s strange , is nt it ? This fence , this is kind of a big open area too . Now , you get along well
Nick : You feel good .
Sharon : Oh , I do ?
Nick : Mm - hmm . I m glad I forgot that bag . Gives me an excuse to spend a few extra minutes with you .
Sharon : Since when do you need an excuse ? Kiss me , Nick . Kiss me really hard and make me forget about everything .
Nick : What do you want to forget ?
Sharon : Just the whole world . I want to be with my husband . I need you .
Nick : What s gotten into you ?
Sharon : Nothing yet .
Nick : You know this is a quick trip . It s barely enough time to even notice I m gone .
Sharon : Oh , I ll notice . And so will you .
Nick : What about the kids ?
Sharon : They re at school for hours still .
Nick : I guess Wally wo nt mind waiting a little while .
Sharon : So you want to stand here and talk or take me upstairs and let me show you how much I m gon na miss you ?
Phyllis : You know , you got a hell of a lot of nerve , telling me how to run my marriage .
Diane : What marriage ? You two are already separated , and the way you re behaving , you ll be divorced before you realize what a fool you ve been .
Phyllis : Really , why is that ? Because I m not throwing myself at Jack ? Because I m not begging him to come back to me , Diane ?
Diane : All right , all right . But if it were me , I d do whatever I could to make things right . Instead , you keep swearing your allegiance to Newman Enterprises .
Phyllis : I work at Newman Enterprises . Or I did work at Newman Enterprises .
Diane : You had a choice , Phyllis . You knew the consequences . So the big question is , are you ready to repair the damage ?
Phyllis : So are you saying that you know what my husband wants ?
Diane : Yes , I do know what he wants , because he told me .
Phyllis : I love my husband , and ... I m not gon na explain myself to you , all right ? You re a sneak . You are . You re a sneak . And your advice is nt worth a plugged nickel .
Diane : Why do you refuse to believe that I m trying to help you ?
Phyllis : Oh , my God . Are you kidding me ? Because you re manipulating Jack into thinking that you re this sweet , caring woman , and I know the opposite is true . And you know why ? You know what proves it ?
Diane : What ?
Phyllis : Because you re holding one of the orchids , Diane . And I have no doubt you intend to go to Jack and say , here , Jack . Here s an orchid . And he ll be so grateful , and you ll welcome him with open arms . Am I right , Diane ? Tell me I m wrong . I dare you .
Dru : Okay , so it was nt intentional . Did you do everything that you could do to get back those orchids from Phyllis ?
Neil : You would nt believe me if I told you .
Dru : Try me . Did you threaten her ?
Neil : With what ? If I had my power to order Phyllis around , you d have one of the orchids in your hands right ... you think I m enjoying this ?
Dru : I think if you suspected that this deal could fall apart , you should have said something before I spilled Jabot s secret . If you knew you could nt control Phyllis , you should have told me then , not now .
Neil : Well , see , now I ... I honestly thought that Phyllis was gon na play fair , but try and make her do something against her will-- never happen . In fact , she s more stubborn than you are .
Dru : You know it s over .
Neil : What do you mean , it s over ?
Dru : My career , my job .
Neil : Ah , well , honey , that s not the end of the world .
Dru : I betrayed my colleagues . I believed you when you told me that you were gon na get me back one of those orchids , and you failed me , and that is the bottom line , Neil Winters . And if you think I m gon na stand around and say , oh , that s okay , honey , you did your best and your best just was nt good enough , think again !
Neil : Hey , wait . Now , Dru , wait a minute . We re not done talking . ( Door slams )
Colleen : How do you always manage to cheer me up ?
J.T. : Practice , I guess . I do nt know , baby . I just hate seeing you down .
Colleen : I m just curious . How come you brought up Valentine s Day ?
J.T. : I do nt know . It just kind of popped in my head , I guess .
Colleen : That s all , huh ?
J.T. : Yeah , that s all . What are you gettin at ?
Colleen : Oh , I do nt know . I just , um , I think you re kind of a closet romantic .
J.T. : Whatever .
Colleen : Oh , you do nt fool me , not after all the incredible things that you ve done .
J.T. : Incredible , like what ?
Colleen : Like giving me this necklace . Like this bracelet . And let s not forget that song you sang to me , the one you wrote and sang to me last Valentine s Day .
J.T. : All right , all right . Okay , you got me on that . But that s all . Nothing else .
Colleen : Come on , J.T. , Admit it . Deep down inside , you are a huge romantic . And you know something ? I bet you are planning something huge for me right now .
J.T. : You wish .
Colleen : I wish a lot of things . I wish happiness for everyone ... especially my Dad and Ashley . You know , that is my ... my Valentine s Day wish , that they could be truly happy again .
Ashley : I ve missed you .
Victor : Have you ?
Ashley : Yeah . You have nt been here in a long time .
Victor : I did nt know you wanted me to be here .
Ashley : Why would nt I ?
Victor : You ve been very withdrawn lately .
Ashley : I have ?
Victor : That s what your husband tells me .
Ashley : Well , I know I ve been tired a lot .
Victor : Do you know why ?
Ashley : No . I know ... I mean ... I m just in a fog .
Victor : Why are you so nervous right now ?
Ashley : I do nt know , but I am . Why is that ?
Victor : I do nt know .
Ashley : Something s wrong , huh ? I mean , something s ... there s something wrong with me .
Victor : You ve been going through a very difficult time . Do you want to talk about it ?
Ashley : I do nt know . I do nt know what to say . I ... I just feel really sad .
Victor : Why do you feel so sad right now ?
Victor : You ca nt hide from things .
Ashley : There s no place to hide .
Victor : No . You just have to look at your problems and face them head on .
### Summary:
| Ashley admits feeling better when a special friend is near . Brad changes his mind about strategy . Colleen is positive is being planned for a special day . Diane is accused of planning to score points with the orchid . Drucilla will not let a loved one think that what has gone wrong is okay . Jack vows to do everything possible to get a heavy sentence . JT snaps at a loved one due to lack of sleep . Michael gets a tongue - lashing when he brings up a wayward spouse . Neil sees his wife in a new light . Nick warns that he only has time for a quickie . Phyllis slams down the phone when she realizes that she has committed a similar crime . Sharon turns a deaf ear to her advisor . Victor talks a friend into facing her fears . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Michael E. Knight : The cast and crew of All My Children would like to dedicate this episode to the memory of our beloved friend Mary Fickett ( 1928 - 2011 ) .
Tad : Jake , I m telling you . Every week it s like clockwork . On Sunday , Mom and Dad usually call up for an update , and I have nt heard anything all week . And I ve left messages . I m starting to get concerned .
Jake : Right . I say do nt worry about it until there s a real reason to worry about it .
Tad : Yeah , you re a big help . I m gon na keep trying .
Dixie : Has Jake heard from them ?
Tad : Nothing . I do nt like it .
Ruth : Surprise .
Tad : Whoa ! What are you doing here ? What the hell are you doing , period ? Did nt you get my messages ? You scared me to death .
Ruth : I did nt get any messages until after I landed . And I was so close , I just could nt wait to surprise you .
Tad : Yeah , mission accomplished . What d you do with Dad ?
Woman : They are trying to get me . There s one right there !
Orderly : I ll have the doctor on call take a look at you .
Woman : I want her to examine me . We know each other , do nt we -- or did we ?
Maria : Uh , I do nt know . Maybe . Possibly . I wish I could help you . I ca nt examine you , though . I m not on staff anymore .
Woman : But you re a doctor , so you can treat me .
Orderly : She was wandering through the town square . Someone called an ambulance .
Woman : They re everywhere . They re trying to get me . He could be one of them . You ca nt let them get me . I m Erica Kane s daughter .
Maria : You re actually gon na be ok . He s not one of the them , whatever that is , and you re gon na be fine . Just do me a favor and let s find her a cubicle , and I ll call Psych . You re gon na be just fine . We re gon na take very good care of you .
Woman : You promise ?
Maria : I promise .
Maria : A lot of kooky characters here in Pine Valley .
Jake : All right . Honey .
Amanda : Hi .
Jake : Hi .
Amanda : Guess what .
Jake : What ?
Amanda : The loft next to us is for sale .
Jake : Is that right ? Hmm . So the old lady , she -- and you do nt like our loft anymore ?
Amanda : I love it . I love it . But I ll love it even more when we expand for our family .
Jake : Right . You know that adoptions take a while , right ?
Amanda : I know . But if we buy now , then it will be ready whenever we get our perfect little boy or girl .
Jake : Right . Ok .
Amanda : I mean , unless -- but you have nt changed your mind about adopting , have you ?
Jake : No . Of course not , no . I ca nt wait . I ca nt wait . It s my parents , and they ve gone missing . I just do nt know where they are , and I hope they re all right .
Joe : More than all right , especially now we re back in Pine Valley , where we belong .
Jake : What s up , Pop ?
Joe : And you , my friend .
Jesse : I m only doing this because the doctor here says it s a matter of life and death .
David : What are you doing here ? The patient is in critical condition .
Griffin : I need you to tell me what to do , or else we re gon na lose the patient for good .
Brooke : Oh , I know it s not the same .
Adam : No , no , it s not .
J.R. : Babe ? Is it really you ? God , I missed you .
Babe : Stop . Do nt come any closer .
J.R. : What s wrong ?
Babe : The gun . You ca nt .
J.R. : I ve missed you so much .
Babe : I m scared for you .
J.R. : I m fine now .
Babe : No , you re not . And if you do nt change this course you re on , you are gon na lose the only person who can save you : Yourself .
Woman : So I see vampires . That does nt make me crazy .
Maria : No , vampires are very popular .
Woman : I saw them before they were trendy . But the only crazy thing is I feel like I know you , like I ve lived here before , but I ca nt remember when . It s like I ve been homesick for a place that I did nt remember until I came here and realized that this is the place . Does that make sense ?
Maria : Um , no . But oddly enough , I understand what you mean . Pine Valley is just that kind of town . I remember when I left here , I was so homesick for so long , and I think I m gon na miss it again all over again when I leave .
Woman : But you ca nt leave . You re the only person that can help me .
Maria : Oh , no , there s great doctors here . You re gon na be in wonderful hands .
Woman : Ok . Do nt forget to tell them I m Erica Kane s daughter .
Maria : Yes .
Dixie : It s so good to be home .
Ruth : I was just saying the same thing ! Oh , Dixie . Oh .
Opal : And so in Hawaii , Sam was saying to me that I ought to reopen the Glamorama at that same spot .
Dixie : Hello !
Opal : Oh , my goodness ! Turn me inside out ! Oh , hello ! Oh , I m so glad to see you !
Krystal : So good to see you .
Opal : Yeah ! And where s Joe ?
Ruth : He s in the hospital .
Opal : What ? !
Ruth : No , at the hospital . With David Hayward incarcerated , well , Angie asked Joe to return to be a temporary consultant .
Opal : Oh , my gosh ! That s --
Krystal : Wait , wait . Does that mean that you re gon na --
Ruth : Joe and I are moving back to Pine Valley !
Opal : Whoo ! Ha ha ha !
Krystal : Oh , oh , yes !
Maria : I thought I saw you earlier . How are you ?
Joe : What a surprise .
Maria : So good to see you ! So good to see you guys . Howdy . How are you ?
Jake : I m great . Maria actually has a patient in the I.C.U. , and I asked her to come and give a consult .
Joe : Really ? Any chance of your coming back permanently ? Having you back on staff would be quite a coup .
Maria : You have no idea how much I would love to . I miss Pine Valley so much , but I ve got my practice there and the kids are settled , so I really --
Maria : I really ca nt . But -- oh , I m sorry . It s kind of an important call from Miami . I will check back with you guys and say good - bye before I leave . Ok ?
Amanda : Good to see you .
Joe : We ll count on it .
Amanda : Wow ! Dixie , Maria , you , and Ruth ?
Joe : Yeah .
Amanda : You know that feeling I had right after surgery that everything was gon na be incredible ?
Jake : Sure .
Amanda : Well , it s happening .
Tad : Something weird going on around here , and I m gon na figure it out .
Dixie : What are you on about ?
Tad : Think about it . How much can one guy take ? First , you re home , and then Cara gets a green card . Amanda survived her cancer , and now Mom and Dad are moving home .
Dixie : Incredible , is nt it ?
Tad : It s weird .
Dixie : It s not weird .
Tad : Something is going on around here . If I have to keep this up , I m gon na need medication . Plus , I m waiting for the other shoe to drop .
Dixie : Ye of little faith .
Tad : I got plenty of faith . It s just strange .
Dixie : See ? That s probably Joe .
Tad : No , that s the other shoe .
Dixie : Ohh .
Tad : Whoa . No way . No way !
Jamie : Way .
Tad : I ca nt believe it . I was just saying to myself nobody deserves to be this happy .
Jamie : I ca nt think of anyone who deserves it more . Ha . You re hurting me .
Griffin : I pushed the drugs like you said , but they had no effect .
David : Conscious ?
Griffin : Yes , but the vitals are very weak , David . If you could just tell me what to do --
David : That s just it . I ca nt just tell you what to do . It could be one of a million reasons . If I ca nt see for myself , there s no way for me to know for sure .
Griffin : Short of breaking you out of here , I doubt that s going to happen .
David : Then that s exactly what I have to make happen .
J.R. : Now that you re back , everything s gon na be fine now .
Babe : I m not back . I m not real . My father s been messing with you .
J.R. : What are you talking about ? He brought my mother back , and Zach and Greenlee . He hates me , but of course , he would do the same for his daughter .
Babe : Maybe he tried . Maybe it just did nt work . You would know in your heart if I was alive , J.R.
J.R. : You do nt know what it s been like since I lost you . I got sick . I almost died . And my father left . I lost the house and the company , and they took our son ! Took our son ! I ca nt let them win .
Babe : Look at me . You have to let it go . Please . Please , just remember what a good man you are .
J.R. : It s too late .
Babe : No . It s never too late to change . Please . I am trying to help you .
J.R. : You ca nt .
Babe : Why not ?
J.R. : Because you re dead ! [ Cries and picks up the gun ]
Jamie : I just wanted to see my family .
Tad : Thank God for that .
Dixie : Aw . Oh , Joe !
Joe : Our very own miracle .
Dixie : Oh - ho - ho - ho !
Joe : Welcome home .
Dixie : Thank you -- to both of us !
Joe : Yes .
Jake : How are you ?
Tad : Can I get a hug ?
Joe : Yes . Oh , Tad . You and Dixie -- true love will always find a way . It may take a while .
Tad : There is that .
Amanda : The Martins together again . Wow .
Joe : It s just a temporary job .
Jake : Wait . We ll see about that .
Joe : I have to tell you one thing we ve learned , though : Life moves too fast . And we ca nt slow the passage of the days , but we can choose who we spend them with . Yeah ? Right ?
Tad : And is nt that the truth ?
Opal : Some of those best days are preserved right here in this photo album if you want to see . Come over here , Jamie . Have a look and see what you ve been missing .
Joe : Oh , judging from the idiot grin on my son , something tells me that you put it there .
Dixie : Tad and I have never been happier , and that says a lot .
Joe : I m so glad to hear that . This -- seeing all my children happy and settled with the ones they love -- it s all I ve really wanted .
Dixie : Could you just excuse me for one little tinsy second ?
Joe : Yes . Sure .
Dixie : Ok .
Ruth : You have been blessed with a miracle .
Tad : Do nt I know it . And I think it s a good idea to celebrate the fact every day for the rest of my life , starting today . Mom , you are right .
Ruth : Ah . Yes , I certainly am .
Brooke : Why do nt we go back to the hotel , check in ? You ll get some rest , and then we ll come back ?
Adam : One of them is missing .
J.R. : You told me I could have that one , remember ? Gon na renege on that promise , too ?
Adam : It s good to see you , son .
J.R. : Yeah , nice try , Dad . Let s not pretend that either one of us is happy to see each other .
Brooke : J.R. , your father s come a long way .
J.R. : To tell me what a failure I am , I m sure . So what are you waiting for ? Now is as good a time as any . Go on ! Give me your best shot .
Dixie : Oh !
Tad : I m sorry .
Dixie : No , it s ok . I just got your text .
Tad : Yeah . So what d you want ?
Dixie : It s ok . No , you go ahead first . No , you text me first , so you go first . Ok ? Or it s ok .
Tad : It does nt matter . I -- I think that we re -- I think you re here for the same reason that I am .
Krystal : Let me tell you something . Your mother is gon na be so homesick when she finds out that you re here .
Jamie : Actually , she and Adam were in town for a visit , as well .
Krystal : To straighten J.R. out , I hope .
Jamie : Dad said that he s been a mess lately .
Krystal : Yeah . I -- I do nt think anyone can stop him this time .
Jamie : You mean like Babe ?
David : Thank you for coming .
Angie : Did you think I would nt ? It s nice to finally put a name to a face , Dr. Castillo .
Griffin : I heard the great news .
Angie : Yeah , thanks to your mentor . What s this all about , David ?
David : Remember when you told me that if I had any other people that I was holding , that I needed to bring them back ?
Angie : You said that you passed along the information to Dr. Castillo .
Griffin : Yes , but I do nt have all the knowledge that David has .
David : If I do nt get there in time , I m gon na lose this patient . So I was hoping that you could convince Jesse to just let me go there .
Angie : Jesse , what --
Jesse : Angela , he is trying to use you to make his great escape .
David : That s not what I m doing .
Jesse : Then tell me who this patient is .
Angie : David , you ve come this far .
David : Fine . I ll tell you .
Tad : So the good news is --
Dixie : Yes .
Tad : We re on the same page ?
Dixie : We are ? We are .
Tad : We are .
Dixie : Ok . Great . That s good . Let s do it . Wait a minute . What are you doing ?
Tad : I do nt think it counts if we re both --
Dixie : No , I m gon na --
Tad : No , no , I was gon na --
Dixie : No . Well --
Tad : Dixie , seriously , you have any idea how hard it s gon na be to get up from this position ?
Dixie : Oh , do nt move . It s actually ok because -- listen for the creaking -- there it is .
Tad : There it is . Ok .
Dixie : All right . You want to sit down or something ?
Tad : I wish I could .
Dixie : Do you need a hand ?
Tad : They re gon na throw us out of here .
Dixie : Tad , I ca nt believe how old we are . Come here .
Opal : Hello ?
Tad : Ohh . Oh .
Dixie : Better ?
Tad : Much .
Opal : Hello ?
Tad : So much for sweeping you off your feet . Ha ha ha ha ! I only regret one thing : That it s so early .
Opal : [ Whispering ] Oh , my God !
Ruth : What is it ?
Opal : I think Thaddeus is about to pop the question .
Dixie : You ve done this before ?
Tad : Yeah , a few times .
Dixie : Well , you know , I d like to give it a try .
Tad : Oh , ok . Be my guest .
Dixie : Ok . Thank you .
Tad : Ok .
Dixie : This is hard . Tad , I remember the day that we met --
Tad : Myrtle s restaurant .
Dixie : Oh , yes ! Shh .
Tad : Ok . All right .
Dixie : And you were so handsome and funny , charming . You showed me a kindness that I -- I just never expected .
Tad : I ll tell you a secret : It was nt that hard .
Dixie : Just from the minute -- I mean , the minute you met me -- you did nt even know me , and you started taking care of me and J.R. I mean , how can I not fall in love with you ?
Tad : As I recall , I was the one that had to tell you that you were in love with me .
Dixie : You did . I was so young . Ohh . And thank God I ve had our star to guide me back to you . You re my home . You re my heart . You re everything to me . I m simply lost without you , my dear . You re where I want to be . You re where I belong .
Tad : Not bad .
Dixie : Thank you .
Tad : Not bad at all . You know , since you ve been home , I ve been worried that I would go too fast , I would screw things up . But I realized this afternoon that I do nt want to waste any more time worrying about anything . Because I m with you , and that s the only thing that means anything . It s the only thing that counts , and I know it wo nt always be pretty . We ve got a track record , but it will be us -- you and me , with a home and a family , be talking to each other , not a star . As far as I m concerned , I ve spent too many years grieving about what I ve lost or daydreaming about what might be someday . As far as I m concerned , someday is today , and every day from here on . And I think this is where I m supposed to tell you that I commit my life to yours or that I -- I ve committed my heart to yours , but the truth is I did it 20 years ago in that dress shop .
Dixie : So -- together --
Tad : Forever .
Dixie : Forever ?
Tad : So what are you doing --
Dixie : Will you marry me ? Ha ha !
Tad : Yes .
All : Aw !
Jake : Congratulations ! Congratulations !
Adam : Why do nt you sit down , son ?
Brooke : Do you want to do this now ?
Adam : We need to settle it .
J.R. : I assume settling means that you re gon na punish me for everything , as if giving my inheritance to a cousin that I hate was nt enough .
Brooke : Stop being so disrespectful to your father .
J.R. : What happened to you ? You forget how he almost destroyed you with my mother all those years ago ? And now you end up together , and you re happy , while I end up with nothing ?
Adam : I gave you everything !
J.R. : No , you gave me money ! For every soccer game you missed , every time you tried to turn me into you , every time you were disappointed in me , every significant moment in my life , you just threw money around -- the judges and principals and at me -- and I guess maybe because you think that money just buys everything , everything that a boy would ever need but one thing that I needed the most : A father .
Adam : I never meant to hurt you .
J.R. : Did you think stripping me of the family inheritance would help ?
Brooke : J.R. , your father saw what the money did to you . It corrupted your sense of right and wrong , and that is the only reason that he gave your share to Scott .
Adam : For your own good , son .
J.R. : No . Do nt ever call me that again .
Jesse : That s impossible . There was a police investigation , a coroner s report .
Griffin : You mean like there was with Zach and Dixie ?
David : Ok , look , I m happy to explain all of this later , but right now I have a life that s hanging in the balance . And if I do nt get there in time , my patient is going to die .
Angie : You heard him .
Jesse : I do nt believe it .
David : Oh , my God .
Angie : If you ca nt believe him , believe me . Now , I know what he s capable of , good and bad , and right now lives could be changed for the better from saving this one person . I would never forgive myself if I did nothing . Deep down , I know you could nt either .
Adam : J.R. , I know you re angry . But I am hoping that in time , you ll see why I did what I did .
J.R. : I know why , Dad . Bottom line is I was never the son you wanted me to be . And you stayed away all that time because you could nt stand the sight of me .
Adam : No . No , you re wrong . That s not why .
Brooke : Your father took Stuart s death harder than he realized , J.R.
J.R. : And me destroying this Chandler legacy did nt help , did it ?
Adam : No , I did it by crippling you with my overblown expectations . I take full responsibility for all of it .
J.R. : But you re still cutting me off , right ?
Brooke : J.R. , right or wrong , your father loves you . And he s afraid that you are never gon na be your own man as long as you think you have a safety net . And you re never gon na stand on your own two feet if you re not forced to do it .
J.R. : So in other words , he s disowning me ? You want me to go ? I ll go !
Brooke : No , that is not what he wants .
Adam : No , actually , it is .
Brooke : You do nt mean that .
Adam : I never thought I d say this in my life , but leaving Pine Valley is the smartest move you could make right now .
Amanda : Oh ! They re here !
Opal : Quick , everybody ! Come on , act natural !
Ruth : Joe , Joe , come on .
Tad : Ah , good . You re all still here . Um , we have a little announcement .
Opal : You re getting married ! I know ! We heard ! Ha ha ha ha ! Yes ! Oh , together again for the 20th time ! Ha ha ha ! Oh , I m so happy ! We heard ! We heard !
Tad : What do you mean , you heard ?
Jake : We are very happy for you , almost sister - in - law .
David : The ambulance is gon na be here any second . I am gon na be useless with these still on . Please tell me he s still alive .
Griffin : It was touch - and - go all the way here , but he s still with us . They re bringing him in now .
David : Do you really want his death on your hands ?
Jamie : Lock your phone .
Jamie : So , Dad --
Tad : Here we go .
Jamie : Next time you drop down on one knee --
Tad : Mm - hmm ?
Jamie : Lock your phone .
Tad : Yeah . Tell you what -- I m sure as hell not gon na have a phone in my pocket during the honeymoon .
Krystal : Hey .
Tad : Hey .
Krystal : It s been a really , really long time coming , and I m thrilled for you .
Opal : You ve been my daughter - in - law so many times now , and you are as much my own as my own sweet Jenny was .
Dixie : [ Sighs ] That s a lot to live up to .
Opal : You already have , honey . You already have . Come here .
Jake : Ah .
Joe : Well , guess who overheard and wanted to join the party .
Kathy : Daddy , are you and Mommy really getting married ?
Tad : We are .
Kathy : Can me and Jenny be the flower girls ?
Dixie : Oh , I would like nothing more .
Opal : That s for sure . Here , Ruthie ! Come on ! Let s get this party started , huh ?
Ruth : I thought you d never get here with this .
Opal : Yeah , right !
Amanda : It s like a fairy tale come true .
Tad : Yeah , complete with troll . From what I understand , Hayward is going away for a long time .
Jake : Come here . Bring in a little love , please , my soon - to - be once again sister - in - law .
Tad : Take it easy . We ve gotten into trouble with that before .
Jake : You stop it .
Joe : In some ways , it s like no time has passed at all -- Dixie and Tad getting married , Jamie here , our family together , happy -- and yet , uh --
Ruth : Time has passed .
Joe : Mm - hmm .
Ruth : And Kate is nt here .
Joe : I d like to think of Mother up there as watching over us , smiling , laughing , living on in her namesake . Who knows ? Maybe she even managed to bring all of us back together again . Yeah ?
Amanda : Trevor , say Cheese .
All : Cheese !
Singer : I never used to notice the little things taking them for granted
Jake : Marry me ?
Amanda : Yes .
Jake : God , you re beautiful .
Singer : How words that go unspoken --
Tad : Actually , he did nt say you could do that yet .
Singer : To me these are the moments to remember --
All : Surprise !
Amanda : Aah !
Dixie : Jamie ? Where is Jamie ?
Singer : A new song guiding our way
Tad : I know you .
Jake : We love you . Bye , Mama . We love you , Mama .
Singer : Long and gone away I never stopped to notice the stars at night , taking it for granted the world to find , stand by my --
Krystal : What s our motto ? We deserve the best --
Krystal and Babe : And together , we can always get it .
Krystal : Yes .
Singer : These are the moments to remember in our days these are the times the world will speak of when I m long and gone away
David s voice : Marissa was right to keep you away . She and Bianca are ten times the parent you will ever be !
J.R. : You son of a --
Bianca : You are not gon na get another chance to take A.J. away .
J.R. : Where is my son ? !
Marissa : You are not getting anywhere near him .
David s voice : Let me tell you something , Junior . I may be behind bars right now , but you re the real loser in all this . You know that ?
Scott : You ve lost your wife . You ve lost your son , the company , the house . Now it seems you ve lost your dad s respect and money . Do you have anything else left to lose ?
Adam : Leaving Pine Valley is the smartest move you could make right now .
J.R. : [ Loads his gun ] They all think I m so bad now ? They have nt seen anything yet .
Brooke : You did the right thing .
Adam : If I had been one half the father I should ve been --
Adam : Stuart could always get through to J.R. , just as he always could with me . But he s not here , is he , because of me .
Brooke : What ? What ?
Adam : Stuart . I could swear I just heard his voice .
Brooke : What did he say ?
Adam : I m right here , Adam . It s just like when we were kids , when we were playing hide - and - go - seek . And if I got really close to where he was hiding , he d pop up and he d say , Here I am , Adam . Here I am .
E.M.T. : B.P. 82/55 . Pulse is 98 and thready .
David : Damn it , Jesse ! If I ca nt my hands on him right now , he will die ! Come on , come on ! You can not give up now . Do you hear me ? You have to stay here . Not after everything that I ve done to bring you back . You need to fight . Do you hear me ? It s time to come back , Stuart . Let s get a full set of vitals and a nasal cannula at 6 liters --
### Summary:
| This episode is dedicated to the memory of Mary Fickett , who played AMC s matriarch , Ruth Martin . Tad is on the phone with Jake asking about the whereabouts of Joe and Ruth . Dixie comes in and inquires about Joe and Ruth Martin . Ruth arrives at Tad s . Tad and Ruth hug . A woman is brought into the hospital , who claims that she is the daughter of Erica Kane . She sees Maria and wants her to treat her . Amanda arrives to see Jake at the hospital , asking if they can buy the adjoining loft , so they ll be ready when they adopt a child . Joe walks up to join them . Griffin comes to see David at the hospital and tells him that he needs pointers on how to treat the patient . David vows to break out of jail in order to keep his patient from dying . Adam and Brooke arrive at the Chandler mansion and find the things all packed up . J.R. sees Babe and can not believe his eyes . J.R. starts toward her , but she stops him . Babe tells him not to come any closer . Babe walks over and takes J.R. s gun from him . Opal and Krystal come into Tad s and see Ruth . They hug . Ruth lets Opal and Krystal know that she and Joe are moving back to Pine Valley . Jamie surprises Tad with a visit . Babe lets J.R. know that she is not real that that is David just toying with his mind . The Martins come together for a family reunion . Adam finds one of his pistols missing and wonders what happened to it . J.R. comes in saying it s his . He wonders if Adam is going to take the gun from him too . Adam tries to tell J.R. that he gave Scott his inheritance for his own good so that he would stand on his two feet . Adam tries to make amends with J.R. , but he does nt want to hear it . Dixie and Tad meet in the park . Tad , unknowingly , calls Opal while he and Dixie propose marriage to each other . Opal and the other Martins listen to the proposal . David asks for Jesse and Angie s help in saving his patient . Jesse asks for David to reveal the patients name . David gives in and reveals who it is . The Martins are thrilled to hear that Tad and Dixie are going to be married again . Adam urges J.R. to leave town . David s patient is brought into the hospital and it is none other than Stuart . Adam thinks he hears Stuart s voice in the mansion , saying he s there . J.R. goes back upstairs and loads the gun , promising revenge on everyone . Film clippings are shown of the Martins as they have grown and matured as a family . They all gather and take a group picture . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Nicole : So , yeah . I mean , I should have known . Why me ? I m not a model .
Vivienne : Oh , you could be !
Nicole : Oh , that s not my thing . But ... Zende was the photographer , and he s been relentless with getting back with me , and I knew how sorry he was . But , anyway , this horse - drawn carriage pulls up , and there he is .
Maya : I mean , top hat , tails -- the whole thing .
Nicole : Exactly . And he said all those wonderful things that I told you about , mom , and he asked me to marry him , and I said , yes . Oh , my God . I m engaged .
Maya : You re engaged ! Yay !
Vivienne : Oh , I am so happy -- for you and Zende ! Oh , but you deserve this , after all you ve been through . But you re okay with this , right ? You were nt pressured by the moment ? Not harboring any hard feelings ?
Nicole : That s all behind us . I love him . And I trust him . All the way .
Zende : So , she totally bought the whole photo - shoot thing . She looked amazing .
Rick : Mm . Hey , you were looking pretty sharp , too .
Zende : Right . True .
R.J. : Well , what do you expect ? Forrester male .
Thomas : Yeah . We re all about that romance .
Zende : I just laid it all out , all right ? I said , Nicole , look , I love you . I want to spend the rest of my life with you . I m sorry . All right ? I said , also , I m never gon na stop asking , so you should just say yes .
Zende : Boy , I was nervous . I was a wreck . I mean , yeah . I could nt even talk . It was like that .
Eric : It was like that ?
Zende : Yeah .
Eric : Good for you , my boy . Good for you . Congratulations . She s a terrific girl . I think we re all very happy to welcome her into the Forrester clan .
Rick : Hear , hear !
Eric : Nothing better than having the right person by your side .
Zende : Thanks , granddad .
Rick : You got the rings , right ?
Eric : Yeah .
Saul : This line you re designing , sally -- you are throwing it up against the wall so fast and , what , praying it sticks ? And that worries me .
Sally : We have got no choice , Saul . Time is our enemy . It marches on , nipping at our heels . Do you know how quickly six months goes by ?
Darlita : Yeah . Feels like half a year .
Sally : Exactly . Yes . It is all the time we ve got to turn a profit so we keep this roof over our heads . Okay ? Saul , I need you to --
Darlita : Earth to Sal . Come in .
Saul : She looks catatonic .
Darlita : Ew ! Is that contagious ? [ Claps hands ] What the heck , Sal ? Where d you go ?
Sally : I m sorry . Sometimes I just have so many thoughts , it freezes my brain .
Saul : I do nt know if that s a good thing .
Darlita : Want a hot - water bottle ?
Sally : No . No , actually . I have to check my alerts .
Saul : Um , what -- what about the design ?
Sally : What about it ?
Saul : You wanted me to do something .
Sally : We will get back to that . But right now , this story still has legs .
Saul : Yeah . I still ca nt believe you started a food fight with Steffy Forrester in the middle of Il Giardino .
Sally : It paid off , though , did nt it ?
Saul : Yeah . Did we get more followers ?
Sally : Yes . Yes , we did . But not enough for a successful relaunch . I am going to have to top myself -- come up with an encore .
Rick : We have to live up to the women that we choose . And let me tell you , my friend , that is no small task .
R.J. : Nicole is pretty awesome .
Zende : Yeah , man . I know .
Thomas : When s the big day ?
Zende : Tomorrow .
Rick : What ?
Eric : Uh , that s pretty ambitious .
Zende : I know . Look , I ve been running around like a crazy person , trying to get everything together . But this has to be the most unforgettable day of Nicole s life -- no exceptions .
Vivienne : I wish your father was here for this .
Nicole : I called him earlier , and he said he s so happy for me .
Vivienne : Oh , I can imagine . Well , do nt worry . He will be back here for the wedding . There s no way he s gon na miss his baby girl s special day .
Maya : Are you sure he wo nt have another golf tournament ?
Vivienne : Well , now , to be fair , we did nt know she was gon na get engaged .
Maya : I know .
Vivienne : [ Laughing ] Okay ? Oh , my God . I ca nt believe it . My baby girl is getting married . Where did all the time go ?
Nicole : Are you gon na cry ?
Vivienne : No .
Maya : Yes . Here .
Vivienne : No , I m not . Well , even if I do [ Crying ] I have the right to .
Nicole : I love you , mommy .
Vivienne : I love you back .
Maya : Aww . [ Chuckles softly ] Mm .
Nicole : And I think you know how I feel about you .
Maya : You can say it again .
Nicole : [ Laughs ]
Maya : [ Laughs ]
Nicole : You made me realize how much I love Zende and how that s what I was afraid of losing . And I am forever grateful . You are more than my sister . You re my best friend . And not to be greedy , but I have to ask you to be one more thing .
Maya : What s that ?
Nicole : My matron of honor . Will you stand up for me , Maya ?
Maya : I will stand with you through anything ... and especially on your wedding day , so consider me honored . [ Laughs ] Aaah !
Vivienne : [ Sniffling ]
R.J. : Hey , I helped my dad re - create a giant heart in the sand , so if you need any assistance pulling off this wedding , I m your guy .
Zende : Uh , I wo nt be afraid to ask , but I want to do most of this on my own . It s my gift to Nicole .
Rick : That s the right mind - set .
Eric : You know what they say -- happy wife , happy life .
Rick : Words to live by .
Zende : You re right . All I want to do is make Nicole happy .
Thomas : Man , you got it bad .
Zende : [ Chuckles ]
Rick : Really , though , Zende , is there anything that we can help you with ?
Zende : Well , since you asked , uh ... there is something you can do for me .
Rick : Yeah . Shoot .
Zende : You ve been a good counsel for me since I moved to L.A. I trust you . You ve always had my back , even though I ve been wrong at times .
Rick : Well , Zende , you know I m always there for you .
Zende : So I want you to be there for me tomorrow , by my side . I want you to be my best man .
Rick : Seriously ?
Zende : It would mean a lot to me .
Rick : It would mean a lot to me , too .
Zende : Yeah ?
Rick : Yeah , man ! I would be honored !
Zende : All right .
Rick : Yeah .
Sally : Saul , how are the designs coming along ?
Saul : You re expecting miracles , sally , on no budget with no time .
Sally : Well , that is how much faith I have in you , in us , in the spectra creativity and ingenuity . We are going to explode onto the scene , and we are gon na give the Forresters -- miss Steffy in particular -- a run for their money .
Darlita : Let s hope it does nt come to that , since they have it and we do nt .
Saul : Yeah , but we got sally . I mean , if anyone could pull off the impossible , she s sitting behind that desk .
Sally : The cake stunt was good . But we need to keep our names out there , synonymous with the Forresters . I ve been researching Steffy . I even have alerts set . I just ca nt figure out what to do . Oh , that s it !
Saul : Uh - oh .
Sally : Oh , you can not argue with fate , guys . There is a Forrester wedding happening .
Darlita : Steffy and Liam ?
Sally : No , Zende and Nicole -- Steffy s cousin . My point is they are tying the knot . It is a bona fide Forrester event .
Saul : What are you gon na do ?
Sally : What do you think ? Crash the wedding !
Vivienne : I wanted this day to come . Zende s a good man . He s young , made some mistakes , but what matters is he knows it and he is sincerely sorry . But most important , he loves you like nobody s business . And with you by his side , keeping him in check , he could age like fine wine .
Maya : And maybe -- maybe -- grow into a man who deserves my exceptional sister as a wife .
Nicole : Wife . Huh ! I m gon na be a wife !
Vivienne : Yeah .
Maya : Yes !
Nicole : This is crazy . It s happening so fast .
Nicole : Like , tomorrow fast .
Vivienne : [ Laughs ]
Nicole : Oh , a text from Dad .
Vivienne : Oh . What did he say ?
Nicole : I m so happy for you , baby girl , but the father of the bride usually foots the bill .
Vivienne : Oh , geez .
Nicole : A Forrester wedding wo nt come cheap , but what the hell -- short - term loss , long - term gain .
Maya : Leave it to dad to go right to money .
Vivienne : [ Laughs ]
Nicole : Zende wo nt take it . This wedding is his gift to me . He wants to plan everything .
Maya : Ohh . That is so romantic .
Nicole : And the way he s speaking , this dress is gon na be amazing .
Maya : Where are you having it ?
Nicole : We re hoping for the Forrester estate , but ... we ll see .
Vivienne : Hello , Sasha .
Sasha : Aunt Viv . Maya . So , um , I - I heard the news .
Nicole : Figured it d get around .
Sasha : Wow . So , um ... you and Zende are ... engaged .
R.J. : You like redheads ?
Thomas : What are you talking about ?
R.J. : Oh , a girl just requested to follow me , so ... I accept .
Thomas : You got a lot of cuties following you online ?
R.J. : Oh , lots .
Thomas : Mm . Attaboy ! True Forrester . I got to ask you a question .
Thomas : Shoot .
R.J. : Out of all the girls in the world ... how do you know when the one standing right in front of you is the one ?
Thomas : I m still trying to figure that out myself .
Saul : I know this is nt an easy thing for you to do , but just , hey , give it a shot . Think before you go crashing someone s wedding .
Sally : Someone ? Someone that s a Forrester . It s like a gift from above .
Saul : What if you get arrested for trespassing or being a public nuisance or something ?
Sally : Oh . Ooh ! Even better ! Can you imagine the publicity ? Actually , you know what ? As a matter of fact , we should work something out . I will text you whenever you need to call the cops .
Saul : No , wait . No , no . No , no , no . I do nt want any part of this cray - cray scheme !
Sally : It s not crazy ! It is brilliant ! It is exactly what aunt sally would do , okay ? We need all eyes on us , attention paid . Piggybacking on the Forresters is the quickest , most effective way to generate that buzz .
Saul : [ Sighs ]
Sally : I have to call grams .
Saul : So , you really -- you really want to bring back the Forrester / spectra rivalry ?
Sally : Clickbait gold . It ca nt go wrong . But ... we do need to ignite that flame -- fire stoked and kept alive . But I can do that . Tomorrow , sally spectra strikes again .
Eric : Congratulations , Zende . She s a great girl . You could nt do any better .
Zende : I still ca nt believe she said yes .
Eric : [ Chuckles ] You were persistent .
Zende : I was . I guess I wore her down , huh ?
Eric : Whatever works .
Zende : There s something I want to ask you , granddad .
Eric : What ? What is it ?
Zende : So , uh , I was hoping that maybe we could have the wedding here , if it s not a big problem .
Eric : Nothing would give me more pleasure than to host your special day right here in the house .
Zende : Yeah ?
Eric : Sure .
Zende : Perfect ! Thank you .
Eric : My pleasure .
Zende : There s one more thing , if I could .
Eric : [ Chuckling ] What ?
Zende : [ Chuckles ] All right , look -- I want to pull out all the stops , right ?
Eric : Yeah .
Zende : I want to make this a real dream come true for Nicole , so I got to thinking , what is the showstopper ? Right ? The exclamation point .
Eric : Uh - huh .
Zende : I - it would only be for a day , with your permission , of course .
Sasha : I m sorry , but would you ladies mind if I spoke to Nicole alone ?
Nicole : It s okay .
Vivienne : Call me if you need me .
Maya : Same .
Nicole : What s up ?
Sasha : Look , I m really sorry , Nic . I know I did you wrong , but I - I swear , I - I thought it was over between you and Zende , and , look , I know -- I know that is no excuse . I just -- I came here today cause I really wanted to apologize to you and reassure you , if need be , there s been nothing going on between us , and there ne-- there never will be again . Zende is all about you . [ Sighs ] Okay . I m not gon na lie . I left the door open . But ... Zende did nt walk through it . You re it for him .
Nicole : Okay . Well ... thanks .
Sasha : Okay , look , I m not -- I m not saying it s gon na happen overnight , and I know it s gon na take a long while for me to win back your trust , but I - I want to rebuild our relationship , okay ? And , yes , I know that it s easier said than done , but if we just take it one step at a time , like -- like , um ... I would really love it if I could ... come to your wedding . What do you say , Nic ? C - can I be there when you and Zende get married ?
Eric : Now , this ... is an exclamation point .
Zende : [ Chuckles ] I had it done as a wedding gift for Nicole . I figure someday we d , uh , want to hang it over our fireplace -- continue the Forrester tradition .
Eric : Zende , it s beautiful . It s perfect . Good job .
Zende : Thank you . I do nt want to overstep . You letting us have the wedding here is generous enough . But I was hoping that maybe Nicole s portrait could hang in our family home during the wedding . Obviously , after the reception , Quinn s picture will go right back up . You can -- you can say no . It s fine . Say yes , but no is okay , too .
Eric : I ll talk to Quinn . I m sure it ll be fine .
Zende : Yeah ?
Eric : Yeah .
Zende : I appreciate you even considering it . Thank you .
Eric : This is gon na be a great day for the Forrester family . You ll see .
Zende : Oh , hope so . I really want to make this special for Nicole . Nothing can ruin this wedding day .
Nicole : You want to come to my wedding ?
Sasha : Look , Nic , you re my sister , okay ? And I certainly do nt expect to be ... maid of honor , but ... just to be there and support , to witness , to forget all that bad stuff , put it all behind us , and be the family that we are . Look , I really just want to show everyone in the family that I am in total support of you and Zende . I want to share in your happiness on the most important day of your life -- finally being a real sister .
Nicole : A lot of forgiveness has been going around ... and I m not there with you yet .
Sasha : [ Sighs ]
Nicole : But ... yes , okay , Sasha . You can come to my wedding .
Sasha : [ Gasps , chuckles ] Oh , my gosh . Thank you so much . Oh , you have no idea how happy this makes me . Look , I just want to say congratulations , sis . You know , they always say that , um , the best man wins , but , in this case ... the best woman won .
### Summary:
| Nicole relives earlier when she was surprised to see the horse - drawn carriage pull up outside with Zende and him then get on his knees and propose to her again . She relays all of this to Vivienne and Maya and they all hug . Vivienne says she deserves all of this as she believes she can trust him now . Zende in turn tells Eric and Rick . Eric is happy to welcome her into the Forrester clan . Zende stuns them when he says the wedding is tomorrow . Vivienne says Julius is at a golf tournament but there is no way he will miss this wedding for his baby girl . And with both of the Avant girls around and guiding him that Zende could age like fine wine . Sally tells Saul that time is their worst enemy , nipping at their heels . Suddenly she goes into a catatonic state thinking about the kiss Thomas planted on her so suddenly . Then she replies that the food fight advanced them in the public . Nicole tells Maya that she is more than her sister , but her best friend and she wants her to stand up for her as her matron of honor . Maya will be delighted . Does nt take long that Sasha comes in and says she has heard the news that Nicole is engaged . Zende tells them he is going to do most of this on his own but he thanks Rick for offering to help . He wants Rick to be his best man . Rick says he will be honored . Zende tells Eric that he has always had his back although he has not always been there for him . But he really would like to have the wedding there at the Forrester mansion . Eric says nothing could make him happier . Then Zende drags out a huge portrait of Nicole and says it is just for the one day but he d like to hang that up over the mantle . He says he does not want to overstep and Eric can say no ; they can hang it over their own fireplace when they get their place . Eric says he will talk to Quinn but he is sure it will be fine for one day . Sally searches the internet and sees there is going to be a Forrester wedding ; just the thing for them to crash . Tomorrow Sally Spectra strikes again , keep the flame stoked she tells Saul . RJ asks Thomas how do you know when the girl right in front of you is the one . Thomas says he is still trying to figure that out . Separately both he and Sally think about each other and the kiss . Sasha wants to talk to Nicole alone . She apologizes again for her part in the past with Zende and she would like to come to the wedding , of course . They can start being friends and sisters again one baby step at a time . She wants to be a real sister and share this most important day in her life . A little less than enthusiastic Nicole says okay she can come . Sasha hugs her and says in this case the best man won . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Cristian : Hey .
Evangeline : Hey . I m glad you came with me .
Cristian : Come on .
Marcie : I m sorry . I know you re so uncomfortable , but you have to wear these big - boy clothes , ok ? Ooh .
Eve : You know , you did nt need to dress him up , sweetie . John would have called this outfit a torture device .
Michael : I think dad would call it respectful .
Eve : You re right .
Marcie : Hey , do you know where that hat is ? You know , it just seems to calm him down .
Michael : Yeah .
Marcie : He likes -- oh , look at you . You re a mess .
Michael : Hey , buddy .
Marcie : Hey . There s your hat .
Michael : Grandpa s hat ?
Marcie : Look at your hat .
Michael : Hmm ?
Marcie : Yes .
Michael : Yeah , grandpa s badge , there , buddy .
Marcie : Aw . What s that ?
Eve : Thomas John , please do nt grow up to be a policeman , all right ?
Marcie : We re going to get through this , together , as a family , you know ?
Clint : Welcome home , Pa.
Matthew : Grandpa , you made it . You were gone for , like , ever .
Asa : Well , not quite . Sure felt like it , though . Here . Give your grandpa a hug .
Bo : Careful , son .
Asa : I wo nt break . Kevin , good to see you .
Kevin : Well , it s good to see you , too , grandpa . We really missed you .
Asa : Son ?
Bo : Glad to see you back home , pa .
Clint : Here you go . To Asa -- welcome home . It s about damn time .
Dorian : The stress , the suspicion , the condemnation -- oh ! I m getting claustrophobia attacks in my own office . I have to takey work to the park ! Just --
David : Lady , if you think you are stealing my shoes --
Dorian : David ?
Jessica : Uh -- hey .
Natalie : Hi .
Jessica : Um -- Natalie , you got to get dressed . John s funeral is in less than an hour .
Natalie : I m not going .
Asa : Now , what the hell is this ? I can not make a toast without bourbon .
Nigel : Remember what the doctors said , sir ? Alcohol is strictly verboten from now on .
Asa : You happy with your job , Nigel ?
Nigel : That a trick question , sir ?
Asa : You have health insurance , dental ?
Nigel : I ll get the bourbon .
Asa : Thank you . Ah . Where s Renee ?
Clint : She s upstairs getting your room ready .
Asa : I ll be honest with you boys -- there was more than one night in that hospital I was nt too sure I d -- I d make it back here .
Kevin : Oh , come on , grandpa . You were nt going anywhere . You liked torturing those nurses way too much .
Clint : Yeah , Kevin s right . Lot of fight left in you , pa .
Nigel : Indeed .
Asa : I m on to you .
Nigel : I never doubted that for an instant , sir .
Matthew : To the Buchanans .
Clint : Hear , hear .
Bo : Hear , hear .
Kevin : Hear , hear .
Asa : That s what s important , Matthew -- family . To our family . And , Clint , here s to you finally wising up and dumping that she - devil Dorian lord before she ruined your life .
David : Dorian , what are you doing in a public park ?
Dorian : Me ? What are you doing here ?
David : I did nt get a lot of sleep last night . I took a lot of that melatonin ? Packs quite a punch . So I thought I d come out here and get some -- you are nt buying this , are you ?
Dorian : David , you spent the night on a park bench .
David : Technically .
Dorian : What ? I do nt understand . I mean , what happened ? You -- you were on your way to -- to Hollywood to become an actor .
David : Oh , yeah . That did nt work out .
Dorian : What happened to the casting director ? What s -- what s her name , you know ?
David : Yeah , I --
Dorian : The one who discovered you ?
David : Yeah . I called her .
Dorian : And ?
David : Yeah , it -- it did nt work out .
Dorian : What happened ?
David : Well , I was invited up to her suite for an audition .
Dorian : Ooh , how sweet .
David : She put a script in my hand , sat me down on the casting couch , and then she took the script out of my hand .
Dorian : Oh . There went your acting career . I am so sorry .
David : Yeah , tell me about it . You know , I was willing to take one for the team , anything to get my foot in the door , you know ?
Dorian : Yeah .
David : Turns out it was nt my foot she was interested in .
Dorian : Oh . I know what that feels like to have your hopes raised so high and to have the rug pulled out from under you .
Eve : You know , when he was growing up , girls were calling the house constantly to talk to him . Your father was scandalized . He had never heard of anything like that . Thomas was rather old - fashioned that way .
Michael : And , me , I was the annoying younger brother on the extension trying to pick up pointers .
Marcie : I bet .
Rex : Natty , where are you ?
Natalie : John s dead , and he s still going to be dead whether I go to the funeral or not .
Roxy : Hey , baby cakes , how come you re not dressed yet ?
Jessica : She says she s not going .
Roxy : Huh ?
Natalie : I do nt see the point .
Roxy : The point ? Snap out of it .
Roxy : Baby , you ca nt skip Johnny boy s funeral . It s just not right .
Natalie : I will say goodbye to John in my own time , in my own way . I do nt need an audience .
Jessica : Oh , honey . Honey , nobody s going to be looking at you .
Natalie : Of course they are . You know , I m the grieving fiancee . They re going to be waiting for me to lose it , to pass out , throw myself on the coffin .
Viki : Baby , I know how you feel , ok ? And I know how hard today is going to be for you . I ve been there too many times . I also know that if you do nt go to John s funeral today , you will regret it for the rest of your life .
Bo : Ahem -- this is a great day for all of us because we finally got pa back home again . And it s going to be a rough day , too , but since we re all together here , I think there s something that we better discuss . It s -- it ll have an effect on the entire Buchanan family .
Clint : What s going on , Bo ?
Bo : Spencer Truman .
Asa : That slime . What s he up to now ?
Bo : David Vickers thinks he was responsible for what happened up at the lodge on New Year s Eve .
Asa : Bourbon -- bourbon was responsible .
Clint : Pa , it seemed like more than that at the time .
Bo : Yeah , well , Vickers claims that Truman has a vendetta against the Buchanans .
Clint : That s what you thought all along , Pa.
Bo : And according to Vickers , Truman was up to something on New Year s Eve , all right ? The next day , all of a sudden Kevin comes down sick , we find you passed out on the floor .
Nigel : Mr. Buchanan was never the same after that .
Kevin : Yeah , we know what he did to me , but are you saying that you think he made grandpa sick ?
Bo : No , I do nt know . All I m saying is that I m sure up at the cabin on New Year s . Now , my question is , why ?
Asa : Come on , Bo . Let me just enjoy being home .
Bo : Well , sure , pa . I said it s great to have you back home , but you re the one that told me that we have to get Truman before he gets us . Ok , fine . No , we ll drop it . I ll drop it for now . I ve got to get to the funeral . It is great to have you back home .
Nigel : Please offer Detective Mc Bain s family my most sincere condolences .
Bo : I will , Nigel . Thank you .
Matthew : See you , Grandpa .
Dorian : You know , David , it was nt too long ago that you were ready to sell yourself to the mayor s wife as a gigolo for just a few extra bucks .
David : $ 500 . And we in the trade prefer the term escort .
Dorian : It would not be the first time that you have , you know , grappled with some --
David : I have told you I am making a change in my life . I want to succeed by my own merit for the first time in my life .
Dorian : And I think that s absolutely wonderful .
David : Oh .
Dorian : I really do , but I wonder . I wonder if maybe you yourself are nt selling yourself short .
David : Do you think I m pricing myself too low ?
Dorian : I think it s time for you to stop selling your soul , David . But how will you live ? What will you do ?
David : I do nt know . But I ll think of something . I always do .
Dorian : Oh , well , maybe I should offer you your job back at Craze .
Dorian and David : No .
David : I should talk to Viki . I bet she d give me a job at The Banner . She s always liked me , you know .
Dorian : If you are trying to tick me off , it s working .
David : I need a job , Dorian .
Dorian : I want you to stay away from Viki .
David : Well , are you making me a counter offer ?
Dorian : I m just saying --
David : Well , whatever you want to say is duly noted . All the same , I think I m going to pay Viki a visit .
Dorian : Well , she s probably at John Mc Bain s funeral .
David : John Mc Bain is dead ?
Bo : I m glad you re here .
Rex : Well , I had to come -- not just for John . Natalie s going to need a lot of help .
Bo : Yeah , she is . Come on , bud .
Rex : I know how close you and Mc Bain were . I m really sorry . If there s anything I can do --
Bo : I appreciate that .
Matthew : Hey , dad , can Rex sit with me since you re going to be with your guys ?
Bo : Yeah . Yeah , I think that d be good .
Nora : Hey .
Evangeline : Hey .
Cristian : Hey .
Nora : Hi .
Evangeline : How are you ?
Nora : Hi , sweetie .
Evangeline : Are you feeling ok ?
Nora : I m fine . I wish people would stop asking me that .
Evangeline : Would you tell somebody if you were nt fine ?
Nora : I m worried about you . I know how you felt about John . I think I m probably one of the only people that knows just how deep that love was .
Evangeline : I do nt believe it . I mean , I just -- I ca nt get used to the idea that he s gone .
Eve : Oh .
Priest : The hearse has pulled up outside .
Eve : Thank you , father . Um -- Michael , you ll be following the honor guard with Bo and Antonio , ok ?
Michael : Ok .
Eve : Where s -- where s Natalie ?
Marcie : I do nt know . Father , could we just wait a couple of minutes for John s fiancee ?
Priest : Certainly . Just let me know when she arrives .
Marcie : Thank you .
Eve : Thank you .
Viki : Are you ready for this ?
Jessica : You can do this .
Natalie : Let s just get this over with .
Asa : Nigel , make me another one . I m going to drink to John Mc Bain .
Nigel : I was nt aware you knew him very well , sir .
Asa : My granddaughter was in love with him . That s enough for me . Now , make this one Irish whiskey .
Nigel : I m afraid we re out .
Asa : That s impossible .
Nigel : Your sons , as they say , drank you out of house and home while you were gone . As well , I do nt blame them for what s been going on around here . But if you re playing tricks on me --
Nigel : Of course not , no more than you are trying to pull something over on your family .
Asa : What ?
Nigel : I ve been with you for many years . I ve observed you doing everything from making billion - dollar deals to playing poker , and forgive me saying this , but I can tell when you re lying .
Asa : The word is bluffing .
Nigel : I know the difference . And when Commissioner Buchanan was talking about Spencer Truman , I felt you were holding something back there s something about New Year s Eve you do nt want to discuss .
Asa : That is ridiculous . I do nt know what the hell you re talking about .
Nigel : This .
David : I d like to pay my respects to John s family , but --
Dorian : Mm - hmm .
David : I got a feeling I would nt be welcome there .
Dorian : You did nt kill John s father . Spencer did .
David : I know , but I was involved . If I did nt mess up , John s father would nt have had to pull his gun , Spencer would nt have killed him . In fact , John and Thomas Mc Bain might be alive today .
Dorian : You did nt cause John s accident .
David : Yeah , but he would nt have been on that road . John Mc Bain s entire life took a different turn , thanks to me .
Dorian : It s heartbreaking , but -- they say he was on his way to visit his father s grave when the accident happened .
David : Oh , God . I m just sick about the whole damn thing .
Dorian : David , you know , if your conscience is telling you that you should go to the funeral , then I -- I think you should go .
David : Do you think maybe you d go with me ? I do nt think I could handle all those people right now .
Dorian : Yes , of course I ll go with you . I want to pay my respects , too .
David : Thanks .
Dorian : So we re clear -- you ve made a promise not to ask Viki for a job . Gee , I wonder if Clint s going to be there . And what about Adriana ?
Asa : Where d you get this ?
Nigel : I found it in a drawer when I was packing your things at the hospital . But I ve seen you sneaking looks at it ever since new year s day .
Asa : You ve been spying on me ?
Nigel : Merely observing , sir . I have nt mentioned it to anyone -- yet .
Asa : What is that supposed to mean ?
Nigel : I ca nt help thinking that photograph had something to do with whatever dr . Truman was up to on New Year s Eve . Who is that woman ? What does she mean to you ?
Priest : In the name of the father , and the son , and the holy spirit , amen .
All : Amen .
Priest : Praise be to God , father of our Lord , Jesus Christ , the father of mercy , God of all consolation .
Dorian : There -- there s my worst nightmare .
Priest : He comforts us in all of our afflictions .
David : I m sorry . If you want to get out of here , we can .
Dorian : No , no , no . I -- I want to stay -- out of respect for John . Come on .
All : Blessed be God , the father of our lord , Jesus Christ .
Priest : John s close friend and mentor and Commissioner Bo Buchanan , will now deliver the eulogy .
Matthew : Dad ? Good luck .
Bo : When I became commissioner of police in Llanview , I thought that I knew what being a cop really meant . But when I met John Mc Bain , I had to rethink that because the job was John s life . And it was nt just what he did , it was who he was . John s blood ran blue . So , father , when you suggest that I was John s mentor , it makes me feel just a little bit strange , because I learned so much from John -- about police work , and about the -- the dogged pursuit of justice . I like that myself , but when I -- when I see it in another man , one that I admired so much , one that I loved , it s like my son , Matthew , would say -- John Mc Bain was awesome . I was proud to call him my friend . We all were . And I think that we should be grateful that we had him in our lives as long as we did . Because John Mc Bain was a true hero . But he was nt without his little quirks . I m sure that it s no secret that sometimes our John had a little -- a little trouble expressing him -- expressing himself . He would --
Bo : He was a man of few words . But he said a lot . He spoke with deeds , and actions . And those deeds and those actions meant more to the people of Llanview , and to his -- his friends , and his family , his loved ones than -- than any words could ever possibly express . And if John Mc Bain loved you , you knew it .
Priest : I bless the body of John Mc Bain with the holy water that recalls his baptism . For if we have been united with him , by likeness to his death , so shall we be united with him by likeness to his resurrection . On the day of Christ s return , may he be clothed in glory . Let us depart in peace to love and serve the Lord . Now , before we reconvene at mt . Hope cemetery for the graveside service , John s brother would like to say something .
Michael : I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for coming here today , to support my family , show your respect for my brother . After the cemetery , we re going to be gathering at Rodi s in Llanview for the repast . We d like you all to come .
David : Michael , Mrs. Mc Bain --
Eve : What ?
David : I -- I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss .
Michael : This is David Vickers , Spencer Truman s little brother .
Eve : I know I m in God s house , but I m sorry , I ca nt say that I m happy to meet you .
David : Wait , Mrs. Mc Bain -- I understand , and I do nt mean to intrude . But I want you to know that I felt guilty my entire life for what I thought I had done to your husband -- to your father . And if it were nt for your s , I would have gone to my grave thinking that I was a killer . John gave me a second chance . I just want to say -- thank you .
Bo : Vickers , it took guts for you to show up here today . I m sorry .
Eve : Oh , thank you . Thank you for that beautiful eulogy . You know , John really loved you . I know he would be very proud to know that that s what you feel about him .
Bo : I hope he did know . Look , maybe -- maybe we can talk later on , ok ?
Eve : I d like that .
Bo : All right .
Viki : I m very , very proud of you . I know how hard this is .
Natalie : If I can just -- just make it till they bury John .
Officer : Detail ! Atten - hut ! Present arms ! Order arms !
Antonio : The lord is my shepherd . I shall not want . He makes me lie down in green pastures . He leads me beside still waters . He restores my soul . He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name s sake . Even though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death , I fear no evil , for you are with me . Your rod and your staff , they comfort me . Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me for all the days of my life . And I shall dwell in the house of the lord forever . Amen .
Officer : On behalf of the commonwealth of the state of Pennsylvania and the Llanview city Police Department , I present you with this flag that your son so proudly served .
Eve : Goodbye , my baby .
Michael : Come on .
Eve : Down the
Michael : It s ok , mom .
Evangeline : Mountain s side the summer s gone and all the roses falling it s you , it s you must go and I must bide but come ye back
Nora : Do nt worry , John . I ll finish what you started . Spencer wo nt get away .
Antonio : I ll try to be half the cop you were , man .
Evangeline : Or when the valley s
Cristian : You saved my life .
Antonio : Rest in peace , my friend .
Cristian : I wo nt forget it .
Roxy : I m sorry I gave you a hard time . I was just looking out for my kid . But you re a great guy .
Matthew : Tell Jen and Sam that I love them , and that I miss them . I m going to miss you , too , John .
Evangeline : In sunshine
Roxy : And this really , really sucks .
Bo : Rest in peace , John . You earned it .
Evangeline : O , Danny boy o , Danny boy I love you so
Rex : Do nt worry about Natty . I ll look after her . She ll be ok .
Evangeline : And I shall hear
Rex : I ll make sure of it .
Evangeline : Though soft you tread above me and all my grave shall warmer , sweeter be for you will bend and tell me that you love me I will sleep in peace
Marcie : Look at me . You do nt have to say anything , ok ? He knows everything .
Evangeline : O , Danny boy the pipes the pipes are calling
Marcie : Come on .
Evangeline : From glen to glen
Marcie : Come on .
Evangeline : And down the mountainside
Marcie : Come on , Michael .
Michael : Hey .
Evangeline : The summer s gone
Michael : He s not here , mom . Let s get out of here .
Evangeline : And all the roses falling it s you it s you must go and I must bide Goodbye .
Viki : Are you ready to go , sweetheart ?
Natalie : You go . I d like to stay here a little while . Please , mom ? I ll be all right . John ?
Evangeline : What s it ?
Cristian : That guy knows who set me up .
Blair : I want to live here with you , and want to marry you .
Jessica : You have to move on .
Nash : Ok .
Natalie : John ?
### Summary:
| Natalie gets up and decides that she is nt going to the funeral . Roxy slaps her hard and tells her that she needs to snap out of it . Viki talks to her about going to funerals for loved ones and knows that she will regret this if she does nt go . Natalie gets dressed and arrives at the event . Dorian goes to the park upset . A man with no shoes on is sleeping on the other side of the bench . Well if you think that you are going to steal my shoes , you have another thing coming ! the man shouts jumping up . It is David . Dorian thought that he was long gone on some quest to be a movie star . Turns out that the woman agent only wanted to get in his pants . Now he has nothing and needs a job badly . He actually slept on the park bench last night . Dorian offers his a job at CRAZE , but he wants something different . He toys with the idea of asking Viki for a job but Dorian hates that idea ! When David hears that Viki is at John s funeral , he is stunned . He had no idea that John was dead . He feels that it is his fault . Dorian suggests that he go to the funeral if she feels that he needs to . They head over there together . Asa is home ! He s been released and the family greets him . Bo tells how Truman might have a vendetta against the family and Bo will be looking into that . Asa tells Bo to forget about that . Bo ca nt . Too many things have happened to the family . When Nigel is alone with Asa , he tells that he knows that the man is hiding something . He found the picture of the woman that Asa had with him . He shows it to Asa now . Nigel has nt told anyone about the picture but he just might . Nigel knows that the picture has to do with Spencer and New Years Eve . The funeral goes off without a hitch . When David goes to Eve to express his gratitude to John for finding out that he was nt a killer , she appreciates what he has to say but is nt glad to meet him . Bo still feels that Vickers showed guts doing that . Next , everyone heads to the cemetery . The officers bring the coffin to the grave . The coffin starts lowering Eve falls to her knees from her chair and crawls over to the box . Goodbye my baby Oh Danny Boy , she starts singing . When her voice fails her due to her grief , Evangeline picks up the ball and sings the rest of the song . Michael comes and gets his mother picking her up and taking her to Marcie . John is nt here . Let s go . Everyone is gone by Natalie who wants to be alone there . Soon it is getting dark and she throws her flower in the grave and starts walking out . Suddenly she stops and turns in the darkness . John ? |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Stephanie : I just hope that we did nt make a mistake keeping Storm on this case .
Eric : Storm knows this case . He will see it through .
Storm : And I ll win it , too . All I need is my star witness .
Phoebe : What , Shane is nt here yet ?
Thomas : Yeah , I did nt see him at the house , either .
Ridge : That s because he did nt stay there last night . He s been showing a little too much interest in your sister . I told Shane to keep his distance .
Storm : Well , let s just hope he shows up .
Phoebe : Tomorrow , after we ve testified and told the jury the truth about what happened , after it s all over , then we can celebrate .
Shane : Now we re talking .
Dante : Coming . Coming . Hey , Bridget , what s going on ?
Bridget : Hey , do you have a minute ?
Dante : Well , actually , I m running late . I got to meet Felicia at Taylor s trial . Are you going ?
Bridget : No . I just really need to talk to you .
Dante : Sure .
Bridget : There s something I ve got to tell you .
Hector : Hey , you ve got to keep Phoebe away from Shane . Where is he ?
Henry : I do nt know , he s not here yet .
Hector : Not here ? He better show up . Cause without his testimony , Taylor does nt stand a chance .
Phoebe : Come on , Shane , where are you ?
Shane : Ah , it looks like somebody missed me , huh ?
Phoebe : Hi . I was afraid you overslept or something .
Shane : Overslept ? Are you kidding ? I could hardly close my eyes all night .
Phoebe : Are you worried about your testimony ?
Shane : My testimony ? I m excited about our celebration . Phoebe , we are still on tonight , are nt we ?
Phoebe : Yeah , yeah .
Shane : Are you excited , or what ?
Phoebe : I just -- I ca nt think about anybody besides my mom right now . I ll feel better after you testify .
Shane : All right .
Phoebe : I m gon na go in .
Phoebe : Storm , we have to make sure that Shane testifies today .
Storm : Well , the prosecution goes first today . I ca nt promise anything .
Bailiff : Be seated . Los Angeles county versus Dr. Taylor Hayes is about to be heard .
Harry : Phoebe , what s going on ?
Phoebe : I did nt tell you last night , cause I did nt want you to overreact , but I promised Shane I d celebrate with him tonight .
Harry : What do you mean by celebrate ?
Phoebe : I just want my mother to come home .
Bailiff : All rise ! Los Angeles superior court is now in session . Judge Owens presiding .
Judge Owens : All right , you may be seated . Bring in the jury . Ms. Tartaro , is the prosecution ready to present its case ? 96598 -- County of Los Angeles vs. Dr. Taylor Hayes .
Ms. Tartaro : Yes , your honor .
Judge Owens : Very well , let s get on with it .
Ms. Tartaro : Members of the jury , you may feel like you know this defendant . Maybe you ve bought her books , or seen her on TV . Dr. Taylor Hayes is a well- known psychiatrist , a member of one of LA s most prominent families . And as I m sure the defense will tell you , the devoted mother of three children . But there s another side to dr . Hayes . I m going to prove she s also a liar , and a killer .
Dante : I have to finish getting ready . So , tell me , what s going on ?
Bridget : Could you please stop that for one minute ?
Dante : I m gon na be late .
Bridget : It s about the baby . I went in to see Dr. Caspary this morning , and she did an ultrasound .
Dante : Why did nt you tell me ? I would have gone with you .
Bridget : Because I did nt want to worry anyone . I was nt even sure --
Dante : If you re worried about my relationship with Felicia , do nt be , okay ? She totally understands that I want to be a part of this child s life .
Bridget : It s not about that .
Dante : Look , I really think that the three of us can find a way to raise this child together .
Bridget : There is no child .
Dante : What ?
Bridget : I was bleeding this morning . And so I went to get checked . She could nt find a heartbeat . I lost the baby .
Ms. Tartaro : On the night in question , Dr. Hayes got into her car , after consuming alcohol , and struck down her own sister - in - law , Darla Forrester . What dr . Hayes did that night left Darla s husband stricken with grief and his little girl without a mother . But it s what she did nt do that may be even more shocking . If there was really nothing dr . Hayes could have done to avoid her victim , she would have come forward . But she did nt . Instead , she chose to lie . She lied to her victim s husband , she lied to her own family , and most importantly , she lied to the LAPD . Now , you must ask yourselves , Are those the actions of an innocent person ?
Storm : Dr. Hayes had no intention of leaving her home that night , but her teenage daughter was stranded alone on PCH . And at the very moment that Phoebe called her mother for help , Phoebe was approached by a stranger , a homeless man who came out of the dark . Phoebe was frightened and she dropped her cell phone . Now , I ask you , if you were in dr . Hayes place , what would you do ? Would you let the glass of wine keep you from rushing to your daughter s aid ? I do nt think so . Was it the smartest decision ? Maybe not . But it was an understandable decision , and it certainly was not the cause of Darla Forrester s death . As a matter of fact , we have an eyewitness -- an eyewitness who will testify that Darla Forrester fell back into the road at the very moment that Dr. Hayes came around the curve . Darla Forrester s death was a tragic , but unavoidable , accident . Now , the prosecution talked about the victim s daughter losing a mother . I agree . There s possibly nothing worse that could happen to a child . But if you send dr . Hayes to jail for this , you will be robbing three more children of their mother . This woman before you is not the monster that the prosecution wants you to see . Dr. Taylor Hayes is a loving , caring mother who made a couple of very regrettable mistakes . And I know -- I know that when you ve heard our witness , when you really understand what happened , I know you ll make the right decision and set Dr. Hayes free .
Judge Owens : Ms. Tartaro , prosecution may present its case .
Ms. Tartaro : I know you re busy people , and you want to get back to your lives , so I ll make this as straightforward as I can . Rather than stand here and tell you what I think happened that night , I ll let the defendant tell you herself . Your honor , I d like to present evidence , exhibit one , the signed confession of Dr. Taylor Hayes .
Judge Owens : Bailiff , present this to the jury .
Ms. Tartaro : It s all there in black and white . The defendant admits to drinking , driving and killing her sister - in - law . She takes full responsibility for Darla Forrester s death .
Storm : Your honor , counsel was nt present at the time that confession was made .
Ms. Tartaro : Dr. Hayes waived that right .
Judge Owen : The prosecution may continue .
Ms. Tartaro : Do I really need to say anything else ? The defendant has admitted her guilt . I m just asking you to hold her to it .
Dante : I ca nt believe it . Our baby .
Bridget : I m so sorry . I just feel like such a failure .
Dante : No , you re not . Okay ?
Bridget : I lost two babies , Dante .
Dante : Did it have something to do with the problem that you had before ?
Bridget : No , it did nt . I was fine . The baby , my hormones , everything --
Dante : Then what ?
Bridget : I m a doctor -- I know these things just happen sometimes . And maybe under the circumstances , with things the way that they are with me alone and you with Felicia , maybe it was just for the best .
Dante : No , no , do nt say that . Bridget , do nt say that , okay ? You accepted Felicia s child , okay ? She would have done the same thing for you , so do nt think for one second that we did nt want this baby , because we did . I did .
Lt . Baker : I encountered Dr. Hayes at the hospital shortly after the hit and run .
Ms. Tartaro : What did you notice about Dr. Hayes that night , Lieutenant ?
Lt . Baker : She had alcohol on her breath .
Storm : Did you administer a breathalyzer test ?
Lt . Baker : I would have if dr . Hayes had admitted --
Storm : That issue has already been dealt with , lieutenant . Is there any evidence to suggest that Dr. Hayes blood alcohol was above the legal limit on the night of the accident ?
Lt . Baker : No .
Ms. Tartaro : Mr. McGrath , were you present at the scene of the hit and run that killed Darla Forrester ?
Shane : Uh , yes , I was . And let me just say that she --
Ms. Tartaro : How far away were you from the scene ?
Shane : Well , I was close enough to see .
Ms. Tartaro : Were you standing on the shoulder ?
Shane : No , I was in the bushes .
Ms. Tartaro : So your view may have been obscured ?
Shane : No --
Ms. Tartaro : Was there a light , a street lamp ?
Shane : On PCH ?
Ms. Tartaro : So it was dark ?
Shane : Yeah , it was real dark . It was foggy , too , that night .
Ms. Tartaro : If you really saw what you claimed , why did nt you come forward ? Surely , you must have seen the case in the paper .
Shane : Well , you know , you do nt exactly get a paper delivered on your front porch when you re homeless .
Ms. Tartaro : So you were desperate for money and a place to live ?
Taylor : Can you make her stop ?
Ms. Tartaro : Where are you living now , Mr. McGrath ?
Shane : Oh , I got my own place .
Ms. Tartaro : But you ve been living somewhere else the last few months , have nt you ? Remember , you are under oath .
Shane : Taylor and her family , they took me in --
Ms. Tartaro : Oh , you -- you re living with them .
Shane : Well , I was working as their gardener , and then I got hurt . And I had a big cut --
Ms. Tartaro : Would you consider yourself a loyal employee ?
Shane : A loyal employee ? Yeah , sure .
Ms. Tartaro : Loyal enough to see and say anything to help protect the people responsible for getting you off the street ?
Storm : Your honor , objection !
Ms. Tartaro : Withdrawn . Thank you very much , Mr. McGrath . Your witness .
Bridget : Maybe I m just not supposed to be a mother .
Dante : Do nt say that .
Bridget : Well , first , Nicole , and now our little baby .
Dante : Look , look , listen to me , okay ? You got pregnant twice , and both times ended sadly . And that s hard . But you re a doctor , okay ? And you know , next time , it could be different . I mean , lots of women have multiple miscarriages , and they go on and have families , right ? Right ?
Bridget : That s true .
Dante : I mean , couples try to have kids all the time , for years . And when they give up -- when they finally give up , it happens , okay ? And believe me when I tell you , it s going to happen to you .
Bridget : Oh , when it does , I just hope the father is as warm and caring as you are .
Storm : Mr. McGrath , you said the Forresters took you in . Why would they do that ?
Shane : Um , I got a job on their gardening crew , and then I got injured , and I could nt work anymore . I did nt have any health insurance . And that s when phoebe and Taylor came to my rescue , and they paid my bills . And they gave me a place to stay . I mean , they were really incredible people .
Storm : At this point , did you tell anyone that you d seen the accident ?
Shane : No .
Storm : When you got the job at the Forrester home , did you tell anyone then what you d witnessed ?
Shane : No .
Storm : So Dr. Hayes took you in believing you were a complete stranger , or at least , unrelated to this incident in any way ?
Shane : Yeah , that s right .
Storm : But you were involved ? You were there that night ?
Shane : I was . I saw phoebe that night with a flat tire , so I decided to offer up some help to her . And I did nt exactly look the same as I do now . I was really scruffy and I was dirty , and actually , I scared her . So I decided to keep a close eye on her from a distance .
Storm : Is it fair to say then , being concerned for Phoebe s safety , that you wanted to stay close by to see her clearly ?
Shane : Yeah , that s right . And that s when I saw Darla --
Judge Owens : Excuse me . Counselors approach . We ll resume testimony tomorrow .
Storm : Your honor , I had nt finished my cross .
Judge Owens : Yeah , I m sorry , but a matter s come up that needs my immediate attention . We re done here today . This court stands in recess until 10 : 00 A.M. tomorrow morning . Mr. McGrath , you can step down . Bailiff , take the jury out .
Phoebe : No , no , no , they have to let him finish .
Bailiff : All rise !
Thorne : Taylor , everything s going to be okay . You ll be home tomorrow .
Taylor : I do nt believe this . I wanted this over with today .
Thorne : I know , I know .
Phoebe : Mom , he s right . It s just one more night .
Shane : I am really looking forward to tonight .
Phoebe : The prosecutor was really hard on you . Are you sure you do nt want to rest or -- get prepared for tomorrow ?
Shane : Rest ? Rest ? What are you -- you re kidding . You re kidding , right ? Phoebe , tonight is our night , sweetheart .
Phoebe : It s just not gon na be much of a celebration with my mom still here .
Shane : Sure , it will . Listen , tomorrow , your mom s gon na be free , once that jury hears what I have to say , okay ? I will get your mom off tomorrow . Tonight , it s about us , okay ? Come here .
### Summary:
| Storm , Phoebe and the others are worried about Shane not showing up for court . But , he finally does and she lets him know she ll feel better after he testifies . Court is in session and the jury is brought in . The prosecutor paints it pretty black . Taylor Hayes lied to everyone including her family and the police . Is this the actions of an innocent person ? Assistant D.A. Tartaro presents Taylor s signed confession admitting drinking , driving and killing her sister - in - law . Storm delivers his defense and his star witness Shane . A dejected Bridget catches Dante at home and tells him she has some news for him . She cries that she lost their baby . She feels like a failure , and although he is awfully disappointed , he tells her it s not her fault . She will have other children . Tartaro pokes huge holes in all of Shane s testimony of what he saw on that dark , foggy , unlighted night while hidden in the bushes , perhaps too far away to see really good . And she crucifies him when it s established that he has been living with Taylor and her family the last few months and would probably say anything in her favor as a loyal employee . Storm starts to make some good inroads in his defense , but the Judge calls time out as he has an emergency so court will resume tomorrow morning . The family rallies around an angry Taylor . She wanted this over with today . Shane pressures Phoebe to not let this deter her . He will get her mom off tomorrow ; tonight is their night . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Kim : What is -- Chris , Chris ! Is he gon na be all right ? !
Bob : Kim , you ve got to get out of here --
Kim : Oh , Honey , please !
John : Will you get her out of here .
Bob : Kim , you ve got to wait outside .
Kim : All right .
John : You ve got to get out of here , Kim ! I ca nt do anything to Chris while I m worrying about you . Charging ? You sure you want to be here for this ?
Reid : I m going back in there .
Luke : I ll stay with Kim . Hang in there , Kim .
Kim : Oh , God . My son -- my son --
Alison : I downloaded all the stuff about getting married in Vegas .
Casey : Vegas ?
Alison : Yeah . I think it would be fun . And most importantly , it would nt break the bank .
Casey : Why are you so worried about money ? This is our wedding , Ali .
Alison : Cause it would nt feel right to ask our parents to pay for it again . And we ca nt afford a big wedding on our hospital salary .
Casey : You re afraid of having a regular wedding after what happened last time , are nt you ?
Alison : Are nt you ?
Casey : No , I m not .
Alison : Well , I m glad you feel that way . But I ca nt imagine inviting everyone we love to watch us get married after the way we crashed and burned before .
Casey : What happened last time does nt matter to me , Ali .
Alison : It does to me .
Casey : Listen , I love you . But I m not running off to Vegas to get married . We do nt have to hide , not from each other or anyone else . Listen , my -- my great grandmother believed in us . That s good enough for me .
Barbara : Kim , Kim , is Chris all right ?
Kim : His heart stopped .
Barbara : Oh , Honey -- Honey , he s gon na be okay , all right ? He s gon na be fine . He s with the best . And you re not alone .
Henry : There s nothing you can do out here in the hall . Why do nt you sit down ?
Kim : No , no . I m gon na stay right here .
Barbara : No , no . Henry s right . Let s go down to the waiting room , okay ?
Kim : No .
Barbara : Look , if you re not okay , you ca nt be here for Chris . Come on . Come on .
Henry : Is Katie in there ?
Luke : No . Katie s not here .
Katie : I m scared , Brad I m in love with Chris . Not the way I loved you . It s -- it s different . But it s strong . It s the real thing . Ever since I lost you , people kept telling me that I would fall in love again , and I just did nt believe them , cause I was nt ready . But now I am . But Chris is in trouble . He s fighting for his life , and I need to be with him right now . I need to be strong enough to do that . But I just -- I ca nt bring myself to do it . But I ca nt just sit by and do nothing . But the thing that scares me the most is what if I show up at he hospital and I ca nt handle it and I have to run away ? That would just make him feel even worse , even more alone . So I need your help . I need you to help me be strong , because you re the strong one . I m just a coward . I m such a coward .
Henry : The hell you are .
Chris : What , uh -- what happened ?
Bob : Just rest , Son .
Chris : I feel like I got hit by a truck .
John : Well , you arrested . We had to shock you back .
Chris : How long was I down ?
John : Long enough .
Chris : How bad is it ?
Bob : It s very bad . I m gon na make a call , have them move you up on the transplant list . We ve got to keep your heart strong until we find a donor match .
Chris : What about starting the I.V. treatment ?
John : No , that is no longer an option . I m sorry . Until we find a new heart for him , we have to make sure that this one does nt go into arrest anymore . I would like to install an IVAD , help the heart to pump more .
Chris : I know what an IVAD is .
Bob : The less your heart has to work , the better .
Chris : No . No way . Forget about it .
Casey : Are you getting cold feet about marrying me ? I just --
Alison : No . I ca nt wait to marry you . But it just does nt feel right to have this big celebration right after Nancy s funeral . It s only gon na make everyone miss her more than they already do . And -- and that s not the way I want us to start our life together .
Casey : But that s -- that s the perfect way . To me it s like honoring her memory .
Alison : Maybe , but if Chris and Katie are getting engaged , you know , I do nt want to impose on that .
Casey : Ali , Ali --
Alison : No , no . We had the big wedding , and it was a disaster . I just -- I really want something completely different .
Casey : However you want it , whatever way , okay , as long as this time , when it s over , you re my wife .
Alison : I really like the way you say that .
Casey : What , Wife ?
Alison : Yeah .
Casey : Get used to it , Wife . Wife . Wife .
Alison : Luke . Luke --
Casey : Is everything okay , Man ?
Luke : Um , it s Chris .
Henry : You are not a coward , Katie . You re the bravest person I know .
Katie : No . A brave person would be with the person she loves who s fighting for his life , not hiding out in a graveyard , feeling sorry for herself .
Henry : You need Brad s help , and there is no shame in that .
Katie : But he s gone . I ca nt depend on him anymore . But here I am . Instead of being with a living person , I m talking to a stone .
Henry : I do the same thing .
Katie : You do ?
Henry : Yeah . I do it all the time . It helps . Hell , I -- I came up here a couple of months ago with a bottle of scotch , and I -- I matched him one for one . I d take a shot , and I d pour one into the ground . And we just went on and on and on like that till I passed out and I woke up the next morning and --
Henry : I know . And I realized I had destroyed this whole patch of grass over here . I got the groundskeeper to take care of it before you noticed . The point -- the point is , Sweetie , I think it takes a lot more strength and courage to go on with your life and keep Brad in your heart than to just lock his memory away somewhere in your mind because it hurts too much to remember .
Katie : No , no . I could never do that .
Henry : I know you could nt . That s why I love you so much . You got to stop being so hard on yourself . This is tough stuff .
Katie : It s just even though I ve known Chris forever , I just found him .
Henry : Yeah .
Katie : And the thought of losing him , of having to say goodbye and let him go --
Henry : You do nt have to let him go . Brad s love is still inside of you and in Jacob s , and that s forever . Yeah , bad stuff happens in life and people die . But the only way to skip out on the hard part is just to , I do nt know , lock yourself up and -- and refuse to love anyone but yourself . You can always choose that option if you want .
Katie : It does nt feel like it .
Henry : No , it does nt , because you do nt have a cowardly bone in your body . How many times you and I have just kissed each other off for good ? And we always came back to each other , right ? Because we care . We re not getting weaker and more afraid . We re getting stronger , and we re getting braver . That s what life s all about . I , uh -- I ca nt tell you what to do , but --
Katie : What ?
Henry : Whatever decision you make , you should make it soon ?
Katie : Henry -- how fast can you get me to the hospital ?
Chris : No . No IVAD . Dad , no machines . I wo nt consent .
Bob : You re not thinking clearly .
Chris : No , Reid . Do you hear me ?
John : Listen . Do nt be so quick to refuse this procedure . You ve coded once . You re in congestive heart failure .
Chris : I know that .
John : Well , then , you also know that it can happen again . And when it does , each time , it becomes more difficult for us to resuscitate you . I m sorry , but listen . Your blood type is very common . Chances are very good that you ll get a heart soon . But in the meantime , we have to make sure that the heart you have remains functional .
Chris : [ Coughs ] No . You hook me up to that machine , I will never get off it , okay ? And if I die , I am not gon na die hooked up to a machine . It s not gon na go down like that .
Bob : Son , we re not talking about extraordinary measures . You re young . You re healthy in every other way . You re -- you re a perfect candidate for a transplant . We ve just got to keep your -- your heart strong until a new heart becomes available .
Chris : If -- if it does . Dad , that might not happen . We all know that . Look , I am nowhere near the top of a list . And if I was -- if I was any other patient , you would tell me there are no guarantees .
Reid : You re not just another patient .
Chris : Yes . Yes , I am . I -- I do nt want any special treatment , okay ? No -- no jumping ahead of the line .
Reid : That s not the point , you moron . If we do nt keep you alive , the search for a heart is meaningless .
Chris : Look , life hooked up to a heart pump -- Reid , that is meaningless . I am not gon na do this to Katie .
Reid : You mean survive ?
Chris : She needs a partner , all right , not someone else to take care of . Someone to love she needs , okay , some -- someone to help her raise her son .
Bob : There s no reason you ca nt do all of that .
Chris : No . Dad , no . No machines . No machines . I m not gon na do it .
Kim : I m glad you re here . Thank you .
Barbara : I would nt be anywhere else .
Kim : So , how are you and himself , Mr. Henry , doing ?
Barbara : Well , we re , um -- we re pretty wonderful . I never would have thought that at this point in my life I would have felt like a newlywed again . But here I am , given another second chance after all these years . And I m savoring every minute of it . I m sorry .
Kim : No , no . I m sorry .
Barbara : You realize that Chris and Katie are going to have a long , wonderful life together , do nt you ?
Kim : I want to get back .
John : Damn it , Chris , an IVAD is not a death sentence . It is a temporary measure to keep you stable . I tell you that as your doctor , it is the best decision . And I would not say that if I had any doubts whatsoever that it will help you to get through this transplant .
Chris : A new heart is not a given .
Reid : The worse your condition gets , the higher you move on the list . That s the system . So shut up and let the system work the way it s supposed to .
Chris : It s my life . It s my decision .
Kim : Is he awake ?
Bob : Yeah .
Kim : Is he all right ?
Chris : I m good , Mom .
Kim : Is he really ? What is it ? What s wrong ?
John : Well , we re just , uh , talking about Chris options .
Kim : What options ? What options are you talking about ?
Bob : Chris is refusing a treatment that will help him survive . Maybe you can talk some sense into him .
Kim : Christopher , is that true ?
Chris : Mom , it s -- it s complicated .
Reid : Not really .
Bob : John wants to install an IVAD . It s a mechanical device that will help his heart pump if it becomes weak .
Kim : Like a pacemaker ?
John : Well , sort of , but it s -- it s a temporary thing , you see ? It s not permanent . It s simply to keep him from going into cardiac arrest until we can find a new heart from him . But he is refusing to have the surgery .
Chris : I ca nt lie here while you and Katie watch me disintegrate for -- for days , weeks , maybe longer . I -- I do nt want to be remembered like that .
Kim : Oh , for heaven s sakes , stop thinking about being remembered ! Think about living !
Chris : Unless I get a new heart .
Kim : You re gon na get a new heart . Of course you re gon na get a new heart . Now , listen to your father . Listen to John . They know best .
Barbara : You know what , Chris ? If you do nt want to fight for yourself , fight for your parents , all right ? No parent should suffer the loss of a child .
Katie : Chris , you want to know what I think ? How dare you sacrifice yourself for me ? You think I ca nt handle you being a little sick ? Is that how little faith you have in me ?
Chris : No . Of course I have faith in you .
Katie : You do nt want me and your parents to watch you die . That s what you said , right ? How is dying sooner gon na make it any easier ? We have nt had very much time together . Do nt you want that ?
Chris : Katie , of course I want that .
Katie : Then listen to your doctor . Pick one . These three men are the best at what they do . You know that .
Chris : I know . I know that . But their -- their judgment is clouded right now .
Katie : Why ? ! Cause they do nt want you to give up ? You think if you were just some stranger off the street , they would nt care ? That s not true .
Chris : Katie -- you do nt understand .
Katie : Yes , I do . I understand just as much as anyone in this room . And I think what you re doing is the furthest thing from noble . I think it s cruel and cowardly ! You re not near sick enough to give up fighting !
Chris : It s my heart . My heart is giving out .
Katie : And John and Bob and Reid are doing everything they can to get you a new one . You need to do your part and hold on until that happens !
Chris : Katie , that might not happen .
Katie : So we ll deal with it then . Please , please , just at least try . I need you . Jacob needs you . And I do nt care if you have wires hanging out of your chest for the next year . At least you ll be here with us . Just wait . When the time is right , you will get the heart that was meant for you , okay ? And then John will fix you . And in the meantime , we ll spend that time just getting to know everything we can about each other .
Chris : I want that , Katie .
Katie : So do I. So please do nt cheat us out of that . Nobody who loves you wants to be spared .
Chris : Katie , you ve already been through too much .
Katie : And I have nt given up . I can handle it . I can handle all of this , okay , if you let me . I want us to start our life together . So you re stuck with me . I m gon na sit here at your bedside and beat you at cards and make you watch ballroom - dancing shows until you understand why I love them so much . And when you get your new heart and you re all healthy , we re gon na take tango lessons , and we re gon na go out dancing with Barbara and Henry . We re gon na give them a run for their money . We have so many memories still to make together , and you re gon na want to be there for them , cause it is going to be an incredible , meaningful , beautiful life .
Casey : I mean , so , is Chris gon na make it ?
Luke : I do nt know , Casey . He s really sick .
Alison : Kim and Bob -- how is Katie dealing with it ?
Luke : She was nt at the hospital when I was there .
Alison : She does know , right ?
Luke : Yeah , yeah . Reid told her everything . He said she s really torn up .
Alison : Yeah , I can imagine . Are you okay ?
Casey : My family must be freaking out , you know ? I -- I should probably get to the hospital . I want to be with them . I -- you should come with me . They re your family , too .
Chris : Okay . Okay . I ll go for the bionic heart after all .
Katie : Good choice .
Kim : Thank you .
Chris : Thank Katie . She reminded me there s something worth fighting for .
Barbara : [ Sighs ] She s gon na need you to help her through this .
Henry : Does that make you jealous ?
Barbara : No , not at all . It would be selfish of me to keep you all to myself . But I promise you we will tango rings around them .
Bob : Tom , where are you ? Well , he s stable right now , but I do nt know for how long . What have you heard about that heart in Bay City ?
John : That was very good , Katie . I should hire you to try to talk some sense into my more stubborn patients .
Katie : I do nt even know what I said .
Barbara : Well , what you said was perfect , for all of us .
Kim : Actually , I could not have said that better myself . I am so proud of you . Bob -where did Bob go ?
Bob : Hey , listen . There s a heart .
Kim : Oh ! Thank God !
Henry : Careful , Bubbles . Bubbles , you can manhandle him once the new heart is installed , okay ?
Katie : A new heart . I m gon na miss the old one . How could I help but fall in love with it ?
Chris : Dad , where did the heart come from ?
Bob : Bay City . I do nt know very much except they ran a tissue match , and it s perfect .
John : When is the heart gon na get here ?
Bob : Well , the harvest team is working right now . They have a helicopter standing by . And once they re done , they re gon na airlift it right here to the hospital .
Luke : Reid .
Reid : Oh , hey I was just gon na text you . Chris got a heart . It s on its way from Bay City .
Alison : I told you it was gon na be okay !
Casey : Well , can I -- can I go see him ?
Reid : Oh , yeah . The whole family is in there . What s two more ?
Casey : You want to come ?
Alison : Yeah .
Casey : Okay .
Luke : I ca nt believe Chris got a heart so quickly .
Reid : Oh , yeah . It s a good thing , too . I m not sure how long he would have lasted without it . Maybe if he had nt been so stupid about admitting that he was sick .
Luke : Oh , come on , Reid . Even you in your infinite power must admit that you re a little bit happy for Chris . This is incredible .
Reid : Yeah . You have no idea .
Bob : We re not out of the woods yet . This is a very serious surgery .
Kim : Honey , I know . But do nt be Dr. Bob now . Be my husband . Let s just enjoy our miracle .
Katie : I m so happy for you both .
Kim : Oh , Honey , thank you .
Katie : It s gon na be good . It s gon na be fine now .
Barbara : I did nt know you drank coffee this late in the day .
Henry : Well , I wanted to give the family some time together , and , uh , I want to be with Katie while Chris is going through surgery , so it looks like it s gon na be a really long night .
Barbara : I think Katie came back here because of you .
Henry : Well , what can I say ? You married a wonderful guy .
Barbara : Yes , I did .
Bob : Alison , if you re up to it , I d like you to scrub in on Chris surgery .
Alison : Are you sure ? I -- I ve never worked with a transplant team before .
Bob : Well , it s time we corrected that . I want my best people in the O.R.
Alison : Yeah , of course ! I mean , I -- I d be honored .
Bob : Great .
Kim : Oh . Ali , is that Mom s engagement ring ?
Casey : Yeah . Actually , um , Ali and I are engaged .
Kim : Oh !
Bob : I had no idea .
Alison : Well , Casey asked me a couple days ago . Uh , and we were gon na tell everyone , but then we got the news about Nancy , so it did nt seem like the right time . It still does nt seem like the right time .
Kim : Oh , no .
Alison : I probably should nt have worn it .
Kim : Do nt be silly . Do nt be silly . Do nt hide your joy and your love . If you are ready to get married , that s wonderful .
Casey : Oh , we re ready . I love Ali .
Alison : I love him , too .
Bob : Well , then , welcome to the family .
Alison : Can I hug you now ?
Bob : You bet you can .
Luke : Well , it looks like things are turning out better .
Reid : Yeah , well , it ai nt over till that fat nurse over in pediatrics sings .
Luke : He does nt look too happy .
Reid : He s probably just coordinating the transplant team .
John : Yes , no . I can hear you now , yes , when I m out of the room . So what did you say to me before ? No , slower , slower . We ve got a bad connection or something . Go ahead . I just received a call from the cardio team in Bay City general . You re a perfect match , by the way , but some young surgeon over there who they made head of cardiology has taken the heart for one of his own patients .
Kim : Oh -- They ca nt do that ! They ca nt take the heart away that they promised us .
Bob : Unfortunately , they can .
Kim : That s not fair .
John : No , it s not . But the doctor over in Bay City -- well , he probably wanted to keep the heart from a patient of his that they have over there who s higher on the list than Chris is , so he made some kind of case , and he won . That s all . I m very sorry .
Chris : We ll just go back to the original plan . John can put me on the IVAD . I ll remain on the list . And I ll wait for another heart .
Katie : Yeah , you make it sound like it s a given .
Chris : So who needs a little faith now ?
John : I think we should alert the O.R. , prep for the IVAD , and we send the transplant team home .
Bob : All right .
John : All right ?
Casey : I mean , how could this happen ?
Luke : They re gon na find another heart for Chris , right ?
Reid : Yeah maybe . It might be too late .
Katie : Well , I m going to , uh , call the babysitter and check on Jacob . Just hang out with your mom for a little while till I get back .
Chris : Katie --
Katie : Hmm ?
Chris : It s okay .
Katie : I know .
Barbara : I m gon na go talk to her , okay ?
Henry : Yeah .
Katie : Oh , I could nt let Chris see me fall apart .
Barbara : I figured that .
Katie : Please do nt tell me everything s gon na work out .
Barbara : I m not going to do that , because we both know that usually does nt happen . But every once in a while , it does . And I think Chris has as good a chance as anyone .
Katie : Oh , who cares ? Everybody has a chance .
Barbara : What I m trying to say is I think Chris has a good chance because of all the people who are out here , loving him and caring him and supporting him . That s why .
Katie : Oh , that s a very nice thing to say .
Barbara : I m not being nice , Katie . I m not always a particularly nice person . I just know what I m talking about . You know , I felt completely alone and abandoned and hopeless and helpless , too . And I m not talking about my cancer . I m talking about when I was locked up in that warehouse . I thought I was gon na die there . I did nt think I was gon na get out alive . But what I did nt know was that there was something keeping me going . There were people out here who were loving me and caring about me and worried about what happened to me . That s what kept me going . And then I was found , and I came home , and I was saved . But I could nt have done that without all those people .
Katie : I do nt think you realize how relentless Henry was when he was searching for you . He would not give up .
Barbara : I know that now . And now it s your turn to be relentless about Chris . You ca nt give up . Do nt give up on him , for both your sakes , okay ?
John : Well , as soon as we get your pre - op labs back , we ll be here . We ll take you down to the O.R. for the procedure .
Chris : Thank you .
John : All right .
Chris : Can I just talk to Dad for a minute ?
John : Sure , sure , sure .
Kim : Be outside , Sweetheart .
Bob : What can I do for you , Son ?
Chris : Uh , you ve already done everything , Dad , since the day I was born . That s why I m a doctor -- to be like you .
Bob : You did fine on your own . You re the best pediatrician I know . I m proud of you . I do nt say that very often .
Chris : Dad --
Reid : What was it ?
Bob : My son is asking to see you .
Reid : You wanted to see me ?
Chris : I just wanted to , um , congratulate the new chief of staff in person .
Reid : Oh , shut up . You know I do nt want the job that way .
Chris : No .
Reid : But seeing as you re on death s door , I might as well admit that I did steal that grant from you back in med school .
Chris : I knew it .
Reid : Yeah , well -- well , this time , I m not gon na have to cheat to kick your ass , cause you re gon na get that heart , you re gon na jog out of here , and then I will dismantle you fair and square .
Chris : Come here .
Reid : Yeah , you gon na hit me ?
Chris : No .
Reid : I like my chances .
Chris : Take care of Katie .
Katie : Beat it , Roomie . I want some quality time with the patient .
Reid : He s all yours .
Luke : What are you doing ?
Reid : I m gon na go to Bay City , pick up that heart . Then I m gon na bring it back here and make sure it s put in Chris Hughes chest , where it belongs .
Katie : You do nt have to be brave for me . It s okay if you scream and curse and ask god why he dealt you such a rotten hand .
Chris : Why would I ? I m happy with the cards I ve got .
Luke : Reid , wait .
Reid : What ?
Luke : I understand that you re used to getting whatever you want , but even you ca nt walk into some strange hospital , grab a donor heart , and put it in your cooler and walk away .
Reid : Watch me .
Luke : Reid --
Reid : What ?
Luke : I could kiss you for wanting to do this , but you ca nt . There s too many risks involved .
Reid : You heard what Dixon said . Some hotshot doctor stole Chris heart like it s some kind of a chess piece .
Luke : Reid --
Reid : This is Chris heart . I ll be damned if I m gon na let some arrogant , self - proclaimed savior of mankind take it away .
Luke : That s weird . I seem to remember another surgeon who was an arrogant , self - proclaimed savior of mankind .
Reid : Yeah . Wonder what happened to him .
Luke : Reid , Reid , wait .
Reid : Quit trying to stop me . I m going .
Luke : I know you are . I m going with you , just to make sure you do nt get arrested or anything . Is that okay ?
Reid : You ca nt .
Luke : Why not ?
Reid : This has to be handled doctor to doctor , all right ? Let me do what I do best -- make trouble .
Luke : Damn it , Reid . You re not angry because some surgeon s pulling rank . You re fighting for Chris because you give a damn about him and his family .
Reid : Okay , fine . I have to do this for Bob and Kim , even though she ca nt stand me , and Katie . And Chris , too . He should nt be chief of staff . That s my job . But not because he croaks at the finish line .
Luke : That would hardly be sporting .
Reid : Look , do nt get any ideas about me , okay ? I m still the same selfish jerk . I ve spent my whole life going up against people with money and power that they did nt do a damn thing to earn . I have . I have earned the right to throw my weight around . I ve got a great reason . I m not gon na pass up the opportunity .
Luke : Okay . Just do nt -- do nt punch anyone s lights out .
Reid : I m not making any promises . Hey , do me a favor . Do nt tell anybody where I m going , okay ? Because Chris will get all brave and noble , Bob will default to protocol and procedure , and Katie and Kim will chew their fingers off with worry . I have enough pressure as it is . I love you . There . I said it .
Bob : Is the O.R. ready for Chris ?
John : I just got the pre - op labs back , and I m sorry . Chris heart is not viable for an IVAD installation . It wo nt work .
Katie : What are you saying ?
Bob : You mean his heart is too damaged for the pump ?
John : I m saying that the procedure could be invasive enough that it might use up all of the strength he s got left .
Katie : So what now ?
John : So we need a new heart , and we need it soon .
Luke : Hey , Guys . I ve been , um -- what s wrong ? Is Chris all right ?
Casey : Dr. Dixon just told Ali they ca nt perform the surgery to put in the heart pump .
Luke : Well , that s all right . He wo nt need it . Reid s got a plan .
Alison : What kind of plan ? Where is he ?
Luke : Well , he does nt want anyone to know , but he s on his way to Bay City to pick up that heart for Chris , and I m sure he wo nt be back without it .
Alison : So what , he s just gon na take it away from them ?
Casey : I mean , can he do that ?
Luke : Probably not . But I ve never seen Reid not get what he wants . He s amazing .
Alison : You re really crazy about him . I did nt realize you two were that serious .
Luke : Neither did I.
Reid : Yeah , no , that heart belongs to my patient . His family thinks he s going into surgery in a few hours . You ca nt get their hopes up and then just take it away on a whim . You know , what the hell kind of surgeon are you ? No , you know what ? I m gon na be there in ten minutes . Do nt even think about giving that heart to anybody else .
Reid : Oh , come --
Next week on As the World Turns --
Bob : An accident ? Who ?
Margo : Reid .
Bob : Is it serious .
Margo : His car stalled at a railroad crossing just outside of Bay City , and a train was coming .
Luke : You re the organ donor ?
Alison : Look , I know you are leaving town , and I know the two of you have nt been talking , but he really needs you .
Noah : It s okay . It s not your fault . It s okay .
Chris : Whose heart do I have ?
### Summary:
| It s a heartbreaking day for the Hughes family and Katie as Chris s condition gets worse . John considers putting Chris on an IVAD machine to keep his heart pumping until they can find a donor heart , but Chris refuses to have the operation to install the machine . Henry finds Katie at Brad s grave and persuades her that she is strong enough to help Chris fight for his life , because when you truly love someone , you risk sadness just to be happy with the person you love . Katie rushes to the hospital with Henry and persuades Chris to have the operation and fight for their future . A heart is found for Chris in Bay City but John is later informed that the head of Cardiology at the Bay City hospital took the heart for his patient . Chris asks Reid to take care of Katie if anything should happen to him . Luke and Reid have a long talk and Luke gets Reid to admit that he cares about Chris and the Hughes family . He ca nt watch Katie lose another man she loves because he cares about her too . Reid is determined to go to Bay City and claim the heart for Chris , and he refuses Luke s offer to go with him to make sure he does nt lose his cool . Reid tells Luke he loves him and they kiss before Reid heads to Bay City . Reid talks to the cardiologist on the phone to tell him not to put the heart in his patient , because he will be there in ten minutes to talk to him . Reid tries to make it to the train that is coming , but when he hits the accelerator , his car stalls . He tries to untie his shoelace from the accelerator , but he does nt have enough time and all he can do is watch as the train heads towards his car . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
thorne : Better watch what you start . You re gon na be late for your doctor s appointment .
Macy : No , we re not . It got pushed back an hour . Dr. Sanders is running late .
Thorne : Oh ?
Macy : Mm - hmm .
Thorne : Oh .
Macy : Mm - hmm .
Thorne : Well -- we can just continue this party at home then .
Macy : I d love to , but I told mom I d stick around and fill in for darla .
Thorne : For darla ?
Macy : Yeah . Yeah , she has nt been coming in lately . She says she s not feeling well . And when i called to see how she was doing , it sounded like she d been crying .
Thorne : Hmm .
Macy : But , you know , I m not gon na push her on it . I m sure , when she s ready to talk , she ll tell me .
Thorne : Yeah . That s probably the best way to handle that , actually .
Macy : Mm - hmm .
Thorne : You know what , hon ? I have to take care of a few things , okay ? I ll see you at the doctor s appointment ?
Macy : Okay .
Thorne : All right .
Brooke : Look at you trying to come up with a way out . Should you deny it ? Should you lie ? Well , why not ? It seems to be a way of life for you all of these years -- all of these years .
Stephanie : Obviously , massimo did nt tell you the whole story .
Brooke : Oh , no , i heard more than enough .
Stephanie : I did nt know that he was ridge s father .
Brooke : And why should you ? Just because you had sex with him nine months before ridge was born . You knew when you married eric , did nt you ?
Stephanie : No .
Brooke : It was a trap , stephanie . You were pregnant out of wedlock , so you seduced him .
Stephanie : No , I did nt .
Brooke : Well , i do nt believe you . Why should anybody believe you ever again ?
Brooke : Eric would have married my mother . She would have been a forrester . And my brother and my sisters and I , we would have grown up in a nice , loving , warm family home with every advantage .
Stephanie : What fantasy are you living in here ?
Brooke : My god , you cheated her , stephanie . You cheated us because of your sick , selfish behavior ! It s all right . It s all right . Because you re finally going to get what you have coming to you . And I m the one who s going to bring it on !
Massimo : I ve done something i do nt think you re going to like .
Ridge : Well , that s a coincidence , massimo . I ve done something you re not going to like either . Brooke and i made it official . We re engaged .
Massimo : I know .
Ridge : You know ?
Massimo : Mm - hmm . Bridget told me .
Ridge : She did ?
Massimo : Mm - hmm .
Ridge : So why are nt you out of your mind right now ?
Massimo : I was upset . Which is why i reacted the way i did .
Ridge : Okay . What did you do ?
Massimo : I went to see brooke .
Ridge : And took her head off again ?
Massimo : No , not exactly .
Ridge : Massimo , i ve had it with this . Do you understand me ? Brooke is gon na be my wife . And you have to show her some respect , or we re gon na have a big problem .
Massimo : Ridge , come on . We did nt argue .
Ridge : Well , you sure did nt offer to host her bridal shower .
Massimo : Oh , please .
Ridge : So what is it , massimo ? Why d you go over there ?
Massimo : To tell her the truth . I told her that you are my son .
darla : Thorne ?
Thorne : Hi . Macy said you were nt feeling well and that you have nt been in to work . This is about us , what happened , right ?
Darla : Yeah .
Thorne : Darla , look , you ca nt avoid macy forever . She s your friend . She s really worried about you .
Darla : I know .
Thorne : You feel guilty , huh ? Look , there s no reason to , okay ?
Darla : You re wrong .
Thorne : Darla , you and I both thought that macy and I were through , okay ? You did nt betray her .
Darla : I know all this . I know all this . Thorne , please --
thorne : Okay , well , then why are you hiding out ?
Darla : Bec -- because I m pregnant . I m pregnant , thorne .
ridge : You did nt go through with it ? You did nt actually tell brooke ?
Massimo : Yes , i did .
Ridge : What the hell is wrong with you ?
Massimo : I did it for your good .
Ridge : Massimo , what are you talking about ? This is my life , it s my decision .
Massimo : Ridge , you do nt know which end is up these days , all right ? You re about to make a horrible mistake .
Ridge : Enough of that !
Massimo : No , it s not . It ll never be enough until i can convince you or her or both of you to call off this wedding .
Ridge : It s none of your damn business !
Massimo : I am your father .
Ridge : You want to be a father to me ? You want to be a father to me ? You want to help me ?
Massimo : Yes . That s what I m trying to do here .
Ridge : But you re not . You re not . You re just trying to take over my life , massimo , and I do nt want that . I do nt need that . And I m not going to tolerate it anymore . What did you -- what did you think you were going to accomplish here , huh ? You re gon na disrupt the wedding ? You think brooke would be upset enough with me for not telling her that she d call it off ?
Massimo : No , of course not .
Ridge : Well , then what the hell s the point ? !
Massimo : Look , I had to make her understand that eric is not your father -- so it would be clear to her when i told her that you and bridget love each other .
Stephanie : Whether you can believe it or not , i was stunned when the doctor said that it was medically impossible for eric to be ridge s father .
Brooke : Is that so ?
Stephanie : Yes , that s so . Yes , that s so . It s the truth .
Brooke : Well , i ve been through something quite similar , if you recall . When we discovered that eric was the father to bridget . You remember that , do nt you ? I certainly do . And this whole time you had a secret of your own .
Stephanie : No , I did nt know . So there was no secret .
Brooke : Stephanie , there was a secret . Even though you were nt sure that massimo was his father , you knew there was a damn good chance he could have been . So now you committed the same crime that i did . But did you ever show me any sympathy ?
Stephanie : Oh , my god . Now you re gon na be the victim here ? You re the one that breaks up my marriage ?
Brooke : A marriage based on a lie .
Stephanie : You seduced both of my sons . And now here you are , at it all over again .
Brooke : Well , now we know what the boys find so appealing , do nt we ? They want a girl just like the girl that married dear old dad you and I have so much in common . Except for one very important difference . I never pretended to be a paragon of virtue . And you have no idea how small you made me feel , stephanie . But , by god , you are certainly going to find out .
macy : Wow , that is just breathtaking .
Sally : Yeah , literally . I ll tell you one thing , I could nt get a quarter of my assets in that thing . So , tell me , darling , why do nt you take it home ?
Macy : Are you serious ?
Sally : Yes , of course , I m serious . You might as well enjoy it while you can . Because all too soon , that tiny little wasp waist and that nice flat stomach will be out to here .
Macy : I hope so .
Sally : You sound like you have doubts .
Macy : Oh , no . No , no , no . I am working very hard to stay positive .
Sally : Good .
Macy : I mean , because even if dr . Sanders ca nt remove the blockage , that just means we re gon na have to try something else , like in - vitro fertilization . One way or the other , I am going to make you a grandmother .
Sally : Oh . There s something about that word .
Macy : It s a great word . And you are going to be terrific at it .
Sally : I know you re right . Of course I will be . And I can promise one thing . I will certainly be a lot more fun than dear old granny forrester . That s a guarantee .
Macy : You know what i ca nt wait to see ? I just ca nt wait to see thorne as a father . I mean , I just keep picturing it . You know , him holding his little son or his daughter in his arms , talking baby talk , making goofy faces . It s just going to make me fall in love with him all over again .
Thorne : Wow .
Darla : I m sorry .
Thorne : You did nt -- you did nt do it by yourself . Oh , my god . It s one hell of a mess .
Darla : Yeah .
Thorne : That s why you ve been hiding out ?
Darla : I just have nt been able to face anyone -- sally , macy . Every word out of macy s mouth is how much she wants to give you a child and how scared that she might not be able to . Look at me .
Thorne : Have -- have you -- have you thought about what you want to do ?
Darla : It s impossible . I realize that . Macy s my best friend . You re her husband . I mean , me having your baby -- could you imagine ? I just -- I just never knew . I never had any idea what it would feel like to have this little , tiny person inside of me , the only person in my whole entire life that i can say is mine . It s yours . It s yours , too . Have to be a pretty incredible little kid , would nt he ?
Thorne : Darla --
darla : Thorne , I know . I know . We just got macy back . She s happy for the first time in so long . I could nt do that to her . I d hate myself . She d never understand . Nobody would .
Thorne : I would . But --
thorne : Darla , listen . Look , we re not in a position to --
darla : Oh , please , thorne , I do nt want to hear the rest of the speech , okay ? I ve given it to myself 1,000 times . I just -- I just need to do it . I just need to make the phone call . I ca nt put it off any longer .
Thorne : I ll go with you .
Darla : No .
Thorne : You ca nt go through this by yourself .
Darla : Why not ? That s how i do everything . I m a big girl , thorne . I can handle this .
thorne : It s okay . We re in a florida firehouse
darla : I am so stupid .
Thorne : We both were stupid .
Darla : That s not what i mean . It never even crossed your mind , did it ? I mean , you and me -- I m sorry . My hormones are just raging . I m sorry .
Thorne : Darla , if things were different --
darla : Yeah , story of my life , huh ?
Thorne : Do nt joke .
Darla : Yeah , well , it s -- it s either that or I ll go crazy . I think I already have . I actually thought that there might have been a chance for us -- for us to raise our child . [ Darla laughs ] is nt that ridiculous ? Is nt that ridiculous , thorne ?
ridge : You -- you told brooke I m in love with her daughter ?
Massimo : No . Not that i did nt intend to .
Ridge : Are you nuts ? Are you getting some kind of sick pleasure out of this now ?
Massimo : Do nt be ridiculous . But why should nt brooke know the truth ?
Ridge : What truth , massimo ? The truth as you see it ?
Massimo : We need a little reality here .
Ridge : No , we do nt need any reality . You -- bridget does not need you trashing her relationship with her mother .
Massimo : Will you listen to that ? Listen to yourself , will ya ? Bridget this , bridget that . Your concern is for bridget all the time . For goodness sake , why do nt you just admit , dammit , that , you know , you love her ?
Ridge : God , you re making me nuts ! Nothing is going to happen between bridget and me . Do you understand that ? Do you get that ? Will you please just get that now ? When you go around dropping bombs like this , all you re doing is hurting everybody , massimo . Have you thought about mother ? Have you thought about what this is going to do to her ? She and brooke have always had a history of animosity . And you hand brooke a weapon like this , and she s just going to be out for blood . That s all there is to it . God . I ve got to get to her before mother .
Massimo : Too late . The two of them are together right now .
Stephanie : As though I worry about what you think of me .
Brooke : You do nt . But what about the women in your garden club ? Your charitable boards ? Church groups ? They re gon na love this , are nt they ? You ll be the talk of the town .
Stephanie : You want to take this public ?
Brooke : What do you think ?
Stephanie : I think you need to calm down and really think this through . Who are you going to hurt ? Eric .
Brooke : Eric ? I will be setting eric free . He deserves somebody much better than you .
Stephanie : He deserves to lose his son ?
Brooke : Oh , god , stephanie , that s not going to work .
Stephanie : Ridge does nt want this to come out . He s going to be really furious with you .
Brooke : He will understand .
Stephanie : What ? That you re going to subject everyone that he loves -- his father , his children -- to this terrible scandal ?
Brooke : Your scandal , not mine .
Stephanie : No , this is going to effect you , too . Brooke , there are things that you do nt know . Things that -- things that will come out . You ll be sorry . Believe me , you will really be sorry .
Brooke : Are you threatening me ?
Stephanie : No , I m trying to tell you --
brooke : No ! No , stephanie , you are not telling me anything ever again . You know , this whole thing makes me absolutely sick . That you pretend you re somebody that s so special , so dignified and refined . The whole time the joke s been on me , has nt it ? The joke has been on me , because you are no different than i am . You are a slut . You are a liar . You are a hypocrite . And I do nt give a damn what i have to do . I am going to make sure that the whole world knows about you .
### Summary:
| Macy is covering for Darla at Spectra because she has nt been feeling well and Macy knows something is up with her , but is waiting for her to come forward and talk . Concerned , Thorne heads to Darla s place . She blows him away by revealing she is pregnant . The two discuss abortion and Darla thinks she can do it by herself , though she sobs at the thought . Ridge is seriously pissed when Mass reveals that he told Brooke that he is Ridge s father , and intended to tell her about Bridget . Ridge almost hits Mass and yells for him to stay out of his life . Brooke tells Stephanie she is a hypocrite and revels in the fact that she can tell everyone her dirty little secret . Stephanie warns her that her revenge will cause more pain than she can imagine even to herself ( Brooke ) . Brooke does nt appear to heed her warning . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Sharon : I would never do anything that would--
Brad : Not intentionally , but if I give you this information--
Sharon : No ! I would never tell another soul .
Phyllis : If I say hi , what are the chances of somebody in your family gunning me down ?
Nick : How are you doing today ?
Phyllis : I m good . Actually , I m not . My stomach hurts .
Nick : Morning sickness ?
Phyllis : I do nt know . I do nt think so . I -- maybe I ate something .
Nick : Could we , uh , talk for a minute ?
Phyllis : Yeah , sure . Um , I ll come find you . I wanna settle my stomach first .
Nick : Okay .
Victoria : How frightening . I m just glad everyone s safe . Until things settle down over there , yeah . We ll reschedule . Okay , bye .
Nick : How s it going ?
Victoria : Is there a technical term for brother - in - law and sister - in - law hooking up ?
Nick : Yeah ... divorce .
Victoria : I thought you and Sharon might try to keep it together .
Nick : We talked it out last night . It s just over-- for both of us .
Victoria : Are you okay with that ?
Nick : Honestly , it s a relief .
Victoria : Maybe it is for the best to have Sharon out of the family . The sooner the better , as far as I m concerned .
Carmen : Uh ... I should ve known .
Neil : Hey , watch where you re going , lady .
Carmen : Uh - huh .
Neil : So did you get my e - mail ?
Carmen : Did you get my response ?
Neil : What did you do to that reporter ?
Carmen : Who , Jonathon ?
Neil : Yeah , first positive article he s written about Newman .
Carmen : Witchcraft .
Neil : Ah , that explains it . I like that .
Carmen : Right ? Yeah .
Gloria : So , what are you gon na have ?
Kevin : I m not hungry .
Gloria : You have to eat something , Kevin .
Kevin : Alex killed my appetite .
Gloria : I ve been giving a lot of thought to your little problem .
Kevin : So you ll help ?
Gloria : You think I m gon na let some punk ruin my son s life ?
Kevin : Then you re gon na give me the money ?
Gloria : No , because it would be like throwing 25,000 very good dollars down the garbage disposal .
Kevin : But , Mom , this guy--
Gloria : I will help you .
Lily : Stop it ! Stop it ! Daniel , stop playing ! I mean it ! I mean it , Daniel !
Daniel : Oh , you are gon na pay !
Lily : No ! No ! No !
Daniel : You are gon na pay !
Lily : Mmm , I love being here so much ! There s so much space ! We could do cartwheels in here .
Daniel : Yeah . Yeah , we could . Ooh ! What are you doing ?
Lily : Hello .
Alex : Hi , is this Daniel s wife ?
Lily : Yes , it is .
Alex : It s AJ from work . Tell Daniel I m calling to remind him about the tape delivery .
Daniel : Who is it ?
Lily : Uh , he s right here . You can talk to him yourself .
Alex : I got ta go .
Lily : That was AJ from work . He said he was calling to remind you about a tape delivery ?
Daniel : Yeah , that s right .
Lily : Have I met AJ ?
Daniel : I do nt think so .
Lily : Oh . His voice sounded familiar .
Daniel : AJ is just another lowly mailroom grunt .
Lily : Oh . Maybe he answered the phone once when I called you at work .
Daniel : Yeah , probably . Listen , Lily , why do nt we go back to our place today ?
Lily : No ! No , baby , they have satellite . And I was gon na watch my shows tonight . Just one night .
Daniel : The whole reason for being here was to keep Colleen company while JT was gone . What if this guy that s harassing her-- what if he does nt know that she s not here ? And comes around looking for her ? It would be safer that way .
Lily : Yeah , I guess you re right . Here , I ll start packing .
Daniel : I ll be there in a sec .
Lily : Yeah , good , cause I m not packing your smelly socks .
Gloria : You know , there s only one way to deal with trash like Alex .
Kevin : Hold on .
Gloria : Do nt you know that it s rude to answer that thing at the dinner table ?
Kevin : Yeah , I know , but I have to take this . Hey , what s up ?
Daniel : Where are you ?
Kevin : The athletic club .
Daniel : Listen , Alex called .
Kevin : What did he say ?
Lily : Daniel ?
Daniel : Look , man , I ca nt talk right now . Stay right there .
Lily : What s with you looking all serious ?
Daniel : I m just thinking about that tape I got ta deliver .
Carmen : Barbara , it s a wonderful organization , but , unfortunately , Nikki Newman is not available to chair the event this year . I m very sorry .
Dru : Oh , I ll come back !
Carmen : Come in , come in . Listen , someone just walked in . I have to go . But I will think about it and I ll give you a call back . Hi , you re still here .
Dru : Well , why would nt I be ?
Carmen : First day back , I m always jet - lagged for a week when I come home from Europe .
Dru : Well , it helps when you have your own jet . Fresh as a daisy .
Carmen : So , what s up ?
Dru : You tell me . I hear there s been some changes with Beauty of Nature .
Carmen : A few tweaks-- nothing major . I hope I did nt step on your toes . I just had to move quickly . We could nt miss this opportunity .
Dru : No , no , no , fill me in .
Carmen : A tie - in with a French automobile show-- the biggest in Europe .
Dru : Really ?
Carmen : Simon is putting the budget together . Jennifer will fly over-- her first trip to Europe .
Dru : Yeah . Well , you seem to be handling everything .
Carmen : With help . Everyone here s been really friendly .
Phyllis : Hey , Neil , how you doing ?
Neil : Hey , Phyllis , okay . You ?
Phyllis : Uh , stomach problems .
Neil : Yeah ?
Phyllis : Mm - hmm .
Neil : Crackers always settled Dru s stomach when she was pregnant .
Phyllis : How d you find out I was pregnant ?
Neil : Sharon told Dru .
Phyllis : Oh . Good news travels fast .
Neil : Congratulations . I hope this baby brings you as much happiness as mine have brought me .
Phyllis : Thank you . That s , uh ... hardly the reaction that some people here are giving me .
Neil : You re not supposed to listen to the negativity , all right ? A baby is a gift-- no matter who the father is .
Nick : Sharon s not gon na be out of the family . She s Noah s mother . If anyone can cut ties without complications , it s you and Brad .
Victoria : We have worked things out . We re staying together .
Nick : You ve only been married a couple of months and he s already straying .
Victoria : Well , your wife had a little to do with that .
Nick : Do nt you tell me you re blaming Sharon and letting Brad off the hook .
Victoria : No , I m not . All right , what Brad did was wrong , but he had reason .
Nick : And that was ?
Victoria : He never forgave me for spending the night with JT .
Nick : So you think he s just evening the score ?
Victoria : As was Sharon . Which is why she let you catch her in the act .
Brad : If I tell you this , my problems become your problems . And believe me , you do nt wanna take this on . Forget we ever had this conversation .
Sharon : It makes sense now-- when you were talking about us running away together . You were nt just talking about us being together . You were talking about running from this -- your secret .
Brad : I was wrong to think about dragging you into this .
Sharon : Look , I m sure that you have good reason for not telling me what happened in your past .
Brad : I do nt want to put you in any trouble .
Sharon : I know that you would nt . I trust you completely . You say that you were in trouble , I m not gon na ask why . But if there is anything that I can do to help you , Brad , anything ...
Nick : So you think what happened between Brad and Sharon was just ... two people settling the score ?
Victoria : I know it was .
Nick : So what s your excuse for sleeping with JT ?
Victoria : Multiple shots of tequila .
Nick : You know what ? You go away to Italy for a couple of years and you come back with this blasé European viewpoint on marriage and infidelity .
Victoria : It s not blasé . It s realistic , all right ? People have urges . And sometimes they-- they follow them . It does nt always have to mean something .
Nick : Oh , so Brad just had his seven - week itch ? No big deal .
Victoria : I told you why he did it .
Nick : Do you really think Brad does nt have feelings for Sharon ? You re just rationalizing so you can stay with the guy .
Victoria : My marriage is none of your business .
Nick : I do nt wanna see you get hurt .
Victoria : Fine . Then back off . Because you do nt know what you re talking about .
Nick : I know what this is really about .
Victoria : What ?
Nick : Brad was nt exactly welcomed into the family . If you walk away now , you ll be admitting that we were right .
Victoria : That is ridiculous .
Nick : Is it ? See , I wonder if Dad had accepted Brad from the beginning ... you would ve dumped him a long time ago .
Victoria : I know Brad has his flaws . But I love him . And he loves me . And we re staying together .
Nick : You re just making things tougher for yourself .
Victoria : You know what , Nick ? We re finished here . And I would really appreciate it if you would keep what happened between our spouses a secret , all right ? There s enough gossip around here .
Nick : If that s the way you want it , so be it .
Victoria : So be it .
Brad : You would do this for me without knowing anything ?
Sharon : Yes , absolutely , without question . Brad , there must be something that I can do for you . There is . Name it .
Brad : No , I ca nt .
Sharon : Tell me . Just tell me .
Brad : I would do this myself , but I might be followed . No one would suspect you .
Sharon : Okay , what is it ?
Brad : You need to deliver something . Somebody desperately needs what s in that bag . No , no , forget it . I m gon na find another way .
Sharon : Wait , okay , look ... will I be followed ?
Brad : No .
Sharon : I ll do it .
Brad : I ll have it ready for you in a little while . Sharon , thank you .
Sharon : Thanks for trusting me .
Carmen : Mm - hmm , bye .
Dru : Hey , we keep bumping into each other .
Carmen : Well , I hate sitting at my desk . I m always moving .
Dru : Uh - huh . Well , you know , um , maybe it s a sign that we should be friends , eh ?
Carmen : I d like that . I hope we ll get to know each other better .
Dru : Yeah . I mean , like , we could plan a lunch . And you could invite all the people you think you know .
Carmen : Well , Aileen in Publicity .
Dru : Yeah , she s good people .
Carmen : Yeah . Uh , Jack is pretty terrific .
Dru : He s okay , yeah .
Carmen : Phyllis is nice .
Dru : Dragon , okay ? Dragon . Watch your back . Besides , she s in the middle of a hot mess . You do nt wanna play with that .
Lily : Hey , Mom !
Dru : Hey , Sweet !
Lily : How are you ?
Dru : Good ! Daniel .
Daniel : Hi , Mrs. Winters . Welcome home .
Dru : Thank you .
Daniel : Uh , thank you for the gift .
Dru : Oh .
Lily : Oh , yeah , ca nt you smell it , Mom ? He s got it on .
Dru : Well , I thought you liked the scent .
Daniel : Yeah , I thought you liked the way it smelled .
Lily : I do , Baby , I do .
Dru : Oh , uh , Carmen , have you met my beautiful daughter and my son - in - law Daniel ?
Carmen : Daniel . You re from the mailroom .
Daniel : Yeah , we see each other all the time .
Carmen : And , of course , I ve had the pleasure of meeting Lily .
Dru : Mm - hmm .
Carmen : Nice earrings .
Lily : Thanks .
Daniel : She designed them herself . The , uh , necklace , too .
Carmen : Oh . Well , you have a great eye . Do you sell your stuff at Fenmore s ? I mean , I know you work there .
Lily : Um , no , not yet , I do nt .
Carmen : Well , I ll have to place an order with you directly then . Well , it saves me from going broke at the end of the year . Why do nt you , uh , give me a call next week and we ll set up a time .
Lily : Oh , okay .
Carmen : Uh , excuse me . This is Carmen . Excuse me . Hi , yes !
Dru : So , um , what are you guys doing here ?
Daniel : Well , I just had a quick delivery . It s not gon na take me that long . Why do nt I give you a chance to spend a little more time with your mom ?
Dru : I m all for you making another dollar . I ll be here with my Lily . So , that is a fabulous necklace .
Lily : Thank you .
Kevin : Alex called Daniel again .
Gloria : Which means he s putting the pressure on . You know , I had to learn the hard way how to deal with a blackmailer . You just got ta turn the tables on him .
Kevin : It s not an empty threat , Mom . He has that tape .
Gloria : I was watching a rerun of The Godfather trilogy the other night . You know , the Corleones really knew how to take care of people who went against them .
Kevin : I m not putting a horse s head in Alex s bed .
Gloria : Well , they had some subtle tricks , too , Kevin . Maybe even something we could use .
Kevin : A fictional mob family-- my mother s role model .
Gloria : Now wait a minute . Hear me out . Alex has a tape . So you use what you have to work against him . You let him think you re running scared .
Kevin : Mission already accomplished .
Gloria : And then you turn the tables on him . But first you got ta make him think he s done something really , really bad .
Kevin : Like what ?
Gloria : Like something so terrible , he ll never wanna come back to Genoa City .
Daniel : What is your mother doing here ?
Kevin : I told her everything .
Daniel : Are you crazy ?
Kevin : I had to . She was nt gon na give us the money .
Kevin : What did Alex say when he called ?
Daniel : I do nt know . Lily picked up .
Kevin : This is not cool .
Daniel : Listen , Dude , we got ta pay him off .
Gloria : Hello , Daniel .
Daniel : Mrs. Abbott .
Kevin : Alex is stalking Lily .
Daniel : Yeah , this guy s a real psycho .
Gloria : Yeah , that s what Kevin says .
Daniel : Is , uh , she gon na give us the money ?
Kevin : Are you ?
Gloria : And give Alex an opportunity to blackmail you again ? Absolutely we re gon na handle this my way .
Daniel : Jack already gave me the lecture about telling Lily the truth .
Gloria : Jack knows about this ?
Kevin : And you giving me a hard time about letting her know ? At least she s family .
Daniel : Well , yeah , I kept your name out of it . So relax , okay ? Besides , I had to tell someone .
Gloria : Yeah , and his idea of helping is for you to go tell Lily . That s the last thing I d recommend . There is only one way to handle someone like Alex .
Gloria : You go on the offensive .
Neil : What a nice surprise . Hi , Baby .
Lily : Hi , Daddy .
Neil : I , uh , I see Mom is sharing her coffee with you .
Lily : Yeah , it s good .
Dru : Anything for our daughter .
Lily : Is nt it great to have Mom home ?
Neil : You should ve seen Devon when he walked in the door and saw your mother-- Boy , he was happy . Anyway , how s life at the loft ?
Lily : Um ... oh , we re going back home today , back to the Abbotts .
Dru : Baby , I thought you liked it there .
Lily : I did . But no reason to stay , really .
Brad : Lily , I m glad you re here . I m sorry to interrupt . Lily have you seen Colleen ?
Lily : Yeah , she went to go visit a friend at NYU .
Brad : I wonder why she did nt tell me .
Lily : It was a last minute thing . She ll probably call you .
Brad : Yeah , I m sure she will . Thanks . Dru , you coming to the meeting ?
Dru : Uh , yeah , just a minute . Okay , um , I ll see the two of you later .
Lily : Bye , Mom .
Neil : Bye .
Neil : Hey , Honey ? Were you covering for Colleen just now ?
Lily : She s not really getting along with her dad right now . And Daniel said you were nt really getting along with Mr. Carlton now , either .
Neil : All right , all right , now , that s besides the point . Listen to your daddy on this one . I do nt want you to get involved . Especially since you two are close .
Lily : I wo nt . But I do have a question for you .
Neil : Yeah , sure , anything .
Lily : You have to answer me honestly , okay ? Are you unhappy that Mom is home ?
Carmen : It should be on your desk .
Dru : Sharon , do you have a minute ?
Sharon : Um , I have like , one minute .
Dru : Okay , okay , I need you to be straight with me .
Sharon : I ll try .
Dru : Okay , um ... have you noticed anything unusual between Neil and Carmen Mesta ?
Sharon : No . Why -- why would you think that ?
Dru : Well , because I m not blind , okay ? And there s an energy between them . They light up a little bit too much around each other , if you know what I mean .
Sharon : I ve have nt noticed .
Dru : Uh - huh . She s a little too familiar with my husband and my daughter , I might add .
Sharon : You know , Dru , I would nt worry about it . She s a PR person . You know , that s her style .
Dru : Yeah , yeah , yeah , do you like her ?
Sharon : Carmen yeah , I mean , she s nice . I have nt really gotten to know her . You know , I ve been kinda distracted lately .
Dru : Oh , Sharon , I m so sorry . I m sorry to be dragging you into all my drama . You have your own problems . I m sorry .
Phyllis : What s up ?
Nick : Hey , close the door .
Nick : I wanted to be the , uh , the first one to tell you that Sharon and I are divorcing .
Phyllis : Oh .
Nick : And this time it s ... its official . We re done . I m moving out . I m moving into the athletic club .
Phyllis : Well , um ... I m -- I m sorry , Nick .
Nick : We had a real honest conversation last night . There was no yelling , no fighting , no blaming each other .
Phyllis : That s good .
Nick : Yeah , we re two people in the same place . We ve been trying to hang on to something that just is nt there anymore .
Phyllis : Well , I m glad you could agree on something .
Nick : Yeah , it was nice . But we were having problems long before you got pregnant . And I think I m finally realizing that .
Phyllis : Yeah , it all started on that fateful night-- Michael and Lauren s wedding , right ?
Nick : Well , that night never would ve happened if Sharon and I were nt having serious issues . You were never the problem , Phyllis . You were a symptom .
Phyllis : I m sorry , Nick . I m sorry , um , to see you in so much pain .
Nick : I ll get through it .
Phyllis : I m sorry that Sharon has to go through this , too . I mean , under the best of circumstances divorce is hell .
Nick : Yeah , it feels like someone died .
Phyllis : Yeah , a relationship is sort of a living thing , is nt it ? Maybe that s what they mean when they say , till death do us part .
Nick : Well , I d like to fast forward six months from now .
Phyllis : I m sure you would . Bypass all those feelings of loss and grief ... not to mention , um , how tough this is gon na be on Noah .
Nick : I knew you were the right person to talk to . Thanks for cheering me up .
Neil : Hey , kiddo , um , of course , I m happy that your mother is home .
Lily : Good . Well , I was thinking maybe we could all get together this evening . Daniel and I can throw together a quick welcome home dinner for mom .
Neil : Yeah , that sounds great . I m sure your mother would love that but , uh , why do nt we wait a few days until your mother s jet lag is over , okay ?
Dru : Hey , you re still here ?
Lily : Yeah , Daniel s not back yet .
Dru : Oh . Well , why do nt we all just go out for a bite to eat ? And then you can call Daniel and have him join us ?
Neil : No , no .
Dru : Come on , Sweet .
Carmen : Hey . What a crazy day . Do you have any idea how many nonprofits want Victor Newman their board of directors ?
Neil : You picked up my bad habit , I see .
Carmen : Uh , two sugars , two creams ? Well , you ve ruined me .
Dru : I guess you two take a lot of coffee breaks together , huh ?
Lily : Well , everyone knows how Dad is about his coffee . You know , he s a freak about it . And he even takes all the wrappers and before he throws em away , he puts them into this weird square pattern . Sugar , cream , cream--
Dru : Suga-
Lily : Oh , yeah ! Sugar , cream , cream , sugar . Me I ve never noticed that before . I guess I m not as observant as I thought .
Gloria : So Alex thinks he has the upper hand ?
Daniel : He does .
Kevin : We keep going back and forth about what to do .
Daniel : Yeah , deal or no deal ?
Gloria : Yeah , yeah , yeah , okay , listen , Kevin tells me this Alex is a person who gets off on attacking on attacking young teenage girls . He s done it before . He ll do it again . But this time , he ll be the star of his own movie .
Kevin : You want him to attack another girl ?
Gloria : Mmm , and we ll put it all on videotape .
Brad : Do nt let this out of your sight .
Sharon : I wo nt .
Brad : Instructions and address-- do nt let anyone see this .
Sharon : Okay .
Phyllis : Well , there s a bright side to divorce if you wanna hear it .
Nick : Enlighten me .
Phyllis : Oh , okay . Uh , well , you get to divvy up all the stuff . The candy dish that Aunt Bertha gave to you ? You could give it all to Sharon .
Nick : Yeah , just stick her with all of it .
Phyllis : Yeah , why not ? You re free .
Nick : I m free .
Phyllis : Yeah , you re free . Do nt look at me like that .
Nick : Like what ?
Phyllis : Like that . I m not your rebound .
Nick : It seems wrong to rebound if you re having a child together .
Phyllis : Well ... whatever . Rebound flings -- they dont-- they do nt work .
Nick : I guess I could rebound back to you . I mean , technically , that would make it--
Phyllis : Impossible . Completely impossible . No , I mean , if -- if we ... got together now , it would completely complicate things .
Nick : It would hurt Sharon .
Phyllis : And Jack .
Nick : And Noah .
Phyllis : And Daniel . Did we forget anybody ?
Nick : The baby .
Phyllis : That s right . I need to do what s right for the baby .
Nick : And that is ?
Phyllis : Keep things the way they are .
Kevin : You re sick . What are we gon na do ? Club some girl over the head and lock her in a room with Alex ?
Gloria : It s would nt be so drastic as that , Kevin .
Daniel : Now , look , I would rather tell Lily , even if it means losing her .
Gloria : And go to jail ?
Daniel : Yeah , even then .
Kevin : Mom !
Gloria : He has worked so hard to get where he is . He deserves a good life . And you take that away from him ?
Kevin : Do nt ! Do nt ! I m with Daniel on this . No way am I gon na let Alex hurt another girl .
Gloria : Okay , fine . Thank you . We wo nt let him hurt anybody . All right , I ll give you the money so you can pay him off this time . But not one more dime .
Kevin : Thank you .
Daniel : Thank you . And I swear , someday , I will pay you back .
Gloria : Yeah , yeah , I m sure you will , Daniel .
Kevin : We ll figure out another way to stop him .
Gloria : I ca nt get the money till tomorrow , though .
Kevin : That s okay .
Daniel : Okay , look , I m gon na roll . Because Lily s waiting for me .
Kevin : All right . See you later .
Daniel : Yeah , and , Mrs. Abbott , thank you again . And not just from me-- from Lily , too .
Gloria : Hmm .
Kevin : For a minute there , I was thinking you were nt gon na come through .
Gloria : Do nt you know me well enough to know when I m lying ?
Kevin : What ?
Gloria : That scum s not getting one penny of my money .
Dru : Hey , Baby . My conference call got canceled . I ve got the whole day off .
Neil : That s nice .
Dru : Mm - hmm , that s what I said . Um , you know , uh ... I was thinking that , uh , you know , we could take advantage of your , um , new attitude about your work . Hmm ?
Neil : Drucilla , I ca nt . I have a meeting in 45 minutes .
Dru : Oh , so what , Tiger ? You know we can make a lot happen in 45 . Ooh .
Neil : I ve got ta study .
Dru : Oh , come on .
Neil : I ve got ta study .
Woman : Divorce between wealthy individuals can be complicated . I take it neither of you signed a pre - nuptial agreement ?
Victoria : No , we did nt .
Woman : Well , typically , each spouse holds onto the assets they owned prior to the marriage . Any community property you owned during the marriage would then be divided equitably . Now since you ve only been married a short time , and you moved into your husband s house , there are very few shared assets .
Victoria : You do understand , I do nt plan to divorce my husband at this time .
Woman : Many of my clients call me early on to explore their options .
Victoria : What if there was something of Brad s that I d like to acquire ?
Woman : Such as ?
Victoria : Newman Enterprises is a privately owned , family company . And Brad is the only non - Newman to own shares .
Woman : You would like to acquire his interest .
Victoria : Would that be difficult ? It would make me the second most powerful shareholder at Newman .
Brad : Victoria ? Oh , sorry to interrupt .
Victoria : Hi , no , come in . We re finished .
Woman : I was just leaving . I will think about it and get back to you .
Victoria : Thank you . I ll see you . Did you want to talk to me ?
Brad : Hong Kong just opened .
Victoria : Oh ! Oh , well , well , Hong Kong !
Victoria : Oh ! That s tremendous ! You called it .
Brad : You know where I ll be tonight .
Victoria : Yeah , you ll be home . You ll be home watching the Hong Kong stock exchange . I feel like I have nt seen you all day . We have lots to catch up on .
Phyllis : Yeah , hi , I d like some information on the , um , the angel baby furniture set . Right , right , the crib , the changing table and , um , the chest of drawers . Exactly . Is that -- is that easy to assemble on my own ? Oh , good ! Thanks ! Thank you .
Nick : Hi .
Sharon : What are you doing here ?
Nick : Well , I thought if I came by early , you would nt be here . I just wanted to pack up some stuff .
Sharon : Um ... I do nt think that we should tell Noah anything until after basketball camp .
Nick : No sense in ruining his trip .
Sharon : He ll be devastated .
Nick : Yeah , it s gon na be tough .
Nick : So you going somewhere ?
Sharon : Um , what I do really is nt any of your business , Nick , is it ?
Daniel : Hi !
Lily : Hey ! You were gone a long time .
Daniel : Yeah , I got lost . You ready to roll ?
Lily : Yep ! I am so ready to go back to our place .
Daniel : Yeah , listen , I spoke with Jack . We re gon na stay in the main house tonight .
Lily : Why ?
Daniel : Well , after all those creepy notes and hang - ups ?
Lily : Yeah , but , Baby , those were for Colleen .
Daniel : I d feel better . It s just for one night .
Lily : No , I wanna be at our place .
Kevin : I ca nt believe you re doing this to me .
Gloria : I m gon na take very good of you , Kevin .
Gloria : I m not gon na give that scum any money . And please do nt mention this to Daniel . Cause he ll run to Jack . And we do nt need that .
Kevin : No , no .
Gloria : We re gon na make Alex reality TV star .
Kevin : By tricking him into thinking he s in trouble with some girl ?
Gloria : Come here , come do me a favor and rent The Godfather II again . And this time , keep an eye on Al Pacino .
Kevin : I ll see you later , Mom .
Gloria : No , I will see you later .
Alex : Tick , tock . Time s running out , Fisher . What s it gon na be ?
Kevin : I have no choice . You re gon na get everything you re asking for .
Neil : Hey , stop , stop . This is very unprofessional . I have to read this before my meeting .
Dru : Oh ! Oh , come on , honey ! You know , you ve been looking good to me all day long .... I still only want you .
Neil : That s sweet . Come on , get up . Come here . Come here . I need to know everything I can about credit derivative contracts in India and Pakistan .
Dru : Okay , okay , how long have you been flirting with Carmen ? Hmm ?
Neil : What ?
Dru : Yeah .
Neil : Carmen ? Carmen and me-- we are colleagues . We are nt flirting .
Dru : Okay , maybe you re not , but Chica s flirting with you , for sure .
Victoria : I just spoke to Nick . He and Sharon are getting a divorce .
Brad : I m not surprised .
Victoria : Will Sharon being single change anything for you ?
Brad : Of course , not . Why would you ask me that ? I wanna be with you .
Victoria : I hope Sharon respects that .
Brad : I did a stupid thing . I wo nt do it again .
Victoria : Just so you know-- I wo nt tolerate you having any kind of a relationship with her-- not even a friendship .
Brad : She ll no longer be a part of my life .
Phyllis : The athletic club is on Melrose .
Nick : Yeah , I was all set to check in there . But it occurred to me , if I stay there , I m gon na eat their food every day . Italian food .
Phyllis : The best Italian food .
Nick : Yeah . I ll get fat .
Phyllis : And you have to stay in shape .
Nick : You , on the other hand , are a terrible cook .
Phyllis : Thank you very much .
Nick : So if I crash with you , then I can stay lean and mean .
Phyllis : Oh , but I ve been watching the food channel . I m a master chef .
Nick : I ll take my chances-- if you want the company .
Brad : Where are you ?
Colleen : I m in New York .
Brad : At your mom s ?
Colleen : Actually , I m staying with , um , with a friend .
Brad : Which friend ?
Victor : I ve missed you .
Hope : You never have to miss me , Victor .
### Summary:
| Nick arrives at Phyllis s office , telling that he needs to talk to her at some point . He then goes to see his sister to let her know that he and Sharon are getting divorced and that he is relieved . Victoria ca nt wait to get Sharon out of the family . Sharon is with Brad and he tells her that this thing that he is involved in could get people hurt . She does nt care . She wants to be there for him in any way possible . Victoria feels that Brad was wrong but that he strayed because of Sharon . Nick finds that hard to believe . He feels that she should be concerned that her husband of only a few months is already straying . Drucilla pops in to see Carmen . She listens to the woman and realizes that she has a heavy hand in all the dealings surrounding Beauty of Nature which is the project that Drucilla works on . Victoria calls a family lawyer in to pick her brain and find out what her options are if she ever wanted to divorce Brad . She wants to know especially about getting Brad s interest in the company . If she can get it , she will be the second most powerful Newman . Sharon learns that Brad needs something delivered . She will do it . She is warned that it could be a dangerous trip but no one will suspect her . She takes the orange bag and leaves . Nick comes home to pack . She is cold to him and refuses to tell him if she is going on a trip when he sees the orange bag . Later when alone , Sharon picks up the orange bag and takes one last look at her living room before heading out into the night alone . Drucilla corners her husband in his office and flirts but he will have no part of it . Okay Neil ! How long have you been flirting with Carmen Mesta ? |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lexie : Abe ? [ Door closes ] Oh ! Tek --
Tek : Do nt say it . I know you want to be with Abe .
Lexie : Then why are you here ?
Tek : It s not that easy to let you go , Lex .
Abe : Officer , I really appreciate your doing this .
Officer : Happy to do it as soon as I finish my shift .
Abe : Oh , no . It ca nt wait that long . These papers have to be delivered to headquarters A.S.A.P.
Officer : Well , then , you ll have to get someone else . My orders are to guard outside the room of that mental patient Lois Banks . In fact , I d better get back there .
Abe : Consider yourself relieved of duty .
Officer : Uh , Commander ? You re still on medical leave from the force , which means I ca nt take orders from you . You know I ca nt leave my post , so why do nt you tell me what s really going on here ?
John : Now , let s hope this truth serum works .
Lois : What the hell are you doing ?
Alex : Well , that really hit the spot , but I have to go .
Marlena : Hey , wait a minute . No . You are nt feeling well . You just came home from the hospital . You re not going anywhere .
Alex : I know , but I m feeling much better now . Besides , this is important . I wo nt be gone that long .
Marlena : No , you know what ? You re not going anywhere . Not until I know what s happening here .
Alex : All right , I ll tell you , but you may not like it .
Mimi : Mom , what are you doing ?
Bonnie : I m not staying here . What s the point if you wo nt even listen to me ?
Mimi : Mom , stop it , okay ? You have a heart condition . I m worried about you .
Bonnie : I m worried about you . If you tell Shawn he is Claire s father , you can kiss your future with him goodbye .
Mimi : What kind of future would it be if it was based on a lie ?
Bonnie : So it s better to lose him .
Mimi : It s better to tell the truth .
Bonnie : God , Mimi , sometimes I swear you re not my daughter .
Mimi : Mom , Rex left me because I lied to him , and you expect me to do the same thing to Shawn ? I m not doing it , okay ? ! I wo nt !
Bonnie : Fine . But do nt come crying to me when the wedding s called off . Absolutely no good is gon na come of telling Shawn he is the father of Belle s child . But you wo nt listen to me , so fine . You ve got to learn the hard way . You are about to make the biggest mistake of your entire life , and I am not gon na stay here and watch .
Mimi : No ! God , what are we doing fighting ? Mom , if we keep this up , you re gon na have a heart attack for sure .
Bonnie : Oh , put a sock in it . My ticker s just fine .
Mimi : What ?
Bonnie : You heard me . I m healthy as a horse .
Mimi : Mom ?
Bonnie : I faked the chest pains and all the symptoms .
Mimi : I do nt believe this !
Bonnie : I had to do something to keep your trap shut so you would nt lose Shawn Brady forever .
Bo : You son of a bitch .
Hope : How could you ?
Bo : Hope .
Hope : Look what you ve done .
Bo : I m sorry . I did nt mean --
Hope : Do nt touch me . I mean it -- you just stay away from me . Because of you , my son is dead . Just go . Get out of here !
Chelsea : I think we should go , too .
Billie : Okay .
Hope : Chelsea s gon na pay for what she did .
Like sands through the hourglass , so are the Days of our Lives .
Mimi : Why am I surprised ? I knew you were faking it the second we took you to the hospital . But the EKG -- I mean , how did you fake something like that ?
Bonnie : Your mama s smarter than you think , baby . Where there s a will , there s a way , and I definitely had a will . I fooled the heart monitor , I fooled Lexie , I fooled those nurses , and I fooled even skeptical you .
Mimi : You re proud of yourself . Well , you know what , Mom ? Lying is wrong .. I mean , is nt that what mothers are supposed to teach their children ? I do nt believe you . I mean , I really ca nt believe a word that you say , which is why I m not gon na listen to you anymore . I refuse to marry Shawn based on a lie .
Hope : Zack . I miss you so much , baby . Mommy loved you so . I m so sorry that I was nt able to protect you . Oh , God , I wish I was with you .
Chelsea : Oh , God , I killed him . I killed my little brother .
Billie : Shh .
Chelsea : What kind of person am I ?
Billie : Chelsea , everyone understands that it was an accident .
Chelsea : Hope does nt .
Billie : She just lost her little boy . Only a mother understands what that feels like .
Chelsea : But what am I supposed to do ? There is absolutely no way I can make it up to her . Zack is gone , and he s never coming back . I mean , you saw her . She hates me , and she s not gon na be satisfied unless I go to prison for the rest of my life .
Kate : There is only one way to make sure that does nt happen .
Abe : You know , I may be on leave , but I m still your Commanding Officer . Just take those papers to the police station . Do you want me to call Roman Brady and have you written up for insubordination ?
Officer : No , course not . I ll run this over . Be back as soon as I can .
Lexie : Why do you keep doing this ?
Tek : I am glad Abe has his sight back , but he still ca nt make love to you . He ca nt give Theo a baby brother or sister .
Lexie : No . Stop . Stop .
Tek : You re fighting it , but I know you have strong feelings for me . And I love you .
Abe : Well , you two look very serious . Is there something you want to tell me ?
Alex : It is Valentine s Day , Marlena . It has been years since you and I have spent this day together . I wanted to get you a gift , even though you say you do nt want me to .
Marlena : God you are so sweet to me . Alex , it is nt necessary .
Alex : It is necessary to me . I want to find you a very special gift , something that will tell you how much I love you .
Marlena : Like I do nt know that already .
Alex : It s important .
Marlena : Ooh , I can see how determined you are .
Alex : I am .
Marlena : Okay , fine . I m going to let you go .
Alex : Good .
Marlena : I m coming with you .
Lois : You have no business being in my room . What do you want from me ?
John : What I ve always wanted -- to stop you from hurting Marlena .
Lois : Marlena Evans . What is it with you men and that woman ? You are pathetic .
John : No , you re pathetic . Holding a vicious grudge against her because why , she got the man you wanted ?
Lois : She wo nt have him for long .
John : Excuse me ? What d you say ?
Lois : Oh , nothing .
John : Come on . Come on . Lois , you know something . Tell me .
Lois : Only that it s going to be a wonderful Valentine s Day .
John : Now , why would you say that ?
Lois : Because I m going to receive a very special gift .
John : From whom ?
Lois : Ooh , ca nt tell -- big secret .
Lois : You promised I would get what I deserve for Valentine s Day -- Marlena s heart on a silver platter .
John : Dr. Banks -- Lois , you know what ? I can keep a secret . Mm - hmm . So why do nt you tell me what Alex is really up to ?
Lois : What is this , your attempt at charm ? You have none . You should nt even be allowed to speak Alex s name .
John : No !
Lois : Ow ! Aah ! What did you do ? Oh , my God , what is that ?
John : [ Sighs ] Told you I wanted the truth . Okay , start talking . You re gon na tell me everything you know about Alex North .
Fr . Jansen : Heavenly Father , we ask that you grant eternal rest to your innocent child Isaac Brady . Oh , Lord , may your perpetual light shine upon him . We entrust this child to your everlasting care and love . Welcome Zack to your Heavenly Kingdom , and let him take his rightful place with the Angels , who sing your praises and watch over us all until that glorious day when we will be reunited with Zack and all our other dearly departed brothers and sisters . Until that day , when we will live in eternal life , we pray that you will bless the soul of Zack Brady in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit . Amen .
Hope : Amen .
Fr . Jansen : Before the internment , you re all welcome to say a final farewell .
Shawn D. : You were the best . Nothing will ever be the same without you .
Bo : I m sorry , Tiny Man . I let you down . I should have protected you , but I did nt . I ll regret that every day for the rest of my life . You ll never be out of my thoughts . You re in my heart . I ll never stop loving you .
Hope : I ca nt say goodbye because you ll always be in my heart -- forever in my heart . I love you , baby . I ve loved you from the day you were born , and I ll love you till I take my last breath . Baby . [ Sobbing ]
Billie : Do you want to say goodbye ?
Chelsea : I ca nt . Not after what Hope said . She s right . This is all my fault .
Billie : No . Shh .
Lexie : Uh , Tek and I were just trying to figure out where you were , honey .
Abe : John asked me to do a favor .
Tek : See , I told you there was nothing to worry about .
Lexie : Yeah .
Abe : Tek , would you give me a minute alone with my wife , please ?
Tek : Yeah , sure .
Lexie : So , what s this favor that John asked ?
Abe : He wants me to help him get Marlena back .
Lexie : Ah .
Abe : And I know how he feels . I almost lost the woman I love , too . Now , sweetheart .
Lexie : Oh , honey .
Abe : You know , I just ca nt stop thinking about Isaac .
Lexie : I know .
Abe : Life is just too short , you know ?
Lexie : Yeah .
Abe : I told John that I will do everything I can to help he and Marlena be reunited .
Lexie : Good . Good . That s nice of you . But really , what can you do ? What can anyone do ? Marlena chose Alex North .
Abe : But he loves her . I mean , if Alex is the right man for Marlena , then John -- he ll back off . But if he s not , then John and she deserve to be together -- just like you and I do .
Lexie : Oh , sweetheart .
Alex : If you come with me , how am I supposed to find you a present ? I ca nt shop with you looking over my shoulder .
Marlena : I do nt know . We re just gon na have to start to figure that out , I guess , are nt we ? We ll be fine .
Alex : Listen -- but you love surprises . You may not remember that , but you do . So please , let me do this . I want this to be the best Valentine s Day you ve ever had .
Marlena : Oh , you are so exasperating .
Alex : Mmm .
Marlena : [ Laughing ] And you re so romantic . All right , fine . You may go . But do nt be gone long , and please , stay in touch with me .
Alex : Yes , maam . If I m gone for more than an hour , I will call you . But it should nt take me that long . I m just gon na take a quick trip to Salem Place . I ll be back before you know it , okay ?
Marlena : Mmm . Hi .
John : Oh , there you are . Been having a hell of a time waking you up . You okay ?
Marlena : Mm - hmm . I m fine . What s going on with all the candles ?
John : Happy Valentine s Day , sweetheart .
Marlena : Oh , you . Oh , you .
Lois : I know what you did . You gave me Sodium Pentothal .
John : Something like that .
Lois : To make me talk .
John : Whenever you re ready . I told you I wanted the truth about Alex .
Lois : What truth ? That I love him ?
John : That s a good start .
Lois : Alex and I -- we re going to be together .
John : Lois , come on , woman , how do you figure that seeing as how the man is head over heels in love with his wife .
Lois : That s what he wants you to think . But soon , Marlena will be out of the picture ... permanently .
John : Yeah . And what , exactly , does Alex plan for Marlena ? Now , come on , Lois . It s me . You can tell me . Come on , what ?
Lois : Well , today is Valentine s Day .
John : That s a fact .
Lois : Did you ever hear of the St. Valentine s Day Massacre ? Some people got a nasty surprise on that day . Alex has a surprise like that in store for Marlena . [ Laughing ]
Lois : [ Laughing ]
John : What do you mean by that ? What s Alex gon na do to Marlena ?
Lois : Like I said , it s a surprise . Even I do nt know all the details . But if I know Alex , it wo nt be pretty .
Marlena : Well , Alex , what are you doing here ?
Bonnie : You and Shawn can have a really great life together . I just do nt want you to blow it .
Mimi : I do nt want to blow it either .
Bonnie : Then you have to play the c card .
Mimi : The c card ?
Bonnie : Cinderella . Remember when you were a little thing , and I borrowed that book from the library and read it to you ?
Mimi : Yeah , you borrowed it and never returned it .
Bonnie : Because you loved the story so much . Cinderella never let anything stop her -- not a Wicked Stepmother or Evil Stepsisters or even the lack of a pretty dress and a cool set of wheels to take her to the ball .
Mimi : She had a Fairy Godmother .
Bonnie : And you have a real mother . That s even better .
Mimi : Whatever . Cinderella never lied to her Prince , Mom .
Bonnie : Oh , no ? Did she tell him she hitched a ride home in a pumpkin pulled by mice ? I do nt think so .
Mimi : That s not the same as lying .
Bonnie : The point is , Cinderella had her secrets . Look at me ! Every woman has them . That s what makes men so crazy for us -- they ca nt seem to figure out what makes us tick , and we keep em guessing . Okay , look at it this way . You found a great guy . You love him , and he loves you , sweetheart . Do you know how rare that is ? There are nt a lot of prize catches out there , baby , and Shawn Brady has everything -- looks , loot , and a great family pedigree . God , he s got Grandpa Kiriakis on this side and Great - Grandpa Horton on this side . The old coot built University Hospital and in Salem , that makes Shawn Prince Charming . And that makes you Cinderella . So for Pete s sake , shut your mouth , put on the glass slipper , and let Shawn walk you down the aisle into happily- ever - after land .
Shawn D. : Come on , Mom . Let me take you home .
Hope : I m not ready to go yet . You go and be with Mimi , okay ?
Shawn D. : Mom , I really do nt want to leave you here alone .
Hope : You re a good Son , Shawn .
Shawn D. : I d really feel better if you came with me .
Hope : I need to stay a while longer , Honey .
Shawn D. : Okay . Okay . If you re sure .
Hope : I am . You go , okay ?
Shawn D. : Okay . I love you .
Hope : I love you .
Victor : Do nt you dare do anything to take advantage of this situation , do you hear me ?
Kate : What the hell are you talking about ?
Victor : You know exactly what I m talking about . You d sell your soul to the Devil to get Bo and Billie together . Well , I m warning you -- if you do anything to make this situation between Bo and Hope worse , I ll make you pay .
Billie : I think it s time for us to go now , okay ?
Chelsea : Yeah , I think maybe you re right .
Patrick : Can I give you a lift ?
Billie : No , thank you .
Patrick : Do you have a ride ?
Billie : We re not your problem anymore , Patrick . Leave us alone .
Bo : Can you find it in your heart to forgive me ? We should be together today .
Hope : I want to be alone with my son . Zack .
Marlena : I thought you told me that you were going shopping . Oh ! Oh , my gosh ! I m sorry , I thought you were somebody else . I m so sorry . Sorry .
Alex : What s she doing here ? I hope she does nt see me . I ve got to stop John Black . God only knows what Lois has already told him .
John : Well , Lois , I do nt think you are as delusional as you are pretending to be .
Lois : Maybe I am , but maybe I m not .
John : Maybe you re just playing games with me , so for the last time , what is Alex s plan ?
Lois : Even if I knew , why would I tell you ?
John : Because if you do nt , I m gon na see to it that you spend the rest of your life in a padded cell .
Lois : You ca nt do that .
John : Oh , I can , and I will . I ll make sure that you never see your precious Alex again . And quite frankly , I think he would be delighted to know that you are spending the rest of your life in a state institution , never to see the light of day again .
Lois : Alex loves me . He would never let that happen .
John : How do you know he has nt already arranged it ? In fact , he is having you moved to a permanent institution . He s already filled out the proper transfer forms .
Lois : No . Alex and I are partners .
John : Marlena is his partner . She is the only woman he cares about .
Lois : You re wrong . Alex and I have this all figured out . We were gon na kill Marlena . And then once that self - righteous witch is out of the picture , we re going to be together ... forever .
John : Well , that just shows you how wrong you are , Lois . Cause I will stop Alex North before he ever lays a hand on Marlena .
Marlena : You wanted to talk to me about John ?
Abe : Yeah . Here , have a seat . Uh , look , Marlena . I know that you still have amnesia .
Marlena : Mm - hmm .
Abe : I also know that you re living with Alex . Well , you think you know him , but it s just possible that you do nt .
Marlena : I have memories of Alex . Well , I have snippets of memory .
Abe : But there s still huge pieces that are missing , am I right ?
Marlena : I suppose .
Abe : I guess all I m trying to tell you is keep an open mind about Alex . He may not be the man you think he is .
Marlena : Oh , but John is ?
Abe : I ve known John for a long time . He s the kind of man you can count on . And he s loved you as long as I ve known him , and that love will never die -- whether or not you stay with Alex . Look , Marlena , I know what it s like to turn your back on that kind of love .. I m sorry to say that I did that to Lexie , and I just thank God that I came to my senses before it was too late . You know , that kind of love , it might come along just once in a lifetime , and it s way too precious to lose . .
Lexie : I am calling a halt to this , Tek .
Tek : You keep saying that .
Lexie : I mean it . Today s Isaac s funeral , you know ?
Tek : I know , Lexie , I m sorry .
Lexie : Abe is nt well enough to go , and I have my rounds . Actually , we could nt face it .
Tek : I understand .
Lexie : Abe and I have shared a lot together , Tek -- happiness ... pain . My future is with my husband . You and I can not spend any time alone together , so I am asking you to keep your distance , okay ?
Tek : Lexie --
Lexie : No , as a gentleman , please --
Tek : Lexie , you ca nt stop feeling the way you do .
Lexie : I have to . I have to and I will .
Tek : Maybe you ll be able to ignore it for a while , but it s gon na gnaw at you and in time it s gon na hit you like a hammer , Lexie . You re gon na realize that Abe ca nt give you what you need and that I can . Life is too short to be unhappy . Just think about it , please .
Marlena : So , you re saying that I love John .
Abe : Everybody has told you that , but you do nt seem to believe them .
Marlena : I do believe them . What do I do if I do nt remember it , if I do nt feel it ? The thing is , I do love Alex , and I owe him everything .
Abe : And by everything --
Marlena : I mean my life . He saved my life when Lois was trying to kill me .
Abe : Do you know how many times John has saved your life ?
Marlena : Uh , no .
Abe : Marlena , as your friend , I m advising you -- stay alert . You may end up changing your mind about Dr. North .
Marlena : Alex is my husband . I ca nt even believe that he would betray me anyway . Unless that somehow is proven to me , I m staying with him .
Alex : Well , well , well -- a 2-way mirror for monitoring patients . Now I can see what John is up to .
Lois : And Alex and I will be together .
John : Mm - hmm . You and Alex .
Lois : That s right . But first , we have to erase Marlena .
John : And that ll only happen over my dead body .
Alex : Well , that could be arranged .
Mimi : Oh , I m so glad you re back .
Bonnie : I m sure it was a lovely service .
Shawn D. : If you do nt mind , I d rather not talk about it . I m just glad it s over .
Mimi : I should have stayed with you .
Shawn D. : I wanted you to be here and take care of your mom . You re packing ? Are you leaving ?
Bonnie : You two are nt running a Motel 6 here , and I do nt want to overstay my welcome .
Shawn D. : Do nt even worry about it . The only thing that matters is that you re okay .
Bonnie : I ll be fine . Besides , you two lovebirds need to do some chirping without this old crow around . Right , Mimi ?
Mimi : Right . Um , Shawn , there s something that I want to ask you . And you know what ? I m gon na do it in front of the old crow . Do you still want to get married right away ?
Shawn D. : You know I do .
Mimi : Okay , then let s do it .
Chelsea : Mom , do something please .
Billie : Okay , do nt worry . Bo , thank God you re here . You ve got to stop them .
Bo : Take it easy , Billie .
Billie : They want to arrest her today -- now .
Officer : I m sorry about this , Detective . We re just doing our job .
Bo : I understand .
Officer : We know it s a tough time right now , you just burying your little boy and all . That s why we held off . But now the funeral s over .
Bo : Thank you . You ll let me handle this ? Chelsea Benson , you re under arrest for the death of Zack Brady . You have the right to remain silent . If you give up that right , anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law . You have the right to an attorney and to have an attorney present during questioning .
Hope : Oh , Zack , baby . You should nt be here .
John : Listen to me . Alex has been plotting with Lois all along . They re in love and they re planning to kill you .
Max : Desperate times .
Mimi : Look at the engagement ring Shawn gave me .
Philip : Whoa .
Shawn D. : We re getting married as soon as possible .
Bo : What the hell is going on here ? Get your hands off my wife .
### Summary:
| Marlena agrees to let Alex leave because he claims he s going out in search of her Valentine s Day gift but then insists on coming with him . Alex claims it would ruin the surprise so Marlena agrees to let him leave on his own . Marlena finds a picture of her and John and flashes back to a past Valentine s Day with John . Lois tries to choke John but John pins back her arm and injects the truth serum . John does nt notice when Alex looks in on them . Marlena arrives at the hospital and confronts whom she mistakenly thinks is Alex . Alex spots Marlena before she can really see him and stays out of sight . John taunts Lois with the threat that Alex plans to keep her locked up to get her to admit that she s plotting with Alex to kill Marlena . Alex uses a secret two - way mirror and intercom to listen in on John and Lois . The guard questions why Abe really wanted him to leave Lois room but agrees to run the fake errand when Abe threatens to report him to Roman . Tek corners Lexie in Abe s room to plead his feelings for her but Lexie insists that she will stay loyal to Abe . Abe walks in and wants to know what they were talking about but they explain it away . Abe sits Marlena down to advise her to get back with John and to stay alert when it comes to Alex . Marlena refuses to leave Alex without proof of his ill intentions . Zack s immediate family says their tearful goodbyes before Zack s casket is lowered into the ground . Kate approaches Billie and Chelsea with an idea to keep Chelsea from going to prison . Victor threatens to make Kate pay should she try and use Bo and Hope s rift to bring Bo and Billie back together . The cops respectfully wait until the end of the funeral to arrest Chelsea but Bo insists on being the one to read Chelsea her rights . Patrick reaches out to a grieving Hope . During an argument over Mimi s insistence to tell the truth , Bonnie admits that she s been faking her heart condition . Bonnie uses the Cinderella fairy tale to entice Mimi to keep quiet . Mimi tells Shawn that she now wants to get married right away . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Roman : Thanks . So , it was your mom that could wear you down when I could nt .
Eric : I do nt think it was just Mom that wore me down .
Roman : [ Chuckles ] Oh ... this is worse than the station house .
Eric : Yeah , well , that ll teach ya to stop by unannounced .
Roman : Yeah , well , that ll teach you to not answer your texts . Eric , I wanna tell ya something . Look ... I am very happy about this . But , you know , I get that you re worried about coming home .
Eric : Dad--
Roman : Hey , I respect that , all right ? But I think , once you re around family and friends ...
Eric : Dad , it s just a trial . I said I would meet and listen to people from the Horton center and see how it goes .
Roman : It s gon na go great . You know why ? You got a way about you . You help people turn their lives around .
Eric : Yeah , I know I help people live their lives . It s my own life I screw up .
Roman : Screwed up , okay ? Past tense . I am a little confused , though . I mean , last time we talked , you seemed pretty determined that you were gon na live up here all by yourself like a monk .
Roman : What changed your mind ?
Jennifer : Eric !
Jennifer : It s me .
Ciara : I know that you and Theo are a couple ... and I would never do anything to mess that up . But ...
Claire : But ?
Ciara : I still have feelings for Theo .
Theo : Hey .
Claire : Hey , baby . I want you to make love to me . Right now .
Chloe : Eddie , hey . Did you find my baby ?
Eduardo : No , uh , no , I would ve told you , but ... I m sure we re gon na hear something soon .
Chloe : Oh , God , if Deimos is helping Nicole , she could be anywhere by now , Europe . He could have given her a private plane , fake passports for her and holly--
Eduardo : Hey , hey , hey , Deimos is not gon na come out on top in this , believe me . My guys are watching him like a hawk , so let s ... let s just , uh , have some faith . And we know it s a terrible thing that you re going through right now ... but I m gon na do everything I possibly can to find your little girl and bring her home to you . That s a promise .
Chloe : [ Exhales ] Look , I ... I know that you re only doing this because you hate Deimos , but I m so grateful .
Eduardo : No , no , no . My feelings for Deimos aside , I m doing this ... I m doing this for you ... and for your baby ... you know ? What ... what Nicole did , it just was nt right , so ... you know .
Chloe : Thank you .
Eduardo : Sure . Hey . Hey . It s gon na be all right , okay ? Just take a breath . It ll be all right .
Nicole : Hey . What do you think ?
Brady : I think , uh , you look just like , uh , Bridget smith .
Nicole : [ Scoffs ] Ya think ? Freddie ?
Brady : Freddie . I hope so .
Nicole : You re worried ... that we re not gon na make it past the border ?
Brady : No , honey , we re gon na be fine , we ll be fine . We look good -- we look like a couple that s just taking their baby to see her grandmother in Winnipeg . That s what we look like .
Nicole : Yeah . Okay . I mean , you thought of everything , right ? I just wanna get as far away from Salem as possible , away from Chloe and Deimos ... somewhere where holly and I can be safe .
Brady : Hey , look at me . Look at me . You and your daughter are gon na be fine . I promise you .
Brady : We better go . That s one bus we do nt wanna miss .
Nicole : Yeah . Hey , sweetheart , you ready to go ?
Nicole : What is it , what , are you hungry already ? Oh , my God , Brady .
Brady : What ?
Nicole : Brady , she s -- she s burning up , she s sick ! Oh ...
Brady : She s not s--
Nicole : Look at her ears ! They re all red . Oh , honey , it s okay .
Brady : Oh , God . Mommy s here , mommy s here . Wait , w - we have to get her to the hospital-- something s not right .
Brady : Hold on , hold on , we take her to a hospital , we go an urgent care , that s risky .
Nicole : It does nt matter , Brady , she needs a doctor .
Brady : Right , wait , wait , okay , all right . I - I know someone . I know someone we can take her to who ll be discreet and thatll ... probably help us out . He ll help us .
Nicole : Okay ! It s all right , sweetie , mommy s here , I m here . I m sorry . I m here .
Nicole : Right now ?
Claire : Yes . That s what I said .
Theo : I - I know , I just , um ...
Claire : You just what ?
Theo : Well , n -- um ... I-- it s just I didnt ... expect it to happen so soon .
Claire : Oh . Oh , now do you wanna wait a year or two ?
Theo : No , no , you know , it s just it s ... it s a big step . You know , it s very ... grown up .
Claire : Come on . I know , but ... you know . Kids our age in committed relationships are doing it all the time . Theo , I love you . And I think that you love me . Do you ?
Theo : Yeah , you know I do .
Claire : Okay . So why wait ?
Ciara : Wait for what ?
Jennifer : I hope I m not interrupting .
Eric : Oh , no . No , no , no , no , we were just talking about how my folks here , they convinced me to take the job at the Horton center . More of a , uh , good cop , bad cop .
Roman : Oh , no . No , no , no , no . That was all Marlena . I got nowhere with you . Pretty stubborn , just like his mom . But even you could nt say no to her , and believe me , I know firsthand how that is .
Jennifer : Well , I do nt care who did it . I think it s great . You are gon na do such a great job , and the Horton center is gon na be lucky to have you . Oh ! Speaking of the Horton center , I have papers I need you to sign .
Roman : Ah ! Special delivery .
Jennifer : Yes ! I want him to get started as soon as possible .
Eric : Yeah , I have to kinda hit the ground running , but I have some arrangements to make first , like finding a place to live .
Roman : Hey , hey . Way ahead of you . Friend of mine , Lyle Dempsey , realtor-- waiting for your call .
Eric : Uh , you gon na help me pack too ?
Roman : Oh , no way ! You re on your own .
Eric : Well , it looks like I have a realtor to call .
Roman : Jennifer . Thank you so much ... okay ? For what you ve done for my son .
Kate : I hope you re up to date on your inoculations .
Chloe : This is not what it looks like . Eddie s helping me find my child , and I was just thanking him .
Kate : My child ? Those two words should nt be used in the same sentence if you re talking about yourself . I know I sound caustic and unfeeling .
Eduardo : Hey ...
Kate : But when I think of what you did to Lucas and to Philip , the hell you put them through ... ha . Well , if you re getting involved with her , you will live to regret it .
Ciara : Oh , it s okay . I m not gon na stay here .
Claire : Oh , you re not ?
Ciara : No . I just came by to get some stuff . I m staying at my mom s tonight .
Claire : Oh , wow , that s great ! Oh , my God , you can celebrate her getting out of prison ! I am so over - the - moon happy for grandma !
Ciara : Yeah , so , have a good dinner .
Claire : [ Exhales ] [ Whispers ] Oh , my God . Baby , this is perfect ! This is absolutely perfect . The stars have aligned . It s meant to be . We have the whole , entire place to ourselves .
Jennifer : Roman , that is very sweet , but you do nt have to thank me .
Roman : Really ? Marlena told me how hard you worked to give Eric this chance .
Jennifer : Yeah . The center needs him . Someone with Eric s abilities does not come along every day .
Roman : Okay , let me put it this way , then . I am so grateful ... that you found a way to get Eric back into life . I did not like the idea of him staying up here by himself .
Eric : Hey , I spoke to Mr. Dempsey . I m all set on a studio apartment .
Roman : All right , good ! Come here ! [ Jennifer giggles ] It is gon na be so great to have you back . All right , okay . I got ta get goin there , all right ? We ll be in touch , all right ? Jennifer , good to see you .
Jennifer : Yes , you too .
Roman : Okay . One more thing . Call your mom . Call her about the apartment .
Eric : I m sure she already knows all about it .
Roman : All right . Bye , Jennifer .
Jennifer : So ... ready to sign on the dotted line ?
Eric : Yeah . Before I do , there s something I ... think you and I need to get straight .
Eduardo : Would you give us a moment , please ? Okay , uh ... what ... what is goin on here ? Why do you feel the need to kick that girl when she s down ?
Kate : She s down ?
Eduardo : Yeah .
Kate : She s always down and out ... and it s always her fault . Eddie , she got pregnant by a dead man . She used another woman s eggs . She failed to share that information with anyone , including the biological mother , and she s the damsel in distress ? Come on .
Eduardo : That baby is legally hers , right ?
Kate : Because Deimos bribed a judge . But that had nothing to do with Nicole .
Eduardo : Nicole kidnapped the baby .
Kate : Nicole ... took her baby back . That s what she did . Look what Chloe s done .
Eduardo : Well , she carried-- she carried the baby . She gave birth to it , Kate . I mean , seriously , what-- wh - why does this even matter to you ?
Kate : Because it happened to me , that s why .
Eduardo : Very sorry to hear that . You wanna explain that to me , please ?
Kate : Very simple . Very sick woman stole an embryo that belonged to me and had it implanted in her body . And that woman was just as self - centered and delusional as that one . That baby should not be with Chloe . I know that . I hope you do as well .
Eduardo : Well ... I hope you ll forgive me , but somehow I feel compelled to ... see this from her point of view right now .
Kate : You know , there has been a whole string of men who have felt that Chloe was just misunderstood . She needed them to fight for her ... and so they did . And every single one of those men paid a very high price to be her white knight . [ Softly ] She barely knows you , but she s enlisted you . And you know why ? Because she s alienated every other man who knows her .
Eduardo : Yeah . Some people end up doing that , do nt they ?
Nicole : Oh , it s okay , sweetheart . The doctor s gon na take care of you .
Brady : Good evening , Dr. Lee . How are you ?
Lee : What are you doing here ?
Nicole : Holly s sick and she needs a doctor .
Lee : Why d you come to me ?
Brady : We came to you because we knew that you would understand the situation and we knew that you would be discreet .
Lee : Sorry , Mr. Black , but I could be risking my medical license . I have no choice but to report that I ve seen the two of you .
Nicole : Why ? Because I brought my baby to see the doctor ? My child , not Chloe s -- mine .
Lee : Sorry , Nicole , that was a matter for the courts to decide , not you .
Brady : Does nt it mean anything that she brought her baby here because it was sick knowing full well that you could turn her in , okay ? She s doing everything for this baby right now .
Lee : And you re a part of this now , right ?
Brady : Of course -- you knew that I was looking for her . You knew that I was sympathetic to the situation here .
Lee : I thought you were going to convince her to do the right thing . This is not the right thing .
Brady : Doctor , with all due respect , I do nt think you re in any position to talk about the right thing here . Look , please , let s just take care of the baby .
Lee : [ Sighs ] I m sorry , Nicole , I really am , but ... I have no choice in the matter .
Claire : I know -- you think I have nt thought about that ? We re gon na use protection . I ca nt have a baby . I m gon na be a singer . Chloe s not singing because of that kid , and it s not even hers . That is not gon na happen to me . Okay ? So ... why do nt you go out and get what you need ... and just meet me back here .
Theo : You mean ...
Claire : Well , I mean I think I -- think you know what I mean .
Theo : I know , it s just , you know , it s a little embarrassing .
Claire : Okay . You want me to go ?
Theo : No , no , no , I - Ill do it .
Claire : Okay . I promise you , it s gon na be worth a little embarrassment . Tonight is gon na be the perfect , perfect night .
Theo : Right . Okay .
Claire : Okay .
Theo : Whew ...
Theo : Claire--
Claire : We can talk when you get back . God , what is up with him ? It s not like I m asking him to dig a freaking ditch !
Ciara : Did Theo just leave ?
Claire : Uh ... yeah . He just has some stuff to do .
Ciara : Good . I , um , I wanted to talk to you alone .
Claire : Oh , yeah ?
Ciara : Yeah . I just -- I wanted to make sure you re okay , you know , after I told you how I feel about Theo ?
Claire : Yeah , I mean , like I said before ... I m completely fine . I m just really glad that you told me . I think it s really important for us to be open and honest with each other .
Ciara : Yeah , me too .
Claire : And now ... we know where we both stand .
Ciara : Yeah . I m glad we re still friends .
Claire : Yeah .
Ciara : Well , see you later .
Claire : Bye .
Kate : You said that you would do anything it took to get me back , and you just compared me to a woman I despise .
Eduardo : No . I ve already made it perfectly clear that I do nt compare you to anybody . But I gave that woman my word , and I m gon na do the right thing .
Kate : Helping Chloe steal back that baby is not the right thing . And if you thought about that , you would see that .
Eduardo : I m sorry , but I got ta ask . Are you jealous ?
Kate : Of her ? Please .
Eduardo : Well , okay . Okay . Just wanted to make sure ... it s not part of the reason why you re so upset about me trying to help her .
Kate : No . Maybe you re just not as smart as I thought you were .
Chloe : So ... Eddie , that looked like ... a lotta fun . Hey , listen , if you wanna back out of this , I would totally understand . I do nt wanna--
Eduardo : No , no . I - I offered to help you find your baby , and I m -- I m gon na do it . Seems like I might have actually come across an unexpected benefit ... in the effort .
Jennifer : Is there something wrong with the contract ?
Eric : No . I just wanna make sure it s clear that I m just signing off for a trial .
Jennifer : Oh , yeah . It says it right there at the bottom of the first page .
Eric : Jen , it s more than a contract . I ca nt stop my parents from getting their hopes up . It s more important to me that you know--
Jennifer : I know . I know that if you feel like the walls are closing in on you , you have a way out .
Eric : You get it .
Jennifer : I do .
Eric : Does ... does Maggie know I m coming back ?
Jennifer : I - I did nt tell her because I wanted to make sure it was gon na happen first .
Eric : And what about Nicole ?
Brady : You re not gon na make a call right now . You re gon na go to the exam room and you re gon na take care of that baby s fever . I ll tell you why-- because you re a doctor . This is what doctors do , all right ? You make people feel better . You do nt purposely go out and screw up people s lives because , doctor , that s what you ve done . I do nt think you should lose your medical license for taking care of a baby . I think you should lose it for taking the human life that my friend Nicole and her fiancé created and just gave away to a woman who unequivocally agreed to carry that baby for them . A woman that had no claim to that baby whatsoever . Chloe lane -- you remember her ?
Nicole : Brady--
Brady : And then you did nt even send her a text or an email letting her know , this is what I did , Nicole . You did nt even ask her if it was a good idea . Do you remember that ?
Nicole : Brady , this is nt helping holly . Please , you have to calm down .
Lee : I , uh ... sorry .
Brady : I do nt want you to say you re sorry . I want you to get your ass in the exam room and take care of this baby s fever .
Lee : Nicole , you need to think about what you re doing .
Brady : You do nt think she has nt thought about this ?
Nicole : Dr. Lee , please ... do nt turn us in . Do you remember when Daniel and I came to you ? We wanted a baby so much , just Daniel and me together .
Lee : I know that , but I--
Brady : No , no , no more buts . Look , Chloe -- Chloe-- Chloe played you for a fool , doctor , and this is the woman that s paying for it . You owe her , and we re here to settle the debt . You help us out .
Lee : Let s uh , let s go to the exam room .
Brady : Yeah . [ Scoffs ] [ Exhales ]
Nicole : Okay .
Theo : Hey !
Ciara : Hey . You dropped--
Theo : Oh , no , no , no , I got it , I got it , I got it .
Ciara : Okay . Y - you okay ? You re acting all jumpy .
Theo : Yeah , no , um ... yeah . No , I m fine . So you re -- you re gon na go see your mom ?
Ciara : Yeah .
Theo : Cool . That s , um-- I m glad you re gon na get some time to go see her .
Ciara : Yeah . Me too . I hope things , uh , start going back to normal .
Theo : Yeah . Um ... well , I do nt wanna keep you . So ... tell her I said hi .
Ciara : Okay . See ya .
Julie : Hi , sweetheart .
Ciara : Hi .
Julie : You okay ?
Ciara : No .
Julie : Ohh ... sit down , sit down . Tell me what s the matter . Is it about the mystery boy , the one you care about so much ?
Ciara : Yeah . I was just talking to him . It s Theo .
Julie : Oh ... but he s dating Claire .
Ciara : Yep . He s dating Claire .
Julie : Awkward .
Ciara : It s worse than awkward -- it s awful . I told Claire how I feel about him .
Julie : How d that go ?
Ciara : She was ... okay with it . I mean , it s just weird when I see Theo now . I mean , he s my best friend , and I ca nt even tell him how I feel , and I ve always told him everything .
Julie : Well , now , let s see . You ve told Claire .
Ciara : Mm - hmm .
Julie : You told me . So do nt you think it s about time you told him ? Be honest ... open up . I - I m sure you ll feel better for it .
Ciara : Yeah , but what if it backfires ? What if I lose my best friend ?
Jennifer : This one s yours .
Eric : Okay .
Jennifer : No , it s okay . It s -- I saw that the other day .
Eric : I hope it did nt ... seem creepy .
Jennifer : [ Laughs ]
Eric : But I will be honest .
Jennifer : Okay .
Eric : You know , when I was in prison , there were days ... when I was nt sure if I could get through the day , and I needed to see a friendly face and ... [ Softly ] This helped .
Jennifer : I m glad I could help .
Eric : While I m being honest , I just wanted you to know ... there was nt a day that went by that I did not think about you . But now I just--
Jennifer : Oh , yeah . No , I get it . Now we need to ... we need to talk about where we stand , right ?
Eric : Yeah , right .
Lee : So you ll need to keep up with the , uh , drops and the pain meds .
Nicole : Okay , but I thought she had an ear infection . She kept tugging at it .
Lee : There s not much more that I can do for her . But ... I think you should stay here until her fever s gone down . I ll check back in later .
Nicole : Okay . [ Murmurs ] Okay .
Brady : How you doing ? You okay ?
Nicole : Yeah . Yeah , I - I am now . I - I used to freak out all the time , you know , when there was just the slightest cough or runny nose , cause Sydney and Johnny and parker had them all the time .
Brady : Yep . Joy of parenting .
Nicole : Yeah . But this one s mine ... and I will take care of her till the day I die .
Eduardo : Hernandez .
Lee : This is , uh , Dr. Lee .
Eduardo : Yeah . Thank you for getting back to me . I m with , uh , I m with ms . Lane right now . Do you have any news for us ?
Lee : I may have some good news for her . But ... I need you to get to my clinic in Brookville as soon as possible .
Eduardo : Thank you , we will . Okay , that was Dr. Lee . He may have some information .
Chloe : Dr. Lee ?
Eduardo : Yeah . I thought that Nicole might take the baby to him if she needed to .
Chloe : Oh , my God , is something wrong with holly ?
Eduardo : No , no , he did nt say anything about that . He just said that we maybe have some really good news . But we got ta get there . Let s go .
Kate : Vodka martini , straight up . [ Taps three times ]
Roman : You want a ... twist or olive in that ?
Kate : Wow . I did nt know you were working here .
Roman : You know , that order sounded a little desperate . Wanna tell me what s goin on ?
Julie : If Theo is your best friend , you re not going to lose him . And he will be grateful to know that you told him how you really feel .
Ciara : But what if I get nervous and I say it all wrong ? I m really good at screwing things up , you know . And ... talking to Theo about feelings , it s just --it s not that easy .
Julie : Okay . You write him a letter and tell him how you feel in the letter and give it to him .
Ciara : That is a great idea . That way I can just write down the way I feel . It ll be way easier than talking . And then he ll know how I feel and ... I can finally move on . I m gon na do that . Yeah . Right now . Thanks , grandma !
Theo : That looks great .
Claire : Thanks . Yeah , I ripped off one of my favorite movies . I want everything tonight to be perfect . So did you get what you need ?
Theo : Yeah . Yeah .
Claire : Hey . Are you okay ?
Theo : Yeah , yeah , I m fine .
Claire : Are you sure ? I mean , if this is nt what you want , I do nt wanna push you--
Theo : No , this is what I want ... you know , just as long as you re ready . Are you ready ?
Claire : [ Small laugh ]
Ciara : I realize this must be a lot to absorb , and I do nt want things to be weird between us . I know you re happy with Claire , but I felt like it was important to be honest with you . When you told me you loved me a while back , I was so screwed up that I could nt see that you were exactly what I wanted . Then I blew it . So now I want you to know how I feel about you . But no matter what , I hope we can always be what we always were first , and that s best friends . Love you , Ciara .
Theo : Ciara , you got ta know I d do anything for you ... anything for you . Really good to see you smile again .
Ciara : Feels good to smile .
Theo : Well , then , my timing is perfect .
Ciara : Okay . For what ?
Theo : Um ... to ... ask you to prom .
Ciara : Oh . Theo , uh , that s really sweet of you , but ... with everything that s going on , I just -- I m just gon na pass on it this year .
Theo : Yeah , but do nt you see that s precisely the reason not to pass on it ? So ... will you go with me ?
Ciara : I d love to .
Theo : I d do anything for you ... Id do anything for you ...
Ciara : What are you doing here ? Your dad s gon na kill you .
Theo : Uh , no , no . He s just gon na be mad . But , I mean , I do nt care . He ca nt stop me for wanting to be with you . Ciara , you-- you just -- you mean too much to me .
Ciara : Wow , Theo ...
Theo : I love you . I - I do . I think I always have .
Ciara : So if Theo s running errands , I can just drop this off at the loft .
Jennifer : I-- I do nt even know ... really , what was going on between us before you went to prison . I-- but I really did nt think that there was any hope , and there certainly was nt any closure . It was ...
Eric : And I did nt get in touch with you after .
Jennifer : Yeah . Why ?
Eric : You know why ? Because I did nt think there was any possibility of a future .
Jennifer : And ... what does your future look like now ?
Eric : I do nt know .
Jennifer : I mean , I get it , Eric , I get that you are not ready for a relationship right now . Heck , I have no idea even what s ahead for me , really .
Eric : You are so ready for happiness .
Jennifer : Yeah , and so are you . You really are . That s why I think we can help each other and -- and we can just talk together and ... and that would make me happy . And I think it would make you happy too .
Eric : No , I do nt think I deserve to be happy .
Jennifer : Why do you say that ? You do deserve to be happy ! And I m gon na keep telling you that if I have to say it a million more times . I know you feel beaten up . I know that you feel so bruised right now , but you are alive , Eric . And where there is life ... there is hope .
Brady : How is she ?
Nicole : She s good . Her fever s finally down . She s asleep now .
Brady : Okay , listen , um , I think we should get going .
Nicole : Why ? Dr. Lee said he d come back and make sure we re okay .
Brady : Yeah , that s what he said .
Kate : So , there he is , Mr. Steady Eddie , acting just like Lucas or Philip or Daniel or Brady , you know ? He s just eating out of the palm of Chloe s hand . She s all , oh , thank you , Eduardo , for helping poor , pitiful me . Oh , God , it just -- I do nt know . It just drives me crazy . It just drives me crazy to see him acting like such a wimp .
Roman : Well , let me ask you this . I m sure that you were very careful ... not to let him know how you felt about the situation .
Kate : No ! Not -- no ! I gave him her entire history . I said that she was playing him for a fool and that he was damn wrong , just dead damn wrong to be helping that woman take a child away from their biological mother , it just--
Roman : Man , I m sure he enjoyed that ! Men do love it when a woman tells them they re gullible , stupid , and wrong .
Kate : He was gullible , stupid , and wrong .
Roman : You know what , Kate , I think he s a hell of a lot more than that . I think he s a violent jerk , but ... you seem to like that in a man , so if you re not willing to say good - bye , then I d say you got some damage control ahead of you . Good to see ya .
Kate : Why do men have to be so damn sensitive ?
Jennifer : The first time that we ... when we came together , it was like this ... it was this crazy , emotional pain . And we both ... felt it . And I think that we really bonded because of it . But I had to move past that pain , and I have and ... you need to do that too now . You are an amazing man , and you are so strong ! And you have to believe that about yourself . You have to believe that the way that you believe in me , and you have to trust me when I say these things , because I really believe--
Eduardo : They ?
Lee : They re ... gone .
Eduardo : Who s they ?
Lee : Nicole and the baby .
Eduardo : Oh , uh , dude . Did you call the police ?
Lee : No . You said you want to handle it ... by yourself .
Eduardo : Yeah , I do . I do , and I will . Look , I know it s hard not to worry , but trust me ... we will find your little girl . [ Murmurs ]
Nicole : Brady . Brady . Wait .
Brady : What ?
Nicole : You were right . We could nt risk staying there . I mean , Dr. Lee could have called the cops .
Brady : That s right , that s right , that s right . Look , she looks good , she looks okay to make the bus trip . We ll get her a doctor as soon as we get to Canada .
Nicole : No , no , I will get the doctor . Brady , you have to go back . If lee did call the cops and I get caught , you could get arrested .
Brady : Look . Look at me . I m not going back .
Nicole : Yeah , but Brady , think about Tate . Think about him . You re all he has !
Brady : There s no way I am leaving you ... until I know that you and-- and holly are safe . Nicole , whether you like it or not , I m sorry ... we re in this together .
### Summary:
| Claire talked to Theo about having sex . Ciara walked in while they were talking about it . Claire lied to her about what they were talking about . Chloe went to Eduardo to find out if he knew anything about the baby . He said he had people watching Nicole . Kate showed up while they were talking . Kate insulted Chloe and told him what kind of person Chloe was . Eduardo still thought Chloe was worthy of defending . Holly got sick while Brady and Nicole were on the run . When Nicole and Brady took the baby to Dr. Lee , he would nt risk his career to help her . Claire talked Theo into having sex . When Theo left , Ciara wanted to make sure Claire was okay about her having feelings for Theo . Kate told Eduardo that he was nt doing the right thing by helping Chloe . He wondered if she was jealous , but she said she was nt and walked away . When Chloe came back , he told her he would help her . Brady stopped Dr. Lee from calling the police . Brady reminded him of what he did to Nicole . Nicole asked Dr. Lee not to turn them in to the police . Dr. Lee decided to help Holly . Julie and Ciara ran into each other . Ciara told Julie about her feelings for Theo . Julie told Ciara to tell Theo the truth . Dr. Lee called Eduardo and told him to go t his clinic . Eduardo told Chloe that Dr. Lee had news . They went to the clinic . Julie thought Ciara would nt lose Theo by telling him the truth . Ciara thought she would mess things up . Julie suggested that she write him a letter . Ciara thought it was a good idea . Brady told Nicole that they should leave the clinic . Ciara walked in on Claire and Theo while they were making out . When Eduardo and Chloe got to the clinic , Brady and Nicole were gone . Nicole tried to talk Brady into going back , but he refused . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Patrick : No , it s all part of the same thing , Robin . This obsession with you having a baby has worn a groove in your brain and everything s starting to fall into it . So you know what ? Go to the sperm bank , find a father -- do whatever you re going to do , just get it over with !
Robin : I do nt have to do that because I m already pregnant .
Patrick : You re joking .
Robin : Do you think I would joke about something like this ?
Jax : Aloha ! Carly ? Hello ?
Carly : Jax , you re home ! Oh ! I missed you so much .
Jax : Where are the boys ?
Carly : They re next door with the Hagans and they re going to be gone for hours .
Jax : Oh , look what I got for you .
Carly : Oh , my gosh , it s so beautiful . Thank you . Okay , okay --
Jax : What ?
Carly : Do you rememb -- um -- what we talked about before you left , and the good news that I wanted you to come home to ?
Jax : About being pregnant ?
Carly : Yeah , about that .
Alexis : Ah . What s wrong ?
Sam : Well , that s just it -- inexplicably and without warning , something has actually gone right .
Alexis : So you re celebrating ? Should we celebrate ? It does nt feel like a celebration .
Sam : I think I m falling in love with Lucky , and I think he feels the same way , too .
Alexis : Okay .
Sam : Okay , I mean , ever after knowing all of the stupid things that I ve done and all of the lies I ve -- he still wants to be with me .
Alexis : So what s the problem ?
Sam : Yeah , the problem . Um -- I m afraid to trust that .
Alexis : I think that you can trust that -- as long as you have , in fact , told him all the lies .
Lucky : I overheard you talking with Sam . Not all of it , but enough . I want the truth . What else is Sam keeping from me ?
Elizabeth : I do nt know what you think you heard --
Lucky : You do nt trust Sam with the kids .
Elizabeth : Well , I d feel that way about anyone you were dating .
Lucky : Because she did something , Elizabeth , something she obviously did nt intend on telling me .
Elizabeth : You need to ask Sam .
Lucky : I m asking you .
Jason : And what about Alcazar s shipping docks on the waterfront ?
Max : Well , no activity , which means Skye has nt dealt them to anyone yet .
Jason : That we know of .
Sonny : Jason -- get out of here .
Max : See you later .
Jason : Where -- where the hell have you been ?
Sonny : I just want to know why the guy who tried to kill me is still alive .
Jax : You re pregnant ?
Carly : No , not yet --
Jax : Oh .
Carly : But we know I can get pregnant . So while you were gone , I ve been doing tons of research about other women who have my same complications , are in my same situation , and I ve been having tons of meetings with Dr. Kelly about all my options .
Jax : Yeah , I -- I know . We -- we talked about fertility treatments , remember , and -- and what s involved , and the kind of strain that it can put on a relationship .
Carly : If I were to let nature take its course , I d still be sitting in a trailer park , waiting for my prince to come to me instead of being married to one . Nothing in life has come easy for me , Jax , and you know that .
Jax : I know -- I know that .
Carly : I know , so I m not going to get discouraged if we have to do a little work , you know ?
Jax : Yeah , work at it a little -- that s fine .
Carly : Wait -- no , no , not work . Not work , no -- we are going to make this fun , okay ? We are going to go into this with a positive attitude . We re not going to let it become work , we re not going to let it wreak havoc on our relationship , it s all going to be great .
Jax : You ve obviously given this a lot of thought .
Carly : Oh -- I ve been making a chart , okay , a chart . I ve been taking my temperature quite a few times a day , and my temperature peaked this afternoon , which means I am ovulating !
Jax : Then my timing could nt be better !
Carly : Your timing is perfect ! Oh , wait , also -- I bought you a welcome - home present .
Jax : Oh , wow . Well , you know what ? I ll just chill some champagne and fire up the hot tub .
Carly : No alcohol , no hot water . That hot water can wreak havoc on your sperm count .
Jax : Maybe after ?
Carly : After , I have to lie in the bed with my legs up in the air for a half an hour . But you know what ? It s going to be great .
Jax : Yeah , sounds romantic .
Lucky : Sam has been keeping something from me , something she intended on keeping .
Elizabeth : And this is between you and Sam .
Lucky : You and I are supposed to be working together as Jake s parents . I m pretending to be that little boy s father to protect him from Jason s enemies , but it does nt end there if you believe that Sam could be a danger to them !
Elizabeth : Oh , I was angry when I said those words --
Lucky : So you did nt mean it ? Sam can watch the boys and you re fine with it ?
Elizabeth : I never liked Sam , I never trusted her . She used you as a way to get back at me and Jason .
Lucky : I let her , but things change .
Elizabeth : A person does nt change . Come on , did you think that you would ever really be able to trust her ?
Lucky : Are you ever really going to trust me ?
Elizabeth : What ?
Lucky : Well , if a person does nt change , I ll always be a lying pill popper in your eyes .
Elizabeth : This is different --
Lucky : No , how is it different ? What did Sam do that s got you so worried , so sure that it s going to send me over the edge , diving back into a bottle of pills ?
Elizabeth : I do nt --
Lucky : Stop protecting me ! Just tell me the truth .
Sam : We are both drawn to dangerous and very unstable men .
Alexis : I m so sorry .
Sam : Whether it s an impulse to protect them , or whether we re trying desperately to blow up our own lives , I just -- yeah , we have issues .
Alexis : Really ? You think ? Issues ?
Sam : Yeah , I think , because when I walked in here , it looked like Jerry Jacks was trying to make out with you .
Alexis : All right , that s not what -- no .
Sam : And this is a guy who shot Robin Scorpio , blew up the Metro Court , and -- whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , wait a minute . Before that , there was Ric , and then before that , there was -- ugh --
Alexis : Sonny .
Sam : Sonny , yes .
Alexis : All right .
Sam : Yes , and -- and I think that -- hello -- talk about being like your mother ?
Alexis : All right , that s it , go to your room .
Sam : I m just -- come on , I am just saying when -- when I was with Jason , it was always sort of a matter of survival . You know , we were always in this constant state of , like , red alert . But Lucky -- Lucky -- you know , there s absolutely -- there s nothing going on in -- in the background . And when he s with me , he s with me , and I can tell that he s thinking and -- and feeling me . And -- I -- I guess I just -- I want to be more real with him , and that is so strange and --
Alexis : Sad ?
Sam : Uh -- no .
Alexis : Stressful ?
Sam : Uh - uh .
Alexis : Scary ?
Sam : Scary -- yes , scary .
Alexis : Because you re being honest , it is scary , but do it . Tell him . Whatever -- whatever it is , just tell him . It s better that it comes from you .
Sam : I do nt know about that because I really think my lies have hurt him enough already .
Alexis : Then the truth will be a refreshing change .
Sam : Well --
Sam : Hmm -- I ll get it .
Sam : It s Kate . Hello .
Kate : Oh , hi . I was actually looking for your mother .
Alexis : I m here , Kate . How are you ?
Kate : Perhaps I should come back another time .
Sam : No , no , no , no , do nt . I was -- I was just leaving . Um -- I m going to leave . I got some really good advice . I m going to take it before I chicken out , okay ?
Alexis : All right , good luck .
Sam : Here .
Kate : Thank you .
Sam : You might need that .
Kate : Good luck .
Sam : Thanks .
Alexis : Well , welcome . Come on in . What s going on with you ?
Kate : Sonny .
Jason : Johnny stayed behind and he blew up the ship , Sonny . It was a Zacchara ship . He sent it to the bottom of the harbor , along with the cargo .
Sonny : Which proves what I ve been saying all long- the guy s -- he s out of control !
Jason : He s out of Trevor s control , or at least he s trying to be right now .
Sonny : Come on , Jason , let s talk -- let s talk here .
Jason : They tried to force Johnny into going along with the shipment by kidnapping Lulu ! This guy , Moreau , may have made the order , but -- but Trevor is going along with it the whole time . Trevor wants Johnny in line ; he wants Moreau as a partner so he s strong enough to come after us .
Sonny : So Johnny s a hero now ?
Jason : No , that s not what --
Sonny : You ve been making excuses for this guy for months , giving him a free pass , after he threatened me in my face , tried to have me killed --
Jason : If I thought Johnny was behind that , do nt you think --
Sonny : I do nt want you to think , just -- I pay you to do what I tell you to do ! We ve had this argument how many times already ?
Jason : Yeah , you pay me to keep you informed when you re away of what s going on , and that s l I m trying to do right now .
Sonny : The Zaccharas are -- are making alliances , right , to gear up for a war ? Did I get that right ?
Jason : Yes , correct --
Sonny : If you want to kill the beast , you got to cut off its head ! Johnny is head of the Zacchara family right now ; he s going to end up just like his father , so I m going to do him a favor . I m going to stop him .
Jason : You should probably --
Sonny : Hey ! I m not done !
Jason : You should be worrying about your own son right now .
Patrick : You re pregnant ?
Robin : Sorry , I did nt mean to blurt it out like that .
Patrick : No . Well , congratulations .
Robin : Thank you .
Patrick : I mean , I know how much you wanted this , so it s --
Robin : Yeah -- about as much as you did nt .
Patrick : A baby -- wow .
Robin : Yeah . You know , after all the arguing and worrying about it and wondering , it s -- it s finally real .
Patrick : Why did nt you tell me ?
Robin : I wanted to tell you that I was pregnant . I imagined that conversation -- how you would react , of course .
Patrick : I know why you did nt -- it s obvious with the way I just went off on you . Why would you invite the commentary of a guy who ca nt deal with kids , let alone the thought of having his own ? I know how much this means to you . Everything s -- well , everything s different now . You got the life you wanted , the life you dreamed of , so I want you to know how -- I m happy for you . So --
Kelly : You told Patrick ?
Ian : Tell him what ?
Patrick : Uh -- Robin s pregnant .
Epiphany : Well , Dr. Scorpio . Congratulations .
Cassius : My man , Dr. Drake -- finally out of circulation , I see .
Patrick : What ?
Cassius : I -- I mean , now that you re a dad ?
Kate : I m at an impasse with Sonny , and I could really use some advice and I do nt know who else to turn to and -- well , you do have a kid with him .
Alexis : Does nt make me an authority , just someone with chronically bad judgment in men . But I will give you the benefit of my experience , such as it is .
Kate : Sonny came to Manhattan . He proposed to me .
Alexis : Busy here today .
Kate : Oh .
Diane : Madam D.A. , I am here representing Ronald Paulson , and you do nt stand a chance in hell .
Diane and Alexis : Hi !
Diane : How about a drink ? Kate ? Well , you re supposed to be in Manhattan . Is this a short visit ?
Kate : Uh -- it s a long story .
Alexis : Involves Sonny .
Diane : Oh , now I definitely need a drink .
Alexis : He proposed .
Diane : Make it a double .
Jason : You left a loaded gun in your desk .
Sonny : Oh --
Jason : And the drawer was unlocked and it was -- it was dumb luck that I walked in and I caught Michael with it .
Sonny : What d he say ?
Jason : He -- he said that he wanted to protect his mother and his brother from the guy who killed Leticia and Emily -- the way you and I protect people .
Sonny : Did you tell him that it s not for him to worry about ?
Jason : Michael is too old now for simple answers , Sonny . He s got kids at school saying that you should be arrested or worse . You know what s going to happen ? They re going to be afraid of Michael , or they re going to start challenging him . Either way , he needs to be prepared .
Sonny : I want to prepare him for something different , something better , not -- not -- you know .
Jason : That s what I told him .
Sonny : What do you think that this life was -- that I gave him was about ? I do nt want him to get his education from some thug in an alley like I did .
Jason : You ca nt shield him from this life anymore , Sonny . You knew this day would come .
Sonny : And you think it s not going to come for you because you walked away from your kid ?
Lucky : Lucky might break , Lucky is one piece of bad news away from trying to drown himself in a bottle of pain pills -- that was your excuse for lying to me every day , letting me believe that Jake was my son .
Elizabeth : I was worried about you -- with good reason .
Lucky : Stop hiding behind that ! Stop treating me like I m damaged goods !
Elizabeth : That s not what I m doing .
Lucky : Emily was strangled to death by somebody that I worked with , my brother has an inoperable brain tumor , my father could be lying dead in a ditch somewhere -- all the great excuses for relapse , Elizabeth , but I have nt ! I just want to know why you re holding back . Why wo nt you tell me the truth ?
Elizabeth : Because you re happy . And as much as I ca nt stand Sam -- what she did was in the past , maybe you should leave it there .
Kate : So Sonny is down on one knee , and he s looking up at me and he has his heart in his hands . And I m looking down into those eyes --
Diane : Yes , those deep , soulful eyes in which many a woman has been lost , never to be seen again .
Alexis : All right , what did you say ?
Kate : I ran .
Diane : Yes ! You did not succumb . Well , of course you did nt -- you re Kate Howard .
Kate : I hurt him terribly .
Diane : Even -- just forgive me for even having doubts .
Kate : Well , I have doubts . But I want to be with him , and that is why I m here .
Diane : For an intervention ?
Alexis : For advice , Diane .
Kate : Ladies , I love him . And I do nt know if there s a way to salvage things , but --
Diane : You ran . You need to listen to that first instinct .
Alexis : Why did you run ?
Kate : Sonny s not in love with me , he s in love with an idea of someone that -- he wants me to be , somebody I m not anymore .
Alexis : Is that such a bad thing , really , that he brought out this other side of you , this -- this side that you lost during your climb to the top ? Boy , I can remember what I was like before I used my career to compensate for potential pain .
Diane : Okay , all right , that woman that you used to be -- that s a woman that I would nt have any interest associating with . The things that we have accomplished , the fact that we have had to work twice as hard as any man to achieve them -- that s what makes us who we are . And the notion of just throwing that all away for a man , becoming domesticated ? Oh --
Alexis : I was thinking more of a middle ground .
Diane : Oh , okay . So , then , what does Sonny have to give up ?
Kate : Oh , no , he claims he s the same person he s always been .
Diane : Right -- and that s my point exactly . If you go through with this madness , you have to do it solely on your terms . Because no matter what Sonny says , Kate , the woman who had to overcome every obstacle to sit on top of the fashion world -- that is the woman that Sonny wants , that s what attracts him . Not some hausfrau in sweatpants .
Kate : Finger painting .
Diane : What ?
Kate : Michael and Morgan we over at my house and I -- I had nothing to occupy them with , and I turned to finger painting out of desperation and it was the most fun I ve had in years .
Alexis : Good , good . Fun is good , fun is a good thing . Sonny s kids are so important to him -- that s a good place to start .
Kate : All right . Thank you , ladies --
Alexis : Okay .
Kate : Both of you .
Alexis : It s the least we could do --
Diane : After how generous you ve been . Oh .
Kate : Oh , my , I completely forgot -- Woman Litigator of the Year .
Diane : Yes , well -- well , you know how meaningless those awards are .
Alexis : It was really -- it was so political .
Diane : Right . Yeah .
Kate : Oh , I see . All right . Well , I m sure that you both made quite an impression in your Neela Llorente originals .
Diane : Yes , well -- uh -- about the dresses --
Kate : You did wear them ?
Alexis : Yes , yes -- after our car ran out of gas and we slogged through the wilds of New Jersey .
Diane : And we had to escape from a bar full of tailgate people .
Alexis : But we wore the dresses , we did .
Jax : Oh .
Jax : Wow .
Carly : Oh !
Jax : Ooh --
Carly : What ? You say it s your favorite . It ll settle , it ll settle . Is that better ?
Jax : Um --
Carly : You say it drives you crazy with desire .
Jax : No , you just -- here , you have a little mascara mishap right there .
Carly : Oh .
Jax : There we go .
Carly : Is it better ?
Jax : Yes , all better . Come on , let s go upstairs .
Carly : What , upstairs ? Come on .
Jax : What ?
Carly : Who needs a bed ?
Jax : Oh -- hey --
Carly : Hi .
Jax : Hi . You know , I ca nt do this .
Patrick : No , I m -- I m not the father .
Robin : No . No , I --
Cassius : My bad . I -- I thought because of the way you guys were hugging that --
Patrick : No , no , we were just -- I was -- I was congratulating her .
Robin : Yeah , and everybody knows at the hospital that Patrick and I are no longer together , and that I had a list of donors because I really wanted to get pregnant -- some of those people actually worked at this hospital -- but , you know , I was turned down , and I eventually went to a sperm bank .
Ian : Frankly , I m appalled .
Epiphany : That is completely unprofessional . This is a hospital , people !
Ian : I mean , that not one man on staff took Dr. Scorpio up on her offer ?
Patrick : Would you want your kid running around here ?
Ian : Ah -- the look of sheer terror that flashed across your face .
Patrick : Well , it s still a sore subject with Robin and I -- we broke up because of this whole baby thing . So -- anyways , how was your -- how was your dinner with Nurse Mir ?
Ian : Ahem . Intriguing .
Kelly : You did nt end up getting a donor from a sperm bank , you had sex with some guy and the --
Robin : I -- I know . I did nt want to announce that to the entire staff . Plus , I do nt really want Patrick to know , ever .
Kelly : Why not ?
Robin : Because he s going to try and find out who the guy is and --
Kelly : Fine .
Sam : Hi , Lucky . Um -- it s me . I -- um -- I guess I -- I just wanted to hear your voice -- I do nt know -- maybe -- maybe just to talk . Anyway , I hope you re having a good day , and , um , I wanted to let you know that when you get home , I have a little surprise for you .
Lucky : You think I should pretend I never heard you and Sam arguing , let things go on the way they are ?
Elizabeth : For now .
Lucky : Go on living another lie ? I appreciate that you want to make up for the past , but this is nt the way . I think we both learned that it can only make things worse the longer the lie goes on .
Elizabeth : It happened before things had changed between you and Sam , when she was still desperate to hang on to Jason . She knew I had given him the child she could nt , and it was killing her inside . The day in the park , when Jake was kidnapped --
Lucky : What did Sam do ?
Elizabeth : Nothing .
Lucky : What did she do ?
Elizabeth : After Sam and I spoke , she did nt leave the park right away . She was there when it happened . In fact , she watched a mentally unstable woman reach into the stroller and take Jake . She saw me turn around from tying Cameron s shoe and find Jake gone . She heard me screaming , she saw me coming apart at the seams , and yet she just stood there and watched -- and did nothing .
Lucky : Thank you .
Elizabeth : Wait -- you might as well know --
Lucky : There s more ?
Elizabeth : You know those gunmen in the park that threatened me and the boys -- the ones claiming to be Jason s enemies ?
Lucky : Yeah , the ones Sam chased off .
Elizabeth : Well , it was no accident that Sam showed up when she did . She hired them , Lucky -- to drive home how dangerous it would be for Jake to be a part of Jason s life . She did not want Jason claiming his son . Lucky -- Lucky , what are you going to do ?
Jason : Nothing to do with my decision to give up Jake .
Sonny : Why do you say that ? I can hear it in your voice -- you re judging me .
Jason : This is not judgment , it s worry -- for Michael , Sonny , who I think of like a son , and for you . I mean , maybe you just need to step back and deal with this personal stuff and take a little break .
Sonny : I m fine .
Jason : You re fine ? You ask Kate to marry you , she said no , and you disappeared .
Sonny : How do you know that ?
Jason : Kate came looking for you -- and , of course , Carly was here when she got here .
Sonny : Ah ! Well , I guess she s headed back to Manhattan , right ?
Kate : I have nt gone anywhere .
Kate : Well . This part of you has nt changed -- the way that you can shut down , disengage . When we were kids , it used to confuse me and anger me , but at least now I know why you did it -- so you could nt be hurt by your stepfather .
Sonny : I -- I do nt want to --
Kate : Or anyone else , Sonny . I know the need to make yourself feel numb , to make yourself feel dead inside .
Boy : Yo , you looking to party ?
Lucky : What ?
Boy : I got all kinds of pills , bro -- you know , whatever floats your boat . You know , some uppers , some downers -- yo , man , what the hell ? What are you doing ?
Lucky : You think you re the candy man , huh ? Well , guess what -- I got two kids , and I can think of a whole lot of words to call you .
Boy : What are you going to do , man ?
Lucky : You do nt want to find out . Get out of here -- get out of here , your party s over !
Carly : Okay , I m sorry if I was coming on too strong .
Jax : No --
Carly : But I miss you , I have nt seen you in so long , and I m ovulating and you re freaking me out -- please do nt bail on me .
Jax : No , no , no , I m not bailing on you . I just -- I -- I d like to participate .
Carly : Oh ! Okay ! Here you go . Take me , I m yours .
Jax : Um -- I have my own ideas about this . I just --
Carly : Great ! I would love to hear them . What do you have in there -- handcuffs ?
Jax : No , it s a fertility icon . There s a -- there s a story behind this . Ahem -- according to the Hawaiians , legend has it that this woman , who has suffered through a -- she suffered through a great war , and she lost faith in the world and herself , until she met this -- this healer . She could nt conceive until she met him , and -- and he restored her trust , right ? I mean , this is -- this is a growing alternative in this -- in this sci - fi fertility technology age that we re going through . I mean , there s actually documented cases of this . This really works .
Carly : Okay . Well , am I supposed to wear it while we re having sex ?
Jax : No , no , no , no , no , no , no . Faith alone is nt enough . No , no . There -- there are rituals .
Carly : Oh . What kind of rituals ?
Jax : First , you have to -- your entire body gets covered in this warm poultice . Okay ?
Carly : That does nt sound so bad .
Jax : Right , it s -- it s made of herbs and a -- a part of a goat .
Carly : Well , what part of the goat ?
Jax : I do nt know -- it s not -- it s not really important .
Carly : It s important to the goat .
Jax : No , no , no , it s not -- it s not important . Um -- you have to lie in a dark room with just one candle lit . And you have a bunch of palm leaves , and then you take the palm leaves , and you lash yourself .
Carly : I lash myself ? Is nt that a bit barbaric ?
Jax : Not compared to artificial insemination . I mean , think about that . There s actually documented proof of this , you know ? It stimulates circulation , and -- and it brings up -- um -- pheromone -- pheromone levels .
Carly : Okay , so I -- I lie there and I smear poultice all over my body while I beat myself with palm fronds --
Jax : While reciting an ancient prayer -- that s the most important part . Then you lie there . I come into the room , right ?
Carly : Right
Jax : This -- this is important . When I come into the room , you say , oh -- you have to really project -- oh , big Kahuna of fertility , come take me , your -- your goat - smelly super mama !
Carly : Okay !
Carly : That s not funny ! You re making fun of me ! I mean , is this stupid thing even a fertility icon anyway ?
Jax : Yeah , that actually is a fertility icon , yeah -- and it worked , see ? Now we re all relaxed , we re having fun , we re laughing . Come on , that was the whole point . Let the ancestors worry about your fertility , and we ll just -- we ll just concentrate on each other , okay ? Let s concentrate on loving each other .
Kate : Running away has become second nature to me , Sonny , for reasons that run a lot deeper than preserving the image of Kate Howard .
Sonny : What reasons ? I want to hear them .
Kate : Sonny , look , if I wanted -- that was all I wanted , I -- I would ve run away a long time ago -- when I first got fired from Couture , and I would nt be here again , trying to find a way to break through this impenetrable wall that you re putting up . I would nt be here trying to find common ground for us to start again , and I think -- I think I have a way .
Lucky : You were there the whole time ? Watching , wondering what I would do ? Wondering if I d take those pills , wondering if you could trust me to be with Jake . You know , I d like to swear I d never take another pill , but that s a dangerous road for a recovering drug addict . But you could be with the person day in , day out , look them in the eye , into the heart , think you d know them and be dead wrong . But I do nt have to tell you that .
Alexis : Kate will be fine .
Diane : Did we give her anything even resembling good advice ?
Alexis : I did , you did nt .
Diane : Thank you .
Alexis : But , really , what advice can you give regarding Sonny ?
Diane : None -- run ! Her first instinct was correct . Because of her relationship with Sonny , she lost a career that she worked all her life for , stature few women ever achieve .
Alexis : Clearly , that was nt enough .
Diane : Oh , please . Alexis , women like us do nt need the love of a good man to complete us .
Alexis : We do nt ?
Diane : No ! We need a nice , soft pillow , a good steak , and a glass of wine .
Alexis : And sex .
Diane : Well , you need that .
Alexis : Lots of sex .
Diane : Yeah .
Alexis : What were we talking about ?
Diane : Kate .
Alexis : Ah , Kate .
Diane : She s so nice .
Alexis : Could Kate be the one ?
Diane : The one to finally tame Sonny ?
Sonny : What common ground are you talking about ?
Kate : Your children -- in particular , your boys , since you share custody with them .
Sonny : What about them ?
Kate : Sonny , when I think about the complications of being in your life , I think about your kids -- and what a wonderful job you ve done with them . I mean , we all know that I -- I think they can be a little rambunctious , but they are good boys . It is so clear that they are loved , and that comes from you . They re a reflection of the best in you .
Sonny : They already have a mother .
Kate : Sonny , by no means was I suggesting that I would try to take Carly s place .
Sonny : You could nt because you re a phony , and I would nt want my children anywhere near you .
Carly : Have I ever told you that you re a very , very smart man ?
Jax : Well , not enough .
Carly : No ? You re right -- sometimes you just have to let go .
Jax : Yeah .
Singer : Another day dawns curtains drawn and I hate the loneliness I do nt want to wake up without you and feel it how could I give my heart away all over when you ve taken everything that s left in me that I had to give ? Never said it s over when you disappear
Singers : Oh - oh - oh yeah , yeah
Singer : All through the night alone in my sleep have I kept with regret you in my dreams ? All through the night alone in my sleep and I wish I could let you go but it s frightening that I ca nt live if I do nt
Singers : Oh - oh - oh
Singer : I ca nt live if I do nt another day , brood darkness bloomed and my tears stain the sink can I pretend this is nt how it will always be ? How can I give my heart away all over when you ve taken everything that s left in me that I had to give ? Never said it s over when you disappear
Singers : Oh - oh - oh yeah , yeah
Singer : All through the night
Kate : Sonny , why are you doing this ?
Sonny : So you get the message this time . Get on a plane ; go back to Manhattan , to your phony life , your phony friends , because that s where you belong . And stay the hell out of my life !
Singer : It s frightening I ca nt live if I do nt
Singers : Oh - oh - oh
Singer : I ca nt live if I do nt another day dawns and I do nt want to get up
Luke : I m home !
Monica : Not anymore , you re not .
Sam : I was getting worried . Where have you been ?
Jason : I m not sure that Cooper was really the text message killer .
Bartender : The lady would like to buy you a drink .
### Summary:
| When Jax comes home , he finds Carly gung ho to get pregnant . Kate drops in on Diane and Alexis to tell them about the latest with Sonny and asks about their award dinner . Both are distinctly disconcerted and have to confess to losing and that they wore their dressed , which had been on an adventure with them . She then visits Sonny who bans her from being near his boys . Robin denies Patrick is the father of her child when everyone overhears the news . Jason lets Sonny know Michael is a bigger concern than the Zacchara / Monroe situation . Lucky blows up at Liz after she refuses to tell him what Sam did . She finally admits that Sam watched Jake get kidnapped and set up the attack on her and the boys . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lily : I m trying to stay strong , but I do nt know how I m gon na get through this .
Charlie : Let s make a deal . I ll go to school if you visit my mom .
Summer : Kyle . Kyle ?
Nick : Full immunity .
Brittany : You wo nt be prosecuted for anything you tell detective rosales .
Nick : I have nt seen or talked to J.T. Since he left town in april . I was nt helping him . I was nt working with him . I was J.T.
Mariah : If anybody can identify this man , please go to our website .
Victor : What is this all about ?
Abby : She s helping me I.D. The man in the photo . Uncle jack thinks it may be his father .
Victor : Thank you .
Nikki : Is everything all right ?
Victor : Yes , my sweetheart . But you should finish eating that wonderful meal .
Nikki : Why do you look --
Victor : You need to keep up your strength .
Nikki : Darling --
Victor : What ?
Nikki : ... You look like you ve just seen a ghost .
Victor : Oh , no , no , no . Just business .
Nikki : No , do nt give me that . You went and spoke to abby before she left , and now you re acting very strangely . What is going on ?
Victor : I ca nt keep a damn thing from you , now , can I ? Hmm ? So , what do you know about jack abbott looking for his real father ?
Cane : Mattie ! Charlie ! Come on , let s go ! We got to hit the road .
Mattie : Ready when you are .
Summer : Thank you . Oh ! Wai-- no , no , no . Hey . You re so busy avoiding me that you re gon na skip coffee ?
Kyle : Forgot to pay my parking meter .
Summer : Oh , no . Do nt even . You re busted .
Rey : Where s your attorney ?
Nick : Britt had business in new york , so I told her to go . She already secured my immunity . So I get to talk to you directly . One - on - one .
Kyle : You can tone down the surveillance . I m not going to run away .
Summer : Oh , you mean like this morning ? Right . Yeah , I ve heard of early checkout , but pre - sunrise is pushing it .
Kyle : I had work stuff . Did nt want to disturb your sleep .
Summer : Okay , kyle , I do nt like being in debt . Not to my credit cards , and not to you .
Kyle : Then stop maxing them out . And do nt make any more wagers with me . Problem solved .
Summer : Okay . It will be , once we settle the score and move on . My condo , your pool house , the mattress department at fenmore s right after closing . I do nt care . Take your pick . While we re in our 20s , please , because any older and it becomes tragic . Additional sponsorship
Mattie : No , I do nt usually make my own clothes . But in this case , I want to be a walking reminder , protesting the injustice of mom being locked up over an accident .
Cane : Okay . Uh ... well , it s admirable , but I have a feeling that that shirt may just kind of make things worse for your mom .
Mattie : Worse than being in prison ?
Cane : Yeah , cause , uh , she pled guilty , and she got way less than the maximum sentence , and there are few inmates that get to have the advantages she s had and will continue to have when she s released . You see what I m saying ?
Mattie : So you think the shirt will antagonize the other prisoners .
Cane : Probably . And their families and the staff and ...
Mattie : Well , I do nt want to make her time in there worse than it already is .
Cane : It s okay . There s no harm done . Uh , go get changed , all right ? And can you tell your brother that we need to leave ?
Mattie : Uh , yeah . I texted him , and he s not here .
Charlie : Hey , uncle devon .
Devon : Hey , charlie . What s going on , man ? Dad , mattie and i are gon na go visit mom . Come with us .
Devon : I have meetings all throughout the day .
Charlie : Hey , we had a deal . You said you d visit if I go to school .
Devon : Charlie , you suggested a deal , and I did nt agree to anything .
Charlie : Well , you did nt say no , either .
Devon : Okay . Listen . You have to go to school regardless of what I do . You understand that ? You do nt have a choice . And if you keep skipping , I m not gon na keep it to myself .
Charlie : My whole life , I was told family is most important . By mom , dad , grandpa , and you . But it s only when it s convenient , I guess .
Devon : Charlie , it s not like that , man .
Nick : You know , you picked a hell of a time to slap some cuffs on me . The launch of my new company .
Rey : Yeah , well , it was a necessary move .
Nick : Right .
Rey : I m serious . I needed to find out who I could trust .
Nick : And ?
Rey : So far , everything you ve told me about you and hellstrom checks out . Right down to the guy you had create that latex mask .
Nick : I have nothing to hide . From you or anyone . What J.T. Did was despicable . But I needed a way to get back at my dad , so I was able to use what J.T. Did to milk something positive out of a lot of heartache .
Rey : Dark horse .
Nick : I never colluded with J.T. There was no J.T. It was me the whole time , acting alone . And as far as I know , the last time J.T. Was in genoa city was the night he showed up at my sister s house , and she sent him on his way . So is there anything else you need from me ?
Rey : I need to buy you a beer .
Nikki : [ Chuckles ] Yeah . It s too soon .
Rey : To say congratulations . Much respect . The way you ... faced off against your old man . I should have done the same thing years ago . On a slightly lower budget .
Nick : Me and my dad have had a pretty complicated relationship the past 20 years or so . Took me this long to make a stand .
Rey : Shrewd as it was , your masquerade probably sent the hunt for the real slimebag off the rails .
Nick : Well , I hope you get it straight . Because J.T. Needs to pay for what he s done to my family .
Rey : I could nt agree more .
Nikki : Every road that jack has been down looking for the truth has turned into a dead end . And he was hoping that dina could help him , but , you know , her memory started failing long ago .
Victor : So now he s going it alone ?
Nikki : He says that he has the support of kyle and neil . And , of course , abby has been there from the start . I have to say , I m not sure why you care . I hope you re not planning on using it against him .
Victor : Sweetheart , of course not . No . I mean , if he and I could have a civil conversation , I would tell him to stop looking for his real father . It s nonsense . Old history . Let bygones be bygones .
Nikki : Well , why do you say that ? Did you know something about his father ?
Victor : No . Why would I ? So . [ Slaps table ] What I m gon na do now ...
Nikki : What ? Where are you going now ?
Victor : Oh , I saw some wonderful desserts , and I m gon na get you a piece .
Nikki : Okay . Well , uh ...
Victor : What ?
Nikki : ... This little conversation is not over yet .
Victor : [ Chuckles ] Okay , sweetheart . Be patient . I ll get you a wonderful dessert .
Nikki : Thank you .
Mariah : Hey . Any word on nick ?
Sharon : Brittany called from the airport with good news . The police have accepted that nick did nt collude with J.T. He acted alone .
Mariah : Great . So they re not pressing charges ?
Sharon : Apparently not .
Mariah : Well , awesome . Then all the cops managed to do was ruin the dark horse launch party . It could have been much worse .
Sharon : I d feel more like celebrating if rey rosales had nt been the one leading the charge .
Mariah : And deceiving people for weeks .
Sharon : Well , he s dedicated . And he s one of the good guys , so I guess I ca nt totally hate him .
Mariah : Or trust him .
Sharon : Hey , forget rey . I saw your live show today , and you rocked it , as always . I m so proud of you , anchoring gc buzz .
Mariah : Thank you . Hilary taught me well .
Sharon : And you are talented enough to carry on what she started , and do it your own way .
Mariah : Hey , have you seen tessa ? I wanted to say goodbye before me and my crew ship off to madison .
Sharon : Oh , that s today ? How exciting ! It s your first on - the - road assignment .
Mariah : I know ! I hope we get some good material .
Sharon : I m sure you will .
Mariah : [ Laughs ]
Sharon : Tessa will be in soon . How have things been with her the past few days ?
Mariah : Uh , hugely improved , actually . She said the l word . To me .
Sharon : Oh . Fantastic . Really .
Mariah : But you re still worried .
Sharon : About you and your heart , as any mother would be . You know what , I do nt want to be negative , so as long as you re careful .
Mariah : I promise .
Sharon : Hey !
Nick : I guess you heard from brittany .
Sharon : Yes . Um ... how do you feel ? You re in the clear !
Nick : Well , pretty damn good .
Sharon : Well , it s too bad your big launch party was suddenly interrupted , but we ll have a redo . And it ll be a lot smaller scale . The only two people invited will be you and me .
Nick : Ah , you read my mind .
Sharon : [ Giggles ]
Summer : How lame were we last night ? I mean , you must be mortified that you fell asleep before we could even seal the deal . You know what I reckon ? That you were faking it so you could skip out on collecting . Sex , from me , to be precise . And just out of curiosity , what did I do that made you bolt like that ?
Kyle : Nothing , okay ? It s not about that .
Summer : Okay , so what is it , then ?
Kyle : It was feeling so ... you know , heartless and disposable . Mechanical . Like just signing over the pink slip of my car to you .
Summer : All right , well , what did you expect , really ?
Kyle : I do nt know . Just ... not total emptiness .
Summer : As opposed to ... ? [ Laughs ] What ? The notebook ? Twilight ? 50 shades of --
Kyle : Let s just drop it .
Summer : Unlike the torch that you re still carrying for me .
Kyle : Yes . Exactly . There . I said it .
Summer : Okay , I mean , I just thought that this was gon na be a little fun , naughty , stupid game .
Kyle : Yeah , that s what I thought , too . Turns out you mean way more to me than a one - night fling to pay off some insipid bet .
Cane : [ Sighs ]
Mattie : You have nt heard from charlie , either ?
Cane : No . Either his phone s off or he does nt want to talk to me . Either way , we have to go , cause I do nt want your mom to think we let her down cause your brother ca nt be bothered being here on time . Come on .
Charlie : Hey . I m here .
Mattie : Looks like he could be , after all .
Charlie : Sorry . My phone died . I got here as fast as I could .
Cane : Where were you ? We re gon na miss visiting hours , dude .
Charlie : Yeah , I had to go back to school . I forgot to turn something in . All right . I ll be in the car . Come on .
Mattie : All righty . We ll meet you there . You forgot to turn something in ? Hmm . Well , uh , how did you have homework if you have nt been to any of your classes ? You know , we go to the same school . In theory . Your teachers and your friends have been asking me what your problem is , charlie .
Charlie : And you do nt lie , so they ll believe anything you tell them .
Mattie : Okay . I guess that s the same as a thank you . You re welcome . But do you really think mom and dad need to hear about you dropping out of the 12th grade right now ?
Charlie : No , they donT. Okay ? So do nt tell them . Let s go .
Victor : Thank you for letting me know . All right . Appreciate it . Well , my darling , that was to inform me that our son nicholas has been released from police custody .
Nikki : Oh , thank god . For now , anyway . What are they charging him with ?
Victor : Nothing , apparently .
Nikki : Really ?
Victor : Mm .
Nikki : Well , before i bring up the topic that you are trying to avoid , let me remind you of our new marital mandate .
Victor : Which is ?
Nikki : That we are a team of equals , ready to help deal with whatever needs to be dealt with . You know , I could see in your eyes how disturbed you were about something connected to jack s hunt for his real father . Discussing it with me ca nt hurt .
Victor : Futile to try to keep it from you . Truth be known , I was rather upset about being reminded of my father . That cruel and spineless and cold bastard .
Lily : Guys .
Cane : Yeah . Missed you .
Lily : I m so happy that you re back so soon .
Cane : Yeah . And , uh , I spoke to your dad . He s gon na be back in town next week .
Lily : Good . So , sofia s okay ?
Cane : Yeah . She s getting released from the hospital on saturday .
Lily : [ Sighs ] Thank god . After everything that we ve been through ... [ Sighs ] Well , I want to hear about you guys . How s senior year ? Tell me the full scoop .
Mattie : I can already tell junior year was much more demanding . For both of us .
Charlie : Yeah . There s gon na be a lot more time for electives .
Lily : Good . I m glad to hear that . Well , I know you guys are good kids , and you care about your classes and your schoolwork , but try to have fun , too , okay ?
Cane : Well , uh , mattie is making new friends at the university law - school library cause her faculty advisor got her in .
Lily : Wait , the law library ?
Mattie : Yeah . I did nt want to say anything until I had done more research , but I want you out of here in way less than 12 months . There s precedent right here in walworth county . Victor newman got his sentence commuted , and he committed willful felonies , not accidental ones .
Lily : Yeah . I - I mean , it is possible that I could get an early release . But I m not expecting it . So unless I hear otherwise , I m just planning to be here for the duration .
Charlie : That s just -- that s too long . You know , it s not safe here .
Lily : [ Scoffs ] Charlie , look at me . I m not being mistreated . I am safe .
Charlie : For how long ? You should be in protective custody , where no one can hurt you . And I checked . They do that here . Mattie ? Dad ? I mean ... tell her I m right .
Rey : Mm ? I m sure your super - sincere apology face works wonders on most women , but spare me . Oh , and our free coffee for a month special , it ended early . It s too bad . So sad .
Rey : [ Sighs ] That s okay . Coffee is worth paying for . How much to fill this up ?
Sharon : $ 4.50 .
Rey : I ll tell you what . I ll give you ... $ 5 for the coffee and $ 5 for the tip jar .
Sharon : I m sure the baristas will appreciate that . You know , maybe they ll want to be your friend . I take it you do nt have very many .
Rey : I work too hard to have a social life .
Sharon : Convincing people that you re a nice guy . How rewarding .
Rey : I am a nice guy . With A ... not - so - nice job sometimes .
Sharon : Is that your excuse ?
Rey : You know , this , uh , reaction that you re having , I am familiar with it . Although seeing it on you is making me feel worse than usual .
Sharon : It should .
Rey : Did you talk to nick ?
Sharon : What do you think ?
Rey : I was hoping , since I settled everything that I needed to with him , that the three of us could start over ? I mean , we re all on the same side now , do nt you think ?
Sharon : Of course we are . I work with the police at the crisis hotline . I have nothing but respect for cops . Unless they prove to me that they ca nt be trusted . The young and the restless will continue .
Nikki : As horrible as your childhood was , no one can ever say you did nt survive it .
Victor : You ve got that right .
Nikki : Yes , your father certainly took more than he gave . And his abandonment and neglect , that forged the drive that was in your eyes the day I met you . And it s still there .
Victor : Yeah .
Nikki : Of course , that does nt excuse anybody for being a dreadful parent .
Victor : No . As a boy , I tried very hard never to think about him . But to know that my father was a man who left his family destitute , abandoned us ... the thought is sickening .
Nikki : Is that what hit you so hard about jack ? You still have that burning wish that anybody other than albert miller was your father ?
Victor : Well , I ve dealt with that decades ago . But this is different .
Nikki : What did abby say to you ?
Victor : Well , she had given mariah a photo for gc buzz . And that photo was put on the screen , and they asked the viewers to identify the mysterious man in the background of an old picture from the genoa city country club . And little did abby realize that she was looking at a picture of her own grandfather .
Nikki : What , you mean albert miller ?
Victor : Yeah .
Nikki : Are you sure it was him ?
Victor : [ Scoffing ] Yeah . I will never forget that face . So , why do you think abby was interested in trying to identify that man ?
Nikki : Trying to help her uncle jack . Oh , my god . If -- if it is albert miller ...
Victor : He may have been one of dina s gentleman friends from the country club that she cavorted with while she was married to john abbott .
Nikki : Oh ... my god . If it s true ... if it is him ... that would make jack your half - brother .
Victor : [ Laughs ] Oh , my goodness .
Kyle : So ... what ? Ca nt even talk to me anymore ?
Summer : [ Sighs ] I do nt know . I guess I m still stunned that you ... feel that way .
Kyle : [ Sighs ]
Tessa : Hi , guys . Do you need refills ?
Kyle : [ Sighs ]
Tessa : Did you guys take , like , a vow of silence together ? It s kind of weird . But adorable . Although , while I was away , I did miss you guys flirt - fighting .
Kyle : [ Quietly ] I think I was -- Summe she s gone . Can you speak up ?
Kyle : For a long time , I was in denial about how I felt . Then , after you moved back , it seemed best to keep that up . Cause I knew where you stood on the whole us thing . That there was no us . And you still feel that way , so this is a pointless detour . I should get back to jabot .
Summer : No . Wait . Look , it s only fair that i tell you that I m not proud of how i ended things with you , to be with luca . It was the worst choice ever .
Kyle : [ Sighs ]
Summer : And my feelings about you have nt changed , either . I love you , kyle . Like a brother .
Mariah : Ah .
Tessa : Hi ! Time to go ?
Mariah : Yes . The luxury suv that devon rented is packed . Luggage , crew , equipment . We are ready to go .
Tessa : Are you excited ?
Mariah : Actually , I m kind of terrified that I m gon na bomb my first solo on- location .
Tessa : Mnh - mnh . That s not gon na happen . But me missing you will .
Mariah : I will be back tomorrow night . You re hardly gon na notice that I m gone .
Tessa : Sorry , what ?
Mariah : [ Snorts ] I mean I ll miss you , too .
Mariah : Okay .
Sharon : Bye , sweetie .
Mariah : Bye . I ll see you soon .
Sharon : Okay .
Mariah : Mwah !
Nick : Hey , break a leg .
Mariah : I ca nt , because it s not in the budget .
Sharon : That was fast .
Nick : Yeah , if you get arrested you get to take a short day . It s a dark horse rule .
Sharon : You re the boss .
Nick : So are you . Care to follow suit ?
Sharon : Tessa , could you handle things here without me ?
Tessa : Totally . Go have fun .
Nick : Thank you .
Paul : Rey , in my office . Now . Close the door .
Rey : Is everything all right ?
Paul : You know , I am still trying to figure out why the police commission brought you in to botch the hellstrom investigation . Which is the only reason you re here .
Rey : I promised the commission and you that I would be dedicated and thorough , not that I would produce immediate results .
Paul : Well , I think attempting to prosecute nick is nt much of a consolation prize , now , is it ?
Rey : Nick was nt involved . He had no contact with hellstrom . That s guaranteed .
Paul : Right . Well , no offense , but I d rather a jury decide that .
Rey : That s not an option . He s been granted full immunity .
Paul : No . No way . Who the hell authorized that ?
Lily : Look , I hope you guys understand that your dad and i discussed me moving to a cell on a segregation wing . But it sounds like a solution ...
Cane : But what it does , it puts a spotlight on the prisoners , and it makes them an easy target , so ...
Charlie : How ?
Mattie : Is nt the whole point of protective custody protection ?
Lily : Well , nothing s air - tight here . You know , if someone wants to mess with you , they ll find a way .
Cane : All right , listen --
Lily : But listen -- I do nt want you guys worrying about this , okay ? I m fine .
Cane : Okay . Listen , we do nt have much time left . There s probably some other things your mom wants to know . What do you want to talk about ?
Lily : Yeah . Have you -- have you guys heard from devon ?
Cane : No . Not directly , no .
Mattie : But he ll visit you soon . Wo nt he ?
Cane : All right . Hey . Devon is dealing with this in his own way , okay ? Day by day .
Charlie : Well , I m glad someone seems to think so .
Devon : Your dad s telling the truth . Family always helps .
Lily : [ Gasps ] Well , this is a surprise .
Victor : You know , as outrageous as it seems , my father would nt have hesitated impregnating a married woman and then disappearing . He has done far worse .
Nikki : I know that it would nt heal decades of mutual hatred , but ... I do nt know . Maybe if you and jack did have that connection ...
Victor : [ Scoffs ]
Nikki : ... There might be a truce ?
Victor : Are you kidding me ? What , are you envisioning us exchanging gifts at christmas in matching sweaters ?
Nikki : Yes , of course . Why not ? And I ll play the piano while you two sing frosty the snowman .
Victor : Oh , how cute .
Nikki : [ Chuckles ]
Victor : Right .
Nikki : But for now ...
Victor : Yeah ?
Nikki : ... How do you want to handle this potential bombshell ?
Kyle : You re good . Slipping in that potent little reminder .
Summer : Reminder ?
Kyle : Of the time we thought I possibly was your actual brother . Point taken . A sibling - sex scare is the perfect romantic buzzkill .
Summer : Okay , now I m kind of confused .
Kyle : So was I. Thinking the two of us could try again . [ Inhales deeply ] Senseless . I mean , we barely get along as it is .
Summer : What ? We re still good friends .
Kyle : Are we ? I think we got thrown together by jabot and fenmore s , and we made the best of it . But we re better off apart , in our own separate orbits . Let s forget this happened today .
Summer : What , just the whole conversation ?
Kyle : What conversation ?
Cane : Uh , all right , guys . Let s go . We ll give your , uh , mom and your uncle some privacy . Come on .
Mattie : Okay . Yeah . Thanks . I ll be at school tomorrow .
Devon : That s a good move .
Mattie : Yeah , it is .
Lily : In case you re wondering , this place is not so horrible .
Devon : You do nt have to pretend . I know it s hell in here .
Lily : Well , the transition has been rough .
Devon : I can look in your eyes and see what this place is doing to you . [ Sighs ] What I ve done to you .
Lily : No . Listen , I - I have used my endless free time in a constructive way . You know , I ve been replaying all my encounters with hilary , and all the ways that I could have handled things differently . And I want to make amends for that . I want to start a charity in her name . You know , that helps young girls and kids that have alcoholism in their families , and that have gone through what hilary s gone through . And that s why I wanted you to come here . Cause I wanted you to see that this is making me a better person .
Devon : Lily , you re already an incredible person . And what you just said proves it . Even after everything that I ve said about you , and after all the accusations that I ve made .
Lily : No . You were just looking for an answer to explain a devastating loss .
Devon : Yeah . But there s not one . There s not . I mean , it S ... the divide between you and hilary did nt cause the collision . Everything just came together and happened . It s -- it S ... it s a tragic accident . And no one is to blame for it . And I would just like to ... take this opportunity to take back everything that I ve said to you , from the time of the crash till today . Because that s when i figured it out .
Lily : Are you saying that -- that you forgive me ?
Devon : I m saying there s nothing to forgive . Because I love you . I really love you , okay ?
Lily : Oh !
Lily : I ve missed so much . It feels like years .
Devon : Yeah . My , uh -- my whole sense of time has been shot . And with every new wave of grief , my instinct is to reach out to you . And I ve been forcing myself to fight that , and it does nt feel good . It s nice to have a lot of people in your life that care about you , but I think that we have a way of healing each other that s a bit different . You know , it s unique .
Lily : We always have .
Devon : Well , let me tell you , we re gon na use that to get through this . Okay ? We re gon na make a pact .
Lily : We have weathered a lot of storms together . But they re gon na need a new weather app for this one .
Devon : I have faith that we ll live through this .
Lily : I do , too . Again .
Nikki : You ca nt be serious . You want to ignore what you saw in that photo and not tell jack ?
Victor : To what end ? It s not gon na end the feud between jack abbott and me .
Nikki : But what if the two of you do have the same father ?
Victor : So ? Then jack abbott would use that fact against me and newman enterprises . You know that .
Nikki : Well , that s what you would do if the situation was reversed . But jack is very committed to his quest . The truth will come out eventually --
Victor : How the hell would it ? I did nt tell abby about it . I do nt think anyone else would recognize albert miller .
Nikki : [ Sighs ] We ca nt count on that .
Victor : I can promise you one thing -- jack abbott knowing that albert miller is his father is not gon na change his life one iota .
Nikki : Darling , I m afraid that s not for you to decide .
Victor : Sweetheart , I m telling you . Jack abbott must not know . You told me that you want to help me . That means we keep this a secret , okay ? Let s not discuss this anymore .
Paul : You went behind my back to my wife .
Rey : [ Sighs ] She s the D.A.
Paul : I ca nt believe you and christine cooked up this free pass for nick without consulting me .
Rey : Listen , we had to make an immediate move . Christine agreed . Look , unlike me , you re embroiled in multiple cases . There was nt enough time --
Paul : You know what , rey , you knew I would say no . That s why you cut me out , is nt it ?
Rey : Listen . As a cop , as chief of police , you re stellar . That s why , when the commission asked if I would take this job , I agreed . To get J.T. Hellstrom . Not nick newman . Paul , I know what I m doing . We can not lose sight of the real target here .
Paul : [ Sighs ] You know , I m not saying nothing good came from this . I just wish I had been apprised .
Rey : Understood . And I think that nick newman gave us something vital . Now we know when hellstrom was spotted for real . The night of the women s party at victoria newman s house . Right there lies the path to the truth .
Nick : You know , mariah s out of town , and monique s got christian for a couple of hours . I got you . It s perfect .
Sharon : We deserve it . Especially after the last few days . You know , the final straw for me was rey showing up at crimson lights trying to make nice . But I could see the cockiness underneath .
Nick : Hmph . Well , I talked to him . I m okay with him .
Sharon : He lied to all of us . And then he chose one of the most important nights of your entire life to arrest you . He s a jerk .
Nick : He was just doing his job . And it s a damn important one . And , really , it s win - win . I mean , it got me out the hot seat , and now the police are more determined than ever to bring J.T. Down . And I m gon na go upstairs and take a shower . Maybe we could take a nap of our own before the babysitter gets back .
Sharon : Sounds like a plan .
Nick : Yeah , it does . [ Cellphone rings ] Tessa . Hi .
Tessa : Hi . I do nt want to eat up your time with nick . I just want to clean the espresso machine while there s no customers .
Sharon : I appreciate that . For the portafilter and the gasket , there s a nylon brush . It s in the , um --
Tessa : Excuse me ? ! What the hell do you want ? Get off ! Get away from me ! Leave me alone !
Sharon : Tessa ? What is it ? Who s there ? [ Tessa screams ] Tessa ? What s happening ? Tessa ? ! Hello ? Tessa !
### Summary:
| Kyle tells Summer that he loves her and she gives him the I love you like a brother speech and although his heart is breaking he plays it cool and says he does nt think a relationship between them would have wrked a reaction which leaves Summer puzzled and intrigued and maybe Kyle s plan to play hard to get may get him the woman of his dreams . Victor tells Nikki that the picture that Mariah showed on GC Buzz is his father so there is a chance that he and Jack are half brothers . Victoir asks Nikki tokeep this a secret until he can investigate to find out if it is true . Charlie and Mattie are worried about Lily and think that she should be placed in protective custody so the other inmates wo nt hurt her . Devon arrives and tells Lily that he realizes that what happened to Hilary and the baby was an acciedent and nobody is to blame . Devon asks Lily to forgive him for all the terrible things he said to her and she asks him to forgive her for everything that happened with Hilary . Lily tells Devon that when she gets out of jail she wants to start a foundation to help young women . Paul is upset that Rey went over his headand got Nick an immunity deal because he wanted to take the case to trial . Rey tells Paul that as far as he knows the last time JT was seen was when he went to Victoria s house to talk to her the night of the ladies night party . Mariah leaves for a business trip and Tessa is attacked at Crimson Lights while she is alone and talking on the phone to Sharon . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jesse : What do you mean she s out of the country ?
Lea : Easy , Jesse . Easy .
Jesse : Where is she ? !
Tia : I do nt know . They took her .
Jesse : [ Scoffs ]
Susan : You re the reason .
Tia : Shut up !
Jesse : I need you to check the rest of the building -- outside , too . They ve got to be here somewhere .
Zach : Come on .
Eileen : They left a while ago . I m sorry . She said that you d come and find her . I guess you did , in a way .
Jesse : I really , really need to find her . We need to bring her home .
Angie : Are you sure you do nt want me to try to reach your family .
Amy : No way . Uri said he d get them if I ever tried to make contact .
Angie : Jesse wo nt let that happen .
Amy : You do nt know Uri . He wo nt stop until he s made someone pay for betraying him .
Angie : And you do nt know my husband . Jesse has dealt with every kind of sick and twisted perp imaginable . Nothing will stop him from finding Cassandra and putting an end to Uri and his operation , even if he has to deal with the devil to do it .
Jesse : What are you doing here ? I told you before , unless you had something I needed , to stay the hell away .
Billy Clyde : Is this the thanks I get for coming down here and trying to help you get this place shut down ?
Jesse : How did you find this place ?
Billy Clyde : Oh , I listened to the good Lord , and the light of the Lord was shining upon me , and I followed his path where he sent me .
Jesse : You know , I thought I was wrong about your not being connected to the Koslovs . Maybe you tipped them off so they could run with my daughter when they found out I was headed here . Hmm ?
Billy Clyde : Wake up , Chief Hubbard . Your girl was dust the moment it was known that she was hooked up with the chief of police in Pine Valley . Anything that happens to her , it s on your head , not mine .
Officer : Wait a minute .
Jesse : [ Crying ]
David : Winifred told me you d be in here . For some reason , she did nt want to walk me in .
Brooke : Oh , well , I told her I was expecting you .
David : Right .
Brooke : Please , sit .
David : It s been a long time since I ve been in this room .
Brooke : Hmm .
David : Never thought I d be back after that night . So , should I assume that you called me here because you also see through Junior s act , and you feel , as I do , that he should be in jail for the killing of my daughter ?
Pete : If Hayward thinks calling this impromptu press conference was gon na make me team up with him , he s insane . I m not gon na be steamrolled by anybody , let alone some smug asshole . You get the -- No . You get the senior staff online ASAP . I do nt give a shit . Find them . I m gon na be heading back tonight , and I want it all in place . Yes . I want Danielle on this . Tell her to start preparing the statement . Okay ? We need a major damage control right now .
Lea : Does Uri Koslov sound familiar ? You know that you re safe with us , right ? That we re here to protect you , to help you , to get you out of this mess ? I promise you , we wo nt ever let them hurt you again .
Tia : We do nt know nothing .
Billy Clyde : See , I told you it was useless . The guy came in , and they took your girl and they hightailed it out of here .
Zach : Jesse , Jesse !
Jesse : Son of a bitch .
Zach : Calm down !
Jesse : I m fine . I m fine .
Zach : I ll handle this guy .
Billy Clyde : Handle ? Handle what ? We do nt have to handle nothing here . We re both on the same side of the law -- God s law , that is . God helps those who helps themselves . [ Chuckles ]
Jesse : Any luck ?
Lea : None of the girls are talking .
Jesse : Look -- I know you re all afraid to talk , but we are here to make sure that those men never touch you again . And that s all we want for Cassandra -- to make her safe again . Her mother and I are so worried about her , and knowing that she was ... Knowing that she was here makes me know that we are that much closer to finding her , but I need your help . Okay ? If you know anything , anything at all , I am begging you to please tell me . I just want to bring her home .
Eileen : Cass would have been here if it was nt for her .
Susan : I told you to shut up .
Eileen : Tia s the one who ratted her out .
Jesse : What do you mean ratted her out ?
Eileen : For her dad being a cop . If it had nt been for that , they would nt have taken her away .
Brooke : Please sit down .
David : [ Sighs ] Okay .
Brooke : [ Sighs ] I am very sorry about Marissa . I know what it s like to lose a child . I ... [ Sighs ] Anyway , that s , uh , not the reason that I called you here .
David : Then why am I here ?
Brooke : Well , I saw your press conference , and to say I was intrigued would be an understatement .
David : Okay . You know what ? You can stop it right there . If you think I m gon na let Chandler Enterprises have any piece of that , you can just forget it . I d rather my device remain dormant than anyone close to JR getting anywhere near it .
Brooke : You do nt have to be defensive . [ Chuckles ] I told you , it s not about JR or Adam or Chandler Enterprises . It s about me , specifically my new Internet program , Talk Tempo . And I want an interview -- an exclusive with you .
David : An interview ? With me ?
Brooke : Hm - hmm .
David : Okay . I ll bite . Why ?
Brooke : Because you and your life and your device are a tune - in . It s a story of redemption . You re the wayward doctor who s paid for his crimes and come out on the other side . And this is your chance to tell your story . Unless , of course , you re afraid of being questioned about the motive behind your life- saving device .
David : [ Chuckles ] I just spent five years in prison . I think I can hold my own with you .
Brooke : Prove it .
David : You know , maybe it is time for people to hear my side of the story . All right , you re on .
Brooke : You wo nt be sorry .
David : I think I ll be the judge of that .
Brooke : [ Chuckles ] All right . I will have my assistant call you , give you the date and time , and all the details .
David : Okay .
Brooke : Okay . Great .
David : Well , if it is nt Jason Bourne -- Pine Valley s own . So , how s that memory going there , Junior , huh ? You still playing the cobwebs in the attic routine ? And how long do you think that s gon na last ?
Pete : I ll pay for the next honeymoon , okay , once this has all blown over . [ Chuckles ] David s not gon na know what hit him .
Celia : [ Gasps as she sees a man in the room ]
Pete : We are gon na annihilate this guy . When I m done with this guy , Amber , he s gon na miss prison .
Celia : [ Breathing shakily ]
Joe : I thought I d find you here .
Angie : Yeah , uh , they just -- un , you know , she s downstairs getting X - rays done .
Joe : Mm - hmm .
Angie : I - I - I really do nt want her coming back to an empty room , cause she s -- she s still a little shaky off of everything that s happened .
Joe : Spending a lot of time in this room .
Angie : She s our only connection to Cassandra , Joe . And we do nt even know if she was even being kept by the same people . [ Crying ] God , Joe , I feel so helpless , you know ? I mean , I - I - I have a daughter out there who s going through hell , and there is nothing that I can do . I mean , at least Jesse s doing something . And Zach and the FBI , and all I do is sit by this bed and ... pray .
Joe : That s a lot , Angie . Years ago , when Tad was taken from us by his father , Ruth and I felt the very same way you do now . We prayed that he d be brought back to us and that whatever he suffered at the hands of that -- of that man , we could help him come through it altogether . Believe me , whatever happened to Cass , as long as she has you and Jesse , she s going to find a way to come through it . You all will .
Angie : [ Normal voice ] We have to find her first .
Joe : Yeah . You will .
Angie : What if we do nt ? What if Cassandra is not found ?
Joe : You ca nt think that way .
Angie : Well , I have to . I mean , I have to face the possibility that I might never see my daughter again .
Lea : How did you know where to find the Koslovs ?
Billy Clyde : How do you know I ai nt jonesing for some Italian cuisine at Chez Adriano s and simply , uh , mistook one -- one building for the other ?
Lea : Because when I searched you with that gun you d better have a license for , you had the business card to Your Every Fantasy website .
Billy Clyde : If anyone moves in on my territory and threatens my business , I am gon na check them out . I got every right .
Lea : So you admit to running the same kind of business as the Koslovs ?
Billy Clyde : I do not admit to any shenanigans . No - oh . Them heathens deal in the peddling of flesh . I provide a cervix -- uh , a service , I said service -- like a manicure or a pedicure or a facial . Only I deal in the loneliness of the heart . Oh , yes . And there s nothing -- nothing more likely to contribute to a lonely heart than a cold , empty bed . And if I have a beautiful young lady that can provide some horizontal refreshment and bring a smile to the soul , have I not done my best --
Zach : Come here . Billy Clyde :
Lea : Wait .
Zach : It s okay . Were you checking them out or were you tipping them off the police was coming ?
Billy Clyde : I would nt know a Koslov from a sauerkraut .
Zach : Those are the circles that you re running in .
Billy Clyde : That does not mean I have anything to do with the trafficking in young women , does it ? Look , I - I - I told Police Chief Hubbard and his lovely wife if there s anything I can do with my business savvy and my connections to help them find their daughter , I d be more than happy , and the man turned me down flat , and I ll tell you why . Because Police Chief Hubbard holds a grudge . Not , the statute of limitations for my ... [ Chuckles ] little doodads have long since disappeared . However , Police Chief Hubbard -- he would love to sully my name and the sanctity of my reputation by insisting that I have a connection with Koslov , which is not true . Billy Clyde Tuggle is not guilty .
Jesse : [ Sees a message from Cass on the wall I love you , Mom and Dad . [ Crying ]
Cassandra : [ Whimpering ]
Uri : Well , Princess , the time has come for you to really earn your keep .
Zach : So , if you re really not working with the Koslovs , how do you end up at an invitation - only club ?
Billy Clyde : One of my former clients -- a traitor , to be exact -- took his business elsewhere . Well , I persuaded him to show me where that elsewhere was .
Lea : I m not buying he s so innocent in all of this . What goes together better than a two - bit pimp and a gang of sex traffickers ?
Billy Clyde : Begging your pardon , youngish woman . There is nothing two - bit about my credentials . And I am -- I tell you , I am numero uno in my work in these parts until them Russkies arrived and got in the picture .
Lea : Okay . You want to show me your business license and last year s tax returns ? Zach : Lea :
Billy Clyde : [ Sighs ] What , do all these feed - bag inspecting ladies -- Do they play it so close to the book ?
Zach : Goes with the territory .
Billy Clyde : [ Sighs ] You can check me out for a month of Sundays and you ll never find any , any connection twixt me and the Koslovs . I know you re a big kahuna down in Atlantic City . My gals frequently get invitations to come play at your casinos and palaces of plenty , hmm ? And -- and I know that you have been falsely accused on numerous times of malodorous connections with others .
Zach : Well , the difference is that I run a clean business .
Billy Clyde : [ Sighs ] [ Chuckles ] I m sure your lady friend hopes you re telling the truth .
Lea : I m not his lady friend .
Billy Clyde : [ Chuckles ] Oh , please . Listen , I have ridden the rodeo in male and female entanglements , and I understand that , uh , I can scent a definitive chemistry that s boiling up betwixt the two of you . [ Giggles ] I wish you all the best in sorting everything out . And since I have done God s work here ... Please kick Satan where it hurts . And remember , since you have nothing to hold me on nor an issue of tissue , I will bid you both a fair adieu and adieu . [ Puts on his hat and rubs his nose ]
Lea : Well , that was a complete waste of time .
Brooke : David , I will have my assistant call you and give you all the details .
David : So , how does it feel to be back home , huh ? Back here at the scene of the crime ? No , really , JR . How does it feel to be back in this very room ? Do you get flashes of what happened that night , and then you have to pretend that you do nt remember ? Or do you just get the impulse to shoot someone .
Brooke : Oh , David , please .
David : No , no . You know something , Brooke . You re absolutely right . We should probably get out of here , because we both know how trigger happy this guy gets when anyone dares to defy him .
JR : Enough .
David : There it is . It s starting to come out -- the old JR that I used to know and loathe .
JR : If that s all you want to see -- the man I used to be , then go ahead . You know , if I could remember , I d probably hate me , too , but I do nt remember , and I ca nt change the way people look at me for the man I used to be . All I can do is try to make up for it by being the best friend , best father , and best man that I can be .
David : Mm - hmm . Right . And the world is full of empty promises .
David : [ Sighs ] Petey Cortlandt -- what a surprise . Dr. David Hay --
Pete : Piece of shit !
David : Yeah , Petey , look . I d love to discuss this further with you . Uh , perhaps when you get back from vacation , all right ? So , when you get into town , just give me a call .
Pete : Another thing coming , buddy .
David : A colleague .
JR : Maybe you should focus less on my issues and more on your own . Sounds like you have your fair share .
Pete : [ Sighs ]
Celia : [ Sighs ]
Pete : I m sorry . We re gon na have to -- oh . Great . You re already packed . I m just gon na toss a couple of things in here , and then we ll get going .
Celia : Yeah . Absolutely .
Angie : I m looking for Chief Hubbard .
Officer : He s out on a case . Is there something I can help you with ?
Angie : The sex - trafficking case ?
Officer : I m not at liberty to say .
Angie : That case is my daughter , and Chief Hubbard is my husband . If you want to keep your job , you will take some liberties and fill me in .
Jesse : Hubbard .
Uri : You wo nt find what you re looking for there , Chief Hubbard ?
Jesse : Who is this ?
Uri : Someone who is very unhappy with you . Your little raid dismantled my operation .
Jesse : Where is my daughter ?
Uri : You are in her bedroom , no ?
Jesse : Yeah .
Uri : Walk toward bed . Slowly . Warmer . Warmer . Warmer . Warmer .
Jesse : What the hell are you doing ?
Uri : [ Chuckles ] You did nt think , really , that you would find her that easily ?
Jesse : You really need to stop playing games with me , Koslov .
Uri : If we do nt play , you do nt win prize .
Jesse : And how do I know you even have her ?
Cassandra : [ Whimpers ] [ Crying ] Help ! Help me , please ! Help !
Jesse : Cassandra .
Cassandra : Help me !
Jesse : Cassandra , baby , hold on . It s me ! I m coming for you . Baby , hold -- Cassandra . Ca -- [ Crying ]
David : Whoa . That is strong coffee .
Jane : You said you wanted something with a kick . It s a combo of espresso and drip . I call it a shot in the dark .
David : Word gets around . Hmm .
Pete : Let me deal with him , and then I ll get you home , okay ? Hayward .
David : Well , look who it is . Interesting how you knew I d be here . Already keeping tabs on me , Petey ? That s sweet , brother .
Pete : Yeah , ditch the stepbrother bullshit and quit gloating . Trust me , you re not gon na catch me off guard again .
David : You seem upset .
Pete : You re so astute . What , I do nt answer your text , so you throw a tantrum , call a news conference to try and grab my attention ? That s real mature .
David : No , no . You know , I am a lot of things , Petey , but even you should know that juvenile is nt one of them . All right , look , maybe you did nt hear this , but I said I hopeful .
Pete : [ Scoffs ]
David : Besides , Cortlandt Electronics and I can form a mutually beneficial partnership -- one that helps the community , enriches the job market , and , at the end of the day , saves thousands of lives . Now , you can calculate that anyway you want , but if you ask me , that s a win - win .
Pete : Yeah , your little media stunt was nt about helping people , okay ? It was for you to create a shit storm to your advantage to try and strong - arm me .
David : Okay , you re obviously still upset , so why do nt we sit down and discuss this , okay ?
Pete : It s not up for discussion , okay ? I told you if I m not interesting in teaming up with you , I d call you .
David : But you did nt . Now , being your father s son , what would you have done in my place ?
Pete : [ Scoffs ] Well , now you ve pissed me off and helped nobody in the process , so next time you have some brilliant idea , remember I wo nt be played .
Jane : Oh ! Gosh , sorry . Hey , are you okay ?
Celia : [ Breathes heavily ] Uh , no , actually . I - I do nt feel so well .
Jane : Okay , here . Have some -- Sit down . I ll get you something to drink .
Celia : No , no . I - I just want to get home . Um , do me a favor and tell Pete I had to go -- thanks .
JR : What , you want to taste it and make sure it s really water ? [ Chuckles ]
Brooke : I trust you .
JR : Oh , that s a first . Well , I ca nt really blame you , Brooke , as much as I ca nt really blame Hayward . You know , I would kind of appreciate it if you could just give me some sort of heads - up before he comes over , so I m really to square off with him .
Brooke : Well ... [ Chuckles ] Sorry about that . He , uh , actually came over to see me . I invited him .
JR : You did ?
Brooke : Yes . Uh , the board meeting for Chandler -- actually , we went over all the digital platforms , and David Hayward is such a controversial figure that I thought it would be great to book him as a guest on my new talk show .
JR : Interviewing provocative guests like David Hayward ?
Brooke : Mm .
JR : That sounds amazing , actually . You know , I have a couple of ideas for scripts if you want to go over them with me .
Brooke : I -- [ Sighs ] I think the best thing for you would be to concentrate on getting well and getting your strength back .
JR : Of course , that is what I m working on with Cara .
Brooke : You ve come so far , you know ? Do nt -- do nt give up now . Okay ?
Jesse : Where s my daughter ?
Uri : You do nt watch movies , Chief Hubbard ?
Jesse : Yeah .
Uri : Then you must know my next line , no ? Try this -- if you ever want to see your daughter alive again , you will do exactly what I say .
Jesse : Which is ?
Uri : Your investigation is going to take a very different turn , starting now .
Jesse : I m listening .
Uri : It will require you to make a big sacrifice . Are you willing to do that to save your daughter , Chief Hubbard ?
Angie : Jesse , wh - where is she ? Did you find her ?
Jesse : No .
Angie : Where s Cassandra ? !
Officer : She made me bring her here .
Jesse : Hold on , baby .
Uri : Why do nt you talk to lady ? I can wait . It s big decision , Chief . Your daughter s life depends on it .
Angie : Is she here ? ! Jesse , please . Please tell me you found her .
Jesse : Angie . I m so sorry .
Angie : What ?
Jesse : Come here . Baby . I want to show you something -- What I did find . She must have done this when she knew we d get this far .
Angie : Oh ... [ Crying ] Oh . Oh .
Jesse : Whatever you want , I will do it .
### Summary:
| Pete is so angry about David s press conference that he tells Celia that they must go home so he can do damage control with the press . Once Pete and Celia arrive home Pete confronts David at Jane s Addiction and Celia has a strange reaction when she sees David she feels she needs to leave and asks Jane to tell Pete she did nt feel well and went home . Pete tells David that because of his press conference he has ruined any chance of a partnership with Cortlandt Electronics . Brooke asks David to give her an interview for her new internet talk show Talk Tempo and David agrees to the interview because he thinks its time that people heard his side of the story . David confronts JR and tells him that both he and Brooke think that he is pretending to have lost his memory . David tries to make JR angry to see if the true JR will emerge and JR almost loses his temper but then he tells Brooke and David that people do nt believe he has changed but all he wants to do now is be the best friend , father and son he can possibly be and make amends to everyone he has hurt . JR offers to help Brooke with scripts and booking guests for her new talk show but she tells him it is best that he concentrate on his recovery right now . Angie confides to Joe that she will never see Cassandra again but Joe tells her that she should nt give up hope because he is sure that when Cassandra comes home she will get past this awful situation with the love of her family . Jesse and Agent Marquez are unable to get any of the girls to talk beca8se they are afraid that Uri and Vlad will kill them . Zach and Agent Marquez question Billy Clyde but he insists he is nt connected to the human trafficking ring and he only went to the club to check out his business competitor . Uri calls Jesse and lets him hear Cassandra s voice and then tells Jesse that if he wants to see his daughter he will have to make a big sacrifice . Uri also tells Jesse to look at the footboard of the bed in the room where Cassandra and the girls slept . Jesse notices that Cassandra carved her name on the footboard of the bed . Jesse is about to start negotiating with Uri but Angie arrives crying and asking for any news about Cassandra . Jesse shows Angie Cassandra s name on the footboard and Angie cries more and says she wants her daughter home . Jesse gets back on the phone with Uri and tells him that he will do anything he wants . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Zach : Mommy , when is my costume going to be done ?
Harley : It s getting there .
Zach : Does nt look too good , Mommy .
Harley : Thanks . Could you get up , please , and help me ?
Coop : Harley , I m re ....
Harley : Please , could you go find the Captain America box and see if the mask needs to be adjusted , please ? I know , do nt say it , you need to go to your Halloween party , I know , but I have to fix your costume , sweetie . And I know I have to fix yours , believe me . Captain America and Sheriff Zach will be out battling the forces of evil ...
Gus : Honey . Do you know anything about a power outage or something because we re having a flickering problem . Of course , the doorbell s got to short on the one night it s going to get the most use .
Harley : I do nt know how I ever thought I could pull this off . This thing is not going to be ready for a walk down the road , let alone fighting crime .
Buzz : Happy Halloween !
Coop : Pop .
Buzz : Coop .
Harley : Okay , could you two just act normal , please ? I m not letting these two women come between you . That s ridiculous .
Coop : Will you take it easy ? Ca nt save the world .
Harley : I can try .
Coop : But we got a lot going on , honey . We re having a baby .
Harley : I know . I just hate anything with electricity right now . Does anybody else think this needle is ridiculously small ? Come on . I do nt need those . All right . I ll take them . Do you think that Iron Man and Captain America need reading glasses ?
Marina : Hey .
Mallet : Hey . Your doorbell is nt working .
Harley : We are calling an electrician tomorrow . And I think it might be too little too late .
Mallet : We just saw a bunch of kids walk away treatless because nobody answered the door . It s Halloween .
Harley : Do you have any good news to tell us ?
Marina : Another message from the Springfield Burns blogger , but with everyone wearing a mask tonight , we ca nt tell who s who .
Harley : Perfect . This is perfect . You know , I am so over secrets . I hate the people who keep them and I hate the people who tell them , all of it .
Gus : Babe , I m going to go check on the lights , okay ?
Harley : No , no , because you re the one who wired this house in the first place . I will go . I need some air and my little hurt sewing finger needs air , too . I ca nt sew . Ca nt fix Dad and Coop . Ca nt find the blogger . Ca nt get pregnant . Superpowers , ha .
Green goblin punk : We warned you , lady . Trick - or - treat . Too late .
Harley : I have candy , look out ! Oh you evil doers . You re too old to trick - or- treat . And you are just taunting me . See if I can do ... ( gasps )
Coop : Baby , you re going to be okay .
Gus : Can we get some help here , please ?
Coop : What is going on with the electricity tonight ?
Rick : Gus , what happened ? What happened to her ?
Gus : There was Halloween lights and she was wet . She touched them and she got electrocuted . She has nt opened her eyes since ...
Rick : Give me the crash cart , I m gon na check her pulse . Her body is still holding a charge .
Nurse : Is that possible ?
Rick : I do nt know , I ve never seen anything like this , I mean she s got no breathe , no pulse , nothing . Paddles .
Coop : Will she be okay ?
Rick : She s doing fine . Let s amp it to 300 . Clear the table . Do nt worry , Gus . I m in charge .
Gus : What was that ?
Harley : What ? What ?
Gus : Harley ?
Harley : What s everybody looking at ? Oh my gosh . Rick , are you okay ? My watch stopped . We have to get back to the boys .
Harley : I look that good , huh ?
Gus : Sure , for somebody s who s just been fried like a chimichanga .
Harley : Thanks .
Gus : Are you sure you re okay ?
Harley : Yeah . Actually , I feel surprisingly good . I m sorry I worried you .
Gus : It s all right . I guess you were nt unconscious that long .
Harley : But you know , maybe it was the nap I needed , because I feel energized . Can I drive ?
Gus : Baby , I ...
Harley : Come on , let me drive . I like it .
Gus : Got ta get that fixed .
Harley : I can not believe how much time I ve wasted tonight .
Gus : Why do nt you take your coat off ? Let s take a little something for yourself .
Harley : I do nt have time to just lie around . I ve got to whip up some dinner for the boys . They ca nt eat candy alone .
Gus : I beg to differ with you . I ll handle it , though .
Harley : No , you ve had a stressful night . I m going to make something for you , too . What s going on ?
Gus : Everything okay babe ?
Harley : Perfectly normal . Okay , that s weird . But very cool . Hi , there .
Frank : That was fast . How did you know I was here ?
Harley : You rang the doorbell .
Frank : No , I did nt . I wanted to , but you were like here in two seconds , so .
Harley : Oh , I thought you did .
Frank : Nice hair . You might want to back off the eye drops , too . I heard you got shocked . Are you okay ?
Harley : Yeah , that was just some bad information . Did you come here to check on your little sister ?
Frank : Yes , I did . Yes , I did . In case you have nt noticed , the power s been kind of wacky here a little bit .
Harley : Yeah , just a little .
Gus : Frank , did you find out what s causing the power surges ?
Frank : No , not yet . Actually , there are power outages all over the county . And unfortunately , including the prison .
Harley : Uh - oh .
Frank : Dash and Bash Carnage have escaped .
Gus : The Carnage twins ? Did nt you put them away for a string of violent assaults a couple of years ago ?
Harley : Oh yeah . And at their trial , they vowed revenge .
Frank : Well , do nt worry , they wo nt get far .
Gus : Frank , I want to help find them . Come on .
Harley : Me , too .
Gus : No , no way .
Frank : Yeah , that s actually a double no way .
Harley : I m going , and you ca nt stop me . You both know that , right ?
Gus : Why do I feel like I ve had this conversation a thousand times ?
Harley : You guys go outside . I ll meet you there in just a second . There s one little thing I want to take care of .
Gus : Can we just grab a little coffee and go right back out again , okay ?
Dispatcher : Unit 12 . Unit 12 . Detective Aitoro , please acknowledge .
Gus : Right , well , I ll check that out . Maybe they found the Carnage twins .
Harley : Okay . We ll , I ll take care of the coffee . Should nt take long . Man , I could get used to this .
Dash : Is that what I think it is , bro ?
Harley : Hello , Dash . Bash .
Dash : Detective Cooper . As we live and breathe . Long time no see , baby . You re just the chick we were looking for .
Dash : Five years , Cooper . Five years we went away .
Bash : This is going to be so sweet .
Harley : Okay , guys . I guess you got me . Nothing left to do but surrender . But first , do nt you think this room needs a little energy ? Hey , guys , prison has slowed you down . Light on my feet , are nt I ? Is this an electric moment ? Blinded by the light . Been good seeing you boys . You look like you could use some enlightenment . ( Phone dialing )
Gus : Harley .
Harley : You ll be happy to know I have the Carnage twins in custody .
Gus : They re there with you right now ?
Harley : Right here . I want you to bring them in for me . I ll be home soon .
Gus : Are you okay ? I mean ...
Harley : Yes , there s just something I have to take care of . Just make sure the Carnage twins are put safely back in their pens . Let s give this baby a test run . Springfield , my town , my people . So much trouble , so many secrets .
Buzz : Hey . I came here to light a candle for Reva . Are you ...
Harley : I m okay .
Buzz : So much misery . So many people lost . Suffering .
Harley : Daddy , do you think it s possible to make a difference in peoples lives ?
Buzz : Sure it is . How many people-- everywhere just like Springfield are looking for something ?
Harley : What ? What are they looking for ?
Buzz : Something bigger . They re just wandering in the dark and searching for a light . Something to guide the way . But that s just ...
Harley : For too long , Springfield had suffered in the dark , looking for a savior , searching for hope and guidance . I can be that hope . I am that hero . I am the Guiding Light .
Harley : Did nt anyone ever teach you to respect your elders ?
Mugger : What are you supposed to be ?
Harley : Do nt look so shocked .
Woman : Thank you .
Harley : Have a good evening , maam .
Zach : When is mommy coming home ?
Gus : She s coming home soon , buddy .
Harley : Always look both ways .
Pre - teen : Who are you ?
Harley : If anyone asks , tell them you were guided by the light . Hi .
Gus : Hi . Did you just get home ?
Harley : Yeah , I wanted to make sure the Carnage twins were safely put away . Where are my boys ?
Gus : Sent them to school .
Harley : Really ? I did nt realize it was that late .
Gus : Yeah .
Harley : I should have dressed for work .
Gus : Ca nt microwave bread . Honey .
Harley : I ll be right back down .
Gus : Frank said all the case files were sent over here so we can begin our cross- referencing . Make sure a little elephant did nt fly over the moon on a big lump of cheese .
Harley : What ?
Gus : You re not the listening to me .
Harley : I am listening . You said Frank , cross referencing , yadda yadda .
Gus : We re detecting . It s what we re supposed to do . It s in the job title . Detective ?
Harley : Oh , I know it s your job . It s how you-- regular detectives solve crimes .
Gus : Regular detectives ?
Harley : I did nt mean that . I m just-- I m tired , hon . It was a long night , okay ? ( Telephone ringing )
Mallet : Oh , man . The phone keeps ringing . Frank s put me in charge of this wacko .
Gus : Fans get a hold of your cell phone number ? ( Laughs )
Mallet : No , he s put me in charge of the wacko . My phone rings all the time .
Gus : Your girlfriend ?
Mallet : The wacko , the one running around with a cape and a shiny sports bra ?
Harley : Who are you talking about ?
Mallet : You guys have nt heard about this , this freaky- deaky running around Springfield in a Halloween costume ? Apparently she s hitting the streets fighting crime .
Marina : Like a real super hero ?
Mallet : No , I think more like a vigilante . Okay , get this , the eyewitnesses say that she calls herself the Guiding Light , the Guiding Light . Yes , she returns around , she zaps people with a tazer .
Gus : What s a guiding light ?
Harley : Maybe she is just trying to help people . Maybe she s trying to catch the bad guys . Did you think of that ?
Mallet : Is nt that our job ?
Harley : Yes , but maybe we re not doing ... ( Voices ) Oh , oh !
Marina : No . I m with Aunt Harley .
Man : Food was really excellent tonight , do nt you think ?
Woman : I do nt know . My chicken was a little dry .
Man : Why do nt I call for ...
Woman : Oh !
Harley : Do nt worry , folks . I m a whiz with electronics .
Woman : Thank you . Thank you .
Harley : Hello , everyone . Enjoying your meal ? Need anything heated up ?
Mallet : Mallet . No , we do nt have crispy duck tonight . No , we do nt do deliveries . Okay . We ll talk to you tomorrow . Wrong number .
Marina : No kidding .
Mallet : Yeah . So when is there going to be some crime ?
Marina : You know why it s been so slow .
Mallet : I do nt want to talk about it .
Marina : The Guiding Light . She single handedly cleaning up the streets .
Mallet : Please , I do nt want to talk about it .
Marina : You re just jealous .
Mallet : I m jealous ? I m jealous of Light Bulb Betty ?
Marina : No . The Guiding Light . What if this whole thing is for real ?
Mallet : You re right , what if it s for real ? Geez , I do nt know . Maybe I should call my best friend Spider Man and see what he has to say about it . I have him on speed dial right above the Incredible Hulk and the Easter Bunny . ( Phone rings ) Let me guess , you re interested in the wonton soup ? What ? When ? Okay . Okay .
Marina : What ?
Mallet : There was a break - in down on Main Street . It triggered the alarm .
Marina : Okay , now , that s weird .
Mallet : That s weird . Happy Birthday , Detective Mallet ? I got this fellow helping himself to the contents of the jewelry store . Have fun . Love ... Love , The Guiding Light .
Perp : Lock me up , put me away . I just do nt want her to catch me again . Are my ears smoking ?
Mallet : Okay , that s enough . Just hush , okay ?
Marina : Convinced yet ?
Mallet : This lightbulb lady , she s , she s a showoff .
Harley : Problem , Detective ?
Mallet : Look who it is . It s our friend . Boy , I should have worn my rubber soled boots today .
Harley : Not a fan of my work ?
Marina : Ah , no , no . Do nt mind him . He s a guy , you know . He just feels like you re stealing his thunder . Or lightning .
Harley : We re all on the same team , Detective .
Mallet : Yeah , yeah , we are . One of the-- well , then , how come my uniform does nt show off my stomach ?
Harley : Maybe my stomach s just better than your stomach .
Marina : Oh , she s got you there .
Harley : I like your partner .
Marina : I like your boots .
Harley : Thanks .
Marina : Can I shake your hand ?
Harley : Would nt advise it .
Marina : Right . So what are you doing here ?
Harley : Just checking in . Letting you know I ll be using my super powers to help fight evil wherever it may lurk .
Mallet : I think that s great . I think that s really heroic . Why do nt we go back in the interrogation room and you can tell us all about it ?
Harley : Not today .
Marina : You so deserve to get zapped !
Gus : It s been a while since we ve had a night like this .
Harley : I know . I m sorry about that .
Gus : Here you go . So I guess we should talk about some stuff . You know , like if you want to try to get pregnant , when ...
Harley : Well , you know that I want to . ( Voices ) Help , help !
Gus : Is something wrong ?
Harley : I just remembered , I need to buy some milk .
Gus : Well , you need to do that right this second ?
Harley : Yeah . Sorry .
Woman : She s the marvel .
Man : Did you see that ?
Woman : She s amazing . Did she get shot ? ( Applause )
Man : Where did she come from ?
Woman : You go , girl .
Gus : Have a good day .
Harley : Hey .
Coop : Wow . Now , you look like you could use a strong cup of coffee .
Harley : Is it that obvious ?
Coop : Yeah , it is , actually .
Harley : What are you looking at ? More super hero stuff , huh ?
Coop : Please , I ca nt get enough of that stuff . Are you kidding ?
Harley : I wonder if the Fantastic Four ever get tired of putting away the bad guys , you know ? I know another day , another dastardly deed foiled .
Coop : I do nt think so . There s never enough time to be bored , like you said , there s always another super villain trying to take over the world .
Harley : Another super villain , huh ?
Coop : Ca nt have a good character or hero without a super villain or arch enemy now , can we ?
Marina : Whoever this Springfield Burns blogger is that knows everything . It s like he s in our heads .
Mallet : Well , he certainly knows how to avoid being caught .
Harley : Blogger . He s no Dr. Doom , but it s not bad .
Dispatcher : Unit 12 , unit 12 . Possible lead on Springfield Burns .
Harley : Not very challenging . Come out of the darkness . Show yourself .
Gus : Wow . Look at you . It s the Guiding Light . How are you , babe ?
Harley : You should stay back . I ca nt always control this .
Gus : That s a chance I m willing to take .
Harley : I m serious , Gus . You should stay back .
Gus : Whoa . You really are a super hero . What , you did nt want to tell me ?
Harley : Well , you know how it is with us super heroes . If they find out your identity , they ll get to you through the people that you love .
Gus : Yeah , yeah .
Harley : Did you see my boots ? See how fast I am . I can zip along power lines .
Gus : I understand super hero . But you re also my wife and a mom .
Harley : I love you . I love you and the kids more than ever , but this could be the most important thing I ll ever do . I could save this town .
Gus : What about your life ? And your family ?
Harley : Well , I admit I am afraid to touch the children . I wo nt give them a bath . I wo nt take them to their swim lesson , that s for sure .
Gus : What if we see , like , an expert , you know ? And figure out what happened to you and then maybe you can find a way to control it ?
Harley : Know many super scientists , do you ?
Gus : Not exactly .
Harley : Rick , did you think you could understand any of this ?
Rick : Oh , yeah , yeah , absolutely . I ve been very interested about reading about the Guiding Light ever since your accident zapped me , electrocuted and took all the hair off my back , so I started studying super human phenomena .
Gus : And ?
Rick : And ... all of us are surrounded by some sort of electromagnetic field . My best guess is when Harley was electrocuted , excited that field giving her the ability to super charge machinery , move at super human speed .
Harley : And zap bad guys , do nt forget that , it s my favorite part .
Rick : And zap good guys like me .
Gus : Is there a cure ?
Harley : A cure ? Guiding light has single handedly wiped out crime in Springfield . She saved lives . She s hot on the trail of the blogger . She ca nt go away now .
Rick : I want you to try something . Stick your pinky in this little glass of water .
Harley : Why ?
Rick : Just try it . Hmm .
Harley : Now what ?
Rick : Okay . Let s test the connectivity of the appendage .
Harley : Ow . Okay .
Rick : Give it a shot . Stick your finger right in there .
Harley : Just step back . Hey , hey .
Gus : It s gone ?
Rick : Bingo . Water . When you shorted yourself out , all of your power will be gone . My diagnosis is a full body submersion and everything will be absolutely perfect again .
Harley : You mean normal ?
Gus : Honey . What do you do say we go home , get you a nice bath , and we ll spend the night together ?
Harley : That sounds really good , but ... is that a live feed ? Someone is recording something down at the docks right now . I can feel it .
Harley : I ca nt ever leave you . I can keep this town safe and still have my family . I m a super hero , are nt I ? I know that freak is here . Springfield Burns blogger , your reign of terror is over . The Guiding Light is here . Electricity and water . My powers . I ca nt . I ca nt do it . I ca nt risk it . Gus ! Gus , what are you doing ?
Gus : You re not the only one who can be heroic .
Harley : Now take off your mask and prepare to have your treachery revealed .
Gus : Ashlee ?
Harley : You re the blogger ?
Ashlee : No , I m not , I swear .
Gus : Explain .
Ashlee : Well , I really like looking at that site , you know ? And I wrote these e - mails , you know , just like a fan .
Gus : Fabulous .
Ashlee : Well , I got this e - mail back saying , would I like to be a freelance reporter .
Harley : A reporter ?
Ashlee : Yeah , well , we ll dirt - getter , whatever . I did nt do anything illegal , I just listened to people s conversations at Co-2 .
Gus : Did you ever meet the blogger ?
Ashlee : No , no , I swear . No , it was just the e - mails . ( Sirens )
Gus : Get out of here . I ll take care of this .
Harley : Are you sure ?
Gus : Yes . Go , I ll make sure she s questioned properly .
Ashlee : Wow , she s real cool .
Gus : Yes , she is .
Gus : You do nt have to be a super hero , okay ? You just have to be my partner in every single way .
Harley : We are a team , huh ?
Gus : We re a team . But I m not awe sidekick , do you understand ? I mean , we are equal , completely right down the line , that s just the way it s got to be . Hey .
Harley : One small thing . I like being a super hero . I get things done . And I have nt even started working on my personal stuff yet . Imagine what I could do , I could-- my father , my little brother , I could lock them in a room somewhere . They d have to sort out their problems . I could zap some great woman for Frank . He goes in , he had to rescue her , they fall in love ...
Gus : Hey , hey , that s not the way super heroes work . You ca nt solve other peoples problems , you ca nt make people happier .
Harley : I could try . You know how I get when I ca nt control everything .
Gus : Super powers are nt going to help us get pregnant again . We re going to .
Harley : How do you know ?
Gus : Because we re a super couple . We got our own super powers .
Harley : One last thing I can do with my powers , I can make the water from here , dive right in , that will be that .
Gus : Wait . I just want to try one thing before you go . ( Sparks ) That was pretty good .
Harley : Just me , regular old Harley .
Gus : There s nothing regular about you , kid .
Harley : Did any of that really happen ? Did I just dream all of that after I got electrocuted ?
Gus : I do nt know . Does it really matter ?
Harley : I should probably get rid of this ?
Gus : I was thinking actually maybe we could keep it in case we want to put it on . You want to put it on ?
Harley : ( Laughs ) Oh , no , no , no . Let me . ( Heroic music playing )
### Summary:
| Harley gets electrocuted by Halloween lights . Gus brings her to Cedars , where Rick gets a shock reviving her . Then the lights of Cedars go out and do nt come back on until she and Gus leaves . Then the show turns into a comic strip thanks to Marvel Comics an GL getting together . Now when Harley touches things they either explode or turn on and off . Harley s eyes also change and Frank is the first to notice . Harley becomes a crime fighter fighting off two escaped convicts . She handcuffs them and leaves them for Gus to pick up . Harley turns into the super hero calling herself , The Guiding Light . She helps two people caught in an elevator . Marina and Mallet are seen at the station cleaning up some paperwork and talking about the Guiding Light heroine . Harley shows up at SPD ad tells Marina and Frank she is the Guiding Light super hero and then takes off . She is later seen with Gus talking about getting pregnant . Now all the Cooper Men are seen reading a comic book . Later Gus meets up with Harley at the Light House . He tries to take off her mask . Harley tells Gus she likes this Super Hero Status . She feels she can help the town better . Harley and Gus go back to Cedars for Rick s help . Rick gives her a glass of water that ends her Super Hero . If she vibrates her powers are gone . Rick thinks she went through Some Magnetic thing . He does nt elaborate any further . Harley still wants to dress up as The Guiding Light . Harley unveils The Blogger as Lizzy s friend , Ashley . Ashley says she is working for The Blogger , but does nt know who it is . Harley and Gus Make a finger promise to love each other as they are . Harley is then seen diving into the river to end her powers permanently . HAPPY HALLOWEEN ! ! |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Neil : I wonder what she s doing here .
Devon : Well , now everyone can see that she looks exactly like Carmen .
Dru : Of course , I was upset . Anyone would be upset if their son was accused of murder .
Michael : There were other events in your life causing you stress also , correct ?
Dru : Many .
Michael : Can you describe some of them ?
Dru : Well , my ... my clothes were shredded and -- and my tires were slashed and there were multiple prank calls-- a whole long list of things .
Michael : Did this upset you ?
Dru : Indeed it did . I believed I was being stalked .
Michael : Your honor ?
Judge : Counselor ?
Michael : I can save the court a great deal of time . May I approach ? The ADA and I stipulate that this is a valid portrait of Carmen Mesta .
Judge : Counsel ?
Ms. Sinclair : Counsel s statement is correct .
Michael : Drucilla , who did you think was stalking you ?
Dru : Carmen Mesta .
Michael : Then you knew she had been murdered ?
Dru : Well , I d seen someone who looked like her so many times . I did nt believe that she was dead , and that s why Dr. Lynch thought that I was delusional .
Michael : Drucilla , take a good look at this photograph . This is Carmen Mesta . Now ... is there anyone in this courtroom who you could ve mistaken for her ?
Dru : That woman , right there . Anyone with half a brain could see-- well , anyone could clearly see that she could be mistaken for Carmen Mesta . I m not crazy .
Phyllis : Here we go ! It s cold out there . Oh , great ! You know , I hate those bridesmaid dresses that look like its Scarlett OHara with her drapes on . And you know that-- that the bride is just doing that so she looks good and they look bad .
Nikki : Not like you d do anything like that , right ?
Phyllis : What ? Is that a dig about work ? Do you think I m trying to make you look bad ?
Nikki : Oh , me ? The partner that you think is holding back expansion ?
Victoria : You know , I m all for expansion , but you do nt level historic buildings to put up a resort .
Nikki : Boy , I really wish I had the manipulation power of your ex - husband .
Phyllis : Oh , wait , wait , wait . You think I m being manipulated by-- can we not do this right now ?
Victoria : Fine .
Nikki : Fine .
Phyllis : Fine . Yeah . We re here for my wedding . Here for my wedding . Just happy faces ! What are you doing here ?
Lauren : What are you doing here ?
Phyllis : I came to look at the dress order that I placed a while back . Lily said you would nt be here .
Lauren : Oh , well , I m sorry to disappoint you .
Phyllis : Yeah , no problem . There should be a couple dresses , uh , set aside for Nikki and Victoria . You see , Nikki is my matron of honor and Victoria is my bridesmaid .
Lauren : That s nice-- a family affair .
Nikki : Yeah , yeah , one big happy family .
Phyllis : Family s very important to me-- very , very important to me-- all my loved ones gathered around , sharing in my happiness . I ca nt wait .
Lauren : All right , I m just gon na go in the back and look for those dresses .
Phyllis : Great ! Thank you very much .
Colleen : Unless somebody took pictures , the dean does nt have any proof .
Korbel : We ca nt know that . And GCU has a zero tolerance policy .
Colleen : So what happens to you ?
Korbel : A docent position at a small art museum ... in Outer Mongolia , but--
Colleen : No , please do nt joke .
Korbel : I m not joking , Colleen . This -- this could be the end of my teaching career .
Colleen : This is so unfair .
Korbel : Look ... I made a choice .
Colleen : No , we made a choice . And you should nt have to pay for it . They ca nt just push you out of teaching . We have to find out who told the dean .
Korbel : It wo nt make a difference .
Colleen : Well , it might . I mean , we can convince the person that they made a mistake , and they can go to the dean and tell em that they just misinterpreted our relationship and I m only a research assistant .
Korbel : Yeah , who spends a lot of time with me , but ...
Colleen : Oh , you know what ? It s worth a try .
Korbel : Look , whoever told the dean obviously wanted her to know . They re not about to embarrass themselves by recanting .
Colleen : Maybe they will if I ask them to .
Korbel : Why , Colleen , why ?
Colleen : Because I have the feeling that whoever told is somebody that really loves me .
Brad : I was about to call you .
JT : Hey . How s Colleen ?
Brad : Well , if the return of her stubborn streak is any indication of health , she s ready to run a marathon .
JT : Let me guess , Korbel ?
Brad : And she s moved in with Jack .
JT : Wow . Well , there s a paragon of virtue . You got ta put a stop to that .
Brad : She s an adult , JT I ca nt exactly ground her .
JT : So we just sit back and watch ?
Brad : You know , a parent s job is nt to make his kid happy . It s to do the right thing . There may be other ways to make Colleen see what a huge mistake she s making .
JT : That s funny .
Brad : What ?
JT : I do nt think I ve ever agreed with you more in my life .
Dr. Lynch : When I signed the order , yes , I did believe Mrs. Winters was a danger to herself and others .
Ms. Sinclair : And during the course of her evaluation , did she require any special attention ?
Dr. Lynch : She did . She was placed in a straight jacket . But at the time that--
Ms. Sinclair : No further questions .
Michael : Dr. Lynch , you ve been seeing Drucilla Winters for some time , is that correct ?
Dr. Lynch : Yes .
Michael : And you had become increasingly concerned that she was having psychotic delusions ?
Dr. Lynch : Yes .
Michael : Your honor , could you ask the woman sitting at the far end of the first pew in the gallery to rise ?
Judge : Please stand .
Michael : Doctor , in your expert opinion , was Drucilla Winters justified in mistaking this woman for Carmen Mesta ?
Dr. Lynch : Now that I see her , absolutely .
Judge : Be seated .
Michael : Are you prepared , Doctor , to recommend her immediate release from hospitalization ?
Dr. Lynch : I believe Mrs. Winters could benefit from continued therapy , but she definitely does not require ongoing hospitalization .
Michael : Nothing further , your honor .
Judge : We ll take a brief recess before any redirect .
Neil : Hey ! Hey , Buddy ! You were great !
Lily : Yes , you were .
Devon : There s no stopping you now , Mom .
Michael : It s not over yet .
Ines : Excuse me ? I m Ines Vargas , Carmen Mesta s cousin .
Ms. Sinclair : Can I ask you something ? Why are you here ?
Ines : I was gon na help Mrs. Winters , but then everything changed .
Michael : All right , Houston , we have a problem .
Dru : She better not think she s gon na get away with anything .
Michael : Quiet . Quiet .
Dru : I m serious .
Ms. Sinclair : Mr. Baldwin .
Michael : Yes , Counselor .
Ms. Sinclair : I d like to call one more witness . I trust they ll be no objection ?
Michael : Oh , think again . You re gon na have a very big objection .
Phyllis : All right , Girls , which ones made you feel drop dead gorgeous ?
Nikki : Well , I liked the Vera Wang .
Phyllis : Oh , great . I liked the vintage . It was very classic .
Victoria : I was under the impression that you did nt care about anything classic .
Nikki : Yeah , out with the old , in with the new , damn the consequences !
Phyllis : Are we still talking about dresses here ?
Lauren : You know , I thought the seed pearl amazing .
Phyllis : Thanks , Lauren , but we re not gon na go with that one . Thanks anyway . I say we go with the vintage . What do you think ?
Victoria : Oh , do you care about our opinion ?
Nikki : Wow , why start now ?
Phyllis : Vintage , it is .
JT : Thanks .
Korbel : En garde ?
JT : Excuse me ?
Korbel : Or do you prefer pistols ?
JT : What the hell are you talking about ?
Korbel : Under the dueling code of 1777 , any offense given to a lady under a gentlemen s care is to be considered a greater offense than if given to the gentlemen himself .
JT : Get out of my face .
Korbel : You know what ?
JT : What ?
Korbel : You asked me to end it with Colleen , allegedly out of concern for her . Then you go and report her to the dean , showing no real concern for her at all .
JT : Someone turned you in ?
Korbel : You , for example .
JT : You self - righteous son of a bitch .
Korbel : If you think that it s just a schoolgirl crush , and that s why Colleen and I are involved ... well , you do nt know her at all .
JT : I ll tell you what I do know . There is a God , cause right now you re getting exactly what you deserve .
Brad : Yeah ?
Colleen : Dad , hi .
Brad : Hey , Sweetheart .
Colleen : Do you have a free minute ?
Brad : For you , of course I do . Do you want some coffee or something ?
Colleen : No , thank you , I m fine .
Brad : Have a seat .
Colleen : All right .
Brad : What s going on ?
Colleen : Well , the dean called and he would like to meet with me . I was wondering if you knew why .
Brad : Oh , uh , maybe you got the art fellowship in Italy and he wants to tell you in person . I would certainly miss you , but I hope you take it .
Colleen : Because Adrian would be here and I would be there ?
Brad : Exactly .
Colleen : Mm - hmm . No , it s not about the fellowship . Somebody told him about Adrian and me .
Brad : And I told you again and again to end it with him . Now look at the mess you re in .
Colleen : Was it you or was it Mom ? She was really upset .
Brad : Sweetheart , one day Adrian Korbel is going to be a name that you barely remember . I would nt risk your future for him .
Colleen : You would nt ? So are you telling me that you made a deal to protect me ? Is that what you did ?
Brad : Colleen , I know you think you wanna be with this man and I do nt think Korbel s a bad guy , all right ? But he s not right for you .
Colleen : Dad ... when I was in the hospital-- after the fire-- you talked to me all the time , did nt you ?
Brad : You heard me ?
Colleen : You told me that you were worrying about all the wrong things . Dad , you still are .
Brad : Do you love this man , Colleen ? Do you really love him ?
Colleen : I have nt really had the time or the freedom to figure that out . But I really do wanna be with him .
Brad : I ll go see the dean with you . You should nt have to do this alone .
Colleen : No . No , it s , you know ... Dad , I know how much you love me , but ... you just ca nt make this better for me , okay ?
Michael : Your honor , this witness gives new meaning to the term irrelevant .
Judge : Counselor ?
Ms. Sinclair : This witness has recent contact with the respondent that could shed light on her current state of mind .
Michael : Your honor , is this witness a health care professional ? Does she know the respondent personally ? All this witness is is a woman-- and my heart goes out to her-- a woman who bears an amazing resemblance to her deceased cousin , which makes her incredibly prejudicial and of no probative value whatsoever .
Ms. Sinclair : Let the judge decide that .
Judge : Both of you , approach the bench .
Neil : It was my brilliant idea , bringing Ines to the hospital .
Lily : Dad , you were just trying to help .
Michael : Your honor , there are at least a thousand people in Genoa City who know the respondent better than this witness .
Ms. Sinclair : Ms. Vargas testimony could save someone s life-- maybe even the respondent s .
Judge : I ve heard enough . In front of a jury , I d say no . But here , I ll allow it .
Dru : Is this bad ?
Amber : There s a reason the rules rhymes with the fools . I m an idiot .
Daniel : Because ?
Amber : Because there is a catch , okay ? What if you actually fall for the guy , hmm ?
Daniel : Okay , we re still talking about Cane here , right ?
Amber : No , we re talking about Borat . Yeah , we are talking about Cane . He s so sweet and so nice and so sexy and hot and if he walked in here right now , nine out of ten girls would say exactly the same thing , except for the tenth girl , because she d be sitting with her boyfriend .
Daniel : So what ?
Amber : So ... Cane wants all ten of them . And he wants an annulment from me . That sound you hear ... is the sound of my heart breaking .
Daniel : Wait a minute . You did nt say that to him ?
Amber : I told him that he d never have to be alone because he always had me .
Daniel : Very touching , but definitely the wrong move .
Amber : Do nt you check your messages ? I called you ! I left you , like , a billion messages . I said , stop me before I do something I regret ! And did you ? No ! No , you did not ! Mnh - mnh .
Daniel : I m stopping you now . Go home .
Amber : Back to his place ? And -- and say what ?
Daniel : No , go home - home . Go back to LA .
Amber : You want me just to give up ? You want me to leave ?
Daniel : It s the only choice .
JT : So I used to be a student over at GCU and I know this great little bar . Maybe , uh , we could go there ?
Colleen : Can I talk to you for a minute ?
JT : I m kinda busy right now .
Colleen : I promise it wo nt take long .
JT : What ?
Colleen : Well , someone told the dean about Adrian and me .
JT : Why are ex s always the prime suspect on these things ?
Colleen : JT , Adrian could lose his job . I could get kicked out of school . Do you really hate me that much ?
JT : Oh , face it , Colleen , you broke the rules . And now you wanna go and blame whoever turned you in ?
Colleen : No , I do nt wanna fight with you . It s just , I do nt think that my personal business is anybody else s , okay ? You used to feel the same way .
JT : Tell it to the dean .
Cane : Are nt you the meadowlark ?
Amber : Sugar rush . Oh ... testing for poison .
Amber s voice : Target in firing range .
Amber : Hey , you want some milk with that ?
Cane : Oh , we re out of milk . Tea s good .
Amber : Okay .
Amber : Oh , um , will you get that for me ? I got ta run to the loo .
Cane : Amber s phone .
Daniel : Amber , Doll , what did you do , have a sex change ?
Cane : No , Mate , this a friend .
Daniel : Oh , well , good for you . You know what ? You do me a favor . You write this down . You tell her that Dino from the Diamond Club on the Strip called .
Cane : Like Los Angeles ?
Daniel : No , I mean , the , uh , strip mall in Fresno . Yeah , the Sunset Strip in LA
Cane : Listen , Mate , from one heavily accented guy to another , you do nt really sound like you re from LA .
Daniel : Yeah , well , you do me a favor and make sure she gets the message . And tell her I booked her starting yesterday .
Ines : I went to the hospital to tell Drucilla I d help her .
Ms. Sinclair : And what happened while you were there ?
Ines : Out of nowhere , she started accusing me of things .
Ms. Sinclair : What things ?
Ines : I do nt know . Her husband shut her up and then he left and -- and she came after me again .
Ms. Sinclair : What do you mean by Came after ?
Ines : She accused me of cutting up her clothes and slashing her tires and who knows what else . Classic paranoid behavior .
Michael : Oh , objection , your honor !
Judge : Overruled .
Ms. Sinclair : I m almost done . Ines , while this was going on in the psyche ward , how did the defendant make you feel ?
Ines : Scared . When I left , I was glad that she could nt leave , too .
Ms. Sinclair : Your witness .
Michael : You and Carmen Mesta were cousins , correct ?
Ines : Yes .
Michael : The resemblance is remarkable . Surely the two of you were mistake for one another from time to time ?
Ines : Yes .
Michael : You ve been in Genoa City for some time . Weeks ?
Ines : A few .
Michael : So anyone who saw someone who looked like Carmen Mesta during that time , that could ve been you , right ?
Ines : That s true .
Michael : And is nt it also true that you deliberately found reasons to be both at the Winters apartment building and at their place of work ?
Ines : Yes , but--
Michael : And yet , you never introduced yourself to them ?
Ines : No .
Michael : Nor to me , their attorney .
Ines : Why would I ?
Michael : Let s talk about why you would nt . You came to town with an agenda . You were furious over your cousin s death , and you were gon na do something about it . Is nt that right ?
Ms. Sinclair : Objection ! He s badgering her !
Judge : Overruled .
Michael : You decided-- wrongly-- that Drucilla Winters was the killer . And you decided that you would exact justice by having a perfectly sane woman locked up for being delusional .
Ms. Sinclair : Objection !
Judge : Sustained . If you ve got witnesses to support that theory , call them . Anything further ?
Michael : No , your honor .
Judge : Any redirect ? You may step down .
Amber : Who called ?
Cane : Some bloke out of The Dopranos . Yo , this is Dino from the Fiamond Club in LA
Amber : He s a sweetheart . So what s up ?
Cane : He wants to book you , starting immediately .
Amber : Fantastic ! I m gon na have to call him right away !
Cane : Are you sure this wanker s legit ?
Amber : Totally .
Daniel : Did it work ?
Amber : Dino , its Amber !
Daniel : Listen , I do nt know , I might ve laid the accent on a little bit thick . What do you think ?
Amber : I would love to sing in your club , when do you want me ?
Daniel : if this works , you owe me big - time . I m gon na start charging you .
Amber : Every Thursday ? Okay , I ll try to catch the red - eye . Thank you so much for thinking of me !
Cane : Well ?
Amber : Where s my purse ? I need my credit card .
Cane : So you re leaving , just like that ?
Amber : Well , our marriage is getting annulled . You do nt expect me to chuck my career for a soon - to - be - ex husband .
Cane : What happened to , you know , the part-- you , me and the loneliness ?
Amber : I meant every word .
Cane : Then why go ?
Amber : Simple . Dino just made a commitment . You wo nt .
Lauren : I think those earrings that you ordered for Victoria and Nikki are back here .
Phyllis : You know what ? On second thought , why buy the knockoffs when they have the real thing ?
Lauren : Are we really gon na continue to do all this ?
Phyllis : Oh , I m sorry . Do you call hiding Sheila All this ?
Lauren : Do you know how terrible that was for me ? How terrible it was--
Phyllis : No , no , no , no . You knew that Sheila was in town . You knew what she could ve done to me and my daughter . And you did nt even tell me .
Lauren : I had barely just found out !
Phyllis : What s Michael s excuse ?
Lauren : He was out of his mind with worry !
Phyllis : For his family ! Not for my family !
Lauren : I ve apologized to you ... in every way I know how . I could nt feel more horrible .
Phyllis : Well , after what you and Michael did to me , why do nt you try ?
Nikki : Hey , what are you guys doing ? Fighting over wedding colors ?
Phyllis : No , just baby raising stuff .
Victoria : Oh , uh , well , if you two need some time , we can meet you back at the office .
Lauren : You know , that s really not necessary . I ll call you when the alterations are done . Phyllis was just leaving .
Brad : Who got Colleen in trouble ?
JT : That would be Korbel .
Brad : Did you call the dean ?
JT : Did you ?
Brad : No . Your turn .
JT : I care about Colleen . I always will . Now why would I do something like that when I know it s gon na wreck her future at GCU ?
Brad : I want you to find out who it was .
JT : Oh , I ca nt do that . It s not my business anymore .
Brad : JT , whoever did this will answer to me .
Colleen : So the dean called again on my way over here . I m in her office tomorrow morning .
Korbel : Yeah . And I m in the afternoon . It s no surprise you re first .
Colleen : Why is that ?
Korbel : She ll ask if you wanna file sexual harassment charges .
Colleen : Sexual-- no , you did nt do anything .
Korbel : It s standard operating procedure , Colleen-- to give you an out .
Colleen : I do nt want an out . I saw my father . He swears he did nt do it . And I went to go try and talk to JT--
Korbel : And he was , uh , enjoying our dilemma too much to be pinned down , I know .
Colleen : Before my mom left this morning , we talked .
Korbel : You think ...
Colleen : It could be . When she was in college , she had an affair with her professor , too .
Korbel : Well , I d like to think it was more than genetics .
Colleen : Remember the student from your old college ?
Korbel : Uh - huh .
Colleen : My mom tried to do that , too .
Korbel : Tried to kill herself ?
Colleen : Because of what happened with her professor .
Korbel : Well , I can understand why she d wanna contact the dean .
Colleen : Maybe I can talk to her or ...
Korbel : Qui plus sait , plus se tait .
Colleen : Excuse me ?
Korbel : It s French proverb . He who knows most , says least . Now whoever-- whoever contacted the dean-- JT , your mom , your dad , someone else entirely-- they re gon na keep quiet . We re never gon na know .
Amber : This gig was meant to be ! I got the last seat on the red - eye !
Cane : Yeah , maybe .
Amber : Oh , my God ! I have so much to do before I leave ! So many people to say good - bye to !
Cane : Like me ?
Amber : It s been a blast . Thank you so much for everything .
Cane : I have never met anyone like you before .
Amber : That s sweet . Hey , have you seen my mp3 player ?
Cane : Amber , wait . You know how they say ... that you can never really miss something you ve never really had ?
Amber : Tell that to a kid who s never had a ps3 .
Cane : Yeah , well , any kid who has that on the top of his wish list has a family and ... the only thing that I ve ever wanted in my life is a family I m , um , I m shattering my image here , I know this , but I have to say this to you , all right ?
Amber : Do nt worry . I wo nt tell anyone what a softy you are .
Cane : Thanks . Um , okay , I ve ... I ve found my mum and my grandmum . One s a loony tune and the other , uh , thinks I m a gold digger .
Amber : Do nt worry . They re really amazing people . You know , you just need time to get to know each other .
Cane : Once you told me you loved me .
Amber : Yeah , I mean that , like , you know how you say , Oh , I love ice cream .
Cane : Amber , I m -- I m ... I ve been an idiot . I truly have been an idiot .
Amber : I would nt go that far .
Cane : You know , um ... most of my life ... I ve been -- I cant-- I find it really difficult to connect and I do nt know why . It s just who I am , but ... I m really trying . Um ... I ca nt stand ... look , what I m trying to say to you is ... I think I ve fallen in love with my wife and I do nt wanna see her go .
Amber : Are you sure ?
Cane : I m positive . Come here .
Judge : In a competency hearing , the burden is on the state to prove that the respondent is a danger to herself or to others . In this case , while the respondent must continue her court - ordered psychotherapy , the state has not sustained its burden . We re adjourned .
Dru : Thank you , Michael .
Michael : Congratulations .
Dru : Thank you so much .
Michael : Come here .
Dru : Thank you !
Neil : We got Mom back . We got her back . I love you .
Lily : Mom !
Neil : Hey , good job . Really solid job .
Colleen : That the dean will know the truth ... as if we tell her .
Korbel : No , you ca nt lie , Colleen .
Colleen : Okay , fine . I wo nt lie . I will just transfer to a different school .
Korbel : That s not gon na solve anything-- not for you or me . Look , what will people say ? Who proposed you for the Italian fellowship ? Who submitted your paper for publishing ? Your disgraced former professor . Look , your brilliant career will be over before it even begins .
Colleen : So , what-- we just give up ?
Korbel : Well , I like to think of it as , uh ... strategic withdrawal . You ca nt tell me this surprises you .
Colleen : Well , you know what ? It does . There has to be something that we can do .
Korbel : There is nt . I took a big risk , Colleen , and to complain about it now would .... it would be disingenuous .
Colleen : So is that all that I was ? A risk ?
Korbel : Of course not ! You know how much you mean to me , which is exactly why I have to do everything I can to protect you from the worst of the fallout .
Colleen : What s that ?
Korbel : My resignation letter to the university . Effective immediately .
Ines : That was a bust .
David : Does nt matter . The job s done .
Ines : How do I know this is nt gon na come back and bite me later ?
David : I promise you , there is no evidence linking us to Dru .
Ines : And if there is ?
David : There Is nt . So relax . I can handle her .
Ines : I m gon na play it safe . Leave town .
David : I think that s a great idea . And you should leave now before someone catches us .
Lily : I am telling you , Daniel , Michael was amazing . Yeah , Mom s coming home . And she wants to eat the cake I made , so come over for dinner , okay ? Bye .
David : Dru ... I did nt know about Carmen s cousin . And now that I ve seen her , you re absolutely right . They could nt be more alike .
Dru : Now you believe me .
Devon : Please tell me that that woman is leaving town .
David : That s what she just told me in the hallway , yes .
Devon : Okay .
Neil : That s the best news I ve heard all day .
Dru : David ? Um ... I m -- I m so sorry . I blamed you for weeks for harassing me . And my son and I know what it s like to be wrongly accused . I was completely out of line . I hope you ll accept my apology .
David : Thank you , Dru . You do nt know how much that means to me .
Lauren : You scared me !
Michael : Sorry , sorry . What s wrong ?
Lauren : Phyllis was just here with Victoria and Nikki , picking out their matron of honor and bridesmaid dresses .
Michael : Ouch .
Lauren : Yeah .
Michael : Did she say a lot of--
Lauren : Hey , you know , let s not talk about it . It ll just upset me all over again . What happened with Dru ?
Michael : She s on her way home as we speak .
Lauren : You re brilliant .
Michael : Hmm . It helped that Carmen s cousin was in the hearing room for everyone to see the resemblance .
Lauren : So let s celebrate . You know , we can get Gloria to watch Fen .
Michael : That s not your Celebrate face .
Lauren : I know . I m sorry .
Michael : It s okay to be upset .
Lauren : Yeah . Yeah , I know . But I do nt know what is worse . Um ... Phyllis going out of her way to hurt me or me just standing there and taking it .
Michael : I wish I knew what to say to make it all better .
Lauren : You ve tried . You ve tried really hard . Michael , deep down-- I do nt blame her .
Michael : Come here .
Phyllis : You like your dress for the wedding ?
Nikki : Yeah , I like the dress . I m not crazy about the bride .
Phyllis : Yeah , I could , um , tell by the way my water froze the minute you walked into the room .
Nikki : You must have the whole town mad at you .
Phyllis : What s that supposed to mean ?
Nikki : I did nt appreciate being part of that little tiff that you were having with Lauren .
Phyllis : It was nt a little tiff .
Nikki : Well , you were fighting about something . And you did nt have the decency to take it behind closed doors .
Phyllis : Wow , are nt you being a little hypocritical ?
Nikki : And I do nt appreciate having my partner oppose me in a corporate matter . Where is your loyalty ?
Phyllis : Wait a second , if you re talking about loyalty , you should talk to your husband and your son .
Nikki : Oh , no , no , my family is forever . I ca nt necessarily say the same thing for business partners .
Cane : I have no idea why married sex gets such a bad rap .
Amber : Me , either . And it was nt even with someone else s husband .
Cane : Wanna join me in the shower , Love ?
Amber : In a sec . Um , I got ta call D-- uh , Dino and tell him he needs to book another singer .
Daniel : Hello .
Amber : It worked ! We are staying married ! You are such a genius !
Daniel : Uh , I m a genius ? Why do nt you tell that to my Econ professor . I really need to pass this test .
Amber : Seriously , Daniel , I owe you big - time . But since I m not exactly in the chip--
Daniel : Yet !
Amber : Yet . Um , here , let me give you a freebie . Uh , go onto this web site . It s www.strangersbynight.com . You know , it s where people go to meet each other .
Daniel : Is this one of those sites where , like , you set up a profile and then you add friends ?
Amber : Yeah , pretty much . Uh , some are inhibited , some are nt .
Daniel : Okay , well , do you want me to check out your profile ?
Amber : Mm - hmm , yeah . Use my log - in . It s Sweet Ambrosia . My password is Amberwantsmoore . Um , so you wo nt have to sign up .
Daniel : Oh , well , thanks for the offer , but I--
Amber : Oh , come on ! I m married now , too . Trust me . It is harmless .
Cane : Amber !
Amber : Got ta run . Um , a wife s duty is never done ! Bye !
Jack : Well , since Noah has other dinner plans , maybe you and I could--
Sharon : I would love to .
Victoria : I m not the only one that thinks you and Nick are soulless .
Phyllis : Oh , that s right . We re horrible people .
Colleen : If we both deny that anything ever happened--
Korbel : I m not gon na lie .
### Summary:
| Dru keeps herself composed as she heads to the witness stand . She sees that Ines is there , but it does nt bother her like it usually would . Neil and Devon are glad that Ines showed up as now the room will clearly see that Ines looks exactly like Carmen and that had to have added to her confusion about seeing Ines from time to time . Dru gets off track for a minute , almost getting angry when she talks about her clothes getting cut up and getting stalked but she holds it all together . Nikki , Victoria and Phyllis are at the boutique to look about getting Phyllis the perfect wedding dress . Victoria and Nikki are not happy with the new in - law - to - be since she has changed teams by going along with Victor and Jack regarding the Clear Springs land deal . Phyllis is nt happy to see Lauren there and tells that Lily said that she would nt be there at that time . Lauren is sorry to disappoint her and goes in the back room so that Phyllis can have her visit to the store in private . The court understands and finds that Dru is nt a danger to anyone . Carmen goes to talk to the prosecutor and says that she had a recent visit with Dru and things did nt go so well . The prosecutor goes to the judge and asks that another witness be put on the stand . Michael tries to fight it but the judge allows it . Amber is all upset . Her marriage is about to be over . Daniel tells her that the only thing that she can do right now is go home back to LA . They play another trick on Cane and Daniel calls pretending to be from LA with a gig for Amber . She will have to come to LA right away . Daniel gives Amber the message and ca nt believe that she is ready to dump him and go away . She tells him that she ca nt give up her singing career for a soon - to - be - ex - husband . Cane caves and tells her that he wants her to stay with him . They hug and make up in bed . They will be staying married and will continue to live as husband and wife . Someone has called the Dean and everyone denies having done it . Adrian and Colleen have to go and see the Dean the next day . Brad is angry and asks JT to find out who did this . He does nt want to get involved anymore , but finally gives in and will do the investigation . Ines tries her best to get Dru recommitted , but it does nt work . They judge lets Dru go and she is free to go home to her family . David and Ines talk outside the courtroom . They did what they set out to do , and so it is decided that she should leave town right away . Dru tells David that she overreacted and that she was wrong to fly off the handle as far as he was concerned . He accepts her apology . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brady : What are you doing here ?
Rafe : So if Jordan and I are gon na level with each other , she needs to know what happened between you and me . And the longer I wait , the worse it s gon na be .
Kate : Okay , no . You do nt know that . And you had good reason to stay quiet .
Rafe : Yeah , I m sure that EJ thought the same thing when he cheated on Sami .
Kate : Oh really ? EJ did nt give that a second thought .
Rafe : Yeah , well guess what ? I ca nt stop thinking about it .
Kate : Rafe , you need to let it go .
Rafe : I ca nt . Okay ? I ca nt . It s just not me . I need to tell Jordan today .
Abigail : Sami , back off . Jordan and Rafe are happy together , and Rafe loves her .
Sami : You really think that Rafe still loves her ? If he does , then why is he having sex with Kate ?
Jordan : [ Scoffs ] That ca nt be .
Abigail : What ? What are you talking about ?
Sami : Well , I know how you feel . I mean , it s upsetting , you know ? You think you re in this great relationship , and you think that everything s going great , and no one can come between you . But , yeah . Rafe is still sleeping with Kate .
JJ : The lake was so great , and I ca nt wait to see you tomorrow . All right , so call me . Ben .
Ben : Hey .
JJ : Hey . There you go , man .
Ben : Oh , thanks .
JJ : Listen , thank you for sticking by Abigail .
Ben : Oh , it s a no - brainer . She says you ve been great , too .
JJ : She s my sister , you know ? All right , later .
Ben : Um , JJ , wait . I need to clear something up with you . I lied to your friend Paige , and to you .
Nicole : Excuse me . Could you hand me that drink menu ? It s a long flight to Rome , and I could use a good martini . Might be the nerves .
Kristen : Are you a nervous flyer ?
Eric : Not normally . I m uh -- it s a very important trip . I m Eric .
Kristen : I m Kristen .
Daniel : Do nt make a sound .
JJ : So , Paige did see you in Miami . And Jordan is your sister ?
Ben : [ Sighs ] Yeah , yeah . Man , I -- I hate the lies , but it was necessary .
JJ : Well , to protect Jordan .
Ben : Right . Like you said , you ve got to look out for your sister .
JJ : So , hold on , did -- did you tell Abigail , or were you lying to her , too ?
Abigail : Do nt listen to her , Jordan , okay ? She is just lashing out , because she s upset about me . It has nothing--
Sami : I have a problem with cheaters . Why do you think that is ? Why do you think I have a problem with people who cheat ?
Abigail : Okay . Okay , Sami , I get it . You re angry . But be angry with me , okay ? Go ahead , I can take it . But do nt pick on Jordan .
Sami : Pick on her ? I m just trying to give her a heads - up .
Jordan : Look , do nt engage . I do nt believe her , anyway .
Sami : [ Sighs ] Look , honey . I m sorry that it came out the way that it did , but it is true . I overheard Kate and Rafe talking about it at my house , and I heard it from their own mouths .
Kate : I know it s difficult , but I really think that keeping quiet is the best thing , in the long run .
Rafe : No . No , that is not fair to anyone .
Kate : It s fair to your relationship . You re talking about this as if we had an affair . We slept together one time . You were in a very bad place . It did nt continue . That s a mistake , that s not an affair .
Rafe : Why do you keep letting me off the hook ? Hm ? It was a really bad thing that I did to Jordan .
Kate : Okay . Okay . Then be extra , extra nice to her , and make sure that it never happens again . Because that s the only thing-- that s the only thing that really matters , right ? I mean , blowing it all up , just so you could feel good for five minutes ?
EJ : Yeah , I m sure EJ told himself the same thing .
Kate : Okay , you need to stop comparing yourself to that--
Rafe : I know that I am not like him . That s my whole point . If I sit on this , and try and pretend it did nt happen ... it s the exact same thing that that slime did to Sami . All clear ? Yeah .
Kristen : [ Groans ]
Daniel : Shh !
Kristen : [ Struggling ]
Kristen : [ Gagging ]
Daniel : Okay . Now listen , you even try to shout . No ?
Kristen : Mm - mm .
Daniel : No . One slip , and it goes right back on .
Kristen : [ Gasping ] [ Coughing ]
Daniel : Yeah , why do nt you just slow it down ? It ll help .
Kristen : [ Gasping ]
Daniel : Shh .
Kristen : [ Grunting ] Oh , you think you re so smart , do nt you ? You re just delaying the inevitable . They re g -- they re gon na catch you .
Daniel : Yeah , well you better hope not . Because the one who ll be sorry is you .
Kristen : [ Shuddering ]
Theresa : Um , Hend -- Henderson let me in .
Brady : Stopping by is nt really a good idea , right now .
Theresa : I have a reason .
Brady : If you re here to see me , Theresa , I have to go to the hospital . I have a meeting , and I m --
Theresa : This wo nt take long , Brady .
Brady : What is this ?
Theresa : Uh , it s the complaint we have to file , for our annulment .
Eric : [ Sighs ]
Kristen : Kristen s a family name . My grandmother s .
Eric : Yeah , memorable .
Kristen : Excuse me .
Eric : What are you doing here ?
Nicole : Fastening my seatbelt ?
Eric : You re not supposed to be on this plane . The bishop put you on a later flight . I made sure .
Nicole : Well ... surprise ! [ Laughing ] Things changed , I m here now . [ Sighs ]
Jordan : You heard Rafe and Kate talk about this alleged affair ?
Abigail : You are so full of it .
Sami : Look , I know what you re going through . I know it s hard . But , Rafe was saying that he did nt want to keep it a secret , Kate was saying that she thought you d be crushed , and so she was willing to make sure that you never found out , etc . , Etc . Well ... you know the drill .
Abigail : [ Scoffs ]
Jordan : I have to go .
Abigail : Jordan , wait , are you okay ?
Jordan : Yeah , I just , um ... I got ta get out of here .
Abigail : What is wrong with you ?
Sami : Hmm ?
Abigail : Why would you spread a vicious thing like that ? I know that you re hurt , Sami , but it s turned you into a monster .
Kate : Could you just listen to me , please ? EJ played a stupid game . He got caught , and he got what he deserved .
Rafe : So you think it could nt happen here ? Hm ?
Kate : Well , no one has pictures of us , do they ? I mean , we re the only two who know what happened . We know it s not gon na happen again . And we both know that if you tell Jordan , she s going to be crushed . Why would you want to do that ?
Rafe : [ Sighs ]
Kate : Sorry .
Rafe : If you need to deal with that ...
Kate : No ... no . That s nothing . Look , I -- I should probably get going , right ? I mean , she s gon na meet you here ?
Rafe : Yeah , she is . And if she walks in here , and we re talking ...
Kate : That would not be good , no .
Rafe : No .
Kate : Anyway , I m just gon na run upstairs . I m gon na say hi to Allie -- she s with Kayla -- then I ll be gone .
Rafe : Okay . Thanks .
Kate : Would you please think about it ? Just think about it hard , before you do anything .
Rafe : Okay , yeah .
Abigail : Jordan never did anything to you .
Sami : Hmm , and if she d minded her own business , maybe I would nt have said anything .
Abigail : But she defended me , so she deserved that ?
Sami : Well you do bring joy to those around you , do nt you ?
Abigail : You could have just destroyed their relationship , Sami .
Sami : [ Laughs ] Actually , it s the people who cheat who destroy the relationship . It s their responsibility , right ? Did you miss morality 101 in school ? You could have time now to go back and take it .
Abigail : You want blood , Sami ? You ve gotten it , okay ? But , at some point , all of this ranting and punishing you re doing ? You start to seem like a flat - out bitch .
Sami : Well , it s better than a lying slut . Wow . I just think about how great- grandpa Horton would be so proud of you , do nt you ?
Rafe : Hey , glad you could make it .
Jordan : I said I d be here , so ...
Rafe : Yeah , come on . You okay ? I know you did nt seem too happy to see your stepfather . Is there a problem , can I help ?
Jordan : Did you do it ?
Rafe : Do what ?
Jordan : Did you have sex with Kate again , after we were together ?
Ben : The story had to be the same for ... everyone . That s the only way it worked .
JJ : Or Jordan would really be on the hook , yeah ?
Ben : Yeah . I was a minor when she got me out of there . Across state lines .
JJ : Rescued you , you mean .
Ben : Yeah .
JJ : That s rough .
Ben : We grew up fast .
JJ : And now your dad s back around ?
Ben : Yeah , but not for long . We ll deal with him . We re not running again .
JJ : Good . You know , if you ever need anything ...
Ben : Yeah , yeah , thank you , man . So we re good ?
JJ : As long as my sister does nt get hurt , yeah .
Abigail : Well , my ears are burning . What s up ?
JJ : Um , Ben just told me everything .
Abigail : Oh , uh , well I -- I would have told him myself . I ve resigned , yes . I turned in my resignation letter , it s done .
JJ : Wait , what ? You resigned ? Why ?
Eric : [ Sighs ]
Nicole : My flight was cancelled . I had to get on this one , or I would miss my appointment with the cardinal tomorrow .
Eric : Really ?
Nicole : Really what ? You do nt believe my flight was cancelled ? Well , uh , take a look . Kay ? Find one , cause you wo nt , which is a shame . I d like to be on another plane , because something is sucking the air out of this cabin .
Eric : Yeah ? Well , somebody s sitting there . I m sure they re gon na want their seat back .
Nicole : No , actually , I asked her to switch seats , so ...
Eric : You need to trade back .
Nicole : [ Laughs ] Eric , you re gon na have to deal with me in Rome , so why not now ?
Kristen : You ve got quite the ferocious temper , do nt you , doctor ?
Daniel : Yeah , well some people bring it out in me .
Kristen : [ Sighs ] What the hell happened to you when you were with Jennifer , to change you so much ? [ Sighs ] Whatever it was , I bet you were the jerk , cause I ca nt imagine Jennifer doing anything like that to screw things up .
Daniel : No , well , she did nt .
Kristen : Hmm , what d you do ?
Daniel : Yeah , but screwing up things is certainly in your bailiwick , is nt it ? And man , you have outdone yourself with this latest genius plan of yours , to lure Brady into your sick , pathetic life .
Kristen : You have no idea what my intentions are .
Daniel : Yeah , really , really ? A two - year - old could figure it out .
Kristen : You care about Brady ? Then you need to get something through your thick head . What you re doing is not protecting him , it s just the opposite . I m the one that can save him .
Theresa : Uh , I found the forms online . It s -- it s not that complicated . You just have to sign the declaration . We do nt even have to go back to Vegas .
Brady : That s good news .
Theresa : Yeah . No fuss , no muss , nothing carries over .
Brady : Like it never happened , huh ?
Theresa : Yeah . Look , what s the matter ? It s clean , Brady , you can have a lawyer look at it . This is exactly what you wanted , is nt it ?
Abigail : Sami s gotten her pound of flesh . It s over .
JJ : Well , does mom know ?
Abigail : Uh , just the bare bones . I ll catch her up tonight .
JJ : What ?
Abigail : Uh , just , Jordan . I m -- I m waiting for her to text me back . She s kind of in the middle of a crisis .
JJ : Okay , you are not taking care of other people , while this is going on , w--
Abigail : Why not ? I m fine . I will be fine . JJ , the world does nt revolve around me , and I m not just gon na disappear under a rock .
JJ : I mean , I m -- I m sorry you re going through this , abs . You know , but you re taking it really well , wow .
Abigail : Thanks . But you know , it s not like I do nt deserve some of this . I brought this on myself .
JJ : See , it s even just saying something like that . You re really strong , and you never play the victim . And that makes me really proud of you .
Abigail : Thank you . I love you , brother .
JJ : Come here . I love you , too .
Ben : Sorry . What s up ?
Abigail : I m just trying to get a hold of Jordan .
Ben : I ll be right back .
Abigail : Come on , Jordan . Please text me back . Let me know you re okay .
Rafe : Can we go somewhere else to talk about this ?
Jordan : It s true , is nt it ?
Rafe : You know , it s just , this is nt the best place .
Jordan : What s the matter , am I too loud ?
Rafe : No , it s not that at all . No , I--
Jordan : It s true , just say it .
Rafe : It s true . Please , can we just go somewhere so I can explain , Jordan ?
Jordan : What ? How it happened , why it happened ? You think I want details ?
Rafe : No .
Jordan : You say you love me , and you sleep with someone else . What else matters ?
Daniel : [ Laughing ] How did you get even crazier than you were ? Do you honestly think that you can save Brady ?
Kristen : Yes . Because I was there when the pain started .
Daniel : Yeah , just an innocent bystander , huh ?
Kristen : Did nt have to happen , if it was was nt for that stupid DVD , and our wedding being interrupted .
Daniel : Hey , no harm , no foul , as long as nobody found you raped a priest .
Kristen : Brady and I would have been happily married now . He never would have fallen off the wagon . He never would have married that disgusting excuse for a woman , Theresa . And he never would have attacked his father . None of this had to happen .
Daniel : No , it did nt . But you are aware that you caused all of this ?
Kristen : But I could end it , too . I know how to help him .
Daniel : Well you think his family and friends are nt right there ?
Kristen : You re his friend . Have nt you tried ? Have you been able to reach him ?
Daniel : And you honestly think that you can ?
Kristen : Yes . Because I know him better than anybody . We re connected . Still . If I could just see him , if I could just be with him , just for a minute ... I would know what I needed to do to help him .
Brady : No , you re right . It s exactly what I wanted . I m -- I m just surprised .
Theresa : [ Scoffs ] You thought that I would hold you up for money , or something ?
Brady : No , no .
Theresa : You re surprised that I took the initiative to start the proceedings ? I mean , Brady , look , I know how busy you are , and how worried you are about your dad , and ...
Brady : [ Sighs ]
Theresa : I mean , it -- it really was nt that hard to handle .
Brady : Listen , listen , listen , look at me . Thank you , thank you . It was thoughtful of you . That s not why I m surprised .
Theresa : Then ...
Brady : I meant I was surprised at how -- how quickly a big mistake can be erased . It s just -- itd be funny if everything in life could be remedied with a declaration .
Brady : [ Sighs ] Um , I m handling some of my dad s business . This is work . Do you mind if I ...
Theresa : No , no .
Brady : Thanks . Trevor , hi , Brady black . Thanks for returning .
Theresa : [ Sighs ]
JJ : All right , thanks for paging my mom . It looks like she left for the day .
JJ : Oh , okay . Sorry .
JJ : No , no big deal . I ll just see her at the house . Hey , Sami !
Sami : Thanks for throwing me in the kiddie pool , EJ . For that alone , I should just-- JJ , hi .
JJ : Seriously ? Now what you re doing is out of control .
Sami : Oh , so your sister sent you to fight her battles for her ?
Rafe : I love you .
Jordan : [ Laughs ] I can not believe I fell for that .
Rafe : What happened had nothing to do with us .
Jordan : Obviously .
Rafe : Look , IM ... it did nt come out . It did not come out right , okay ?
Jordan : I trusted you , Rafe . Did you not get what a big deal that was for me ?
Rafe : I did . I did , Jordan .
Jordan : And so this is what you do in response ?
Rafe : No , it wasnt-- oh my God , no , it w--
Jordan : What ? You slept with Kate , what else can that be ?
Kate : Jordan , oh , my God . You have to understand . This was all my fault .
Rafe : It s really not a good time , Kate .
Kate : No , I can see that . Jordan , it was me . I pushed things with Rafe .
Rafe : Kate .
Kate : She needs to know . She needs to know you were nt really a part of this .
Jordan : I really do nt need--
Kate : It all happened .
Rafe : Kate .
Kate : Gabi went to prison , he was going through hell , he was pushing people away .
Jordan : I really dont--
Kate : I found him drinking , and I wanted to help . I wanted to help , and I ended up taking advantage . I was the aggressor , okay ?
Jordan : I ve got it , you can stop .
Kate : He loves you . He s never stopped .
Jordan : Okay , okay , I got ta go .
Kate : Jordan .
Rafe : Jordan , wait !
Kate : Oh my God .
Rafe : Damn it ! Are you--
Kate : I am sorry . I just tried to help .
Rafe : Jordan ! Please .
Kate : Well , I tried .
JJ : Well Abigail did nt send me anywhere . I came here to see my mom , but since you re here , might as well , have a -- a talk , or somethin .
Sami : Oh , yeah . You want to tell me off . You want to tell me how mean I m being to your poor , sweet , little innocent sister ? Well get in line . Everyone wants to give Abby a free pass , but I do nt . And I wo nt , so save your breath .
JJ : Oh , so you do nt care who gets hurt ?
Sami : I have pretty good aim . Ask around .
JJ : Well how bout will ?
Sami : Excuse me ?
JJ : Well , Abigail s his cousin , and he cares about her . How do you think he feels to see you go after her this way ?
Sami : I think he s pretty shocked by Abby s behavior .
JJ : Right , so when he gets over his shock , I think he s going to be embarrassed as hell at what you are doing to get back at my sister . Ashamed , actually .
Sami : And you do nt think he ll have any sympathy for what his mother is going through ? You know , the truth is , you re probably right . But let me ask you something . Are you , as her brother , kind of embarrassed that your sister slept with my fiancé ? Are you ashamed ?
Ben : Looking for a new job already ?
Abigail : Well , I am officially available . Not sure if I ll find anything though , without a reference from the hospital .
Ben : That is the only place in town that would nt give you a rave . I know sonny needs help here , if you just want something to fill in .
Abigail : I might .
Ben : Well , just tell him you want different shifts than me . I would nt get anything done .
Theresa : Why are you looking at me like that ?
Brady : I ca nt believe I did nt think about this before .
Theresa : What ?
Brady : That night . What happened that night , what you said to the police .
Theresa : What about it ?
Brady : You could go to prison for what happened that night . I m right , are nt I ?
Daniel : Kristen , I do nt know what kind of movie you re running in your head , [ Sighs ] But it s kinda unlikely that seeing you will give Brady a big healing catharsis . At least not the way you see it , or the way he ll see it .
Kristen : Are you trying to say something ? Could you just say it ?
Daniel : Yeah , kinda hard to grasp ? Little lightheaded , are you ? All right , well let me tell you what . I can spell it out for you . I m gon na bring you to Salem , and I suspect there s a few people who will come see you ... behind bars .
Kristen : Daniel , I do nt do jail .
Daniel : Oh , well then this is gon na be a whole new experience for you . Because you are gon na answer for drugging and raping Eric .
Kristen : Do you know what s so strange ?
Daniel : Hm ?
Kristen : Eric s name could have been cleared months ago . And yet , you still want to hang all these crimes around my neck . Nicole played God with Eric s life , just as much as I did .
Eric : [ Sighs ] You know , I really appreciate you coming to Rome to help me right now , but ... spending time together , we really do nt have to do this .
Nicole : I get that you do nt want to hang with me . But this is work .
Eric : Excuse me ?
Nicole : We can go over everything for tomorrow .
Eric : You mean go over our stories , or -- or maybe figure out a better lie , so I could look better in front of the cardinal ?
Nicole : Those are trick questions , right ? Okay , no , I would nt do that , Eric , not now , especially . I just want to-- I just want to make sure that we re prepared for any questions they may ask , so we -- we sound coherent , and make sense . We ve got one shot at this , and I want to get it right .
Eric : Well I really do nt feel comfortable with that .
Nicole : Is it really necessary to be so cold to me ? What else can I do ? I have , I-- I am doing everything in my power to undo the damage . I am making amends in every way that I know how . Am I really that disgusting , that you ca nt sit next to me on an airplane ?
Eric : Yes . Yes , I do nt feel comfortable being in the same room as you , okay ? I m sorry , but that s just how I feel . Kristen may have been the one who raped me , but what you did , it may be even worse .
Nicole : [ Sighs ]
Eric : You betrayed me . Trying to stay fit but miss real pleasure ?
Daniel : This is nt about Nicole .
Kristen : Really ?
Daniel : Mm - hmm .
Kristen : She tampered with evidence that would have cleared Eric s name , and you were stupid enough to buy her line . You must hate yourself for that . So I guess we all have a lot to answer for , do nt we ?
Theresa : I -- I do nt know what you re talking about , I--
Brady : Theresa . You told the cops that I hit john in self - defense . Now , if that was nt the truth and they figure it out , you could be on the hook for perjury . And given your record , and the charges that you faced in L.A. , They could drag your butt back there , and you d be in serious trouble . Do you understand that ?
Theresa : Oh .
Brady : Oh , oh ? It -- it s a big deal . I mean , you protected me .
Theresa : Brady , I did nt lie to protect you .
Brady : Come-- so what you told the cops , that was the truth ?
Theresa : [ Stammering ]
Brady : Was it ?
Theresa : From where I was standing , you did not go after john , period , okay ? What happened that night , it was nt your fault . Just for once and for all , stop this . I mean , you do nt deserve to punish yourself for what happened . It was nt your fault . I mean , God , you just -- youve got to get that through your thick skull--
Brady : All right , all right , okay , Theresa , okay . I wont -- I wont -- I wo nt bring it up again . I -- I got ta go , okay ? I , um ... [ Sighs ]
Theresa : Look , um ... Brady , I -- I know that you need some space right now . That s why I had the annulment done so fast . I hope it helped .
Brady : It did .
Theresa : Good . You know , when things get easier ... do you think maybe ... maybe we can be friends again ?
JJ : All right , I m not going to judge Abigail .
Sami : Oh , no , of course not . She just had sex with my fiancé . But heaven forbid we judge her for it . But now she s losing her job at the hospital , because she violated the morality clause , and you think I m out of control ?
JJ : You should be going after EJ . Hell , I d like to punch that guy in the face .
Sami : Well I would pay money to see that .
JJ : Well you know he s the one who pushed this , Sami . Maybe you do nt want to think that .
Sami : You should ask your sister what really happened . Ask her how she ended up in his private shower at the company locker room , while he was working .
JJ : All right , you know , I do nt want to hear that garbage .
Sami : No , of course not . Who does ? But until you hear the whole story , you re always gon na think she s innocent , and not know what really happened .
JJ : No , I actually think you re a hypocrite . I mean , what -- what are you , are you some kind of saint ? You never made a mistake ? You never broke a rule ?
Sami : I never got off as lightly as you did . Dealing drugs ? And you would vandalize stores ? And all you had to do was some light trash patrol , and your record was clear ? No wonder you think that Abby should skate . My God , the two of you are just pampered little brats . You live your whole life getting away with whatever you want . Well guess what ? You tell your mom , and all of the Hortons , that that s not how I roll . I m going to see to it that Abby pays for what she did . She deserves it , everything I ve done . She deserves what I m going to do , too .
Abigail : You know , if I worked here too , we would both be fired , so fast .
Ben : [ Laughing ] I know . Oh , yeah . Hold on .
Abigail : Ben , look , I just-- I think you should know--
Ben : No , no , me first . I wanted to do this a while ago , but ... I made something for you .
Abigail : You ma-- [ Laughing ] Okay . What ? Wha -- you made this ? What do you -- my God , it s -- it s beautiful . I did nt know you could do this . I -- I did nt know that you were an artisan .
Ben : No , no , no , no . It s -- it s just woodwork . I learned back home .
Abigail : Oh my God .
Ben : I would have dumped it when we left , but Jordan made me keep it up . She really did nt let me slack off in any way . She really looked out for me .
Abigail : Well , maybe now you can look out for her .
Rafe : Jordan , Jordan , wait . Jordan , please ! Please , will you listen to me ? Just hear me out .
JJ : I do nt give a damn if you go after EJ , but if you mess with my sister again , I swear you are going to be sorry . Really sorry .
Sami : [ Scoffs ] I am shaking in my stilettos .
Sami : Boy , please . Just getting started . Hm , and I will collect , Kate .
Ben : What s wrong with Jordan ?
Abigail : It may be nothing , but , uh , earlier , Jordan and I got into sort of a , um , heated exchange with Sami . Jordan was trying to defend me , and Sami just went off on her , and said all sorts of nasty things to her . It s probably none of my business , but I think that Jordan may need you .
Ben : Well where is she now ?
Abigail : She s supposed to be with Rafe , but I do nt know if she kept those plans or not , and she s not texting me back , so , I -- I do nt know , I mean , I m worried , and -- I m sorry , I do nt mean to butt in , I just feel like--
Ben : [ Sighs ] No , no , it s -- it s okay . I ll call her . Thank you .
Abigail : Okay , yeah .
Rafe : I hate what I did to you . That I hurt you so much .
Jordan : Was she telling the truth ? Were you drunk ?
Rafe : Yeah . But I m not gon na blame Kate .
Jordan : She s covering for you , that s really sweet .
Rafe : W -- would you just forget about Kate ? Jordan , listen , this is about you-- it s about you and me .
Jordan : No , it s not . Not anymore . So if you care about me , you just do me a favor , and leave me alone .
Nicole : I understand that you re mad . I understand that you hate me . But you have no right to compare me , or what I did , to Kristen DiMera , and what she did . What is wrong with you ? [ Sighs ] All I want to do is help you , and you need the help , if you want to be a priest again . But it -- it s like you re doing everything you can to make me not want to help you . God , what is going on in your head ?
Eric : Dear God , what is going on with me ?
Brady : Theresa , uh , look . [ Sighs ] I -- I do nt think I could ever look at you , and not see what I did that night . I mean , I did it -- I -- I did it . I let myself become that person , but I -- I did it with you . And now my dad could die because of it . As much as I want to be friends with you , I cant -- I do nt think I could ever get that image out of my mind . And I really , I wish the best for you . I really do , cause I like you . I do nt think you get the credit that you should . This town is pretty rough on you , and you do nt deserve it . Hey . You be good to yourself , okay ?
Theresa : Mm .
Brady : [ Sighs ] Come back to us , dad . You come back to us , so this nightmare can finally be over .
Daniel : [ Grunts ]
Kristen : Ouch . Okay great , I ca nt move a muscle . Y -- you re wasting your time .
Daniel : Well keeping you locked down is a good investment .
Kristen : In what , exactly ? Yeah , what do you think you re gon na do ? Walk out of here and find a phone and call the cops ? They re gon na catch you , you ca nt get past them .
Daniel : Shut up , I ll find a way .
Kristen : [ Sighs ] There s only one way . Leave me behind , and I promise you I will make sure you get safe passage out of here .
Daniel : [ Laughs ] What ? I love you , you re crazy . I love how you think you re in charge .
Kristen : I am . You re trapped .
Daniel : No , you re trapped , and going to a cage .
Kristen : You re never gon na take me back there .
Daniel : We ll see , wo nt we ?
### Summary:
| Sami told Jordan that Rafe s still sleeping with Kate . Abby tried to convince Jordan that Sami lied . Sami informed Jordan that she overheard Rafe and Kate talking about the affair . Rafe wanted to tell Jordan about having sex with Kate , but she did nt think it was a good idea . Daniel bound and gagged Kristen to keep her from telling her henchman that she was in the supply closet . Jordan and Abby did nt believe Sami at first . Jordan started to think and realized that Sami could have told her the truth . Jordan walked away from Abby and Sami . Abby confronted Sami about what she did . Kate continued to convince Rafe not to say anything about what they did . Sami sent Kate a text letting her know that Jordan knew the truth . Abby let Sami know that she could have ruined Jordan and Rafe s relationship . Sami reminded Abby that she ruined her relationship . They argued a little more about Abby being with EJ . Jordan met with Rafe at the pub . Jordan asked Rafe if he had sex with Kate while they were together . Kristen wanted to know what Daniel did to ruin things with Jennifer . Daniel reminded Kristen that she was the one who ruined things . Daniel recapped what she did to Brady . Abby met with JJ and told him why she had to quit working at the hospital . Jordan wanted Rafe to admit that he had sex with Kate . Rafe finally admitted that he did have sex with her . He wanted to talk to Jordan about what happened somewhere else . Daniel thought that Kristen ruined Brady s life . Kristen believed that she was the one who could save Brady s life . JJ ran into Sami and he thought she was out of control . Jordan yelled at Rafe for what he did . Kate interrupted them and took the blame for what they did . Jordan did nt want to hear Kate s explanation . JJ and Sami went back and forth about Abby . Daniel wanted to bring Kristen to Salem so people could talk to her . Kristen said Nicole was just as responsible for what happened to Eric as she . JJ and Sami continued to argue about Abby . JJ threatened to go after Sami if she did nt leave Abby alone . Rafe caught up with Jordan and the park and wanted her to listen to what he had to say . Jordan asked him if he was drunk and Rafe said drinking was nt the only reason why he was with Kate . Jordan told him that she did nt want to be with him anymore . Daniel warned Kristen that she was going to prison . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Liza : You re late . Ok , so --
David : Some water , please .
Liza : I have the agreements here . And Amanda has agreed to artificial insemination to carry your child --
David : Yeah , yeah , I know -- in exchange for joint custody of both Trevor and the new baby . Got it .
Liza : Do nt bull over the details here , David .
David : You know , I m really busy at the clinic right now . Is there any way we can just have you messenger over the contract ?
Liza : No , actually , this particular one needs a face - to - face .
Liza : Yeah , I want everybody going into this with their eyes wide open .
David : Yeah , I guess you re right . I mean , we would nt want to find ourselves in the mess you got yourself in with the mother of your adopted son .
Jake : Hello . Hmm . You should get some rest . You look like crap .
David : Huh . Well , you know how it is , Jake , when you re spending all your free time with your new son . Oh , I m sorry . What -- what am I talking about ? Why would you know that ?
Liza : Ok , can we just try and be civil here , please ? Now , I have incorporated everybody s concerns into the agreement . And I want everybody to read over them very carefully before you sign them .
Jake : Small print , Mr. Hayward s specialty .
Liza : And , Amanda , especially paragraph 2 , sections A and B.
Amanda : You have got to be kidding me .
Emma : 9 , 8 , 6 -- 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 .
Adam : Hello , Emma !
Little Adam : Grandpa !
Adam : Hey ! Oh . Oh , I missed you , too , buddy . More than I can say .
Erica : I am so glad that you and Zach are working on this together now .
Ryan : Well , going solo did nt exactly get a confession out of Annie .
Erica : But focusing on Adam -- that is exactly the right approach . Nobody was closer to Stuart than Adam . And if Adam saw Stuart s murder , it s bound to come back to him .
Ryan : A little luck and the same pills he was taking that night , and we should get a confession out of him .
Ryan : Hey , have you --
Annie : Excuse me , have you seen --
Ryan : Have you seen Emma around anywhere ?
Annie : My daughter ? She s in a ladybug costume . It s -- it s really , really important I talk to her . She s about this tall . She s just wearing a little red and black --
Ryan : Excuse me . What the hell are you doing here ? And what is so very , very important ?
Adam : Little A , I want you to tell me everything . Now , how do you like this Halloween party ? You having fun ?
Little Adam : I wish Daddy were here .
Adam : You were nt really that upset when your daddy married Marissa , were you ? Huh ? I know that you will always love your real mother . But Marissa will always love you like you were her real little boy .
Little Adam : I missed you , Grandpa . I miss Uncle Stuart , too .
Adam : Oh . Yeah , I miss him every day of my life . Every day . He s a wonderful man . A wonderful , kind , loving man . What happened to him should never have happened . But if I could switch places with him , I d do it . That s how much I wish he were here with us .
Scott : Huh ? How do you get in here ?
Zach : I know it s not my house , but you really got to work on the security .
Scott : Adam s not here .
Zach : I m not here to see Adam .
Scott : Annie s not here , either .
Zach : I m here to see you .
Ryan : What part of leave Emma alone do nt you understand ?
Annie : This is a public place , Ryan . You have no right .
Ryan : Actually , I do have a right . If you want to go to court and discuss your visitation rights , I d be very happy to do -- Annie , this is not a joke , ok ? I already let you see Emma today once .
Erica : Ryan --
Ryan : Do nt move .
Erica : No , not so fast . Your mask is slipping . That s real fear I see . What are you so afraid of that s going to happen ?
Natalia : I m not upset . You just got it wrong , that s all . I mean , I was nt looking away because I wanted to pretend your scars did nt exist . I was looking away because -- shoot , I did nt know how many layers you were going to take off . I was just trying to give you some privacy .
Brot : There s no need for that . There s nobody here but us cops .
Natalia : Uh -- no . I m the only cop here , cadet .
Brot : All right . Cool . If that s the way you want to play it .
Natalia : I -- fine . When -- when I first met you , and I saw your scars , I was thrown . I thought , damn . That poor guy has been through hell . But -- but then I got to know you . And you were ok with it , so I m ok with it . I mean , first impressions do nt mean that much , anyway . Now when I look at you , I do nt even see your scars , I just see -- I just see you .
Ryan : Hey , sweets , you having fun at the Halloween party ?
Annie : Hi .
Erica : Hey .
Emma : I won the Halloween costume contest with Mommy s ladybug .
Ryan : Oh , that s terrific . That s great news .
Annie : That s great , sweetie . But you know what , Ryan ? We should really let her get back to her friends .
Ryan : Adam , I m a little surprised to see you here .
Erica : Yeah , this crowd s a little younger than your usual playmates , right ?
Adam : Oh , yeah . Well , I ve -- I was just walking to the park , and I saw my grandson . We ve been catching up .
Erica : Uh - huh .
Adam : Yeah , I -- Emma , I did nt get much of a chance to talk with you . But that s a wonderful costume . I can see why you won .
Ryan : Yeah . Well , Ems , I think it s time to say good - bye to Adam and Annie , ok ?
Annie : Can I -- can I just say good - bye in private for a second , Ryan , please ? Just a second .
Ryan : Yeah .
Annie : Hi . I m going to see you really soon , ok , my sweetheart ?
Emma : He s really sorry . You see , I do nt think he meant to hurt his brother .
Annie : No , you re right . You re right . That s what I ve been saying , sweetie . So you re -- you re not afraid of him anymore ?
Adam : Well , I m glad that we got a chance to talk , to visit . Come visit again soon , ok ?
Adam : Bye - bye .
Annie : Hi .
Erica : What just happened ?
Ryan : I have no idea , but I do nt like it .
Scott : I do nt think we have much to say to each other .
Zach : Well , there is one thing , Scotty . I came to apologize .
Scott : For what ?
Zach : The other night , I pushed you pretty hard , and you pulled a gun on me .
Scott : Maybe I m supposed to apologize to you right now , but I do nt think I will .
Zach : There s no need . I knew you were nt going to pull the trigger .
Scott : I m not man enough for you ?
Zach : But you are man enough to know that there s been enough bloodshed , enough pain .
Scott : Oh , hey , I crave all the pain I can get . I m always on the lookout for more . Fortunately , it s a buyer s market around here .
Zach : What about Kendall ? Do you think she s in the buyer s market ? She deserves to be punished ?
Scott : She was convicted .
Zach : But she s innocent . You know that . So you do nothing .
Scott : Get out .
Zach : All right , maybe you can live with it . What do you think your daddy would say ?
Scott : You leave my father out of this .
Zach : What do you think your dad would say ? You re punishing an innocent woman . Keeping her from her kids . What would Stuart think of you ?
Bailey : Ow .
Colby : Oh , hey .
Bailey : Hey .
Colby : Ooh . My feet are killing me . I ve been shopping all afternoon .
Bailey : What did you get ?
Colby : Ooh . Well , the cutest jeans at a closeout sale . And these to - die - for shoes .
Bailey : Oh ! Can I try them on ?
Colby : Uh -- sure . So , how s the baby doing ?
Bailey : Oh -- he cries , he eats , he sleeps , he cries . I love Stuart so much . It s just that maybe taking care of him full - time is nt exactly what I expected it to be .
Scott : I m calling security , having you escorted off the property .
Zach : Oh , do nt worry about it . I ll find my own way out . I know a shortcut . I should nt have come . It was a waste of time .
Scott : Then why did you come ? Obviously , not to apologize .
Zach : You re a mystery to me . You re a Chandler with a conscience .
Scott : It is so gratifying to get your approval .
Zach : You know the first time I saw it ? The night my son was in surgery . I saw the part of you that s Adam . All you wanted was that valve to work , so you could make more money . And then I saw the part that s Stuart . You just wanted my son to be ok . Tsk . Man , that s one hell of a struggle you got going on in there , one hell of a struggle . The good thing is , it s almost over . Now Stuart s gone . The good in you is slowly fading away .
Scott : All right , that s enough .
Zach : You re right , it is enough . Just one thing . Why would you pick Annie ? Why protect her ?
Scott : I did nt pick Annie .
Zach : Ok . I m overthinking it , obviously . It s pretty simple , you know ? Just , you want to sleep with her . You have slept with her -- whatever . Both .
Adam : What a vile thing to say about my nephew and my fiancée . You must be desperate to toss out such baseless accusations .
Zach : Baseless ? Maybe . Why do you think she cancelled the wedding ?
Annie : The wedding is not cancelled .
Zach : No ?
Annie : No . Just a misunderstanding . It s completely cleared up now .
Zach : Not clear to me .
Annie : Well , that s not really my problem . Oh , also , we ve changed our minds . We do nt want to get married at the ballroom at the casino anymore . I want a more intimate setting , like right here .
Zach : But same date , no postponement ?
Annie : Same date . The date no one will ever forget .
Zach : Hmm . Yeah , I think you re right about that . Ok , I ll see you then . Scott .
Scott : You ca nt bluff Zach , Annie .
Adam : Yeah , Scott s right . Why did you tell him all that ?
Annie : Because it s the truth .
David : I do nt see the problem .
Amanda : The problem is , this clause states Jake and I ca nt have sex .
David : I m not about to risk Martin knocking you up when I m engaging your services to deliver a biological child of mine .
Jake : There s a risk of that possibly happening once she s conceived , but this is talking about not having relations until after the child is born .
David : You know something ? This could be my last shot at giving Trevor a sibling . So this pregnancy is going to happen in a risk - free bubble .
Jake : What risk are you talking about ? She ca nt get pregnant with my child if she s already pregnant with your child . Did you miss that day in med school , Dave ?
David : Hey , you could give her an STD . How do I know how you re spending your time apart ? Syphilis , herpes -- who knows ?
Jake : You know what ? We should go in the parking lot right now , all right ?
Liza : Ok , you know what ? We re not going to get physical here !
Jake : There s no way that I m going to give her an STD .
David : Those are my terms .
Amanda : Does this say what I think it says ?
Liza : Yeah , I m afraid so .
Amanda : I have to stay with you in Wildwind until the baby is born ?
David : That s right . Is there a problem with that ?
Amanda : Why would you even want that ?
David : The only place I can know that you re safe is in my home .
Amanda : Wow , do you not get why I am doing this at all ? I am doing this to get back to my life . My life with Jake .
David : Got that . And I m all for love . So what can I say ? Patience is a virtue .
Colby : And two costumes for the Halloween party . I ca nt decide which to wear .
Bailey : What kind of party ?
Colby : Monster themed . It s invitation only for people who did the dance marathon . It should be pretty cool .
Bailey : So who are you going with ?
Colby : Pete .
Bailey : Is he your guy ?
Colby : Uh -- no way . He s like my default date .
Bailey : Which means he wants to bump it up a notch .
Colby : Uh -- he wants to bump a lot of things . Let s just not go there . Do you have a boyfriend ?
Bailey : No . Well , I mean , Damon .
Colby : He s the one you hooked up with before -- Stuart happened ?
Bailey : Yeah . He was the coolest guy in school . And when he hung out with me , I was queen of the pack . Until he found out I was pregnant . And then it was Bailey who ?
Colby : He sounds like a complete tool .
Bailey : Yeah , he is . The thing is , I ve been thinking about him a lot lately . It was this time last year when he got me pregnant . Now , that was a party .
Colby : Party s over , I guess .
Bailey : Halloween was always my favorite . Now look at me . I m stuck in a house with a baby that s not even old enough to play .
Colby : Maybe things would work out better for you if you just walked . Let my mom bring him up .
Bailey : Ouch .
Colby : I m not saying it to hurt you .
Bailey : I know . You re right . Things would be so much easier if I just left . But Stuart s my son . Part of me . I ca nt walk away from that . Can I ?
Ryan : Hey , Ems , what were you and Adam talking about ?
Emma : He really misses his brother . I think he was crying .
Ryan : Really ? Well , hey , why do nt you go play with the rest of the kids , ok ? All right , go have fun . It s ok . Stay where I can see you .
Erica : Ryan , that is so unlike Adam . To let himself appear so vulnerable in front of a child in a public place like this ?
Ryan : Yeah . You thinking what I m thinking ?
Erica : I think so . Adam is completely primed to unlock the truth now , and I think all he needs is one little push .
Zach : Well , whatever we re going to do , we re going to have to do it fast .
Erica : Why do you say that ? Has something happened ?
Zach : The wedding s back on .
Ryan : How do you know that ?
Zach : Annie just told me .
Ryan : And once they re married , Annie is going to have the full power of the Chandler name behind her and we lose all of our leverage .
Zach : One week and that window s closed .
Brot : Well , I m a mess from trying to fix your dead car . I should try to get these grease stains off .
Natalia : All right .
Brot : So I m curious . You say you know me . Well , who is that , anyway ? Oh --
Natalia : What do you mean ?
Brot : I mean , am I the guy you got stuck with at the dance marathon ? Or the guy who bugged you when he said he wanted to become a cop ?
Natalia : Come on , both of those were petty first impressions . I did nt even know you back then .
Brot : Oh . And you know me now ?
Natalia : Wait , how did we get on this subject , anyway ?
Brot : Well , we re waiting for that tow truck . I figured I d make a little conversation , you know .
Natalia : Well , I m not the type of person to over - analyze everybody , ok ? You are who you are , I am who I am . End of story .
Brot : No worries .
Natalia : All right .
Brot : I am a mess .
Natalia : Do you -- you want some help with that ?
Brot : No , I can do it by myself .
Natalia : Turn around .
Brot : Ok .
Natalia : Ahem .
Adam : I do nt understand . Emma was dead set against this wedding .
Scott : Yeah , you really do nt want to rush --
Annie : Scott , can Adam and I have a moment , please ?
Annie : Things have changed . Whatever you said to Emma , it put her mind at ease about -- everything . I mean , all of her fears have just gone away .
Adam : Yeah , I tried -- I tried to talk to Little Adam about Stuart in -- at the party . Now , maybe Emma got some reassurance from my rambling .
Annie : Well , or maybe she saw all of the love in you .
Adam : Well , I went to -- to the park to -- well , give her a hand , to convince her . But at that moment , I was speaking strictly from my heart .
Annie : You know what ? None of it even matters anymore . All that matters is that I love you , and we re going to be married soon . Do you love me , Adam ?
Adam : I reckon so , yeah .
Annie : And I love that you are reaching out to Emma , but just -- you know , you just have to give her some space , and she ll come around , and -- and we ll be a family soon . That s good !
Annie : Oh ! Oh , no ! Oh , I got lipstick on your jacket .
Adam : Oh .
Annie : Oh , silly me . Why do nt you go take care of that ?
Adam : Yeah , well , I need a little -- little bit more of that .
Annie : Ok . Mwah .
Scott : Ahem . We need to talk .
Annie : I know . Not here .
Amanda : Did you think if you had this all written out in legalese , I would nt understand that you re locking me in your castle ?
David : I m not trying to sneak anything into this contract . I want everyone to know what s on the table .
Amanda : That I m expected to be your slave ?
David : No , not at all . But I think it s very important for all of us to remember that I suffered greatly because of this man . Starting with his heartless scam to make me think my son was dead .
Jake : Well , that was wrong , but I was doing it to protect the kid from you .
David : Yeah , all right . Given that , I think I ve been pretty damn generous . So if I put any conditions on this contract to protect my interests , well , you can hardly blame me .
Amanda : Conditions are one thing . This is blackmail .
Jake : He s been blackmailing you since the beginning .
David : Hmm , semantics . Call it what you want .
Amanda : I call it over . I am not signing this .
David : Fine . But you should remember , Amanda , that I was the one that came up with this idea to give you your dream , joint custody . But hey , if you do nt want it , all right . You know , maybe I might have to reconsider the whole situation .
Colby : I think you re doing a really great job taking care of Stuart .
Bailey : Really ?
Colby : Yeah . And that stuff I said about your life being better off without him -- it s not exactly true . I mean , parties are great and everything , but --
Bailey : But it s not as good as having your own family , right ?
Colby : Well , that depends on your family .
Bailey : And hey , in a little bit , I ll be able to take him out trick or treating and stuff , right ? Oh , he d look so cute in a Peter Pan costume . You know , when I look at Stuart , I see so much of Damon .
Colby : Does that make you miss him ?
Bailey : I do nt know . Maybe . I have nt seen him in a really long time . He was cute , though .
Colby : It s ok . I ll get him .
Zach : Scott did nt buy that I came over there to apologize , but I got to case the joint .
Ryan : But is he at least going to be on the lookout for us ?
Zach : I do nt know . I think he s hiding something , too .
Erica : They re all hiding something .
Ryan : But you got what you needed over there , right ?
Zach : I have an idea .
Ryan : Ok . Well , what is it ? I mean , Adam s primed . He s ready to go .
Erica : Absolutely . Whatever he s holding inside -- whatever truth that is , that is just ready to take him to the breaking point .
Zach : I know what I have to do .
Ryan : So do we .
Annie : I thought it was game over at the park . Ryan stopped me before I could get to Emma .
Scott : But not before Adam found her .
Annie : The thing is , she did nt tell him that he s the one who killed Stuart . Instead , she listened to him and saw how sad he was , and saying how Stuart s death was a horrible accident .
Scott : Well , what was her reaction ?
Annie : She seemed relieved .
Scott : No , it ca nt be that simple .
Annie : No , I think she saw how sad Adam was , and she felt bad for him .
Scott : Even so , Annie --
Annie : Do you understand how great this is ? It means everything is done . It is perfect . I can move on with my wedding , and all the skeptics can shut up .
Scott : No , will you shut up ? Just -- listen , hear me out , ok ? What -- whatever happened between Emma and Adam in the park , maybe it does nt matter .
Annie : What are you saying ?
Scott : I m talking about Uncle Adam . He was always so dependent on my father telling him the right thing to do , even if he did nt do it . And now it s as if he s trying , but he just does nt know how to get there .
Annie : I -- I do nt understand what you re talking about .
Scott : No , I think you do . I know that I said that it was best to keep this secret buried -- for Adam s sake , not to add more pain on top of pain . But I do nt know anymore .
Annie : Ok . Ok , well , I know . This is all finally coming together , and now you re having second thoughts ? Come on , I thought you cared about me , Scott . I thought I could trust and confide in you about this .
Scott : No , I do care about you --
Annie : Please , please , please , please . Please , I m begging you , I m begging you . We have to stay strong .
Liza : Wow , you are a piece of work .
David : I ve been called worse .
Liza : For good reason .
David : I see it all as a compliment to me , Liza . When people are that frustrated with you , usually it means you re winning .
Liza : Can -- do I need to remind you that Amanda just ripped up the contract ?
David : Hmm . And I believe she s going to be back here in a minute asking for a new copy .
Liza : Well , you are pretty sure of yourself .
David : I just know she s going to realize that this is the best deal she s going to get .
Liza : What , and Jake is supposed to just be ok with this and let her just sign the contract ?
David : Jake is the reason she s in this mess in the first place .
Liza : Well , that might be true , but it s still not going to sit well with them .
David : Well , if she was nt so damn caught up in making him happy , she would have signed on the dotted line by now . But I get the feeling she s getting that now .
Brot : You know what ? That s probably good enough .
Natalia : Well , come on . I mean , if you can get this messy from working on the car to get us both out of here , it s the least I can do .
Brot : Ok . Well , I am a little different from you , though .
Natalia : Ok . What s that supposed to mean ?
Brot : It means I am the kind of guy who analyzes everybody . I ve always been that way . I m pretty good at it , too .
Natalia : Well , do nt keep me in suspense .
Brot : Ok . You like to put your guard up around strangers . Probably a good trait for a cop , because you play things close to the vest . Blend into the woodwork , try not to be noticed . It s probably something you picked up from your dad while he was on the run .
Natalia : I m listening .
Brot : But when I look close , I see you trying to keep people from noticing how you like to push yourself . You get a charge out of setting goals and reaching them all by yourself . Independent , which is very cool . And pretty hot , too . But we re talking about what s on the inside , right ?
Amanda : Just because David s holding all the cards , it does nt mean this is right .
Jake : Well , maybe we re lucky he s not asking for more .
Amanda : Asking for more ? No sex and locked in that mausoleum for nine months ?
Jake : Honey , if you are saying no to this because you re afraid that saying yes means he s going to really stick it to me , then you --
Amanda : Well , he is .
Jake : Babe , what s really important to you in this life ?
Amanda : Jake , what is important to me has not changed . It is you , Trevor , and this new baby .
Jake : Well , I have said this before . I ca nt tell you what to do with your body . But if this is going to work , we need to treat it like it s a business deal . You know ? And what you said before is true . He is -- he s holding all the cards . So if -- if we do this , we get our life back , we get our family back in nine months , right ? Can you wait nine months ? I -- I can wait nine months .
Natalia : Um -- anyways -- um -- so you want my take on you ? Here it is .
Brot : You know you do nt have to do this .
Natalia : Oh , but you know me so well . What , you can dish it , but you ca nt take it ?
Brot : Ok , all right . All right .
Natalia : Ok , ok , all right .
Brot : All right , go for it .
Natalia : Well , you want to know what I think ?
Brot : What ?
Natalia : I think you re -- you re pretty amazing . I do nt know if -- if you ve always been able to handle the raw deal , of if that s something -- some sort of strength that you got after the -- the war . I think that -- I think that you re brave , confident -- and generous . Which is -- is a lot to say when --
Brot : When I have a mug like this to look at in the mirror every morning ?
Natalia : Yeah . Anyway -- um -- when I look at you , that s what I see . Just trying to keep the conversation ball rolling .
Natalia : Um -- oh . Do nt forget this .
Brot : Yeah . All right .
Natalia : Uh -- these are from my car engine ?
David : You know what s really bugging you , Liza ?
Liza : Do tell .
David : It s not that I fill my contracts with heartless , twisted clauses . It s that I know how to get what I want .
Liza : So did Attila the Hun .
David : Hmm . Joke all you want , but people like me -- we keep this world spinning nice and neatly .
Liza : Well , you know , I hope that that thought keeps you warm at night -- and all those lonely nights when you look around and you realize that you have no friends .
David : You know , people could use friends like me , Liza . For those lonely moments when bold action is required . Kind of like the situation you found yourself in .
Liza : Ok , you know what ? You can leave my situation out of this .
David : Stuart s mother showing up at your doorstep , not knowing if she wants to keep her child or not . Now , that is a project that I could wrap up into a nice bow by the weekend .
Liza : Well , thank you , but no , thank you .
David : You re going to be sorry you turned me down . I m good at this . And here s my proof .
Amanda : I would like another document . I m ready to sign .
Liza : Um -- all right , I will have another one made up for you as soon as I can .
Amanda : And send it to Wildwind . I ll be back by there later . We have somewhere to be right now .
David : All right , now , wait a minute . Where do you think you re going ?
Amanda : It is none of your damn business . I have nt signed on the dotted line yet .
Singer : And you can be my fantasy my life has just begun oh , can you take me away ?
Liza : Yeah . You re really good at this .
Brot : Natalia , come on , let me explain .
Natalia : You know what ? Explain what ? How my spark plugs just flew into your pocket ? Or how my car was never broken down to begin with ?
Brot : Well , maybe I was just trying to score -- you know , get some alone time with you .
Natalia : Trying to score ? Oh , that s cute . You know what , one question . Was this your idea ? Or did my father put you up to this to keep me off the case ? Huh .
Brot : Natalia , come on -- no , no !
Natalia : No , no , no ! Nice to see you can follow orders , cadet . As a matter of fact , here s another one . Walk your butt back to Pine Valley , cause I m taking the car !
Bailey : Hey , Colby , come out when you have the costume on . I want to see it .
Liza : All right , you ve got to get back to the hospital , and -- oh , I got to make another contract for Amanda . And then I have to take a long , cleansing shower .
David : You think this is all a game to me , do nt you ?
Liza : Well , how else would you describe it ?
David : You talked about me being lonely earlier . Has it ever occurred to you why I want a child in the first place ?
Liza : To keep you company ?
David : To love me . And to make sure that Trevor has a child to grow up with .
Liza : Wow , you sound sincere . Hmm .
David : Let me tell you something , Liza . As I ve gotten older , I ve come to realize that there are only two things in life that count . Love and family .
Liza : How is it that someone who sounds so convincing is so hard to believe ? Excuse me .
David : Love and family , Liza . It s no joke .
Amanda : You know , in about 24 hours , doing this is going to be a breach of contract .
Jake : Really ? The only contract I care about is the one I made with you . And that s to love you forever .
Erica : Ok . Everything s set on my end . We re still on ?
Ryan : Mm - hmm .
Erica : Ryan , do you really think this is going to bring Kendall home ?
Ryan : I think it s her best shot . It may be our only shot for Emma , too .
Erica : Well , then it has to work .
Ryan : You did nt run into any problems ?
Erica : No , not on my end . Everything is all set up just the way we said . How about on your end ?
Ryan : Oh , as good -- as -- everything is ready . The late Stuart Chandler will be making his appearance on Halloween right on time .
Annie : Was it Zach ? Did he say something to get to you ?
Scott : I do my own thinking . And this has never sat right with me , not from the moment that you told me that Adam killed my father .
Annie : You said it yourself . If Adam finds out what he did , it will kill him .
Scott : I know what I said , but maybe -- maybe this is what s killing him . I mean , he seems so frail all of a sudden . It s like he -- he knows what the truth is . He s -- and he s trying to let it out .
Annie : Or maybe -- maybe he just wants to keep it hidden forever .
Scott : Or maybe , Annie , by nudging him carefully is the best way to get him the help that he needs .
Adam : Annie ?
Adam : Stuart ? S -- Stu -- Stuart ! Oh , God . It s -- it s Stuart .
Annie : Adam --
Adam : I swear -- I swear , it s Stuart .
Scott : What s wrong ?
Annie : What ?
Adam : He s inside !
Annie : What -- what is it ?
Scott : What ? Was somebody here ?
Annie : Adam , talk to me . Are you all right ?
### Summary:
| Brot asks Natalie if seeing his scars has upset her . She tells him at first they did but now that she knows him she sees past his appearance . They bicker back and forth for awhile . Finally Natalia discovers the spark plugs Brot took from her car and she is ticked off . She asks him if he did that himself or did her dad tell him to stop her ? She takes off and tells Brot he can walk back home to PV . David meets Liza , Jake and Amanda at ConFusion to review the contract for having the new baby . Amanda and Jake are not pleased that David has stated that during the pregnancy Amanda can not have sex with Jake and she must live at Wildwind . She rips the contract up and she and Jake leave . Liza gloats that they turned down the deal , but David says he knows she will come back and agree to it . Sure enough , she does and the deal is on . She and Jake leave to enjoy the last little time they have together for the next 9 months . Colby arrives home and shows Bailey all the things she bought at the store and her costume for the Halloween Party at ConFusion . They talk about baby Stuart s biological dad and that sometimes Bailey misses him . Emma watches Adam talking to Little Adam . She sees how sweet and nice he is . Ryan and Erica show up at park and over hear Annie asking for Emma . They rush over and find Adam talking to the children . Before Emma leaves , Annie asks to say goodbye to her . Emma tells her Mom that she believes Adam is sorry for killing Stuart and she is no longer afraid of him . Zach once again slips into the Mansion and finds Scott . They argue for a while about Scott protecting his father s killer and Scott tells Zach to go . Annie and Adam return and tell a shocked Zach that the wedding is back on and will not be at the Casino . Zach leaves . Zach meets up with Erica and Ryan at the park and informs them that the wedding is back on and time is running out . They all decide the Stuart needs to come back from the grave and push Adam into remembering what happened that night to finally free Kendall . Annie and Scott discuss / argue that maybe they should let Adam remember what happened , that he killed his own brother . Annie begs Scott not to do it , that it would ruin everything and destroy Adam . Zach , Ryan and Erica put their plan into motion . Adam returns to the parlor and sees a painting written in red paint ( blood ? ) saying Help me Adam . He freaks out and runs to get Annie and Scott , while he is gone , Zach sneaks back in and switches the paintings back . When Scott , Annie and Adam come back in everything is normal . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : You said nothing happened that night .
Shauna : I did nt want you freaked out . You re freaked out .
Ridge : I m not freaked out at all . I just -- this kiss , what -- what , uh--
Shauna : It was all my doing . I mean , you were passed out drunk . I m sorry , I could nt help it .
Ridge : Okay , but this , um , this kiss , what -- what kind of a kiss we talking about here ?
Shauna : A nice one .
Ridge : Oh , god .
Shauna : I know , you were just laying there and you looked so sweet .
Ridge : I was ... [ Sighs ] But I did nt kiss you back , because I was out , right ?
Shauna : You were pretty out of it .
Ridge : Yeah .
Shauna : But you did kiss me back .
Ridge : Oh ...
Shauna : I have another confession . I felt something . It made me want to kiss you again .
Brooke : Ooh !
Katie : [ Chuckles ]
Brooke : Oh , how you feeling ?
Katie : Oh , I m feeling so much better knowing that I m gon na get out of here at some point .
Bill : No one s more excited than will .
Katie : Yeah . Diane took him to get him a snack .
Brooke : I still ca nt get over the fact that your donor is flo .
Wyatt : It still blows me away that -- that you gave up a kidney for katie .
Flo : Oh , well , you would have done the same thing .
Wyatt : No , what you did , that s -- that s another level . Like , that s the pinnacle o - of compassion and -- and-- and generosity . I -- I am -- I am in total awe of you and -- and I m just-- I m incredibly thankful .
Flo : You do nt have to thank me , wyatt .
Wyatt : Yes , I do . Flo , you gave my little brother his mom back .
Flo : Well , katie is also my aunt , and I love her . I love that whole family . But I did nt just do it for them , I-- I also did it for my dad .
Wyatt : What you did for katie ... you -- you gave her her life back . You gave a part of yourself to -- to save her .
Flo : I was really happy that I could do it , but she s not out of the woods yet . She has to make sure that she s , you know , gon na heal correctly and she responds to the anti - rejection medicine and all of that , but , from what they ve told me she s doing really well .
Wyatt : Yeah , she is . I -- I mean , we owe it all to you , flo .
Flo : You know I didnt-- I did nt do this to try to get back in with hope and brooke , right ? I mean , if that was my intention , then it definitely did nt work .
Wyatt : I -- I know you didnT.
Flo : I did it because it-- it felt right . Felt like the right thing to do .
Pam : Thomas .
Thomas : Pam , I , um ...
Pam : Caught ya .
Thomas : I ... [ Chuckles ]
Pam : You think you can just get away with anything , do nt you ? Think you can hoodwink everybody , pull the wool over anybody s eyes . Well , I m not just anybody , thomas . I m on to you . You thought you could just sneak in here , steal lemon bars off my desk without asking . That s not the way it works around here , young man . I m your aunt pam . You need to ask .
Thomas : You re right . I m -- I m -- I m so sorry .
Pam : Okay , well , look . You re here anyway , so ... have a lemon bar .
Thomas : [ Chuckles ] Thank you .
Pam : You re welcome .
Thomas : You know , um ...
Pam : Oh ...
Thomas : I ran into quinn , and -- and she actually said that she needed you . Sounded urgent .
Pam : Let her come find me , then . Look , I ve been up and down , up and down all day . I m not going anywhere looking for quinn .
Shauna : It was just one sweet , tender kiss between two very attractive adults .
Ridge : But I do nt have to remind you that I m married , right ?
Shauna : No , brooke does that for you .
Ridge : Hmm .
Shauna : And I want you to know you have nothing to worry about . Brooke will never know about our kiss . It ll be our little secret .
Katie : I understand why you both feel the way you do about flo , I gt it . But I was going to die , and instead , I got to wake up from surgery and see my beautiful boy with a giant smile on his face , so ... I ca nt feel anything but gratitude .
Brooke : Honey , we can all be grateful without forgetting what she s done .
Nurse : Knock , knock .
Katie : Hey !
Bill : Hey , buddy .
Will : Hey , mom .
Katie : Hi , you .
Bill : Thanks for showing him around today .
Nurse : My pleasure . See you later , bud .
Will : See you .
Katie : Did you get something good to eat ?
Will : Yep . Big juicy burger .
Bill : Ah , that s my boy .
Brooke : I see you also found the vending machine .
Will : I brought you some candy .
Katie : Oh ! What did you bring me ? Oh , gummy bears . My favorite .
Will : For when you feel better .
Katie : I m already feeling better .
Bill : Mommy s doing great .
Will : So when can you come home ?
Katie : Soon , I hope . I will be home with you and daddy before you know it .
Will : I m so happy you re feeling better , mom .
Katie : Me , too .
Will : I love you so much .
Katie : Oh , I love you , too , my boy .
Flo : Of course I would like to be welcomed back into the family , but ... all-- all that really matters is that katie is okay . That s all I really care about .
Wyatt : Well , maybe they ll come around eventually .
Flo : [ Scoffs ] I do nt expect that to happen .
Wyatt : Well , what you did ? The gesture that you made ? You ca nt fake that . I ca nt think of anything more meaningful than saving someone s life . If that s not atonement , I do nt know what to tell you .
Flo : Well , I do nt regret it for a second . Which is a good thing , because I hear there s a pretty crappy exchange policy on this .
Wyatt : Yeah , I -- I heard that . [ Both chuckle ] Look , I ca nt imagine that hope and brooke are not gon na see you differently . Because I do .
Shauna : I have another confession .
Ridge : Oh , boy .
Shauna : I told flo about the kiss . But do nt worry , she wo nt say anything to anyone . You have my word . I ca nt image how brooke would react to that .
Ridge : Are you sure any of this happened ? Because I do nt remember it .
Shauna : I remember it like it was five minutes ago . I ll keep the memory alive for both of us .
Ridge : [ Chuckles ]
Shauna : Oh , it s nice to see you smile . You ve had such a heaviness over you since , you know , brooke hates your son and do nt get the support from your wife--
Ridge : You know what ? Let s , uh -- let s not talk about my wife , please .
Shauna : Oh , good . I do nt want to talk about her , either . How s katie ?
Ridge : Katie s good . She s recovering because of your daughter . It s a great thing she did .
Shauna : Thank you . She s an incredible woman , and I wish you could get to know the real her and see her kindness and humor and tenacity . Maybe when the time is right , you could give her another chance ? And convince steffy to give her another chance , too ? Please ? Pretty please ?
Ridge : Are you begging me right now ?
Shauna : I will if I have to . But do nt make me go go on my knees . I have an old showgirl injury , & and it would nt be pretty .
Ridge : Showgirl .
Shauna : Yes . You surprised ?
Ridge : I m -- I m not surprised at all . I-- [ Cellphone chimes ] I m gon na carry that image with me for the rest of the day .
Shauna : Good .
Ridge : Uh ... I m gon na have to go . And you should probably leave , too .
Shauna : I will wait a few minutes , we should nt go out together . I would nt want to cause an international scandal .
Ridge : Mm - hmm .
Pam : Oh , ridge , great . I need you to sign these two things really right away .
Ridge : You get a haircut ?
Pam : I did , actually .
Thomas : You kissed him ? You kissed my father ?
Katie : Mmm .
Will : Does it feel weird ?
Katie : My kidney ? [ Chuckles ] I do nt know . It s a little sore , but now that I know it s in there doing its job , makes me feel amazing .
Will : And the doctor says you re gon na be okay ?
Katie : Yeah . I think you re gon na be stuck with me for a long time .
Will : Good . I was worried .
Bill : And we got lucky , getting a donor kidney so quickly .
Will : You re always talking about angels , how -- how-- how uncle storm s an angel .
Katie : Yeah , he is .
Will : You said there are nt just angels in heaven . There are some angels here on earth .
Katie : That s true . There are .
Will : Like the person who donated you their kidney . She s an angel .
Katie : In a lot of ways , she is .
Will : I want to thank her . Thank the angel that saved my mom s life .
Wyatt : I mean , it s just really amazing what you ve put yourself through for katie .
Flo : Well , I wanted to do it , and I know my dad would ve wanted me to do it , too . It s funny . I never met him , but I feel so close to him , especially now .
Wyatt : [ Chuckles ] Makes sense . I mean , you both ... literally have parts of you in katie that are keeping her alive -- a heart , a kidney . I mean , who knows ? It s just -- it s crazy .
Flo : [ Laughing ] I know . It s -- it s cool . It s a little weird , but it s very cool .
Wyatt : And look , as far as my dad goes , I -- I know he would nt say it , but trust me , deep down he really appreciates what you did for katie .
Flo : [ Mouths word ] Wish I could say the same about your brother and hope . Does nt change what I did to them .
Wyatt : Yeah , he -- he s not quite over it yet , but Ill-- I ll work on him .
Flo : I m sure you re not over it either . Not like I would expect you to be . I do nt have my hopes up anything s gon na change between us , you know .
Wyatt : [ Scoffs ]
Flo : Especially now that you and sally are engaged .
Wyatt : How did -- how did you hear about that ?
Flo : Well , sally came in to bikini one night and , yeah .
Wyatt : I didnt -- I did nt put a ring on her finger . How -- did you just figure it out ?
Flo : No , I -- I did nt have to figure it out . She just told me . It s almost like she could nt wait to tell me .
Wyatt : I m sorry that you had to find out that way . Seriously , given our history and everything that we have been through , I wanted to be the one to tell you . I m sorry . I felt like I owed you that .
Ridge : Hi .
Brooke : Hi . So ... you got my text . Thanks for coming .
Ridge : Yeah , um ... of course . Um ... things got a little heated in the office , huh ?
Brooke : Yeah . That why I wanted to see you . I mean , it -- I know you re staying at steffy s so I hope meeting here is nt too awkward .
Ridge : No , it s not awkward at all . This is ... where we used to live and we will live again , right ? This is our home and I m just ... at steffy s for a little while just trying to ... figure out what s best for our family , you know ?
Brooke : Oh , yeah , well , I hope that happens .
Ridge : Me , too .
Brooke : I miss you , ridge .
Ridge : I miss you so much .
Brooke : It s not the same here without you .
Ridge : I hate not being here . But like you said , right now that s what s best , so ...
Brooke : Well ... I mean ... we have nt been getting along lately , and ... I know you wanted to be there to help thomas and steffy .
Ridge : I m trying to rebuild our relationship , you know , and I ve got to ... help thomas get back on track . I ca nt do that here , so I got ta do it somewhere .
Shauna : I do nt know what you re talking about . I was just about to leave .
Thomas : Before we have a chance to talk about that kiss ? The kiss you shared with my dad the night he got drunk ?
Shauna : Were you eavesdropping ?
Thomas : Oh , that was nt my intention , but I m sure glad I did . I mean , that s one of the best things I ve heard in ... I do nt know , a long time . [ Sighs ] You did nt just kiss my dad , though . You-- you re falling for him , are nt you ? They say life is all about making choices .
Bill : All right , better get this big guy home here .
Katie : All right .
Bill : [ Groans ]
Katie : You can do your homework with daddy , okay ?
Will : I wish you could come home with us .
Katie : Oh , man , so do I. But I ll be home soon . This will have been all worth it . I know it s been hard for you to see me in here , but you ve been so brave . I m so proud of you .
Bill : Me , too .
Katie : And I am so lucky to have had the best , world s greatest guys .
Will : We ll be by your side all the time .
Katie : I know . I have a long road to recovery , but knowing that I ll be with the two of you , that makes it all better .
Bill : Love you .
Katie : I love you , too .
Flo : Thank you .
Wyatt : Yeah .
Flo : I should congratulate you on your engagement .
Wyatt : I -- you -- trust me , you do nt have to .
Flo : Well , wyatt , you know , Ive -- Ive always just really wanted you to be happy , and if she really makes you happy , then I think that s great . But I would be lying if I did nt say I wish your happiness could be with me . I am always going to love you , wyatt .
Brooke : I know I ve taken a firm stand where thomas is concerned .
Ridge : Yes , you have . You banned him from the house , from the family , the company .
Brooke : Okay , but hope does nt want him anywhere near her or her daughter . You have to understand that . And there is another issue-- how you spent the night with shauna that night . And I know -- I know nothing happened , but I do nt like the way you lied about it . You did nt tell me anything . I do nt want that to ever happen again . I m sure there s a way we can work it out so we can move past all of that .
Ridge : What about my son ? You can barely look at him .
Brooke : [ Sighs ] I still do nt trust thomas . I m just being honest . But I m -- I m sure we can figure something out there . Well -- well make sure that that does nt come between us too , okay ?
Shauna : Nothing went on between ridge and me .
Thomas : Nothing but a kiss , apparently , and look , you can downplay it all you want , but I know you re interested in him , and I do nt care , okay ? I just want brooke out . And she keeps standing in my way and your way and in flo s way .
Shauna : Flo wants to be embraced by the logans again . Can you imagine if I make a play for your father ? Brooke would hate us forever . I ca nt do that to my daughter .
Thomas : Look , shauna , you re underestimating me . My dad and I , we re mending our relationship . I mean , he s standing up for me , even to brooke . Look , I ve been designing like crazy and the designs are excellent . My father even thinks so .
Shauna : Okay , what does that have to do with anything ?
Thomas : It s only a matter of time .
Shauna : Until what ?
Thomas : Until a changing of the guard . Out with the logans trying to run things and in with the forresters running this company the way the forresters were meant to run it . That s an opportunity for you and for flo . But none of that changes if brooke is still in the picture , if she s still in my dad s life , which is something I m guessing we both do nt want .
Shauna : Thomas , this is ridiculous . You re blowing this kiss out of proportion .
Thomas : Am I ? I mean , I can tell my-- my dad s into you , too .
Shauna : Really ?
Thomas : Look , if you can get brooke out of here , once and for all , out of all of our lives , I will be forever grateful . No more letting brooke and the logans take whatever they want . Now that dad is finally out of that house ... well , it s time to strike . It s time for payback .
### Summary:
| Thomas is spying through a door left ajar and sees and hears Shauna telling Ridge how much their kiss that he knew nothing about meant to her . She admits she felt something that made her want to kiss him again . Brooke visits Katie in the hospital . Katie says it felt so good to wake up and see Will s smiling face so she can not feel anything but gratitude toward Flo now . Brooke says that is okay as long as they do not forget what she originally did . Wyatt admires Flo for going to that extra level in donating her kidney to Katie . She says she wanted to do it for Katie and also for her dad . She did not do it to get back in the good graces of Hope and Brooke . He says in time he can not imagine them not forgiving her and seeing her in a different light as he does now . Sally comes up in conversation and Flo says she knows they are engaged . He is surprised as after all they have been through he thought he owed her to be the one to tell her when he puts a ring on Sally s finger . Pam catches Thomas at the door and he closes it quickly . She says he can not hoodwink her . She is on to him . As he wiggles she says she knows he came in to grab one of her lemon bars , but family or not , he has to ask . He tries to get rid of her by saying Quinn was asking for her . Pam says things are always up and down around here but she is back at her desk now and she is not about to leave . Shauna keeps on about the kiss and even tells Ridge that she told Flo but she is sworn to secrecy so Brooke will never hear about this from them . She is sure she would not like it . Ridge does not want to talk about Brooke . He gets a call on his cell and says he has to go take this . She says she will allow him to go first so they wo nt be seen together . No sooner than Ridge leaves , Pam catches him for something and they walk toward the elevator . Thomas has been watching again and he sees the coast is clear and walks in on Shauna who is pilfering around the office . He smiles that he heard that she kissed his dad . Will visits Katie with his dad . He says she always said that Uncle Thorne was an angle in heaven but now it looks like there are angels right here on earth with the lady who donated the kidney . Katie says yes in many ways she is . Ridge goes to Brooke s but does knock first and goes on in . She tells him that it does not seem the same around here without him . He says he misses it too and they need to find a way to help their family without it tearing them apart . Softly she tells him that she will never trust Thomas again and she still does not like that he lied to her and did not tell her the full story about Shauna and the kiss . She does not want that to happen again . And as for the family they both need to work on that and get past it without hurting their relationship . They hug . Thomas locks the door and wants to talk about that kiss . Shauna says he was eavesdropping . He gloats that was the best thing he has heard in a long time . Not only was there a kiss but she has fallen for Ridge . Katie tells Will that she knows she has a long way through recovery but knowing they will be here makes it all better . Flo tells Wyatt that she only wants his happiness and if that is with Sally then she will accept that . But she would be lying if she did not say she wishes that happiness was with her . She still loves him . Shauna tells Thomas that nothing happened about the kiss . He is okay with that but says that he just wants Brooke to be out of his dad s life and that will happen more easily now . He can tell his dad is into her too . And if she can manage to get Brooke out of his dad s life then he will be forever grateful . Now that Ridge is out of the house it is time to strike . It is time for payback . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Hope : ( Sighs ) ( Sobs )
Tawny : Oh , Honey , I swear , I just wanted to strangle that little weasel . Carl Ferret-- he is a crazy man . I mean , Honey , if we do nt come up with a lot of money to give this guy , he is gon na spill the beans . If Liam finds out that that paternity test was rigged , I ... ( Gasps ) No , no . Is Liam here ? I -- is ...
Amber : He is nt here , Mom .
Tawny : But-- well , neither are you . Honey , what s that look on your face ?
Amber : We did it .
Tawny : Did what ?
Amber : Liam and I.
Tawny : ( Gasps ) Are you saying what I think you re saying ?
Amber : He s mine , Mama , for real this time . ( Laughs )
Tawny : ( Gasps ) You and Liam made love ?
Amber : Yes , with a capital L.
Tawny : ( Squeals )
Amber : ( Laughs )
Tawny : I m so happy for you ! Oh ! Honey , that is great . Just -- just tell me . Tell me . Tell me about it .
Amber : It s kind of intimate , Mom .
Tawny : Yeah , that s one of my favorite words--Intimate . So , you know , how ... did it happen ?
Amber : I ... worked my magic .
Tawny : ( Singsong voice ) Ohh , you seduced him .
Amber : No , it was nt seduction . It was two people sharing a child , just coming together just like nature intended . Okay , I guess there was just , like , a little bit of guilt and seduction thrown in there , too .
Tawny : ( Sighs ) ( Normal voice ) A man just -- just doing right by the mother of his child .
Amber : ( Sighs )
Tawny : Oh , Honey , I am so happy for you .
Amber : Mom , I really think I could fall in love with him , and I want him to love me , too . ( Sighs )
Tawny : I mean , Honey , he will . I mean , what s not to love ? I mean , and look at you . You are beautiful , you are sexy , and most important , you are carrying that precious little baby in your belly .
Amber : Yeah , if only it were really his . ( Sighs )
Tawny : Oh , Honey , that is just a minor little detail . Do nt even think about that ... ( Chuckles ) Right , Honey ? You did ! You did . Ca - ching ! I am so proud of you
Amber : I rally want to make him happy , Mom . I do . And I am . I am gon na make him happy . We re gon na be a family . ( Chuckles )
Tawny : Part of the Spencer family . Oh , and , Honey , after everything we ve been through , you deserve this . Yes . Honey , this calls for a celebration . Where s Liam ?
Amber : He went out for a walk . And -- and listen , we are not gon na celebrate this , okay ? And we re not gon na overplay this . You re gon na leave this in my hands .
Tawny : Okay . I mean , you seem to know what you re doing .
Amber : What I want is a father for my child and someone I could well spend the rest of my life with .
Tawny : ( Sighs ) Honey , he means that much to you ?
Amber : Liam and this baby are all that matter to me now .
Hope : ( Sighs ) Was he there with Amber ? They would nt . They ... oh , my God , they did nt . Please tell me they did nt .
Liam : You have to let me in .
Hope : No .
Liam : Hope , no . We need to talk . I need you .
Hope : You have Amber now . Go talk to her .
Liam : I dont-- I do nt want Amber .
Hope : You made love to her .
Liam : It was a mistake . We agreed to go our separate ways . She wore me down , and she guilted me but it was a mistake , because I do nt love her .
Hope : How could you touch her that way ?
Liam : Damn it . It s cr-- its crazy situation , okay ? And -- and I regret it , but I do nt want her . I want you . You know how I feel .
Hope : I ca nt do this .
Liam : Yes , you can . Yes , you can , and you will . God , I regret it , okay ? I regret it . But we can get past this . You have to forgive me because we can get past this . We can deal with this together . And this baby does not have to be an obstacle for us , I swear , I want to marry you . I want to have children with you . I want the whole shebang , and I am not gon na let Amber s pregnancy get in the way of us . Do you understand me ?
Hope : ( Sighs )
Liam : I m not taking no for an answer .
Oliver : Hope ?
Hope : ( Sighs ) ( Sighs ) ( Sighs )
Amber : I called Oliver .
Tawny : When ?
Amber : After Liam and I made love when , uh , he was in the bathroom . Oliver and Hope were at his place .
Tawny : You told him what happened ?
Amber : I thought he d be interested .
Tawny : Honey , are you sure this is wise ? I mean , if he finds out you made that call he s not exactly gon na be happy .
Amber : He s not gon na find out ... although Hope did call back here a few minutes later .
Tawny : Oh , dear Lord .
Amber : It all worked out for the best . Hope was talking to Liam , and she put it together that we had just done the deed , so now she knows . Hmm .
Amber : Hey . How was your walk ?
Liam : Fine .
Tawny : Well , must have done you good . You have a really nice glow about you .
Amber : Do nt you have an appointment to go to or something ?
Tawny : Um , yeah . Yes , I do . You know , I better get going . Um , I ll see you later , Liam .
Tawny : ( Quietly ) Get him back into bed .
Amber : ( Quietly ) Mom . ( Normal voice ) Bye . So do you want me to fix you something to eat ?
Liam : No , I m not really hungry .
Amber : Really ? I thought you d be famished after a walk and , um , you know , other stuff . Hey , have you seen the tub in the bathroom ? All those jets ? You know , a person could have a lot of fun in there ... or people .
Liam : I do nt think so .
Amber : Well , how about , uh , how about a nice massage ? Hmm ? I want you to make love to me again .
Hope : Maybe-- maybe I m not meant to be in love . Something terrible always happens . What s wrong with me ?
Oliver : It s not you , all right ? You ca nt just give up .
Hope : This is all just-- it s so unbelievable . I mean , why-- why would he do this ? Hours ago-- literally just ours ago he told me that I am the only woman I want , and then I find out he s made love to Amber , how could he do that ?
Oliver : Hope , you told him you wanted to move on .
Hope : I know . I did . I told him to go be with Amber , and I guess I convinced him . I did nt take him very long . I just ... did nt expect this feeling , you know ? I did nt ... I did nt expect this . God , and I was saving myself for him , and look at what happened . Oh , my God . I love him so much-- so much . And , you know , it was the paternity test . It was that damn paternity test that changed everything ... except one thing-- I thought I loved him before , but did nt even know how much . I did nt know that it was possible for me to hurt this way , Oliver . I do nt understand why he did this . I do nt understand how he could do this to me or why or what he was thinking . ( Sobs )
Amber : So you want to again ?
Liam : Amber , I told you I m not in love with you .
Amber : I know .
Liam : Uh , what you and I did today was not a good idea .
Amber : Are you disappointed ?
Liam : No , I m just not-- I m not ready for that .
Amber : Hmm . You seemed pretty ready to me .
Liam : ( Scoffs )
Amber : Are you sorry it happened ?
Liam : Amber s--
Amber : Hey , listen , its okay . I ll just make something to eat and we can watch a movie or something .
Liam : I - I think I m gonna-- I got ta go home . So I m sorry , but good night .
Amber : Listen , Liam . You do nt have to be sorry . I told you before , I m never gon na pressure you , and I - I really meant that . I m pregnant with our baby . You know how it is . You know , my body , it s changing . I - I m full of all these crazy pregnant hormones . And , um , pregnant women , they just-- they like to be touched . ( Sighs ) And you did that for me , so thank you . Good night .
Liam : ( Chuckles ) Good night .
Amber : ( Sighs )
Oliver : You re gon na get through this . I know it does nt feel like it right now , but you will .
Hope : Earlier tonight , I walked in on a kiss , and Liam was apologizing . You know what ? He did nt mean for it to happen , that he loves me . And then the very same night , he makes love to Amber . How -- how am I supposed to deal with that ?
Oliver : Maybe it happened for a reason-- to bring you closer to me .
Oliver : Close your eyes . Do it .
Hope : ( Chuckles ) Okay ( Sniffles ) ( Sighs )
Oliver : Our song .
Hope : ( Sighs , chuckles )
Oliver : You remember ?
Hope : Love uncompromised .
Oliver : You ca nt keep torturing yourself . You got ta trust me
Tawny : Hi . Was that Liam I saw driving away ?
Amber : Yes , Mom .
Tawny : Well did you take my advice and did you give him a second helping of what you gave him earlier ?
Amber : ( Sighs ) He was nt hungry anymore .
Tawny : He turned you down ? Oh , Honey .
Amber : Let s just get something straight , Mom . This is nt about sex .
Tawny : No , it s about your future , not to mention mine and the baby s .
Amber : Yes , my future and I want it to be with Liam .
Tawny : Then go after I.
Amber : What , by throwin myself at the guy every chance I get ?
Tawny : Well , I do nt think that s the worst idea .
Amber : Well , maybe for you , but not for me , okay ? Not this time . ( Sighs ) I want Liam s love , not just for the night or a couple of quickies . I want a father for my child and a man for me and Liam , he s gon na be that . But ... I have to do this my way , not yours or anyone else s . I am pregnant , and Liam , he thinks it s his . Now that s opened the door for me , but it s up to me to bring him into my life and make us a family .
Tawny : Honey , I know you want that . I do , and I know you love this young man , but you -- but you can not forget that there is competition out there-- Hope . And there is danger out there in Carl Ferret I mean , he could blow this whole paternity thing right out of the water . Honey , you have got-- got to button this boy down , cause we are runnin out of time .
Hope : ( Sighs ) I m sorry , Oliver .
Oliver : No , do nt be .
Hope : I just-- I couldnt--
Oliver : It was too soon .
Hope : I did nt want it to happen this way , when I am so messed up .
Oliver : When it happens , you ll want it to . I can be patient . And I-- I wish it did nt have to happen like this , but it s just great being with you again . I hope you trust me .
Hope : I do trust you . And I did nt know if I ever would again .
Oliver : I knew you would . I was nt giving up till I earned it back .
Hope : ( Chuckles )
Oliver : You can count on me . Whatever you need , I m there .
Hope : ( Sighs )
Liam : Oliver , open up !
Liam : Oliver , open the door . I know you re in there . I want to talk to Hope . I saw her car out front .
Oliver : He does nt want you here , and I do nt want you here , either , all right ? We re in the middle of something .
Liam : Why are you doing this ?
Hope : You slept with Amber . Tell me you did nt .
Oliver : Go back to Amber , Man . Go back to the mother of your child .
Hope : You hurt me tonight ! What you did with Amber ... how could you do that ? Why ? Why would you do that to me ?
### Summary:
| Tawny is so happy and wants to hear all the juicy details of Amber seducing Liam . She is so proud of Amber , and Amber declares that she is going to be so good for Liam and make him happy . She does not want to celebrate ; just concentrate on the future with Liam and this baby . She relays that she even called Oliver and shared the big news . Liam returns from his walk and Amber suggests a nice hot bath in that big old tub for two .shed also like him to make love to her again . Hope sobs . She opens the door and Liam forces himself in . He says Amber wore him down with guilt and they made love , but it was a mistake . He is not taking no for an answer . He wants them to get married . Oliver walks in and wakes Hope from her dream stance . She laments that she was saving herself for Liam . She thought she loved him , but she did nt realize just how much . She cries that now she does nt understand how or why he could do this to her . It was that darn paternity test . Liam tells Amber that he is not in love with her and what they did today was not right . He can not do that again . He needs to go home . She s disappointed , but does nt pressure him . Oliver tells Hope that maybe all of this happened for a reason to bring Hope closer to him . He plays their song and tells her not to keep torturing herself . On the couch , he kisses her .then unbuttons his shirt and takes it off then starts unbuttoning her blouse .. more hot kisses . Amber tells a disappointed Tawny that Liam was nt hungry for seconds . And she is not in it just for quickies . She wants Liam now and forever , a family for her baby . She will have to do this her way without Tawny s interference . Tawny warns her that Hope is competition out there and then there is the little weasel , Carl , who could blow the paternity right out of the water . They simply must button him down . Hope leans on Oliver and tells him that she is sorry that she could nt go through with it . She does nt want her first time to be when she is so upset . Liam beats on the door and insists for Oliver to open it as he saw Hope s car in the driveway . He comes in and sees no shirt on Oliver , and Hope buttoning her blouse . It does nt take a rocket scientist to figure out what has been happening . Dejectedly , he leaves . Hope shouts through the door that he hurt her last night and she does nt know why he did what he did with Amber . |
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