# Author: Ritchie Lee, ritchie.lee@sv.cmu.edu # Date: 12/15/2014 # Correlated Encounter Model for Cooperative Aircraft in the National Airspace # exposed as DBN. Samples are generated at runtime at each step. module CorrAEMDBNImpl export AddObserver, getInitialState, initialize, update, get, CorrAEMDBN import Compat.ASCIIString using AbstractEncounterDBNImpl using AbstractEncounterDBNInterfaces using CommonInterfaces using Util using Encounter using CorrAEMImpl using RLESUtils, Observers import CommonInterfaces.addObserver import CommonInterfaces.initialize import CommonInterfaces.update import AbstractEncounterDBNInterfaces.get import AbstractEncounterDBNInterfaces.getInitialState import Base.convert include(Pkg.dir("SISLES/src/Encounter/CorrAEMImpl/corr_aem_sample.jl")) type CorrAEMDBN <: AbstractEncounterDBN number_of_aircraft::Int64 encounter_file::ASCIIString initial_sample_file::ASCIIString transition_sample_file::ASCIIString encounter_number::Int64 command_method::Symbol #:ENC = read from encounter file, :DBN = generate from DBN on-the-fly aem::CorrAEM dirichlet_transition #initial states init_aem_dstate::Vector{Int64} #discrete current state init_aem_dyn_cstate::Vector{Float64} #continuous of current dynamic variables #current states t::Int64 aem_dstate::Vector{Int64} #discrete current state aem_dyn_cstate::Vector{Float64} #continuous of current dynamic variables #caching and reuse dynamic_variables0::Vector{Int64} dynamic_variables1::Vector{Int64} parents_cache::Dict{Int64, Vector{Bool}} weights_cache::Dict{Tuple{Int64, Int64}, Vector{Float64}} cumweights_cache::Dict{Tuple{Int64, Int64}, Vector{Float64}} #pre-allocated output to avoid repeating reallocations output_commands::Vector{CorrAEMCommand} logProb::Float64 #log probability of output function CorrAEMDBN(number_of_aircraft::Int, encounter_file::AbstractString, initial_sample_file::AbstractString, transition_sample_file::AbstractString, encounter_number::Int, encounter_seed::UInt64, command_method::Symbol) dbn = new() @assert number_of_aircraft == 2 #need to revisit the code if this is not true dbn.number_of_aircraft = number_of_aircraft dbn.encounter_file = encounter_file dbn.initial_sample_file = initial_sample_file dbn.transition_sample_file = transition_sample_file dbn.encounter_number = encounter_number dbn.command_method = command_method dbn.aem = CorrAEM(encounter_file, initial_sample_file, transition_sample_file) dbn.t = 0 srand(encounter_seed) #There's a rand inside generateEncounter generateEncounter(dbn.aem, sample_number=encounter_number) #To optimize: This allocates a lot of memory #compute initial states of variables p = dbn.aem.parameters dbn.dynamic_variables0 = p.temporal_map[:,1] dbn.dynamic_variables1 = p.temporal_map[:,2] aem_initial_unconverted = unconvertUnitsAemState(dbn.aem.initial) aem_initial_dstate = Int64[ val2ind(p.boundaries[i], p.r_transition[i], val) for (i, val) in enumerate(aem_initial_unconverted)] dbn.init_aem_dstate = [aem_initial_dstate; aem_initial_dstate[dbn.dynamic_variables0]] #bins, [11:14] are updated with time, append space for t+1 variables dbn.init_aem_dyn_cstate = dbn.aem.initial[dbn.dynamic_variables0] #continuous variables. dbn.dirichlet_transition = bn_dirichlet_prior(p.N_transition) dbn.aem_dstate = deepcopy(dbn.init_aem_dstate) dbn.aem_dyn_cstate = deepcopy(dbn.init_aem_dyn_cstate) #precompute and cache these quantities dbn.parents_cache = Dict{Int64,Vector{Bool}}() dbn.weights_cache = Dict{Tuple{Int64,Int64}, Vector{Float64}}() dbn.cumweights_cache = Dict{Tuple{Int64,Int64}, Vector{Float64}}() for i = 1:length(p.N_transition) dbn.parents_cache[i] = p.G_transition[:, i] for j = 1:1:size(dbn.dirichlet_transition[i], 2) dbn.weights_cache[(i, j)] = p.N_transition[i][:, j] + dbn.dirichlet_transition[i][:, j] dbn.weights_cache[(i, j)] /= sum(dbn.weights_cache[(i, j)]) dbn.cumweights_cache[(i, j)] = cumsum(dbn.weights_cache[(i, j)]) end end dbn.output_commands = CorrAEMCommand[ CorrAEMCommand(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) for i = 1:number_of_aircraft ] dbn.logProb = 0.0 return dbn end end addObserver(dbn::CorrAEMDBN, f::Function) = add_observer(aem.observer, f) addObserver(dbn::CorrAEMDBN, tag::AbstractString, f::Function) = add_observer(aem.observer, tag, f) function initialize(dbn::CorrAEMDBN) #reset to initial state copy!(dbn.aem_dstate, dbn.init_aem_dstate) copy!(dbn.aem_dyn_cstate, dbn.init_aem_dyn_cstate) dbn.t = 0 #reset aem indices initialize(dbn.aem) end function getInitialState(dbn::CorrAEMDBN, index::Int) return Encounter.getInitialState(dbn.aem, index) end function update(dbn::CorrAEMDBN) if dbn.command_method == :DBN logProb = step_dbn(dbn) elseif dbn.command_method == :ENC logProb = step_enc(dbn) else error("CorrAEMDBNImpl::Step: No such command method") end dbn.t += 1 return logProb end function step_dbn(dbn::CorrAEMDBN) p = dbn.aem.parameters aem_dstate = dbn.aem_dstate #entire state, discrete bins aem_dyn_cstate = dbn.aem_dyn_cstate #dynamic states, continuous logProb = 0.0 for (o,i) in enumerate(dbn.dynamic_variables1) if !isempty(find(dbn.parents_cache[i])) dims = tuple(p.r_transition[dbn.parents_cache[i]]...) j = sub2ind(dims, aem_dstate[dbn.parents_cache[i]]...) aem_dstate[i] = select_random_cumweights(dbn.cumweights_cache[(i,j)]) logProb += log(dbn.weights_cache[(i,j)][aem_dstate[i]]) #Resampling and dediscretizing process i_t = dbn.dynamic_variables0[o] if (aem_dstate[i] != aem_dstate[i_t]) || #compare to state at last time step, #Different bin, do resample (aem_dstate[i] == aem_dstate[i_t] && rand() < p.resample_rates[i_t]) #Same bin but meets resample rate aem_dyn_cstate[o],_ = dediscretize(aem_dstate[i],p.boundaries[i_t],p.zero_bins[i_t]) if in(i,[17,18]) #these need unit conversion aem_dyn_cstate[o] /= 60 #convert units end end #Else same bin and does not meet rate, just set equal to previous (no update) end end # copy over x(t+1) to x(t) aem_dstate[dbn.dynamic_variables0] = aem_dstate[dbn.dynamic_variables1] #Just a reminder, this will break if number_of_aircraft != 2 @assert dbn.number_of_aircraft == 2 dbn.output_commands[1].t = dbn.t dbn.output_commands[1].v_d = getInitialSample(dbn.aem, :v1d) dbn.output_commands[1].h_d = dbn.aem_dyn_cstate[1] dbn.output_commands[1].psi_d = dbn.aem_dyn_cstate[3] dbn.output_commands[2].t = dbn.t dbn.output_commands[2].v_d = getInitialSample(dbn.aem, :v2d) dbn.output_commands[2].h_d = dbn.aem_dyn_cstate[2] dbn.output_commands[2].psi_d = dbn.aem_dyn_cstate[4] return dbn.logProb = logProb end #TODO: remove hardcoding convert_units(x::AbstractFloat, i::Int) = in(i, [17,18]) ? x / 60 : x convert(::Type{Vector{Float64}}, command_1::CorrAEMCommand, command_2::CorrAEMCommand) = [ command_1.h_d, command_2.h_d, command_1.psi_d, command_2.psi_d ] function step_enc(dbn::CorrAEMDBN) aem = dbn.aem p = aem.parameters for i = 1:dbn.number_of_aircraft cmd = Encounter.update(aem, i) if cmd != nothing dbn.output_commands[i] = cmd end end #Just a reminder, this will break if number_of_aircraft != 2 #@assert dbn.number_of_aircraft == 2 #= FIXME: skip probability calc for now... #prepare t+1 from encounter commands aem_dyn_cstate = convert(Vector{Float64}, dbn.output_commands[1], dbn.output_commands[2]) aem_dstate = dbn.aem_dstate #only copies pointer #load into the (t+1) slots #boundaries are specified at t aem_dyn_cstate_unconverted = unconvertUnitsDynVars(aem_dyn_cstate) #need to unconvert units aem_dstate[dbn.dynamic_variables1] = Int64[ val2ind(p.boundaries[i], p.r_transition[i], aem_dyn_cstate_unconverted[o]) for (o, i) in enumerate(dbn.dynamic_variables0) ] # compute the probability of this transition logProb = 0.0 for (o, i) in enumerate(dbn.dynamic_variables1) j = 1 parents = dbn.parents_cache[i] if !isempty(find(parents)) dims = tuple(p.r_transition[parents]...) indices = aem_dstate[parents] j = sub2ind(dims, indices...) end weights = dbn.weights_cache[(i, j)] logProb += log(weights[aem_dstate[i]]) #probability from continuous sampling process #two components: resample prob, dediscretize prob i_prev = dbn.dynamic_variables0[o] if aem_dstate[i] != aem_dstate[i_prev] #not the same bin, resample wp 1 logProb += dediscretize_prob(aem_dyn_cstate[o], aem_dstate[i], p.boundaries[i_prev], p.zero_bins[i_prev]) elseif isapprox(aem_dyn_cstate[o], dbn.aem_dyn_cstate[o], atol=0.0001) #same bin same value, did not resample logProb += log(1.0 - p.resample_rates[i_prev]) else #Same bin different value, got resampled logProb += log(p.resample_rates[i_prev]) logProb += dediscretize_prob(aem_dyn_cstate[o], aem_dstate[i], p.boundaries[i_prev], p.zero_bins[i_prev]) end end # copy over x(t+1) to x(t) aem_dstate[dbn.dynamic_variables0] = aem_dstate[dbn.dynamic_variables1] #push to sim dbn.aem_dstate = aem_dstate dbn.aem_dyn_cstate = aem_dyn_cstate #return dbn.logProb = logProb =# dbn.logProb = 0.0 #for now... FIXME end function get(dbn::CorrAEMDBN, aircraft_number::Int) return dbn.output_commands[aircraft_number] end function val2ind(boundariesi, ri, value) if !isempty(boundariesi) index = findfirst(x -> (x > value), boundariesi) - 1 if index == -1 index = ri end else index = value end return index end function dediscretize(dval::Int64, boundaries::Vector{Float64}, zero_bin::Int64) val_min = boundaries[dval] val_max = boundaries[dval + 1] if dval == zero_bin val = 0.0 prob = 1.0 elseif val_max == val_min val = val_min prob = 1.0 else val = val_min + rand() * (val_max - val_min) prob = 1.0 / (val_max - val_min) #this is a density so it won't be normalized to [0,1] end return (val, prob) end function dediscretize_prob(val::Float64, dval::Int64, boundaries::Vector{Float64}, zero_bin::Int64) val_min = boundaries[dval] val_max = boundaries[dval + 1] if dval == zero_bin @assert val == 0.0 prob = 1.0 elseif val_max == val_min @assert val == val_min prob = 1.0 else @assert val_min <= val <= val_max prob = 1.0 / (val_max - val_min) #this is a density so it won't be normalized to [0,1] end return prob end function unconvertUnitsDynVars(v) return [v[1:2] * 60.0, v[3:end]] end function unconvertUnitsAemState(state_) #from CorrAEM state = deepcopy(state_) state[7] /= 1.68780 state[8] /= 1.68780 state[9] /= 1.68780 state[10] /= 1.68780 state[11] *= 60 state[12] *= 60 state[15] /= 6076.12 return state end function select_random_cumweights(cweights::Vector{Float64}) #select randomly according to cumulative weights vector r = cweights[end] * rand() return findfirst(x -> (x >= r), cweights) end end #module
function isprerelease(version::VersionNumber)::Bool prerelease = version.prerelease isempty(prerelease) && return false for x in prerelease if !isempty(strip(x)) return true end end return false end function _calculate_increment(before::VersionNumber, after::VersionNumber)::VersionNumber before_first3 = VersionNumber(before.major, before.minor, before.patch) after_first3 = VersionNumber(after.major, after.minor, after.patch) # @debug("before: ", before) # @debug("before_first3: ", before_first3) # @debug("after:", after) # @debug("after_first3:", after_first3) always_assert(after > before, "after > before") always_assert(after_first3 >= before_first3, "after_first3 >= before_first3") if before.major == after.major if before.minor == after.minor always_assert(after.patch >= before.patch, "after.patch >= before.patch") return VersionNumber(0, 0, after.patch - before.patch) else always_assert(after.minor >= before.minor, "after.minor >= before.minor") return VersionNumber(0, after.minor - before.minor, after.patch - 0) end else always_assert(after.major >= before.major, "after.major >= before.major") return VersionNumber(after.major - before.major, after.minor - 0, after.patch - 0) end end function check_version_increment(master_version::VersionNumber, head_version::VersionNumber; allow_skipping_versions::Bool, gh_set_output::Bool = get(ENV, "GITHUB_ACTIONS", "") == "true", gh_set_output_io::IO = stdout)::Nothing always_assert(head_version > master_version, "head_version > master_version") _gh_set_output_println(gh_set_output, gh_set_output_io, "compare_versions", "success") @info("Version number has increased") increment = _calculate_increment(master_version, head_version) if increment in (v"0.0.0", v"0.0.1", v"0.1.0", v"1.0.0") @info("Increment is good", master_version, head_version, increment) else if allow_skipping_versions @warn("Increment is bad, but `allow_skipping_versions` is true, so we will allow it", master_version, head_version, increment, allow_skipping_versions) else @error("Increment is bad", master_version, head_version, increment, allow_skipping_versions) error("Bad increment") end end return nothing end function compare_versions(master_version::VersionNumber, head_version::VersionNumber; allow_unchanged_prerelease::Bool, allow_skipping_versions::Bool, gh_set_output::Bool = get(ENV, "GITHUB_ACTIONS", "") == "true", gh_set_output_io::IO = stdout)::Nothing if head_version > master_version check_version_increment(master_version, head_version; allow_skipping_versions = allow_skipping_versions, gh_set_output = gh_set_output, gh_set_output_io = gh_set_output_io) elseif head_version == master_version if isprerelease(head_version) && isprerelease(master_version) && allow_unchanged_prerelease _gh_set_output_println(gh_set_output, gh_set_output_io, "compare_versions", "success") @info("Version number did not change, but it is a prerelease so this is allowed") else _gh_set_output_println(gh_set_output, gh_set_output_io, "compare_versions", "failure") throw(ErrorException("Version number is unchanged, which is not allowed")) end else _gh_set_output_println(gh_set_output, gh_set_output_io, "compare_versions", "failure") throw(ErrorException("Version number decreased, which is not allowed")) end return nothing end
##Operators # TODO: REMOVE! for op in (:Derivative,:Integral) @eval begin function ($op)(d::AbstractVector{T}) where T<:IntervalOrSegment n=length(d) R=zeros(Operator{mapreduce(eltype,promote_type,d)},n,n) for k=1:n R[k,k]=$op(d[k]) end R end end end function Evaluation(d::AbstractVector{T},x...) where T<:IntervalOrSegment n=length(d) R=zeros(Operator{mapreduce(eltype,promote_type,d)},n,n) for k=1:n R[k,k]=Evaluation(d[k],x...) end R end ## Construction function diagm_container(kv::Pair{<:Integer,<:AbstractVector{O}}...) where O<:Operator T = mapreduce(x -> mapreduce(eltype,promote_type,x.second), promote_type, kv) n = mapreduce(x -> length(x.second) + abs(x.first), max, kv) zeros(Operator{T}, n, n) end ##TODO: unify with other blockdiag function blockdiag(d1::AbstractVector{T},d2::AbstractVector{T}) where T<:Operator if isempty(d1)&&isempty(d2) error("Empty blockdiag") end if isempty(d1) TT=mapreduce(eltype,promote_type,d2) elseif isempty(d2) TT=mapreduce(eltype,promote_type,d1) else TT=promote_type(mapreduce(eltype,promote_type,d1), mapreduce(eltype,promote_type,d2)) end D=zeros(Operator{TT},length(d1)+length(d2),2) D[1:length(d1),1]=d1 D[length(d1)+1:end,2]=d2 D end blockdiag(a::Operator,b::Operator) = blockdiag(Operator{promote_type(eltype(a),eltype(b))}[a], Operator{promote_type(eltype(a),eltype(b))}[b]) ## broadcase broadcast(::typeof(*),A::AbstractArray{N},D::Operator) where {N<:Number} = Operator{promote_type(N,eltype(D))}[A[k,j]*D for k=1:size(A,1),j=1:size(A,2)] broadcast(::typeof(*),D::Operator,A::AbstractArray{N}) where {N<:Number}=A.*D
using Test using SpinMonteCarlo const SEED = 137 const SEED2 = 19937 const MCS = 10000 const Therm = MCS const alpha = 0.001 @testset begin filenames = [ "classical.jl", "quantum.jl", "checkpoint.jl", ] for filename in filenames t = @elapsed include(filename) println("$(filename): $t sec") end end
""" ListBasedNonProjective() Transition system for list-based non-projective dependency parsing. Described in Nivre 2008, "Algorithms for Deterministic Incremental Dependency Parsing." """ struct ListBasedNonProjective <: AbstractTransitionSystem end initconfig(s::ListBasedNonProjective, graph::DependencyTree) = ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig(graph) initconfig(s::ListBasedNonProjective, deptype, words) = ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig{deptype}(words) projective_only(::ListBasedNonProjective) = false transition_space(::ListBasedNonProjective, labels=[]) = isempty(labels) ? [LeftArc(), RightArc(), NoArc(), Shift()] : [LeftArc.(labels)..., RightArc.(labels)..., NoArc(), Shift()] struct ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig{T} <: AbstractParserConfiguration{T} λ1::Vector{Int} # right-headed λ2::Vector{Int} # left-headed β::Vector{Int} A::Vector{T} end function ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig{T}(words::Vector{String}) where {T} λ1 = [0] λ2 = Int[] β = 1:length(words) A = [unk(T, id, w) for (id,w) in enumerate(words)] ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig{T}(λ1, λ2, β, A) end function ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig{T}(gold::DependencyTree) where {T} λ1 = [0] λ2 = Int[] β = 1:length(gold) A = [dep(token, head=-1) for token in gold] ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig{T}(λ1, λ2, β, A) end ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig(gold::DependencyTree) = ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig{eltype(gold)}(gold) buffer(cfg::ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig) = cfg.β token(cfg::ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig, i) = iszero(i) ? root(deptype(cfg)) : i == -1 ? noval(deptype(cfg)) : cfg.A[i] tokens(cfg::ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig) = cfg.A tokens(cfg::ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig, is) = [token(cfg, i) for i in is] function leftarc(cfg::ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig, args...; kwargs...) λ1, i = cfg.λ1[1:end-1], cfg.λ1[end] j, β = cfg.β[1], cfg.β[2:end] A = copy(cfg.A) i != 0 && (A[i] = dep(A[i], args...; head=j, kwargs...)) ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig(λ1, [i ; cfg.λ2], [j ; β], A) end function rightarc(cfg::ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig, args...; kwargs...) λ1, i = cfg.λ1[1:end-1], cfg.λ1[end] j, β = cfg.β[1], cfg.β[2:end] A = copy(cfg.A) A[j] = dep(A[j], args...; head=i, kwargs...) ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig(λ1, [i ; cfg.λ2], [j ; β], A) end function noarc(cfg::ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig) λ1, i = cfg.λ1[1:end-1], cfg.λ1[end] λ2, β, A = cfg.λ2, cfg.β, cfg.A ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig(λ1, [i ; λ2], β, A) end function shift(cfg::ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig) λ1, λ2 = cfg.λ1, cfg.λ2 i, β = cfg.β[1], cfg.β[2:end] ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig([λ1 ; λ2 ; i], Int[], β, cfg.A) end function isfinal(cfg::ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig) return all(a -> head(a) != -1, tokens(cfg)) && length(cfg.λ1) == length(cfg.A) + 1 && length(cfg.λ2) == 0 && length(cfg.β) == 0 end """ static_oracle(::ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig, tree) Return a training oracle function which returns gold transition operations from a parser configuration with reference to `graph`. """ function static_oracle(cfg::ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig, tree, arc=untyped) l = i -> arc(tree[i]) if length(cfg.λ1) >= 1 && length(cfg.β) >= 1 i, λ1 = cfg.λ1[end], cfg.λ1[1:end-1] j, β = cfg.β[1], cfg.β[2:end] if !iszero(i) && head(tree, i) == j return LeftArc(l(i)...) elseif head(tree, j) == i return RightArc(l(j)...) end j_deps = dependents(tree, j) if (!(any(x -> x < j, j_deps) && j_deps[1] < i)) && !(head(tree, j) < i) return Shift() end end if length(cfg.λ1) == 0 return Shift() end return NoArc() end # todo? possible_transitions(cfg::ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig, graph::DependencyTree, arc=untyped) = TransitionOperator[static_oracle(cfg, graph, arc)] ==(cfg1::ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig, cfg2::ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig) = cfg1.λ1 == cfg2.λ1 && cfg1.λ2 == cfg2.λ2 && cfg1.β == cfg2.β && cfg1.A == cfg2.A function Base.show(io::IO, c::ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig) λ1 = join(c.λ1, ",") λ2 = join(c.λ2, ",") β = join(c.β, ",") print(io, "ListBasedNonProjectiveConfig([$λ1],[$λ2],[$β])\n$(join([join([id(t),form(t),head(t)],'\t') for t in tokens(c)],'\n'))") end
# Basic test script - generates the file sample_uam_traj.csv containing one uam trajectory # Include the files include("UAMTrajectoryGenerator.jl") # Set the random seed Random.seed!(1) # Generate the trajectory file generate_trajectory_file("output/uam_traj.csv")
using FunctionalCollections: PersistentSet, PersistentHashMap, dissoc, assoc, conj, disj using Gen ######################################### # compiling a trace into a factor graph # ######################################### struct Latent{T,U} domain::Vector{T} parent_addrs::Vector{U} end struct Observation{U} parent_addrs::Vector{U} # only include addrs that are selected end parent_addrs(info::Union{Latent,Observation}) = info.parent_addrs function get_domain_to_idx(domain::Vector{T}) where {T} domain_to_idx = Dict{T,Int}() for (i, value) in enumerate(domain) domain_to_idx[value] = i end return domain_to_idx end function cartesian_product(value_lists) tuples = Vector{Tuple}() for value in value_lists[1] if length(value_lists) > 1 append!(tuples, [(value, rest...) for rest in cartesian_product(value_lists[2:end])]) else append!(tuples, [(value,)]) end end return tuples end # addr could be latent or obserrved... # latent_addrs is the set of latent variables that are involved, which may or # may not include the actual addr itself.. function create_factor( trace, addr, latents::Dict{Any,Latent}, observations::Dict{Any,Observation}, all_latent_addrs::Vector{Any}) N = length(all_latent_addrs) in_factor = Vector{Bool}(undef, N) if haskey(latents, addr) for (i, a) in enumerate(all_latent_addrs) in_factor[i] = (a == addr || a in parent_addrs(latents[addr])) end num_vars = length(parent_addrs(latents[addr]))+1 elseif haskey(observations, addr) for (i, a) in enumerate(all_latent_addrs) in_factor[i] = (a in parent_addrs(observations[addr])) end num_vars = length(parent_addrs(observations[addr])) end dims = map(i -> in_factor[i] ? length(latents[all_latent_addrs[i]].domain) : 1, 1:N) log_factor = Array{Float64,N}(undef, dims...) view_inds = map(i -> in_factor[i] ? Colon() : 1, 1:N) log_factor_view = view(log_factor, view_inds...) var_addrs = Vector{Any}(undef, num_vars) value_idx_lists = Vector{Any}(undef, num_vars) j = 1 for i in 1:N if in_factor[i] a = all_latent_addrs[i] var_addrs[j] = a value_idx_lists[j] = collect(1:length(latents[a].domain)) j += 1 end end @assert j == num_vars + 1 # populate factor with values by probing trace with update # the key idea is that this scales exponentially in maximum number of # parents of a variable, not the total number of variables cprod = cartesian_product(value_idx_lists) for value_idx_tuple in cprod choices = choicemap() for (a, value_idx) in zip(var_addrs, value_idx_tuple) choices[a] = latents[a].domain[value_idx] end (tmp_trace, _, _, _) = update(trace, get_args(trace), map((_)->NoChange(),get_args(trace)), choices) # NOTE: technically, the generative function of trace can use any # internal proposal, not only forward sampling, but this code is only # correct if the internal proposal uses forward sampling. enhancing the # trace interface with some more methods that specifically assume a # dependency graph would resolve this weight = project(tmp_trace, select(addr)) log_factor_view[value_idx_tuple...] = weight end log_factor = log_factor .- logsumexp(log_factor[:]) return (log_factor, var_addrs) end function compile_trace_to_factor_graph( trace, latents::Dict{Any,Latent}, observations::Dict{Any,Observation}) # choose order of addresses (note, this is NOT the elimination order) # TODO does the order in which the addresses are indexed matter for e.g. cache performance? maybe? all_latent_addrs = collect(keys(latents)) latent_addr_to_idx = Dict{Any,Int}() for (idx, addr) in enumerate(all_latent_addrs) latent_addr_to_idx[addr] = idx end # construct factor nodes, one for each latent and downstream variable N = length(all_latent_addrs) addr_to_factor_node = Dict{Any,FactorNode{N}}() factor_id = 1 for addr in Iterators.flatten((keys(latents), keys(observations))) (log_factor, var_addrs) = create_factor( trace, addr, latents, observations, all_latent_addrs) addr_to_factor_node[addr] = FactorNode{N}(factor_id, Int[latent_addr_to_idx[a] for a in var_addrs], log_factor) factor_id += 1 end num_factors = factor_id - 1 # for each latent address, the set of addresses for factors that it is involved in children_and_self = [Set{Any}([all_latent_addrs[i]]) for i in 1:N] for (addr, addr_info) in Iterators.flatten((latents, observations)) for parent_addr in parent_addrs(addr_info) push!(children_and_self[latent_addr_to_idx[parent_addr]], addr) end end # construct factor graph var_nodes = PersistentHashMap{Int,VarNode}() for (addr, addr_info) in latents i = latent_addr_to_idx[addr] factor_nodes = PersistentSet{FactorNode{N}}( [addr_to_factor_node[addr] for addr in children_and_self[i]]) var_node = VarNode(addr, factor_nodes, addr_info.domain, get_domain_to_idx(addr_info.domain)) var_nodes = assoc(var_nodes, latent_addr_to_idx[addr], var_node) end return FactorGraph{N}(num_factors, var_nodes, latent_addr_to_idx) end
#MAIN ENTRY POINT #final columns for the decompressed file #merges crsp and compustat # note refresh merge will be automatically run if any of the other two are run function loadccm(; datapath::String=DATA_PATH, ccmname::String = CCM_NAME, incsvstream::Function = IN_CSV_STREAM, csvextension::String = CSV_EXTENSION) local ccm::DataFrame #makes a serialization object so we don't have to keep parsing the CSV ccm = incsvstream("$datapath\\$ccmname.$csvextension") |> CSV.File |> DataFrame return ccm end function mergecompccm!(comp::DataFrame; testoutput::Bool = TEST_OUTPUT, months2stale::Int = MONTHS_2_STALE_LONG) #first local ccm::DataFrame = loadccm() ccm = preprocessccm!(ccm) testoutput && CSV.write("output\\ccm.csv", ccm) select!(ccm, Not([:cusip])) #println("Comp rows before merge: $(size(comp, 1))") comp = innerjoin(comp, ccm, on=[:gvkey]) comp.keep = trues(size(comp,1)) comp.keep = (r::DataFrameRow-> r.adate ∈ r.linkeffdate:Day(1):r.linkenddate).(eachrow(comp)) comp = comp[comp.keep,:] select!(comp, Not(:keep)) println("Comp rows after merge, post-filter: $(size(comp, 1))") #Note: we still will have overlapping lineffdates and linkenddates, which will be corrected #with the below method comp = reconcilecompccmintervals!(comp) # lagwithin!(comp, :fdate, :gvkey, :fyear) sort!(comp, [:lpermno, :fdate]) issorted(comp, [:lpermno, :adate]) || error("I thought comp was sorted by [:lpermno, :adate]") period2stale::Month = Month(months2stale) lagwithin2!(comp, [:fdate, :fyrmonth], :lpermno, date=:fdate, maxnotstale = period2stale) lagwithin2!(comp, [:Lfdate, :Lfyrmonth], :lpermno, date=:fdate, maxnotstale = period2stale) for r ∈ eachrow(comp) ismissing(r.Lfdate) && continue (r.Lfdate < r.fdate - period2stale) && error("failed date check $r") end @info "past date validatation check" #= NOTE: we accept dup fyears due to changing fiscal years function testfordups(df::AbstractDataFrame, groupfields::Vector{Symbol}) for sdf ∈ groupby(df, groupfields) if size(sdf,1) > 1 println(sdf[!, [:gvkey, :lpermno, :fdate, :Lfdate, :adate, :Nadate, :linkeffdate, :linkenddate, :begindate, :enddate, :fyear]]) error("duplicate fyear found") end end @info "passed dedup fyear test" end testfordups(comp, [:lpermno, :fyear])=# return comp end #formats the ccm table in a reasonable way function preprocessccm!(ccm::DataFrame; retainedcolsccm::Vector{Symbol} = RETAINED_COLS_CCM, lastdatestring::String = LAST_DATE_STRING, testoutput::Bool = TEST_OUTPUT) #names ot lower case cleannames::Vector{String} = (s::String->lowercase(s)).(names(ccm)) rename!(ccm, ((oldn, newn)->oldn=>newn).(names(ccm), cleannames)) #fix the end date ccm.linkenddt .= (s::MString-> coalesce(s,"")=="E" ? lastdatestring : s).(ccm.linkenddt) #below didn't work for some reason #filter!(r::DataFrameRow->((!ismissing(r.gvkey)) && (!ismissing(r.lpermno))), ccm) ccm = ccm[(r::DataFrameRow->( (!ismissing(r.gvkey)) && (!ismissing(r.lpermno)))).(eachrow(ccm)),:] ccm.linkprim = (s::String->length(s)==1 ? s[1] : error("invalid linkprim in ccm")).(ccm.linkprim) filter!(r::DataFrameRow->r.linkprim =='P' || r.linkprim =='C', ccm) #parse the dates ccm.linkeffdate = (s->parseccm(Date, s)).(ccm.linkdt) ccm.linkenddate = (s->parseccm(Date, s)).(ccm.linkenddt) #dedup if possible ccm.tokeep = trues(size(ccm,1)) ccm.dateranges = ((linkeffdate::Date,linkenddate::Date)-> linkeffdate:Day(1):linkenddate).(ccm.linkeffdate,ccm.linkenddate) gccm::GroupedDataFrame = groupby(ccm, [:gvkey, :lpermno]) @mpar for i ∈ 1:length(gccm) sccm::SubDataFrame = gccm[i] Nsccm::Int = size(sccm,1) #construct the union of all of the date sets if Nsccm > 1 local periodrange::StepRange{Date,Day} = minimum( sccm.linkeffdate):Day(1):maximum(sccm.linkenddate) local dateunionlength::Int = length(unique([sccm.dateranges...;])) if dateunionlength == length(periodrange) sccm.linkeffdate[1] = minimum(periodrange) sccm.linkenddate[1] = maximum(periodrange) sccm.tokeep[2:end] .= false end end end println("ccm size pre-dedup $(size(ccm))") ccm = ccm[ccm.tokeep,:] println("ccm size post-dedup $(size(ccm))") if testoutput testoutput && CSV.write("output\\ccm_preproc.csv", ccm) end #rename!(ccm, :indfmt=>:indfmtold) #ccm.indfmt = (s::MString->parsecomp(Symbol, s)).(ccm.indfmtold) #only need some of the fields ccm = select!(ccm, retainedcolsccm) return ccm end #this function reconciles the link intervals with the announcement intervals #NOTE: A weird situation can arise if gvkey changes. The the linkenddate finishes too soon, #we end up with a gap . Considering the laternatives, it seems like the lesser evil #to extending the record beyond the linkenddate function reconcilecompccmintervals!(comp::DataFrame) #subtract one day since the effective interval is inclusive of the #first date while the begin-end date is exclusve of the first date comp.begindate .= (max).(comp.begindate, comp.linkeffdate .- Day(1)) comp.enddate .= (min).(comp.enddate, comp.linkenddate) #this gets rid of one day records #(this assumes the previous effective record is the current record) #not many of these ~140 #println("records before interval reconciliation: $(size(comp,1))") #println(comp[comp.begindate .≥ comp.enddate, # [:gvkey, :adateq, :begindate, :enddate, :linkeffdate, :linkenddate]]) comp = comp[comp.begindate .< comp.enddate, :] println("records after interval reconciliation: $(size(comp,1))") return comp end function parseccm(::Type{T}, s::String; #=parsedmissings = CCM_PARSED_MISSINGS=#) where T #if it doesn't parse to the right type, set to missing v::Union{T,Missing} = something(tryparse(T, s), missing) #check against the list of missing codes #(!ismissing(v)) && (v ∈ parsedmissings) && (v=missing) return v end #the date case parseccm(::Type{Date}, s::String; ccmdateformat::DateFormat = CCM_DATE_FORMAT) = Dates.Date(s, ccmdateformat) #helper methods and special cases parseccm(::Type{<:Any}, v::Missing) = missing parseccm(::Type{Date}, i::Int) = parseccm(Date, "$i") parseccm(::Type{Symbol}, s::String) = Symbol(s)
module ComradeSoss #Turn off precompilations because of GG bug https://github.com/cscherrer/Soss.jl/issues/267 __precompile__(false) using HypercubeTransform using Reexport @reexport using Soss @reexport using Comrade import Distributions const Dists = Distributions using MeasureTheory using NamedTupleTools using NestedTuples using MacroTools using PyCall using Random using Requires using ParameterHandling using StatsBase: median using StatsBase using StructArrays using TupleVectors # This is a hack for MeasureTheory since it wants the type to output Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, ::Type{Float64}, d::Dists.ContinuousDistribution) = rand(rng, d) const rad2μas = 180.0/π*3600*1e6 #These hold the pointers to the PyObjects that will store dynesty and ehtim #and are loaded at initialization const dynesty = PyNULL() export ObsChar, scandata, create_joint, DynestyStatic, sample, optimize, threaded_optimize, chi2, ehtim #include("ehtim.jl") include("utility.jl") include("hypercube.jl") include("inference.jl") include("dists.jl") include("models.jl") #include("grads.jl") #include("nlopt.jl") #include("hmc.jl") function __init__() copy!(dynesty, pyimport("dynesty")) @require UltraNest="6822f173-b0be-4018-9ee2-28bf56348d09" include("ultranest.jl") @require NestedSamplers="41ceaf6f-1696-4a54-9b49-2e7a9ec3782e" include("nested.jl") @require BlackBoxOptim="a134a8b2-14d6-55f6-9291-3336d3ab0209" include("bboptim.jl") @require Metaheuristics="bcdb8e00-2c21-11e9-3065-2b553b22f898" include("metaheuristics.jl") end end #end ComradeSoss
############################################################################# # Joulia # A Large-Scale Spatial Power System Model for Julia # See https://github.com/JuliaEnergy/Joulia.jl ############################################################################# # This file contains functions and structs for nodes mutable struct Nodes id load exchange function Nodes(nodes_df::DataFrame, load_df::DataFrame, exchange_df::DataFrame) N = Symbol.(nodes_df[1]) load_dict = df_to_dict(load_df) insert_default!(load_dict, fill(0.0, 8760), N) exchange_dict = df_to_dict(exchange_df) insert_default!(exchange_dict, fill(0.0, 8760), N) return new(N, load_dict, exchange_dict) end end
@with_kw type Body2D <: Body name::String = "None" parent::Body = ground2D() connection::connection2D = free2D("None") mass::SymFloat = SymFloat(symbols("m_None",nonnegative=true,real=true)) inertia::SymFloat = SymFloat(symbols("I_None",nonnegative=true,real=true)) end function ==(b1::Body2D,b2::Body2D) f = fieldnames(b1) for i in f if getfield(b1,i) != getfield(b2,i) return false end end return true end
""" child = replace(parent, query => replacement) Generates a `child` crystal structure by (i) searches the `parent` crystal structure for subgraphs that match the `query` then (ii) replaces the substructures of the `parent` matching the `query` fragment with the `replacement` fragment. Equivalent to calling `substructure_replace(query ∈ parent, replacement)`. Accepts the same keyword arguments as [`substructure_replace`](@ref). """ replace(p::Crystal, pair::Pair; kwargs...) = substructure_replace(pair[1] ∈ p, pair[2]; kwargs...) """ alignment = Alignment(rot::Matrix{Float64}, shift_1::Vector{Float64}, shift_2::Vector{Float64}, err::Float64) Data structure for tracking alignment in substructure find/replace operations. """ struct Alignment rot::Matrix{Float64} # before rotation shift_1::Vector{Float64} # after rotation shift_2::Vector{Float64} # error err::Float64 end struct Installation aligned_replacement::Crystal q2p::Dict{Int, Int} r2p::Dict{Int, Int} end function get_r2p_alignment(replacement::Crystal, parent::Crystal, r2p::Dict{Int, Int}, q2p::Dict{Int, Int}) center = (X::Matrix{Float64}) -> sum(X, dims=2)[:] / size(X, 2) # when both centered to origin @assert replacement.atoms.n ≥ 3 && parent.atoms.n ≥ 3 "Parent and replacement must each be at least 3 atoms for SVD alignment." ### # compute centered Cartesian coords of the atoms of # replacement fragment involved in alignment ### atoms_r = Cart(replacement.atoms[[r for (r, p) in r2p]], replacement.box) X_r = atoms_r.coords.x x_r_center = center(X_r) X_r = X_r .- x_r_center ### # compute centered Cartesian coords of the atoms of # parent involved in alignment ### # handle fragments cut across the PB using the parent subset isomorphic to query parent_substructure = deepcopy(parent[[p for (q, p) in q2p]]) conglomerate!(parent_substructure) # must do this for when replacement fragment is disconnected # prepare parent substructure having correspondence with replacement p2ps = Dict([p => i for (i, p) in enumerate([p for (q, p) in q2p])]) # parent to parent subset map parent_substructure_to_align_to = parent_substructure[[p2ps[p] for p in [p for (r, p) in r2p]]] atoms_p = Cart(parent_substructure_to_align_to.atoms, parent.box) X_p = atoms_p.coords.x x_p_center = center(X_p) X_p = X_p .- x_p_center # solve the orthogonal procrustes probelm via SVD F = svd(X_r * X_p') # optimal rotation matrix rot = F.V * F.U' err = norm(rot * X_r - X_p) return Alignment(rot, - x_r_center, x_p_center, err) end function conglomerate!(parent_substructure::Crystal) # snip the cross-PB bonds bonds = deepcopy(parent_substructure.bonds) if length(connected_components(bonds)) > 1 @warn "# connected components in parent substructure > 1. assuming the substructure does not cross the periodic boundary..." return end drop_cross_pb_bonds!(bonds) # find connected components of bonding graph without cross-PB bonds # these are the components split across the boundary conn_comps = connected_components(bonds) # if substructure is entireline in the unit cell, it's already conglomerated :) if length(conn_comps) == 1 return end # we wish to shift all connected components to a reference component, # defined to be the largest component for speed. conn_comps_shifted = [false for c = 1:length(conn_comps)] ref_comp_id = argmax(length.(conn_comps)) conn_comps_shifted[ref_comp_id] = true # consider it shifted. # has atom p been shifted? function shifted_atom(p::Int) # loop over all connected components that have been shifted for conn_comp in conn_comps[conn_comps_shifted] # if parent substructure atom in this, yes! if p in conn_comp return true end end # reached this far, atom p is not in component that has been shifted. return false end # to which component does atom p belong? function find_component(p::Int) for c = 1:length(conn_comps) if p in conn_comps[c] return c end end end # until all components have been shifted to the reference component... while ! all(conn_comps_shifted) # loop over cross-PB edges in the parent substructure for ed in edges(parent_substructure.bonds) if get_prop(parent_substructure.bonds, ed, :cross_boundary) # if one edge belongs to unshifted component and another belogs to any component that has been shifted... if shifted_atom(ed.src) && ! shifted_atom(ed.dst) p_ref, p = ed.src, ed.dst elseif shifted_atom(ed.dst) && ! shifted_atom(ed.src) p_ref, p = ed.dst, ed.src else continue # both are shifted or both are unshifted. ignore this cross-PB edge end # here's the unshifted component we will shift next, to be next to the shifted components. comp_id = find_component(p) # find displacement vector for this cross-PB edge. dx = parent_substructure.atoms.coords.xf[:, p_ref] - parent_substructure.atoms.coords.xf[:, p] # get distance to nearest image n_dx = copy(dx) nearest_image!(n_dx) # shift all atoms in this component by this vector. for atom_idx in conn_comps[comp_id] parent_substructure.atoms.coords.xf[:, atom_idx] .+= dx - n_dx end # mark that we've shifted this component. conn_comps_shifted[comp_id] = true end end end return end function aligned_replacement(replacement::Crystal, parent::Crystal, r2p_alignment::Alignment) # put replacement into cartesian space atoms_r = Cart(replacement.atoms, replacement.box) # rotate replacement to align with parent_subset atoms_r.coords.x[:, :] = r2p_alignment.rot * (atoms_r.coords.x .+ r2p_alignment.shift_1) .+ r2p_alignment.shift_2 # cast atoms back to Frac return Crystal(replacement.name, parent.box, Frac(atoms_r, parent.box), Charges{Frac}(0), replacement.bonds, replacement.symmetry) end function effect_replacements(search::Search, replacement::Crystal, configs::Vector{Tuple{Int, Int}}, name::String)::Crystal nb_not_masked = sum(.! occursin.(rc[:r_tag], String.(search.query.atoms.species))) if replacement.atoms.n > 0 q_unmasked_in_r = substructure_search(search.query[1:nb_not_masked], replacement) q2r = Dict([q => q_unmasked_in_r.isomorphisms[1][1][q] for q in 1:nb_not_masked]) else q2r = Dict{Int, Int}() end installations = [optimal_replacement(search, replacement, q2r, loc_id, [ori_id]) for (loc_id, ori_id) in configs] child = install_replacements(search.parent, installations, name) # handle `missing` values in edge :cross_boundary attribute for edge in edges(child.bonds) # loop over edges # check if cross-boundary info is missing if ismissing(get_prop(child.bonds, edge, :cross_boundary)) # check if bond crosses boundary distance_e = get_prop(child.bonds, edge, :distance) # distance in edge property dxa = Cart(Frac(child.atoms.coords.xf[:, src(edge)] - child.atoms.coords.xf[:, dst(edge)]), child.box) # Cartesian displacement distance_a = norm(dxa.x) # current euclidean distance by atom coords set_prop!(child.bonds, edge, :cross_boundary, !isapprox(distance_e, distance_a, atol=0.1)) end end return child end function install_replacements(parent::Crystal, replacements::Vector{Installation}, name::String)::Crystal # create child w/o symmetry rules for sake of crystal addition child = Crystal(name, parent.box, parent.atoms, parent.charges, parent.bonds, Xtals.SymmetryInfo()) obsolete_atoms = Int[] # to delete at the end # loop over replacements to install for installation in replacements replacement, q2p, r2p = installation.aligned_replacement, installation.q2p, installation.r2p #add into parent if replacement.atoms.n > 0 child = +(child, replacement, check_overlap=false) end # reconstruct bonds for (r, p) in r2p # p is in parent_subst p_nbrs = neighbors(parent.bonds, p) for p_nbr in p_nbrs if ! (p_nbr in values(q2p)) # p_nbr not in parent_subst # need bond nbr => r in child, where r is in replacement e = (p_nbr, child.atoms.n - replacement.atoms.n + r) # create edge add_edge!(child.bonds, e) # copy edge attributes from parent (:cross_boundary will need to be reassessed later) set_props!(child.bonds, e[1], e[2], props(parent.bonds, p, p_nbr)) set_prop!(child.bonds, e[1], e[2], :cross_boundary, missing) end end end # accumulate atoms to delete obsolete_atoms = vcat(obsolete_atoms, values(q2p)...) end # delete obsolete atoms obsolete_atoms = unique(obsolete_atoms) keep_atoms = [p for p = 1:child.atoms.n if ! (p in obsolete_atoms)] child = child[keep_atoms] # restore symmetry rules child = Crystal(name, child.box, child.atoms, child.charges, child.bonds, parent.symmetry) # return result return child end function optimal_replacement(search::Search, replacement::Crystal, q2r::Dict{Int,Int}, loc_id::Int, ori_ids::Vector{Int}) # unpack search arg isomorphisms, parent = search.isomorphisms, search.parent if q2r == Dict{Int, Int}() # "replace-with-nothing" operation q2p = isomorphisms[loc_id][1] r2p = Dict([0 => p for p in values(q2p)]) return Installation(replacement, q2p, r2p) end if ori_ids == [0] ori_ids = [1:nb_ori_at_loc(search)[loc_id]...] end # loop over ori_ids to find best r2p_alignment r2p_alignment = Alignment(zeros(1,1), [0.], [0.], Inf) best_ori = 0 best_r2p = Dict{Int, Int}() for ori_id in ori_ids # find r2p isom q2p = isomorphisms[loc_id][ori_id] r2p = Dict([r => q2p[q] for (q, r) in q2r]) # calculate alignment test_alignment = get_r2p_alignment(replacement, parent, r2p, q2p) # keep best alignment and generating ori_id if test_alignment.err < r2p_alignment.err r2p_alignment = test_alignment best_ori = ori_id best_r2p = r2p end end opt_aligned_replacement = aligned_replacement(replacement, parent, r2p_alignment) # return the replacement modified according to r2p_alignment @assert ne(opt_aligned_replacement.bonds) == ne(replacement.bonds) return Installation(opt_aligned_replacement, isomorphisms[loc_id][best_ori], best_r2p) end @doc raw""" child = substructure_replace(search, replacement; random=false, nb_loc=0, loc=Int[], ori=Int[], name="new_xtal", verbose=false, remove_duplicates=false, periodic_boundaries=true) Replace the substructures of `search.parent` matching the `search.query` fragment with the `replacement` fragment, at locations and orientations specified by the keyword arguments `random`, `nb_loc`, `loc`, and `ori`. Default behavior is to effect replacements at all "hit" locations in the parent structure and, at each location, choose the orientation giving the optimal (lowest error) spatial aligment. Returns a new `Crystal` with the specified modifications (returns `search.parent` if no replacements are made). # Arguments - `search::Search` the `Search` for a substructure moiety in the parent crystal - `replacement::Crystal` the moiety to use for replacement of the searched substructure - `random::Bool` set `true` to select random replacement orientations - `nb_loc::Int` assign a value to select random replacement at `nb_loc` random locations - `loc::Array{Int}` assign value(s) to select specific locations for replacement. If `ori` is not specified, replacement orientation is random. - `ori::Array{Int}` assign value(s) when `loc` is assigned to specify exact configurations for replacement. `0` values mean the configuration at that location should be selected for optimal alignment with the parent. - `name::String` assign to give the generated `Crystal` a name ("new_xtal" by default) - `verbose::Bool` set `true` to print console messages about the replacement(s) being performed - `remove_duplicates::Bool` set `true` to automatically combine overlapping atoms of the same species in generated structures. - `reinfer_bonds::Bool` set `true` to re-infer bonds after producing a structure - `periodic_boundaries::Bool` set `false` to disable periodic boundary conditions when checking for atom duplication or re-inferring bonds """ function substructure_replace(search::Search, replacement::Crystal; random::Bool=false, nb_loc::Int=0, loc::Array{Int}=Int[], ori::Array{Int}=Int[], name::String="new_xtal", verbose::Bool=false, remove_duplicates::Bool=false, periodic_boundaries::Bool=true, reinfer_bonds::Bool=false, wrap::Bool=true)::Crystal # replacement at all locations (default) if nb_loc == 0 && loc == Int[] && ori == Int[] nb_loc = nb_locations(search) loc = [1:nb_loc...] if random ori = [rand(1:nb_ori_at_loc(search)[i]) for i in loc] if verbose @info "Replacing" q_in_p=search r=replacement.name mode="random ori @ all loc" end else ori = zeros(Int, nb_loc) if verbose @info "Replacing" q_in_p=search r=replacement.name mode="optimal ori @ all loc" end end # replacement at nb_loc random locations elseif nb_loc > 0 && ori == Int[] && loc == Int[] loc = sample([1:nb_locations(search)...], nb_loc, replace=false) if random ori = [rand(1:nb_ori_at_loc(search)[i]) for i in loc] if verbose @info "Replacing" q_in_p=search r=replacement.name mode="random ori @ $nb_loc loc" end else ori = zeros(Int, nb_loc) if verbose @info "Replacing" q_in_p=search r=replacement.name mode="optimal ori @ $nb_loc loc" end end # specific replacements elseif ori ≠ Int[] && loc ≠ Int[] @assert length(loc) == length(ori) "one orientation per location" nb_loc = length(ori) if verbose @info "Replacing" q_in_p=search r=replacement.name mode="loc: $loc\tori: $ori" end # replacement at specific locations elseif loc ≠ Int[] nb_loc = length(loc) if random ori = [rand(1:nb_ori_at_loc(search)[i]) for i in loc] if verbose @info "Replacing" q_in_p=search r=replacement.name mode="random ori @ loc: $loc" end else ori = zeros(Int, nb_loc) if verbose @info "Replacing" q_in_p=search r=replacement.name mode="optimal ori @ loc: $loc" end end end # remove charges from parent if search.parent.charges.n > 0 @warn "Dropping charges from parent." p = search.parent search = Search( Crystal(p.name, p.box, p.atoms, Charges{Frac}(0), p.bonds, p.symmetry), search.query, search.isomorphisms ) end # generate configuration tuples (location, orientation) configs = Tuple{Int,Int}[(loc[i], ori[i]) for i in 1:nb_loc] # process replacements child = effect_replacements(search, replacement, configs, name) if remove_duplicates child = Crystal(child.name, child.box, Xtals.remove_duplicates(child.atoms, child.box, periodic_boundaries), Xtals.remove_duplicates(child.charges, child.box, periodic_boundaries) ) end if wrap # throw error if installed replacement fragment spans the unit cell if any(abs.(child.atoms.coords.xf) .> 2.0) error("installed replacement fragment too large for the unit cell; replicate the parent and try again.") end # wrap coordinates wrap!(child.atoms.coords) # check :cross_boundary edge attributes for edge in edges(child.bonds) # loop over edges distance_e = get_prop(child.bonds, edge, :distance) # distance in edge property dxa = Cart(Frac(child.atoms.coords.xf[:, src(edge)] - child.atoms.coords.xf[:, dst(edge)]), child.box) # Cartesian displacement distance_a = norm(dxa.x) # current euclidean distance by atom coords set_prop!(child.bonds, edge, :cross_boundary, !isapprox(distance_e, distance_a, atol=0.1)) end end if reinfer_bonds remove_bonds!(child) infer_bonds!(child, periodic_boundaries) end return child end substructure_replace(search::Search, replacement::Nothing; kwargs...) = substructure_replace(search, moiety(nothing); kwargs...)
# AUTO GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT export 'feffery'_antdalert """ 'feffery'_antdalert(;kwargs...) An AntdAlert component. Keyword arguments: - `id` (String; optional) - `className` (String; optional) - `closable` (Bool; optional) - `description` (String; optional) - `loading_state` (optional): . loading_state has the following type: lists containing elements 'is_loading', 'prop_name', 'component_name'. Those elements have the following types: - `is_loading` (Bool; optional): Determines if the component is loading or not - `prop_name` (String; optional): Holds which property is loading - `component_name` (String; optional): Holds the name of the component that is loading - `message` (String | Array of Strings; optional) - `messageRenderMode` (a value equal to: 'default', 'loop-text', 'marquee'; optional) - `showIcon` (Bool; optional) - `style` (Dict; optional) - `type` (a value equal to: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'error'; optional) """ function 'feffery'_antdalert(; kwargs...) available_props = Symbol[:id, :className, :closable, :description, :loading_state, :message, :messageRenderMode, :showIcon, :style, :type] wild_props = Symbol[] return Component("'feffery'_antdalert", "AntdAlert", "feffery_antd_components", available_props, wild_props; kwargs...) end
module ATI import GetC.@getCFun typealias GLenum Cuint typealias GLboolean Cuchar typealias GLbitfield Cuint typealias GLvoid Void typealias GLbyte Cuchar typealias GLshort Cshort typealias GLint Cint typealias GLubyte Cuchar typealias GLushort Cushort typealias GLuint Cuint typealias GLsizei Csize_t typealias GLfloat Cfloat typealias GLclampf Cfloat typealias GLdouble Cdouble typealias GLclampd Cdouble typealias GLchar Cchar typealias GLint64 Clonglong typealias GLuint64 Culonglong typealias GLhalf Cushort typealias GLhalfARB Cushort typealias GLhalfNV Cushort typealias GLsync Ptr{Void} typealias Pointer Ptr{Void} typealias GLsizeiptr Cint typealias GLintptr Cptrdiff_t const DRAW_BUFFER0_ATI = 0x8825 export DRAW_BUFFER0_ATI const DRAW_BUFFER10_ATI = 0x882F export DRAW_BUFFER10_ATI const DRAW_BUFFER11_ATI = 0x8830 export DRAW_BUFFER11_ATI const DRAW_BUFFER12_ATI = 0x8831 export DRAW_BUFFER12_ATI const DRAW_BUFFER13_ATI = 0x8832 export DRAW_BUFFER13_ATI const DRAW_BUFFER14_ATI = 0x8833 export DRAW_BUFFER14_ATI const DRAW_BUFFER15_ATI = 0x8834 export DRAW_BUFFER15_ATI const DRAW_BUFFER1_ATI = 0x8826 export DRAW_BUFFER1_ATI const DRAW_BUFFER2_ATI = 0x8827 export DRAW_BUFFER2_ATI const DRAW_BUFFER3_ATI = 0x8828 export DRAW_BUFFER3_ATI const DRAW_BUFFER4_ATI = 0x8829 export DRAW_BUFFER4_ATI const DRAW_BUFFER5_ATI = 0x882A export DRAW_BUFFER5_ATI const DRAW_BUFFER6_ATI = 0x882B export DRAW_BUFFER6_ATI const DRAW_BUFFER7_ATI = 0x882C export DRAW_BUFFER7_ATI const DRAW_BUFFER8_ATI = 0x882D export DRAW_BUFFER8_ATI const DRAW_BUFFER9_ATI = 0x882E export DRAW_BUFFER9_ATI const MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS_ATI = 0x8824 export MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS_ATI const ELEMENT_ARRAY_ATI = 0x8768 export ELEMENT_ARRAY_ATI const ELEMENT_ARRAY_POINTER_ATI = 0x876A export ELEMENT_ARRAY_POINTER_ATI const ELEMENT_ARRAY_TYPE_ATI = 0x8769 export ELEMENT_ARRAY_TYPE_ATI const BUMP_ENVMAP_ATI = 0x877B export BUMP_ENVMAP_ATI const BUMP_NUM_TEX_UNITS_ATI = 0x8777 export BUMP_NUM_TEX_UNITS_ATI const BUMP_ROT_MATRIX_ATI = 0x8775 export BUMP_ROT_MATRIX_ATI const BUMP_ROT_MATRIX_SIZE_ATI = 0x8776 export BUMP_ROT_MATRIX_SIZE_ATI const BUMP_TARGET_ATI = 0x877C export BUMP_TARGET_ATI const BUMP_TEX_UNITS_ATI = 0x8778 export BUMP_TEX_UNITS_ATI const DU8DV8_ATI = 0x877A export DU8DV8_ATI const DUDV_ATI = 0x8779 export DUDV_ATI const X2X_BIT_ATI = 0x00000001 export X2X_BIT_ATI const X4X_BIT_ATI = 0x00000002 export X4X_BIT_ATI const X8X_BIT_ATI = 0x00000004 export X8X_BIT_ATI const ADD_ATI = 0x8963 export ADD_ATI const BIAS_BIT_ATI = 0x00000008 export BIAS_BIT_ATI const BLUE_BIT_ATI = 0x00000004 export BLUE_BIT_ATI const CND0_ATI = 0x896B export CND0_ATI const CND_ATI = 0x896A export CND_ATI const COLOR_ALPHA_PAIRING_ATI = 0x8975 export COLOR_ALPHA_PAIRING_ATI const COMP_BIT_ATI = 0x00000002 export COMP_BIT_ATI const CON_0_ATI = 0x8941 export CON_0_ATI const CON_10_ATI = 0x894B export CON_10_ATI const CON_11_ATI = 0x894C export CON_11_ATI const CON_12_ATI = 0x894D export CON_12_ATI const CON_13_ATI = 0x894E export CON_13_ATI const CON_14_ATI = 0x894F export CON_14_ATI const CON_15_ATI = 0x8950 export CON_15_ATI const CON_16_ATI = 0x8951 export CON_16_ATI const CON_17_ATI = 0x8952 export CON_17_ATI const CON_18_ATI = 0x8953 export CON_18_ATI const CON_19_ATI = 0x8954 export CON_19_ATI const CON_1_ATI = 0x8942 export CON_1_ATI const CON_20_ATI = 0x8955 export CON_20_ATI const CON_21_ATI = 0x8956 export CON_21_ATI const CON_22_ATI = 0x8957 export CON_22_ATI const CON_23_ATI = 0x8958 export CON_23_ATI const CON_24_ATI = 0x8959 export CON_24_ATI const CON_25_ATI = 0x895A export CON_25_ATI const CON_26_ATI = 0x895B export CON_26_ATI const CON_27_ATI = 0x895C export CON_27_ATI const CON_28_ATI = 0x895D export CON_28_ATI const CON_29_ATI = 0x895E export CON_29_ATI const CON_2_ATI = 0x8943 export CON_2_ATI const CON_30_ATI = 0x895F export CON_30_ATI const CON_31_ATI = 0x8960 export CON_31_ATI const CON_3_ATI = 0x8944 export CON_3_ATI const CON_4_ATI = 0x8945 export CON_4_ATI const CON_5_ATI = 0x8946 export CON_5_ATI const CON_6_ATI = 0x8947 export CON_6_ATI const CON_7_ATI = 0x8948 export CON_7_ATI const CON_8_ATI = 0x8949 export CON_8_ATI const CON_9_ATI = 0x894A export CON_9_ATI const DOT2_ADD_ATI = 0x896C export DOT2_ADD_ATI const DOT3_ATI = 0x8966 export DOT3_ATI const DOT4_ATI = 0x8967 export DOT4_ATI const EIGHTH_BIT_ATI = 0x00000020 export EIGHTH_BIT_ATI const FRAGMENT_SHADER_ATI = 0x8920 export FRAGMENT_SHADER_ATI const GREEN_BIT_ATI = 0x00000002 export GREEN_BIT_ATI const HALF_BIT_ATI = 0x00000008 export HALF_BIT_ATI const LERP_ATI = 0x8969 export LERP_ATI const MAD_ATI = 0x8968 export MAD_ATI const MOV_ATI = 0x8961 export MOV_ATI const MUL_ATI = 0x8964 export MUL_ATI const NEGATE_BIT_ATI = 0x00000004 export NEGATE_BIT_ATI const NUM_FRAGMENT_CONSTANTS_ATI = 0x896F export NUM_FRAGMENT_CONSTANTS_ATI const NUM_FRAGMENT_REGISTERS_ATI = 0x896E export NUM_FRAGMENT_REGISTERS_ATI const NUM_INPUT_INTERPOLATOR_COMPONENTS_ATI = 0x8973 export NUM_INPUT_INTERPOLATOR_COMPONENTS_ATI const NUM_INSTRUCTIONS_PER_PASS_ATI = 0x8971 export NUM_INSTRUCTIONS_PER_PASS_ATI const NUM_INSTRUCTIONS_TOTAL_ATI = 0x8972 export NUM_INSTRUCTIONS_TOTAL_ATI const NUM_LOOPBACK_COMPONENTS_ATI = 0x8974 export NUM_LOOPBACK_COMPONENTS_ATI const NUM_PASSES_ATI = 0x8970 export NUM_PASSES_ATI const QUARTER_BIT_ATI = 0x00000010 export QUARTER_BIT_ATI const RED_BIT_ATI = 0x00000001 export RED_BIT_ATI const REG_0_ATI = 0x8921 export REG_0_ATI const REG_10_ATI = 0x892B export REG_10_ATI const REG_11_ATI = 0x892C export REG_11_ATI const REG_12_ATI = 0x892D export REG_12_ATI const REG_13_ATI = 0x892E export REG_13_ATI const REG_14_ATI = 0x892F export REG_14_ATI const REG_15_ATI = 0x8930 export REG_15_ATI const REG_16_ATI = 0x8931 export REG_16_ATI const REG_17_ATI = 0x8932 export REG_17_ATI const REG_18_ATI = 0x8933 export REG_18_ATI const REG_19_ATI = 0x8934 export REG_19_ATI const REG_1_ATI = 0x8922 export REG_1_ATI const REG_20_ATI = 0x8935 export REG_20_ATI const REG_21_ATI = 0x8936 export REG_21_ATI const REG_22_ATI = 0x8937 export REG_22_ATI const REG_23_ATI = 0x8938 export REG_23_ATI const REG_24_ATI = 0x8939 export REG_24_ATI const REG_25_ATI = 0x893A export REG_25_ATI const REG_26_ATI = 0x893B export REG_26_ATI const REG_27_ATI = 0x893C export REG_27_ATI const REG_28_ATI = 0x893D export REG_28_ATI const REG_29_ATI = 0x893E export REG_29_ATI const REG_2_ATI = 0x8923 export REG_2_ATI const REG_30_ATI = 0x893F export REG_30_ATI const REG_31_ATI = 0x8940 export REG_31_ATI const REG_3_ATI = 0x8924 export REG_3_ATI const REG_4_ATI = 0x8925 export REG_4_ATI const REG_5_ATI = 0x8926 export REG_5_ATI const REG_6_ATI = 0x8927 export REG_6_ATI const REG_7_ATI = 0x8928 export REG_7_ATI const REG_8_ATI = 0x8929 export REG_8_ATI const REG_9_ATI = 0x892A export REG_9_ATI const SATURATE_BIT_ATI = 0x00000040 export SATURATE_BIT_ATI const SECONDARY_INTERPOLATOR_ATI = 0x896D export SECONDARY_INTERPOLATOR_ATI const SUB_ATI = 0x8965 export SUB_ATI const SWIZZLE_STQ_ATI = 0x8977 export SWIZZLE_STQ_ATI const SWIZZLE_STQ_DQ_ATI = 0x8979 export SWIZZLE_STQ_DQ_ATI const SWIZZLE_STRQ_ATI = 0x897A export SWIZZLE_STRQ_ATI const SWIZZLE_STRQ_DQ_ATI = 0x897B export SWIZZLE_STRQ_DQ_ATI const SWIZZLE_STR_ATI = 0x8976 export SWIZZLE_STR_ATI const SWIZZLE_STR_DR_ATI = 0x8978 export SWIZZLE_STR_DR_ATI const RENDERBUFFER_FREE_MEMORY_ATI = 0x87FD export RENDERBUFFER_FREE_MEMORY_ATI const TEXTURE_FREE_MEMORY_ATI = 0x87FC export TEXTURE_FREE_MEMORY_ATI const VBO_FREE_MEMORY_ATI = 0x87FB export VBO_FREE_MEMORY_ATI const COLOR_CLEAR_UNCLAMPED_VALUE_ATI = 0x8835 export COLOR_CLEAR_UNCLAMPED_VALUE_ATI const RGBA_FLOAT_MODE_ATI = 0x8820 export RGBA_FLOAT_MODE_ATI const MAX_PN_TRIANGLES_TESSELATION_LEVEL_ATI = 0x87F1 export MAX_PN_TRIANGLES_TESSELATION_LEVEL_ATI const PN_TRIANGLES_ATI = 0x87F0 export PN_TRIANGLES_ATI const PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_ATI = 0x87F3 export PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_ATI const PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_LINEAR_ATI = 0x87F7 export PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_LINEAR_ATI const PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_QUADRATIC_ATI = 0x87F8 export PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_QUADRATIC_ATI const PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_ATI = 0x87F2 export PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_ATI const PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_CUBIC_ATI = 0x87F6 export PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_CUBIC_ATI const PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_LINEAR_ATI = 0x87F5 export PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_LINEAR_ATI const PN_TRIANGLES_TESSELATION_LEVEL_ATI = 0x87F4 export PN_TRIANGLES_TESSELATION_LEVEL_ATI const STENCIL_BACK_FAIL_ATI = 0x8801 export STENCIL_BACK_FAIL_ATI const STENCIL_BACK_FUNC_ATI = 0x8800 export STENCIL_BACK_FUNC_ATI const STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL_ATI = 0x8802 export STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL_ATI const STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS_ATI = 0x8803 export STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS_ATI const TEXT_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ATI = 0x8200 export TEXT_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ATI const MODULATE_ADD_ATI = 0x8744 export MODULATE_ADD_ATI const MODULATE_SIGNED_ADD_ATI = 0x8745 export MODULATE_SIGNED_ADD_ATI const MODULATE_SUBTRACT_ATI = 0x8746 export MODULATE_SUBTRACT_ATI const ALPHA_FLOAT16_ATI = 0x881C export ALPHA_FLOAT16_ATI const ALPHA_FLOAT32_ATI = 0x8816 export ALPHA_FLOAT32_ATI const INTENSITY_FLOAT16_ATI = 0x881D export INTENSITY_FLOAT16_ATI const INTENSITY_FLOAT32_ATI = 0x8817 export INTENSITY_FLOAT32_ATI const LUMINANCE_ALPHA_FLOAT16_ATI = 0x881F export LUMINANCE_ALPHA_FLOAT16_ATI const LUMINANCE_ALPHA_FLOAT32_ATI = 0x8819 export LUMINANCE_ALPHA_FLOAT32_ATI const LUMINANCE_FLOAT16_ATI = 0x881E export LUMINANCE_FLOAT16_ATI const LUMINANCE_FLOAT32_ATI = 0x8818 export LUMINANCE_FLOAT32_ATI const RGBA_FLOAT16_ATI = 0x881A export RGBA_FLOAT16_ATI const RGBA_FLOAT32_ATI = 0x8814 export RGBA_FLOAT32_ATI const RGB_FLOAT16_ATI = 0x881B export RGB_FLOAT16_ATI const RGB_FLOAT32_ATI = 0x8815 export RGB_FLOAT32_ATI const MIRROR_CLAMP_ATI = 0x8742 export MIRROR_CLAMP_ATI const MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_ATI = 0x8743 export MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_ATI const ARRAY_OBJECT_BUFFER_ATI = 0x8766 export ARRAY_OBJECT_BUFFER_ATI const ARRAY_OBJECT_OFFSET_ATI = 0x8767 export ARRAY_OBJECT_OFFSET_ATI const DISCARD_ATI = 0x8763 export DISCARD_ATI const DYNAMIC_ATI = 0x8761 export DYNAMIC_ATI const OBJECT_BUFFER_SIZE_ATI = 0x8764 export OBJECT_BUFFER_SIZE_ATI const OBJECT_BUFFER_USAGE_ATI = 0x8765 export OBJECT_BUFFER_USAGE_ATI const PRESERVE_ATI = 0x8762 export PRESERVE_ATI const STATIC_ATI = 0x8760 export STATIC_ATI const MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS_ATI = 0x876B export MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS_ATI const VERTEX_SOURCE_ATI = 0x8774 export VERTEX_SOURCE_ATI const VERTEX_STREAM0_ATI = 0x876C export VERTEX_STREAM0_ATI const VERTEX_STREAM1_ATI = 0x876D export VERTEX_STREAM1_ATI const VERTEX_STREAM2_ATI = 0x876E export VERTEX_STREAM2_ATI const VERTEX_STREAM3_ATI = 0x876F export VERTEX_STREAM3_ATI const VERTEX_STREAM4_ATI = 0x8770 export VERTEX_STREAM4_ATI const VERTEX_STREAM5_ATI = 0x8771 export VERTEX_STREAM5_ATI const VERTEX_STREAM6_ATI = 0x8772 export VERTEX_STREAM6_ATI const VERTEX_STREAM7_ATI = 0x8773 export VERTEX_STREAM7_ATI @getCFun "libGL" glDrawBuffersATI glDrawBuffersATI(n::GLsizei, bufs::Ptr{GLenum})::Void export glDrawBuffersATI @getCFun "libGL" glElementPointerATI glElementPointerATI(type_::GLenum, pointer::Ptr{Void})::Void export glElementPointerATI @getCFun "libGL" glDrawElementArrayATI glDrawElementArrayATI(mode::GLenum, count::GLsizei)::Void export glDrawElementArrayATI @getCFun "libGL" glDrawRangeElementArrayATI glDrawRangeElementArrayATI(mode::GLenum, start::GLuint, END::GLuint, count::GLsizei)::Void export glDrawRangeElementArrayATI @getCFun "libGL" glTexBumpParameterivATI glTexBumpParameterivATI(pname::GLenum, param::Ptr{GLint})::Void export glTexBumpParameterivATI @getCFun "libGL" glTexBumpParameterfvATI glTexBumpParameterfvATI(pname::GLenum, param::Ptr{GLfloat})::Void export glTexBumpParameterfvATI @getCFun "libGL" glGetTexBumpParameterivATI glGetTexBumpParameterivATI(pname::GLenum, param::Ptr{GLint})::Void export glGetTexBumpParameterivATI @getCFun "libGL" glGetTexBumpParameterfvATI glGetTexBumpParameterfvATI(pname::GLenum, param::Ptr{GLfloat})::Void export glGetTexBumpParameterfvATI @getCFun "libGL" glGenFragmentShadersATI glGenFragmentShadersATI(range_::GLuint)::Cuint export glGenFragmentShadersATI @getCFun "libGL" glBindFragmentShaderATI glBindFragmentShaderATI(id::GLuint)::Void export glBindFragmentShaderATI @getCFun "libGL" glDeleteFragmentShaderATI glDeleteFragmentShaderATI(id::GLuint)::Void export glDeleteFragmentShaderATI @getCFun "libGL" glBeginFragmentShaderATI glBeginFragmentShaderATI()::Void export glBeginFragmentShaderATI @getCFun "libGL" glEndFragmentShaderATI glEndFragmentShaderATI()::Void export glEndFragmentShaderATI @getCFun "libGL" glPassTexCoordATI glPassTexCoordATI(dst::GLuint, coord::GLuint, swizzle::GLenum)::Void export glPassTexCoordATI @getCFun "libGL" glSampleMapATI glSampleMapATI(dst::GLuint, interp::GLuint, swizzle::GLenum)::Void export glSampleMapATI @getCFun "libGL" glColorFragmentOp1ATI glColorFragmentOp1ATI(op::GLenum, dst::GLuint, dstMask::GLuint, dstMod::GLuint, arg1::GLuint, arg1Rep::GLuint, arg1Mod::GLuint)::Void export glColorFragmentOp1ATI @getCFun "libGL" glColorFragmentOp2ATI glColorFragmentOp2ATI(op::GLenum, dst::GLuint, dstMask::GLuint, dstMod::GLuint, arg1::GLuint, arg1Rep::GLuint, arg1Mod::GLuint, arg2::GLuint, arg2Rep::GLuint, arg2Mod::GLuint)::Void export glColorFragmentOp2ATI @getCFun "libGL" glColorFragmentOp3ATI glColorFragmentOp3ATI(op::GLenum, dst::GLuint, dstMask::GLuint, dstMod::GLuint, arg1::GLuint, arg1Rep::GLuint, arg1Mod::GLuint, arg2::GLuint, arg2Rep::GLuint, arg2Mod::GLuint, arg3::GLuint, arg3Rep::GLuint, arg3Mod::GLuint)::Void export glColorFragmentOp3ATI @getCFun "libGL" glAlphaFragmentOp1ATI glAlphaFragmentOp1ATI(op::GLenum, dst::GLuint, dstMod::GLuint, arg1::GLuint, arg1Rep::GLuint, arg1Mod::GLuint)::Void export glAlphaFragmentOp1ATI @getCFun "libGL" glAlphaFragmentOp2ATI glAlphaFragmentOp2ATI(op::GLenum, dst::GLuint, dstMod::GLuint, arg1::GLuint, arg1Rep::GLuint, arg1Mod::GLuint, arg2::GLuint, arg2Rep::GLuint, arg2Mod::GLuint)::Void export glAlphaFragmentOp2ATI @getCFun "libGL" glAlphaFragmentOp3ATI glAlphaFragmentOp3ATI(op::GLenum, dst::GLuint, dstMod::GLuint, arg1::GLuint, arg1Rep::GLuint, arg1Mod::GLuint, arg2::GLuint, arg2Rep::GLuint, arg2Mod::GLuint, arg3::GLuint, arg3Rep::GLuint, arg3Mod::GLuint)::Void export glAlphaFragmentOp3ATI @getCFun "libGL" glSetFragmentShaderConstantATI glSetFragmentShaderConstantATI(dst::GLuint, value::Ptr{GLfloat})::Void export glSetFragmentShaderConstantATI @getCFun "libGL" glMapObjectBufferATI glMapObjectBufferATI(buffer::GLuint)::Ptr{Void} export glMapObjectBufferATI @getCFun "libGL" glUnmapObjectBufferATI glUnmapObjectBufferATI(buffer::GLuint)::Void export glUnmapObjectBufferATI @getCFun "libGL" glPNTrianglesiATI glPNTrianglesiATI(pname::GLenum, param::GLint)::Void export glPNTrianglesiATI @getCFun "libGL" glPNTrianglesfATI glPNTrianglesfATI(pname::GLenum, param::GLfloat)::Void export glPNTrianglesfATI @getCFun "libGL" glStencilOpSeparateATI glStencilOpSeparateATI(face::GLenum, sfail::GLenum, dpfail::GLenum, dppass::GLenum)::Void export glStencilOpSeparateATI @getCFun "libGL" glStencilFuncSeparateATI glStencilFuncSeparateATI(frontfunc::GLenum, backfunc::GLenum, ref::GLint, mask::GLuint)::Void export glStencilFuncSeparateATI @getCFun "libGL" glNewObjectBufferATI glNewObjectBufferATI(size::GLsizei, pointer::Ptr{Void}, usage::GLenum)::Cuint export glNewObjectBufferATI @getCFun "libGL" glIsObjectBufferATI glIsObjectBufferATI(buffer::GLuint)::Bool export glIsObjectBufferATI @getCFun "libGL" glUpdateObjectBufferATI glUpdateObjectBufferATI(buffer::GLuint, offset::GLuint, size::GLsizei, pointer::Ptr{Void}, preserve::GLenum)::Void export glUpdateObjectBufferATI @getCFun "libGL" glGetObjectBufferfvATI glGetObjectBufferfvATI(buffer::GLuint, pname::GLenum, params::Ptr{GLfloat})::Void export glGetObjectBufferfvATI @getCFun "libGL" glGetObjectBufferivATI glGetObjectBufferivATI(buffer::GLuint, pname::GLenum, params::Ptr{GLint})::Void export glGetObjectBufferivATI @getCFun "libGL" glFreeObjectBufferATI glFreeObjectBufferATI(buffer::GLuint)::Void export glFreeObjectBufferATI @getCFun "libGL" glArrayObjectATI glArrayObjectATI(array::GLenum, size::GLint, type_::GLenum, stride::GLsizei, buffer::GLuint, offset::GLuint)::Void export glArrayObjectATI @getCFun "libGL" glGetArrayObjectfvATI glGetArrayObjectfvATI(array::GLenum, pname::GLenum, params::Ptr{GLfloat})::Void export glGetArrayObjectfvATI @getCFun "libGL" glGetArrayObjectivATI glGetArrayObjectivATI(array::GLenum, pname::GLenum, params::Ptr{GLint})::Void export glGetArrayObjectivATI @getCFun "libGL" glVariantArrayObjectATI glVariantArrayObjectATI(id::GLuint, type_::GLenum, stride::GLsizei, buffer::GLuint, offset::GLuint)::Void export glVariantArrayObjectATI @getCFun "libGL" glGetVariantArrayObjectfvATI glGetVariantArrayObjectfvATI(id::GLuint, pname::GLenum, params::Ptr{GLfloat})::Void export glGetVariantArrayObjectfvATI @getCFun "libGL" glGetVariantArrayObjectivATI glGetVariantArrayObjectivATI(id::GLuint, pname::GLenum, params::Ptr{GLint})::Void export glGetVariantArrayObjectivATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexAttribArrayObjectATI glVertexAttribArrayObjectATI(index::GLuint, size::GLint, type_::GLenum, normalized::GLboolean, stride::GLsizei, buffer::GLuint, offset::GLuint)::Void export glVertexAttribArrayObjectATI @getCFun "libGL" glGetVertexAttribArrayObjectfvATI glGetVertexAttribArrayObjectfvATI(index::GLuint, pname::GLenum, params::Ptr{GLfloat})::Void export glGetVertexAttribArrayObjectfvATI @getCFun "libGL" glGetVertexAttribArrayObjectivATI glGetVertexAttribArrayObjectivATI(index::GLuint, pname::GLenum, params::Ptr{GLint})::Void export glGetVertexAttribArrayObjectivATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream1sATI glVertexStream1sATI(stream::GLenum, x::GLshort)::Void export glVertexStream1sATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream1svATI glVertexStream1svATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLshort})::Void export glVertexStream1svATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream1iATI glVertexStream1iATI(stream::GLenum, x::GLint)::Void export glVertexStream1iATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream1ivATI glVertexStream1ivATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLint})::Void export glVertexStream1ivATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream1fATI glVertexStream1fATI(stream::GLenum, x::GLfloat)::Void export glVertexStream1fATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream1fvATI glVertexStream1fvATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLfloat})::Void export glVertexStream1fvATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream1dATI glVertexStream1dATI(stream::GLenum, x::GLdouble)::Void export glVertexStream1dATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream1dvATI glVertexStream1dvATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLdouble})::Void export glVertexStream1dvATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream2sATI glVertexStream2sATI(stream::GLenum, x::GLshort, y::GLshort)::Void export glVertexStream2sATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream2svATI glVertexStream2svATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLshort})::Void export glVertexStream2svATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream2iATI glVertexStream2iATI(stream::GLenum, x::GLint, y::GLint)::Void export glVertexStream2iATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream2ivATI glVertexStream2ivATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLint})::Void export glVertexStream2ivATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream2fATI glVertexStream2fATI(stream::GLenum, x::GLfloat, y::GLfloat)::Void export glVertexStream2fATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream2fvATI glVertexStream2fvATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLfloat})::Void export glVertexStream2fvATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream2dATI glVertexStream2dATI(stream::GLenum, x::GLdouble, y::GLdouble)::Void export glVertexStream2dATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream2dvATI glVertexStream2dvATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLdouble})::Void export glVertexStream2dvATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream3sATI glVertexStream3sATI(stream::GLenum, x::GLshort, y::GLshort, z::GLshort)::Void export glVertexStream3sATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream3svATI glVertexStream3svATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLshort})::Void export glVertexStream3svATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream3iATI glVertexStream3iATI(stream::GLenum, x::GLint, y::GLint, z::GLint)::Void export glVertexStream3iATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream3ivATI glVertexStream3ivATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLint})::Void export glVertexStream3ivATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream3fATI glVertexStream3fATI(stream::GLenum, x::GLfloat, y::GLfloat, z::GLfloat)::Void export glVertexStream3fATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream3fvATI glVertexStream3fvATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLfloat})::Void export glVertexStream3fvATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream3dATI glVertexStream3dATI(stream::GLenum, x::GLdouble, y::GLdouble, z::GLdouble)::Void export glVertexStream3dATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream3dvATI glVertexStream3dvATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLdouble})::Void export glVertexStream3dvATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream4sATI glVertexStream4sATI(stream::GLenum, x::GLshort, y::GLshort, z::GLshort, w::GLshort)::Void export glVertexStream4sATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream4svATI glVertexStream4svATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLshort})::Void export glVertexStream4svATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream4iATI glVertexStream4iATI(stream::GLenum, x::GLint, y::GLint, z::GLint, w::GLint)::Void export glVertexStream4iATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream4ivATI glVertexStream4ivATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLint})::Void export glVertexStream4ivATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream4fATI glVertexStream4fATI(stream::GLenum, x::GLfloat, y::GLfloat, z::GLfloat, w::GLfloat)::Void export glVertexStream4fATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream4fvATI glVertexStream4fvATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLfloat})::Void export glVertexStream4fvATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream4dATI glVertexStream4dATI(stream::GLenum, x::GLdouble, y::GLdouble, z::GLdouble, w::GLdouble)::Void export glVertexStream4dATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexStream4dvATI glVertexStream4dvATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLdouble})::Void export glVertexStream4dvATI @getCFun "libGL" glNormalStream3bATI glNormalStream3bATI(stream::GLenum, nx::GLbyte, ny::GLbyte, nz::GLbyte)::Void export glNormalStream3bATI @getCFun "libGL" glNormalStream3bvATI glNormalStream3bvATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLbyte})::Void export glNormalStream3bvATI @getCFun "libGL" glNormalStream3sATI glNormalStream3sATI(stream::GLenum, nx::GLshort, ny::GLshort, nz::GLshort)::Void export glNormalStream3sATI @getCFun "libGL" glNormalStream3svATI glNormalStream3svATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLshort})::Void export glNormalStream3svATI @getCFun "libGL" glNormalStream3iATI glNormalStream3iATI(stream::GLenum, nx::GLint, ny::GLint, nz::GLint)::Void export glNormalStream3iATI @getCFun "libGL" glNormalStream3ivATI glNormalStream3ivATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLint})::Void export glNormalStream3ivATI @getCFun "libGL" glNormalStream3fATI glNormalStream3fATI(stream::GLenum, nx::GLfloat, ny::GLfloat, nz::GLfloat)::Void export glNormalStream3fATI @getCFun "libGL" glNormalStream3fvATI glNormalStream3fvATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLfloat})::Void export glNormalStream3fvATI @getCFun "libGL" glNormalStream3dATI glNormalStream3dATI(stream::GLenum, nx::GLdouble, ny::GLdouble, nz::GLdouble)::Void export glNormalStream3dATI @getCFun "libGL" glNormalStream3dvATI glNormalStream3dvATI(stream::GLenum, coords::Ptr{GLdouble})::Void export glNormalStream3dvATI @getCFun "libGL" glClientActiveVertexStreamATI glClientActiveVertexStreamATI(stream::GLenum)::Void export glClientActiveVertexStreamATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexBlendEnviATI glVertexBlendEnviATI(pname::GLenum, param::GLint)::Void export glVertexBlendEnviATI @getCFun "libGL" glVertexBlendEnvfATI glVertexBlendEnvfATI(pname::GLenum, param::GLfloat)::Void export glVertexBlendEnvfATI end
using AWSCore using AWSS3 using AWSLambda JL_VERSION_BASE="0.6" JL_VERSION_PATCH="4" JL_VERSION="$JL_VERSION_BASE.$JL_VERSION_PATCH" image_name = "octech/$(replace(basename(pwd()), "_", "")):$JL_VERSION" lambda_name = basename(pwd()) source_bucket = "octech.com.au.ap-southeast-2.awslambda.jl.deploy" base_zip = "$(lambda_name)_$(VERSION)_$(AWSLambda.aws_lamabda_jl_version).zip" if length(ARGS) == 0 || ARGS[1] == "build" cp("../../src/AWSLambda.jl", "AWSLambda.jl"; remove_destination=true) run(`docker build --build-arg JL_VERSION_BASE=$JL_VERSION_BASE --build-arg JL_VERSION_PATCH=$JL_VERSION_PATCH -t $image_name .`) end if length(ARGS) > 0 && ARGS[1] == "shell" run(`docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd()):/var/host $image_name bash`) end if length(ARGS) > 0 && ARGS[1] == "zip" rm(base_zip; force=true) cmd = `zip --symlinks -r -9 /var/host/$base_zip .` run(`docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd()):/var/host $image_name $cmd`) end if length(ARGS) > 0 && ARGS[1] == "deploy" AWSCore.Services.s3("PUT", "/$source_bucket/$base_zip", headers=Dict("x-amz-acl" => "public-read"), Body=read(base_zip)) end if length(ARGS) > 0 && ARGS[1] == "deploy_regions" lambda_regions = ["us-east-1", "us-east-2", "us-west-1", "us-west-2", "ap-northeast-2", "ap-south-1", "ap-southeast-1", "ap-northeast-1", "eu-central-1", "eu-west-1", "eu-west-2"] @sync for r in lambda_regions raws = merge(default_aws_config(), Dict(:region => r)) bucket = "octech.com.au.$r.awslambda.jl.deploy" @async begin s3_create_bucket(raws, bucket) AWSS3.s3(default_aws_config(), "PUT", bucket; path = base_zip, headers = Dict( "x-amz-copy-source" => "$source_bucket/$base_zip", "x-amz-acl" => "public-read")) end end end
using BetaVQE using Yao, Yao.EasyBuild, Yao.BitBasis using Test, Random, StatsBase using Zygote using BetaVQE.VAN @testset "VAN" begin include("VAN/VAN.jl") end @testset "sample" begin Random.seed!(3) nbits = 4 nhiddens = [10, 20] nsamples = 1000 β = 1.0 h = heisenberg(nbits) c = dispatch!(variational_circuit(nbits), :random) model = AutoRegressiveModel(nbits, nhiddens) configs = bitarray(collect(0:(1<<nbits-1)), nbits) logp = get_logp(model, configs) @test isapprox(sum(exp.(logp)), 1.0, rtol=1e-2) f = sum(exp.(logp) .* free_energy_local(β, h, model, c, configs)) samples = gen_samples(model, nsamples) f_sample = free_energy(β, h, model, c, samples) @test isapprox(f, f_sample, rtol=1e-1) end @testset "circuit diff" begin Random.seed!(3) nbits = 4 nhiddens = [10] nsamples = 2000 h = heisenberg(nbits) c = dispatch!(variational_circuit(nbits), :random) model = AutoRegressiveModel(nbits, nhiddens) samples = gen_samples(model, nsamples) # check the gradient of circuit parameters params = parameters(c) ϵ = 1e-5 for k in 1:length(params) params[k] -= ϵ dispatch!(c, params) l1 = free_energy(2.0, h, model, c, samples) params[k] += 2ϵ dispatch!(c, params) l2 = free_energy(2.0, h, model, c, samples) params[k] -= ϵ dispatch!(c, params) g = (l2-l1)/2ϵ g2 = gradient(c->free_energy(2.0, h, model, c, samples), c)[1] @test isapprox(g, g2[k], rtol=1e-2) end end @testset "network diff" begin Random.seed!(7) nbits = 2 nhiddens = [10] nsamples = 1000 h = heisenberg(nbits) c = dispatch!(variational_circuit(nbits), :random) model = AutoRegressiveModel(nbits, nhiddens) ϵ = 1e-5 # check the gradient of model configs = bitarray(collect(0:(1<<nbits-1)), nbits) function f(model) logp = get_logp(model, configs) sum(exp.(logp) .* free_energy_local(2.0, h, model, c, configs)) end m, n = 1, 1 params = model_parameters(model) params[m][n] -= ϵ model_dispatch!(model, params) l1 = f(model) params[m][n] += 2ϵ model_dispatch!(model, params) l2 = f(model) g = (l2-l1)/2ϵ #tune it back params[m][n] -= ϵ model_dispatch!(model, params) samples = gen_samples(model, nsamples) g2 = gradient(model->free_energy(2.0, h, model, c, samples), model)[1] @test isapprox(g, g2.W[1][n], rtol=1e-1) @show g, g2.W[1][n] end @testset "tns circuit diff" begin Random.seed!(3) nx = 2 ny = 2 nbits = nx*ny depth = 3 nhiddens = [10] nsamples = 2000 h = heisenberg(nbits) c = tns_circuit(nbits, depth, EasyBuild.pair_square(nx, ny; periodic=false); entangler=(n,i,j)->put(n,(i,j)=>general_U4(rand(15)*2π))) model = AutoRegressiveModel(nbits, nhiddens) samples = gen_samples(model, nsamples) # check the gradient of circuit parameters params = parameters(c) ϵ = 1e-5 for k in 1:length(params) params[k] -= ϵ dispatch!(c, params) l1 = free_energy(2.0, h, model, c, samples) params[k] += 2ϵ dispatch!(c, params) l2 = free_energy(2.0, h, model, c, samples) params[k] -= ϵ dispatch!(c, params) g = (l2-l1)/2ϵ g2 = gradient(c->free_energy(2.0, h, model, c, samples), c)[1] @test isapprox(g, g2[k], atol=1e-2) end end @testset "train" begin nbits = 4 h = hamiltonian(TFIM(nbits, 1; Γ=0.0, periodic=false)) network = PSAModel(nbits) circuit = tns_circuit(nbits, 2, EasyBuild.pair_square(nbits, 1; periodic=false); entangler=(n,i,j)->put(n,(i,j)=>general_U4())) network_params, circuit_params = train(1.0, h, network, circuit; nbatch=1000, niter=100) samples = gen_samples(network, 1000) @test free_energy(1.0, h, network, circuit, samples) <= -3.2 end
# constants const a = 6.378137e6 # the semi-major axis of the earth const F = 298.257222101 # the inverse 1st flattening const n = 1/(2F-1) const m₀ = 0.9999 # central meridian scale factor A₀ = 1 + n^2/4 + n^4/64 const A̅ = A₀/(1+n) *m₀*a ## longitude, latitude of origin for zones in Japan const Origin_LatLon_Japan = [ 33.0 129.5 ; # 1 33.0 131.0 ; # 2 36.0 132.0+1/6; # 3 33.0 133.5 ; # 4 36.0 134.0+1/3; # 5 36.0 136.0 ; # 6 36.0 137.0+1/6; # 7 36.0 138.5 ; # 8 36.0 139.0+5/6; # 9 40.0 140.0+5/6; # 10 44.0 140.25 ; # 11 44.0 142.25 ; # 12 44.0 144.25 ; # 13 26.0 142.0 ; # 14 26.0 127.5 ; # 15 26.0 124.0 ; # 16 26.0 131.0 ; # 17 20.0 136.0 ; # 18 26.0 154.0 ; # 19 ]
using JuMP, EAGO m = Model() EAGO.register_eago_operators!(m) @variable(m, -1 <= x[i=1:4] <= 1) @variable(m, -32.35079088597315 <= q <= 33.04707617725232) add_NL_constraint(m, :(log(1 + exp(0.7516814527569986 + 0.07211062597860263*log(1 + exp(0.800956367833014 + 0.1575422515944389*log(1 + exp(-0.7991039641167363 + 0.28486813994855353*$(x[1]) + 0.682420711072186*$(x[2]) + 0.05952972537514656*$(x[3]) + 0.998655851604032*$(x[4]))) + 0.30181017969165413*log(1 + exp(-0.9827986828893067 + 0.8570099551669048*$(x[1]) + -0.029287184975956393*$(x[2]) + 0.28818320654817864*$(x[3]) + -0.9376552616355038*$(x[4]))) + 0.5024447348308962*log(1 + exp(0.33306588949676286 + 0.667638331016386*$(x[1]) + 0.7691056200843742*$(x[2]) + 0.5908191290581821*$(x[3]) + 0.06769592108634237*$(x[4]))) + -0.7463877606567912*log(1 + exp(-0.7350489056562997 + 0.545921427040915*$(x[1]) + -0.3116746162014481*$(x[2]) + 0.844944868364411*$(x[3]) + -0.9086564944285445*$(x[4]))))) + -0.28099609060437203*log(1 + exp(-0.8241959750660866 + 0.48752067922981546*log(1 + exp(-0.7991039641167363 + 0.28486813994855353*$(x[1]) + 0.682420711072186*$(x[2]) + 0.05952972537514656*$(x[3]) + 0.998655851604032*$(x[4]))) + -0.8942226763869914*log(1 + exp(-0.9827986828893067 + 0.8570099551669048*$(x[1]) + -0.029287184975956393*$(x[2]) + 0.28818320654817864*$(x[3]) + -0.9376552616355038*$(x[4]))) + -0.1882956347370066*log(1 + exp(0.33306588949676286 + 0.667638331016386*$(x[1]) + 0.7691056200843742*$(x[2]) + 0.5908191290581821*$(x[3]) + 0.06769592108634237*$(x[4]))) + 0.0613423792438379*log(1 + exp(-0.7350489056562997 + 0.545921427040915*$(x[1]) + -0.3116746162014481*$(x[2]) + 0.844944868364411*$(x[3]) + -0.9086564944285445*$(x[4]))))) + 0.19401527858092393*log(1 + exp(-0.014178711859067938 + -0.6496362145686132*log(1 + exp(-0.7991039641167363 + 0.28486813994855353*$(x[1]) + 0.682420711072186*$(x[2]) + 0.05952972537514656*$(x[3]) + 0.998655851604032*$(x[4]))) + 0.5744456236018198*log(1 + exp(-0.9827986828893067 + 0.8570099551669048*$(x[1]) + -0.029287184975956393*$(x[2]) + 0.28818320654817864*$(x[3]) + -0.9376552616355038*$(x[4]))) + 0.06990002879133872*log(1 + exp(0.33306588949676286 + 0.667638331016386*$(x[1]) + 0.7691056200843742*$(x[2]) + 0.5908191290581821*$(x[3]) + 0.06769592108634237*$(x[4]))) + 0.11738131892224501*log(1 + exp(-0.7350489056562997 + 0.545921427040915*$(x[1]) + -0.3116746162014481*$(x[2]) + 0.844944868364411*$(x[3]) + -0.9086564944285445*$(x[4]))))) + -0.43991506890783594*log(1 + exp(-0.38559964579408224 + -0.6882459841770032*log(1 + exp(-0.7991039641167363 + 0.28486813994855353*$(x[1]) + 0.682420711072186*$(x[2]) + 0.05952972537514656*$(x[3]) + 0.998655851604032*$(x[4]))) + 0.5869261088566509*log(1 + exp(-0.9827986828893067 + 0.8570099551669048*$(x[1]) + -0.029287184975956393*$(x[2]) + 0.28818320654817864*$(x[3]) + -0.9376552616355038*$(x[4]))) + 0.7286086900917508*log(1 + exp(0.33306588949676286 + 0.667638331016386*$(x[1]) + 0.7691056200843742*$(x[2]) + 0.5908191290581821*$(x[3]) + 0.06769592108634237*$(x[4]))) + 0.9385542676650069*log(1 + exp(-0.7350489056562997 + 0.545921427040915*$(x[1]) + -0.3116746162014481*$(x[2]) + 0.844944868364411*$(x[3]) + -0.9086564944285445*$(x[4]))))))) + log(1 + exp(0.5442086655639207 + -0.859033717055464*log(1 + exp(0.800956367833014 + 0.1575422515944389*log(1 + exp(-0.7991039641167363 + 0.28486813994855353*$(x[1]) + 0.682420711072186*$(x[2]) + 0.05952972537514656*$(x[3]) + 0.998655851604032*$(x[4]))) + 0.30181017969165413*log(1 + exp(-0.9827986828893067 + 0.8570099551669048*$(x[1]) + -0.029287184975956393*$(x[2]) + 0.28818320654817864*$(x[3]) + -0.9376552616355038*$(x[4]))) + 0.5024447348308962*log(1 + exp(0.33306588949676286 + 0.667638331016386*$(x[1]) + 0.7691056200843742*$(x[2]) + 0.5908191290581821*$(x[3]) + 0.06769592108634237*$(x[4]))) + -0.7463877606567912*log(1 + exp(-0.7350489056562997 + 0.545921427040915*$(x[1]) + -0.3116746162014481*$(x[2]) + 0.844944868364411*$(x[3]) + -0.9086564944285445*$(x[4]))))) + -0.6994107397450926*log(1 + exp(-0.8241959750660866 + 0.48752067922981546*log(1 + exp(-0.7991039641167363 + 0.28486813994855353*$(x[1]) + 0.682420711072186*$(x[2]) + 0.05952972537514656*$(x[3]) + 0.998655851604032*$(x[4]))) + -0.8942226763869914*log(1 + exp(-0.9827986828893067 + 0.8570099551669048*$(x[1]) + -0.029287184975956393*$(x[2]) + 0.28818320654817864*$(x[3]) + -0.9376552616355038*$(x[4]))) + -0.1882956347370066*log(1 + exp(0.33306588949676286 + 0.667638331016386*$(x[1]) + 0.7691056200843742*$(x[2]) + 0.5908191290581821*$(x[3]) + 0.06769592108634237*$(x[4]))) + 0.0613423792438379*log(1 + exp(-0.7350489056562997 + 0.545921427040915*$(x[1]) + -0.3116746162014481*$(x[2]) + 0.844944868364411*$(x[3]) + -0.9086564944285445*$(x[4]))))) + -0.21447765318835765*log(1 + exp(-0.014178711859067938 + -0.6496362145686132*log(1 + exp(-0.7991039641167363 + 0.28486813994855353*$(x[1]) + 0.682420711072186*$(x[2]) + 0.05952972537514656*$(x[3]) + 0.998655851604032*$(x[4]))) + 0.5744456236018198*log(1 + exp(-0.9827986828893067 + 0.8570099551669048*$(x[1]) + -0.029287184975956393*$(x[2]) + 0.28818320654817864*$(x[3]) + -0.9376552616355038*$(x[4]))) + 0.06990002879133872*log(1 + exp(0.33306588949676286 + 0.667638331016386*$(x[1]) + 0.7691056200843742*$(x[2]) + 0.5908191290581821*$(x[3]) + 0.06769592108634237*$(x[4]))) + 0.11738131892224501*log(1 + exp(-0.7350489056562997 + 0.545921427040915*$(x[1]) + -0.3116746162014481*$(x[2]) + 0.844944868364411*$(x[3]) + -0.9086564944285445*$(x[4]))))) + 0.9247182813449877*log(1 + exp(-0.38559964579408224 + -0.6882459841770032*log(1 + exp(-0.7991039641167363 + 0.28486813994855353*$(x[1]) + 0.682420711072186*$(x[2]) + 0.05952972537514656*$(x[3]) + 0.998655851604032*$(x[4]))) + 0.5869261088566509*log(1 + exp(-0.9827986828893067 + 0.8570099551669048*$(x[1]) + -0.029287184975956393*$(x[2]) + 0.28818320654817864*$(x[3]) + -0.9376552616355038*$(x[4]))) + 0.7286086900917508*log(1 + exp(0.33306588949676286 + 0.667638331016386*$(x[1]) + 0.7691056200843742*$(x[2]) + 0.5908191290581821*$(x[3]) + 0.06769592108634237*$(x[4]))) + 0.9385542676650069*log(1 + exp(-0.7350489056562997 + 0.545921427040915*$(x[1]) + -0.3116746162014481*$(x[2]) + 0.844944868364411*$(x[3]) + -0.9086564944285445*$(x[4]))))))) + log(1 + exp(-0.33457802196328057 + 0.8511359109817849*log(1 + exp(0.800956367833014 + 0.1575422515944389*log(1 + exp(-0.7991039641167363 + 0.28486813994855353*$(x[1]) + 0.682420711072186*$(x[2]) + 0.05952972537514656*$(x[3]) + 0.998655851604032*$(x[4]))) + 0.30181017969165413*log(1 + exp(-0.9827986828893067 + 0.8570099551669048*$(x[1]) + -0.029287184975956393*$(x[2]) + 0.28818320654817864*$(x[3]) + -0.9376552616355038*$(x[4]))) + 0.5024447348308962*log(1 + exp(0.33306588949676286 + 0.667638331016386*$(x[1]) + 0.7691056200843742*$(x[2]) + 0.5908191290581821*$(x[3]) + 0.06769592108634237*$(x[4]))) + -0.7463877606567912*log(1 + exp(-0.7350489056562997 + 0.545921427040915*$(x[1]) + -0.3116746162014481*$(x[2]) + 0.844944868364411*$(x[3]) + -0.9086564944285445*$(x[4]))))) + 0.9056512987027685*log(1 + exp(-0.8241959750660866 + 0.48752067922981546*log(1 + exp(-0.7991039641167363 + 0.28486813994855353*$(x[1]) + 0.682420711072186*$(x[2]) + 0.05952972537514656*$(x[3]) + 0.998655851604032*$(x[4]))) + -0.8942226763869914*log(1 + exp(-0.9827986828893067 + 0.8570099551669048*$(x[1]) + -0.029287184975956393*$(x[2]) + 0.28818320654817864*$(x[3]) + -0.9376552616355038*$(x[4]))) + -0.1882956347370066*log(1 + exp(0.33306588949676286 + 0.667638331016386*$(x[1]) + 0.7691056200843742*$(x[2]) + 0.5908191290581821*$(x[3]) + 0.06769592108634237*$(x[4]))) + 0.0613423792438379*log(1 + exp(-0.7350489056562997 + 0.545921427040915*$(x[1]) + -0.3116746162014481*$(x[2]) + 0.844944868364411*$(x[3]) + -0.9086564944285445*$(x[4]))))) + -0.901983268277478*log(1 + exp(-0.014178711859067938 + -0.6496362145686132*log(1 + exp(-0.7991039641167363 + 0.28486813994855353*$(x[1]) + 0.682420711072186*$(x[2]) + 0.05952972537514656*$(x[3]) + 0.998655851604032*$(x[4]))) + 0.5744456236018198*log(1 + exp(-0.9827986828893067 + 0.8570099551669048*$(x[1]) + -0.029287184975956393*$(x[2]) + 0.28818320654817864*$(x[3]) + -0.9376552616355038*$(x[4]))) + 0.06990002879133872*log(1 + exp(0.33306588949676286 + 0.667638331016386*$(x[1]) + 0.7691056200843742*$(x[2]) + 0.5908191290581821*$(x[3]) + 0.06769592108634237*$(x[4]))) + 0.11738131892224501*log(1 + exp(-0.7350489056562997 + 0.545921427040915*$(x[1]) + -0.3116746162014481*$(x[2]) + 0.844944868364411*$(x[3]) + -0.9086564944285445*$(x[4]))))) + -0.02854306019224717*log(1 + exp(-0.38559964579408224 + -0.6882459841770032*log(1 + exp(-0.7991039641167363 + 0.28486813994855353*$(x[1]) + 0.682420711072186*$(x[2]) + 0.05952972537514656*$(x[3]) + 0.998655851604032*$(x[4]))) + 0.5869261088566509*log(1 + exp(-0.9827986828893067 + 0.8570099551669048*$(x[1]) + -0.029287184975956393*$(x[2]) + 0.28818320654817864*$(x[3]) + -0.9376552616355038*$(x[4]))) + 0.7286086900917508*log(1 + exp(0.33306588949676286 + 0.667638331016386*$(x[1]) + 0.7691056200843742*$(x[2]) + 0.5908191290581821*$(x[3]) + 0.06769592108634237*$(x[4]))) + 0.9385542676650069*log(1 + exp(-0.7350489056562997 + 0.545921427040915*$(x[1]) + -0.3116746162014481*$(x[2]) + 0.844944868364411*$(x[3]) + -0.9086564944285445*$(x[4]))))))) + log(1 + exp(0.85223750045835 + -0.7468516096711739*log(1 + exp(0.800956367833014 + 0.1575422515944389*log(1 + exp(-0.7991039641167363 + 0.28486813994855353*$(x[1]) + 0.682420711072186*$(x[2]) + 0.05952972537514656*$(x[3]) + 0.998655851604032*$(x[4]))) + 0.30181017969165413*log(1 + exp(-0.9827986828893067 + 0.8570099551669048*$(x[1]) + -0.029287184975956393*$(x[2]) + 0.28818320654817864*$(x[3]) + -0.9376552616355038*$(x[4]))) + 0.5024447348308962*log(1 + exp(0.33306588949676286 + 0.667638331016386*$(x[1]) + 0.7691056200843742*$(x[2]) + 0.5908191290581821*$(x[3]) + 0.06769592108634237*$(x[4]))) + -0.7463877606567912*log(1 + exp(-0.7350489056562997 + 0.545921427040915*$(x[1]) + -0.3116746162014481*$(x[2]) + 0.844944868364411*$(x[3]) + -0.9086564944285445*$(x[4]))))) + -0.1269236474608202*log(1 + exp(-0.8241959750660866 + 0.48752067922981546*log(1 + exp(-0.7991039641167363 + 0.28486813994855353*$(x[1]) + 0.682420711072186*$(x[2]) + 0.05952972537514656*$(x[3]) + 0.998655851604032*$(x[4]))) + -0.8942226763869914*log(1 + exp(-0.9827986828893067 + 0.8570099551669048*$(x[1]) + -0.029287184975956393*$(x[2]) + 0.28818320654817864*$(x[3]) + -0.9376552616355038*$(x[4]))) + -0.1882956347370066*log(1 + exp(0.33306588949676286 + 0.667638331016386*$(x[1]) + 0.7691056200843742*$(x[2]) + 0.5908191290581821*$(x[3]) + 0.06769592108634237*$(x[4]))) + 0.0613423792438379*log(1 + exp(-0.7350489056562997 + 0.545921427040915*$(x[1]) + -0.3116746162014481*$(x[2]) + 0.844944868364411*$(x[3]) + -0.9086564944285445*$(x[4]))))) + -0.5407492362268407*log(1 + exp(-0.014178711859067938 + -0.6496362145686132*log(1 + exp(-0.7991039641167363 + 0.28486813994855353*$(x[1]) + 0.682420711072186*$(x[2]) + 0.05952972537514656*$(x[3]) + 0.998655851604032*$(x[4]))) + 0.5744456236018198*log(1 + exp(-0.9827986828893067 + 0.8570099551669048*$(x[1]) + -0.029287184975956393*$(x[2]) + 0.28818320654817864*$(x[3]) + -0.9376552616355038*$(x[4]))) + 0.06990002879133872*log(1 + exp(0.33306588949676286 + 0.667638331016386*$(x[1]) + 0.7691056200843742*$(x[2]) + 0.5908191290581821*$(x[3]) + 0.06769592108634237*$(x[4]))) + 0.11738131892224501*log(1 + exp(-0.7350489056562997 + 0.545921427040915*$(x[1]) + -0.3116746162014481*$(x[2]) + 0.844944868364411*$(x[3]) + -0.9086564944285445*$(x[4]))))) + -0.8670343803826994*log(1 + exp(-0.38559964579408224 + -0.6882459841770032*log(1 + exp(-0.7991039641167363 + 0.28486813994855353*$(x[1]) + 0.682420711072186*$(x[2]) + 0.05952972537514656*$(x[3]) + 0.998655851604032*$(x[4]))) + 0.5869261088566509*log(1 + exp(-0.9827986828893067 + 0.8570099551669048*$(x[1]) + -0.029287184975956393*$(x[2]) + 0.28818320654817864*$(x[3]) + -0.9376552616355038*$(x[4]))) + 0.7286086900917508*log(1 + exp(0.33306588949676286 + 0.667638331016386*$(x[1]) + 0.7691056200843742*$(x[2]) + 0.5908191290581821*$(x[3]) + 0.06769592108634237*$(x[4]))) + 0.9385542676650069*log(1 + exp(-0.7350489056562997 + 0.545921427040915*$(x[1]) + -0.3116746162014481*$(x[2]) + 0.844944868364411*$(x[3]) + -0.9086564944285445*$(x[4]))))))) - $q <= 0.0)) @objective(m, Min, q) return m
# Networks found by Bose-Nelson algorithm, except for N=16 # http://pages.ripco.net/~jgamble/nw.html # http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~hugues/sorting_networks.html # https://github.com/JeffreySarnoff/SortingNetworks.jl sorting_network_parameters = Dict( 2 => (((1,2),),), 4 => (((1,2), (3,4)), ((1,3), (2,4)), ((2,3),)), 8 => ( ((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8)), ((1, 3), (2, 4), (5, 7), (6, 8)), ((2, 3), (6, 7), (1, 5), (4, 8)), ((2, 6), (3, 7)), ((2, 5), (4, 7)), ((3, 5), (4, 6)), ((4, 5),) ), 16 => ( ((4, 11), (12, 15), (5, 14), (3, 13), (1, 7), (9, 10), (2,8), (6, 16)), ((1, 2), (3, 5), (7, 8), (13, 14), (4, 6), (9, 12), (11, 16), (10, 15)), ((1, 4), (7, 11), (14, 15), (2, 6), (8, 16), (3, 9), (10, 13), (5, 12)), ((1, 3), (8, 14), (15, 16), (2, 5), (6, 12), (4, 9), (11, 13), (7, 10)), ((2, 3), (4, 7), (8, 9), (12, 14), (6, 10), (13, 15), (5, 11)), ((3, 7), (12, 13), (2, 4), (6, 8), (9, 10), (14, 15)), ((3, 4), (5, 7), (11, 12), (13, 14)), ((9, 11), (5, 6), (7, 8), (10, 12)), ((4, 5), (6, 7), (8, 9), (10, 11), (12, 13)), ((7, 8), (9, 10)) ), 32 => ( ((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8), (9, 10), (11, 12), (13, 14), (15, 16), (17, 18), (19, 20), (21, 22), (23, 24), (25, 26), (27, 28), (29, 30), (31, 32)), ((1, 3), (2, 4), (5, 7), (6, 8), (9, 11), (10, 12), (13, 15), (14, 16), (17, 19), (18, 20), (21, 23), (22, 24), (25, 27), (26, 28), (29, 31), (30, 32)), ((2, 3), (6, 7), (1, 5), (4, 8), (10, 11), (14, 15), (9, 13), (12, 16), (18, 19), (22, 23), (17, 21), (20, 24), (26, 27), (30, 31), (25, 29), (28, 32)), ((2, 6), (3, 7), (10, 14), (11, 15), (1, 9), (8, 16), (18, 22), (19, 23), (26, 30), (27, 31), (17, 25), (24, 32)), ((2, 5), (4, 7), (10, 13), (12, 15), (18, 21), (20, 23), (26, 29), (28, 31), (1, 17), (16, 32)), ((3, 5), (4, 6), (11, 13), (12, 14), (2, 10), (7, 15), (19, 21), (20, 22), (27, 29), (28, 30), (18, 26), (23, 31)), ((4, 5), (12, 13), (2, 9), (3, 11), (6, 14), (8, 15), (20, 21), (28, 29), (18, 25), (19, 27), (22, 30), (24, 31)), ((4, 12), (3, 9), (5, 13), (8, 14), (20, 28), (19, 25), (21, 29), (24, 30), (2, 18), (15, 31)), ((4, 11), (6, 13), (20, 27), (22, 29), (2, 17), (3, 19), (14, 30), (16, 31)), ((4, 10), (7, 13), (20, 26), (23, 29), (3, 17), (16, 30)), ((4, 9), (8, 13), (6, 10), (7, 11), (20, 25), (24, 29), (22, 26), (23, 27)), ((5, 9), (8, 12), (21, 25), (24, 28), (4, 20), (13, 29)), ((6, 9), (8, 11), (22, 25), (24, 27), (4, 19), (5, 21), (12, 28), (14, 29)), ((7, 9), (8, 10), (23, 25), (24, 26), (4, 18), (6, 22), (11, 27), (15, 29)), ((8, 9), (24, 25), (4, 17), (6, 21), (7, 23), (10, 26), (12, 27), (16, 29)), ((8, 24), (7, 21), (5, 17), (6, 18), (9, 25), (12, 26), (15, 27), (16, 28)), ((8, 23), (6, 17), (7, 19), (10, 25), (14, 26), (16, 27)), ((8, 22), (7, 17), (11, 25), (16, 26)), ((8, 21), (12, 25)), ((8, 20), (13, 25)), ((8, 19), (14, 25), (12, 20), (13, 21)), ((8, 18), (15, 25), (11, 19), (14, 22)), ((8, 17), (16, 25), (10, 18), (12, 19), (14, 21), (15, 23)), ((9, 17), (12, 18), (16, 24), (15, 21)), ((10, 17), (16, 23), (14, 18), (15, 19)), ((11, 17), (16, 22)), ((12, 17), (16, 21)), ((13, 17), (16, 20)), ((14, 17), (16, 19)), ((15, 17), (16, 18)), ((16, 17),) ) )
struct Framework plugins Framework(plugins, hooks=[]; opts...) = new(PluginStack(plugins, hooks; opts...)) end struct EmptyPlugin{Id} <: Plugin EmptyPlugin{Id}(;opts...) where Id = new{Id}() end Plugins.symbol(::EmptyPlugin) = :empty for i = 1:1000 Plugins.register(EmptyPlugin{i}) end mutable struct CounterPlugin{Id} <: Plugin hook1count::Int hook2count::Int hook3count::Int CounterPlugin{Id}() where Id = new{Id}(0, 0, 0) end Plugins.symbol(::CounterPlugin) = :counter for i = 1:100 Plugins.register(CounterPlugin{i}) end @inline hook1(plugin::CounterPlugin, framework) = begin plugin.hook1count += 1 return false end hook2_handler(plugin::CounterPlugin, framework) = begin plugin.hook2count += 1 return false end @inline hook3(plugin::CounterPlugin, framework, p1, p2) = begin plugin.hook3count += p2 return false end chain_of_empties(length=20, startat=0) = [EmptyPlugin{i + startat} for i = 1:length] callmanytimes(framework, hook, times=1e5) = for i=1:times hook(framework) end mutable struct FrameworkTestPlugin <: Plugin calledwithframework FrameworkTestPlugin() = new("Never called") end Plugins.register(FrameworkTestPlugin) hook1(plugin::FrameworkTestPlugin, framework) = plugin.calledwithframework = framework mutable struct EventTestPlugin <: Plugin calledwithframework calledwithevent EventTestPlugin() = new("Never called", "Never called") end Plugins.register(EventTestPlugin) event_handler(plugin::EventTestPlugin, framework, event) = begin plugin.calledwithframework = framework plugin.calledwithevent = event end struct ConfigurablePlugin <: Plugin config::String ConfigurablePlugin(;config = "default") = new(config) end Plugins.register(ConfigurablePlugin) checkconfig_handler(plugin::ConfigurablePlugin, framework, event) = begin if event.config !== plugin.config throw("Not the same!") end return plugin.config end struct PropagationStopperPlugin <: Plugin end Plugins.register(PropagationStopperPlugin) propagationtest(plugin::PropagationStopperPlugin, framework, data) = data == 42 propagationtest_nodata(plugin::PropagationStopperPlugin, framework) = true struct PropagationCheckerPlugin <: Plugin end Plugins.register(PropagationCheckerPlugin) propagationtest(plugin::PropagationCheckerPlugin, framework, data) = data === 32 || throw("Not 32!") propagationtest_nodata(plugin::PropagationCheckerPlugin, framework) = throw("Not stopped!") mutable struct DynamicPlugin <: Plugin lastdata end Plugins.register(DynamicPlugin) dynamismtest(plugin::DynamicPlugin, framework, data) = plugin.lastdata = data # Hook cache test: mutable struct SharedState plugins::PluginStack shared_counter::Int end struct App{TCache} state::SharedState hooks::TCache function App(plugins, hooklist) state = SharedState(PluginStack(plugins, hooklist), 0) cache = hook_cache(state.plugins) return new{typeof(cache)}(state, cache) end end const OP_CYCLES = 1e7 function op(app::App) counters = [counter for counter in app.state.plugins if counter isa CounterPlugin] @info "op: A sample operation on the app, involving hook1() calls in a semi-realistic setting." @info "op: $(length(counters)) CounterPlugins found, $(length(app.state.plugins)) plugins in total, each CounterPlugin incrementing a private counter." start_ts = time_ns() for i in 1:OP_CYCLES app.hooks.hook3(app, i, 1) end end_ts = time_ns() for i = 1:length(counters) @test counters[i].hook3count == OP_CYCLES end time_diff = end_ts - start_ts avg_calltime = time_diff / OP_CYCLES @info "op: $OP_CYCLES hook1() calls took $(time_diff / 1e9) secs. That is $avg_calltime nanosecs per call on average, or $(avg_calltime / length(counters)) ns per in-plugin counter increment." end mutable struct LifeCycleTestPlugin <: Plugin setupcalledwith shutdowncalledwith deferredinitcalledwith LifeCycleTestPlugin() = new() end Plugins.register(LifeCycleTestPlugin) Plugins.setup!(plugin::LifeCycleTestPlugin, framework) = plugin.setupcalledwith = framework Plugins.shutdown!(plugin::LifeCycleTestPlugin, framework) = begin plugin.shutdowncalledwith = framework if framework === 42 error("shutdown called with 42") end end deferred_init(plugin::Plugin, ::Any) = true deferred_init(plugin::LifeCycleTestPlugin, data) = plugin.deferredinitcalledwith = data @testset "Plugins.jl basics" begin @testset "Plugin chain" begin a1 = Framework([CounterPlugin{1}, EmptyPlugin]) @show innerplugin = a1.plugins[:empty] @show counter = a1.plugins[:counter] a1_hook1s = hooklist(a1.plugins, hook1) @test length(a1_hook1s) === 1 callmanytimes(a1, a1_hook1s) @info "$(length(a1.plugins))-length chain, $(length(a1_hook1s)) counter (1e5 cycles):" @time callmanytimes(a1, a1_hook1s) hooklist(a1.plugins, hook2_handler)(a1) @test counter.hook1count == 2e5 @test counter.hook2count == 1 end @testset "Same plugin twice" begin a2 = Framework([CounterPlugin{1}, CounterPlugin{2}]) innercounter = a2.plugins[2] outercounter = a2.plugins[1] a2_hook1s = hooklist(a2.plugins, hook1) @test length(a2_hook1s) === 2 callmanytimes(a2, a2_hook1s) @info "$(length(a2.plugins))-length chain, $(length(a2_hook1s)) counters (1e5 cycles):" @time callmanytimes(a2, a2_hook1s) hooklist(a2.plugins, hook2_handler)(a2) @test innercounter.hook1count == 2e5 @test innercounter.hook2count == 1 @test outercounter.hook1count == 2e5 @test outercounter.hook2count == 1 end @testset "Chain of empty Plugins to skip" begin chainedapp = Framework(vcat([CounterPlugin{1}], chain_of_empties(20), [CounterPlugin{2}], chain_of_empties(20, 21))) innerplugin = chainedapp.plugins[22] outerplugin = chainedapp.plugins[1] chainedapp_hook1s = hooklist(chainedapp.plugins, hook1) callmanytimes(chainedapp, chainedapp_hook1s) @info "$(length(chainedapp.plugins))-length chain, $(length(chainedapp_hook1s)) counters (1e5 cycles):" @time callmanytimes(chainedapp, chainedapp_hook1s) @test outerplugin.hook1count == 2e5 @test outerplugin.hook2count == 0 @test innerplugin.hook1count == 2e5 @test innerplugin.hook2count == 0 end @testset "Unhandled hook returns false" begin app = Framework([EmptyPlugin{1}]) @test hooklist(app.plugins, hook1)() == false @test call_optional(hooklist(app.plugins, hook1)) == nothing end @testset "Framework goes through" begin frameworktestapp = Framework([EmptyPlugin{1}, FrameworkTestPlugin]) hooklist(frameworktestapp.plugins, hook1)(frameworktestapp) @test frameworktestapp.plugins[2].calledwithframework === frameworktestapp end @testset "Event object" begin eventtestapp = Framework([EmptyPlugin{1}, EventTestPlugin]) event = (name="test event", data=42) hooklist(eventtestapp.plugins, event_handler)(eventtestapp, event) @test eventtestapp.plugins[2].calledwithframework === eventtestapp @test eventtestapp.plugins[2].calledwithevent === event end @testset "Multiple apps with same chain, differently configured" begin app2config = "app2config" app1 = Framework([EmptyPlugin{1}, ConfigurablePlugin]) app2 = Framework([EmptyPlugin{2}, ConfigurablePlugin]; config=app2config) event1 = (config ="default",) event2 = (config = app2config,) hooklist(app1.plugins, checkconfig_handler)(app1, event1) @test_throws String hooklist(app1.plugins, checkconfig_handler)(app1, event2) @test call_optional(hooklist(app1.plugins, checkconfig_handler), app1, event1) == event1.config hooklist(app2.plugins, checkconfig_handler)(app2, event2) @test_throws String hooklist(app2.plugins, checkconfig_handler)(app2, event1) @test call_optional(hooklist(app2.plugins, checkconfig_handler), app2, event2) == event2.config end @testset "Stopping Propagation" begin spapp = Framework([EmptyPlugin{1}, PropagationStopperPlugin, EmptyPlugin{2}, PropagationCheckerPlugin]) hooklist(spapp.plugins, propagationtest)(spapp, 42) === true # It is stopped so the checker does not throw hooklist(spapp.plugins, propagationtest)(spapp, 32) === false # Not stopped but accepted by the checker @test_throws String hooklist(spapp.plugins, propagationtest)(spapp, 41) @test hooklist(spapp.plugins, propagationtest_nodata)(spapp) === true end @testset "HookList iteration" begin iapp = Framework([EmptyPlugin{1}, CounterPlugin{2}, EmptyPlugin{2}, CounterPlugin{1}, EmptyPlugin{3}]) c1 = iapp.plugins[4] c2 = iapp.plugins[2] hookers = [c2, c1] @test length(hooklist(iapp.plugins, hook1)) === 2 i = 1 for hook in hooklist(iapp.plugins, hook1) @test hookers[i] === hook.plugin i += 1 end end @testset "Accessing plugins directly" begin app = Framework([EmptyPlugin{1}, CounterPlugin{1}]) empty = app.plugins[1] counter = app.plugins[2] @test get(app.plugins, :empty) === empty @test get(app.plugins, :counter) === counter @test app.plugins[:empty] === empty @test length(app.plugins) == 2 end @testset "Hook cache" begin counters = [CounterPlugin{i} for i=2:40] empties = [EmptyPlugin{i} for i=1:100] pluginarr = [CounterPlugin{1}, empties..., counters...] @info "Measuring time to first hook call with $(length(pluginarr)) uniquely typed plugins, $(length(counters) + 1) implementig the hook." @time begin simpleapp = SharedState(PluginStack(pluginarr, [hook1]), 0) simpleapp_hooks = hooks(simpleapp) simpleapp_hooks.hook1(simpleapp) @test simpleapp.plugins[1].hook1count == 1 end end @testset "Hook cache as type parameter" begin counters = [CounterPlugin{i} for i=2:2] empties = [EmptyPlugin{i} for i=1:100] app = App([CounterPlugin{1}, empties..., counters...], [hook3]) op(app) end @testset "Lifecycle Hooks" begin app = Framework([EmptyPlugin{1}, LifeCycleTestPlugin]) plugin = app.plugins[2] @test setup!(app.plugins, app).allok == true @test plugin.setupcalledwith === app # Create a non-standard lifecycle hook lifecycle_hook = Plugins.create_lifecyclehook(deferred_init) @test string(lifecycle_hook) == "deferred_init" @test lifecycle_hook(app.plugins, "42").allok === true @test plugin.deferredinitcalledwith === "42" @test Plugins.shutdown!(app.plugins, app).allok === true @test plugin.shutdowncalledwith === app notallok = Plugins.shutdown!(app.plugins, 42) @test notallok.allok === false @test (notallok.results[2] isa Tuple) === true @test (notallok.results[2][1] isa Exception) === true @test (stacktrace(notallok.results[2][2]) isa AbstractVector{StackTraces.StackFrame}) === true @test plugin.shutdowncalledwith === 42 end @testset "Modifying plugins" begin c2 = CounterPlugin{2}() app = Framework([EmptyPlugin, CounterPlugin{1}], [hook1]) c1 = app.plugins[2] cache = hooks(app) cache.hook1(app) push!(app.plugins, c2) cache = hooks(app) cache.hook1(app) @test c2.hook1count == 1 @test c1.hook1count == 2 @test pop!(app.plugins) === c2 cache = hooks(app) cache.hook1(app) @test c2.hook1count == 1 @test c1.hook1count == 3 @test popfirst!(app.plugins) isa EmptyPlugin cache = hooks(app) cache.hook1(app) @test c2.hook1count == 1 @test c1.hook1count == 4 pushfirst!(app.plugins, c2) cache = hooks(app) cache.hook1(app) @test c2.hook1count == 2 @test c1.hook1count == 5 @test app.plugins[1] === c2 pop!(app.plugins) @test length(app.plugins) == 1 @test isempty(app.plugins) == false pop!(app.plugins) @test length(app.plugins) == 0 @test isempty(app.plugins) == true @test_throws ArgumentError pop!(app.plugins) app = Framework([EmptyPlugin{1}, CounterPlugin{3}], [hook1]) c3 = app.plugins[:counter] @test isempty(app.plugins) == false cache = hooks(app) cache.hook1(app) @test c3.hook1count == 1 empty!(app.plugins) @test isempty(app.plugins) == true cache = hooks(app) cache.hook1(app) @test c3.hook1count == 1 c5 = CounterPlugin{5}() app = Framework([EmptyPlugin{1}, CounterPlugin{4}], [hook1]) c4 = app.plugins[:counter] @test isempty(app.plugins) == false cache = hooks(app) cache.hook1(app) @test c4.hook1count == 1 @test c5.hook1count == 0 app.plugins[2] = c5 cache = hooks(app) cache.hook1(app) @test c4.hook1count == 1 @test c5.hook1count == 1 end end
""" function function_value(f::Function, fs::ScalarFunctionSpace{dim,T}, cell::Int,q_point::Int) where {dim,T} Evaluate function f(x): x ∈ ℝⁿ ↦ ℝ with x given by cell number `cell` and quadrature point with index `qpoint` using fs FunctionSpace data """ function function_value(f::Function, fs::ScalarFunctionSpace{dim,T}, cell::Int,q_point::Int) where {dim,T} coords = get_cell_coordinates(cell, fs.mesh) return f(spatial_coordinate(fs, q_point, coords)) end """ function spatial_coordinate(fs::ScalarFunctionSpace{dim}, q_point::Int, x::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}) Map coordinates of quadrature point `q_point` of Scalar Function Space `fs` into domain with vertices `x` """ function spatial_coordinate(fs::ScalarFunctionSpace{dim}, q_point::Int, x::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}) where {dim,T} n_base_funcs = getngeobasefunctions(fs) @assert length(x) == n_base_funcs vec = zero(Vec{dim,T}) @inbounds for i in 1:n_base_funcs vec += geometric_value(fs, q_point, i) * x[i] end return vec end # Trial Functions struct TrialFunction{dim,T,shape,N1} fs::DiscreteFunctionSpace m_values::Array{T,N1} components::Int end @inline getnbasefunctions(u::TrialFunction) = getnbasefunctions(u.fs) @inline getfunctionspace(u::TrialFunction) = u.fs @inline getnlocaldofs(u::TrialFunction) = getnlocaldofs(getfunctionspace(u)) @inline getncomponents(u::TrialFunction) = u.components function TrialFunction(fs::ScalarTraceFunctionSpace{dim,T}) where {dim,T} mesh = getmesh(fs) m_values = fill(zero(T) * T(NaN), getncells(mesh), getnbasefunctions(fs), n_faces_per_cell(mesh)) return TrialFunction{dim,T,getshape(getfiniteelement(fs)),3}(fs, m_values, 1) end function TrialFunction(fs::ScalarFunctionSpace{dim,T}) where {dim,T} mesh = getmesh(fs) m_values = fill(zero(T) * T(NaN), getncells(mesh), getnbasefunctions(fs)) return TrialFunction{dim,T,getshape(getfiniteelement(fs)),2}(fs, m_values, 1) end function TrialFunction(fs::VectorFunctionSpace{dim,T}) where {dim,T} mesh = getmesh(fs) m_values = fill(zero(T) * T(NaN), getncells(mesh), getnbasefunctions(fs)) return TrialFunction{dim,T,getshape(getfiniteelement(fs)),2}(fs, m_values, dim) end function TrialFunction(fs::DiscreteFunctionSpace{dim}, components::Int, m_values::Array{T,N}) where {dim,T,N} mesh = getmesh(fs) @assert size(m_values,1) == getncells(mesh) @assert size(m_values,2) == getnbasefunctions(fs) return TrialFunction{dim,T,getshape(getfiniteelement(fs)),N}(fs, m_values, components) end reference_coordinate(fs::ScalarFunctionSpace{dim,T}, x_ref::Vec{dim,T}, x::Vec{dim,T}) where {dim,T} = fs.Jinv[]⋅(x-x_ref) """ function value(u_h::TrialFunction{dim,T}, cell::Int, x::Vec{dim,T}) get trial function value on cell `cell` at point `x` """ function value(u_h::TrialFunction{dim,T}, node::Int, cell::Int) where {dim,T} u = zero(T) mesh = getmesh(u_h.fs) x = mesh.nodes[node].x ξ = reference_coordinate(u_h.fs, mesh.nodes[mesh.cells[cell].nodes[1]].x, x) for i in 1:getnbasefunctions(u_h.fs) u += u_h.m_values[cell, i]*value(getfiniteelement(u_h.fs), i, ξ) end return u end function nodal_avg(u_h::TrialFunction{dim,T}) where {dim,T} mesh = getmesh(u_h.fs) nodalu_h = Vector{Float64}(undef, length(mesh.nodes)) share_count = zeros(Int,length(mesh.nodes)) fill!(nodalu_h,0) @inbounds for (cell_idx, cell) in enumerate(CellIterator(mesh)) reinit!(u_h, cell) for node in getnodes(cell) u = value(u_h, node, cell) nodalu_h[node] += u share_count[node] += 1 end end return nodalu_h./share_count end function errornorm(u_h::TrialFunction{dim,T}, u_ex::Function, norm_type::String="L2") where {dim,T} mesh = getmesh(u_h.fs) Etu_h = zero(T) if norm_type == "L2" n_basefuncs_s = getnbasefunctions(u_h) @inbounds for (cell_idx, cell) in enumerate(CellIterator(mesh)) reinit!(u_h, cell) Elu_h = zero(T) for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(u_h.fs) dΩ = getdetJdV(u_h.fs, q_point) u = zero(T) for i in 1:getnbasefunctions(u_h.fs) u += u_h.m_values[cell.current_cellid[], i]*shape_value(u_h.fs, q_point, i) end # Integral (u_h - u_ex) dΩ Elu_h += (u-u_ex(spatial_coordinate(u_h.fs, q_point, cell.coords)))^2*dΩ end Etu_h += Elu_h end else throw("Norm $norm_type not available") end return Etu_h end
############################################################################### # # fmpz.jl : BigInts # ############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2009-2014: Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski, Viral B. Shah, # and other contributors: # # https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/contributors # # Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 William Hart # Copyright (C) 2015, Claus Fieker # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. export fmpz, FlintZZ, FlintIntegerRing, parent, show, convert, hash, fac, bell, binom, isprime, fdiv, cdiv, tdiv, div, rem, mod, gcd, xgcd, lcm, invmod, powmod, abs, divrem, isqrt, popcount, prevpow2, nextpow2, ndigits, dec, bin, oct, hex, base, one, zero, divexact, fits, sign, nbits, deepcopy, tdivpow2, fdivpow2, cdivpow2, flog, clog, cmpabs, clrbit!, setbit!, combit!, crt, divisible, divisor_lenstra, fdivrem, tdivrem, fmodpow2, gcdinv, isprobabprime, issquare, jacobi, remove, root, size, isqrtrem, sqrtmod, trailing_zeros, sigma, eulerphi, fib, moebiusmu, primorial, risingfac, numpart, canonical_unit, needs_parentheses, isnegative, show_minus_one, parseint, addeq!, mul!, isunit, isequal, num, den, iszero, rand ############################################################################### # # Data type and parent methods # ############################################################################### parent_type(::Type{fmpz}) = FlintIntegerRing doc""" parent(a::fmpz) > Returns the unique Flint integer parent object `FlintZZ`. """ parent(a::fmpz) = FlintZZ elem_type(::Type{FlintIntegerRing}) = fmpz doc""" base_ring(a::FlintIntegerRing) > Returns `Union{}` as this ring is not dependent on another ring. """ base_ring(a::FlintIntegerRing) = Union{} doc""" base_ring(a::fmpz) > Returns `Union{}` as the parent ring is not dependent on another ring. """ base_ring(a::fmpz) = Union{} isdomain_type(::Type{fmpz}) = true ################################################################################ # # Hashing # ################################################################################ # Similar to hash for BigInt found in julia/base function _fmpz_is_small(a::fmpz) return __fmpz_is_small(a.d) end function _fmpz_limbs(a::fmpz) return __fmpz_limbs(a.d) end function hash_integer(a::fmpz, h::UInt) return _hash_integer(a.d, h) end function hash(a::fmpz, h::UInt) return hash_integer(a, h) end function __fmpz_is_small(a::Int) return (unsigned(a) >> (Sys.WORD_SIZE - 2) != 1) end function __fmpz_limbs(a::Int) if __fmpz_is_small(a) return 0 end b = unsafe_load(convert(Ref{Cint}, unsigned(a)<<2), 2) return b end function _hash_integer(a::Int, h::UInt) s = __fmpz_limbs(a) s == 0 && return Base.hash_integer(a, h) # get the pointer after the first two Cint d = convert(Ptr{Ref{UInt}}, unsigned(a) << 2) + 2*sizeof(Cint) p = unsafe_load(d) b = unsafe_load(p) h = xor(Base.hash_uint(xor(ifelse(s < 0, -b, b), h)), h) for k = 2:abs(s) h = xor(Base.hash_uint(xor(unsafe_load(p, k), h)), h) end return h end ############################################################################### # # Basic manipulation # ############################################################################### function deepcopy_internal(a::fmpz, dict::ObjectIdDict) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_set, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, a) return z end doc""" one(R::FlintIntegerRing) > Return the integer $1$. """ one(R::FlintIntegerRing) = fmpz(1) doc""" zero(R::FlintIntegerRing) > Return the integer $1$. """ zero(R::FlintIntegerRing) = fmpz(0) doc""" sign(a::fmpz) > Returns the sign of $a$, i.e. $+1$, $0$ or $-1$. """ sign(a::fmpz) = Int(ccall((:fmpz_sgn, :libflint), Cint, (Ref{fmpz},), a)) doc""" fits(::Type{Int}, a::fmpz) > Returns `true` if the given integer fits into an `Int`, otherwise returns > `false`. """ fits(::Type{Int}, a::fmpz) = ccall((:fmpz_fits_si, :libflint), Bool, (Ref{fmpz},), a) doc""" fits(::Type{UInt}, a::fmpz) > Returns `true` if the given integer fits into a `UInt`, otherwise returns > `false`. """ fits(::Type{UInt}, a::fmpz) = sign(a) < 0 ? false : ccall((:fmpz_abs_fits_ui, :libflint), Bool, (Ref{fmpz},), a) doc""" size(a::fmpz) > Returns the number of limbs required to store the absolute value of $a$. """ size(a::fmpz) = Int(ccall((:fmpz_size, :libflint), Cint, (Ref{fmpz},), a)) doc""" isunit(a::fmpz) > Return `true` if the given integer is a unit, i.e. $\pm 1$, otherwise return > `false`. """ isunit(a::fmpz) = ccall((:fmpz_is_pm1, :libflint), Bool, (Ref{fmpz},), a) doc""" iszero(a::fmpz) > Return `true` if the given integer is zero, otherwise return `false`. """ iszero(a::fmpz) = ccall((:fmpz_is_zero, :libflint), Bool, (Ref{fmpz},), a) doc""" isone(a::fmpz) > Return `true` if the given integer is one, otherwise return `false`. """ isone(a::fmpz) = ccall((:fmpz_is_one, :libflint), Bool, (Ref{fmpz},), a) doc""" denominator(a::fmpz) > Returns the denominator of $a$ thought of as a rational. Always returns $1$. """ function denominator(a::fmpz) return fmpz(1) end doc""" numerator(a::fmpz) > Returns the numerator of $a$ thought of as a rational. Always returns $a$. """ function numerator(a::fmpz) return a end ############################################################################### # # AbstractString I/O # ############################################################################### string(x::fmpz) = dec(x) show(io::IO, x::fmpz) = print(io, string(x)) show(io::IO, a::FlintIntegerRing) = print(io, "Integer Ring") needs_parentheses(x::fmpz) = false isnegative(x::fmpz) = x < 0 show_minus_one(::Type{fmpz}) = false ############################################################################### # # Canonicalisation # ############################################################################### canonical_unit(x::fmpz) = x < 0 ? fmpz(-1) : fmpz(1) ############################################################################### # # Unary operators and functions, e.g. -fmpz(12), ~fmpz(12) # ############################################################################### function -(x::fmpz) z = fmpz() ccall((:__fmpz_neg, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x) return z end function ~(x::fmpz) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_complement, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x) return z end function abs(x::fmpz) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_abs, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x) return z end ############################################################################### # # Binary operators and functions # ############################################################################### # Metaprogram to define functions +, -, *, gcd, lcm, # &, |, $ for (fJ, fC) in ((:+, :add), (:-,:sub), (:*, :mul), (:&, :and), (:|, :or), (:$, :xor)) @eval begin function ($fJ)(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) z = fmpz() ccall(($(string(:fmpz_, fC)), :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x, y) return z end end end # Metaprogram to define functions fdiv, cdiv, tdiv, div, mod for (fJ, fC) in ((:fdiv, :fdiv_q), (:cdiv, :cdiv_q), (:tdiv, :tdiv_q), (:div, :tdiv_q)) @eval begin function ($fJ)(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) iszero(y) && throw(DivideError()) z = fmpz() ccall(($(string(:fmpz_, fC)), :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x, y) return z end end end function divexact(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) iszero(y) && throw(DivideError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_divexact, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x, y) z end function rem(x::fmpz, c::fmpz) iszero(c) && throw(DivideError()) q = fmpz() r = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_tdiv_qr, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), q, r, x, abs(c)) return r end ############################################################################### # # Ad hoc binary operators # ############################################################################### function +(x::fmpz, c::Int) z = fmpz() if c >= 0 ccall((:fmpz_add_ui, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, c) else ccall((:fmpz_sub_ui, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, -c) end return z end +(c::Int, x::fmpz) = x + c function -(x::fmpz, c::Int) z = fmpz() if c >= 0 ccall((:fmpz_sub_ui, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, c) else ccall((:fmpz_add_ui, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, -c) end return z end function -(c::Int, x::fmpz) z = fmpz() if c >= 0 ccall((:fmpz_sub_ui, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, c) else ccall((:fmpz_add_ui, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, -c) end ccall((:__fmpz_neg, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, z) return z end function *(x::fmpz, c::Int) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_mul_si, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, c) return z end *(c::Int, x::fmpz) = x * c +(a::fmpz, b::Integer) = a + fmpz(b) +(a::Integer, b::fmpz) = fmpz(a) + b -(a::fmpz, b::Integer) = a - fmpz(b) -(a::Integer, b::fmpz) = fmpz(a) - b *(a::fmpz, b::Integer) = a*fmpz(b) *(a::Integer, b::fmpz) = fmpz(a)*b ############################################################################### # # Ad hoc exact division # ############################################################################### function divexact(x::fmpz, y::Int) y == 0 && throw(DivideError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_divexact_si, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, y) z end divexact(x::fmpz, y::Integer) = divexact(x, fmpz(y)) divexact(x::Integer, y::fmpz) = divexact(fmpz(x), y) ############################################################################### # # Ad hoc division # ############################################################################### function rem(x::fmpz, c::Int) c == 0 && throw(DivideError()) r = ccall((:fmpz_tdiv_ui, :libflint), Int, (Ref{fmpz}, Int), x, abs(c)) return sign(x) > 0 ? r : -r end function tdivpow2(x::fmpz, c::Int) c < 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_tdiv_q_2exp, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, c) return z end function fdivpow2(x::fmpz, c::Int) c < 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_fdiv_q_2exp, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, c) return z end function fmodpow2(x::fmpz, c::Int) c < 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_fdiv_r_2exp, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, c) return z end function cdivpow2(x::fmpz, c::Int) c < 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_cdiv_q_2exp, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, c) return z end function div(x::fmpz, c::Int) c == 0 && throw(DivideError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_tdiv_q_si, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, c) return z end function tdiv(x::fmpz, c::Int) c == 0 && throw(DivideError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_tdiv_q_si, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, c) return z end function fdiv(x::fmpz, c::Int) c == 0 && throw(DivideError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_fdiv_q_si, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, c) return z end function cdiv(x::fmpz, c::Int) c == 0 && throw(DivideError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_cdiv_q_si, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, c) return z end ############################################################################### # # Division with remainder # ############################################################################### function divrem(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) iszero(y) && throw(DivideError()) z1 = fmpz() z2 = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_tdiv_qr, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z1, z2, x, y) z1, z2 end function tdivrem(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) iszero(y) && throw(DivideError()) z1 = fmpz() z2 = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_tdiv_qr, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z1, z2, x, y) z1, z2 end function fdivrem(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) iszero(y) && throw(DivideError()) z1 = fmpz() z2 = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_fdiv_qr, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z1, z2, x, y) z1, z2 end ############################################################################### # # Powering # ############################################################################### function ^(x::fmpz, y::Int) if y < 0; throw(DomainError()); end if isone(x); return x; end if x == -1; return isodd(y) ? x : -x; end if y > typemax(UInt); throw(DomainError()); end if y == 0; return one(FlintZZ); end if y == 1; return x; end z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_pow_ui, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, UInt), z, x, UInt(y)) return z end ############################################################################### # # Comparison # ############################################################################### function cmp(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) Int(ccall((:fmpz_cmp, :libflint), Cint, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), x, y)) end ==(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) = cmp(x,y) == 0 <=(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) = cmp(x,y) <= 0 >=(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) = cmp(x,y) >= 0 <(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) = cmp(x,y) < 0 >(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) = cmp(x,y) > 0 function cmpabs(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) Int(ccall((:fmpz_cmpabs, :libflint), Cint, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), x, y)) end isless(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) = x < y ############################################################################### # # Ad hoc comparison # ############################################################################### function cmp(x::fmpz, y::Int) Int(ccall((:fmpz_cmp_si, :libflint), Cint, (Ref{fmpz}, Int), x, y)) end ==(x::fmpz, y::Int) = cmp(x,y) == 0 <=(x::fmpz, y::Int) = cmp(x,y) <= 0 >=(x::fmpz, y::Int) = cmp(x,y) >= 0 <(x::fmpz, y::Int) = cmp(x,y) < 0 >(x::fmpz, y::Int) = cmp(x,y) > 0 ==(x::Int, y::fmpz) = cmp(y,x) == 0 <=(x::Int, y::fmpz) = cmp(y,x) >= 0 >=(x::Int, y::fmpz) = cmp(y,x) <= 0 <(x::Int, y::fmpz) = cmp(y,x) > 0 >(x::Int, y::fmpz) = cmp(y,x) < 0 function cmp(x::fmpz, y::UInt) Int(ccall((:fmpz_cmp_ui, :libflint), Cint, (Ref{fmpz}, UInt), x, y)) end ==(x::fmpz, y::UInt) = cmp(x,y) == 0 <=(x::fmpz, y::UInt) = cmp(x,y) <= 0 >=(x::fmpz, y::UInt) = cmp(x,y) >= 0 <(x::fmpz, y::UInt) = cmp(x,y) < 0 >(x::fmpz, y::UInt) = cmp(x,y) > 0 ==(x::UInt, y::fmpz) = cmp(y,x) == 0 <=(x::UInt, y::fmpz) = cmp(y,x) >= 0 >=(x::UInt, y::fmpz) = cmp(y,x) <= 0 <(x::UInt, y::fmpz) = cmp(y,x) > 0 >(x::UInt, y::fmpz) = cmp(y,x) < 0 ############################################################################### # # Shifting # ############################################################################### doc""" <<(x::fmpz, c::Int) > Return $2^cx$ where $c \geq 0$. """ function <<(x::fmpz, c::Int) c < 0 && throw(DomainError()) c == 0 && return x z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_mul_2exp, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, c) return z end doc""" >>(x::fmpz, c::Int) > Return $x/2^c$, discarding any remainder, where $c \geq 0$. """ function >>(x::fmpz, c::Int) c < 0 && throw(DomainError()) c == 0 && return x z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_fdiv_q_2exp, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, c) return z end ############################################################################### # # Modular arithmetic # ############################################################################### doc""" mod(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) > Return the remainder after division of $x$ by $y$. The remainder will be the > least nonnegative remainder. """ function mod(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_mod, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x, y) return z end doc""" mod(x::fmpz, y::Int) > Return the remainder after division of $x$ by $y$. The remainder will be the > least nonnegative remainder. """ function mod(x::fmpz, c::Int) c == 0 && throw(DivideError()) if c > 0 return ccall((:fmpz_fdiv_ui, :libflint), Int, (Ref{fmpz}, Int), x, c) else r = ccall((:fmpz_fdiv_ui, :libflint), Int, (Ref{fmpz}, Int), x, -c) return r == 0 ? 0 : r + c end end doc""" powmod(x::fmpz, p::fmpz, m::fmpz) > Return $x^p (\mod m)$. The remainder will be in the range $[0, m)$ """ function powmod(x::fmpz, p::fmpz, m::fmpz) m <= 0 && throw(DomainError()) if p < 0 x = invmod(x, m) p = -p end r = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_powm, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), r, x, p, m) return r end doc""" powmod(x::fmpz, p::Int, m::fmpz) > Return $x^p (\mod m)$. The remainder will be in the range $[0, m)$ """ function powmod(x::fmpz, p::Int, m::fmpz) m <= 0 && throw(DomainError()) if p < 0 x = invmod(x, m) p = -p end r = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_powm_ui, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int, Ref{fmpz}), r, x, p, m) return r end doc""" invmod(x::fmpz, m::fmpz) > Return $x^{-1} (\mod m)$. The remainder will be in the range $[0, m)$ """ function invmod(x::fmpz, m::fmpz) m <= 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() if isone(m) return fmpz(0) end if ccall((:fmpz_invmod, :libflint), Cint, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x, m) == 0 error("Impossible inverse in invmod") end return z end doc""" sqrtmod(x::fmpz, m::fmpz) > Return a square root of $x (\mod m)$ if one exists. The remainder will be in > the range $[0, m)$. We require that $m$ is prime, otherwise the algorithm may > not terminate. """ function sqrtmod(x::fmpz, m::fmpz) m <= 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() if (ccall((:fmpz_sqrtmod, :libflint), Cint, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x, m) == 0) error("no square root exists") end return z end doc""" crt(r1::fmpz, m1::fmpz, r2::fmpz, m2::fmpz, signed=false) > Find $r$ such that $r \equiv r_1 (\mod m_1)$ and $r \equiv r_2 (\mod m_2)$. > If `signed = true`, $r$ will be in the range $-m_1m_2/2 < r \leq m_1m_2/2$. > If `signed = false` the value will be in the range $0 \leq r < m_1m_2$. """ function crt(r1::fmpz, m1::fmpz, r2::fmpz, m2::fmpz, signed=false) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_CRT, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Cint), z, r1, m1, r2, m2, signed) return z end doc""" crt(r1::fmpz, m1::fmpz, r2::Int, m2::Int, signed=false) > Find $r$ such that $r \equiv r_1 (\mod m_1)$ and $r \equiv r_2 (\mod m_2)$. > If `signed = true`, $r$ will be in the range $-m_1m_2/2 < r \leq m_1m_2/2$. > If `signed = false` the value will be in the range $0 \leq r < m_1m_2$. """ function crt(r1::fmpz, m1::fmpz, r2::Int, m2::Int, signed=false) z = fmpz() r2 < 0 && throw(DomainError()) m2 < 0 && throw(DomainError()) ccall((:fmpz_CRT_ui, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int, Int, Cint), z, r1, m1, r2, m2, signed) return z end ############################################################################### # # Integer logarithm # ############################################################################### doc""" flog(x::fmpz, c::fmpz) > Return the floor of the logarithm of $x$ to base $c$. """ function flog(x::fmpz, c::fmpz) c <= 0 && throw(DomainError()) x <= 0 && throw(DomainError()) return ccall((:fmpz_flog, :libflint), Int, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), x, c) end doc""" clog(x::fmpz, c::fmpz) > Return the ceiling of the logarithm of $x$ to base $c$. """ function clog(x::fmpz, c::fmpz) c <= 0 && throw(DomainError()) x <= 0 && throw(DomainError()) return ccall((:fmpz_clog, :libflint), Int, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), x, c) end doc""" flog(x::fmpz, c::Int) > Return the floor of the logarithm of $x$ to base $c$. """ function flog(x::fmpz, c::Int) c <= 0 && throw(DomainError()) return ccall((:fmpz_flog_ui, :libflint), Int, (Ref{fmpz}, Int), x, c) end doc""" clog(x::fmpz, c::Int) > Return the ceiling of the logarithm of $x$ to base $c$. """ function clog(x::fmpz, c::Int) c <= 0 && throw(DomainError()) return ccall((:fmpz_clog_ui, :libflint), Int, (Ref{fmpz}, Int), x, c) end ############################################################################### # # GCD and LCM # ############################################################################### doc""" gcd(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) > Return the greatest common divisor of $x$ and $y$. The returned result will > always be nonnegative and will be zero iff $x$ and $y$ are zero. """ function gcd(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_gcd, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x, y) return z end doc""" gcd(x::Array{fmpz, 1}) > Return the greatest common divisor of the elements of $x$. The returned > result will always be nonnegative and will be zero iff all elements of $x$ > are zero. """ function gcd(x::Array{fmpz, 1}) if length(x) == 0 error("Array must not be empty") elseif length(x) == 1 return x[1] end z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_gcd, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x[1], x[2]) for i in 3:length(x) ccall((:fmpz_gcd, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, z, x[i]) if isone(z) return z end end return z end doc""" lcm(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) > Return the least common multiple of $x$ and $y$. The returned result will > always be nonnegative and will be zero iff $x$ and $y$ are zero. """ function lcm(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_lcm, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x, y) return z end doc""" lcm(x::Array{fmpz, 1}) > Return the least common multiple of the elements of $x$. The returned result > will always be nonnegative and will be zero iff the elements of $x$ are zero. """ function lcm(x::Array{fmpz, 1}) if length(x) == 0 error("Array must not be empty") elseif length(x) == 1 return x[1] end z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_lcm, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x[1], x[2]) for i in 3:length(x) ccall((:fmpz_lcm, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, z, x[i]) end return z end ############################################################################### # # Extended GCD # ############################################################################### doc""" gcdx(a::fmpz, b::fmpz) > Return a tuple $g, s, t$ such that $g$ is the greatest common divisor of $a$ > and $b$ and integers $s$ and $t$ such that $g = as + bt$. """ function gcdx(a::fmpz, b::fmpz) if b == 0 # shortcut this to ensure consistent results with gcdx(a,b) return a < 0 ? (-a, -one(FlintZZ), zero(FlintZZ)) : (a, one(FlintZZ), zero(FlintZZ)) end g = fmpz() s = fmpz() t = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_xgcd, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), g, s, t, a, b) g, s, t end doc""" gcdinv(a::fmpz, b::fmpz) > Return a tuple $g, s$ where $g$ is the greatest common divisor of $a$ and > $b$ and where $s$ is the inverse of $a$ modulo $b$ if $g = 1$. This function > can be used to detect impossible inverses, i.e. where $a$ and $b$ are not > coprime, and to yield the common factor of $a$ and $b$ if they are not > coprime. We require $b \geq a \geq 0$. """ function gcdinv(a::fmpz, b::fmpz) a < 0 && throw(DomainError()) b < a && throw(DomainError()) g = fmpz() s = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_gcdinv, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), g, s, a, b) return g, s end ############################################################################### # # Roots # ############################################################################### doc""" isqrt(x::fmpz) > Return the floor of the square root of $x$. """ function isqrt(x::fmpz) x < 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_sqrt, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x) return z end doc""" isqrtrem(x::fmpz) > Return a tuple $s, r$ consisting of the floor $s$ of the square root of $x$ > and the remainder $r$, i.e. such that $x = s^2 + r$. We require $x \geq 0$. """ function isqrtrem(x::fmpz) x < 0 && throw(DomainError()) s = fmpz() r = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_sqrtrem, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), s, r, x) return s, r end doc""" root(x::fmpz, n::Int) > Return the floor of the $n$-the root of $x$. We require $n > 0$ and that > $x \geq 0$ if $n$ is even. """ function root(x::fmpz, n::Int) x < 0 && iseven(n) && throw(DomainError()) n <= 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_root, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, n) return z end ############################################################################### # # Factorization # ############################################################################### function _factor(a::fmpz) # This is a hack around https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/19963 # Remove this once julia 6.0 is required if a == 1 || a == -1 return Dict{fmpz, Int}(), a end F = fmpz_factor() ccall((:fmpz_factor, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz_factor}, Ref{fmpz}), F, a) res = Dict{fmpz, Int}() for i in 1:F.num z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_factor_get_fmpz, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz_factor}, Int), z, F, i - 1) res[z] = unsafe_load(F.exp, i) end return res, canonical_unit(a) end function factor(a::fmpz) fac, z = _factor(a) return Fac(z, fac) end ############################################################################### # # Number theoretic/combinatorial # ############################################################################### doc""" divisible(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) > Return `true` if $x$ is divisible by $y$, otherwise return `false`. We > require $x \neq 0$. """ function divisible(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) iszero(y) && throw(DivideError()) Bool(ccall((:fmpz_divisible, :libflint), Cint, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), x, y)) end doc""" divisible(x::fmpz, y::Int) > Return `true` if $x$ is divisible by $y$, otherwise return `false`. We > require $x \neq 0$. """ function divisible(x::fmpz, y::Int) y == 0 && throw(DivideError()) Bool(ccall((:fmpz_divisible_si, :libflint), Cint, (Ref{fmpz}, Int), x, y)) end doc""" issquare(x::fmpz) > Return `true` if $x$ is a square, otherwise return `false`. """ issquare(x::fmpz) = Bool(ccall((:fmpz_is_square, :libflint), Cint, (Ref{fmpz},), x)) doc""" is_prime(x::UInt) > Return `true` if $x$ is a prime number, otherwise return `false`. """ is_prime(x::UInt) = Bool(ccall((:n_is_prime, :libflint), Cint, (UInt,), x)) doc""" isprime(x::fmpz) > Return `true` if $x$ is a prime number, otherwise return `false`. """ # flint's fmpz_is_prime doesn't work yet isprime(x::fmpz) = Bool(ccall((:fmpz_is_probabprime, :libflint), Cint, (Ref{fmpz},), x)) doc""" isprobabprime(x::fmpz) > Return `true` if $x$ is a very probably a prime number, otherwise return > `false`. No counterexamples are known to this test, but it is conjectured > that infinitely many exist. """ isprobabprime(x::fmpz) = Bool(ccall((:fmpz_is_probabprime, :libflint), Cint, (Ref{fmpz},), x)) doc""" remove(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) > Return the tuple $n, z$ such that $x = y^nz$ where $y$ and $z$ are coprime. """ function remove(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) iszero(y) && throw(DivideError()) z = fmpz() num = ccall((:fmpz_remove, :libflint), Int, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x, y) return num, z end remove(x::fmpz, y::Integer) = remove(x, fmpz(y)) remove(x::Integer, y::fmpz) = remove(fmpz(x), y) remove(x::Integer, y::Integer) = remove(fmpz(x), fmpz(y)) doc""" valuation(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) > Return the largest $n$ such that $y^n$ divides $x$. """ function valuation(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) n, _ = remove(x, y) return n end valuation(x::fmpz, y::Integer) = valuation(x, fmpz(y)) valuation(x::Integer, y::fmpz) = valuation(fmpz(x), y) valuation(x::Integer, y::Integer) = valuation(fmpz(x), fmpz(y)) doc""" divisor_lenstra(n::fmpz, r::fmpz, m::fmpz) > If $n$ has a factor which lies in the residue class $r (\mod m)$ for > $0 < r < m < n$, this function returns such a factor. Otherwise it returns > $0$. This is only efficient if $m$ is at least the cube root of $n$. We > require gcd$(r, m) = 1$ and this condition is not checked. """ function divisor_lenstra(n::fmpz, r::fmpz, m::fmpz) r <= 0 && throw(DomainError()) m <= r && throw(DomainError()) n <= m && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() if !Bool(ccall((:fmpz_divisor_in_residue_class_lenstra, :libflint), Cint, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, n, r, m)) z = 0 end return z end doc""" fac(x::Int) > Return the factorial of $x$, i.e. $x! = 1.2.3\ldots x$. We require > $x \geq 0$. """ function fac(x::Int) x < 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_fac_ui, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, UInt), z, x) return z end doc""" risingfac(x::fmpz, y::Int) > Return the rising factorial of $x$, i.e. $x(x + 1)(x + 2)\ldots (x + n - 1)$. > If $n < 0$ we throw a `DomainError()`. """ function risingfac(x::fmpz, y::Int) y < 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_rfac_ui, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, UInt), z, x, y) return z end doc""" risingfac(x::Int, y::Int) > Return the rising factorial of $x$, i.e. $x(x + 1)(x + 2)\ldots (x + n - 1)$. > If $n < 0$ we throw a `DomainError()`. """ function risingfac(x::Int, y::Int) y < 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() if x < 0 if y <= -x # we don't pass zero z = isodd(y) ? -risingfac(-x - y + 1, y) : risingfac(-x - y + 1, y) end else ccall((:fmpz_rfac_uiui, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, UInt, UInt), z, x, y) end return z end doc""" primorial(x::Int) > Return the primorial of $n$, i.e. the product of all primes less than or > equal to $n$. If $n < 0$ we throw a `DomainError()`. """ function primorial(x::Int) x < 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_primorial, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, UInt), z, x) return z end doc""" fib(x::Int) > Return the $n$-th Fibonacci number $F_n$. We define $F_1 = 1$, $F_2 = 1$ and > $F_{i + 1} = F_i + F_{i - 1}$ for all $i > 2$. We require $n \geq 0$. For > convenience, we define $F_0 = 0$. """ function fib(x::Int) x < 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_fib_ui, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, UInt), z, x) return z end doc""" bell(x::Int) > Return the Bell number $B_n$. """ function bell(x::Int) x < 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:arith_bell_number, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, UInt), z, x) return z end doc""" binom(n::Int, k::Int) > Return the binomial coefficient $\frac{n!}{(n - k)!k!}$. If $n, k < 0$ or > $k > n$ we return $0$. """ function binom(n::Int, k::Int) n < 0 && return fmpz(0) k < 0 && return fmpz(0) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_bin_uiui, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, UInt, UInt), z, n, k) return z end doc""" moebiusmu(x::fmpz) > Returns the Moebius mu function of $x$ as an \code{Int}. The value > returned is either $-1$, $0$ or $1$. If $x < 0$ we throw a `DomainError()`. """ function moebiusmu(x::fmpz) x < 0 && throw(DomainError()) return Int(ccall((:fmpz_moebius_mu, :libflint), Cint, (Ref{fmpz},), x)) end doc""" jacobi(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) > Return the value of the Jacobi symbol $\left(\frac{x}{y}\right)$. If > $y \leq x$ or $x < 0$, we throw a `DomainError()`. """ function jacobi(x::fmpz, y::fmpz) y <= x && throw(DomainError()) x < 0 && throw(DomainError()) return Int(ccall((:fmpz_jacobi, :libflint), Cint, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), x, y)) end doc""" sigma(x::fmpz, y::Int) > Return the value of the sigma function, i.e. $\sum_{0 < d \;| x} d^y$. If > $y < 0$ we throw a `DomainError()`. """ function sigma(x::fmpz, y::Int) y < 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_divisor_sigma, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, y) return z end doc""" eulerphi(x::fmpz) > Return the value of the Euler phi function at $x$, i.e. the number of > positive integers less than $x$ that are coprime with $x$. """ function eulerphi(x::fmpz) x < 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:fmpz_euler_phi, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x) return z end doc""" numpart(x::Int) > Return the number of partitions of $x$. This function is not available on > Windows 64. """ function numpart(x::Int) if (is_windows() ? true : false) && Int == Int64 error("not yet supported on win64") end x < 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:partitions_fmpz_ui, :libarb), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, UInt), z, x) return z end doc""" numpart(x::fmpz) > Return the number of partitions of $x$. This function is not available on > Windows 64. """ function numpart(x::fmpz) if (is_windows() ? true : false) && Int == Int64 error("not yet supported on win64") end x < 0 && throw(DomainError()) z = fmpz() ccall((:partitions_fmpz_fmpz, :libarb), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Int), z, x, 0) return z end ############################################################################### # # Number bases/digits # ############################################################################### doc""" bin(n::fmpz) > Return $n$ as a binary string. """ bin(n::fmpz) = base(n, 2) doc""" oct(n::fmpz) > Return $n$ as a octal string. """ oct(n::fmpz) = base(n, 8) doc""" dec(n::fmpz) > Return $n$ as a decimal string. """ dec(n::fmpz) = base(n, 10) doc""" hex(n::fmpz) = base(n, 16) > Return $n$ as a hexadecimal string. """ hex(n::fmpz) = base(n, 16) doc""" base(n::fmpz, b::Integer) > Return $n$ as a string in base $b$. We require $2 \leq b \leq 62$. """ function base(n::fmpz, b::Integer) 2 <= b <= 62 || error("invalid base: $b") p = ccall((:fmpz_get_str,:libflint), Ref{UInt8}, (Ref{UInt8}, Cint, Ref{fmpz}), C_NULL, b, n) s = unsafe_string(p) ccall((:flint_free, :libflint), Void, (Ref{UInt8},), p) return s end function ndigits_internal(x::fmpz, b::Integer = 10) # fmpz_sizeinbase might return an answer 1 too big n = Int(ccall((:fmpz_sizeinbase, :libflint), UInt, (Ref{fmpz}, Int32), x, b)) abs(x) < fmpz(b)^(n - 1) ? n - 1 : n end doc""" ndigits(x::fmpz, b::Integer = 10) > Return the number of digits of $x$ in the base $b$ (default is $b = 10$). """ ndigits(x::fmpz, b::Integer = 10) = iszero(x) ? 1 : ndigits_internal(x, b) doc""" nbits(x::fmpz) > Return the number of binary bits of $x$. We return zero if $x = 0$. """ nbits(x::fmpz) = iszero(x) ? 0 : Int(ccall((:fmpz_sizeinbase, :libflint), UInt, (Ref{fmpz}, Int32), x, 2)) # docu states: always correct #if base is power of 2 ############################################################################### # # Bit fiddling # ############################################################################### doc""" popcount(x::fmpz) > Return the number of ones in the binary representation of $x$. """ popcount(x::fmpz) = Int(ccall((:fmpz_popcnt, :libflint), UInt, (Ref{fmpz},), x)) doc""" prevpow2(x::fmpz) > Return the previous power of $2$ up to including $x$. """ prevpow2(x::fmpz) = x < 0 ? -prevpow2(-x) : (x <= 2 ? x : one(FlintZZ) << (ndigits(x, 2) - 1)) doc""" nextpow2(x::fmpz) > Return the next power of $2$ that is at least $x$. """ nextpow2(x::fmpz) = x < 0 ? -nextpow2(-x) : (x <= 2 ? x : one(FlintZZ) << ndigits(x - 1, 2)) doc""" trailing_zeros(x::fmpz) > Count the trailing zeros in the binary representation of $x$. """ trailing_zeros(x::fmpz) = ccall((:fmpz_val2, :libflint), Int, (Ref{fmpz},), x) ############################################################################### # # Bitwise operations (unsafe) # ############################################################################### doc""" clrbit!(x::fmpz, c::Int) > Clear bit $c$ of $x$, where the least significant bit is the $0$-th bit. Note > that this function modifies its input in-place. """ function clrbit!(x::fmpz, c::Int) c < 0 && throw(DomainError()) ccall((:fmpz_clrbit, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Int), x, c) end doc""" setbit!(x::fmpz, c::Int) > Set bit $c$ of $x$, where the least significant bit is the $0$-th bit. Note > that this function modifies its input in-place. """ function setbit!(x::fmpz, c::Int) c < 0 && throw(DomainError()) ccall((:fmpz_setbit, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Int), x, c) end doc""" combit!(x::fmpz, c::Int) > Complement bit $c$ of $x$, where the least significant bit is the $0$-th bit. > Note that this function modifies its input in-place. """ function combit!(x::fmpz, c::Int) c < 0 && throw(DomainError()) ccall((:fmpz_combit, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Int), x, c) end ############################################################################### # # Unsafe operators # ############################################################################### function mul!(z::fmpz, x::fmpz, y::fmpz) ccall((:fmpz_mul, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x, y) return z end function addmul!(z::fmpz, x::fmpz, y::fmpz, c::fmpz) ccall((:fmpz_addmul, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x, y) return z end function addeq!(z::fmpz, x::fmpz) ccall((:fmpz_add, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, z, x) return z end function add!(z::fmpz, x::fmpz, y::fmpz) ccall((:fmpz_add, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}, Ref{fmpz}), z, x, y) return z end function zero!(z::fmpz) ccall((:fmpz_zero, :libflint), Void, (Ref{fmpz},), z) return z end ############################################################################### # # Parent object overloads # ############################################################################### (::FlintIntegerRing)() = fmpz() (::FlintIntegerRing)(a::Integer) = fmpz(a) (::FlintIntegerRing)(a::AbstractString) = fmpz(a) (::FlintIntegerRing)(a::fmpz) = a (::FlintIntegerRing)(a::Float64) = fmpz(a) (::FlintIntegerRing)(a::Float32) = fmpz(Float64(a)) (::FlintIntegerRing)(a::Float16) = fmpz(Float64(a)) (::FlintIntegerRing)(a::BigFloat) = fmpz(BigInt(a)) ############################################################################### # # String parser # ############################################################################### function parse(::Type{fmpz}, s::String, base::Int = 10) s = string(s) sgn = s[1] == '-' ? -1 : 1 i = 1 + (sgn == -1) z = fmpz() err = ccall((:fmpz_set_str, :libflint), Int32, (Ref{fmpz}, Ref{UInt8}, Int32), z, string(SubString(s, i)), base) err == 0 || error("Invalid big integer: $(repr(s))") return sgn < 0 ? -z : z end ############################################################################### # # Random generation # ############################################################################### function rand(R::FlintIntegerRing, n::UnitRange{Int}) return R(rand(n)) end ############################################################################### # # Constructors # ############################################################################### fmpz(s::AbstractString) = parse(fmpz, s) fmpz(z::Integer) = fmpz(BigInt(z)) fmpz(z::Float16) = fmpz(Float64(z)) fmpz(z::Float32) = fmpz(Float64(z)) fmpz(z::BigFloat) = fmpz(BigInt(z)) ############################################################################### # # Conversions and promotions # ############################################################################### convert(::Type{fmpz}, a::Integer) = fmpz(a) function convert(::Type{BigInt}, a::fmpz) r = BigInt() ccall((:fmpz_get_mpz, :libflint), Void, (Ref{BigInt}, Ref{fmpz}), r, a) return r end function convert(::Type{Int}, a::fmpz) (a > typemax(Int) || a < typemin(Int)) && throw(InexactError()) return ccall((:fmpz_get_si, :libflint), Int, (Ref{fmpz},), a) end function convert(::Type{UInt}, a::fmpz) (a > typemax(UInt) || a < 0) && throw(InexactError()) return ccall((:fmpz_get_ui, :libflint), UInt, (Ref{fmpz}, ), a) end function convert(::Type{Float64}, n::fmpz) # rounds to zero ccall((:fmpz_get_d, :libflint), Float64, (Ref{fmpz},), n) end convert(::Type{Float32}, n::fmpz) = Float32(Float64(n)) convert(::Type{Float16}, n::fmpz) = Float16(Float64(n)) convert(::Type{BigFloat}, n::fmpz) = BigFloat(BigInt(n)) Base.promote_rule(::Type{fmpz}, ::Type{T}) where {T <: Integer} = fmpz promote_rule(::Type{fmpz}, ::Type{T}) where {T <: Integer} = fmpz
module PrecessionNutation using AstronomicalTime using ERFA using StaticArrays using MuladdMacro import EarthOrientation: precession_nutation00 include("helper.jl") include("tables.jl") export precession_nutation_erfa, precession_nutation_06 function precession_nutation_erfa(ep::TTEpoch) x, y = ERFA.xy06(julian1(ep), julian2(ep)) s = ERFA.s06(julian1(ep), julian2(ep), x, y) x, y, s end ### IAU 2006 precession and IAU 2000A_R06 nutation function precession_nutation_IAU2006_IAU2000A_R06(ep_tt::TTEpoch; revision = 0) tt_jc = jc(ep_tt) if revision === 0 # P03 X = @evalpoly(tt_jc, -16_617.0, +2_004_191_898.00, -429_782.90, -198_618.34, +7.578, +5.928_5) # μas Y = @evalpoly(tt_jc, -6_951.0, -25_896.00, -22_407_274.70, +1_900.59, +1_112.526, +0.135_8) # μas s = @evalpoly(tt_jc, +94.0, +3_808.65, -122.68, -72_574.11, +27.980, +15.620_0) # μas elseif revision === 1 # P03_rev1 X = @evalpoly(tt_jc, -16_617.0, +2_004_191_804.00, -429_755.80, -198_618.29, +7.575, +5.928_5) # μas Y = @evalpoly(tt_jc, -6_951.0, -24_867.00, -22_407_272.70, +1_900.26, +1_112.525, +0.135_8) # μas # TODO: confirm values for s s = @evalpoly(tt_jc, +94.0, +3_808.65, -122.68, -72_574.11, +27.980, +15.620_0) # μas elseif revision === 2 # P03_rev2 X = @evalpoly(tt_jc, -16_617.0, +2_004_192_130.00, -429_775.20, -198_618.39, +7.576, +5.928_5) # μas Y = @evalpoly(tt_jc, -6_951.0, -25_817.00, -22_407_280.10, +1_900.46, +1_112.526, +0.135_8) # μas # TODO: confirm values for s s = @evalpoly(tt_jc, +94.0, +3_808.65, -122.68, -72_574.11, +27.980, +15.620_0) # μas else error("Revision $revision not implemented") end fund_args = fundamental_arguments(tt_jc) X_harm_coeff = zeros(MVector{5, Float64}) Y_harm_coeff = zeros(MVector{5, Float64}) s_harm_coeff = zeros(MVector{5, Float64}) @inbounds for frequency in frequencies arg = 0.0 @inbounds @simd for k in frequency.coefficients_idx @muladd arg += frequency.coefficients[k] * fund_args[k] end si = sin(arg) co = cos(arg) @inbounds for component in frequency.components @muladd ampl = component.s * si + component.c * co if component.variable == 1 X_harm_coeff[component.poweridx] += ampl elseif component.variable == 2 Y_harm_coeff[component.poweridx] += ampl else s_harm_coeff[component.poweridx] += ampl end end end X += @evalpoly(tt_jc, X_harm_coeff[1], X_harm_coeff[2], X_harm_coeff[3], X_harm_coeff[4], X_harm_coeff[5]) Y += @evalpoly(tt_jc, Y_harm_coeff[1], Y_harm_coeff[2], Y_harm_coeff[3], Y_harm_coeff[4], Y_harm_coeff[5]) s += @evalpoly(tt_jc, s_harm_coeff[1], s_harm_coeff[2], s_harm_coeff[3], s_harm_coeff[4], s_harm_coeff[5]) X = μas_to_rad(X) Y = μas_to_rad(Y) s = μas_to_rad(s) X, Y, s - X * Y / 2 end const precession_nutation_06 = precession_nutation_IAU2006_IAU2000A_R06 end # module
struct DeepTreeEnv depth::Int64 adj_list::Dict{Int64, Vector{Int64}} end function DeepTreeEnv(depth::Int64, model::String, rng::MersenneTwister) @assert depth > 3 num_nodes = compute_num_nodes(depth) list_of_nodes = collect(1:num_nodes) if model == "true" elseif model == "optimistic" else end end function compute_num_nodes(depth::Int64) sum([2^i for i in 0:depth]) end
function PlotStairs(label_id, values::AbstractArray{T}, count::Integer, xscale::Real = 1.0, x0::Real = 0.0, offset::Integer = 0, stride::Integer = sizeof(T)) where {T<:ImPlotData} LibCImPlot.PlotStairs(label_id, values, count, xscale, x0, offset, stride) end function PlotStairs(label_id, values::AbstractArray{T}, count::Integer, xscale::Real = 1.0, x0::Real = 0.0, offset::Integer = 0, stride::Integer = sizeof(Float64)) where {T<:Real} LibCImPlot.PlotStairs(label_id, Float64.(values), count, xscale, x0, offset, stride) end function PlotStairs(label_id, x::AbstractArray{T}, y::AbstractArray{T}, count::Integer, offset::Integer = 0, stride::Integer = sizeof(T)) where {T<:ImPlotData} LibCImPlot.PlotStairs(label_id, x, y, count, offset, stride) end function PlotStairs(label_id, x::AbstractArray{T}, y::AbstractArray{T}, count::Integer, offset::Integer = 0, stride::Integer = sizeof(Float64)) where {T<:Real} LibCImPlot.PlotStairs(label_id, Float64.(x), Float64.(y), count, offset, stride) end function PlotStairs(y::AbstractArray{T}; label_id::String="", count::Integer=length(y), xscale::Real = 1.0, x0::Real = 0.0, offset::Integer=0, stride::Integer=1 ) where {T <: ImPlotData} LibCImPlot.PlotStairs(label_id, y, count, xscale, x0, offset, stride * sizeof(T)) end function PlotStairs(x::AbstractArray{T}, y::AbstractArray{T}; count::Integer = min(length(x), length(y)), offset::Integer = 0, stride::Integer = 1, label_id::String = "" ) where {T <: ImPlotData} LibCImPlot.PlotStairs(label_id, x, y, count, offset, stride * sizeof(T)) end
using LinearAlgebra using Distances # unittest performance # versus python hsic_varioustests_npy.py unittest: # 20sec elapsed / 52sec user (i.e. multithreaded) # using distmat1: 10.3sec # using Distances.jl pairwise 13.2sec # using distmatvec: 10.7sec # performance discussion see https://discourse.julialang.org/t/sum-of-hadamard-products/3531/5 # for comparison, do the non-vectorized calculation # points are in columns, dimensions(variables) across rows # note transposed from previous convention! function distmatslow(X,Y) m = size(X,2) @assert m==size(Y,2) #"size mismatch" D = Array{Float32}(undef,m,m) for ix = 1:m @inbounds for iy = 1:m x = X[:,ix] y = Y[:,iy] d = norm(x-y) D[ix,iy] = d*d end end return D end function distmat(X,Y) m = size(X,2) @assert m==size(Y,2) #"size mismatch" D = Array{Float32}(undef,m,m) for ix = 1:m @inbounds for iy = ix:m x = X[:,ix] y = Y[:,iy] d = x-y d2 = d'*d D[ix,iy] = d2 D[iy,ix] = d2 end end return D end # function distmatvec(X,Y) """ points are in columns, dimensions(variables) down rows """ m = size(X,2) @assert m==size(Y,2) #"size mismatch" XY = sum(X .* Y,dims=1) #XY = XY.reshape(m,1) #R1 = n_.tile(XY,(1,Y.shape[0])) R1 = repeat(XY',1,m) # outer=(1,m) not suported by autograd R2 = repeat(XY,m,1) #xy_ = X * Y' D = R1 + R2 - 2.f0 * X' * Y D end # python-ish version requires broadcasting different shapes - "outer sum" function distmat1(X,Y) A = sum(X .* X,dims=1)' B = sum(Y .* Y,dims=1) C = X' * Y A .+ B .- 2.f0 * C end function eye(n) Matrix{Float32}(I,n,n) end function hsic(X,Y,sigma) #= # 1/m^2 Tr Kx H Ky H X,Y have data in COLUMNS, each row is a dimension # NB is transposed from python =# #println("X=\n", X'[1:2,:]) #Yt = Y;; println("Y=\n", Yt[1:2:]) m = size(X,2) println("hsic between ",m,"points") H = eye(m) - (1.f0 / m) * ones(Float32,m,m) #Dxx = distmatvec(X,X) #Dyy = distmatvec(Y,Y) Dxx = distmat1(X,X) Dyy = distmat1(Y,Y) #Dxx = pairwise(SqEuclidean(),X,X,dims=2) #Dyy = pairwise(SqEuclidean(),Y,Y,dims=2) sigma2 = 2.f0 * sigma*sigma Kx = exp.( -Dxx / sigma2 ) Ky = exp.( -Dyy / sigma2 ) Kxc = Kx * H Kyc = Ky * H thehsic = (1.f0 / (m*m)) * sum(Kxc' .* Kyc) return thehsic # type float32 end # Pkg.add("NPZ") using NPZ # aug19: this matches the output of the unittest in hsic_varioustests_npy function unittest() X = Float32[0.1 0.2 0.3; 5 4 3] Y = Float32[1 2 3; 2 2 2] X = transpose(X) Y = transpose(Y) println(distmatslow(X,X)) println(distmat(X,X)) println(distmatslow(Y,Y)) println(distmat(Y,Y)) println("hsic(X,Y,0.5)=",hsic(X,Y,0.5f0)) # larger test data = npzread("/tmp/_data.npz") # todo convert arrays to float32 X = data["arr_0"] Y = data["arr_1"] X = convert(Array{Float32,2},X') Y = convert(Array{Float32,2},Y') println("X=\n", X'[1:2,:]) println("Y=\n", Y'[1:2,:]) println("\nindependent hsic(X,Y,1)=",hsic(X,Y,1.f0)) println("\nidentical hsic(X,X,1)=",hsic(X,copy(X),1.f0)) Y2 = X .* X println("Y2=",Y2'[1:2,:]) println("\nnonlinear hsic(X,Y*Y,1)=",hsic(X,Y2,1.f0)) end
using KernelAbstractions.Extras.LoopInfo: @unroll ##### ##### Periodic boundary conditions ##### @kernel function fill_periodic_west_and_east_halo!(c, H::Int, N) j, k = @index(Global, NTuple) @unroll for i = 1:H @inbounds begin c[i, j, k] = c[N+i, j, k] # west c[N+H+i, j, k] = c[H+i, j, k] # east end end end @kernel function fill_periodic_south_and_north_halo!(c, H::Int, N) i, k = @index(Global, NTuple) @unroll for j = 1:H @inbounds begin c[i, j, k] = c[i, N+j, k] # south c[i, N+H+j, k] = c[i, H+j, k] # north end end end @kernel function fill_periodic_bottom_and_top_halo!(c, H::Int, N) i, j = @index(Global, NTuple) @unroll for k = 1:H @inbounds begin c[i, j, k] = c[i, j, N+k] # top c[i, j, N+H+k] = c[i, j, H+k] # bottom end end end function fill_west_and_east_halo!(c, ::PBC, ::PBC, arch, dep, grid, args...; kw...) c_parent = parent(c) yz_size = size(c_parent)[[2, 3]] event = launch!(arch, grid, yz_size, fill_periodic_west_and_east_halo!, c_parent, grid.Hx, grid.Nx; dependencies=dep, kw...) return event end function fill_south_and_north_halo!(c, ::PBC, ::PBC, arch, dep, grid, args...; kw...) c_parent = parent(c) xz_size = size(c_parent)[[1, 3]] event = launch!(arch, grid, xz_size, fill_periodic_south_and_north_halo!, c_parent, grid.Hy, grid.Ny; dependencies=dep, kw...) return event end function fill_bottom_and_top_halo!(c, ::PBC, ::PBC, arch, dep, grid, args...; kw...) c_parent = parent(c) xy_size = size(c_parent)[[1, 2]] event = launch!(arch, grid, xy_size, fill_periodic_bottom_and_top_halo!, c_parent, grid.Hz, grid.Nz; dependencies=dep, kw...) return event end #### #### Implement single periodic directions (for Distributed memory architectures) #### @kernel function fill_periodic_west_halo!(c, H::Int, N) j, k = @index(Global, NTuple) @unroll for i = 1:H @inbounds begin c[i, j, k] = c[N+i, j, k] # west end end end @kernel function fill_periodic_east_halo!(c, H::Int, N) j, k = @index(Global, NTuple) @unroll for i = 1:H @inbounds begin c[N+H+i, j, k] = c[H+i, j, k] # east end end end @kernel function fill_periodic_south_halo!(c, H::Int, N) i, k = @index(Global, NTuple) @unroll for j = 1:H @inbounds begin c[i, j, k] = c[i, N+j, k] # south end end end @kernel function fill_periodic_north_halo!(c, H::Int, N) i, k = @index(Global, NTuple) @unroll for j = 1:H @inbounds begin c[i, N+H+j, k] = c[i, H+j, k] # north end end end @kernel function fill_periodic_bottom_halo!(c, H::Int, N) i, j = @index(Global, NTuple) @unroll for k = 1:H @inbounds begin c[i, j, k] = c[i, j, N+k] # bottom end end end @kernel function fill_periodic_top_halo!(c, H::Int, N) i, j = @index(Global, NTuple) @unroll for k = 1:H @inbounds begin c[i, j, N+H+k] = c[i, j, H+k] # top end end end function fill_west_halo!(c, ::PBC, arch, dep, grid, args...; kw...) c_parent = parent(c) yz_size = size(c_parent)[[2, 3]] event = launch!(arch, grid, yz_size, fill_periodic_west_halo!, c_parent, grid.Hx, grid.Nx; dependencies=dep, kw...) return event end function fill_east_halo!(c, ::PBC, arch, dep, grid, args...; kw...) c_parent = parent(c) yz_size = size(c_parent)[[2, 3]] event = launch!(arch, grid, yz_size, fill_periodic_east_halo!, c_parent, grid.Hx, grid.Nx; dependencies=dep, kw...) return event end function fill_south_halo!(c, ::PBC, arch, dep, grid, args...; kw...) c_parent = parent(c) xz_size = size(c_parent)[[1, 3]] event = launch!(arch, grid, xz_size, fill_periodic_south_halo!, c_parent, grid.Hy, grid.Ny; dependencies=dep, kw...) return event end function fill_north_halo!(c, ::PBC, arch, dep, grid, args...; kw...) c_parent = parent(c) xz_size = size(c_parent)[[1, 3]] event = launch!(arch, grid, xz_size, fill_periodic_north_halo!, c_parent, grid.Hy, grid.Ny; dependencies=dep, kw...) return event end function fill_bottom_halo!(c, ::PBC, arch, dep, grid, args...; kw...) c_parent = parent(c) xy_size = size(c_parent)[[1, 2]] event = launch!(arch, grid, xy_size, fill_periodic_bottom_halo!, c_parent, grid.Hz, grid.Nz; dependencies=dep, kw...) return event end function fill_top_halo!(c, ::PBC, arch, dep, grid, args...; kw...) c_parent = parent(c) xy_size = size(c_parent)[[1, 2]] event = launch!(arch, grid, xy_size, fill_periodic_top_halo!, c_parent, grid.Hz, grid.Nz; dependencies=dep, kw...) return event end
using Printf import Flux: σ using ModelingToolkit using GalacticOptim using Optim using DiffEqFlux using NeuralPDE using Quadrature, Cubature, Cuba using Plots @parameters t,x @variables c(..) @derivatives Dt'~t @derivatives Dxx''~x @derivatives Dx'~x # Parameters v = 1 R = 0 D = 0.1 # diffusion t_max = 2.0 x_min = -1.0 x_max = 1.0 # Equations, initial and boundary conditions eqs = [ Dt(c(t, x)) ~ D * Dxx(c(t,x)) - Dx(c(t,x)) ] bcs = [ c(0, x) ~ cos(π*x) + 1.0, c(t, x_min) ~ c(t, x_max) ] # Space and time domains domains = [t ∈ IntervalDomain(0.0,t_max), x ∈ IntervalDomain(x_min,x_max) ] # Discretization nx = 32 dx = (x_max-x_min) / (nx - 1) dt = 0.01 # Neural network dim = length(domains) output = length(eqs) hidden = 8 chain = FastChain( FastDense(dim, hidden, σ), FastDense(hidden, hidden, σ), FastDense(hidden, 1)) strategy = GridTraining(dx=[dt,dx]) discretization = PhysicsInformedNN(chain, strategy=strategy) pde_system = PDESystem(eqs, bcs, domains, [t,x], [c]) prob = discretize(pde_system,discretization) cb = function (p,l) println("Current loss is: $l") return false end res = GalacticOptim.solve(prob,Optim.BFGS();cb=cb,maxiters=1200) # Plots phi = discretization.phi initθ = discretization.initθ acum = [0;accumulate(+, length.(initθ))] sep = [acum[i]+1 : acum[i+1] for i in 1:length(acum)-1] minimizers = [res.minimizer[s] for s in sep] ts,xs = [domain.domain.lower:dx:domain.domain.upper for domain in domains] anim = @animate for (i, t) in enumerate(0:dt:t_max) @info "Animating frame $i..." c_predict = reshape([phi([t, x], res.minimizer)[1] for x in xs], length(xs)) title = @sprintf("Advection-diffusion t = %.3f", t) plot(xs, c_predict, label="", title=title , ylims=(0., 2)) end gif(anim, "advection_diffusion_pinn.gif", fps=15) c_predict = reshape([ phi([0, x], res.minimizer)[1] for x in xs], length(xs)) plot(xs,c_predict) # Plot correct solution using JLD2 file = jldopen("advection_diffusion/simulation/cosine_advection_diffusion.jld2") iterations = parse.(Int, keys(file["timeseries/t"])) anim = @animate for (i, iter) in enumerate(iterations) @info "Animating frame $i..." Hx = file["grid/Hx"] x = file["grid/xC"][1+Hx:end-Hx] t = file["timeseries/t/$iter"] c = file["timeseries/c/$iter"][:] title = @sprintf("Advection-diffusion t = %.3f", t) p = plot(x, c .+ 1, linewidth=2, title=title, label="Oceananigans", xlabel="x", ylabel="Tracer", xlims=(-1, 1), ylims=(0, 2)) c_predict = reshape([phi([t, x], res.minimizer)[1] for x in xs], length(xs)) plot!(p, x, c_predict, linewidth=2, label="Neural PDE") end gif(anim, "advection_diffusion_comparison.gif", fps=15)
module AutoARIMA using LinearAlgebra using Optim using Polynomials using RecipesBase using StaticArrays using Statistics using HypothesisTests export seriesA,seriesB,seriesB2,seriesC,seriesD,seriesE,seriesF,seriesG,dowj,wine,lake export autocovariance,autocovariance_matrix,autocorrelation,autocorrelation_matrix,partial_autocorrelation export isinversible, isstationary export innovations, levinson_durbin, least_squares, yule_walker, hannan_rissanen export boxcox, inv_boxcox, guerrero, difference, integrate export simulate, forecast, fit, toarma, k, residuals export aic, aicc, bic, mse, rmse, mae, mape export correlogram,partial_correlogram export AbstractModel, AbstractParams export ARParams, MAParams, ARMAParams, ARIMAParams, MSARIMAParams export ARModel, MAModel, ARMAModel export MA∞, AR∞ export boxjenkins include("datasets.jl") include("stats.jl") include("transforms.jl") include("abstract.jl") include("criteria.jl") include("simulate.jl") include("recipes.jl") include("ls.jl") include("arma.jl") include("ar.jl") include("ma.jl") include("arima.jl") include("sarima.jl") include("auto.jl") end
module GLM_ import MLJBase export OLSRegressor #, OLS, LinearRegression import ..GLM # strange syntax for lazy-loading const OLSFitResult = GLM.LinearModel OLSFitResult(coefs::Vector, b=nothing) = OLSFitResult(coefs, b) #### #### OLSRegressor #### mutable struct OLSRegressor <: MLJBase.Deterministic{OLSFitResult} fit_intercept::Bool # allowrankdeficient::Bool end function OLSRegressor(;fit_intercept=true) return OLSRegressor(fit_intercept) end # synonyms # const OLS = OLSRegressor # const LinearRegression = OLSRegressor #### #### fit/predict OLSRegressor #### function MLJBase.fit(model::OLSRegressor, verbosity::Int, X, y::Vector) Xmatrix = MLJBase.matrix(X) features = MLJBase.schema(X).names if model.fit_intercept fitresult = GLM.lm(hcat(Xmatrix, ones(eltype(Xmatrix), size(Xmatrix, 1), 1)), y) else fitresult = GLM.lm(Xmatrix, y) end coefs = GLM.coef(fitresult) ## TODO: add feature importance curve to report using `features` report = Dict(:coef => coefs[1:end-Int(model.fit_intercept)] , :intercept => ifelse(model.fit_intercept, coefs[end], nothing) , :deviance => GLM.deviance(fitresult) , :dof_residual => GLM.dof_residual(fitresult) , :stderror => GLM.stderror(fitresult) , :vcov => GLM.vcov(fitresult)) cache = nothing return fitresult, cache, report end function MLJBase.predict(model::OLSRegressor, fitresult::OLSFitResult, Xnew) Xmatrix = MLJBase.matrix(Xnew) model.fit_intercept && (Xmatrix = hcat(Xmatrix, ones(eltype(Xmatrix), size(Xmatrix, 1), 1))) return GLM.predict(fitresult, Xmatrix) end # metadata: MLJBase.load_path(::Type{<:OLSRegressor}) = "MLJModels.GLM_.OLSRegressor" MLJBase.package_name(::Type{<:OLSRegressor}) = "GLM" MLJBase.package_uuid(::Type{<:OLSRegressor}) = "38e38edf-8417-5370-95a0-9cbb8c7f171a" MLJBase.package_url(::Type{<:OLSRegressor}) = "https://github.com/JuliaStats/GLM.jl" MLJBase.is_pure_julia(::Type{<:OLSRegressor}) = :yes MLJBase.input_kinds(::Type{<:OLSRegressor}) = [:continuous, ] MLJBase.output_kind(::Type{<:OLSRegressor}) = :continuous MLJBase.output_quantity(::Type{<:OLSRegressor}) = :univariate end # module
function run_simulation(set_sizes; fun = conjunctive_set, kwargs...) results = DataFrame[] for n in set_sizes experiment = Experiment(set_size = n, populate_visicon = fun, n_trials = 10^4) run_condition!(experiment; kwargs...) df = DataFrame(experiment.data) hit_rate = mean(df.target_present .== df.response) g = groupby(df, [:target_present,:response]) temp = combine(g, :rt => mean) temp[!,:distractors] .= n temp[!,:hit_rate] .= hit_rate push!(results, temp) end return vcat(results...) end
export Apply """ Apply{J, O} <: SFunc{Tuple{SFunc{J, O}, J}, O} Apply represents an sfunc that takes two groups of arguments. The first group is a single argument, which is an sfunc to apply to the second group of arguments. # Additional supported operators - `support` - `support_quality` - `sample` - `logcpdf` - `compute_pi` - `send_lambda` # Type parameters - `J`: the input type of the *sfunc* that may be applied; that *sfunc* is the input type of the `Apply` - `O`: the output type of the *sfunc* that may be applied, which is also the output type of the `Apply` """ struct Apply{J <: Tuple, O} <: SFunc{Tuple{SFunc{J, O}, J}, O} end @impl begin struct ApplySupport end function support(::Apply{J,O}, parranges::NTuple{N,Vector}, size::Integer, curr::Vector{<:O}) where {J<:Tuple,O,N} result = Vector{O}() for sf in parranges[1] append!(result, support(sf, (parranges[2],), size, curr)) end return unique(result) end end @impl begin struct ApplySupportQuality end function support_quality(::Apply{J,O}, parranges) where {J,O} q = support_quality_rank(:CompleteSupport) for sf in parranges[1] imp = get_imp(MultiInterface.get_policy(), Support, sf, parranges[2], 0, O[]) q = min(q, support_quality_rank(support_quality(imp, sf, parranges[2]))) end return support_quality_from_rank(q) end end @impl begin struct ApplySample end function sample(::Apply{J,O}, input::Tuple{SFunc{J,O}, J})::O where {J<:Tuple,O} return sample(input[1], input[2]) end end @impl begin struct ApplyLogcpdf end function logcpdf(::Apply{J,O}, i::Tuple{SFunc{J,O}, J}, o::O)::AbstractFloat where {J<:Tuple,O} return logcpdf(i[1], i[2], o) end end # WARNING: THIS LOGIC DOES NOT WORK WITH MORE THAN ONE PARENT @impl begin struct ApplyComputePi end function compute_pi(::Apply{J,O}, range::__OptVec{<:O}, parranges::NTuple{N,Vector}, incoming_pis::Tuple)::Dist{<:O} where {N,J<:Tuple,O} sfrange = parranges[1] argsrange = parranges[2] sfpi = incoming_pis[1] argspi = incoming_pis[2] result = zeros(Float64, length(range)) for sf in sfrange p1 = cpdf(sfpi, (), sf) p2 = compute_pi(sf, range, (argsrange,), (argspi,)) p3 = [p1 * cpdf(p2, (), x) for x in range] result .+= p3 end return Cat(range, result) end end # WARNING: THIS LOGIC DOES NOT WORK WITH MORE THAN ONE PARENT @impl begin struct ApplySendLambda end function send_lambda(::Apply{J,O}, lambda::Score{<:O}, range::__OptVec{<:O}, parranges::NTuple{N,Vector}, incoming_pis::Tuple, parent_idx::Integer)::Score where {N,J<:Tuple,O} @assert parent_idx == 1 || parent_idx == 2 sfrange = parranges[1] argsrange = parranges[2] sfpi = incoming_pis[1] argspi = incoming_pis[2] if parent_idx == 2 # For each x, we must sum over the sfunc argument compute P(y|x) for each possible sfunc result = Vector{Float64}() for args in argsrange resultpieces = Vector{Float64}() for sf in sfrange sp = logcpdf(sfpi, (), sf) for y in range a = isa(args, Tuple) ? args : tuple(args) push!(resultpieces, sp + logcpdf(sf, a, y) + get_log_score(lambda, y)) end end push!(result, logsumexp(resultpieces)) end return LogScore(argsrange, result) else # parent_idx == 1 # This is simpler; we must sum over the arguments, which is achieved by the embedded compute_pi result = Vector{Float64}() for sf in sfrange resultpieces = Vector{Float64}() ypi = compute_pi(sf, range, (argsrange,), (argspi,)) for y in range push!(resultpieces, logcpdf(ypi, (), y) + get_log_score(lambda, y)) end push!(result, logsumexp(resultpieces)) end return LogScore(sfrange, result) end end end


This dataset is part of Proof-Pile-2 dataset. This dataset is consisting of mathematical code, including numerical computing, computer algebra, and formal mathematics. This entire dataset is in Julia language. It is slightly more than 0.5 Billion tokens. I have removed Meta data from this dataset hence you can directly use it for training purpose. This dataset is in Jsonl format.

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