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75,654 | _USER_ I'm sad, too. I want to have my cake and eat it too! Is that too much to ask? | -2.8125 | -0.8945 | -3.7344 | -5 | -4.5625 | 2.4375 | -3.6562 | -0.9219 | -5.9375 | -6.7188 | -1.373667 |
136,658 | the kids couldn't agree on a face for the pumpkin, so we carved two. Apparently the angry face up front is scaring the sad face in the back. | -5.9375 | -3.0312 | -2.625 | -3.0312 | -3.375 | -1.3516 | -2.5312 | -0.5 | -6 | -8.3125 | -1.540251 |
48,066 | Super busy today helping so many wonderful patients. We want everyone to feel good and have a happy, healthy life! Visit us today! | 9.3125 | 3.5 | 5.9688 | 6.25 | 3.6875 | 4.7188 | 4.4375 | 1.9375 | 6.8125 | 8.0625 | 2.449719 |
10,286 | I DO NOT WANNA WATCH FOOTBALL, WHEN THE FUCK IS GOSSIP GIRL COMING ON TONIGHT | 1.9141 | -0.7734 | -4.8125 | -5.625 | -1.5625 | -3.7969 | 0.3047 | -0.7031 | -7.1875 | -1.2109 | -0.900699 |
45,370 | has come to the conclusion there's no way to ask someone to come try out my hot tub without sounding creepy. | -2.2188 | -0.7695 | -2.7031 | -3.2656 | -2.9375 | -2.7812 | -1.2344 | -0.1094 | -7.5312 | -8.3125 | -1.16037 |
92,327 | _USER_ Not sure, bet early! Probably going to be like black Friday there! | 0.5312 | -0.457 | 2.2969 | 1.0469 | -1.1328 | 2.5938 | -1.6719 | -1 | 5.125 | 0.4531 | 0.028116 |
89,955 | _USER_ Its alryte juzz grindin we undefeated ryte wit1 mo regular season game saturday den playoffs start...we ranked numba 1 n all of D3 | 2.3125 | 1.5547 | 5.5938 | 5.4375 | 2.625 | 3.5 | 0.3164 | -1.4141 | 6.2812 | 5.5625 | 1.070841 |
17,291 | _USER_ That's a great picture!! :D | 5.4688 | 3.3906 | 5.5 | 6.5625 | 3.4531 | 4.25 | 4.125 | 1.4375 | 6.5312 | 6.75 | 2.148126 |
26,191 | _USER_ My husband will be shaking in his boots over this. | 3.2656 | 2.4375 | -2.1719 | -3.5938 | -2.6562 | -1.4297 | -0.6328 | -1.0938 | -6.3438 | -8.3125 | -0.668327 |
30,155 | Sindicate gives thanks to everyone for support, love, and thoughts on this great day. RSVP for Dec 3 event. _PHONE_ | 7.6562 | 2.1875 | 6.125 | 6.375 | 3.0625 | 4.5625 | 4.3125 | 1.6875 | 6.75 | 0.125 | 2.000903 |
7,223 | Jason Calacanis Manages to Annoy Angels Stadium Security Guards _URL_ | 0.0781 | 0.4766 | -2.0156 | -5.5 | -0.8047 | 0.3555 | 0.5977 | -0.2344 | -6.4375 | -4.4375 | -0.491758 |
91,390 | Photo of the Day: 1969 Cadillac Eldorado _URL_ | -0.3281 | 0.1328 | 1.25 | 3.1719 | -0.6094 | 2.2812 | 1.2031 | 0.75 | 5 | 0.5156 | 0.551058 |
83,667 | Life is like music; it must be composed by ear, feeling, and instinct, not by rule. | -1.3594 | 0.4844 | 1.0703 | 2.1562 | 0.5938 | 3.2188 | 1.0781 | -0.2656 | 6.2188 | -0.1094 | 0.495859 |
99,067 | RT _USER_: _USER_ yea I'm a child of the early 80s. God I feel old. - me too :D i'm too immature to be old tho :P | -1.1719 | -0.8555 | 1.6562 | 4.9375 | -1.1016 | 0.8672 | 0.373 | -0.8906 | 5.375 | -6.3125 | -0.018267 |
66,668 | DFW. About to board plane to La Guardia. | 0.8906 | 0.5312 | 0.8281 | 2.3594 | 0.3047 | 2.0312 | 0.5859 | -0.7969 | 5.375 | -0.0312 | 0.373028 |
88,852 | RT _USER_ 95% of independently produced CDs contain regurgitated ideas that were ripped off from some other more gifted musicians. | -5.875 | -2.5 | -4.0625 | -5.1875 | -1.4062 | -4.3438 | 0.3105 | -1.0625 | -7.3125 | -8.375 | -1.497312 |
138,006 | _USER_ Ooh teal would be nice! i had thought of painting room teal actually. Will remember pictures! | 9.75 | 1.3516 | 5.2812 | 6.875 | 1.375 | 3.3594 | 3.6406 | -0.0781 | 4.4688 | 1.7969 | 1.55453 |
134,139 | ? Dark Horse by Converge _TAG_: _URL_ amazon: _URL_ | 0.2656 | 0.2344 | 1.6797 | 1.3828 | -0.4766 | 2.0625 | 0.457 | -0.875 | 4.5 | 0.7812 | 0.27288 |
71,462 | well, the class wasa bust. Not very informative... but I guess You've got to keep trying to learn. | 0.9688 | -0.0391 | -4.375 | -5.8125 | -3.7188 | -3.4688 | -0.0527 | -0.6406 | -7.5625 | -8.625 | -1.192724 |
132,113 | Idc man this is way too much food for me to be consuming. I'm eating like 3 days worth of food in like 14 hours . | -3.7031 | -1.7891 | -2.8125 | -3.8125 | -2.8125 | -3.6562 | 0.7969 | -1.3828 | -7.5625 | -6.0312 | -1.25572 |
92,555 | Watching Gladiator for the first time. Good movie. | 0.6562 | 3.1875 | 6 | 6.4688 | 1.8438 | 4.625 | 4.6875 | 1.0938 | 6.7188 | 3.125 | 1.843923 |
75,357 | Excited to be installed tomorrow on the _TAG_ board, for our chapter _USER_ _URL_ | 0.5625 | 4.375 | 6.6562 | 6.5 | 3 | 3.3125 | 2.375 | 0.2031 | 6.6875 | 7.8125 | 1.787858 |
8,273 | bests seller of the week again is the maclaren strollers!! | 5.75 | 1.8125 | 5.75 | 6.8125 | 0.457 | 4.1562 | 0.6094 | 1.3125 | 6.375 | 7.625 | 1.568576 |
28,208 | It can draw more flakes on left mouse. Q for Quit. Cmd line input. + and - for iterations. Right click menu. And even draw squares! SUCCESS | 1.4844 | 2.4375 | 5.2188 | 6.0938 | 2.125 | 2.7812 | 0.5664 | 1.3438 | 6.25 | 1.6094 | 1.30538 |
78,585 | We create design solutions . . . at very competitive rates. Tell your friends! | 3.875 | 1.8281 | 5.375 | 6.2188 | 2.9688 | 4.25 | 2.3438 | 1.625 | 6.6875 | -0.7188 | 1.590245 |
142,433 | _USER_ Cool thanks! That is what I was looking for. | -0.1875 | 0.4688 | 5.375 | 6.625 | 2.5312 | 4.4688 | 4.1562 | 1.2812 | 6.4375 | 1.7422 | 1.530236 |
23,927 | _URL_ - _USER_ still messing around! | -7.8125 | -3.1562 | -3.375 | -5.9375 | -3.8438 | -0.2363 | -0.0146 | 0.125 | -7.5625 | -5.875 | -1.38236 |
53,771 | _USER_ please help _URL_ - spread the word for the safe return of Lola, missing boston terrier in New hartford CT | -3.2969 | 1.3281 | 1.7969 | 4.9375 | -1.5469 | 3.375 | 0.6211 | -0.4219 | 5.9375 | 6.5 | 0.629863 |
143,067 | _USER_ Also these and 80's themed party that im debating on attending that we can go to afterwards if u'd like. | -1.2656 | -0.9492 | 3.625 | 4.4062 | 0.2422 | 3.5938 | -0.2148 | 0.2812 | 6.1875 | 0.7656 | 0.529313 |
81,449 | _USER_ By how much? That's just wrong. | -3.1719 | -1.4609 | -5.0938 | -6.0625 | -2.7188 | -4 | -2.3438 | -1.1562 | -7.125 | -8.375 | -1.696551 |
146,161 | Yemen Conflict Sparks Regional Conflict: _URL_ | 0.4688 | -1.7344 | -2 | -5.75 | -5.75 | 2.3438 | -0.04 | -0.3594 | -4.8125 | -8.5 | -0.995435 |
3,918 | I want to strangle someone over at Sterling HSA. | -2.1562 | -2 | -4.4375 | -5.4375 | -2.125 | -2.0938 | -0.4141 | -0.7344 | -6.3438 | -7.75 | -1.287398 |
5,250 | Steelers vs. Bears. It's taken four years, but they're finally playing each other. | 0.2031 | 0.6484 | 4.0625 | 6.3125 | -1.3438 | 2.8125 | 0.0737 | 0.9844 | 4.9688 | 2.0156 | 0.781508 |
109,996 | _USER_ Haha all in one class? You're never gonna graduate from sga. | -0.5781 | -0.9258 | -3.6875 | -5 | -2.9688 | -3.375 | -0.3906 | -1.2266 | -7.25 | -7.9375 | -1.288467 |
30,428 | I assume they ripped my name from Freshbooks, but I find it so odd my name is all over this: _URL_ | -1.4375 | -0.9844 | -4.6875 | -5.5938 | -1.9453 | -2.3438 | -1.0703 | -0.8438 | -7.5938 | -7.75 | -1.297373 |
8,991 | There's a lot of good news floating around in your world today... More for Libra _URL_ | 5.5938 | 1.5391 | 6.375 | 6.875 | 1.5938 | 4.1875 | 2.6406 | 0.5781 | 5.9375 | 8.3125 | 1.734775 |
12,121 | Trying to make it home b4 this storm. Its lightning badly & the skies are are strange. | -4.625 | -2.5 | -4.25 | -5.875 | -3.5938 | 2.125 | -1.875 | -1.3281 | -4.9375 | -8.5 | -1.490339 |
6,879 | _USER_ ily twitter bg sis! | -0.6094 | 0.9922 | 4.875 | 6.8125 | 0.5078 | 3 | 0.4043 | -0.7656 | 4.4062 | 0.4375 | 0.711232 |
47,770 | The _TAG_ are making me sad. | -0.4219 | 0.7031 | -5.0625 | -5.7812 | -8.375 | -1.8906 | -2.6562 | -1.0859 | -6.5625 | -8.125 | -1.632024 |
118,925 | _USER_ what's vinyl? | -1.25 | 0.4531 | 0.1875 | 0.5547 | 0.1777 | 1.5156 | -0.21 | -0.6719 | -2.4062 | -0.1875 | -0.056453 |
87,050 | _USER_ I know how you feel, I have 2 ruptured disks in my back. Hope you feel better soon. | 5.5 | 1.0469 | -2.0156 | -0.8867 | -1.2031 | 3.6562 | 0.6914 | -0.4844 | 4.1562 | -8.625 | 0.112205 |
66,605 | Disillusionment is a GOOD thing; to be disillusioned is to be enlightened. - Mark T. Shirey _TAG_ | -0.5469 | 0.4297 | 2.5781 | 6.3125 | -0.1133 | 3.1719 | 0.21 | 0.3438 | 5.0625 | 0.8594 | 0.667766 |
14,889 | Leftover pumpkins? Prepare a mask of 2 Tbs cooked pumpkin and 1 Tbs honey. Apply to face, leave for 10-15 minutes before washing off. | -1.375 | -0.3047 | 1 | 0.5078 | -1.7031 | 2.5469 | -0.0933 | -1.2109 | 5.125 | 1.1406 | 0.010309 |
109,865 | _USER_ what stopping you from using MYSQL with ASP.NET MVC if IP is your big concern. Hosting is pretty comparable IIS vs Apache | -0.9219 | 0.0156 | -0.9844 | 0.0234 | 1.2344 | 0.7266 | -0.5703 | -0.75 | 5.3125 | 0.375 | 0.025791 |
121,744 | One of the last Fridays I'll ever work at this fucking douchebag bro lung cancer infested downtown high class slut fucking bar. | 0.0156 | 0.3281 | -5.125 | -5.625 | -0.8359 | -4.1875 | -1.2891 | -1.6172 | -6.9062 | -7.0625 | -1.260632 |
49,396 | _USER_ That Jay-Z show was top 3 of all time | 0.3906 | 0.8438 | 4.625 | 6.75 | 0.4355 | 3.6875 | 1.8594 | 1.0938 | 6.125 | 7.5 | 1.3248 |
92,558 | this is why I stay so fresh, I'm trying to beat life cause I can't cheat death!! Jay-Z | -2.4219 | -0.6211 | 3.7031 | 5.875 | -1.2734 | 2.375 | -0.4297 | 1.625 | 6.4375 | 6.4375 | 0.732969 |
607 | Public _TAG_ Opportunity _URL_ | -0.9844 | 1.0938 | 0.0156 | 2.2188 | -1.4297 | 1.3438 | 1.2734 | 0.2344 | 2.9219 | 1.9219 | 0.376469 |
118,327 | _USER_ Spent the day at Bar a Vin with Wendy. She was amazing. I'll be here until Friday but very brisk schedule. Hit me up! | 6.4375 | 1.9688 | 6.0938 | 6.1562 | 0.4238 | 4.5625 | 2.4062 | 0.625 | 6.75 | 7.625 | 1.700146 |
143,081 | _USER_ Twitter is so hilarious w/ Blocking. If you're page is unlocked... it doesn't do anything. It's a mute point. | -1.25 | -0.6719 | -3.625 | 0.5 | -6.4375 | -3.4844 | -1.5156 | -1.6016 | -6.25 | 0.4219 | -1.197088 |
2,718 | _USER_ way to go!! You guys played a great game! | 8.625 | 3.2188 | 5.875 | 6.1875 | 3.3438 | 4.6562 | 3.1562 | 1.4062 | 6.75 | 7.7188 | 2.189667 |
6,725 | The front door of _USER_ (_USER_ rocks!) _URL_ | 0.875 | 0.5703 | 2.625 | 5.6875 | -0.6836 | 1.8281 | 0.5781 | -0.5625 | 6.625 | -2.5625 | 0.483403 |
36,377 | Teetering on the edge of death & trying to force myself 2 get out to a tailgate. Jaager shots mixed w/ four loko is not the recipe 4 success | -1.5156 | -0.5508 | -4.1875 | -5.1875 | -3.0312 | -4.0625 | -1.2188 | -1.1641 | -7.5312 | -8.5 | -1.435834 |
64,354 | _USER_ Ten Tips to Improve Your Brain~ _URL_ monitor your fantasies. ??? where do you get these? | 0.1094 | 1.6562 | 0.6523 | 3.75 | 0.8398 | 3.8438 | 1.0703 | 0.0625 | -4.1875 | 2.1406 | 0.57253 |
94,435 | Plastic surgery is Photoshop for real life. [some people still over-edit] (via _USER_) | -0.9688 | -0.2578 | -3.0781 | -5.2188 | -1.2812 | -0.8047 | 0.5586 | 0.6719 | 4.7812 | -0.3594 | -0.225328 |
103,423 | OK, this is getting ridiculous. I can't even reply to someone now without tons of stupid spam bots regurgitating it over and over. _TAG_ | -2.7031 | -1.0156 | -5.1875 | -5.8125 | -6.8125 | -4.0625 | -2.8281 | -1.625 | -7.5625 | -8.25 | -1.971607 |
61,246 | Watching TV While Online Still Leaves Some Time for Ads _URL_ | 1.3125 | 0.0625 | -0.9766 | -0.6562 | -1.25 | 3.2188 | 0.5703 | -0.4688 | -3.5 | 1.5625 | 0.017095 |
62,275 | RT _USER_ I am 67 tweeps away from 11k. Can you guys help me out a bit please? All RTs get a pimp and a follow! | -1.125 | -0.4531 | 3.6875 | 4.4375 | 1.0234 | 3.3438 | 0.8164 | -0.7188 | 4.9062 | 0.5938 | 0.549221 |
13,304 | Iranian police warn opposition over November 4 rallies _URL_ | 1.6719 | -1.7422 | -2.8594 | -3.5469 | -4.25 | 1.6719 | -1.3672 | -1.0547 | -6.1875 | 0.1094 | -0.871554 |
51,445 | Damn, that's cold - RT _USER_: Windows Mobile 6.5 Review: It Still Sucks. _URL_ by _USER_ | 1.125 | 0.3438 | -4.2812 | -5.5 | -4.5938 | -1.8359 | -1.5703 | -1.4609 | -6.875 | -8.25 | -1.321839 |
64,243 | RT _USER_: check out my video/single First Time _URL_ available on itunes and ringtones | -0.2812 | 1.4141 | 3.3594 | 3.2969 | 3.0938 | 3.5 | 0.7188 | -0.2812 | 6.125 | 1 | 0.883289 |
143,651 | Great Followers! _TAG_ _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ | 3.5938 | 1.25 | 5.8125 | 6.625 | 1.7031 | 3.4688 | 1.7031 | 1.625 | 6 | 3.1562 | 1.492395 |
114,265 | RT _USER_: _TAG_@battleshape _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ (cont) _URL_ | 3.2031 | 1.0625 | -0.0938 | 1.1094 | 1.0781 | 1.625 | 0.5039 | -0.3438 | -3.5 | 1 | 0.302544 |
124,978 | where is everyone? get on msn. | -1.0156 | -0.2031 | -1.0625 | 1.2266 | -1.75 | 2.2188 | -0.1709 | -0.625 | -5 | 0.5469 | -0.23962 |
112,545 | Happy Birthday to my beautiful 2 year old. Next month is a happy 13th birthday to her beautiful older sister. | 9.375 | 1.9062 | 6.1875 | 5.875 | 3.9062 | 4 | 3.8125 | 1.5 | 6.75 | 0.6094 | 1.984574 |
55,719 | _USER_ WHAT HAPPENED???? | 3.7344 | -0.8438 | -2.9062 | -3.4844 | -2.375 | 1.4688 | -0.1963 | -1.3359 | -7.4375 | -0.0156 | -0.600505 |
37,896 | _TAG_ if you try and diss girls if they don't give you their number (via _USER_) | -2.4062 | -0.8516 | -4.3125 | -4.1875 | -0.7969 | 0.9453 | -1.1562 | -0.4688 | -6.75 | 1.7891 | -0.730356 |
76,644 | dear kristen stewart, do us all a favor and fire your stylist! NOW! _URL_ | -0.4688 | 0.5938 | -4.2188 | -5.6875 | -1.5625 | 1.6094 | 1.0078 | 0.75 | -7.1562 | 0.4688 | -0.313688 |
78,562 | Gimmee Jimmy's Gourmet Cookies ~ Reward Your Employees w/ Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies! _URL_ | 2.4375 | 0.5859 | 5.6875 | 6.6562 | 0.9844 | 2.0938 | 1.8125 | 0.4062 | 6.625 | 8.5625 | 1.321793 |
92,835 | Meeting with Haven of Rest in Gig Harbor, WA about Sacred Embers! _URL_ This is an important day! | -0.0625 | 1.4922 | 6.1562 | 7 | 2 | 4.0625 | 1.6562 | 1.3438 | 6.6875 | 3.2188 | 1.448256 |
6,438 | Registered to attend the AIChE Annual meeting in Nashville. Maybe someone there will have a job for me... | 1.0156 | 0.7383 | 1.7109 | 4.0312 | 2.2188 | 2.125 | 0.5273 | -0.7656 | 4.5625 | 0.7188 | 0.593729 |
117,524 | _USER_ :( what movie? | -0.8125 | 0.8125 | -4.25 | -5.5 | 0.3379 | -0.0947 | -0.082 | -0.7188 | -7.4375 | 0.0312 | -0.563649 |
15,032 | Nevada Grounds 'Dogs in 52-14 Rout - HereComeTheDawgs.comNevada Grounds 'Dogs in 52-1.. _URL_ | -0.4375 | 0.3906 | 0.6953 | 1.0781 | -1.0156 | 2.4062 | 0.6328 | -0.7812 | 3.7188 | 0.8281 | 0.208727 |
45,232 | _USER_ Saturday......Im also perfroming at Suite Six on Thanksgiving. | 0 | 0.7266 | 2.0938 | 6.1562 | 1.6484 | 2.4375 | 1.0391 | -0.1875 | 6.25 | -0.1406 | 0.758543 |
117,900 | _TAG_ A Diary of The NBA Western Conference Semifinals and Beyond by Tracy McGrady | 1.5156 | 0.4766 | 1.4062 | 1.7578 | 1.5391 | 2.1406 | 0.6797 | 0.5312 | 6.0625 | 0.5469 | 0.662059 |
83,713 | _URL_ -- Texas' gay marriage ban may have banned all marriages | -0.7656 | -1.9297 | -3.5156 | -4.6875 | -3.0781 | 1.2344 | -0.7344 | -1.0469 | -6.125 | -8.125 | -1.147682 |
115,049 | OK everyone. Gotta go for now. TV is new and I don't know how to get the channel back. Duh. Means I need to watch in living room. Wireless? | -1.3438 | -0.375 | -2.3438 | -1.9688 | -0.6445 | 0.1846 | 0.2598 | -0.2188 | -6.5312 | -3.8125 | -0.519753 |
28,076 | _TAG_ _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ .Thanks for including me in _USER_. You guys are the best (: Have a great weekend darlings <33 | 9.3125 | 1.8047 | 6.25 | 6.25 | 1.3438 | 4.5 | 3.625 | 1.0625 | 6.75 | 2.0469 | 1.84229 |
128,416 | _URL_ My Mom is super passionate about this (as am I!) Please sign! Music is SO important! | 5.7188 | 2.8125 | 5.7188 | 6.6875 | 3.0312 | 4.5625 | 4.125 | 1.4375 | 6.6562 | 8.75 | 2.168908 |
131,956 | _USER_ You have some great tweets. Enlighting to say the least. Picture? | 0.8906 | 1.6562 | 5.6562 | 6.5625 | 2.375 | 4.8125 | 1.2344 | -0.4219 | 6.3125 | 8.625 | 1.401946 |
43,014 | If ever you need an icon - 300 images from 1800 sites _URL_ | -0.25 | 0.5938 | 0.4922 | 2.3125 | -1.4141 | 3.4375 | 0.498 | -0.5469 | -4.3125 | 0.1094 | 0.097455 |
14,232 | _TAG_ Kanye everyone need to stop givin this asshole money! | -2.125 | -0.5898 | -4.5625 | -5.8125 | -2.9062 | -2.6719 | -1.2812 | -1.6406 | -7.5 | 0.0625 | -1.254183 |
123,771 | LA Tweeps! My cooking class starts December 8th, holiday themed! Space is limited so be sure to contact me if you're interested! | -0.5 | -0.2578 | 4.8125 | 6.125 | 1.9062 | 3.9688 | 1.3125 | 1 | 6.5938 | 0.6406 | 1.050919 |
114,355 | I am guessing he should try AA! Did i say that outloud? RT _USER_: Which team should Landis ride for in 2010? | 0.8594 | -0.3672 | 1.1641 | 0.6797 | 1.3125 | 1.8906 | -0.9023 | -0.7812 | -5.8438 | 0.3906 | -0.074079 |
126,527 | Two South Bay boys say man tied them to a tree, then sexually assaulted them. Suspect in custody: _URL_ | -0.0625 | -0.6719 | -4.625 | -5.8125 | -1.9688 | 1.625 | -1.5391 | -1.4766 | -5.5 | -8.25 | -1.136796 |
69,041 | _USER_ I Hope your Little Brother Gets Well Soon ! | 1.5938 | 3.2812 | 4.4375 | 4.4688 | 1.1641 | 2.6094 | 2.9062 | 1.125 | 6.0625 | 0.6406 | 1.385727 |
68,653 | _USER_ _EMAIL_ is my email | -1.0625 | 0.7812 | -0.043 | 0.3359 | -1.6406 | 2.0625 | 0.7109 | 0.9688 | -4.5 | -0.3281 | 0.109255 |
116,289 | Hmmm... I seem to have tweaked my back a bit. I wonder if it hurts to OW OW OW HOLY FUCK IT HURTS. Shit. Lie down. Insert Ibuprofen. Ow. | -1.7109 | -1.9062 | -4.25 | -4.5 | -2.3125 | -0.9453 | -0.9219 | -1.6016 | -5.875 | -8.4375 | -1.341476 |
16,003 | The only thing worth noting was the discovery of your average boring dick. How sad is that to be remembered in such a way. Sigh.. | -1.75 | -0.4492 | -4.875 | -5.625 | -5 | -4.4375 | -1.6562 | -1.0234 | -7.5 | -8.6875 | -1.628433 |
73,643 | here is a great site to get a free twitter background! _URL_ | 3.9062 | 3.4219 | 6.125 | 6.4688 | 1.8047 | 3.5156 | 3.2188 | 1.4375 | 5.875 | 1.9766 | 1.77746 |
32,720 | _USER_ well you didn't fall. My boss fell one time we were at the work gym. Tried to recover and fell again. So hard for me to not laugh | -4.9062 | -2.4375 | -1.2969 | 1.1484 | -3.75 | -1.8281 | -0.3164 | -1.2188 | 5.125 | -8.5625 | -0.9461 |
83,856 | Jandik wins it in OT for men's soccer team _URL_ | 9.1875 | 4.5312 | 2.6406 | 5.375 | 1.8281 | 2.8906 | 1.5469 | 0.8281 | 6.25 | 7.4375 | 1.761824 |
4,892 | Or share a shower, socks and a bed most nights with said soldier. | -0.5312 | 0.0938 | 1.1562 | 1.5 | 0.4141 | 1.1641 | 0.5234 | -0.25 | 6.0312 | 0.9062 | 0.344788 |
26,214 | Off to a cookout. Single guy that I am I was put n charge of a hard dish. Guess what it is... Your right pork and beans. LOL | -1.0625 | -1.4531 | 2.8438 | 3.2812 | -0.8594 | -1.4297 | -1.4141 | -1.2422 | 5.8125 | -0.0781 | -0.180263 |
96,864 | _USER_ HI! I don't understand the purpose of it?? When does someone do it and lol .. I don't understand retweeting?? | -2.0625 | -0.0938 | -4.75 | -5.4375 | -3.2812 | -3.4844 | -1.2656 | -0.7969 | -7.5625 | -7.7188 | -1.374328 |
131,907 | _USER_ may i add that i had to lie about being 18 in an email in order to get a confirmation email. | -1.3125 | 0.3281 | -3.4375 | -5.4375 | -1.9219 | 1.1562 | 0.1094 | -0.5312 | -6.9375 | -3.5312 | -0.695844 |
146,455 | Congrats to _USER_! Definitely a woman who moves the city and inspires us at JHG _URL_ | 1.25 | -0.0703 | 6 | 6.5 | 4.5312 | 4.5 | 2.7969 | 0.5938 | 6.75 | 7.375 | 1.620006 |
50,764 | U sure I told u to call me bac @ 11:11 | -0.4062 | 0.2812 | 0.3281 | 0.7656 | -0.2188 | 2.0625 | 0.1099 | -0.4219 | -5.0625 | 0.4844 | -0.014195 |
99,396 | RT _USER_: _USER_ Dont eat anything tooooooooooooooooooo fattening! LOL<===fried fish and onion rings aint too fattening right? | -0.9375 | 0.2656 | -1.4844 | 0.1992 | 0.0039 | -0.7383 | -0.0039 | -1.3984 | 4 | 4.1562 | -0.056603 |
107,541 | Not sleepng can impair as much as being drunk-dont drive if ur tired _URL_ via _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ | -1.0469 | -0.4609 | -4.0625 | -3.625 | -3 | 0.3867 | -1.0547 | -1.2422 | -5.875 | -1.7188 | -0.928746 |
This dataset contains sentiment analysis results for English tweets collected between September 2009 and January 2010. The tweets were processed and analyzed using 10 different sentiment classifiers, with the final sentiment score derived from principal component analysis (PCA).
Text normalization:
Language filtering:
Sentiment analysis:
Final sentiment score:
Training subset:
The following sentiment analysis models were used:
: A unique ID for each tweet (note: not the same IDs as the original dataset)text
: Original tweet text after processing*-sentiment
: Individual sentiment scores from 10 classifierssentiment
: Final sentiment score (PCA-derived)This dataset is suitable for:
The original tweets are from:
Z. Cheng, J. Caverlee, and K. Lee. You Are Where You Tweet: A Content-Based Approach to Geo-locating Twitter Users. In Proceeding of the 19th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Toronto, Oct 2010.
All other analyses performed are my own.