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172230 | envoy thirty seven eighty eight fly heading zero five zero descend and maintain three thousand |
82763 | airshuttle six thousand three turn left heading two seven zero speed one seven zero |
252627 | four thousand southwest fifty five oh nine |
28203 | point nine cair nine see ya |
426975 | air transit nine forty three atlanta center roger |
67448 | envoy thirty eight zero seven fly heading one six zero |
330723 | envoy thirty five thirteen albuquerque roger |
118431 | alaska four oh four thank you caution wake turbulence boeing seven five seven on an eight mile final wind two two zero at four runway two five left cleared to land |
254456 | ricks two thanks |
325298 | delta thirteen sixty two affirmative deviations left of course approved when you're cleared the weather cleared direct pockkets |
365113 | so long |
92061 | cleared visual three five left delta thirty one we'll let you know if we get any problems |
321350 | thanks for the heads up |
1289 | jetblue two eight eight turn right one eight zero |
399122 | down to flight level two four zero taca five thirty six |
308890 | three two eight five southwest eleven forty nine g'day |
165945 | jetblue eight forty two reduce speed two one zero |
294099 | southwest sixteen thirty two one thousand climbing three thousand |
41694 | delta thirteen sixty six contact departure |
76380 | bluestreak fifty twenty two charlotte approach roger expect runway three six correction one eight right |
371266 | maple seventy seven twenty five turn ten degrees left vectors traffic |
321327 | a b c aerolineas twenty nine forty after winslow clear direct peach springs that's as far as i can get you |
132697 | american eleven twelve contact new york departure see ya |
222791 | twenty eight point three niner zero victor thank you for your help good day |
286067 | southwest two eleven jetsa tower one three three nine see ya |
352701 | frontier six thirty seven affirmative |
334014 | air canada seven seven eight chicago center roger occasional some spots of continuous light chop in all altitudes in the thirties |
200098 | see ya |
113691 | speedbird two eighty three super what is your gate |
59908 | direct lewke twenty thirty five so long southwest ten fifty one |
131886 | laguardia tower good afternoon endeavor thirty eight seventeen is with you for runway four |
288494 | down to one point six jetblue eleven twenty one |
329924 | okay direct salina lindbergh forty five twenty four |
196033 | thanks alaska nineteen fifty nine |
23609 | november seven three niner tango charlie boise tower you ready |
422063 | flexjet four zero nine descend and maintain flight level two eight zero |
285607 | klm six zero one heavy i have you loud and clear how me |
384607 | kansas city center citation seven forty two out of nine for one five thousand |
307541 | ok two four zero for a vector across the localizer southwest fifteen forty seven are we going to be on a right base then |
367846 | frontier seven twenty fort worth center roger deviation left and right are both approved when able cleared direct ziggy |
12116 | american twelve fifty seven reduce speed to one seven zero |
53387 | one one eight seven at keeel volaris nine forty six good day |
183986 | cleared f m s bridge visual two eight right jetblue five seventy seven |
335362 | thirty four thirty two alaska twenty three thanks a lot |
255692 | empire five eleven appreciate it you're cleared visual one six right approach best practical forward speed as long as practical please |
361554 | jazz one zero two cleared direct cowboy |
36715 | attention all aircraft echo is current boston altimeter two niner six five |
230643 | november five six three papa uniform roger squawk four six four zero |
321569 | good afternoon jet card seventy level four one zero smooth |
285742 | four thousand southwest sixty one thirteen |
38055 | delta two thousand nine is radar contact runway heading to three i'll probably turn him to the left |
218008 | dot com sixty one twenty three palm beach tower runway one zero left continue traffic will be departing momentarily |
269061 | southwest nineteen nineteen contact burbank tower one one eight point seven |
373111 | etihad one six zero heavy moderate to extreme precip at you twelve o'clock to your two o'clock extends til about forty miles northeast of the brickyard v o r v h p and then keeping left on that heading should keep you north of the weather |
400380 | say again |
216181 | echo fox lima hold short one four nine charlie kilo |
423109 | twenty eight fifteen five alfa mike |
381121 | we'll advise three romeo whiskey thanks |
270077 | november niner three eight contact van nuys tower one one niner point three |
240286 | wisconsin forty one forty three reduce speed to one six zero contact washington tower |
141278 | speed one eighty waterski forty three forty seven |
154404 | nineteen three established united five seventy seven |
312604 | lifeflight three seven salt lake tower |
108691 | ok well wait for the southwest at echo then after him well taxi two four left via echo compass fifty six ninety one |
275454 | nineteen three flexjet five eighty six good day |
197416 | westjet seventeen seventy four thank you maintain visual separation turn left heading zero one zero |
118183 | okay we should be good |
339405 | cair sixty two cross utade at or above six thousand you're cleared for the i l s zulu approach to rutland the rutland altimeter is two niner niner niner |
387555 | fedex four twenty two kansas city center climb maintain flight level two three zero |
56831 | chicago approach sky hawk november two three three eight victor request |
330111 | american two eighty two american two eighty two radio check |
320434 | alaska six two five albuquerque center climb maintain flight level three two zero |
413492 | fedex thirty six zero nine contact new york center one three three point four seven |
285057 | present speed and descend to six thousand transport eighteen seventeen |
373687 | roger thank you |
164281 | dynasty five three two two heavy descend and maintain one six thousand altimeter is three zero zero eight |
122613 | american two fifteen heavy l a ground its gonna be runway two five right push back tail to the west on charlie informations echo |
235254 | brickyard thirty six oh seven tower's nineteen one |
186422 | yeah he's |
297926 | two five three five for four uniform zulu |
381022 | oh roger sky west seven four four victor |
115738 | point seven five |
112201 | cross two four left ground point six five redwood seventeen eighty |
132242 | left delta left bravo point seven endeavor thirty seven thirty eight |
262054 | skywest thirty four ninety seven contact approach one two eight point seven five |
2325 | spiritwings ten twenty eight turn left heading three six zero intercept runway three three left localizer |
43116 | tower delta twenty eight eighty three inbound visual four left |
107103 | abc aerolineas eight seven one wait for an airbus to pass behind and then push approved tail to the east runway two four left |
403083 | jetblue four twenty two contact miami center one three four point three five |
18250 | we'll make it a three fifty heading three five left cleared for takeoff southwest six fifty seven |
35212 | ups ten thirteen heavy runway two seven line up and wait traffic is landing runway three three left |
165121 | jetblue ten new york turn right heading zero four zero expect rnav r n p runway one three right approach |
191031 | united five eighty three norcal approach cleared f m s bridge visual runway two eight right approach |
424427 | center alaska six twenty six like to request three five zero please |
69304 | chicago american twenty three forty with you leveling at eleven |
32413 | cleared to cross four left at echo right on mike redwood three six seven |
132145 | cleared for takeoff three one brickyard sixty eighty six |
123336 | united twelve forty one l a ground runway two five right taxi now via bravo |
258018 | jet card one twenty five traffic departing boeing seven thirty seven now airborn |
49219 | direct sailz stay at six thousand southwest thirty eleven |
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