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OCR Receipts from Grocery Stores Text Detection - retail dataset

The Grocery Store Receipts Dataset is a collection of photos captured from various grocery store receipts. This dataset is specifically designed for tasks related to Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and is useful for retail.

๐Ÿ’ด For Commercial Usage: To discuss your requirements, learn about the price and buy the dataset, leave a request on TrainingData to buy the dataset

Each image in the dataset is accompanied by bounding box annotations, indicating the precise locations of specific text segments on the receipts. The text segments are categorized into four classes: item, store, date_time and total.

Dataset structure

  • images - contains of original images of receipts
  • boxes - includes bounding box labeling for the original images
  • annotations.xml - contains coordinates of the bounding boxes and detected text, created for the original photo

Data Format

Each image from images folder is accompanied by an XML-annotation in the annotations.xml file indicating the coordinates of the bounding boxes and detected text . For each point, the x and y coordinates are provided.


  • store - name of the grocery store
  • item - item in the receipt
  • date_time - date and time of the receipt
  • total - total price of the receipt

Text Detection in the Receipts might be made in accordance with your requirements.

๐Ÿ’ด Buy the Dataset: This is just an example of the data. Leave a request on to discuss your requirements, learn about the price and buy the dataset

TrainingData provides high-quality data annotation tailored to your needs

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keywords: receipts reading, retail dataset, consumer goods dataset, grocery store dataset, supermarket dataset, deep learning, retail store management, pre-labeled dataset, annotations, text detection, text recognition, optical character recognition, document text recognition, detecting text-lines, object detection, scanned documents, deep-text-recognition, text area detection, text extraction, images dataset, image-to-text, object detection

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