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BNL | 75666b8e-3f06-4150-9ec5-dd79890ef0b6 | MANE, TEKEL, PHARES. | german | paragraph |
BNL | 893cde61-c6e5-4720-88b9-d546f361ab2a | — Wie man Collecte macht, erzählt uns ein americanisches Blatt in folgenber Weise: „Der Reverend Fitzwharton ist wohlbestal ter Seelsorger einer größeren Gemeinbe in Faytttoille. Die Stabt treibt lebhaften Han» bel, bie Schäflein bes guten Hirten Fitzihar» ton ftnb grbßtentheils angesehene Kaufleut«. Aber in jüngst« Zeit ging das Geschäft schlecht, unb auch Fitzwharton meikt« dies
an dem Ertrage der monatlichen Collecte», aus benen bie Leioesnahrung ber Kiichendie» «er bestritten wirb. Was thut ber Reverend, ein so »smarter Yankee«, wie nur je einer in den alten Staaten groß geworben 1 Lr rebet nach der Piebigt bie Gemeinde an: »Einer von Tuch, meine Lieben, hat ohne Nennung seines Namens eine Frage an mich gerichtet, bie ich an dieser Stelle beantworten mbge. Er ist Kaufmann und wird wahrscheinlich bald falllicen müssen. Nun hatte er ftch vor» genammen, bei bel Collecte 5 Döllors zuge» ben. Jetzt steht er vor ber Gewisse asfrage: Soll er diesen seinen Vorsah ausführen, da die Gabe zwar der Kirche zu Gute kommt, ab« dann doch eigentlich seinen Gläubigern entzogen wild?—Ich antwortete ihm: Ne» halte die 5 Dollars und gieb wenig oder gar nichts zur Collecte, denn Vu hast lein Recht, Deinen Gläubigern jenen größeren Ve» trag zu entziehen. Und das rufe ich Euch Allen zu, meine Lieben, gebt gern reichlich, wenn Cutt Geschäft gut geht, aber opfert ein größeres CtNck Eild. wenn Ihr Euch in Venegenhüt befindet, das kdnnt Ihr vor Eurem Gewissen nicht verantworten« — Die nachher Collecle ist so brillant ausgefallen, Wie nie zuvor. Zwar war bieFrau Reverenb später so indiscret, einer guten Freundin anznvertrauen, baß die ganze Briefgeschichte eine Erfindung ihres Gemahls sei, und selbst» verständlich wußte balb darauf ganz Fayette» ville den Zusammenhang, aber die America» ner dachten gar nicht daran, ihrem Secl!«» ger ben schlauen »Trick" zu Gunsten her Gl» meindecasse übelzunehmen."
— D« Bifchof von Hil eshein. einer ber wenigen noch im Amte befindlichen preußi» schen Prälaten, ist im eben verflossenen Jahre zu 37,000 Mark Ctralgelbern verurtheilt worben.
Man schreibt bem .Reichsboten' „aus der Provinz: „Vor Jahresfrist ist in biesem Blatte über die traurigen kirchlichen Zustünbe in einzelnen Gegenden der Mark, besondns in der Nähe Berlins, berichtet worden. Im Laufe bichs Jahres ist nun in einem Pfarrorte von 2 bis 300 Seelen vorgekommen, daß die Got> tesdienste ganz aufhörten, well Niemand meh zur Kirche kam. Da hat sich denn der Pa< tron ins Mittel gelegt und allen seinen Leu» ten, TaglLhnern «. streng anbefohlen, jeden Sonntag zur Kirch: zu gehen. Lr läßt sogar durch ten Küster Absentenlisten führen und zieht jeden Montag diejenigen, welche gefehlt haben, zur Rechenschaft. Bemerkenswert!) ist hierbei, daß ber Pastor dem Protestanten» Verein angehört."
— Heber bie Folgen bei strengen Kälte, welche in diesem Monate in Rußland ge» herrlcht hat, gehen immer neue, betrübenbe Nachrichten aus bem Inneren«!«.So schreibt man dem .Birsh. Wed.' aus dem Ardatow'» schen Kieise de« Nifhuy'Nowzo ob'schen Gou» vernements: „Die harte Kälte, verbunden mit einem heftigen Winde, welche in diesem Gonoernement in ben letzten Tagen geherrscht hat, »ird wohl allen Bewohnern lange im Gedächtuiß bleiben. An verschiedenen Punkten des Kreises unb in Ardatow selbst find im Verlauf dieser Tage mehr als 30 Menschen dex Kälte zum Opfer gefallen, die nicht ge> rechnet, welche, vom Unwetter auf freiem Felde überrascht noch nicht aufgefunden wer» den konnten und wahrscheinlich eingeschneit sind. In den Vülfern haben die Leute stark van der Kälte gelitten, und nur Wenige sind von der Kälte geschont geblieben. In den Hospitälern der Landschiftm erscheinen tag» lich Leute mit erfrorenen Küipertheilen und Eilten um ärztliche Hülfe.
« '-Kürzlich lies durch bie Zeitungen die Notiz, daß bei vielen Irrfinnfällen der Ein» stuß bes rothen Lichtes äußerst wohlthätig wirkte und selbst Tobsüchtige, sobald sie in ein Zimmer gebracht worden waren, welches vollständig roth ausgemalt war, unb befsen Fenster mit rothen Glasscheiben versehen waren, sich sofort ganz auffallend beruhigten. De« bekannte Astronom ?. Secchi hat nun außerdem noch constatirt, biß bie violette Farbe des Lpectrüms einen außerorbentlichen günstigen «iinstuß auf die EntWickelung der Thiere nnb Pflanzen ausübe, insbesondere, daß Gemüfe, welche bem Einflüsse violetten Lichtes ausgesetzt sinb, mit außerordentlicher Schnelligkeit wachsen unb in il'ezug auf Qchlilät bie übrigen im Freien gepflin'.tm analnnen Gewächse weit übertreffen. Diese Notiz dürfte für Gärtner unb Treibhausbe» siher «. eine ganz besonbere Bedeutung er» halten.
— In einem Berliner Restaurant, befsen. Menu an Reichhaltigkeit hinter berjenigen ber Weinkarte nicht zurücksteht, erschien nach der „Tribüne" vor einigen Tagen durch mehrfache fatale Rencontres bekannt gewor» den« Prinz P. und ließ sich vom Kellner bie Speifelarte reichen. Nachbem er bieselbe überflogen, gab er sie mit den Wort m zu» | german | paragraph |
BNL | 8aa617a5-4a0f-4da9-bc53-5c9798672456 | On sait que les administrateurs de la Banque Hollandaise ont formé opposition au jugement du tribunal de commerce rendu par défaut, qui a prononcé la mise en faillite de cet établissement. L'affaire a été appelée hier et remise à quinzaine. | french | paragraph |
CASIA | b3b36a77-5ff5-4e42-ad2d-fc138dc285f6 | 走过三个不同功能的客厅,仿佛是从一个人的外表一步步走入其性
因此显得富有气势。 | chinese | page |
CASIA | 78ec72aa-4ef7-4d6d-b413-97a5c6331a9a | 如今的欧洲市场,不但银行放贷能力逐步减弱、工业产量
力倍增。过去5个月中,英镑兑欧元的比率已经下降约11% | chinese | page |
CASIA | eb7bfdef-d7f5-4c6b-bf17-104d3b2e1d21 | 刷医保卡可以体检了,这项惠民政策出台后,
体检项目。 | chinese | page |
CASIA | e619ddad-eb1e-407c-9581-6d0a0aa02159 | 万科集团在深圳新开的楼盘,价格就比同期的楼盘下跌了
住问题的实质。 | chinese | page |
CASIA | 1d8d12a0-107a-4270-89ad-03556c38cd38 | 根据《芝加哥太阳时报》的消息,公牛虽然在更换主教练后的6
勃兰说道。 | chinese | page |
CASIA | 8dff040c-4454-4bcc-9a6c-3c9af8a21f5c | 据介绍,由国家版权局、公安部、信息产业部联合开展的第三
案件 | chinese | page |
CASIA | 4e626c49-6ed2-46ea-9627-ae4e7dbd0594 | 备受观众期待的喜剧科幻大片《长江7号》将于本月31日公映,这部
狗,给生活增添了很多乐趣。 | chinese | page |
CASIA | 78b21078-818b-46da-b2df-5f1a7b51f7ab | 据介绍,由国家版权局、公安部、信息产业部联合开展
高的一起网络侵权盗版案件 | chinese | page |
CASIA | 909559cd-0142-4dc1-817f-767a8d04d621 | 沪苏浙高速公路江苏段日前正式建成通车,全线采用六车道
太湖公路新安枢纽。 | chinese | page |
CASIA | 2f0ecdae-3e5f-48e0-8470-bbd1624cf952 | 联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)表示:"虽然短期融资市场的压力稍微得到减轻,但
期,只是没有明确表态任何有关会议间歇期降息的时间表。 | chinese | page |
DAI-CRETDHI | a3eebdd6-adbc-4d24-81b4-59a1a528ca8f | an de grace 1713 le deuxieme octobre jay Henry Cornelis prestre vicaire de Monsie baptizet la fille de Nicolas Guillaume clautier Marie Lepinois sa femme marié ensemble ont a impose le nom de Elisabeth parin a esté Nicolas Lepinois clautier demeurant Monsie Saint Pierre et Elisabeth Hubert sa femme la marine
Lepinoy marque de Elisabeth Hubert | french | paragraph |
DAI-CRETDHI | 3c28db2c-7366-4c18-b156-e7df567e3466 | L'an mil sept cent soixante deux le quinzieme jour de decembre est décédé en cette paroisse Marie Elizabeth Pailla fille de Nicaise Pailla et de Jeanne Sommée agé de trois ans je Jean Baptiste Collery pretre curé de Bogny et Rimogne soussigné ay enterré et inhumée le lendemain seize dans le cimetiere de cette paroisse en presence de Guillaume Bourgeois de dudit Pailla ou nous l'avons conduit avec les ceremonies le jour et an susdits
Nicaise Pailla Collery curé G Bourgeois | french | paragraph |
DAI-CRETDHI | f40cac2e-4189-48b7-9067-e782e401a725 | Naissance de Marie Nicole Aguette
Aujourd'hui vingt six ventose an sept de la republique française une et indivisible, a onze heures du matin par devant moi Jean Chaineau agent municipal de la commune de Braux, canton de Monthermé, département des Ardennes, élu le vingt neuf nivose dernier pour recevoir les actes destinés à constater les naissances, mariages, divorces et décès des citioens, est comparu en la salle de la maison commune François Aguette cloutier agé de vingt deux ans domicilié dans laditte commune de Braux, lequel assisté de Jean Baptiste Moyer tisserand agé de cinquante quatre ans et de Jean Louis Destiveaux cloutier agé de quarante deux, tous deux demeurant audit Braux, a declaré à moi Jean Chaineau, que Marie Anne Vautrin agée de vingt sept ans son épouse en légitime mariage est accouché aujourd'hui à onze heures du matin dans sa maison rue de la glace d'une enfant femelle qu'il m'a presenté et à laquelle il a donné les prénoms de Marie Nicole d'après cette déclaration que les citoiens Jean Baptiste Moyer et Jean Louis Destiveaux ont certifié conforme à la vérité et la representation qui m'a été faite de l'enfant dénommé j'ai rédigé en vertu des pouvoirs qui me sont délégués le présent acte que François Aguette, père de l'enfant, et les deux témoins Jean Baptiste Moyer et Jean Louis Destiveaux ont signé, fait à Braux en la maison commun, les jour, mois et an cy dessus
JB Moyer Destiveaux Chaineau Haguette | french | paragraph |
DAI-CRETDHI | cfbc252b-7a83-49e4-8d61-67e7fbcbdf02 | d'Aiglemont ay baptisé la fille née d'aujourdhuy de Laurent Bourgain tailleur d'habits et de Genevieve Larcelet marie ensemble de cette paroisse a laquelle on a imposé les noms de Marie Joseph le parein a eté Joseph Gilquin cloutier et la mareinne Marie Larcelet son epouse et grande tante a l'enfant aussi de cette paroisse qui ont marque avec nous pour ne sçavoir ecrire ny signer lesdits jour, mois et an
marques des par. et m. Franquinet vic | french | paragraph |
DAI-CRETDHI | 578521dd-adfa-4b16-92bb-2ab8d2bce8b5 | Naissance de Jean Joseph Maillard
Aujourd'hui vingt sept ventose an sept de la republique française une et indivisible, a deux heures du matin par devant moi Jean Chaineau agent municipal de la commune de Braux, canton de Monthermé, département des Ardennes, élu le vingt neuf nivose dernier pour recevoir les actes destinés à constater les naissances, mariages, divorces et décès des citioens, est comparu en la salle de la maison commune Sebastien Maillard cloutier agé de trente six ans domicilié dans laditte commune de Braux, lequel assisté de Jean Baptiste Moyer tisserand agé de cinquante quatre ans et de Jean Louis Destiveaux cloutier agé de quarante deux, tous deux demeurant audit Braux, a declaré à moi Jean Chaineau, que Marie Josephe agée de trente cinq ans son épouse en légitime mariage est accouché aujourd'hui à deux heures du matin dans sa maison rue amysot d'un enfant mâle qu'il m'a presenté et à laquelle il a donné les prénoms de Jean Joseph d'après cette déclaration que les citoiens Jean Baptiste Moyer et Jean Louis Destiveaux ont certifié conforme à la vérité et la representation qui m'a été faite de l'enfant dénommé j'ai rédigé en vertu des pouvoirs qui me sont délégués le présent acte que Sebastien Maillard père de l'enfant, et les deux témoins Jean Baptiste Moyer et Jean Louis Destiveaux ont signé, fait à Braux en la maison commun, les jour, mois et an cy dessus
JB Noyer Destiveaux | french | paragraph |
DAI-CRETDHI | e0930f03-85d5-4ffa-8bee-f47db31a9374 | Mort de Jeanne Gernel le 20me janvier 1709
L'an mil sept cens et neuf le vingtiesme jour de janvier a esté decedée en cette paroisse Jeanne Gernel fille agée de cinquante trois ans et le lendemain a esté inhumée dans le cimetier de cette paroisse ou nous lavons conduit avec les ceremonies ordinnaires accoustumée en foi de quoy ai signé le jour que dessus
T. Thomas prb | french | paragraph |
DAI-CRETDHI | 0e7b9d9f-514e-41a2-9da4-c60bc009df0b | 1709
Bapteme de la fille de Evrard Colas le deuxième de janvier 1709
L'an mil sept cens et neuf le deuxieme jour de janvier je Mr Stenva pbre et curé de Gepunsard soubsigné ay baptisé la fille de Evrard Colas vuoicturier de sa vacation et Marie Millart sa femme ses perre et mere mariés ensemble a laquelle on a imposé le nom de Marie le parein a esté Nicolas Colas et la mareine Marie Gaucour sa femme de la paroisse de Rocheau fait le jour que dessus et ont signé et marquée
Marque de Marie Gaucour Nicolas Colas Stenva pbre | french | paragraph |
DAI-CRETDHI | 1e96cde7-6b02-47f2-b269-87543824738a | Bapt de Jean Jullien Henon
L'an de grace mil sept cens soizante seize le sept fevrier je soussigné Joseph Franquinet pretre vicaire d'Aiglemont ay baptisé le fils né d'aujourdhuy de Jean Henon cloutier et de Jeanne Delahaut mariés ensemble de cette paroisse | french | paragraph |
DAI-CRETDHI | 707d04b2-4f53-4275-b339-af1b7a8c0dc8 | mort d'Anne Michel Roger
L'an mil sept cens quarante le huitième jour du mois de mars, est décédée en cette paroisse Anne Michele Roger, âgée d'environ trente un ans vivante femme de Jean Baptiste Moreau meûnier laquelle à esté inhumée dans le cimetiere de cette paroisse ou nous l'avons conduit en terre avec les ceremonies accoûtumées de l'Eglise, les jour, et an, que dessus, en présence des temoins soussignez,
N Rogée Jean Baptiste Moreau Louis Rogee Moreau prêtre Hubert curé Anceaux | french | paragraph |
DAI-CRETDHI | 2a4859ab-51ec-4883-a5db-35685eba2787 | L'an 1687, le 21e jour du mois de janvier, je Thomas Gobelet curé de la paroisse de Mohon, soubssigné ay baptisé le fils de Jean Villier manouvrier et de Jeanne Gontier ses pere et mere marié ensemble et habitans de cette paroisse auquel on a imposé le nom de Gilles, le parin a etté Gilles Villier et la marraine Alexis Pecheux de cette paroisse.
Gille Viller Marque de + Alexis Pecheux Gobelet | french | paragraph |
DIY Social Justice | 61ba7afb-3d27-4b00-915a-75df233f8388 | Camp Neer Koswell Ju
Dear Father and Mother Sister it is with the gratest plesure that I Sat don to wright those fue lins to lat you know I am well and I hope those fue May find you the same I resev[ed] latter from you on the 22 July was glad to here from you that you was giting a long so well we giting a long well here know we garding the trane that belong to the 15 Army Corps and the Corps is a bout 20 Mils from here tha are fighting neer Atlanta tha are Close to it tha have som hard fighting thar those fue back last we hard that tha was mile and half from Atlanta tha was driving the rebes all the [way?] & i ges that the rebes will hafto give it up for long our men are driving them Somuch that [tha] will git tiard of it after w[hile] tha are lousing avre thing aney goud to them tha lost | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | 82312c85-3f11-4d48-a544-f40bd470546f | August 7.
I take a stroll out in the country, all quiet
I go down to Tilton and purchase some stationary
In camp near Tilton Ga" - Are paid off Received 2 months pay & $50. to Bounty | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | 80016d98-55aa-425d-abe9-ba2104cf1a41 | ore tha will have avre thing tha gout we git plenty to Eat plenty of swet potatos and plenty of fresh pork and Chckens to Eat So I think that we will Com out Safe Som time but I dont know whare it will be it may be way don neer Mobeal ore Som of them plasis; I will hafto Com to a Close it time for me to kook Super if you dont here from us dont be unesy about us we will write as often as we Can but I think that we wont git much Chance to write but you must write as often as you Can and I will try to do Same So give mine best respets to all the Frands that | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | 67b7c644-426e-4f7f-8e48-7e7df00b3c16 | no pretence of getting meals for us but we have to take turns and we only got 2 meals per day and very little then. We got into New York last night about 6 oclock and and laid up on a siding till this morning and then came on to Camp and the big army trucks helped us unload and now we are pretty near all straighted around by now. I wish you would have Dot get some good strong Khaki colored cloth and make me a bag about like our old stacking bag only a little smaller to carry my stuff in it, and put a draw string on the top and | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | 0c666cfd-309a-4843-ad69-d1f4e8398676 | intention of said club that we should bring nothing but our uniforms. It seems there are numerous young ladies who are desirous of "closer social relations with the officers of the garrison." or words to that effect and they want us to come and dance with 'em. I don't know how I'll break the news to Miss McC. as she seemed vastly pleased at the prospect of a nice large military ball at said club, not having been there for some time and it being one of the best clubs in the community. Guess I'll have to go anyway and meet some of the gay young things form the front families.
I found the poem I wrote you about. It's "The Power of the Dog," and I found it in a c collection of Kipling's poems. I copied it but don't find the envelope I wrote it on. You might not care for it but there's a lot of truth in it. "Why give your heart to a dog to tear?" When you come to think o it, why should we? Yet everybody does it!
It's lovely of you to be so good to me about the sox. Tell Miss Howarth that I am very happy at the prospect of having a pair of the fancy spiral ones made by your joint efforts.
The news about the department was most welcome. I'm glad you approve of Mr. W. He impressed me as a harmless affair that meant well. But, of course, I didn't really know him.
Tell people "howdy" for me. I rejoice with Dr. Marie in her large opportunity and sympathize with Hansen in his impatience. I too am watching the "Army & Navy Journal" every week to see if there are any nominations sent to the Senate. I'm 21 files from the top, you know and with the thousands of lieutenants hope it won't be long before I'm at the bottom of another set of files.
If I get that first lieutenancy before long I may come down, in spite of what I wrote yesterday, to show off my silver bars.
"Tattoo" has sounded. I haven't slept much for a week so I'll hie me off to slumberland.
May your dreams be pleasant and may you wake up some morning to find they've all come true.
Bob | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | 2fb73d2b-144d-4bd3-91bc-c0e516152b1d | PM 1/27/1919
Saturday night.
Honey, -
I love you.
There isn't another thing worth writing about. All day I've been thinking in the under-current of thought and feeling above which the workaday thoughts were passing of you - and longing for even a peep at you. It will not be long, I think, until I get my wish.
My lips are burning, girl dear, - and it's because your kisses are not on them to soothe. Some day soon! I love you my all.
Conger. | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | 98c25182-865f-4f0b-9efa-c2b166213093 | Army Air Base
Pocatello, Idaho
Dec. 31, 1943
Pocatello, Idaho
Dear Dad & Mom:
This is the last letter I'm going to write this year. [Won't be long?] and I'm in the army two years. Sometimes I wonder how things would be if this war hadn't come along.
I'm writing this letter perched up on a crew chief stand in the hanger and watching for air planes to come in. I have to work nights for a while now don't know just how many I will do but any is too many.
It's cold again tonight sure hope nothing is wrong which makes extra work. It's mean working in the cold night air.
Gally Caryls' baby does have an Irishy sounding name, wonder if she has red hair. Expect that would please Rosy for he is quite auburn. | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | b4345917-1476-4b38-94a9-35aaf5ba89bd | Aside from the principal achievement of wide community participation, these joint meetings resulted in a better program since many valuable additions were made at the suggestion of organizations other than the League.
Implementing the program
1) Distribution of material. Various agencies and business organizations were asked to distribute fliers. They submitted estimates of number of copies needed. Pamphlets were also needed for doctors' offices and beauty parlors, other material for information booths.
A survey of all avaioalble material was made, the League of Women Voters, 726 Jackson Place, Washington, D.C. and the National Committee on Atomic Information, 1749 L Street N.W., Washington, D. C. being the main sources although various magazines containing articles and reprints of same were included in master list. Quality of material was found to be excellent; the quantity was insufficient.
By supplementing available material with a leaflet written and printed locally, above requisits were filled but, in many cases, not adequately as to amount. With several city wide distributions, variety is, of course, a paramount necessity.
There were other valuable uses for printed material which were not pursued since the material was unavailable.
2) Displays and visual Divices
a) Window Displays. A letter from the Retail Bureau was sent to all stores urging cooperation in every way. The wife of a leading retailer was assigned the job of requesting window space from downtown merchants. A committee, composed of art teachers and others, designed and executed the windows with assistance from display men in larger stores. Chairman for Atomic Energy Week worked out the temes with the committee.
b) Atom Symbols painted on sidewalks. A group of Hi-Y boys were enlisted to do this job and permission from the city council was granted.
c) Posters. Very effrective, large posters were available from N. C. A. I. at no cost, but not in sufficient quantity. A small poster was locally designed and printed. This was not only used to supplement above quantitatively but was pasted over portion of large poster to localize it. It also proved useable in windows too small for large posters. It announced Atomic Energy Week, carried notice of mass meeting, and a central atomic energy symbol with the words, "Watch, Read, Listen, Think". A committee of ten women distributed posters, each being responsible for one district of the city.
d) Bus Cards. A business concern which leases advertising space on buses gave the space for over two weeks and paid for cards. They carried messages described above in similar manner.
3) Churches. Council of Churches and the League presented to County Ministerial Association the plan to include subject of atomic energy in all sermons and to announce mass meeting in bulletins. Plan enthusiastically received. Special supplement of the Washington Post on atomic energy was supplied all ministers. Members of League did same with priests of Catholic churches. Ministerial Association sent letter to all ministers in the county.
4) Street blackout. Permission readily granted by city safety department. Reserve Officers Association arranged with army to fly one or more planes over city free of charge. Group of men from Kiwanis procured and took charge of setting off "fire cracker bombs" in three districts of city. Six industrial plants offered to blow sirens.Airport manager agreed to synchronize various factors. Retail Bureau asked all merchants in main business district to turn out lights for five-minute duration.
5) Promotion of mass meeting included posters and bus cards, extensive newspaper and radio publicity, free tickets distributed at meetings and through mail by cooperating organizations, tickets given out by churches and high school. Downtown drug stores made tickets available. Farm Bureau mailed post card announcements to all members in county. Local flier distributed by dairies urged attendance. Announcement was included in county superintendant's letter to all county schools. School principals and editors in small towns surrounding Burlington were interviewed and asked to promote meeting.
6) Mass Meeting. Admiral Lewis Strauss was obtained as speaker | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | d336ba7c-1aff-4497-8451-0888e37e63f5 | Thursday, July 9, 1964
Not Afraid in Mississippi
Davenport civil rights worker Carole Gross revealed Wednesday that the Negro widow with whom she is living in Mississippi had previously put up for the night Medgar Evers and James Chaney.
Chaney is one of the three missing feared murdered civil rights workers whose car was found burned out in Mississippi two weeks ago.
Evers was the NAACP leader who was murdered in the driveway of his home in Jackson, Miss., by a gunman last summer.
"But we are not worried about our safety," said the 21-year-old Carole, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne gross, live at 717 Spaulding Blvd.
"There are so many FBI agents and other federal investigators around here now that it is scaring the white segregationists."
Carole is one of a 15 students who are helping to run a summer school for underprivileged Negro children in Harmony Community, near Carthage, Miss.
Also in her group is a former Davenporter, Anne Lindsay, 22, whose home is now in Evanston, Ill.
Carole telephoned the Times-Democrat Wednesday from Jackson, Miss., where she had gone for the day.
"We daren't call from Harmony," she said. "the only Negro in the district who has a phone has 10 whites sharing the party line and it would be rather precarious to try and talk openly on that line."
She said the local Ku Klux Klan burned a cross July 4 near the negro church where she and her volunteer group are conducting open air classes for 50 Negro children.
"they also scattered tacks on the road leading flat tires.
"We were anxious about all this at first but Harmony is so isolated from the whites around we don't worry that they will try to harm us.
"But they obviously hate us and they harrass us all they can and insult us if we go into Carthage."
Carole said the Negor women with whom she is living, has 11 children.
"She is desperately poor like all the Negroes around here. The house has no running water, and no toilet. In fact there isn't even an outhouse. But she is a wonderful women and she is one of the leaders of the Negroes in the area. That is why she had put up James Chaney and Medgar Evers."
Repair, Lose Schoolhouse
Carole said when her group arrived in Harmony they were told they could use a derelict old schoolhouse for their classes if they repaired it.
"They didn't think we would but the local Negroes were just wonderful and everyone turned out and we fixed it up nicely.
"So when the white officials saw what we had done they said it was county property and they turned us out. We tried to on their side and they evicted us last Saturday.
"They had watched all the time we were working to patch up that old schoolhouse that hadn't been used for six years. They waited until the moment we finished. "But it doesn't matter. The Negroes we are working with are wonderful people . "So now we have our classes under a tree in the churchyard."
Carole said one man has donated the land to build a little school.
Would Be Condemned
"We thought at first we could build it ourselves. That would have only about $1,100 and we might just have raised that I think.
Then we were warned the county would condemn it as against the building code. So if we want to build it we shall need $5,000 to hire a contractor. "If anyone at home wants to donate toward this they can send the money to the (Student Association for Racial Equality at the State University of Iowa.")
Carole said she and her group were harassed by Mississippi state police Wednesday when they tried to get state driving licenses. "They called us white niggers and all kinds of other insults and just looked for every excuse to be nasty. They found some reason not to give licenses to four of the six of us who asked. | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | 455da717-f3c8-46b3-8c80-fdbf5f0196ae | UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
Omaha, Nebraska
May 9, 1969
MAY 7-8, 1969
(b) (7) (D)
[ ] Iowa City, Iowa, furnished the following information on May 9, 1969.
Students at UI demonstrated on May 7-8, 1969, in protest of a proposed raise in tuition. The students who were protesting consisted of a broad coalition including Greek letter social organizations. On May 7 , 1969, where were small groups consisting of two or three students scattered about the campus carrying placards protesting the tuition raise and urging students to unite against it. These placards also called for a boycott of classes by students during the period May 7-8, 1969. The boycott was a failure and on May 7 and 8, 1969, more than 75 percent of students were attending class.
At noon on May 8, 1969, a student meeting was held in front of the administration building, UI, to discuss what action if any should be taken in the future. About three hundred students were present and during this meeting some unidentified students, both Negro and Caucasian, entered the administration building and broke two windows, upset some furniture in the outer office of the University president, did some damage to file cabinets, and also damaged the door to the president's inner office. These persons have not yet been identified, however, the matter is under investigation by the Campus Security Department. There is some indication that one of these persons was a non-student from Des Moines, Iowa. There is no indication that any of these persons were from outside the State of Iowa. No one who entered and damaged the administration building at UI has been positively identified. If identifications are made and sufficient evidence exists, local charges will be filed.
The evening of May 8, 1969, resulted in a vote being taken as to what action the students would take in the future on this issue and they voted overwhelmingly to discontinue the class boycott. They discussed possibilities of
1- USA, Des Moines, Iowa
1- MIG, Omaha
1- Secret Service, Omaha
1- OSI, Omaha
1- NIS. Chicago
1- Omaha (62-3056) - 5
(b) (7) (c) rjm (16) rjm | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | 7f3d98b5-c943-42a9-be2e-6a9abb2cdcf7 | editorial
There are many reasons why we felt a need to put out a paper in Iowa City. Until now there have been no underground or peoples papers in Iowa City. T here have only been the usual commercial town paper and the University paper. Neither can be trusted to function as a service for the people who read them. Both subscribe to the good journalistic "professionalism" thus being written for the people not by the people. Both are controlled by capitalist interests and concerns. Both, as most newspapers, display unmitigated sexism.
We also feel that there is a special need to increase communication between sisters in the Mid-West. Not only because this will make large actions possible and events better publicized but because we see the Mid-West as having particular problems and conditions with which we have to deal. Women in the mid-west with the exception of the few large urban areas, find themselves working in their city's only women's liberation group. There simply are not numbers enough to split along so many interest or political lines. Sometimes the organization itself is the only group within a radius of 50 miles or more. Unlike our sisters in Chicago or Detroit, who have large brown and black populations and proportionately large working class populations, most of us tend to work in groups that are campus based rather than community based. We find ourselves dealing with middle-class, university privilege and bourgeois mentality and find it difficult to gear our actions toward meeting the needs of the last first even though we are committed to do this. It is also difficult to find targets to attack as a big industry and media pigs tend to nest on the east or west coasts. We have no Grove Press here. Those us us working in the mid-west need to work out these problems together.
There are special reasons, however, why we needed a paper for and by women. All of us tend not only to be without confidence in this area but also without developed ability. We need to develop all kinds of abilities and know we have not been able to do this working jointly with men. We would tend to do mostly routine shit work even if this wasn't imposed on us. We would volunteer for it since we don't feel the confidence to volunteer for or do more statusy work. Even if the men we worked with were free from the male chauvinist pig mentality that has intimidated and humilated us all our lives, (this situation is pure fantasy at this stage of the game), we have been conditioned to play our subordinate role too well and have had too many experiences of seeing ourselves pitted against each other in some ridiculous, competitive way. And this would most likely happen since men, although some see the implications of women's liberation, tend to work in the same way using the same pig structures as before.
It is important to put out a newspaper in our own way - a collective way. We want no hierarchy of editor, assistants, staff, etc. All the people working on the paper should be involved in all decisions and policy. We want to maintain no "professional" standards. "Professionalism" has been used as an excuse for the educated elite to corner the market on knowledge and communication. We feel all women have something to say and can say it. Wee have been kept down by rigid structures forever. We don't want any part of them - even the top part. We want new structures that do not allow people to fall into leader/follower, boss/worker, powerful/powerless roles. We don't want to work in any situation in which we are oppressed or in any situation in which we do oppress.
Not only do we want to work collectively on the AIN'T I A WOMAN staff but would like to expand that kind of collectivity to all sisters in the mid-west. In addition to asking for articles we would like commitments from other WL groups in the mid-west to do their own page.
We hope that AIN'T I A WOMAN will serve as a forum of communication between women in the mid-west about ideas, actions, and events. This issue is mostly by and about Iowa City Women's Liberation Front - we hope that won't happen again.
Vickey Pat Debbie
Dale Linda Penny
Lori Carole Julie
Carol Anne Pat Sue
[Drawn image of person locked in stocks] hang ups
I can't write.
If I try to write something, no one will like it, but they'll be afraid to say so, so they'll print it anyway, and it will ruin the paper; they'll hate me and I'll feel awful.
Maybe I should just volunteer to type and paste up--no, just type: I don't know how to paste up.
What do we know about putting out a newspaper? Maybe other Mid-Western groups won't know much either so they won't know it's bad; but I bet they will know and think Iowa City is funky.
Maybe all the other sisters will know how to do stuff and I won't have to do anything, but I'll still feel bad.
Even if we make money, we'll probably lose it somehow.
The printer might screw us.
The male radicals, who all know how to write, will laugh.
I don't know how to draw and maybe no one else does either.
Maybe I'll ruin my film.
If I walk around taking pictures, everyone will think "that woman thinks she's really good" and I'll be bad and they'll laugh.
When we finish laying out our first issue, I'll spill coffee on it.
♀ ♀ ♀
You can contribute by sending us articles, reviews, opinions, rages, etc. You can also contribute by committing your women's liberation group to a page, either in each issue or in every other issue. This kind of commitment is the best way to make a mid-west paper of AIN'T I A WOMAN? The page can be articles (or any kind of printed material), pictures, drawings, cartoons, poems, etc. Fill it; its yours! Write if your group is interested. We'll send you details, deadlines, etc.
If your group wants to receive bundles of AIN"T I A WOMAN, send 15¢ per copy (minimum bundle: 20 copies) in advance.
ADDRESS ________
24 issues $4.00
AIN'T I A WOMAN? is published on the second and fourth Fridays of each month by the Publications Collective of the Iowa City Women's Liberation Front, 301 Jefferson Bldg., Iowa City 52240
2 June 26, 1970 [Arm image] Ain't I | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | 3100a6e9-2c2b-462b-84f8-a96deaf2f1b5 | Beautiful Life
An interracial, interfaith service
Sunday - November 1, 1970 7 p.m.
Bethel A.M.E. Church - Davenport
Rev. Amos T. Chester, Pastor
Purpose: To give recognition and honor to "a beautiful life" through the support of an important church project.
All proceeds above expenses will be applied to a mortgage on Bethel personage.
A printed program will be prepared. It will include the order of service, and a financial statement listing contributors and the amount of same-plus expenditures.
Cards should be sent to Betty F. Oney, 1325 Eastern-Dav. 52803.
Treasurer is Marilyn Cribs - 1810 E. 13th
Other committee members include -
Connie Overton Grace Buckner
Jo Ann Dixon Vernell Perkins | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | 32eef856-b0f8-4186-88fe-cac482f664a7 | Drum Beats by Lucas Castillo
Hello my fellow Chicano wherever you may be. I invite you to place your right hand over your heart So you can perceive the throbs of your heart. Long ago those same throbs used to rhyme with the drum beats of the cultural peoples of the forest -- Our Ancestors. We must stop running away from our selves. In order to stop running we have to concentrate all our attention on reading as many history books as we can get, especially pre Columbian history. I recommend that you read the books of the three cultures new world. The Inca, Maya and Aztec. The great triangle of wisdom in its time, great among the great. The vibrations of drum beats in time will tear the veil that conceals the altar and glories of the aboriginal Chicanos. Our Eagle will soar on to the blue yonder when ever we take the determination to face the Challenge. Gentleman this is the time of the year when the ringing bells and glow of the lights brings the Christian world to its sense of humility and every body with reverence bow their heads before the manger and that way all of us pay tribute to the humble of the globe. The great philosophical lesson of the ages that go ignored most of the year. Todo por la Raza.
Al fin decedi escribi algo en Español Alusivo a la estacion del Año
Vuelta | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | eb848ad2-debc-4d61-8f42-a78516a67b5d | Copy
Mississippi Project
P.O Box 1684
Jackson, Ms. 39205
August 1, 1978
Eloise Martzahn
Churches United
639 - 38th At.
Rock Island, Ill. 61201
Dear Eloise:
I was thrilled when Cecile called me the other night and said that you all had had another Ice Creas Social. It has been about 14 years now. That link with the Quad Cities means a lot to me, as the general linkage means much to all who struggle for dignity and justice.
Some of the struggles are so long. We have been working on the Reapportionment to gain adequate representation of Black Citizens since 1965 when the first law suit was filed. This week, we are waiting on another in a series of Judicial orders that are still short of the "final" order in the case. Our hopes are still high. Similarly, this month for the first time in over 10 years people have gotten an increase in welfare payments, although the upper limit for a family of four remains at $120 per month (and many will be excluded from that maximum).
I expect to spend most of my time this Fall working on school problems, principly the implimentation of the Handicapped law. We still have many children excluded from school because of their handicap and a number of children over-classified and stigmatized through the labelling of them as retarded. With the opening of school will come other related problems ranging from school discipline with racial intent to dealing with the hundreds of children who don't have the proper immun-ization records to be admitted to school. we are also trying to work toward equalizing school expenditures so that the children in the predominantly black and poor districts don't get short-charged and to block some of the discriminatory testing that is used to track children into a dead end. these will be legislative priorities for January.
I want to personally thank you and the others for working hard to keep the faith with the poor and oppressed here in Mississippi. My best to you all in your work.
[actuate signature]
Rims Barber
cc: Cecile Cooper
National Office: 1520 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 (202) 483-1470 | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | 422dfc62-6d60-4d16-a017-e5eacf2411ba | Date: April 21, 1988
To: Ms. Virgina Harper
From: Cyndy
Re: Bill on Affirmative Action Standard
Hi Virginia,
Please find enclosed information relevant to the affirmative action efforts from state legislators -
It was really a pleasure speaking with you - There're times when I really wander about the impact these types of efforts will have on those who really make the decisions. But I have no choice but to keep striving for that goal of fairness and justice. My battle here is drawing to a close. It has been a very demanding and yet enlightening experience.
Take care,
P.S. Remember Burlington - May 3 - | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | 48e52f74-a36f-40eb-972e-4a20284d3e6b | beautiful race, but was forced back to seventh at the finish.
Poor old New York labored consistently in the ruck, sloshing back and forth from ninth place to eleventh and finally ending up in ninth, darned glad not to be a tailender. Loan "racing experts" assert that New York was too heavily handicapped at the outset with her $900,000,000 quota to show her best form.
The final score at midnight Saturday, with returns still coming in, shows that the Minneapolis Federal Reserve district is first with 33 per cent oversubscribed, St. Louis second with 33 per cent, Kansas City third with 25, Boston fourth with 13, Philadelphia and Chicago fifth and sixth with 10 each, Dallas seventh with five, and San Francisco eighth with two. New York is ninth with its percentage undetermined, and Richmond, Cleveland and Atlanta come next in order named, all three claiming oversubscriptions.
NEW YORK, May 9. --Admirers of the well-known and popular human form are greatly cheered by the growing mass of news about women swimmers challenging back and forth across the continent, promising a gorgeous mermaid season calculated to out-Annette Annette at her mightiest. Among the female of the species, the one-piece suit promises to be as popular this summer as the issue O.D. is among the male.
Added to that, the admirers of the w.-k. and p. human form had a real treat out in California when 200 Golden West girls started and 148 finished in a seven mile road race near 'Frisco.
Lieull A. Smith
REGIMENT | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | ccb63077-4397-4ec3-a5de-58c98d8da4e8 | continue of 3-16-69 sun
Grape Boycott-Report Mr. Terronez
Mon Mar 31, LULAC Club Place;
sent-10000to U.F.W. 10000to Q-C-Boycott com in bank St. Ambrose student union Donation; New Members Report. 7 members as of march 16, Good and Welfare Mass for Jim mother $5.00 last Sunday Mar. 9, Card for Carol [Varcas?] card for Alfonso Aguilar.
Childrens Fund Steve [Lamitia?] Jr. 26.00 clothing 27.33 spent
Jan. 17 Steve Frutos case Union-Company meeting Mar. 18, Mar 19, 7:30 P.M. Davenport Library Wed. Scott County Volunteer Group Aurora to attend. U.S.C. meeting 12:00 noon John to attend Awards for last year.
April 12 Midwest Conference Dav. Black Hawk 5 states
Support Support migrant bill health 317 House Dile House File: 146 Senate File 110 not knowing hiring 10 years child to work in migrant fields house File 196. Low cost housing Senate File 320 Education teachings specify --- Group Mexican-American John to go to Des Moines. Wed. leave Tues night. Ray Rangel nominating chairman to council #10 officers next month April 20, 1969 | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | 8bd5d987-4700-42b2-bb03-d77452e6fb31 | 3
anything precious that they have in possession. Correct me if I am wrong. Someday I am hoping there will exist upon this earth an everlasting peace. Of course it is an "Utopia" now, but I think some day it will become a reality. Mark my word.
Are you producing any more plays? I hope you are. At the present the stage play is "Corn is Green" starring Ethel Barrymore is playing in Minneapolis. It is the current hit they tell me. I am contemplating on seeing it. Hope you were here so that I could take you to it. Maybe next time | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | 43e6ecaa-65db-4b74-b734-310b15829f7d | 26
Oct 17 Dubuque Co. Iowa
where dinner was
served to us by the
Hardin Co. Company
there are 475 men
in camp but none
of the Companies is as
full but ours.
we received one
small Blanket
apeice. The shed
that our company
ocupy hold all our
company tho
allamakes boys got here
one day before us | english | page |
DIY Social Justice | 13f68eaa-dbec-403e-8573-d879172d6a80 | ate from a box with a piece of pasteboard. Water impossible to get so drank wine more in that day than in my whole life before - disgusting stuff - Had coffee several times served by canteen workers. Everywhere were soldiers and camps and sad, sad, faces. At Paris no one met us through some error and it was 2 A.M. before we left the Gane du Nord. in ambulances.
Aug. 15th Thurs-
Our ambulance broke down and we were put in another the driver of which did not know the way so it was almost 4:00 when we reached the Hotel Regina - How good the bed seemed. Had breakfast in the open dining room and went with Miss Agnew to see about transportation and a little sight seeing. This is across the street from the Louvre which is closed and banked with sand bags in many places - Most of the wonderful statues around this beautiful city were covered with sand bags. Went to see the R.J.O. then for a walk and spent the P.M. "seeing" Paris Notre Dame - Napoleon's Tomb etc etc - Found ice cream. Called at the Rue Gallilee to see Faith but she had left Paris only 5 days before. Did some shopping altho' most of the shops were closed. Early to bed but we were roused by the "alert" and took to the cellar. Paris however escaped this time and a smaller town was bombed instead. After several hours below - we went back to bed and got up at 5 to finnish our trip.
Aug. 16 -
A hot hot day through vine yards and at last we arrived at the little stations of Mars. For some distance we could see the camp where we were to be stationed on the hill top. We were given a | english | page |
Finlam | 578ba8d9-03be-4de2-970a-c5c90b7f29d7 | GENERAL ZURLINDEN : Mes Souvenirs depuis la Guerre (1870-1901). — Le général Zurlinden, qui fut deux fois ministre de la guerre, en 1895 et en 1898, commandant du 15e corps d'armée, enfin gouverneur de Paris, rappelle dans cet ouvrage les faits historiques, grands ou petits, auxquels il s'est trouvé mêlé, bien malgré lui, car, soldat et rien que soldat, il ne s'est jamais abaissé au rôle de militaire politicien et, pour son compte, dans la mesure de ses moyens, il s'est toujours efforcé de combattre l'intrusion de la politique dans l'armée.
On trouvera dans ces Souvenirs nombre de détails, qui seront précieux aux historiens, sur l'expédition de Madagascar, la présidence de Félix Faure, son voyage dans les Alpes et les incidents qui marquèrent ses funérailles, la présidence de M. Emile Loubet, les bagarres d'Auteuil et de Longchamps, le ministère Waldeck-Rousseau-Galliffet, la Haute-Cour et surtout l'Affaire. Le général Zurlinden, mémorialiste sincère, dit franchement ce qu'il a fait, ce qu'il a vu, ce qu'il sait, apporte sur certains points obscurs de l'histoire contemporaine un témoignage précis et direct, rétablit la vérité altérée par l'esprit de parti et dissipe des légendes que la passion politique a créées, comme, par exemple, celle de l'attitude hostile et antirépublicaine que l'armée aurait eue quand M. Loubet, élu président de la République, entra dans Paris. On se rappelle que les officiers de l'escorte furent accusés par les journaux et les politiciens du Bloc d'avoir systématiquement laissé insulter le président par la population parisienne. Or, voici, d'après le général Zurlinden, qui était alors gouverneur militaire de Paris, ce qui se passa : | french | paragraph |
Finlam | 025d8e8b-d9d7-436a-b2f3-475571edb3d0 | — Vous ne comprenez rien à ma joie, monsieur le chevalier, dit-il ensuite. Les privautés que je me permets sont monstrueuses, et si vous aviez sous la main un cordon de sonnette, vous appelleriez vos domestiques pour faire jeter votre fermier dehors! Veuillez m'excuser, c'est un transport dont je ne suis pas maître; il va passer. C'est qu'aussi je suis bien heureux ! A mon âge, il est prudent de jouir du bonheur aussitôt qu'il frappe à la porte, on n'a pas le temps de courir après lui. Je me sens mieux... Dans un instant, je serai à peu près raisonnable. Encore un peu peu d'indulgence. Mon cœur est bon, mes intentions sont excellentes, mais j'ai le malheur de manquer de formes; je pèche par l'éducation première. Que voulez-vous, je n'en ai jamais eu, ayant été élevé par des paysans, ce qui ne vous étonnera pas, je suppose. Je ne suis pourtant pas né sur un tas de fumier. C'est dans un beau château que j'ai reçu le jour, et nullement dans une chambre de domestique, je vous prie de le croire. C'était au moment de la Terreur ; mon père
1) Voir les numéros du 4 octobre au 12 novembre. | french | paragraph |
Finlam | a8a35ca7-bb99-4a9b-92f1-fe9f9f4808b8 | Great Eastern 121 1/4 121 3/8
Great Northern Consolidated A 52 53
Great Northern Converted Pref 120 1/2 120 1/2
Great Northern Converted Def 55 1/4 55 1/4
Great Western 165 3/4 165 3/4
London and Brighton Ordinary 188 188
London and Brighton Deferred 177 177
London, Chatham and Dover Ord 22 1/4 22 1/2
London, Chat. & Dover 4 1/2 p.c.Pref 138 138
London and North-Western 199 3/4 199 3/4
London and South-Western 228 228
Metropolitan 131 131
District 29 29
Midland 88 3/4 88 3/4
South-Eastern Ordinary 153 153
South-Eastern Deferred 113 5/8 114 3/8
Caledonian Ord 159 159
Caledonian Def 57 3/4 57 3/4
Imperial Ottoman Bank 12 3/8 12 3/8
Suez Canal Shares 147 147
Empire (15s. paid) 5 1/4 5 1/4
Guinness & Co 600 600
S. Allsopp and Sons Ordinary 153 153
Peruvian Corp. Ord 2 3/4 2 3/4
Peruvian Corp. Pref 9 1/2 9 1/2
Peruvian Corp. Deb 40 1/2 40 1/2
Nitrate Railway 5 3/8 5 3/8 | english | paragraph |
Finlam | d6c4058d-ac91-4d45-ab4e-a20921862133 | M. Isidore Bonnefoy, adjudant de la Légion Etrangère en retraite, médaillé militaire, Mme Isidore Bonnefoy et leurs enfants, de l'Oued-Imbert ; M. et Mme Emile Dony, née Bonnefoy, et leurs enfants, de Sétif ; M. et Mme Louis Benoit, née Bonnefoy et leur enfant, de Philippeville ; Mme Vve Dony, de Sétif ; M. et Mme Jules Dony et leur enfant, de Sétif ; M. Eugène Dony, de Sétif ; M. et Mme Jean Levrot et leurs enfants, de Sétif ; les familles Vauclaire, de Belfort ; Cartier, Wetzel, Foissac et Benoit,
Ont la douleur de faire part à leurs amis et connaissances de la perte cruelle qu'ils viennent d'éprouver en la personne de | french | paragraph |
Finlam | 22e5bae5-0e72-49c7-b56a-12e4dfd27b31 | AVIS. - MM. Abensour père et fils, négociants à Saïda, informent le public que M. Abraham Azancot ne fait plus partie de leur personnel depuis le 10 courant. Ils ne reconnaîtront aucune commande faite par ce dernier pour leur compte, ni aucune créance qui aurait été encaissée par lui. | french | paragraph |
Finlam | be4913d0-648a-44e7-9769-f88c3d0ec484 | Et Planat de la Faye ajoute : « J'en pourrais dire autant de cinquante officiers et sous-officiers que j'ai connus et dont la plupart vivent encore. Il va sans dire que c'étaient des hommes énergiques, soigneux de se conserver, tandis que ceux qui ne possédaient pas ces qualités périssaient comme des mouches. » | french | paragraph |
Finlam | bf20e5c9-436e-4e36-9bf1-ad930d7d38c6 | Le conseil s'est, en réalité, résigné à accorder ces avances pour des motifs entièrement étrangers à de telles préoccupations et puisés dans la considération exclusive de l'intérêt général. Pour la part de beaucoup la plus forte, elles lui ont été demandées d'abord au lendemain de la réoccupation de la Rhénanie, en vue de faire face à de très urgents besoins concernant la défense nationale, ensuite pour permettre d'assurer le paiement des dépenses publiques pendant toute la période des élections. En présence des difficultés particulièrement graves que rencontrait, dans ces circonstances, la collectivité nationale, le conseil général n'a pas cru devoir opposer au gouvernement de l'époque un refus qui eût entraîné la fermeture des caisses publiques. Le gouvernement d'aujourd'hui est d'autant moins fondé à lui reprocher cette attitude et à la taxer de partialité politique que pour assurer le fonctionnement des administrations et services durant le mois de juin, il a sollicité l'octroi des mêmes facilités, qui lui ont été accordées sans hésitation pour les mêmes considérations d'intérêt général. | french | paragraph |
Finlam | 943dee3e-37c4-4ab0-8690-093265c255c3 | Banq. Indochine 1.770 » - 15 »
Energ. Ind. 94 » - 1 50
F. M. Haut-Rhin 177 » - 8 »
Havr. d'En. cap. 610 » - Inch.
Fusion des Gaz 525 » - 5 »
Longwy 154 » + 4 »
Louvroil et Recq. 751 » + 1 »
Senelle Maubeuge 280 » + 1 »
Charb. Tonkin. 1.690 » + 40 »
Aniche 610 » + 20 »
Guergour act. 460 » Inch. »
Kali Ste-Thérèse 428 » + 23 »
Bras. Quilmès 2.515 » + 33 »
Saint-Raphaël 4.485 » + 35 »
Poliet Chausson 195 » + 5 »
Ag. Havas 658 » - 2 »
Libr. Hachette 1.498 » + 43 »
Prod. Lion Noir 660 » + 23» | french | paragraph |
Finlam | 941e2e59-1235-4925-8da2-7e92bdc8f4a7 | Les nombreux exemples d'espionnage japonais constatés et réprimés par les Russes, depuis le début des hostilités, ont réveillé les soupçons, trop légitimes, de l'opinion indo-chinoise. On sait parfaitement, au Tonkin et en Cochinchine, que le Japon expédie, sous tous les prétextes, des officiers d'état-major en missions secrètes dans nos territoires militaires et sur nos côtes. Au Congrès des Orientalistes, qui se tint à Hanoï en novembre dernier, le gouvernement général connaissait si bien le véritable rôle d'un délégué japonais, qu'un lieutenant lui fut positivement attaché, qui l'accompagna cordialement à Langson et dans toutes ses excursions, par hasard localisées en territoire militaire. | french | paragraph |
Finlam | 930f42ae-fbb8-4b49-946e-ca8355c3e2f5 | La musique est l'œuvre d'un jeune compositeur qui s'était déjà fait remarquer par une grande symphonie intitulée : La Tentation de Saint-Antoine dont on avait généralement apprécié le merite. Dans ce petit cadre, M. Josse n'a pas pu donner suffisamment toute la mesure de son talent, car le savoir du compositeur se révèle surtout dans les ensembles, les chœurs, les finales et dans tous ces morceaux importants où l'action se développe et se combine pour produire des effets compliqués. Mais il a pu cependant prouver qu'il avait le sentiment mélodique, le goût et l'instinct des effets de la science. La plupart de ses airs sont charmants, et on peut sans crainte presager un plus grand succès encore à M. Josse, le jour où il pourra traiter un ouvrage plus largement coupé. | french | paragraph |
HORAE | f989a01a-312c-48a0-a0fb-2789050dc28b | ihesum christum dulcissimum filium tuum ante crucem nuda tum vidisti in ipsa levatum penden tem crucifixum vulneratum sicientem a penis clamantem audisti et morientem vidisti Et per quinque vulnera eiusdem filii tui et per contractionem membrorum et vi scerum suorum pre nimio dolore vulnerum et per dolorem quem habuisti quando vidisti ipsum vulnerari Et per fontes sangui nis sui et lacrimarum tuarum Et per omnem dolorem cordis tui
Ut cum omnibus sanctis et ele ctis dei venias et festines in au xilium et consilium meum In omnibus orationibus et requestis meis In omnibus angustiis et neces sitatibus meis In omnibus illis rebus in quibus ego sum facturus loquuturus aut cogitaturus omnibus diebus ac noctibus horis atque momentis vite me e Et michi impetres a dilecto filio tuo complementum tocius boni omni consolatione et misericordia omni consilio auxilio et adiu | latin | page |
HORAE | 91de9d91-0550-4a36-b4da-38ad8e786881 | dei firmiter tenere et credere me fa ciat et a septem peccatis criminali bus me liberet et deffendat usque in finem Et in novissimis diebus meis ostende michi faciem tuam beatam et annuncies michi diem et horam obitus mei Et hanc o rationem supplicem et exaudias et vitam eternam michi tribuas Audi et exaudi me dulcissima maria mater dei et misericordie Amen | latin | page |
HORAE | d5096730-8826-4167-8782-0425a9699842 | Domine ne in furore tuo arguas me neque in ira tua corripias me. Miserere mei Domine quoniam infirmus sum sana me Domine quoniam conturbata sunt ossa mea Et anima mea turbata est valde et tu Domine usquequo ? Convertere Domine et eripe animam meam salvum me fac propter misericordiam tuam. Quoniam non est in morte qui memor sit tui in inferno autem quis confitebitur tibi ? Laboravi in gemitu meo lavabo per singulas noctes lectum meum lacrimis meis stratum meum rigabo Turbatus est a furore oculus meus inveteravi inter omnes inimicos meos Discedite a me omnes qui operamini iniquitatem quoniam exaudivit Dominus vocem fletus mei. | latin | page |
HORAE | 2784d8fb-09fd-4f34-b0b2-9a98907b3601 | tui non deficient. Filii servorum tuorum habitabunt et semen eorum in seculum dirigetur. De profundis clamavi ad te Domine Domine exaudi vocem meam. Fiant aures tue intendentes in vocem deprecationis mee. Si iniquitates observaveris Domine Domine quis sustinebit ? Quia apud te propitiatio est et propter legem tuam sustinui te Domine. Sustinuit anima mea in verbo eius speravit anima mea in Domino. A custodia matutina usque ad noctem speret Israel in Domino. Quia apud Dominum misericordia et copiosa apud eum redemptio.
Et ipse redimet Israel ex omnibus iniquitatibus eius. Domine exaudi orationem meam auribus percipe obsecrationem meam in veritate tua exaudi me in tua iustitia. Et non intres in iudicium cum servo tuo quia non iustificabitur in conspectu tuo omnis vivens. Quia persecutus est inimicus animam meam humiliavit in terra vitam meam. Collocavit me in obscuris sicut mortuos seculi et anxiatus est super me spiritus meus in me turbatum est cor meum. Memor fui dierum antiquorum meditatus sum in omnibus operibus tuis in factis manuum tuarum | latin | page |
HORAE | abe64e83-38fd-483a-9b85-749a6e8b9d00 | ni clamantem eloy et morientem vidisti Et per quinque vulnera filii tui Et per contractionem viscerum suorum pre nimio dolore vulnerum Et per dolorem quam habuisti quando vidisti eum vulnerari Et per fontes sanguinis sui Et per om nem passionem eius Et per dolo rem cordis tui Et per fontes la crimarum tuarum ut cum sanctis et electis tuis dei tecum esse merear Veni et festina in auxilium et con silium meum in omnibus orationi bus et requestis meis in omnibus neccessitatibus et angustiis meis eciam in omnibus illis rebus in quibus | latin | page |
HORAE | 7c47554c-d863-4d56-8c43-99f2f19725db | bsecro te domina sancta maria mater dei pietate plenissima | latin | page |
HORAE | b6cf68db-3d37-4b53-93c2-9d87cba1d7ae | me Domine quoniam conturbata sunt ossa mea Et anima mea turbata est valde et tu Domine usquequo Convertere Domine et eripe animam meam salvum me fac propter misericordiam tuam. Quoniam non est in morte qui memor sit tui in inferno autem quis confitebitur tibi Laboravi in gemitu meo lavabo per singulas noctes lectum meum lacrimis meis stratum meum rigabo Turbatus est a furore oculus meus inveteravi inter omnes inimicos meos Discedite a me omnes qui operamini iniquitatem quoniam exaudivit Dominus vocem fletus mei. Exaudivit Dominus deprecationem meam Dominus orationem meam suscepit. Erubescant et conturbentur vehementer omnes inimici mei convertantur et erubescant valde velociter. Beati quorum remisse sunt iniquitates et quorum tecta sunt peccata. Beatus vir cui non imputabit Dominus peccatum nec est in spiritu eius dolus
eius dolus. Quoniam tacui inveteraverunt ossa mea dum clamarem tota die. Quoniam die ac nocte gravata est super me manus tua conversus sum in erumna mea dum configitur spina. Delictum meum cognitum tibi feci et iniustitiam meam non abscondi. Dixi confitebor adversum me iniustitiam meam Domino et tu remisisti iniquitatem peccati mei. Pro hac orabit ad te omnis sanctus in tempore opportuno. Verumtamen in diluvio aquarum multarum ad eum non approximabunt. Tu es refugium meum a tribulatione que circumdedit me exultatio mea erue me a circumdantibus me. Intellectum tibi dabo et instruam te in via hac qua gradieris firmabo super te oculos meos. Nolite fieri sicut equus et mulus quibus non est intellectus. In camo et freno maxillas eorum constringe qui non approximant ad te. Multa flagella peccatoris sperantem autem in Domino misericordia | latin | page |
HORAE | 5e7acb38-ac18-44a6-bbfe-0112ce2ea17f | bsecro te domina sancta maria mater dei pieta plenissima sum | latin | page |
HORAE | c12eeeaa-89f3-4615-9a39-90d9808a728b | eorum constringe qui non approximant ad te. Multa flagella peccatoris sperantem autem in Domino misericordia circumdabit. Letamini in Domino et exultate iusti et gloriamini omnes recti corde. Domine ne in furore tuo arguas neque in ira tua corripias me. Quoniam sagitte tue infixe sunt mihi et confirmasti super me manum tuam. Non est sanitas in carne mea a facie ire tue non est pax ossibus meis a facie peccatorum meorum. Quoniam iniquitates mee supergresse sunt caput meum et sicut onus grave gravate sunt super me. Putruerunt et corrupte sunt cicatrices mee a facie insipientie mee. Miser factus sum et curvatus sum usque in finem tota die contristatus ingrediebar. Quoniam lumbi mei impleti sunt illusionibus et non est sanitas in carne mea. Afflictus sum et humiliatus sum nimis rugiebam a gemitu cordis mei. Domine ante te omne desiderium meum et gemitus meus a te non est absconditus. Cor meum conturbatum est, dereliquit me virtus mea et lumen oculorum meorum et ipsum non est mecum. Amici mei et proximi mei adversum me appropinquaverunt et steterunt. Et qui iuxta me erant de | latin | page |
HORAE | 165fa529-06d9-4070-a05e-aa3d10694ff6 | Summi regis filia mater glori osissima mater orphanorum con solatio desolatorum via errancium salus in te sperancium Virgo ante partum virgo impartu virgo post partum Fons misericordie fons salutis et gratie fons pietatis et leticie fons con solationis et indulgencie Per illam san ctam ineffabilem leticiam qua exul tavit spiritus tuus in illa hora quando tibi per gabrielem archangelum annunci atus et conceptus filius dei fuit Et per illud divinum misterium quod tunc operatus est spiritus sanctus Et per illam | latin | page |
IAM | 6abe7838-6ee5-4e1e-9f69-8d715d6750f9 | ' Impressive , ' Lord Undertone said , gazing reverently
on the cosmic handiwork . ' All those stars . But I 'm
a bit earthbound tonight , Trout . I 've got a queer
feeling , like I always get when something
sensational 's going to happen . There 's things lurking
if you ask me . Might be jaguar , might be ...
head-shrinkers . | english | paragraph |
IAM | 645f9d3d-8152-4f6c-aeba-066e6e170a38 | " I made it myself , " Gay tried to speak
normally . | english | paragraph |
IAM | 61b77891-fb53-4893-95de-602e739f2c3e | " Then we are saved , " cried the Rev. Edwards .
Shyly , Morfydd Owen produced a block of
chocolate . | english | paragraph |
IAM | bde254dc-5097-4a01-b694-d27f79e4530e | " And then we 'll go for a stroll along the
beach . A moon like this mustn't be wasted . "
He gestured towards the bay where the full
moon was just rising over the rocks , then
laid his hand on hers . Gay smiled at him
again , happy beyond belief , knowing that
now Gavin was in love with her and her
only , yet remembering for a second the
kisses she had seen him giving Elaine . | english | paragraph |
IAM | c9f7dd93-1b77-46be-8e55-0a91a833053a | Geoffrey set himself to consider the
movements of the Bentley . It had passed
him at the temporary bridge over the
Tartaro at a few minutes past ten on the
previous night . He worked out the distance
on the presumption that its route had been
through Florence and Rome and then
across Italy via Foggia to Barletta .
It came to just over six hundred
miles . | english | paragraph |
IAM | 8239f311-4e5c-4347-bd4e-40669befb74a | " You mean Munyard ? " " Sure . Very useful
contact , is our Robbie ; he gives us the gen and
we give him the publicity . ' The Honourable
" Robbie " and friend ' , what ? You know the
sort of thing . " " You 'll get nothing out of me , "
said John , " but you can pay for my drinks
if you want to , as long as you keep off
Service matters . " | english | paragraph |
IAM | feb8e813-3552-4d1e-a78e-9a7720f06e32 | " That boy ! That damned fool boy ! What does he mean
by trying to come home now , even if he did promise ?
What does time mean when weighed against the life of
two human beings ? " Not until he was certain that the
yawl had rounded the rocky point instead of
being flung against the huge boulders did the judge
empty his lungs of stifling air and refill them
with part of that howling northwest gale . | english | paragraph |
IAM | 5986fc44-2241-403c-ba8d-9bb15d189ca9 | Mr. Copthorne was on dry land in a church
outbuilding , but this was happening to him now . He
saw himself as a sulky , ugly , malformed , repressed
boy , then a young youth . He saw himself refusing
baptism according to the sect his parents belonged to .
Walking out of the chapel later on . Continuing
on , his leaping mind flashed pictures of chi-
canery and corruption , the growth of the dea-
dly decadence and absorption in debase-
ment and Satanic debauchery . | english | paragraph |
IAM | 7a209415-bed1-4691-bacb-189f641ce337 | He rode down to where I was waiting . I was
thinking what a skill he had for reading
my mind . " This would be as good a place
for a hold-up as any , " he said , reining in
near me . " Yes , " I said . " It 'll be here to-
morrow as likely as not . " I paused . " Miss
Jeannie 'll be on that coach , Dan . " | english | paragraph |
IAM | 98263ee9-1a5b-4062-a38f-76995bc60bf0 | After what seemed an undue period of repetition , the voice
went on to describe the landing of the Thetan colony
in Sussex , in all its obscene details . Then the radio
went dead again , and Steve had no stomach for
breakfast . It was a beautiful day , as firsts-of-June
should be . Steve got out the car and traversed the
same empty streets as he had the night before ,
to keep an appointment with Heather . | english | paragraph |
NorHand | f0e21460-d1af-4ae7-8ca2-907bbd38ea02 | Universitetets
fysiske Institut.
Kristiania 6 okt
Kjære Sæland,
Kloumann kommer ud af Salpeterverkerne (med en pen liden gevinst forresten) og vil
søge Vasdragsprof. i Trondhjem. Det maa da være en stor vinding for høiskolen af faa ham? Efter min mening er han overmaade fremragende. Istedenfor ham i Komiteen kunde vel Richard sættes? Diskuter dette med ham men sig foreløbig intet til andre. Din hengivne
Kr. Birkeland. | norwegian | paragraph |
NorHand | ecbb7851-930f-402f-8535-72b04d39b3f3 | Til
"Læseforeningen for Kvinder"!
Jeg tillader mig herved at frembære min og mine børn tak for den smukke maade hvorpaa "Læseforeningen" hædrede min mand, Consul Tho. Joh. Heftyes jordefærd ved at lægge en krans paa hans kiste.
Frognæs d. 11. Oktober 1886.
Marie Heftye
født Meyer | norwegian | paragraph |
NorHand | dc83bc06-b60b-4f1e-b50d-7308dd8854ac | Hotel Margaret, 27, januar 1942.
97, Columbia Heights, Brooklyn N.Y.
Kjæere Berit,
Takk for Brevet dit forleden - og takk for alt det bryderi du har med å senne tilbake brever som de herfra senner til dig, — ikke at jeg skjønner hvorfor de gjør det, jeg har sagt at brever fra Norge og Sverige er til mig, og noen leverer de da også uten videre ved døren her, andre senner de qltså til Oakland. For mange kokker, for mye søl, tenker jeg - det er sån masse nye folk her nå. Mr. Limmer sier at han kommer også til å slutte, fordi han blir drafted. Og Leonora sluttet i lørdags - hun var så glad som en lerke, for hunnhadde fått jobb i en elektrisk fabrikk, defensework, to fridager i uken og ganske god løn. Den nye jenta er en subbe - men det er nok kke lett å få folk til husarbeide, vanskeligere end for, for de vil alle til defensen. Det blir vel slik borte hos dere og snart, så dere har bare å vrake og velge, og du behøver ikke å bry dig om Mrs. Newcombe.
Ellers så merker vi jo ikke stort til krigen er på Østkanten av statene. Ikke før vi en vakker dag får visitt av tyske bombere tror jeg New York blir overbevist - ja vi skal ha litt rationering da og sån, men ellers så går jo livet sin gjille gang herborte, endda altsa U-båtene er like utenfor havna.
Hadde brev fra Hans for en tid siden, skrevet forste dagen han hadde fått permission (hvorfra vet jeg ikke, navnet pa hotellet og stedsnavnet var klippet vekk og poststemplet smurt over med svart). Han sier, skrive i brakka der han ligger er umulig, hver soldat har akkurat gulvplass nok til sine militæreffekter, og der er ikke noe slikt som leseværelse eller messe. De låner jo hus av Britene, og har det primitivt. Men han er godt noid, — som han sier, han gikk jo ikke tilbake til hæren for å ha "a good time", men for å gjøre det han syntes han burde. Og han er halvveis gjennem rekruttskolen (eller var i december, da han skrev). I fritiden sin har han fått til jobb a holde foredrag på engelsk om Norge for engelske og polske soldater, og det syns han er mohn,- og han har fåttetpar tillitshverv til. Jeg lengter jo felt efter ham, og det at jeg skjonner, jeg kan ikke vente å få høre ofte fra ham er jo | norwegian | paragraph |
NorHand | 0c2cc90b-2581-49e5-a5b0-4417a1915089 | HELGE VÆRINGSAASEN
KORSBAKKEN DEN 10de April 1877
Hr. Ivar Aasen
Med Posten igaar modtog jeg, - under Korsbaanden "Indbydelse til Actietegning" i et "Actieselskab" til Udgivelse af et Ugeblad, "Fedreheimen", "der stiller sig som væsentlig Opgave at arbeide for vort Folks Oplysning og Udvikling paa den hjemlige Nationalitets Grund", betjenende "sig af selve det norske Bondefolks eget Sprog", - "Redak "officielle" Orthografi bliver dog Landsmaalet".
Hvis "Fredheimen" "kunde gjøre sig til almindelig Organ for den nye norske Sprog- og Nationalitetsbevægelse" og man ved at støtte Aktietegningen tillige kunde have Sandsynlighed for at man støttede og muligens fremmede Sprogsagen, da skulle det være en Fornøielse at træde til.
Da der imidlertid anføres at "Redaktionen ledes (indtil videre anonymt) af " Indbydelsens Undertegnede Student Arne Garborg, og dette er et for mig aldeles ukjendt Navn, saa haaber jeg at De, - for Sagens Skyld - vil undskylde, at jeg er saa fri at bede om Deres Udtalelse og Formening angaaende denne Sag, thi hvis Arne Garborg skulle være Manden til at tage denne Sag paa sine Skuldre, da antager jeg at De kjender baade ham og dette paatænkte Foretagende.
Med venlig Hilsen, tegner høiagtningsfuldt
og forbindtligst
Helge Væringsaasen | norwegian | paragraph |
NorHand | d54275e4-412e-4f6f-99f5-473b1755b769 | av brev Frøis Frøisland 12/10-25
var forma slik at De hadde grunn til å kjenne Dokk sård så ber eg um tilgjeving! Og eg vilde vere takksam um De vilde take meg på ordlyda av det eg skreiv.
De har fått ein ansvarsfull post på Noregs største talarstol, eg vil ynskje Dokk hjerteleg til lykke, - at det må lykkest for Dokk å så eit godt såfrø til rik vekst for eit fagert folkeliv i vårt kjære Noreg!
Med hjerteleg helsing og takk!
Vyrds. I. B. | norwegian | paragraph |
NorHand | b4780e5d-f685-4912-8162-bda68635bb02 | Kristiania 23 januar 1893.
Fru Camilla Collett!
Tillad, at jeg på denne Deres 80 år fødselsdag føier også mine bedste ønsker til de mange tusinders, idet jeg samtidig udtaler min dybeste høiagtelse og varmeste beundring.
I ærbødighed
Kristian Gløersen | norwegian | paragraph |
NorHand | 5877ff48-bf99-43b2-951a-69f84934b36b | Dresden den 15de Junij 1830. -
Bedste Herr Flintoe!
Jeg skulde vel begynde med en hel Hoben Undskyldninger for, at jeg siden min Afreise fra Norge, ei har givet en Lyd fra mig, men De kjender nu min svage Side engang, og veed at det ei er Ligegyldighed som kan være Aarsag dertil, men blodt min fordømte Antipathie mod Pen og Blek. - Endeligen er jeg nu kommen saa vidt at jeg kan tænke paa Syden. - Paa Løverdag gaaer jeg gjennem Böhmen, til München og tænker jeg i Sommer at ligge i det Salzburgske, og hvis min Plan med Udstillingen i Norge ei ganske mislykkes, da tænker jeg at gaae ned til det adriatiske Hav, for igjen at lugte Saltvand og trækker mig i Vinterquarter i München, - hvor Kunstnerlivet og Kunst Aanden mere kan opmuntres end i Dresden, hvor ingen af Delene kan anbefales, - thi naar Dahl og Friedrich undtages staaer...... (revet bort) langt over. - Jeg har denne Vinter malet meget, men.... (revet bort) nægtet mig alle Fornøielser; for at kunne komme bort herfra. - Fra Dahl, har jeg mange Hilsninger til Dem, - og taler vi ret ofte om Dem. -
Da jeg haaber at min Udstilling kommer i Stand i Christia - har jeg en Bøn til Dem om De vil være saa god fernesse de Malerier som kunde behøves, saasom mit Gaustad, - Prospecten af Dresden, og min store Søestorm; hvis samme ei skulde blive solgt i Hamburg. - Udlægget vil Her Andresen erlægge for mig. Jeg bliver i det Hele Bestyrelsen af Tegneskolen meget forbunden, for Tilladelsen at benytte Tegneskolens Locale, - hvilket naturligvis bliver mig en betydelig Lettelse. - Ogsaa kommer en Deel gamle Malerier op, hvilke jeg for (Student?) Hefty har kjøbt, hvilke, om man saa synes deroppe kunde bidrage til at gjøre Udstillingen interresantere. - Dog dette overlades ganske til De der tager sig af Sagen. - Da Tiden nu er saa knap for mig, og mit hele Humeur forstemt, som det altid gaaer mod en Reise, - kan jeg ei give nogle interressante Beretninger om hvad der passerer i den tydske Kunstner Verden, - og saa synderlig opbyggende, som man i Norden troer vilde det heller ikke blive - og maae De derfor holde mig det tilgode, - - og nu et Lev vel. -
med fortrinlig Agtelse og Venskab -
Deres Th. Fearnley | norwegian | paragraph |
NorHand | 4beb0ade-7206-4273-9208-5e09209b9379 | videnskaben.
Hvis undertegnede til denne tak må få lov at tilføie et ønske, så var det at måtte få anledning til personlig at få påhøre et sådant foredrag ved leilighed.
Med ærbødigst hilsen
Albert Hiorth
F. Hiorth | norwegian | paragraph |
NorHand | b2c977ac-6be0-40af-b838-de68f68a36cc | KOMITEEN FOR
Kristiania den 14. juni 1924
Hr. Gustav Vigeland.
Komitéen besluttet i sitt møte idag at formannen skulde henvende sig til Dem i anledning av følgende passus i den av Bonnevie og Dem utarbeidede redegjørelse: "Da Vigeland endnu ikke o. s. v." Det har heller ikke været kunstnerens mening at Tørtebergplanens vedtagelse skal binde kommunen til å godta ennu ikke foreliggende forslag. Bystyret kan i sin tid helt anta eller...
Man fant det ønskelig at der forelå en bestemt skriftlig uttalelse fra Dem angående dette punkt, som kunde følge saken til kommunestyret, så Deres standpunkt for dette spørsmål klart fremgikk.
Forøvrig reistes der, specielt fra dr. Martinsen, innvending mot den siste del av ovenstående citat: "Det må imidlertid være utelukket o. s. v.", idet man fant at bystyret anskelig kunde gå med på en sådan betingelse. Følgen vilde bli at også tilhengere av opstillingen på Tørteberg vilde komme til å stemme mot opstilling der.
Andre, som advokatene Næser og Nørregaard og formannen, fremholdt at det under denne sakens stilling ikke kunde være forbundet med større betænkelighet for Dem å utelate denne reservasjon, med full forståelse av spørsmålets betydning for Dem, idet de anså det å være utenfor rimelighetens grænser at noget bystyre vilde gå til skulpturell utsmykning av broen og fonten uten ved Dem. Andre, som Bonnevie og Dedekam følte sig ikke sikker i så henseende og mente at reservasjonen burde bli stående.
Jeg vil henstille til Dem å ta dette spørsmål under alvorlig overveielse og snarest eddele mig Deres standpunkt i sammenheng med den ovenfor nevnte erklæring. | norwegian | paragraph |
NorHand | fa8870bd-937a-4baf-a038-1cd9fdfc3720 | Høvik Nyaarskveld.
Om fonnerne vokser saa togene staar og alting omkring sner inde, en hilsen med tak for det gamle aar og ønsker for det som vi foran staar, vi sender for veir og vinde.
Den skal nok vennerne finde!
Aagot, Maia, Elling Holst. | norwegian | paragraph |
PELLET | 09260f1d-2ebe-484e-b490-745ae362c994 | III
La porte s'ouvre, le voici,
Madeleine, lui dit : donne moi ta paye ?
De l'argent, mais non, chez qui,
Et faisant un geste de haine.
Alors papa, s'écrie l'enfant
Voyant que l'on va battre sa mère,
Alors déguisé, maintenant,
C'est lui qui pleur devant son enfant ?
Petite poupée
Oh : fillette aimée,
J'était fou, il faut me pardonner
Si je t'es fait de la pleine
Oh ! pardon Madeleine,
En souvenir des beaux jours passés,
Je sens que ta main tremble
A restons ensemble
Car j'amais plus je ne vous ferez pleurer !
M Pellet
12 | french | page |
PELLET | 6df21e18-f8c0-4b11-8e3c-5218e61950ab | CARTE POSTALE
Chers parents
J'arrive demain dans la journée mais je ne sais pas bien l'heure juste car on part à dix heures et je ne sais pas comme les trains marches. Je suis toujours en très bonne santé et je pense que je vous en trouverez pareille. à Demain je ne vous en mets pas plus long. Votre fils qui vous aime et à qui le temps dur que se soit demain soir. Marius
Madame et Monsieur
Pellet à la Nouvelle Brosse
Maison Jamet
Saint Julien et Jarret près de St Chamond (Loire) | french | page |
PELLET | 9409fa6a-3ae6-43fd-8030-a4153fc64ccc | IIIe Couplet
Un jour dans un violent combat,
Il vit tomber son capitaine,
Blessé, se soutenant à peine
Il l'emporte dans ses deux bras,
Dans un bois à l'abri des balles
Lui dit un léger pencement
L'officier des ses lèvres pales
Lui murmura en souriant
Merci bien, vers tes amis pars,
pour défendre notre étendard...
Il partit avec rage
Baïonnette en avant
Ce fut un tel carnage
Dans les rangs Allemands
Après cette bataille
Gagnée si vaillamment
Un jour son commandant
Lui remit la médaille ? | french | page |
PELLET | 3da1d3c1-4d19-4f9c-9cc3-2bdfa4ae0c91 | Décision des Anciens à l'usage des bleus à leur arrivée au Régiment
Article I
Chaque Bleu doit suivre les conseils de son Ancien et doit exécuter ses commandements sans hésitation ni murmure ?
Art. II
L'arrivée des Bleus au Régiment doit être arrosée par ceux-ci le soir même dans la chambre où il doivent coucher ?
Art. III
Au réveil chaque Bleus doit se lever sans bruit afin de ne pas réveiller les Anciens ?
Article IIII
(? Tournez la page ?)
1e | french | page |
PELLET | 9e334bbd-14d9-4c0b-a778-5cf82f280501 | En caserne
De passage à Forbacq
Je rapporte ce souvenir,
Marius Pellet | french | page |
PELLET | 156bf146-81f3-4482-b366-82a9d603ccd1 | CARTE POSTALE
Chers parents
J'attents tous les jours de vos nouvelles car le temps me dur bien de savoir ce que vous faites. Hier à trois heures en raccommodant je me suis demandé ce que vous deviez faire à ses heures et tous les matins au réveil je me le demande aussi et tous les jours au rapport j'écoute toujours si on ne m'appelle pas pour me donner une lettre mais toujours rien alors je monte dans ma Chambre et je me remet à astiquer pendant que ceux qui ont recu list ce qu'ils ont. Moi je vais toujours bien. Je ne m'en fait pas, je ne trouve pas trop la gamelle mauvaise. (Votre fils qui vous embrasse bien fort M. C. Pellet | french | page |
PELLET | 62873b6b-cedc-4d74-9557-5a8607380e12 | Chers parents
Je vous écrit ses deux mots de carte pour vous dire que j'ai reçu votre lettre qui m'a bien fait plaisir de savoir que vous étiez toujours en bonne santé, quand à moi j'en suis toujours de même. Maintenant je vous direz que pour le moment je fait l'ordonnance chez le lieutenant Donis comme je vous l'avait dit, mais je n'y suis pas complètement Je remplace celui qui y est car il est malade à l'hopital, il en a pour 20 jours et je pense qu'il s'en iras en convalescence. j'y suis depuis jeudi et je pense y rester au moins un mois à moins qu'il guérisse vite. Je suis très bien, le lieutenant n'est pas mauvais, je fait tout ce que je peut pour qu'il me repprenne à la libération de celui qui y est. Ça me fait bien plaisir de savoir ce que vous faites et de savoir que la tante Louise est été vous voir. Je ne vois plus grand chose à vous dire de nouveau qu'il fait toujours mauvais temps.
Je termine ma carte en vous embrassant bien fort
Votre fils qui vous aime pour la vie (Marius) | french | page |
PELLET | b1d20ac4-8ad6-4b6d-a455-bf7f52fd4ffe | Un grand Bonjour de Riom
Marius Pellet
Madame et Monsieur Pellet
à la Nouvelle Brosse Maison Jamet
St Julien-en-Jarret près St Chamond (Loire) | french | page |
PELLET | 8d554f0c-f94c-4c15-a2a8-4df97bc380e6 | aisément.
Enfin chers parents je vous direz que c'est du 417 demain matin, je pensait l'enterré à la Courtine mais je n'est pas pu. Il fait toujours mauvais temps à Riom et ça doit être demême à Saint Chamond. Je vous envoie une carte photo je pense que vous me reconnaitrer quoique tant bien mal, nous sommes en tenu de cantonnement à Pongibaud. Je ne vous en met pas plus long pour aujourd'hui je vous en mettrez plus long cette semaine.
Je termine ma lettre en vous embrassant bien fort,
Votre fils qui vous aime pour la vie Marius | french | page |
PELLET | ce988b14-89dd-45d4-922a-14bc6aeb3a50 | pas lieu de s'en faire. Et si on est première ligne, il y a deux alternatives : où ça barde où ça ne barde pas, il n'y a pas lieu de s'en faire. Et si ça barde, il y a deux alternatives : ou on est bléssé, ou on ne l'est pas : si on ne l'ai pas, il n'y a pas lieu de s'en faire. Et si on l'est, il y a deux alternatives : où on est bléssé légèrement, ou on est blessé grièvement. Si on est bléssé légèrement il n'y a pas lieu de sans faire. Et si on est bléssé grièvement, il y a deux alternatives : où on en réchappe, ou on en réchappe pas. Si on en réchappe, il n'y a pas lieu de s'en faire. Et si on en réchappe pas, et que l'on ait suivi jusqu'au bout mes conseils, on ne s'en est jamais fait. Et voilà : Les poilus qui ne s'en font pas. ... | french | page |
RASM | 9d2f7ffc-e7dd-47ab-8bc5-2fb5cc6b941b | احدها ان عدة الجذار الملفوظ بها فى المركبات لا تخلوا اما ان ىكون كعده ما فى المال
من اجذاره او اقل او اكثر اما فى الوسطى فيجب ان ىكون اكثر لانها تعادل المال وعددًا
معه وفى الثالثة يجب ان تكون اقل لانها انما تعادل المال بزيادة العدد عليها واما
فى المركبة الاولى فتصور الاحوال الثلاثه الثانى ان كل مسـلة فيها مال وجذور
فالمراد بالجذر هو جذر المال المفروض وكذلك اذا كان فيها اموال فالمراد بالجذر
جذر احدهما والله اعلم الثالث ان المعادلة اذا كانت بين عدد ونوع غير الجذر
والمال كالكعب ومال المال وما يعدهما او ىين نوعين احدهما او كلاهما غير الجذور
والمال او ىين ثلاثه انواع كذلك فان المسـلة التى اشتملت على ذلك قد يمكن ردُّها الى
المسايل الست المذكورة بطرق قد وعدنا بذكرها وكان الانسب ان نذكرها هنا
لكن لما كان العمل فيها يتوقف على ذكر مقدمات تاتى فى النظم رايت ان اوخر ذلك الى
الفراغ من شرح ىلك المقدمات قال
وحط الاموال اذا ما كثرت واجبر كسورها اذا ما قـصـ� ت
حتى يصير الكل مالا مفردا وخذ بذاك الاسم مما عددا
تقدم ان كل مركبة منطقة لها باعتبار وحدة المال ونقصانه عن واحد وزيادته عليه
ثلاثه احوال وجميع ما تقدم فيما اذا كان المال واحدا فان كان اقل من مال واحد
او اكثر فلك طريقان احدهما وهو المشار اليه فى البيتين ان ترد ما زاد على مال الى مال واحد
بطريق الحط وما نقص عن مال الى مال بطريق الجبر ثم تحط كلا من النوعين الاخرين
فلك | arabic | page |
RASM | c478f381-344b-4729-b9c9-34ab83ba8ce9 | وهو كمربع ىصف مجموع الاربعة والستة اذا تقرر هذا فاعتبر العددين المتفاضلبن المال والعدد
ابدا فتكون الجذور هى الفضل بينهما واضرب احدهما فى الاخر باموال وزد على الحاصل مربع
نصف الفضل بينهما باموال فىكون المجتمع هو مربع نصف مجموعهما فيكون ابدا المال ونصف
الاشيا التي اقترنت به لان العدد ىحسب الفرض مثل المال والاشيا فاذا جمع ذلك الى
المال كان مجموع المال والعدد مالين والاشيا المفروضة ونصف ذلك مال ونصف الاشيا
فاذا اردت المسلة الاولى فتعادل بذلك المحفوط وتطرح المشترك يبقى اشيا تعدل مالا
وهو المطلوب وان اردت الثالثه فقد علمت ان العدد يعدل المال والاشيا المفروضة
وان نصف مجموع المال والعدد مال وخمسة اشيافيكون العدد زايدا على نصف مجموعهما
فزد على المحفوط نصف الاشيا يكن المجتمع اشيا تعدل العدد فى العدد واعتبر الحاصل
تسعة وتلثين مالا وزد عليه مربع نصف الجذور وهو خمسة عشرون مالا فيكون المجتمع
اربعة ستين مالا فتاخذ جذره فىكون ثمانية اشيا فتحفظه فان اردت الخروج الى
المسله الاولى فاحمل المال على ما يعادل العدد وهو مال وعشرة اشيا فيكون المجتع
مالين وعشرة اشيا ونصف ذلك مال وخمسة اشيا وهو يعدل ىماىىه الاشيا المحفوطه
فاذا طرحت المشترك منها بقى مال يعدل ىلثه اشيا وهو المسلة الاولى ڡىكون الجذر ىلاثه
وان اردت الخروج الى المسلة الثالثه فزد على المحفوظ نصف الاشيا يكن المجتمع ثلثه عشر
شيا ودلك يعدل العدد المفروض وهو تسعة ىلثون فالشى ايضا ىلثه وان شيت
توصلت الى المطلوب من جهة المقدمة التي بيّنا بها علة العمل فى هذه المركبة فتقسم عدة
وتاخذ حدره ىكن
ٮصف محموعهما و
هو اشٮاء ڡاحڡطه
بنصف الاشياء
فڡى مسله مال و
عسره احزار ٮعدل
سٮٮعه وٮلٮٮں ڡاصرٮ
المال | arabic | page |
RASM | 4fe9daf4-3b7a-4686-8aa0-d16becd79f32 | شَٮيه بوَرق ﭐلخسِ الدقيِق اْلورق عِليه زَغب وَهُو خَشنٌ
أسودٌ كٮير العَدد
ٮابت حَوالي الاَصْل
اللاصق بالارْض مشوک
وَلهُ اَصل فى غلط اصبع
يَكُون لونه ڡي الصيف
احْمر الي حُمرةِ الدَمِ
يَصبغ اليد اذا مس وينبت
في ارضين طٮّبه اْلتُرْبه
واصل هذا النَباْت قابض واذا اغلي ٮالزيت وَالموم كاٮ صَاْلحاً
لحرق النار وَالقروح المزمنه واذا تصمد بَهِ مع السويق أبرا الجمرةَ
واذا تصمّد ٮهِ مع الخِل أبرا البهق والجرب لوفايسوس ومن
الٮاس من ٮسمى هذا
الدّوا ايضاً سنجار
هُو نبات له ورقٌ
شٮيه ٮورق
الخس الا انّه اطْول
منْه وَاثحن وهو احشن
وَاعْرَض من ورق
الخس مٮٯلب الي
ناحيَه الأْصْلِ وله | arabic | page |
RASM | 5c9927b9-180f-4af2-a9ba-1a1ba4c3325b | بساق السوسن
ملأ منْ ثمرٍ
أحمر قابض
وثمر هَذا
النَبات اذا دق
دَقًا نَاعِمًا
وشُربَ مقدار
بشَراب نفع مِنْ قرحَة الأمعَاء والاسهال المزمِن وَقد ٮَقْطَع
نرف الدم من الرحِم وٮٮبت ڡي البساتين وفي الاجَام [؟]
لاغوبون وَهُو ٮٮاتٌ يُعرف بِرجل الأرْنَب
هو نباٮٌ اذا
شُرٮ بالشراب
عَقل البطنَ
واذا شَرٮه
المحمُوم بالمآءِ
عَقَل بطنَهُ
وَقد يُعلق
عَلي الاورام
الحَارة العَارضه
فى الأرنَبنة
يعرف برجل الارنب | arabic | page |
RASM | 4ce4d432-8857-44cc-8274-5b14a1199d0d | يُري في الشمْس هو جرْم القَمْر السَاتر ايّاها عنّا وهوبلونه
فهلْ تختلف ذلك فى البلاد يلحقهُ فيهَا اختلافان أحدهُما ما ذكْرنا فى كسوف
القمْر مِن قبل اختلاف الطلوع واوّل النهار والثاني مِن جهةِ اختلاف المنظر
لان السَاتر قَريب منا والمحجوبُ بعيد ولَيس ما نعشاهُ شيا في ذاتهِ وانّما هوعَارض
لابصارنا فاوقاته في البلاد لا يكون في اوقات مِن الزمان باعيانها ولكنّها
في اوقات تختلف ايضا ومِقدار الكُسوف تختلف كذلك فيهَا حتي ينكسف
في بعضها نِصفه وَفي أخر ثُلُثُه وفى ثالث كُلّهُ ولا ينكسف في بعضِِ
ما اِختلاف المنظ
اِختلاف المنظر هو رويه الشي بعينه في وقتِِ وَاحِد في موضعين مُختلفين اذا اختلف
موضع النظراليه فكذلك القمْر بالقياس الي مرْكز الارْض يُري من الفلك في موضع
غيْر الذي يُري فيهِ مِن وجه الارْض ولهذا يُسَمّي اجتماعهُ مع الشمْس اذا حسب مِن مرْكز
الارْض اجتماعا محسوبا واِذا قيْس الي وجهها اجتماعاََ مرئيّا ويختلف وقتاهُما فربمّا
تقدّم المري المحسوب وربّما تاخّرعنه وكَذلك ٮختلف حال النظر اليه مں
مواضع مُختلفه فيستر القمْر كُلّ الشمْس في موضع ويستر ىعضها في موضعِِ أخر ولا
يستر منها شيا في موضع أخروَهذه الصُوره تعين علي تصوّرِ ذلك | arabic | page |
RASM | 965923fd-8ac6-49fe-b8e8-10dc0b9e83d3 | غائصٌ فيه مُلْبِسُه منبسطٌ عليه بلونه مقيم فيه ما بقي ذلك الجوهر بعيدٌ
من الفساد لا يحلّه المآءُ ولا تحرقه النارُ رُوْحٌ فى فعلِه ولُطفِه جسدٌ فى قوامِه
وثباتِه الباب الثالت فى طبيعة الاكسيرِ الاكسيرُ اكسيران
براكنده شونده
احمر وابيض فالاحمر حارٌّ يابسٌ فى الجمله غير انه ليس بقشيفٍ ولا بشعيثٍ وامّا
فى التفصيل فمعتدل اشبه شىء فى هذا العالم بالذهب الابريز الذايب فى الاذابة
لا يخالفه الّا فى كثرة صبغه ولطف جسده وكذلك البياض فبارد
يابس فى الجمله غير انه ليس بمحصور ولا متقيد متلبد منزلته وهو فى التفصيل
اشبه شىء بالفضّة البيضا الخالصة لا يخالفها فى شىء الا فى براله بياضه وفرط
برده ولطف جسده وذلك ان الناقص من اكسير البياض الصبغ فقط
والصبغ هو نار الاكسير فلمّا لم يدخل فى بياض برد ولما دخل فى باب الحمرة
صار كذلك حارًّا ومن هاهنا قالت الحكمآء ان القمرَ على ثلاثة اجزآء وانّ
الشمس على أربعة أجزاء لأنّ إكسير البياض ماءٌ وهواءٌ وأرضٌ ونارٌ مستغرَقةً
غير معدودة بالحرّ وإكسير الحمرة ماءٌ وهواءٌ وأرضٌ ونارٌ وهذا بأجزاء
قائمة معدودة ومن هاهنا ايضا قالت الحكمآء لا يكون ذهبٌ اّلا من الذهب
ولا فضة اّلا من الفضة لانّ اكسيرَ الحمرة فى طبيعة الذهب واكسير البياض
فى طبيعة الفضة حتى انّه لو لا روحانيتهما وكثرة صبغهما ولطافة جسدهما
لكانا فضةً وذهبًا خالصًا محضًا ذايبًا جامدًا منطرقًا وانما لم ينطرق الاكسير
لان رطوبته اكثر من رطوبة الجسدين وهما الذهب والفضة وجسده اقل من
جسدهما فلمّا جمد صار جامدًا يابسًا سريع التفتت لا لزجًا غليظًا يُمَدّ تحت المطارق
فى تراكم ظ
ڡلما دخل فى البياض برَدَ
ولما دخل فى باب الحمره صار ذلك حاراً ظ | arabic | page |
RASM | 7d114998-6dd3-4906-9ff0-d38a17fc327d | وَرق ﭐلصَغِير من ﭐلقصب يَعْتلفه ﭐلبقر وسَاير المواشي وَأصل
هَذا ﭐلنَباْتِ اذَا
دُق دقا ناعِمًا وسحق وتصمّد بهِ الصَق ﭐلجراحَات واذا شُرب
طٮٮخه كَان صَالحا للمغصِ وَعُسر البُول والقروح العَارضه
فى المثانه وٮفٮت الحصَا قالامَاعَرسطسَ وهُوَ ضَربٌ
مِنْ الثيل وهو نٮاتٌ ورقه واعصَانه وعِروقُه اكبر من ورق
واعصَان وعِروق الثيل الّذِي قبله واذا اكْلته المَواشِي
قتلها وخاصه النابت منه بالبلاد التى ٮقالُ بها بَابِل
في الطرق
والثيل الٮابت
في البلاد الّتى
يقالُ لها
فانه أكْثر
اغصانُ مِن غيره من الثيل وله ورق شٮيه ٮورق اللبْلَابِ | arabic | page |
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in Data Studio
ATR benchmark - Page/paragraph level
Dataset Summary
The ATR benchmark dataset is a multilingual dataset that includes 83 document images, at page or paragraph level. This dataset has been designed to test ATR models and combines data from several public datasets:
- BnL Historical Newspapers
- DIY History - Social Justice
- FINLAM - Historical Newspapers
- Horae - Books of hours
- NorHand v3
- Marius PELLET
- READ-2016
- ScribbleLens
Images are in their original size.
dataset | images | language |
BnL Historical Newspapers | 3 | German |
CASIA-HWDB2 | 10 | Chinese |
DAI-CRETDHI | 10 | French |
DIY History - Social Justice | 20 | English |
FINLAM - Historical Newspapers | 10 | English / French |
Horae - Books of hours | 10 | Latin |
IAM | 10 | English |
NorHand v3 | 10 | Norwegian |
Marius PELLET | 10 | French |
RASM | 10 | Arabic |
READ-2016 | 10 | German |
RIMES | 10 | French |
ScribbleLens | 10 | Dutch |
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
'image': <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=RGB size={img size} at 0x1A800E8E190,
'text': '{transcription}'
Data Fields
: a PIL.Image.Image object containing the image. Note that when accessing the image column (using dataset[0]["image"]), the image file is automatically decoded. Decoding of a large number of image files might take a significant amount of time. Thus it is important to first query the sample index before the "image" column, i.e. dataset[0]["image"] should always be preferred over dataset["image"][0].dataset
: the name of the original dataset.arkindex_id
: Arkindex element id corresponding to the current page or paragraph.text
: the label transcription of the image.language
: language of text on the image.level
: full document page or a single paragraph.
- Downloads last month
- 138