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Dataset Card for "AToMiC-Texts-Mapped"


This dataset only contains English in Wikipedia (parsed from the 20221101 XML dump).

Data Instances

Each instance is a section of a Wikipedia page. We also provide its page-level information, and associated information such as categories and media. The source_id can be mapped back to the instance in the original WIT instance. Notice that the WIT dataset is crawled from the earlier version of Wikipedia (2020-08-30). The WIT dataset is mapped to the new dump by pure BM25 matching with Anserini.

Intended Usage

  1. Text collection for Image-to-Text retrieval
  2. Language model pretraining
  3. Document classification

Licensing Information

CC BY-SA 4.0 international license

Citation Information



Thanks to: mwparserfromhell Datasets Anserini

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