Dataset rewiew request for nb_samtale

by ingerid - opened
Nasjonalbiblioteket Språkbanken org


NB Samtale is a speech corpus for ASR made by the Language Bank at the National Library of Norway.

It consists of ~12 000 sentence segment .wav-files which have been compressed to six different tarballs, with three {split}_metadata.jsonl-files. Each tarball contains audio segments that are transcribed in either the bokmål (bm) written form of Norwegian, or in nynorsk (nn).

I have followed the " Create an audio dataset" guide and struggle to load my dataset with the loading script locally:

>>> datasets.load_dataset("")

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~/.pyenv/versions/3.11.4/envs/talenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/, in GeneratorBasedBuilder._prepare_split_single(self, gen_kwargs, fpath, file_format, max_shard_size, split_info, check_duplicate_keys, job_id)
   1684     writer = writer_class(
   1685         features=writer._features,
   1686         path=fpath.replace("SSSSS", f"{shard_id:05d}").replace("JJJJJ", f"{job_id:05d}"),
   1691         embed_local_files=embed_local_files,
   1692     )
-> 1693 example = if is not None else record
   1694 writer.write(example, key)

File ~/.pyenv/versions/3.11.4/envs/talenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/features/, in Features.encode_example(self, example)
   1851 example = cast_to_python_objects(example)
-> 1852 return encode_nested_example(self, example)

File ~/.pyenv/versions/3.11.4/envs/talenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/features/, in encode_nested_example(schema, obj, level)
   1227         raise ValueError("Got None but expected a dictionary instead")
   1228     return (
-> 1229         {
   1230             k: encode_nested_example(sub_schema, sub_obj, level=level + 1)
   1231             for k, (sub_schema, sub_obj) in zip_dict(schema, obj)
   1232         }
   1233         if obj is not None
   1234         else None
   1235     )
   1237 elif isinstance(schema, (list, tuple)):

File ~/.pyenv/versions/3.11.4/envs/talenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/features/, in <dictcomp>(.0)
   1227         raise ValueError("Got None but expected a dictionary instead")
   1228     return (
-> 1229         {
   1230             k: encode_nested_example(sub_schema, sub_obj, level=level + 1)
   1231             for k, (sub_schema, sub_obj) in zip_dict(schema, obj)
   1232         }
   1233         if obj is not None
   1234         else None
   1235     )
   1237 elif isinstance(schema, (list, tuple)):

File ~/.pyenv/versions/3.11.4/envs/talenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/utils/, in zip_dict(*dicts)
    321 for key in unique_values(itertools.chain(*dicts)):  # set merge all keys
    322     # Will raise KeyError if the dict don't have the same keys
--> 323     yield key, tuple(d[key] for d in dicts)

File ~/.pyenv/versions/3.11.4/envs/talenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/utils/, in <genexpr>(.0)
    321 for key in unique_values(itertools.chain(*dicts)):  # set merge all keys
    322     # Will raise KeyError if the dict don't have the same keys
--> 323     yield key, tuple(d[key] for d in dicts)

KeyError: 'path'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

DatasetGenerationError                    Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/ingeridd/prosjekter/nb_samtale/load_.ipynb Cell 2 line 3
      1 #dataset_path ="Sprakbanken/nb_samtale"
      2 dataset_path = ""
----> 3 ds = datasets.load_dataset(dataset_path)# 'annotations', split="validation")

File ~/.pyenv/versions/3.11.4/envs/talenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/, in load_dataset(path, name, data_dir, data_files, split, cache_dir, features, download_config, download_mode, verification_mode, ignore_verifications, keep_in_memory, save_infos, revision, token, use_auth_token, task, streaming, num_proc, storage_options, **config_kwargs)
   2150 try_from_hf_gcs = path not in _PACKAGED_DATASETS_MODULES
   2152 # Download and prepare data
-> 2153 builder_instance.download_and_prepare(
   2154     download_config=download_config,
   2155     download_mode=download_mode,
   2156     verification_mode=verification_mode,
   2157     try_from_hf_gcs=try_from_hf_gcs,
   2158     num_proc=num_proc,
   2159     storage_options=storage_options,
   2160 )
   2162 # Build dataset for splits
   2163 keep_in_memory = (
   2164     keep_in_memory if keep_in_memory is not None else is_small_dataset(
   2165 )

File ~/.pyenv/versions/3.11.4/envs/talenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/, in DatasetBuilder.download_and_prepare(self, output_dir, download_config, download_mode, verification_mode, ignore_verifications, try_from_hf_gcs, dl_manager, base_path, use_auth_token, file_format, max_shard_size, num_proc, storage_options, **download_and_prepare_kwargs)
    952     if num_proc is not None:
    953         prepare_split_kwargs["num_proc"] = num_proc
--> 954     self._download_and_prepare(
    955         dl_manager=dl_manager,
    956         verification_mode=verification_mode,
    957         **prepare_split_kwargs,
    958         **download_and_prepare_kwargs,
    959     )
    960 # Sync info
    961 = sum(split.num_bytes for split in

File ~/.pyenv/versions/3.11.4/envs/talenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/, in GeneratorBasedBuilder._download_and_prepare(self, dl_manager, verification_mode, **prepare_splits_kwargs)
   1716 def _download_and_prepare(self, dl_manager, verification_mode, **prepare_splits_kwargs):
-> 1717     super()._download_and_prepare(
   1718         dl_manager,
   1719         verification_mode,
   1720         check_duplicate_keys=verification_mode == VerificationMode.BASIC_CHECKS
   1721         or verification_mode == VerificationMode.ALL_CHECKS,
   1722         **prepare_splits_kwargs,
   1723     )

File ~/.pyenv/versions/3.11.4/envs/talenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/, in DatasetBuilder._download_and_prepare(self, dl_manager, verification_mode, **prepare_split_kwargs)
   1045 split_dict.add(split_generator.split_info)
   1047 try:
   1048     # Prepare split will record examples associated to the split
-> 1049     self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
   1050 except OSError as e:
   1051     raise OSError(
   1052         "Cannot find data file. "
   1053         + (self.manual_download_instructions or "")
   1054         + "\nOriginal error:\n"
   1055         + str(e)
   1056     ) from None

File ~/.pyenv/versions/3.11.4/envs/talenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/, in GeneratorBasedBuilder._prepare_split(self, split_generator, check_duplicate_keys, file_format, num_proc, max_shard_size)
   1553 job_id = 0
   1554 with pbar:
-> 1555     for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
   1556         gen_kwargs=gen_kwargs, job_id=job_id, **_prepare_split_args
   1557     ):
   1558         if done:
   1559             result = content

File ~/.pyenv/versions/3.11.4/envs/talenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/, in GeneratorBasedBuilder._prepare_split_single(self, gen_kwargs, fpath, file_format, max_shard_size, split_info, check_duplicate_keys, job_id)
   1710     if isinstance(e, SchemaInferenceError) and e.__context__ is not None:
   1711         e = e.__context__
-> 1712     raise DatasetGenerationError("An error occurred while generating the dataset") from e
   1714 yield job_id, True, (total_num_examples, total_num_bytes, writer._features, num_shards, shard_lengths)

DatasetGenerationError: An error occurred while generating the dataset

Files to review


cc @lhoestq @polinaeterna @mariosasko @albertvillanova

Hi! Dictionaries returned in _generate_examples contain path as one of the keys, but path is not in the Features dictionary, hence the error.

Nasjonalbiblioteket Språkbanken org

Thank you!

ingerid changed discussion status to closed

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