Description: How to treat neck tumor?
Patient: Dear sir, i have a tumor in my neck.there is no pain in that tumor.but around neck have pain.i tested in hospital.they did skin test for TB.In that injected place,my skin changed into reddish color.i am very fear about it.Is it TB?please reply me sir...,
Doctor: Hi, Any swelling in the neck must be investigated. If it is not TB, then it must be surgically removed & sent for histology. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Nirmal Chander Gupta, Orthopaedic Surgeon
Description: What causes breathing difficulty, chest pain and left arm pain?
Patient: have recently had problems with breathing, chest pain, left arm pain, jaw pain and crushing chest pains my stress test did not show anything wrong with the heart. my gp thinks its my gall bladder i strongly disagree and am still having the symptoms apart from the jaw pain whichwas a one off. The hospital suggested angina but my gp refuses to send me to a consultant as the stress test was clear. I need to know what I can do, feel like I was hit by a bus, its taken four weeks to get back on my feet
Doctor: Stress test can be normal too. It's the symptoms that has the top priority. I suggest that you need to get a diagnostic coronary angiogram if you have this typical symptoms, but you need to get an Echocardiogram first,
Description: What are the symptoms of a stroke?
Patient: Hi, I'm trying to figure out if I suffered from a stroke last night, I had something like a panic attack, numbness in my left arm that made my head tilt to the left, dizziness, and feeling of hoplessness but no pain. And my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. Its been about 18 hours since it began and I still have numbness on my left side and fingers and I'm feeling dizzy...
Doctor: I read your query and I understand your concern.Your symptoms could be in the setting of a stroke and I think you require medical attention. So I think you should present yourself to the emergency service in order to be evaluated for your clinical signs. Afterwards the diagnosis would need to be confirmed with imaging tests like CT or ideally MRI as well as tests to search for the possible cause and start treatment to prevent your symptoms to progress.I hope to have been of help.
Description: What causes back and prostate paining?
Patient: Two years ago I was treated for prostate cancer. Completed treatments and PSA is less than 1. This week I noticed bright red blood droplets after urinating following a bowel movement. I continue to have flank and back pain and it is persistent. No other blood droplets and no problems urinating and no burning. There is some slight prostate aching. Do you think prostatitis or kidney stone?
Doctor: Hi,Thanks for writing in.Drops of blood after urinating are usually due to a condition affecting the prostate and urethra. Rarely it can be linked to the urinary bladder. It is important to get evaluated by your urologist as you have already been treated for prostate in the past.Doing an ultrasound scan to assess the bladder, prostate and kidneys is important. If there is suspicion in the bladder and urethra then a cystoscopy might also be indicated. Few bright drops of blood after urination can also be due to a stricture that might have formed in the urethra or a small injury to the prostatic urethra due to straining at urination.Doing a routine urine test for red blood cells is also advised. Please do not worry.
Description: What causes fever and shivering?
Patient: Hi my 19 month old daughter woke up shivering, and can t seem to calm down but she is finally asleep. I checked on her forhead for her temperature, and found out that she was burning up. She is still showing signs of a fever. Should i give her Motrin? or should i just go to the Hospital? Please help.
Doctor: any child with fever should undergo history taking and complete physical examination to reach the diagnosis and treatment of coarse depend on the diagnosis .most of the time it's self limiting viral illness , but serious causes of fever must be excluded like pneumonia , meningitis ...EtcI highly recommend you to give her the antipyretic and rush to her doctor to see her and fully exam her .I hope this helps
Description: Will edogest 100 help in getting pregnant and when is my ovulation date?
Patient: Hello .. My age is 25 last month my periods got delayed for 7 days ... this month i want to conceive as my hubby came aftr a long time from UK . i really want to conceive coming month . my cycle is 33 to 34 days evry month .wen is d fertility date?? . i got my periods on 28 april .. i m having Edogest 100 since 5th May . will it help me to conceive dis month .?? or shud i consume some more tablets after d course of 15 tablets ??
Doctor: hello,Your fertile days will be between 16th to 24th of each regular cycle. Ovulation occurs 14 days prior to next due date. You can use ovulation prediction kit.Yes, Endogest 100 will be helpful to get regular period with proper ovulation which enhances chance of your pregnancy. Take folic acid supplement for 3 months.
Description: What medication is suggested for sticking out of collarbone right on top of shoulder?
Patient: Last winter I had a shoulder injury. After dislocating it, I had a minor tear in my labrum and a small fracture in the socket. All seemed to heal fine but it is difficult for me to hold my posture. If you follow my collarbone towards the shoulder, there is a pointed bone sticking out from my collarbone right before my the top of my shoulder. It also clicks with movement.
Doctor: Hello,I can understand your concerns. It looks that you had multiple injury at your shoulder. If there is no pain at your shoulder then it should not be non union of fractured collar bone. But even if you want some supplements for union of collar bone then you may have calcium supplements with vitamin D preparation. Now a days one other compound known as cisus quadrangularis is also gaining popularity in this regard. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Mukesh Tiwari, Orthopedic Surgeon
Description: What is that i got small circular in my tongue at tip and bottom?
Patient: i have this small circular in my togue at the tip and bottom,it doesnt hurt but made me sick of thinking what it is,the first i saw its just 3 circular red like the tip of a match but not that big now they become more,and noticed that i had it also on the other side of my togue,pls give me an advise
Doctor: thanks for your query, i have gone through your query. the the small circular area could be a depapillated tongue or benign migratory glossitis or an ulcer. consult your oral physician to rule out these two. if i am your treating doctor i would have suggested symptomatic treatment like topical anesthetics and analgesics with multivitamins. i hope my answer will help you. take care.
Description: Q. Can breast pain and cramps after sexual contact mean pregnancy?
Patient: Hello doctor, I have PCOS. I had my period a month back. My periods are mostly irregular and I usually have cramps in stomach and my breasts hurt before periods not every time though. I had oral sex with my fiance yesterday, he was wearing a condom throughout but he rubbed his genitals on my vagina. I took an I-pill and Regestrone just to be safe after three to four hours. But today my breasts are hurting and I am having cramps. My vagina is also dry. Is there any chance that I am pregnant?
Doctor: Hi. Since you have taken the emergency pill within 72 hours of intercourse, there is no chance of pregnancy. These symptoms could be because of hormonal changes due to the pill you have taken. So relax and do not worry. However, if you have a doubt then get back to me. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online -->
Description: What is a bump on the head of my penis?
Patient: Hello, i am 16 years old and i had recently been sexually active. Today i found a little skin colored bump near the head of my penis I have no idea what this is, but i am freaking out about it. As far as i know i dont have anything and neither does she. Its about the size of a small pimple, no irritation, and no discoloring. Please help :,(
Doctor: HelloThanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have bump over glans penis and you have been active sexually since very recently.This is most likely to be due to allergic reaction to vaginal secretions of your girl friend due to intercourse.You need to take broad spectrum antibiotic like Cefexine along with anti inflammatory drug like Diclofenac twice daily.along with topical antibiotic ointment like Neosporin twice daily.Ensure to wash your genitals with warm water twice dailyEnsure to avoid sexual encounters till it heals up completely.Dr.Patil..
Description: How to treat cage ladders the emergence of bones?
Patient: I am a girl 17 years old I have a problem in the cage Alsders the emergence of bones and one on the right side and the other in the left and this problem with me since my childhood and told me that with the swim will end the problem but this did not happen and I notice that they grow up knowing that I conducted several tests all confirmed that they were a birth defect Why should I do? Is it actually will increase their size? Is surgery the solution?
Doctor: Hi, I don't think any surgeon would even advice to undergo surgery as this is not the answer to the problem. Since you have undergone all the test I will request you to check out the spinal X-ray. As due to the lateral curvature of the spine there will be changes in the rib cage and prominent on one side. Do regular breathing exercises by pressing on the ribs which are prominent or the one where you have problem. This will help to balance the respiratory system and also allow the bones to be in proper alignment. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Jay Indravadan Patel, Physical Therapist or Physiotherapist
Description: Is there any pain medication with no side effects and helps to alleviate chronic pain in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine?
Patient: Thank you, I have chronic pain in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. Is there any pain medication that does not cause stomach upset/vomiting that will help moderate to severe pain? I have recently taken Ibuprofen, hydrocode 325/10mg, and methedone 1o mg but they did not eliminate the severe pain but did give me much stomach distress.
Doctor: Thanks for query.pain needs to be evaluated for cause.anyways all the pain killers have some side effects .anyways thiocolchiside(myoril) will be better tolerated.regards
Description: Suggest treatment for numbness in feet
Patient: Hi. Half of my left foot has been numb for a little over a week now. I have done a capillary test and I do not think it is blood flow related. Two Tuesdays ago I stepped in a hole and my ankle twisted a little. It was a little sore for a few minutes but after that there was no soreness and no swelling. The next night I noticed that there was numbness. It is not my whole foot. It starts in the middle of my left foot and goes out and about half way to my knee.
Doctor: Hello dear,I understand your concern.This little trauma may have caused injury to nerves around the ankle,like peroneal and tibial nerve , which may have caused sensory loss in territories specific to nerve injured.This is just a possibility, I can suggest and you should visit a neurologist , so that he may examine you and ask for nerve conduction studies if needed so.I hope it helped.
Description: What is the reason for whitish clay like stools and abdominal pain?
Patient: Since yesterday I am passing whitish clay like stools. I started feeling unwell last Sunday: lost of appetite, bloating feeling and by Sunday night I had diarrhoea - for which I took Loperamide Hydrochloride. By Monday I had a terrible cold that has lasted all week, which made me think it is all caused by a nasty virus. But then on Friday night (yesterday) I got diarrhoea again, and took another pill of Loporamide. Since then, today is Saturday, my stools are whitish! I have abdominal pain and lots of wind. I am very concerned now, white stools are worrying. Thank you.
Doctor: HI.White stools are suggestive of obstructive jaundice . I would advise you to go for blood check-up including liver function tests ans an Ultrasonography to determine the cause. Se your Doctor ASAP to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. You may need an opinion of Surgical Gastroenterologist. Be ready for Upper GI endoscopy/ ERCP/ MRI etc.Stop anything which contains oil/ butter.Stop loperamide also.
Description: Suggest treatment to remove gall bladder stones
Patient: I had surgery on my gallbladder I have only one hole it has been since 1986 but he said he didn t take my gallbladder out he just crushed it and now I m having attacks just like I have gall stones again they are pretty severe could it have filled with stones again
Doctor: Hello! Thanks for putting your query in HCM. I am a Gastroenterologist (DM). Yes it can be due to formation of gallstone. Managment of symptomatic gallstone is only surgical that is cholecystectomy that is removal of gallbladder and nothing else. So revisit your doctor for evaluation and management.I hope I have answered your query and this will help you. If you have any further query I will be happy to answer that too. Remain in touch and get-well soon.
Description: What causes loose stools containing yellow capsule shaped things?
Patient: Tonight my daughter had a bowel movement that was very loose and contained little yellow capsuled shaped fluid filled things in her stool. Any idea of what this would be or what it is caused by. My first thought was a parasite, but I have been reading things about undigested fat, etc Please hel[!
Doctor: what you quote I feel it could be just stool particles mixed with watery stools. Unless we subject the stool sample for microscopic examination ee will not know or cannot guess what it could be. But if the kid is active and normal you need not worry.Unless the kid's having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious need not worry. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D drops 1ml once daily for 14 days) & ORS (Each small packet mixed in 200ml of potable water and keep giving sip by sip) as hydration is very important and crucial part of treatment. Regarding diet - Avoid fruit juices as they might aggravate diarrhea. You can give zinc supplements & ORS apart from normal vegetarian porridges & soups.Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Health care magic are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.Dr. Sumanth MBBS., DCH., DNB (Paed).,
Description: Chances of pregnency with Duphaston.
Patient: hi i am 25 years married. my weight is 66 kg and height id 5.3 . I have irregular periods. my dr diagnosed PCOS. she suggested dhuphaston for 10 days and then clomid for 5 days. i want to ask is there a chance to conceive while taking Duphaston ?
Doctor: Duphastan is given for progesterone support , for the luteal phase support or you can say , for the irregular periods and yes there is a chance to conceive because clomid is given for the ovulation.
Description: What causes pain in lower chest/upper abdominal area?
Patient: I experience an episode of sever pain in my lower chest/upper adominal area,,,no problem with breathing, but pain bad enough to have me in a cold sweat for half an hour. Never happened before, I know what pnuemonia feels like and it wasn't that. Never had any digestion problems before either. Any ideas?
Doctor: Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic. I can understand your concern. Lower chest and upper abdominal pain is mostly seen with either lung diseases or abdominal diseases. Lung diseases like pleural effusion, pneumonia etc cant cause similar symptoms. Abdominal diseases like gastritis, intestinal infection etc can also cause similar symptoms. So consult doctor and get done 1. Chest x ray to rule out lung related diseases. 2. Ultrasound examination of abdomen for the diagnosis of abdominal causes. Treatment is directed on the basis of diagnosis. So first diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Description: Q. What is the treatment for recurrent iridocyclitis?
Patient: Hello doctor, I am suffering from iridocyclitis in my right eye since last six months. Every time when I stop my Pred Forte eye drops, it recurs after one month, till now it has recurred three times. I have tested for TB, anti-nuclear antibodies, anti-CCP antibodies, HLAB27 all are negative. But still the problem is not going. I have hypothyroidism since last five years, my ophthalmologist is not able to find out any reason for the same. Kindly suggest what should I do, whether it is related to autoimmune disease.
Doctor: Hello. I have gone through your history and investigations (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Well firstly iridocyclitis (anterior uveitis) is mostly an autoimmune problem. We can only find a definite cause in 30 percent cases. So, when it is a single episode we tend to ignore it but when you have recurrent episodes (more than twice a year) we need to treat it. So, even if all are negative and you are getting recurrent episodes it needs to be treated. HLAB 27 method done is an outdated one. You can request them to do by PCR method as it holds importance in your diagnosis. You can discuss with your ophthalmologist. As the treatment needs to be accelerated, we need to start you on DMARDS as for iridocyclitis only few drugs are useful. My preference would be Methotrexate but we will need to discuss with your ophthamologist once.
Description: What causes abdominal pain with a lump post surgical abortion procedure?
Patient: I just had a surgical abortion around 10am this morning. After the procedure is have had mild lower stomach cramps. About 2 hours ago the pain worsened and shot to my lower left quadrant above my hip bone. There is a large lump present that can be felt by touch and is visible
Doctor: Hi.Thanks for your query.Noted the history and understood your concerns.As per the history your have provided, surgical abortion may not be directly related to the lump that has formed. This is a very very rare occurrence and hence needs to be addressed immediately by a CT scan of the abdomen and the abdominal wall to see if this is hematoma that is spreading from the operation site or a hernia that was not recognized and so on.Pain in abdomen that is spreading to the left lower quadrant can be due to the same reasons. Further management may be an emergency matter hence stop anything orally till advised by your Doctor or nurse.Take pan-bed rest till well diagnosed.
Description: Suggest treatment for chronic cough in a child
Patient: I have a 6 year old daughter that has been bothered with a really bad caught since she s been about 2 years old. They tested her for asthma they did blood work on her and found nothing wrong and even tho she don t have asthma they prescribe her the blue and orange inhalers but no matter if she s taking them or not she still can t get ride of that nasty all night caught that leaves her drained of energy caused by lack of sleep due to this horrible caught she has.The pediatrician also told me to start giving her vitamin C and vitamin D3 400 IU and after a year of taking them still no difference.We have minimal problems in the day but horrific caughing all night long so bad it makes her vomit. We also had allergy test done on her and she has no alergies. I like to try and help her with giving her lemon water to drink at night and I give her saline water droplets up her nose to keep her sinuses clean daily I also give her organic honey to help sooth her throat from the cought and a humidifier in her room at night and I elevate her with5 pillows in her bed to try and help her breath better and still no success. I m trying everything I possible can think of to help her but as the years go by she just keeps getting worse. If you have any suggestions for me or think of any test we could possible get done on her to help me understand y my little baby doll is always so sick with this horrific cough I would truly appreciate any help I can get. Feel so helpless seeing her this way and not being able to help her or even know Y she is this way. This is from a truly concerned and worried Mom. I seen this site and though maybe just maybe I could find answers to her problem on here.
Doctor: HI...I understand your concern. Night time cough could be due to hyper-reactive airways disease. But there are other reasons for this. Possibilities - 1. Gastroesophageal reflux disorder.2. Hyper reactive airways disease.I have a few questions for you -Questions:1. How many days per month does she cough or feel breathless?2. How many nights per month does her sleep get disturbed due to above symptoms?3. Does she feel breathless when she runs around or plays with other kids?4. Are the symptoms when there are seasonal changes?5. Is there any family history of asthma or any other sort of allergies like skin allergy etc.?6. Is the cough always associated with fever?7. Does the cough get aggravated a spicy or heavy meal or after lying down on bed?Kindly get back to me with answers to above questions and I will be glad to help you. You can approach me at the following link. Please find the link
Description: What to do for the cure of wound that happened during wisdom teeth surgery?
Patient: Hello, I just had my wisdom teeth pulled the other day. During the surgery the stitches when being sewn had cut the bottom right part of my lip where the bottom and top meet. Now there is a fold of skin and when squeezed puss comes out. After giving topical non prescription anti biotic cream. Blood now comes out of the fold but the size of it has not reduced. I am trying very hard to not pick at it but it is incredibly irritating me. A response as soon as possible would be highly appreciated. Thank you Doctor
Doctor: Hello and welcome.Thanks for sharing your concern.As you have mentioned in the history that pus comes from the wound.Therefore avoid bite or chew over it as it has developed into n abscess.Do not squeeze it and an ointment for local application is recommended.Therfore in my view please revisit your dentist and get a course of antibiotic prescribed for the lesion or a locally suitable ointment.Meanwhile please do not even touch it .you can clean it with normal saline and a wet clean cotton pellet.This should help.Thanks.Take care.
Description: Suggest treatment for sore in the lungs
Patient: Im 35 male, quit smoking a month ago will help from Chantix. The last few weeks my right lung is sore, I can feel it through my chest, side and back. Also, it cracks or pops sometimes when I breathe in. I had a CT scan 3 or so months ago and had some small nodules all under 6mm so I don t think it can be cancer. I ve also notice both ears are full and I can pop them at anytime, which I ve never been able to do before. No coughing or any other sypmtoms
Doctor: hi,it your small nodule is not cancer,it can be benign lesion or may be by some infection.the fullness in the ear also suggest some infection too.i suggest to take antibiotic full course (amoxy. clave 625 mg TDS or other group suggested by your doctor)to get rid of the symptoms. after the course of antibiotic if symptoms persist, further level of work up shluod be done.
Description: What causes excessive neck cracking despite taking spinal decompression therapy?
Patient: I am being treated for a snapping on my neck allegedly caused by spine compression and arteritis in , the cervical area. The treatment was for 20 sessions of decompression table therapy ( the rack). After 16 sessions the snapping increased and seems louder. The doctor s assistant who is the machine operator told me this is normal. Am I being fed B S?
Doctor: Hello, Consult a neurosurgeon and get evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician
Description: Q. I masturbate only by rubbing the tip of the penis. Is it a wrong way?
Patient: Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help.
Doctor: Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Description: How long should I take antibiotics for prostatitis?
Patient: I am currently taking cipro prescribed to me for prostatis. this is the second round of antibiotics I am on (doxycline the first). I am on my 3rd day , still have some pain in genital area, how long should I take antibiotics if problems persist before calling doctor? Prescribed for 21 days. thanks.
Doctor: Higreetings. It is very difficult to say how long you will need treatment,because each patient and nature of infection will be different. Ideally prostatic secretions has to be collected after a massage and tested after every course of antibiotics.culture of semen or urine will not be conclusive always. Hence we have to treat according to the symptoms.In some patients prolonged treatment may be required.So you can discuss with your urologist. hope you are convinced. Regards
Description: Could pain in left hamstring be a symptom of heart issue?
Patient: Day before yesterday I had an ache on the underside of my left arm and it radiated throughout my arm. Fair amount of pain....discomfort. I actually felt a similar pain in my right arm, but not a pronounced and it did not last nearly as long on my right arm. I had zero discomfort in my chest at all. Yesterday there was nothing. Today I m having tingling feelings in my left arm...almost like it was asleep and just getting the feeling back...not painful at all...just a tingling...but now I just started to have an ache in my left hamstring. I m 47. 5 10 about 195lbs. Used to be athletic. And have had issues with my neck from football days....Can a symptom of a heart issue be a dull ache in the left hamstring?
Doctor: Hello, It is not related to cardiac problems.As first-line management you can take analgesics like paracetamol or aceclofenac for pain relief. If symptoms persist, it is better to consult a physician and get evaluated. You can go for an arterial Doppler to rule out conditions like peripheral vascular diseases. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician
Description: Suggest remedy for pain in the right upper leg
Patient: I am A 28 year old male and have had a pain in right upper leg since march this year I have been to my GP who had x-ray done for suspected arthritis however that shown up with no arthritis as time has gone on the pain has continued I have taken pain killers for most of this time I have attended emergency dept. twice in connection with on going pain, two x-rays later I have now been told I have a rare condition that only affects people between the ages of 25 and 35 little is known why. I am now waiting to see a specialist in Christchurch who is going to do a consultation regarding this rare condition, I have had A cat scan and a mri scan all within the last week now I am just waiting and would like to know if you shed any more light on this condition.
Doctor: Hello, I have studied your case. Usually nerve compression cant be seen on x ray you may need MRI for this.There will be age related spondylitis but if there is any nerve compression then that may need specific treatment.I will advise you to do MRI spineTill time, avoid lifting weights, Sit with support to back. You can consult physiotherapist for help.Physiotherapy like ultrasound and interferential therapy will give quick relief.Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health.Take care.
Description: Suggest treatment for swelling of the bottom left gums after tooth filling
Patient: Hi I am Rose...My bottom left gums are swollen, but it does not hurt. I had a tempoaray filling put in about three weeks ago. It does not hurt, I would like to know why its happening and if I should seek immediate attention or wait it out until my dentist aplointment in monday?
Doctor: Hello Welcome to HCM , I have gone through your query , see you have undergone temporary filling in tooth but now you have swollen gum this can be due to periodontal problem or periapical infection at your temporary restored tooth . There is nothing to worry but you should consult your dentist and go for IOPA Xray to evaluate swollen gum is due to periodontal problem or periapical infection . In meatime you can do luke warm saline gargle two - three times a day .Hope this will help you.
Description: What is the cause of failure to conceive?
Patient: Hello doctor,i have been experiencing irregular period for the last 3 years and i did ascan and the results showed i had an infected ovary,i took anti biotics and now i have started taking Pregnacare for the last 2weeks hoping 2 conceive because i reaaly want to,,please what could be the cause of my not getting pregnant? thanx ..Gift F
Doctor: Hi,Welcome to HCM.Infected ovary can't be diagnosed on ultrasound scan. Irregular periods means anovulation.You need treatment for ovulation induction with medicines after proper evaluation by infertility specialist. Kindly consult the same.Wish you good health.Regards.
Description: What causes pain in knee going down to leg?
Patient: Hello, I am 18 years old and 4 11. I m 115 lbs and I have never had any major medical problems before, other than pleurisy and bronchitis. My entire life I have had an occasional pain in my right leg. It starts behind the knee and then goes all the way up and down my leg. The pain is like an intense cramp and it stays for hours and hours. A few times, I have woken in the middle of the night with a pain so intense I could hardly stand it. This pain was in my calf on the right leg and felt like someone tearing my leg apart from the inside. So I would stand up and put pressure on it and the pain would go away. What could be causing this? My parents have always said it was growing pains but I don t think that s the case.
Doctor: Hello,I read carefully your query and understand your concern. Your symptoms seem to be related to a muscle cramp.I suggest using a muscle relaxant such as Baclofen three times a day. I also suggest using magnesium supplement for muscle relaxation. Warm compresses can also be helpful. Hope my answer was helpful.If you have further queries feel free to contact me again.Kind regards! Dr.Dorina Gurabardhi General &Family Physician
Description: After going through these reports, what can I do to keep my dad out of danger?
Patient: Hi, My father is 63 years old, suffered Massive Heart Attack in 2012 August, his current condition is as below CAD: RWMA +, AWMI, LV dysfunction NO VEG / PAH / CLOT /PE Normal Valves EF: 30 I want my father to be out of danger and be in good health always. I need help to improve his heart condition. Please help. Regards Mallikarjuna
Doctor: Brief:Detailed:Hello,Welcome to Health Care Magic.Thanks for writing.I am Dr.Muhammad Ahmad. I have read you question completely, i understand your concern and will try to help you in best way possible.First I will explain about the report.It says that you father had heart attack which effected anterior wall of his heart.Heart has many walls and anterior wall is very important in determining the heart function.Report also says that there is left ventricular dysfunction..Left ventricle is also most important part of heart and now as it's damaged it is working at half the efficiency of a normal person.Normal ejection fraction is 60% and he is on 30 so after this heart attack his hearr us working at 50% of normal.Now how to keep him out of danger?These are simple yet important points.1) Save heart from a new attack, this will need him following the diet modifications and regularly taking meds ans doctor followup.2) Don't over load the heart :this will be done by:a) controlling salt intake.b) Taking medsc) Controlling BPd) Avoiding over exertion.3) Stay active but always remember he doesn't have to cross his allowed limits.. he is on 50% of heart activity so his physical activity should also be 50% Here your main goal is to keep it at 30% and dont ket it deteriorate.. Leaving meds even for a day can be catastrophic so take care of every thing religiously and everything should be fine.I hope this answered your question.If you have more queries I am happy to answer.Regrads.Dr.Muhammad Ahmad.
Description: Suggest remedy for lumps
Patient: my 6 year old complained of a bugbite on his head last week. i noticed today that he has a visible lump on his head. It doesnt appear to be a bite and it seems bigger than it was last week. he doesnt remember hitting it and he says it doesnt hurt. should i be overly concerned?
Doctor: Hi.Yes , you should be concerned as the cause and effect is not known.I would advise you to consult a Doctor as he sees more of such atypical problems. IT may be a problem in a child of just 6 years. We have to confirm this is not infected and may need a treatment accordingly.Having a hematoma is definitely a possibility. But ruling out other problems is very important.
Description: Any suggestion for suffering from psychiatric problems?
Patient: dr ... my name is santhi bhushan. my brother is a psycatric patient. now the medicines doesnt give the result. also he says that he wants to change his gene to become a perfect man. if it is not possible he will try to make suicide...that is the current situation....can you help me doctor
Doctor: Hi,Although you have mentioned that your brother is suffering from some sort of psychiatric disorder, more information will be needed regarding his symptoms, duration of illness and past treatment details before anything can be commented upon.In any case, if he is expressing suicidal views, I will suggest you to be careful and make sure he is under proper surveillance. Discuss this with your current psychiatrist. You can resend your query with further information.Best wishes.
Description: What causes kidney stone formation despite removal through laser?
Patient: iam suffering with kidney stones from last two years and got the laser operation also and again the stone formation will take place in my kidneys .what the reason behild tht formation and if any body can do the analysis and find out the reason for tht stone formation ?
Doctor: HiIf you are forming stones repeatedly, then you will need full metabolic evaluation which involves collecting your urine samples for 24 hours(two such samples to be collected) and tested for various things to identify the cause for stone formation. Please contact your urologist who will be able to arrange this for you. Also have the stone analysed as well.
Description: Q. Why is there a yellow spot on the gums?
Patient: Hi doctor, I have a yellow spot on the right side of the gums. I also have a pain in the back tooth. I am taking Ibuprofen and applied Bonjela. But still, I have pain in the tooth. What could it be?
Doctor: Hi. I have gone through the attachment (attachment removed to protect patient identity). It looks like a traumatic ulcer or chemical burn. The reason can be due to the tissue present between the last two teeth. It is chewed during grinding causing a traumatic ulcer. The other reason can be a chemical burn. As the image is not clear, I am unable to differentiate them. Please mention about the age of the ulcer. The above information is necessary as the lesion itself can present as a nonhealing ulcer in the mouth. For the pain, you can take the following medications. Take Ofloxacin 200 mg twice daily. Take Metronidazole 400 mg thrice daily for five days. Take Ibuprofen if there is a pain.
Description: Can body naturally ovulate without having the hgc injection during superovulation?
Patient: Hello, I am a 36 year old woman, 5ft 3 and about 9 1/2 stone. Over the past few years I have been trying to conceive with my husband with no result. We have recently just started our first cycle of superovulation and I just had a question to ask. During superovulation can your body naturally ovulate without having the hgc injection. It's just i was due to take the injection and i felt some pains as though i was starting to ovulate. I have now taken the injection and i am still feeling the pains. Does this mean i might be ovulating now (at my normal time) and not 36 hours or so after the injection was taken. It's just that i want to get the timing right and as it is a bank holiday weekend i am not able to ask my clinic for a couple of days. If this is the case and i am ovulating now, how long do i have in order to fertilise the egg. Thank you
Doctor: HiIn many cases of ovulation induction we don't even prescribe Hcg injection as most women ovulate even without it. The reason the injection is prescribed is to make sure that you ovulate. So it is very much possible that you ovulated before the injection. It is generally said after ovulation the egg remains fertile for 24 hrs. Let me know if you have any other queries. Thanks
Description: How can hair loss be treated?
Patient: Hello Doctor , Iam 28 years old and iam facing hair loss problems. I have consulted a dermatologist and he prescribed me to use Keraglo forte daily and Hair 4 U topical solution and 1 Finalo tablet daily. I heard Finalo tablet may cause serious side effects. Is it true?
Doctor: hi .. i understand your concern ... your dermatologist precribed v good treatment ... u r taking 1 mg of finalo .. it wont cause that much of side effects compared to higher doses .. u can continue treatment .. hope this will help u lot thank you
Description: Tightness below belly button, ultrasound shows ruptured ovarian cyst and fibroid. What could it be?
Patient: I have terrible tightness below my belly button.. I just had an ultrasound that showed a ruptured ovarian cyst and a large penduculated fibroid . I m having an abdominal cat scan on Monday but am worried that this tightness is something bad.. I m slightly constipated and on iron supplements 3xs a day for anemia .. What could the tightness be?
Doctor: hello mam, The tightness in the lower abdomen is probably due to the ruptured cyst itself.Also a pelvic inflammatory condition cannot be ruled out.Anyways,you are getting the CAT scan which should clear the picture. All the best
Description: Cause of consistent abdominal pain after typhoid fever?
Patient: hello doctor, my son age is 8 years, he has abdonal pain from last 6 years. last 28th janurary he got sufferd from typhoid high grade fever for 10 days, now the abdomen pain having much. his stool test showing PUS CELLS- PRESENT (STRAY) and also CANDIDA BODIES - PRESENT(+), his CT SCAN of lower abdomen has done on 02/03/2014 and the said test is normal. so whats is the cause of pain ?
Doctor: HelloYou said that pain abdomen is for last 6 years. I want to know the character of pain1) Is it severe enough to disturb his daily activities or sleep2) Is it associated with vomitting3)What is the frequency of pain abdomen4) Is it occurs in morning hours only(at the time when he gets ready to go to school5) Is there any association with food6) Is he growing with normal paceNow pain abdomen for last 6 years without associated symptoms( as you have not mentioned the other symptoms I assume it to be not there)is very unlikely. Stool positive for pus cells may be due to present infection. But this does not explain such long history.Normal CT scan rules out any intraabdominal lymphadenopathy or anatomical abnormalities.I would suggest you to give him some antibiotic after consulting your doctor and to get the answers of the question mentioned above. If it is there then discuss it with your physicianRegards
Description: Suggest treatment for a painful lump on the buttock
Patient: I have a lump the width of a golf ball across the top of my butt crack causing the butt to swell closing the top of the crack, I m unable to sit stand or lay where it doesn t cause strong pains. I also have back problems so assumed at first the it was the back bone hurting at the base until the swelling occurred not I m not sure what it is...thank you.
Doctor: I welcome you to health care magic for your health concernsI am Dr Fahim, General Surgeon and I will be answering your query I have gone through your question and understood your concerns. With available information it appears to be PILONIDAL SINUS. It is the most common pathology of this region with this type of presentation. It is caused by hairs entering the skin and causing swelling along with pus formation. There are different treatment options available, ranging from endoscopic to open procedures with good results. You need to see a general surgeon who will guide you further about treatment after examination. Wishing you all the best and rapid recovery.I hope my answer will help you. Do rate my answer if you like it.Regards
Description: Q. What is the reason for abdomen pain and poor appetite?
Patient: Hello doctor, I am an unmarried 35-year-old male. It all started last month when I experienced mid-epigastric pain one fine morning. I took some pain relievers and got rid of that. Then, after almost a week, I got lower back pain on the right side suddenly one morning, then, upper back pain middle to the right side next day afternoon, below the right shoulder blade, which is persistent till date. I did many ultrasounds and X-rays and several blood tests. The ultrasound always said grade-1 (mild fatty liver). I got CT and MRCP first done two years ago and again last year. I then got MRCP done again thrice in the last year. Every time I am seeing the tests as 'normal'. I experienced a bit of testicular atrophy and muscle atrophy and weight loss (I went down to 70 kg from 78 kg) and less appetite. Then, I saw my abdomen protruding a bit. I gained some weight in between. (now 80 kg). Asymptomatic urination - sometimes normal urination, sometimes no urine for three to four hours. Last year, there was a small underarm swelling on my right underarm which still persists and it is painful if I press it hard. I got severe viral infections a month and two later and lost a little weight. Now, I have been experiencing severe back pain on my back, mostly on my middle to right side. Appetite is also very little. I have undergone several blood tests, CT, MRCP, lumbar-pelvic MRI, ultrasound, X-rays, etc, in these two years and did not get any specific diagnosis. I am not sure whether it is my liver, spine, bone marrow, lymph nodes, pancreas, gallbladder, or stomach that is causing this trouble. Early this year, I underwent upper GI endoscopy for my poor appetite, and the doctor discovered a small ulcer in my pyloric channel (caused by H.pylori). I was put on the triple therapy for the same, still no positive outcome. My liver enzymes (SGPT and SGOT are mildly elevated). This back pain and loss of appetite are killing me almost every day. I fear some kind of malignancy as my mother succumbed to gallbladder cancer and associated complications two years ago. The pain I am experiencing is as if something is pressing on my right side back, below the shoulder blade (referred pain). I am left out with more invasive procedures such as endoscopic ultrasound, liver biopsy, PET CT, FNAC, bone marrow biopsy, HIDA scan etc. My ESR and LDH are slightly elevated for almost a year. My sugar is under control. My lipid profile is a little bit abnormal, H. pylori IgG negative, vitamin D insufficient, testosterone is below the normal range, and kidney profile is normal.
Doctor: Hello. The scans are suggestive of a systemic disorder rather than a focal lesion, and they perfectly correlate with your symptoms. Please send your ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) levels. For more information consult a radiologist online -->
Description: Is it safe to take Calpol for high fever?
Patient: Hi my 5 years old daughter has been diagnosed with conjunctivitis and has been given antibiotics drops, wednesday night this week, however since last night she gets temperature of 39°C -39.5°C in the evening and during the day under medication like Calpol type (Doliprane) she is around the 38°C - 38.4°C but she is also complaing that her head hurts a lot (headache) - should i go back and see the GP? or is it normal?
Doctor: your 5 year old girl gets conjunctivitis , now she has headache and fever . usually conjunctivitis proceeds upper respiratory tract infection which cause both headache and fever and it's usually viral and doesn't need oral antibiotics , and it's safe to give calpol .but physical exam is needed first by her doctor, because sometimes conjunctivitis can expand and causes orbital cellulitis and meningitis ( but this is rare for meningitis) . so I highly advice you to go for a physical exam to exclude this condition. no tests is needed I hope this helps
Description: Had brown discharge, abnormal. Had sex. PT negative. What is going on?
Patient: I had sex last month on march 11th. he pulled out. was like five days after my last period. then this month when my period came it was abnormal. very light first day and half, didnt need pad. then just like a couple hours of really light flow. didnt even fill one pad. then just a rust brown discharge for like two more days. my period always gets really heavy. tested but came back negative. am i in the clear. only other thing is that i feel drained and tired and sometimes get a little queasy after i eat, but not a lot. never had a period, if it was one like that before, and dont know if im just freaking myself out or not?
Doctor: Hello,Here, you need to undergo one blood test for beta-HCG & TVS scan to rule out implantation bleeding at the earliest. It is mostly presented with brown discharge. Early pregnancy test is less significant.Other reasons are vaginal/ pelvic infection, hormonal imbalance, old endometrial tissue, over wt/ loss, thyroid disturbance, ovarian cyst, irregular diet habit, stress etc.Following above test report, you need to consult with gynecologist to undergo other relevant investigations to pinpoint the diagnosis. Take suggestive measure accordingly. Good luck.
Description: What is the treatment for rashes which occurred after diarrhea?
Patient: I have been having red spots on my arms, average size of an inch in diameter. They start with an itch. And typically are gone within a day, only to be replaced with similar spots ans symptoms in other places, again mostly on my arms, but a few on my torso as well. Not sure whether related, I had a bout of diarrhea last Wednesday, and ever since, have noticed reduced appetite. The diarrhea is gone now, but there is a bit more bloating than usual and still reduced appetite. Rings a bell? Thank you.
Doctor: Hi, I have gone through your complaints and it seems to be an urticarial rash. It can occur secondary to any infection in the body like diarrhoea in your case. I would recommend you to take antihistaminic like tablet Cetirizine once daily for a few days. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Asmeet Kaur Sawhney, Dermatologist
Description: Suggest treatment for heart palpitations
Patient: well yesterday i used a drug for the first time when i came home my heart was pounding out of control for 2-3 hours then i had short breath tingles in my head then later my nerves were out of control in my chest they would flex by there selves and then later a couple more nerves were going out of control it was but t day i feel better weird should i be worried
Doctor: Hello, I may be an acute anxiety or panic attack as it suggests from history. However, you should undergo detail evaluation like ECG & echo-cardiography to rule out any cardiac cause for the acute attack of palpitation. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Tushar Kanti Biswas, Internal Medicine Specialist
Description: Can bloating be related to ovarian cyst?
Patient: In March 2010 i had a cervical biopsy because my pap smear came back abnormal. Lately (about 2 months) I feel bloated and tired more than usual. My bloating looks like i'm 2-3 months pregnant. No changes in my eating habits. Could the bloating be related to ovarian cancer? or a cyst? No adominal or back pain. or abnormal bleeding. I am 29. I am now weighing in at 112 (104 previously) 5 feet 2. Thanks!
Doctor: Hi,Thanks for writing in.Bloating is a non specific symptom and might be seen in many conditions. Cysts in the ovary might cause bloating sensation and this requires clinical abdominal examination and ultrasound scan or CT scan. Any cyst in the ovary will be noted. It is also possible that there might be a condition in the uterus and this might be confirmed by clinical investigations.A pap smear is not connected to cyst in ovary. It tells about the cells in cervix. Please discuss your pap smear report with the doctor. If there is any cyst in the ovary then you might have to do additional test like CA 125 to know if there is any risk of cancer associated with the cyst. You might also get your thyroid function test done. Please do not worry.
Description: Suggest remedy for back pain
Patient: I have persistent pain in the middle of my back, it travels right across but isnt in my shoulder blades or low back. I have been treating it with panadol 4 hourly but as soon as it wears off the pain is back. I am having trouble lying down and normal functioning but it does not feel like a pulled muscle and I'm not having any difficulty with mobility. This has been going on for 3 days now
Doctor: Hi,Happy to see that you have framed your question near perfect! Except you haven't told me your sex! That would have ruled out one cause, but as of now i can frame only two diagnosis-Acute pancreatitis or scoliosis.Get your full blood count doneLIPASE AND AMYLASE LEVELURINE TEST FOR PRESENCE OF SUGAR IN IT.CT SCAN AND THE LAST RESORT CAN BE MRCP. For scoliosis, Go for X-Ray ,Postero-anterior view ,and a lateral one.Cobb's angle measurement should do the job.Hope that helps! Happy to help you again! :)
Description: Q. For how long should I take Kalachikai powder to overcome PCOD problem?
Patient: Hello doctor,As I have PCOD problem and also cyst, I take tablets for period. My friend suggested Kalachikai powder. I used it for 30 days continuously, but no use. How many days should I take that powder and how to overcome this problem?
Doctor: Hello. For PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), powder Kalachikai has a good effect, but the duration of treatment is long (more than three months). For proper evaluation of disease, please go for USG whole abdomen and other investigations. If the size and number of cysts are more, then I suggest consulting a gynecologist as you may require surgery. If the number and size of cysts are less, you may continue treatment along with syrup Evecare 10 ml BD and Kanchnar Guggulu two BD. For more information consult an ayurveda specialist online -->
Description: Elevated liver enzymes. On slow fast acting adderall. High AST, ALT. Causes?
Patient: my son is on adderall (slow fast acting 25m) but only in school. In july he had his blood work and it came back with elevated enzymes ast 68 alt 86. The weeks prior to taking his blood work he ate boxes of donuts and croissants which is high in saturated fats. He is 17, plays basketball and weighs 178 lbs. His pcp is taking further tests to find out what other factors might be in play for his high liver enzymes. So worried.
Doctor: Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. AST and ALT are the liver enzymes and their level increase in liver damage. It may be due to hepatitis, alcohol, drugs or toxins. He should go for complete liver function test. Search for the cause and then take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health.
Description: Dryness in mouth, streaks of blood in spit during winter
Patient: I have a cold now but have had dry mouth in the winter months. a few times per week I may see streaks of blood in my spit, it goes away after a hour or so
Doctor: hello. welcome to HCM. Spitting thin streaks of blood during or immediately after recovery from sore throat infection is a common finding and is due to increased blood flow in the pharynx during inflammation. So, it is not something to be worried about. You can have soothing effect or relief by having sips of warm water instead of normal temperature water whenever you are thirsty. Coughing out or spitting blood in your case may be a cause of worry if you also have otherwise cough with sputum production, or have other symptoms (loss of weight or loss of appetite)suggestive of tuberculosis. In any case if this finding of cough with blood streaking persists beyond sore throat, you must have X ray and visit a chest specialist. take care
Description: Do painful urination, chills and upset stomach indicate urinary tract infection?
Patient: The last week or so it hurts to urinate and twice I was not able to hold the urine at night, did not make it to the bathroom. I feel chilled, my stomach feels upset, I never have an upset stomach and tonight I have a fever of 99.3. I think I have an UTI.
Doctor: Hello,Definite presence of UTI with all present symptoms. Guidelines for better recovery:• Get a baseline evaluation of complete blood count with urine• Microscopy report• Plenty of liquids orally as possible in sessions• Ranitidine type antacids, tylenol as analgesic will help in stomach upset• Chills• In our clinic, we recommend fluoroquinolone group of antibiotics for eradication of susceptible bacteria• Keep genitals clean and dry• Maintain chart of temperatureHope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Purva Patel
Description: Can one have intercourse while on birth control pills?
Patient: I had a nexplanon place this morning, and I was told to finish my current pill pack. She told me not to have intercourse for at least a month after the pill back ended. My question is, can I still have protected intercourse between now and the time my pill pack ends?
Doctor: Dear Madam,If you have started the pack earlier than day 2 of the cycle, you can safely have sexual intercourse; however if you have started the pack later, your protection against the pregnancy is not guaranteed. However, it was not necessary to observe absolute sexual abstinence during this month. You could have enjoyed your sexual life with some barrier method like condom (male or female). Now also you can have sexual contact with the use of condom. I hope this makes you happy. Dr. Nishikant Shrotri
Description: Q. I have done hemoglobin variant analysis. Please let me know what does it indicate.
Patient: Hello doctor, I am a 38 year old male. My height is 5'3", and I weigh 69 kg. Recently, I had a health checkup. Please check the attached reports and advise me if any treatment is required. The hemoglobin variant analysis test is showing hemoglobin A 68.6 and hemoglobin S 29.6. Please let me know what does this indicate.
Doctor: Hi. Based on your query and attached reports, my opinion is as follows: (attachment removed to protect patient identity) Increased HbS with reduced HbA at this age suggests possible sickle cell trait disease. Most important evaluation is the possibility of the transfer of this to the next generation, to your kids. Hence, evaluation is necessary. As a complete workup has been done, no anomaly is detected and there is no organ damage at present. Nutritional anemia is additionally present. Iron supplements, vitamin B12, and folic acid supplements are necessary. Anemia correction is necessary. If there are any complications in future, hydroxyurea therapy may need to be started. Vaccination against Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and hepatitis B is necessary.
Description: How to cure mood swings and depression when suffering from ocd ptsd?
Patient: yes i hope you can i am in need of finding a physicatric doctor i am bipolar i have ocd pdst i have not been on any meds in a few years and i am very manic and i need them really bad my moods are up and down and i am gonna go into a depression i dont know how to set up a email address you can call me at 0000
Doctor: Hello,Thanks for choosing health care magic for posting your query.I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through.The symptoms that you have stated appear to be of bipolar mood disorder and this will need you to take mood stabilizers and antipsychotics for improvement. Mood stabilizers such as valproate, lithium, carbamazepine and antipsychotics like quetiapine, olanzapine or aripiprazole are good drugs for this purpose.The treatment needs to be taken for a longer period and you can function as a normal person during the period.Hope I am able to answer your concerns.If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you.In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below mentioned
Description: Any medication to cure skin allergy in neck after using expired volini?
Patient: I use d volini spray which has been expired in the month of Dec 13 and now it's March 14 but I was not aware regarding this. With the use of that spray I have skin allergy on my nack. There are a large no. of small pox type skin allergy on my neck. So please suggest any medical help regarding this.
Doctor: do not scratch and just apply vaseline jelly, consult a dermatologist if it continues to be there. anti allergics might of help
Description: What causes light headedness and chest pain?
Patient: Hi , I have a headache an pulsing in my ear also slight pains in my centre chest, I am slightly pale in colour and get out of breath easily, also a bit fluy and light headed, I do seem to be getting better than 12 hrs ago, thanks for any help u can give.
Doctor: Respected user, hi I evaluated your query thoroughly.*Usually hypoglycemia , dehydrated states , low haemoglobin levels give rise to the said symptoms.@ maintain your hydration levels with plenty of liquids@ keep your BP ,weight, Blood sugar , Cholesterol levels under control.@ check out your Haemoglobin level , visual acquity.@ quit tobacco / alcohol / abuse substances of any form if using.@ Diet rich in iron, protein , vitamins, minerals , anti-oxidants I recommend more green leafy vegetables, cereals, milk, jaggery , fruits for you.@ avoid exposure to excess heat.@ Light exercises at home with YOGA help tremendously.@ avoid stress / anxiety .@ have adequate sound sleep of 8 hours.@ In case more difficulty you feel , go to ER & get checked by Physician. Hope this clears your query. Thanks for using Health Care magic & keeping trust in our services. Would love to assist in any future need. Wishing you fast and speedy recovery from the same. Regards dear take care.
Description: Does delayed period with less bleeding mean that i am pregnant?
Patient: hi, i had unprotected sex 3 days after the completion of my period and with in 7 hour i took i pill. with in a a week i faced some bleeding and my regular period got delayed by a week but i experienced less bleeding during my late period. does it mean that i am pregnant?
Doctor: Hi, I think there is little chance of pregnancy but you should do a urine pregnancy test to clear the doubt. If positive consult a doctor if you don't want pregnancy. If negative you can be sure that you are not pregnant. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Dr khushboo
Description: Diagnosed with liver and bile duct cancer. Fatigue, back pain and cough. Survival chances?
Patient: my sister was diagnosed with liver/bile duct cancer in Feb. She is very very tired, no appetite, pain radiates around to her back and as of yesterday I noticed a persistent cough. She was diagnosed as terminal but is going to participate in a clinical trial next week. She feels so "stuffed" in the chest area and coughs while she is talking.One dr said a yr but another hints several months. Should we be preparing for her to leave us soon. She also has some cancer in the cervical area but the dr said we won't worry about that now.
Doctor: Hello From your description , your sister seems to have advanced stage cancer. For cancer in hepato-biliary area the treatment are not that good and outcome is also not so good. Lets hope she benefit from clinical trial. Often overlooked treatment in advanced stage is palliative care.It helps relieve symptoms, but is not expected to cure the disease. It can be given along with cancer treatment, or can even be cancer treatment. The aim of palliative care is to improve the quality of your life, or help you feel as good as you can for as long as you can. Sometimes this means using drugs or other measures like physiotherapy etc to help with symptoms like caugh pain fatigue etc. Regards
Description: Suggest treatment for Sinus tachycardia and low back ache with disc prolapse
Patient: i have sinus tachchardia as well as severe low back ache with disc prolapse and sacralisation of l5 s1. last month menstrual period i had lot of bleeding after few days it was ovver only i got palpitation. I am using beta anxit. My age is 37 got married one year before we dont have child.
Doctor: Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic. I can understand your concern. Your sinus tachycardia is mostly due to uncontrolled stress and anxiety. Only drugs are not useful in control of anxiety symptoms. Proper counselling by psychiatrist plays very important role in anxiety disorder. So better to consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on it's solution. Don't worry, you will be alright. For your back problem, better to start appropriate physiotherapy. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Always sit with proper support. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. Wear lumber belt for better support. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Description: What does increased interstitial markings on chest X-ray suggest?
Patient: I just had my chest x rayed PA and lateral views. FINDINGS: LUNG FIELDS: No focal findings. Mild increased interstitial markings, likely chronic. Mild hyperaeration. Could you please explain what this means. Is it serious? I do have a cough and white mucus comes up. I have allergies (mold spores, grass, running nose)
Doctor: Hello Your report suggests mildly increased interstitial markings.It may be due to COPD,asthma,infection,inflammation etc.Mild hyperaeration is related to mild air trapping.It is also important to rule out infective etiology since you have symptoms.You may require antibiotics after clinical assessment.You also need further tests like routine hemogram.Avoid smoking if you are smoker.Inhalational bronchodilators or steroids may be needed after clinical assessment.Hope i have answered your query.Take CareDr.Indu Bhushan
Description: What causes sudden pain in the hips?
Patient: I have hip pain that came on suddenly and would alternate between very painful and no pain at all. It go better after a few days and seems to have gone away. Wondering about exercise, I usually work out hard about 3 times a week. I wonder too what caused it and what might prevent it.
Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Sudden onset hip pain can be from a strain or tear from an acute episode. Acute hip pain can also be from bruises from direct impact. Sharp pain in the hip can be sudden and can be referred from the lumbar spine. Sudden hip pain can be from femoral fractures or a more severe hip dislocation. May be a vascular necrosis, infection, rectus femoris tendinitis, labial tear ,hip sprain,rectus femoris avulsion etc. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Description: Q. My girlfriend has breathing problems, throat and chest pain even after taking antibiotics. Why?
Patient: Hello doctor, My girlfriend had mucus, throat pain, shortness of breath, tiredness, chest pain, and a build-up of snot. She had two doses of antibiotics for a chest infection. Done a chest x-ray, it was clear and normal. She was asked to take antihistamines to stop mucus from the back of the throat, but all symptoms remain. It is happening for two to three months. What is this? Is there any possible prognosis or cure? Please help.
Doctor: Hello. From your history, it is evident that she has picked up an allergy, which is constantly leading her to develop mucus, and hence, her entire chest is getting congested. Ideally, there is only one thing you can do, and that is to change her atmosphere so that she is not exposed to the allergen. May be she can consider wearing a mask while working. Just an advise long term prolonged allergy like that can lead to asthma in the future. I will suggest the following medicine till she recovers. 1) Tablet Montek-LC (a combination of montelukast and levocetirizine) one tablet before she is about to go to work. She may feel a little drowsy, so ask her to take adequate precautions. Montelukast is a good drug for chest congestion and helps in relieving the allergy. I hope this helps.
Description: Suggest remedy for green mucus from one nostril and problem in breathing and sleeping
Patient: my baby is eight weeks old and from day one has had green mucus from one nostril whilst the other nostril is dry mucus now one of the nostrils he is unable to breathe through. he has no other signs of infection and eats and gains weight well just has truoble breathing and sleeping now. any advice will be great
Doctor: Hi,Cough and cold are viral 95% of the times in children. For cold you can use anti-allergics like Cetirizine and for nose block, saline nasal decongestants will do. For fever - Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15mg/kg/dose (max ceiling dose 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly, that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. For cold you can use Cetrizine at 0.25mg/kg/dose every 12 hourly for 3 days. But at this age you cannot use any medication for cold because no medicine has been licensed at this age group. For nasal block, plain saline nasal drops will do, every 4-6th hourly to relive nasal congestion.Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.Regards,Dr. Sumanth MBBS., DCH., DNB (Paed).
Description: Hit on the temple, blurred vision, short memory loss, involuntary hand movements. What is the cause?
Patient: hi i was in a car accident in 2006 , i was hit in the temple such a force i was knocked out had a big gash woke up vision was so blurry really coundnt make out people . couldnt conperhed things like how to take seat belt off , when asked question coundt remeber what they asked , there was a time i could hear people but not see them i would tell my daughter a descridion of the doc, nurse etc , my daughter would say no they didnt look like that finally i gave up , i cant remeber very much about the accident at all now i have blocks cant remeber things or forget what something is its really fushrating . some people think im playing and im not . i remeber doing my hands like karate kid for no reason i asked the fireman why am i doing that he never ansered me
Doctor: Hi,Thank you for posting your query.It seems that you had concussion after the accident, associated with amnesia (loss of memory). It is common with moderate to severe head injuries. These symptoms improve in a few weeks. In order to find out whether or not you suffered a severe head injury resulting in internal brain damage, we need to do an MRI of your brain.Please get back with MRI report.I hope it helps. Please get back if you require any additional information.Wishing you good health,Dr Sudhir Kumar MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Neurology)Senior Consultant NeurologistApollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, IndiaClick on this link to ask me a DIRECT QUERY: BLOG:
Description: What to do if I feel weak and have low temperatures in the morning while being diagnosed with cervical spine stenosis?
Patient: I feel weak when I wake up in the morning and experience low temperature- around 97 degree F.I get pangs of hunger. I had a blood test done recently. Diabetes and Thyroid are ruled out. My haemoglobin is 11.9. Lympocytes is 44%, Neutrophil (stab) is 0% Neutrophil (segm) is 52% Platelet count 2,20,000 Total R.B.C is 4.4 milliom/cumm P.C.V is 35% I have been suffering from Cervical Spinal Stenosis for the past 3 months and was under medication of pain killers and muscle relaxants. I was advised surgery but Osteopathy treatment improved my condition.
Doctor: Hi, Sometimes screening blood work for thyroid disease is not entirely accurate since most primary doctors will only check a TSH to detect an abnormal state. In your case, since it appears as if low metabolic function may be to blame for your symptoms I would recommend expanding the bloodwork a bit to include several other thyroid tests such as a FREE T4, Total T3 and Free T3. I might even check a random cortisol and also look at your Vitamin D, B12, and folate levels due to the very mild anemia which may or may not be relevant to the rest of your symptoms. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Dariush Saghafi, Neurologist
Description: What course of treatment should be done for fatty liver and kidney disease?
Patient: I have recently been diagnosed with a fatty liver and kidneys. I have been going to various GI doctors for years to try to discover why I have UTIs and IBS, mostly post a perforated colon in 2004. No questions were answered. I drink only occasionally and have four hernias post 2004 colonoscopy disaster. Had a 6-month ostomy bag but have never been able to get my questions answered re treatment. I am really concerned about this fatty liver diagnosis now when no doctor paid any attention to this in the past.
Doctor: Hi, There are two main types of fatty liver disease so treatment depends on this: Alcoholic liver disease and Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. You can get alcoholic liver disease from drinking lots of alcohol. It can even show up after a short period of heavy drinking, other causes are obesity and hepatitis B and C. If you have alcoholic liver disease and you are a heavy drinker, quitting is the most important thing you can do. Talk to your doctor about how to get help. If you don't stop you could get complications like alcoholic hepatitis or cirrhosis. Even if you have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, it can help to avoid drinking. If you are overweight or obese, do what you can to gradually lose weight -- no more than 1 or 2 pounds a week. Eat a balanced and healthy diet and get regular exercise. Limit high-carb foods such as bread, grits, rice, potatoes, and corn. And cut down on drinks with lots of sugar like sports drinks and juice. This should lead to improvement. You should repeat your liver markers in 3-4 weeks. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Ivan R. Rommstein, General Surgeon
Description: Q. Every time I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Why?
Patient: Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
Doctor: Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online -->
Description: What causes dull back pain with diarrhea, cramping and headache?
Patient: Two days ago I was experiencing period cramps so I took two ibuprofens (extra strength) and immediately the pain subsided. I went to sleep and yesterday I woke up with a major headache mostly in the left area of my head. I took a daytime Tylenol during the late afternoon when the pain was much too unbearable and waited. The Tylenol didn t do much and i fell asleep around 7pm. In the early morning while still half asleep I became aware of a dull pain in my lower back and when I woke up around 9 am this morning the pain was much worse and it made it hard for me to stand straight. A few hours later while going to the bathroom I discovered that my stool was a greasy yellow diarrhea that was especially foul smelling.
Doctor: Hello,You may have a gut infection which is causing cramps. Take drotin for pain relief and take full course of antibiotic metrogyl and ofloxacin.
Description: How to treat dark discoluration around the genitals?
Patient: Well I'm male, 16 years old and haven't been sexually active however I have a dark discoloration of skin around my genitals, to be more specific it's on the side of my thigh and it goes up onto the sides and even down on my butt a little and specifically in the crack.. It also itches a lot, pretty much every night. I used to get jock itch a lot and still do so I don't know if that has anything to do with it however I've had this for a few months now. Any idea what it could be and how to cure it or get the discoloration to go away? Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Doctor: Hi,Thanks for writing in. During puberty and adolescence, there is sudden increase in hormones like testosterone and development of secondary sexual characters in boys. This causes increased deposition of pigment called melanin in the genital areas.However if there is itching that is along the inner thigh as described by you, then you might be having fungal infection. Please apply antifungal ointment like CANDID-B twice a day. Wash your genitals with warm water twice a day and keep it dry. Wear loose cotton inner wear and avoid itching.
Description: Q. What could be the cause of high blood pressure in young adults?
Patient: Hello doctor, I am a 19 year old skinny male. My BP was 158/100, but that could be because I was anxious at the doctor's. I have no prior health conditions. What could be the causes of a high blood pressure for me other than anxiety?
Doctor: Hello. I understand your concern. Your age is 19 and your blood pressure is high. Regards. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online -->
Description: What could cause headache,breathing difficulty?
Patient: An elderly aunt had grommet inserted recently and has not yet fully recovered. She was subsequently put on flomist for symptomatic relief of nasal complaints and could hardly sleep last night coz of headache and weakness, along with breathing difficulty. Should she continue with the spray?
Doctor: Hello, Yes, she can continue suing Flomist spray as long as it provides relief. In case that she has side effects such as nose bleed she can stop using the spray. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr. Dorina Gurabardhi, General & Family Physician
Description: What causes blurred vision and dizziness?
Patient: Hi, My husband passed out and hit the back of his head, he did this Sunday, he has blurred vision in his right eye, he s dizzy at times and his head still hurts at times. He said he had a concussion before and there s nothing they can do, should I be worried?
Doctor: Hello ! I read your question and understand your concern. Headache and dizziness are very common after a head concussion. There is nothing to worry about. It is caused by the brain temporary dysfunction . He will recover spontaneously the next days. I would recommend to avoid head trauma for the next month, because a second trauma would cause serious complications. I would recommend pain killers for headaches for some days. If the situation gets worse and he has severe headache , somnolence or nausea I would recommend you to consult with a neurologist and have a brain CT scan to rule out a late intracranial hemorrhage. Hope to have been of help! Best wishes!Dr. Abaz Quka
Description: Suggest remedy for lump in lymph node
Patient: Hi , 3 days ago I was given a TDap shot. The first 2 days, I felt sore on my right upper arm and could hardly lift my arm. Today, I noticed a lump on my supraclavicular lymph node and it's sore and tender to touch. Could this just be one of the side effect of the shot. Before I was given the shot, I had a cold which i got from my husband.
Doctor: Hi..Thanks for the query. .I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..As per your complain swollen lymph nodes that are tender are most commonly indicative of infection in the body and mostly tender lymph nods indicates infection..As you have also got a TDAP immunisation it can also be a cause as at times immunisation can cause symptoms of fever and swollen lymph nodes as they are antigenic components. .If the lump is painful you can give him anti inflammatroy painkiller like Ibuprofen and also a short course of antibiotics can be advised after consulting a local physician or emergency service..You should wait and watch for a period of 15 days and if in this duration if the lymph nodes starts resolving it's fine but if it does not you can consult your physician and get evaluated and a biopsy /FNAC can be diagnostic and can be treated accordingly. .Hope this information helps. .Regards.
Description: Suggest treatment for facial swelling
Patient: I have facial swelling... Mainly around both cheeks and under the chin ... CT scan of my sinuses came back negative, x-rays of my teeth showed no problems, blood tests showed no abnormalities related to my thyroid. As of now my doctors have no explanation and no treatment plan. Please help, this has been going on for 10 weeks.
Doctor: Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic. I can understand your concern. Not only thyroid diseases, many other diseases can cause facial puffiness (swelling). Diseases related to kidney, liver, heart, hypoproteinemia etc can also cause facial puffiness. So better to consult doctor and get done 1. Liver function test including serum protein levels 2. Kidney function test 3. Ecg and 2d echo to rule out heart diseases. Treatment should be started on the basis of these reports. Don't worry, you will be alright. First diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Description: Suggest remedy to bring back legs and arms to normal after accident
Patient: now 4 months after being rear ended, I am still experiencing near constant numbness and tingling in both feet and my left arm and hand, along with neck pain, particularly on the right side of my neck and right shoulder right under my neck. I had MRIs, CATscan & xrays after the accident that showed nothing. I was thrown forward and backward (was wearing seatbelt) and hit the back of my head on the seat headrest and briefly blacked out. A week after the accident, when I tried to go back to teaching, I couldn t look at a screen or read without feeling nauseous. Followed up with orthopedist and was told I had post-concussion symptoms, but hospital never told me I had a concussion, though I kept telling them my head hurt. I ve been seeing chiropractor for about 3 weeks. Constant pins and needles were relieved by chiropractor for a time, but then got worse, and then better, but still there. Just had brain MRI ordered by neurologist. No results yet, but wants to do a nerve conduction study too. I m not sure why. I am 47 year old woman in otherwise good health. On neurologist s advice, once concussion symptoms went away (6 weeks after accident), I went back to normal life, but I still can t sleep well because my legs and arms go to sleep and/or tingle all night, and cannot be comfortable in any position for long.
Doctor: Yes. Gett nerve conduction study done. It will be useful. I would advise you to start Tab Gabaneuron once daily which is a combination of gabapentin and methyl cobalamine. It will improve the nerve symptoms.also start physiotherapy from a trained physiotherapist. It will help.You have to adhere with the treatment for a long time. Can't say how much time it will take may be few weeks to few months.
Description: What causes cold sensation on the head?
Patient: I have a cold sensation on the right back side of my head that started last night. This spot on my scalp feels cold, and bare like there is nothing there also very sensative and hurts when i touch it. What could this be? Could this be brain cancer or tumor?
Doctor: HIWell come to HCMI really appreciate your concern, it is the nonspecific kind of feeling and it could be due to anxiety and depression and for sure it is not the cancer or tumor of brain try to come out of the stress and control your thoughts and stop worrying, hope this information helps.
Description: Suggest treatment for oesophageal cancer
Patient: I want to know about the treatment for food pipe cancer, my mother age 70 weight 43, earlier 25 years back suffered from lungs infection( left lung 75% collapsed), pataient of hyper acidity and high blood pressure, having difficulty in eating food(swallow prob),
Doctor: Thanks for your question on HCM. Treatment of any cancer is based on its staging. And this stands true for esophageal cancer.So please get done CT neck with thorax to see exact size of tumour and local spread. Also get done PET SCAN to see for distal metastases.By al these staging can be determined. If distal metastases is present than it is considered as stage 4 cancer. It is inoperable and only treatment option is palliative chemotherapy and radiotherapy. But if stage 1, 2 or 3 is there than surgical options are available along with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. So better to consult oncologist first and discuss all these.
Description: What causes a painful hard white spot with ear and neck pain?
Patient: When I was 22 I had 3 wisdom teeth pulled.They said I only had 3. Well I am almost 40, is it possible to have that 4th wisdom tooth coming in now? Or is this pain with a white spot that is hard and hurts when touched, also ear and neck pain something else. Thank you!
Doctor: Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query.The pain over the white spot could be because of the erupting wisdom tooth or it can be because of the trauma from the opposing tooth. Nothing worry, consult a oral physician and get a radiograph done to rule out any wisdom tooth. If there is a wisdom tooth, get it removed. If there is pressure from the opposing tooth, get it rounded off.I hope my answer will help you, take care.
Description: Suggest remedy for breathing problem
Patient: So, since May I have had this breathing problem. (Note: I have never had asthma or anything like this before) What happens is that I get these yawns stuck in my throat, and I cant get them out-- and so my normal breathing becomes thin. This happens 3 or 4 times a minute depending on how long it takes to get the yawn out-- but when I get the yawn out-- another gets stuck. It is a horrible cycle. My regular doctor says that I just need to relax-- but it happens just as much when I am at my most relaxed state. Do you know what could be wrong?
Doctor: Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic.I can understand your concern. In my opinion, you should definitely rule out bronchitis. Bronchitis is inflammation of airways. It causes production of thick mucus from lungs. So get done PFT (Pulmonary Function Test).If PFT is normal then no need to worry for bronchitis and this symptom. Be relax and calm. Don't worry, you will be alright. Do warm water gargles and steam inhalation 4-5 times a day. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Description: What is the treatment for jerking movements in head?
Patient: my father is 88 years old & has started having a jerking in his neck. He says it starts in his shoulder & runs up his neck & makes his head jerk, he takes several medications & one is Risperdone 1 mg daily. This started 3 days ago is he said it is not painful.
Doctor: Hi, Welcome to I am Dr.J.Mariano Anto Bruno Mascarenhas. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you.This condition requires clinical Examination. Please consult a neurosurgeon or Neurologist at the earliestHope you found the answer helpful.If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. In the future, for continuity of care, I encourage you to contact me directly in HealthCareMagic at Best Wishes for Speedy Recovery Let me know if I can assist you further.Take care.
Description: Suggest treatment for rashes on body when suffering from elevated liver enzymes
Patient: My wife was treated for meningitis with AKT 4 for 1 month. She has developed liver problem with high SGPT/SGOT & S Bilirubin& admitted in hospital. Also developed red rashes all over the body. She is also diabetic. present treatment is levoflox 750/ursocol 300/ essential/ atrax/ levipil 250/dexa/vit k/ insulin. All AKT med stopped. For rashes metaz/ itchcam is advised. kindly inform whether all this is right?
Doctor: Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your wife has tuberculous meningitis and she was treated with AKT. Antu tuberculous drugs are hepatotoxic and known to cause liver damage. So she may have drug toxicity. She should stop AKT. Just wait for your liver function to come down at normal level. Change the drugs which are non hepatotoxic. Her rashs may be due to meningitis or other cause. She should also check for complete blood count and coagulation profile. Then she should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health.
Description: Q. Can Yasmin birth control pill be used as an emergency contraceptive pill?
Patient: Hello doctor, My fiancee and I had unprotected sex a few days back, but I did not ejaculate inside her. Just to be on the safer side, we wanted to use the emergency contraceptive pill. But due to some restriction in the country where we live, Plan B or emergency contraceptive pills are not available. I read that Yasmin, which is used as a regular contraceptive pill can be used as an emergency contraceptive pill at a higher dosage. Can Yasmin be used as an emergency contraceptive pill? And at what dosage?
Doctor: Hi. How are you doing? Yes, as you have heard, Yasmin can be used as an emergency pill. Even if you have not ejaculated into her, she stands a chance of pregnancy if the pre-seminal fluid, the clear fluid that comes out before semen, which is rich in young healthy sperms, comes in contact with her genitals. As soon as possible, earlier the better, I suggest taking four tablets of Yasmin (combination of Ethinyl Estradiol and Drospirenone) at the time, repeat four more tablets after 12 hours. This being a high dose of hormones, it will suddenly increase the inner lining of the uterus. Then as it is a single dose, the inner lining will fall off. This makes it unfavorable for the possible embryo or baby to settle into the uterus. She will get her periods within 7 to 10 days of the last pill. But do not keep repeating this frequently, it can disturb the hormonal balance and can reduce the effectiveness of the pill. Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and start taking the medicines after their consent. This is an old method, but it is an effective emergency method. Just do not delay the pills. As time passes by, the effectiveness reduces. Hope I have clarified your query, do write back. All the best. For further queries consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online -->
Description: What could result in sudden increase of heart rate?
Patient: Sometimes out of nowhere I feel my heart, instead of going baBUMPbaBUMPbaBUMP, go THUMP....... THUMP..... THUMP. Its like it beats harder slower, but only for a couple of beats. I feel it in my chest and throat. I don't want to go to the doctor because, it doesn't happen that often, so if I go there, and nothing happens, its kinda like I'm making it up... Does anyone know whats going on? Has this happened to anyone else?
Doctor: Hello and thanks for writing.I can understand your concern and would try to help you in the best possible way. Your complaints seem to be due to palpitations, the common causes of which are:1. Anxiety2. Sleep disorders3. Overactive thyroid 4. Heart conduction Problems5. Coronary artery disease6. Idiopathic, without any causeIt is advisable for you to get yourself evaluated for these conditions. You may need a few tests like CBC, thyroid profile, ECG and others. If your problems are transient then a 24 hour holter study may be useful to detect any subtle cardiac conduction problems. You may consult a physician for the same.In the mean time you should have a sound sleep, avoid stress, take regular exercise to reduce your symptoms.
Description: What causes low iron in the blood and nose bleeds?
Patient: African American age 17 female iron is to low to give blood always tired often has headaches and had a recent nose bleed. She has had nose bleeds in the past. I am her mother and I had nose bleeds as a child although I believe that I grew out of these at a young age.
Doctor: Welcome to H.C.M.Tiredness and headaches are looking due to anemia and anemia can be due to frequent nose bleeding.I advised you to consult a nearby doctor to rule out any bleeding disorder in your child.Hope this answers your question.Please do not hesitate for any query.I will be happy to answer your questions.
Description: Suggest treatment for recurring fever after rat bite
Patient: a rat bite my 3year old child on 24th october night. now he has fever on 13th November and recurring every third day(16th and 19th). we have seen a doctor twice and he declined it to be RBF(rat bite fever) and subscribed us tablets for Malaria lumerax and zifi-o. please suggest what to do as i am confused.
Doctor: Hello. Welcome to HCM.I am Dr Jigar(ID specialist).I can understand your panic. If i was treating doctor then i would have definitely gone for diagnosis first.Also see wether your son has any swelling and ulcer near rat bite area. Though signs you told can be seen in RBF there are other features like lymphadenitis will be seen. Giving treatment of malaria without lab diagnosis and giving antibiotics along with it is not at all logical. Consult expert physician and proceed for treatment after diagnosis is confirmed.This might help you. You can definitely ask for help if you need it again.Regards.Dr Jigar.
Description: Q. Why do periods get delayed after first time sex?
Patient: Hi doctor, I had sex for the first time. After that, I did not get my periods yet. I went to a gynecologist. She had taken my blood sample and it was negative. But, still I have not gotten my periods and it has been a week ahead. What could be the reason for my late periods?
Doctor: Hello. As the serum beta hCG levels are less than 3 mIU/mL, the pregnancy is definitely ruled out. The delay in the menses is mostly due to sex induced stress after the first time when reproductive hormones readjust themselves. The menses can get delayed even up to two weeks, so just wait for another week and they should arrive. If not, then you can safely opt for a progesterone withdrawal to resume menses. For further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online -->
Description: What causes small, hard lump above collar bone?
Patient: Hi, I have a small hard lump right above my collarbone on the left side of neck? It didn't bother me still I started messing with it and I didn't know it was there till I was playing with my seatbelt on day driving. I does move side to side when I touch it. Could it be a fatty tissue?
Doctor: welcome to Health care magic.1.It looks like lipoma ( fat content) ganglion (cystic - fluid containing) Bone ( extending from the bone.2.If it does not cause any ( symptoms) discomfort and not causing any cosmetic problem you can ignore until you visit your doctor for any cause.3.If you want to get removed then - in this case i would ask for a ultrasound scan to find out the content of the lesion, and and x-ray chest and a picogram ( to rule out any bony/lung related pathology.4.So, its for you to decide how to proceed.5.Anything to ask ? do not hesitate. Thank you.
Description: Suggest treatment for cancer of the thymus gland
Patient: Hi there, my mother, age 71 has been diagonosed with cancer of the thymus gland. Waiting for PET results to get more difinitive anwers. We live in San Diego Ca and we want her to get treated by a doctor who specializes in this type of cancer. Any recommendations?
Doctor: Hi, dearTreatment of cancer of thymus depends on type and stage of cancer. Whether it is limited to thymus or spread in other organs also. In early stage surgery is helpful. In later stage chemotherapy and radiotherapy is useful. Please send me details about your cancer. So that I can help you further. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health.
Description: Is coughing up blood with phelgm and clots after intubation concerning?
Patient: My husband was intubated for 2 1/2 days while sedated after a seizure waiting for MRI. This was last Thursday. He coughed up phlegm and blood for several hours. Then it was just phlegm. It dissipated over the weekend. When he came home today, he started to cough really hard and coughed up what looks like a 1 square of flesh. Then a few hours later, he coughed up a larger piece. Is this something we should worry about or take him to the emergency room?
Doctor: Thanks for your question on HCM.In my opinion you should get done atleast chest x ray to rule out other causes of haemoptysis (coughing out blood). If chest x ray is normal than no need to worry. The blood might be due to friction of endotracheal tube during the time of hospital stay.And the description you are giving favours old clotted blood, rather than fresh blood. As fresh bleeding appears bright red in color.So get done chest x ray first and if this is normal than no need to worry much.
Description: How can reduced sexual drive and weak erections be treated?
Patient: Hi sir, my age is 30 years. I got married recently.when ever I participate in sex with my wife Iam unable to insert my penis.Penis is folding due to weak erection. When compared I used to hav a bigger one when erected in past. Iam also feeling that feelings are also decreasing day by day in me. My weight is 94 kgs and I don t hav diabetes or bp till now. Which doctor should I consult to over come this issue .
Doctor: Hello dearI understand your concernErectile function treatment will depend on the causes.Medical causes like: obesity, smoking and alcohol use, problem in the back nerve/neurological disease, low testosterone.Psychiatric cause: performance anxiety/depression, anxiety about partner's satisfaction,Marital disharmony if any, ongoing stress at home and at work place(if any), I think it could be due to obesity and performance anxiety as you married recentlyI would like to advice you for health check up and get the following test done to rule out any underlying medical concerns in the first place : Fasting and postprandial blood sugar, lipid profile, serum testosterone level, Ultrasound pelvis and scrotum.If all of those investigation results comes within normal range, then you should go for sexual counselling and psychotherapy by visiting a psychiatristFollowing advises will help you:During sex, you have to give proper time for foreplay before going for penetration. Foreplay should continue even during the intercourse also.Try women on top position.Do regular exercise like running, yoga, kegel's exercise, breathing exercises.Free communication and mutual understanding with partner will help.Take high protein diet with fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables.Avoid sex when you feeling fatigue and low.Following medicine will help you after complete evaluation:Paroxentine, sildenafil and testosterone shot (for low testosterone) will helpful.Hope this may help youContact HCM for further health queryBest regardsDr. Sagar
Description: Suggest treatment for brain damage
Patient: I had a perfect baby boy that went in for a surgery and it went fine. Then 2 days later his heart stopped and was down for 45 mins. We have found out that he has brain damage but I was wondering if you knew anything that would help him. I am just wanting things that might be able to help him. Please help.
Doctor: Dear User, Thank you for your question, sorry for what you and your baby had to go through. Brain is a very plastic organ, with proper care your baby might pick up developmental pace close enough to his peers, nevertheless its important to keep your expectations realistic. caring for your baby with love and affection is the most important help you can provide now. its very important to address why his heart stopped in the first place, to prevent it from happening again. refer to a neuropediatrician for proper monitoring of your child's case, hope that was helpful. best regards, Dr. Nazzal
Description: Dizzy and nauseous after taking Amoxicillin for dental infection. Allergic reaction?
Patient: Hello, my husband had a strange thing happen at the dentist a few weeks ago. He went in for an implant on a Wed. He got 2 shots of local anesthetic because the first one didn t seem to be working/ strong enough. The dentist also found he had an infection under the crown next to the implant although he did not give my husband Amoxicillin until Friday. On Friday my husband went back to dentist for more local anesthetic and root canal . He came home around noon, ate lunch, and started Amoxicillin. From that evening he started feeling really dizzy and nauseous. On Sat he almost could not function; he was eating but almost vomited and he had to take a very long nap in the afternoon because he was just too dizzy. Slowly, over the weekend, he began to feel better and was able to drive and go to work on Mon. He kept taking Amoxicillin for 10 days. Does this seem like an allergic reaction or a toxicity from too much anesthetic? Reaction to PABA or some other chemical in anesthetic? Dentist seems to think it is an allergy to Amoxicillin .... but my husband has taken antibiotics before w/o such a reaction. Also, he began to feel strange on Thurs even BEFORE starting Amoxicillin.
Doctor: Hello, Thank you for the detailed query. However, the timeline of starting amoxicillin is a bit confusing when you say 'from that evening (i.e., Friday) he started amoxicillin' while the last sentence contradicts this. Anyway, you are right that this is unlikely a reaction to amoxicillin as he had CONTINUED to take this and was all right. If the 'dizziness' was part of a reaction to penicillin, then he would have been far worse after that! Local anaesthetic (LA) allergy or an intolerance reaction is more likely. Why I say intolerance is because occasionally adrenaline is mixed with the LA and if the injection accidentally goes into the blood stream you feel the adrenaline effects. Your husband definitely needs a full workup to ensure he is not allergic to LAs and there are several of them. Skin prick testing, followed by intradermal testing and if he does not react a subcutaneous challenge is then indicated. If he passes all these tests, he is NOT allergic. If he is alergic to the LA he was given then a series of other LA needs to be done at the same time so that cross reactivity is excluded. I hope this was useful.
Description: What is the treatment for sinus, wheezing, thick mucus discharge from throat and vomiting?
Patient: Hi,I have sinus, wheezing and lot of green thick mucous from throat, and vomit frequently due to more mucous.Taking telecast daily night. Is there any medicine to remove mucous and is it advisable to take daily for more than a month to take telecast Thanks,sirisha
Doctor: Hello and welcome to HCM,The symptoms of wheezing, thick green mucus from throat suggest infection of the sinuses.Green mucus discharge suggest Pseudomonas infection.The discharge from the sinus drains from the throat thus you are feeling the discharge in the throat.You need to consult your ENT specialist for culture of the mucus discharge to exactly identify the organism causing the infection.A drug sensitivity needs to be done for the most appropriate antibiotic.Thanks and take careDr Shailja P Wahal
Description: What causes severe pain in the groin area?
Patient: Dr. Mintz, I am 61, in good health. Moments ago I was standing in the kitchen putting a dish in the dishwasher and suddenly a severe pain in my left groin (upper thigh near pelvic aea) came on and simply took my breath away. It lasted about 5-10 seconds and then passed with no after effects. Could this be a heart warning?
Doctor: Hello, It is not a cardiac pain. As a first line management, you can take analgesics like paracetamol or aceclofenac for pain relief. If symptoms persist better to consult a physician and get evaluated. You can consult a cardiologist and plan for an ECG for reassurance. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician
Description: Will rasalect 0.5mg help me to control my balance?
Patient: my name is Parag [ 48 years [ 185 cms ]] done DBS in November 2010 [ sufferinfg with PD since 2005 ] off late my gait [ unable to control my balance ] my Surgeon Dr Milind has prescribed me Rasalect 0.5mg 1 tablet along with syndopa 125mg 4 tablets
Doctor: Hii had gone through your query.Parkinson disease has symptoms like tremor/akethesia/gait problem.Gait problem means difficulty in walking. Short steps waling is common in PD.Medicines that given to you is very useful to reduce it.Syndopa and resalect will be useful to control Parkinson disease.Regular follow up and drug compliance is necessary.still have a query then feel free to ask.Thank you.
Description: Q. My left testicle is painful and it appears to have reduced in size. Please guide me.
Patient: Hello doctor,I am a 28-year-old male. I am suffering from pain in my left testicle from the past two days. The size is also decreased when compared to before. I visited a doctor and explained my problem to him. The doctor asked various questions regarding causes like any recent injuries in that area. There was no injury but I told him I masturbate. He said it is not the cause. There is nothing to worry about. If required, go for a doppler scan. So, I did. The report was normal. So, the doctor just prescribed a painkiller tablet. The thing is, I forgot to mention it to my doctor that I masturbate twice a day. Does that make a difference? Now, I want to know if this is something major. Will this affect my sperm count or sex life? Will using painkillers solve the problem?
Doctor: Hello. I have seen your reports and they are fine (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, there is nothing to worry at all. For more information consult a urologist online -->
Description: What causes dizziness and nausea while standing and lying down?
Patient: Hi. I am 14 years old and lately have been having some issues. I feel dizzy and nuseous when I stand or lay down. When I urenate it comes out yellowish green and bubbly. It s been going on for about 2 months but before it started I have always felt 100% perfect and well. And it just started happening out of know where. I also feel warm and cold lately
Doctor: Hello!Welcome and thank you for asking on HCM!The fact that your urine color has changed may indicate an urinary tract infection. I recommend performing an urine analysis, an abdominal ultrasound and a complete blood test, coupled with inflammation tests (PCR, sedimentation rate). Regarding the dizziness, when changing body position, I would recommend you to closely monitor your blood pressure in sitting and standing up position. A head up tilt test may be necessary to exclude possible orthostatic intolerance. You should discuss with your attending physician on the above issues. Hope you will find this answer helpful!Greetings!Dr. Iliri
Description: Blood in urine due to prostate infection. Perforated kidney. Chances of bladder cancer?
Patient: I have just seen a uroligist for blood in my urine. I have been under a doctors care who said I had a prostate infection. I have been on antibiotics for 6 mo. I had kidney stones about 5 or 6 yrs. ago, I passed one but the doc then said my kidneys looked like they have been shot with no. 8 bird shot. could this be my kidney stones acting up again or possible bladder cancer which kinda matches up with my symptons?
Doctor: Hi and thanks so much for the query.I feel humbled being offered the opportunity to counsel on your health worries.I am so sorry to hear about the blood in your urine.Urine is produced in the kidneys and it flows through the ureters, get stored in the bladder and finally through the different parts of the urethral including the prostatic portion.Blood in urine can come from any of these organs. Kidneys/ureter/bladder/prostate/urethra etc. It is very non specific in localising the exact problem but at good telling us to dig further and get answers.We need to characterise this blood in urine...Quantity...all urine? Look for other urinary symptoms, abdominal pains etc before narrowing the list of options. Also, your age is going to be of great help.For now, it can be any of the above but until you get evaluated by your urologist, we shall continue to list even more. Please, you need a proper consultation and investigations to give you the exact answer.Hope this helps.Wish you good health.
Description: Q. How to resume my period?
Patient: Hi doctor, I got married last month. Since my period date was clashing with my wedding date, I had to take some medicine in order to postpone my period. My normal period cycle is 27 or 28 days, but in the last few months due to stress and exertion, I had been getting my period 5 or 6 days early. So, during the last month, I expected my period to arrive early, but that did not happen. So, I took the pill for delaying my period and unfortunately, I got my period the very next day that is four days before my marriage. My husband ejaculated right after he touched me down there. He did not even enter inside. Still, to be on the safe side, I took an I-pill the very next morning that is within less than 10 hours. So, in a span of a week from the commencement of my period till the end, I consumed two different types of medicines. I did not get my period the next month. So, I took two home pregnancy tests and luckily both the times, I got negative results. As it got delayed for 10 days, I visited a gynecologist to assure the reason behind the delay is hormonal imbalance or if I am pregnant. My gynecologist suggested an ultrasound and I got it done the same day. As per the reports I have got two follicular cysts sized as below. Right ovary 4.5 × 3.2 cm cyst size 37 × 30 mm, left ovary 3.9 ×2.3 cm and cyst size 22 × 18 mm. My uterus size is 7.6 × 4.6 × 3.2 cm. The doctor suggested that I am not pregnant as per the reports. The doctor prescribed medicine named Deviry for the withdrawal of my period. I took the medication twice a day for five days. The doctor suggested that I will get period any time within five days from the last tablet. But, I have not got them yet. I am really concerned if anything else is wrong inside or those cysts are growing. Please help me come out of this mess. I would like to know a few things. Is it fine to have intercourse with my husband? What is the ultimate option to resume my period and get rid of those two cysts? Are there any chances of those cysts harming my uterus? Please suggest me the right course of action. Thank you in advance.
Doctor: Hello. I have read and understood your query. Let me explain you that you do not have any major problem and you will get relieved by the treatment itself. Yes, you can have intercourse now at least. You have taken Deviry (Medroxyprogesterone) for five days. Actually, you should have your period within 10 days after stopping the tablets. So, do not worry. You will get your period. Just have to wait for five more days. Within five days you will get your period if what you have written is right and you have taken tablet course on time. Secondly, you have very small sized ovarian cyst. Do one sonography on day 3 of your period and if both cysts are there then you need to take treatment for cyst, otherwise they are gone with Deviry only. If they persist on day 3 sonography, then consult your doctor. He or she may prescribe Novelon (Desogestrel and Ethinylestradiol) or like tablets for 21 days straight and have a gap of seven days and start other packet of 21 tablets for three months. This will end the cyst if it is a simple cyst as per the sonographic finding. For further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online --> exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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