Description: How early can cervical cancer be detected?
Patient: How long does it take to find out if someone has cancer in their female parts my pap smear came back with abnormalities and I have better than double the number of cetain markers. My pap smear was done in April and I am having cerious pains in my lower abdomian and I have a hemmoragic cist on my left overy and a large cist on my right overy
Doctor: Thanks for your question on HCM. In my opinion you should consult gynecologist and get done1. Cervical biopsy2. Ovarian biopsy3. CT SCAN OF PELVICYou are at higher risk of malignancy as1. PAP smear is suggestive of abnormal cells.2. Higher markers.3. Bilateral ovarian cyst.So better to get done CT pelvic and biopsy of cervix and ovary to confirm the diagnosis. Consult gynecologist and discuss all these.
Description: What causes pneumomediastinum?
Patient: my 13 yr. old son has had 4 instances of pneumomediastinum. he is an otherwise healthy athlete who plays soccer and basketball and is in excellent physical condition. last may however he took a hard fall on his back and head he was knocked unconscious. 2 weeks later after he was cleared to play soccer he had his first bout of pneumomediastinum and has 3 episodes since.
Doctor: Hello,Welcome to HCM,Pneumomediastinum is a condition in which air is present in the mediastinum.It can be due to oesophageal rupture, asthma, bowel rupture, blunt chest trauma, infections like mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia and obesity.Most of the patient will present with severe chest pain, difficulty in breathing, change in voice and subcutaneous emphysema.Usually patients can be managed by Conservatively with breathing high flow oxygen.Needle may be inserted into the cavity, releasing the air. Surgery may be needed to repair the hole in the trachea esophagus or bowel.Thank you.
Description: Is fatigue,and pain a normal reaction to the lumbar puncture and the attempt to remove fluid ?
Patient: I had a lumbar puncture two days ago to check my pressure because I am having a loud whooshing pulsating noise in my ears and headaches. My pressure was high. It was 28. Dr tried to remove fluid to relieve pressure but couldn t because it hurt too badly. It hurt in the butt area towards bottom of tailbone like someone was poking or shocking it and pain down my right leg. For the past two days I have had extreme pain down lower back and right leg making it difficult to sit, stand or bend. Just the smallest movement of bending my head to kiss my baby sends the extreme pain to my lower back. I am also experiencing extremely fatigue. It is very hard to even hold my eyes open. Is this a normal reaction to the lumbar puncture and the attempt to remove fluid ?
Doctor: Brief Answer:Fatigue and pain is a normal reaction to lumbar puncture.Detailed Answer:Hello,Thank you for using HCM. I understand your concern.After the lumbar puncture, you may feel pain or tenderness in your lower back. The pain might radiate down the back of your legs. In most cases, the pain will ease after a few days and it can be treated with painkillers, such as paracetamol.Fatigue, does fit with performing of the procedure. You may develop a headache, nausea, fatigue afterward due to a leak of fluid into nearby tissues. A pain-relieving medication that contains acetaminophen can help you reduce headache too.Try to rest and don't participate in strenuous activities. Regarding the results of the cerebrospinal fluid taken by lumbar puncture, is important to evaluate his appearance, WBC count, Glucose level, Protein level, beside the opening pressure (that in your case is elevated), in way to be focused into a possible diagnosis. It can be considered additional tests such as CSF culture, depending on clinical findings.Hope this is helpful.Let me know if you need more clarifications. Otherwise please close and rate the answer.Kind Regards, Dr. Juarda
Description: Q. Please explain the poisonous effect of phenol ingestion.
Patient: Hello doctor, My friend aged 30 had two drops of phenol mistaking for milk. He vomited and had lot of salt water. Please advice for any side effect.
Doctor: Hi. I want to assure you not to worry as everything is going to be fine if proper care and treatment is opted in for. I have thoroughly gone through your case and can well understand your genuine health concerns. 1. No, there is not much problem right now as he vomited and also had a lot of water. It is fine because it was only two drops. 2. We usually do not go for emesis (vomiting) for phenol poisoning cases. Because, it is a volatile compound and causes vapors entering the lungs through the airways. 3. As it was only two drops, I do not think it may cause much trouble. If he feels short of breath contact me back, otherwise fine. 1. He should avoid re-exposure. 2. Rule out if there is some sort of suicidal ideation due to depression or anxiety and take him to a psychiatrist for physical evaluation. For further follow up consult a general practitioner online.--->
Description: What could lumps on testicle suggest?
Patient: a have a small lump on my bottom left testicle. Sometimes it seems soft and sometime harder seems to be at the base of some tube or tangled in some veins. I have had it for seven years and never had it checked out. I have worryed for years that it might be cancer but always just thought it was a cyst.
Doctor: Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some benign cyst or epipdidymo orchitis. You should go for examination and if needed go for ultrasound study. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Chances of cancer is low. Don't worry much about that. Just be relaxed. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health.
Description: Is seroxat right medicine for fast banging sensation in head?
Patient: Hi my question is I was given seroxat. For the wrong condition. 16 years ago. ! The doctor at the hospital gave me these because. He must have thought I was depressed ? I was concerned about probs with the extremely fast banging in my head. Which I still have I think I have been taking wrong tabs ! All these years ? I think he these have give me conditions I didn't have ?
Doctor: HIThanks for using healthcare magicSeroxat contains paroxetine and it is a antidepressant. Psychiatrists also use antidepressant in anxiety symptoms or somatic symptoms. If you were on this drug, that does not mean that you were depressed. May be due to somatic symptoms, he had prescribed that drug to you. There is nothing wrong in it. In case, you have any doubt without this, you can ask me.Thanks
Description: Suggest treatment for itching and dry scaly patches on the breast
Patient: So on my right breast my areola turned darker it itches it has patches like dry patches I went to a clinic and the Dr said it was milk but I ve had it over a year now it just itches real bad and it s super annoying I put hydrocortisone and seems to get a bit better but if I stop putting it , it start again the itchiness the dry scalpy patches what is it and how can I cure it ?
Doctor: Hello,Thank you for posting on HCM.It seems you are suffering from Tinea corporis, a kind of fungal infection.I would suggest you to consult your dermatologist for proper management of the condition.I usually recommend proper course of oral anti-fungal drugs like Fluconazole or Itraconazole along with anti-fungal cream like luliconazole for local application at bedtime. You can additionally use antifungal dusting powder containing sertaconazole during day time and a soap containing ketoconazole for rinsing of affected areas. Take oral antihistaminics for itching as required.Maintain hygiene over those areas and avoid wearing tight undergarments.Hope your queries are resolved and wish you best of health.Kindly spare some time to rate my answer and drop your valuable review at the following link: you require any further assistance in future, you can reach me directly through the above mentioned link.Thank youDr Hardik Pitroda
Description: Is taking Clenil Compostium for asthma safe?
Patient: i have an extremely chronic case of asthma where i get hospitalized if it gets out of hand at all. have been in bipaap for a couple of days earlier this year and was on steriods for the longest time. now ive been ok for the last 6 months or so on Ventek 10mg, triovair revolizer tablets, ceritide inhaler and i have been told by the dr to nebulize myself with ventolin nebules when i feel choked. my dad couldnt fine ventolin today and he go Clenil Compostium. havent taken it before or heard of it. can i take it? hope it doesnt have steriods
Doctor: Hi. Clenil compositum contain albuterol and beclomethasone both are very effects to control asthma Yes there is no harm in taking it.u can go for that
Description: What causes swollen feet with high blood pressure?
Patient: Hello my name is Fee. I have high blood pressure and have ran out of medication. My feet are swollen and I was wondering if there is anything I can do for the swelling. I take Benicar HCT 20/12.5 and HTCZ 25 mg. I am unemployed and have been for a year. I have no insurance so, I can t go to the doctor. What do you suggest?
Doctor: Hi. Swollen feet with a history of hypertension should not be taken lightly. It could mean a heart or a kidney problem. You need to check your blood and urine and get an ECG done. Take care.
Description: Pilonidal cleft on tail bone, oozing out pus, blood. Will using nebasulf powder help?
Patient: Hi Doctor I have a cyst (small) called pilonidal cleft , on my tail bone that had been oozing out some pus and blood for 3-4 month now and at present, it is more of blood rather than pus. May be because i had been consuming some blood purifiers. I want to know that can I use Nebasulf powder on my cyst to treat it. If not what can i do?
Doctor: Hello! Thank you for the query. As a pilonidal cyst is caused by hair ingrowth, the only way to get rid of it is surgery. Usually such ingrowing hair irritates tissues and causes local inflammation. It leads to abscess and that is why the pus comes from it. None of creams or powders will treat it. You should consult a general surgeon and have simple removal of this cyst. Hope this will help. Regards.
Description: What makes me feel dripping urine even after urinating?
Patient: It feels like my penis is dripping urine when I don t have to use the bathroom, and when I do urinate it starts out as a slow stream and then a full stream. When I get done urinating it feels like I have a little bit of urine left in my uretha, but I can t get it out
Doctor: Hello and .This kind of problem are generally seen in the patient with prostate problem, previously infected STDs, cystitis and in urethral inflammation/infection.I would ask for an ultrasound scan initially and find out the residual quantity of the urine after you urinate and prostate size.Do not Hesitate to ask if any quires. Hope it helps. Thank you.
Description: How to treat burning sensation on one spot of penis skin?
Patient: hi i have had a burning sensation on one spot on the skin just under the penis head for about 8 months now no change in color no rash no itching. its there like 80% of the time its not unbearable just annoying, what could it be? and how can i treat it?.
Doctor: Hello,Thank You for consulting HealthcareMagic!Some sexually transmitted infections can present this way. It better to get them excluded if you have the history of exposure to unprotected sexual intercourse.Stay healthy and thank you for consulting! You can contact me again anytime, if you need clarifications or further assistance in future. Kindly rate the answer if you are satisfied.
Description: Suggest treatment for brown rash on the penis of a 6 year old child
Patient: Hi, I got a six years old boy ( turning 7 in July) , I have noticed brown patch on his underwear near his penis area...plz help me out on this....i mean I have been noticing since long like 2 year but always had another thought that patch might come cuz of heavy iron content in water which is used for laundry, but suddenly I noticed the same patch on his newly used underwear....
Doctor: Hi,If it is from 2 years and having no complaints then it might be Nevus, if possible please send the photographs of lesion for proper evaluation and treatment. Other differential diagnosis includes PENILE MELANOTIC MACULES which are again harmless structures. Hope it helps. If you have any other question please do not hesitate to contact us.Regards,Dr. Atishay Bukharia
Description: Have abdominal pain, cough, vomiting. Have stents. One duolin nebulisation and budecort nebulisation. What does this mean?
Patient: My father aged 76 years is a case of Post PPI, PTCA, LV Dysfunction(EF 18%), Stent to LAD, he got admitted in the hospital due to admomen pain. But in the hospital he used to cough continously they gave him Ambrolite 2S syrup but no improvement was seen, when he took his meal he does not feel good and vomiting some times. Now he has discharged from the hospital ( Apollo Hospital ), they have suggested Budecort Nebulisation and Duolin Nebulisation. I want to ask you, it is good to give budecort nebulisation and duolin nebulisation, how many times and how long. Please help me. Thanks
Doctor: Hi, It is important to know that uncontrolled asthma has a far more deleterious effect on health than side effects of the medicine. At this age budecort Nebulisation is the treatment of choice. If your father remains controlled with these medication, then an attempt to reduce the dose of steroid will be attempted within six months. Side effects of inhalational steroids are hoarseness of voice, oral candidiasis. After each inhalation, you need to wash region with water.Inhalational steroids when taken at larger dose may lead to osteoporosis, glucose intolerance,puffiness of face, hypertension.Hope, I satisfied your queries.
Description: Q. I masturbate only by rubbing the tip of the penis. Is it a wrong way?
Patient: Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help.
Doctor: Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Description: Q. What are the Ayurveda medicines for cough, cold, fatigue?
Patient: Hi doctor,I have a problem with a frequent cough, cold, fatigue, etc. I started taking Chyawanprash and Maha Sudarshana churna in the morning and Chyawanprash and Triphala powder at night. After 1 month of usage, I feel quite better. Further, I also have fatigue, insomnia, and stress. So, I am planning to include Ashwagandha and Brahmi also in my daily intake. Can you please suggest if I can take Chyawanprash, Maha Sudarshana churna, Triphala, Ashwagandha and Brahmi every day?
Doctor: Hello. I just read your query. Chawyanprash and Maha Sudarshan churan are very good for your problems like cough and cold. You can take Chawyanprash regularly for three to four months. As it is good for increasing immunity, you can continue it. You have already taken Sudarshan churan for one month. Try not to take it for too long, because you cannot depend on medication completely. As you have other problems like insomnia, stress, fatigue, low stamina, etc. you can take Ashwagandha and Brahmi daily. Take the medicines as follows: Try all these things regularly and you will soon feel positive results. I hope you are satisfied with my answer. Follow up after three weeks. For more information consult an ayurveda specialist online -->
Description: What causes stomach discomforts with vision problem?
Patient: i have lots of gas in stomach causes uncomfortable sensations in stomach and problems with vision. when i take ppi s it seems to agitate vision even more and makes concentration even more difficult. had accupunture previously and had work on liver and gallbladder done . Would i be better doing a liver gallblader cleanse
Doctor: Hi.Thanks for your query.Acupuncture is a very good naturopathy. But when you have a medical problem, it is always advisable to undergo the investigations first to know the severity .I would advise you the following:::Blood - Complete blood picture, sugar, urea, creatinine, liver function tests. Urine - Routine and for bile salts and pigmentsStool for routine and occult blood. Ultrasonography and MRCP to confirm about liver . gall bladder and pancreas pathology.Upper GI endoscopy* Opinion of Ophthalmologist ( Eye Specialist)The investigations will lead to proper diagnosis.And to a proper treatment.
Description: Q. How to get treated for cough associated with chest pain?
Patient: Hello doctor, I have five weeks of cough, with mild yellow phlegm, malaised, chest pain, type one diabetic, and on Azathioprine for ulcerative colitis. Get exposure to Tb daily. Also finished rotation in peads. Tb test is negative, wcc and crp normal, mild hypoxia on blood gas, macrocytosis, and mild lymphopenia. Gastro doctor advised stopping Aza temporarily. 5/7 of Clarithromycin helped, still coughing and chest pain ct after antibiotics suggested atypical pneumonia vs. mycobacterium infection. Pulmonologist here not available for some days and I would like to go back to work. What would be the next step in terms of management?
Doctor: Hello. If your investigations are regular, why are we suspecting any infection? I would consider this allergic bronchitis. I would recommend you to go for anti-allergic like a combination of Levocetirizine and Montelukast once a day for two weeks. You may add up any bronchodilator like Doxophylline. I hope it helps you. If you have any further query, please ask me.
Description: Numbness of feet. Taken vitamin B12 and alpha lipoic acid. Remedy?
Patient: Numbness of Both Feet (Mainly soles) since 3 years. Started in the lefft foot and withn a week, the other foot also. Finding it to walk with sandals and at time when i each home after a walk there will be only one sandal on my feet. the numbness is not spreading upwards. While in bed I have to raise myself up to see whether my fee are covered with sheet or not. The is no Incontinance of any sort. Took plenty of B 12 and Alpha Lipoic Acid in vain. it is disturbing to see my shuffling gait. Not a smoker. Very poor with Alcoholic drinks. No Hyperension and Not a Diabetic. I used to spend hours in front of my Computer and i think the numbness becomes more severe and bit painfull......ANY remedy ..................................................................................Somanath
Doctor: Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Your symptoms are suggestive of peripheral neuropathy- nerve damage of the feet. This has resulted in numbness and lack of sensations. Alcoholic drinks could be the reason, so, you should try and stop it. In addition, nerve conduction studies may be required to establish the exact diagnosis. Please consult a Neurologist. Best wishes, Dr Sudhir Kumar MD DM (Neurology) Senior Consultant Neurologist
Description: What causes lower back pain and abdominal cramps during pregnancy?
Patient: hi im 35 weeks pregant and have been having really bad lower back pain and stomach pain. My ribs hurt alot aswell to breathe. Been having alot of trouble sleeping i cant lie on either of my sides or back without it hurting. Also get really bad leg cramps.
Doctor: Hi,This type of pain,backache, discomfort and leg cramps are likely due to change of posture and having pressure nerves and blood supply at this stage of pregnancy.Change the position frequently while lying down position.Go for normal walking exercises daily.Avoid sedentary life style.Go for deep breathing exercises.Just relax and avoid stress.Ok and take care.
Description: Is it safe to breastfeed a child while having toenail fungal infection?
Patient: Hi I am just wondering is it safe to breastfeed while have severe case of fungal toenails. All toes are affected. I m hoping to breastfeed for 6 weeks and then try laser therapy. Is it safe to breastfeed or is there anyway it could pass to the baby through my system
Doctor: thanks for posting your query to HCM. It may be dermatophytic fungal infection and these fungus do not excrete in Breastmilk . So you can continue to breast feed your child .but fungus can be spread through inhalation or direct contact (dipend upon diffeent fungal species) you should take care to avoid contact of your child to infected part .thanks .
Description: Does taking pill on alternative day increase pregnancy chances ?
Patient: hi I heard if a person skip a pill every second day, it increases chances of getting pregnant .
Doctor: Skipping pills every second day may not only increases the chance of pregnancy ,but also side effects or complication.Disclaimer
Description: Suggest treatment for auditory and visual hallucinations
Patient: my father in law thinks he hears and sees things he doesn t really hear or see and believes they are real. he thinks people are watching him and listening to everything he does and thinks they are talking about him. For example our neighbors (We live in the country so our neighbors are not close to us). He used to drink about a 12 pack of beer a day and smoke a pack of cigarettes. He stopped drinking and smoking and will not even leave the house. we are trying to find out what we need to do or what kind of disorder he has. Thanks
Doctor: Hello thanks for asking from HCMI can understand your concern. If he was a regular drinker and he stopped taking alcohol abruptly just recently then the symptoms he is having could be due to Alcohol withdrawal. These could be due to psychosis too. Hearing things, seeing objects are hallucinations of auditory and visual type and can't be ignored. Ideas of reference, suspiciousness etc are seen commonly in psychosis.Please visit a psychiatrist for his evaluation. His serum electrolytes, blood sugar levels should be checked to rule out any biochemical issue. Drugs like Antipsychotics can be used to treat the symptoms.Thanks and Take care
Description: What could be the cause for long cough and swollen armpit?
Patient: sir i have cough from last 1 month and also swollen armpit .sir wht can be cause
Doctor: Hi Rishav Thakur Welcome to HealthcareMagic. It could a Tuberculous infection or a simple bacterial infection.I advise you to go to your Physician , get examined and evaluated for TB.A mantoux test with chest x ray should be done. Take care.
Description: What causes spasm and pain in left side of chest?
Patient: I am a 30 year old female I have been having some discomfort on the left side of my chest I did see a cardiologist and had a ekg & stress test done he thought the discomfort had nothing to do with my heart but it will not go away I also fill a fullness in that area that seems to move on its on it also seems as if I'm having spasms I did have two c-sections one in 06 & another in 2010 please help what could this be it is not painful just bothersome what should I do
Doctor: Hi,The pain may be caused either by gastrointestinal or spine problems, or it may be just a muscle pain .I would advise you to take Ibuprofen 400 mg three tomes a day after the meal along with Pantoprazole 20 mg, two times a day 30 minutes before the meal for 7-10 days. If it doesn't help, then you should see your doctor to undergo some examinations to find out the cause.Take careCome back if you have any further questions
Description: Can i use meftal spas for mouth pain and sensitive tooth?
Patient: I am having pain on the left side of my mouth.. I have a sensitive tooth and here in Brussels the temperatures are very low to -15 degrees. So it seems to be induced due to the cold. Can I use Meftal Spas as a pain killer for the time being till I get a doctor's appointment ?
Doctor: HelloI have read your query.first of all what is the reason of your tooth sensitivity. if its due to attrion or abration aplication of a dental sensitivity cream or paste can work.if it is due to caries (decay) then you need to get it filled.for time being if the sensivity is increasing while taking any cold stuff then try to avoid it.if pain is also dere then u cn take meftal spas or any combination of daclofenac and paracetamol wud be for you need a dental visit to get it checked where the problem lies.Hope this ans helpsRegardsDr. Shesh
Description: Has Cerebral Palsy, had UTI treated. Stopped sleeping, became delusional. Prescribed quetiapine. Have Blurred vision and abdominal pain
Patient: My 29 year old nephew has mild CP...had been able to function, play hckey, swim, run walk etc...had chronic UTI's treated....about 4 months ago, suddenly stopped sleeping, became delusional, etc...rambling non stop .....taken to 3 different hospitals...discovered undiagnosed severe UTI....because of behaviour, was prescribed 800mg QuetiapineXR and appears almost comatose...blurred vision, dizziness, abdominal pain....cant locate a Dr in a small town that will take this case....parents are becoming desperate!!! any ideas?
Doctor: Hi, are you not in a position to take him to the nearby city. Now he may need to have M.R.I. for confirmation, and culture and sensitivity of the urine for possible organisms causing infection, and its sensitivity to drugs in order of preference. He may need to have treatment with a psychologist as well. Thank you.
Description: Can levonelle cause cramping in stomach?
Patient: Hi, I took the morning after pill, Levonelle on the 3rd June following unprotected sex with my boyfriend on the night of the 2nd. I think my period is due in the next couple of days but I have had period style cramping for a week now but with no period. I took a pregnancy test last week but it was negative. Just wondering whether the Levonelle could still be causing the cramping nearly 3 weeks after taking this or if these could be implantation cramps?
Doctor: Hi, I have gone through your query and i can understand your anxiety.Levonelle pills or morning after pills has common side effects like stomach upset, breast tenderness, tiredness, lower abdominal pain, irregular menstrual cycle varies between spotting to heavier flow.Your symptoms might be due to the pills, as the day of intercourse and menstrual cycle are near by there is no possibility of pregnancy.Also you are missing your periods for 3weeks, i advice you to do serum beta HCG to rule out pregnancy.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if i can assist you further.RegardsDr.Yogapriya.V, General and family physician
Description: I want to know does Primolut N has any adverse effect on the fetus?
Patient: i took primolut N for 6 days. i was not aware that i was pregnant. My last MC date was 17-aug-10 and i took primolute N ( 1 tab / day) from 11-sep to 15-sep. When i did pregnancy test on 30-sep-10 , i came to know that i was pregnent. I want to know does premolute N has any adverse effect on foetus? is it advisable to continue pregnancy?
Doctor: Hello,I can understand your worry, but, I would like to say, the dosage you have taken is very little and also very early in your pregnancy. Hence, the chances of affecting the embryo are very minimal. Norethisterone can cause virilization of a female fetus when used in higher doses, if used at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, as this is the time of organogenesis of gonads, where there is hormone sensitivity. It is a category D drug contraindicated in pregnancy. In view of these facts, you can decide on the future of the pregnancy if you can get the fetal DNA tests done to detect any malformations early enough. If no abnormal test results come, you can continue with the pregnancy with regular monitoring. Hope you find this information useful. Wish you good health.
Description: Q. Other than Femilon, what is the treatment for adenomyosis?
Patient: Hi doctor, I am a 46 year old female. I am suffering from extreme rage and irritability for the past two years. I am on Femilon for three months for adenomyosis and adenomyoma. I feel desperate. Please suggest some medication for my rage.
Doctor: Hello. You can change the medication for adenomyosis. You can opt for Mirena insertion (levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device). It is a progesterone intrauterine device. It is a device that looks like and is inserted like a copper-T. It releases the drug locally into the uterus thus avoiding the side effect of the drug in the brain. The procedure of insertion is simple and takes about 20 to 30 minutes and once inserted it remain effective for 5 years and after which you do not need medication anyway. You can consult your specialist doctor and discuss the above. I suggest tablet Alprax 25 mg (Alprazolam) for the time being and do get a consultation with a psychiatrist in person. For further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online -->
Description: Suggest therapy for high BP
Patient: My name is Mr. Murlidhar Shandilya from Sagar,Madhya Pradesh and I am 75 years old.I am suffering from high blood pressure since last 2 years and I have been taking NUSAR-A.M. but from last 2-3 months I am finding problem in walking and other activities.When I tested for T.M.T it came out to be positive.The local doctor has prescribed me with a number of medicines and at the same time he has prescribed me to go through angioplasty but I want to get well through medicines and without going through any surgery.So please suggest me the way to get well as soon as possible.
Doctor: Hello, I would like to review your cardiac tests in order to be able to give a more professional opinion. In the case of suspicions on coronary artery disease, angioplasty would be the golden standard test to examine the blood flow in your coronary arteries. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Ilir Sharka, Cardiologist
Description: Suggest treatment for hurthle cell carcinoma as radiations dint work
Patient: My father was diagnosed with hurthle cell carcinoma last march with a 5 cm tumor on his thyroid. Which he had removed. He is 77 years old. He is still feeling really bad and he had radiation several months ago. What are his chances of beating this cancer?
Doctor: Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. He has hurthal cell cancer and he has gone through surgery and radiotherapy. If tumour is completely removed then chances of survival is high. But he should go for regular follow up yo detect early recurrence of tumour. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health.
Description: Q. I have sore throat for the past six months. Please help.
Patient: Hello doctor, I have a sore throat since january, at first I thought it was COVID-19 and have been self-isolating for a month but no other symptoms have occured. It is nearly June and my sore throat still has not cleared.
Doctor: Hello. Please mention the symptoms what you are feeling? Any throat pain? Any cough? Any sputum production? Any nose block? Any chest pain? Any acid reflux? Any fever? Are you diabetic? Any post nasal drip? Send me a photograph of the inner side of your mouth showing posterior part of pharynx in open position. Common causes for chronic pharyngitis is 1. Persistent infection in the nose or ear. In chronic rhinitis and sinusitis, purulent discharge constantly trickles down the pharynx and provides a constant source of infection. 2. Mouth breathing is seen in nasal polyps or adenoids. 3. Environmental pollution: smoky or dusty environment or irritant industrial fumes may also be responsible for chronic pharyngitis. 4. Faulty voice production: excessive use of voice or vigorous clearing of mouth throat in some professionals. 5. Acid reflux due to lower esophageal sphincter leads to acid reach the pharynx cause irritation and pharyngitis. Treatment depends upon the cause. Use salt water gargling thrice a day for five days.
Description: Hive like rash on the body, dizziness, no fever, rash disappears with intake of Benedryl. Is it viral infection?
Patient: My son 8 years old has hive like rash on his arms and leg now on torso. I give him benedryl and it goes away and re-appears when the benedryl wears off. He has been allergic to dogs, milk soy and eggs but has not been in contact with any of those. He has no ever but is tired and was tonight a bit dizzy. We just got back from a trip to Barbados ( for a week) could this be not hives could this be a virus? If so what type of virus would cause this rash that looks and is itchy like hives for two days and no fever?
Doctor: Hello,Welcome to healthcare magic,From your description and past history it could be hives ( Acute urticaria) and need not be any viral inection. It is characterized by itchy red or skin colored raised wheals which is transient, that means appears in one place and soon disappears from there to appear somewhere else. The most common cause of acute urticaria is food. Seafood, meat, poultry, egg, milk, peanuts, apples, brinjal, strawberry, coloring agents etc are commonly implicated. It is subjective and any food can cause it. Other common causes are medicines, infections, insect bites etc. Antihistamines like benadryl is the medical treatment. Identifying the trigger and avoiding it is the best treatment.Hope this helpedTake care
Description: Suggest treatment for hard lump on butt cheek
Patient: I have a hard/big like a marble lump on buttcheeck. When i popped it, white pimple like stuff came out then blood, also shot across the room didnt just ooze out. Had a shower today tried to pop it because its very sore an grew in size but nothing will come out. I get these every now and then. When they go away they leave scars. What is this? Is it from sweating? Do i go get it drained? What can i take to not keep getting these. The ones on the past are usually filled with blood an puss.
Doctor: Hi.Thanks for your query and an elucidate history.These look to be recurrent meaning coming again and again pus filled lumps on butt cheek.They appear to be recurrent boils due to recurrent skin infection.I would advise you the following:Get the pus - microscopy, culture and sensitivity done if you have got these now or whenever you get them next time. Apply liquid povidone iodine before and after bath and at bedtime.Change to new underwears, preferably cotton and to change them daily and cleaned on daily basis.Take a course of antibiotic like doxycyclin for 3 weeks to 3 months under the supervision of your Doctor, preferably a Dermatologist.With these measure you may be alright for ever.
Description: Is ejaculating without masturbation safe?
Patient: hey doctor i have found another way to ejaculate without masterbation, simple by apply pressure on my penis either erect or not for about 30 seconds i have been doing this method probably from i was about 7 or 8 although i did not start to ejaculate until i was older but even when i was young after about 30 sec it felt great, i am wondering if you have heard about this before and if you know it is safe?
Doctor: Hi, If you masturbate by hand no issue (few do prone method). If you can ejaculate after masturbation no issue (if sperm not coming out it can be retrograde ejaculation). Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. S.R.Raveendran, Sexologist
Description: Q. Why do periods get delayed after first time sex?
Patient: Hi doctor, I had sex for the first time. After that, I did not get my periods yet. I went to a gynecologist. She had taken my blood sample and it was negative. But, still I have not gotten my periods and it has been a week ahead. What could be the reason for my late periods?
Doctor: Hello. As the serum beta hCG levels are less than 3 mIU/mL, the pregnancy is definitely ruled out. The delay in the menses is mostly due to sex induced stress after the first time when reproductive hormones readjust themselves. The menses can get delayed even up to two weeks, so just wait for another week and they should arrive. If not, then you can safely opt for a progesterone withdrawal to resume menses. For further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online -->
Description: Will intravenous immunoglobulin injection help increase platelet count?
Patient: my daughter 9 years old is suffering from acute itp. she has ben given intravenous immunoglobulin injection and this is helping her platelets to rise. at her last cbc her platelet rose to 22000. now she is at home , so what precautions should i take,in terms of food and other things till her platelets come ithin the normal range
Doctor: Hi,Thanks for asking.Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. Yes, intravenous immunoglobulins will reduce antibody action against platelets and could increase platelet count.2. As platelet count is low, ask her to avoid rigorous exercises. Rest is essential, atleast until platelet count crosses 50000/cmm3. She can eat all food. No specific precautions necessary. Nutritional rich diet will be helpful.Hope it helps.Any further queries, happy to help again.
Description: Why is livepil 250 mg prescribed for head injury ?
Patient: i had a fall a couple of weeks ago. doctors saw the injury on head which was actually skin peeled off and bled. They decided to sew the injury with 4 stitches. It was not required. And prescribed me livepil 250 mg. Now i came to know this medicine is prescribed for fits and zeizures. I never had any. Then why did they prescribe. Female 33 years
Doctor: Hello,Thanks for the query.Following a headinjury there will be concussion of brain and there will be chances for seizure in future.Anti epileptic drugs like eptoin or levipil prescribed to prevent seizure in future.It may be stopped after four to six weeks.Nothing much to worry and your treatment is in the right track. Wishing all the best.Thanks
Description: What would cause a big sore lump at the angiogram site on the head after the procedure?
Patient: Had a angiogram 4 days ago as a follow up for a brain aneurism a year ago. Dr. said it was normal and repeat it in 2 years. They put a bandage on it and it bled very little and was just a little sore. Finally took the bandage off yesterday and noticed a lump that is sore about the size of an egg cut in half. Should I be concerned? Called office this morning and talked to nurse - said if it still bothered me in a day or so come in. He is about 2-1/2 hours from my house. Should I apply heat? Massage it? Is this common? Thank you.
Doctor: Respected user , HiThanks for using Healthcaremagic.comI have evaluated your query thoroughly .* This seems hematoma formation most likely .* Suggestions at present - Apply ice 3 - 4 times a day .- Check that it does not get hurt or friction with some substance .- Maintain hydration with plenty of liquids .- Consult your doctor on priority basis for further management .Hope this clears your doubt .Regards .
Description: Why do I swallow food after a tooth extraction?
Patient: Hi, I had two teeth pulled last week. Since then everytime I try to eat solid foods, I go to swallow and its almost like I cant physically swallow what Im eating. It gets stuck and blocks my airway and obviously it causes me to panic. Do you think it could be related to my tooth extraction or should I go see my PCP?
Doctor: Hello, thank you for consulting with healthcaremagic. No it does not looks to be associated with extraction of socket. You should consult a good ENT specialist for it.Or it can also be possible that your medications which you might have taken for the infection are creating problem, as the pain killers cause, severe acidity. Then if you are on medication you should discontinue it.Hope it will help you.
Description: What causes high neutrophil count and low monocyte count?
Patient: I just got my WBC results in the mail and I had two flags show up. My Neutrophils were high at 76.9 and my Monocytes were low at 1.2. This was done during my yearly check-up and not experiencing any major problems. I m a 51 year old female with kids 28-9.
Doctor: May I know the test reference ranges of your lab and also the units of the tests results so that I can give a better explanation. WBC are the white cells in the body. It may be high due to some infections or sometimes due to certain medications such as steroids. Occasionally , WBC may rise non specifically without any cause. You may repeat the WBC count after a week to see if they have gone back to your previous average range.
Description: How can the lump on belly button while suffering from cough and cold be treated?
Patient: i have a pea sized lump on my left side about 2 inches under my belly button its quite painful any idea what it could be... ive had a cold and been coughing alot this week not sure if this would have anything to do with it just wanted to give general information
Doctor: Hi.The history i self-explanatory.This looks to a be small hernia which has erupted due to coughing.The pain can be due to entrapment of fat into it. If the clinical examination proves this to be a hernia, it is better to get operated when it is small.
Description: How to treat excessive hair loss?
Patient: ive been taken off dianette and put on fumelen the mini pill instead due to excessive hair loss, ive been tested for all the usual causes and its all normal, will fumelen help as its been 8 weeks and hair is falling out even more..........please can you help its seriously effecting my confidence?
Doctor: Hello, I have gone through your query and Fumelen tablet will help in improving hair loss. Also, start taking hair supplements like tablet Follihair A once daily for 2-3 months. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Asmeet Kaur Sawhney, Dermatologist
Description: How to treat genital warts?
Patient: i have had genital warts for more than 5years an i have no insurance and i am trying to get it treated . i have previously had gonerreah and chlymedia in the past i am now treating the warts with podofilox not working i am also trying imiquimed cream it works slow but not as acetic acid when i was in prison it burned rite thru the wart and i had no smells or company from other warts also i have had skin tbecome loose from the scrodum ssack to the penis the crease that is located behind the penis down the scrodum sack now i currently have a smell that poyentially could be a bacterial infection inside the scrodum sack and now i have a smell on the outside of the scrodum sack it is horrible its not a fish smell it is a smell that makes people cough and sniffle like i am a walking human virus . i guess that s why they call it hpv lol anyways i plan on going to a doc tommorrow and biochloroicacetic acid is qa choice for the warts or freezing but the sizies vary of the warts and i believe there is a assist on my vein that connects the scrotum balll to the penis there is a nickel sized bump inside the scrodum and it doesnt hurt ? HELP
Doctor: Hi, The warts can be due to viral infection, in that case, antiviral drugs and cryotherapy can help you. If it is not due to viral infection, immunomodulatory drugs and cryotherapy can help. The smell can be due to bacterial infection.Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. S. R. Raveendran, Sexologist
Description: Q. How long should my husband and I wait to try for a baby if we did cocaine?
Patient: Hello doctor,I am trying to conceive but my husband and I did cocaine a week ago. How long should my husband and I wait to safely continue to try to get pregnant? How long until it is out of our system? How long does cocaine stay in sperm? Thanks in advance.
Doctor: Hello, Wellcome to There are few researches/studies on cocaine use by males and its effect on pregnancy. Few suggest that cocaine by itself has limited effects as most of the time it is taken along with other drugs or as a cocktail of alcohol and cigarette (tobacco). So, most of the people take not just cocaine but a combination of drugs. Cocaine narrows blood vessels (vasoconstriction). It can lead to erectile dysfunction. Few studies suggest that it has receptors on testicles and sperm. So, it can degenerate testicular tissues/or sperm quality, transfer from sperm to female egg and can lead to early miscarriage. Cocaine is a very fast acting drug which affects the nervous system and produces short-lived euphoric attitude for 15 minutes to an hour, but causes long-term damage to the body and brain like anxiety, depression, aggression, impairment of logic and critical thinking, heart problem, hypertension and decrease in bone density. Its half-life is an hour. So, it takes about an hour for half of the cocaine consumed to leave the body. But, with long-term use, the drug starts to accumulate in the blood and body tissues allowing certain tests to detect it in the system for an extended period of time. After a single use of cocaine, agents created by its metabolism can be detected in the urine for two to four days, and in chronic users, cocaine can be detected up to 12 days and highly concentrated cocaine can be detected in the urine up to three weeks. It can be detected in the saliva and blood for an average 12-48 hours. In hairs and sweat for an extended period of time, it can be detected. So, after all the above description, I do not know how your husband had cocaine, as a cocktail along with other drugs, or just cocaine? Secondly, how long he has been taking it? For you, have you been on alcohol, cocaine or smoking? If you had taken in the past, better to quit completely. My advice is, try to avoid drugs like cocaine, alcohol, ketamine, and MDMA completely for a couple of months before trying for pregnancy. Because, if the mother has an addiction, it has psychosocial effects on the fetus in addition to the drugs' side effects itself. Best of luck. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online -->
Description: What is the lump and rash on my upper thigh?
Patient: About a week ago I found a lump just above where my thigh and pelvic meet. The lump doesn t move when I press it but it is a little painful. In addition to the lump two days ago a rash came up on my hip that I could not explain and I have multiple mouth scores. Im just wondering if this should be a concern and should I see a doctor?
Doctor: Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some inguinal lymphnode enlargement. You also have some rashs and mouth ulcer. So you may have some infectious diseases causing all these. You should consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health.
Description: What is the treatment for cold and runny nose in a baby?
Patient: Hi, My 8 month old son has had a bit of a cold in recent weeks and also coughing which mainly occurs during the night and wakes him. He still has a runny nose and the cough which has now lasted at least 3 weeks. Should I take him to see our GP or is this something that will generally pass and not to be concerned with. Thank you.
Doctor: use bronchodilator cough syrup and if possible give him nebulization with salbutamol, which is the most effective way to treat cough in children.. buy one nebulizer and duolin respules.. or consult your physician for guidance
Description: What causes pain on the tongue?
Patient: hi I whit like vines that weave in and out of tounge painful like slinters but with spiter vains and white thick patches on p tounge and if you try to pull out one of these vine my face and body begin to itch is it possible to merca in mouth or gain green
Doctor: Hello,Thick white patches over the tongue can be due to yeast infection of tongue leading to oral thrush. So my suggestion is to consult an oral physician and get evaluated. A clinical examination and microscopy of the scraping from the tongue can help in confirmation of the cause. If it is a fungal infection, you can be advised a course of antifungal medication like Fluconazole for fifteen days. Along with it gargle with a specialized mouthwash like Nystatin and suck Clotrimazole lozenges. Drink plenty of water.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards, Dr. Honey Arora